n840 iiifliii* .0 .. -i>' =^'^?>'- '^■*- o'f ..^^ •I o A «.f .*^ • « ■ .>* • • • -^v V- % V .-^^'z^^'.^. .^^'';4V:..X \y^^i;';^.^./"" > .0 . • • * ' "Ji •*-o. v7 ^ -ir. .*^ J v^ .. •«- " ^ * ♦ V, ♦...' ^^>^ o*. •TT;*' aO^ ■" :, %,** . ■ ■ , \,.** .-■m-: \y •>«;:- \ ,.*' .-^^ *"^ ' * • • . " . '-'^'^ V --r^^:'' ,-«^\ •-'vM^*^ '^^^\ V .^---^^ ■ " ■ ,- -A' C^ • "^fi^'--.' .0 «- • ~ . o > . fSHtMa/?'' ' *• or " «w^*k3l " '*'^ r-4 ds-Join to p of 2nd r made-4 ds-p-4 ds-close-ch 9 ds-p-9 ds-repeat 4 more times having 72 in all-join to last p-2nd made- ch 7 ds-p-ch 7 ds • repeat from • joining Ist p of next r to p on ch between last 2 r on medallion. Ch-4 ds-5 ps-separated by 1 ds-ending with 4 ds- with shuttle make r of 3 ps separated by 3 ds-close-ch- same as first-joining 1st p to last p of last ch-r-same as last-joining 1st p to last p of last r-repeat-ch-and r 6 No. 13 until 5 rings Jiave been made-break-tie tiiread on other side of Med. and repeat from beginning to length re- quired. Top r-2 ds-7 ps-separated by 1 ds-ending with 2 ds-close-ch-3 ds-r-sarae as first-joining 1st p to last p of last r-center p of r to center p of cli-ch-3 ds-make another r same as last-joining 1st p to last p of last r- ch 4 ds-9 p-separated by 1 ds-ending with 4 ds-repeat from * to end-joining together-as in illustration. Large ring-7 ps-separated by 3 ds-close-small r-3 ps-separated by 4 ds-close-repeat small r 4 more tinies- joning 1st p to last p of previous r and joining to p on large r-leave thread % in. and repeat from beginning to length desired-joining the center p of 1st small r to No. 14 center p of last scallop. Top r of 3 ps separated by 4 da-joining center p to last p on small r-leave thread V4 in.-make r same as last-leave thread V* in. and repeat across-joining on to edge as shown in illustration. Tatting Edge—* ch of 9 ps-separated by 2 ds-r of 3 ps-separated by 4 ds-close-ch-same as 1st ch-fasten to center p on r-ch-5 ds-p-5 ds-r of 3 p-separated by 3 ds-tasten center p to 2nd p on ch-ch of 3 ps separated by 3 ds-or same as last r-joining to 3rd p on ch-ch of 7 ps-separated by 2 ds-or same as last-skip one p on ch-fasten in next-reverse other side-ch-5 ds-r of 3 p- separated by 3 ds-ch-5 ds-and repeat from * to end. Top * r of 3 ps-separated by 3 ds-ch-S ds-r-same as last-fastening center p on 4th p of ch-ch 8 ds-and repeat from last • to end. Tatted Edge — • ring 7 d8-p-7 ds-close (ch 2 ds-S p-separated by 2 ds-2 ds-ring of 7 p-joln in p of 1st ring-7 ds-close) repeat 3 times more * repeat once when making 3rd scallop-join center p of 1st ch to center p No. 16 of last ch of 1st scallop-when making 4th scallop-join center p of 1st ch to center p of last ch of 2nd scallop- this makes scallop on both edges of lace. Inaertlon Very pretty insertion and easily made. No. 15 No. 17 One bolt novelty braid about % inch wide-wind shuttle without cutting thread. 1st Row — * 5 ds-p-5 ds-close-ch 7 ds-join in p on braid-7 ds-r-5 ds-join to p of 1st r-5 ds-close-repeat length desired. 