(fas & fa lev Book^W- OFFICIAL DONATION. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from The Library of Congress http://www.archive.org/details/preliminaryreporOOIand Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper No. Ill Series 0, Underground Waters, 29 DEPARTMENT OE THE INTERIOR UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVBTY CHARLES n. WALCOTT, Director PRELIMINARY REPORT Underground Waters of Washington HENRY LANDES WASHINGTON. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 19 05 JBLICATIONS OP UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. The publications of the United States Geological Survey consist of (1) Annual Reports; (2) Mono- graphs; (3) Professional Papers; (4) Bulletins; (5) Mineral Resources; (6) Water-Supply and Irrigation Papers; (7) Topographic Atlas of the United States, folios and separate sheets thereof; (8) Geologic Atlas of the United States, folios thereof. The classes numbered 2, 7, and 8 are sold at cost of publi- cation; the others are distributed free. A circular giving complete lists may be had on application. The Professional Papers, Bulletins, and Water-Supply Papers treat of a variety of subjects, and the total number issued is large. They have therefore been classified into the following series: A, Eco- nomic geology; B, Descriptive geology; C, Systematic geology and paleontology; D, Petrography and mineralogy; E, Chemistry and physics; F, Geography; G, Miscellaneous; H, Forestry; I, Irriga- tion; J, Water storage; K, Pumping water; L, Quality of water; M, General hydrographic investiga- tions; N, Water power; O, Underground waters; P, Hydrographic progress reports. The following Water-Supply Papers are out of stock, and can no longer be supplied: Nos. 1-16, 19, 20, 22, 29-34, 36, 39, 40, 43, 46, 57-65, 75. Complete lists of papers relating to water supply and allied subjects follow. (PP= Professional Paper; B=Bulletin; WS= Water-Supply Paper.) Series I— Irrigation. WS 2. Irrigation near Phoenix, Ariz., by A. P. Davis. 1897. 98 pp., 31 pis. and maps. WS 5. Irrigation practice on the Great Plains, by E. B. Cowgill. 1897. 39 pp., 11 pis. WS 9. Irrigation near Greeley, Colo., by David Boyd. 1897. 90 pp., 21 pis. WS 10. Irrigation in Mesilla Valley, New Mexico, by F. C. Barker. 1898. 51 pp., 11 pis. WS 13. Irrigation systems in Texas, by W. F. Hutson. 1898. 68 pp., 10 pis. WS 17. Irrigation near Bakersfield, Cal., by C. E. Grunsky. 1898. 96 pp., 16 pis. WS 18. Irrigation near Fresno, Cal., by C. E. Grunsky. 1898. 94 pp., 14 pis. WS 19. Irrigation near Merced, Cal., by C. E. Grunsky. 1899. 59 pp., 11 pis. WS 23. Water-right problems of Bighorn Mountains, by El wood Mead. 1899. 62 pp., 7 pis. WS 32. Water resources of Porto Rico, by H. M. Wilson. 1899. 48 pp., 17 pis. and maps. WS 43. Conveyance of water in irrigation canals, flumes, and pipes, by Samuel Fortier. 1901. 86 pp., 15 pis. WS 70. Geology and water resources of the Patrick and Goshen Hole quadrangles, Wyoming, by G. I. Adams. 1902. 50 pp., 11 pis. WS 71. Irrigation systems of Texas, by T. U. Taylor. 1902. 137 pp., 9 pis. WS 74. Water resources of the State of Colorado, by A. L. Fellows. 1902. 151 pp., 14 pis. WS 87. Irrigation in India (second edition), by H. M. Wilson. 1903. 238 pp., 27 pis. WS 93. Proceedings of first conference of engineers of the reclamation service, with accompanying papers, compiled by F. H. Newell, chief engineer. 1904. 361 pp. The following papers also relate especially to irrigation: Irrigation in India, by H. M. Wilson, in Twelfth Annual, Pt. II; two papers on irrigation engineering, by H. M. Wilson, in Thirteenth Annual, Pt. III. Series J— Water Storage. WS 33. Storage of water on Gila River, Arizona, by J. B. Lippincott. 1900. 98 pp., 33 pis. WS 40. The Austin dam, by Thomas U. Taylor. 1900. 51 pp., 16 pis. WS 45. Water storage on Cache Creek, California, by A. E. Chandler. 1901. 48 pp., 10 pis. WS 46. Physical characteristics of Kern River, California, by F. H. Olmsted, and Reconnaissance of Yuba River, California, by Marsden Man.son. 1901. 57 pp., 8 pis. WS 58. Storage of water on Kings River, California, by J. B. Lippincott. 1902. 100 pp., 32 pis. WS 68. Water storage in Truckee Basin, California-Nevada, by L. H. Taylor. 1902. 90 pp., 8 pis. WS 73. Water storage on Salt River, Arizona, by A. P. Davis. 1902. 54 pp., 25 pis. WS 86. Storage reservoirs on Stony Creek, California, by Burt Cole. 1903. 62 pp., 16 pis. WS 89. Water resources of Salinas Valley, California, by Homer Hamlin. 1904. 91 pp., 12 pis. WS 93. Proceedings of first conference of engineers of the reclamation service, with accompanying papers, compiled by F. H. Newell, chief engineer. 1904. 361 pp. The following paper also should be noted under this heading: Reservoirs for irrigation, by J. D. Schuyler, in Eighteenth Annual, Pt. IV. [Continued on third page of cover.] IKR 111—2 Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper No. Ill Series 0, Underground Waters, 29 DEPARTMENT OF THE [NTERIOP. UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CHARLES D. WALCOTT, DIRECTOR it PRELIMINARY REPORT Underground Waters of Washington HENRY E ANDES WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 19 5 Ccky z I 77 2. - ■ - MAR 29 1905 D.ofD, w CONTENTS. Page. 1 A'tter of transmittal 5 Introduction 7 Adams County 7 Asotin County 9 Chehalis County 10 Chelan County 12 Clallam County 1 3 Clarke County 15 Columbia County 16 Cowlitz County 16 Douglas County 17 Franklin County 20 Jefferson County 21 King County 22 Kitsap County 27 Kittitas County 28 Klickitat County 80 Lewis County 32 Lincoln County 33 Mason County ' 35 Okanogan County , 36 Pacific County _ . .• 37 Pierce County 38 San Juan County 41 Skagit County 42 Skamania County 44 Snohomish County 45 Spokane County 47 Stevens County 50 Thurston County 52 Walla walla County 53 Whatcom County : 55 Whitman County 57 Yakima County 60 Tables of deep wells, municipal water supplies, and representative springs ... 65 Index 83 ILLUSTRATION. Page. Plate I. Chart showing mean annual precipitation in Washington 7 3 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. Department of the Interior, United States Geological Survey, Washington, I). 0., May 4, 1904.. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith, for publication in the series of Water-Supply and Irrigation Papers, a preliminary report descriptive of the underground waters in the State of Washington, prepared by Mr. Henry Landes under the direction of Mr. N. H. Darton, geologist in charge of the western section of hydrology. It is believed that the report is a valuable contribution to the knowl- edge of the water resources of the State. Very respectfully, F. H. Newell, Hydrograjmer in charge. Hon. Charles D. Walcott, Director United States Geological Survey. 5 U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Mean total precipitation MAP OF W SHOWING MEAN T WATER-SUPPLY PAPER NO. Ill PL . I HINGTO.N L PRECIPITATION \XI)KS i i lorrected lo 1 ►eceirrtier, L898 so yo 100 uo miles PRELIMINARY REPORT ON THE UNDERGROUND WATERS OF WASHINGTON. By Henry Landes. INTRODUCTION. This report contains a brief account of the water resources of Wash- ington as represented by municipal supplies, deep wells, and springs. For each county a general statement is made, giving the location, rain- fall, and most striking features of topograph}^ and geology. Following this are detailed statements which give data concerning the municipal systems, deep wells, and springs, and which have been secured entirely by correspondence. The blanks sent to the clerks or other officials of the cities and towns regarding municipal water supplies were practi- cally all tilled out and returned, so that this information is complete to the present time. The blanks for the deep wells were not returned as generally as was desired, but almost every section of the State where such wells occur is represented, and those described may be taken as types of their kind in each county. Springs occur so very generally throughout the State that only a small fraction of them may be said to be represented in the blanks filled out and returned, but, as in the case of the wells, those mentioned are typical of their class, and it is only necessary to recall that the number given in every county may be multiplied many times. Every effort has been made to eliminate inaccuracies. No general statements are made concerning the rainfall, topography, and geology of the State as a whole, since these are given for each county. A rainfall map is included in order to show at a glance what the precipitation is in any section, also the contrasts between one part of the State and another. ADAMS COUNTY. General statement.— Adams County lies south and east of the cen- tral part of the State, on the line of the Northern Pacific Railway, between Columbia River and Spokane. The topography is that of a gently sloping plain, descending from a height of 1,900 feet in the 7 8 UNDEBGKOUND WATEES OF WASHINGTON. [no. 111. northeast corner to 700 or 800 feet in the southwestern part as Columbia River is approached. The plain-like character of the sur- face is modified by occasional valleys locally known as "coulees." The drainage is to the south and the southwest, toward Snake and Columbia rivers. Cow Creek is the principal stream; the other streams as a rule are intermittent and are active only in the late winter and spring months. This county lies within the dry region of central Washington, where the precipitation is light and is confined to the winter and spring months. In the western half of the county the average yearly rainfall is 10 inches or a little less, while in the eastern half it is from 10 to 15 inches. There is a regular increase in the amount of rainfall with the increase in elevation, and hence the precipitation is greater in the northeastern part of the county than in the southwestern portion, and there is more rain in uplands than in the valleys. The Columbia River lava, or basalt, is the principal rock in Adams County. It forms the bed rock everywhere except in the southwest corner, where the Ellensburg beds, composed of sands and clays, appear. As a rule the rocks are covered with a thick coating of soil, the exceptions being the valley sides and occasionally the valley bottoms. The soil is fine grained, of good quality, and very productive when supplied with the proper amount of moisture. Grazing and wheat raising are carried on very successfully in nearly all parts of the county. Despite the small rainfall, there is little or no difficulty in securing a good supply of water for domestic purposes. At depths of from 300 to 500 feet wells yield large quantities of good water. The water-bearing strata are usually layers of very porous or Cellular basalt. Wherever such layers outcrop along the border of a valley, springs are commonly found. Municipal systems. — Ritzville is the only town in the county reported as having a water-supply system. The water is obtained from a well having a depth of 385 feet. In this way a supply of good water is secured. The water level in the well does not vary during the day or year and is not affected by pumping. The water is pumped into res- ervoirs and is distributed by gravity throughout the town. Besides serving as a domestic supply, the water is used in irrigating the lawns and gardens. Deep wells.— Besides the well which supplies Ritzville, another deep well has been drilled at the same place by the Northern Pacific Railway Company. This well has a diameter of 8 inches and a depth of 355 feet. The water column stands at a height of about 240 feet. There, is no variation in the water level during the day or year, and it is affected slightly by pumping. It is used by the railway to obtain water for locomotives. landes.] ASOTIN COUNTY. 9 At Cunningham a well has been drilled )>y Thomas and James O'Hair. This well has a diameter of 6 inches and a depth of 426 feet. The water column stands at a height of 356 feet and remains station- ary throughout the year. This well was drilled at a cost of $1,066. A wind pump was erected at a cost of $290. The above wells serve as a type for those of Adams County. Springs. — As a type of the springs found in Adams County, the one owned by G. W. Bassett, near Washtuena, may be noted. The water issues as a stream from the honeycombed or porous basalt, and varies but little in quantity during- the year. It is sufficient to supply the town of Washtuena, and some of it is used for irrigating purposes as well. The water is soft, carries no sediment, and has no unpleasant taste. Along Cow Creek, a tributary of Palouse River, in the eastern part of the county, there are a number of good springs. ASOTIN COUNTY. General statement. — -Asotin County lies in the extreme southeast corner of the State. It is in the main a plateau region, deeply dissected by canyons. The higher parts of the plateau have an elevation of about 5,000 feet above sea. The canyon of the Snake, along the east- ern and a part of the northern boundaries of the county, has a depth of 3,000 to 4,000 feet. Leading into the larger canyon from the southwest are the smaller canyons of Grande Ronde River and Asotin Creek. The average rainfall is 25 inches and is sufficient to afford an ample water supply. On the higher parts of the plateau the precipitation is sufficient to produce a forest growth of firs, pines, and other coniferous trees. On the lower parts of the plateau bunch grass grows luxuriantly and it is only in the deep valleys that irrigation is necessary. The bed rock is basalt, except in occasional instances where the streams have cut through the lava and exposed the underlying granites and other crystalline rocks. The soil is very thick and, since it is of basaltic origin, is of good quality. Only in the valleys has the county been settled to any degree. In the deeper valleys, as that of the Snake, irrigation is necessary in order to produce fruit, vegetables, and other products, but for this purpose there is an ample supply of water at hand. Water from Asotin Creek is used to irrigate a large area of fiat land at Clarkston, and a sagebrush plain has been converted into an oasis of alfalfa meadows, fruit orchards, and vegetable gardens. In the gravels and sands of the valleys good water may be had from wells that vary in depth from 20 to 50 feet. Municipal systems. — Asotin, the county seat, is situated on Snake River at the mouth of Asotin Creek. The water supply of the town 10 UNDERGROUND WATERS OP WASHINGTON. [no. 111. comes primarily from Asotin Creek, but some dependence is placed on wells and cisterns. The creek rises in the Blue Mountains and carries pure, clear water without any contamination. Besides serving as a domestic supply the water is used for the irrigation of lawns and gar- dens. The supply is sufficient for the present and in all probability for all future needs. Clarkston, on Snake River opposite Lewiston, also gets its supply of water from Asotin Creek. The water is carried by a flume 16 miles in length to a point on the hillside immediately above the town and from there is distributed by pipe lines. At present this forms the sole supply for the town, but a deep well is being bored as a possible addi- tional source of supply. An analysis of the water of Asotin Creek made by Professor Fulmer at Pullman on January 29, 1903, showed 6.18 grains of solid matter in each gallon of water. The solid matter was found to be wholly free from objectionable qualities. Along Snake River, especially in the vicinity of Asotin, are a number of wells which range in depth from 20 to 35 feet. The water is obtained from gravel and sand and is of good quality. This water supply is intimately connected with the river, as the water in the wells and in the river is always at the same level. CHEHALIS COUNTY. General statement. — Chehalis County lies on the western border of the State, fronting the Pacific Ocean. The coast line here is irregular, the most marked indentation being Grays Harbor. From the narrow b< of sand dunes along the coast the surface rises by irregular hills until the low mountains of the Coast Range are encountered on the eastern border of the county. Chehalis and Queniult rivers flow in broad valleys from east to west across the county. The region between these streams is drained by Humptulips River, which flows south- west and empties into Grays Harbor. Along the coast the yearly rainfall averages about 90 inches, but inland it decreases gradually, dropping to 65 inches at the extreme eastern edge of the county. Practically the whole county is covered with a luxuriant growth of vegetation, the only exceptions being the small areas of outwash glacial gravels, commonly known as " prairies," where but few trees have yet begun to grow. The rocks of Chehalis County as far as known are of Tertiary age. Marine Eocene fossils have been identified at Porter and Elma, in the eastern part of the county, and marine Pliocene fossils have been found at Granville, at the mouth of Queniult River. The Tertiary rocks are chiefly clastic, consisting of beds of clay, sand, and gravel. Occasionally they contain a small igneous dike, usually of basalt. Nearly all of the county north of Grays Harbor and Chehalis River LANDES.] CHKHALIS COUNTY. 