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'Inch for Inch and Pound for Pound
THE Gamest Fish that Swims' '
Author of "Book oj the Black-Bass," ^'Camping and
Cruising in Florida," "Ye Gods and
Little Fishes," etc.
Coturlehl, ;«»», by
Thi Macmiltan Company
Copyright, 1919, by
A II rights reserved
Copyright in England
In this volume are included all the Gamc-Fishcs
of the United States inhabiting the fresh water
lakes and streams east of the Rocky Mountains,
and the marine and brackish waters of the Atlan-
tic and Gulf Coasts.
As a matter of convenience I have grouped the
fishes in families, wherever possible, but in their
sequence I have been guided, chiefly, by their
importance as game-fishes, and not in accordance
with their natural order. The latter feature,
however, has been provided for in a systematic
list on a subsequent page.
In order not to burden the text with matter
that might not be of general interest, the tech-
nical descriptions of the fishes of each group are
given in small type at the head of each chapter;
and that they may be readily understood by the
lay reader the following explanations seem nec-
essary :
The length of the head is from the point of the snout
to the hindmost point or margin of the gill-cover.
vi Introduction
The length of the body is from the point of the snout
to the base of the caudal fin, the fin itself not being in-
The depth of the body is from the highest point of the
dorsal line to the lowest point of the ventral line, usually
from the base of the first dorsal fin to the base of the
ventral fin.
The expression "head 5" means that the length of the
head is contained five times in the length of the body ;
the expression "depth 5" means that the depth of the
body is contained five times in its length ; "eye 5" means
that the diameter of the eye is contained five times in
the length of the head.
In describing the fins the spiny rays are denoted by
Roman numerals, and the soft rays by Arabic numerals,
and the fins themselves by initials; thus "D 9" means
that the dorsal fin is single and composed of nine soft
rays; "D. IX, 10" means that the single dorsal fin has
nine spiny rays and ten soft rays; when separated by a
hyphen as " D. X-12," it means that there are two
dorsal fins, the first composed of ten spiny rays and the
second of twelve soft ones; "A. Ill, 11" means that the
anal fin has three spiny rays and eleven soft rays.
The expression "scales 7-65-18" indicates that there
are seven rows of scales between the dorsal fin and the
lateral line, sixty-five scales along the lateral line, and
eighteen oblique or horizontal rows between the lateral
line and the ventral line.
The number of rays in the fins and the number of
scales along the lateral line, as given, represents the
average number, and is subject to slight variation ; thus
in some localities the number of rays in a fin may be
Introduction vii
found to vary one or two, and the number of scales
along the lateral line may vary from one to five, more or
less, from the number given in the descriptions.
I have adhered strictly to the nomenclature
of the "Fishes of North and Middle America"
(Bulletin U. S. National Museum, No. 47), by
Jordan & Evermann, and in the main I have fol-
lowed the descriptions as recorded in that ad-
mirable work; but in many instances I have de-
pended on my own notes.
The suggestions as to angling and the tools and
tackle recommended may be confidently relied on,
as they are in conformity with my own practice,
and are based on my personal experience, cover-
ing a period of more than sixty years, on many
waters, from Canada to the West Indies, and
from the Atlantic to the Rocky Mountains.
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque). The Channel Catfish.
Cyprinus carpio, Linnaeus. The German Carp.
Elops saurus, Linnaeus. The Ten-pounder.
Family ALBULID.^
Albula vulpes (Linnaeus). The Lady-Fish.
Coregonus williamsoni, Girard. The Rocky Mountain Whitefish.
Argyrosomus artedi sisco, Jordan. The Cisco.
Thymallus signifer (Richardson). The Arctic Grayling.
Thymallus tricolor, Cope. The Michigan Grayling.
Thymallus montanus, Milner. The Montana Grayling. /
Osmerus mordax (Mitchill) . The Smelt. '
Family ESOCID^
Esox americanus, Gmelin. The Banded Pickerel.
Esox vermiculatus, Le Sueur. The Western Pickerel.
X Systematic Arrangement of Fishes
Esox reticulatus, Le Sueur. The Eastern Pickerel.
Esox lucius, Linnaeus. The Pike.
Esox nobilior, Thompson. The Mascalonge.
Holocentrus ascensionis (Osbeck) . The Squirrel Fish.
Sarda sarda (Bloch). The Bonito.
Scomberomorus maculatus (Mitchill). The Spanish Mackerel.
Scomberomorus regalis (Bloch). The Cero.
Carangus crysos (Mitchill). The Runner.
Carangus latus (Agassiz). The Horse-eye Jack.
Trachinotus glaucus (Bloch). The Gaff Top-sail Pompano.
Trachinotus goodei, Jordan & Evermann. The Permit.
Trachinotus carolinus (Linnasus). The Pompano.
Rachycentron canadus (Linnaeus). The Cobia.>
Pomoxis annularis, Rafinesque. The Crappie.
Pomoxis sparoides (Lacdp^de). The Calico-bass.
Ambloplites rupestris (Rafinesque) . The Rock-bass.
Archoplites interruptus (Girard). The Sacramento Perch.
Chaenobryttus gulosus (Cuvier & Valenciennes). The Warmouth
Lepomis auritus (Linnaeus). The Red-breast Sunfish.
Lepomis megalotis (Rafinesque). The Long-eared Sunfish.
Lepomis pallidus (Mitchill). The Blue Sunfish.
Eupomotis gibbosus (Linnaeus). The Common Sunfish.
Micropterus dolomieu, Lac^p&de. The Small-mouth Black-bass.
Micropterus salmoides (Lac^p^de). The Large-mouth Black-
Systematic Arrangement of Fishes xi
Family PERCID^
Stizostedion vitreum (Mitchill). The Pike-perch.
Stizostedion canadense (Smith). The Sauger.
Perca flavescens (Mitchill). The Yellow Perch.
Centropomus undecimalis (Bloch). The Snook, or Rovallia.
Roccus chrysops (Rafinesque) . The White-bass.
Roccus lineatus (Bloch) . The Striped-bass.
Morone interrupta, Gill. The Yellow-bass.
Morone americana (Gmelin). The White Perch.
Petrometopon cruentatus (Lacep^de). The Coney.
Bodianus fulvus (Linnaeus). The Nigger Fish.
Epinephelus adscensionis (Osbeck) . The Rock Hind.
Epinephelus guttatus (Linnaeus). The Red Hind.
Mycteroperca venenosa (Linnsus). The Yellow Fin Grouper.
Mycteroperca microlepis (Goode & Bean). The Gag.
Mycteroperca falcata phenax, Jordan & Swain. The Scamp.
Centropristes striatas (Linnaeus). The Sea-bass.
Centropristes ocyurus (Jordan & Evermann) . The Gulf Sea-bass.
Centropristes philadelphicus (Linnaeus). The Southern Sea-bass.
Diplectrum formosum (Linnaeus). The Sand-fish.
Lobotes surinamensis (Bloch) . The Triple Tail.
Lutianus jocu (Bloch & Schneider). The Dog Snapper.
Lutianus apodus (Walbaum). The Schoolmaster.
Lutianus aya (Bloch). The Red Snapper.
Lutianus synagris (Linnsus). The Lane Snapper.
Ocyurus chrysurus (Bloch) . The Yellowtail.
xii Systematic Arrangement of Fishes
Haemulon album. Curvier & Valenciennes. The Margate-fish.
Haemulon macrostomum, Gunther. The Gray Grunt.
Haemulon parra (Desmarest). The Sailor's Choice.
Haemulon sciurus (Shaw). The Yellow Grunt.
Hamulon plumieri (Lact5pi^de). The Black Grunt.
Haemulon flavolineatum (Desmarest). The French Grunt.
Anisotremus virginicus (Linnaeus). The Pork-fish.
Orthopristis chrysopterus (Linnseus). The Pig-fish.
Family SPARID^
Stenotomus chrysops (Linnseus). The Scup.
Stenotomus aculeatus (Cuvier & Valenciennes). The Southern
Calamus calamus (Cuvier & Valenciennes). The Saucer-eye
Calamus proridens, Jordan & Gilbert. The Little Head Porgy.
Calamus bajonado (Bloch & Schneider). The Jolt Head Porgy.
Calamus arctifrons, Goode & Bean. The Grass Porgy.
Lagodon rhomboides (Linnteus). The Pin-fish.
Archosargus probatocephalus (Walbaum). The Sheepshead.
Kyphosus sectatrix (Linnsus) . The Bermuda Chub.
Cynoscion nothus (Holbrook). The Bastard Weakfish.
Cynoscion regalis (Bloch & Schneider). The Weakfish.
Cynoscion thalassinus (Holbrook). The Deep-water Weakfish.
Cynoscion nebulosus (Cuvier & Valenciennes). The Spotted
Leiostomus xanthurus. Lac(fp^de. The Lafayette, or Spot.
Micropogon undulatus (Linmtus). The CroaJcer.
Menticirrhus saxatilis (Bloch & Schneider). The Kingfish.
Aplodinotus grunniens, Rafinesque. The Fresh-water Drum-
Systematic Amingement of Fishes xiii
Family LABRID^
Tautogolabrus adspersus (Walbaum). The Cunner.
Chaetodipterus faber (Broussonet). The Angel-fish.
Balistes carolinensis, Gmelin. The Turbot.
Pseudopleuronectes americanus (Walbaum). The Flounder.
The Sunfish Family, Centrarchidce ....
The Small-mouth Black-bass, Micropterus dolomieu
The Large-mouth Black-bass, Micropterus salrnoides
The Rock-bass, Amblopiites rupestris
The Sacramento Perch, Archoplites interruptus
The Warmouth Perch, Chcenobrytttis gidostis
The Blue Sunfish, Lepomis pallidus
The Long-eared Sunfish, Lepomis megalotis
The Red-breast Sunfish, Lepomis auritus
The Common Sunfish, Eupomotis gibbosus
The Calico-bass, Pomoxis sparoides
The Crappie, Pomoxis atmularis
The Bass Family, Serranidtz
The White-bass, Roccus chrysops .
The Yellow-bass, Morone interrupta
The Sea-bass Family, Serranidce (continued) ... 95
The Striped-bass, Roccus lineatus 96
The White-perch, Morone americana . . . .110
The Sea-bass, Centropristes striatus . . . • 115
The Southern Sea-bass, Ceittropristes philadelphicus . 118
The Guli Sea.-h2iss, Ceniroprisfes ocyurus . . .119
xvi Contents
The Pike Family, Esocidce ....
The Mascalonge, Esox nobilior
The Pike, Esox lucius ....
The Eastern Pickerel, Esox reticttlattcs .
The Western Pickerel, Esox vermictilatus
The Banded Pickerel, Esox americanus .
The Perch Family, Percidce 156
The 'Pi\!iQ--peYc\ Stisostedion vitreum . . . -157
The Sanger, Stizostedion canadense . . . .164
The Yellow-perch, Perca flavescens 165
The Grayling Family, Thymallida ..... 173
'Y\iQ hxc\\cCiX2i^\vcig,Thy7nallus signifer . . .176
The Michigan Grayling, 7'/^/;««////i' /rz(:^/<3r . . .178
The Montana Grayling, Thymallus montanus . .181
The Salmon Family, Salmonida 203
The Rocky Mountain Whitefish, Coregonus williamsoni . 204
The Cisco, Argyrosof/ius artedi sisco .... 207
The Drum Family, ScicEnidce 213
The Weakfish, Cynoscion regalis . . . . .215
The Bastard Weakfish, Cynoscion twthus . . .221
Contents xvii
The Kingfish, Menticirrhns saxatilis . . . .221
The Croaker, Micropogoti undulatus .... 226
The Lafayette, Leiostomus xanthurus .... 228
The Drum Family, Scianida; (continued) .... 232
The Fresh-water Drumfish, Aplodinotus grunniens . . 232
The Minnow Family, Cyprinidcs 236
The German Carp, Cyprinus carpio .... 236
The Catfish Family, SiluridcB 244
The Channel-catfish, Ictalums punctatus . . . 244
The Sheepshead Family, Sparidce 251
The Sheepshead, Archosargus probatocephalus . . 252
The Scup, Stenototmis chrysops ..... 259
Miscellaneous Fishes
The Cunner, Tmdogolabrtis adspersus ..... 264
The Flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus . . . 266
The Smelt, Osmeriis mordax 269
The Mackerel Family, Scombridcs 272
The Spanish Mackerel, Scomberotnorns macidatus . .273
The Cero, Scomberomonis regalis ..... 278
The Bonito, Sarda sarda 282
The Grouper Family, Scrranidce
The Gag, Mycteropcrca microlepis .
The Scamp, Myctcroperca falcata phcnax
The Yellow-finned Grouper, Myderoperca venenosa
The Rock Hind, Epinephelus adscensionis
The Red Hind, Epinephelus giUtatus
The Coney, Petromctopon cruentatus
The Nigger-fish, Bodianus fulviis .
The Sand-fish, Diplcctrum formosiitn
The Cavalli Family, Cnransidcc
The Runner, Carangus chrysos
The Horse-eye Jack, Carattfftis latus
The Pompano, Trachinotus carolintts
The Channel Fishes
The Grunt Family, Hcumididce .
The Black Grunt, Hcemulon plumieri
The Yellow Grunt, Hcamulon sciurus
The Margate-fish, Hcrmulon album
The Sailor's Choice, Hcrnmlon parra
The Pig-fish, Orthopristis chrysopterus
The Pork -fish, Anisotremus virginicus
The Snapper Family, Lutianidcc
The Yellow-tail, Ocyurus chrysun^us
The Lane Snapper, Lutianus synagris
The Red Snapper, Lutiatius aya
The Dog Snapper, Lutianus jocu
The Schoolmaster, Lutianus apodus
The Porgy Family, Sparidcc
The Jolt-head Porgy, Calamus bajonado
The Saucer-eye Porgy, Calamus cala?nus
The Little-head Porgy, Calatnus proridens
The Grass Porgy, Calamus arctifrons
Miscellaneous Fishes
The Lady-fish, Albula vuipes
The Ten-pounder, Elops saurus
The Snook, Centropotnus undecimalis
The Triple-tail, Lobotes surinamensis
The Cobia, Kachycentron canadus .
The Spotted Weakfish, Cynoscion nebulosus
The Deep-sea Weakfish, Cynoscion thalassinus
The Bermuda Chub, Kyphosus sectatrix .
The Angel-fish, ChcBtodipterus faber
The Pinfish, Lagodon rhomboides .
The Squirrel-fish, Holocottrus ascensionis
The Turbot, Balistes carolinensis .
Where the Bass bite well .... Frontispiece
Oswego (Large-mouth) Bass 36
The Small-mouth Black-bass. The Large-mouth
Black-bass. The Rock-bass 62
Surf-flshing for Bass 96
Catching Sea-bass off Newport 100
The Sea-bass. The Mascalonge. The Pike . .114
The Mascalonge of the Weeds. Trolling with Hand-
line 120
The Eastern Pickerel. The Western Pickerel. The
Pike-perch. The Yellow-perch . . . .140
The Arctic Grayling. The Michigan Grayling. The
Montana Grayling 174
The More Sportsmanly Way of catching Mascalonge 200
The Weakfish. The Kingfish. The German Carp . 226
The Channel-catfish. The Sheepshead. The Cunner 2^4
Fishing for Cunners 250
The Flounder. The Smelt. The Spanish Mackerel 264
The Bonito. The Nigger-fish. The Pompano . . 280
Catching Spanish Mackerel on the Edge of the Gulf
Stream 300
The Black Grunt. The Red Snapper . . . .322
The Jolt-head Porgy. The Lady-fish. The Cobia . 348
Taking Bonito by trolling off Block Island . . 350
The Angel-fish. Tuic Turbot 384
( Centrarchidce)
The sunfish family is composed entirely of
fresh-water fishes. They are characterized by
a symmetrically-shaped body, rather short and
compressed; mouth terminal; teeth small, with-
out canines; scales rather large; cheeks and gill-
covers scaly; scales mostly smooth; border of
preopercle smooth, or but slightly serrated;
opercle ending in two flat points, or in a black
flap; a single dorsal fin, composed of both spiny
and soft rays; anal fin also having both spines
and soft rays; the dorsal spines varying from 6
to 13 in the different species, with from 3 to 9
in the anal fin; sexes similar; coloration mostly
Microptertis dolomieu. Small-mouth Black-bass. Body ovate-
oblong; head 3; depth 3; eye 6; D. X, 13; A. HI, 10; scales
11-73-17; mouth large, the maxillary reaching front of eye;
scales on cheek minute, in 17 rows ; teeth villiform.
2 Bass, Pike, and Percb
Micropterus salmoides. Large-mouth Black-bass. Body ovate-
oblong; head 3 ; depth 3 ; eye 5 ; D. X, 13 ; A. Ill, 11 ; scales
8-68-16; scales on cheek large, in 10 rows; mouth very large,
maxillary extending beyond the eye ; teeth villiform.
Ambloplites riipestris. Rock-bass. Body oblong, moderately com-
pressed ; head 2J; depth 2^; eye 4; D. XI, 10; A. VI, 10;
scales 5-40-12, with 6 to 8 rows on cheeks ; mouth large, maxil-
lary extending to posterior part of pupil ; teeth small, single
patch on tongue; gill-rakers 7 to 10, on lower part of arch;
preopercle serrate near its angle ; opercle ends in 2 flat points.
Archoplites interrupt us. Sacramento Perch. Body oblong-ovate,
compressed; head 2| ; depth 2\\ eye 4; D. XII, 10; A. VI,
10; scales 7-45-14; 8 rows on checks; mouth very large,
maxillary extending beyond pupil; teeth numerous and small,
with 2 patches on tongue ; gill-rakers 20 ; opercle emarginate ;
most of the membrane bones of head serrate.
Chcenobrytttis gulosus. Warmouth Perch. Body heavy and deep ;
head2i; depth 2I ; eye 4; D. X,9; A. Ill, 8; scales 6-42-1 1 ;
6 to 8 rows on cheeks ; teeth small and numerous ; gill-rakers
9; preopercle entire; mouth very large; opercle ends in a
black convex flap.
Lepomis pallidiis. Blue Sunfish. Body short and deep, com-
pressed; head 3; depth 2; eye 3^ ; D. X, 12; A. Ill, 12;
scales 7-46-16; 5 rows on cheeks; mouth small, maxillary
barely reaching eye; teeth small and sharp; opercular flap
without pale edge; gill-rakers ;r-|- 11 to 13.
Lepomis megalotis. Long-eared Sunfish. Body short and deep, the
back arched ; head 3 ; depth 2 ; eye4 ; D. X, 1 1 ; A. Ill, 9 ; scales
5-40-14 ; 5 rows on cheeks ; mouth small and oblique ; opercular
flap long and broad, with red or blue margin ; gill-rakers x-\- 8 or 9.
The Sunfish Family 3
Lepomis auritus. Red-breast Sunfish. Body elongate; head 3;
depth 3; eye 4; D. X, 11 ; A. Ill, 9; scales 6-45-15; mouth
large, oblique ; palatine teeth present ; gill-rakers jf 4- 8 or 9,
quite short ; opercular flap very long and narrow ; scales on
breast very small ; 7 rows scales on cheeks.
Eupomotis gibbosus. Common Sunfish. Body short and deep,
compressed; head 3; depth 2; eye 4; D. X, 11; A. Ill, 10;
scales 6-45-13 ; 4 rows on cheeks ; mouth small, oblique, max-
illary scarcely reaching front of eye; pharyngeal teeth paved
and rounded; gill-rakers soft and small, x-\-\o\ opercular flap
rather small, the lower part bright scarlet.
Pomoxis sparoides. Calico-bass. Body oblong, elevated, much
compressed ; head 3 ; depth 2 ; D. VII, 15 ; A. VI, 17 ; scales
40 to 45 ; 6 rows on cheeks ; mouth large, maxillary reaching
to posterior edge of pupil ; snout projecting ; fins very high, anal
higher than dorsal.
Pomoxis annularis. Crappie. Body rather elongate ; head 3 ;
depth 2\ ; D. VI, 15 ; A. VI, 18 ; scales 36 to 48 ; 4 or 5 rows
on cheek ; mouth very wide ; fins very high, but lower than
(^Micropterus dolofnieit)
The generic name Micropterus was given to
the small-mouth black-bass by the French ich-
thyologist Lacepede, in 1802, who was the first
to describe it The name Micropterus, which
means "small fin," was bestowed on account of
the mutilated condition of the dorsal fin of
4 Bass, Pike, and Percb
the specimen, a few of the posterior rays
of the fin being detached and broken off,
giving the appearance of a short and sepa-
rate fin. The specimen was sent to Paris
from an unknown locality in America, and is
still preserved in the Museum of Natural His-
tory at Paris, where I personally examined it.
It is a line example, about a foot in length, and
is remarkably well preserved. As there was no
known genus to which the specimen with the
curious dorsal fin could be referred, Lacepede
created the new genus Microptcnts. He gave
it the specific name doloniicu as a compliment
to his friend M. Dolomieu, a P'rench mineralo-
gist, for whom the mineral dolomite was also
Originally, the small-mouth black-bass was
restricted to the Great Lake region, parts of the
Ohio and Mississippi valleys, and along the upper
reaches of streams fiowing from the Alleghany
Mountains in the Southern states. It has, how-
ever, been introduced into all of the New P^ng-
land and Middle states, and into many Western
states. It has a compressed, rather elliptical
body, the dorsal and ventral outlines being nearly
equal ; it becomes deeper with age.
The Sunfish Family 5
As its range, or distribution, is so great and
extensive, and the waters it inhabits arc so differ-
ent in hue and character, the coloration of the
small-mouth bass varies from almost black to the
faintest tinge of green, in different sections of
the country. The coloration is so variable that
it differs even in fish in the same waters. It is
influenced mostly by the hue of the water, char-
acter of the bottom, the presence or absence of
weeds about the haunts of the bass, and, more-
over, the changes in color may occur in a very
short time when subject to these various condi-
tions. The general color, however, is greenish
of various shades, always darker on the back, and
paling to white or whitish on the belly. When
markings are present, they form vertical patches
or bars, never horizontal. Three bronze streaks
extend from the eye across the cheeks. All
markings, however, may become obsolete with
The natural food of both species is crawfish,
which might be inferred from the character of
their teeth and wide-opening mouth. There is
a popular belief that they are essentially and
habitually piscivorous ; but this is an error ; they
are not so black as they are painted. They feed
6 Bass, Pike, and Perch
on minute crustaceans and larval forms of insects
when young, and afterward on crawfish, minnows,
frogs, insects, etc., as do most fishes that have
teeth in the jaws. But the teeth of the black-
bass are villiform and closely packed, presenting
an even surface as uniform as the surface of a
tooth-brush. Such teeth are incapable of wound-
ing, and merely form a rough surface for holding
their prey securely. All truly piscivorous fishes
have fewer, but sharp, conical teeth, of unequal
length, like the yellow-perch, pike-perch, masca-
longe, and trout, or lancet-shaped teeth like the
The black-bass is far less destructive to fish
life than any of the fishes mentioned; on the
contrary, it suffers the most in a mixed com-
munity of fishes, and is the first to disappear.
There are small lakes in Canada and Michigan
where the brook-trout and black-bass have co-
existed from time immemorial without jeopardy
to the trout. There are small lakes in Wisconsin
where black-bass and cisco, with other species,
have coexisted for all time ; and while the cisco
is as numerous as ever, the black-bass has almost
disappeared. It does not follow, however, that
black-bass should be introduced in trout waters ;
The Sunfisb Family 7
far from it. Brook-trout are being exterminated
fast enough, owing to the changed natural condi-
tions of the streams and their surroundings,
without adding another contestant for the limited
supply of food in such waters.
Both species of black-bass have been intro-
duced into Germany, France, Russia, and the
Netherlands. In Germany, especially, they have
found a permanent home. It was my privilege
materially to assist Herr Max von dem Borne,
of Berneuchen, with such advice as enabled him
to start on a sure footing in his enterprise, and
with such subsequent success in its establishment
that he published several brochures on the black-
bass to meet the demand for information as to its
habits and merits as a game- and food-fish. An
effort was made some years ago to introduce the
black-bass into English waters, but without suc-
cess, owing to a want of knowledge as to the
proper species to experiment with. The small-
mouth bass was placed in weedy ponds or small
lakes in which only the large-mouth bass would
The small-mouth bass thrives only in compara-
tively clear, cool, and rocky or gravelly streams,
and in lakes and ponds supplied by such streams
8 Bass, Pike, and Perch
or having cold bottom springs. In lakes of the
latter character, in northern sections, it coexists
with large-mouth bass in many instances. In
such cases, however, the small-mouth will be
found usually at the inlet, or about the springs,
and the large-mouth at the outlet or in sheltered,
grassy situations. In winter it undergoes a state
of partial or complete torpidity. In ponds that
have been drained in the winter season it has
been found snugly ensconced in the crevices of
rocks, beneath shelving banks, logs, roots, or
among masses of vegetation, undergoing its
winter sleep. In the spring, when the tempera-
ture of the water rises above fifty degrees, the
small-mouth bass emerges from its winter quar-
ters, about which it lingers until the water be-
comes still warmer, when it departs in search of
suitable locations for spawning. At this time,
owing to a semi-migratory instinct, it ascends
streams, and roams about in lakes or ponds, often
ascending inlet streams, or in some instances
descending outlet streams.
When favorable situations are found, the male
and female pair off and proceed to fulfil the
reproductive instinct. The spawning period
extends from May to July, according to the
The Simfisb Family g
section of the country it inhabits, and when the
temperature of the water is suitable. The nests
are formed on a bottom of gravel or coarse sand,
or on a flat rock in very rocky streams. The
male fish does the work of preparation by scour-
ing with fins and tail a space about twice his
length in diameter, forming a shallow, saucer-
shaped depression, in which the female deposits
her eggs, which are fertilized by the male, who
hovers near by. The eggs are heavy and adhe-
sive, being invested with a glutinous matter that
enables them to adhere to the pebbles on the
bottom. The number of eggs varies from two
thousand to twenty-five thousand, according to
the size and weight of the female. The nest
is carefully guarded by the parents until the eggs
hatch, the period of incubation being from one
to two weeks, according to the temperature of the
water. The resultant fry are then watched and
brooded by the male fish for several days or a
week, when they seek the shelter of weeds and
grasses in shallow water.
The young fry feed on minute crustaceans and
the larval forms of insects. When a month old
they are about an inch long, and continue to
grow, if food is plentiful, so that they reach a
lo Bass, Pike, and Perch
length of from three to six inches in the fall.
Thereafter they increase a pound a year under
the most favorable conditions, until the maximum
weight is attained, which is about five pounds.
In some instances, however, they have reached a
weight of seven or even ten pounds, where the
environment has been unusually favorable; not-
ably in Glen Lake, near Glens Falls, New York,
where a half-dozen or more have been taken
weighing from eight to ten pounds. One of ten
pounds was twenty-five and one-half inches long
and nineteen inches in girth.
As a game-fish the black-bass has come into
his inheritance. As the French say, he has ar-
rived. With the special tools and tackle now
furnished for his capture, he has proved my apho-
rism, " Inch for inch, and pound for pound, he
is the gamest fish that swims." When I ventured
this opinion twenty-five years ago, there were no
special articles made for his capture except the
Kentucky reel and the McGinnis rod, twelve feet
long and fifteen ounces in weight. In awarding
the palm as a game-fish to the black-bass, I do so
advisedly, in the light of ample experience with
all other game-fishes, and without prejudice, for I
have an innate love and admiration for all, from
The Sunfish Family ii
the lovely trout of the mountain brook to the
giant tarpon of the sea.
In the application of so broad and sweeping an
assertion each and every attribute of a game-fish
must be well considered : his habitat ; his aptitude
to rise to the fly ; his struggle for freedom ; his
manner of resistance ; his weight as compared
with other game-fishes ; and his excellence as a
food-fish, must be separately and collectively con-
sidered and duly and impartially weighed. His
haunts are amid most charming and varied
scenes. Not in the silent and solemn solitudes
of the primeval forests, where animated Nature is
evidenced mainly in swarms of gnats, black-flies,
and mosquitoes ; nor under the shadows of grand
and lofty mountains, guarded by serried ranks of
pines and firs, but whose sombre depths are void
of feathered songsters. However grand, sublime,
and impressive such scenes truly are, they do not
appeal profoundly to the angler. He must have
life, motion, sound. He courts Nature in her
more communicative moods, and in the haunts
of the black-bass his desires are realized. Wad-
ing down the rippling stream, casting his flies
hither and yon, alert for the responsive tug, the
sunlight is filtered through overhanging trees.
12 Bass, Pike, and Perch
while tlie thrusli, blackbird, and cardinal render
the air vocal with sweet sounds, and his rival,
the kingfisher, greets him with vibrant voice.
The summer breeze, laden with the scent of
woodland blossoms, whispers among the leaves,
the wild bee flits by on droning wing, the squir-
rel barks defiantly, and the tinkle of the cow-bell
is mellowed in the distance. I know of such
streams in the mountain valleys of West Virginia,
amid the green rolling hills of Kentucky and
Tennessee, and in the hill country where Mis-
souri and Arkansas meet.
The aptitude of the black-bass to rise to the
artificial fly is not questioned by the twentieth-
century angler, though it was considered a matter
of doubt by many anglers during the last quarter
of the nineteenth. The doubt was mainly owing
to a lack of experience, for fly-fishing for black-
bass was successfully practised in Kentucky as
early, certainly, as 1845. I have before me a
click reel made in 1S48 by the late Mr. J. L.
Sage, of Lexington, Kentucky, especially for fly-
fishing. I have also seen his fiy-rod made by
him about the same time, and used by him for
many years on the famous bass streams of that
state. And I might say, in passing, that black-
The Sunjisb Family 13
bass bait-fishing, as an art, originated in Ken-
tucky a century ago. George Snyder, of Paris,
Kentucky, when president of the Bourbon
County AngHng Club, made the first multiplying
reel for casting the minnow, in 18 10, and as early
as 1830 many such reels were used in that state.
The rods employed by those pioneers of black-
bass fishing were about ten feet long, weighing
but several ounces, cut from the small end of a
Mississippi cane, with the reel lashed to the butt.
They used the smallest Chinese "sea-grass" lines,
or home-made lines of three strands of black sew-
ing-silk twisted together. Those old disciples of
Walton would have been shocked, could they
have seen the heavy rods and coarse lines that
are still used in some sections, for their own
tackle was as light, if not so elegant, as any made
at the present day.
Another quality in a game-fish is measured by
his resistance when hooked and by his efforts to
escape. I think no fish of equal weight exhibits
so much finesse and stubborn resistance, under
such conditions, as the black-bass. Most fishes
when hooked attempt to escape by tugging and
pulling in one direction, or by boring toward the
bottom, and if not successful in breaking away
14 Bass, Pike, and Percb
soon give up the unequal contest. But the black-
bass exhibits, if not intelligence, something akin to
it, in his strategical manoeuvres. Sometimes his
first effort is to bound into the air at once and
attempt to shake out the hook, as if he knew his
misfortune came from above. At other times he
dashes furiously, first in one direction, then in
another, pulling strongly meanwhile, then leaps
into the air several times in quick succession,
madly shaking himself with open jaws. I have
seen him fall on a slack line, and again by using
his tail as a lever and the water as a fulcrum,
throw himself over a taut line, evidently with the
intent to break it or tear out the hook. Another
clever ruse is to wind the line around a root or
rock, and still another is to embed himself in a
clump of water-weeds if permitted to do so. Or,
finding it useless to pull straight away, he re-
verses his tactics and swims rapidly toward the
angler, shaking himself and working his jaws,
meanwhile, as if he knew that with a slack line
lie would be more apt to disengage the hook.
I have never known a black-bass to sulk like
the salmon by lying motionless on the bottom.
He is never still unless he succeeds in reaching
a bed of weeds. He is wily and adroit, but at the
The Stmfisb Family 15
same time he is brave and valiant. He seems to
employ all the known tactics of other fishes, and
to add a few of his own in his gallant fight for
As a food-fish there is, in my estimation, but
one fresh-water fish that is better, the whitefish
of the Great Lakes. Its flesh is white, firm, and
flaky, with a fine savor, and a juicy, succulent
quality that is lacking with most other fresh-
water fishes. About the spawning period, espe-
cially in fish from weedy ponds, it is somewhat
musky or muddy in flavor, like other fishes in
similar situations; but by skinning the fish in-
stead of scaling it much of that unpleasant feature
is removed.
The first consideration for the fly-fisher is suit-
able tools and tackle, and the most important
article of his outfit is the fly-rod. Fortunately,
at the present day, manufacturers turn out such
good work that one does not have to seek far to
obtain the best. And the best is one made of
split bamboo by a first-class maker. Such a rod
necessarily commands a good price, but it is the
cheapest in the end, for with proper care it will
last a lifetime. I have rods of this character that
1 6 Bass, Pike, and Perch
I have used for thirty years that arc still as good
as new. But the angler should eschew the
shoddy split-bamboo rods that arc sold in the
department stores for a dollar. A wooden rod
at a moderate price is far better than a split-
bamboo rod at double its cost. Rods are now
made much better, of better material, and con-
siderably shorter and lighter than formerly, and
withal they are much better in balance and action.
If any evidence were needed to prove and
establish the superiority of the modern single-
handed fly-rod over the old-style rod, it is only
necessary to refer to the following facts : At the
tournament of the New York State Sportsman's
Association, in 1880, a cast of seventy feet won
the first prize for distance ; and at that time the
longest on record was Seth Green's cast of
eighty-six feet. At a contest of the San Francisco
Fly-casting Club held on October 11, 1902, at
Stow Lake, Golden Gate Park, Mr. H. C. Golcher
made the remarkable and wonderful cast of one
hundred and forty feet, beating the previous rec-
ord cast of one hundred and thirty-four feet,
held jointly by Mr. Golcher and Mr. W. D.
Mansfield of the same club.
A suitable fly-rod for black-bass fishing may
The Sunfisb Family 17
be from nine to ten and one-half feet in length,
and weigh from six and one-half to eight ounces,
according to the preferences of the angler and
the waters to be fished.
For an all-round rod for all-round work my
ideal is ten and a quarter feet long and weighing
seven ounces in split bamboo and eight ounces
in ash and lancewood, or ash and bethabara. It
should be made in three pieces, with a stiffish back-
bone, constituting the lower third of its length,
and with most of the bend in the upper two-
thirds. A rod constructed on this principle will
afford just the requisite amount of resiliency for
casting, with sufficient pliancy and elasticity for
playing a fish, and embody all the power and
strength needed. The reel-seat should be simply
a shallow groove in the hand-piece, with reel-
bands, instead of the solid metal reel-seat, which
subserves no good purpose and is only added
weight ; moreover, it is now put on the cheapest
rods as a trap to catch the unwary. All metal
mountings should be German silver or brass.
Nickel-plated mountings are cheap and nasty.
A light, single-action click reel of German sil-
ver or aluminum of fifty or sixty yards' capacity
is the best. A plain crank handle is to be pre-
1 8 Bass, Pike, and Percb
ferred to a balance handle, but in either case
there should be a projecting rim or safety band,
within which the handle revolves, in order to
prevent fouling of the line. My own preference
is for the English pattern, with a knobbed handle
affixed to the edge of a revolving disk on the
face of the reel. A multiplying reel with an
adjustable click may be utilized instead of a click
reel for fly-fishing.
The enamelled, braided silk line is the only one
suitable for casting the fly, and there is no better.
A level line will answer, but a tapered one is
better adapted for long casts. It may taper
toward one end or both ways from the centre,
the latter being preferable. From twenty-five to
thirty yards is sufficient for all emergencies. It
should be thoroughly dried every day it is used.
A convenient way is to wind it around the back
of a chair.
Leaders may be from three to six feet long,
accordingly as one or two flies are used in the
cast. It should be composed of single, clear,
round silkworm-gut fibre, tapering from the reel
line to the distal end. It should not be tested to
a greater weight than two pounds, as testing silk-
worm gut weakens it very materially. It may be
The Sunfisb Family 19
stained or not, though there is no advantage in
coloring it; I prefer the natural hue. There
should be a loop at the small end, and one three
feet above it, for attaching the snells of flies.
Before using it, it must be soaked in water until
soft and pliable. Extra leaders may be carried
in a box between layers of damp felt, so as to be
ready for emergencies. The best and smallest
and most secure knot for tying the lengths of
gut together in making the leader is a simple
half-hitch, like tying a single knot in a piece of
string. When thoroughly soaked, the two ends
to be tied are lapped a couple of inches, and a
single knot, or half-hitch made in them, pulling
the knot tight, and cutting off the loose ends
Snells should be three or four inches long, of
good single gut, the shorter length for end fly.
If the flies are made with a loop at the head, the
snells for same should have a loop at each end
for attaching to both fly and leader. If flies are
made on eyed hooks, the snell should have but
one loop for the leader, and a free end for tying
to the eye of hook. The best knot for the pur-
pose is made by passing the end of snell through
the eye of hook, then around the shank just below
20 Bass, Pike, and Perch
the eye, and then between the shank and snell
and draw tight, forming a jam knot. Where the
snell is tied to the fly, it should likewise have
a loop for attaching to the leader. It should also
be reinforced by a piece of gut an inch long at
the head of the fly to strengthen it and prevent
chafing. Snells, whether separate or tied to flies,
should be carried like leaders between layers of
damp felt.
Most flies made for black-bass fishing are too
large. The largest trout flies tied on hooks Nos.
4 to 6 are big enough. As just mentioned, they
are tied directly to the snell on tapered hooks,
or made with a small gut loop at the head of the
fly, which is much the best way. Since the intro-
duction of the eyed hook, or rather a revival of
it, for trout flies, they are now utilized for bass
flies also. As between the Pennell hook with
turned-down eye and the Hall hook with turned-
up eye, there is not much choice. Both patterns
are based on the old Limerick hook. I prefer
the Sproat or O'Shaughnessy to either, with gut
loop at the head of the fly.
If the black-bass is not color-blind, he seems to
have a penchant for brown, gray, black, and yel-
low, as flies embodying these colors seem to be
The Sunfisb Family 21
more attractive to him than others. One can
judge in this matter, however, only from experi-
ence. And even then the deduction of one angler
is often at variance with the inference of another.
The most successful bass flies, like salmon flies,
are not made in imitation of natural insects. This
is true also of some of the " general " trout flies
that have proved particularly pleasing to the
black-bass, as the professor, grizzly king, king
of the waters, Montreal, coachman, etc. True,
the black, gray, red, and yellow hackles, which are
supposed to be imitations of caterpillars, are very
useful on nearly all waters ; but their resemblance
to any known larval forms is very slight.
There is a well-known rule in regard to the size
and color of flies to be used at particular states
and stages of the water, and in accordance with
the time and character of the day. It is to use
small and dark flies on bright days, with low and
clear water ; and larger and brighter flies on dark
days with high or turbid water, and at dusk.
This rule is hoary with age. It has come down
to us through past centuries with the indorsement
of thousands of intelligent and observant anglers,
and should be respected accordingly. It is in
the main reliable and trustworthy. Of course
2 2 Bass, Pike, and Perch
there will occur exceptions to prove the rule.
And some iconoclastic anglers at this late day, in
view of the exceptions, declare that it is entirely
valueless as a guide ; but they offer nothing bet-
ter. It is true, nevertheless, and a safe rule to
To be a successful fly-fisher for black-bass the
angler must know something of the habits of his
quarry, or at least of its haunts and favorite places
of resort. On streams these places are in the
eddies of rocks or large boulders, in the deeper
water above and below riffles, under shelving
banks and rocks, among the submerged roots of
trees on the bank, near weed patches, driftwood,
and logs, and in the vicinity of gravelly bars and
shoals. Except in cloudy weather the angler
may rest during the noon hours, as the most
favorable time is in the morning and late after-
noon until dusk. If wading, the angler should
fish down-stream, and when the shadows are long,
should endeavor to keep the sun in front. He
should move slowly and cautiously, making as
little noise as possible, casting to the sides and in
front over every likely spot. Casts of thirty or
forty feet are usually sufficient. The flies should
The Stmfisb Family 23
be allowed to float down-stream, with tremulous
motions, sidewise, to imitate the struggles of a
drowning insect, and then permitted to sink sev-
eral inches or a foot at each cast.
Whipping the stream is sometimes quite suc-
cessful where the bass does not respond to ordi-
nary casting. This is done by casting in quick
succession and repeatedly over one spot, allowing
the flies merely to touch the water, until several
such casts are made, when they should be per-
mitted to sink, for a few seconds, as before. In
making up the cast, two flies should be selected
of different combinations of colors, as polka and
professor. If necessary, changes should be made
until two are selected that seem to meet the
fastidious fancy of the fish.