2nd Row — 5 r-5 ds-join in p of 1st r on 1st row- 5 ds-close-ch 7 ds-join in p on braid-7 ds-r-5 ds-join in p where 1st r was joined-repeat for length of lace. Same as Towel Edge No. 23 No. 18 Same as wide edge on towel except 9 p in ring. Blue and White Tatting on Scarf with White Thread -Make a ring of 6 p-separated by 1 ds between each No. 19 p-tie on blue thread-make a ch of 7 ds-p-7 ds-p-7 ds- p-7 ds-join to 3rd p of ring-5 ds-make another ring same as first-repeat length desired-joining side p of ch. Other end of scarf — (Make a ring of white same as ring on other end-tie on blue-make a ch of 7 ds-p-7 ds) repeat joining 1st p to last p on ring just made. Towel No. 1 R of 6 ps separated by 3 ds-close-break-r 6 ds p- fasten to first p on r-6 ds-close-repeat last r twice- joining a clover leaf-ch 6 ds-5 ps-separated by 1 ds-6 ds-r-6 ds p-fasten to next p on first r 6 ds-close-repeat last-r and ch 3 more times then repeat from beginning to length desired. Top r 6 ds-fasten to center r on first clover leaf-ch 5 ds p-2 ds p-2 ds p-ending with 5 ds- fasten to p on first r made-repeat across towel. Towel No. 2 R 5 ds-7 p separated by 1 ds-5 ds-close-repeat r twice-joining 1st p to last p of previous r-ch 7 ds-r 4 ds-fasten to first p on last r-4 ds p and 4 ds-close-ch- 7 ds-3 ps separated by 2 ds-7 ds-r-4 ds-fasten to last p of last r-4 ds p-4 ds-close-ch 7 ds-3 ps separated by ^ No. 20 2 ds-7 ds-r-4 ds-fasten to last p of last 2-4 ds p-4 ds- close-repeat from beginning to end of towel. Insertion R of 6 ds p-ch ds-close * ch 5 ds-p-2 ds p-2 ds p ending with 5 ds. Make another r same as first-joining ps together-repeat from * twice-this forms pattern and continue to end of towel. Narrow Edge — R 5 ds-7 p separated by 1 ds-5 ds- close-make two more rs same as first-joining 1st p to last p of previous r-ch 7 ds-5 ps separated by 1 ds-5 ps- repeat from beginning across towe]. Edge on Collar R-3 p separated by 3 ds-close-r-4 ds-p 4 ds-close- r same as Ist-joining p-r-5 ds-join to p of small r-6 p- No. 21 ending with 5 ds-close-r-same as lst-r-4 ds-join to last p on large r-4 ds-close-repeat length desired. Handkerchief Edge No. 100 Mercerized Cotton. R of 5 ds-p-5 ds-ch-4 ds-p-2 ds-p-1 ds-fasten to p on first r-2 ps separated by 1 ds-ending with 3 ds-ch 3 ds-r of 6 ps separated by 1 ds fastening 1 st p to last p of last 2 ch-3 ds and repeat until rs have been made- ch 4 ds-join to p on last long ch-8 ds-p-2 ds-p-4 ds- repeat from beginning- joining p of 2 to center ps of the two rs between scallop. 8 Edging on Handkerchief R-6 ds-p-6 ds-close with 2nd thread-ch 2 ds-5 p- separated by 2 ds ending witli 2 ds-join in p of r-cli 6 ds- No. 22 p-6 ds-r-5 ds-join to 1st p of ch over r-5 ds-join-ch 2 ds- 3 p separated by 2 ds-ending with 2 dsTf same as last- joining next p of ch over r-repeat twice-making 4 r on No. 24 larger rs of 7 ps separated by 2 ds in each-break-fasten thread in first large r-ch 4 ps-separated by 3 ds-r of o ps-separted by 3 ds-close-ch same as last-r same as last-joining first p to last p of previous r-repeat-ch-r- 3 ds-p-3 ds-join to p on large r-3 ds-p-3 ds-close-th same as last-joining to center p of next large r-repeat- ch once more-break-make other wing in same manner. Lower wing — R of 7 p-separated by 2 ds-close-ch of 1.5 p-separated by 2 ds-make p all around same as Ist r on first r-repeat on other side-break. No. 23 ch-ch 6 ds p-6 ds-join where 1st r was started-ch 2 ds- B p separated by 2 ds-ending with -2 ds allowing ch to go under 1st r made-ch 6 ds-r of 5 ds-p-5 ds-close 6 ds and repeat pattern. Tatted Butterfly Very effective in table runner, piano scarf, etc. Ch-8 ds-p-8 ds-made small ring-4 ds-1 long p-2 ds-1 long p-4 ds-close-ch of 4 p-separated by 2 ds-join to p on first ch-4 p-separated by 2 ds-join to end of ch- repeat on other side of ch-break-this forms body. R of 9 ps-separated by 2 ds-close-ch of 22 ps-separated by 2 ds-r of 4 ds-p-4 ds-p-4 ds-p-ending with 4 