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Hollingsworth, of Ohio 38 Mr. Frank Clark, of Florida 42 Mr. Charles H. Sloan, of Nebraska 44 Mr. Sherman E. Burroughs, of New Hampshire — 48 Mr. William S. Greene, of Massachusetts 56 Mr. Julius Kahn, of California 65 Address by Rev. Samuel Russell, of Lawrence, Massachu- setts, at the funeral service 14 Address by Hon. George C. Hazelton before the New Hamp- shire Association of the District of Columbia, May 14, 1917 18 Proceedings in the Senate 67 [3] \ DEATH OF HON. CYRUS ADAMS SULLOWAY Proceedings in the House of Representatives Monday, April 2, 1917. Mr. Wason. Mr. Speaker, it becomes my distressing duty at this time to announce to the House the sudden death of my colleague from New Hampshire, Hon. Cyrus Adams Sulloway, which occurred in the city of Washington on the morning of March 11 last. It is not my purpose at this time to utter words of eulogy consistent with his life and character and his many years of membership in this House. At some future day I shall ask the House to desig- nate a time when the membership of the House can attend to that solemn duty. At this time I move the adoption of the following resolutions, which I send to the desk and ask to have read. The Clerk read as follows : House resolution 21 Resolved, That the House has heard with profound sorrow of the death of Hon. Cyrus Adams Sulloway, a Representative from the State of New Hampshire. Resolved, That the Clerk communicate these resolutions to the Senate and transmit a copy thereof to the family of the deceased. The Speaker. The question is on agreeing to the reso- lutions. The resolutions were agreed to. The Speaker. The Clerk will report the remaining reso- lution. [5] Memorial Addresses: Representative Sulloway The Clerk read as follows: Resolved, That as a further mark of respect this House do now adjourn. The Speaker. The question is on agreeing to the reso- lution. The resolution was agreed to. Accordingly, in conformance with the resolution (at 9 o'clock and 32 minutes p. m.), the House adjourned until to-morrow, Tuesday, April 3, 1917, at 12 o'clock noon. Saturday, April 20, 1918. Mr. Wason rose. The Speaker pro tempore. For what purpose does the gentleman from New Hampshire rise? Mr. Wason. For the purpose of offering a resolution set- ting aside Sunday, April 28, for memorial exercises in honor of the late Representative Sulloway, of New Hamp- shire. I move the adoption of the following order. The Speaker pro tempore. The Clerk will report it. The Clerk read as follows: Ordered, That Sunday, the 28th day of April, 1918, at 12 o'clock noon, be set apart for addresses on the life, character, and public services of Hon. Cyrus Adams Sulloway, late a Representative from the State of New Hampshire. The Speaker pro tempore. Without objection, it is so ordered. There was no objection. Saturday, April 27, 1918. The Speaker. The Chair designates Mr. Greene, of Mas- sachusetts, to preside to-morrow at the memorial services for the late Representative Sulloway. [6] Proceedings in the House Sunday, April 28, 1918. The Chaplain, Rev. Henry N. Couden, D. D., offered the following prayer: God in heaven, whose glory shines round about us with ever-increasing splendor, and which discloses Thy wisdom, power, and goodness in every creative act, from the smallest grain of sand on the seashore to the farthest star that gilds the heavens; from the tiniest blade of grass to the most gigantic tree of the forest; from the most infinitesimal germ of life to man, the crowning glory of Thy creative acts, upon whom Thou hast bestowed the power of choice and thus dignified him as the architect of his own fortune, a stupendous responsibility; yet the evidence of Thy trust in him to meet the conditions of life and make for himself a character worthy of the high- est admiration. We meet here to-day, within these historic walls, to memorialize a man who for years was a conspicuous figure on the floor of this House. Striking in his personality; strong in his intellectual, moral, and spiritual endow- ment; rising ever to the full measure of every trust re- posed in him by his fellows; leaving behind him a record worthy of emulation. We mourn his going, and our hearts go out in the warm- est sympathy to those who knew and loved him; espe- cially to the daughter who looked to him for strength, guidance, comfort. May the heart inspire the words of his colleagues that his name may live in history, a beacon light to guide those who shall come after us. Comfort us all by the blessed hope of the immortality of the soul, and inspire us to live worthy of the blessings Thou hast bestowed upon us, and we will praise Thy Holy Name, in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. [7] Memorial Addresses: Representative Sulloway The Speaker pro tempore. The Clerk will read the special order. The Clerk read as follows: On motion of Mr. YVason, by unanimous consent, Ordered, That Sunday, April 28, 1918, be set apart for addresses on the life, character, and public services of Hon. Cyrus A. Sulloway, late a Representative from the State of New Hampshire. Mr. Wason. Mr. Speaker, several Memhers of the House who have signified their intention of speaking to-day are unahle to he present. I ask unanimous consent that any Member who desires may extend or print in the Record remarks on the life and character and service of the late Representative Sulloway. The Speaker pro tempore. The gentleman from New Hampshire asks unanimous consent that Members desiring to do so may extend or print in the Record remarks on the life, character, and service of the late Representative Sulloway. Is there objection? There was no objection. Mr. Wason. Mr. Speaker, I offer the following resolution and move its adoption. The Clerk read as follows: Resolved, That the business of the House be now suspended that opportunity may be given for tributes to the memory of Hon. Cyrus A. Sulloway, late a Member of this House from the State of New Hampshire. Resolved, That as a particular mark of respect to the memory of the deceased, and in recognition of his distinguished public career, the House, at the conclusion of these exercises, shall stand adjourned. Resolved, That the Clerk communicate these resolutions to the Senate. Resolved, That the Clerk send a copy of these resolutions to the family of the deceased. [8] MEMORIAL ADDRESSES Address of Mr. Wason, of New Hampshire Mr. Speaker: From my youth to the date of his death Cyrus Adams Sulloway was an acquaintance and a friend. That acquaintance and friendship covered a period of about 40 years. During that period I knew him as a resident and citizen of the county in which I was born and have since lived. I knew him as a member of our State legislature, as Congressman from the first New Hampshire district, and I knew him as a lawyer, both of us practicing in the same courts. He was born in Grafton, N. H., June 8, 1839, where his boyhood days were spent on his father's farm. In that town his early education was obtained in the public schools. Later, by his own industry and perseverance, with slight assistance from his parents, he was able to take a partial course of instruction at Kimball Union Academy. In 18G3 he was admitted to the bar of New Hampshire, and a few months later went to Manchester, N. H., and began the practice of law, which he followed until March 4, 1895, when he took his seat as a Representative in Congress from the first congressional district of his native State, which position by successive reelections he held, with the exception of two years (Mar. 4, 1913, to Mar. 4, 1915), until the date of his death. In the early sixties, while he was studying law in Franklin, N. H., he three times voluntarily enlisted in the Union Army, three times determined and eager to defend his country; each time he was rejected by the Army surgeons owing to his physical condition. [9] Memorial Addresses: Representative Sulloway The deceased Congressman was a self-made man. In early life his environments were humble but wholesome. He early in life was industrious and straightforward. These became his life characteristics. In that typical rugged country of central New Hamp- shire he early learned nature and developed a love for her picturesque hills and valleys, her bubbling, sparkling streams, her green fields, and her forests. There he learned to follow the winding brook with rod and line. This pastime was his favorite diversion from work and furnished sport through all the later years of his busy life. In his chosen profession, by industry and conscientious application to his work, and conscientious efforts for his clients, he soon established himself in a large practice and was recognized as an able, forceful advocate in the trial of cases. It could be truthfully said of him that during his 30 years of active practice of law a poor and needy but worthy person, unable to recompense him fully for his legal efforts and services, received the same care- ful attention, and perhaps greater attention, than did the person possessing means and financial ability. Money for services to be rendered was not the guiding star of his professional life. The guiding star in his profes- sion was justice — a star with brilliant luster radiating from a pedestal of justice. In his private office he would listen to the story of the poor and needy with care and patience, and later an opulent client might relate to him his story and receive only the degree of care and patience given to the humble and needy. For years he was a central figure in our trial courts; the spectators' seats of the court room would be filled with people eagerly listening to his advocacy of a client's cause to a jury. [10] Address of Mr. Wason, of New Hampshire His dealings with members of his profession were frank, upright, and candid. His criticism of an opposing client and witnesses was unique, piercing, and merciless, yet free from personal malice. As a citizen he was kind, he was thoughtful, free from sham and demagogy; he enjoyed and loved his neighbors and his people; and these tenets were reciprocated by all who knew him. As a member of the State legislature he was unassum- ing, a forceful advocate and a potential force on the side of any measure that he espoused. During his five terms in that body he was recognized as a leader, a popular and strong member. I remember well a legislative contest on a very important matter which Mr. Sulloway was oppos- ing. The matter was being pressed for action. The op- ponents felt that a delay of a day or two would be to their advantage. The only way to prevent action on this par- ticular day was to occupy the time in argument. The opponents pressed Mr. Sulloway into action immediately. He secured recognition soon after 5 o'clock in the after- noon and talked continuously until 3 o'clock the next morning. About midnight, when the opponents as well as others were tired and hungry, he was informed that a lunch had been prepared at a certain place near the capi- tol. With a smile he told the members of the fact, and suggested that if they were hungry and not absent from the hall for more than two hours such absence would not prejudice their cause, as he would be unable to finish his speech within that time. When he finished, having spoken continuously for nearly 10 hours, he showed little or no sign of fatigue other than slight hoarseness. In Congress he soon became a tower of strength, and, true to the instincts of his early manhood, evidenced by his eagerness to enter the conflict in the Civil War, he espoused the cause of the veterans of that war and their [11] Memorial Addresses: Representative Sclloway relatives. He analyzed their needs with such clearness, such force and integrity, that he became .chairman of the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and retained that posi- tion for 12 years, until the Republicans lost control of the House of Representatives in 1911. It is proper for me to say that no veteran of that war or a member of his fam- ily who had a just cause for relief ever found a deaf ear in my former colleague. In a conspicuous place in the statehouse at Concord, N. H., is an oil painting, life-size, of the deceased Congress- man, procured through the efforts of members of the New Hampshire State Veterans' Association, by them pre- sented to the State, there to remain a token and a me- morial of their love and affection for him whose heart beat in sympathy with theirs, whose voice extolled their virtues, and whose efforts secured relief for them and their dependents. In public life he placed duty first. His friendships, his home cares or ties, were always subservient to his public activities in Congress, to which a faithful constituency had elected him 11 times. During the last days of his life it almost seemed that he had a premonition that his activi- ties would soon cease. What else