^ ii r A J * >. • I LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, I t ^ — ' i f UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ! BOOK OF FiRlUfiiS Foi lEOIilNES USED IN THE TREATMENT OF THE ^rmcipk $^mm 4 ^^ %f>^^^- AND FOR THE §peedy and permanent (§are of ^:hem. oST^ This book is specially gotten up for the owners of horses, the stable man, the groom, and all managers and trainers of horses. Q^ , OF CO; ^ BY DR. ALVAH MANN, M. D. ^Y WM. SIMMONS, GENERAL AG T. TITUSVILLE, PA. E. C. BELL, PRINTER, 1876. T Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1876, BY DR. ALVAH MANN, V. S, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. ^^'V^^, a''^ PREFACE. The following receipes, for medicines, embracing over 160 in number, which reach all of the principle diseases that animal flesh is heir to ; causing a speedy and permenant cure of them. Many of these medical compounds, prepared from the formulas in this book, I have used daily in my practice for over twenty years with satisfactory results, eft'ect- ing most wonderful cures. It is not imporant, or necssary for me to insert in this book a thousand and one certificates, or recomendations, showing the efficacy of the different preper- ations. I merely ask the reader to make one trial of any of these medicines, adhering strictly to each and every formula as directed. I can then have no scruples or hesitancy in say- ing that these medicines, will speak better for themselves than 1 can. First ascertain cause of the disease then give and apply the remedies as directed in the formulas &c. DR. ALVAH MANN, V. S. Titusville, Pa., June 12, 1876. \VM. SIMMONS, General Agt. for this book, having had over twenty years experience in the stable management af horses, has had during that time, an opportunity of seeing the good results and effects from the use of many of these invaluable remedies on horses under his care and treatment. Should not the signature of DR. ALVAH MANN, be found written on a blank page in every book reject it. REMARKS. In this book I have given to the horseman, many of my most valuable formulas for medicines, with a simplified process of manufacturing them, reaching as I have stated in this work many of the principle diseases of the horse. Ofttimes the animal will no doubt become affli(?ted with disease which the reader cannot well or readily locate. Un- der such circumstances secure the services of a reliable Veterinary Surgeon at once. After he has made a satisfaclory examination and ascertained the true cause of the disease, hand him your book of medical formulas and he will quickly point out to you a remedy. Always have your horse prop- erly shod. In keeping the feet of the animal in good shape, and in a healthy condition, depends almost wholly upon the practical and reliable shoeing smith. Undoubtedly the Horse Jockey will not be particularlly interested in this brief work, for in the arrangement of the formulas I have endeavoured to make it my aim and study to axoid every thing in the formation of them that would at- tend to be no\el or interesting or to enlighten or encourage tills class of individuals in any quackery whatever. With the assistance of a practical druggist and chemist I have arranged and proportioned each and every 'recipe with the greatest care and accuracy, making these different 'preperations perfe(5lly reliable. Speedily curing the horse — not speedily killing him. Truly yours, DR. ALVAH MANN, V. S y <§olic. Laudanum, i oz. Turpentine, }4 oz. Sulphuric Ether, i oz. Spirits of Camphor, }4 oz. Mix. Give as a drench in tepid water one half pint. Repeat the dose every half hour until relieved. distemper, \i Tinct. Cantharides, i oz. Turpentine, r oz. Mix. Apply along Glands with a sponge three or four times a day. and give one of the following Powders night and morning. Epsom Salts, 4 ozs. Nitre, pulverized, 2 ozs. Liquorice " 2 ozs. Tartar Emetic, 2 drachms. Mix, and make into four powders, — horse to be well blan- keted, — plenty of pure air, and allowed to remain loose in the stall. Sprains of (§offm Joint. li Apply bandages saturated with cold water until fever has abated. Then shave hair close around the coronet, and ap- ply the following Blister: Pulv. Cantharides, i oz. Olive Oil, I oz. Oil Origanum, 6 drachms. Mix. Repeat blisters, it necessary, in three weeks. §otts # ^orms. Calomel, 24 Grams. Oat meal Gruel, i Pint. Alix. Use cold as a drench. Repeat same every mornin^^ for three days. Give regular work and good feed. goll'(Evil and 'Ihistelo, In early stages of disease blister the parts effected, and re- peat as often as necessary, after which dress the blister with simple ointment. In most cases an operation must be per- formed by a Veterinary Surgeon. ^iniment (N^o, 2. ij Oil Sassafras, )4 oz. Olive Oil, )4 oz. Ether Sulphuric, )4 oz. Oil Origanum, }4 oz. Camphor, }4 oz. Tinct. Arnica, 2 ozs. Turpentine, Alcohol, Mix. 2 OZS. I Quart. (§reen (Qintment. Yellow Resin, 2 OZS. Burgundy Pitch, Honey, Yellow Wax, 2 OZS. I OZ. K OZ. Spts. Turpentine, Oil Origanum, Lard, 1 OZ. 2 drachms. 