ds-leave % inch thread and repeat 9 times-joining rings together and joining to ch-as shown in illustration-then make 6 Tatted Doily R of 3 ds-p-3 ds-p-3 ds-p-3 ds-close-leave % inch thread-make another r same as Ist-joining side p-r-3 ds-join to last p of small r-2 ds-7 p-separated by 2 ds-3 ds-close-repeat from beginning 12 times more-cut and tie thread-r of 4 ds-p-4 ds-p-4 ds-p-4 ds-close-ch 5 ds- p-5 ds-r-join to 1st p to last-p of 1st r-ch 4 ds-p-3 ds- No. 25 r-join to side p of last r-ch 3 ds-r-2 ds-7 p separated by 2 ds-3 ds-close ch-3 ds-r like Ist-join Ist p of 2 to last p of large r-ch 3 ds-join to p of ch between 2nd and 3rd r-ch 4 ds another r like 1st joining side p-ch 5 ds- join to p of ch between 1st and 2nd r-ch 5 ds-r like Ist joining side p-ch 4 ds-p-4 ds-join to p of 1st small r on 1st round-4 ds-join to p of 2nd small r of 1st round- ch 4 d8-p-4 ds-repeat around-joining center p of 1st ring of 2nd scallop to center p of last r of Ist scallop. Directions for Yoke or Centerpiece on Cover R of 3 ps separated by 4 ds-close-repeat twice- Joining 1st p to last p of previous r-12 ds p-6 ds-make 3 more rs same as first three-6 ds-jolnlng to p on cli- 12 ds p-6 ds-r of 9 long p separated by 2 ds-close-cli 6 ds-make r same as last-joining first p to last p of last r-6 ds-repeat r once more-ch 6 ds-join to p on ch-ch 12 ds p-6 ds-make 3 more rs same as first 3 rings-ch 6- join to p on ch-6 ds-join to 3 first r made-break-r of 9 long p-separated by 2 ds-joining 3rd p to p on last r made-ch 6-ch 6 ds-r of 9 ps-separated by 2 ds-close * eh 6 ds p-6 ds p-3 ds p-3 ds p-6 ds p-6 ds-join to cen- ter p on last r-ch 6 ds-r same as last-joining center p ing to next p on ch-ch-6 ds-make another leaf-join to point-make two mare leaves on other side-break-repeat in each point in same manner-Med in front point r of 8 p separated by 3 ds-close-break-fasten thread in p- ch 6 ds p-6 ds p-6 ds p-6 ds-tasten to next p oji-repeat all around-break next round-fasten thread in first p- ch 8 ds-fasten in center p-ch 8-fasten in next two ps-re- peat around-break-top r of 3 ps separated by 4 ds-join- ing center p in ch on yoke * ch 8 ds-3 ps separated by 2 ds-8 ds-r same as first-fasten to r on yoke-repeat from * all around as shown in illustration and joining Med. in point. Next row same as outside edge around yoke- joining ps on ch together. No. 26 to center r on the 1st piece made-ch 6 ds-r same as last- close-ch-6 ds-join to p on ch-6 ds-3 ps separated by one ds-6 ds p-6 ds-join to center p on last r made-ch 6 ds- r-ch 6 ds r-repeat from * 2 more times except front point-repeat 3 tinies-ch 6-fasten to p on last ch-ch- 6 ds p-2 ds p-2 ds p-ch-6 ds p-6 ds-fasten to center p on last r-ch-6 ds-r ch 6 ds-r-ch 6 ds-tasten to p on ch-6 ds-fasten to next p on same ch-ch 2 ds p-2 ds p- 6 ds p-6 ds-fasten to center p on last 2-this forms point. Reverse for other side-joining ps as shown in illustration leaf for inside of points-ch 12-long ps-separated by one ds-join to p on ch-ch 12 long ps-fasten where work was begun-ch 12 ds-make another leaf same as first-join- This also makes a very attractive centerpiece, omit- ting point in front. Luncheon Set, No. 27 No. 20 Mercerized Cotton R of 6 p-separated by 2 ds-close-break * r-5 ds p- 3 ds p-fasten to any p on first r-3 ds p ending with 5 ds-close-ch B d8-3 p separated by 2 ds-5 ds-repeat from * 5 more times-break-make each Med. separately-join- ing them together as shown in illustration. Collar, No. 28 Ch-14 ds-with 1 long p between each ds * r-2 ds- p-2 ds-fasten to long p-2 ds-p-2 ds-leave thread \i in.