LIBRARY^CONGRESS. Shelf ....^_j___^,S^. UNITED STATES OF AMERloI. ^HEl gHICAG© bAW INSTITUTE, JULIUS ROSENTHAL. Librarian. rp SUPPLEMENTAL CATALOGUE Q)Y THE Chicago Law Institute, ACCESSIONS FROM January i, 1887, to January i, 1894. CHICAGO: Printed for the Chicago Law Institute. 1S94. X ^ '^ ^-i ^\. .A-~^ PKEFACE. Tins supplemental catalogue of the Chicago Law Institute r^ibrary gives the number, and brief descriptions, of all books added to the library from January 1, 1887, to December 31, 1803, inclusive. It therefore supersedes the five annual supplements heretofore issued, and gives in addition the books added to the library during the year 1803. This catalogue is intended for the members of the Institute, simply as an index, giving a concise inventory of the titles of books and sul)jects added to our librar}-^ since December 31, 188G. As in the last annual supplements, the author and subject indexes have been consolidated under a single alphabetical arrangement. Under the various subjects are given the names of the authors of works devoted, wholly or in part, to that subject, or to a par- ticular branch of that subject. For example, under " Railroads " are given not only such works as " Redfield on Railways," but also Schouler on Bailments, etc., only a portion of which touches upon the law of railways; and" Crosby and Bell on Electric Railways," which concerns oidy a particular branch of railway law. To as- certain just what work is thus referred to, one has only to turn to the author entry, where the title of the work is given in full. After each author's name in these subject entries has been added the date (of the copyright, as far as possible) of his work, thus enabling one at a glance to ascertain the latest work in the librarv on any given subject. During the period covered by this supplemental catalogue about 7,500 accessions have been made to the library, which, on .fanuary 1, 1894, contained 27,302 volumes. Of these 1,205 were added during the year 1893. As only a few copies of the catalogue published in January, 1887, in connection with which this supplemental part must be used, remain for distribution, the Executive Committee call the attention of members to the importance of preserving said cata- logues. A complete list of the officers of the Institute from the time of its incorporation to the present year, and also a list of the mem- bers and ticket holders on January 1, 1894, will be found in the appendix. The Executive Committee. (3) OFFICERS FOR 1894. {Elected January 6 and 7, 1894.) President, ...... GEORGE L. PADDOCK. First Vice-President. . - . STEPHEN S. GREGORY. Second Vice-President, - - ■ - EUGENE E. PRUSSING. Librarian, JULIUS ROSENTHAL. Treasurer, WILLIAM H. HOLDEN. Secretary, WILLIAM C. BOYD'EN. BOAKD OF MAKAGEES. DAVID B. LYMAN. HENRY M. BACON. FRANK H. SCOTT. CYRUS BENTLEY. SIDNEY C, EASTMAN. FRANK A. HELMER. JOHN J. HERRICK. JOHN S. MILLER. ROBERT E. JENKINS. (4) CATALOGUE OF BOOKS ADDED TO THE L-ibrar^ of tl^e (gicago ]jijO In§titute FROM DEC. 31, 1887, TO JAN. i, 1894. Arranged According to Authors and Subjects. 7. Abbott (A.) Brief for the Trial of Civil Issues. N. Y., '86. Brief. Criminal Cases. N. Y., '89. Brief. Facts. N. Y., '89. Brief on Pleadings Civil Actions. N. Y., '01. Digest of N. Y. Statutes and Reports. Annuals for '86, '87, '88, '89, '90, '91, '92. 7 vols. N.' Y., '86--93. -- Digest of N. Y. Statutes and Reports 2d Supplement. '82-'90. N. Y, '91. New Cases in N . Y. Courts. Vols. 1 7-29. N. Y., '80-93. New Practice and Forms. 2 vols. N. Y., '87-'88. See also New York. Abbott (A. L.) See H. E. Mills. Digests of N. Y. Statutes '89. N. Y., '90. N. Y. Digest. Vol. 9. N. Y., '90. Abbott (B. V.) Digest U. S. Courts Reports. Vols. 4 and 5. '87- '88. N. Y., '88-'89. Patent Laws of all Nations. 2 vols. Wash., '86. Abbott (T. O.) Real Property Statutes of Washington Terri- tory. Olympia, Wash., '92. (5) 6 CHICAGO LAW INSTITUTE. Ahinger [Lord.) Memoirs. P. C. Scarlett. London, '77. Abnormal Man. Macdonald, "93, Abstract of Title. Moore. 4th ed., Gover. Martindale, '90. Accident Insurance. Porter; Woedkte, '90. (Ger.) Acton (Lord). See Machiavelli. "Adams " Illustrative Cases on the Law of Sales. St. Paul, '93. Adams (C. F.) Three Episodes of Massachusetts History. 3 vols. Bost., '92. Adams (F. O.) and Cunning>ham (C. D.) The Swiss Confed- eration. Lond. '89. Adams (G.) Handbook of the Tariff. N. Y., '90. 2d ed. N. Y. '90. Adams (Henry). History of the U. S. Vols. 1-9. N. Y. '89- '9L Life of John Randolph. American Statesmen Series. Bost., '87. Adams (H. B.) Study of History in American Colleges. Wash., '87. (See Johns Hopkins University Studies.) Adams (I.) Life of Emory Storrs. Chic. '86. Adams (J.) Doctrine of Equity. 8th ed. Ralston. Phila. '90. Adams {J.) Life of. By John T. Morse, Jr. Bost., '88. American Statesmen Series. Adams {J. Q.) Life of. By J. T. Morse, Jr. Bost., '82. Adams [Samuel], Life of. By J. K. Hosmer. American States- men Series. Bost., '88. Adams (W.) Learned in the Law. (Biographies of Distin- guished English Lawyers.) Lond., '91. Addison (C.) Contracts. Notes by Wood and Abbott. 3 vols. Am. I^aw Series. Bost., '88. Law of Contracts. 9th ed. Lond., '92. Treatise on Wrongs and their Remedies. 6th ed. By H. Smith. 2 vols. N. Y., '91. Administration. Disposition, Real Estate, Payment of Debts. Wandell. Administration of Estates. Alexander & Joseph, Am. Probate Reports; Bohm, Cheever, '92 (Mich.); Gary, '92 (Wis. & Minn.); Rhone, '85 and '92 (Penn.); Jones & Cunningham, '92 (111.); Schouler, '89; Woerner, '89. Administrative law. Civil Government in the U. S. J. Fiske, '90; Goodnow, '93. CATALOGUE OF LlHUAllY. 7 Addison (C.) The State. W. Wilson, '89. Administrators. Croswell, '89; Schouler, 'b9; Woerner, '89. Ailmiralti/. Aspinall, '7-5-87. Digest of Decisions. Pritchard, '87. Forms of Procedure. Rules U. S. Supreme Co/irt. E. Pugh, '90. See Marsden, '91; McArtliur, '90; Smith, '85. Maritime Legislation. Wendt, '88. Aihtiissihilitj/ of Parol Kvidence. Browne, '93. i^, AdolphuS (J.) and ElliS (T.) English King's Bench Reporter 12 vols. '35-42. Adutt (J.) Extradition Case of, in U. S. Courts. Brief and Decision. Chic, '93. Advanceinents. Thornton, '93. Adverse jPossession. Buswell, '89. Advocacy. Elliott. (See Law and Lawyers.) Advocate., The. H. Ogden, ed. v. 1. Minneap., '89. v. 2. Chic, '90. Agency. Evans, '88; Mechem, '88; Story, '81. Cases on, by Mechem, '93. Agency, Real Estate. T. Fitch, '81 (Duplicate); Rapalje, '93. Ag-new (D.) History of Penn., N. W. of Ohio Riv. Phila., '87- Agriculture. Graphics and Statistics. 2 vols. Wash., '91. d' Agcuesseau, Chancellor, Oeuvres choisies du Chancelier d'Aguesseau, pr^ced^es d'une notice sur sa vie. Paris, '77. (Selected works of Chancellor d'Aguesseau, preceded by a notice of his life.) Alabama. Code, '87. 2 vols. Nashville, '87. Digest. Vols. 44-76. Brickell. Digest of Laws. Aikin, '33. Railroad Commissioners' Reports. '81, '83, '85, '86. Session Laws. '31-'32, '33-'34, '35-'36. Called Session of '37, '40, '41-'42, Called Session '41, '43, '45-'4G, '51-'52, '63, '88-'89, '90-'91, '91-'92. State Bar Association Reports. Vols. 14-15. Mont- gomery, '91-'92. Supreme Court Reports. Vols. 82-95. Albany. Laws, Ordinances and Charter of. Alb., '38. Albany Laic Joxirnal. Vols. 34-47. Alb., '86-'93. Albany Law School. Synopsis of the Course of Lectures in. Alb., '6L 8 CHICAGO LAW INSTITUTE. Alexander (C.) Law of Life Insurance in New York. N. Y., '87. Alexander (D-) and Joseph (I.) Probate Law, Practice and Forms. S. F., '93. Alexander (W.) Acts of Parliament of Scotland, 1434-1707. Edinburgh, '41. Alfred the Great. Legal Code of. Turk, '93. Alienatioti. Suspension of Power of. Chaplin, '91. Aliens. Law of Expulsion of. Langhard, '91. Alimony. (See Brown on Divorce, '90.) Allan (C.) Law of Good Will. Lond., '89. AllinSOn (E.) and Penrose (B.) History of Philadelphia, 1681-1857. Johns Hopkins Historical Series. Phila., '87. Almanacs. Daily News, for '91, 93, '93. Whitaker, annuals, '88-'93. Altg'eld (J.) Live Questions. Chic, '90. Alteration of Deeds. (See Essay by J. Barton in Johnson's Prize Essays.) America. History. Vols. 1-8. Winsor Ed., '89. American Academy of Political and Social Science. Annals. Vol. 1-4. Phila., '90-'93. American Almanac, '87, '88, '89. N. Y., '87-'89. Am,erican and English Corporation Cases. Vols. 13-41. North- port, '86-'93. Digest. Vols. 1-10. Northport, '87. — Digest. Vols. 11-35. Northport, '90. American and English Encyclopaedia of haw. 2 sets. Vols. 1-33. J. Merrill, ed. Northport, '87-'93. American and English Patent Cases. Brodix's. Vols. 1-30. Wash., '87-'93. American and English Railroad Cases. Vols. 35-54. North- port, '86-'93. American Archives. 4th Series. Vols. 1-3, 5. Wash., '37, '39, '44. American Par Association. Reports, '87-'93. Phila., '87-'92. American Piography. Appleton's Cyclopaedia. American Catalogue, '84-'90. N. Y. '91. American Commonwealth, The. Bryce. American Commonwealth Series. Indiana, by J. Dunn, Jr. Bost., '88. Michigan, by T. Cooley. Bost., '88. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. V American GonstituHonal Laio. Bradley, Bryce, '93. Hare, Thayer, '93. American Corporation Cases. Vol. 10. Chic. '86. Digest Vols. 1-10. Chic, '88. American Corporation Legal Manual. Vol. 1. Plainfield, '93. American Criminal Reports. Vols. G-8. Chic, '87-'93. American Decisions. Vols. 79-100. S. F., '8G-'88. Digest. Vols. 61-80. S. F., '86. Digest. Vols. 81-100. S. F., '88. Table of Cases and Index. Vols. 1-100. S. F., '88. Digest. Vols. 1-100. 3 vols. S. F., '91. American Digest. '87 (2 copies.) Annuals for '88-'93. St. Paul, '89-'93. American Econo^nic Association. Vols. 1-6. Bait., '86-'91. American Law Journal. Vol. 6. Phila., '17. New Series. Vols. 1-4. Phila., '49-'52. American Law Record. Vol. 15. Cin., '87. American Law Register. Vols. 25-30. Phila., '86-'91. (Con- tinued as) i American Law Register and Review. Vols. 31-33. Phia., '91-'93. American Laic Review. Vols. 20-27. St. Louis, '86-'93. American Law Series. Addison on Contracts. Notes by Abbott and Wood. Bost., '88. Benjamin on Sales. Notes by J. Kerr. 2 vols. Bost. '88. Lewin on Trusts. Notes by J. Flint. 2 vols. Bost., '88. Lindley on Partnership. Notes by A. Wentworth. 2 vols. Bost., '88. Sliortt on Informations. Notes by F. Heard. Bost., '88. Smith's Leading Cases. With Notes. 3 vols. Bost., '88. American Laio Times Reports. Vol. 6. N. Y., '74. American Nation. 3 vols. J. Kennedy, ed. Cleveland, '88. American Probate Reports. Vols 5-7. N. Y., '87-'. '2. American Railroad and Corporation Cases. J. Lewis, ed. Vols. 1-7. Chic, '90-'93. American Railroad Journal. 4 vols, in 5. N. Y., '31-'36. American Reports. Vols. 55-60. Alb., '86-88. Index to vols. 40-60. S. F. '88. Table of Cases. Vols. 1-60. S. F., '88. Digest. Vols. 1-60. 3 vols. S. F., '91. iO CHICAGO LAW INSTlTliXK. American Republics. Handbook of. Wash., '93. Bulletin No. 50. Wash., '93. Special Bulletin. Colfee in America. Special Bulletin. Coal and Petroleum in Colombia. American Shipping and Industrial League. Preliminary Statement. (See Pamphlets, vol. 33). American State Papers and Archives. 34 vols. American State Reports. A. Freeman, ed. Vols. 1-31. S. F., '88-'93. Digest. Vols. 1-6. Table of Cases. Digest. Vols. 7-12. S. F., '90. Digest. Vols. 12-18. S. F., '93 Digest. Vols. 1-24. S. F., '92. American Statesman Series. John Quincy Adams. J. T. Morse, Jr. Bost., '82. Alexander Hamilton. H. C. Lodge. Bost., '82. John C. Calhoun. H. von Hoist. Bost., '82. Andrew^ Jackson. W. Sumner. Bost., '82. John Randolph. H. Adams. Bost., '87. James Monroe. D. C. Gilman. Bost., '87. ■ Thomas Jefferson. J. T. Morse, Jr. Bost., '87. Daniel Webster. H. C. Lodge. Bost., '84. Albert Gallatin. J. Stevens. Bost., '87. James Madison. S. Gay. Bost., '87. John Adams. J. T. Morse, Jr. Bost., '88. John Marshall. A. Magruder. Bost., '88. Samuel Adams. J. Hosmer. Bost, '88. Thomas H. Benton. T. Roosevelt. Bost., '88. Henry Clay. 2 vols. C. Schurz. Bost., '88. Patrick Henry. M. C. Tyler. Bost., '88. Gouverneur Morris. T. Roosevelt. Bost., '88. George Washington. H. C. Lodge. 2 vols. Bost., '89. Martin Van Buren. E. Shepard. Bo.«'t., '88. Abraham Lincoln. 2 vols. J. T. Morse, Jr. Bost., '93. American Street Railvxiy Decisions. Vol. 1. Brooklyn, '90. Ames (J- B.) Cases on Partnership. Cambridge, '90. Cases on Trusts. Cambridge, '90. Ames (J. B.) and Smith (J.) Cases on Torts. 3 vols. Cam- bridge, '93. CATALOGUE OP LIBRARY. 11 Ames (J. H.) Taxatioii of Personal Property. (See Pamphlets, Vol. 25.) Anderson (T.) Law of Execution. Lond., '89. Anderson (W.) Law Dictionary. (2 copies.) Chic, '89. Andrews (M.) Tlie Old English iManor. Bait. '92. Ang-ell (A.) See T. M. Cooley. Anyina Pectoris. Hale, '93. Anglo-Indian Codes. Stokes, Anglo-Saxon Freedom^ History of. J. Hosmer. N. Y,, '90. Annates de VEcole Libre des Sciences Politiques. 7 vols. Paris, '86-'92. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. (See American Academy, etc.) Annuaire de Vlnstitut du Droit International. (Annual of the Institute of International Law.) (Vols. 9 to 12.) Bruxelles, '87-'94. Amnial Cyclojioedia. Appleton. N. S. Vols. 13-17. N. Y., '90-'93. Index. N. Y., '88. Annual Register. '85-'92. 8 vols. Lond., '85-'93. Anson (W.) Law of Contracts. 2d Am. ed. by J. Knowlton. Chic, '87. (2 copies.) Questions and Answers on. Jordan. Cin., '90. The Law and the Custom of the Constitution. Part 2 (The Crown.) Oxford, '92. Anthony (E.) Constitutional History of Illinois. Chic, '91. Story of the Empire State. Chic, '91. Law of Self Defense. Chic, '87. Anthro2)ologi/. MacDonald, '93. Appellate Court of Illinois, First District. Catalogue of Li- brary. Chic, '90. Appellate Procedure. Elliott. Ajyj^i'entices, Laic of E. Austin. Lond., '90. Arbitration and Aioard. Slater. '86. Arbitration, Law of. W. Crewe. Lond., '90. International. E. de Card, '92. Arbitrators and Awards. Russell, '91. Architects. See Hudson on Building Contracts, '91. Collection of Cases. R. Gambier—Bousfield. Toronto, '91. Arizona. Justices' Treatise. Cowdery, S. F., '89. Session Laws, '89-'91. 13 CHICAGO LAW INSTITUTE. Arkansas. Convention of 1868, Debates and Proceedings, Little Rock '68. Digest. Sup. Ct. Reps. Hopkins & Morgan. 2 vols. Des Moines, '86. Digest. Sup. Ct. Reps., '85-'92, Oliphant. Little Rock, '92. Justices' Guide. Duffie & Hill. St. Louis, '88. Supreme Court Reports, Vols. 45-56. Little Rock^ '86-'93. State Bar Association Proceedings, '82-'83, '86, '88, '89. Little Rock, '82-'89. Armour (D.) Law of Titles to Real Estate in Ontario. To- ronto, '87. Ed. Canadian Law Times. Toronto, Armstrong" (P.) The Sauks and the Black Hawk War. Springfield, '87. Arnould (J-) Marine Insurance, 6th ed. 2 vols, Lond., '87. Ashley (W. J.) English Economic History. N. Y., '88. Aspinall (J-) Reports of Maritime Cases. 5 vols. Lond., '83-'87, Assessment Insurance Handbook. N. Y., '87. Assessors and Collectors. Cothran, '89. Assignments. Burrill, '87; Taber, '93 (111.); Trickett, '88. Atchison, Charter and Ordinances of. Atchison, '64. Atlantic Reporter. Vols. 6-25. St. Paul, '86-'93, Digest to Vols, 1-10, St. Paul, '87. Atlas. Rand, McNally, '89; Stieler. Attachment. Drake, '91 (2 copies); Kneeland, '84; Wade, '86. Attorneys. Cordery, '88; Harris; Mechem, '88; Weeks, '92. Auctioneers. Mechem, '88. Austin (E.) Law of Apprentices. Lond., '90. Australia. Reports and Statutes. New South Wales. Knox's Cases. 1 v. New South Wales Reports. 14 vols. '62-'76. - — New South Wales Law Reports. 11 vols. '80-'90. . New South Wales Weekly Notes. 6 vols. '84-'90. . Supreme Court Reports. N. S. 2 vols. '78-'79. -Queensland. Queensland Law Reports. 3 vols. '76-78. Queensland Law Journal. 4 vols. '84. Queensland Statutes. 5 vols. Brisbane, '89. CATALOG UB OF LIliUAUY. 13 Australia. South Australia. Pelham's Reports. 1 vol. 'GG, South Australian Law Reports. 19 vols. '67-85. Victoria. Victorian Reports. 1 vol. '70-72. Victorian Law Reports. 18 vols. '7o-'93. Wyatt & Webb's Reports. 3 vols. '61-'G3. Wyatt, Webb & A'Beckett's Reports. G vols. '64-'G0. ■West Australia. Statutes of Western Australia. 9 vols. '31-'91. Australian Bihliography. '88. Aicstralia?i Ballot System. Wigmore, '89. Average. Lowndes, '88. Awards. Russell (Br.) '91. B Babylonian Xiaxo. See La Pange. Baden-Powell (B.) The Land Systems of British India. 3 vols., Lond., '92. Bacon (F.) Law of Benefit Societies. (2 copies.) St. Louis, '88. Bailey (J-) Brief on Insurance. (See pamphlets, Vol. 25.) Bailey (W.) Conflict of Judicial Decisions. Bait., '88, Bailments. Edwards, '93, Schouler, '87; (2 copies.) Baker (A.) Annotated Constitution of the U. S. Chic, '91. Baker (F.) Law of Sale. Chic, '87. Federal Constitutions. N. Y., '87. Baker (P.) War with Crime. Lond., '89. Ball (•! ) Irish Legislative System. Lond., '88. Ballard (T. & E.) Annotated Real Estate Statutes of Ind. Cin., '91. Annotated Real Estate Statutes of Ky. Cin., '91. Annual on the Law of Real Property. '92. Crawfords- ville, '92. Ohio Law of Real Property. 2 vols. Cin., '93. Baltimore (F.) Trial of Elizabeth GriflFenburg and Ann Harvey. Baltimore and April 19th. Brown, '90. Bancroft (G.) History of the U. S. 6 vols. N. Y., 'd^. 