could have impelled him three days before death to tell a personal friend and veteran of the Civil War that he was not afraid to die, that he sincerely regretted that his efforts for the veterans and their dependents must cease? To another personal friend, shortly before lapsing into a state of coma, he made certain requests for immediate attention to matters of interest to some of his constituents. From boyhood to death his life was one of faithful and earnest effort to duty; from a child until death his life was filled with charitable effort and thoughts; kindness was his jewel; charity his pearl; devotion to his loved [12] Address of Mr. Wason, of New Hampshire ones, his constituents, and his colleagues in Congress was his diamond; justice was his earthly emblem of heaven. His large stature, in weight 280 pounds, in height 6 feet and 7 inches, was indicative of his very nature. His heart was proportionate thereof; it furnished room to share the sorrows of others. His large hand and long arm were ever ready to lighten the burden and ills of others. His busy life was never too busy to prevent his turning aside to alleviate suffering or soften grief. Above his states- manship, his power of speech, his humor, above his in- tense Americanism, shines the golden goodness and great- ness of his heart. He will be forever remembered for : That best portion of a good man's life; His little nameless, unnumbered acts Of kindness and of love. It was with sorrow that we learned of his sudden death. Personally we shall miss him more than words can ex- press. His district, State, Nation, and thousands of per- sonal friends have lost a true friend, a man in every sense of the word. In the words of Antony over Brutus : His life was gentle; and the elements So mixed in him that nature might stand up And say to all the world, " This was a man! " Obsequies of the Hon. Cyrus A. Sulloway were held March 14, 1917, in the Franklin Street Congregational Church, of Manchester, N. H. He was buried in the fam- ily lot in Franklin, N. H. Thirty Members of Congress accompanied the body by special train from Washington. The church was incapable of furnishing standing room to the large throng of people who came to pay their last trib- ute to the deceased. Business was suspended in Man- chester — his home city — during the services at the church. The legislature, being in session, recessed. The gov- ernor, the governor's council, members of the senate and [13] Memorial Addresses: Representative Sulloway house of representatives, and State officials attended in a body. Members of the Grand Army of the Republic and auxiliary orders were present; also members of the Elks and Knights of Pythias. The floral tributes were numer- ous and beautiful. The Rev. Rurton W. Lockhart, of Manchester, N. H., conducted the funeral service, and the Rev. Samuel Rus- sell, of Lawrence, Mass., delivered the address, as follows: Milton says that " Death is the golden key that opens the palace of eternity." By a turn of that key, of which the great poet wrote, a unique and national figure has suddenly and unexpectedly stepped through the door of eternity into the realms of the un- seen. As we think of the great loss which the State of New Hampshire and the entire Nation has sustained by the exodus of this notable man, we are reminded of the words of King David at the grave of Gen. Abner, " Know ye not that there is a prince and a great man fallen this day in Israel? " These words of King David may be appropriately applied to New Hampshire's great Congressman, Cyrus A. Sulloway. Mr. Sulloway was great in his physical stature. He towered head and shoulders above many of his colleagues in Congress. He was doubtless one of the most picturesque and commanding figures among all the Nation's representatives at the Capitol. One can hardly think of Mr. Sulloway in connection with death. He was so alive, so vital and vigorous in action, in thought, and in word that he left the impression of eternal youth. Although he had nearly rounded out fourscore years he never seemed like an old man. His great physique seemed to be permeated with the elixir of perpetual youth. Mr. Sulloway was also great in his accomplishments. Like Abraham Lincoln, his boyhood and youth was spent on a farm, where he early learned to earn his bread by the sweat of his brow. We are told that the strongest trees are found not in the sheltered nooks but in the most exposed places, where sweeps the full fury of the storm; that the hardiest flowers grow not in the hothouse but on the mountain side, in close proximity to the glacier and the snow. Congressman Sulloway was not a hot- house plant. He grew up among the rugged peaks of the old Granite State; he breathed the air of the bleak hills and the up- [14] Address of Mr. Wason, of New Hampshire lands, and he seemed to have imbibed the bracing atmosphere, so that his very presence was like a breeze from the mountains, in- spiring and invigorating. He came forth not from the lap of lnxury or the home of affluence, but from the humble home, where, if he had remained, he must necessarily have lived a cir- cumscribed life. But he was not satisfied to be a mediocre man. He was ambitious to make the most of life's opportunity and he was willing to pay the price which brings success. His struggles developed his strength, and the difficulties which he was forced to encounter quickened inventiveness and inspired resolution. He used the obstacles in his way as stepping stones and steadily climbed upward until he reached the National Capitol. There for 20 years he served his constituency, and there he died at his post of duty, a true servant of the people he represented. To have achieved such success he must have had some great qualities of heart and mind. Nature did much for him. He had a unique personality and great native ability; he had also a trained mind and an indomitable will and a great heart filled with love for his fellow man. He loved the " common folk " and was touched with the feelings of their infirmities. The " common folk " loved him and believed him to be sincere and transparent in all of his relations with them. One of the outstanding elements of greatness in this man was the natural and beautiful simplicity of his life. He lived the simple life; he cared nothing for the tinsel and veneer of the shallow social functions; he shrank from the court dress; he had no sympathy with the dilettante spirit of the age; he abhorred the make-up and the unreal. The great honor that his State and Nation conferred upon him did not in- flate him with pride and vain glory. There was nothing ostenta- tious about him; his very gentleness made him great in the eyes of his admirers. Mr. Sulloway was a man of tremendously strong convictions, and sometimes he was not overcareful to use the most elegant lan- guage to express his convictions. He spoke in no polished phrases; he had a style of delivery all his own; he was simply inimitable in his rugged phraseology. He had native wit and satire, and, with his dynamic personality, he poured into his audience an irresistible logic that won for him many loyal sup- porters. But, though a man of strong convictions which led him at times to make wounds in the ranks of his political opponents, he was nevertheless big enough to fight fair; he was never re- [15] Memorial Addresses : Representative Sulloway vengeful nor unforgiving; he could be as tender as a babe, and as forgiving as a mother's kiss. Mr. Sulloway was very human. He was subject to like pas- sions as we. He doubtless made many mistakes, and who has not? He may not always have lived up to his ideals — neither have his critics lived up to theirs, unless their ideals are lower than we think they are. He has been misrepresented and libeled, and his shortcomings have been grossly exaggerated by unkind and ungracious people, who do not seem to be possessed of that love that thinketh no evil and that covereth' a multitude of sins. In this they differ from the great man we eulogize to-day. He was always ready to throw the mantle of charity over the mistakes and shortcomings of his fellow men. I speak now from the viewpoint of one who has had an intimate acquaintance with him for a number of years. I have shared his hospitality and he has shared mine. I have slept in his bed and he has slept in mine. I have had quiet talks with him and I have looked through the windows of his soul, and I can say, without any reservation, that during all my acquaintance with him I have never heard him utter an unkind or an uncharitable word about anyone. He had a heart as tender as the heart of a child; his sympathy for the wayward and the prodigal was most beautiful; his purse strings were always open to the needy, and with the material help ren- dered was spoken the word of cheer and encouragement. I have seldom seen deeper springs of tenderness in any human being than in the great soul of our late Congressman. In the words of the poet, we voice our feelings: Now the laborer's task is o'er, Now the battle day is past, Now upon the farther shore Lands the voyager at last. Father, in Thy gracious keeping, Leave we here our brother, sleeping. There the tears of earth are dried, There its hidden things are clear, There the work of earth is tried By a juster Judge than here. Father, in Thy gracious keeping, Leave we here our brother, sleeping. [16] Address of Mr. Wason, of New Hampshire Lay him gently down to rest, Folded hands o'er tranquil breast, Leave him there and do not weep, He was weary, let him sleep. The sympathy of the entire Nation goes out to his bereaved daughter, who was Ms idol and inspiration. May the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort, who comforteth us all in our tribulation, comfort her in this hour of her sorrow as she sits in the shadow of a great affliction. May the sweet memories of the loved father and the sympathy of thousands of friends, and the mute eloquence of these beautiful flowers and the con- solation of the gospel of God's dear Son all bring to her, to-day, messages of hope, and may the peace of God that passeth all understanding keep her heart and mind, through Christ Jesus. I wish to incorporate as a part of my remarks and to read the following poem written by a friend of the deceased: In Memoriam. to the hox. cyrus adams sulloway. Veteran statesman of the hills! Merrimack's tallest " pine " ! New Hampshire bows in grief Before death's bitter shrine. His service has been great, His willingness, still more; His influence was felt, We know, from shore to shore. His feet pursued the paths Of greatest good to man; His precepts were to do Each day the best you can. He towered high in form, And battled without fear; Within, his heart beat warm In lending aid and cheer. 116937°— 19 2 [17] Memorial Addresses : Representative Sulloway We mourn our loss to-day; The triumphs he has won Will live in memory, still, Although his work is done. Ye statesmen of the hills! Ye rulers of our land! Ye now miss in him A strong and powerful hand. The light he shed still shines Upon our paths to-day, And, just across the borderland, We'll greet thee, Sulloway. — F. Edgar Buxton. Mr. Speaker, I close by reading a tribute to Congress- man Sulloway by former Representative George C. Hazel ton, who represented a district in Wisconsin in this House in the Forty-fifth, Forty-sixth, and Forty- seventh Congresses, who was born in Chester, N. H. This address was delivered at a meeting of the New Hampshire Association of the District of Columbia on May 14, 1917, and is as follows: Mr. President and friends, we have assembled here as members of the New Hampshire Association to lay our votive garland upon the new-made grave of Cyrus Adams Sulloway and to join our hearts and voices in tribute to his memory. In paying this our tribute to him, we pay it not less to our native State. We were bound to him and he to us by a common tie of nativity and by his genial affiliations from time to time with our society. We shall never look upon his like again. He was typical of no man but himself — sui generis — the first and last of his dynasty. He was of the rugged cast of men in form, feature, and charac- ter, a modern Samson in physique, and as he walked the earth he towered above his fellows like as some tall peak that surmounts the Sierras. When he died the undertakers had to search three cities to find a casket large enough to receive his giant form, attired as when he stood upon the floor of Congress to advocate his favorite cause of the Union soldier. [18] Address of Mr. "Wason, of New Hampshire He was stricken down from his post of public duty just when our Government was about to enter the arena of international war, and when he was able to render valuable service in the councils of the Nation. He was far in advance of any of his contemporaries in the advocacy of State and National preparedness. He