If a taut line is maintained, the bass usually
hooks himself, but the angler should strike quickly
upon feeling the slightest tug, or when seeing the
swirl of the fish. One cannot strike too quickly.
By striking is meant a simple turning of the
hand sidewise, with a perfectly tight line; this
is amply sufficient to set the hook. Should the
line be slack and lifeless at the moment, a more
vigorous movement is required, but even then it
is usually too late. When a bass is hooked, the
24 Bass, Pike, and Perch
contest should be between rod and fish, rather
than between the reel and fish. It is the spring
of the rod that conquers him, not the giving and
taking of line. If the rod is held firmly, at an
angle of forty-five degrees, with the thumb on the
spool of the reel, there is no likelihood of a good
rod breaking. Line should be given grudgingly,
and the fish kept on the surface as much as pos-
sible. When exhausted he should be drawn over
the landing-net and lifted out quickly, at the same
time releasing the thumb from the reel to relieve
the strain on the rod.
In fishing from the bank in deeper streams, or
from a boat on small lakes, whereby the fish is
better enabled to see the angler, longer casts are
necessary, or the angler must screen himself from
observation by trees or bushes on the bank. The
boat should be kept in the deeper water and the
casts made toward the shallows of bars, shoals,
and weed patches. The best time for boat fishing
on lakes or ponds is from near sundown until
The live minnow, shiner preferred, is by far the
best bait for the black-bass, as it is more easily
seen, and the best way of presenting it is by cast-
The Sunfisb Family 25
ing from the reel. For this purpose a rod eight
or nine feet long is much better than a shorter or
longer one. After a long series of experiments
with rods from six to twelve feet, I arrived at
the conclusion that the one now known as the
Henshall rod, eight and one-fourth feet long and
from seven to eight ounces in weight, fulfils all
the requirements of casting, hooking, and playing
a black-bass. It is light, strong, and of beautiful
proportions. In first-class split bamboo it may
be as light as six and one-half ounces, but should
not exceed seven and one-half ounces. In ash
and lancewood, or bethabara, from seven to eight
ounces is the correct weight.
A multiplying reel is indispensable. It may be
two-, three-, or four-ply, but the best work and the
most effective casting can only be done with the
most perfect reel. It should be as light as possi-
ble, in a fifty- or sixty-yard reel. German silver is
the best material, though brass is fully as service-
able, and costs less. Some very good reels are
made of hard rubber and metal.
Only braided lines should be used, as twisted
ones kink too much in casting. Undressed silk,
of the smallest caliber, size H, is best. Braided
linen is stronger, but of larger caliber, and not so
26 /iiiss, rikc, ami Penh
siiil;il)lo for i^ood (Msting. NcilluT c:\n effective
caslini; be done with oil-ilressed or enamelled
Sm^lK^d liooks on single-gut snells, si/.e No. i or
No. ?, Sproat preferred and O'Shauglinessy next,
are (he hesl in any nu'lhod of hail-fisliing for black-
bass. 'IMuMv are several other styles of hooks
nsed, but, everything (^onsidcMvd, those named are
(he most faullless, and for shapi\ slriMigth, and
general excellence cannot l)e excelled.
No leader is nsed, as the minnow mnst bi' reeled
U|) (o within a loot or two of the ti|) of the rod in
casting. Ihe snell ol the hook is attached to the
reel-line by (hesm.dlest brass box-swivel, or it may
be ['\ci\ directly to tin* lini\ I'lu' casts are maile
ln)m right oi- left and undiMhand, not overluMd
as in casting tlu" lly. Casts oi i(k> feet have* been
made in this way. I'he chii'f factor in this style
ol casting is the pro|)cr control ol the reel by the
thumb — by a gentle but constant and uniform
pressure on the levolving spool, to j>rc^vent over-
running of {\\v \\\\c during the cast, and a stronger
pressure to stop the reel at the encl ol the cast.
'Die thund) nuist be thoroughly educated to this
work, and, owcc ac(\\\\\\\\, the rc>st is easy, as but
little muscular i^lTort is renuiriul. The novice
Tbi' Sun fish I'timilv 27
FTiust bcGjin with sliort casts aiul increase their
Iciit;tli as he heciomcs more proficient in the man-
agement of the reel. Perfect casting from the
reel is more (Uffic iilt than casting the fly, and more
In wading a stream the casts are directed to
the same likely i)lacc>s mentioned nnder the head
of fly-fishing. The minnow is allowed to sink to
half the depth of Ihe water and reeled in slowly,
wliich gives a lifelike motion to the bait when
hooked through the lips. If there is no res)X)nse,
the next cast should he made to another s|)ot, as a
bass, if inclined to take flu; lure at all, will usually
do so upon its first j)resentati()n.
In fly-fishing it is imj)eralivc' to strike as soon
as the bass seizes the fly, otiierwise he ejects it at
once, if not hooked by a taut line, for he is con-
scious of the deception as soon as tlu; fly is taken
into his mouth. With natural bait it is different.
The bass first seizes the minnow crosswise or tail
fir.st, turn.s it in his mouth, and swallows it head
hrst. This takes a littK^ time. Usually he holds
it in his mouth and bolts away from other fish, or
rushes toward a .secure hiding-place ^ — hence the
vigorous initial dash and taking of line. If stojjjx-d
before being hooked, he gives several tugs in
28 Bass, Pike, and Perch
quick succession, when he should be given line
slowly. The angler, with ihumb on the spool of
the reel, can feel every motion of the fish. When
he pulls steadily and strongly and increases his
speed, the hook should be driven in by striking in
the opposite direction to his course, or upward.
A vigorous " yank " is not needed. With the
strained line a movement of the tip of the rod a
foot or two is sufificient with a sharp hook.
If fishing from a boat, where the angler is
more apt to be seen, it should be kept in deep
water and the casts made toward the haunts of
the bass in shallow water. Should the hooked
bass break water on a long line, the slight
straightening of the bent rod that ensues will
tend to keep it taut, and there is nothing more
to do. On a short line, however (the bend of
the rod being maintained), he should be followed
back to the water by a slight lowering of the tip,
but it should again be raised as soon as he
touches the water. The critical moment is when
he is apparently standing on his tail, shaking him-
self, with wide-opened jaws. If he is given any
slack line at this time, the hook is likely to be
thrown out.
Lowering the tip to a leaping fish is a good
The Sunfisb Family 29
old rule when done understandingly. It has
been ridiculed by some anglers who do not seem
to have a clear conception of it. They claim
that by lowering the tip it gives sufficient slack
line to enable the fish to free himself. But if the
rod is bent, as it should be, the simple lowering
of the tip with a short line merely relieves it
somewhat from the weight of the fish ; there is
no slack line, nor could there be unless the rod
is lowered until it is perfectly straight, which no
wide-awake angler would permit. As the fish is
in the air but a second or two, the careless
angler simply does nothing, which is, perhaps, the
best thing that could happen for him.
Trolling is practised from a moving boat along
the edges of weeds or rushes, or in the neigh-
borhood of gravelly shoals and bars or rocky
ledges. The bait may be a minnow or a very
small trolling-spoon ; if the latter, it should have
but a single hook. The revolving spoon is
itself the lure, and any addition of a bunch of
feathers, a minnow, or a strip of pork-rind does
not add to its efficiency in the least, and more-
over savors of pot-fishing. A rod and reel should
always be used, as trolling with a hand-line is
very unsportsmanlike.
30 Bass, Pike, and Percb
Still-fishing is practised from the bank or
from an anchored boat. If the bait is live
minnows, no float is necessary; but if crawfish,
helgramites, cut-bait, or worms are employed,
a very small float is useful to keep the bait off
the bottom. The boat should be anchored in
close proximity to the feeding-grounds of the
bass, and the angler should keep as still as pos-
sible. Contrary to the popular opinion, fish hear
sounds, not only those made in the water, but
those in the air as well, otherwise they would not
be provided with so delicate an auditory appara-
tus ; because they do not always notice sounds
made in the air is no proof that they do not hear
them. The suggestions already made as to the
hooking and playing and landing the bass apply
to still-fishing as well. The minnow is best
hooked through both lips, but if they are very
small, they may be hooked just under the dorsal
{Micropterus salmoides)
The large-mouth black-bass was also first de-
scribed by the French ichthyologist Lacepede, in
1802, from a drawing and description sent to him
from South Carolina by M. Bosc, under the local
The Sunfjsh Family 31
name of " trout-perch." Owing to the vernacular
name, he gave it the specific name of salmoides,
" salmon-like " or " trout-like." Thirty years be-
fore, pressed skins of the large-mouth bass had
been sent to Linnseus by Dr. Garden from Charles-
ton, South Carolina, under the name of "fresh-
water trout," but Linnaeus failed to describe or
name it. The black-bass is called " trout " to this
day in the Southern states.
The large-mouth black-bass is very similar in
appearance to the small-mouth bass. It is not
quite so trimly built, being somewhat more
"stocky" and robust. Its mouth is larger, the
angle reaching behind the eye. It has larger
scales, and those on the cheeks are not much
smaller than those on the body, while in the
small-mouth bass the cheek scales are very small
compared with its body scales. The large-mouth
is more muscular, and has a broader and more
powerful tail.
Its distribution is perhaps wider than that of
any other game-fish, its range extending from
Canada to Florida and Mexico, and, through
transplantation, from the Atlantic to the Pa-
cific. It has also been introduced into Germany,
France, Russia, and the Netherlands, where it is
32 Bass, Pike, ami Perch
greatly esteemed bt)tli as a game-fish and food-
The coloration of the large-mouth bass is often
of the same hue as the small-mouth bass, though
usually it is not so dark, being mostly bronze-
green, fading to white on the belly. When mark-
ings are present, they tend to form longitudinal
streaks of aggregated spots, and not vertical ones,
as in the small-mouth.
Its habits of feeding, spawning, etc., are very
similar to those of the small-mouth. It prefers
stiller water, and is more at home in weedy
situations, and will thrive in cpiiet, mossy ponds
with muddy bottom where the small-mouth would
eventually become extinct; on the other hand,
the large-mouth can exist wherever it is possible
for the small-mouth to do so. It is better able
to withstand the vicissitudes of climate and tem-
perature, and has a wonderful adaptability that
enables it to become reconciled to its environ-
ment. The feeding habits of the two black-
basses arc much the same, though they differ as
to their haunts. The large-mouth favors weedy
rather than rocky places, and though its food is
also much the same, the large-mouth is j)er-
haps more partial to frogs and minnows, in the
The Sun fish Family 33
absence of crawfish, which, hkc tlic other species,
it prefers.
Ill the Northern states it hibernates, and
readies a maximum weiglit of six or eight
pounds, wliile in the Gulf states, where it is ac-
tive the year round, it is taken weighing twenty
pounds or more. In Florida I have taken it on
the fly up to fourteen pounds, and up to twenty
pounds with natural bait. In waters where it
coexists with the small-mouth bass there is no
difference in their excellence as food-fish. I have
often eaten the large-mouth bass from the clear-
water lakes of Utah and Washington, that, with
the single exception of the whitefish of Lake
Superior, were the best of all fresh-water fishes.
And I can truly say the same of those from some
of the large rivers of Florida, notably the St.
Lucie, St. Sebastian, and New rivers.
It prefers to spawn on gravel or sand, but if
such situations are lacking, it makes its nest on a
clay or mud bottom, or on the roots of water-
plants; or in ponds of very deep water without
shallow shores, it will spawn on the top of masses
of weeds, in order to get near enough to sunlight.
In other respects its breeding habits are similar
to its cousin the small-mouth, the time of incuba-
34 Bass, Pike, and Perch
lion and the guarding of the eggs and young
being about the same.
As to the mueh-mooted subject of the game-
ness of the large-mouth bass I have no hesitation
in saying, from an experience of nearly forty
years, covering all sections of the country, that
where the two species coexist there is no differ-
ence in their game qualities. The large-mouth is
fully the equal of the small -mouth where they are
exposed to the same conditions. Many anglers
profess to think otherwise, but their deductions
are drawn from a comparison of the two species
when subject to totally different environment;
for it is altogether a matter of environment and
not of physical structure or idiosyncrasy that in-
fluences their game qualities. A small-mouth bass
in a clear, rocky stream, highly aerated as it must
be, is, as a matter of course, more active than a
large-mouth bass in a quiet, weedy pond.
With others the opinion is merely a matter of
prejudice or hearsay, a prejudice that is, indeed,
difficult to account for. It does not make the
small-mouth bass a gamer fish by disparaging
the large-mouth. As I have said elsewhere, if the
large-mouth bass is just as game as the small-
mouth, the angler is just that much better off.
The Simfisb Family 35
As prejudice and ignorance go liand in hand, we
are not surprised when we hear persons — I do
not style them anglers — call the small-mouth
the "true" black-bass, implying that the large-
mouth is not a black-bass, but is, as they often
say, the Oswego bass, which is, of course, absurd.
I am glad to add, however, that the prejudice
against the large-mouth bass is dying out among
observant anglers, who know that a trout in a
clear stream is more vigorous than one in a
weedy, mucky pond.
Vrom my own experience I am pre[)ared to say
that the large-mouth bass is more to be relied on
in rising to the fly than the small-mouth, which
fact should be taken into consideration when the
gameness of the two species is compared. The
remarks concerning fly-fishing for the small-mouth
bass are also ajipli cable to the large-mouth, as
both are fished for in the same way, and with the
same tackle, except that the rod may be a little
heavier. For the large bass of the Gulf states the
rod should be fully eight ounces in weight, and the
flies a trifle larger, on hooks Nos. 2 to 6; other-
wise the tackle should be the same.
Minnow-casting for the large-mouth need not
differ from that described for the small-mouth
36 Bass, Pike, and Perch
bass. The tackle likewise may be the same,
though for the heavy bass of Florida the rod may
be eight, or even nine ounces, if preferred. Hooks
may also be employed of a larger size, say Nos. i
to i-o, or even 2-0, as larger minnows arc used
for bait.
Some anglers of the Middle West have adopted
a very short rod of six feet or less for casting the
live frog or pork-rind overhead, in the same way
as casting a fly. This is a very primitive style of
bait-casting, being the same as practised by bu-
colic boys and Southern negroes using a sapling
pole without a reel. The frog is reeled up to
within a few inches of the tip and propelled like a
wad of clay from a slender stick as we were wont
to do as boys. The frog is projected with great
accuracy, but not without a smack and splash on
the water. With such a rod most of the pleasure
of playing a bass to a finish is lost. Presumably
the end justifies the means, but this method does
not appeal to the artistic angler. If bait must be
used, a small minnow, lightly cast from a suitable
rod, is more in accordance with the eternal fit-
ness of things and the practice and traditions of
the gentle art. In very weedy ponds and lakes,
however, where there is not open water enough
The Sunfish Family 37
to play a bass, and where it must be landed as
soon as possible, this rod and style of casting
answer a good purpose.
Still-fishing is the same for either species of
black-bass, but as it is usually done from an
anchored boat on Northern lakes, where the large-
mouth bass is of greater size and weight than the
small-mouth bass, somewhat heavier tackle may
be used than recommended for the small-mouth.
Trolling with the live or dead minnow, or a
small spoon with a single hook, is a very success-
ful method on lakes, ponds, and broad, still rivers.
A greater length of line can be utilized in trolling,
whereby the fish is not so apt to see the angler.
More ground can also be covered than in any
other style of fishing. The boat should be pro-
pelled slowly along the borders of rushes and
weed patches, over shoals and gravelly banks,
and near projecting points of the shore. Consid-
erable care should be exercised to move as noise-
lessly as possible, avoiding splashing with the
oars or paddle, or making any undue noise with
the feet or otherwise in the boat, as such sounds
are conveyed a long distance in so dense a
medium as water. In trolling, the line may be
lengthened to fifty yards, if necessary, though
38 Bass, Pike, and Perch
from twenty to thirty yards will usually be suffi-
cient, especially when a good breeze is blowing.
Bobbing for the large-mouth bass is much in
vogue in the Gulf states, but is more often prac-
tised in Florida. The conventional "bob" is
formed by tying a strip of deer's tail, with or
without a piece of red flannel, around a triangle
of hooks, the hairs completely investing the hooks.
A single hook, however, answers fully as well or
better. The hook is of large size, Nos. 3-0 to 5-0.
The method of procedure is as follows : The boat
is propelled by a single-bladed paddle, the paddler
being seated in the stern. The boat is moved
silently and cautiously, skirting the edges of
water-lilies and bonnets, which grow thickly
along the margin of the channels. The angler is
seated in the bow with a very long cane rod, to
which is affixed a short line of a few feet, not to
exceed six. As the boat advances, the angler
dances the bob as far ahead as possible. It is
held a few inches or a foot above the water, into
which it is " bobbed " at short intervals. Some-
times the bass leaps from the water to seize it.
When hooked, the fish is landed without any cere-
mony and as soon as possible, keeping it mean-
while on the surface, to prevent its taking to the
The Sunfisb Family 39
weeds. Bartram described bobbing as practised
in Florida, for black-bass, nearly a century and a
half ago.
Although bass fishing dates back to the middle
of the eighteenth century, when bobbing, skitter-
ing, and still-fishing were common methods in the
extreme Southern states for the large-mouth bass,
and though the dawn of the nineteenth century
saw bait-fishing and fly-fishing for the small-
mouth bass in Kentucky, it is surprising how little
was known in the Northern and Eastern states
about the black-bass and bass fishing a century
after Bartram described bobbing for that game-
fish in the narrative of his travels. Even so late
as 187 1, when the Forest and Stream was estab-
lished, very little appeared in its pages anent bass
fishing. Indeed, a few years later, a discussion
lasting a year or more appeared in its columns
from week to week, as to whether the black-bass
would rise to the fly. Previous to the publication
of the writer's " Book of the Black-bass " in 1881,
no work on angling gave any but the most mea-
gre account of black-bass or bass fishing. The
"American Angler's Guide," published in 1849
by John J. Brown, states that the black-bass has
rows of small teeth, two dorsal fins, and a swallow-
40 Bass, Pike, and Perch
tail. In the same work the large-mouth bass of
the Southern states is classified under the head
of " brook trout," the author being misled appar-
ently by its Southern name of " trout," and goes
on to say that they "grow much larger than
Northern trout," and that they "are fished for
with the same arrangement of tackle as the
striped bass or salmon." A contributor to the
work, however, from Buffalo, New York, treats
briefly and vaguely of still-fishing with minnows
and crawfish. Brief notes also from Southern and
Western anglers give fair descriptions of the ap-
pearance and habits of both species of black-bass.
Frank Forester (Henry W. Herbert) knew no
more of the black-bass than Mr. Brown, and
acknowledges that he never caught one. That
old Nestor of angling, Uncle Thad Norris, in his
"American Angler's Book," 1864, gives the de-
scriptions of Louis Agassiz and Dr. Holbrook
for the black-bass, and then relates his only ex-
perience as follows, " I have taken this bass in
the vicinity of St. Louis, on a moonshiny night,
by skittering a light spoon over the surface of the
water, while standing on the shore." Genio C.
Scott in his " Fishing in American Waters,"
1869, has less to say, and evidently knew less of
The Stmfish Family 41
the black-bass than any of the earlier writers.
He gives just three lines concerning black-bass
fishing, saying, "This fish is taken by casting
the artificial fly, or by trolling with the feathered
spoon, with a minnow impaled on a gang of hooks,
and forming spinning tackle." Of all the angling
authors prior to 1870, Robert B. Roosevelt is the
only one who knew anything about black-bass or
black-bass fishmg, having fished for it in the
St. Lawrence basin. He says, " They will take
minnows, shiners, grasshoppers, frogs, worms, or
almost anything else that can be called a bait."
Also, " They may be captured by casting the fly
as for salmon or trout, and this is by far the most
sportsmanlike way, but the most destructive and
usually resorted to is trolling." The only per-
sonal experience he gives of black-bass fishing,
unfortunately, is by trolling with large flies. In
his "Game Fish of the North," 1862, he devotes
five pages to the black-bass, but apparently does
not discriminate between the two species. In
"Superior Fishing," 1865, he devotes two pages
to the black-bass of Canada and the Great Lakes,
in a general way, but gives two instances of fishing
as follows, " Pedro soon hooked a splendid black-
bass, and landed him after a vigorous struggle
42 Bass, Pike, and Percb
of half an hour; he weighed three pounds and
three-quarters, and was thoroughly game." And
again, " That evening was again devoted to the
black-bass, which took both the fly and spoon
During the period covered by the authors
named, from 1849 to 1869, the anglers of the
South and Middle West were using light cane
rods, Kentucky reels, and the smallest sea-grass
lines for bait-fishing, and trout fly-rods and trout-
tackle for fly-fishing, rods and tackle as light, to
say the least, as those in use to-day.
In 1866 I removed to Oconomowoc, Wisconsin,
where there were thirty lakes within ten miles
abounding in black-bass of both species, with
pike, rock-bass, crappies, perch, etc. On my
home grounds was a large shallow pond fed
from Fowler Lake. Becoming much interested
in the black-bass, and finding but little informa-
tion available in the books of that day concerning
their habits, I determined to give some study
to the subject. Accordingly I cut a ditch from
the pond to the lake, with suitable screens, and
stocked it with black-bass of both species. Dur-
ing their spawning period in the summer I
watched them faithfully and constantly from a
The Sunfish Family 43
blind of bushes on the bank. This I did for
several years, turning the adult bass into the
lake when the fry were large enough to look out
for themselves, and turning the fry out also in the
I extended my observations of the bass during
their breeding season to the many lakes near by.
I found a difference of several weeks in the time
of their spawning in these lakes, owing to the
difference in temperature, caused by their vary-
ing depth. The appearance of the bass also dif-
fered slightly in the various lakes, so that it was
possible, from a close study of their variations in
color, size, and contour, to determine in what par-
ticular lake any string of bass was taken.
About the same time, from 1868 to 1870, Mr.
Cyrus Mann and Mr. H. D. Dousman established
their trout hatchery and ponds not far from Oco-
nomowoc, and Colonel George Shears, of Beaver
Lake, a few miles away, also began hatching trout
on a smaller scale. These establishments pre-
sented an opportunity to study the artificial propa-
gation of brook-trout, and I soon became familiar
with the modus operandi. This was before the
institution of the United States Fish Commission,
though the state of Wisconsin already had an able
44 Bass, Pike, and Perch
and efficient Fish Commission, Mr. H. D. Dous-
man being one of the commissioners. Colonel
Shears also experimented with black-bass culture,
and between us we reared many thousands to
the asje of three months, before turnins: them
out. Near my pond was a shallow, marshy cove
to which the pike resorted in early spring to
spawn, giving me an opportunity to study their
breeding habits, also. There being so many lakes
and ponds in the vicinity, and their being so well
supplied with fishes of various kinds, my oppor-
tunities for the observation of fish life were as
great as fortunate.
The differences of opinion among anglers, of
all men, pertaining to the practice of their art, has
become axiomatic. Some will differ even to the
estimation of a hair in the legs of an artificial fly,
while it is averred others will go so far as to
"divide a hair 'twixt south and southwest side,"
as Butler has it. But, seriously, there are several
moot points which I have endeavored to discuss
in the following piscatorial polemic.
Two friends went fishing. Both were famous
black-bass anglers, with the enthusiasm born of a
genuine love and an inherent appreciation of the
gentle art so common among Kentucky gentle-
The Sunfish Family 45
men. One was a fly-fisher, the other a bait-fisher.
Each was a devotee to his especial mode of ang-
Hng, though generously tolerant of the other's
method. They had fished together for years
when the dogwood and redbud blossomed in
the spring, and when the autumnal tints clothed
the hillsides with scarlet and gold.
They differed in their methods of fishing from
choice, or from some peculiar, personal idiosyn-
crasy, for each was an adept with both bait and
fly. But this difference in their piscatorial prac-
tices, like the diversity of nature, produced per-
fect harmony instead of discord. Each extolled
the advantages and sportsmanship of his own
method, but always in a brotherly and kindly
manner; never dictatorial or opinionated in ar-
gument, or vainglorious and boastful as to his
skill, for both were possessed of the generous
impulses of gentlemen and the kindly influences
of the gentle art. Moreover, they were innately
conscious of a common aim, and differed only as
to the ways and means of best attaining that end,
which, while dissimilar, were not inharmonious.
And so the Silver Doctor and the Golden
Shiner, as they dubbed each other, went trudging
along the bank of the merry stream together.
46 Bass, Piki\ and Prnb
The Doctor, lightly cciuii^potl with only rod, tly-
book, and creel, sometimes relieved the Shiner
by toting his minnow bucket or miniunv net.
They were fishino a rocky, gently flowing river,
cliaracteristic of the Blue Grass section.
They stop[>etl at a broad, lakelike exj^ansion
of the stream, caustxl by a mill-dam, and, in a
quiet cove at the entrance of a clear brook,
Golden Shiner proceeded to fill his minnow
bucket with li\(.l\' minnows, using for the i)ur-
pose an umbrella-like folding net. This he
attached to a long, stcnit pole, and, after baiting
it with crushed biscuit, Knvered it into the water.
In a short time he iiad all the bait necessary —
chubs, shiners, and steelbacks.
" The golden shiner is the best of all," said he,
" especially for roily or milky water; but the chub
and steelback are stronger and livelier on the
hook, and for very clear water are good enough."
They then proceeded below the mill-dam,
where there was a strong rifitle, with likely-looking
pools and eddies.
" The proper way to hook a minnow is through
the lips," continued Golden Shiner, " esj)ecially
for casting. One can give a more natural mt)-
tion to the minnow on drawimr it through the
The Sunfish Family 47
water. For still-fishing, hooking through the
tail or under the back fin will answer; but even
then I prefer my method, unless the minnow is
less than tw(j inches in length." And he made a
long cast toward the eddy of a large boulder.
" For the same reason," acquiesced Silver Doc-
tor, "artificial flies are tied with the head next the
snell," — industriously casting to right and left
over the riffle.
" Hut some flies are tied with the tail next to
the snell," ventured Shiner.
"That is true, but it is unnatural. I never
saw an insect swim tail first up-stream. Nature
is the best teacher, and one should endeavor to
follow her lead." Just then the Doctor snapped
off his point fly. Upon examination he found
that the snell was dry and brittle next to the
head of the fly, though he had previously soaked
it well in a glass of water. He discovered that a
drop of shellac varnish had encroached beyond
the head of the fly for perhaps the sixteenth of
an inch on the snell. This portion, being water-
proof, remained dry and brittle — a very common
fault with cheap flies.
"This fly," said the Doctor, " was given to me
for trial by Judge Hackle. He tied it himself.
48 Bass, Pike, and Perch
The broken end of the snell still shows a portion
of shellac coating."
" I never thought of that before," remarked
Shiner. " No doubt many flies are cracked off
from the same cause."
" Without a doubt, as you say. I know a lady,"
continued the Doctor, " who, as Walton says,
'has a fine hand,' and who superintends an ex-
tensive artificial fly establishment — and who has
written the best book ever published on the sub-
ject of artificial flies — who personally inspects
every fly turned out by her tyers. And, more-
over, she varnishes the head of every fly herself,
in order that not the least particle of shellac may
touch the snell. Such careful supervision and
honest work, to quote Walton again, ' like virtue,
bring their own reward,' " and the Doctor resumed
his casting with another fly.
" Well, Doctor, I sympathize with you ; but
my snells are clear-quill and no varnish. I may
throw off a minnow once in a while by a very long
cast, but it is soon replaced, and costs nothing.
And, speaking of casting, I observed that you
made half a dozen casts to reach yonder rock but
sixty feet away, while I placed my minnow, by
a single cast, a hundred feet in the other direc-
The Stmfish Family 49
tion. Moreover, I reel my line toward me
through undisturbed water, while you whipped
the entire distance by several preliminary casts."
" That is necessarily true," answered the Doc-
tor ; " but while you must recover all of your line
for a new cast, I can cast repeatedly with the
extreme length of my line in any direction ; so I
think honors are easy on the question of casting."
" But," persisted Shiner, " with my quadruple
multiplying reel, it is only a matter of a few
seconds to prepare for a new cast. Then again,
I have better control of a hooked fish, and can
give and take line much faster than you with your
single-action click reel."
" While I grant your reel has a great advantage
in speed, I hold that a single-action click reel is
all-sufficient to play and land a hooked fish. Your
reel is intended particularly to make long initial
casts, and it is admirably adapted for that especial
purpose ; but in playing a bass it has no advan-
tage over a click reel ; in fact, I prefer the latter
for that purpose. Really, the engine of destruc-
tion to the hooked fish is the rod. Its constant
strain and yielding resistance, even without a reel
of any kind, will soon place him hors de combat^
Golden Shiner was not slow to perceive the
50 Bass, Pike, ami Perch
force of the Doctor's arguments and held his
peace. In the meantime both anglers had suc-
ceeded in killing some half-dozen bass, the larg-
est ones falling to the rod of the bait fisher, as
is usually the case. The sun was now climbing
toward the zenith, and the Doctor's flies seemed
to have lost their attractiveness for the wary bass,
while the Shiner, seeking deeper water, was still
successful in his efforts. The day, however, was
becoming uncomfortably warm.
" You will admit, Doctor, that you must cast
your flies early in the day or late in the afternoon
to insure much success, while I can fish during
the middle of the day in deeper water and still
have a measure of reward, which I consider quite
an advantage of bait over fly."
"Granted. Fish rise to the fly only in com-
paratively shallow water, and are found in such
situations in bright weather only early and late
in the day. But I prefer to fish at just those
times. I do not care to fish during the middle
portion of the day in summer." And the Doctor
proceeded to reel in his final cast.
Just then his friend hooked the largest fish of
the morning's outing. It was an unusually gamy
bass, and leaped several times in rapid succession
The Sunfish Family 51
from the water, shaking itself violently each time.
But the Shiner was equal to " his tricks and his
manners," and soon had him in the landing-net.
" Doctor, why does a hooked bass break water
and shake his head ? Is it through fear or rage ? "
" It is to rid his jaws of the hook. He can
neither pick his teeth with a fin, nor remove a
foreign substance from his mouth with his tail.
His mouth is his prehensile organ. A horse, cow,
dog, or fowl will shake the head violently to rid
its mouth of an offending object. But a fish,
having no neck to speak of, can only shake his
head by shaking his body, and that only in a
lateral direction. As a bass cannot shake him-
self energetically enough beneath the water to
dislodge the hook, owing to the resistance of the
denser medium, he naturally leaps into the air
for that purpose; and he always does so with
widely extended jaws, as you have seen time and
again this morning. He probably also fortifies
himself at the same time by taking in oxygen
from the air. He does so, at all events, willy-
" How high can a black-bass leap from the
water, do you think?"
" A foot or two at most, as you well know,"
52 Bass, Pike, and Perch
replied the Doctor. " In rocky streams like this,
one has a good gauge for measuring the leap. I
never saw a bass leap as high as yonder boulder,
which is about three feet above the water; and as
you have taken several fish in its eddy, you might
have ])roved it by your own observation, as I did
" I distinctly remember, now," affirmed Shiner,
"that my last catch — the big fellow — leaped
several times very near that same rock, and he
did not go half as high."
The two friends then repaired to a cool spring
beneath a spreading beech, to enjoy a luncheon
and a quiet pipe, — well satisfied with their morn-
ing's sport, — and to continue the argunicntiim
ad hominem anent fly and bait, with the usual
result that
" A man convinced against his will,
Is of the same opinion still."
{^Amhloplitcs iiipcstris)
In the same family with the black-bass are a
number of other sunfishes that will next be con-
sidered, merely as a matter of sequence, and not
on account of their importance as game-fishes.
The Stmfisb Family 53
The rock-bass was first described by the F"rench
naturalist, Rafinesque, in 1817, while travelling in
America. His specimens were from New York
and Vermont, which he named rupcstris, " living
among rocks." In the Northern states it is gener-
ally known as the rock-bass, but in Kentucky
and other states of the Middle West it is called
red-eye, goggle-eye, etc.
Its original liabitat was from Canada and Lake
Champlain southward along the MississipjH Valley
to Louisiana and Texas, but its range has been
extended to many other states east and west by
In its general apj)earance it resembles some-
what the black-bass, but it is a dee|)er fish and is
more compressed. Its dorsal and anal fins are
comparatively larger and stronger. It lias a large
eye and a capacious mouth well filled with small
teeth, some on the roof of the mouth being rather
The color is of various shades of oHve-green,
with brassy or coppery reflection, more or less
mottled with black, forming broken and indistinct
lines along the sides. The iris of the eye is
scarlet, hence " red-eye " ; there is a black spot on
the angle of the gill-cover and dark mottlings on
54 Biiss. Pike, and Pcrcb
the soft dorsal, anal, and caudal fins. It prefers
clear streams and lakes, and congregates in small
schools about rocky situations, gravelly bars, about
mill-dams, and in the vicinity of weed patches
in ponds. It spawns in the spring and early sum-
mer, making and guarding its nest like the black-
bass, and feeds on crawfish, small minnows, and
insect larva?. In size it usually runs from a half-
pound to a pound in streams, though reaching
two pounds or more in lakes. It is a good pan-
fish for the table, and is well thought of in the
Mississippi Valley, though held in lighter esteem
in the St. Lawrence basin, where it coexists with
larger and better fishes.
The rock-bass is an attractive-looking fish, and
for its size is very pugnacious. It will take the
artificial fly, or natural or artificial bait. It bites
freely at small minnows, grubs, grasshoppers, cut-
bait, or angle-worms. It is capable of affording
considerable sport with light tackle, owing to its
large and strong fins, and its habit of curling its
sides in opposition to the strain of the rod.
With a light fly-rod of four or five ounces, and
corresponding tackle, and trout flies on hooks
Nos. 5 to 7, the rock-bass is not a mean adver-
sary. It rises to the various hackles, and to such
The Sunfisb Family 55
flies as coachman, brown drake, gray drake, and
stone fly, especially toward evening. The flies
must be allowed to sink with every cast after
fluttering them awhile on the surface. For bait-
fishing a trout bait-rod of the weight just men-
tioned, with a reel of small caliber and the smallest
braided silk line, will be about right. Sproat
hooks Nos. 3 to 4 on light gut snells tied with
red silk are the best. Live minnows about two
inches long, carefully hooked through the lips,
are to be lightly cast and allowed to sink nearly
to the bottom and slowly reeled in again. Or if
a float is used, the minnow may be hooked just
under the dorsal fin. A small float is necessary
when white grubs, crawfish, cut-bait, or worms
are used as bait. On lakes it is readily taken by
trolling with a very small spoon, about the size
of a nickel, with a single Sproat or O'Shaughnessy
hook No. I attached.
A rod nine or ten feet long cut from the small
end of a native cane pole, weighing but a few
ounces, with a line of sea-grass or raw silk about
the length of the rod, will answer very well for
bait-fishing. This is the tackle mostly used by
boys in the Middle West, and it might be profit-
ably employed by boys of larger growth.
56 Bass, Pike, and Percb
A dozen "red-eyes," gleaming with green and
gold, on the string of the boy angler, is something
to be proud of. He gazes with fond admiration
on the wide-open crimson eyes, which to him
seem more precious than rubies. He admires the
bristling fins, the gracefully sloping sides, the
gaping mouth and forked tail, with boyish enthu-
siasm and appreciation. Although hot and tired,
and with many a scratch and bruise on hands
and feet, such trifles are lighter than air, and do
not admit of a moment's consideration. Seated
on a rock at the margin of the stream, with the
string of fish in the water, he feasts his eyes on
the finny beauties with the conscious pride of
well-earned success and the happy culmination
of his outing. In imagination the battles are all
fought over and over again. He knows just
where and under what condition and circum-
stance each fish was caught, as, with bare toes,
he separates and indicates the individual on the
string. That largest one was hooked under the
dam beside the big rock. The next in size was
taken among the roots of the old sycamore at
the bend of the creek. Another and still another
from the deep hole under the rocky cliff. Oh, the
joyous days of youth and going a-fishing in the
The Sunfisb Family 57
glad springtime of life ! And then, having laved
his swollen feet in the cooling stream, he washes
the blood and scales from his hands, scrapes the
mud and slime from his well-worn clothes, shoul-
ders his lance of elm, and starts for home, bearing
his trophies with as proud a mien as a warrior of
old returning with the spoils of war.
(^Archoplites interrupt us)
The Sacramento perch is closely allied in struc-
ture to the rock-bass, and is the only perchlike
fish in fresh water west of the Rocky Mountains.
It was collected by the Pacific Railroad Survey and
described and named interruptus by Girard, in
1854, owing to the interrupted character of the
vertical markings. It inhabits the Sacramento
and Joaquin rivers in California, and is much
esteemed as a food-fish, but unfortunately it is
being rapidly exterminated by the carp and cat-
fish that arc said to infest its spawning grounds.
In its conformation it is almost identical with the
rock-bass, but differs in having more teeth on
the tongue and more gill-rakers. In coloration,
however, it differs very much, being sometimes
uniformly blackish or brassy, but usually the
58 Bass, Pike, and Perch
black coloration is disposed in several vertical
bars or markings of an irregular shape. It has
a black spot on the angle of the gill-cover.
I have had no experience in angling for the
Sacramento perch, which is said to be taken with
the hook in large quantities for the market. I
have no doubt but the tackle recommended for
the rock-bass would be just as effective for this
fish, with similar baits.
{Chcenobryttus gjtlosus)
The warmouth perch, also known as the black
sunfish in the North, was first described by the
French naturalists, Cuvier and Valenciennes, in
1829, from specimens from Lake Pontchartrain,
Louisiana. They named it gulosus, " large-
mouthed," owing to its big mouth. There is a
slight variation between the Northern and South-
ern forms. It abounds in all coastwise streams
from North Carolina to Florida and Texas, and
sparingly in Lake Michigan and the upper Mis-
sissippi Valley. In its general shape and appear-
ance it is not unlike the rock-bass, though in the
radial formula of its fins and in its large mouth
it approaches nearer the black-bass than any
The Sunfisb Family 59
other species of the family. It has a large head
and deep body, almost as deep as long, and is
nearly symmetrical in outline. Its teeth are in
brushlike bands on the jaws, with patches on the
tongue. The Southern form has one or two less
soft rays in the dorsal and anal fins.
It is dark olive on the back, lighter on the
sides, with blotches of blue and coppery red, and
the belly brassy or yellowish. Iris red, ear-flap
black, bordered with pale red, with three dusky
red bars radiating from the eye across the cheeks.
Fins mottled with a darker color, and a black
blotch on the last rays of the soft portion of the
dorsal fin.
It is not so gregarious as the rock-bass, but
otherwise is similar in its habits, though not so
partial to rocky situations, rather loving deep
pools and quiet water. It feeds on minnows,
tadpoles, frogs, insects, and their larvae. It
spawns in the spring. It is a good pan-fish, and
grows to eight or ten inches in length and a
weight of nearly a pound. For its size, it is the
gamest member of the family except the black-
bass, and is more like that fish than the others.
It is a favorite game-fish in the South, rising well
to the fly, and is a free biter at natural bait.
6o Bass, Pike, and Percb
In angling for the warmouth, the same rods
and tackle mentioned under the head of rock-
bass are well suited. In the Southern states a
light native cane rod, ten or twelve feet long, and
a line of the smallest caliber, sea-grass or twisted
silk, is the favorite style of tackle, with hooks
Nos. 2 to 3 tied on light gut, and a quill float
and split-shot sinker. The usual bait is the
black cricket, or the catalpa worm or caterpillar.
The white grub found in decayed stumps, and
other larvae, crawfish and small minnows, are all
useful. Of these the minnow is the best. On
streams a small float is necessary to keep the
bait from the roots of overhanging trees. In
the stillness of Southern streams, under the moss-
draped trees, I have idled away many a dreamy
hour in the pleasure of fishing for the warmouth,
but at the same time fully alive to the weird sur-
roundings. Occasionally the splashing of a
hooked fish on the surface entices an alligator
from his lair in expectation of a fishy morsel.
The echoes are awakened time and again by the
pumping of the bittern, the hoarse cry of the
crarue, or the hooting of an owl in the dark re-
cesses of the cypress swamp. The solitudes of
those waters are very fascinating to the lone
The Sunfisb Family 6i
fisher. The novelty of the situation appeals very
strongly to the angler-naturalist whose experi-
ences have been on the clear, sparkling, tumbling
streams of the North. There Nature is ever
bright and joyous ; here she is quiet and sombre
and subdued. But the fishes know no north or
south or east or west, — always the same crea-
tures of interest and beauty, and ever responding
to the wiles of the angler.
