Class Boot GopyrigM°_ COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. We SPIRITUALISM of NATURE By H. L. CHAPMAN Marcellas, Michigan f COPYRIGHT 1922 Bij Rev. H. L. Chapman The Spiritualism of Nature, Harmon- izing the Continuity of Life, With Eternal Unchangeable Law, As the Source of Things. VERSUS A Personal God and Creation Being a Series of Lectures Delivered Written as Dictated < H. L. CHAPMAN The following is the first ever given in our developing circle. It seems to be a kind of prophecy of my work, signifying the long but slow progress up to a final good work. A thimble and a parasol come here to me, And what it means, in the future we'll see, A brick and a cob, that's all very good, And among the rest comes an armful of wood, And here is a broom, and there is a pail, And away over yonder, hangs a mop on a nail. AUG 14 1922 ©GU677872 MRS. TRYPHENA IVESON CHAPMAN Passed to Spirit Life, March 27, 1916 And so it is the stars that shine the brightest Are so often the ones that soonest pass from sight, But in the passing, still they shine, And, as they roll their endless course along They make their pathway bright, and theirs the song, of peace and quiet. As through the boundless realms of space they soar, Obey eternal law, and know no fear, E'en so, the soul goes outward from its form of clay, Into the vast unknown, there fully to obey The unknown laws, by the change made known, And thus obeying, ever journey on towards the goal Where God is love, and love, eternal soul FOREWORD The writer of this book is an old friend of ours whom we have known many years. He is one of Michigan's Spiritual Philosophers, Naturalists and Poets. Ee has for many years brought comfort to the sorrowing, hope to the erring, light to those in spiritual darkness, and given to the world the all important truths of the New Revelation, Modern Spiritualism. He has published in this book a number of his many lectures and poems which he has given under the inspiration of his spirit guides and teachers, often taking the subjects the audience chooses to name, and at once, without hesitation, he proceeds to improvise verses full of good philosophy, science, wisdom and the religion of Spiritualism. In these improvisations this remarkable medium demonstrates beyond a question, the truth of spirit influence or control, and their ability to inspire and direct the thought of the medium,' and to teach the great truths revealed in Spiritualism through spirit communion. To me this fact is well known, because I am a medium for the same phases of manifestation as our good brother Chapman, and through personal experience I KNOW that spirits control, inspire and speak their thought through mediums. Knowing this I feel worthy and well qualified, duly and truly prepared to make the statements mentioned above. Mr. Chapman's work for Spiritualism has always been of the best, and I am certain, though I have read but a part of this New Book, that it is a very valuable addition to the literature of Modern Spiritualism and will be an important and valuable aid to all its readers who are seeking to know the truth and are willing to accept the teachings of the lowly Nazarene who said "The truth shall make you free." Spiritualists are Free Thinkers. They do not all think alike, as those who are tethered to orthodox creeds are supposed to. Every Spiritualist is per- mitted by every other Spiritualist to think as he pleases; to believe as his reason directs, and to give expression freely, on all proper occasions to his honest belief. Spiritualists agree to disagree on points of difference of opinion, and by contrasting those opinions they learn and are able to arrive at the truth. Therefore let me say the author of this work is an honest and capable man and is desirous of bless- ing his fellow men as he has been blessed by the spiritual truths he has received and teaches, and this is why he has published this book. May heaven bless him in his effort to bless others. Of course, I do not suppose that anyone will hold me responsible for every sentiment expressed in this book as we do not see everything through the same lenses, yet I can say that the doctrines taught in it in essence are true, and I gladly recommend the book to the seeker after truth. The more I learn of the new book, the better I like it. REV. E. W. SPRAGUE Dedicated to My Dearly Beloved Wife The Spirit World, My Friends and Kindred, All Whose Hearts Beat in Sympathy With the Throbbing Hearts of Humanity PREFACE bp the Author In publishing this book, I do so with the highest respect for the belief of each and every individual, whether agreeing with, or differing from my views, for I long have considered it a demonstrat- ed fact, that we each believe according to the evi- dence brought to bear, whether that evidence be much or little. While I may be wrong in my conclusions, yet I have failed to find any evidence whatever, that there is, or ever has been, a personal, or indi- vidual God, who with infinite knowledge and power has created and still controls all things. If there are any that can produce evidence that such a God does, or ever has existed, I hope and trust they will bring it forward at once, for the world to-day is asking for light on this subject; we do not want fiction or myth, we want practical demonstration, or logical deductions. In presenting the thoughts herein contained. I do so hoping that either directly, or indirectly through kindly criticism, to bring broader and higher thoughts to many, fully realizing that whosoever may be wrong, cannot be benefitted by adhering to wrong, for truth alone can make us free. If we look at the teachings of the Bible from the standpoint of science and reason, right and wrong, we find the teachings of a creation, the fall of man, eternal damnation, and the redemp- tion from sin through a belief in a personal God, a three in one God, the Son being as old as the Father, and the all wise and all powerful creator of all things, including the devil if there was one, 2 PREFACE and sin of all kinds, and also being the designer of the plan of redemption, through belief in this God, and these teachings, and that belief, repent- ance and baptism at the eleventh hour, will free us from all sins and wrong doing, and pass us, "Scott free," into a great heaven, there to sing and play on a harp for a thousand years, or through the endless ages of time. Then we shall find that none of the above named teachings, harmonize with natural law, the Infinite, Eternal, Unchangeable, Omnipresent principles, inherent in nature, which principles must have been at least a part of the creation, if there ever was a creation, which creation by a personal God, I shall endeavor to show, could never have been, but under the eternal, unchange- able laws of nature have always existed in some form. It is with a thought of giving a broader view and a better light, that will help to bring the world to a better and happier condition, and free the people from idol worship, and its dogmas that have held the world in darkness through the long ages past; free them from those teachings that have caused more war, misery, suffering, and more evil doing and crime of all kinds, than any other teaching the world has ever known, which wrong doing is based on the teaching, that God will forgive them, make them free and happy, if at the last hour they believe repent and are bap- tized. St. Luke XV. and 7th. "Joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons" a teaching that says to the wrong doer, repent and be free. Then even the Kaizer, can escape punishment (having ample time to repent) although by his orders, thousands upon thousands of good, honest upright, moral men and women, and even little children, have been slain unrepentant, who ac- PREFACE 3 cording to these teachings have been, or will be, plunged into an eternal life of misery and tor- ment, while the Kaiser, who caused it, repents and goes into a condition of eternal bliss. Are such teachings just and right? Is it reasonable to suppose an infinite and all wise God, with perfect foreknowledge of all things, and who is all powerful to create, govern and control, could do such a thing? Consider for a moment, think of such a God without beginning or ending, with foreknowledge of all that has been, now is, or is to be just think of his asking and demanding the little finite, short lived, ignorant man, whom he has created with- out giving him the knowledge of good or evil, to worship him, or be eternally damned and tor- mented. Think of that kind of a God creating man and placing before him all kinds of temptation and also creating a , devil to lead him on, yes, ask yourself, could man, a finite being commit so great a wrong towards humanity, as this great and infinite God has committed if these teachings are true, which we think they cannot be, for we cannot conceive of or imagine an infinite being with all power, knowledge and wisdom, giving the world such a lot of teachings, that do not harmonize with the great unchangeable laws of nature, which he must have created, if he has created all things as claimed? It is not the belief in the teachings of a priest- made book of the dark and distant ignorant past, that shall give you eternal life and happiness, for Life, Spirit, Consciousness and Intelligence &re eternal principles in nature. We deem it a fact that joy and happiness here and hereafter, will be to each one just what he makes it. He cannot cast his load of sin on the shoulders of another, but each must bear his own burden. 4 PREFACE To know the truth and live it. To know and live in harmony with the Infinite, Eternal, Unchangeable, Omnipresent principles in- herent in nature, which we call natural law, will bring us freedom and happiness here and here- after. Bearing in mind that Life, Spirit, Intelligence, Consciousness, are eternal principles that can never die, we are publishing this book to help, if possible, to free the minds of men from the teach- ings of the long ago ignorant past and give a broader and better light and help to lead the world along the lines of truth and justice, peace and harmony, friendship and brotherly love, in harmony with the eternal unchangeable laws of nature, which rule over and govern all things. This Book is not written as a story, but it is in- tended to show that the Bible story of creation, the fall of man, redemption from sin by and through Vicarious Atonement, to a future of eternal bliss, or of eternal torment, is simply a great fiction, which is not in harmony with the eternal, unchangeable laws of nature, which laws will be brought to bear in handling the different subjects discussed. It is also intended to show a substantial basis for the continuity of life, and Spirit communion. By some it might be considered that we repeat certain lines of thought in various places, however it is a well known fact that in scientific work along any line of natural phenomena, which man has been able to investigate and prove, there has in every instance been a cause, a principle, a law, underlying or sustaining every' phenomenon, and wherever said phenomenon occurs, there will be found the same prime principle or law underlying or governing it. Therefore, in establishing our statement that the prime principles of nature, natural law, are co-eternal with time and space and govern all PREFACE 5 things, it is found that in handling the various subjects the same unchangeable principles are brought to bear, being as they are the foundation of all the phenomena of nature, even as Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, are the prime principles underlying all mathematical problems, therefore, like the principles of math- ematics, when ever such proplems are being con- sidered, these principles are brought to bear. Why am I so radical? Because TRUTH is always radical as compared with any untruth. Not long ago I purchased a book entitled, "How to prepare manuscripts," after a careful reading I found that at least 90 per cent of it was what any one who writes for the press would already know, the main features being to have it neatly typewritten, the words properly spelled, and the sentences properly constructed and punctuated. In the other ten per cent it said, "You must know what your readers want, what they like, so when they have read they will say that is just exactly my own opinion." To be pleased may be and probably is, all that some people care for. For books or lectures, certainly the people at large will give more solid money, or go farther to hear some one tell them something that is just what they themselves believe, something strictly in harmony with their own views, than they would to read or hear any other thing that could be written or said, that is, it pleases them to know that some speaker or writer believes just what they believe. But I ask, how much benefit do you really get from such a book or lecture, yes, how much? This is the process of old fogyism, desiring to hear your own opinions expressed, and then laud- ing the book or speaker that has told nothing new, nothing that you did not already believe; that principle has held the world back during all the 6 PREFACE years past, both politically and religiously, or Spiritually. If my lecture, or my book, does not present some thoughts that are new to you, something to stir up your thinking capacity or something to rile your temper and make you think, then I shall feel that it has done but little good. If it is, as in so many cases, a lot of talk and really nothing said, nothing backed up by any proof or evidence, then I should be compelled to rely on something to please, something in harmony with your line of thought, but in my work I always try to present some thought, that is backed up by history or science, or sustained by the eternal unchangeable laws of nature and natural phenom- ena. If there is not something in my work to wake up the dormant mentality and make you think, then I shall hope to meet you on the level, with a view to learning something, something that I have missed and you have gained. Now I am not infallible, but like other mortals, I may be mistaken. So if my line of thought, as presented herein, should conflict with your relig- ious views, do not at once condemn it as false teach- ing, but investigate and know for yourself, whether the thoughts are in harmony with the eternal laws of nature, or sustained by historical or scientific demonstrated facts, for I have endeavored to prove my statements by said facts, or by giving a better explanation of the eternal, unchangeable laws of nature, pertaining to the different sub- jects discussed. If I am wrong, I most sincerely hope that facts or logical reasoning, based on these principles of natural law, may be brought to my attention, for it is the real truth, that both you and I want, for we know if we are wrong, we cannot be benefitted by adhering to wrong, for only the truth can make us free. PREFACE 7 Science depends on Analysis, or the separation and sifting out as it were, the different features or facts of any question or substance as by analysis the assayist separates the crude rough ore into its various parts, showing the exact amount, kind and quality of each metal it contains. While chemical Synthesis is the putting together of known substances to form a compound that cannot be distinguished from a natural compound. And in this book I have tried first to analize some of the teachings of the past, that is, to separate and show them as natural law presents them, and second, by the known laws of nature construct a substantial foundation for the teaching of the continuity of life and spirit communion, based purely on natural law. To sustain the phe- nomena that I have witnessed, therefore in reading this book do not acept my word as proof, for I may be mistaken, I am not infallible, so please do not condemn me as being only a radical, for I am earnestly and candidly seeking the truth, and I fully believe I have only pointed out facts accord- ing to the laws of nature, which cannot lie, they are unchangeable, therefore if you doubt, study the laws of nature and know for your self. The poems in this book speak of the rhythmic harmony of a soul freed from the bondage of the false, and receiving a little gleam of the true light that is to enlighten the world, a taste as it were, of the richness of the joy that comes from even a partial knowledge and understanding of the eternal principles that rule over and govern all things, which principles are the very foundation of all science and philosophy, and always lead to- ward progress, health and happiness, in just proportion as they are understood and lived up to. HEW TO THE LINE Hew to the line, no matter where the chips may- fall, The truth, will never lead a man astray, Then seek the truth forever, one and all, Giving not to error, the right of way. If solid fact, shall prove that we are wrong, Then by that fact, lets change our course to right, And not forever sing the doleful song Of ignorance, error, the worlds foul blight. Awake, Oh Soul, and be forever free, But truth alone, can ever make you so. Then seek through Natures endless laws, the light, The facts, the truth, and you shall surely know. Hew to the line, with earnest careful thought, With infinite eternal law, thy guide, The Chips will fall where error now is taught, And much of wrong will surely cast aside. JESUS THE NAZARINE Before reading the body of this book, I would wish to call the reader's attention to some points in the New Testament regarding Jesus. I believe it has long been considered that the gospels according to Sts. Matthew, Mark and Luke, contain the most complete record of Jesus and his work. It seems to be generally taught by the various Christian religions, that Jesus was more than a man, that he was a God, that God the Son, God the Father, and God the Holy Ghost were, and are, all one and the same. In regard to this, I know of no better evidence to establish what he was, than what these gospels state that he himself said, so I shall herewith quote a few of his statements, and refer you to a few others, all of which, I would advise you to look up and read carefully, that you may better understand what he claimed in this respect. If these gospels are infallible, as considered by the Christian Churches, I think this testimony from his own words will be sufficient evidence to convince you that Jesus was a man, and not a God, and that he made no further claim of God- ship. However, the Apostles and teachers made the claim of Godship for him, on account of the wonderful work he did, of which work, I have not the least doubt, that at least much that is record- ed as his work is true, for that class of work has occurred in practically all ages and countries, according to authentic history, and occurs in all civilized countries today, except where law forbids it. I would refer first to the Gospel according to St. Matthew, XVII — and 9th: "And as they came down from the Mountain Jesus charged them say- ing. Tell the vision to no man until the Son of Man io JESUS THE NAZARINE be risen from the dead" Same chapter, 22nd verse, "The son of man shall be betrayed into the hands of men." Also, VIII-20th, XVI, 13-16, 20, "Whom say they that I the Son of man am," Peter said, "Thou art the Christ the Son of the living God." "Then charged he his disciples that they should tell no man that he was Jesus the Christ," also St. Mark XIV-21-41, St. Luke IX-20-21. "He said unto them, 'But whom say ye that I am?' Peter answering said, 'The Christ of God' "And he straightly charged them and commanded them to tell no man that thing." also same chapter, 22-44- 56 and 58 verses. If these gospels are infallible, as claimed by the churches, then we think these statements of Jesus himself are sufficient evidence to prove that he was a man, and only a man. Further, if it is a fact that he arose from the dead on the third day, as recorded, and if it is also a fact that he was a God, as claimed, then the fact that he arose from the dead would be no evi- dence that common men should arise from the dead. But if he was a man, and then arose from the dead, then his arising would be as a type of what men might expect in their own case. As Spiritualists, we believe he was just what he claimed to be-a man-and we believe he arose from the dead as a spirit, and that men to day, arise from the dead as spirits, which was the same manner in which Jesus arose, according to the evidence given by Sts. Matthew and Mark, see Matthew XXVIII, 9-10, St. Mark XVI,9-18 in the 17th verse he said, "And these signs shall follow them that believe." Now what church believes to such an extent that those signs follow them? Are they not the Spiritualists? Now I accept the teachings of Jesus, not as a God, but taking him to be a man, as per his own words according to the Gospels above cited I con- sider him as being a great medium, a good man, JESUS TH E NAZARINE 1 1 probably not better than Confucius, who was born 551 years before Jesus, and taught practically all the moral teachings that Jesus taught, and it is quite probable that Jesus copied from Confucius, and studied his work much during the time that is not accounted for in the New Testament, that is for about 22 years between the time when he was 12, and 34 years of age, No one knows exactly, as they did not begin reckoning time according to the present Christian era, until about the sixth cen- tury after his supposed birth date, and it was supposed that he taught for about three years or until the age of 37 years. However, we find the great teachings of Jesus might be summed up in his moral teachings and his teachings of Immortality. He always favored the welfare of the common people, and especially the poor, as against the rich or capitalist class, he always taught the principle of brotherhood ;and equality; in other words, he taught Socialism pure and simple, and we find today the teachings of the spirit friends nearly always teach the same principles, but do not teach the fall of man, vicarious atonement, or eternal damnation, except in a few cases where a Priest, Minister, or ignorant Layman in spirit, has been able to control a medium before said medium had outgrown his church belief. Some of our ablest writers say, "A belief in immortality, not only consoles the individual, but is a powerful influence to bring peace between individuals, tending to cause them to become as brothers striving to assist each other. This I con- sider as being true. But we find the church has condemned every proof of the continuity of life since the council of Nice, except what has come through the Pope or the Priest or through Rulers by so called divine right, rulers of the Church and State. The teachings of the Spirits were too good, too 12 JESUS THE NAZARINE high to be given to the common people, because it would have freed them from bondage, from serf- dom, and they would no longer have been subject to the rulers by divine right, so the rulers would no longer have been able by their aid, to amass wealth and live in idle luxury. Spiritualism has absolutely proven the Continu- ity of life or immortality, and that no soul is con- demned to eternal torment, neither can people rid themselves of their own wrong doings, by cast- ing their burdens of wrong on the shoulders of others. The church refers with pride to the great ad- vance it has made, but it must not be forgotten that the church today is in league with the Capitalist class, the rich, contrary to the teaching of Jesus, and with the untold millions of money that has been taken from the common people, and spent in teaching the great fiction, as upheld by the church, it seems wonderful that it has not made greater progress. I do not hesitate to say that if the Spiritualistic teachings could use one half the amount expend- ed directly and indirectly to advance the church teachings, that in less than ten years Spiritualists would out number the Christians by ten to one, if not more, for there are no higher morals taught by any church, and no other church teaches and demon- strates the fact of the continuity of life. 13 Music Of the Spheres It's music that stirs the soul To wonderful deeds of war; Music, that softens the heart, With wonderful soothing power. It's music, of martial band, Or orchestras that play, That has called the masses in From the country far away. It's the deep toned organs peal, The sweet trilling voice that's heard, That calls to worship today, Far more than the Master's word. It's music, holy and high, Of Nature, that stirs the soul, In old oceans solemn roar, Or the thunders mighty roll. In the tiny insects song, Or Chirp of birds, in the trees, The voice of grasses or grain When stirred by the balmy breeze. Or thoughts of the flight of time, How short is the mortal breath, But music, from heaven's clime, Still repeats, there is no death. As solemn, and lone, at night, We look at the stars on high, And feel that thrill of heart, As worlds seem moving by. It's music of the spheres, That shall touch each human soul, To lift them from thoughts of wrong, To good, while the ages roll. Not one weak soul shall die, Not in all the coming years, For it is recorded thus, In the music of the spheres. 14 THOUGHT DOES TRAVEL It has been stated by one of the great Chautau- qua speakers that there is a class of people up in New England, that claim to send their thoughts out over the country, similar to the electric currents of the wireless telegraph, and heal the sick and then he says, "THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NOTH- ING IN IT." Answering this statement I wish to present a few facts. It is a well known fact that suggestion heals, likewise suggestion often injures or makes ill, which can easily be demonstrated. For instance; A lady was washing and called her daughter to wring some clothes from the bluing water. It turned her finger nails blue, she called her mothers attention to it, and the mother said, "They do look bad, do you feel ill?" She replied, "yes" and came near fainting. It was several days before she recovered from the effect of that suggestion, although the mother saw at once, what was com- ing and told her she was all right, it was only just the bluing in the water that had settled on her nails, but the suggestion had done its work, and the correction was too late to overcome what had been done. Another case, A man with rheumatic trouble so he could not walk without crutches, was cured by a slap on the back, together with the suggestion, "Take that and be well, it's better than the rheu- matism," In less than ten minutes the crutches were thrown aside and the man was free from rheumatic trouble. This is undoubtedly one class of healing done as Spirit healing, Christian Science healing, Mind cure, Faith cure etc, no matter what you call it, it serves to demonstrate that there is a healing power in suggestion, and if it be anything more than sug- THOUGHT DOES TRAVEL 15 gestion, then that power goes with the suggestion, a healer may sit down by a patient and say, "Now keep very quiet for a short time and just remember this, I am going to sit down by you and relieve you of that severe pain." You will realize that it is growing less, and it will soon be gone, and you will rapidly recover. However there are other healing forces that do not come under the head of suggestion. Now since Suggestion heals, and suggestions are thoughts expressed and received, the question is, does thought travel without material contact? It is a matter of history, that when the English were fighting in India, the Natives at Bombay would receive accurate reports of the results of battles in the interior, from twelve to twenty-four hours quicker than the English could, although the English had control of the country and the best facilities for transmitting; information that could be had at that time. When asked how they got the information, they replied, "Our friends at the front, send out their thoughts, and we have sensitives here that can re- ceive them. There is also ample evidence in Mind reading, Thought Transference, Spirit or Soul Communion, as recorded in the papers during the past few years, thus establishing the fact that thought does travel without material contact. Now scientists tell us that all substances, of whatever nature, have their certain rate of vi- bration, and to change the rate of vibration, changes the substance. To illustrate, a cake of ice, when heat is applied, which is a higher rate of vibration, the ice becomes water, still more heat and it becomes steam, again more heat and it becomes super heated steam or vapor; it vanishes, we can no longer see it, yet we know it is not destroyed. If in an air tight recep- tacle, it can be condensed back into water and 16 THOUGHT DOES TRAVEL frozen into ice of the same weight as before. Now I want you to remember that,action, of what- ever kind, is always the result of energy, and thought being action, is the result of energy set in motion. Action, by the soul, the living conscious entity that can say, "Z thi?ik therefore I airf ' hence thought is not a thing, but it is the result of a thing, the soul, which sets energy in action, which actio?i is vi- bration. In writing this on the paper, I am only using characters, which if understood, will start your conscious entity acting in the line of thought ex- pressed in these characters by my conscious entity. So our great means of transmitting thought to a distance as papers and letters are not direct trans- mission, for it is only done by signs, yet I fully be- lieve the time will come when thought will be largely transmitted from soul to soul without the use of material things as pen, ink and paper. Now I wish to make some notes on vibration and see what it can do for us. Here is a piano, yonder across the room is an- other. If the two pianos are in exact tune with each other and you play this piano, the wires on the other will vibrate, playing the same music. This is caused by the vibration of the air. But if these instruments are not in tune with each other, its strings will not respond to the air vibrations, as they cannot vibrate in harmony with the air vibra- tions. YOU SEE THEY ARE VERY SENSITIVE; only a slight difference in the tuning changes their rate of vibration. Now over yonder is a lady who, by nature, or by long and careful effort, has become so sensitive, so in harmony with soul vibrations of those in Spirit life, that she can often catch their soul vibrations and transmit them through her vocal organs, giving forth the thought or message they would send if this be true, then thought can travel. It is only a process of nature, but the world has gone mad, as it were, seeking the almighty dollar THOUGHT DOES TRAVEL 17 (the God of the twentieth century) and neglected the higher Spiritual forces which constantly tend to make life sweeter and the world better every- where. Now another feature of vibration: If you strike something with a hammer you have a single sound, but if you strike at the rate of sixteen times per second, you have a continuous sound, a low musical tone; if you increase the number of strokes per second, you have a higher musical tone until you reach a rate of three thousand per second, at this rate the tone is so high, and the vibrations so rapid, the human ear cannot vibrate at that rate, and you cannot hear the sound produced. However, we know there are more rapid sound vibrations and higher tones, which are heard by birds, small animals and insects. Certainly insects have a voice and ears to hear it. Watch the Robin on the lawn some morning, see him hopping along and stopping to listen, Now watch him closely, notice him turn his head one side and listen intently, then make a sudden dive and pull up an earth worm, and away he goes to feed the little robins in the home nest. How did he know where the worm was? He heard it, heard a sound you could not hear, and by the sound located it. Now you see the human ear cannot hear sounds that vibrate at least much more than three thousand per second, (since the wonderful de- velopment of the Radiophone and amplifier it is claimed that a rate of near seven thousand has been heard) The next rate of vibration of which Man is conscious, dull red light which scientists tell us is the rate of 466 trillion times per second, while the ultra violet ray vibrates at the rate of 699 trillions times per second. Between these two rates, your eyes can see, but the immense field between 3000 which you hear, and 466 trillion times per second which you see, 18 THOUGHT DOES TRAVEL you cannot comprehend. While we know that such vibrations fill this great field, we know but very little of what it con- tains, neither do we know what is beyond the limit of light. It is only natural for those who have a know- ledge of Spirit life and spirit communion, to think that the spirit of our lost ones are within the great scope of vibrations which we can neither see nor hear with the human eye or ear. Now since everything which we can see or hear, has its individual rate of vibration, and since there is such a difference between the rate of vibrations we hear, and those we see, it is only natural to suppose THERE ARE THINGS in that space that we cannot see or hear, so we would ask the skeptic to stop and think, before he says there is no such thing as spirits, because he cannot hear or see them, but rather, let us think there are many things we do not know of as yet. Is it not possible that the spirits of the departed have a vibratory rate between what we can hear and what we can see, and that it is only their vibratory rate that hides them from us? We can hardly say there is no such thing as spirit, for it has been recorded by every known race as far back as any record has been kept. Go back to the teachings of the old Bible, to Confu- cius, to Brahma, Buddha, Jesus, to the wilds of Africa, and the natives of our own America, and we find some of the most beautiful legends, to say nothing of the wonderful spirit phenomena, of the present day. Now I have traced vibration to some extent with a view to showing that our spirit friends are right around us here in earth life, yet on account of their vibratory rate we can neither hear nor see them with the ordinary eye or ear. Now let us consider what the telephone has done for us, and how it works. You call up your friend THOUGHT DOES TRAVEL 19 over at the next town, he answers and you say, "Hello John, how are you to day?" Pretty well, thank you. How are you?" comes back at once. You do not have to ask who is talking, you re- cognize the voice, but what has happened? Your conscious living entity, that, as it were, stands back of your brain, SENDS FORTH ITS THOUGHT VIBRATIONS BY MEANS OF EN- ERGY WHICH IT SETS IN ACTION. These thought waves reach the sensorum where they are analized, and sent to that part of the brain that con- trols your vocal organs, causing them to vibrate, your vocal organs, acting, send forth sound vibra- tions acting on the air causing it to vibrate, the vibrating air strikes the transmitter plate causing it to vibrate, the vibrating transmitter plate causes a varying pressure on the electric contact points of the transmitter, causing a varying current of electricity to be sent out over the line wire; this current of electricity passes through a coil of wire around a permanent magnet in the receiver, at the opposite end of the line, this causes a vibration of the magnetic force in the permanent magnet of the receiver. This varying magnetic force in the re- ceiver magnet causes the plate of the receiver to vibrate, which causes the air to vibrate, which reaches to the ear drum causing it to vibrate, from thence it goes to the brain and the sensorum where it is analized and sent to the Conscious soul. Yes, fourteen changes not only for each word, as in the words " I, " or " it, " but fourteen changes for every letter that is represented in the spoken words. Now do you wonder that sometimes you do not hear well, what is spoken into the phone, especially when the speaker turns away from the phone, in- stead of speaking directly into it as should be done? And is it not a still greater wonder that you can recognize the voice of your friend? Would you not think that to hear the voice at all would be so THOUGHT DOES TRAVEL practically the limit under such a wonderful variety of changes? The brain is not the thinking power; if it was, the quality of the voice would be the same for each individual, for the brain substance is the same in each individual; true the vocal organs can pro- duce different tones of the musical scale, but the QUALITY of the voice does not change when the pitch of the tone is changed. Now the individual soul of each individual is different from any other; like unto the blades of grass, they are similar, but no two alike. Yes, you are a soul, and yozi are different from every other soul, and that is what constitutes your personality. Now it is your soul-YOU-that sets energy in action to send forth your thoughts. In other words it is your soul that strikes your vocal organs caus- ing them to vibrate giving forth the quality of tone that corresponds to your soul, not your body, but you. To illustrate, take a bar of steel and suspend it at the center by a string. Now strike it and it will give forth a certain tone; no matter what is used to strike it, it always gives forth a sound or tone at a certain pitch of the musical scale. Now strike it with a steel hammer and you get the same tone and a certain quality of that tone, now strike it with a lead hammer and you still have the same pitch of tone, but a different qual- ity. Now strike it with a wood hammer and you have still another quality, showing that the qual- ity of the tone is according to that which strikes the bar; you see the pitch of the tone is the same in each case, but the QUALITY is different, so we say it is your soul, YOU, that strikes your vocal organs, sending forth a quality of tone that represents your personality. So please do not longer think that there is no such thing as a per- sonality, a soul, that is acting on the brain. Now with this demonstration, together with the THOUGHT DOES TRAVEL 21 fact that man has been able to study out and build such a wonderful machine as the telephone, and also the phonograph which not only catches the vibrations, but makes a material record of them, from which the words recorded can be re- produced with the same quality of voice as the original speaker, also has been able to make the wonderful camera, that catches those rapid vibra- tions of light from any object in less than one five hundredth part of a second, making a fine photo possible. With all these to man's credit, dare you say that when in a trance condition, that there is not occasionally a brain so sensitive that it can catch the vibrations from another soul, an independent, conscious, living entity, giving forth words in a quality of voice different from that of the speak- er when in normal condition, as is so often noticed in trance speakers? Now bear in mind that the soul consists of Spirit, Consciousness, Intelligence, which are principles infinite, eternal, unchangeable in nature. Knowing these things how can you say that a spirit cannot send out thought waves, vibrations, that can be caught by a sensitive brain, as has been demonstrated many millions of times. If they can do this then thought travels with- out material contact, at least as material is generally considered. Now one thing more regarding the phone; the phone does not transmit thought, words are not thought, they are only symbols or signals rep- resenting thought. To prove that thought does not travel over the phone line, call up a foreigner whose language you do not understand and who does not under- stand your language, and neither one can get the thought the other would express, hence we would say thoughts are not things, they are the result of things, even as the vibration of the steel bar is the 22 THOUGHT DOES TRAVEL result of the stroke it receives from the hammer. Now since vibration travels, and since thought is always originally expressed in vibration-in other words, thought of itself is vibration, and sound and light are also vibration-we know that vibra- tions travel, and since we have thousands of re- cords of thought transference or soul communion, and since suggestion heals, we can hardly deny the statement that the parties up in New England can send out their thought suggestions, and heal the sick at a distance. Now to those who may differ with me, if you can give a better explanation than I have done, or base a denial of my claims on a more substantial basis, please to come forward at once for the think- ing reasoning world today, are ready and anxious for real knowledge, the truth that can make us free. I ask this feeling that the kindly interchange of thought always tends towards advancement. 