^■'r^' Ol Class. Iiodk £ Xo'O. hi(i:,si:nti;ii iiy <3V SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. PRESENTED TO THE NATIONAL GUARD OF THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY BY THE NEW JERSEY SOCIETY OF THE SONS OF THE REVOLUTION A TROPHY FOR THE COMPANY HAVING THE HIGHEST ANNUAL FIGURE OF MERIT IN MARKSMANSHIP :k Smith. Priuior, THE CONSTITUTION Sons of the Revolution BY-LAWS AND REGISTER ^ociefg in f^c ^fftfc of (1)cf» Jf^recg. Instituted January 6, 1891. TRENTON: PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY. 1906. FRANK SMITH. PRINTER 25 EAST STATE STREET TRENTON, NEW JERSEY Gift The aoclety General Society of Sons of the Revolution. Organized at Washington, D. C, April 19, 1890. OFFICERS. General President^ John Lee Carroll, . Ellicott City, Maryland, Of the Maryland Society. General Vice-President, Garret Dorset Wall Vroom, Trenton, New Jersey, Of the New Jersey Society. Second General Vice-President, Wilson Godfrey Harvey, Charleston, South Carolina, Of the South Carolina Society, General Secretary, James Mortimer Montgomery, 1 02 Front street, New York, Of the New York Society. Assistant General Secretary, William Hall Harris, 216 St. Paul street, Baltimore, Of the Maryland Society. 10 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. General Treasurer, Richard McCall Cadwalader, 133 South Twelfth street, Philadelphia, Of the Pennsylvania Society. General Assistant Treasurer, Henry Cadle, . . , Bethany, Missouri, Of the Missouri Society. General Chaplain, The Rev. Thomas Edward Green, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Of the Iowa Society. General Registrar, Walter Gilman Page, 310 Fenway Studio, Boston, Mass, Of the Massachusetts Society. General Historian, HoLDRiDGE Ozro Collins, . Los Angeles, California, Of the California and New York Societies. Sons of the Revolution in the State of New Jersey. Instituted January 6lh, 1891. OFFICERS. President, Garret Dorset Wall Vroom, Vice-President, Richard Fowler Stevens, Secretary, William Libbey, Corresponding Secretary, Robert Chambers Belville, , Treasurer, Neil Robert Montgomery, Registrar, Frederick Hatfield Clark, . Historian, Bayard Stockton, Chaplain, Charles Marter Perkins, Trenton Newark Princeton Trenton Trenton Trenton Princeton Vineland 12 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. BOARD OF MANAGERS. Jonathan Hunt Blackwell, Frank Obadiah Briggs, John Alexander Campbell, Thomas Stryker Chambers, Foster Conarroe Griffith, William Mindred Johnson, Horace Franklin Nixon, Alfred Alexander Woodhull, Thomas Jones Yorke. OFFICERS. 13 OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY IN NEW JERSEY FROM ITS INSTITUTION, January 6th, 1891. ELECTED President, RETIRED I89I. *Samuel Meredith Dickinson, 1904. 1904. Garret Dorset Wall Vroom. Vice President, I89I. Clement Hall Sinnickson, 1905- 1905- Gilbert Collins, 1906. 1906. Richard Fowler Stevens. Secretary, 189I. John Alexander Campbell, 1903. 1903. William Libbey. Corresponding Secretary, (Office established 1896,) 1896. Francis Bazley Lee, 1905- 1905. Robert Chambers Belville. Treasurer, 189I. Hugh Henderson Hamill, 1897. 1897. Frank Obadiah Briggs, 1905- 1905. Neil Robert Montgomery. Registrar, 189I. Foster Conarroe Griffith, 1904. 1905- Frederick Hatfield Clark. Historian, 189I. Morris Hancock Stratton, 1896. 1896. Thomas Jones Yorke, 1904. 1904. *Edward Rutledge Shubrick, 1905- 1905. *Robert Spencer Woodruff, 1906. 1906. Bayard Stockton. •Deceased. 14 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. ELECTED Chaplain, RETIRED 1892. Charles Marter Perkins, 1899. 1899. *Charles Woodruff Shields, 1905- 1905. Charles Marter Perkins. Managers, 1 89 1. Garret Dorset Wall Vroom, 1904. 1 89 1. *George Maxwell Robeson, 1896. 1 89 1. Bayard Stockton, 1893. 1 89 1. *Christopher Augustus Bergen, 1892. 1891. *Peter L. Voorhees, 1892. 1891. *Samuel Duncan Oliphant, 1895. 1891. *William John Potts, 1895. 1 89 1. William Elmer, 1905- 1892. Gilbert Collins, 1905. 1892. '''Malcolm Macdonald, 1900. 1892. Schuyler Colfax Woodhull, 1905. 1893. Richard Fowler Stevens, 1906. 1895. Thomas Jones Yorke, 1896. 1895. AisRAM Quick Garretson, 1903. 1896. *Leroy Hammond Anderson, 1905. 1896. '"'William Lewis Dayton, 1897. 1897. Hugh Henderson Hamill, 1905. 1901. William Libbey, 1903. 1903. John Alexander Campbell, 1903. Charles Dederer Thompson, 1906. 1904. Foster Conarroe Griffith, 1905. Frank Obadiah Briggs, 1905. Thomas Stryker Chambers, 1905. William Mindred Johnson, 1905. Horace Franklin Nixon, 1905. Charles Van Dyke Joline, 1906. 1906. Jonathan Hunt Blackwell, 1906. Alfred Alexander Woodhull, 1906. Thomas Jones Yorke. ♦ Deceased. CONSTITUTION. CONSTITUTION OF THE General Society of Sons of the Revolution. IT BEING evident, from a steady decline of a proper celebration of the National holidays of the United States of America, that popular concern in the events and men of the war of the Revolution is gradu- ally declining, and that such lack of interest is attribu- table, not so much to the lapse of time and the rapidly increasing flood of immigration from foreign countries, as to the neglect, on the part of descendants of Revo- lutionary heroes, to perform their duty in keeping before the public mind the memory of the services of their ancestors and of the times in which they lived ; there- fore, the Society of Sons of the Revolution has been instituted to perpetuate the memory of the men who, in the military, naval and civil service of the Colonies and of the Continental Congress, by their acts or coun- sel, achieved the independence of the country, and to further the proper celebration of the anniversaries of the birthday of Washington, and of prominent events con- nected with the war of the Revolution ; to collect and secure for preservation the rolls, records and other docu- 18 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. ments relating to that period ; to inspire the members of the Society with the patriotic spirit of their fore- fathers ; and to promote the feeHng of friendship among them. The General Society shall be divided into State Soci- eties, which shall meet annually on the day appointed therefor in their respective by-laws, and oftener if found expedient ; and at such annual meeting the reasons for the institution of the Society shall be considered, and the best measures for carrying them into effect adopted. The State Societies, at each annual meeting, shall choose by a majority of the votes present, a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, a Registrar, a Treasurer, a Chaplain, and such other officers as may by them respect- ively be deemed necessary, together with a Board of Managers consisting of these officers and of nine other members, all of whom shall retain their respective posi- tions until their successors are duly chosen. Each State Society shall cause to be transmitted an- nually, or oftener, to the other State Societies, a circular letter calling attention to whatever may be thought worthy of observation respecting the welfare of the Society or of the general union of the States, and giving information of the officers chosen for the year ; and copies of these letters shall also be transmitted to the General Secretary, to be preserved among the records of the General Society. The State Societies shall regulate all matters respect- ing their own affairs, consistent with the general good CONSTITUTION. 19 of the Society ; judge of the quaHfications of their members or of those proposed for membership, subject, however, to the provisions of this Constitution ; and expel any member who, by conduct unbecoming a gen- tleman or a man of honor, or by an opposition to the interests of the community in general or of the Society in particular, may render himself unworthy to continue in membership. In order to form funds that may be respectable, each member shall contribute, upon his admission to the Society and annually thereafter, such sums as the by- laws of the respective State Societies may require ; but any of such State Societies may provide for the endow- ment of memberships by the payment of proper sums in capitalization, which sums shall be properly invested as a permanent fund, the income only of which shall be expended. The regular meeting of the General Society shall be held every three years, and special meetings may be held upon the order of the General President, or upon the request of two of the State Societies, and such meetings shall consist of the General Officers and a representa- tion not exceeding five deputies from each State Society, and the necessary expenses of such meeting shall be borne by the State Societies. At the regular meeting, a General President, Vice- President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer and Chaplain shall be chosen by a majority of the votes present, to serve until the next 20 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. regular general meeting, or until their successors are duly chosen. At each general meeting the circular letters which have been transmitted by the several State Societies shall be considered, and all measures taken which shall conduce to the general welfare of the Society. The General Society shall have power at any meeting to admit State Societies thereto, and to entertain and determine all questions affecting the qualifications for membership in or the welfare of any State Society as may, by proper memorial, be presented by such State Society for consideration. Any male person above the age of twenty-one years, of good character, and a descendant of one who, as a mihtary, naval or marine officer, soldier, sailor or marine, in actual service, under the authority of any of the thir- teen Colonies or States or of the Continental Congress, and remaining always loyal to such authority, or a descendant of one who signed the Declaration of Inde- pendence, or of one who, as a member of the Conti- nental Congress or of the Congress of any of the Colonies or States, or as an official appointed by or under the authority of any such legislative bodies, actually assisted in the establishment of American inde- pendence by services rendered during the war of the Revolution, becoming thereby liable to conviction of treason against the government of Great Britain, but remaining always loyal to the authority of the Colonies or States, shall be eligible to membership in the Society. CONSTITUTION. 21 The Secretary of each State Society shall transmit to the General Secretary a list of the members thereof, tosrether with the names and official designations of those from whom such members derive claim to mem- bership, and thereafter upon the admission of members in each State Society, the Secretary thereof shall transmit to the General Secretary information respecting such members similar to that herein required. The Society shall have an insignia, which shall be a badge suspended from a ribbon by a ring of gold ; the badge to be elliptical in form, with escaloped edges, one and one-quarter inches in length, and one and one-eighth inches in width ; the whole surmounted by a gold eagle, with wings displayed, inverted ; on the obverse side a medallion of gold in the center, elliptical in form, bear- ing on its face the figure of a soldier in Continental uniform, with musket slung ; beneath, the figures 1775 ; the medallion surrounded by thirteen raised gold stars of five points each upon a border of dark blue enamel. On the reverse side, in the center, a medallion corres- ponding in form to that on the obverse, and also in gold, bearing on its face the Houdon portrait of Wash- ington in bas-relief, encircled by the legend, "Sons of the Revolution;" beneath, the figures 1883; and upon the reverse of the eagle the number of the badge to be engraved ; the medallion to be surrounded by a plain gold border, conforming in dimensions to the obverse ; the ribbon shall be dark blue, ribbed and watered, edged 22 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. with bufif^ one and one-quarter inches wide, and one and one-half inches in displayed length. The insignia of the Society shall be worn by the members on all occasions when they assemble as such for any stated purpose or celebration, and may be worn on any occasion of ceremony ; it shall be carried conspicu- ously on the left breast, but members who are or have been officers of the Society may wear the insignia sus- pended from the ribbon around the neck. The custodian of the insignia shall be the General Secretary, who shall issue them to members of the Society under such proper rules as may be formulated by the General Society, and he shall keep a register of such issues wherein each insignia issued may be identi- fied by the number thereof. The seal of the Society shall be one and seven-eighths inches in diameter, and shall consist of the figure of a Minute-man in Continental uniform, standing on a ladder leading to a belfry ; in his left hand he holds a musket and an olive branch, whilst his right grasps a bell-rope ; above, the cracked Liberty Bell ; issuing therefrom a ribbon bearing the motto of the Society, Exegi monume7ttum cgre perennius ; across the top of the ladder, on a ribbon, the figures 1776; and on the left of the Minute-man, and also on a ribbon, the figures 1883, the year of the formation of the Society; the whole encircled by a band three-eighths of one inch wide ; thereon at the top thirteen stars of five points each ; CONSTITUTION. 