- 10 r-3 ds-p-4 p-separated by 2 ds-ending with 3 ds-leave thread U in.-repeat from • all around-fasten off-r of 3 ds-fasten to center of p of any r-4 p-separated by 2 ds- ending with 3 ds-repeat twice-fastening p to last p of previous r-break-this forms point of Med.-make each Med. separately-joining two rings together-edge around r 3 ds-fasten to center p on r-3 ds-close-ch-4 ds-p-4 ds-repeat all around. Pointed Edge Lace, No. 29 (Ring of 8 long p-separated by 2 ds-cut and tie thread-ring of 3 ds-p-3 ds-join to p of center rlng-3 ds- p-3 ds-close-ch-5 ds-5 p-separated by 3 ds-5 ds) repeat 7 times more-Join-cut thread-ring of 5 ds-p-3 ds-p- Top edge of point lace — Ring of 4 ds-p-4 ds-join in 4th p of 1st ch of top-4 ds-p-4 ds-close-leave a short length of thread each time (small ring of 3 ds-p-3 ds- close-ring-4 ds-join to last p of large ring-4 ds-join to 2nd p of next ch on medallion-4 ds-p-4 ds-close-ring- 3 ds-close-large ring-join center p to 4th p on same ch- repeat twice more-small ring-large ring-join to 2nd p of next ch on medallion-small ring-join p to p of last small ring-large ring-to go between medallions-small ring-large ring-join to 4th p on 1st ch of next medal- lion-repeat pattern the length of lace-joining 2 small rings together each time and joining large rings by side p each time. Upper ro%v — Same as lower row-only joining 2 small rings to the 2 small rings in lower row and leaving center p of large rings to sew on lace by. No. 27 3 d8-p-3 ds-join to center p of ch on ring-3 ds-p-5 ds- close-another ring like Ist-joining 2nd p to center p of next ch on wheel-another ring-cut and tie thread- ring of 3 ds-p-3 ds-join in p next to where 1st of 3 rings were joined to wheel-3 ds-p-3 ds-close-ch of 5 ds- 5 p-separated by 2 ds-5 ds-ring-join center p to 1st p of 1st of 3 rings-ch-ring-join to 2nd p of next ring-ch- ring-join center p to 4th p of same ring-ch-ring-join to 1st p of next ring-ch-ring-join to next p to where 2nd of S rings were joined-ch-ring-join in center p of next ch on wheel (ch-ring-join to 2nd p of next ch on wheel-ring-join to 4th p of same ch) repeat 3 times more-ch-join to center p of next ch on wheel-ch-join to Ist ring on outside round-join sides of medallions together by center p of 2 ch-leaving 7 ch around points and 5 ch over top. Pointed Yoke, No. 30 Wind shuttle without cutting thread-5 p separated by 2 ds-close • ch 2 p-repeat last 4 more times-ending with 2 ds-r-2 ds-p-2 ds-join to 4th p of 1st ring-finish r same as first-repeat Irom • 5 more times-this finishes one wheel. Ch 2 p-repeat last 6 more times-ending with 2 ds-r-5 p-separated by 2 ds-close ch same as last of 7 p-repeat from beginning joining wheels together same as shown in illustration. Top R — 3 p separated by 4 ds-turn-work-leave a short piece of thread and make another r-continue making r-turning after each and joining to previous one of that row and joining every other r to 3rd p on ch. 11 Square Yoke, No. 31 No. 70 Cotton. Make a ring of 7 long p-separated by 7 ds-cut and tie thread-make a ring of 3 ds-p-3 ds-join to p of cen- ter ring-3 ds-p-3 ds-tie on other thread and make ch of 4 ds-p (2 ds-p) repeat three times making 5 p in all length of thread between each Hng-makea small ring of 5 ds-p-5 ds-cl08e-4 ds-join to side p of 1st ring- 4 ds-join to 3 p on ch of same side wheel-4 ds-p-4 ds- close-joining in p of 1st