believed in the impressive power of a great Navy as a conservator of peace among the nations. As early as 1904, at the dedication of the soldiers' monument in my native town of Chester, where he received an ovation from many veterans of the Union Army, I heard him say, " Nations are born and nations are extinguished where armed men meet on fields of deadly conflict. I believe," he said, " that we should increase our Navy as rapidly as our revenues and ship- yards will permit, and the Army to at least 100,000 men." This, as we all know, is not the time or place to elaborate the story of his private or public life, but if you seek a knowledge of the original sources of his development in person and char- acter, you will find them well marked in the romantic regions that enveloped his early life, in the blood of the Anglo-Saxon that coursed in his veins, and in the sentiments, ambitions, and in- fluences which he imbibed from the social system of the New England States. He was an ardent lover of nature, and, until his eyelids closed in the sleep of death, he loved and cherished the romantic features of his native State — crystal lakes, mirrors of the skies; her mountain summits diademed with the snows of winter; and her mountain walls draped for half the year with scenes of tran- scendent beauty and of joy forever. Nor is this all. He was justly proud of her eventful history, civic triumphs, and ma- terial progress, and of that popular will that had kept him for more than a quarter of a century in the fields of his fondest ambitions. I have heard it said, but I will not vouch for its authenticity, that the younger Tell when traveling with his father, the great archer, on the lower levels of Switzerland, growing tired of the monotony, said to his father, " I do not like these lowland plains; I'd rather dwell 'mid the avalanche." This goes to illustrate to some extent the sentiment that binds for life the mountaineer to his native mountain home. Silloway was a fixture in his alle- giance to his birthright and his citizenship. If there were richer harvests to be gathered in fields beyond, they had no charms for [19] Memorial Addresses : Representative Sclloway him. There is a fascination about this mountain life that is irrepressible. I heard it featured once in a memorial poem as it came from the lips of a native-born, home-loving, poet-preacher of New Hampshire who lived it out in love and peace in a life of threescore years and ten within a radius of 20 miles from the spot on the mountain side where he was born. It was on the 4th day of July, 1863, a day ever memorable for Union victories. It was at the centennial celebration of the town in New Hampshire where my mother and her immediate kindred were born and where our worthy president of this association first saw the light of day. The committee of arrangements had invited one of their native-born townsmen, who had arisen to distinction in a career outside the State, to return to his native heath and trace for them the history of a hundred years. Suiting his lines to the occasion, our poet said: While I honor the man who comes back with his laurels All blooming and fresh on the time-wrinkled brow, From the scenes of debate or national quarrel To blend with his kindred who follow the plow, I cherish, I love the true hero who lingers Life-long at the tomb where his fathers lie, While the time-god is writing with skeleton fingers Each scene on the heart as it fades from the eye. I love the ambition that hovers the nighest To the fount whence our earliest pleasures flow, Whose flight like the lark's is the surest and highest, While its home is unseen in the valley below. " Paint me as I am," said Cromwell to his limner. " When you shall these unlucky deeds relate, speak of me as I am," said Othello, " nothing extenuate nor set down aught in malice." He who speaks of our dead Sulloway just as he was at every stage and turn in life, whether in youth or at the bar, in the legislature or in Congress, is his best eulogist and his truest friend. He may then justly say of him that he was the physical type of a giant race of men; that he was endowed by nature with a well- poised brain, a brave heart, and a genial temperament; that after the manner of America's self-made men, he forged his way upon his own merit from lowly conditions to one of usefulness and fame; that he faced the world until death called him to leave it with an open countenance and an honest hand; that in the drama [20] Address of Mr. Wason, of New Hampshire of life he was never known to play the part of a pretender to advance his private interests or to win public favor; that if he cares to dwell upon his faults or frailties incident to human nature, he will find them condoned by his deeds of love and gen- erosity, and he will find that many of the recipients of his princely charities still remain to bless his name and revere his memory. The domain of his personal and political strength lay in the hearts of the common people, they who " wear their stars not on their breasts but in them." He was familiarly known throughout the State as " Cy Sullo- way," or " Cy " for short, not out of disrespect but as a term of endearment. His political friendship reached beyond party lines. I was in Manchester once at a general election when he was running for Congress, and I heard a stalwart Democrat say, " I am a Democrat, dyed-in-the-wool, never cut my ticket, but this time I've got to vote for ' Cy,' " and so he did. I shall do him no injustice when I say that he was not a fin- ished scholar. He did not claim it. His scholastic privileges were limited to the " little red schoolhouse " and a few terms at a New England academy. But he became an adept in that volume of human knowledge that was never taught and never learned in schools. Apropos to this, Farragut once wrote to his boy at col- lege, " Don't take too much time with your books; study men." I can not speak of him, either, as one learned in the law, as the phrase goes. He did not claim it. He had never practiced his profession in the Federal courts so far as I know, but at the bar of his State he was regarded as a safe counselor, was considerate in his charges, and served the poor as faithfully as he served the rich. He was an adroit manager of his cases, and in jury trials especially he was a successful and powerful advocate. I can not say, either, that in statecraft he came up to the level of such men in the history of the State and Nation as Langdon and Sullivan, Webster and Woodbury, John P. Hale and Gal- linger, but on the line of public service where he wrought he was equally faithful and equally efficient. He stands to-day at the head of all others in our national legislation in securing from the Treasury just needs of the American soldier, his widow and his orphans, and I am inclined to think that it is upon the strength of his devotion to this cause that his chances of remembrance along the lines of the future largely depend. [21; Memorial Addresses : Representative Sulloway Mr. President, in forming an estimate of our men in public life we are apt to gauge our judgment by our own political proclivities. Sulloway was a Republican, and so am I. For myself, I could not pay him a higher tribute if I would. But if we apply the nonpartisan standard of public duty, that which goes to the gen- eral welfare, that which involves the integrity of our form of government as fashioned by the fathers, its coordinate powers, and the representative principle upon which it lives and moves and has its being, we shall find that in his fidelity to these es- sential principles of our national life he was as immovable as the granite hills. Partisan or nonpartisan, he stood foursquare for a tariff wall built up to high-water mark for the protection of American industries and American labor. He was for a navy large enough to police the navigable waters of the globe if need be to protect American commercial and treaty rights, and for an army adequate for the national defense and domestic peace. Judge him, if you will, by any of these tests and you will find him an efficient and faithful public servant. This is my epitome of the dead man's life. He was born in my native State, of a loving New England mother, in an humble home where life was a struggle for existence, from which condition, unaided by the power of money or social influence, he made his way up against strong resistance to the zenith of his ambition in the American Congress, and died in the Nation's arms, and with stately obsequies she buried him as one of her worthy dead in his native earth beside his kindred dust, there to iest in peace forevermore. Well may I say in the presence of his death and the pending crisis amid the nations of the earth, in the language of Byron: Between two worlds life hovers like a star, 'Twixt night and morn upon the horizon's edge, How little do we know that which we are, How less what we may be. The eternal surge of time and tide rolls on And bears afar our bubbles, As the old burst new emerges, lashed from the foam of ages, While the graves of empires heave, but like some passing wave. [22] Address of Mr. Cannon, of Illinois Mr. Speaker: I have listened with great interest to the remarks of the gentleman from New Hampshire (Mr. Wason). He has spoken of Mr. Sulloway's position in his native State and of his service for public welfare there and in Congress. The period covered by the life and active public service of our deceased colleague is the most important period in the history of the Republic since the achievement of our independence, followed in the full- ness of time by the adoption of the Constitution of the United States. Perhaps I may be pardoned if I say that Mr. Silloway came here well equipped for his service in the National House of Representatives. He was efficient in the great struggle for the preservation of the Union, and efficient under the leadership of Lincoln in helping to mold public sentiment so that the Union was preserved, by force as well as by statesmanship ; and then in a short time those who attempted to establish the Confederacy and those who preserved the Union were brought together again. Mr. Silloway had courage in time of war, when force had to be resorted to, and courage after the war, courage as a Member of the House of Representatives. Ability crossed on cowardice is a curse. Ability crossed on courage is magnificent. The great majority of the people of the United States are in favor of a representative government, like ours, which gives time for thought, for information, for the cooling of passion, for safeguard against disruption by hasty and ill-considered revolution. Sometimes we boast that our Government more readily registers a change of public opinion than any other Government. That is not the case. Under our Government the Executive is chosen [23] Memorial Addresses : Representative Sulloway for four years and is clothed with great power. Only by a two-thirds majority can we overrule the veto; and while in off years there may be a political revolution resulting in a change, temporary or permanent, in public opinion as registered at the ballot box, yet there can be no imme- diate change of policy unless the Congress, by a two-thirds vote in House and Senate, can overrule the veto and legislate, notwithstanding the objections of the President. In Great Britain, which in many respects is more purely a democracy than is the United States, I believe they have had three changes of government since the com- mencement of this great war. France, I think, has had four or five. Italy has had, I do not recall how many, but two or three. There is a more ready obedience to the weathervane of public opinion in Italy, France, and Great Britain than there is in the United States. Here a longer time is given to see whether a change of public opinion is real and per- manent. During the term of the Executive in time of peace we can have our strong contention, sometimes with fierce discussion and bitter partisanship, prior to the reg- istering of the will of the majority as to whether at the beginning of the next presidential term there shall be a change in the policies of the Government. So in times of peace we have been earnest, sometimes fierce, parti- sans in the United States, and very properly so; because while we differ as to policies, economic and otherwise, from time to time, yet we can survive whatever the opin- ion of the majority may be, although that majoritj' may be mistaken, until it is reversed at subsequent elections. In the meantime the guaranty of the Constitution, like the grace of God, covers every citizen of the Republic. In time of war, under the Constitution of the United States, the Executive is clothed with what we call the war powers exercised by him under the Constitution. 