28 at the bottom the name of the General Society, or of the State Society to which the seal belongs. By an Article in addition to and amendment of the foregoing Constitution, proposed at a meeting of the General Society, held at the State-house, Annapolis, April 19th, 1894, referred by the General Society to the several State Societies, for their corporate action, adopted by each of them and so certified by the General Sec- retary to the General Society at a meeting thereof, held at Savannah, April 20th, 1896, and thereupon taking effect, the additional offices of Second General Vice- President, General Registrar and General Historian were established. By an Amendment proposed at a meeting of the Gen- eral Society, held at Denver, Colorado, April 19th, 1899, referred by the General Society to the several State Societies for their corporate action, adopted by each of them and so certified by the General Secretary to the General Society at a meeting thereof, held at Washing- ton, D. C, April 19th, 1905, and thereupon taking effect, the seventh section of the foregoing Constitution was amended by striking out the words, " of the General Officers and a representation not exceeding five deputies from each State Society," and inserting in their place the words, " of two delegates from each State Society 24 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. and one additional delegate for every one hundred members, or major fraction thereof ; and on all questions arising at meetings of the General Society each delegate there present shall be entitled to one vote, and no votes shall be taken by States." BY-LAWS. BY-LAWS OF The Society of Sons of the Revolution in the State of New Jersey. Section I. MEMBERS shall be elected as follows : Candidates shall send their names and documents, or other proof of qualifications for membership, to the Board of Managers, and, upon a favorable report from said board, and upon payment of the initiation fee, may thereupon become members of the Society. Section II. The initiation fee shall be ten (lo) dollars ; the annual dues five (5) dollars : Provided, That any member who shall have been elected during the last three months of the fiscal year shall not be required to pay the annual dues for the current fiscal year ; and Provided, further. That any member failing to pay his annual dues for the term of three successive years shall be dropped from the roll of membership. The payment at one time of fifty (50) dollars shall constitute a life membership. The payment at one time of one hundred (100) dollars shall 28 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. constitute a perpetual or endowed membership, and upon the death of the member so paying, the member- ship shall be held by his eldest son, or such other descendant from the ancestor from whom he claims as he may nominate ; in failure of such nomination having been made, the Society may decide which one of the descendants shall hold the membership : Provided always^ that the Society reserves to itself the privilege of reject- ing any nomination that may not be acceptable to it. All those holding life or endowed memberships shall be exempt from the payment of the initiation fee and annual dues. Section III. All initiation, life and endowed membership fees, as well as donations which shall hereafter be paid the Society, shall remain forever to the use of the Society, of which the interest only shall be used. Section IV. The annual meeting of the Society shall be held on the third Wednesday of May, at such place as the Board of Managers may direct. At this meeting a general election of officers by ballot shall take place. In such election a majority of the ballots given for any officer shall constitute a choice ; but if, on the first ballot, no person shall receive such majority, then a further ballot- ing shall take place, in which a plurality of votes given for any officer shall determine the choice. B Y - L AW S . 29 Section V. At all meetings of the Society ten (lo) members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Section VI. The President, or in his absence the Vice-President, or in the absence of both a chairman pro tempore, shall preside at all meetings of the Society, and shall have a casting vote. He shall preserve order, and shall decide all questions of order, subject to an appeal to the Society. Section VII. The Secretary shall conduct the general correspond- ence of the Society. He shall notify all members of their election, and of such other matters as he may be directed by the Society. He shall have charge of the seal, certificate of incorporation, by-laws and records of the Society, and shall issue certificates of membership. He, together with the presiding officer, shall certify all Acts of the Society. He shall, under the direction of the President or Vice-President, give due notice of the time and place of all meetings of the Society, and attend the same. He shall keep fair and accurate records of all the proceedings and orders of the Society ; and shall give notice to the several officers of all votes, orders, resolves, and proceedings of the Society affecting them or appertaining to their respective duties. He shall be Secretary of the Board of Managers and shall keep the 30 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. record of their meetings in the regular minute book of the Society.* Section VIII. The Treasurer shall collect and keep the funds and securities of the Society ; and so often as those funds shall amount to one hundred (loo) dollars, they shall be deposited in some bank or trust company in the city of Trenton, N. J., to the credit of "The New Jersey Society of Sons of the Revolution," and shall be drawn thence on the check of the Treasurer for the purposes of the Society only. Out of these funds he shall pay such sums as may be ordered by the Society, or by the Board of Managers. He shall keep a true account of his receipts and payments, and at each annual meeting render the same to the Society, when a committee shall be appointed to audit his accounts. He shall give such security as shall be required by the Board of Manaoers. a Section IX. The Registrar shall keep a roll of members, and in his hands shall be lodged all the proofs of membership qualification, and all the historical and other papers of which the Society may become possessed ; and he, under the direction of the Board of Managers, shall make copies of such similar documents as the owners thereof may not be willing to leave permanently in the keeping of the Society. *By an amendment proposed March 2ijth, 18ytj, adopted March 2d, 1897, the office of Corresponding Secretary was established. BY-LAWS. 31 Section X. The Historian shall keep a detailed record, to be deposited with the Secretary, of all the historical and commemorative celebrations of the Society ; and he shall edit and prepare for publication such historical addresses, essays, papers and other documents of an historical char- acter, other than a Register of Members, as the Secretary may be required to publish ; and at every annual meet- ing, if there shall be a necrological list for the year then closing, he shall submit the same with carefully prepared biographies of the deceased members. Section XL The Board of Managers shall consist of sixteen — namely, the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treas- urer, Registrar, Historian and Chaplain, ex-officio, and nine other members, and all of whom shall be elected at the annual meeting. In case of a vacancy in any of these offices the Board may fill the same until the next annual election. They shall judge of the qualifications of the candi- dates for admission to the Society, and, upon the recom- mendation of the Committee on Admissions, shall have power to elect the same to membership. They shall have charge of all special meetings of the Society and shall, through the Secretary, call special meetings at any time, upon the written request of five members of the Society, and at such other times as they see fit. They 32 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. shall recommend plans for promoting the objects of the Society, shall digest and prepare business, and shall authorize the disbursement and expenditure of unap- propriated money in the treasury for the payment of the current expenses of the Society. They shall gener- ally superintend the interests of the Society, and execute all such duties as may be committed to them by the Society. At each annual meeting of the Society, they shall make a general report. At all meetings of the Board of Managers five mem- bers shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Section XII. The Chairman of the Board of Managers shall appoint annually three members thereof as a Committee on Admissions, whose duty it shall be to pass upon the qualifications of applicants for admission to the Society, and report to the Board of Managers. Section XIII. Ayes and nays shall be called at any meeting of the Society upon the demand of five members. Section XIV. No alteration of the By-Laws of the Society shall be made unless such alteration shall have been proposed J BY-LAWS. at a previous meeting, and shall be adopted by a majority of the members present at any meeting of the Society, five (5) days' notice thereof having been given to each member. REGISTER OF MEMBERS. REGISTER OF Sons of the Revolution in the State of New Jersey. The figures following members' names indicate the number of their insignia. * Abbot, Edwin Clark, Rutherford. Grandson of Private Benjamin Abbot. Allen, Harry Chandler, New York. Great-great-grandson of Private Gershom Loveless. Great-great-grandson of Captain Simeon VanWickle. *Anderson, Leroy Hammond, Princeton. 154: Great-grandson of Captain James Anderson. Anderson, William Allison, Trenton. Great grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel Richard Clough Anderson. *AuLicK, Richmond Ogston, Trenton. Great-great-grandson of Thomas Anderson. Auten, Frederick Probasco, Trenton. Great-great-grandson of Private Thomas Auten. Baker, Charles Henry, Trenton. Great-great-grandson of Private Isaac Reedcr. 38 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. Barkalow, John Swartwout, Paterson. Great-grandson of Captain Samuel Smith. I Beers, Louis Gilbert, Trenton. Great-grandson of Private Ebenezer Gilbert. Belville, Robert Chambers, Trenton. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant John Reading. *Bergen, Christopher Augu.stus, Camden. Great-grandson of Captain John Schenck. Blackwell, Jonathan Hunt, Trenton. Great-grandson of Captain James Hunt. Blackwell, Samuel Holmes, Princeton. Great-great-grandson of Private Stephen Blackwell. Great-great-grandson of Private Samuel Stout. Great-great-grandson of Sergeant Rolif Hageman. Blackwell, Stephen Weart, New York. Great-great-grandson of Captain James Hunt. Bradway, Edward Tonkin, Woodbury. Great-great-grandson of Thomas Clark. *Brewer, John Hart, Trenton. Great-great-grandson of John Hart. Briggs, Frank Obadiah, Trenton. 758 Great-grandson of Private Stephen Smith. Great-gieat-grandson of Corporal Obadiah Smith. Briggs, Frankland, Newark. Great-great-grandson of Private Stephen Smith. Great-great-great-grandson of Corporal Obadiah Smith. ♦ Deceased REGISTER OF MEMBERS. 39 Britton, Charles Potts, Trenton. Great-grandson of Private Nicholas Britton. Great-grandson of Private William Potts. Britton, William Ogden, Trenton. Great-grandson of Private Nicholas Britton. Great-grandson of Private William Potts. *BuDD, the younger, Henry Irick, Camden. Great-great-grandson of Major Joseph Budd. *Burke, James Edmund, Princeton. Great-grandson of Private Simeon .Smith. Burke, William Ely, Princeton. Great-grandson of Private Simeon Smith. * Burnet, Robert Wallace, Cincinnati, Ohio. Grandson of Surgeon-General William Burnet. Campbell, John Alexander, Trenton. 736 Great-grandson of Private John Montgomery. Chambers, Abner Reeder, Trenton. Great-great-grandson of Ruloffe Van Dyke. Chambers, Ch.arles Houghtaling, Trenton. 2274 Grandson of Lieutenant William Chambers. Chambers, Thomas Stryker, Trenton. 734 Great-great-grandson of Commissary .\lexander Chambers. Great-great-grandson of Ensign Amos Scudder. Great-great-grandson of Private Jacob Keen. Great-great-grandson of Private John Story. Clark, Frederick Hatfield, Trenton. Great-grandson of Private William Clark. Great-great-grandson of Private Joseph Coward. Great-grandson of Private William Williams. 40 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. Clark, the younger, William Alexander, Trenton. Great-grandson of Private William Clark. Great-great-grandson of Private Joseph Coward. Great-grandson of Private William Williams. Collins, Gilbert, Jersey City. 1318 Great-grandson of Lieutenant Daniel Collins. *CoLLiN.s, Walter, Jersey City. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant Daniel Collins. CoNANT, Edward Rutherford, Passaic. Great-grandson of Corporal Abel Conant. CoNANT, Leonard Hubbard, East Orange. Great-grandson of Corporal Abel Conant. * Con over, Francis Stevens, Princeton. Great-grandson of Peter Covenhoven. Great-grandson of John Stevens, II. Great-grandson of Thomas Anderson. Great-grandson of Colonel John Cox. CoRT, Paul Lange, Trenton. Great-great-grandson of Private Jacob Byerly. Dayton, James Brinkerhoff, Trenton. Great-grandson of Commissary Edward Lewis. Dayton, William Clark, Camden. Great-grandson of Commissary Edward Lewis. *Dayton, William Lewls, Trenton. 