23 FOREORDAINED If there be an infinite Eternal living one, Who hath created all there is And keeps it rolling on. And if that God is infinite In knowledge, and in power, Knowing past and present, all, And each succeeding hour. 'Tis then, that he can govern all That is, or is to be. And man can never think or act Except by his decree. And if he knew, and made a hell, To burn earths varied crew, He did ten million times more wrong Than mortal man could do. The tree, must by its fruit be known, As every mortal should, But making all, he made the bad, As well as made the good. If he foreknew and had all power, He might have made all good. Perhaps he had so much of bad, He did the best he could. But this precludes infinity, And limits his condition- To fail to rule the universe, Might lose him his position. Or, if he knew what was to be, It never can be changed, And all things being foreordained Cannot be, re-arranged. FOREORDAINED So God has nothing more to do, For he has lost control. By foreordaining, all to be, While endless ages roll. And man must be as foreordained, Whether ill or well; Whether to play a harp and sing, Or roast in endless hell. I PLOWED MY LAST FURROW Today when my boy was out plowing, I plowed once around the old field, Where you and I did our first planting And had such a wonderful yield, Yes love, I have plowed my last furrow I also have sown my last grain, I'm past eighty two and tomorrow You know is my birthday again. — .•CHORUS:— Yes love, I have plowed my last furrow, My body is weary and worn, And soon I shall drop it and leave you, You'll miss me but please do not mourn, Yes love, before long I shall leave you. But when you come to me some morn, I'll open heavens door and will meet you, Yes meet you, so please do not mourn. We've had a good long happy journey Together we've laughed and we've cried But now we have learned of the future, The home just beyond the divide, We know that our lost ones are waiting To welcome us when we shall come, So when you do think of me, dear one, Just think I have only gone home. Music for the above song may be obtained from the Author 25 BE YOUR OWN SAVIOR Be your own savior, do not depend on an un- known God. Knowing that many people get the meaning of the two words "Conscience" and "Conscious" or "Consciousness" mixed, I wish to give a definition of the two, in the light in which I see them. Consciousness- the state of being conscious, knowledge of ones own existance, condition, Sen- sations, Mental operations, etc. A principle eternal in nature. Conscience- a moral quality, the ability to de- cide between right and wrong, good or evil, kind- ness or cruelty. Like education, Conscience is always a growth. Now to the subject — Man cannot find a single thing in all his search for facts, for truth and knowledge, that even gives a hint, that there is a controlling power outside the laws of nature, which seem to be inherent in the thing itself. There is no such thing as miracle. All things are governed by the Infinite, Eternal, Unchangeable, Omnipresent principles inherent in each and every part of nature itself. Even the atom, so small it cannot be seen by ordinary microscopic aid, always behaves the same, under the same conditions; it never acts by chance, but always under the power of natural law. Scientists tell us that each atom, has one or more electrons revolving around it, similar to the planets revolving around the sun, which electrons always behave the same, under like conditions, The action of these electrons may be governed by conscious intelligence, for aught we know, for Consciousness and Intelligence are principles, or laws, not things. In a common way, it can be shown that law governs, by the action of Hydrogen and Oxygen 26 BE YOUR OWN SAVIOR from which water originates. Now water is not composed of Hydrogen and Oxygen gasses, as some suppose, but water is the result of the combustion of Hydrogen and Oxygen gasses, when mixed in the exact proportion of two of Hydrogen and one of Oxygen; if the mixture contains more or less of one of these gasses, they will not explode or burn and produce water. Now is there a personal God, watching these gasses throughout all the universe, to see that they do not burn or explode when not properly mixed? Or, is there a law inherent in these gasses that prevents their burning, unless they are mixed in the exact proportion? We claim they are governed by law, which we would call the law of affinity, of these gasses, which governs the matter of their burning entirely, the conditions must always be the same to produce the same result. But, some one says, "These gasses were created by God with the law of affinity in and governing them." If that be the case and the gasses have been created with the eternal unchangeable law within them, then God has finished his work in that respect, and has nothing more to do with it, that is, he has put himself out of a job, by putting the laws into the gasses. Now if this be true in all cases where the law is inherent in the things of nature, then we can find nothing in nature that God still controls, for of all the things in nature, that man has been able to investigate and determine, not one single thing escapes this government by inherent law. I often use the word "principle" instead of "Law" for many people get the idea that "law" is a written or spoken rule, as are our State and National laws, hence must have a law giver, while natural laws, are principles inherent in the various things of nature, and are Eternal, Unchangeable, Omnipresent, and being boundless, unlimited, we call them infinite. There can be no place where BE YOUR OWN SAVIOR 27 these principles are not. To illustrate, we find our system of weights, based on the principle of gravity, which principle we cannot see; we do not know what it is, but we do know it exists in, or is acting on, material sub- stance everywhere. The same with the law of numbers, two and two always equal four, not because man has said it is so, but because it is a principle in nature that can- not be changed. A certain rate of vibration produces a certain musical tone, whether it be produced by a vibra- ting string, a bar of steel, or the human voice, although the QUALITY of the tone varies accord- ing to the personality of that which causes the vibration, as, striking a bar of steel with different substances causes a certain pitch of tone, but of a different quality, as also does the soul, that through the brain strikes the vocal organs, trans- mitting the personal soul quality of the voice, to that individual musical tone. We might cite many things which you cannot see or hear, yet we know they exist; we fully be- lieve that all things are governed by these in- herent principles, which are, and always have been, without beginning and will be without ending. Now I wish to impress upon your mind the fact that consciousness, intelligence and spirit, are principles eternal, unchangeable in nature, and these three seem to constitute the soul which can say I think, therefore I am. This soul, composed of these three eternal principles, seems to be the only thing in nature which can of itself, set energy in action, thereby producing thought vibrations and transmitting it through the brain to the vocal organs, or muscles of the body, causing them to act, the only thing that can will what it will do. It can continue to live as a soul; it will live as a 28 BE YOUR OWN SAVIOR soul after the change called death; it will be conscious, will know and understand, will have intelligence, will be the same personality it was while sojourning in the material body. Remember, the soul is you, and the body is only the house you are living in, and when you step out into the broader life, the great and perfect day, the body ceases to act, because you, the individ- ual living soul, have left it, cast it aside, because the subconscious mind has failed to keep it in order so you could use it, or live in it longer. Now do not fear that a personal God will meet out to us an eternal punishment, for the wrong done by some other one in the long ago past, be- cause all things are governed by these eternal, un- changeable laws, and not by a personal angry God. We are punished for our own wrong doings, and for our unavoidable hereditary conditions and many times we are punished while ignorant of doing wrong. For instance, a man being ignorant of the fact, picks up a hot iron and is burned, is punished, not for doing wrong, but because he was ignorant of the fact that the iron was hot. Yes, ignorance is wrong, but such punishment is not eternal, it is only temporary, and nature or natural law steps in to repair the injury; by natural law we out grow the punishment. We do wrong thoughtlessly and receive punishment which we remember, and thereby learn not to do the same again. You see, our wrong doing detracts from our en- joyment; in their words, our ignorance of the infinite eternal principles in nature and failing to live in harmony with them, injures our health, retards our growth morally and mentally, and detracts from our knowledge and enjoyment. Sometimes we do wrong knowingly, and against our best judgment, and some times we become angry and do wrong willfully. Such wrongs are a sin against our selves, and BE YOUR OWN SAVIOR 29 are harder to overcome and outgrow than a wrong of the same class, when done accidentally or thoughtlessly. To allow ones self to become angry, is in itself a sin, although no other wrong be committed, for anger always injures, often makes ill. Anger is directly opposed to the happiness we wish to attain; even the breath exhaled by an angry person contains an intense poison. Our knowledge and our conscience, which are a growth with each individual are our saviors from punishment both here and hereafter, for without them to guide us, we transgress the laws of nature and live wrong, both morally and ignorantly, for both of which we are punished. That which in- jures or retards our physical or mental growth or development and enjoyment, also injures or re- tards our spiritual advancement, which is our punishment. Then let us strive to improve ourselves morally and mentally, strive to attain a better knowledge of the infinite, eternal principles of nature. Yes, let us think, reason and know; let us live to our highest understanding of that which is good and true, shunning that which is evil and judging carefuly between kindness and cruelty; let us learn to do unto others as we would be done by, under simular circumstances thereby avoiding as much as possible, the punishment that might otherwise be ours, and gaining all of real true happiness we can atttain to. In other words LET US BE OUR OWN SAVIOR. 3° THE WASHING MACHINE She lived away back in the earlier time, Not in the cold north, but a fair summer clime, Where clothing was simple, consisting in main, Of just a long dress, that was made very plain. It was in those times, that she lived, so they said, Was born and grew up, and was finally wed, And during her girlhood she tried to keep clean, And often at morning or evening was seen Way out on the log that fell into the lake, Washing some clothing, she would rinse them and shake; She would rub twixt her hands each wrinkle or fold, To wash from the garment the dirt it might hold, For in olden times, it is plain to be seen, They had not invented the washing machine. On their washing days, when their washing was done, It was hung on the trees and dried in the sun. But after long years of time rolled away, A cripple came down to the lake one day, And she walked way out a long way, on the log, And there sitting down, she looked much like a frog. Having only one hand to use in her work, She rubbed the soiled clothing against the rough bark. This one handed, maid and the bark of the tree, Was natures first hint, of what yet was to be. And so was invented, greatest wonder e'er seen, A rough wooden board, for a washing machine. Their washing utensils were, shell of a gourd, A trough or a tub, and this rough wooden board. THE WASHING MACHINE 31 Again, for long years of slow progress, so sad, They used this rough board, 'till their hearts were made glad By some clever fellow, who happened to think To cover these boards with a smooth piece of zinc. Oh what an improvement, oh is'nt it fine, Of course I will have one put on over mine, And these same zinc boards, are in use here today, Though some people wash in the new fangled way. And some people say while the zinc board will pass, It is easier still, with a rubber of glass, Progress by nature, points the way we should go, It is rubbing and scrubbing, knocks the dirt out we know. It is by slow progress that good things all come, Some thinker will think, and bring his thoughts home, So some time, we'll have a power washing machine, To rub and to scrub 'till our clothes are all clean. While we've learned how best our clothing to clean, There is so much dirt, that don't seem to be seen, And the most filthy thing a fellow can find, Is an ignorant, bigoted, dogmatic mind. And so, let us learn in a onehanded way, A little plain lesson from nature today. Oh let us remember, our life must be clean, Yet no one can buy a life washing machine. There was one invented, by the pope or his clerk, But it's a great failure, it never would work. The blood of the lamb doesn't wash white as snow; Our sins will go with us, where ever we go. 32 THK WASHING MACHINE For it is by the fruit, the tree shall be known, No soul can be washed by some other one. Then wash from your mind, all those dogmas of old, That fill it so full, that no truth it can hold. Then wash out those old taints of prejudice, foul, That hang like a cloud over many a soul, And let in the light, when presented to view, Consider it, test it, and prove it is true. Yes seek for true knowledge, wash it out from the sand, Stand upright, be nature's true nobleman, grand. Then bear this in mind, that truth makes us clean, But each one, must be, his own washing machine. When The Light Shines In When light from above, From the lost ones we love, Smiles into the souls of men, Then freedom that's true, Will bring peace unto you, The world will be better then. 33 CREATION OR EVOLUTION Being in answer to an article in the Progressive Thinker, in which the writer asks, "does the soul of a murderer cease to exist after death." I have noticed many different views regarding Infinite Intelligence, with which I disagree, and while I long considered it as being a new name for the same old personal God, yet I have come to accept it in a different light. I am not infallible in my thought, and make no claim to know whether the soul of a murderer ceases to exist after death, or not; but let me say right here, if I really believed that it ceases to exist, and if I also believed in eternal damnation, eternal torture for Adam's sin, as taught by the churches (as the reasoning man can see little hope for escape from that punishment since it was fore- ordained even before the earth existed) — if that teaching be true, then it would be a great temp- tation to commit murder in order to escape the end- less ages of hell fire promised to those who do not believe, which is the punishment to be meted out to them by an unjust and angry God. However, I do not believe such teachings, neither do I fear such punishment. I do believe that no soul can ever die, for Intelligence, Consciousness and Spirit are principles eternal in nature. By the word soul I mean the conscious, living entity — that which can say, "I think, therefore I am." If you cannot think, you are dead, so far as you know. You cannot control your body if you are unconscious, so really all there is of you so far as earth life is concerned is your consciousness. Now, in regard to creation: It seems to me that one of two theories must be true: either all things were created in a manner similar to that described in the Bible, or it must have always existed in some form, and attained its present condition by or 34 CREATION OR EVOLUTION through the processes of evolution, which are still going on. I am strongly inclined to believe the latter is the case, for several reasons; and you know we must use our reasoning power in order to establish a foundation on which to base our con- clusions or belief. Let us consider a creation by an all-wise and all- powerful God. Where was that God before creation was? Can you tell? Where was he before time and space were, if they were created? But you say time and space have always existed. Well, if they did always exist, then the laws governing them must have always existed. We grant your claim that time and space always existed, and now God is ready to create the universe, a pretty good- sized job, to be sure, but he is all-wise and all- powerful, and is ready to begin it at once. But there is a block in his way, he cannot move a particle of substance, or make any combination of substances, or give orders to any of his helpers, if he had any. Why? Because nothing can be moved without energy by which to move it. A personal God could not even think without energy a thought could not be sent through his own brain without energy behind it. Under natural law there is absolutely no motion, no action, without energy to cause motion or action. Will you say that, like time and space, energy has always existed? I will leave that to you, but if you admit that energy has always existed, then the laws governing it have always existed. Now, all the living, moving things of earth de- pend on energy. The sun's warm rays quicken everything into action. The sun's rays are but vi- bration, which is energy in action. It touches the grasses and grain, the shrub and the trees, fishes, birds and animals; it paints the daintily tinted flowers. No, not even music, or man, could ex- ist without energy. Scientists tell you that vibration is the basis of 35 CREATION OR EVOLUTION all substance, and vibration is simply energy in action. It is a well known fact that to change the rate of vibration will change the form or condition of substance. A high rate means heat, a slow rate means cold. By increasing the vibratory rate of ice, sand, iron, they change form, or melt, as it is termed. Now, if we admit that time, space, energy, have always existed, it would only be a step farther to admit that all things have always existed in some form, and each substance has become individual- ized according to its vibratory rate. Now, when I speak of "natural law," I do not mean a written or spoken word, but I do mean the infinite, eternal, unchangeable principles in nature that govern and control the universe and all things therein. If all things were created by a personal God, to whom all the armies have been praying for help during the world war, then that God must have been greater than the job he has done, for the laws of nature tell us that the creator must be greater than the thing created ; that the power required to overcome an obstruction must be greater than the resistance of the obstruction. So it requires no greater stretch of the imagination to accept the thought that all things have always existed, than to think that a creator greater than all creation, has created them. Now, let us suppose that a great God has creat- ed all things, and the laws governing all things. Careful consideration tells us that nature's laws are infinite, eternal, immutable, omnipresent, un- changeable, so we see that the very minute laws were created governing all things, that minute God was out of a job. Yes, evolution is constantly going on, but always under the same unchangeable laws that have al- ways existed. For example : two and two are four, not because man has said it is so, but because it is a principle in nature that is omnipresent and un- 36 CREATION OR EVOLUTION changeable. Regarding the soul, we know it exists after the change called death, as demonstrated by spirit communion. I cannot think it will ever cease to exist, even though the man, in earth life, had been a murderer. To me the soul seems to be the extreme height of the great mountain of evolution, for it is capable of setting energy in action, and we know of noth- ing else that can do this, though accident may. To me the soul of man seems to be a trinity, a combination consisting of three great principles in nature. First, spirit, which exists in the material body during earth life, and which is the spiritual body, of which Paul said there is a natural (mean- ing material) body and there is a spiritual body. Second, the principle of intelligence, by which we consider and weigh whatever is presented for our consideration, or shun it for fear we will know. And third, the consciousness, without which we could not know that we exist. I believe these three infinite, eternal unchange- able principles in nature is about all there is of any of us: consciousness, intelligence, spirit. And I fully believe we each one shall exist after the change called death, and that we shall in some way advance, progress, overcome and compensate for any evil acts we have done, gradually improving under the great principles of evolution. I believe that when we Dass from earth life we are just what we were while here, minus the phys- ical body; we then will have passed away from material things, but we will not go at once to a place of eternal bliss, neither will we have the evil things and conditions of earth life to contend with, and the spark of good that is in us will be able to make rapid strides from a lower to a higher con- dition, and the happiness resulting from our pro- gress will assure us of the true happiness in the great and perfect day. 37 Climbing the Ladder of Life We think that every mortal will be happy if they can, And how they can attain it, is what we wish to plan, So let us build a ladder, from the earth unto the skies, Then let us think in earnest, how best we can arise, Let's name our ladder "knowledge," for by it we can climb, From lower plains of darkness to light of truth sublime, Let's base our ladder firmly on the solid rock of fact, And fortify it strongly, against a false attack. And let it's top be resting, beyond the clouds above, Against the broad dominion of universal love, And with our ladder builded, so strong, so straight and tall, We must not be too hasty, to rise, or we may fall, And now before our starting to reach that higher plain, We each should look around us and see what we can gain, As well as look within us, and learn how to prepare To make each day advance us, upon our journey there, Perhaps, we are not doing the very best we can To make our life successful and consumate our plan, Perhaps, we are not willing to investigate, and know, Fearing it will lead us from the way we like to go. 38 CLIMBING THE LADDER OF LIFE Yet, oft we hear it stated that "truth," shall make you free. Then why not try to gain it, where ever it may be. Perhaps, you think, to reason, is doing very wrong, Yet, reason is the fountain, that makes true know- ledge strong, Perhaps, we find imbedded within our very soul A little germ of falsehood that often would con- trol, Then root it out, be honest with self, and every man, Think noble thoughts, live upright, the very best you can. Perhaps we may be bigots and think none others know, Yet, on tracing back we fail, one solid truth to show, Then look within, be earnest, if I am wrong I say, I would not risk my life work on wrong, another day. It would be but fool hardy, to cling to new, or old, That does not stand on reason, or has no truth to hold, So let us be consistent, our ladder to ascend, And make our daily living, with laws of nature blend. And now on looking round us, since we have look- ed within, What shall we do to aid us, our journey to begin, Since "facts" are our foundation, we should study them each day For every truth, that they shall teach, will aid us on the way. CLIMBING THE LADDER OF LIFE 39 Since knowledge is our ladder, we surely cannot go A single step beyond the point that we have learn- ed to know, Since ignorance, leads downward, towards the slums and slime, To hatred, envy, falsehood, and foulest dens of crime, So let us help each other, as every body may, To rise above the evils of ignorance to day But we can only do it, by candid earnest thought, Do not condem a brother for work that he has wrought. He may have gained in knowledge a higher, purer, light, While you are still in darkness, then by yourself do right, By true investigation of that which he has wrought, For clinging to an error, can only bring you naught, Then, mark you well, all nature, and universal cause, Will bear the light of reason, and knowledge of its laws, And if above all nature, there is a power divine, All that man can know of it, must down through nature shine. And if that power has given, sound reason unto man, It's right for him to use it, the most and best he can. For on our journey upward on our ladder to the skies To use our careful judgment, will help us much. to rise. 40 CLIMBING THE LADDER OF LIFE If we would gain that haven of universal love, Then we must love our brother, be worthy of his love, Then make your life work noble, as pure as cloud- less skies, That those who measure by it, will surely have to rise. Let earnest thought and study of thyself, and all you do, With charity and kindness, be ever held in view, Make every truth a treasure, and every noble thought A way mark, on life's ladder, to show where you have wrought. Oh there's something in true friendship That's worth a noble thought; For braver deeds have ne'er been done Than friend for friend has wrought. 4i FEARS SPIRITUALISTS TOO CLOSE TO OLD-TIME RELIGIOUS BELIEFS Without a question of doubt the world today is in a condition where it is susceptible to great chang- es, especially is this true in regard to religion. Perhaps there has never been a time since the beginning of the Christian era, that so many peo- ple were dissatisified with their religious teachings as there are today. They have seen the great opposed nations and armies, each praying earnestly to the same great personal God, to help them win the war, to help them send their shot and shell to wound and kill, to make widows and orphans, to destroy property and cause hunger and starvation, and all kinds of sorrow and suffering. In this most important matter, neither army has been able to see any advantage resulting from its prayers, at least no benefit that would indicate that an all-wise, all-powerful and merciful God had taken action, no act worthy of such a God. If they believed, honestly believed, their God could or would ans- wer then prayers, why did they not pray that every bullet or shell should miss its mark, and that every szvord or bayonet should be stayed in its course before it cut or pierced the body of a poor mortal man. Answer to such a prayer would have been in harmony with the grand teachings of all the high- er religious principles, wherever or however taught, whether by Confucius, Buddha, Mohammed, Christ or any other highly moral teacher. An answer to such a prayer would have been worthy of an all-wise, all-powerful God; it would have mystified mortal man; it would have shown the handiwork of a great and powerful God, a 42 FEARS SPIRITUALISTS TOO CLOSE merciful God, and would have been in harmony with the principles of right, goodness, mercy and love. But the kind of prayers that were sent out were not worthy of action by an all-wise and merciful God. To have answered the prayers of Germany would have been to destroy the other nations, so a merciful God could not answer such prayers and be just. People are waking up to this thought, and so they are dissatisified with the old line of thought, that to be happy in the future life, the individual must believe in a certain line of thought, must be- lieve in the fall of man, the vicarious atonement, must repent for Adam's sin and be baptized, or go to eternal torment. Yes, I say eternal torment, for that is the penalty, just for the lack of such belief, even though the evidence is not sufficient to con- vince the individual that such teaching is true. Yet said individual is not at all to blame for the lack of the required evidence. It seems the old religious teaching under what- ever name it may occur, or in whatever nation or country it may be taught, each and every one, fail to furnish the needed evidence to convince the thinking man that it is true, hence the widespread disbelief among the reading and thinking people of earth everywhere. Now only the proper evidence can convince a man that a certain thing is true. Some are very easily convinced, while others think and reason deeper, and are not so easily convinced; then, too, the subject, to which the evidence is to apply, varies. To illustrate, suppose your true and trusted friend should tell you that Pete Johnson's house was struck by lightning and burned to the ground, no doubt you would believe him, you would need no further evidence. Now, suppose that same true friend should tell TO OLD-TIME RELIGIOUS BELIEFS 43 you that he had attended a seance and actually saw his mother, who had passed away years ago, and had talked with her and that she had told him something that no one knew, but which on invest- igation proved to be true; you would not believe it, you would say that he was deceived in some way, or that he was insane on that subject — at least that is what practically every one would say unless they had some evidence besides what he told them. So you will see that lack of evidence has brought eternal suffering to many, if these teachings of the religious world today are true. You see also that this matter of belief in any strange or uncommon thing, cannot be accepted until it is made to appeal to the individual's reas- oning power, his mental capacity sufficiently to show him that it is true. And herein is where I fear the Spiritualists are drifting too close to the old time religious beliefs, too many prayers to an unknown God, and too lit- tle search for real scientific spiritual facts. Such facts will reach to the thinking and reasoning peo- ple of today, and their number is rapidly increas- ing. Invoke the aid of spirit friends, if you wish. This reminds me of the old woman's prayer. She had moved to a new home, but just in front of the house was a high hill that obstructed the view of the surrounding country. The preacher called on her to offer prayer and in his talk he quoted that passage from the Bible, wherein it is said, "If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you can re- move mountains," so that night the old woman prayed long and earnestly for the Lord to remove the mountain from in front of her home, but in the morning she looked out and the mountain was still there, and she said, "It is just as I expected. I have prayed and prayed and prayed, but the Lord never did anything for me yet that I know of." This is where Spiritualists fail, they continue to pray to an unknown God, although that God never 44 FEARS SPIRITUALISTS TOO CLOSE answers their prayers. But the old woman is ex- cusable, she did not know anything about Spirit- ualism, or Spirit communion, or she would have made a different prayer. Well, you see she seemed to think that she could fool the infinite, unchange- able laws of nature and get the hill removed. It did not work, it was not in harmony with the laws of nature for it to move. Now, we have read the old story of the orthodox teachings that we must believe or be eternally damned, eternally punished; but since so many millions of young men, unbelievers, unrepentant, have been sacrificed in the world war, men who were intelligent, conscientious, good men, yet men who did not have sufficient evidence to convince them that said teachings were true, I say, that since these conditions have occurred, the world is waking up to the thought that possibly the old teachings were not true after all. Waking up to the thought that possibly there may be a better teaching, a teaching that comes nearer into har- mony with infinite principles of nature, than that of foreordination or vicarious atonement, and they are looking around for something better. I think the masses today believe that we should only be punished for our own wrong doing, at most and not for sin of another man in the long ago past, whom the Bible says, "Did not know good from evil until the sin was committed." You have also read, "there is more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner that repents than over ninety and nine good men, men who had no sins for which to repent." For many years past the trend of science has been towards the teaching of materialism, or that death ends all for each individual, which to them seems better than to think of eternal punishment for something they could not, or cannot help, for they have not got the evidence, and cannot con- scientiously repent and become members of the TO OLD-TIME RELIGIOUS BELIEFS 45 orthodox church, without making hypocrites of themselves. Such men are worthy of the honor in which they take pride. I believe that if the world could know today the origin of the Bible, and the establishment of the doctrine of the trinity as recorded in the two books, the Council of Nice and the Council of Trent, there would be thousands of church build- ings for sale before the end of the year 1922. Right here let me say, when I was seventeen years old, I became a member of an orthodox church (the Campbellites and the hump has not all worn off yet). I studied and prayed earnestly for help to convince my brother and get him to join the church with me, he asked me three questions, one of which was, "If an infinite and all- wise God has created all things and has also orig- inated the plan of redemption, it was just as essential that Jesus should have been betrayed as it was that he should have been crucified, and since it was all foreordained by God, as a part of his plan of redemption from the fall of man, then why should Judas be condemned, while Christ was glorified, since each one was doing a part of God's work which must be done as foreordained, in order that God's plan of redemption should be com- pleted?" One Sunday I asked our class leader what I should do to answer my brother's questions, and his reply was, "You have to quit studying or you will let a doubt creep in and you will be eternally damned." This answer astonished me, overcame me, for I had never had the least doubt but that the questions could be answered in a thoroughly intelligent, reasonable and satisfactory manner. I waited for some time before answering, then I said, "If I have got to give up the God-given prin- ciple of reason or give up the Bible, I will have to give up the Bible, for without the principle of reason, man is but a brute." To which he replied, 46 FEARS SPIRITUALISTS TOO CLOSE "You are lost." Then I drifted into materialism, I finally came to believe that death ends all, but I was not long satisfied, for as I looked out over nature, I saw the principle of eternal progression, evolution, and among the whole array of mighty things, I saw one, that was greater, more mighty than all the rest, a conscious, thinking, reasoning man. Yes, I thought of the living, conscious entity, the soul of man, as the highest principle in nature, the most advanced product of the universe, the ex- treme summit of evolutionary progress. It was then I asked myself, "Can this sentient, suffering, con- scious entity that can think and say I am, can it be possible that this the highest and greatest of all na- ture's products can be doomed to everlasting death, or everlasting punishment?" At this point I became an agnostic, I could only say I do not know. For many years I was close, very close to the thought that death ends all. I was ready to receive the great light that was to illumine my life, and make my pathway bright as I travel down the incline towards the sunset of earthly life, the great light that is to illumine the world, yes, the light of truth for "the truth shall make you free." Now, let us give just a little lesson. When you go to your own home and sit quietly and receive a rap upon the table or chair, then by following the proper code, the raps spell out for you a message from the lost loved one, telling you something that no one knew, but which afterwards is proven to be true ; then you are beginning to get a little glimpse of the truth, when they spell out a message telling you that they live and are happy, and because they