6 OZS. Verdigris, Mix. 'A OZ. Heat and mix thoroughly together. Ordinary Sprains I Salt, Pulverized, 8 ozs. Beaten eggs a sufficient quantity to form a paste. Spread on a cloth and apply. (Inflammation of Sidneys. Spts. of Niter, 2 ozs. Oil Sweet Almonds, 2 ozs. Spts. Turpentine, i oz. Mix. Dose one fluid ounce in sufficient horse mint tea for a drench. Give every four hours during day, and use the fol- lowing Liniment. Oil Juniper, }4 oz. Oil Spearmint, }i oz. Turpentine, i oz. Tinct. Capsicum, i oz. Olive Oil, ' I oz. Alcohol, 2 ozs. Mix. Bathe with same over reg-ion of kidneys, — keep well blan- keted. After a k\v days give a mild Cathartic. primary gisease of the Heart. Give Digitalis and Iron, twice a day, for a few days. Also Jalap, yi oz. To be given every alternate morning in feed, until eight doses have been taken. putrid Sore ^hroat. First give a Cathartic after which use the following: Chlorate of Potassa, 2 ozs. Muriate Tinct. of Iron. i oz. Boiling Water, 6 ozs. Mix. Swab the throat three or four times a day, — apply hot poul- tice to throat and glands. Also apply hot fomentations of Smart Weed. Give oat meal arruel as diet twice a dav. ^^ ^Retention of J^rine. R Infusion of Spearmint, i Pint. Holland Gin, 2 ozs. Spirits Niter, i oz. Tinct. Opium, i drachm. Mix. Use as a drench, repeat if necessaray, and apply hot fo- mentations to abdomen. ' (Salivation. Cream Tartar, 2 ozs. Sulphur, 4 ozs. Mix. Give three times a day in feed. If there should be ulcr ations of the gums, or any part of the horse's mouth, sprin- kle on the effected parts some pulverized Red Keel. Cooling, and bland drinks, should also be given. (Astringent for an §ver §iirge. White Oak Bark, 2 ozs. Boil in one pint of water a sufficent length of time to extract the strength. Give the horse an injection of it. Repeat if necessary If no good results are obtained give the medicine internal- ly- (Nervousness. Elixir Valerianate of Ammonia, 4 oz. Tinct. Asafcetida, 4 oz. Miz. Dose, one fluid ounce in sufficient water for a drench, as occasion requires. ^icks, (Slits, ^> §ashes. 1^ Get a Veterinary Surgeon, — have him sew up the cuts 6i:c. if posible. Then apply the following — solution three or four times a day. Acid Carbolic, 2 ozs. Water, i Pint. Mix. After Inflammation subsides and begins to heal, use the following Cerate: Lard, 7 ozs. Acid Carbolic, i oz. Resin Ointment, 7 ozs. Mix. Apply three or four times a day. ^onic ingredients. Orange Peel Pulverized, Gentian Root " Calumba Root " Mix. Dose a Table-spoonful three times 4 ozs. I ft. I ft. a day. ^ailammation of (§ladder. It ~ Tinct. Aconite Root, 20 drops. Give every four hours until six doses are given. Drench the horse with bland drinks, Flax Seed Tea &c. Give plen- ty of cold water. (§leeding from the (Skin. Feed the horse on the best of food, and pour 40 drops of Commercial Sulphuric Acid into a half bucket of water. Give this twice a cay. Then give the following powders night and morning: Sulphate of Copper, Pulverized, 2 ozs. Gentian Root, " i oz. Calumba " " i oz. Divide into ei.a^ht Powders. Appl}- to the bleeding surface: — Olive (3il, 4 ozs. Carbolic Acid, i drachm. Mix. Use once a day. £urns and SQalds. \i Linseed Oil, i Pint. Lime Water, j4 Pint. Acid Carbolic, 2 Drachms. Mix. Spread it on linen cloths and apply. After inflammation subsides use the following Ointment: Resin Ointment, 3^ ozs. Lard, 3>^ ozs. Acid Carbolic, 2 Drachms. Mix. Keep the horse securely tied. ^Acute Bronchitis. Place the horse in comfortable quarters. Then give Tinct. Aconite Root, 15 or 20 drops every four hours until six doses have been given. Give plenty of cold water to drink. Let tlu' animal have a little grass if it can be had. On the second day the following medicine may be given: Gentian Root, Pulverized, 2 ozs. Nuxvomica, " >^ oz. Mix. Make six powders or* balls, and give one every morning uid evening. §angrene # (Mortification, Linseed Oil, 8 ozs. Turpentine, 4 ozs. Mix. Use as a drench. Bathe the parts with equal parts of Acetic Acid and Tinct. of Myrrh. Apply a poultice consisting of Slippery Elm, Pulverized Charcoal, and Hop Yeast. Sprin- kle