1263 Great-grandson of Commissary Edward Lewis. Dickinson, John Moore, Trenton. Great-great-grandson of Major-General Philemon Dickinson. Great-great-grandson of Brigadier-General Samuel Meredith. Great-great-grandson of Lewis Ogden. ♦Deceased. REGISTER OF MEMBERS. 41 ^^'DicKiNSON, Samuel Meredith, Trenton. 733 Great-grandson of Major-General Philemon Dickinson. Great-grandson of Brigadier-General Samuel Meredith. Great-grandson of Lewis Ogden. Dickinson, Walter Meredith, Trenton. Great-great-grandson of M.ijor-General Philemon Dickinson. Great-great-grandson of Brigadier-General Samuel Meredith. Great-great-grandson of Lewis Ogden. Eckard, James MacIntosh Longstreth, Lakewood. Great-great-grandson of Major-General Lachlan Mcintosh. Great-great-grandson of Colonel John Bubenheim Bayard. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel James Read. Elmer, Henry Whiteley, Bridgeton. Great-grandson of Jonathan Elmer. Great-grandson of Colonel David Potter. Elmer, William, Trenton. 769 Great-grandson of Jonathan Elmer. Great-grandson of Colonel David Potter. Foster, Daniel Requa, Trenton. 1595 Great-grandson of Private Abraham Requa. Great-grandson of Lieutenant Solomon Hopkins. Freeman, Alden, East Orange. Great-great-grandson of Captain Thomas Abbe. G.\rdiner, Edmund LeBreton, Ridgewood. Great-great-grandson of Major-General Oliver Prescott. Great-great-grandson of Captain Jesse Wilson. Garretson, Abram Quick, Jersey City. 1334 Great-grandson of Colonel Abraham Quick. ♦Deceased. 42 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. Gill, Ephraim Tomlinson, Haddonfield. Great-great-grandson of John Gill. Great-great-grandson of Captain John Inskeep. Griffith, Foster Conarroe, Trenton. 735 Great-great-grandson of Major William Mecum. Great-great-great-grandson of Andrew Sinnickson, IV. Gummere, the younger, Barker, Trenton. '^-73 Great-great-grandson of Ensign Amos Scudder. Great-great-grandson of Private .\braham Stryker. Great-grandson of Private Christoffle H. Stryker. Gummere, Charles Edward, Trenton. Great-great-grandson of Ensign Amos Scudder. Great-great-grandson of Private Abraham Stryker. Great-grandson of Private Christoffle H. Stryker. * Haines, Franklin Reeve, Pemberton. Great-great-grandson of P'oragemaster Samuel Haines. Hamill, Hugh Henderson, Trenton. 732 Great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Henderson. Hamilton, Charles Ross, Philadelphia, Pa. Great-great-grandson of Captain William Hamilton. *Hamilton, Morris Robeson, Trenton. Great-grandson of Captain William Hamilton. Hardon, Elliott, Bridgeton. Great-grandson of Lieutenant Zebulon Field. Great-great-grandson of Captain Jesse Wilson. Hartpence, John Armitage, Trenton. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant John Clifford. Healey, Frank Fifield, Brooklyn, New York. Great-great-grandson of Captain Samuel Healey. Great-great-grandson of Sergeant Joshua Lincoln. ♦Deceased. REGISTER OK MEMBERS. 43 Heston, Alfred Miller, Atlantic City. Great-grandson of Private Isaiah Heston. Hill, Edmund Cummings, Trenton. Great-grandson of Quartermaster Smitli Ilill. Hill, Harry Armstrong, Trenton. Great-grandson of Quartermaster Smitli Mil!. Howe, Edward, Princeton. 2080 Grandson of Surgeon James How. Howe, Edward Leavitt, Princeton. Great-grandson of Surgeon James How. Hunt, James Baird, Trenton. Grandson of Private Oliver Hunt. Hutchinson, Barton Bellangee, Trenton. Great-great-grandson of Private Jonathan Forman. *Hutchinson, Symmes Bergen, Trenton. Great-grandson of Captain George Anderson. Great-grandson of Private John B. Bergen. *Ingham, George Trenchard, Atlantic City. Great-grandson of Major Ebenezer Howell. Great-grandson of Captain Andrew Sinnickson, \'. Great-great-grandson of Andrew Sinnickson, IV. Great-great-grandson of Robert Johnson. Jacobus, Melancthon Williams, Hartford, Connecticut. Great-giandson of Major Samuel Hayes. Jamieson, Alex^vnder Fridge, Lawrenceville. 2078 Great-great-grandson of Private John Leavens. 44 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. Johnson, William Mindred, Hackensack. Great-grandson of Captain Henry Johnson. Great-great-grandson of Colonel Joseph Beavers. Great-great-grandson of Casper Schaefifer. Johnson, George White, Hackensack. Great-great-grandson of Captain Henry Johnson. Great-gieat-great-grandson of Colonel Joseph Beavers. Great-great-great-grandson of Casper Schaeffer. Johnson, William Kempton, Hackensack. Great-great-grandson of Captain Henry Johnson. Great-great-great-grandson of Colonel Joseph Beavers. Great-great-great-grandson of Casper Schaeffer. *Johnston, William Brown, Trenton. Grandson of Private James Johnston. JoLiNE, Charles Van Dyke, Camden. Great-grandson of Captain John Schenck. Joline, John Forsyth, Camden. Great-grandson of Captain John Schenck. Jordan, Augustus Wolle, Merchantville. Great-grandson of Sergeant Frederick Jordan. Great-grandson of Trumpeter Lewis Woolf. Great-grandson of Captain John Ewing. Great-great-grandson of Comrtiissary-General William Henry. Knowlton, Charles Sumner, Philadelphia, Pa. Great-grandson of Drummer Richard Frost. Lanning, William Mershon, Trenton. Great-grandson of Private Elijah Lanning. Lee, Benjamin Fisler, Trenton. Grandson of Private Francis Lee. ♦ Deceased. REGISTER OF MEMBERS. 46 Lee, Francis Bazley, Trenton. 2419 Great-grandson of Private Francis Lee. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant Henry Ludlani, the elder. LiBBEY, Frederick Abbay, New York. Great-grandson of Private Samuel Libbey. Great-great-grandson of Private Reuben Libbey. LiBBEY, William, Princeton. Great-grandson of Private Samuel Libbey. Great-great-grandson of Private Reuben Libbey. Lilly, John, Lambertville. Great-great-grandson of Captain John Coryell. Great-great-grandson of Colonel Theunis Dey. LivERMORE, William Harrison, Woodbury. Great-grandson of Private Jonas Livermore. Great-great-grandson of Private John Dawson. LowTHORP, Francis Cowlyn, Trenton. Great-grandson of Colonel David Cliambers. Great-great-grandson of Commissary Alexander Chambers. *MacDonald, Malcolm, Camden. 757 Great-grandson of Surgeon's Mate Phinehas Hyde. Magie, David, Princeton. Great-grandson of Captain Richard Townley. *Markley, Hamilton, Camden. Great-grandson of Ensign Robert Hamilton. Great-great-great-grandson of Private Jacob Stanbury. Mecum, Charles, Salem. Great-grandson of Major William Mecum. Great-grandson of Colonel Samuel Dick. Great-great-grandson of .^ndrew .Sinnickson, IV. Great-grandson of Private Jothani Harrison. Great-great-grandson of Edmund Weatherby. ♦Deceased. 46 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. Messler, Robert Ayres, Trenton. Great-grandson of Sergeant Simon Messier. Miller, Richard Thompson, Camden. Great-great-grandson of Private Jacob Stanbury. Mitchell, Henry, Asbury Park. Great-grandson of Chaplain Josiah Sherman. Montgomery, Neil Robert, Trenton. Great-grandson of Major William Montgomery. Mo.SES, Arthur Gardner, Trenton. 2194 Great-great-great-grandson of Wagonmaster Thomas Gardner, the elder. *MuiRHEiD, John Guild, Trenton. 2504 Great-grandson of Private George Muirheid. *Newbold, Herman Alexander, Mount Holly. Great-great-grandson of William Newbold. Nixon, Horace Franklin, Woodbury. Great-great-grandson of Captain William Garrison. Great -great-grandson of Lieutenant Amariah Harris. Norton, Horace Greeley, Trenton. Great-great-grandson of Captain David Baird. Great-great-grandson of Private Anthony Applegate. Great-great-grandson of Private Peter Wicoft". ^''Oliphant, Alexander Coulter, Trenton. 1 202 Great-grandson of Private John Oliphant. Great-grandson of Private Benjamin Campbell, the elder. Oliphant, Hughes, Chevy Chase, Maryland. 770 Great-grandson of Private John Oliphant. Great-grandson of Private Benjamin Campbell, the elder. *Dcceased. REGISTER OF MEMBERS. 47 Oliphant, Richard Coulter, Trenton. 1203 , Great-grandson of Private John Oliphant. i Great-grandson of Private Benjamin Campbell, the elder. *Oliphant, Samuel Duncan, Trenton. 767 1 Grandson of Private John Oliphant. ^ Great-grandson of Sergeant Andrew Oliphant. i Great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel John Creigh. *Paterson, William, Perth Amboy. Grandson of William Paterson. ; Patterson, John Hopping, Red Bank. Great-great-grandson of Captain William Gordon. ' Great-grandson of Private Samuel Hopping. Great-grandson of Private Edward Tilton. Perkins, Charles Marter, Vineland. ' Great-great-grandson of M.ijor Jacob Perkins. Perrine, Enoch, Lewisburg, Pa. Great-grandson of Private Anthony Applegate. Great-grandson of Captain Peter Perrine. Great-grandson of Captain David Baird. *Phillip.s, William W. L., Trenton. Grandson of Private Levi Ketchara. *Potts, William John, Camden. Great-grandson of Thomas Potts. Great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel Isaac Hughes. ' Reeve, William Fo.ster, Camden. \ Great-great-grandson of Captain Jehu Wood. j *RoBEsoN, George Maxwell, Trenton. 730 ' Great-grandson of Captain John Maxwell. i *RocKwooD, Charles Greene, Newark. , Grandson of Surgeon Ebenezer Rockwood, the elder. i Grandson of Ebenezer Hazard. *Dec«scd. 48 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. RocKwooD, the younger, Charles Greene, 1597 Princeton. Great-grandson of Surgeon Ebenezer Rockwood, the elder. Great-grandson of Ebenezer Hazard. ROSENCRANTZ, WiLLIAM DaYTON, Hohokus. Great-grandson of Colonel Johannes Rosenkrans. Great-great-grandson of Major Andrew Billings. RuMSEY, Henry Martyn, Salem. Great-grandson of Colonel Charles Rumsey. Great-grandson of Major William Mecum. Great-great-grandson of Andrew Sinnickson, IV. Ryerson, Henry Ogden, Newton. Great-great-grandson of Robert Ogden, II. Great-grandson of Robert Ogden, III. Great-great-grandson of Captain Nicholas N. Anthony. Salter, Harry Broughton, Trenton. Great-great-grandson of Teamster James Salter. Great-great-grandson of Private Jacob Williamson. Schanck, Ammi Robbins, Princeton. Great-great-grandson of Major-General John Paterson. Schuyler, Hamilton, Trenton. Great-great-grandson of Colonel Theunis Dey. Scudder, George Drake, Portsmouth, Ohio. Great-grandson of Colonel Jacob Drake. Great-great-grandson of Captain Peter Dickerson. Great-great-grandson of Captain Joseph Stillwell. Scudder, John Holmes, Trenton. Great-grandson of Ensign Amos Scudder. REGISTER OF MEMBERS. 49 *Shields, Charles Woodruff, Princeton. 2079 Great-grandson of Sergeant Seth Woodruflf. Great-grandson of Private Lewis Mulford. Shipman, George Marshall, Belvidere. Great-great-grandsou of Major Josepli Morris. Shreve, Henry Wallace, Trenton. Great-great-grandson of Private Jesse Dungan. *Shubrick, Edward Rutledge, Camden. 759 Grandson of Colonel Thomas Shubrick, the younger. Great-grandson of Thomas Shubrick. *SiNNicKsoN, Andrew, Salem. Grandson of Captain Andrew Sinnickson, V. Great-grandson of Andrew Sinnickson, IV. Sinnickson, Clement Hall, Salem. Grandson of Captain Andrew Sinnickson, V. Great-grandson of Andrew Sinnickson, IV. *Sinnickson, III., Thomas, Salem. 1833 Great-grandson of Captain Andrew Sinnickson, V. Great-great-grandson of Andrew Sinnickson, IV. Starr, Lewis, Woodbury. Great-great-grandson of Private Asaph Terry. Sterling, Charles Augustus, East Orange. Grandson of Private Thaddeus Sterling. Stevens, Richard Fowler, East Orange. 1278 Grandson of Major John Stevens, HI. Great-grandson of John Stevens, II. Grandson of Captain Theodosius Fowler. Great-grandson of Colonel John Co.x. •Deceased 50 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. Stevenson, Charles Reeves, Camden. Great-great-grandson of Captain Joseph Thome. Great-great-grandson of Thomas Clark. Stockton, Bayard, Princeton. Great-great-grandson of Richard Stockton. Stout, James Hervey, Stoutsburg. Great-grandson of Private Samuel Stout. Great-grandson of Sergeant Rolif Hageman. Stover, Edward Conklin, Trenton. Great-grandson of Private Jacob Stover. Great-great-grandson of Ensign John Besson. Stratton, Morris Hancock, Salem. Great-grandson of Lieutenant Joseph Buck. Great-great-grandson of Quartermaster Andrew Yorke. Stryker, Samuel Stanhope, Philadelphia. 1466 Grandson of Private Christofile H. Stryker. Great-grandson of Private Abraham Stryker. Great-grandson of Ensign Amos Scudder. SuTPHiN, John Whitenack, Trenton. Great-grandson of Sergeant Thomas Skillman. Great-great-grandson of Private Derrick Sutphen. Great-great-great-grandson of Private John Sutfin. Taylor, Henry Genet, Camden. 1473 Great-giandson of Quartermaster Jacob Hollinshead. Thatcher, Julius Erastus, Detroit, Michigan. Grandson of Private Asa Thatcher. Thompson, Charles Dederer, Jersey City. Great-grandson of Captain David Thompson. Great-grandson of Captain Nicholas N. Anthony. REGISTER OF MEMBERS. 51 Trenchard, Thomas Whitaker, Bridgeton. Great-great-greatgrandson of Captain George Trenchard. Troth, Joseph Eugene, Camden. Great-grandson of Colonel Edward Oldham. *Van Voorhees, Peter, Camden. 2086 Great-grandson of Captain John Schenck. Great-grandson of Private Abraham DeHart. *Voorhees, Peter L., Camden. Grandson of Captain John Schenck. Vroom, Garret Dorset Wall, Trenton. 731 Grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel Peter Dumont Vroom. Great-grandson of Lieutenant James Wall. Great-grandson of Captain Jonathan Rhea. « *Vroom, George Augustus, Camden. Great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel Peter Dumont Vroom. Vroom, Peter Dumont, U. S. A. 771 Grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel Peter Dumont Vroom. Great-grandson of Lieutenant James Wall. Great-grandson of Captain Jonathan Rhea. Walker, Edwin Robert, Trenton. 