I^inp-^ATOod- H OF THE FT\e.nAi, Soc'vft^ 0^. D MONTHLY MEET OF Friends Hunterdon County, New Jersey, COMPILED FROM THE MINUTES AND OTHER MANUSCRIPTS BEGINNING IN 1744 BY JAMES W. MOORE, LAFAYETTE COLLEGE, EASTON, PA. Flemington, New Jersey, H. E. BEATS. 1900. V 475503 r Copyright 1900, by Jcnnes W. Moore. Printed for the Publisher by Geo. W. Burroughs, Cranbury, N. J. Hiivino luid occasion about Hve years ago to investigate some points in the early history of New Jersey Dr. Henry Kace, of Pittstown, directed nie to the Kingwood Records. Tlirough the kindness of the Custodian, Mr. Abrani R. Vail, of Quakertown, unfortunately recently deceased, free access to them was given me. So much of interest to so many people was discovered that the notes then taken were regarded of sullicient value to publish. Every effort has been used to avoid errors but the nature of the work was such that some minor ones may not have escaped notice. The work has been a labor of love upon the ])art of both the compiler and pultlisher. ,Ian. 1. 1900. J. W. M. A HINT 0]Sr DATES. Old Style. Before 175^ the year began March 25th. Marcli April May June July Augu.st September Octo))er November December January February 1st month :3n(l month 3rd month 4th month 5th month 6th month 7tli mouth *?th m on til • 9th month 10th month 11th month l"2th montli New Style. The Year 1752 begau January 1st. Janxiary. February. Marcli. April. May. June. July. August. September. October. November. Deeemher. Gilbert Cope, West Chester Pa. 5 HE region about Quakertown, New Jersey, was settled by Friends at an early date, bow early it is impossible now to deter- mine with exactness. A few old deeds which have escaped the ravages of time indicate that some of the families were there abont 1726 or 1727. The Friends who were early settlers were members of Chesterfield Monthly Meeting, of Bur- lington County. In the minutes of that Meeting, under date of 10th. 4, 1729, the following minute is found : "Thomas Williams, Samuel Schooley and others made application to this meeting that, whereas, their settlement being remote from Friends, they request Friends approbation and consent to meet together at one of their houses every First day of the week to worship God ; whereupon this meeting, well knowing the advan- tage the people of God have in meeting together in His name, approve of their so doing until there be an established meeting nearer to them, or until Friends see some inconveniency in their so doing. " This is supjjosed to be the authority for the estab- lishing of the Bethlehem Monthly Meeting, which afterwards became the Kingwood Meeting, the name of the township having been changed to the latter. In the act itself it will be noticed that the location of the settlement is not given. There is no evidence of the appointment of overseers until 1731, when a proposition was brought out " to appoint overseers for Bethlehem." In 1733 Samuel Large, Samuel Willson, John Stevenson, Edward Kockhill and Joseph King act as trustees for four acres of land for the use of the meeting, which are deeded by Jacob Doughty. Nothing is known of the date of the erection of the original meeting-house. It is said to have been a log house, and to have stood about thirty yards southwest of the present building*. The establishment of a Ijusiness meeting in 1744 is indicated by the following extract from the minutes ; John Simcock is supposed to have been the clerk. * The writer wishes lo acknowledge his indebtedness for the preceding information to a paper by Mrs Mary C. Vail. BOOK A VOL: the 1st. Containing The Proceedings of the Monthly Meeting at King- wood, formerly called Bethlehem, according to the Minutes here-in-after Eecorded At our Monthly Meeting held at Bethlehem the 10th. Day of the 7th. Month 1744 This being our first Monthly Meeting of Friends here, friends think it requisite that the copy of the Last Quarterly Meetings Min- utes whereby Liberty was granted that we Sliould hold a Monthly Meeting here, Should be Entered at large, which is as foUoweth, vizt. At our Quarterly Meeting held at Burlington the 27th. day of the Gth. Month 1744, This Meeting again considering the application of Friends of Bethle- hem Meeting who have again renewed their re- quest, and after deliberate and weighty considera- tion of the matter. Do now consent and agree that as they live very remote from any Monthly Meet- ing which must needs be on Several accounts inconvenient to them. They have Liberty to hold a Monthly ^Meeting among themselves, and it is Agreed that the said meeting be held the Second day in each Month : And the Clerk is desired to give them a copy of this Minute. A true Copy pr. Caleb Eaper Clerk. No better history of Kingwood Meeting can be written than that which is contained in the Min- utes. The following quotations, in their quaint language, tell the story : 11 1 1744 I 5. "Jeremiah Williams reports that he carried Seventy shillings which was col- lected at our last Monthly Meeting to the Quar- terly Meeting and paid it to Caleb raper (the Treasurer) towards the Yearly Meetings Stock." 11 12 1744. This meeting taking into con- sideration the necessity of Building a new Meet- inghouse in this place have Unanimously agreed to lay the necessity thereof before the next Quar- terly Meeting in order to their Approbation therein." 11 1 1744 I 5. "Samuel Large & Jeremiah Williams who were appointed to Attend Last Quarterly Meeting Keport that Agreeable to the 6 request of our last Monthly Meeting they made Application for Building a New Meetinghouse here, and they have brought a Copy of the Minute made there on that occasion which is Entred at large as followeth vizt. At our (Quarterly Meet- ing held at Burlington the ;>r)th. day of the 12th. Month 1744. The Monthly Meeting of Friends at Bethlehem having made application for liljerty to build a Meetinghouse there, that they already have there not l)eing large enough, this Meeting consents to their proposal, And that the said House be built according to the directions of the said Monthly Meeting. To witt, about thirty Six feet long and twenty Six feet wide. A Copy of the Minute Cabel Kapor Cllv. And this Meeting agrees that the said Meeting- house Shall be fJuilt according to the above Demen- tions in the Clear, and that it Shall be Built of Stone." 13 3 1745. "Friends of the Great Meadows having made Bequest for holding a Meeting of Worship there, This IMeeting leaves it to further Consideration until the next Monthly Meeting." 8th 5 1745. ■' Friends of Great Meadows re- newed their request for holding a IMeeting of Worship there every First day of each week which this meeting grants and appoints Samuel Willson Junr. shall serve in the place of an overseer at particular Meeting." 12 6 1745. " This meeting taking into consid- eration that it would answer much better both in respect of our own affairs and also because our Monthly Meeting interferes with some otlier adja- cent meetings so that both cannot both be so well attended as otherwise they might be if our Monthly Meeting were settled on the Second Fifth day in every mouth w herefore it is concluded that those Friends who shall be appointed to attend next Quarterly Meeting do make request accord- ingly and that our request be inserted in our report to the next meeting. This meeting agrees and it is Concluded that our Monthly Meetings and Meetings of Worship both on First days and Week days shall begin at Eleven o'Clock in the morning for the future." 12 7 1745. Upon the Request of our last Monthly Meeting to the Quarterly Meeting for holding our IMonthly Meeting on the Second Fifth day in every month which was granted as appears by the Quarterly Meetings minute entered at large as followeth vizt The Friends of Bethlehem Monthly Meeting requested that their Monthly Meeting might be held for the future on the Fifth day of the second week in every month which after due consideration was granted by this meet- ing Copy per Richard Smith Clark of Q. M. for this time. '2 12 174(3. This Meeting orders the sum of four pounds to be collected in order to send to the next Q. M. to lielp to defray the charges of the repairing the two meeting houses in Btirlington. 14 3 1747. Jeremiah Williams and Daniel Doughty to attend the next Q. M. and to report in addition to the usual matters " We are build- ing our new Meetinghouse here tliirty nine feet long k i s •> 1745 14 9 (.4 11 7 174 marry Jjicob Lundy. Mary Wilson (iabriel Wilison, Elizabeth Lundy Thos. Lundy, Joanna Doan John Wilison, Margaret Lundy Samuel I^undy, Anne Schooley Titus Doan, Deborah Wilison, .Ir Henry Coate. Thomas Coate, Elizabeth King Benj. Hill, ]\Lirtha Williams Solomon Willets, Jr Benjamin Heaton Joseph Willetts Aaron Watson, Sarah Ernies Elisha Eniley Henry Coate, Jr Benj. Schooley, Martha Lundy Samuel Webster, Susannah Kester Josiah Dyer, Jr., liachel Schooley John Brock, Jane Simcock Samuel Smith, Greenwich, m. kin. David Marsh, Mary King, .Ir John Rockhill Wm. Kester, E^lizabeth Kester, first cousins Joseph Webster Thos. Whitson's (Senr. ) daughter Daniel Robins Joseph Lundy, Sarah Wilison Samuel Kesster cert, to m. Ebeuezer Wilison, .lehoaden Schooley W^m. Paxson .lonathan Willets .John Stevens cert, to m. in Ches- terfield M. M. Saml. Lundy .Ir. Sarah Webster Deborah Praul Thomas Wells, Rebecca ( )lph Prudence Hays John Stevenson, Mercy King Thomas Stevenson Experience Collard formerly Havens .los. Willets .Ir. u 8 1748 9 12 i I 10 3 17.')0 11 8 i C \2 7 1751 10 8 ii V.i 8 1752 8 2 175:i 8 3 u 9 8 1( a u l( it u 11 4 1754 12 12 ;( u a n 10 4 1755 10 7 (i 11 9 u l( 10 i( 11 12 (( 12 2 175(i 14 10 9 6 i:} 10 10 7 14 9 u u 9 12 7 9 10 12 1758 9 11 2 1759 8 6 12 7 H 1760 17(il 17«2 1:5 •> • > 17(J:{ 11 s i i 8 9 u i> 5 17«5 8 8 u 10 10 u 10 a u 8 5 17fifi 11 9 i * 9 10 ii 9 7 9 4 4 14 10 " Samuel Large Sen. p:iizabeth Myers " " " Harmanus Kesster, Rachel ^\'ebster Francis Tomlison .lacob Paxson Mary Webster Elijah Collins R.ichel Webster Andrew More of Sadsl)iiry, Ruth Birdsall James Schooley Samuel Lundy, Sarah Willetts John Kester Deborah Webster Richard Holcoml), Ann Emley .lohn Kesster Jr. Hannah Webster Robert Emley cert, to marry Mary Newbold of Chesterfield M.M. 12 :'> 17fi7 Jonathan Wilison Abigail Sohniuke " Wm. Collard son of Elijah " Amos Lundy 17(i8 Andrew Robins " " " Samuel Simcock 12 5 " Joseph Wilison, Elizabeth Schmuke " " " John Willetts, Mary Wilison Henry AVilletts, Charity Wilison .los. Carpenter, Sarah Lundy .Tos. Webster, Rebecca Kester .Josiah Wilison m. his first cousin Thomas Parker, Susannah Lundy Abraham Webster, Ann Lundy Jr .John Kester, Sarah Liindy Samuel Schooley, Elizabeth Wilison Nathan King, Sarah Moore George King John Simcock, Mary Kelly Jacob Smith Phebe Collins Paul Kester Anne Webster Henry Weddifield ]\Iary Burwell John Simcock .Jr. Richard Lundj-, Mary Stockton .Jr Joseph Havens Gabriel Wilison, Keziah Decker Darling Havens Isaac Havens Hermanns Kester Jr. John Wilison, Elizabeth Schooley John Williams, Hannal Pursley Lydia Burse Peter Potter Rachel Huston Mary Cherry Christian Schmuke, Mary Lundy Jr. " " " Robert Wilison, Mary Heaton 11 4 177fi Ruben Lundy cert, to m. Esther Bunting of" Falls M. M. 14 7 4 i 8 9 U 18 11 U 12 1 1769 11 5 u 8 3 1770 14 (5 i k 13 9 1770 14 2 1771 u a u 14 11 a 13 8 1772 8 10 I i u t i u 14 1 1773 8 4 U 13 5 u 10 6 i i, 9 12 (i 11 8 1774 8 9 U 13 10 u 10 11 t i, u 9 7 1775 13 4 i( 13 7 U 12 10 L i 11 9 5 l:? (> 10 10 14 11 13 3 9 10 11 12 u u l-> • > 9 7. 13 H 10 9 12 >2 11 3 R 4 V2 R 11 11 10 2 11 9 11 i i, 12 9 9 5 11 14 a 12 7 13 9 11 10 13 12 10 1 14 2 11 4 \71 177H 2 1779 17H0 10 11 1781 1782 11 u u u u 1 1 13 o 17^ 10 4 1 1 14 8 (1 11 11 11 8 1784 10 " 12 " Isaac Liindy, Ann Larjje Ephraim Lundy, Elisabeth Patterson Mahlon Collins Moses Willson, Anne Schmuke John Myers Mahlon Taylor cert, to m. Mary Hornor of Chesterfield M. M. Experience Collard John Lundy Samuel Stephenson Amos Creeji cert, to m. Elisabeth Hartshorn of Falls M.M. Joseph Curtis Lucy Simonton Thos. Lundy Jr. Elisabeth Stockton Jeremiah Williams cert tom. Mary Blackledge of Richland M.M. liandle Collins, Mary Parker Enos Lundy John Watson George Lundy, Esther Willson .Tames Wilson Whitson Birdsall cert, to m. Rachel Bradford of Buckingham M.M. Samuel Large .Tr. Daniel Willson, Ann Dennis (2nd time ) Samiiel Moore John Hole Mary Ciles Arthur Stephenson .Tessie Dennis, Anne Schooley David Willson, Mary Ware Deborah Dennis James Wilson of Kingwood Richard Schooley of Hard wick Benj. Kester cert, to m. Rachel Hambleton of Buckingham M.M Israel Birnting of Buckingham, Elisabeth Lundy Acsah Irvine formerly Rockhill Thomas Twining .John Moore cert, to m. Hannah Copeland of Railway and Plain- field M.M. Jos. Marsh Prudence Dennis .lacob Lundy Jr. cert, to m. Sarah Hampton of Rah way and Plain- field M.M. Jonathan Lundy, Rebecca Heaton Ann Hambleton Henry Parkei', Martha Bishop Mary Hoage Mary Minegar formerly Philips 10 3 1785 Epraim Parker, Sarah Patterson 12 5 1 1 RoV)ert Large m. his first cousin 14 7 11 Jon. Collins 11 u " Wm. Williams 9 3 178(5 Jos. Schooley 14 9 i i John Patterson, Ann Lundy 12 10 a John Parker i. i >i u Amos Parker 11 9 i i Samuel Webster Rachel Willson 11 1 1787 Elisabeth Hambleton formerly Kester H 3 11 Mary Dennis formerly Dyer 12 4 11 .Tos. Atkinson cert, to m. in PhilaM.M. 11 u (1 Jessie Dennis, Martha M'Coy 1 1 11 u Amos Ware 13 9 11 Daniel Lundy, Elisabeth Laing 11 a 1 1 Benj. Williams Jr. 8 11 u Mordecai Willson i L 11 11 Richard Lundy a 1. 