Sulphate of Zinc on the surface before applying Poultice. (§arbuncle. Spts. Turpentine, i oz. The Yolk of one Egg. Pulv. Camphor, X oz. Gum Arabic, pulverized sufficient quantity to form a paste. Apply this as a plaster. When the dead parts Slough ofif heal the same with the Green Ointment, Slobbers, « 1^ Aloes, Pulverized 2 drachms. Balsam Tolu, i oz. Senna, i oz! Jalap, Golden Seal, Fennel Seed each, 14 oz. Mix. Give a table-spoonful in feed three' times a day. Sponge the mouth occasionally. §welled ^egs. R Lye, Concentrated, i Box. Disolve in 2 Quarts of water. Then take a wine-glass full of the lotion and put it into one y^allon of water. Bathe the Legs night and morning with it, rubbing it in well consuming about 30 minutes in each application. (Broken ^ind. Give feed in small quantities, and as often as required plenty of water and regular work. Give one of the following powders, morning and evening, in feed: Arsenic, pulverized, 12 Grains. Make six powders. §rdinary Swellings, (Sprains # §ruises. Use the General Liniment, No. i. Also warm fomen- tations of any one of the following herbs: — Smart-weed. Wormwood, Boneset, Hops, Plantain, &c. i^hronic €ovLgh, Br ~" Lobelia, Puherized, i oz, Camphor, " i oz. Mix. Dose one tea-spoonful three times a day. Also use the following, applied to the throat and glands, twice a day: lO Tinct. Cantharides, ' i oz. Turpentine, i oz. Mix. ilnflammation of the (Eye. Sugar of Lead, Rose Water, Laudanum, Water, Mix. Bathe frequently. If much inflammation exists a Seton must be inserted immediately under the eye. Give the horse low diet and rest. 20 grains 2 ozs. 2 ozs. 2 ozs. rScrofulous Inkers. Lubricate the surface with Sweet Oil, then sprinkle Sub. Nitrate of Bismuth over the sore. In case there is m> risk incurred in stopping the discharge. (Removing (§orns. Carbolic Acid Crystals, 3 drachms. Tinct. Iodine, 3 Glycerine, 2 Mix. Apply with camel's hair brush after the Corns have been pared down. II ; ^orpid ^iver. R Acid Nitro-muriatic, diluted, i oz. Water, 3 ozs. Mix. Dose, one fluid ounce with sufficient water for a drench, morning and evening. 'Restore the ffair. Iodine, }4 drachm. Iodide of Potassa, 15 grains. Lard, i oz. Mix. Use twice a day and cleanse off with soap and water. (To §estroy ^ice. R Cocculus Indicus, i oz. Water, i pint. Acid, Carbolic, 2 drachms. Mix. Apply three or four times a day. Sore Mouth (paused by the Bit. R Tinct. Aloes and Myrrh. 2 ozs. 12 Carbolic Acid, ' lo drops. Mix. Apply with sponge Moisture in §rease i^eeL White Oak Bark, i oz. Water, 8 ozs. Boil until the strength is extracted. Apply the liquid cold to the affected parts three or four times a day. Sore (Eyes, Glycerine, 3 ozs. Tannin, 2 drachms. Mix. Apply twice a day. ^henmaiism. R' Hydriodate o^ Potassa. 3 ozs. Sulphate of Morphine, 12 grains. Wine of Colchicum Root, 2 ozs. Infusion of Sarsaparilla. 4 ozs. Mix. Dose, I oz. in a small quantity of water for a drench. To be given twice a day ; and use the following Liniment ex- ternally : Chloroform, 4 drachms. Tinct Aconite Root, 4 13 Tinct. Opium, - 4 drachms. Alcohol, 4 Tinct. Iodine, i oz. Glycerine, Yz oz. Spirits of Ammonia, Yz oz. Mix. Apply three or four times a day. ^Ml Chloroform, i oz. Tinct. Opium, i oz. Tinct. Ginger, i oz. Essence Peppermint, ^ oz. Mix. Dose, I oz. in water for a drench. Repeat every 30 min utes if necessary. Etching of (Skin, Sulphite of Soda, 2>Y ozs Mix. Divide into seven powders. Give one powder every niirht. -P^unctare. (6 ^ Open up the wound from the bottom and apply twice a dav, Carbolic Salve. 14 Pimples ^> §oils. Sulphate of Iron, 3 ozs. Peruvian Bark, pulverized i oz. Gentian Root. " 2^ ozs. Carb. Ammonia, 3 ozs. Divide into twelve powders. Give one powder twice a day in feed. Give occasionaly 40 drops Commercial Sulphuric Acid in a bucket of cold water. Apply to the Sores, Olive Oil, 3 ozs. Creosote, i oz. Mix. Use once every second day. Wash the sores with castile soap twice a week. ,§tiff # (§heiimatic joints. Bicarbonate of Soda, 6 ozs. Tinct. Opium, 6 ozs. Boiling- Water, i pint. Mix. Saturate "Wollen bandages with the medicine and apply them to the parts, as hot as posible, three or four times a day §aralysis. Tinct. Nuxvomica, 15 drops. Use every morning as a drench. ^ ^5 gangrenous fleers. Permans^anat(i of Potassa, 3 ozs. Waaler, i pint. -Mix. Use externally with a sponge. ilnflammation (After (Application of §lister. R Liquor of Subacetate of Lead, 4 ozs. Tinct. Opium, i oz. Mix. Apply three times a day. (Healthy cSores, Apply Compound Tinct. Aloes three or four times daily. §ood (§arthartic, n Socotrine Aloes, 8 drachms. Ginger, pulverized, 2 " Sufficient molasses to form a ball, or drench. i6 _^ • J'xeiA i§uts, R Carbolic Acid, 2 draclims. Water, i pint. Mix. Saturate Lint with the lotion and apply. Continue until tlie Cuts are healed. (§ompound Sulphite Soda §intm3nt. l^ Sulphite of Soda, 'A 02. Sulphur, K oz. Glycerine, I^ ozs. Simple Cerate, 2)4. OZS. Carbolic Acid, 1)4 drachms, xMix. ^Iodoform Ointment. Iodoform Crystals, 2 drachms. Simple Cerate, 4 oz. Mix. 'Shafing. Bromo Chloralum, i oz. Water, i pint. Mix. Apply two or three times a day with a sponge. lAmmonia ^inimeat. Olive Oil. 4 ozs, Spts. Ammonia 2 ozs. Mix. Compound ^ime ^iniment. Lime Water, 4 ozs, Linseed Oil, 4 ozs. Carbolic Acid, 2 drachms Mix. Good for Burns and Scalds of all kinds. (§lisUT derate. Pulverized Spanish Fly, i drachm. Lard, i oz. Mix ^ed (Iodide (Ointment, Biniodide of Mercury, i drachm. Lard, i oz. Mix. Used for Ring-bone, Spavin, Hardened Tumors, and to reduce enlargements &c. Apply twice a week. i8 §reen (Ointment. Simple Cerate. i oz. Verdigres, i drachm. Mix. Good for old sores. (Another for §oll'evil. As soon as it becomes soft open it and cleanse with Castile Soap and water, after which use the ft» I lowing Solution twice a day applied with a soft sponge: Salicylic Acid, lo drachms. Phosphate of Soda, i8 drachms. Boiling Water, 6)4 ozs. Mix. To be applied cold. Another for §ing-bone. Biniodide of Mercury, i drachm. Lard, i oz. Mix. First clip the hair, then rub the medicine in well for ten minutes. Next day wash the part, or parts, with soap and water, and annoint them daily with oil or lard for one week, then apply remainder of Salve and proceed as before. Ascarides, Sulph. Iron, pulverized, 2 drachms. Gentian, " 2 " 19 __^__ Arsenic, pulverized, 5 grins. Mix. Give this powder at night, and another in the course of three or four days. Repeat if necessary. Omit the Arsenic after three or four doses have been given. Sore Back ^ Shoulders, Co ^ White Wine Vinegar, i pint. Fine .Salt, 8 ozs. Mix. Apply with Sponge three or four times a day. Superficial (Sores. Sprinkle Carbonate of Zinc over the Sores. Unhealthy rSores. Lard, 2 ozs, Resin, i oz. Turpentine, }4 oz. Melt and when they begin to cool add 2 ozs. Oxide of Zinc. Shielding §ores from Action of ^ir. Use Compound Tinct. Benzoin. Apply as occasion requires. 20 Mo^H^' Sulphuret of Potassa W'ater, Mix. Apply twice a day. I oz. I pint. ^sast ^ (Charcoal poultice. Yeast, I pint. Charcoal pulverized, a sufficient quantity to give proper consistancy to the whole. To be used on sores discharging stinking: matter. ^inseed (Meal poultice. Boiling Water, i quart. Stir in sufficient meal to make it the right consistancy, and add a small quantity of Sweet Oil. (§ondition §owder ^o. 4. Br Resin, pulverized 2 lt)s. Ginger, " /z lt>. Foenu^reek, pulv. X tt>. Anise Seed, " 2 OZS. Black Antimony, 6 OZS. Eps. Salts, i6 OZS. Mix. Dose, a Table-spoonful in feed. Make if you choose one 21 fourth the quantity. (§landers # (§arcy. Iodide of Arsenic, 20 grains. Make four powders. Give one powder each day as occas- ion requires in cut feed. [Incurable.] (§ever powder. R Gum Myrrh, pulverized }4 oz. Lobelia Seed, " )4 oz. Camphor, " 2 drachms. Niter, " 2 Mix. Dose, a tea-spoonful in feed three or four times a day Reducing rgroud ^lesh. R Use Caustic Potassa, a sufficient quantity. (Allaying irritation of Blister, Use Neatsfoot Oil. To keep up irritation use Extrad Mezeron. i drachm. 22 Lard, ' Vz oz. Mix. Apply. ^.hrash in §rog of §oot. Use Calomel a sufficient quantity foot. . Insert it in cleft of (§iixgworm. R Corrosive Sublimate, Water, Mix. Apply twice a day. 4 grains. 2 ozs. (Condition (Powder ^o. 2. Ginger, pulverized, i oz. Charcoal, " i oz. Oil Anise, i drachm. Chlorate of Potassa, pulverized, 6 ozs. Gentian " 3 oz. Niter, " 2 ozs. Mix. Give a table-spoonful three times a day. Ulcerated Mouth. Acid Carbolic, )4 drachm, 23^ Acid Acetic, i drachm. Tinct. Myrrh, yi oz. Water. 2 ozs. Mix. Swab the mouth daily two or three times. (Condition powder ^o, 3. Ginger pulv., Foenugreek pulv.. Black Antimony, Sul- phur, Niter pulv., and Cream Tartar, of each 2 ozs. Coperas, pulverized, }4 oz. Sulphate of Soda, i oz. Mix. Dose a table-spoonful three times a day. (Siimulating Mniment. Oil Origanum, Oil Olive, Oil Amber, Oil Wormwood, Mercurial Ointment, Spirits Camphor, Carb. Ammonia, of t-ach, I oz. Castile Soap, pulverized ij4 ozs. Spts. Turpentine, }i oz. Alcohol, 8 ozs. Mix. (AnothQT for Ringbone. Gum Euphorbium, Aqua Ammonia, Red Oxide of Mer- cury, Cantharides pulv., Gum Myrrh pulv., Gum Turpentine, pulv., of each i oz. Venice Turpentine, i drachm. Corrcsive Sublimate, i " Lard, i)4 l^Js. Mix. Clip the hair and apply once a week. Repeat if necessary hut cautiously. Give soft feed and moderate exercise. 24 §ood (Astringent. Logwood Chips, 2 ozs. Boiling Water, i pint. Allow it to cool and strain. This quantity makes one dose. Repeat if required. t^ead ^ininient, Goulards Extract, 2 ozs. Tinct. Opium, 2 drachms. Mix. §rdinary (§ough. Use Condition Powder No. 2 as directed in formula. fiooseness of Bowels. Tannin. i drachm. Give in sufficient Gruel cold as a drench. §ppressed Sreathing. Sulphur, i}4 ozs. Cream Tartar, i oz. Senna, pulverized i oz. Anise Seed, pulveized )4 oz. Mix. Give two table-spaonfuls at night. 25 (Internal (Inflammation, K; Sulphur I oz. Alum, pulverized I oz. Gun Powder, I oz. Mix. Give a table-spoonful twice a day, (§racks # ^asty iSores on ^eels. R Glycerine, 8 ozs. Car ^olic Acid, r drachm. Mix. Apply twice a day. (Sarrote ^mltice. Wash the Carrots and boil until soft. Strain oft the water and bruise them into a fine pulp. Spred it on strono; cloth. Used for unhealthy sores. (Purulent §ischarge from (Eye, Acetate of Zinc, 5 grans. Tinct. Opium, 10 drops. Water, i oz. Mix. Apply as occasion requires. 26 §rittle r^eet Spirit af Tar, Cod Liv^er Oil, Mix. Apply twice a day. 4 ozs. 8 ozs. Pitch Tar Simple Cerate, Mix. ^topping. 2 ozs. 2 ozs. inflammation of (§hest. Digitallis, pulverized, i drachm. Tarter Emetic, }4 Niter, pulverized, 3 " Mix. Repeat twice a day until six doses have been gi) §oothing injection. Thick Gruel, i quart. Prepared Chalk, 4 ozs. Opium, pulverized, )4 drachm. Mix. Repeat if necessary. (Scarlatina. Acid Carbolic, 40 drops. 27 Acid Acetic. i drachm. Tinct. Myrrh, Yz oz. Water, 2 ozs. Mix. Swab the throat and mouth morning and evening, and give 20 drops Tinct. Aconite Root once a day for three days, then give the following powder: Sulphate of Iron, 3 drachms. (ientian, pulverized, 2 " Calumba, i " Carb. Ammonia, i " Mix. Tnis makes one dose. Repeat if necessary three times a week. ^zVgr powders. Bicarb. Scda, i}4 ozs. Calomel, 4)4 dracnms. Mix. Divide into twelve powders. Give one powder at night for two or three nights, then give 8 ozs. Salts. Repeat if necessary. Sulphur gintment Iodide of Sulphur, i drachm. Lard, i oz. Mix. Used in mange. (Resin tgintment R Yellow Resin, 8 ozs. Yellow Wax, 8 ozs. Olive Oil or Lard, 8 ozs. Melt over a slow fire and strain. Used for Sores &c. 28 .Soothing (Eye ^ash. Extrad Belladonna, 30 grains, Chloral Hydrate, 5 grains. Water, 6 ozs. Mix and strain. Bathe the eye three or four times a day. Mi J (Eye Salve. Nitrate of Silver, Water, Simple Cerate, 12 grains. 12 drops. I oz. Mix Camphorated §il Gum Camphor, Olive Oil, I oz. 3 OZS. gainful Smise. Tinct. Aconite Root, Sweet Oil, Creosote, Mix. Apply three or four times a day. 2 OZS. 4 OZS. I OZ. ft (Soap ^iniment Soap in shavings. 4 OZS. 29 Camphor^ pulverized, i oz. Laudanum, y^ oz. Alcohol, I pint. Mix. Used for sprains and bruises. turpentine ^iniment Oil Turpentine, 2 ozs. Olive Oil, 2 ozs. Mix. (Soft §wellin£S. Iodine, i drachm. Lard, 11 ozs. Mix. Apply once a day, and cleanse every morning with castile soap and water. (Arrest (§leeding of Sores. Apply Alum pulverized. Also burnt Alum to indok-ni sores that are not disposed to heal quickly. :^arter ^intment. Tarter Emetic, }4 drachm. Lard, i oz. Mix. Good for Inflammation of Kidneys. 30 (Astringent, Catechu, pulverized, 4 drachms. Opium, " 6 grains. Prepared Chalk, 2 drachms. Form a ball or give as a drench. (Spasmodic ,^ains. Oil Sassafras, Oil Hemlock, Oil Origanum, Oil Winter- green, of each }4 drachm. Tinct, Guiac, Tinct. Myrrh, Tinct. Colchicum. of each 1 oz. Tinct. of Arnica, 5 drachms. Gum Camphor, 20 grains. Chloroform, i drachm. Alcohol, 4 ozs. Mix. Dose, one fluid ounce in sufficient water for a drench. Also to be used externally. lEpHepsy. Bromide of Potassa, i oz. •' of Ammonia, i ^ drachms. Iodide of Potassa, 40 grains. Infusion Calumba, 6 ozs. Mix. Dose, I oz. in sufficient water for a drench. Use as occas- ion requires. 'Lameness of Shoulder, Saturate cloths with warm water and apply them for two days, then follow with cold water in the same manner for as many days; then use the following blister: Cantharides, pulverized, i drachm. Lard, 6 Mix. Rub half of it into the skin, next day wash off with warm water and annoint the blistered parts with Olive Oil or Lard. Repeat if necessary. (Proud TdBsh, A" Bu'n out the proud flesh with Nitrate of Silver, or sprinkle it with Blue Vitriol, after which use on the sore, or wound, the Carbolic Salve. §eneral §ebility. Sulphate cf Iron, 3 ozs. Gentian Root, pulverized, 3 ozs. Mix. Divide into 24 powders, and give one night and morning. In case there should be much swelling about the body add 5 grains of Spanish Fly pulverized to the above and give for a few mornings. Give nourishing food. (§ramp Mixture. Sulphate of Morphine, 20 grains. Carbonate of Potassa, 2)4 drachms. Water, 15}^ ozs. Tinct. Peppermint, }4 oz, Tinct. Assafoetida, 8 ozs. Mix. Dose, I oz. with sufficient water for a drench as occasion requires. Keep the horse well blanketed, and give moder- ite exercise. 32 promote §roth of ^orn of (§oot. Oil of Tar, 2 ozs. Cod Liver Oil, 2 ozs. Mix. Apply three times daily. To give same a dark color add a little lamp-black. ilndigestion. Pepsin, pulverized, 8 drachms. Subnitrate of Bismuth, 5 " Mix. Make twelve powders or balls, and give one twice Give light food for a few days. a day (§racked (Heels, Scratches &c. Salicylic Acid, i oz. Olive Oil, 8 ozs. Mix. Apply with sponge three or four times a day. Sore (Throat # Mouth. R Chlorate of Potassa, 4 ozs. Tinct. Muriate of Iron, 2 ozs. Boiling Water, i pint. Mix. Swab throat and mouth three times a day with a sponge. 33 (Scrofula. Acid Salicylic, i oz. Phosphate of Soda, ij^ ozs. Boiling Water, 7 ozs. Mix. Apply as occasion requires. (§argle or J^ash for Diptheria # tEpizootic. Glycerine, 2 ozs. Water, 14 ozs. Carbolic Acid, i oz. Mix. Swab and rinse the throat well two or three times a day (§arbolic rSalve. R Lard, 7 ozs. Resin Cerate. 7 ozs. Carbolic Acid. i oz. Mix well together. A good healing salve. (^euralgia. Oat Meal Gruf^l, i pint. Spts. Turpentine, i oz. Give as a drench twice a day, and use the following at night: 34 Herb Pennyroyal, 2 ozs. Roilino; Water, i pint. Steep until strength is extraCled. Give eight fluid ounct-s as hot as can be taken as a drench. i§erang2ment of Stomach # §ow2ls. R Bismuth Sub. Nitrate, 4 drachms Peruvian Bark, pulverized, 2 drachms. White Sugar, 2 " Make twelve powders or balls and give one three times a day. (prevent ^low of (Blood. R Use Solution per Sulphate of Iron. Apply witli camel's hair brush. ,§oal and §adolent fleers. 6? Paraffine, pure, 4 ozs. Bismuth Sub. Nitrate, 2 drachms. Acid Salicylic, I " Chloral Hydrat, /z " Simple Cerate, 2 OZS. Mix. Melt the Paraffine and Cerate and when cooling add the other ingredients. (Erysipelas. R Clip the hair and paint the entire surface with Tinct. of Iron. 35 £ankered Mouth. R Bromo. Chloralum, 4 ozs. Water, 10 ozs. Mix. Swab the throat and mouth with a sponge three or four times a day. (Astringent (Balls. & Acid Tannic, 5 drachms. Opium, pulverized, 50 grains. Mix Make 15 balls or powders; give one every four hours until relieved. (Epizootic. Give the horse steamed hay night and morning. Other ordinary food may be given as required, and use the fol- lowing counter irritant upon the glands. Aqua Ammonia, Glycerine, Tinct. Acconite Root, Tind. Opium, each 5 drahms. Alcohol, 4 ozs. Mix. Also use hot fomentations of Smart-weed. ^cute founder. Remove the shoes and bleed in plate vein in each leg, then apply Landages saturated with cold water over and under entire foot. Then give the following: Linseed Oil, i pint S; irits Niter, 2 ozs. 36 Barbadoes Aloes, 6 drachms. Mix. To be given at once as a drench. Keep the horse on low diet. §ropsy. B^ Sulphate of Iron, i drachm. Gentian, pulverized, 2 " Squill, " 10 grains. Cantharides, " 2 " This is one dose; repeat the same in soft feed three times a day. Biarrhasa. «5 Tinct. Aconite, 20 drops. To be given as a drench in a little cold water, then give the following powder until a change for the better has taken place: Prepared Chalk, ^ oz. Catechu, pulverized, i drachm. Opium, " 10 grains. Repeat the dose if necessary. Allow the horse plenty of cold water to drink. (Abscess. Open with a small knife and apply the following lotion: Chloride of Zinc, 6 grains. Water, i oz. Mix. Apply twice a day. 37 ___^ (Inflammation of Rowels, Tinct. Aconite Root, 20 drops. Repeat every two hours until three doses have been given. Apply blankets wrung out of boiling water to belly every 2c minutes. Also give injeftions composed of warm water, soap. and a handful of table salt, every half hour until relieved. Give nourishing food cautiously. Enlargement of the §lands, ft Apply with friction by the hand once a week the fol- lowing ointment: Biniodide of Mercury, i drachm. Lard, i oz. Rub in a piece the size of a hickory nut over and around the enlargement. (§ressing (Counteracting putrefaction. Acid Salicylic, 2 drachms. White Wax, 2 Paraffine, 4 " Mix. Melt the wax