14 CHICAGO LAW INSTITUTE. Bancroft (H. H.) Life of Lorenzo Sawyer. S. F., '91. BanJc Collections. Bolles, '93. Bank Deposits. Newraark, '88. BanJc Officers. Bolles, '90. Bankers Mar/azine and State Financiat Register. Vols. 1-3. Bait., '47-'49. (Continued as) ■ — Bankers Magazine and Financial Register. Vols. 4-6. Bost. '49-52. (Continued as) -Bankers Magazine and Statistical Register. Vols. 7-24. N. Y., '53-70 and vols. 41-47, N. Y., '87-'92. Bankers and Attorneys Register. '90, '91. Chic. '90, '91. Banking. Theory and History of. Dunbar, '91; Tillyard, '91. Banking Laic Journal. Vols. 1-8. N. Y., '90-'93. Banking Methods and Machinery of Practical Banking. Pat- ten, '91-'93. Banking aiid Negotiable Instruments. Tillyard, '91. Bankruptcy. Cases. Morrell. Vols. 5-8. Lond., '90-'92. Digest of Cases under Act of 1883. Morrell. Lond., '88. General Orders in. (See pamphlets, v. 26.) German Procedure in. Sydow, '92. (Ger.) Italian Code of. Vidari, '86. (Ita.) Kohler, '91. (Ger.) Montagu, 1807. Rodriguez, 1616. (Span.) Hanks. Bolles, '87; Boone, '92; Morse, '88 and '92; Van Schaack, '92. National Banks. Pratt, '93. National Bank Act. Bolles, '88. V. Bap (L.) Theory arid Practice of Private International Law, Edinburgh, '92. Theorie und Praxis des Internationalen Privat-Rechts. (Private International Law.) 2 vols. Hanover, '89. Barber (G.) Notaries' Manual. Cleveland, '87. Barbour (O.) Law of Payments. N. Y., '88. Law of Rights and Remedies. N. Y., '90. Barclay (T.) Law of France Relating to Industrial Property. Lond., '89. Barclay (W.) Manual of Tennessee Corporations. Nashville, '92. Baretti. Italian and English Dictionary. 2 vols. Lond, Baronia Anglia. See T. Maddox. CATALOGUE OF LIBUAliV. 15 Barnes (C.) See Kent. Barrett (J.) Evolution of the Ordinance of 1787. N. Y. '91. Bartlett (A.) Trial for Murder. I.ond., '86. Barton (J.) Validity of Deeds Completed or Altered under Parol Authority. See Essay in Johnson's Prize Essays. Barton (R.) Chancery Practice, v. 2, Richmond, '8:3. Practice in Civil Cases. 5id ed. 2 vols. Richmotid, "J], '92. Bastable (C) Public Finance. N. Y., 'fl2. Bastardi/. Leffinorter. Vols. 28-5G. (2 copies.) St. Paul, '86-'93. Digest to vols. 20-30. St. Paul, 87. Digest. Vols. 31-45. St. Paul, '91. Federal Ixeslraint on State Actions. Patterson, '91. Federal Taxes. Jones. Fellow Servants. Law of. McKinney, '90. Fences — liailroad. Thornton, '92. Fenton (H. T.) Patents for Design. Phila., '89. Feuerbach (A.) Some Remarkable Criminal Trials. Transl. by CJordon. N, Y., '46. FeurtadO (W.) Index to Laws of England Relating to Colo- nies and British possessions. Kingston, Jamaica, '90. Fisld (David Dudley.) Speeches, Arguments and Miscellaneous papers. Ed. by"T. M. Coan. V. 3. N. Y. '90. See Codification in New York. Pamphlets. Field (G.) Justice's Manual, Town Officer's Guide and Clerk's Assistant. Rochester, '91. Law of Infants, Parent and Child, Guardian and Ward. Rochester, '88. Lawyers' ]5riefs. v. 6. N. Y., '80. Fiero (J. N.) Special Actions Under the N. Y. Code. Alb., '88. Special Proceedings under the N. Y. Code. Alb., '87. Finch (J.) Digest of Insurance Cases, '87-88; '89-'90; '90-"91; (2 copies); '91-92; '92-'93. Indianap., '87-'93. Fire Insurance. Clement, '93; Porter, '89. Fischer (P.) Die Deutsche Post und Telegraphen-Gesetz-Ge- bung. (German Code of the Post and Telegraph.) 3d ed. Berlin, '86. See Kretz & Fischer. 46 CHICAGO LAW INSTITUTK. Fisher (J. R.) and Strahan (J. A.) Law of the Press. Lond., '91. Fisheries and Fishing Industry of U. S. See Goode, G., 'Sl-'S?. Fiske (John) The American Revolution. 2 vols. Bost., "90. Civil Government in the U. S, Bost., '90. Critical Period of American History. Bost., '90. Puritan Theocracy in New England. Bost., '89. Ed. Appleton's Cyclopgedia of Biography. Fitch (N. T.) Law of Real Estate Agency. Chic, '91. Fitnam (J. C.) Practice in Courts of Review. Chic, '93. Flach (J.) Etudes Critiques sur THistoire du Droit Romain au Moyen Age. (Studies in History of Roman Law in the Middle Ages.) Paris, '86. ■ Les Origines de I'Ancienne France. (The Origins of Ancient France.) 2 vols. Paris, '86. Flats. Law of. Clode, '89. Fletcher (W.) Co-operative Index to Periodicals. Vols. 1-5. N. Y., '88. — Index to General Literature. Bost., '92. Flint (J. H.) Law of Trusts and Trustees. S. F., '90. Florida. Acts of Territory, '35. Constitutional Convention, '85. Journal of Convention of, '85. Laws of '25, '40, '41, '43, '44, '45, '64, '85, '89. Supreme Court Reports. Vols. 21-31. Tallahassee and Jacksonville, '86-'93. Same. Digest of Vols. 1-24. Choate. St. Louis, '89. Digest of Vols. 1-23. Wurts. Jacksonville, '89. Flower (G.) History of the English Settlement in Edwards County, 111. (Chicago Historical Society Publications, v. 1.) Chic, ''82. Fltig'el (F.) Universal English-German and German-English Dictionary. 3 vols. N.'Y., '91. Foerster (F.) Theorie des Heutigen Preussischen Privat Rechts. (Theory of Modern Prussian Private Law.) 4 vols. Berlin, '73-'74. Foote (A.) and Everett (C.) Law of Incorpoi-ated Companies Operating under Municipal Franchises. 3 vols. Cin., '92- '93. Foran (T. P.) Digest of Criminal Law of Canada. Toronto, '89. Ford (P- L.) Pamphlets on the Constitutional History of the U. S. Brooklyn, '88. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 47 Foreign Laws. Bar, '81; Bolini, '89; Kohler, '83; Rodriguez, 1616. See various countries. Forensic Oratory. Robinson, '93. Foreshore. Moore, '88. Forestry in Europe. See U. S. Consuls' Reports. Forms. Field, '91 (Justices aud Town Officers); .Tones, '01; Lansing, '93; Lecly & Pack, 89; Parsons on Partnership, Appendix, 4th ed. '93; Seton, '91 (Judgment and Orders). Forrest (W. S.) Briefs in McDonald v. People. Chic, '88. Foster (Roger.) Federal Judiciary Acts. N. Y., '88. Pleading and Practice in U. S. Courts. Bost., '90. Treatise on Federal Practice in Civil Cases. Bost., '92. Fournier (M.) Ilistoire de la Science de Droit en France. (History of the Science of Law in France), v. 3. Paris, '92. Fox (E.) Decisions U. S. Dist. Court for Maine. 2 vols. Port- land, '87-'88. France. Nouvelle Revue Historique de Droit Frangais et Etranger. (New Historical Review of French and Foreign Law.)^ 7 vols. Paris, '88-'93. Anciennes Loix. Houard. 2 vols. Rouen, 1766. Codes Frangais. (French Codes.) L. Tripiqr & H. Moonier. Paris, '90. Constitutional History. H. Lock wood. Chic, '90. Consular Regulations. De Clercq & De Vallat. 2 vols. Paris, '80. French and Foreign Laws Concerning T^itcrary and Artistic Property. Lyon-Caen & Delalain, '89. History of the Science of Law in France, v. 3. Fournier, '92 (Fr.). History of French Law. Esmein, '92. History of Ancient France. Flach, '^Q. (Fr.) Lidustrial Property in. Barclay. Loud., '89. Labor of Minors and Women in. See La Gresillc. See European Constitutions. (Fr.) Fra)iklin, Benjamin, Life of, by J. T. Morse. Jr., Am. States- men Series. Bost., '89. Franklin and the University of Pennsylvania. Thorpe, '93. Fraser (H.) See Johnston, H. Fraternities and Societies. Hirschl, '83. Fraud. Law of, on its Civil Side. Bost., '88-'90; Wait, '89. 48 CHICAGO LAW" INSTITUTE. Fraud and Misrepresentation. Moncreiff, Loud., '91. Frauds, Statute of. Brown, '90; Reed, '84. Fraudulent Conveyances. May, '87; Wait, '89. Freeman (A. C.) Co-Tenancy and Partition. (3 copies.) S. F., '86. Judgments against Bankrupts. (See pamphlets, v. 26.) Law of Execution. 2d ed., 2 vols. S. F., '88. Law of Judgments. 4th ed. 2 vols. S. F., '92. ■ Void Judicial Sales. 3d ed. St. Louis, '90. Ed Am. Decisions and Am. State Reports. French Rule in Illinois and Louisiana. Wallace, '93. French War and the Revolution. Sloane, '93. Friedberg" (A.) Ed. Corpus Juris Canonici. 2 vols. Leip- zig, '79-'81. Frisia. See Decisiones Frisicae. Frost (R.) Law of Letters Patent. Lond., '91. Fry (E.) Treatise on Specific Performance of Contracts. 3d ed. Lond., '92. Fuller (W.) Probate Laws of Massachusetts. Bost., '91. Ferg'USOn (J.) Law of Railways. Edinburgh, '89. G OaiuS. Tnstitutionura Juris Civilis Commentarii Quattuor. By E. Pcstc, 3d ed. Oxford, '90. Gale (D.) Requisites of Law School Text Books. See John- son's Prize Essays. Gallag'her (C.) Rights of Mortgagor and Mortgagee. See Johnson's Prize Essays. Gambier-Bousfleld (R.) Architects and the Law. Toronto, '91. Ga77ie Laws. Book of. N. Y., '90. Gannett (H.) Boundaries of the U. S. (Bulletin 13, U. S. Geological Survey.) Wash., '85. Gardiner (R.) Doctrine of Demurrers. Lond., 1706. Gardiner (S.) Constitutional Doctrines of the Puritan Revo- lution, 1G28-1660. Oxford, '89. Garnier (R.) History of the E)iglish Landed Interest. Lond., '92. Garnishment. Drake, '91, (3 copies;) Kneeland, '84; Wade, '86, (duplicate.) CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 49 Garrett (E.) Law of Nuisances. Lend., '90. Gary (G.) The Law and Practice in Courts of Probate in Mich., Minn., Wis., 3d ed. Chic, '92. Gay (S.) Life of James Madison. (Am. Statesmen Series.) Bost., '88. Gaupp (H.) Das Deutsche Reichgesetz Uber die Wechselstem- pelsteuer. (German Code of Stamp Tax on Bills and Notes.) Berlin, '91. Gear (H.) Law of Landlord and Tenant. S. F., '88. Geary (W.) Law of Theatres and Music Halls. Lond., '85. Gemmill (J. A.) Parliamentary Divorce in Canada. Toronto, '89. Generation of Judfjes. Lond., '87. Geneva Arbitmtion. (See U. S. Foreign Relations, '72; part 2.) Case of the U. S. Wash., '72. GeograpJiy, Commercial. Chisholm, Lond., '89. Geographical History of America. Scaife, '92. Georgia. Bar Association Reports. Vols. 2-8. '8G-'91. Digest of Laws to 1798. Watkins. Phila., 1800. Digest of Laws to 1800. Marbury & Crawford. Savan- nah, 1802. R. R. Commission Reports, '85, '$:Q, '87. Session Laws, 1801-1810, (Clayton's Reprint); '35, '3G, '38, '40-'41, '42, '43, '47, '49- '50, '64-'65, '84-'85. '86-'92. Schley's Digest, "26. Supreme Court Reports Vols. 72-90. Atlanta, '85-'93. Same. Digest. Vols. 62-81. Atlanta, '90. Germany. Code of Attorney's Fees. Sydow, '88. ■ Code of Civil Procedure, with Judicature Act. 5th Ed. Berlin, '91. (Ger.) Code of Court and Sheriffs' Costs, and of Witnesses' and Experts' Fees. 4th ed. Berlin, '91. (Ger.) Code of Procedure in Bankruptcy. Sydow, 92. (Ger.) Code of Stamp Tax on Bills and Notes. Gaupp, '91. (Ger.) Code Penal. Rildorff, '92. Collection of Minor Laws on Civil Matters. Vierhaus, '90. (Ger.) Collection of Minor Laws on Criminal Matters. Woer- ner, '90. (Ger.) Draft Civil Code. 1 vol. Motive zudcm Eiitwurfe eines, 4 50 CHICAGO LAW INSTITUTE. Btirgerlichen Gesetzbuches. (Report on and Annotations of Draft of Civil Code.) 5 vols., '88. (Ger.) Commercial Code. Litthauer, '90. (Ger.) . Constitution of German Empire. ROiine, '9!l. (Ger.) Consular System. Koenig, '88. (Ger.) Code of Criminal Procedure. Kries, '92. Hellweg, '92. (Ger.) Extradition Treaties. Menzen Paderborn, '91. (Ger.) , . Code of German Trade Courts. Mugdau, '91. (Ger.) Code of Industrial Regulations. Berger, '92. (Ger.) Law Concerning Insurance of Persons Occupied in the Erection of Buildings. Mugdau, '90. (Ger.) Law of Insurance of Infirm and Aged Persons. Woedtke, '91. (Ger.) Law of Joint Stock Companies. July, '84. Heussner t & Simon. (Ger.) Imperial Legislation on Banks and Banking. Koch, '90. (Ger.) Judicial Association Reports. (Verhandlungen des Deutschen Juristentages.) '65-'85. Index to Vols. 1-10. (Ger.) Katalog der Bibliothek des Reichsgericht. (Catalogue Imperial Court Library.) Leipzig, '90. (Ger.) Law, History of German, 2 vols. Brunner, '92. (Ger.) Law of Co-operative and Trading Societies. Parisius, '93. (Ger.) Law of Disability Insurance, June 15th, 1883. Woedtke, '93. (Ger.) Law of Accident Insurance of July 6th, 1884. Woedtke, '90. (Ger.) Law of Copyright. Scheele, '92. (Ger.) Legislation Relating to Post and Telegraph. Fischer, '86. (Ger.) Maritime Legislation. Knitschky, '83. (Ger.) Workmen's Insurance of tlie German Empire. Zacher, '93. (Ger.) Gide (Paul.) Etude sur la Condition Privee de la Femme dans le Droit Ancien et Modern e. Caractere de la D6t en Droit Remain et la Condition de I'enfant Naturel et de la Con- cubine dans la Legislation Romaine. (Study of the Uou. CATALOGUE OF LIURAUY. 51 dition of Woman in Ancient and Modern Law. Character of Dower in Roman Law and Condition of tlie Natural Child and concubine in Roman lA'gislation.) 2d ed. By A. Es- meiu. Paris, '80. Gerrard (J.) Digest Real Estate Law in New York. Ed. by Hill & Logan. N. Y., '89. Giaque (F.) Notary's Manual. Cin., '88. Gibbons (J.) Ed. Am. Criminal Reports. Tenure and Toil. Pliila., '88. Gibson (H.) Treatise on Suits in Chancery. Knoxville, '91. Giddings (Joshua R.) Life, by G. W.Julian. Chic, '92. Gifts. Thornton, '93. Gild Merchant. A Contribution to Br. Municipal Plistory. Gross, '90. Gillett (J.) Criminal Law. Chic, '88. Gilman (D. C.) Life of James Monroe. (American Statesmen Series.) Bost., '88. GlaSSOn (E.) History of the Law and Institutions of England Compared with those of France. 6 vols. Paris, '82-'83. (Fr.) Le Droit de Succession au Moyen Age. (Law of Succes- sion in the Middle Ages.) See Revue Historique de Droit Frangais, 92; pp. 543, G98. Gneist (H. R.) English Parliament. Transl. by R. J. Shec Bost., '86. History of the English Constitution. Tiansl. by P. A. Ashworth. 2 vols. N. Y., 86. Goddard{\..) Trial of. Denver, '88. Gomme (G.) The Village Community. N. Y., '00, Goode (G. B.) Fishery Industries of the United States. 5 vols. Wash., '84-'87. Goodell (W.) American Slave Code. 2d ed. N. Y., '53. Good Will. Law of. Allan, '89. GoodnOW (F, J.) Comparative Administrative Law. 2 vols. N. Y., '93. Gordon. Criminal Trials. See Feurbach. Gould (George.) Law of Pleading. 5th ed., by F. F. Heard. Alb., '87. Gould (J.) and Tucker (G.) Notes on Revised Statutes of U. S. Alb., '89. 53 CHICAGO LAW INSTITUTE. Gould (J. W.) Law of Waters. 2d ed. Chic, '91. Gourick (D. A.) Wash. Digest. (Digest of Pjoceedings in Bureaus of U. S. Government.) Vols. 1-5. Wash., '89-'92. Gover (W.) Hints as to Advising on Title. 2d ed. Lond., '92. Go'tiernment and the Telegraph. See Essay by D. Green, in Johnson's Prize Essays. Government Hand-Booh. L. Sargent, '91. Government Year Book for '88. N. Y., '88. Government Year Book for '89. Ijond., 89. Graeco-Boman Institutions. Reich, '90. Grant (U. S.) Memoirs. 2 vols. N. Y., '86. Gray (J. C) Cases on Law of Property. 6 vols, Cambridge, '88-'91. Gray's Inn. Catalogue of Books in the Library of the Hon. Society of Gray's Inn. Lond., '88. Great Britain. See England. State trials, '39-'44. N. S. Vol. 4. Lond., '93. Greece. I^aw of. See Dnreste, Green (D.) Government and the Telegraph, See Essay in Johnson's Prize Essays. Green (J. R.) The making of England. N. Y., '83. The Conquest of England. N. Y., '84. History of the English People. 4. vols. N. Y., '84. Green (S. M.) Crime. Phila., '89. Green Bag. Vols. 1-5. Bost. '89-'93. GreenhOOd (Elisha.) Public Policy. Chic, '86. (Duplicate.) Greenleaf (Simon.) Treatise on the Law of Evidence. 15th ed. by Croswell. 3 vols. (2 copies.) Bost., '93. Griffis (W.) Influence of the Netherlands on the English Com- monwealth and the American Republic. Bost., '91. Grinnell (C. E.) Law of Deceit. Bost., '86. GrOS (K.) Treatise on Philosophical Jurisprudence. (Ger.) Stuttgart, '41. Gross (C.) The Gild Merchant. 2 vols. Oxford, '90. Guarantee Insurance. Porter, '89. Guaranty^ Laio of. Brandt, '91; De Colyar, '87. Guardian and Ward. Field, '88; Jackson, '85, (Pa.); Schouler, '89. GuyOt (Y.) Princi])les of Social Economy. Lond., '92, CATALOGUE OF MUr.AKV. 63 H Iliiheas Corjms. Church, '93; Wood, 91. Hag'eman (.1. F.) Privileged Communications. Somerville, N. J., 'SO. Haines (E.) Treatise on Justices of the Peace. 13th ed. Ciiic, "JO; J4th ed. Chic, '93. Hale (E. M.) Angina Pectoris. Phila., '93, Hale (Sir Matthew) De Jure Maris. See S. Moore. Hall (H.) Antiquities and Curiosities of the Exchequer. N. Y., '91. Hall (R. G.) Rights of the Crown to the Sea Shore. See Moore. Hall (T. B.) Patent Estate. Cleveland, '^d. Infringement of Patents. Cin., '93. Hall (W. E.) Treatise on International Law. 3d ed. Oxford, '90. Hallilay (R.) Examination Questions. Lond., '89. jFIamiltou, Alexander, Life of. By II. C. Lodge. Am. States- men Series. Bost., '88. Hamilton (A. McL.) Medical Jurisprudence. N. Y., '87. Hamilton (G. B.) Law of Covenants. Lond., '88. Hammick (J. T.) Marriage Laws of England. 2nded. Lond., '87. Hammond (W. G.) Blackstone's Commentaries. 4 vols. (2 copies.) S. F., '90. Handbook of Assessment Insurance, '87. N. Y., '87. Handhook of the Medical /Sciences. Ed. by A. Buck. Vols. 4- 9. N. Y., '87-'93. Harcastle (H.) Law and Practice of Election Petitions. Lond., '85. Hardy (H.) Canada Law List. Toronto, '87. Hare (J. I. C.) American Constitutional Law. 2 vols. Bost., '89. Law of Contracts. Bost., '87. Harlem Patents. Pirsson, '89. Harper (J. C.) Inter-State Commerce Act. Cin., '87. Harring'ton (E.) Respondeat Superior. See Johnson's Prize Essays. Harris (G. E.) Treatise on Damages by Corporations. 2 vols. Rochester, '92. Treatise on the Law of Identification. Alb., '92. Treatise on Sunday Laws. Rochester, '92. Treatise on Certiorari, Rochester, '9o. 54 CHICAGO LAW INSTITUTE. Harris (G-. E.) Contracts of Married Women. Alb., '87. Law of Subrogation. Alb., '89. Harris (Richard.) Before and at Trial. Northport, '89. Hints on Advocacy. 