11 Jos. Dennis 10 4 1788 (Jabriel Lundy cert, to m. Grace Brotherton of Railway and Plainfield M.M. 11 9 (1 Abigail Stevenson 13 11 11 Wm Coate i i i L 11 Mary Price formerly Coate 9 4 1789 Samuel Willson .Ir. 11 6 11 Mahlon Willson 10 9 1 1 Ann Vliet formerly Willson 8 10 11 Rachel Vough formerly Dyer 10 12 (1 Mary Parker 11 2 1790 Jacob Smith, Susanah Willson u 11 1 1 Willson Doan « i It 11 Jonathan Willson 11 3 It Edward Stevenson 8 7 11 Wm. Large 9 9 11 Benj. Moore 11 11 1 1 Sarah Williams 9 12 tt Ann Taylor formerly Birdsall 10 1 1 11 .Tames Willson Rachel Webster i i 2 1791 Levi Lundy 14 4 i 1 .Tesse W'illson cert, to m. Hannah Dill of Rahway and Plainfield M.M. 12 1 11 .Tonathan Heaton, Ann Ware " 11 If Elihu Willson, Margaret Ware 8 9 1 1 Hannah Runyon formerly Davis 12 1 1792 Esther Linburg formerly Coate 12 4 11 David Willetts m. his first cousin 9 8 ii Wm. Paxson Jr. it 11 1 1 Jeremiah Willson cert, to m. .Toannah Moore of Rahway and Plainfield 13 9 11 Henry Brotherton of I^hway and Plainfield M.M., Margaret Willson 12 11 10 H 11 10 1 I7i):5 11 (1 11 11 11 4 11 u 1 1 11 11 11 11 11 7 11 10 10 ii 1-2 12 ki 9 I 1794 13 o ii 12 6 11 18 11 u 8 1 1795 9 4 11 14 5 11 9 7 11 1;2 8 11 10 12 11 14 1 1796 10 3 11 ( i 11 11 ii 11 11 14 4 11 11 1 1 11 11 8 11 3 9 11 9 11 1797 8 o 1798 12 12 1799 10 2 1800 u 11 11 1 1 11 1 1 10 f) 11 11 8 1 1 9 10 11 9 9 1801 14 1 1802 11 2 11 9 6 1803 14 7 It 8 9 11 8 3 1804 13 12 11 11 7 1805 10 10 1M05 11 1 1><07 Alice Mills formerly Paxson Jno. Willson Jr ^^anuiel Laiiifi, Editli Liindy Jane F.oro formerly Webster of Niajiura Ann Willson formerly Dyer Jno. Willson Jr. Wm. Pa.xson Joseph W(4)ster Mary Taylor formerly Coxe Ann Pettet formerly Lnndy John Wills(m the 2d John Large Jos. Stevenson, Ann Will -son Ann Drake formerly Collins Sanuiel Dyer Jos. Laing Jos. Atkinson Jos. T.undy cert, to m. in West- bury M.M. Elisabeth Waters formerly Birdsall John Emleycert. toni. in Evesham M.M. John Laing, Achsah Lundy James "NVilletts Elisabeth Nun Mehitable Oliver Isaac Reeder Cadwallader Evans John Welch Wm. Welch Jr. Septimus Hough, Edith Willson Wm. Cliffton, Amy Hampton Caty Dupuy Isaac Moore cert, to m. in Buck- ingham M.M. Mary Doogan formerly Egbert Ann Taylor of Upper Canada Jno Cook Elisabeth Fleming formerly Cook Lydia Waggoner, D. Cook Sarah (ruild formerly Emley Sarah Snyder formerly Egbert Jos. Briggs of Wrightstown Pa, Martlia Dawes Saniuel Adams, Sarah Hampton Marg. Winner Rachel Little formerly Cook Jno. Renderdine of Horsham Ann Quick formerly Cook Ann Brevver formerly King Wm. Potts, Susannah Dawes Elisiibeth Willson formerly Lundy Lucy Berdine Amos Lundy Jno. Williams Samuel Willson .Tr. Jno Willson Davis Laing Jr. Rachel Twing John Twing John Dawes Levi Willson Susannah Martendale formerly Landess Joseph Laing Wm. Kesster, Mary Webster Mary Craven formerly Emley John Freeman, Rebecca Stevenson (widow, 1 child) Arnold Kesster, Mary Kesster Mary Johnson formerly Twining Susan Dennis formerly Kesster Elisabeth Young formerly King Martha H. Arrison Janney Dawes James Atkinson Thomas "Williams Eleanor Hartpence Benj. Williams Isaac B. Williams Moses Pownall, Susanna Webster William Kester Mahlon Briggs, Amy Dawes Abel Lester, Margaret Williams Amy Rea Hannah Burser Jacol) Cliffton Charles Potts James Willson In the folio wing records of marriages no attempt is made to reproduce the formula used in making the record except in the first one recorded. This one is given verbatim as a sample of the wording. The wording is not exactly the same in all but the diiference is due to the writing having been done by ditYerent persons. The groom signed tir.st, then the newly made wife and then the witnesses. I have separated the first two from the others by a semi-colon. These names help to locate many persons whose personality was supposed to have disippeared entirely. Several names could not be deciphered with certainty; in such case an interro- gation point has been enclosed in parenthesis. The order of the records has been generally fol- lowed. The nearness of two names sometimes in- dicates husband and wife. 5 10 1752 Whereas Benjamin Canby of Solesbury in the County of Bucks & Province of Pennsyllvania & Martha Whitson of Am well in the County of Hunterdon New West Jersey hath declared their intentions of Marriage before sev- eral Monthly Meetings of the People called Qua- kers according to the good Order used amongst them t*^- having consent of Parents & Relations 9 4 11 10 8 11 10 12 11 14 1 1808 10 3 U 10 11 I L 8 2 1810 9 8 1. 11 10 11 8 11 11 10 1 1811 11 4 4 i. (, i 11 C (, ii 1 1 U 9 9 1813 13 1 1814 14 4 u 12 1 1815 10 10 1816 11 12 1817 14 1 1819 14 10 11 9 12 11 7 8 1821 3 11 11 20 5 1824 13 11 1825 13 4 1826 14 10 1830 14 7 1836 13 as far as concerned & the Marriage was allow'cl by the sd. Meeting. Now these are to Certify whom it may concern for the full accomplishment of the said Solemnization this fifth Day of the tenth Month in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & fifty two they the sd Benja. Canby & Martha Whitson appeared at a publick Meeting of the People aforesd at Amwell appointed for that Purpose & they the sd. Benja. Canby standing up taking the sd. Martha Whitson by the hand did in a solemn manner openly declare that he took her to be his AVife promissing by the Lords Assist- ance to be unto her a loving & Faithful! Husband untill Death should separate them or Words to that purpose & then & there in the same Assembly She the said Martha Whitson did in like manner openly declare that She took him to be her Hus- band promising with the Lords Assistance to be unto him a loving & faithful Wife until Death should seperate them or words to that effect Moreover they the Said Benja. Canby & Martha Whitson She according to the Custom of Marriage assuming the Name of her Husband did to these Presents set tlieir Hands & we whose Names are under subscriljed were present at the Solemnization of the sd. Marriage & Subscription &did thereunto set our hands tlie Daj & year above Written. Benjamin Hill, Clk., Benjamin Canby, Martha Canby, Thomas Whitson, Elizabeth Whitson, William Canby, Thos. Atkinson, Jos. King, Sanil. Large, Martha Dewer, Sarah Emley, Han- nah Lewis, Ann Atkinson, Rachel Mott, Martha Williams, Mercy King, Franciss Atkinson, Sarah Wilson, Ann Canby, Mary Lewis, Benja. Canby, Jos. Hill, Job Robins, Jno. Correll, Benj. Abbitt, Philip Ringo, Enoch Pearson, Samuel Eastburn, Jerendi. Williams, Jos. Dewer, Noah Gates, Walter Williams, Gershom Mott Junr., Jno. Em- ley, Junr., Israel Lewis, Jeremh. Skidmore, Danl. Lewis, Peter Lott Junr., Elizabeth Emley, Solomon Mott, Philip Atkinson, Eliphalet Smith, Jos. Parker, Jno. McMasters, Hannah Atkinson. 19 8 17(J1 Saml. Willson Junr, of Hardwick township in the County Sussex & in West New Jersey and Deborah Collins daughter of Jonathan Collins of place aforesaid. Saml. Willson Junr., Deborah Willson; Thos. Robinson, Andrew Collins, Richd. Lundy, Jona. Willson, Titus Doan, Jos. Willets, Jno. Willets, Thos. Lundy, Jno. Willson, James Willson, Mahlon Collins, Gazriel Willson Junr., Eve Shoe- maker, x\nn Lundy, Phebe Collins, Gabriel Will- son, Eliza. Willson, Sarah Lundy, Mary Willson, Saml. Willson, Jonathan Collins, Deborah Will- son, Jos. Willson, Elijah Collins, Ann Collins, Deborah Doan. 16 10 1777. Henry Cliffton of the township of Kingwood West Jersey, Hatter Son of Henry Clifiton late of Phi la. Deceased & Amy Horner of tho aforesaid place Daughter of Isaac Hornor late of Mansfield deed. Henry Cliffton, Amy Cliffton; Thos. Atkinson, Jos. Drinker, Thos. Coate, Jno. Kester, Harmanus Kester, Jona, Hill, Junr, Paul Kester, Jos. Moore, Peter Kester, Saml. Kester, Siasanah Kester, Mary Cahill, Mary Drinker, Sarah Johnson, Lucy Wat- son, Jos. Field, Mahlon Taylor, Benj. Kester, Thos. Watson Junr., Wm. Godley, Mary Hornor, Ruth Johnson, Sarah Bettle, Alice Paxtou, Han- nah Drinker, Christian Moore, Eliza. Large, Ann For man. 23 4 1778. Joseph Field Junr. of Lebanon Hunterdon County West New Jersey and Acsah Godly of Kingwood in the county aforesaid. Joseph Field Junr.. Acsah Field; Henry Clift"- ton, Samuel Stevenson, William Paxson, Jos. Moore, Saml. Kester, Thos. Coate, Jos. Drinker, Aaron Forman, ]Mahlon Taylor, Mary Large, Ruth Johnson, Hannah Drinker, Jane Greeg, Mary Coate, Sarah Johnson, Hannah Coate, Mary Tay- lor, Elizabeth Taylor, Amos Gregg, Mary Taylor, Jun., Mary Drinker, John Large, John Gregg Jun., Benjamin Taylor, Wm. Smith, Mary Cherry, Betsy Robinson, William Godly, Mary Godly, Acsah Robinson, Nancy Robinson. 21 5 1778. Adran Dawes, Junr. son of Adran & Susanah his wife of Whipping in the County of Philadel- phia & Province of Pennsylvania & Hannah Coate daughter of Thouias and Elizabeth Coate of Amwell in Hunterdon County West New Jersey. Adran Dawes Junr., Hannah Dawes; Joseph Drinker, Jos. Moore, Jno. Kester, Herman Kes- ter, Saml. Kester, Wm. Parson, Wm. Godly, Thos. King, Reubin Paxson, Jos. King. Nathan King, Jno. Case, Jno. Dapuy. Jno. Paxson, Amy Cliffton, Rebecca Wain, Ruth Johnson, Hannah Drinker, Hannah Kester, Rebecca King, Mary Godly, Mary Cherry, Mary Paxson Junr. Mary Paxson, Amie (?) Stockton, Hannah Pickering, Adran Dawes, Thos. Coate, Jno. Dawes, Mary Coate, Alice Dawes, Mary Dawes, David Dawes, Hannah Dawes, Saml. Thomas, James Egberd (?; 2 7 1778. John Allen Junr. of Kingwood Hunterdon County West New Jersey and Mary Large Junr. of the same place. John Allen, Mary .Mien; ,Tos. Drinker, Jos. Moore, Thos. Atkinson, Saml. Stevenson, Wm. Paxson, Henry Cliffton, Jno. Kester, Nathan King, John Gregg Jun., Geo. Scott, Saml. Crook, 14 Jos. Webster, Abuer Kunyon, Thos. Kester, James Willson, Benjn. Kester, Saml. Kester, Ke- becca Webster, Jane Gresg, Mary Hunyan, Rachel Kester, Deborah Orcjiji, Acsiih R()l)iiison, Hannah Grejiji, James Grejiji, Ruth Jolnison, ihmnah Drinker, Mary Cherry, Amy ClifTton, Mary Myers, Elizabeth i^cott, Ann Kister, Susanah Kester, Ann Kester Junr, Susanah Wolley, Jno. Large, Jacob Large, Mary Large, Hannah Allen, Herman Kester, Ebenezer Large, Danl. Allen, Ebenezer Allen, Elizabeth Large, Ebenezer Large, Saml. Large, Aaron Large, Sanil. Thatclier, Robt. Large. >J() 10 17S(). James Paxson of Solesbury Bucks County in Pennsylvania son of Thomas and Mary Paxson place aforesaid and Amy Coate, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Coate of the township of Amwell Hunterdon County, West New Jersey. James Paxson, Amy Paxson; Jos. Moore, Henry Cliffton, Saml. Stevenson, Peter Kester, Saml. Kester, Jno. McVay, Geo. Kline. Wm. Paxson, Jno. Paxson, Jos. Hambleton, Jno. Hambleton, Jno. Coate, Wm. Coate, George Paxton, Benja. Moore, James Price, James Heaton, Edmund Roach, Herbert Hummer, Nathan King, ]\Liry Large, Mary Paxson, Eliz. Large, Rebeka Web- ster, Susanah Kester, Mary Paxson, Hannah King, Alice Maris King, Rebecca Baker, Thos. Cnate, Mary Paxson, Alice Paxson, Jos. King, Stacy Pax- son, George Paxson, Mary Coate, Rachel Pax- son. 23 11 1780. John Hambleton son of Stephen and Hannah Hambleton of Soles])ury in ye coun- ty of Bucks, Penn. and Rachel Kester daughter of Saml. and Susanah Kester of Kingwood, Hun- terdon County, West New Jersey. John Hambleton, Rachel Hambleton; Saml. Stevenson, Mary Kester, Mary Coate, Henry Cliffton, Amy Clifton, Rebekah Webster, Mary Watson, Saml. Crook, Isaac Horner, Mary Hambleton, Aaron Large, Thos. Kes- ter, Jos. Moore, W^m. Paxson, Thos. King, Thos. Paxson, Jos. Pickering, Jos. Webster, Isaiah Paxson, Mary Paxson, Jane Pickering, Jonas Paxson, Mary Paxson, James Paxson, Amy Paxson, Wm. Townsend, Benja. Kester, Ann Paxson, Eliza. Austin, Ebenezer Large, Anne Lundy, Rebekah Large, Elizabeth Large, Mary Large, Stephen Hambleton, Saml. Kester, Susanah Kester, Hannah Hamldeton, Jane Hambleton, Anne Kester Junr., Anne W^ebster, James Ham- bleton, Wm. Hambelton, Elizabeth Hambleton. 13 8 17H"i. James Moore of the township of Sadsburg in the County of Lancaster & Province of Penna. son of James Moore of the same place and Rebecka Birdsall daughter of Jacob Birdsall of the township of Amwell, Hunterdon County, in New Jersey. James Moore, Rebeckah Moore ; Jos. Moore, Thos. Atkinson, Amos Gregg, Aaron Large, James Willson, Saml. Moore, Benj. Canby, Deborah Prahl, Christn. Moore, Jane Gregg, Ann Moore, Rachel Moore, Jos. Atkinson, Eliza. Birdsall, Eliza. Birdsall, Wm. Petit, Rachel Birdsall, Wliitson Birdsall, John Cooper, Rebekah Cooper, Eliza Moore, Ruth Moore, Sarah Petit, Mary ]\Ioore, Anne Birdsall, Hannah Holeombe, James Moore, Jacob IJirdsnll. Eliza. Birdsall, Ann Moore, Andrew Moore, Jeremh. Moore, John Moore, Saml. Birdsall. 24 11 1785. Willm. Hambleton of the City of Phila. son of Stephen & Hannah Hambleton of Solesburg Bucks County in Penna. and Mary Kes- ter daughter of Saml. and Susanah Kester of Kingwood Hunterdon County W^est New Jersey. William Haml)leton, Junr., Mary Hambleton ; Ebenezer Large, Saml. Johnson, George Drinker, Jona. LippincQtt, ^Vm. Paxson, Saml. Stevenson, Henry Cliffton, Robert Emley, Mary Large, Re- beckah Large, Saml. W'ebster, "Wm. Webster, Benj. Roberts, Amy Cliffton, Ann Rockhill, Uzinah Titus, Eliza. Emley, Becky ClifTton, Suky Emley, Wm. Paxton Junr., Anne Webster, Mary Hambleton, Jane Paxson, George Paxson, Rachel Webster, Thomas Paxson, Benj. Hambleton, Stephen Hambleton, Saml. Kester, Susanah Kes- ter, Hannah Hambleton, James Hambleton, Benj. Kester, Sarah Kester, Eliza. Kester, Rebekah King, Hannah Kester, Wm. Hambleton, Martha Hambleton. 20 4 1786. Robert Burgess Jiinr. of the town- ship of Amwell Hunterdon County West Jersey, Mercht., son of Robert Burgess of the same place and Abigail Bowman daughter of Roger Bowman of the place aforesaid. Robert Burgess, Abigail Burgess; Amy Cliffton, Betsy Cliffton, Sarah Hornor, Eliza. Emley, Maria Johnston, Ann Rockhill, Eliza Hunt, Gaynor Potts, Anne Lundy, Susanah Kester Junr., Sarah Hartshorne, Robert Endey, Benj. Kester, Saml. Johnson, Jos. .\tkinson, Wm. Paxson, George Drinker, Jno. Allen, Jane Gregg, Ann Moore, Huldah Moore, Mary Wright, Roger Bowman, Jane Bowman, John Burgess, John Bowman, John Gregg Junr., James Gregg, Wm. Gregg, Saml. Kester. Susanah Kester, Hannah Atkin.son. 7 4 178G. Anthony Burton Junr. of the town- ship of Bristol Bucks County, Penna. son of An- thony Burton, of the same place and Jane Gregg daughter of John (iregg of the township of Am- well Hunterdon County West New Jersey. Anthony Burton Junr., Jane Burton; Amy Cliffton, Ann Forman, Ann Lundy, Eliza. Large, 15 Hannah Kester, Gaynor Potts, Rebekali Large, Mary Godly, Abby Godly, Sarah Alexander, George Clark, Jno. R. Reading, Jno. Bowman, Jno. Low, Danl. Gregg, David Landiss, Henry Cliffton, Jerenih. King, Saml. Kester, Susanah Kester, Wni. Paxson, Nathan King, Jno. Watson, David Watson, Naomi Meriick, Rebecca Hough, Hannah Watson, Jesse Hough, Abram Watson, Amos Watson, Sarah Hartshorne, Rachel Hil- borne, Mary Wright, Isaac Marsh, Roger Bow- man, Mary Gray, Eliza. Gray, Theodia Smith, ALiry King, Thos. Reading, Hannah Atkinson, Mary Large, Jos. Atkinson, Ann King, Jno. Gregg, Deborah Gregg, Amos Gregg, Hannah Stackhouse, Jno. Gregg Junr., Wm. Gregg, Mahlon Gregg, Jonathan Burton, Martha Burton, Jos. Merrick, Mary 3Ierrick. 