124] Address of Mr. Cannon, of Illinois It will be recollected that during the four years' struggle for the preservation of the Union those who sought to form a Confederacy were substantially united, and those who were responsible for the election of Abraham Lincoln were divided, about two-thirds for the use of force and about one-third against it. Abraham Lincoln the day the war began, or the first year and a part of the second year, might have said, as a war measure, " If you do not return to your allegiance to the Government I will, on the 1st day of January, 1863, as a war measure under the Constitution, free the slaves." But he did not do that. He wanted to preserve the Union. He took an oath to preserve the Union under the Constitution with slavery or without slavery, but to pre- serve the Union. Now the proclamation to free the slaves without legis- lation would not have been worth the paper upon which it was written had it not been that it had to be made good by force, and, thank God, it was made good, and I thank God in my old age that I have lived long enough to see but one sentiment between those who supported Lincoln and those who supported the Confederacy and their descendants to-day; we all thank God that under the leadership of that great President, that great man, when all the balance of us are forgotten, will stand through the milleniums as perhaps the greatest statesman that the world ever produced. In this period of the war we have an Executive. He will be our President until the 4th day of March, 1921, with such a war as we have and are participating in never before, so far as I know, equaled in the history of the world. It is a source of satisfaction to me that the Congress, the Senate and the House, chosen by the people by direct vote, this body being chosen every two years and one- [25] Memorial Addresses : Representative Sulloway third of the other hody chosen every two years, that substantially there is no center aisle — Republicans here and Democrats there. We are as a unit in this great struggle. Public opinion we must pay attention to. Many men of many minds require patience, information, patriotism in a government of the people in the United States, and in the fullness of time in the civilized countries of the world. We are patient. We may make mistakes. The Executive may make mistakes. There are some people who believe that he has made mistakes, and yet it would require two-thirds of the people to reverse the engine. I pray God that long before that time comes, if ever it comes under his leadership, supported by the Congress of the United States, this great war may come to an end by the overthrow of that great autocracy so efficient and so powerful which in my judgment seeks to dominate the world. I not only respected Mr. Sulloway, but I loved him. I was closely associated with him during stormy contests about policies. He was a great big man physically, a great big man mentally, a great big man patriotically, and there was no place where you could discover the white feather — honest in his convictions, courteous in maintaining them. He was always true to himself, true to the people whom he represented, and true to the best interests of the Re- public. The end has come to many during the present session of this Congress. Seven Senators, I believe, and about the same number of Members of the House have crossed over. How many more of us will cross over be- fore this war closes I know not. The average life of a generation is less than 40 years. We speculate — some do not, because they have great faith — as to the future; orthodox or heterodox, we do not agree entirely as to what is to become of us after we cross over. [26] Address of Mr. Cannon, of Illinois No two men ever worship the same God, because God to each individual is according to his conception of God. Yet ours is the Christian religion, and the great mass of the people believe in the Christian religion. Some of us per- haps are not orthodox from some standpoint. Some are Unitarians, some believe in the Trinity, some have faith about this, that, and the other, differing but yet substanti- ally all charitable, thank God, and under our Constitution religious liberty is guaranteed. When I was a younger man I read a volume or two of Swedenborg — The Divine Love and Wisdom. He was a great man. He thought that after we departed this life we found the place which, under universal law, was most agreeable to us. He re- corded, in substance, " It was given to me to be caught up to the spiritual heaven, and I saw one who was accounted a saint on earth who, having died, demanded entrance into heaven; and the reply came that heaven was not denied to anyone, but on entering he fell down headlong." He got to that zone, so to speak, where he found the people with whom he agreed. Mr. Speaker, I shall be glad when the time comes for me to cross over if I can find the place where I shall dwell in eternity where Mr. Sulloway is to be found, and those of his kind. While our friend, Mr. Wason, was talking a short time ago, I made a few notes, and if I were to follow them clear through I would keep you here all of the after- noon. I shall close by saying may New Hampshire, one of the thirteen Colonies that helped to achieve our inde- pendence, that produced her Websters, her Gallingcrs, her Chandlers, her Hales, her Sulloways — may she always remain true as she has been true heretofore to the Repub- lic. Her contributions to the Republic have been great, and one of the contributors, and not the least, to this greatness was our late colleague, Mr. Sulloway. [27] Address of Mr. Sherwood, of Ohio Mr. Speaker: Some 5,447 Congressmen have had voices and votes in this historic Chamber during the past 50 years. Of this number only 22 served 20 years and over and 8 more will have served 20 years at the end of this Sixty-fifth Congress. In this remarkable group of long-service Members, serv- ing 20 years and over, our departed friend, Cyrus Adams Sulloway, ranks among the first in point of efficient serv- ice and patriotic achievement. As chairman of the Com- mittee on Invalid Pensions in seven Congresses, or 14 years as financial guardian of the veterans of the Civil War, Mr. Sulloway carried out in letter and spirit the patriotic utterance of President Lincoln in his last inau- gural address, caring for those who in that awful crisis bore the brunt of battle in a four-year war, and their widows and orphans. Hence " Cy " Sulloway was re- garded a revered benefactor and his name was a house- hold word of affection and gratitude in every war-stricken home in the entire country. While it may be true that length of service in the Con- gress may not be the exclusive gauge of merit or ability, the standard of estimate is true when the beneficiary has held his high place by fidelity to the best ideals and in patriotic achievement. Apply this test to Cyrus Sullo- way, and his record of achievement places him among the most meritorious of all that array of Congressmen who have lived official lives in this Chamber during the past half century. And it is a mooted question whether one-half of all the 5,447 Members of Congress who served on this floor dur- ing the past half century did not leave Congress with [28] Address of Mr. Sherwood, of Ohio less valid reputation than when they entered this often- called Hall of Fame. That congressional life plays havoc with many untoward and ill-grounded ambitions is forci- bly illustrated in the following tragic record: Of the 391 Members of Congress who took the oath of office in the first session of the Sixty-second Congress, 1911, only four belonged to the House in 1891, or 20 years previous — Joseph G. Cannon, of Illinois; Sereno E. Payne, of New York; Henry H. Bingham, of Pennsylvania; and John Dalzell, of Pennsylvania. That accomplished scholar and profound student of American history, Dr. Elva Stanwood Alexander, LL. D., in a valuable book issued in 1916, discussing the often too frequent changes in membership in Congress, says: " The House, like the heathen goddess, devours its own children. The rapidity with which the process goes on is a bit startling. The average service of a Member is less than six years." Although New Hampshire, the birthplace and home of " Cy " Sulloway, is one of the smallest States in the Union in area and population, ranking as the fortieth in population, it has furnished many distinguished states- men and scholars to our honor roll, notably Daniel Web- ster and William E. Chandler; and one of the most pa- thetic and musical gems of poetic literature in the Eng- lish language was written and sung by a soldier of New Hampshire, Walter Kittredge, of Reeds Ferry. He wrote and sung Tenting To-night On the Old Camp Ground; and one of my earliest memories of impulsive enthusiasm was in 1845, when I heard, as a barefooted boy, in the open air, one starlit August night, the famous Hutchinson family of New Hampshire sing to the accompaniment of the bells the song of emancipation. Sixteen years later the same family sang the songs of the Civil War amid the enthusiastic plaudits of the Boys in Blue around the [29] Memorial Addresses: Representative Sclloway gleaming bivouac fires in the camps of the Army of the Potomac. The political career of " Cy " Sulloway is rarely excep- tional. His whole career was marked by fidelity to duty and courageous honesty. Let not this occasion pass without gathering a lesson of value to the living, espe- cially to the young men of to-day who, like our departed friend in his youth, are struggling against what seems adverse fate. The brightest gleam of hope for the young man of to-day is in the knowledge that the greatest statesmen who have ever shone in the high places of influence and power in this Republic were born poor and with limited opportunities for education. On this sacred Sabbath day, in this historic Chamber, let us consecrate ourselves to that fervent and all- absorbing patriotism, that high purpose to serve the people we are honored to represent, with the fidelity which characterized our departed friend. [30] Address of Mr. Gillett, of Massachusetts Mr. Speaker: One of the saddest features of our life, no matter where it is cast, is the constant breaking up of friendships. Wherever we dwell, that is inevitable. It comes from death, it comes from change of residence, from change of habit, sometimes from violent differences of opinion, but I think of no place a man's lot could be cast where that happens more incessantly than it does to one who is long a Member in this House. The con- stant change of membership from session to session is forever interrupting our friendships and breaking off intimacies which have contributed greatly to our happi- ness. When Mr. Sulloway first came to Congress I was here. Yet to-day there are only a half dozen who were here then. During that time how many hundreds of men have come here and passed on with whom I have made acquaintance, even intimate and enjoyable friendships, I could not enumerate. Many men came for one term only, many for only two, and there are very few whose own will unites with the will of their constituents to make this their permanent occupation, although I think that ten- dency is growing. When I first came here the sessions of Congress did not occupy, on the average, half the year, and a Member expected to cany on also his private business. Now it absorbs practically all one's time, with the result that it has become a permanent and engrossing profes- sion. I remember well, as anyone would, Mr. Sulloway's first appearance here, for he was a man whom to see was to remember. I suspect anyone in the gallery looking down upon the floor of the House would always point him out as one of the few men about whom curiosity would be excited. His prodigious height, his great bulk [31] Memorial Addresses : Representative Silloway of body, his unconventional appearance, attracted atten- tion and made of him a marked man. And this extraor- dinary appearance did not mislead, because he was an extraordinary man. I can not pretend that I was ever one of his intimates, although we were here together for 20 years, but it did not happen that our congressional lives ran at all in the same channel. You know our intimacies here are apt to be formed through committee work or from interests along the same lines or from the accidents of social life. It was, I presume, by chance that Mr. Sulloway's appoint- ment to a certain committee led him to that line of work where he became so eminent and so useful, and which I think was in accord with his whole disposition, because that great frame and body of his held a great heart. He was full of human sympathy, and the committee on which he served was one which constantly appealed to that very element in a man's life, for it was his duty to constantly read over the appeals and the history of men who had volunteered to risk their life for their country and going back into civil