1857 Great-great-grandson of Major Benjamin VanCleve. Great-great-great-grandson of Lieutenant Alexander Carmichael. Whitehead, Robert Van Cleve, Trenton. Great-great-grandson of Colonel David Chambers. Great-great-grandson of Private John Guild. Whittlesey, Mills, Trenton. Great-grandson of Sergeant Martin Whittlesey. Great-great-grandson of Eliphalet Whittlesey. WicoFF, John Van Buren, Trenton. Great-grandson of Private John Wicoff. 52 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. Wood, Isaac Trumbull, Princeton. Great-grandson of Captain Hezekiab Welles. WooDHULL, Alfred Alexander, Princeton. Great-grandson of Chaplain John Woodhull. Great-great-grandson of John Witherspoon. Great-grandson of Brigadier-General John Neilson. Woodhull, Daniel Ellis, Newark. Great-grandson of Chaplain John Woodhull. Woodhull, Schuyler Colfax, Camden. Great-grandson of Chaplain John Woodhull. Great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel Peter Dutuont Vroom. Great-great-grandson of Colonel Nathaniel Scudder. *WooDRUFF, DiCKiN.soN, U. S. A., retired, Trenton. Grandson of Commissary Elias Woodruff. *WooDRUFF, Robert Spencer, Trenton. Great-grandson of Ensign Samuel Everitt. *Woolverton, Edwin Van Cleve, Trenton. Great -great-grandson of Colonel David Chambers. Yard, Frederick Brinley, Trenton. Great-grandson of Private Jacob Brinley. Yorke, the younger, Thomas Jones, Salem. Great-grandson of Quartermaster Andrew Yorke. Great-grandson of Private Thomas Jones. Great-grandson of Captain Andrew Sinnickson, V. Great-great-grandson of Andrew Sinnickson, IV. Great-great-giandson of Robert Johnson. ♦Deceased. In memomam. In niemomam. Date of admission. Date of decease. WILLIAM JOHN POTTS, January 6th, 1891. November 18th, 1896. PETER L. VOORHEES, January 6th, 1891. November 25th, 1895. WILLIAM W. L. PHILLIPS, January 6th, 1891. April 17th, 1896. DICKINSON WOODRUFF, June 28th, 1893. August 11th, 1896. RICHMOND OGSTON AULICK, June 28th, 1893. July 16th, 1897. WILLIAM LEWIS DAYTON, January 6th, 1891. July 28th, 1897. GEORGE MAXWELL ROBESON, January 6th, 1891. September 27th, 1897. EDWIN VAN CLEVE WOOLVERTON, March 6th, 1894. February 5th, 1898. WILLIAM PATERSON, July 2d, 1896. January 1st, 1899. GEORGE TRENCHARD INGHAM, March 1st, 1892. October 31st, 1899. WALTER COLLINS, March 2d, 1896. November 11th, 1900. THOMAS SINNICKSON, April 13th, 1892. November 28th, 1900. HAMILTON MARKLEY, June 7th, 1898. April 4th, 1900. 56 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. JOHN HART BREWER, March 24th, 1806. December 21st, 1900. MALCOLM MAC DONALD, January 6th, 1891. July 10th, 1900. MORRIS ROBESON HAMILTON, January 6th, 1891. January 23d, 1901. ROBERT WALLACE BURNET, January 28th, 1895. FRANCIS STEVENS CONOVER, January 6th, 1891. April 9th, 1901. GEORGE AUGUSTUS VROOM, January 6th, 1891. June 5th, 1901. SYMMES BERGEN HUTCHINSON, March -1th, 1902. June 21st, 1902. ALEXANDER COULTER OLIPHANT, January 6th, 1891. September 16th, 1902. ANDREW SINNINCKSON, VL, January 6th, 1891. December 2d, 1902. HENRY IRICK BUDD, January 28th, 1895. May 10th, 1903. JAMES EDMUND BURKE, March 5th, 1895. February 23d, 1904. WILLIAM BROWN JOHNSTON, May 22d, 1900. March 21st, 1904. EDWARD RUTLEDGE SHUBRICK, January 6th, 1891. July 15th, 1904. CHARLES GREENE ROCKWOOD, January 25th, 1895. July 17th, 1904. CHARLES WOODRUFF SHIELDS, December 27th, 1895. August 26th, 1904. SAMUEL DUNCAN OLIPHANT, January 6th, 1891. October 23d, 1904. I N M E M O R I A M . 57 SAMUEL MEREDITH DICKINSON, January 6th, 1891. January 29th, 1905. CHRISTOPHER AUGUSTUS BERGEN, January 6th, 1891. February 17th, 1905. JOHN GUILD MUIRHEID, June 21th, 1807. April 7th, 1905. HERMAN ALEXANDER NEWBOLD, December 19th, 1898. July lOih, 1905. LEROY HAMMOND ANDERSON, March 6th, 1894. December 11th, 1905. PETER VAN VOORHEES, December 7th, 1891. Febniary 26th, 1906. ROBERT SPENCER WOODRUFF, April 13th, 1892. March 2d, 1906. EDWIN CLARK ABBOT, November 14th, 1902. FRANKLIN REEVE HAINES, January 31st, 1893. PERSONS REPRESENTED. ^:mmM> mmjMism niMQ-^m) 'm) km ^53 wi)^ m irsai ©©ilhJ'©, m mmm \simi m m^ ©^ ©g KflKi© wmuMi mil mi^ !]sm ^pimss. mm m AK(® iKumn A2if(gb m, m^ ©mmM. viMMmmm ammmm man (^?i^j?®ll ^""^ ©@i«©siijs i?(o)a Ellis mM m mwmmmm "am mmsmi^ ^m© mm^ §©0111^1' ©w mm ©IP ?Ei@ sjW(s)MJjira@Kf OKI m\^ l-e-!:' 'vu.\ trKf) ^^^^o TABLET ERECTED AT PRINCETON PERSONS REPRESENTED BY Sons of the Revolution in the State of New Jersey. With names of those representing them in the Societies in the District of Columbia and the States of Colorado, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Marj'land, Missouri, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Washington and West Virginia, compiled from the Registers of those Societies of the latest date obtainable. Abbe, Thomas, Connecticut. 1731-1811 Lieutenant, Captain Hezekiah Parsons' Company, from the town of Enfield, Connecticut, 1775 ; First Lieutenant, Second Company, Colonel Mott's Battalion, Connecticut State troops, Northern Department, 1776; com- missioned Captain, January 1st, 1777 ; retired by rearrangement of officers, November 15th, 1778. Alden Freeman, New Jersey. Abbot, Benjamin, Massachusetts. 1 763-1821 Private, Captain Phineas Parker's Company, Tenth Massachusetts Regiment, Colonel Thomas Marshall, July 2d, 1780. •Edwin Clark Abbot, New Jersey. Anderson, George, New Jersey. 1 751-1839 Captain, First Regiment, Burlington county. New Jersey Militia ; Cap- tain, Colonel Silas Newcomb's Battalion, New Jersey .State troops, June 19th, 1770 ; five months' service ; took part in the battles of Long Island, August 27th, 1770, New Rochelle, 1770, White Plain.s, October 28th, 1776, Monmouth, June 28th, 1778 ; afterwards served monthly tours with his company during the Revolutionary War. *Symmes Bergen Hutchinson, New Jersey. • Deceased. 62 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. Anderson, the younger, James, Virginia. 1 739-1 798 Public Armorer of the State of Virginia, and Captain of the Corps of Artifi- cers thereof. Prisoner of war, June 11th, 1781. *Leroy Hammond Anderson, New Jersey. Anderson, Richard Clough, Virginia — Kentucky. 1 750-1 826 Captain, Fifth Virginia Infantry, January 26th, 177G ; Major, First Virginia Line, February lOtli, 1778 ; Aid-de-Camp to the Marquis de La Fayette, 1781. Promoted Lieutenant-Colonel before the close of hostilities. Wounded at Trenton, 1776, and at Savannah. Prisoner of war, 1780. William Allison Anderson, New Jersey. Davis Carneal Anderson, District of Columbia, Ohio, Virginia. Edward Lowell Anderson, District of Columbia, Ohio. ^Nicholas Longworth Anderson, District of Columbia. Larz Anderson, the younger. New York. Verplanck Colvin, New York. Charles J. Anderson, the younger, Ohio. John Roy Anderson, Ohio. Latham Anderson, Ohio. William Anderson Hall, Ohio. Anderson, Thomas, New Jersey. 1 740-1807 Member Sussex county, New Jersey, Committee of Safety ; Chairman Sussex Committee in Provincial Convention, held at New Brunswick, July 21st, 1774, to nominate Deputies for New Jersey to the Continental Congress at Philadelphia, September 5th, 1774. * Richmond Ogston Aulick, New Jersey. *Francis Stevens Conover, New Jersey. Thomas Ryerson Anderson, New York. Anthony, Nicholas N., New York. 1 742-1 824 Captain, Third Regiment, Colonel Abraham P. Lott, New York City Militia, November 3d, 1775. Henry Ogden Ryerson, New Jersey. Charles Dederer Thompson, New Jersey. Richard Amerman Anthony, New York. PERSONS REPRESENTED. 63 Applegate, Anthony, New Jersey. Private, Captain Peter Perrine's Company, Third Regiment, Middlesex county, New Jersey Militia. Horace Greeley Norton, New Jersey. Enoch Perrine, New Jersey. AuTEN, Thomas, New Jersey. -1781 Private, Captain John Sebring's Company, First Battalion, Somerset county, New Jersey Militia, June 19th, 1778. Frederick Probasco Auten, New Jersey. Baird, David, New Jersey. 1 754-1 840 Private, First Regiment, Monmouth county. New Jersey Militia, 1776; First Sergeant, Ensign, Lieutenant, Quartermaster, same command ; Captain, First Regiment, Monmouth county. New Jersey Militia, 1777. Horace Greeley Norton, New Jersey. Enoch Perrine, New Jersey. Bayard, John Bubenheim, Pennsylvania. 1 738-1807 Deputy to the Provincial Convention of Pennsylvania, July 15th, 1774 ; Delegate to the Provincial Convention of Pennsylvania, January 23d, 1775 ; Member of the Provincial Conference of Pennsylvania, Carpenter's Hall, June 18th, 1776 ; Member of the Council of Safety of Pennsylvania, September 11th, 1776-1777 ; Member of the Pennsylvania Assembly, November 28th, 1776 ; Speaker of the Pennsylvania Assembly, Novem- ber 6th, 1778 ; Member of the Board of War of Pennsylvania, March 13th, 1777 ; Member of the Supreme Executive Council of Pennsyl- vania, October 12th, 1781-October 12th, 1782; Colonel, Second Battal- ion, 1777, Colonel, Fourth Battalion, 1779, Philadelphia Militia; at Trenton, Princeton, Brandywine and Germantown. James Macintosh Longstreth Eckard, New Jersey. Leighton Wilson Eckard, Pennsylvania. Cullen Van Rensselaer Cogswell, New York. Beavers, Joseph, New Jersey. Colonel, Second Regiment. Hunterdon county, New Jersey Militia. William Mindred Johnson, New Jersey. George White Johnson, New Jersey. William Kerapton Johnson, New Jersey. 64 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. Bergen, John B., New Jersey. 1 739-1 808 Private, Captain Samuel Stout's Company, Third Regiment, Middlesex county. New Jersey Militia. *Symmes Bergen Hutchinson, New Jersey. Besson, John, New Jersey. 1750-1842 Private, Hunterdon county, New Jersey Militia ; Ensign, Captain David Jones' Company, Third Regiment, Hunterdon county. New Jersey Militia, April 1st, 1V75 ; also in Captain John Phillips' Company, same Regiment ; served in the campaign resulting in the battle of Trenton, December 26th, 1776, and the battle of Princeton, January 3d, 1777 ; Ensign, New Jersey State troops ; took part in the battle of Monmouth, June 28th, 1778; served until the close of the Revolutionary War. Edward Conklin Stover, New Jersey. BiLLiN(;.s, Andrew, New York. 1743-1808 Captain, Third Regiment, New York, Colonel Rudolphus Ritzemar, June 28th, 1776 ; Major, August, 1776 ; served to close of war. William Dayton Rosencrantz, New Jersey. Guy Dayton Peck, New York. Blackwell, Stephen, New Jersey. 1 756-1831 Private, Captain Israel Carle's Troop of Light Horse, Hunterdon county, New Jersey Militia. Samuel Holmes Blackwell, New Jersey. Brinley, Jacob, New Jersey. -1800 Private, "Captain Walton's Troop, Light Dragoons," Monmouth county, New Jersey Militia. Frederick Brinley Yard, New Jersey. Britton, Nicholas, New Jersey. Private, Middlesex county, New Jersey Militia. Charles Potts Britton, New Jersey. William Ogden Britton, New Jersey. ♦Deceased. PERSONS REPRESENTED. 65 Buck, Joseph, New Jersey. i753-i8o3 Sergeant, Second New Jersey Battalion, Second Establishment, Continental Line; Eusign, February 1st, 1779; Lieutenant, Second New Jeisey Regiment, Continental Line, January 1st, 1781. Discharged at tlie close of the war, Captain by brevet. Original member of the Society of the Cincinnati. Morris Hancock Stratton, New Jersey. John Buck Morgan, Pennsylvania. BuDD, Joseph, New Jersey. 1 756-1 821 Member Conunittee of Observation for city and county of Burlington, New Jersey, February 14th, 1775; Second Major, Second Regiment, Bur- lington county. New Jersey Militia, June 6th, 1777 ; resigned November 30th, 1781. *Henry Irick Budd, the younger. New Jersey. Burnet, William, New Jersey. 1 730-1791 Deputy Chairman Newark, New Jersey, Committee of Safety, May 4th, 1775 ; Surgeon, Second Regiment, Essex county. New Jersey Militia, Colonel Phihp Van Cortlandt, February 17th, 1776; Commissioner Military Supplies, Eastern Division, July 16th, 1776 ; Physician and Surgeon-General, Eastern Department, Continental Army, April 11th, 1777 ; Hospital Physician and Surgeon, October 6th, 1780 ; Member Continental Congress, 1780-1 ; Chief Physician and Hospital .Surgeon, March 6th, 1781 ; served to close of war. *Robert Wallace Burnet, New Jersey. Josiah Collins, Maryland, Washington. Charles Bradley, New York. William Butler Hornblower, New York. Edward Main Post, New York. Henry Benjamin Whipple, New York. Charles Hornblower Woodruff, New York. Charles Hornblower Woodruff, the younger. New York. Frederick Sanford Woodruff, New York. Lewis B. Woodniff, New York. Morris Woodruff, New York. Edward Warren Burnet, Ohio. Jacob Staats Burnet, Ohio. Herman John Groesbeck, Ohio. Telford Groesbeck, Ohio. Robert Livingston Resor, Ohio. •Deceased. 66 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. Byerly, Jacob, Pennsylvania — Virginia. 1 760-1 858 Private, Captain Heath's Company, Thirteenth Regiment, Virginia Line, 1777-1780. Pensioner of the United States. Paul Lange Cort, New Jersey. Campbell, the elder, Benjamin, Pennsylvania. 1 749-1843 Private, Chester county, Pennsylvania Militia. *AIexander Coulter Oliphant, New Jersey. Hughes Oliphant, New Jersey. Richard Coulter Oliphant, New Jersey. Carmichael, Alexander, New Jersey. 1734- 1808 Lieutenant, troop. Light Dragoons, Morris county. New Jersey, July, 1776. Edwin Robert Walker, New Jersey. *Harlan Page Halsey, New York. Chambers, Alexander, New Jersey. 17 16-1798 Commissary, Military Stores, New Jersey Militia ; Commissioner for West Jersey. Thomas Stryker Chambers, New Jersey. Francis Cowlyn Lowthorp, New Jersey. James Keyser De Armond, Pennsylvania. Chambers, David, New Jersey. 