live you too shall live after the change called death. Then you are getting some of the evidence, some of the truth that shall make you free; free from the dogmas of the past erroneous teachings that you can do evil all your life and then repent TO OLD-TIME RELIGIOUS BELIEFS 47 and be baptized at the eleventh hour, and go scot free to eternal bliss, on the shoulders of a crucified Christ, and you be happy, while your father, mother, brothers and sisters, wife and children are in eternal torment. Now, be honest, would you be happy under such conditions? Investigate, and gain this knowledge, this grand truth, and be free from the fear of punishment of such an awful God. Investigate and get the positive proof and be free from the unscientific teachings of the past, that would tell you that death ends all, free from the ignorance of the Agnostic, who does not know, for you will then know that there is a life after the change called death, and you will soon learn that you cannot ride into a place of eternal bliss on the shoulders of another, but what- soever wrong you do, you will have to overcome by good; you will have to grow into harmony with the golden rule, and live it, as well as to live in har- mony with the infinite principles of nature to the best of your ability. When you do this, you will not knowingly wrong a brother or sister, or even wrong any living creature, except in justice to yourself, t^en you will have received the light, the truth, that will make you free, make you a noble man or woman, worthy of the best the infinite powers of nature can give. Now, I have said to you that in the past, science has taught that there is nothing, or practically nothing, outside of so-called material substance, but today science has begun to look beyond the border line of earth life, much to its credit. It is beginning to demonstrate the fact of spirit communion and the continuity of life. Scientists have long taught that the brain is t^e originator of thought and beyond it there is noth- ing. Let us dig into this thought just a little. Let us take the phrenologist and the bad boy as an ex- 48 FEARS SPIRITUALISTS TOO CLOSE ample, and see if the brain is the source of thought. The phrenoligist says the shape of this boy's head tells me that he is a bad boy and will undoubtedly become a bad man. Let us see what we can do for the boy; we place him where he can have only the very best surroundings, everything possible to bear upon him to make him better, teach him in every possible way, watching closely that he shall practice no wrong, and he grows up under these conditions. Now the phrenologist, although a stranger, tells him "you were a bad boy but for some reason, you have outgrown it, and your brain development now tells me you are a good man." Many of you older people have witnessed exactly similar change between boyhood and mature man- hood. Now, let me ask the question, does the evil tree bring forth good fruit? Does the bad brain develop a good brain? A good man? I think not exactly so, but good surroundings brought to bear on the bad boy, subdues the evil tendency develops a good brain, a good man. Right here is a lesson in a few words, and it is this — keep the children where they have good surroundings, if you wish to have good men and women in the coming years. Now, there is an old saying, "That as the twig is bent so will the tree be inclined," so we would hardly think a bad brain would develop a good one. How then did the evolu- tionary process act? Let us see, the surroundings being good, acted on the living conscious entity, the soul that is back of or outside the brain, and that conscious entity sent its thoughts through that brain, making a demand for a larger good, brain capacity. Now every thought passing through the brain, tears down some brain cells, and the subconscious mind, by means of the blood carries out the dead brain cells and replaces them with new ones, but wherever nature repairs an injury it always tries to build TO OLD-TIME RELIGIOUS BELIEFS 49 stronger than before, while the unused part be- comes weakened. Notice the well arm that is placed in a sling for sixty days and see how weak it is. On the otherhand, notice the strong right arm of the blacksmith who handles the heavy hammer day after day. It makes a demand for larger, stronger muscles in his arm and they grow stronger. Now one more point and I will close. Scientists have told you much in the past regarding material things. That is true, they have told you that every motion of the arm or foot or other muscular action, or every thought sent through the brain actually tears down some part of the physical structure, and that the food we eat, and the water we drink is burned into blood by the oxygen in the air we breath, and the chemical action of the stomach. They also tell you the blood carries out of the system the particles destroyed by any action what- ever, and carries in new particles and rebuilds or replaces the parts torn down and rebuilt as often as once in every seven years, and all except some of the harder bone structure is rebuilt as often as once in three years. Now, ask them the question, "Do the dead talk?" and they will say, "No." Then we ask them the question, "Do the dead brain cells tell to the new incoming particles forming the new brain cells, all that has happened during the ten to twenty or more changes as would be the case with a man of my age, (past 70). Do they tell? We think not, yet we plainly remember incidents that occurred when we were only five years old, and right here is where the scientists have fallen down, and are now beginning to realize thev have fallen. Let me say right here, the living conscious entity, that part of a man that can say, "I think, therefore I am," the soul principle, is the Lamb's book of life, on which is recorded all our life experiences, it is the "I am" that controls the brain 50 FEARS SPIRITUALISTS TOO CLOSE and body; it is that which remembers; it is that which lives after the change called death. Now, we find the old saying that a woman has no soul. Now, I wish to go just one stronger, I wish to say that no man has got a soul. What do I mean? Simply this, that every man, woman or child living in the body, is a conscious living entity, and that each one has a physical structure, the body, which you leave behind when you pass to the great beyond. No, the body is not you, it is but the material substance through which you manifest on the earth plane. Paul said: "There is a spiritual body and there is a natural body," meaning no doubt, a spiritual and a material body. It has been shown by the photographic process that Paul was right, the spiritual body is a counterpart of the physical or material body, and the conscious entity which I designate as the soul, acts through the spiritual body on the spiritual plane, the same as it acts through the material body on the material or earth plane. He who can read the message inside the sealed envelope or the one who can see and describe the spirit friends that stand by your side, or she who can hear their voices and talk with them, has in some way established at least a partial contact between the material and the spiritual plane. Now, in closing, when the people will drop all prejudice and look for the truth, when they will accept the principles of the golden rule and live it, and will strive to know what they are and what they should be, and how best to assist a brother or sister, how to make the bad boy a good man, in- stead of taking undue advantage of others, or taking more than their just dues, and piling up a bank account that they or their heirs can never use, and by right living, help the laborers in the shop and field, who would wish to study and bring us TO OLD-TIME RELIGIOUS BELIEFS 51 something from the great unknown to benefit man then we will come nearer to true civilization, nearer to a knowledge of the great beyond, nearer to the highest, the truest and best that nature's great God can give, nearer to the great millenium, a heaven on earth. Hold Me When the Shadows Lengthen When the sun light is receding From the hill side and the glen, And the clouds are red and golden, Will you hold me once again. Hold me when the shawdows lengthen, And the sun sinks out of sight, Only once, once more my darling, E'er we say the last good night. May the love that's high and holy, That has filled our souls each day, Still extend it's blessing o'er us In the land beyond the way, I will surely come to meet you, And will hold the gates ajar, And will help to guide your life boat, To the home where loved ones are. — iCHORUS:— When the shadows gather o'er me, As I pass the great divide, Hold me closer, even closer, Till I reach the other side, Hold me closer, darling, closer, When I see the silver moon Then I'll know, I soon must leave you, But the hour, comes all too soon. Music for the above song may be obtained from the Author 52 A MOTHER'S VOICE I saw a strong man kiss his mother and tears rolled down his cheek, He said we may not meet again, Oh mother, will you speak? I wish to hear that voice once more, e'er we forever part, In future years, in sadest hours, 'twill cheer my aching heart. Oh, well do I remember still, that voice so soft and mild, Just as you held me to your heart, when I was but a child. These words, I seem to hear them oft' sometimes I think I can, You said I must like my father be, an upright honest man. And they have been a guide to me in many different ways, And now I want that voice once more to guide my older days. And then the mother spoke to him, the tears bedimmed her eyes, She said, "My son, live nobly, and I'll meet you in the skies." Your father often calls to me but does not bid me come, He says I have a work to do, in this, my earthly home, My lamp is burning feebly now, I think in near by day, My form will by your fathers lie, in church yard o'er the way, I see your father often ; and he holds the gates ajar, I do not fear the journey now, for it is not very far A MOTHER'S VOICE 53 To part with friends in earth life, does sometimes make me sad, To meet with those in summer land will make me doubly glad. "And now my son I say to you," be strong, be true, be brave, And if we meet not in earth life, we will beyond the grave." And then I saw a coach drive up, the coachman calling plain, "Come, we must be off at once, or we shall miss the train." Then the arms of mother and son, were around each other thrown, With one sweet kiss and parting word, he left his mother alone, Entered the coach, it rolled away, in evenings fading light, His mother watched with tear dimmed eyes, alone, alone, tonight. Her husband gone to higher life, Her son to foreign land, Her work was done, was ready now, for natures stern command, It was not long she waited thus, till gates were thrown ajar, Her life boat sailed o'er the river, to home where angels are. Her son kept on in foreign land, its liberty to save, But oft he heard those parting words, be strong, be true, be brave, And once, when temper came that way, with low deceptive plan, He heard these words repeated "be an upright honest man." He knew his mother spoke to him, he heard those words so plain, He did not dare to do evil, to think it, caused him pain, 5 4 A MOTHER'S VOICE So was the tempter turned aside, the strong man went his way, Rejoiced that wrong was overcome, and right had gained the day, He was so true, so kind at home, his wife, and children three, Were all so happy together, as every home should be. They each one learned the story, of Mother, that I have told, They each one prized it higher, than treasures of shining gold. Their Father, fast declining, the silver was in his hair, Still oft he heard his mothers voice float in on vibrant air. One evening just at sunset, the world seemed all aglow, He said to friends around him "I am ready, now to go, And oh; this glorious sunset, this flood of golden light I see beyond the crimson clouds, it is the grandest sight, I see, I see, my mother dear, with those bright smiling eyes. She says she comes to meet me, to meet me in the skies, Dear ones, you have learned my motto, You know the story well. And now I close my earthly eyes, and bid you all, farewell. Then all was so still, so silent, that not one sound I heard Save sobs and moans of kindred, till his mothers voice I heard, It floated in on evening air, be strong, be true, be brave, Be noble, be upright and honest, we'll meet beyond the grave. 55 HAS THE RELIGION OF THE PAST BEEN A SUCCESS Since Constantine became Emperor of Rome and forced on the people the belief in the trinity, and plan of redemption adopted by practically all re- ligious bodies, the whole religious world has been trying to promote the idea of brotherly love and obedience to the will of a supposed personal and infinite God, which they teach has created and rules over all things, with justice, love, and mercy. Yet after these fifteen hundred years of effort, with its horrid career of religious torture, blood- shed and war, these religious and God governed nations are in the midst of the most horrible war the world has ever known. Each national ruler, a ruler by divine right (as claimed) is praying to the same God, for victory for his army, praying for God to help them send their shot and shell into the bodies of the soldiers of the opposing armies, yes, praying for blood and murder to fall upon the soldiers of their neighbor nations; praying for suffering and sorrow, for God to make starving widows and orphans. Yet the war seems to have been largely for conquest, or commercial advantages for the rulers, while the common people are forced into the battle to lose their lives, and if they escape death, then to pay the cost of the war, and shield the rulers. Now if there is an all wise, omnipresent and all powerful Creator and ruler of the universe, can you see the principle of justice and mercy in his acts? Through all history it has been the ambition of the rulers by divine right to conquer the world. They have compelled their people to serve in the standing army and navy, and have expended millions of money to arm and sustain them, which the working people had to pay, and the Kings and 56 HAS THE RELIGION OF THE PAST BEEN A SUCCESS rulers armed to the teeth, became haughty and proud, as shown by some of the recorded acts. On yonder pole hangs the Kings hat, bow to it as you pass or we will punish you. Here we have erected a cross, kneel before it or go to eternal torture, here we have raised our flag, salute it or we will shoot you until you will. If you disobey the orders of the ruler you are a traitor, and liable to be hung or shot, if you do obey and stand up in battle as a target, and are not killed, then you are a patriot, and it does not matter to which army you belong. Let us see what patriotism means. Patriotism means love of your country, yet love often makes a mistake ; love often turns to jealousy, love is not a safe guide to right doing. Patriotism means sectionalism, each patriot stands for his own government ruler, although that ruler may be wrong. Now I would say, is it not time for the world to ask for an improved religion and something better than the religious governments of the past, some- thing to do away with sectionalism and war? There has been but little advancement in religion or government during the 1500 years past. The word "partriotism" sounds grand to the ears of the masses, and they are ready to stand up and obey the orders of the rulers and battle for them, although many times they do not know the cause of the war, we feel the word "patriotism" is not the highest and best thought. Let us try "humanitarianism" in its stead. Love thy neighbor as thyself. At least consider every man as your brother and every woman as your sister. Consider their rights to life, and happiness, as being equal to yours. Yes, equal to the rulers, who stand back at a safe distance and through their field glasses watch the horror of the battle they have forced their subjects into. HAS THE RELIGION OF THE PAST BEEN A SUCCESS 57 Under the principles of humanitarianism, and the co-operation of governments there would be no need of large standing armies. If a country should rebel, all the other countries would become ar- bitrators to settle the difficulty, which under humanitarian principles would be easily and honorably adjusted. The religious and patriotic teachings of the past and of the present, constantly instill into the minds of men the principles of war. The boy scouts are being taught war, and made to conduct sham battles, until they take pride in if, and many would be glad to enter into the real battle and shoot to kill. Yet these things are being done, under the present religious teachings. Now after fifteen hundred years of teaching of war and fear, we believe it is time to try a new religion, one that is nearer in harmony with the advancement made in machinery and agriculture. The present Christian religion is away back on a par with the time when a forked stick was used for a plow, and it is a long way from that condition up to the present tractor that turns a dozen furrows at a time. Yet if we will adopt International Co-operation of governments instead of rulers by divine right, and the teaching of humanitarians instead of instilling into the minds of the young, the principles of war, or wholesale murder, then governments and the teachings of brotherly love will advance more in fifty years than it has in the last fifteen hundred years. Let the ministers teach what thev know to be true, or that which can be proved by scientific principles, and not teach the old time theology of the past, which tells you that no matter how low and wicked a life you have lived, if you only repent you will not only be saved, but "there is more joy in heaven over one sinner that repents than over ninety and nine that had no sins to repent of," 58 HAS THE RELIGION OF THE PAST BEEN A SUCCESS thereby placing a premium on the wicked man who will repent at the last moment. Let no man teach the principles of fear, fear has killed more people than any known disease. Fear makes a man weak, fear holds down and makes you subject to others. In place of standing armies and immense navies to support, let the same funds be used to educate the illiterate, and to make it possible for those who now have to work every possible moment to barely live, to have at least a little time for rest and study. Educate and elevate the mental condition, and there will be no need for war, but we hear it remarked that "the world would soon be over run with people, and war is essential to prevent it." Those that are educated and have time to think, will not bring into being the child that cannot be cared for, you will find by the records of today, the large families are among the ignorant, those who are only just a little above the animal. And that is one great reason why we should all work for the thorough establishment of the Public schools, versus the Parochial schools. Let us enact laws compelling children of school age and under 16 years of age, to attend Public school until they graduate from the eighth grade at least, teaching them a little Americanism, a little of the principles of life and freedom, make them a little better than mere animals. A comparison. By good authority, it is shown that in countries where there are only Parochial schools an average of 54 percent of the people over ten years of age, can neither read nor write, while in countries with only Public schools there is only 1.7 percent while in the United States with both kinds of schools, there is 7.7 percent, that can neither read nor write, we also find that in Mexico, Spain, Brazil and Guatamala, the rate runs from 75 to 92 percent, that can neither read nor write. Do you wonder that we have wars when the HAS THE RELIGION OF THE PAST BEEN A SUCCESS 59 people are so ignorant? Do you wonder that illiterate countries are so often over populated? Would not birth control by education, be better than raising young men for slaughter? And yet we must not forget that the church is combined with the money powers, and the money powers must be served, even though it does take the strongest, the noblest and best, of our young men. Can we not change it? What shall we do with our donations, shall we give it to the Missionary workers to teach the theological dogmas, and hold the people in ignorance, and subject to the rulers by divine right? or shall we place it where it will assist in giving the young a little glimpse of the real light, the knowledge, the truth, that shall make them free. Let the rule by divine right of kings and em- perors cease, let there be no rule by a Money Oligarchy. Let there be laws compelling attendance at public schools. LET NO ONE VOTE WHO CAN- NOT READ AND WRITE. Let there be for every nation, a government of the people, by the people and for the people, even as Abraham Lincoln said, there should be for this country. Let the people vote direct for the laws they wish, and not for men that can be bought for a price. Let us not disgrace our state or nation, by allowing the money powers to buy Newberrys for our congress or senate. Let us think and reason, let us be men and women. Now after trying out the personal God idea and rule by divine right, since Constantine's time, fifteen hunderd years ago, with so little advance- ment, so much war, cruelty and suffering, let us try for a comparatively short time of say, fifty or one hundred years, the teaching that the Eternal Unchangeable, Omnipresent principles inherent in nature, Natural law, is the supreme power that rules and governs all things in nature, both 60 HAS THE RELIGION OF THE PAST BEEN A SUCCESS material and Spiritual. Let us teach "Humanitarian Spiritualism," based on a knowledge sustained by the fact, that Life, Consciousness, Intelligence and Spirit are Eternal principles inherent in nature, and Spirit communion and continuity of life are facts, demonstrated by the phenomena of nature. Let us teach that to make the most of our lives here and hereafter, we must live to our highest thought and, "Do not unto others that which we would not, that others should do unto us." (Confucius) Must give unto every individual as much of kind- ness, friendship and freedom, as we would ask for ourselves, must give more of our time and effort to benefit humanity, and less to the accumulation of unneeded wealth, the God of gold. Teach that we must bear our own burdens of sin and wrong doing and cannot cast them on the shoulders of another. That natural law here, or hereafter, will punish us for every wrongful act. That there is no escape from the punishment for the wrong we do, only to correct it, overcome it, outgrow it, in order to attain true happiness. Teach that, the Soul, consisting of Life, Consciousness, Intelligence, Spirit, is the only thing known to man, that can of itself, start energy in action and do that which it wills to do. Then let our prayers be to the soul, the living conscious entity, the God within, and to our Spirit friends, and not to an unknown God, an Idol, as it were, in opposition to the supreme principles in nature. If our life has been largely evil, or working against the welfare of humanity, accumulating immense wealth, by misrepresentation, deception, or legal stealing or robbing the honest toiler, or seeking to bring war for conquest or fame, then wnen we pass the great divide, we come into a HAS THE RELIGION OF THE PAST BEEN A SUCCESS 61 condition of darkness and sorrow, from which we cannot BUY our way out, for threre is no money in spirit. To some, it seems like ages of wandering in darkness, e'er there comes a little ray of light and hope, to their darkened benighted soul. Then another age, before they can grow out and up to what they should have been while in earth life. This is what Spirit friends will tell you, if you will investigate, such also is the punishment rendered by natural law. While such punishment is not eternal, it cannot be forgiven by any one except, it may be, the one who has been wronged. The only hope is to correct it, over come it, by good works and outgrow it, do it now, today while yet in earth life, where it can be most easily corrected, overcome, outgrown ; bear- ing in mind, that murder is a sin that cannot easily, be overcome, it will haunt the soul indefinitely. So I say, Awake, oh soul, arise live honestly and uprightly striving ever to aid humanity, ever seek- ing the light, the truth for only truth can make you free. When the gates of heaven open, None can hear them when they swing, But the voice of loving lost ones, Often reach us as they sing. 62 DON'T GO TO WAR 'TILL YOU KNOW WHAT FOR Oh, yes there have been rulers That wanted all the world; Amassed their mighty armies With battle flags unfurled. They set their soldiers fighting In awful, horrid war; The men that shot their brothers, Did not know what for. A hundred million dollars Would only be a speck Compared with all the billions Of battle waste and wreck. The burden on the children, That's caused by such a war, Will make them slaves forever. They don't know what for. Think of the homeless children, And widows of the dead, Who now are surely starving, Some never can be fed. Think of the peaceful worker Compelled to go to war, And fight the ruler's battles, And not know what for. Let all our people help us Decide when war shall be, Vote whether we shall battle On foreign land, or sea. And let those who vote for it Be first to go to war, And then we will not have it 'Till we know what for. Don't Go to War 'Till You Know What For 63 Then rouse ye all, for freedom, Free work, free press, free speech. Place honor over riches, True kindness ever teach. Make every man your brother, Then there will be no war Beneath our starry banner, 'Till we know what for. Chorus: Oh, let those do the fighting Who really want the war. " For if they really want it, They should know what fo*. Friend is a word that many speak, And some know how to use, While many fail to understand And many more abuse, 6 4 INVOCATION Oh ye Spirit friends, by and through the bound- less source of all things, come unto us, and help us to rise above all evil thoughts, or deeds, that our souls may progress. Oh, give unto us the power to touch the forms of those who are ill, or in pain, that they may be well and strong. Oh, give us the power to touch the hearts of those who are jealous hearted, or angry, that they may be quieted. Oh, teach us how to awaken the souls of those now in darkness, that they may receive the better light, and rejoice therein. Teach us how to touch the souls of the evil doers, that they may be guided aright. Oh, help us to touch the souls of the fallen, that they may be lifted up. Help us to touch the hearts of those who con- demn the fallen, that they may have mercy and charity. Oh, give unto us the power to touch the souls of the sorrowing that they may be comforted. Help us to lift our own souls, up to a higher plain of life, that we may assist others. And then, for humanities sake, give to us, each and all, the power to live high and holy, in peace and harmony with all the world for the world is our country, humanity, our people, and to be good and do good, is our religion. 65 THE UNIVERSE GOVERNED BY LAW ALONE TO THE PROGRESSIVE THINKER Under the heading of "Infinite Mind" was the statement that, "The marvelous mechanism con- trolling the movements of the sun, moon and stars, Must Be the reflection of an infinite mind." Another writer seems to think that much of the happenings on earth are purely the work of chance. To me it seems that infinite, eternal law, must have been prior to infinite mind. Now do not mix the expression "infinite mind" with that of "infinite intelligence" for mind signifies individuality capable of using intelligence or acting intelligently, while "intelligence, capacity to know" is a principle in nature, as old as time itself. Consequently, the principle of intelligence can be considered as infinite, being unlimited, bound- less. Stop and think for a moment, and I think you will agree with me, that nothing could have existed before time was, and nothing could have existed without space, in which to exist. Now since there are laws that govern, and one might say are a part of time and space, we would ask, WHERE WAS THAT CREATIVE MIND, prior TO TIME AND SPACE, THAT IT COULD HAVE CREATED THEM. But some one says that belongs to the infinite or divine, and we cannot answer that question. Then please to say that you do not know, and do not say "it must be, the reflection of infinite mind." On the other hand, do not say "it must be the work of chance" even in part. Let us adhere to our text "Law governs all" Let us stop and think once more. No particle of 66 THE UNIVERSE GOVERNED BY LAW ALONE material substance in the universe has ever moved or been moved without energy to move it. ENERGY IS ALWA1S GOVERNED BY LAW. So we ask, how could infinite mind have created the universe, or how control it, without the assist- ance of energy, on the other hand, if energy did exist prior to the creation, then it was not created by said infinite mind. St. John, first and first, "In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God, the same was in the beginning with God." What does it mean, does anybody know? It is largely taken to mean that God spoke, and his word brought all things into existance. But again I ask, how could the word be spoken, even if we admit that the infinite mind did exist, without time and space in which to exist, FOR EVEN THE THOUGHT, WHICH ALWAYS COMES BEFORE THE SPOKEN WORD, RE- QUIRES ENERGY, TO SET IT IN ACTION. We do not believe in a creation by a personal God or infinite mind, for the following reasons. First, that the soul seems to be the only thing that can of itself, set energy in action. Second, energy must exist, else the soul could not set it in action. Third, to be active, energy must have something to act upon. So we say, energy is an infinite, eternal principle in nature, co-eternal with time and space, and must have existed prior to the spoken word, it is always active when any substance moves of whatever nature it may be. Now as we can find no place where energy is acting, except where it is acting on material sub- stance, or some prime principle in nature, we con- clude that material substance and the prime principles of nature are co-eternal with time and space. They could not have bee?i created by infinite mind, a personal THE UNIVERSE GOVERNED BY LAW ALONE 67 God, for he could not even speak the word, or think the thought, without energy, ?ieither cotdd energy act without something to act upon. Hence we believe that all the substance of the universe, and all the laws of nature, are co-eternal with time and space, and could not have been created by a God that existed before time and space was. Of such a time and condition we cannot con- ceive, for if such a condition did ever exist, then in the place of the universe, there must have been absolutely nothing, not even space. Now we find energy may be active, or it may lie dormant as in the lump of coal, but when we sift things right down to basic principles, we find that heat, electricity and energy, are practically one and the same thing, only in different form, for either one of these will generate the other two. They are principles in nature, even as the laws of gravity, centrifugal force, or mathematics, are principles in nature. Notice, I use the word "principle" instead of "law" for people are so easily confused by the fact that the word "law" is used in connection with man made rules, that are called "law" while they are only rules that can easily be broken or changed while "natural law" is eternal, unchangeable, omnipresent and being unlimited, boundless, 'we call it infinite. Now if infinite mind has created all things, in- cluding these eternal, unchangeable laws of prin- ciples, he has therefore finished his work. Yes, the minute he has made said laws, which are inherent in nature itself , everywhere, gov- erning all things, that minute, his work was com- pleted, for the law is immutable, unchangeable, yesterday, today and forever the same. If these infinite laws were changeable, then every thing would at once be running by chance, which we know it is not, hence we say law governs 68 THE UNIVERSE GOVERNED BY LAW ALONE all. If the idea of a God, a Devil, and Chance, were entirely obliterated from the minds of the people every where, and man made to understand that unchangeable law rules and governs every thing in nature there would undoubtedly be a better chance for advancement, than there is at the present time, or ever has been, at least since the beginning of the Christian era. Now do not think any longer, that Infinite mind, a personal God, is ruling this universe, for you can find nothing in nature that is not governed by law, not even your own belief, for your belief is always according to the evidence that is brought to bear, in other words you cannot believe a thing against your will, or when the positive evidence tells you it is not true, in other words it will always require evidence, to cause you to change your mind. No machine that man has ever designed or built, is anything more than a mechanism applying the eternal, unchangeable principles of nature to pro- duce the desired results. Any mechanical appliance must be in harmony with natural law, or it will not work. Any religious belief or teaching, must be in har- mony with natural law, to be true. Spiritualism is the only religious teaching of which I chance to know, that proves itself to be true, by harmony with, and demonstrations under natural law. Now regarding chance, I can see no such thing as chance in nature at any point or place. The eternal unchangeable laws are constantly acting, and the fact that nothing can move or be moved without energy to move it, is positive evi- dence to me, that the mountain slide, the falling meteor, the disintegration of the rocks, are all the result of the action of natural law. The idiot or the master mind, the sick or the well, the weak or the strong, are not the result of THE UNIVERSE GOVERNED BY LAW ALONE 69 chance, but each and all are the result of con- ditions, acting under natural law, for law governs all. I LEARNED I long ago learned that a truly wise man, Will not make belief, a base for his plan, But seek for a fact, on which he can rear His temple of truth, to knowledge most dear. 7o RIGHT IS ALWAYS RIGHT Written to one who was just beginning to catch a little of the light from the great beyond. So it is, when a soul is touched by the sweet har- mony of even a partial knowledge of the wonder- ful, Infinite principle and the sweet spirit commun- ion, it comes into such harmonious conditions and receives so much of the great, high and holy love, That — They can read from natures book The things that are to be, They catch the chords of natures song And rhythm so pure and free. It lifts their soul above the goal That mortal man has set, To catch the thought the angels wrought The sweetest thoughts we get. So let us all heed natures call Through laws supremely grand, And conquer might, by love of right, 'Till peace reigns o'er the land. To then arise, beyond the skies By natures high decree, And gain the love of those above, Our souls for ever free. That all the world, with thoughts unfurled Like sunshine pure and bright, May teach to man through natures plan That RIGHT, IS ALWAYS RIGHT. SHAKEN IN THE SIEVE OF REASON As a reader of the Spiritual and Liberal papers, I have noticed that there are many so-called liberal writers who still hold to the idea of a personal God and a personal Devil ; that the Bible is the infallible word of God and that God, by his goodness and intelligence, rules and governs the universe. And there are not a few who seemingly deny the universal laws of nature, claiming that Law implies a predestined rule of action, and that the rigid logic of evolution, as demonstrated in differentiated phenomena, proves exactly the reverse of fixed law. Some claim that the Law idea is a dogma, which is a consequent necessity of the dogma of the God idea. Now I would like to put these into the sieve of reason, and have the reader, by earnest thought, help me to shake them a few moments. As we understand it, the Bible God is the God referred to, who is represented as a personality, all-wise, omnipresent, the creator and ruler of the universe. Let us see. Read Gensis 1:1. "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." In the beginning? Stop a moment and think. When was the beginning? Can you think of a time or place when neither time nor space was? A time before time was? A space when there was no space? It is utterly impossible. It could not have been. Knowing there never was such a state of things, there never could have been a beginning. So we reason that if time and space are now, they always have been, hence they were not created by God in the begin- ning. On the other hand, IF conditions ever were such that time and space did not exist, then there was no God, and no creater, as there could have been no 72 SHAKEN IN THE SIEVE OF REASON space for him to occupy, and no time, in which he could have had an existence — hence, no time or place in which to create. This line of reasoning, forces us to accept the fact that time and space were without beginning and will be without end. Since science has practically demonstrated that no particle of matter can be annihilated, and also that something cannot be made out of nothing, we have entirely given up the idea of creation, or creator, and fully believe that all things that are, have always existed in some form. Now if all these things did exist without a God to create and govern them, by his intelligence, and if there is no such thing as Law then all things must be running by chance. But after careful con- sideration, I do not think any one would admit that our planetary system and our nicely adjusted natural phenomena are run by chance. No, indeed, we believe that law governs all. We look at in this way. If there is a law that is immut- able and unchangeable, it has always been a Law, and was not made by a God of creation before time and space were. But we believe that Law, Spirit, Matter, are Co-eternal with time and space. We believe Law governs, because, wherever man has delved into the hidden mysteries of nature, he has invariably found some principle underlying each and every phenomenon of nature, which principle seems to be always present when that phenomenon occurs; this underlying principle or force is what man calls law. By a knowledge of these laws he is able to predict the time at which eclipses will occur, eomets appear, and a thousand other things equally as wonderful. We have always found God, and man of God, in direct opposition to man's gaining a knowledge of law, even as far back as the Garden of Eden, where the book shows that God told a falsehood, and afterwards admitted that the Devil told the truth. And taking into consideration the many errors and SHAKEN IN THE SIEVE OF REASON 73 falsehoods contained in the Bible, which book is all the authority we have that there ever was a God, and taking these in connection with the fact that nature itself makes the denial we assert that there never was and is not now a personal God, as set forth in the Bible. Now let us see if there is a chance for evolution under fixed law. We think there is. True, we have laws seemingly that other laws do not affect, as no two particles of matter can occupy the same space at the same time. Anything could not exist without time and space in which to exist; two halves of any substance are always equal to the whole substance, etc. If all the laws of nature were of this class, it might seem possible that evolution could not exist under fixed law, and yet the first law upon which I build my theory of evolution, is the law that com- pels nature to produce differentiated phenomena, by making it impossible for any two particles of matter to occupy the same space at the same time, as in case of the two leaves of a tree , or two blades of grass no two of which are alike, yet they receive sustenance from the earth in the same manner, have the same root or stem, but they must occupy different positions in space as the law compels them to do; hence, they are acted upon differently by the rain, dew, air, sunlight, etc. A different ray of light, striking at a different angle, would have a different effect and produce a different result; and as each cycle of growth and decay refines and en- riches the soul, making each succeeding growth more vigorous and perfect, it would surely indicate evolution under fixed law. HERE IS A PROPOSITION A law may be in constant operation, yet that law may be overcome by other laws. If this be true, it would seem plausible to suppose that the united action of the laws of nature, in perfect harmony with the great law of cause and effect , would not 74 SHAKEN IN THE SIEVE OF REASON only produce the wonderful phenomena of growth and decay, but would tend toward a constant re- finement, higher development and perfection in nature, which we term evolution. Then it remains for me to show to my readers that such conditions do exist. Knowing that all forces in nature conform to laws governing them. I sometimes use the word force, instead of law, as it is more convenient to do so. While man has dis- covered many laws, yet many of them are not fully understood, and reason tells us there are very many more, of which man, as yet, has not the faintest idea. Yet, with our limited knowledge, we have learn- ed the fact that many times certain laws are in operation without perceptible effect, as in the case of the rapidly revolving wheel, centrifugal force is constantly pulling at the wheel, in just pro- portion to its weight and speed; but the wheel, by the laws of cohesion and adhesion, being strong enough to stand the strain, we do not see the effect of the centrifugal force. Let the boy tie a string to his ball and swing it rapidly in a circle; the pull on the string will demonstrate the action of this law, as also does the bursting of flywheels occasionally. Again, we see that in quantities water seeks its own level by the action of the force of gravity, yet we know that same law within each individual drop would form it into a small globe. Try it by letting a drop fall on an oiled paper, then a drop on unoiled paper, and notice that one remains a globe, while the other, by the same law of attraction, aided by the capillary action of the un- oiled paper, flattens and is absorbed by the paper. We think these two illustrations will suffice to sub- stantiate our proposition. Now we find the laws of nature so nicely and accurately adjusted, that we are able to make very perfect calculations therefrom, and that those SHAKEN IN THE SIEVE OF REASON 75 calculations once accurately made, are always found correct. Therefore we conclude that there are unchangeable laws, and we believe that, were it not for a knowledge of those laws, our high standard of mechanical and intellectual ability could not have been. This proves to me not only that evolution is possible under fixed law, but that law is the real underlying principle that forces the growth and fuller development of perfect evolution. Oh may ye see as angels saw The words of God that cannot lie, And know by his eternal law; The souls of men can never die. 7 6 LIFE O, life what art thou, Doth any mortal know? Yet thou art known on every hand Where mortal man can go. Throughout all the universe, In every spot and place, In ocean grand or desert land Thy mystic power we trace. E'en in the drop of water Thy myriad forms we find, And in the fragrant air we breathe Are hosts of many a kind. Yet man, whom thou hast given A wondrous power to know, Can tell us naught of what thou art Or whence you come or go. With microscope and lancet He would catch thee e'er ye flee, He can but find thy mystic power, Thou art forever free. The soul, that conscious part of man. The God within that goes Adown the mystic aisles of time, Still reasons, thinks and knows. Thou art the ceasless principle, Not action, form or breath Thou hast, and shall forever be, To thee, there is no death. 77 IF CREATED WHEN If, you should play as a leader, On the field of progressions great play, Then make what you teach, true to nature, No matter what others may say. Undoubtedly the reader knows the generally accepted teaching or story of creation as recorded in the Bible. You also recognize the fact that this story of creation and the fall of man, so called, is the found- ation on which the whole Christian Religion is based, that is, without a God the creator and the original sin, there would be no call for good men to repent, no vicarious atonement. Of course some might say we should repent for our wrong doings, but that is not the demand of the Christian Religions, for the church teaches, the entire plan of redemption is based on Adam's sin. Yes, it is for Adam's sin we must repent, although Adam did not know good from evil. See Genesis 11. 17th. God said, "But of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat, for in the day thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely die." Genesis IV. 5. "And the serpent said unto the woman, ye shall not surely die, for God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as Gods, knowing good and evil." This, God admitted, after Adam had partaken of the forbiden fruit, see Genesis, 3: 22, "and the Lord God said. Behold the manis become as one of us, to know good and evil." Now be careful, be candid, and ask your self, who told the truth, and who told the falsehood. Yet the Christian Religion tells us that the millions upon millons of earths people are to be ETERNALLY punished because Adam and Eve dis- 78 IF CREATED WHEN obeyed Gods order, although as God admitted, they did not know good and evil, did not know they were doing wrong. God also admitted they did not die, when he gave them punishment all the days of their lives. So the question has arisen, is such an eternal punishment just, would you consider such a punishment, an act worthy of an infinite, all wise, all powerful and merciful God? would you? Can you find in the largest city a father or mother who would meet out to a child such ETERNAL punishment, if they could, no matter how bad their child might be, but we must not for- get that men and women, are not all wise or all powerful, and could not give eternal punishment if they would, then do you think that an all wise and all powerful God, would do such a thing? Is God a merciful, loving, kind and just Father, when he places eternal punishment on all the millions upon millions of earths people, just because poor old Adam and Eve disobeyed his order, not knowing it was wrong? Go slow, think of it, was not such an act worse, more sinful, more inhuman, than any act man could possibly commit, man being only a finite being? Now we must not forget that approximately two thirds of the earths people are not Christians, they are largely Pagans, Mohammedans, Brahmans, Shintoists, followers of Confucius, mostly people who have never heard of the teachings of the Christians to any considerable extent. Then we must not forget that of the so called Christian countries, which constitute the other third of earths people, are not all Christians. It seems that at least one half those who can read and write in these Christian countries are not Christians, because the God that is said to be the author of the Bible teach- ings, failed to put evidence enough in his work, to convince them, when they use their reasoning power which it is said "is a God given principle" which reasoning power is all that makes man above a IF CREATED WHEN 79 brute. Now would it not be a pretty hard hearted, un- merciful God, that would punish throughout the endless ages of time, all those who have not any knowledge of his teachings, all those to whom he has given power of reason without giving them evidence sufficient to convince them that his teach- ings are true? Does not the blame rest on God himself, more than on the man whose reason tells him that the teachings are unjust and false? Put all these in your thinking cap and steep them, then swallow it if you can, in other words, think and reason. My God, the Infinite, Eternal, Unchangeable, Omnipresent principles inherent in nature, could not commit such an injustice towards humanity. So I do not believe an infinite personal God, had any thing to do with the creation of this old earth, or the creation of man as specified in the Bible, neither do I believe in the so called fall of man, or the vicarious atonement. If the Bible be true, the creation of the universe and all it contains, occurred only a few thousand years ago. The genealogy as given in the fifth chapter of Genesis makes it only 4700 years from Adam to Abraham, and the encyclopediae says Abraham lived 175 years and died about 1800 before Christ, which would make the creation less than eight thousand years ago. Now if you go back to the long ago past, and see conditions through the eyes of the Geologist, you would find that this old earth has existed, and has been undergoing the processes of evolution and refinement for millions of years. You would probably conclude that there was a time when this earth was a moulton mass of materials, in which case you would find that the water formed by the combustion of Oxygen and 8o IF CREATED WHEN Hydrogen gasses, was driven off by the intense heat as steam, and out in the outer space the intense cold condensed it to water, which fell as rain, towards the earth, until the intense heat again turned it to steam, to be again condensed, which process continued until the earth was cool enough so the rain could actually come in contact with some parts of it, and this process repeated until the earth was cool enough so the water could remain in contact with it, in places, and so vegetable life could exist. Perhaps lichens or mosses were about the first to appear on the rocks, a few thousand million years ago. However Geologists tell us that animal life first appeared in the inland water, similar to what seems to originate in stagnant pools today. The elements acting on the rocks, and the vegetable growth, gradually wore away the rocks until it produced soil, in which larger vegetable growth could thrive. Then during the millions of years that followed, the humidity of the atmosphere, the warmth of the earth, and the suns warm rays, caused immense growth, which in time matured and fell to decay, taking with it the heat it had absorbed from the sun during its growth, the heat stored in the solids of the plants or trees. Then by and through the processes in the great laboratory of nature, it finally became transformed into coal, which we are using today for power, heat and light. Yes, that coal contains the condensed sunshine, of the ages past, and to night we are reading and working by the sunlight of Millions of years ago. Chambers Encyclopaedia says, that in the Edin- burg district, the coal is in strata or layers amounting in all to 204 ft, in thickness, counting only layers of six inches or more, and these layers of coal are separated by layers of Sand Stone, Lime Stone, Shale etc, and the coal is some of it as low IF CREATED WHEN 81 down as 6300 feet, so it is obvious that these layers of coal were formed at different periods of time. Now let us turn back to the remote past and notice just a few points regarding the animal king- dom. Geologists tell us that they find, during the pliocene age, that is, when the **ocks were in a plastic state, large animals passed over them leaving their tracks, and also the bones of many animals of that age, are found imbeded in the rock. Now those animals certainly existed prior to the everlasting hills, for those rocks containing their tracks and their bones, had become solid, and later were thrown up by volcanic action forming our great mountain ranges. So we see that Animal life has existed millions of years prior to the Bible history of creation. Yes in these mountains as well as in the coal, limestone, and sandstone, many thousand feet below the surface, are found fossils of animals, many of which we have no record of except those fossils. Geologists tell us that the oldest form of animal life that they have been able to trace, is that of a serpent, and from that successive steps in the development of animals occurred, until we reach the age of man. Right here I wish to refer to the scientifically established fact, that the human embryo first assumes the form of a serpent, and developes, step bv step, representing much of the animal kingdom, all the way up to man. This would certainly indicate that man was an evolution from the lower animal kingdom as per, the Darwinian theory, and was not an independent special creation, but was evolved from a lower order of life, and was not necessarily an off-spring from any known animal. One more Geological reference, from the Cvclopaedia of Science where Archibald Geikie, the Geologists, refering to Pentland Firth and to Ireland and Scotland and to the Old Man of Hoy, S2 IF CREATED WHEN which is a name given to a sand stone rock, whose base is washed on three sides by the ocean waves, He says it is 600 feet high with perpendicular sides stands on a rock similar to what is known as the Caithnes Flag Stone, which at this point had been broken up by volcanic action leaving an inclined and uneven broken surface over which the lava has flown. This lower rock it seems had at one time been in a plastic state for it contains scales, bones and teeth, of fishes of a long gone age, as also does the sand stone above the lava base. Now regarding the story of the Flood and the Ark. Eminent Naturalists tell us that from the number of animals now living, there must have been some- thing like 885,000 animals in the ark which would be 56 for every square yard of standing room, aside from birds, fishes and insects, without which it would have been packed absolutely solid before taking in a single pound of food. Much less load would have sunk the ark, and we take into consider- ation no animal larger than the elephant, however Geology proves that long ago before man had any record, or even tradition of them there were many monster animals on earth, so I do not believe this story of the Flood and Ark. However practically speaking, the people of all countries have traditions of something similar to the story of the flood, which has much weight as evidence that some great event, did occur in the long ago past, which might have been caused by volcanic action or great earthquake, which caused the great chains of elevations we call mountains, or some other great action caused by the cooling and contraction of the solids of earth, the cause we cannot tell. At the Labare Asphalt beds near Los Angeles, trapped in the mire of the Asphalt, which acted on the monster animals similar to the action of sticky fly paper on flies. In this Asphalt bed have been IF CREATED WHEN 83 found 120 or more skeletons of different species of animals and birds giving a record of at least a large portion of the animal life of that region in the long ago past, animals that probably lived a million years ago, whose skeletons were found intact in natures queer preservative. Down beneath the skeletons of the monster prehistoric animals, was found the skeleton of a woman, these facts, with many others equally as wonderful, prove that man and the universe was not created about eight thousand years ago, but existed in the long ago past, as scientific investiga- tion has thoroughly demonstrated. Considering the overwhelming evidence recorded in old mother earth, and the lack of any authentic record in the Bible history of creation, I have asked the question, "If Created when" but without hope of its being solved as to date, and I firmly believe that all things have existed in some form, since time and space have been, of which we can con- ceive of no beginning and no ending. 8 4 AS EVER "As ever," is a sentence Whose meaning has a range, From almost a non entity, To power most wondrous strange, For us to tell its meaning For all on whom it shines We cannot do it, sir, Lest you read between the lines. You know so many use it, In careless thoughtless way, Not thinking even once, What thought it may convey, Not thinking that perchance If angry in the past, It would convey the thought It would forever last Or if you forge a link In friendships golden chain The meaning then conveyed Would be most truly plain, Or if, perchance, it's love That plays the silent part 'Tis then, as ever yours More firmly binds the heart But whatsoever the thought The sentence doth convey One thing is doubly sure, It meaneth "constancy," In friendship, or in love In business, honor, hate, It means without a change E'en to the present date. AS EVER 85 Example No. 1 I've made a hundred thousand In a very easy way, By making unjust prices That you were forced to pay, And while I have no love For any working man I am as ever yours, To consumate my plan. Example No. 2 You know we once were friends In days of long ago, Whene'er our eyes would meet My heart would flutter so, But time has brought a change, Since those happy, happy hours, We both have older grown, Still I am as ever yours. Of all the endless universe That Nature does control, Love and law its God is, And thought the soul. 86 The Truth Shall Make You Free First let me say that any religious teaching to be true, must be in harmony with the eternal un- changeable laws of nature. Must be in harmony with science, for real science is nothing more than an understanding of the principles of nature pertaining to any certain feature of nature. Perhaps there is no branch of science so well understood by the masses of the people, as the science of numbers. We do not accept the Roman Notation as being true because it was established by the Romans, neither do we accept the Arabic notation simply because it was established by the Hindoos of India, in the long ago past. We do not accept it because any great man or collection of men have said it is true, but we do accept it because it is based on the unchangeable, omni- present principles in nature, that science has brought to our understanding. We say two and two equal four, not because man has said it is so, but because it is in harmony with nature. Speaking of law, I do not mean a man made rule, such as are supposed to govern the people, what I do mean by "law" is, one or more of the infinite, eternal, omnipresent, unchangeable prin- ciples inherent in nature, that are always acting, each in its proper sphere, which laws govern and control all things, many of which laws, man has not yet discovered. To illustrate, if you throw a ball into the air, your conscious entity, your soul, sets in action the great principle of energy, which is transmitted through your brain to your muscles, and by the energy stored in them, the ball is thrown high in the air, but we see it going slower and slower, till finally it stops rising and begins to fall, why did it not keep on going? First, because of the resistance THE TRUTH SHALL MAKE YOU FREE 87 of the air, and second — because the great principle of Gravity, was constantly holding it backward. Why did it fall? Because the eternal, unchange- able, omnipresent law of gravity which is energy in action, was constantly acting on the ball and pulling it back to earth. So we find this law of gravity is not only eternal but it is always and everywhere acting. I have said Mathematics is based on unchange- able law, if it were not so, the law might change at any moment, and then two and two would not equal four. Now we find that every mechanical invention, as the Telegraph, Telephone, the Steam Engine, Gas Engine, Dynamo, Electric Lights, printing Press, and thousands of other things, are but accidental, or scientific discoveries of mechanism, by which the eternal laws of nature are brought into use to accomplish certain results, the same can be said of the great chemical discoveries. Now I would ask, why should we accept the religious teachings of the long ago past, which are absolutely contrary to the unchangeable laws of nature, contrary to the phenomena of nature, as demonstrated by science. I repeat "The truth shall make you free" So as a Spirit, an 1 as Spiritual isLs. we are ail seeking the truth, we are seeking for facts, on which to base our — shall I say "Belief in Spirit- ualism"? No. For when we find a Spirit phenome- non in nature, or under natural law, a fact that has been and can be, thoroughly demonstr ted, then we have a foundation, on which to base our statement, a truth which carries us beyond the field of belief, into the grand field of absolute knowledge. Yes, by these facts, by this phenomena, which is in harmony with eternal natural law, and which can be thoroughly demonstrated, we are able to say we know. Know that we shall live after the change called death, because our lost loved ones 88 THE TRUTH SHALL MAKE YOU FREE live, and can and do communicate with us. But you ask, have we any record, of spirit phenomena in the past? Yes, we might refer you to King Saul and the woman of Endor, NOT WITCH of Endor, for the text of the Bible which is supposed to be inspired writing, does not say witch, the word "witch" is only in the chapter headings, placed there by bigoted men. In this case the Bible says, "Samuel appeared unto Saul," and told him what would happen to him and his sons, which came true as Samuel said. Now what are we going to do with this, if the Bible is true then Samuel did appear, if he did not appear, then the Bible is false, if he did appear as stated, then it was natural, spiritual phenomenon, and certainly occurred under, and in harmony with the laws of nature, as the infinite, eternal unchange- able omnipresent laws of nature are, yesterday, to- day and forever the same, and there is but one con- clusion to come to, and that is, that under like conditions, like phenomena could occur today. We would refer to Christ on the mount where Christ was transfigured and Moses and Elias were talking with him. Now Christ was not a God, but a man, according to his own words, as reported by Sts. Matthew, Mark and Luke, yet he was a great Medium. He chose three of his disciples and sought the quiet, the grandeur, and retirement of the mountain heights, for this seance. This was the ideal condition for a seance for Spirit commun- ion, a condition impossible for most Mediums to secure, and yet Spiritualists are ridiculed for re- quiring conditions suitable for spirit phenomena to occur. Now this seance consisted of Transfiguration or, possibly Materialization, either of which phenom- ena occur today. I would call your attention to Saul of Tarsus on his way to Damascus, he saw a great light and THE TRUTH SHALL MAKE YOU FREE 89 heard a voice of a spirit speaking to him, I refer to this first, as being a clairvoyant vision, and second as a case of clairaudience clear hearing, and I wish you to notice carefully just the words Saul used in his reply to the spirit. It is evident Saul did not know who the Spirit was ,for he said "Who art thou lord". Now I wish to ask a favor of you the reader, it is this, when reading the Bible you come to the word "lord" read it over again using the word "Spirit" and see if you do not get a broader and better light on the subject, for in most cases if not all, the word "lord" as used in the Bible, means Spirit. One more case, that of John the Revalator, who saw a great vision and fell down to worship at the feet of the Angel that showed him these things, and the Angel said unto him "see that you do it not for I am of thy fellow servants, and thy brethren, the prophets," In this case there was both Clairaudience, and Clairvoyance. Now all these things occurred if the Bible is true, and if they did occur, they could occur today under like circumstances, under, and in harmony with the same eternal unchangeable laws, under which they then occurred. I have said "the truth shall make you free" I now wish to point out to you something of what the truth is that shall make you free. I shall not ask you to accept as true any state- ment made by any man, whether that man be one of the sixteen crucified saviors, a great and noble statesman, or divine, the so called infallible Pope of Rome, or Bill the Kaiser. Some of these may be grand good and noble men, teaching what they deem to be the truth, to the best of their ability, while some of them may know within their own consciousness, that they are teaching falsely. I shall not ask you to take my word for truth, for I to, may be mistaken, but what I want you to do is 90 THE TRUTH SHALL MAKE YOU FREE to investigate, study the phenomena of nature, and know for your self, what the truth is, for the most logical writing or lectures will not appeal to you, as will the actual phenomena, under conditions that you know deception could not occur. Spiritulists claim they can and do, communicate with the so called dead. Thousands of noble men, scientists and thinkers, tell us that Spirit commun- ion is a fact, that has been demonstrated to them in many ways. Such men as Sir William Crokes, Sir Oliver Lodge, A. Canon Doyle, William James, Camille Flamarion, the great Astronomer, Wm Stead, former editor of the Magazine "Light of London" England, and J Minot Savage of the Brooklyn Tabernacle, and I might mention many more. However all that such men might say to you, would not appeal to you with the force you would get by seeing and carefully investigating the phe- nomena itself. Although these men have given the phenomena years of careful study, and give a true record of such phenomena as they know to be true, but to you it is only a record, like other records of the past. What you want is the phenomena, the facts themselves, to make you know. To illustrate, down at Hydesville New York, in the year 1848, three little girls at play, noticed peculiar raps, in their presence, some times the raps would be on the floor, the ceiling, the wall, or on the table or chairs, and the girls found that when they would ask the raps to come on any certain place they would come there, and it was not long until they formed a code by which questions could be answered by yes or no, or dont know, and one day one of the little girls called Mamma, Mamma, it can talk, and the raps have been talking ever since. It was soon found that by the raps messages were spelled out, by re- peating the alphabet, as a rap would be given when the proper letter was pronounced, and by this method although rather slow, many fine THE TRUTH SHALL MAKE YOU FREE 91 messages were spelled out. It was found that these raps at Hydesville were made by the spirit of a pedlar that had been killed years before, and buried in the cellar of the house where the little girls then lived. The bones were exhumed and given a decent burial, but the raps have never ceased to be. This was the origin of so called "Modern Spiritualism." It was a fact, a truth, that has startled the world, and there are Mediums and Spiritualists in every civilized country today, and Spiritualism is growing more rapidly today than any other religion, has ever grown, if it may be called a religion. You ask why did it not appear earlier? We answer, because the world had been passing through the dark ages, for a thousand years, since Constantine became Emperor of Rome, and not a country on earth was liberal enough to allow the raps or other communications, and religious bigotry was such, that even in this country, so called Witches and Quakers were hung as heretics. Not until the grand old Stars and Stripes waved over these free and United States of America, and the constitution of the United States was establish- ed, in which by the untiring efforts of that grand liberal thinker Thomas Paine, was incorporated that clause, giving us the right to worship God according to the dictates of our own conscience. Not until then I say, was there a country liberal enough and free enough from the rule of the bigoted priesthood, to allow Spiritualism to exist, and even today, in this United States, Mediums are being persecuted by the bigots of the day, and servants of the Pope. Now bear in mind there are so called Mediums that are false, are money sharks. Now friends, these little raps often occur in the presence of some true Mediums, and they would bring to you evidence to prove to you that Spirit life and communion are a fact. 92 THE TRUTH SHALL MAKE YOU FREE When a lost loved one raps out a message telling you something that absolutely no one knew, not even yourself, and you investigate later and find that it was true, and when similar messages are given time after time, regarding other things, then you are beginning to get the lacts, the truth, you are already passing beyond the field of belief, for you are rapidly coming to know. And when lost loved ones tell you they still live and are happy, and because they live, you to shall live, then you are just beginning to get the real facts, the truth that shall make you free. You will then understand that the "great fiction" the plan of eternal damnation, is not in harmony with the eternal, unchangeable principles of nature, you will also understand that you are just what you make yourself, and that no belief, in false teachings, or any amount of repentance, will allow you to cast your burden of sin on the shoulders of another. When you come to know this you will constantly be trying to live in harmony with the Infinite principles of nature. You will then try to live to your highest and best, will try to live above evil doing, and should you make a mistake you will be sorry for it, you may repent of the fact that you were unable to avoid the mistake, but you cannot throw the burden of the wrong on the shoulders of another, but you will try to repair the wrong, you will try to be more careful, that other mistakes do not occur, you will study the principles of Justice, Right and Brotherly love. Yes, when you have had the messages, seen and studied the phenomena and philosophy, and it has been demonstrated so you know it to be true; then you will try to live the life that spirits and Spirit- ualism teach, and when you do, you will begin to know the truth that shall make you free. Free from the extreme sorrow, sadness, and fear, of the un- certainty of the great hereafter- free from the fear THE TRUTH SHALL MAKE YOU FREE 93 of an eternal damnation for wrongs you have not committed, wrongs of some other one; free from the thought that an allwise and all powerful God, the creator of all things both good and evil, has committed such an awful sin, as to eternally damn, and torture any living thing, any living soul, through all the ages of eternity, as punishment for a so called sin, done by some other one in the long ago past, and done in ignorance, not knowing good from evil, and under temptation that was placed before them by that self same God, the God that is to punish us for the wrong doing of another. Free us from the thought that such an awful God exists, Free us from the Materialistic thought that death ends all, for each one. Free us from the ignorance of the Agnostic who does not know, for you will then know that your lost loved ones still live, and that you shall meet them beyond the divide, in the great and perfect day, you will then know that if you live a true and noble life of kindness, charity and brotherly love, you will be happy in the great beyond, in just proportion to your good work here on earth, for "by their fruits shall the tree be known," and "the truth shall make you free." 94 THE FALL OF MAN Vone dime der vas vone Breacher man So dall, so plump, un vatt. He had der vinest suit of clothes, Und vore der beegest att. He vas so brout of wat he wear, He look so ferry vine, Dot ven der ladies look dot vay, Deir eyes, dey fairly shine. Un he vas been vone craduate, From College dont you zee, So he could dell you pout dis life Und vat your next vood be. Vie, he cood dell how Got had made De eart un stars un sky, In only yust six leetle days Den lay hees vork all by. He tell how Yoshway stop der moon Und made her sun stan still. So Got could have a leetle dime Sum more, dem folks to kill. He tell how Noa made de ark Un den vent in un staid Vile God cot mad un sent vone flod To drown der folks he made. Und vonce he dell apout Gots plan Of Tevil dempting Eve, Und all about der vail of man, Dot most of us pelieve. Der beoples say, he offul smart, You zome dimes hear dem say, Dey dinks it vas youst offul nice To ear him zing and bray. THE FALL OF MAN 95 Oh my, it vas youst offul vine To ear dot breacher speak, He buy hes sermons, ready made, Und bractice all der veek. So he could read dem efry vord, Und not make vone mistake Und ven hes brayer vas done, he say, Amen, for Shesus sake. Put vone dime in de early spring In vone large country down De street vas full of filth and ice, De rain vas boring town. Hit vas youst den dees breacher come, All dressed in vine aray, Of broadclot suit, un dall pluck att To cross der street dot day. He add vone vine beeg umbarell As vone might vish to zee, Und of der beoples on der street Not vone so broud as he. Vel, he start oud to cross dot street Ven he got pout half vay Vone foot sleeped opp, un he sleep down So flat as he cood lay. Right down dere in der filth and dirt De vater mud un rain Hit deed not zeem to hurt him much, Put gif him lots of pain. Un den I hear him dalk out loud A bout some foreign nation Und Helin, some vone, I don't know, May be, twas some relation. 96 THE FALL OF MAN Vel, den he rolled opp on hees knees Vid hands down on de ice, He cood not opp de first dime git, He add to dry um dwice. Dot umbarell, so proud and vine He deed not loose her feet Put ven de shentle breezes blow Hit strut right opp de street. Un dot pluck att, he rolled avay, More as a hundred feet, Through streams of vater filth and dirt Hit vent straight opp der street. Und ven dot breacher had got upp Und zee dot umbarell Ve hurd him say a word or doo Hit vood not do to dell. Un ven he start to get his att Der vater run so vast He talked to Got bout darning it, Vile he vas going past. Un den vone foot it sleep dis vay De odder hit slip dat, Un dere he stood right in de rain Vid out umbrell or att. Un den he say, hit vas not Got. Dot ever lay dot blan, Hit vas te Deffels dirty drick, Dot caused der vail of man. 97 BUILDING A HOME Did you ever build a home? I did, I had to. However, I did not tear down the old home before I built the new one. No, not even if the roof did leak, and the glass was out of the windows, the doors off the hinges, holes in the floor and the foundation gone to smash. No, I stayed in the old home until I had a comfortable place in the new one. I do not think it is a good plan to tear down the old home, until you are ready and well prepared to move into the new one, whether the new home be a material, or a spiritual home. So I am not going to try to tear down your religious home, I would rather you would live in it just as long as your own good judgment and reason will allow you to do so, because if you do that, you will have no regrets in leaving the old home, and you will enjoy the brightness, sweetness and free- dom of the new home, just so much better. Spiritualism is a great home, we think, greater than others because it takes in knowledge of a larger portion of natures great laws and teachings, and because it is based on the great facts of the continuity of life and spirit communion, which in turn is based on the omnipresent, unchangeable laws of nature, and natural phenomena, both material and Spiritual. In telling of my spirit home that I am building, I shall not ask you to accept, or adopt, a single feature that I may present, unless you are thor- oughly satisfied that it is in harmony with the eternal, unchangable laws of nature, and that by your own good reason and judgment, you find it adapted to your own home, which you are building day by day, by your own good thoughts and acts, There is a good reason why, I would rather you would live in your old home as long as you can, while building your new one. It is this; it will enable 9 8 BUILDING A HOME you see the defects in the old home, so you will be able to build the new one more perfectly. Look at the foundation of the old home, study it carefully, you will then see its defects, you will possibly want a better foundation, you will not be satisfied with a foundation builded on the sands of faith and fiction, ignorance and superstition, bigotry and deception, cemented together by a belief in, and fear of, eternal torment. You will want to build the new foundation of the solid rock of truth, sustained by absolutely demon- strated facts, both material and Spiritual, cemented together with a positive knowledge of spirit communion and continuity of life. Then you will have a foundation that has stood the test of the ages, and will stand the test of all time, a foundation sustained by the eternal laws of nature, which were without beginning and will be without ending, yesterday, today, and forever the same, and, not created by a personal, angry jealous God, a God of war; being as they are a part of the infinite principles of nature, without begin- ning and without ending, infinite, eternal, un- changeable, omnipresent. Infinite, because un- limited, boundless, Eternal without beginning, and without ending. Omnipresent, everywhere present, no place where they are not. Unchangeable, immutable, yesterday, today and for ever the same, which laws are the principles inherent in, or a part of nature itself. On such a foundation your home will be builded. The floor of your home will not have holes into which you will step and fall, or rough spots on which you will trip and stumble. You will not be promised a harp and crown if you confess you are sorry that some one did wrong in the long ago past; or that you are sorry for any wrongs you may have done; no promise of a home of blissful happiness, while your lost loved ones are in a firey furnace of eternal torment, there to BUILDING A HOME 99 remain through the endless ages of time. The floor placed on the new foundation will be strong and smooth. It will support you, will keep you out of the dungeon of darkness and ignorance, out of the pitfalls of wrong doing, for on your floor will be spread the carpet of truth and justice towards all men. On this carpet the great sin of the ages, greed for wealth and fame cannot come. No great power aside from the infinite laws of nature can rule over you except it be that power, born of sweet harmony, true friendship, good deeds and brotherly love. And when you come to the doors, they will be strong and well hung, to keep out the storms of wrong and deception. They will swing inward to let in the sweet messages from the great beyond, that your loved ones may come freely into your presence, to cheer and guide you, through earth life, with their comforting messages and healing power. These doors will also swing outward, that your good work and good thoughts may reach out to those who are ill or sorrowing for their lost loved ones, to comfort, cheer and support them. They will swing outward to, that eventually your own soul, you, may be free to take your flight to that great Spirit home "not made with hands" or with dollars but with pure thoughts, kindly acts and good deeds, eternal in the great and perfect day. And from those windows, you will have a broader view, you will drink in the joys of nature, you will look out over the broad fields of golden grain, the rich clover bloom and the bright flowers around your home, and through the inward swing- ing doors, their fragrance will be wafted into your presence and your soul will be filled with joy and sunshine. You will then realize that the infinite principles of nature are the true source of all good. To build your home in harmony with these prin- ioo BUILDING A HOME ciples, will bring you the true joy of life, which the world today is missing in its mad rush for the almighty dollar, and a personal God on whom to cast all its sins. You will realize that you must bear your own burdens of sin and that evil thoughts or deeds, can only bring sorrow, suffering and regrets, and that every effort for goodness and right will make you stronger to overcome evil, and will be like a sweet bright blossom, that will go with and cheer you adown the ages. Your roof, will not be a leaky one, for your home will be covered by knowledge and wisdom, friend- ship and brotherly love, cemented together with the great bond of true harmony. Living in the new home, you will pass down the western slope of earthly life, rejoicing in the broad- est liberty of thought, the truest freedom of soul, the sweet harmony of true friendship and high and holy love. When you pass the great divide, your pathway leads through leafy woodland bowers, beside a rippling stream, whose voice mingled with the music of birds and the whisperings of the leafy branches of the trees, as they are stirred by the gentle breezes, will quicken you to a better understanding, and teach you much of the wonderful harmony and grandeur of nature's great wealth of goodness and beauty. As you pass along you will behold the wonderful gardens of beautiful, fragrant flowers, the broad fields of golden grain, the green pastures, the orchards and vinyards, ladened with red, yellow and purple fruits, and your whole being is filled with admiration and praise, of the wonderful beauties and blessings presented by the infinite powers of mother nature. Again you look before you, and on the shores of a silver lake are beautiful lawns, bedecked by clusters of trees and flowers, and a little further BUILDING A HOME 101 on you see a stately mansion, partly hidden by the leafy trees and climbing vines, and as you and your guide walk along the pathway, with its border of flowers and ferns; you look and wonder, who could be the architect, the designer of such a beautiful building. As you draw near it, your guide steps aside for a little distance leaving you alone. As you wait, you look and above the door in shining letters of golden light, are the words "YOUR HOME NOT MADE WITH HANDS BUT WITH GOOD DEEDS, TRUE THOUGHTS, AND KINDLY ACTS, WALK IN. You are overcome with joy and surprise, but your guide comes to your assistance. E'er long you approach the door, It opens, and you enter, there to meet your long, lost loved ones, who have waited and watched for your coming, to welcome and greet you. Overcome with joy and in the arms of your loved ones you fall asleep, and rest. THE AWAKENING It is not all of spirit life, to meet your lost loved ones and go with them through beautiful fields of growing grain, through orchards of green and gold, red and purple fruits, the wonderful gardens of perfect flowers in spirit land, and to wander through the spice ladened forests where the beaut- iful birds are singing their sweetest songs; or to sail on the silver lakes and gliding streams, or to go up into the mountains with their wonderful grandeur and beauty, and to follow some rippling stream as it seems to bound from rock to rock, or whirl and eddy in some deep pool; again to dash out and make a wonderful leap where the air resistance dashes it into spray, and the sunlight catching it's ever changing position sends forth the colors of the rainbow, which like the spray, is con- stantly whirling and shifting, mingling all the 102 BUILDING A HOME beautiful colors, yet, all in perfect harmony. Then there is music, so sweet and harmonious, the laugh and songs of loved ones, and all are loved ones here, then the great joy of "soul communion," but little understood in earth life. When we have advanced to a certain degree or condition, then when we desire any positive know- ledge which we have prepared ourselves to receive, we do not have to wait to read, or for spoken words, which often but feebly express the thought we are seeking; but sweet soul communion, gives us the thought, which is the correct answer to our questioning, for it will be in harmony with the infinite, eternal principles of nature. And still we have grand lessons to learn and to live, in the great processes of eternal progression. Yes, the grand thoughts of the advanced souls are received by those who are next below them in the scaie of understanding and knowledge, not by spoken words, but by soul communion, whereby each soul can catch the thoughts of those next above as quickly as he can prepare himself for, and understand them, thus growing in the great system of eternal progression. Yes, eternal, for even material substance is eternal, and the processes of natural evolution are endless. While loved ones can remain together if they wish, yet they may be in entirely different spheres. This does not refer to place, but to condition of advancement. It takes a long time, no one knows how long, to reach the highest, the best and noblest condition, even if there be a limit which as yet seems not to have been found. And yet this is not all there is for us to do. BUILDING A HOME 103 There are always many coming to this summer land of peace, harmony and love, some of whom are well advanced in true knowledge, but many, very many, are not, and many are as it were in the dense darkness of ignorance and superstition. We find so many who have been following false prophets, false teachings under Pope and Priests, Kings and Emperors, claiming to rule by divine right, and under the rule of the "Gods of Gold," who have held them down by conditions, so they could only live just a little above the animal life and some of these are so bound down to former beliefs, that it is a long time before they will listen to or consider a single thought, from the guides that are trying to help them to a better under- standing. But the lowest among them are such as had all the opportunity for advancement but serving mammon they held their subjects down to the very lowest plain of life, in order that they might attain for themselves, riches and fame. Others nearly as low, are those that allow them- selves to be ruled by their own anger and jealousy, thereby injuring their own souls, as well as the souls of others, their friends and loved ones, and ofttimes leading to terrible crimes, some of which, it would seem, they could never overcome and out- grow. However in every soul there is some good, and it will grow, but sometimes very slowly, until the wrong is eventually overcome, for good is always in harmony with nature and it will live and grow. So, it is for all souls to assist all those below them, until they shall reach the condition where they can receive by and through soul communion; when they can advance as rapidly as they can learn and gain an understanding of life in spirit. So it is the work of those in the lower spheres to io4 BUILDING A HOME assist those that come and each one is, as it were, assigned to take charge of some soul as a guide, and ofttimes one may be assigned to care for one he has wronged, to help him until his own soul shall have overcome and outgrown the wrong he did them. So it is not alone repentance, that will free us from wrong, but it is earnestly striving and working to assist others to advance, and in this work we rejoice in the good we can do, it not only helps others, it also helps us to grow stronger and better, preparing us for further advancement and greater joy. We find people in earth life are so bound down by their beliefs, that only few can receive the real soul communion, and in so many cases the former teachings and beliefs of the medium leave so strong an influence upon them, that they cannot free themselves from it, hence many mediums can only teach the truth in part and much of their teachings are clouded by the false teachings of their earlier lives, thus making a mixture of the various religious teachings, with the real teachings of Spiritualism. Yet there are a few that can give forth the un- clouded truth, in harmony with the infinite, eternal principles of nature, which now is, and ever will be, the real foundation of truth, which alone can make you free from wrong and error. Glad will be the day when there will be plenty of mediums freed from all false teachings, enabling them to give forth the grand truths of spirit life, unclouded by error; for the truth, and truth alone, can give the light that can lead the way to the best conditions on earth, as also, the best when passing to the great beyond. io5 HOME One morning in Spring, when Freedom was king In the days of long, long ago, I chanced to be out, on a merry scout, In the woods, where the wild flowers grow. While crossing a stream, where bright waters gleam And sparkle and roll swift away, A low voice I heard, of sweet singing bird, As I watched the minnows at play. At sound of the bird whose music I heard, I looked to the East and the West, And saw in a tree, but a few feet from me, Some birds had builded a nest. I kept very still and heard the sweet trill Of the bird, and thought he would come And visit the nest, where his mate was at rest, For this, indeed was their home. Their hearts beat as one, in the work they had done, In building their nest in the tree, And so it is home, wherever they roam, In life's, great mysterious sea. And so as away, I wandered that day, As I looked on palace or cot, I thought of the bird whose music I heard And the nest, I never forgot. And then in one place, with stateliest grace, Stood a mansion so tall and grand, But from it I heard the most hateful word, A word that love, never had planned. But laughter and song, as I passed along, From a nice little cottage did come, With hand and with heart, they each bore a part, So that one I said, was a home. 106 HOME And then when at eve my steps did retrieve, Till I met my wife and my child, As pure and as true as the sparkling dew, And with hearts, all as undefiled. I thought of the bird, and the music I heard, In the woods where the wild flowers grow, I thought of harsh word, and the laughter I heard, And my heart, with love was aglow. A low little cot, in a cool quiet spot, Was the place to which I had come, The lesson I met, I ne'er will forget, It is love, that maketh a home. Prayers to the Goddess of Liberty Oh Goddess of liberty, freedom and peace O come with they power from above And give every nation from hatred, release, And rule all the world with thy love. Oh make every nation the land of the free. With banners of right all unfurled, Make nation love nation, o'er land and o'er sea, Thus bringing true joy to the world. 107 THE WORLD DOES MOVE The world does move so said Galileo in the long ago past, and he was condemned and imprisoned for that statement. I feel that I have a work to do, a work for humanity, a work for freedom and knowledge, yet I know I shall be laughed at and ridiculed, if not arrested and imprisoned. But I know, as does every thinker that reads the records of the past, that all progress in whatever line it may come, has always,and will always come, from the minority, the few, the little things. Even the great inventors of the past have been laughed at and ridiculed, and many times im- prisoned, yet the final result has been wonderfully great, for truth can never die. Notice, Galileo, Hyapatia, also Papin the inventor of the first steam cylinder, Fulton with his steam boat, Franklin with the telegraph, Bell with the telephone; laughed at and ridiculed because theirs were new thoughts developed, and not in harmony with the old time teachings. So if I am ridiculed for presenting the thoughts herein expressed, I shall not have been the first, who has received a like reward for good work. So I do not care if I am laughed at and ridiculed, as I undoubtedly will be, for the work I have to do is in conflict more or less with the old popular, but threadbare, and worn out teachings of the ignorant past. Teachings that are so perceptibly false and un- reasonable, that the intelligent thinking men and women, who can for one single day, lay aside their fear and prejudice, and use their own reason and good judgment, can never again go back into the conditions of the old time teachings of the priest- hood and enslavement, of the dark ages. I have said, that any religious teaching to be 108 THE WORLD DOES MOVE true, must be in harmony with the eternal, un- changeable, omnipresent principles inherent in nature, and being boundless, unlimited, we call them infinite. Now I find that in the year 1890, according to statistics, there were 49 denomations with 142 sub-denominations, and 156 independent bodies, besides the Spiritualists- which were not then considered a religious body, making 347 Christian beliefs; so it is evident they cannot all be correct; their teachings cannot all be true, and there is only one chance in 347, that you are following the true teachings, as a believer in any one of these. However after more than 56 years of study of various lines, I have not found a single one whose teachings are in harmony with the infinite prin- ciples of natural law, excepting Spiritualism. Now let us notice that approximately one half of the people of the so called Christian nations, do not accept any of the above named teachings, then let us not forget that these Christian nations constitute less than one third of the earth's population. Christian nations do not include the Shintoists, the Pagans, the Brahmans or the Buddhists, which constitute more than two thirds of the earth's population. Then let us just think for one moment, what an insignificant part of earth people could be saved by any one or all of these teachings, yet if the church teachings are true, all who do not accept the Bible teachings, of the fall of man, vicarious atonement, and repent for Adam's sin, must go to eternal torment. Yet all earth's people are human beings, true some are good and some are bad, but no matter how bad, if they repent for Adam's sin and are baptized they will be saved, otherwise they will be eternally tormented. Can such a torment be the work of a just and merciful God? Ask yourself , Can it? THE WORLD DOES MOVE 109 Now I shall attempt to teach only the truth, but truth is always radical, as compared with myth, error, falsehood and deception, it always hits hard, and for presenting these thoughts of freedom, happiness, and progress before the world, I shall probably be ridiculed and condemned, if not im- prisoned, even as Galileo, Bruno, Hyapatia, Socrates, Joan of Arc and thousands of others even down to the hanging of Quakers and so called witches in the New England States, since which time many have been, and are today being persecuted, who dare to think and reason, dare to speak or print the truth, and not bow down in silence, fear and sorrow under the threats of rulers, like ignorant slaves, where church and state are one. I am an American, I believe in freedom, thanks be to Thomas Paine, the first man that ever spoke or wrote the words "THESE FREE AND IN- DEPENDENT UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" the man who made it possible to write into the Constitution of the United States, that clause which gives to each individual the right to worship God according to the dictates of his, or her, own conscience. Yes friends, that clause in the Constitution has given us of the United States, a greater freedom, than people of any other country of the known world has ever had since Constantine established the teachings of the trinity 325 years after Christ. That is the principle that the grand old stars and stripes stand for, that is the principle we have fought for in the years past, and now the world war is past, that grand principle will be, must be, the great keystone of the unity of nations, that shall forever put an end to rule by so called divine right. It will be an inevitable result, although it will take many years to bring it about, yet, it will eventually come. Money has become the God of the twentieth no THE WORLD DOES MOVE century, aided by the church and the money ruled press, it has become the ruler of the nation; but that will sooner or later pass, and the whole world will eventually be governed even as our most honored president Abraham Lincoln said this country should be ruled, by a government "of the people, by the people, and for the people." I am a patriot, in that I want, not only freedom for myself, but freedom for every man, woman and child on this old earth, freedom from its many false Gods and false teachings. Now let us not forget that more than 500 million Shintoists believe in the teachings of Confucius, who was born 551 years before Christ, and who gave the world the golden rule, or took it from the ancient Vedas; which according to good authority was written 1400 years before Christ; so Christ was not the author of it as is generally taught in Christian countries; as it was either originated by or handed down by Confucius, in its best form as follows. "Do not unto others that which you would not that others should do unto you." I am getting old, my earth life means but little to me, I do not care for the ridicule of the masses, or the scorn of the rulers. Having cast aside all fear and prejudice, and following the principles eternal in nature, by thought and reason ; which make a man above a brute ; I hope some day to be written as a fearless one, striving and hoping to help to turn the tide of thought of the masses, away from the false teachings of the ignorant or bigoted, selfish priesthood and rulers of the past, the dark ages, to the teachings of the great fact of natural law; the infinite, eternal, unchangeable, omni- present principles, inherent in nature, which are proven by the phenomena of nature, to be the great lights that are to enlighten the world, and from which all progress is derived. The great light of freedom, health, happiness and progress, can come only by and through a THE WORLD DOES MOVE in better knowledge and understanding of the grand and infinite principles of nature, and living in har- mony with them. Now there are many millions of people in the so called Christian countries who, after a careful in- vestigation of the Christian church teachings, have come to believe said teachings are not true, and they are no longer interested in them- perhaps they may like the principles of the golden rule, and many of them live upright noble lives, yet believing that death ends all for each individual ; or, that he who lives a good honest life, will neither be eternally tormented, nor compelled to play a harp and sing throughout eternity ; and they no longer investigate any religious teachings, and do not worry about the future, do not think there is any evidence that there is a life after the change called death. Still another class, neither believe in the Christian teachings, nor a future life, and do not care for anything in earth life but their pleasure, and do not try to curb their evil thoughts and acts. These are the source of a large part of our criminals and law breakers. Spiritualism is the only religion (if it rightly can be called religion) that demonstrates its teaching of spirit communion and the continuity of life, the only teaching that is in harmony with the eternal, unchangeable laws of nature, as demonstrated by natural phenomena. Now we have had spirit communion, spirit phenomena in all asres since we have had history to record it, the Bible is filled with it. If it were taken out of the Bible there would be but little left. According to the Bible, King Saul went to the Woman of Endor and communicated with the spirit of Samuel. Moses and Elias appeared on the mount of transfiguration; John the Revelator saw the Angel, and when he had seen and heard he fell down to worship at the feet of the angel, then said ii2 THE WORLD DOES MOVE he (the Angel) "see thou do it not, for I am thy fellow servant, and of thy brethren the prophets." Now, you can choose which you will accept, either these were spirit communications, or the Bible is false. Socrates had familiar spirits, Joan of Arc was guided by spirit power in her leadership to the free- dom of France, but she was condemned and burned at the stake, by the ignorant, bigoted priests and rulers of the time; but today France has been awakened to the fact that Joan of Arc was just what she claimed to be, and a monument to her memory has been erected on the same spot on which she was burned at the stake. Yes the world does move! Since the advent of modern Spiritualism there have come to be mediums in every civilized country, where the laws would allow them to manifest, giving forth the evidence of spirit communion under conditions that absolutely prove its truth. This phenomena does not purport to come from, or by the aid of, a personal, all wise and all power- ful God, but it does and always must come, as natural phenomena, and in harmony with the eternal, unchangeable principles of nature. These principles being eternal, unchangeable, omnipresent boundless and unlimited, we would call them infinite, and these principles cover all the phenomena of nature, that is ordinarily attributed to God or the Devil. These principles are not a personality, they can- not answer prayer, however prayers to the lost loved ones are many times answered, if they are of a spiritual nature and within the limits of spirit power. There is no religious teaching, that teaches higher morals or gives better reasons for living an upright life than Spiritualism. No other religion backs up its work and teachings, with the absolute proof of a future life, by means of present THE WORLD DOES MOVE 113 day demonstrations. No other religion is in harmony with the teachings of science, or in harmony with the underlying principles of natural law. Spiritualism teaches that every soul that lives on earth will live after the change called death, that we must outgrow our evil thoughts and wrong acts, that progression is a great and eternal principle in nature. If we lead evil lives , we will be in a low condition when we pass on, as it were, in a place of darkness. One of the greatest crimes against our own in- dividual soul is ignorance. The principles of eternal progress tells us that we will have to out- grow our ignorant and evil conditions as we ad- vance by progress after the change called death. We will attain more of happiness, when we have outgrown the remorse and suffering for the wrongs we have done. So Spiritualism teaches us to live to our highest and best, ever remembering that our loved ones can and do, know our good as well as our evil work. We should so live that they will still love us, and millions of Spiritualists have been made better men, and women, by these teachings. Now with best wishes for all the world, I can truly say the world does move. BENEDICTION Now from whatsoever source it may come, may the light of truth high and holy, rest on every soul, and lift us up to a better understanding, of the needs of humanity everywhere, making our own lives more full and sweet and the world better everywhere. 114 AFTER THE HUSKING BEE 'Twas on an Indian summer night, The moon was shining soft and bright, He asked her then to be his bride, And in her answer, she replied, If you will promise firm and true, That you'll not drink, nor smoke nor chew, Then I'll consent to marry you. I will, he said, say when my dear, Her answer was, another year, And at the biggest husking bee, Where all our neighbor friends can see, Then let the parson say the word, The sweetest one we ever heard, To make us one, through coming years, Of health or sickness, joy or tears. Let us agree before you go, That not a single soul shall know, But our fathers and mothers, see, To help us plan the husking bee, And when at last they came to part, A flood of joy was in each heart. *— THE YEAR—* The days grew short and the nights grew cold Old time in his flight, fast onward rolled, And it was not long till one early morn, When Robert was tending the growing corn, A quail on the fence called out "Bob White," Bob listened, then said "Twas a bird, all right," Just over the fields of fast growing corn, Was Jennie, at work, that same bright morn, When a Robin said, Miss Green, Jennie Green, Now scour your skillet, and scour it clean, And the days were hot, and the corn grew fast, Until it was ready to cut at last, And then in the shock it stood, to prine, Until it was Indian summer time, And every one said, that the biggest corn AFTER THE HUSKING BEE 115 They had ever seen grow, since they were born Was down by the woods, in Robert White's field, It was bound to show just a bumper yield. The love in Bob's heart, the corn seemed to know. That seemed to help it. It wanted to grow, And one cannot tell how much has been wrought, By giving to crops, a good loving thought. Twas late in the fall, the weather was fine, They figured it out, that the moon would shine, Then the word was sent out, that on Thursday night, There'd be a corn husking, for friend Bob White, All are invited, be sure that you come, You will miss a rare treat, by staying at home. From near and from far, the people turned out, More than a hundred, I haven't a doubt. They had been husking for two hours or more, And every one happy as ever before, A loud call was heard, and some one did say It is now almost ten, all come up this way, Form a circle, "around this pile of corn," And then came a blast from the old dinner horn, A signal for action, five minutes to ten, The guests all questioned its meaning, just then, But Robert and Jennie, stepped forward right there, The Parson soon made, just one, of the pair, Then came lemonade, and candy so sweet, And grapes and oranges, all you could eat, But not any wine, that's going too far, And not any beer, nor a single cigar. * —SUPPER— * The supper, roast turkey, with biscuit so white, With gravy spread over them, made them all right, With corn cakes, and sweet cakes and cookies galore, And pies of all kinds, six dozen or more. Then before going home, the guests had all said, Their blessings, to rest on the young couples head, Though Jennie had changed her color, that night, All felt that her record, would always be White. n6 AFTER THE HUSKING BEE * — LIFE — * The days have flown by and long years rolled away, Two girls and two boys have come to them to stay, And the girls are doing the house work, they say, Yes doing it all in a practical way, They are jewels, compared with some that I know, Who cannot bake pancakes, or stir up the dough. Who pimp up, read novels, as long as its light, While their mothers work hard, rom morning till night. The boys work the farm, they are husking to day, With gas engine outfit, in up-to-date way. So Robert and Jennie, are happy and free, Their load has been taken by others, you see, And just now, when they heard the gas engine chug, They met with a kiss, and part with a hug. Their life has been happy for all the long years, Though sometimes came sorrow and eyes filled with tears, And every one learned to respect old Bob White, For he had been honest, and tried to do right, And the whole life of her, who was Jennie Green, She kept like the skillet, exceedingly clean. And when they pass on, to the home o'er the way True love will go with them, for ever to stay, And they will be happy, at home o'er the tide, Through all the long journey, beyond the divide. H7 THOUGHTS ARE NOT THINGS Christ said "Ye are Gods" "God is within you" The God within must be, the living, thinking, conscious, entity, which can say, "I think, therefore 1 am." This God within seems to consist of a conscious, intelligent, Spirit. First Corinthians — XV and 44th. St Paul says "It is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body, there is a natural body, there is a spiritual body. Undoubtedly he meant a material body and a spiritual body. These words of St. Paul correspond with the teachings of Spiritualism, as proven today by natural, spiritual phenomena. The Spirit body then, is the home of the soul, the God within, which consists of at least three prime principles, which are eternal in nature, namely the Spirit principle, consciousness, by which we are aware of our existence, and intelligence by which we KNOW, understand and learn. If we did not have consciousness we could not know that we lived, and would be in the same con- dition as the tree seems to us to be, that is living, but without knowledge, that it is living; and still we would not know what we are, without intelli- gence, so while the body may actually live, while we are unconscious and do not know that we are living, yet we are practically dead if unconscious, at least, so far as we would know. When conscious, you have intelligence, and these three, Consciousness, Intelligence and Spirit, are you, the individual you, that in earth life, is living in your material body, not that you as a material body have got a soul, no not at all, but you as a living conscious soul, have got a material body, in which you are living. Again, this is in harmony n8 THOUGHTS ARE NOT THINGS with St Paul's teachings, also it agrees with Christ when he said "ye are Gods," "God is within you" etc. But this is not the kind of a God, that it is claimed has created the universe. This kind of a God is not a creator and we fully believe that this God, which I would call the soul of man, is the only thing known to man, that can of itself set energy in action, yet it cannot create anything that man can find. It has also grown to know more today, than it did in the years past, it will know more in twenty five, fifty or one hundred years, than it knows today. This God, the soul of man, is progressive, it is constantly seeking to know more of the eternal, un- changeable, omnipresent principles inherent in nature. At each step it reaches out into the great un- known, and brings back some truth, some knowledge for mortal man, then the human race takes one step forward and upward, but this ad- vance did not create something new, no not at all, it only discovered another fact, another truth, from among the infinite principles of nature, natural law. Once discovered and demonstrated to be true, it takes place with other standard knowledge, ready for acceptance BY SUCH AS WILL CONSIDER, ACCEPT AND USE IT, and thereby the world is made wiser, and this God, the soul of man, can add to his stock of knowledge, whenever he will make room for it in his soul. I said this kindof a God does not create anything, although it is the only thing known to man that can of itself start energy in action, by this I mean the soul principle, which we find in animals, as well as in man, but not so fully developed, but we do know that some animals think. Here I would refer to a teaching given forth by many Spiritualist speakers, that looks false to me, and that is, that "thoughts are things." THO UGHTS ARE NOT THINGS 1 19 If it were true, then the soul might be considered as a creator. But thoughts are not THINGS as I shall show. Thoughts are the RESULTS of things, they are the result, the effect, of mental or soul action, the same as sound is not a thing, it is the result, the effect produced by the action of something. To illustrate, suppose we are sawing wood with a circle saw- the saw cuts off a stick ; the saw acts, it does something; it saws off the stick, but the sawing is done. The sawing was not a thing, it was but the action of something, the stick is cut off, the sawing is done, the sawing ceases to be. The saw may still be running but not acting, but it is ready to act at any time, because, behind it is energy in action. So it is with the conscious soul, it sends forth it's thought, then ceases to act, or changes to some other thought, but it is constantly ready to act, as there is always energy at its command. A hammer, is a thing, so also is a bar of steel, with the hammer strike the steel bar, and a sound is produced, and if the bar is free to vibrate, it will produce a noise, a musical tone, if you please, but sound is not a thing, it is the result of the action of something, a vibration of the air, and when the bar ceases to vibrate the sound ceases. However sound can be recorded and reproduced, but the recorded is not the thing, not the sound, it is only a record, a track of it. The same can be said of thought, when a thought passes through your brain, it is gone, unless it is recorded somewhere. A thought may be recorded on the consciousness, the lambs book of life, or on the written or printed page, but the printed page is not the thought, it is but the record of it. If it were the thought then we could at once catch the thought from any printed page in whatever language it might be printed, which is positive evidence that the printed 120 THOUGHTS ARE NOT THINGS page is not the thought itself, but only the record of it, and we can receive the thought from it, only when we understand the language in which it is printed or written. However, I have no reason to doubt thought transference, or, as I would prefer to name it, Soul Communion, wherein the thought of one conscious soul sends out a thought wave which reaches another conscious soul, that is many miles away. Neither have I any doubt but that a soul that has departed the material body, can under proper con- ditions, send to a sensative soul still in the body, his thought, in fact I believe the body of this article was so received by me. That these things do occur, seems no more strange to me, than the fact that when two pianos are at a little distance apart, and with the strings in accurate tune with each other, the strings of one will respond to the music played on the other, giving forth the same music; but they are very sensitive, and must be in accurate tune, in order to reproduce perfectly. We find in the solid red sandstone of the pliocene age, the tracks of animals made when the rock was in a plastic state, but those tracks are not the animal, neither are they the animal's foot, it is but a record showing that an animal had walked across that rock when it was in a plastic state. The stone is a thing, the animals foot was a thing, but the track as a track, is not a thing it is but the result of the action of a thing. The rock is no longer olastic, the animal was gone a million years ago and more, yet the track, the record of his action, his walking still remains. We catch thought from the spoken word, the printed page, we catch it through the senses, largely through the senses of sight and hearing, we see the birds and flowers, the things of nature, and hear their many voices. The Camera with its quick eye, will make a THOUGHTS ARE NOT THINGS 121 negative on the sensative plate so wonderfully quick. Just help me to take a picture of that train running at 30 miles per hour, which will pass by just across the arm of this little lake, in a few moments. We must get our camera properly set and know just when to make the exposure, we must arrange the camera shutter to give only one five hundredth part of a second exposure, to prevent the movement of the train from bluring the picture, but at 30 miles per hour the train would move only about 57 thousandths of an inch, during the time of the exposure, which at this distance will make no per- ceptible difference. The Camera is set, the train is coming, and when the engine reaches a point directly between the camera and that old dry tree across the track, I will open the eye of the camera for only just one five hundredth part of a second, in order that the picture will not be blurred, for you see the negative plate is very sensative and it only takes a very little movement of the object to spoil a picture. We develop the negative, that is by a chemical process we solidify the plastic surface of that plate, just as the rays of light from that train and its surroundings has placed them in that wonderfully short time of one five hundredth part of a second, or at the rate of 30,000 per minute, this comparison of time shows how quickly the rays of light act to change the surface of that sensative plate. Now we have to work carefully, for if we allow a ray of light even though it be but a very faint ray to reach the negative plate before it is developed, it will in- jure or spoil the negative. Having completed the negative, that is having fastened the tracks made by the light on the sensative plate, even as the rocks became solid containing the tracks of the pre- historic animal, so this plate is made solid contain- ing the tracks of the light upon it. Then after the development of the negative, a strong light passing through the negative track, to 122 THOUGHTS ARE NOT THINGS a sensatized paper, makes a track, which when developed completes the photo. Now you will notice the picture is a fine one, you can see the letters on the engine and the cars, also the letters cast on the caps of the axle bearings, also the old man who sits at the open window, fast asleep, dreaming perhaps of his childhood home, or possibly taking in a picture of the great beyond, where he must go e'er long, to meet his long lost loved ones. We see even the wavelets on the water near the track, that were caused by the jar of the train, and in those wavelets also we see the clouded reflection of the train, a perfect picture, is our developed photo, yet this photo is only the reversed picture, of the reversed track, left on the sensative plate of the negative. Yes, the God within, has developed the method of taking these photos, during the last sixty five years, beginning with the old Daguerreotype, which was practically the first successful picture, yet this God within has not created anything. It has delved into the workings of nature and grasped a know- ledge of some of the eternal, unchangeable, omni- present principles of nature, in chemical action and the action of light, and by that knowledge has made a combination, by which light leaves its track, that could not be made and preserved except in a place of darkness, where the light could enter only through a small opening, during an almost im- perceptible period of time. Yet nothing has been created, all these things existed in nature in some form, long before the sensative plate or the camera was invented. The train and its surroundings were the things, that sent the rays of light to the camera leaving their track on the sensative plate. Yes, the Camera received the rays of light re- flected by that train and its surroundings, through its quickly opened and closed eye, which light so THOUGHTS ARE NOT THINGS 123 quickly changed the sensative substance on the surface of the plate leaving a much reduced but per- fect track, where the light had stepped upon it as it were, leaving every detail of the form of that rapidly moving train, and when the whole process is performed in perfect harmony with the eternal, unchangeable, omnipresent, principles of nature, a good picture is the result. Now I think that you will agree with me, that thoughts are not things, and that nothing as been created by anything referred to in my efforts to illustrate and explain. TO A FRIEND Oh little flash of sunlight Just reach across the way From those who know no darkness, In the great and perfect day. Oh may the lost ones ever Come close along your way, And give you peace and love, Through life's eternal day. 124 THE JOURNEY OF LIFE The Journey of life is a hard one, From Childhood to ripest old age, But all those who use their best judgment, In writing their history's page Have nothing to fear in the future, For reason and judgment's great plan, Is the highest endowment of mortals, That nature has given to man. Fear not when the journey is ending, If consciousness cease to exist, There'll be in the future, no sorrow, Or joy, by which to be blessed. If consciousness goes on forever, When into eternity hurled, We'll meet all our friends and our loved ones, With freedom's broad banners unfurled. And leave all our pain and our sickness, And hear not a sigh nor a moan, There'll be so much joy when we meat them, Our friends, our loved ones, our own. To journey on down through the ages, With all those dear friends that we love, And read natures laws from the pages, The bright ones have written above. We think of these pleasures extending, Throughout all eternities time, The beauties of nature all blending, Like flowers, in the summer land clime. We think of earth, how much better, If each one, but well understood, 'Twould free their own souls from wrong's fetters, By living lives noble and good. A blessing 'twould be to all mortals, For wrong would then injure no more, 'T would give us a glimpse through the portals, Where Angels swing open the door. 125 MEDIUMSHIP I am giving but little in this book along the line of Spiritual phenomena, but will give two more cases, the first I can vouch for, the second, a vision of mine. About twenty years ago, at a seance with the Materializing Medium known as Farmer Riley, who was a man of medium heighth and weight with rather round face and dark hair; twelve parties present. It was nearly time for the seance to begin., Mr. Riley opened the door in response to a rap, and found a lady and gentleman wishing to attend a seance. They were invited in, then the gentleman said "We have come from a long way off and do not wish to give our names and address until after the seance." Mr. Riley replied, "That is all right walk in." When the seance began three or four forms appeared which were easily recognized as Mr. Riley's Guides. Then after a few minutes the form of a tall heavy built man with very light complexion, white hair and long white beard, and long features, stepped from the cabinet. The two strangers arose at once and called him father, shook hands with him and talked for about five minutes, I think. I do not think a spoken reply was given, as that was not often the case in Mr. Riley's seances, although it did sometimes occur. The response by the Spirit was usually by nodding or shaking of the head or by gestures. A few minutes after the form stepped back in the cabinet, a slate was handed out for the gentleman, they read it and the gentleman said "The message is of no im- portance to anyone wife but my and myself, but I wish to say that it is written in my father's own hand writing and he spelled his name correctly and not one in a hundred ever did spell it right." A few minues later another form appeared, a 126 MEDIUMSHIP broad shouldered man of a little less than medium height, with long features, light complexion, white hair and beard, but beard not so long as that of the first form, but this form had absolutely no eyes, both eyeballs being gone, leaving only the sockets. The two strangers arose at once and called him Uncle Zelel, shook hands and talked with him for a little time. This sitting of the seance then closed, then a slate was found in the cabinet with the following message, "I am not blind in spirit but I had to appear in that way that you might recognize me." After the seance I asked, How about this man without eyes? They replied, "When he was a boy he met with an accident that caused the removal of both eyes, and neither of us ever saw him with eyes." The strangers lived at Manton, Mich., while the seance was held at Mr. Riley's home three miles west of Marcellus, Mich. I can vouch for the correctness of the above and also that the cabinet was absolutely proof against outside help, but the recognition of the eyeless man as connected with the fact that he lost his eyes while a boy etc, constitute the supreme evidence of spirit communion and materialization. Very respectfully, H. L. Chapman. * —A VISION— * In the early morning of the day the Germans made their last great strike for Paris, March 20th, 1918. I saw what at first looked like a Grape fruit, but it rapidly grew in size to hundreds of feet in height, a great yellow ball. Then I noticed it seemed to be rolling along quite rapidly for a time, then it slackened its pace and finally stoped. Then I noticed a great number of German soldiers, with their peculiar hats but they looked to be not more than one inch in height, MEDIUMSHIP 127 they crowded under the ball with their shoulders and hands trying hard to roll it along, they seemed to start it a little occasionally but it moved but very little ; then I saw a long knife or sword which seem- ed to be hundreds of feet in length ; it was coming towards the ball. It seemed to be rather unexpect- ed by the German soldiers, for as it seemed to come near, they seemed in a great rush trying extra hard to roll the ball forward, but could not, finally the long knife began to pick at the ball, lightly at first, but it was not long until great rents were made in it, and soon the ball collapsed or fell apart, a great empty shell and the German soldiers were gone. H. L. Chapman. This was related at once to several parties before we had heard anything of the German advance or anything was known pertaining to the results, the following are among those to whom related. Rena Chapman Myers, M. B. Welcher, Mrs .M. B. Welcher. SPIRIT PRESENCE E'er the evening lamps are lighted And night shadows fill the home Then I often feel the presence Of the lost ones round me come. And sometimes they seem to touch me, Give a thought, my heart to cheer, Then it is their love can reach me, As I sense them hovering near. 128 Mediumship, Scientists and Science Nature has taught through the ages, That LIFE does extend o'er the way, It's written on all history's pages, Yet is not accepted today. Yes, only a few million people, Have dared to express their own thought, Step out and away from the steeple, Where bigoted priesthood has taught. But liberty seeking for knowledge, Has given us freedom of thought, And light shining out from the College, Proved false the things ignorance taught. And yet a great light has been leading, While seventy years rolled away, Advancing, but never receding, Has proved that the soul lives for aye. It came not from Priest nor from College, It came through the lowly in life, In spite of professors of knowledge, Who fought it in every day strife. It came through the raps and the vision, Or sight of the clear seeing eye, Or voice from beyond the division, The home in the great by and by. And now since the facts have been proven, By Mediums, lowly, but true, That lost ones our loved ones in heaven, Do really come back to our view. Then Scientists, claim all the honor, Of giving the light to the world, Yet Spirits are always the donor, With Medium's banner's unfurled, SCIENTISTS AND SCIENCE 129 And Scientists, get secondhanded Like junk that is bought by the Jew, What Spirits to mortals have handed, Through prophets and seers, all new. Have Scientists not been in error, Through many a troublesome year, In fighting our cause as a terror, And teaching their doctrine of fear? And not until mediums taught it, Did they look beyond their dim light Of material things, but fought it, Until they were driven to right. And now they are trying to claim it, Although they have little to show, Compared with, "True Science" we name it, The truths that our Mediums know, It is time they awake and arise, Undoing the wrongs they have done, Let them sweep the cobwebs from their eyes And learn what our freedom has won. What is science? you ask me to say; It is knowledge of something, a fact, That will stand natures light, every way, And none can tear down by attack. And so our true science is standing, The scoffs and the jeers of the throng, That Scientists, long were commanding, But now they are singing our song. The man who receives from the spirit, And teaches just what he can see, Is giving, if you can but hear it, The Science, the tiuth that makes free. 130 SCIENTISTS AND SCIENCE The truth that to mortals is given, Through Mediums common and plain, Who give us the teachings of heaven, Instead of dread torture and pain. Give credit, we ask of the masses, To those to whom credit is due, Which comes not alone to the classes, It's given by nature to you. Awake and arise and receive it, The truth "that no soul can e'er die" A fact nature teaches, believe it And dry up the tear in your eye. Let TRUTH, lead you on to the portal, That NATURES GREAT LAW doth proclaim, Eternal, Unchanging, Immortal, THAT'S SCIENCE, and ever the same. When the truth is realy spoken What so e'er the words may be There is only one decision, Abide ye by it, and be free. Yes the truth, the right and kindness Should for all a guide post be, They would silence mighty cannon, That now roar beyond the sea. I3i CREATED OR ALWAYS EXISTED In coming before you this evening, I do not come as a professor of English, or an orator, I come as a common man a mechanic, a machinist. My language will be common language, with undoubtedly many errors. However the purpose of my coming is, to present in my weak way, a few statements, a few thoughts, not taken from any so called infallible book, or based on any unproved hypothesis. I shall endeavor to keep within the limits of truth, and back up every statement by historical or scientific facts, or by logical reasoning based on the Infinite, Eternal, Unchangeable, Omnipresent, principles inherent in nature. If I fail in this, I shall have failed in my purpose. Did you get the meaning of those words, Infinite, Eternal, Unchangeable, Omnipresent, principles inherent in nature? Infinite, because boundless, unlimited, Eternal; without beginning, and without ending. Unchange- able- immutable, yesterday today and forever the same. Omnipresent; everywhere present, no place where they are not. Principles; sometimes called natural law, which rules over and governs all things. Inherent in nature; a part of nature itself, and in- separable from it. The question we are to take up this evening is, "Was this universe created some eight thousand years ago, by an all wise and all powerful, personal God, as recorded in the Bible, or has it always existed in some form, of which old mother earth is a part, bearing records of millions of years, in her rocks, coal, mineral and other formations." This question dates back to the earliest reasoning and thinking man. Now we must not forget that truth alone can make us free. If we should all accept the Bible as being the i 3 2 CREATED OR ALWAYS EXISTED infallible word of an all wise, all powerful God, that would settle the matter for us, even though it was not true ; but we cannot agree, we find errors in the Bible, in fact we find disagreement and con- tradictions in it. We also find it disagrees with many of the demonstrated and established facts of nature, and it would seem to me, that an all wise God would surely teach that which would be in perfect harmony with the infinite, eternal, uncha?igeable principles in nature, especially if fie has created said principles as claimed. Now in-as-much as truth alone can make us free, let us try to cast aside all prejudice, all preconceived ideas, as to how this universe came to be, and care- fully weigh the evidence presented. Practically all the evidence we have that the universe was created from nothing, by an all wise, all powerful God in the form of a Man, is that recorded in the Bible itself. So we would offer a few words in regard to this, so called, infallible book, and how it has come down to us. First, I will refer to the doctrine of the Trinity, and how it was established. The Council of Nice was called by Constantine the Emperor of Rome, 325 years after Christ, with a view to establishing the teaching that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost, were all one and the same. However a man was present who spelled his name A-r-i-u-s, (note the spelling for a man who spelled his name A-r-i-a-s, lived some 1200 years later and took part in the Council of Trent) so do not mistake these names. Arius, was a Christian religious leader, with quite a liberal following, who claimed the Trinity could not be, for "the Father he said, must be older than the Son, and consequently they could not be one and the same." It is obvious, that if God the Father and God the CREATED OR ALWAYS EXISTED 133 Son, were both one and the same, and the Holy Vir- gin Mary, was the mother of God the Son, as set forth in the Bible, then she must also have been mother of God the Father, consequently older than God the Father, and must have lived before God the Father created the universe. It is a well known fact, that at the present time, the Catholic church worships the so called Virgin Mary, as the mother of God. After a considerable controversy over this question of the three in one God; Constantine banished Arius and some of his followers, and then proclaimed the Trinity as being established. While Constantine was a Pagan in belief, he un- doubtedly took this course to win favor, as the Christians adhering to the doctrine of the Trinity, were rapidly increasing in numbers, and he sought their approval and support. Constantine was considered a good ruler, yet if you will look up his history, you will undoubtedly find that either directly or indirectly, he put to death some parties in order that he might become the Emperor of Rome. This is a short sketch of how the doctrine of the Trinity was established. For further information see the history of the Council of Nice. Now a little theory, as to how the books of the Bible came to be called sacred writings. During the thousands of years past, if not today, any new discovery or invention, anything strange, has been credited to a personal God, or charged to a personal Devil. We might name several cases as when Galileo built his telescope and discovered that the earth was round and moved instead of being flat, and stationary, as taught by the church, the church con- demned him for stating that the earth was round and moved, and they compelled him to recant or suffer the penalty for heresy, which was imprison- ment, torture, and death, if he would not recant. 134 CREATED OR ALWAYS EXISTED The church believed that the sun, moon and stars went around the earth every twenty four hours. It has been stated by some one that it taught that the flat earth rested on the back of an immense turtle, in the great sea ; but what the turtle and the sea rested on, no one knew, and no one dared to ask, but later, we have found it rested on faith and fiction, supported by the dense ignorance of that age. They believed that one could walk to the edge of the earth and fall off if not careful. If the Bible story is true, then, thanks to old mother Eve and the serpent, for by them, we have come to know. Yes, the God within us, is constantly progressing, and the light, the truth, will eventually illumine the souls of men and women, until we shall know the truth, shall know good from evil, and shunning the evil, we will hold fast the good and the true, that will make us free. Only a few years ago there was a sect of people living near Elkhart, Indiana and a large colony in the state of Washington, who would not use a wind- mill for pumping water, for they said the wind was God's power. Even today, many things occur that are attributed to a personal God, but true and proven messages from our lost loved ones, are condemned by the church, and many others that are ignorant of the facts, as being the works of the Devil. These parties have not the courage to investigate and learn the truth, even though Jesus said, "try the spirits" also that "the truth shall make you free," and Paul said "To faith add knowledge." Now to go back to the Bible and how it came to be called "sacred writings." We will undoubtedly all agree, that at some re- mote period of time, some man conceived the idea of using written characters, to represent words, as in the Chinese language, or parts of words as in the English language. When he had designed the CREATED OR ALWAYS EXISTED 135 characters and taught them to others, then he could write a few characters on a piece of papyrus and send it by an ignorant message bearer and the recipient would read it, and give orders accordingly, then the ignorant people would say, a wonderful thing, undoubtedly God's work, sacred writings. Later every tribe or nation had their scribes, and their history to some extent, which were carefully preserved. Sacred? Yes it was easy to call that tribal history, sacred writings. The Council of Trent was called and first con- vened on the thirteenth day of December 1545, and their work was completed and confirmed on the tenth day of January 1564, showing that although they were not in constant session, they were eighteen years, reading the so called sacred writings received from the different scribes of the past. These writings called books, were each one read by the Monks and Priests of the Council, and then separately voted upon to decide whether they should be accepted as the infallible word of God or should be cast out and destroyed. Practically speaking, about one fourth of the books were accepted, by a majority vote, something over one half were cast out and burned, while something less than one fourth were undecided, there being a tie in the vote. These books could not be accepted as God's infallible work, neither could they be cast out and destroyed. They are known as the Apocryphal Old Bible and Apocryphal New Testament. This being the year 1922, you will notice that their work was completed and confirmed, only 358 years ago, when probably not more than one man in one thousand, could read or write ; that being near the end of the 1100 years of the dark ages, when men were not allowed to say one word that was not in harmony with the teachings of the church, under the penalty of imprisonment, torture or death, as in the case of Galileo, Bruno, Socrates and others. 136 CREATED OR ALWAYS EXISTED Now I would ask ; Why should not the intelligent people, the scientists and thinkers of today, have just as good a right and be just as capable of passing judgment on those books, as were the monks and priests, of the Council of Trent, in that ignorant day and age. Now listen, be careful and candid, be honest with yourself. DID THE VOTE OF THOSE MONKS AND PRIESTS, MAKE SOME OF THOSE BOOKS INFALLIBLE AND DOOM OTHERS TO DESTRUCTION? Read that again. Did an infinite a?id all wise God write those books? If so, did God s word need their criticism and decision"? Did it? Now for just one moment consider the fact, that the Apocryphal books, only lacked just one vote of becoming a part of God's infallible book. Oh! Oh! Is it not too bad there was not just one more, ignorant monk or priest there to vote in their favor? Note the following — A revision of the old Bible was accomplished in 792 days and was completed June 20th, 1881. The revision of the New Testament was a more exhaustive task, requiring 407 meetings, which lasted over a peroid of ten years. This new version was completed and present- ed to the convocation May 7th. 1881. Now if these books were the work of an all wise and all power- ful God, and his infallible word, given to man as a guide to save him from eternal torment, THEN WHY SHOULD MEN MEDDLE WITH IT, YES WHY? If those men had the right to correct or change God's infallible book, as they have done, then why should I be refused the right to question the authenticity of the book as they have changed it. Now just stop one moment and think, be careful, be honest, and ask yourself this question, IS THE BIBLE WHAT IT IS CLAIMED TO BE? IS IT INFALLIBLE? CREATED OR ALWAYS EXISTED 137 Now Science has practically demonstrated that it is impossible to make something from nothing, or to destroy a particle of material substance, burn it, or do what you will with it; it only changes form- it still exists. Probably the strongest argument tending to prove the existance of an all wise Creator of the universe, is based on the theory of design, or Paley's watch. The watch being a complicated piece of mechanism, required a designer. The argument is, the universe is a complicated mechanical arrangement, therefore, it required a designer. Now as to the watch, every principle of the watch existed inherent in nature, millions of years before man studied out and made the mechanism, these principles or natural laws, existed co-eternal with time and space. Now is there any probability that there ever was a time when all, or any part of the eternal, un- changeable principles inherent in nature did not exist? We think not. Another argument against the conservation of energy, is brought up in this way, they say "wind up a watch spring and fasten it, then throw it into a tumbler of acid which soon eats the spring up ; now where has the power gone, that was required to wind up that spring?" Right here we must not forget, that power, heat, and electricity are practically one and the same thing, AS EITHER ONE OF THESE WILL GENERATE THE OTHER TWO. In the case of the watch spring the power has gone into the acid in the form of heat or electricity. We must also remember that the material from which to construct anything, under the eternal un- changeable laws of nature, must be as great or greater than the thing being constructed. So God or his materials must have been as great as the 138 CREATED OR ALWAYS EXISTED universe, THEY COULD NOT BE GREATER. So it would be as great a stretch of the immagination to suppose that such a God created the universe, with all its laws, from absolutely nothing, as it would be to suppose that each feature of the universe with all its inherent laws or prin- ciples, has always existed in some form, and co- eternal with time and space, as science now demon- strates them to be. Then we must not forget, that to build, or con- struct something is not to create. Right here lam reminded of a pre-war plantation song and joke, which ran as follows. Dis world was made in six days and den dey make de sky, An den dey hanged it ober head and lef it dar to dry. An den dey made de sea and in it put de whale An den dey made de Raccoon wid a ring aroun his tail. All de oder animals wus finished one by one An struck against de fence to dry, as fas as dey wus done. Hey dere Brudder Jonsing, who, who made dat fence? Oh Brudder Zekil, dat am an auful question, fo a poo ole niggah like yo to ast, but I'll tell yo Brudder Zekil, dat fens was made by de blamdist, biggest, blackes niggah yo eber seed, now doan yo ast no mo questions bout dat. I introduce this because it shows the attitude of the church during the, ignorant past, which was "swallow it whole and ask no questions," and even today when asked why they do not investigate and know what Spiritualism teaches, they often reply, I don't want to know, the Bible is good enough for me. But to resume, we must remember the power re- quired to move a load, must always be greater that the resistance to be overcome. Thousands of so called perpetual motion CREATED OR ALWAYS EXISTED 139 machines have been built by fine mechanics, yet not one of them has ever worked, because of nature's great law, "it requires a power greater than the resistance to be overcome, before the machine would run itself," that is to say, one of the supreme principles in nature, prevented their working. I will just mention a few of the eternal principles inherent in nature. They are, Time, Space, Energy, Vibration, Attraction, Repulsion, Con- sciousness, Life, Spirit, Intelligence, Substance, etc. Time was, without beginning; Time now is; Time will be without ending. Space is boundless, endless, unlimited, nothing could exist without space in which to exist. Energy is the only source of power or motion. Now a personal God, in order to create the universe must have space in which to work, space for his work shop, and time in which to work. But, some one says, "this whole universe was spoken into existance." However, I would remind him that it could not have been spoken into existance, without first having the great, infinite, eternal principle of energy, in action, FOR EVERY THOUGHT THAT HAS EVER BEEN OR EVER WILL BE, HAS REQUIRED, OR WILL REQUIRE, ENERGY TO SET THE THOUGHT IN ACTION. Therefore, energy must have existed before any thing could be spoken into existance, and if this great unchangeable natural law, did exist, prior to the creation, THEN IT WAS NOT CREATED BY SUCH CREATOR. The prime principle, "Energy" has existed co-eternal with time and space. Gravity, attraction and repulsion, are principles in nature that have existed since the principle of material substance has existed, which undoubtedly is co-eternal with time and space, and these principles are each a form of active energy. However energy may lie dormant, as in the lump of coal, the muscles of animals or man, and of itself, 140 CREATED OR ALWAYS EXISTED it is unable to act. The soul principle, seems to be the only thing in nature that in and of itself, has the power to set energy in action. The soul principle is, a combination of the principles of Life, Spirit, Consciousness and Intelligence, and is the source of thought and action. The Spiritualists declaration of principles states, "we believe in infinite intelligence" some call it God, but to me the word "soul" seems to be the right word. For the word "God" is used in connection with a supposed personality in the form of a man, and the creator of the universe, which the infinite principles inherent in nature deny. Now it is a self evident fact, that there could not have been space, when time was not, neither could there have been a time, when space was not, neither can such a condition ever occur. Therefore, time, space and the laws inherent in time and space that govern them, are infinite, eternal, unlimited, without beginning and will be without ending, so they could not have been created by an all wise personal God, as he would have had no time and space in which to work. Again, I will refer to the so called Holy Virgin Mary as being the mother of God the Son, and God the Father; and if such was the case, then she must have lived, must have existed, before God the Father was born ; consequently before time and space were, or else God the Father was not the creator of time and space and the laws governing them, and if he was the creator, -where was his mother prior to the creation, as there must have been absolutely nothing, if there was not time and space. Now some would say that without a God to govern, every thing would be run by chance. One says, "yonder stands a high rock, but at its base are large fragments that have fallen from it, earthquake shocks, and storms beating upon it have CREATED OR ALWAYS EXISTED 141 loosened the fallen parts, purely the work of chance." This party forgets that the storms, the earthquake shocks, the frost, the heat and all the elements, are acting under natural law governing them and their action. Not a piece of stone nor a grain of sand has moved from that rock, that did not move in harmony with natural law, with sufficient energy to cause it to move. Now nature does some wonderful things, did you ever see a thistle seed, with its papus or thistle down, to which it is attached by nature, natural law. It floats away on the breeze and somewhere finds a resting place. Its resting place was not predestin- ed, neither was it guided by a personal God watch- ing over it, but the action of the breeze on its downy structure, and the force of gravity, each acting under natural law, finally placed that thistle seed. All purely the work of natural law. What is natural law? It is not a spoken or written command or rule. Natural laws are the Infinite, Eternal, Unchangeable Omnipresent principles inherent in and inseparable from nature throughout the universe. I will endeavor to illustrate by the law governing mathematics, we say two and two equal four, we do not say this because man has demonstrated it to be true, but because it is an eternal, unchangeable, omnipresent principle in nature, that man cannot change. Again, in mechanics, in all the many thousands of complicated machines, for doing the various kinds of work, every moving piece must woik in harmony with the Infinite principles of nature or the machine will not work. At least no man ever invented a machine that worked, that was not in harmony with the unchangeable principles of nature. Inventors first decide what they wish their machines to accomplish, then they study the natural 142 CREATED OR ALWAYS EXISTED law governing mechanics, and devise mechanism that will work in harmony with those laws to accomplish the desired results. Marconi, first discovered a certain principle ir the action of electric currents; he then decided that he could transmit signals without a wire ; he then devised the mechanism by which to transmit and receive such signals thus completing the wireless telegraph. He could not have done this had he not known and understood those principles. Chemists have also learned much in regard to the laws governing chemicals and their combinations, and can produce combinations that accurately give the same results. Now we find that the unchangeable laws of nature, govern all things, as science proves; then if a personal God has created these laws, he has put himself out of a job, and is no longer the governing power in nature, for law governs all. Now it might not be out of place to mention something about the dimensions of the universe, which it was said, God created in six days. That you may better comprehend distance, I would have you take a little trip with me. Suppose we start now from the City of South Bend, Indiana, and go on a fast train running at sixty miles per hour with- out a single stop. We would soon reach Chicago and going on and on, at the same rate we would soon cross the Mississippi river and then the Missouri river, and then over the great western prairie and up over the mountains, we soon land in SanFrancisco, California. Quite a trip. Few who have never been over the road can comprehend the distance, 2228 miles. Time at sixty miles per hour without a single stop, SIY2 hours. Now let us make a comparison, light travels at the rate of 186,000 miles per second, LIGHT WOULD HAVE MADE THE DISTANCE TO SANFRANCISCO IN LESS THAN ONE EIGHTIETH PART OF A SECOND. CREATED OR ALWAYS EXISTED 143 Now think of going to SanFrancisco and back, forty times in one second of time Now since we are in SanFrancisco, let us go up to the Mount Lowe Observatory and look out yonder into space, in either direction to a star so far away, that light traveling constantly at this rapid rate, would require fifty years or more to reach this little earth, and yet looking in all directions we see but a wee small corner of the universe, and astronomers know, that away out beyond the stars we have looked at are mighty suns, so large that they could not pass between our earth and our sun. Can we doubt the astronomers? I think hardly, for they measure time, speed and distance so closely and accurately, that they can tell you to a minute when an eclipse will occur, or a comet appear, that has gone out beyond the reach of their mighty telescopes, even though many times they are gone for many years. Astronomers understand the natural laws govern- ing time, speed, distance etc, hence the remarkable accuracy with which they determine many things. Now I believe those who have followed me closely will see that the statements I have made, are based on established facts, or logical reasoning, which takes us away from the idea of special creation, and into the field of eternal existance, in other words, into the knowledge that all things, in some form were co-eternal with time and space. To me it seems to be a proven fact, and on such evidence we will rest our claim, that all things have always existed in some form. Now some might say, if this be true, it would preclude the idea of the continuity of life. How- ever, creation signifies a beginning and consequently an ending, while the continuity of life depends on the continued existance of the infinite principles of Life, Spirit, Consciousness and Intelligence, which subject I shall handle in a later lecture. 144 MICHIGAN PIONEER HOME The country was new, and with trees all around, O'er near all the country the forest was dense; And hardly a settler was there to be found, Who had cleared up a field or builded a fence. Way back in the forest so silent and lone, Each pioneer father was clearing a field: And building a house of the trees he cut down, So then they might see what the country would yield. And so one by one, the settlers came in, And each one brought with him, his rifle and ax; They builded them houses of logs hewn within, Roofed them over with shake, and chinked up the cracks. They plastered the chinking all over with mud, They split open logs and laid down for a floor, Their rifles supplied them with venison for food, For then deer, quite often came right to the door. Some had one small window, they seldom had more, Quite often their homes had no window at all, Without a partition, they used the first floor, For dining room, kitchen, for bedroom and hall. They generally had just a couple of doors, Wood hinges and latch, that was worked with a string, And o'er the front door two big holes they would bore, And drive in some pins, to form a gun sling. A fire place was built with a hearth of flat stone, With chimney outside, built of stone, sticks and mud; Inside in the pot on the crane, was a bone, Of venison or bear, they were cooking for food. On one side, some long pins were put in the wall, And boards laid upon them, a cupboard to make, Their boards were not sawed, but with froe, ax and maul, MICHIGAN PIONEER HOME 145 They were split from the basswood, or oak, they were shake. And somewhere near by, two more pins were put up, To lay a shelf on for the old water pail, 'Twas pins for their clothing, a pin for the cup, 'Twas pins all around, for they had not a nail. Their bedsteads they builded by boring in floor, And put in some crotches about two feet high, And then some more holes in the wall they would bore, And put in some poles, in the crotches to lie. Then over this frame work, some brush they would lay For springs, that they covered by common marsh hay, They rested there well, so I often heard said, And this was the best kind of pioneers bed. Their tables of puncheon were made, like the floor, The parts pinned together to make them more strong, Instead of turned legs were wood pins as before, Their tables were generally narrow and long. The stoop, as they called it, was a wide projection, That ran the whole length of the house on one side, And for winter's, wood was quite a protection, And when 'twas well filled, you would think them supplied. The men would work hard all day in the chopping. And when it was night they would come in so tired, But next day would go back, and so without stopping, They cleared their own farms for 'twas seldom they hired, The women spun yarn and did all their own weaving To make all the clothes that they then had to wear, 146 MICHIGAN PIONEER HOME To say they worked hard, would not be deceiving, Such great inconveniences, they had to bear. Their houses were rough, their furniture heavy, In those days, no stoves had been made for the cook, They baked in the kettle in which they made gravy, They taught all the children to read, from one book. They had no nice chairs, but the men made some stools, Of puncheon and pins, the material raw, The froe, ax, auger and maul were their tools, With sometimes a hammer and sometimes a saw. In good olden times, by history's first pages, They were happier then than we can be now, I think it would puzzle the saints and the sages, To tell us the reason, the why, and the how. So honest and upright, they tried to do right, And never attempted their neighbors to wrong And that was one reason their hearts were so light, Their conscience was clear, and that helped them along. But later came days of ague and fever, And Michigan gained for sickness much fame, 111 and discouraged so many did leave her, But spite of all that, she gained a good name. When sickness or trouble came on a neighbor Though they were sometimes fully ten miles away They would go for assistance, giving their labor, Not stopping to think of dollars, for pay. Yes, that was their way, and I think it was right, They trusted each other, with never a doubt, If weary and hungry, you called in the night, You always would find the latch string left out. 147 THE GOD OF GENESIS OR INFIN- ITE INTELLIGENCE Written in the gear 1900 When I first saw the Declaration of principles of the National Spiritual Association, I thought, is it possible that our glorious teachings of Spirit Communion and Continuity of life, has been handed over to the God of Genesis? I believe in intelligence as a principle in nature, which principle being boundless, unlimited, I would call Infinite, hence Infinite Intelligence. But I cannot accept Infinite Intelligence as set forth in N. S. A., declaration of principles which reads as follows (section 2.) "We believe that the phenom- ena of nature, physical and spiritual, are the ex- pression of Infinite Intelligence." As Spiritualists, do we believe that statement? Un- doubtedly some do, but certainly many do not. Hence I am writing this article, to make it as plain as I possibly can, how some of us look at it, and why, for we have our reasons why. Infinite means, boundless, unlimited, eternal; hence there certainly could be no Intelligence OUT- SIDE the infinite. Neither could there be any division into parts, else there could be no infinite, as neither one of two parts can be all ; but we cannot consider man's intelligence as being infinite. But it is said man's intelligence is within, and a part of the infinite. Very well, then we will say, as infinite means all, then man's intelligence is a part of the infinite. Then if there is Infinite Intelligence, it could not possibly be but one intelligence. It must cover the whole universe, it must have knowledge of all that ever has been, all that now is, and all that will be in the endless aeons of time yet 148 GOD OF GENESIS OR INFINITE INTELLIGENCE to come, else it is not infinite. But, says some one, intelligence is not knowledge, but capacity to know. If infinite intelligence is the designer and creator of all things, which it must be, if all the phenomena of nature is but its expression, then it must have known what it was designing, it must have done all these things with knowledge of what it was doing, else the argument of design in nature, has no force. And, if it has produced all the phenomena of nature, we also must conclude that its power is infinite. And we infer that it must be a something, possessed of all power and all know- ledge. I do not wish to say an Infinite Intelligence, and as I am not a grammarian, I would ask, what word shall I put before that "Infinite Intelligence'' when referring to it; AN would signify that there might be more than one; THE Infinite Intelligence, would that be proper? It surely means only one, and it certainly can not mean less than one, a single individual one. Well let us see. The Infinite Intelligence, the one who by his knowledge and power has created all things, certainly must know what he has created. He, she, or it, must certainly know all that man knows, and like man he must be conscious that he is, conscious that he exists, and can say I am, else his knowledge or capacity for know- ledge, is less than that of man, and hence could not be infinite. SOLILOQUY I the conscious Infinite Intelligence am. I the conscious Infinite Intelligence, having infinite power, and knowledge of all that ever was, is now, or is to be, have created the universe, including birds, fishes, reptiles, insects and animals, all these have I endowed with the sense of pain, have made the teeth of ferocious animals to tear and lacerate quivering flesh, made them to kill and feed, one upon another, made them to suffer all the horrors of death from starvation and disease, which suffering has GOD OF GENESIS OR INFINITE INTELLIGENCE 149 been upon all the billions upon billions of sensitive creatures, through all the ages of the untold past, and I the all wise and all powerful, allow it to continue, yes, and with a full knowledge that they should thus suffer, under the laws and conditions in which I have placed them. I have created good, and I have created evil, I have created man, as above the animals, in my own image created I him, in that, like me, he has intelligence. I have created conditions of happiness for man, also conditions of sickness, sorrow, misery, pain, all the ills that flesh is heir to, aye, more than this, for he must bear that soul sorrow, that mental anguish which is inseparable from his intelligence, under the conditions in which I have placed him. I know man will call me a fiend for creating all these myriad forms of living sentient creatures, subject to the conditions in which I have placed them. Man knows I have committed a greater wrong in creating him, subject to all this suffering and sorrow, than he could possibly have committed. Man's intelligence tells him that I would be more loving, and just if I would blot out every spark of ccnsciousness,rather than let it go on under my guid- ance with all this suffering, torture and starvation, this killing of honest patriotic Boers, who fight for their homes, their families and native land, this kill- ing of Filipinos because their skin is black or because they refuse to turn over their rights and freedom to foreigners, this killing in China because they desire a quiet life free from the discord and evils that come with those that believe on me. But I, the all wise and all powerful, have created them, I produce all the phenomena of nature, both physical and spiritual. I am, that I am, by my mighty arm will I do, that I will do, for mine is the knowledge, the power, and the glory for ever and ever, amen. PROSPERITY Oh say, what is prosperity, can anybody tell? And can we take its measurement, where bank accounts do swell? Or shall we find prosperity sent broadcast o'er the land In broad and fertile acres, and in homes that look so grand? Or shall we look to factory with smoke stack towering high, And sending forth its coal smoke, when the winds go whirling by? Or shall we find prosperity in Merchants profits rare, Or is it in the gold mine of the mountain regions bare? Or does the Lawyer win it when he makes ground- less plea Just for the cash, that's in it, from a crook of high degree ? Or is it with the Banker lord, who takes more than his share Of interest, on the money that you deposit there? I've looked the country over for prosperity today, But some way it evades me, for it always gets away. For he who gives a long life work, to hoarding wealth or gold Has really not been prosperous, when all the story's told, For no one seems contented in the factory, mill or store Or on the farm, or in the bank, or offices galore. Excuse me for a moment sir, there's one that I for- got, He lives down by the road side, in a humble little cot, He has a little garden there, and raises things to eat, PROSPERITY 151 He has a flock of chickens too, and pigs, to furnish meat, A cow to furnish milk to use, and butter, some to sell, And that they all are happy there, most any one can tell, They have not sought for gold or wealth, that was not quite their rule, Their children are progressing, and they always go to school, They have true friends in plenty too, their love is true and strong Their children are two jewels bright, their hearts are filled with song, They have all common comforts, are, CONTENTED as you see And that, is the full meaning, of the word "prosperity." 152 OBJECTIVE am/ SUBJECTIVE MIND There has been much said in regard to the Subjective Mind, especially by the opponents of Spiritualism, claiming that the subjective mind is the source of all the communications received through our mediums. Yet I do not think they have ever, in a single case, proven that any message has ever b°en given by the subjective mind in the form of words spoken in any language. Professor Hudson, in his book on psychic science, sets up the hypothesis, that "all Spirit communi- cations could be accounted for, as the work of the subjective mind," but he failed to produce the evi- dence to prove it true. Yet the world at large has taken this unproved hypothesis, as being true, and with that as a basis, has brought all kinds of arguments to bear against Spiritualism. However Hudson himself says, (Page 21 Psychic Science) "The most that can be said of any scientific hypothesis is, that whether it is true in the abstract or not, every thing happens as if it were true, when this test of universality is applied. When no known fact remains that is not explained by it, the world is justified in assuming it to be true, and deducting from it, even the most momentous conclusions, if, on the other hand there is one fact, pertaining to the subject matter under consideration, which remains outside the domain of the hypothesis, or which is unexplained by it, it is indubitable evidence that the hypothesis is unsafe, untrue, and consequently worthless for all practical purposes of sound reasoning." Now this unproven hypothesis on which Mr. Hud- son has based his claims has sorely failed, since the scientists and thinkers among Spiritualists have found many communications from the spirit side of OBJECTIVE AND SUBJECTIVE MIND 153 life, that could not possibly be accounted for in that way, or in any other way except by the fact of Spirit communion. A simple example. After an evening meeting- when on the way home a lady and gentleman were walking just ahead of my wife and myself, when the Indian guide of the lady came to her and said, "I see a shiner" which is the word often used meaning money. The lady while under control of the Indian guide, kept talking about it while we were walking twenty rods or more. I asked "is it a big shiner or a little one?" the reply was "not big, not little, we get it pretty quick" Suddenly the lady stopped and speaking to her husband said" I see shiner down there, you get it," her husband said "I don't see any shiner, come on," the guide insisted on his getting the shiner, but when he would not, the lady stooped over and picked up a halfdollar from under the dust in the road. Now some one had lost that half dollar and no one knew where it was lost, no objective or subjective mind could have told the medium where it was, for absolutely no one ever knew. The Indian guide had found it where it was covered from sight by the dust of the road we were crossing, there was no reading of any one's mind to find it, the only reasonable way to account for finding it, is by Spirit communion. This lady was not a pro- fessional medium, yet often gave communications that were truthful and reliable. Second example. During the Civil war a political speaker stopped over nieht with a man whom we will call Mr. Johns, of Volinia Township, Cass County, Mich. In the morniner before going away he gave to Mr. Johns a very old coin, which Mr. Johns placed in a clock as a keepsake. One spring morning three or four years later, a little grandson asked for something to play with, 154 OBJECTIVE AND SUBJECTIVE MIND and was given this old coin, which he called a penny. It was garden making time, and after a few minutes, fearing he might lose the coin, they asked him where it was, and he said he had planted it, and tried to show them where he had planted it. The older ones searched a long time for it but finally gave it up as lost. The little boy with his parents moved to northern Michigan and made for themselves a home there, the little boy passed away at about twelve years of age. About the year 1908, his mother came to Volinia to visit the old friends, and while there attended a seance with a medium by the name of E. Huff, who still lives in that vicinity, and does some wonderful work, (address Ed. Huff, Volinia, Mich.) The Spirit of the little Johns boy came and asked his mother if she remembered the time he planted the penny, she said she did, and considered this a wonderful test, as there was no one there who knew anything in regard to the incident except herself. A few minutes later the Indian guide said to Mrs. Johns "if you with others will go, I will find the penny for you," this was agreed to and they drove about two miles and were stopped by the Spirit Indian guide. About forty rods from the house, the horses were hitched and a circle was formed in the road, then they started for the place on foot, but one of the parties knowing a big savage dog was there, asked the Spirit guide "What will we do if the dog comes after u?" The Indian guide replied, don't be afraid of that, I will take care of the dog. A small bright light went before them, and when near the house it began to circle around over the ground and finally settled down, and the guide said "dig." At that time and place there was a heavy sod, but with a butcher knife, brought by one of the parties, thinking it might be needed, they soon cut the sod and dug down about six inches, when the guide OBJECTIVE AND SUBJECTIVE MIND 155 said "get it now". Then the mother reached down and at the very first grab, she said "I've got it, I've got it," and she held it in her hand with the dirt until they arrived at the home where the circle was held. They had found the same coin, the boy had planted there, over forty years before. Now whose subjective mind gave the information leading to the discovery of that coin, absolutely no one on earth knew its location,without some positive information how could the light locate it so accurately that a little hole cut through the sod was in exactly the proper place to secure the coin.? The Dog did not bother them. How about the light that goes ahead of this medium and points out the location of different things, as in this case.? Prof. Hudson's hypothesis does not account for it, nothing accounts for it but Spirit power; Spirit communion. If there is any other way to account for it, let the real evidence be produced, for we want the truth, the facts, not simply faith or fiction. What do we know about the subjective mind? First, we know its action seems to be, at least, largely automatic and that it is not governed to any considerable extent, by our objective mind. How- ever we do admit that a spoken suggestion may, or may not be, accepted and acted upon by it. Second, we know it controls the entire laboratory of the physical structure that it acts in an un- conscious manner. It largely controls our breath- ing, yet our breathing is subject to change by our conscious thought, that is, we may take a long, deep, full breath, or a short one at will. We should all endeavor to breath more full and deep, for usually we do not get as much oxygen to our lungs, as we should in order to bum the food we eat into blood or building materials, with which to rebuild the parts of the body that have been torn down by illness or by work. Many times we need 156 OBJECTIVE AND SUBJECTIVE MINDS more air, more oxygen, to make us strong and healthy. Now we might ask the subconscious mind to do this deep breathing for us, but the chances are, that the subconscious mind would not act on the spoken suggestion, but if we will practice deep breathing for a few moments three or four times each day, the subjective mind will usually act on that kind of a suggestion. It will seem to see, as it were, the need or demand for more breathing capacity, and will usually get to work quite promptly to prepare for it, or provide it, by causing the lung cells to expand, or fill, to a greater extent. Third, we know that our subconscious mind has builded our bodies from the very first. We knozu the brain was builded by the subconscious mind, and that the body was not builded by the brain. It is a well known fact among those who have read and studied along the line, that some of our great Scientists, Physicians and Psychologists have determined beyond a question of doubt, that there are certain parts of the brain which are independent and separate from that part of the brain through which our conscious thoughts flow, and our reason- ing minds act on the physical structure. For instance, we are not able thoughtfully to con- trol the beating of the heart, or the action of the liver or many other similar activities of the physical structure. Then again, we do find that in ordinary breath- ing, we do not think of nor control it, yet by thought we can take a long, deep breath or a quick, short one, just as we will, to do. So that part of the brain that governs the breath- ing, seems to be as it were, on the border line be- tween the conscious and subconscious mind, and can be acted upon by either part of our mentality. Scientists have found that by severing the nerve leading from a certain part or point in the brain to OBJECTIVE AND SUBJECTIVE MIND 157 the heart, the heart ceases to act. The same can be said of the liver and other organs, but these we do not control by our thoughts. To sever the nerves that connect the brain to the vocal organs, or from the brain to the various muscles that we control at will, and we can no longer control them. It seems that scientists can only follow the cause of the action of the physical body, back to the brain, that is, only as far as the material contact can be traced, hence they claim that the brain not only controls the entire physical structure, but that the brain is the source of thought. They fail to find any cause for, or originator of thought, outside or back of the brain. Herein comes the great something, which we call Life and Spirit, which together with Consciousness and Intelligence constitutes our conscious, thinking, reasoning mind, also that part of the mind which con- trols the laboratory of the physical structure in an unconscious manner. The Scientists do not find the connection between the brain and the life principle, the spirit, neither, can they connect it with the conscious living entity that can say I think, therefore I am. They fail to find that the life and Spirit principle in man has builded the brain and body, even as the life principle in the grain of wheat. The germ contains within itself, not only the life principle; but enfolded in it is the entire form, principle, the Spirit as it were, of the full grown and ripened wheat. We know that if the life of that germ be destroy- ed, it will not grow, and we also know that if it were not for that form, or Spirit principle, if it did grow, there would be no certainty as to what the plant might be. We know this because there are millions of seeds of various kinds, and if they grow the form principle causes them to produce, or build upon T58 OBJECTIVE AND SUBJECTIVE MINDS that form principle, or spirit body, the entire structure of the matured plant, or animal, or the human structure. That spirit principle is what always determines the form, and nature of the animal, or the man. The spirit body exists prior to the material body, which it builds in the image of the spirit, the soul, the God within. So we find the brain is but a reflector of thought, and not its originator, the brain is builded by the priiiciples of life a?id spirit. Yes we find in every living thing, the two principles of life and spirit, which existed, prior to the thing itself. Yonder stands a large chestnut tree. Every spring for over fifty years, it blossomed profusely, and the hulls or burrs formed, sometimes exten- sively ; and one would think there would be bushels of ripened chestnuts in the fall, but there was not; now the question came up, why are there never any chestnuts on this tree, simply because that tree only contained the one principle which we will call the life principle; because the burrs formed and the chestnuts formed complete, only they were not filled with meat, for the reason that those blossoms had not received the great principle of Spirit; because there was not another tree for many miles around, from which the pollen from the other tree could reach the blossoms, whereby the two principles of Life and Spirit could combine to produce the com- plete nut. The life principle had done its part in forming the burrs and outward form of the nut, the real purpose of the growth of the burr, or husk, was to protect and preserve the meat, the spirit, together with the life principle, which the completed nut contains. However, several miles away, a gentleman plant- ed a small chestunt grove and when it had begun to bear fruit, then the old tree would occasionally OBJECTIVE AND SUBJECTIVE MINDS 159 produce a very few perfect nuts; later a tree was planted near by, and when it had begun to blossom the old tree seemed to awaken to a new life, and in a very few years, it produced abundantly. This is evidence to me that the two principles of Life and Spirit, are always combined wherever life exists in a germ, a seed that will grow, and that it always exists prior to the com- pleted form, and is the real builder of that form. Now in the thinking, reasoning world, we find two other eternal principles are combined with life and spirit, namely the principles of Consciousness and Intelligence. Without consciousness, you are in- active, dead, you cannot sense pain from an injury, you cannot sense that you exist, while unconscious. When consciousness is combined with intelligence then you can do more than to sense pain ; you can then think, and will what you will do. Now these four principles are boundless, un- limited, so we call them infinite. Now do not con- fuse the meaning of the word "Infinite" with the meaning of the word "Divine" (which latter word means a personal God, that has power to create and rule over things) for Nature does not seem to teach that there is, or ever has been, such a divine creator and ruler. But what nature does teach is, that all the infinite, eternal, unchangeable, principles of nature, lead us onward and upward along the line of evolutionary progress, until we reach the soul of man, that can say I think, therefore I am. I can will what I will do. I can will what course I will pursue. I can will to live after the change called death, for in every part and principle I am eternal. I can will to be good or to be evil. Good is eternal, because it is in harmony with' the infinite principles of nature, being in harmony with these principles is what makes it good. Evil or wrong is not eternal, because it is not in 160 OBJECTIVE AND SUBJECTIVE MINDS harmony with the infinite principles of nature, and that is the reason why it is wrong or evil, and so it is. the truth shall make you free, for truth is always in harmony with nature. You desire to live after the change called death, you can live after the change called death, because you are a living soul, which consists of the eternal principles of nature, and which soul is the only thing that can of itself set energy in action to do that which it wills to do. All animal life is conscious and intelligent to some degree, and desires to live. It can will what it will do. It wills to continue its life as a spirit, free from the ills and corruptions of the flesh, which will power, is always in proportion to its conscious intelligence,which in itself is the power to will. The soul can will strength and health to the body, but it cannot entirely overcome the disintegration of the unthinking material substance of which, the body is composed, but by its Conscious Intelligence, it can will the Subconscious Life principle, the Sub- conscious mind to act in harmony with the prin- ciples of nature, to restore, sustain, strengthen and give health, and thus continue the earth life much beyond the present limit. Thus the soul, the God within, is the great healer. When once we learn to use subconscious mind in the proper way, by understanding its action, then medicines will largely disappear, for medicines never heal, they may over- come or neutralize a poison in the system, but nature, by and through the soul forces, in other words, by the action of the subconscious self re- builds the weakened or torn down parts of the body in every case of healing. So we see the brain is but a reflector, reflecting thought waves from your conscious soul, to my conscious soul, and from my soul to your soul. The brain grows or expands in a manner similar to other parts of the body. When the objective OBJECTIVE AND SUBJECTIVE MINDS 161 mind acts on any one line of thought for considerable time, that part of the brain that is reflecting that line of thought, grows stronger, and the unused part of the brain grows weaker, probably not larger or smaller in bulk, but more active, stronger, or slower and weaker, as the case may be. To illustrate, if you carry your arm in a sling, although it is perfectly well, you will find at the end of sixty days, the muscles have become reduced, and the arm has become weak. On the other hand, if you exercise your arms giving them extra work to do, they grow stronger. Notice the prize fighter after training, or the black- smith who handles the heavy hammer. The exercise of the brain has practically the same effect on itself as the action of the arm does. Exercise of the body strengthens it, and with a liberal and broad full action of the brain and body health is better, and the earth life undoubtedly extended. But we find today, there are many people who use the objective mind but little, do but little think- ing, except possibly along the line of money getting, or how they can best beat their neighbors; and their brain is dwarfed in other directions, and this is undoubtedly the cause of much crime, legal steal- ing (called sharp practice) which has made many millionaires at the expense of the hard working common people. Then among the common people we find those who would follow the example of the legal highwayman, but being unable to do so, they brood over such things until they are ready and willing to risk the chances of the illegal highway- man; hence the present great crime wave. Now this subconscious mind carries on the entire process of carrying out of the system, those particles of the physical structure, that have been torn down by sickness, work, or other action of any 162 OBJECTIVE AND SUBJECTIVE MIND kind, and we must remember that every action, motion, or thought, tears down and destroys some part of the structure. This same subconscious mind, also has full control of the laboratory in which the foods we eat are prepared for use in rebuilding the parts torn down ; as well as sending them to, and placing them properly, where needed to build new, or to rebuild, where parts have been torn down. IT IS THE REAL HEALER IN NATURE, if you could ask it to heal you when ill, many times it could do so. There are three ways in which help has often been received, the first, based on the Materialistic belief that the brain is the source of thought, you may when retiring and in the best possible position for rest, repeat, "I can be well, I can be strong, successful and happy," repeating, or thinking it until you fall asleep. This, frequently, reaches the subconscious mind, and sets it in action to heal. Second, knowing that there are Spirit friends around and about us, talk to them as if you were talking to a friend or physician in earth life, and ask them to come and help you to overcome or remove your trouble while you sleep. This we know from actual experience has done some wonderful work when continued every night for a time. Third, when a healing medium, by the assistance of his guides locates the pain or disease, and by his magnetic power, changes the magnetic condition of the patient, thereby giving him some extra strength, and giving directions to the conscious and sub- conscious mind, by strong suggestions, asking for, or even commanding health, and strength; then it frequently occurs that relief comes quickly and permanently. This I positively know from actual experience in healing. Your subconscious mind will do this without ask- ing your conscious or objective mind a single OBJECTIVE AND SUBJECTIVE MIND 163 question. Not one. However, it will remind you that you need food from time to time, not by speaking to you, but by a sense of hunger, or sometimes, by an intense desire or craving for some special food, or special material, which is needed to rebuild some part of the body, which materials are not found in the regular food being eaten. Example, A brother-in-law of mine, after several days of illness came to my home. The doctor guessed at the trouble and said "it was billious in- termittent fever, and was liable to become typhoid and gave medicines accordingly. However the patient constantly begged for a chunk of dried beef to gnaw. The doctor said "It would surely kill him if he should have it" but at the end of three days he was no better, and my wife got the chunk of beef for him, with the understanding that no one should know — the next morning the Doctor opened the door and looked in as he was gnawing at the beef, and said "Well you got it did you?" the reply was "Yes I did and probably I would have been dead before this if I had not gotten it. " Well, in three days from that time he went back to his work running a threshing machine. Now you see that the intense craving for that special food was so strong that the Objective mind demanded it. Another case that came under my own observa- tion. A party about my age, 24 years at that time, was very ill, and begged for milk. The doctors said it would kill him sure if given him, but after a long time his friends called in an old doctor, that the other doctors called an old fogy, and the very first word of the patient was, "Can I have some milk" the old doctor said "sure you can, but not much at first because you are in a condition that you could not take much," The doctor began giving milk at first a i64 OBJECTIVE AND SUBJECTIVE MINDS teaspoonful every ten minutes for two hours then a tablespoonful, and after a time increased the amount until at the end of three days, he gave him a half glass every hour, and a little later all he cared for whenever he wanted it, and THIS WAS ALL THE MEDICINE HE GAVE. The patient although very low, recovered and the last I knew, was a strong and ablebodied man, although he must be over seventy years of age. If something drops on your toe, your subjective mind does not talk to you about it, but at once, what we might call the internal telephone system informs the brain; which information is at once transmitted by your subconscious self to you, the conscious soul. No time for words, the subconscious mind acts before you have the least inkling of the accident, but your conscious mind as quickly orders your muscles to remove that toe to a place of safety. Now this subjective mind that keeps your body and brain in working order, which we have called the life principle, fills its full earthly mission, so long as it keeps them in order, so that messages received by the physical senses are transmitted through the brain and sensorum to you, the living conscious entity. And so you can send messages through your brain causing your body to act, or your vocal organs to speak, thus, it enables you, the conscious entity, that stands as it were, outside your physical structure, to hold communion with others in earth life. It also enables you to do any work the body can accomplish. So you see the living conscious entity, that can say "I think, therefore I am," is not of the body, but of the soul, and what is called death, is not death,but freedom from the home of clay. This simply means that the subconscious self has ceased to keep the body in working order, con- sequently the thinking, reasoning, conscious entity, the soul, you, individually, can no longer manifest OBJECTIVE AND SUBJECTIVE MIND 165 through it. But the soul, which stands as it were, outside the body, and which is the storehouse of memory, and the source of thought, such as it has been able to transmit through the brain and body, when the body was in working order, still lives, thinks, reasons and knows, and is conscious of its existance after the subconscious self has ceased to keep the body and brain in working order. Page 30, Psychic Science, Hudson says "The Subjective mind appears to be a separate and distinct entity, and the real difference between the two minds seems to consist in the fact, that the objective mind, is merely the functioning of the physical brain, while the subjective mind is a dis- tinct entity, possessing independent powers and functions, having a mental organization of its own and being capable of sustaining an existance in- dependent of the body." This indicates that Hudson considers the objective mind as only being a thing of the present brain and body and consequently subject to bodily conditions, subject to being torn down and rebuilded as the body is, and subject to ending its existance when the body ceases, or becomes inanimate, which I cannot accept for various reasons. I would say, the objective mind is the storehouse of memory, for the things we are conscious of, are the things we remember. We do not remember the workings of the subconscious mind, the things we are not conscious of, hence the objective mind must be the storehouse of memory. If you are unconscious, you are practically dead, so far as you know, while unconscious. In a general sense, all there is of us is our con- sciousness. If we are not conscious after the change called death, then we are dead, so far as all our earth life is concerned, and do not remember our loved ones. 166 OBJECTIVE AND SUBJECTIVE MINDS From the (so called) infallible book we have the statement that "no woman has got a soul." Now I wish to go just one step farther than that, "no man, has got a soul" What do I mean? Simply this, every man, woman and child in earth life, is, a conscious, living entity, a soul, and they each one have a physical body. Yes the soul, is you, that which can say I think therefore I am. The body is not you, it is just the house you are living in, and the subconscious mind is simply taking care of the house for you. Now scientists tell us that the human body is torn down and rebuilded, as often as once in every seven years, and all but some of the harder bone structure, as often as once in every three years, so the brain of a man of my age, must have been torn down twenty times or more. Now we ask them, do the dead talk? Do the brain cells tell to the new incoming brain cells all that has hap- pened during the last seventy odd years and during twenty or more changes? I think not, for the soul that stands back of the brain is not a part of the physical structure, but is of the spirit and is not torn down as is the body. IT IS THE STOREHOUSE OF MEMORY. IT KNOWS, REMEMBERS, REASONS, IS CONSCIOUS AND THINKS, CAN WILL, CAN ACT. Conscious- ness, Intelligence, Life and Spirit are principles inherent in nature and co-eternal with time and space. The individual, the you, consists of these four infinite, eternal, unchangeable principles which we term the soul. That we live a conscious life we know. These princples are not of the body, but govern it, WHY SHOULD THEY NOT CONTINUE TO LIVE AFTER THEY HAVE LAID ASIDE THE MATERIAL BODY. OUR ANSWER IS A POSITIVE— THEY DO. i6 7 ONLY SEVENTY ONE I woke up one morning in Eighteen forty nine, March twentieth too, and the weather, was fine, I squalled and I squalled, as some children oft' do. At least that's the record that comes to my view. But now all that squalling is over and done But today, I am only just seventy one, I am only a child and just going to school, I'm trying to live to the good golden rule. I'm trying to learn just the best that I can, For some time I wish to be called a good man, I know that much study will have to be done, But today, I am only just seventy one. In sowing wild oats I was careful and shy, I mixed right in with them some wheat and some rye, And while the whole crop was exceedingly small, I wished that I never had sown them at all, It may come all right, when the threshing is done, But today, I am only just seventy one. I then started out just to try for the prize, By building a shop and then buying supplies, I worked with a will and with all of my might, I tried to be honest and treat people right, I did all repairing, from Saw Mill, to Gun, And today, I am only just seventy one. I started a store, and sold hardware and guns, Farm implements too, and of iron many tons, I builded a home, just for me and my wife, Expected to live there the rest of my life, But then came a panic, my business was done But today, I am only just seventy one. 168 ONLY SEVENTY ONE We started again, and bought every thing new, With one little girl, and then later 'twas two I worked then at wood work, the best I could do At iron work and tin work and gunsmithing too The pay was so light when the weeks work was done, Yet we lived, and I'm only just seventy one. I built a machine shop and foundry its true, Built Forges and Grinders, and Gas Engines too, We fin'ly decided that we better sell For health was uncertain, we knew very well, We tried very hard, but it could not be done But today, I am only just seventy one. My wife was so earnest, so candid and true, Her voice was like music, it always seemed new, I loved her with love that was holy and high A love that still holds me, it never can die. But four years have passed since the day she passed on, But today, I am only just seventy one. What work lies before me I hardly can say, The Mental seems striving to gain right of way, To write and to print, so that others may know, The thoughts, that I thought, on my journey below, The writing and printing may never be done, For today, you will know, I