20 9 1787. Thomas Carey Junr. of the town- ship of Solesbnry County of Bucks in Penna. son of Thomas Carey of the same place and Hannah Moore daughter of Jos. Moore of Amwell town- ship in the County of Hunterdon in New Jersey. Thomas Carey Junr., Hannah Carey; Henry Cliffton, Roger Bowman, Jean Bowman, Jno. Kinney, Mary Kinney, Jno. Dawes, Saml. Kes- ter, Jos. Field, Wm. Paxson, Saml. Webster, Isaac Hill, Mary Hill, Hannah Kester, Amy Price, Mary Large, Amy Cliffton, INIary Drinker, Abigail Burgess, Hannah Atkinson, Sally Potts, Betsy Cliffton, Susanah Webster, Susanah Kester, Susanah Kester Junr., Anne Webster, Hannah Kester, Jos. Gillingham, Rachel Carver, Asher Atkinson, Aaron Prahl, Thos. Carey, Mary Carey, Christian Moore, Saml. Moore, Hannah Carey, Benj. Moore, IMiranda Moore, Rachel Moore, Isaac Pickering Junr., Deborah Prahl, Eliza. Carver, Elizabeth Prahl. "25 10 1792. Isaac Hornoi of Princeton County of Somerset son of Isaac Hornor of the township of Manslield in the County of Burlington, and Susanah Emley daughter of Robert Eniley of the township of Kingwood in the County of Hunter- don all of the State of New Jersey. Isaac Hornor Junr. Susanah Hornor; Wm. Pax- son, George D. Ciark, B. V. Hunt, Jos. Moore, Edward Moore, Saml. Kester, Susanh. Kester, Harman Kester, Amy Kester, Wm. Clift'ton. Saml. Welxster, Eliza. McCullough, Sarah Emly Potts, Urzinah Titus, Mary Cherry, Anna Barbei, Nathanl. Barber, Elizabeth Large, Mary Ham ble- ton, Anne Weljster, Rachel Kester, Gaynor Rock- hill, Ann Rockhill, Susanah Dunham, ,Iane Hunt, Mary Canli eld, Rachel Webster, Rebecca Webster, Mary Einley Junr., Sarah Taylor, Maria Potts, Ataron Olden, Eliza. Olden, Mary Allen, Eliza- beth Clift'ton, Job Olden, Isaac Hornor, Robert Emley, Mary Emley, Sarah Watson, Ann Forman, Aaron Forman, Aaron Watson, Henry Cliffton, Amy Clifton, Sarah Emley, Jno. E. Forman, Thos. Hornor, Wm. Potts, Jno. Emley Junr., Eliza. Emley, Rebecca Cliffton. 17 4 1794. Aaron Hand)leton of the township of Solesbury County of Bucks State of Penn. son of Stephen Hambleton of the same place and Hannah Kester daughter of Saml. Kester of King- wood County of Hunterdon State of New Jersey. Aaron Hambleton, Hannah Hambleton; Eobert Emley, Wm. Paxson, Sarah Emley, Eliza. Emley, Sarah E. Potts, Rachel Webster, Jno. Emley Junr., Henry Cliffton, Amy Clift"ton, Jno. Allen, Mary Allen, Wm. Webster, Saml. Hopkins, Joseph Drinker, Saml. Webster, Henry Bow- man, Edward Moore, Benj. Kinsey, Amos Vickers, Kebeka Cliffton, Elizabeth Cliffton, Steplien Hamlileton, Saml. Kester, Susanah Kester, Benj. Kester, Rachel Kester, Margaret Hambleton, Mary Hamlileton Junr., Mary Ham- Ideton, Snsanah Kester Junr. 23 10 1794. Job Olden son of Joseph and Anne Olden of the township of Windsor County of Middlesex State of New Jersey and Elizabeth Emley daughter of Robert and Mary Emley of the township of King- wood Hunterdon County State aforesaid. Job Olden, Elizabeth Olden; Eliza. Large, Martha Dawes, Susanah Kester, Susanah Kester Junr., Susanah Large, Eliza. Wright, Ann Web- ster, Ruth Mott, Saml. Kester, Benj. Kester. Stephen Hambleton, Wm. Paxson, Harmanus Kester, Samuel Webster, Aaron Forman, Wm. Large, Henry Cliffton, Amy Clift'ton, Rachel Webster, Tissea Runyan, Danl. Coxe Runyon, Jno. Emley Forman, Wm. Potts, Wm. Clift'ton, Rebeka Cliffton, Elizabeth Newbold, Mary Ann Forman, Eliza. Cliffton, Susanah Hough, Uzinah Titus, Sally Runj^an, Hannah Cliffton, Hart Olden, Deborah Hewes, Giles W. Olden, Robt. Emley, Aaron Watson, Sarah Watson, Cleayton Newbold, Mary Newbold, Thos. Newbold, Mary Newbold, Junr., Jno. Emley Junr., Amey Richey, Isaac Hornor Junr., Susanh. Hornor, Elisha Clarke, Sarah Taylor, Susan Earl. s 1 1795. William Phillips son of William Pliillips deceased of the township of Fishing Creek, County of Northumberland, State of Penna. and Hannah Patterson daughter of John Patterson dec. of the township of Greenwich, Countj' of Sussex, New Jersey. William Phillips, Hannah Phillips; Samuel Kesster, William Paxson, Samuel Webster, Sam- uel Large, Thos. Twininti, William Webster, Benj. Kester, George Lundy, John Allen, Joseph Stevenson, Ann Webster, Rebecca Stevenson, Mary Potts, Amy Kester, Susannah Kester, 10 Thomas Stevenson, Mary Cherry, Kaohel Kester, Harnianus Kester, Samuel Kester, I'Jichard Kes- ter, AVilliam Cliffton, Philip Phillips, Henry Cliffton, Amy ClilTton, Elizabeth Cliffton, William Shotwell, Elizabeth Shotwell. 20 11 1794. Thomas Stevenson son of John and Mercy Stevenson, of the township of Indepencl- ance County of Sussex and Pehecea We))ster daughter of Samuel and Susanah Webster of the township of Kingwood. Thomas Stevenson, Kebeka Stevenson; Henry Cliffton, Pobert Emley, Wm. Paxson, William Cliffton, William Potts, Harnianus King, William Brewer, Samuel Kester Junr., Richard Kester, Stephen Kester, Eliza. Cliffton, Eliza. Burwell, Elizabeth Lundy, Sarah Potts, Stacy King, Su.sivnah Kester, Sanil. Kester, Eliza. Kester, Ann Webster, Kachel Kester, Benj. Kester, Kachel Kester Junr., Amy Kester, Kebekah King, t^aml. Webster, William Webster, Susannah Webster, Ainia Stevenson, Joseph Webster, John Webster. 22 9 1791). Joseph Stevenson of Alexandria Hunterdon County and Susanah Kester of King- wood. Jos. Stevenson, Susanah Stevenson; Wm. Paxson, Robert Emley, Willm. Cliffton, Timothy Smith Junr., Vzinah Titus, Sarah Young, Amy Cliff'ton Junr., Eliza. Burwell, Thos. King, Rebekah King, Aseneth Kester, Susanah Webster, Anna Webster, Amy Kester, Elizabeth Paxson, Ann King, Eliza. Willson, John Stevensou, Saml. Kester, Susiuiah Kester, Thos. Stevenson, Rebekah Stevenson, Rachel Kester, Wm. Hambleton, Mary Hambleton Junr., Wm. Webster, Saml. Webster, Rachel Webster, Benj. Kester, Aaron Handileton, Mary Hambleton. 2 10 1800. Joseph Briggs of Newtown. Bucks Co. Penna. son of John and Letitia Briggs and Martha Dawes daughter of John and Alice Dawes of Lebanon Hunterdon County, N. J. Joseph Briggs, Martha Briggs; Saml. Kester, Wm. Paxson, Henry Cliffton, Robert Emley, Wm. Webster, Harman Kescer, Aaron Hambleton, Saml. Kester Junr., Richd. Kester, Jacob Cook, Johu Allen, John Large, Thos. Twing, Saml. Webster, Ben. Kester, Susanah Webster, Rebeca Stevenson, Hannah Hambleton, Amy Kester, Eliza. Paxson, Martha Briggs, John Briggs Junr., Amy Cliffton, Susanah Kester, Riichel W^ebster, Rachel Kester, Mary Emley, ELliza. Clifton, Eliza. Olden, Eliza. Large, John Dawes, Susanna Dawes, Marj- Dawes, Janny Dawes, Amy Dawes, Hannah Dawes, Hetty Briggs, Letitia Briggs. 11 12 1800. Samuel Adams of Knoll Town, Sussex Co., N. J. and Sarah Hampton of King- wood. Samuel Adams, Sarah Adams; Thos. Twining, Joshua Mott, Jno. Brotherton, Saml. Kester, Henry Cliffton, Wm. Kester, Thos. Kester, Saml. Kester Junr., Ezekiel Paxson, Richd. Kester, Jno. Dawes, Benj. Kester, Saml. Webster, Wm. Web- ster, Jno. Large, Susanah Webster, Rachel Kes- ter Junr., Rachel Webster, Reb. Stevenson, Eliza. Cliffton, Mary Emley, Eliza. Paxson, Amy Kes- ter, Mary Dawes, Susanah Kester, Alexander Adams, Jacob Lundy, Amy Cliff'ton Junr., W^m. Clifton, Mary Adams, Alexander Adams Junr., Eliza. Olden, John Allen, Eliza. Large, Sarah Potts. 20 10 1803. William Potts Kingwood, son of Danl. Potts dec. and Rebecca his wife and Sus- annah Dawes of Lebanon, daughter of John and Alice Dawes. Wm. E. Potts, Susanah Potts; Wm. Paxson, Wm. Cliff'ton, Saml. Kester, Ben. Kester, John Large, J. C. Stevenson, Stephen Kester, W^m. Webster, Saml. Kester, Harmanus Kester, Wm. Kester, Henry Cliff'ton, Saml. Webster, Rachel Webster, John .Webster, Mary Webster. Mary Ann Wt,bster, Rebekah Stevenson, Susanah Webster, Mary Allen, John Twining Junr., Amy Cliffton, Eliza. Large, Eliza. Cliffton, Amy Cliff'ton Junr., Mary Emley, Susanah Kes- ter Rachel Kester Junr., Hannah Hambleton, Martha Briggs, Sarah Potts, Mary Dawes, Jos. Briggs, Amy Dawes, Robert Emley, Jno. E. For- man, John Potts, Danl. Potts, Mary Ann For- man, Januey Dawes, Hannah Dawes, John Dawes Junr. 24 9 1807. David Laing of Bridgetown, Mid- dlesex, son of Thos. and Martha Laing dec. and Rachel Twining dau. of Thomas and Sarah Twin- ing of Kingwood. David Laing, Rachel Laing; Henry Cliff'ton, Wm. Paxson, Wm. Cliff'ton, Jno. Stevenson, Em- ley Olden, Aaron Hampton, Jos. Stevensou, Saml. Large, Wm. Webster, Stephen Kester, Haiman Kester, Jno. Large, Thos. Craven. Jno. Stine, Abel Shotwell, Jno. Webster, Saml. Webster, Junr., Josiah Willson, Patrick McCart^^, Peter Stout, Eliza.Olden, Eliza. Davis, Eliza.Vail, Mary Dawes, Martha Willson, Rebecca Stevenson, Sarah Cliff'ton, Catharine Jacobs, LTzinah Titus, Margaret Suydam, Thos. Laing, Thos. Twining, Sarah Twining, Mary Laing, Jno. Twining Junr., Hugh Laing, Mary Twining, Selinda Twining, Chas. Twining, Saml. Webster, Rtichel Webster, Eliza. Large, Mary Webster. 15 8 1807. David Laing son of Jacob and Rachel Laing of Piscataway, INliddlesex County, and Elizabeth Allen daughter of Johu and Mary Allen of Kingwood. David Laing, Elizabeth Laing; Robert Emley, Johu I^arge, Aaron Hampton, Jos. Stevenson, Thos. Craven, Win. Laing, Jacob Large, Jacob Pound, Saml. Webster, Henry Clifftou, Amos Lundy, Saml. Kester, Zacliariah Pound, ISIary F. Randolph, Uzinali Titus, Rachel Laing, Nancy Laing, Phebe Laing, Eliza Lanning, Eliza Large, Mary Kester, Mary Eniley, Abby Lundy, Eliza Olden, Rachel Webster, Susanah Hornor, Sarah Clifftou, Amy Cliffton Junr., Susan Stevenson, Amy Stevenson, Sarah Large, Sarah Webster, Rebecca Stevenson, Susannah Webster, Rachel Kester, Ben Kester, Wm. CliiJton, Eli Wilson, Eliza. Wilson, John Allen, Mary Allen, Saml. Large, Susanah Large, Eliza. Large, Rebecca Large, Ebenezer Allen, Danl. Allen, Sarah Large, Wm. L. King. 20 12 1810. John Freeman of Woodbridge, Middlesex Countj' son of Isaac and Phebe Free- man dec: and Rebecca Stevenson daughter of Samuel and Susanah Webster both dec. of King- wood. John Freeman, Rebecca Freeman ; Wm. Paxson Henry Cliffton, Thos. Craven, Aaron Hampton, Saml. Kester, Harmanus Kester, Jno. Carpenter, Ebenezer Allen. Susanah Kester, Eliza Carpenter, Mary Kester, Mary Craven, Amy Kester, Chas. R Cherry, Henry Moore, Wm. Cliffton, Ben Kester, Rachel Kester, Rebecca Cliffton, Jno. Webster, Eliza. Webster, Wm. Kester, Mary Kester Junr., Amy Clift'ton, Jos. Stevenson, Susanna Stevenson, Jno. Allen, .Susanna Kester, Saml. Webster, Rachel Webster, Wm. Webster, Elizabeth Webster .1. S. W^ebster, Phebe Webster, Jackson Freeman, Elizabeth F'reeman, Susan Stevenson, l^chel Burnet. 25 10 1810. William Kester; of Kingwood, son of Benj. and Rachel Kester and Mary Webster daughter of Samuel and Rachel Webster of King- wood. William Kester, Mary Kester; Wm. Paxson, Henry Cliffton, Wm. Cliffton, Aaron Hampton, Saml. Armitage, .Tolni Freeman, Sarah Clift'ton, Jacob Cliffton, Henry Cliffton Junr., Eliza. Large Susan Kester, Amy Kester, Edw. Mason, Uriah Mason, Chas. Potts, Hannah Doyl, Susan Steven- son, Saml. Webster, Harmanus Kester, Rachel Kester, John Mason, Thos. King, Rebeka Steven- sou, Amy Kester, Jno. Large, Ruth Large, Jos. Stevenson, Susanna Stevenson, Sidney Stevenson, Amy Dawes, Mary Kester, Arnold Kester, Samuel Kester, Mary Ann Webster, Wm. Kester, Rebecca Stevenson Junr., Mary Webster, Wm. Webster Junr., Benj. Kester, Rachel Kester, Saml. Web- ster, Rachel Webster, Wm. Webster, Eliza. Web- ster, Jos. Webster, Phebe Webster, John Yvebster Eliza. W'ebster, Asa Webster, Peter Webster, Rachel Webster, Susanah Kester Sen., l^chel Kester. 17 14 2 1811. Arnal Kester of Derry, Northum- berland County, Penna. son of Paul and Anne Kester and Mary Kester daughter of Benj. and Rachel Kester of Kingwood. Arnal Kester, ]Mary Kester; Wm. Cliffton, Thos. Craven, Mary Craven. Emley Olden, Ebenezer Allen, Henry Cliffton Junr., Sarah Cliffton, Rachel Paxson, Wm. W^eb- ster, Asa Webster, Eliza. Olden, Eliza. Cliffton, Harmanus Kester, Rachel Kester, Asenath Kester Eleanor Kester, Wm. Webster, Saml. Webster Junr., Sarah Kester, Stacy King, Margaret King, Saml. Kester, Rachel Hambleton, John Webster, Eliza. Webster, Wm. Kester, Mary Kester, Amy Kester, John Kester, Ben Hambleton, Amy Ham- ilton, Ben Kester, Rachel Kester, Hannah Hamil- ton, Susanna Kester, Elizabeth Paxson, Amy Kester, Saml. Webster, Rachel Webster, Sussanna Webster, Jno. Large. 25 11 1819. Moses Pownall of Solebury, Bucks Co. Penna. son of Simeon and Catherine Pownall, dec. and Susanna Webster daughter of Samuel and Susanna Webster dec. of Kingwood. Moses Pownall, Susjmna Pownall; Sidney Ste- venson, Rebecca Stevenson, Joseph Stevenson, Su.sanna Stevenson, Elizabeth Cliffton, Mary Waterhouse, Gaynor Rockhill, Sarah Clift'ton, Harriet Nixon, Wm. L. King, John Little, Rebec- ca Cliffton Junr., Ann King, Wm. Kester, Ma- nasseh Wildman, Harmanus Kesster, Samuel Willson Junr. , Henry Cliffton, John Large, John A. King, Ross Jones, Simeon Pownall, Sarah Pownall, John Case, Wm. Webster, John Freeman Rebecca Freeman, Uzinah Titus, Amy Cliffton, Susan Stevenson, Amy K. Stevenson, Susanna Kesster, Ralph Matthews, Susanna Matthews, Catherine Kesster. Amy Kesster, Samuel K. Ste- venson, Ann Welsted. Edw. Welsted, James Waterhouse, Wm. Cliffton, Catherine Case. 20 9 1821. Mahlon Briggs of Solesbury, Bucks Co. Penna. son of John and Letitia Briggs of Newtown township, Bucks County, and Amy Dawes daughter of John and Alice Dawes the latter dec. of Lebanon township, Hunterdon County, N. J, Mahlon Briggs, Amy Briggs: Edward Hicks, Henry Cliffton, Wm. Cliffton, Joseph Stevenson, John Large, Samuel Willson Junr., John Allen, Wm. Webster, Ann Welsted, Sarah Cliffton, Amy K. Stevenson, Jemima P. Atkinson, Eliza. C. Bonnel, Elizabeth Cliffton, Rebecca Cliffton Junr, Sidney Stevenson, Gaynor Rockhill, Elizabeth Robeson, Susanna Kesster, Amy Cliffton, Sarah Hornor, Jenny Dawes, Sarah Dawes, Mary Dawes Alice Dawes, Mary Dawes, Junr., David Park, Wm. E. Potts, Susan Potts, Charles D. Potts, Uzinah Titus, Rebecca Cliffton, Mary Mcferson. 18 19 1-^ 1821. Abel Lester of Kichlaad township Bucks County, Penna. son of Shipley and Marga- ret Lester and Margaret Williams daughter of Jeremiah and Mary Williams of Tiuicum town- ship, Bucks County, Penna. Abel Lester, Margaret W. Lester; Henry Cliff- ton Joseph Stevenson, Amy Cliffton, Mary B, Williams, John Williams, Thomas B. Williams, Benjamin Williams, Susan Williams, Isaac B. Williams, William Lester, Ann Lester, Margann Lester, Hannah Lester, Mary Williams, Rachel Williams, James H (?) Green, Abigail Green, Thomas G. Hughes, Jeremiah Williams, Mary Williams, Jacob Cliffton. 12 11 184-2. Morris Hampton, Kingwood, son of Benjamin and Hannah Hampton and Amy H. Cliffton daughter of William and Amy Cliffton the latter dec. Morris Hampton, Amy Cliffton Hampton; Sarah Cliffton. Mary Wilsted, John T. Hampton, W^illiam W. Hampton, Joseph Hampton, David Laing, Elizabeth Laing, Amanda J. Warford, Jacob Laing, Elizabeth Laing Junr., Rachel Laing, Elijah Warford, L. C. Osmun, M. D., Ann McCann, Daniel Allen Junr., William Cliffton, Benjamin Hampton, Rebecca Clifl'ton Sen., Han- nah Hampton, Elizabeth Clift'ton, William Cliff- ton Junr., Joseph Cliffton, Rebecca Cliffton Junr., Joseph King. BIRTHS. The record gives the date of the birth with great precision, even to the hour in many cases, but it has been thought unnecessary to reproduce further details than those given. The births are written in various parts of the book with various subjects intei'spersed. They are here given alpha- betically. William Blackfan, son of William and Eliza- beth K. ; b 2, 8, 1836. Children of John and Jane Brock; Mary, b. 1. 