1 748-1842 Colonel, Third Regiment, Hunterdon county. New Jersey Militia, June 19th, 1776; Colonel, Battalion of State troops, November 27th, 1776; Colonel, Second Regiment, Hunterdon county. New Jersey Militia, Sep- tember 9th, 1777. Francis Cowlyn Lowthorp, New Jersey. Robert VanCleve Whitehead, New Jersey. *Edwin VanCleve Woolverton, New Jersey. Joseph Theodore Baldwin, New York. Lindsley Palmer Baldwin, New York. William Chambers McKean, New York. ♦Deceased. PERSONS REPRESENTED. 67 Chambers, William, New Jersey. 1 753^1 799 Second Lieutenant, Captain John Maxwell's Company, Colonel Oliver Spen- cer's Regiment, Continental Army, August 1st, 1777, and retired April 22d, 1779. Charles Houghtaling Chambers, New Jersey. Walter Lee Chambers, Pennsylvania. Clark, Thomas, New Jersey. 1 737-1809 Member of the Provincial Congress of New Jersey, from Gloucester county, 1775 and 1776. Edward Tonkin Bradway, New Jersey. Charles Reeves Stevenson, New Jersey. Jacob John Weaver, the younger, Maryland. Clark, William, New Jersey. 1 756-1853 Private, Essex county. New Jersey Militia. Prisoner of war in Sugar House prison, New York — last survivor. Frederick Hatfield Clark, New Jersey. William Alexander Clark, the younger, New Jersey. Clifford, John, New Jersey. 1 749-1 842 First Lieutenant, Captain John Anderson's Company, Colonel Stephen Hunt's Battalion, Brigadier-General Nathaniel Heard's Brigade, New Jersey State troops, five months' service, attached to Major-Genera! Nathanael Greene's Division, Continental Army, July, 1776 ; transferred to Captain Joab Houghton's Company ; at battles of Long Island and White Plains ; First Lieutenant, Captain Jacob Gearhart's Company, Second Regiment, Hunterdon county, New Jersey Militia, December, 1776, February, June, 1777, June, 1778, at battle of Monmoutli, June, 1779, June, 1780, June, 1781. John Armitage Hartpence, New Jersey. Collins, Daniel, Connecticut. 1736-18 19 First Lieutenant, January 1st, 1777, First Regiment, Connecticut Line, form- ation of 1777-81 ; resigned January 2d, 1778. In service from 1775. Gilbert Collins, New Jersey. *WaUer Collins, New Jersey. •Deceased. 68 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. CoNANT, Abel, New Hampshire. 1 755-1 844 Private, Captain Dow's Company of Minute-men, New Hampshire troops, 177S; in service in 1776 ; Corporal, 1778. Leonard Hubbard Conant, New Jersey. Edward Rutherford Conant, New Jersey. Coryell, John, New Jersey-Pennsylvania. 1 730-1799 Captain, Associated Com])any, Solebury, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, August, 21st, 1775. John Lilly, New Jersey. Francis Rader Hulick, Pennsylvania. William Henry Hulick, Pennsylvania. Charles Edwin Hulick, Pennsylvania. CovENHOVEN, Peter, New Jersey. Member Monmouth county, New Jersey, Committee of Safety. *Francis Stevens Conover, New Jersey. Coward, Jo.seph, New Jersey. 1 731-1798 Private in "Pulaski Legion," Continental Line; also Monmouth county, New Jersey Militia. Frederick Hatfield Clark, New Jersey. William Alexander Clark, the younger. New Jersey. Cox, John, New Jersey. 1 732-1 793 Member Committee of Observation, Burlington county, New Jersey, February 14th, 1775; Major, Second Battalion, Philadelphia Associators, 1775; Lieutenant-Colonel, Second Battalion, Philadelphia Associators, 177C; and in action at the battle of Princeton, 1777. Colonel and Deputy Quartermaster-General, Continental Army. *Francis Stevens Conover, New Jersey. Richard Fowler Stevens, New Jersey. Creigh, John, Pennsylvania. 1741-1813 Second Lieutenant, First Battalion, Cumberland, Pennsylvania Associators, April 29th, 1776 ; Delegate to Provincial Conference, held in Carpenter's ♦Deceased. PERSONS REPRESENTED. 69 Hall, Philadelphia, June 18th-25th, 1776 ; Captain, Sixth Company, Second Battalion, Cumberland, Pennsylvania Associators, July 31st, 1777; Lieutenant-Colonel, November 24th, 1777. *Samuel Duncan Oliphant, New Jersey. Dawson, John, New Jersey. Private, Minute-man, Gloucester county, New Jersey Militia. William Harrison Livermore, New Jersey. De Hart, Abraham, New Jersey. 17 59- 183 2 Private, Middlesex county, New Jersey Militia. *Peter Van Voorhees, New Jersey. Dey, Theunis, New Jersey. 1 726-1 787 Member Bergen county, New Jersey, Committee of Correspondence, June 25tb, 1774, and May 12th, 1775 ; Member New Jersey Assembly, 1777-1784; Colonel, Bergen county. New Jersey Militia, February 28th, 1776 ; Commissioner of Pardons and Mustering Officer under call of Congress. John Lilly, New Jersey. Hamilton Schuyler, New Jersey. John Miller Lilly, Indiana. Anthony Dey, New York. Joseph Warren Scott Dey, New York. Richard Varick Dey, New York. Dick, Samuel, New Jersey. 1 740-181 2 Deputy from .Salem county in the Provincial Congress of New Jersey, May 23d, 1775; Deputy from Salem county in the Convention of New Jer- sey, June 10th, 1776. Colonel First Salem Battalion, June 20th, 1776. Proscribed by name in proclamation of Colonel Mawhood, British Com- mander, March 21st, 1778; Member Continental Congress from New Jersey, 1783-84. Charles Mecum, New Jersey. DiCKERSON, Peter, New Jersey. 1 724-1 780 Member Committee of Correspondence, Morris county, New Jersey, January 23d, 1775 ; Deputy from Morris county in the Provincial Congress of New Jersey, May 23d, 1776 ; Captain, Third Battalion, First Establish- ♦Deceased. 70 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. ment, February 7th, 1776 ; Captain, Third Battahon, Second Establish- ment, November 29th, 1776, New Jersey Line; retired, September 26th, 1780. George Drake Scudder, New Jersey. *Edward Nicoll Dickerson, New York. Edward Nicoll Dickerson, the younger, New York. Dickinson, Philemon, New Jersey-Delaware. 1 739-1 809 Brigadier-General, October 19th, 1775 ; resigned February 15th, 1777 ; Major-General, June 6th, 1777, New Jersey Militia. Member of Conti- nental Congress, from Delaware, 1782-83. United States Senator from New Jersey. John Moore Dickinson, New Jersey. *Samuel Meredith Dickinson, New Jersey. Walter Meredith Dickinson, New Jersey. Drake, Jacob, New Jersey. 1 732-1 823 Member Committee of Observation, Morris county, New Jersey, January 23d, 1775 ; Delegate for said county " to raise men, money and arms for the common defense," May, 1775; Deputy in the Provincial Congress of New Jersey, held at Trenton, May, 1775; Deputy in the Provincial Congress of New Jersey, held at New Brunswick, Jauuary 31st, 1776 ; Deputy in the Convention of New Jersey, begun at Burlington, June 10th, 1776; Colonel "Western Battalion," New Jersey Militia, 1776; Member State Council of Safety, 1778. George Drake Scudder, New Jersey. DuNGAN, Jesse, Pennsylvania. 1756-1823 Private, Fourth Associated Company, Northampton, Bucks county, Pennsyl- vania, August 19th, 1775. Henry Wallace Shreve, New Jersey. Elmer, Jonathan, New Jersey. 1 745-181 7 Deputy from Cumberland county in the Provincial Congress of New Jersey, May 23d, 1775 ; Member Continental Congress, 1776-77-81-82-83-87-88 ; Member Board of Treasury ; Member Medical Conunittee of Congress ; United States Senator from New Jersey, 1789. Henry Whiteley Elmer, New Jersey. William Elmer, New Jersey. ♦Deceased. From an nil paiminR in llie Slate Capilul at Trentnn. PERSONS REPRESENTED. 71 EvERiTT, Samuel, New Jersey. Ensign in Captain Growendyck's Company, Second Regiment, Hunterdon county, New Jersey Militia. *Robert Spencer Woodruff, New Jersey. EwiNG, John, Pennsylvania. 1 755-1799 Captain, Second Company, Eighth Battalion, Lancaster county, Pennsylvania Militia, 1780. Augustus Wolle Jordan, New Jersey. Ewing Jordan, Pennsylvania. John Woolf Jordan, Pennsylvania. Walter Jordan, Pennsylvania. Field, Zebulon, Massachusetts. -1805 First Lieutenant, Captain Israel Trow's Company, Colonel Jacob French's Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, March 13th, 1776 ; First Lieutenant, Captain Elisha Barney's Company, April 5th, 1776; Lieutenant, Captain Ichabod Leonard's Company, Colonel John Hatheway's Regiment, April, 1777 ; First Lieutenant, Captain Jonathan Shaw's Company, Colonel George Williams' Regiment, September, 1777. Elliott Hardon, New Jersey. FoRMAN, Jonathan, New Jersey. 1 755-1818 Private, Captain Waddell's Company, First Regiment, Monmouth county. New Jersey Militia. Barton Bellangee Hutchinson, New Jersey. Fowler, Theodosius, New York. 1 753-1 842 Theodosius Fowler, Ensign, First New York Regiment, Colonel Allen McDougal ; promoted Second Lieutenant, August 10th, 1776 ; promoted First Lieutenant, Fourth Battalion, New York troops, Continental Line ; promoted Captain, Fourth Battalion, New York troops. Continental Line, June 28th, 1778. Mustered out, 1783. Richard Fowler Stevens, New Jersey. Frost, Richard, Massachusetts. 1 769-1 849 Drummer, Captain Stephen Abbott's Company, Colonel Benjamin Tupper's Regiment, Massachusetts troops. Wounded at Yorktown. Charles Sumner Knowlton, New Jersey. •Deceased. 72 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. Gardner, Thomas, New Jersey. 1 724-1 795 Wagonmaster, New Jersey Militia. Arthur Gardner Moses, New Jersey. Frederick John Moses, New York. Garrison, William, New Jersey. 1 742-1 785 Second Lieutenant, Captain Ogden's Company, Colonel Enos Seeley's Bat- talion, State troops ; Captain, First Battalion, Cumberland, New Jersey. Horace Franklin Nixon, New Jersey. Gilbert, Ebenezer, Connecticut. -1798 Private, Captain Matthew Mead's Company, Colonel John Mead's Regiment, Connecticut Militia, April-December, 1776 ; Private, Captain Nathan Gilbert's Company, same Regiment, August-October, 1777 ; Private, same Regiment, served one month in 1779 ; Private, Captain Abraham Gregory's Company, Colonels Mead and St. John's Regiments, 1780. Louis Gilbert Beers, New Jersey, Illinois. Henry Wilbur Gilbert, New York. Gill, John, New Jersey. 1 722-1 794 Commissioner of the Loan Office for Gloucester county. New Jersey, 1776- 17711. Ephraim Tomlinson Gill, New Jersey. Gordon, William, New Jersey. Second Lieutenant, Captain Ross' Company, Third Battalion, First Establish- ment ; First Lieutenant, same command ; Captain, Third Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776, New Jersey Line ; resigned. John Hopping Patterson, New Jersey. Guild, John New Jersey. 1750-1825 Private, Captain Henry Phillips' Company, First Regiment, Hunterdon county. New Jersey Militia. Robert Van Cleve Whitehead, New Jersey. PERSONS REPRESENTED. 73 Hageman, Rolif, New Jersey. 1 744-1 802 Private, Captain Badcock's Company, Second Battalion, Somerset county, New Jersey Militia ; Sergeant, Captain Badcock's Company, Heard's Brigade, New Jersey troops; Sergeant, Captain Duryea's Company, First Somerset Battalion, New Jersey Militia ; at battles of Long Island, White Plains, Germantown, Monmouth and Van Ness Mills. Samuel Holmes Blackwell, New Jersey. James Harvey Stout, New Jersey. Haines, the younger, Samuel, New Jersey. 1742- Foragemaster, Commissary-General's Department, New Jersey Militia. *Franklin Reeve Haines, New Jersey. Hamilton, Robert, Pennsylvania. 1 764-1 831 Ensign, Third Pennsylvania Regiment, Continental Line, May 23d, 1779. *Hamilton Markley, New Jersey. Hamilton, William, New Jersey. 1 740-1 777 Of Perth Amboy, New Jersey, Private in Captain Morrison's Fourth Company, First Battalion, Second Establishment, February, 1777 ; promoted Cap- tain, and killed at Ticonderoga, July, 1777. Charles Ross Hamilton, New Jersey. *Morris Robeson Hamilton, New Jersey. Harrls, Amariah, New Jersey. 1750-1793 Second Lieutenant, Cumberland; Second Lieutenant, Captain Sayre's Com- pany, Colonel Enos Seeley's Battalion, State troops. New Jersey. Horace Franklin Nixon, New Jersey. Harrison, Jotham, New Jersey. 1 751-1806 Private, Essex county. New Jersey Militia. Charles Mecum, New Jersey. Hart, John, New Jersey. 1715-1780 Signer of the Declaration of Independence. *John Hart Brewer, New Jersey. Abraham Quick, New York. ♦Deceased. 74 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. Henry Wilson Hall, Pennsylvania. *John Hart, Pennsylvania. William Henry Hollar, the younger, Pennsylvania. Horace Magee, Pennsylvania. Richard Dale Sparhawk, Pennsylvania. Charles Matthews Hart, West Virginia. John Battelle Hart, West Virginia. Hayes, Samuel, New Jersey. 1728-1811 Adjutant, Second Regiment, Essex, February 9th, 1776; Adjutant, Colonel Thomas' Battalion, "Detached" Militia, July 18th, 1776; Major, Col- onel Spencer's Battalion, State troops, March 15th, 1777 ; First Major, Second Regiment, Essex, June 6th, 1777 ; Major, Battalion, State troops, June 7th, 1780; prisoner of war in September, 1780; Major, Battalion, State troops, December 29th, 1781, New Jersey; resigned November 6th, 1783. Melancthon Williams Jacobus, New Jersey. Hazard, Ebenezer, Pennsylvania. 1 745-1 817 Postmaster of the District of New York, October 5th, 1775; Surveyor-Gen- eral of the Post Offices of the United States, 1777-82; Postmaster-Gen- eral of the United States, 1782-89. *Charles Greene Rockwood, New Jersey. Charles Greene Rockwood, the younger. New Jersey. Thomas Edward Vermilye Smith, New York. Healey, Samuel, Massachusetts. -1790 Ensign, Captain Nathaniel Healey's Company, Colonel Learned's Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, Lexington Alarm ; Second Lieutenant, same Com- pany, Fifth Regiment, Worcester county, Massachusetts Militia, April 4th, 1776 ; Lieutenant, Captain Henry Clark's Company, Colonel Clark's Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, 1778; served in Rhode Island; Cap- tain, Colonel John Jacobs' Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, 1779 ; served in Rhode Island; Captain, Massachusetts Militia, February 6th 1783. Frank Fifield Healey, New Jersey. Jacob French Healey, New York. Warren Mansfield Healey, New York. ♦Deceased. PERSONS REPRESENTED. 