I was once fishing on St. Francis River, in
Arkansas, where the warmouths were both large
and gamy. One day I went through the woods
and cane-brakes to the banks of Mud Lake, situ-
ated in the midst of a cypress swamp. The lake
was much smaller than it had been formerly, as
was apparent from the wide margins of the
shores, which were of considerable extent be-
tween the timber and the water. On this mar-
gin was a group of four cypress trees that in size
exceeded any that I had ever seen, and I think
worthy of mention. They were from twenty to
twenty-five feet in diameter, or sixty to sixty-
five feet in circumference, three feet above the
ground. They were buttressed like the wall of
a mediaeval stronghold. In comparing notes with
many naturalists and travellers, they have de-
62 Bass, Pike, and Perch
clared the size of those cypress trees to be both
unique and wonderful.
(Lepowi's pallidiis)
The blue sunfish was first described by Dr.
Mitchill from the waters of New York in 1815.
He named \i pallidus, meaning "pale," as it was
more sober in hue than the other brilliantly
colored sunfishes. It is the largest of the sun-
fishes, so-called, as the black-bass, warmouth,
and crappies are not popularly regarded as
" sunfishes."
The blue sunfish has a wider distribution than
any other member of its family except the black-
bass. Its range extends from the Great Lakes
through the Mississippi Valley to Texas, and
along the South Atlantic states to Florida. In
the Middle West it is known as blue gill and in
the South as blue bream and copper-nosed bream.
It has a medium-sized head and very deep body,
its depth varying from one-half its length to almost
as deep as long, in which case, barring head and
tail, it is almost round in outline. It is much
compressed. The ear-flap is quite black, without
the pale or red border usual in the other sunfishes.
Micropterus dolomieu
Micropterus salmoides
AmblopUtes rupestris
The Sunfisb Family 63
As might be inferred from its extensive range,
its coloration varies greatly. In large and old
examples it is sometimes of a uniform slaty hue
with j)urj)lish reflections. In others it is olive-
green or bluish green, darker above, with the
breast and belly coj)pery red. Young specimens
arc more brilliantly colored, with silvery reflec-
tions and various chainlike markings. It thrives
alike in stream, pond, or lake, adaj)ting itself to
almost any environment. It feeds on insects
and their larvic, very small minnows, and other
small aquatic organisms. It spawns in the
spring and early summer, and its manner of
nesting and guarding its young is similar to
that of the other members of the family. It
grows to six or eight inches in length usually,
but often to a foot, especially in large waters,
it is quite a favorite game-fish in most localities,
and with such tackle as recommended for the
rock-bass it gives considerable sport, especially
in localities that are lacking in larger and better
game-fishes. It rises well to the fly, and will take
any of the baits recommended for the other sun-
In those states of the Middle West, where the
brook-trout does not exist, the "blue gill " is
64 Bass, Pike, and Perch
greatly esteemed and much sought after, as it
furnishes the opportunity to employ light trout
tackle in its capture, and with such gear it
affords fine sport. I have taken the blue sun-
fish in all waters from Wisconsin to Florida.
In the latter state many years ago I fished a
fresh-water lake on Point Pinellas, near St.
Petersburg, Florida, though there were but two
houses there at that time. I was using a very
light rod, and the fish were as large and round
as a breakfast plate, and moreover the gamcst
and most beautiful in coloration of any blue gill
I had ever met. The characteristic blue was
replaced by a deep, intense, and brilliant purple,
shot with silvery and golden reflections. While
playing one on the surface, an osprey sat on a
dead pine watching with apparent concern and
eagerness. The fish made a stubborn resistance,
with much splashing. Then a strange thing
happened. The fish-hawk swooped down and
seized the fish and attempted to fly away with
it. Perhaps the hook became fast to his claw,
but at any rate he circled around and around
the pond, tethered to my line. It was the first,
last, and only time that I did the aerial act of
playing a bird on the wing. After a few seconds
The Sunfisb Family 65
of this exciting and novel sport the osprey broke
away, carrying both fish and hook.
(^Lepomis wegalotis)
This Species was first described by Rafinesque
in 1820 from streams in Kentucky. He named
it vtcgalotis, meaning " large ear," owing to its
large and conspicuous ear-flap. It is one of the
handsomest sunfishes in its brilliant coloration,
and a great favorite with the youthful Waltonians
of the Mississippi Valley. It inhabits small
streams in Michigan and the Mississippi Valley,
and the Atlantic slope from South Carolina to
Florida and Mexico, and is very abundant in Ken-
tucky, where it is sometimes called " tobacco-
box," owing to its " lid-like " opercle.
Its body is short and deep, with quite a hump
or arch anteriorly, making the profile of the face
quite steep in old specimens. The ear-flap is
very long and wide, blackish in color, with a
border usually of pale bluish or a reddish hue ;
its back is blue, with chestnut or orange belly ;
sides with red spots and bluish lines ; iris of eye
red; lips blue. The soft rays of the dorsal fin
are blue, with orange between. Ventral and
66 Bass, Pike, and Perch
anal fins are dusky blue. The top of the head
and nape is dark. The coloration is very brilliant
and varies in different localities. Its habits of
feeding and spawning are similar to those of
the blue sunfish, though it usually inhabits smaller
streams ; it grows to a length of from six to eight
inches, and is regarded as a good pan-fish by
It is an eager biter at angle-worms, which is
the bait par excellejicc of juvenile anglers, who
greatly enjoy fishing for " sunnies." The only
tackle needed is a light cane rod very fine line,
and small hooks, Nos. 6 or 8, split-shot sinker,
and, of course, a float, for no boy would care
to fish without a " bob " or " cork." Half of the
pleasure of the young angler is in watching
the float.
But the fly-fisher may also obtain sport to his
liking with a rod of a few ounces' weight and
midge flies on No. lo hooks, for at the close of
the day the long-eared sunfish rises well. In
the absence of better fishing this is not to be
I once saw a boy fishing for " tobacco-boxes "
from a rock beneath a mill-dam on a Kentucky
stream. He hooked one of good size, and in
The Sunfisb Family 67
his eagerness to secure it tumbled into the pool,
which was quite deep, much over his head.
After some little delay we got him out, almost
drowned, and in a very limp and exhausted con-
dition. When finally he was restored and capable
of speech he exclaimed, " I saved my tobacco-
box, anyhow ! " During all the struggle he held
on to his rod, and still clutched it when " landed."
Whether he did so from the desperation with
which drowning men are said to cling to straws,
or from an inherent sporting instinct, deponent
sayeth not. A clergyman, who knew nothing
of fish, but who was attracted to the scene, said
to the dripping boy, " My lad, let this be a
solemn warning to you : throw away the tobacco-
box you have saved and give up chewing; it
may drown you yet."
(^Lepomis aiiritus)
This handsome sunfish was the first of its
family to receive the recognition of a naturalist,
being described by Linnaeus in 1758. He named
it aiiritus, or " eared," from its conspicuous ear-
flap. His specimen was credited to Philadelphia,
and was, presumably, from some ncighboriiif'.
68 Bass, Pike, and Perch
water. It is a fish of the Atlantic slope, with a
range extending from Maine to Florida, and is
also found in Louisiana. It is very abundant in
the South Atlantic states.
Its form is similar to the long-eared sunfish,
but with a more prominent snout and a depres-
sion in front of the eye. Its ear-flap is as long
but not so broad; its color olive or bluish above;
sides bluish with reddish spots ; breast and belly
orange or red; blue stripes on the front of the
head. The southern form has a dusky blotch on
the last rays of the dorsal fin, which is lacking in
those of northern waters.
Its habits are similar to those of the other sun-
fishes proper, as to food, spawning, etc. It grows
to a length of from eight to ten inches. It is a
favorite food- and game-fish in the South, where
it is known as red-breast bream and red-bellied
perch. The same remarks as to angling men-
tioned under the head of warmouth perch will
apply to this fish as well.
My angling career really began with the cap-
ture of " silversides " with a paste of bread crumbs,
but was inaugurated with taking this "sunny"
and the " punkin-seed " on the artificial fly. An
old English gamekeeper, in the employ of our
The Sunfisb Family 69
family as gardener and hostler, taught me to tie
a fly and cast it with a willow wand when but
five years of age. At the feet of that Gamaliel
in corduroy I imbibed a love of angling that has
constantly grown with the lapse of years. But
increased knowledge of fishes and a wider experi-
ence in angling have not lessened my affection
for my first love — the "sunny." This acknowledg-
ment is due one of the humblest and least im-
portant, but also one of the prettiest species of
the finny tribe.
{Eupomotis gibbosus)
This is the pumpkin-seed or "sunny" of fra-
grant memory. It is enshrined in the heart of
many an American angler as his first love, when
with pin hook, thread line, and willow wand he
essayed its capture in the nearest brook or mill-
Looking backward over an angling career of
half a century, the gamesome "sunny" with its
coat of many colors shines out as a bright par-
ticular star among those of greater magnitude.
It is here set down, then, mainly as a matter of
sentiment and to keep its memory green.
yo Bass, Pike, and Percb
The little " sunny " was christened by the
greatest naturalist that ever lived, Linnaeus, who
in 1758 named it '' gibbosus^' owing to the gib-
bous outline of its little body. His specimens
were from South Carolina.
It inhabits the Great Lake region, and the
Atlantic seaboard from Maine to Florida, and
the northern portion of the Mississippi Valley.
In outline it is not unlike a pumpkin-seed, hence
one of its popular names. This is well expressed
in its specific name gibbosus. It has quite a
small mouth, but large eye. In coloration it
rivals the gayly-tinted fishes of the coral reefs
in tropical seas. The predominating colors are
yellow and blue, being bluish on the back, paling
on the sides to a lighter shade, with yellow
blotches and coppery reflections, and belly bright
orange-yellow; the cheeks are yellow with blue
streaks; rays of dorsal fin blue, the connecting
membrane yellow ; ear-flap black, ending in a
scarlet border; lips blue; iris of eye scarlet.
Its habits of spawning, nest-making, and care of
eggs and fry are similar to those of the other sun-
fishes mentioned. It is partial to clear water, with
sandy or gravelly bottom, in the vicinity of weed
patches. It feeds on insects and their larvae and
The Sunflsb Family 71
minute crustaceans, and is especially fond of the
eggs and fry of other species. It grows to a size
of eight inches, though usually from three to six
Like all the sunfishes, it is an eager biter, and
with very light tackle much real pleasure can be
enjoyed by the angler who is not too particular
as to his preferences. It rises readily to small
dark flies, as the several hackles, black gnat, etc.,
on hooks Nos. 10 to 12. For bait-fishing
nothing is quite so good as earthworms on
hooks Nos. 8 to 10.
There are quite a number of other sunfishes
belonging to this family, but those named are
the most important. In the Southern states,
where the sunfishes are known generically as
" bream " or " brim " and " perch," they are more
appreciated than in the Northern states, where
the brook-trout is the favorite among the smaller
species. If fished for with very light and suitable
tackle, there is a great measure of enjoyment to
be derived from bream-fishing, north or south.
Certainly for beauty of coloration they are not
excelled, and as pan-fish they are preferred by
many to the dainty brook-trout.
There is a certain fascination in fishing with
72 Bass, Pike, and Percb
a float, or " cork," or " bob," as the boys have it.
And among us " old boys " there is a certain
undefined feeling, it may be a reminiscent affec-
tion, connected with the float, much the same as
that with which we regard the powder-flask and
shot-pouch of the days of yore. And I am not
sure but that the old things and old ways were
best, or at least more enjoyable. One can heartily
agree with Alonzo of Aragon in his preferences
for old wood to burn, old wine to drink, old
friends to trust, and old authors to read.
What old angler does not remember the eager-
ness and expectancy with which he watched the
" cork " in days gone by ? How well he knew and
understood every motion of it, responsive to the
nibbling " sunny " : first a gentle spinning, then
a preliminary bobble, then a premonitory start
away an inch or two, and then — O joy ! — its
swift and sudden disappearance beneath the sur-
face. The lapse of time cannot wither nor
modern custom stale the pleasures of youthful
fishing. To be sure, it was not all piscatorial
cakes and ale ; there were a few thorns with the
roses; there were the bruised fingers and toes,
the wet and torn clothes, and the impending
and dreaded " dressing down " when home was
The Sunfisb Family 73
reached ; but these disagreeable concomitants
were soon forgotten, and are now scarcely re-
membered, while the pleasures are laid up in the
lavender of sweet recollection.
The old-time zest of fishing with a float can
still be gratified; we can renew our youth by
fishing for "sunnies" in the old-fashioned way.
In the wooded streams of the Southern states the
float is a sine qua non for bream-fishing, owing
to the many tangled roots of trees on the banks,
and the mosses, grasses, and other aquatic plants
that grow so luxuriantly in the sluggish waters.
Then here's to the float and the sunny and the
bream !
{Pomoxis sparoides)
The calico-bass was first described by Lacepede
from specimens sent to France from South Caro-
lina. He named it sparoides from a fancied
resemblance, either in its scales or compressed
body, to those features in fishes belonging to the
family Sparidcs.
Owing to its wide distribution it has received
many names, more or less descriptive. In the
Northern states it is variously called crappie,
croppie, strawberry-bass, grass-bass, bank lick
74 Bass, Pike, and Perch
bass, silver-bass, big-fin bass, Lake Erie bass,
razor back, bitter-head, lamplighter, etc., while
in the Southern states it is known as speckled
perch, goggle-eyed perch, chincapin perch, bridge
perch, etc.
As the calico-bass and the next fish to be
described, the crappie, belong to the same genus
of the sunfish family, and resemble each other
very much, the vernacular nomenclature is much
confused, and in some instances is interchangeable.
Some years ago I proposed to call them northern
and southern crappie ; but as the name calico-bass
has obtained considerable currency, it is best to
adopt that name for the northern species, leaving
the name crappie for the southern form.
The calico-bass is found in the Great Lake
region and the upper Mississippi Valley, and
along the Atlantic slope from New Jersey to
Florida and Texas. Its range has been con-
siderably extended by transplantation, even to
France, where it thrives well as a pond fish. It
is a handsome fish, resembling in its general
features and shape the sunfishes, but with a
thinner body and larger fins. It has a long head
and a large mouth, with thin lips and projecting
lower jaw. The eye is large with a dark, bluish
The Sunfisb Family 75
iris. Its fins are large and strong. It grows
usually to eight or ten inches in length, weighing
from half a pound to a pound, but occasionally
reaches a foot in length and two or three pounds
in weight. Its color is bright olive-green, with
silvery reflections, darker on the back, and paling
to the belly. In some localities it is of a much
darker and purplish hue with brassy lustre. It is
profusely covered with dark spots or blotches, as
large as the finger-tips or " chincapins." The
fins are mottled with pale spots on a darker or
olive ground. It is gregarious, being usually
found in schools, and prefers clear water. It is
especially adapted to pond culture, and spawns
in spring or early summer, according to locality ;
it prepares its nest in sand, gravel, or on a flat
rock in the same way as the sunfishes. Its food
is the same, also, though it is more partial to
young fish. It is an excellent pan-fish but does
not excel as a game-fish, for though a very free
biter, it does not offer much resistance when
hooked. However, with very light tackle it
affords considerable sport, as it does not cease
biting, usually, until most of the school are
The usual method of angling for this fish is
76 Bass, Pike, and Perch
from an anchored boat on ponds or small lakes,
or from the bank. At times it rises pretty well
to the fly, and trolling with a very small spoon is
also successful on lakes. The lightest rods and
tackle should be employed, with hooks Nos. 3 to
5 on gut snells. A small quill float is useful in
very weedy ponds with mossy bottom. The best
bait is a small minnow, though grasshoppers,
crickets, crawfish, cut-bait, or worms are all
greedily taken. Fly-fishing is more successful
during the late afternoon hours until dusk. The
flies should be trout patterns of coachman, gray
drake, black gnat, Henshall, or any of the hackles
on hooks Nos. 4 to 5.
I first became acquainted with the calico-bass
during my residence in Wisconsin, many years
ago. In the vicinity of Oconomowoc it was
known as the silver-bass, though summer visitors
from St. Louis, confusing it with the kindred
species, the crappie, called it " croppie," as the
real crappie is known at Murdoch Lake near
that city. Owing to its greedy, free-biting habits
it was a prime favorite with youthful anglers and
the fair sex; for once a school was located, the
contest was free, fast, and furious until, perhaps,
the entire school was captured. It was frequently
The Stmfisb Family yj
taken by black-bass fishers when casting the
minnow or trolling, much to their disgust. Of
course it is always the unexpected that happens,
in fishing as in other affairs of life, and the angler
who was casting a fine minnow for a black-bass,
viewed with disdain if not anger the unlucky
"pickerel," rock-bass, perch, or calico bass that
appropriated — or, as the English angler has it,
"hypothecated" — the said choice shiner.
I was once fishing with General Phil Sheridan
and General Anson Stager for black-bass on a
lake near Oconomowoc. When the great teleg-
rapher, after a beautiful cast near" a bed of
rushes, hooked a calico-bass, and was anathe-
matizing the " measly silver-bass " with all the
dots and dashes of the Morse alphabet, Sheridan
quietly remarked, " Oh, let up, Stager, it is one
of the fortunes of war; better luck next time!"
Stager smiled, gently unhooked the offending
fish, and returned it to the water, saying, " Good-
by, croppie, my regards to the rest of the family ;
but don't monkey with my minnow again."
When cruising on the St. Johns, or camping
on some of the fresh-water lakes of Florida, I
have greatly enjoyed both the fishing with light
tackle and the eating of this fine pan-fish. It is
78 Bass, Pike, and Percb
there known as the perch, silver perch, or speckled
perch. It may not be out of place to say that
the generic term " bass " is connected only with
salt-water fishes in the Southern states. Fishes
that are known in the Northern states as bass of
some kind become, generically, " perch " in the
South ; and the black-bass becomes a " trout " or
jumping-perch. If bait-fishing, one is never at
a loss for bait on the lakes of Florida. The black-
bass and calico-bass lie in open water, adjacent to
the patches of lily-pads or bonnets. Among the
latter frequent the minnows and small fry. To
catch your minnow the bait is also handy. In
the stems of the lilies and bonnets there lies
concealed a small worm, which is readily seen
by splitting the stems. With the worm first
catch your minnow, which is transferred to your
bass hook, which is next cast into clear, deeper
water, to be taken by a black-bass or "speckled
perch." What a simple and admirable arrange-
ment for the lazy fisherman !
My old friend. Dr. Thcodatus Garlick, who
with I^r. M. A. Ackley were the fathers of fish-
culture in America, having succeeded in hatch-
ing brook-trout as early as 1853, relates the
following instance of the remarkable tenacity of
The Sunfish Family 79
life in the calico-bass: "A specimen from which
a drawing was made, was wrapped in a piece of
paper when taken from the water, and carried in
my coat pocket for over four hours, and when
placed in a bucket of water soon revived, and
seems at the present time to enjoy excellent
health. In warm weather, however, it would not,
in all probability, survive so severe a test of its
vital powers." I imagine that this circumstance
happened in winter, and that the fish became
frozen before or after being placed in his pocket ;
otherwise I doubt if the fish could have survived
vSO long, unless the piece of paper was very large
and very wet. I know of many instances occur-
ring with myself and others where freshly caught
fish have been revived after being frozen for
several hours.
{Poinoxis atimdaris)
The crappie was first described by Rafinesque
in 18 18 from specimens collected at the Falls of
the Ohio, near Louisville, Kentucky. He named
it annularis, "having rings," as it was said to
have " a golden ring at the base of the tail,"
but I have never seen it; it does have a gold
So Bass, Pike, and Percb
ring, however, around the iris of the eye, and this
was probably the occasion of the name.
Like the calico-bass, the crappie has received
a great many local names. In the northern
region of its range it is variously known as
white croppie, crappie, barfish, bachelor, etc., and
in Kentucky as newlight, Campbellite, and tin-
mouth, while farther south it is called silver perch,
speckled perch, goggle-eye, sac-a-lait, shad, etc.
It inhabits the Ohio and Mississippi river basins
from Kansas to Louisiana and Texas, and is
more abundant in Kentucky and other Southern
states than farther north. Its range, however,
has been extended by transplantation to many
states. In general features it resembles the
calico-bass very much, though to the trained eye
the differences are very apparent. It is not quite
so deep nor so robust as the calico-bass. The
mouth is somewhat larger, and the snout more
prominent or projecting on account of a depres-
sion or indentation in front of the eye. The eye
is a little larger, and the membrane of the jaws
is quite thin and transparent, hence one of its
names, — " tin-mouth." The crappie has but six
spines in the dorsal fin, whereas the calico-bass has
seven, whereby they may be readily distinguished.
The Sunfisb Family 8i
It grows to about the same size and weight
as the calico-bass, ten or twelve inches, though
under favorable conditions it grows larger, reach-
ing a weight of three pounds. I have frequently
taken it as heavy, or a little heavier, in Kentucky,
where many ponds and streams seem peculiarly
fitted for it. In coloration it is much paler than
the calico-bass, and the markings are not so
dark or in such large spots or blotches. It is
silvery olive-green, much mottled with a darker
shade of same color, especially on the back, the
lower sides and belly being more silvery and
seemingly translucent. The dorsal and caudal
fins are much mottled with shades of green,
though the anal fin is almost plain. The iris of
the eye is dark, with a silvery or golden border.
It is found in clear streams and likewise in
still, weedy ponds and bayous, or in all situations
adapted to the large-mouth black-bass, with which
fish it is nearly always associated. It is admirably
suited for pond culture. It is quite gregarious
and loves to congregate about the submerged top
of a fallen tree or sunken brush, and about mill-
dams. It feeds on all small aquatic organisms
and insects and their larvae, and the fry of other
fishes, tadpoles, etc.
82 Bass, Pike, and Percb
While a very free-biting fish, its game qualities,
when hooked, are not remarkable. It is pulled
out with scarcely a struggle. It is rather a shy
fish, withal, and must be fished for cautiously,
and with little noise or confusion. When these
precautions are observed, and with very small
minnows for bait, nearly the entire school can be
captured in a short time. It is an excellent pan-
fish, and on this account is a prime favorite.
For still-fishing, a light rod of a few ounces in
weight, and a line of the smallest caliber, size H,
should be used. Hooks for bait-fishing should
be about No. 3, as the crappie has a large mouth ;
they should be tied on gut snells. A quill float
is useful in weedy places, or about brush and
logs. The best bait is a very small minnow,
hooked under the dorsal fin, care being taken not
to injure the spinal cord. Soft crawfish, cut-bait,
or earthworms may be substituted where minnows
are scarce. A reel is not necessary for bait-fish-
ing, but a short leader should always be used,
and where required a split-shot sinker is heavy
For fly-fishing, the lightest trout fly-rod and
the smallest click reel should be employed, with
a braided, enamelled silk line of the smallest
The Sunfish Family 83
caliber, and dark or grayish flies of small size, on
hooks No. 4, on gut snells, with a fine leader.
The most useful flies are gray, red, and black
hackles, black gnat, blue dun, gray and brown
drake, and stone fly ; but far the best fly that I
have ever used is the Henshall of a small size.
It has a body of green peacock had, hackle of
white hairs from a deer's tail, gray wings, and
tail of a fibre or two from the tail feather of a
peacock ; they will rise to this fly when no other
will tempt them to the surface. Toward sunset,
with the tackle named, on a breezy summer day,
the angler will be amply rewarded, for under
these conditions fly-fishing for the crappie is a
sport not to be despised.
It has been alleged that the name " Campbell-
ite," by which the crappie is sometimes known
in Kentucky, was bestowed because the fish first
appeared in Kentucky streams about the same
time that the religious sect founded by Alexander
Campbell became established in that state. This
may have been the origin of the name, but I am
inclined to doubt it from the fact that the crappie
has probably always inhabited Kentucky streams,
inasmuch as it was first described by Rafinesque
in 1820 from Kentucky waters. He gave gold
84 Bass, Pike, and Perch
ring and silver perch as the common names then
in vogue for it at Louisville. I think it more
likely the name originated in this wise : among
the many names given to this fish is " newlight,"
probably owing to its bright and apparently
translucent appearance ; and as this name was
also bestowed by some on the religious sect
referred to, the names newlight and Campbellite
became interchangeable for both fish and sect.
It is, however, seldom called Campbellite, while
newlight is the most universal name for it in
central Kentucky.
The name crappie, or croppie, has an unknown
derivation ; perhaps it comes from the French
crepe, a "pan-cake," from its shape or delicious-
ness when fried, for it was always a great favorite
with the French of St. Louis and the Creoles of
Louisiana. In the latter state it is also known as
sac-a-lait, " bag for milk " (?).
Great numbers of crappies are annually seined
from the shallow bayous and sloughs bordering
the Illinois and Mississippi rivers by the United
States Fish Commission, and planted in suit-
able waters. If allowed to remain in the sloughs,
which dry up in the summer and fall, they would
eventually perish.
The bass family is composed mostly of marine
fishes, nearly all of which are good game- and
food-fishes. These will be described among the
fishes of the East Coast and Florida in subse-
quent pages. It is the most typical group among
the percoid (perchlike) fishes. Only two species
of the family inhabit fresh water, — the white-bass
and the yellow-bass.
The fishes of this family are characterized by
an oblong body, large mouth, brushlike or bristle-
like teeth, sometimes with canines ; one or two
dorsal fins, the first always composed of spiny
rays ; the anal fin, always with three spines ;
scales adherent and rough (ctenoid) ; preopercle
usually serrate ; opercle with flat points or spines ;
cheeks and opercles always scaly; premaxillary
protractile ; dorsal and ventral outlines do not
always correspond ; caudal fin not deeply forked ;
its peduncle stout.
86 Bass, Pike, and Percb
{Roccus chrysops)
Roccus chrysops. The White-bass. Body oblong, deep, and com-
pressed ; head 3^; depth 2| ; eye 5; D. IX-I, 14; A. Ill,
12; scales 10-60-15; mouth moderate, maxillary reaching
middle of pupil ; a patch of teeth at base of tongue, and a
patch on each side ; preopercle serrate ; subopercle with a
deep notch; lower jaw somewhat projecting; dorsal fins sepa-
rate ; gill-rakers long and slender, ;r + 14.
Morone inter rtipta. The Yellow-bass. Body oblong, ovate, the
back arched; head 3; depth 2|; eye 4| ; D. IX-I, 12; A. Ill,
9; scales 7-50-1 1 ; dorsal fins slightly joined ; jaws subequal ;
no teeth on base of tongue ; gill-rakers moderate, x -\- 13 to 16 ;
preorbital and suprascapula serrate.
The white-bass was first described by Rafi-
nesque in 1820 from the falls of the Ohio River,
near Louisville, Kentucky. He named it chrys-
ops, or "gold eye," owing to the golden hue of
the iris. It is known also as white lake-bass
and fresh-water striped-bass. It is abundant in
Lake Erie, Lake Michigan, and upper Mississippi
River, especially in Lake Pepin, and in Lake
Winnebago, Wisconsin. It was formerly not
uncommon in the Ohio River, but is now rare.
Its body is compressed and rather deep, with
the back arched ; its head is rather small, but
the mouth is large, with the lower jaw protrud-
ing ; the eye is large ; teeth brushlike, without
The Bass Family 87
canines. The color is silvery white, greenish
above, golden below, with six or more narrow
dusky lines along the body, most conspicuous
above the lateral line ; those below broken, or not
continuous. The white-bass is found in water
of moderate depth, preferring those that are clear
and cool, as it does not resort to weedy situations.
It is essentially a lake fish, except in spring, when
it undergoes a semi-migration, entering the tribu-
taries of lakes in large schools. It spawns usually
in May. It feeds on small fishes, crawfish, in-
sects, and their larvae, etc. Its usual size is a
pound or a little less, but occasionally it grows
to three pounds. It is a food-fish of much
excellence, its flesh firm, white, flaky, and of
good flavor.
It is one of the best fresh-water game-fishes,
being a bold biter, and on light and suitable
tackle affords much sport to the appreciative
angler. For fly-fishing, the best season is during
the spring, when it enters the tributary streams
of lakes. At this time the fly-fisher will be
successful at any hour of the day. He may fish
from the bank or from an anchored boat, the
latter plan being the best. As the fish are
swimming in schools, either headed up or down
88 Bass, Pike, and Perch
stream, no particular place need be selected,
though off the points at the edge of the channel,
or in the narrowest portions of the streams, are
perhaps the best. In the summer and fall the fish
are in the lakes or deeper water, when the fishing
will be more successful during the late afternoon
hours until sundown, and the angler may be
guided by the conditions followed in black-bass
fly-fishing, as mentioned in a previous chapter.
A trout fly-rod of six or seven ounces, with the
usual trout click reel and corresponding tackle,
will subserve a good purpose. When the fish
are running in the streams the most useful flies
are gray drake, green drake, stone fly, brown
hackle, gray hackle, Henshall, and Montreal, of
the usual trout patterns, on hooks Nos. 5 to 7.
For bait-fishing, a light black-bass or trout
rod, with multiplying reel, braided silk line of
the smallest caliber, a leader of small gut three
feet long, and hooks Nos. 3 or 4 tied on gut
snells, will answer well. The best and in fact
the only bait that can be successfully used is
■a small minnow, hooked through the lips. The
fishing is done from an anchored boat on lakes
or the deep pools of streams, either by casting
or still-fishing.
The Bass Family 89
No fish will rise to the artificial fly except in
comparatively shallow water, or when near the
surface, and this is especially true of the white-
bass when it resorts to the depths after the
spring run is over. I remember a striking in-
stance of this that once occurred in Wisconsin.
I was fishing for black-bass in the Neenah chan-
nel of Lake Winnebago during the May-fly
season, when the black-bass were taking the
artificial fly right along, being near the surface
feeding on the natural flies, though the water
was quite deep, with a rocky bottom. A party
of bait-fishers anchored near my boat, and began
fishing with heavy sinkers, as the water was very
swift, and with small minnows for bait. The
white-bass were not slow in taking the proffered
minnows, and they caught a goodly number, but
not a single black-bass ; nor did I take a single
white-bass during several hours of fishing, for
they were lying among the rocks at the bottom.
In the rocky coves about the Bass Islands
of Put-in-Bay, on Lake Erie, I have had really
good sport, in the summer months, bait-fishing
for white-bass, with light tackle, the fish running
about two pounds ; but with the fly my success
was generally nil, as they were in deep water,
90 Bass, Pike, and Percb
and nothing but minnows would attract them.
But in the upper Mississippi, notably on Lake
Pepin, the case was different. About the rocky-
points of that beautiful lake, and in the clear
water of the river below, I have enjoyed royal
sport fly-fishing for white-bass. This was years
ago. Afterward I made a trip in a steam yacht
from Cincinnati to St. Paul, traversing the
Mississippi from Cairo to the head of navi-
gation, and also going up the St. Croix River to
Taylor's Falls. On this trip the white-bass fish-
ing was not so good as in former years, though
the black-bass seemed to have held their own
pretty well. I might remark, in passing, that
the upper Mississippi is one of the most beautiful
and scenic rivers in the world, and is unsurpassed
for black-bass fly-fishing. At one time the
islands of that river furnished superb woodcock
shooting in summer, which could be varied with
fine fishing.
(^Morone interrnptd)
The yellow-bass was first described by Dr.
Theodore Gill in i860. His type specimens
were from the lower Mississippi River in the
vicinity of St. Louis and New Orleans. He
The Bass Family 91
named it interrupta, in allusion to the broken or
" interrupted " lines along its sides. It is also
known as brassy-bass. It belongs to the same
genus as the white-perch of the East Coast. It
is found only in the lower Mississippi River and
its tributaries, sometimes extending its range a
short distance up the Ohio River.
The yellow-bass might be called a cousin of
the white-bass, though it belongs to a different
genus. It takes the place of that fish in the
lower Mississippi Valley. Compared with the
white-bass it has a somewhat longer head, with
a body not quite so deep ; otherwise the general
shape is much the same. The mouth is a little
larger, though the snout does not project quite so
much, and the profile of the head is straighter,
and it has a larger eye. The posterior border of
the cheek-bone is finely serrated.
The general color is brassy or yellowish,
darker on the back and lighter on the belly.
There are about half a dozen very distinct and
black longitudinal lines along the sides, the lower
ones broken or " interrupted," the posterior por-
tions dropping below the anterior, like a " fault "
in a stratum of rocks.
It is fond of the deeper pools in the rivers and
92 Bass, Pike, and Perch
clear-water bayous, and the foot of rapids and
riffles. It is partial to the same character of food
as the white-bass, small minnows constituting the
greater part. It likewise spawns in the spring,
and grows to a pound or two in weight, some-
times reaching three pounds. It is an excellent
I have had good sport with the yellow-bass
on St. Francis River in Arkansas, and at the
head of the Yazoo Pass, in Mississippi, with the
same tackle and by similar methods as recom-
mended for the white-bass on a prior page. As
with the two black-basses and the two crappies,
the white-bass and yellow-bass having similar
habits and kindred tastes, the same tackle and the
same modes of angling are as well suited for one
as for the other. This will apply to both fly-
fishing and bait-fishing.
I was once, one autumn, with a party on a river
steam yacht on the lower Mississippi when geese,
ducks, deer, and turkeys were more plentiful than
they are now. Up the St. Francis River, in the
" sunk lands " of Arkansas, the yacht was moored
at Cow Bayou, near a steep clay bluff, on the top
of which was a dilapidated tent occupied by a
young man and his wife, who were building a
The Bass Family 93
shanty boat in which to float down to sunnier
cHmes for the winter, as the man was " nigh
gone " with consumption. One morning I was
out early fishing for yellow-bass after a rainy
night. As I was landing a fish I saw the woman
at the top of the bluff, looking for a way down to
the yacht. She was quite a fresh and comely-
looking woman, too. She started down very
carefully, for the wet clay was quite slippery. I
became interested to see how she would succeed.
Suddenly her bare feet slipped from under her,
and she came down with a rush, her one garment,
as I soon discovered, an old calico gown, slipping
back over her head, disclosing her nude form,
which appeared very white in contrast to the red
clay. Then I looked the other way just as she
flopped over from a prone to a supine position.
When she reached the river side she looked like
a sculptor's model in clay. She quietly adjusted
her gown as if nothing unusual had occurred,
and asked : " Has you-uns got any matches ?
We-uns' matches all j^ot wet in the drizzle last
night, and I want to cook my old man's break-
fus." I pulled ashore and handed her my match-
box, and scarcely knowing what to say, I remarked,
" You had better change your dress before you
94 Bass, Pike, and Perch
cook breakfast." She replied, " I hain't got an-
other one."
While the boys were eating their breakfast of
fried fish, deer steak, and broiled duck, I related
the " toboggan " episode, and mentioned the " one
frock." When the meal was concluded the boys
overhauled their belongings and chipped in several
pairs of slippers, long woollen stockings, under-
clothing, and blankets, and the " skipper" threw in
some calico and muslin from the yacht's stores.
These were made into bundles and carried to the
top of the bluff by a more circuitous route. Pro-
ceeding to the tent they deposited their offerings,
together with some ducks and venison. The
man and woman were overcome with gratitude,
but the boys said they were glad to get rid of the
stuff. The skipper had taken his camera along to
get a snap-shot at the tent and its occupants, which
being made known to them the woman said,
" Wait a minnit ! " She went into the tent, but
immediately reappeared wearing a large sun-
bonnet, in which she was " took " with her " old
man." I have often wondered since why she put
on that sun-bonnet. My excuse for this digression
may be found in the memorable words of George
Dawson, " It is not all of fishing to fish."
In addition to the fresh-water species of this
family and those of the East Coast are the group-
ers, cabrillas, etc., of Florida waters, to be noticed
later. The family name is founded on Cuvier's
genus Serranus, from the Latin serra, or " saw," in
allusion to the serrated edge of the cheek-bones,
common to all fishes of this family.
Roccus Imeatus. The Striped-bass. Body rather elongate, little
compressed; head 3J ; depth 3J ; eye 6; D. IX-I, 12; A. Ill,
II ; scales 8-67-1 1 ; back little arched ; head subconical; mouth
large, maxillary reaching middle of orbit ; lower jaw projecting ;
teeth on base of tongue in two parallel patches ; preorbital
entire ; preopercle weakly serrate ; margin of subopercle entire ;
suprascapula entire ; gill-rakers long and slender, 4 + 15 ; dor-
sal fins separate ; caudal fin forked.
Morone americana. The White-perch. Body oblong, ovate, the
back moderately elevated; head 3; depth z\\ eye 4; D. IX-I,
12; A. Ill, 8; scales 8-50-12; head depressed above eyes;
snout rather pointed ; mouth small, maxillary not reaching
middle of orbit ; preorbital entire ; base of tongue without
teeth ; head scaled ; dorsal fins connected at base ; gill-rakers
4+ 16.
96 Bass, Pike, and Perch
Centropristes striatus. The Sea-bass. 15ody robust, elevated an-
teriorly, somewhat compressed ; head z\ ; depth 2.\ ; eye 5 ; D.
X, 11 ; A. HI, 7; scales 5-55-17; head large and thick, naked
on top ; mouth rather large, lower jaw projecting ; teeth in
broad bands, the canines small ; preopercle serrate; gill-rakers
long, about r -t- 18; scales on cheeks in 11 rows; caudal fin
double concave or three-lobed.
{Koccus li neat us)
The specific name liiicattcs, or " striped," was
bestowed by Bloch in 1792. North of the Dela-
ware River it is universally called striped-bass,
but in more southern waters it is known as rock
or rockfish, from its habit of foraging on rocky
shores in search of crustaceans and small fishes.
From this vernacular name comes the generic
name Rocciis. It is found from the Gulf of St.
Lawrence to Florida, but is most abundant from
Buzzards Bay to Cape Hatteras, North Carolina.
It has been successfully transplanted to the Pacific
coast, where it is now common near San Fran-
The form of the striped-bass varies considerably
with age. Young specimens are rather slender
and symmetrical in outline, the depth being about
a fourth of the length. The depth increases
with the weight of the fish, while the back be-
The Bass Family 97
comes more arched, and the belly more pendu-
lous. The head equals in length the depth of the
body usually. The mouth is large, opening ob-
liquely ; the snout is rather sharp, and the lower
jaw projects. The color is olivaceous, often
bluish on the back, sides with silveiy lustre, fad-
ing to white on the belly. There are six to eight
horizontal rows of dark spots, forming interrupted
stripes, four or five running from head to caudal
fm, with three shorter ones below; the fins are
pale and usually unmarked. It is found within
the range given during the entire year, though
it frecjuents certain situations at different seasons.
The largest fish resort to the rocky shores of the
bays and indentations of the coast between the
shores and outer reefs, those of smaller size fre-
quent the estuaries and tideways, and still smaller
ones seek the shallower and cpiieter waters.
It spawns in the spring, usually in May, in
both fresh and brackish water. Large schools
ascend rivers for long distances in the spring,
more i)articularly those rivers resorted to by
the shad, which they seem to follow, perhaps for
the purpose of feeding on shad spawn, as they
are said to do. Others follow the smelt up cer-
tain rivers farther north. A large female will
98 Bass, Pike, and Perch
deposit from a million to two million eggs, which
are about one-seventh of an inch in diameter, are
free, transparent, and semi-buoyant, and hatch in
a few days. Owing to a large oil-drop in the
front part of the yolk-sac, the young fry at first
swim with the head toward the surface of the
water, and not in the horizontal position usual
with the fry of most fishes.
Its food consists of small fishes, crabs, lobsters,
shrimps, squids, sandworms, and other marine
invertebrates. It grows to a very large size,
being frequently taken by anglers from thirty to
sixty pounds, and in the nets of fishermen as
heavy as one hundred pounds or more. In the
city of Baltimore, in boyhood days, I often went
to the fish markets on Saturdays to see and ad-
mire the various kinds of fishes. On one occa-
sion there were several large rockfish being
weighed on the old-time balance, consisting of
a beam and two large, flat, wooden scales sup-
ported by chains. The largest fish did not weigh
quite two fifty-six-pound weights. A man then
asked me how much I weighed, and I replied
one hundred and three pounds. I was then
placed on the scale instead of the weights, with
the result that the fish outweighed me perhaps
The Bass Family 99
a pound or two. At all events it weighed be-
tween one hundred and three and one hundred
and twelve pounds — probably one hundred and
five pounds. It was as long as an average man.
The striped-bass is a food-fish of fine quality,
and the markets of the eastern cities are well
supplied with it during summer and fall, and to
a certain extent during the winter. It is very
active from early spring until late in the fall,
when it resorts to the back-waters and bayous of
tidal rivers for the winter. It is said by some to
hibernate, but this is doubtful. The opinion is
probably due to the fact that it is more sluggish
and listless while in winter quarters, and refuses
to respond to the wiles of the angler.
That the striped-bass is a game-fish of high
degree goes without saying. It is rated by some
enthusiastic anglers as being superior even to the
salmon in game qualities. This opinion, how-
ever, is hardly correct when the two are com-
pared weight for weight. In surf-fishing the first
rush of a large fish, upon feeling the hook, is
something to be remembered. It is probably
longer and stronger than that of a salmon of
equal weight, for the reason that while the latter
fish is leaping from the water in its efforts to
loo Bass, Pike, and Perch
escape, tlie bass is making his furious clash for
liberty beneath the surface, and exerting every
ounce of his muscular fibre in tlie effort. But
tliis immense strain cannot long be continued,
and as he seldom breaks water like the salmon,
and does not sulk, he resorts to strategy and
fmesse to free himself.
After making several desperate but ineffectual
rushes to escape, he may endeavor to chafe or
part the line against sharp rocks, or to foul it
among the kelp or sea-weeds. Sometimes, but
not often, he dives toward the angler to obtain
slack line, which is a dangerous move if the reel
does not respond quickly in taking up the loose
line. When it is considered that all of these
manoeuvres of a monster bass to free himself
occur amidst the rolling and tumbling of the
surf, or in the dashing of foam-crested combers,
while the angler often has but a precarious foot-
ing on a slippery rock, and perhaps with a half
gale of wind blowing, some idea may be formed
of the skill and good judgment required to sub-
due and land so valorous a fish. And under
such conditions it is very natural for the angler
to rank his noble quarry with the salmon.
When a Baltimore boy I thought there was no
The Bass Family loi
better sport than still-fishing for rockfish running
from a half to a pound or two, on the flats off
Fort McHenry, the Lazaretto, or up the Patapsco
River near the Long Bridge. It was good sport,
too, for the fish were plentiful in those days, and
from an anchored boat, with light cane rod and
shrimp bait, I was often on the ground to catch
the young flood tide at sunrise, or before, on
summer mornings, and seldom failed to be re-
warded with a full basket of small striped-bass.
Still-fishing in summer is best practised in
comparatively shallow water in the estuaries, at
the edge of the tideways, near the mouths of
rivers, or up streams of good size as far as the
tide reaches. In some cases the fishing may be
done from bridges, piers, wharves, or from the
bank, but usually from an anchored boat. In
the estuaries and at the mouths of rivers the
first of the flood and the last of the ebb are usu-
ally the best stages of the tide. In the shallow
bays and lagoons, or far up the rivers, the full
tide is the most favorable time. For this fishing
the rod should be light, pliable, and not more
than nine feet in length. A black-bass rod can
be utilized to good advantage. The best rod for
the purpose, however, is the " Little Giant," a
I02 Bass, Pike, and Perch
modification of the Henshall black-bass rod. It
is in two pieces, seven and one-half feet long, and
weighs eight ounces in ash and lancewood, or
seven ounces in split bamboo. It is stiffer than
the Henshall rod, so that a two- or four-ounce
sinker can be used with it whenever necessary.
A good multiplying reel must be employed with
black-bass rods. The line should be fifty yards
of braided linen, smallest size, with a three-foot
leader of single gut; Sproat or O'Shaughnessy
hooks Nos. I or i on gut snells are large enough
for bass up to two or three pounds. A small
float is useful on grassy bottom with shrimp or
crab bait, and sinkers of weights in accordance
with the strength of the tidal current must be
employed, also a landing-net.
Shrimps, soft or shedder crabs, soft-shelled
clams, sandworms, small minnows, silversides,
spearing or killifishes, are all good baits in their
season. Shrimp is perhaps the best all-round
lure. It should be hooked under the back plates,
and a single shrimp is sufificient for small bass.
Shedder or soft crab should be cut in small
pieces. The scallop is likewise an attractive
bait, especially in the fall, when clam bait may
also be used to advantage. Early in the spring
The Bass Family 103
shad roe may be used in quiet waters, or at
slack tide, but it is a difficult and unpleasant
bait to handle.
The bait should be from one to three feet
above the bottom, and should be kept in motion.
Even crab bait should not be allowed to lie on
the bottom, as some anglers advise. To main-
tain the proper position and depth of the bait
the angler may employ a float, with or without
a sinker, as the exigencies or conditions demand.
Very often hand-lines or stiff cane poles are
used in estuary fishing, and the bass, even when
of several pounds in weight, are yanked out of
the water into the boat at once. But with the
tackle recommended above the pleasure of the
angler is enhanced, and the fish given a chance
for his life in the brief struggle that follows.
In trolling for fish of from three to ten pounds
a natural bamboo rod, eight or nine feet long,
answers well with one hundred yards of braided
linen line, size E or F, and Sproat hooks No. 2-0
to 3-0 on gut snells. Where the bass run
larger, two hundred feet of line, size E, with
hooks Nos. 5-0 to 6-0 may be required, also a
heavier rod. The baits for trolling are blood-
worms of large size, a minnow hooked through
I04 Hdss, Piki\ and Penh
{\\c lips, the iiatunil s(|iii(l or an ccl-lail ; also
the arlilicial s(|iii(l ol hone or hloik tin, or a
troUing-sjJoon or spiniuT with a single hook.
When the s|)oon or artificial s(|iii(l is used it is
not ni'eessary or advisable to add sandvvornis
or other naluial hail, as is often done. I'jnploy
one or the other, hut never both in eonihina-
tion. The arliheial baits are sulheiently attrac-
tive' in tlu'nisi'lves, and the additions mentioned
do not enhance tlu-ir eliectiviMU'Ss. The boat
should be rowed aIonL;siH)re, or over rocky
reefs or shoals, and about tlu* eddies of rock
pools. As the hsh always hooks itsell in troll-
in/>ris/t-s philaticlpliiius)
This species was described by Linna?us in
1758, and named pJiiladclphiais, under the
impression that his specimen was from the
vicinity of that city. Afterward he received
specimens from the South Carolina coast, which,
in 1766, he named trifurca, meaning "three-
forked," in allusion to its *' triple-tail." The older
name, unfortunately, must stand.
The Bass Family 119
Its color is olive-gray, darkest on the back,
whitish below, with seven oblique dusky and
diffuse bars along the upper portion of the
sides. The three-forked appearance of the cau-
dal fin is more pronounced than in the northern
sea-bass; otherwise there is no structural differ-
ence, except in coloration. Its habits are simi-
lar. The same remarks apply equally to the
following species, except that it has a few less
gill-rakers than the northern species. They may
eventually all prove to be the same species, or
geographical varieties. The directions as to
fishing apply as well to both these southern
forms as to the northern sea-bass.
{Centropristes ocyurus)
This species was described from the "snapper
banks," off Pensacola, by Jordan and Evermann
in 1886, who named it ocyurus, or "swift tail." It
has not been recorded from any other locality.
It agrees with the northern sea-bass, except as
mentioned, and in its coloration, which is grayish
or pale olive, darker on the back, with three longi-
tudinal rows of black blotches along the sides. It
is called " tally-wag " by the snapper fisherman.
The fishes of this family have a long body,
not much compressed, and not elevated. The
head is long, with a flattened and prolonged
snout ; a very large mouth filled with long and
very sharp, cardlike teeth on the jaws and roof of
the mouth, and with smaller teeth on the tongue.
They have a single dorsal fin composed entirely
of soft rays, and situated very far back and
opposite to the anal fin, which is likewise com-
posed of soft rays. The scales are small ; the
cheeks and gill-covers are more or less scaly;
the head is naked above. All are greedy, vora-
cious fishes, marauding tyrants, living almost en-
tirely on other fishes. There is but one genus,
Esox nobilior. The Mascalonge. Body elongate ; head 3| ; depth
6; eye 5; B. 17 to 19; D. 17; A. 15; scales 150 along the
lateral line ; cheeks and opercles naked below, scaly above ; in
about 8 rows.
The Pike Family 121
Esox lucius. The Pike. Body elongate ; head 3I ; depth 5 ; eye 6 ;
B. 14 to 16; D. 16 or 17; A. 13 or 14; scales 125; cheeks
entirely covered with scales ; lower half of opercles naked, upper
half with scales.
Elsox reticulatus. Eastern Pickerel. Body elongate; head 3^;
depth 6 ; eye 8 ; B. 14 to 16 ; D. 14 ; A. 13 ; scales 125 ; cheeks
and opercles entirely covered with scales.
Esox vermiculatus. The Western Pickerel. Body elongate ; head
3^; depth 5 to 6; eye 6; B. 12; D. 11 or 12; A. 11 or 12;
scales 105 along the lateral line; cheeks and opercles entirely
covered with scales.
Esox afnericanus . The Banded Pickerel. Body elongate; head 3J ;
depth 5I; eye 5 ; B. 12 or 13; D. 11 or 12; A. 11 or 12;
scales 105 ; cheeks and opercles entirely covered with scales.
As some anglers find it difficult to distinguish
a large pike from a mascalonge, or a pike from a
pickerel, owing to the similar shape and appear-
ance, the several species can be easily identified
by means of the following artificial key :
The mascalonge {Esox nobilior) has the upper part of both the
cheeks and gill-covers scaly, while the lower half of both cheeks
and gill-covers is naked; it has from 17 to 19 branchiostegal
rays (the branchiostegals are the rays on the under side of the
gill-cover, that, like the ribs of an umbrella, assist in opening
and closing it during breathing). Its coloration is of a uniform
grayish hue, or when marked with spots or bars they are always
of a much darker color or shade than the ground color.
The pike {Esox lucius) has the cheeks entirely scaly, but only the
upper part of the gill-cover, the lower half being naked ; it has
from 14 to 16 branchiostegal rays; its coloration is a bluish or
greenish gray, with elongated or bean-shaped spots covering
the sides, and which are always of a lighter hue than the ground
122 Bass, Pike, and Percb
The eastern or reticulated pickerel {Esox reticulatus) has both the
cheeks and the gill-covers entirely covered with scales ; it has
from 14 to 16 branchiostegal rays; its coloration is shades
of green, with sides of golden lustre, and marked with dark retic-
ulations, mostly horizontal. It is rarely or never found west of
the Alleghanies.
The little western pickerel (^Esox vermiculatus) has both cheeks and
gill-covers entirely scaly, as have all the pickerels ; it has from 1 1
to 13, usually 12, branchiostegal rays; its coloration is greenish
or grayish, with curved streaks on the sides forming bars or
reticulations ; the color is quite variable, sometimes plain olive.
It is found only west of the Alleghanies.
The banded or American pickerel {Esox amerkanus') has, like the
other true pickerels, both the cheeks and the gill-covers entirely
covered with scales ; it has 12 or 13 branchiostegal rays ; colora-
tion dark green, sides with many distinct black curved trans-
verse bars ; a black bar below the eye, and one from the snout
through the eye to the gill-cover. It is found only east of the
{^Esox nobilior)
The specific name nobilior, long current for
the mascalonge, and the one based on its earH-
est accurate description, was conferred by Rev.
Zadoc Thompson in 1849 in "Notes on Certain
Vermont Fishes," in the Proceedings of the Bos-
ton Society of Natural History, Vol. Ill, pub-
lished July 1 8, 1849, and later he described it
fully in the " History of Vermont," 1853, Part I.
It is an excellent and appropriate name, and one
that has become familiar to anglers. I have re-
The Pike Family 123
lained it, inasmuch as it was discarded, I think,
for a very insufficient reason.
The specific name masquinongy, which has re-
cently been given to this species in the books, is
supposed to have been given to the mascalonge
by Dr. Mitchill in 1824. His description, how-
ever, cannot now be found. It is alluded to by
De Kay in his " Fishes of New York," in 1842,
who gives its reference as " Mirror, 1824, page
297"; but I have searched for it in vain, as have
others. De Kay merely says : " According to
Mitchill, who describes a specimen 47.0 long and
weighing thirty pounds, the fin rays are as follows :
'D. 21; P. 14; V. 11; A. 17; C. 26.' But this
radial formula is just as applicable to Richard-
son's E. lucius : 'D. 20; P. 16; A. 18,' also
given by De Kay. The size and weight of
the alleged specimen of Mitchill would vSeem to
indicate the mascalonge, but the great northern
pickerel, Esox lucius, occasionally reaches a like
size and weight. I once caught one weighing
twenty-five pounds in northern Wisconsin, and
saw several a little heavier, one of fully twenty-
eight pounds.
Dr. Kirtland, in 1838, had, previous to De Kay,
applied Mitchill's name masquinongy to a speci-
124 Bass, Pike, and Percb
men from Lake Erie, and it is upon this evidence,
principally, that this name has been adopted as
the specific title of the mascalonge.
But afterward Dr. Kirtland used Thompson's
name nobilis (meaning nobilior) and Le Sueur's
name estor for the mascalonge. He also subse-
quently described the mascalonge from Lake Erie
as atromaculatus, and one from the Mahoning
River, Ohio, as ohiensis. From this it would ap-
pear that Dr. Kirtland, although a good naturalist
in his day, was not at all clear in his estimation of
the mascalonge.
There has been considerable controversy con-
cerning the common or vernacular name of the
mascalonge. Some claim it is from the French,
and derived from the words " masque " and " al-
longe," which virtually mean "long face," and
which is certainly nearer to the common pronun-
ciation of mascalonge or muscalunge. Others
claim it is an Indian name from the Ojibwa lan-
guage, as " mash," meaning " strong," and " kinoje,"
meaning " pike." " Mash " is also said to mean
" spotted " and " deformed." From mash and
kinoje come " maskinonge," as it appears in the
statutes of Canada. The name has been spelled
in numerous ways, as evidenced in the Century
The Pike Family 125
Dictionary, which gives the following variations :
maskalonge, mascalonge, maskalunge, maskal-
longe, masquallonge, masq'allonge, mascallonge,
muscalonge, muskalonge, muskalinge, muskel-
lunge, moskalonge, moscononge, maskinonge,
maskanonge, maskenonge, maskenozha, maski-
noje, and maskenonge, to which might be added
muscalinga, mascalinga, etc. There is no author-
ity or precedent for the name " muskellunge " as
used by some writers and anglers, as neither the
original French or Indian words have the letter
" u " in either the first or last syllable. Moreover,
the term " lunge " is in some sections applied to
the lake trout. I am aware, of course, that the
name has obtained considerable currency, but in
much the same way that the black-bass is called
" trout " in the South, and the pike-perch is de-
nominated " salmon " in certain localities.
Rev. Zadoc Thompson, who was the first to call
attention to the scaling of the cheeks as a diagnos-
tic character, gives the vernacular name "masqual-
longe," and attributes it to French derivation, to
which opinion I am inclined. As the most prom-
inent writers on fish and fishing give it as " mas-
calonge," that name should be universally adopted,
no matter what its origin, or whether derived
126 Bass, Pike, and Perch
from the French Canadians or the Chippeway
Indians; that question is more interesting to
philologists than to anglers. As an instance of
inconsistency, or of the irony of fate, the books
give the scientific name of the subgenus as 7}ias-
calongtis, from the French, and the specific name
as masquiuivigy, from the Ojibwa.
The mascalonge is common in the St. Law-
rence basin and the Great Lakes, more abundant
in the lakes of northern Wisconsin, less common
in the upper Mississippi River, Chautauqua Lake,
New York, and Conneaut Lake, Pennsylvania,
and rare in the upper Ohio River and tribu-
taries. It has a long body, somewhat com-
pressed, its depth being about one-fifth of its
length; the head is large, about a fourth of
the length of the body, and flattened, with the
lower jaw projecting. It has a terrible array of
teeth of assorted sizes. On the edge of each
side of the lower jaw are several long, bayonet-
shaped teeth, from one-half to an inch apart; in
the front part of the tip of the projecting lower
jaw are a few short but sharp teeth, recurved ; in
the front part of the upper jaw are three clusters
of long, fanglike teeth, standing out amidst the
smaller, cardlike teeth; on the edge of the for-
The Pike Family 127
ward half of the upper lip is a row of small, but
very sharp, recurved teeth ; back of these on the
roof of the mouth (vomer and palatines), and ex-
tending back from the fangs in front to the throat,
are three rows of cardlike teeth, recurved and
very sharp.
The coloration and markings vary so much
that several varieties have been needlessly estab-
lished, as the variations are found in every local-
ity, and do not seem to depend on habitat or en-
vironment. The usual color is dark gray, green-
ish or brownish, always darker on the back,
lighter on the sides, and belly white or whitish.
The fins usually have dusky or slate-colored spots
or blotches; the lower fins and caudal fin are
often reddish. The markings of the body vary a
great deal. In the young the upper half of the
body is covered with small, round black spots,
which usually disappear or change their shape as
they grow old. In mature fish the spots are more
diffuse, sometimes enlarging to an inch or more
in diameter, or by coalescing form vertical broad
bands, while in others there are no distinct dark
markings. And while all of these various mark-
ings are found in fish from the same locality
there is no apparent structural difference.
I2S Bass, Pike, and Pcnb
I have oxaminod and compared specimens from
the St. Lawrence and Indian rivers, New York,
Lake Krie, the Wisconsin lakes, Lake Pepin, Chau-
tauqua and Conneaut lakes, Scioto and Mahoning
rivers, in Ohio, and have seen preserved heads of
large ones from Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee,
and found that they all agree so well in the num-
ber of branchiostegals, squamation of cheeks and
opercles, in dentition, fins, and in measurements,
that they must all be considered as one and the
same species. At the Chicago Columbian Expo-
sition there were sonie twenty very large speci-
mens of mounted skins from Canadian waters, in
the exhibit of the Ottawa Museum, which showed
well the variation in markings. Some still showed
the dark spots on a gray ground ; others were
more or less distinctly barred with broad or narrow
bands; others showed both bars and diffuse spots ;
and still others were of a uniform slate or gray-
ish coloration, without markings of any kind. In
the museum of the Cuvier Club, in Cincinnati,
there are quite a number of mounted skins of
mascalonge from the Wisconsin lakes, mostly
large ones, that also show all of the various
markings, as well as those of a uniform colora-
The Pike Family 129
About 1890 I donated to the Cincinnati Society
of Natural History a specimen from Lake Erie;
and in 1S92 I donated to the United States Na-
tional Museum two specimens from Lake Erie,
and one from a tributary of the Muskingum River,
in Ohio. All of these Ohio fish were from eighteen
inches to two feet long, and all showed similar
markings, being profusely covered with round
black spots from an eighth to a quarter of an
inch in diameter. Where the spots become dif-
fused, and the bands are inclined to spread and
coalesce, they are always more distinct toward the
tail. In a mascalonge of less than a foot in length
the spots are very black, very round, and quite
small, not exceeding a sixth or an eighth of an inch
in diameter.
Various appellations have been bestowed on
the mascalonge to denote its rapacity, as the
shark, wolf, or tiger of the waters, all of which are
well merited by that fierce marauder. It subsists
entirely on fish, frogs, snakes, and even the young
of aquatic mammals and water fowl. Nothing in
the shape of food comes amiss to him. He is
solitary in his habits, lying concealed among the
water plants and rushes at the edges of the
streams or channels and along the shores, or
I30 Bass, Pike, and Perch
beside shelving rocks or banks in clear lakes,
from whence he darts open-mouthed upon the
luckless fish that approaches his lair. The num-
ber of fishes swallowed by a mascalonge during a
single summer is almost incredible; and they are
not minnows and small fry alone, such as are
devoured by other predaceous fishes, but such as
are old and large enough to reproduce their kind.
It is fortunate that the mascalonge is compara-
tively a rare fish. As it is now being artificially
propagated in some states, great care and judgment
should be exercised as to the waters planted, so as
not to jeopardize other and better game-fishes.
It spawns early in the spring and in very shal-
low water, where most of the eggs are devoured
by frogs, turtles, fishes, and water fowl — a wise
provision of nature when it is considered that
the female deposits from one hundred thousand
to three hundred thousand eggs. The eggs are
quite small, about ten or twelve to an inch, and
hatch in about two weeks. The mascalonge is
the most valuable food-fish of its family, and is
pronounced by some as being really excellent;
but I consider it much inferior to the whitefish,
lake-trout, pike-perch, black-bass, or brook-trout.
While possessing no especial flavor, its flesh is
The Pike Family 131
firm and flaky, more so than that of the pike or
pickerel, and it commands a ready sale in the
It grows occasionally to an enormous size. I
have taken it up to forty pounds, good weight.
The late Judge Potter, of Toledo, Ohio, an angler
of the old school, informed me that he had seen,
in early days, many that weighed from fifty to
seventy-five pounds. Mr. L. H. McCormick, for-
merly of Oberlin College, Ohio, saw one taken in
a pound net that weighed seventy-two pounds.
The late Dr. Elisha Sterling, formerly of Cleve-
land, Ohio, a contemporary of Judge Potter and
the late Dr. Garlick, the father of artificial fish-
culture in America, told me of one he once
speared in Lake Erie that weighed eighty
pounds, and said that those of fifty to sixty
pounds were common in the forties.
The mascalonge is the best game-fish of its
family. When of large size, from twenty to
thirty pounds, it exhibits a bull-like ferocity when
hooked, making furious dashes for liberty, and if
not stopped in time will eventually take to the
weeds. It exhibits great powers of endurance,
but little finesse or cunning in its efforts to
escape. It depends on main strength alone.
132 Bass, Pike, and Perch
swimming swiftly in straight lines, as might be
inferred from its shape. Its long body does not
admit of the quick doublings of the black-bass or
brook-trout. If kept on the surface with a taut
line it sometimes leaps into the air ; but if allowed
its own sweet will it bores toward the bottom, or
endeavors to reach the refuge of weeds or rushes.
One of less weight than twelve pounds, when
hooked, can scarcely be distinguished from the
pike or pickerel in its manner of resistance, and
exhibits but little more gameness.
A black-bass rod of eight or nine ounces is suf-
ficient for the largest mascalonge one is likely to
encounter in these days. I caught one on the
St. Lawrence, many years ago, that weighed
thirty-two pounds, on an eight-ounce Henshall
rod, and gaffed it in twenty minutes. Others
have done the same even with a lighter rod. But
it must be remembered that the weight of the
fish, added to his fierce lunges, is very trying to a
light rod, and I should not recommend one of less
weight than eight ounces, which will answer for
all emergencies in skilled hands. A good multi-
plying reel, a braided silk or linen line, size E or
F, and Sproat or O'Shaughnessy hooks Nos. 3-0
to 5-0 on gimp snells, with brass box-swivel for
The Pike Family 133
connecting snell and line, constitute the rest of the
The best season for mascalonge fishing is in
May or June, and in September and October, the
latter months preferable. The most favorable
hours are in the early morning and late after-
noon. The middle of the day may be fished with
a better prospect of success on cloudy, lowering
days, with a brisk wind.
The best bait is a large minnow, either alive
or dead, though a frog answers very well ; and
in the absence of either, a trolling-spoon, No. 4,
with a single hook, may be utilized for casting.
Rowing along in water from five to ten feet
deep, the bait should be cast as far as possible
to the edge of weed patches, reeling it again
very slowly, or if the bait is alive it may be
allowed to swim outside of the water-plants for
a short time. By moving along continuously,
and making frequent casts, this method is much
more successful than still-fishing. When the
wind is just right, or when the current is strong
enough and the wind not contrary, it is a good
plan to allow the boat to drift while casting.
As soon as a fish is struck and hooked the
boat should be moved to deeper and open water
134 Bass, Pike, and Perch
at once, in order to give free play to the fish and
lessen the probability of its taking to the weeds.
In open water the angler has a better chance
successfully to play and land his quarry, which
should be kept on the surface as much as pos-
sible. He can be aided very much in his efforts
by the careful and judicious management of the
boat by a skilful oarsman.
When the mascalonge shows signs of weakness
and can be drawn alongside, it should be gaffed
at once. Not by striking at it with quick and
violent motions, which serve only to frighten
the fish and endanger the angler's tackle, but the
gaff should be kept below the fish until it can
be drawn over it, and then by raising it slowly
and cautiously, until near enough, when, by a
quick upward and drawing motion, the point of
the hook should be driven into the throat or
breast of the fish, and by the same motion the
fish should be lifted into the boat. It should then
be killed by a smart stroke on the head, as a
wound from its sharp teeth is no trifling matter.
In the absence of a gaff-hook the fish should be
more thoroughly exhausted before bringing it
alongside the boat, when it should be struck a
stunning blow on the head before being taken in.
The Pike Family 135
The bait or spoon may be trolled along the
edges of the channel, just outside of the weed
patches, from a moving boat, with a line of thirty
to fifty yards. In trolling, the revolving spoon,
glistening and shining, is the attractive lure, and
any addition of a minnow, or strip of fish or pork-
rind, or other bait, as is often resorted to by some,
is entirely unnecessary. It adds nothing to the
chances of hooking a fish, and should never be
practised by the consistent angler. He may
use pork-rind if he wishes, but let it be used
alone, on its own merits. A spoon is bad enough
in any case, but it only makes it more repre-
hensible and repulsive, to the angler at least, to
handicap it with bait of any kind ; even the
bunch of feathers that usually adorns the spoon
should be discarded, as it is of no practical use.
Most mascalonge are taken, I am sorry to say,
by trolling with a hand-line of heavy braided
linen, size B or C, and a spoon of very large
size, as large as No. 8, which seems to be the
favorite size with hand-trollers. In this method
of fishing the mascalonge hooks himself when he
strikes the spoon. It is then drawn in, hand
over hand, as the sailors say, with might and
muscle. And as might be supposed, those who
136 Bass, Pike, and Percb
practise this method arc loudest in their praise
of the mascalonge as the " king of all game-
fishes." A quick pull, a strong pull, and a pull
all together, with the hauling aboard as soon as
possible of the struggling fish, amidst much
splashing and floundering, seems to be their
estimation of gameness in a fish.
The foregoing remarks apply to fishing on
lakes and quiet, weedy streams of the Northern
states. In the clear and swifter waters of the
upper Ohio, and its tributaries, the mascalonge
lies in the deep pools during summer and fall,
where it is taken by still-fishing. A large sucker,
weighing from half a pound to a pound, is the
favorite bait, with suitable rod and reel. The
fish is given plenty of time to gorge the bait
before striking, and this is quite important with
so large a bait. Many large mascalonge, there
called "pike," have been taken in this manner
in those waters, events to be long remembered
and talked about, while the head is carefully pre-
served for the admiration and envy of future
generations of anglers.
Once when returning from a fishing trip to
northern Wisconsin when mascalonge were much
more in evidence than at the present day, I was
The Pike Family 137
carrying the head of a forty-pounder that just
filled an ordinary tin bucket. At Appleton,
while waiting for the train to Green Bay, the
big head was the centre of an admiring group
of anglers. Then came the natural and inevitable
query, "Where did you catch it.?" In order to
avoid a long recital, which only could have done
justice to the subject, and expecting the train at
any moment, I replied, " An Indian speared it on
Lake St. Germain." They looked at me as if I
had seven heads ; then one said : " Well ! well ! It
requires an awful lot of moral courage to make
such an admission." But I killed it, all the
same, on a nine-ounce rod, and my Indian canoe-
man gaffed it.
(Esox lucins)
The pike is more generally known in the
United States as "pickerel," and sometimes as
the great northern pickerel to distinguish it from
the pickerel, properly so-called. In England the
young pike is a pickerel, an older one a jack,
and the mature fish a pike. In England and
continental Europe the pike {E. lucius) is the
only species of the family inhabiting their
waters, while there are five species of the family
138 Bass, Pike, and Percb
in America, which makes it all the more confus-
ing when the name "pickerel" is applied indis-
criminately to all, — even the mascalonge being
sometimes alluded to as an " overgrown pickerel."
The range of the pike in America is from
Lake Cham plain, the Great Lake region, and
the upper Mississippi River, north to Alaska;
it is rare in the Ohio Valley.
Next to the mascalonge the pike is the most
important and largest member of the pike
family. It has a long body, somewhat com-
pressed, its length being a little more than
five times its depth. The head is large, some-
what more than a fourth of the length of the
body, with a long, flattened, and projecting
snout; the teeth are similar, but not quite so
large or numerous as in the mascalonge.
The coloration and markings of the pike are
quite constant, not varying so much as in others
of the family, and is very different from those
of the mascalonge or any of the pickerels. The
ground color is grayish or greenish gray, darker
on the back and fading to silvery white on the
belly; the sides, from head to tail, are profusely
covered with irregular, oblong, or bean-shaped
whitish spots or blotches, much lighter than the
The Pike Family 139
ground color; the dorsal, anal, and caudal fins
are marked with dark spots or blotches. It
is somewhat more gregarious, and is more of a
rover than the mascalonge; otherwise its habits
are very similar, and it coexists with that fish
in many waters, especially in the region of the
Great Lakes. It feeds on fish, frogs, and water-
snakes. Its usual weight reaches fifteen pounds,
though it occasionally grows to four feet in
length and a weight of twenty-five or thirty
As a food-fish it is variously estimated. Some
consider it to be very good, and it sells well in
the markets, — which, however, is not always a
fair criterion. It is much better in the fall and
winter than in summer. Most people who
know it best, and I agree with them, think it
inferior to any fresh-water fish for the table
except the carp and sucker. Its flesh is soft
and dry, and unless of large size is not flaky,
and it is, moreover, very full of small bones.
One of ten pounds, stuffed with a savory dress-
ing and baked, is not unpalatable, but cannot
be compared favorably with the whitefish, black-
bass, or trout.
The pike when of large size is a good game-
I40 Bass, Pike, and Perch
fish. Its weight and strength, added to its
bold rushes when hooked, are very trying to
light tackle. One of fifteen pounds is worthy
of the angler's most serious attention on an
eight-ounce rod. Its manner of fighting is simi-
lar to that of the mascalonge, though in a lesser
degree, and it does not continue its resistance
so long. After a few frantic rushes it weakens
very materially, and if kept away from weeds
soon gives up the struggle for freedom.
In England, where game-fishes are much
scarcer than in this country, the pike is con-
sidered a fine game-fish and is much sought
after by bait-fishers, and with a wonderful array
of murderous traces, minnow-gangs, and spinning
tackle. In the United States, where there are
so many better game-fishes, it is not often made
the object of special pursuit. Most pike are
caught by anglers in northern waters when
fishing for black-bass.
Ordinary black-bass rods and tackle are very
suitable for pike fishing, though where they
run large, eight to fifteen pounds, an eight- or
nine-ounce rod is to be preferred to a lighter
one. A good multiplying reel, a braided line,
either silk or linen, size F, and Sproat hooks,
Esox yeticulatus
Esox vermiculatus
Sti2ostedion vitreum
Perca flavescens
The Pike Family 141
Nos. 2-0 to 3-0, are better suited to large pike
than black-bass.
A minnow, or a trolling-spoon of small size
with a single Sproat or O'Shaughnessy hook,
may be employed in casting from a boat along
the edges of weed patches, lily-pads, and wild
rice, and along the shoals and bars. The same
tackle can be utilized for trolling in the same
situations. Where the conditions are favorable
it is advisable to allow the boat to drift, in order
to dispense with the noise and confusion of
rowing or paddling. The directions already
given for black-bass fishing, as to playing and
landing the fish, will answer just as well for the
As the pike seems to suggest the trolling-
spoon, this is a good place to say a few words con-
cerning that little-understood article of fishing
tackle. In the first place, it should never have
more than a single hook, and that should never
be handicapped by adding a minnow, frog, or
strip of fish or bacon-skin, as is so often done.
The hook should be left free to perform its
function, untrammelled by extraneous and useless
appendages. If the angler pins his faith to them,
by all means give them a fair chance on a hook
142 Bass, Pike, and Percb
without a spoon ; it is not only more logical, but
more sportsmanlike. Give the fish a chance,
also, and of two evils let it choose the least by
using them separately. Seriously, the spoon is
a most alluring and attractive bait in itself. Its
bright and shining appearance when spinning
and glancing through the water is well-nigh
irresistible to a predaceous fish, and is in itself
all that could be desired as an effective lure.
The original trolling-spoon (made by Buell)
was the bowl of a dessert spoon, with a hole in
the broadest end for the line, and a single hook
soldered to the narrow end. It is as effective
as the best trolling-spoon made to-day. With a
single hook, either loosely attached or soldered
to the spoon, one is more apt to hook his fish,
and more certain of landing it, to say nothing
of the cruel and inhuman practice of using the
triangle of three hooks usually attached to most
Manufacturers generally affix a triangle of
hooks to trolling-spoons, disguised by a bunch
of red and white feathers that are worse than
useless. The spoon is made of many shapes and
of various sizes, and often of two or three spoons
combined. They seem to vie with each other as
The Pike Family 143
to who can turn out the most ridiculous contriv-
ance, for the farther it departs from the original
spoon the more useless it becomes. Manufac-
turers are not all anglers, and endeavor to produce
what is most novel and attractive to the pro-
spective customer. Such appliances sell to the
uninitiated and unwary, but do not catch many
fish, or even anglers of experience.
And the same remarks will apply in a measure
to the gang or trace of several hooks, usually
employed in trolling or spinning the minnow.
A minnow, hooked through the lips — and it
may be a dead one — with a single hook, will
move more lifelike, and be really more attractive
to the fish, than the whirling, wabbling one, brist-
ling with a dozen hooks. It is cruel and heartless
to employ so murderous a device. I have seen
the mouths of bass and pike and lake-trout
lacerated and mutilated, sometimes the lips and
upper jaw torn completely off, by the triangle of
the spoon or the half dozen or more hooks of the
gang or trace. If their use cannot be dispensed
with on the score of inutility, a single hook being
far more successful, their employment should be
relinquished in the name of humanity.
The pike will not often rise to the artificial fly,
144 Bass, Pike, and Perch
but will take it if allowed to sink a foot or two
after casting. Many years ago, in Wisconsin, I
devised the "polka" black-bass ily, and on its
first trial, at the very first cast, it was seized by a
pike of six pounds. The polka has a body of red
floss silk, with spotted wings of the guinea fowl.
I have frequently taken the pike with other red-
bodied flies, as the Abbey, red ibis, king of the
water, and Montreal, but the polka was always
the favorite. Flies with bodies of peacock harl,
as coachman, Henshall, Governor Alvord, etc.,
are very useful, as w^ll as some with yellow
bodies, as professor, queen of the water, and
Lord Baltimore. The afternoon hours, especially
toward sundown and until dusk, are the most
promising for fly-fishing. Large flies are also
successfully used in trolling for pike, from a
rather slow-moving boat. For fuller instructions
for fly-fishing the reader is referred to those
given for the black-bass, which will answer very
well for the pike, especially where the two fishes
inhabit the same waters.
Fishing through the ice for pike or pickerel
has quite a fascination for some persons, even for
those who never fish in any other way. And
there is a certain kind of enjoyment in it, though
The Pike Family 145
actual fishing, as we understand it, has but Httle
to do with it. If the ice is glare and free of snow,
one can vary the amusement with skating. The
bracing, nipping air on a clear day, with the sun
shining brightly on the winter landscape, has its
charms, and fishing through the ice is a good
pretext for a winter outing. A dozen or more
holes are cut through the ice in a circle, its
diameter extending over the feeding grounds of
the pike, whether small or great in extent. A fire
may be built in the centre, if far from the shore
on a lake, or on the shore itself if convenient to
the holes. The holes being cut and a fire made
for comfort, the next thing to do is to place the
" tip-ups," as they are called, and bait the hooks,
when there is nothing more to be done but to fill
one's pipe and wait by the fire for the anticipated
event — the rising of a signal proclaiming a " bite."
Tip-ups are made in several ways, but the
simplest plan, which is as good as any, is to
provide a piece of thin board, say two or three
feet long and two or three inches wide. A few
inches from one end a hole is bored, through
which is thrust a round stick, like a section of a
broom-handle, and long enough to extend well
across the hole in the ice. A short line, usually
146 Bass, Pike, and Perch
three or four feet long, with suitable hook and
sinker, is tied to the short end of the thin board,
through a small hole bored for tlie purpose. The
hook is then baited, placed in the water, and
the thin board is laid down on its edge, with
the short end at the middle of the hole in the
ice, and the round stick straddling it. It will be
readily understood that a fish pulling on the line
at the short end of the thin board, or lever, will
raise the long end, thus indicating to the watcher
the looked-for event. The long end of the lever
may be shaved to a point, to which a signal flag
may be affixed. Where the fish are plentiful it
will keep one pretty busy running from one hole
to another to take off the pike or rebait the
When residing at Oconomowoc, Wisconsin,
I found that fishing through the ice for pike and
yellow-perch was a favorite sport. I indulged in
it once for pike and several times for perch, for
the latter is a firm, sweet, and delicious pan-fish
in the winter. Driving over La Belle Lake in
my sleigh to the " pickerel grounds," where my
man had cut the holes the day before, the tip-ups
and lines were soon arranged and the hooks
baited with live minnows. A fire was then built
The Pike Family 147
on the shore, near at hand, to warm the chilled
fingers. It was pretty tame when considered
from the angler's point of view; but with the
keen, crisp winter air, and the bright sun spar-
kling on the pure white snow, on which I occa-
sionally took a spin in the sleigh, it was quite
an enjoyable experience. In the course of a few
hours several pike were taken and left lying
on the snow, where they soon became frozen
stiff. Upon my arrival at home they were
placed in a tub of cold water, when all but one
or two revived and began to swim about ; the
latter were probably too thoroughly frozen or
may have been dead before being frozen. Apro-
pos of this : I had some minnows in a live box, at
the edge of the lake near my home, that thawed
out alive in the spring after being frozen all
winter. They were evidently the same minnows,
as there were no dead ones, and the live ones
could hardly have got into the box from the lake.
The mediocrity of the pike as a game-fish is
doubtless a just estimation in a majority of cases,
but once in a while one will exhibit game quali-
ties that will surprise the most doubting and con-
temptuous angler, compelling his admiration, and
forcing him to admit that there are exceptions
148 Bass, Pike, and Perch
to all rules, but more especially in fishing. I was
once one of a party of black-bass fishers on a lake
in Wisconsin. In one of the boats was a lady of
Milwaukee, who was justly considered one of the
most expert and level-headed anglers in the party.
She always stood up in her boat, was a marvel in
casting the minnow, and played a bass to a finish
in a style both graceful and artistic after a short,
sharp, and decisive contest. She used the light-
est rods and tackle, and the best. On this occa-
sion, after landing a number of gamy bass and
logy pike, she hooked a pike of about six pounds
that put her six-ounce rod to the severest test,
and gave her twenty minutes of the liveliest
work that a fish is capable of. It leaped repeat-
edly from the water, and rushed not only straight
away, but twisted and turned and doubled in a
manner that would have done credit to the gam-
est bass. Finally she brought it to the landing-
net in triumph, though she was, to use her own
expression, " completely tuckered out." I venture
to say that no man of the party would have been
successful in landing that pike, with the same
tackle, in the same length of time.
A woman who is an expert angler will risk
her tackle to f^reater lengths than a man, and will
The Pike Family 149
take more chances in subduing a fish within a
reasonable time. This is not because of reckless-
ness, or because she docs not understand or
appreciate the tensile strength of her rod. On
the contrary, she knows her tackle well, and has
the utmost faith in its potentiality. I knew a
lady friend who was never more than thirty min-
utes in bringing to gaff any salmon of from
twenty-five to thirty pounds. And my Kentucky
friend, Mrs. Bachmann (formerly Mrs. Stagg),
killed her tarpon of two hundred and five pounds
in eighty minutes.
(Esox reticulatus)
The eastern pickerel, also called chain pickerel
in the North, and jack in the South, was first
described by Le Sueur, in 18 18, from the Con-
necticut River. He named it reticulatus, owing
to the " reticulations " or the netted character of
the markings on the body.
Its range extends from Maine along the coast-
wise streams to Florida and Louisiana. West of
the Alleghanies it has been reported from the
Ozark region of Missouri and Arkansas, but I am
rather inclined to doubt it.
150 Bass, Pike, and Percb
In its general form the pickerel resembles a
small pike, though it is more slender, has a larger
eye, and its coloration is quite different. The
ground color is either olive-brown or some shade
of green, the sides with a golden lustre, and the
belly white. The sides are marked with many
dark lines and streaks, mostly oblique and hori-
zontal, forming a kind of network. There is a
dark vertical bar below the eye; the dorsal fin is
plain; the lower fins sometimes reddish; the
caudal fin occasionally has a few dark spots or
In its habits of feeding and spawning it is
similar to the pike, spawning in the early spring.
It is found in weedy ponds in the North, and in the
quiet, grassy reaches of southern streams. It feeds
mostly on small fishes and frogs. It grows to a
foot in length, usually, sometimes to two feet and
weighing seven or eight pounds, though its usual
maximum weight is three or four pounds.
In the New England states it is regarded by
many as not only a fine game-fish, but an excel-
lent food-fish as well. Others despise it on both
counts, and there you are. To many a Yankee
boy fishing for pickerel was the highest ideal of
angling, but with the larger experience of mature
The Pike Family 151
years his idol has been thrown from its pedestal,
and he, too, has learned to look askance at the
friend of his youth. But while the pickerel is not
a game-fish of high degree, it is capable of furnish-
ing a fair amount of sport with light black-bass
tackle in waters not too weedy.
Ordinary black-bass rods and tackle are quite
suitable for pickerel fishing, either with bait or
fly, though the hooks should be larger, about i-o
to 2-0, on gimp snells or heavy silkworm fibre.
Where the weeds are too thick to admit of play-
ing the fish a reel can be dispensed with, and a
plain, light bamboo or cane rod, in its natural
state, can be substituted for the jointed rod. It
should be long enough to furnish considerable
elasticity, say twelve feet, as its flexibility must
subserve, somewhat, the purposes of a reel.
The pickerel will take a sunken fly in shallow
water, after it has been fluttered on the surface
awhile. The red ibis, soldier. Abbey, polka,
Montreal, and coachman are all good pickerel
flies, if cast toward the dusk of evening.
Skittering is a favorite method of fishing for
the pickerel in weedy ponds. It is practised with
a long cane rod, and line of about the same length
as the rod, with or without a reel. A spoon bait,
152 Bass, Pike, and Perch
frog, or a piece of white bacon-rind cut in the
semblance of a fish, or a frog's hind legs, skinned,
are skittered or fluttered on the surface near the
lily-pads and pickerel weeds. The fish should be
kept on the surface if possible, when hooked, and
drawn into open water ; otherwise it may become
entangled in the weeds and lost.
The pickerel may also be taken by still-fishing
from a boat with the live minnow or frog. On
open water, a very successful way is trolling with
a small spoon and single hook, or a dead minnow.
For these methods the reader is referred to pike
or black-bass fishing on previous pages.
I have found the pickerel as far south as east-
ern Florida, where it is known as " pike," though
it is rarely met with, and owing to its rarity is
held in pretty fair esteem as a game-fish. In the
marshes and rice ditches of South Carolina, and
some sluggish streams of southeast Georgia, it is
rather more plentiful, though usually of inferior
size and dusky coloration. I once caught several
on the Cooper River in South Carolina when
fishing with very light tackle for " bream," which
were unusually active and strong, and which im-
pressed me as entitled to a better reputation as
a game-fish than is commonly accorded to it by
The Pike Family 153
anglers. On the whole, the eastern pickerel is
not half a bad fish, as English anglers would say.
One might go farther and fare worse.
(^Esox vermiciilatus)
The western pickerel was first described by
Le Sueur from the Wabash River. He named
it vermiculatus, owing to the " wormlike " appear-
ance of its markings. He collected it about
181 8, but his description was not published until
1846. It inhabits the Mississippi Valley, south to
Arkansas and Mississippi, and the tributaries of
Lakes Erie and Michigan. It is not found east
of the Alleghanies.
It is formed on the same general lines as the
other members of the pike family, but is rather
more slender and rounder, with a shorter head,
proportionally, but a larger eye. Its color is
olive-green, or grayish green, darker on the back,
and belly white. The sides are covered with
many dark curved streaks, inextricably mixed,
or forming reticulations. The coloration is quite
variable in different waters. A dark vertical bar
is usually present below the eye ; the sides of the
head are variegated.
154 Bass, Pike, and Percb
It is common in the grassy streams of the
Middle West and weedy bayous of the South-
west, never exceeding a foot in length. The
late Dr. Elisha Sterling, of Cleveland, Ohio, once
sent me a plaster cast of one not more than eight
inches in length, with the ovaries exposed, show-
ing the ripe ova. It is not of much importance
as a game-fish or as a food-fish. It spawns in
early spring, and feeds on small fish, frogs, and
tadpoles. It may be fished for in the same way,
and with the same tackle as recommended for
crappies on a previous page.
(^Esox anicruani/s)
The banded pickerel. Long Island pickerel, or
brook pickerel, as it is variously known, was one
of the first of its family to be recognized. It was
described by Gmelin, in 1788, from Long Island,
New York. He named it amcricamis, or " Amer-
ican pike," as a variety of the European Esox
It is found only east of the Alleghanies in
coastwise streams from Massachusetts to Florida.
It is almost a duplicate of the little western pick-
erel in its general form, and represents that species
The Pike Family 155
in eastern waters. The characteristics of fin rays,
scales, and squamation of cheeks and gill-covers
apply equally to both species.
The ground color is dark green; belly white;
sides with about twenty distinct, blackish, curved,
vertical bars, often obscurely marked, but not
distinctly reticulated. There is a black vertical
bar below the eye, and a horizontal band extend-
ing from the snout, through the eye, to the gill-
cover. The lower fins are often quite red. I
have collected it on the east coast of Florida of a
beautiful emerald-green coloration, without dis-
tinct dark markings, and with orange-colored
lower fins — a most beautiful fish.
Although an interesting little fish, it is of no
importance to anglers and is merely mentioned
here, with the little western pickerel, to enable
the reader to identify the different members of
the pike family. It spawns early in the spring.
It seldom grows beyond a foot in length, and is
usually much smaller. Fishing for it is on the
same plane with sunfishing, and the lightest
tackle should be employed.
Most of the species belonging to this family
are the dwarf perches, the beautiful little darters
of the clear streams. The only genera of impor-
tance as game-fishes are Stizostedion, the pike-
perches, and Perca, the yellow-perch. They are
characterized by an elongate, nearly round body ;
small, rough, and adherent scales; rather large
mouth with sharp teeth; spines on opercle, and
preopercle serrate ; branchiostegals six or seven ;
two dorsal fins, the first composed of spines,
the second of soft rays; the anal fin with two
Stizostedion vitreum. The Pike-perch. Body elongate ; back some-
what elevated; head 4; depth 5; eye 4; D. XIV-20; A. H,
12; scales 10-125-25 ; head and cheeks sparsely scaled; canine
teeth on jaws and palatines ; opercle with small spines ; pyloric
coeca 3.
Stizostedion canadense. The Sauger. Body elongate and spindle-
shaped; head 3^; depth 4^; eye 5; D. XHI-iS ; A. H, 12;
The Percb Family 157
scales 9-100-27; head and cheeks scaly; spines on opercle;
head depressed and pointed ; pyloric coeca 5 to 7.
Perca flavescens. The Yellow-perch. Body oblong, somewhat
compressed, the back elevated ; head 3 J ; depth 3-J ; eye 5 ; D.
XIV-15; A. II, 7; scales 6-75-17; top of head rough; profile
convex from dorsal to occiput, thence concave to snout, which
projects ; cheeks scaly ; opercles nearly naked ; preopercle and
shoulder girdle serrated ; teeth in villiform bands ; branchioste-
gals 7 ; scales strongly ctenoid.
{Stizostedion vitreum)
The pike-perch or wall-eye was first described
by Dr. Mitchill in 1818, from Cayuga Lake, New
York. He named it vitrea in allusion to its large
vitreous or glassy eye. It would have been indeed
fortunate if the name glass-eye or wall-eye, with or
without the suffix perch, had been adopted; for
this fine fish is a true perch, with nothing "pike-
like " in form or habits, except its large mouth
and canine teeth, and nothing " salmon-like "
except its trimly-shaped body. But these fancied
resemblances have caused it to be called in vari-
ous localities wall-eyed pike, yellow pike, blue
pike, glass-eyed pike, salmon, and jack salmon.
It is also known in Canada as dore and okow,
and among the commercial fishermen as "pick-
158 Bass, Pike, and Perch
erel." However, the names pike-perch and wall-
eyed pike have been rather universally adopted,
and it will probably be always known by these
names. Pike-perch is the Anglicized form of
Lucioperca, the Latin name of the genus in
It is abundant in Canada and the Great Lake
region, and fairly abundant in the upper Missis-
sippi River and its tributaries, and especially in
Lake Pepin. It is found also in the lake region
of northern Minnesota, and in the lakes and
streams of Wisconsin and Iowa. It is not un-
common in the upper Ohio River and tributaries,
south to Tennessee. On the Atlantic slope it is
more rarely found from Pennsylvania to Georgia,
where it often exists in brackish water. I have
taken it in my boyhood days at Ferry Bar, a
point on the Patapsco River, near Baltimore,
Maryland. Its range is being constantly ex-
tended by transplantation. The pike-perch is a
very trimly-built and shapely fish. Its body is
rather slender, not much compressed. The head
is well shaped, neither too large nor too small,
with a large mouth well filled with teeth, some
quite long and sharp. The eye is very large and
glassy. Like all the perches it has two dorsal
The Perch Family 159
fins, well separated; the caudal fin is forked.
The scales are small and rough. The edge of
the cheek-bone is toothed or serrated, and the
edge of the gill-cover has one or more small
spines. The color varies considerably in differ-
ent localities, and even in the same waters. The
usual color is olive, or greenish brown, mottled
with brassy or yellowish blotches forming oblique
but indistinct lines, or vermicular markings. The
head is similarly colored and marked ; the lower
jaw is reddish ; the belly and lower fins pinkish
or yellowish; the first dorsal fin is not much
marked, but has a large black blotch on its pos-
terior border; the second dorsal fin is mottled
with olive, brown, and yellow; the caudal fin is
likewise mottled, with the tip of the lower lobe
white or light colored.
The pike-perch frequents waters of good depth,
only entering the shallow portions of streams and
lakes at spawning time, and at night when feed-
ing. It prefers a bottom of rock or gravel in
clear and cool water, and loves to lie in the deep
pools at the foot of riffies, or at the entrance of
streams ; or where the current is strong and deep
near mill-dams and under sunken logs, or shelv-
ing rocks and banks, and about the timbers of
i6o Bass, Pike, and Perch
bridges in deep water. It is nocturnal in its
habits, for which it is well fitted by its large and
prominent eye, and seeks its prey, which con-
sists mostly of small fishes, in shallow water.
It spawns in the spring, and in lakes usually
resorts to its spawning grounds in the winter,
where it is caught through the ice in large num-
bers in certain localities, notably in Put-in- Bay on
Lake Erie, and in Lake Pepin and other north-
ern lakes. It spawns in sand or gravel in shallow
water. Its eggs are small, twelve to an inch, and
average fifty thousand to a female. After spawn-
ing it retires to deeper water, and in summer locates
in the deepest pools. During the spring freshets
it sometimes ascends smaller streams in its search
for food. Its usual weight does not exceed three
or four pounds, though it often grows much larger,
from ten to twenty pounds. I have seen preserved
heads of fish that must have weighed thirty or
forty pounds, which had been caught in Kentucky
— in Tygert Creek and Kentucky River. It is
highly prized as a food-fish, its flesh being white,
firm, and flaky, and of an excellent flavor. It is
a commercial fish of much importance, especially
on Lake Erie, from whence it is shipped in large
numbers to the city markets, where it always com-
The Perch Family i6i
mands a ready sale, being in great demand during
the Lenten season.
The pike-perch is a good game-fish, taking live
bait eagerly, and rising pretty well to the fly.
When hooked it is a vigorous fighter, pulling
strongly and lustily. It does not exhibit much
dash or take line rapidly, but swims away rather
slowly, but at the same time is constantly tugging
and jerking on the line in such a manner as to
require careful handling with light tackle. Or-
dinary black-bass rods and tackle are well suited
for the pike-perch up to six or eight pounds, either
for bait-fishing or fly-fishing. Where they are
found in considerable numbers, and especially on
lakes where pickerel or pike abound, gimp snells
should be used instead of gut snells to withstand
their sharp teeth; otherwise the tackle may be
the same as recommended for black-bass fishing.
The best bait is a live minnow, though crawfish
are successfully used. On lakes it should be fished
for in comparatively deep water, over pebbly or
rocky bottom. On streams the likely places are
in deep and swift water, at the foot of rapids, or
on a rocky lee shore with a brisk wind, where it
congregates in search of minnows that are ren-
dered almost helpless by the churning water.
1 62 Bass, Pike, and Percb
Owing to its nocturnal habits, the hours from
about sunset until dark are the most favorable.
Night fishing is also quite successful should any
one care for it. As a matter of experiment I
fished Pewaukee Lake, in Wisconsin, one moon-
lit evening in summer, many years ago, in com-
pany with three other anglers, there being two to
a boat. In a few hours twenty-two were landed
to each boat, weighing from three to four pounds
each. This was my only experience in fishing
for pike-perch at night, but I have known many
others to practise it very successfully.
Fly-fishing is most successful from about sun-
down until dark, or later, and on cloudy days also
during the afternoon. Two flies on a four-foot
leader may be used, one of which should be a
light-colored one, as the coachman, or white
miller ; the other may be any of the hackles or the
stone fly, oriole, gray drake, polka, professor, or
Montreal. The same instructions concerning fly-
fishing for black-bass may be profitably followed
for the pike-perch, allowing the flies to sink two
or three feet after each cast, though it is a more
uncertain fish to locate, being much given to
roaming in its search for food at different
The Perch Family 163
Years ago I had fine sport on several occa-
sions, about sundown, fly-fishing for pike-perch
from the bridge over Neenah channel, the outlet
of Lake Winnebago, in Wisconsin. It was really
the best fishing I have ever had for this fish.
All the conditions seemed to be just right, and
they responded eagerly to the coachman and
oriole at first, but at the approach of dusk they
preferred the dusty miller and gray hackle. The
fish averaged three pounds, and in the swift
water were quite gamy. I have been very
successful, on many occasions, fly-fishing on the
Muskingum River, in Ohio, fishing just below
the dams late in the afternoon ; and also about
the rocky tow-heads on the upper Ohio River, —
the fish, however, averaging only about a pound.
But taking everything into consideration, the
character of the stream and its surroundings, I
think I have had the most enjoyable experience
with the pike-perch, both in fly-fishing and bait-
fishing, on Rock River, Wisconsin, in the south-
ern part of the state. It is a beautiful, rocky
river in places, an ideal stream for wading. The
fish also were of good size, running up to five or
six pounds.
In fishing for pike-perch in different parts of
1 64 Bass, Pike, and Percb
the country I have noticed its variableness of
coloration, which might be inferred from some
of its names, as gray pike, yellow pike, blue pike,
white salmon, etc. As I remember them, those
caught in brackish water in Maryland were quite
greenish, with silvery reflections and with dark
markings. On Lake Erie the coloration varies
somewhat with age, the younger ones being
known as blue pike, the mature fish as yellow
pike, and the oldest and largest as gray pike.
On the rivers of the Middle West that are subject
to periods of high and muddy water they are
much paler. On the many pine-fringed lakes in
northern Wisconsin and Minnesota the variation
in color is quite apparent, both as to the ground
color and markings. The older fish are very
dark and dull on the back, and the younger ones
much brighter.
{Stizostedion canadense)
The sauger was first described by C. H. Smith,
in 1834, who named it canadensis, from having
collected his type specimens in Canada.
It is also known as jack, sand-pike, gray-pike,
and rattlesnake pike. It is closely related to the
pike-perch, though smaller and more slender, with
The Perch Family 165
a more pointed head and smaller eye. It is dis-
tributed through the Great Lake region and in
the upper portions of the Missouri, Mississippi,
and Ohio rivers. It grows to a length of twelve
to fifteen inches. Its color is paler than the pike-
perch, grayish above, with brassy sides, which are
marked by several blackish blotches or patches,
hence "rattlesnake pike."
It is not nearly so good a food-fish as the pike-
perch, and is not of much importance as a game-
fish. It may be fished for with the same tackle as
that recommended for the calico-bass or crappie, in
the same situations mentioned for the pike-perch.
I have taken it with a gaudy fly on the Ohio and
Muskingum rivers, in Ohio, and in the Big Sandy
and Tygert Creek, in Kentucky ; also by still-fish-
ing and trolling on Lake Erie about the Bass
Islands. The meaning or etymology of the name
" sauger " is unknown.
( Perca flavescens)
The yellow-perch was first described by Dr.
Mitchill in 18 14, from the vicinity of New York.
He named it flavescens, " yellowish," owing to its
coloration. It is closely allied to the perch of
1 66 Bass, Pike, and Perch
Europe. It is commonly known as perch or
yellow-perch, also as ringed-perch and raccoon-
perch. It is abundant in the Great Lake region
and in coastwise streams of the Atlantic slope
from Nova Scotia to North Carolina. It is also
common in some of the tributaries of the upper
Mississippi River and in certain lakes in northern
Indiana. It is a handsome fish, well propor-
tioned, and of a lively disposition. It has a
shapely body, with a depth of about one-third of
its length, somewhat compressed, and with an
arching back. The mouth is moderate in size,
with bands of small, bristlelike teeth, but no ca-
nines, and has a projecting snout. The head is
not quite one-third of the length of the body.
Its back is dark olive, sides bright golden yellow,
belly pale or pinkish, with half a dozen or more
broad, dark, vertical bars. The lower fins are
bright red or orange. While the coloration varies
somewhat in different situations it is always brill-
iant, rendering it one of the handsomest fishes
among the fresh-water species.
The yellow-perch is gregarious, always in
schools, and the fish of a school will be about of
a uniform size, be that great or small. It fre-
quents waters of a moderate depth in streams or
The Perch Family 167
lakes or ponds. In streams, early in the spring,
it frequently resorts to the edge or foot of riffles,
when feeding, but later prefers the deeper water
under mill-dams and about the submerged tim-
bers of bridges, and the still water under hollow
banks, or in the eddies of old logs, rocks, etc. It
is averse to a muddy bottom in fresh water, but
along the eastern coast it is often found on the
weedy shoals of shallow bays in brackish water.
In my boyhood days it was a prime favorite with
myself and companions. We sought it on the
mud-flats, among the water-plants, of the Patapsco
River, near Baltimore. It was there known as
" yellow Ned," and was considered a good pan-fish.
In Lake Michigan, after leaving its winter
quarters in the spring, it fairly swarms about the
piers and wharves of Chicago and other towns,
where it is caught by thousands by men, women,
and children with hand-lines, rods, and dip-nets.
It is a very predaceous fish and feeds principally
on small minnows and the young of other fishes,
also on crawfish, tadpoles, small frogs, insects, etc.
In large waters it grows to a pound or two in
weight, sometimes more. Usually it is much
smaller, a half-pound perch being a good-sized
fish in most localities. In midsummer, in weedy
1 68 Bass, Pike, and Perch
ponds, it is not good ; but at other seasons, or in
clear, cold water, it is an excellent pan-fish, firm
and flaky. In brackish water it is good at all
seasons. Whenever it has a muddy taste, it
should be skinned, by which the objectionable
flavor is removed almost entirely, and owing to
its adherent scales it is the best plan for dressing
it. It spawns early in the spring, in March and
April, though in very cold waters not until May.
The eggs are about twelve to the inch, and are
held together by a glutinous substance in long,
ribbonlike masses from two to six feet in length,
and from an inch to three or four inches wide.
Light trout tackle, either for bait-fishing or fly-
fishing, is suitable for the yellow-perch for those
anglers who can appreciate the pleasure to be
derived only by the use of appropriate and ele-
gant tackle for any kind of fishing, and a pound
perch is well worthy of such implements. With
a fly-rod of a few ounces, a light click reel, an
enamelled silk line, and a small leader and flies
on hooks No. 7, the yellow-perch will not disap-
point the most exacting angler who has a true
love for the sport. Under such circumstances it
is a good game-fish, eager to rise, bold to a de-
gree, and fights to a finish.
The Perch Family 169
Most of the flies used for black-bass, as coach-
man, polka, oriole, professor. Abbey, etc., are suc-
cessful, as well as the hackles of various shades,
and occasionally red ibis and stone fly. The late
afternoon hours are to be preferred for fly-fish-
ing. The flies should be allowed to sink with
each cast, after being fluttered on the surface a
few seconds.
In the absence of a more suitable rod, a light
one of native cane, nine or ten feet long, will do
good service without a reel. The line should be
the smallest " sea-grass," or twisted silk. Hooks
Nos. 5 or 6, on gut snells, with a small brass box-
swivel for connecting snell and line, make up the
rest of the tackle.
The most taking bait is a small minnow, but
grasshoppers, crickets, white grubs, or earth-
worms are good. In tidal waters the shrimp is
preferred. But in the absence of any of these
baits, cut-bait, either fish or flesh, may be used
with good results, for the yellow-perch is not
very particular or fastidious. Large perch are
also easily taken by trolling with the minnow,
or a very small spoon on lakes or ponds. If
the spoon is employed, but a single hook should
be used, and that not too large. I am not an
170 Bass, Pike, and Perch
advocate, however, for trolling for so small a
fish, and merely mention it as one of the ways
and means that may be followed. There are
men who never rise above this method for any
game-fish, but they are more to be pitied than
blamed. They either lack the skill to practise
more approved methods, or are too indolent to
learn them.
The yellow-perch has been introduced into
some waters west of the Rockies. A few weigh-
ing about a pound were sent to me from a lake
about forty miles west of Spokane, which were of
exceptionally bright coloration and good flavor.
In the same box were two pike of about four
pounds each, and a large-mouth black-bass of
eight pounds, dressed, and very fat, plump, and
delicious. These fish were the result of a sin-
gle plant by the United States Fish Commission
some years ago. On the Missouri River, a few
miles above the Great Falls, a large lake has been
formed by an expansion of the river, caused by
building a dam for an electric light plant. Several
years ago some yellow-perch were placed in this
lake, or in the river just above it, but by whom
I have not been able to ascertain. At all events,
the lake now swarms with perch, strings of one
The Perch Family 171
hundred or more not being an uncommon catch
in a single day, as I am credibly informed. As
the water above the forks of the Missouri River
is too cold for the perch, and the water of the
lake too warm for trout or grayling, there seems
to be no probability of any harm resulting from
the introduction of the yellow-perch, though it
was not a wise thing to do. About the only fish
in that portion of the Missouri, before the perch
were planted just above the Great Falls, were
ling, suckers, and catfish.
In the many small lakes near Oconomowoc,
Wisconsin, the yellow-perch thrives well. It is
caught in the summer by men, women, and chil-
dren with almost any kind of bait, and often with
the rudest tackle. To the summer visitors it is
a source of perennial delight, and an unfailing
means of enjoyment to the juvenile anglers. In
my day, Genesee Lake, a few miles from Ocono-
mowoc, contained some of the largest perch of all
the numerous lakes and lakelets. In this lake
only the small-mouth bass and yellow-perch were
found, no large-mouth bass or pike, and the bass
and perch were of about the same size — two
pounds. This uniformity of weight did not
obtain in any of the other lakes. A basket of
172 Bass, Pike, and Perch
perch from Genesee Lake was a handsome sight,
and the fish were unusually sweet and savory.
During the winter the residents catch yellow-
perch through holes cut in the ice in great num-
bers, in all of the lakes mentioned. It was here
that I devised my " Oconomowoc " bass fly with
creamy yellow body, hackle of hairs of deer's tail,
cinnamon (woodcock) wings, and tail of ginger;
but for the perch of Genesee I found that with
a tail of scarlet wool it was more effective.
Many a two-pound perch responded to that lure,
in days long gone, and as Thoreau says, " It is a
true fish, such as the angler loves to put into
his basket or hang on top of his willow twig on
shady afternoons."
Thytnallus signifer. Head 5I; depth 4f; eye 3; D. 24; A. 11;
scales 8-88 to 90-11; cceca 18; body elongate, compressed,
highest under the anterior portion of the dorsal ; head rather
short, subconic, compressed, its upper outline continuous with
anterior curve of the back ; mouth moderate, the maxillary ex-
tending to below the middle of the eye ; maxillary 6 (?) in
head ; jaws about equal ; tongue, in the young, with teeth,
which are usually absent in the adult ; eye quite large, rather
longer than snout ; scales moderate ; lateral line nearly straight ;
a small bare space behind isthmus ; dorsal fin long and high,
about 3^ in length of body; adipose fin small; anal fin small;
gill-rakers short and slender, about 12 below the angle.
Thymallus tricolor. Head 5 ; depth 5^ ; eye 4 ; D. 21 or 22 ; A. 10 ;
scales 93 to 98 ; gill-rakers 7 + 12 ; maxillary 2| in head ; dorsal
fin 5 1 in length of body. Otherwise much as T. signifer.
Thymallus fnoniamis. Head 5; depth 4^; eye 3|; D. 18 to 21;
A. 10 or II ; scales 8-82 to 85-10; gill-rakers 5 -|- 12; maxil-
lary 3 in head ; dorsal fin 4^ in length of body. Other features
much resembling T, signifer and T. tricolor.
Owing to the restricted area of Its distribu-
tion, the "graceful, ghding grayhng" is known
to but comparatively few anglers in America.
He who has been so fortunate as to have this
174 ^^^55, Pike, and Percb
beautiful fish respond to his deftly cast flies, will
bear me out in the assertion that for courage,
finesse, and all the qualities that constitute a
true game-fish, the grayling is the equal of its con-
gener, the trout.
In France it is known as ombre, in Germany
as asche, and in Norway as barren. Among
all English-speaking people it is the grayling,
though occasionally it is called umber in parts
of England. All of these names are somewhat
descriptive of its grayish, ashy, or bluish colora-
tion. Gliding along in clear, swift water it
seems, indeed, a gray shadow ; but fresh out
of its native element it becomes a creature of
mother-of-pearl, so beautiful and varied are its
The graceful outlines and beautifully-moulded
proportions of the grayling, together with the
satiny sheen and delicate coloration of her adorn-
ment, have always impressed me as essentially
feminine. The evanescent play of prismatic
hues on her shapely and rounded sides, when
fresh from the pure and crystal stream she loves
so well, reminds one of changeable silk shot with
all the colors of the rainbow. Her tall dorsal
fin, with its rose-colored spots, she waves as
Thymallus signifer
Thymallus tricolor
Thymallus montams
The Grayling Family 175
gracefully and effectually as the nodding plume
of a duchess.
The grayling was named by the ancients
T/iymalhis, owing to a smell of thyme that was
said to emanate from the fish when freshly
caught. However that may have been in days
of old, it is not so now, though an odor of
cucumbers is sometimes perceptible when it is
just out of the water. But the name, if not the
odor, has endured to the present day, for Thy-
mallus is still its generic appellation. The gray-
lings were formerly included in the salmon
family, and are still so considered by European
ichthyologists, who include them in the genus
Salmo. Dr. Theodore Gill, however, has formed
them into a separate family {Thymallidce), owing
to the peculiar structure of the skull, whereby
the parietal bones meet at the median line,
excluding the frontal bones from the supra-
occipital ; whereas in the other salmonids the
parietals are separated by the intervention of
the supra-occipital bone, which connects with
the frontals.
There are three species in America: one in
the Arctic regions, one in Michigan, and one
in Montana. To the untrained eye no great
Bass, Pike, and Percb
difference is apparent between these various
species as to form and coloration,^ and their
habits are similar, all lovins; clear, cold, and swift
water, with gravelly or sandy bottom. They
feed on insects and their larvae, small minnows,
crustaceans, and such small organisms. They
spawn in the spring. The eggs are smaller than
trout eggs, running seven to the inch. They
hatch in from ten days to two weeks, according
to temperature of the water.
( Thytnalltis signifer)
The Arctic grayling was first described by
Sir John Richardson, in 1823, from specimens
T. signifer
T. tricolor
T. montanus
Head in length
Depth in length
Eye in head
Maxillary in head
8-88 to 90-1 1
8-82 to 85-10
12 below the angle
7 + 12
5 + 12
Dorsal rays
Height of dorsal fin
3^ in length
5| in length
\\ in length
The Grayling Family 177
collected at Winter Lake, near Fort Enterprise,
in British America. He named it signifer, or
" standard-bearer," in allusion to its tall, waving,
gayly-colored dorsal fin. It is presumably the
oldest and original species, and it is not unlikely
that it was transported to Michigan and Mon-
tana on an ice-field during the glacial period.
It is often called Bach's grayling, in honor of
an officer of that name who took the first one
on the fly, when with the Arctic expedition of
Sir John Franklin, in 1819. It abounds in clear,
cold streams of the Mackenzie and Yukon prov-
inces in British America, and in Alaska up to
the Arctic Ocean. This boreal grayling has a
somewhat smaller head than the other species,
its upper outline being continuous with the
curve of the back. The mouth is small, extend-
ing to below the middle of the eye, which latter
is larger than in the other graylings, while its
dorsal fin is both longer and higher, and contains
a few more rays. The sides are purplish gray,
darker on the back; head brownish, a blue
mark on each side of the lower jaw; the dorsal
fins dark gray, splashed with a lighter shade,
with rows of deep blue spots edged with red;
ventral fins with red and white stripes. Along
178 Bass, Pike, and Perch
the sides are scattered a few irregularly-shaped
black spots.
A friend of mine, an ardent angler, returned
recently from Cape Nome and the Yukon, in
Alaska, where he resided for several years. He
informed me that the grayling is very abundant
in the streams of that region, and that he had
taken thousands on the fly ; but not knowing
that they differed from the Montana grayling, he
did not examine them closely.
( Thymallus tricolor)
The Michigan grayling was first described by
Professor E. D. Cope, in 1865, from specimens
from the Au Sable River. He named it tricolor,
on account of its handsomely-decorated fins and
body. At that time it was abundant in the Au
Sable, Manistee, Marquette, Jordan, Pigeon, and
other rivers in the northern part of the lower pen-
insula of Michigan, and in Otter Creek, near
Keweenah, in the upper peninsula. It has a some-
what larger head than the Arctic form, its length
being about one-fifth of the length of the body ;
the outline of the latter does not differ except
in not being so prominent over the shoulder.
The Grayling Family 179
The coloration is purplish gray with silvery
reflections, darker on the back, belly white and
iridescent ; sides of head with bright bluish and
bronze lustre; sides of the body with small,
black, irregular spots; ventral fins with oblique,
rose-colored lines ; dorsal with alternate dusky
and rose-colored lines below, and alternate rows
of dusky green and roseate spots above ; caudal
fin dusky with a middle roseate stripe.
In 1870-1876 I visited most of the grayling
streams in Michigan, and found it abundant,
affording fine fishing. At that time it was
also in the Boyne, and in Pine Lake and River.
I also took it in Lake Michigan while fishing
for cisco from the pier at Charlevoix. Fish
running from a pound to a pound and a half
were common, and occasionally one of two
pounds was taken.
It is sad to contemplate the gradual disap-
pearance of this fish from the once densely
populated streams of Michigan. At the present
day the angler is fortunate, indeed, who succeeds
in taking a brace of grayling where a few years
ago his basket was soon filled. This deplorable
state of affairs has been brought about by the
axe of the lumberman, whose logs, descending
i8o Bass, Pike, and Percb
the small streams on the spring rise, plough
up the spawning beds, smothering the eggs and
killing the helpless fry. As brook-trout spawn
in the fall they escape this calamity, the fry
being old enough in April to take pretty good
care of themselves. The decrease of both trout
and grayling is commonly attributed to over-
fishing; but while this may have its influence
to a limited extent in lessening the numbers for
a season, other causes must be looked for to
account for the permanent depletion of certain
A stream or pond will support but a
limited number of fish, the number depending
on the supply of natural food for both young
and mature. By the supply of food on one
hand, and the natural enemies of the fish on
the other, a certain balance is maintained which
if disturbed by, say, overfishing one season,
will be restored by natural laws the next. And
this state of affairs will continue so long as the
natural conditions of the waters remain un-
By cutting down the pine trees at the sources
of the streams and along the small tributaries,
which are the spawning grounds of bt)th trout
The Grayling Family i8i
and grayling, the natural conditions are changed.
The scorching rays of the summer sun are
admitted where once mosses and ferns and the
trailing arbutus luxuriated in the shade of a
dense growth of pines and hemlocks and firs.
The soil becomes dry, the carpet of green
shrivels and dies, and the myriads of insects
that once bred and multiplied in the cool and
grateful shade, and whose larva} furnish the food
for the baby fish, disappear. The brooks and
rivulets diminish and vanisli. A page has been
torn from the book of nature, and the place
that trout and grayling knew so well is known
no more forever.
( Thyinnllus vtontanus)
The Montana grayling was collected by Pro-
fessor James W. Milner, of the United States Fish
Commission, in 1872, from a tributary of the
Missouri Kiver, at Camj) Baker, in Montana. He
named it moutamis, from the name of the state.
Lewis and Clark, however, during their wonderful
journey that blazed the western course of empire,
described, but did not name it, seventy years
before, from fish taken near the head waters of
1 82 Bass, Pike, and Percb
the Jefferson River. A few years ago (1898)
it was my good fortune to be the first to call
attention to this prior description. Knowing that
Lewis and Clark ascended the Jefferson nearly
to its source in the Rocky Mountains, in 1805, I
thought it extremely probable that those remark-
ably close observers had mentioned the existence
of this beautiful and well-marked species. Upon
investigation I found my surmise to be correct.
On page 545 of Dr. Elliott Coues's edition (1893)
of " The Lewis and Clark Expedition," I found
the following : —
" Toward evening we formed a drag of bushes,
and in about two hours caught 528 very good
fish, most of them large trout. Among them we
observed for the first time ten or twelve trout of
a white or silvery color, except on the back and
head, where they are of a bluish cast ; in appear-
ance and shape they resemble exactly the
speckled trout, except they are not so large,
though the scales are much larger ; the flavor is
equally good." (In a foot-note Dr. Coues stated
that this fish remained unidentified.)
The locality where these fish were taken was
near the head waters of the Jefferson River, where
Lewis and Clark abandoned their canoes and
The Grayling Family 183
crossed the Continental Divide on horses pur-
chased from the Indians. At this point the gray-
ling is abundant to-day, as I know from personal
observation, and coexists with the red-throat trout
almost to the exclusion of all other species.
Lewis and Clark were both remarkable for
clear and correct descriptions of the animals and
plants met with during their journey, many of
which were new to science ; but as they neglected
to give them scientific names, others have reaped
the honors of many of their discoveries. I pub-
lished my identification of the fish in question as
being undoubtedly the grayling, and soon after-
ward received a letter from Dr. Coues, congratulat-
ing me and indorsing my opinion, which he said
was certainly correct.
The Montana grayling is found only in the
tributaries of the Missouri River above the Great
Falls. In Sheep and Tenderfoot creeks, tribu-
taries of Smith River, in the Little Belt Moun-
tains, it is fairly abundant, as it is likewise in the
three forks of the Missouri, — the Gallatin, Madi-
son, and Jefferson rivers. Its ideal home is in
several tributaries at the head of Red Rock Lake,
swift gravelly streams, and especially in the upper
reaches of the Madison above the upper canon,
1 84 Bass, Pilu\ and Pcrcb
where tlie water is rapid, llioiigh unbroken, the
bottom being dark obsidian sand, with a succession
of pools and shallcnvs. I liave taken fish weigh-
ing two pounds in Beaver Creek, in the upper
canon, which is also an ideal stream. Such sit-
uations are peculiarly adapted to the grayling,
being preferred to the broken water of rocky
streams so much favored by trout.
The Montana grayling is a trimmer-built fish
than its Michigan cousin, being not quite so
deep, proportionally, and with larger scales. Its
dorsal fin is about the same height, but with one
or two less rays.
Its back is gray, with purplish reflections; sides
lighter, with lilac, pink, and silvery reflections ;
belly pearly white. It has a few irregularly-
shaped black spots on the anterior part of the
body, but none posteriorly as sometimes on the
Michigan grayling. It has two oblong dark
blotches in the cleft of the lower jaw, and a heavy
dark line running from the ventrals to the pectoral
fin ; these markings are more pronounced in the
male, being quite faint or wanting in the female.
The dorsal fin has a rosy-red border, six or seven
rows of roseate, roundish spots, ocellated with
white, and gray blotches form lines between the
The Grayling Family 185
rows of red spots ; in the upper, posterior angle
of the dorsal fin are several larger oblong rosy
spots; the ventral fins have three rose-colored
stripes along the rays ; the pectoral and anal fins
are plain ; the caudal fin is forked.
As a game-fish the grayling is fully the equal
of the trout, though its way of taking the artificial
fly is quite different, and the old hand at trout
fishing must pay court to *' the lady of the
streams " with the greatest assiduity before he is
successful in winning her attention to his lures.
And even then he must become fully conversant
with her coy and coquettish way of accepting his
offer, though it be cast never so deftly. There
is a rush and snap and vim in the rise of a trout
to the fly that is lacking with the grayling. The
trout often leaps above the water to seize the fly,
while it is taken more quietly and deliberately,
though just as eagerly, by the grayling from
below. In other words, it is " sucked in," as
English anglers term it, though that hardly ex-
presses it, as the act is not so tame as might be
inferred. On the contrary, the grayling rises
from the bottom of a pool and darts upward like
an arrow to seize the fly, though as a rule it does
not break water, and is not so demonstrative as
1 86 Bass, Pike, and Perch
the trout; but it seldom misses the mark, if
the fly is small enough, which the trout often
Sometimes the grayling will rise a dozen times
to a fly, and for some reason refuse it, but will
take it at the very next cast. Just why this is so
is one of the unanswerable problems that often
vexes or confounds the angler. Presumably the
fly is too large, or is not presented in just the
right way to please her ladyship. But the angler
should not despair under such circumstances, but
remember the old couplet, " If at first you don't
succeed, try, try again." Moreover, he must re-
member that he is fishing for grayling, not for
trout. He must not cast on a riffle, or at its
head, but below, in the eddy or still water, where
it is deepest. There lie the large fish, though
small ones may be in the shallower water, and
it is the latter that perplex one by their antics,
oftentimes leaping over one's flies in play.
Trout generally lie in ambush beneath the
bank, shelving rocks, or roots, usually in shallow
water, from whence they rush with tigerlike feroc-
ity upon the fly, often leaping over it in their
eagerness for the fancied prey. On the contrary,
grayling lie on the bottom of pools, in swift
The Grayling Family 187
water, entirely in the open. They are also gre-
garious, assembling in schools, while the trout is
a lone watcher from his hidden lair.
Some dry fly-fishers of England, echoing the
opinion of Charles Cotton, term the grayling a
" dead-hearted fish " that must be taken with a
wet or sunken fly. This idea of its lack of game-
ness is implied in Tennyson's lines : —
" Here and there a lusty trout,
And here and there a grayhng."
As the English grayling grows only to half of
the weight of the trout, it suffers by comparison
when killed on the heavy rods of our English
brothers. Their assertion, also, that the grayling
has a tender mouth, and must be handled gin-
gerly, is another fallacy, inasmuch as it has as
tough lips as the trout, but the smaller hooks of
grayling flies do not hold so firmly as the larger
and stronger hooks of trout flies.
It must not be supposed that the grayling is
not a leaping fish because it takes the fly from
beneath the surface of the water. On the con-
trary, in its playful moods it may be seen leaping
above the surface the same as a trout, and more-
over it breaks water repeatedly after being hooked,
1 88 Bass, Pike, and Perch
which the trout seldom does. It puts up a stiff
fight also beneath the surface, being much aided
in its resistance by its tall dorsal fin. It is no
disparagement, then, to the gamesome trout, to
declare the grayling its equal when of similar
size and weight.
Grayling fishing has been practised in England
for centuries. In addition to fly-fishing, swim-
ming the maggot, where a tiny float is used, is
a common method. An artificial bait, called the
grasshopper, is likewise employed. While gray-
ling are taken during the trout season, in spring
and summer, the most successful season seems to
be from September to December, when they are
at their best, both as to gameness and condition.
With English anglers the universal practice is
to fish up-stream, as the fish are not so apt to see
the angler, and that plan undoubtedly has its
advantages in the clear and shallow streams of
England. In fishing for grayling, however, it is
advised by some of their best anglers to cast
across the stream, instead of above, and allow the
flies to float down. No reason is given for this
deviation from the generally accepted method
with trout; but I imagine that as grayling lie on
the bottom of deep pools, it has been found by
The Grayling Family 189
experience that they are not so apt to see the
angler as other species in mid-water or near the
surface, especially in the clear chalk streams.
In America, the streams being deeper, the ne-
cessity for fishing up-stream is not so apparent.
Fishing down-stream is by far the best plan, for
obvious reasons, if the angler wades slowly and
cautiously, so as not to roil the water. The prin-
cipal reason is that one's line is always straight
and taut in swift water, and the flies can be more
easily controlled and floated down over the fish,
which always heads up-stream. Upon hooking
the fish it can be drawn to one side, whereby the
other fish in the pool are not much more alarmed
than in the case of casting up or across. Casting
across seems to be really a concession to the
advantage of fishing down-stream.
The fly-rod, reel, line, and leader ordinarily
employed for trout-fishing may be used also for
grayling, though I would advise some modifica-
tions. While a first-class split-bamboo rod of
three and a half or four ounces may be advanta-
geously used by an angler who knows how to handle
a very light rod, I prefer one of five or six ounces.
Such a rod is certainly light enough to be used
all day without fatigue, and it is well to have the
iQo Bass, Pike, and Perch
resourceful reserve of an ounce or two for emer-
gencies. In any case it should not exceed ten
and one-half feet in length, if built on the modern
plan, where most of the pliancy is in its upper
two-thirds, the lower third being stififish and
springy, constituting its backbone. A very good
rod can be constructed with ash butt, and lance-
wood, greenheart, or bethabara upper pieces, and
one that will be almost as light as split-bamboo,
and certainly more serviceable in the long run.
I would also advise flush, non-dowelled joints,
and reel-bands instead of a solid reel-seat, the lat-
ter being of no advantage and only adding to the
weight of the rod; moreover, it is now put on
the cheapest rods to make them sell. A plain
groove for the reel, with bands, is very much better.
As a matter of course the line should be of
braided silk, enamelled, and suited to the weight
of the rod, as small as size G, but not larger than
size E. It may be level, but a tapered line is
better for casting, and is also better adapted for
the delicate leader that must be employed.
A tapered leader six feet long is best, but
should not be shorter than four feet. It must be
made of the very best silkworm gut fibre, round,
clear, and unstained. The distal end should be
The Grayling Family 191
made of the finest drawn gut, known as gossamer,
and taper to the larger or proximal end, which
should be the smallest undrawn gut.
In England the most delicate leaders and ex-
tremely small flies are employed for grayling.
The flies are usually tied on Pennell hooks, turn-
down eye, sizes o, 00, 000, Kendal scale, which
are smaller than No. 12, Redditch scale, the latter
being the smallest size commonly used in Amer-
ica. The favorite flies in England have yellowish
— lemon to orange — bodies, and bodies of pea-
cock harl, either green or bronze. Flies with
purplish, black, or slate-colored bodies are more
sparingly employed. They are either hackles or
split-winged flies. The formulas for some of the
favorites are as follows: —
Red Tag. Body bright green harl from the " moon " of a peacock's
feather ; hackle, bright red cock's hackle ; tag, bright red wool ;
hook, No. o, Kendal scale.
Orange Bufnble. Body, orange floss silk, ribbed with a strand of
peacock's sword feather and fine flat gold tinsel ; hackle, honey
dun cock, wrapped all down the body ; hook No. o, Kendal
Green Insect. Body, bright green peacock's harl ; hackled with a
soft silver-gray hen's feather ; hook No. o, Kendal scale.
Bradshaw's Fancy. Body, copper-colored peacock's harl ; hackled
with a feather from the neck of a Norwegian crow ; tag, bright
crimson wool or silk, with a couple of turns of the same at the
head ; tying silk, dark purple ; hook No. o, Kendal scale.
192 Bass, Pike, aitd Perch
Claret Bumble. Body, claret floss silk, ribbed with a strand of pea-
cock's sword feather ; medium blue dun cock's hackle ; hook,
No. o, Kendal scale.
Most of the foregoing are fancy flies, but are
considered the best killers on English waters. In
this country it has been demonstrated, also, that
flies with bodies of peacock harl, or with yellow-
ish bodies, have been more uniformly successful
than others. From this it would appear that the
predilection of grayling for certain colors in arti-
ficial flies is much the same both in this country
and England. From my own experience I can
recommend the following well-known flies, adding,
however, that their construction should be a little
different from the conventional trout flies of these
names in having a red tag or tail of scarlet
wool, instead of the usual tail, and in having nar-
row split wings instead of the regular style of
full wings: —
Yellowish-bodied flies : professor, queen of the
water, Oconomowoc, Lord Baltimore. Green-
bodied flies : coachman, Henshall,and grizzly king.
Other useful flies are black gnat, cinnamon, iron-
blue dun, oriole, red ant, gray hackle, and black
hackle. They should all be tied on Sproat or
O'Shaughnessy hooks, No. 12, Redditch or com-
The Grayling Family 193
mon scale. Two flies only should be used in a
cast, and of different colors.
Bearing in mind that the portions of a stream
mostly used by grayling are the sandy and grav-
elly pools in swift, smooth water, they are fished
for in much the same way as trout, except that
the flies are allowed to sink below the surface,
very much as in black-bass fishing. It is very
important that the line and leader are always taut,
inasmuch as the rise of the fish is not always seen,
except as a quick flash or shadow beneath the
surface. With a tight line the fish will be more
apt to hook itself. With the small hooks of gray-
ling flies, it is not wise for the angler to attempt
to " strike," as in trout or black-bass fishing.
Upon hooking the fish it should be led sidewise
from the pool, if possible, so as not to disturb or
frighten the others of the school ; and for the
same reason it should be kept near the surface
until taken into the landing-net.
Either a light trout bait-rod or the fly-rod may
be employed for bait-fishing for grayling, with
fine silk line, leader, and hooks Nos. 6 to 8 with
a split-shot sinker a foot above the hook. Eng-
lish anglers use a small float, but in fishing down-
stream it is not advisable, as the current prevents
194 Bass, Pike, and Perch
the bait from touching the bottom, and renders
the use of a float for this purpose unnecessary.
The bait should be kept from six inches to a foot
above the bottom. The best bait is the larva of
the caddis-fly, a small worm or caterpillar encased
in a bag or covering composed of bits of bark,
sticks, etc. ; it is known in the Rocky Mountain
region as the " rockworm." Earthworms, small
grasshoppers, crickets, and grubs of various kinds
are also useful.
When it became known to iishculturists, about
1874, that the grayling existed in Michigan,
attempts were made to propagate it artificially,
but without success, as the same lines were
pursued as with the brook-trout. It remained for
the United States Fish Commission to success-
fully cope with the problem in Montana, under
my supervision. Beginning with 1898, we have
hatched millions at Bozeman Station and the
auxiliary station near Red Rock Lake, at the
head of the Jef¥erson River. We have also
shipped millions of eggs to different parts of the
Union, as far east as Maine, New Hampshire, and
Vermont, mostly to United States Fish Commis-
sion stations, where they were hatched and planted
in suitable streams. It is to be hoped that some
The Grayling Family 195
of these plants will result in the permanent
establishment of this beautiful and desirable fish
in eastern waters.
The eggs of the grayling are smaller than those
of the trout, being but one-seventh of an inch in
diameter. When first extruded they are amber-
colored, owing to a large oil-drop, which renders
them lighter than trout eggs, almost semi-buoyant,
and for this reason are best hatched, or at least
"eyed," in hatching jars. My plan is to keep
them in the hatching jars until the eye-spots show,
when they are removed to hatching-trays until
incubation is complete.
In a few days after extrusion the eggs become
crystal-like or hyaline in color, when the embryo
can be seen in motion. The period of incubation
is from ten days to two weeks. The fry when
hatched are very small, about the size of mosquito
" wigglers " (larvae). Their umbilical yolk-sac is
absorbed in a few days, when it becomes impera^
tive to supply them with stream water, which
contains the small organisms {Eniomostraca) on
which they feed at first. Afterward they can be
fed artificially the same as trout fry, which they
soon outgrow.
There is an erroneous opinion that has gained
196 Bass, Pike, and Pcrcb
considerable currency among anglers to the
effect that grayling and trout are antagonistic,
and that to this cause is to be attributed the
decrease of grayling in the waters of Michigan.
My observations have led me to the conclusion
that this opinion is not supported by any evidence
whatever. When I fished the streams of that
state, years ago, both trout and grayling were
plentiful in the same waters, and were living in
harmony as they had done from time immemorial.
Their habits and choice of locality being different,
the trout hiding under cover and the grayling
lying in exposed pools, their struggle for exist-
ence or supremacy does not bring them much in
opposition, or cause them to prey on each other
or on their eggs or fry in an unusual degree, or
to such an extent as to effect the marked decrease
of either species. Honors are even. It is the
same in Montana. In that state the red-throat
trout and grayling seek out such portions of the
streams as are best suited to them; but very often
they are found together on neutral ground, w^iere
they live peaceably and not at variance with each
other. As no disturbing element has yet been intro-
duced, their numbers still bear the same relative
proportion that has existed since the days of yore.
The Grayling Family 197
Likewise in England, in such historic waters
as the Wye, the Derwent, the Wharfe, or the
Dove, hallowed by " meek Walton's heavenly
memory," the grayling and trout still coexist in
about the same relative proportion that has been
maintained since and before the days of Dame
Juliana Berners, Izaak Walton, and Charles
Cotton in the fifteenth century. On those
quiet streams no cause has ever been allowed
to militate against the well-being of either
species, or to disturb the natural conditions to
any considerable extent.
In a recent number of the London Fishi7ig
Gazette is one of the best articles on the English
grayling that I have ever seen. It is written by
Mr. E. F. Goodwin, who is undoubtedly fully
conversant with his theme and well acquainted
with the habits of that fish. Among other things
he says : —
" When in season I maintain that the grayling
will give excellent sport on suitable tackle, is
splendid eating, and is as handsome a fish as
any angler need wish to gaze upon. What more
can one want } How Charles Cotton could have
written in such terms of condemnation of the
sporting qualities of this fish as to call him ' one
198 Bass, Pike, and Perch
of the deadest-hearted fishes in the world, and
the bigger he is the more easily taken,' passes
my understanding, although we must remember
that this remark was passed to * Viator ' on his
catching a grayling in the early part of March,
when the fish would be out of condition in all
probability. I confess to a feeling of disappoint-
ment at the summary way in which Walton dis-
misses the grayling, showing that he did not
think very highly of him either from an edible
or sporting point of view.
" Grayling will rise readily to the artificial fly,
and although they will come again time after
time if missed (or perhaps I should say if they
miss the fly, which is more usual), they require
the neatest and finest tackle and the most deli-
cate handling to secure them ; and as Francis
Francis truly says, 'when you have hooked a
grayling, your next job is to land him.' . . .
There is a lot of difference between the way a
well-conditioned trout and grayling fight after
being hooked, and this may account for some
of the condemnation heaped upon the latter as
to its non-sportive character ; for although not so
lively as the trout with its mad rushes for liberty,
yet the kind of resistance is more dangerous to
The Grayling Family 199
the hold you have on him, for the grayling tries
the hold of the hook in every possible way, and
from every possible point of that hold. To my
mind a grayling is much more difficult to
land than a trout, and the more I fish for
grayling the more convinced I am of his game-
ness and sporting qualities. Certainly there are
a great many more grayling lost after being
hooked than trout, and this is accounted for prin-
cipally not so much from the reputed tenderness
of the mouth as from the fact of the fish not
being so firmly hooked as the trout usually is.
" The ideas of grayling not heading up-stream
and of being deleterious to the trout have been
perpetuated by author after author, just copying
one another without really ascertaining the facts.
. . . As regards the advisability of introducing
grayling into a trout stream, that depends en-
tirely upon the nature of the river. As far as
my experience and observation go, grayling only
become detrimental to the trout in that, being
active and voracious feeders, they consume the
food that otherwise would have belonged to and
been partaken of by the trout. It is certain that
these fish live together in general amity. The
grayling is but seldom a fish eater, and therefore
200 Bass, Pike, and Perch
any accusation as to its being destructive to the
fry of trout is untenable. That it, in the trout-
spawning season, may help itself to what it can
find of the superfluous ova which float down the
stream no one can object to, but as to its burrow-
ing in the redds and disturbing the hatching ova,
I very much doubt it. Both the late Dr. Brunton
and Dr. Hamilton were very strong in their
assertion that this was a matter of impossibility
with the grayling, and yet we are assured by
Dr. James A. Henshall that the fry of grayling
are as much addicted to cannibalism as the pike-
perch fry."
After giving a brief space to natural bait-
fishing, he goes on to say : " But after all there
is only one way in which this fish should be
caught, and that is with the fly. This ground
has been gone over so many times that it only
remains for me to say that, the grayling being
a bold and daring riser, never be discouraged
if you fail to hook him, even if he rise at your
fly time after time. He lies very low in the river
when watching for his prey, and therefore is not
so easily disturbed ; and if you remain quite still
when he has risen and missed the fly and gone
down to his lair, he will surely rise again. His
The Grayling Family 201
rise, too, is different to a trout. A trout, from
lying close to the surface when feeding, takes
without effort the flies floating over him, and also
is easily scared. A grayling, from lying deep
in the water, quite close to the bottom, comes up
with great rapidity, and seldom takes the fly
until it has passed him ; and should he miss it,
which often happens, disappears so quickly that
he may well be compared to a shadow — hence
the name of 'umber,' from umbra, a shadow.
Should you hook him, up goes his great dorsal
fin and down goes his head in his determination
to get to his hiding-place, and it depends on
his size and gameness, as well as the skill of
the angler, whether he succeeds or not. I have
often heard anglers complain that grayling are
more dif^cult to hook than trout. Experienced
anglers are all aware that grayling are not so
easily hooked on the rise as trout, but he offers
the best compensation in his power by consenting
to rise over and over again until if you do not
hook him the fault is yours, not his. When he
rises at a passing fly he must ascend at lightning
speed in order to cover the distance in time to
catch it; having done so, he turns instantly head
down and descends at the same speed. This is
202 Bass, Pike, and Percb
really the 'somersault' so well known to grayling
fishers. With a long line it is next to impossible
to strike a grayling on the instant, and a taut
line in this fishing is of even greater importance
than in trout-fishing."
I have given the above liberal quotations be-
cause the article agrees so well with my own
practice in grayling fishing, and accords with the
habits of the American graylings as I have ob-
served them.
{Salnionid// Siiurifs)
The yellow grunt was first noticed by Bloch,
in 1790, from the West Indies; but owing to a
mistake as to its proper identification it was
named siiurus, meaning "squirrel," by Shaw, in
1803, based on Bloch's description and figure.
The name squirrel is in allusion to the grunt-
ing noise it emits when captured, which is com-
pared to the barking of that animal. It is
abundant in the West Indies and south to Brazil,
and is quite common about Key West.
The yellow grunt is very similar to the com-
mon grunt in the conformation of its body and
fins, but has a rather curved profile instead of a
depression in front of the eye. The teeth are simi-
lar, with about three strong canines on each side.
The scales on the upper part of the body are rela-
tively smaller than in the black grunt. Its color
is uniformly brassy yellow, with about a dozen
longitudinal and distinct stripes of sky-blue, some-
what wavy, extending from the snout to the anal
The Channel Fishes 327
fin; the fins are yellowish ; the inside of the mouth
is scarlet. It grows to about a foot in length,
but occasionally to eighteen inches. It is the
handsomest in coloration and appearance of all
the grunts, and is often called *' boar grunt " by
the Key West fishermen. A black-bass bait rod,
braided linen line, snelled hooks No. i-o, with
sinker adapted to the depth and current of the
water, and sea-crawfish, shrimps, prawns, or cut-
fish bait, will be found quite applicable for grunt
Although the yellow grunt was known to sci-
ence from the West Indies as early as 1790, it
was not recorded from the waters of the United
States until a century later, when in 1881 I col-
lected it at Key West. This is the more remark-
able inasmuch as it is rather common along the
keys, and is moreover such a striking, well-
marked, and handsome species that it is difficult
to imagine how it had been overlooked. The
field has, however, been pretty well worked since,
and many new species have been recorded.
The Florida Keys, like the southern portion of
the peninsula, are of recent formation, and are
underlaid by oolitic and coral limestones. These
coralline rocks are formed by the action of the
328 Bass, Pike, and Perch
waves and weather on the calcareous secretions
of coral polyps, those beautiful "flowers of the
sea" which are still building better than they
know on the outlying submerged reefs, and where
may be seen those tiny "toilers of the sea,"
madrepores, astreans, maeandrinas, porites, gor-
gonias, etc., rivalling in beauty of form and color
the most charming and delicate ferns, fungi,
mosses, and shrubs.
The fishes that frequent the coral reefs are very
handsome, both in form and coloration : silvery,
rosy, scarlet, brown, and golden bodies, with sky-
blue, bright yellow, rosy, or black stripes and
bands, or spotted, stellated, and mottled with all
the hues of the rainbow; and with jewelled eyes
of scarlet, blue, yellow, or black; fins of all colors
and shapes, and lips of scarlet red, blue, or silver.
(^Hcemulon albia/t)
The margate-fish, or margate grunt, is the
largest of the family, growing to two feet or more
in length and eight or ten pounds in weight,
though usually it weighs from two to six pounds
as taken to market. It was noticed by Catesby
in his " History of the Carolinas," in 1 742, and was
The Channel Fishes 329
wrongly identified from his description by Wal-
baum in 1792. It received its present name from
Cuvier and Valenciennes, in 1830, from West
Indian specimens; they called it album, meaning
" white," as it is the lightest in coloration of any
of the grunts. It is much esteemed as a food-
fish at Key West. It is abundant from Key
West to Brazil, being quite common about the
Florida Keys, especially in the immediate vicinity
of Key West, being usually found in deep water,
except when it approaches the shallows to feed
on crustaceans, etc. It is rather a warm-water
The margate-fish is of much the same propor-
tions, and of similar appearance, as the yellow
grunt, but with a more elevated and arching
back, and is more compressed. The teeth are in
narrow bands, and are somewhat smaller than in
the other grunts. The adult fish is whitish, oliva-
ceous on the back, with faint spots on the scales
of back and sides. The inside of the mouth is
orange ; the lips and snout yellowish ; the fins
dusky greenish ; a broad but indistinct band ex-
tends along the sides. Younger fish are bluish
in coloration of body and fins, with dark parallel
stripes below.
330 Bass, Pike, and Percb
Somewhat larger hooks, say No. • 2-0, and a
little heavier line, braided linen, size F, are more
suitable for this fish ; otherwise the same tackle
and baits can be employed as for the other grunts
and channel fishes.
{Hcemulon parrd)
This grunt is sometimes called bastard mar-
garet by the Key West fisherman. The name
sailor's choice is often wrongly applied to the pin-
fish {Lagodon rhomboides) and the pig-fish {Ortho-
pristis chry sop terns). The sailor's choice was
first described by Desmarest, in 1823, from Ha-
vana; he named it parra in honor of the Cuban
naturalist, Parra. It is a good pan-fish, eight or
ten inches long, usually, but sometimes growing
to a foot in length. It is abundant from Key
West to Brazil. I have taken it from the line of
keys southwest of Cape Florida, and along the
mainland from Biscayne Bay to Marco and Lemon
Bay on the Gulf coast.
Its body is of about the same proportions, and
of the same general appearance, as that of the
yellow grunt, and it grows to about the same
size. The radial formula of its fins and size of
The Channel Fishes 331
scales are also much the same. The mouth is
smaller, but the teeth are of about the same char-
acter. Its color is dull pearly gray, belly grayish,
each scale of the body with a distinct olive-brown
spot, forming interrupted, oblique, and wavy
streaks; fins dusky. The inside of the mouth is
not so red as in the other grunts. There is a
distinct black spot on the lower edge of the
The gray grunt {Hcemulon macrostomum) and
the French grunt {Hcsmulon flavolineatum) are
not so common about the Florida Keys as the
other grunts, but grow to about the same size, and
are often taken with them, and with the same
baits and the same mode of fishing.
{Orthopristis chrysopterus)
Another pan-fish belonging to the grunt family
and common to the waters of Florida, and one
much esteemed as a food-fish, is the pig-fish. It
is known as hog-fish in Chesapeake Bay, and
sailor's choice on the South Atlantic coast. It
was described by Linnaeus, in 1766, from South
Carolina. He named it chrysopterus, or "gold
332 Bass, Pike, and Perch
fin." Its range extends from the Chesapeake Bay
along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts to Florida
and Texas, and occasionally it strays as far north
as Long Island.
It resembles the grunts very much in its gen-
eral appearance. Its body is rather more than a
third of its length, elevated at the shoulder, and
compressed. Its head is a third of the length of
the body, with a long, sharp snout and a small
mouth placed low. There is a narrow band of
slender teeth in each jaw, the outer ones in the
upper jaw somewhat larger. The color of the
pig-fish is light blue above, shading gradually to
silvery below ; the upper lip is marked with blue ;
the body scales have a blue centre, the edges with
a bronze spot, forming very distinct orange-brown
stripes along the rows of scales on the back and
sides, those above the lateral line extending
obliquely upward and backward, those below be-
ing nearly horizontal ; the snout, cheeks, and
gill-covers have distinct bronze spots, larger than
those of the body ; the inside of the mouth is pale,
the back of the mouth somewhat golden in hue ;
the dorsal fin is translucent, with bronze spots or
shades, the edge of the fin dusky ; the other fins
are more or less dusky, with yellowish shades.
The Channel Fishes 333
Along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts it resorts
to sandy shoals in rather shallow water, but along
the Florida Keys it is found also about rocky
bars, and on the Gulf coast is often on grassy
flats, or wherever crabs, shrimp, beach-fleas, and
other crustaceans abound, on which it feeds, prin-
cipally, though it is also fond of the young fry of
other fishes. It is an excellent pan-fish, of deli-
cious flavor, and is a favorite wherever its merits
are known. It grows to a length of ten inches,
sometimes to twelve or fifteen inches in favorable
localities, but in Florida is mostly from six to
eight inches in length. It spawns in the spring
in April and May.
It is much sought after in Chesapeake Bay, and
is a favorite food-fish at Norfolk, Virginia, where
it is known as hog-fish. It grows there some-
what larger, and is also a favorite fish with an-
glers. The lightest tackle must be employed for
its capture, and hooks Nos. 2 to 3, on gut snells,
for it has a small mouth. Sea-crawfish, crab,
shrimp, beach-fleas, and other crustaceans are
the best baits, though cut conch and fish will
answer pretty well. It is a bottom feeder, and
sinkers must be used to keep the bait near the
334 Bass, Pike, and Perch
{^Anisotremns virginiciis)
Another pan-fish of the grunt family {HcBmu-
lidcB) is the pork-fish, a handsome and beautifully-
marked species. It was named by Linnaeus, in
1758, from South America, though why he called
it virgminis, " Virginia," is not known. It is a
tropical fish, its range extending from the Florida
Keys to Brazil. It is very abundant in the vicin-
ity of Key West, and is seen in the markets daily.
It has a short, compressed body, its depth be-
ing half of its length, with the back very much
elevated. Its head is short compared with its
height, with a very steep profile, slightly convex
in front and very much arched at the nape. The
mouth is quite small, with thick lips ; the jaws
are armed with bands of sharp, pointed teeth, the
outer row enlarged. The ground color of the
body is pearly gray; an oblique black bar, as
wide as the eye, extends from the nape through
the eye to the angle of the mouth ; another
broader and jet-black vertical bar extends from
the front of the dorsal fin to the base of the pec-
toral fin; the interspace between the bars is
pearly gray, with yellow spots, becoming conflu-
The Channel Fishes 335
ent above ; beginning at the vertical bar and
extending backward are half a dozen deep yellow,
longitudinal, and parallel stripes, the lower ones
reaching the caudal fin ; all of the fins are deep
The pork-fish resorts to the reefs and coralline
rocks, feeding on crustaceans, small marine inver-
tebrates, and small, soft-shelled mollusks, which it
crushes with the blunt teeth in its throat. Its
usual size runs from half a pound to a pound, but
occasionally grows to two pounds. It should be
fished for with very light tackle, about the same
as used for the pig-fish, but with smaller hooks.
No. 5 or 6, on gut snells, and cut-conch bait,
small shrimps, and beach-fleas.
The pork-fish has been known from the time
of Marcgrave, over two centuries ago, from Brazil,
and from the West Indies for many years, but
was not recorded from the waters of the United
States until i88i, when I collected it near Key
West. As in the case of the yellow grunt and
the lane snapper, it is surprising that such long-
described and well-marked and beautiful species
should have been overlooked in our own waters
until my collection of that year.
336 Bass, Pike, and Percb
This family of perchlike fishes is related to the
grunts on one hand, and to the groupers, or sea-
basses, on the other. Those to be described here
are mostly of small or moderate size, but are all
good food-fishes and fair game-fishes. They are
abundant along the Florida Keys, and with the
exception of the red snapper are caught in a
similar manner, and with the same tackle and
baits, as the grunts. They are characterized by
an oblong body more or less elevated and com-
pressed; rough scales, large head and mouth;
teeth sharp and unequal ; dorsal fin single, with
ten or twelve spines ; anal fin similar in shape to
soft dorsal fin, with three spines ; the caudal fin
Ocyurus chrysurus. The Yellow-tail. The yellow-tail differs from
the other snappers in the formation of the skull, the peculiar
form of its body, the large, deeply-forked caudal fin, and the
presence of pterygoid teeth. Its body is elliptical, with regu-
larly-arched back ; head 3 ; depth 3 ; scales 7-65-15 ; D. X, 13 ;
A. Ill, 9; mouth small, oblique, the lower jaw projecting, max-
illary reaching front of orbit ; snout pointed ; caudal peduncle
long and slender ; eye small, 5 ; interorbital space very convex,
with median keel ; upper jaw with a narrow band of viUiform
teeth, outside of which is a single series of larger teeth, several
in front being caninelike ; a large, oval patch of teeth on tongue ;
The Channel Fishes 337
an arrow-shaped patch on the vomer; a narrow band of
pterygoid teeth in the adult ; gill-rakers long and slender,
8 + 21.
Lutiamcs synagris. The Lane Snapper. Body oblong and com-
pressed, back arched and slightly elevated ; profile almost
straight ; head 2f ; depth 2| ; eye 5 ; scales 8-60-15 \ D. X, 12 ;
A. Ill, 8; mouth moderate, maxillary reaching front of orbit;
interorbital space gently convex ; upper jaw with a narrow band
of villiform teeth, outside of which a single series of enlarged
ones ; lower jaw with villiform band in front only, the row of
larger teeth nearly equal in size, none of them canines ; vomer
and tongue with each a single patch ; preopercle finely serrate,
with coarser teeth at angle ; gill-rakers rather long, 5 -h 9 ; 4
small canines in front of upper jaw.
Lutianus ay a. The Red Snapper. Body rather deep, moderately
compressed, the back well elevated, profile steep ; head i\ ;
depth 2| ; eye 5 J ; scales 8-60-15 ; mouth rather large, maxillary
reaching front of orbit ; snout rather pointed ; interorbital space
strongly convex ; upper jaw with a narrow band of villiform
teeth, and a row of small teeth outside ; lower jaw with a single
row of small teeth, some of which are almost caninelike ; within
these is a very narrow band of villiform teeth in front of jaw
only ; tongue with a broad oval patch of teeth, in front of which
a small, irregular patch ; vomer with a broad, arrow-shaped
patch ; preopercle with serrated edge above, lower border den-
tate ; gill-rakers moderate, 8 on lower arch ; 4 canines in front
of upper jaw.
Lutianus jocu. The Dog Snapper. Body comparatively deep and
compressed; the back elevated and profile straight; head 2.\\
depth i\ ; eye 4| ; scales 8-56-15 ; D. X, 14 ; A. Ill, 8 ; mouth
rather large, jaws subequal, maxillary reaching front of orbit;
upper jaw with a narrow band of villiform teeth, a single series
of larger ones, and 4 canines in front, 2 of them very large ; lower
jaw with a narrow, villiform band in front only, and a series of
larger teeth outside, some almost caninelike; tongue with a
single patch of teeth ; an arrow-shaped patch on vomer ; pre-
opercle finely serrate above, coarser teeth at angle ; gill-rakers
short and thick, about 9 on lower arch,
338 Bass, Pike, and Percb
Lutianus apodus. The Schoolmaster Snapper. Body comparatively
deep, moderately compressed, the back elevated and profile
straight; head 2| ; depth 2|; eye 4|; scales 6-43-13; D. X,
14; A. Ill, 8; mouth large, maxillary reaching front of orbit;
snout long and pointed ; interorbital space flattish ; upper jaw
with a narrow band of villiform teeth, a single series of larger
ones outside, and 4 canines in front, one on each side very
large ; lower jaw with a narrow, villiform band in front, an en-
larged series outside ; tongue with a large, single patch ; an
arrow-shaped patch on vomer ; preopercle finely serrate above ;
gill-rakers short and thick, about 9 on lower part of arch.
{Ocyurus chrysurtis)
The yellow-tail is a very handsome fish, and
one of the favorite pan-fishes at Key West. It
was named ckrysurus, or "gold-tail," by Bloch,
in 1790, from its description by Marcgrave in his
" Fishes of Brazil." Its habitat is from southern
Florida to South America. It is abundant in the
vicinity of Key West in the channels between
the reefs and keys.
The yellow-tail is well proportioned, compressed,
and elliptical, being regularly curved from head to
tail. Its head is as long as the depth of the body,
with a pointed snout; the mouth is rather small,
with the lower jaw projecting. The color above is
olivaceous, or bluish, below violet ; a broad, deep
yellow stripe runs from the snout, through the
The Channel Fishes 339
eye, and along the middle of the body to the
caudal fin ; above this stripe there are a number
of deep yellow blotches, as if made by the finger
tips; below the broad yellow stripe are quite a
number of narrow, parallel yellow stripes, with
violet interspaces; the iris of the eye is scarlet;
the very long caudal fin is entirely deep yellow,
and the other fins are bordered with yellow.
The yellow-tail associates with the grunts and
porgies about the coralline rocks in the channels,
feeding on small fishes and crustaceans. Its
average size is ten or twelve inches in length
and nearly a pound in weight, though it some-
times is taken up to two feet, and three or four
pounds. It is quite a good game-fish and very
voracious, eagerly taking sea-crawfish, crab, conch,
or small fish bait. Some of the large conchs, as
Pyrula and Strombus, will furnish bait for an
entire outing, the animal being as large as a
child's forearm. Black-bass tackle, with hooks
Nos. I to i-o on gut snells, will answer for the
{Lutianus synagris )
The lane snapper is another beautiful fish com-
mon about the reefs and keys. It was named by
340 Bass, Pike, and Perch
Linn^us, in 1758, who called it synagris, as
it resembled a related fish of Europe {Dentex
dentex)^ whose old name was synagris. Catesby
mentioned the lane snapper in his " History of
Carolina," in 1743. It is abundant from the
Florida Keys to South America, and not uncom-
mon on the west coast of Florida, as far north as
Tampa Bay, and west to Pensacola.
The lane snapper resembles very much the
3'cllow-tail in the shape of its body, which is semi-
elliptical in outline, compressed, with the back
regularly curved from the snout to the tail; its
depth is a little more than a third of its length.
Its head is as long as the depth of the body ; the
mouth is large, and the snout pointed. It is rose
color, tinged with silver below, with a narrow
bluish or greenish border on the top of the back ;
the belly is white, tinged with yellow ; there are
deep yellow stripes along the sides, with indis-
tinct, broad, rosy cross bars ; the iris of the eye
and the lips are scarlet ; the cheeks and gill-
covers are rosy, with blue above ; the pectoral fins
are pink, the lower fins yellow, the soft dorsal
pink, the spiny dorsal translucent, with yellow
border, and the caudal fin scarlet ; there is a large
and conspicuous dark blotch just below the front
The Channel Fishes 341
part of the soft dorsal fin. The lane snapper
feeds on small fishes and crustaceans about the
keys and reefs, in rather shallow water. It grows
to a foot in length, though usually about eight
or nine inches, and is a free biter at the same baits
as the yellowtail.
While it is freely conceded that the highest
branch of angling is casting the artificial fly on
inland waters, and that the fullest measure of
enjoyment is found only in the pursuit of the
salmon, black-bass, trout, or grayling, it must be
admitted that salt-water angling likewise has joys
and pleasures that are, as Walton says, " Worthy
the knowledge and practice of a wise man." And
nowhere does salt-water angling offer more
charms to the appreciative angler, or appeal to
his sense of the curious and beautiful in nature,
than along the keys off the southern extremity
of the peninsula of Florida. The palm-crowned
islets are laved by the waters of the Gulf Stream,
as clear and bright and green as an emerald of
the purest ray serene. Through their limpid
depths are seen the lovely and varied tints of
coral polyps, the graceful fronds of sea-feathers
and sea-fans in gorgeous hues, and the curious
and fantastic coralline caves, amid whose cran-
342 Bass, Pike, and Percb
nies and arches swim the most beautiful creations
of the finny tribe, whose capture is at once a
joy and a dehght.
{Luiianus aya)
The red snapper was named aya by Bloch, in
1790, that being the Portuguese name for it in
Brazil, according to Marcgrave. It was described
by Goode and Bean as a new species, in 1878, and
named blackfonii, in honor of Eugene G. Black-
ford, of New York, in consideration of his eminent
services and interest in fishculture. The red
snapper, while not a game-fish, is one of the best
known of Florida fishes, inasmuch as it is shipped
all over the country as a good dinner fish, its
fine, firm flesh bearing transportation well. It is
especially abundant in the Gulf of Mexico, in
water from ten to fifty fathoms deep, on the
" snapper banks," from ten to fifty miles offshore,
and thence south to Brazil, occasionally straying
north on the Atlantic coast to Long Island.
The depth of its body is a little more than a
third of its length, being rather deep and com-
pressed, the back elevated and regularly arched
from the eye to the tail. The head is large, its
The Channel Fishes 343
length equal to the depth of the body, with a
pointed snout, large mouth, and straight profile.
The color of the red snapper is a uniform rose-
red, paler on the throat; fins all red, the vertical
fins bordered with dusky blue; there is a dark
blotch under the front of the soft portion of the
dorsal fin, except in the oldest and largest fish;
the iris of the eye is scarlet.
The red snapper, being a deep-water fish, is
seldom found along the shores, and is of no im-
portance to the angler. It is a bottom fish, feed-
ing in company with the large groupers on small
fishes and crustaceans. It grows to twenty or
thirty pounds, but its usual size is from five to
ten pounds. It spawns in summer.
The commercial fishing for the red snapper
is done on the " snapper banks " in very deep
water. Strong hand-lines and codfish hooks are
used, with cut bait. By the time the fish is
brought to the surface from the bottom it is
almost exhausted, and would afford no sport to
the angler. The bringing of the fish from depths
where the pressure of the water is so great, to the
surface, where it is comparatively so much less,
causes the fish to swell up, and the air-bladder to
be so filled that the fish would float ; it is there*
344 l^^J^^s, Pike, and Percb
fore pricked with a sharp awl to let out the air,
as otherwise the fish would not sink in the well
of the vessel in which it is carried alive to port.
(^Liiiianus jocit)
The dog snapper is very similar in shape to
the red snapper, but is much smaller and of dif-
ferent coloration. It was named Jocu by Bloch,
in 1801, from Parra's description, in I'jSj, jocu
being the Cuban name of the fish. It is called
dog snapper, owing to its large canine teeth. Its
range extends from the South Atlantic coast to
Brazil. It is abundant along the Florida Keys,
and very rarely strays along the Atlantic coast
northward, but has been taken on the Massachu-
setts coast in summer.
It has a robust, somewhat compressed body,
its depth a third of its length, and the back
elevated over the shoulder. Its head is large,
somewhat longer than the depth of the body,
with a straight profile and a rather long and
pointed snout. The ground color of the body
is dull red or coppery, dark olivaceous or bluish
on the back, with about a dozen lighter-colored
vertical stripes across the body ; the cheeks and
The Channel Fishes 345
gill-covers are red, with a pale area from the eye
to the angle of the mouth ; there is a row of small,
round blue spots from the snout to the angle of
the gill-cover, also a bluish or dusky stripe ; the
upper fins and the caudal fin are mostly orange
in color ; the lower fins are yellow, and the iris of
the eye red.
The dog snapper, like the other snappers, feeds
on small fishes and crustaceans. It grows to a
foot in length and to a pound or two in weight.
It is a good food-fish, selling readily in the mar-
kets. It is quite gamy and voracious, and with
light tackle is worthy of the angler's skill. Hooks
No. i-o or 2-0 on gut snells, and sea-crawfish,
or a small minnow, are good baits.
(^LutiaiiHs apodus)
The schoolmaster snapper was named by Wal-
baum, in 1792, based on Catesby's description and
figure of the schoolmaster in his " History of Caro-
lina," but in his figure he omitted the pectoral fins,
for which reason Walbaum named it apoda, mean-
ing " without a foot." Its range extends from
the Florida Keys to Brazil, and is abundant in
the vicinity of Key West, where it is seen daily
346 Bass, Pike, and Percb
in the markets. Under favorable conditions of
temperature it has been taken on the Massachu-
setts coast.
The schoolmaster is very similar to the dog
snapper in its general form, but differs greatly in
coloration. Its body is rather deep and com-
pressed, its depth being more than a third of its
length, and the back is more elevated than in the
dog snapper. The head is large, as long as the
depth of the body, with a large mouth ; the pro-
file is straight from snout to the nape, thence
regularly arched to the tail ; the snout is long
and pointed. The predominating color is orange,
olivaceous on the back and top of the head, with
eight or nine vertical bars across the body, equi-
distant, of a pale or bluish white color, the wider
interspaces being red ; the cheeks and gill-covers
are red, with a row of small blue spots from the
snout across the cheeks, just below the eye ; all
of the fins are yellow, more or less shaded with
The schoolmaster grows to about the same size
as the dog snapper, usually from eight to ten
inches, sometimes to a foot in length, and a
pound or two in weight. It feeds on small
fishes, crabs, and other crustaceans, and is a good
The Channel Fishes 347
food-fish. It is a fairly good game-fish, and on
light tackle fights with vigor and considerable
resistance. Sproat hooks Nos. i-o and 2-0 are
quite suitable, and should be tied on gut snells.
A sinker adapted to the strength of the tide must
be used in the deep-water channels. Sea-craw-
fish, anchovies, or whirligig mullets are good
The mangrove snapper [Lutianus griseus)
and the mutton-fish {LuHanus analis) are larger
snappers and better game-fishes. They are
described in another volume of this series.
The porgies of Florida belong to the family
Sparida; previously described, but not to the
same genus as the northern porgy, as the scup is
sometimes called. They are characterized by a
deep, compressed body, humpbacked, with a large
head and deep snout, and with a knob in front of
the eye. The mouth is small, with strong, canine-
like teeth and molars.
Calamus bajonado. The Jolt-head Porgy. Body oblong, com-
pressed and elevated over the shoulders ; head 3 ; depth 2f ;
eye 3; scales 7-54-17; D. XII, 12; A. Ill, 10; anterior profile
evenly curved ; mouth moderate, maxillary not reaching front
34^ Bass, Pike, and Percb
of eye; snout long and pointed; teeth strong, conical; anterior
teeth enlarged, 2 or 3 on each side in the upper jaw, and 3 or 4
on each side in the lower ; molars in 3 series in the upper, and
2 in the lower jaw ; dorsal fin single with slender spines.
Calamus cahumts. The Saucer-eye Porgy. Body oblong, elevated
more than the other porgies ; head 3I ; depth 2 ; eye 3f ; scales
9-54-16; D. XII, 12; A. Ill, 10; anterior profile steep ; out-
line of snout slightly curved ; mouth small, maxillary not reach-
ing front of eye; outer teeth strong, 10 or 12 in number, the
outer one in each jaw, on each side, caninelike ; dorsal spines
rather strong.
Calamus proridens. The Little-head Porgy. Body oblong and
much elevated ; head 3J ; depth 2] ; eye 4; scales 9-58-16; D.
XII, 12; A. Ill, 10; anterior profile steep and straight ; mouth
moderate, maxillary scarcely reaching front of eye; anterior
teeth of outer series slightly longer and more robust than those
of the cardiform band; on each side of the upper jaw one of
these teeth becomes much enlarged, caninelike, directed ob-
liquely forward and downward, and strongly curved, the upper
surface concave ; there are usually 7 teeth of the outer series
between these two canines ; no evident accessory series of
molars; dorsal spines slender and high.
Calamus arctifrons. The Grass Porgy. Body oblong, but little
elevated; head 3^ ; depth 2* ; eye 4| ; scales 6-48-13 ; D. XII,
12; A. Ill, 10; anterior profile unevenly curved, very convex
before the eye ; head narrow above ; dorsal outline not forming
a regular arch ; a rather sharp angle at nape ; preorbital deep ;
canine teeth, 8 in upper jaw and 10 in lower.
{Calamus bajonado)
This is the largest and most abundant of the
porgies. It was described by Bloch, in 1801,
who named it bajonado, after the Cuban name
given by Parra in his " Natural History of Cuba."
Calamus bajonado
Albula imlpes
Rachycentron canadus
The Channel Fishes 349
It is not certain what the name is intended to
signify. It may allude to the "bayonet-like,"
interhaemal bones, or to dajio, meaning a " sand-
bank " or "shoal," in allusion to its habitat. The
jolt-head is abundant along the Florida Keys,
especially in the vicinity of Key West, where it
is one of the commonest market fishes ; its range
extends to the West Indies.
It has a short, deep body, compressed, its depth
being half its length ; its back is more regularly
arched than in the other porgies, or not so hump-
backed. The head is large, with a long, pointed
snout, and mouth moderate in size ; the profile is
more regularly curved than in the other porgies.
The predominating color is dusky or bluish,
with brassy reflections ; the upper fins are pale or
bluish, more or less mottled with darker shades ;
the lower fins are plain ; the cheeks are coppery
in hue.
The jolt-head resorts to the rocks and reefs,
as well as to hard, sandy shoals, feeding on small
fishes, crustaceans, and soft-shelled mollusks. It
grows usually to eight or ten inches, but often
to two feet in length, and six or eight pounds in
weight. It is a good food-fish, much in favor
with the people of Key West, and is always one
350 Bass, Pike, and Perch
of the commonest fishes in the markets. It
spawns in the summer. It is very voracious,
taking ahnost any kind of bait greedily. It is
caught in company with the grunts and snappers,
and on the same tackle, which should be light.
Hooks Nos. I to 2 are large enough, Sproat-bend
preferred on account of its short barb with cutting
edges and strong wire. Sinkers adapted to the
tide and depth of water must be used.
While catching porgies at a lively rate one day
I asked my boatman, a Bahama negro, why the
big porgy was called "jolt-head." He answered
in the cockney dialect peculiar to Bahama fisher-
men : " Veil, you see, sir, e 'as a big 'ed and an
'ump back, and 'e butts the rocks like a billy-goat,
a-joltin' off the snail-shells and shrimps, and 'e
goes a-blunderin' along like a wessel that 'as a
bluff bow and a small 'elm. 'E 'as more happetite
than gumption, and swallers anythink that comes
'andy, like the jolt-'ed or numbskull that 'e is.
'E is werry heasy to ketch and werry good to
(^Caldmiis cti/aMus)
This porgy is called " saucer-eye," owing to its
having a larger eye than the other porgies. It
The Channel Fishes 351
was first described by Cuvier and Valenciennes,
in 1830, from the West Indies. They named it
calamus, meaning " quill " or " reed," from the quill-
like bones (interhasmal) that articulate with the
spines of the anal fin. It is abundant in the West
Indies, and is common about the Florida Keys,
but not so plentiful as the jolt-head or little-head
It is very similar in conformation to the jolt-
head, but is more humpbacked, being quite
elevated above the shoulder. The body is short,
its depth about half its length. Its head is short
and deep, with a thin and gibbous profile, and
small mouth. Its color is silvery with bluish
reflections ; the scales golden, forming longitu-
dinal stripes, with pearly-bluish interspaces; the
cheeks and snout are purplish, with round brassy
spots ; the fins are pale, blotched with orange ;
the iris of the eye is golden.
The saucer-eye grows to twelve or fifteen
inches in length, and is considered a good pan-
fish at Key West, commanding a ready sale. It is
found in the same situations as the other porgies,
grunts, and snappers, and is equally voracious,
taking the proffered bait eagerly. The tackle for
this porgy is the same as for the others, consisting
352 Bass, Pike, and Percb
of a light rod, multiplying reel, braided linen line,
size F or G, three-foot leader, Sproat-bend hooks.
No. I or 2, on gut snells, with sinker in accord-
ance with the depth of the water and the strength
of the tide. Almost any bait will answer, as sea-
crawfish, cut conch, or fish.
(^Calamus proridetis')
This species was first described by Jordan and
Gilbert, in 18S3, from Key West. They named
it proridens, meaning " prow tooth," owing to its
projecting canines. It is abundant in the West
Indies, and is quite common about Key West and
the neighboring keys. It is one of the smallest
and prettiest of the porgies, and is called little-
head in contradistinction to the jolt-head or big-
head porg}\ It is almost identical in shape to
the saucer-eye porgy, both in head and body.
It is brighter in color than the other porgies,
being quite silvery with iridescent reflections ; the
scales of the upper part of the body have violet
spots, forming longitudinal streaks ; those on the
lower part have pale orange spots ; the sides
have several dark bands ; the snout and cheeks
have horizontal, wavy stripes of violet-blue ; the
The Channel Fishes 353
dorsal fin is violet, with orange border ; the anal
fin is blue ; the caudal fin has an orange band. It
is of similar habits to the other porgies, and found
with them, but is less common. It is a good pan-
fish, growing only to six or eight inches in length.
The little-head porgy, though small in size, is
equally as voracious as the other porgies, and is
well worth catching if only to admire its beauty.
The same tackle will answer as for the others,
or more especially that mentioned for the saucer-
eye, and the same baits can be employed.
My Bahama negro boatman, alluded to under
the jolt-head, continued his dissertation on the
porgies somewhat in this wise : " Now, sir, the
little-'ed porgy is a cute little chap ; 'e gits to
vind'ard o' the big-'ed, hevry time. 'E doesn't
butt 'is 'ed aginst the rocks, a-knockin' the shells,
but 'e 'as two long teeth like gouge-chisels, and
'e jist scoops hoff the crawlin' things from the
rock-patches as 'andsome as you like. Little-'ed
little wit ; big-'ed not a bit ! "
{Calamus ardifrons)
This pretty porgy was first described by Goode
and Bean, in 1882, from Pensacola, Florida. They
354 Bt^ss, Pike, and Perch
named it arcli/rons, meaning "contracted fore-
head," owing to the narrow forehead. It has a
more extended range in the Gulf of Mexico than
the other porgies, being common in grassy situa-
tions from Pensacola to Key West ; it is not
known from the West Indies.
The general outline of the grass porgy is very
similar to that of the saucer-eye and little-head
porgies, though the back is not quite so elevated ;
the profile is unevenly curved, being quite convex
in front of the eye. The mouth is slightly larger
than in the saucer-eye. Its color is olivaceous,
with dark spots, and several dark vertical bars
across the body ; many of the scales have pearly
spots; there are several yellow spots along the
lateral line ; the cheeks are brownish, with yellow
shades ; the upper fins are barred or spotted ;
the lower fins are paler.
It is the smallest of the porgies, but one of
the prettiest. It grows to six or eight inches in
length. It is mentioned incidentally with the
others of its family in order that it may be known
to anglers who are so fortunate as to catch it
and admire it. The same tackle and bait
employed for the others are suitable. It is found
usually in grassy situations.
{Albula vtdpes)
Albula vulpes. The Lady-fish. Body rather elongate, little com-
pressed, covered with rather small, brilliantly-silvery scales ;
head naked ; snout conic, subquadrangular, shaped like the
snout of a pig, and overlapping the small, inferior, horizontal
mouth; head 3I; depth 4; scales 9-71-7 ; D. 15; A. 8 ; max-
illary rather strong, short, with a distinct supplemental bone,
slipping under the membraneous edge of the very broad pre-
orbital ; premaxillaries short, not protractile ; lateral margin of
upper jaw formed by the maxillaries ; both jaws, vomer and
palatines, with bands of villiform teeth ; broad patches of coarse,
blunt, paved teeth on the tongue behind and on the sphenoid
and pterygoid bones ; opercle moderate, firm ; preopercle with
a broad, flat, membraneous edge, which extends backward over
the base of the opercle ; gill membranes separate ; no gular
plate ; a fold of skin across gill membranes, its free edge crenate ;
belly flattish, covered with ordinary scales, not carinate ; eye
large, with a bony ridge above it, and almost covered with an
annular adipose eyelid.
The lady-fish, or bonefish, is the only repre-
sentative of the family Albulidce. It has long
been known to science through the early voyagers
to the southern coasts of America. It was first
described by Marcgrave in his " History of Bra-
zil," in 1648, and afterward by Catesby, in his
356 Bass, Pike, and Perch
"History of the Carolinas," in 1737, and named
vulpes, or "fox," by Linnceus, in 1758, from a
specimen taken at the Bahamas.
It inhabits the sandy shores of all warm seas
and is, perhaps, the most cosmopolitan of all
game-fishes, being known from Asia, Arabia,
North and South America, the Pacific Islands,
etc. It is common on the coasts of the Atlantic
and Pacific in the United States, and is especially
abundant in Florida waters, occasionally straying
in summer as far north as Lonsf Island.
The lady-fish is allied to the herring tribe. It
has a long, gracefully-shaped body, nearly round,
or but little compressed ; its depth is a fourth of
its length ; it has a long head with a projecting,
piglike snout, overlapping the small mouth, which
is well armed with teeth ; both jaws and the roof
of the mouth in front have bands of brushlike
teeth, with patches of coarse, blunt, paved teeth
on the back of the mouth and tongue. Its color
is bluish green above, with metallic reflections ;
the sides are very bright and silvery, with faint
streaks along the rows of scales; the belly is
white, and it feeds on small fishes and crustaceans.
Its spawning habits are not well understood,
though the young pass through a metamorphosis.
Miscellaneous Fishes 357
being band-shaped, with very small head and
loose, transparent tissues. I have found them
abundant on the Gulf coast of Florida. The
lady-fish grows to a length of from one to three
feet, and to a weight of from one to twelve pounds,
though it is usually taken from two to five
pounds. It is a good food-fish, highly esteemed
at Key West and in the Bermudas by those who
know it best.
For its size it is one of the gamest fishes of
the seacoast. When hooked it fights as much
in the air as in the water, continually leaping
above the surface like an animated silver shuttle,
to which I likened it more than twenty years ago.
It is now becoming better known to anglers who
visit Florida in the winter season, who recognize
in it much more enjoyable sport on light tackle
than they can obtain with the heavy tools required
for the tarpon and jewfish.
A black-bass rod, or the Little Giant rod of
eight ounces, is light enough, as a heavier fish
than the lady-fish is apt to be hooked. A good
multiplying reel and fifty yards of braided linen
line, size F, and Sproat hooks. No. i or 2, on
gut snells, will be found eminently suitable. No
sinker is needed, as the fishing is done on the
358 Bass, Pike, and Perch '
surface, though a small brass box-swivel may be
used to connect the snell and line, as in black-
bass fishing. A leader is not necessary, but it
may be used if thought best.
The bait may be a beach-flea, or a very small,
silvery fish, as a sardine, pilchard, or mullet,
though a small shell squid, or a trolling-spoon
of the size of a nickel, with a single hook, may
be employed in lieu of live bait, and is quite
successful if kept in constant motion. The min-
now is to be hooked through the lips and cast
as in black-bass fishing, reeling it in slowly on
or near the surface.
The fishing may be done from any convenient
place near a pass or inlet on the flood tide. A
sand-spit at the entrance, or a boat anchored just
within the inlet, are desirable places, though good
fishing is sometimes available from the end of
a pier in a tideway. Fine fishing may also be
had at other stages of the tide about offshore
reefs and shoals. I have taken the lady-fish, with
both fly and bait, in Biscayne Bay, in Cards and
Barnes sounds, along the keys to Key West, and
at nearly every inlet on the Gulf coast, as far
north as Pass-a-Grille, above Tampa Bay, and
usually found it associated with the ten-pounder.
Miscellaneous Fishes 359
The lady-fish, when hooked, will probably as-
tonish the angler who is attached to one for the
first time, by its aerial gyrations and quick move-
ments. But the rod must be held at an angle
of forty-five degrees, so as to maintain a taut line,
notwithstanding its constant leaping; for if any
slack line is given, it is almost sure to shake out
the hook. And as the leaps are made in such
quick succession, the only safe plan is to keep
the rod bent, either in giving or taking line, or
when holding the fish on the strain of the rod.
The lady-fish will often take a gaudy black-
bass fly, in which event a black-bass fly-rod or a
heavy trout fly-rod will come handy, with corre-
sponding tackle. A heavy braided linen line, size
D, is better suited for salt water than the en-
amelled silk line, and will cast a fly nearly as well.
The flies advised for the Spanish mackerel will
answer as well for the lady-fish, though I have
found the silver-doctor and coachman both very
taking toward dusk, which is the most favorable
time for fly-fishing, though the first half of the
flood tide and the last half of the ebb are usually
both favorable times about the inlets.
Twenty years or more ago I called the atten-
tion of northern anglers to the lady-fish, or
360 Bass, Pike, and Perch
bone-fish, and the ten-pounder, or bony-fish, as
game-fishes of high degree, and accorded equal
praise to both species as to gameness. I have
never been able to convince myself as to which
is entitled to the palm ; but they are both good
enough, and comparisons are indeed odious as
between them. I am glad to note that they are
coming to the front and their merits at last rec-
ognized. Of late years northern anglers are
having great sport with the lady-fish on Biscayne
Bay; but judging from their communications in
the sportsman's journals, they are confusing the
lady-fish with the ten-pounder. This is easily
accounted for, inasmuch as they are usually of
about the same size, and have very much the
same general appearance in form and bright
silvery coloration ; and moreover there is a con-
fusion attending their vernacular names, as the
lady-fish is sometimes known as bony-fish. It
should be remembered that the lady-fish has an
overhanging, piglike snout and larger scales,
while the ten-pounder has a terminal mouth with
the jaws about equal, and smaller scales. More-
over, the bony-fish, or ten-pounder, has a bony
plate under the lower jaw, like the tarpon, which
is absent in the lady-fish. Both are cosmopolitan,
Miscellaneous Fishes 361
Inhabiting the warm seas of both continents.
They have been known to science for a century
and a half, and have been described by many
naturaHsts from different parts of the world. The
current specific names were both bestowed by
Linnaeus. Catesby, in 1837, called the lady-fish
{Aldula vulpes) of the Bahamas " bone-fish," while
Captain William Dampier, one of the early ex-
plorers, called the bony-fish {Elops saurus) of the
Bahamas " ten-pounder." The fishermen of Key
West usually know the lady-fish as bone-fish, and
the ten-pounder as bony-fish. The best plan for
anglers is to adopt the names lady-fish and ten-
pounder for them, and relegate or ignore the
names bone-fish, bony-fish, and skip-jack.
{Elops saurus)
Elops saurus. The Ten-pounder. Body elongate, covered with
small, silvery scales ; head 4} ; depth 6 ; eye 4, large ; scales
1 2-1 20-1 3; D. 20; A. 13; dorsal fin slightly behind ventrals,
its last rays short, depressible into a sheath of scales ; anal fin
smaller, similarly depressible ; pectoral and ventral fins moder-
ate, each with a long, accessory scale ; opercular bones thin, with
expanded membraneous borders ; a scaly occipital collar ; gular
plate 3 to 4 times as long as broad; pseudobranchiae large;
lateral line straight, its tubes simple.
The ten-pounder, or bony-fish, belongs to the
same family, ElopidcB, as the tarpon, and both are
362 Bass, Pike, and Perch
allied to the herring tribe. The ten-pounder was
first described by Linnaeus, in 1776, from speci-
mens sent to him from South Carolina by Dr.
Garden. He named it saurus, or "lizard," but
there is nothing lizard-like about the ten-pounder.
I imagine that Dr. Garden sent the fish under
the name of " lizard," from hearing it called by its
Spanish name of "lisa," which is pronounced
much like lizard. The ten-pounder was men-
tioned by some of the old voyagers to the West
Indies and Carolinas. Like the lady-fish, the ten-
pounder is a cosmopolitan, existing in the warm
seas of both hemispheres. In the United States
it is common to the southern portions of the
Atlantic and Pacific coasts and the Gulf of
In the general aspect and contour of its silvery
body the ten-pounder has much the appearance
of the lady-fish, and has been often confounded
with it by anglers. Its body, however, is more
slender than that of the lady-fish, with smaller
scales and a very different head and mouth ; the
lady-fish has a piglike, overhanging snout, while
the lower jaw of the ten-pounder projects slightly.
The depth of the body of the ten-pounder is only
about a sixth of its length, and the body is not
Miscellaneous Fishes 363
much compressed, being nearly round. The head
is long and pointed, with a very wide mouth, with
upper and lower lips nearly equal, or terminal.
The eye is large, hence one of its names, big-
eyed herring. There are many series of small
and sharp cardlike teeth on the jaws, tongue, and
roof of the mouth. There is a bony plate beneath
the lower jaw.
The color on the back is greenish or bluish,
the sides silvery and bright, and belly white ; the
top of the head is greenish, with bronze reflec-
tions ; the cheeks have a golden lustre ; the lower
fins are tinged with yellow, the others dusky.
Its habits are not unlike those of the lady-fish,
and they often associate. It feeds principally on
crustaceans and also on small fishes. It frequents
sandy shoals and banks in shallow water at high
tide, also grassy situations where its food abounds.
Its breeding habits are not well understood,
though, like the lady-fish, its young pass through
a larval form, and are ribbon-shaped. It grows to
a length of two feet or more, and weighs several
pounds, sometimes ten or more. It is quite bony,
and is not considered a good food-fish, but excels
as a game-fish, being equal to the lady-fish in this
364 BiJss, Piki, and Pttib
The same tackle as that recommended for its
congener, the lady-fish, answers just as well for the
ten-pounder, and it can be fished for in the same
locations. It frequents shallow water on the
grassy banks and sandy shoals rather more than
the lady-fish, and can be sought there accordingly,
as well as at the inlets when the tide is making.
Both the ten-pounder and the lady-fish are
warm-water fishes. They are to be found in
Biscayne Hay and along the neighboring keys
during winter, and as the water becomes warmer
they extend their range northward on both coasts.
After the disastrous frosts that occurred during
the winters of 1886 and 1895 in Florida, I saw
windrows of dead ten-pounders, lady-fishes, and
tarpon on the beaches about Charlotte Harbor.
They had become chilled from the sudden lower-
ing of the temperature. I have caught both the
ten-pounder and lady-fish as far north as Tampa
Bay on the west coast of Florida, and Indian River
Inlet on the east coast. My fishing was mostly
done from the points of inlets and passes, on the
flood tide, and usually with the artificial fly, in
shallow water, the time and places mentioned be-
ing the most favorable for fly-fishing. At other
times I have fished on the shallow bars and grassy
Miscellaneous Fishes 365
banks, using such crustaceans as fiddlers, beach-
fleas, and shrimps for bait, alternated with small
minnows. When beach-fleas are used a fly-rod is
preferable and the hook should be smaller than
where other bait is employed; No. 4 is about right,
if of the Sproat or O'Shaughnessy pattern, they be-
ing of larger and stronger wire than other patterns.
If beach-fleas are used with a bait-rod, a small
sinker must be added to give weight to the cast.
The ten-pounder snaps at the bait or fly in the
manner of most fishes, and is off immediately in
a wild whirl, skimming through the water, if
shallow, in a way to astonish the angler who
hooks one for the first time. Then follows a
series of brilliant leaps and aerial contortions that
commands the admiration of the coldest-blooded
fisher. The lady-fish, however, owing to the
position of its mouth, being underneath its pro-
jecting snout, does not at first take the bait with
the vim and snap of the ten-pounder, but appar-
ently nibbles or mouths it for a while, but when
hooked displays the same energy and desperate
efforts to escape as its congener. The consistent
angler may truly exclaim with Pope : —
" How happy could I be with either.
Were t'other dear charmer away."
366 Bass, Pike, and Perch
( Centropotnus undecimalis)
Centroponius undecimalis. The Snook. Body elongate, with ele-
vated back and straight abdomen ; head 3 ; depth 4 ; eye 7 ;
scales 9-75-16; D. VIII-I, 10; A. Ill, 6; head depressed,
pikelike, the lower jaw projecting ; villiform teeth in bands on
jaws, vomer, and palatines ; tongue smooth ; dorsal fins well
separated ; preorbital faintly serrated ; subopercular flap extend-
ing nearly to dorsal fin ; maxillary to middle of eye ; gill-rakers
4 + 9-
The snook belongs to the family Centropomidce,
which embraces a dozen or more species, most of
which inhabit the West Indies and the southern
Pacific coast, and are all good game-fishes. The
snook was first described by Bloch from Jamaica,
in 1792; he named it undecimalis, or "eleven,"
as the soft dorsal fin has eleven rays. The name
snook was mentioned as the name of this fish by
the early explorers, among whom was Captain
William Dampier, who also mentioned several
others, as " ten-pounders," " cavallies," " tarpoms,"
etc. Snook is derived from " snoek," the Dutch
name for the pike, which it resembles slightly in
the shape of the head, though it is more like the
pike-perch in its structure and appearance. On
the east coast of Florida this fish is known as the
snook, and on the Gulf coast as rovallia, the latter
Miscellaneous Fishes 367
name being a corruption of its Spanish name
robalo, by which it is known in Havana. It is
sometimes called sergeant-fish, from the black
stripe along its sides. It is common along the
shores of the Gulf of Mexico, from Texas to
the West Indies, and is especially abundant in
the bays and lagoons of both coasts of Florida,
often ascending the rivers to fresh water.
It has a long, robust, and nearly round body, its
depth being a fourth of its length ; the back is
slightly elevated and arched. The head is long
and depressed, or flat, and is more than a third of
the total length of the body; the mouth is large,
with a projecting lower jaw ; the gill-cover is very
long; there are brushlike teeth on the jaws and
the roof of the mouth, but no sharp or conical
teeth as in the pike or pike-perch.
The color of the back is olive-green, the sides
silvery, and the belly white ; there is a distinct
and very black stripe along the side, following
the lateral line from the head to the caudal fin ;
the dorsal fins are dusky; the lower fins are
The snook is a very voracious fish, feeding on
fishes, crabs, and other crustaceans, and resorts
to sandy shoals and grassy flats where its food
368 Bass, Pike, and Percb
is found. It grows to a length of two or three
feet, and a weight of twenty or thirty pounds. It
is a fair food-fish, though not held in much favor
in Florida where so many better food-fishes are
common. It is better flavored if skinned instead
of scaled.
It is a strong, active game-fish, that, when
hooked, starts off with a rush that is dangerous
to light tackle, and its subsequent manoeuvres
require very careful handling when it is of a
large size. It has smashed many light rods in
the hands of anglers who were not aware of its
pugnacity. It will take any kind of natural bait,
and rises well to the artificial fly.
A rather heavy black-bass rod or a light
striped-bass rod is required for the large fish of
the bays and estuaries, though ordinary black-
bass tackle will answer for those of less weight
at the mouths of streams, or in fresh water, to
which it often resorts. A good multiplying reel
and fifty yards of braided linen line are sufficient,
though one hundred yards will not be amiss, as
large fishes of other species are very apt to be
hooked in Florida waters. Sproat or O'Shaugh-
nessy hooks, Nos. i-o to 3-0, on heavy gut
snells are required, with a brass box-swivel to
Miscellaneous Fishes 369
connect the snell with the reel Hne ; a sinker
may be used or not, depending on the strength
of the tide, though the fishing is usually prac-
tised in quiet water, and not in the tideways.
A small fish, mullet or sardine, or fiddler-crab
bait, will prove very enticing to the snook,
though the minnow is better adapted for casting.
The fishing is much like black-bass fishing in
fresh waters, and the snook takes the bait in its
mouth in much the same way as a bass, starting
off at once with a great commotion if near the
surface. Its desperate and vigorous spurts and
rushes are apt to put one's tackle in jeopardy if
the fish is large, and it must be handled with
caution and skill.
For fly-fishing, a rod of nine or ten ounces is
not too heavy where the fish run large. A heavy
braided linen line, size D or E, is best for casting
the fly in salt water. Black-bass flies of showy
patterns, on hooks No. i or 2, as coachman,
silver-doctor, polka, oriole, red ibis, professor, etc.,
will answer. The most favorable time is on the
flood tide near the inlets, or toward evening if
in quiet coves or lagoons. The fly should be
repeatedly cast and then allowed to sink a foot or
two. If fishing from a boat, it must be kept in
370 Bass, Pike, and Perch
the deeper water, and the casts made under the
mangroves, or to the edges of sand-spits, shoals, or
mud-flats, which abound in all bays on the west
coast of Florida.
The snook is easily captured by trolling with
hand-line and the spoon or minnow, though it is
a questionable style of sport at best. Along the
edges of shoals and mud-flats and over grassy
banks the snook will be found at home. A
landing-net should always be used for any kind
of fishing with the fly.
{Lobotes stirinatnensis)
Lobotes surinamensis. The Triple-tail. Body oblong, deep, com-
pressed and elevated ; head 3 ; depth 2 ; scales 47 ; head small ;
snout short ; mouth moderate, oblique, with thick lips ; profile
of head concave ; upper jaw very protractile ; the lower, the
longest ; maxillary without supplemental bone ; jaws with nar-
row bands of villiform teeth, in front of which is a row of larger
conical teeth, directed backward ; no teeth on vomer or pala-
tines ; preopercle strongly serrate ; maxillary reaching middle
of orbit ; scales around eyes small, those on opercles large ; eye
small ; small scales running up on the base of soft dorsal, anal,
and caudal fins; caudal rounded; D. XII, 15; A. Ill, 11 ; soft
rays of dorsal and anal fins elevated, of nearly equal size, and
opposite each other ; anal spines graduated ; branchial rays 6.
The triple-tail belongs to the family Lobotidcs.
It is allied to the snapper family, but differs in
having no teeth on the roof of the mouth. It was
Miscellaneous Fishes 371
first described by Bloch, in 1790, from Surinam,
South America. He named it suriiiamensis,
from the name of the locaHty whence his speci-
mens were procured. There is another species
on the Pacific coast, Lobotes pacificus, that is
quite abundant at Panama, where it is known as
The triple-tail is known in all warm seas. Its
range on the Atlantic coast extends from South
America north to Cape Cod, though it is not
abundant. I have taken it on both the east and
west coasts of Florida. At Tampa it is called
black snapper, and in South Carolina it is known
as black perch. I have never heard it called
flasher, which is said to be its name in the
markets of New York.
It is a short, thick, robust fish, nearly half as
deep as long, with an elevated back, and with the
ventral outline corresponding with its dorsal
curve. The head is a third of the length of the
body, its profile concave, the snout prominent,
and the lower jaw projecting; the mouth is of
moderate size, with thick lips.
The color of the back is dark, or greenish black,
the sides silvery gray, sometimes blotched and
tinged with yellow; the fins are dusky gray or
372 Bass, Pike, and Perch
yellowish. In life these colors are very bright,
but after death they become almost black.
It feeds on small fishes, mussels, and crustaceans
and grows to a length of two or three feet, weigh-
ing from ten to fifteen pounds, though its usual
size is not more than one-half of this length and
weight. Its breeding habits are unknown. It is
found in northern waters only during the summer
months, but from South Carolina to Florida it is
common all the year.
It is a strong and vigorous fish, but rather
slow and sluggish in its movements, and not
remarkable for game qualities, though it pulls
steadily and strongly when hooked. It will take
shrimp, clam, fiddler, or small fishes as bait.
A light striped-bass chum rod is very suitable
for the triple-tail when of good size. A multiply-
ing reel and fifty yards of braided linen line, hooks
No. i-o or 2-0, on heavy gut snells, and a brass
box-swivel, make up the rest of the tackle. A
sinker will probably not be needed as it is usually
found in quiet coves about sandy shoals or grassy
flats. I have taken it on both coasts of Florida,
though it is more common on the east coast. I
have also caught it in Chesapeake Bay and near
Charleston, South Carolina, but never over five
Miscellaneous Fishes 373
pounds in weight, though I have seen it taken in
nets up to about ten pounds. Its short and
rounded caudal fin, with the soft portions of the
dorsal and anal fins, together, give the appearance
of three tails, hence the name triple-tail, by which
it is generally known.
{Rachycentron canadus)
Rachycentron canadus. The Cobia. Body elongate, fusiform, sub-
cylindrical, covered with very small, smooth, adherent scales;
head 4] ; depth 5I ; D. VIII-I, 26 ; A. II, 25 ; head broad, low,
pikelike, the bones above appearing through the thin skin ;
mouth wide, nearly horizontal, the maxillary reaching front of
eye; both jaws, vomer, palatines, and tongue with bands of
short, sharp teeth ; lower jaw longest ; premaxillaries not pro-
tractile ; preopercle unarmed ; two dorsal fins, the spines of the
first depressible in a groove ; soft dorsal long and low, some-
what falcate, similar to, and nearly opposite, the anal ; caudal
fin strongly forked ; no caudal keel ; no finlets ; gill-rakers short
and stout ; pectorals broad and falcate.
The cobia, or sergeant-fish, is the only fish of its
family, Rachycentridce. It was first described by
Linnaeus, in 1766, from a specimen sent to him by
Dr. Garden from South Carolina ; it is allied to the
mackerel tribe, and is found in all warm seas in
the old and new worlds. On the Atlantic coast
it is common from the Chesapeake Bay to Florida,
but occasionally strays north to Cape Cod in the
374 Bass, Pike, and Perch
summer. It is rather rare on the west coast of
Florida, but common on the east coast.
It is a long and round-bodied fish, quite grace-
fully formed, with a depth of about one-fifth of its
length. The head is broad and flat, something
like that of the pike, with a wide mouth, and with
jaws, roof of mouth, and tongue armed with bands
of short, sharp teeth; the lower jaw projects.
The back is olive-brown, or dusky, the sides
lighter and silvery, and the belly white ; a distinct
broad and very dark stripe extends from the up-
per jaw and through the eye to the caudal fin,
with an indistinct one above and below, and par-
allel with it. Owing to this dark stripe the cobia
is sometimes called sergeant-fish, thus confound-
ing it with the snook.
The habits of the cobia are not unHke those of
the pike, or mascalonge, of fresh waters, in that it
is solitary and lies in wait for its prey, and is
almost as rapacious. It lies under the mangroves
and cocoa-plum bushes along Indian River and
other streams of the east coast of Florida, watch-
ing for stray fishes and crabs on which it feeds.
It is commonly seen of a length of two or three
feet, but grows considerably longer, with a weight
of fifteen to twenty pounds. The largest I have
Miscellaneous Fishes 375
seen was at Key West ; it was fully five feet long.
It is not uncommon in the Chesapeake Bay, and
like most of the mackerel tribe it is a fairly good
food-fish. It spawns in summer, but its breeding
habits are not fully understood.
As might be imagined from its shape and habits,
it is a good game-fish, and quite strong and vigor-
ous on the rod. It requires all of the angler's
skill to land it safely, especially when it is taken
about the mangroves, among whose arching and
numerous roots it is sure to take refuge if it can
do so. It will take a small fish bait or a crab,
going for it with a pikelike rush. I once took
one on Indian River with a large red ibis fly, but
never succeeded in catching another with the
same lure.
A strong, rather heavy rod is necessary for the
cobia, which the Key West fishermen call cobi-d.
A striped-bass chum rod of natural bamboo is a
good and serviceable tool for the work, with mul-
tiplying reel and braided linen line, to which is
affixed a Sproat hook. No. 3-0, on gimp snell, by
a brass box-swivel. A sinker should not be used
about the mangroves.
A fiddler-crab, a mullet, or other small fish is
hooked through the lips, and is cast from a boat
376 Bass, Pike, and Perch
to the edge of the mangroves or other bushes,
in the same way as in casting for mascalonge
in northern waters. I have never tried casting
with a spoon, which might be successful, but a
minnow is better by far. The cobia takes the
bait with a fierce lunge, and turning quickly
endeavors to return to his lair, a proceeding that
must be thwarted by the angler at all hazards
to his rod or tackle, for once under the arching
roots of the mangroves he is as good as gone.
The boat must be rowed to open water at once,
while a strong strain is maintained by the rod on
the fish. With open water the angler can play
his fish with leisure, though he will be severely
taxed by the struggles of as game a fish as he
is likely to meet during a winter's sojourn in
( Cynoscion nebulosus')
Cynoscion nebulosus. The Spotted Weakfish. Body rather elongate,
compressed; head 3^ ; depth 4J ; scales 10-70-11 ; D. X-I, 26;
A. II, 10 ; eye 7 ; snout long and acute ; mouth large, maxillary
reaching to posterior edge of eye ; lower pharyngeals narrow,
each with 7 or 8 series of short teeth, the inner enlarged ; max-
illary, preorbital, and lower jaw naked ; canines in upper jaw
strong ; lower jaw without canines, other teeth in narrow bands,
sharp, but closely set ; membrane of preopercle serrate, the bone
entire ; pseudobranchias well developed ; caudal lunate ; soft
rays of dorsal and anal scaleless ; gill-rakers short and thick,
4 + 7-
Miscellaneous Fishes 2>77
This fish is closely allied to the northern weak-
fish, and belongs to the same family, ScicBnidce.
It is known very generally in Florida as trout,
salt-water trout, or sea-trout, owing to its spots.
It is, of course, not a trout at all, and these
names should be set aside ; moreover, the name
sea-trout is preoccupied by the sea-run brook-trout
of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Its present specific
name, 7iebtilosus, or " clouded," was bestowed by
Cuvier and Valenciennes, in 1830, displacing the
earlier and better name maculatus, or " spotted,"
conferred by Dr. S. L. Mitchill, in 18 15, for rea-
sons that it is unnecessary to refer to here. It
is abundant from Virginia to Florida, and along
the Gulf coast to Texas. It occasionally strays
as far north as New Jersey.
It is almost the counterpart of the common
weakfish in the form of its body, the depth of
which is about a fourth of its length, and with a
similar head, eye, and mouth, but with somewhat
smaller scales, and a few less rays in the second
dorsal fin. Its mouth is large, with narrow bands
of sharp teeth on the jaws, and two long canine
teeth in the upper jaw.
Its color is bluish gray on the back, with steely
reflections, the sides are silvery and the belly
378 Bass, Pike, and Perch
white. The upper half of the body has numerous
black spots, as large as the pupil of the eye, with
smaller ones on the soft dorsal and anal fins ; the
other fins are plainer, and the anal fin is dusky.
The spotted weakfish is a better food-fish, and
also a better game-fish, than its northern cousin.
It is abundant in the bays of Florida during the
entire year, often ascending the streams to fresh
water. Its usual weioht is from two to four
pounds, often of six to eight, and sometimes of
even ten pounds or more. It appears in schools
in March and April, often in company with the
Spanish mackerel, and runs into brackish water
for the purpose of spawning. It spawns in the
spring ; the eggs are buoyant, quite small, about
thirty to the inch, and hatch in two days. It
feeds on small fishes and crustaceans.
All things considered, it is one of the best
game-fishes of Florida. It is a surface feeder
and takes the artificial fly eagerly, as well as
natural bait, or the artificial squid and trolling-
spoon. With light tackle it affords good sport,
being a strong and determined fighter. It is a
great favorite with all anglers who are acquainted
with its merits.
When of the usual weight of from two to four
Miscellaneous Fishes 379
pounds, black-bass tackle is very suitable and
serviceable in rod, reel, line, hooks, or flies, though
a rather heavy braided linen line is better adapted
for salt water than a silk one. To be more ex-
plicit, an eight-ounce rod, multiplying reel, line
size F, Sproat hooks Nos. 2-0 to 3-0 on gut or
gimp snells, will be found to be just about right
for bait-fishing.
For fly-fishing, a rod of eight ounces, click reel,
braided linen line, size E, leader of three or four
feet, single gut, and black-bass flies such as silver-
doctor, red ibis. Abbey, soldier, oriole, coachman,
etc., on hooks Nos. i to 2, wifl be found to answer
in skilful hands. A heavier rod may be used
when the fish run larger, and also flies on hooks
a size or two larger. Very small phantom min-
nows, spoons, or squids may be often used with
success when the fish are running in schools in
the spring.
Fishing, either with fly or bait, can be practised
with good results at flood tide from the end of
long piers that extend to deep water, or at the
points of inlets during the running season. The
piers at Port Tampa and St. Petersburg, on
Tampa Bay, also at Mullet Key and Egmont
Key, or Pass-a-Grille, in the same vicinity, are
380 Bass, Pike, and Perch
famed fishing resorts in March and April. I pre-
fer to fish from a boat moored to the pier, rather
than from the pier itself, as the fish are not so
likely to see one, and they are more conveniently
During the winter the best fishing will be found
in the bays and bayous, or in the streams, in the
vicinity of sand-shoals or mud-flats, at almost any
stage of the tide, which usually rises but a foot or
two in the bays of the west coast. At the inlets
and passes, at the first of the flood and last of the
ebb tide, the fishing is also good during the winter
The spotted weakfish takes its prey at the sur-
face with a snap of its jaws that is quite audible,
especially at night when one's yacht is at anchor.
It takes the angler's fly or bait in the same way.
It will remind him forcibly of the bite of a large
brook-trout, and its manner of resistance when
hooked is very much the same as with that fish —
one reason for the name sea-trout.
The fishing is especially good in Tampa and
Sarasota bays, and the upper portion of Charlotte
Harbor, on the west coast ; and on the east coast
at the mouths of streams entering Halifax River,
Mosquito Lagoon, or Indian River.
Miscellaneous Fishes 381
(^Cynoscion ihalassinus)
This species was first described by Dr. Hol-
brook, in 1859, from the coast of South Carolina.
He named it thalassimis, or "pertaining to the
sea," from its supposed habit of living in deep
water. It is either a rare fish or it has been
confounded with the common weakfish. It has
been recorded from several places on the South
Atlantic and Gulf coasts, in Virginia, South
Carolina, Florida, and Mississippi. It is supposed
to inhabit the deep water of the sea and Gulf,
though this is by no means certain.
Its form is very similar to the spotted weakfish,
with a more pointed snout and somewhat larger
eye ; otherwise it is much the same. Its color is
brownish above, lighter below ; the middle of the
sides is marked with many dark dots ; there is a
dark blotch on the upper part of the cheek ; the
first dorsal fin is black, the second dorsal and
anal fins are dusky, and the other fins pale. The
same remarks as to fishing for the spotted weak-
fish will apply as well to this species, if the
opportunity should occur to the angler. It is a
doubtful-species at best, and may eventually prove
to be an aberrant form of the spotted weakfish.
382 Bass, Pike, and Percb
(^Kyphosiis sectatrix)
Kyphosus sectatrix. The Bermuda Chub. Body ovate, somewhat
compressed; head 3I; depth 2| ; scales 10-55-16; D. XI, 12;
A. Ill, 11; head short, with blunt snout; mouth small, maxil-
lary reaching front of eye ; each jaw with a series of narrow
incisors, implanted with compressed conspicuous roots poste-
riorly ; behind these a narrow band of villiform teeth ; fine teeth
on vomer, palatines, and tongue ; teeth 35 to 40 on each side ;
preopercle weakly serrate ; top and sides of head finely scaled ;
interorbital region gibbous, below which point snout is truncate ;
soft dorsal and anal very low ; second anal spine highest ; caudal
well forked, the lower lobe longest ; gill-rakers long ; dorsal
spines depressible in a groove of scales ; small ctenoid scales
entirely covering the soft portions of the vertical fins, and ex-
tending up on the paired fins.
The chub belongs to the family of rudder-
fishes, Kyphosida:. It was noticed as sectatrix
by Catesby in his " History of the Carolinas," in
1738, and was so named by Linnaeus in 1758.
Sectatrix is the feminine of sectator, meaning
"one who follows," in allusion to its habit of
following vessels. Its range is along the South
Atlantic coast to the West Indies, sometimes
straying as far north as Cape Cod in the summer.
It is common on the west coast of Florida.
It has an oblong, elliptical body, its depth
being more than a third of its length. The head
is short, with a blunt snout and small mouth,
and a curved profile. There are well-developed
Miscellaneous Fishes 383
incisor teeth in each jaw, with pecuHar horizontal
bases. Its color is bluish-gray, with steely lustre ;
the sides have numerous narrow, indistinct, yel-
lowish or brassy stripes, alternating with bluish
ones; there is a pale stripe below the eye, and
a yellowish one above and below it ; the fins are
dull grayish.
The chub feeds on barnacles and other small
mollusks, and is found wherever they abound,
sometimes in rather deep water. Its usual size
is six to ten inches, weighing from one to three
or four pounds, but it occasionally grows to fifteen
or eighteen inches in length in favorable loca-
tions. Its spawning habits have not been
studied. It is an excellent pan-fish. Light
tackle is needed for the chub and pin-fish, both
being usually found together. The hook should
be small but strong, with gimp snell ; Sproat
hooks, No. I or 2, are very suitable. The best
bait is fiddler-crab or hermit-crab. It is quite
a game little fish.
I was once staying for a few days' fishing at
the Quarantine Station on Mullet Key, in Tampa
Bay. The station is built on piles in water
twenty feet deep. There was a trap-door in the
floor of one of the rooms, through which many
384 Bass, Pike, and Perch
kinds of fish could be seen swimming about in the
very clear water. These fishes could be readily
taken with the hook or the spear, as they were
unable to see any one in the dark room above.
I was much interested watching the chub and
sheepshead pinching off the barnacles from the
piles with their chisel-like teeth. A dozen could
be easily taken in as many minutes with fiddler
bait, and the table was kept well supplied with
chub, which was the favorite food-fish during my
{ChcEtodipterus fabef)
ChcBtodipterus faber. The Angel-fish. Body much elevated and
compressed, its outline nearly orbicular, the anterior profile
nearly vertical ; head 3; depth i to i^; scales 60; D. VIII-I,
20; A. Ill, 18; jaws about equal; no teeth on vomer or pala-
tines ; teeth on jaws slender, somewhat movable ; preopercle
finely serrate; two dorsal fins, somewhat connected; vertical
fins falcate in the adult ; first soft ray of dorsal filamentous ;
ventral fin with a large accessory scale.
There are a number of angel-fishes in Florida,
remarkable for their bizarre and beautiful col-
oration, but of no importance to the angler as
they do not often take the baited hook, their
very small mouths and weak teeth being only
adapted for feeding on the minute organisms
about the coral reefs. The common angel-fish,
Chaetodipterus faber
Balistes carolinensis
Miscellaneous Fishes 385
or spade-fish, is more sombre in hue than the
others, and belongs to a different family, Ephip-
pidcs ; it has a somewhat larger mouth, and is
more widely distributed. It was described by
Broussonet, in 1782, from Jamaica, who named
it faber, or "blacksmith," though why is difficult
to imagine, except that it is dark in its general
hue, with smutty cross bars. It is very abundant
from the South Atlantic coast to South America,
and is not uncommon, occasionally, as far north
as Cape Cod. It is very common on the east
and west coasts of Florida.
It has a short, very deep body, nearly round in
outline, and very much compressed ; it is almost
as deep as long. Its head is short and deep,
with its profile nearly vertical. The mouth is
small, with slender, movable teeth, on jaws only ;
the soft dorsal and anal fins are quite large and
winglike, extending far backward nearly to the
tail; they are quite scaly, which adds much to
their thickness and stiffness; the caudal fin is
broad and nearly square.
The general color is usually gray or slate
color, often bluish with iridescent tints ; there are
several dusky, broad vertical bars across the body,
becoming obsolete or faint with age.
386 Bass, Pike, and Percb
It feeds on small marine organisms, and grows
to a length of two feet, occasionally, though its
usual size is ten or twelve inches, and average
weight from one to three or four pounds. It is
an excellent food-fish, though its good qualities in
this respect are not generally known. It spawns
in the spring.
It is usually taken in seines in the bays of the
Gulf coast, and salted with mullet and sheepshead
by the fishermen. It can be caught by the angler
with a ver)' small hook, No. 5 or 6, and cut clam
or conch bait. It is a fair game-fish on light
tackle, which may be the same as advised for the
Bermuda chub,
(JLagodon rhomboides)
Lagodon rhomboides. The Pin-fish. Body elongate, elliptical ; head
3^; depth 2^; eye 4; scales 10-65-17; D. XII, 11 ; A. Ill, 11 ;
mouth moderate, maxillary not reaching front of orbit ; head
flattened ; snout pointed ; protile not very steep ; 4 incisors in
each jaw, all deeply notched ; two series of molars in each jaw ;
dorsal fin single, with high spines ; caudal fin deeply forked.
The pin-fish, also called sailor's choice and
bream in some localities, belongs to the family
Sparidce, and is closely related to the sheepshead
of that family, having incisor and molar teeth. It
differs from it in the conformation of the skull.
Miscellaneous Fishes 387
The pin-fish was first described by Linnsus, in
1 766, from specimens sent to him by Dr. Garden
from South Carolina. He named it rkomdoides,
meaning " rhomboid," from the shape of its body.
It is abundant on the South Atlantic and Gulf
coasts, extending south to Cuba, and occasionally
north to Cape Cod. It is found in all bays on
the east and west coasts of Florida.
Its body is symmetrical, being rather evenly
curved on both dorsal and ventral lines, and
rather deep ; its head is large, with a depression
in front of the eye. Its color is olivaceous, dark-
est on the back, with bluish silvery sides, and
narrow horizontal stripes of blue and gold, alter-
nating, and six faint, broad vertical bars ; it has a
dark spot on the shoulder at the top of the gill-
cover ; the dorsal fin is bluish with gilt edge ; the
anal fin is bluish with yellow band; the caudal
fin is yellow, faintly barred ; the ventral fins are
yellowish ; the pectoral fins are plain.
It is a pretty fish, and is usually abundant
wherever found. It feeds on small mollusks and
barnacles, resorting to old wharves and about the
mangroves where such food abounds. It grows
to a length of six or eight inches, and though
small, it is a good pan-fish. It spawns in the
388 Bass, Pike, and Percb
spring. The same light tackle used for the pig-
fish and pork-fish can be utilized for the pin-fish,
with small, strong hooks, as Sproat bend. No. 4
or 5, on gut snells. The ends of piers and wharves,
in comparatively shallow water, are favorable
localities for fishing.
(^Holocentrus ascensions')
Holocentnis ascensionis. The Squirrel-fish. Body oblong, moder-
ately compressed, the back a little elevated ; head 3f ; depth i\ ;
eye 3; scales 5-50-7; D. XI, 15; A. IV, 10; head compressed,
narrowed forward ; opercle with a strong spine above, below
with the edge sharply seVrated ; preopercle with a strong spine
at its angle ; mouth small, little oblique, with the lower jaw pro-
jecting somewhat ; eye excessively large ; upper lobe of caudal
fin the longest ; soft dorsal fin pointed, as high as the body ;
third anal spine very strong, as long as longest anal ray.
The squirrel-fish belongs to the family Holo-
centrid(g, the species comprising that family hav-
ing very rough or spinous scales, a single dorsal
fin, deeply divided, with the spines very tall ; the
caudal fin deeply forked ; the • anal fin with four
spines ; and a very large eye.
The squirrel-fish belongs to the West Indian
fauna, ranging from the Florida Keys to South
America. It was first described by Osbeck, in
1 771, from Ascension Island, who named it for
Miscellaneous Fishes 389
that locality. It is not uncommon along the
reefs, where I have taken it a number of times.
Its body is oblong, moderately compressed, its
depth about a third of its length, with the back
slightly elevated, and the ventral outline nearly
straight. Its mouth is small, the eye enormously
large, and the caudal fin deeply forked. Its
color is bright crimson, with a darker shade on
the back, and a somewhat lighter tint below, with
silver streaks along the sides. The fins are also
red, some bordered with olive ; the head is red
above, with an oblique white bar running back
and down from the eye. It feeds about the reefs
on small fishes and marine invertebrates, and
grows to two feet in length, occasionally, but is
usually found smaller. It is a good food-fish and
sells at sight in the market. It is a remarkably
handsome and attractive fish in appearance.
In one of Stockton's stories, John Gayther, the
gardener, tells of the curious and beautiful things
to be seen on a coral reef in the tropics, with the
aid of a long box with a glass in the end. His
description applies just as well to the vicinity of
the Dry Tortugas, where I have often viewed the
wonders of the sea-floor through a sponge-glass,
a wooden pail with a glass bottom : —
390 Bass, Pike, and Percb
" Where the water is so clear that with a Httle
help you can see everything just as if it were out
in the open air, — bushes and vines and hedges ;
all sorts of waving plants, all made of seaweed
and coral, growing in the white sand ; and instead
of birds flying about among their branches, there
were little fishes of every color: canary-colored
fishes, fishes like robin-redbreasts, and others
which you might have thought were blue jays if
they had been up in the air instead of down in
the water."
(^Balistes carolittcftsis)
Balistt's carolincnsis. The Turbot. The fishes comprising the
family Balistidcr are characterized by an ovate body, much com-
pressed ; small and low mouth, with separate incisor teeth ; eye
very high ; gill opening a small slit ; the absence of ventral
fins ; the dorsal fins widely separated, the first with but i to 3
spines. The turbot has a very deep compressed body, covered
with thick, rough plates or scales; head 3^; depth i|; eye
small; scales about 60; about 35 scales in an oblique series
from vent upward and forward ; D. III. 27 ; A. 25 ; third dorsal
spine stouter than the second and remote from it ; plates on
head similar to those on body ; caudal lobes produced ; soft
dorsal high ; ventral flaps large, supported by several pungent
spines ; lateral line very slender, undulating, and very crooked,
showing only when scales are dry ; a groove before the eye ;
larger plates behind the gill opening.
The turbot, or leather-fish, belongs to the
family Balistidce, or trigger-fishes. It was first
Miscellaneous Fishes 391
described by Gmelin, in 1788, from Carolina,
from one of Dr. Garden's specimens, Gmelin
being a coadjutor of Linnaeus, to whom the
specimen was sent. The locality from which
the type specimen was sent accounts for its
The turbot, as it is called by the Key West
fishermen, is an inhabitant of tropical waters, and
is abundant on the South Atlantic coast and
along the Florida Keys; it is known also from
the Mediterranean Sea. Like all of the trigger-
fishes it has a curious form and appearance.
It is as deep as long, and slants both ways
from the dorsal fin above and from the ven-
tral flap below, presenting somewhat of a dia-
mond shape. The head is triangular, and the
fins are thick and leathery. The first dorsal
spine is locked when erect by the second, or
"trigger." The soft dorsal and anal fins are
opposite each other, and are of similar size and
shape. The color is olive-gray, or slate color,
with some purplish spots on the back ; two ob-
scure cross bars are under the second dorsal fin ;
a ring of blue spots alternating with greenish
streaks are about the eye ; there are violet marks
on the sides of the snout; the first dorsal is
392 Bass, Pike, and Percb
spotted and clouded with bluish ; the second
dorsal has pale yellowish spots, with rows of blue
ones, separated by greenish reticulations; the
anal fin is colored like the second dorsal; the
pectoral fins are bluish with olive spots.
The leather-fish, or turbot, resorts to rocky
shoals and coral reefs, feeding on the small
marine organisms that are abundant in such
localities. Nothing is known of its breeding
habits. It grows to a foot in length and is con-
sidered a good food-fish by the people of Key
West. The thick skin and rough scales are
pared off together with a sharp knife by the
fishermen when delivered to a customer. It is
caught, with the grunts, porgies, etc., in the
channels among the keys and reefs with the
baited hook, and also in wire traps. Very small
hooks must be used for the turbot, as it has a
very small mouth. Cut crawfish, conch, or bar-
nacles are good baits.
Conclusion 393
In closing this account it occurs to me to say
that the angler who has a genuine love for the
finny tribe, and who has never visited the sunny
waters of Florida, has in store an experience of
joy and delight in the wonderful variety of its
fishes. Some idea may be formed of their num-
ber from the fact that I have collected nearly
three hundred species in the fresh and salt water
of that sub-tropical wonderland. And the fishing
lasts the year round, and is always good, except
when an unusually cold " norther " is blowing.
The warm-water species, like the tarpon, lady-
fish, and ten-pounder, are more plentiful, and ex-
tend their range farther northward in the summer.
At that season all of the inlets and passes of both
the Atlantic and Gulf coasts abound with them ;
but the winter visitor will find them in Biscayne
Bay, Barnes Sound, Cards Sound, and southwest
along the keys to the Dry Tortugas. The brack-
ish water species will be found all winter in the
bays and estuaries of either coast.
394 Bass, Pike, and Percb
A just idea of the fishing resources of Florida
twenty years ago — and it is much the same to-
day — may, perhaps, be gathered from the follow-
ing excerpts from my " Camping and Cruising in
Florida " : —
" At flood-tide the channels under the man-
groves teem with redfish, groupers, and snap-
pers, w'hile near the beds of coon oysters are
schools of sheepshead and drum. In fact, all
of the passes and inlets of the Gulf coast are
fairly alive with fishes, from the mullet to sharks
and sawfish. While lying in his bunk, one can
hear all night long the voices of the deep, under
and around him.
" The hollow, muffled boom of the drumfish
seems to be just under one's pillow; schools of
sparoid fishes feeding on shell-fish at the bottom,
sounds like the snapping of dry twigs on a hot
fire ; while a hundred tiny hammers in the hands
of ocean sprites are tapping on the keel. Then
is heard the powerful rush of the tarpon, the
blowing of porpoises, and the snapping jaws of
the sea-trout among the swarms of mullet, which,
leaping from the surface by thousands, awake the
watery echoes like showers of silvery fishes fall-
ing in fitful gusts and squalls.
Conclusion 395
*' Sanibel Island, at the entrance of Caloosa
Bay and opposite Punta Rassa, is renowned for
its fine fishing. The angler can here fairly revel
in piscatorial abandon and cover himself with
piscine glory and fish scales. If ichthyc variety
is the spice of the angler's life, Sanibel and its
sister keys are the Spice Islands. Sharks, rays,
and devil-fish, tarpon and jewfish, redfish, snap-
pers and groupers, Spanish mackerel and king-
fish, sea-trout, bonito and cavallies, ladyfish and
sergeant-fish, sheepshead and drum, a host of
smaller fry — spots, grunts, and porgies, and the
ever-present and ubiquitous catfish — can here be
jerked, and yanked and snaked, and pulled and
hauled, until the unfortunate angler will lament
that he was ever born — under the last but not
least of the zodiacal signs."
The foregoing excerpts relate to fishing on the
Gulf coast, but on the east coast, while the vari-
ety of fishes is not so great, the angler will find
enough and to spare, and many that are worthy
of his best efforts. Large-mouth black-bass are
plentiful in Tomoka River, near Ormond on the
Halifax, and in Elbow Creek, Turkey Creek,
Sebastian River, Taylor's Creek, and the St. Lucie
396 Bass, Pike, and Perch
River, all tributaries of Indian River. At the
mouths of these streams, brackish-water fishes
will be found in more or less abundance, com-
prising most of the species inhabiting the Gulf
coast. Some of the best localities are at Day-
tona, New Smyrna, Rock Ledge, Indian River
Inlet, Gilbert's Bar, and Jupiter Inlet. Still far-
ther south the fishing is much better, notably at
Lake Worth, and on Hillsboro' and New rivers.
Mangrove snappers, bluefish, amber-jacks, and
barracudas are especially abundant south of
Indian River Inlet, more so than on the Gulf
coast. In all of the fresh-water lakes in the
interior of the state the angler will be amply
rewarded, as large-mouth black-bass, calico bass,
warmouth perch, and bream are in most of them.
As a matter of fact, one can hardly go amiss for
some kind of fishing in Florida, wherever there is
water, salt or fresh, provided one proceeds with
patience and intelligence, and with a due regard
for the amenities of the gentle art.
Perhaps the queer descriptions and homely
comparisons of some of the fishes as given by
my negro boatman from the Bahamas, whom
I have before mentioned, may not be uninterest-
ing. I always employed him when possible, for
Conclusion 397
he was a good fisherman and sailor, and had
a never-ending fund of anecdotes; and being a
close observer, he had a good general idea of the
fishes of the locality. I always encouraged him
in his quaint and original remarks about fishes,
and in this way obtained considerable knowledge
of their habits from this faithful Achates. Some
of his observations, as I remember them, and
which seem very odd in his Bahamian lingo, were
as follows : —
" Veil, sir, it's curious 'ow some fish is made ;
but w'atever their model in length, beam, and draft,
there is some good reason vy they is built so."
" Yes," I would answer, " they are all endowed
by Nature with the shape best fitted for their
mode of life and environment."
" Veil, 'wironment or not, as you say, and
I'm not gainsayin' it, there's as much diff'rence
in their model as atween a man-o'-war 'awk
and an 'ummin'-bird. Now, sir, just look at the
stingaree and the wipporee ; they is flat as pan-
cakes, and goes a-skimmin' along like a turkey
buzzard, or a-wabblin' like a jolly-boat in the
breakers, and then they flops down on a sand-
bank like a flounder, when feedin', 'cause their
mouth is hunderneath like a shark. And they
398 Bass, Pike, and Perch
crawls along on their belly a-gobblin' hup the
periwinkles and fiddlers, and crounches 'em
vith a set of teeth like a pair o' mill-stones."
"Yes," I assented, "the rays are curious
creatures, and have very remarkable teeth."
" Now, on the bother 'and, sir, look at the
moonfish. They is all length and draft and
no beam, like the 'ind weel of a vaggon ; it
couldn't cast a shadder if it was facin' the sun.
And the angel-fish 'aven't much more beam to
swear by. Now, sir, hall these slimjims 'ave
small mouths and pinchers for teeth, and goes
a-nosin' 'round the rocks, and a-vorkin' of thelr-
selves thro' the narrow crannies, and a-pinchin'
hoff the coral-bugs and sea-lice. Now, sir, a
flounder is wicey wersy from a moonfish, it
'asn't hany draft, and don't carry any sail to
speak of, and so it 'ides in the sand a-waitin'
for sumpthin' to turn hup in the vay o' grub."
" That's true," I would say, " they lead a very
lazy, humdrum life, and don't hustle much for
a living."
" But for a real racin' yacht," he would con-
tinue, "give me the kingfish, or Spanish mackerel,
or boneeto; they ketches their food on the run
and jump; and speakin' o' jumpin', sir, look at
Conclusion 399
the tarpon, and bone-fish, and skipjack; they is
the kankeroos o' the sea."
" Many fishes," I would observe, " have their
analogues ; that is, they seem to bear some
fancied resemblance, either in habits or appear-
ance, to some object or animal of the land."
" Veil, sir, it's as true as gospel ; a man is like
a fish out o' water ; 'e puffs like a poipus and
drinks like a fish. And the butterflies are the
yellow grunts and pork-fish and little snappers
and cockeyed pilots ; and the red snappers and
squirrel-fish are the fiUimingoes and pink cur-
lews ; and the nigger-fish and conies is the le'p-
ards ; and the blowfish and puffers is the 'edge'ogs
and porkupines. And then there's the poll-par-
rots, red, blue, yellow, and green, from the puddin'-
wife to slippery-dick; if they'd vings like the
flyin'-fish, we'd put 'em in cages."
" True, enough," I would assent ; " and up north
we have fish that go into hiding and sleep all win-
ter, like the bears ; and some that make nests for
their eggs, and guard them, and take care of their
young ones like a hen broods her chicks. And
in some countries there are fish that crawl out
on the land, and climb trees like squirrels."
He listened to this apparently very doubtfully.
400 Bass, Pike, and Perch
and frowned fiercely, but kept silent until he filled
and lighted his pipe ; then, after scanning the
horizon, he said meekly : —
" I think we'll be goin' 'ome, sir; it looks werry
squally in the sou' east."
Albula vulpes, ladyfish, 355, 361.
Ambloplites rupestris, rock-bass, 2,
Anchovy, banded, 320.
big, 320.
silver, 320.
Angel-fish, 384.
description, 385.
tackle and fishing, 386.
Angling, fresh-water, 341.
salt-water, 341.
Anisotremus virginicus, pork-fish,
323. 334-
Aplodinotus grunniens, fresh-water
drum, 232.
Archoplites inierrupius, Sacramento
perch, 2, 57.
Archosargus prol>atocephalus,%h&tT^s-
head, 251, 252.
Arctic grayling, 1 76.
coloration, 177, 178.
description, 177, 178.
Argyrosonius artedi sisco, cisco, 204,
Artificial flies, 20, 21.
rules for, 21.
Artificial key to pikespecies, 121, 122.
Bachelor, 80.
Balistes carolinensis, turbot, 390,
Banded pickerel, 121.
description, 154.
tackle and fishing, 155.
Bank lick bass, 73.
Barb, 221.
Bar-fish, 80.
Bass, bank lick, 73.
big-fin, 74.
black, large-mouth, 30.
black, small-mouth, 3.
brassy, 90.
calico, 73.
family, 85.
fresh-water striped, 86.
grass, 73.
Lake Erie, 74.
rock, 52, 115.
sea, 115.
sea, Gulf, 119.
sea, southern, 118.
silver, 73.
strawberry, 73.
striped, 96.
white, 86.
white lake, 86.
yellow, 90.
Bastard margaret, 330.
Bastard weakfish, 221.
description, 221.
habits and habitat, 222.
Beach-fleas, 321.
Bermuda chub, 382.
description 382.
tackle and fishing, 383, 384.
Besugo, 231.
Big-fin bass, 74.
Bitter-head, 74.
Black-bass, small-mouth, 3.
description, 1-6.
gameness, 10-15.
Black-bass \^coniintte(l'\ —
habits and habitat, 7-9.
tackle and fishing, 15-29.
Black-bass, large-mouth, 30.
description, 31.
gameness, 34, 35.
habits and habitat, 32-43.
spawning and nesting, 33-43.
tackle and fishing, 36-52.
Blackfish, 115.
Black grunt, 323.
description, 323.
tackle and fishing, 326.
Black harry, 115.
Black sea-bass, 115.
Black sunfish, 58.
Black will, 115.
Blue bream, 62.
Bluefish, 115.
Blue gill, 62.
Blue perch, 264.
Blue sunfish, 62.
description, 62.
tackle and fishing, 64,
Bodianus fulvus, nigger-fish, 287,
Bone-fish, 355, 361.
Bonito, 2S2.
description, 282.
tackle and fishing, 283.
Bony-fish, 361.
Boy and tobacco-box, 67.
Boyhood days, 72.
Bream, blue, 62.
copper-nosed, 62.
red-breast, 68.
Bridge perch, 74.
Bubbler, 232.
Burgall, 264.
Calamus arctifrons, grass porgy,
348, 353-
Calamtts bajonado, jolt-head porgy,
347. 348-
Calamus calamus, saucer-eye porgy,
348, 350-
Calam us proi-idens, little-head porgy,
348, 352-
Calico-bass, 73.
description, 74.
habits and habitat, 75.
tackle and fishing, 75-78.
Campbellite, 80.
Cancer, common crab genus, 320.
Cape May goody, 231.
CarattgidiE, cavalli family, 306.
Caraiigus crysos, runner, 306, 307.
Carangus latus, horse-eye jack, 306,
Carp, German, 236.
leather, 237.
mirror, 237.
scale, 237.
Catfish, blue, 247.
channel, 244.
chuckle-head, 247.
eel, 247.
family, 244.
forked-tail, 247.
white, 245.
willow, 247.
Cavalli family, 306.
Centrarchida, sunfish family, I.
Centropomus undecimalis, snook,
Ceniroprisies ocyurus. Gulf sea-bass,
Centropristes philadelphicus, south-
ern sea-bass, 1 1 8.
Centropristes striatals, sea-bass, 96,
Cero, 278.
description, 278.
habits and habitat, 278, 279.
tackle and fishing, 279-281.
Chcenobryttus gulosus, warmouth, 2,
ChcEtodipterus faber, angel-fish, 384.
Channel catfish, 244.
description, 245.
tackle and fishing, 245-247.
Channel fishes, 316.
tackle and bait, 317, 318.
Chincapin perch, 74.
Chogset, 264.
Chopa blanca, 231.
Chub, 231.
Cisco, 207.
description, 208.
tackle and fishing, 209, 210.
ClupeidcE, herring family, 319.
Cobia, 373.
description, 374.
tackle and fishing, 375, 376.
Cobi6, 375.
Commercial fishing, Key West, 316,
Common sunfish, 69.
description, 70.
tackle and fishing, 71-73.
Conchs, 318.
Conclusion, 393.
Coney, 286, 299.
description, 299.
tackle and fishing, 300.
Copper-nosed bream, 62.
Coral fishes, 328.
polyps, 328.
reefs, 327, 389, 390.
Coralline formation, Florida reefs,
Coregonus •williamsoni. Rocky
Mountain whitefish, 203,
Coregonus williamsoni cis-montanus,
204, 205.
Crab, common, 320.
fiddler, 320.
hermit, 320.
lady, 320.
mud, 320.
spider, 320.
Crab \continued'\ —
stone, 320,
Crappie, 73, 79-80.
description, 80, 81.
tackle and fishing, 82, 83.
Croaker, 226, 232.
description, 226, 227.
tackle and fishing, 228.
Crocus, 227.
Croppie, 73, 80.
Cunner, 263, 264.
description, 264.
tackle and fishing, 265, 266.
Cynoscion nebulosus, spotted weak-
fish, 376.
Cynoscion notliiis, bastard weakfish,
Cynoscion regalis, weakfish, 214, 215.
Cynoscion ihalassinus, deep-sea
weakfish, 381.
Cypress trees, giant, 61, 62.
Cyprinida, minnow family, 236.
Cyprinus carpio, German carp, 236.
Darky and catfish, 248.
Deep-sea weakfish, 381.
description, 381.
tackle and fishing, 381.
Diplectrum formosum, sand-fish,
287, 303.
Dog snapper, 344.
description, 344.
tackle and fishing, 345.
Drum family, 213, 232.
fresh-water, 232.
Eastern pickerel, 149.
description, 149, 150.
tackle and fishing, 151, 152.
Elops saurus, ten-pounder, 361.
Engraulidida, anchovy family, 319,
Epinephelus adscensionis, rock hind,
286, 295.
Epinephelus guitaius, red hind, 286
Esocida, pike family, 120.
Esox americanus, banded pickerel,
121, 154.
Esox lucius, pike, 121, 137.
Esox nobilior, mascalonge, 120, 121,
Esox reticulatus, eastern pickerel,
121, 149.
Esox vermiculatus, western pickerel,
121, 153.
Eupagurus, hermit crab genus,
Eupomotis gibbosus, common sunfish,
Fascination of the float, 71.
Fishes not sensitive to pain, 114.
Fishing through ice, 145, 146.
with the cork, 72.
Flasher, 371.
Flatfish, 266.
Float, fascination of, 71.
Florida Keys, 341.
Flounder, 263, 266.
description, 266, 267.
tackle and fishing, 268.
Fresh-water drumfish, 232.
description, 232, 233.
tackle and fishing, 234, 235.
Frozen fish reviving, 78, 79, 147.
Gag, 285, 287.
description, 288.
tackle and fishing, 289-290.
Gammu7-us, shrimp genus, 321.
Gaspergou, 232.
Gelasimus, fiddler crab genus,
Generals Sheridan and Stager, 77.
German carp, 236.
description, 236-238.
tackle and fishing, 238-243.
Giant cypress trees, 61, 62.
Goggle-eye, 53.
perch, 74, 80.
Goody, 228.
Cape May, 231.
Grass-bass, 73.
Grass porgy, 353.
description, 353,
tackle and fishing, 354.
Grayling, Arctic, 176.
description, 176, 177,
fishing, 178.
Grayling, English, 174.
fishing, 191, 197-201.
Grayling, Michigan, 178.
fishing, 179.
scarcity of, 1 79-1 81.
Grayling, Montana, 181.
description, 184, 185.
gameness, 185, 186.
propagation of, 194, 195.
tackle and fishing, 188-193.
Gribble, 321.
Grouper family, 285.
yellow-finned, 286, 294.
Grunt, black, 323.
boar, 327.
common, 321, 323.
family, 321.
French, 331.
gray, Z^i.
margate, 329.
sow, 324.
white, 329,
yellow, 322, 326.
Gulf sea-bass, 119.
description, 119.
habits and habitat, 1 1 9.
Gymnosarda pelainis, oceanic bo-
nito, 2S3.
HcEtnulidtE, grunt family, 321.
HceruHlon album, margate-fish, 322,
Hamulon Jlavolineatum, French
grunt, 331.
Hcemulon tnacrostomum, gray grunt,
Hmmulon parra, sailor's choice,
322, 330-
ffamulon plumieri,h\3.ck grunt, 321,
HcEtnulon sciurus, yellow grunt, 322,
Hannahills, 115.
Hard-tail, 309.
Henshall rod, 25.
Hind, brown, 296.
John Paw, 296.
red, 286, 297.
rock, 286, 295.
spotted, 296.
Hippa, sand-bug genus, 321.
Hog-fish, 331, 333.
Holocentrus ascensionis, squirrej-fish,
Horse-eye Jack, 306, 310.
description, 310.
tackle and fishing, 310.
Hybrids, 309.
Ichthyophagous dog, 284.
Ictalurus anguilla, eel-cat, 247.
Ictalurus furcatus, chuckle-head cat,
Ictalurus punctatus, channel-cat, 244.
Jack, horse-eye, 310.
Jack salmon, 157.
Jolt-head porgy, 348.
description, 348, 349.
tackle and fishing, 350.
Jurel, 309,
Key to pike species, 121, 122.
Kingfish, 221.
description, 222-224.
tackle and fishing, 224, 225.
Kingfish-mackerel, 279, 280.
Knot, for leader, 19.
jam, for eyed hook, 19.
Kyphosus sectatrix, Bermuda chub,
Lady anglers, 148, 149.
Lady-fish, 355.
Lafayette, 228.
description, 229.
tackle and fishing, 230, 231.
Lagodon rhomboides, pin-fish, 330,
_ 386.
Lake Erie bass, 74.
Lake-herring, 207.
Lake-sheepshead, 232.
Lamplighter, 74.
Lane snapper, 339.
description, 340.
habits and habitat, 341.
Large-mouth black-bass, 30.
Leather-fish, 390.
Leiostomus xanthurus, Lafayette,
214, 228.
Lepomis auritus, red-breast sunfish,
Lepomis megalotis, long-eared sun-
fish, 65.
Lepomis pa Hi dus, blue sunfish, 62.
Lewis and Clark, 181-183.
Libinia, spider crab genus, 320.
Limnoria, gribble genus, 321.
Little Giant rod, loi, 102.
Little-head porgy, 352.
description, 352.
tackle and fishing, 353.
Lobotes pacijicus, berrugate, 371.
Lobotes surinamensis, triple-tail, 370.
Long-eared sunfish, 65.
description, 65.
tackle and fishing, 66.
Lucky stones, 233.
LutianidcE, snapper family, 336.
Lutianus analis, mutton-fish, 347.
Lutianus apodus, schoolmaster, 338,
Lutianus aya, red snapper, 337, 342.
Lutianus griseus, mangrove snapper,
Lutianus jocu, dog snapper, 337,
LMtianus synagris, lane snapper,
337. 339-
Mackerel family, 272.
kingfish, 279.
Spanish, 273.
Margate fish, 328.
description, 328, 329.
tackle and fishing, 330.
Mascalonge, 122.
coloration, 1 27-129,
description, 126, 127.
distribution, 126.
nomenclature, 122-126,
tackle and fishing, 132-135,
Maskinonge, 124,
Menippe, stone crab genus, 320.
Menticirrhus americanus, whiting,
Menticirrhus littoralis, silver whit-
ing, 225,
Menticirrhus saxatilis, kingfish, 221.
Michigan grayling, 178.
Micropogon undulatus, croaker, 214,
Micropterus dolomieu, small-mouth
black-bass, i, 3.
Micropterus salmoides, large-mouth
black -bass, 2, 30,
Minnow family, 236,
Minnow gangs, 143.
Montana grayling, 181,
Morone americana, white-perch, 95,
Morone interrupta, yellow-bass, 90,
Mud-dab, 266.
Mugil cephalus, common mullet, 319.
Mugil curetna, white mullet, 319,
Mugil trichodon, fan-tail mullet, 319,
Mugilidiv, mullet family, 319.
Mullet, common, 319,
fan-tail, 319.
whirligig, 319,
white, 319.
Multiplying reel, invention of, 13.
Muskellunge, 125.
Mycteroperca falcata phenax, scamp,
2S6, 291,
Mycteroperca microlepis, gag, 285,
Mycteroperca venenosa, yellow-fin
grouper, 286, 294.
Newlight, 80.
Nigger-fish, 287, 300.
description, 300, 301.
tackle and fishing, 302,
Not all of fishing to fish, 92-94.
Oceanic bonito, 283,
Ocyurus chrvsurus, yellow-tail, 336,
Orchestia, beach-flea genus, 321,
Orthopristis chrysopterus, pig-fish,
322, 330, 331.
Osmerus mordax^ smelt, 263, 269.
Osprey on the fly, 64,
Palinurus, sea-crawfish genus, 318.
Palccmonetes, prawn genus, 321,
Panopeus, mud crab genus, 320.
Perca flavescens, yellow-perch, 165.
Perch, black, 371,
blue, 264,
bridge, 74,
chincapin, 74.
family, 156.
goggle-eye, 74, 80.
pike, 157.
raccoon, 166.
red-bellied, 68.
Perch [continued'^ —
ringed, 166.
Sacramento, 57,
warmouth, 58.
white, 1 10, 234.
yellow, 165.
PercidcB, perch family, 156.
Permit, 312.
Petrometopon cruentatus, coney, 286,
Pickerel, banded, 154.
brook, 154.
eastern, 149.
great northern, 137.
Long Island, 154.
reticulated, 149.
western, 153.
Pig-fish, 322, 330, 331.
description, 331, 332.
tackle and fishing, 333.
Pike, 137.
description, 137-140.
fishing through ice, 144-146.
tackle and fishing, 141-147,
Pike family, 120.
glass-eyed, 157.
gray, 164.
rattlesnake, 164,
sand, 164.
wall-eyed, 157.
yellow, 157.
Pike-perch, 157.
description, 157-160.
night fishing, 162.
tackle and fishing, 161-163.
Pikes, key to, 121, 122.
Pin-fish, 386.
description, 386, 387.
tackle and fishing, 387.
Piscatorial polemic, 44.
Platyonichus, lady crab genus, 320,
Pomoxis annularis, crappie, 3, 79.
Pomoxis sparoides, calico-bass, 3,
Pompano, 311.
description, 31 1-3 14.
best of food-fishes, 312, 314.
tackle and fishing, 313, 314.
Pompano, common, 307, 31 1.
gaff top-sail, 312.
permit, 312.
round, 312.
Porgy, 259.
big-head, 347, 348.
family, 347.
grass, 348, 353.
jolt-head, 348.
little-head, 348, 352.
saucer-eye, 348, 350.
Pork-fish, 323, 334.
description, 334, 335,
tackle and fishing, 335.
Prawn, 321.
Pseudopleuronectes americanus,
flounder, 263, 266.
Pumpkin-seed, 69.
Pyrula, mollusk genus, 318, 339.
Querimana gyrans, whirligig mullet,
Razor back, 74.
Record fly-casting, 16.
Red-bellied perch, 68.
Red-breast bream, 68.
Red-breast sunfish, 67.
Red-eye, 53.
Red hind, 286, 297.
description, 297.
tackle and fishing, 298.
Red snapper, 342.
description, 342.
tackle and fishing, 343, 344.
Red sunfish, 67.
Reel, click, 17.
Reel, multiplying, 13.
Roach, 231.
Roccus chrysops, white-bass, 86.
Roccui Hneatus, striped-bass, 95, 96.
Rock, 96.
Rock-bass, 52.
description, 53.
tackle and fishing, 54-57.
Rocktish, 96.
Rock hind, 286, 295.
description, 295, 296.
tackle and fishing, 297.
Rocky Mountain whitefish, 204.
description, 204.
tackle and fishing, 205, 206.
Rod, Henshall, 25.
Little Giant, loi, 102.
Rovallia, 366.
Rules for artificial flies, 21.
Runner, 306, 307.
description, 307.
tackle and fishing, 308.
Sac-a-lait, 80.
Sacramento perch, 57.
description, 57.
tackle and fishing, 58.
Sailor's choice, 330, 331, 386,
description, 330.
tackle and fishing, 331,
Salmon family, 203.
SalmonidiB, 203.
Sand-bug, 321.
Sand-fish, 287, 303.
description, 303.
tackle and fishing, 304,
Sarda sarda, bonito, 273, 282.
Sardine, silver, 319.
striped, 319.
Sardinella humeralis, silver sardine,
Sardinella Sardinia, striped sardine,
Saucer-eye porgy, 350.
description, 351.
tackle and fishing, 352.
Sanger, 164.
description, 165.
Sanger \^continued'\ —
tackle and fishing, 165,
Scamp, 286, 291.
description, 292.
tackle and fishing, 293.
Schoolmaster, 345.
description, 345, 346.
tackle and fishing, 347.
Scicenida:, drum family, 213, 232.
Scotnberomorus cavalla, kingfish,
279, 280.
Scomberomorus maculatus, Spanish
mackerel, 272, 273.
Scombero77iorus rcgalis, cero, 272,
ScombridcE, mackerel family, 272.
Scup, 259.
description, 260.
tackle and fishing, 261.
Scuppaug, 259.
Sea-bass, 115.
description, 1 15, 1 16.
tackle and fishing, 117, 118.
Sea-bass, family, 95, 285.
black, 115.
Gulf, 119.
southern, 118.
Sea-crawfish, 318.
Sergeant-fish, 366, 374.
Serranida, bass family, 85, 95, 285.
Shad, 80.
Sheepshead, 252.
description, 252-254.
tackle and fishing, 255-259.
Sheepshead family, 251.
lake, 232.
Sheridan and Stager, 77.
Shrimp, 321.
SiluridcE, catfish family, 244.
Silver-bass, 74.
Small-mouth black-bass, 3.
Smelt, 263, 269.
description, 269.
tackle and fishing, 270, 271.
Snapper, black, 371.
dog, 337. 344-
family, 336.
lane, 337, 339.
red, 337, 342.
schoolmaster, 338, 345.
Snook, 366.
description, 366, 367.
tackle and fishing, 368-370.
Southern sea-bass, 118.
description, 118.
habits and habitat, 119.
Spade-fish, 385.
Spanish mackerel, 273.
description, 273-275.
tackle and fishing, 276-278.
Spar idee, porgy family, 251, 347.
Speckled perch, 74, 80.
Spot, 228.
Spotted weakfish, 376.
description, 377, 378.
tackle and fishing, 379, 380.
Squeteague, 215.
Squirrel-fish, 388.
description, 388.
tackle and fishing, 389.
Stenotomus chrysops, scup, 251, 259.
Sienotomus aculeatus, fair maid,
Stizostedion canadense, sauger, 156,
Stizostedion vitreum, pike-perch,
156, 157.
Stolephorus brownii, big anchovy,
Stolephorus mitchilli, silver anchovy,
Stolephorus: perfasciatus, banded
anchovy, 320.
Strawberry-bass, 73.
Striped-bass, 96.
description, 96-100.
fly-fishing, 109.
still-fishing, loi.
Striped-bass \continued^ —
surf-fishing, 104-108.
tools and tackle, 101-105.
Strombus, mollusk genus, 318, 339.
Sunfish, black, 58.
blue, 62.
common, 69.
family, i.
long-eared, 65.
red-breast, 67.
Susquehanna salmon, 157.
Tally- wag, 119.
Tautogolabrus adspersus, cunner,
263, 264.
Ten-pounder, 361.
description, 361, 362.
tackle and fishing, 363-365.
Thunder-pumper, 233.
Thymallida:, grayling family, 173.
Thymallus montanus, Montana
grayhng, 173, 181.
Thymallus signifer, Arctic grayling,
173. 176.
Thymallus tricolor, Michigan gray-
ling, 173, 178.
Tip-ups, 146.
Tobacco-box, 65.
Toboggan episode, 92-94.
Trachinotus carolinus, common
pompano, 307, 311.
Trachinotus falcatus, round pom-
pano, 312.
Trachinotus glaucus, gaflf top-sail
pompano, 312.
Trachinotus goodei, permit pom-
pano, 312.
Triple-tail, 370.
description, 370, 371.
tackle and fishing, 372.
Trolling-spoon, 141-143.
Turbot, 390.
description, 390, 391.
habits and habitat, 392.
Wall-eyed pike, 157.
Warmouth perch, 58.
description, 58, 59.
tackle and fishing, 60-62.
Weakfish, 215.
description, 215-217.
tackle and fishing, 218-220.
Weakfish, bastard, 221.
deep-sea, 381.
northern, 214.
spotted, 376.
Western pickerel, 153.
description, 153.
tackle and fishing, 154.
White-bass, 86.
description, 86.
tackle and fishing, 87-89.
Whitefish, Rocky Mountain, 204.
White lake-bass, 86.
White-perch, 1 10, 234.
description, no, iii.
White-perch [^continued'\ —
tackle and fishing, 112, 113.
Whiting, 221.
Wonders of the sea, 327, 389, 390.
Yellow-bass, 90.
description, 90, 91.
tackle and fishing, 92.
Yellow-finned grouper, 294.
description, 294.
habits and habitat, 295.
Yellow grunt, 326.
description, 326.
tackle and fishing, 327.
Yellow-perch, 165.
description, 165-167.
tackle and fishing, 168-172.
Yellow-tail, 338.
description, 338.
tackle and fishing, 339.
Youthful angling, 72.
Fishing, Tackle and Kits
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