and paraffine; when cooling add the other ingredient, then spread it thin upon a cloth and apply. Ad- hering does not interfere or confine the discharge, and will not prevent cicatrization. (Apoplexy. ft Apply chopped ice to head in small bags Keep up fret circulation by rubbing, apply woolen bandages and use the following blister: 38 Caiitharides, pulverized, }4 drachm. Lard. 2 .Mi> R Alb the same in well over the atlas. Impure State of §lood. R Sulphate of Magnesia, lO ozs. Cream Tartar, 5 ozs. Sulphur Lotum, 2)4 ozs. Mi:. Dose, table-spoonful three times a day in feed. (Eye :J^otion. a Calabar Bean, pulverized, I drachm. Glycerine, 3X ozs. Miy (^resh {§ork. R Camphor, pulverized, I drachm. Glycerine, 2 Lard, I oz. Mi>i Use three or four times a day and keep the horse at mod erate work or exercise. Staggers. R Extract Henbane, 40 grains. Gum Camphor, 40 " Musk, 20 " Mix. 39 Form into three- balls or powders; give one night anci morning; bathe horse well with salt and water; keep him warm and quiet as possible. §leeding from Stomach # S^ngs, Give plenty of salt; also give following in ball c,r as drench every four hours until relief is obtained. Capsicum, 6 grains. Ipecac, 3 Opium, pulveri :c.l, 3 " Mix. And promote prespiration if possible. Scurvy. Change the horse';; diet and give plenty of vegetable.^ plenty of fresh air and moderate exercise. InUmrmg, Oveneachmg, # Similar iCuts. R White Glue, 15 jzs. Water, .: Quart. Allow the mixture to become soft then melt it in a watt^r bath after which add. Glycerine, 2 ozs. Acid Carbolic, 3 ozs. Continue the heat on the water bath until a soapy tough skin begins to form over the surface. On cooling the mixture hardens to r.n elastic mass covered with ashir.irg parchment like skin; when usin^ it is placed in the water bath for a few minutes until it is melted. It forms in about two minutes a smooth flexible transparent skin; in using this preperatii n iht- the hair must be closelv shaved. 40 (Asthma, Give Fowler's Solution of Arsenic 20 drops three times a day in half bucket of water. B- (Condition Powder J^a. /. Gentian, pulverized. i}4 ozs. Aloes, 1)4 ozs. Tartar Emetic, 2 drachms. Niter, pulverized, 1)4 ozs. Golden Seal, pulverized, ij4 ozs. Wild Turnip, 1)4 ozs. Sugar, " 3 ozs. Ginger, " 2 ozs. Ground Flax Seed, I m. Liquorice, pulverized. 2 ozs. Sulphate of Iron, pulverized. I oz. Mix. Dose, a table-spoonful three times general use in stables. a day in feed. For Mingbone, garb, Splint ^> Svavin. R' Lard, I m. Mercurial Ointment, 2 ozs. Red Precipitate, pulverized, K oz. Camphor, " I oz. Horse Wort, " I oz. Stir and mix together then add Turpentine, iX ozs. Tinct. Iodine, I oz. Corrosive Sublimate. I drachm. To be used as occasion requires. After which dress with simple ointment. (§ramp in Stomach ^ Bowels, R Tinct. Opium, Tinct. Capsicum, Tinct. Rheubarb, Tinct. 41 Camphor, Tin(5l. Peppermint, of each i oz. Mix. Dose one fluid ounce in sufficient warm water for a drench, repeat if necessary every thirty minutes until relieved. §eiieral (Liniment (N^o, 1, R Mix. Oil Spike, 2 ozs. Olive Oil, 2 ozs. Soap Liniment, 2 ozs. Aqua Ammonia, 2 ozs. Turpentine, 2 ozs. Camphor. 2 ozs. Alcohol, I quart. inflammation of §ungs. Digitalis, pulverized, 4 drachms. Tarter Emetic, 2 " Niter, pulverized, 4 '* Mix, and make four powders. Give one powder as a drench every six hours in tepic! water; keep the horse's extremities warm. In severe cases blister the chest with a mustard poultice, adding Aqua Am- monia a sufficient quantity. When the horse appears better omit the Digitalis in the above powders. ^oss of Apetite. Wild Cabbage, pulverized, 2 ozs. Gentian Root, " i oz. Blood, " " I oz. Golden Seal, " i oz. Niter, " 6 ozs. Ginger, " 2 ozs. Mix. Dose 1)4 table-spoonfulls every night in feed. 4^ Lotion for Trotting ^ §unnin£ fforses, R Ciiloroform, Tinct. Aconite, Tinct. Opium, of each 5 drachms. Alcohol, 6 ozs. Mix. This preperation when used must be diluted with 6 ozs. of Jamaica Rum and applied with a sponge, to the loins and tendons of the horse, as occasion requires. (Antidotes to Poisons, ARSENIC. Use Hydrated Oxide of Iron, Milk, and mucilagenous articles. MURIATIC ACID. Use Carb. Magnesia and bland drmks. NITRIC ACID. Give repeated doses of Carb. Magnesia. Olive Oil in large doses, fomentations and clysters, SULPHURIC ACID. R . . Give same medicine as for Nitric. ACONITE ROOT. Use stimulants internally and externally and clysters, TARTAR EMETIC, Give pulverized Galls. 