75 Henderson, Thomas, New Jersey. 1743-18 24 Member Committee of Observation and Inspection, Monmouth county, New Jersey, December 10th, 1774 ; Second Major, Colonel Stewart's Battalion, Minute-men, February loth, 177(5 ; Major, Colonel Heard's Battalion, June 4th, 177G ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Colonel Forman's Battalion, " Heard's Brigade" ; Brigade Major, Monmouth. Hugh Henderson Hamill, New Jersey. Henry, William, Pennsylvania. 1729-1786 Member of the Committee of Correspondence, Lancaster county, 1774 ; Mem- ber of the Pennsylvania Assembly, 1776 ; Member of the Pennsylvania Council of Safety, 1777 ; Dedimus Potestatem, September 25th, 1778 and February 14th, 1781 ; Armorer and Assistant Commissary-General of Pennsylvania, 1778 ; Member of the Continental Congress. Augustus WoUe Jordan, New Jersey. Thomas Henry Atherton, Pennsylvania. John Woolf Jordan, Pennsylvania. Philip Walter Henry, New York. Heston, Isaiah, Pennsylvania. 1744-17 85 Private, Captain McConkey's Company, 1779, Captain Neelley's Company, 1780, Bucks county, Pennsylvania Militia ; wounded at battle of Monmouth. Alfred Miller Heston, New Jersey. Hill, Smith, New Jersey. 1751-1822 Quartermaster, First Regiment, Burlington county. New Jersey Militia. Edmund Curamings Hill, New Jersey. Harry Armstrong Hill, New Jersey. Hollinshead, Jacob, New Jersey. 1732-1819 Quartermaster, Salem county, New Jersey Militia. Henry Genet Taylor, New Jersey. Hopkins, Solomon, New York. 1739-179 2 First Lieutenant, Captain Hezekiah Mead's Company, Colonel Henry Luding- ton's Regiment, New York troops. Daniel Requa Foster, New Jersey. 76 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. Hopping, Samuel, New Jersey. Private, Morris county, New Jersey Militia. John Hopping Patterson, New Jersey. How, James, New Hampshire. 1755-1807 Surgeon's Mate in Colonel Pierce Long's Regiment, New Hampshire troops, September 25th, 1776, and Surgeon of same Regiment, 1777. Edward Howe, New Jersey. Edward Leavitt Howe, New Jersey. HowELL, Ebenezer, New Jersey. 1 748-1 791 Major of Colonel Silas Newcomb's Battalion, General Heard's Brigade, New Jersey Militia, June 22d, 1770 ; Major of the Fourth Battalion, Second Establishment, New Jersey I^ine, November 28th, 1776. Proscribed by name in proclamation of Colonel Mawhood, British Commander, March 21st, 1778. *George Trenchard Ingham, New Jersey. *William Henry Ingham, Pennsylvania. Hughes, Isaac, Pennsylvania. 1747-1782 Member of the Committee of Correspondence for Philadelphia, March 20th, 1776. Major, Pennsylvania Militia ; Lieutenant-Colonel, July 1.3th, 1776. Member Assembly of Pennsylvania, 1770-77. *Wil!iam John Potts, New Jersey. Charles William Potts, Pennsylvania. Hunt, Jame,s, New Jersey. 1739-1832 Wagonmaster ; Captain and Conductor of Team Brigade, New Jersey Militia. Jonathan Hunt Blackwell, New Jersey. Stephen Weart Blackwell, New Jersey. Edward Taylor Hunt Talmadge, New York. Hunt, Oliver, New Jersey. 1756-1841 Private, New Jersey Militia. James Baird Hunt, New Jersey. Samuel Furman Hunt, Ohio. ♦Deceased. PERSONS REPRESENTED. 77 Hyde, Phinehas, Connecticut. 1749-1820 Surgeon's Mate on the Continental Frigate Confederacy, Captain Seth Harding, 1779. *Malcolm Macdonald, New Jersey. Francis Hazard Stillman Hyde, New Yorli. Inskeep, John, New Jersey. 1727-1810 Lieutenant and Captain, Second Battalion, Gloucester county, New Jersey Militia. Ephraim Tomlinson Gill, New Jersey. Johnson, Henry, New Jersey. 1737-1826 Captain and Quartermaster, Second Regiment, Sussex county, New Jersey Militia. William Mindred Johnson, New Jersey. George White Johnson, New Jersey. William Kempton Johnson, New Jersey. Johnson, Robert, New Jersey. 1727-1796 Chairman Salem Committee in Provincial Convention, held at New Brunswick, July 21st, 1774, to nominate Deputies for New Jersey to the Continental Congress at Philadelphia, September 6th, 1774. Deputy from Salem county, in the Provincial Congress of New Jersey, May 23d, 1776. *George Trenchard Ingham, New Jersey. Thomas Jones Yorke, the younger. New Jersey. *Williani Henry Ingham, Pennsylvania. Johnston, James, Pennsylvania. 1754-1820 Private, Captain Moses McClean's Company, Si.xth Pennsylvania Battalion, Colonel Irvine, in service in 1776 ; Private, Captain John McDowell's Company, Pennsylvania Seventh Regiment, Continental Line, February 15th, 1777. *William Brown Johnston, New Jersey. Jones, Thomas, New Jersey. 1750-1829 Private, Salem county. New Jersey Militia ; Adjutant same, 177S. Prisoner of war in Jersey Prison Ship. Thomas Jones Yorke, the younger, New Jersey. ♦Deceased. 78 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. Jordan, Frederick, New Jersey. 1744-1784 Private, afterward Sergeant, Second Regiment, New Jersey Line. Thanked in General Orders for gallant conduct at Yorktown. Augustus Wolle Jordan, New Jersey. Ewing Jordan, Pennsylvania. John Woolf Jordan, Pennsylvania. Walter Jordan, Pennsylvania. Keen, Jacob, New Jersey. Private, First Battalion, Jersey Continental troops, organized in December, 1776, commanded by Brigadier-General William Maxwell ; took part in the battles of the Brandywine and of Germantown ; most of the follow- ing winter he passed at Valley Forge ; during the summer of 1778 he was with General Lafayette, occupied in harassing General Clinton's forces in New Jersey, and fought at the battle of Monmouth ; present at the siege and surrender of Yorktown ; private, Captain Reading's Com- pany, Second Regiment, New Jersey Line, under the final establishment for Jersey troops. Thomas Stryker Chambers, New Jersey. Ketcham, Levi, New Jersey. Private, Hunterdon county, New Jersey Militia. *William W. L. Phillips, New Jersey. Lanning, Elijah, New Jersey. i753-i793 Private, Captain John Mott's Company, First Regiment, Hunterdon county. New Jersey Militia, commanded by Colonel Joseph Phillips, September 14th, 1777 ; on roll of Company mustered October 7th, 1777, with remark, "Taken for Wagoner," September 24th, 1777. William Mershon Lanning, New Jersey. Leavens, John, Connecticut — Ohio. i734-i799 Private in Captain Joseph Cady's Company, from the Town of Killingly, Connecticut, April, 1775. Alexander Fridge Jamieson, New Jersey. ♦ Deceased. PERSONS REPRESENTED. 79 Lee, Francis, Pennsylvania. 1749-1815 Private in Captain Tench Francis' Company, Philadelphia Militia, Lieutenant- Colonel James Reed, August, 1781. Benjamin Fisler Lee, New Jersey. Francis Bazley Lee, New Jersey. Lewis, the younger, Edward, New Jersey. 1750-1817 Assistant Commissary of Issues, New Jersey troops. James Brinkerhoff Dayton, New Jersey. William Clarke Dayton, New Jersey. *William Lewis Dayton, New Jersey. LiBBEY, Reuben, Massachusetts. 1734-1820 Private, Captain Abraham Tyler's Company, Colonel Edmund Phinney's Thirty-first Regiment, Massachusetts Foot. Frederick Abbay Libbey, New Jersey. William Libbey, New Jersey. LiBBEY, Samuel, New Hampshire. 175 7-1843 Private, Captain John Calfe's Company, Colonel Pierce Long's Regiment, September 10th, 1776 ; Private, Captain Robert Pike's Company, Lieutenant-Colonel Senter's Regiment, New Hampshire troops. Frederick Abbay Libbey, New Jersey. William Libbey, New Jersey. Lincoln, Joshua, Massachusetts. '^TZ7~ Sergeant, Captain Hearsey's Company, Colonel Lovell's Regiment, Massa- chusetts, Militia, March 4th, 1776 ; served in Company commanded by Lieutenant Heman Lincoln, June 23d and December 14th, 1776, same Regiment ; also in Captain Peter Cushing's Company, Colonel David Cushing's Regiment, February 27th, 1778. Frank Fifield Healey, New Jersey. Livermore, Jonas, Massachusetts. 1736-1832 Private, Captain Thomas Newhall's Company, Massachusetts Militia, April 19th, 1775 ; Private, Captain Seth Washburn's Company, Colonel Ward's Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, at Bunker Hill. William Harrison Livermore, New Jersey. •Deceased. 80 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. Loveless, Gershom, New Jersey. 1757-1843 Private, Captain Phillips' Company, New Jersey Line, March 30th, 1778 ; served to close of war. Harry Chandler Allen, New Jersey. LuDLAM, the elder, Henry, New Jersey. 175 2-1837 First Lieutenant, Fourth Company, Cape May, New Jersey, Battalion, June 7th, 1777. Francis Bazley Lee, New Jersey. McIntosh, Lachlan, Georgia. 1727-1806 Colonel, Georgia Continental troops, 177G; Brigadier-General, September, 1776 ; Commander-in-chief of the Western Department, 1778 ; engaged in the siege of Savannah, Georgia, and was taken prisoner at Charleston, South Carolina, 1779 ; Brevet Major-General, Continental Army ; Member of Provincial Congress, 1775. James Macintosh Longstreth Eckard, New Jersey. Leighton Wilson Eckard, Pennsylvania. Charles Mcintosh Cuthbert, Missouri. * Lachlan Hamilton Mcintosh, Georgia. Maxwell, John, New Jersey. 1 739-1828 John Maxwell, Lieutenant, Sussex county. New Jersey Militia ; Captain, Sec- ond Regiment, Hunterdon county. New Jersey Militia. *George Maxwell Robeson, New Jersey. Benjamin Rush Lummis, New York. Charles A. Lummis, New York. William Lummis, New York. Henry Dusenbery Maxwell, Pennsylvania. Mecum, William, New Jersey. 1 730-1 790 First Major of First Salem Battalion, New Jersey, June 20th, 1770. Charles Mecum, New Jersey. Foster Conarroe Griffith, New Jersey. Hemy Martyn Rumsey, New Jersey. George Conarroe Bishop, Pennsylvania. *George Mecum Conarroe, Pennsylvania. Frank Little Sheppard, Pennsylvania. •Deceased. PERSONS REPRESENTED. 81 Meredith, Samuel, Pennsylvania. 1741-1817 Major in General Cadwalader's Philadelphia Battalion, 1775-77, promoted Brigadier-General, 1777. He and his brother-in-law, George Clymer, each gave ;^20,000 in silver to carry on the war. Member Continental Congress, and was the first Treasurer of the United States under the Constitution. John Moore Dickinson, New Jersey. *Samuel Meredith Dickinson, New Jersey. Walter Meredith Dickinson, New Jersey. Harmon Pumpelly Read, New York. *John Meredith Read, New York, John Meredith Read, III., New York. Messler, Simon, New Jersey. ^755-1838 Private, Captain John Waglum's Company, Middlesex county, New Jersey Militia, summer of 1776 ; Private, Captain James Morgan's Company, Second Regiment, Middlesex county, New Jersey Militia, February 1st to March .3d, 1777 ; Private and Orderly Sergeant, Captain John Waglum's Company, Second Regiment, Middlesex county. New Jersey Militia, June to December, 1779 ; Orderly Sergeant, Captain John Dey's Company, Second Regiment, Middlesex county. New Jersey Militia, May, 1780. Robert Ayres Messier, New Jersey. Montgomery, John, Vermont. 1 751-1844 Of Laws' Mills, Town of Arlington, Vermont. Private, Vermont troops. Continental Army. John Alexander Campbell, New Jersey. Montgomery, William, New Jersey. 1752-18 15 Captain, Second Regiment, Monmouth county. New Jersey Militia ; First Major, Second Regiment, Monmouth county. New Jersey Militia, October 13th, 1777. Neil Robert Montgomery, New Jersey. Archibald Robert Montgomery, Pennsylvania. Morris, Joseph, New Jersey. 1 732-1 778 Captain, Morris county. New Jersey Militia, Colonel William Winds, May 2d, 1775; Adjutant, Battalion of Minute-men, Morris county. New Jersey Militia, Colonel William Winds, September 14th, 1775 ; Captain, First •Deceased. 82 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. Company, First Battalion, Infantry, First Establishment, New Jersey Con- tinental Line, Colonel William Alexander, (Lord Stirling), November 8tli, 1775 ; at Quebec and Three Rivers, Canada, June, 1770 ; discharged with Battalion, November 20th, 1776, expiration of service ; Captain, First Company, First Battalion, Infantry, Second Establishment, New Jersey Continental Line, Colonels Silas Newcomb and Mathias Ogden, November 29th, 1776 ; Major, January 1st, 1777 ; detached to Eleventh Regiment, Virginia Continental Line, Colonel Daniel Morgan, June 10th, 1777 ; at Short Hills, Brandywine and Germantovvn ; mortally wounded at White Marsh, Pennsylvania, December 22d, 1777 ; died at Morristown, New Jersey, January 7th, 1778. George Marshall Shipman, New Jersey. Charles Melville Hays, Missouri. MuiRHEiD, George, New Jersey. 1 760-1 851 Private, Captain Henry Phillips' Company, First Regiment, Hunterdon county ; New Jersey Militia. *John Guild Muirheid, New Jersey. MuLFORD, Lewis, New Jersey. 1 744-1830 Private, Minute-man, Essex county. New Jersey Militia. *Charles Woodruff Shields, New Jersey. Neilson, John, New Jersey. 1 745-1 833 Captain, Company of Minute-men, Upper Regiment, Colonel Nathanael Heard, Middlesex county, 1775; Captain, Second Regiment, Middlesex county ; Major, Second Regiment, Middlesex county ; Colonel, Battalion of Minute-men, Middlesex county ; Colonel, Second Regiment, Middle- sex county. New Jersey Militia, 1775 ; Colonel, Second Regiment, Mid- dlesex county. New Jersey Foot Militia, 1776; Colonel, commanding Middlesex and Somerset county Militia; December, 1776, a volunteer with General Washington's army on the retreat tlirough New Jersey ; ordered by General Washington to New Jersey to assemble the Militia, December 31st, 1776 ; participated in the campaign resulting in the battles of Trenton and Princeton ; appointed Brigadier-General, New Jersey Militia, February 21st, 1777 ; (no record of acceptance of com- mission) ; served as Colonel in engagement at Bennett's Island, Middle- sex county, 1777 ; commanding Middlesex and Somerset county Militia, 1777; at battle of Monmouth, 1778 ; on duty September and October, 1778, expelling an invasion of the British ; in command of the Militia at Elizabethtown and Newark, May to July, 1779 ; Deputy Quartermaster- ♦ Deceased. PERSONS REPRESENTED. 