9th ed. St. Louis, '92. Hart (A. B.) Formation of the Union. (1750-1829.) N. Y., '92. Study of Federal Government. (Harvard Historical Monographs, No. 2). Bost., '91. Hartshorne (F.) Railroads and Commerce. Phila., '92. Harvard Historical Monographs. No, 1. Veto Povper in U. S. E. Mason. No. 2. Study of Federal Government. A. Hart. Harvard Law Heview. Vols. 1-6. Bost. & Cambridge, '88-'93. Harvard Tlniversiiy. A Record of the Commemoration Nov. 5-8, '86. Cambridge, '87. Catalogue, '90-'91. Cambridge, '91. Haskett (T.) Ed. Fox's Decisions. U. S. Dist. Court, Maine. Portland, '87. Hastie (W.) Outlines of Jurisprudence. Edinburgh, '87. See Brunner, Lioy. Hastings (W.) See Trials. Haviland (C.) Law of Corporations, N. Y. QasQS and Statutes. N. Y., '90. Haviland (E.) N. Y. Table of Cases. Vols. 1-2. Rochester, '87. Hawaiian Islands. Compiled Laws of Hawaii, Honolulu, '89. Supreme Court Reports. Vols. 6-7. Honolulu, '87-'90. HaweS (Horace.) Law of Jurisdiction of Courts, (duplicate) S. F., '86. Hawley (J- G.) Inter-State Extradition. Detroit, '90. International Extradition. Chic, '93. Law of Arrest on Criminal Charges. Detroit, '89. Hawthorne (J.) Negotiable Instruments. See Johnson's Prize Essays. Haydn (J-) Dictionary of Dates. 18th ed. by Benj. Vincent. N. Y., '88. Hayes (W.) Concise Conveyancer. 4th ed. Lond., '82. Headlam (T.) Ed. Danieil's Chancery Pleading and Practice, '46. Headley (R-) Code of Criminal Procedure and Penal Code of N. Y., '89. Alb., '89. Health Public. Manual of Public Health. Lond., '90. Steven- sou & Murphy, '93. CATALOGUE 07 LIBRAUY. 55 Heard (F. F.) Precedents in Personal Actions. Bost., '86. Hebrews. Criminal Jurisprudence of the Ancient Hebrews. Mendelsohn, Bait., '91. Hellweg" (A.) Stralprozessordnung nebst Gerichtsverfassunfrs- gesetz fUr das Deutsche Reich. (German Code of Criminal Procedure.) Gth ed. Berlin, '93. See also Sydow and Hellweg. Henderson (J.) Thomas Jefferson's Views on Public Educa- tion. N. Y., '90. Henry (G.) Piobate Law of Indiana. Indianap., '91. Henry^ Patrick^ Life of. By M. C. Tyler. Am. Statesmen Series. Bost., '88. Herbert (T.) History of the Law of Prescription in England. Lond., '91. Herman (H. M.) The Law of Estoppel and Res Adjudicata. 2 vols., (duplicate.) Jersey City, '86. Herndon (W. H.) and Weik (J.) Life of Abraham Lincoln. 3 vols. Chic. '89. HeuSSner (H.) and Simon (H.) Reichsgesetz betreffend die Kommanditgosellschaften auf Akticn und die Aktien Gesell- schaften, '84. (Law of Joint Stock Companies.) 3d ed. Berlin, 90. Hickox (J.) U. S. Government Publications. Monthly Cata- alouues, '88-'93. Wash., '88-'93. Hig'h (J. L.) Ed. Am. ed. of the Pleader's Guide. (A Didactic Poem.) Alb., '70. Treatise on Extraordinary Legal Remedies. (Duplicate.) Chic, '84. on the Law of Receivers. 2d ed. (Duplicate.) Chic, '86. Law of Injunctions. 3d ed. 2 vols. (2 copies.) Chic. '90. Higher Ground. (Labor Question.) Jacobson, '88. Hiylncays. Elliott, '90; Potter, 2u ed. '87; 3d ed. '93; Thomp- son & Mills, '90. Hig'g'inS (C.) and Jones (G. E.) Digest of Patent Law and Practice. 2d ed. Lond., 90. Hill (B.) Absolute Money. See Pamphlets, vol. 25. Hill (E. B.) See J. W. Gerard. Hill (W.) Annotated Code of Oregon. Vols. 1-2. S. F. '87. 56 CHICAGO LAW INSTITUTE. Hill (W.) Same. Ed. '92. 2 vols. S. F., '92. • — Annotated Laws of Washington, '92. 2 vols. S. F,, '92. Hindu Law and Usage. Mayne, '88. See India, Hinsdale (B. A.) Old Northwest. N. Y., '88. Hirsch (Hugo.) Digest of Divorce Laws of U. S. Brooklyn, '88. HirSChl (A. J.) Legal Hygiene; or How to Avoid Litiga- tion. Davenport, '90. Law of Fraternities and Societies. St. Louis, '83. History. See Adams; Agnew, '87 (Penna.); Cohn; Edwards; Flower; Garnier; Griffis; Hall; Hart, '92; von Hoist; McDougall; McMaster; Parkman; Pierce, '93; Rhodes; Scaife; Sloane; Thwaites; Vinogradoff; Wallace, '93; Wilson, '93; Cooley (Mich.); Dunn (Indiana). See also Biography and various subjects. History in American Colleges. Adams. Legal. Glasson; Kovalevsky; Reeves; Whitmore and Neilson. History of Prescription in England. Herbert, '91. Hitchcock (H.) See Constitutional Law. Influence of Marshall on Constitutional History of U. S. See Rogers, H. W. Hochheimer (L.) Criminal Law in Maryland. Bait., '89. Law of Custody of Infants. Bait., '87. Same. 2d ed. Bait., '91. Hodg-es (W.) and Lely (J.) Law of Rail ways. 7th ed. 2 vols. Lond., '89. Hodg-inS (W.) The Companies Acts. Toronto, '88. Hofman (R.) Lehrbuch der Gerichtlichen Medicin. (Medical Jurisprudence.) Wien, '93. Holland. See Netherlands. Holland (Thomas Erskine.) Elements of Jurisprudence. 4th ed. Lond., '88. Holly (E.) Homestead Exemptions in Illinois. See Johnson's Prize Essays. Holmes (O. W. Jr.) See Kent. Holmested (G. S.) and Langton (T. L.) The Judicature Act of Ontario. Toronto, '90. Hoist (H. von.) Constitutional History of the U. S. Vols. 7-8. Transl. by J. Lalor. (Index by I. Brainerd.) Chic, '92. Constitutional Law of United States. Translated by A. B. Mason, Chic, '87. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 57 Holt (G. C.) Concurrent Jurisdiction. N. Y., '88. Holt(W.) Equity Cases. 2 vols, Lend., '45. Homestead. Waples, '92; Holly, (111.) See Johnson's Prize Essays. Homicide. Kerr, '91. Hopkins (A.) Digest of Court of Claims Cases. See Nott, C. Hopkins (H.) Patents and Inventions. Chic, '87. Horner (II. 0.) Probate Law of Illinois. (Supplement) Chio., '90. Horr (N.) and Bemis (A.) Municipal Police Ordinances. Cin., '87. Hosmer (J. K.) Short Hist, of Anglo-Saxon Freedom. N. Y., "JO. Life of Samuel Adams. Am. Statesmen Series. Bost., 'S8. Houard (D.) Dictionaire Analy tique de la Coutume de Norman- die. (Customs and Usages of Normandy.) 4 vols. Rouen, 1780-1786. Anciennes Loix des Frangais. (Ancient Laws of France.) 2 vols. Rouen, 1706. Houston (W.) Documents Illustrative of the Canadian Consti- tution. Toronto, '91. Howard (George E.) Local Constitutional History of the U. S. Vol. 1. Bait., '89. Howard (Gorges E.) Popery Cases. Dublin, 1775. Howard (N. Jr.) N. Y. Practice Reports, Digest. '87. Howell (A.) Ed. Tiffany's Criminal Law, (Mich.) '89. Hubbell (J. H.) Legal Directories, '86-'94. N. Y, '80-'93. Hudson (A.) Law of Building and Engineering Contracts. Lond., '91. Hug-hes (E.) Ed. Van Heythuysren's Equity Draftsman, '61. Hug-hes (J.) Ed. Niles Weekly Register. Hughes (W.) The Parsons' Law Collected out of the Whole Body of the Common Law, and some late Reports. Lond., 1641. Hug"hes (W. T.) Te^chnology of the Law. Denver, '93. Humphreys (G.) See Bazalgette; also Smith, J. Humphry (II.) and Gierke (A.) Sales of Land. Lond., '85. Hurd (H. B.) 111. Revised Statutes, '87, '89, '91, '93. Chic, '87-'93. Husband and Wife. Crawley, '92j Reeve, '88j Schouler, '89. 58 CUICAGO LAW INSTITUTE. Hunter (W.) Dominion Conveyances. Toronto, '93. Insurance Corporations Act, '93. Toronto, '93. Treatise on Power of Sale under Mortgage. Toronto, '92. Hutchinson (J. A.) Land Titles in Virginia and West Vir- ginia. Cin., '87. Hutchinson (Robert.) Law of Carriers. 2d ed. by Mechem. (2 copies.) Chic, '91. Hyde Park. Directory, '89. Municipal Code. (3 copies.) Hygiene. See Public Health. Hypnotism. See Tuke, '93; De la Tourette, '89. Idaho. Constitution of. Boise City, '91. Justice's Treatise. Cowdery, '89. Session I>aws, '88. Statutes, '87. (3 copies.) Boise City, '87. Supreme Court Reports. Vol. 3. St. Paul, '93. Identification. Harris, '93. Illegitimacy. Leffingwell, '93. Illinois. Appellate Court T^ibrary, 1st Dist. Catalogue. Appellate Court Reports. Vols. 31-45. (3 copies each). Chic, '86-'93. Bar Association Proceedings, '79-93. Springfield, '79- '93. Board of Equalization Report, '86-'87. Proceedings, '88-'89. Corporations. Root. 3rd, 4th & 5th eds. '88, '90, '93. Digest. Binmore, '90, '93; Hill, '87; Kinney (3 copies), '93. Department of Agriculture. ' Transactions, v. 37. '89. Early Bench and Bar of. Caton, '93. Eminent Domain. Digest of Decisions. Manier, '88. ~ General Assembly. Reports to. '88-'89. History of. See Edwards; Flowerf Parker; Wallace, '91. House"^Bills. '91. — 111. Cases in U. S. Supreme Court. Compiled by R. Curtis. — Index to 111. Reports, vols. 1-130. 12 vols. — Journal House of Reps., '8o-'87, '90-91. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 59 Illinois. Journal Senate, 'S5-'87, '90-'91. Justices of the Peace. Cotton, '45. • Land Transfer in. Report of Commission to the Gov- ernor. Chic, '92. Live Stock Commission Report, '90. Springfield, '90. Public Charities Report, '90. Springfield, '90. Railroads. Digest of Decisions. Manier, '88. R. R. & Warehouse Com. Reports, '83-'86, '88, '90. Reports to General Assembly, '89. 5 vols. Springfield, '89. Revised Statutes. Cothran, '87, '91; Gale, '37; Hurd, '87, '89, '91, '93 (2 copies); Starr & Curtiss, Suppl. '85-'91 (2 copies; and a third set of Starr & Curtis, 3 vols.). Rules of Court. Elliott, '8» (2 copies); ed. of '92 (2 copies). School Reports, '85-'86. Secretary of State's Reports, '86-'90. Senate Bills, '91. Session Laws, '16, '27 (Vandalia, '27). '32-'33, '44-'45 (2 copies. Brayman. Springfield, '45); '47, '87, "89, '90 (Extra Session); '91, '93. State Treasurer's Report, '86, '90. Superintendent's of Public Instruction Report. '90. Supreme Court Library at Springfield. Catalogue of text books, '90. Supreme Courts Reports. Vols. llG-145. (3 copies.) Springfield, '86-93. University of Illinois. Reports of Board of Trustees, '86, '87, '88, '90, ■"'92. Warehouses. Digest of Decisions. Manier, '88. Illinois State Gazetteer and Business Directory, '90-91. Chic, '90. Inimigration. Smith, '90. IndermauP (John.) Principles of Common Law. 5th ed. Lon(l.,'88. India. Anglo-Indian Codes. Stokes, '89. Laws of Manu. Land S^jstems of British India. Baden-Powell, '92. Law and Usage of. Mayne, '88. Indiana. Annotated Code of Practice. Thornton, '92. 60 - CUICAGO LAW INSTITUTE. Indiana Appellate Court Reports. Vols. 1-5. Indianap., '91-'93. Citations. Thompson, '84-'89. Digest of Supreme Court Reports. Vols. 73-114. Black, '91. Same. 1 Black, to 126 Ind. Burns, '91. History. Dunn. '88. ■ Municipal Law of. Thornton, '91. Same, 2nd ed., '93. Pleadings and Practice. Works, '86. ~ Practice Code. Thornton & Ballard, '89. Probate Law. Henry, '91. Real Estate Statutes. Ballard & Ballard. Cin., '91. Revised Statutes, '88. 2 vols. Elliott, '89. Same. Supl. Vol. 3, '92. Session Laws, 1801-1806; reprint of 1818. '20-'21, '22, '38, '40 (local), '87, '89, '91, '93. ^ — Statutory Construction. Thornton, '86. Same. Supl. Thornton, '90. Topical Annotations. Woolen, '93. Industrial Liberty. Bon ham. Infancy. Reeve, '88; Schouler, '89. . Cases on. Ewell on Domestic Relations, '91. . Custody of Infants. Field, '88; Hochheimer, Bait, '91. Iifluenza and the Laws of England^ Concerning Infectious Diseases. Sisley, '92. Informations. Shortt, '88. (2 copies.) Inheritance. Collateral Inheritance. Legacy and Succession Taxes. B. F. Dos Passo. N. Y., '90. Injunctions. Law of Injunctions. J. L. High. 3d ed. 2 vols. Innes (L. C.) Principles of the t,aw of Torts. Lond., '91. Innkeepers. Wan dell, '88. Insanity. Carr, '90, (Trial of Lunatics); Lewis, '90; Kirchoff, '92; Mann, '93, (Medical Jurisprudence of); Mercier, '90; Renton, (Fr.); Shaw, "92; Spitzka, 2d ed., '87; Williams, '90. See Lawson's Cases on Insanity. See Medical Jurisprudence. Insolvency. Burrill, '87 (2 copies); Kohler, '91; Rodriguez, 1616. Institutional Law. See Andrews, '92; Vinogradoff, '92. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. Gl Tnstihd de Droit Tnternational. (Institute of International Law.) Annuals, '92-'93. Paris, '9-.>-'9:3. Tableau General. Paris, '93. Instructions. Sackett, (2 copies); Thornton, '88. See also Thompson on Trials, '88. Insurance. Digest of Cases, '88, '89. Bloomington, '89. Digest of Cases by Finch. '88, '90, '91, (3 copies), '93. Law of Life. Alexander, '87; Cook, '91. Marine. Arnold, '87; Mc Arthur, '90. General. Biddle, '9:5; May, '91; Ostiander, ' 92; Porter, '89; Richards, '92; Bailey, (See pamphlets, vol. 35). Fire. Clement, '93. Insurance Corporations Act of Canada, '93. Hun- ter, '93. ^Mutual Benefit Societies. Bacon, '88, (2 copies). Insurance Lino Journal. Vols. 15-22. N. Y., '8G-''J3. Digest of. N. Y., '93. Interest. Blissard. Julian, '88; Perley, '93. Interior Department^ U. S. Report on Distribution of Public Documents. Wash., '90-'91. Internal Revenue Record. Vols. 32-39. N. Y., 'SG-'93. International American Conference. (Pan-American Congress.) Reports and Recommendations. Minutes of Conference. Wash., '90. International Arhitration. DeCard. International Coj^y right. See Essay by W. Holconibe in John- son's Prize Essays. International Extradition. Hawley, '93. International Laxo. Private. Bar, Edinb., '92, also '89, (Ger.); BShm; Despagnet, '91; Nelson, '89. Weiss, '90. (Fr.) West lake, '90.^ Public. Bry, '86 (Fr.); Bulmerincq; Cobbett, '92,(cases); Davis, '87; Hall, '90; Lehr, '88; Levi, '87; Phillimore, '85; Pigott, '92; Walker, '93; Wharton, '86. (Digest,) (dupli- cate); Wheaton & Boyd, '8.); Woolsey, '91. See also Annuaire de 1' Institut de Droit International; Journal du Droit International Prive; Revue de Droit Inter- national et Legislation Compar^e. Langhard, '91; Lorimer, '90. Intei'national Monetary ConfereiiQ^ ut .Brussels. 6;2 CHICAGO LAW INSTITUTE. Itdernational Monetary Conference, in Paris, '78. Report of Pro ceedings. Wash., '79. International Monetary Conference, at Brussels, 1892. Instruc- tions to Delegates of Great Britain, and their Report, with Proceedings of the Conference, Lond.. '93. International Sanitary Conference. Report of Proceedings. Wash., '81. Interpleader. Warde, '87. Interpretation of Mercantile Agreements. Wood, '86. Interstate Commerce Act. Dos Passos, '87. Interstate Commerce Coinmlsslon. Interstate Commerce Commission. Reports. Vols. 1-4. Rochester, '88-'93. Reports of Commission. Vols. 1-5. N. Y., '88-'93. Statistics of Railways in the U. S. for years '89, '91. Wash., '90-'92. Interstate Commerce Law. Annotations by Wentworth, '91. Interstate Extradition. Hawley, '90. See Moore, J. B. Interstate Laio. Rorer, '93. Intestate Succession in N. Y. Remsen, '90. Intoxicating Liquors. Black, '92. Inventions, Patentable. Ren wick, '93. Inverarity (J.) See Lyon. Investment Securities. Poor, '92. lovoa. Bibliographical History of Iowa Laws. Cole, '91. Codes and Statutes. E. McClain. 2 vols. Chic, '88. Census, '80-'85. Des Moines, '80-'85. . , Digest Supreme Ct. Reports, vols. 1-68. Binmore, '87. . Same, vol. 3. McClain, '93, R. R. Commissioners' Reports, '85-'88. R. R. Tariff Law. (See pamphlets, vol. 25.) _______ Session Laws, '86, '88, '90, '92. State Librarian's Report, '91. y _____ State Library Catalogue, '89. Statutes, Vol. 3 (Annotated by E. McClain) '92. Supreme Court Reports. Vols. 68-84. N. Y., '86-'88; Columbia, '89-'93. Ireland. Land Tenure. W. Montgomery, '89. Law Reports. Vols. 17-30. Dublin, '87-'93. Digest of same, Vols. 1-20. Green & Manners. Dublin, '90. Legislative System. Ball, '88. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 6'J Ireland. Parnell Commission. See Parnell. , Statutes. Dublin, 1G78. Registry Appeals and Land Cases Appeals, 'G8-'7G. Dub- lin, '66. Irish Law Times. Vols. 19-27. Dublin, '85-'93. Itahj. Dictionary, Italian-English. Barretti. Codes. 5 vols. Milan, '87-'89. (Ita.) , Code of Commerce, Treatise on. Vidari, '84. (Ita.) Code of Railroad Laws, Luigi, '89. (Itu.) Penal Code. Paris, '90. (FrT) Constitutional Law. Contuzzi, F. P., '88. Jackson (Tatlow) Guardian and Ward in Pennsylvania. Pliila., '85. Jacob (E. A.) See Fisher's Digest. Jacob (G.) Law Dictionary. 2d ed. Lond., 1732. Jacobs (M. W.) Law of Domicil. Bost., '87. JaCObSOn (A.) Higher Ground. Chic, '88. James (F-) Opinion Evidence in Ohio. Cin., '89. Jameson (F.) Essays on Formative Period in Constitutional History of U. S. Bost., '89. Jameson (J. A.) Constitutional Convention. 4th ed. Chic. '87. Japan. Constitution of 1889. (Pamphlet.) Bait., '89. Intercourse between Japan and the U. S. Nitobe, '91. International Treaties of the Empire of Japan. Yori kadze von Matsudaira, '90. (Ger.) Materials for the Study of Private Law in Old Japan. Vols. 1, 2, 3, 5. Wigmore, '92. U. S. Consular Reports in. Scidmore, '87. Jardine (David) Criminal Trials. Lond., '32-'35. Jarman (Thomas) Treatise on Wills. 2 vols. 5th Eng. ed. Same. 6th Am. ed. by M. M. Bigelow. Bost., '93. Jay (Jolin) Correspondence and Public Papers. H. John- ston, ed. Vols. 1-4. N. Y., '90-'93. Life of. George Pellew. (Am. Statesmen Series.) Bost., '90. Jefferson^ Thomas. Life of, by J. T. Morse, Jr. (Am. Statesmen Series.) Bost., '88. Vicw6 on Public Education. J. Henderson, ed. N. Y.,'90. 64 CHICAGO LAW INSTITUTE. Jeffery (O.) Precedents and Notes of Practice in New Jersey. Newark, '92. JenkS (E.) The Constitutional Experiment of the Common- wealth. 1649-1660. Cambridge, '90. Jephson (H.) The Platform; its Rise and Progress. ,2 vols. N. Y., '93. Jersey City Free Public Library. Alphabetical Finding List. Jersey City, '91. Jesus. The Trial of Jesus from a Lawyer's View. Blackburn, '90. Jews. Persecution of the Jews in Russia. Phila., '91. See Mendelsohn. Johns Hopkins University Studies. Extra Series. Vol. 1. Republic of New Haven. C. H. Livermore. Vol. 2. Hist, of Philadelphia, '85-'87. E. Allison and B. Penrose. Vol. 3. Baltimore and the 19th of April, '61. G. Brown. Vols. 4-10. Bait., '86-'92. _: See also Andrews, Blackmar, Brackett, Cohn, Nitobe, Scaife and Vincent. Johnson (H.) Trial of Goddard. Denver, '88. Johnson (Samuel) Dictionary of the English Language. 2 vols. Lond.,'1770. Johnson (T. & J. W.) Publishers of Prize' Essays on Legal Subjects. Phila., '90. Johnston (H.) Digest of Cases in Sup. Cts. and House of Lords. Vol. 5. Edinburgh, '86. Johnston (H- P-) Correspondence and Public Papers of John Jay. Vols. 1-4. N. Y., '90-'93. Johnston (William) Arguments to Courts and Juries. Cin., '87. Joint Sfoch Cmni^anies, Law of. Tliring & Rendel, '89. Statutes of West Virginia, Relating to. Charleston, '91. Jolly (Julius) The Sacred Books of the East. Vol. 33. The Minor Law Books, Part 1. Narada Brihaspati. Oxford, '89. Jones (D.) Law of Negligence of Municipal Corporations. N. Y., '92. . See South worth, E. Jones (L. A.) Chattel Mortgages. 