small ring-large ring joining side p to large ring last made and center p to 2nd p of ch on corner wheel-make another large ring-join side p to ring last made and center p to 4th p of corner wheel-make another large ring- joining to p of last ring No. 30 4 ds * repeat from * to * six times and cut thread and join outside row of wheel-make same as inside row except joining two rings to p of every other ch-and one ring to every other ch-make 20 wheels joining to form square yoke. Inside rows of yoke — 1st row for corner- make a ring of 4 ds-p-4 ds-join to first p of ch-on side wheel next to corner wheel-4 ds-p-4 ds-close-leave short No. 31 made and center p to center p of ch on wheel next to corner-another small ring joining to p of 1st small ring made. Camisole, No. 32 No. 20 Mercerized Cotton Work with one thread throughout large r-3 ps sepa- rated by 4 ds-close-leave thread % inch-make small r- 4 ds-p-4 ds-close-leave thread % inch-make large r same as Ist-joining 1st p to last p of large r-leave \i inch thread-make small r-same as last-joining ps to- gether-leave thread % inch-repeat from beginning for length required-make another strip same as Ist-joining small rs together. Top — Large r same as Ist-joining center p to center p on strip-leave thread V* inch-make small r-same as Ist-close-leave thread ^4 inch-make large r~joining 1st p to last p of last r and center p to center p on strip-leave thread H inch and make large r of 4 ds-fasten to p on small r-7 ps-separated by 1 ds- ending with 4 ds-close-leave thread % inch-large r- same as before-leave thread V* inch-make small r-join- ing to last p on large r and repeat across straps-across shoulder same as 1st strip. Tatted Bag, No. 33 No. 10 Mercerized Cotton. R of 3 p-separated by 4 ds-close-make 3 more rings same as first-break-repeat from beginning 8 more times joining center p together as shown in illustration-r of 3 ps separated by 4 ds-close-ch 3 ps separated by 4 ds- r of 3 ps separated by 4 ds-joinlng center p to center p on medallion-repeat on both sides of medallion-break-r of 3 p separated by 4 ds-ch 6 ds-raake another r joining center p to center p on ch of previous row-ch 6 ds and 13 No. 32 repeat to end of row-break-center row of medallion- same as first-joining center p to 1st p on bag-ch 4 ds- r of 5 ps separated by 2 ds-close-ch 4 ds-5 ps separated fasten to 4 ds of last ch-ch 4 ds and repeat from * by 2 ds-ending with 4 ds-repeat 6 more times joining around. No. 33 together as shown in illustration-make 8 more medal- lions in same manner and reverse other side of bag. Top — R of 3 ps separated by 5 ds-close-ch 8 ds * r of 3 ps separated by 4 ds-close-ch 8 ds-make another r Dresser Scarf, No. 34 R of 7-ds-ll p separated by 2 ds-7 ds-close-repeat twice with 2nd thread-ch 7->t Mirrr>'l R-3 p separated by 3 ds-close-r-7 ch-9 ds * r-3 * separated by 3 ds-ch 9 ds-r-joining 1st p to last p of 1st ring-repeat from * to length required. Edge for Neck and Sleeves — R-5 p separated by 2 ds-close-leave thread % inch and proceed the length joining each r to previous 1 by 1st p. 15 31v77-26if Lot M ' n>' iii r!i^ WL -— y'j-T-. -^i-y^^m ""^^0^ ^•1°^ ^°--^. ^-U. ,0' > 'b - o . . • ^ ».or^ "^^ '^.^■& .* 0' \.', ■^-o< .•f ,* 'i^ . •r. -n^o^ .,•1'^^ ^^ -'■^. .^■^ •*„ %V^ ^^' •*bK : ,0.r. "v* ■" '^.. aV^->. •''^. .0 '^o N' ,-N^ ^' ..^ ''r.v-^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 184 122 1 f|;:gllll|ll 1! fwmn ™|iftPii i-V '■.-■l-CA Uliiv'.i-.r-Z':'?"'' liifjiiijii m