11 has been glaciated, and the glacial till, with layers of sand and gravel, is very thick. The very heavy rainfall yields an abundant supply of water for every purpose. The lakes and the deep porous soil are great storage reservoirs, which feed the streams at all seasons and give them an even How. The only contamination is due to the decay of vegetal matter in the streams and lakes. In the glacial sediments and in the gravels and sands of the river valleys excellent water may be had from wells of moderate depth. It is not likely that deep wells will ever be necessary in order to afford a supply of water in any part of the county. Since the sedimentary rocks above mentioned are known to be folded, it is possible that artesian basins have been formed, within which flowing wells may be secured by drilling. Municipal systems. — Aberdeen, at the head of Grays Harbor, gets its supply of water from a creek. The quantity obtained in this way is hardly sufficient for present needs, and water from another creek near by will soon be used. The system of waterworks used is that of direct pressure. As a rule the wells do not yield good water, since in digging them marine deposits of mud and sand are penetrated. A sanitary analysis of the Aberdeen city water was made April 14, 1901, by Prof. H. G. Byers, of the University of Washington, with the following result: Analysis of water from city well at Aberdeen. [Parts per million.] Total solids 75. 69 Volatile solids 12. 50 Nonvolatile solids 63. 19 Nitrogen as nitrites None. Nitrogen as nitrates 090 Nitrogen as free ammonia None. Nitrogen as albuminoid ammonia 021 Oxygen consumed 966 Chlorine 6. 50 The water supply of Cosmopolis is obtained chiefly from wells, but in part from some creeks owned by the Grays Harbor Commercial Company. From the creeks to the town a gravity system of water- works has been installed. The water is soft, of good quality, and is ample for present needs and probably for all future demands. Hoquiam, on Grays Harbor, secures its water supply from the headwaters of Little Hoquiam River, which affords a supply of good water sufficient for present and future needs. The water is pumped into a reservoir and then distributed by gravity. Besides serving the domestic demands the water is also used as a boiler supply. Practi- cally no wells are used in the city, especially in that part which is sit- uated on the tide flats. Montesano, the county seat of Chehalis County, obtains its water supply from some springs north of the city. The supply is suffi- 12 UNDERGROUND WATERS OF WASHINGTON. [no. 111. cient for the present, but some other source may be necessary in the future. From the springs the water flows into a reservoir and is then distributed by gravity. The water is of good quality and there are no sources of contamination. In Montesano a few wells have been dug, usually about 35 feet in depth. The water-bearing stratum is gravel. The water from the wells is good and may be obtained in large quantities. The water level varies only in the dry summer months, when it falls somewhat. Ocosta, a town of about 300 inhabitants, on the southwest shore of Grays Harbor, obtains a town supply from wells and springs. The water is of good quality and ample for present needs. The wells have an average depth of 50 feet and the water is obtained from beds of sand. The sand is overlain by clay, so that there is no contamination from the surface. The water level in the wells is somewhat lower in summer than in winter. CHELAN COUNTY. General statement. — Chelan County lies a little north of the center of the State, and extends from the summit of the Cascade Mountains southeast to Columbia River. The topography is very rugged, since it includes some of the most broken parts of the Cascades. From the northwestern border of the county, which has an altitude of 7,000 to 8,000 feet, the surface slopes southeastward to the Columbia, where the elevation is only about 700 feet above the sea. The streams flow in deep valleys or canyons, and the divides are very sharp and lined with rows of peaks. There are three prominent drainage sj^stems, all hav- ing northwest-southeast courses. Beginning at the north these are Stehekin River and Lake Chelan, Entiat River, and Wenatchee River. The rocks of Chelan Count}^ are mainly granites, gneisses, schists, and other crystallines. The principal exception is the sandstone of Eocene age in the southern part of the county. The sandstone is of lacustrine origin and forms a belt reaching from Wenatchee to Leav- enworth in an east- west course and from the southern border of the county northward for about 30 miles. The rainfall is greatest along the extreme western border, or in the region of the highest mountains, where it is from 40 to 60 inches a year. In the descent eastward it decreases rapidly until in the valley of the Columbia it averages but 15 inches yearly. In the mountains much of the precipitation is in the form of snow, and along the summit of the Cascades are many glaciers. The snow-fed mountain streams carry an abundance of the purest water, and in all parts of the county is an excellent water supply. On the alluvial fans and terraces along Columbia and Wenatchee rivers large tracts are now under successful irrigation, the water being supplied by the mountain streams. landed] CLALLAM COUNTY. 13 Mii/ilrijHil si/sf, ms. — The town of Chelan has- obtained its water in part from springs and in part from Lake Chelan. A system of wain- works is now being installed whereby (In 1 water from the lake will be pumped into reservoirs and then be distributed throughout the town by gravity. As the water of the lake comes from the snow fields and streams of the high mountains, and is not contaminated, it is exceed- ingly pure and healthful. Besides serving as a domestic supply, a large amount of water will be used for irrigation within and about the town. Repeated efforts have been made to obtain water from wells, but although depths of 100 feet were reached no successful wells have been dug on the town site. Lakeside, at the southern end of Lake Chelan and near the town of Chelan, has in the past depended upon wells for its water supply. Like the town of Chelan, it has under construction a system of water- works which will draw- the supply from the lake. Wenatchee, the count}^ seat of Chelan County, situated on Columbia River at the mouth of the Wenatchee, obtains its supply of water from a creek which flows out from the Cascade Mountains. This sup- ply is sufficient for present needs, but must be supplemented by some- thing better in the future. Besides its use as a house supply, the water is extensively used for irrigating lawns, gardens, and orchards. There are no successful wells in the region about Wenatchee. Springs. — In the eastern part of the county a number of springs are employed for domestic supply and for irrigation. The spring owned by George Brisson, which may be regarded as a typical one, issues as a stream from a porous basaltic rock. The water is of good quality, carries no sediment, remains constant for the most part, but decreases somewhat in flow in the autumn. CLALLAM COUNTY. General statement. — Clallam County lies in the extreme north- west corner of the State, and has a frontage on both the Pacific Ocean and the Strait of Juan de Fuca. It includes the northern half of the Olympic Mountains, the highest peak of which, Mount Olympus, stands on the southern border of the county. The Olympics are rugged, deeply dissected mountains, and reach outward almost to the coast, leaving a narrow belt of hills immediately along the shore. This belt is much wider along the Pacific coast than along the strait. The highest mountain paaks are from 6,000 to 8,000 feet above the sea. The greatest rainfall in the State is at Cape Flattery, where the aver- age for the year reaches 100 inches. From this point eastward the precipitation decreases regularly, until at the eastern border of the county it is from 20 to 30 inches per year. In the highest mountains 14 UNDERGROUND WATERS OF WASHINGTON. [no. 111. much of the precipitation is in the form of snow, and the snow fields and glaciers serve as reservoirs from which the streams are fed during the summer months. The great abundance of pure mountain water will not only serve as an ample supply for all municipal and domestic requirements, but will afford excellent water power. All parts of the county except the highest mountains are densely forest clad, and the forests are eminently helpful in retarding the run-off and equalizing the flow of the streams from season to season. In a belt varying from 10 to 20 miles in width, extending along both the north and west coasts, the rocks are of Tertiary age and represent marine sediments. Eocene or Oligocene fossils have been identified along the Strait of Juan de Fuca between Twin River and Gettysburg, and fossils that are probably of upper Miocene age have been found near the mouth of the Quillayute River on the west coast. The Ter- tiary rocks are all sedimentary, consisting chiefly of conglomerates, sandstones, and shales. Within these rocks a good supply of water may be had from comparatively shallow wells. To the south and east of the belt of rocks above mentioned, within the higher Olympics, the rocks consist of schists, slates, and other metamorphics, with great intrusions and extrusions of igneous rocks. The age of these rocks and their relations to the sedimentaries above described have never been determined. Along the northern border of the county the glacial sediments are commonly very heavy, and from these it is usually easy to secure good water by means of wells from 20 to 40 feet in depth. There are many large lakes within the county, such as Ozette and Crescent, which are reservoirs of the pur- est water. Lake Crescent is a very deep lake, at the border line of the high mountains, with water of extraordinary blueness and purity. Municipal systems. — The water supply of Port Angeles, the county seat of Clallam County, comes in part from wells, but in the main is derived from Frazer Creek, which is a small stream rising in the Olympic foothills back of the town and flowing through the town site. About one-half of the water of the stream is taken out in pipes and distributed by gravity. As the water is often subject to contamina- tion, and is of insufficient quantity for the future, it affords a some- what unsatisfactory supply. A plan is on foot to secure water from Little River, which is within 6 miles of the city. This stream rises in the snow fields of the Olympic Mountains and carries a large volume of excellent water. The wells that have been dug about Port Angeles vary in depth from 12 to 40 feet. The water-bearing strata of sand and gravel are overlain by clay, which prevents contamination from the surface. The water level is lowered somewhat in the summer months, but for domestic uses the wells are never exhausted. Port Crescent, located on the Strait of Juan de Fuca, a few miles west of Port Angeles, secures its water supply mainly from wells, but landes.] CLARKE COUNTY. 15 to a limited extent from a small lake. The wells range in depth from L6 to -Jo feet. Water is obtained from sandstone, which is overlain by a thin layer of soil. The water rises in the wells to within a few few feet of the surface, and the level is scarcely affected by pumping. CLARKE COUNT!'. General statement. — Clarke County is situated on the southwestern border line of the State, having Columbia River on its southern and western sides, Cowlitz County on the north, and Skamania County on tbe east. From a low plain along the Columbia the surface rises grad- ually to the foothills of the Cascades until the northeastern part of the count} 7 is reached, which presents a very broken appearance. The principal streams are the North and South forks of Lewis River, Salmon River, and Washougal River. The yearly rainfall of Clarke County varies in passing from west to east, but it may be said to average about 50 inches. The precipitation is nearl} 7 all in the form of rain, the elevation above sea not being sufficient to produce snow to any marked degree. The bed rock is mainly basalt, except in the northeastern portion of the county, where the metamorphic and granitic rocks of the Cascades prevail. The weathered basalt affords an excellent soil, and agricul- ture has come to be a very important industry. The soil has formed to such a depth that it contains a good water supply, and surface wells are therefore in common use. Along Columbia River are broad gravel terraces from which large quantities of water are obtained by means of springs and wells. The springs are common along the ter- race bases and often yield large amounts of water. The wells are from 25 to 75 feet in depth, and the water-bearing strata are usually overlain by clay, so that surface contamination is at a minimum. Municipal systems.- — Vancouver, the county seat, secures its water supply from 3 springs and 2 wells. The amount thus obtained is suffi- cient for present needs, and doubtless will be ample for some time to come. There are no sources of contamination, and the water is of excellent quality. A gravity system of waterworks is used. The wells about Vancouver range in depth from 30 to 75 feet. The water is found in a stratum of coarse gravel, which is overlain by clay. It rises to within 25 feet of the surface, and very little change in the level is noted from season to season. The water level is affected only to a slight degree by pumping. Besides its use for domestic purposes, the water system is drawn upon for fire protection, boiler supply, etc. An analysis of the water showed the total solids per gallon of water to be 10.05; organic matter per gallon, 0.60; hardness, 11.30. Springs. — Five miles east of Vancouver are 3 springs owned by the Vancouver Waterworks Company. The water flows out in streams 16 UNDERGROUND WATEES OF WASHINGTON. [no. 111. from a bed of gravel which outcrops upon a hillside. The flow varies slightly at different times, but is about 1,750,000 gallons daily. The water is soft, has a pleasant taste, and carries no sediment. COLUMBIA COUNTY. General statement.- — Columbia County lies between Wallawalla County, on the west, and Garfield County, on the east, and reaches from the Oregon line northward to Snake River. The southern part of the county lies within the broad plateau of the Blue Mountains, and has a height of from 4,000 to 5,000 feet above the sea. The northern part is a region of high, rolling hills and deep ravines. Along the northern border Snake River flows in a canyon that has a depth of 1,000 to 1,500 feet. The rainfall varies from 15 inches a year along Snake River to 25 inches in the central and southern parts. In the Blue Mountains it is sufficient to produce a forest covering. In the northern part of the county the bunch grass which once grew so luxuriantly is fast giving way to wheat fields. In agriculture irrigation is necessary only along the benches or terraces of the Snake, where there are many fine fruit and alfalfa ranches. As far as known, there are no other rocks in the county save basalt. Some parts of the basalt are very vesicular or porous, and are com- monly water bearing. In digging wells an ample supply of good water is generally found within. 50 feet of the surface. On the hill- sides, wherever the porous basalt outcrops, springs may occur, and they are in common use as domestic water supplies. Municipal systems. — Dayton, the principal town and the county seat of Columbia County, obtains its water supply from springs. These afford a supply which will doubtless be ample for all time to come. A gravity system of waterworks is used. In a few instances water is obtained from private wells, which range in depth from 25 to 50 feet. The water is found in very porous layers of basalt. In the wells the water level varies slightly with the seasons, but is not affected to any appreciable extent by pumping. Springs. — Near Dayton are the springs from which the city water supply is derived. The water seeps out from beds of gravel at the base of a hill. The amount of water varies considerably with the season, the flow being reduced in the dry summer months. The water is soft, and no deposits of mineral matter or sediments are found about the springs. COWLITZ COUNTY. General statement. — Cowlitz County is situated on the southwestern boundary of the State, north of Clarke County and Columbia River. landbs.] COWLITZ AND DOUGLAS COUNTIES. 17 The western half of the county is composed of low irregular hills and broad stream valleys; the eastern half is very rough and broken, since it contains the foothills and outlying spurs of the Cascades. The principal streams are Cowlitz, Toutle, and Kalama rivers. The annual rainfall varies from 65 inches on the western margin to 60 inches in the eastern part. Every part of the county is therefore well watered and heavily forested. There is sufficient water in the streams to supply any possible 1 municipal demands. On the terraces or benches of the larger streams good water is secured from wells at depths between 15 and 50 feet. In the northern and western parts of the county the prevailing rocks are shales and sandstones of Eocene age. Along Cowlitz River these rocks are coal bearing, and in the neighborhood of Castle Rock and Kelso coal mines have been in operation for some time. The soft coal measures have readily decomposed at the surface, and upon them is a residual soil many feet in thickness. From the soil or the porous rock below water in large quantities is readily obtained by wells of moderate depth. In the southeastern part of the county, in the vicinity of Kalama, the usual rock is basalt, and from it water is secured in wells averaging 25 feet in depth. Mimicipal systems. — Castle Rock obtains its water supply from a stream which rises in the foothills east of the town. This supply is sufficient for the present, but must be supplemented in the future by water from some other source. The water is brought from the stream in pipes and distributed by a gravity system. The wells in the vicinity of Castle Rock vary in depth from 15 to 20 feet. The water-bearing material is gravel. The height of the water column depends upon the stage of water in Cowlitz River near by, rising and falling with the river level. Kalama obtains its water by a gravity system from two creeks. The supply will doubtless have to be increased in the future. The water is very good, the only contamination being from a small amount of decaying vegetation. A few wells are used about Kalama, having an average depth of 25 feet. They are sunk in basalt and, as contam- ination may be entirely prevented, the water is very good. DOUGLAS COUNTY. General statement. — Douglas County is situated immediately east of the central part of the State, within what is commonly known as the "Big Bend' 1 of the Columbia. Its surface is that of a plateau, broken by the Badger Mountains in the western part and by the Saddle Mountains in the southern part, and sloping gently from north to south. Along its northern margin the plateau has an elevation of about 3,000 feet above sea level, which decreases to less than 1,000 irk 111—05 2 18 UNDERGROUND WATERS OF WASHINGTON. [no. 111. feet along the southern border of the county. Within the plateau are three notable canyons or deep clefts, namely, the present valley of the Columbia, and Moses and Grand coulees, the latter doubtless rep- resenting a former course of Columbia River. Several small creeks which enter Moses Coulee sink in the sand and do not form a main stream. In Grand Coulee is a chain of lakes, the largest being Blue and Moses lakes. Some of the lakes are fresh, but the majority are alkaline. Douglas County lies within the region of lowest rainfall in the State. In the northwestern part the average precipitation for the year is 15 inches; in the remainder of the county it is 10 inches or less. The precipitation is largely in the form of snow, especially where the elevation is greatest. There is no forest growth, and prairie conditions wholly prevail. In the highest portions of the county the bunch grass grows abundantly, and cattle raising is an important industry. Here also wheat may be grown successfully, and it has already come to be an important product. In the southern part of the county, where the rainfall is least, irrigation must be practiced in order to carry on agriculture. The bed rock is practically all basalt except a narrow fringe of granite which is exposed in the canyon walls of the Columbia, and some granite outcrops in the northern end of Grand Coulee. A small area of earty Tertiary sandstone underlies the basalt along Columbia River opposite Wenatchee, and late Tertiary lake beds covering a considerable area of the basalt in the southern part of the county should also be noted. From the basalt a very thick and tine -grained soil has been formed, which retains water to an unusual degree. In this way enough water is held within the soil after the winter precipi- tation to grow and mature the wheat during the coming spring and summer. Within the soil or the porous portions of the basalt below it is usually not difficult to secure a sufficient supply of water for house and farm purposes. Springs are more or less common through- out the count}^, more particularly at the bases of the cliffs along the Columbia and the coulees. Springs are largely the sources of the lakes mentioned above. Municipal systems. — The town of Wilsoncreek depends in the main upon wells for its supply of water, but a small stream is also used to some extent. The supply is barely sufficient for present needs, and another source must be sought in the future. While some of the wells have soft water, the others are slightly alkaline. They range in depth from 12 to 51 feet. The more shallow wells obtain water from beds of gravel, while the deeper wells enter the bed rock. The water level in the wells scarcety varies from season to season and is not ordinarily affected by pumping. i ami si DOUGLAS COUNTY. 19 Grand Coulee, which has a northeast-southwest direction across the county, was in a former time occupied by Columbia River. Along the course of the coulee there is now a chain of shallow lakes, some of which are fresh, but the most of them are alkaline. The following descriptive matter concerning- two of them is taken from Vol. I. of the Annual Report, Washington Geological Survey, for L901. Moses Lake, which lies about 12 miles southeast of Ephrata, on the Greal Northern Railway, is about 18 miles long and a mile wide, and is very shallow. The average depth is approximately 20 feet. It lies in a shallow basin with low hanks, so that a rise of but a few feet would inundate a large section .of country. The water is unlit for drinking purposes, but is not strongly alkaline and could probably be used in irrigation. The section of country in which these lakes are located is of course very dry, and supports only a scanty vegetation. Where there is water, however, the soil is very fertile. The lake drains a large area through upper Crab Creek. It has no outlet, but across its foot lies a low range of sand hills through which the water seeps into the sources of lower Crab Creek, which occupies the bed of the canyon below. Along this canyon lie numerous shallow ponds which dry up in summer. The deposits left by these are not of any consider- able value, though they contain an appreciable quantity of borax. An interesting feature of Moses Lake is the fact that it is gradually rising, having risen about 10 feet in the last seven years. If it continues to rise through a few more feet it will break through a clear course into lower Crab Creek and empty into the Columbia. The analysis of the water of Moses Lake is as follows. The analysis is by H. G. Knight: [Paits per thousand.] Total solids 0. 32357 Volatile solids , 10095 Nonvolatile solids 22262 Silica 01502 Alumina and iron oxide 00331 Calcium carbonate 06235 Magnesium carbonate 07525 Sodium sulphate 01258 Sodium chloride 01895 Sodium carbonate 10914 More interesting is the so-called Soap Lake, or Sanitarium Lake, situated about 6 miles north of Ephrata. This lake is so called because it is so strongly alkaline as to be soapy to the touch, and when a strong wind blows across it the water along the shore is beaten into great rolls of foam. Fish can not live in the water, nor is there any vegetation in this as in Moses Lake. The water is used for bathing, but to those not accustomed to its use the water has a slightly caustic or irritating effect. It is also claimed that it is useful medicinally. There is much of peculiar interest about the lake. It is about 2\ by three-fourths miles in extent and is very deep in places and probably averages about 40 feet. It drains only a very small area of country and has neither inlet nor outlet in the form of streams. It is located in a deep basin walled to the height of 100 feet or more on the east and west by cliffs of black basalt. The land to the north and south rises slowly; on the south to nearly the height of the cliffs, but on the north the rise is so slight that should the lake rise 15 feet it would empty into the next of the chain of lakes to the north. The source of the water of the lake is said to be a spring in the center. The Indians of the 20 UNDEKGJROtnSlD WATEKS OF WASHINGTON. [NO. 111. neighborhood assert that only a few years since the lake was very small and was fed by this strongly alkaline spring. Fresh water is, however, continually seeping in from the shores, as is shown by the fact that fresh-water wells may be sunk even but a few feet from the shore, and that the cattle, disliking the strongly alkaline water, face the shore to obtain the sweeter seepage. The analysis of the water is as follows: [Parts per thousand.] Total solids . .. 28. 2669 Volatile solids 62503 Nonvolatile solids 27. 64186 Silica..... 12816 Alumina and iron oxide Trace. Calcium sulphate Trace. Calcium carbonate Trace. Magnesium sulphate 39099 Sodium sulphate 6. 34872 Sodium chloride 5. 81384 Sodium carbonate 14. 08901 Potassium carbonate 51177 Lithium sulphate Trace. Phosphorus pentoxide 12018 Carbon dioxide (semicom- bined) 1.37034 Borax None. Iodine None. Free ammonia 03400 Albuminoid ammonia 1. 1060 The specific gravity 1.0260 FRANKLIN COUNTY. General statement. — Franklin County lies between Walla walla County on the south and Adams County on the north, with Columbia River as its western boundary. The surface is that of a plain, sloping gently toward Columbia and Snake rivers. In the northwest corner of the county the plain is about 300 feet above the surface of the Columbia, giving rise to the cliffs along the stream known as the White Bluffs. In the eastern part of the county the plain rises to a height of 300 to 400 feet above the level of the Snake. Near the confluence of the two rivers the plain decreases in elevation and the banks of the streams are but a few feet in height. The average rainfall is about 10 inches a year. This will not admit of any forest growth and scarcely permits of the growth of bunch grass. Agriculture may be carried on only where irrigation is pos sible. Irrigated tracts along the rivers yield very fine returns in alfalfa and fruit. In the western part of Franklin County the outcropping rocks are thin beds of sand and clay, with layers of volcanic dust, which repre- sent Miocene lacustrine sediments. Such deposits at one time may have covered the entire county, but in the eastern portion basalt alone now appears. At a number of places successful wells have been drilled in the basalt, the water being found in the more porous or vesicular parts of the rock. The depth of the wells varies from about 200 to nearly 700 feet. It is evident that, in advance of drilling, the depth at which water will be found is conjectural. In the western part of the county a well is now being drilled in the sedimentary rocks noted above. LANDE8.J JEFFERSON COUNT V. 21 I )<■<>]> ir,I/s. -W. T. Braden, living at Connell, completed a deep well in September, L902. The well is located in a canyon, and its mouth has an elevation above the sea of 840 feet. It has a diameter of 5 inches and a depth of 676 feet. The well is cased from the surface to solid rock, a distance of 100 feet. The water rises in the well about 3*5 feet and is brought to the surface by a wind pump. The tempera- ture of the water when brought to the well mouth is 51° F. The water level does not vary during the day or year and is not affected by pumping. The cost of the well, including the pumping machinery, was about $3,000. There are several firms making a business of drilling wells in Franklin County, the most prominent of which is the Reinbolt Well Drilling Company. A few of the wells drilled by this company, with their depths, are here given: H. W. Brummond, 410 feet; John Finkbiner, 485 feet; John L. Wordheim, 212 feet; Connell Land and Improve- ment Company, 243 feet; William Fisch, 265 feet; William Elgin, 323 feet; Charles Schelley, 487 feet. Springs. — A number of springs are known to exist in the eastern part of Franklin County, although but a few of these have been reported. These springs are oftentimes the sources of supply for small lakes which have no outlets. JEFFERSON COUNTY. General statement. — Jefferson County is situated in the north- western part of the State, between Clallam County on the north and west and Chehalis and Mason counties on the south, and extends from Puge£ Sound to the Pacific Ocean. Topographically the surface pre- sents a great diversity. The county contains the most rugged por- tions of the Olympic Mountains, the only areas that are comparatively level being in the northeastern part, within a few miles of the shores of Puget Sound. This is the only part of the county inhabited to any degree, there being no inhabitants within the Olympics and but very few west of the mountains along the Pacific coast. The rainfall along the western coast averages over 85 inches a year. It decreases steadily eastward and is less than 20 inches in the vicinity of Port Townsend. The district east of the Olympics has a low rainfall because the high mountains divert to some degree the rain- laden westerly winds. Within the Olympics are several glaciers and snow fields which feed the streams during the rainless months of summer. The band of Tertiary rocks which encircles the Olympic Mountains outcrops in both the eastern and the western parts of the county. The rock series is composed chiefly of conglomerates, sandstones, and shales, and without doubt contains large quantities of water which 22 UNDEEGEOUND WATEES OF WASHINGTON. [no. ill. can be secured by means of wells. The bed rock just mentioned is often deeply buried by glacial sediments, which are important reservoirs. Municipal systems. — Port Townsend obtains its water supply from driven and dug wells owned by the Spring Valley Water Company. From these wells 250,000 gallons per day are obtained by pumping. This supply is hardly sufficient for present needs, and a gravity system from some stream coming out of the Olympic Mountains is in contem- plation. The water in use at present is of good quality. The wells do not enter bed rock, the water-bearing materials being sand and gravel. A heavy bed of clay which lies above the sand and gravel prevents contamination. An analysis of the Port Townsend water is given below: Analysis of water from Port Townsend, Wash. [Grains per gallon.] Silica 1.255 Alumina and iron oxide 146 Calcium carbonate .., 16. 731 Magnesium carbonate 6. 987 Magnesium chloride 11. 200 Calcium sulphate 1. 826 Sodium and potassium chlorides 29. 236 Sodium and potassium carbonates 1. 531 Total solids 68. 912 Port Ludlow obtains its water supply from a small creek. The water is soft, of good quality, and sufficient for all probable future needs. A gravity system of waterworks is used. The water is drawn upon for a boiler supply for the Port Ludlow mills as well as the domestic supply for the town. KING COUNT Y. General statement. — King County is situated west of the center of the State and extends from the summit of the Cascades westward to Puget Sound. It lies between Snohomish County on the north and Pierce County on the south. Along the shores of the sound the sur- face is that of a plain, rising to a height of about 300 feet above the sea; east of the plain are hills and ridges, the latter having in general a north-south direction; immediately east of this belt are the moun- tains, rising from a height of about 3,000 feet along their western border to an average height of 6,000 feet, when the summit line is reached. The mountains are deeply dissected by the several forks of Snoqualmie, Cedar, Green, White, and other rivers. The annual rainfall varies from 40 inches along the shores of the sound to more than 60 inches within the mountains. About the sound practically all of the precipitation is in the form of rain, but with increase in elevation the snowfall becomes important, and in the higher mountains the amount of snow falling each year is very large. lanotb.] KINO COUNTY. 23 The presence of snow and glaciers has an important bearing on the run-off of the streams from season to season. Apart from its value as sources of municipal supply, the movement of so much water from higher to lower levels is productive of great power. Already the water power of the cataracts and falls is being harnessed for the use of man. At Snoqualmie Falls, 25 miles east of Seattle, a plant has been installed which develops a total of 10,000 horsepower. Snoqual- mie River at this point has a vertical drop of 270 feet, with a flow of about 1,000 second-feet during the driest season and about ten times as much during the periods of high water. The strata which outcrop about the sound and eastward for a dis- tance of about 25 miles are mainly clastic rocks of early Tertiary age. At many places they are coal bearing, and important coal mines have been developed at Black Diamond, Franklin, Palmer, Kenton, New- castle, Issaquah, and elsewhere. East of the Tertiary sediments are the metamorphic and igneous rocks of the Cascades, which in King County at least are virtually unstudied. In the vicinity of the sound bed rock outcrops but rarely, being covered by a heavy mantle of glacial sediments. At many places this mantle is known to be more than 500 feet in thickness. The glacial sediments comprise beds of till, with stratified sand, gravel, and cla}^. From the layers of sand and gravel which are interstratined with the till an abundant supply of good water is generally obtained. The wells are usually shallow, it being rarely necessary to go deeper than 40 feet. Springs are very common about the bases of the hills or upon the hillsides where the water-bearing gravels and sands outcrop. Municipal systems.- — The town of Auburn obtains its water supply chiefly from wells, which vary in depth from 40 to 50 feet. The wells are sunk in the alluvium of the White River Valley, the water-bearing materials being sand and gravel. In no instance has bed rock been reached. In some instances shallow wells have been used for a little time, but in these the water is not good. The water from the deeper wells is soft, is not contaminated, and is obtained in ample quantity, in some instances rising to the surface. No other supply of water for drinking purposes is contemplated, but it is likely that water for tire protection will be obtained from White River. The cit} 7 of Ballard obtains about 300,000 gallons of water daily from springs and deep wells, about half from each source. The wells are the more satisfactory. While this amount is ample for present needs, it will not be sufficient in the course of time if the city continues its rapid growth. It is very likely that in the near future the supply for Ballard will be secured from the Cedar River system owned by the city of Seattle. The surface wells in Ballard have depths of 12 to 20 feet, but the wells used for the municipal supply average about 160 feet in depth. For the most part they penetrate 24 UNDEEGEOUND WATERS OF WASHINGTON. [no. in. glacial till or hardpan, the water-bearing strata being beds of sand and gravel. The system of waterworks is direct pressure. A sanitary analysis of water from one of the deep wells in Ballard, made by Prof. H. G. Byers, of the University of Washington, is as follows : Sanitary analysis of water from deep well at Ballard. [Parts per million.] Total solids 165. 66 Oxygen consumed 2. 89 Chlorine 5. 50 Nitrogen as free ammonia 874 Nitrogen as albuminoid ammonia 100 Nitrogen as nitrites None. Nitrogen as nitrates - 320 The municipal supply of water for Columbia City is obtained from Seattle. A few private wells are in use having an average depth of 30 feet. They penetrate glacial deposits only and from them water of good quality is obtained. Water for the town of Enumclaw is furnished from the system of the White River Lumber Company. The water comes from streams flowing out from the Cascade Mountains, and as there are no sources of contamination it is of excellent quality. A gravity system of waterworks has been installed. It is possible that in the future the town supply may be taken from some springs located about 4 miles away. The springs are at a height of about 270 feet above that of the town. A few wells are in use about Enumclaw, which have an average depth of 30 feet. The wells are dug in glacial sediments, a till or hardpan lying above, with sand and gravel below. The wells afford excellent water, the flow rising to the surface in the wet season. The water supply for Issaquah is furnished by the Gilman Water Company, which owns large springs near the town. The water is of good quality, there being no sources of contamination except possibly a little decaying vegetable matter. The water is conducted through the town by a gravity system. The few private wells in Issaquah range in depth from 20 to 30 feet, the water coming from a stratum of loose gravel. A large quantity of water may be obtained in this way, since it rises almost to the surface and is not affected by pumping. North of the town, toward Lake Sammamish, wells from 60 to 90 feet in depth have been driven, from which there is a continuous flow. The water rises from 3 to 10 feet above the surface. The town of Kent gets its supply from springs which yield water of excellent quality. While the springs now drawn upon afford a supply for present needs, the product of other springs near by will be drawn upon in the future. From the springs the water is carried through- out the town by a gravity system. In the region about Kent good i.ani.ks] KING COUNTY. 25 water may be obtained by means of driven wells. The wells when driven t<> a depth of 200 feel are artesian in character, the water rising about (> feet above the surface. Water for Kenton is obtained from a spring situated near the town limits and at a height of 320 feet above the level of the town. The spring- belongs to the Seattle Electric Company, but the town has a lease upon it for fifty years. The spring supplies 120,000 gallons of water daily, and should this not be sufficient for future needs water ma} 7 be obtained from other springs or from Cedar River, which flows through the town. The water, besides being- used for domestic pur- poses, affords fire protection and furnishes the necessary boiler supply for a coal mine and a brickyard. The private wells in use in Renton are mostly shallow, ranging- in depth from 10 to 25 feet. Onty one enters rock, the others obtaining water chiefly from the gravels of the Cedar River flood plain. The city of Seattle obtains its supply of w r ater from Cedar River and Cedar Lake. The source of supply is in the Cascade Mountains, the water coming to the reservoir directly from the snow fields. The water is, therefore, soft, clear, and of superior quality. The city owns Cedar Lake and a large portion of Cedar River. The available water supply averages about 600,000,000 gallons per da} 7 . There are now piped to the city 22,500,000 gallons daily. Other supply mains will be constructed whenever they are found to be necessary. A sanitary analysis of the city water of Seattle, made by Prof. H. G. Byers, of the University of Washington, on April 27, 1901, gave the following results: Sanitary analysis of city water of Seattle. [Parts per million.] Total solids 36. 49 Oxygen consumed. 1. 26 Chlorine 1. 50 Nitrogen as free ammonia 008 Nitrogen as albuminoid ammonia Trace. Nitrogen as nitrites None. Nitrogen as nitrates None. West Seattle obtains water from private wells and from some springs owned by the West Seattle Land and Improvement Company. The water is pumped into tanks, from which it is distributed by gravity. The supply even at the present time can hardly be said to be sufficient, and it is likely that arrangements will soon be made whereby water may be obtained from the Seattle system. The wells about West Seattle range in depth from 30 to 75 feet, water being most commonly found at about 50 feet. The wells are dug entirely in glacial material, mostly sand and gravel. 26 TTNDEEGEOUND WATEES OF WASHINGTON. [no. ill. Springs. — Near the town of Berlin, in the northeastern part of the county, there is a mineral spring owned by the Everett Bottling Works. The water flows out as a stream from the base of a mountain of granitic rock. The flow is uniform from season to season. The quantity flowing has never been measured. The water has a taste of soda. No improvements of any character have been made at the spring, and so far no use has been made of the water. It is probable that in the near future a hotel will be built at the spring and other improvements made. An analysis of water from the Berlin springs, made by H. G. Knight, of the University of Washington, is as follows: Analysis of water from Berlin springs. [Parts per thousand.] Solids, nonvolatile 0. 5473 Silica 0078 Alumina and iron oxide 0150 Calcium sulphate 0529 Calcium carbonate : 5627 Magnesium chloride 1693 Magnesium sulphate 0935 Sodium sulphate 9331 Potassium chloride 0267 Carbon dioxide 1. 4720 Near the town of Issaquah, at the head of a short, deep valley, is a large spring from which the water supply for the town of Issaquah is taken. The flow has not been measured, but there is sufficient water for a town of 1,000 inhabitants. The water is very clear, cold, and has a pleasant taste. It issues as a stream from a bed of gravel. No improvements have been made at the spring, and none are con- templated. The spring is owned by the Gilman Water Company. Along the valley side, at the base of a steep hill near Kent, is a large spring from which the town supply of water is largely taken. The daily flow varies from 500,000 gallons in winter to 350,000 gallons in summer. The water is not appreciably charged with minerals, and is very clear and cold when it leaves the spring. It issues as a stream from a bed of gravel which is a part of the glacial sediments. At the spring a reservoir is now being built for storage purposes. The Great Northern Hot Springs are located near Madison, in the northeast corner of the county. Near the Great Northern Railway, a mile from the springs, the Hot Springs Hotel has been built, with accommodations for 50 guests. The water is piped to the hotel, where it is used for drinking purposes and for baths. The water has been found to be very helpful for rheumatism and for kidney diseases. The water seeps out from the talus rock, and has a temperature of 122° F. i.am>es] KITSAP COUNTY. 27 The following analysis <>f water from the Great Northern Hot Springs was made by C. Osseward, chemist for the Stewart An analysis of the water of Medical Lake, made by (J. A Mariner, of Chicago, is as follows: Analysis of water of Medical Lake. [Parts per thousand.] Silica 0. 1825 Alumina ami iron oxide 0120 Calcium carbonate 0031 Magnesium carbonate 0040 Sodium chloride 2869 Potassium chloride 1610 Sodium carbonate 1089 Potassium carbonate Trace. Lithium carbonate Trace. Borax Trace. Hillyard obtains a supply of water from deep wells. These are com- monly from 190 to 200 feet in depth and are wholly in gravel. The water is soft and of the best quality. The supply at present is suffi- cient for all needs, but it is doubtful if it will be ample for the future. Latah uses wells exclusively as a source of water supply. Later on water may be taken from a large spring- above the town. The wells are shallow, as a rule, varying in depth from 25 to 40 feet. They enter rock, and a layer of clay at the surface tends to prevent contam- ination from above. The water level varies but little throughout the year. One well sunk to a depth of 135 feet flows constantly. The city of Spokane obtains its supply of water from Spokane River. The pumping plant is on the river bank about 5 miles above the city. A direct pressure system of waterworks is used. There are no sources of contamination and the water is of a high degree of purity, as well as ample in quantity for all probable future needs. The following sanitary anatysis of city water from Spokane was made on April 23, 1901, by Prof. H. G. Byers, of the University of Washington: Sanitary analysis of city water from Spokane. [Parts per million.] Total solids 50. 24 Nonvolatile solids 34. 43 Volatile solids 15. 81 Oxygen consumed 2. 13 Chlorine 1. 50 Nitrogen as free ammonia 004 Nitrogen as albuminoid ammonia 0363 Nitrogen as nitrites None. Nitrogen as nitrates 018 Deep wells. — The Hillyard Town Site Company has a well which is used to supply the town of Hillyard with water. It has a diameter of irr 111—05 4 50 UNDERGROUND WATERS OF WASHINGTON. [no. 111. 44 inches and a depth of 200 feet. It was dug in 1900 at a cost of ^500. The amount of water obtained is about 50,000 gallons per day. The water level in the well rises and falls with the water level of Spokane River, which flows not far away. Springs. — William Forthman owns a spring near Latah, in sec. 26, T. 21 N. , R. 45 E. The water issues as a small stream at the foot of a hill. The spring has a minimum flow of 720 gallons per day and is much stronger in the springtime. The water is soft, clear, and of excellent quality. It is used for general farm purposes. In the vicinity of Latah are a number of large springs. STEVENS COUNTY. General statement. — Stevens County lies in the northeast corner of the State, bordering on Idaho and British Columbia. The surface is characterized by three conspicuous mountain ridges and three north- south valleys. The ridges lie between Columbia and Colville rivers, between Colville and Pend Oreille rivers, and east of the latter stream along the county boundary. Of the three ridges the first one men- tioned is the lowest, with an average height of about 4,500 feet. The second and third ridges have a maximum elevation of about 7,000 feet. Columbia River flows in a deep valley that is usually bordered by glacial terraces. The valley of Colville River is wide and the stream has an extensive flood plain, which overflows at certain seasons of the year. For the first 50 miles of its course within the county Pend Oreille River flows very slowly, in a broad valley that is bordered with much agricultural land; farther down the stream crosses a belt of harder rocks, in which it flows in a long, tortuous canyon. The rainfall averages about 20 inches per year. This is sufficient to permit of agriculture without irrigation. Practically the entire count} r was once forested, although the region seems to be near the border land of forest and prairie. The trees do not grow very near together and the undergrowth is very scant. Asa rule the grasses grow every- where among the trees. The forest is being removed at a rapid rate, the demands of the lumbermen on one hand and of the farmers on the other tending toward the deforesting of the county in a comparatively short time. Stevens County is largely a region of crystalline rocks. The north- south ridges between the principal streams are composed chiefly of granite. Flanking the granites and within the valleys are large areas of marbles, quartzites, slates, and other metamorphic rocks. The marbles occur very generally throughout the county and are of eco- nomic importance both as an ornamental stone and for the manufacture of quicklime. At several places are outcrops of coal-bearing sand- stones and shales, which represent remnants of lacustrine sediments of landes.] STEVENS COUNTY. 51 Tertiary time. The basalt of the Columbia River lava extends a little way into the county along the southern boundary. The towns depend for the most part upon streams for their water supplies. The water in virtually every stream is free from contamination and is of excellent quality. In general, the soil is of sufficient thickness to contain enough water for the domestic supplies needed in the smaller towns and through the country. The wells for the most part are shallow and do not often exceed 40 or 50 feet in depth. Municipal systems. — Bossburg secures water from Columbia River, beside which the town is situated. The water is pumped into a res- ervoir, from which it is distributed about the town by gravity. The supply is satisfactory in every waj 7 . There are no wells about Boss- burg-, but there are some springs which are utilized. Colville depends mainly upon springs, but in part upon two streams, for its water supply. The water from all of these is of line quality, there being no sources of contamination. A gravity system of water- works has been installed. The wells about Colville range in depth from 10 to 30 feet, the usual depth being 20 feet. The water comes from beds of sand, which are overlain by clay. Water for Marcus is taken from Columbia River. The water is satisfactory from all standpoints. The wells vary from 18 to 60 feet in depth. Beds of clay are first penetrated, then sand, and finally gravel. Northport obtains its water supply from Deep Creek, a small stream emptying into Columbia River. There are no sources of contamination, and the water is satisfactory, although very hard. A large amount may be secured, sufficient for all future needs. The water is first pumped into tanks which stand upon a hill above the town and is then distrib- uted by gravity. Besides its domestic use it is also used as a boiler supply by the Northport Smelting and Refining Company. The water for Springdale is taken from a mountain stream. The spring flows for some distance over limestone, hence the water con- tains some lime. The supply is believed to be sufficient for all future needs. A gravity system of waterworks is in use. The wells about Springdale range from 30 to 100 feet in depth, water being commonly found at depths of 40 to 50 feet. The more shallow wells are wholly in the soil or mantle rock, but the deeper wells all enter bed rock. Deep wells. — In sec. 9, T. 35 N., R. 39 E., near Colville, the Pacific States Oil Company drilled a well in 1901 when prospecting for oil. The total depth reached was about 700 feet. At the top the well has a diameter of 10 inches, at the bottom 6 inches. A water-bearing stratum was reached at 400 feet, and water now flows from the well mouth at the rate of 3 or 4 gallons per minute. The cost of the well was $3,000. In drilling the well, beds of limestone, sandstone, lime- stone, shale, and sandstone were passed through in succession. 52 UNDERGROUND WATERS OF WASHINGTON. [no. 111. THUE8TON COUNTY. General statement. — Thurston County is located in the southwestern portion of the State, at the head of Puget Sound, with Chehalis County lying between it and the Pacific Ocean. The county lies entirely within the basin of Puget Sound and the surface is essentially that of a low plain. For the most part the plain is quite level, with here and there occasional low bills. In the western part of the county the Black Hills rise 300 or 400 feet above the general level. In the southeastern part of the county there are a few low hills which mark the extreme outliers of the Cascades. The Puget Sound shore is very irregular, abounding in indentations and bordered by numerous islands. In the central part of the county the annual rainfall averages 50 inches. In the eastern and western parts it is 60 inches or a little more. The precipitation is practically altogether in the form of rain, since falls of snow occur very rarely. The bed rock is not often exposed in Thurston County. In the neighborhood of Tenino and Bucoda there are occasional outcrops of sandstone, which are of economic importance, as they afford a good grade of building stone, and also contain coal, which has been mined to some extent. In the northwestern part of the county, at Gate, there are several outcrops of basalt, but how far north, within the Black Hills, this rock extends is not known. Glacial sediments abound over nearly the entire county. These sediments are usually coarse gravels which represent outwash plains. Oftentimes the gravel plains are soil covered to such a slight degree that they are almost barren. Upon the plains the forest growth when present is very sparse and prairie conditions often prevail. The rainwater sinks away quickly into the gravels and the drainage is largely underground. The streams are few, only the larger ones flowing persistently throughout the year. Occasionally a good soil covers the gravel plains and good farming land is found. The hills noted above are heavily forested, and from them several streams flow out upon the plains. An ample supply of water is easily obtained throughout the county. Within the region of the gravel plains water is often obtained from springs and may always be had by means of wells, which rarely exceed 50 feet in depth. From the beds of sand and gravel in the vicinity of Olympia excellent water has been obtained from wells that vary from 125 to 175 feet in depth, the water sometimes outflowing at the surface. Municipal systems.— -The water supply for Olympia is obtained from springs. The water is pumped into a reservoir, from which it is dis- tributed by a gravity system. At the present time about 3,000,000 gallons per day are obtained. This will doubtless prove sufficient for all future needs. LANDEB.] WALLLAWALLA COUNTY. 53 The Tenino water supply comes entirely from wells, which ha\ e an average depth of about 35 feet and are wholly in sand and gravel. The supply of water, while ample for present needs, will doubt less ha\ e to be superseded by a larger supply in the future. Deep wells. On the capitol grounds in Olyinpia some wells have recently been drilled in order to secure a water supply for the capitol building. No rock was penetrated in drilling the wells, the water- bearing material being sand. Two of these wells have depths of 152 feet each, and the third has a depth of 138 feet. Each well has a diameter of 2 inches. They are all flowing - wells, the water rising about 2 feet above the ground. From the deeper wells flows of 6 and 4 gallons per minute are obtained, while from the third well a flow of 2 gallons per minute is had. The wells are located about one-fourth mile from the shore of Puget Sound and their mouths are 25 or 30 feet above mean tide. The rate of flow diminishes at low tide and increases at high tide. The wells have been cased throughout with 2-inch casing. The cost of drilling the wells was $1 per foot. WALLAWALLA COUNTY. General statement. — Wallawalla County is located in the south- eastern part of the State, along the Oregon boundary, and east of Columbia and Spokane rivers. The region along Columbia River is very low, being but 300 or 400 feet above the sea. From this low plain there is a gradual ascent eastward in the direction of the Blue Mountains. The eastern part of the county is a region of high, rolling hills, with deep ravines or valleys. The hills in outline show the influence of the wind, and many of them are essentially of eolian origin. The prevailing winds are from the southwest, and hence the hills have their more moderate slopes upon their southwestern sides, while their steeper slopes are to the northeast. The rainfall shows a very close relationship to elevation. In the lowest part, along Columbia River, the annual rainfall amounts to 10 inches or a little less. In a north-south belt through the center of the county it is 15 inches, and in the eastern part it reaches 20 or 25 inches. This is sufficient to afford a tree growth which, though sparse at first, becomes of considerable importance when the summit of the Blue Mountains is reached. Through the central part of the county trees do not grow naturally, and prairie conditions prevail. At the western end of the county, where the rainfall is least, grasses give way to sagebrush. In this part of the county irrigation is necessary in order that agriculture may be carried on successfully. The rolling- prairies of the major portion of the county are famous wheat pro- ducers, and in the neighborhood of Walla Walla very fine fruit is raised. 54 UNDERGROUND WATERS OF WASHINGTON. [no. 111. In the northwestern part of the county the rocks are in the main sandstones and shales, which were deposited in a lake in middle Ter- tiary time. Along' the Snake and the Columbia these rocks are largely covered by alluvial deposits. In the remaining part of the county the bed rock, as far as known, is altogether basalt. Usually the rock is deeply buried by the heavy mantle of soil, and outcrops but rarely. Springs often occur along the bases of the hillsides, wherever porous basalt appears at the surface. The wells are usually shallow and dug entirely within the soil. The deep well which has recently been drilled near Walla Walla is of great importance, since it has established the fact that an artesian basin exists here, and that flowing water may be secured at depths of from 500 to 600 feet. Municipal systems. — The water supply of Walla Walla is secured chiefly from springs, but in part from infiltration ditches. The amount of water is barely sufficient in the dry season, and a larger supply is now being developed at a point about 3 miles above the city. A sanitary analyses of the Walla Walla city water, made on April 12, 1901, by Prof. H. Gr. Byers, of the University of Washington, resulted as follows: Sanitary analysis of city water from Walla Walla. [Parts per million.] Total solids 81. 67 Nonvolatile solids 62. 86 Volatile solids 18. 81 Oxygen consumed 2. 89 Chlorine 1.50 Nitrogen as free amonia. 008 Nitrogen as albuminoid ammonia . 0267 Nitrogen as nitrites None. Nitrogen as nitrates 452 Waitsburg obtains a water supply from springs in autumn, winter, and spring, and from a creek in summer. The springs afford excellent water, and it is planned to replace the creek water by water from deep wells. A gravity system of waterworks is in use. The wells about Waitsburg vary in depth, the shallow ones being wholly in soil and broken rock, while the deeper ones enter the bed rock. In wells of the first type water is usually found at 15 to 25 feet, while in the second instance the usual depth is 40 feet. Deep wells. — On the farm of theBlalock Fruit Company, near Walla Walla, a well has recently been drilled (completed May 1, 1903). It has a diameter of 6 inches and a depth of 564 feet. The first rock encountered was basalt, at a depth of 540 feet. The well is a flowing one, the rate of flow being 130 gallons per minute. The temperature of the water at the well mouth is 67° F. The well has been cased to a depth of 540 feet. The water is used in irrigation. The cost of drill- ing the well was $1,800. lam.ks] UNDERGROUND WATERS OF WASHINGTON. 55 WHATCOM COUNTY. General statement. Whatcom County lies in the northwestern pari of the State, adjoining British Columbia, and extends from the summit of the ( lascades to the Strait of Georgia. Topographically the surface presents two distinct divisions, the plain of the western half and the high mountains of the eastern part. The average height of the plain is 200 or 300 feet above the sea. In the southeastern part of the county are a number of high hills, which give to the plain a broken character. The mountains begin somewhat abruptly, the transition from the plain to the real mountains being quickly made. The highest peak, Mount Baker, stands at the western front of the Cascades, and from this point to the divide on the east the whole area is very rugged. The high mountains have been deeply dissected, and this region is regarded as one of the most difficult to penetrate in the entire Cascades. The maximum rainfall is 45 inches per year. This occurs in a north-south belt in the vicinity of Mount Baker and also in the north- west corner of the county. From Mount Baker eastward there is a gradual decrease in the rainfall, so that the amount is about 30 inches on the border of the county. Southwest of Mount Baker, also, the rainfall decreases to 35 inches in the vicinity of Bellingham Ba} r . Mount Baker and all of the highest mountains are covered with snow fields and glaciers. These serve as reservoirs and assure a constant flow to the streams throughout the year. The abundance of precipi- tation and the great elevations of the region give rise to waterfalls, which will be of great usefulness for power purposes. The falls of the Nooksack, with an effective head of water of 179 feet, are now being developed. What is now the western part of the county was a large lake in Tertiary (probably Oligocene) time. The deposits made in this lake were mainly sandstones, with some conglomerate and a little shale. These rocks outcrop very commonly in the southeastern part of the county, but in the northwestern portion they are almost entirety covered with glacial sediments. The lacustrine sediments aggregate many thousands of feet in thickness, their extent in this direction being as yet unknown. They are coal bearing near the base. The principal mines for the mining of this coal are located at Blue Canyon, on the shore of Lake Whatcom. The mountainous part of the county is virtually unknown geologically, but the rocks are chiefly metamor- phics and igneous intrusions, with great lava flows in the vicinity of Mount Baker. Whatcom County is abundantly supplied with water. The moun- tain streams furnish a large amount of excellent water for the use of the towns upon the plains. There are also a number of glacial lakes, 56 UNDERGROUND WATERS OF WASHINGTON. [no. ill. such as Whatcom, Padden, and Saniish, which are natural reservoirs of good water. From the glacial sediments of the northwestern part of the county large quantities of water are obtained from springs or by means of wells. The glacial sediments are usually made up of alternating beds of till and water-bearing gravel and sand, and sur- face contamination is thereby eliminated. Municipal systems. — The water supply for Blaine comes from springs. The water flows into a reservoir, from which it is distributed by gravity. The quality of water is very good, and the quantity sufficient for all future needs. The wells in use about Blaine are shallow, ordinarily not more than 14 feet in depth. Water is found in gravel, usually at a depth of 10 feet. The town supply is used in the boilers of sawmills, and in the salmon canneries, and for general domestic purposes. Fairhaven obtains a water supply from Lake Padden, a glacial lake south of the city. A gravity system of waterworks is used. A large amount of water may be obtained from this lake, but if the supply should ever be insufficient water may also be taken from the South Fork of Nooksak River or from Lake Samish. The water from Lake Padden is very pure, as is shown by the following analysis, made by the Deakbof Drug and Chemical Company, of Chicago: Analysis of water from Lake Padden. [Grains per gallon.] Silica 0.467 Calcium sulphate 329 Magnesium carbonate 129 Sodium and potassium sulphates 606 Sodium and potassium chlorides 401 Iron oxide .• None. Total solids 1. 932 In Sumas wells are depended upon, primarily, as a source of water supply, although some small streams are used to a slight degree. Water obtained in this way is of good qualit}^ although the quantity is hardly sufficient for present needs, and some other source must be provided in the future. It has been suggested that a deep well be bored as a future source of supply. Wells in and about the town of Sumas are driven wells, for the most part, and have a range in depth of 40 to 90 feet. Water is most commonly found between 40 and 60 feet. The glacial sediments about Sumas are thick, and the wells have been driven entirely in these. Beds of clay were usually encountered first, with beds of sand and gravel below, from which the water was obtained. In a few instances the water in the wells rises to the surface. The water level varies but very little from season to season. lashes.] WHITMAN COUNTY. 57 The city of Whatcom obtains its water supply from Lake Whatcom. The lake is several square miles in area and is located in the hills southwest of the city. It lies at a sufficient height above the level of the town to give a good head to the water, so that a gravity system of waterworks may be used. The water is of excellent quality, the only sources of contamination being- sawdust and other refuse from the sawmills on the shores of the lake. The catchment basin of the lake is of ample size and insures a large storage of water in the lake basin, so that the water supply will be sufficient for all the future needs of the city. The water is used for domestic purposes and in the many manufacturing plants which are located about Whatcom. The follow- ing sanitary analysis of water from Lake Whatcom was made March 10, 1901, by Prof. H. G. Byers, of the University of Washington: Analysis of water of Lake Whatcom. [Parts per million.] Total solids 158. 86 Nonvolatile soiids 1 16. 52 Volatile solids 42. 34 Oxygen consumed 2. 03 Chlorine 3. 80 Nitrogen as free ammonia 004 Nitrogen as albuminoid ammonia 033 Nitrogen as nitrites None. Nitrogen as nitrates None. WHITMAN COUNTY. General statement. — Whitman County lies along the Idaho boundary, south of Spokane County and east of Adams County. The surface is in general that of a plateau, with an average height of about 2,000 feet above the sea. Rising above the plateau, especially along the eastern border of the county, are several high hills which represent the extreme outliers of the mountains of Idaho. Of such hills Steptoe Butte is a good example, rising about 700 feet above the plateau. The plateau is generally covered with low hills of a marked eolian type. From the profiles of these hills it is seen that the prevailing winds which fashioned them came from the southwest. Along the southern border of the county Snake River flows in a canyon which has a depth of from 2,000 to 3,000 feet below the level of the plateau. The principal tributaries of the Snake within the county likewise flow in canyons, and hence indicate that the dissection of the plateau is under way. The average rainfall is about 20 inches. This decreases to 15 inches along the western border and increases to 25 inches in the higher portion along the eastern boundary. With the exception of a slight forest growth on the eastern margin and of a few trees which grow in the valleys along the streams, the entire county was once clothed with 58 UNDERGROUND WATERS OF WASHINGTON. [no. 111. grasses. The rainfall is of sufficient amount to make the growth of wheat possible, so that wheat fields now cover almost every part of the plateau. Irrigation is employed only in the canyons of the larger streams, such as the Snake. Upon the terraces or benches that border the latter river large fruit ranches are found, the water for irrigation being supplied by the small tributary streams. In the plateau above mentioned basalt forms the bed rock almost exclusively. The few buttes or hills along the eastern boundaiy, which project above the plateau, are composed of granites, gneisses, schists, quartzites, and similar rocks, which indicate the character of the floor upon which the basalt outflowed. Along the canyon of Snake River in two or three places granite appears, showing that the river in trenching the basalt is bringing to light the rocks beneath it. The walls of the canyon of Snake River show the basalt in a series of 8 or 10 practically horizontal flows. The plateau is covered with a deep soil and the underlying rock rarely appears. Because of its eolian nature the soil is of a very fine grain and has the property of retaining moisture to a very marked degree. Oftentimes wells dug only into the soil afford a good supply of water. The towns usually depend upon deeper wells drilled into the basalt for their water sup- plies. As a general thing these wells range in depth from 100 to 300 feet. In some instances, as at Pullman, water is obtained from beds of sand and gravel between the layers of basalt. In other cases very porous layers of basalt often afford a plentiful supply of water. In some cases flowing wells are secured, this being especially true when the wells are drilled in the bottoms of the canyons or in deep valleys. Springs are very common along the valley sides wherever porous basalt appears at the surface. Municipal systems.— Colfax obtains its city supply from Palouse River. In this way very good water is obtained ; but it is possible that in the future deep wells may be substituted as a source of supply. The water is pumped into a reservoir located on a hill above the city, from which it is distributed by gravity. The wells about Colfax range from 12 to 120 feet in depth. Water is usually found at a depth of about 40 feet. All the deeper wells enter the rock, which is basalt. No flowing wells have been found; in every instance the water must be pumped. Oakesdale depends chiefly upon wells, although a few springs and cisterns are used. At some places the water is soft, but at other places it is hard. Generally speaking, there are no sources of contamination and the water is quite satisfactory. The wells on the hills about Oakes- dale have been sunk to depths of from 45 to 60 feet in order to obtain water. On the plain at the foot of the hills they are shallow, ranging from 10 to 15 feet in depth. In the shallow wells a clay hardpan with sand and gravel below are the only materials penetrated, while all the i.ani.ks] WHITMAN COUNTY. 59 deeper wells enter the basaltic rook. The supply of water in the wells is stationary, neither increasing nor decreasing as far as known. Pullman obtains a water supply from artesian wells. The wells vary in depth from loo to L30 feet, water being most commonly found at 100 feet. The wells are in basaltic rock, the water coming from beds of sand interstratified with the layers of basalt. About 150,000 gallons of water are obtained daily. The capacity of the wells, how- ever, is such that this supply could be doubled if it were necessary. It is noted that the wells do not flow as strongly as they did when they were first drilled. A gravity system of waterworks is used, the water being first lifted by steam pumps from the wells to a reservoir. An analysis of the city water, made by Prof. Elton Fulmer, of the Wash- ington Agricultural College and School of Science, shows the follow- ing composition: Analysis of city water from Pullman. [Grains per gallon.] Silica (Si0 2 ) 3. 49 Potash (K 2 0) 50 Soda (Na 2 0) 1. 75 Lime ( CaO) 1 . 86 Magnesia (MgO) 1. 31 Iron oxide (Fe 2 3 ) 06 Alumina ( A1 2 3 ) 03 Sulphuric acid (S0 2 ) 08 Carbonic acid (C0 2 ) - 3. 73 Chlorine 15 Total solids 12.96 Tekoa depends entirely upon an artesian well for its water supply. From this well water of a good quality is obtained, there being no contamination as far as known. The supply is at present sufficient, but will not be large enough in the future. In the region about Tekoa water is most commonly found at a depth of about 100 feet, although some of the wells reach depths of 175 feet, - All of the wells enter rock. In most instances the water rises to the surface, and in some cases reaches a height of 10 feet above the mouth of the well. Uniontown obtains its water supply from a deep well. The water is soft and ver}^ satisfactory in every way, and the quantity is ample for present needs at least. The deepest wells about Uniontown have a depth of about 200 feet. These wells enter the rock and obtain water from beds of sand and gravel intercalated with basalt. There are some surface wells which do not enter the rock and which are from 7 to 10 feet in depth. In none of the wells does the water rise to the surface. The water level does not vary during the day or year and is not affected by pumping. Deep well*. — About Palouse a number of wells have been drilled. In general they have a diameter of 6 inches and a depth of from 100 60 UNDERGROUND WATERS OF WASHINGTON. [no. 111. to 300 feet. The depth to the principal source of water is, on the average, 150 feet. The water is found in beds of sand which lie below a capping of basalt. From some of the wells the water flows, while in others the water level stands below the surface and pumping must be resorted to. The level does not vary during the day or year, the supply being constant from season to season. The water as a rule is hard, generally containing magnesia and iron. The usual tempera- ture of the water at the well mouth is 50 u F. The wells are mostly owned by farmers, and the water is used for general farm supply. The average cost of a well is $300, while the pumping machinery costs from $100 to $200. As a rule the wells are only partially cased, the length of casing varying from 20 to 120 feet. In and about the city of Pullman are a number of artesian wells, of which the two owned by the city and used as a source of municipal water supply may be taken as types. One of these wells was drilled in 1890 and the other in 1899. They are located near the bed of a stream which flows through the center of the city. The mouths of the wells are at an elevation of 2,341 feet above the sea. Each well has a depth of 110 feet, with a diameter of 6 inches. The wells flow and the water rises to a height of 19 feet above the surface. The temperature of the water at the well mouth is about 60° F. The supply of water has decreased since the wells were drilled. Both wells are cased throughout with 6-inch heavy wrought-iron pipe. The cost of each well was about $450, and the cost of the pumping machinery necessary to lift the water to the reservoir was about $3,000. In Tekoa there is an artesian well that was drilled in 1892 to serve as a source of water supply for the town. The well was drilled on a stream bed. It has a depth of 176 feet and a diameter of 6 inches. Only one water-bearing bed was found, that at the bottom of t}ie well. The water rises to a height of 8 feet above the surface, and has a tempera- ture of 76° F. at the well mouth. The water level has shown no sea- sonal variation, and the supply has been constant. The cost of the well was $750, and the cost of the pumping machinery was $1,000. The casing has been placed in the well only from the surface to solid rock. The Oregon Railroad and Navigation Company owns a deep well at this place, from which is obtained a water supply for loco- motives. YAKIMA COUNTY. General statement. — Yakima County is located in the south-central part of Washington, between Columbia River and the summit of the Cascade Mountains. The surface presents a great diversity topo- graphically. Columbia and Yakima rivers are bordered by broad, low plains. Between these streams are a number of ridges or low moun- tains which rise a few hundred feet above the general level of the i am.ks] YAKIMA COUNTY. 61 plain. Southwest and west of Yakima River the plain merges into an c\ on-topped plateau, which in the course of 20 or 30 miles gives way to the foothills of the Cascades. The mountains are comparatively low, with a general height of 4,000 to 5,000 feet, except in the vicinity of Mount Adams, in the southwestern part of the county, where they are much higher, reaching a maximum of 12,400 feet. As the county lies partly within the Cascade Mountains and partly within the Columbia Plains, it has geologic features common to both provinces. The formations of those portions of the Cascades within the county are scarcely known at all, but arc believed to consist mainly of metamorphic and igneous rocks typical of the interior of the range. Immediately east of Cowlitz Pass arc limited areas of Tertiary shales and sandstones which contain seams of coal. The coal is a semi- anthracite, or a true anthracite in some cases. Along the eastern flank of the mountains are occasional flows of andesite, most of which are of a very late date. The eastern part of the county lies within the Columbia Plains, and here the rocks belong almost wholly to two divisions, viz, the Yakima basalt and the Ellensburg formation. The Yakima basalt, according to Smith, has a vertical thickness in the canyon of Yakima River of more than 2,500 feet, and represents ten or more separate flows. For the most part the basalt is compact and heavy, but occasionally it is cellular or scoriaceous. In color it is black, except on weathered sur- faces, where it usually has become brown. In a few instances the so-called ash beds, consisting of fine and coarse tuffs, are found inter- bedded with the dense compact basalt. The latter has usually a pris- matic or columnar structure, the result of the contraction or shrink- age of the lava in the process of cooling. The Ellensburg formation lies directly on the Yakima basalt, and includes shales, sandstones, and conglomerates that, in the main, were deposited immediately after the last flows of lava. • In some places there was a final outflow of lava a little while after the beginning of the deposition of the clastic rocks. The sediments of the Ellensburg formation accumulated to a thickness of 1,500 feet or more, and on the evidence of fossil leaves are known to be of Miocene age. These rocks are but partially consolidated, and have suffered considerable erosion, with the result that they have been wholly or in large part removed from much of the area that the} r once covered. This formation is of special interest. It contains water, and within it the artesian wells of the county have been drilled. The Yakima basalt and the Ellensburg formation have been folded into a series of arches and troughs, or anticlines and synclines, that have, in general, an east-west direction. The general structure of the region is well shown along the course of Yakima River, which has (ait directly or obliquely across the ridges and alternating troughs. As a rule the arches or ridges are comparatively long and narrow, and 62 UNDERGROUND WATERS OF WASHINGTON. [no. 111. rise from 800 to 1,500 feet above the intervening valleys. The arches are almost invariably capped by basalt, the rocks of the Ellensburg formation being limited to the valleys and the lower flanks of the ridges. The rainfall of Yakima County shows as great a variation in amount as is to be found in any area of similar size within the State. In the eastern portion the annual rainfall averages 10 inches or a little less. From the vicinity of North Yakima westward it increases regularly toward the summit of the mountains. Upon the plateau it ranges from 15 to 25 inches. In the mountains it varies from 30 inches in the foot- hills to a maximum of 50 inches along the summit. The effect of the rainfall upon the vegetation is of interest. The western end of the county is so well forested that it is included within the Mount Rainier Forest Reserve. The plateaus and hills of the central and eastern parts are bare of trees, but are abundantly covered with grasses. Along the low plains of Yakima and Columbia rivers the grasses largely disappear and sagebrush takes their place as the principal veg- etal covering. Except for the growing of wheat upon the plateaus, no attempt is made to carry on agriculture without recourse to irrigation. The water for irrigation is obtained chiefly from the streams, but to some extent from artesian wells. The streams coming from the moun- tains, where the rainfall is heavy, carry a large amount of water. Even without the use of impounding reservoirs, enough water may be had to irrigate a large part of the plains. In the vicinity of North Yakima a number of deep wells have been drilled, which furnish suffi- cient water to irrigate large tracts of land. The character and extent of this artesian basin have been set forth in Water-Supply and Irriga- tion Paper of the United States Geological Survey, No. 55. The towns, as a rule, depend upon streams for their supply of water, although sur- face wells are frequently used. Upon the plateaus and about the foot- hills springs are often found, some of which might be classed as mineral springs. Municipal systems. — North Yakima obtains its supply of water from Naches River. The quantity obtained is sufficient for the present and probably for all future needs. The Naches rises in the foot- hills of the Cascades, and as there are no sources of contamination the quality of water is good. A few wells are used about North Yakima. They range in depth from 18 to 25 feet and are wholly in sand and gravel. The city water supply is used to a very large degree for irri- gating, besides serving as a domestic supply. A sanitary analysis of water from the North Yakima city supply, made on April 8, 1901, by Prof. EL G. Byers, of the University of Washington, resulted as follows: undhs.] YAKIMA COUNTY. 63 Sanitary analysis of city water at North Yakima. [I'nrts per million.] Total solids 169. 53 Nonvolatile solids 114. 85 Volatile solids 54. 68 Oxygen consumed 1. 79 Chlorine 2.75 Nitrogen as free ammonia 008 Nitrogen as albuminoid ammonia 0177 Nitrogen as nitrites None. Nitrogen as nitrates None. The town of Prosser obtains a water supply from Yakima River. The river gets very low in autumn and may not afford sufficient water to meet the future needs of the town. The water is pumped into a reservoir and is distributed by a gravity system. A few wells have been dug in the region, and these have a depth ordinarily of about 40 feet. They do not enter bed rock, but are wholly in gravel. Deep wells.— In sec. 4, T. 20 N. , R. 12 E. , is a deep well owned by F. E. Deeringhotf. It is located on a gentle slope at an elevation of about 1,100 feet above the sea. It was completed in April, 1899. The well was drilled to a depth of 275 feet and then bored for the remainder of the way, a distance of 350 feet. The drilled portion has a diameter of 5| inches, while the bored part has a diameter of 3 inches. Three water- bearing beds were found, the first at a depth of 200 feet, the second at 400 feet, and the third and principal one at 625 feet. The principal water-bearing material is sand. When the well was completed the water rose to a height of 40 feet above the surface, but at present it rises to a height of but 1 foot above the well mouth. The temperature of the water at the surface is 74° F. The water is soft and is sulphur bearing to a slight degree. In casing the well 40 feet of 5-inch, 120 feet of 4-inch, and 80 feet of 3-inch pipe were used. The water is used entirely for irrigation. In sec. 8, T. 12 N., R. 20 E., J. H. Gano has an artesian well located on a plain. The well was drilled, and has a depth of 826 feet. In the upper portion the diameter is 4 inches, while in the lower portion it is only 2£ inches. Water-bearing beds were found at depths of BOO and 400 feet, besides the principal bed at the bottom. The tempera- ture of the water at the well mouth is 78° F. The water rises 40 feet above the surface. The supply has not decreased since the well was completed. The cost of the well was $1,000. The water is used for irrigattng purposes. In sec. 9, T. 12 N., R. 20 E., E. S. Hill has a deep well, which was completed in 1900. The well was drilled on the slope of a hill, and has a depth of 626 feet. From 200 feet downward several water- bearing beds were found, the principal one being a stratum of sand at the bottom. The well flows, and the supply has not increased or 64 UNDERGROUND WATERS OF WASHINGTON. [no. HI. decreased since the well was completed. The temperature of the water at the well mouth is 74° F. The cost was $900. In the well 490 feet of casing has been placed, the upper portion of this having a diameter of 4i inches and the lower portion a diameter of 3i inches. The water is used exclusively for irrigation. In sec. 6, T. 12 N., R. 20 E., is an artesian well owned by J. W. Peck. The well is located in a valley, at a height of about 800 feet above sea. It was completed in 1901 at a cost of $1,200. It has a diameter of 6 inches and a depth of 828 feet. The principal flow of water was found in a sandstone, but other minor water-bearing beds were encountered in drilling. The well is a flowing one, the water rising 4 feet above the surface. The water flows a little less strongly in the summer than in the winter, but on the whole the amount of water remains fairly constant. The temperature of the water at the well mouth is 74° F. The water carries a little iron, magnesia, and sulphur. In sec. 10, T. 12 N., E» 20 E., Robert Rein has a deep well, which was completed in 1900. The depth of the well is 570 feet, the diameter at the top is 6i inches and at the bottom 2f inches. The well is located on a plain at a height of 1,500 feet above the sea. The water rises about 20 feet above the surface, and the supply has been constant since the completion of the well. The temperature of the water at the well mouth is 60° F. The cost of the well was $700. The water is used for irrigating purposes. In sec. 8, T. 12 N., R. 20 E., is an artesian well owned by Julius Sauve. It is located on a plain at an elevation of 1,155 feet above sea. The diameter of the well in the first portion is 4| inches and in the bottom portion 2 inches. A number of different flows of water were encountered at depths of 790, 861, 876, 890, 907, and finally at the bottom at 1,020 feet. The water rises 80 feet above the surface. The quantity of water has not changed since the well was first drilled. The water at the well mouth has a temperature of 75.2° F. The cost of the well was $1 per foot, or $1,020. In sec. 8, T. 12 N., R. 20 E., David Walters drilled a well which was completed Jul}^ 12, 1902. It has a depth of 1,200 feet and a diam- eter of 5i inches. The well is a flowing one. The temperature of the water at the well mouth is 81° F. The cost of the well was $1,600. In casing the well 400 feet of pipe with a diameter of 4 inches and 620 feet of pipe with a diameter of 3i inches were used. Springs.— -In T. 9 N., R. 12 E., on Government land, spring water issues as a stream from the base of a bluff of basaltic rock. The water is very cold, free from any odor, and colorless. From the water bubbles of gas are constantly escaping. An analysis of the water made by Prof. H. G. Ityers, of the University of Washington, resulted as follows: i.anpes.] TABLE OF DEEP WELLS. 65 Analysis of water from spring in T. 9 A'., /.'. / / E. [ Parts per million, ] Volatile solids 363.5 Nonvolatile solids 774. 5 Total solids 1, 138. Silica 1 o<). :: Ferric oxide and alumina 82. ( allium carbonate 2f>t>. 4 Magnesium carbonate 177. 7 Sodium chloride 213. 4 Potassium chloride 38. 7 Calcium sulphate None. Potassium sulphate None. In sec. 9, T. 11 N., R. 15 E., on tribal land belonging to the Yakima Indians, are some warm and cold springs. The wateT issues as small streams from soil and gravel. About the springs are deposits of red- dish matter, presumably iron oxide. The cold springs have a soda taste, and from them all bubbles of gas are constantly escaping. The warm springs are used by the Indians for bathing, and the water is believed by them to possess medicinal value. It is used more for rheumatism than for any other disease. From all of the springs the quantity of flow is constant, no variation being appreciable from season to season. TABLES OF DEEP WELLS, MUNICIPAL WATER SUPPLIES, AND REPRESENTATIVE SPRINGS. • Deep wells in Washington. County and post-office. T. R. s. Name of owner. Topographic posi- tion. Eleva- tion above sea. Adams County: Cunningham 16 16 13 30 32 32 22 33 28 Thomas and James O'Hair. Northern Pacific Rvvy W. T. Braden Hill Feet. 1,278 Vallev 1,157 Franklin County: 840 Island County: Hill .. 125 Spokane County: Hillvard Hillyard Town Site Co L.J. Walford... Plain 2,000 1,590 Stevens County: Colville 35 39 9 Base of hill Plain Thurston County: Olvmpia State of Washington. 30 IRR 111—05- 66 UNDEEGEOUND WATEES OF WASHINGTON. Deep wells in Washington — Continued. [NO. 111. County and post-office. T. R. S. Name of owner. Topographic posi- tion. Eleva- tion above sea. Walla walla County: Walla Walla 7 35 27 Blalock Fruit Co Plain Feet. 825 Whitman County: F. P. Egan City of Pullman Valley Stream bed do 2,000 2, 341 14 45 5 Tekoa Yakima County: 20 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 20 20 20 20 20 20 4 8 9 6 10 8 8 F. E. Deeringhoff 1 100 Do James H. Gano E. S. Hill Plain 1,100 Do ... Slope Do J. W. Peck Valley 800 Do do 1 500 Do Plain 1,155 Do County and post-office. Date when com- pleted. Kind of well, Diame- ter. Depth. Depth to principal source of water. Water-bearing material. Adams County: Cunningham Ritzville Franklin County: Connell Island County: Coupeville ... Spokane County: Hillyard Stevens County: Colville Thurston County: Olympia WalJawalla County: Walla Walla . . . Whitman County: Palouse Pullman Tekoa Yakima County: North Yakima . Do Do Do Do 1902 1901 1902 1889 1900 1901 1903 1903 1890 1892 1899 1900 1901 1900 1900 1902 Inches. Drilled ....do. .do Dug .do Drilled do . do . .do .do .do Drilled and bored. Drilled .do .do .do .do .do Feet. 426 355 676 48 6 6 6 51 1 3 2iJ 700 152 564 200 110 176 626 828 1,020 1,200 Feet. 426 300 152 150 110 176 625 820 620 1,020 1,200 Rock. Very porous rock. Porous rock. Sand. Gravel. Sandstone. Sand. Do. Do. Do. Porous rock. Sand. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. I.ANPKS.] TAHLK <>K DKKT WELLS. 67 Deep wells in Washington — Continued. County Mini post-office. Other water- bearing beds found. Distance water rises above surface. Distance of water from sin- lace. Tempera ture of water at well mouth. Amount of water ob- tained daily. i acreage or de crease of supplj . Adams County: Feet, Feet. 356 235 640 120 185 o f Gallons. Ritzville Stationary. Franklin County: m Island County: Yes.... Do. Spokane County: Hillvard 50, 000 Stevens County: Colville Thurston County: Yes 2 8,640 187, 000 Increasing. Stationary. Do. Walla walla County: Walla Walla 67 50 60 76 74 78 71 74 60 75 81 Whitman County: None . . . None . . . None . . . Two .... Two .... Two .... Yes Yes .... Several. 19 8 1 40 Several. 4 20 80 Several. 180,000 Tekoa Stationary. Decreasing. Yakima County: Do Do Do. Do Do. Do Do. Do Do. Do County and post-office. Variat gvi? water Effect of pumping on level of water. Quality of water. How water is obtained at surface. Adams County: Soft . . Pumping. Do. do Lowers level 10 feet. do do Franklin County: do Do. Island County: Lowers it slightly. Lowers level slightly. Hard Do. Spokane County: Hillyard Varies duringyear Soft Do. Stevens County: Colville Iron bearing.. Thurston County: Well flows. Wallawalla County: Do. Whitman County: do Lowers level Hard Do. do do Do. Tekoa do None Soft Do. 68 UNDERGROUND WATERS OF WASHINGTON. Deep wells in Washington — Continued. [NO. 111. County and post-office. Variation in water level. Effect of pumping on level of water. Quality of water. How water is obtained at surface. Yakima County: North Yakima . Varies duringyear Do Do Da Do Do Do None None .. T do Varies duringyear None i None Varies duringyear! Sulphur bear- ing. Soft do do do do Sulphur bear- Well flows. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. County and post-office. Cost. Cost of pumping machin- ery. Size and length of casing. Use made of the water. Adams County: Cunningham .. Ritzville Franklin County: Connell Island County: Coupeville Spokane County: Hillyard Stevens County: Colville Thurston County: Olympia Wallawalla County: Walla Walla . . . Whitman County: Palouse Pullman Tekoa Yakima County: North Yakima . Do Do Do Do Do Do $1,066 2, 500 3,000 350 500 3,000 152 1,800 300 450 750 1,000 900 1, 200 700 1, 020 1,600 Diameter, 2 inches; length, 423 feet. Length, 240 feet Diameter, 5 inches; length, 100 feet. Diameter, 10 inches; length, 40 feet. Diameter, 2 inches; length, 152 feet, Length, 540 feet 3,000 1,000 Diameter, 5f inches; length, 150 feet. Diameter, 6 inches; length, 110 feet. Diameter, 6 inches Diameter, 5 inches; length, 40 inches. Diameter, 4 inches; length, 120 inches. Diameter, 3 inches; length, 80 inches. Diameter, 4, 3, and 2i inches Diameter, 4i inches; length , 497 feet. [Diameter, 4 inches; length, 400 feet. Diameter, 3i inches; length, i 620 feet. Farm supply. Locomotives. Farm supply. Do. Town supply. None. Supply for capitol building. Irrigation. Farm supply. City water supply. Town supply. ■Irrigation. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. INDES | Location. T Mil.K OF MUNICIPAL SUPPLIES. Municipal mater supplies in Washington. 69 Adams County: Ritzville Asotin County: Asotin Clarkston Chehalis County: Aberdeen ( losmopolis Hoqiiiam Montesano . . . Oeosta Chelan County: Chelan Lakeside Wenatchee Clallam County: Port Angeles . . 1'ort Crescent. . Clarke County: Vancouver Columbia County: Dayton Cowlitz County: Castlerock Kalama Douglas County: Wilsoncreek... Jefferson County: Port Ludlow . . Port Townsend King County: Auburn Ballard :.. Columbia City. Enumclaw Issaquah Kent Renton Seattle West Seattle... Kitsap County: Bremerton Charleston Port Blakeley . Port Gamble . . Kittitas County: Clealum Ellensburg Koslvn Water- supply system. No Vis Principal sour< water. ( Mher sources, Deep wells. None Asotin Creek do Yes Yes Yes.... Yes No Yes No Yes Creek Wells Hoquiam Rivet Springs Wells Springs Lake Chelan. Creek Yes Frazer Creek No Wells Yes Springs and deep wells. Yes Springs. Yes Creek.. Yes Creeks. Yes. Yes . No . . Yes . Wells Creek Deep wells Wells. Springs and deep wells. Yes Cedar River Yes Mountain streams Yes Springs Yes d<> Yes Spring Yes Cedar River and Ce- dar Lake. Yes Springs Wells and cisterns None Creek... Nunc . . . do.. Springs . Lake Chelan. Wells None Wells and springs Pond None Wells . None . Streams None Wells and cisterns White River. None . . Wells.. do. None . . Wells.. None . . .do . Yes . . Yes . . Yes . . Yes . . do Springs and creeks . Creek Creeks Wells. do Y'es Springs Wells.. Y'es Mountain streams do Yes Springs and Clealum River. Sum cienl supply for pr!•' MUNICIPAL SUPPLIES. Municipal water supplies in Washington Continued. 77 Location Amount of water ob tained daily. increase or decrease in supplj . Douglas County: Wilsoncreek .... Jefferson County: I'ort Ludlow. . . Port Townsend . King County: Auburn Ballard Columbia City. . Enumclaw Gallons. 250,000 Stationary 300,000 I Stationary. Stationary. Issaquab do Kent Renton Seattle ; 22, 500. 000 West Seattle 120,000 i Stationary, do Kitsap County: Bremerton Charleston . . . Port Blakeley Port Gamble . Kittitas County: Clealum Ellensburg Roslyn Klickitat County: Goldendale... Lewis County: Centralia Pe Ell Lincoln County: Davenport 150,000 Decreasing Stationary. .do. do Decreasing . Stationary. . Stationary .....do.... Stationary. ....do Harrington Sprague Wilbur Mason County: Shelton do Okanogan County: Loomis J Pacific County: Ilwaco Southbend ' Pierce County: Buckley | 1 , 200, 000 Carbonado Orting 20,000 Stationary. Puyallup South Tacoma. Sumner Tacoma 150,000 Increasing. 8, 000, 000 Stationary . Varia- Effect of Hon in pumping wiitcr mi water level. level. No... Yes . . yes. No. No. No .... Yes... Yes... Little... Yes No. Yes No ... . Yes . . Yes . . No No. No ... . Yes Yes . . . Yes... No.... Yes . . . Yes . . . No ... . No.... Yes . . . No ... . Yes. No. Yes. No.. No. No. Yes . No.. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.. Yes. Yes.. Yes.. Yes. No. Very lit- tle. No Yes No. Other uses besides domestic supply. Nolle. Boiler supply. None. None. Fire protection. irrigation. None. Do. Boiler supply. Fire protection and boiler supply. Fire, irrigation, etc, None. Fire protection and boiler supply. None. Do. Fire protection and boiler supply. Irrigation, fire pro- tection and boiler supply. Irrigation and boiler supply. Fire protection and boiler purposes. Irrigation and fire protection. None. Do. Irrigation and fire protection. Do. Do. Irrigation. Fire protection. Boiler supply. None. Boiler supply. Fire protection. Boiler supply. None. Do. Boiler supply. Boiler supply, lire protection, etc. 78 UNDERGROUND WATERS OE WASHINGTON. [NO. 111. Municipal water supplies in Washington — Continued. Location. Amount of water ob- tained daily. Increase or decrease in supply. Varia- tion in water level. Effect of pumping on water level. Other uses besides domestic supply. San Juan County: Gallons. Boiler supply. Do. Skagit County: Yes . . . Yes . . . No No do Do. No.... No.... No No Snohomish County: Yes . . . Yes . . . Yes... Yes No Yes er supply, etc. None. Do. Boiler supply and concentrator. No.... Boiler supply. Fire protection. Spokane County: Cheney No.... Yes... No Yes Hillyard Irrigation. Latah Medical Lake Stevens County: Bossburg ' Colville No.... No Marcus Northport Springdale No.... No Boiler supply. Thurston County: 3, 000, 000 Tenino Yes . . . Yes er supply, etc. Wallawalla County: Waitsburg Walla Walla Yes . . . Fire protection. Boiler supply. Whatcom County: Blaine Yes . . . Fairhaven Boiler supply and Sumas No.... No fire protection. Whatcom Boiler supply and Whitman County: Colfax Are protection. Do. Oakesdale Fire protection. 300, 000 Decreasing No.... No.... No.... Yes No No Boiler supply and fire protection. Tekoa do Street sprinkling. Irrigation. Yakima County: North Yakima No.... No Do. ■ \\i>i ». | TABLE OF SPRINGS. Representative springs in Washington. 79 Count\ and post office. Ailnms County: Washtucna 15 Chelan I lounty: Wenatchee 22 cinrk County: Vancouver l Columbia County Dayton King County: Berlin [ssaquah Kent .. . McCain Kenton Klickitat County: Glen wood Do Goldendale . . Lincoln County: Davenport ... Harrington Do Do Sherman... Mason County: Shelton Pierce County: Carbonado . Orting Puyallup Skamania County: Cascades Spokane County: Latah Stevens County: Colville WallawalTa County: Walla Walla .... Yakima County: Fort Simcoe i; i iwner of spring. ki.W. Basset! .. George Brisson 3,4 Vancouver Wa- terworks Co. 3 I City of Davton Topographic position. Have of bluff. do Hillside Quantity of flow. .do Everett Bottling do Works. Water Oilman Co. Town of Kent T. G. McCain Seattle Electric Co. Head of can von Base of steep hill. Foot of mountain Hillside United States Valley ■•••do j Base of bluff. In canyon ... Base of bluff. Town of Daven- port. J. L. Ball J. E. Ludy L. T. Luper H. B. Fletcher.... Deep valley Valley ....do Town of Shelton . Carbon Hill Coal Co. Orting Light and Water Co. City of Tacoma... Thomas Moffat t .. Hillside William Forth- man. City of Walla Walla. do do Base of bluff. Hillside Base of bluff... J. U. Hofeteta . . . . | Valley do Yakima Indians..! Narrow valley. Gallons. "10 «8 '• L.750. i b 500, 000 «3 b 183, 013 b 360,000 «2 b 28.800 b 18,000,000 b 25,000 &720 b 57,600 a Miner's inches b Daily. 80 UNDERGROUND WATERS OF WASHINGTON. Representative springs in Washington — Continued. [NO. ill. County and post-office. Variation in flow. Taste. Temper- ature. Quality of water. Kind of rock. Adams County: Pleasant... do do °F. 40 55 Soft Hard Soft do ... Chelan County: Decreases in flow in au- tumn. Do Clarke County: Columbia County: do King County: Alkaline.. Soft do Syenite. do Kent do Sulphur . . . 122 Sjilphur .. Soft Diminishes in autumn . Klickitat County: ...do Do do , Unpleasant Mineral . . . 76 100 Cnarged with gas. do.... Soft do .... Do. do Do Lincoln County: Decreases in summer . . . Do Do Decreases in summer. . . Pleasant... ....:do 45 do.... do Basalt. do do do Mason County: Shelton do do do Pierce County: do 54 do.... do.... do do do do.... Skamania County: do Sulphur . . . 96 Sulphur, iron, etc. Soft do.... Spokane County: - Maximum in spring Stevens County: Colville .. do Wallawalla County: Walla Walla do... do do.... Yakima County: do Soda Warm .. Charged with gas. LANDE8. | TABLE OF SPRINGS. Representative springs in Washington — Continued. 81 ( lounty and post-office. Seeps Or stream. Deposits Of mill era! mat ter about spring. 1 -e of water. Improvements at spring. inning e ments con- templated. Adams County: Stream do None . . . ....do... Town supply and irrigation. Domestic and irri- gation. City watersupply do ( 'lielati County: do do do Ho Clarke County: do Do. Columbia County: Seeps OUt . Stream do do... Do. King County: Iron None . . . ....do... None so far Town supply do do do do Hotel Hotel. do Storage res- ervoir. McCain Seeps out do do... ....do... Medicinal and bathing. Town supply None do hotel. Klickitat County: Stream do ...... Iron do do do do Do. Do Do. do do Lincoln County: do None . . . do . City supply a bath house. Do Stream do do do Do. Do ....do... do do do do ... .do do do Hotel a n d hath house. Do. do ....do . do Do. Mason County: do do . . . ....do ... Town supply do Do. Pierce County: Carbonado do .Do. Orting do do . . . ....do ... Domestic City supply Medicinal, domes- tic Do. Puyallup do Do. Skamania County: Seeps out , do... Spokane County: Domestic Town supply house. Stevens County: Colville Seeps out . . . Stream Seeps out . . . do... do... Iron .... do do Do. Wallawalla County: Walla Walla Do. Yakima County: Bathing do Do. IKK 111—05- INDEX Page. Aberdeen, water supply of 11,69,71,74,76 Adams County, general features of 7-8 municipal water-supply systems in 8, 69,71,74,76 springs in 9,79,80,81 wells, deep, in 8-9,65,66,67,68,69,71,74,76 Anacortes, water supply of 43,70,73,75,78 Arlington, water supply of 45, 70, 73, 75, 78 Asotin, water supply of 9-10 Asotin County, general features of 9 municipal water-supply systems in 9-10, 69,71,74,76 wells in 10 Auburn, water supply of 23,69,72,74,77 Ballard, water supply of 23,69,72,74,77 Berlin, spring at 26,79,80,81 Blaine, water supply of 56,71,73,76,78 Bossburg, water supply of 51, 70, 73, 75, 78 Bremerton, water supply of 27,69,72,74,77 Buckley, water supply of 39, 70, 72, 75, 77 Byers, H.G., analyses by. 11,24,25,31,40,46,47,54 Carbonado, water supply of 39, 41,70,72,75,77,79,80,81 Cascades, spring at 44,79,80,81 Castle Rock, water supply of 17,69,71,74,76 Centralia, water supply of 33, 70, 72, 75, 77 Charleston, water supply of 28, 69, 72, 74, 77 Chehalis County, general features of 10-1 1 municipal water-supply systems and wells in 11-12,69,71,74,76 Chelan, water supply of 13, 69, 71, 74, 76 Chelan County, general features of 12 municipal water-supply systems in 13, 69,71,74,76 springs in 13,79,80,81 Cheney, water supply of 48, 70, 73, 75, 78 Clallam County, general features of 13-14 municipal water-supply systems and wells in 14,69,71,74,76 Clarke County, general features of 15 municipal water-supply systems and wells in 15,69,71,74,76 springs in 15,79,80,81 Clarkston, water supply of 10 Clealum, water supply of 29, 69, 72, 74, 77 Clover Creek, water from, analysis of 40 Colfax, water supply of 58,71,73,76,78 Columbia City, water supply of... 24,69,72,74,77 Columbia County, general features of 16 municipal systems in 16,69 71,74,76 springs in 16, 79, 80, 81 Colville, water supply of 51, 65, 66, 67, 68, 70, 73, 75, 78, 79, 80, 81 Page. Connell, well at 21,65,66,67,68 Cosmopolis, water supply at 11,69,71,74,76 Coupeville, wells at 66,67,68,69 Cowlitz County, general features of 16-17 municipal systems in 17,69,71,74, 76 Cunningham, well at 9,65,66,67,68 Davenport, water supply of 34, 35,70,72,75,77,79,80,81 Dayton, water supply of . . 16, 69, 71, 74, 76, 79, 80, 81 Douglas County, general features of 17-18 municipal systems and wells in 18- 20,69,72,74,77 Edmunds, water supply of 46, 70, 73, 75, 78 Ellensburg, water supply of 29,62,74,77 Enumclaw, water supply of 24, 69, 72, 74, 77 Everett, water supply of 46, 70, 73, 75, 78 Fairhaven, water supply of 56, 71 , 73, 76, 78 Fort Simcoe, spring at 79,80,81 Franklin County, general features of 20 springs in 21 wells, deep, in 21,65,66,67,68 Friday Harbor, water supply of... 42,71,73,75,78 Fulmer, Elton, analysis by 59 Glenwood, spring near 31,79,80,81 Goldendale, water supply of 31, 70, 72, 74, 77 Hamilton, water supply of 43, 70, 73, 75, 78 Harrington, water supply of 34, 35,70,72,75,77,79,80,81 Hillyard, water supply of 49, 50, 65, 66, 67, 68, 70, 73, 75, 78 Hoquiam, water supply at 11, 69, 71, 74, 76 Ilwaco, water supply of 38, 70, 72, 75, 77 Island County, wells in 66, 67, 68, 69 Issaquah, water supply of 24, 26, 69, 72, 74, 77, 79, 80, 81 Jefferson County, general features of 21-22 municipal systems and wells in 22, 69, 72, 74, 77 Kalama, water supply of 17, 69, 71, 74, 76 Kent, water supply of . 24, 26, 69, 72, 74, 77, 79, 80, 81 King County, general features of 22-23 municipal systems in 23-25, 69, 72, 74, 77 springs in . . 26-27, 79, 80, 81 Kitsap County, general features of 27 municipal systems in 27-28, 69, 72, 74, 77 Kittitas County, general features of 28-29 municipal systems in 29-30, 69, 72, 74, 77 Klickitat County, general features of 30 municipal systems in 31, 70, 72, 74, 77 springs in 31-32, 79, 80, 81 Knight, H. G., analyses by 19, 26, 28 Laconner, water supply of 43, 70, 73, 75, 78 Lake. See next word of name. 83 84 INDEX. Lakeside, water supply of 13, 69, 71, 74, 76 Latah, water supply of . . 49, 70, 73, 75, 78, 79, 80, 81 Lewis County, general features of 32 municipal systems in 32, 70, 72, 75, 77 Lincoln County, general features of 33 municipal systems and wells in. 34, 70, 72, 75, 77 springs in 34-35, 79, 80, 81 Loomis, water supply of 37, 70, 72, 75, 77 Madison, springs near 26 Maplewood Springs, water supply derived from. 39, 41, 70, 72, 75, 77, 79, 81 Marcas, water supply of 51, 70, 73, 75, 78 Mariner, G. A., analyses by 49 Marysville, water supply of 46, 70, 73, 75, 78 Mason County, general features of 35 municipal systems and wells in. 36, 70, 72, 75, 77 . springs in 36, 79, 80, 81 Medical Lake, water supply of 48, 70, 73, 75, 78 Monroe, water supply of 46, 70, 73, 75, 78 Monte Cristo, water supply of 47, 70, 73, 75, 78 Montesano, water supply at . . . 11-12,69,71,74,76 Moses Lake, description of 19 Mount Vernon, water supply of . . . 43, 70, 73, 75, 78 Municipal water-supply systems, in Adams County 8, 69, 71, 74, 76 in Asotin County 9-10, 69, 71, 74, 76 in Chehalis County 1 1-12, 69, 71, 74, 76 in Chelan County 13, 69, 71, 74, 76 in Clallam County 14, 69, 71, 74, 76 in Clarke County 15, 69, 71, 74, 76 in Columbia County 16, 69, 71, 74, 76 in Cowlitz County 17, 69, 71, 74, 76 in Douglas County 18-20, 69, 72, 74, 77 in Jefferson County 22, 69, 72, 74, 77 in King County 23-25, 69, 72, 74, 77 in Kitsap County 27-28, 69, 72, 74, 77 in Kittitas County 29-30, 69, 72, 74, 77 in Klickitat County 31, 70, 72, 74, 77 in Lewis County 33, 70, 72, 75, 77 in Lincoln County 34, 70, 72, 75, 77 in Mason County 36, 70, 72, 75, 77 in Okanogan County 37, 70, 72, 75, 77 in Pacific County 38, 70, 72, 75, 77 in Pierce County 39-40, 70, 72, 75, 77 in San Juan County 42, 70, 73, 75, 78 in Skagit County 43, 70, 73, 75, 78 in Snohomish County 45-47, 70, 73, 75, 78 in Spokane County 48-49, 70, 73, 75, 78 in Stevens County 51, 70, 73, 75, 78 in Thurston County 52, 71, 73, 75, 78 in Wallawalla County 54, 71, 73, 76, 78 in Whatcom County 56, 71 , 73, 76, 78 in Whitman County 58-59, 71, 73, 76, 78 in Yakima County 62-63, 71 , 73, 76, 78 North Yakima, water supply of 62, 63,66,67,68,71,73,76,78 Northport, water supply of 51, 70, 73, 75, 78 Oakesdale, water supply of 58, 71, 73, 76, 78 Ocosta, water supply at 12,69,71,74,76 Okanogan County, general features of 36-37 municipal systems in 37, 70, 72, 75, 77 Olympia, water supply of 52, 71, 73, 75, 78 Orting, water supply of 39, 41,70,72,75,77,79,80,81 Pacific County, general features of 37-38 municipal systems in 38, 70, 72, 75, 77 Padden, Lake, water from, analysis of 56 Palouse, water supply of 59-60, 66, 67, 68 Pe Ell, water supply of 33, 70, 72, 75, 77 Pierce County, general features of 38-39 municipal systems in 39-40, 70, 72, 75, 77 springs in. 39,40,41,79,80,81 Port Angeles, water supply of . . . .. 14, 69, 71, 74, 76 Port Blakeley, water supply of . . . 28, 69, 72, 74, 77 Port Crescent, water supply of 14, 69, 71, 74, 76 Port Gamble, water supply of 28, 69, 72, 74, 77 Port Ludlow, water supply at 22, 69, 72, 74, 77 Port Townsend, water supply at . . 22, 69, 72, 74, 77 Prosser, water supply of 63, 71, 73, 76, 78 Pullman, water supply of. 59, 60, 66, 68, 71, 73, 76, 78 Puyallup, water supply of 39, 41,70,72,75,77,79,80,81 Rainfall in Adams County 8 in Asotin County 9 in Chelan County 12 in Clallam County 13 in Clarke County 15 in Columbia County 16 in Cowlitz County 17 in Douglas County 18 in Franklin County 20 in Jefferson County. .". 22 in King County 22 in Kitsap County 27 in Kittitas County 29 in Klickitat County 30 in Lewis County 32 in Lincoln County 33 in Mason County 35 in Okanogan County 37 in Pacific County 38 in Pierce County 38 in San Juan County 41 in Skagit County 42 in Skamania County 44 in Snohomish County 45 in Spokane County : 48 in Stevens County 50 in Thurston County 52 in Wallawalla County 53 in Whatcom County 55 in Whitman County 57 in Yakima County 62 Renton, water supply of 25, 27, 69, 72, 74, 77, 79, SO, 81 Ritzville, water supply system at.. 8,69,71,74,76 Roslyn, water supply of 30, 62, 74, 77 San Juan County, general features of 41-42 municipal systems in 42, 70, 73, 75, 78 Sanitarium Lake. See Soap Lake. Seattle, water supply of 25, 69, 72, 74, 77 Shelton, water supply of . 36, 70, 72, 75, 77, 79, 80, 81 Sherman, spring near 35, 79, 80, 81 SD verton, water supply of 47, 70, 73, 75, 78 Skagit County, general features of 42-43 municipal systems in 43, 70, 73, 75, 78 Skamania County, general features of 44 springs in 44, 79, 80, 81 Snohomish, water supply of 47, 70, 73, 75, 78 Snohomish County, general features of 45 municipal systems in 45,47,70,73,75,78 Soap Lake, description of 19-20 INDEX. 85 Page. Soul h Tacoma, water supply of... 10,70,72,75,77 Southbend, water supply of 38,70,72, 7."., 77 Spokane, water supply of 49 Spokane County, general teal urea of 17 is municipal systems and wells in 18 19, 70,73,75,78 springs In 50, 79, 80, 81 Sprague, water supply of 34,70,72,75,77 Spring water, analysis of, from Berlin 26 analysis of, from Great Northern Hoi Springs 27 from Bremerton 28 from uear Goldendale 31 Springdale, water supply of 51,70,73,75,78 Springs, in Adams County 9,79,80,81 in Chelan County 13,79,80,81 in Clark County 15,79,80,81 in Columbia County 16,79,80,81 in Franklin County 21 in King County 26-27,79,80,81 in Kitsap County 28 in Kittitas County 29,69,72,74 in Klickitat County 31-32,79,80,81 in Lincoln County 34-35, 79, 80, 81 in Mason County 36,79,80,81 in Pacific County . . . ; 38, 70, 72, 75, 77 in Pierce County 39, 40, 41, 79, 80, 81 in Skagit County 43, 70, 73, 75, 78 in Skamania County 44,79,80,81 in Spokane County 50, 79, 80, 81 in Stevens County 51,79,80,81 in Thurston County 52,71,73,75,78 in Walla walla County. 54, 71, 73, 76, 78, 79, 80, 81 in Whatcom County 56, 71, 73, 76, 78 in Yakima County 64, 79, 80, 81 Stevens County, general features of 50-51 municipal systems in 51, 70, 73, 75, 78 springs in 51 , 79, 80, 81 wells in 51, 65, 66, 67, 68 Sumas, water supply of 56,71,73,76,78 Sumner, water supply of 40, 70, 72, 75, 77 Tacoma, water supply of 40, 70, 72, 75, 77 Tanzer, G. L., analysis by 46 Tekoa, water supply of 59,60,66,67,68,71,73,76,78 Tenino, water supply of 52, 71, 73, 75, 78 Thurston County, general features of 52 municipal systems in 52, 71, 73-, 75, 78 wells in 53, 65, 66, 67, 68, 71, 73, 75, 78 Uniontown, water supply of 59,71,73,76,78 Vancouver, springs near 15, 79, 80, 81 water supply of 15, 69, 71, 74, 76 Waitsburg, water supply of 54,71,73,76,78 Walla Walla, water supply of 54, 66,67,68,71,73,76,78,79,80,81 Walla walla County, general features of 53-54 municipal systems in 54,71,73,76,78 w allawalla County, springs in 54,71, 73,76,78,79,80,81 wells in 54,66, or, lis, 69, 76 Washtucna, spring near 9,79,80,81 Water supply systems. S< e Municipal wa- ter supply systems. Well water, analysis of. from Aberdeen.... n analysis of, from Port Townsend '.''_' from Ballard 24 Wells, in Adams County 8 9, 65,66,67,68,69,71,74,76 in Asotin County 10 in Chehalis County 11,12,60,71,74,76 in Clallam County 14,69,71,74,76 in Clarke County 15,69,71,74,76 in Cowlitz County 17 in Douglas County 18,69,72,74,77 in Franklin County 21, 65, 66, 67, 68 in Jefferson County 22, 69, 72, 74, 77 in King County 2:<-25, 69, 72, 74, 77 in Kittitas County 30, 74, 77 in Klickitat County 31, 74, 77 in Lewis County 33, 70, 72, 75, 77 in Lincoln County 34, 70, 72, 75, 77 in Mason County 34 . 75 in Okanoga n County 37, 75 in Pacific County 38, 75 in Pierce County :-9, 40, 70, 72, 75, 77 in San Juan County 42, 70, 73, 75, 78 in Skagit County 43, 70, 73, 75, 78 in Snohomish County 46,47,70,73,75,78 in Spokane County 49, 65, 66, 67, 68, 70, 73, 75, 78 in Stevens County 51, 65, 66, 67, 68, 75 in Thurston County 53, 65,66,67,68,71,73,75,78 in Walla walla County 54, 66, 67, 68, 69, 76 in Whatcom County 56, 71, 73, 70. 78 in Whitman County 58, 59, 60, 65, 66, 67, 68, 71, 73, 76, 78 in Yakima County 63-64, 66, 67, 68, 76 Wenatchee, spring near 13, 79, 80, 81 water supply of 13,69,71,74,76 West Seattle, water supply of 25, 69, 72, 74, 77 Whatcom, water supply of 56, 71, 73, 76, 78 Whatcom, Lake, water from, analysis of... 57 Whatcom County, general features of 55 municipal systems in 56, 71, 73, 76, 78 Whitman County, general features of 57-58 municipal systems in 58-59, 71, 73, 76, 78 wells in 59-60, 66, 67, 68 Wilbur, water supply of 34, 70, 72, 7.".. 77 Wilsoncreek, water supply of 18,69,72,74,77 Yakima County, general features of 60-62 municipal systems in 62-63, 71, 73, 76, 78 springs in 64, 79, 80, 81 wells in 63-64, 66, 67, 68, 76 o LIBRARY CATALOGUE SLIPS. [Mount each slip upon a separate card, placing the subject at the top of tin- second slip. The name of the series should not be repeated on the scries card, but the additional numbers should be added, as received, to the first entry.] Landes, Henry, 1867 — . . . Preliminary report on the underground waters of Washington, by Henry Landes. Washington, Gov't print, off., 1905. 85 p., 1 1. pi. (chart) 23 cm . (U. S. Geological survey. Water-supply and irrigation paper no. 111.) Subject series: O, Underground Waters, 29. 1. Water, Underground — Washington. Landes, Henry, 1867 — . . . Preliminary report on the underground waters of Washington, by Henry Landes. Washington, Gov't print, off., 1905. 85 p., 1 1. pi. (chart) 23 cm . (U. S. Geological survey. Water-supply and irrigation paper no. 111. ) Subject series: 0, Underground Waters, 29. 1. Water, Underground — Washington. U. S. Geological survey. Water-supply and irrigation papers. no. in. Landes, H. Preliminary report on the under- ground waters of Washington. 1905. U. S. Dept. of the Interior. see also U. S. Geological survey. IAR 21 1905 Series K— Pumping Water. \vs l. Pumping water for Irrigation, by H. M. Wilson. 1896, 57 pp., 9 pis. WS 8. Windmills for irrigation, by E. C. Murphy. 1897. 49pp., 8pls. Ws 11. Now tests of certain pumps ami water lifts used in irrigation, by O. P. Hood. 1S98. 91 pp., lpl. ws 20. Experiments with windmills, by T. O. Perry. 1899. 97 pp., 12 pis. ws 29. Wells and windmills in Nebraska, by E. H. Barbour. 1899. 85 pp., 27 pis. ws n. The windmill; its efficiency and economic use, Pt. I, by K. C. Murphy. 1901, 72 pp., M pis. ws u. The windmill, Pt. II (continuation of No. 41). 1901. 78-147 pp., 15-16 pis. WS 91. Natural features and econoniie development of Sandusky, Mauraoe, Muskingum, and Miami drainage areas in Ohio, by B. H. Flynn and Margaret S. Flynn. 1904. 130 pp. Series L— Quality of Water. WS 3. Sewage irrigation, by G. W. Rafter. 1897. 100 pp., 4 pis. WS 22. Sewage irrigation, Pt. II. by G. W. Rafter. 1899. 100 pp., 7 pis. WS 72. Sewage pollution in the metropolitan area near New York City and its effect on inland water resources, by M. O. Leighton. 1902. 75 pp., 8 pis. WS 70. Observations on the flow of rivers in the vicinity of New York City, by H. A. Pressey. 1903. 108 pp., 13 pis. WS 7'.). Normal and polluted waters in northeastern United States, by M. O. Leighton. 1903. 192 pp. WS 103. A review of the laws forbidding pollution of inland waters in the United States, by E. B. Goodell. 1904. 120 pp. WS 108. Quality of water in the Susquehanna River drainage basin, by M. O. Leighton, with intro- ductory chapter on physiographic features, by G. B. Hollister. 1904. 76 pp., 4 pis. Series M— General Hydrographic Investigations. WS 56. Methods of stream measurement. 1901. 51 pp., 12 pis. WS 01. Accuracy of stream measurements, by K. C. Murphy. 1902. 99 pp., 4 pis. WS 76. Observations on the flow of rivers in the vicinity of New York City, by H. A. Pressey. 1903. 108 pp., 13 pis. WS 80. The relation of rainfall to run-off, by G. W. Rafter. 1903. 104 pp. WS 81. California hydrography, by J. B. Lippincott. 1903. 488 pp., 1 pi. WS 88. The Passaic flood of 1902, by G B. Hollister and M. O. Leighton. 1903. 66 pp., 15 pis. WS 91. The natural features and economic development of the Sandusky, Maumee, Muskingum, and Miami drainage areas in Ohio, by B. H. Flynn and Margaret S. Flynn. 1901. 130 pp. WS 92. The Passaic flood of 1903, by M. O. Leighton. 1904. 48 pp., 7 pis. WS 94. Hydrographic manual of the United States Geological Survey, byE. C. Murphy, J. C. Hoyt, and G. B. Hollister. 1904. 76 pp., 3 pis. WS 95. Accuracy of stream measurements; revised and enlarged edition of paper No. 64, by E. C. Murphy. 1904. 169 pp., 6 pis. WS 96. Destructive floods in the United States in 1903, by E. C. Murphy. 1904. 81 pp., 13 pis. WS 106. Water resources of the Philadelphia district, by Florence Bascom. 1904. 75 pp., 4 pis. WS 109. Hydrography of Susquehanna River drainage basiu, by J. C. Hoyt and R. H. Anderson. 1905. — pp., 28 pis. Series N— Water Power. WS 24. Water resources of the State of New York, Pt. I, by G. W. Rafter. 1899. 92 pp., 13 pis. WS 25. Water resources of the State of New York, Pt. II, by G. W. Rafter. 1899. 100-200 pp., 12 pis. WS 44. Profiles of rivers, by Henry Gannett. 1901. 100 pp., 11 pis. WS 62. Hydrography of the Southern Appalachian Mountain region, Pt. I, by H. A. Pressey. 1902. 95 pp., 25 pis. WS 63. Hydrography of the Southern Appalachian Mountain regiou, Pt. II, by H. A. Pressey. 1902. 96-190 pp., 26-44 pis. WS 69. W r ater powers of the State of Maine, by H. A. Pressey. 1902. 124 pp., 14 pis. WS 105. Water powers of Texas, by T. U. Taylor. 1904. 116 pp., 17 pis. WS 107. Water powers of Alabama and water supply of rivers in Mississippi, by B. M. Hall. 1904. 253 pp., 9 pis. WS 109. Hydrography of Susquehanna River drainage basin, by J. C. Hoyt and R. H. Anderson. 1905. - pp., 28 pis. [Continued on fourth page of cover.] ikr 111—3 Series O— Underground Waters. WS 4. A reconnaissance in southeastern Washington, by I. C. Russell. 1897. 96 pp., 7 pis. WS 6. Underground waters of southwestern Kansas, by Erasmus Haworth. 1897. 65 pp., 12 pis. WS 7. Seepage waters of northern Utah, by Samuel Fortier. 1897. 50 pp., 3 pis. WS 12. Underground waters of southeastern Nebraska, by N. H. Darton. 1898.' 56 pp., 21 pis. WS 21. Wells of northern Indiana, by Frank Leverett. 1899. 82 pp., 2 pis. WS 26. Wells of southern Indiana (continuation of No. 21), by Frank Leverett. 1899. 64 pp. WS 30. Water resources of the Lower Peninsula of Michigan, by A. C. Lane. 1899. 97 pp., 7 pis. WS 31. Lower Michigan mineral waters, by A. C. Lane. 1899. 97 pp., 4 pis. WS 34. Geology and water resources of a portion of southeastern South Dakota, by J. E. Todd. 1900. 34 pp., 19p!s. WS 53. Geology and water resources of Nez Perces County, Idaho, Pt. I, by I. C. Russell. 1901. 86 pp., 10 pis. WS 54. Geology and water resources of Nez Perces County, Idaho, Pt. II, by I. C. Russell. 1901. 87-141 pp. WS 55. Geology and water resources of a portion of Yakima County, Wash., by G. O. Smith. 1901. 68 pp., 7 pis. WS 57. Preliminary list of deep borings in the United States, Pt. I, by N. H. Darton. 1902. 60 pp. WS 59. Development and application of water in southern California, Pt. I, by J. B. Lippincott. 1902. 95 pp., 11 pis. WS 60. Development and application of water in southern California, Pt. II, by J. B. Lippincott. 1902. 96-140 pp. WS 61. Preliminary list of deep borings in the United States, Pt. II, by N. H. Darton. 1902. 67 pp. WS 67. The motions of underground waters, by C. S. Slichter. 1902. 106 pp., 8 pis. B 199. Geology and water resources of the Snake River Plains of Idaho, by I. C. Russell. 1902. 192 pp., 25 pis. WS 77. Water resources of Molokai, Hawaiian Islands, by Waldemar Lindgren. 1903. 62 pp., 4 pis. WS 78. Preliminary report on artesian basins in southwestern Idaho and southeastern Oregon, by I. C. Russell. 1903. 53 pp., 2 pis. PP 17. Preliminary report on the geology and water resources of Nebraska west of the one hundred and third meridian, by N. H. Darton. 1903. 69 pp., 43 pis. WS 90. Geology and water resources of part of the lower James River Valley, South Dakota, by J. E. Todd and C. M. Hall. 1904. 45 pp., 23 pis. WS 101. Underground waters of southern Louisiana, by G. D. Harris; with discussions of their uses for water supplies and for rice irrigation, by M. L. Fuller. 1904. 98 pp., 11 pis. WS 102. Contributions to the hydrology of eastern United States, 1903, by M. L. Fuller. 1904. 522 pp. WS 104. Underground waters of Gila Valley, Arizona, by Willis T. Lee. 1904. 71 pp., 5 pis. WS 106. Water resources of the Philadelphia district, by Florence Bascom. 1904. 75 pp., 4 pis. WS 110. Contributions to the hydrology of eastern United States, 1904; M. L. Fuller, geologist in charge. 1905. —pp., 5 pis. PP 32. Geology and underground water resources of the central Great Plains, by N. H. Darton. WS 111. Preliminary report on the underground waters of Washington, by Henry Landes. 1905. The following papers also relate to this subject: Underground waters of Arkansas Valley in eastern Colorado, by G. K. Gilbert, in Seventeenth Annual, Pt. II; Preliminary report on artesian waters of a portion of the Dakotas, by N. H. Darton, in Seventeenth Annual, Pt. II; Water resources of Illinois, by Frank Leverett, in Seventeenth Annual, Pt. II; Water resources of Indiana and Ohio, by Frank Leverett, in Eighteenth Annual, Pt. IV: New developments in well boring and irrigation in eastern South Dakota, by N. H. Darton, in Eighteenth Annual, Pt. IV; Rock waters of Ohio, by Edward Orton, in Nineteenth Annual, Pt. IV; Artesian well prospects in the Atlantic Coastal Plain region, by N. H. Darton, Bulletin No. 138. Series P— Hydrographic Progress Reports. Progress reports may be found in the following publications: For 1888-89, Tenth Annual, Pt. II; for 1889-90, Eleventh Annual, Pt. II; for 1890-91, Twelfth Annual, Pt. II; for 1891-92, Thirteentli Annual, Pt. Ill; for 1893-94, B. 131; for 1895, B. 140; for 1896, Eighteenth Annual, Pt. IV, WS 11; for 1897, Nine- teenth Annual, Pt. IV, WS 15, 16; for 1898, Twentieth Annual, Pt. IV, WS 27, 28; for 1899, Twenty-first Annual, Pt. IV, WS 35-39; for 1900, Twenty-second Annual, Pt. IV, WS 47-52; for 1901, WS 65, 66, 76; for 1902, WS 82-85; for 1903, WS 97-100. Correspondence should be addressed to The Director, United States Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. IRR 111—4 LB S '05 s