«cm ^tostbtytieflkJ&v&tv Class. BooL Gopigttl? CBPXRIGHT DEPOSE THE DESCENDING LIGHT ^- Ifj MRS. JOSEPHINE M BRACE (Independent Voice and Trance Manifestations) 196 Norwalk Avenue, Buffalo. New York A Series of Lessons From Higher Intelligences on the pjUoBflpfyy of IGtfr Infinite Lore VH^zaSSBd Universal Harmony Absolute Wisdom Lovingly Dedicated to Humanity by Mrs. Josephine M. Brace Buffalo, New York 3 y & Copyright 1922 By Josephine M. Brace, Buffalo, N. Y., All Rights Reserved. f Press of John F. Higgins 376 W. Monroe St., Chicago Printed in the United States of America ©C1A686128 AUG 16 1922 CONTENTS PAGE Sketch of Mrs. Brace's Mediumship. 7 Foreword 19 Purpose of the Book 33 Chapter I. The Astral Body 37 II. Life on the Astral Plane 78 III. Personal Experiences on the Astral Plane 100 IV. Heaven — What You Make It 137 V. Who Takes Care of Our Children Gone Before? . .160 VI. Protective Forces 183 VII. Invisible Helpers 199 VIII. How Help Those Gone Before 216 IX. Earthbound Spirits 228 X. Whither Are You Going 263 XI. Universal Brotherhood 288 XII. The New Day 309 SKETCH OF MRS. BRACE'S MEDIUMSHIP. Thru the spiritual mediumship of Mrs. Josephine Brace many wonderful things have been gathered from the world of spirit. And because of the gen- eral spiritual awakening of man in the physical expression of life it has been thought wise to gather this knowledge under different headings, or chap- ters, and put it in the form of a book so that all who are interested in learning more of the life "beyond the grave" may know how to communi- cate with those in spirit ; how to approach the sacred chamber of communication; how to avoid the dan- gers which beset the unenlightened minds, and how to prepare themselves for spirit communication. For the benefit of those who may not know of the great work which is being accomplished thru this gifted mediumship, a sketch of Mrs. Brace's life follows— which is best told in her own words. "It is the mystery of the unknown that fascin- ates us; we are all children still; wayward and wistful; with one hand we cling to the familiar things we call our own, and with the other, resolute of will, grope in the dark for what the day will bring." As I look back thru the memory chambers of my soul, I find that the predominant quality within me, all thru life, has been an indescribable fascina- tion and love of mystery — the unknown ; and it was 8 SKETCH OF MRS. BRACE 's MEDIUMSHIP. this which caused me to find so much solace in se- cret prayer — for was not the God to whom I prayed a something of mystery? So it was this which caused me to seek after the souls of the departed, and find, first, the wondrous power within the soul of man, and then the hidden way to heaven; then the souls of those who had gone before ; and now the means of bringing to my fellow-man positive and indisputable communica- tions from the world beyond the grave— the proof of which thousands are convinced today. Many and varied were the experiences I had in my sojourns into the silence in prayer and spiritual meditation — even in my early childhood, every lit- tle trouble I carried into the silence in prayer and always felt refreshed and comforted after reach- ing out in prayerful aspiration toward God. Very early in life I often foresaw coming events, and also had beautiful visions, which, when I re- lated them, caused my family to say, "Oh, what a vivid imagination that child has" and, "We must break her of all this nonsense," or "That child prays too much," etc. When I was but 13 years old, a sad and unfor- gotten day came— my darling mother lay seriously ill; and they said she could not live. My mother must die ! There were six little children, and I was the oldest— oh, how could God, who loves us all, take our mother away like this? No! no! I must ask Him to spare her to us. Oh! He must — does He not know what it means to take our mother from us,— six little helpless children? God who loves and is love, and can do all things, surely will not do SKETCH OF MES. BRACE S MEDIUMSHIP. V this. Thus the thoughts ran thru my consciousness ; and I sought a place where I could be all alone to talk with the Father— to pray— to ask that our mother be allowed to stay with us a little while longer. The house being full of friends and relatives, I went to the attic, just to be alone with God; then I sank upon my knees and oh, the anguish of soul I felt as I ardently begged of Him, the maker and cause of all things, to spare our dear mother to us. 'Oh, God, we are so little and so helpless, we need our mother so much just now. Look, oh, Lord, at baby sister — who will take care of her? Lord, do you know all? Do you love all? If you do, please hear me, a helpless child pleading for a mother to guide and help us ; hear the voice of a little child in grief crying that you please spare mamma!' As I knelt there pouring out my very soul to God, this thought came to me— why should I attempt to show Him the way when all my life, all my power, my all, comes from Him? He knows best what is well for all, and I must resign myself to His will. Oh! must I give up my mother? Oh! I cannot— she must live— she must stay with us. Now came a struggle with my will and then victory — I was able to say sincerely, ' Oh, God, if it be Thy will take my mother — Thou knowest best— I know that in Thy hands all things are right.' Then came an inexpressible calm and peace — in- tense silence— and a great radiant light cast its* wondrous rays upon me — I felt a presence — I saw a holy and indescribable, dazzling light ; and lo, within that light I beheld the form of a man whose features 10 SKETCH OF MES. BRACE 's MEDIUMSHIP. were perfect, and with his right hand uplifted these words seemed to come from a distance and sounded upon my ears, ' ' My child, my child, ere the sun shall have risen again, the soul of your mother will have flown, but you shall always be protected and guided. ' ' Then a blank— I knew nothing more until in the darkness of the night my father, who had been searching for me everywhere, forced open the attic door, which I had locked, and gathered me in his arms saying, "Why do you do this, child— we have been hunting for you for hours." And as he car- ried me down the stairs I cried, ' ' Oh, papa I I have seen God, and He said that mamma is going to die before the sun rises again." Father suddenly placed his hand over my lips and said, "Hush, don't ever say that again— no one has ever seen God; you were exhausted and fainted — probably dreamed that you saw God. Never say that again or people will call you crazy." And so I was silenced; but in my childish dreams of God I thought of Him as a man all powerful, all beautiful, all love, mercy and goodness because I could not comprehend mind without body ; and so I believed that God must nec- essarily be a perfect embodiment of all these quali- ties. And when- the messenger of light, the min- istering angel, my guide and helper brought this message to me, I thought in my childlike simplicity that he was God. After my mother's death, which came just as the messenger had said, our home was broken up and we little ones were scattered but many times I felt the presence of my angel mother, and knew that I had her guidance and help thru many hard and SKETCH OF MRS. BRACE 's MEDIUMSHIP. 11 rough places in the four years following her pass- ing; during which time many changes took place and I found new friends and associates. At all times and upon all occasions I never attempted any- thing without first seeking advice in the silence, in prayer and soul communion, at which times I al- ways felt that my angel mother inspired me to do or not to do. Whilst I did not hear her voice, I felt her presence and knew her will. One night a girl friend invited me to go with her to the home of another friend, and while there, for the first time, I witnessed table tipping; it seemed strange but rather interesting to me to see the table tip in response to the queries of those in the room. I did not place my hands upon the table, but merely witnessed the manifestation— as they did not ex- plain the nature of the performance I had no idea of its being an intelligence out of the body who was moving the table, but all the way home I was filled with wonderment and when I reached home, told my father about my experience. He said it was the magnetism in the hands governed by the mind, but even then I wanted to investigate further for it seemed so mysterious to me. One evening, father, sister and I sat around a table and after holding our hands upon it for a lit- tle time it moved. It did not respond intelligently to our questions, but it moved— which was to me very wonderful, for I knew positively that none of us moved it, and I was convinced that some unseen force had caused that table to move. After several attempts we were able to get intelligent answers to our questions. Altho no reference to life after 12 SKETCH OF MRS. BRACE 's MEDIUMSHIP. death, or there being any intelligence other than our own, was made, and at that time we believed it to be the magnetism governed by our own minds, yet I was still very much interested— it all seemed so mysterious, and doubly so when the table suddenly stood still and we could not get it to move. After trying for about half an hour we were just about to give up when distinctly we heard several tiny raps upon the table, and finally, after we had asked sev- eral questions, the raps spelled, p-r-a-y! p-r-a-y! We thought this rather strange, but did pray sin- cerely and altho the raps were very faint they were distinct. From that time the table never tipped for us, but the raps always responded intelligently to our ques- tions. After the first request to pray, we always began our sittings in sincere prayer and silent spirit- ual meditation. Some time after that, in the City of Pittsburgh, Pa., several young ladies, I among them, were gathered around a little table and having the mys- terious raps responding to our questions, when one of the girls said, "Did you ever try darkening the room? I believe we could be more passive and less frivolous in the darkness." So we spent our even- ings thus, frequently; when finally one evening I saw, much to my amazement, the form of a woman. For an instant I felt as if I were paralyzed, and when I recovered sufficiently to speak, I said, ' ' Girls, T wonder if it is well for us to do this? I have just seen the form of a woman not in the flesh. I am sure of it for she stood right in front of me. " * ' Can you describe her?" asked one of the girls. So I SKETCH OF MRS. BRACE 's MEDIUMSHIP. 13 described the form in every detail, it was so clear to me. One of the girls recognized her from the description and gasped, "Oh, who was it?" And very faintly but distinctly a voice, coming not from any physical organs, responded, ' ' Charlotte Morgan — Johnstown Flood. ' ' We all heard it very clearly. * * Oh ! ' ' exclaimed the yonng lady, ' - that is my aunt Charlotte, who was drowned at Johnstown, Pa., in the terrible flood." Now, we were all overcome with fear and appre- hension, and immediately illuminated the room, feeling that we had done something we ought not to have done. What had caused this? Had we been treading upon forbidden ground, or was this some unseen, unknown power within us which had only now become evident? Yet I could not think that it was evil since we were so sincere and prayerful in our thoughts ; and felt that it must be the awakening of some mysterious power within us. Here I sug- gested that we go together to the home of J — A — , where I had first witnessed table tipping; so we hastened and after explaining to them what a strange experience we had had, we, together with J. A. and his wife, once again sat around their table in a darkened room and offered a sincere, soulful prayer; after which we sat in silent spiritual thought. There was no more tipping of the table or raps, but after a little time of waiting a sweet voice, which we all heard clearly, said, "Josie, my child, God bless you — it is not wrong — it is true. I am always with you and all my children, papa, too,— poor papa, tell him I never went far away. It is mamma, dear, just mamma." 14 SKETCH OF MRS. BRACE 's MEDITJMSHIP. I was completely overcome for a time, for I recog- nized my angel mother — not by the sound of her voice (for that was just like the finest little whistle) but by my mother's manner of speech, etc. My mother— I knew it was she— she always called my father "papa" as she did then. There were other just as convincing messages which came to the dif- ferent ones there, among them a message from a gentleman who said we should sing, that the sound of the spirit voices would be stronger as they used the sound waves to convey the messages to us so that we could hear them thru our physical sense of hearing. Now, I was intensely interested, for to me it was most sacred and beautiful. At this time none of us realized that this power was within any particular individual, but we just thought that it came to us all, and the wonder of it overwhelmed us so that we did not think of anything except that our loved ones in spirit were there talking to us. So night after night we sat together and always found so much comfort and good from the loving advice of our friends in the other world. After my father had talked with my spirit mother and she had told him of things known only to himself and her, he was thoroughly convinced that it was she who manifested to him. It was some time before we knew who of our num- ber was the medium that had the power to bring the independent spirit voice; in fact, we had not given it a thought, but occasionally one of the girls would be absent, still the manifestations continued just the same until there came a time when I was absent SKETCH OF MRS. BRACE 's MEDIUMSHIP. 15 then there were no results— and thus it was we learned that this mediumistic power was within me. It was all so sacred to us, we did not wish to have strangers know of it, so we kept it a secret ; only our most intimate friends knew of our meetings. After a time I married and went to another city to live. My husband and I found great comfort and help in sitting and receiving communications from his father, my mother, and many others in spirit life, who came to talk with us. Again we kept this just among ourselves, but as we began to form new friendships some learned of it and asked to join our little circle, always so sacred to us, and they prom- ised to keep our little meetings secret. But the joy and wonderment which came thru the reunion of families which had been separated by the "Grim Reaper" just couldn't be kept secret and one by one a friend here and a friend there would in some way learn of it, and they, too, begged to join us— so how could I refuse or deny them the privilege of hear- ing from their loved ones who had passed on"? So many were seeking for tidings of their loved ones that it became necessary for me to give all my time to the work — altho it was nine years after I re- ceived my first message before I entered into pub- lic work. When we saw the great comfort and happiness it gave to the people, and the wonderful proof it was of life after death, we began to wonder why we had not tried to learn something of the continuity of life and the laws regarding it, so my husband and I set aside one evening each week, and we sat together just to learn of the life beyond. When our loved 16 SKETCH OF MBS. BRACE 's MEDIUMSHIP. ones came we asked them to help us in our search, and finally one evening a teacher in spirit came to ns and spoke just a few words— he spoke so slowly, and the words were so far apart that my husband was able to write them as given. There were only five or six words the first time, then the next week a few more were added, and so on, until finally sen- tences were completed. "We continued in this way until the teacher ad- vised us to create some vibration while he was speaking as he thought this would enable him to speak longer and perhaps louder— so my husband played the mouth organ, and the voice surely was clearer, and we were much pleased with our efforts for there was a gradual improvement until the spirit voice became distinct and quite audible. (To assist in the creation of sound waves at first the mouth organ was used, then a little music box and after that an auto-harp, and now today, the wonderful invention, the elec- tric Victrola relieves the physical strain of playing the auto- harp.) Thus the Circles of Light originated ; as I realized that in my mediumship I held a key to the realms of the unseen and unknown world beyond the grave, and thru the proper use of this key many minds became enlightened upon the subject of the present and future life of man. The little circle formed for the purpose of glean- ing more light from that other life across the dark mysterious chasm called death, grew until there were so many that it was necessary to form the second circle, and today there are many learned people studying the laws of life under the tutor- ship of the higher intelligences who are conducting SKETCH OP MKS. BRACE 's MEDIUMSHIP. 17 the different Circles of Light of which there are now four in Buffalo and two in Rochester, N. Y. With the aid of the electric Victrola the voices of the teachers are full-toned and capable of filling a large auditorium. The students in the Circles of Light receive their instruction direct from disembodied intelligences in the independent audible voice, and are being pre- pared for a great work in the illuminating of the minds of men benumbed and darkened by the false teachings of the past. The new day is dawning and men shall hunger for the things of the soul ; so there will be need of much thought and light along the line of seership and the students are being taught how to unfold the inner spiritual self and develop the powers within that they may be able to properly impart some of that knowledge to their fellow-man. No one is admitted into the Circle of Light until passed upon or approved by the spiritual instruc- tors. Upon entering the class a student has to take a preparatory course, the length of which depends upon the individual student, after which he is passed on into chapters and degrees according to his inner unfoldment. Hundreds, yes, thousands, have found absolute proof of the continuity of life, spirit return and spirit communion in these classes, and the message circles where loved ones speak entirely indepen- dent of any physical organs, trumpet, or any means of conveying sound except the sound waves which are created by their songs and prayer — all in the room hear the messages that come to the different 18 SKETCH OF MRS. BRACE 's MEDIUMSHIP. ones present, myself included, for I am perfectly normal and not entranced during the manifestations. And now this book I dedicate to humanity with all the love and sympathy I feel for my fellow-men who have not had the wonderful privilege of hearing "the voice of the spirit"; and I send it forth with the hope that it will cast as bright a light upon their highway of life as the wonderful truths it contains have upon me and mine. It is thru the kindness and effort of my dear friend and secretary, Mrs. Agnes E. Smith, who has been so faithful and true in taking notes and compiling reports of stenographers of the different classes and helping me to place these wonderful teachings in book form, that it is possible for me to send it forth as a messenger of light. That this will be to dear humanity all that it is meant to be is my sincere desire. JOSEPHINE M. BRACE. FOREWOBD. With the exception of the sketch of Mrs. Brace's medium- ship, all of the material in this book was received entirely from the world of spirit thru the independent voice and trance lectures; and the spirit teachers have personally advised in the compilation of the different chapters. The following contains excerpts from different trance lectures, which began to come thru ten years ago. It has been said by many that no man has returned from the silent tomb to tell of the wondrons journey, but today there are few who have not felt or known something of those who have passed from the flesh body. No longer can men say, "Dead men tell no tales," because men who have investigated know that man's secrets are not buried in the grave; men are returning from the grave to say, "Dead men do live." Man has come into that state of unfoldment where it is possible for him to dare to reach into that mys- terious part of life; he has come to that stage of mental development and spiritual unfoldment where it is possible for him to pierce the veil twixt him and God's stupendous seat— death. Now that spirit return is no longer questioned by thinking men and women, it is time that one begins to use this knowledge and aspire to greater things thru the light of spirit. TMs wondrous law of Nature should not be abused by ignorant minds. 20 FOREWORD The law of spirit communion has been terribly abused by illiterate minds, immoral and material minds— minds which are sensitive but which at- tempt to investigate this sacred" law without first purifying their souls and making themselves worthy of communicating with an angel. So they have come in contact with spirits who have not progressed, and who will advise them how to spend their money — tell a man to divorce his wife, etc. True, there are spirits who will do this, but not pure, spiritual spirits. But thru all of this the true light is penetrating the souls of men. Spirit com- munion does not degrade a man nor bring him down to a lower plane, as a great many people think. The spirit is the God part of man, and if his life is pure, no other soul can ever bring him into dark- ness, unless that spirit comes to him into his own aura and thru his own vibration. Spirit return is a beautiful thing; one of God's glorious privileges, given to man in his spiritual growth; so in your communion with your loved ones gone before, meet them in spiritual thought, let them help you find your weaknesses and over- come your faults; help you into the higher things, but please do not draw the souls of the departed down to the coarse material things. Oh, friends, do not invite your loved ones into the thought in which many of you live and think all of the time; forget the physical, do not drag them back into the problems of your daily material life — no — but ascend spiritually to them and you will feel the clasp of their hands and the kiss of their lips and the song of their souls. Clothe yourself in FOEEWOKD 21 truth, indestructible truth, and you will find the power within you to think good, to act good, to seem good, and to be good. So let us clasp your hands in the spirit of good fellowship and start upon the journey, upon the highway of investigation, searching for your loved ones in spirit with all the love possible in the illum- ination of the soul. Let Truth be your watchword; harmony your key; love and charity your stepping stones; and morality your staff— and behold, the great light overspreading which is incomprehensible to the physical mind — Infinite Love, Universal Harmony, Absolute Wisdom. So many do not always realize that the experience called death does not make a man all wise, nor does it make him a perfect soul. The experience of death is not a purification. The individual who manifested to you thru that flesh body which you laid away is just the same in- dividual tomorrow in the new life. If he was truth- ful in the flesh, so will he be when he steps into his astral body, and if he was not truthful in the flesh, death has not changed his characteristics nor made of him a more perfect man than he was the day he left that body; he must start upon the journey of progression just where he was when he left that physical body. No one desires more than I to have all men know that their dead can return and speak; that they are not gone forever; that they are near you, but it grieves me deeply to see so many plunging into the dangerous field of investigation with absolutely no 22 FOREWORD knowledge along the line of spirit communion and continuity of life. Again and again have I made this statement, prepare yourself first before you delve into the communion of spirits. Learn some- thing of the laws which govern this because pro- miscuous sitting with strangers, of whose lives you know nothing, promiscuous sitting with men whose lives you would not dare to touch upon is a very dangerous thing to do. It is important that you prepare yourself and that you know whom you are calling into your home, for the home of the soul is ever about you and it is very hard to get rid of a guest invited into the home of the soul. They will stay with you; not the spoken words passing from your lips will send them away; you must learn how to communicate thru the soul and build about yourself strong protective forces, which can be accomplished by spiritual development and unfoldment. Spiritualize your highway of com- munication in a prayerful way. Do you know that walking with you daily there really are souls out of the flesh who are of the same quality that you are? If your thoughts are selfish, do you believe that you will attract unselfishness? If you are spiteful and full of hate, do you think that you will attract love? All about you they are just like you, some holding one of your predominat- ing qualities and some another, but your own char- acteristics govern the characteristics and qualities of the souls who are about you, and if you sit down for communication, why, how do you expect to re- ceive messages from spiritual souls when all about you are those of a lower expression? FOREWORD 23 So let me tell you, friends, as you are starting upon the beautiful journey along the highway of spirit investigation, searching for souls gone be- fore, prepare for your journey, purify your thoughts; make yourselves worthy of communica- tion from exalted souls that this may not only lift you spiritually but that you may aid the souls of those you love and who have gone on a little way ahead of you and are attracted to you thru the love line. Spirit communion today is very much misinter- preted, misunderstood. Men have not been able to separate mind reading and spirit communication; they have been unable to separate the various meth- ods of communication ; or to know enough of the hid- den laws of God to investigate intelligently that they may know the things they are doing when they dare to investigate along the hidden laws of life and the great laws of Nature. The thing that man must first learn is how to separate these different vibra- tions. He must learn how to investigate the laws of life intelligently and not go forth blindly and ignorantly, thus being caught in the great net of (man calls it) obsession — the disease prophesied here upon this platform some time ago, that dread disease which would eventually come upon the earth plane and which would cause much insanity, unex- plainable, undiagnosed by mortal mind of man in the flesh. But it will be governed and controlled and overcome only thru the spirit and the manifes- tation of spirit thru the proper manipulation of the laws of communication, and by the proper reception of the spirit teachings. 24 FOEEWOED As man reaches out blindly into the hidden world there is also danger of his being obsessed by in- ferior intelligences whose bodies are gone, and be- cause of the great destructive condition which came upon the earth plane, souls have been taken out of their physical bodies before their earth expression was completed. Souls were cast into that new life with feelings of hate and murder in their hearts and they will hold those thoughts for a time until they have been touched by the light of spirit. Today, in' spite of all the fear thoughts, the prejudice, and the ignorance— in spite of all these— men in every walk of life are individually searching for light, for knowledge of life after death. The rapping between the two worlds has caught their at- tention ; the individual no longer lives and thinks in groups the thoughts which other men have created, but he is utilizing the will power and thought force within him and reaching up in his search. No longer is man standing still, for every individual is real- izing that he is a thinking power ; he has within him the power to think. Why has man been imbued by his creator with the power to think, if it were not well for him to use that power for good? The minds of men are hungering for knowledge along the line of spiritual things, but because in earlier ages when they dared to penetrate the walls of mystery, the edicts held out "forbidden" and the world stopped there, so far as that investigation was concerned. But today, when once again the minds of men in greater numbers and stronger quality are daring to ask the same question, the call FOREWOED 25 that comes out "forbidden," is unheard— it is heard only by those who fear. The man who fears today is the one who is being left behind in the great prog- ress of the world of thought. The man who fears is the one who will let any other mind tell him that anything is right or wrong. Why should he lean upon any other mind when he is endowed with the same power to think and to reason? The same power is within him as is within any other individ- ual ; the same God is his God, the God of the great universe, the same great mind that governs the lay- man governs the ecelesiast; the same great mind that governs the laborer governs the great man in the material world; the same God of the universe governs all things. And yet these minds will say to their fellow-men, do not do this and do not do that— and the very same minds that tell them this know nothing of the things they have forbidden their fel- low-men to investigate. Do not lean upon the thought of this one or that one, do not follow the commands of a murderous mind; follow the commands of a great mind which says truth may fall, but truth shall ever rise; fol- low the dictates of your own conscience, for man can never get away from himself thru all the ages. Thru all the ages you will continue to be YOU. This is not theory— it is the word which has come from the souls across the sea called death; it is the mes- sage of safety which has been conveyed to man from the silent shore. Man in his eagerness to know, to hear from whence he came, sought to find the inner composition of things. Beginning in the lower elements it was 26 FOBEWOBD all right with the mind who dared to dominate, but when the investigative minds of thinking men be- gan to penetrate the things which they call mys- terious, things which they call secrets, which ought not be known by the minds of men in the flesh, then they were forbidden to continue ; and so it has been in all ages. Today the door again swings open and the minds of men are becoming quickened once again and they are responding to a something which calls them to investigate. And again we hear it very dis- tinctly sounding out thru the universe from minds incarnate, "Do not investigate; it is evil — it is evil." For man to know himself— it is evil? For man to seek a higher light— it is evil? To know why he he is and into what and where he will go— it is evil? Is it? Do you think the mind of any thinking man would permit him to believe that God, who is ALL GOOD ; God, who is all Justice; God who is all love; God, who is all mercy; god, who is all compassion; God, who hath a clear understanding, the perfect under- standing, would forbid man after having endowed him with the power to think, forbid his using those powers to know more of himself ; more of life ; more of what he is and what he is to be; more of the things of the earth; the planet upon Which he will manifest; more of the plane upon which he will manifest after passing from this? Do you? Does any reasoning individual who can and does think, believe this? But the minds of the men who dared to send out the order in the past ages that the study of the great laws of life by the laymen must not continue, are FOEEWOKD 27 today striving to do the same thing. Can it be ac- complished? In speaking of this great knowledge of spirit communion, they say as they argue against man's individual investigation that the air is full of de- mons who were cast out from the heavens thousands of years ago — but thinking men cannot accept this because science has proved the fact that man has returned and proved his identity ; and of the demons there is no absolute proof, merely theory. But thousands of people accept this argument. Why? Because the masses have been taught to lean upon the teachings of some few thinkers, to lean upon some one else's theory; they have depended upon some one to save them. But today men are in- dividually awakening, they are learning how to cul- tivate the inner powers; learning how to find the kingdom of heaven which is within them. Men who never studied until the last year or two are begin- ning to study ; something makes them want to know and so they delve into the interior of things— it is a part of the great law of evolution. The walls have been broken down. There is naught between you and that realm beyond but just a little bridge. You have stood at the bridge and feared the way; and now as your loved ones call to you from just across the bridge, they are so happy and so natural, they still love and speak in the same old way, but they love you with a deeper love, a stronger love, and they speak to you out of the very depths of their souls; and the words they speak to you hold a great lesson. 28 FOREWOBD All things have been abused by man, as in our modern time the law of communication, has it not been abused? Has it not been bitterly abused? Has it not been trifled with? Have not men in their eagerness to delve into the unseen been caught in the great web of insanity? Yes, but let me tell you, do not forbid him or her to investigate because it is evil— suggesting to them, for they will go eventually to search for loved ones. Do not suggest to them that it is evil for they may go in a sneaking way or filled with deception or shame or things filled with earthy thoughts. Let them go in a spiritual way to protect humanity. Oh, do not say it is evil, and forbid them. As soon as you know it is true and you know it is good then teach them how to com- municate, teach them something of the dangers and something of the blessings of communion with spirit; teach them how to communicate with the dead, so to speak. Teach them that they may not open the door continually to receive their guests from the spirit side; teach them when to open the door in spiritual thought and prayerful aspiration to receive their guests from the world beyond. Men in their blindness and in their eagerness will investigate even when other minds suggest to them that it is evil; they will continue to investigate- some just to satisfy their curiosity; and it is going to break up the great monopoly of churches, of sects and denominations ; it is going to bring men together — the Jew and the Gentile, the Indian and China- man, all races; yes, and it is going to bring the churches together. The ecclesiasts in their foresight see what will FOEEWOED 29 ultimately come about and they are striving to hold back the minds of men — it will be some struggle— but, aye, the time has come and the age has come when the masses are mentally fit to reach out into the hidden laws of life. Today, when every mind is asking something of the life beyond the grave, when everywhere thinkers are talking pro and con, we feel that it is the duty of those who can to come to man and tell him something of the great law which governs spirit communion. 'Tis well to tell mankind to search ; 'tis well to tell him the dead, so-called, can return, but 'tis better to prepare him, to teach him how to investigate and to communicate with those who have experienced death — to teach him how to find his loved ones gone before. It is because of the ignorance of the laws of nature that man meets with all misfortunes. In the inves- tigation of any great power of the universe, unless one understands something of its law, it is danger- ous to do this. Oh, dear brothers and sisters, if you only knew what you are doing when you sit in jest for spirit communion; when you take your ouija board before you in jest, in fun, in laughter— just to amuse you. Oh, do you not realize that that law which opens the gates between, that law which brings back to you v those who have passed on is too sacred for you to use simply for your amusement and for material gain. If those who do this could only realize, if they could see thru the eye of spirit the things they are doing, they would never do it. There are two distinct forces in the great law of nature in the universe, one is constructive, the other destructive. So 'tis well that those who can come 30 FOREWOKD in touch with men in the physical expression to teach them something of this great law, to show them thru spiritual thought what it really is. What is the spiritual vision? It is that which reveals to man the hidden things of life — why, it is understanding. And so when you penetrate the walls between in ignor- ance, when you do it blindly, what can you expect 1 ? So in your investigation as to whether or not we are all being fooled, and whether or not the atmos- phere is full of demons whom this great, just, holy, pure and infinite God has let come back to deceive his children— would a God of love do this? Oh, no, brothers and sisters, it is because they are spirit- ually blind that they have allowed this theory, these stories to take root in the undeveloped mind and to stand between them and God. No just and perfect God would say to any undeveloped forces, ' ' Go and deceive my children and see whether or not they will go to you or come to me — and if they go to you, I will crush them. ,} Oh, no, this is not God — it is only the conception of God in the unenlightened minds of men. Man, know thyself, and in knowing thyself thou wilt find thy God. Find the God which loves every one of his children, which lets the little worm live, the little birds to sing to you, the God which sends you the beautiful expression of nature in the spring time, the beautiful snow to cover the earth in the proper season— the great God of love which has consideration for all mankind. Now, those who have embraced the beautiful thought of spirit return and spirit communion— do you know that they have the eyes of the world turned FOREWORD 31 upon them today? So it is for you to live. the life that will compel them to look up to you; that will make them see the great good that communication with the world of spirit has brought into your lives and brought out thru your lives into others, "lis not what you say so much as it is what you do, and more than anything it is what you think, the thoughts you entertain, for as a man thinketh, so is he. 'Tis true that negative thoughts float thru your brain, unwelcome guests, they will pass thru, but the thoughts which are entertained in your soul's home as your guests, see that they are such as you would like to have your friends know and see, because every thought becomes eventually more than a thought — so guard your thoughts. Some will hold that it is wrong to commune with those who have passed on, but I defy any man to say this when spirit communion is sought for the spiritual growth of his soul thru love— not thru selfishness, not thru inquisitiveness or eagerness to reach out for material things. When it is sought thru love for him who has left your physical vision, can any one say it is wrong? Can you say your loved ones would return upon such a thought wave as that? Is not love a God quality? Can any man who seeks spirit communion thru pure spiritual self- sacrificing love feel that it retards his progression when he seeks in that vibration? It will not retard the progression of any soul who seeks in spiritual aspiration. PURPOSE OF THE BOOK We desire to lift spirit return and spirit com- munion to that high standard to which it belongs; to bring the reader into a realization of spirit re- turn whilst still in the flesh body; to show man the dangers of investigating spirit return before he fully understands the laws which govern this; to show him how to reach into the higher realms and to pro- tect himself from the spirits who are undeveloped — those who live very close to the earthy thoughts ; to instruct the people of the earth how to find their loved ones who have gone before; how to create a channel of purity and truth thru which those in spirit can come to man in the physical expression; to prove to man conclusively that spirit communion is possible and to show him the difference between constructive mediumship and destructive medium- ship. We will not attempt to explain all the different methods and phases of mediumship — there are vari- ous avenues for communication, all of which can be used beneficially if the investigators first learn the laws which govern these and know how to protect themselves from the lower minds who have not yet awakened spiritually. Spirit communion is very much abused by man reaching out into the unseen world without first preparing himself for the jour- ney. God never intended that this beautiful law should 34 PURPOSE OF THE BOOK be used for man's material and selfish desires. The reason that this sacred law of the GREAT CAUSE OF ALL THINGS GOOD has been kept hidden so long is because man has abused it, ignorantly per- haps, but it has not been used for man's spiritual un- foldment, but for his material and earthly gains. First, it was needful to prove to the world that another life there was, and then it was needful to comfort the bereaved and to give the knowledge of what shall confront the traveler of the earth to that mysterious country. So we have opened the doors that there might be poured over you a greater un- derstanding; that understanding which gives you peace; but the world has mistaken the spirit door, and they have knocked upon these doors for selfish purposes, and thought that all there was to learn from that other side was to see, to test, to try, to find out that the consciousness of man beyond the vale of death could still define (questions pertaining to earth and earthly problems — but that is not our message to you. We desire to give you a knowledge of eternal pro- gression. There are many master minds in spirit who are preparing to speak to the children of the earth within the next year; to bring a greater light, and great shall be the demonstration of the spirit, and the time shall come when mortal eye shall see— for this we are planning. Now that the great awakening has come, because man's mind is developing to that state where he can receive spiritual things, he has dared to plunge into the darkness into the other world and talk and walk with spirits of whom he has known nothing. Some PURPOSE OF THE BOOK 35 of the spirits have not awakened as yet— souls steeped in sin in their earth life, and they are still in it; the desires of the flesh have not gone; de- sires to wrong have not left them— and man invites souls of this caliber into his presence. When he does this, he sins not only against himself, but against man. Do not do this until you have the power to aid discarnate souls who return and ask for aid. There are many souls out of the flesh, as well as in the flesh, who will step into the homes of those who are constantly inviting spirits to them. Because of man's ignorance of the laws of spirit communion, he does not know how to investigate; so he investigates in a material sense and finds fraud, finds wrong. He opens the door for mani- festation, holding the pencil and getting writing and he becomes so fascinated that he is at it constantly, calling in any tramp soul who happens to be go- ing by. If you wish to draw from the lower realms; if you wish to invite destructive spirits into your midst, you can do it by simply speaking and calling them and inviting them thru concentrated thought on physical and material matter, holding no spirit- ual thought ; if you sit thus, you will invite just that kind. Thoughts are things; and if you are putting things around you all the time which are impure and unholy then when you talk or attempt to talk to the spirit world about you, the things about you will call their like to you. You may scoff at this expres- sion, you may laugh, but it is true, nevertheless. They have laughed at many things which are true— this is one of them. If you build about you and have 36 PURPOSE OF THE BOOK all about you pure, holy thoughts, aud you sit for communion with spirits, why they invite their like. True, spiritual love never dies, but grows and grows as your loved ones see you and know you as you are. They know why you are weak ; they know why you sin ; they love you so. And whether your thoughts be coarse or fine, your loved ones will come to you— but would you invite them thru the coarser realm of thought, impure conditions, if you knew it? Then know it — when you do invite them by that suggestion of falsehood, of anything but spiritual and good, you are causing them to reduce to a very low degree, not making them evil, but making it possible for them to be stained during the time of their manifestation to you by the impurities around them. If they reflect to you in the midst of their sweet message of love a falsehood, close the realm; look to your lives; what is that they picked up as they penetrated your thought realm? So in your search for your loved ones, search in the name of God, in the holy spirit of righteousness and truth. Too many souls have found the lower realms because they knew not what they did; knew not how to search. So cultivate in your investiga- tion a prayerful thought. To receive good you must send out good ; and to receive evil, send forth evil. So, beware! If the good return, so can the evil. Now, another thing in which spiritualists and men who call themselves investigators are blind and ignorant of the laws is when they will sit for de- velopment, as they call it, and when some spirit comes and shakes up the body and causes them to make faces, they are bringing themselves down to a PURPOSE OP THE BOOK 37 lower vibration than that in which they are. In al- lowing intelligences who are inferior to themselves to control their organs, they are dealing with de- structive forces; but those who seek spirit com- munion thru spiritual thought in spiritual aspira- tion, create a channel of communion thru spiritual thought and come in touch with the higher realms which are composed of constructive forces. It is a fact that many people desire to develop mediumship immediately upon being convinced that spirit return is possible— but mankind must be more enlightened upon this subject; mankind must not delve into such things so ignorantly, so absolutely innocent ; for there is a price and you may be called upon to pay that price; a price which may mean sorrow to you. Many times you will have to sacri- fice all that which is nearest and dearest to you in the mortal world. Are you willing to make that sacrifice? If not, why do you send forth that desire to be a medium? Do you know that a rapid development of med- iumship is but a surface mediumship or psychology mediumship, and not a spiritual mediumship? Be- cause the outer vibrations of your consciousness can penetrate the outer vibrations of another man's consciousness and bear this knowledge to you that you are able to express it to another, and he under- stands then that you know something of him and can tell something of his thoughts, about the condi- tions in his home, his desires, etc., this is no proof of spirit return. Perhaps you can tell him the names of his friends, but this is not the spiritual mediumship that the higher teachers in spirit wish to develop in 38 PURPOSE OF THE BOOK mankind today; this is the objective or outer mediumship, and it is not constructive. Now, what the teachers from the higher realms wish to bring forth from within you and out of you is to perfect and bring forth that spiritual part of you which is in direct line with the GREAT CAUSE— the great white light— knowledge, perfec- tion, divinity, GOD. This is within you, but it takes time to bring it forth according to the necessity of your material thought, which may in the course of your mortal life confront you; but eventually it shall be brought forth, and then from this great fountain of knowledge you can draw freely, and tell it to mankind that they may be guided in the true sense. Oh, what a pity to waste your force in telling a man the number in his family — what benefit is it to tell him the position he holds in the material world. That which we are trying to bring forth within you is subjective mediumship; that which will awaken man spiritually; that which will illumi- nate the God spark within his soul. Do not desire the outer, or objective, which is a destructive force, but strive for the inner, the spiritual mediumship, the subjective which is constructive. The outer will in time be detrimental so that it will tend to drag you down or it will tend to give that which is untrue ; so develop the spiritual part of yourselves and then brothers and sisters, you will see the great white lights surrounding you; you will find the fountain of truth and the kingdom of heaven which lies within you. PUEPOSE OF THE BOOK 39 As the great realization permeates all parts of the globe today that the dead have returned to say they are not dead, that they still live and can touch man in the flesh ; that the dead have spoken words ; that they have come from the land beyond, now the efforts of man to reach his loved ones are clothed in material thought. He steps as it were out of his everyday life and stands upon the brink which is so close to the great and deep abyss; (you do not see it, but I see it) and then he calls into the world unseen by him, and the mesage comes back, and he calls again and the message comes back, and in his eagerness to come closer he falls into the pitfall; and then when he has risen out of it, he turns from spirit communion. The fault is in him — it is he who is at fault. Now, promiscuous sitting and opening of the door to communication blindly and ignorantly is bound to bring harmful results. We will speak of one method of communication, automatic writing, for instance. A man going into a seance room gets in touch with some individual whom he knew in this life and perhaps he will say, "What can I do to hear from you at home?" And the advice" comes back, "Hold a pencil." So this individual having no thought of how to protect himself from mis- chievous spirits desiring to manifest, starts with a pencil in his hand, invites manifestation, not clothing himself, so to speak, and his environment with spiritual thoughts and in prayerful aspiration, but he merely sits eagerly watching that pencil and calling for manifestation— and after a time he re- ceives a written message ; a beautiful writing signed 40 PURPOSE OF THE BOOK by one whom he knew. Now, after he had accom- plished this, and the message having proven the identity of the sender, if he would close the door for a time, say several days, then again open the door in prayerful, soulful thought to receive a mes- sage, all would be well. But instead of this method of procedure the man in his eagerness to get more and more, and in his blindness sits again and again until the thought is almost an obsession, inviting any soul that will write for him; and he will ex- ultantly exclaim to his friends, "Oh, I am getting writing"— then finally he gets messages that are not good or true, and he begins to see that he is being misled. When he finds that he has received messages from undesirable spirits, he attempts to shake them off immediately, but he cannot do it. It requires a great effort, a power of mind cultivated to a high degree to accomplish this. So let me drop this little word along the way. Do take a pencil, but sanctify your surroundings for spiritual communion; open the- doorway into a higher realm of thought. You would not desire to have spirits come to you from a lower realm of thought, from a lower plane of life than that in which you are walking— not one of you. So con- sider the dangers you face in opening the door of communion too often to invite unwarily any who may be passing by. Sit for development with the pencil in the sanctified spiritual realm of thought built about you in spiritual aspiration and ask within the consciousness of you— not the word-spoken pray- ers, not the lip prayers, but the deep soul prayer PUBPOSE OF THE BOOK 41 which asks for naught but that which is good and uplifting. Open the doorway of communication in light that you may receive communication that will aid many to be better men and women ; and then sit for only a few minutes— do not overdo it. If you sit for five or ten minutes for communication and do not receive any, do not sit and wait until you do, but close the door again in prayer and say, " Friends, if you are here, God bless you, I will meet you again at such a time" — and then meet them again in that same prayerful thought. The greatest power manifesting upon the earth plane today is the power of the human mind. There is a power within each and every one of you to create a channel of communication. You can get in touch with a realm of spirit whichj 'will be de- structive to you, or you can come in touch with the higher realms which will be constructive to the soul of you. Then there is a great danger— I wish to impress this deeply upon you— in the instrument which man frequently takes first as a means of amusement, the ouija board. This is one means of communication, it is true, but man does just the same with this instrument as he does with the pencil — opens the door of communication continuously inviting promis- cuous souls who may be passing along. The fact that the spirit can and does communicate and that the minds of men can come in touch with individuals out of the flesh is all the more reason that the man who has gained this knowledge, or who 42 PURPOSE OF THE BOOK is searching for it, should know the necessity of first preparing himself or educating himself for spirit communion. You would not go from here to your northern countries where it is bitter cold, leaving here in the hottest days without preparing for the journey; but blindly you delve into the secrets of another life and expect them to always come to you with good and true messages. If there is nothing about one that will attract good, if one is searching for falsehood or untruth, if the strongest thought about that one is untruth, that is just what he will attract to him. Untruth is negative — a negative thought, and it will draw the things which are destructive; it is a destructive thought; there is nothing positive about it and it is a destructive quality of thought that it builds. If you are searching for truth, you may not find it at first, you may see manifested all about you untruth for a time, but it will not touch you, it will not hurt you because you have builded about you a quality of truth, the positive quality of thought which can be created within the consciousness of man and protect him from the destructive forces which may come to him in his investigation. Men do not understand the laws of vibration as yet, but the eyes of the world are opening and men are coming into the realization of things which they never dreamed of. The reality of life is sinking into the consciousness of minds who are in the physical body today. Men search for messages from those who have entered spirit life in truth, in spiritual thought, and not as in the olden time when they PUEPOSE OF THE BOOK 43 sought it to have their fortunes told. Think of this. Think of dragging disembodied souls down through all the density of all the earth conditions just to have your fortune told; to tell you of your old physical expression; if you should sell your house ; to help you injure your neighbor's prospects ; to tell you how to get rid of some one you do not like — think of it — why, it is a crime. The man who dares to use this beautiful law of spirit communion for such purposes is a mental criminal— for it is a crime. Spirit return is one of God's doorways through which man can find his soul, his spiritual powers, then would you drag this down to the coarse vibration of the earthly things? If you think of visiting the seance room for the purpose of bettering your material condition at the expense of your neighbor, stay at home— stay at home— until you can know that spirit is of God and that man is of God's creation, and the spirit who has left the physical body has gone into a purer and higher vibration, a higher conception of things. Do not invite your loved ones into that dense vibration, but build a spiritual home that you can reach them— I do not mean a home builded of lum- ber, but a spiritual thought house into which you can go into meditation and touch the spirit world. You need not go to a public seance room, but go into the silence of your own room ; build your little thought house of spiritual aspiration, of service, of love. But, do not think you can go into silent prayer perhaps today and build a beautiful thought house then tomorrow go forth and injure your neighbor 44 PURPOSE OP THE BOOK or start or create some condition about him which will make him unhappy, then when you go back to- morrow night to your little thought house, do not expect to find it there, for it has crumbled back to earth. But if you had truthfully spoken to your neighbor and had been sincere in all your dealings, you would still have your beautiful thought house; you would find that it was not all thought, but also deeds and service. Then go into that holy sanctuary of spirit and your loved ones will come and speak to you and you will feel their presence. Do not abuse this holy, this sacred law of spirit communion, and then you will know more of the condition into which man steps at death. Build your spiritual thought house now and when you leave that body and step into that house directly you will know and directly you will see all things are possible to the human mind through spirit, and man is indeed a reflection of the great Godhead. So make your physical temple worthy of being a part of the Great Cause of all things ; make yourself worthy of being a reflection of the Godhead— make your physical temple worthy of its tenant. Mediumship today is very much abused, very much misrepresented; is very much in demand by those who have no desire for anything but knowledge of how to better their material conditions. But when man realizes what mediumship, true, spiritual mediumship really is, he will enter the chamber of communication with a feeling of holiness. He will not go there with the hope to find a fakir, because PURPOSE OP THE BOOK 45 he will know that if it is a fakir he is searching for, he will find it. If you desire to develop your powers of medium- ship, do be careful about all those who are assembled in the circle with you, for as you are joined together in thought of development there may be some among you who would deceive, and if this be true, you surely will draw deceptive forces about you— like attracts like — the world beyond the grave is full of spirits that you would not like to invite into your home, your soul's home. First, educate yourselves along the line of spirit- ual thought, learn to know yourselves, learn to build the glorious spiritual protective powers, and then to you spiritual mediumship is bound to come ; because through the holy light of spirit all things are pos- sible ; and by reaching out through the spirit, build- ing by service, by kind words and kind thoughts, tearing down selfish thoughts within you, by living a true life in so far as you are able, you will find you are able to lift and enable man to unfold spirit- ually and to express God's truth and light. The door is open into the realms of spirit. One does not have to leave the flesh body to live in a higher sphere. There are those walking in the flesh today who are in higher realms of thought than some who are out of the body. Disembodied spirits who are walking in the lower realms of thought cannot touch you, cannot stand before you unless there is within yourself something of the same thought, some desire in direct and harmonious tune with them. As man learns more of the wondrous law which 46 PURPOSE OF THE BOOK governs all things, he will know that there is walking about him more that is invisible than of the things which he can see, that those which he cannot discern in his mortal thought are stronger about him than those things which he can touch with his physical sense. Purify your thought world and your act world will become purified by its illumination, then you can see the glorious light of the over-ruling mind, the God power which guides you into all truth. If you deceive your fellow-men, expect to be deceived by the spirits who return to you ; if you are selfish, expect the selfish spirit to come to you because when you attempt to commune, you open the doors to the realm of thought in which you are. This is the thing which has hindered us, this is the thing which has helped to keep the glorious light of spirit return dimly lighted in your world. This is why so many greater minds forbid your investiga- tion of spirit return, because they realize that man has walked in such paths of life that he may be misled by undeveloped spirits. Therefore, our object in coming to you is that we wish to have the door opened wide to the spiritual world; that we come to tell you there is no death, but first prepare yourself, make yourself worthy of the message. Do not go into that sacred chamber of communion and when your loved ones come, say, "What about that investment?" Or, "Is that you, mother? Well, say, what shall I do about the house? Should I sell it?" Oh, do not drag that mother who comes to you in the pure and holy light of spirit, whose soul has been severed from all the physical PURPOSE OF THE BOOK 47 memories for years, down to the lower and coarser expression. It hurts, it grieves the soul who reduces down through all the density of the earth plane to tell her child that she lives and that she still loves and still prays that her child will awaken to a realization of spiritual things. Oh, the glorious truth that lies within spirit com- munion. Remember, friends, that gathering in little groups to develop mediumship is not true spiritual unfoldment