9, 1756 N. S. in Bethlehem Daniel, b. 16, 12, 1759 N. S. in Kingwood Jacob, b. 14, 9, 1760 N. S. at Bethlehem Jane, b. 15, 10, 1762 at Bethlehem Alice, b. 21, 9, 1764 Stephen, b. 3, 12, 1766 at Bethlehem Child of Henry and Amj- Cliffton; Elizaljeth, b. 12, 5, 1779 Children of Thos. Coate b. 8, 1, 1717 and Eliza- beth his wife b. 12, 4, 1729, O. S. Mary and Hannah, b. 9, 10, 1753; the latter lived about three weeks Hannah, b. 12, 6, 1755 Samuel, b. 27, 8, 1756, died young Amey, b. 17, 7, 1758 Mercy, b. 27, 2, 1760; d. 5, 8, 1777 John, b. 27, 11, 1763 William, b. 26: 3, 1765 Esther, b. 17,3,1767 Abigail, b. 4, 7, 1769. Children of Adren and Hannah Dawes; Joseph, b. 6, 12, 1779 Francis, b. 3, 4, 1781. Aaron Hamton son of David & Rebecca Hamp- ton, Solesbury, Pa., b. 23, 5, 1780. Jane Hampton, dau. of Peter Slater and Sarah his wife of Kingwood, b. 31, 1, 1780. Children of the above; David, b. 9, 8, 1802 Rebecca, b. 21, 4, 1804 John, b. 3, 6, 1806 Sarah, b. 4, 8, 1807 Ann, b. 3, 11, 1808 Oliver, b. 7, 12, 1809 Slater, b. 6, 2, 1812 Rebecca Clift'ton Hampton dau. of Morris and Amy Cliffton Haniptou b. 14, 1, 1844 William Cliffton Hampton b. 23, 8, 1845 Sarah Elizabeth Hampton b. 11, 9. 1847 Children of Isaac and Mary (Paxsou) Green; John, b, 13, 9, 1757 Abigail, b. 19, 12, 1759 in Bethlehem Alice, b. 29, 6, 1762 in Bethlehem Mary, b. 24, 3, 1765 at Hardwick Children of Isaac and Mary Hornor from Mans- field, Burlington County; Samuel, b. at Mansdeld, 27, 9, 1753; d. 23,8, 1778 Elizabeth, b. 2U, 11, 1760: d. about 5 years old Sarah, b. 26, 2, 1763; d. about 2 years old Isaac, b. 24, 12. 1765 Thomas, b. 17, 3, 1767 Stacy, b. 21, 6, 1769 at Bordentown Mary, b. 8, 5, 1771 at Kingwood. Child of John and Jane Imley; Hannah, b. 20, 5, 1765 at Kingwood. Children of Harmanus Kesster Senior (b. 2, 11th month called January 1703) and Anne his wife (b. 29, 3, 1712); Susanna, b. 10, 9, 1733 Elisabeth, b. 25, 6, 1735 Samuel, b. 26, 9, 1737 John, b. 21, 11, 1739 Rebecca, b" 16, 2, 1742 Hermanns, b. 17, 5, 1744 Peter, b. 4, 11, 1746 Paul, b. 26, 3, 1749 Thomas, b. 24, 11, 1752 Margaret, b. 10, 6, 1755 Child of Stephen and Sarah Kester; Isaac, b. 16, 10, 1808 Children of Harmanus and Rachel Kester; Elizabeth, b. 18, 3, 1774 Ascenath, b. 11, 10, 1775 19 Samuel, b. 28, 10, 1777 Anna, b. 10, 2, 1780 Richard, b. 10, 12, 1781 Cattrin, b. 27, 1, 1784 Susannah, b. 8, 4, 1786 Ellener, b. 1, 7, 1788 Thomas, b. 1, 6, 1791 William, b. 26, 8, 1793 Mary, b. 4, 7, 1797 Benjamin Kester, b. 28, 7, 1759 Rachel Kester, b 7, 3, 1765 Children; Stephen, b. 21, 2, 1784 Samuel, b. 18, 9, 1785 William, b. 21, 5, 1787 Mary, b. 22, 12, 1788 Hannah, b. 3, 9, 1790 Amy, b. 31, 3, 1793 John, b. 1, 8, 1794 Rachel, b. 1, 3, 1797 Sarah, b. 19, 12, 1798 Benjamin, b. 24, 7, 1801 Benjamin Hamilton, b. 19, 6, 1803 Jesse, b. 3, 1, 1805 Jeremiah King, b. 11, 12, 1806 John Simcock Kirkbride, b. 30, 2, 1750 O. S. at Kingwood at his grandfather's house, John Simcock, Sen. Children of Joseph King Junr. and Mary his wife; all born at Am well; Mary, b. 3, 3, 1738 Mercy, b. 26, 10, 1739 Jane, b.20, 10, 1741 George, b. 21, 10, 1743 Anne, b. 28, 2. 1746; d. 24, 8, 1759: buried at Kingwood Hannah, b. 10, 5, 1748 Nathan, b. 3, 5, 1750 Alice Maris, b. 28, 9, 1752 Children of Jacob and Mary Large; all born at Kingwood; Aaron, b. 14 July 1747 O. S. Elizabeth, b. 25 Sept. 1749 (). S. Samuel, b. 9, 7, 1752 O. S. Anne, b. 12 July 1754 N. S. Mary, b. 4 May 1757 N. S. Ebenezer. b. 23, 10, 1759 N. S. Rebecca, b. 14, 5, 1762 William, b. 4, 7, 1765 Sarah, b. 8, 1, 1767 Children of Samuel and Hannah Landess; Catharine, b. 11, 6. 1781 Susauah, b. 18, 6, 1783 Samuel George, b. 17, 6, 1792 Mariah Rebekah Justice, b. 16, 6, 1796 Renfero GrofJ, b. 20, 2, 1800 Children of David and Mary Marsh; Joseph, b. 27, 2, 1757 Philip, b. 4, 6, 1759. Children of Jacob and Mary Paxson; William, b. 15, 9, 1764 Benjamin, b. 17, 5, 1766 John, b. 16, 7, 1768 Rachel, b. 9, 6, 1770 Reuben, b. 24, 12, 1772 Arthur, b. 8, 8, 1775 Jacob Paxson, b. 7, 2, 7177. Children of Reuben and Alice Paxson; William, b. 2, 4, 1732 at Philadelphia Mary, b. 25, 11, 1734; Piscataqua Landing, East New Jersey Jacob, b. 2d. day of month called October 1737 at Old Raritan near Kins Hall; Summerset Co. Abigail, b. 17, 3, 1740; Kins Hall; d. 6, 8, 1741, buried at Plainfield M. H. John Paxson, b. 13, 7, 1774; Kingwood at his grandfather's — John Simcock's. Children of William and Rachel Paxson; Reubin, b. 2, 4, 1758 in Kingwood Mary, b. 25 Sept. 1760, N. S. John, b. 30, 3, 1763 William, b. 25, 12, 1765. Children of John Simcock Junr. and Ascenah his wife; Samuel, b. 16, 2, 1745 John, b. 5, 10, 1747 at Greenwich, Sussex County Anne, b. 1749, 50, at Kingwood Children of John and Mercy Stevenson; moved from Kingwood to Hard wick; Sarah, b. 7, 1, 1762 Mary, b. 23, 5, 1764 Joseph, b. 19, 3, 1767 Thomas, b. 24, 2, 1769 Abigail, b. 31, 3, 1772 Anna, b. 11, 3, 1775 Daniel, b. 28, 12, 1777, d. 5, 7, 1779 John, b. 6, 7, 1780 James, b. 22, 6, 1783. Children of Joseph Stevenson and his wife Susannah dau. of Samuel and Susanah Kester; Anne, b. 26, 7, 1797; d. 7, 7, 1798 Amy, b. 12, 2, 1799 John, b. 16, 3, 1801 Samuel, b. 24, 11, 1803 Sidney, b. 29, 12, 1806 Rebecca, b. 11, 2, 1810. Child of Thomas and Sarah Stevenson; John, b. 22 Jan. 1732 O. S. at Kingwood. Children of Joseph and Elizabeth Webster; Elizabeth, b, 7, 7, 1734 Joseph, b. 25, 10, 1735 Mary, b. 26, 3, 1737 Sarah and Hannah, b. 28, 11, 1740 Rachel, b. 28, 11, 1742 20 Deborah ami Abraham, b. 12, 9, 174;J SuKinna, b. 21, 11, 1747 Anne, b. 15, 12, 17.j0 Martha, b. 22, 12, 1752 William, b. 2, 10, 1757. Children of Joseph (b. 3, 4, 174liO. S.) and Eebeccti Webster (b. 12, 12, 1738 O. S. )- Rachel, b. 20, 1, 1770 Samuel, b. 10, 5, 1771 Mary, b. G, 3, 1773 William, b. 24, 11. 1774 Benjamin, b. 2U, 12, 1776 Children of Samuel and Susanna Kerster; Benjamin, b. 28, 7, 1757 Anna, b. 22, 1, 1761 Rachel, b. 2, 8, 1762 Mary, b. 21, 5, 1764 Sarah, b. 22, 7, 1766 Elizabeth, b. 30, 7, 1768 Susannah, b. 16, 11, 1770 Hannah, b. 29, 8, l'/73 Amy, b. 28, 9, 1775 Rebecca, b. 15, 9, 1777 Child of Samuel and Susannah W^ebster; Samuel, b. 3, 8, 1759. Children of Samuel and Rachel Webster; John, b. 11, 12, 1787 Mary, b. 15, 4, 1790 Samuel, b. 8, 7, 1792 Asa, b. 24, 12, 1794 Peter, b. 31, 8, 1797 Rachel, b. 28, 1, 1802. Joseph Webster, son of Samuel and Susana Webster, Kingwood twp. b. 22, 11, 1769. Phebe Webster, dau. of Andrew and Phebe Maccrary, b. 2, 11, 1765. Children of the above; William, b. 20, 5, 1793 Charles, b. 30, 4, 1795 Mary Ann, b. 23, 5, 1797 Thomas, b. 15, 6, 1799 Andrew, b. 29, 5, 1801 Susanna, b. 24, 6, 1804 Phebe, b. 23, 4, 1808 Record of the Children oi Mingo Whano a bliick Man & his wife Christianna; Samuel Coates, b. 15, 1, 1797 Jane, b. 20, 4, 1799 Amy and Mary, b, 17 Mar. 1801 Caty, b. 5, Mar. 1803 Deborah and Edward, b. 7, Mar. 1805 Children of Isaac B. Williams & Martha S. Clayton, b. 28, 11, 1821 Jeremiah, b. 19 3, 1825 Joseph, b. 3, 7, 1H27 Samuel Wilson of Hardwick, Sussex Co., b. in Bethlehem 5, 1, 1738. Deborah Collins dau. of Jonathan and Ann Collins was born in Bucks County, Penna. 23 Mar. 1741. Their children were ; liachel, b. 6, 8, 1762 Samuel, b. 1, 3, 1764 Ann, b. 20, 9, 1765; d. 3, 9, 1766 Malilon, b. 20, 8, 1767 Jonathan, b. 7,6, 1769; d. 5, 7, 1777 John, b. 11, 2, 1771 James, b. 5, 1, 1773; d. 20, 7. 1777 Esther, b. 30, 11, 1774 Obed, b. 24, 1, 1776 Deborah, b. 11, 9, 1778 Children of Samuel and Deborah Willson of Hardwick, Sussex County; Eli, b. 21, 12, 1780 Levi, b. 17, 2, 1787 Children of James (b. 26, 11, 1713, Chesterfield) and Martha Willson (b, 1, 10, 1713) ; Samuel, b. 22, 6, 1737 in Kingwood Elizabeth, b. 29, 4, 1739'; d. 29, 10, 1758 O. S. John, b. 7, 8, 1741 Josiah, b. 29, 7, 1743 Sarah, b. 5, 11, 1746 Esther, b. 17, 1, 1749 Anne, b. 15, 7, 1753, O. S. James, b. 20, 1, 1760 N. S. RECORD OF BURIALS. The following is the record of burials of the Kingwood Monthly Meeting of Hunterdon Coun- ty, New Jersey. Where the township is not stated, Ki.igwood is vmderstood. These bodies are "buried in the yard near the Meeting House as all recorded in this book are." This quota- tion is found opposite one of the names in the Register. The names are here arranged alpha- betically and the dates under each family name are given chronologically. Allin, Mary, dau. John and Mary Allin 30, 3, 1791 Allen, John, Senr., 31, 3, 1823; Franklin tvvp. 76th year. Allin, Mary, 5, 1, 1832; 75th year. Ebenezer, 12, 3, 1820; 39th year. Frank- lin tvvp. " Daniel, 6, 3, 1856; 77th., Franklin tvvp. Cliffton, Amy, 11, 11, 1807; 70 yrs. " Henry, an elder, 26, 9, 1830; 77 " Amy, 10, 5, 1839: 67; a minister Cliffton, William, 31, 3, 1848; 80; an elder " Rebecca, Senr., 29, 1, 1845; 80th year " Joseph W. 5, 11, 1850; son of William and Sarah L. 22nio. Franklin t\vi>. " Elizabeth, 11, 5, 1853; 74; an elder " Joseph, 1, 9. 1857; 47; an elder " Wm.& Mary Cliffton, Franklin " William, 2, 9, 1866; 66tli; an elder 21 Cliflfton, William and Mary, Franklin " Rebecca, 1, 5, 1874; 67; Wm. and Amy; Franklin " Sarah, d. 20, 2, 1877; buried 23, 2,; 79 years; William and Amy; an elder. Dawes, John, 21, 2, 1826; 84 years. Daken, James V. son of Philip R. and Sarah L. 28, 3, 1858; b. 30,1, 1832 Dennis, Susan, 29, 6, 1846; 61st yr. Emley, Robert, 5, 2, 1808; 72 yr. Hamton, Ann, 24, 12, 1808; Aaron and Jane Hamton. Hampton, TTannah, 16, 1, 1844 " Rebecca Cliffton, 29, 8, 1857; 13y. 7m. 15d. dau. of Morris and Amy C. ; Franklin twp. " Benjamin, 31, 10, 1869 William C. 4, 2, 1876; 30 yr. 5m. lid. " Amy Cliffton, wife of Morris Hampt(m, 27, 7, 1M85, 73 yrs. Hartpence, Ellen, formerly Kester, 6, 2, 1859, 72(1. yr. Kester, Mary, 28, 9, 1797; Ilarmanus and Rachel " Hannah, 0, 2, 1803; Benjamin and Rachel " Benjamin, 12, 2, 1803; Benjamin and Rachel " Susanna, 24, 2, 1832; 95y. 4ni. 2d. " Amy, 30, 3, 1833; 57th yr. " Catherine, Large, Elizabeth, 12, 9, 1820; 81 yrs. " John, 18, 5, 1S32; 7St]i yr. Laing, Eden and IXivid, children of David and Elzabeth Laing, 15, 2, 1835 "departed within half an hour of each other with the sore throat and fever" '• David, 19, 4, 1855; 72a. yr. Franklin twp " Elizabeth, 30, 10, 1S65; an elder " Rachel C. 19, 1, 1876; 62 yrs. Mott, Lucy, 13, 7, 1834; 68th yr., an elder Potts, Rel)ekah, 25, 8, 1807; 79th yr. " Amy, 7, 9, 1834; 61 yrs. Price, Ann, 21,10, 1807; 83 yrs. Stevenson, Anne, 5. 8, 1798; Thomas and Rebecca. " Anne, 7, 7, 1798; Joseph and Susannah " John, 2, 4, 1812. Vail, Rebecca H. 1, 4, 18()0; ly. 2m. Abram R. and Jane D. " Franklin P. 15, 10, 1861; 9y. 22d. Abram R. and Jane D. " Rachel, 29, 11, 1863; 84y. 3il. an elder. Webster, Samuel, 26, 8, 1810; William and Elisa- l)eth. " Phebe, 18, 1, 1812; Joseph and Phebe. Joseph, 26, 9, 1814; 3.1 yr ; Wm. and Elizabeth. " Elizabeth, 28, 2, 1816; Istyr.; Wm. and Elizabeth. " Moses, 14, 4, 1820. Wilson, Samuel, 4, 2, 1822; 84y. 5m. 2d. Ann, 7, 4, 1822; 68y. 6m. 22d. " Samuel, 17, 7, 1846; 63y. 8m. lOd. " Mary A. 14, 4, 1860; 60th yr. ; an elder " Hannah, 20, 10, 1865; 84 (about) " James, 21, 4, 1884; 73d yr. " Samuel, 18, 7, 1889; 73y. 2m. 4d. " John, 26, 1, 1893; buried 30, 1, 1893. MEMORIALS. In the following obituary notices the spelling and puHCtuation have been preserved. Being a "faithful attender at Meetings both for worship and discipline" seems to have been one of the tests of a correct walk and conversation. A Memorial of the Time of Death and BuEiAL OF Joseph King, Senior. Our antient Friend Joseph King departed this life the 10th. Day of the 12th. Month 1761. In the Seventy eight year of his age, and was Inter'd in Friends Burying Ground at King wood the Eleventh day of the Same Month. He was not, as could be perceived attended by any Violent illness, and he departed quietly as one going to Sleep. He was esteem'd amongst us, to be an Honest Sober Inno- cent well minded man, a good & Inoffensive Neigh- bor, well beloved of Friends & Others, for which reasons he was appointed an Elder amongst us before the Select-meeting was settled here, and for the Same reasons hath been continued an Elder amongst us ever Since until his Death, and Ave doubt not, but that he is gone to Eternal rest. A Mejioeial of the Time of the Death and Burial of Samuel Willson, Senior. Our antient Friend Samuel Willson Died thee Nineteenth Day of the Twelfth month 1761 and was Inter'd in Friends Burying Ground at King- wood the Twenty-Second Day of the Same Month about the Eightieth year of his Age. He was a Minister many years which in a general way was well received amongst his Friends. He was a Diligent attender of our Meetings both of Wor- shop and Discipline, till of late years when through his ability & Natural Strength failed so much that he was not able to Stay During the time that Meetings are generally held. His Life and Conversation (in a good degree) was Solid Sober and Orderly, agreeable to his Ministry. He was Suddenly Siezed with Death not Lying any time Sick so that he had no time then to declare any that might be on his mind to Speak to any of his Friends. Yet we ha\e good reason to Hope when we consider his former Conduct A\hile he was in his Health and Strength that he lias gone to Enjoy that Immortal Crown that is laid up for the Righteous. Aged 80 years, 5 months, & 14 days. 22 KiNGWooD Monthly Meeting's Testimony CONCERNING SAMUEL LARGE SENIOR. This our said Antient Friend Samuel Large De- pjirted this Life at his House in Kingwood, The 9th. Day of the 6th Montli 1705, and was decently Inter'd in Friends Baring place there. He was Religiously Enclined when young in years (as he related at times) By being Early Vis- ited, insomuch, hethought he could freely Declare to others of the Goodness & merciful kind dealings of God to his Soul. But for want of Giving dili- gent heed to the inshineings of that inward Light which had Measureably Redeemed him, he came to a loss of the Sweet and Heavenly Communion which he had been made a Sharer of, and l>egan to join with Folly and Vanities which youth is apt to, but in Process of time being re-Visited by an All Merciful God, Gave up to bear the Cross, and about the Tliirtieth Year of his Age, he was made willing to give up to bear a publick Testimony, & to Declare to others what God had done for his Soul, Avhich Testimony was Living and Powerful, ct Tending to the refreshing and Watering of the Lords Heritage and People, being often concer'd, where his Lot was cast, to invite and persuade people to seek the Lord for tliemselves that So they might know the work of Regeneration wrought and Completed in and for themselves, he freely gave up to Spend both his time and sub- stance on Truths account, when call'd thereto. He visited Several Provinces on this Continent, and Some divers times in his Younger years he was diligent in attending Meetings both for Wor- ship and Discipline, and Quarterly and yearly meetings when in Health and ability of Body, he was a Generous kind open hearted Friend ready to do good to all, but especially to the Household of Faith, very ready in a.ssisting the Servants and Messengers of Christ, when Tiaveling on that ac- count. He brought up his Children in Plainess of Speech and Aparel, a great Encourager of his Family and otheis, in attending Meetings, that they might discharge their Duties which they (3we unto their maker. In the Later part of his days, when old, he met with Exercises & great Difficul- ties, Yet (tho in his declining age, and Natural Capacities weak ) We have good reason to believe, as to an inward State of Mind, he Lived past & through them all, and that lie Died in Peace with the Lord and in good will to all mankind And is Entered into Rest and Reaps the Reward of the Faithful, where Troubles and Exercises are at an End. A Memorial op the Time, of Death and Burial of our Friend Anne Webster Daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Web- ster. Our Said friend Departed this Life the 23d. of the 8th. month 1767 and was Decently buried on the 24th. of Sd. mo. in friends Buring Ground at Kingwood. Kingwood Monthly Meeting's Testimony Concerning Jeremiah Williams. Our antient friend and Elder Jeremiah Wil- liams came to rezide amongst us Recommended from a Monthly Meeting of friends on Long Island as an Honest Sober and orderly member of our Religious Society in Unity and many years he Avas a servisable member and a Diligent and Constant attender of our meetings for Worship and Discip- line, until he Suffer'd his mind to be too much Cast Down imder the Thoughts of Some Disap- pointments and Troubles he meet with. He did not attend our Meetings So Constant as he had heretofore Done but we have Good reason to believe Some time before his Death he Witnessed in a great measure an overcoming his former Troubles and Exercises. He was a generous and kind open Harted man in Entertaining Friends and such as Travel abroad in the Service of Truth. Some time before his Death he was attended with many bodily afflictions, being helpless above too years, which he bore with Great patience. Some- times he would say conld I think I am like Job, he l)eing atend with many ails ; often desiring to be Deliver'd if it Avas the Lord's Will. He De- parted thisXife at the House of his Son Benjamin in Penna. with whom he had Liv'd for some years, on the 15th. day of the 5th month 1766 aged 83 years wanting about one month and was Decently buried in friends beurying Ground at Kingwood. Kingwood Monthly Meeting's Testimony Concerning Mary Simcock. This our antient Friend deceased Daring the time she resided amongst us, which was upwards of Thirty Years was a diligent attender of Meet- ings both on First and other Days of the week, in which she was a goo^l Example in patient waiting on the Lord, to feel the Renewings of His divine power. She had also a gift in the Ministery and tlio not large in Testimony, yet faithf^^liy Laliour- ing in the Ability received was edefying to those whose Harts were prepared of the Lord to receive His messengers tho small in appearance She was a peaceable kind Neighbor, and well esteemed by all and altho through Age and Infirmity of body she was render'd incapable of attending Meetings for some years before she died, yet she retained her Love to truth and Friends, and we Doubt not has made a happy Change, and now Enjoying the Reward of her Labours in the Mansions of Eter- nal Rest. The following is a brief memoral con- 23 cerning her, written by lier Husband John Simcock, which we haveing Unity with, Subjoin. She was daughter of Nicholas and Jane Wain of the North- ern Liberties of tlie City of Phila. honest Friends to whom she was obedient in her youth, and as she grew in years she was Concern 'd to be a sensi- ble witness of the operation of truth in her own Heart, and keeping Carefully under this concern, she was niaiiy times sweetly Comforted in spirit, which Favour she prized above the Enjoyment of earthly Treasure. She was likewise concerned for the good of her fellow Mortals and after some Keasonings in her own mind gave up to declare in a publick manner what the Lord had done for her Soul. Her testimony was well receiv'd after which she frequently appeared in Publick as long as she was of ability to attend Meetings, and when her natural strength and faculties were much im- pair'd it was evident that she still retain'd that good part which had Ijeen her Earl}' choice, for when several Friends of Kingwood Meeting came to visit us a few Months before her Departure, in time of our silent Avaiting she sat still and quiet and after some Time sitting, appear'd in publick Testimony in a solid sensiable manner, and in supplication also, which plainly demonstrated, that the Lord still favoured with his living pres- ence, giving Strength and ability to her who had really no strength of her own. She was a loving faithfull wife, and a true Helpmeet in things that pretain to the Interest of our Immortal Nature an affectionate and Exemplary Mother, patient in affliction of Body of Mind, and Departed quietly without any apparent Illness 19th of the 5th. month 1771 in the 85th year of her Age, as Min- ister upwards of 50 years, and I have no Doubt but that she is now in the Enjoyment of endless Felicety, haveing received the Crown which the Lord a Righteous Judge shall give to all those who love his appearance and walk uprightly as she did. John Simcock 2G-9-1771. Kingwood Monthly Meeting's Testimony Concerning our vVntient Friend and El- der Richard Lundy. ^ He was the son of Richard and Jane Lundy of Bucks County in Pena. Professor of the truth with us born the 20th of the 3d month 1692. A man much Esteemed amongst Friends and others being of a meek and Quiet Spirit Exemplary in Life and Conversation and a patern of plainness and humility, diligent in attending Meetings for worship and Discipline duly observing the hour Appointed and in Contribution for the Service thereof, gave freely according to his ability he often gave up to attend Monthly Quarterly and Yearly Meetings with great willingness Even in his Declining Years untill the Indisposition of his wife rendered that servise impracticable, he was an affectionate Husband a tender Father and Kind friend Punctual and just in his Dealings among men Evidencing to the world that he was Con- cerned to do to others as he would have them do to him. His house was freely open for those who Travelling in the Work of the Ministery whose Company he greatly valued and often ChearfuUy Travel'd Avith Such as a gide to other meetings ; he Lived in the fear of the Lord : and was much Concern 'd that Love and unity might be obtained among friends and Deeply aft'ected when anything of a contrary Nature arose to obstruct it. In his last Illness which was but short he intirely re- fused the help of any Physition Signifying his Resignation to the Divine will whether in life or Death : and Continued in a patient frame of mind when Sensible till his Departure, which was on the 28th of 2d. month 1772 aged near 80 years : antl altho our Loss is Great we are Comforted in the hope That he is gone to inherit the Crown im- mortal : which is laid up for all those who Love and fear the Lord. He was Decently Buried in friends Burying ground at Hardwick the 29th of the same : attended by a large number of friends and others. Signed by order of sd. Meeting at Hardwick the loth of the 8th month 1772 bye Jacob Smith Clk. A Testimony from the Monthly Meeting at Kingwood Concerning John Simcock. This our v^ntient friend and Elder John Sim- cock was from the time of his coming to reside among us which was upwards of thirty years : a man of few words and a quiet inoffensive spirit, which gained him the Love and Esteem of his Friends and Neighbors : Very Patient in Afflic- tion of which he had a large Shear, and Lob- boured under the Infirmities attendant on old age, with apparent Resignation of mind. Divers times Espressing his freedom for Dissolution .which he waited for, and hoped he should pa- tiently wait the Lord's time that being the best time. He was a Diligent attender of our Reli- gious meetings both for NVorship and Discipline, while of ability of Body being Exemplary therein, in patient waiting and we have to believe he was often Comforted therein having been heard to say he did not attend meetings because others did, but because he found a secret benefit in so doing. In short we may say he was a Tender Husband an affectionate Father, and Kind Neighbor and not long before his Decease, bore a Testimony in his Family against the Excessive use of Spiritous liquors. He departed this Life the 23rd. of 4th month 1773, in the 88tli year of his age, and was 24 Decently interred in friends Burying Ground at King-wood aforcsixid. Signed in an on belialf of sd. Meeting by Jacob Smith Clk. the 11th of the month 1774. A Testimony from the Monthly Meetixg of KiNGWOOD Concerning Robert Lauge. Our much Esteemed Friend and Elder Robert Large who Departed this Life the 27tli of tlie 4th. month 1774, in the 58th year of his age, w;is fro;n his youth a man of a peaceable and Quiet spirit, one who sincerely loved the truth and its faithful followers, and being Concerned for many years to live near unto, and witness the influence of the Blessed principle which we profess, he btcame a Diligent attender of our religious Meetings both for worship and Discipline wherein he was a patient humble waiter for the ariseing of Divine Life wherelty he witnessed his Strength to be re- newed, and often Expressed his satisfaction in so attending. He was thus Enabled to Lead an honest Circumspect Life, being a good E.Kamjile among us, in maintaining our Christian Testi- mony in its primitive simplicity, and altho he had not a publick Testimony to bear, yet we Esteemed him a preacher of Righteousness in his Life and Conversation. He was a tender Husband an Affectionate Father a Kind Neighbour and very Charitable to the poor. Wherefore in great Love to him, and Esteem for his memory we have given this brief Testimony Concerning him. Signed in and by onler of sd. Monthly Meeting by Jacob Smith Clk. the 11th. of 8th. Month 1774. Memorial of thic Monthly Meeting of King- wood Concerning Mary Hoknor Deceased. She was born at Mansfield in the County of Burlington, West New Jersey, in the Year 1736, of Parents in membeiship with Friends ; her Father, Thomas Potts, dying when she was a child, she was educated by her Mother, Sarah Potts, in the Profession of the truth as htld l)y us : and early discovered a quickness of Appre- hension and Strength of Understanding beyond many others, her tender Mind while in her Mi- nority, was sensibly reached with a divine Visi- tation of the Love of God ; and as she grew to riper years, she was preserved in a good Decree of circumspect Walking in his Fear, her Conversa- tion being Serious, sensible and guarded ; and often times her grave Deportment was useful as a Check to her Companions. In the year 1757 she was marryed to Isaac Horner, and tilled the Sta- tion of a faithfull and prudent Wife and Mother. In the beginning of the year 17G8 She appeared in puVjlick as a Minister, her Testimony, being Short and Lively, was generally well received. In the year 1770 She removed with her husband & Fam- ily to settle within the Compass of this Meeting, and has since resided amongst us, to the time of her Deceixse. Through the Influence of the Love of God, shed abroad in her heart, by a life of un- affected Piety and a godly Circomspection of Con- duct and Conversation, she hath obtained a good Report, not only amongst us with whom she was joined in religious Communion, but also amongst People of all ranks and religious Persuasions ; being remarkable for her unreserved. Charitable Openness and innocent Freedom of Deportment towards all. In 1772 she had the Concurrence of This Meeting in a Visit to some of the Meetings in the Lower part of this Province ; and the suc- ceeding Winter in visiting all the Families within the Verge of this Monthly Meeting in Company with sundry other Friends ; since which she has visited all the Meetings and most, if not all the Private Families belonging to the yearly ^Meeting of Flushing ; in which she had good Service and was generally well received, as Testifyed in a Number of Certilicates Produced at her Return She afterwards, in Company with Samuel East- burn and others, visited a number of the Families belonging to the Monthly meeting of Bucking- ham. In 1775 she obtained a Minut of the Con- cerrence of this Meeting, to visit the ]\Ieetings of Friends along the Sea Shore, and in the lower Part of this Province in which Service she caught a sevear Cold, which brought on a pretty swift De- cay ; under wliich She languised up wards of Eight months, near half of which Time she nevertheless, attended Meetings During her Indisposition, her quiet Composure of Spirit, and cheerfull Resigna- tion to the will of her heavenly Master was truly edifying. She told a Friend who visited her not long before her Departure that tho Death ap- peared a dark Passiige, yet all was Light beyond it. And to another, who bid her farewell at part- ing, she said, I shall fare well when I am red of this Body. And She was remarkably clear in her underetandiiig and said, tho bodily weakness prevailed, yet her Spirit felt no Dimunitiou of Strength ; and Exhorted those about her to place their Reliance on the Lord alone, a Confidence Siiid she, in which I have never been disappointed. The Evening before She was visibly struck with Death, broke fourth into Expressions of Praise to the Allmighty's and liumble acknowledgements that he had to her, performed all his I'romise.s and more ; had prepared and sanctifyed her and brought her to that hour ; and that She should praise him as long as she continued in the Body, and at the Conclusion chearfuUy surrender Hus- band and Children and all that he had given her, again into his Hands. In or near her last Hour she beckenoned her Hirsband to come and take his 25 last Farewell of her, and then, in a Composed Whisper, said thou art a welcome Messenger — thou art a wellcome, take me quickly. She dyed on the 31st. Day of the 5th. month 1776 in the 40th year of her Age, and was buryed in Friends Burying Ground, having been upwards of Eight years a Minister. Signed in and on behalf of sd. Monthly Meeting bye Isaac Lundy Anne Schmuck Clk Recorded per Saml. Kesster the 18th. 8th. month 1776. Testimony of Kingwood Mo. Meeting held AT Hakdwick the 13th Day of the 8th. Month 1778 Concerning our Deceased Friend and Elder James Willson. He was born in Chesterfield in the County of Burlington the 21st. of the 11th. Month 1713. and removed with his Parents within the verge of this Meeting, who Educated him in the way of truth and after he Arrived to mature Age he was mar- ried to Martha Laing a virtuous young Woman after which he setttled among us to the Day of his Death He was a diligent attender of our reli- gious Meetings both for Worship and Discipline and a humble waiter therein and encourager of the humble faithful Travellers remarkably Char- itable to the Poor and well beloved l»y all who knew his Virtues He underwent much pain in his last Illness all of which he bore in a good degree of patience and seemed much resigned to the Lord's Will whether to Live or Die was favoured with his Senses to the Last and departed on the 2()th. day of the 8th. month 1777 and decently inter'd in friends Burial (Jround at Kingwood aforesaid the 28th. of the same. Signed in and on behalf of our said Meeting by Isaac Lundy Clk. Testimony froji Kingwood Mo. Meeting held at Hardwick the 13th Day of the 8th. Month 1778. Concerning our Deceased Friend and Elder Martha Willson. She was born at Plainfield in the County of Middlesex East New Jersey and was married to our Friend James Willson and came to live within the verge of this meeting where she fill'd the place and station of a loving faithfiil Wife a ten- der mother a kind Friend and a good Neighbor. She was a diligent attender of our Keligious Meet- ings when of ability humbly waiting therein to feel that Life which is tlie Crown of our Assem- blies was taken 111 of a violent Disorder in the midst of which She lost her Dear and tender Hus- band all of which she bore with much resignation to the Divine Will. She departed this Life the First Day of the 9th. month 1777 and was de- cently interr'd in Friends Burial Ground on the 2d. in the 64th year of her age. Signed in and on behalf of our said meeting by Isaac Lundy Clk. Our Friend Samuel Willson father to the above named Children being from home at the Muncey Settlement of Friends was seized with a violent Purging and Vomiting in the Evening which con- tinued untill 9 O'clock next morning with faint- ing Fits ; at which time he Expired, without Sign or Groan on the 22d. day of the 5th month 1794 aged 66 years. During the time of his Sick- ness he appear'd devout in Supplication, and desired to be found in a state of acceptance, hav- ing his Senses preserved to the last. In the Evening previous to his Sickness, being at the House of Jos. Carpenter several NEIGHBORS BEING PRESENT he seemed remarkably bright and recollected about past transaction sand enter'd into profitable connversation about serious mat- ters which was a satisfaction to his Surviving Friends after his Departure. FRIENDS SUFFERINGS. The following list of fines collected during the Revolution seems to show that the collectors were not specially moved with human kindness. There was little equality between the amount of the fine and the amount collected. If these records are correct the victim of the collector was not always the person who was fined. The following is a brief Accot. of Friends Suffer- ings Belong, to Kingwood, Preparative Meeting in the Yeais 1776 1777 <.*c 1778 for not complying with the unjust reciuisition of Men to become in- strumental in shedding Human blood. The undernamed were concern'd in issuing war- rants Saml. Johnson Judge, Nathan Stout, Wm. Allen, & moore Furman Justices, Jos. Beavers Colonel & Jacob Gearhart, Captn. The foUowg. persons acted as Sheriff Constables Serjts. &c &c. Jos. Inslee, Jacob Quick, Wm. Coolbach & Sons, Saml. Smith, Jno. Haupock, Saml. Moore, David Chamberlain, Jos. Johnston, & Andrew Mer- shong. Our worthy Friend Jos. Moore for refus- ing to take the Test of Allegiance to the State of N. Jersey so called & Abjuring the King of G. Brittain was confined in Trenton Jail near Six Weeks and had the Test tender'd to him again l)y the Court but he refusing to comply was fined in the Sum of £50 & discharged from Confinement for which Sum the followg. Chattels were de strained. Sum Demanded. 1 Yoke Oxen & I Mare worth £40 £50 for millitia Fines & Tax 1 Yoke Oxen 2 Cows \ 1 Mare and 1 Colt / Wm. I'AXSON 1 Mare 1 Gun \ 3^. ^^^ 61 3 Young Cattle & 1 Horse j 60-7-6 12 10 26 Samuel Kester, 1 Ox 2 Cows \ op 1 Mare 2 Steers j ** Paul Kester 1 Mare 18 28 5 Jos. Drinker, 2 Horses & 1 Cow 36 10 20 12 Henry Clifftou 7 Hatts 10 9 21 15 Jno. Kester 1 Cow & 2 Young Cattle 9 10 7 Susanali Webster for her son 1 Cow 3 10 3 25 7 10 The real value brot. forward £251 19 James Willson 1 Gun worth 2 5 for his son's fine 1 mare 20 Saml. Willson 1 Mare \ the property of his sister / Our Friend John Allen about the age of 22 for refusing to take the test to the State of N. Jersey so called and abjuring the Crown of G. Brittain was confined in Jail for some time and lined by the Court £25 for which was taken I Cow 1 Feather Bed \ 20 prs of Shoes J for millitia Fines 1 Cow 3 sides of Leather 2 1 prs Shoes 1 pr Boots & y 8 5 15 some leather J JOS WEBSTER 1 Cow & 2 Cattle 11 10 19 10 25 10 Nathan King 1 Horse & 1 Mare 22 1779 "( Wm Snook Constable came to 2d. of 6th. mo. ) Jos. Moore's House and took a Horse valued at £18 for refusing to pay a Tax levied to support a War against Great Britain by virtue of a Warrt. from Abram Prahl a Justice so called. Sum demanded about £15. SLAVERY IN NEW JERSEY. The last papers in this Record Book illustrate a peculiar phase of life which seems very strange to us but which disappeared from New Jersey at a later period than we are willing to admit. Reed. December the Eighteenth One thousand seven Hundred & Ninety Seven of Henry Clifftou in behalf of Mingo Whano the Sum of Seventy five pounds proclamation money of State of New Jersey it being the full consideration for a certain Negro woman named Christiana & her Child named Saml. Coates-Whano Sold by me this Day to the said Mingo Whano & to his Heirs & Assigns forever reed, of me Jacob Race Junr. Witness Prest. Jno. Rockhill f recorded this 18th Day of 12th. Robt. Emley \ Mo. 1797 by Henry Clifftou. Know all men by these Presents that I Mingo Whano of the township of Kingwood County of Hunterdon & State of New Jersey do hereby Manumit & set free from Bondage, Christien my Wife & her Son Saml. Coates Whano, who I have purchased from Jacob Race of the township aforesd. Yeoman for the Sum of L 75-declaring them to be absolutely free from Bondage to all intents & purposes whatsoever Witness my Hand & Seal this Eighteenth Day of December in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven Hundred & Ninety Seven A. D. 1797. Witness Present his Jno. Rockhill f Mingo CI Whano (seal) Robert Emley \ mark Recorded the same day by me Henry Clifftou In connection with this paper the following extract from a letter written to the compiler Oct. 5th. 1895 may be of interest; "Mingo Whano was before his capture an African Chieftain or King. He was reputed a very honest and worthy person. It is greatly to be regretted that such things were possible in those dark days. He belonged for some time to my father. ' ' M\NITMISSION f^ ^^"^ bereby Manumit & set OATV AT T FN 1 ^'-^"^ ^''^"^ Bondage my Negro L.Ail Ai.i.t^2i [ Child Caty Allen. Witness my hand & seal this Eighteenth of Nov. A. D. 1805. LORANNA ALLEN. Witness present ( The above named Caty Allen Able Taylor I was born May 23, 1803 the ackt. Amos Peters. [ was taken from her Mistress L. Allen by R. Cliffton & rewritt Aug. 5 1806 Copied from the Record J. T. Blackwell Clk, Hunterdon. CERTIFICATES OF REMOVALS ETC. The following certificates have been culled from the Minutes. The date of certificate from King- wood given is usually that of application. The last column gives the Monthly Meeting to which the member of Kingwood expects to go. The column before the last gives the Monthly Meeting from which the bearer comes to enter Kingwood; the date of presentation to Kingwood M. M. is given. A book of removals was kept, which is given, after the year 1799. Hardwick having separated from Kingwood the book contains only those who removed from Kingwood. The other removals from Hardwick and Mendham will be found in the records of that meeting which are not acces- sible to me. 10 11 7 1744 Wallter Williams, Benjamin Williams, sons of Jeremiah, 1 1744-5 Alice Paxson, Came from to Kingwood Westberry, L. I. Woodbridge. Went to from Kingwood 27 Came /row* to Kingwood. 13 3 1745 Thomas Lundy, Exeter at Maiden Creek, 8 5 u Joseph Lvindy, Wife Susanna ; John Wilson, Jacob Lundy, 11 (( 10 8 u John Simcock Sen., Wife; Son Jacob, 12 4 1746 Richard Lundy Jr., and wife, Thomas Robeson, wf. ; ch.. Exeter. Wrights Town Pa. 10 5 a Jonathan Collins, wf., ch.. Buckingham Pa. 13 9 u John Simcock Jr., Gwinedd. 9 5 1747 Thomas Whitson, Westbury. 8 8 11 Rich. Lundy, wf., ch.. Exeter. 13 9 11 Thomas Whitson Jr., Westberry L. I. 14 11 u Daniel Doughty, 11 12 i i William Emley-to marry. 10 1 1748 John Simcock Sr., wf. Mary; dau. Jane, Sanuiel Stevenson, wf. Elizabeth, North Wales. Middletown. 14 5 u Robert Willson, wf. Mary, Exeter, 10 9 (1 Thomas Ellis, Exeter. 9 1 1749 Geoi'ge Holloway, 11 2 u Samuel Large Jr., wf., William Willis, 17 7 11 Woodbrldge. 8 1 1750 Thomas Ellis, 12 2 u William Muntgumrie, 10 3 11 Benj. Collins, wf. INIary, Nicholas Curie, Buckingham. New Garden, Pa. 14 1 1751 John Lundy, Gwinedd. 10 8 11 Jonathan Robeson, wf. Elizabeth; daus. Mary and Rachel, son John, dau. Elizabeth, minors. Gwynedd. 14 9 11 Benj. Webster, Woodbridge. 9 1 1752 Robert Schooley, wf. Elizabeth, Woodbridge. 9 4 II Thomas Havens, wf.. Little Egg Harbour. 9 7 11 Samuel Sn\ith, wf.. Falls. 12 8 11 William King, wf. Abigail, family, 10 5 1753 Gershom Mott Jr., wf., Wilmington. 14 6 11 Josiah Dyer, family except son Joseph, Baekingham. Went to from Kingwood. Abington. Chesterfield . Chesterfield. Burlington. Chesterfield. Exeter. Phila. Chesterfield. 28 8 11 u Robert Schooley, wf. Elisabeth, 13 6 1754 Jolin Patterson, wf., 11 12 1755 William Willis, 11 3 1756 William Kesster, 8 4 1756 Beni. Collins, 10 1 Li 9 6 1757 14 7 u 13 10 u Li a (( 10 7 1758 10 8 L. 11 9 Li 12 10 Li 11 1 1759 13 9 iL 12 6 1760 11 9 Li 9 10 Li 12 3 1761 9 4 13 8 13 8 10 12 13 5 10 6 Came from to Kingwood. Buckingham. (Recommendation fr.) Sadsbury. 1762 wf. ; Children, Benj. Webster, wf; children, Jasiah Dyer, wf. ; family, John Whitacre, wf. Naomi, Henry Coate, sons Marmaduke James, John Joseph Dyer, wf., Abel Thomas, Thomas Scott, wf. son, dau. Samuel Kesster, to m. Susanna Welxster, Moses Quinby as minister, Daniel Quinby, Francis Tomlinson, John Stevenson, Nathan Sin>cock, Richard Dell, wf. ; Children, John Stevenson, Abel Thomas, relig. visit, Samuel Schooley, wf . ; daus. Phebe M yers, Ann, Jonathan Myers, wf. ; Children, Joseph Dyer and family, Gershom Mott, ch. Joshua, John, William, Sarah, John Whitachre, wf. ; ch. George, Joseph, Benjamin, Joshua, Caleb, Robert, John Collins, Hezekiah CoUins-brothers-Relig. visit, Henry Whitson, Rachel Webster; her children among whom Joseph and Skinner Abner Hampton, relig. visit Falls. Buckingham. Exeter. Falls. Purchase. Purchase. Abingtou. Chesterfield. JVesterly, Kings Co. R. I. Went to from Kingwood. Woodbridge. Buckingham. Burlington. Woodbridge. Buckiniiham. New Garden N. C. Woodbridge. Chesterfield. Woodbridge. Woodbridge. Burlington. Fairfax Va. Fairfax Va. Gunpowder, Md. Cisel Md. Fairfax Va. Buckingham. Woodbiidsje. Woodbridge. 29 8 12 7 8 17fi2 William Schooley Jr, wf. Elisabeth Samuel Smith wi. ; children Woodbridge. 9 14 9 10 u ii "William Webster Jr. Gabriel Willson to travel etc. Woodbridge. 11 11 u Peter Kesster 13 1 1763 John Coate, 10 o i I wf. Jonathan Robeson Jr. sons, Peter, Jonathan, Chesterfield. Gwinedd 14 4 I ( Jonathan Kobinson Jr., wf., children Thomas Whitson 14 7 i i Samuel Smith, wf. children S 8 1763 Hermanns Kesster's son Paul 11 11 i i Thomas Willson 12 4 1764 Jonathan Robertson 13 o 1766 wf . ; dau. Mary Thomas Vickris Nathan Preston, relig. visit Jacob Smith Buckingham. Buckingham. 12 l> (( Richard Holcomb to marry, Joseph, Moore, wf. ; children Buckingham. Plainfield. 9 10 (( Robert Emley to marry 11 12 u John Coat, wf. Mary Henry Widowfield 11 (i 1767 Joseph Dennis wf. Hannah children Ezicael, Jesse, Sarah, Anne, Lewis, Joseph, Hannah Richland. 10 9 a Samuel Willson for son John 12 11 1( John Gregg; wf. ; Children Middletown, ] 9 12 u Joseph Willitts 9 (5 1768 Humphry Parker, wf. ; children Henry, Mahlon, .John, Amos, Rebecca, Ephraim, Sarah Wrightstown. 9 2 1769 Ebenezer Lundy Robert Willitts Richard Dell; relig. visit 10 8 iL Jacob Smith Joseph Webster, wf. Rebecca 8 2 1770 Henry Widifield, John Brock, \\ f. ; 7 children Wrightstown. 8 3 i i William Webster Came/;o»i to Kingwood. Went to from Kingwood. Fairfax, Va. Buckingham. Gwinedd. Wrightstown. Fairfax, Va. Buckingham. W^rightstown. Greenwich. Chesterfield. Chesterfield. Wrightstown. Buckingham. Chesterfield. Wrightstown. Plainfield. Buckingham. Buckinu-ham. Hopewell, Va. Hojjewell, Va. 30 10 5 1770 Isaac Hornor wf. Mary; Chiklreu Samuel, Isaac, Thomas, Stacy 14 6 " Jolin Laing, wf, ; cliildren 14 (i " Abner Hampton, wf. ; Children 9 8 " Hermanns Kester for son Thomas 13 12 " Wni. Hampton wf. ; Children 13 (> 1771 Joseph Webster wf. ; dau. Rachel 11 7 " Paul Kester, 11 7 " Samuel Neal, David Fares, religious visit 12 9 " John Paxson 9 1 1772 William Webster returned Hopewell Cert. ) " Josiah Willson 13 11 G 10 9 John Collard (apprentice) Abner Hampton, wf. ; children, William Hampton, ^vf. ; children Aaron Watson, wf.i eh. John, Luce, Anne, Sarah Mary Hornor relig. vis. 8 13 8 9 14 10 11 11 13 9 4 1773 Daniel Biles, 5 " Joseph Carpenter wf. ; children 7 " Mary Horner relig. visit " Henry Cliffton P>enjamin Taylor wf. Elisal)eth " John Ware " Amos Gregg 1 1774 ]\lahlon Taylor, <> ' ' Mary Hornor returns, having visited i) () i . John Willson, Daniel Biles 14 7 Li Thomas Kester 9 2 1775 Esther Dyer 11 5 i i ^Martha Webster Mary Horner Came, /Vow to Kingwood. Went to from Kingwood Chesterfield. Plainfield. Rah way Plainfield. Buckingham. Buckingham. Ireland. WillniiuiJ-ton. South Jersey. Shrewsbury. Phi la. Falls. Evesham. Falls. Fairfax, Va. ( )blong. Flushing L. I. New York, Westchester, Westbury, Nine Partners. Buckingham. Buckingham. Buckingham. ( Hahway it ( Plainfield. Richland. Exeter. L. I. New Garden N. C. Buckingham. Plainfield. Flushing Yearly M. 31 Came from to Kinfjwood. 9 11 1775 11 12 " 11 1 1776 14 11. 4 U 12 9 i. i. 14 11 H 13 2 17- 10 4 U 11 9 U 9 10 L i; 9 10 a 12 3 177S 9 7 '• 10 9 ; i 14 1 1779 11 o •• *■ 11 3 U s 4 Ci 13 5 " 8 7" 11 11 " 13 1 1780 9 3 " 11 5 " 10 8 14 9 Lyda Bursam Mary Philips John Daws, wf. Ales, small ch. Joseph, Martha Joseph Drinker wf. Hannah, ch. Mary, >Susannah George, Janney, Sarah, Reuben Lundy, to marry Esther Lundy Joseph Myers son of John & Mary Myers Edward Oatley, wf. eh. Stacy Beeks Robert Emley Benj. Taylor, wf. ch. Joseph Field Rutli Johnson ch. Sarah, Ruth, Samuel Mahlon Taylor to marry Richard Collard Amos Gregg to marry Doughty Stockton Prudence Philips Mary Paxson ch. William, John, Rachel, Ruben, Arthur Jeremiah Williams, to marry, Joseph Drinker wf., ch. Susannah, (ieorge, Janney, Sarah, Mary Drinker Doughty Stockton Ruth Johnson daus. Sarah, Ruth Mary Taylor wf. of ISIahlon Taylor Elisabeth (Jregg wf. of Amos Rebecca Wain ch. Mary, Sarah, RoViert John K ester wf. & 6 ch. Whitson Birdsall to marry Isaac Hornor, ch. Isaac, Thomas, Stacy, Mary Skinner Webster Hernianus Kester Paul Kester, wf. 3 ch, Rachel, Mary, Sarah William Webster David Daws Thomas Johnson Mary Williams Ann Marsh, Elizabeth ^larsh, Mary Marsh (sisters) John Wats K'achel wf. of Whitson Birdsall, Went to from King wood. Richland. Richland. Buckingham. Falls. Phila. Falls, Pa. Chesterfield. Chesterfield. Philadelphia. Chesterfield. Falls. Buckingham. Chesterfield. Richland. Buckingham. Northern District, Phila. Falls. Buckingham . Exeter. Chesterfield. Falls, Pa. Chesterfield Richland. Falls. Wrightstown. Buckingham. Richland. Northern Dist Phila. Northern Dist Phila. Chesterfield. Northern Dist Phila. New York. Bradford Pa. Buckingham. Chesterfield. Bradford. Bradford. Bradford. Brail ford. Buckinghan Shrewsbury. 32 9 11 14 12 11 1 8 2 Came /row to Kingwood. Chesterfield. Gwinedd. Richland. 8 3 14 6 13 9 11 10 8 11 9 11 1780 Edward Watson James Egbert, wf. Mary, " Richard Collard " Amy Paxson Thomas Johnson 1781 Preston Lippencott " Rachel Hambleton David Brooks & \ Beth Coitin-relig. visit f John Foreman " Thomas Twining " Preston Lippencott " Adran Daws, wf. " Jonathan Arnold 1 Lott Trip Relig. visit ) Elisabeth Birdsall with her husband- relig. visit " John Watson, wf. dau. Sarah, Shrewsbury Joseph Moore, Gabriel Willson, relig. visit Jonathan Johnson, wf. Hannah, son Jesse Gwinedd " Benj. K ester to marry " William Welch, wf. ch. John, William, Abner, Mahlon, Martha " John Watson, wf. Mary 2 small ch. Mary Beth for son Benj. " Israel Bunting, to marry, Benj. Paxson " Edward Watson " Mary Myers, dau Mary " Rebecca Moore wf. of James Moore John Parker " Rachel Kester, wf. of Benj. Kester Sarah Kester George Drinker 1783 Mahlon Taylor wf. Mary, " John Moore to marry " Joseph Webster wf. Rachel; ch. Rachel, Mary, William, Ruth, Joseph, Thomas Kester Gabriel Willson Joseph Moore (relig. visit) 8 5 " Joseph Moore wf. Christian; ch. Benj. Hannah, Miranda 8 i") " Jacob Smith, wf. Phebe; ch. Samuel, Thomas, Jonathan Randle, Ann, Elisabeth, Israel, Rebecca Potts for son William 12 " Ann Moore Joseph. Field, wf. Acsah;ch. Robert, I^lisabeth W^ent to from Kingwood. Buckingham. Shrewsbury. Deep River, Guilford Co. Gwinedd Middletown, Pa. Gwinedd. I Smithfd N. Y. ( Oblong, N. Y. Buckingham. N. C. 10 1 1782 11 4 " 9 5" 9 5 13 () 11 7 8 8 10 10 14 11 9 1 13 2 10 4 Falls. Falls. Deep River, N. C. Buckingham. Northern Dist. Phila. Egg Harbour. Haddonfield. Sadsbury. Friends within Q. M. Buckingham. Middletown. Bradford. Bradford. Phila. Buckingham. Sadsburv. Concord. Chesterfield. Railway & Plain field. Haverford. Concord. Chesterfield. Haddonfield. Abington. Chesterfield. Chesterfield. 33 11 8 1783 13 11 " 11 12 " 12 2 1784 11 3 13 5 Plain field. Southern District Phil. Falls. Guinedd. Fairfax, Va. 10 6 8 7" Canie/TO»i to Kingwood. Jacob Lundy Jr to marry Hannah Moore, wf . John :Moore, Rahway. Ann Hanibleton Henry Widifield- rel. visit Sarah Lnndy (minister) ch. Amy, Benj. Hampton Enos Lnndy Jacob Lundy Junr., wf. Sarah; ch. Amy, Benj. Hampton William Cliffton, Minor Ann Pearson wf. of Nathaniel Pearson Hannah Daws wf. of Adran Daws: ch. Joseph, Frances Isaac Header Joseph Moore, ^vf. Cliristian; ch. Benj., Hannah, Miranda, Chesterfield. Ann Moore Kichard Lundy, wf. Mary; ch. Daniel, William, Isaac, Eichard Amos Lundy, wt. Ann; ch. Rachel, Ann, Ebeneser, Tamer, Nathan, James, Jemima, Susannah, Amos John Kester, wf. Sarah; ch. William, Richard, Ann, Jlary, Deborah, Edith, John, Peter, Mary Stockton Jacob Cook, wf. ch. Elizabeth, William, Hannah, John, Rachel, Chesterfield. Northern Dist. Phila. Went to from Kingwood. Rahway. Buckingham. Chester Co. Exeter. Rahway. Lydia, Obediah, Anne, Deborah Prall for son Thomas 12 8 (( Peter Kester 9 9 ( i Rebecca Cliffton u Joseph IMoore, rel. visit 14 10 t i Amos Ware 11 11 u Robert Emley ch. Elizabeth, John, Mary, 11 11 il John Carpenter, wf. Elizabeth ; dau. Mary 13 1 1785 Gabriel Willson, rel. visit 10 2 a John Lundy 14 4 u Mary Moutgomei-y, Joseph Moore, rel. visit 13 5 u Amos Gregg, wf. Elisabeth 9 6 1 1 Jacob Lundy, wf, Sarah her child by former marriage. Amy, Benj. Hampton and their child Mary Lunday 14 ■7 a Deborah Prall for son Henry, a minor 11 8 ( i Henry Willitts, wf. Charity; ch. Sarah,- Gabriel, Ann, Elizal)eth, Margaret, Newel, Achsah, Mary, Evesham. Upper Springfield. Deep River, N. C. li li Wrightstown Bradford Mendham etc. Chesterfield. Exeter. Shrewsbury, Rahway Q. M. Deep River N. C. Nova Scotia, Coast of N. E. Falls. Rahway. Falls. Deep River, N. C. 34 11 8 178r 11 10 9 3 13 4 n 5 10 8 12 10 9 1] 11 1 8 3 12 4 10 5 14 fi 9 8 13 9 11 10 8 11 13 12 14 2 13 3 10 4 178G 1787 1788 Came frniii to King wood. Samuel Schooley, wf. Elizabeth; cli. Leah, Margaret, James, John, Samuel Sarah Lundy, rel. visit Henry AViddilield "- Elizabeth Lundy, ch. Roger Bowman wf Jane; di. John, Abigail, Hannah, Henry, Phila. John Dennis, Richlaud. Nathaniel Pearson, wf. Ann; ch. Benjamin, Joseph, William, James, Mary Hoag Benj. Moore, a minor Mary Hambleton Jane Burton Sarah Lundy returns Israel Bunting Falls. Benj. Hornor Jr. Phila- Joseph Moore returns Jos. Lundy, to marry Benj. Nichols, to marry Jos Atkinson to marry Benj. Williams, wf. ; son Samuel Samuel Johnson Mary Ann Williams Susanah Williams Mahlon Collins Elizabeth Hambletoii Benj. Nichols -- John Moore, family, Benj. Hornor Martin Ryerson William Hambleton; son Benjamin Phila. Ebenezer Large Elizabeth Lundy, wf. of Thomas Lundy, Jr. ; her children Priscilla, Elijah, Ezekiel Elizabeth Lundy, wf. of Joseph Lundy Rah way & PlainflekL Benj. Sbotwell, wf. Bathsheba; eh. Elizabeth, Thomas, " " Henry Brotherton Susanah Atkinson wf. of Joseph ; dau. Martha Rakestraw Phila. Mary Hamilton wf. of William Falls. Hannah Laing for son Joseph Sarah Jenks Hannah Lundy Jos Laing Mahlon Gregg, a minor John Coat Elizabeth Coate widow; dau. Abigail; Went f<> from King wood. Deep River, N. C. U It New England. Richland, Exeter. Deep River. Exeter. Oblong. Falls. Falls. Rahway and Plainfleld. Phila. Buckingham. Buckingham. Buckingham. Deep River, N. C. Buckingham. Rahway. Buckingham. Phila. Buckingham. Deep River. Rahway & Plainfleld. N. Y. Middletown Pa. Rahway and Plainfleld. Falls. Buckinshara. 35 Came fro,u to King^vood. Went /. fro,n King^vood. 10 4 17R8 Hannah Dawes, minor ch. Joseph, Frances Gabriel ^Yillson, Jr., to marry Joseph ?*Ioore and James Sim- son, rel. visit Thomas Paul 8 5 14 8 11 9 18 11 12 2 n u (1 1789 Phila. 3 1-2 11 14 1 11 :? 8 12 George Drinker Jos. Field, wf. Achsah ; ch. Robert, Elizabeth, Susannah, William Coate Grace Willson, wf. of Ga- briel Willson, Jr. Wm. Philips Henry Widdifield, rel. visit " Mary Price, wf. of James Price IMary Philips, widow Jonas Hambleton, wf. Ann : ch. Susannah, Jane, Samuel, Hannah Wm Potts '' Joseph Field 1790 Stacy P>eaks " Susanah Endey " Samuel Shotwell, wf. Han- nah ; son Abraham William Silverthorn, wf. Jane; ch. Elizabeth. Thomas, James, Abraham, Isaac 7 " Benjamin INIoore ^ " Cadwallader Evans, wf. Sa- rah ; ch. John, William, Thomas, Samuel, Mary Cox Sarah Lnndy, rel. visit 1791 Gabriel Willson, rel. visit ' ' Sarah Williams, wf . of Samuel Eoger Bowman for son Henry " Samuel Smith, minor, Jesse Willson to marry Tacy Robeson, wf. of Morris Robeson " Joseph Laiug " Lydia Baracroft, wf. of John Hannah Willson, wf . of Jesse " David Pound, wf. Mary 1792 Aaron Olden, wf. Elizabeth Sarah Lnndy returns cert. Jacob Birdsall, wf . Elizabeth, Edward Jloore, minor, " Jacob Smith ; ch. Samuel, Thomas, Jonathan, Eliza- beth, Ann, William, Eph- laim, Deborah, Israel, Northern Dist. Phila. Rahway & Plainfield Buckingham. Rahway and Plainfield. Both sides of River Delaware. Northern Dist. Phila. Buckingham. Exeter. Bucks Co. Buckingham. Exeter. Concord, Pa. Abingdon. Chester M. M Mt. Holly. Rahway and Plainfield. Buckingham. Chester, at Providence. held at Providence. Cornwall. Westland, Pa. 1 3 13 10 14 12 11 8 8 9 13 10 8 12 12 1 9 2 9 2 12 4 Nova Scotia, New York, N. England. Rahway and Plainfield. Buckingham. Abington. Newgarden in Chester Co. ^ Rahway and Plainfield. Abington. Flushing. Buckingham. Rahway and Plainfield. U U '' Buckingham. Rahway and Plainfield. Sadsbury. Westland, Pa. Came from to Kingwood. Went to from Kingwood. 14 (> 9 8 13 9 11 10 11 10 14 2 14 3 11 4 W 5 1792 Henry Widditield, wf. Mar- tha ; ch. John, Mark, Henry, Martha, Mordeeai, Robert, William, Joseph, Benjamin Ceorge Dilwyne Clark '' William Johnson, wf. Mary ; ch. Joseph, Jesse, Edward " Jeremiah Willson to marry Joannah Moore " Peter Kester, wf. Eleanor Isaac Moore '' Isaac Horner, Jr., to marry Henry Brotherton " " J no. Parker Henry Parker, Avf. ISIartha 1793 Joanna AVillson " Joseph Field, wf. Acshah ; ch. Elizabeth, Susanah, Sarah (minors) " Joseph Moore, rel. vis. Jeremiah Willson and wf. Sarah Lundy, rel. visit Gabriel Willson, rel. visit Edmond Plumly Wm. Lundy Samuel Lundy, 3d. Samuel Lundy, 2d. 4 minor ch. Sarah Lundy returns cert. Jno. Simcock, ch. Jos. Lundy to marry Hannah Philips, formerly Pat- terson Benj. Pound, wf., ch. Keuben Lundy John Emle}^ to marry Mary wf. of Jos. Lundy Septimus Hough John Dennis, family Elizabeth Nun Hannah wf. of Jno. Emley Richard Lundy, family Moses Willson, wf., ch. John Willson, wf., ch. Elijah Collins, 2 daus. Richard Schooley, rel. visw 5 1796 Ephraim Lundy, family •John Renderdine Elijah Collins, Jr. Moses Willson, Jr. Sarah Willson, widow, 3 ch. Mehetable Oliver removed with her husband Mary Collins. Exeter. Chesterfield. Abington. Concord, Pa. Buckingham. Chesterfield. Rahwav and Plainfield. Rahwav and Plainfield. Chester at Providence. Raiiwav and Plainfield. Exeter. 17 4 11 8 8 u 12 12 a 13 2 17f 30 5 u 11 9 ii 13 11 u 12 2 17( 9 4 (( 11 6 17£ 12 8 (, i 8 10 (t 12 11 it. Middletown. Indian Treaty. Westland, Pa. Peun. and as far South as Georgia. Penna., Va. , N. C. Exeter. Rah way and Plainfield. Westbury. Buckingham. Evesham. 14 4 1796 12 Horsham. Lanfield, N. C. Westbury. Exeter. Exeter. Evesham. Red Stone, Pa. Exeter. Exeter. Catawissa. u Red Stone. Catawissa. Catawissa. 37 CnmB/rom to Kinjjwood. 14 11 7 1796 8 " 13 10 Sarah Lundy, rel. vis. Massey Willson ami her ch., John,'Benj., Isaiah, Robert, Massey, Caleb, Cxabriel, Ke- bekah Gabriel Willsou Taylor Mary Hoag Jane Wood Jona. Willson, wf. ; '^ ch. Jona. Willson, .Tr., Elihu Willson, wf. Margaret, ch. Jonathan, John, Sarah 9 -2 1797 Parah Hampton Sarah Lnndy ret. cert. Isaac Moore to marry Went fo from Kingwood. Europe. Kedstone. Saratoga. 10 " 11 " Kahvvay and Plain field. llahway and Plainfield. Catawis.sa. Did not go. Buckingham. 9 •21 9 11 12 10 9 10 9 1-2 3 " 1 " 9 179S 4 1799 Isaac Moore to marry p^on. this point the removals from Hard- Separation of Kingwood and Hard^^.ck ' ^.ick are kept in the Hardwiok Mmute.. Chesterfield. Northern Dist. Phila. Hard wick and Mendham. 4 1801 9 " 10 " I) 1802 1 1804 marry wf. of 9 13 10 1 9 10 Elizabeth Olden, son Emley, minor Hannah Landess, wf. of Sam- uel : minor ch. Catharine, Susannah, Samuel, Rebekah 9 " Sarah Hampton 11 1800 Aaron Hambleton, wf. Han- nah ; ch. Charles, Moses, Samuel Wm. Webster, to Elisabeth Sniith Elisabeth Webster, William Richard Kester, minor Samuel Kester, Jr., to marry Joseph Hampton Aaron Watson o " J no. Stevenson l-', .' Mary Hambleton, minor 11 1806 Stephen Kester, to marry ' '''' S.K:^er,wf. of Stephen R^h^ay and Plainfield. David Laing, son of Thomas, to nuirry David Laing, son of Jacob, to marry Levy Willson Janres Gregg Aaron Ham ton Susanah King .lenny Dawes Charles Twining .John Webster, to marry John Freeman, to marry Re becca Stevenson Elizabeth Webster wf. of John Muncy 11 2 1811 Arnold Kester to marry Buckingham. liahway and Plainfield. Buckingham. Hardwick and Meudham. Baltimore. Northern Dist. Phila. Rahway and Plainfield. Rahway and Plainfield. Hardwick and Mendham. Rahway and Plainfield. I 9 8 10 13 8 13 14 9 4 1809 6 " 7 " 9 " 8 1811 Rahway and Plainfield. Rahway and Plainfield. Buckingham. Rahway and Plainfield. Wrightstowu. Middletown. Hardwick. Middletown. Muncy. 8 11 181U Rahway. 