3d ed. Bost., '88. Same 4th ed. (2 copies.) Bost., '89. Conveyancing Forms. 2d ed. Bost., '91; 3d ed. Bost., '92, Index to Legal Periodical Literature. (3 copies.) Bost., '88. Law of Liens. 2 vols. (2 copies.) Bost., '88. CATALOGUE OF LIBIIAIIY. 65 Jones (L. A.) Treatise on Corporate Bonds and Mortgages. ^u ed. '90. Treatise on Mortgages of Real Property. 4th ed. 2 vols. (2 copies.) Bost., '89. Jones (W. C.) and Cunning-ham (J.) Probate Practice in Illinois. 2d ed. Chic, '92. Jones (W. H.) Federal Taxes. N. Y., '87. 2d ed. N. Y., '90. Jones (S.) and Varick (R.) Laws of the State of N. Y., since the Revolution. 2 vols. 1789. Jordan (J- R.) Questions and Answers to Anson on Contracts. Cin., '90. Jordens (P. H.) See Schnurman, L. Journal du Droit International Priv . Digest of, '80-'90. Smith & Joseph. Toronto, '9a. CATALOGUE OF LIUUARY. 95 Ontario, Statutes, '88-'93. 6 vols. Toronto, '88-'93. Statutes, Revised. 3 vols. Toronto, '87. See also Upper Canada. Oratory^ Forensic. Robinson, '93. Ordeal, The. See Lea, Superstition and Force. See also Neilson. Ordinance of 1187. See Barrett. Ordinances. Albany, '38; Atchison, 'G4; Boston, '69; Brooklyn, '50, '57, '05, '77; Cincinnati, '53, '54; Denver, '02; Evans- ton, '93; Milwaukee, '77; Montgomery, 'Gl; Newark, '58; New York, '12, '54, '59; St. Louis, '3G,"'43, '40, '50. Ordronaux (John) Constitutional Legislation in the U. S. Phila., '91. Oreffon. Archives, '49. Salem, '53. ; — Code. 2 vols. Hill. S. F., '87. Constitutional Convention of '57. Salem, '82. House of Representatives. Journals, ""So, '87. Justice's Treatise. Cowdery '89. Session Laws, '43-'49, '55-'50, 'GO, 'G2, '04, '85, '87, '80, '91. Statutes, Annotated. W. L. Hill. 2 vols. S. F., '92. Supreme Court Reports. Vols. 13-22. S. F., '80-'9i. Digest of. Vols. 1-14. C. H. Carey. S. F., '88. OstrandeP (D.) Law of Fire Lisurance. Chic, '92. O'Sullivan (D. A.) Government in Canada. 2d ed. Toronto, '87. O'Sullivan v. The People. Cronin Case. Briefs. 2 vols. Oswald (J. F.) Contempt of Court, Committals, etc. Lond., '92. Otto (Everard.) Thesaurus Juris Romani. 5 vols. Fol. 1725- 1735. Overruled Coses. Bigelow, '87. (Supl.) Dale & Lehmann, '87. Oxford Lectures. Sir Frederick Pollock. Lond., '90. Pacific Railroad InveUigating Committee. Evidence and Re- port. 10 vols. Wash., '88. Pacific Reporter. Vols. 11-33. St. Paul, '87-'93. Digest of vols. 1-10. St. Paul, '86. Pag-e (H. W.) Railway Injuries. Phila., '01. Paige (A. C.) New York Chancery Reports. Rochester, ^^>i^ 96 CHICAGO LAW INSTITUTE. Paine (H, E.) Law of Elections. Wash,, '88, Paine (W, S.) Building Associations, Law of, in New York. N. Y„ '89. Palingenesia Juris Civilis. O. Lenel, ed. Leipzig, '89, Palm (A, J.) The Death Penalty. N, Y., '91. Pamphlets. Vol. 32. L United States v. Gardiner. Perjury. Argument of R. P. Fendall. Report of House of Representatives. II. James Simmons' Court Martial. III. Lieut. W. R. Montgomery. Court Martial, IV. Judiciary of District of Columbia. Suggestions for Reform. H. N. Gay, Beverly Johnson and Judges, V. United States v. Hanway. Trial for Treason. Vol. 23. I. Proceedings of the American Shipping and Industrial League. IL Brief. Neff v. Cowhick. III. National Bar Association, Preliminary Statement. IV. Immigration Laws. United States. V. Quarantine Laws. United States. VI. Pension Laws. United States. VII. Common Law and Codification. (Bishop.) Vol. 24. I. Simmons (.1. E.) Higher Education. IL Belfield (H. H.) Manual Training. HI. Smith (E. B.) Education in the South. IV. Tornado Circular, No. 1. V. Chicago Citizens' Association, Annual Report. VI. Finance Statement. VIL Comptroller, 1887. VIII. Upper Canada Law Society, Supplement to Cata- logue. IX. Newberry Library. 1st Annual Report. X. Chicago Public Library. 16th Annual Report. XI. New York State Library. 17th Annual Report. XII. Association of the Bar. New York City. 18th An- nual Report. Vol. 25. I. Const. U. S. Three Lectures, University Law School, Samuel F. Miller. CATALOGUE OF LlBUAliV. 97 II. Absolute Money. A New System of National Finance, Under a Co-operative Government. Hill (B. A.) III. Rules of Practice for U. S. Circuit Ct., for Uth Dist. of Cal. 1870. IV. Rules of Dist. Ct. of U. S., for Cal. Dist. 1S7S. V. Helps to Lawyers having business with the Gov't at Washington City. Clias. Pelham. VI. Railroad Tariff Laws of Iowa. VII. Briefs of Authorities upon Questions of Law. Am. Ins. Co., of Chicago. J. JM. Bailey. VIII. Tweed's Case. Cumulative Sentences. J. T. Bishop. Vol. 26. I. Taxation of Personal Property. John H. Ames. 1877. II. Enforcement of Judgments Against Bankrupts. A. C. Freeman. III. Trade Marks. Statutes. IV. Removal of Causes from State to Federal Cts. Win. F. Cooper. V. General Orders in Bankruptcy. VI. Crowner's Quest. Three Annual Reports. Emil Dietzch. VII. United States Stamp Law. O. F. Bump. 3 870. VIII. Rules of Practice in Courts of Ecpiity. Lewis W. Ross. IX. The Supreme Court of the U. S. A discussion of its wants and the remedy for them, with a draft of a Statute. W. A. Maury. Vol. 27. Papers on Codification in New York. Note: See various subjects and authors in this and in the card catalogue for pamphlets not bound. Pandects. Seuffert, '52. Parent and Child. See Domestic Relations. Field, '88; Reeve, '88; Schouler, '89. Paris Monetary Conference^ 1878. See International Monetary Conference. Paris Universal l^xposition^ 1889. Official Catalogue of the U. S. Exhibit. Paris '89. Parisius (Ludolf.) Das Reichsgesetz betreffend Erwerbs und 7 98 CHICAGO LAW INSTITUTE. Wirthschaftsgenossenschaften. (Imperial Law of Co-opera- tive Societies for Production and Distribution.) 5th ed. Berlin, '93. Parker (Leroy) and Worthing'ton (R. H.) Law of Public Health and Safety. Alb., '93. Parkman (Francis.) The French and English in North America. 7 parts. 9 vols. Bost., '91-'92. Conspiracy of Pontiac. 2 vols. Best., '91. Parliamentary Government in England. Todd, '87- '89. Parliam,entary Law. Crocker, '90. Parliaments, Foreign. Dickinson. Lond., '90. Parnell Commission. Russell. (See Blackwell.) Parnell, C. 8- Report of the Special Commission, '88. Lond., '90. Parol Evidence, Admissibility of. Browne, '93. Parsons (F.) See Perry, J. W. Parsons (Theophilus) Principles of Partnership. 3rd ed. Bost., '89. Law of Partnership. 4th ed. By Joseph H. Beale. Bost, '93. Law of Contracts. 8th ed., by S. Williston. 3 vols. Bost., '93. Partition. Freeman, '86; Knapp. '88. Partnership. Bates, '88; Lindley, '88; Parsons, '89. 4th ed., '93. Company Law Considered as a Branch of the Law of Partnership. Lindley, '89. Cases on Partnership, J. B. Ames, '90. Patent Cases. See Brodix' Am. and Eng. Patent Cases. Patent Estate. Hall, '88. Patents. Laws of All Nations. Abbott, '88. See Carpmael. Patent Laws of the U. S. Walker, '89. Patents, Law of. Frost, '91; Higgins & Jones, '90; Robinson, '90; Bewes, 91; Fenton,'89; Beak, '90 (Digest of Decisions, Law and Practice in the Patent Office, '80-'90); Edmonds & Renton, '90; Hall, '93 (Infringement of Patents); Ren wick, '93 (Patentable Inventions). French Law of Patents. Barclay, '89. Patent Office of U. S., Rules of Practice, '88. Practice in Interference Proceedings. W. Lowry, '91. — Report of U. S. Commissioners, '88, '90, '91. Wash., '89, '92. CATALOGUE OF L115KAUY. 99 Patents and Inventions. Hopkins, '87. Collection of Cases. Chipp, '85; Croswell, '88. Patent Office Gazette. Vols 35-02. Wash., '86-93. Reports, '70. Vol. 3. Wasli., '74. Patten (C. B.) Methods and Machinery of Practical Banking. N. Y., '91. 2d ed. N. Y., '03. Patterson (C. S.) Railway Accident Law. Pliila., '86. r^aw of Contracts in Restraint of Trade. Phila., '91. Restraint on Federal Action. Phila., '88. Paul (1.) U. S. Digest. N. S. Vol. 19. Annual for '88. Bost., '89. Paupers and Prisoners. Boies, '03. Pai/ments. Barbour, '88. Pearson (William) Practice in the Supreme Court of Pennsyl- vania. Phila., '84. Peck (W. A.) and Lely (J. M.) Precedents of Leases for Years. Lond., '89. Pelham (C.) See pamphlets, vol. 25. Pellew (George) Life of John Jay. (Amer. Statesmen Series.) Bost., '90. Pennsylvania. Archives. 9 vols. Phila., '52-'54, Colonial Cases. Pennypacker. Phila., '92. Colonial Records. 16 vols. Ilarrisburg, '51--'53. Constitutional Convention, '37-'3S; Journal. 2 vols. Harrisburg, '37-'38. Same. Proceedings and Debates. 14 vols. Harris- burg, '37-'30. Convention of 1780; Minutes. Phila., 1789. Debates, Phila., 1789. — Convention Manual, '72-'73. Phila., '72-'73. — County Court Reports. Vols. 2-12. Phila., '87-'93. Index to same. Vols. 1-9. Phila., '91. — Delaware County Court Reports. Vol. 3. Chester, '89. — Digest Supreme Court, '86. Phila., '87. Digest Supreme Court, '83-'87. (Brightly's Purdon's.) Phila., '91. — Digest Supreme Court. Brightly, '89-'9l. Phila., '91. Digest Supreme Ct. Reports, '78-'89. Brightly. Phila., '90. TOO CHICAGO LAW INSTITUTE. Pennsijlmnia. Digest of Laws, 1700-1861. 9th ed. Phila., '62. District Ct. Reports. V. 1. Phila., '92. Franklin's Law, 1743. Phila., 1742. Guardian and Ward in. .Jackson, '85. History of. North of Ohio, and West of Alleghany River. Agnew, '87. Law of Costs in. Wadlinger, '88. Practice in the Supreme Court of. Pearson, '84i Practice in. Brewster, '91. Probate Law. Rhone, '85-'92. • Session Laws, '87, '89, '91, '93. State Librarian's Reports, '89, '90, '91. Harrisburg, '91. State Reports. Vols. 109-155. N. Y., '87-'93. . Statutes, 1775. Phila., 1775. Same, 1782. Same 1889-91, (Supl.) Phila, '9L : Supreme Ct. Cases. (Unreported.) Monahan. Vols. 1- 2. Phila., '90-'91. Supreme Ct. Cases. (Not reported.) Pennypacker. Vols. 3-4. Phila., '85-'86. Supreme Ct. Decisions. Walker. Vols. 1-3. Pottsville, '89-'92. — Unincorporated Associations. Stevick, '89. University of, and Benjamin Franklin. Wash., '93. Penological and Preventive Principles. Tallack, '89. Pensions. The State and Pensions in Old Age. Spender, '92. Pension Attorneys' Guide. Randolph and Hall, '92. See Essay by O. Eckstein in Johnson's Prize Essays. Pepper (G. W.) Borderland of Federal and State Decisions. Phila., '89. Pleading at Common Law and Under the Codes. Northport, '91. Periodical Literature, Index to. Poole. (Supl.) Legal. Jones, '87. See Wis. State Library Subject-Index, 1891. Perley (Sidney) Law of Interest. Bost., '93. Perry (A. L.) Principles of Political Economy. N. Y., '91 . Perry (J. W.) Law of Trusts and Trustees. 4th ed. by F. Par- sons. Bost., '89. Personal Injuries. Buswell, '93. Personal Property. Brantly, '91; Darlington, '91 ; Schouler,'84-, Smith, '93. CATALOGUK OF I.IIUIAUV. lUl Personal Projyerty. Sales of. Baker, '87; Benjamin, '89; Blackburn, '87; Newmark, '87. (See also Sales.) Conditional. Miller, '88. Perkins (J.) See Daniell. Peters (Ivichard, Jr.) U. S. Reports. 17 vols. Pliila. & Bost., '43-'54. Petitions in Chancery. WilHanis. Lond., '80. Philadelphia, History of. 1G81--1887. Allison & Penrose. Johns Hopkins University Studies, vol. 5. Reports. Vols. 15-^0. Pliila., '85--'03. Reports. Decisions published in Legal Intelligencer^ '84-'85. Phila., '88. Phdanthropns. Marriage as an Institution. Lond., '79. Phillimore (Sir Robert) Cotninentaries upon International Law. Vols. 3--4. 3d ed. Lond., '85. Phillips (S. L.) Law of Mechanics' Liens. 3rd ed. Bost., '93. Pierce (E. L.) Memoir and Letters of Charles Sumner. Vols. 3-4. Bost., '93. Pig'g'Ott (F.T.) Exterritoriality; the Law Relating to Consular Jurisdiction. Lond., '92. Pingrey (D. H.) Law of Chattel Mortgages. Jersey City, '91. Law of Mortgages of Real Property. 2 vols. Phila., '93, PirSSOn (J. W.) Dutch Grants. Harlem Patents and Tidal Creeks. N. Y., '89. Pitkin (Timothy) History of the U. S., 17G3-1717. 2 vols. New Haven, '28. Pittsburgh LegalJonrnal. Vols. 17--23, Pittsburgh, '8G-'93. Plato. Republic. Translated by B. Jowett. 3d ed. Oxford, '88. Plea for Jjibcrty. An Argument Against Socialism and Social- istic Legislation. T. Mackay, ed., N. Y., 91. Pleader''s Guide. A Didactic Poem. Am. ed. by J. L. High, '70. Pleading and Practice. General Treatises. Chitty, '09; Ewell, '89; Gould, '81; Rumsey, 'S7-'90. N.Y, Local Treatises. 111., Puterbaugh, '88. Iowa, Kinne, '88. — Kansas, Taylor, '88. : Louisiana, Cross, '85; Knobloch. (Crim.) Maryland, Poe, '84. Michigan. Donovan, '88; Shinn, '92; Tilfany, '89. — New York, Fiero, '87-'88; Wyche, 1794. 102 CHICAGO LAW INSTITUTE. Pleading and Practice. Pennsylvania, Leisenring, '85. (Forms.) Brewster, '89; Pearson, '84. . U. S. Judiciary Acts, Foster, '88. Removal of Causes. Desty, 3d ed., '93; Dillon, 5th ed., '89; Speer, 4th ed, '88. — Civil Actions. Trial Brief. Abbott, '91. -^ Code. Baylies, '90; Bliss, '90; Maxwell, '92. — Criminal. Wharton, '89. Equity. Barton, '83; Williams, '88. See also Practice. Poe (J. P.) Pleading and Practice at Common Law. 2d ed. 2 vols. Bait., '82-'84. Police Code for British Empire. Vincent, '81. Police Officers and Coroners. Vickers, '89. Police Poioer. Tiedeman, '86. See also Public Health and Pub- lic Policy. Political Economy. Bastable, '92; Cossa, '93; Guyot; Perrj'-, '91; Schonberg, '91. Political Science. See Andrews; Anson; Brooks; Burgess, '90; Cohn; Cree; Jefferson; Vinogradoff. See also Am. Academy of Political and Social Science; Annals de L'Ecole libre des Sciences Politiques; Mackay; Johns Hopkins University Studies; Spender; Vincent; Boutmy; Am. Ai chives; Hosmer; Wakeman. Political Science Quarterly. Vols. 1-7. Bost., '86-'92. Political Science and Com]?arative Constitutional Law. Bur- gess, '90. Politics. Handbook for '90. Macpherson, '90. Science of. Pollock, '90; Sidgwick, '91. Politics and Property. Worthington, '91. Polk's Illinois State Gazeteer, '93. Chic, '92. Pollock (Sir Frederick) Introduction to the Hist, of the Science of Politics. Lond., '90. Lavsr of Contracts. Text Book Series. Phila., '88. Law of Torts. Lond., '87. Law of Torts. Text Book Series. Phila., '87. Principles of Contracts. 5th ed. Lond., '89. Personal Remembrances of Sir Frederick Pollock, 2 vols. Lond., '87. Ed. LavF Quarterly Revievp and of Revised Reports, Oxford Lectures. Lond., '90. CATALOGUE OF LinRARV. 10:) Pollock (Frederick) and Wl'lg"!!! (R- S.) Possession in Common Law. Oxford, '88. Pomeroy (C. P.) Smith's Mercantile Law. S. F. '87. Pomeroy (.I.N.) Law of Riparian Rii^hts. St. Paul, '87. Introduction to Constitutional Law of U. S. 10th ed. by E. H. Bennett. Bost., '88. Treatise on Equity Jurisprudence. 2d ed. By J. N, Pomeroy, Jr. 3 vols. (2 copies.) S. F., '92. Treatise on the Law of Water Rights. Revised and enlarged by H. C. Black. St. Paul, '93. Remedies and Remedial Rights by Civil Action. 3d ed. by J. N. Pomeroy, Jr. Bost., '93. Poole (W. F.) Supl. to Index to Periodical Literature. '82-'8r. Poop (B. P.) Veto Messages of Presidents of U. S. Wash., "91. Poor (H. v. & H. W.) Directory of Railroad Officials, '87, '88, '90, '91, '92. Railroad Manual of the U. S. '82, '85, '86, '87, '88, 89, ^90, '91, '92. N. Y., '82--'92. Poor (W. S.) Law of Referees. N. Y., '88. Poor Lcitcs. Knapp, '87; Nichols, (Br.), '54. Porter (J. B.) and CraieS (W.) Law of Insurance. Phila., '89. Porter (W. W.) Law of Bills of Lading. Phila., '91. Portugal. Code of Commerce (Fr.) Paris, '89. Possession, Adverse. Bus well, '89. In Common Law. Pollock and Wright, '88. Post and Telegraph. German Legislation Concerning. Fischer, '86. (Ger.) Postal Guide. '92--'93. Phila., '92--'93. Poste (Edward) Commentaries on Gaius. 3d ed. Oxford, '90. Potter (B. W.) Road and Roadside. 2d ed. Bost., '87. 3d ed. Bost., '93. Potts (T. R.) Succession of Deceased Persons. Lond., '88. Powell (Arthur) Law of Printers and Publishers. 2d ed. Lond., '89. Poxoer of Sale Under Mortgage. Hunter, '92. PowiS (William) Sinking Fund Tables. Toronto. '89. PowleS- See Brown. G. Practice; General IVeatises. Barton, '92; McQuillin, '92; Mansel, '28; Pepper, '91. Local Treatises. Colorado, Fitnam, '93; Illinois, Elliott, '92; Indiana, Thornton, '93; Maryland, Poe, '84; 104 CHICAGO LAW INSTITUTE. New Jersey, Jeffery, '92; New York, Bradner, '9.2; Smith, '93; Pennsylvania, Brewster, '91; Pearson, '84; U. S. Courts, Desty, '93; Foster, '92; Wisconsin, Bryant, '84. Practice^ General Treatises. Code. Bishop, '93; Maxwell, '89; 2nd ed. '92. Baylies, '90; Bliss, '87. Criminal. Wharton, '89, See Lawson, J. Equity. Gibson, '91; Story, '87; Van Heythusen, '61. Justice Courts. Moore, '89. -Probate. Alexander & Joseph, '92; Cheever, '92; Coote & Tristram, '88; Cromwell, '88; Bohn, '81 (Ger.); Gary, '92; Jones & Cunningham, '92 (111,); Rhone, '92 (Pa.); Schouler, '89; Woerner, '89. Pratt (A. S.) Digest of Cases under National Bank Act. N. Y. '88. Digest of Laws Relating to National Banks. N. Y., '93 Precedents. See Forms. Prescription in England. Herbert, '91. Press, Law of. Fisher & Strahan. Lond,, '91. Price (Benjamin) and Steuart (Arthur) American Trade Mark Cases. Bait., '87. Price (E.) The Act for the Sale of Real Estate. Phila., '74. PrideauX (Frederick) and WMtCOmb (John) Precedents in Conveyancing. 14th ed. 2 vols, Lond., '89. Primitive Family. Starcke. See Marriage; see also Letourneau. Prince Edward Island. Statutes. 'C7-'93. (1 vol. for each year.) Charlottetown & Toronto, '67-'93. Printers and Publishers, Lav:) of. Powell, '89. Prisons, Government of. Sallack. Prisoners and Paupers. Boies. '93. Pritchard (W. T.) Admiralty Digest. 