life had suffered hardships and illnesses which brought their needs before his committee. He had to study these accounts of human suffering which would appeal to anyone, but which particularly would appeal to one of his warm and sympathetic disposition. So it seems to me his life here by the accident of com- mittee appointment was spent largely along just the lines that he would gladly have originally selected. It was spent in giving relief to human suffering, in rendering justice to the men who had risked their all for their coun- try, and in that way his whole career was a constant benediction to his fellow men. He was a man who was singularly modest and retiring in his conduct on this floor, because it was very seldom that he participated actively in the debates of Congress. [32] Address of Mr. Gillett, of Massachusetts It was through no lack of ability, because when he did take a part he did it with a vigor and a power which al- ways attracted attention and appreciation. They say great bodies move slowly, and it was perhaps on that account that he seemed somewhat lethargic and slow in taking part in congressional activity; or perhaps it was because of the native modesty of the man. He never put himself forward. It was our misfortune that he did not more often exercise that great power of speech which he pos- sessed, and which, when he did display it, always attracted an admiring audience. But I presume he felt as a great majority of men in the House feel, that their line of work runs along the line of their committee duties, and his committee work chanced to be of a kind which did not call upon him for debate, but did call upon him for con- stant, assiduous, industrious labor. It was in that way, it seems to me, that he contributed most to the efficiency of Congress; not by any parade, not even by the display of qualities which we should have liked to see oftener, but by quiet, modest, indefatigable labor in giving to the retired soldiers of the United States that care and attention and benefaction which he so deeply felt they deserved. He was a man of most decided and unswerving and outspoken convictions, one whom you could always depend on to do his duty, and who would never attempt to shirk or dodge. Indeed, he had a courageous and outspoken scorn for the trimmer. No man could serve with him without feeling the warm heart, the depth of sympathy, the generosity of tempera- ment which characterized his whole career here, and those of us who served with him lament, in his departure from us, a warm-blooded friend and a most useful public servant. 11G937"— 19 3 [33] Address of Mr. Fuller, of Illinois Mr. Speaker: When I first came to Congress, at the com- mencement of the first session of the Fifty-eighth Con- gress, I first met the Hon. Cyrus A. Sulloway, who was then the chairman of the Committee on Invalid Pensions. I was appointed a member of that committee, and during all of my service and all of his service, down to the date of his death, I served with him on that committee. I thus came to know him well and we became the best of friends. I had the highest regard for his many good qualities of head and heart. There was not a particle of affectation or pretense about him. He always stood foursquare to the world. He was honest and sincere himself and had little patience with anyone who was not so. He was a friend of truth, of soul sincere; In action faithful, and in honor clear; Who broke no promises, served no private ends, Sought no title and forsook no friends. One always knew exactly where to find him. He talked little, but always to the point, and there was no misunder- standing as to his position on any question on which he expressed himself. If all Members of the Congress were like him in that respect it would take much less time in which to transact the necessary business. I think he had the respect of every Member of the House, and his sudden death was a distinct shock, especially to those who knew him best. He was preeminently the soldier's friend, and the old soldiers of the Civil War, their widows and or- phans, never had a better or truer friend in Congress than Uncle Cy. Sulloway. In season and out of season he labored in their behalf. He firmly believed that the [34] Address of Mr. Fuller, of Illinois country owed a debt of gratitude for the services of the old veterans for which they could never be fully compen- sated, and that the least the country could do for them was to see that none suffered in their old age for the nec- essaries and ordinary comforts of life. In the granting of pensions he was impatient of fixed rules, and believed and insisted that every case coming before his committee should be acted upon according to its merits, in which the service rendered and the needs of the proposed beneficiary should be the governing factors. Mr. Sulloway was a giant in stature, and his heart was as great in proportion. A kinder-hearted man never lived. His name will be held in kindest remembrance so long as an old soldier of the Civil War lives, and by his host of warm personal friends who from intimate ac- quaintance learned to admire and appreciate him for his many good qualities and kindly acts. If stores of dry and learned lore we gain, We keep them in the memory of the brain. Names, things, and facts, whate'er we knowledge call, There is the common ledger for them all. And images on this cold surface traced Make slight impressions and are soon effaced. But we've a page more glowing and bright, Whereon our friendships and our loves to write, That these may never from the soul depart, We trust them to the memory of the heart. There is no dimming, no effacement there; Each new pulsation keeps the record clear. Warm, golden letters all the tablets fill, Nor lose their luster till the heart stands still. The grim reaper has been unusually busy with the Members of the Sixty-fifth Congress, and that fact brings us all to the realization that life is fast fleeting away, and as the shadows lengthen we find that we are — ■ [35] Memorial Addresses : Representative Sulloway A little more tired at close of day, A little less anxious to have our way; A little less ready to scold and blame, A little more care of a brother's name; And so we are nearing the journey's end, Where time and eternity meet and blend. A little more love for the friends of youth; A little less zeal for established truth; A little more charity in our views, A little less thirst for the daily news; And so we are folding our tents away, And passing in silence at close of day. A little less care for bonds and gold, A little more zest in the days of old; A broader view and a saner mind, A little more love for all mankind; And so we are faring adown the way That leads to the gates of a better day. A little more leisure to sit and dream, A little more real the things unseen; A little nearer to those ahead, With visions of those long loved and dead; And so we are going, where all must go, To the place the living may never know. Mr. Sulloway was an intensely patriotic man in the best and truest sense of the word. He loved this country and was proud of its achievements in the past, and gloried in its growth and prosperity and its consistent stand for the liberties of all mankind. If he were alive to-day, there is no shadow of doubt as to where he would stand on the great war in which the country is now engaged. He hated with all the earnestness of his strong nature all manner of despotic or autocratic government, and the administration, regardless of party politics, would have had in him a strong supporter of all measures calculated to bring victory to our cause and lasting defeat to the [36] Address of Mr. Fuller, of Illinois Central Powers in their attempt to rule the world by {rightfulness and brute force. Just before we entered the war his voice was stilled in death, but if men do live after what we call death, as I believe they do, his spirit is watching the great conflict, supremely confident that the outcome can only be the final end of autocratic govern- ment on earth and the eternal victory of right, justice, and free government among men. Wherever his spirit is to- day, I know that he cordially joins with all patriotic Americans in the sentiment expressed by the poet: Thou, too, sail on, Ship of State! Sail on, Union, strong and greatl Humanity with all its fears, With all the hopes of future years, Is hanging breathless on thy fate! We know what Master laid thy keel, What workman wrought thy ribs of steel, Who made each mast, and sail, and rope, What anvils rang, what hammers beat, In what a forge and what a heat Were shaped the anchors of thy hope! Fear not each sudden sound and shock, Tis of the wave and not the rock; Tis but the flapping of the sail, And not a rent made by the gale! In spite of rock and tempest roar, In spite of false lights on the shore, Sail on, nor fear to breast the sea! Our hearts, our hopes, are all with thee, Our hearts, our hopes, our prayers, our tears, Our faith triumphant o'er our fears, Are all with thee — are all with thee! [37] Address of Mr. Hollingsworth, of Ohio Mr. Speaker: I first met Mr. Sulloway on the day of the organization of the Sixty-first Congress, when I stood near him before the Speaker's desk waiting to he sworn in as a Member. His massive form was so striking and impressive that it arrested the attention of new Members like myself, and I shall never forget the impression it made upon me. He had then been in Congress 12 years and, although of modest mien and unpretentious, I nat- urally looked upon him not only as a physical giant but as a wise counselor, both in experience and mental equip- ment. Subsequently I learned by association that my first impressions were correct and that his sage-like ap- pearance indicated the real man in him. His cordial handclasp on introduction won me at once, and I ever afterwards in his presence felt a glow of friendly admira- tion. He seemed to me, in character and manliness, like the sturdy granite of his native State, and his friendship certainly proved of that type to me. Coming over to where I was sitting a few days after the House was organized but before the standing com- mittees were announced, he remarked: "I see you wear the G. A. R. button and hope you will be put on the Invalid Pensions Committee. We need you." It turned out as he suggested, and I had two years of pleasant service on that committee with Mr. Sulloway as chairman. I learned from him his modest but effective method of dealing with pension legislation, particularly special bills to grant or increase individual pensions, and, as a result, when the score of that Congress closed I had secured more special acts for deserving soldiers of my district than any other Member of the House, not excepting Chair- man Sulloway himself, and when I called to bid him [38] Address of Mr. Hollingsworth, of Ohio good-by and thank him for the interest he had taken in me as a new Member he good-naturedly congratulated me on my success, saying I had been one of the aptest students he had ever known along that line, and that my soldier constituents ought to be gratified at the work I had done for them. So they were, but they did not know how much of my success I owed to the friendly advice and assistance of my good mentor and friend, Mr. Sulloway. I never expected to see him again. A slip, in the nature of a Democratic landslide, at the election in 1910, had left me out of the Sixty-second Congress and, being of the Middle West, and Mr. Sulloway of New England, our paths were not likely to again cross each other. A de- cided political jolt in 1912 also left both of us out of the Sixty-third Congress and our separation seemed final, but at the election in 1914, the wave of political unrest having begun to recede, we were both reelected and came back to the Sixty-fourth Congress to renew a friendship which was to continue steadfast and cordial until the angel of death touched him and he was called to his reward. Naturally, therefore, I can not let this opportunity pass without placing upon his bier one little chaplet of love and remembrance. Others, like his former colleague [Mr. Wason], who knew him in his home life, knew him where State honors and local distinctions were his, knew him before he came to Washington, and were more fortunate than I in long association with him in youth and in the maturity of man- hood, have spoken at length of his virtues, his lovable character, his broad humanity and universal love of his fellow men, coupled with lofty patriotism and love of country, and each and every sentence and thought ex- pressed, or which may be expressed on this occasion, has and will find in my own heart an echo and an abiding [39] Memorial Addresses: Representative Sv/lloway place. He was to me an ideal manly man, sincere and true. As a Member of the House he was able and active, although his seeming modesty in speech kept him from seeking to enter the so-called charmed circle of the " talk- ing few." Perhaps his most distinguishing characteristic was his intense loyalty and absolute love of justice and fair deal- ing. He was incapable of wronging any man, friend or foe. His loyalty to country during the Civil War led him early to seek service in the Union Army, but his physical condition was such at that time and during the war that this privilege was denied him, but this very denial seems to have made him more thoughtful of those in the serv- ice, and I am told he devoted his time and energies dur- ing the war largely to civic duties connected therewith, demonstrating the fact that in war there are civic heroes as well as military heroes, each deserving the highest commendation of their fellow countrymen. After the war his interest and friendship for the " boys in blue " continued, and, it is said, grew stronger and stronger as their years and increasing infirmities rendered them more and more proper objects of bounty from the great Govern- ment they had saved from destruction. So marked was this trait in his character that long before I knew him he had become known from one end of the country to the other in Grand Army circles as " Cy. Sulloway, the sol- diers' friend." As a legislator in pension matters he did not believe in the trivial technicalities which often bar needy soldiers and their dependents from receiving just assistance. He was old enough to remember the recruiting promise of every recruiting officer sent out by the Government in the sixties, that no volunteer soldier or his family should ever be permitted by the Government to come to want; and this promise, in Mr. Sulloway's mind, was a continu- [40] Address of Mr. Hollingsworth, of Ohio ing obligation, as binding as if written into the statutes like the present war relief measures. His big heart was also big enough to occasionally overlook in the Army records boyish delinquencies where no treasonable act or moral turpitude was involved, such as overstaying a leave of absence or being marked a deserter by mistake. As chairman and member of the Invalid Pensions Commit- tee, he acted upon this theory; and often a needy but deserving soldier wondered, as he thought of some small blot on his Army record, just how his bill happened to get through the committee, while one not so needy or possibly not so deserving, comfortably fixed in this world, won- dered at his own failure to receive as much as he thought the Government owed him. But Sulloway knew. His intuition was keen, and he readily recognized the differ- ence between need and greed. He remembered the re- cruiting promise of the Government to care for the needy soldier, his widow and orphans, and in doing this his big heart and just mind led him at times to cut out the red-tape sacredness of Army records, often made up by an incompetent company sergeant or minor official. In this he showed a nobility of soul too rare in the public life of to-day; a justness of comprehension too often criticized by small minds. He was a friend of God's poor, and as such left many footprints on the sands of time. Requi- escat in pace. [41] Address of Mr. Ci.ark, of Florida Mr. Speaker : I shall take the time of the House now to say only a word or two. When I came to the House nearly 14 years ago I met Mr. Sulloway and was very much struck with his appearance when I first met him. I was fortunate enough after that time to live with him in the same hotel for a considerable period of time. I came to know him well. I never in my life have seen a man of such magnificent stature and such great brain power who was so meek and mild and almost childlike in his affec- tions and friendships. I had occasion to know Mr. Sulloway, because I talked with him a great deal, and I regarded him as a man of wonderful ability. Yet he was the most unostentatious, modest man I think I ever knew. When his death was announced I felt that I had lost, and I had lost, a personal friend. When I first came to Congress I represented 19 coun- ties in the State of Florida, most of them lying along the eastern coast of the State, populated very largely by Fed- eral soldiers and their widows. This, of necessity, in- volved me in a good deal of pension work. On every occasion when I went to Mr. Sulloway I found him sym- pathetic and kind, and he always gave me the assistance that I needed. As a new Member of Congress I relied upon him absolutely in all pension matters, and fre- quently sought his advice in other matters, and he never failed me. He was a great man, and I say that with due consideration. Since I have been here I have seen many great men in this House — men of broad vision, men of great intellect, men of wonderful accomplishments. Mr. Sulloway easily ranked with those men, in my judgment. When he died a giant fell. Not only New Hampshire but the Nation was the loser by his death. I grew not only [42] Address of Mr. Clark, of Florida to admire him but to feel a very close affection for him. This House is one place where the measure of a man is not only soon taken but it is accurately taken. Mr. Sulloway's measure was taken and he occupied a high place in the estimation of his colleagues. He was high- minded, noble, and true, and not only New Hampshire but the Republic was made poorer when he left us. God bless his memory. [43] Address of Mr. Sloan, of Nebraska Mr. Speaker: Brief shall be my uttered thoughts in con- templating the life, career, and death of this eminent New Englander, whom I met some time after coming to Con- gress. Several who have paid their tributes told of meet- ing Representative Sulloway when the}- first came to Congress. I saw him, but met him considerably later. His personality attracted me. Standing here among his fellows as one of the proud Lebanon cedars, I sought not to touch the form; but long before the conclusion of my first term I sat within the shade of this giant tree and enjoyed the fruits of companionship that arose between the mountaineer of New England, old in statesmanship, and the young man of the plains, just entering the service. There have been some very interesting remarks of a personal character this afternoon, more than are usual on such occasions. Statistics have been resorted to on this particular occasion more than on others. Perhaps it is because of the greater necrology of this Congress. Many have passed away, and the term has little more than half elapsed. In thinking of the number who have gone over, one fact has been overlooked by those of longer service. I am reminded of it by what has been said by every speaker to-day referring to the prominence of Mr. Sulloway in his service on behalf of the Civil War soldier. Of the 433 Members of this body, old or young in service, where once perhaps two-thirds of the membership had worn in battle time the blue or the gray, to-day there are but five who met in battle more than 50 years ago. At the head of those who wore the blue is Gen. Isaac R. Sherwood, who has passed his fourscore years and still is, like Sulloway [44] Address of Mr. Sloan, of Nebraska was, a giant. Well might we say of the men who lived and legislated 20 years ago, as was said of old, " There were giants in those days." By his side is the other Mem- ber from Ohio, Gen. Hollingsworth. Added to that num- ber, I believe, there is but one more, Mr. Osborne, of Cali- fornia. Of those who struck for the then projected nation there are but two, Maj. Stedman, of North Carolina, and Gen. Estopinal, of Louisiana, or five in all. There is an- other important statistical fact showing how brief is this life and how little control we have over it. Here is the greatest law-making body on earth, the most ingenious contrivance for legislation in the world. Here we come nearer expressing the will of the greatest and most intelli- gent people on earth, and yet how absolutely helpless are we against the decrees which are constantly calling us away. " Death's hand no man can stay," and Congress and Parliament are composed of men. It is a thought which should be expressed that our friend Sulloway died not yesterday, not last month, but nearly 14 months ago. But, notwithstanding the lapse of time, there are those among us who formed friendships with him that have impelled us to come here and pay our tributes, although many men consigned to their tombs are forgotten before a dozen suns have rolled. It is an espe- cial tribute that old Members of this House and others have come and sat through these two hours and listened to the observations that have been made upon the life, character, and well-deserved fame of Mr. Sulloway. He was a man of courage, a man of conviction, advo- cated fearlessly his cause, and never forsook a friend. Thus several times has it been remarked that he seldom spoke. Yet all who knew him recognized his command- ing ability with juries, on the stump, and here in this Hall. In debate he had a lion's strength, but, like the lion, he seldom exerted the lion's strength. [45] Memorial Addresses : Representative Sulloway He was not like some great New Hampshire men born in that State, educated in the Granite State, who went elsewhere for their careers. He was born there; he lived there; he rose in stature physically, professionally, and politically as Mount Washington rises above its fellows in the range. For the brief time he was absent from this Hall, when the membership looked about for the New Hampshire men it was said that the White Mountains were here but Mount Washington was absent. Telemachus said, " It is ever wrong to say that a good man dies." I will follow that rule by simply saying that the New Englander has passed. His life, of course, is passed, but, in common with all humanity, his deeds will live as deeds of all mankind will survive, as influences and causes for good or ill. In his case, I believe, in the family of which he was a part, in the community in which he resided, in the State which he honored, and the Nation which he served, his acts and counsel were all for the good. They will be preserved through the years and decades. New Hampshire granite has been transported to every State in this Union. Shafts of its enduring quality stand at the head of the graves in every State of the Union and every country on the continent. Upon those shafts there may be inscribed epitaphs embodying the inspira- tion of the poet and the wisdom of the greatest philoso- phers and sages, but I believe that deeper in American hearts and memories there will be the enduring deeds of Cyrus Sulloway than can be traced on these granite shafts. A story once I read like this : I wrote my name upon the sands. When I returned the flood and ebbing tides had wiped out every trace that I had made. I then carved it upon the enduring granite. Years thereafter I re- turned to find that a lightning bolt had destroyed that granite shaft. Then I traced it upon enduring bronze. Years thereafter I returned. An earthquake had rent the base of that bronze and [46] Address of Mr. Sloan, of Nebraska it lay buried under drifting dust and sand. I learned the lesson that if I would write my name where it would endure I would write it upon the hearts of men. So, instead of on granite shaft or bronze monument, Cyrus Sulloway has his name written upon the hearts and memories of his fellow men. From New England to Florida, from Florida to California, wherever Grand Army of the Republic members are, and wherever their widows and orphans survive, his name is known and revered as the soldier's friend. [47] Address of Mr. Burroughs, of New Hampshire Mr. Speaker: We arc gathered here to-day in this historic Chamber, the meeting place of the lower hranch of the greatest legislative body in the world, to pay tribute to the memory of one who rose from an humble station to a prominent place in this great body, where he served for 20 years with great credit and distinction. He died " in the harness " in the service of his country. In the closing hours of the Sixty-fourth Congress, with day and night sessions on March 2 and 3, he contracted a severe cold which developed into pneumonia, and despite the pleading of his colleagues he refused to leave the Chamber day or night. He said: "There are many bills coming up here in these closing hours that are of national import; a few of them are measures that politically cut both ways. I am going to stay on the job, for I am not afraid to meet these questions, and I am not going to give anybody a chance to say I was a ' quitter.' " This was typical of the character of Hon. Cyrus Adams Sulloway, Representative in Congress from the first New Hampshire district, from the day, as a young man, he walked barefooted 14 miles from Grafton, N. H., his birthplace, to Franklin, to enter the law office of the late Hon. Austin F. Pike, one of the famous attorneys of New Hampshire of that long-ago period. Mr. Sulloway was born in Grafton, N. H., on June 8, 1839. He passed away early Sunday morning, March 11, 1917, from pneumonia, after an illness of but a few days. Mr. Sulloway's imme- diate family consisted of one daughter, Miss H. Belle Sulloway, who was with him here in Washington at the time of his sickness and sad death. The wife of Mr. Sulloway had died when this daughter was a very young girl. The sympathy, care, and anxiety for his daughter [48] Address of Mr. Burroughs, of New Hampshire made the home life of Mr. Sulloway one of the striking features of his life. He was admitted to the bar in 1863, and came down from Franklin, where he had been studying law, and opened an office in Manchester, N. H. He was allowed the use of a desk in the office of Judge David Cross, at that time one of the great leaders of the New Hampshire bar. Mr. Sulloway remained in the office for some time until one day Judge Cross said to him: " Cy, I guess I have got to ask you to move out. I find you are getting some of my best clients away from me. You are able to open an office of your own, and you will not have any trouble about getting business." He then went over into the office of Attorney Samuel Lord, a prominent lawyer of Manchester, where he remained until he formed a partnership with E. M. Topliff, and the fame of the Sulloway & Topliff firm, with offices in the then new opera block in Manchester, became statewide. Topliff, one of the greatest and most skillful cross-examiners in the history of the New Hampshire bar, and Sulloway, forceful, homely in expression, imposing and convincing in argument in " summing up " to the jury, made a " pair that was hard to beat" in the then legal field of the Granite State. Mr. Sulloway early " took to politics," and in 1872 was elected to the State legislature from Manchester. Again in 1887 he was returned to the house of representatives at Concord, N. H., and he continued to serve there until 1894, when he was nominated for Congress for the first time, at an exciting and enthusiastic convention at The Weirs, with two candidates against him. From that time on he was renominated 11 consecutive times, covering a period of 22 years. All but once he was the victor at the polls in November. In 1912, when the Progressive move- ment was at its height, Mr. Sulloway was beaten by Hon. 116937°— 19 i [49] Memorial Addresses: Representative Sulloway Eugene E. Reed, Democrat, by a few more than a thousand votes, but two years later Mr. Sulloway " came back " and defeated Mr. Reed by a substantial majority, and was reelected to the Sixty-fourth Congress. He was again renominated for the present Sixty-fifth Congress and was reelected over the Democratic candidate, Hon. Gordon Woodbury, of Redford. He served in Congress just a full 20 years, which in later days of his service was his hope and ambition. This long period of service attested his strength and loyalty to the people of his district. He had a host of friends that never deserted him. He was faithful and energetic and attended carefully to the interests of Ids district. He was even more popular in his later days than when he started in office. He grew and developed as a legislator as his career blossomed with age. His six-foot- six and three-quarters inches came to be more and more beloved and honored as time passed. He obtained a record in New Hampshire never before equaled. No man before his day had ever served more than three terms in the lower branch of Congress. Many times his nomina- tion was by acclamation, without an opponent, until he became known as Cyrus "Acclamation " Sulloway. When he had opposition his great popularity, due to a recognition of the value of the service he was rendering to his country and State, was sufficient to vanquish the hopes of any aspirant to his seat. They all went the same way, down to defeat. I had long known the " Tall Pine of the Merrimack," as he was so often and so affectionately referred to. I knew of his unique personality and strength in the courts of law; I knew of it in the State legislature, where he was a power in the public service; I knew of it in the Con- gress, where he had served so long and faithfully; I knew of it in the field of politics when I once tried to get his [50] Address of Mr. Burroughs, of New Hampshire job; I knew of it in the hearts of the people when the votes of the primary had been cast; and I am proud that the people of the first New Hampshire district have seen fit to select me as the successor of one whom they so greatly loved. I am told that he became a great favorite with his fellow Members of Congress, and that he was regarded by them as a diligent and faithful public serv- ant. There never was a word of suspicion spoken of him. He was an uncompromising Republican, a stanch and enthusiastic protectionist, a loyal and true citizen, the friend alike of the rich and the poor. He knew no sect, no creed, and his hand was out to all. His " God bless you " will be widely and sorely missed in Washing- ton and in New Hampshire. His death brought genuine sorrow to the people in State and Nation. Of his congressional career other Members who served with him here on this floor can speak much better than I. Suffice it to say that I know of his fidelity in looking after the interests of the working people and the industries of our State and country, of his services for the Portsmouth Navy Yard, of the tremendous work he did for the vet- eran soldiers and their widows and orphans, and the deep interest he had at all times in the welfare of his constitu- ents. I did not always agree with Mr. Sulloway, but it is a pleasure for me now to record the fact that our dif- ferences were never personal. His great, warm heart made him always a fair and generous opponent as well as a loyal and devoted friend. In closing I feel that I can say nothing that will so fit- tingly and adequately express the sentiment of the great body of the people of his own State, whom he so long in part represented on this floor, as to quote an editorial published in the Daily Mirror and American in Manches- ter, N. H., on Tuesday, March 20, 1917. This editorial was written by Mr. William H. Topping, who had for nearly [51] Memorial Addresses: Representative Sulloway 20 years served Mr. Sulloway as secretary or clerk of his committee here in Washington. I ask leave, Mr. Speaker, to print the editorial referred to as a part of my remarks. The editorial referred to is as follows: THE LATE CONGRESSMAN SULLOWAY. The tribute paid to the late Congressman Cyrus A. Sulloway by the citizens of Manchester and New Hampshire was one of the greatest ever given to a citizen of the State. The thousands who gathered at his obsequies attested to the love, the esteem, and the admiration in which he was held. It was a wonderful demon- stration to a remarkable man. Congressman Cyrus Adams Sulloway in life was a unique character. His great size made him conspicuous wherever he went, as he towered far above the usual-sized man. But it was not his great stature that made him beloved by people all over the country and the idol of hundreds and thousands of residents of his native State. It was the human side of Mr. Sulloway that appealed to his friends. As he was large in stature, he was equally so in his generosity, simplicity, rugged honesty, and plainness. Political honors never swelled his head, and at the close of his 20 years of service he was the same modest, retiring, thoughtful, considerate, and plain man that he was when he first went to Con- gress 22 years ago. His public career has been a brilliant one. Without " fuss or feathers " he made his name almost a household word from one end of the country to the other. In the Fifty-sixth Congress he was named as chairman of the Committee on Invalid Pensions by Speaker Henderson. This committee deals with all pension mat- ters growing out of the Civil War. The wonderful work of Chair- man Sulloway brought this committee from mediocrity to one of the most important in the House. Not only on general but on special legislation Mr. Sulloway's great work won for him and his committee the confidence of the House on both the Republican and Democratic sides of the Chamber. Faithful and conscientious work made it possible for this committee to receive, on practi- cally all occasions, the almost unanimous support of the Mem- bers of the House. In the matter of special legislation or private pension bills, Con- gressman Sulloway secured from the Bureau of Pensions one of [52] Address of Mr. Burroughs, of New Hampshire the most exact and expert examiners in the country, who pre- pared the cases and briefed the evidence for the committee. Every case acted on was read and considered by the full com- mittee. Unworthy cases seldom, if ever, got by the examiner. In one session of Congress alone more than 1,200 cases, where the soldier was blind, paralyzed, or bedridden, were passed. No such humane work had ever been accomplished by the committee be- fore, and it brought Congressman Sulloway into national promi- nence. In addition to this, Congressman Sulloway succeeded in get- ting through Congress much general legislation, which increased the pensions of both the soldiers and widows. His work in this line won for him unstinted praise, both from the old soldiers and from the general public. He was not radical in the matter of legis- lation, all reports to the contrary notwithstanding. He was just, fair, honest, and conscientious in his treatment of matters, both general and special. On other questions of great public moment Congressman Sullo- way was a man whose opinions were sought and whose judgment was respected. As a tariff man he was one of the strongest in the House. He was a great student of this subject and a firm believer that the success and prosperity of the business and in- dustrial interests of this country must depend upon protection. He was equally as positive that labor's only guaranty to employ- ment was through the instrumentality of this same tariff. In Congress, at the hustings, and in private conversation he vigor- ously and originally expressed his views in language that left no misgivings as to its sincerity. Congressman Sulloway accomplished much for his district and his constituents during his long service. One of the monuments to his successful career is the Portsmouth Navy Yard. Unques- tionably this yard would have been abandoned but for the tireless energy of the " Tall Pine." The Navy Department was against its continuance, the naval officers were all opposed to it, on account of the fact that the city, where it was located, lacked what they thought were proper social features. When other men from New Hampshire in Congress had grown weary of trying to do some- thing for Portsmouth, Congressman Sulloway kept plugging away with that determination that always characterized his efforts, and he succeeded one day, in a speech filled with humor, patriotism, and pathos, in getting an appropriation of $1,000,000 through for [53] Memorial Addresses: Representative Sulloway the construction of a big, new dry dock, then the largest in the country. That dry dock saved the Portsmouth Yard, and con- tinued efforts, followed by successful legislation, much of which was secured through the efforts of Mr. Sulloway, have brought the yard up to its present standard and made it one of the best in the country, and which has insured forever its continuance as such. Other monuments to Congressman Sulloway are public build- ings at Dover, Rochester, Laconia, and improvements in the Man- chester building. One of the recent acts of the late Congressman was the passage of an appropriation through the House for an extensive addition, in both land and buildings, to the Man- chester post office, amounting to 8225,000. Liberal appropriations were secured by Mr. Sulloway for river and harbor improve- ments at Newmarket, Dover, and Portsmouth, among them being nearly half a million for the removal of Hendersons Point, which was successfully accomplished. As a legislator Congressman Sulloway was highly regarded in Washington. He won the confidence of men of all parties. Hon. Champ Clark and Senator John Sharp Williams, of Mississippi, both formerly violent opponents of pensions at one time in the House, made speeches in which they devoted their entire time to a commendation of the work of Congressman Sulloway on pension matters. Both stated that a careful investigation of the efforts of the Manchester man had convinced them of their error, and that as far as they were concerned they were with Mr. Sulloway and his committee, and had the utmost confidence in the work they were doing. The illness and death of Congressman Sulloway was attended by genuine sorrow and grief in Washington. His friends were legion in Congress, and great leaders on both sides of the Chamber called at his hotel and eagerly sought news