am seventy one. My work, if unpublished my thoughts will be lost, There's no way of telling the labor they cost, There's no way of telling the good they might do, The thoughts I have written the world will find true, And some how, or some way, I trust 'twill be done. Although as you know, I am seventy one. ONLY SEVENTY ONE 169 I truly can say that my conscience is clear, I have knowingly wronged no one living here, And when I pass over the bright shining tide And meet all the loved ones beyond the divide, My joy will be great, when life's journey is done, E'en though I be older, than seventy one. No Soul Shut Out of Heaven I am out in the forest alone today, Away from all turmoil and strife, I am trying to hear what the angels say, Regarding an eternal life. I'm trying to learn of the angels today, If really there be any sin, That will close up the gates just over the way, And not let a weary one in. And I find it's not so for there is no law, That nature's great God has given, That is quite so narrow, so weak, or so low, As to shut any soul out of heaven. For none are denied an inheritance there, In that beautiful home above, Where each shall receive what he shall prepare Of sunshine, of joy, and of love. i7o THE GREAT FICTION A LECTURE Feeling that thinking and reasoning people every where, would wish real knowledge, tne truth, re- garding this life, and the future state of existence, I shall talk to you this evening, presenting my views, with some statements and facts on which they are based, for the careful consideration of those who may be seeking the truth, that always makes for freedom and knowledge. If I am wrong in my conclusions, I would most sincerely ask for tne facts, the real truth, to set me free. From the story of the fall of man, through the whole plan of vicarious atonement and redemption, to the joys of heaven, or punishment in an eternal hell ; I consider as the greatest fiction the world has ever known. It has directly and indirectly, deceived more men and women, led more people away from the course of true knowledge, true life and advancement, than any other written work among so called Christian nations, without a single exception. It has caused more sorrow and suffering, more war and bloodshed, more torture by fire and rack, more broken hearts, more brutal murders, than all other written fiction combined . And Statistics show that during the Crusades three million people lost their lives in a foolish and futile attempt to rescue an empty tomb from the Mussulmen. Ten million heretics were slain by the church during the so called Spanish Inquisition, fourteen million men were slain in Chritsian wars during the 19th century, and before one fifth of the twentieth century had passed into history, thirty million people had died as a direct result of wars pro- secuted by Christian nations. Not but there are many good things in the Bible, for it was essential, to fill into the story, many good THE GREAT FICTION 171 things, in order to carry through the great feature, for the benefit of the priesthood, that they might profit thereby. Starting with a claimed history of creation, by a great personal God, all of which nature itself brands as absolutely false. Now if there is anything that makes a man above a brute it is his conscious, thinking, reasoning entity, his soul. So I am going to ask you to think, reason, study, and get out of the rut of the ages, up into the broad highway of truth, right, and knowledge, I ask you for the time being, to lay aside your pre- judices, your belief in faith and fiction, and stand on your own good judgment, based on historical facts, and the phenomena of nature, which no man can successfully deny. In other words be a free man, for the few minutes I shall detain you. If you do not know the source of the Bible, and do not wish to be led astray, then read the Bible, read the history of the council of Nice, showing how Constantine established the teaching of the trinity, three hundred and twenty five years after Christ. Then read up about the council of Trent, where for eighteen years the monks and priests, were reading and voting on the so called "sacred writings," to decide whether they should be accepted as God's infallible word, or whether they should be cast out and burned. The work of the council of Trent was finished and approved on the 10th. day of January, 1564, only 358 years ago, this being the year 1922, and it was only approximately 5565 years after the claimed creation of the universe. I tell you, friends, you do not read the Bible, but you say, "Oh! yes I do." Well if you do, you do not read and connect it up to get the meaning of the story, or perhaps you only read it in sections, pick- ing out that which suits you, and you do not get the story as it really is, or, perhaps you swallow it 172 THE GREAT FICTION whole and do not stop to think and reason, and so fail to get its meaning. Possibly you simply accept what Bob Jones, or Billy Sunday says. But if you read, think and reason, you will see that the story of the fall of man and vicarious atonement, is far from being the work of an all wise, loving truthful and merciful God. Do you like chicken? I do, but I want it properly prepared, I do not want it cooked head, meat, feet and feathers; if cooked whole, I would prefer to dine elsewhere. So it is when I read the Bible, and use my con- scious, thinking reasoning power, with which I am endowed by nature, the giver of all good; then the Bible story becomes a sickening dope, worse if possible than the whole chicken, to accept it would be to ignore my own intellect, my own judgment. Referring again to the council of Trent. All of the books that were read and voted upon, were written by men of the long ago, ignorant past, and the Monks and Priests who voted upon them, were wise men of their day perhaps, when probably not one man in a thousand or more, could either read or write. These men voted on these writings, to decide whether they should be accepted as God's infallible word or not. A portion, less than one third were accepted by a majority vote as being infallible, much over one third were cast out and destroyed, the balance were undecided, there being a tie vote. Now be careful, use your best judgment, and tell me, did the vote of those monks and priests make some of these writings infallible, and doom others to destruction? If they were written by an all wise God, then what right had poor ignorant men to destroy any part of them? What right has man to interfere with God's work or word. If as some would say, God controlled the votes of THE GREAT FICTION 173 the council, then did he not know whether some of those books were his infallible word or not; and because of the uncertainty did he allow a tie vote to be cast? Those Dooks were and are still undecided as to whether they are infallible or not; too bad indeed, if they are infallible and a part of God's instructions to guide men to everlasting happiness, that there should not have been one more ignorant Monk there, to vote favorably on them. These books were called the Apocryphal Bible, and were printed in some of the family Bibles of the KING JAMES TRANSLATION, AS CORRECTED AND REVISED ACCORDING TO THE STAND- ARD OF THE AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY, and published at Troy, New York by Merriam Moore & Co., in the year 1850, of which I have a copy. Yes, God's word, was corrected and revised once more by man. The history of the council of Nice and the Apocryphal New Testament can be had from the liberal book stores, but the history of the council of Trent, a very large book, although compiled by the priests and monks, it told too much, and has been anathematized by the Catholics, and condemned by the protestants, and it is very hard to find. But very few large libraries have it, As I recollect the book, it was not less than one thousand pages, about seven by ten inches in a double column, closely set eight point type. Think of the fact that this council was held approximately 5565 years after the claimed date of the so called Creation, during much of which time, no written language was in use, and the story must have come down generation after generation, by word of mouth, to a date when writing was in- vented, and after that by hand writing until about the year 1457, after which time a little printing was done. But there was only a very little printing during the last hundred years prior to the ending of 174 THE GREAT FICTION the council, which was held from the year 1545 to 1564 inclusive, its work being completed only 358 years ago. Now a few words about the creation. Get your Bible and read the first chapter of Genesis, and you will see that the first three days of the creation were used in getting the materials ready, separating the waters above the firmament from those below it, and dividing the light which he had made from the darkness, and making the grasses, herbs and trees to grow etc, ALL FOR THE BENEFIT OF THIS LITTLE EARTH,. On the fourth day "God created two great lights, the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night, HE MADE THE STARS ALSO, AND GOD SET THEM IN THE FIRMAMENT OF THE HEAVEN TO GIVE LIGHT UPON THE EARTH." Now stop, think and reason for just a moment. The earth was the largest thing the writer of that story knew anything about. He believed that the earth was flat, and the sun, moon and stars went around it every twenty four hours. He did not know the earth was round, and revolved on its axis. He did not know that shadow was what constituted the darkness of the night, and that the light was still shining. He did not know that the sun was many thousand times larger than the earth. He did not know that out yonder in space are suns, so large that they could not pass between our sun and our earth. He did not know that out beyond the reach of the naked eye there are countless millions of suns and planets, so far away that light traveling at the rate of 186,000 miles per second would require from fifty to a hundred or more years to reach this earth. He did not know that there are still suns and planets, out beyond the reach of our mighty telescopes. He did not know these things, or he would have written differently. THE GREAT FICTION 175 He would not have claimed that all these mighty- suns and planets were made especially for the pur- pose of giving- light upon this little earth, he would not have claimed that they all went around the earth every twenty four hours, he would not have claimed the earth was flat. No indeed he would not. Ignorance and imagination, was the author of these writ- igns. The whole story looks too silly, for people to accept at this day and age, as coming from an infinite and allwise God, yet they do, in face of, and contrary to, the known established facts. The fifth day, God created the whale, and the living things of the water and the birds of the air. The sixth day, God created the animals and man, and this completed Creation, if the Bible is true, for the first verse of the second chapter says. "Thus the heavens and the earth were finished and all the hosts of them." Genesis II and 16-17th "And the Lord command- ed the man saying, of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat but of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it, for in the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." Genesis III 4-5 verses "The serpent said unto the woman "ye shall not surely die, for God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened and ye shall be as god's knowing good and evil" same chapterand 22 verse. "And the Lord God said behold the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil," thereby sustaining what the serpent had told Eve. And so we have the story of creation and the of man so called. I have questioned over the matter to know who fell, God, Man, or the Devil. I don't know, I don't know. First, Man did not know good from evil, did not know he was doing wrong, and after eating the 176 THE GREAT FICTION fruit, he had become as a God knowing good from evil, as God admitted. Now if God is allwise, that does not seem like much of a fall, does it? Second, the serpent told the truth as God admit- ted. Should the devil or anyone else be con- demned for telling the truth? Third, it seemed that God created something new, "a falsehood" when he said "the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die" For God admit- ted that the serpent told the truth, again we know they did not die, the day they ate of the fruit, for God said unto Adam "cursed is the ground for thy sake, in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life," Then if the story of redemption be true, all mankind were to be punished for Adam's sin, unless they would repent etc. I will now refer to the second chapter of Genesis 19-20th verses "And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every foul of the air, and brought them unto Adam to see what Adam would call them, and WHAT SO EVER HE CALLED EVERY LIVING CREATURE, THAT WAS THE NAME THEREOF but, "For Adam there was not found an helpmeet for him." So, you see, this naming must have occurred on the sixth day for on the sixth day God created man in his own image, male and female created he them, and the creation was finished on the sixth day. Now Naturalists tell us that there are now, over 365,000 species of animals, and very close to the same number of birds, and this number does not in- clude fishes, or insects which Adam was to name. So it would be safe to say there were at least 500,- 000, for Adam to name that afternoon, and that does not include the prehistoric animals that Geologists tell us must have existed from five to fifteen million years ago. And all that naming to be done that day before God created woman, which seems to be the last of the six days work of creation. THE GREAT FICTION 177 Now we must remember that at that time, ADAM HAD NOT HAD MUCH CHANCE FOR AN EDUCATION AS HE WAS NOT YET ONE DAY OLD, and the Bible does not even mention God's having made any standard language, so Adam had to invent the words, the names, for each animal and bird, not only that, he had to remember how they looked as well as to remember the name he had given to them, and there was no pencil or paper, and no short hand reporter, for Mrs. Adam had not yet been made. Now suppose you could invent the names, and memorize them and how the animals looked, at the rate of one every two minutes, and I guess it would keep you going some to do that, yet at that rate it would take one million minutes to name them all, or working twenty four hours per day, it would take you one year and eleven months, without a single stop for lunch. Or if you prefer to believe that this was done the afternoon of the sixth day, after God had created the animals and all creeping things, and before he had made Eve, you are at liberty to do so. As it seems that God did some things so exceedingly quick, we will suppose there was twenty hours in which Adam was to name the animals and birds, and to do it in that time he would have to name, 416 per minute. Now remember the naming of those animals, was not God's work, but Adam's work, and Adam was a man, according to the Bible, God's infallible book. Can you swallow it? be careful now, and answer these questions candidly, honestly, is that story true? is the Bible infallible? But when the animals were all named, for Adam there was not found an helpmeet, so God put Adam to sleep, and took out one of Adam's ribs, and of it made a woman. I HAVE OFTEN WONDERED IF HE HAD USED UP ALL THE GROUND MAKING THE ANIMAL AND MAN, so he had to take one of Adam's ribs 178 THE GREAT FICTION from which to make a woman. Now since nothing is impossible with God I have wondered why God did not make the woman out of nothing, the same as he had made every thing else, or had he run out of nothing, had he used "nothing" all up. Then to, I have wondered how he took the rib out, did he dig through with his fingers, and tear it out? Or did he carry a dirk? I don't know, I never could tell. However, it seems to me it was pretty early in history to have started manufacturing cutlery. Now ask yourself, is'nt that whole story a whale? Yes, this woman making job, seems to be the last of God's work. Poor old Adam and Eve, not knowing good from evil, not knowing it was wrong, ate the forbidden fruit and were condemned, also all following generations of earth were condemned, by an allwise and all powerful and merciful God for that act, if the Bible is true. Yes that story, is the foundation on which is based the whole plan of vicarious atonement. It is the basis of all the Christian religions. According to the church teachings, we must all suffer eternal torment, unless we repent for Adam's sin and are baptized. This we feel is a priest made rule, especially designed, to benefit the priests, and keep the people in ignorance. What shall we do to be saved? Read, Study, use our "so called" God given principles of thought and reason, get away from the old dogmas, false teach- ings and idol worship of the past. The present God worship is but a relic of the past idol worship, and can be traced all the way from those who worshipped the thunders, the rocks, the fire, the serpent, the sun etc ; the present worship being of an invisible idol, credited with all power and knowledge, and being invisible, has held its power over the masses, longer than any other one form of idol worship. But it is doomed by THE GREAT FICTION 179 education and science, for man is seeking the in- finite principles of nature and is constantly drawing nearer to solving the source of life, and it is already an established fact that, good will live, simply because it is in harmony with the infinite, eternal, unchangeable princi- ples of nature, and evil will die, because it is not in harmony with said principles, to say it in few words, good is always in harmony with natural law, while that which is not in harmony with natural law is always wrong or evil. One of our great thinkers said "Few men ever think and reason after they are forty five or fifty years of age unless they have practiced it during their earlier life, and kept it up." Many young men go to college and come home, knowing all that is to be known, and stop thinking and reasoning. When they do that, they are blighting themselves, and the reason why so much greater proportion of our really successful men, are not college graduates, is because, having little or no book education, they have had to think, and study on every subject they were called on to handle, consequently they went to the very founda- tion of every subject they took up. They could tell the cause, the reason why, for things, and con- sequently knew how best to handle every phaze of the subject while the college man had learned from books that certain things were so, but did not under- stand the underlying principles, the why it was so, yet the college man has every advantage if he will continue to think. Yes, thought and reason are our saviors, they are the base of all knowledge. We, the conscious living thinking entities, our souls, ourselves, not our bodies, are the things to be saved. Jesus said, "ye are God's, God is within you" the God within, is the only thing that can say, I think, therefore I am, the only thing that can will, what it will do; the only thing known to man that can of itself start energy in action, to think, to reason, i8o THE GREAT FICTION to know. Now to be saved and from what. Do you mean saved to live after the change called death? If so, do not worry about that, for you will continue to live in spite of yourself, or anything else, for spirit, life, consciousness and intelligence are principles eternal in nature, that cannot be destroyed, and every soul contains some good, and good is in harmony with nature, and will not die, while evil will gradually fade away. If you mean to be saved from the consequence of your own wrong doings, to make the most you can of yourself, then investigate, think, reason, and choose that which your own good judgment tells you is truth, is right and good, and you will save yourself many heart aches, and much sorrow. You will be kind and generous, you will have charity for the erring, will not only save yourself but will help to save others, and make the world better, for your having lived in it. The fellows that stop thinking and reasoning, and rely on the things of the past, and what the preachers say, will drift into a condition similar to what Josh Billings said. It was this, "I really believe it would be better for folks not to know anything, than to know so much that is not so," and that is what I am trying to get you to comprehend. We are conscious, thinking, entities, endowed by the Infinite, Eternal, Unchangeable, Omnipresent principles, inherent in nature, with the power to think, reason, progress, or by inaction to rust out as it were, and not keep up with the advancement of other eternal souls. We think, therefore we live, our own progression is our own savior, so let us not go down the scale by idleness, but let us think, reason, grow. GOD A relic of Idols of long ago past, But Oh! how much longer shall ignorance last, And shall we go backwards to darkness and night, Or reason and think, and seek nature's true light, i8r PUDDING, PIE and COOKIES Written at South Bend in March 1920, while recovering from the Flu, I was presented with pudding, pie and cookies by a Mrs. Koon, and I told her I would make a pudding for her, and this is the pudding. I tried to make that pudding, The best that I could do, Though I had all materials, Could not make it good as you. It's somewhat heavy, sticky, Will not melt in the mouth As the old persimmons do, That grow away down south. That pie was simply fine, So juicy nice and sweet, I do not hardly see just how It ever could be beat. If I could only make them So perfect, nice and fine, I think that I would name them, "That dandy pie O' mine." And then there came some cookies Like mother used to make, And when she got to baking It was no little bake. And some would say two dozen, And others might say four, But I would say a hundred, And sometimes may be more. And that great big stone jar, Would just be packed in tight, Before ma thought she had enough To last till Sunday night. i82 PUDDING, PIE AND COOKIES For I went out to spelling schools, And Lyceums at night, When I got home, and rather late, Four cookies fitted right, There were some little toddlers, Who walked two miles its true, And then walked home from school again As children used to do. And when 'twas cold of evenings, They stopped to warm their toes And that was all the 'scuse they had, That anybody knows. They did not seem to care for The fellow that looked like me. But seemed to watch ma working, Whatever her work might be. They sometimes stopped and waited, For more than half an hour, They knew just where that cooky jar, Was placed, before the war. When each one got a cooky, From out the big stone jar, He started on his journey It did not seem so far. And no one ever really knew The good those cookies have done, But just to make a warm place In the heart of every one. But kindness like the cookies That mother used to make, Will leave it's imprint somewhere, On times eternal wake. i8 3 WHAT AM I? Man is surrounded everywhere, by the Vegetable and Animal kingdoms. Considering the many varieties of Plants, Shrubs, Trees, Insects, Fishes, Birds and Animals; Man seems to be the climax, the highest work of all nature. Plants and animals reproduce themselves each in their own regular line, showing there is something in nature, more than chance. Let us illustrate, referring to plant life. We find that every mature fertilized seed con- tains the life principle or it would not germinate and grow, Yet there is something more than life, in that seed, if it were not so, it might grow, but there would be no certainty as to what the growth might be. Under such conditions, if we plant a kernel of corn, it might grow to be a giant oak tree, or if we plant wheat, it might grow to be corn, oats, potatoes or cabbage. So we see at once, that in every fertile seed, there is something more than the life principle, even in the diminutive seed of the Poppy, there is a prin- ciple, or as it were, there is infolded within that minute seed, the full grown poppy with its beautiful silken petals, even of the tricolored type, thus proving that within that seed is the principle, governing the whole form and color of that special variety of poppy. What shall we call this principle? is it soul? I hardly think so, for con- venience we might call it the "form principle." These same principles apply to all the animal kingdom, but with the animal, there is something more; something which we call consciousness, as evidenced by the fact that horse or dog feels the whip or spur. They are also endowed with what we call intelligence, for they hear and understand; 184 WHAT AM I? have capacity to know. Yet this is not all, we find there is something else with animals and men, something which men have called instinct, which is shown by the robin in building it's nest, by the homing pigeon finding it's home nest, also by the bees finding the hive, and forming the honey comb. Man seems to have but little of this quality, of instinct, but to what extent it could be developed under favorable conditions it is difficult to say, but with some animals it seems to be a sort of wisdom, by which they seem to know certain things without being taught ; something akin to intuition, by which some persons seem to know much regarding others, without being told in any way. With man, the principle of intelligence, seems to have overgrown the principle of instinct. However man is born endowed with the prin- ciples of life, form, instinct, consciousness, in- telligence. We readily recognize the Spirit, as being the principle which we have described as "form." Regarding the principle of instinct, I confess that it is little used, and so poorly demonstrated in man, that I cannot definitely trace its exact place or use. But consciousness, I trace back to mean, a know- ledge of life, knowledge of existance and capability, for without consciousness, we are practically dead. Intelligence, or capacity to know, is that prin- ciple in nature in which man excels all other known products of nature. So, broadly speaking, I would say the Soul, con- sists of life, spirit, consciousness and intelligence, hence every man will live after the change called death, for these principles are eternal, unchange- able and under these conditions they will go on, along the lines of eternal progress. He who gains the most of truth, human kindness and purest love, with charity for all, and lives it, will be the farthest advanced, will have the least of wrong and sin to WHAT AM I? 185 outgrow and overcome. Certainly this tends towards greater happiness which we deem worth striving for, so let us think, reason and grow, let us ask ourselves the question, What am I? I am the objective mind. I am that which can say "I think, therefore I am." I am that which takes note of the incidents of life. I am the living soul, the conscious entity, the Lamb's Book of Life, on which is recorded all the incidents of my life, I am the Soul, not the brain. I am that which acts upon the brain, I originate and control the thoughts, that I send through the brain, causing the material body to act. I am the master or owner, of the body and brain, the house in which I live. I am not the house, the house is not I, you see me not, you only see the material house in which I live, the Spirit house you cannot see, except by the spiritual sight. The Subjective mind is my servant; who is keep- ing my material house in order, that I may live in it. The Subjective mind, sometimes receives thoughts from impressions I have left on the brain of the physical structure, when sending thoughts through it. When I am not in, or in contact with the physical body, it is unconscious, I am then only in the spiritual body, outside the material body, leaving the material body entirely in charge of the sub- conscious self. If by accident, or by over work, I give the sub- conscious self more than it can do, it will not do it well, and I the conscious self, cannot use the body or brain to the best advantage. If I eat indigestible food, the sub-conscious self cannot handle it successfully. If I eat more than is required, the sub-conscious self has extra work to do, to dispose of it, and it is i86 WHAT AM I? liable to clog the system, or cause stomach trouble, in other words, the battery, tjie laboratory of the bodily structure is over worked, and in such cases, fasting is better than feasting, as it relieves the over crowded condition, and the sub-conscious self, which has complete control of the entire laboratory of the system is then enabled to overcome the trouble and set the house to rights once more. Under the crowded condition, the nerves (which we refer to as electric wires to illustrate) are often short circuited or the contact broken, which results in a condition similar to that of paralysis or apoplexy. Where short circuit is perfect, or a contact completely broken, it is very difficult if not entirely impossible to correct it. And when the veins or arteries become clogged, or partially clogged, the subjective mind can no longer keep the different parts of the body acting properly for the particles torn down by any act or thought, become waste particles of matter that cannot be easily removed from the system under the clogged condition, neither can new particles be easily brought in to rebuild the parts torn down. It is a well known fact that every thought pass- ing through the brain, tears down some brain cells, which must be removed and replaced. If the sub-conscious mind cannot carry on this cleaning out and building up of the brain, on account of the clogging of the arteries or veins, or on account of the breaking or short circuiting of the nerves, then the brain cannot act properly. When the subjective mind fails to keep the body and brain in condition so the objective mind can send its messages through the brain, then the soul steps out and the body becomes unconscious, dead. However we are aware of the fact that the living soul consisting of the eternal principles of Life, Consciousness, Intelligence and Spirit, is the only thing that now is, or ever has been, known to man, that can of itself start energy in action and do that WHAT AM I? 187 which it wills to do. The soul, the real man, the God within, while living in earth life, is living in the house we call the body, which body we may drop or cast aside, but the real man, the soul, never dies, for all the prin- ciples of which it is constituted are eternal in nature. They were without beginning and will be without ending. It is claimed by some, that the power to think and say I am, is only the result of brain action, and when the body and brain die, then the soul ceases to exists, but we must not forget that the brain does not build the soul, and the soul is not a part of the brain or body. We must remember that the body and brain, con- sist of many different material substances, that have been brought together by the sub-conscious mind, which is a part of, or servant of, the objective mind, the soul, thus building the body and brain as the home of the soul, while in earth life. Be sure to get this thought that the Spirit is always first, and builds the brain, and body, as shown by the spirit (form principle) in the poppy seed, and that the brain does not build the soul, and is not the originator of thought, neither is the brain the store- house of memory or knowledge, the brain is but the medium through which the soul acts, to manifest during earth life. Now we must remember, the body and brain are material substance, acting under the principles of nature, Natural law, hence the different sub- stances of which the body and brain are composed, will separate, disintegrate, destroying the form of the body, but remember this, the prime principles of material substance do not die, but each and every particle of material substance is true to nature and still exists; gold will still be gold. Each particle of matter will return to its original substance, to its prime principle, or be taken up by other life organizations; it does not die. 188 WHAT AM I? Yes, we find the prime principles of nature are eternal and unchangeable. Now we find the prime principles of Conscious- ness, and Intelligence are not only eternal, but when in connec- tion with Life and Spirit they are inseparable; that is, con- sciousness cannot act without intelligence, neither can intelli- gence act withozit consciousness. Therefore we have the four great prime prin- ciples Life, Spirit, Consciousness and Intelligence, bound together in the soul, the highest and greatest of all nature's work, the climax of evolution, that which all nature seems to be striving to perfect, by and through the power of eternal progression ; then shall we say that the disintegration of the body, in passing to its prime principles, causes the death or sepa- ration of the four great prime principles that constitute the soul, that which seems to be the highest product of evolution, and capable of endless progress? Life and Spirit are prime principles eternal in nature, which seem to envelope the two principles of Consciousness and Intelligence, constituting the soul. In Spirit Manifestations such as, Etherealiz- ation, Transfiguration and Materialzation; the Spirit always appears with the form and features of the material body, but we know the Spirit was, prior to the material body, and governs its form, the Spirit being in reality the base upon which the material body is builded, even as the Spirit in the poppy seed is the principle upon which the poppy is builded. When from any cause the material body is no longer kept in working order, then the spirit body, together with the consciousness and intelligence, steps out from it into the broader and more perfect life conditions, still to progress, outgrowing and living above the evils and ills of earth life. Now I would ask, does the poppy seed, the kernel of corn, or the complete growth from them, WHAT AM I? 189 contain a brain? No not so. They do not have Consciousness or Intelligence, which require a brain, or central station as it were, by and through which to control the whole physical structure, and also to transmit and receive thought vibrations, by which the soul may progress, advance, by the great processes of evolution. Such evolution is manifest everywhere, and is constantly going on, and always tending towards a higher and better condition, in everything. Yet the soul of man is the highest, the most advanced in the line of evolution of anything of which man has any know- ledge. Now since this is true, is it reasonable to suppose that evolution ceases with the death of the physical body? In other words, when it steps out of the physical structure, leaving it unconscious, and ready to disintegrate ? Now the Spirit of man, the soul, the God within, stands as it were, back of, or outside the brain. The body and brain do not build the living, thinking soul. The Spirit is always first, prior to the body and brain, and is that which always decides the form of the body and brain. The Spirit, is the real prime principle around, or upon which the body and brain are builded, and with the life principle, the evolution of the body is begun, and at some time during the evolution of the body, the Life and Spirit principles take on the prime principles of Consciousness and Intelligence, completing the living soul, which can say "I think, therefore I am. These principles are each and all eternal and will never die, they are not material substance like the body, the poppy seed, or grain of corn, consist- ing of the various kinds of material, substance which will disintegrate and separate, destroying their form; but the soul principles are eternal principles, like unto, Mathematics, Gravity, Energy etc, which govern and control all things within igo WHAT AM I? their special spheres. The soul containing the four principles make man capable of evolving thought, and advancing in knowledge, in other words, progressing towards a higher plane of under- standing, which does not originate in, or from material substance, but purely by and through the prime principles constituting the soul. When the soul steps out and away from the physical body, it can, and will, still know, think, reason, love and live. «^-^^l MAN IS FOR —From Confucius He who knows, and knows that he knows, he is wise, follow him. He who knows, and knows not that he knows, he is asleep, awake him. He who knows not, and knows not that he knows not, he is a fool, shun him. He who knows not, and knows that he knows not, he is a child, teach him. «^^e» They are not dead, but only gone before, And ever watch and wait at heavens open door, And will, until that blessed day shall come When we shall meet and they shall welcome home. I 9 I Our God is the Soul in the Man Oh! See those beautiful roses, That came to us in the night, With a pink carnation for mother, For grandmother, one of pure white. For grandmother passed o'er the river, And the years have flown swiftly by, And now she is waiting and watching, To welcome us there by and by. The flowers were all wrapped in oiled paper And placed in the box with such care, It tells us that love thoughts are dwelling In the hearts of the senders somewhere. Those flowers are so bright and so fragrant, And the fern leaves such beautiful green, They make for our souls a bright picture, A glimpse, of the home yet unseen. And then, away down in one corner Where partly hidden from view, We found a package of sweet meats, I think they would surely please you. And taking the package together, The brightest, the sweetest, the best. We glad would send back to the senders, The wish, they may ever be blest. We read from the red of the roses, Of a love that is holy and high, And from the green of the fern leaves, Of a life that never can die. We catch from the white carnation A purity thought, as we think, And see them all blended together, In the blossoms of beautiful pink. 192 OUR GOD THE SOUL IN THE MAN Oh! whence came those beauties of nature, Let us try their secret to read. We find each blossom once hidden In a germ, the life in a seed. And there was decreed before planting, The rose or carnation to be, Enfolded so deep in that germ life That poor mortal eyes could not see, By Nature, the giver of all things, The God in the germ is the plan, And so has all nature recorded Our God, is the soul in the man.