2 vols. Lond., '87. Privileged Communications. Hageraan, '89. Privy Council, Jurisprudence of. Beauchamp, Montreal, '91. Proal (Louis) Le Crime et la Peine. (Crime and Punishment.) Paris, '92. Probate Law and Practice. Cassoday, '93; Coote & Tristram, '88; Croswell, '88; Chalmers, '90 (Miss. & Tenn.); Fuller, '91; Horner, '81, '90 (111.); Jones & Cunningham, '93 (111.); Redfield, '90; Rhone, '92 (Pa.); Williams, '93; Woerner, '89. Probate Reports. Ohio, Hamilton County, Goebel. Procedure in Deliberative Bodies. Crocker, 'S9. CATALOGUE OP LIBRARY. l05 Proffatt (John) Treatise on Notaries Public. 2d ed. S. F., '02* rrohilntion. Shortt, '88; Spelling, '93; Wood, '91. See Liquor Laws. Property. Evolution of. La Fargue, '90. See Coulanges; Worms; Worth ington. Property and its Primitive Form. De Laveleye, '91. Outline of Law of Property. Raleigh, '90. Rights of Pioperty. Harljour, '90. Ciises on the Law of Projierty. Gray, '88-'90. See also E'hviirds; Letourncau; also Land. Proudflt (S.) Decisions of Department of Interior. Vols. 7-8. Wash., '89. Prussia. Code Concerning Notaries. (Ger.) '90. Code of Execution against Real Estate. Krech & Fischer, '88. (Ger.) Code of Procedure of .July 6th, 1733, and Code of Pro- cedure of May 5th, 1855. Vierhaus, '83. (Ger.) — See Foerster. P,ii/cholo(/ical Medicine. Tuke, '93. Psi/chopathologle. Krafft-Ebing, '75. (Ger.) Public P\'n(iiice. Bastable, '93. Public Health. Parker & Worthington, '92; Stevenson & Murphy '91-'92; Sykes, '91. Public LanJs. Guide for Settlers. Matthews, '89. U. S. Laws. Compiled by M. Clarke. Wash., '2^. Public Laxo. See Lorimer. Public Offirers. Mechem, '90; Throop, '92. Public Policy. Green hood, '8G. Public Worship. Brice, '75. Publishers' Weekly. Vols. 35-43. N. Y., '89-'93. Publishers^ and Printers. Law of. Powell, '89. Pug-h (E. F.) Forms of Procedure in Admiralty. Phila., '90. Pulszky (Augustus) Theory of Law and Civil Society. Lend., '88. Pump Court. The Temple Newspaper and Review. Vols. 1-G. Lond., '84-'88. Purviance (L. K.) Notaries' Manual. BufF.iIo, '87. Puterbaug'h (S. D.) Chancery Forms, Pleadings and Practice in Mich. 3d ed. Chic, '90. Common Law Pleadings, (111.) 6th ed. (2 copies) Chic, '88. Chancery Practice (111.). 3d ed. (3 copies.) Chic, '88. 106 ClliCAGO LAW ISrSTlTuTP^ Putnam (G. H.) The Copyright Question. N. Y., '91. Puttkammer & Muehlbrecht. Law Catalogue. Leipzig, '82. Q Quarantine JOaws of the U. S. See pamphlets, vol. 23. Quarterly Journal of Econo-inics. Vols. 2-7. Bost, '88-'93. Quarterly Law Journal. Vols. 1-4. Richmond, '56-'59. Quarterly Law Meview. Vols. 1-2. Richmond, '60-'6i. Quasi- Contracts. Treatise on the Law of. Keener, '93. Cases on. Keener, '88. Quebec. Reports. Vols. 6, 7, 16-21. Montreal, '81--'90. Digest of Reports. Vol. 4. Stevens. Montreal, '91. Law Reports. Vols. 11--17. Quebec, 'S6--'9L Laws, 1777--1792. Montreal, 1795. Revised Reports. Vols. 1--6. Montreal, '91--'93. Revised Statutes. 2 vols. Quebec, '88. ■ Supplement. Sharp's Civil Code, '89--'90. Montreal, '90. ■ > Rules and Orders of Practice in Court of Appeals. (See Statutes, 1777--1792.) Statutes, '86-'93. Quebec, '86--'93. Queensland. Report on Real Property Acts. Brisbane, '79. Law Journal Reports. Vols. 1--4. Brisbane, '84— '93. Questions and Atiswers. Baylies, '84; Halliday, '89; Walsh, '92. Quo Warranto. High, '84; Shortt, '82; Spelling, '93; Wood, '91. E RaikeS (Henry) Origin and Development of English Constitu- tion. 2 vols. Lond., '51-'54. Railroad Commissioners. Proceeding of National Convention,'90' Wash., '90. Railroad Labor. Report of Commissioner of Labor of U. S., '89. Railroad Securities. Law of Corporate Bonds and Mortgages Jones, '90. Railroads. Am. & Eng. R. R. Cases; Am. R. R. & Corp. Re- ports; Beach, '90; Booth, '92; Browne & McNamara, '88-'91. CATALOGUE OF LiBRARr. lOt Cases. Digest of R. R. Decisions and Statutes, '90; Harts, home, (see Johnson's Prize Essays); Hodge & Leiy, '89 Hutchinson, '91; Inter-State Commerce Commission Reports Jones,'91; Kirkman; Lewis, '88; Poor's Manual; Redfiold, '88 Schouler (Bailments), '88; Stickney, '91; Thornton, '92 Wood, '85; Patterson, 86. Hail roads. Electric Rnilways. Crosby & Bell, '03. Railway Accidents. Reports to English Board of Trade Parts 1-5. Lond., '70. Statistics of, in U. S. Wash., '92. Railway Problem. See Cook on Corporation Problem. Haihcay C ommissioners. Practice Before. (English.) Browne, '76. Haihcay Injuries. Page, '91. Kailicay Rights and Duties. Ferguson, '89. Bailwaij and Canal Traffic Cases. Vols. 5-7. Lond., '88-'91. Kaihcai/ and Corporation Laio Journal. Vols. 1-12. N. Y., '87-'89 RaiJtrays in TJ. S. See Inter Stale Commerce Cominission. Ralcig'h (Thomas) An Outline of the Law of Property. Ox- ford, '90. Ram (James) Treatise on Fact?. 4th Am. ed., by J. Townsend and C. F. Beach, Jr. N. Y., '90. Ramsay (T. K.) Appeal Cases. Montreal, '87. Rand, McNally & Co. Business Atlas. Chic, '86; ed. '89. Randall (S. S.) Common School System of N. Y. Troy, 51. liandolph, John. Life of. By Henry Adams. (Amer. States- men Series.) Bost., '88. • Randolph (J- F.) Treatise on Commercial Paper. 3 vols. (2 copies.) Jersey City, '88. Randolph (T. P.) and Paul (E. P.) Pension Attorney's Guide. Wash., '92. Rapalje (Stewart) Criminal Procedure. S. F., '89. Digest of Am. Decisions and Am. Reports, 3 vols. S. F., '91. Law of Witnesses. (2 copies.) Jersey City, '88. — Law of Larceny. Chic, '92. Law Relating to Real Estate Brokers. N. Y., '93. Treatise on Contempt. (2 copies.) N. Y., '90. See Criminal Law Magazine and Reporter. Rattig'an (W. H.) Science of Jurisprudence. 2d ed. Lond., '92. 108 CHICAGO LAW iNSTlTUTfi. Rawle (W. H.) Treatise on Covenants for Title, (2 copies) Best., '87. Ray (C. A.) Contractual Limitations. Rochester, '92. Negligence of Imposed Duties. (Personal and Contrac- tual). Rochester, '91. Negligence of Imposed Duties. (Carriers of Passengers.) Rochester, '93. Rayner (John) Cases on Tithes. 3 vols. Lond,, 1783. Read (D. B.) Lives of Canadian .fudges. Toronto, '88. Real Estate Agency. Fitch, '81; Rapalje, '93. Real Property. Ballard & Ballard, '92; Challis, '92; Dart, '88, (Sales); Ewel],'89; Edwards, '91; Gover, '92; Jones; Price, '74, (Penn); Newell, '92 (Ejectment); Rawle, '87; Sayles & Sayles; Scruttoa, '87; Tiedeman, '87; Washburn, '86; Williams, '92; Raleigh; Gray. History of. Digby, '92. • Law of Uses and Profits in Land. Leake, '88. Land Owners' Guide. De Moleyns, '66. Leading Cases. Sharswood & Budd, '87--'89. Mortgages. Jones, '89. Real Property Statutes. Shelford's, '93. r- Texas Real Estate Laws, '90. Vendors and Purchasers. Warvelle, '90. See Registration of Title; Land; Property; Deeds. Rebellion., War of. Battle of Stone's River. Stevenson, '84. Receivers. Beach, '87; High, '86; Gluck & Becker, '91 (Re- ceivers of Corporations). Recoid of Title. Statutes and Forms. Webb, '90. Records and Record Searching. Rye, '88. Redfleld (A. A.) Surrogate's Law and Practice N. Y. 4th ed. N. Y., '90. Redfleld (I. F.) Law of Railways. 2 vols. (2 copies) Bost.. '88. Reed (Henry) Treatise on the Statute of Frauds. 3 vols. (Duplicate.) Phila., '84. Reed (J. C.) Conduct of Law Suits. Bost., '85. Reeve (Tapping) Domestic Relations. 4th ed. by Eaton, Alb., '88. Reeves (J-) History of the English Law. 3d ed. 5 vols. Lond.,'14-'29. Referees. Cooper, '88; Poor, '88. CATALOGUE OF LIIJKAUY. 109 ItegiMvation Cases. Appeal Court at Glasgow. Digest of Decisions. '35-'38. Edinburgh, '39. PEUIODU'AL AUTICLKS, ADDltKSSES, ETC. Hegistration of Title. Land Reformers. Duke of Argyle. Contompornry Ro- vii'w. April, '85. Question of Land. G. S. Lefevre. Nineteenth Century, October, 'So. Transfer of Land. IL W. Elpliinstone. Law Quarterly Review. .January, '8(5. An American View of the F^nglish Land Problem. J. Swann. National Review. .January, '80. The Laws Relating to liand. J. F. Stephen, National Re- view. February, '8G. Free I^and. I^ord Hobhouse. Contemporary Review. February-March, '8G. Registration of Title to I>and. Westminster Review. July, '86. Registration or Simplification of Title. H. Greenwood, 6 Law Quart. Rev. 144. Compulsory Registration of Titles. H. W. Challis, G Law Quart. Rev. ]57. Forged Certificates of Title. 11 Canadian Law Times, 137. Forged Transfers. J. R. Adams, 8 Law Quart. Rev. 151. Registration of Title in Leiand. 93 I^aw Times, 51. Registration of Title in Ireland. 92 Law Times, 106. . Record Title to Land. H. W. Chaplin, 6 Harv. L. Rev. 302. R3gistration of Title in Ireland. C. F. Brickdale, 7 Law Quart. Rev., 184. The supposed conclusiveness of a land transfer certificate under the Torrens system. 27 Am. L. Rev.. 89. Reply to Criticisms of the Torrens System. 7 Harv. L. Rev., 24*! Registration of Guaranteed Title. 31 Solicitors' Journal and Rep., 104. • Dealing with Registered Land. 35 Solicitors' Journal & Rep. 291. - Thoughts on Registration of Title. 28 Solicitors' Journal & Rep., 627. 110 CHICAGO LAW INSTITUTE. Registratio'/i of Title — Continued. Registration of Title to Land. Jos. H. Beale, 6 Harv. L. Rev., 369. Registration Bill. 55 Just, of Peace, 83. Registration of Title. 37 Solicitors' Journal & Rep., 795, 797, 801, 803. Land Transfer. Australian System. B. G. Schley, 32 Cent. L. J., 160. Land Transfer Bill of 1888. 85 Law Times, 32. Land Transfer Bill of 1889. H. M. Humphrey, 5 Law Quart. Rev., 275. . Same. 86 Law Times, 423, 430, 445, 480. Same. 24 Law Journal, 178. Land Transfer Bill. 32 Sol. J. & Rep., 3, 285, 301, 318, 365, 444. 33 id. 411, 435. The Postponed Land Transfer. A. Rumsey, 12 Law Mag. & Rev., (4th S.) 361. Laud Transfer Bill, 1887. A. Robertson, 13 Law Mag. & Rev., (4th S.) 85, 155. Land Transfer Bill, Exit of. 33 Sol. J. & Rep., 585. Solicitors and Land Transfer. 34 Sol. J. & Rep.. 9], Australian Land Transfer. H. Chaplin, J. Hassam, 4 Harv. L. R., 271, 280. Same. J. Lowman, 25 W. L. Bui. 209. Land Transfer. H. B. Hurd, 25 Am. L. Rev., 367. Land Transfer Reform. 28 Can. Law Journal, 35. Third Reading of Land Transfer Bill. 33 Sol. J. & Rep., 555. 24 Law Jour. 389. Land Transfer Reform. J. W. Jenks, 2 Annals Am. Acad., 48. Land Transfer and Registration. W. D. Turner, 25 Am. Law Rev., 755, 806. Land Transfer. F. V. Balch, 6 Harv. L. R., 410. Land Transfer Bill. Action of the Profession. 33 Sol. J. & Rep., 279. ^ Land Transfer Bill. 33 Sol. J. & Rep., 264. 34 id. 311. Land Transfer Bill. Sir Henry James, on 33 Sol. J. & Rep., 538. Land Transfer Bill. 82 Law Times, 409, 428, 439. 83 id. 3, 102, 133, 265, 305, 329, 364. 84 id. 329, 359, 355, 408, 446, 467. Same. 31 Sol. Journal & Rep., 359, 374, 381, 390, 407, CATALOGUE OF LIlJUAliy. Ill Jleyistration of Title — Continued. 424,425, 439, 476, 490, 505, 521, 541, 5J5, 503, 572, 589, 022, 073, 715, 743, 701, 771. Same. F. II. Colt, 23 Law Journal, 141. Same. 3 Law Quar. Rev., 263. Same. 22 Law Journal, 201, 210, 225, 251, 200, 290. Rogistration of Land Titles in Prussia. 31 Sol. Journal & Rep., 000. Transfer of Land Titles. (Symposium.) A. OrendorlT, 11. Bigelow, E. Callahan, H, B. Ilurd. Pioceedings Illinois State Bar Association for 1892, page 170, et seq. Registration of Title in Prussia. C. F. Brickdale. 34 Law Quart. Rev. 03. — Land Titles in Australia. Edward Atkinson. Vol.21. Century, 586. — The Torrens System. F. T. Terry, in Report of Second Congress, National Real Estate Association, 18J2. Page 157. — Titles and Transfers. J. C. Simpson, in Report of Second Congress, National Real Estate Association, 1892. Page 103. — Transfer of Land in Australia. G. H. Wallace, U. S. Consular Reports, Vol. 42, p. 327. PARLIAMENTARY REPORTS. — Report of the Real Property Commissioners, '32. Report of the Registration and Conveyancing Commission- ers, '50. — Report of the Commissioners on Sale and Transfer of Land, '57. — Report of Special Committee on Land, Title and Trans- fers, '78-'79. Supplementary Returns to the House of Commons, upon the System of Conveyancing by Registration of Title, in Operation in South Australia, Queensland, New South Wales Victoria, Tasmania, Western Australia, New Zealand, Brit- ish Columbia and Fiji, '79. Report of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Working of the Real Property Acts, '61-'77. Queensland, '79. — Same, '83. 113 CHICAGO LA.W INSTITUTE. Registration of Tide — Continued. Handy Book of the Land Transfer Acts, Containing Copies of Acts Issued from the Office of the Registrar General of Land. Wellington, Now Zealand, '78. Registration of Title in the British Colonies. House of • Commons Returns by Colonial Authorities, '81. The Torrens System of Conveyancing, Report to the Legislature of the Straits Settlements. W. E. Maxwell, Singapore, '83. TREATISES. Registration of Title to Land. Brickdale. Lond., '86. Registration of Title and Transfer of Land. F. H. Colt. London, '73-'85. Registration of Title. H. B. Leech. Lond., '91. Reoistration of Titles to Real Estate. L. W. Coutlee. Toronto, '90. — The Reform in the English Land System. Land Trans- fer Reform. J. H. Mason. Toronto, '83. — Torrens S\'stem of Land Transfer, in Ontario and Mani- toba. H. C. Jones. Toronto, '86. — An Essay on the Transfer of Land by Registration. R. Torrens. Lond., '91. — Practice of the Office of Titles of Victoria. Sedgefield. Melbourne, 89. — Statement on the Land Laws, by the Council of the Incorporated Law &ociet3^ Land Transfer; Report of Bar Committee. Lond., '86. Manitoba and Northwest Territories. L. W. Coutlee. Toronto, '90. New Zealand I^and Transfer Act 1885, with amendments; Wellington. N. Z.. '8o-'89. La propriete consolidee. E. Worms. Paris, '88. Official Draft of the Law relating to Registration of Title for the German Empire. (Nebst Motiven.) Official edition. (Ger.) Berlin, '89.' — Prussian Legislation concerning Registration of Title. 2nd official edition. (Ger.) Dr. Fischer. Berlin, '93, Note. For additional literature on this subject, see Coutiee's Manual of Titles to Eeal Estate, Preface, p. v.j also 28 Anier. Law Rev., 196. CATALOGUE OP LIBRAUV. 113 Reich (Emil) Graeco-Roman Institutions. Oxford, '90. Jicmc(/ies. Lawson, '89-'90. Jiemoval of Causes. Dillon. Eds. '87, '89; Desty, '93; Speer, '88; Works, '87. See pamphlets, vol. 26. Remsen (T. F.) Intestate Succession in N. Y. 2d ed. N. Y., '90. Kenaud (Achilles) Law of Commercial Paper in Germany. Giessen, '5i-'G8. (Ger.) Rendel (J. M.) See Thring, II. Reno (Conrad) The Law of Non-Kesidents and Foreign Cor- porations. Chic, '93. Renton (A. W.) Monomanie sans Delire. (Monomania with- out Insanity.) Edinburgh, 'SO. See Edmunds, L. Renwick (E. S.) Patentable Inventions. Rochester, '93. Jicpltcin, Law of. Cobbey, '90. Reporter, The. Vols. 22-24. Bost., '87-'88. Mcs Adjudicata. Bigelow, '90; Herman, '80. See also Black on Judgments. See Freeman; Van Fleet. Respondeat /Superior. See Essay by E. P. Harrington, in John- son's Prize Essays. Restraint of Trade. Patterson, '86. Rettie (Middleton) Court of Sessions Cases. Vols. 13-18. Edinburgh, '86-'91. Revenue Laws. Elmes, '87. Revised Reports. (Leading Eng. Cases) Sir Frederick Pollock, ed. Vols. 1-11. Lond., '91-93. Digest of Vols. 1-10. Lond., '93. REVOLUTION— AMERICAN. Anticipation. Containing the substance of His Majestv's most gracious speech to both Houses of Parliament. 5th ed. Lond., 1778. On the Abuse of Unrestrained Power, an Historical Essay. Lond., 1778. Pultney (W.) Considerations on the present state of Public Affairs, and the means of raising the necessary supplies. Lond., 1779. Eden (W.) Four letters to the Earl of Carlisle. Lond., 1779. Eden (W.) A fifth letter to the Earl of Carlisle. Lond., 1780, a 114 CHICAGO LAW INSTITUTK. Revolution — American — Continued. An Examination into the conduct of the present Administration, from the year 1774 to the year 1778. 2d ed. Lond., 1779. Dickinson (J.) An Essay by the Pennsylvania Farmer on the Constitutional Power of Great Britain over the Colonies in America. Lond., 1774. A Summ^ary View of the rights of British America, set forth in resolutions intended for the inspection of the present dele- gates of the People of Virginia. Lond., 1774. American Independence. The Interest and Glory of Great Britain. Lond., 1774. An Argument in defense of the exclusive right claimed by the colonies to tax themselves. Lond., 1774. Quincy (Josiah.) Observations on the Act of Parliament, com. monly called the Boston Port Bill. Boston, 1774. Burke (Edmund.) Speech on moving his resolutions for concili- ation with the Colonies. March 22, 1775. 2d ed. Lond., 1776. Tucker (Josiah.) A letter to Edmund Burke, Member of Parlia- ment, in answer to his printed speech of 22d March, 1775. Gloucester, 1775. America vindicated from the high charge of ingratitude and rebellion. Devizes. 1774. A Defense of the resolutions and address of the American Con- gress in reply to "Taxation, no Tyranny." Lond., 1774. A Second A2)2^eal to the Justice and Interest of the People on the measures respecting America. Lond., 1775. An Answer to a Pamphlet entitled, Taxation, no Tyranny. Ad- dressed to the Author. Lond., 1775. Arguments in Support of the Supremacy of the British Legisla- ture and their right to tax the Americans. Lond., 1775. Tucker (Josiah.) An Humble Address and earnest appeal to those responsible personages in Great Britain and Ireland. Gloucester, 1775. Some MeasoJis for approving of the Dean of Gloucester's plan of separating from the colonies. Lond., 1775. Remarks on the different opinions, relative to the American Colonies. Lond., 1776. A View of the several schemes with respect to America. Lond., 1776. The Rights of Great Britain asserted against the Qlainis of America, Lond., 1776, CATALOGUE OP LIBRAIIY. 