when you gather in to see what you can find, and let some tramp spirit who happens along (whose vibration just fits yours) come in and control you. Oh, it grieves us to see all these repre- senting themselves as spiritual helpers and leaders. Brothers and sisters, if you intend to present true spiritual light to man, rise out of this. Make a spiritual leader of yourselves by unfolding the spirit within you, by reaching out not for the personal benefits, but that you may come closer to spirit, and feed the spirit with spiritual food. You must prove to the world the truth of spirit return. Do not let material mongers come to you asking that you tell them of their past, of their family, etc. That does not prove that the spirit is there. Build a spiritual foundation of truth which will prove the greatest thing the world has ever known. The laws are so simple if you just hold the truth about you. There is another danger which man must learn to avoid. A spirit returning will step into the vibration of an individual so closely that it can formulate words to speak its thought. It is impressed upon 48 PURPOSE OF THE BOOK the brain of that individual just as sound is im- pressed upon the brain through the ears and then he knows he has heard the words, and as he utters these words the minds of men who have never been touched by the spirit feel a pity for him. They say that his brain is deficient, and so they have homes where are many whom they call insane. The truth is that many of them have their brain cells Weakened by the continual practice of different intelligences upon their brain cells, because so many are endeav- oring to reach mankind with little spoken messages. There are numberless spirits who are searching along every possible avenue to reach mankind. A musical instrument which has been played on by one and another, abusing it until it is all out of tune— this is the way many sensitive brains are used by outer influences, which because of their lack of spiritual unfoldment have come in touch with the undeveloped minds who endeavor to use this in- strument through curiosity. This law, so little understood by man, so very much abused and mis- used, as are a great many other wondrous things, you will find some day to be of great benefit to you. Spirit return is a beautiful realization ; it is one of God's open doorways of spiritual unfoldment, and your loved ones come through that doorway to you. Would you lay in their way that which would spoil their happiness ? Would you ask that they aid you in wrong doing and in tearing down good that you might accumulate a little more of material things? They return to aid you, to help you, to guide you, to awaken the spiritual part of yourselves, and not to make conditions which will enable you to get the PURPOSE OP THE BOOK 49 best of a material bargain. You are transgressing when you ask them to help you sell your house, or to eject from homes those whom you think are causing unhappiness — you are doing wrong when you do this. That is why spirit return has been held down. It is unwise to reach into the world un- seen for communication of a trivial nature. And until you have thoroughly gathered into your con- sciousness a clear understanding of the laws of com- munication, and how to create that protective force and build the proper channel it is better to leave spirit communication alone. Do not build a condition which will grieve your loved ones who are close to you, loving, serving, guiding you, who are ministering angels bringing tidings of light — and through that illuminated light of God they come to you burning with love, en- thused with happiness, for they love you and they shall not leave you. Humanity needs various forms or expressions of help. There are some who can help in one form and others in other forms. A great many people in coming years will be seemingly suffering from in- sanity; but it will be merely through the weakness of their own mentality or thought that they will slip away because of the nearness of many undeveloped souls. But this insanity will be overcome by man's knowledge created by spirit communion, because by getting in touch with minds out of the flesh man can know what is the trouble and remedy it. In ignorance mankind opens the door to spirit communion in material and physical thought inviting into their midst undeveloped souls before they are 50 PURPOSE OF THE BOOK illuminated spiritually. Oh, friends, if you could see the great harm in sitting and inviting intel- ligences lower than yourselves, inviting minds not nearly so illuminated as you are into your body to control the mind of you, you would not dare do it. Never permit a soul who in unfoldment and develop- ment is beneath yourself, to control your mind. Know this: That it is true, as those who say it is, many souls come back masquerading — true, true — and many men in the flesh will masquerade. So if men in the flesh will maslquerade, so also will un- developed souls out of the flesh. But there is a way to protect yourselves that you may delve into the great life beyond the grave and derive great benefit therefrom. Let TEUTH be your watchword in everything you do, and when you investigate the great law of spirit communion, clothe yourselves in truth, make the soul of you spiritual so that you will receive the spiritual things, that the souls who are akin to you may come close to you. That law of attraction is very evident, and you will bring them close to you when you sit alone for com- munion; so open the way in solemn prayerful thought, and when you go to a public meeting to communicate with your friends who are gone, first study the life of the instrument through which your loved ones must come ; know something of what that soul is because every soul that manifests to you through this instrument must come in very close touch with the souls surrounding the soul of the instrument who brings your messages to you. Study the lives of the instruments who bring your communications to you. See the life they live every- PURPOSE OF THE BOOK 51 day ; know whether or not you would like your loved ones to come into their vibration, whether or not you would like to invite them close to this individual. Study the lives of those with whom you sit for mani- festation frequently. Be very careful ; beware, that they do not open the door to spirit intelligences whom you would not desire to invite into your soul 's home. You would not invite into your home any tramp that happened along— not one of you — unless you might help him, and you were strong enough to help him before he destroyed you— you would not do it. And so until you are strong enough mentally and spiritually to help those souls gone before, and know how to build the protective forces about you, be careful ; for insanity and obsession are many times brought to the poor individual who starts upon the highway of investigation blindly and ignorantly. When man first comes into the knowledge of spirit return, and it is ever so with man, he plunges madly into it, enthused over this knowledge, it comes upon him overwhelming him, and filling him with more and more desire to know what it really is; what wondrous power is back of it all, and he never stops to find first upon what realm he stands. He never stops to say, ' ' Now, am I spiritually fit to delve into the hidden things of God?" He very rarely finds himself speaking in the silence to his own conscience and finding whether or not he truly loves all man- kind, asking himself whether he has cultivated to a very high degree his hate power, or has he culti-. vated within him his love force. Has he learned to 52 PURPOSE OF THE BOOK see through the eyes of spirit? Has he cultivated universal love ? If he will ask himself these questions and finds that he is deficient in the spiritual and constructive part of himself, it is well that he goes warily about his investigation. The illuminated spirit returns to the earth plane and manifests — not to lead you through material experiences— no, that is your part, but to teach you how to live and to illuminate the God spark within, to teach you how to love, how to serve your brother. It is the purpose of the spirit to warn you against opening the door of spirit communion with all those thoughts of earth, with all those desires for riches, with all those thoughts of selfishness, seeking from the other world those things which through your selfishness you desire. True, the door is ever open to all beings and man is privileged to gather for himself. If he first purifies himself that he may draw from the higher realms of spirit he will find food for his soul, and he is always hungry for more and more light of spirit, and the brighter and more cheery becomes his life because he sees spiritually— the spirit can discern all things. Yet there are those who would try to use the spirit to better their material conditions, who would go into a seance room and ask the holy spirit for things that are sinful, for things of the earth ; they would even ask the spirit to put a bar between man and wife, to break the ties of matrimony. Man would use this glorious power of spirit communion to create discord— oh, what a mistake. Know that just so high as you rise spiritually, from just such a high realm of thought can you PUBPOSE OP THE BOOK 53 draw the things that your soul needs. The glorious, or the belittling messages received through the open doorway are the results of your own vibration. Even those pure and beautiful spirits who love you must descend through the density of the vibrations around the earth plane, and even their love messages are colored by your sins. If you deceive your fellow- man, and you receive your loved ones through those vibrations a message from one who has risen, who knows but that pure word which would tell you the truth, would be so colored by your impure thought that you would not recognize his voice. So if you wish to receive the very best, make your- selves worthy; build that condition around you that will not discolor the brightest message ever sent out. Now that you know this, why not begin today to live a pure life, to rise and reach out to the glorious and grand realities which are yours. Let us help you ; let us show you the way. We have learned by bitter experiences those things which we are trying to teach you. Because when we dwelt upon the earth plane man in his ignorance and prejudice closed the door to that higher realm, but you are privileged today to open the doors wide to that unseen world and listen to the soft voice of the spirit. Therefore, we hope that the door to the lower realms of spirit expression, inhabited by those spirits disembodied who have not yet risen, will be closed. This door can be closed. Are you going to close it, or are you going to receive those tearing-down thoughts from the lower realms because they help you materially? Are you going to waste the glorious gift of mediumship 54 PURPOSE OF THE BOOK by entertaining visitors from the lower realm of thought? We come to tell you that the mere fact that some can put their minds in tune with others is not a proof of spirit return. True, the spirit power is back of it, but who knows whether or not that spirit is out of the body? You are just as much a spirit now as you will be when you have cast off the flesh. Do you think that because one can tell you where you were born, can tell you what you were thinking of when you left home, can tell you where you have lived, that this is a proof of spirit return? It is not. It is a proof of spirit powers, but the spirit while in the flesh body can do these things. But why culti- vate these powers? They are not uplifting— then why do it? The pure spirit returns to speak into your soul those things which will make you better, those things which illuminate your soul in its growth and fill you with a desire to rise and be better. And if you sense the messages today you can tell that your soul is rising by the messages you receive. You can know when you hear from that spirit how much higher they are. These things prove spirit return, these things prove the progression of the soul. There are none, not any, who have not some spirit power within which will bring positive proof of spirit return to them, if they have the proper spiritual meditation and aspiration in harmony. Know that the basis of all things spiritual is har- mony. If you are not in a discordant condition you will surely get positive proof of the spirit's return to earth. It is hard to tell you just when you will PURPOSE OF THE BOOK 55 receive that message, I mean through your own instrumentality, but know that if you want to witness positive proof of spirit return, if you doubt all humanity, go into the silence in spiritual meditation daily, and daily, and just as true as I am speaking to you here, you will receive positive proof— this is true. THE DESCENDING LIGHT CHAPTER I. THE ASTRAL BODY. (The material for this chapter was gathered from different lectures which were given thru the mediumship of Mrs. Brace during complete entrancement. The lectures are given every Sunday evening in a large auditorium and the subjects are announced by the spirit teachers a week in advance.) First, we will tell you something of that new body through which you will manifest after death, as you do through your physical body today. The astral or star body is that which would appear as a reflection or electric flash, were you able to catch a glimpse of it through the physical sense of sight. This body which envelops your physical body is growing and developing each day of your physical expression. It has every appearance of the physical body ex- cept its composition which embodies ether, elec- tricity, star magno, or star magnetic force, holding records of every emotion, thought and act of the individual. Ether is a chemical or quality of the atmosphere which permeates everything, but which, as yet, scientists have not been able to analyze. The astral body has -more of this in its composition than has the physical body. . Upon this astral body is recorded every emotion, 58 THE DESCENDING LIGHT every thought, every act which passes through the particular material expression of the individual who manifests through this body of which we speak. The astral body is that body which you are building, making, every day of your expression upon the physical plane. It is more of the electric force; it is formed or rather composed of more of the con- ditions which come from the atmosphere, but in, around and about you, penetrating within you are these rays with which you in time become directly in touch by thought. You may not understand this — it is spoken of as being electricity in wonderful magnetic healers. This electric force which is about them is gathered through their astral bodies; and they are able to draw and express more of the force from the atmosphere. This force is the food, so to speak, upon which the astral body, I will not say exists, but gathers its force. Your physical body would grow terribly weak were it not possible to feed and satisfy it— material food is placed in the mouth ; that is the way to feed the physical body, but the astral body gathers its food, its force, from the atmosphere as one would draw within him electric force. This is why electric treatments aid greatly the physical body; but it enters into that body through the astral body, and the stronger the astral body the more beneficial the electric treatments; because if the astral body is undeveloped, which is so in many instances until one grows to be of some age, it does not gather much electric force ; but if it is in a strong condition there you will see one who is magnetic, and has great force to heal. I am not speaking of mental THE ASTBAL BODY 59 healing, but magnetic healing, two distinctly differ- ent kinds of healing. Man is now beginning to find the power of elec- tricity—he can do much with it now, but he is only touching upon the very edge of it. Electricity is the food of the astral body. Man attempts to place it in the physical body, but it only comes away, leaves it again and goes into the astral body which can gather it through natural means. And as the child is fed before its birth into the flesh by natural means so is the astral body whilst in the physical, but after death it is for you to learn how to manipu- late, and how to care for the astral body. In each expression you have a body — in the physical expression, a physical body, and in the astral expression, an astral body, and each is con- trolled by you; an instrument in your hands, so to speak. The terrestrial or star magno, which is part of the astral body, causes it to respond to the law of gravity— and this enables the soul to be in close touch with the earth life. It is the force which attracts bodies to the particular planet upon which they manifest; and there is a strong sympathetic vibration between the astral and the earth. But after they have reached a certain stage of perfection, so to speak, the soul in its growth and the spirit in its unfoldment rises and grows to understand, not more wise, as you would say in the physical, but grows in spirituality, in spiritual growth, in spiritual unfoldment nearer and nearer to that perfect standard; then in time it outgrows and casts aside that astral body; after which it is 60 THE DESCENDING LIGHT possible for that spirit to pass to other planets and rise far into the unknown world planets, unknown as yet. It is possible for those who have left their astral bodies to borrow another's astral body and return to their old familiar planet to manifest, but it is through the astral body borrowed for the time, just as the spirit returning from the astral plane borrows your body— the body of an instrument, the medium, as you know it, to speak through it. Thus they manifest as missionaries from the purer and more perfect realms of spirit through the astral body on the astral plane, and eome for the purpose of enlightening and lifting souls to a higher conception of spirit. The astral body in appearance is very much like the physical body of the individual because it reflects upon this star magno, (electric force, I will call it, but it is a finer force than electricity; yet it can be compared in a sense to it that you might the more clearly comprehend it). It appears so much like the physical body that one who can just catch a glimpse of it thinks it is surely a materialized form that they see. The astral body depends greatly upon the environ- ments, the life and expression of the individual. Much of it is but a solid— it is not solid as you would call it, because your thought of this is material — but it is solid for the astral— coarser— heavier — less like the spirit. He who has not progressed very far from the physical thoughts and needs, to him it is solid. So as you live and as you express yourself in THE ASTEAL BODY 61 your service and such, you are building and building that body about you which envelops you, so to speak. It is just as a reflection would seem to your eye, so fine you cannot see it, yet it is there; and it is the vehicle through which you will manifest as you are manifesting today. After you have discarded your physical body that astral body will be just as much you as the physical body through which you manifest today is you. True, you use but one body at a time because through the physical life the astral is being com- pleted, perfected, made ready for its tenant. Dur- ing the physical expression of the individual the astral body is in an embryonic state of development, so those who live to a "ripe old age" have a more fully developed and perfectly formed astral body to start in their new expression. This is the case also with those who pass out after a long illness, for as the physical body declines the other body through a natural process grows stronger in preparation for its tenant. When death comes suddenly as by accident, etc., the astral body is weak, not fully developed^ and the soul finds some difficulty in manifesting for a time, much as does the child prematurely born into the flesh. However, souls who pass into the other life under those conditions are cared for by other souls who serve in this way. There are great armies of souls who devote much time and thought to the care of weak and undeveloped astral bodies, much the same as there are many in the flesh who give their time, thoughts and lives to the study of the physical. And so kind and loving souls on the astral plane 62 THE DESCENDING LIGHT give succor to their unfortunate brothers and sisters who pass into that life without completing their physical expression. The astral body radiates color vibrations which are governed by the predominating characteristics and thoughts of the individual, (see chapter on Heaven) and generally the last thought a soul has in the physical is much colored with fear and doubt; this causes the new body to reflect a dull grey, but which becomes illuminated more and more as the soul unfolds the finer qualities. Every person has some particular thought or quality which is more pronounced in them than any other — a pet thought — and this gives the astral body a certain predominant color. These color rays are not always discernible through the physical sense, but sometimes one does catch a glimpse of light which he cannot explain any other way than that it was a light which did not come from any place, — just a light. However, through spiritual unfoldment and cultivation of the powers within one can see the astral body very plainly at times. Some astral bodies hold almost every color there is. As you sit in a seance or in the silence of your own room, many times you will see a light— blue, red, gold— they vary in color, and as you study the meaning of these colors you will learn to know when you see that color that it is just a little portion of an astral body, your friends are near you. In your meditation or when you are weary and filled with woe, you will know that your loved ones are near, and as you study the language of colors, you will THE ASTRAL BODY 63 know after you have studied, as you would know the characteristics of your friends. The astral body is in a higher rate of vibration than the physical body so it can rarely be discerned through the physical sense of sight. It vibrates higher than light; in fact, higher than any vibra- tion which can be reached through the physical senses. Although sometimes one feels a presence— as for instance, one sitting in a circle will receive a shock much like an electric shock or thrill which will sometimes cause him to visibly tremble— this is caused by the close proximity of the astral body of a discarnate soul whose vibrations are not in the same rate as the one who is effected thus, and then also the one who is endeavoring to manifest does not understand how to reduce or increase the vibra- tion to harmonize with the one in the flesh— this causes a shock. But through a sympathetic response on the part of one or the other, harmony is produced and frequently a message is received in one way or another. The astral body is lighter than light; it is lighter than the light rays because it is of a higher vibra- tion ; it is lighter and higher, and yet more powerful than electricity, yet it is a form of this. There are two distinct principles in all of nature— the positive and negative — and the contact of these two prin- ciples in the atmosphere produces a dynamic power called electricity. And man is going to find these things in the near future. Today man knows positively that when he has finished with the physical expression of life that he will step into a new expression — every living man 64 THE DESCENDING LIGHT and woman must live in another expression— and death is that condition or experience through which every man is placed in an entirely different expres- sion of life. All mankind expressing itself upon this lower plane of expression holds within its own existence a trinity. First, the elements, the terrestrial body, the lower grosser qualities of the beast expression ; second, the higher or star body, the astral body; third, the spirit, the God spark, that quality within man which reflects his Creator, which reflects har- mony, love, truth and the finer (qualities which are a part of God. Man has learned something through experience of the lower expression of life, so now we will touch upon the second or intermediate part of that trinity, the astral or star body which is so closely allied to his flesh body during the physical expression that it has every appearance of his first body save that it is of an entirely different composition. Under certain conditions it is possible to see the astral body separating itself from the physical at death when vapory fragments will be seen to rise above the body. The solar plexus holds to the very last portions of the astral body until a very fine line or thread of light which binds the two bodies at the center of the physical body (the solar plexus) is suddenly snapped and "the silver cord is broken." The reason it is more possible to see the astral body at this time than under ordinary conditions is the resistance of the physical which causes the astral to reduce in vibration for a short time during the process of transition. The astral body tears itself THE ASTKAL BODY 65 away and finally it is closed upon that center of nerves. That is the last grip which that physical body has upon its astral shell. Physical sensations and memories are retained by the astral body for some time after death— the length of time being governed by the individual. If a person 's predominating qualities are physical and habits were formed to satisfy the physical appetites, then the physical memories are more pronounced and the soul finds more difficulty in becoming ac- quainted with its new environments, etc. Unless a person is very highly developed spirit- ually, it is very likely that the soul will stay near the physical body for a few days after transition, therefore it is not advisable to destroy the clay or physical body until over three days have elapsed and then cremation is the proper way to dispose of the flesh body. Especially if the soul had any pro- nounced habits, such as drug or intoxicants, etc., because after the flesh body has returned to dust or ashes the physical sensations or desires no longer reflect upon the astral body, and the higher spiritual qualities begin to develop and manifest. In some instances, (when the life has been void of spiritual thoughts and all the thoughts and de- sires have been very earthy and physical) the physical memories are very pronounced, until the flesh body has lost its form completely and passed to earth. When man finds that he can stand beside that flesh body and see it and know that it is his, his first thought is fear. The first sensation that man has when coming into that new life is fear — and the 66 THE DESCENDING LIGHT very first sensation the child has when born into the flesh is fear. The very first thought in the flesh, and the very last, is fear. Some have builded snch a strong thought force about them intermingling with fear that the astral body reflects very little else for a time; until that coarser force or thought sheds away from the astral body then it holds the finer qualities. The little child finds great difficulty in learning how to use hands and feet ; they move awkwardly at first because that part of the mind has not become acquainted with its duties ; and so it is with the man as he first steps into his astral body. So if the astral body be heavy ; be weighty, be more seemingly material, it is because that man's life has been such, and he needs more experience to reveal the God spark within him, and so that astral body carries the individual into that new life. He learns after a time how to manipulate that new body, he becomes acquainted with it as he has his flesh body, its uses and its needs. The astral body also needs food as your flesh body does, but it gathers it from that force, elec- tricity; (I will use that term because you are ac- quainted with the interpretation) those in the astral body draw that for themselves, they learn to feed that body as they have learned to feed the physical body, but they do not satisfy their astral bodies through the mouth as in the physical; they must learn how to gather to themselves their needs and desires. They must learn how to keep and use that body and then they begin to develop understanding through various experiences. They are drawn into THE ASTRAL BODY 67 different realms by the law of attraction. They have their own experiences; some are forced to come in direct contact with man in the flesh body — some to learn and some to guide and some to help physical bodies — by various ways comes the experience through which they must pass. And in those ex- periences they grow more and more enlightened, and finally they grow lighter and closer to spirit until in time they have another body. It is a glad day when they can cast aside all memories of earth and ascend into pure spirit. They still hold their individuality— that is the thing which never dies because it has been gathered through all the differ- ent schools of experiences. Man must have some experiences close to the earth plane after death by coming in contact with other souls manifesting in the flesh, seeing their lives through the spiritual vision (understanding) thus learning the effect of different experiences, and feeling the sorrow and joys of or with others, and learning in that way the real meaning of the trials of life which enables them to work out their lives in harmony with the inviolable law of com- pensation. They must know all the flesh experiences before they can pass entirely into spirit. Therefore, the astral body is that vehicle of the soul or the spirit which helps man to manifest close to his particular plane upon which he has spent his earth expression. When the astral body has gone, the spirit returns to the earth plane only in bor- rowed vehicles, borrowing the astral bodies from those who are as mediums or manifesters between the higher life in the spirit and the astral plane. 68 THE DESCENDING LIGHT There are mediums, as you term it, manifesting on the astral plane who are bringing to those spirits who are manifesting in the lower expression, and yet still upon the astral plane, bringing to them the higher, purer thought of spirit. Souls have risen while still in the flesh ; they have soared out of the earthly conditions into the uni- versal light and still hold their flesh bodies, but that flesh body grows weaker and finer, less coarse, the vibrations are higher, and soon it will fall away and that soul in its ascension will know more of that new plan of life and he may pass directly into a school which will prepare him to return and to teach and help others. You all know it is well to understand the care of the physical body and its requirements ; that under- standing it enables you to keep it in better condition, and so since it will be but a limited time until you will occupy your other body, the astral, it surely behooves you to know something of the new body, for surely it is yours, and it will be just as much yours as is your physical body today yours. So it is well that you know something of what it is to express yourself in the astral body. As the astral body has reflected upon it the knowl- edge of existence, reflected upon it and through it by the physical expression, if that thought or that knowledge of such a body existed within man, why, surely it would reflect itself upon the new body and he would readily become acquainted with the future state. Then it would be very much easier for one to adapt himself to his new mode of life than if he goes over with the thought that he will immediately THE ASTRAL BODY OW plunge into a heavenly home of peace and harmony, forgetting all the little sorrows he has caused, for- getting all the griefs he has brought into the hearts of his fellow-men. Do you think you cam do these things and escape retribution? There is one great law— harmonious attunement— not atonement, but attunement. You are all striving to rise into this, and you will, but you cannot hide one thought, one desire— it is revealed to the un- folded spirit. So it is well for you to know some- thing of this new body which will be yours in that not far-distant future, perhaps tomorrow, when you will be molded through the inevitable laws of nature —evolution— you will come in direct touch with the earth plane and then you must do your work. After the spirit has discarded or outgrown or consumed its astral body, finished its work, in that particular expression, it can pass at once into, about or above all the different planets for there is no magnetic force to draw it down or back to that plane upon which it expressed itself in the physical. The aura is the soul body which surrounds and encloses the mortal body. It is as a light which seemingly radiates from the mortal man. These lights are colored with his thoughts, which have their own particular colors, with his acts, and every act and every thought that man sends out into the universe shows upon this aura about him, and this attracts kindred spirits to him. The soul holds a record of everything; every ex- perience through which you pass in your physical expression is imprinted upon the soul of you; and even as the spirit leaves the body the soul of you 70 THE DESCENDING LIGHT leaves the flesh and enters into that astral body which is being prepared during your physical ex- pression. The spirit is that Godspark within each and every individual; it is that part of you which makes you to the image and likeness of God; it is the ray, the spark, we will say, of the Great Over Soul, the Spirit of spirits, the CAUSE of all things. There- fore the soul is that part of man which individualizes the spirit, and makes that portion of the Great Spirit you. Now the soul of man records individually, all his experiences, his thoughts, his beliefs, yes, and all conditions mentally and physically through which he passes— they all tend to the building of his soul. Therefore, the soul has as its duty the bringing out or rather the spiritual enlightenment or illumination of the consciousness which makes him realize what part he has to play in the world. It is thru the mind the records are produced, as the human mind is constantly generating and dis- charging and every thought discharged from the mind of the individual leaves its imprint upon the astral body. Now it is the improper use of the mind which causes much of the physical ills of today. The records or impressions made upon the astral body sometimes reflect so positively upon the physical as to cause a chemical change to take place causing sickness or health, according to the con- structive or destructive quality of the thoughts. Either consciously or unconsciously man is con- stantly building or destroying. Constructive thinking builds and perfects, and THE ASTRAL BODY 71 destructive thinking destroys and breaks down be- cause the impressions on the astral body made by these thoughts reflecting upon the physical body produce results according to their quality. So you see the necessity of proper thinking. One should strive to perfect every idea before discharg- ing it, for wonderful results can be produced by good, wholesome, healthy, perfect thoughts, not only in the physical body but in every condition pertaining to the individual. There are those whose consciousness has not seemingly been illuminated during the physical ex- pression — but there are no lost souls; for every soul hath within it a spirit, and spirit is of eternity, spirit is of God, spirit is eternal and continues to live. And so long as it needs these various ex- periences (the spirit does not need them but the individual does) in bringing out the spirit, his particular spark to perfection, the school of ex- perience is before him and about him and he must go thru it. The mental sensations of individuals leaving the flesh body depend very largely upon the life they have lived and upon their thoughts, their expec- tations, and their feelings, whether of fear or eagerness to leave the body. Invariably the very last thought that man holds as he leaves the flesh is that of fear, as is the first physical thought that man holds. Fear is an earth thought. When man leaves the physical body after an ill- ness, his loved ones in spirit have made prep- 72 THE DESCENDING LIGHT arations to receive him and they assemble about him preparing to take him to his home, which is of his own building closely associated to the earth, and memories of those who have been with him. And sometimes if one is taken out of the physical body suddenly then he is carried to what you would call a hospital in your expression of life. It is not a place but a condition in which there are many in- telligences trained to do this work of bringing them back to consciousness and into a clear realization of the new life. In this condition things are made clear to them in such a way that they may know and that they may realize the composition of the new body, how to use it, how to nourish it and all of this. Man builds about him conditions which make for him that which is good and make for him that which is not helpful. The physical body is born of physical bodies, is brought into physical existence thru the physical expression, and into which is placed and imbued and grown in him, his soul, his individuality, and then comes a time when mother earth takes back into her bosom that which is hers, the flesh body. Death comes sometimes when man's physical body is perfect; when there is no preparation, so to speak, for the severance of one part of that being from the other. When the time for sepa- ration has not come thru a natural process the astral body is weak and not prepared for its tenant, it is not entirely formed, and does not hold the powers which are required of it to carry and bear into another life that man, that individuality. THE ASTBAL BODY 73 When the physical body is perfect, when the de- sires for the physical expression are full and vigorous and ambitions, when the whole thought is building upon the physical plane of expression, when he has not a thought of spiritual things, should that soul be suddenly plunged by accident from that expression into a strange one, into a weaker body, prematurely born into a new life, then it is true that thru the law of gravity he is drawn by attraction down close to the earth plane. And by that law of attraction it is possible for him to develop and grow to that stage of perfection where it will be possible for him to rise into higher thought realms. But at first he is drawn close to those in the physical and there he grows and gathers strength and power for the real necessities of that astral body. Still during this time that spirit is unfolding, the individuality is growing purer, more illuminated ; he is beginning to see and to know — not to see thru the physical eye, but to see thru the great law of life. Then when the time comes that the astral body has developed to its fullest degree, has become perfect, has become all that it should have been, had death delayed for a time until that individual's physical body had cast it off thru a natural process, then begins its growth into another realm of thought where he not only helps man to build conditions, but builds and aids his fellowman in the flesh; and he rises into a higher conception of the things which are of God. But during this time that astral body carries that soul to all parts just as you would send a thought. Now we will tell you something of one who passes 74 THE DESCENDING LIGHT out from the body during disease — long illness. Unconsciously there is coming into his conscious- ness, without his realizing it, I would say, that little thought that the physical body is not going to stay long. That little thought gathers to itself more and more of the things of spirit. He may not express to you that he is rising out of the flesh, but the spirit forces who are assembled about him know and realize positively that that body is going back to earth and they hasten to aid in building and strengthening and perfecting that astral body so that it comes into that condition which is perfect more rapidly because all this time during the physical weakness they have been treating upon his spirituality, his individuality, his soul qualities; and in these instances they pass into the astral body with a clearer realization of how to use it, how to manipulate it, how to live with it, and they may more rapidly return to man. "When death comes by man's own thought, by man's own desire, when man in his mistaken thought of things crushes, destroys his temple of flesh, the mind holding that destructive thought, holding that desire within itself until it becomes an act, does not only crush the flesh body but re- tards the growth of the astral body. But if it is because of a diseased organ within that physical body, because of a deranged mental condition then the thought is entirely different; 'tis much the same as those who pass away thru illness; tho it scatters to a certain extent those forces who are assembled at all times about that individual. It breaks down that law which helps to build and THE ASTRAL BODY 75 make the conditions right for the passing of the soul from the physical body. Now when men live on in their physical bodies until their bodies are bent and wrinkled with age — 'tis a beautiful sight to behold from the spirit side, so why should you grieve for those who grow old? It is but showing that the astral body of that in- dividual has taken hold, the soul has taken hold of the astral body, it is working upon that, it is grow- ing and perfecting that, and the flesh body is grad- ually going thru a natural process, passing back to earth. 'Tis just the natural process of death; 'tis just mother earth closing her arms about that which is hers — 'tis because the outer body, the astral, is strong, is growing more perfect to receive that soul. And that is the lesson men are beginning to gather in their desire to build their physical bodies thru their mentality; thru the spiritual expression. They are touching upon that law which makes it possible for the physical body to remain perfect until that astral body is ready for that soul to step into it, expressing itself full and perfect. How to See the Astral Body Leaving the Physical. I will speak to you of the passing away of one whose body has grown weak gradually and the astral body has grown stronger because of this. If one places himself between the sun's rays and that soul and a soft gray light from one side and a 76 THE DESCENDING LIGHT soft green light from the other, if he puts himself in just as high a rate of vibration thru spiritual thought, he can see this astral body. What you speak of as the death rattle is the drawing of that astral body to a focus which is as a vapor lifting from the body, and seems like steam or white smoke and comes to the center of the physical body and then it will lift itself and sometimes sink back hurriedly, then lift and sink back again, and then lift until you will see it pass thru the walls. Then there are those whose astral body gathers itself together and for days they lie there because the mind within is filled with fear, it cannot leave, and it is conscious of the fact that it is leaving. It is much better for one to pass away in an uncon- scious state for all the loved ones in spirit who are assembled about bear it away where it is given the proper care, proper nourishment, thought force, and all the needs it will require until it comes into consciousness. But there are those who pass away in absolute consciousness and filled with fear — they are to be pitied. The astral body will lift and fall, and cling close to that physical body. This is why we urge you not to touch that body until so many hours after a person has passed away. The question is asked, "How long, after the soul leaves the flesh body, does it take to get the con- dition to send forth a message ?" As there are many different individualities it all depends upon the individual. Some even expect to return imme- diately and find they cannot because their con- ception of this has been so dim, so imperfect, that they expect to step back just as they are in the THE ASTEAL. BODY 77 flesh, and so the physical thought prevents the manifestation. But one who lives spiritually and conies back over the love thought can sometimes speak within five minutes, it depends upon the in- dividual. They can appear instantly, immediately, as the soul slips from the shell body and bursts forth, if those who are about them are in that same vibration — it is all vibration — if you can build your thoughts and raise your vibration into spiritual expression then you can see your loved ones slip away ; but you are filled with grief and emotion — if you were physically possessed and thinking of spiritual things as that soul left the body and you were holding a clearer conception of spiritual things, you could follow that spirit in thought, you could see that soul take its flight, as it slips from that clay body. CHAPTER II. LIFE ON THE ASTRAL PLANE. In all the search that man has made and is mak- ing, comes the cry for more and more knowledge of the life beyond the grave — they are asking for more tidings of their loved ones over there. But the sonls returning scarcely know how to reach you, they hardly know how to tell you how they live; or how to make you believe that it is they who are speaking to you — and yet man in his eagerness to know, asks questions far beyond the spirit who manifests for he has been out of the flesh for a short time and knows very little of the life over there. Many of the things you read, many of the things you hear are parts of thoughts brought to you from souls who have been in that world of spirit but a very short time. Were you to be suddenly taken to a strange country where the method of living was entirely different from what you had been used to, and within a few hours after your arrival you attempt to send home word to those you left, do you think that you could tell much of the method of living there? Could you explain to them fully the things which you went to see? No. The mind of man upon leaving the flesh body starts just where he leaves the earthly expression, starts mentally right there, and he can see only LIFE OF THE ASTRAL PLANE 79 with that limited vision for a time until he has learned thru spiritual unfoldment how to cultivate the spiritual vision. Men ask whether or not the spirit sees as they see because in their limited ex- perience upon the earth plane of expression their vision is limited to the physical sense. The soul, the spirit of man does not see as you see with your physical eyes, but they see thru the spirit of con- sciousness within. They see thru the eyes of un- derstanding. Now, by this I do not mean to say the spirit immediately after leaving the flesh body sees thru the eye of understanding. The soul manifests more pronounced than does the spirit until they have worked and gone thru the process of refinement, which is a tearing down of imperfect conditions builded during the physical expression. So there are various stories told of the life over here — many things told to you that when put to- gether seem to conflict. There are many minds in the flesh today who may all tell a story of the same incident and yet no two of them will be alike be- cause each one sees thru his own individuality ; each individual sees thru his own light of understand- ing and one gives his vision of the incident and another his, and so on, and so it is with those who have recently passed over, so to speak. You harm those who have recently left the flesh body when you ask them to answer questions which they cannot truthfully and broadly give you. They can give you only that which they have gathered in their own consciousness, and that thru the light they gathered whilst in the flesh — but after a time, by repeated communication with the same individual 80 THE DESCENDING LIGHT spirit or entity, you will find a wonderful growth, a change in his thoughts. It is the broadening of his vision, it is the growth and cultivation of the inner spiritual vision for him. Now, it has been said by many who return that they eat and drink and they live much the same as man does in the flesh. So they do for a time, in their thought — in their thought — as one in a dream sometimes will eat, or thinks he eats. Many times there are those who have awakened after having partaken of a fine repast in their dreams and feel as satisfied almost as if they had really taken a meal in the flesh. So in this way as in your imagi- nation those who are very recently out of the flesh think they eat and drink. If they have given great thought to their meals while in the flesh they carry that strong inclination to satisfy the appetite of the physical body with them, and they can have the thought that they are eating and drinking — they are close to the earth — not because they are evil, no, but because their thought has not grown very far from the earth plane, and for a time they will stay very close to the earth, for these physical memories remain for a time. Frequently the first few times that some souls return to manifest after death, they reflect their last physical sensations upon the medium or in- strument thru whom they manifest. But this rarely happens if the flesh body has been cremated. When the last physical sensations of a soul are reflected upon the medium, it indicates that the soul in coming in contact with physical vibrations re- LIFE OF THE ASTRAL PLANE 81 calls the last physical sensations. This, however, is often a means of identification. Now, as man leaves the flesh body he merely casts off, so to speak, that instrument thru which the spirit and soul manifested during that stage of physical expression. After he has cast off this flesh body the same individuality exists. All his thoughts, his desires, his feelings of likes and dis- likes, feelings of hatred, avarice, selfishness, and all those qualities are a part of him if he has culti- vated them and allowed them to so much become a part of his individuality that he will cause another to recognize him by his characteristics. Can he shake them off with the physical body? Oh, no, he cannot put them in the grave, they live and are a part of his soul; they continue to live with him there until he comes into a clear realization of spiritual things. When he begins to realize that he is an eternal entity, that he must continue to live, that he must have more experiences, that he must go thru that same school of experience perhaps in another expression of life, then he begins to work to overcome those things which are detrimental to the spiritual growth of man. He must undo all that he has wrongfully done — there is no great mind going to say, "Your sins are all forgiven; they are all wiped away." No, but the Great God, the Great Source of all good makes every possible way for man to do this; great fields open up be- fore him, avenues broad and wide lie before him; but he must work himself thru them. No soul will carry him thru — each individual must do it for himself. 82 THE DESCENDING LIGHT And so how can you expect him who has just passed from the flesh body, whose mind is full of all thoughts of the earth, to tell you how they eat and drink and walk, and what they do and how they live. He can tell you how they live close to the earth plane as he has all the physical memories, desires and appetites, but to tell you what heaven is like, what the life over here is — it must be one who has shaken away all those physical memories. Some will overcome these immediately and they realize they are in a new life and at once they rise into the light of spirit. They find that the methods of keeping that new body, the astral body, are not by eating and drinking as man does in the flesh. But this new body must be nourished, and it is done, we will say, by drawing, absorbing from the atmosphere that force that you call electricity, only it is of a finer nature than what you know as elec- tricity. You have no conception of the difficulty one finds in bringing down into an object lesson, a clear picture of one life to him who expresses him- self in another — to bring out of the spirit world a vivid picture of their life to you is a more difficult task than you can imagine. Of all the many souls who return to tell you of the life over here, each has its own particular con- ception of it. Each can give forth to you his per- sonal experience and sensation, but as there are many individuals so each and every one senses the experiences thru which they pass perhaps a little differently; tho death is the severance of man's spirit from that clay body which has been the vehicle or the organ thru which he manifested just LIFE OF THE ASTRAL PLANE 83 during one of the various expressions or experi- ences thru which each individual must pass; one grade, we will say, of that school of experience thru which every soul in its growth passes, and thru that undeniable law of evolution man grows, refines and develops, unfolds, and steps eventually into another expression. When man awakens to the knowledge that he has another body so different from the one in which he was accustomed to manifest, he finds as he lifts his hand that it is so light — oh, the sensation is so hard to impart to you who have the weight of the physical — but it is strange to feel that lightness, to feel that nothing draws you down close to the earth, you can rise or fall, walk or glide, you can be where you desire to be instantly as quickly as the thought comes. It is not at first a beautiful sen- sation because that old memory, that thing which plunges you to earth, which dwells for many years perhaps in the consciousness of the soul after leav- ing the body, is fear. Fear never was born of the spirit; fear is the thing of earth gathered into the consciousness of man, and men, who have recently left their bodies, have that one thought, fear; and of what are they afraid? They cannot see as they have seen in the flesh body; they come into that realization that they know their friends and they know how they look, and can touch a thing without laying a hand on it. They see their thoughts, but they see without see- ing as you do ; they do not see the form of solidity, but they know it and that it is there. Harmony is of the spirit and until man outgrows 84 THE DESCENDING LIGHT or works away, we will say, out of these old vibrations, out of these old physical memories, he is bound in a sense to the earth plane — now I do not mean to say that he is an earth-bound spirit, but he is bound by those ties or memories close to the earth; then not staying constantly, we might say, close to the home, close to those whom he loved, he realizes the wondrous opportunities which lie before him. He must learn to live out of the flesh, he must learn to express himself thru that new body. Strange it seems to him that he feels so light and everything seems so plain to him. Things which always have seemed so deep or so mysterious are all now so clear to him. He can see into things and can understand them much better than when in the flesh body; then there comes to him the vivid and real visualization of all his earth expression, that quality of the soul, memory, awakens in him and brings before him vividly everything thru which he has passed in his earth expression. Then the question comes to him, "Where is my Master? Where is He who shall judge me? Where shall I find Him who is to pronounce the sentence which I thru my earth expression have brought upon my- self?" Some souls for years after leaving the body are searching and believing they are waiting for Him who shall appear to them as a man of the flesh, and bearing the same quality of body which they possess at the time, because they conceive, for a time, of no different vehicle than that thru which they express themselves. Souls who have believed LIFE OF THE ASTRAL PLANE 85 so strongly the old-time teachings, meaning that souls can be lost, and that their Master would come forth and judge them and cast them either into eternal punishment, or reward, have this thought so deeply impressed upon them that they live for years and years in that new life believing that such would come to pass, and they wait for an appear- ance of that God or Master who will judge them. Because of the old teachings, there are millions of souls today walking the earth who think they are waiting the day when they shall be cast into tor- ment, and they cannot get away from that thought until they receive the Holy Ghost. Now what is receiving the Holy Ghost? It is that reception of spiritual light — when you receive the holy spirit light which gives you the clear realization of the things of spirit. It is the spiritual awakening; receiving the Holy Ghost is when the holy spirit descends into your consciousness and comes forth with it an illuminated spirit; it is the knowledge which only the spirit can have and give and hold. To go back to the old-time way— a con- veying to man the things of spirit. But men have in their material conception of things so worked over and made over and reshaped and re-formed those truths until you would not recognize them were you to see them today and yesterday of the dark days. So you see what it means to imbue into the consciousness of the little child things which are before them, and tell them of the torment and such after death if they do not do just what you believe is right. Sometimes it takes many days, and sometimes 86 THE DESCENDING LIGHT weeks and sometimes months ; and it has been many many years before some souls awaken to the fact that the flesh body is gone, and yet they live and recognize those about them, those who are drawn to them thru love. So is it not time that man knows something, do you not think, of the experience thru which he must pass? How can these experiences be made clearer? How can we create for ourselves the condition which will prevent these conditions such as I have spoken to you? Now, I do not wish to convey to you that man should live entirely out of the physical expression in thought, but you can grow your souls and illuminate them with spiritual thought, aspiration, service, love; with all the things which reflect the God-head; and then when you step out of the physical into the spiritual you have builded a condition into which you will step and you have opened the way to your spiritual friends and others who have gone before that they may come more directly in touch with you. And the soul of him who lives spiritually during the physical expression, when he leaves the body he immediately rises and recognizes those about him as he sees them. If the flesh life has been spiritual and he has lived in holy memories of those who have gone be- fore, if they have communed, not in words, but in soul thought by spiritual meditation with those who have gone before in love, it is the perfecting or up- lifting and making more nearly perfect the souls of those with whom he comes in contact. He is mak- LIFE OF THE ASTKAL PLANE 87 ing a way, building a stairway of truth down which his loved ones can come to help him out of the body up into the light; and then it will seem so simple, this stepping from the physical into the new life. (Taken from trance lecture.) So many things have been said, so many things have been written in response to the questions asked which have made men ask in a stronger tone, "Do spirits really wear clothes?" This question is asked in a laughing way; it is asked in a serious way, and it is asked by those who really want to know. Now that spirit return has been proven beyond all doubt, men are anxious to know of the pleasures they have over there, of the garments they wear, and of their manner of living, and so on. So I thought perhaps you would like to hear something of this. As we have explained in previous lessons, upon leaving the world of flesh man begins just where he leaves this world — in thought. In thought he takes with him the knowledge he has acquired whilst here, all that he has gathered within his mentality is recorded upon the tablets of his memory; all the things which tend to make for him a soul, for the soul, as we have said before, holds all of all the experiences thru which man has passed. Every memory and all the thoughts are recorded and tend to the building and making of the soul of man. The soul and spirit are one and yet they are not the same because the spirit is that part of the Infinite which is you and the soul is that part of you which is composed of your personal experiences 88 THE DESCENDING LIGHT and thoughts which individualizes the spirit — the spark spirit — and makes that particular spark you. Now man has grown from his very first ex- pression in the physical to live and always clothe the physical body. In all nations, all peoples, all classes, they have their individual method of cloth- ing the body — and they have learned, too, to clothe the spiritual self, to cover it. Those who live entirely material lives, whose every thought is builded upon the conditions around them during the earth expression, whose every thought is builded upon the betterment of their physical expression, not spiritual but material, whose every thought is amusement and beautiful clothes — now, do you think that upon stepping into the new life all those thoughts will be obliterated? Decidedly not; for all the individual desires, and hopes and aspirations go with them and are a part of them. The astral world is close to the earth plane and so they are close to the earth. Whilst they wronged no man, did no wrong, yet they sent very little by their thought that would suggest spiritual things, they had no thought beyond the comfort and adornment of the flesh body. All their ambitions were composed of material things, and when these souls step into that other life, do you not think they would have solid memories to take with them of clothing and material pleasures? Yes, they carry them along when leaving the flesh body; their memories are so vivid that they clothe them- selves in memory's garments; they see and feel with the sense of memory; they remember the sen- sations of the physical body; they appear to one LIFE OF THE ASTBAL PLANE 89 another to be much the same as they Were in the physical; they hold so strongly this memory and they think they are much the same after death as they were in the flesh body. These are the souls who can and do so readily manifest; and you will see in all the writings, in all of the messages conveyed to the investigating mind of man, which tell of smoking and of dancing and of the amusements over here which are just the same as in the material world — it is from souls who have very recently left the physical body, not those who have learned to live the life in the spiritual world, the spiritual life, not those who have shaken away the physical memories and taken on the new expression in its fullness. It is from those who are still living in the solid memory of their physical expression whose whole thought world was composed of fine clothing and the things which amused them — and into that they step. But after a time there is silence, so far as com- munication from that soul is concerned — not that they are lost from their loved ones, but that they are penetrating the wall between the earthy ex- pression of memories and the spiritual, and a new expression of life opens up to them. They see the wondrous beauty of the spiritual life and they rise out of the solid expression into a finer, more real life where they can see and know. Where they can feel the call of the soul to service; where they can know the meaning of the wrong and the good which they have done; where they can hear the call to service either there or back to earth to teach man that he is eternal, that the eternal part of him is 90 THE DESCENDING LIGHT not the physical, to teach him how to clothe the spiritual part of himself. Then as that soul returns and comes closer to the earth plane vibration there comes upon him the realization that man could not clasp hands or speak to man unclothed, until minds have risen out of the physical thoughts which call for the covering of the physical body, adornment or protection, and as he comes close to the vibration of those who are psychic ethereally there is brought to them what would appear to the physical eye as a vapor like substance. The souls who have progressed out of the solid memory of the physical into a finer light of spirit, as they reduce to take on your thoughts in the coarser vibration of the physical and to appear in all spirituality, they are clothed in a vapor which is gathered from the atmosphere — ethereal. The souls who have returned and spoken to you or have written to you telling of the great amuse- ments and the smoking and eating the same as upon the earth plane, and of the garments they wear, are those who have recently left the physical body and have not penetrated the walls beyond. They have only learned that it is possible to reach you and that it is possible for them to walk and to talk and they live in the memory of their eating, etc. A habit acquired in the flesh is hard to over- come because memory and all your characteristics are with you; and this accounts for many souls re- turning to you and saying, "Why, yes, we smoke over here." They do not smoke literally speaking, but they have their old tendencies to these things LIFE OF THE ASTRAL. PLANE 91 and live so entirely in the memory of their life in the physical; they have all the sensations of the flesh for a time, until they become illuminated spiritually and begin to see the broad, vast possi- bilities before them in the field of thought. The Great Over-Soul reflects into their souls and they come into a realization of how limited are the things of earth. Souls have returned and said, "Yes, we drink wine over here." That is a part of their thought world, the home of their soul, it is merely memory. And it is memory, the great subconscious mind, that reveals to you after death every deed and every thought thru which you passed — not one of them can you close your eyes upon — then you behold the fruits of this, and of that, and 'tis that that haunts you; it is with you everywhere, it is a part of the home of your soul, and you live thru it with the understanding of what it really means. In your dreams you may pass thru a whole week's experience; you will have experiences in your mind and you will talk and when you waken you find you have been sleeping for only ten minutes. Now all these things in your subcon- scious mind are just as real to you and pass as quickly as those in your dreams; but it is a reali- zation of everything. It brings to you their posi- tive proof that your life has amounted to something whether it is a help to you or whether it is a cause of sorrow, it remains to meet you when you step into that soul's home. So when they tell you they drink and they smoke, know that they are coming from a lower realm of 92 THE DESCENDING LIGHT expression than you would desire to reach. Instead of delving into that realm, aspire to reach that soul and lead him into the light of spirit, for even though he has sinned there are good qualities within that soul and which are a part of his home over there, so strive to reach him thru that until eventually he has risen out of the old appetites which are so limited. There are those who return and say, "I always wanted to travel, and I do." There are times out of the home of the soul when you will take a flight, not as you would in the material walk from your home, but you will visit other homes and see what has become of their lives and this inspires you with a desire to do, and the way to overcome and re- build the soul's home which is builded of wrong doing is to return to the earth plane and serve your fellow-man. Though you in the physical have the power to think and send forth the power behind the thought, you cannot know the solidity of some thoughts as they leave your consciousness. Thoughts are in- deed things, indiscernible to the physical, for dur- ing the physical expression man is in a preparatory state, so to speak, preparing and growing into that vibration where it is possible for him to discern thru the sense of thought. And so they do for a time take into their con- sciousness, into themselves, food. Have you not (some of you have, some of you have not) lived thru an experience in your imagination 1 ? The imagination is a reflection of the language of the soul; and if your vivid imaginations of which you LIFE OF THE ASTRAL PLANE 93 speak are so pronounced, in some of you it is be- cause the soul responds to the unseen world and the many vibrations about you are recorded in your consciousness, tho you cannot comprehend it. And so those who have never builded a thought home in that expression beyond the physical, all their thought world is in close alliance to the physical, they have builded it entirely of the solid material thought and into this they step upon leaving the flesh body. Why does the soldier return in his uniform, or others in the garments which you remember having seen them while in the physical! Because in past years as the world beyond the physical in their endeavor to penetrate the wall between and con- vince man in the flesh of the reality of life and the truth of spirit return would present those whom you have called departed and they must clothe themselves in memory's garments; and that they may be recognized by you they appear to the in- strument thru which they manifest in the garments in which you very clearly remember having seen them. During their expression over there for a time after leaving the flesh they are clothed in memory's garments, but upon the penetrating of the finer curtain between the spiritual and strong reflections of the physical, they find a clearer vision of things ; they know that it is not the adornment of the physical, it is not the adornment of the outer ex- pression, but it is the glimpse within, bringing forth into expression the beauties of the soul. And 94 THE DESCENDING LIGHT then as they return to you, you will find their messages all contain love and service. When a soul returns and says, "I have a beauti- ful dress," it has the physical memory and it is clothed with it, the little world that soul builded in thought. When you read books which tell you of their homes and the experiences like those in the physical, know that it is true — but would you de- sire this? Or would you not desire to have a home of the real spiritual quality into which you can step upon discarding the physical body? Man is eternal — there is no end — and all things physical, all things imperfect thru physical thought or mental thought destructive, ends; will fall away and then the eternal spiritual man will ascend thru encircling darkness into the light. Yes, spirits wear clothes of their own thoughts, of their own thought world, clothes to adorn the physical, and then to return to you physically, they adorn the outer body, the astral body, for the pleasure or satisfaction of minds in the physical, but in spirit they clothe the soul with beauty, with service, with love. So let us see, as we see in our ascension the manifestation of the spirit, and we will know them not by their physical appearance but by their souls, their thoughts and their deeds. May you find the way which leads you thru the density of that life immediately across the plane where you will take all your physical memories. Go thru them for your physical experience in the physical body but build a highway thru those memories into a spiritual light, for there you will find yourself upon leaving LIFE OF THE ASTRAL, PLANE 95 the flesh body, in the thought world which you in your life have created. Spirits wear clothes — the spirits of you wear clothes; clothed in the thoughts of you. If they are spiritual and pure, or if they are earthly and un- clean, they are woven by your own individuality. May you live and learn and walk and grow and ascend into the eternal light of spirit. The law of life draws the souls to the realms to which they belong. They are assembled in groups, they can visit any realm they desire. They can go into another realm as missionaries where they sow the seeds of light and truth; and they help some souls to waken spiritually, but they cannot live there for any length of time, they can stay only for a short time— this is the great law of life; all are assembled in the place where they belong. Know that if you have cramped within you the Godspark so that it is dreary, cloudy, and there is nothing but smoke which seems to come forth, it is because you have made it so. But there is no individual whose qualities are such but that that inner spark, that Godspark, can be touched and illuminated and be brought forth. It can be stirred ; it can be touched upon thru the mind. And it some- times lies at rest until the individual himself finds it, and when he has found his Godspark he grows more rapidly and touches and illuminates all lives with whom he comes in contact. There are lives filled with dark shadows whose real individuality has been marred by their strong 96 THE DESCENDING LIGHT suggestive thought — these are the souls who find great difficulty when leaving the flesh body. Now I do not say that their loved ones do not meet them, but if they are not in the same vibration, then they will stand alone. You can stand alone even though you are among a large gathering of people, because your thoughts are in a different channel; they are not in the same thought realm that you are. And so the individual soul as it passes from the body in such a state will not be alone practically speaking, but when the realization comes, they practically stand alone until they have builded their own individuality to such a degree that they can ascend into spirit, and there they find every oppor- tunity to unfold and bring forth that spirit, the Godspark within. It has been said that those who return and mani- fest in their astral bodies are not good. I grieve for those who have that thought; because I know that they do not know the truth. There are pure souls in the flesh, yes, and when they step into the astral, do you think they would pass thru that stage without manifesting? No, because the law of evo- lution is everlasting and inevitable; therefore, it is a stage of expression, it is a stage of evolution; it is a part of man's expression, a part of ihe making of him to His image and likeness; he must pass thru all these different stages of evolution, of growth and expression until that day comes which cannot be counted by the physical, nor can it be known by them, but into that day he eventually comes. LIFE OF THE ASTRAL PLANE 97 , Do you not realize that yon must learn to use a new body? You must learn to nourish that body and not by the same process or manner in which and thru which you take care of the physical. One cannot plunge into it and manifest perfectly and be in every sense of the word, at home. You must learn, you must pass thru every stage of it. When man is taken suddenly from the physical expression of life into spirit expression then you have the earth-bound soul, thru that law of gravity which draws close to it that which does belong to it and which belongs to this planet until that soul has ripened to that degree where it can rise into a higher thought realm. All souls are not ripe when they pass away, neither are they thru with the physical expression, but if the physical body be- comes too weak to hold it, just as nature brings forth everything as it should be at its proper time, that astral body is just strong enough to gather to- gether and it can manifest close enough to the earth plane to take it and gather the earth experience thru which it must pass. This body, the astral, carries the physical memories and desires and appetites and thoughts. A man who is weak, filled with that undesirable appetite for intoxicants, craves it and in his last moments begs for it and you give it to him; he passes from that body and he still lives. Was it that piece of clay that wanted it? No, the clay body did not want it, it was he who wanted it; it became a part of his mind and he craved it and continues to crave it. This is why many poor, weak minded people are drawn into that realm of thought thru environments and such 98 THE DESCENDING LIGHT because these hungry souls crave it within their astral bodies and ask for it; seek for one who will drink for them. This is an absolute truth; and not only with drink, but with other weaknesses. These weaknesses are so imbued into that astral body that just for a time that astral body is drawn close to the earth plane because the individual who mani- fests thru it is desirous of coming in touch with some one who is weak as he was, so that he can gather the taste, for the taste is still there, all senses are so pronounced for a time, but only for a time. But as the spirit grows and the things of spirit become clearer and the things of God become visible to them, the earthy lower desires drop away. That soul is still in the astral body but manifests from a higher realm into a higher service. But where they come to serve and aid, (and in- variably these are the ones who will come to help and to lift their fallen brothers who were like them) they will serve those whom they know are undeveloped and weak as they were. We are still speaking of the astral body when we speak of those who manifest, since it is the astral body which holds the strong reflections of those appetites and desires. Therefore, it would be well to begin to build up a perfect astral body — I do not urge you to think of the astral body and no higher, but make your de- sires pure, your thoughts pure, and serve humanity. When all the thoughts are of spirit, will not this become imbued into the astral body and will it not return to do these things! Yes, just as thru those LIFE OF THE ASTBAL PLANE 99 desires which are not good, this is true largely of those desires which are good. When man discovers that he has a new body, another body which is very easy to handle or thru which to manifest, then there comes before his con- sciousness the yesterdays, the memories — for three things will meet man upon that day — the yesterday, the today and the tomorrow. Yesterday, with its lost opportunities and mistakes; its cold material thoughts interwoven with selfishness and thought- lessness — today, with its fear and apprehension, its doubt and hesitancy — tomorrow, into which he can see and look and visualize. And then he sees so far into that tomorrow that he cannot conceive of the things therein for him; but in his spiritual growth and aspiration he delves into it — and grows spiritually into the tomorrow. CHAPTEE in. PERSONAL EXPERIENCES ON THE ASTRAL PLANE. (We trust our readers will find this chapter both interest- ing and instructive; and that it will be accepted as absolute proof and truth coming from the souls who have passed into a realization of spirit, who are in touch with the great Over- Soul, who would not stoop to deceive their fellow-men in the flesh. These personal messages were given to different classes of "Circles of Light" during the course of lessons which are per- sonally conducted by the higher intelligences (great minds who have passed out of the flesh but still working for the uplift- ment of humanity) and were given in a clear and loud voice so that the stenographer in an adjoining room was able to make a complete and accurate verbatim report of the different lessons. The spirit teachers permitted these individual souls to manifest as object lessons.) (1) (A former evangelist, Rev. J- I was informed tonight that this was to be a missionary meeting, so I have come here to speak to you. I appreciate the invitation and I hope that at some time in the future I may be able to assist you in your work. I am no orator, never was a fluert speaker, but I have with me a message I would like to impart to you. I would like to tell you just exactly the condition I found myself in when I left the body because I know that all man- PERSONAL. EXPERIENCES ON THE ASTRAL PLANE 101 kind hungers for this knowledge. I know that the very first question that man asks about the other life is, "I wonder how it seems to die. I wonder how it will seem when I die and leave this body." And so I believe that the first message that I shall give you tonight will be my experience beginning at my death. While this may not be as scientific or as deep as I heard the gentleman preceding me say, yet I feel that it will be interesting to you and that it will give you some knowledge of the conditions which' exist in every moment and every second of the day and night. Constantly there are souls leaving the body, and always are they having their own indi- vidual experiences; but, first, I think it will be necessary for me to tell you something of my belief, something of my thoughts, something of my life and of my environment when in the material body. I was born of poor parents ; I was the only son, and my parents were old in years when I came into their life, and so I had very few opportunities — and at a very tender age I was cast out into the world to find my own way. And this, I think, is a very good thing for boys and girls, for it brings to them strength of character and independence. However, I went out into the world ignorant of her ways. I educated myself a little, so that I was able to mingle with my fellow-men; and I was attracted to just such a place as you have in your city today, the evangelistic services.* I was converted, and I taught the people that expression of light, and I *This message came thru during the Billy Sunday meetings at Buffalo. 102 THE DESCENDING LIGHT lived in it and walked in it, in so far as I could see, or feel or know. I prepared myself for the ministry and at the age of 35 I had a congregation, and there I led my little flock with what I thought to be the truth, and they bore the banner of "Fear the Lord" — these were my words and these were the words I meant and believed to be the proper staff for man. But as the years went by I began to feel a presence about me; I could not ex- plain it ; I believed that I was having some peculiar nervous affection. I believed that sometimes I was out of my mind — I could not conceive of why I should have such peculiar thoughts, which seemed to come to me in conference as I sat in my study to prepare my sermons, and distinctly I remember one afternoon, as I was working over my books and the Bible, of which I was a great student by this time, I felt a hand softly placed upon my shoulder and I was filled with genuine fear. Friends, I can- not explain to you the fear that possessed me, as I heard these words spoken to me, "We are coming to take you away." I knew no more until I found myself in bed, a sick man — and as those words did come directly, to my memory it seemed that at some time and somewhere I had heard that voice before. I could not connect it with my mother's, I could connect it with no one, and yet it was a familiar voice. Friends, my mortal body never rose from that bed — and they told me that I must die. Oh, that I might lift from the souls of mankind that terrible fear of death — friends, I think there is nothing equal to this fear. Staring me in the face was the PERSONAL EXPERIENCES ON THE ASTRAL PLANE 103 positive and the actual fact that I must die ; I must meet this God of Wrath, in whom I taught and led men to believe. Now I must meet Him and I felt sure that he would cast me down into the depths of hell because I had not done more for mankind — I had become so involved in this fear, and I knew not why. Then there came upon me one morning, as my family were assembled about my bed, a strange presence. Again I felt that hand, this time upon my brow, and these were the words I heard, "Fear not, fear not; we have come to take you home." And then as I tried to speak to my family, I found that my tongue did not move, my lips did not move, I could not speak ; I could see them as they seemed ts speak to me, but I could not hear them, and still I could hear away in the distance the sound of song and music ; and then I seemed to be lifted from the bed ; and I was filled with renewed strength ; I tried to say I was well, but they seemed not to hear me, but they sank upon their knees and wept — and there, behold ! upon the bed lay my body — then I knew that I was dead, and again that terrible fear came upon me. I wanted to go back — I couldn't go away— "Oh, Lord, spare me that I may do more than I have done for my fellow-men." I prayed, I wept, but there came upon my ears nothing but silence — then I slept and upon awakening, I found myself in darkened space — fear was gone but I felt a weakness. Again I heard a voice — it was that familiar voice saying, "Thou art not alone," and behold! before me stood that form and that face I had seen in my dreams so many times, but whose name I never knew. She placed her hand upon my 104 THE DESCENDING LIGHT shoulder and received me in open arms — I met my mother ; I felt her kiss, her hand, and I knew it was my mother's. I now recognized loving and familiar faces; and then there came into my arms my babe whom I loved and of whom I was the father- — and then I knew that I had passed into the heaven of truth. Once again came upon me that fear. "Oh, mother," I said, "When am I to appear before God?" She said, "Son, fear not, your God will speak to your soul. He is within you now." Then I passed into what seemed to be a gray dawn, it wasn't blackness, it wasn't light, but it was like a gray dawn. I felt a presence, and all about me seemed to be emptiness until there came upon me one grand and glorious light, and the dawn seemed to bring to me a something which I cannot explain to you now. It seemed to open and I saw a perfect landscape; every blade of grass was perfect, and each flower was of a perfection — indescribable to the mortal mind. I heard a voice which said, "Walk along this pathway, brother; you must im- part to the consciousness of man, light not fear; and until you have told the truth, until you have felt the truth, and know that God is the Spirit of Love and Perfect Light, you will find much for you to do." Then I seemed to pass into silence, and I slept; and in the next chapter I found myself in my read- ing room, in the pulpit, and there I tried to speak to my people ; but alas ! they heard me not. There stood one who had taken my place, and he, too, was telling them of the wrath of God, and who would PERSONAL EXPERIENCES ON THE ASTRAL PLANE 105 meet them and cast them into punishment. Oh! I cannot tell you how hard I tried to tell him what a terrible mistake he was making. He did not hear me and did not know that I was there, but I waited and watched and longed, hoping that some time I would be able to tell him. So, Sunday after Sun- day, I stood upon the platform with him; and one day one of my little Sunday school girls was called upon to speak her experience, and thru her I spoke to them, and told them that I was not dead; that I still lived and that God is Love. Oh, how I thank you for this chance to speak to you. God bless you, my friends, Good night. (2) Good evening, friends : I met with some difficulty coming in here tonight. I feel that perhaps you had better help the soul here who tried to hinder my entrance — a gentleman who thinks he is doing right, for he always felt that it is not right for the laymen to investigate along these lines. He was a priest in the material expression of life, and he passed away only a short time ago, and as he thinks it is wrong for the laymen to investigate spirit re- turn, he endeavored to hinder my entrance into your circle. I will ask you to pray for his soul, and I shall pray with you. (Class prays for the enlightenment of this soul.) Thank you, friends, thank you. Now, it is not that I thought that the gentleman was not as pure and good as any soul who ever walked in the flesh or out of it, but it was that he receive a clearer vision and a clearer light. 106 THE DESCENDING LIGHT (Class in unison, "God bless you.") I have been trying to manifest for some time and because of his vibration and mine being very much the same, he hindered my entrance — however, only by his thinking that he was doing good. He felt that it was his duty to prevent spirit manifestation. However, he will become enlightened. I had investigated spiritual communication and spirit return for a great many years before I left the flesh body; I made a study of that for almost 20 years previous to my transition, and so I feel right at home when I come into your midst. (Class in unison, "You are welcome, friend.") Thank you, that is a feeling of encouragement; I feel your welcome — I felt the unspoken welcome upon my entrance, but you have a work to perform, rather a duty, in helping those who are passing out of the flesh with that thought. They have believed that it was wrong for spirits to return to men and women who were not of the clergy. Therefore, they are returning and endeavoring by every pos- sible means and methods to prevent the spirit manifestations, because they believe that it is not right. Now, the thing for you to do is to send a prayer for them; for their enlightenment; that justice and that right will come into its own and that nothing but that which is right shall come about. And I tell you this, brothers and sisters, (I am going to call you that) you will find that spirit return will grow stronger and stronger thru all the years to come. It has been said that the things of God will live and that the things which were not of God PEKSONAL EXPERIENCES ON THE ASTRAL PLANE 107 shall not live. Now, spirit return has been thru all the ages — since man has had intelligence, since man has grown spiritually, and therefore it is of God, or it would have long since passed into oblivion. Is this not correct? It is very plain today that it is a thing of God, and it is rising out of all the prejudice and ignorance and manifesting every- where. Thru all the stages of man's growth spiritually and thru all the stages of man's unfoldment, it has been evident in the histories which man reads and yet cannot find the real meaning therein, there has been the proof of manifestations of spirit return. The voices coming from the unknown have guided souls in all walks of life, and in your books upon your shelves you will find records of this. But, to- day, a universal knowledge of this is being gathered into the consciousness of man. He has reached that stage of spiritual growth where he knows this is so. Now, this gentleman who came here tonight, in all the goodness of his soul, prayed that I would be prevented from entering your room tonight. He says it is a thing of God, not to be touched upon by the laymen — that laymen must always be led by the ecclesiast. But you must send your thought to this soul because in his misunderstanding and mis- conception of the Great God, and the idea within his consciousness that it is wrong, he is making efforts to prevent manifestation in various fields and thru various avenues. He will not succeed, however, because anything of God is bound to come into manifestation before all else, no matter how strong a detriment and a 108 THE DESCENDING LIGHT prevention one may be, and with your clear con- ception of Truth there is bound to be a more rapid growth of the wonderful cause to which I dedicated my thought before I passed — and continue to give it today. I attach myself to no one in particular, but I come to all conscientious searchers who walk along the roadway of spirit return and spirit communion. 1 leave you now, God bless you. (3) Good evening, friends: Repeatedly I have been with you, but very often I find that it is impossible to speak. When I was here about a week ago, I couldn't make a sound. Perhaps the medium was not present at that time. But I have come to greet you once again as I promised I would call occasionally since I left the physical; also I have visited countless places open for spirit communion since I last visited you. The desire always has been, and it is all the stronger today, to prove to humanity that spirit re- turn is a fact. I realize that you are unable to see me, and, therefore, it is required of me to give you my name. It was W S . However, after awhile here the names that we carried or rather get there, amount to very little here. We are known here by our vibration, by our influence, by our thought. Therefore, it is by our appearance that we are known, for the appearance to the soul or to the spirit is not as the appearance of the physical body to the physical eye. It is very much as your conception is as you become acquainted PERSONAL EXPERIENCES ON THE ASTRAL PLANE 109 with them. Your thought of them is in their per- son or physical appearance, and it is the per- sonality, the characteristics, which impress yon, which yon hold in your consciousness as your knowledge of them, and so it is here. We know each other because we can sense their real selves, the real meaning, the real person, and in that way the name slides away from us. That is why a great many spirits who have been away from the earth plane for a great length of time are not giving their names. This causes in- vestigators whose minds are still very limited be- cause of not having gathered a great deal of knowl- edge from the spirit world, to doubt the message, and because of the spirit being unable to give his earth name the mind in the physical expression thinks that it is not good. Now the lesson that I propose to give you tonight is along these particular lines. It is very wise, in- deed, when the message is conveyed to you directly or personally, to demand to know from whom it comes. But when a message is conveyed to man- kind in general, holds a universal thought, a uni- versal message, it is needless to know the name of the intelligence behind that message because a name is given for the very shortest period of man's ex- pression in life — that is the physical expression. This explains very clearly why how very frequently a spirit returns as a guide and guardian or helper, and gives a name which is a symbol, or as a thought, and it holds within it, for instance, hope, faith, love, and such words which are used by the spirit very frequently, when man demands to know 110 THE DESCENDING LIGHT who is the spirit or intelligence behind the message. Now this does not in any way cover the personal messages conveyed to you directly from your friends, because it is the very beginning of the in- vestigative field of thought, that man knows from whom he receives the message, and to whom he is speaking. But very frequently a spirit, long since disembodied returns to the earth plane with a uni- versal message, with a far reaching message to all humanity; and he has so far grown away from the name, or the memory of it, that it is some time after they have come into your vibration that they are able to recall even the memory of a name. So very often they are mistaken for masquerading spirits when they are not. There are, I am sorry to say, many spirits on the lower realms desirous of manifesting, and if man has not been first prepared by knowing the laws and protective forces, which I understand you have been taught, and along which lines I know that you have been very much enlightened, it would be dan- gerous for one to enter the field of investigation for the purpose of spirit communion. During my investigation along this line in the physical I found very much difficulty in proving the identity of those from whom I received messages, and I determined a short time after I left the body to investigate along these lines, and find out why it was so many times very hard to find out the name or hear it or to bring it forth. The more rapidly man progresses away from the physical expression after passing from the body, the more rapidly he will outgrow the memory of that earth name. It is be- PERSONAL EXPERIENCES ON THE ASTRAL PLANE 111 cause a very small fraction of man's existence has been spent in that limited thought upon the earth plane, the very tiniest part of his life is in the physical where he has been given that name. But for a direct personal message, always de- mand the name. If it is a universal thought which holds in it the thought of the upliftment and help- ing of all mankind, then it may be the blending to- gether of various minds, and that message may not be conveyed from one mind, but from a group, a great group, while working in that realm endeavor- ing to bring down to the physical mind of man, or to the mortal world of man, so to speak, that mes- sage. Now I hope this is a little help along the line of investigation. I have learned also that it is pos- sible for man to manifest in a seance room when his body and he are still together, but they can only manifest thru the organism of a medium. Very often a message is conveyed independently by the spirit of one who is still with them, or who is still in direct line with their body, but thru a mind in direct line with them and the instrument. These manifestations cause a very confusing condition; therefore, it behooves man in his investigation to learn much of the laws of psychology studying the power of the mind incarnate that you may be able to discern the message conveyed to you from the dis- embodied intelligence and that conveyed to you from the mind carnate. There are some of you who are giving great thought to the building and rebuilding of the physical body. I am sorry to say that I must leave for want of more voice sound. Good night. 112 THE DESCENDING LIGHT (4) The following is a message from the spirit of Damon, an Egyptian slave. The question might arise how did this soul so long out of the flesh know the English language, so we asked the spirit teacher to explain, and his explanation follows: "A soul long out of the flesh whose greater and clearer ex- periences have been in the other life, upon returning to mani- fest can draw the language (thru which to convey the message) from the minds of the students in the flesh. "Many souls years and years out of the flesh would find no more difficulty in speaking a modern tongue than their own. It is the thought which they give through any language familiar to the students gathered." Good evening, my friends : May I have the privi- lege of telling you some of the things I have learned? I dare say it would be of little benefit to tell you the name I bore whilst there; but Damon was my name when I dwelt on the earth plane, many, many miles away from here. I was a poor slave during my material life, and I had no opportunity to learn or to inquire into the things my soul so craved to know. My greatest desire was to learn, to know some- thing beyond the humdrum life I lived. I wished to travel and see and learn and know, and since I have left that material life I have learned, I have trav- eled, and I know more, but I feel that there is still much to learn; and ever and ever we will find that we have yet more to learn. On the material plane, when opportunity permitted me, I would sit and dream and wonder if the beautiful stars seemingly in the heavens then above me were inhabited. I used to think that perhaps I might be able to reach these wondrous lights and know whether they were PERSONAL EXPERIENCES ON THE ASTRAL PLANE 113 merely lights or worlds. I used to think, but I know not why I thought, that death would some time re- lease me ; then I could soar to these stars and know. Now, since I left the material plane, never until the last few years, have I had the slightest desire to return ; but now I find, and I sense the vibration coming from the enlightened minds of men asking for this knowledge my own soul so desired. I find those here who spend hours in a closed room asking enlightment. So I come by the kind invitation of your teachers to tell you something I have learned. The death of my natural body and the beginning of my spiritual life was brought about by the cruel hand of the unenlightened master. He, in his un- developed mind, felt it was necessary to keep under his control the slaves and thus thru his ignorance his hand smote me unto death. But out of the dark- ness came a light and to me this was a grand awak- ening; to know that I bore no man's burden but my own — and I found that every burden meekly borne is a mountain of strength. I found that man was or is his own master, and that man is free to learn and seek, and help others. After leaving my body there was a time which to me was and is a blank, but upon waking out of this comatose condition I felt a freedom — and friends, would you believe it? it filled me with fear for I had never experienced the sensation of being free and my own master. However, this sensation was short, then there came a realization that freedom was mine, and I recalled that desire to travel. I at- tempted to travel and it was not a pleasure to me because I had first to be educated or to progress 114 THE DESCENDING LIGHT to a stage of unfoldment where I could understand the laws. It did not mean only going from one place to another, but it meant learning the lives and the conditions of the people of those parts. Slowly I began to realize and to gain knowledge. My great desire to know brought me thought force and I visited all parts of your planet, yet there was that strong desire to know the others as well. But I found that before I could reach Mars, I must reach a certain stage of progression. I will explain to you friends, as clear as it is possible for me to do so, that surrounding your planet, or our planet, (for I was one of you) are the disembodied souls whose lives have been spent upon your planet — and so it is — as spiritual light is acquired we progress, and it becomes possible to travel farther away from the earth plane. Then we find visiting us all the seekers of light from other planes. Now I will tell you the little I have learned of Mars. So far, friends, I have learned that this planet is larger* and older than ours, and, therefore, has reached a higher state of development — they have progressed far beyond the earth people. I find that it is peopled with those who have passed thru a wonderful spiritual progression. During their de- velopment they have passed thru much the same conditions as the inhabitants of your planet. They, too, have had warring countries; they, too, have passed thru the age where there were hundreds of doctrines and many conceptions of God, where their minds were confused and they knew not what to believe. ♦Greater — in view of its development. PERSONAL EXPERIENCES ON THE ASTRAL PLANE 115 They have passed thru all these conditions and have risen above them. They were animal eaters — which is wrong — they have passed that stage. When man has ceased to eat flesh it is more possible to bring out his spiritual development. They live entirely upon fruits and vegetables. There are very few animals upon that planet and they are domes- ticated — there are no wild animals, but there have been. The land belongs to all men; each has his own little part which he desires, no more. Children are born only thru harmony and desire. Their teachers are all disembodied spirits; their schools are circles like yours; they receive their teachings thru independent voice and independent writings. I am one of the silent listeners as you have been, seeking knowledge to carry it to others — I am learn- ing. May I come again? I have much more to tell you but your material strength seems to come to me less freely; but I did not realize that I was drawing so much of your material strength. I am sorry to have tired you. Good night. (5) Good evening, friends : May I ask you to sing for me? (Class sings). I thank you. Upon entering your room tonight I was informed that it was mis- sionary night, or in other words, that I might be admitted to speak to you. For this privilege I thank you. I suppose you all recognize me upon hearing me speak. I have visited you upon previous oc- casions and the last time I was with you I promised you I would return and bring you some of the light I had acquired, tho perhaps very little. 116 THE DESCENDING LIGHT The first time I visited you (I think it was your little group or if it was not this group it was a similar one) I was so overwhelmed with the realiza- tion that it was possible for me to speak, to direct- ly present to you an audible message, that my words were very much disconnected. Tonight I come to you as one of you. I, too, am a student of light, and I have been very close to you and to those dis- embodied members of your circle until I quite feel that I can clasp your hands and say, brothers and sisters. ' Upon one occasion I visited you and spoke, and you promised me and I promised you that we would join hands and do that work which would tend to the upliftment of mankind. I come to you now, urging you to help me to rectify some of the state- ments I made while in the body. True, many of my thoughts, many of the words I sent out into the universe, were thoughts born in my consciousness from minds out of the body — tho I knew it not. But intermingled with those thoughts were the thoughts which I had acquired in my study as I prepared for the ministry. That I can speak to you I know will be very much criticized and very bitterly denied by many great minds today, perhaps by those who personally knew me whilst in the body, and for their benefit I will say this : I shall speak personally to many who will bitterly criticise the statements I am about to make. That the spirits return, I am here to prove; that man holds his individuality, I am here to prove; that the new day will bring direct communication from one world to the other, I am here to prove ; that PERSONAL EXPERIENCES ON THE ASTRAL PLANE 117 my work is unfinished and I have yet much to do, I am here to prove that P B lives, I am here to say, forever and for all eternity. (6) Good evening : I have not long to stay, but I have come tonight to thank you for your help. I promised to return to you and tonight I have that privilege. I am continuing the study of the mind and environ- ment, but it is difficult to find just the proper chan- nel thru which to carry back to the earth plane the knowledge as I acquire it here, but if you will bear with me, I hope that I may be able to carry thru your channel some light, some knowledge, some facts, as I acquire and gather them here. Since my last visit to you I have visited many channels thru which it was possible for me to come in touch with the mortal plane. And here I will say that in various parts of your planet today there are coming into existence and being developed many doorways thru which it will be possible for us to penetrate and in the audible voice, but they are far apart in every instance. (6a) Friends, I have passed thru the pangs of death and know what it is to fear. I lived in mortal terror of death ; but, behold, the portals swung wide and I had no need to fear. I beheld my mother standing there, I knew her, and knew that I was safe and that I would live again. I found no Grod of wrath wait- ing to send me into eternal torment — I deny the ex- istence of any such being. 118 THE DESCENDING LIGHT God is love, God is spirit, God is harmony, God is in everything that lives. One is here whose name is Christopher. These are the words he sends. ' ' Here there are no nations — there is no line that divides. There are no enemies to him who seeks thru the light of God, the spiritual light in God. We live in God; we die in God; we serve; and across the river we will join hands. There are no enemies. (6b) Good evening, friends, my name is W P . I have been away from the earth plane for a long while and have been studying for the work for some time. I have been in what we call the school of pro- gression preparing for work of this kind, but I am not yet fitted to take charge, but, however, I will in time. (7) Object Lesson on Cremation. (Spirit Voice) : You are having some kind of a meeting here — what kind of a meeting is it? (Class) : This is a spiritual research class — we are searching into the spiritual realms for informa- mation. (Spirit) : Do you want me to tell you some- thing? I had a son ; and when he was a baby he had a fall which injured his spine. It did not affect him in appearance, but it did affect his body. He came over here before I did, but he told me all about it. When he came over here, every time he thought of PERSONAL EXPERIENCES ON THE ASTRAL PLANE 119 his old body, his astral body would feel stiff the same as that body of his on the earth plane did, and he had that feeling until that body on the earth was entirely gone. Now, if you can explain that, do so, and I will tell you what I found out about it. (Class gives individual opinions). (Spirit) : Yes, just as long as that earth body lias form it reflects on our body here. It reflects on our astral body — call it that — they got names over here I never heard before. ^ (Member of class asks if it would not be better to dispose of bodies by cremation). (Spirit) : There you are — it would have been a great deal better if that old body of mine had been burned. I can't help but take a look at it once in awhile. I don't think of it, but I have to take a look at it 'occasionally because 1 am interested in it and I can't help having a feeling for it. I suffered a good deal from cancer — oh, how I did suffer, and every time I see or sense that body I feel that can- cer, yes I do. Now, I won't have any trouble like that after that body has gone back to earth, not at all — that is what they tell me over here. (Class tells him to stay away from that old body, not to think of it). (Spirit) : Oh, I just as soon watch the old thing — it can't last forever, you know, and I can, so I might as well have it as long as it lasts, and may be I can teach somebody something. You know it is not always the one that talks the best or has the best flow of English who can give you the best lesson — you know that. 120 THE DESCENDING LIGHT (Class offers to send him their good thoughts). (Spirit) : Oh, don't bother about that; however, I would appreciate them. (Class explains the power of thought). (Spirit) : I would like that all right — you know that there is something in thought. I used to have more fun with my daughter — she was always tell- ing me to have a good thought and things would be all right. I used to get sick and tired of it, but I have found out that there is a great deal in it. But I used to get sick and tired of this "thought" business, "just think you are all right" — when I had a pain in my stomach something terrible. But I find that thoughts are things, and there is a great deal in the thinker. Now I will tell you something about this — people can have their Sunday thoughts and their Monday thoughts and their everyday thoughts, but it is the people who have their good thoughts every day who get in tune with the best. You know life is a big thing ; it is a big problem and the best thinker is the man who plays the best tune. Well, I must be going now, good bye. (8) Good evening, friends : I wonder if I may come in and talk to you. Perhaps I can tell you some- thing. (Class welcomes him). I don't know any of you people here but I am just a common man. Perhaps if I should tell you that my name is George Washington I would be more than welcome, but I am not; I am only just a common everyday man. I have been wanting to come back for a long time because I wanted to tell you, or somebody, about PERSONAL EXPERIENCES ON THE ASTRAL PLANE 121 what it is to die. You know I had a terrible fear of death. I thought when I died I was going straight to hell, because I never went to church very much, and so when I came to die I did not feel very comfortable, but I died and I have come back to tell you something about it. You know when they used to tell me about hell, I thought it was a great place where they kept tumbling us all in and we kept on burning — but I found there is a hell all right, only it is not a place that you tumble into. I have found out, too, that you can build a heaven without going to church. Now I want to tell you something else. When I died I didn't know it — I was on the bed and all at once I found myself standing beside the bed and I was wondering what my wife and family were cry- ing for — now, this is gospel truth — when I found out what had happened to me I was scared; then I saw somebody I never saw before. I saw a woman; then I went to a place (I call it a place because it seemed like a place to me) and I was there for a long time. Sometimes I remembered that I had died and then again it seemed only a dream. I saw a lot of familiar people when I wakened and they instructed me. They explained to me that I was in another life now and it was time for me to get to work. Work ! well, I thought that I was all thru working, but I found there was still lots of work for me to do. (9) Friends: If I can be of assistance to you, I shall be glad. I am also going to ask your help. 122 THE DESCENDING LIGHT I have a great work before me which I find very difficult. A very short time after my death, I came to some people and I promised that I would help. My thoughts those days were to return and take control of the organism of our ministry, our priest- hood, but I find that my work here prevented that. I found all about me were souls who knew nothing of death ; knew nothing of the condition into which they were passing or had passed. I found souls so full of the thoughts imbued into them by us in our efforts to teach that they were unwilling to work ; were unwilling to communicate ; unwilling to serve, and believed that they were to wait for a time until the prayers of earth helped them to progress — very different from the way they must work to progress. They were bitterly opposed to my returning to communicate. I found difficulty in this, and there were some of them who came to re- tard manifestation — invariably preventing spirits from communicating. I work in this sphere and I feel that there is a strong tie between you and me because of our one familiar place — Buffalo. It is hard for me to communicate without first greeting you in my old familiar way. All teachings are good in that they help man to be better, but when they make the work harder — retard spirit communion, or in any way prevent it, it is a terrible mistake, because it is time that men become enlightened; thus learning the effects of wrong doing; learning the truth of spirit return; learning the positive conditions be- yond death. Therefore, I stand with you and for PERgONAL EXPERIENCES ON THE ASTRAL PLANE 123 you and by you. I ask your assistance and most assuredly I shall be of assistance to you. My name was C when I was there — which name I think is familiar to you. I leave with you my blessing — in the name of the Father (Infinite Love), the Son (Universal Harmony) and the Holy Ghost (Absolute Wisdom). May God bless you. Good night. (10) I am no learned man, but I have had some ex- periences that you have not had — one of them is death. But I am still alive. (Am I supposed to keep time to that music, or just talk?) (Class: Oh, just talk — that music (electric Vic- trola) helps the vibration). Oh, I see; before I got very near you I saw a purple light and when I came closer I saw that there are a great many different shades of colors, al- together making one beautiful shade of purple. It is pleasing to me — it gives me a calm feeling. I will tell you what that is; it is restful to me. It brings to my memory — well, I don't know just how much you people know about life over here or any- thing like that, but we are schooled here, not in buildings, but thru some sympathetic law. There are people here who have passed thru the same ex- perience that we have and then they passed thru more experiences and they are our masters or our teachers as you would say — and we receive instruc- tion from them. Now, they do not speak to us like I am speaking to you — it is funny how you hear my words when 124 THE DESCENDING LIGHT I have no physical organs — it is vibration. Well, that is how it is conveyed to us only we don't hear it, we know it. Now that is a hard thing for me, a man not capable of teaching, to explain to you. We get it thru what you might call telepathy, altho in a different condition, and that is the way we receive our lessons. Well, the thing I am trying to get to is this: The other day in our lessons, we learned that pur- ple is a restful color. If we were in the physical body and in a room where all the color was pur- ple, we would become extremely nervous, but when away from the physical body the most restful color we can ever see is purple. That explains to you, I hope, why I feel so much at home, so perfectly at ease here tonight. And if you could see physically the color around you as I see it, possibly you would be nervous because it would effect the nerves, but in not seeing it, merely feeling it thru the psychic power you feel that restful condition. , There is a little child here — I wonder who it be- longs to, he is trying to reach some one. Come on, dear, step right in, I will wait for you. Bless that child — I love children. (The little soul manifested to its mother, a stu- dent in the circle — message, personal, not rec- orded). (11) Good evening, friends : For about 22 or 23 years I have been trying to get back to the earth plane with a message. No one killed me, / killed myself. I spoke right there when they sentenced that man, PERSONAL EXPERIENCES ON THE ASTRAL PLANE 125 but nobody beard me. Do you know why? I know why now. Because the man that heard me would not tell ; he said he thought he imagined it — he did not believe it, but why didn't he tell what' he learned? Say, don't you think that I have been in hell? To know that that man never laid a straw in my way — we had a few words that evening, but nothing seri- ous. I was discouraged; I took my life, killed my body, that is all. And to see them take that man and weave a net to prove that he took my life, and me standing right there and with a great effort I finally spoke to a man who heard me, but who said it was imagination. He allowed public opinion to hold him back — and he is over here tonight. I am not coming to prove to you spirit return, but I am here to tell you what hell is. It is not a place, for a place you might get out of some time ; but it is a condition that you can get out of only by your own efforts. I don't know how far I can go with you — how many of you people think because I did that I am condemned? (None) Then what am I? A gentle- man out here tells me that I am a sick soul. May I ask a question? Are you people here to help souls or are you here for curiosity? (Class as- sured him of their help.) Then, in the name of your God, take away the law which permits them to take a man's life thru circumstantial evidence! If there is anything in your life that is worth any- thing at all, you would try to overcome this. In the name of your G-od, overcome it! "Will you do it? 126 THE DESCENDING LIGHT How do you suppose a spirit who holds its in- dividuality, holds its intelligence, feels to look down into the minds of men when they are all accusing him of a crime he never committed; mourning him as gone; mourning him as lost forever, as burning up in hell? (Class asks what is the condition of such a spirit.) When he has outgrown all these conditions, when he sees why it is so, when he sees the minds of men softening, when he knows that there are armies of spirits returning to tear down the conditions that brought that about, when he knows that the door into the spirit world is opening wide, when he knows that he will meet those people, if not in your, life, then in this life, he will rise. He will not need to return to the earthplane to tear down the conditions he builded there, for has he not paid the price for all that he might have done? I am only one of countless souls who are working to tear down these barbarous conditions. But now the minds of men are full of something else — it makes no difference what the condition might be, we work always to tear down that which is wrong; we never waver and we never change. I cannot tell you what I suffered during that man's trial; and what I suffered when that spirit left the body. I met that spirit and I spoke the words, "I know you are innocent." Could I bring peace to his soul? No. It must be for 23 years that I have been trying to do just what I am doing tonight. I wonder if this is as a dream to you, or do you really know that I am speaking to you. Where do I get this PERSONAL EXPERIENCES ON THE ASTRAL PLANE 127 voice? I hear it, but it does not sound like my voice as I recall it. I know I am speaking — but, oh, how little I know. Can I tell you something without you thinking that I think I know more than any- body else? Do you know there is one thing I have learned since I came here — I have learned that the spirit, until it rises entirely away from the earth- plane, is a monothoughtist. They carry one thought and they pound upon it until they have builded the thing they are working for. That is what I have been doing. You hear the words I speak — do they come to you as dots and dashes, or do they come as waves, or do you hear the words as spoken words? (Class answers that the spoken words are heard as in any audible voice.) Then I have reached that some- thing which makes it possible for me to speak. A man without a body brought me in here, a man whose Jieart and soul represents that living foun- tain of love — his name is W P . Good night. (12) When I awakened the desire to investigate, to explore, came upon me, this being a very part of my personality, and with my guide I passed thru various stages of experiences. Now as I relate them to you as they appeared to me — perhaps you may be led thru the same and it may have a very different appearance to you — however, I am giv- ing to you MY personal experiences and the inter- pretations of them. The first field into which he took me was one — 128 THE DESCENDING LIGHT now let me compare the sensation I had in this body to some sensation that might be felt in the flesh, that you may clearly comprehend thru your memory the sensation as we go along. Understand it was not physical sense — but I can compare it to intense cold, as the physical body will sense it, a shock, and then I saw forms; some were parts of bodies, and some were complete bodies. I could not understand why this appeared thus to me. I saw forms of children, and forms of men and women, and there seemed to be no consciousness which responded as we came to them. Now he, whose hand I held, who guided me thru, made clear to me that which may not be clear ^to you, because you seeing thru your individuality and I seeing thru mine may create a vast difference between the two. He explained to me very clearly that these were souls whose astral bodies were just assembling, we will say, or parts of this body gath- ering when the soul had just left the flesh body suddenly, without having completed the physical expression. The body was there complete, but I could not see it because it was not all in the same rate of vibration. He made it clear to me that I could receive a clearer light upon that lesson if I returned again to the same — shall I say condition or place? He said I would then discern a perfect body, animated by the soul, the spirit of the individual, whose astral body alone I knew at this time. I did return, and under his guidance and thru his insearch learned that they were there for a time after leaving their bodies suddenly as by ac- PERSONAL EXPERIENCES ON THE ASTRAL PLANE 129 eident or such; and as your flesh bodies are often imperfect, and as there are those in the flesh who make a particular study that they may build and aid men to build their bodies, so there are those who are given to that work to aid the soul in bringing into expression its astral body perfectly formed, altho their physical expression had been broken off before it was complete. Now these souls whose spiritual bodies I beheld and which appeared to me to be incomplete, not manifesting at that time, were in a state of coma, an unconscious condition. Perhaps in your re- search souls have not returned as soon as you be- lieved they would after death, and perhaps some do return and tell you that the ones after whom you inquire, who have not returned, are sleeping — and this is the condition they are in. (13) Good evening, friends, what is this gathering, some society or what? (Class answers that it is a research class, endeavoring to investigate along the line of spirit return and the continuity of life after death.) I thank you, but I know little of the laws, very little, but perhaps I will be able to help you — per- haps not. I passed out during an earthquake very sudden- ly. I was the victim of an earthquake on the coast of San Francisco — if that will be of any value to you. I am no authority on this subject, but I am interested. All the days of my manhood I devoted in the service of the teaching of Christ. Now, as 130 THE DESCENDING LIGHT I return I hope that I may be of some benefit to you. Of my early death, a mere experience, I can tell you very little. I can only say that I was sitting in my study, preparing my sermon. Sometime after I awakened to the fact that I was out of my body. I knew that I was in the presence of many who had experienced the change called death long before I had. My brother, who had left our home some twenty years previous to that time, was the very first one I recognized. But personal experiences can be of little value to you in your search for knowledge of life after death, so I will not bore you with any of that, but I will tell you of some of the things I have learned, if that will be of value to you I shall be happy, and if not, I shall be sorry. This is a very strange experience to me, altho I have manifested many times. My very first at- tempt to manifest was thru one of my fellow-stu- dents, in giving his morning sermon. I stood very close to him and because I so determined to make him understand that things were not just as rep- resented, or as he was presenting them, I inspired him to speak words which he had never spoken be- fore and words he had never believed. I caused him to forget that he had studied, to forget that he had prepared a sermon — and that you might better understand, we will not call it a personal experi- ence, but we will feel that it is a lesson. Upon awakening to the fact that I had died and that death was not what I had expected it to be, and that the dead were not what I expected them to be, that my ideas were far from facts, but that PEBSONAL EXPEBIENCES ON THE ABTBAL PLANE 131 after death we met with cold positive facts, I felt compassion for my fellow-men who were in the same thought I was in and who believed as I had believed and taught as I had taught. And so I made haste to return — and here I will pause to tell you of the great difficulty I met in my efforts to bring to my friends and my fellow-students the facts I had gathered after death. I found that I might stand by them and speak, but they were deaf to my words — I might stand before their eyes, but they were blind; I might em- brace them and they knew it not. I found that I must learn more of the laws; I must learn more of the psychic laws upon the mental plane ; and this I made haste to do. Here I will pause to tell you that I found that it was one- year from the time of the shock which severed my soul from the body be- fore I awakened to the fact that I was no longer upon the earth plane — one year a blank — one year for which I will never be able to account — one year lost — of this I have no recollection, whatever. In my endeavor to learn of the psychic laws of life, I found that it was possible for me to convey my thoughts to other minds by other means than hypnotism. This was by placing- myself in direct harmony with one who was in the act of conveying a lesson, who was in the act of sending forth a thought, who had gathered minds close to him and had them all in harmony with him. In that act I placed myself in harmony with that mind and I caused him to speak the words that I thought and Which he had never known before. It was not only by his consciousness ; it was not only the impression 132 THE DESCENDING LIGHT upon his mind, but it was the impressing upon the minds of all who were assembled who were in per- fect harmony with the thoughts that he was con- veying to them — for it is made more possible for an inspirator to accomplish the things he is en- deavoring to do when there are minds assembled who are in harmony and who are reaching out to the mind of the speaker. All thoughts reflected from the physical minds are known to the spirit. The vibrations are coming from every conscious mind there and they assist the inspirator to send forth his thought — but he cannot deliver the full thoughts in a room where there is no other mind in harmony with the speaker. No inspired mind can speak inspired words to empty seats. The speaker must reach the minds of the auditors and then the inspirator can accom- plish the things he desires. Your instructor tells me that I must let you rest. Some time I shall be permitted to speak again and then we shall continue along this line. Good night. (14) Good evening, friends: I feel that the thing I am about to ask of you will, perhaps, meet with dis- approval, but I find that I have a message for you, brothers and sisters — I feel that I may call you such, tho when I was living in your midst there dwelled in the heart of each of you a feeling of prejudice toward me and my followers. I was then an inhabitant of your city, and it is not long since I laid aside my mortal body. And I will say PERSONAL EXPERIENCES ON THE ASTRAL. PLANE 133 this: That there dwelled within my soul no preju- dice or bigotry against any man or creed. Will you recite the Lord's Prayer? I am not thru with my work, but I find that it will be necessary for me to take up another method. I find that the doctrine upon which I grounded all my teachings is far wrought — the doctrine of the forgiveness of sins. It is not true, and why should so many souls become so inconvenienced by this positive wrong? Why are you prejudiced against any church? Why do you allow it to affect the poor individual? Oh, friends, it is wrong. Each one of them in their own innocence is gathered into the fold and instructed in one particular faith and not allowed to read or study any other faith — and be- cause of this they know no other way. I will say positively that I taught what I sincerely believed to be true, else I never would have taught it. I surely wish to reach my beloved successor ; and I sincerely hope that my soul prayer will be an- swered by the great spiritual friends, messengers of God, when it will be possible for me to speak to him, and tell him wherein are these terrible mis- takes. How sincerely did I believe in prayer for for- giveness of sins, and what a terrible realization it was to me, to know that the things I believed in were not, and that I was a messenger carrying to mankind this false message ; so it grieves me deep- ly. I wish to reach all churches. How many souls I have met in my travels since I left the earth plane. I will tell you something of my experience of passing out— and when I give 134 THE DESCENDING LIGHT you this, I will ask you to consider this favor ; take out all prejudice; rather live up to the words I heard one of your members speak tonight, "We recognize the universal brotherhood of man." Do not allow to live within you any prejudice toward man, your brother. I will tell you something of my experience. I was not feeling physically well for some time previous, and many times when I sat in my study I seemed to feel a presence, and I always thought it was my guardian angel that I always believed every in- dividual had. And I seemed one day to hear the words, "You are coming home soon," but I thought it was because I was nervous, and I simply rose from the chair and tried to gather myself together and to make myself think that I was mistaken. This happened on three different occasions be- fore I came away. The day that I became so seri- ously ill, I heard again, "You are coming home soon," but I did not even then realize the end was so near. I passed on where I met many experiences which were personal and which I will not mention here; they would little interest you since they are personal. But I asked in all the sincerity of my soul, "Where is God? Where is my judge?" I found myself sitting alone meditating, as I had many times in my study, upon the wonderful truth of life, and while sitting there, I became aware of the same presence I had felt on those three occasions of which I have previously spoken. This time I found that it was possible to see the one who stood beside me, and he said to me these words, "You have come PERSONAL EXPERIENCES ON THE ASTRAL PLANE 135 home; your judge is within you; he lurks within your soul; he has always been there and yet you found him not; come with me." And I went; I followed him to a brink where I found numerous old acquaintances gathered together, and they all seemed to be praying, praying, repeating the old- time word prayers. I asked them, "Why is this?" And they said, "Oh, Father, we are waiting to be judged." Then there came into my soul a terrible realization — the judge lives in my soul, why is he not in all? As I went forward they said, "We have sinned, we are in purgatory waiting the judgment. ' ' I remained but a short time for I seemed to be drawn away — and I went on. I cannot begin to express the wonderful sights; and I passed an eternity which seemed to me but a moment; and then I came to a drifting shadow — it seemed to be a dark place where many were working. A woman whom I had known recognized me — they seemed to be working industriously at some unfamiliar set purpose, and I said, "Why so much work; why so much effort; how comes it?" Then I recognized a face familiar long since of a woman stepping before me with head bowed and she said, ' ' Father , you were the first one to speak a kind word to me, and I will tell you something that will perhaps pay for your kindness. I did not go to your church, I did not believe in your teaching, I knew nothing much of that, but in your world I was a fallen woman, and yet when my heart was heavy and my head was bowed in sorrow; when I tried to rise above those conditions, every one would pass me by; every one would hold me down 136 THE DESCENDING LIGHT that I could not raise myself above it; but you said to me, 'Go forward; there is hope for you; God loves you.' You left those kind words as a light for me, and now perhaps they can be a light for you. ' ' I passed around with this soul where I saw many souls which seemed to be passing thru a course of purification; and she led me to the edge of this dark shadow, and there I seemed to lose her pres- ence. As I passed on fear crept into my soul and I sank upon my knees and prayed that I might see the real light. Again I felt that presence of which I spoke, say- ing, "Go forward, undo all that you have done that you think is wrong, all that weighs on your spirit, then your greatest desire shall be realized." And now I will say, friends, that my greatest desire al- ways is that God will reach the soul of every man, and this is my lesson. I shall first reach my own church and then I shall reach all the other churches thru the organism of our clergy and tell them that it is not forgiveness but atonement. I now leave you in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Good night. CHAPTER IV. HEAVEN IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT. On the plane of spirit manifestation, next door to you, homes are not builded of material but of a finer ethereal quality — these homes are builded by your deeds, your thoughts, your acts. Heaven and earth are one — God's plan — God is all, perfect good, perfect justice, perfect love, a perfect pattern, and all that each of these things hold. This is God; no wrath, no destruction, no partiality — every soul is an eternal light. Man will say, "If the dead live, where are they?" In the mortal expression they are in space, but in the spiritual expression they are in that realm of thought in which they have placed themselves by their lives in the body. If a man is desirous of being good, of helping to uplift his fellow-man, he finds himself in the realm of that thought where it is possible for him to do this. He finds his memory, his ambition reaching out to those sen- sitive minds of others who are in the same realm of thought that he is. If a man lives a life of sin, lives only for himself, he finds himself shorn of all those things for which he aspired, when he steps into the next expression ; for the things which are of mortal mind cannot live in the spirit World, they fall away. So if you want to start your heaven today, you 138 THE DESCENDING LIGHT have everything with which to do it ; but if you want to lean upon the old-time thought and when you get over there come back and try thru all the dif- ferent avenues possible to serve and to build your heaven, why, it is your privilege; for every soul has an eternal chance to live, to rise and to build his heaven. You say your loved ones are in heaven — of course they are ; they are in their own heaven. The world of spirit is in what you call space, that which you cannot see thru the eyes of matter because it is in a higher rate of vibration. Our bodies are ethereal bodies and are emersed in ether, as well as yours, yet we are in a higher rate of vibration, and can rise and go just as rapidly as your thought will travel, but we are close to you. Heaven is within you — search within your souls and there you will find the kingdom of heaven; there you will find God's spirit. You are building your soul's home every day of your lives. The spirit of God is within you, is without you, every- where is God. Your loved ones in spirit are close to you; live in the thought of a clear conscience — invite them into your heaven and you can reach into their heaven in spiritual aspiration. What is a clear conscience? A clear conscience is — I have done something good; I have tried to help some one; I am doing all I can to be good and I want to be better. You create a clear conscience by living right, doing right, loving one another, looking not for defects, looking not for little hurts from your neighbor, but taking the lesson, not looking for anything but good. HEAVEN IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT 139 The conscience which makes man unselfish, speaks to him all good. The conscience which is so sen- sitized thru spiritual light cannot go wrong; can- not deceive, for it makes you true to yourselves and true to your fellow-men, and you are creating a heaven all about you — and there you will find your loved ones. You create a clear conscience by living right, doing right, and when souls return with a great lesson, be looking for the good, and aspiring ever and ever to good. Now you say that you cannot live this way while in the physical — you are very much mistaken ; you can apply truth to all things ; you can be true, and tho you have a struggle at first, truth will rise and truth will make you free. And so in the heaven of a good clear conscience, in this little home, learn truth in your everyday life. So let us strive to build a heaven of perfect bliss, for God lives within the conscience of every soul of man; God manifests there, and your loved ones are in their own conscience and in their own heaven. Yes, and you can speak to them, you can touch them and know that they are with you. God has revealed to man today that death does not end all ; that He lives and that He has not taken his loved ones from him. God has revealed today that tho the great battles of man's so-called ene- mies took their loved ones from them, God gave them back and they are here and they are speaking. So forgive your enemies, love all mankind, build a heaven of a clear conscience. For when you step out of your physical body, with a clear memory you will find yourselves looking back into the past 140 THE DESCENDING LIGHT pages of your lives and you will know that all things which come to you are of your own creation. Years ago man could not reach out so far intel- lectually or spiritually; he was stronger physically and weaker mentally. The highest he could reach was to picture heaven as a place of rest, a place of beauty, a place of music which would be pleasing to the ear. He knew only the senses of the physical body — and these were to be pleased in heaven. But as man rises mentally and spiritually he sees with the spirit, he hears with the spirit, he knows with the spirit things which are spiritual, things which are not tangible, things which the material eye cannot see and the material ear cannot hear — pure spirit. Heaven, to a man who has come into that light, is beyond the expression of mortal mind. He only knows that it is purity, perfection, rest, peace and love. This premonition comes while he is still embodied in the mortal. And as he steps into the chamber of silence and speaks with the spirit, out of the silent chamber of thought there comes the sweet message that he is a part of God's plan, that he is not all mortal; that the body he is feeding so earnestly is only for a short time, but the soul never dies. Man as he steps from his mortal body, if his life has been wholly earthy, if his desires have all been for self and he has forgotten that he has a soul, will find himself in a very strange place. But even then there will meet him at his bedside or at the place where his soul rises from the body, those he has loved. They will be there to meet him and they will guide him along the way, even tho he is heavily HEAVEN IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT 141 laden with sin and wrong doing — but they will not stay with him. He can see them and yet he cannot reach them, until he has builded a bridge of light in truth and purity and love, until he has done this he cannot come into the realm in which they dwell. And when a man passes from the body in such a condition, can he expect in two hours or a day to build a perfect bridge over which he can pass ? No, he cannot. For living things are the thoughts he has sent out, living things are the wrongs he has created, and he cannot kill them until he has, thru his own effort, his own desire, torn them away. If you live the truth, you cannot help but speak it; if you speak it you cannot help but think it; and if you think it you cannot help but live it. The spoken word is just an outer manifestation of the inner, but the example you show in your everyday life is a reflection of the soul within you. The sacrifices — not that you cast out that man may know what you have done, but the little things you do, which only those who are benefited know — these are the lights along the way. It is by let- ting your light shine by the spirit within which goes forth and touches the consciousness of many other souls ; by letting your light shine and making the illumination of the soul, by the spirit within, you are burning out conditions which were created by living in sinful thought, which if you do not undo while still in the flesh body, you will have to burn out after death. THANK GOD for every trial thru which you pass, for it is a step toward heaven ; it is a washing out of some condition within the soul of you with 142 THE DESCENDING LIGHT which the clear vision of spirit could not dwell in happiness. It is a burning out of some of the ex- perience which you will never have again ; it is the overcoming of many things in your past life which you have builded perhaps thru ignorance. Every trial, every sorrow, every hard experience thru which you pass is a blessing of God in your life — a blessing and not a shadow; it is a great light, it is a fire to burn out the little hell which you have created. And when you have passed thru it, you have passed thru the fire of purification ; and some of the conditions which you have builded, and which have become a part of you (your soul) are gone, and a finer, purer, whiter light is there in place of the other. There is a purity and truth thru which the spirit illuminated can manifest spiritually perfect in the soul in its ascension at death. When your new body into which and thru which you must manifest receives you, you find yourself not weighted down with the flesh, you find yourself free, your memory clear, all your past is before you, save that which has been burned out by bitter trial and sorrow; yet, bravely and truthfully you find all before you that is yours. If you have sinned against your fellow-man and caused many to fol- low you — what can be the pangs of the soul upon seeing and realizing, not as a picture, but as a great experience, all the wrong you have done, if it is still a part of you, if it has not been burned out by service while in the flesh? On the other hand, all the good you have done is still a part of you. Is the home of the soul of you illuminated with HEAVEN IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT 143 kindness, with goodness, with love and self-sacri- fice, or is it filled with bitterness and hate? In your soul's ascension you will find that life is eternal. In your soul 's ascension you will find with- in your consciousness a realization that it is well to build your heaven whilst still in the flesh as well as out of it. He who will say and do just for the glory of it, he who will serve that all mankind may know that he is a good man, then when he finds himself out of the body, what awaits him? The glory which was not genuine is gone and only the true motive be- hind the act exists — then what? He is shorn of all material things; only spiritual things can adorn the home of the soul so he must start to build his heaven by first tearing down, burning out the false conditions which he has created. So be true, be true to yourselves and to your fellow-man. Let TRUTH be your watchword in everything you do; and when you delve into the great law of spirit communion, you will receive the spiritual things, and the souls who are akin to you will come close to you. So let us unite in the great thought that today we are making and building the soul's home ; we are today souls, and so let us ascend thru the glorious light of spirit — because when you have no flesh body you will be away from all material things, and what will you have if your home life in the physical has been all material, all selfishness ? Therefore, we say deal with material things ma- terially and spiritual things spiritually. Let us unite in the great thought that we will 144 THE DESCENDING LIGHT pass thru trials, and we will praise God for them and bless all about us for the great opportunity to build a heaven and ascend higher into the spiritual light. And when the great day conies when you will no longer have that physical body then you shall see the work you have done. Why not begin today to live a pure, unselfish life, to rise and reach out to the glorious and grand realities which are yours? Let us help you; let us show you the way. We have learned by bitter ex- perience those things which we would teach you; because when we dwelt upon the earth plane, man in his ignorance and prejudice closed the door to the higher realms. But today you are privileged to open the doors wide and listen to the soft voice of the spirit. (The following is the testimony of a spirit given at one of the Circles of Light.) Friends: I was attracted here tonight by the singing of that old familiar hymn, "While the Years of Eternity Roll." Did you ever stop to think that you are in eternity now? I find myself looking back to the time when those words were most precious to me, when my poor weak mind could only gather the thought that I must live well to reach eternity; that I must die to behold all the beauties in my imagination ; that I must not stop to appreciate the world in which I was living then. Friends, I did not realize that I was in eternity then; that I could feel and see all the beauties of heaven then if I but made them about me. With all my heart I used to sing those old hymns in which HEAVEN IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT 145 I thought I would have to go far away from my loved ones where I might sing praises all day long ; where the streets were paved with gold and where hymns were sung all day. Beyond this I had no hopes. Now, children, this is all out of reason. Golden streets, I found them not; I did find that all the music I heard was in my own soul made by the good I did while on earth. It has always been man's way to imagine heaven the most beautiful and perfect place. Do you realize that heaven and hell are on your own planet? Do you realize that you are in eternity now? It is so. We are all spiritual beings, only you have not passed thru the change called death. It is many years since I left your plane. I ex- pected to find Grod over here with a big stick wait- ing to judge me. I was so scared of death that I think I was scared to death. I tell you friends, I would have given a good deal to know as much as you do about death. One time about ten or fifteen years before I left the body I was sitting under a tree and I saw a spirit. I know now that I did see it, but for aftout a half hour I imagined that I saw it. I was thinking deeply, ''Now if there is some- thing after death, what is it?" — when I heard my father speak to me and he said, "My boy, I am just the same as I always was, but I am trying to be better." Being an Irishman, I was scared and I didn't stop to argue with him either, but I never sat under that tree again. This knowledge has always been possible to man, but in his ignorance he has ignored it. Man has 146 THE DESCENDING LIGHT but to reach out for the knowledge and realize the possibility of getting knowledge from the spirit side of life, but prejudice, domination and igno^ ranee walked hand in hand into his mind before he ever got a chance to know anything else. As ages come and go God has always been above man's conception. Never as long as man lives in the material body, and for a long time thereafter will man know what GOD IS — God is not a man — not an object— but GOD IS. It is beyond my con- ception and yours. Good night. Many things are written of the life over here, and how much of this is proven, save the messages received from the intelligences who have proved their identity to man? There may be dream thoughts of the world over there ; there may be vol- umes presented to you as visions of the other side, but as to absolute proof of the conditions of the homes over here, this can only be given to you from the souls who return who have experienced death and in their return prove to you their identity. So we will tell you something of the things which have been brought thru from that world be- yond the grave, from those who have positively proven their identity and then conveyed the knowl- edge, giving to man in the flesh more than a vision of the home over here, and presenting to you the views which they have found in their experiences after death. What is more convincing than to hear from those whom you love and whom you know to be absolute- ly truthful, presenting to you their experiences? HEAVEN IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT . 147 Is this not a stronger proof than something which has been passed down thru many, many ages and changed as much and as often as the minds of men have changed? So we will speak of the things which have been written of communication received from the world beyond and from which people have turned away in disgust because the description of the world over there and the lives and the homes were so similar to that upon the earth plane that they could not im- agine it to be so. Let me tell you that every day of your lives in the flesh you are building the home of your soul; every day you walk in the flesh, you think in the flesh, and every moment of your flesh existence you are constructing and building the home of your soul into which you must go, and in which you must live. How many of you stop to think of this as you wrong your fallow-man? How many of you have considered this when you hate your neighbor ; when in a spirit of selfishness you have drawn to your- self the things belonging to your brother ? Now all these things are a part of the home in which you will live ; these conditions are in the home of the soul. No other man can build for you this home, for you will step into your own environ- ments. Your environment, your heaven, or your hell, is about you every moment of your lives — you are building it, making it in your everyday life. Now, if you build your hell about you thru sel- fishness, hate, jealousies and destructive thoughts, you will have it and you will live in it; you may live and sing and dance in that false happiness — 148 THE DESCENDING LIGHT but, why, the bliss of heaven is peace of mind. It is contentment — and in the feelings built about you thru false thoughts, thru jealousies and hate, how can you feel other than a false happiness? So when man comes to the realization that he cannot sin; he cannot hate; cannot throw out and constantly force into expression destructive thought without finding awaiting him all these con- ditions in that home over there, do you not think he will strive to build a home of happiness and peace of mind to live in over there? Those who are bitterly attacking the great law of spirit communion, forbidding investigation and such, have said that all souls who return say they are happy — but he who makes this statement must seek further, for all souls who return do not say they are happy. There are souls who say, "I am learning the bitter lessons of life; I am seeing the returns of my wrong doing; my soul is bathed in remorse; I am rising by great effort into a clear conception of things." Then there are souls who return and say, "I am intensely happy," or, "I am, oh, so happy" — but, look back into their lives and you will see why they are so happy. Certainly, they are happy, for was not their homes built during the flesh expression by unselfishness and love and service? Did they hate their neighbor? Did they rob their neighbor? not of material things — but there are many things of which you may rob your neighbor other than ma- terial things. Many times you will rob him of happiness. If you know of something that will make your neighbor unhappy, does it make you happier HEAVEN IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT 149 to tell him and spoil his happiness? You rob him of his happiness — and all the little things which man in his selfishness forgets; all these things are stored up and they are yours; no other man wants them; no other man can take them, they are yours. So as man searches he. will find; as he investi- gates he will learn; as he learns he will begin to know, and 'tis knowing which gives to man that peace. For when man knows the price he must pay for all his thoughts and his deeds there will not be so much selfishness and domination; there will be more peace and harmony. Stop and think of eternity — endless — endless eternity. You cannot reach it in thought, it is end- less, for ever and ever and ever. Then what is the little time of the physical expression when com- pared to that? — every living one of you are in eternity today, and the little time of the flesh is the very smallest part of your life, but it makes the home of the soul until during your spiritual ex- pression you have perfected that home. Do you think that the Great God, the Great Source of ALL things good, the Creator, that which has brought into expression everything, would pick out of your little time of the flesh some few parti- cular souls who will attain immortality? Oh, friends, live with this thought: that God is GOOD, God is holy, God is mercy, God is justice, God is ALL GOOD, and never created a thing which was evil. The spirit of God is within you, without you, everywhere is God. Then why work here with the selfish thought that because another has not the same interpretation of God's word he is doomed to 150 THE DESCENDING LIGHT eternal punishment ? The Great God of the universe knows all things ; why you are as you are ; why you are tempted as you are to do the things you do; knows why your little hell is growing about you; knows why you must have that lesson, and that be- cause you built your little hell you must burn thru the flame of remorse — but He would not cast you into that for all eternity. Blind man, open the eyes of spirit and look into the great fountain of life and then you will see that God would not cast any man into eternal punish- ment — NO! But the minds of men in their limited state before they have broken away from the bounds of other minds have been made blind to the wondrous, glori- ous power of the Godhead. The little hell you build about you will cause you the torment mentally until it burns out all the impurities within the soul of you — burns them out by service to your fellow-man. If you have caused some one to sin, if you have caused discontent, if you have caused one man to take another life, if you have caused all the de- structive thoughts it is possible for one mind to do, then do you believe that you can upon the very last hour in the flesh attain happiness, because you are sorry, you are intensely contrite because you know that you have done wrong? Oh, look behind you and see what you have done. Now, do you think that you can attain happiness and create with that one little thought a perfect home of the soul? Oh, no, the law of compensation is a part of life and a part from which you can never sway. It is a part of you, lives with you, a part of the great law of HEAVEN IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT 151 life; and not a wrong you have done but that you will pay the penalty for it — and not a good you have done but that you will feel the reflection of the hap- niness it sends. Therefore, the home of the soul is of your own construction. And so your little home is builded by yourself. The home of the mother who is devoted, has sacri- ficed and loved, will show all the beautiful things; she will find returns of love everywhere. Thru the great source of love, unselfish, untainted love — not lust, but love — the tenderest quality within a man, a reflection of the great Godhead, when thru that line the door is opened to communion, the spirit world returns full of it, and positive proof of the home of the soul is brought by those who return to tell you. Oh, friends, let us unite in service, and let us clean house; let us clean our soul's home of all the dis- orders and all the conditions which we would not like to have there, because there is nothing hidden from the spirit. Therefore, begin today to clean house and make your soul's home an abode into which you will step gladly, and then you can return and truthfully say, "I am happy; my home is beau- tiful." Every thought you send out is a living thing, is a reality. And some time you will come into a real- ization and will know in what realm your thoughts live. And. you will realize the effects of the con- ditions you have builded thru the wondrous power of thought which was and is yours. 152 THE DESCENDING LIGHT The old thought that man could live as he pleased and in the closing day of his mortal life, by giving forth a prayer to some imaginary selfish and re- vengeful God he could glide between the golden gates of happiness — how many thinking men and women believe this today? How many are here tonight who realize they must and shall and will bring into expression their very best selves. Every one of you know that you must build your own heaven — and this heaven can be builded only thru the spiritual thought force of man. If you choose to build physical, material conditions about you, what sort of heaven will you have when you leave the physical and material life? Some time you will have to leave the material things and ascend into — what? Into the home that you have builded thru your spiritual thought force. Are you building that home today? Or are you waiting until the eleventh hour? Is your life building about you a spiritual home? Is it building about you a soul which will live al- ways in the light, and illuminate the pathway of all men with whom it comes in contact? Is your life a strong reflection of the God Spirit which lives with- in you? Or is it a dismal light, a dark, dismal home that you are building about you? There is in man's lifetime here, even as the spirit walks in the flesh body, the law of progression. It is a part of your soul's life, and you will meet over and over only those things which your mortal life has placed in the way of its progression. Then let us strive to do always those things which are good, those things which are true. Now is the time, not HEAVEN IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT 153 tomorrow. Why not prepare for this wonderful home over there by serving mankind now? Why- wait until you reach that home over there? So many hold this wrong impression. They delay, they wait in idleness. Now as man becomes spiritually enlightened and begins to unfold, to bring outward and spread forth the God part of himself, the spirit 'and then his soul, he is building the spiritual things for himself and making conditions which will bring good re- turns ; for every thought and every deed and every- thing you send out into the world builds its own condition and returns to those who sent it forth; returns multiplied to the mind which first sent it into expression. As man sends forth all his thoughts and all his deeds — everything he sends forth — were he deceiving or were he loving, were he hating or were he serving, all these must re- turn to him. They do not return so that he recog- nizes them, but he meets obstacles which are of their building. He meets with conditions — if it were deception that he practiced, he will find that. As you live, you will come to something you en- deavor to build and behold, it is not what it seemed to be — you are deceived. The memory of thoughts and deeds, reflections of everything you did return to you. Man ever and ever builds the conditions into which he steps. If he builds conditions which ex- press truth, he will get that, and if he builds upon falsehood — the more he has deceived, betrayed, stolen, wronged, the more he will have to meet and overcome. But if he begins to tear down in the 154 THE DESCENDING LIGHT physical, the less he will have to surmount over there. The man that builds and tears away as he builds when he sees the wrong, is building for him- self a home which will stand. Within his conscious- ness, silently working is the hand of destiny. We have learned, and we hope all men will know ere long that to live a life of selfishness, avarice, earthly thoughts, entirely physical thoughts and all of the lower vibration is to create an unhappy state for the soul in the next expression. You will know that the souls of such individuals are not as happy as the souls who have sacrificed themselves in serv- ice to their fellow-men. Man is coming into the realization of what death really is. It is merely a change in expression. Some will say it is a passing to the higher life, but it is not the higher life unless the home they have builded is spiritual. They pass into the realm of spirit to which they rightfully belong. If they have been criminals wilfully, if they have sinned, if they have wronged their fellow-men, if they have builded conditions entirely earthy, they cannot pass into a spiritual realm because their home is pre- pared, builded by them, by their daily lives, by their thoughts and by their deeds. Those who grow their souls in entirely physical thoughts, whose lives have been entirely material, what home will they find over there? What con- dition will they carry with them? Will they carry those temptations, those appetites, those desires with them? Most assuredly they will. Their char- acteristics stay with them until they have outgrown them thru service, until the consciousness has be- HEAVEN IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT 155 come illuminated, that they may burn out the im- purities. We do not wish to bring grief to those who have loved ones over there who have lived this kind of a life in the physical, but the sinner continues to live, he is in spiritual darkness until such time as he unfolds and develops his spiritual qualities which illuminate his consciousness and burn out the impurities — and this must be accomplished thru service. But there are no lost souls. Now, some will say that Spiritualists do not believe in a hell. They do; those who understand the laws, believe in hell. There are men in the flesh who are in hell today — - kindled by their own thoughts ; by their own deeds. Remorse is burning them, burning them — they are in hell. But he who loves, serves, sacrifices for his fellow-men kindles the glorious light of heaven within. Has it not been said, "Heaven is within you?" The teachings of Jesus were lost, but today tlie spiritual Jesus manifests all over the world, not in the flesh but thru the minds of men. They are all reaching out for something more than the things along the religious line which have been given to them. They are searching for something deeper, more perfect to them, proved scientifically, something which can be given to them which will cause them to think; to make each individual soul and its efforts mean something and accomplish something. Death is not such a terrible thing — it is one of God's beautiful laws, but men have been led to be- 156 THE DESCENDING LIGHT lieve the doctrines and to lean upon the hope or the faith that believing would save them. Dear broth- ers and sisters, 'tis your life that saves you. Was not this the message of Jesus as he walked in the flesh, ' ' Forgive your enemies ; love one another ; do unto others as you would have them do unto you. ' ' Did he tell them to sin all week and fall upon their knees and offer prayer one day a week? Did he tell them to falsify about their neighbors or to rob their fellow-men and at night fall upon their knees and be forgiven? Did he say merely to ask forgiveness? NO! He brought the message to them how to live, how to serve, how to reach and bring into expression the heaven within — the heaven within. Why, you build your own heaven. The sinner must atone. Every man must save his soul from destructive thought. He must toil and serve to right every wrong that he has done. Some- times it is thru ignorance that man sins, and yet thru the great natural law of compensation, their conditions come upon him just the same. He must pay his debts. If the mere believing of the things that some one tells you will take you to heaven, while some poor man who cannot see as you see, (cannot believe that the sacrificing of a flesh body would save any soul, yet all the time in every day of his life he is applying the message that Jesus brought to the earth), is doomed to eternal punishment — why did Jesus come? Now think — use the power to think which God gave you — do you think that the great God who is perfect understanding, perfect love, perfect justice, a perfect father, perfect, not a flaw, HEAVEN IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT 157 not a break, not a doubt, perfect, would send a soul to the earth that some of his children would kill the body of that soul, take it away, to save the ones who thousands of years after that believed that the blood of that body would save their souls, and that after death they would go to heaven? Do you believe that? Or do you believe that a just God, a perfect love, a perfect father would work his plan thru a course of refinement and that every soul would have his particular part to play? What is the sacrificing of a body, when you stop- to think of the millions of bodies that are constantly going back to mother earth — they are thru with them. But if they have not finished with them, why, that flesh life is incomplete, and so they are close to the earth, and so they walk with you and they talk with you — and would you have them see that you are not what you seem to be? During the terrible conflict millions of souls were forced from their physical bodies ; souls crying out for that unfinished life were close to the earth — walls fell — and man in the flesh was startled with the knowledge of life after death. Souls of men whose flesh bodies were gone returned and overwhelmed the men of the earth with, "We are not dead" — "It pays to live right — pays to do right." "Oh, it is the message of Jesus that counts ; it is the applica- tion of the things which Jesus taught you to do that counts ; it is not the sacrificing of His body. ' ' And so "over there" the souls are continually saying, "Help me to get back; help me to tell my mother; she thinks she must only believe; she dare not open the door to me for she would think she was talking 158 THE DESCENDING LIGHT to a demon. Help me to tell her it matters not what church you attend, nor what you believe; but it is what you do that counts. ' ' Friends, your heaven is just what you make it. You are building your future home — do you not wish to have it free from all debt when you reach the other shore? For there is no way to escape paying your honest debts there — you cannot go into bankruptcy — every account against you must be set- tled in full, with interest. You are just as much in eternity today as you will be there ; you are in eternity now ; you are just as much a spirit now as you ever will be ; you are a spirit. Why not feed and cultivate the spirit ? That is the everlasting part of you. Why spend all your time feeding the material, the part which you must cast aside? Why not prepare for that future life? Why not make your heaven right about you today? You can create a little heaven all your own, for your heaven is builded of just what you send out. Has it not been said that the kingdom of heaven is within you? — within you — perhaps it is all covered up by worldly things, material cares and worry, but it is there, and it is yours ; so find it — brush aside the dust and cobwebs, clear the darkened windows of your soul, open wide the door of your heart and let God's sunlight of truth in. Let the searchlight of truth illuminate the dark places of doubt and superstition; give the spirit within you a chance to grow and develop and unfold. How? By filling your heart with love for all man- kind, and by service to others. Heaven is your soul's home — you are building it HEAVEN IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT 159 now; and when you step out of the physical body into the new astral body, the soul continues to live. What will your heaven be like f You are building it — so be careful what material you put into it. Lay the foundation with love, service, harmony, truth. Let your home be filled with windows studded with diamonds and precious jewels (kind deeds) which shine out in all their brilliancy as the sunlight of God 's love rests upon them. When you have finished the physical expression, will you go hence feeling that you have lived this life to the full, that you have run the race set before you, that you have kept the faith? As you slip out of the old worn out shell, may God's pure and holy angels, whom He hath given charge over you, bear you gently and tenderly away into that heaven which you have builded. May you not be bound to the earth plane because of the work left unfinished, but bound only by the tie of love. May you feel free to rise into the higher realms of spirit where dwell the pure and holy; and come back to the earth plane only because you want to serve and help others to see the light and to show them the way along God's great and glorious highway of truth. CHAPTER V. WHO TAKES CARE OF OUR CHILDREN GONE BEFORE? This chapter is written for the countless mothers whose little ones have slipped away into the land of silence. It is an answer to the many many cries that have broken from torn and bleeding hearts — "Oh! where is my baby? What has be- come of the little soul that staid with us for so short a time? So helpless and dependent upon me for every little thing; who is taking care of my baby now? Oh! if I could only know!" Some went out before they had learned to lisp the name of "mother"; others staid a little longer, and still others lingered until even the neighbors had learned to loved them, so sweet and endearing were they in all their little ways. Oh, mothers, HOW much suffering you could escape if you only knew or had the assurance that pure and holy angels are caring for your babies, and that they are growing up in spirit land, and some time, somewhere, in God's own good time, you will meet them again — you will know, and you will be known by your little children gone before. (A trance lecture delivered thru Mrs. Brace in May, 1920.) How many times the lonely and aching heart of the mother asks, "Is my baby lonesome? Does my little one want me?" And so it is to bring balm to the heart of that mother that we speak to you here of the babes and the little children gone before. WHO TAKES CARE OF OUR CHILDREN GONE BEFORE 161 The little ones who knew no wrong; who loved their very own and no other; who knew their own home environments and none other; suddenly are snatched from their home into a new expression — what of them? How many times the sorrowing souls of those whose weary bodies lying at night upon their pillows have wondered what of their little ones who have gone — so let us talk now of this. It is not a deep thought, but oh, it is a beautiful one. When the soul of the babe has been drawn away from the little shell, that little temple of the physical expression, and to your vision there remains noth- ing but that little piece of clay; you love it as you would love the garments worn by your loved ones — where is that something you loved with a deeper un- dying love? It is gone only so far as the physical senses are concerned. The little soul is still close to those who love it, close to those whom it loves; for the little babe does not leave the home so readily or so quickly as does the older souls after having a longer expression on the physical plane. And there- fore not having builded clearly a condition into which by a natural process they pass, the babe clings close to that mother and father and the ones it loves — no one can deny this. The old-time teaching which made the mother be- lieve that her little one was carried into a holy land where it was impossible for her to go, was a cruel thought to imbue into a mother's soul; but today mankind has reached a higher stage of unfoldment, and is being tuned to a higher rate of vibration where he can reach away from the earth plane, and 162 THE DESCENDING LIGHT has found that those who have left their physical bodies can and do come back. The babe will come and speak more readily to those whom it loved in this life right in its own home, right in the home environments. So is this not an inspiration to live a pure spiritual life? For the understanding of the little ones will rapidly unfold and develop; their spiritual powers quickly awaken and they see thru the eyes of understanding, and they will know you as you are. When the angel of death enters your home and takes the little one out from your family circle, phys- ically, does it not inspire you to a better life, to ex- press yourself truthfully and spiritually? Does it not inspire within your consciousness sympathy and love? If not, it is because the blindness of the physi- cal has so enveloped you that the spirit within you cannot penetrate this other life, telling you that the little child has not gone from your home. The question is often asked, "What of the little ones who are born into the flesh and live but a very short time, perhaps a moment or two, without having had any experience in the flesh; do they live in spirit?" They do live, close to that mother and gather all the conditions about her into themselves. There must be some experience upon the earth plane if they are once born into the flesh expression. And so until there has been gathered into their conscious- ness some of the experiences upon the earth plane by that mother and that father and those of that family who are closely allied by the tie of love, they live there for a time — but do not think that they are lonely. WHO TAKES CARE OF OUR CHILDREN GONE BEFORE 163 Preceding the passing away of one of your little ones, those who are closest to you in love in the spirit world are drawn to you by the love tie and ex-, press it by way of sympathy in your great distress ; the feeling within your consciousness of sorrow brings them close to you, and those who loved you love your little ones ; they clasp them close to their bosom and give them their loving care. Now let me tell you something of the messages coming back from the little ones who have passed away. One comes back to speak and the mother asks, "Where are you, dear, and who has you; are they kind to you there?" And the little soul answers back, "I am with such a pretty lady; she does so much for me ; she loves me and she teaches me how to love ; she shows me what a pretty mamma I have ; and she shows me how much you love and brings me so near to you that, mamma, I know your soul, and I know how you love me." Another little one returns and says, ' ' Oh, mamma, I am not dead. I just had to come here so that you could find God." Still another returns and says, "Mamma, tell papa I want him to know that I did not die; and I am so happy — we play, we sing and we dance over here." Yes, they dance with the graceful happiness of a child ; they express harmony and love and happiness in their own childish way; and they play with all the simple purity of a little child's soul. You will oft times hear a little child in its play talk to what you call an imaginary companion — oh, if you could only see the little souls that are in a higher rate of vibration, you would know that it was 164 THE DESCENDING LIGHT not imagination on the part of that child, but it was the little soul who in the play was attracted to them, for they can play without the physical body. What has the body to do with the play of the little child? "lis merely the instrument — and the eyes of the child can see things which the eyes of man cannot see. After you have passed thru childhood you are concerned more with material things and you worry as to whether you will have the next month's rent ready or something to eat for them, and so you have builded about you the condition which the spirit finds difficult! to penetrate; but the little child knows naught of this and the little minds are more recep- tive to spiritual things. When the little child is talk- ing to an ' * imaginary playmate ' ' and you say to the child, ' ' You do not see any one ; there is no one play- ing with you," you are wronging that child because you are suggesting to it that which is untrue, and you are giving the child the inspiration to speak un- truth — tho you little know this. Now we will speak of the little child whose physi- cal body was so deficient because of unnatural birth it could not manifest as other children, unable to speak, to walk or play as other children in the flesh. It is the spirit which is manifesting; that body was only the instrument ; and all the experiences are re- corded within the consciousness of that individual soul just as perfectly as it is upon the soul of those bodies Who are physically perfect; it is just as clearly there as are the experiences upon the souls of those whose bodies are perfect, but they cannot bring it forth to express it because of the imperfect instrument, yet it is there ; and all the kind thoughts WHO TAKES CARE OF OUR CHILDREN GONE BEFORE 165 you have sent to that child, all the things you have done for it; all the kindness and otherwise that has been given to that child, it has recorded upon the consciousness of it just as vividly and just as clearly; and the spirit of understanding, the spirit within, that which we call the Godspark is just as perfect within that imperfect instrument as it is within any one whose body is perfect. But the diffi- culty in returning to manifest is this : They never have spoken in the flesh, but they can send a clear message from their consciousness, clearly and per- fectly formed, into the consciousness of an instru- ment and convey it to the parents thru a clairvoyant or trance medium. But to speak independently of any physical instrument, to speak as many of you have heard the independent voice builded upon the sound waves, the message coming from that little mind would not be conveyed to you so clearly, but you would find each word formed perfectly, as if it were formulating the words, following the direction of a tutor or one who is aiding in the placing of the thought in that form. After the incompleteness of the physical body is gone back to earth and the soul of the child who has been so handicapped by all those physical conditions is free it is more rapidly unfolded and developed be- cause pent up and unable to respond were the won- drous experiences gathering into themselves all the time, but because of the imperfect instrument there was no physical action to send them out, but soul- fully and spiritually they do manifest. It may be a comfort to some of you to know this ; that the soul of the child whose body is imperfect is perfectly free 166 THE DESCENDING LIGHT and develops and grows and unfolds and expresses intelligence upon its return to the earth plane. I will answer another question here. "Do those little ones who pass away before having ever spoken in the flesh ever learn to speak?" As there is no spoken language of the soul, why must they learn to speak? There is no reason why they must learn to speak, but if they have a desire to return to their loved ones who receive and give their message thru speaking and hearing, they will learn, and as they come close to you and get in touch with your every- day life they will learn to speak and express their thoughts as you do, that they may return and speak to you. But you will notice that the child out of the flesh who returns thus to speak will speak perfect English, or the language thru which they express themselves will be perfectly spoken ; there will be no flaw in their speech as there is in the little ones who have learned to talk in the flesh and come back to you and speak to you in their own, what you call, baby talk; but this is only for a short time; they hold their individuality and they stay near you until they have grown to a more independent state of unfoldment, then they are taken to those who have studied child- hood and have ability to impart their knowledge to the child ; they are taken into different fields of learn- ing. Now, some will say, ' ' This is a great fairy tale, ' ' but let me tell you after you have come in touch with the world of spirit spending two-thirds of your life with souls of men whose bodies are gone back to earth, you will know something of this ; you will not have to impart to your loved ones just imaginary WHO TAKES CARE OF OUR CHILDREN GONE BEFORE 167 dreams, you will tell them some facts which you have gathered, and this I am telling you. Little ones come back and in their endeavor to soothe you in your great grief will make a great ef- fort to speak. And every little thought you send out to them is received by them — and oh, if you did but know what it really means to you to have the soul of one in the other world whom you have loved, and thru whom they have been brought into a physical expression — that you were the instrument thru which the soul was brought into expression that it might manifest upon the earth plane- — how much more would you regard parentage as a beautiful and holy thing. When the little ones were gone some mothers tried to forget, gave them up entirely, tried to forget the love they had for them, but the little one was still there, and tho the mother could not hear, that little soul was saying, "Mother, I am not dead; I love you still." And there was something within that moth- er's heart which awakened and reached out to some- where she knew not what, for she felt that there was something more than just that little flesh body that had gone back to earth. Knowledge awakens, but wisdom reveals — knowl- edge is acquired, gathered from the surface thru ex- periences and lessons applied by other minds, but ivisdom is a manifestation of the spirit within. That is why the child, when it is free from the physical body after having a very short experience upon the earth plane, will develop rapidly and the wisdom within reveals and grows until thru the eyes of un- derstanding that child is wiser than the older ones 168 THE DESCENDING LIGHT for, "The little child shall lead them" because it is receptive to spiritual things and unencumbered by physical and material thoughts. If you have builded love all about your little ones, they will pass into a field of love. But what of the little orphans whom some of you forget that they, too, are souls, and do abuse. Let me tell you some- thing which in my experience I have learned and thru investigation I know to be true. A woman, never having been a mother, joined an order which prevented her becoming a mother, be- came the superintendent (it was not the name she was called, but we will call it that) of an orphan asy- lum where great numbers of little children were under her care. She wore the garments of a highly developed soul while in the physical — she is in the spiritual expression now and desires to have this confession come thru that some may know she is very, very sorry for what she did while in charge of those little children. She abused the physical body of the little ones in her care when they did not learn the things she wanted them to learn pertaining to the one particular doctrine — if they did not memorize every word of that copy, they received bodily torture from the hands of that woman, who in the ignorance of the laws of life forgot that God governs all things thru love. She abused the motherless children and then prayed and prayed for forgiveness in other things — not even thinking that this was a sin. Now three of those children have passed into the other life, that is three with whom I have come in contact, and they are very close to her and helping her ' to rise out of the terrible condition she has WHO TAKES CAKE OF OUR CHILDREN GONE BEFORE 169 builded about her. Is she entirely to blame for this, or are the minds who dominated back of it also to blame, and will they not suffer for their share in it? True, she receives the returns of what she sent out into the world of expression — all that she did is hers ; but it was the expression of a life expressing itself entirely the opposite from the real desire within a soul. The reason I bring this lesson to you is that you may know that it is not well to abuse any other man's children more than you would your own. A spirit of selfishness causes man to look for the imperfections in the child of his fellow-man, and he forgets to search within his own to find some of his own quality manifesting there. This causes many children after leaving the flesh to return and tell their parents of weaknesses within them. A little soul returns and says, "Mamma, don't be cross with brother, or don't be cross with (speaking the name) ; be kind, or, don't be angry with papa." The reason that child picks out that particular thing to say is because there is a reflection of that upon the soul so strongly that there is a tendency in that child to do evil tho the flesh body is gone. So until man learns more of the laws of life, little ones will remain close to the earth, close to men in their everyday life ; and all your characteristics re- flect themselves upon all who are about you, and es- pecially upon your child whom you love and who loves you. The little ones manifesting close to the earth plane are drawn there by love. The souls of those who abuse the physical body of the little ones cause them to hate, when perhaps the 170 THE DESCENDING LIGHT hate thought would never be there, and causes them to feel that some time they will abuse something. The lesson we desire to convey is this: Bring the good out of the children and cultivate the tendency within them to good. If the soul of a child is in- spired to do one thing, study that child and the tend- ency within and let the little children express them- selves purely and spiritually; but do not fill their minds up with some particular creed or doctrine which presents for you a pet thought and which has been handed down thru generations. The child is receptive to it and later in life finds many obstacles which have been brought from the outside rather than from within. Educate the children that they may develop spir- itually, that they may develop all the finer qualities within them ; and you may find within the conscious- ness of some of your children a wonderful school ; you may find within your own child a messenger from the great universe, bringing to you great possi- bilities. Children of the coming generation are going to have very strong intuitive powers, many are going to be of higher and finer character, higher vibration, more in touch with the unseen. You may say they are imaginative — they may weave wonderful stories, but study their stories, and thru the chifd learn ; for indeed, "The little child shall lead them." When the angel of death comes into your home and takes from you one of your little ones ; oh, brothers and sisters, how many times it is the opening of the gates to the higher life? How many of you have passed out of the material into the beautiful and WHO TAKES CARE OF OUR CHILDREN GONE BEFORE 171 spiritual because a little child has opened the door to the spiritual world? And when you find your baby, what happiness to know that there is some- thing greater beyond, so you rise out of the narrow material life and live and be more spiritual. So those of you who have little ones over there, know that the eyes of understanding within reveal to them all your tendencies, and they see you and know you as you are and they will return and guide you — but do not think that because that child has passed thru death that it can return to you in the material and tell you how to buy or sell property. Their little souls are gathering to themselves spiritual things; they are still in the great school of experience but their experiences are very different from yours ex- cept in the reflection of your lives upon them. So never abuse a child's physical body because that child cannot see as you do ; the child may be in an entirely different vibration from you, for there is a flesh kinship and there is still a greater which is spiritual kinship. The soul of your child tho, thru the law of love will be with you, but it may not be of the same quality as you, and there may be quali- ties within the soul of that child which will find companionship in some one who is entirely different from you. So bring out the individuality of the children — if they show tendencies one way or an- other, cultivate them along that line for good. If they are strong-willed, do not try to bind them too tightly but direct that strong will into a channel which will accomplish good. If they show a tendency to any particular kind of work, guide them into that 172 THE DESCENDING LIGHT properly and do not force them into something for which they are not fitted. Educate the children; begin with the infant to teach them the secrets yon have hidden from their youth — tell them the truth. Purify their lives on the mortal plane and thru the spirit all mankind in all walks of life shall find the things for which he hun- gers — the health for which a soul cries. In all their development and unfoldment up to the present time the greater number have had no oppor- tunity to bring put an expression of their own indi- viduality. They have been guided by dominating minds, and so far as religion or spiritual things were concerned, they were to go according to the minds of those who ruled them. Your little ones when passing on into the next ex- pression are taken in the arms of some one who loves them and loves you ; and when they have found out how to use their little new body they are with you and they love you and they will guide you. They are ever and ever near you, not away off in some place grieving for you, or forgetting you, for the love kindled here lives on and on ; so let us love the little children in the flesh — and those of you who have no children of your own, do you know that there are children who have no home and who are being abused? Take them into your home and bring out the good within them — for the little soul who has been aided in its expression on earth kindles the love that never dies. So let us unite in the great thought (not in the belief, but in the knowledge) that our little ones live in love and come to see us. They sing and they dance WHO TAKES CAEE OF OUR CHILDREN GONE BEFORE 173 and they play and are happy and express themselves in all their own little childish ways ; and there is no individual mind going to bend or spoil their individu- ality. The little children are studying and growing, and building their soul's home "over there." Let us unite in the great thought of love, for we are all brothers and sisters ; and all the different ex- pressions of religion, the individuals in the ranks are trying to reach the same God. Justice is under- standing; it reveals to men why things are as they are ; why the individual is as he is ; reveals to him the hidden law; reveals to him that it is the same God of justice, the same God of love, the same God of good, the same God of power which manifests over them all — oh, it is the same God we are all seeking and reaching out to find, so let us unite in our search — aye, the little child shall lead them. The little children grow over there but they do not grow as the things before your physical eye, do not grow big as in the material, but they grow big of mind and big of soul, and closer to the perfect ex- pression they develop, and all they learn is spiritual and good — the lessons they learn are perfect. Lit- tle ones who have never spoken in the flesh will re- turn to speak and you will note in their messages that the language they use is perfect, not a flaw. But the little children who pass away after they have partly learned to talk will for a time hold a strong memory of the earth expression and when they re- turn will speak in the baby terms as was known to them. At first they will use their own simple way of speaking but gradually they will learn more and more, and you will note upon repeated manifestation 174 THE DESCENDING LIGHT there is a gradual improvement in their language and the method of conveying to you their thoughts. You will note the very rapid progress or unfoldment of the little child who is growing up in spirit land. You will also note that every message brought to man in the flesh by the child spirit will hold more of a lesson in its simple way than the lessons brought by older minds, or minds developed upon the earth in the physical expression. Souls born into the flesh sometimes have but a short time to finish their experience in the flesh, they must have just a little more experience and then they pass into the new life thru which they can freely ex- press themselves. They return for a very short time in the flesh that they might pass thru the experience of being born into the flesh, and then pass to the spir- itual there to express themselves as guides and guardian angels, and light the little spark of truth — with little whispers of love they come into your consciousness when you are tempted sorely to do wrong. How many of you have not felt sometimes when temptations come, when you had been tempted to do a certain thing, when suddenly there speaks within you something which tells you not to do it ? The little souls return very shortly and work into your vibration and speak to you — not in words con- veyed to your consciousness thru the physical sense, but thru the spiritual sense, you know it. The little body born into the physical sometimes because of its imperfect condition is quickly drawn back to earth ; then that little soul has had no physi- cal expression and its home is within the love thought; the little babe lives close to its parents — WHO TAKES CARE OF OUR CHILDREN GONE BEFORE 175 so does not this inspire you to do good? Would you let your little one see you sin? Would you let your little ones learn the effect of wrong thoughts'? The following messages, coming from the little ones them- selves, will bear out the truth of the statements made by the spirit teacher as given in this chapter. Many people have heard these little souls give their sweet messages from time to time and will acknowledge the accuracy of this report. A baby boy, Francis, nearly two years old, was taken from a home of tenderest love and care; his two grandmothers thought there never was another such child — the home was in darkness and gloom be- cause the little voice was still, and there was no more pattering of little feet — oh, what an aching silence. Can you imagine the feelings of those sorrowful hearts when they heard again the baby voice at the message circle? The little one kept saying, "Baby here — baby here — baby here." Some one asked, "Whose baby are you, dear?" And the answer came, "Papa baby, mamma baby, gagga baby, gammy baby." This was repeated several times. That was the way he had to distinguish his two grandmothers; one was gagga and the other was gammy. Of course, he was recognized at once ; and a great comfort comes to more than his immediate family, for all who hear the sweet messages of this angel baby are filled with love and tenderness. In each message he seems to have learned new words. One time he said, "Mamma bwake (broke) Teddy eye — poor Teddy, mamma fix." That day while dusting, the mother had knocked his Teddy Bear from his little high chair and one of the eyes came 176 THE DESCENDING LIGHT out, and the baby in spirit saw her put it back in place again. At another circle a part of his message was, 1 ' Papa go fast — gammy scare — baby no scare. ' ' His papa had been out in the country and had driven so fast that the grandmother was frightened. "Papa run fast — can't catch bunny." This same day the father had gone hunting with a friend and had tried to catch a rabbit. These are just parts of a few of the baby mes- sages and are given to show that the little ones do stay close to their parents and those who were in their little home life; that they see and know what the loved ones are doing, and enter into the home life of the physical expression. One evening a little child came into the circle and called, "Mother." Some one asked, "Who are you, dear ? ' ' and the answer came, "lam Doris. ' ' While wondering who Doris might be, her own little girl in spirit spoke and said, "Oh, mamma, I want you to be little Doris' mother, too. She is a little girl I found over here, and she didn't have any earth mother to love her, so I told her that you would be her mother and love her just like you love me." Then in her own childish way she told how happy she was with this little girl for a playmate, and how she was around her daddy and mamma, and kissed her little brother — pleaded with her mother not to cry as she wasn 't sick any more. The mother wondered afterwards who little Doris was, and so when she went to another circle and her little girl came, she asked her why she wanted her to WHO TAKES CARE OF OUR CHILDREN GONE BEFORE 177 be a mother to Doris, and why did this strange child come to her, so the little child explained. "I love her so much, mamma, she led me all the way, and she brought me across, and leads me everywhere and helps me and shows me what to do — she did all the time I was there on earth, too ; she was my guardian angel, and I want you to be her mamma, too, because you love so much and I want you to love her like you love me because she never had a chance to live on earth, she came over here when she was so tiny, and Dobody cared so she stayed at our house when I was there with you and she loves you just like I do." And the mother said, ' ' Oh, I will love the dear little soul. Do you think you will be a guardian angel, dear?" "Not yet, mamma, I want to be near you because I love you and my daddy and brother — kiss daddy and brother for me. Good bye." A little girl of twelve years had diphtheria and passed out. Her messages given at the children's circles held many wonderful lessons and helped her cousins and the others who attended to be more kind and thoughtful of others. She told them that there was only a thin veil between them and her, and she thought in time that the veil would be lifted. "Do you know why the veil is there?" she asked one of her little cousins. "It is because of bad thoughts." And before she left she said, "Now let's all try real hard and see if we can't lift that veil by thinking only good thoughts." Another message held this wonderful lesson. "I go to school, too; we don't have books like you do, but we learn all about colors. Every thought has a 178 THE DESCENDING LIGHT certain kind of color and we learn to read thoughts by their color. We can go any place we want to, only if we want to go some place where it is not best for us an angel is always there to turn us back." A little time before this circle was held the little cous- ins had been having one of their childish quarrels, and during her conversation she pleaded with them to be kind to each other, "because," she said, "when you quarrel it is just like throwing stones at me. You wouldn 't throw stones at me, would you ? ' ' The little cousins were very much disturbed at this and promised not to quarrel any more. Another dear little soul which has shed sunshine and gladness upon so many hearts at the message circle, is that of a little girl who was called Joyce. She was an only child and when about eight years old was run over by an automobile and instantly killed. Soon after she came to the children's circles, as some who attended had been her playmates, and she would send some special word to her grief- stricken parents, and which were faithfully delivered by the children who were neighbors. One day she said to them, "Just think, my mamma is going to |ind God pretty soon now." The children thought she meant that her mother Was going to die and so did not dare tell her that part of the message. But it came out later that she meant her mother was coming to the circle and would find that her little girl had not gone away, and thru communication with her little child would find the ever-living presence of the true and loving Father. Her messages always hold some beautiful thought WHO TAKES CARE OP OUR CHILDREN GONE BEFORE 179 which causes older minds to seek the true light. On one occasion she was quite late coming to the circle and when her mother asked her why she was so long in coming, she answered, "Why, I was over home with papa, trying to make him feel better. He is sleeping now, so I hurried right over to talk to you. ' ' Another time she described how she felt when she came into the circle. "When I first come in here, mama, I feel just like I was all bundled up in a big overcoat ; I feel so weighted down, but after I stay a little while I begin to feel lighter and lighter until I just have to rise, I can't stay any longer." Another of her messages held this thought : "Why, mamma, what is that funny light around you? — oh, I know, that is the worry color — now, mamma, dear, you must not worry — worrying won't do any good. You know bad things just sink down into the earth, and the good things keep going up and up and never end." During one conversation her mother asked her what she would like to have done with her little ashes (they had cremated her body) and she said, "Oh, put it around a nice red rose bush, mamma." The father could not consent to this, so she said, "Why, papa, when you come over here, some one might throw them out in an old cabbage patch and that would be worse than putting them around a nice rose bush." Another time when her mother was talking with her about a trip they had on a street car, she said, "Yes, I went right along, too, and I didn't have to pay any carfare either." It seems strange to think that one can come to know and feel acquainted with an individual who 180 THE DESCENDING LIGHT has passed from the physical expression, but such is the case with little Joyce, for many have come to know this pure little soul whom they have never seen, and her bright and cheery little messages of love will long be remembered by all who have heard her speak words of joy and comfort to her parents. tSometimes, just to be sociable, she says, " Hello everybody. ' ' The following is a message from a little girl who lived in Rochester, New York, with her parents who were firm believers in spirit return, and is another proof that even tho a little soul has had no physical expression it still lives and is brought into under- standing in the unseen world which is close to and all around us. This little girl was stricken suddenly while at play ; several physicians were called but before they could come to an agreement in the diagnosis of the case, her little spirit passed out into the great un- known. Just one week after her little soul took its flight the grandmother who was devoted to the child attended a seance conducted by Mrs. Brace, and during the course of the evening a sweet little voice called, "Grandma, don't cry, I'm all right; I don't feel one bit bad now, only sorry — sorry for you and mamma and daddy. Tell mamma to put my things away and not cry for me, for I love you all just the same — and say, grandma, I found something over here, guess what it is." Grandma could not guess. "Why, it's a baby sister. I didn't know I ever had a sister ; did you, grandma f Just think of it, a baby sister all my very own. ' ' WHO TAKES CARE OF OUR CHILDREN GONE BEFORE 181 Just about a year before this little child passed out, the mother gave birth to another, still born, which was unknown to the little child ; and it was a great surprise to her when she found the baby sister in spirit land. The fact that babies grow up in spirit land is am- ply proven by the messages received directly from the little ones who have passed out before they were able to talk. The following was received from a little one who had left the physical body at the age of two years when his vocabulary consisted of a very few words, such as papa, mamma, yes, no, and other little baby expressions. Were he still living in the flesh he would now be 18 years old. When he first came to the message circle he was brought by an older brother who had been drowned, and in giving his first little message he said, "I want to speak with my earth mother. ' ' This demonstrates clearly that our babies have angel mothers to take care of them in spirit land. On one occasion his message held this sweet thought: "I am with you when you pray, mother. Do you know why? It is because there is such a bright light around you." Another time when he was asked if he had grown up, he said, "lam big in my soul, big in my thoughts, but when I come back to talk to you I am still in my baby astral body." The last time he came to speak to his mother he called, ' ' Mamma, mamma. ' ' When asked why he did that he replied, "Well, I wanted to come in by myself this time, so I said mamma. ' ' During his conversation he asked his mother if she had heard the celestial music. His mother asked 182 THE DESCENDING LIGHT him if he meant in her dreams, and he said, "Yes, I was so in hopes you would carry back a memory of that celestial music because I was a part of it." Later on the elder brother in spirit land explained that "our baby" is now on the plane of music and he was so anxious to have his mother hear him. We will close the chapter with a message received from a little child who was unknown to any of the children in the circle, and who came in out of curi- osity. When asked if she knew any one there, she said, "Why, do I have to know somebody? I just thought I would look in to see what you are doing. ' ' Here she chuckled to herself and said, "It's a funny thing, but you know I went to my own funeral. They thought they put me in the grave, but I didn't stay there ; I went right back home with mamma. Poor mamma, she cries so much she can't see me. I wish you would tell her not to cry, I am right at home with her." Oh, if all sorrowing mothers could only realize that God does not take away their children — that they are still with them! . When this great "Descending Light" breaks in upon all souls there will be no such word as "dead" for all will realize that life is continuous, and there is no death. CHAPTER VI. PROTECTIVE FORCES. Gleanings from Trance Lectures. Spirit Communion is growing, and right in its growth, as are all things of the spirit, hut let me tell you this : Hold yourselves within the great protec- tive cloak of TRUTH because the great world upon which you live and are expressing is swarming with souls whose bodies are gone, cast away by the hand of man; prematurely born "into that new life as a babe is born prematurely into the flesh. These souls are not ready to express themselves on the astral plane, so they return and you must aid them to a knowledge of spirit ; for they have gone into a new life before their time — the vehicle in which they manifested has been destroyed by man, and they must learn how to use the new body. It is well that man learns more and more of the laws of spirit return, not only the fact, but investi- gate the laws and learn them ; make them a part of himself thus preventing much insanity and obses- sion. Know that the world will be overwhelmed with spirits returning, perhaps with vengeance, perhaps with hate, perhaps so homesick; perhaps with a craving for another man's blood — for they carry back the last thought they took with them. They will return desiring to have a flesh body thru which 184 THE DESCENDING LIGHT to manifest; so beware of this, send them ever and ever that thought which will make the spiritual con- dition which is necessary for them to have to prop- erly pass along into their spiritual growth. Do not go into spirit communion until you pre- pare yourself mentally and spiritually for it because it is more than a dangerous thing to do, for if the good return, so can tlw evil; the same rain falls upon the murderer and upon the good Samaritan; the same sun shines upon all and the same law governs all alike. Therefore, make the conditions which will invite to you the enlightened spirit, and thru that you will bring your loved ones to you in the pro- tective light of spirit ; for when you search for spirit manifestation in truth and spiritual thought, you have found the key which unlocks the door between, and there you will find your loved ones. These are the things which we desire to imbue into your consciousness that they may become a part of you. Spirit return is a fact, but do not reach into that lower realm and ask aid, but reach out into the higher light and they will aid you to grow in spirit- ual things, and then you will be able to help your loved ones to progress. Commune thru your con- sciousness ; it is not necessary to go to a public me- dium. It is true that perhaps a public medium may break the way for you because you are lost in the desert and cannot find your loved ones ; but in your consciousness, in the spiritual light of your own soul, in the silent thought of spirit when you resolve to injure no man, to live as nearly a perfect life as you can, to send out only that which is good, then call your loved ones and in the sacred silence of your PEOTECTIVE FOBCES 185 soul 's home you will hear from them — it may uot be the spokeu word nor the touch that your flesh can feel, but in your soul you will know that they are present, and in time if you continue to lift your thought, you will find that you can reach them. Do not sit for development unless you are positive that you understand hoiu to hold your protective thought. It is not the spoken word, but' it is the thought in its fullness which the words express. Let truth be your ivatch/ivord, harmony your hey, love and charity your stepping stones. Harmony means at peace with all. Now, with your watchword turn into the investigative field and step into the light of spiritual development upon the steps of love and charity, and then lean upon your staff, your stand- ard of morality, your standard of all good, but re- member to hold these thoughts about you. You never can rise by searching in the lower realms of spirit manifestation. You cannot find the truth — it is not there. Because while the spirits who infest the lower plane of thought can be helped by the spirits of those in the body, they cannot help you. If your life is sinful, that is the realm from which you will draw. 'Tis the old, old story, repeated so many times that it has grown old, yet, we will use it again — like attracts like, and those who are drawn to you from that other expression of life will be just as nearly like you as it is possible for two beings to be. They may not use the same expressions, but the quality will be much like yourself because they come from the same realm in which you spiritually dwell. 186 THE DESCENDING LIGHT How to Build a Protective Force. Man in his search for the things of mystery finds that he has the power to bring communications from the other world — the light has come that he even might act as an instrument between the two worlds ; and in his anxions way sometimes he goes blindly, not knowing that first it is well that he pre- pare himself to work in the fields of the unseen. He ought not go into the unknown fields without first guarding himself with a protective force, and it is this we wish to impress deeply upon your conscious- ness — disembodied spirits are striving every mo- ment to reach you to say, "We are not dead" — and it is to tell you to build that protective force that we come to you. All over your nation today is coming into existence the mediumship known as automatic writing. It is because mankind has developed a very high sense of clairvoyancy; but in their effort to prove spirit re- turn thru these wonderful gifts, they have confused mind reading and psychology with spirit return. It is thru no fault of theirs, but because they find they possess a wondrous power which they cannot under- stand, and this power has been very much abused thru ignorance. But when the spirit world, or the intelligence out- side of the body controls the hand of man without in the least touching his mind, what can they say of this? Spirits outside of the body in their great ef- fort to touch the consciousness of man in the body found that while working thru the minds of men they very often convey messages holding a large per- PROTECTIVE FORCES 187 centage of the mind of the instrument. And so they strove to find another avenue thru which to give to you those thoughts which they could not give thru other phases of mediumship, and the spirit will often use the astral body of the sitter. In doing this they can, without in the least affecting the mind of that medium, control just the hand or just the arm. Man can use his mental powers to control any part of his body. To obtain automatic writing, it is best to have a pencil which is your own, and which no other has used. Hold it closely within your hands as you pass mentally into that spiritual field of thought where you gather about you those forces who will protect you against undesirable visitors from the lower realms of thought. Take that pencil in your hand, holding the holy thought of spirit, then relax your arm. Perhaps you may not be able to do this at first ; but if you cannot at first use this method with- out thinking of it, cover your hand or hide your face ; sing, speak or do something that will take your mind entirely away from your hand. There are very few who when they seek in this way cannot within a short time receive some little proof from the world beyond the grave. Reach out to the holy trinity of thought, Infinite Love, Universal Harmony, Absolute Wisdom, and reaching to that great, unperceivable trinity of thought, you cannot go wrong. If you have never been convinced that the spirit can commune with you, try it. It will not harm you — but remember, it is necessary that you clothe yourself in truth. Do not sit for amusement. Let me impress this 188 THE DESCENDING LIGHT deeply ; before you try to lend your hand, learn how to build your thought about you, learn how to clothe yourself before you send into the realm of light a desire to lend a portion of your body to that world that they may reach mankind. Sometimes that hand is moved only thru vibration, thought vibration. Many times that hand is moved so that the message is conveyed to you as the thought is sent from that consciousness beyond the grave; and many times the hand will move again and again, making nothing but little marks. But do not become discouraged, because this is only the beginning. When a baby first attempts to stand, it falls, but it rises again and makes another attempt, and so it is with the development of those powers. Do not use those powers for material purposes until you know that they are entirely outside of your own mind. Do not allow the spirit to convey to your world messages which interest only material minds. Do not allow the spirit forces to use your hand to tell you that another is wronging you, or anything of that sort, because in doing this you are sending out just that destructive thought. This is something I wish to let sink deep into your consciousness — if you, thru curiosity, attempt to read a message before it is completed, many times the message will change its course, will be much of yourself. "Wait patiently, hold strongly the thought for a limited space of time, because those who are trying to manipulate that instrument are sometimes in ignorance of the laws. Sometimes they have been away from that physical body so long that they have progressed away from the PROTECTIVE FORCES 189 physical needs, and they would hold a portion of your body longer than it would be well for it physic- ally. And so lend your body only for a limited time — they will not overreach their privilege. Independent writings are developed to a very great extent today thru concentration. The same law governs all phases of mediumship ; and we are presenting the lessons which will help you to reach out to the other world. Automatic writings are more universal than any other phase of medium- ship today. Independent writings are not so com- mon. It takes a longer time to put your mind in that state where you can obtain them — and it is well to have a pencil which holds just your own magnetic force, because in lending it to others it takes a part of their vibration with it. So hold it sacred to your own use; and when you sit for this purpose, do not hold that pencil and endeavor to obtain automatic writing, because if the spirit world find they can reach you thru that method, they will not put forth so great an effort as is re- quired for the independent writing. All cannot develop this power, but a great many can. You cannot say, "I want to be an independent writer" or "I want to be a clairvoyant", but if it is within you and you can bring it forth, then sit in spiritual meditation for a limited space of time each day. But meet your helpers in spirit regularly — be not anxious that the pencil move, but just sit in spiritual meditation with yourself, in the silence of your own soul commune with yourself, and find the weaknesses within you and attempt to overcome them, make yourself spiritual ; and have within you 190 THE DESCENDING LIGHT that thought, if they can reach you, they will. It may take a long time, and it may be that the power is not within you, but it is well to try to develop it. You must learn that a spirit because it has left the body is not necessarily an illuminated spirit. They are in the realm of thought in which they lived — and it is easier for those on the lower plane of thought to manifest than it is for those who have long since left their temples of clay. Their physical memory is fresh within their consciousness, and they remember better how to reach you than those who have progressed farther into spirit and who return to you with things of the soul ; therefore, put forth great effort (it is a hard lesson for you to learn) to reach the purer, more enlightened souls by building a spiritual channel thru which they can reduce thru all the different octaves of vibration until they can reach you in the flesh body. These are the lessons we would impress upon your consciousness : First, the protective force of spirit- ual expression; second, the development of the powers within you ; third, the satisfied souls greeting you who say, "You have shown me the way." Is there any thing which can make the souls of men rise into spiritual light more than an appreci- ative brother who speaks of the satisfaction he has received thru your spiritual thought? These lessons we leave with you, take them home with you, think on them. May you reach into the very highest realms of spiritual thought possible and there find the things of the spirit, and then bring them to your brother. PROTECTIVE FORCES 191 Spirit communication is today but in its infancy. Can you expect to receive perfect thoughts, perfect lessons, pure spirit lights, thru channels which are filled with mortal thought, filled with avarice, filled with hate, filled with jealousy and filled with selfish- ness? Do you think that the tidings of eternal love can reach you thru these channels? No! But thru it all as man reaches for light and truth, takes away the things which are earthy, takes away the things which are not pure, he finds the glorious truth, pure unadulterated spirit. The only way you can receive these thoughts, these pure messages of light is by living the truth, by building about yourself only those conditions which will attract pure spirits. Many times upon investigation man finds things which are false, things which are impure — why? Because they are attracted to him — like attracts like — then why not build about yourself that strong protective force which will not permit all these to come to you. Live in the glorious light of truth, and go into the golden silence, commune with pure spirits, open the way to a higher and pure realm of thought, reach out for those things beyond the grasp of mortal mind, for the light which will illuminate your consciousness and bring to your soul the real- ization of what little benefit is derived from ma- terial things, and the wondrous help of the glorious uplifting influence of spiritual desires. Now, it is very difficult for us to manifest to you when the atmosphere is disturbed, but when things are peaceful, when things are bright, when One can see the glorious harmony in nature, then is it easier 192 THE DESCENDING LIGHT for the spirit to descend thru the vibrations and speak and manifest to you. Then is it not well to build the thought which is pure, to live a life that all pure minds disembodied can be attracted to you because they are in tune with your thoughts — so that only those who are spiritual and good, only those who will uplift you will be at- tracted to you. As you put forth effort to serve your fellow-man, as you seek for more and more of the things of spirit, there will be cast around you the light which will show you the way that you may be well ma- terially and well spiritually. If you build about yourself only those things which are good, you will bring to yourself only good conditions. To receive good, send out good ; to receive evil, send out evil. What man desires to receive things which are not good! But if he sows the seed, that shall his har- vest be. They say, "Thru all the ages spirits have re- turned, and spirits have caused minds to wander — they have even destroyed bodies." Yes, 'tis true, spirits have done these things — spirits in the flesh have done this, too; (man is as much a spirit while in the flesh body as he is after death) ; spirits in the flesh have sinned and are sinning against their fel- low-men; and spirits out of the flesh are doing the same things. What man of you can say that every friend of yours, every one who calls himself your friend, has always spoken the truth, has never violated, but has always spoken the truth f Not one of you can stand PROTECTIVE FORCES 193 upon your feet and say tonight that every man in this world of flesh who calls himself your friend has always spoken the truth. And the world of spirit which is just beyond the grave is filled with men who have been in the flesh — they passed into that world just as they were in this life; the mere ex- perience called death does not change their individ- uality ; does not remove from them all their charac- teristics, they carry them with them. And so they return, they come as they are, and if they deceived in the flesh, why, they will deceive out of it, until they have grown out of all the physical memories and habits. There are those of you who have learned the price of untruth, have found the value of truth, the mean- ing of truth, and would not falsify ; and so it is with those out of the flesh. Those who are progressing, when they become illuminated and progress from the undeveloped thoughts of the physical, they learn the price of falsehood, and they learn the value of truth. So in your search, know that there are times when you will meet those who may desire to harm you, and will unless you know how to protect yourself in your investigation. But when you have learned to clothe yourself, prepare yourself for the journey into the unseen world, protect yourself, you will not permit the undeveloped to come to you. In your investigation search not for deception, search not for untruth, but search for the things which the unfolding soul needs; and that is truth and helpful thoughts which will make of you a bet- 194 THE DESCENDING LIGHT ter man or a better woman, and open the way for a clearer vision of the things of God. But men in their desire to know of spirit return, to know whether or not this is true, (this thing that all the orthodox churches are opposing ; and yet are drawing into their ranks, preparing to give it to the people under the cloak of their particular doc- trine) must know first before they penetrate the wall between that in spirit there are ranks and classes, and all kinds of souls just as there are in the flesh. So in your investigation know this: When you come to the brink of the great chasm between your world of expression and that world which is just across this mysterious chasm, that world of which you know so little, there are various methods of reaching it and there are dangerous pathways thru which you must go. You must not lend your bodies for the control of any one who is intellectually your inferior. Do not allow any spirit to control your mind or your body unless they are superior to you intellectually, so that when this is done they may leave you some helpful thought or something that is good. This is the terrible mistake that man in his foolish investi- gation makes — he goes blindly into the chasm of darkness searching for the truth of spirit return; and in doing this he invites destructive forces to him. Some say there is no truth in the old thought, "Like attracts like", but, it is true, and you will see it as you study the methods and mediums in all the different walks of life. You will find that those who PEOTEOTIVE FORCES 195 work with them as guides and helpers are of the same quality spiritually; they draw them from the same realm of thought to which they have grown. We are very bitterly criticised for making these statements; but it is our duty to warn you of this because if you allow those of inferior minds to con- trol you they become so accustomed to coming to you, and your own thought becomes weakened, for it is only a destructive force which will dare to enter your body and bring manifestation to man which is untrue or impure. There are those out of the body who are still in their sex memories, who still have latent the physical sensations and appetites because their physical bodies are still in form. ("We have explained to you in previous lessons the good of having the flesh body cremated after the soul has left it, so we will not dwell upon that here.) But we will tell you once again that there are those in spirit who have very pronounced within them the physical memories because their whole individuality reflects that; they have lived entirely for the satisfying of their physical desires and appetites. But know this : No matter how low they have fal- len, some time somewhere, they will begin to unfold the spirit within, and that which reflects all good will be illuminated by the higher law of unfoldment, and they will develop the finer quality which is not lust but love, which is not avarice but service which is not hate but universal love — the love of one man for all men in every class in every walk of life. Then again, there is the danger of insanity. Those who speak against a man becoming enlightened along the line of spirit return, speak truly when they say 196 THE DESCENDING LIGHT many have gone insane. But it is for you who know how to commune with the spirit world to educate man and direct his thinking powers along the line of spiritual thought, because it is true that those who come rushing in to manifest are those who are close to the physical and less spiritual. We have gathered about you that protective In- dian force; because Indians in their peculiar way clear the atmosphere for our vibration — and they shall stay in touch with you until you are entirely protected. In the development of your mediumship you are being protected and spiritually educated for the great work, and the mission of a medium. The time will come when you will feel in your souls a realization of our efforts to protect you and to keep open the way for spirits of the higher realms to manifest. And then you will know the necessity of preparation and education in the proper develop- ment of mediumship. The time is not far distant when thru our great effort, and by your assistance, we shall overcome this terrible demoralization which is being perpe- trated upon you today by undeveloped mediums seeking spirit communion with the forces who are also undeveloped and ignorant thereby creating lower spirit conditions. We will protect you, and we ask you to aid us. Spirits who are in the lower spheres are placed there because their thoughts were and are not only material but earthy, low, and their appetites have been their masters. Why are they there? To meet their masters; and if it should be appetite for wrong doing, they meet PROTECTIVE FORCES 197 that master, and they must overpower that master. How? By doing good. Many are in the lower realms of spirit before they are even aware that there is a higher life, be- fore they even dare to think of anything higher, and so they are close to the lower thoughts of man, and if man reaches into that realm he will get just what is in that realm. Death severs the soul from the body, but it does not make that man good until he has risen and shaken away all the mistakes of his flesh life, the thoughts, the appetites, the habits remain with him for a time. Some of you know this, some of you are hunting and searching, and some have been merely touched by the light, but search farther; do not go into spirit communion until you prepare yourselves mentally and spiritually, for it is more than a dangerous thing to do. Therefore, make conditions which will invite to you the enlightened spirits and thru that protective line of spirit your loved ones will come. When spiritualists (so-called) learn to lift spirit communion up to the high standard to which it be- longs they will have found the key which unlocks the door between them and their loved ones ; and all this time they are growing in spirit and making a beautiful pathway into their tomorrow. Study the laws of truth and harmony and morality, and the light is bound to come. If you will cultivate the inner powers, if you will illuminate the heaven within you, if you find the Godspark within you and bring forth its illumin- ation, you ivill protect yourselves. 198 THE DESCENDING LIGHT The spirit within, the spark of the Infinite, is wis- dom. That which man gathers from the surface and thru experience is knowledge. Knowledge wakens, aye, tut wisdom reveals. So take thru knowledge all that you can gather from the world beyond, hold it as knowledge, and then in deep, solemn, prayerful, spiritual meditation illuminate it with the spirit within, and behold, thru wisdom you will know that it is not the man who searches materially that finds the light. He may find that which satisfies him for a time, but he does not gather the great good that man gathers thru searching spiritually. CHAPTER VII. INVISIBLE HELPERS. Every soul born into the flesh has its guides ; some call them guardian angels, but it does not matter what you call these invisible helpers. They lead you and guide you, but they cannot rule you ; only your individuality, the inner part of, you can make for yourself your future conditions, for God, the great spirit, the great soul, the great fountain of life, of ALL, is constantly imbuing you with light, life, un- derstanding, which you can illuminate, and the mo- ment it is illuminated, it is for you to continue illuminating it, enlarging it in your search and in your effort, and in your service. If you are reaching out for knowledge of spiritual things, the greater intelligences will come to you repeatedly when the door is open that they might, and in every instance they will instruct you. If you are seeking more for development, only for manifestation, you will draw more of the earth force, and yet just as good as you are good, but of a lower nature, a more simple nature. But we feel that you will reach out into the higher realms to draw helpers to you that you might learn more and more of the lessons of TRUTH. 200 THE DESCENDING LIGHT Man searches always upon the surface. To gather the things of the soul he strives to bring it into his consciousness thru the physical senses; and so the spirits return, have returned, and still continue to return to tell him more and more of how to mani- fest that he might gather truth into the soul thru the physical senses. The invisible helpers reach down thru the dense physical vibration to man that he might awaken the spiritual part of himself, that he might reach out into the school of spiritual ex- pression and learn thru it the unseen, unfelt, yet ever present forces who will touch him in the silence. Therefore, as the spirit returns to present to you the lessons of the soul, he meets with great obstacles. Man will take just so much as his physical needs to satisfy his own selfish thought and desires, and he does not care to accept that part which crowds away some of the selfish part of his own spirit. I dare say, he will claim that that teacher gives him only his personal opinion. This is a great mistake. The teacher who returns to instruct man in the flesh returns from the school of spiritual expression and presents to him not one word but that which he has gathered from that higher realm of thought. He does not give the things which have only ap- peared to his own individual self, but he gives the universal thought which has been gathered from the vast field of spiritual expression; and it is thru great study and great effort that he returns to in- struct. The soul language has no spoken words, and the soul that returns to present to man a lesson borrows of his own vocabulary for the purpose of teaching INVISIBLE HELPERS 201 that individual the things of the soul, and to lift him and present to him the lesson which he never could have possessed until the physical vibration has been penetrated with spiritual instruction. When you are putting forth your effort to pene- trate into the world beyond, do not think that the effort is all on your part. Do not think that when you are putting forth your energy to look into the unseen that you are all that is working; for in the unseen realms there are hundreds and thousands and millions who are daring to return thru all the density of the discordant vibration of hate, murder, and the bloody vibration which is surrounding your planet today. They come in the sacred light of God, descendant spirits, invisible helpers, pure and holy spirits whose lives are consecrated to the service of man upon the mortal plane. They descend, and it is with great effort they come down, down, down thru the black, the red, the gray, the brown vibrations down to the consciousness of man in the physical. The hands of dead men are not idle. They are busy hands all leading you, loving hands guiding you, trying to show you the way. Master minds descending upon the earth, borrow- ing astral bodies to manifest, are sending forth into the consciousness of those who are receptive the things of spirit which will ever and ever live, and make for better all mankind. Masters are manifest- ing thru the flesh all about you ; but they are lifting, they are not crushing; they are guiding man into something which they cannot explain. They wonder why their visions have changed or softened, they wonder why they must put themselves in tune with 202 THE DESCENDING LIGHT the destructive thought (the great war) which en- velops your earth plane today ; but something seems to be lifting them out, they are changing their thoughts and they wonder why. It is because they have made themselves receptive to the things of spirit, and the greater minds are sending forth that light which is illuminating and making them see thru the spirit; and they will rise so far that they cannot be a part of that which is destructive. Something invisible, something stronger is pulling you higher and higher away from all the lower qualities and is making you more spiritual. Know that master minds in the flesh can touch your consciousness too; because they know how to leave their flesh body, and many times they gather knowledge from the higher realms. They are taken into the schools and taught how to leave their body that they may lift and serve mankind. They know not where they are or why it is so, but they -are drawn into the school where what seems to them as an experience ; and that mind is being used by some greater mind to touch the minds of men in the flesh. In different parts of the globe there are witnesses of the dawn of a new expression of spiritual thought, and the spirits who are acting as ministering angels to the earth plane at the present time (and have for the past, I might say, 500 years) are witnessing the same change on their plane of thought that you are on your plane. They are passing into a higher ex- pression which will carry them farther away from the earth plane, and which will make it more difficult for them to manifest to you, but in their places will INVISIBLE HELPEB8 203 step more students, more helpers, more teachers who have been prepared for the great work of helping humanity. Soon there will be born upon the earth another great teacher, another spiritual leader who will lead men into spirituality, in so far as their mentality can grasp it at the present time. Each era or age shall bring into existence that teaching from the realm of light which will bring man to a higher stage of unfoldment. And so as man develops mentally he reaches higher spiritually, and thus brings to his planet those teachers from the realms of light to which his thoughts reach. And as there preceded the former spiritual leader of nearly 2,000 years ago messengers who prepared the way, so it is now as we come here to prepare the way for the teachers who are to come and who will show you and teach you and eventually make the doorway more clear to you, and thru which you will receive that light for which mankind hungers today. You (students of the Circles of Light) are the mortal witnessess of the birth of this new spiritual light — make yourselves ready — make yourselves as a solid foundation of rock upon which it may rest, for it shall be asked of you ; for your opportunities are greater than many. We beg of you to practice in your everyday life your promise to do unto others as you wish to have them do unto you. Practice harmony in your everyday life, in your home and out of it. In sitting for development and becoming ac- quainted with some influence which is attracted to 204 THE DESCENDING LIGHT him, man as soon as lie finds that he can communi- cate with the spirit, he immediately heeds the teach- ing of that spirit before he knows from what realm that spirit comes. First, test the spirits that you may know whether or not they have been drawn to you from spiritual thought or from the physical and material thought. It is not always the spirit who manifests most readily to you that is the most help- ful to you. Sometimes the spirit which you never hear speak to you in the silence, or never feel the presence, per- haps mentally is helping you more than all you have heard speaking to you. Many of your silent helpers are lifting you higher and higher out of the lower vibration; and some time, if you put forth the necessary effort, you will become acquainted personally with the guides and helpers about you. Now, as man becomes acquainted with the laws which govern spirit return, and sits in spiritual meditation that he may unfold and bring into ex- pression his inner self, he draws nearer to him those outer intelligences, or spirits disembodied, who are attracted to him. He draws so near that he becomes acquainted with them and so he finds that they are individuals and not merely vibrations. Many times before he has known positively that it is an individ- ual whose mind is close to him, he has felt that it was something urging him or helping him to higher thoughts. A guide or helper is one who is drawn to you thru the spiritual line of thought, and when you sit for spiritual unfoldment you open the way for the mani- INVISIBLE HELPERS 205 festation of that individual. Now it is for you to help that guide as well as for him to help you. You can help him thru your own spiritual expression and he can help you by the mental, and will guide and help you in many instances where it is best for you. If you are truthful, reliable, trustworthy, know that the entities who are attracted to you will be likewise — and if you are not, you can expect only those which are of the same quality as you are. Then, too, I will say that as you unfold spiritually you attract more and more of the enlightened minds to you, those who have passed thru different realms of thought and have gathered much from the higher realms, and you will rise with them. All men and women living in the flesh have some intelligences who are directly in line with them be- cause they move spiritually in the line of spirit tho they walk in the flesh, and so you spiritually have ac- quired a spiritual friendship ; but your mind in the flesh does not always give to you as a memory the experiences it has upon the spiritual plane of thought, only as you hold a higher thought. But you can help them and they can help you if they have come to you from that realm of thought which is of pure spirit. (Invisible helpers talk in the audible voice to members of the Circles of Light. The following is a personal message to one of the members). "I came into your home — I was not acquainted with your name, but I was in your home when your family were sick. It was at a time when you were praying that you might know what to do, and I stood right by your side, but you had no sense of 206 THE DESCENDING LIGHT feeling my presence. There is no stronger invita- tion given to us than that which comes thru prayer- ful thought ; and as my great desire has been to bear some spiritual message to mankind, I am very strongly drawn to you by your prayer in thought. "You have asked to be shown the proper step to take, and I am here to guide you ; and I shall stand by your side, and I shall be of some assistance to you — and I am glad of the opportunity. "You do not know me by name, but if you will send your thoughts to your Godhead, I will come upon the rays of that light to minister unto you. My life upon the earth plane was that of a monk, though here I have come to serve in God's holy name and light. "A great future lies before you, my sister, and I will help you as you bring those little ones into womanhood. You have done for His sake a great deal, and your life will be a spiritual help to those you have drawn to you. God bless you." "Friends, I have come to speak only for a moment or two, tho I am out of the flesh and you are in it — that is why I speak to you ; as I am standing here I am sending you these thoughts. "You are holding in your hands tonight, sym- bolically speaking, the key which can make harmony for you, that will make happiness for you, or that which will create all unhappiness. Little do men realize as they walk in the flesh that they are hold- ing an opportunity far greater than any opportunity to make or build material things; but to you who have found that key which will open the doors be- INVISIBLE HELPEBS 207 tween the two worlds (there are keys and keys) let me tell you, lest you forget, that in all your search attend to this thought: Hold to the things of God whilst in that garden in which you walk today ; for it holds the fruits of the hidden things of God. "What is God? God is a spiritual unseen, ever- living, never dying fountain of wisdom of which you are a part. Therefore, I say this to you: lest you wish to walk in the garden in light, stay out of it — stay out of it. If you walk in unselfishness in search of God and spirit, in search of the hidden things for good, then come with us and let us show you the way to the hidden things of God. The sacred channels upon which you are daring to place your feet hold the things that no man in sin shall dare to touch. "Do you dare to reach out for the things of the soul, and sin and recklessly gather them in? No, it is a dangerous thing to do. Clothe yourselves in purity and truth, and if it is for truth you are searching, come forth and you shall find it. Happi- ness will be your reward; but if you are searching for satisfaction of selfish desires, turn away my good brethren ; seek ye another channel. "In the light of peace and purity and love shall be born a new race. Some of you shall be parents of a new generation born to lift and to serve mankind. "I speak to you in the name of that unseen power of God which no man can wholly conceive of whilst in the flesh. I serve in this field of material life be- cause I have spent but twenty years in the flesh. My friends, I stand before you a creature not in the 208 THE DESCENDING LIGHT flesh in order that I might lift man into a little higher spiritual thought. "You are searching for TRUTH, so beware that you step not into the garden in the spirit of selfish- ness. Good night." (Another invisible helper speaks.) "Now friends, I am no speaker, but I can help you in different ways. I was a man who thought of nothing but the accumulation of material goods; I was a man who thought of nothing but the building of a fine home, with fine furnishings and everything that appealed to the material eye of man; I never thought I had a soul ; but, oh, brothers and sisters, one day there came upon me a sickness and I found myself unable to obtain medical aid sufficient to overcome it ; and there came into my mind the real- ization that I must die. Oh, God, I cannot tell you the feeling that came upon me. The memories of this are hard to bear, but it is necessary that I do bear it because it is of my own creation, they tell me. And then there came the day when I must leave that body; I was conscious, until my soul was gone from my body I had every sense ; it seemed to me that I never could leave that body; it seemed that I must cling closer to that body for it was all that I had; and then I found myself entirely free from that body, and when I tried to pick up articles in my room I could not move them. I tried to put my hand upon the shoulder of my wife, to tell her that I was still there, that I was not gone, but she did not hear me ; she did not know that I was there. INVISIBLE HELPEKS 209 "I attended the funeral of my body, I attended the services and heard the minister say, 'He is in heaven.' I stood by his side craving that I might return to that body because I had no thought of any- thing beyond the body. My thoughts were all ma- terial, and now it seemed that all was gone — no per- son saw me. I was carried away into a deep sleep ; and when I wakened I saw my mother standing be- side me, and she said, 'Davy, my boy, forget the earth, forget the things you served for, and know that you are only now beginning to live; that you must rise and rise and reach out for Grod. You for- got Him, you forgot your soul.' There was not within me the power to talk ; I could not speak to her but I could hear her as she spoke to me. Finally I said, 'Mother, am I dreaming 1 ? I have worked all these years ; I have saved my money, and now is it all gone?' She said, 'God bless you, my boy, David, release yourself from the earth, loosen yourself from these thoughts of that life.' "Then there came upon me a fear — I cannot ex- press it to you because you cannot feel it, for your souls are not so sensitive. I could not release my- self from the desire to return to those things which I had builded around me. ' ' After a time I was filled with a great desire for something else, for something that they could not take from me; and then there came into my mind, into my soul, the glorious feeling of unfoldment, and I felt that I could go on, but oh, I wanted to come back and tell those who are hoarding and saving only with material thoughts not to do it. Please don't do it; try to develop spiritually so 210 THE DESCENDING LIGHT that when you come into the spirit life you will find something here for you; something you can touch; something you can know, and then you will realize that you have saved something besides material things. "What I want to do, brothers and sisters, is to walk with you and show you, and show men and women that the soul is more important than all the earthly wealth they may possess. May God bless you and show you the reality of the soul. ,, (Spirit teacher explains how they reduce to the physical vibration.) We hold within our consciousness a strong de- sire to carry to you words spoken in your familiar tongue which will give to you the thoughts that we have gathered here. We pass into a higher vibration where all is light, all is motion, all is per- fection; then we reduce into a heavier vibration where it is almost, as it would seem to you, un- breathable. We feel out of place, and we have to put forth great effort, but we know that we are serving you. We feel as you would feel if you were to go down into a mine to rescue your fellow- man; then we pass into a lower and heavier vibration, and so on until we pass thru all the density which surrounds you. Then we send out strongly from our consciousness the words we speak; we hold it in our will; we borrow your physical strength; we send to you from our con- sciousness the words we would speak. We come as you would creep into a mine to rescue your brother ; INVISIBLE HELPERS 211 then would any man in his ignorance dare to drag the spirit down to the material; drag the spirit along the highway of dust and say, ' ' Tell me some- thing which will make me rich; tell me how to get the best of my brother." These are the crimes the ignorant inquirers dare to commit; these are the sins they perpetrate against the spirit who reduces thru all the glorious vibration down to the density of the earth. He comes to save a soul; he comes to help you to live a better life — and then there are those who attend a spiritualist meeting just because they want to find something which they have lost. In the independent voice, a spirit puts forth wonderful effort to reach you. He does not borrow the speaking organs of any one, he does not borrow your mind; he merely builds upon the vibrations you lend him, and he speaks to you upon it. If the little things we tell you pertaining to your material life are for the purpose of making you better, and lifting you spiritually, we are glad to do it. The spiritual world has many inhabitants who love humanity and they return to the mortal plane with the desire to touch the consciousness of man and tell him the secret of life, the secret of content- ment, the secret of knowing. The spirit returns and speaks into your soul those things which make you better, those things which illuminate your soul and fill you with a desire to rise and be better. These are the things for which the spirit returns to the mortal plane — the things which have brought the spirit world close to you. It is not 212 THE DESCENDING LIGHT to tell you whether or not your wife is true, it is not to tell you where you lost your watch — but it is to waken man's soul to the reality of things, and to lead him on in his search. Harmony is born of spirit. Love is born of spirit and is the mother of charity and under- standing. The why of all things can only be dis- cerned and solved by spirit, for spiritual things can only be discerned by spirit. Alas, many souls who have awakened to the truth of spirit return only stand at the doorway of the earth side of the door and as they come just greet them with "how do you do," and "Kind friend, have you a message for me?" And they pass on; and another comes and it is the same greeting he hears, and so on and on, and the spirits leave no deeper impression upon him as they enter the door- way at which he stands in his investigation because he does not step to the other side of the door and learn more of the expression of life over there; he does not learn more of how to live and how to do and how to make and prepare that building in which he will live over there. He does not try to learn from those who are coming from the finer and higher places — poor man. There are souls and souls who are still in the flesh who have never sat in a seance room, never saw a public medium, yet they know their loved ones are with them because they have touched them spiritually thru the spiritual sense of their presence. And those who have stepped inside the door have asked that they may be of some service to the INVISIBLE HELPERS 213 angel world in bringing the light. The guardian angels or helpers bring to them souls from all walks of life in the different stages in which they passed away and let the soul talk to them and show them what it means to die in that thought, in all the conditions thru which the soul passes. He will willingly give himself to the spirit world for the service of humanity. He becomes acquainted with those who brought him. All these poor souls are seeking an avenue thru which to serve ; for death does not perfect the soul ; oh, no, it is unfoldment, it is progress, it is refine- ment, and it is atonement — at-one-ment. It is all a process of growth. The souls who are taken from that other life with all their material and physical environments whose thoughts were all of that nature cannot be placed immediately at-one-ment with perfection. They must pass thru all of this, and they begin just where they leave off. If they leave the flesh world thru the door of hate, they cannot turn around and come back thru the door of love — if they return, they return as they left until they grow little by little out of it; until they come into the realization of spiritual light, progression and laws of life; then they step into the higher ranks of service, to serve the souls in the flesh and the souls in spirit who are unenlightened. These souls are brought by their guides and helpers to show man the way. And these who are first brought to you by your loved ones to protect you are your guardian angels. Now, I will stop here to answer a question: 214 THE DESCENDING LIGHT One has asked why so many Indians are attracted to those who develop as mediums. It is because they have always lived close to nature; they have always lived a plain and simple life. True, they were stirred to anger and many different con- ditions by outer minds, but when they were to- gether they were grouped always in harmony, their lives were always simple, always true. They had no false doctrines placed in their consciousness; they grew in a natural spiritual growth to a belief and a realization of a Great Spirit. Their highest conception of happiness was just plenty; but they did not reach far beyond the physical because they had no opportunity. They lived close to nature's simple way; that was their physical expression, so they could not plunge into a higher or finer vibration until they had more experience on the earth plane; and they return to work with other instruments in harmony with souls who are in- carnate and they break the way for a higher and finer vibration. The law of spirit communion — oh, the sacred law of God, so misinterpreted, so little understood, so much abused ; and yet so holy, so true, so beautiful, opens the way thru which the souls of men can re- turn to undo many things they did whilst in the flesh (which helps the soul in its ascension) to help others thru their service; and thru their love and upliftment of others they are tearing down many false conditions builded by them. Thru the many experiences thru which they passed they created obstacles in their way, and they are able to remove them by helping others. INVISIBLE HELPERS 215 Let them serve you — they are trying to build their heaven because they forgot to build while on the earth plane, and they have their heaven to build here. The spirit returns to teach you things of the soul, to teach you how to build your heaven while still in the flesh, so open the door of your soul's home and listen to the voice of the spirit — invisible helpers guiding you into the glorious light of truth. CHAPTER VIII. HOW TO HELP THOSE GONE BEFORE. Thought force is something which would require a whole book to explain ; but this much we will give you at this time. The greatest force, the greatest power existing upon the earth plane today is man's power to think — then use it for spiritual purposes to lift poor unenlightened souls into a higher realm of thought. Thought force is as necessary to the soul of man, to the thinking power of man, or to the conscious- ness of man as air is to the physical body. This is the clearest description I can give you of thought force. You must reach into it step by step ever and ever ascending ; therefore we will say the great force from which thought is formed is flowing thru the consciousness of man. Oh, how this great wondrous thought force is wasted by mortal man. Thru the great thought power in man he brings into expression the wondrous conditions surround- ing him — and man is responsible for the conditions which are presenting themselves on your earth plane today. HOW TO HELP THOSE GONE BEFORE 217 How Our Thoughts Effect Those Who Are in Spirit. (A spirit entered one of the classes and in audible voice presented the following lesson.) When I passed from that life on the earth, I was accused of having taken my own life — but I did not. I want you to know the effect of the thought that those people sent out — the thought that I had taken my own life. I will not bore you by taking you thru all the mental strain under which I was the last day I spent upon your plane of expression, nor will I tell you all the details of the accident, nor attempt to tell you of the sensation I experienced when leav- ing the body. I realized that our boat was capsized, realized that I was unable to swim. The thoughts passed thru my consciousness more rapidly than it were ever possible for me to have gathered thoughts before. I thought of every single thing I had ever done within less than a moment, for I knew the end must come; I was helpless. I was not only unable to swim, but I was paralyzed early in life. I was always of a very despondent nature be- cause of this and it bore upon me mentally to a very pronounced degree. Therefore, a report was immediately sent out by my acquaintances and those who were my brothers, saying I had taken my own life — which I did not. Their thoughts were being ever and ever sent out to me, placing me in their mental world a suicide — being of an orthodox nature of thought, 218 THE DESCENDING LIGHT believing in heaven and hell, they naturally be- lieved that I was in hell, having taken my own life, as they thought. Therefore, all the mental pictures they sent out into the universe to me or regarding me was that I was in hell, that I was a suicide. The thing that I want to impress upon you is the effect of man's thought upon the soul which is severed from the body. Having passed from the body, I passed into a thought world, and it was of a despondent nature ; it was all that I had sent out into this world. Here things are colored by my thought; and my thoughts were always of a dis- couraging nature; I saw everything thru the same color which seemed to envelop me upon all occasions — that I was unequal to my fellow-man physically. When with a group of men or people I would always picture myself as not being so good as they, because of my physical condition, there- fore when I passed into a world of thought I held that same thought. No matter whom I met I would still carry that same thought. It was then that I learned that thoughts are things — I had never known of the wondrous power of thought. I began to meet strange conditions which always carried me back to that same thought — I was not so good as those around me. I wondered why it was that as I passed along the highway I came and ever came to the dark gray place, the dark gray light which seemed to envelop me and carry me down (I do not mean downward as you would say, but downward as in solemn thought.) Then I HOW TO HELP THOSE GONE BEFORE 219 discovered that the thoughts were coming direct to me from the earth plane — that I had taken my own life. I endeavored by great effort to find some method or some means by which it was possible for me to return, and this I accomplished by coming in direct line with one whom I was associated with in early life. I returned to tell that I had not taken my life; but I found that they were deaf, they were blind. Finally, one night a little child born to my sister was sick unto death and as she lay upon the bed gathering together her forces into the astral body, unto the little soul I sent forth my picture as I would have been were I a perfect man, and she saw it and cried, " Uncle Gerald is alive, mother, he is not dead, he did not kill himself." And the little soul passed from the body into my arms and I bore her away into that field of light where children grow and develop spiritually. . Now I want to impress upon you — even tho you know a soul passed from the body by his own hand, do not hold that thought, but rather think of him as one poor, unenlightened soul — for no man will do this thing whose mentality is as it should be. You do not know me, but I have come to one whose vibration I have known for some time. Good night. (Spirit teacher.) We have brought with us a great number of dis- embodied spirits tonight who have come in direct touch with you for assistance, therefore, we will ask that you go into the silent thought for a time 220 THE DESCENDING LIGHT and send a resurrection thought; send a thought which will lift these souls from the thought of their physical moments; lift them out of that into a spiritual thought for a time. There are many souls who have been disembod- ied but a short time and have not come into the re- alization that they no longer manifest in the physical body. Kindly go into the silent thought, for these souls need your help and you must reach out in spiritual thought and help them to find them- selves. (Glass concentrates.) The great war is taking many spirits from the earth expression. Disembodied souls are close to the earth plane. These souls were plunged into the spiritual expression unprepared — how can they know how to use any force other than the physical? Now you should reach out to them in spiritual up- lifting thought. Clothe yourselves in absolute truth, that great protective force, and aid these disem- bodied spirits. Now I do not say that all those who have passed out on the battlefields are undeveloped souls ; but I say that those who are in the physical expression and spiritually enlightened can aid them to get away from the flesh memories. Pray for them with that prayer which is not spoken — pray in your con- sciousness, touch that great and perfect light so nearly as you can. Reach out of the flesh memories for the good and speak in the silence of your soul to that perfect thought, and in that gather some- thing for those souls whose bodies are gone and HOW TO HELP THOSE GONE BEEOEE 221 they know it not. They believe that they are dreaming, they cannot realize that they are dead, as you would call it. So aid them in your thoughts, they need your spiritual thoughts. Now I am going to tell you some simple little things that will help those souls to get away from their physical memories or sensations more quickly. If the individual has been always fond of the physical expression, given much care to the feeding and clothing of the physical body and has created an appetite for this and that, he will naturally hold strong memories of all the physical sensations, desires and appetites — just so long as that physical body holds its form it is reflecting upon the con- sciousness, every organ, of him who has left it. And so long as these organs reflect themselves on that astral body that soul of him will hold a strong memory of the sensations, desires and appetites of the flesh. If his tendency was that way and not inclined to be spiritual, his whole thought will be of the condi- tions surrounding him during his physical expres- sion. He will be drawn to those whom he knew in th,e flesh, he will come in the light of love, for he still loves them. I am not saying he was evil, no ; but this law which governs all this holds his mem- ories; but just so soon as that flesh body crumbles and goes back to dust, and all has gone, no longer does his physical sensations record themselves upon his astral body. So you are lending a helping hand by cremating the flesh body, putting it back to dust. You are ex- 222 THE DESCENDING LIGHT tending a helping hand to help that sonl thru a hard, hard lesson. Don't try to preserve that body — don't do it — for just so long as that cast off body holds its form the soul will be held to the physical memories and desires. In the building of your monuments, your head- stones, your tombstones and the like, yon build them of material things ; but the soul of your loved one has passed out of material things ; he can only see it and know it is there as he gathers your thought and reduces it to a lower vibration. He can see it and know it is there because yon have sent that thought to him. You will please him more by building a spiritual monument to his memory — a monument builded of kind deeds ; some- thing that will help humanity and bring blessings on souls thru the things you send out into the uni- verse. Build your monuments of pure and good thoughts, the spiritual monuments which go up and up and your loved ones in spirit see and know and rejoice in their souls to know that some one is building something lasting for them. The material monuments will crumble back to earth without be- ing of any help, but the spiritual monuments live thru all eternity. Souls returning say, "Do not spend the money that will clothe little bare feet for the sake of building perishable monuments." To those who are intending to do this, they say, "Do not place a stone monument to my memory — do a hind deed." Without a penny you can build spiritual monu- ments for your loved ones. HOW TO HELP THOSE GONE BEFORE 223 Very often you have heard a returning spirit say, "I am near you in your prayers," or "I hear your prayers." What does this mean? In your prayers you cre- ate a channel of holiness and spirituality and into that and thru it they can come to you with the holiest of holy thoughts — a help to them and a help to you. There are souls all over the earth plane trying to come back, even searching for their people — searching for their flesh bodies. There are thou- sands who have passed from their physical bodies and know it not, they believe they are dreaming; they cannot realize they are dead (as you would call it), so aid them in your thoughts. In your spiritual thought, not with the thought, "I want to go to a seance; I want to know what to do about this; I want to know what is best for me." Don't do this. Those souls need your spiritual thought so don't be selfish and drag them down to your mate- rial thoughts, for it is hard enough for them to get away from the thoughts clinging to them. Lift them into the spiritual thought by your prayers and soulful aspirations. Know that you can help them — do not demand of them more than they can give you — help them. Sometimes those spirits whose lives were so be- dimmed by materialism, by envy, by hate, selfish- ness, jealousy, find themselves dragged down to the earth plane; and how man wrongs the spirits of those poor unfortunate souls when he will go into a seance room with a thought of gain, with a thought of envy, with a thought of nothing else but 224 THE DESCENDING LIGHT a material life. He opens the door to those spirits who have left the body in that line of thought and it holds them down and does not help them to rise into the light of spirit. Spiritually draw from the higher realms that thru your consciousness you may aid some poor souls to reach out of their fleshy thoughts; help them to rise and live in spirit. They are close to the earth plane because they were sent out of the flesh before they had completed that physical ex- pression and they need that expression upon the earth. (An object lesson presented to one of the classes.) (Spirit teacher:) Now tonight we are going to bring you one soul who needs your help. You must illuminate your consciousness by your effort to help. We will bring him to you; now let us see how you have benefited by what you have learned. Let us hear you express it — serve your fellow-man. (Spirit voice:) "No, you don't. You can't bring me back to that." (Class asks who is speaking.) "I don't care anything about you. You gave him the privilege of sending me to death. You gave that man the right to kill me." (Class tells him they are his friends.) "Friends, nothing; there arn't no such things as friends. Don't talk friends to me ; I know better than that. Come off with that stuff; I know where I am. Are you people looney?" (Class tells him they are trying to help his soul.) "Soul nothing — don't talk that brother stuff to me." (Class tried to help him spiritually but no apparent progress was made; however, HOW TO HELP THOSE GONE BEFOBE 225 when he left he expressed a desire to come back.) (Spirit teacher explains the condition of the soul who had just spoken.) Now, my dear friends, we brought into your midst tonight the spirit of a man who passed from the body by the hands of another after he had com- mitted murder — willful murder. This man was kind and good previous to that which caused all this. In his unenlightened state he was kind to all with whom he came in contact, until there came into his life the realization that the one whom he trusted most, the one he loved best, was false. This realization killed all the good there was in his heart, killed it as much as it is possible to kill any- thing that is good. It was such a shock to his soul as to benumb all spiritual expression, and all his love turned to hate. His nature was hardened and changed. But over and over in all of life you will see the resurrection of the spirit in coming into the light. The hate which was born of those experiences of which we have spoken to you, is only for a time. All those evil expressions which came into his mind and became a part of him thru his terrible expe- rience, and caused him to do this awful deed, will not in this case retard his progression as much as the cause of that effect will retard the progression of her who caused it. He passed out full of revenge and hate, full of jealousy, full of all that is poison to the soul. When the soul finds itself feeding upon only these thoughts, living only on these things, what can you expect? But coming right before him are some of 226 THE DESCENDING LIGHT the things which were a part of the life which he once lived, and thru that light we can guide his way and lead him on. He will lose his bitterness and hate and come into a realization of the living love of which he is a part. His soul is freeing itself from the poisonous vi- brations in which he was while he was in the body. Now, help this soul by your thoughts, he needs it; and some time he will return to you and pay you. He would not let you know that you had touched him, because he had been fooled before by this woman whom he trusted. This is only another les- son to you. When you call your loved ones in spirit to you, that you may hear them and hold them close to you in love and in spiritual thought, it is a great help to them and to you. It opens the channel thru which they in their spiritual growth can cast the light of spirit upon the physical mentality of man and illuminate the consciousness to spiritual things. But after reaching them you should not speak to them of the past, you should not take them down thru the density of the memory to the old flesh ex- periences; down thru the dark avenue back to some particular experience which you remember; but rather you should help them to get away from the physical memories that they may progress more readily into the spiritual life. So in your investigation when once they have proven their identity to you do not remind them of their earthy experience, because it is not a pleas- ing . experience to the enlightened soul who is fast HOW TO HELP THOSE GONE BEFORE 227 growing out of it by overcoming and serving to obliterate wrong doings in the flesh, serving in the world of spirit that they may wash away all the wrongs done. Transition, that which you feel brings sorrow to your hearts when you see your loved one's body pass back to earth, is an upward journey and you can help that soul in its upward flight by your per- fect thought, your perfect desires, by your univer- sal love thought. Do not grieve for your loved ones who have gone on before — it is a selfish thought — but bid them godspeed in their soul's as- cension. I want to leave this lesson also. Of all things, never raise the thought of material things soon after a soul has passed from the body for it affects that soul and it is destructive. Although there is a grief which cannot be overcome for many days or months, drive out the spirit of selfishness. And if one who is near to you should leave the body without leaving a written paper disposing of ma- terial things which were in his possession, let that soul rest, and do not disturb it with the thoughts of material things. "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you," lift and serve them; show them the way to grow thru that world of solidity after leaving the flesh, where they cannot know the physical memories, but realize the spiritual things, the re- freshing light of their spiritual deeds and thoughts. CHAPTER IX. EARTHBOUND SPIRITS. . Earthbound spirits are souls close to the earth because of limited thoughts having controlled their lives — limited entirely to the earth or physical expression — victims, alas! very fre- quently of prejudice and ignorance. They are souls whose spark of the God within has yet to be awakened. When a soul has not built up any spiritual conditions dur- ing the physical life and all thoughts and desires have been of a material nature, that soul naturally stays close to the earth, but is not necessarily an evil or undeveloped soul, but is satis- fied to remain in all the material memories, until the spiritual awakening comes which causes that individual to look about for ways and means to rise. (Thru the united efforts of chemists and teachers on the other side a way has been found by which the thought vibration can be reduced sufficiently to be discerned thru the physical sense of hearing. This group of workers having been attracted to the mediumistic powers of Mrs. Brace have ac- complished wonders in their earnest endeavor to reach mortal minds that they might instruct them pertaining to the laws of life. They have brought many souls to the Circles of Light that they may be helped by coming in contact with spiritual minds who are still in the flesh; and for this chapter we have selected a few of the many object lessons that have been brought from time to time to the different Circles of Light in order to show man in the physical how the thoughts and be- liefs held while in the flesh still remain after the body has been discarded; also to show the effects of the physical life upon the soul and to corroborate the statement, "As ye sow, so shall ye reap.") EABTHBOUND SPIRITS 229 (1.) (The fruits of deceitf illness.) ' ' No matter where I go, things are not what they seem. Everywhere I go I find things are not what I thought they were. I clasp the hand of one whom I think I might trust, and I find he is not to be trusted. Where shall I find the way? Now, there comes a voice to me which speaks and says, "Thou art false — thou art false, and I see all about you deception.' ' Is it because I have de- ceived? Is there any one who will lead me and show me? There comes that voice again which says, "You have deceived, and so you are deceived. As you have planted the seeds, so shall you reap." Friends, I deceived my fellow-men. I was not what I seemed to be. Now I find myself face to face with one that I thought was a friend, and I reached out my hand to clasp his. Behold, I find he is not what he seemed. Is this the reaping of the seed I have sown? Is this all that I am to re- ceive? Can I not rise above it? Will you help me — will you h-e-l-p me? I have asked this every- where I went, and now I have returned to the earth plane where I was so deceitful — I find that I must return to the mortal body and ask help from you. I believed that man lived one life and I believed not in the life beyond the grave, and yet I taught mankind that hell and heaven awaited them and that they would meet judgment after death. I told them these things which I believed were not true, so false was I — and for this falseness I am now 230 THE DESCENDING LIGHT paying. Is there no place where I can meet one that will tell me how I can find the light? Oh, brothers and sisters, if you will only help me. Let me tell you to be true — be true — do not deceive, for you will some time find you are deceived, when you will find yourself helpless. These words I speak to you, friends, are true. Will this bring me light? For this I pray — oh, God, open the way. (Class concentrates for him.) Now, there is light; I see there is hope. It is true, then, that I had to return to the earth to speak the truth. Oh, that I might be able to speak the truth to mankind, that which I want, that which I feel and that which I think to be the truth. I tell you this evening, I will not deceive. Oh, do help this soul. Do you know how? Do not deceive, speak the truth and I think that perhaps in that way you may help me. I have opened the way by giving to mortal man the truth. Behold! I see, I see the way — you have helped me." (2.) (A misused gift.) ''My friends, I have come to you to ask a favor. I made a terrible mistake, and I know that there is no other way of overcoming the conditions brought about by that mistake than coming back to the earth plane and helping those who are at- tempting to do as I have done. I made a terrible mistake, my life was unfinished. I understood fairly well the laws which govern communication EAETHBOUND SPIRITS 231 between the spiritual and mortal world; however, I never tried to enlighten myself in regard to the spiritual part of it. I looked at it wholly upon the material plane of thought with absolutely no thought of the spiritual side; but now I realize that that is the most important part ; and that t spirit return is for the purpose of enlightening man to the fact that there is more than the material things to be considered, and to show him the spiritual part of spiritualism. But I made a terrible mistake; I demonstrated spirit return; demonstrated the fact that the spirit can return, and yet I never thought of the spiritual part of it. I never considered for one moment that it is necessary for men to rise spiritually; I considered merely the fact that spirits could return and help man on the earth plane. I was wholly material and yet understood to a certain extent the laws which govern spirit communication. I am that man — I am that despicable character; but I ask for your assistance, and expect to receive it — shall I? I explained spirit return to men and women and never showed them that it is necessary for them to be spiritual. Confession? Why, it is more than that — it is a humiliation to come to you this way, and yet I thank the higher powers that I found the open door that allows me to come. Why do I come? Because I do not wish to al- ways remain an earthbound spirit, and I cannot rise unless I do some good, unless I help my fellow- men in some way. My God ! to think that I had a wonderful gift and wasted it upon material minds and material things 232 THE DESCENDING LIGHT and for material purposes. Oh! that I could live those last twenty years of my life over again — oh ! that I could. But seeing that I cannot, I ask that I may borrow your force, that I may borrow some of your time. Oh ! I pray that I may learn to rise and serve my fellow-men; that I may teach me- diums to aid in the upliftment of mankind. My soul is crushed with grief — Infinite Love re- quires service of me, and I am here to serve. It is because I come in the Light of Love that I can ask that I might serve, Infinite Love can touch me only by service — and I cannot expect to live and bask in the sunlight of pure Infinite Love until I have made myself worthy of this. So I have come in touch with the earth plane again — and it is in response to my desires that this has happened. Some time I will tell you more of my life and show you the outcome of wrong doing, wrong living, the outcome of wasted gifts and tal- ents, and then I know that I shall have done some good." (3.) (Object lesson on self-righteousness.) "Good evening, friends; I have come to save you; I have come to lift you out of the terrible grasp of Spiritualism. I have come to save you sinners — you are sinners because you have not faith in the Lord. "I am waiting for the great day of resurrection, when the trumpet shall sound and I shall see my Father in heaven — I am waiting for the great day EARTHBOUND SPIRITS 233 when I shall be called. I have come back from the dead to tell you that you must rise. I have faith; I have prayed and prayed, and I knew that Jesus would meet me when I died." (A member of the class asked if he had met Him.) "Not yet, but I am waiting— I am waiting. All men must pray for their own souls; all men must ask for forgiveness. I was a righteous man; I never wronged any one — I am waiting for the great day when I shall rise and come into my own. God shall be my judge! I am a servant of the Lord." (Here he was asked if he had not learned some- thing about the laws of life "over there.") "Learn? I have nothing to learn; I know it all; and I am only waiting for my God to judge me and take me to my heavenly home that I have earned by prayer and faith. Oh, sinful men, come out of the iniquity of your sins — is there no chance for me to save your souls f I have earned my heav- enly home and I am waiting for the great day when I shall ascend and take my place in heaven — you are in the depths of darkness." ("Is your mother over there?") "My mother waits with me for the great day. Do you know that you sin when you speak to me? Now, I am not judging you, I am here to help you. Unless you be- lieve, you cannot be saved — there is no salvation for any one who does not believe in Jesus; no sal- vation for any man who does not wash in the blood of Jesus." ("Why do you not seek a knowledge of the truth, why wait around for the judgment day?") "Oh, hopeless sinner, you blaspheme when you 234 THE DESCENDING LIGHT speak thus. Oh, man of iniquity, arise and have faith; wash in the blood of the lamb." ( ' ' Where is your family ? " ) "I left my wife and family because they objected to my praying; I left them because they were sinners. I could not save them — they were sinful because they had not faith. Hopeless sinners, may God save you. Eise brothers, come out of your iniquity — how can you speak to a righteous man? Oh! they fear not even the dead." (Explanation by the spirit teacher.) This manifestation or message demonstrated to you very clearly the effect of the individual thought upon the spirit or soul after death. It is very dif- ficult for the beginner to comprehend the benefits to be derived thru manifestation of the spirits upon these planes of thought, but I can tell you some- thing of what it means to the spirit who manifests thus. There are spirits (I will call them individuals) whose thoughts are so wholly imbedded with earthly vibrations that the spiritual part, after the corporeal body has gone, does not seem to illumi- nate because of the heavy earthy conditions sur- rounding it. These memories are vibrations, con- ditions they have builded by their thought, by their deeds and by their ambitions. And so a spirit who has reached a stage where it is possible for him to receive spiritual light, and yet who is so surrounded by the discord of earthly vibrations, can be more clearly illuminated by the EARTHBOUND SPIRITS 235 spirits of men who are still inhabiting the mortal body. By coming in touch with spiritual minds in material bodies, the spiritual part of the disembod- ied individual becomes illuminated more quickly and can soar into a higher realm of thought, and leave on the earth plane the conditions which have hindered its progress. Those who have lived a life of dependency, lean- ing upon the idea that by the sacrifice of a mortal body their souls are saved, are in the most difficult position after leaving the body. More than those whose thoughts are wholly material, because there is a more independent soul in the minds who be- lieve that there is nothing after death. But he who depends upon a Savior finds himself in a harder position than do the broader minds, because they think if they pray, if they lean, that they shall rise. They do not attempt to bring forth the real self or to develop and remove the conditions they have builded about themselves. It is what they gather from your intelligence that helps them in their progression — the spoken words you give them are as naught to them. It is by coming in contact with mortal minds who are reaching out for more truth that they gather the light that will enable them to shake off the narrow thoughts and overcome the obstacles they have builded around them. (4.) (This manifestation proves that the saying, 'Confession is good for the soul," is true.) 236 THE DESCENDING LIGHT 1 ' Good day — this is some kind of a Hindoo meet- ing, isn't it? I am a dead man. I came from the United States, and I lived in Findley, Ohio, but I have not been there since I was seven years old. I froze to death in Colorado — I fell in the snow when driving the dogs (we had to take dogs with ns) ; I could not go any farther. I was looking around and hunting — I was not hunting for game, I was hunting for gold. "I want to tell you I have never been satisfied since I died. I did something. (What did you do?) You are brave now, but when I tell you what I did, you will not be brave. I never cared for church, I never cared for religion. I want to tell you that I killed a priest. I am not going to tell why I did it, and I am not going to say anything about him — he must tell that. "This is the first time I ever told of it — and oh, Lord, what a relief! It feels so good to tell you. That is the reason I came to go away. If you peo- ple prove up and do the square thing, I will tell you something; I will tell you where to find something. "Lord! it makes me feel good to tell you that — I will come again. They might find that man's bones some time. Yes, I have met him over here. The thing that is bothering me is that I can't kill that feeling of hate. I learned over here that if I could help some people on the earth plane not to hate that everything will be all right with me. Will you help me gain the victory — will you prove up? I am not here to tell you what you need. Good bye." EABTHBOUND SPIRITS 237 (5.) (The result of leaning on Faith alone.) "Good evening, friends: Is there anything that you people can do for me? Why am I here? What is the idea? I am looking for God. I expected to meet Him when I died — what has happened to me?" (You have passed out of the body.) "If I have passed out of the body, where is God? That's what I want to know. Where's Jesus that I was to meet when I died? Something is wrong; there is a liar somewhere. Where's God? Where's Jesus? "Am I to understand that I am a dead man and you are all living? Then what am I here for? I don't know how I came here — what are you doing here?" (This is a Spiritualist gathering.) "A Spiritualist meeting! My God! forgive me for this. I thought I would meet Jesus and He would take me right to heaven.. "I think I must be having a nightmare. I dreamed that I saw them bury my body — I dreamed I saw my family around my body, and I heard them crying when my body was buried. "I have always served my fellow-man — I was al- ways a charitable man. I gave for charity once a month at least; I was a good man and a church member. I think the whole truth is I'm crazy — I see it now, we're all crazy. When I get well I will pray for you." (Spirit teacher explains.) "Now friends, the visitor who just spoke to you was the spirit of one who passed away believing 238 THE DESCENDING LIGHT that his soul would be saved because he had faith and believed the false doctrine or teaching which man has received for many years; the teaching which taught him to lean upon a Savior, and that by the blood of Jesus he would be saved. "The spirit of that man passed from the body believing that he would meet his Savior, believing that thru his faith all his past mistakes and so- called sins would be obliterated; but when he passed from the body he found that he has builded the conditions into which he passed, but until he awakens to this he is in a bewildered condition. He is spiritually in darkness as you are now phys- ically in this darkened room, and it is with great difficulty that the spirit teachers about him bring to his consciousness the fact that his debts are not wiped out, but that he has them yet to pay — that is the condition of the spirit who visited you just now." (6.) (From a disembodied soul who spent his time in the physical expression making up jokes.) "Well, will we ever get done living? I never started anything that I couldn't finish, but" I started to live and I find I will never get done liv- ing. Excuse me, friends, but everything is a joke if you look at it that way. That is the way I made my living; I amused people; I put my ability to see fun in everything to make money — I shot the fun to the other fellow, you see. But I tell you this dying and finding yourself more alive than ever is EARTHBOUND SPIRITS 239 no joke. It is no joke to find a wasted life behind you — I realize now I'm just about starting— well, it's like riding on a merry-go-round and getting off at the starting place; it's like that when you die. If you did nothing while you lived on earth, you are getting off right at the starting place, and starting all over again — that's right. ' ' Now, I am here and there is nothing I would like to do more than joke with you, but I've got to get down to good common sense now. They say if you die you don't have to make your living. You've got to live all right; but you've got to make your way — I tell you that. (Pause.) "I never thought I would come to this — being a spook in a spook meeting. But it is hard telling what a fellow will come to — being a spook in a spook meeting is no joke, I'll tell you that. " (A stu- dent asked him if he had been in a spook meeting.) "Well, I call this one — what's a dead man but a spook?" (Student answered that there was no such thing as a spook; that he was a spirit and not a spook.) "A thing is what it is, ain't it, no difference what you call it. A chair is a chair whether a Dutchman calls it a stool or something else, isn't it? Well, laying all jokes aside, this is a new experience for me; and I am ashamed of myself to think I got in here — to know that you people are sitting here for something worth while, and I ain't got it. "But I will tell you one thing that is true; I have no spiritual life; haven't any decent home over here because I never built anything but a material and worldly home. I can't get away from the earth 240 THE DESCENDING LIGHT plane (so they tell me) until I have built my home and that is by doing something worth while. "You know the first start I had to joking and fooling my time away was when I was a youngster ; I got mixed up with a medicine show — but my story doesn't amount to anything; only I want you to know how I started off — I spent all my time trying to make people laugh. Then when they had that new disease, "flu" trouble, I had it and passed over here — I don't know where I am, but I am not sat- isfied or contented. 1 ' Now, if you will tell me why they brought me in here, I shall be glad. I was awfully discouraged, you know. I tell you you can't believe that the worst thing that ever happened to you is when you feel that you never die. I feel just like I was dead ; but, you never get done living. I met that man and he brought me in here, but I can't tell you why I am here. Well, I guess I better move on. (Student tells him that the class will help him out of his condition by sending him good thoughts, that they are sitting for that very purpose.) "Oh, I see now." (Tell us your name and we will think of you and ask that you progress spiritually; your coming in here shows us how we can help you.) "My name is or was C L . Now, if I hear you call my name, I will come here. Is that it?" (You will get our thoughts. We meet here only once a week, but when we are at home we will think of you during the day and evening — the same as you would say we pray — we think of your name EARTHBOUND SPIRITS 241 and then ask for your spiritual progression, and think that you are not bad; that will help you to rise. You will find a beautiful home over there if you get to work and build it.) "That is what I want; guess I better move on then. Good bye." (7.) (The testimony of one who lived a selfish life.) "How do you do." (How do you do. God bless you. Have you come to talk to us, friend?) "Yes, but if you knew what it was to me to hear my voice the first time I said, 'How do you do', you'd be surprised; because I haven't heard my voice since — well, since I was the same as you are. ' ' (How long is that, friend?) "Oh, a couple of weeks ago — Christmas Eve I passed away." (It is longer than two weeks. This is the 26th of May; but time doesn't seem as long to you as it does to us.) "Time — oh, I don't know — it's the funniest thing to me. Every day is the same. Do you understand that? Every day is just the same. I cannot say that I am happy; but I don't know why I am not happy; I'm all right; there is lots to do. There are lots of friends, but they always seem to be inter- ested in somebody else besides me. I suppose that is because I never was interested in anybody else but myself, so now nobody is interested in me. 242 THE DESCENDING LIGHT ""Well, it is all of my own making. I guess I haven't much right to object to it, but it seems kind of nice to come in here and see good people and have them welcome me. I was not much of a hand to welcome any one — I was a selfish man, but I did not know it — I was hypnotized by myself. Do you see what I mean? I was first in everything as far as I was concerned, and I am only beginning to find that out, it seems. All my friends rush over to me, they all speak to me in a casual way, then go right on their way — they all have other inter- ests. "Just a little while before I came in here, I went some place, I don't know where, but I was talking to a man who said to me, 'Did it ever occur to you that you never were interested in anybody but yourself?' I said that I never thought that way. 'Well,' he said, 'look back over your life and think who came first with you.' Well, I began to think about it and found that it was myself. So here I am, everybody is busy and interested in somebody, but no one is interested in me." (Well, we are interested in you and want to help you.) "Yes, that is a funny thing, too. When I came in here and heard your voice sounding natural like I had been used to hearing just before Christmas, a feeling came over me that if I can help some other person to get away from this horrible selfish feel- ing, I will try to do it. Now, don't think I am a terrible thing — I never stole anything or anything like that, but I was just selfish. The hardest thing I had to do was to acknowledge that I did some- EARTHBOUND SPIRITS 243 thing that was not just right; I tell you right now that was a hard thing for me to do; but I don't want you to feel sorry for me; just give me a chance. Now, what can I do for you? Why did that man say, 'Go in there and you will find a way to do something'? He said, 'Go in and talk to those people if you want to do something for some- body else.' So here I am — what can I do for you?" ("We are all selfish, more or less; we are the same as you were.) "Well, now look here — I have watched several people pass away since I died and their friends greet them and they go flying away with their friends who make everything pleasant for them. I did not get that — I see what it is now — those peo- ple were always thinking about others, not them- selves, and so it has turned around the other way. "Well, they said that I could do something; but I don't know any more about this coming back to earth and doing something than you know about coming over here and doing something. Now you have something on your hands — you have me. What am I going to do? (What is your name, friend?) "Well, I was no great man. Isn't it customary when you come back to meetings like this to say you are some great person? (No, we just want your name so we can send you a thought.) "I am here in truth, that's all. My name was W. B. H., a plain everyday man who thought only 244 THE DESCENDING LIGHT about himself, but I wish to heavens I had thought about somebody else. "Now, if I can do anything for you, or you can do anything for me — now, what do you think of that? Here I wanted you to do something for me again, do you see? Friends, I guess I will have to learn how to come back to help somebody — just to help. (You are helping us — you have given us a won- derful lesson tonight — a lesson to every one of us.) "Well, in the name of God, every one of you, if that will help you, take it home. For I surely did not do that to help myself — I did that to help you. "Now, I am going to tell you something else. Is there any allotted time? Well, just let me know if I overstay my time. I had a very peculiar expe- rience right after death. I lost a little girl ; that is, she passed away about six years before I did; and I rebelled against God and everything good be- cause that child was taken away. The fact of the matter was I gave up all hope and thought that there was no God. "When I passed away (you can believe me or not — I am telling the truth) that child met me and I went thru a peculiar passage way. It seemed like a dark, heavy condition; I was conscious to the very end — I never lost consciousness. (If any of you have ever had a high fever and became a little unbalanced, you will know how I felt.) I thought that I was in that condition when I saw the child and she took me by the hand. Literally speaking, she took me by the hand and led me thru a dark passage where I seemed smothered. It seemed to EAETHBOUND SPIRITS 245 me that I couldn't breath; the room was so stuffy; it was a peculiar experience. Finally I came to where I breathed freely and everything seemed light, then my little daughter said, 'Papa, I will have to leave you now, for a little time, but you are safe on another shore, and this is Louisa.' "Well, I knew it was Louisa, but I thought I was delirious; then I saw myself apparently in a mir- ror, and I have been in that peculiar state ever since. Good night." (8.) (Another object lesson on selfishness brought by the teachers to one of the classes.) (Teacher) Now, my friends, be not alarmed for we are about to bring into your midst one whose every thought is of himself. So please send to him the thought of compassion and love; send to him the strong support that he shall rise and serve ; that he shall bear no malice towards any of his brothers. He has passed from the body so re- cently that he hardly realizes that he has gone from the earth plane. Do not be alarmed, but know that you are all protected. He is being brought to you as an object lesson to show you the condition one is in when holding all selfish thoughts. He needs your help and perhaps he will return to you some time an enlightened soul.) "No, I am not a murderer; I had a right to kill him if I wanted to. Self-preservation is the first law of nature, isn't it? I'm not afraid of anybody. 246 THE DESCENDING LIGHT (Class tries to assure him of their good thoughts.) "I do not want anything from you — you do not have to send me anything; I'm all right. What are you all doing here anyway?" (This is a research class, and we are holding these meetings to help you — tell us your experi- ence, friend.) "I am not here to entertain you." (Don't you realize that you are in the spirit world?) "I am not in the spirit world — I am satisfied and glad of it. Why, that man was in my way, and I killed him; I was perfectly justified in doing it. Why, didn't I tell you that self-preservation is the first law of nature? And I preserved myself against him. I don't care." (Why, you should care, friend — don't you want to progress spiritually and be happy?) "Happy? Why, there is no such word as 'happy.' That makes me sick — the old woman used to go around saying 'happy — happy, happy.' (There is such a thing if you seek for it.) ' c Ah, look out for yourselves." (Tell us your name, friend.) "I didn't want to come in here. How did I get in here? Say, look here — I'm having a little trouble — now the trouble is with my head; but I don't want any one to help me — no one ever helped me but what I had to help them. Well, this trouble I got with my head — oh, I see what you are here for — this is a medical staff — what are you going to do with me?" EARTHBOUND SPIRITS 247 (We all have kind thoughts for you, friend.) "I want to tell you something — my body is all numb. Why, say, look here — now, wait a minute — wait a minute. Where are you people?" (We are in Buffalo, New York.) "Well, how did I get here? I see, they decided not to bury my body. Now, the last thing I re- member they talked about doing away with me be- cause they said, 'the fellow was dead'; but I do not know how I got in here. I want you to tell me what to do for my head; I must have been uncon- scious — but they were talking about burying my body. Where is Mary? Mary! where are you? "Oh, I see now; they got me in an insane asylum; I don't know how they got me here, but I was not that bad off. Save me! Save me! For God's sake, don't tell Mary that I killed Jim! "Hold on, you crazy people; let me tell you something — look out for yourselves.' ' (Friend, would you like to hear our motto?) "Oh, you're crazy — man has no motto. Where is the doctor that belongs to this place? There is numbness in my body — that's what's the matter. Oh, Lord, deliver me from this insane asylum." (Listen, friend, we are sitting here to hear from those who have gone before — this is not an insane asylum; we are trying to help you. You have passed out of your physical body — where did you expect to go when you died?) "When I died I expected to be dead, that's all." (That is the reason you feel as you do. When did you have this trouble with this Jim that you talk about?) 248 THE DESCENDING LIGHT "How long? Why, say, that is as fresh in my mind as if it happened yesterday. Lord, man, that was before I married Mary. My God ! There he is — there he is." (Teacher) Now, my friends, this lesson will leave a deep and strong impression npon you. This is the soul of one whose every thought was of him- self and his comfort; one who has measured all things by the good he would realize from it; one who in the earlier years of his life had even gone so far as to remove from that plane of expression one who was a hindrance to him in his selfish ambi- tions. But you have helped him to realize some- thing of this — not by your spoken words, but by your spiritual thoughts, and by reaching out to help him you had no selfish thoughts. Now I will explain to you very briefly the good that comes from bringing a soul so recently out of the physical body into your midst. The lesson helps you to get more clearly the effect upon some souls whose entire physical and material thoughts are of themselves, those who have been sleeping, because their thoughts have been limited and within themselves; therefore to lift them out of the physical vibration it is well that they come into a circle of thought, where the consciousness of each is lifted up to the spiritual plane of thought; and in bringing this soul in touch with your physi- cal body he can ascend on your spiritual thought vibration as they are right out of the physical realms. This is the good that has come to him and the object lesson is a wonderful help to you. EAETHBOUND SPIRITS 249 However, it is not well for those of you sitting alone in small groups to draw those to you or at- tempt to do missionary work, because it requires a strong thought force to protect you. Much more is to be gathered from this lesson — it is a part of the foundation of the great work which it is our pleasure and duty to bring before you. Now, we will take the second stanza of your rules — "To practice in my daily life forgiveness and forbearance, and upon every provocation to repeat mentally the Golden Rule." So practice in your daily life, forgiveness and forbearance. (9.) (The harvest of misapplied mediumship.) "Dear friends, it is in the name of God, truth and love, I come, yea, tho I walk in the valley of the shadow of death, I penetrate the veil which obstructs the narrow pathway twixt your world and mine. "I have come, friends, by permission of your won- derful teachers to tell you of the blessings or the curses of mediumship. During my material life I was what you in the present day call a medium, altho I knew it not; I had great and wonderful experiences. "Mediumship, friends, is either constructive or destructive, and it is almost, I dare say, as you will it. If you allow your mediumship to cause you to be used by evil forces, is it not true it will be and is destructive? It is a sacred thing — a most dangerous mission — and at the same time it might 250 THE DESCENDING LIGHT be a very helpful condition for you and all those who are attracted to you by it. "Ah! have I not learned much thru sad experi- ences since coming into this world? I found my- self alone, in darkness, because those forces with whom I had worked now needed me not; they cast me aside for another victim. I will tell you of some of my experiences while in your life ; hoping they will be an object lesson to you and others who are attempting to develop mediumistic powers. "When I was a child some ten years of age I realized that I had some magnetic power to draw to myself some one I wished by concentrating my thought on them. I often saw visions which others present saw not, and I related to them what I saw. People became very much interested in me and they would say, "What do you see now, boy?" And I would tell them; but many times when they asked me what I saw I became enthusiastic and would tell them I saw things which I did not. Friends, there grew upon me an ability to tell falsehoods more easily than to tell the truth — but I did not realize that I was drawing unto me like forces. "My soul and conscience told me I was sinning, yet I heeded them not. Then I would sit and at- tract this one and that one to me by concentration. I also used my mediumship for immoral purposes, for thievery and even murder. I used one of the most sacred gifts for the building of Hades or hell. I could tell you of many wrongs I committed thru my mediumship — and the tearing down of a beauti- ful soul which nature had given me. BARTHBOUND SPIRITS 251 "When late in life I stepped into the beyond, whence came darkness, whence came sin which I had nourished up in my soul; there I found all those who had helped me in crime had deserted me. Alone I stood in darkness — but I had to move on; I could not stand it — and after years and years and years thru the mercy of Nature I am per- mitted to come into your midst. Will you let me help you influence others? ' ' Tho I now walk in the valley of light, many many years have I walked in the shadow of death. I plead with you to save the little children who show they have in them magnetic power, mediumship. Friends, hear this soul crying from another life — be true, be moral, be righteous, that you may not find the shadow of death, but the light of death. "Brothers and sisters, I call you this because I am your brother, I want to say, let us work to- gether. Let me tell you just one more word — there is work for you to do. Help to teach the multitude how to close the door to the lower realms; help to close that door, and reach out and help to hold open the door to the higher realms. "There is no end to the teaching of truth; there is no end to perfection. Investigate the truth, and the more you walk in the path of light and gather the fragments of truth the larger grows the path and the brighter the field — and this is yours, all of it yours — are you going to leave this field untrod- den until you have discarded your bodies? Do not think that you must live today to prepare for a future day only, but live to make the today a glorious one. Scatter seeds of kindness and watch 252 THE DESCENDING LIGHT them grow; do a kind deed and stand and watch the glorious effect of it. Send out a kind thought, and listen, and you will hear its return. Is this not heaven? To the spirit this is heaven; but the sins of the individual, and all the malice that comes from his bitterness, to the sensitive soul this is hell. 1 ' Injure your fellow-man and feel coming back to you the vibration from that injury. Hell? Aye, worse than man's material conception of hell. Know that it is worth your while to build a heaven ; and to tear down that much of hell which you have already builded. "May you know the glories of heaven, and may you never feel the pangs of hell. ' ' (10.) (A conversation with one who did not know that he had passed from the physical body.) "Do you know that hymn, 'It is well with my soul,' and will you sing it for me, please?" (After the hymn was sung, the voice continued.) "I al- ways liked that hymn." (A long pause.) "That was the funniest thing — I was walking along here, and — I don't know just how it happened — I slipped and fell on my gun. I haven't been quite right ever since. Part of the time I am home with the folks, and the other part of the time I am dream- ing. As I came in here a man out there told me something. He said that I am not dreaming at all, but that the time the gun went off it didn't make me crazy; I died and they buried my body. Now. I don't know whether his words are true or not — EARTHBOUND SPIRITS 253 what do you people think about it? Oh, I see, I'm just having one of those dreams again." (A student told him that he was not dreaming, and that he was coming into a realization that he had passed out of the body.) "You mean that I died? "Well, that accounts for the conversation 1 had with my mother — I remember that dream — why! there's mother now. Are you people — well, there's mother again; now she's gone. Oh, I must be dreaming again; I've been at that ever since I fell on that gun." (A student asked if the folks at home saw him when he was there.) "Of course, I know when I'm home they never see me; I know why that is — but I am happy at home. I know I will be all right some time. I was out there one night and I saw my sister — she died when I was a little tot — in my dreams she had grown up — she tells me I am in another world ; but, you know there is no place like home to me. I always feel happy when I am hav- ing those dreams. She told me they were going to take me some place where they were going to make everything clear to me. It's a funny thing — I'm always dreaming about dead folks — a funny thing. They seem natural when they talk to me, but when I come to and am back home again, I know I am out of my mind; that is why they don't pay any attention to me at home. "Say, what are you people doing here?" (A student answered that they were there to help him come into a realization that he had passed thru the experience called death.) "Now, I am here to settle that question — when I 254 THE DESCENDING LIGHT am at home the folks are natural but they don't pay any attention to me, but I understand that part; they think I tried to kill myself." (Another student told him that they could not see him, and that was why they did not pay any attention to him.) "They never let on they see me. I met a good man out here and he told me that I died. Well, now I see you are all standing around in rings — you know that convinces me that I am dreaming. I had to talk in a ring and then in another ring and then another; that surely is a dream, there is no sense to that." (Here he was asked if he ever ate anything now.) "No, — say, that is right, I haven't eaten any- thing for a long time." (Do you feel the need of it?) "Say, I never thought about that; I haven't been eating or wanting to eat for a long time. ' ' (When you are around the home do you not real-, ize that the people don't know that you are there!) "Oh, they never pay any attention to me, but I know why." (They don't see you, that is why.) "They don't see me? Well, hold on now, this eating business strikes me as rather a funny thing. I never thought about eating; might be something to that business — maybe I am dead." (Yes, you are living in another expression now.) "Are you trying to tell me that the dream part of my life is the right one; and the other is just when I get twisted in the dates?" (The dream part is the real part and when you EARTHBOUND SPIRITS 255 get home you are attracted there because of your physical memories.) "The dream part is the right one and the other part ain't — is that right?" (Yes, you can take it that way — you are in an- other expression of life now.) "Well, it is hard to tell who is your friend, but I'll tell you folks something. When anything both- ered me and didn't please me, I was always threat- ening to kill myself — just when things didn't go my way. I used to hunt a good deal — I did fall on that gun; I didn't kill myself, but they made out that I tried to kill myself — they thought I tried to do it because I was out of my mind. A part of the time I feel that I am at home; I feel better there than anywhere else; I am all right when I am home. There goes mother now — do you see her? Once in awhile I get talking with her and during that time I am perfectly natural. But I always had a dread of being crazy, and I always used to think that some time I surely would go crazy; and I thought that had just happened since I fell on my gun. (Pause.) Now, I did die that time all right, is that it?" (Yes, that is right. And so the fact that you al- ways thought you would go insane has left a strong reflection on your mind, for every thought you send out into the universe lives and those thoughts you sent out are now returning to you.) "I always had that thought — my grandfather lost his mind. I used to hear mother say, 'Them things skip a generation; I believe some one in my family will go crazy.' (Pause.) Makes me think I 256 THE DESCENDING LIGHT did talk to that old man. Are you in the dream part, or where am I?" (We are in the flesh body and are talking to you in the spirit body. The reason you have talked thru those circles, rings as you expressed it, is be- cause we could not hear you without those circles — they make the condition in which you can talk to us so that we can hear you. You have passed out of your flesh body and whenever you see your mother you see her in the next expression and that is in the same that you are. Get in touch with her and she will explain everything to you.) "I suppose that is the reason I feel the way I do here. Say, did you ever see people or fat meat float? I can't keep right here because I keep rising up all the time — another one of my crazy ideas, I suppose." (You are not crazy. You know we can't see you.) "You don't see me. Is this a blind institution or something like that?" (No, friend, we can see in the physical sense, but we cannot see those who are in spirit. The reason that we can hear your voice is because of the par- ticular powers of our medium, and those outer cir- cles of spirits help, too.) "You mean circles of vibration? Is this a wire- less field or something?" (It is on that principle, but not exactly that.) "Well, I have a feeling that you are wrong arid that I am right — it may be I am not — my name is J F and I live in Clare County, Pa. If you are right and I am wrong, I will come back; but if I am crazy, you will never hear from me." EARTHB0UND SPIRITS 257 (God bless you — you will come back — we will send you our good thoughts.) "Thank you — thank you — good bye." (11.) (A soul waiting to be judged.) "Good evening. I just thought I would come in for a meeting. You are sitting to talk to the dead? Well, I'm one of them. I am a dead man, but I guess you are not aware of this." (We know that you are not dead because there are no dead. Your body is dead, but you are not? How are you getting along over there, friend?) "Over there? You know I am dead? I have been waiting for a time." (For what have you been waiting?) "I don't know myself; it is not quite clear to me as yet." (How long have you been over there?) "Over there? You mean over here. I am dead, but I am here." (Well, how long is it since you died?) "About half an hour." (Where did you live?) "Up in Duluth." (Do you know where you are now?) "Yes, I'm dead." (Do you know the name of this town?) "I'm not in town, I'm in the graveyard. You come down here every night to talk to the dead — I know. ' ' 258 THE DESCENDING LIGHT (Have you ever heard of spirit communion be- fore? This is a Spiritualist meeting.) "I'm not at any Spiritualist meeting, I am in the graveyard, and you sit out here every night to talk to the dead." (No, friend, you are here in the house with us; just look around and see the things in this room — this is not a graveyard. Don't you hear the mu- sic? (Victrola was playing.) ''Yes, I hear music. St. Cecilia often plays for us. You are sitting here to talk to the dead peo- ple in the graveyard." (Say, friend, just get away from that grave ) "Oh, no, I won't. It is my own grave — six feet — it is paid for — and my own — all I got left, and I'll stay right here." (Friend, can't you realize the fact that you are not in a graveyard, but right in this room; in the city of Buffalo?) "Don't lie to me — I am on my own grave; I am not bothering anybody." (We are not lying to you, friend. You came here that we might help you come into a realization of the truth. We are here to study the laws of life after death. You have had the change called death; and your spirit is here in this room. Look around you and you will see that we are sitting in a circle in the dark. Can you see this white table?) "Yes, that white thing you call a table is a tomb- stone." (Friend, do you think that we are dead?) "No, I know you are not." EABTHBOUND SPIRITS 259 (Do you know that the living can speak to the so-called dead?) "Yes." (How did you happen to find that out?) "Because I have been talking to you people; I have been talking to people since I died. I am a good soul ; I am only waiting here for some one to come and take me to be judged; I don't want to make any trouble." (The class tried in various ways to convince this soul that he was not in a graveyard, but failed to make any impression. Finally he was asked to give his name that they might send him a good thought and say a prayer for him.) "Oh, I don't need your prayers; St. Bartholo- mew will come for me, so I will wait here — this is consecrated ground. Oh, I will be all right; I left money for masses, I am not worrying about that. I will tell you the name I used to have, but don't say any Protestant prayers for me. My name was P M ." (The last lesson is explained by a spirit teacher.) "This man had practically no education but a religious one. He realized he was passing away; he knew when death approached and so had all the rites of his Church performed. All those in spirit whom he knew and loved came to meet him but he did not see them. Now we will present it to you thus: Were you ever searching for one person, going into a great crowd of people where many were familiar to you, 260 THE DESCENDING LIGHT yet you saw none of them until you saw that famil- iar face for which you were searching? This is the condition he was in — not having seen the man whom he calls a guiding angel, or patron saint, and the one to whom he prayed to intercede for him with God (he calls him St. Bartholomew) he is still waiting for him to appear. The last place that he felt his loved ones came with him was to the cem- etery. The bodies he saw were there; and all the bodies he has seen since are not physical, they are astral bodies. There are many of them-dn the cem- eteries and about the graves, and he sees them; for many are waiting as he is. He having that strong mental condition im- pressed upon his brain, believes that you were cir- cled about him in the cemetery. He saw only your astral bodies ; he saw no material objects ; he could not have seen your physical bodies. He is a good man but not in the true light of life after death. He is waiting until a particular saint comes to him to bear him away to his judg- ment; that which he calls his particular judgment is when he individually will meet his God and be judged. He believes that later there will be a gen- eral judgment when all mankind will be judged; and so continues in that thought because he has lived up, in so far as he knew, to his religious teach- ings. He firmly believes that he will be taken away by that particular saint, and so he is waiting. "We brought him to you tho he was not conscious of ever having left that place; at no time has he left that grave in his thought, tho he has been borne away to different places, they do not record EAETHBOITND SPIRITS 261 upon his mind while he is holding that positive thought. That one particular thing for which he waits occupies his mind, and many times he con- verses with other souls about him, but they are all pretty much in the same realm of thought. Mis- sionaries who go there have passed by him for a time, for his experience will enable him to help others who are on their graves and experiencing the same earthy conditions. Therefore, he will wait and wait for a time, but eventually there will come to him an illumination within his consciousness. He is not compelled to be there, he desires to be there and he is contented, very contentedly waiting. He is a man who be- lieved that mere belief and faith would save him, no matter what he did or how he lived. The lessons that we are desirous of conveying, and make clear to you, are that your lives, your deeds, and the way you live have to do with your future life. Your own consciousness is your guide, your own consciousness is your judge, and will re- veal to you the way to go. The object lessons are brought to you from the various conditions in which we find souls over here that the relation of their stories will reveal to you clearly a lesson, which can be more closely conceived by man in the flesh than the words we might speak to you. It is not to show you any particular faith or be- lief, but to show you the narrow teachings of relig- ion which confine the mind of man to that particu- lar doctrine and give the soul no individual free- dom to search for himself and find his own environ- ments spiritually. We desire to show you by the 262 THE DESCENDING LIGHT souls who have experienced death the effects of wrong doing, wrong living and the effect of de- pending upon another's thought; the effect of lean- ing upon belief and faith. We urge you to live right, and to do right, and to guard your thoughts, for your mind is a reflector between the great source of ALL GOOD and you. Cultivate the spirit within you, and all the finer qualities builded thru unselfishness will make for you a better soul's home. In your time of concen- tration send forth a silent prayer for the speedy illumination of these earthbound souls. The condition one finds over here does not de- pend upon his faith or belief, but upon his life and the wonderful power within him to think." CHAPTER X. WHITHER ARE YOU GOING? When man has gained the knowledge of spirit re- turn, it is well that he knows that there are within him two distinct forces, constructive and destruc- tive, and that he cultivates the constructive and uses the knowledge for good, because he is going to meet those conditions some time, somewhere — and when he goes on and on to that dark day of his physical expression, when the physical body is thru and the spirit is about to cast it aside, where is he going? Where are you going? Every one of you are going to meet this experi- ence, this is the one thing you cannot avoid — some time your physical body is going back to earth — but where are you going? You are going into your own little heaven, or into your own hell, that which you have builded, and if it is true and all that it seems to be, it will be lovely, but if it is not what it seems to be, where are you going! You have to meet the conditions which have been builded by you; you cannot get away from them; nothing will lift you out until you have worked thru all the conditions you have builded. If you build a hell you are going there just as truly as you are living in the flesh — it is not a 264 THE DESCENDING LIGHT place, a man can live in hell in the flesh ; men are doing it every day, whose consciences are burning their very lives out; they live in a hell so big it reaches them before they leave the body. Thru it all they have got to go and serve and build and purify and make *for themselves that which it is possible for them to do here; and if they build a heaven only, they will never cease to build more and more of it; they will see and know love. The thought force thru which you manifest is the greatest builder ever manifested upon the earth, or anywhere else. All things are born of thought. Nothing manifests itself to man without first being thought because it always first expresses itself as thought. And so when you stand upon the brink of the "goodbye" of today, when you turn to say good- bye to all the memories of the flesh, when you lay aside that, where are you going? The spirit returns to urge you to stop building hells — stop it — it is time that you cultivate the con- structive and spiritual self. Even when you build a hell and no man knows it, and you may think that another's hand is doing it, 'tis you are the one who is building it, and it is yours and you will be cast into it. Oh, friends, let us build heavens, let us make heaven all about us, then those who return and manifest will be in heaven, will come thru the pow- erful light of purity and spiritual thought to re- ceive those who are good. Your mother loves you — are you going to ask WHITHER ARE YOU GOING? 265 her to return from that other life, to walk thru hell to come to you? Men are doing it every day, and some of them call themselves spiritual, but they are asking their loved ones to come thru hell because that is all they have builded about them. When you tell an untruth (you might have said it out of the lightness of your heart with no thought of what might come of it) and some one repeats it and colors it a little, and then another repeats it with another little color added — and when you step out of your flesh body and see the great rope of it — a cable — and where it has reached and what it has done, is not that a judgment? And when you do another an injury, perhaps coax one into some undesirable place — you say, "Just this once will not matter," and you urge and you finally win, and that friend goes with you. Per- haps you do not go again, but that friend goes re- peatedly and gets others to go with him — and when you are lifted out of the physical expression, you see it, you pay the price. Therefore, never ask one to do anything that your inner conscience would say was not best to do. If for no other reason — you should not do it for the reason that it is wrong; if that is not rea- son enough, then for this reason — that some time you will rise into spirit and you will see and know what has come of it. Then there are the efforts to do good which pass thru the same law — they will grow and multiply and you will meet them, too, but they are cheering and helpful. But with those things which are not good, it is not so much your individual sin, as it 266 THE DESCENDING LIGHT is what you have caused others to do. He who commits a sin against himself can overcome this himself. He will have his struggles — if it is an appetite for strong drink, his suffering will be in- describable ; he will be drawn to people in the flesh who drink intoxicants; he will have no thought for anything else for a time, until the stronger spir- itual part of him is awakened and he is touched by the Holy Ghost, then he can overcome it.. Any habit that a man might have, if the sin is against himself, he finds that it creeps along with him, the physical memories will be so strongly about him, they will hold him for a time. And if that sin has touched others, has influenced others, he will see and he will conceive of it — he will know that judgment is ever and ever within and about him. He need not wait for judgment, he is going to take it right along with him and thru his con- sciousness, thru the clear vision of spirit, he is going to be judged and he is going to know it be- cause he will see truth and justice, for they are the qualities of God, and only thru those qualities will he see. He will be compelled thru the law of nature to judge himself thru Justice and Truth — and he can- not know himself or his life otherwise. Yes, indeed, you have a judgment and you have a trial, and none so well as you shall know — and the good things which have come from you will re- flect upon you and aid you in your soul's growth. And anything which has come from you that has cast a shadow will continue with you until you WHITHER ARE YOU GOING? 267 have made that shadow an illumination for the souls around you. Souls are drawn by that natural law to their own thought realm — what you make, you step into it — and no man can judge you at that time but you thru the great eye of spirit — thru Truth and Jus- tice you shall indeed be judged, by your own con- science. You are building your future home now — make your life such that when you visualize thru Truth and Justice, you will not be filled with horror, but happiness. Do you know that you can pay your debts while in the physical expression? Today is the time to tear down the things which will make for you a hell, and build the glorious heaven of which you often dream. Man is beginning to realize that many things are coming into the light now, that a new day is com- ing and the one question he asks is, "Is there re- ally a hell? Is there a place of torment?" Hell is not a place as man in the mortal expression would believe it to be. But tell me, is there or can there be more of a hell than a man's remorse — than the conscience of a man who has sinned — when his conscience awakes to the terrible realiza- tion of the wrong he has done? When man has left his mortal body his con- science is keener, his sense of right and wrong is stronger — his conscience is all that he has, and he meets the burning memories of all the wrongs he has done. Can there be more of a hell than this? And this, ah, this is what they will surely find — 268 THE DESCENDING LIGHT for so surely as they sin, that debt will have to^be paid. To every man and woman will come the day when they will find their physical body gone, and all that they have before them will be the things of the sonl. And, oh, how one suffers when he sees the good spirits reaching out to him to help him, but they cannot reach him because the things about him have been of himself, the things he has builded in selfishness. These things all return to him — it is the law of compensation. (The following is the testimony of a soul who came to one of the Circles of Light.) "Listen to me — I have experienced death; I have experienced the pangs and sufferings of a man who existed in selfishness. I know why I stand here before you tonight trying to serve you. I want to tell you that now is the time to serve your fellow-man; or else the time will come when you will find a great difficulty in returning to the earth plane to undo the things you did there, or to do the things which you left undone. "Oh! that I might impress upon you the effects, the fruits of a sinful life! I implore you to scat- ter seeds of kindness everywhere." As man begins to realize mentally, he unfolds spiritually and closely allied with his life upon the mortal plane are things which he can only discern thru spirit, things which he can only feel thru spirit. Touching your earth plane today there is a large flood of spiritual light; but man knows not what WHITHER AEE YOU GOING? 269 it is. Light is coming upon his brain with such wondrous force that he cannot comprehend it be- cause he has not reached a plane of thought wherein it is possible for him to grasp it. He has not developed spiritually enough to see the light. Those rays are too bright. It is a psychological change which is taking place on the mortal plane and man must pass thru it, and man will be its master; and then he will come into a realization of all those things that are to be borne into expression upon the mortal plane of which man's mind has not yet conceived — because all things which come into expression on the earth plane are first formed in the spirit world and then expressed in the mortal. And as the law perfects itself and man becomes more and more fitted for those things which are for him, he will see clearly wherein he is deficient. All life is first born into spirit — eternity, with no end; things that live shall always be, and so things have always been that live. As the circle has no end, life has no end — there is or was no beginning — it is a perfect circle, and as man in his growth continues to build, his circle continues to grow and to reach into higher light. Over and over, time and time and time, that man can never reckon, soul substance has been; soul substance has been eter- nally. There is no limit to the soul of man, for it is a part of the CAUSE — an emanation of the un- caused CAUSE — beyond the grasp of mortal man's mentality because as yet he is clothed in mortal thoughts. Soul matter existed, does exist and shall exist 270 THE DESCENDING LIGHT always. It is (to bring a clearer conception of this to you) a reflection of the spirit — it is a quality of the spirit, and when the flesh body, in the embry- onic state, reaches that stage of development which man calls the "quickening," it is then that soul matter is united and brought in direct touch with the physical temple in the preparation — 'tis then the spirit, the spark of life, enters into and about that body in preparation. Soul matter exists in the atmosphere around you — it is a vibration of light — it is the effect of inter- mingled thought vibrations — it is the emanation of the overruling power of God's spirit. Before the individualization of that portion of spirit which becomes the individual, it is all thought, all cause, all power, all element; yet it is higher than mortal mind. At the time of "quick- ening" (not conception) a particular portion of the spirit force is individualized; and as the portion of spirit power or matter becomes individualized, it is intermingled with material vibrations and mortal thought vibrations of the father and mother. Thus many spirits in their progression are hin- dered while in the mortal body because of many deficiencies and hindrances which were given to them prenatally, and which are caused by the im- perfections of the spirit or soul of the father and mother. But these will be overcome as man pro- gresses and develops spiritually; and as man be- comes more and more enlightened there will be greater possibilities for the coming generations, for the parents will know and will practice pure WHITHER ARE YOU GOING? 271 thoughts, pure living, so that a little soul coming into the physical expression thru them will not be burdened by their imperfections. The nearest I can express to you the condition or appearance of soul matter before its individual- ization is by comparing it with the sun's rays as they would appear to your mortal vision — but they are vibration rays which cannot be discerned by the mortal eye. Now, the laws of Nature may seem to grow very dim, but 'tis not so, and if man would obey the demands and commands of Nature, there would be more perfect harmony and an opportunity of hav- ing more perfect souls — but man has not grown to this, except some very few who are striving to reach into the beyond. It is not for the individual to take into his or her hands Nature's plan and try to change it; it is not for mortal man to try to change Mother Na- ture's plan — it cannot be. All things which Na- ture begins shall continue to be; all things which are brought into existence shall continue to be thru the unending cycles of eternity. Therefore, when the individualization of the spirit has been started thru the plan of Mother Nature, it shall not cease to be; that individual shall continue to live. And when man or woman in the mortal flesh attempts to stay the light which has been put into expres-, sion they are attempting something which is im- possible. If man attempts to break man-made laws, does he not suffer the consequences? Then the laws of 272 THE DESCENDING LIGHT Nature, more binding, stronger, more lasting, eter- nal, shall not be broken by individuals. If man disobeys the laws of Nature, and takes it into his unenlightened hands to destroy those things which Nature has planted, as I stand here before you, the debt must be paid. The law of compensation is a part of Nature's plan; not a thing, not an atom, not a thought is sent out into the universe but that it is of use, but that it is for a purpose. Nothing is wasted of all things that exist, not even a thought, not even a partial thought. All things are for a purpose. And so I propose to tell you tonight, so far as I am able to make it clear to your minds, the con- dition or the place as you term it, into which the soul of one who passes who has broken those laws and thought to stop the progress of the individ- ualization of spirit. Now, there are soul matter spheres, and concep- tion is a part of the individualization and opera- tion of soul matter; and in this thought realm or this sphere are minds or intelligences busily work- ing, engaged in assisting Mother Nature in this wondrous plan unknown to mankind. The soul of him or her who passes into the spiritual expression of life before they have paid the debt to Mother Nature that they have incurred by seemingly stop- ping the development of an individual, after it has gone into the world of spirit, finds itself in this prenatal field, until that soul is hungry for an op- portunity to help in the care of little ones; until the debt is paid; until that little soul begins to come into the light of intellect, begins to reason, WHITHEE AEE YOU GOING? 273 begins to progress. Now, the souls who cause these things are filled with remorse, because they feel that if they were only able to return to the mortal expression again they could pay that debt. Now we will speak of the little child, who thru the ignorance of the parent was denied the physi- cal body for expression. How many of you know that the little child whose physical expression was denied by those who were to have been its parents is a living soul today? — living and knowing these things. How many knowing this would then do it? These little souls have no physical experience save what they gather by being closely associated with the mother and father of them. They cling close to their parents until they have had sufficient expression upon the physical plane — because the minds who were to guide and lead them in the early years of expression have that still to do. And so in the spiritual expression of life, every thought and every train of thought has its workers who are paying the debt they owe to Mother Na- ture. In teaching and assisting and putting before you (their students) examples of all those things which you will find your teachers impressing upon your intelligence; gathered about them are those who are paying the debt for the sin begun on the earth plane. Oh, that I could express to you in words that you in the mortal expression of life could gather and comprehend the wondrous things that are yours, the wondrous powers that are yours. We are trying to show you the powers of the 274 THE DESCENDING LIGHT human mind — that you are a part of that GREAT MIND — that you are HIS expression — that you may better know yourselves — that you may better know how to reach out to the grand and glorious spirit of which your mortal minds have no concep- tion. You cannot even begin to reach high enough to think what God is. There is not a man or woman walking upon the mortal plane today who has not at some time heard that voice speak to him, calling to his soul — it is forbidden — that still, small voice which bids you not to do — how often man disregards it. When man meets the fruits of his wrong doing, and finds himself physically ill; meeting all sorts of misfortunes, then he wonders why his fruits are so impure, so imperfect. How many times does he stop to consider the seed he has sown? How many times does he stop to look back over the pages of his own life to see when these seeds were sown from which this fruit is coming; to see when he disobeyed the still, small voice which spoke to him? And now he meets, when he least desires to meet it, the harvest. There is no removing this from his pathway by any man but himself. He alone must remove the obstacles which he has placed in his way. How can he do this? By building a condition of purity and truth and spirituality about his soul so strong that all things seem spiritual; by building about him the glorious spirit forces which will consume the things which are not of spirit and which are of his own creation. These are the things that man must learn to WHITHEE ARE YOU GOING? 275 overcome that he may come up from the depths; these are the things which the master mind that dwells within him must learn to overcome. And when he has learned to obey this still, small voice within his consciousness which comes from the true spirit of light; when he learns to listen to that, when he learns to obey it, he will become so much more sensitive, so much more responsive to the spiritual light of God that he will not be inclined to do anything which is evil. If he does not learn this lesson while in the physical expression, then, some time, somehow, somewhere he will have it to learn after that phys- ical body has gone back to Mother Earth. There are many souls disembodied today who are crying out in remorse that they did not receive the light in the mortal body. Many souls are reap- ing the harvest of what was sown while in the flesh. But eventually they will rise from the depths into the light of truth and gather the knowl- edge that their condition is not of God's creation for God is that which hath no hate, no revenge, no jealousy. God is infinite love and truth, infinite intelligence and perfection — God is ALL. Some one has asked, "Does sin leave a scar upon the soul after one has passed into spirit life and progressed into spiritual realms?" Now, there are various interpretations of sin. So we will in- fer that the reference to sin is the transgression of an individual against the dictates of his own conscience. The acts and thoughts of an individ- ual imprint upon the soul of that particular per- son its peculiar color vibration, which remain and 276 THE DESCENDING LIGHT are a part of the soul or the individual. And man in his spiritual progression in the body or out of it so builds about him the spiritual lights of gold and purple and pure white so that as he progresses these colors consume and eventually obliterate the colors of those things which are not of the higher life. After man has progressed, is there a scar? There is no end to man's progression, but some time man will progress and rise above all the things which are imperfect, all things which are not of perfection — and a scar upon the soul of man, is it not imperfect? Therefore, man's progress in spiritual thoughts, the resurrection of his soul, removes all indica- tions of anything which is imperfect. The soul which has risen above the things of earth has no scar, no memory of sin, as you term it. Its pro- gression cannot be considered complete until all memory of sin has been wiped away. On the pure soul of man there is no scar. The souls of men who walk in the lowest depths of sin will some time rise, will some time be touched by the higher light and there will come a desire for spiritual light, a desire to do better. It may be ages seemingly to you after that body is buried that that spirit becomes enkindled and rises, but, as I stand before you, some time that soul will rise, and some time it will come into its own. Everything that is of God (and all spirit is of God) cannot die. It has always lived and always shall live; eternally rising and rising, reaching out to the great and wondrous spirit. WHITHEK ARE YOU GOING? 277 Those things which are true, those things which are right, those things which are of God shall rise and live, and those things which are false and sin- ful, those things which are wholly material will die, inasmuch as they lose their inspiration and go back to the earth, but the spirit, never — the spirit lives — there is not a soul manifested in the body of man or woman that will not some time rise and come into the true light of spirit. (Brothers and sisters, we have brought into your midst tonight one who lived on the earth plane many thousands of years before your time. He existed where the city of Babylon stood long before its fall. He has served many years of trials and ungratified desires of life; now he comes forth a wonderful teacher, and we will have the pleasure of hearing him, as well as you.) " Brethren, I come into the earth vibration a re- pentant sinner. I have been for many years (years and years) trying to tear down that which I built up. I was an emperor, a master, and a cruel one. I was the cause of many lives being taken and for each I suffered, and as you may see, I still cling to earth atoning for my selfishness, crimes and sin. As I look back at my dreams of earth life — what a nightmare it was; long before Babylon fell I was a criminal; and my seventy-five short years there have brought to me all these years of atonement. It is a mesmeric power self has on the body, the soul becomes tired and weary 278 THE DESCENDING LIGHT over the deeds it hath performed — the wicked can- not rest. The material body is an instrument, as in the hands of a workman a hammer is used by a car- penter so is the body used by the soul which it in- habits, so to speak, and friends, if you used your body according to the laws of nature it would re- main in good condition longer than it does. If man could remain with his physical body longer then the spiritual body would be in a better condi- tion to help the soul to advance. See that you keep your instruments in good repair, there is much for you to do in life. In my existence on the earth plane I was wholly material; I was avaricious. Avarice is one of the greatest wrongs, avarice is not only poison to self, but all with which it comes in contact. Avarice, instead of suiciding in its infancy, lives until it has murdered spirituality and then suicides. Yes, friends, avarice was my sin. Do you want me to tell you the condition in which I found myself when I first came over here? I found only self; I seemed to be penned in a room alone, all I seemed to see was self; I saw, I knew nothing but self. It seemed for eternity I lived with myself — it was but the reflection of my sin; of what I thought, what I knew, what I lived; I had nothing but that miserable, horrible, abomi- nable self. Then one day there came to me an answer to a great desire for something besides myself- — a door opened; I listened, I looked eagerly; I looked and saw a man that I had murdered — only him and WHITHEB ARE YOU GOING? 279 self — agony of body cannot be compared with this. Here was the soul sent out before time by me who came in answer to my cry for something beyond self — all I knew was crime and self. Again I cried for something besides self, only to be awarded as before. But I know~ something beyond self now ; and 1 come to help others by telling them of the fruits of wrong doing. I do not dare to disclose all to you tonight, darkening your thoughts with pictures of my life, but little by little I will tell you of my existence on the earth plane and how I have paid the debt here. Oh, I thank you for this opportu- nity, and hope that you will benefit by my mis- takes. (The following is from one who taught his follow- ers the fear thought and to believe in a place called Hell.) "Friends, I have returned to say that I knew not what I did when I sowed the seeds of fear in my fellow-man's soul; and to say that I nee«l your assistance in tearing down and removing the con- ditions I builded while in the flesh expression. I found upon leaving my body there that life continued here, beginning just where I closed the book there. I have still to teach, I still have work to do — and face to face I meet the souls of men within whom I have kindled fear, and they speak to me and say, 'Father, father, we are waiting to be cast into the eternal hell of which you told us.' These souls, waiting for the hell which they ex- 280 THE DESCENDING LIGHT pected to be cast into when they came over here — was this not hell enough for me to know that through my teachings these souls were in such a darkened state of mind that they cried out to me in fear? Oh, brothers and sisters, help me to tear down these false teachings. It is true — as man liveth, so shall he die — and as I taught my fellow-man, so I met that here; not the burning of the body, but the consciousness of remorse that I spoke the things to my people which I could not believe in my soul was true; and yet I strongly impressed it upon their minds that they would be cast into hell if they did not believe that which I spoke. There is a staff upon which to lean, and that is knowledge; lean upon facts, lean upon the light, rise and find that it is not necessary to lean upon anyone else, for man is strong enough in himself, being a part of his Creator, being a part of the Great Cause he is one of God's expressions, then why should he lean on any man's interpretation? Man never was intended to be a follower, but to be a unit of light and truth — he must gather in his own interpretation and express it in his own way ; for such it is to him and by it shall he walk ; for he shall meet face to face upon stepping into the other plane, himself, his conscience, his life will meet him there and then he shall know him- self; then he shall know that for which he has worked, and then shall he see the falsity of those things in which he believed, and which were not true. Will you help me remove those conditions? WHITHEK AKE YOU GOING? 281 Save the will power of the man; start him on the highway of progression that he may meet here himself, for such he will find; and when you know that his teachings are false, tell him so and ask him not to do it — in the name of truth do this ; for I am in hell, so to speak, because of the false teachings I gave. I am ever meeting the cry of my brother, 'I'm waiting to go to hell.' Help me, brothers and sisters, and some time I shall return and ask if I might help you." (Teacher.) You will find yourself waiting to receive the illumination which you expect to re- ceive immediately upon coming into the spiritual life; and you will find that you are not a lighted lamp, but that you must illuminate your own path- way which you dimly darkened by your earth ex- pression. You have no spiritual condition waiting for you over here, you have to build it; it matters not whether you understand spirit return or not, you find yourselves waiting for that which you shall not receive until you have lighted your lamp. What treasures have you in your storehouse, laid away for the day in which you will find your- self in a strange land; in a new expression, a new life, alone? What treasures have you stored away for that day? Stop and think in your mad rush for the things of the flesh — stop and think of that day, when you will find yourself shorn of all that is flesh, when you will find all your earthly treas- ures are gone, and all that you have left are those 282 THE DESCENDING LIGHT things which you stored in that storehouse for a future day. That day is coming to you some time — this you know — and yet even now you forget to store away those things which you will most need in that day when you leave all material things be- hind. Is your storehouse illuminated with love of hu- manity, with the kind thoughts you have sent out into the universe, with the kind deeds of love? — the most glorious light of spiritual truth. Is there any light of truth shining out of your window? Or have you stored away hate, jealousy, malice, things which create darkness? Are these the things you have stored away? Then face to face you will meet them. Every thought, every word, every deed of which you are the creator and which you have sent out into the universe lives and fills its little niche in your storehouse. They wait for you and some time you will find yourself there facing only those things which you have saved for that day — you cannot get away from them for they live with you. What of the fellow you have wronged previous to your repentance? Or what of that man you have caused to go on the downward path of sin and continues on his pathway of sin? Can you re- pent and be saved under those conditions? Would this be a law of justice? Would even your mortal minds imagine this to be a just law? Man always finds himself when he steps into the silence traveling along some particular train of thought. Now, these thoughts are living with you, WHITHER ARE YOU GOING? 283 these thoughts are stored away in your storehouse for that future day when you step into the new world alone, a stranger; all those earthly treas- ures gone, and you meet face to face the deeds, the thoughts, the wishes that you have sent out into the universe. Then again, when you find yourself sitting alone and all your thoughts are for universal good, for the upliftment of mankind, of brotherly love, and desire for the unity of man — all these created by your influence — you will find there a beautiful home and a storehouse of which you will not be ashamed. So clean your storehouse and fill it with the great truths and you will find the reflection of those thoughts which you sent out. But if your thoughts be selfish, wordly ones, thinking about having your fellow-man 's goods ; thinking how you might gain some earthly treasure; thinking how you hate some poor creature who hasn't half the chance you have — what a monster you will find waiting "over there" for you — and you cannot kill him. Repentance is good because it casts that light upon you — but it does not wipe out your debts — one by one they must be surmounted, and by your own efforts. In this lesson we cannot help but stop to speak to you of a law which is over your nation — that one man or a dozen may mete out punishment to another in taking from that soul his physical body because he has taken the physical life of some other individual. Are you more capable of judg- 284 THE DESCENDING LIGHT ing him or meting out to him his punishment than is the great Over Soul? If it was right for his physical vehicle to be removed from his soul be- cause he in his weakness sinned, why, the great law of life would do it — instantly as he took a life his would be taken ; but since it is not, it is the law of life that he live to finish his earth expression. "When you do this you rob him of that part of his expression which makes it possible for him to express himself naturally upon your plane of ex- pression. You send out upon the astral plane a man with a very little opportunity because you have severed him from the vehicle thru which nature intended him to manifest for a time where he would have some experiences which that soul needed in its growth; and you have ruthlessly taken from him that vehicle — by what right? You are not punishing that soul nearly so much as you are punishing all the other souls with whom he comes in touch, as he is naturally brought back to earth to finish that expression, and is drawn close to those who are in his thought realm. That soul is ten times more dangerous to humanity after you have forced him from his physical body — this is the cause of so many suicides. — This is the fruit of capital punishment. Now we will speak of him who takes his own life. Perhaps there is a diseased organ, perhaps there is a deficiency in the brain cells ; perhaps one of those souls who have been cast into the other life either by his own hand or that of another, re- turns and touches the consciousness of that indi- vidual, perhaps comes upon that individual spirit "WHITHER ARE YOU GOING? 285 at the very moment when he might give the sug- gestion of destruction, or that he might destroy his own physical body. Men in this condition nat- urally meet with no suffering except the realiza- tion of what they have done. A man who believes there is nothing beyond and takes from himself the vehicle of physical expres- sion and casts it back to earth believing that he is taking himself away from the gathering in of the harvest of what he has sown in another condition — what shall he meet? So surely as he has sown, so surely will he gather in his harvest, and so surely will he know it. When he has been discov- ered in his sin, he will grieve to be looked upon with scorn. He will have this to meet and he will know what it means because he will no longer see thru his physical senses, but he will see thru the all-seeing eye of spirit, and will discern therein the reaping of the harvest. This is the great law of life and he will find that his judgment is the reali- zation of the things for which he has to pay — it is the realization of the fruits of his sins. Some time you, too, will pass into that new life — then what? You must live: you cannot die, even if you want to — the spirit is of God — God hath no death — no end. You cannot get away from the things which you have brought into existence in the way of your thoughts and your acts. Do you believe that you merely ask for forgiveness and then pass into a realm of happiness? If you do, brothers and sis- ters, think — use that wondrous God-given power of thought and think. 286 THE DESCENDING LIGHT Have you sent out many thoughts of selfish de- sire? I am speaking of your inmost thoughts, not your spoken thoughts. These will all return to you. Do you think that the moment you turn away from evil that the thoughts on the previous pages of the book are dead? They are not. When the flesh body sinks back to Mother Earth, those thoughts are not there, they are living and you will partake of their fruits. Closely in touch with your earth planet today are many risen souls who return to undo the con- ditions which they built whilst they were in the flesh — and they are anxious to show you the way to kill the bitterness in your nature and cultivate within you the spiritual part of yourselves. You are building the instrument upon which you must play the harmonies of life — are you building the conditions about you that will bring forth dis- cordant vibrations that will tear down the glorious harmony of life and grate on the hignly attuned spirit of man? Or are you building that which brings forth harmony, love, happiness, peace? Tonight, we extend to you from the world of spirit the hand of good fellowship; even as dead men live, so can they speak to you. Some may say that outside of the physical life there is noth- ing; but some time the spirit of them will be touched by the higher light and then they will not only believe, but they will know; and in the know- ing they will find ; and out of all this will come the higher and the real universal knowledge of what is, and why. Where are you going? Why are you here? For WHITHER ARE YOU GOING? 287 what purpose are you endowed with the power of thought? To spend it for physical comforts, or for the eternal YOU? The thinking part of your- self will never die, the real you will never pass into oblivion — but the physical part of you will pass back to earth from which it came. Then why spend all your thinking powers upon the comforts of the mortal body? Why do you waste all the wondrous power of the God Spirit within you? Oh, brothers and sisters, if you only knew the power that lies within each and every individual one of you; if you only knew the things lying be- fore you to do — if you do not do them now, some time you will find that they await your doing, and you will without your physical body be forced to accomplish the things which you have put off for so long. I wish to leave with you this little thought: The life you are living, not the life that your fellow- man can see, but the life which you are really liv- ing, is making that place where you are going. Would you wish to meet there the sorrowing faces of those whose hearts you have crushed, or would you wish to meet there the smiling faces of those whose hearts you have lightened? CHAPTER XI. UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD. God is spirit, God is not an individual spirit, but God is spirit, is light, is ALL — and "man is made to His own image and likeness." Not the physical form is made to His image, but it is the spirit that is to His image and likeness ; the physi- cal is merely the instrument thru which the spirit manifests whilst in the flesh expression. Every living thing expresses itself from the lower realms of expression into the higher and still higher, and still higher, until it reaches the form of man, when the mind of man, the spirit, the soul, can unfold and grow and express itself; then thru the individuality of man the Christ spirit, the God spirit following this, will express itself because man is made to His own image and likeness. Man, made to the image and likeness of God, expresses life because he has within him that part of God's expression which brings forth memory. This qual- ity begins to express itself in the animals; they begin to show powers of memory — they hold mem- ories of wrongs or kindnesses which have been shown to them, but there is still need of a finer expression, a finer vehicle, a finer temple thru which might manifest the God spirit; so it passes from that and again returns, and again after it UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD 289 (the memory quality) has inhabited many bodies — the fish, the bird, the animal — it will come forth highly developed in the body of man. This, thru that great law of life — evolution — ex-: presses more clearly to you than any other word I might use why it is man is made to the image and likeness of God, because he expresses himself as a man once in the flesh, and then more spiritual, and still more spiritual; building and living upon that material plane of expression, and then the as- tral, and then the finer spiritual qualities, even higher than those which manifest upon the astral; casting aside the bodies thru which he has risen — it is the ascension of the soul; it is the evolution of man as he grows thru all the coarser stages of expression into manhood and womanhood in the temple of the human form, where thru the wonder- ful powers of the human mind he can manifest un- told truth, untold possibilities. But in his growth man is borne into many stages of expression be- cause environments and associations make a great difference in the unfoldment of the spirit qualities within him. Therefore, I say, bar no denomination, no sect, no group, no class of men and women who have gathered for the unfolding of the God spirit, for man is born to His image and likeness. Then why should a group, or why should one class separate themselves from the other with words of bitterness, or prejudice? Why should they say because this one group teaches one expression of spiritual things, they are wrong? My friends, all 290 THE DESCENDING LIGHT things which bring forth the good within man are good. If you attempt to gather the light from one group or denomination and find that you cannot grow spiritually within that group, then it would not be wrong for you to search within another group for that food which the spirit within you is craving. Know that spiritual things can only be dis- cerned thru spiritual vision; and so it is the God spirit, the spirit of man, the good, which ex- presses itself thru the physical body, expresses God. As man grows thru all these different stages of expression into that perfect thought out of the flesh, it is possible for him to rise from one thought realm into a higher, and still a higher until he can consciously see the why of all little weak thoughts; when he can see and look with compassion upon those who manifest in the flesh where they are opposing one another, placing obstacles in their way and making life hard for each other. Why, just think, you can go into a spiritual thought for even your enemies — try it just for a moment and feel that peace which comes with it, when you can see within yourself in all sincerity and know that poor man does these things because he has just unfolded to that degree or stage where he feels that it is right for him to crush his fel- low-man for the wrongs he has done. Know that justice is in spirit; that justice is not that which you can visualize thru your physical UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD 291 desires or thoughts, but justice is laid dowu by the great overruling mind and every man must pay his debts — the great law of compensation is ever and ever expressing itself — but it is not for one man to take the life of another even because he kills another, or crushes that body until the soul leaves it; it is not for you to say that he shall die. Let him live that he may finish that flesh ex- pression. Why not rise spiritually into another life and look thru spiritual eyes over the world, see them struggle, see them quarrel, see them kill, see them take and force those who do not belong to that group into this one, see them dominate — see all these things, and then see that to which they are coming eventually. Be not a part of that which expresses the lower desires of the flesh, but be a part of that which expresses the God spirit; for it is only as man rises spiritually and grows out of all things which are low, such as are the things of which I have spoken, he shakes them off in his growth in order to grow faster, rising and lifting with him his fellow-man into a higher and purer expression of life when they will see that it is not the body of man that is made to the image and likeness of God, but the spirit. Therefore, seek God; seek Him in whose like- ness you are created; seek and search out, not by groping in the darkness of the flesh, by groping in the darkness of material things, in the lower realms of thought, but by lifting yourself spirit- ually, living the humble life of the Nazerene, going 292 THE DESCENDING LIGHT forth to teach and to bring forth, not by words so much, no, but by ascension, illuminating your sur- roundings with your light, showing indeed that man is made to His image and likeness, and that God expresses Himself thru you, and thru the minds of men as they express good. Know that man is indeed created to the image and likeness of God, but it is not his flesh body as has been in-, terpreted by so many minds. In the silence, in the TRUTH, in the light of spirit can any man sit alone with his conscience, alone with his spirit and hate and feel that he would crush any man? NO! because that thing is not of the spirit. Oh, that you all might strive to be a part of the great spiritual uplift, the light of which is descending upon your earth plane thru all the discordant vibration of today, thru it all, out above it all, we can see descending Upon you the great white light, that light conveyed from the Master Mind, illuminating some few who rise and stand strong in the TRUTH. Do not have an antagonistic thought towards any man, even tho you see that he is wrong, do not antagonize him; do not say, "You are wrong," but send forth that clear spiritual thought which will illuminate so much about his life that he will see and clearly conceive thru spirit. Brothers and sisters, friends, go into the world to lift and to serve. It matters not how bitterly they may criticise you, know that there was a great master — Jesus — who walked in the flesh as a master mind, but he was crushed because His views were not of the men of His day, because He UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD 293 attempted to live the pure, good and true life. Unfold that you can start along your journey in a high spiritual light and continue to serve. Send forth that great thought which will help and not crush, do it for the good it does, think not of yourselves but of those who are less fortunate. 