E 5U CAPTAIN ICMABOD INORTON'S ORDERLY BOOK. Conr\e.ctJcu.t in-tanlv^. I^o-tii. Tdg,! ment. ORDERLY BOOK OF CAPT. ICHABOD NORTON OF COL MOTT'S REGIMENT OF CONNECTICUT TROOPS DESTINED FOR THE NORTHERN CAMPAIGN IN I 776 AT SKEENSBOROUGH (NOW WHITEHALL), FORT ANN AND TICONDEROGA, N. Y., AND AT MOUNT INDEPENDENCE, VT. TOGETHER WITH A FAC SIMILE OF CAPTAIN NORTON'S MAP OF TICONDEROGA AND MOUNT INDEPENDENCE. WITH AX INTRODUCTION BY ROBERT O. BASCOM OF FORT EDWARD, N. Y. PKKSS OK KKATING Ar BARNARD. FORT ED'WART). N. Y. 189S. i>nd COPY, ^896. 6179 COPYRIGHT 1898 BY KEATING & llAKN'ARD ITBLISHIXO COMPANY. '%M^ 5ts? iQtroddGtioQ. Captain Icliabod Norton, the second son of Thomas Norton, was born in 1736 and married Ruth Strong, February 21st, 1760 ; he succeeded to his father's estate about three miles north of the meeting house at Farmington, Conn., where he lived most of his life. Following the period covered b\' the Orderly Book he was in the service, in 1777, at Peeks- kill, under Colonel Hooker, and for a number of years he represented Farmington in the State Legislature of Connecticut. Hiseldest daughter, Elizabeth, mar- ried the Rev. William Robinson August 10th, 1790. Their son, Charles, had a son Arthur, the father of Charles Alulford Robinson, now of Rochester.N. Y., the present owner of original manuscript Orderly Book. The book itself is somewhat the worse for time and wear. In the Memoir of Rev. William Robinson it is stated that Captain Norton, by his activit}^ and per- sonal example, exerted great influence upon his fel- low townsmen in behalf of the American cause. Captain Norton died October 1st, 1825, at Gran by, where he then resided. He w^as the father of nine children. In printing the Orderly Book an effort has been made to preserve the original spelling as far as possible. The punctuation is that of the editor, and while it would be too much to hope that no mistakes have been made, nevertheless, great care has been taken in reading the proof sheets and in comparing 1 them with the manuscripts, ar.d the hope is enter- tained that in most cases the meaning is reasonably clear, and while the writing is not always that of a literary man, still there is not a word or a line in the book to indicate that Captain Norton was other than an honest, earnest, clear headed patriot, endur- ing great hardship and undergoing suffering and pri- vation for the benefit of the great cause which he served. A great many proper names occur in the work and of these the spelling is not always uniform nor does it always conform to the modern method adopted by the several families whose names are here found, but there can seldom be little real difficulty in determining what name is intended. Some few words have occasionally been supplied by the editor ; wherever this has been done the fact is indicated by the use of parentheses. The map which accompanies this pamphlet is a fac simile of one in the Orderlv Book, except that the letters and explanations have been added. The book itself does not contain a word to indicate what the drawing is designed to represent, still, to one familiar with the locality, there can be no doubt that it is a rude cut of Lake Champlain, Ti- conderoga, Mount Independence, Ti. Creek and East Creek, and while it is not mathematically correct, the situations are shown with great fidelity. The publishers have thought that it w^ould add to the in- terest and value of the work if a few words were added here descriptive of the several localities men- tioned in the Orderly Book. Skenesborough is the present town of White- hall, N. Y., and is situate at the head of Lake Champlain. It is now a thriving manufacturing 2 and commercial town; it took its name origi- nally from Major Philip Skene, who established the first permanent settlement at that place in 1761, although the Skenesborough patent was not issued until March 13th, 1765. Major Skene was a man of considerable means and of great im- portance in the day and generation in which he lived. He built a stone house on what is now Williams street in the village of Whitehall, which was 30 feet wide and 40 feet long and two and one-half stories high. He erected a forge on the west side of Wood Creek, near his house, and one or two saw mills on the s;ime stream, which here empties its waters into Lake Champlain. He possessed considerable fore- sight and enterprise and developed the iron industry' to some extent in what is now Essex county, N. Y., and he also constnacted a road from Skenesborouo^h to what is now the village of Salem, in Wash- ington county. He was a Tor}' and ardently attached to the cause of Great Britain during the Revolution. His propert}^ was confiscated by the American authorities, and he was financially ruined b\' the result of the war; but few traces of this early settlement now remain in Whitehall, even the name of the settlement having been changed though the student of history ma}^ well question whether any- thing was gained by changing the name of Skenes- borough to that of Whitehall. The camp at Fort Ann, mentioned in the Orderly Book, was situate in what is now the town of Fort Ann, and here, prior to the Revolution, upon what is called Kanes Falls, Major Skene had constructed a saw mill and a block house. Fort Ann was about half wav between Skenes- borough and Fort Edward. There was a trail from Fort Ann to South Bay, on Lake Champlain, and another one which led to what is now Glens Falls, in Warren count}-, N. Y. The first Fort Ann was a stockade fort. Skenesborough, Fort Ann and Fort Edward were places of a great deal of importance in our early history. The water route from New York to Canada was up the Hudson river to Fort Edward and thence across the country to Skenesborough, thence by way of Lake Champlain the way was open to Canada. This route, between Fort Edward and Skenesborough, was known as the "Great Carrying Place" because all the munition of war and the im- pedimenta oi ^n army had here to be can-ied overland between the two waterways, although the situation of what is now known as Fort Edward Creek, which empties into the Hudson river at Fort Ed- ward, and Wood Creek, which debouches into Lake Champlain at Whitehall, is such that they approach one another within the distance of about one-half mile in the vicinity of what is now called Dunhams Basin, and the Indian's canoe or skiff of the white man could be used upon these two streams by mak- ing the single carry of half a mile at Dunhams. Skenesborough, Fort Ann and Fort Edw^ard, came to have a great military importance in our earl\' history, because of their commanding situation upon the Carrying Place. The route here described has well been called the "Great War Trail of the North. " So much has been said and written about Fort Ticonderoga that it can hardly be necessary to recount the history of its construction or to enumerate the great and stirring events which there took place and which have served to make it so justly re- nowned in our histor\'. It stood upon Lake Cham- 4 plain at the mouth of Ti. Creek, the outlet of Lake George, and was supposed to command the entrance to another water route to the Hudson river from Lake Champlain, the way being up Ti. Creek to Lake George, then through that lake to what is now^ Cald- well, and thence b}' a militar}^ road to Fort Edward, where the wa}- was again open to New York. Di- rectly opposite Fort Ticonderoga, on the Vermont side, in what is now the towni of Orwell, is Mount Independence, and though the name of this place is generally mentioned in connection with that of Ti- conderoga, it is not, by any means, so well known to the general public. It is called a Mount b^' what is in reality a kind of a figure of speech, for it is in truth, but little more than a promontory projecting into Lake Champlain. North of Mount Independ- ence is East Creek, a sluggish stream which takes its rise in the Benson hill east of Lake Champlain and pursuing a northerly and w^esterly course through the town of Orwell, unites its waters with those of Lake Champlain in a broad, reed\^ bay which pro- jects into the Vermont shore. East Creek, while it is quite unknowm to fame, is not entirely unknow^n to those who love the sport of trolling for pickerel or hunting for wild duck, and perhaps it has some claim to classic glory through the writings of the Hon. Lucius E. Chittenden of New York, who has perpet- uated its memory in sundry pleasing sketches of ad- venture, the scenes of which are laid upon its placid waters. In the summer and fall East Creek sinks down between its cla\^ banks until its open channel is at places not more than 10 or 20 feet in width, Avith broad marshes covered wnth w^ld oats and bul- rushes. These marshes are the feeding ground of jarge flocks of wild ducks, as they are also the home 5 of the pickerel, and the fisherman, as he pursues his way up or down the creek, will not unfrequentlv arouse the blue heron from its haunts in the marshes. A little further to the north, on the Vermont side, is Larrabees Point, in the town of Shoreham. The LakeChamplain steamers still stop here and it is quite favorably known as a summer resort and is justly famed for its beautiful scenery and gorg-eous sunsets. Half a mile north of Larral^ees Point is "Hand's Cove, " projecting into the Vermont shore. It was from "Fland's Cove" that Ethan Allen and his Green Mountain Boys embarked on that memorable occa- sion when Ticonderoga capitulated in response to Ethan's demand made in the "Name of the Great Je- hovah and the Continental Congress. " A little south of Hand's Cove, on the New York shore, is Willow Point, where Allen's band of Green Moun- tain Boys landed. Their course toward the Fort was along the edge of the lake, passing not far from where is now situate that unique railroad station labelled "Addison Junction," on one side and "Ticon- deroga," on the other. South of the ruins of the old fort is Ti. Creek and south of that is Mount Defi- ance, which commands not only Ticonderoga but Lake Champlain at this point. There was at one time a bridge between Ticonderoga and Mount Independence. "It was a floating structure stretch- ing over between them and was protected bv a boom thrown across the lake below; above large cassions were sunk to obstruct navigation." Within the memory of people yet living traces of this bridge were yet to be seen. At present a railroad draw bridge crosses Lake Champlain between Larrabees Point and Addison Junction. Mount Independence, in the time when the Orderly Book was written, was regarded as a place of military importance, and the ruins which are yet to be seen there richlv repay the tourist for the time and trouble necessary to visit them. Near the water edge the earthworks that constituted the "water batterv, " still five or six feet in height, may yet plainly be seen, and fur- ther up the hill, back from the lake, is the "horseshoe battery, " so called because of its shape, and though it is now overgrown with cedar and cypress its out- line may yet be distinctly traced throughout its whole course, and there may also be found the name- less and unmarked graves of the patriotic dead that here perished during the long struggle between the revolting colonies and the mother country. In 1776 there was a garrison of over 3,000 men at Mount In- dependence ; there was one regiment from each of the States of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and several from New York. In the spring of 1776 the camp fever prevailed here to such an extent that from ten to fifteen deaths occurred each day ; it began to abate, however, early in Sep- tember, and had almost entirely ceased by the mid- dle of that month. There was a hospital on Mount Independence, and the ploughshare of the husband- man, not unfrequently to this day, uncovers sundry evidence of the time when the Mount was peopled by a warlike force. In the Orderly Book, under date of October 14th, is a reference to the naval engagement on Lake Champlain between the Americans, under General Arnold, and the British at Plattsburgh. It appears by a letter from Arnold to General