115 JlevoIvtio7i — Aynerican — Continued. Smith (W.) A Sermon on the present situation of American affairs. 23 June, 1775, at Christ Church, Philadelphia. Lond., 1775. Zubly (J. J.) A sermon on American affairs, at the opening of the Provincial Congress at Georgia. Ixjtid., 1775. Draper (W.) The Thoughts of a Traveler upon our American Dispute. Lond., 1774. Seasonable advice to the members of the British Parliament, con- cerning conciliatory measures with America. Lond., 1775. A Letter to the Noblemen^ Gentlemen, etc., who have addressed His Majesty on the Subject of the American Rebellion. Lond., 177G. Considerations on the American War addressed to the People of England. Lond., 177G. llejfections on the present state of the American War. Lond., 1776. A Letter to Lord George Germain. Lond., 1776. De Tumultibus Americanis deque eorum cuncitatoribus meditatio senilis. Oxford, 1776. Potter (R.) Observations on the Poor Laws, etc. Lond., 1775. Burn (Richard.) Observations on the intended bill for the Bet- ter Relief of the Poor. Lond., 1776. Thoughts on the i)re-ient state of the poor and the intended bill for their better relief. Lond., 1776. The Morality of a Citizen in a Visitation Sermon. Lond., 1776. Price (Richard.) Observations on the Nature of Civil Liberty. Lond., 1776. Shebbeare (J-) An Essay on the Origin, Progress and Estab- lishment of National Society. Lond., 1776. Three Letters to Dr. Price. Containing Remarks on his Observa- tions on the Nature of Civil Liberty. Lond., 1776. Martin (J-) Familiar Dialogues between Americus and Britan- iiicus. Lond., 1776. Price (Richard.) Observations on the Nature of Civil Liberty. 9th ed. Lond., 1770. Remarks on a pamphlet lately published by Dr. Price, " Observa- tions," etc. Lond., 1776. Experience Preferable to Theory. An Answer to Dr. Price's Observations. Lond., 1776. 116 CHICAGO LAW INSTITUTE. Mevolution — American — Continued. HeniarJcs on Dr. Price's Observations on the Nature of Civil Liberty. Lond., 1776. The Hoiioroi Parliament and the Justice of the Nation vindicated in reply to Dr. Price's Observations. Lond., 1776. Roebuck (J.) An Inquiry whether the guilt of the present civil war in America ought to be imputed to Great Britain or America. Lond., 1776. The Duty of the King and Subject on the Principles of Civil Liberty, and Answer to Dr. Price. Lond., 1776. Three Dialogues concerning Liberty. Lond., 1776. Serious and Dnpartial Observations on the Blessings of Liberty and Peace, addressed to persons of all parties. Lond., 1776. A Dialogue on the Principles of the Constitution and Legal Liberty, Lond., 1776 Hey (Richard.) Observations on the Nature of Civil Liberty and the Principles of Government. Lond., 1776. Mauduit (Israel.) A short View of the History of the New England Colonies, with respect to their charges and constitu- tion. 4th ed. Lond., 1776. Stewart (James.) A Letter to the Rev. Dr. Price, wherein his observations on the nature of Civil Liberty are candidly ex- amined. Lond., 1776. Stewart (James.) The total refutation and political overthrow of Dr. Price, in a second letter to that gentleman. Lond., 1776. Goodricke (H.) Observation on Dr. Price's Theory and Prin- ciples of Civil Liberty and Government, preceded by a letter to a friend. York, 1776. (Jivil Liberty asserted, and the rights of the Subject defended against the anarchical principles of the Rev. Dr. Price. Lond., 1776. Gray (J-) Dr* Price's Notions of the nature of Civil Liberty, shown to be contradictory to reason and scripture. Lond., 1777. Four Discourses translated from the Spanish of Feyjoo. Lond., 1777. The Letters of Valens. Lond., 1777. Burke (Edmund.) A letter from Edmund Burke to J. Farr and J. Harris, Sheriffs of Bristol, on the Affairs of Aaierica. Lond., 1777. CATALOGUE OF l.TP.KAUr. 117 Revolution — American — CoiitiiiueLl. An Answer iromxhe Electors of ]3ristol to the Letter of Edmund Burke, Esq., on the affairs of America. Lond., 1777. An Answer to the letter of Edmund Burke, Esq., one of the rep- resentatives of the City of Bristol, to the SherilFs of that city. Lond., 1777. .Revolutionary War. The American Revolution. Fiske, "Jl. Jievuethi Droit International et LegislationComparee. Vols. IB- Si. (Review of International Law and Comparative Legis- lation.) Bruxelles, '86. Revue Legale. M. Matthieu. Vols. 11-?1. Montreal, '87. Reynolds (William) Stephens on Evidence. 2d ed. Chic, '88. Theory of the I.,aw of Evidence and Examination of Wit- nesses. 2d ed. Chic, "JO. Rhode Island. Acts and Laws. 1745-1752. Newport, 1752. Acts and Laws, 1798; May, 1799; 1813; 1819-'21 ; May,'26; Oct., '30; May and Oct.,'38; May, '39, '40; .Jan. and June, '48; Jan., May, June, and Oct., '49; '87-88; '88-90. Index to Acts. 'o0-'62. Providence, 'G3. Acts and Resolves. 1799-1813. Rhodes (J. F.) Hist, of the U. S., '50- 'GO. 2 vols. N. Y., '93. Rhone (r^. L.) Practice in the Orphan's Court of Penn. 3 vols. Phila., '^5-'92. Rice (F. S.) Colorado Code Practice, '89. Denver, '90. Law of Evidence. 3 vols. Rochester, '92-'93. Richard (A.) Marriage and Divorce. Lond., '88. Richards (George) Law of Insurance. 1st & 2d eds. N. Y., '92. Richards (L.) See Endlich. Richardson (Charles) New Dictionary of English Language. 2 vols, in 4. Lond., '36-'37. Richberg" (J. C.) An International Extradition Case. Chic, '93. Ridley (John) Chancery Act of N. J. Plainfield, '93. Ri(/hfs, Remedies and Practice. Lawson, '89-'90. Riiey (II. T.) Liber Albus. The White Book of the City of London. Lond., '61. Ringgold (J. T.) Legal Aspects of the First Day of the Week. Jersey City, '91. RingWOOd (Richard) Law of Torts. Lond., '87. Rtj)(irian Rif/hts. Black's Pomeroy, '93; Gould, '91; Pomeroy, '87, '93; Sewell, '82, 118 CHICAGO LAW INSTITUTE. Roads and Roachides. Potter, 2d ed. '87; 3d ed. '93; Elliot, '90. Roberts (O. M.) Elements of Texas Pleadings. Austin, '90. Robbins (L. G.) 4thed. of Bythewood on Conveyancing. Lond., '84-'88. Robinson (D. C.) Bench and Bar. 2ded. Lond., '89. Robinson (H. L.) Negotiable Paper in West Virginia. See Johnson's Prize Essays. Robinson (L. J.) Law Made Easy; A Book for the People. Chic, '86. Robinson (W. C.) Law of Patents for Useful Inventions. 3 vols. (2 copies.) Wash., '90. Forensic Orator^^ Bost., '93. Rockel (W. M.) and "white (C. R.) Mechanics' and Sub-Con- tractors' Liens. Cin,, '90. Rockwell (J. E.) Shorthand Instruction and Practice. Wash., '93. Rodrig'Uez (Amatore) Tractatus de Concursu et Privilegiis Creditorum in Bonis Debitoris. (Treatise on the Rights of Creditors in the Property of Debtors.) Madrid, 1616. Roe (E. F.) Criminal Procedure in U. S. Courts. Chic, '87, Roenne (L. von) Verfassung des Deutschen Reichs. (Con- stitution of the German Empire.) 16th ed. Berlin, '91. Rogers (H. W.) Constitutional History of U. S. as seen in American Law. Lectures by T. M. Cooley, H. Hitchcock, G. W. Biddle, C. A. Kent and D. H. Chamberlain. Intro- duction by Rogers. N. Y., '89. Law of Expert Testimony. 2d ed. St. Louis, '91, Rokeby (J. P.) Mr. Justice, Diary of. Lond., '88. Same. Supl. '88. Lond., '88. Roman Law. Charmier, '93; Cuq, '91 (Fr.); Mackintosh, '92; Movie, '92; Otto, 1725-35; Sohm, '92; Studeraund, '91. See Esmein, Gide, Flach, Lenel, Poste, Salkowski, Van- gerow. — ■■ See also Reich on Graeco-Roman Institutions. Lenel. Ed. of Palingenesia Juris Civilis. Romilly (Sir S.), Life of. By himself. 3 vols. Lond., '40. Roosevelt (Theodore) Life of T. H. Benton. (Amer. States- men Series.) Bost., '88. Live of Gouverneur Morris. (Amer. Statesmen Series.) Bost., '88. CATALOGUE OF LIURAUV. 119 The Winning of the West. 2 vols. N. Y., '89. Root (•!. C.) Corporation Laws of Illinois. Chic, '8S. 4th ed. Chic, '90; 5th ed. Chic, '9;i. Rorer (David) Am. Inter-State Law. 2d ed. Chic, '92. Roscoe (E. S.) Trial of the Bishop of Lincoln. Lond., '89. RoSGOe (Henry) Criminal Evidence. 8th ed. 2 vols. Phila., '88. Digest of the Law of Evidence in Criminal Cases. 11th ed. By H. Smith & G. Kennedy. 2 vols. Lond., '90. Digest of the Law of Evidence at I.) Persecution of the Jews in Russia. Phila., '91. Modern Customs and Ancient I^aws. Kovalevsk}', '91. Rye (W. B.) Records and Record Searching. Lond., '88. 130 CHICAGO LAW INSTITUTE. s Sackett (Frederick) Instructions to Juries. 2d ed. (2 copies.) Chic, '88. Saint-Germain (Christopher) Doctor and Student. Lond., 1580. Sf. Paul Chamber of Commerce. Annual Report, '86-'87. St. Paul, '87. Sales. Of Chattels. Baker, '87; Benjamin, '89 & '92; Blackburn, '87; Campbell, '91; Chalmers, '90; Kerr, '86; Newmark, '87; Stewart, '91; Tiedeman, '91; Travis, '92. Of Realty. Clerke & Humphrey, '85; Price, '74 (Penn.); Webster, '89. Conditional. Miller, '88; Thomas, '89. Roman Law of. Mackintosh, '92; Moyle, '92. Void Judicial Sales. Freeman, '90. Under Mortgage. Hunter, '92. Cases on. "Adams," '93. Salic Law. Studies in Salic Law. K. Clement and H, Zoepfl. Berlin, '76. (Ger.) Salkowski (Carl) Roman Private Law. Trans, by Whitfield. Lond., '86. Salmond (J- W.) Essays in Jurisprudence and Legal History. Lond., '91. Sand (J-) Decisiones Frisicae. Amsterdam, 1698. Sandwich Islands. See Hawaiian Islands. San Francisco Law Library Catalogue. S. F., '88. Sanitary Conference^ '81. See International Sanitary Confer- ence. Sanitary Law. Blythe, '93. Sargent (W. M.) "Maine Wills, 1640-1760. Portland, '87. Saunders (!>•) Ed. Legal Intelligencer. Savag'e (Thomas) Intercourse between U. S. and Spanish Am. S. F., '89. Savidgfe (E. C.) Life of Benjamin Brewster, with Discourses and Addresses. Phila., '91. Savig'ny (F. C. von) See Zeitschrift fur Geschichtliche Rechts- wissenschaft. Sawyer (Lorenzo) Life of. By H. H. Bancroft. S. F., '9L SayleS (John) Precedents and Rules of Pleading in Civil Actions in Texas. St. Louis, '93. CATALOGUE OP LIBRARY. 121 Sayles (John & Henry) Laws of Texas Relating to Real Estate. 2 vols. St. Louis, '90,-'92. See also Texas. Scaife (W. B.) America; its Geographical History, 1492-1892. lialt., '92. Scarlett (P. C.) Life of Lord Abinger. Lond., '77. Scheele (G.) Das Deutsche Urheberrecht. (The German Copy- right.) Leipzig, '92. Schoenhof (C.) Technical Education. (Pamphlet.) Wash., '88. Sehonberg" (Gustav) Handbuch der Politischen CEkonoinie. (Hand-book of Political Economy.) 3d ed. 3 vols. Tubingen, '91. »9c/i"o/.N. Taylor, '92. See also Education. SchOUler (James) Law of Bailments. (2 copies.) Host., '87. Domestic Relations. 4th ed. (2 copies.) Bost., '89. Executors and Admiiiistrators. 2d. ed. Bost, '89. History of the U. S. under the Constitution. Vol. 4. Wash,, '89. Personal Property. 2 vols. Bost., '84. Law of VVills. Bost., '87. Same. 2d ed. (2 copies.) Bost., '92. Schurz (Carl) Life of Henry Clay. Amer. Statesmen Series. 2 vols. Bost., '88. Schuurman (L. N.) and Jordens (P. H.) Code of Holland. (Dutch) Zvvolle, '87. Scidmore (G. H.) U. S. Consular Courts in Japan. Tokio, Japan, '87. Scotland. Acts of Parliament, 1424-1707. Court of Sessions, Practice in. Mackay, '77. Court of Sessions Cases. 4th Series. Vols. 15-18. Edin- burgh, '88-'91. l^igest of Cases in Superior Courts and House of Lords. Vol. 5. Edinburgh, '86. Justiciary Cases. Vols. 1-2. White. Edinburgh,'88-'91. Justiciary Cases. Vols. 4-5. Cooper. Edinburgh, '83- '88. Scott (E. H.) Ed. of James Madison's Journal of the Federal Convention, 1789. Chic, '93. Scottish Lmv liejiorter. Vols. 23-30. Edinburgh, '8G-'93. Scottish Law lieview. Vols. 2-9. Glasgow, '8G"'93. 122 CHICAfiO Law lifSTlTtlTfi. Seribner (C) Atlas of American Politics, N, Y., '88. Scrutton (T. E.) Charter Parties and Bills of Lading. Lond.. '86. Commons and Common Fields. Cambridge, Engl., '87. Land in Fetters. Lond., '86. Law of Copyright. 2d ed. Lond., '90. Searches. Elphinstone & Clark, '89. Seashore. Law of. Moore, '88. See also Hall. Sebastian (L. B.) Law of Trade Marks. 3d ed. Lond., '90. Securities. Poor's Handbook of Investment Securities, '92. Sedgefleld (S. W.) Practice in the Office of Titles. Melbourne, '89. Sedg'Wick (James) Remarks on Blackstone's Commentaries. Loud., 1800. Sedg'Wick (Theodore) Law of the Measure of Damages. 8th ed. by A. G. Sedgewick and J. H. Beale, Jr. 3 vols. (2 copies.) N. Y., '91. Selden Society's Publications. Vol. 1. 13th Century Pleas of. the Crown. Lond., 87. Vol. 2. Pleas in Seignorial Courts. Lond., '89. Vol. 3. Select Civil Pleas. Lond., '90. Vol. 4. The Court Baron. Lond., '91. — Vol. 5. Leet Jurisdiction in Norwich. Lond., '91. Self Defense. Anthony, '87. Semple (C. E. xA) Essentials of Legal Medicine, Toxicology, and Hygiene. Phila., '90. Separation. See Bishop on Marriage and Divorce. Serg'eant (Lewis) Government Year Book, '89. Lond., 89. Same, '91 3d ed. N. Y., '91. >6^erv*ce o/'-Pa2?er.i% (Statutes and Forms.) "Warner, '90. Seton (Sir H. W.) Forms of Judgments and Orders. 3 vols. 5th ed. Lond., '91-'93. Settlements. Vaizey, '87. Seuffert (J. A.) Law of the Pandects. 3 vols, in 2. Wuerz- burg, '52. (Ger.) Sewell (Robert) Title to Beds of Lakes and Ponds in the State of N. Y. N. Y., '92. Shakespeare (William) Works, ed. by Knight (C.) 8 vols. N. Y. Sharp (W. P.) Canadian Civil Code. 2 vols. Montreal, '89. CATALOGITE OP LinRARY. 123 Sharp (W, P.) Supplement to Civil Code of T^ower Canada, '90. Montreal, '91. SharswOOd (George) and Budd (Henry) Leading Cases in tlje Law of Real Property. Vols. 3-4. Phila., '89. Shaw (James) Epitome of Mental Diseases. N. Y., '92. Shearman (T. G.) and Redfield (A. A.) Law of Negligence. 4tli ed. (2 copies.) N. Y., '88. Sheldon (H. N.) Law of Subrogation. 2d ed. Bait, '93. Shelford (Leonard) Real Property Statutes. 9th ed, by T. H. Carson & H. B. Bom pas. Lond., '93. Shepard (E. M.) Lifeof Martin Van Buren. (Amer. Statesmen Series.) Bost., '88. Sheriffs. Law of. Crocker, (3d ed. by Kerr), N. Y., '90; Mur- free, (2d ed. by McQuillen), '90. See Williams. See also Public Officers. Sherwood (Sidney) History and Theory of Money. Phila., '93. Shinn (IJoswell) Michigan Pleading and Practice at Common Law. 2 vols. Chic, '92. Ship Owners, Liability of. Van Stantvord, '87. S/it'ppinf/. Maclachlan, '92. ShiraS (O. P.) Equity Practice in U. S. Courts. Chic, '89, Shirley (W. S.) Leading Cases at Common Law. Phila., '88. Leading Cases in Criminal Law. Notes by Rumsey. Rockwell, '93. Shorthand, Instruction and Practice. Rockwell, '93. Shortt (John) Informations. Quo Warranto and Mandamus. (Notes by F. S. Heard.) Bost, '88. Same. Text Book Series. Phila., '88. Sichel (W. S.) Law of Witnesses. Lond., '87. Sidg'Wick (Henry) The Elements of Politics. Lond., '91. Silver. See Taussig. See International Monetary Conference at Brussels. Silver Commission. Reports and Documents, '70. 2 vols. Wash., '77. Silver in b\st Congress. Wash., '90. SimondS (W. E.) Digest of Patent Cases in U. S. N. Y., '88. Sinking Fund and Installment Tables. Powis, '89. Sisley (Richard) Influenza and the Laws of England Concern- ing Infectious Diseases. Lond., '92. Skeat (W. W.) Etymological Dictionary of the English Lan« guage. Oxford, '88. 124 CHicAao LAW institute:. Slander, Law of. Newell, '90. Townsend, '90. Slater (Joshua) Law of Arbitrations and Awards. Lond., '86. Mercantile Law. Lond., '84. Slave Poioerm America, Rise and Fall of. Wilson. Slavery, American Code of. Goodell, '53. ;See Benton and Clowes. Slave, Fugitive. McDougall, '91. Sloane (W. M.) The French War and the Revolution. N. Y., '93. Smith (C. H.) Right and the Law. Chic, '87. Smith (C. M.) Law of Master and Servant. Text Book Series. Phila., '86. Smith (D. W.) Chattel Mortgages in New York. Alb., '89. Smith (E. D.) Education in the South. See pamphlets, vol. 23, Smith (E. H.) N. Y. Ct. Appeals Practice. N. Y., '93. Smith (F.) Reports of Decisions in Circuit Court's Martial, '27-30. Portland, '3L Smith (F. G.) Privileges of Witnesses. See Johnson's Prize Essays. Smith (Goldwin) Canada and the Canadian Question. liOnd., '91. Smith (G. H.) Law of Private Rights. N. Y., '90. Smith (Horace) Law of Negligence. Phila., '88. See Roscoe, H. Smith (H. E.) Treatise on the Law of Personal Property. Chic, '93. Smith (Jeremiah) See Ames, J. B. Smith (J. G.) Law of Damages. 2d ed. Edinburgh, '89. Smith (J. M.) Cases of Contested Election in Congress. Wash.. '87. Smith (J. W.) Compendium of Mercantile Law. 10th ed. By J. Macdonell and G. Humphreys. 2 vols. Lond., '90. Leading Cases. 3 vols. Am. Law Series. Bost., '88. Manual of Equity .Jurisprudence. 14th ed. By J. Trus- tram. Lond., '88. Smith (L.) Transfer of Negotiable Paper as Collateral Securitv. See .Johnson's Prize Essays. Smith (R. V.) and Benedict (A. B.) Revised Statutes of Ohio, '90. 2 vols. Cin., '90. Smith (R- M.) Emigration and Immigration; A Study in Social Science. N. Y., '90. CATALOGUE OF LIIJUARY. 125 Smith (S. H.) Ecclesiastical Law. 3 vols. N. Y., '88. Procedure in Ecclesiastical Causes. N. Y., '88. Smith (T. E.) Law and Practice in Admiralty. Lond., ^So. Smith (\V. W.) Private Corporations. Pliila., '89. Smithsonian ' Institute. Proceedings of the U. S. N.itional Museum, vol. 14, '91. Wash., '9^. Report on National Museum, '89. Wash., '91. Reports of Regents (Annual), '85-'91. Wash., '87-'92. Snell (E. H.) Principles of Equity. 8tli ed., by A. Brown. Lond., '87. Snow (Freeman) Cases and Opinions on Int(irnational Law. Bost., '93. Guide to the Constitutional History of the U. S. Cam- bridge, '83. Snyder (W. L.) Geography of Marriage. N. Y., '87. Notaries* and Commissioners' Manual. 