43 OPIUM. Give Sulphate of Zinc, Tartar Emetic, Conjoined witli Ipecac. Dash cold water on the head, after which drench the horse with Wine-whey and Spirits of Ammonia Aromat- ic. Apply mustard externally. CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE. Give whites of eggs. BLUE VITROL. Give whites ot eggs. LEAD. Use Cathartics, Sulphate Magnesia and Tind. of Opium. AMMONIA. Give Acetic Acid diluted. NITRATE OE SILVER. Give plenty of salt. FOWLER'S SOLUTION. Give precipitated Sesquioxide of Iron in Acetic Acid and water to the consistancy of cream. BICHROMATE OF POTASSA. Give Solution of Soap and Magnesia and Bicarb, of •ioda. 44 SULPHATE OF ZINC. Give Opium to allay irritation and bland drenches. CHLOROFORM. Use water on the head, fridlion and heat to the body. Ammonia to nostrils; give plenty of strong coffee, also allow the animal to inhale about twenty drops Nitrite of Amyl. HYDROCYANIC ACID. Give Chlorine and Ammonia, pre aerations ef Sesqui- oxide of Iron, give solution of Carbonate of Potassa at once BELLADONNA. B! Give infusion of Galls and Cathartics. BROMINE. ft Give Carb. Ammonia. CAMPHOR. ft Give Opium. CANTHARIDES. Give Opium by Stomach and Rectum, and Cathartics; also solution of Potassa, officinal three drachms every hour, and animal charcoal. COPPER. Give Ferocyanide of Potassa, large quantities of milk, white of Eggs mixed with water, soon after giving these articles, use cathartics. 45 INDEX. Colic, Distemper, ' i Sprains of Coffin Joint, Rotts and Worms, Poll-evil[and Thistelo, Liniment No. 2, 2 Green Ointment, Ordinary Sprains. Inflammation of Kidneys. 3 Primary Disease of the Heart, Putrid Sore Throat, Retention of Urine. 4 Salivation, Astringent for an Over Purge, Nervousness, Kicks, Cuts, and Gashes, 5 Tonic Ingredients, Inflammation of Bladder, Bleeding from Skin, 6 Burns and Scalds, Acute Bronchitis, 7 Gan j^rene aud Mortification, Carbuncle, Slobbers, 8 Swelled Legs, Broken Wind, Ordinary Swellings, Sprains and Bruises, Chronic Cough, 9 Inflammation of the Eye, Scrofulous Ulcers, Removing Corns, 10 Torpid Liver, Restore the Hair, To Destroy Lice, Sore Mouth Caused by the Bit, 11 Moisture in Grease Heel, Sore Eyes, Rheumatism, 12 Chill. Itching of Skin, Puncture, 13 Pimples and Boils, Stiff" and Rheumatic Joints, Paralysis, 14 Gangrenous LTlcers, Inflammation after Application of Blister, Healthy Sores, Good Cathartic, 15 Fresh Cuts, Compound Sulphite Soda Ointment, Chafing, 16 Ammonia Liniment, Compound Lime Liniment, Blister Cerate, Red Iodide Ointment, 17 Green Ointment, Another for Poll-evil, Another for Ring-bone, Ascarides, 18 Sore Back and Shoulders, Superficial Sores, Unhealthy Sores, Shielding Sores from Action of Air, 19 Mange , Yeast and Charcoal Poultice, Linseed Meal Poultice, Condition Powder No. 4, 20 Glanders and Farcy, Fever Powder, Reducing Proud Flesh, Allaying Irritation of Blister, - 21 Thrush in Frog of Foot, Ring Worm, Condition Powder No. 2, Ulcerated Mouth, 22 46 Condition Powder No. 3, Stimulating Liniment, Another for Ring-bone, 23 Good Astringent, Lead Liniment, Ordinary Cough, Looseness of Bowels, Oppressed Breathing, 24 Internal Inflammation, Cracks and Nasty Sores on Heels, Carrot Poultice, Purulent Discharge from Eye. 25 Brittle Feet, Stopping, Inflammation of Chest, Soothing Inje(5tion, Scarlitina, 26 Liver Powders, Sulphur Ointment, Resin Ointment, 27 Soothing Eye Wash, Eye Salve, Camphorated Oil, Painful Bruise, Soap Liniment, 28 Turpentine Liniment, Soft Swellings, Arrest Bleeding of Sores, Tartar Ointment, 29 Astringent, Spasmodic Pains, Epilepsy, Lameness of Shoulder, 30 Proud Flesh, General Debility, Cramp Mi.xture, 31 Promote Growth of Horn of Foot, Indigestion Cracked Heels, Scratches &c. Sore Throat and Mouth, 32 Scrofula, Gargle or Wash for Diptheria and Epizootic, Carbolic Salve, Neuralgia, 33 Derangement of Stomacii and Bowels, Prevent Flow of Blood. Foul and Indolent Ulcers, Erysipelas 34 Cankered Mouth, Astringent Balls, Epizootic, Acute Founder, 35 Dropsy, Diarrhoea, Abcess, 36 Inflammation of Bowels, F^nlargement of the Glands, Dressing Counterading Putrefaction, Apoplexy, 37 Impure State of Blood. Eye Lotion, Fresh Cork, Staggers, 38 P>leeding from Stomach and Lungs, Scurvy, Interfering Overreaching, and Similar Cuts, 39 Asthmi, Condition Powder No. i, Ringbone, Curb, Splint, and Spavin. Cramp in Stomach and Bowels, 40 General Liniment, No. i. Inflammation of Lungs. Loss of Appetite, 41 .Lotion for Trotting and Running Horses, 42 Antidote to Poisons, 42, 43, 44 i ERRATA. In Formula for Diarrhoea, page 36, Use Tinft. Aconite Root. In Lotion for Trotting and Running Horses, page 42, Use Tinft. Aconite Root. 1 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 002 993 849