83 General, New Jersey Militia, September 18th, 1780, and served to the close of the Revolutionary War. Alfred Alexander WoodhuU, New Jersey. Herbert Barry, New York. Charles J. Carpender, New York. William Carpender, New York. Henry Augustus Neilson, New York. Newbold, William, New Jersey. 1 736-1 794 Member of the Committee of Observation, for the city and county of Burling- ton, New Jersey, February 14th, 1775. ♦Herman Alexander Newbold, New Jersey. Ogden, Lewis, New Jersey. Member New Jersey Committee of Correspondence, appointed by the Provin- cial Congress, May 2d, 1775 ; Chairman, General Committee of Associa- tion for Newark, New Jersey, May 4th, 1775 ; Deputy from Essex county to the Provincial Congress of New Jersey and of the Committee of Safety to act in the recess of said Congress, October, 1775 ; Deputy from Essex county to the Convention of New Jersey, 177G, and one of the Secret Committee of Correspondence thereof. John Moore Dickinson, New Jersey. *Samuel Meredith Dickinson, New Jersey. Walter Meredith Dickinson, New Jersey. Ogden, II., Robert, New Jersey. 1 716-1787 Chairman Elizabethtown, New Jersey, Committee of Safety, 1770. Henry Ogden Ryerson, New Jersey. Thomas Ryerson Anderson, New York. Samuel Hazard Halsted, New York. Cornelius DuBois Wagstaff, New York. Joseph Edward Boylan, Ohio. Ogden, III., Robert, New Jersey. 1 746-1 826 Commissary of Issues, Commissary-General's Department of New Jersey. Henry Ogden Ryerson, New Jersey, Thomas Ryerson Anderson, New York. ♦Deceased. 84 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. Oldham, Edward, Maryland. 1 756-1 798 Colonel, Eighth Maryland Regiment, Continental Line. Wounded at the battle of Camden. Joseph Eugene Troth, New Jersey. Oliphant, Andrew, Pennsylvania. Sergeant, Fourth Battalion, Pennsylvania, Colonel Anthony Wayne command- ing, 1776-77. *Samuel Duncan Oliphant, New Jersey. Oliphant, John, Pennsylvania. 1 758-1 836 Private, Colonel Edward Hand's Pennsylvania Battalion of Riflemen. ♦Alexander Coulter Oliphant, New Jersey. Hughes Oliphant, New Jersey. Richard Coulter Oliphant, New Jersey. *Samuel Duncan Oliphant, New Jersey. Paterson, John, Massachusetts. 1744- 1808 Representative from the Town of Lenox, in First and Second Provincial Con- gress of Massachusetts, 1774-75 ; Colonel Massachusetts Continental Reg- iment, April-December, 1776 ; Colonel, Fifteenth Regiment, Massachu- setts, Continental Army, January Ist-December 31st, 1776; Brigadier- General Continental Army, February 21st, 1777-83; Member of Court Martial which tried Major Andre ; brevetted Major-General, September 30th, 1783. Ammi Robbins Schanck, New Jersey. Thomas Egleston, New York. Paterson, William, New Jersey. 1 745-1 806 Deputy for Somerset county to the Provincial Congress at Trenton, May, June and August, 1775, and Secretary thereof; Secretary to the Provincial Con- gress at Trenton, October 5th, 1775 ; Secretary to the Provincial Congress at New Brunswick, February 2d, 1776 ; an ofiicer in the Somerset Bat- talion of Minute-men ; Deputy to the Convention of New Jersey, begun at Burlington, June 10th, 1776, and Secretary thereof; Member of Leg- islative Council, from Somerset county, August, 1776 ; Member of the Council of Safety, 1777-78 ; Attorney-General of New Jersey, 1776-83 ; Member of the Continental Congress, 1780-83 ; Commissioner to the ♦Deceased. PERSONS REPRESENTED. 86 Philadelphia Convention, May-September, 1787; Senator from New Jersey, 1788-90; Governor, 1790-93; Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, 1793-1806. ♦William Paterson, New Jersey. John Langdon Erving, New York. James Tallmadge Van Rensselaer, New York. Perkins, Jacob, New Jersey. 1731-1792 Member Committee of Observation, Burlington county, New Jersey, 1775 ; Second Major, First Burlington county. New Jersey Regiment, April 18th, 1778; Major in Colonel Taylor's Regiment, New Jersey State troops, October 7th, 1779. Charles Marter Perkins, New Jersey. Lucius Scott Landreth, Pennsylvania. William Linton Landreth, Pennsylvania. Edward Stanley Perkins, Pennsylvania. Perrine, Peter, New Jersey. 1737-1817 Captain, Third Regiment, Middlesex county. New Jersey Militia, Colonel Jacob Hyer, 1777-78; Captain, .Second Regiment, Middlesex county. New Jersey Militia. Enoch Perrine, New Jersey. Ernest Herbert Lloyd, New York. Potter, David, New Jersey. 1 745-1 805 Colonel, Second Battalion, Cumberland county. New Jersey Militia, 177G ; Colonel, Battalion of State troops, November 27th, 1776. Prisoner of war. Henry Whiteley Elmer, New Jersey. William Elmer, New Jersey, Robert Potter Molten, Pennsylvania. Potts, Thomas, New Jersey, 1 729-1 777 Deputy from Sussex county in the Provincial Congress of New Jersey, October 2d, 1775 ; Deputy from Sussex county in the Convention of New Jersey, June 10th, 1776. *William John Potts, New Jersey — Pennsylvania. Charles William Potts, Pennsylvania, ♦Deceased. 86 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. Potts, William, New Jersey. Private, Monmouth county, New Jersey Militia ; also Private, Continental Line. Charles Potts Britton, New Jersey. William Ogden Britton, New Jersey. Prescott, Oliver, Massachusetts. Colonel, First Middlesex Regiment, 1775 ; Colonel Sixth Middlesex Regi- ment, 1776 ; Brigadier-General for Middlesex, 1776, and Member of the Board of War; Third Major-General, 1778; Second Major-General 1781 ; Massachusetts Militia. Edmund Le Breton Gardiner, New Jersey. Quick, Abraham, New Jersey. 1731-1805 Colonel of the Second Somerset Battalion, New Jersey Militia, February 28th, 1776. Abram Quick Garretson, New Jersey. Read, James, Pennsylvania. 1 743-1822 City Lieutenant of Philadelphia, April 10th, 1777 ; Captain "South Ward" Company, Colonel William Bradford's Battalion, Philadelphia Militia, 1777 ; Major of same, July, 1777 ; Major, Colonel Jonathan Bayard Smith's Battalion, August 2d, 1777; Lieutenant-Colonel, First Battalion, 1780 and 1782, Philadelphia Militia; at Princeton, Brandy wine and German- town ; Senior Commissioner of the Navy, 1781. James Macintosh Longstreth Eckard, New Jersey. Leighton Wilson Eckard, Pennsylvania. Reading, John, New Jersey. 1751-1820 Ensign, Captain Reading's Company, Third Battalion, First Establishment, New Jersey Line, February 7th, 1770; Second Lieutenant, Captain Doughty's Company, Third Battalion, Second Establishment ; First Lieutenant, Captain Cox's Company, Third Battalion, Second Establish- ment, January 1st, 1777 ; retired September 20th, 1780. Robert Chambers Belville, New Jersey. '■ Mb: FrtJin an aquarelli: in tlie possession of Garret D. \\'. Vroom, Trenton. PERSONS REPRESENTED. 87 Reeder, Isaac, New Jersey. 1753-1784- Private, Captain William Tucker's Company, First Battalion, Hunterdon county. New Jersey Militia, 1777. Charles Henry Baker, New Jersey. Requa, Abraham, New York. 1 759-1843 Private, New York Militia, 1776-1779. Daniel Requa Foster, New Jersey. Robert Russell Requa, New York. Rhea, Jonathan, New Jersey. 1758-18 15 Ensign, January 1st, 1777 ; Lieutenant, April 1st, 1778, Captain Anderson's Company, Second New Jersey Battalion, Second Establishment ; Lieu- tenant, Second Regiment, New Jersey, January 1st, 1781, Continental Line ; Captain by brevet. Garret Dorset Wall Vroom, New Jersey. Peter Dumont Vroom, New Jersey. Rockwood, the elder, Ebenezer, Massachusetts — New Hampshire, 1746- 1830 Surgeon's Mate of Colonel Ebenezer Francis' Regiment, Eleventh Massachu- setts Militia, August 10th, 1776. Surgeon of Colonel Samuel Thatcher's Regiment, Massachusetts troops, December 16th, 1776. *Charles Greene Rockwood, New Jersey. Charles Greene Rockwood, the younger, New Jersey. RosENKRANS, JoHANNE.s, New Jersey. 1 724-1 786 Captain, .Susse.x county. New Jersey Militia ; Colonel Third Battalion, Sussex Militia, May 23d, 1777. William Dayton Rosencrantz, New Jersey. RuMSEY, Charles, Maryland. 1 736-1 780 Member Maryland Convention, 1775; Member Maryland Council of Safety, 1776; Colonel of "Elk" Battalion, Cecil county Militia, 1776; county Lieutenant, Cecil county Militia, 1777. ♦Deceased. 88 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. Henry Martyn Rumsey, New Jersey. Albert Bullus, New York. Thomas Powell Fowler, New York. Henry Holdich Morton, New York. Edmund Morton Smedberg, New York. William Ellison Bullus, Pennsylvania. Salter, James, New Jersey. 1 754-1829 Teamster in Captain Joseph Broadhurst's Team Brigade. New Jersey Militia. Harry Broughton Salter, New Jersey. Schaeffer, Casper, New Jersey. 1712-1784 (Schafer or Shaver), Member of the County Committee of Safety, Sussex county. New Jersey ; Treasurer of the fund for purchasing arms and am- munition ; Member of the Provincial Congress of New Jersey, 1776. William Mindred Johnson, New Jersey. George White Johnson, New Jersey. William Kempton Johnson, New Jersey. ScHENCK, John, New Jersey. 1 750-1823 Captain, Third Regiment, Hunterdon county. New Jersey Militia. ♦Christopher Augustus Bergen, New Jersey. Charles Van Dyke Joline, New Jersey. John Forsyth Joline, New Jersey. *Peter L. Voorhees, New Jersey. ■'Peter Van Voorhees, New Jersey. George Elliott Pendleton Schenck, New York. ScuDDER, Amos, New Jersey. 1 739-1 824 Private, Captain Robert Hoops' Company, Colonel Isaac Smith's Lower Bat- talion, Hunterdon county. New Jersey Militia, 1775; guide to General George Washington, enroute from McKonkey's Ferry to the battle of Trenton, December 26th, 1770 ; Ensign, Captain John Mott's Company, Colonel Joseph Phillips' First Regiment, Hunterdon county. New Jersey Militia, May 10th, 1777. Thomas Stryker Chambers, New Jersey. Barker Gummere, the younger, New Jersey. Charles Edward Gummere, New Jersey. John Holmes Scudder, New Jersey. Samuel Stanhope Stryker, New Jersey. ♦Deceased. PERSONS REPRESENTED. 89 ScuDDER, Nathaniel, New Jersey. 1 733-1 781 Clerk of Committee of Inspection of Freehold, New Jersey, March 6th, 1775 ; Lieutenant-Colonel and Colonel, November 28th, 1776, First Regiment, Monmouth county, New Jersey Militia ; Member Committee of Safety, 1777 ; Member Continental Congress, 1777-78 ; Delegate from New Jersey to frame Articles of Confederation between the United States, July 9th, 1770. Killed in action with the enemy, near Black Point, Mon- mouth county, October 16th, 1781. Schuyler Colfax Woodhull, New Jersey. I I Shelby Myrick, Georgia. Charles White Scudder, Missouri. Sherman, Josiah, Connecticut. 1 729-1 789 Chaplain, Seventh Connecticut Infantry, January, 1777. Henry Mitchell, New Jersey. John Garvin Foote, Illinois. William Anderson Mitchell, New York. Charles Elliott Warren, New York. Shubrick, Thomas, South Carolina. Member of the House of Assembly, Provincial Congress of South Carolina, 1775-76 ; Member of the Legislative Council, Provincial Congress, South Carolina, March, 1776 ; Speaker of the Legislative Council, Provincial Congress, South Carolina, in September, 1776. *Edward Rutledge Shubrick, New Jersey. Shubrick, the younger, Thoma.s, South Carolina. 1 755-1810 First Lieutenant, Second South Carolina ; Captain. January 15th, 1778 ; Aid- de-Camp to General Lincoln at the attack on Savannah ; Aid-de-Camp to General Greene in 1781 ; served to close of war, and received on October '2ith, 1781, the following vote of thanks from Congress: "Resolved, That Major-General Greene be desired to present the thanks of Congress to Captain Shubrick, his Aid-de-Camp, in testimony of his particular activity and good conduct during the whole action of Eutaw Springs, South Carolina." Commissioned Colonel, 1781. •Edward Rutledge Shubrick, New Jersey. ♦Deceased. 90 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. SiNNiCKSON, IV., Andrew, New Jersey. 1718-1790 Deputy from Salem county in the Provincial Congress of New Jersey, May 23d, 1775 ; Deputy from Salem county in the Convention of New Jersey, June 10th, 1776 ; Member of the Council of the State of Neiu Jersey, 1776. *Andrew Sinnickson, New Jersey. Clement Hall Sinnickson, New Jersey. *Thomas -Sinnickson, HI., New Jersey. Foster Conarroe Griffith, New Jersey. *George Trenchard Ingham, New Jersey. Charles Mecum, New Jersey. Henry Martyn Rumsey, New Jersey. Thomas Jones Yorke, the younger. New Jersey. Charles Perry Sinnickson, Pennsylvania. *George Mecum Conarroe, Pennsylvania. *William Henry Ingham, Pennsylvania. Frank Little Sheppard, Pennsylvania. Sinnickson, V., Andrew, New Jersey. 1 749-1819 Captain, First Salem Battalion and Paymaster Salem, Cape May and Cumber- land counties. New Jersey. Repulsed a strong detachment of British, sent by Colonel Mawhood from Salem into Lower Penn's Neck township, on March 20th, 1778. Proscribed by name in proclamation of Colonel Mawhood, British commander, March 21st, 1778. *Andrew Sinnickson, New Jersey. Clement Hall Sinnickson, New Jersey. *Thomas Sinnickson, III., New Jersey. *George Trenchard Inghara, New Jersey. Thomas Jones Yorke, the younger, New Jersey. Charles Perry Sinnickson, Pennsylvania. *William Henry Ingham, Pennsylvania. Skillman, Thomas, New Jersey. 1756- Private, Captain McMyer's Company, Infantry, First Battalion, Second Estab- lishment, New Jersey Continental Line, Colonel Matthias Ogden, May, 1777 ; at battles of Short Hills, Brandywine, White Horse Tavern, Germantown, Crosswicks Bridge and Monmouth ; promoted Corporal, August 1st, 1778 ; transferred to Colonel's Company, Captain-Lieutenant Jacob Piatt commanding, February 1st, 1779; in Brigadier-General William Ma.