3d ed. N. Y., '89; 4th ed. N. Y., '92. Social (Jompact., Theory oj^. See Lowell's Essays on Government, '89. Socialism^ A Plea for Liberty. T. Mackay, '91. Societies. Hirschl, '83. Mutual Benefit Societies. Bacon, '88; Niblack, '88. =r^ See Clubs. Sociology. Social Contract. Rosseau, '93. See Political Science. Sohm (Rudolph) The Institutes of Roman Law. Oxford, '92. Solicitors. Cordery, '88. See Law and Lawyers. Solicitors Journal and Reports. Vols. 33-30. Lond., '89-'92. Soule (C. C.) Lawyers' Reference Manual. (Duplicate.) Bost., \S4. Soule (J. H.) U. S. Blue Book. 5th ed. Wash., '89 South America. See Bureau of American Republics. Also Latin America and Liternational American Conference. South Australian Laxc Reports. Vols. 1-22. Adelaide, 68'-'92. Same for '90-'91. Hardy & Hewitson. Adelaide, '92. South Carolina. Bar Association Report, '86. Session Laws, '41, '44, '46, '85-'89. Columbia, '42-'90. . Supreme Court Reports. Vols. 24-37. Columbia, '87-93. Digest. Vols. 11-24. Thomas, Columbia, '87. South Dakota. Constitutional Convention, July, '89; Journal. Sioux Falls, '89. 126 CHICAGO LAW INSTITUTE. South DaJcota. Session Laws, '90, '91. Pierre, '90-'91. iSoutheastern Beporter. Vols. 1-16. St. Paul, '87-93. Southern Reporter. Vols. 1-13. St. Paul, '87-'93. Southwestern Reporter. Vols. 1-20. St. Paul, '87-'93. Southworth (E. W.) and Jones (D. A.) Treatise on N. Y. Corporation Acts. 2d ed. N. Y., '90. Sovereignty, Limits of. See Lowell's Essays on Government. Spaing" (W.) French and English Commercial Law in Relation to German Commercial Law. Berlin, '90. (Ger.) French, Belgian and English Law of Bills of Notes in Relation to German Law. (Ger.) Berlin, '88. Spanish Atnerica. Intercourse with U. S. Savage, '89. Trade with U. S. Curtis, '89. Spanish Civil Law. Lehr, '80-'90. (Fr.) Special Actions and Proceedings, under N. Y. Code. Fiero, '88. Specific Performance. Fry, '91 ; Kelleher, '88. Speer (Emory) Removal of Causes. Bost., '88. Spelling" (T. C.) Extraordinary Relief at Law and in Equity. 2 vols. Best., '93. ■ ^ , Trusts and Monopolies. Bost., '93. Spencer (Herbert) Introduction to a " Plea for Liberty." Mackay, ed. N. Y. '91. Justice, '91. Law of Private Corporations. 2 vols. N. Y., '92. Ti ' oatijtroTi Truata and Monop a liLA. Bubl., '92. Spender (J. A.) The State and Pensions in Old Age. Lond., '92. Spens (W. C.) and Young'er (R. T.) Law of Employers and Employed. Glasgow, '87. Sjyinal Concussion. Clevenger, '89. Spine. Railway Injuries to the Spine. Page, '91. Spitzka (E. C.) Insanity. 2d ed. N. Y., '87. Spofford (A. R.) American Almanac for '89. Wash., '89. Stage, Law of the. Wandell, '91. Stamp Lava in U. S. See pamphlets, vol. 26. Starcke (C. W.) The Primitive Family. N. Y, '89. Starr (Merritt). Decline and Revival of Public Interest in College Education. (Pamphlet.) Chic, '93. Starr (Merritt) and CurtiS (R. H.) See Illinois. Slate Judiciary, Chamberlain. See Rogers, H. W. CATALOGUE OF LIUKARY. 127 S^tate Trials. J. Macdonell, ed. Vols. 2-4. Lon.l., '8!)-'0.3. Statesmans Year Books. J. S. Keltie, ed. Annual Volunjes, ♦87-'93. Lond.,'87-'93. SiaUstical Abstract of the U. S., '8G-'89. Wasli., '87-'90. Statistics. See Annual Register; Keltie; Wnittaker. of Railways in the U. S. Wright, Wash., '92. Statute of J'^rauds. See Frauds. Statutes of Liniilaiions. See Limitations. Statutes. Construction of. Sutherland, '91. Legislative Handbook. Bost., '90. See also Crocker, '91; Curtis, '!)] ; Stimson, '92. Interpretation and Construction. Endlich & Thornton, '88. Stearns (•!• M ) Germs and Development of the I^avvs of Eng- land. N. Y., '89. Stephen (Herbert). Malicious Prosecution. Am. Notes by H- M. Tuimsey. Phila., '89, Stephen (H. L.) Law of Support and Subsidence. Lond., '90. Stephen (•!. F.) Digest of the Law of F^vidence. Ed. by W. Reynolds. Chic, '88. Same ed. by G. Chase. N. Y., '92. General View of the Criminal liaw of England. 2d ed. Lond., '90. Stephen (Leslie) and Lee (Sidney). Dictionary of National Biography. (British.) Vols. 1-30. N. Y., '8o-'93. Stevick (G. F. R.) Unincorporated Associations. Phila., '89. Stevenson (A. F.) Battle of Stone's River. Boston, '84. Stevenson (T.) and Murphy (S. F.) Treatise on Hygiene and Public Health. Vols. 1-2. Phila., '92-'93. Stickney (A. B.) The Railway Problem. St. Paul, '91. Stieler (A.) Atlas. Gotha, '91. Stimson (F. J.) Am. Statute Law; Supl. to vol 1. Bost., '88. Same. Vol. 2. Corporations. (2 copies.) Bost., '92. Stitzell (H. F.) See Elphinstone, H. W. Stock and Stockholders. Cook. 1st ed. '87. 2d ed. '89. Stokes (Whitley). Anglo-Indian Codes. 2 vols. Oxford, '87-88. Stone's Hiver, Battle of. Stevenson. .S7o/-?>% (Emory A.) Life of. I. E. Adams. Chic, '8G. Story (F.) Legal Digest and Directory. (Annual Volumes.) '86-'93. N. Y., '87-'93. 138 CHICA.GO LAW INSTITUTE. Story (Joseph). Commentaries on the Constitution of the U. S oth ed., by M. M. Bigelow. 2 vols. Bost., '91. Commentaries on the Law of Agency. 9th ed., by C. P. Greenough. Bost., '82. Commentaries on Equity Pleadings. 10th ed., by J. M, Gould. Bost., '92. Strait Settlements. Report on Torrens System. Singapore, '83. Street HaUways. Booth, '92. Streets and Roads. Elliott, '90; Potter, '93. Electric Wires in. Keasbey, '92. Strikes. Third Annual Report of U. S. Commissioner of Labor on Strikes and Lockouts, '88. See Neville, '90. Stroud (F.) Judicial Dictionary of Words and Phrases. Lond. '90. Studemund (G.) Collectio Librorum Juris Antejustiniani. (Collection of Books on Antejustinian Law.) Berlin, '91. Students' Quiz Booh. Vols. 1-3. Walsh, '92-'93. Subrogation. Harris, '89; Sheldon, '93. Succession. Potts, '88; Bohm, '81, (Private International Law) See also Wight, '93. Sumner, Charles. Memoir and Letters of. E. L. Pierce. Vols. 3-4. Bost, '93. Sundae/ Laios. Legal Aspects of the First Day of the Week. Ringgold, '91; Harris, '92. History of Sunday Legislation. Lewis, '88. Superstition and Force. Lea, '92. Support. Real Property. Stephen, '90. Su2)reme Court; Federal. Influence on Constitutional Develop- ment of U. S., by Kent, A. See Rogers, H. W. Place in Am. Constitutional System. See Cooley, T. M. History and Centennial Celebration of. Carson, '91. Supreme Court Reporter. Vols. 9-13. St. Paul, '89-'93. Digest of. Vols. 1-11, St. Paul, '91. Suretyship. Brandt, '91; de Colyar, '87. Surrogate Laxo and Practice. McClellan, (N. Y.) '88. Redfield, (N. Y.) '90. Surveying., Plane. Carhart, '88. Survivorship. See Lord Mansfield's Undecided Case, by Wight} '93. CATALOGUE OP LIBRARY. 1:^9 Sutherland (J- G.) Law of Damages. 3 vols. (2 copies) Chic, '81. Same. 2d ed. 3 vols. Chic, '93. Statutes and Statutory Construction. (2 copies) Chic, '91. Sweet (H- C) Catalogue of Modern Law Books. Toronto, Swinton (A.) Digest of Decisions in the Registration Appeals Court at Glasgow. '35-'38. Edinburgh, '39. Sioiss Confederation. AJams and Cunningham. Lond., '86. Sxcitzerland. State and Federal Government. Vincent, '91. See also Zurich. SydOW (R.) Civilprozessordnung mit Gerichtsverfassungsgesetz. (Code of Civil Procedure and the Organization of the Courts.) 5th ed. Berlin, '91. GebUhrensordnung fUr Rechtsanwalte. (Code of Attor- neys' Fees.) Berlin, '88. . Gerichtskostengesetz. (Court Costs.) 4th ed. Berlin, '91. Konkursordnung mit EinfUhrungsgesetz. (Code of Bank- ruptcy.) 5th ed. Berlin, '92. SydOW (R.) and Hellweg" (A.) Die Preussischen Gesetze BetreiFend das Notariat. (Prussian Code concerning the Office of Notary.) 2d ed. Berlin, '90. Sykes (F. J.) Public Health Problem. Lond., '91. Sym (J. D.) See Rettie. T Taber (S. R.) Law of Assignment in Illinois. Chic, '93. Tables of Cases from the Reporters. (West Publishing Co.) To Feb., '90. St. Paul, '91. Tacfin Court. Donovan, '90. Talbot (G. J.) and Fort (Hugh) Index of Cases Judicially Noted, '65-'90. Lond., '91. Tallack (William) Penological and Preventive Principles. Lond., '89. Taney {Roger "Q.) Influence on the Constitutional Development of U. S. See Rogers, H. W., Constitutional History of U. S. 9 130 CHICAGO LAW INSTITUTE. « Tardif (E. J.) Coutumiers de Normandie. Part 1. (Customs of Normandy.) Rouen, '81. Tariff. Handbook of the Tariffs on Imports into the U. S. Adams, '81. U. S. Digest of Laws. Morgan & Morgan, '91. . See Duties. Tarif History of the U. S. Taussig, '88. Tarring" (C.J.) British Consular Jurisdiction in the East. Lond., '87. TaSChereau (H. E.) Criminal Code of Canada. Eds., '88, '93. Taussig" (F. W.) Tariff History of the U. S. N. Y., '88. Silver Situation in the U. S. N. Y., '93. 2'ax Titles. Black, '88, '93; Blackwell, '89. Taxation. Collateral Inheritance. Legacy and Succession Taxes. Dos Passes, '90. Cossa, '87; Cothran,'89; Ely (Municipal), '88; Jones, '90 (Federal). Personal Property. Ames, J. B. See pamphlet, vol. 26. Federal and State Expenses. Jones, '90. Taylor (A. G.) Law and Practice of New South Wales. Let- ters Patent. Sydney, '88. Taylor (A. S.) Manual of Medical Jurisprudence, 11th Am. Ed. Phila., '92. Taylor (Hannis) Origin and Growth of English Constitution. Vol.1. Bost., '89. Taylor (H. O.) Law of Private Corporations. (2 copies.) Phila., '88. Taylor (Irwin) Kansas Pleadings and Practice. Topeka, '88. Public Schools. A Law Treatise. Topeka, '92. Taylor (J. N.) Law of Landlord and Tenant. 8th ed. by H. F. Buswell. 2 vols. (2 copies.) Bost., '87. Taylor (J. P.) Law of Evidence. 8th ed. 2 vols, in 4 parts. Phila., '87. Technical Education in Europe. U. S. Cpnsuls' Reports. Part 1. Technology of the Law. Hughes, '93. Telegraphs. German Legislation Concerning. Fischer, '86. (Ger.) , The Government and. See Essay by Green in Johiison's Prize Essays. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 131 Telegraphs. See Thompson on Electricity; also Keasbey on Electric Wires. Tenements. Houses and Fiats. Clode, '80. Tennessee. Digest of Supremo Court Reports. Taylor. Vols. 1-4. Nashville, '84. Same. Marks. Nashville, '89. Same. '88, '89. King. Vol.4. Chic, '89. Land Laws. H. D. Whitney, '91 Manual of Corporation Law. Barclay, '92. Probate Law and Practice. J. K.Chalmers. Rochester, '90. Session Laws. 1792-1801, '23, '24, '72, '87-'91 Supreme Court Reports. Vols. '84-''91. Nashville, '86-'92 Tenure. See Baronia Anglia, by T. Madox, 1736. Tenure and Toil. Gibbons, '88. Terry (H. T.) Anglo-American Law. Phila., '84. l^exas. Citations and Table of Cases, Supreme Court Reports. Vols. 1-54. Appellate Court Reports. Vols. 1-10. W. W, Horron. St. Louis, '84. Civil Appeals Reports. Vol. 1. Austin, '93. Court of Appe lis Reports. Vols. 19-29. Austin, '8G-'91. Court of Appeals Reports, condensed. Vols. 3-4. S. A. Willson. St. Louis, '86-'92. Digest of Laws. G. W. Paschal. Galveston, 'G6. Digest Supreme Court Reports. Vols. 52-65. S. A. Posey. St. Louis, '87. Digest Supreme Court Reports, A. B. Peticolas. 2 vols. St. Louis, '91. Pleadings. (Precedents and Rules in Civil Actions.) John Sayles, '93. Real Estate Statutes. John and Henry Sayles. 2 vols. St. Louis, '91-'92. Session Laws, '56, '87, '89, '91. • Statutes (Civil). 2 vols. Ed. by John and Henry Sayles. St. Louis. '88. (Criminal.) 2 vols. Ed. by S. A. Willson. St. Louis '88. Supl. by N. P. Jackson. St. Louis, '93. — Statutes, Annotated, Civil and Criminal. John and Henry Sayles. Supl. St. Louis, '89. — Supreme Court Reports. Vols. 64-85. Austin, '86-'93, 13i CHICAGO LAW INSTITUTE. Texas. Unreported Cases. J. W. Posey. Vols. 1-3. St. Louis, '86-'91. Text Book Series. Blackburn (Colin.) Law of Sales, '87. Brett (Thomas.) Leading Cases in Equity, '88. Challis (H. W.) Law of Real Property, '87. De Colyar (H. A.) Law of Guaranties, '87. Evans (William.) Principal and iKgent. 2 vols., '88. Lewi 11 (Thomas.) Law of Trusts. 3 vols., '88. Litidley (Sir Nathaniel.) Law of Partnership. 2 vols., '88- May (H. W.) Fraudulent Conveyances, '87. Odgers (W. B.) Libel and Slander, '87. Pollock (Sir Frederick.) Law of Contracts, '88. Law of Torts, '87. • Shirley (W. S.) Leading Cases at Common Law, '88. Leading Cases in Criminal Law, '89. Shortt (John.) Criminal Information, Smith (C. M.) Law of Master and Servant, '88. Smith (Horace.) Law of Negligence, '87. Taylor (J. P.) Law of Evidence. 2 vols., in 4 parts, '87. Wright (R. S.) Law of Criminal Conspiracies. By H. L. Carson. Phila., '87. Thayer (J- B.) Select Cases on Evidence at Common Law. Cambridge, '92. American Doctrine of Constitutional Law. Bost., '93. Legal Effect of Opinions Given by Judges to the Execu- tive and Legislature under certain State Constitutions. (Appendix to Bradley's Methods of Changing State Consti- tutions.) Bost., '85. Theatres. Law of. Geary (Br.), '85; Wandell, '9L Theory of the State. Bluntschli, '92. Thesaurus Juris Romants. Otto, 1725--35. Thomas (A. C.) Law of Mortgages of Real Property. 2d ed. N. Y., '87. Mortgages and Conditional Sales of Personal Property in N. Y. N. Y., '89. Thomas (E. C.) Leading Cases in Constitutional Law. 2d ed. Lond., '85. Thompson (C. N.) Treatise on Building Associations, Chic, '92. CATALOGUE OF LIBHARY. 133 Thompson (I. G.) Law of Iligliways, Bridges, etc. 4th ed. by C. H. Mills. Alb., '90. Law of Highways. Supl. by Mills, '91. Alb., '91. Thompson (J. L.) Memorial of. Chic, '90. Thompson (S. D.) Trials and Actions, Civil and Criminal. 2 vols. Chic, '89. Law of Electricity. St. Louis, '91. Ed. Am. Law Review, Thornton (W. W.) Annotated Indiana Practice. Code Forms. 2 vols. Cin., '93. Indiana Statutory Construction and Citations. In- dinanap., '88. Same. Ed., '90. Instructions to Juries. Indianap., '85. Law of Railroad Fences and Private Property. InJiaiiap., '92. Municipal Law of Indiana. Cin., '91. Treatise on Gifts and Advancements. Phila., '93. Thornton (W. W.) and Ballard (T. E.) Itidiana Practice Code. Cin., '89. Thorpe (F. N.) Benjamin Franklin and the University of Penna. Wash., '93. ThoytS (E.) How to Decipher and Study Old Documents. Lond., '93. Thrinff (Sir Henry.) Law and Practice of Joint Stock Compa- nies. 5th ed. by J. Rei>del. Lond., '89. Throop (M. H.) Law of Public Officers. (2 copies.) N. Y., '92. See Massachusetts and New York. ThwaiteS (R. S.) The Colonies. Epochs of American History. N. Y., '92. Tiedeman (C. G.) The Unwritten Constitution of the U. S. N. Y., '90. Law of Sales. St. Louis, '91. Treatise on Commercial Paper. (2 copies.) St. Louis, '89. Treatise on Equity Jurisprudence. St. Louis, "93. Treatise on Limitations of the Police Power (Duplicate.) St. Louis, '86. Law of Real Property. 2d ed. St. Louis, '92. 134 CHICAGO LAW INSTITUTE. Tiffany (A. R.) See Michigan. Tiffany (F. B.) Death by Wrongful Act. St. Paul, '93.. Tillyard (Frank.) Banking and Negotiable Instruinents. Lond. '91. Times Law Reports. Vols. 1-9. Lond., '88-'93. Tithe Gases. Court of Exchequer. (1650-1794.) 4 vols. 1798- '99. Tithes, Law of. Esterby, '88. Title to Real Estate. Armour, '87 (Ontario); Hutchinson, '87 (Va. & West Va.). Titus (H. C.) Ed. Legal Lntelligencer. Todd (A. H.) Parliainentfiry Government in England. 2d ed. 2 vols. Lond., '87-'89. Mew's Digest, '88. TorrenS (Sir R.) Essay on the Transfer of Land by Registra- tion. Lond., '91. Torrens System. See Registration of Title. Torts. Addison, '91; Bigelow, '91; Bishop, '89 (non-contract law); Burdick, '91; Chase, '91; Clark & Lindsell, '89 (Br.); Cooley, '88; Ewell, '88; Innes, '91 (Br.); Newell; Ringwood, '87. Cases on. Ames & Smith, '93. Torture. The. See Lea's Superstition and Force. Tower (Charlemagne) Collection of Am. Colonial Laws, (Printed for the Historical Society of Penna.), '90. Town Officers' Guide. Field, '91. Towne (E. 0.) Aphorism of the Three Threes. Chic, '87. Townshend (John) Treatise on Slander and Libel. (2 copies.) N. Y., '90. See Ram, J. Toxicology. Mann, '93. See C. E. Semple. Trade Marks. Bewes, '91; Cox, '92; Sebastian, '90. Digest of Cases. Price & Steuart, '87. French Law of Trade Marks. Barclaj-, '89. German Law of Trade Marks. J, Koehler. Wtirzberg, '84. Statutes. See Pamphlets, vol. 26. Travis (Jeremiah.) Commentaries on the Law of Sales. 2 vols^ Bost., '92. Treasury^ Secretary of. See U. S. CATALOGUE OK LIBUAUV. 135 Treaties. German Extradition, Menzen; Paderborn, '91. Treaties and Conventions between U. S. and other Powers since 177fl. Wasl)., '89. Trenholm (W. S.) Tiie People's Money. N. Y., '93. Trial bij Combat. G. Neilson. Glastrow, '90. 2'rials. American Telephone Co. vs. Overland Telephone Co. (Patents.) Anarchists Case. (Spies et al. vs. People.) Arguments and Record. Supreme Court of Illinois. Baltimore, Lord Frederick et al. (Assault.) Lond., 1768. Bartlett, Adelaide. (Murder, Poison.) Lond., '80. Bastress vs. Chickering. (Replevin.) 111. App. Ct. Blair vs. Barrett. (Contested Election.) 1st Sej^s., 3(!th Cong. Boulanger, Gal. (Conspiracy.) Haute cour de justice- Paris, '89. Briggs, C. A. (Heresy.) N. Y., '91. Bright, Michael, et al. (Obstructing Execution of Writ.) Phil., '09. Chi. & Alt. R. R. Co. et al. vs. Schoenemann et al. Rec- ord, etc. Supreme Court of Illinois. Chillicothe Graveyard Case. Record. Ohio Supreme Ct. Criminal Trials. Feuerbach. Translated from the Ger- man by Lady Gordon. N. Y., '46. Cottolene Cases. (Trade Marks.) Brief. St. Paul, '9:i. Criminal Trials. D. Jardine, ed. 5J vols. Lond., '46. Dredd Scott Case. Examination of by Thos. H. Benton. N.Y., '57. English Causes Celebres. Craik. Lond., '44. Ferrie. (Legitimation.) Record. N. Y. Surrogate's Court. Goddard, Judge Luther M. (Quo Warranto and Dis- barment.) Colorado House of Representatives. Denver, '88. . Jessup (G. P.) (Legitimation.) Brief of H. I. Kowalsky. Superior Court of California. Lake Front Cases. Evidence and Documents in Evidence. Briefs. Opinion of Harlan, J. Lester vs. Peoj>le. (Inspection of Books, etc.) Illinois Supreme Court. Lincoln, Bishop of. (Ecclesiastical Law.) Lond., '89. 136 CHICAGO LAW INSTITUTE. Trials. McDonald et al. vs. People, etc. (Normal School Case.) Briefs of W. S. Forrest. Montgomery, W. R. (Court Martial.) Neff vs. Cowhick. (Homestead Entry. Decision of Sec'y of Interior.) Pamphlets, vol. 25. Nutt (James) Murder. Pettit (W. F.) vs. State of Indiana. (Murder by Stry- chnia.) Brief for Appellant. Supreme Court of Indiana, 1892. Presbyterian Church Case. (Quo Warranto, etc.) Supreme Court of Pa. Phila., '39. Queen vs. Nelson and Brand. (Charge to Grand Jury.) Lond., '67. Simms (James) (Court Martial.) Star Route Trials. Record, etc. 7 vols. Wash., '82-'83. United States vs. Gardiner. Perjury. . United States vs. Hanway. (Treason.) Woman's Union Missionary Society vs. G. Mead, A. C. McClurg et al. Briefs and Record. Chicago, '89. Skill in Trials. Donovan, '91. , Before and at Trial. Harris, '89. Law of Trials. Thompson, '89. Instructions to Juries. Sackett, '88. Trickett CWilHam) Law of Assignments in Pennsylvania. Jersey City, '88. Law of Limitations in Pennsylvania. Jersey City, '88. Tripier (L.) and Monier (H.) Codes Francais. (French Codes.) Paris, '90. Trustram (J.) See Smith, J. W. Trusts. Ames (Cases), '90; Cook, '88; Flint, '90; Lewin, 8th & 9th eds., '88-'91; Perry, '89; Spelling, '93; Tudor (Chari- table Trusts) '89. Tucker (G. F.) Law of Business Corporations. Bost. '88. See Gould. Tudor (O. D.) Charitable Trusts. 3d ed. Lond., '89. See White & Tudor. Tuke (D. H.) Dictionary of Psychologic Medicine. 2 vols. Phila., '92. Turk (M. H.) Legal Code of Alfred the Great. Bost., '93. Tweed's Case. J. Bishop. See Pamphlets, Vol. 25. CATALOGUE OP LIBRAUY. 1 3t Tyler (M. C.) Life of Patrick Henry. (Amcr. Statesmen Series.) Bost., '88. TySSen (A. D.) Charitable Bequests. Lond., '88. u Vltra Vires. See Essay by G. F. Kelly in Johnson's Prize Essays. Unincorporated Associations. Stevick, '89. United States. Army Register, '88. Attorney General's Report. '86, '87. Opinions. Vols. 13-18 (Duplicate), Blue Book. Soule, J. H. 5th ed. Wash., '89. Boundary Survey. Wash. '78. Bureau of American Republics Publications. — Handbook of American Republics. Wash., '93. Bolivia. Wash., '92. Coal and Petroleum in Colombia. Wash. '93. Cofifee in America. "Wash., '93. Uraguay. Wash., '93. Census (10th). Vols. 12, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22. — Compendiumsof Census, 1890. Reports on Wealth, Debt, Taxation, Mineral Industries. Centennial Celebration. (U. S. Supreme Court.) See Carson, H. Circuit Court of Appeals Reports. OflF. ed. Vols. 1, 4 and 10. N. Y., '9.3. Same. (West. Pub. Co. ed.) Vols. 1, 2, 3. Circuit Court Reports. See Federal Reporter. Civil Service Commissioners' Report, 188G. Claims against U. S. Government, Hints as to Collection of. C. H. Pel ham. See pamphlets, vol. 25. Coast Survey Report, 188G. Commercial Relations Reports, 1873-'74, '75-76, '77-'78, '8Q-'81, '82-'83, '85-'86, '90-'91. Comptroller of Currency, Report, 1886. Congressional Record. Vols. 14, 16-25. Constitutional History. Adams; Curtis; Fiske; Landon; von Hoist. See History. Consular Regulations. Wash., '88. 138 CMlCAGlO LAW INSTITUTE. United States. Continued, Consular Reports. Vols. 1-39. Index to vols. 1-8. (Nos. 1-26^.) Wash., '83. Index to vols. 1-17. (Nos. 1-59.) Wash., '87. Index to vols. 18-31. (Nos. 60-111.) Wash., '90. Special Reports. Vols. 1-6. Wash., '90-'92. Special Report. Technical Education in Europe. Part 1. Industrial Education in France. Wash., '88. Special Report. Forestry in Europe. Wash., '87 — Court of Claims Reports. Vols. 21-27. Wash., '86-'93. — Critical Period in American History. John Fiske. Bost., '90. — Digest of all Decisions in U. S. (General Digest.) Annuals. (8 vols.) '87-'93. Roch., '88-'93. — Digest. All Courts in U. S. Vols. 17-19. Bost., '87-'89. — Digest. Federal Courts, '84-'88. Abbott. 5 vols. N. y., '89. — Digest. U. S. Supreme Court. Supplement. (L. C. P. Co.) Vols. 119-131. Roch., '89. — Digest. American, Annuals for '87-'93. (7 vols.) St. Paul, '87-'93. — Digest. U. S. Supreme Court. Vols. 115-141. H. G. Danforth. N. Y., '91. — Diplomatic and Consular Offices. (Map showing Loca- tion of.) Wash., '88. — Education. Report of Commissioners. '85-'89, '93. Circulars of Bureau of. Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5. — Equity Practice in U. S. Circuit Court. (Shiras.) — Federal Convention, 1789, Madison's .lournal of. — Federal Reporter. Vols. 28-55. (2 sets.) St. Paul, '93. — Fish and Fisheries. Commissioners' Reports, '74:-'76, '78- '79, '81, '85. Bulletins, '81 and '86. — Foreign Relations. '72-'73, 5 vols.; '73-'74, 3 vols.; '74, '75, '77, 5 parts; '74-'77, '82-'84, '78-'84, '85-'88, '89. — Genesis of the United States. A. Brown. 2 vols. Bost., '90. Government Publications. Monthly Catalogue. Hickox. Vols. 1-8. Wash., '86-'93. History. Adams, Bancroft, Bolles (Financial), Curtis, Hart, von Hoist, Jameson, Landon, McMaster, Pitkin, Rhodes, Schouler. CATAt-OGUE OP LIBRARY. 339 United States. Continued. Immigration Laws. (Pamphlets, vol. 23.) Interstate Commerce Commission, Reports of. ''ST '92 Vols. 1-5. Labor Commissioner's Report on Marriage and Divorce. 1867-76. Wright, C. D. Wash., '89. Labor Commissioner's Reports, '85-'87, '89-92. Labor Laws. 1892. Land Office. Reports of Commissioners. Vols. 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Rules of Practice of. 1887. Naval Laws. Bait., '89. Navigation. Commissioner's Report. 1886-87. Official Register of the U. S. '77-'87. Wash., '78-'89. Pacific Railroads Investigation. Testimony and Report. 10 vols. Patents. Patent Office. Official Gazette. Vols. 35-63. Rules of Practice. '88. Reports of Commissioner, for '90, '91 and '92. Postal Laws. '87. Postal Guides for '87, '89, '92 and '93. Practice in U. S. Courts. Desty. '93. Foster, '92. Quarantine Laws. See Pamplilets, vol. 23. Revised Statutes. Supplement. 1874-1891. Wnsh., '91. Notes On. Gould & Tucker. Bost., 86 Secretary of Treasury. Reports. '86-'87, '88, 89, 90. Silver Situation in U. S. Taussig, '93. Smithsonian Institute. Report of Regents. '75. 2 vols. Report for Year Ending June 30, '91. . Proceedings of National Museum. Vol.14. 1891. Stamp Law, '70. See O. Bump. State Department Expenditures. 1789-1876. Statistical Abstract No. 9. Statutes. (Session Laws.) '86-'93. (6 vols.) Statutes. (At Large.) Vols. 21, 23, 27. Supreme Court. Willoughhy, W. Bait., '90. Maury, W. Pamphlets, vol. 26. Carson, '91. Supreme Court Reports. (Official ed.) Vols. 118-149. 2 sets. N. Y., '86-'93. Same. (L. C. P. Co. ed.) Books 29-36. Roch., '87-'93. 140 CHICAGO LAW INSIITUTH. JJinted States. Continued. Supreme Court Reporter. (West Pub. Co. ed.) Vols, 7-13. St. Paul, '87-'93. Digest of. Vols. 1-11. St. Paul, '91. Supreme Court Centennial Celebration, '90. H. L. Car- 1. Phila., '91. Rules of Practice, '88. Dockets. October Term, '87-93. 6 vols. — Supreme Court Decisions, Handbook of, Clarke. Roch., '92, — Treasury department. Regulations of. "Wash. '57, '74, Laws of. Wash. '47. Report '88, Decisions '87-'93. Wash. '87-'93. Treaties and Conventions since 1776. Wash. '89. Treaty with Great Britain, 1794. Tornado Circular No. 1. Pamphlet (vol. 24). University of Pennsylvania. See Pennsylvania. JJpper Canada. Lives of Judges. D. B. Read. Statutes, '3 1-'40. 3 vols. Toronto, '40. Uses. Statute of, in Maryland. See Essay by O'Ferrall in John- son's Prize Essays. Usury. Blissard '92. See Interest. Utah. Justice's Treatise. Cowdery, '89. Session laws, '64"'65, '88, '90, (Reprint by T.H. Cole); '88-'90. Statutes, '88. 2 vols. Salt Lake City, '88. Supreme Court Reports. Vols. 4-7. Salt Lake City and Chic.,''90-'93. V Vaizey (L F.) Law of Settlements! 2 vols. Lond., '87. Van Buren (Martin.) Life of, by E. S. Shepard. (Amer. Statesmen Series.) Bost., '88. Van Fleet (J. M.) Law of Collateral Attack. Chic, '92. Vang'erOW (K. von.) Lehrbuch der Pandekten. (The Pandects.) o vols. (Ger.) 7th ed. Marburg & Leipzig, '63-'69. Van Heythusen (F. M.) The Equity Draftsman. 4th Am. ed. by Hughes. (Duplicate.) Phila., '61. CATALOGUE OF IJHRARY. 141 Van SantVOOrd (Cornelius) Limitation of the Liability of Shipowners. N. Y., '87. Van Schaak (H. U.) Law of Bank Cheques. Denver, 'i)-i. Vendors and Patxhasers. Dart, '88. Real Property. Wanlelle, '90. See Sales. Vermont. Acts and Laws of. 1798-1800. '17, 'SO, '88, '90, '91, '92. State Papers and Laws. (1779-178G.) Middlehury, '2.3. Supreme Court Reports. Vols. D9-G4. Brattlehoro, Rut- land and Burlington, '87-'93. Digest of Reports. Vols. 49-GO. Burlington, '89. Vested Jiiyhts. Cases and Notes. Myer, '91. Veto JfesHH/es of the Presidents of the U. S. Compiled by B. P. Poor. 'Wash., '91 Veto Power^ Origin and Development of. Mason, '91. VickePS (R H.) Powers and Duties of Police Officers and Coroners. Chic, '89. Victorian Law Reports. Vols. 1-17. Melbourne, '76-'93. Vidari (E.) Nuovo Codice di Commercio. (New Code of Com- merce.) (Ital.) Milan, '84. VierhOUSe (F.) Allgemeine Gerichtsordnung fiir die Preussichen Staaten von 6 Juli, 1793 und Preussiche Konkursordnung. (Prussian Civil Procedure and Bankruptcy Procedure.) (Ger.) Berlin, 83. VierhOUSe (F.) Sammlung Kleinerer Privat Rechtliclier Reiclisgesetze. (Collection of Imperial Laws on Minor Civil Matters.) (Ger.) Berlin, '90. Village Com)nunity. Origin of, and Survivals in Britain. Gomme, '90 See also Andrews; VinogradoflF, Vincent (Benjamin) See Hayden. Vincent (C. E. H.) Police Code and Criminal Law. 5th cd. Abr. Lond., '86. Vincent (J. N.) State and Federal Government in Switzerland. Bait., '91. Vinogradoff (Paul) Villainage in England. Oxford, '92. Virginia. Codes; '1-4; '87. Richmond, '14; '87. Convention of 1775, Journal. Richmond, '16. Railroad Commissioners' Reports, '84, '86, '87, '88. Rich- mond, '84-'88. — Session Laws, 1793, '94, '96, '97, '98, '99, 1801, "02, '04, '05, '07, '09, '10, '17, '18, '19, '20, '21, '34, '43, '44, '40, '87, '88, '89, '90. 143 CHICAGO LAW INSTITUTE. Virginia. Statutes at Large, 1619-1792. W. W. Hening. 13 vols. (Duplicate.) Supreme Court Reports. Vols. 81-88. Richmond, '87-- '93. Virs^inia Law Journal. J. Lamb, Ed. Vols. 10-16. Richmond, ' '86-'92. Virginia State Bar Ass'n Reports. Vols. 1-4. Richmond, '88-- '91. Voeke (William) Handbook of the Practice of Law in the U. S. (2 copies). Koln, '91. Volkerrecht. (International Law.) Bulmerincq, '87. Voluntary Assignments. See Assignments. von Hoist (H.) See Hoist, von. Voorhies (A.) Code of Practice in Louisiana. N. O., '82. w. Wade (W. P.) Attachment and Garnishments. 2 vols. (2 copies.) S. F., '87. Law of Notice. 2d ed. (Duplicate.) Chic, '86. Wadling'GP (G-. J.) Law of Costs in Pennsylvania, Phila., '88. Wager of Battle and Wager of Law. See Lea's Superstition and Force. See Neilson. Wait (F. S.) Fraudulent Conveyances and Creditors' Bills. (2 copies.) 2d ed. N. Y., '89. Law of Insolvent Corporations. N. Y., '88. Wait (William) Actions and Defences, Vol, 8. By Edwin Baylies. Alb., '88. Waite (C. V.) Ed. Chic, Law Times. Wakeman (H. O.) and HaSSall (Arthur) Essays on the English Constitution. Lond., '91, Walker (A. N.) Patent Laws of U. S. 2d ed. N. Y, '89. Walker (Timothy) American Law. 9th ed. (2 copies.) Bost., '87. Walker (T. A.) Science of International Law. Lond., '93. Wallace {Caleb.) Life and Times of Caleb Wallace. W, H. Whitsitt, ed. Louisville, '88. Wallace (Joseph) History of Illinois and Louisiana under French Rule. Cin., '93. CATALOGUE OF LIUKAKY. 1 i3 Wallace (Lew) Harrison and Morton. Phila., '88. WalliS (J. E. P.) Reports of State Trials. N. S. Vol. 4. Lond., '93. V/alsh (C. C.) The Students' Quiz Book. Vols. 1-3. Chic, ''.i-:- -!t3. Wambaug-h (Eugene) The Study of Cases. Bost., '92. Wandell (S. H.) Disposition of Decedents' Real Estate. Rochester, '89. — - — Law of Inns. Rochester, '88. _ Law of the Theater. Alb., '9L Waples (Rufus) Treatise on Homestead and Exemption. Chic., '92. War tcith Crime. Baker, '89. Warde (Daniel) Practice of Interpleader. Lond., '87. Warner (H. E.) Questions on the N. Y. Code of Procedure. N. Y., '88. Service of Papers. N. Y., '00. Warre (B.) Repertoire bibliographique. Paris, '70. Warvelle (G. W.) American Law of Vendors and Purchasers of Real Property. 2 vols. Chic, '90. Treatise on Abstracts and Examination of Title. Chic, '02. Washburn (Emory) Criminal Law. 2d ed. by M. D. Ewell. (^hic, '80. Law of Real Property. 5th ed. 3 vols. Bost., '87. Washington Arbitration. Vol. (J. Hale. Wiish., '74. Washington (City.) Laws of the Corporation of. Wash., '33. Washington (George.) Life of, by H. C. Lodge. (American Statesmen Series.) 2 vols. Bost., '90. Washinc/ton Laic Ixeporter. Vols. 13-20. Wash., '86-'93. Washington (State.) Session Laws, '89--91. Olympia. '00-91. Statutes and Codes. 2 vols. Hill. S. F., '91. Supreme Court Reports. Vols. 1-4. S, F., '91-93. Wa.'ih ington (Te rr i tory .) Justices Treatise. Covvdery, '89. Real Property Statutes of. '92. Session Laws, '60, '61, '86, '87, '88. W. Vernon Feny, CJharles H. Fineli, George B. Fisher, Edward A. Fisher, Walter L. Fitch, Joseph H. Flannery. Daniel F. Flower, James M. FoUansbee, George A. Foltz. Ira W. Forrest, AVilliam S. Foss, George E. Foster. Samuel B. Foster, William A. Frake, James Freeman, Henry V. Freshwaters, Milton R. Fry, George C. FuUenwider, James A. Fuller, Melville W. (Desig.) FuUerton, Charles W. (Desig.) Furness, William Eliot Fyffe, Colin C. H. Gage, Augustus N. Galloway, James B. Gardner, Addison L. Gai'dner, Henr}- A. Garnett, Wm., Jr. Gartside, John M. Gary, Carleton N. Gary, Elbert H. Gary, George A. Gary, Josepli E. (Desig.) Gary. Noah E. Gault, Thamas H. Geary, John R. Geer, Ira J. Gibbons, John Gibbs, William B. Gilbert, Hiiam T. (roldzier, Julius Goodrich, Adams A. Gorton, Edward F. Graves, Dwight W. Gray, Edward E. Greeley, Louis M. (ireen, Adolphus W. Green, John W. Greenacre, Isaiah T. Greenfield, Charles W. Gregoiy, Samuel S. Gridley, ]\Iartin M. Griggs, Charles W. Grinnell, Julius S. Gross, Alfred H, Gross, Samuel E. Grosscu}), Peter S. (Desig.) Grover, Frank R. Gurley, William W. Hacker, Nicholas W. Hale, Fretlk. C. Halligan, Francis E. Halsey, N. Wetmore Hamilton, Adelbert Hamilton, John M. Hamilton, William A. Hanilm, Frank Hamline, John II. Hanecy, Elbridge Harbert, William S. (Desig.) Hardin, ]\Iartin D. Harding, George F. Hardy, Charles M. Harkness, Edson J, Harlan, James S. Hailan, John M. Harmon, Charles S. Harpham, Edwin L. Harris, Graham H. Hatch, Azel F. Hawes, Kirk Hayes, Fred W. C. Heath, William R. Hebard, Frederic S. Heckman, Wallace Hefferan, William S. Helmer, Frank A. Hendei-son, John G. Hendei-son, Howai'd Henry, John A. Herrick, John J. Hess, George W. Hess, J. F. High, James L. HiUis, David M. Hii-schl, Andrew J. Hodges, Leonanl M. Hodges, Lothrop S. Hotfheimer. Zach. Holbrook, Edmund S. Holden, Walter S. Holden, William H. Holdom, Jesse APPENDi:^. Hollett, Roderick P. Holt, Charles S. Honore, Lockwood Howe, Samuel J. Howland, Walter M. Hoyne, Thomas M. Huey, John S. Hull, Morton D. Hull, Walter S. Humphrey, Arthur Hiu'd, Harvey B. Huszagh, Rudolph D. Hutching, James 0. Hutchinson, James F. Hutchinson, Jonas (Desig.) Hynes, William J. Ireland, Francis M. Isham, Edward S. Isham, Pierrepont Jackson, Huntington W. Jackson, Samuel W. Jamieson, Egbert; Jenkins, Robert E. Jenks, Anson B, Jewett, John N. Job, Fred W. Johnson, Frank A. Jolmson, Herbert B. Johnson, Julius A. Johnson, William H Johnson, William O. Jones, De Witt C. Jones, J. Blackburn Jones, Nathaniel M. Jones, Thomas D. Judd, Edward J. Kasmar, Max L. Kavanagh, Charles J. Keep, William B. Keightlej'-, Edwin B. Kendall, Robert B. Keogh, James B. Kerr, Samuel King, John C. King, Rufus Kirkland, Lloyd G. Knapp, Kemper K. Knickerbocker, John J. Knight, Clarence A. Knight, Thomas D. Kohlsaat, Christian C. Kraft, F. William Kraft, J. Henry Kraus, Adolph Kretzinger, George W. Lackner, Francis La Mure, James W. Lanaghen, Gideon F. Lane, Charles Lanehart, John W. Lang-worthy, E. P. (Desig.) Larned, Walter C. Lauman, Charles N. Law, William, Jr. Lawrence, Anson H. Lawrence, Chas. H. Leake, Joseph B. Leaming, Jeremiah Leflfingwell, Frank P. Leman, Henry W. LeMoyne, William M. Lewis, John Lincoln, Robert T, Loeb, Albert H. Loesch, Frank J. Longenecker, Joel M. Loomis, Mason B. Lord, Frank E. Loughridge, Charles Low, Wolfred N. Lowden, Frank O. Lufif, William M. Lumbard, Samuel J. Lusk, Charles D, Lyford, Wm. H. Lyman, David B. Lynde, Samuel A. Lyon, William R. Lyons, Robert L. Magee, Henry W. Maher, Edward Makeel, Frank E. Mann, James R. Mann, Joseph B. Manning, William J. Marston, Thomas B. Martin, Ellen A. Mai-tin, Horace H. Marx, August Mason, Edward G. Mason, Henry B. Mason, HughL. Mason, William E. Mather, Robert Matthews, Henry M. Mattocks, Walter Matz, Rudolph Mayer, Isaac H. Mayer, Levy Meads, Albert H. Meagher, James F. Mecartney, Harry S. Meek, S. Mason Melville, Americus B. Merriam, Joseph W. Millard, Sylvester M. Miller, Hemy G. Miller, Humphrey, H. O. Miller, John S. Mills, Luther Laflin Mitchell, Lewis H. Moak, Will B. AIM'IVDIV, J.Ionk, John S. Mont<^()inery. Joliii R. Mont|;(jiiu'iv. William A. Tlooif. Charles B. Mooiv, Natluui G. Moore, William H. Moore, Will H. iMoran. Thomas A. Morrill, Donald L. Morrison. Richard W. Moses, Adolpii Mosi's, .Josejili W, Mott. Rollins S. Mueller. Adolph F. C. Muhlke, Joseph II. Munroe, James E. Murphy, Francis T. Murj)hy, John A. Murray. James S. McArdle, Eilwanl J. McCaj;?;. i^^';' ^^- (t>L'-