38 16 5 1811 12 3 1812 9 7 u 10 11 1814 9 2 1815 9 3 i L 9 11 U 10 10 1816 19 4 1818 9 7 u 14 10 1819 7 8 1821 18 12 (( 9 5 1822 13 1 1825 13 10 ii 10 4 18:28 9 10 " 14 3 1833 11 4 i i 12 5 1836 11 5 1843 12 10 11 7 1844 Ruth Williams, wf. of John Catharine Kesster Martha Hanibleton David Laing, wf. Elizabeth ; ch. Allen, Mary, Alpheus, Rachel (minors) James Atkinson Rebecca Atkinson Elizabeth Balderston, Minute, Mary Stevenson, Minute fr. Wra. Williams, Minute fr. Wm. W. More Huldah Hoag, ^Minute fr. Mary Williams, wf. of Ben- jamin ; daus. Evelina, Han- nah Burson (minors) Moses Pownal to marry Mahlon Briggs to marry Abel Lester to marry Isaac B. Williams, wf. Mar- tha ; infant son Clayton Susan Batterson Benj Williams Roland Folk John Clifftoii Roland Folk John Cliffton Moses Pownal William Blackfan, wf. Elizabeth K. David Phillips, wf. Anna Amelia ; ch. Sarah ^latilda, Margaret H., Mercy W., Anna Amelia Mordica Thomas, wf. Grace ; ch. Willson, Edward, Fran- cis (minors) Lindley M. Vail, wf. Rachel H.; ch. Barkley, Jennett H., Emma (minors) Came from to Kingwood. Wrightstown. Byberry. Went /'( from Kingwood. Buckingham. Railway and Plainfield. Frd. held at Middletown, Pa. Falls. Buckingham. Hardwick and Randolph. Whitewater, Md. Ferrisburg, Vt. Buckingham. Solebur}'. u Richland. Railway and Plainiield. Gwynedd. Richland. Richland. Solebury. Buckingham. Wrightstown. Muncy. Middletown. Rahwav and Plainfield. Richland, (ireen St. The following certificates are found in a book kept by the Kingwood Meeting. A sample is given of the wording ; this wording, with more or less variation by the different clerks, is used throughout the book. It has not been deemed necessary to repeat the names of the clerks. Some- times there was only one who signed, but gener- ally two, one from the men's meeting and the other from the women's. Those who acted as clerks at different times were Daniel Lundy, Henry Clift'ton, Amy Cliffton, Abigail Willson, Anna Heaton, Christian Schmuck, Ester Lundy, Jacob Lundy, Junr., Elizabeth Olden, Amy Cliff- ton, Juur., Joseph Stevenson, William Clift'ton, Elizabeth Cliffton, Sarah Cliffton, Joseph Cliff- ton, Sarah L. Cliffton, Abram R. Vail, Rebecca Cliffton, Lindley M. Vail. To THE Monthly Meeting of Friends held AT New Garden North Carolina : — Dear Friends Whereas Philip Marsh having requested our Certificate of Removal within the Verge of your Meeting these may inform that having a Birth right among Friends he lived here untill he at- tained a man's Estate during which time he fre- quented our religious Meetings & from what appears he hath settled his Temporal 'concerns reputably, & free from Marriage Engagements when he left these parts which hath been several years past. As a Member of our religious Society we do recommend him to your Christian Care and Oversight, & remain your Friends & Brethren Signed in and on behalf of Kingwood Mo. Meeting held at Hardwick the 8th. day of the 12th. mo. 1791 by Daniel Lundy Clerk. Philip Marsh to New Garden M. M. North Carolina, 8, 12, 1791. Abigail Burgess, wife of Robert Burgess, to Phila., 10, 5, 1792. Elizabeth Birdsall, wife of .Jacob Birdsall, to Sadsbury, 14, 6, 1792. Nathan King, and Sarah, his wife, and children, Mary, Ann, Sarah, John, Joseph, Amy, Asher, Christian (the last si.x minors), to Rahw.ay and Plaintield, 12, 7, 1792. Hannah Bowman, dau. Roger Bowman, to live with her sister Abigail Burgess, to Phila., 13, 9, 1792. Aaron Olden, Elizabeth, his wife, and dau. Rachel have returned to settle within Bueking- liam M. M., 1:5, 12, 1792. Susanah Hornor, wife of Isaac Hornor, removed to settle witli her husband, to Chesterfield, 10, 1, 179:?. Alice Mills, wife of .lolin .Mills, to Railway and Plainfield, 9, .">, 1793. Miranda Moore, dau. .Josei)h Moore, to Buck- ing] lam, 9, 5, 1793. Elizabeth Birdsall & husband, to continue at Sadsbury, 11, 7, 1793. Jonas Hambleton, Ann his wife, and children, Susanah, James, Samuel, Hannah, John and Sarah, all minors, to Buckingham, 30, 5, 1794. Aaron and Hannah Flanibleton, to Bucking- ham, 10, 7, 1794. Huldah and Ann Moore, daughters of Joseph Moore, dec, to Buckingham, 12, 6, 1794. Roger Bowman and wife .Jane, to Hor.sham, 11, 12, 1794. Tacy Robeson, wife of .Morris Robeson, to Phila., 11, 12, 1794. Elizabeth Olden, wife of Job ()lden, to Chester- ffeld, 11, 12, 1794. Joseph Field, wife Achsah, children in minor- ity, Robert, Elizabeth, Susanah, IMary, to Ches- terfield, 9, 7, 1795. Samuel Landiss, wife Hannah, minor children, Catharine, Susanah, Samuel, Northern district of Phila., 12, 11, 179.-). Edward Moor, to Railway and Plaiiilield, 14, 4, 1796. George Clarke to Buckingham, Pa., 12, 5, 1796. 89 Edmund Plumly, wife Elizabeth, children, John, Richard, Mahlon, Mary, Ann, to Bucking- inghani, 12, 5, 1796. Lydia Baracraft, wife of John Baracraft, Horse- ham, 12, 5, 1796. John Emley, wife Hannah, Upper Springfield, 12, 5, 1796. Sarah Emley, to Burlington, 11, 8, 1796. John Evins, Miner, to Phila., 8, 9, 1796. Isaac Moore, to Cornwall, N. Y., 13, 4, 1797. Thomas Stevenson, Jr., wife Rebecca, young child Susanah, to Hardwick and Mendum, 12, 4, 1798. Peter Kester, wife Elener, to Cattawissa, Pa., 14, 6, 1798. Aaron Watson, to Buckingham, Pa., 14, 6, 1798. Rachal Birdsall, wife of Wliitson Birdsall, children, Ruth, Anne, William, Andrew Moore, Elizabeth, John, Whitson, to Warington, York Co., 10, 1, 1799. William Hambleton, wife Mary, minor chil dren, Benjamin, James, Charles, Rachel, Joseph, Mary, William, to New Garden, Pa., 9, 8, 1798. Isaac Phillips, to Cattewissy, Pa., 14, 3, 1799. Martha Briggs, wife of Joseph Briggs, to Wrightstown, Pa., 11, 12, 1800. Sarah Adams, wife of Samuel, to Hardwick and Mendum, 12, 3, 1801. William Johnson, wife Mary, children, Joseph, Jesse, Edward, to Abington, Pa., 10, 6, 1802. Mary Winner, wife of James, to Muncy, Pa., 8, 7, 1802. Aron Hambleton, wife Hannah, minor children, Charles, Moses, Samuel, Aron, to Buckingham, Pa., 11, 11, 1802. John Renderdine, to Abington, Pa., 9, 6, 1803. Samuel Kester, wife Mary, son Willson, to Hardwick and Mendum, 9, 8, 1804. Janney Dawes, minor, placed with brother-in- law as apprentice, to Wrightstown, 9, 5, 1805. John Heaton, to Westland, Pa., 12, 9, 1805. Catharine Kester, to Hoiseham, Pa., 9, 10, 1806. Benjamin Moore, to Buckingham, 9, 2, 1807. .Jeremiah Williams, placed his son William as apprentice, Buckingham, Pa., 12, 3, 1807. Thomas Twining, placed son Charles as appren- tice, Middletown, Bucks Co., 12, 3, 1807. Hannah Gregg, to Middletown, Pa., 11, 6, 1807. Levi WilLson, a minor, returns to live within the compass of Hardwick and Mendham, 9, 11, 1807. Susannah King, to Rahway and Plainfield, 14, 1, 1808. Rachel Laiiig, wife of David, to Rahway- and Plainfield, 14. 1 1808. 40 .lames Atkinson, a minor, ])laced as apprentice to member, to INIiddletown, 10, 3, 1808. Thomas Kester, son of Harnuinus, a minor, l)laced as apprentice to a member, to Falls, Pa., 14, 4, 1808. Elizabeth Lninfr, wife of David, to Kahway and I'lainlield, 9, .''), 1808. Eli. AVillson, wife Elizabeth, children, Samuel, Joseph, to Hardwick and Mendum, 9, 2, 1809. James Gre«<>:, to Middletown, Pa., 10, 8, 1809. .Joseph Lain<;-, to Kahway and Plainfield, 8, 3, 1810. Stephen Kester. wife Sarah, cliild Isac, to Pel- ham, Upper Canada, 12. 4, 1810. Sifjned l)_v Heniy ClilTton 1 p|%„ p]lizai)eth Olden i " ' William Paxton, Kachel Webster, Sanniel Webster, Susanah Webster, Samnel Larfj;e, Amy Cliffton, Thomas Twininjr, Rebekah Stevenson. Rebecca Freeman has removed to settle with her Husband, dau. Susan Stevenson, a minor, to Kahway and Plainfield, 14, 3, 1811. Mary Kester, husband Arnold Kester, to Mnney and Fishin- Creek, Pa., 11, 4, 1811. Thomas Twining, wife Sarah ; children, Salin- da, Thomas, to Pelham, Upper Canada, 12, 9, 1811. Signed liy Rachel Webster, Amy Cliffton, Clks. Samnel Large, Benj. Kester, John Large, Samuel Webster, Susannah Webster, Susannah Kester, Henry Clili'ton, Elizb. Cliffton. John Twining, to Pelham, Upper Canada, 12, 9, 1811. Signed by Henry Clifton, Clk. and Samuel Webster, Benjamin Kester, Samuel Large, Joseph Stevenson. Charles Twining, to Pelham, Upi)er Canada, 12, 9, 1811. Signed by Henry Cliffton, Clk. and Samuel Large, Joseph Stevenson, John Allin, Wni. Paxson. Samuel Williams, a minor, to be put out as apprentice, to Middletown, Pa., 11, 11, 1811. Samuel Kester, to Pelham, U. C, 12, 12, 1811. Signed Ijy Henry Cliffton, Clk. and Wni. Paxson, Win. Clift'ton, Saml. Webster, Sanil. Large. Asa Webster, a minor, to Pelham, as appren- tice to brothei' John, Upper C, 9, 1, 1812. Signed l»y Henry Cliffton, Clk. and .Tohn Large, Samuel Webster, Aaron Haniton, William Paxson. John Webster, wife Elizabeth, to Pelham, U. C, 9, 1, 1812. Signed by Henry Clift'ton, Clk. Samuel Webster, Wm. Paxson, John Large, Aaron Hamton, Amy Cliffton, Susannah Webster, Racliel Kester, Jr., Elizabeth Large, Elizabeth Clift'- ton, Clk. EIizal)eth .\tkinson, to Middletown, Pa., 7, 5, 1812. Benjamin Kester, wife Kachel, children. Amy, John, Kachel, Sarah, Benjamin, Hamilton, Jesse, Jeremiah King Kester, to Pelham, U. C, 7, 5, 1812. Signed by Henry Cliffton, Elizabeth Cliff- ton, Clks. and Susannah Kesster, Rachel Welister, Rachel Kester, Senr., Wm. Paxson, Samuel Web- ster. Aaron Hamton, John Allin. William Kester, wife Mary, cliild Hannah, to Pelham, U. C, 7, .5, 1812. Signed by Henry Cliffton, Elizabeth Cliffton, Clks. and William Paxson, Samuel Webster, Aaron Hamton, John Allen, Susannah Webster, Amy Cliffton, Eliza- beth Olden, Elizabeth Webster. Emley Olden, a minor, to Chesterfield, 10, 3, 1814. Martha Arrison, wife of Richard Arrison, to Buckingham, 4, 11, 1814. Mary Johnson, wife of Reuben Johnson, to Edon, N. Y., .'i, 19, 1814. Signed by .Joseph Stevenson, Elizabeth Cliffton, Clks. and Rachel Webster, Susannah Kester, Eliza. Large, Rachel Kester, Henry Cliffton, Wil- liam Cliffton, Saml. Webster, Joseph Webster. William Webster (Jr.), to Edon, N. Y., 9, 6, 1814. Signed by Joseph Stevenson, Clk., Henry Cliff'ton, Win. Paxson, John Large, John Allin. Aaron Hamton, wife Jane, children, David, Rebecca, John, Sarah, (Jliver, Slater, Mercy Ann, to Farinington, N. Y., 13, 9, 1814. Signed by Joseph Stevenson, ElizaJjeth Cliffton, Clks. and Susannah Kester, Lucy Mott, Kachel Kester, Phelie Webster, Wm. Paxson, Samuel Large, John Large, Wm. Clift'ton. James P. Atkinson, wife Rebecca, infant James Paul, to Horseham, Pa., 13, 4, 181.'3. Samuel Webster, wife Rachel, children, Peter and Rachel, to Eden, N. Y., 11, 4, 1816. Signed by Joseph Stevenson, Elizabeth Cliffton, Clks. Elizabeth Large, Susannah AVeljster, Rachel Kes- ter, Lucy Mott, Wm. Paxson, Henry Clift'ton, Saml. Large, Wm. Clift'ton, Wm. Webster. Samuel Webster, Jr., to Eden, N. Y., 11, 4, 1816. Signed by Joseph Stevenson, Clk., John Large, Saml. Willson, Jur., Ebenezer Allen, Wm. Paxson, Henry Cliffton. .Joseph Webster, wife Phebe, children, Charles, ]\lary Ann, Thomas, Andrew, Susanna, to Eden, N. Y., 11, 4, 181(5. Signed by Joseph Stevenson, Elizabeth Cliffton, Clks. and Eliza Large, l^ochel Kester, Susannah Kester, Wm. Cliffton, Lucy Mott, Wm. Webster, Wni. Paxson, Henry Clift'- ton, Saml. Large. John Willson and Levi Willson, to Pelham, U. C, 9, 5, 1816. Signed by Joseph Stevenson, 41 Clk. and Henry Cliffton, John Large, Sanil. Will- son, Junr., William ClilYton. Elizabeth Ohlen, to Chestertield, 9, 5, ISKJ. Benjamin Williams, to Middletown, Pa., 11, 7, IHlf). Knth Williams, wife of John Williams, to .Mid- dletown, Pa., 7, 11, ISlC John Case, wife Catharine, infant Ann, to Sole- bury, lU, 4, If^n. Susiinah Pownell, wife of Moses Pownell, to Solebury, 13, 1, 18-20. (Certificate not signed. ) Joseph Sehooley, to Hardwick and Randolph, 10, 2, 1820. Mary Ham])leton (dau. of William), to New Garden, Colund)ianaCo., Ohio, 11, 1, 1821. Signed by Joseph Stevenson, Eliz.ibeth Cliffton, Clks., Henry Cliffton, Wm. Webster, .Tohn Large, .fohn Allin, Amy Clift'ton, Bnsanah Kesster, Elizabeth Webster, Amy Kester. John Stevenson (son of .Joseph), a minor, to Hardwick and Kandolph, 12, 4, 1821. Isaac B. Williams, wife Martha, to Kichland, Pa., 12, 4, 1821. Margaret Lester, wife of Abel Lester, to Rich- land, 21, 2, 1822. Amy Briggs. wife of Mahlon Briggs. to Role- bury, 14, 3, 1822. Hannah M. Burson, wife of .Fames Bursoii, to Wrightstown, 9, 2, 1^20. Mary Dawes, to Makefield, Pa., 11,1, 1827. John Cliffton, apprentice to Friend, Richland, Pa., 8, 5, 1828. Rowland Foulken, to Green St. Meeting House, Phila., 20, 11, 1S28. Susiin Batter.son, wife of Lewis Batterson, to Phila., 10, 9, 1829. Isaac B. Williams, wife Martha S., children. Clayton N., .Jeremiah, .Josepli, to Buckingham, Penna., 10, 6, 1830. Evelina M. Burson, to Buckingham. Pa., 10, (I, 1830. Susanna Williams, to Richland, Pa., 10, 7, 1834, John S, Cliffton, son Henry, a minor, to Gwyn- edd, 12, 3, 183.-J. Susainiah Large, to Buckingham, Pa., 13, 8, 1835. William Blackfan, wife Elizabeth, child Will- iam, to Buckingham, 8, 3, 1838. Jacob Cliffton, wife Sarah, to Gwynedd. Pa., 14, 3, 1839. William Wel)ster, to Rahvvay and Plainfield, 11, 7, 1839. Alpheus Laing, to Rahway and Plainfield, 5, 13, 1847. Jacob Laing, to Rahway and Plainfield, 9, 9, 1847. Jacob Cliffton. wife Sarah, to Chesterfield, 3, 1, 18.V2. Mordecai Thomas, wife Grace, minor daughter Frances, to Middletown, 11, 5, 18.-)3. David Pliillips, to Nottingham, minor children, Mercy W., Anna Amelia, Ezra E., 11, 4, 18,54. Sarah ^Matilda Phillips, to Nottingham, 11, 4, 1854. Margaret H. Phillips, to Nottingham. 11, 4, 18,54. Mary Baily. to Middletown, 2, 7, 1859. Emma M. Comly, to Byberry, 3, 11, 1860. Jeunette H. Dell, to Phila., 5, 1, 1861. Lindley M. Vail, wife Rachel H,, minor child- ren, John H , James Henry, Charles Lindly, Thomas Elhvood, to Little Falls, Md., 4, 2. 1865. Sarah L. Clift'ton. minor children. Chailes B., Mary B., Ella D., to Middletown, Pa., 4. 1. 1868. 42 BRRATTA. Page 5, column 2, line 23, read "the second Second day in each mouth." Page 6, column 2, line 15, read "10, 9, 1748." Page 8, col limn 1, line 29, read "book." Page 8, column 2, line 34, read "Ave." Page 10, column 1, line 32, read "9, 10, 1755." read "9, 12, 1790." read "10, 2, 1791." read "David Laing .Jr. read "Twining." read "Gabriel Willson .Junr.' read "Cliffton." read "Hornor. " read "Gregg." insert "James Gregg. " read "Anne Stockton." read "Wm. Hambleton." read "Rebekah Moore." Page 12 Page 12 Page 13 Page 13 Page 13, Page 13, Page 13 Page 13 Page 14 Page 14 Page 14 Pa<>:e 15 Page 11 column 2 Pajie 11, column 2 column "> column 2 column 1 column 2 column 2 column 2 column 2 column 2 column 1 column 2 column 2 column 1 column 2 column 2 column 1 column 2 column 1 column 1 column 2 column 2 column 1 column 1 colunni 2 column 2, column 1 column 1 column 1 column 1 column 1 column 2 column 1 column 2 Page 15 Page 15 Page Ifi Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 19 Page 20, Page 21 Page 21 Page 21 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 23 Page 23 Page 24 Page 25 Page 26, Page 26 Page 30 Page 30 Page 30 Page 31 Page 31 line 41 line 42 line 2 3 line line 52 line 3 line 4 line 25 line 28 line 46 line 53 line 3 line 54 line 19 line 24 line 38 line 45 line 6 line 12 line 33 line 30 line 56 line 1 line 33 line 1 line 6 line 14 line 11 line 31 line 32 line 3 line 36 line 54 line 20 line 17 line 18 line 34 line 12 line 32 Kachel Twining." read "Jno. Gregg." read "Solebury. " read "xMiddlesex." read "Urzinah." read "Twining." comma in place of period at end of line. read "James N. Green." read "29, 10, 1741." read "1749-50." read "Amy Cliffton." read "William and Amy." read "Elizabeth." read "Willson." read "21, 4, 1884." read "that" for 'the." read "any earthly Treasure." read "Interess. " read "E.xampelary. " read "in and on." read "Moore." read "Walter." the letter referred to is from Dr. Henry Race, of Pittstowu, N. J. read "Samuel Neal, of Ireland." read "David Fares, Willmington." read "went to South Jersey." read "came//o/« Falls." "Philadelphia" is the name of the lifth child. 014 206 925 8 ■. / / /