\weirs New Jersey Brigade, Major-General John Sullivan's Div- ision, Continental Army, in the campaign against the Six Nations, May • Deceased. PERSONS REPRESENTED. 91 to November, 1779 ; in battles of Newtown and Chemung ; promoted Sergeant, February 1st, 1780 ; discharged, May, 1780, expiration of service. John Whitenack Sutphin, New Jersey. Smith, Obadiah, New Hampshire. 1731- Of Brentwood, New Hampshire, Corporal, Captain Elisha Mack's Company, Colonel Ashley's Regiment of Militia, raised to reinforce Continental Army, at Ticonderoga, June 28th, 1777. Frank Obadiah Briggs, New Jersey. Frankland Briggs, New Jersey. Smith, Samuel, New York. 1736-1786 Signer of Pledges of Association in Dutchess county. New York, subscribed in June and July, 1775 ; Captain, Fourth Regiment, New York Militia, Colonel Tobias Stoutenburgh. John Swartwout Barkalow, New Jersey. Smith, Simeon, New Jersey. 1730-1807 Private, Middlesex county, New Jersey Militia. *James Edmund Burke, New Jersey. William Ely Burke, New Jersey. Smith, Stephen, New Hampshire. 1761-1834 Of Brentwood, New Hampshire, Private, Captain Benjamin Whittier's Com- pany, Colonel Nichols' Regiment, New Hampshire troops, July 6th, 1780. Frank Obadiah Briggs, New Jersey. Frankland Briggs, New Jersey. Stanbury, Jacob, New Jersey. 1741-1810 Private, Essex county, New Jersey Militia. •Hamilton Markley, New Jersey. Richard Thompson Miller, New Jersey. Sterling, Thaddeus, Connecticut. 1 749-1837 Private, Connecticut Militia, 1776-1781. Charles Augustus Sterling, New Jersey. • Deceased. 92 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. Stevens, II., John, New Jersey. 1715-1792 Vice-President of the Council of the State of New Jersey, 1776-82 ; cus- todian of the money chest of the State ; Member of the Continental Congress from New Jersey, November 6th, 1783 ; President of the con- vention which met in Trenton, December 11th, 1787, to ratify the Con- stitution of the United States. *Francis Stevens Conover, New Jersey. Richard Fowler Stevens, New Jersey. Joseph Livingston Delafield, New York. Maturin Livingston Delafield, Jr., New York. Stevens, III., John, New Jersey. 1749- 1838 Second Major, Fourth Regiment, Hunterdon county, New Jersey Militia, February 1st, 1777 ; First Major, Fourth Regiment, Hunterdon county, New Jersey Militia, April 18th, 1778 ; Deputy from Hunterdon county in the Provincial Congress of New Jersey, May, 1 775 ; Treasurer of the State of New Jersey, 1777-83. Richard Fowler Stevens, New Jersey. Stillwell, Joseph, New Jersey. 1 739-1 805 Ensign, First Regiment, Monmouth ; Captain, First Regiment, Monmouth ; Captain Commanding Guard at Sandy Hook, June, 1776; Captain, Colonel Forman's Battalion, "Detached Militia," July 18th, 1770, New Jersey Militia. George Drake Scudder, New Jersey. Stockton, Richard, New Jersey. 1 730-1 781 Signer of the Declaration of Independence. Bayard Stockton, New Jersey. Richard Rush, District of Columbia. William Dunbar Jenkins, Maryland. George Edwin Shaw, Ohio. Alexander Williams Biddle, Pennsylvania. Louis Alexander Biddle, Pennsylvania. John Calvert, Pennsylvania. Story, John, New Jersey. Private, Captain Morgan's Company, Second Regiment, Middlesex county. New Jersey Militia. Thomas Stryker Chambers. • Deceased. PERSONS REPRESENTED. 93 Stout, Samuel, New Jersey. 1756-1795 Private, Captain Houghton's Company, First Regiment, Hunterdon county. New Jersey Militia; also Johnson's Battalion, Heard's Brigade, New Jersey troops ; Prisoner of war, August 27th to November 24th, 1776. James Hervey Stout, New Jersey. Samuel Holmes Blackwell, New Jersey. Stover, Jacob, Pennsylvania. Private, Ranger on the frontiers, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, 1778-1783. Edward Conklin Stover, New Jersey. Stryker, Abraham, New Jersey. Private, Captain Peter D. Vroom's Company ; afterward. Private, Captain John Ten Eyck's Company, Colonel Hendrick Van Dike's Second Bat- talion, Somerset county. New Jersey Militia ; at the battle of Mon- mouth, June 28th, 1778. Samuel Stanhope Stryker, New Jersey. Barker Gummere, the younger. New Jersey. Charles Edward Gummere, New Jersey. William Perrine Voorhees, Missouri. Stryker, Christoffle H., New Jersey. Private, Captain Jacob Ten Eyck's Company, First Battalion, .Somerset county. New Jersey Militia ; at the battle of Germantown, October 4th, 1777. Samuel Stanhope Stryker, New Jersey. Barker Gummere, the younger. New Jersey. Charles Edward Gummere, New Jersey. SuTFiN, John, New Jersey. 172 2-1 784 Private, Captain John Schenck's Company, Second Regiment, Middlesex county, New Jersey Militia, 1776 ; Private, Captain Peter Perrine's Com- pany, Second Regiment, Middlesex county. New Jersey Militia, August, September and December, 1776 ; at battle of Springfield; Private, Cap- tain Joachim Gulick's Company, Second Regiment, Middlesex county, New Jersey Militia; Private, Captain Jonathan Comb's Company, Third Regiment, Middlesex county. New Jersey Militia, June, 1778; at battle of Monmouth ; Private, Captain John Walton's Troop of Light Dragoons, Monmouth county. New Jersey Militia, served tours of duty in defence of frontierofNew Jersey as "Sutphen," June to December, 1779; Privateers- 94 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. man, Captain Edmund Huyler's gunboat "White Bottom Nancy," and served on this and another gunboat for one and one-half years. John Whitenack Sutphin, New Jersey. SuTPHEN, Derrick, New Jersey. 1743-1831 Private, Minute-man, Somerset county, New Jersey Militia ; Fifer, Captain William Williamson's Company, Second Regiment, Middlesex county. New Jersey Militia, March 3d- April 2d, 1777. John Whitenack Sutphin, New Jersey. Terry, Asaph, Connecticut. 1 756-1839 Private, Captain David Perkins' Company, July-September, 1776; Private, Captain Phineas Lovejoy's Company, December, 1776-February, 1777 ; Private, Captain Jonathan Bush's Company, 1779-1783. Connecticut Militia. Lewis Starr, New Jersey. Henry Clay Terry, Pennsylvania. *Willis Terry, Pennsylvania. Thatcher, Asa, Connecticut- Vermont. 175 5-1834 Private, Captain Dyer's Company, Twentieth Regiment of Connecticut, Col- onel John Durkee, January 1st, 1776, discharged January 3d, 1777, at Newtown, Bucks county, Pennsylvania ; Pensioner of the United States. Julius Erastus Thatcher, New Jersey. Thompson, David, New Jersey. 1737-1824 Delegate from Morris county. New Jersey, to raise men, money and arms for the common defense. May, 1775; Chairman Committee of Observation at Mendham, New Jersey, July 8th, 1775; Deputy for Morris county in the Provincial Congress of New Jersey, August, 1775. Private, New Jersey Militia. He raised and equipped a company, which he commanded, and fought at the battle of Monmouth. Charles Dederer Thompson, New Jersey. • Deceased. PERSONS REPRESENTED. 95 Thorne, Joseph, New Jersey. 1730-18 19 Captain, Second Battalion, Gloucester county. New Jersey Militia, 1776. Charles Reeves Stevenson, New Jersey. George Burton, Pennsylvania Charles Maxwell Clement, Pennsylvania. Lawrence Taylor Paul, Pennsylvania. TiLTON, Edward, New Jersey. Private, Monmouth county, New Jersey Militia. John Hopping Patterson, New Jersey. Townley, Richard, New Jersey. 1 736-1801 Captain, Essex county. New Jersey Militia, during the Revolutionary War. David Magie, New Jersey. Trenchard, George, New Jersey. 1 720-1 780 Chairman Committee of Safety and Correspondence, Salem county. New Jersey, 1774-75; Captain, First Salem Battalion, 1776; Captain, Salem Light Horse, 1778. Proscribed by name in proclamation of Colonel Mawhood, British commander, March 21st, 1778. Thomas Whitaker Trenchard, New Jersey. Van Cleve, Benjamin, New Jersey. 1 739-181 7 First Lieutentant, First Regiment, Hunterdon county, New Jersey Militia ; Captain in Colonel Johnson's Battalion, Heard's Brigade, June 14th, 1776 ; Second Major, First Regiment, Hunterdon county. New Jersey Militia, March 15th, 1777; Member of General Assembly of New Jersey, 1777-78-79-80-81-83, and thereafter of fourteen General Assemblies. Edwin Robert Walker, New Jersey. Van Dyke, Ruloffe, New Jersey. 1711-1788 Member Committee of Correspondence, Somerset county, New Jersey, July 28th, 1775 ; Deputy from Somerset county in the Provincial Congress of New Jersey, October 4th, 1775 ; one of the Committee of Safety for the Province, October 28th, 1775 ; Deputy from Somerset county in the Prov- incial Congress of New Jersey, January 31st, 1776. Abner Reeder Chambers, New Jersey. William Benford Aitken, New York. 96 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. Van Wickle, Simeon, New Jersey. Lieutenant, Second Regiment, Middlesex ; Captain, same regiment ; Lieuten- ant, State troops ; Captain, State troops, New Jersey Militia. Harry Chandler Allen, New Jersey. Douglass Carroll Conover, Washington. Vroom, Peter, Dumont, New Jersey. 1 745-1 831 Captain, Second, Somerset, New Jersey Battalion ; First Major, June 6th, 1777; Lieutenant-Colonel, September 9th, 1777, same command; en- gaged at the battle of Germantown. Garret Dorset Wall Vroom, New Jersey. *George Augustus Vroom, New Jersey. Peter Dumont Vroom, New Jersey. Schuyler Colfax Woodhull, New Jersey. John Boyd Vroom, Colorado. John Nicoll Vroom, Colorado. Wall, James, New Jersey. 1753-1791 Ensign, "Captain Smock's Troop Light Dragoons," Monmouth ; Lieutenant, same command. Garret Dorset Wall Vroom, New Jersey. Peter Dumont Vroom, New Jersey. Welles, Hezekiah, Connecticut. 1736-1817 Ensign, Fifth Company, Colonel Wolcott's Regiment, January, 177B ; .Second Lieutenant, Sixth Company, Second Battalion, Connecticut Militia, June, 1776; Captain, 1777-1779, Connecticut Militia. Isaac Trumbull Wood, New Jersey. Wetherby, Edmund, New Jersey. 1733-1796 Member of the State Council of Safety, of New Jersey, March 18th, 1777. Charles Mecum, New Jersey. Whittlesey, Eliphalet, Connecticut. 1 714-1786 Member for Kent of the General Assembly of Connecticut, May, 1775; of the General Assembly, held at Hartford, May, 1776. Mills Whittlesey, New Jersey. *Deceased. PERSONS REPRESENTED. 97 Whittlesey, Martin, Connecticut. 1 737-1800 Sergeant, Connecticut troops; disabled in service about New York, 1776; Pensioner of the United States. Mills Whittlesey, New Jersey. WicoFF, Peter, New Jersey. 1 741-1803 Private, Captain Samuel Stout's Company, Third Regiment, Middlesex county. New Jersey Militia. Horace Greeley Norton, New Jersey. WicoFF, John, New Jersey. 1 758-1824 Private, Middlesex county, New Jersey Militia; at the battles of Trenton, Princeton and Monmouth. John Van Buren Wicofi', New Jersey. Williams, William, New Jersey. Private, Captain Bateman Lloyd's Company, Second Regiment, New Jersey Line. Frederick Hatfield Clark, New Jersey. William Alexander Clark, the younger. New Jersey. Williamson, Jacob, New Jersey. 1 750-1838 Private, Captain Samuel Stout's Company, Third Regiment, Hunterdon county, New Jersey Militia ; Private, Captain Jeremiah Ballard's Com- pany, Third Battalion, Second Establishment, New Jersey Continental Line, May, 1778. Harry Broughton Salter, New Jersey. Wilson, Jesse, New Hampshire. 1/39- Captain, Colonel Moses Nichols' Regiment, General Stark's Brigade, New Hampshire Militia, July 18th to September 27th, 1777. Edward LeBreton Gardiner, New Jersey. Elliott Hardon, New Jersey. WiTHERSPOON, John, New Jersey. 1 722-1 794 Signer of the Declaration of Independence ; Member of the Convention which framed the Constitution of New Jersey, 1776. Alfred Alexander Woodhull, New Jersey. 98 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. Wood, Jehu, New Jersey. 1 748-1 783 Captain, Gloucester county. New Jersey Militia. William Foster Reeve, New Jersey. WooDHULL, John, Pennsylvania-New Jersey. 1744-1824 Chaplain, Colonel Boyd's Seventh Battalion, Lancaster, Pennsylvania Militia, 1777. Alfred Alexander Woodhull, New Jersey. Daniel Ellis Woodhull, New Jersey. Schuyler Colfax Woodhull, New Jersey. Woodruff, Elias, New Jersey. Commissary, Military Stores, New Jersey Militia. *Dickinson Woodruff, New Jersey. Woodruff, Seth, New Jersey. 1741-1816 Sergeant, Captain Stephen Chandler's Company, Colonel Edward Thomas' First Regiment, Essex county, New Jersey Militia. 'Charles Woodruff Shields, New Jersey. WooLF, Lewis, Pennsylvania. 1 747-1 830 Trumpeter in Captain Bartholomew Van Herr's "Troop Marechausse," Pennsylvania Line. Augustus Wolle Jordan, New Jersey. John Woolf Jordan, Pennsylvania. YoRKE, Andrew, New Jersey. 1 742-1 794 Andrew Yorke, Quartermaster, Second Battalion, Salem county. New Jersey Militia, August Gth, 1777. Was engaged in the operations about Wood- bury and Red Bank, October, 1777. Thomas Jones Vorke, the younger, New Jersey. Morris Hancock Stratton, New Jersey. ADDENDA. Register of Members. Green, Henry Woodhull, Trenton. Great-great-grandson of Chaplain James Francis Armstrong. Stout, James Hervey, Stoutsburg. Great-grandson of Corporal Benjamin Van Kirk. Persons Represented. Armstrong, James Francis, New Jersey. 1750-1816 Private, Captain Peter Gordon's Company, First Regiment, Hunterdon county, New Jersey Militia ; Chaplain, Second Maryland Brigade, Continental Army, July 17th, 1778. Henry Woodhull Green, New Jersey. Van Kirk, Benjamin, New Jersey. 1747-1815 Corporal, Captain William Tucker's Company, First Regiment, Hunterdon county. New Jersey Militia, October 14th, 1777. James Hervey Stout, New Jersey. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS