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Employes, on (fainting the service* of the Department, must return all boohs in their possession belonging to the Library. Final payment of their salaries will be withheld by the Disbursing Officer until lie is satisfied that all books charged against fhe/m at the Library have been returned. 1G. Lor infringement! of any of the above rules the Librarian is authorized to suspend or refuse 1 he issue'of boohs to the culpable persons. By order of the Secretary : GEO. M. LOCK WOOD,. & Chief Clerk. 10 M.) ■ ■ w / ^^H I J7J' %\t §mixsfom% m t\t dfyxttn's €ngUs^ EXTRACTS FROM REVIEWS. THE CHUECHMAN. "We think Mr. Moon entitled to the gratitude of all lovers of our language in its purity for this exposure of the Dean's English." THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. " Demonstrating that while the Dean undertook to instruct others, he was, himself, but a castaway in matters of grammar." THE RECORD, 11 Coming out for wool, in fact, the Dean went back shorn ; rushing forth to teach, he went home taught. We can cordially recommend Mr. Moon's volume ; it is really an able critique." THE NEW YORK ROUND TABLE. "The Dean's book occasioned a great deal of comment in England when it was first published, but nothing that will compare with Mr. Moon's little book, which contains some of the best speci- mens of verbal criticism that we have ever seen." THE MORNING ADVERTISER. " It is one of the smartest pieces of prose-criticism we have chanced to meet with for many a day." THE JOURNAL OF SACRED LITERATURE. " It is one of the smartest pieces of criticism we ever read. It is not only admirable as a specimen of critical style, but it abounds in suggestions which no man in his senses can undervalue : more than this, it is a delightful example of good writing." 11 EXTRACTS FROM REVIEWS. THE CHRISTIAN NEWS. "Mr. Moon's letters are models of English composition, and are so full of animation, so sharp, lively, and trenchant, that it is quite a treat to read them. He has, with a precision and an elegance which are unsurpassed in any writings, rendered a dry and forbidding subject both pleasing and profitable. His formidable indictment of the Dean is supported with an ability and an acuteness we have seldom seen excelled." THE SOCIAL SCIENCE REVIEW. " Mr. Moon well performs his self-imposed task : he evinces a fine sense of discernment in the niceties of language ; and while severely criticising the sentences of his opponent, shows that he, himself, knows how to write in a remarkably clear, terse, and vigorous style." THE LONDON QUAETEBLY EEVIEW. "Mr. Moon knows the secrets of both the strength and the grace of his own tongue." THE WESTMINSTER EEVIEW. " The Dean has laid himself open to criticism as much for bad taste as for questionable syntax. His style of writing is awkward and slovenly, that of his antagonist remarkably terse and clear, and bearing witness to a sensitiveness of ear and taste which are glaringly deficient in his opponent." THE ENGLISH JOURNAL OF EDUCATION. " We advise all our readers to see Mr. Moon's reply. Written in pure, forcible, elegant, and classic English — perfect in composi- tion and punctuation ; and, in its gentlemanly dignity, so opposed to the slip-shod, half -vulgar easiness of the Dean's 'Plea' — it merits the attention of all students of our tongue." THE DUBLIN EEVIEW. " Even practised writers may here learn a lesson or two in the art of expressing themselves in their mother tongue clearly and cor- rectly." EXTRACTS FROM REVIEWS. Ill THE LONDON REVIEW. " It is calculated to render considerable service to loose thinkers, speakers, and writers." THE RECORD. "The argument is conducted with admirable temper, and no reader can finish the volume without learning many valuable lessons in English composition, and some other things well worth knowing." THE COURT CIRCULAR. " All who are interested in such critical discussions as are so clearly and accurately carried on in this little book will be grateful to Mr. Moon not only for much solid instruction, but for much entertainment also." THE NONCONFORMIST. " We thank Mr. Moon very cordially for what he has done, and have no hesitation in saying that he has so far succeeded in his vindication of pure and correct English, as opposed to that which is lax and slip-shod, as to deserve the gratitude of those who, like ourselves, deem our mother-tongue, in all its restraints as well as in all its liberties, to be one of the most precious inheritances of Englishmen." THE SUNDAY TIMES. " Mr. Moon has rendered a real service to literature by his exposure of Dean Alford, and we are glad to express our recog- nition of the value of his labours." THE NEWSMAN. " It is a very valuable contribution to English philology, and one of the most masterly pieces of literary criticism in the language." THE SOCIAL SCIENCE REVIEW. " With the air of a combatant who is confident of success, Mr. Moon plays with his antagonist before seriously commencing the fray ; he then points out the Dean's errors one by one ; strips him of his grammatical delusions ; and leaves him at last in a forlorn state of literary nudity." IV EXTRACTS FROM REVIEWS. THE PHONETIC JOURNAL. "To those who are interested in speaking and writing good English, — and what educated person is not ? — this book is full of instruction ; and to those who enjoy a controversy, conducted with consummate skill and in excellent taste by a strong man, well armed, it is such a treat as does not fall in one's way often during a life- time." THE PUBLISHERS' CIRCULAR. " For ourselves, we have carefully scanned the present paragraph, but we confess to sending it to the printer's with some mis- givings. If it should meet the eye of Mr. Moon, we can only trust that no latent vice of style nor any faulty piece of syntax may be found to destroy the force of our hearty acknowledgments of his talents as a writer, and of his skill in literary controversy." THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. " All that concerns the culture of language is of infinite " importance." " The language is common property ; and one of the most " laudable objects an educated man can pursue is to defend it " from contamination." " The care bestowed upon language is bestowed on the most "perfect instrument of the mind, without which all other " gifts are valueless." The Edinburgh Review, vol. cix, p. 366—9. " It is very idle to assail such an art as that of criticism, as " being nothing beyond an unkindly love of fault-finding. It " has its origin in a love of truth, and its real aim is to discover " and foster excellence, though, as a means to this end, it may " be sometimes necessary to expose pretence and incompetence." The North British Review, vol. lxxxiii, p. 163. THE DEAN'S ENGLISH: ON THE QUEEN'S ENGLISH. G, WASHINGTON MOON, FELLOW OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF LITERATURE. 3ntb (&bitx oxt. LONDON: HATCHARD AND CO., 187 PICCADILLY. NEW YORK: POTT AND AMEEY, 5 COOPER UNION, FOURTH AVENUE. 1868. " Literature, if it is to flourish, must have a standard of 6i taste built up, which shall expand to meet new forms of " excellence, but which shall preserve that which is excellent " in old forms, and shall serve as a guide to the rejection " of whatever is bad, pretentious, and artificial ; and it is " the business of critics to see that this standard is built up " and maintained." — The Saturday Review. By Transfer PEEFACE. i The purity of the English language is as dear to educated Americans as it is to ourselves. One of them (A. J. C.) thus writes in a recent number of the New York ' Bound Table ' : — " The corrupter of a language stabs straight at the 4i heart of his country. He commits a crime against " every individual of the nation, for he throws a poison " into a stream from which all must drink. He wrongs "himself first, and afterward every man and woman " whose native speech he mars. It is the duty of every " educated man to guard ( zealously the purity of his " native tongue. No inheritance which can descend to an " individual or to a nation is comparable in value with a "language which possesses words into which may be " coined all great thoughts, pure motives* noble enter- prises, grand endeavors, the wealth of philosophy, " poetry, and history, and even the beauty of the canvas " and the glory of the marble. He who does aught to I x PREFACE. " preserve such a language deserves the gratitude of his " people, as he who mars an organism so beautiful and "precious, merits their severest displeasure. He who " hunts down and pillories a slang phrase, a vulgarism, a " corruption of any kind, is a public benefactor. In the " fulfilment of the sacred trust which rests on him as an " educated man, he adds a stone to the bulwark of his " nation's safety and greatness." My contribution towards that bulwark is this little work, which urges upon every Englishman the study of his own language, and points out to him the disgrace he may incur by neglecting it. Incidentally the book cautions him against self- deception in this matter. It tells him of one who had received a collegiate education, had attained academical honours, was raised to the deanery of Canterbury, and who considered himself to be such a thorough master of the language, that he actually assumed the office of public lecturer on the Queen's English ; and yet was so ignorant of its simplest rules, that the grossness of his errors in grammar and in composition, even in his lectures, PREFACE. xi made him the laughing-stock of those whom he thought himself competent to instruct. But I wish it to be distinctly understood that in writing these criticisms I have not been actuated by any feeling of ill-will towards the Dean of Canterbury. I object not to the man, but to the man's language ; it is extremely faulty ; and since the faults of teachers, if suffered to pass unreproved, soon become the teachers of faults, it was necessary that some one should take upon himself the task of " demonstrating ", as ' The ' Edinburgh Eeview ' said, " that while the Dean " undertook to instruct others, he ivas himself hut a " castaway in matters of grammar ". As a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature, one of the objects of which is "to preserve the purity of " the English language ", I took upon myself the demonstration. How far I have succeeded, each individual reader will determine for himself; but the yearly increasing sale of ' The Dean's English ' bears very flattering testimony to the fact that xii PREFACE. the work meets with the approval of the public generally. The best evidence, however, of its popularity is to be found in the circumstance that the Dean's own publishers have been tempted to reprint the book in America. What the Dean will say to this, I cannot imagine; but, for myself, while I fully appreciate the compliment which Messrs. Strahan & Co. thus pay me, I protest against their right to pirate a work of one of their own countrymen. Indeed, I protest against piracy under any circumstances. Piracy is robbery ; and robbery is an injustice committed by those who are more influenced by sordid gain than by honour. I hold such men in utter detestation. They tell us that literary piracy is legal where there is no international copyright. I blush for publishers who can accept such a refuge from the world's scorn as that. "Legal" ! This is the old tale. A child first commits a theft, and then tells a lie to con- ceal it. Piracy is not legal. I challenge any man, either in England or in America, to produce from any PREFACE xiii statute book of either nation, an act which declares literary piracy to be legal. The truth is, that unprincipled publishers, taking advantage of the absence of any law on the subject, earn a dishonest living by stealing the labour of other men's brains. For the information of my Transatlantic readers I mention that the American reprint of this work is from an early issue of it, and contains only a portion of the matter published in the subsequent editions. As for the Dean's book, it certainly contains much valuable information, collected from various sources; but it is blended with so very much that would be really injurious to the student of literature, that the work can never safely be recommended for his guidance. The style, too, in which it is written, is so hopelessly bad, that no amount of alteration could obtain for it the praise of being a model for chasteness and elegance of expression. We read in it, of persons making " a precious mess " of their work ! and xiv PREFACE. expletives, we are informed, serve to " grease the "wheels of talk " ! Some improvements, it is true, have been made in the second edition ; a man is no longer spoken of by the slang phrase "an " individual " ; but the Dean is so strangely for- getful of the courtesy due to women, that he uses, respecting them, the most debasing of all slang phrases. When speaking of even our Sovereign Lady the Queen, he describes her by an epithet which is equally applicable to a dog ! Her Majesty is a — "female"! We speak of " dog- " Latin " ; what more appropriate name than " dog-English " could be given to ungentlemanly language like this ? and how could we better serve the interests of literature than by hooting all such " dog-English " out of society ? " The " power of sneering ", says Professor Masson, u was " given to man to be used ; and nothing is more " gratifying than to see an idea which is proving " a nuisance, sent clattering away with a hue and " cry after it, and a tin kettle tied to its tail." PREFACE. xv The Dean has just published an appendix to his ' Queens English \ It was said that, if he should ever write again upon language, he would, doubtless, w r rite with greater care. The reviewers were very charitable to attribute his errors to carelessness ; but, that those errors sprang from another source, is now evident beyond dispute : — the appendix, although written after four years' more study, abounds with errors as gross as any that were found in the Dean's first essay. What does the reader think of there being, in a treatise on the Queen's English, such an error in grammar as the following: — "'Abnormal 9 is one of those "words which has come in to supply a want in " the precise statements of science " : — those words which has come ! As for the courtesies of litera- ture, the Dean calls those persons who differ w T ith him in the use of certain words, " apes " " asses ", and " idiots ". Is this " sound speech, that cannot " be condemned 99 : Titus ii, 8 ? Is this being "gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, in xvi PREFACE. ? i n to verbs." If you will allow me to digress from the consideration of your grammar to the consideration of your accuracy, I will show that you transgress in making this statement. In the folio edition of Bailey's 'Universal Dictionary', published in 1755, I find the very verbs, "to "aggress" and "to regress", which you, in 1863, say, " we have not yet formed ". In the same dic- tionary there is also the verb " to progress " ; and it is given as a verb neuter. So that what you call " the present usage " is, clearly, the usage of the past ; the verb which you say is " the first of " its own family ", is nothing of the sort ; " to "aggress" and "to regress", which you say "we " have not yet formed ", are found in a dictionary published in 1755; and the neuter verb which you say " ive seem to want", we have had in use more than one hundred years ! Nor are the verbs 5S THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. aggress and regress mere " dictionary words without " any authority for their use ". The former is used by Prior in his 'Ode to Queen Anne'-, and the latter is used by Sir Thomas Browne in his 1 Vulgar Errors '* I will briefly notice a few of your numerous errors in syntax, &c, and then pass on to weightier matters. You speak of a possibility being il pre- " eluded in " the mind. You tell us of " a more " neat way of expressing what would be Mr. Moon's " sentence ". We express a meaning, or we write a sentence ; but we do not express a sentence. The word seems to be rather a pet of yours ; you speak of expressing a ivoman ! l Queer English ' would not have been an inappropriate title to your essays. Then we have "in respect of" for " with respect to" ;*f- and u an exception which I cannot well treat", instead of, " of which I cannot well treat " ; for it is evident from the context, that you w r ere not *For an account of the origin and gradual development of the words "progress", digress", "egress", "regress", and "transgress", see an interesting little book, called 'English 'Boots', by A. J. Knapp, p. 135. t This error is treated of at some length in ' Lectures on the 'English Language', by George P. Marsh, edited by Dr. William Smith, Classical Examiner at the University of London, pp. 467-9. THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. 59 speaking of treating an exception, but of treating of an exception. The construction of some of your sentences is very objectionable : you say, " I have noticed the " word l party ' used for an individual, occurring in " Shakspeare " instead of, " I have noticed, in " Shakspeare, the word ' party ' used for an indi- " vidual ". But how is it that you call a man an individual ? In your first essay on the Queen s English you said, " It is certainly curious enough " that the same debasing of our language should " choose, in order to avoid the good honest Saxon " ' man \ two words, 'individual ' and 'party', one of " which expresses a man's unity, and the other " belongs to man associated " It certainly is curious ; but what appears to me to be more curious still, is that you, after writing that sentence, should yourself call a man " an individual " Again, I read, " The purpose is, to bring the fact " stated into prominence " : stated into prominence ! unquestionably, this should be, "to bring into " prominence the fact stated " Even when writing on the proper construction of a sentence, you construct your own sentence so ^properly that it fails to convey your meaning. You say, " The natural order of constructing the 60 TEE DEAN'S ENGLISH. " sentence would be to relate what happened first, " and my surprise at it afterwards ". Your sentence does not enlighten us on your views of the proper order in which the facts should be related ; it tells us merely that we should relate what first happened, and your subsequent surprise at it. Not one word about the order of relation. We are to relate what " happened first ", but we are not told what to relate first. You should have said, "The natural order of constructing the sentence " would be to relate first what happened, and " afterwards my surprise at it ". Lastly, on this part of the subject; you say, " Mr. Moon quotes, with disapprobation, my words, " where I join together ' would have been broken " ' to pieces in a deep rut, or come to grief in a '"bottomless swamp'. He says this can only be " filled in thus, ' would have been ' " &c. I am quite sure that Mr. Moon never, after mentioning your sentence about " a deep rut " and " a bottomless " swamp " speaks of the sentence being a filled " in " ! That is the Dean of Canterbury's style ; he gives a sentence about eating and being full } and then speaks of the sentence being ''filled up "! He speaks of people mending their ways ; and, in the very next paragraph, talks about the " Queen's THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. CI "highway" and "by-roads" and "private roads". He speaks of things "without life" ; and imme- diately afterwards says he will introduce the body of — Ms essay. You will, doubtless, gain great notoriety by your strange essays on the Queen's English ; for, in consequence of your inaccuracies in them, it will become usual to describe bad language as "Deans " English ". By " bad language ", I do not mean rude language ; I say nothing about that. I mean that, in consequence of your ungrammatical sen- tences, it will be as common to call false English, " Dean's English", as it is to call base white metal, " German Silver" You say, "I have given a fair sample of the " instances of ambiguity which Mr. Moon cites out "of my essay". A fair sample! and yet you have made no mention of the instance of the eight-and-twenty nouns intervening between the pronoun "it" and the noun "habit", to which it refers. A fair sample ! and yet you have made no mention of the instance of ambiguity in the paragraph about " covetous and covetousness " ; a paragraph of fewer than ten lines, yet so ambiguously worded that you may ring as many changes on it as on a peal of bells ; only the melody would not 62 THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. be quite so sweet. However, if you do not object to a little bell-ringing, and if you will not think it sacrilegious of me to pull the ropes, I will just see what kind of a peal of bells it is that you have hung in your belfry, for I call the paragraph, " the " belfry ", and the pronouns, " the peal of bells ", and these I name after the gamut, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, so we shall not have any difficulty in counting the changes. You say, " While treating of the pronun- " ciation of those who minister in public, two " other words occur to me which are very commonly A " mangled by our clergy. One of these is 'covetous', " and its substantive ' covetousness \ I hope some " who read these lines will be induced to leave off " pronouncing them ' covetious', and 'covetiousness'. C D " I can assure them, that when they do thus call E F " them, one, at least, of their hearers has his appre- t( ciation of their teaching disturbed ". I fancy that many a one who reads these lines will have his appreciation of your teaching disturbed, as far as it relates to the Queen s English. But now for the changes which may be rung on these bells, as I have called them. The first of them, " A " may apply either to " words " or to " our clergy ". You i*ay, " our clergy. One of these is ' covetous ' ". I THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. 63 am sorry to say that the general belief is, there are more than one; but perhaps you know one in particular. However, my remarks interrupt the bell-ringing, and we want to count the changes, so I will say no more, but will at once demonstrate that we can ring 10,240 changes on your peal of bells ! In other words, that your paragraph, of fewer than ten lines, is so ambiguously worded, that without any alteration of its grammar or of its syntax, it may be read in 10,240 different ways ! and only one of all that number will be the right way to express your meaning. The Pro- nouns . Nouns to which they may apply. 2 No. of Different Readings A these words, or clergy 2 B them words, clergy, readers, or lines 4 these 4 X by the above 2= 8 C them words, clergy, readers, or lines 4 these 4 X by the above 8= 32 D they words, clergy, readers, or lines 4 these 4 X by the above 32= 128 E them words, clergy, readers, or lines 4 these 4 X by the above 128= 512 F their words, clergy, readers, or hues 4 these 4 X by the above 512= 2048 G their f words, clergy, readers, lines, | or hearers .... 5 these 5 X by the above 2048=10,240 This is indeed a valuable addition to the curiosities of literature : a treasure u presented " to the British Nation by the Very Rev. the "Dean of Canterbury ". No doubt it will be 64 THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. carefully preserved in the library of the British Museum. T have, now, a serious charge to prefer against you ; a charge to which I am reluctant to give a name. I will therefore simply state the facts, and leave the public to give to your proceedings in this matter, whatever name they may think most fitting. You say, on page 439, " I am reminded, " in writing this, of a criticism of Mr. Moon's on "my remarks that we have dropped 'thou' and " ' thee ' in our addresses to our fellow-men, and " reserved those words for our addresses in prayer " to Him who is the highest personality. It will " be hardly believed that he professes to set this " right by giving his readers and me the informa- " tion that ' these pronouns are very extensively " ' and profusely [I used no such word] used in " c poetry, even (!) when inanimate objects are " ' addressed ' : and thinks it worth while to quote " Coleridge's Address to Mont Blanc to prove his " point ! Eeally, might not the very obvious " notoriety of the fact he adduces have suggested " to him that it was totally irrelevant to the " matter I was treating of ? " Truly, this is the play of Hamlet with the Ghost left out hy special desire. Your object was to controvert what I had advanced THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. 65 against your essay ; and, I must say, that the means you have adopted to accomplish that end, are, to speak mildly, not much to your credit. I will prove what I say. The one vjord, against which the whole of my argument toas directed, you have, in reproducing your sentence, omitted from the quotation ; and then, of the mangled remains of the sentence, you exclaim, "It will be hardly " believed that he professes to set this right ". I professed nothing of the sort; you must know well, that my attack was against the one word which you have omitted. That this was the case, may be clearly seen on reference to my former letter,* where that word was, and still is, printed in italics, to draw special attention to it. You betray the weakness of your cause when you have recourse to such a suppression. Nor is the above instance of misquotation the only one in your essay. On page 429, you put into my mouth words which I never uttered; words which express a meaning totally at variance with what I said. You enclose the sentence in inverted commas to mark that it is a quotation ; and, as if that were not enough, you preface that sentence with this doubly emphatic remark ; " these * Pa-e 6. 66 THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. " are his wprds, not mine ". You then make me say that I hope, "as I so strongly advocate our "following the Greeks in the pronunciation of " their proper names, I shall be consistent, and " never again, in reading the Lessons, call those " ancient cities Samaria and Philadelphia otherwise '* than Samaria and Philadelphia" I never had any such thought, nor did I ever express any such wish. These words are not mine ; nor are they any more like mine, than I am like you. The original sentence, of which the above is a perver- sion, will be found ,on page 27 of my former letter. But the part of my letter which you most fully notice in your reply, is that which treats of the arrangement of sentences; and, exactly as you suppress, in the instance I have given, the one important word on which the whole of the argu- ment turns ; so, in the matter of the arrangement of sentences, you suppress the one important paragraph w T hich qualifies all the rest ! You privately draw the teeth of the lion and then publicly show how valiantly you can put your head into his mouth ; thus you not only damage your own character for honesty of representation, but also insult the public whom you address, and who, THE DEAJSPS ENGLISH. 67 you imagine, can be deceived by such childish performances. The following are the facts of the case. You say, after mentioning the authorities I had named, " The one rule of all others [!] which "he [Mr. Moon] cites from these authorities, "and which he believes me to have continually " violated, is this : that ' those parts of a sentence " ' which are most closely connected in their meaning, u ' should be as closely as possible connected in posi- " ' tion \ Or, as he afterwards quotes it from Dr. " Blair, l A capital rule in the arrangement of " ' sentences is, that the words or members most nearly " e related should be placed in the sentence as near to u 'each other as possible, so as to make their mutual " ( relation clearly appear ' 9 \ You then go on to say, " Now doubtless this rule is, in the main, and " for general guidance, a good and useful one ; " indeed, so plain to all, that it surely needed no " inculcating by these venerable writers. But " there are more things in the English language " than seem to have been dreamt of in their philo- " sophy. If this rule were uniformly applied, it " would break down the force and the living interest " of style in any English writer, and reduce his " matter to a dreary and dull monotony ; for it is " in exceptions to its application that almost all F 2 68 THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. " vigour and character of style consist". Would any person — could any person — in reading the above extract from your reply to my letter, ever imagine that that letter contains such a paragraph as the following ? I quote from page 23, where I say, " In contending for the law of position, as laid " down by Lord Karnes, Dr. Campbell, and others, " I do so on the ground that the observance of " this law contributes to that most essential quality " in all writings — perspicuity ; and although I " would not, on any account, wish to see all sen- " tences constructed on one uniform plan, I maintain " that the law of position must never be violated " when such violation would in any way obscure the " meaning. Let your meaning still be obvious, and a you may vary your mode of expression as you "please, and your language will be the richer for the " variation. Let your meaning be obscure, and no " grace of diction, nor any music of a well-turned " period, will make amends to your readers for " their being liable to misunderstand you ". The existence of this paragraph, by which I carefully qualify the reader's acceptance of Dr. Blair's law of position as a universal rule, you utterly ignore ; and, with the most strange injustice, you charge me, through sentence after sentence, and column THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. 69 after column, of your tedious essay, with main- taining that all expressions should be worded on one certain uniform plan. Sentences so arranged are, you say, according to "Mr. Moon's rule". Sentences differing from that arrangement are, you say, a violation of "Mr. Moon's rule". With as much reasonableness might you leave out the word " not ", from the ninth commandment, and assert that it teaches, "Thou shalt bear false witness " against thy neighbour." This being your mode of conducting a contro- versy, I assure you that, were you not the Dean of Canterbury, I would not answer your remarks. Doubtless, before the publication of this, rejoinder, many of the readers of your second essay will have noticed the significant circumstance, that, of the various examples you give of sentences con- structed on what you are pleased to call "Mr. " Moon's rule ", but which, as I have shown, is only a part of " Mr. Moon's rule ", not one example is drawn from Mr. Mooris % own letter. You say, " But surely we have had enough of " Mr. Moon and his rules ". I do not doubt that you have ; but I must still detain you, as the Ancient Mariner detained the wedding-guest, until the tale is told. That being finished, I will let you 70 THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. go; and I trust that, like him, you will learn wisdom from the past : — " He went like one that hath been stunned, " And is of sense forlorn : " A sadder and a wiser man, " He rose the morrow morn" With respect to the date of the introduction of the possessive pronoun "its", which, you said, " never occurs in the English version of the Bible " ; and which, as I showed you, occurs in Leviticus, xxv. 5 ; you shelter yourself under the plea that you meant that the word never occurs in the " authorised edition ", known as " King James's " Bible ". But, as you did not say either " author- " ised edition " or " King James s Bible ", I am justified in saying that you have only yourself to blame for the consequences of having used language so unmistakably equivocal, as you certainly did when you said, " the English version of the Bible " and did not mean the English version now in every one's hands, but meant a particular edition pub- lished 252 years ago. Speaking of my correction of your error, you say, " What is to be regretted is, "that a gentleman who is setting another right " with such a high hand, should not have taken THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. 71 u the pains to examine the English version as it " really stands, before printing such a sentence as " that which I have quoted ". I will show you that my examination of the subject has been sufficiently deep to discover that yours must have been very superficial. Speaking of the word " its ", you say, " Its apparent occurrence in the place quoted is " simply due to the King's printers, who have " modernised the passage ". " Apparent occur- " rence " ! It is a real occurrence. Are we not to believe our eyes ? As for the " King's printers ", it was not they who introduced the word " its " into the English Bible. The first English Bible in which the w r ord is found, is one that was printed at a time when there was no King on the English throne, consequently wdien there were no "King's "printers": it was printed during the Common- wealth. Nor was that Bible printed by the "printers to the Parliament " Indeed, it is doubtful whether it was printed in this country. The word " its " first occurs in the English version of the Bible, in a spurious edition supposed to have been printed in Amsterdam. It may be distin- guished from the genuine edition* of the same * The genuine edition contains most gross errors ; for instance, in Rom. vi, 13, it is said, " Neither yield ye your 72 THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. date, 1653, by that very word "its", which is not found in the editions printed by the " printers to "the Parliament", or by the " King's printers" until many years afterwards. So when, in your endeavours to escape the charge of inaccuracy contained in my former letter, you say that the introduction of the word " its " into the English ■ version of the Bible, is owing to the "King's "printers", you, in trying to escape Scylla, are drawn into the whirlpool of Charybdis ! You speak of my demolishing your character for accuracy. I do not know what character you have for accuracy ; but this I know, that whenever I see a man sensitively jealous of any one point in particular of his character, I am not often wrong in taking his jealousy to be a sure sign of conscious weakness in that very point. What are the facts of the case with regard to yourself ? I have given several instances of your gross in- accuracy. I take no notice of unimportant mis- " members as instruments of righteousness", instead of " un- " righteousness " ; and, as if to confirm the above teaching, it is said, in 1 Cor. vi, 9, "the wirighteous shall inherit the ** kingdom of God " ; instead of " shall not inherit ". Com- plaint was made to the Parliament ; and most of the copies now extant were cleared of the errors by the cancelling of leaves. The spurious edition is comparatively faultless. THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. 73 quotations of the Scriptures and of my own sentences, though I could mention several of each occurring in your second essay ; but what are we to say of the following? It is, if intentional, which I cannot believe, the boldest instance of misquotation of Scripture, to suit a special pur- •pose, that I ever met with. I am sure it must have been unintentional ; but it is such an error, that to have fallen into it will, I hope, serve so to .convince you that you, like other mortals, are liable to err; that the remembrance of it will be a powerful restraint on your indignation, if others should venture, as I have done, to call in question your accuracy. The singular instance of misquo- tation to which I refer is the following. — Speaking of the adverb "only" and of its proper position in a sentence ; you say, " The adverb ' only \ in " many sentences, where strictly speaking it ought " to follow its verb, and to limit the objects of the " verb, is in good English placed before the verb. " Let us take some examples of this from the " great storehouse of good English, our authorised "version of the Scriptures. In Numbers xii, 2, " we read, ' Hath the Lord only spoken by Moses ? " 'hath He not spoken also by us V According to " some of my correspondents, and to Mr. Moon's 74 THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. "pamphlet (p. 12)*, this ought to be ' Hath the "'Lord spoken only by Moses V I venture to " prefer very much the words as they stand ". Now, strange as it may appear after your assertion, it is nevertheless a fact that the words, as you quote them, do not occur either in the authorised version, known as King James's Bible of 1611, or in our present version, or in any other version that I have ever seen ; and the words, in the order in which you say I and your other correspondents would have written them, do occur in every copy of the Scriptures to which I have referred ! So you very much prefer the words as they stand, do you ? Ha ! ha ! ha ! So do I. When next you write about the adverb "only", be sure you quote only the right passage of Scripture to suit your pur- pose ; and on no account be guilty of perverting the sacred text ; for these are not the days when the laity will accept without proof, where proof is possible, the statements of even the Dean of Canterbury. Before closing this letter, I have just one question to ask ; it is this : Why do you say I must have " a most abnormal elongation of the "auricular appendages" 1 In other words, Why * Page 14, in this Edition. THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. 75 do you call me an ass ? I confess to a little curiosity in the matter ; therefore pardon me if I press the inquiry. Is it because the authorities I quoted are " venerable Scotchmen " and that there- fore you conclude I must be fond of thistles ? — No ? Well, I will guess again. Is it because I kicked at your authority ? — No ? Once more, then, Is it because, like Balaam's ass, I "forbad the " madness of the prophet " ? Still, No ? Then I must give it up, and leave to my readers the solving of the riddle ; and while perhaps there may be some who will come to the conclusion that the Dean of Canterbury calls me an ass because I have been guilty of braying at him ; there are others, I know, who will laughingly say that the braying has been of that kind mentioned in Prov. xxvii, 22. I am, Eev. Sir, Your most obedient Servant, G. WASHINGTON MOON. 76 THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. Note. — The Dean of Canterbury having pub- lished a letter exonerating himself from the charge of discourtesy, the following appeared in 'The ' Patriot 9 newspaper, in answer to that letter. THE QUEEN'S ENGLISH. TO THE EDITOR OF THE PATRIOT. Sir, — Permit me to say, in reference to the letter from the Dean of Canterbury which yon published in the last number of ' The Patriot \ that I heartily join you in your regret that any personalities should have intruded into this discussion on the Queen's English, and I gladly welcome from the Dean any explanation which exonerates him from the charge of discourtesy. But I must say, in justification of my having made those condemning remarks which called forth the Dean's letter, that I was not alone in my interpretation of his language. Those who had the privilege of hearing the Dean deliver his ' Plea ', when there were all the accom- panying advantages of emphasis and gesture to assist the hearers to a right understanding of the speaker's meaning, understood the epithets which he employed to be intended for me ; and, as such, generally condemned them. My authority is * The South-Eastern Gazette ', of May 19th, which published a report of the meeting. The Dean states, in his explanatory letter, that he intended the objectionable epithets not for me, but for the hypothetical reader supposed by me to be capable of the misapprehensions I had adduced. It happens, TEE DEAN'S ENGLISH. 77 rather unfortunately for the Dean's explanation, that I had not spoken of any hypothetical reader. Litera scripta manet, — judge for yourself. I spoke not of what the Dean's faulty language might suggest to some imaginary reader, but of what it did suggest ; and to whom, but to me ? The hypothetical reader is entirely a creation of the Dean's. However, as he says he intended the epithets for this said reader, that is suf- ficient. I am quite willing to help the Dean to put the saddle on this imaginary " ass " ; and I think the Dean cannot do better than set the imaginary " idiot " on the said ass's back, and then probably the one will gallop away with the other, and we may never hear anything more of either of them. I am, Sir, Yours most respectfully, G. WASHINGTON MOON. " Instead of always fixing our thoughts upon the " points in which our literature and our intellectual life " generally are strong, we should, from time to time, fix " them upon those in which they are weak, and so learn " to perceive clearly what we have to amend." — ' Essays 1 in Criticism \ p. 55. — Matthew Arnold. THE DEAFS ENGLISH. CEITICISM No. III. Eev. Sir, It gives me great pleasure to withdraw the charge of discourtesy contained in my former letter to you. I cordially accept the explanation you have given ; and though I cannot quite recon- cile your statements with all the facts of the case, I feel sure that the discrepancy is merely apparent, not real ; and that you are sincere in saying you did not intend to apply to me those epithets of which I complained. But allow me to remark that for whomsoever they were intended, they are objectionable. Such figures of speech neither add weight to arguments, nor give dignity to language ; they serve only to illustrate how easy it is for a teacher of others to disregard his own lessons, and 80 THE DEANS ENGLISH. become oblivious of the fact that all teaching, like all charity, should begin at home. You say that the obnoxious epithets were intended for some hypothetical person ; be pleased to receive my remarks on the said epithets as intended for some hypothetical Dean. In the collected edition of your essays you have called me your friend. Let me then, as a friend, advise you never again to apply to an opponent, whether real or imaginary, such expres- sions as " idiot " and " ass " ; lest some of your reacjers, who read also what you are pleased to call your opponent's (< caustic remarks", (lunar- caustic, if you like,) should amuse themselves by imagining they see a parallelism between your case and the case of the old prophet of Bethel, as that was understood by some who heard a clergy- man, not remarkable for correctness of emphasis, thus read a portion of the old prophet's history ; — "He spake to his sons, saying, 'Saddle me the " ' ass '. And they saddled him ". 1 Kings xiii, 27. Actuated by a sincere love for the language which, it seems to me, you are injuring by precept and by example, I resume my criticisms on your essays. You constitute yourself a teacher of the Queen's English. "Were it not so, I should con- TEE DEAN'S ENGLISH. 31 sider any strictures on your language as simply impertinent; but as you have judged it to be right to lecture the public on certain improprieties of expression which have crept into common use ; it cannot be out of place for one of the public, whom you address, to step forward on behalf of himself and his companions, to test your fitness for the office you have assumed ; especially if he confine his test to an examination of the language used in those very lectures themselves. The only deviation which I have made from that course is in my second letter. There, noticing your remarks concerning the practice of spelling without the "u" such words as "honour" and "favour" , I quote from your 'Poems' the words so spelt, and add some prefatory remarks of yours concerning them. In your third essay you speak of the above circumstance, and you inform me that the words "honor" and "favor", which I quoted from your ' Poems ', were from that part of the volume which was printed in America, and that it was against such American spelling that you protested in your preface. Allow me to say, in explanation of my having unconsciously quoted from the American part of the volume, that, as the preface stated that the G 82 THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. poems which you added to the American edition were the products of "later years", it was not unnatural for me to believe they were those headed " Eecent Poems " : and it was from them that my quotations were made. Besides, you call the American part of the volume the "nucleus" of the edition: therefore, if I had taken my examples of orthography from the commencement as well as from the end of the volume, I should have been justified in doing so ; for, surely, a " nucleus " is that around which other matter is collected. You do indeed make a strange use of the word when you call 400 pages of a volume of poems the "nucleus", and leave only 29 pages at the end, to come under the description of " con- globated matter " ! However, even in those few pages of English printing, which, according to your own confession, were under your control, I find the word honour spelt " honor ", and the word odours spelt " odors ". The charge, therefore, stands as it did ; and your explanation has served only to draw more scrutinizing attention to an inconsistency which otherwise might have passed almost unnoticed. So you really defend your ungrammatical sen- tence, " If with your inferiors speak no coarser TEE DEAJSTS ENGLISH. 83 " than usual ; if with your superiors, no finer " ; and you not only defend it, as allowable, but actually maintain that it is " strictly correct " ; the ground of your assertion being that you have " no " choice " open to you between saying " speak no " coarser ", and " speak no more coarsely " ; and you object to the latter expression because you believe it would be ambiguous, owing to the term " no more " being capable of meaning " never again \ Was, then, the sentence, with which I found fault, simply "Speak no coarser " ? You know it was not. Why, then, do you, by omitting the latter part of the sentence, try to make it appear that it was ? Be assured that even if you could by such means prove to the careless reader that you were correct, or that, at least, you had some show of reason for your use of the expression which I condemned ; you would prove it at a cost of character which would make all good men sigh with regret. But I will not again charge you with intentional inaccuracy. I prefer to impale you on the other horn of the dilemma by first admitting that your remarks were intended to apply to the whole of the sentence, and then showing the absurdity of your reasoning. Are you not aware that a weak defence is a G 2 84 THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. strong admission ? It is true that " no more " sometimes signifies " never again " ; but you well know that it never can have that signification when it is followed by " than". The phrase " speak " no more coarsely " may, indeed, mean " speak " never again coarsely " ; but u speak no more " coarsely than usual " could never be understood as " speak never again coarsely than usual " ; for, such a sentence would be without meaning. Besides, if you feared that your sentence would be ambiguous with the expression "no more than", why did you use that expression in other parts of your essays ? For instance, you say, " The Queen " is no more the proprietor of the English language " than you or I ". A certain word, you say, a ought " no more to be spelt ( diocess ', than cheese ought " to be spelt ' chess \" Where were your scruples about "no more" and "never again", when you wrote these sentences ? As for your having no choice between saying " speak no coarser than " usual " and saying " speak no more coarsely than "usual"; you certainly had not well considered the subject when you made that remark ; for, neither of the expressions is the best that might have been used ; indeed, the former is grossly un- grammatical ; and, as for the latter, to make it THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. 85 "right to a t", you must change the " no " into 11 not"; and we shall then have the sentence correct, — " If with your inferiors speak not more "coarsely than usual"; or, "do not speak more " coarsely than usual " You tell us that " than n governs an accusative case. If that be so, why did you, in the sentence which I just now quoted, write, — "The Queen is " no more the proprietor of the English language " than you or I" ? You are inconsistent. Your precepts and your practice do not agree. According to your own rule you should have said "than you " or me " If " than " governs an accusative, the translators of the Scriptures, too, were wrong in making Solomon say, in Eccles. ii. 25, " Who can "eat more than I"? They should have made him say, " Who can eat more than me 1 " but even a child would tell you that such an expression would be absurd, except under the supposition that Solomon was the king of the Cannibal Islands ! It is not the circumstance that the pronoun is preceded by "than", that determines whether the pronoun is to be in the nominative or in the accusative case. It is the meaning which the writer intends to convey, that determines in which case the pronoun must be. I have given 86 THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. you an example of the proper use of "than I" ; here is an instance of the proper use of " than me " Our Saviour says, in Matt. x. 37, " He that "loveth father or mother more than me is not " worthy of me ". The meaning is obvious ; but had our Saviour said " He that loveth father or "mother more than I", his words would have suggested the possibility of man's love exceeding Christ's ! " Than " has nothing whatever to do with determining the case of the pronoun. In your first ' Plea for the Queens English', you laid it down as a rule that neuter verbs should not be qualified by adverbs, but by adjectives ; i.e. we ought not to say " how nice/?/ she looks " but " how " nice she looks " ; because, the verb " to look ", as here used, is a neuter verb, one not indicating an action, but merely a quality, or a state. Very well ; but, unfortunately, your practice mars the good which otherwise might be done by your precept ; for, "to appear" is as much a neuter verb as "to " look " used as above ; in fact it is but another form of expression for the same meaning ; and yet, after ridiculing " youug ladies fresh from school ", for saying " how nicely she looks " ; you yourself say that the account to be given of a certain inac- curacy " appears still more plainly " from the fact THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. 87 that, &c., &c. If I may be allowed to make a somewhat questionable pun, I will say that it appeal's to me more and more plain that you never more completely missed your vocation than when you began lecturing " boarding-school misses " on the Queen's English. While remarking on your wrong use of adverbs, I may notice that you say " our Lord's own use so " frequent/?/ of the term ". His use of a particular term may be said to have been frequent ; but it cannot be said to have been iC frequently y \ Trans- pose the words in your sentence and you will see this at once. " Our Lord's own so frequently use of *'the term"! Surely no boarding-school miss would ever write thus. It is the verb that requires the adverb ; the noun requires the adjective. He used the term frequently ; but his use of it was frequent In my former letter I advised you, when next you wrote about the adverb " only ", to quote only the right passage of Scripture to suit your purpose. I little imagined that I should catch you with a hook so barbed with sarcasm ; but you swallowed the bait, and I have fairly caught you. You have taken my words in their literal signification ; and, having withdrawn from your essay the misquoted 88 THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. passage from the book of Numbers, which certainly did not suit your purpose, have substituted the fourth verse of Psalm lxii. Is it, then, allow- able to select from the Scriptures a particular passage favouring a theory of your own, and not to tell your pupils that the language in the verses immediately before and after that passage is opposed to the lessons you deduce from it ? I think not; and I cannot refrain from expressing surprise at your adopting such a course. Besides, how could you hope to succeed when every English layman of the present day follows the example of the noble Bereans of old and searches the Scriptures for himself ? The question between us was concerning the position which the adverb "only" should occupy in a sentence. I affirmed that it should be as near as possible to the words it is intended to qualify ; and you, that it may with propriety be placed at a distance from them. In support of your opinion, you brought forward a passage from what you call " that storehouse of good English, the authorised "version of the Scriptures". I proved that you had grossly misquoted the passage, and that the ■words were not to be found in the order in which you had written them. With respect to the sub- THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. 83 stituted passage from Psalm lxii, I suppose I shall not be communicating information that is quite new to you, if I mention that in the first six verses of the psalm the adverb "■ only " occurs four times ; and, except in the solitary verse which you quote, it is in each instance joined to the words that it is intended to qualify. In the fifth verse we read u Wait thou only upon God ; " and in the second verse and, again, in the sixth, " He only is " my rock and my salvation." As for the Scriptures' being a " storehouse of " good English " allow me to tell you that there are tares among the wheat. The Bible is no more a storehouse of good English than it is a storehouse of scientific truth. It abounds with errors in grammar and in composition. For an example of these, look at Deut. xvii. 5 ; but read part of the previous verse : — [If] " it be true, and the thing " certain, that such abomination is wrought in " Israel : Then shalt thou bring forth that man or " that woman which have committed that wicked u thing, unto thy gates, even that man or that " woman, and shalt stone them with stones till " they die ". In the first place, the conjunction "or" being disjunctive, the nominative to the verb " committed" is in the singular number ; and there- 90 THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. lore, as the verb is not in the subjunctive mood, the " have " should be " has ", for a verb should agree with its nominative. Secondly, the phrase " unto thy gates " is quite out of place; the meaning intended to be conveyed, is not "committed that (i wicked thing, unto thy gates " ; but, " thou shalt " bring forth unto thy gates that man or that woman'. Thirdly, " that woman which " should be " that " tuoman ivho ". In modern English " which " is ap- plied to irrational animals, to things without life, and to infants; and either "who" or "that" is more appro- priate when speaking of persons. We should say either " the tuoman who ", or " the woman that "; not " the woman which " Fourthly, " then shalt thou " bring forth that man or that woman, .... and " shalt stone them ". Had it been " that man and " that woman " it would have been quite right to use the plural pronoun ; but as the verse stands, " them " is certainly improper. Fifthly and lastly, " till they die " ; clearly the verse is speaking of only one person being stoned, either a man or a woman, how, then, can we say "till they die"? Here are five errors in four lines. So much for your "storehouse of good English ". Unquestionably there are, in the Bible, passages which for sim- plicity, for grandeur, for soul-stirring pathos, for THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. 91 richness of poetic imagery, for climax and for antithesis, are unsurpassed in the language ; and, in praise of such passages, I would heartily join you ; but, when you wish scholars to accept the Bible as a text-book by which grammatical dispu- tations may be settled, we part company at once. In a former letter I called attention to your injudicious use of the preposition "from" ; and I pointed out the necessity for guarding against suggesting any idea which has no real connexion with the matter of which you may be speaking. I gave, as an example of this kind of fault, your sentence, " Sometimes the editors of our papers " fall, from their ignorance, into absurd mistakes ". Here the preposition "Jrom", immediately following the verb "fall", suggests the absurd idea of editors falling from their ignorance. In your third essay you repeat the fault, and speak of " archi- " tectural transition, from the venerable front of an " ancient cathedral ". The sentence runs thus, " A smooth front of stucco may be a comely thing "for those that like it, but very few sensible men " will like it, if they know that in laying it on, we " are proposing to obliterate the roughnesses, ami " mixture of styles, and traces of architectural " transition, from the venerable front of an ancient 92 THE DEAJSTS ENGLISH. " cathedral " Here, if you perceived that the mere juxtaposition of the words "transition" and "from" was suggestive of an idea which you by no means intended to convey, you should have separated the words by transposing the last clause of the sentence. It might have been done thus ; — " proposing to " obliterate, from the venerable front of an ancient " cathedral, the roughness, and mixture of styles, a and traces of architectural transition." You may say these are trifles; but, remember, "it is " by attention to trifles that perfection is attained ; " and, perfection is no trifle." Besides, to quote your own words, " An error may be, in an ordinary " person, a trifle ; but when a teacher makes it, it " is no longer a trifle." In your remarks on " so ", used in connection with "as", you say "'so' cannot be used in the " affirmative proposition, nor ' as ' in the negative ". If this be correct, why do you yourself use " as " in the negative ? You say " ' its ' was never used " in the early periods of our language, nor, indeed, " as late down as Elizabeth/' But I suppose it is almost useless for me to address you on the subject of the various niceties of arrangement which require to be attended to in the construction of sentences. You seem to care THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. 93 for none of these things. Yet, believe me, such matters, unimportant as they may appear, contri- bute in a far greater degree than you imagine, to make up the sum of the difference between a style of composition which is ambiguous and inelegant ; and one which is perspicuous and chastely correct. You evidently entertain some fear lest the study of the rules of composition should cramp the expression of the thoughts ! Never was there a more groundless apprehension : and, in proportion as you are successful in disseminating such notions, do you inflict on our language the most serious injury. Fortunately for that language, the poison of your teaching carries with it its own antidote. They who read your essays on the Queen's English cannot fail to notice the significant fact, that he who is thus strongly advocating the principle that the rules of composition serve no other purpose than to " cramp the expression of his thoughts ", does not exhibit that fluency and gracefulness of diction which, if his view of the matter were correct, would necessarily be displayed in his own compo- sitions. A reviewer in ' The Nonconformist ' writes as follows : — " Away with all needless and artificial " rules, say we, indeed — as energetically as the 94 THE DEANS ENGLISH. " most energetic. But the elementary and natural " laws of a language fetter only the impatient or " the unskilful ; and in the living freedom with " which genius obeys those laws, is its strength and " mastery shown." What was Milton's opinion on this subject ? Was he opposed to rules and maxims ? Did he think they served no other purpose than to "cramp " the expression of the thoughts " ? Quite the contrary. In the year 1638, Milton, in a Latin letter addressed to an Italian scholar who was then preparing a work on the grammar of his native tongue, wrote as follows : " Whoever in a state " knows how to form wisely the manners of men " and to rule them at home and in war by excellent " institutes, him in the first place, above others, I t( should esteem worthy of all honour ; but next to " him the man who strives to establish in maxims " and rules the method and habit of speaking and " writing derived from a good age of the nation, and, " as it were, to fortify the same round with a kind of " wall, the daring to overleap which, a law, only " short of that of Romulus, should be used to prevent. " Should we choose to compare the two in respect " to utility, it is the former only that can make the TRE DEAN'S ENGLISH. 93 11 social existence of the citizens just and holy ; but " it is the latter that makes it splendid and beauti- " ful, which is the next thing to be desired. The " one, as I believe, supplies a noble courage • and "intrepid counsels against an enemy invading the " territory ; the other takes to himself the task of " extirpating and defeating, by means of a learned " detective police of ears and a light infantry of " good authors, that barbarism which makes large " inroads upon the minds of men, and is a des- " tructive intestine enemy to genius. Nor is it to " be considered of small importance what language, " pure or corrupt, a people has, or what is their " customary degree of propriety in speaking it — a " matter which oftener than once was the salvation " of Athens : nay, as it is Plato's opinion that by a " change in the manner and habit of dress serious' " commotions and mutations are portended in a " commonwealth, I, for my part, would rather " believe that the fall of that city and its low " and obscure condition followed on the general " vitiation of its usage in the matter of speech ; for, " let the words of a country be in part unhandsome " and offensive in themselves, in part debased by a wear and wrongly uttered, and what do they " declare but, by no slight indication, that the 96 THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. " inhabitants of that country are an indolent, idly- a yawning race, with minds already long prepared " for any amount of servility ? On the other hand, " we have never heard that any empire, any state, " did not flourish in at least a middling degree as " long as its own liking and care for its language " lasted." So far John Milton — the noble advocate of law and rule, though in virtue of the transcendency of his genius he might have claimed to be above all rules. Now let us have a specimen of your English, — the English of the Dean of Canterbury, who, avowedly, disregards all rules, fearing they would " cramp the expression of Ms thoughts " / The following example is taken from your third essay. I read, " l this ' and ' these ' refer to persons " and things present, or under immediate consider- a ation ; ' that ' and ' those ' to persons and things " not present nor under immediate consideration ; " or, if either of these, one degree further removed, " than the others of which are used 'this' and 'these'". What can be the meaning of this last clause ? The reader can only wonder and guess. It utterly defies all power of analysis, and really makes one uncomfortable to read it. It forcibly recalls the following anecdote told of Douglas Jerrold. ll On THE DEAN'S ENGLISH, 97 "recovering from a severe illness, Browning's "'Sordello' was put into his Lands. Line after " line, page after page, he read, but no consecutive " idea could he get from the mystic production. " Mrs. Jerrold was out, and he had no one to whom " to appeal. The thought struck him that he had " lost his reason during his illness, and that he was " so imbecile he did not know it. A perspiration " burst from his brow, and he sat silent and "thoughtful. As soon as his wife returned, he "thrust the mysterious volume into her hands, 91 crying out, ' Eead this, my dear ! ' After several " attempts to make any sense out of the first page " or so, she gave back the book, saying, ' Bother u l the gibberish ! I don't understand a word of "'it'. ' Thank Heaven', cried Jerrold, 'then I " ' am not an idiot ! ' " Here is another specimen from your essay ; I give the entire sentence, which, closing with a period, should be complete in its sense. You say, " The next thing I shall mention, not for its own "sake, but as a specimen of the kind of criticism " which I am often meeting with, and instructive "to those who wish to be critics of other men's " language." It was not until I had long and hopelessly pondered over your sentence, that I H 98 THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. discovered what it was you intended to say, and what was the reason of my not instantly catching your meaning. I find that the first clause in your sentence is inverted, and that the punctuation necessary to mark the inversion is incorrect, or rather, is altogether omitted; hence, I read the sentence thus, — " The next thing [which] I shall " mention, not for its own sake, but as a specimen/' &c. ; whereas your meaning was, — " The next " thing [,] I shall mention, not for its own sake, " but as a specimen," &c. ; or, putting the words in their natural order, " I shall mention the next " thing, not for its own sake, but as a specimen/' &c. Your hobby of leaving out commas carries you too far; your readers cannot follow you: and if you are going to set aside the rules of punctuation as well as those of grammar, you must give us something better than this to convince us of the advantage to be gained by adopting such a course. Among other curious matters to be found in your essays, is the somewhat startling information that the expressions "I ain't certain", "I ain't " going " are not un frequently used by " educated " persons " ! I suppose you mean educated at college, where the study of English is altogether ignored; but of that, more by-and-by. In the THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. 99 mean time I pass on to the next sentence in your essay. Having told us that the above expressions are not unfrequently used by " educated persons " ; you go on to say, " The main objection to them is, " that they are proscribed by usage ; but exception " may also be taken to them on their own account". So I should think, if they ivill use such ex- pressions as " I ain't certain " " I ain't going ". I see you still say "treated", rather than "treated " of" ; e.g. " a matter treated in my former paper ". On a previous occasion I spoke of this error ; but I suppose, as you still express yourself in the same way, you consider the terms synonymous ; but they certainly are not. To treat is one thing; to treat of is another ; and it is the latter expression that would convey your meaning. The following sentence will exhibit the difference between the two terms : — "A matter treated of in my former " paper was treated by you with indifference." One of the defects noticeable in your essays, is that of making your expressions too elliptical. Brevity is undoubtedly an excellent quality in writing ; but brevity should always be subordinate to perspicuity. This has not been attended to in the following sentence, which, singularly enough, happens to be upon the very subject of ellipsis H 2 100 THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. itself. You say, " Some languages are more ellip- " tical than others ; that is, the habits of thought " of some nations will bear the omission of certain u members of a sentence better than the habits of " thought of other nations " \ivill\ Do you not perceive that but for the little word " will ", which I have added to your sentence, the statement would be, that " the habits of thought of some nations " will bear the omission of certain members of a " sentence better than [they will bear] the habits " of thought of other nations " ? — a truth which no one will be found to deny ; but, at the same time, a truth which you did not mean to affirm. What ! Not yet over that "pons asinorum" of juvenile writers, the "construction louche"! You were there when I wrote to you my first letter ; and you are there still. This ought not to be; for, the effect of this error is so ridiculous, and the error itself may be so easily avoided. You say, " Though some of the European rulers may be " females, when spoken of altogether, they may be " correctly classified under the denomination ui kings '." In this sentence, the clause which I have put in italics has, what our Gallic neigh- bours designate, "a squinting construction", it looks two ways at once; that is, it may be THE DEAJSTS ENGLISH. 101 construed as relating either to the words which pre- cede, or to those which follow. Your former error of this sort was in the omission of a comma ; this time you have erred by the insertion of a comma, and in each case a like result is produced. Had there been no comma after the word " altogether ", the ambiguity would have been avoided, because the words in italics would then have formed part of the last clause of the sentence : but as the italicised clause is isolated by commas, the sen- tence is as perfect a specimen of this error as ever could have been given. Absurd as would be the sentence, its construction is such, that we may understand you to say, " Some of the European " rulers may be females, when spoken of alto- " gether " ; or we may understand you to say, " when spoken of altogether, they may be correctly " classified under the denomination ' kings ' " ; but, even in this last clause, it is evident that you say one thing and mean another. The context shows that what you meant, was, " they may correctly be " classified ", not " they may be correctly classified " Slight as is the apparent difference here, the real difference is very great. If I say, " they may be " correctly classified ", my words mean that the classification may be made in a correct manner ; 102 THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. but if I say, " they may correctly he classified ", the meaning is, that it is correct to classify them. In the first example, the adverb qualifies the past participle " classified " ; in the second, it qualifies the passive verb to " be classified " ; or, in other words, the adverb in the former instance describes the thing as being properly done ; and, in the latter instance, as being a thing proper to do. One word more before we finish with this strange sentence of yours. On page 59 I had to ask you why, when speaking of a man, you used the slang expression, " an individual ". I have here, to ask you a question which is still graver. Why, when speaking of women, and one of those the highest lady in the land, do you apply to them the most debasing of all slang expressions ? You speak of " some of the European rulers ", [there are but two to whom your words can refer ; — our own Sovereign Lady, and the Queen of Spain,] and you describe them by an epithet which cannot appro- priately be used except concerning the sex of animals! — they are, you tell us, — "females" ! I am sure that all who desire your welfare will join me in hoping that Her Majesty will not see your hook. It is but too evident that in condemning these slang phrases, as you do in your 'Queen's THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. 103 1 English \ page 246, you are echoing the senti- ments of some other writer, rather than expressing your own abhorrence of slang. I shall be glad it you are able to inform me that I am mistaken in this particular; and that you have not been quoting, but have been giving us original matter. Eeverting to the error occasioned by a comma in the former part of your sentence, I may give, as another example of the importance of correct punctuation, an extract from a letter in * The 1 Times' of June 19th, 1863 ; there, simply by the placing of the smallest point, a comma, before, instead of after, one of the smallest words in the language, the word " on ", the whole meaning of | the sentence is entirely altered, and it is made to express something so horrible that the reader shudders at the mere suggestion oF it. The letter is on the American war, and the writer says, "The loss of life w r ill hardly fall short " of a quarter of a million ; and how many more "were better with the dead than doomed to crawl, "on the mutilated victims of this great national "crime!" He meant to say, — "than doomed to " crawl on, the mutilated victims of this great " national crime." While pointing out this solitary error, 1 emphati- 104 THE DEAJSTS ENGLISH. cally protest against the injustice of your remarks concerning the general inaccuracy of the composi- tion of ' The Times.' I hold that, to those per- sons who are desirous of perfecting themselves in the English language, no better course of study can be recommended than the constant perusal of the leading articles in our principal daily paper. That faults are to be found even there, occasionally, must be admitted ; but they are very few. The style, varying according to the subject under considera- tion, is familiar without being coarse, and dignified without being ostentatious. The language is powerful, yet is never marred by invectives ; trenchant, yet never at the sacrifice of courtesy. Free alike from vulgarism and slovenliness on the one hand, and from formality and pedantry on the other, the student may safely take it as a model on which to form a style that will enable him to express his thoughts with grace, precision, and persuasiveness. But I must hasten to the conclusion of my letter. You say, " The derivation of the word, as " well as the usage of the great majority of " English writers, fix the spelling the other way ", i.e. This (as well as that) fix it! Excuse me, but I must ask why you write thus, even though THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. 105 by putting the question, I put you " in a fix " to answer it. You speak of " the final ' u ' in tenour ", and " the final ' s ' in months ". You might just as reasonably speak of the final " a " in the alphabet. These errors are so gross that I cannot forbear reproving you in your own words. "Surely it is "an evil J or a people to he daily accustomed to read " English expressed thus obscurely and ungrammati- " cally : it tends to confuse thought, and to deprive " language of its proper force, and by this means to " degrade us as a nation in the rank of thinkers and " speakers." In your second essay you are loud in praise of variety in composition ; and variety enough you undoubtedly have given us ; but, unfortunately, the variety is not of that description which, in our school days, writing-masters made us describe in our copy-books as " charming ". We have found, in your Essays on the Queens English, errors in the use of pronouns ; errors in the use of nouns, both substantive and adjective ; errors in the use of verbs and of adverbs ; and errors in the use of prepositions. There are errors in composi- tion, and errors in punctuation ; errors of ellipsis, and errors of redundancy; specimens of ambiguity, 108 THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. and specimens of squinting constructions ; speci- mens of slang, and specimens of misquotation of an opponent's words ; and, worst of all, a specimen of a misquotation of Scripture. Add to this the following specimens of tautology and tautophony, and the list will, I think, be complete. As you have introduced into your essays the short preface to your Poems, that preface becomes fairly amenable to criticism, and I remark that in it you say, " This will account for a few specimens " of Transatlantic orthography for which the " author must not be accounted responsible ". The following is from your third essay : — " An " officer whose duty it is to keep a counter-roll, or " check on the accounts of others. It seems also " clear, from this account of the word, that it " ought not," &c. Then I read, " One word on ' this ' and i that ', " as we pass onward ". " At last we abated the nuisance by enacting, '- that in future the debatable first syllable should u be dropped ". " Thought and speech have ever been freer in "England than in other countries. From these "and other circumstances, the English language " has become more idiomatic than most others ". THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. 107 " The sentences which I have quoted are but a "few out of the countless instances in our best " writers, and in their most chaste and beautiful "passages, in which this usage occurs. On ex- a amining into it, we find " — &c, &c. Enough ! It was my intention to say a few words of caution to students of the Queen's English, on your advice to them to disregard the rules of grammarians and be guided by custom and common sense ; but, on second thoughts, I am sure that any further remarks must be unnecessary ; fur if your plan cannot do more for its teacher, there need be no fear that it will be followed by any sagacious pupil. I had fully intended to speak also on the neces- sity of a more thorough study of English at our Universities; but any remarks on that, will likewise be considered needless ; for, your own English is, itself, a volume on the subject. Nevertheless, read what appeared in the 'Comhill ' Magazine' for May, 1861 : — " In Greek and Latin, 11 no doubt, the clergy have advanced as fast as their " age, or faster. University men now write Greek " Iambics, as every one knows, rather better than " Sophocles, and would no more think of violating " the Pause than of violating an oath. A good 108 THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. " proportion of them are also perfectly at home in u the calculation of perihelions, nodes, mean " motions, and other interesting things of the same "kind, which it is unnecessary to specify more " particularly. So far the clergy are at least on a " level with their age. But this is all that can be " said. When we come to their mother-tongue a " different story is to he told. Their English — the " English of their sermons — is nearly where it was " a hundred years ago. The author of ' Twenty " 'years in the Church'' makes the driver of a coach " remark to his hero, that young gentlemen from " college preparing to take orders appear to have " learned everything except their own language. " And so they have. Exceptions, of course, there " are, many and bright ; but in the main the charge "is true. The things in which, compared with " former ages, they excel so conspicuously, are the 11 very things which have least concern with their " special calling. The course of their progress has " reversed the course of charity ; — it began abroad, " and has never yet reached home/' There are, however, a few English scholars who are patriotically fighting under the banner of their own country against the supremacy of foreign languages in our schools and our colleges ; and fore- THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. 109 most among that few is the English lecturer at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, — the Eev. Alex. J. D. D'Orsey, B.D. ; a man of great ability, and one who, for his persevering efforts to awaken an interest in the study of the English language and obtain for it in our Universities that place of honour to which it is entitled, deserves the highest praise. He draws a melancholy picture, but a true one, when, in his I Plea for the study of the English Language \ he writes ; — " To such as can hardly believe, that in "our Public Schools, Colleges, and Universities, "there is not the slightest special training in II English, even for those who are about to enter " Holy Orders, I can only say that, however sur- prising it may seem, it is the simple fact. Some " have said, that no English teaching is needed in " our Universities, for men are sufficiently in- " structed in the language when they ' come up \ " I meet this by a simple denial, adding that most " men are not sufficiently instructed even when they " 'go down. I appeal to College Tutors, Examiners, " Bishops' Chaplains, and to the Public, whether " I exaggerate or not in making this assertion.*" Eead also the 'Report of Her Majesty's Commis- 1 sioners appointed to inquire into the management 1 of certain Colleges and Schools'. (Presented to Parliament by command of Her Majesty, March, 110 THE DEAJSTS ENGLISH. 1864) The following is from the Eeport of the ex- amination of the head master of Eton, " the greatest " and most influential of our Public Schools." " Question, No. 3530. [Lord Clarendon.] ' What " ' measures do you now take to keep up English at " c Eton ? ' — * There are none at present, except " ' through the ancient languages.' ''Question, No. 3531. 'You can scarcely learn " ' English reading and writing through Thucy- "'dides?'— 'No/ " Question, No. 3532. [Sir S. Northcote.] 'You " ' do not think it is satisfactory ? ' — l No ; the " ' English teaching is not satisfactory, and as a " ' question of precedence, I would have English " ' taught before French.' " Question, No. 3533. ' You do not consider that Cl ' English is taught at present ? ' — ' No! " What a disgrace to us as Englishmen is this ! — that our noble language, — the language of our prayers to the Throne of Heaven; the language of the dearest and holiest relationships of life ; the language of the maternal lips that have blessed us and are now silent in the grave; the language of our sorrows and our joys, our aspirations and our regrets ; the language in which we breathe our consolations to the dying and our farewells to those whom we love ; the language in which are THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. Ill embalmed the stirring appeals of our patriots and the thrilling battle-cries of our warriors ; the language of our funeral dirges over those who have fallen in defence of our homes, our children, and our liberties ; the language in which have been sung our poeans of triumph in the hours of victo- ries which have made England great among the nations ; that this language, — the language of Shakspeare, of Milton, and of the Bible, should be utterly ignored as a study in our schools and our colleges ! This is indeed a disgrace such as the barbarians of Greece and of Eome never incurred ; and a disgrace upon which men in future ages of the world will look back with wonder. Ah ! Doctor Alford, we find you guilty of injuring by your example and your influence a glorious inheritance, such as has been bequeathed to no other nation under heaven.* I can believe that the English language is destined to be that in which shall arise, as in one universal temple, the utterance of the worship of * Grimm says, " The English tongue possesses a veritable " power of expression, such as, perhaps, never stood at the " command of any other language of man." — ' Ur sprung cler 1 Sprache,' p. 52. " Take it all in all, it is the grandest and the richest of " modern tongues."— ' Edinburgh Review,' July, 1864, p. 176. 112 THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. all hearts. Broad and deep have the foundations been laid; and so vast is the area which they cover, that it is co-extensive with the great globe itself. For centuries past, proud intellectual giants have laboured at this mighty fabric ; and still it rises, and will rise for generations to come: and on its massive stones will be inscribed the names of the profoundest thinkers, and on its springing arches the records of the most daring flights of the master minds of genius, whose fame was made enduring by their love of the Beautiful and their adoration of the All Good. In this temple the Anglo-Saxon mosaic of the sacred words of truth will be the solid and enduring pavement; the dreams of poets will fill the rich tracery of its windows with the many-coloured hues of thought ; and the works of lofty philosophic minds will be the stately columns supporting its fretted roof, whence shall hang, sculptured, the rich fruits of the tree of knowledge, precious as "apples of " gold ", — " the words of the wise ". I am, Eev. Sir, Yours most respectfully, G. WASHINGTON MO 1HE DEAN'S ENGLISH. 113 Note. — Since the publication of the previous edition of these letters, I have discovered, in a back number of ' The Edinburgh Review \ the following passage on the prospects of the English language : — " The time seems fast approaching when the English " language will exercise over the other languages of the " world a predominance which our forefathers little dreamt " of. The prospects of the English language are now the " most splendid that the world has ever seen. The entire " number of persons who speak certain of the languages " of Northern Europe, — languages of considerable literary " repute, — is not equal to the number simply added every " year, by the increase of population, to those who speak " the English language in England and America alone. " There are persons now living* who will in all probability "see it the vernacular language of one hundred and fifty " millions of the earth's civilized population. " Although French is spoken by a considerable propor- tion of the population in Canada, and although in the " United States there is a large and tolerably compact body "of German- speaking Germans, these languages must " gradually melt away, as the Welsh and the Gaelic have " melted away before the English in our own island. The " time will speedily be here when a gigantic community in "America, — besides rising and important colonies in "Africa and Australia, — will speak the same language, " and that the language of a nation holding a high position "among th.3 empires of Europe. When this time shall * 1859. 1 14 THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. "have arrived, the other languages of Europe will be " reduced to the same relative position with regard to the " predominant language, as that in which the Basque " stands to the Spanish, or the Finnish to the Russian. " For such predominance the English language pos- " sesses admirable qualifications ; standing, as it does, " midway between the Germanic and the Scandinavian "branches of the ancient Teutonic, and also uniting the " Teutonic with the Romanic in a manner to which no " other language has any pretension. A prize was given "in 1796 by the Academy at Berlin for an essay on the " comparison of fourteen ancient and modern languages of " Europe, and in that essay the author, Jenisch, assigns "the palm of general excellence to the English; it has " also been allowed by other German critics that in regard " to the qualifications which it possesses for becoming a " general interpreter of the literature of Europe, not even "their own language can compete with it." — 'Edinburgh ' Review \ vol. cix, p. 375,6. THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. CEITICISM No. IV. EXAMPLE VerSUS PRECEPT. Eev. Sir, A very few more words, and then I close this controversy. You said in ' Good Words ' for 1863, page 437, " The less you turn your words " right or left to observe Mr. Moon's rules, the tetter". It will provoke a smile on the face of the reader to be told that although, you give this advice to others, you have, in your second edition, altered and struck out, altogether, not fewer than eight- and-twenty passages which, in their original form, I condemned as faulty. I 2 116 THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. It is scarcely requisite to say that " altered " does not necessarily imply " corrected ". For example, in 'Good Words 9 you wrote, — "You perhaps have "heard of the barber who, while operating on a "gentleman, expressed his opinion, that, after all, " the cholera was in the hair. 9 ' As " altered ", the sentence runs thus, — " We remember in Punch the a barber who, while operating ", &c. This, of course, suggests the idea that Punch, besides being a wit, and a satirist, is also a barber, and that he operates not only upon human consciences but also upon human chins ! You will very likely put in your irresistible plea, — "We do not write for idiots"; but, seeing you are always trying to make us believe that the style you advocate is one pre-eminent for its direct and simple clearness, why did you not say, — " We " remember reading in 'Punch,' of the barber who/' &c. ? This would have been much more perspicuous. For the entertainment of the curious in such matters, the original passages, published in ' Good ' Words ' and condemned in the ' Dean's English ', and the altered passages, as they now appear in the second edition of your ' Queen's English ', are subjoined in parallel columns. THE DEAJSTS ENGLISH. 117 THE DEAN S ENGLISH. THE QUEEN'S ENGLISH. I. " So far from its being ' so well * known a fact ' that we reserve the singular pronouns 'thou' and 'thee' Struck out 'entirely for our addresses in prayer 'to Him who is the highest Person- ality ', it is not a fact." — p. 6. II. "You say, 'The great enemies jj to understanding anything printed 'in our language are the commas. 'And these are inserted by the 'compositors without the slightest ' compunction.' I should say that the great enemy to our understand- ing these sentences of yours is the want of commas." — p. 11. III. "You speak of persons 'mending ' their ways '; and in the very next paragraph you speak of 'the Queen's Struck out. ' highivay ', and of ' by-roads ' and 'private roads ' ". — p. 11. IY. "Immediately after your speak- ing of 'things without life', you A comma has been inserted between " compositors " and "without the slight - " est compunction ". —p. 99. 118 THE DEAN'S ENGLISH, THE DEAN S ENGLISH. THE QUEEN'S ENGLISH. startle us with that strange sen- tence of yours, — 'I will introduce 'the body of my essay'. Introduce the body J 12. Struck out. "'But to be more serious', as you say in your essay, and then immediately give us a sentence in which the grave and the grotesque are most incongruously blended. I read, 'A man does not lose his 'mother now in the papers. 9 I have read figurative language which spoke of lawyers being lost in their papers, and of students being buried in their books ; but I never read of a man losing his mother in the "-p. 12. rs, a "In the papers, man does not now lose his mother." p. 251. VI. "In the sentence, 'I only bring 'forward some things \ the adverb 'only' is similarly misplaced; for, in the following sentence, the words ' Plenty more might be said ', show that the ' only ' refers to the ' some ' things ', and not to the fact of your THE DEAJSTS ENGLISH. Ill) THE DEAN S ENGLISH. THE QUEEN'S ENGLISH. bringing them forward. The sen- tence should therefore have been, 'I bring forward some things only'", —p. 14. Struck out. VII. " In your essay, you say, c I re- ' member, when the French band of "I remember, when * the ' Gkiides ' were in this country, the French band of * reading in the ' Illustrated News ' \ the ' Guides ' were in Were the Frenchmen, when in this this country, to have country, reading in 'The Illustrated read in the 'Illus- * ' Nnvs 9 ? or did you mean that you * trated News ' ". — p. remembered reading in ' The Illus- 249. mated News 999 ?— -p. 17. VIII. " You also say, ' It is not so much * of the great highway itself of the * Queen 9 s English that I would now ' speak, as of some of the laws of the « The bye-rules, so * road; the by-rules, to compare small to speak, which hang 'things with great, which hang up up framed at the v a r- 1 framed at the various stations '. i ous stations." — p. 5. What are the great things which hang up framed at the various sta- tions ? " — p. 18 120 THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. THE DEAN S ENGLISH. THE QUEEN'S ENGLISH. IX. " So, too, in that sentence which introduces the body of your essay, yon speak of 'the reluctance which ' we in modem Europe have to giving 1 any prominence to the personality s of single individuals in social inter- ' course ' ; and yet it was evidently not of single individuals in social intercourse that you intended to speak, but of giving, in social inter- course, any prominence to the per- sonality of single individuals/' — p. 18. Struck out. " Continuing my review of your essay, I notice that it is said of a traveller on the Queen's highway, ' He bowls along it with ease in a ' vehicle, which a few centuries ago ' would have been broken to pieces in 4 a deep rut, or come to grief in a ' bottomless sw atrip '. There being here no words immediately before 'come', to indicate in what tense that verb is, I have to turn back to find the tense, and am obliged to read the sentence thus, ' would have " He bowls along it with ease in a vehicle, which a few centu- ries ago would have been broken to pieces in a deep rut, or would have come to grief in a bottomless swamp." — p. 2. TEE DEAN'S ENGLISH. 121 THE DEAN S ENGLISH. THE QUEEN'S ENGLISH. 1 been broken to pieces in a deep 1 rut, or [would have been] come to ' grief in a bottomless swamp ' ". —p. 25. XI. " Further on, I find you speaking of 'that fertile source of mistakes 'among our clergy, the mispronun- ' elation of Scripture proper names'. It is not the 'mispronunciation of 1 Scripture proper names ' which is the source of mistakes ; the mis- pronunciation of Scripture proper names constitutes the mistakes themselves of which you are speak- ing; and a thing cannot at the same time be a source, and that which flows from it." — p. 26. XII. "In some sentences your pro- nouns have actually no nouns to which they apply. For example, you say, 'a journal published by 1 these people \ By what people ? Where is the noun to which this relative pronoun refers ? In your head it may have been, but it cer- tainly is not in your essay." — p. 31. Struck out. " A journal pub- lished by the advo- cates of this change." —p. 14. 122 TEE DEAN'S ENGLISH. THE THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. QUEEN'S ENGLISH. XIII. "Only eight -and -twenty nouns . , , , , , The paragraph has intervening between the pronoun r . n ] , . , , -, x1 < 7 7 . , , . i-i been entirely recon- * it and the noun habit to which • J Jrk . , n i„ oo structed. — p. 42. it refers ! — p. 32. r XIY. " You make the assertion that " In the English the possessive pronoun 'its 9 'never version of the Bible, occurs in the 'English version of made in its present ' the Bible '. Look ' at Leviticus authorized form in xxv, 5, ' That which groweth of its the reign of James J." ' own accord ' ". — p. 33. — p. 7. XY. There are, in your second essay, some very strange specimens of Queen's English. You say, * The "The one rule * one rule, of all others, which he w hi c h i s supposed by ' cites '. Now as, in defence of your tlie or dinary rheto- particular views, you appeal largely r i c ians to regulate to common sense, let me ask, in t } ie arrangement of the name of that common sense, WO rds in sentences how can one thing be another | s » ^ Cj p |23. thing ? How can one rule be of all other rules the one which I cite ? " —p. 48. THE DEAJSTS ENGLISH. 123 the THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. QUEEN'S ENGLISH. XVI. " You say, ' The verb is not a ' strict neuter - substantive '. Your In a previous para- sentence is an explanation of your graph we now read of use of the word 'oddly", in the a verb, "of that class phrase, ' would read rather oddly ' ; called neuter - sub - and oddly enough you have explained stantive, i.e., neuter, it: ' would read' is the conditional and akin in construe - form of the verb ; and how can that tion to the verb-sub- ever be either a neuter-substantive, stantive to be." — p. or a substantive of any other kind?" 206. —p. 50. XVII. " Again, you say, ' The whole ' number is divided into two classes : ! the first class, and the last class. To ' the former of these belong three : to ' the latter, one '. That is, ' To the 'former of these belong three; to " To tne f o rmer of 4 the latter [belong] one'; one belong! tnese belong three: When, in the latter part of a com- to the latter belongs pound sentence, we change the one ' P* ^ 0# nominative, we must likewise change the verb, that it may agree with its nominative." — p. 51. XVIII. "The error is repeated in the very next sentence. You say, ' There are three that are ranged 124 TEE DEAN'S ENGLISH. THE THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. QUEEN'S ENGLISH. "There are three i under the description 'first 1 : and ' one that is ranged under the des- cription 'last". That is, 'There ,_ _ . ? n , , ,, ,, j j the description* first ; are three that are ranged nnder , ., . , ,,, t ... .« ,, -. r , 7 and there is one that the description first ; and [there . t -i j.i j. • j j il is ranged nnder the * are] one that is ranged nnder the , w ' description 'last." There are onel" ^\ rt ki — p. 146. — p. 51. r XIX. " It appears to me that, before yon have finished a sentence, yon have forgotten how yon began it. Here is another instance. Yon say, ' We call a ' cup-board ' a ' cubbard ', * a ' half -penny ' a ' haepenny ', and ' so of many other compound words'. Had yon begun yonr sentence thus, " We call a ' cup- ' We speak of a 'cup-board' as a ' board ' a ' cubbard ', ' ' cubbard ', of a 'half-penny' as a a 'half-penny' a 'hae- ' ' haepenny ', it would have been ' pny ', and we simi- correct to say, ' and so of many larly contract many 'other compound words'; because other compound the clause would mean, ' and so \we words." — p. 53. ' speak"] of many other compound ' words ' ; but having begun the sentence with ' We call 1 it is sheer nonsense to finish it with ' and so ' of 1 ; for it is saying, ' and so [we ' call] of many other compound ' words ' ". — p. 53. THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. 125 THE DEAN S ENGLISH. THE QUEEN'S ENGLISH. XX. "You speak of rules laid down * by the dictionaries' and by the 'pro- * feasors of rhetoric 9 ; thus substi- tuting, in one case, the works for the men; and, in the other case, speaking of the men themselves. Why not either speak of the ' com- 'pilers of dictionaries 1 and the 'pro- cessors of rhetoric '; or else speak of the * dictionaries ' and the * trea- tises on rhetoric 'f " — p. 55. Struck out. XXI. "The construction of some of your sentences is very objectionable : rou say, 'I have noticed the word "party 9 used for an individual, "The word ' par ty\ ■ occurring in Shakspeare '; instead for a man, occurs * of, 'I have noticed, in Shakspeare, in Shakspeare." — p. ' the word ' party ' used for an 246. 'individual.' But how is it that you call a man 'an individual 9 ? " —p. 59. XXII. "You say, 'While treating of 'the pronunciation of those who 1 minister in public, two other 126 THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. THE THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. QUEEN'S ENGLISH. ' words occur to me which are very ' commonly mangled by our clergy. ' One of these is * covetous \ and its .. T , /7 . ,,,..« , ti 1 nope r/iat some substantive covetousness . 1 nope - 7 . 7 7 . _ J7 7 . .__ _ x oj my clerical readers some who read mese toes will be .,, , . 1 -. ,.-,,', «, . will be induced to induced to leave on pronouncing , ^ , , . leave on pronouncing 'them 'covetious , and 'covetious- ,-, , ,. , i , them 'covetious and ness . I can assure mem, that t ,. , j _ , . „ _ covetiousness . I ' when thev do thus call mem, one, , -, , , ] J . . . can assure them, that * at least, of their hearers has his , , , , ,, . . n -, - i • -.. when they do thus ' appreciation of their teaching dis- ^ ^ w§; , & ^ 'turbed'. I fancy that many a one who reads these lines will have Ms appreciation of your teaching disturbed." — p. 62. -p. 63. XXIII. " Speaking of the word 'its\ you say, * Its apparent occurrence in the 'place quoted is simply due to the 1 King's printers, who have modern- Struck out. ' ised the passage '. 'Apparent occur- ' rence'! It is a real occurrence. Are we not to believe our eyes ? " — p. 71. XXIY. " As for the ' King's printers \ it was not they who introduced the word ' its ' into the English Bible. THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. 127 THE THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. QUEEN'S ENGLTSH. The first English Bible in which the word is found, is one that was printed at a time when there was « ^ n alteration by no King on the English throne, con- ^ e printers" p. 7. sequently when there were no 'King's printers': it was printed during the Conimon wealth." — p. 71. XXY. " The following is, if intentional, which I cannot believe, the boldest instance of misquotation of Scrip- ture, to suit a special purpose, that I ever met with. You say, 'In 1 Numbers xii, 2, we read, ' Hath ' ' the Lord only spoken by Moses ? ' ' hath He not spoken also by us ? ' 'According to some of my cor- ' respondents, and to Mr. Moon's ' pamphlet, this ought to be ' Hath ' ' the Lord spoken only by Moses?' 'I 'venture to prefer very much the ' words as they stand'. Now, strange as it may appear, after your asser- tion, it is nevertheless a fact that the words, as you quote them, do not occur either in the authorised ver- sion, known as King James's Bible of 1611, or in our present version, 128 THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. THE THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. QUEEN'S ENGLISH. or in any other version that I have ever seen; and the words, in the order in which you say I and your other correspondents would have written them, do occur in every copy of the The Dean found Scriptures to which I have referred ! another passage, So you Yery much prefer the words which suited his pur- as they stand, do you? Ha! Ha! pose, and he quoted Ha ! So do L When next you it. — p. 143. write about the adverb ' only \ be sure you quote only the right pas- sage of Scripture to suit your purpose." — p. 73. XXYI. " You say, ' Though some of the * European rulers may be females, 6 when spoken of altogether, they may ' be correctly classified under the de- " Though some of * nomination ' kings ' \ In this the European rulers sentence, the clause which I have ma y be females, they put in italics has, what our Gallic may be correctly neighbours designate, * a squinting classified, when spo- ' construction ', it looks two ways ken of altogether, at once ; that is, it may be con- under the denomina- strued as relating either to the words tion 'kings ' ". — p. 97. which precede, or to those which follow. Absurd as would be the sentence, its construction is such, THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. 129 THE THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. QUEEN'S ENGLISH. that we may understand yon to say, 6 Some of the European rulers may 'be females, when spoken of al- 4 together.' "—p. 100. XXYIT. " You say, * The derivation of the * word, as ivell as the usage of the "The derivation of 1 greo,t majority of English writers, the word, as well as ' fix the spelling the other way '. i.e. the usage of the great This (as well as that)j^a? it! Excuse majority of English me, but I must ask you why you writers, fixes the write thus, even though by putting spelling the other the question, I put you 'in a fix' way." — p. 33. to answer it." — p. 104. XXVIII. "At last we abated "'At last we abated the nuisance the nuisance by en- «by enacting, that in future the acting that in future 'debatable first syllable should be the first syllable ' dropped ' ".—p. 106. should be dropped." —p. 56. In conclusion, allow me, Dr. Alford, to thank you for the compliment which you unintentionally pay me in making the foregoing alterations. It must be admitted that you were wise to alter your sentences ; — to turn your words right and K 130 THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. left in observance of certain rules. Forgive me if I smile at your quietly doing so after you had advised your readers to do nothing of the sort. It would have been more noble openly to have acknowledged yourself to have been in error. I now close this controversy, and take my leave of you ; and, in doing so, I venture to express a hope that you will never again so presume upon your reputation and position as to treat an adver- sary with contempt. Few persons are so exalted that they can with safety be supercilious ; few are so lowly that they may with impunity be despised. I am, Eev. Sir, Yours most respectfully, G. WASHINGTON MOOI To The Very Eev. Henry Alford, d.d., Dean of Canterbury. THE DEAN'S ENGLISH CRITICISM Xo. V. PARALLELISMS. Rev. Sie, It was not my intention to say anything more to you respecting the Queen's English ; but happening one day to be passing a shop where second-hand books are sold, and seeing one with a perfectly plain cover, without any title, I had the curiosity to stop and open it ; and finding that it was an old Quarterly Review containing an essay on ' Modern English ', I purchased it for sixpence ; and I cannot resist the temptation to communicate to you what I then discovered ; namely, the very close resemblance which parts of that essay bear to certain parts of your ' Queen's English \ I looked for the date of the Review, to sea if the writer had been borrowing from your book, with- K 2 132 THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. out acknowledgment ; but I found that the essay had been published some years before your book was in print. That you yourself are not the author of that essay is evident, not only from the fluency of style in which it is written, but also from the extensive knowledge which the author has of his subject. With regard to literary parallelisms generally, I can believe it to be possible that to different students engaged in the same inquiry there will sometimes be presented the same ideas ; but when, in two wholly independent works, those ideas are expressed in similar words, and are illustrated by the same examples ; and when this occurs not once only, nor twice only, but nearly a score of times in a dozen pages, the coincidence is so singular that it challenges investigation. Are we to accept such facts as an astonishing instance of unintentional identity of thought and illustration in two writers ; or are we to believe that the later writer has been too proud to acknowledge his obli- gations to the earlier, though not too proud to appropriate, and give forth as his own, the re- flections and observations to which only the earlier writer could lay claim ? I purpose to bring together various passages from TEE DEAN'S ENGLISH. 133 ' Modern English ' and from € The Queen's English \ and to ask you if you can give any explanation of the strange concurrence of ideas observable in the two works ; for although some of the parallelisms, considered separately, may be thought to be not very striking ; the whole, considered collectively, is, beyond dispute, remarkable. That this opinion is not held by me only, will be apparent from the following quotation from 'The Saturday Review'. — " There is such a striking likeness between many " of the Dean's remarks and illustrations and some " w r hich have appeared in our own pages, that we " can hardly speak a good word for Dean Alford " without at the same time speaking it for ourselves. " To be sure we do not stand alone in this incidental " likeness. We think w r e could point to an article " in a Quarterly Eeview which has since ' ceased to " ' exist ', the likeness between which and Dean " Alford's ' Plea ' is more striking still/' Need I tell you that the book which I purchased, and that to which the foregoing quotation refers, is the last number that was published of * Bentley's Quarterly 1 Review ' ? Very few copies are now T to be met with : but perhaps the author of ' Modern English ' will be induced to issue a reprint of that excellent essay. It ought to be read by every student of 134 THE DEANS ENGLISH. the language. Whether its re-appearance would, by you personally, be regarded with pleasure, or not, of course I cannot doubt. If it had never before come under your notice, you might be thankful to have the opportunity of carefully studying it ; for, the author's thoughts and illustrations are so re- markably in unison with your own, that their oneness will often be a subject of mystery, even to the psychologist ; while their parallel expressions will make another treasure to be added to the curiosities of literature. If, on the contrary, the author has already befriended you in your search after knowledge, you, for that reason, might be glad to see his essay re-published ; as it would afford you a suitable occasion on which to offer an apology for your past silence respecting a great obligation ; a silence which I suppose we must, in very charity, attribute to forgetfulness. I am, Eev. Sir, Yours most respectfully, G. WASHINGTON MOON. EXTRACTS FEOM 'MODERN ENGLISH', AN ESSAY IN ' Bentley's Quarterly Keview ', Yol. II. p. 518-542. Learning to read is said to be the hardest of human acquirements. Nothing, indeed, could make us doubt the truth of the saying, except that so many people who succeed in mastering this greatest of difficulties break down in attempting the easier branches of knowledge which follow. To judge by experience, the hardest and rarest of all these later achievements would seem to be that of writing one's mother tongue. In these days, to be sure, everybody writes. But when we have got thus far, a fearful thought comes in, — How do we write ? We all write English, but what sort of English? Can our sentences be construed? Do our words really mean what we wish them to ? Of the vast mass of Eng- lish which is written and printed, how much is really clear and straightforward, free alike from pedantry, from affectation, and from vulgarity? — Modern English, p. 518. Of the many lines of thought which the prevalent 136 THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. vices of style open to us, there is one which we wish to work out at rather greater length. It is that which relates to language in the strictest sense — to the choice of words. The good old Macedonian rule of calling a spade a spade finds but few followers among us. The one great rule of the * high-polite style ' is to call a spade anything but a spade. — Modem English, p. 525. Call a spade a spade, not a well-known oblong instrument of manual husbandry. — Queen's English, p. 278. The shrinking from the plain honest speech of our Teutonic forefathers is ludicrous beyond everything. A public officer, from a prime minister to a post-office clerk, would be ashamed to send forth a despatch which a Dane, a German, or a Dutchman would recognize as written in a speech akin to his mother tongue. — Modem English, p. 526. What are the rules we ought to follow in the choice of words ? They seem to us to be very simple. Speak or write plain straightforward English, avoiding the affecta- tion of slang or of technicality on the one hand, and the affectation of purism and archaic diction on the other. The history of our mixed language seems to furnish us with two very sound principles : Never use a Romance word when a Teutonic one will do as well; — Modem Eng- lish, p. 529. Never use a long word where a short one will do. — Queen's English, p. 278* but on the other hand, Never scruple to use a Romance word when the Teutonic word will not do so well. * The Dean, with his usual inconsistency, speaks in a recent number of 'The Contemporary Review* [Vol. I, p. 438] of a " clirononhotonthologos" of hymns. Poor wretched, lumbago- stricken beast of a word ! Every joint in its long back groans out " .' " THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. 137 As Sir "Walter Scott, and so many after him, remarked, we still have to go to the Norman for our dressed meats. — Modern English, p. 531. We all remember that Gurth and Wamba complain in 'Ivanhoe'" that the farm animals, as long as they [? the farm animals] had the toil of tending them [? Gurth and Wamba] were called by the Saxoa and British names, ox, sheep, calf, pig ; but when they were cooked and brought to table, their invaders [? the invaders of the pigs] enjoyed them under Norman and Latin names. — Queen's English, p. 243. Our language is one essentially Teutonic; the whole skeleton of it is thoroughly so ; all its grammatical forms, all the pronouns, particles, & :., without which a sentence cannot be put together; all the most necessary nouns and verbs, the names of the commonest objects, the ex- pressions of the simplest emotions are still identical with that old mother-tongue whose varying forms lived on the lips of Arminius and of Hengist, &c. — Modern English, p. 529. Almost all its older and simpler ideas, both for things and acts, are expressed by Saxon words. — Queen's English, p. 242. But the moment you get upon anything in the least degree abstract or technical, you cannot write a sentence without using Romance words in every line. — Modern English, p. 530. »AU its vehicles of abstract thought and science were clothed in a Latin garb. — Queen s English, p. 243. We have the two elements, the original stock and the infusion ; we must be content to use both ; the only thing is to learn to use each in its proper place. — Modern Eng- lish, p. 530. 138 THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. It would be mere folly in a man to attempt to confine him- self to one or other of these main branches of the language. — Queen's English, p. 243. The whole literature of notices, advertisements, and handbills — no small portion of our reading in these days — seems to have declared war to the knife against every trace of the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes. — Modern Eng- lish, p. 527. Our journals seem indeed determined to banish our com- mon Saxon words altogether.— Queen s English, p. 245. There are a few words which will obstinately stick to their places : 'of and ' and ' ' in 9 and * out \ ' you 9 , i I\ and 'they 9 , 'is 9 and 'was 9 and 'shall 9 , and a few more of the like kind, seem to have made up their minds not to move. But ' man 9 , ' woman \ ' child 9 , and ' house 9 have already become something like archaisms. — Modern English, p. 527. You never read in them of a man, or a woman, or a child. — Queen's English, p. 245. What ens rationis of any spirit would put up with being called ' a man \ when he can add four more syllables to his account of himself, and be spoken of as 1 cm individual 9 ? The man is clean gone, quite wiped out ; his place is filled up by ' individuals ', ' gentlemen 9 , ' characters \ and 'parties \ — Modern English, p. 527. A 'man' is an ' individual' ', or a 'person', or a 'party'. — Queen's English, p, 245. The ' woman \ who in times past was the ' man 9 s ' wife, has vanished still more completely. In all * high-polite ' writing, it is a case of ' Oh no, we never mention her/ The law of euphemisms is somewhat capricious ; one THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. 139 cannot always tell which words are decent and which are not. The ' coiv ' may be spoken of with perfect propriety in the most refined circles : in this case it is the male animal which is not fit to be mentioned ; at least, Ameri- can delicacy requires that he should be spoken of as a * gentleman coiv '. But the female of ' horse ' is doubtful, that of ' dog ' is wholly proscribed. When the existence of such a creature must be hinted at, ' lady dog ' supplies a parallel formula to ' gentleman cow '. And it really seems as if the old-fashioned feminine of 'man 9 were fast getting proscribed in like manner. We, undiscerning male creatures that we are, might have thought that ' woman ' was a more elegant and more distinctive title than 'female \ — Modem English, p. 527. A ' woman' is a 4 female '. — Queen's English, p. 246. We read only the other day a report of a lecture on the poet Crabbe, in which she who was afterwards Mrs. Crabbe was spoken of as ' a female to whom he had formed ' an attachment \ To us, indeed, it seems that a man's wife should be spoken of in some way which is not equally applicable to a ewe lamb or to a favourite mare. — Modern English, p. 527. Why should a ' woman' be degraded from her position as a rational being, and be expressed [sic] by a word which might belong to any animal tribe ? — Queen's English, p. 246. But it was a 'female' who delivered the lecture, and we suppose the 'females 1 know best about their own affairs. It is true, 'female * is not our only choice : there are also ' ladies ' in abundance, and a still more remarkable class of ' young persons \ Why a ' young person ' in- variably means a young ivomau is a great mystery, especially as we believe an ' old person ' may be of either sex. — Modem English, p. 527. 140 THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. A 'woman' is, if unmarried, a 'young person ', which expression, in the newspapers, is always of the feminine gender. — Queen's English, p. 246. Men and women being no more, it is only natural that ' children ' should follow them. There are no longer any * boys ' and ' girls 9 ; there are instead * young gentlemen \ * young ladies \ 'juveniles ', 'juvenile members of the ' community 9 . — Modem English, p. 527. A 'child' is a 'juvenile'. — Queen's English, p. 246. ' Houses \ too, have disappeared along with those who used to live in them. A 'man 9 and a ' woman 9 used to * live 9 in a * house '; but an * individual 9 , or a 'party \ when he has conducted to the 'hymeneal altar 9 the young 'female 9 , to whom he has 'formed an attachment ', cannot possibly do less than take her to * reside 9 in a ' residence \ A ' house ' ! there is no such thing : there is the genus * residence 9 , divided into the several species of 'mansion 9 , ' villa residence ', ' cottage residence ', and * tenement \ — Modern English, p. 528. A man going home is set down as * an individual ' pro- ceeding to his 'residence'. — Queen's English, p. 248. England used to be studded with * inns ' — inns where it was said that one used to get one's warmest welcome. ISTow, there are no such things : to be sure, there are * hotels 9 , which do not contain a single ' room 9 , but which are full of ' apartments \ — Modem English, p. 528. No one lives in 'rooms' hut always in 'apartments'. — Queen's English, p. 248. As man and his dwelling-place exist no longer, it is no wonder that all the sorts and conditions of men to whom one was used are now to be traced no longer. * Lords 9 and * nobles ' have made way for an 'aristocracy 9 of whom THE DEAJSTS ENGLISH. 141 the law of England knows nothing; and the whole commons of this realm, who once were * the people of ' England,' have now sunk into ' the million ', and * the * masses '. A ' shop ' is an ' establishment '; and to * take a walk' is to 'promenade 9 . Our 'landowners' are 'pro- prietors ', our 'farmers' and 'yeomen' are 'agriculturists' , and the * working man ', who toils in the sweat of his brow, is content to cease to have a substantive being at all, and to be spoken of, like a metaphysical abstraction, as an ' operative '.—Modern English, p. 528. One form of the vice of which we complain is the fashion of using purely abstract nouns, just because they are longer and stranger, to express very simple things. * Locality ', for instance, is a good philosophical term, but it is an intolerable barbarism when used as a mere synonym for 'place'. — Modern English, p. 528. We never hear of a 'place', it is always a 'locality'. — Queen's English, p. 248. ' Celebrity ', again, may pass as an abstract term ; it is a mere vulgarism when used of a celebrated person. Then, again, there is the mere affectation of grandeur which makes a maid- of- all- work talk of her ' situation ', a house-agent talk of his ' clients ', and a schoolmaster dub himself * Principal of a Collegiate Institution \ In short, this sort of slang pursues us from our cradles to our graves. The unfortunate 'party' or 'individual', when at last he is removed from his earthly ' residence ', cannot, like his fathers, be ' buried ' in a * church-yard ' or ' burying -ground '; some * company ' with ' Limited Ida- ' bility ' is ready to * inter ' him in a ' cemetery ' or in a ' metropolitan necropolis '. — Modern English, p. 538. Let us take another word used nearly like 'indi- ' vidua!', though its use is, what that of 'individual', 142 THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. we fear, hardly is, still felt as distinctively a vulgarism. This is 'party \ Here is a technical term, thoroughly good in its proper place, abused into a vile piece of slang. — Modern English, p. 537. . The word 'party' for a man is especially offensive. — Queen's English, p. 246. There is something very like it in our version of the Book of Tobit, vi, 7. * We must make a smoke thereof ' before the man or the woman, and the party shall be no ' more vexed '. — Modern English, p. 537. Strange to say, the use is not altogether modern. It occurs in the English version of the apocryphal book of Tobit, vi, 7. l If [a devil or] an evil spirit trouble any, one [? we] * must make a smoke thereof before the man or the woman, ' and the party shall be no more vexed'. — Queen's English, p. 246* A witness, we remember, in the famous Waterloo Bridge and carpet-bag mystery, ' saw a short party go ■ over the bridge \ A 'short party 9 , if it meant anything, might mean a political leader with a small following. But the witness hardly meant that he saw three or four statesmen of peculiar views go over the bridge, inasmuch as the * short party ', if we rightly remember, turned out to be one woman. — Modern English, p. 537. Curious is the idea raised in one's mind by hearing of a short party going over the bridge. — Queen's English, p. 247. *The reader will perceive that the Dean, by quoting only a part of the previous clause in the verse, has, virtually, misquoted the passage. According to the Dean's version, a smoke is to be made of the evil spirit! If that be so, might not Mrs. Glass's advice be useful ? — " First catch your hare". The Dean makes nonsense of the words; the verse really runs thus ; — " And he said unto him, Touching the heart and the liver, if " a devil or an evil spirit trouble any, we must make a smoke thereof " — &c. G. W. M. TEE DEAN'S ENGLISH. 143 So much for nouns, we will now try a verb or two. No word can be better in its place than to ' inquire \ but it is a strange abuse of language to employ it when you simply mean to ' ash \ Ask a waiter — waiters are, beyond all doubt, the greatest masters of the 'high-polite style ' — any sort of question, the time of a train, or the chance of a dinner, and he always answers * Til inquire \ JSTow, in the English language, to ' inquire ' implies a much more formal and lengthy business than merely to ' ash \ A Commission, say at Wakefield or at Gloucester, ' in- * quires ' into something, and, in the course of so doing, * asks ' a great many particular questions. But in the other cases, if you use ' inquire ' indiscriminately for ' ask ', you destroy its special force in its proper place. — Modern English, p. 538.* i Inquire \ however, is harmless compared with another verb, whose abuse is one of the most marked signs of the style we complain of. Those who call ' men ' ' indivi- ' duals ' are sure to ' allude to 9 them instead of speaking of them. Here, again, a thoroughly good word is per- verted. To ' allude to ' a thing is to speak of it darkly, * If the Dean, instead of wasting his time in a fruitless attempt to teach English, had turned his attention to the study of Hebrew, of which he is confessedly ignorant notwithstanding that as " a dignitary of "the church" he is "set for the defence of the gospel" and therefore ought to be "throughly furnished unto all good works ", he would have been able to render good service to the cause of truth by demonstrating that the alleged contradiction between 1 Samuel xxviii, 6, and 1 Chroni- cles x, 14, is apparent only, and not real. The words which in those two passages are translated "inquired" are, in the original, very different, the one from the other. There is no contradiction. Saul asked, but he did not inquire, and therefore "the Lord answered him not". An impor- tant lesson, quite worthy of a Dean's teaching, is treasured in the apparent incongruity, — " he inquired", and yet, "he inquired not." "Ye " shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall search for Me with all your "heart.'* G. W. M. 144 THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. to hint at it without any direct mention. To use it in any other way is to lose the use of a good word in its proper place. But suppose a letter goes wrong in the Post-office, and you write to St. Martin' s-le- Grand to complain. The invariable beginning of the official reply is to tell you the fate of the letter you allude to in your letter of such a date, though you have most likely alluded to nothing, but have told your story straightfor- wardly without hint or ' innuendo ' of any kind. — Modern English ', p. 539. 1 Allude to ' is used in a new sense by our journals, and not only by them, but also by the Government Offices. If I have to complain to the Post Office that a letter legibly directed to me at Canterbury has been missent to Caermarthen I get a regular red-tape reply, beginning c The letter alluded, to by you '. Now I did not ' allude to* the letter at all; I men- tioned it as plainly as I could. — Queen's English, p. 253. We have now done. If the English language goes to the dogs, it will not be for want of our feeble protest. We believe that to preserve our mother-tongue in its purity is a real duty laid upon every man who is called upon to speak or to write it. We do not at all write in the interest of any sort of archaism or affectation. We ask only for pure and straightforward English, rejecting neither element of our mixed language, but using the words supplied by both, in their proper places and in their proper meaning. We ask for English free from all trace of the cant and slang of this or that school or clique or profession; for a language neither 'provincial' nor ' metropolitan ' — English which is at once intelligible to the unlearned, and which will yet endure the searching criticism of the scholar. — Modern English, p. 542. APPENDIX. THE QUEEN'S ENGLISH. A Criticism from 'The Churchman.' We scarcely know whether to look upon the labours of Dean Alford in the cause of our language as a loss or as a gain. In many ways his remarks on the Queen's English must have been attended with good results. The wide circulation which they obtained, when first published in 1 Good Words ', has caused a vast number of persons to pay far more attention to this much-neglected subject than they had ever done before. Many have been brought for the first time to bestow a serious attention on their mother-tongue, and to see that the consideration of the words in which their thoughts are clothed is a matter of no small moment, and furnishes a true test of a nation's character and progress. In these papers they have been warned against the use of mean and slipshod English, against an affected and unnatural style, and, in fact, against most of the faults which mar the language of the present day, and which may be found so abundant in the columns of the periodical press, and in the conversation of half-educated persons. On the other hand, the Dean has set an evil example by rendering the standard of right and wrong in language more wavering and un- certain thanever : custom, according to him, is the only L 146 APPENDIX. court of appeal, and the laws of grammar are to be left to pedants and pedagogues. If this is to be the case, it seems hopeless to bring many of those, who habitually break the laws of language, to a sense of their short- comings. They have been brought up from their birth amongst persons who commit the same faults, and they are unable to see the nature of these faults. If referred to the laws of grammar, they appeal to the authority of Dean Alford to show that it is pedantic to be guided by grammarians; if referred to the custom of educated persons, they maintain their own experience against that of their reprovers, and declare that their own usage is the customary one, and that the one recommended to them is contrary to custom. Amongst the paradoxical statements of Dean Alford, we have selected some of the most prominent for com- ment. At the time of the first appearance of these papers, a great, and, in our opinion, not unreasonable, outcry was made against the sanctioning of the phrase, " It is me ". The Dean brings forth Dr. Latham in support of his opinion, and refers us to the following extract from that gentleman's ' History of the English Language': — "We may call the word me a secondary nominative, inas- much as such phrases as It is me — It is I, are common. To call such expressions incorrect English, is to assume the point. No one says that c 'est moi is j^ad French, and c'est je is good. The fact is, that with us the whole question is a question of degree. Has or has not the custom been sufficiently prevalent to have transferred the forms me, ye, and you, from one case to another ? Or perhaps we may say, is there any real custom at all in favour of J, except so far as the grammarians have made one ? It is clear that the French analogy is against it. It is also clear that the personal pro- noun as a predicate may be in a different analogy from the personal ' pronoun as a subject ". APPENDIX. 147 We have great respect for Dr. Latham's learning, but in a matter like the present we cannot submit to his authority. Modern writers on language, when treating of well-known words and phrases, are often apt to seek opportunities for displaying their own ingenuity in giv- ing unusal explanations of them, and Dr. Latham is by no means free from a partiality for crotchets of this kind. There is no analogy between English and French in this matter. It is a peculiarity of the French language that each pair of words which represents the different cases of the singular personal pronouns in other languages is in French represented by three words instead of two. I, me — -je, me, moi; thou, thee — tu, te, toi; he, him — il, le, fori. Moi, toi, lui, are used as nominative cases when coming after the verb. If Dr. Latham's reasoning is right, that because we have in French c'est moi, not c'est je, therefore, it is right to say in English, " it is me ", not "it is I": then it follows that because we say c'est toi, not c'est tu, c'est lui, not c'est il, it is right to say "it is "thee", "it is him", or "her". It seems to us as bad grammar to say, "it is me", in English, as c'est me in French. He further says that "when constructions are "predicative, a change is what we must expect rather "than be surprised at" We see this change of con- struction in French, when the pronouns are predicative, because each pronoun has three distinct forms, but as English, together with the rest of the European languages (with which we are acquainted), has only two forms of personal pronouns, therefore the change cannot take place when the construction is predicative. Another rea- son given by Dr. Latham for the usuage is, that me is not the proper, but only the adopted, accusative of J, "being in faot a distinct and independent form of the L 2 148 APPENDIX. "personal pronoun ". We do not see why, because me is the adopted accusative of J, it should become " a second- " ary nominative ". All the European languages of which we have any knowledge have an adopted accusative for the first person singular, but we do not find in them any traces of its being used as a secondary nominative (though it may appear so in French) ; why, then, are we to grant this license to English, merely to gratify a care- less habit which may easily be corrected? We now come to consider Dean Alford's own remarks on these three little words. He seems to think that the reason for the substitution of me for J is a shrinking from obtruding our own personality;* and endeavours to confirm his view by referring to an instance of the contrary practice in the well-known passage : — "He said unto them, ' It is I, be not afraid '. This is a capital instance ; for it shows us at once why the nominative should be sometimes used. The Majesty of the Speaker here, and his pur- pose of re- assuring the disciples by the assertion that it was none other than Himself, at once point out to us the case in which it would be proper for the nominative, and not the accusative, to be used". # "This shrinking from the use of the personal pronoun, this authophoby, as it may be called, is not indeed a proof of the modesty it is designed to indicate ; any more than the hydrophobia is a proof that there is no thirst in the constitution. On the con- trary, it rather hetrays a morbidly sensitive self-consciousness." " So far indeed is the anxiety to suppress the personal pronoun from being a sure criterion of humility, that there is frequently a ludicrous contrast between the conventional generality of our lan- guage and the egotism of the sentiments expressed in it." " Modesty must dwell within, in the heart ; and a brief I is the modestest, most natural, simplest word I can use." * Guesses at Truth,' pp. 142, 148, 150. APPENDIX. 149 We will venture to say that the sole reason which the translators of the Bible had for writing " it is I " in this verse, was because they considered it the proper gram- matical phrase, and "it is me" ungrammatical. How would Dean Alford account for the two following verses, Matt, xxvi, 22, 25, " And they were exceeding sorrowful, " and began every one of them to say unto Him, Lord, is "it I ? " " Then Judas, which betrayed him, answered "and said, "Master, is it I?" Certainly, according to the Dean's reasoning, we ought in each case to have, "Is " it me ? " but there is no trace of such a usage through- out the Bible. Dean Alford asks the question, " What are we to think " of the question whether than does or does not govern " an accusative case ?" — "The fact is, that there are two ways of constructing a clause with a comparative and ' than '. You may say either ' than I' or 1 thorn me'. If you say the former, you use what is called an elliptical expression, i.e. an expression in which something is left out— and that something is the verb ' am' . ' He is wiser than I', being filled out, would be, 'He is wiser than I am'. 'He is wiser than me ' is the direct and complete construction". We agree that there are two ways of constructing the clause — a right way and a wrong way. "He is wiser "than I" is right. "He is wiser than me" is wrong. There is no occasion to make use of an ellipse at all. Than is a conjunction, and, therefore, cannot govern an accusative case, as it is a fundamental rule of all languages that conjunctions should couple like cases. We cannot see in what way " He is wiser than me " can be more complete than "He is wiser than I". Again, we find the rule laid down by the Dean, that, when solemnity is required, the construction in the nominative is used- 150 APPENDIX. and he quotes John xiv, 28, " My father is greater than I ". This would be of some weight if he could bring a single instance in which than of itself governed an accu- sative in a case where solemnity was not required, but we do not think that he will find one in the Bible. In Gen. xxxix, 8, Joseph says to Potiphar's wife, " Behold, my master knoweth not what is with me in the house, and " he hath committed all that he hath to my hand ; there "is none greater in the house than I; neither hath " he kept back ", &c. We cannot suppose that the trans- lators wished to represent Joseph as attaching any solemnity to the words " there is none greater than I ", which are introduced in the middle of a long sentence. The reason for their occurring thus is because the trans- lators knew that the phrase, "there is none greater than "me", is entirely ungrammatical. Dean Alford considers that the invariable use of " than whom ", instead of "than " who ", is a proof that than governs an accusative case, as in ' Paradise Lost', ii. 299: — " Which, when Beelzebub perceived, than whom, " Satan except, none higher sat '*. We quite agree that, to say " than who ", would be in- tolerable in this instance to most ears, but we do not consider that this single anomalous expression is enough to warrant us in saying that "than" takes the accusative. The expressions " than whom ", " than which ", are very sparingly used in writing, and never in ordinary con- versation. Probably the first person who wrote "than " whom ", did so in ignorance of the rules of grammar, and the error was so perpetuated by his coypists that it became a settled usage. Another explanation of it is, that the " m " was added for the sake of euphony. How- ever that may be, we cannot allow that one anomaly of APPENDIX. 151 this kind can justify us in going counter to the grammar and usage of all languages. As is a word of precisely the same character as than : would Dean Alford defend the vulgarisms, " I am as tall " as him ", " He is as tall as me " ? * A correspondent has kindly sent us a well-known ex- ample of the latter usage from one of our standard poets : — "The nations not so blest as thee " Must in their turn to tyrants fall, " Whilst thou shalt flourish, great and free, "The dread and envy of them all." Thomson's ' Rule Britannia.' In our opinion the first line of this stanza is utterly indefensible. The Dean upholds the use of the verb " to leave ", in a neuter, or, as he bids us term it, an absolute sense. He defends the sentence " I shall not leave before December 1 " on the ground that the verb is still active, but the object is still suppressed. We deny that to " leave " is here used in an active sense ; it is synonymous with " to " go away ", " depart ", &c, which are neuter verbs. The Dean brings forward the instances of the verbs "to read" and " to write ", *as though they were analogous cases, because they may be used at will either transitively or intransitively. These verbs, however, themselves express an occupation, just as much as to run, to sit, or to stand. If we wish to know how any one is spending his time, it is a sufficient answer to say " He is reading " ; if we are aware of that fact, and wish to know what is the object of his study, then we must use the verb transitively, and say, "He is reading 'The Queen's English'", or any other *Yes. See ir Tlie Queen s English', 2nd edition, page 160.— G.W.M. 152 APPENDIX. book. " To read " has become to all of us a complete no- tion ; " to leave " is not so ; and, as we said before, must be used as an equivalent for to depart, or go away, in the phrase quoted. This is an unnecessary extension of its signification, and as all such extensions give rise to more or less ambiguity, they should be avoided. The use of a verb in an intransitive as well as a transitive sense must always be a matter depending entirely on authority. Such a use of "to leave " was ignored formerly, and has arisen only within comparatively few years from the care- lessness of slipshod speakers and writers. In the present day it is eschewed by good writers of English; by others it is used invariably, but quite unnecessarily, in a neuter sense. In Dr. Alford's objections to the restrictions placed by grammarians on the words first and last, former and latter, he makes the following remarks : — " * First ' is unavoidably used of that one in a series with which we begin, whatever be the number which follow ; whether many or few. Why should not last be used of that one in a series with which we end, whatever be the number which preceeded, whether many or few?" We should have thought that the answer was quite evident. First has two meanings; it stands for the superlative of the comparative former, and for the ordinal corresponding to the cardinal number one. Last is used only as the superlative of latter ; it cannot, therefore, be ever used in numerical statements. In speaking of a book in two volumes, which are numbered 1 and 2, we refer to the 1st or the 2nd volume ; but 1st is not here the same as first, the superlative of former. This is easily shown in the case of most of our large public schools, where the 6th form is the first, and the 1st form the last APPENDIX. 153 in the school. If we had such a word as onefh to stand as the ordinal of one, we should say that the sixth form is the first, and the oneth the last ; as it is, we are obliged to make first do duty in each case. We do not agree theoretically with the Dean's remarks on the aspiration of the "h" in humble, though practi- cally we think it advisable to follow the growing usage of the day, and sound the " h ". It was formerly almost as common to say umble as it is to say onour and (hjour. In regard to the words " ospital" 9 "erb", and "umble", our author says that all of them are "very offensive, but the "last of them by far the worst, especially when heard " from officiating Clergymen ". We believe that the reason why the Clergy have so commonly adopted the practice of sounding the " h " in humble, is because edu- cated persons cannot endure the idea of its being said of them that they drop their "h's"; directly, therefore, the custom became prevalent of aspirating humble, the Clergy at once took it up. It will be the same as soon as it becomes at all usual to sound the "h " in honour, hon- esty, &c. We deny that " umble and hearty no man can "pronounce without a pain in his throat"; it is just as easy to pronounce as " under heaven ". There are many other remarks in this work with which we cannot agree, but we have no wish to weary our readers with further criticisms on this somewhat dry subject. THE QUEEN'S ENGLISH. A Criticism from Routledge's Magazine. The study of language is one of the most instructive and, at the same time, one of the most interesting occu- pations with which we can employ ourselves ; and, in the 154 APPENDIX. present age of advanced education, it is absolutely necessary for everybody to obtain a knowledge of his own language, and to read, speak, and write it in accord- ance with the known rules on the subject. However well taught a man may be in other branches of study, he will never make his way in the world unless he can speak correctly, since correct speaking is, as it were, the out- ward attribute of the gentleman, and the one by which his other qualifications are judged. The Dean is evidently not a graceful writer of English, as he is sure to have put forth all his strength in the composition of a book on language. This strength, how- ever, seems to consist in devising the most unnatural manner of writing good English, and in violating some of Lord Karnes's most important rules with regard to words expressing things connected in thought being placed as near together as possible. * The Queen's English,' we must state, professes to be a reprint from a widely circulated periodical entitled ' Good ' Words,' and the subject is said to be * presented to the 1 public in a considerably altered form.' This is strictly true, for, having compared the reprint with the original articles, we are able to compliment the Dean on the many judicious alterations he has made; thanks, perhaps, to the suggestions given by a gentle- man styled, in a country paper, " a knight, bearing on " his shield the emblem of the lunar orb ", and other lovers of pure English who have considered that the reverend grammarian has in some way denied the pure well of English. Sitting down with the book,* and the volume of * Good i Words ' for 1863 before us, we note no great difference * Second Edition. APPENDIX. 155 until we come to the following expression : " The Queen "is of course no more the proprietor of the English lan- guage than you or J" — (see 'Good Words'), but in the volume we have "than any one of us." Why this change? On page 152 of the book we read: "What are we to think "of the question, whether 'than' does or does not govern "an accusative case? 'than I': 'than me': which is "right ? My readers will probably answer without hesita- " tion, the former. But is the latter so certainly wrong ? " We are accustomed to hear it stigmatized as being so ; " but, I think, erroneously, Milton writes, 'Paradise Lost,' "ii, 299 — " ' Which when Beelzebub perceived, than xvhom, Satan except, none higher sat.' "And thus every one of us would speak: 'than who', " would be intolerable. And this seems to settle the qicestion." So the Dean thinks. We, however, do not. Poetry is not often considered a high authority on matters of grammatical construction, although the Dean seems to think it should be, since this is the only instance of "than" governing the accusative that he deigns to cite: besides, it is evident that in many cases, the employment of the accusative instead of the nominative, gives to the sentence another meaning, thus : 1 He likes you better than me. 2 He likes you better than I. Surely it is manifest to everybody that the first form means that he likes you better than [he likes] me, and that the latter means, he likes you better than I [like you] ; and yet our Dean in an authoritative manner says, that you may say either "than I", or "than me", but that the former should be used only when solemnity is required, as " My Father is greater than I." 156 APPENDIX. Is solemnity required when mention is made of the Queen in regard to her proprietorship of the English language ? We trow not. Why, then, does our Dean lay down a rule, and break it on the first page of his Essays? This reflection seems to have occurred to the mind of the author, who probably in his reprint weighed with care every expression he made use of. This at any rate seems the only reason why he should alter "than you or J" to " than any one of us" and thus screen himself under an expression which fits either rule. Let us pause for a short time and note what some authorities write about this conjunction. Lowth is of opinion that such forms as " thou art wiser than me " are bad grammar. Mr. E. F. Graham, in his excellent book on English style, quotes the objective case after "than" as a downright grammatical error, whilst our old friend Lindley Murray devotes a page and a half to the dis- cussion of this question, and, after citing the lines of Milton just quoted, concludes his notice by saying, " The "phrase than whom, is, however, avoided by the best " modern writers ". The crowning point of all, however, is that the very author whom Dean Alford quotes in support of his theory, says in the first book of ' Paradise 'Lost':— u What matter where, if I be still the same. And what I should be, all but less than he?'* Near the end of a paragraph in the first Essay occurs the following sentence, which is omitted in the book : — "And I really don't wish to be dull; so please, dear " reader, to try and not think me so." It was wise, indeed, on the Dean's part, to omit this sentence in his book, for probably it contains the worst mistake he has made. Try and think, indeed ! Try to APPENDIX. 157 think, we can understand. Fancy saying " the dear "reader tries and thinks me so"; for, mind, a conjunc- tion is used only to connect words, and can govern no case at all. However, as the Dean has not allowed this to appear in his book, we refrain from alluding further to it. As the Dean admits that his notes are for the most part insulated and unconnected, we presume that we need make no apology if our critical remarks happen to partake of the same character; for, the reader will easily understand that criticism on unconnected topics must itself also be unconnected. Who does not recollect with pleasure those dear old ladies, Sairah Gamp and Betsey Prig ? " Which, altering " the name to Sairah Gamp, I drink," said Mrs. Prig. " As I write these lines, which I do while waiting in a " refreshment room at Reading between a Great Western "and a South Eastern train," says the Dean. It is. always interesting to know the time when, and the place where, great men have written their books; and we thank Dean Alford for telling us where he wrote this elegant sentence; but fancy, what a very small refreshment room there must be at Eeading, if it stands between two trains. May we venture to suggest that the sentence would have been improved if " which I do ", and the words from " between " to " train ", had been altogether omitted. " Which you are right, my dear ", says Mrs. Harris. On page 67 the Dean comes to that which he says must form a 'principal part of his little work. The principal part means, we believe, more than half of anything, but as in the present work there are evidently two principal parts (at least), it appears that the volume contains more than the two halves. Perhaps the Dean was waiting be- tween two trains in Ireland when he penned this sentence. 158 APPENDIX. With regard to the demonstrative pronouns, " this " refers to the nearest person or thing, and that to the " most distant", says Murray. This, however, is not Dean Alford's view of the matter. After mentioning the name Sophoenetus (and no other) he writes, " Every clergyman is, or ought to be, familiar " with his Greek Testament ; two minutes' reference to " that will show him how every one of these names ought " to be pronounced." Who is right here — Lindley Murray or the Dean of Canterbury ? Stop ! stop ! Not so fast. In theory, the Dean agrees with our grammarian ; for, eleven pages further on, he says, — "'this' and 'these 1 refer to persons " and things present, or under immediate considera- tion; 'that 9 and 'those' to persons and things not pre- " sent, nor under immediate consideration." He then mentions a Scottish friend, who always designates the book which he has in hand as "that booh. 99 Surely this Scotchman and the Dean belong to one family. We now come with much pleasure to the last fault which we have to find with Dr. Alford's book. We have purposely deferred any mention of this particular sub- ject until now, on the same principle as that which actu- ated the schoolboy who always kept the best till the last. On page 280 we read the following excellent remarks : — " Avoid, likewise, ail slang words. There is no greater " nuisance in society than a talker of slang. It is only fit " (when innocent, which it seldom is) for raw schoolboys " and one-term freshmen, to astonish their sisters with." Of course, after expressing himself so strongly on this point, it is not to be expected that, in a work on the Queen's English, Dean Alford will make use of slang terms. Let us see. APPENDIX. 159 On page 2, he tells us, " He bowls along it with ease in " a vehicle, which a few centuries ago would have been " broken to pieces in a deep rut, or [would have] come to " grief in a bottomless swamp." In the original notes the words " ivould have " were omitted. One of his censors then suggested that the sentence was " or would have been come to grief". On page 132 of his book, the Dean defends his elliptical mode of spelling : but, on page 2, by altering it, he tacitly admits that he is wrong. On page 41 he tells us about some persons who had been detained by a tipple. On page 178 we are told that the Dean and his family took a trap from the inn. And, on page 154, he writes to Mr. Moon, "If you see " an old party in a shovel that will be me ". Whereas, on page 245, in sneering at our journals he says, a man in them is a party. Now we are persuaded that no news- paper writes of a man in such vulgar language. This style seems to have been left to a Dean when writing on sontroversial subjects. THE QUEEN'S ENGLISH. A Criticism from ' The Patriot.' Dean Aleord has collected into a book his papers contri- buted to 'Good Words ' and, of course, has subjected them to a fresh and final revision. He tells us, indeed, that " now, in a considerably altered form, they are pre- sented to the public"; so that we may fairly regard both the canons and the composition of this volume as the deliberate and final setting forth of the Dean's no- tions of the proprieties of the English language. No 160 APPENDIX. plea of hasty writing, such as unfortunate newspaper writers, or public lecturers, or even magazine contri- butors, might fitly urge, is valid here. The Dean tells us, too — what we are very glad to learn, and what speaks well for the Christian placability of both parties — that the somewhat sharp passage of arms betwixt Mr. Moon and himself has ended in an invitation to dinner and a real friendship. " From antagonism we came to inter- " course; and one result of the controversy I cannot " regret — that it has enabled me to receive Mr. Moon as a " guest, and to regard him henceforward as my friend ". Will this deprive the public of the benefit of Mr. Moon's criticisms upon the present volume ? We should be sorry to think so ; for there really is much to be said about it, and, we fear, much fault to be found with it. Dean Alford has rendered good service to his generation. He was an exemplary working clergyman; and he is, we doubt not, as exemplary a Dean. He is an excellent poet, and his beautiful hymn, " Lo, the storms of life are break- "ing ", sung to sweet music, has often soothed our soul. We cannot call him an accomplished Greek scholar ; but he has compiled the most useful working Greek Testa- ment of our generation ; amenable to a thousand adverse criticisms, but laboriously bringing together almost all that working clergymen need. But with all this we cannot regard him as an authority on the philosophy of the English language, or as an example of its more accurate use. It is strange that men should imagine themselves to be that which they are so far from being, that they are unconscious even of their defects. Only a scholar of the widest philological read- ing and of the nicest discrimination should have pre- sumed to write a book on the use and abuse of the APPENDIX. 161 Queen's English. No doubt Dean Alford thinks that he is such a scholar, and that his composition, if not in his ordinary sermons, yet in this volume, is faultless. We regret to be compelled to think otherwise. His style, where not positively ungrammatical, is loose, and flabby, and awkward ; his sentences are ungainly in construc- tion, and sometimes positively ludicrous in the meaning which they involuntarily convey. We will take a few in- stances ; and we begin with the third sentence in the book. " It [the term "Queen's English"] is one rather familiar " and conventional, than strictly accurate ". As Dean Alford uses it, the adverb " rather " qualifies the terms " familiar " and " conventional ". He means it to qualify the term " strictly accurate ", and should have said, " It is one familiar and conventional rather than strictly "accurate". "For language wants all these processes, as well as " roads do ", is scarcely as elegant as a critical Dean should have written. Again: "And it is by processes of this kind in the " course of centuries, that our English tongue has been " ever adapted ", &c. ; instead of " It is by processes of " this kind that, in the course of centuries, our English "tongue", &c. " Carefulness about minute accuracies of inflexion and " grammar may appear to some very contemptible ". We trust that the Dean is not one of these ; but would it not have been better to write, "may to some appear very " contemptible " ? " The other example is one familiar to you, of a more "solemn character": and what is it to those given to levity ? The Dean meant to say, " The other example is " of a more solemn character, and is one familiar to you". M 162 APPENDIX. " The late Archdeacon Hare, in an article on English " orthography in the * Philological Museum 9 ". We did not know that the English orthography of the * Philolog- ' iced Museum ' was peculiar, or needed an article. The Dean means "in an article in the 'Philological Museum 9 " on English orthography ". " We do not follow rule in spelling the other words, "but custom". An elegant writer would have said, " In "spelling the other words we do not follow rule, but " custom ". These specimens occur in the first twelve pages ; how many the entire volume would afford, is beyond our cal- culation. With many of Dean Afford* s canons, both of deriva- tion and of pronunciation, and even of spelling, we have almost equal fault to find ; but we forbear. We must say, however, that, notwithstanding Mr. Latham's authority, and at the risk of being reckoned " grammarians of the " smaller sort ", we are still unconvinced of the propriety of saying, even colloquially, " It's me ", and of the pedantry of saying, " It's I ". We must add, too, that a somewhat unseemly egotism and gossipiness pervades the book — pardonable enough in popular lectures, but surely to be excluded from a philological treatise. The Dean seems to have no plan, but just to say anything that comes first, and to say it anyhow. Perhaps he thinks the chit-chat of a Dean sufficient for all persons of less dignity. Dean Alford, of course, says many just and use- ful things, and will, we trust, do something to correct some errors and vulgarisms. But it is one thing to read Dean Alford' s sentences, and it is another to read Macaulay's. APPENDIX, 16$ THE DEAN'S ENGLISH v. THE QUEEN'S ENGLISH. A Criticism erom The London Beview. A writer in the current number of * The Edinburgh ' Review ' censures Mr. Moon for hypercritically objecting to sentences the meaning of which is perfectly clear, though it is possible, haying regard to the mere con- struction, to interpret them in a sense ludicrously false. We think that Mr. Moon does occasionally exhibit an excessive particularity; but many of his criticisms on Dr. Alford are, as the reviewer himself admits, thoroughly deserved. Because certain ambiguities have become recognised forms of speech, and are universally under- stood in the correct sense, a writer is not entitled to indulge in a lax mode of expression, which a little trouble would have rendered unimpeachable without any sacri- fice of ease, grace, or naturalness. The reviewer quotes, or imagines, two sentences to which no reasonable objection could be made, though the construction is assuredly not free from ambiguity : — " Jack was very " respectful to Tom, and always took off his hat when "he met him." "Jack was very rude to Tom, and " always knocked off his hat when he met him." Now, as a mere matter of syntax, it might be doubtful whether Jack did not show his respect to Tom by taking off Tom's hat, and his rudeness by knocking off his own ; but the fault is hardly a fault of construction — it is a fault inherent in the language itself, which has not provided for a distinction of personal pronouns. The sentences in question are clearly defective; but they could be amended only by an excessive verbosity and tautology, which would be much more objectionable; M 2 164 APPENDIX. and, at any rate, they are no justification of those errors of composition which might easily be amended, and which spring from the "writer's own indolence or carelessness. The confusion of personal pronouns, however, is a subject worthy of comment. It is incidentally alluded to by a writer in the last number of ' The Quarterly ' Review ', in an article on the report of the Public School Commissioners ; and a ludicrous example is given, from the evidence of a Somersetshire witness in a case of manslaughter, though, notwithstanding the jumble, the sense is clear enough. The fatal affray was thus described by the peasant : — " He'd a stick, and he'd a " stick, and he licked he, and he licked he ; and if he'd " a licked he as hard as he licked he, he'd a killed he, and " not he he." Now, supposing the witness not to know either combatant, one does not see how he could have expressed himself more clearly, and he would have a right to charge the defect on the language. Like every- thing else in the world, human speech is very imperfect, and we must sometimes take it with all its blemishes, because we can do no better. For instance, there is a certain form of expression which involves a downright impossibility, but which nevertheless is universally accepted. We cannot explain what we mean more perti- nently than by referring to the phrase commonly seen painted on dead walls and palings : — " Stick no bills." Here what is intended is a prohibition; but it really takes the form of an injunction, and of an injunction to do an impossibility. We are not told to refrain from sticking something, or anything — we are commanded to stick something, and the something we are to stick is " no bills " ! We are to stick on the wall or the paling something which has no existence. Let us try to APPENDIX. 165 imagine the process. We must first take up the nonen- tity in one hand, and with the other apply paste to its non-existent back ; we are then to hoist it on a pole, and flatten it against a wall. Of course, the only correct expression would be, "Do not stick bills"; yet no one would seriously recommend the change. (The reader will observe that we have here unconsciously fallen into the same mode of speech. "No one would recommend"!) The received expression is more succinct, and it has now the sanction of time. In like manner we say, " He was " so vexed that he ate no dinner ", and a hundred other phrases of the same character. But they are radically bad, and go far to excuse the uneducated for so frequently using the double negative. The unlettered man knows that he wants to state the negation of something, and not the affirmation, and he obscurely perceives that a species of affirmation of the very thing he wants to deny is put into his mouth by such a sentence as, "He ate no dinner"; so he whips in another negative, and really makes the phrase more intelligible to himself, and to those of his own class who hear him. Let us conclude with a hope that Dean Alford and Mr. Moon have by this time made up their quarrel, and that henceforth they will unite their forces for the defence of ' The Queen's English \ A PLEA FOE THE QUEEN'S ENGLISH. A Criticism from The North American Quarterly Eeyiew. It may seem late to undertake the criticism of a book the second edition of which has been already some time before the public. But the first edition, which appeared 166 APPENDIX. a few years since (in 1863), although not passing without some slight notice in our literary journals, attained no American circulation, and made no impression upon our community. The enterprise of the publisher has suc- ceeded in procuring for the work in its new form so wide a currency among us, and in attracting to it so much attention, that it becomes worth while seriously to inquire into its merits, and to estimate its right to be accepted as an authority; and this, as much for the sake of challenging a popularity and consideration which may turn out to be undeserved, as from regard to the good or the harm which the book is likely to do ; for it makes no great pretensions to a wide scope, or to philosophic method and profundity. It styles itself " Stray Notes on "Speaking and Spelling" and is composed of desultory and loosely connected remarks on errors and controverted points in orthography, orthoepy, and grammar, and was written in part, as its author takes pains to inform us, at chance moments of leisure, in cars and eating-houses and other such places. Criticism, it is plain, should not be disarmed by such acknowledgments, since no man, who cannot make his odd thoughts fully worth our acceptance, has a right to thrust them before us. The ' Stray Notes ' grew by degrees into their present form. They were put together first into lectures, and then became a series of articles in a monthly magazine. These attracted much notice, and called out abundant correspondence and com- ment, so that the successive papers took on a shape in part controversial and replicatory. The same was their fate after their collection into a volume ; and the second edition is not a little altered from the first, under the process of criticism and reply. They have had, it will be seen, a rather peculiar history, calculated to provoke our curiosity. APPENDIX. 167 The author is an English divine, of considerable note as critical editor and commentator of the Greek text of the New Testament, and has also acquired some fame in his earlier years as a writer of verses. We should natur- ally, then, explain to ourselves the popularity which the work has won, by the critical and scholarly ability and the elegant style it is found to display. Such qualities, added to the general and attractive interest of the sub- jects, ought to be enough to insure a notable career to even a heavier volume. It is unfortunate, however, for the American student, who is desirous to draw from this source valuable instruction as to the best usage of his mother-tongue, that he finds himself repelled, almost at the start, by a violent ebullition of spite against his native country. The reverend author, namely, is engaged in magnifying his office as polisher of the habits of speech of English speakers, by showing the exceeding and deep- reaching importance of attention to niceties of diction; and he holds up Americans to reprobation for "the " character and history of the nation, its blunted sense " of moral obligation and duty to man, its open disregard "of conventional right where aggrandizement is to be " obtained, and, I may now say, its reckless and fruitless " maintenance of the most cruel and unprincipled war in "the history of the world." (p. 6.) This, it is true, was written before Lee's surrender. Since the end of 1864 we have changed all that; and, in our zeal after self- improvement, we can well afford to pardon a few hard words to a " dignitary of the Church of England," who has given his ardent sympathies to the cause of Secession and Slavery, provided only he shall make good his claim to be our instructor in his proper department. Still, we cannot but form the suspicion that our author is some- 168 APPENDIX. what under the dominion of class and national prejudices, and either careless of seeking information as to subjects upon which he is very ready to offer his opinion, or not acute in judging and profiting by information obtained. And further, it cannot but seriously shake our confidence in his philological acumen to find that our dreadful ex- ample is intended to "serve to show" the horrified British nation "that language is no trifle"! Our astonished inquiries into the connection of such a warning with such a lesson bring us to see that the Dean attributes our viciousness to the infelicities of our speech, since "every "important feature in a people's language is reflected in "its character and history." We had always thought, it must be owned, that the " reflection " was in the opposite direction: that character and history determined language. It is perhaps allowable to say, by a kind of figure, that a man's image in the glass is reflected in his person; and it is certain that, if we can make the image tran- scendently lovely, the man himself will be sure to turn out a beauty ; only we cannot well reach the image save through the man himself. In like manner, if we can train the masses of a people to speak elegantly, doubtless we shall change their character vastly for the better ; but the improvement will be only in a very subordinate degree due to the reflex action of language: it will rather be the direct effect of the process of education. Our suspicions of the soundness of our philological authority, thus aroused, are not precisely lulled to sleep by an examination of the other incentives he offers to exactness of speech. We are pointed to the example of the Apostle Peter, when accused by the bystanders of being a Galilean, on the ground of his Galilean dialect. "So that," says our author, "the fact of a provincial APPENDIX. 169 "pronunciation was made use of to bring about the " repentance of an erring Apostle." It is not easy to see the point of the argumenb here made. One might rather be tempted to infer that a provincial pronunciation is a good thing, and deserves encouragement, if it could be- come the means of so important a conversion; who knows but that our own local idioms, carefully nursed and duly displayed, may somehow be made to work out our salva- tion ? But there is a worse difficulty behind ; and really, if Mr. Alford were not a Dean and an editor of the New Testament text, we should be inclined to accuse him of neglecting his Bible. According to the received reading of the Evangelists, (we have not examined Dean Alford' s edition,) the charge brought against the saint that he did not talk good Jerusalem Hebrew, had for its sole effect to draw from him a repetition of his former lying denial, along with a volley of oaths and curses (luckless Peter ! he forgot that his native dialect would only show more distinctly in such an outbreak of passion); and it was the crowing of the cock that brought about his repentance. So that, after all, the lesson we learn must be that, if we will only repress our local peculiarities of speech, we shall be less exposed to being detected in our wickedness; or else, that we must beware of accusing any one of dia- lectic inaccuracies, lest thereby we drive him to greater enormity of sin. Our author has perverted, without appreciable gain, a text which would not bend to his purpose in its true form. We are now tempted to examine the other case in this department, cited by the Dean, and see whether it will not, perhaps, give us a higher idea of his qualifications as a critic of language. He speaks (p. 7 seq.) of the spurious poems of Eowley as having been in part detected by their 170 APPENDIX. containing the word its, — a word which was not in good use in Rowley's time. So far, all is well. But then he goes on to discourse concerning the infrequency of its in early English, and the employment of Ms for it, evidently in total ignorance of the reason, namely, that Ms was in Anglo-Saxon, and hence also for a long time in English, the regular genitive case of it (A. S. Mt), not less than of he; and that the introduction of its was a popular in- accuracy, a grammatical blunder, such as the introduction of she 9 s for her would be now. To the general appre- hension, his stood in the usual relation of a possessive case, formed by an added 's to he, and had nothing to do with it; and so, popular use manufactured a new regular possessive for it, which was finally, after a protracted struggle, received into cultivated and literary styles, and made good English. Hear, on the other hand, our author's explanation of the rarity of its during the period from Shakespeare to Milton : " The reason, I suppose, " being, that possession, indicated by the possessive case " its, seemed to imply a certain life or personality, which " things neuter could hardly be thought of as having." A more fantastic and baseless suggestion is rarely made ; it is so empty of meaning that we can hardly forbear to call it silly. There was not at that period a neuter noun in the language that did not form a possessive in 's with perfect freedom. Who can fancy Shakespeare doubting whether a table, as well as a horse or a man, really had or possessed legs; or as being willing to say "a table's " legs," but questioning the propriety of " a table on its "legs "? or how were the Bible translators avoiding the ascription of possession to things inanimate by talking of "the candlestick, his shaft and his branch," and so forth, instead of " its shaft and its branch " ? APPENDIX. 171 If these, then, are fair specimens of our author's learning and method, we must expect to find his book characterized by ignorance of the history of English speech, inaccuracy, loose and unsound reasoning, and weakness of linguistic insight. And we are constrained to acknowledge that such expectations will be abundantly realized in the course of a further perusal of the work. Let us cite a few more specimens. Perhaps the most striking example we can select of the Dean's want of knowledge on philological subjects is his treatment of the word neighbor. "This," he says (p. 12), " has come from the German naclibar I " but he adds in a foot-note that the derivation has been questioned ; that a Danish correspondent thinks it should be referred to the Danish or Norse nabo ; and he has himself chanced to observe " that the dictionaries derive it from the "Anglo-Saxon nehyebur." He does not venture to judge of a matter of such intricacy, and simply leaves in the text his original etymology from the German. This is very much as if we were to be in doubt whether to trace a friend's descent from his grandfather, or from one or other of his second-cousins, finally inclining to a certain cousin, because with him we ourselves happened to be also somewhat acquainted. Certainly one who can dis- play such ignorance of the first principles of English etymology ought to be condemned to hold his peace for ever on all questions concerning the English language. The case is the same wherever a knowledge of the history of English words ought to be made of avail in discussing and deciding points of varying usage. Thus, when inquiring (p. 46 seq.) whether we ought to say a historian or an historian, and instancing the Bible use of an before initial h in almost all cases, he omits to point 172 APPENDIX. out that an is the original form, once used before both consonants and vowels, and that, when it came by degrees to be dropped before consonants, for the sake of a more rapid and easy utterance, it maintained itself longest before the somewhat equivocal aspiration, h. He is right, we think, in not regarding the rule for using an before the initial h of an unaccented syllable as a peremptory one. The better reason is on the side of the more popular colloquial usage ; if the h of historian, like that of history, is to be really pronounced, made audible, a ought properly to stand before it, as before the other. But no Biblical support can make of such a combination as an hero aught but the indefensible revival of an antique and discarded way of speaking. So, also, Dean Alford (p. 48) fails to see and to point out that, in the antiquated phrase such an one, we have a legacy from the time when one had not yet acquired its anomalous pronunciation wun, but was sounded one (as it still is in its compounds only, alone, atone, etc.) As we now utter the word, such an one is not less absurd and worthy of summary rejection from usage than would be such an wonder. The discussion, again, of "better than J" or "better "than me" is carried on (p. 152 seq.) without an allusion to the fact that than is historically an adverb only, the same word with then, and has no hereditary right to govern an accusative, as if it were a preposition. "He is "better than X" is, by origin, "he is better, then I," — that is to say, "I next after him." Linguistic usage has, indeed, a perfect right to turn the adverbial construction into a prepositional ; but, as the former is still in almost every case not only admissible, but more usual, the tendency to convert the word into a preposition is not APPENDIX. 173 one to be encouraged, but rather, and decidedly, the contrary. It might be deemed unfair to blame our author for his equally faulty discussion of the question between the two forms of locution, "it is Z" and "it is me" because his correspondents and the correspondents of some of the English literary journals (which have been the arena of a controversy upon the subject much more ardent than able, within no long time past) are just as far as he is from doing themselves credit in connection with it. What he cites from Latham, and (in a note) from Ellis, is tolerably pure twaddle. It may well enough be that " it is me " is now already so firmly established in collo- quial usage, and even in written, that the attempt to oust it will be in vain ; but the expression is none the less in its origin a simple blunder, a popular inaccuracy. It is neither to be justified nor palliated by theoretical con- siderations, — as by alleging a special predicative con- struction, or by citing French and Danish parallels. There was a time when to say "us did it" for "we did it," " them did it" for " they did it," was just as correct as to say " you did it " for "ye did it "; but usage, to which we must all bow as the only and indisputable authority in language, has ratified the last corruption and made it good English, while rejecting the other two. He would be a pedant who should insist in these days that we ought to say ye instead of you in the nominative ; but he would also have been worthy of ridicule who, while the change was in progress, should have supported it on the ground of a tendency to the subjective use of the accu- sative, and cited in its favor the example of the Italian Zoro, "them," for elleno, "they," as plural of respectful address. And as long as it is still vulgar to say " it is 174 APPENDIX. "him," "it is her," "it is us," 9 "it is them," and still proper and usual to say " it is I," our duty as favorers of good English requires us to oppose and discountenance " it is me," with the rest of its tribe, as all alike regret- able and avoidable solecisms. Of course the Dean puts his veto (p. 253) upon reliable; men of his stamp always do. He alleges the staple argu- ment of his class, that rely-upon-able would be the only legitimate form of such a derivative from rely. They ought fairly to put the case somewhat thus : " It is un- " account-for-able, not to say laugh- at- able, that men will " try to force upon the language a word so take-objection- " to-able, so little avail- of- able, and so far from indispense- " with-able, as reliable"; then we should see more clearly how much the plea is worth. Of course, again, our author sets his face like flint against writing or instead of our at the end of such words as honor and favor ; and that upon the high and com- manding consideration that to simplify the termination thus "is part of a movement to reduce our spelling to "uniform rule as opposed to usage" (p. 10); that it "is "an approach to that wretched attempt to destroy all " the historic interest of our language, which is known "by the name of phonetic spelling" (p. 14), — and upon the phonetic movement he proceeds to pour out the vials of his ponderous wit and feeble denunciation. On the whole, we think the phonetists are to be congratulated on having the Dean for an adversary ; his hostility is more a credit to them than would be his support. There are a host of difficulties in the way of the phonetic spellers which they themselves, or many of them, are far from appreciating ; but they are not of the kind which Mr. Alford seeks to raise. ]STo one wants to set up rule APPENDIX, 175 against usage, but only to change usage from a bad rule to a good one. And our language has a store of historic interest which would not be perceptibly trenched upon, even if we were to take the liberty of writing our words just as we speak them. Our present spelling is of the nature of a great and long-established institution, so in- timately bound up with the habits and associations of the community that it is well-nigh, or quite, impreg- nable. But a philologist ought to be ashamed to defend it on principle, on theoretical grounds. He, at any rate, ought to know that a mode of writing is no proper re- pository for interesting historical reminiscences ; that an alphabetic system has for its office simply and solely to represent faithfully a spoken language, and is perfect in proportion as it fulfils that office, without attempting to do also the duty of Egyptian hieroglyphs and Chinese ideographs. 'No other so great linguistic blessing could be conferred upon the English language and the people who speak it as a consistent phonetic orthography. It is calculated profoundly to stagger our faith in Dean Alford's capacity as an interpreter and expositor of difficult texts to find him guilty of explaining (p. 105) the reflexive verb to endeavor one's self by " to consider "one's self in duty bound," and of asserting that this "appears clearly" from the answer made by the candi- date for ordination to the bishop's exhortation to diligence in prayer and other holy exercises, " I will endeavor my- "self so to do, the Lord being my helper." Not only does this answer exact no such interpretation of the phrase as the one given by the Dean, but it even directly and obviously suggests the true meaning, " to exert one's " self, to do one's endeavor." A similar paucity of insight is exhibited in our author's 176 APPENDIX. theory (p. 86), that the origin of the double comparative lesser, for less, is to be traced to the " attraction " of the dissyllabic word greater, with which it is not infrequently found connected in use. No such effect of attraction as this, we are sure, can be found in any part of our English speech. The true reason of the form is not hard to discover : it lies in the extension of a prevailing analogy to one or two exceptional cases. Less and worse are the only comparatives in our language which do not end in r ; and er is accordingly so distinctly present to the apprehension of the language-users as a sign of compara- tive meaning that they have gone on, naturally enough, to apply it to those two also, thus assimilating them to the rest of their class. The only difference in the result is, that lesser has been fully adopted, in certain connec- tions, into good usage, while worser is still a vulgarism. ISTor can we ascribe any greater merit to the Dean's treatment of the preposition on to, or onto, used to de- note motion, as distinguished from locality or place, denoted by the simple preposition on : thus, " The cat "jumped on to the table, and danced about on the table." Such a distinction, as every one knows, is often made in colloquial style, but is not yet, and perhaps may never be, admitted in good writing ; this tolerates only on. Our author is not content with denying that on to is now good writable English ; he tries to make out there is no reason or propriety in attempting to express any such difference of relation as is signified by the two separate forms. His argument is this: if we say, "The cat jumped on the table," or if the tired school -boy, begging a lift on his way, gets from the coachman the permission, "All "right, jump on the box," will there be any danger of a failure to understand what is meant ? Of course not, we APPENDIX. Ill reply; but neither should we fail to understand, "The " dog jumped in the water, and brought out the stick"; nor would Tom be slow in taking, and acting on, coachee's meaning, if the reply were, " Jump in the carriage." The question is not one of mere intelligibility, but of the desirableness of giving formal expression to a real differ- ence of relation, — as we have actually done in the case of in and into. On to, says our author (p. 181), is not so good English as into, "because on is ordinarily a pre- " position of motion as well as of rest, whereas in is "almost entirely a preposition of rest." This is an amusing inversion of the real relations of the case : in fact, in is a preposition of rest only, because we have into in good usage as the corresponding preposition of mo- tion; on is obliged to be both, because onto has not won its way to general acceptance. The double form would be just as proper and just as expressive in the one case as in the other, and there is no good reason why we should not heartily wish that onto were as unexception- able English as is into, whether we believe or not that it will ever become so, and whether or not we are disposed to take the responsibility of joining to make it so. Every German scholar knows how nice and full of meaning are the distinctions made in the German language, as re- gards these two and a few other prepositions, by the use after them of a dative to denote locality, and an accusa- tive to denote motion. The Anglo-Saxon was able to accomplish the same object by the same means; but we have, in losing our dative case, lost the power to do so, and have only partially made up the loss, by coining, during the modern period, such secondary words as into and onto, that they may bear a part of the office of in and on. 178 APPENDIX. We will barely allude to one or two more instances of a like character : such as our author's conjecture (p. 67) that our separation of manifold in pronunciation from many is due to the influence of its felt analogy with manifest; his attempt (p. 91) to find an etymological reason for the translation, " Our Father which art in "heaven," instead of "who art"; his theory (p. 42) that the conjunction of the two words " humble and hearty " in the Prayer-Book is good ground for holding that the first as well as the second was pronounced with an aspirated h; his apparent assumption (p. 25) that the 's of senator's represent the Latin is of senatoris (or is it only his confused expression that is to blame here?), — and so forth. These are but the more prominent and striking illus- trations of Dean Alford's general method. We may say without exaggeration that — especially in the first half of the book, where questions are more often dealt with that include historical considerations and call for some scholarship — there is hardly a single topic brought under discussion which is treated in a thorough and satisfactory manner, in creditable style and spirit : even where we are agreed with respect to our author's conclusions, he repels us by a superficial, or an incomplete, or a prejudiced, or a blundering statement of the reasons that should guide us to them. It is almost an impertinence in one so little versed in English studies to attempt to teach his countrymen how they ought to speak. The last half of the work deals prevailingly with syn- tactical points, requiring to be argued rather upon rhetorical than grammatical grounds. But, though in a measure exempt from the class of criticisms which we have found occasion to make above, it is not without its APPENDIX. 179 own faults. The dean's chief hobby throughout is the depreciation of " laws," whether of the rhetorician or of the grammarian, and the exaltation of " usage " as opposed to them. He has, of course, a certain right on his side, yet not precisely as he understands it. The laws he rejects are only meant to stand as expressions of good usage ; nor do those who set them up arrogate to them peremptory and universal force, but rather a value as guiding principles, attention to which will save, from many faults, the less wary and skilful. No one holds that he who has not native capacity and educated taste can become by their aid an elegant writer ; no one denies that he who has capacity and taste may cast them to the winds, sure that his own sense of what is right will lead him to clear and forcible expression. But we have all heard of a class of people who inveigh against "laws," and would fain escape judgment by them ; and the very vigor of the Dean's recalcitrations inspires us with suspi- cions that there may be good cause for his uneasiness. And so it is : he has not in any eminent degree that fine sense which enables one to write without rule a pure and flowing English. His style is always heavy and ungrace- ful, and often marked with infelicities and even with inaccuracies. As many of our readers are aware, he has received on this score a terrible scathing from Mr. Moon, in a little work happily entitled " The Dean's English" by way of answer to " The Queen's English." To this we refer any one who may be curious to see, properly exposed, the other side of the Dean's claim to set himself up as a critic of good English. The professed general views he puts forth are in no small part special pleadings, rather, against the criticisms of his censors. He appears to suppose that any somewhat inaccurate or n2 180 APPENDIX. slovenly phrase or construction of his for which he can find parallels in our Bible translation and in Shakespeare is thereby hallowed and made secure against attack, un- mindful that our style of expression has in many points tended towards precision and nicety during the last centuries, so that not everything which was allowed in Shakespeare's time will be tolerated now; and further, and more especially, that great writers may be pardoned in taking now and then liberties which, if ventured on by little men, like him and ourselves, will be justly visited with reprobation. It is our opinion, therefore, upon the whole, that the English- speaking public would have lost little had our author's lucubrations been confined to the " Church of England Young Men's Literary Association," for which they were originally intended, and which doubtless re- ceived them with unquestioning faith, and had he never brought them out where Dissenters and other irreverent outsiders should carp at them. The circulation and credit they have won in this country are mainly a reflec- tion of the unusual attention which has been paid them in England; and the latter is partly fortuitous, the result of a combination of favoring circumstances, partly due to the general interest felt in the subject of the work, and a curiosity to hear what a man of high position and repute for scholarship has to say upon it ; and in part it is an indication of the general low state of philological culture in the British Isles. We cannot wish " The " Queen's English " a continued currency, unless it be understood and received by all for just what it is, — a simple expression of the views and prejudices of a single educated Englishman respecting matters of language ; having, doubtless, a certain interest and value as such, APPENDIX. 181 but possessing no more authority than would belong to a like expression on the part of any one among thousands of its readers. Its true character is that of a sample of private opinion, and not a guide and model of general usage. THE DEAN'S ENGLISH. A Criticism froii 'The Phonetic Journal.' If, as some good people hold, everybody and everything is created, not merely for a general, but moreover for some specific, purpose, then we might infer that the particular use to which Nature destined the Dean of Canterbury was to set himself up to lecture upon the Queen's English, and so to offer himself as a conspicuous mark, and a defenceless victim, to the scathing criticism and merciless exposure of Mr. Gr. Washington Moon. Not for many years, have we seen such a brilliant and effective passage of arms, as is contained in the little book under notice, which consists principally of three letters addressed to Dr. Alford, To say, that the poor Dean is worsted in the encounter, is to say very little. His defeat is almost too complete. Like an untrained youth, in the grasp of an athlete, he never has even a chance. At every round, he is quickly thrown ; and the blows, given with a will, and planted with a precision and vigour, which no feint can elude, fall fast and heavily on his defenceless head. At every point, the Dean is confronted by his pertinacious and inexorable assailant, who leaves him no possibility of escape; or, if he does occasionally attempt a feeble de- fence, it only serves to bring down upon himself still severer punishment, until, exhausted by the encounter, he does that, which, for his own sake, he had better have 182 APPENDIX. done at first — makes peace with his adversary while yet he is in the way with him. To set one's self up for a teacher of English, pure and undefiled; jauntily to ascend the rostrum, as one gifted with authority to lay down the whole law ; and then to be met with such a withering exposure of incompetence, with such inevitable inferences of imbecility, as consti- tute the staple of Mr. Moon's book; for the physician, who gratuitously obtrudes his advice upon us, and vaunts his ability to cure our disorder, — for him to be convicted of labouring under a virulent form of the same disease, certainly this is not a pleasant position for a man to occupy, and we heartily commiserate the unfortunate Dean. Even in the fair field of criticism he is quite unable to cope with his skilful and alert adversary. ]STever was there a more conspicuous instance of going out to shear, and coming home shorn. For our own part, we would rather have submitted to a month's stone-breaking than have called down upon ourselves such withering sarcasms and incisive irony as Dr. Alford's language has so justly provoked. To those who are interested in speaking and writing good English, — and what educated person is not ? — this book is fall of instruction; and to those who enjoy a controversy, conducted with consummate skill, and in excellent taste by a strong man, well armed, it is such a treat as does not fall in one's way often during a life-time. Eegarded in itself, and without any immediate reference to its object, this book affords a model of • correct and elegant English ; such as is a perfect treat to meet with, in these days of slip- shod writing. Perspicuous, com- pact and nervous in its construction, it is by no means APPENDIX. 183 deficient in some of the higher and more brilliant quali- ties of style ; while, for refined sarcasm and covert irony, it has rarely been equalled. We can assure our readers that a pleasanter or more profitable employment than the perusal of this book, it would be difficult to recommend to them. As the subject is not of an ephemeral nature, though the book itself was called forth by a passing occasion, we hope to see the public interest in the work wax, rather than wane, and that still more editions may yet be called for. Every copy that is circulated is so much good seed sown broadcast, — so much seed of tares smothered in its growth. Many of our public writers, highly educated, and per- haps because they have been so educated, undertake English composition as if it were the one exceptional art which required no rule but the "rule of thumb." To such, the lamentable fiasco of the Dean, owing to his dis- regard of rules, should be a lesson, but, too probably, will not. We cannot help wishing that a writer who is so eminently qualified as Mr. Moon to teach a subject which, just now, so greatly needs to be taught, and who illus- trates so admirably by his example the precepts that he so clearly enforces, would devote himself to the task of drawing up a code of rules for composition, such as our journalists and periodical writers might appeal to, as a standard for correct English. We are of opinion that there is a crying want of such a work, that it would be one of the most useful and most popular works of the day, and that Mr. Moon, with his thorough mastery of the subject, with his keen perception, nice judgment, and pellucid and elegant style, is just the person to write it. When a man displays peculiar aptitudes, and of a high order, for a given subject, we grieve, we almost resent it, 184 APPENDIX. if our natural expectations should remain unfulfilled. We feel that to be defeated of our hopes is, in some sense, to be defrauded of our rights. "We think we have a right to call upon Mr. Moon, now that he has once exhi- bited this shining talent, not to wrap it up again in a napkin, but to put it out to interest, and we have no doubt of its bringing him back most abundant returns. We entertain this opinion notwithstanding Mr. Moon's disclaimer that "very little can be added to the canons of " criticism already laid down ; though very much may be " done for the permanent enriching of our language, by "popular writers using more care as to the examples "they set in composition, than as to the lessons they " teach concerning it," It is precisely because Mr. Moon teaches so well by example, that we would fain have him make this example the vehicle for the inculcation of pre- cepts, and the execution of the work the best comment upon, and illustration of, its rules. The public ear is prepared to listen to him, and rarely do such an occasion, and such an opportunity of earning and of deserving an enduring reputation, fall to the lot of any man, as those which now lie within the reach of Mr. Moon. THE END. By the same Author. Just published, in one volume, square 8vo„ toned paper, with engraved frontispiece, from an original drawing, of the Translation of Elijah. Price 3s. 6d. ELIJAH THE PROPHET: A POEM. By G. WASHINGTON MOON, F.R.S.L. THIRD EDITION. Extracts from Reviews. Court Journal. Her Majesty has graciously been pleased to accept a copy of Mr. Washington Moon's poem, " Elijah the " Prophet." "We have long been aware that Mr. Washington Moon was an acute and discriminating critic, but we were ignorant up to the present that he was possessed of high poetic genius. In his Elijah the Prophet he has produced an epic poem of great merit, exhibiting powers rarely equalled for sublimity and strength, and breathing a noble and an elevated spirit which deserves all prj 186 EXTRA CTS FROM RE VIE WS. Weekly Kecord. It is an epic poem of great beauty and power. Christian Examinee. It is a poem worthy of the subject and of the author. Bookseller. " Elijah the Prophet " is the most noticeable poem of the season. It is poetical in the true sense of the term. Ereeman, It is full of quiet beauty, and is specially remarkable for elegance of diction and purity of language. Evangelical Christendom. The poem is one of unusual interest and beauty. It will find favour chiefly with persons of refined and cultivated taste, who can appreciate the nicer elegancies of com- position. Public Opinion. Mr. Moon must be congratulated on having made a contribution to sacred minstrelsy of which all religious classes ought to be proud. He has produced a sacred poem alike honourable to his heart and to his head, for it reflects genuine piety and poetic genius. London Quarterly Review. Mr. Moon has taught the Dean of Canterbury some lessons which he certainly ought not to have needed, but EXTBACTS FROM REVIEWS. 187 as certainly did need ; and he has, at the same time, in- structed many besides. Mr. Moon, however, can not only lay down the laws of good prose composition ; he is himself an example of something more than poetic sus- ceptibility and culture. In this beautiful volume there are many sweet thoughts and tender touches, and many highly finished passages. British Standard. Mr. Moon has already attained for himself a good de- gree by his slashing criticism of "The Dean's English." — that is, the English of Dean Alford. Although we have not found it convenient to take any extended notice of those crushing criticisms, we, nevertheless, read them with pleasure, and often with admiration. They did ex- cellent service to the cause of good writing, and showed that even a Dean, and that Dean a man of genius, litera- ture, and culture, may yet, while correcting others, fall into the most egregious blunders himself. The strictures of Mr. Moon were of more service to the Dean than all that he received from university lectures on English literature. But, while pondering and enjoying those brilliant and scarifying contributions, we had no idea that the author was addicted to verse. Here, however, he appears before the public in a very splendid quarto volume, the subject of which is Elijah the Prophet, one of the most renowned of the wonderful class of men to which he belonged. While the subject is quite suited to poetry, it is, never- theless, one of a very arduous character ; but Mr. Moon is equal to great things, and is not afraid to grapple with them. There is much noble thought here, set forth in 188 EXTRA CTS FROM RE VIE WS. correct and brilliant diction. We are, indeed somewhat surprised that a gentleman of such ability in poetry has not written much more. The whole is nobly thought and marked by the dignity the subject demands. North British Daily Mail. The readers of " Good Words " will doubtless recognise in the name of Mr. Moon one with which they have already become acquainted. The lovers of English litera- ture also will hear again the name of a champion in their cause. The subsequent works of so bold and successful a critic of the language of a distinguished teacher could not fail to have a severe trial to stand for their own merits, and thus a volume of " Minor Poems " by Mr. Moon passed "through the fire;" with the result, however, of the more firmly establishing the author's fame as an accom- plished and scholarly writer. The present poem, " Elijah," is well calculated to add another laurel to Mr. Moon's reputation. The grandeur of the subject is well-nigh unsurpassed, and perhaps the highest praise which could be bestowed on the poem is that it is not unworthy of the subject. The language is eminently simple, but, by its very simplicity, is commanding. Lofty thought and poetic imagination grace each page ; while, pervading all, and permeating each varied stanza and melodious canto, there breathes an earnest spirit of deep-toned piety, and a personal knowledge of, and delight in God as "love", which seems to hallow all and harmonize each note into a chord of praise struck by a filial hand to the name of " the Father." EXTRA CTS FROM RE VIE WS. 189 It is not easy to give, from a poem describing the his- torical events of a considerable period, an extract which will fittingly represent the poem itself; bnt the elegance as well as the power of description which belongs to Mr. Moon's language may be gathered from almost any part of " Elijah." Christian News. Mr. Moon needs no introduction to those in any way acquainted with English literature. The feature of his poem which will appear most striking to many readers is the simplicity and purity of its diction. Mr. Moon has aimed at using simple terms, and he has accomplished his task in a manner rarely equalled, certainly never sur- passed. We question if there is anything more free from what may be called literary foppery within the compass of the English language. In the whole poem there is not a word which a child may not understand; and there is not a sentence which is in the slightest degree perplexed; and yet, notwithstanding its simplicity of expression, it is as far as possible from being puerile. There is a mas- culineness about it which indicates that the thoughts are those of a strong, stalwart mind; a mind not in any degree gross \ but one, which, while it takes a firm grasp of material things, can relinquish that grasp at pleasure, and rise to the contemplation of the immaterial. Edinburgh Daily Review. There is evident, throughout, a remarkable command of language ; but we attribute the unquestionable success of the epic to the devoutness of the mind which has con- ceived it, as well as to the imaginative faculty with which Ihe author is so richly endowed. 190 EXTRACTS FROM REVIEWS, Oxford University Herald. In this work the library has one of the most valuable additions that has for many years emanated from the press. Grift ed with a master-mind, — imaginative, penetra- tive, refined, and modest withal, — the anthor of this poem has thrown the full force of his powers of expression into the accomplishment of a great end, namely, the effective rendering with the aid of poetry of one of the most sublime records of the Old Testament. News oe the World. The subject of this epic is one of such surpassing grandeur and sublimity, that we confess to having opened the book with some doubt and misgiving; but we had not read far before we were satisfied that the author had not miscalculated his powers, and that his poem was worthy of high praise. St. James's Chronicle. The author has not only the attributes and qualifica tions of a poet in the true and highest sense, but a rare amount of varied knowledge which he brings in the happiest manner to bear on the grand heads of his sub- ject. We have not perused a volume of poetry for many a day that possesses so many attractive features. The book is one series of beautiful and brilliant gems and profound thoughts, set in pure and ornate language. Court Circular. This is a bold attempt by an able man. His work is one of considerable merit. Hitherto, Isaiah has furnished a EXTRACTS FROM REVIEWS. 191 favourite subject for translation ; but here is certainly a grander subject, and it has been handled with so much strength and energy that the author deserves much praise. He has succeeded in giving us a work that may stand in a high place among the specimens of modern English classical literature. It is not perfect; but we cannot point to any living writer who could with cer- tainty have done it better. The Atlas. Amongst the most difficult of literary undertakings must be considered the composition of a sacred epic. The only real successes in this field are the Paradise Lost and Eegained of Milton. And the very signal infe- riority of the latter to the former shows more decidedly than anything else, that not even to the highest genius is it vouchsafed to compose at will a sacred epic absolutely beyond rivalry. The French have never had sufficient reverence to undertake the task at all. Italy has never known the Bible well enough even to have the task sug- gested to its men of genius and faith. As for Germany, we cannot read a page of Klopstock's "Messiah" without yawning. During the whole of the unpoetic eighteenth century of English literature nothing of the kind arose above a level of absolute dreariness. Mr. Washington Moon, therefore, has undertaken a most daring enter- prise, and if we cannot congratulate him upon the achievement of great success, he must certainly be ac- quitted of anything approaching to failure. Some of his minor passages of episodical reflection or description are really very beautiful. 1 92 EXTRA CTS FROM RE VIE WS. The Orb. The very announcement of an epic poem upon a sacred subject is enough to make one shudder when we call to mind the number of ambitious failures we have witnessed, and we must confess that we opened this book with any- thing but a tolerant disposition towards another of the tribe of incompetents, as we feared this author would prove. Let us hasten, then, as in duty bound, to say that we recognize the " Elijah " of Mr. Moon as really a sacred epic of the highest order, in sentiment pious, in style powerful but chastened ; the author has shown himself a master both of rhyme and rhythm. We are much mis- taken if this work will not live, and, moreover, if it will not prove an aid to the piety of many a Christian who reveres the Bible as the very treasury of all that is sacred and true, the armoury of faith, and the foundation of hope. We strongly recommend the work to the attention of our readers. Cambridge University Journal. The author truly had a very grand subject to deal with, so grand that but few men would venture to take it in hand, and still fewer would handle it with any degree of success. To write in poetry the history of the " grandest " and most romantic character Israel ever produced," is a task not easy of accomplishment. There are many scenes in that life which must almost baffle description — the flight into the wilderness, the whirlwind, — and earthquake, and fire, and the " still small voice " on Mount Horeb ; the sacrifice on Carmel and the consequent dis- comfiture of the priests of Baal : and then the grand scene of all — the parting between Elijah and Elisha, EXTRACTS FROM REVIEWS. 193 followed by the wondrous translation of the former. * The author of such lines as those we have just quoted must know something about real poetry — must have some of its spirit— and those who read his work care- fully may be profited and instructed, and at the same time will give Mr. Moon the praise he deserves from us all. Church and School Gazette. We are bound to say that Mr. Moon's poem is a great work, and has many passages of rare beauty and of well- sustained sublimity. That power of imagination and play of fancy which leavens the whole lump of real poetry, and by a subtle touch of art, simile, or metaphor, turns earthly dross into gems and gold to blaze and burn before our eyes, is not wanting in it. The wealth of Mr. Moon's imagination has everywhere enriched his poem. We can find space for only the following minor touches of his pencil. — "Words are b^t harrowing when hope is dead. True friendship breathes its sympathy in sighs ; And love's most loving ivords are spoken by the eyes." " The brightest jewel in the costliest shrines Where God is worshipped is humility. 'Tis like a star which trembles as it shines; And through its trembling, brighter seems to be." The simile in the above quotation is full of beauty, and brightly reflects the radiance of true genius. There is a grandeur and sublimity that reminds one of Milton and of Young, even at their best, in the poet's description of the Day of Doom, in Canto i., and also at the close of the book, in the translation of Elijah. 194 EXTRACTS FROM REVIEWS. The following beautiful passage is from Canto xii. — Peace, troubled heart ! ' Tis only doubt that sorrows ; Faith, trusting, says, e'en though through falling tears, — ' ' Tis God who for a little season borrows ' The gift his hand bestowed in bygone years/ O, Gracious God, each loss Thyself endears, For Thee we cannot lose. Thou art the same For ever : and dost gently chide our fears ; Telling the grief- crushed heart, overwhelmed with shame, That there is hope, for ' I AM ' is Thy glorious name. ' I AM thy Father ; — doubt me not, my child. 'I AM thy Friend;— O fly thou not from Me. ' I AM thy God ; — be not by sin beguiled. ' I AM thine All ;— I give Myself to thee. ' I AM ' — the rest is blank, that it may be Filled up by man according to his need. — Trust thou in Him, Elisha ; happy he Who, though through griefs which cause his heart to bleed, Learns that the heart of God is merciful indeed." It is awarding no slight merit to the author to say that his whole poem breathes the purest morality and the loftiest devotion. Going through it is lite going through a cathedral, where, as the grand music rolls on the ear, the eye is almost everywhere enchanted with visions of unearthly interest and scriptural beauty breaking in rich- est colour from its storied windows, while the soul is touched and stirred with the deepest emotions of religion. We are much mistaken if the book does not become a favourite. Illustrated Weekly News. The magnificent epic poem before us is one of those rare issues, which, like wandering comets, appear only at long intervals. Every page teems with high poetic beau- EXTRACTS FROM REVIEWS, 195 ties, often soaring to the sublime. The author has approached his subject with studied care, and has mas- tered it in a style so grand, that little is left to be desired further than that the poet may attain the position which his brilliant epic entitles him to hold. Where all are so beautiful in thought and force, it is difficult to make an extract as fully showing Mr. Moon's powers. We, there- fore, take, almost at random, THE TRANSLATION OF ELIJAH. The sun had set, and as they journeyed on They thought they caught the sound of distant thunder ; Then nearer, clearer; hut o'erhead, stars shone, And on the horizon silv'ry clouds sailed under The deep blue sky. With mingled awe and wonder The prophets turned and saw that towards them came From heav'n a chariot and steeds of flame ! While Nebo's sacred mountain, with age hoary And crowned with snow, was radiant with the glow Of that celestial and unutterable glory. Ethereal, yet visible ; for bright Unto intensity through purest light Indwelling, was that chariot of the skies. The horses, too, were creatures not of earth ; Their necks were clothed with thunder ; and their eyes, Starry with beauty, told of Heav'nly birth. No harness fettered them ; no curb nor girth Restrained the freedom of those glorious ones, Nor traces yoked the chariot at their heels ; It followed them, as planets follow suns Through trackless space, in their empyreal courses ; For lo ! the fiery spirit of the horses Was as a mighty presence in the wheels, And in the dazzling whirlwind which behind them flew And caught Elijah up, as sunlight drinks the dew. 196 EXTRA CIS FROM RE VIE WS. Away, away to Heav'n those steeds upbore him ; Leaving the clouds as dust beneath their feet. Wide open flashed the golden gates before him ; And angel forms of splendour rose to greet The favoured prophet. Oh, the rapture sweet ! The ecstacy most thrilling which came o'er him ! — But thoughts are voiceless when we soar thus high ; And, like the lark that vainly strives to beat With little wings the air and pierce the sky, We fall again to earth. Elisha there Wept o'er his loss, but wept not in despair. No ; though a few regretful tear-drops fell, He knew that with Elijah all was well ; For through the open gates of Heav'n there rang Strains of the song of welcome which the angels sang. O who can picture that transcendent sight ! Who fitly can relate the wondrous story ; Who paint the aerial beauty of that night, Or sing the fleetness of those steeds of glory And God's triumphant chariot of light Entering Heav'n ! Never, in depth or height, Had mortal gazed on such a scene before ; Never shall years, how long soe'er their flight, The solemn grandeur of that hour restore, Till Heav'n' s last thunder peals forth "It is done ! " And the archangel, dazzling as the sun, Descends to earth ; and, standing on the shore Of ages, swears with upraised hand by ONE Who lived ere time its cycles had begun, That time shall be no more. Advertiser. We assure the reader that these lines are but an average specimen of the glowing, vigorous, and lofty versification which characterize the epic of 'Elijah the i Froxjhet\ The poem is a noble effort to embody a noble theme. EXTRACTS FROM REVIEWS. 197 The Impeuial Review. Elijah the Prophet is a fine subject for a great poem. The deep religious mystery that pervades the whole story, the moral grandeur of the prophet's character, its terrible power and its tender pathos, the superhuman and supernatural elements that interweave the whole texture of his mighty mission as an avenging prophet of " the living God," all form a dramatic basis of the broadest kind on which to build a poem of more than ordinary interest, and nothing is more worthy of praise than the manner in which our author has everywhere embodied in the substance of his poem the simple grandeur of the Bible narrative. The epic clings with loving fidelity to the divine record, and in sentiment breathes the very soul of humble piety and exalted faith. The whole tone and temper of the poem is not only :*eligious but devotional in the highest degree. Mr. Moon is equally successful in what may be fairly called the earthly element in his poem; he has here shown that penetrating insight into the workings of the human will and human passion, without which no poet can hope to reach the highest department of his art. The dramatic power severally shown in the evolution of the character of Ahab and of Jezebel, and of the sublime prophet who is the hero of the poem, are all distinct evidences of Mr. Moon's capacity in this province of his art. His powers of imagination are worthy of an epic poet. His descriptions of nature are drawn with remarkable finish and taste. The night scene in the Invocation is an admirable picture, we can only give a few lines of it, 1 98 EXTRA CTS FROM RE VIE WS. which contain one of Mr. Moon's striking similes : — " The worlds of splendour in the midnight sky, Which, gem-like, shine so beautifully bright ; Are but thy breath, Almighty God most high, Condensed whilst passing through primeval night, With those creative words, ' Let there be light.' " The metre adopted is that of the Spenserian stanza, with some slight alteration. With the exception of Lord Byron, no imitator of Spenser has shown a freedom and vigour in the handling of this graceful, but difficult measure, which can be compared with the mastery almost universally evinced by Mr. Moon. We are bound to remark that, taken as a whole, it is by far the best poem on a sacred subject that has appeared for a considerable time. ALSO, In 1 vol., square 8vo., cloth, gilt, price 5s., MINOR POEMS, By G. WASHINGTON MOON, F.R.S.L., Author op 'Elijah the Prophet,' etc. HATCHARD & CO., 187, PICCADILLY, LONDON. NORWICH: PRINTED BY FLETCHER AND SON. 4. H 'W '»> 31 H^ JW! H ■ i^i ■ ^1 In ■ ^ M*Ut»"». ■ ,* ■ ^^| l i' M I ■ llh I EMgfl ■ I iTfc I Ac'jT-V ' ■ ^