Wash- ington, dated October 12th, 1776, that in this en- gagement there were sixty killed and wounded and that on consulting w'ith General Waterbury and Colonel Wigglesworth it was thought prudent to re- turn to Crown Point. General Philip Schuyler, writing from Saratoga on October 16th, says: "By letters from General Gates and Arnold I am advised of the total destruction of our fleet on Lake Cham- . plain and that it is beyond doubt that the enemy mean to attack our army at Ticonderoga. " Some- thing of this expectation of an attack will be noticed in Captain Norton's book during this period. It may interest the reader to know that Mount Inde- pendence and the old fort grounds at Ticonderoga have been favorite resorts for the hunter after buried treasure, and the grounds have all been dug over in different places by those who were in search of Brit- ish gold. Romantic stories are told of these adven- tures, and by some Ti. Creek has been considered to be the depository of the British treasure chests, and those who are learned in the lore of witch-hazel and divining rods have searched its waters with much care and industry, and it is said that the treasure has often time been located onl v to be lost by the ill timed exclamation of some enthusiastic ssarcher ; for it is a vv^ell known maxim in the art of treasure hunt- ing that the sound of the human voice will instantly cause the treasure to disappear, especially where it has been buried by the use of magic rites, although, of course, we all know that this rule does not apply where gold, silver or any other metal, has just simply been buried without the aid of supernatural agencies. The limitations of this introduction are such as to forbid a detailed account of these numer- ous attempts to locate the hiding place of the hidden treasure chests, but the mouth of Ti. Creek and the woods near the old French lines on the Fort grounds at Ticonderoga and the vicinity of "Copperas" Rock, on Mount Independence, are the especial localities where this entertaining amusement of searching for hidden treasure has been most industriously carried on in the past. The authorities consulted in the preparation of this introduction are: Bloodgood's Sexigenary, Bottum's Histor}^ of Orwell, Goodhue's History^ of Shoreham, Watson's History of Essex Cotinty, Chittenden's Capture of Ticonderoga, Fitch's Histor^^ of Washington County, Journal of the New York Provincial Congress, and Anburey's Travels. I desire here to acknowledge my indebted- ness to Dr. D. S. Kellogg of Plattsburgh, N. Y., and to Charles Mulford Robinson of Rochester, N. Y., for information furnished in preparing this introduc- tion. Fort Edward, N. Y., March 1, 1898. ROBERTO. BASCOM. Qapt. lef^abod flortop's Orderly Bool^. By Samuel Mott, Esq., Col. of a Regiment of Connecticut Troops Destined for the North- ern Department, to Capt. Ichabod Norton of Said Regt. You are hereby ordered to proseed with all Con- venant speed to the town of Benington, takingunder his command Two Subbalterns and all the men of your compinv who are ready equiped for service ; you will proseed by the most convinant way to said town; you will be careful that you march the men as much posible in the cool of the da^^s, lie by- in the more sultry' hours of and take every other methard to preserve the health of yr men ;you will take care that the men Behave Decently & Orderly as a^ou proseed & that they have no disputes amongst themselves or abuse the Inhabitents on the way. Tis expected that you profoorm a march of 20 miles per day and and that there be no unneccasar}^ firing of guns by the men as they pass; itt is supposed every man will be willing to provide himself with 4, 5 or more balls suited to the bore of his gun for any emergency on their march — upon which thej^ will be furnished by Col. Wm. Pitkin at Hartford with one pound of pow^der to everv^ 8 men, for which you will applj' & give \'our Recept agreeable to an order of the Govt& 9 Counsel ofsafetv. The men must make up the pow- der and ball into cartridges and keep itt safe to use against an enemy in case of need ; you will use your utmost Vigilence & care as you pass the upper towns to keep the men from going near to any houses In- fected with the small pox & use every method in your power To preserve them from that Disorder. One officer of your Comp., who will be most likely to Inlist men, will remain behind to recrute men for filling up your company & on the 2d Monday of August, with all your men ye shall then have, he will proceed to joyn the Regt. unless he received other orders from me or from his honour, the Gov. On your arrival att Benington you will apply to the com- misary there for provisions for the men & you will remain there under the command of the senior of- ficer of sd Regt. untill you have Further orders from me or some other field officer of the Regt. or from His honour, the Govr., or the genii. Given under my hand att Preston, the 26th day of July, ad 1776. SAMUEL MOTT, Col. of Said Regt. Headquarters, Skeensborough, Augtthe 13, Ad 1776. Officer of the day is Lent. Col. Starr, parowl, heath ; Countersign, v^rord ; the guard To Consist of 27 Rank and file ; the party for fatigue to consist of 3 Subs., 4 Serj., 6 corp. & 170 Rank and file; 1 corp & 3 for guard and 9 for fatigue. Headquarters, Skeensborough, Augt 14, Ad 1776. Perowl, w^ord ; countersign, heath ; field officer of 10 the day tomorrow is Col. Swift. The guards, the west side the Crick, to be Augmented to 1 Sub., 1 Serj., 1 Corp. and 27 R. and file. The guard on the East Side, as usial ; the Party for fatigue to consist ofSSubs., 4Serjs., 6 Corp., 170 Rank & file; for fa- tigue, 1 Serj. 6 privates; 3 For guard. Skeensborough, Augt 15, Ad 1776. Porowl, Spencer; Countersign, Putnam ; field offi- cer of the day tomorrow is Lent. Col. Starr; Capt. Hooker, officer of the works; the guard, as usial; the party for fatigue tomorrow to consist of 2 Subs., ^ Serjs., 100 Privates ; 1 Serj, 1 Corp, 9 privates for Fatigue; Lent Beecher, and 4 for guard. Headquarters Skeensborough, Augt 16, Ad 1776. Field officer of the day tomorrow is Major Sumner, Countersign, Spencer; Porowl, Putnam ; Capt. Nor- ton, officer of the Works; the guard, as usial; the party for fatigue to consist of 3 Subs, -i Serjs., 4 Corp. and 150 Rank & file. A weekly return to be made out tomorrow by ten o'clock. It is likewise desired that the commanding officers of Regts see that the quartermasters see that the Vaults are dug that the camp may be kept clean. DAVID WATERBURY, Major General. For fatigue, 13 men, & 2 for guard. Headquarters Skeensborough, Augt 17, Ad 1776, Porowl, misfield ; countersign, herd ; field officer of the day tomorrow is Col. Sw^ift ; officer of the works, Capt. Rowley; the guard, as usial; the party for fa- ll tigue, the same as this day. Out of Capt. Nortons Comp., 6 men for fatigue & 1 Corp. and 2 for guard. Skeensborough Camp, Augt 18, Ad 1776. Porowl, herd; Countersign, Miflen ; field officer of the day tomon-ow is Lent. Col. Cortland ; officer of the works, Capt. Roboson ; the guard, as usual; the party for fatigue is same as this day; 1 Corp., 5 men for fatigue; for guard, 3. Skeensborough, Aug 19, Ad 1 776. Porowl, Cambridge; Countersign, Roxbery ; field officer of the day tomorrow is Leut. Col. Starr; of- ficer of the works, Leut. Wilden ; the guards to con- sist of 1 Sub., 2 Serjs., 2 Corp. and 40 Privates; the party for fatigue the same as this da\^ It is my de- sire that if officer or Solgier should know of any in- fected person of the Small pox, on this ground, and offer to Prove, would give me * * * intelegence. For fatigue, 7 men; for guard, 1 Serj. and 3 Privates. Skeensborough, Augt the 20, Ad 1776. Regimental orders, that the Revd. Solomon Mor- ginis Chaplin of the Regt., and to be obayed as such. Charles Mical is Appointed Agitant of the Regt. and obayed as such, asa tracy is appointed quarter- master and is to be obayed as such. Doct. Apelton Woolcutt Rosseter is Surgeon and Physition to the Regt. and to be obayed as such. Doct. Aron Eliot, Surgeon and Physition mate to the Regt., and to be obayed as such ; Jonathan Damands is armour to the Regt. and to be employed and obayed as such. Richard Abby of Capt. Elderkins Comp., is Ap- 12 pointed Ser. Major to the Regt., and to be obaj-ed as such. Ichabod Ward, of Capt. Boolding Comp., is appointed Fife Major and to be obbayed as Such. The Regt is to Attend in the front of the Regt Every Morning and at Evinin the front of Col. Swift's Regt till Further orders. Eight men to attend on Peleg Heart this day, who is to see that Sutible holds be made this day in Sutible Places in the Rear of the Regt. After They are Erected no man is to be found doing his occation in any other place than them aloted, on Penelty of being Confined for breach of orders ; the parade to be cleared and Lines Marked out under the Derection of the Agitant. The officers of duty in Each Compiny are to take it b}^ turn day by day and see that the Mens Cooking is well takin care of so far as can be for so small a number of Cit- tles as can be Contained ; the Ravilee to beat in front of the Regt. All Orders, General and Regemental, are to be shone to their officers as Soon as Taken, and Red att the head of Every Compiny att Rowl Call. Skeenshorough, Augt 21, Ad 1776. Porowl, milford ; Countersign, Heartford ; field of- ficer of the day tomorrow Col. Swift ; the guard as usuil ; the party for the fatigue tomorrow the same as this day. if any Solgiers in either Col. Mott's or Col. Swift's Regts wanted Either by Smiths or Car- penders, the Solgiers has a wright to Engage if he Sees fit to forward the work. Headquarters, Skeenshorough, Augt 21, Ad 1776. Regimental orders : A provision Return of the sev- 13 aral Compinys Shall Be made out and Delivered to Peleg Heart, who shall make a return of the Hool. Until the quartermaster who is Back with the bag- age shall arive, the Comisind officer of Each Com- piny Shall make out their Rowles for their Respective Compinies as Likewise Rowles for their march- ing Money and proper bills for Bringing their bagage; That application be made to the deputy quarter- master general, who is att Ticonderoga when (Regt) is Paraded or the Compinies formed b}^ the general as- sembly, viz: Capt. Stephens, Capt. Harmond, Capt. Norton, Capt. Hooker, Capt. Roboson, Capt. Boold- ing, Capt. Elderkin, Capt. Sharp, the Compinies (will be) ranked. In case of no dispute the Compinies will not determine. That of the officers will, in proper time, be settled according to former servises and pre- sent Comisind. Twas observed Last Evenin, while prayers were attending, that Noise and Singing was made by peo- ple who remained in camp, which attended to diss- turb Public w^orship. Tis ordered for futer that no noise or Singing Shall be made In Camp nither Shall the Sutlers offer to sell anything during the time of Devine Servise, unless in case of pure necessity', judged so by the officers of the Regt. The officers and men of the Regt are wellnoing, for the present necessity has obliged the Col. to ask Leave of the general to be absent from His Regt. for a week or two. Col. Mott assures the Regt. that having the highest Hopes & Expectation from the good conduct and harminy of the Regt and Vigilence and alartness in the Servace, nothing less than the alarming. Broken & distressing Situation of his family & affairs could 14 Havetended Him to left Business. Butas soon as he has paid a lettle attention to his Molancly affairs att home to return to them without Delay .^ In the Mean time, hoped and expected that the' Comand- ing officers in the Col.'s absents will intake all posi- ble care of the Regt. to keep them in good order and Disipline & Seejustice done them on every ocation. The officers and men will pay all due obedience to him as their commanding officer. Tis expected that the officers will take Diligence Care to cultivate in the Men a spirit of good Agreement and Indevour to teach and form them to that fortitude, Resilution and obedience which is the only means of devine pro- tection and victory in case of an attack from the Enemy. Serj. Young, of Capt. Roboson Comp., at tend the office of regimental dark. If the whole of the Regt. should arrive in the Col. Absents, Lent. Col. Worthington will order ye Reg. A monthly return to be made out specifying Each Comp. fit for duty on comand, where at, sick, dead, deserted, absent on furlough, and soforth, having made out, properly sind by himself and transmited to the poast by him- self, to Governer Trumbull. Skeensborough, Agt the 22, Ad 1776. Regtl. orders: The Quarterguard to consist ofl Serj., 1 Corp. and 15 Privates, and to be Releived att Eight o'clock in the morning and to take them out of the Saviral Comps by a Proper Detail. Bajamin Gale of Capt. Stephens Comp is appointed Fife Ma- jor, and to be obayed as such. Lemuel Grigs of Capt. Roboson Comp is appointed Drum Major of the Regt. and to be obayed as such. 1;-) Skeenshorough, Augt 22, Ad 1776. Field officer of the da}^ is Col. Worthington. The party for fatigue Amount to 2 Capts, 3 subs, 6 Serjs, 6 Corp, 200 privates; the guard, as usial. As it is nessessary that no filth about the camp, tis my or- ders that the quartermaster of the Regt. see that the quartermaster serj. see that the Comp Coliman (column) clear of (off) all filth fi-om the Camp and Likewise ordered that there be three men turned out in each Regt to see the foregoing Delay (detail) is done and make a return to the field officer of the day. Itt is my orders that there be 2 Capt, 4 subs, appointed Every day for the works — better service may be done. Capt. Norton's comp, 7 for fa- tiofue and 3 for gruard. to' Skeenshorough, Augt 23, Ad 1776. Field officer of the day tomorrow Lent. Col. Court- land; the guard, as usuil. The party for fatigue the same as this da\^ — for fatigue, 12 men ; for guard, 1 serj. Skeenshorough, Augt. 24, Ad 1776. Field officer ofthe (day) tomorrow Leut. Col. Starr; the guard, as usuil. The party for fatigue tomorrow the same as this day. Tis my Positive orders that no person take any Boate or Boates that is above or below the fawls without leave from the officer ofthe day. DAVID WATERBURY, Brigadier General. 1 Serj. and 9 for fatigue & four for guard. 16 Skeenshorough, Augt 23, Ad 1116. Field officer of the day tomorrow is Col Swift; the day guard as usial. The party for fatigue to- morrow the same as this. The carpenders that en- gage themselves to work at the ship yard must draw provision with the carpenders, that they may not be hindered on the acount. Likewise, I have herd that there (are) some cattle strayed away. I would have Mr. Taylor call for 10 men and fit them out to go till they look them up, as it is of the greatest im- portence to save our provision. Ten men for fatigue and 5 for guard. Skeenshorough, Augt 26, Ad 1116. Field officer of the day tomorrow Lent. Col. Cort- land ; the guard as usial. The party for fatigue the same as this day. Itts ordered that four men be set apart to attend the buchars to bury the guts and nastiness with Blood of the cattle that is cild and likewise ordered that Buchards take care that no nastiness is hov in the crick. If they Heeve any in they must suffer the consequence. Likewise I would have the buchards take care and order better for the futer, or else I shall take care of them. For guard, Ensin James Hecox, and 5 privates and 10 for guard. Skeenshorough, Augt 27, Ad 1116. Field officer of the day tomorrow Col. Swift. The part3' for fatigue tomorrow the same as this day and the guard as usial. For fatigue, 4 men and 5 for guard. Skeensborough, Augt 28, Ad 1116. Field officer of'the day tomorrow is Leut. Cortland; the guard, as usial. The party for fatigue the same as this day — for fatigue, 10 men ; for guard, 5 men. Skeensborough, Augt 29, Ad 1116. Field officer of the day tomorrow is Col. Swift ; the guard, as usial. The part}^ for fatigue the same as this day — 5 men for fatigue and 1 for guard. Skeensborough, Augt 30, Ad 1116. Regtl orders: That the officers of each Comp See that their men have their arms in good order and that two men out of each comp to assist the armour in erectin a place for to repair the armes, and for the futer the quarterguard to consist of 1 Serj., 1 Corp. and twelve men for the guard, and set two at a time, night and day. Field officer of the day to- morrow is Leut Col Courtland. The party for fa- tigue tomorrow the same as this day ; the guard, as usial — 2 for main guard, 2 for quarterguard and 5 for fatigue. Skeensborough, {Augt) 30, Ad 1116. Field officer of the day tomorrow Leut. Col. Starr; the guard, as usial. The part}- for fatigue the same as this day. It is orderd that each ordayU^ Serj of each comp make a morning report of the sick to the doctors of eachRegt, with names to the Doctors, who is to inspect into the circumstances of Such Sick Sol- giers and the doctors is to report to the capt how many he finds sick in His comp, and the Doctors who 18 is to make a return to the company for such hospital stores as the solgiers stand in need of. The comand- ing officers of each Regt, who is to sign the order that shall be given on the comp, and it's orderd that sick solgiers that draw hospital stores is not to draw their Rasions out of the stores, only such as the Doctors should think they stand in need of. It (is) Likewise ordered that the company will provide all ingrediences for the use of the sick, and that to be delt in proper order. 11 men for guard. Skeensborough, Sept. the 1, Ad 1776. Field officer of the Aa.y tomorrow Lent. Col. Cort- land ; the guard, as usial. The party for fatigue to consist of 2 capts, 24 Subs, 6 Serjs, 6 corps, 150 Pri- vates. Acordingto former orders, A Sub. to be ap- poynted by the agitant of each Regt over night, to go round the camp the next day and see that the Sol- giers keep themselves clean and have their provision cooked in good order. I shall expect these orders will be punctuably fulfild. Captain Norton, officer of the fatigue party, and 5 men, and 4 for guard. Skeensborough, Sept. the 2, Ad 1776. Field officer of the day tomorrow Col. Swift; the guard, as usial; the party for fatigue the same as this day; for fatigue, 5 men and 4 for guard. Skeensborough, Sept. 3, Ad 1776. Field officer of the day tomorrow Leut. Col. Starr; the guard as usial; thepart}^ forfatigueis as this day. A solgiers coat being found, an}^ person Describ- ing and come and Lay Proper claim to the coat 19 by applying to Leut. Milton, of Capt. Mathews Comp., in Col. Swift Regt., Shall have the same. For fatigue, 5 men ; for guard, 1 Corp. and 4 Privates. Skeensborough, Sept. 4, Ad 1776. Field officer of the day tomorrow Cap. Boolding; the guard to consist of 2 Serjs., 2 Corps. & 50 pri- vates; the party for fatigue to consist of 2 Subs., 3 Serjs. 3 Corps, and 30 Privates; forfatigue, 1 corp. & 3 privates; for guard, 4 privates; Leut Starr to over- see the mens cookery. Skeensborough, Sept. the 5, Ad 1776. Officer of the day tomorrow is Capt. Couch; the guard, as usial; the party for Fatigue is one Sub., 2 Serj., 2 Corp. and 35 Privates; for guard, 4 men & 1 Corp. ; For fatigue, 3 men. Skeensborough, Sept. the 6, Ad 1776. Officer of the day tomorrow Capt. Harmon; the guard, as usial ; the part}^ for Fatigue tomorrow the same as this day. A weekly Return to be made out tomorrow By Twelve o'clock. Skeensborough , Sept. the 8, Ad 1776. Regtl. orders is that Capt. Stephens, Capt. Har- mond, Capt. Roboson, with their Compinies, to em- bark tomorrow morning on the Battoose, to proseed to ticonderogue and those on duty in either of afore- said compinies to be Emediately Releevd by the other compinies. WILLIAM WORTHINGTON, Leut. Col. 20 Fortann Camp, Sept. the 11, Ad 1776. The orders for tomorrow are that a corp. guard be mounted and 1 Serj., 1 corp. and 10 privates turn out on the Working party at half after 7 o'clock, cet 1 Corp. and 3 privates for fatigue and 3 for guard. WORTHY WARTERS, Major. Foortann Camp, Sept. the 12, Ad 1776. The orders for tomorrow are that a guard be mounted as usial; the party for fatigue the^ same as this day ; 1 serj. and 3 privates for guard & 1 Corp. and 3 privites for fatigue. WORTHY WARTERS, Major. Camp att Fortann, Sept. 13, Ad 1776. The orders for tomorrow are that A corp. guard be mounted as usial and 1 serj., 1 corp. and 10 Privates turn on the working party. WORTHY WARTERS, Major. For guard, 3 men ; For fatigue, 1 corp. & 2 privates. Fortann Camp, Sept. 14, Ad 1776. The orders for tomon-ow are that Corp. guard be mounted as usial and 1 Corp. & 10 privatestum out on the Working partv. WORTHY WARTERS, Major. 1 corp. and 3 Men for guard and 2 for fatigue. 21 Fortann Camp, Sept. the 15, Ad 1776. The orders for tomorrow are that acorp. guard be mounted as usial and that 1 corp. and 10 privates turn out on the working party. WORTHY WARTERS, Major. Fortann Camp, Sept. 15, Ad 1776, The orders of this da}^ is that 1 Sub. of Capt. Nor- tons Comp. march from this camp four miles, to a dwelling house, with 15 privates, and there to re- main till further orders, with 6 days provision, to work on the roads . WORTHY WARTERS. Major. Fortann Camp, Sept. the 16, Ad, 1776. The orders for tomorrow are that A Corp. guard be mounted as usial and corp. and 10 privates turn out on the working party. WORTHY WARTERS, Major. 3 men for guard & 1 corp. for fati^e. Camp att fortann, Sept. the 17 Ad 1776. The orders for tomorrow is that A Corp. guard be mounted as usial and 2 men go to help down with sheep, to Skeensborough, and 2 men to work at the sawmill, and 2 men to keep sheep here, and 1 corp. and 6 privates turn out on the working party. 1 corp. and 3 privates for guard and 2 for fatigue. 22 Camp att Fortann, Sept. the 18, Ad 1776. The orders for tomorrow are that a corp. guard be mounted as usial and 1 corp. and 10 privates turn out on the working partv. WORTHY WARTERS, Major. For guard, 3 men, and 1 for fatigue. Camp att Fortann, Sept. the 19, Ad 1776. The orders for tomorrow are that a corp. guard be mounted as usial and a corp. and 9 privates turn out on the working party. WORTHY WARTERS, Major. 1 corp. and 2 privates for guard, andl man to keep sheep. Camp att fortann, Sept. the 20, Ad 1776. The orders for tomorrow are that a corp. guard be mounted as usial and 1 corp. and 9 privates turn out on the working party at 8 o'clock, and the orderly serjs. see that them men Parade Exactly by the time, for the futer all firing is strictly forbid', and any person who shall fire his gun in the camp without leave from Capt. or his Commanding officer, may ex- pect to suffer for it as breach of orders. WORTHY WARTERS, major. Camp att Fortann, Sept. the 21, Ad 1776. The orders for Tomorrow are that a corp. guard be mounted as usial & 1 Subs, one corp. and 22 pri- vates turn out on the working party for one week, 23 and take 7 days (rations) with them and to pa- rade tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock. WORTHY WARTERS, Major. For guard, 1 corp. and 3 privates, and 1 Serj. and 8 privates for fatigue. Camp att Fortann, Sept. ye 22, Ad 1 776. The orders for tomorrow is that a corp. guard be mounted as Uvsial and 3 men to go on fatigue and all who are A mind to draw molases mav draw to- morrow one week alowance for man. WORTHY WARTERS, Major. For guard, 3 men; 1 for fatigue. Camp att fortann, Sept. ye, 22, Ad 1776. The orders for tomorrow is that a Corp. guard be mounted as usial and 3 men to o^o on fatisfue. WORTHY WARTERS, Major. For guard, 1 Corp. and 3 privates, and 1 man for fatigue. Camp att fortann, Sept. ye 24, Ad 1776. The orders for tomorrow are that corp. guard be mounted as usial and three men to go on fatigue . WORTHY W^ARTERS, Major. 3 men for guard, 1 for fatigue. 24 Camp att fortann, Sept. the 25, Ad 1776. The orders for tomorrow are that the guard and fatigue the same as this da3^ WORTHY WARTERS, Major. For guard, 1 corp. and 3 privates; for fatigue, one man. Camp att fortann, Sept. ye 26, Ad 1776. The orders for tomorrow are that the guard and fatigue as this day. WORTHY WARTERS, Major. For guard, 3 men; for fatigue, 1 man. Fortann Camp, Sept. the 27, Ad 1776. The orders for the day tomorrow are that the guard and fatigue the same as this day. WORTHY WARTERS, Major. For fatigue, 1 man ; for guard, 1 corp. and 3 pri- vates. Camp att fort ann, Sept. ye 28, Ad 1776. The orders for tomorrow are that a corp. guard be mounted as usial and four men turn out on the fa- tigue party. WORTHY WARTERS, Major. For guard, 3 men ; for fatigue, 2 men. 2;-) Camp att fortann, Sept. the 29, Ad 1776. The guard, as usial; the party for fatigue tomor- row the same as this da^^ WORTHY WARTERS, Major. Ticonderoguege, October ye 3, Ad 1776. Regt. orders: Capt. Roboson, withLeut. Aba and 2 serjs. and 54 men, are amedeately to get Rady and to proseed with 6 Battoes, ordered by the general, to Skeensborough, and bring forward a drove of sheep and in the care of Mr. Morgin, Esq., who will Attend in bringing them forward. Capt. Roboson, with his boats and sheep, will make no delay in Bringing to this place. The party will consist of sixteen men of those who has been imployed in get- ting Cord wood, as many as can be speard from Capt. Sthephens, Harmon, Roboson Compinies, and to be compleated by the other comps. of the Regt. a true and exact return be made tomorrov/ morning of the state (of) eachcomp. in the Regt Spacifying the pace (place) and cituation of all the officers and men — eyery one dead, eyery sick, every one absarit, so that a true return of all the original Nombers of the regt. may be asserted. Head quarts, ticonderoguege Camp, att mount of Independence, October ye 4, Ad 1776. In consequence of the wet v^eather, the comesary is to isue one gal. of Rum to each non comisind of- ficer and solgier in camp. As the general court mar- shal, of which Major moroson (is) presedent, Stephen 26 Tuffen, serj. in Col. Whelock Regt, tried for leaving his guard without orders, in the corse of the trial and itt appeared to be more a mistake than Desine, the cort finding him not gilty. James Matsews, of Col. Pores Regt., tryed by the same court marshall for stealing a shirt and conseling; after the court having considered the evidence are of (the) oppinion that The prisinor was not gilty of consealingbut from the continuance of the Desposier of 3^e hanger, after it w^as claimed by the owner; finding — guilty of consel- ing; but from the continuance of the desposier of the Hanger, after it was claimed by the owner; finding — guilty of conseling itt, and ordered that he pay ten Shilling Lawfull money To Leut. Aloroson, the owner, as A Composition for the hanger. The general Approved the Aforesaid Sentance and ordered them to take place Immedi- ately. The general cort marshal, of which Major morice, president, is Desolvd. The following como- sions ( promotions) are ordered to takeplace. Namely : In Col. Woodbredge's Regt., Mr. Samuel Lenward, Quarter master, vice qu. master Duglis, advanced; 2 Leut. Dickinson, first Leut., vice Leut. Bason, dead; Ensn Abner Lyman, 2 Leut., vice Dickingson, ad- vancd; Serj. major, advance Ensn; Ensn Lyman, ad- vancd, 2 leut Powers Dead ; Ensn Caleb Bray man, 2 Leut. vice Leut. Goodel, advancd; Serj. isaac Chuck, Ensn, vice Ensn advanced. In Col. Whitcom Regt.: 1 Leut. Roger Dence, Cap., vice Capt. Harison, dead; 2 Leut. Joshua Fuller,! Leut., vice Ensn Solomon Richardson, 2 Leut. Field officer of the day tomor- row, for Ticonderoguege, Col. Wane; Brigade major Brown, field officer of the day tomorrow, for mount 27 Indepen (Independence), Col. Wairman; Brig, major Rice. The Battoes guard to consist of 1 serj., 1 Corp. and 12 men. Mount Independant, October ye 5, Ad 1776. General orders. The following comotion are or- dered to take place in the Six of Col. Whitcoms Regt. : 1 Lent, thomas Witington, Capt., Vice Cap. Ballard dischargd; 2 Lent. Tocerman, 1 Lent., vice Willington ; Ensn Dockerday, 2 Lent., vice Lent. Turarman, promoted; Serj. Dockerday, Ensn, vice Ensn Dockerday, promoted; 1 Lent. Noah Allen. Capt.; Solomon Richards, 2 Leut.; Serj. Mad air, ensn, Ensn Smith promoted. Field officer of the day tomorrow Col. S. Swift ; brigad major howel. Mount Independant, October the 5, Ad 1776. Regt. orders. Whereas a great many officers and solgiers of the Regt. are sick and many in a danger- ous situation, and whereas the exsegence of the ser- vace has caused the Regt. to be much Devided in parts, a consider(able) body att this place and other considerable parts at Skeensborough & another of the like at fortann, and the Fasition of the Resft. & his mate not being able to attend the duty for the comfort of the sick in the Regt., and as Leut. Macclure has for three weeks attended the sick to a very good purpis in the regt., this therefore orderd, that Leut. macclure, of Capt. Roboson's comp., being exscused from duty of A sub. and assist as a Fasi- tion in attending the sick of the Regt. till hirder or- ders. 28 Camp att Mount independant, October ye 6, Ad 1776. A general cort marshal, the lines to set tomorrow morning at ten o'cloek, in one of the old forts, & for the tr^-al of Capt. Jonathan and John Foshet and three Lent, belongs of Independant— sartain Non cotnisind officers and solgiers of the three comp. — the former for leaving his poast without orders or being attack by the enem\^; the latter for breaking all or- ders. All persons concerned to attend the court. The artificers and labourers to the sawmill, for futer, to be under dercction and payment of the deputy quar- ter master general, who is (to) dismiss all who is Negligence of their dut}^ without delay ; to Imploy others in their room. The Comesary is to issue half a gill of rum for man to non comisind officers and solgiers who returned from guard. Every morning at nine o'clock the officers coming of (off) guard to sign the return to the comesary. The former work on mount Independant now completed. The three brigades on the mount, hundred men, in following to proposion, viz: The first brigade, 56 men; 2 brig- ade, 102 men; 3 brigade, 154- men — two hundred are to be Imployed in cutting pickets ; one hundred in diging a trench & Foundation for a magizene for powder. This party to be furnished dajdy and to be (under) the derection of Col. Patison and Col. poor. The officers and subs., as they shall be appointed for the cort marshall, orderd above : The brigadear general, president ; Col. poor. Col. Wayne, Col. Erman ogden, Sheror Len^^ardhart, majors. Sher- born, Rem, Detrart, Hail and Butler, Capts. ;hamour, the first Penselvanian Battalion; Judge advocate of the court. 29 Field officer of the day tomorrow, att Ticondero- guege, Col. Whelock ; Brigade major Brown, field officer of the day for Mount independant Col. S. Mott, Brigade major of the 2 brigade. Ticonderognage, mount independant, Oct. ye 7, Ad 1776. Regt. orders: The commanding officers regts. are Immediately order all the spades and shovls novv' in use in their respective comps. to be collected forth- with by the quarter master, such as are on Ticonde- rogue side of the lake ; and the spads and shovls on mount independent are to be delivered to headquar- ters Att Col. Patison Regt. works is equily in want of their tools. The general desires the com- manding officers of regiments will command strict obidience to these orders. The following comotions are ordered to take place in Col. Patison regt. : Ensn David Johnson, 2 Lent., vice Lent. Johnson, dis- charged; serj. major William Cheney, ensn. Field officer of the day tomorrow, Leut. Col. Brown ; Brigade major By an. for mount independant, Leut. Coovell, brigade major ho wel. Ticonderoguege Head quarters, Oct. ye 8, Ad 1776. Genl. orders: The comesarry is to isue four sheep to each regt; 3 sheep to corps of artiliry ; 3 to the sheep artficers at theusial time of drawing provision. The commanding officers will derect the 8 week solgiers to be suplied with those ingrediences, the comesarys to recon the sheep in the alowance to the Regts. att their estimated weight. The pork barrels in the prosestion (possession) of the respective Regt. are to 30 be emediately colected and delivered by the Quarter masters to mr. young, for the purpis oi" Salting beef. No Person is to apply for a discharge in futer unless he bring with him to headquarters the Sutificut and resect of pay hertafore orderd. A form of each of these is this day given to each major of brigades and no dischargd will be given unless the Sutificate coro- spond with that form. Field officer of the day to- morrow, for Ticonderogue side, Leut. Col. Robards; brigade major Brown. Field officer of the day to- morrow, for mount independan, Leut. Col. Senter, brigade major the 2 brigade. Mount Independant, October ye 9, Ad 1776. Regt. orders : The armour of the regt. is to attend strickly to fit up ye arms of the comps. without de- lay. To begin att Capt. Hookers comp., then Capt. Norton Comp., then Boldings, then Capt. Charp, then Capt. Elderkins. These five comps. are imme- diately to make returns to the Agitant of what am- unition is wanted to compleat them to Eightteen rounds a man, officers included. The officers of each Comp. are, soon as posible, to make out pay Rowles for their respective Comp., specifying officers and men in coloms ; men's Names, times of enlistment, w^hen made up to number of months and da\'^s, wayges for month and sums due. The rowles to be made up to the 30th of Sept. and to be deliverd in to the Col. without delay. All the sick of the Regt., as soon as the wether will permit, wnll parade in the front of the Regt. by the Serj. of Each Comp. The Docter will visit them and see who shall be freed firom (duty ); the other must attend dut^'to proserve their 31 health. The agitant is to get a rowl or roster of the officers of the Regt. A subst. may be appoynted day b}' day to inspect, as officers of the da\% the Aconom}- oftheSaveralComp. in their cookr\\ The seviral sorts of clothing for the troops being sent yesterday to the general, from Yonsey, Massers and Taylor, to whom the goods Belong. Any solgiers may know the price of what they want to purchis (by) Appliing to Com- esar\^ Sickels, att the Continettol Store in the old fort. Field officer of the day tomorrow, for mount indpet, Major Brown, Brigade Major of the 3 Brigade. Headquarters, October ye 10, Ad 1776. General orders: The guard, for the futer, to be pa- raded att 9 o'clock on thegrand parade. Contrar\^ to all Displine and in Disobadience of the most Positive orders, some officers & solgiers have prosumd to shoot and other game, in & about the camp ; no less than 2 officers and 28 men being yesterday detected in the above Scandilus (practice.) For their pun- ment, The general orders the officers to oversee the men, who are all of them to be imployd two da^'-s in picking Com ( oakum )[for the use of the fleet, and such as are for the futer found Gilty fireing their arms with- out orders are to be delt with in Like manner . Officers of the day tomorrow, for Ticonderogue, Major Rog- ers, Brigade major Brown; officer of the day for Mount Independent, Major More, Brigade Major, first Brigade. 32 Ticonderogue, Mount independant, Oct. ye 11, Ad 1776. General orders : The Stupineness and Seeming stup- inences of the Enemy straingly indecates that they are. It therefore Behovs every officer & Solgier of this army to be exceeding a Elart, particular when on duty. The officers of the day att ticonderogue, as well as Mount independence, are, by their exam- ple, to give life and spirit to the guard under their Inspection. The guard and visiting rounds are upon no Account to be Negligence of their dutv; Observing to be very attentive to the Sentres and guards from 4 in the morning — broad light. As the Campaign is drawing towards the close, the general is angtious Nothing DisgracefiiU to the troops under his com- mand should tarnish that good behaveour that they have hitherto shown. Field officer for ticonderogue, tomorrow. Major frazer; Brigade major not known. Field officer of the day tomorrow for mount Inde- pendent, Major Sumner, Brigade Major, 2 Brigade. Mount independant, October the 12, Ad 1776. Regt. orders: The commanding officers of Comp. are to see that all the men that are abel turn out and all of (off) duty to attend att roll calling in the front of the Regt. once a day and that Imediately after the *treet beting; officer Lent. Frizel. Mount independant, October the 12, 1776. Porowl, Sidry ; Countersign, handri. Those Regt. that have taken by general orders, to have *The drum beat for the " treat " or daily allowance of liquor, im- mediately after which the roll was called. 33 them marked on the Starn, which ma}' be distin- gished from other boats. The Dischargd solgiers are to return in to the commanding officer of the Regt. to which they belong, the arms, Accrutiments, Ami- nition and soforth, which they have in prosetion be- long to the public. The Commanding officers are to see that this orders are complied with. A return of the Names, Comp. and Regt. of Solgiers who are dis- chargd from the servace from the first of October is to be given in to the agitant genaral at orderly time; afterwards a weekly return on Saturday. Field of- ficer of the day tomorrow, for Ticonderogue, Col. Ward ; Brigade, major Byan. Field officer of the day tomorrow^ for Mount independence. Col. Morrill, Brigade Major Flowell. Mount Independence, October 13, Ad 1776. Porole, Brutus ; Countersign, Hencox. Att a gen- eral cort marshal of the first and Secont Brigade, of which Col. Marsh w^as Prisident, Solomon Twist, a Solgier In Capt. More's Comp., in Col. Read Regt., was tried for sleeping on his poast. The prisoner Confest the fact but it being Provd that he was sick at the time the cort do a quit him. James geres, a solgier in Capt. Sheperds comp., in Col. Porters Regt., tried for the same fact and by the same court mar- shal, the cort a quit the prisiner from corporal punn- ishment, it being proved that he had not his proper Proses att the time of his committing the crime, but ajudge that he be one month out of his pav — for the use of the sick of the Regt., — and all the ex- pences of being Aprihended by the cort. Ensn Ben- jaman Carno, of Col. Warter's Regt., tried bv the 34 same core marshal, for neglect of duty and neglect of orders, is found gilty of Disobedience of orders & sen- tensed To be Dischargd of servace. Ensn Whitmor, late of Col. Reed's Regt., tried by the same court marshal for behaveing unworthy' of an officer or a solgier or gentleman, and Contirary to the Express resolvd of Congress, Publishd in general orders, the 5 of September, last, is found Gilty and sentensed to suffer the punishment in said Resolvd, to viz: To for- fit one month pa\' for the use of the sick of the Regt., and be Dismist from the servis with Infamy. Leut. Abby, of the orgratons Regt., tried by the same cort marshal for acting in a sutler's business in selling bear in camp, is found gilty of a breach of general or- ders, September last, and sentensed. The punish- ments above ordered by 24. John Pratt, Ensn of the same Regt., tried by the same court marshall, & for the same crime, is found gilty and sentensed to Received the same punishment. Joseph Marcome, a solgier of Capt. Harpor's Comp., in Col. Warnors Regt., tried by the same court marshal for stealling, found gilty and sentensed to receivd 39 stripes on his naked body at the head of the Regt. Joseph Slum- ona, a solgier of Capt. Drawers' Comp., in Col. Waymons Regt., tried by the same court Marshall for stealling a pocket book and for cursing the offi- cers of the guard, is found gilt}^ of both crimes, is sentensed to receivd 39 stripes on naked back first and 20 lashes for the 2 offence at the head of the Brigade he belongs to. The general approvd of the proseedings and orders all the sentensed to take place Amediately, Punctually. Those (penalties) put on the officers who are orderd to leave the Camp 35 amediately after Discharge! (discharging) there (their) Dets. The general cort marshal, of (which) Lent. Col. marsh was president, is desolvd. The Regtall( regimental )Surgeon are to deliver att the med- ical store all the lint that have got made att 6 o'clock this afternoon, one orderly Serj. from each Regt. & a man from the artilery to attend Constant att head quarters. Field officer of the da\^ tomorrow, for ticonderogue. Col. Woodbredge; Brigade Major Byan. Field officer of the day for mount independ- ent, Col. Wingate, Brigade Major of the 3 Brigade. Mount independece, October 14, Ad 1 776. Regt. orders: The Serj. of the quarter guard is to Padrole the Sentres in the midle of the time between each relief from midnight to sunrise till futher or- ders. As the enemy is ourly expected an atack this Camp, itt is expected the Regt. under arms every morning at 4 o'clock, and repair with all silence to the alaraming poast & stand there till Broad dav light. The officers and men see that their arms and amanition are at hand that they may take them at any moment in the Night. SAMUEL MOOT, Col. Head quarters, Ticonderogue, Oct. the 14, Ad 1776. Porowl, Warterbury; countersign, Wiglesworth. Leut. peter Hews of the First Battallion of Pensil- vanians, is (to) act as Adicamp to general gates during the absence of major Warters' steward. As every Regt. and Corps are well acquainted with al- laraming poast, the general expects the troops will 36 beElarlv(on the alert) to support t"he worlds tliey severally intend to defend. He has the most depend- ance on the bravery of the troops and beliefs that if cald to action they will shew themselves worth}' of the couse they are engagde to defend. He returns his harty thanks to General Arnold, officers, seman and marines of the fleet for the Galant Defence thev made against the Superority of the Enemv. More such Brave behavour Will EstabHsh the fame of American arms Throughout the Globe. Capt, Leut. Gibstones has taken the command of ArtiHry on Mount independent. Officer of the day tomorrow for Ticonderogue, Col. Woodbredge, Brigade major Byan. officer ofthe day for mount independant, Col. Wingate, Brigade Major the 1 Battilion. October the 15, 1176, As there is not intrenching tools to imploy The Solgiers on duty, the general Expects the officers of duty and the Col. of the Regt. will order one third of the men off duty to parade att 7 OClock everv morning for fatigue, who are to be kept at work till 10 oclock in the fornoon, one third more to Relief att 10 who are To work till one in the afternoon, the other third to Relieve them and work till 5 in Even; these to be constently and Regularh' Untill counter orders. The general is unhapy to See the wont of that Spirit and Elartness and indistry So Nesasarj' for Prasivation of the provails in this army. The fleet has acted a nobil part — Let itt Not be Said that the cause of all Amarica b\' the vsupineness of the Northern Armv. Capt. Jones on the Side of ticon- derogue and Major Bigelow will Resume the com- 37 mand of Artilary on Mount indqjendant. Field of- ficer of the (day) tomorrow, for ticondergiie, Lieut. Col. Ogden; Brigad major Brown, field officer of the day for mount independant, Col. Swift, Brigade major 2 Battalion. Mount Independants, October 16, Ad 1776. Regt. orders: The commanding officers of the comps. are to take Proticular care of all the tents in their camp, that they are kept clean, unhurt, that they ma}' Serve another campaign and A vandue to be held this day, to Begin att 10 o'clock at Capt. Stephen's House for the sale of the Efecks of Some Desiest Solgier. An^- one Enclined to purchase may attend. Headquarters, Ticonderogue, October 16, Ad 1776. Porowl, falmouth. A general court marshall of the lines of which Brigadear General Saint Clear was president. Capt. Jonathan and John tasset, Lent. Rufis pary, Jonathan Wright, Mathew Lyon, were tried For Deserting their poast on inion River with- out being attackd by the enemy and without orders. The court have duly considered the evidence for and against and are of opinion that Capt. Jonathan & John tasset. Lent. John Wright & Leut. Lvon are gilty of leaving their poast without orders or with- out being Attack or forst by the Enemy & They judge that Leut. Rufus par\", gilty of a breach (of) the 6 artical of the rule and regulation published bv the continetal congress for the Better regulation of the army, and doo judge that Capt. Jonathan Tasset and Capt. John Tassett, Leut. John Wright, Leut. 38 Rufis pan^ and Leut. Mathew Lion beDischargd and forfit all their pa^^ to be apropriated towards mak- ing good the damage substaiiid b}" the Inhabitants on Inion river on account of their unsolgier Like be- havior and that they be, each of them arecasheard, to be inCapible of Ever Hereafter holding military, comisind or imployment in the states of Amarica and that their names and crimes be publishd in the news papers and Serj. Phenihas Ripley, Corp. Jona- than Whitteleser, Jabez Armistead, Reuben Baker, John Welch, Samuel Smith, Daniels Addams, Con- stant Randal, Zacariah Homes, Jonathan pary, George Owles, Rufuss Bates, Ezeriah Brooks, Elisha Starkwether, William Howland, Amos Faset, Big- mon Homes, Ephraham Smith, Edward Summers, tried by the same courtmarshal for meeting. The cort, after deliberation, are of opinion that Corp. Wittleser and Baker, Welch, Smith, Rendwells, Owles, Bates, Brooks, Starkwether, Howell, Homes, are guilty of meeting. That Serj. penihas Ripley, David Addams, Homes, Smith, are not gilty and judge that Corp. Whitlesee to be reduced to the ranks and receive 39 lashes on his naked back, and Samuel Smith 39 lashes on his bareback, and Amos Fasset 39 lashes, and all picken oakam ; the other all to receive 20 Lashes on their Naked back att such place as the general shall appoint, & be kept a week picken oakom. The general approves of the Above Sentences and orders those of the officers to take place immediately. Those on the solgiers to be put in execution, that in the corporal ponishment, when the guard is releived and after the deputy quartermaster general will direct their Imployment. 39 the general court marshal, of which general St. Clear was president, is Desolved. Field officer of the day tomorrow, for Ticonderogue, Lent. Col. Cragg; Brigade Major B3^an. Field officer of the day for Mount independent, Col. Mott; Brigade Major Howel, October the 17, Ad 1776. Poreul, Mongomary. The comesan.^ is Emediately to isue out half a gill of rum to Every Non comisind officer and solgier now in camp, and should the wet weather hold till evining he is (to) issue one half gill more. A Deteachment of a Capt., 3 subs., 3 Serjs.,. and on (one) Hundred Rank & file to parade as soon as posible from Col. Brewar's and Col. Willard's Regt. with axes, who are to proseed to cut trees across the Crount (Crown) point Road, the quarter- master of each Regt. to delivei" all their spare tents Belonging to their respective corps to Col. Morgin Lewis, Deputy quartermaster general, att 4 o'clock this after Noon. Col. Lewis will give his receipt for the same. Mr. Robert Hops is appointed quarter master of the first Battalion of pensylvanians In the room of Quartermaster Nickels, and John King is ap- pointed Ensign in the room of Mr. Coy, dead, in the same battalion of Pensylvanians. Field officer of the day tomorrow, for ticonderoguega. Lent. Col. Brown ; Brigade Major Browm. Field officer of the day tomorrow, Leut. Col. Marsh ; Brigade major th first Battalion. Headquarters, Ticonderoguega, Oct. ye 18, Ad 1776. General orders : The comesary to supply all the 40 emty casks he has in the store that will hold water, to such Regis, as has not water conveneant to their Elaraming Post. They are to be kept filld with pure water that the troops may have a supph' ready when wanted. A quantity rum also to be handy, to be (issiied) when allowed, when ordered, as the enemy can have no resenable hopes of Destroying this army unless the troops poasted in the redoutes and the advanced guard suffer themselves to be sup- prisd. The Genii, strongly recomends it to all the officers and solgiers to exart themselves with the utmost vigulence while on duty. Never omitting the smallist attendance to the approach of the enamy, and giving them the most vigorous opposition to every attempt. Col. Marshfield, without delay, to joyn Col. win's Regt. on the side of Ticonderogue. The ground of their encampment will be shewn by the Debuty Quartermaster gen. The comesary is emediately to isue out half a gill of rum to every non comisind officer and solgier now in camp, att 1 o'clock this after Noon, the genii, expects an exact obedience to these orders respecting the delivery of all the spare tools to the debuty quartermaster genii. 2 Regts. yet have not done their duty accord- ing to that order. Field officer of the day tomor- row, for ticonderogue, Leut. Col. Lenard ; Brigade Major Rion. Field officer for Mount independance, Leut. Col. Sherve; Brigade major 2 Brigade. After orders: The comesar3' to deliver 5 sheep to each regt. as early as posible tomorrow morning. The artilir}^ & corps, of Artificers to receive 4- sheep Each, These are to Recon in the allowance of provi- tion att their estimated weights. 41 Headquarters, October the 19, 1776. Leut. Col. Baldin, first Enginear, will take the Derectioii of the works on the side of Ticonderoguega with the following asistants under him : major pinn, Capt. Newlin, Leut. Doglis, Ensn Parret ; Leut. Col. philiser, Second Enginear, will take derection of the works on this side of mount independence, with the following assistance of Capt. Patison Dubian}^ and any two getelmen that the Col. on that side recomands. This arangment being Setled, Particular works to be accomplished determined upon, the gen- eral has no Bought but the Necesary Preparations For a vigorores attept, Defence will be with that an- emated ziele becoming solgiers who are also free City- sons of Amarica. Such non comisind officers & sol- giers whose arms have bin wet in the late bad weather and can not be drawn are to be drawn up in quadrian in proper places half an hour before sun- rise and then Discharge them. The Regts. who want amunition may Be SuppK^ed by applying to Col. Trumbull, debuty Agatant general. The comesary is to deliver all the emty casks on this side Lake to the order of Col. Wane, who will be derected where to place them. The troops to have 4 days provision constantly drest till Farther orders. All the spears that can be speard (spared) from the on board the shipping, to be deliverd for the defence of the french lines and redoupts. The comanding officer of artiliry wnll prove and scale such guns as wanted, at the same time try one to fire. Field officer of the day for Ticonderoguega, Leut. Col. Brigade major Rion. Field officer for Mount independence, Leut. Col. Caror; Brigade Major Howel. 42 Headquarters, Ticonderogiiegn, the 20, Ad 1776. Field officer of the da}- for Ticonderoguega, Lent. Col. Robards; Brigade Major Rion. Field officer for Mount independent, Leut. Col. Sentor; brigade ma- jor of the first brigade. The princibill asistant en- ginear being sick, by the yesterday's orders, no per- son is to direct any new works or repair any old works, without first Receiving the enginear's Appro- bation and order for the same. As it is unsertin of which of our poasts the enemy may make their at- tack, the general desires and expects that the officers and men fit for duty in the Regts. on both sides of the lake hold themselves in rediness to march or em- bark for w^hat ever place or part of the camp may need their support. Agitant Hunt Cole, of Bond's Regt., is ordered to do the duty of Major of Brigades Tothe first brigade on Mount Independent. During the sickness of major Howel, Agitant Walker to do the duty in the secont brigade in the absence of Ma- jor Rice. l^iconderoguega, October the 21, Ad 1776. General orders : The following arangment of sur- geons in this army is to take place in case of action : Doct. Canaida}', Barnet, Taylor, Jacson, Silby, Picher, to attend att the old foort with their Mates. Doct. Johnson, homes, Elisson, harvy, Stuard, with their mates. Col. Maxwell's Battalion is tojoyn & doo duty wath General St. Clear's Brigade. Mr. William McHardra is appointed Agitent of Col. Makoi's (Mc- Coy) Brigade in place of Agitant Johnson. A guard ofaSerjt. and 12 privates to mount this evening. The Batiries which (are) placed near the cove under 43 mount independent, on the west side, this guard to suffer no boats to be taken without a written order from the commanding officer of brigade or from headquarters or the quartermaster genii. Field of- ficer of the (day) tomorrow for Ticonderoguega, Ma- jor Dhart ; Brigade major Brown. Field officers for mount independent, Leut. Col. Starr; Brigade Major Walker. Head quarters, Ticonderoguega, Oct. 22, Ad 1776. Capt.TobiasJanald, of Col. Phines' Regt.,is orderd to do the duty of Major in that Regt. in the absence of Major Brown, sick. Whereas, if a action happens on Ticonderoguega side, the wounded, after being dressed att the place in ^yesterday's orders, are to be caried to Doct. Potty, att the general Hospitial on the mount. The boats will be kept constantly ready att the carpender shop in the cove for this purpas. Col. Maxwell Waines, Col. Hearvey's Battallion, are to furnish major Stephens of artiliry, with such men with the non comisind officers for the artiliry servis. Genii. Bricket's brigade to furnish 30 men and nn of- ficer for the same purpis. They are to bring their camp kittle from the Regt. Tents will be furnished for them. The 2 Jersey battilion are to do duty in camp with other battilion of the brigade, but thev are still to be employed in their ow^n alarm poast, ownly (except) the party wanted for the artiliry. Field officer for Ticonderoguega, Major Butler ; Brig- ade major Rion. Field officer for Mount inde- pendent, Leut. Col. Worthington; Brigade major Howel. i The genii, strongly recomends it to all the officers 44 and solglers to exart themselves with the utmost vigilance while on duty, never omitting the smallist attendention to the abroach of the enemy and giving them the most vigurous opposition to every attempt. Col. Marsh's & Col. Win's Regts., w^ithout delay, to have the side of Ticonderoguega. The ground of their encampment will be shown by the debuty quartermas general. The comesary to issue out Emediately half a gill of rhum to every non comisind officer and solgier now in camp, at 1 o'clock this afternoon. Thegenll. expects exact obedi- ence to these orders, and of yesterday, respecting the delivery of all the spare tools (to) the debuty Quar. genii. Field officer for the day tomorrow, for Ticon- deroga, Leut. Col. Lonard ; Brigade major Rion. Field officer for mount ind., Leut. Col. Sherve; Brisf- ade major 2 brigade. Head quarters, Ticonderogaeo-a, Oct. 23, Ad 1776. The genii, court marshall from the 2 brigades of which Genii St. Clear and Bracets, set tomorow morn- ing at the president'stent, forthetrj-alof such prison- ers as may be brought before them. President, Leut. Col. Bragg: members, 12 captains. Field officer of the day tomorrow, for Ticonderoguega, Major Fras- ier; Brigade major Brown. Field officer for Mount independent. Major Sherborn ; Brigade major Hunt. For guard, 5 men ; for fatigue, 5 men. Headquarters, Ticonderoguega, Oct. the 24, Ad 177Q. The commanding officers of Regts. are Direcly to draw V4: quarter of a pound of buck shot for every man fit for duty in their respective comps. The hon- 45 ble, the congress of the ITnited States have, for the reward and incuragement of every non comisind of- ficers & solgier who shall Ingage to serve during the war, further resolved to give over and above the bounty, 20 dollers to each man annually, one com- pleat suite of cloaths which, for the present year, is to consist of 2 linnd hunting shirts, 2 pair of stock- ings, 2 pair of shoes, 2 pair of hoverhawls, a leather or woollin jacket with sleeves, 1 pair of breaches & 1 leather cap or hat, or that sum to be payd to each solgier who shall provide those articles for himself and produce a cirtifocate thereof from the Capt. of the Comp. to which he belongs, to the paymaster of the Regt. This, a Noble bounty of 40 dollars and one Hundred acers of Land, att the end of the war, is such an ample and generous gratuaty from the united States that the general is not concemd that no American will hesitate to enrole himself to defend his contry and property from every attempt. Field officer of the day tomorrow. Major Stacey ; Brigade major Rion. Field officer for Mount independent, Major Cilly; Brigade major Watter. For guard, 5 men ; for fatigue, 5 men. October the 25, Ad 1776. Col. Mott's order: That the sutlers tending of the 2 Coneticut Regts. are not to sell any spirettis liquor to any person except the men of ye above 2 Regt., except to the main guard, nor them without an or- der from the Capt. of the guard. If the sutler of the 2 Regt., and by that means, the men are drunk and unfit for duty, the sutler or those that attend the store are gilty of this, shall be subject to such pun- 46 ishment as the marshal law will inflict. The sutlers is not to sell any of the following artickels at more than the prices herein stated, vis : Good West- india, * 4s for quort, 2s : : 2 for point, 1:0:2 for half point, 8 for gill; tenarief wine, 5s for quort; Jameca spirets, 5s:0:0 quort, good french Brandy 5s : : quort ; geneva of the best kind, 3s : : for point; comon rhum, 3s : 9 for quort; Loofe suger at 3s : for pound ; vinagor. Is : 4 for quort ; Raysons, 2s : for pound ; coffee, 2s : for pound. These prises to be attended too till further orders. Head quarters, October 27, Ad 1116. As the enemy's attack will more probily be suden, the genii, most Earnistly recomends it to every com- isind officer of his Regt., part, poast or detachment, to be delebirate and cool in sufring his men to fire, never allowing them to throw away his shot in an unsolgier like maner. One close and well derected fire att the distant of eight or ten rods will doo more towards defecting the enem^^ than all the scaterd random shots will doo in a whole da^^ The com- ander of the artiliry will give all proper derection un- der his comand. The affect of this observa- tion of this order will, of the blessings of heaven, secure the victur^'. The comesar}^ will isue half a gill of rhum to every non comisind officer & solgier now in camp, fit for duty att 2 o'clock this afternoon. All officers who mount guard are to ap- pear at the brigade and to march them to the pa- rade. The corps which have not drew their shot acording to order are to send in their return emedi- ately and receivd the same as each corps make their •These figures denote shillings, pence and farthings. 47 return of their nomber of cartredges to complect to 30 rounds. Field officer for mount independent, Major Shegwick; Brigade major Watker. Lent. Robison of Capt. Sharp's comp, is to (do) the duty of an agitant in the Regt. while agitant Miles remains unfit for duty. 5 for guard and 5 for fatigue. Head quarters, October the 28, Ad 1776. In case of a general attack the artificers are, by order given by the chief Inginear and quarter master genii, Emediately to repair and joyn their respective Regt. The advanced guard on the advance poast to be augmented As genii. St. Clear will drect. one half troops will be dark all night ; the other half to (be) ready to repair to their alarm poast. Major Vermin ant and Capt. Marquisie are appointed en- ginears and are to act under Col. PalHshire. Field officer for Mount independent. Col. piney; Brigade major Hunt. Head quarters, October 29, Ad 1776. The general return his thanks to officers & solgiers of the whole army for their elark, spireted nianer with which the\' repaird to face the enemy yesterdav, and particular the regiments of Col. poor's and graton's for the divSpatch they made yesterday in acrosing the lake, Emediately upon their receiving orders to Reinforce the french lines and redouts. The regimental abstracts for the month of October to be made out & sent to the paymaster genii, on Satur- day morning. Field officer of the day for mount- independente. Col. Winegait; Brigade major Walker. 6 for guard ; 6 for fatigue. 48 After orders— 4 o'clock— Att a genii court marshall of which Leut. Col. Cregis is president, Capt. Dan- iels, of Col. Whelock's Regt., tried for neglect of dutv on the Works, the court, on examanition of the eflidenses, judgs that the Neglect was in the Centries, therefore Equit the Capt. with onner. Leut. of the same Regt., tryed bv the same cortmarshall for neg- lect of duty on guard, is found gilty by the court and sentensed to be cashsheird and rendered unfit for ser- vis as an officer. A genii, court marshall from the Brigades on mount independent, to be held att the president's tent att 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, to try such prisoners as shall be brought before them. President, Col. pheney ; members : 3 field officers and 10 Capts. ; judge advocate from the 2 Brigade. Head Quarters, October 30, Ad 1 776. For the futer Every Recommendation for a dis- charge for a sick Or lame solgier must be sent by Doct. Pots, Director of Hospitial, in Stead of Regi- mental Surgeon, as yet afore. Field officer for mount independent, Col. Wayman; Brigade major Howel. For guard, 7 men ; for fatigue, 6 men. Brigade orders for futer : All the drums and fifes fit for duty in this brigade are to assemble on the Brig- ade parade att 8 eight o'clock every morning then beat the Pianears march through the regt., and at 9 o'clock the troop, and the treetatt Sundown, and to be under the direction of Neamiah White of Col. Graton's Regt. After orders— The 30 of October— the comesary every morning to issue half a gill ofrhumfor each Non comisind officer and solgier fit for duty. The 49 quorter masters of Regts. will issue to tlie men att their elarm poast in the morning. Head Quarters, October the 31, Ad 1176. The comesary is for the futer to issue 1 pound and half of beef to each man & a pound of flour till fur- ther orders. The rations hetherto issued the come- sary are to be made good and payed by him as soon as the demand can be ajusted. Field officer for mount independent, Col. Swift ; Brigade Major Hunt; agitnnt of the day, Convis. The whole of the troops to have 3 days' provition redy drest. For guard, 7 men ; for fatigue, 7 men. Head quarters, November the 1, Ad 1776. Field officer of the day, Col. Mott; Brigade major Walker. Agitant of the da}- tomorow^ Mr. Warner. For guard, 7 men, and 6 men for fatigue. Head Quarters, November the 2, Ad 1776. The Regts. of Reed's, Graton's and Poor's are Im- mediately upon A General Alarm to repair to ticon- deroguega. Col. Doughton's regiment are to ocopy the old foort and such Regts. as have sick, they must move them as soon as posible. Capt. John B. Scott, of Col. Maxwell's Regt., tryed by A genii, court mar- shal, of which Col. Cragg is president, for defrauding the United States of America by presenting a falce pay rowle andreceivd his pay acordingly ; for the un- getleman like behavour, Extorting Extroardah- price for some artickles purchashed for his men & for dis- chargeing solgiers without the Col's Leaf. The cort, on considering the effidences, find Capt. Scoot gilty 50 of defrauding the United States by Presenting a false pay rowle and drawing the pay acordingly & also of nngentleman like behavour in extorting extreordely prices for some Artickles purchised for his men and do sentence him to be casheheird and repay all ye overpluss money containd in the pay rowle. Capt. parker, Lent. -Cheney and Lent. Osborn of Col. Reed's Regt., trjed (for) disobedience of orders, are found not gilty and, acordingly, Equited them with onner. The genii, approved of ye above Sentence and orders them to take place ImmediateU', as also the Sentence of Capt. Daniels and Leut. Whitney, where Entred in the orders of the 29 olt and omited to be approved att that time, they are to take place Im- mediately. John Brown, a solgier in Capt. mikin's Comp. in Col. Wine's Regt., tryed by the same genii, courtmarshal, all found gilt}^ is sentensed to receive 78 lashes on his bare Back. The genii, approvd the above sentence and orders them to be executed att such time & place as the commanding officer of the Regt. shall think proper. The fatigue on mount in- dependent the same as was ordered 31 of October. Field officer of the day on ye mount, Leut. Col. Marsh; Brigade major Howel; agitant of the day, Mr. Con- vis. For guard, 6 men and 1 serjt., and for fatigue, 6 men. Head Quarters, Nov. 3, Ad 1716. James Moris Jones is appointed ensn in Col.Shold's Battalion. Att a genii, court marshal of the 3 Brig- ades on mount independent, of which Col. pheney was president, Mical migee, A Solgier in Capt. Downs' comp., in Col. Burrel's Regt., tryed forabuse- 51 ing- and thretning- the life of Alen McDaniels, found not gi\ty and Equited by the court. Ebenezer foot and George Errison, solgiers in Col. Burise's Regt., tryed by the same court for leaving their poasts when on sentry and getting A Sleep, are found gilty of breach of 23 artickle of the Rule of the army & are sentents to receive 20 lashes each on .their bare back. Lent. Walingford, in Col. Wineg-ates' Regt., tryed by the same court Marshall above mentined, for ungen- tleman like behavor and complaining that Capt. Eager had cheated His Comp., and Encurigeing the Deserting of Daniel Kan and for leaving his arest; they have duly considerd the effidences in the case and are of oppinion that Leut. Wallingford (is guilty) of A Breach of ye 49 Artickle of the arm^^ and sentents him to be dischargd from the army. The genii, ap- provd of all the above sentenses and orders that they take place immediately. Field officer for mount independent, Leut. Col. Buel; Brigade Major Hunt ; agitant of the day, Warner. For guard, 7 men ; for fatigue, 6 men. Head Quarters, November the 4, Ad 1776. Field officer for mountindependent, Leut. Col. Cen- ter; Brigade Major Walker. 6 men for guard, 1 serj ; 6 men for fatigue. Head Quarters, November the 5, Ad 1 776. Col. Wine is orderd to Imbark tomorow morning for Skeensborough with such non comisind officers and solgiers of the first New Jersey Battalion whose times of Establishment is Exspired and who are to be dischargd amediately. They will Imbark att 3 52 o'clock, 5 men in each boate. They are to return in all their Aminition that has been deliverd out to them, this afternoon, to the quortermaster of the Regt., who will deliver in the whole when colected, to the comesary of artiliry. Such officers, non com- isind officers and solgiers of the first Jersey Battalion as have an atachment to their genii. & a zeal for the servis of their Contry and are Wiling to remain in camp until the 15 of Novmber shall, then be pro- mited to depart with honour & be alowed pay for their return home. Josiah Remnant, A solgier in Capt. Blisses Comp., in Col. Patison's Regt., tryed by a general conrtmarshall, of which Col. pheney was president, tryed for Sleeping on his poast, is found gilty & sentants to be Whipt 20 lashes on his bare back. Ye genii, approvd of the sentents but upon the request of the court and Recomendation & onesty and good Behaver of the Crimenal Every Instant till this, he is pleased to grant his pardon and orders the prisiner to be releasd. The genii, att the same time assures the army as this was the first itt shall be the last instants of his pardening A crime so dangeros as this sleeping on his poast. The court of which Col. pheney was president is desolved. Col. Start will order all the men off duty in his Brigade and such of the Malisha as are able to asist to give every aide in their power to finish the palisadin the new fort and the Appatee (abatis) Round it. Field officer of the day for mount indep.. Lent. Col. Starr; Brigade Major Howel; agitant of the day, Convis. For guard, 7 men ; for fatigue, 6 men. 53 Head Quarters, November the 6, Ad 1776. The genii, derects that each Regt. and corps, cutand fetch their own fire wood for a few days till the A. D. Q. G. Colect a sufishent qtiontityto begin ensuing (is- suing) that artickles in A proper manner. Boats and axses will be furnished those that want them for that purpis. In the mean Time the guard, the wood guard is to suffer no officers nor solgiers to take any wood without a written order from A. D. Q. G., ma- jor Hay. 2 Leut. downer is appointed 1 Lent, to the comp. of Pensylvanians artiliry, vice Leut. Willow, resind 2; 2 Leut. Barr to be 2 Leut., vise Leut. donet, advanced ; Leut. Colwell, Conductor, to be 2, 2 Leut. Barr, advanced. James Beety, a solgier in Capt. Hanege's comp., in Col. Whitcom's Regt., trv'ed by a genaral court marshal, of which Leut. Col. Cragg was president, appeald from a Regt., is aquited. Zelida Hammon, mate; WilHam Pown- well, Boatswain ; William trip & Nicolas Culbut, sea- men of the fleet, tryed by the same genii, courtmar- shal for mutiny, in wishing that the enemy would come and saying that they would not fite them on board the vessels, found gilt}^ and sentenced : Zelida, mate, to be broke and return to his former Regt. and doo private's duty ; Pownwell to receive 98 lashes on his bare back and doo duty as a private In his former Regt. ; trip & Colbut to receive each 78 lashes on their bare back and Return to their former duty on board. The genii, approvd of their proseedings and orders the corporal punishment to be inflicted this afternoon. The crimonals to be whipt from vessel to vessel in receiving part of their punishment from each. Field officer for Mount independent, S4 Leut. Col. Worthington ; Brigade Major Hunt ; agi- tant ol the day, Mr. Crane. For guard, 7 men; for fatigue, 4 men & 1 serj. Head quarters, November the 7, Ad 1776. The genii, returns his thanks to the officers and sol- giersofthe first New Jersey Battalion who remain, with w^armth, for the honour and public spiret they Shewd in disdaining to follow the ill Example of their Col. and the Deluded solgiers that acompinyde him, yesterday. The genii, would inform them that the drums was beat by his order in derision of the' few who had the baseness to quit their post in this time of danger. The battoes guard to be increased to 1 sub. & 21 Privates. They are to keep sentiries over the wood as well as the boats. Field officer of the day for mount independant, major Shermon; Brigade major Walker; agitant of the day, Warner. 6 men for guard and 3 men for fatigue. Head Quarters, November 8th, Ad 1 776. The major of Brigades will be perticular careful that the Weekly return Tomorow will be ver\^ cor- ect, noting all Alteration sence Last Return, all va- canses and absents of officers. The Col. of Mulitisha is to deliver in to the D. A. G. att ordaly time tomorow an exact return of their corps. Field officer for the Mount, Major Silly. Brigade major Flo well ; agitant of the day, Convis. For guard, 5 men and 3 men for fatigue. Head quarters, Ticonderoguega, Nov. 9th, Ad 1776. Field officer of the daj- for ye mount, Major Hale; 55 Brigade Major Hunt. The following promotions are to take place in Col. Poor's Regt. : 2 Lent. Nathan Maclantick is appointed Agitant ; Ensn Cul- ver to be 2 Lent., Leut. persons, dead; Serjt. -quarter master, Ensn, * Leut. Culver advanced; 2 Leut. Hunting, 1 Leut., Leut. Matthias, Cashierd ; En- sn pike, 2 Leut., Leut. Rinling advanced; Serjt. ma- jor Front, ensn, Ensn pike advanced. Agitant of ye day, Warner. For guard, 5 men and 3 men for fa- tigue. Head Quarters, November the 10, Ad 1116. As a vain of black flint stone being descoverd on mountindep. the genii. Desires the commanding ofii- cersofRegts. will make inquiry iftherebeany old contry man in any of their corps, who understands hammering gun flints, they will be sent to head quor- ters. The general court marshall now setting are to try the officers & solgiers acused of killing Mr. Adams ox. Mr. Adams and Mr. Davis & the Efli- dences are to be Summonsed to attend the court. Agitant of the day, Mr. Crain. For guard, 5 men ; for fatigue, 3 men. Head quarters, Ticonderoguega, November the 11, Ad 1116. The following promotions are ordered to take place in the 2 Pensylvanian Battallion : 1 Leut. Samuel more, Capt., Capt. Cragg, promoted ; 1 Leut. James Carter, capt., Capt. Butler, promoted; 2 Leut. Roos, * This evidently means that the quartermaster-sergeant (whose name was not given) was made ensign in place of Ensign Culver who had been ad- vanced to '2d Lieutenant. f)6 1 Leut., Lent. Moirster, advanced ; 2 Leut. Henry Epple, 1 Lent., Leut. Chelton, resind ; En sn James Armstrong, 2 Leut., Leut. Curac, advanced ; Ensn George Hafner, 2 Leut., Leut. Cragg, advanced; Ensn marshall, 2 Leut., Leut. Epple, advanced; Mr. Abner Dun, ensn, Ensn Annstrong, advanced. Field officer of the day for Mount, Major More; Brigade major Howel. Agitant of the day, Mr. Convis. 5 men for guard and 3 men for fatigue. Head Quarters, November the 12, Ad 1776. Leut. Col. White, Capt. Patison & Capt. Gordin, of Col. Doles' Regt., tried by a general court Mar- shal held att malbyny (Albany), whereof Capt. Van- Shroak v^^as president, ofbeing concerned in the embez- elment of sertin belonging to John Johnson . The court, after due examanation, are of opinion that the charge against the Prisenors was groundless, aquit them (with) honour. His Exsilensa, General Wash- ington, has approved of the Proceedings of the court and orders this testimony of his approbation be in- serted in genii, orders in the Nothem army. No offi- cer of any corps, whatsoever, is to recount from the Regt. commanded By Col. Patison. Major Hay, Capt. Bush, of the 6 Pensylvanian Battallion, Mr. Sickels of the 1 Jersey battallion are appointed to settle the prises of goods brought from Canada; that the Regt. to reserve the Said goods, that they may- be able to settle their acounts & payments for them. The genii, court marshall, of which Leut. Col. Cragg was president, is desolved. Field officer for the mount, Shegwick ; Brigade major Howel ; Agitant, Warner. 57 Head quarters, November 13th, Ad 1776. The first Battallion of Pensylvanians and first 2 of the Jersey Regts. are to be taken of ( off) duty & pre- pair to embark for foort George as soon as the Bat- toas are ready that will be Appointed to cary Them over the lake. Ye Commanding oflScers of Regts. will Be Answerable for any damage done to any of the huts or building belonging to their Corps. The troops that return home be careful to proserve every thing that can, in the least degree, be usefull to those that tary here. Those Corps that leave their arms, to return in all their amunition to the come- sary of artiliry. The guards are to be lessend by a detail given to major of Brigade this day. Field offi- cer for the mount independents, Major Sumner; Brig- ade major Walker. For guard, 5 men, and for fa- tigue, 3 men. Mountindependents, November 14th, Ad 1776. Regt. orders: A return of the arms and acutriments (accouterments) that belong to the public, of the men who have died in the saviral compinies and those which are privates' property' and have no owner to carry them home, is to be given to the Col. Emedi- ately, spacifying the number of each b\' their march billeting rowl. (Sums due) dew to the saviral Comps. from the time of their enlistment to the time they Marchd, are to be made out without delay & given in and also the sums dew each Comp. yet unpayd, for the transportation of their bagage, and acounts of what is due to every comp. for marching through the contrv acording to Proclamation. The quorter master is AA,'ithout delay to see that the Acounts are 58 made np to the 31 of October of all such arears of money for rations, & So as money thnts due to the Regts., and make due application for the pay. The Commanding officers of the seviral compinies are to take care to keep accounts of all the Deft'irent dates of who are dischargd of the Difirent men who are Dischargd, that the pay may be stopt in from ve pay rowlatt aproper time. SAMUEL MOTT. Col. For guard, 1 serjt. and 6 men. Head quorters, November the 14, Ad 1776. Col. Rechars' 1 and 2 Jersey Battallion to Embark tomorow morning by sunrise for foort George. The genii, thanks all the officers & Solgiers of those Regts. now on this ground for their Rediness and complying with his request to remain this week for the defence of this post after their time of servis was exspired- The genii., in particular manner, acknowl- edges the good servis of Major Deheart, and the offi- cers & solgiers of the 1 Jersey Regt. who had the Honour not to follow their Col. to the winter quor- ters. Col. Graton and Col. Bond & Col. porter's Regts., to Enbark (for) foort George tomorow After noon, provided they are then A sofitient Number of Battoes to transport them over the Lake. Such arti- ficers that Belong to any of the Corps, going to win- ter quorters as these (and) are willing to remain in this post till the Barracks are Finished, Col. Bolldino- chief Ingenear, will pay and discharge them when Business so Nesasary to the public is finished. Field officer for the Mount, Col. Phiney ; Brigade major Hunt. For guard, 6 men. 59 Head quarters, November the 15, Ad 1116. Capt. Sylson's Comp. of Rifell men is to be Jovned & act With the 4- Battallion Pensylvanians, Com- manded by Col. Wine. Col. Graton, Late Col. Bon's and Col. Porter's Regts. are not to march till further orders. Cols. Stark & Poor's, & Read's, Regts., will be ready to march tomorow morning att 8 o'clock to the Landing at Lake George, where the bouts are ready to cary them over the lake. Field officer for the mount. Col. ; Brigade Major Walker. 6 men for guard. Head quarters, November 16th, Ad 1 776. Any Non comisind officer and solgier inlisted from the Regt., who have Ingaged to serve till ye last of December, are not to have furloughs before the pres- ent time of servis is exspird, but who are inlisted from the 10 Regts. of malisha, whose servis is ex- spired the last day of this month, shall emediately receive furloughs from the commanding officer that they are Engaged in, for one month from the date of said furlough. This to be a standing order not to b^ departed from. A genii, court marshal on the 2 Brigade, on Ticonderoguega side, to set tomorow morning att 9 o'clock, att the president's tent, for ye tryal of such prisoners as shall be Brought before them. The president, Col. Woods; the Members, 2 field officers and 12 Captains, an agitant and an or- dalay Serjt. from the 2 Brigade. Field officer for the mount, Col. Wayman ; Brigade Major Hunt. 5 men for guard. Head quarters, November the 17, Ad 1776. Col. Graton's, the late Col. Bon's & Col. Porter's 60 Regis, are to inarch tomorow to foort George, where the boats are ready for their Emediate Imbarcation. Capt. Joseph Blunfield, of Col. Baton's Regt., Is ap- pointed Debaty Judg advocate of the army. Col. Wood being Uonwell, Lent. Col. Loyrell, for a while, is appointed in his place. Field officer for the mount independents, Col. Swift; Brigade major Walker. For guard, 1 corp. & 6 privates. Head quarters, November the 18, Ad 1 716. The following Regiments are to hold themselves in Rediness to march & embark att Lake George as soon as the Boats are Prepard for them : 1 Devision, Pati- son's, Phenies & Biddell Regts. ; 2 Devision, Reads & Wigleworth Regts. ; 3 Devision, Whelocks and Wood- bredges Regts. ; 4 Devision, Brewars & Willards ; 5 Devision, Motts and Swift Regts. ; 6 Devision, W^ine- gaits & Wayman's Regts., to march by the Shortest & best Rode to the state of New Hampshire. Col. Anthonv Wane will take the command of the Regt., of the Regts. artiliry and artificers, which are to compleat the garison of Ticonderoguega & mount- independence. Mical Ryon, Esq., is appointed brig- ade major for Ticonderoguega & mountindepend- ence, & to be oba\'ed as such. The Col. will order Major Fosse, Frasier, Capt. Homes, Capt. Bonier to aprise, on oath, all the artickles ofcloathing in the garison of ticonderoguega Belonging to ye United States and order the same to be deliverd to George Masen, Esq., comesary genii, ofcloathing, taking his receipt for the same, which is to be deliverd to Col. W^ane, to be by him sent to the office in Philadelphia, prosuant to an order of congress. The clarks of dif- irent stores of dry goods are to attend to this ac- 61 count. Col. Daton to march with Leut. Col. Whit, under an arest for attemting to assisinate Mr. Ver- ick, Debuty muster Master Genii., near head quor- ters. Field officer for ticonderoguega, Col. Reed; Brigade Major Field. Officer for the mount, Col. Swift. Head quarters, November the 19, Ad 1776. An ordaly book has been taken from head quor- ters through a mistake. Who ever has itt is desired to return itt Emediately to the brigade major. Field officer for the mount, Leut. Col. Buel. A captain of Col. Waynes, Late harwines. Woods, Brewars, Whitcoms Regts., to wait on Mr. Verrick,* Debuty Muster master genii., tomorow morning at 10 o'clock att his quorters in the garison, for derection to the capt. for his respective corps to prepare mus- ter rowles for the comps. Emediately. The comman- dirs of these parties are to emediateh^ cause their re- spective quorter masters to make return of such cloathing as may be wanted for solgiers, to major Masons, who will deliver on the order of the com- mander of the Regt. Col. Bolding will attend the working party tomorow morning. Major hay Will git as many exes this evening as he can in Rediness for his part}'. Head quorters, November 20th, Ad 1776. Porowl, Gates; countersign, Arnold. A court of inquiary to set att 10 o'clock this morning in the * Richard Varick (late captain in Col. McDougall's regiment, which office he has resigned) , secretary to the Hon. Maj. Gen. Schuyler, was ap- pointed Deputy Muster Master General to the Northern Army, Sspt. 25, 1776, by a Resolution of Congress. Journal N. Y. Provincial Congress, Vol. 2, page 347. 62 president's room, to inquire into ye matter of charge agamst Mr. crow of the fleet ; president, Major Bar- ber. All evidences and persons concernd are to at- tend. Leut. Col. White having waged his honour not to chalhng or offer any violence to Capt. Ver- nck, muster master genii, to this army, until their friends have an oppertunity of setling the unhappy dispute in an honourable maner. Leut. Col. White isReleasted from the arest by the Hon. maj. genii Gates. Col. Wayman & Col. Wingaites will^old their Regts. in rediness to march tomorow morning by way of Oter Crick road, their amanition to be re- turned in first to the parson who has the care of ar- tihry stores. Ensn John Harper to doodutvofan agitant in ye 4 Battallion of Pensylvanians, com- manded by Col. Wane. Ensn phurbs to (do) duty of quortermaster in vSd (said) Regt. Officer oftheday, a captain from Col. Buret's Regt. For guard, 2 men, and the rest for fatigue. Head quarters, Nov. the 21, Ad 1776. Porowl, Washington ; countersign, Lee. The un- sogier & disordaly way of firing muskets in & about the camp has bin as common that the most Exam- plary punishment is absolutely nesisary to provent itt. Itt is Col. Wane's orders that any one being de- teced in fireing his peace shell receive 100 lashes att the head of his Regt. No Regt. under marching or- ders are to be excused from duty without punctual orders for that purpus. The commanding oflicers of those Regt. now marhing, orders will on no account whatever take away those artificers whose times of establishment is not expired till the publick is corn- pleated & then will be payd and dischargd agreeable to genii, orders. Officer of the day, for the mount, a Capt. from Col. Burrel's Regt. For guard, 2 men. Mount Independence, November 25th, Ad 1776. Regimental orders : The aminition in Col. Mott's Regt., drawn from the publick stores, is all to be re- turned in, except 8 rounds of cartredges, to the quar- ter master of the Regt. & he to take account of yr same and return it in the publick stores, as the men of this Regt. are required to do No more duty but as is nesasary for to prepare for their march. The\^ (are) required to bring all the public tools , vis : Peck exces, spades, shovels and exes, excepting one to each comp., nesasary for the march, to the care of the quorter master, that they be returned in the pub- lick stores, and he take a recept for the same. To this the commanders of comps. to give attention to be proformed. The men are to wash up their cloath- ing as itt is not only condusive to their health but nesisary to Make a solgier like appearance that they be clean & neat. And the officers and men (are to) see that no damage (is) done to the huts — that not only from Princeble but a gainst genii, order by WILLIAM WORTHINGTON, Lent. Col. and commander of Sd Regt. 64 w c c w Meow a a. a. a a. cr mSl °^ CONGRESS 011 711 877