'Tis not how much man has learned of the laws of life, but how well he applies that knowledge for the betterment of himself and his fellow-men; 'tis not the man who tells his fellow-men what they should do, but it is the man who illuminates that man's life by the example he shows. When man learns to express and give to the world his true self, how much nicer it will be, how much better it will be for all mankind when all things that are so far from spirit shall be put away; they will be looking for the good and will see it manifested everywhere, because man's real true self, if he gives it to the world as it is, will always be what he would wish to have man know, to know him as he is. Unity of thought, unity of desire, unity of man- kind, that is the weapon which tears down the walls of prejudice and ignorance and permits man to use the intellectual powers God has given him that he might better help his brother and walk the earth plane in christian fellowship. The soul or the spiritual thought force within man is in the ascendant; it is descending to rise with man in the body; and man is thinking how to better the con- ditions of all mankind. As man reaches out into the spiritual realm of thought he will find uni- versal thought powers spreading all about him — 294 THE DESCENDING LIGHT love, peace, harmony — that of which man in the mortal expression of life knows nanght. Are you searching for the means to crash your brother, for the way to gather to yourself all the things which you want for the comfort of your physical body, or are you searching in the realm of thought for something which will create among your fellow-men a real understanding 1 ? He who sends out a thought which he hopes will bring happiness to some particular one, is he not serving mankind? The spirit returns to preach the gospel of love, 1-o-v-e LOVE, unselfishness, unselfishness is love. Oh, if you could but know how difficult it is to overcome that very common fault in man today which is selfishness. We see it manifested in the seance room in the spirits who return from be- yond where they can see thru the vision of spirit, by the eagerness of those to reach their loved ones — you will see that even there selfishness is not gone; they are still working thru it — and 'tis a bitter enemy. When you overcome that enemy, selfishness (and it lies within the greater number of men in the flesh today) you will find the spirit within who is making great effort to ascend the spiritual Alps, that stage of mastership where he can master his own soul and be anxious for others. Just take this week and note how many selfish thoughts you have; selfish perhaps for just your family, or just your class, or just your group; note how many selfish thoughts you have and tear them out, cast them from you into the universe to UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD 295 be picked up and put thru a finer experience — that universal love — oh, the peace of it; oh, the glory of it, to love and pity your enemies. Pity them — pity is akin to love, for you cannot pity very long without having a tender feeling for them; and as that ripens and grows into full bloom, behold! it is love. So cultivate all of this — turn your minds into the proper channels — the mind is the reflector — turn the reflector toward the great light of universal love and God. If you do this, there will be no wars, no strug- gling one against the other, for you will love them all. What matters if you have more for your labor, or if you give more for your labor ? What matters it? What more does man want than just plenty? When man begins to have a surplus then his mind turns from spiritual things. Just ask for plenty and you will have it. And when you have just enough, and within your bosom is that universal love for all men, that self-sacrificing spirit, when you have overcome the spirit of selfishness, oh! the peace and the happiness — and you can reach that without a cent, without a penny, by just your own effort. All things are yours (I do not mean your brother's things that he has struggled to acquire, but all things) because if you love, love is always bringing to you more and more of the great good, that which satisfies the soul of man and invites and brings forth in its unfoldment the spirit within. Cast out the selfishness within and place there a 296 THE DESCENDING LIGHT monument of love, walk in christian fellowship and brotherly love and see how radiant will be your faces, how your souls will be illuminated. The expression of selfishness exists all over the world today — it is in all classes — classes will in- dividualize, people will individualize by their thoughts and by their deeds, but thought force from the Infinite, love, good, justice, is universal, and all men have the privilege of drawing from that source of ALL GOOD, but how little they know of the power within themselves. "Within the consciousness of every man dwells, ever and ever striving to come forth in the purity of perfection, the spirit. Your individuality either retards or aids in the unfoldment of the spirit within you, so cultivate the finer quality — not merely loving this one or that one, but loving all mankind — universal love — can you conceive of it? Oh, the wonderful peace and happiness in being able to send out this thought, "I am in the uni- verse and the universe is within me." ALL GOOD — you are a part of it, and it is a part of you. Your thought should not be for this country or that country, for this class or for that class, for this group or that group, for this denomination or that denomination, but it should be for all man- kind, God's people. Ever and ever thru all the ages the message brought by the great masters is unselfishness — each and every time their message holds that thought, "Be self-sacrificing; help one another; UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD 297 work in unity for all good ; do not injure your neighbor; do not hate your neighbor." When man begins to develop the spiritual part of himself he will so illuminate the pathway of his brother that he will be drawn to him and he will find himself. When man has done this little thing he will have accomplished a great big thing for the world — he is tearing down the earth thought which is impossible to do with hate, criticism, carnal thought, which are the creeping things of the earth — man will know how to help his fellow- man properly; he will not want the things which belong to another. The world is sinking in sorrow — love it, bury hate beneath the sod, let selfishness, hate, avarice, jealousy rot in the earth and rise above it, culti- vate the good which lives within you — the world needs every atom of good within all men. Cultivate the spiritual powers within you which will enable you to see how to study the qualities and deficiencies of your brother and know how to help him. Hold within yourself and send to him the great thought of love, of sympathy, of spiritual light; not saying even in your thought that you are better than he. As you step out of the physical thought into the spiritual you will come into that universal thought, because as man unfolds spiritually he cannot help but know that he is a part of the universe, that all mankind are his brothers; that the same force that brought him into the physical expression of life also brought his brother into that same ex- pression. 298 THE DESCENDING LIGHT When you have found the wondrous power within you, you will find it is not how much you can dominate over your brother, not how much you can impress your brother, but it is how much you can illuminate the world with your spiritual thought. Brotherly love and the golden rule are most beautiful teachings — why should they be shaded by falsehoods of the "grave being the end?" The grave is not the end of man — why fear death? Father God and Mother Nature have borne you into this life, so they will bear you into the life beyond. I have been present whilst teachers in modern times were saying, "We care not for the life here- after, it is this life." I shudder for the false home they are building, smothering the beautiful plant of truth. They are sowing seeds of poisonous weeds in the souls of their auditors, and they will grow, as they have grown with them, and be detrimental to their progression. Many forget that all about them and within every physical temple of clay lives God. Yes, forget, and would destroy that temple, casting out whom? Why should man take it upon himself to send into a new expression of life the soul of any man? If man causes a premature birth in the physical body, you call him a criminal; but if he causes the premature birth into spirit of a soul, born into that new life before it is time, what is he? A poor unenlightened soul. We grieve for those who are unconsciously placing into spirit life a premature soul. If it is criminal to abort or UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD 299 cause a premature birth in the physical, then you might say it of one who causes the soul to be prematurely born into a new expression. That is it — take the lesson home with you. Think of eternal life — what is it worth to a man to gain the whole world if for a time he loses his own soul — for in search of that consciousness, he may spend a great portion of a great eternity in finding it. Oh, let us help those who know not to find some way to unfold the spirit within; but do not force your thought upon them — they may have another expression by which or thru which they will reach God. Just as some are black in the flesh and some are white, just as every expression of life is one of God's reflections, so let each man find his own spiritual expression, then teach him how to live — and the greatest power to teach you have within, it is to live the life — example is the greatest inspirer to good. How many of you really know love, pure, spiritual love? That which can see the why of all things weak, and that which can explain all the little things which seem so dark and wrong in man, and that which can overlook the whole universe in this thought and say, "I love every man, woman and child, I love you." It is possible to do this; and in your new day upon the brink of which you stand today, souls will walk in your midst, and you will touch them and you will know love be- cause love is the reflection of the Godhead; it is the law which draws man close to liberty; that which clears away the dark things of life and makes men see and know his fellow-man. 300 THE DESCENDING LIGHT Eise, search, turn your torch that the wind of vengeance, of hate, of avarice, of selfishness and all such things will not blow it out — turn it, pro- tect it by spiritual thought of ascension; hold that within the consciousness; know that it is within each individual soul to illuminate and bring into expression the inner God part. Stop for a moment in your mad race and think — you may be crushed, you may be starved, you may be brought where you will be criticised and censured for things which are the soul's good, but rise and know that GOD'S law of service is universal love, universal brotherhood. So love, serve, lift, illumi- nate and do not kill or crush even hate; but gather it up and put it in the flame of the lower light that thru that it, too, may be illuminated and become a light. We need the lower lights today (illumi- nated spirits in the flesh), they are coming into expression everywhere. The dead have never died; they are reaching hands out to you in love and service. Unite, clasp hands, beautify your lives, spread afar the light of truth against which even the winds of hate are blowing and doing all possible to extinguish, keep it burning. Peace shall come only thru the burn- ing of the lower lights; peace shall come only by spiritual thoughts; peace can only come to man as he rises out of the destructive thought — so let the lower lights burn and illuminate the pathway of many poor down-trodden souls. Know that the day is dawning upon this the so- called new country where shall be brought into existence the dove of peace; when man no longer UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD 301 will sit in the privacy of his own home and keep there that which he owes to his brother man. The thinking man on the avenue of materialism is searching out the why of all beliefs and creeds, why they ever came into existence. The man on the avenue of New Thought is thinking of all the good that can be accomplished by the thought power of man; the brother on the avenue of Socialism is wondering why he is a slave, and is searching for the reason of all this and is fighting to rise out of it — but he holds the thought within him that he must force the conditions to come to a head, but it is only thru spiritual unfoldment that all good things can come about. And on the ave- nue of Theosophy man is developing his soul powers, that his soul may rise into the glorious light of spirit; and he who walks along the avenue of Christian Science is drawing from the great fountain of life the force to perfect the temple of the spirit, the body; the desire for perfect bodies draws them into that avenue. There are minds that are lifting but there is about them a little cloud — the cloud of prejudice — and until they overcome that great enemy which clings after fear has been uprooted there can be no universal love thought. Universal love is God's reflection — can you not discard your little thought of prejudice and find the good part and help to bring it forth! Why not broaden out? The more you broaden, the more you search for good, the more you overcome all deception that lurks within you, the more sympathy and compassion and love you will hold for your brothers and sisters who 302 THE DESCENDING LIGHT are not so much enlightened as you are along spiritual lines. Search for the wondrous fountain of eternal life — truth and harmony — and nourish and refresh your souls. Think those thoughts which are pure; those things which reflect His likeness, and then will come about the universal brotherhood of man. "We suggest that in every home there be a sanctu- ary of light wherein you shall drink of the fountain of truth, wherein you shall go into the silence and there, receive the message of light which is now ready to be born upon your earth plane. Give it out, tell your fellow-man that he may better know; that his eyes may be opened to the light which it has been your privilege to know. As the door to the spiritual world swings open to you, do all you can, all that is in your power to open the door to your fellow-man that he may realize the truth. Lend your material assistance, give him your broad shoulder, give him your kind thoughts. Every soul that is awakened to the light of spirit and every soul that comes to the realization of truth, and every soul that is bettered spiritually by your effort di- rectly or indirectly will meet you "over there" a shining light. Unity of thought, unity of desire, unity of man- kind, that is the weapon which tears down the walls of prejudice and ignorance and permits man to use the intellectual powers God has given him that he might better help his brother and walk the earth plane in christan fellowship. I thought when I lived in the mortal body that the great man was the man who became the leader, who UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD 303 brought about victory m wars. What a realization ! what a change of thought! what a terrible awaken- ing came to me when I knew that the man who led his fellow-man into peace, who taught man the les- son of unity, who awakened in the souls of humanity that spiritual spark of light, that he was the truly great man. Pass the love thought to all — love all humanity; forgive their deficiencies for then you are fixing your sails to pass over the high waters into the harbor thru love. The great symbol which presents itself to me as I stand here, the vast water, meaning life, and I see the dark shadows of strife; I see men struggling over little things in life; over privileges and over rights and over wrongs. I see men assembled to take land of which they will never have a part. I see men walking ways for others and that way they will never tread. I see those vast waters as the men in the boats are sailing — I see them taking various ways, going in all directions, and there comes to my soul this thought — where are they going? I see nothing there but a great light, and now I see they are finding a way to communicate one with the other — by what means'? By the unfolding of the mental qualities within. They are tuning today upon the earth plane in- struments, chemically arranged, that they can gather thoughts from other lands ; and as I see these boats go by something brings me to know that they are all going to one great harbor. And now as I look back upon the strife, I see great struggles, hate, per- secutions, hunger, deprivations, unhappiness in the 304 THE DESCENDING LIGHT passing of infants out of the flesh ; it is an appalling sight to the men who are left. And now I see a great light descending upon them and, behold, a cleaner earth is revealed — but we find that not one of the things for which they fought is as they thought it would be. It comes as a great realization that the young men who have been crushed, lads gone, wives and mothers and babes tortured and crushed, the debt is not paid; death has not finished the great work it started. But the walls are broken down and they know that death reveals to them life and God. The man and his brother who hates him lie in the same grave, and they clasp hands as they pass into the boats. Behold, the wall has broken down, and they realize they love each other; there is one great thought of eternal light— and it has no name. (This symbolical vision was given thru a trance lecture soon after we had entered the great world war. "The passing of infants" thru starvation and disease surely is an appalling sight to man today. Is it not true, — "that not one of the things for which they fought is as they thought it would be?") Man knows not yet the name of the great religious thought which will permeate the consciousness of every individual in the ranks of the denominations over all the nations of the world. It has no name; it is nameless ; it is of God. Every man in every walk of life has some great thought of a higher power, but what man yet knows God? But he can feel the pres- ence, and can have the great desire to do good, to serve, to love. As you hear the call of the loved ones gone before, who are not dead, and whom all men know still live, UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD 305 as you hear the voices, can you not feel that they will lead you aright, so cultivate within you love, love for all mankind. These are the things the spirit world desires to give to man; it is not to tell them how to crush their brothers ; it is not to tell them how to deceive their brother, nor is it to tell them how to destroy the temple of flesh. When man cultivates the universal love power within him, forgetting self and thinking of the "dead", his dead, he will find a broad and beautiful avenue which leads to eternal light. The greatest problem man has today is the under- standing and comprehension of his own soul. Until he understands himself, how can he understand the ambitions and desires of others? He must first learn the problems of his own soul — he has much to master — then will it be time to tell others what to do. Live not for yourself or by yourself or in your- self, but live continually a little better than yourself ; let your desires be always a little beyond yourself ; let hope be a little above yourself, — and when you have mastered your own soul, then is it time to take your brother in hand and show him how to live. Nature's man is mortal, the mortal body is imper- fect because from time to time error (sin) has been brought into the mortal body. The God body, the spiritual body, that nature gave you is and should always be perfect by nature. All imperfections you have made yourself — understand yourself, and you will understand nature. You are living in the dawn of that new day when the light of spirit shall show itself thru the souls of all men ; when man shall serve his brother, shall help 306 THE DESCENDING LIGHT his brother and will not wrong him, will not think of taking his brother's life. Judge not your fellow-man — if as you see his life, it seems to you a dark shadow, perhaps beneath the shadow the light is kindling there which will illumi- nate that soul more quickly than your own. Forget the things which are wholly material, forget hate, envy, jealousy — forget all things which you know were never born of the spirit, and think of th« holy presence of pure spirit. Play your part well, and be not ashamed of your brother nor ashamed to have him know you as you are. Beach higher and higher for spiritual light and ask from the spirit world only those things which will be for the upliftment of man- kind. Let us leave malice, envy, jealousy, selfish- ness and all those things which are born of mortal mind behind us. Let us cultivate love for all, char- ity, truth — these are the things which are of God. Charity is not the giving of a portion of what you have without making yourself uncomfortable; it is not charity to love others just so far as it makes you happy — that is not charity. Charity is the giv- ing all you can, even to your own discomfort, to make others happy. How this word has been mis- interpreted, and yet it was one of Jesus' favorite thoughts — charity and faith. But the minds of men as they came down thru the different generations applied it to themselves, each holding just as much of it as pleased him, and finally it became a law that men adhere to their conception of the teachings of Christ. Jesus, the Nazerene, grown into and out of and thru many stages of spiritual unfoldment, reduced and returned to the physical expression to teach his UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD 307 fellow-men to love one another; how to serve each other ; came to tear down the conditions which were hindrances to the growth of spirit. He was one of the greatest teachers of universal brotherhood, of brotherly love, the Golden Rule. It means to do unto others as you would have others do unto you ; it means to love your fellow-men; it means to love your enemies; have compassion upon. the sinner — not with the spirit of "I am greater than thou," but with the spirit of mercy and brotherly love. Lift, love, serve, enlighten, illuminate, cultivate the power to think. Man, know thyself, and by knowing thyself, thou wilt find God. Strive for that stage of unfoldment where you can see thru the eyes of spirit (clear understanding) and discern the things of God. Brothers and sisters, can you not spare a few moments each day for spiritual thought that you may reach out into the grand and glorious universe in search of God — not selfishly, but reverently, in hope, in love, in faith, in truth ; feeling within your- selves the reflection of HIM whose face you cannot conceive of, but whose presence you can feel when in the vibration of spiritual thought. You are His reflector, you are a part of HIM be- cause you are HIS thought. Man's mind, the think- ing part, is the nearest part of him to God, and man's whole personality is centered in his mind. There is nothing you see or feel but has some time been a thought. When man has put himself into the proper vibra- tion he will feel naught but that which is good, and will know that he has come into his own. When man knows this and feels it, there will not be within him 308 THE DESCENDING LIGHT any desire to wrong his fellow-man, but there will be a desire to help mankind. Thus he will sow the seeds whose fruits he will be proud to gather. Thus will come about UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD— the dream of Christ. CHAPTER XII. THE NEW DAY. We will talk to you for a time of the present day conditions and your part in it. We have frequently made it clear to you that your planet together with one very close to it are passing thru a very pro- nounced change. Not only the change of position, but many changes are taking place upon the planets. We will speak to you now particularly of that planet upon which you are manifesting. There is not only the change taking place in the minds of men ; not only the kingdom of manhood, we will say, but all the different products of this planet are passing thru a great change. The changes tak- ing place are not in all instances known by men, but very pronounced in many cases. There will be many changes in the animal king- dom, inasmuch as some will become very rapidly ex- tinct, and many new forms of animals will come into existence. Thru the minds of men, things shall be accomplished, of which man has never thought until recent date. There is a pronounced change taking place in the minds and brains of men because of the cultivation of the higher thought ; and thru the culti- vation of higher thought, a higher standard is at- tained. Today man has progressed not only spiritually and mentally, but physically to that stage where he 310 THE DESCENDING LIGHT can grasp more of the inner laws of life, and in doing this he has come in contact with the elements and the power within them. Thru the cultivation of the mind of man he finds that all the powers in the ele- ments are not destructive, but that there are many constructive elements. 'Tis not that it has not ex- isted before, but man had not attained that stage of development whereby he could grasp it. Man is discovering many things which tend to make com- forts for himself, and these enable him to delve into the spiritual laws ; and thru them is coining close to the earth plane a great army of intelligences which will aid man in his investigation. In spirit there are many students of the laws of communion who are searching for different avenues of manifestation ; some in the mechanical, some en- tirely thru vibration, and some thru the very sensi- tive instrument of the body. And therefore, we say to him who has received light in coming in direct touch with the human mind of those discarnate, it is well that he uses every fragment of knowledge acquired in the cultivation of the inner finer qualities, that he may reach into the higher realms of expression, where is understand- ing. Therefore, during this great change, there will be a great struggle, physically, materially and spirit- ually ; but it is the breaking down and preparing the way for the condition predicted by minds who knew not what they said ; who saw the great day of peace and harmony, but could not interpret it. Spiritual vision is understanding, therefore, it is true that just so clearly as you can understand the hidden THE NEW DAY 311 laws of God you can just so clearly discern their meaning. We urge you to armor yourselves ever and ever with TRUTH and with love; but know this: The higher realms are to be kept open to man upon the earth plane. It is the duty of him who understands the laws to make his life, in his thoughts, words and deeds, that he can hold open the doors of the higher realms of expression. It is true that the lower realms will more easily open because there are more minds in the physical realm of thought. More selfish people in the world today than there are unselfish ; there are more inclined to selfish and material thought than there are inclined to the universal love thought — but we shall hold the thought for good for all mankind. Be spiritual, be true and reach out that you may aid mankind ; not only to learn of manifestation, but to learn of the great philosophy brought to you thru the realm of spirit from disembodied spirits. You are touching upon that new day; you cannot conceive of it yet, but as your planet changes and your world evolves from one stage to another, you all do also. There are some minds going forth more rapidly in progression and unfoldment, coming to the hidden things of life. Some try so hard yet they cannot see ; they cannot know, but they are revealed upon that same highway of life's progression — one must pass thru the different stages lest he plunge into the midst of something positively incompre^ hensible to his mind. Minds, reflections of the God- head, are becoming illuminated, as are yours, and men are coming into the light — it is the preparing — it is the advent of the new plan — it is not born yet — 312 THE DESCENDING LIGHT oh, it is beyond you, you could never understand it in the flesh body, lest you had prepared for it. When man conies into the light more clearly, this great fact upon which he is only touching the edge today, he will be able to attune himself to that per- fect condition. Some of your mortal teachers be- tween that world and this are lifting but they are met with criticism and scorn and with hate ; and, yes, sometimes with love — and thru that tiny love thought they reach to teach and to lift. Sensitive minds are being born today, more sensi- tive than ever before. The generation which is being brought into life today is that which will show you a clear light; it is that which will look upon war and destructive thought as a thing of the undeveloped minds; it is the advent of the new born plan — you cannot see it, but you feel it, and you know a great change is coming about because you feel something coming over you, something strange, something weird. This great war which is shedding the blood of in- nocent men is but the birth pangs of that new day or plan — you are a part of it — do not go forth pointing the finger of scorn at any man. Know that all these things must come to pass to touch man's vision, to crush the mercenary dealings which rule the plane of earth, to crush the enemy — not with the foot of hate, but 'neath the hand of love, crushing it back to earth because the earth is its mother; it is born of the earth and not of heaven. You are helping in every thought, if it is good — you are helping when you say, ' ' I love even my ene- mies." There are no enemies, we are all God's children — one God, one heaven, one thought, All, — THE NEW DAY 313 and into the mind of every man shall be born that thought. Why do God's children divide against themselves? Because they know not what they do. "When man begins to ask himself if there is snch a thing as a world beyond the grave, and what becomes of onr loved ones when they die, he is beginning to see the soft ray of dawn as it rises in the east. In the new day man shall know how to build his body without gathering from the earth ; how to pro- tect his brother without resorting to the weapon, for with his mind he can draw from that great fountain of truth and imbue it into the souls, minds and bodies of those he loves. Can you imagine the day when man will feel no hate thought® It is dawning — you are privileged to be in the flesh and see and be a part of that great day. This wonderful day precedes the great tomor- row. Nations shall not only fall, but they shall sink back behind their desires into one universal thought. He who dares to take it upon himself to rule the minds of all men is stepping into that discordant thought, until out of the flame of universal love he shall be cleansed and purified and lifted into that realm of spirit where it is best for him to see and know. It is the dark demon of ignorance and prejudice which closes in upon poor man and obstructs from his vision his wonderful power for good. Man stands today upon the very brink of the new expression of life. When he uses the mind power to help and to lift, he will bring the conditions which make for good. He is getting out of the realm of thought or stage of unfoldment where he can use the mind for destructive purposes. When man is en- 314 THE DESCENDING LIGHT lightened he will not use the greatest gift God has bestowed upon him — his mind — for destructive pur- poses. He will not destroy anything—- that age is fast falling into oblivion. Today he begins to realize that he can do good with that mind and he can rise into a higher expression. Some develop and unfold whilst in the flesh body, some must first experience death — that is a part of their unfoldment. Therefore, brothers and sisters, ever strive to rise into the spiritual life where you can see clearer and conceive of the hidden things of life and of God — a glimpse of the new born plan. Man begins to prepare his body thru his mind, making for that new day perfect bodies. Man be- gins to realize that there is something more than just the life he sees; begins to cultivate more of a sympathetic vibration about him ; putting himself in tune with something beyond him, and which he does not yet know. He is daring to reach into the hidden things of life. When men will place their minds in tune with the Infinite Spirit of Perfection, the world will be governed thru God; life will be governed thru man's communication with the higher spirits. They are the messengers of light, ministering angels of God conveying your love thought; your hope; your thought from you to a higher realm until they have passed into the universal truth — love. And man is coming into that new day when he will be thru spirit communion purified. He will reach thru the spirit world and the ministering angels into that universal Godhead of light — and nations will be gov- erned thru this. It will not be thru the undeveloped mind of man, but thru minds who have passed out of THE NEW DAY 315 the flesh into that higher conception of the things of God. So as you look thru the eyes of spiritual thought into the great ALL, all the universe, you will see 'tis all good. But only as man develops the spiritual powers within does he enable himself to find that good. Out of this great flame of discord will come forth souls illuminated by spirit; souls who ne'er before had thought of God; souls or minds which never before had risen away from the earth thought find their wondrous latent powers within them which lay dormant until this terrible discordant condition arose, and then the spark of light touched them and they began to rise out of it into that realization that they were more than a piece of clay, that they were more than that which just their physical vision dis- closed to them, that they were something which re- sponded to the call into eternity and that they lived ; and they began to realize that tho they crushed their flesh bodies they still lived. , After this great awakening which is coming upon the earth plane today, when man in all climes, all denominations, in all parts of the earth will realize that man lives after death, can a man slay his brother, knowing this 1 ? No, because that part of man's development or unfoldment or soul growth will stop here and get out of the bloody day into the spiritual day. The morning is here— the morning is just dawn- ing. And in the great day which you can see coming upon you, in the morning there will be no such shed- 316 THE DESCENDING LIGHT ding of blood because that great realization that man not only lives in a far off tomorrow somewhere after death, but he lives in the here, in the now — this realization is becoming universal thru this great discord — and then who can say that out of evil can come no good? Oh, the bright day, when men shall know their fel- low-men and they shall know themselves ; when men shall ne 'er draw the blood of his fellow-man ; that day when harmony unlocks the casket and reveals to him the hidden things of life. One is all, you are him and he is you — ALL ; one nation, one race, it matters not their color, their creed, their language, only their thought which is bound to come into the per- fect expression, even in the flesh and out of it, in that day when men shall not govern their groups by lim- ited thought, but thru that great light of universal love. And this day is coming upon you. All over your world minds are coming into a realization of the continuity of life and of spirit return. That great law has been terribly abused by illiterate minds — 'tis just the undeveloped good. From the higher realms of spirit penetrating thru all that coarser vibration are coming the minds which bear to your world fragments of that harmonious ALL and they shall teach man how to live, how to love, how to do ; and that day is upon you. The today which is passing now is but the night of the old days, the old age or time of expression, and thru the Christian age, we will call it, (with this in- terpretation of the Christian age), the falling of the teaching pertaining to the blood atonement, when man could lean upon another, and when man could THE NEW DAY 317 sin and create conditions destructive and then thru feeling sorry that he had done so, wipe it all away. Poor man thought so, he was taught so, because in that day that was the ecclesiastic vision they had on saving a soul from sin and darkness. And souls are coming forth who see your world at the close of the night. You will have great numbers of wonderful seers, prophets and teachers; those who in thought have risen out of all this discord into that pure, spiritual realm of thought and gathered there thoughts never expressed before, visions never seen before, words never spoken before by mortal man. Man will be so tired of this old condition builded about him that the great teachers will be those who have touched the spirit. In the new day which is coming, the minds of the coming generation are going to be of more enlight- ened quality, the children to be born will have a higher spiritual conception of things and they will come forth in spiritual thought more than man ever has before. Some of you will be the parents of some of these children, but most of you here will live to see the great seers of the coming day. They will see thru the eyes of understanding how to bring forth harmony and love, and the great day of Theocracy is bound to come when all things will be governed by your God. The highest conception of good, and all the good within you will come forth to aid in the government of this nation and all nations. Gleams of the coming day penetrate the curtain between and to those who reach spiritually thru the vision of the soul and spirit there comes that realization. The souls of man in the flesh today are awakening to this because the night of yesterday 318 THE DESCENDING LIGHT and the gleaming of the morning of the new day and the signs of the tomorrow so strongly impress the souls of men who are investigating today that they know a great change is about to come, and those who are not blinded by all materialistic thought see be- yond and thru the things which seem to be dis- turbances and troubles, wars and such. The souls who are illuminated by the spiritual light penetrate these and see beyond into the bright tomorrow. Those of you today who are manifesting in the flesh can feel the change coming over the earth plane; some of you ask what it is, and some of you know it is the spiritual awakening ; it is a breaking through, we will say, from one realm to another when men in the flesh will manifest in a higher and more spiritual realm of thought than they ever have. The new day is upon us when we will see the world of spirit and the world of flesh walk hand in hand. Man has broken down the wall between the two worlds; the wall was composed of fear, ignorance, prejudice and superstition. . TODAY the wall is crushed and the unseen world of yesterday is seen and it touches the mind of almost every man in some way. Perhaps it came into your life only when the angel of death entered and lifted out one you loved and carried it into the tomorrow; and perhaps the voice of that one returned to speak, but in some way something has brought in close touch with you the unseen world, the consciousness of life after death. The wall has been overthrown and men in the flesh walk hand in hand with men whose flesh bodies are gone. Man who has reached the spiritual vision, who has turned the reflector, his mind, into the channel of THE NEW DAY 319 spiritual things, penetrates the curtain and sees the tomorrow, yes, the glorious tomorrow which gleams thru the curtain. They are small lights as yet, but they mean perfect bodies free from disease. I see the light of spiritual healing coming into the con- sciousness of men all over the nations, and this small light is growing broader, as some souls are reach- ing out, following the light — instruments of flesh thru which the soul of man can manifest spiritually — it means equality of man, it means opportunity for all. In all your factories, in all your mines, in all places of labor there will be those who understand psychological laws which will place each individual man in his proper place where his work will be a joy and a pleasure to him, and where the fruits of his labor will be enjoyed by him and he will love and be loved ; he will be a reflector of the reflection of love. Gleams of that bright tomorrow are coming thru the curtain between this world and yours. No work, no job, no labor will be for men who are not fitted just for that particular work, and they will commune with the spirit ; there will be no fraud be- cause the coming generation will have within them so strongly developed at birth that sense of intuition that one cannot deceive his fellow-man without being detected. Behold, the gates of heaven will be revealed to men and their hearts shall be glad. These are all gleams, foregleams of the bright tomorrow, but take good care of the today. You have the today, tomor- is a promise; yesterday is a realization. Today is your opportunity, take it, apply it, live in the light of universal love. 320 THE DESCENDING LIGHT Oil, yesterday was dark; yesterday was a bloody age; yesterday called for sacrifices of flesh bodies back to earth ; it was an age of blood ; but you can feel its close and you can see the dawn of a new day. Yesterday leaves upon the book of history a bloody mark; the earth plane is stained with blood — poor man, little did he realize that he could not kill the soul of his fellow-man. And the today — oh, what a housecleaning — when the sunshine comes it shows to you all the unclean parts of the house, and it shows all the unclean parts of the world. Today is the sunny day, it is that sunny day which reveals the filth ; the day which re- veals the unkempt, the neglected, the many duties left undone. And then in man's eagerness to know how to overcome all this they form into groups here and into groups there and they talk and talk and ar- gue and plan and quarrel, and then argue more — and while they are doing this there is brewing all over the world the germ, we will say, of destruction ; the little seed left over from the yesterday, and the sun is bringing it forth into such a monster that they cannot help but see it, cannot help but feel it ; but all of this time they have been blinded to the little hid- den corners of the earth, they have lived in their own little thought of selfishness, but now they see the monster coming up about them — and now comes the struggle. That which you have called war, that which has been so destructive, and which called for the shed- ding of blood is not dead yet ; the monster still lives ; it is not going to bring forth war, no, but hunger, deprivation and great discomfort to the physical, but do not prepare the weapons which destroy physical THE NEW DAY 321 bodies for you cannot kill the soul. You cannot de- stroy that which is created for the purpose of at- taining perfection. Man will find that the greatest weapon is love ; and thru all the bitterness of today, thru all the different avenues, man is coming into the realization that all mankind are God's children; that the sons of God walk with you and talk with you, and the sons of God are you and you and you; so why divide God's chil- dren into classes, into denominations, into sects, into nations f They are all God's children and heirs to the king- dom. In that new day (whose very dawn you can see) babes born into the flesh will have a greater concep- tion of things — they will know love. Man is just be- ginning to rise out of that mercenary thought which is rampant upon your earth today; it is the resurrec- tion of man ; he begins to see that there is something else ; he has reached that stage of mental progres- sion where his spiritual vision reveals to him the things which are to come. Then he will know that it is not the things which he can hold only for a time that are worth striving for, but the things which he can hold for all time — the things of the soul, truth, sympathy, love. Now, man has lived so much in that physical realm of thought that he has created a great power, the great master which holds him; he wants to grasp more and more material wealth ; but all things which are not of God go on and on circling and circling until they destroy themselves ; and that part of them which is of God rises into the higher realm of spirit. Reach out to that new day, and know that Truth 322 THE DESCENDING LIGHT is non-sectarian, undenominational. No church, no body of people, no groups of people can gather in all of the Truth and name it and have it. No difference where it may be expressed, under what name it may be, the Truth will bring to man the realization of the presence of spirit. The great destructive force which is passing over and all about your planet to- day is the creation of man's mortal or physical mind. It is not of spirit — and it is not God's will but it is a part of that immutable law, evolution. Man is struggling to rise out of that physical realm of thought. Man, rising upon that field be- smirched in blood has a thought of something be- yond; he feels the presence; and all over the battle fields are those whose bodies have sunk back to earth, but their souls are living and they are return- ing — some in sympathy, some in hate, because they carry with them their last thoughts and they bear them along for a time ; and when they discover that they can return (many know this before they leave, so they carry that thought with them that they will return, and they do) if they are full of vengeance and hate, they return that way. Every soul sent out of your plane of expression prematurely has a natural tendency and must return to the physical plane of expression and gather into itself more of the memories, more of the thoughts of the physical. And this is the price of the new day; this is the price of that new light which man begins to feel and see. And now as man closes into that new day, he will grow into a wondrous universal thought, a wondrous equality, a universal plan which will manifest thru spirit, and man in the flesh will have a more spiritual THE NEW DAY 323 vision of things. He will carry his sorrows to the loved ones in the new life, he will carry his cares to them, not for selfish purposes, not for material gain, but where he will find pure love and sympathy — and he is bound to grow into a purer and clearer light. In the new day the sixth sense, intuition, will be highly developed — not much chance for deception for man will be able to discern the truth. And when the close of this age comes all the lower thoughts that have accumulated thru that day will end in a great night — but it will not be a bloody night. There will not be the mercenary spirit which exists today, it is closing today ; you cannot see it, but it is the be- ginning of that closing when man cannot buy things with his money — it is coming — you think you are suffering now, but you are not. You are going to be hungry and suffer physically, and you are going to know that it is not money that will bring physical comforts — only thru the concentration of spirit can you receive the comforts of the physical. Mind can overcome the condition of matter; and men will reach out; they will find that there is no way to comfort that physical body, then what shall they do? They will reach out into spiritual things and they will find the powers of the mind ; and thru the mind and spiritual thought they will be able to satisfy that body as much as it is required. And man will find that he will live without suffering ; and the little portions of food that will be given to him will be plenty. You don't need to eat the ninetieth part of what you do consume. You are going to learn to quit eating flesh. Think of a man or woman, endowed with the spirit which reflects the great God, killing animals and consuming flesh, blood ! But the 324 THE DESCENDING LIGHT blood day is passing away, and then the animals will grow fewer in number because your plane is passing into a higher expression, and it will not be many years — I can see the day just beyond when a little animal will be a friend, that which will carry a mem- ory of long ago in the blood day. These things are being revealed to you who are investigating and you are beginning to know why; and you shall go forth and teach men how to satisfy their bodies thru the minds. That day is not so far but that a calendar could be printed which would show you the date. Sounds terrible, doesn't it? But it is not, because man must learn how to satisfy his flesh body without thinking that he must crush any living creature to do it. The price of mortal and physical thought is being and shall be paid, and those who are not giving their life blood shall suffer physically otherwise. It is the night of that day, and the morning is coming when they who are spiritual teachers shall walk in your midst. When the waves of the souls of the physical lives which have been cut away shall be walking about you, you must learn to help those souls who were sent from the earth before their time, and who are returning to finish their physical expression. Man has just so many experiences thru which he must pass in the physical, and if man takes it upon himself to send a soul into that new life before it is time, he has got to pay his debts. They are his, and every drop of blood that falls upon any man be on his own head. As man becomes more enlightened along the great seemingly hidden laws of life, there will be less THE NEW DAY 325 abortion; there will be no murders; there will be no suicides ; there will be less insanity, and soon there will be none. There will be great changes in the bodies of human beings, because as the mind, the spiritual inner powers of the mind, will become more unfolded during the physical expression, the bodies will change — why, even today they are finding parts of the human body which they claim has no more use and as it becomes diseased they take it out ; and they say, perhaps it will become imperfect, so they re^ move it any way. Not so very far off in the future, children will be born with many organs missing, those that are being removed by physicians today. 'Tis true they re- move them because they are diseased, but it is an- other expression of the unfoldment of man that they do these things ; and minds are inspired to do these things because they are playing their part in the great law of evolution. They cannot see this; it would not be well perhaps for some of them to see it, but they are instruments in the hands of the Infinite, they are playing their part in the great law of evo- lution, the great change is coming upon you. Oh, you are standing upon the threshold of one of the greatest changes of the universe ; there are com- ing very pronounced changes. The sixth sense will be highly developed; even today you will notice this in the little ones who are coming into the physical expression. If you look back over the pages of his- tory, you will see that only a few had this sense or quality — and they were burned — crucified — killed — their bodies were killed. Why? Because men were spiritually blind, they had not a clear understand- ing. Even today in your own state some of you are 326 THE DESCENDING. LIGHT spiritually blind — for so long as man will take the life, the physical life of another man, no difference what his crime is, he is getting behind in the great law of evolution. You are dropping out and not keeping up with the onward march of God's justice when you take into your own hands the robbing of a soul of the instrument for expression upon the earth plane, because he will still manifest. He will still finish that expression — he must — and he will attach himself to some poor weak minded person who dares to reach into the field of investigation — not looking for knowledge, but simply for manifestation. You are living in the dawn of the new day when the light of spirit shall show itself thru the souls of all men; when man will learn to listen to the still small voice within, when man will know his spirit within. This great white light is descending upon you. Men's souls are crying out for more knowledge of the things of God, more light, more soul food. Do you know why your souls are starving? You have fed your physical bodies and have forgotten your souls — take a little while each day to feed your souls, your hungry souls, to think of those things which are of the greatest importance. Those things which perhaps you cannot touch, cannot see, cannot hear, but the things that you feel within your soul are the important things. There is no end to the possibilities of man's mind; there is no secret which man cannot fathom were he to go into the silence and search for it in God's holy light — but man looks to the material things — what a wrong it is to hold the spirit down to the material. The great light from over the way is touching the THE NEW DAY 327 consciousness of man in the flesh, and many sonls who never thought of spirit communion feel the spiritual light descending upon them and they see it thru the color of their own spiritual light. The spiritual man never ceases to progress, and today in the physical body are walking the greatest number of great thinkers and great minds that ever manifested on the earth plane at any one time. The wondrous power of thought manifesting thru man- kind today is bringing into manifestation the dream of Christ, — the Christ who labored to bring man out of slavery into equality and make them what they are, manifesting spirits, portions of the great God- head. The day is coming in your world when no man shall live in luxury thru the sweat of another man's brow. They are killing men today only to bring back the souls of those men to fight a stronger fight for the great cause. That day is coming, and a great number of you are going to live in it. Is it not worth the struggle? Is it not worth a few days of hunger and deprivation to see everywhere peace and happi- ness? When you will be able to send forth freely, without bitter criticism, your soul's thought? Oh, the great new day when all men shall speak freely their soul's thought; when God will manifest truly thru his son, mankind; when all men will serve hu- manity, lift, build, and grow the things of spirit. The life of Christ was to uplift the crushed and fal- len that they might come forth and express their thoughts — and the dreams of Christ are coming about. Some are looking for the end of the world. Is it the destruction of the clay upon which you walk, or 328 THE DESCENDING LIGHT is it the destruction of the materialistic world in which you live? Is it not the spiritual resurrection within man's consciousness 1 ? Man is coming into this wondrous realization, he is waking from his deep sleep and sees the dawn of the bright new day, and things which are of spirit, things which are beyond the mortal mind of man, come upon him with so much force that he cannot comprehend them. When we say that it is possible for one to make himself perfect, man thinks of his mortal body, be- cause all mind about him is deeply saturated with mortal thought, but man shall know himself and serve his brother; he shall reach out, not to a God upon a throne who would cast him into torment, but to a God of pure spirit, a God of perfection, a God which no man can comprehend with mortal mind. Lift your souls in spiritual prayer and let the spirit speak to you. Mortal thought is going to be a thing of the past, because the new generation will have developed the sixth sense — intuition. Mother nature is sending out into the universe more and more of the desires of the minds attuned to spirit. There will be no creeds, there will be no power to command you, be- cause the spirit of God will reign. What is the spirit of God? It is the greatest power you have within you today — and this shall be manifested everywhere. The great Theocracy shall reign, when man shall see thru the divine light of love and knowledge. There will be no hate because man will see by intuition why it is so ; and sympathy, compassion and love you will hold for your brothers who are not so much enlightened as you. THE NEW DAY 329 In that great new day there shall be no dominating minds manifesting for all men will seek spiritual un- foldment, and this will bring about the universal brotherhood of man. There will be no resting upon the hope of redemption thru the sacrifice of the body of Jesus ; that grand and glorious spirit manifested in the body to bring men up from the downtrodden paths of sin in which they walked. His body, as many others, was sacrified to the great cause of the upliftment of mankind — but you cannot be saved by that. You create all the conditions in which you live ; and if you place an obstacle in the way of your fellow-man, multiplied will be the obstacles in the way of your progression. But all about you on the physical plane of expres- sion shall be peace. Can you believe it? It seems impossible to you that all minds will dwell in one harmonious thought, bringing forth harmonious notes of truth. It is impossible to describe, the great day whose dawn you are witnessing, in the language of today, for the soul has no language, and it will be the day of the soul's unfoldment. It is the day when man shall think naught of walking by the side of those departed, the day when all men shall feel the divine presence of the risen spirit of Christ; the day when public mediums shall not exist — what are mediums? They are only minds that are reaching into another realm of expression. There will be no more need of them because you, as you unfold yourselves, can reach out even over the casket and touch the spiritual soul and feel and know it is there. There will be no possibility of being de-, ceived because the great day comes to you thru the great spirit which freshens the minds of all 330 THE DESCENDING LIGHT men, fertilizing their thought powers and bringing into existence the wonderful things which live within the temple of knowledge. There will be no kings or queens, there will be no man who will dare to tread upon you. Even as your planet is seemingly in such a discordant condition, it is only this : It is the birth pang of a newer dispen- sation that is being born into your world, the new light when man shall know himself, when man shall greet his brother with love and outstretched arms; when deceit shall not reign, but truth shall reign and men shall be guided by the invisible light, and all that is mortal, all that is earthy, shall pass away. From the higher realms of spirit penetrating thru all that coarser vibration are coming the minds which bear to your world fragments of that harmo- nious ALL, and they shall teach man how to live, how to do, for the day is rapidly advancing when all things from the world of spirit shall be of benefit to you and to all mankind. Thru the touch of the spir- itual world peace will come. The time is not far distant when the word "dead" will be obsolete, when it will have no meaning, when all things will be known as living; when transition takes place there will be rejoicing to know that your brothers and sisters have shed the burden of the cor- poreal body. Man in his unfoldment is coming into a realm of thought which is so far beyond his conception as yet that he can hardly realize what has come to pass. He is beginning to awaken to the fact that his mind can govern his flesh body to such a degree that he can build and improve any organ, and that day is not very far distant. Why, you smile, but the day is THE NEW DAY 331 coming when man's mind can create or destroy any organ within the body. By properly manipulating the mind upon these organs and thru that touching upon different organs of the flesh body man can and will build and rebuild his flesh body that he may hold it just as long as he desires, until he shall have risen out of all the desires of the flesh, when he shall have outgrown all the things of this plane then he shall lay aside his flesh body and pass into that higher expression. Man's soul will grow and grow until his body is- old, wrinkled, bent and gray, bent down to mother earth ; and it will be a stronger as- tral body that he will step into — man is touching upon the very edge of this today. Man has discovered some of the wonderful powers in the universe, but he is going to make more won- derful discoveries in the next ten years which will make your place today in electricity, or the accom- plishments thru it, seem crude. You now have men who are able to reach the vibration of the astral plane. Man is rising out of the things which have said to him that by placing his enemy out of the physical expression he is putting an end to all combativeness. Man is rising out of that realm wherein he feels that strength is greatness ; he is rising out of that realm which bespeaks commercialism, which speaks of avarice and hate and selfishness — rising out of it, and ascendant from the realms of it all will come man, real man, God's created creature. It is the passing of the dead day, that day of hate, of com- mercialism; that day when man would bind a por- tion of the land and call it his; that day that man would wish to crush any living creature, let alone 332 THE DESCENDING LIGHT man. That day is passing thru the death pangs and from that death it shall never return. In the cen- turies to come, men of the new day will read in hor- ror of the things promoted and helped by some of you here. The old-time conception of GTod is this: The strong man was the most godly man, and then it came to be the richest man held the greatest honor — now comes the death of that day and the spiritual thought of man survives. Man's soul is rising out of it ; his body may have gone back to earth, crushed by his brother, yet his soul lives to return, to lift and to show man in this new day the error of it all. The dawn of the new day is descending upon you and lighting the old day struggling in the pangs of death. The old day will die never to rise, for it is death to things which are mortal, and things which are mortal are not of the spirit; things which are mortal are not of God. Yes, things which are of hate, avarice, murder, which are not of the universal thought, pass back to earth, a dead memory. Man shall live and walk in the holy light of spirit ; he shall not even crush an animal that he might eat ; he will then pluck the luscious fruit from the trees when nature sends him forth for food ; he will gather from the gardens things which are meant to sustain his body, and the food for his soul from the great tree of spiritual light — he will reach for the sacred things of spirit. He will not gather to himself earth- ly treasures, for the more of the things he can gather from the great universal thought, from that great tree which is satisfaction to the hungry soul, then he will taste of God 's day, then will he know that he is the son of God. THE NEW DAY 333 When men will place their minds in tune with the Infinite spirit of perfection, the world will be governed thru God — God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven — Theocracy, the great new plan — na- ture gives birth to it and you are a part of it. Oh, Theocracy! when you join hands with democracy, man shall know that God lives within him; when Theocracy clasps the hands of its sister, democracy, man shall know, man shall think, and there will be no spiritual blindness about the earth plane. The great white light is descending and closely behind democ- racy is Theocracy — but it is beyond the comprehen- sion of man today. The great day of Theocracy is bound to come when all things shall be governed by God, the highest conception of ALL GOOD — and all the good within you will come forth to aid in the government of this nation and all nations. Rise, brothers and sisters, study yourselves, reach higher and higher for spiritual light, and ask from the spirit world only those things which will be for the upliftment of mankind; ask for those things which are good and which will illuminate your soul's home. Step into that field of light which is yours, find the little things you can do to help to build for that perfect plan which shall manifest upon the earth plane. Theocracy, the great new plan, un- born, but behold ! nature gives birth to it, and some of you will live in the flesh to see, to know, to feel — and some of you shall vision it from the summer land; yes, you shall see it. Rise, brothers and sisters, be a part of the dawn ; a part of the soft sun 's rays as it rises to illuminate the new day for man. Be ministering angels of God 334 THE DESCENDING LIGHT and not among the thinkers whose thoughts are a part of the dead day. (This book was ready for publication over two years ago. Note the prophecies, some of which are now being fulfilled.) Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process. 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