of his condition. His death cast a great gloom over official Washington. A distinguished gathering of Senators and Representatives accompanied his body to this city and paid their last respects. Manchester turned out and paid him an immense tribute. Rarely, if ever, has there been a more impressive service or a more distinguished gathering of citizens in New Hampshire than was assembled at the bier of the " Tall Pine of the Merrimack." People of all classes and conditions of life were there, for all loved him. This great throng of staid, sorrowful, and mourning citizens and friends of the Hon. Cyrus Adams Sulloway an- [54] Address of Mr. Burroughs, of New Hampshire swered his critics effectually and sufficiently. It was a wonder- ful tribute to this plain, rugged, homely man of the people and one that even a king might be proud of. Of the personal side of Congressman Sulloway volumes could be written. His history is one of kind deeds. Tenderness, gen- erosity, sweetness, loyalty, modesty, and honesty characterized his whole existence. He lived to make others happy. Of his mite of this world's goods he gave the larger share to his neighbor. He came out of Congress poorer financially than he entered, but he left behind a record for sterling and rugged honesty, and there never was a blot on his public service, a heritage to him dearer than all the money of the earth. Mr. Sulloway was a great stu- dent, quite a lover of poetry, especially some of Whittier's selec- tions. He was an ardent reader, a thoughtful student, a conscien- tious legislator, a noble man, an ardent patriot, a kind and loving father, a man whose friends were legion, because he never lost the old ones and constantly added new. His place in the hearts of the New Hampshire people can never be filled. He occupied a niche of his own. The great man has gone from earth, but memories of his good deeds, his sterling qualities, and his gener- ous ways will live on forever. Mr. Burroughs assumed the chair as Speaker pro tem- pore. [55] Address of Mr. Greene, of Massachusetts Mr. Speaker: When I became a Member of the House of Representatives in 1898, having been elected at a special election for the remainder of the term of my predecessor, who had passed away, I first became ac- quainted with the Hon. Cyrus A. Sulloway. He had a distinguished appearance, being of mammoth stature, and I was drawn toward him by his strong and forceful characteristics. My intimacy with him continued during his long service as a Member of this legislative body. It had generally been the custom in New Hampshire when a Member had served a few terms to change the representation, and I recall that at one convention, at which he did not appear as a contestant for renomina- tion, there was a long discussion in the convention as to who should be nominated. With the multiplicity of can- didates the convention could not seem to agree upon a candidate. He sat a silent spectator in the gallery listen- ing to the proceedings, and finally, when the convention could not seem to agree upon anyone else, he was nomi- nated by acclamation, and ever afterwards received the nomination of his party to appear here as a Member of the House. In the campaign of 1912, owing to a division in the Republican Party, he failed to secure a reelection, although he was honored by the renomination. That was the fate that was meted out to quite a number of the older Members of the House. Mr. Sulloway and myself had the same characteristics in one respect, and that was we neither of us deserted the party to which we belonged. He never sought a nomination of any other party than his own. If the Republican Party was not strong enough [56] Address of Mr. Greene, of Massachusetts for him to win in an election he preferred to remain at home. I became quite intimate with Mr. Sulloway from the fact that, like himself, I wanted to be a soldier in the Civil War, but I had the misfortune to be born lame and that lameness kept me out of the service. He was rejected be- cause the authorities did not think he was physically strong enough to endure the hardships of a soldier's life. I recollect that when the draft system was in effect dur- ing the Civil War the people desired to reduce the quota to be drafted as much as possible. They called upon me to go up to the surgeon's office and be exempted from the service; by so doing the quota from my own city would be reduced. My city was then a small one, having barely 12,000 people. Finally I was prevailed on to go before the surgeon in order that I might be legally exempted. It was a task that was exceedingly disagreeable to me. The moment the door of the office was closed the examining surgeon, who had known me from early childhood, said, " There is no need of examining you; you will be at once exempted," and he struck my name from the list. My father was 50 years of age when the war broke out and one of the first to enlist. I was always very proud of the fact that my father, who then was 50 years of age, was a soldier of the Civil War. I was the only other male member of the family, and consequently there was but one of us who could go, and my father embraced the opportunity. I was nearly 20 years of age when the war began. I was familiar with all of the inducements that were given soldiers, and especially do I recall the first meeting held in the city hall at which we all gathered to see whether people were will- ing to volunteer as soldiers to preserve the Union. My father was one of the first who signed the roll, a large number following, and I well recollect the assurances that [57] Memorial Addresses: Representative Sllloway were then given that the family of any man who enlisted would always he cared for, if he gave up his opportunities in life and went into the service for the purpose of preserv- ing the Union. That was very strongly impressed upon the youth of that day. My own State made great pro- visions for the families of soldiers. It does to-day con- tribute to the burial of every soldier and pays to the sol- diers' widows additional compensation besides the pen- sion they receive, in order that they shall not be deprived of necessities, and the State of Massachusetts makes special provision for the care of families where the hus- bands or sons enlist or are drafted into the service in the present world-wide war. When I became a Member of this House Mr. Sulloway was prominent on the Committee on Invalid Pensions. He subsequently became chairman of that committee by reason of his long service. I admired the man in every feature of his life. I have been told by those who have been connected with the measurement of men that no two men measure alike, that there is always some feature that makes each man different from the other. Not- withstanding this confident statement, it was my fortune to have some men serve in this body with me who were taken for me and I for them. I have frequently been taken for Gen. Hollingsworth, and he says that he has frequently been taken for me. But there is one particu- lar mark that has always served as a distinction per- sonal to myself. One night when going down town in my own city to attend a banquet I passed by a man in the evening, and the shadow of the trees would prevent one from being known generally, and he said as he passed, "By gracious, isn't that Billy Greene?" I said, "Yes"; and he said, " I went to school with you 60 years ago and knew you the moment I saw you step." I talked with him a while. I knew him well as a boy. When I went to the [58] Address of Mr. Greene, of Massachusetts banquet that night the man who presided at the banquet saw fit in introducing me to the company, all of whom I knew, to say that he happened to be in the gallery of the House of Representatives a short time ago, and that it was astounding to him that so many people in the gallery knew who I was. He said I was almost as well known in Washington as I was in Fall River. In a little time after this episode when I was called upon to make some remarks I said to them that I could tell them why I was known in Washington as well as at home. I told them that it was because I had a gait that no man can imitate, and when people sat in the gallery and saw me walk up and down the aisle it is natural for them to say, " Who is that lame fellow going along there?" And they are told it is Mr. Greene, of Massa- chusetts. That lameness has probably given me a wider acquaintance than I could have obtained in any other way. I rarely go into a strange city that I do not find some one who knows me by reason of the original step that I have. I have never regarded it as a misfortune, as some people do. Mr. Sulloway was noted in an assembly because of his stature and I because of my lameness. Mr. Sulloway and myself were very much alike, for both of us looked at the hopeful side of life; we never looked on the shadowy side; neither of us ever thought of the shadows but more of the pleasures that life affords. I realized that he desired to do whatever he could for the benefit of his fellow men. The record that has been given here to-day by those who have spoken so generously of him is a record of which every person might well feel proud. He was a man who was upright in character, firm in opinion, and he had a reason for everything he did. He was original in his expressions. I had not thought of his being a member of the legislature of the State of New [59] Memorial Addresses : Representative Sulloway Hampshire, and was glad to hear the remarks made here to-day in respect to his long service in his native State, and of the work that he did there. I saw him just before the close of the session of the Sixty-fourth Congress sit- ting in his seat. He then had cmite a severe cold, and I admonished him that I thought he ought not to be in the House. I shook his hand and felt the fever that was running through his veins, and I said to him, " Brother Sulloway, you ought to go home, you ought to go to bed; that is the best place for a man who is sick — go to bed and keep out of this chilly wind and blast." That was on the last day of the session, as we were forming to go into the Senate to participate in the ceremonies of the second inauguration of President Wilson. Only a few days later, one short week, he was gone. The Speaker appointed me a member of the committee to attend his funeral, and I never shall forget the senti- ment that seemed to prevail in the city of Manchester, where he lived; the strong feeling displayed by the people there, the warm interest they had in his career, and the solidity of expression with which they appeared to be of one mind in regard to his faithful service. I was very strongly impressed by the sermon which has been alluded to to-day by the gentleman from New Hampshire, Mr. Wason, which was preached at Mr. Sulloway's funeral. I hope Mr. Wason will print, as a part of this service, the whole sermon, for it was certainly the most remarkable sermon I had ever heard preached at the funeral of any person I ever knew. The preacher said Mr. Sulloway was a faithful, con- sistent, honest protectionist, and that if he were present here to-day this is what he would say. I thought of what has been said sometimes of others, that a man being dead, yet speaketh; and when this preacher, small in stature but powerful in language, proceeded to say what he [60] Address of Mr. Greene, of Massachusetts thought, believed, or knew Cyrus Adams Sulloway would have said had he been there to speak for himself, it was a most remarkable tribute. There was no hesitation in the voice of the preacher, no hesitation in the expression, but every word uttered was firm and true, like the char- acter of the late Congressman whom he so eloquently eulogized. He spoke well, and it was a wonderful tribute to the memory of a very good man. The attendance at the funeral was very large. It was a church such as they rarely build now, one of those large churches with extensive galleries; but there was not a seat to be had anywhere in the house. Every seat was filled. Among other organizations present were the letter car- riers of the post office. Mr. Sulloway was always very active in their behalf, as well as in behalf of the soldiers. The post office was closed as a tribute to his memory, and the letter carriers and other employees of the post office were enabled to be present. I met there a large number of the prominent people of New Hampshire. They gathered at the funeral exercises. After the conclusion of the ceremonies I was invited to attend a conference, in order that it might be determined what was best to be done under the circumstances as to time of choosing his successor. When I was called upon to speak I said that, for myself, I usually took the forlorn hope. They thought that it was a forlorn hope to elect a Re- publican successor at that time in the year, when the snow was deep on the ground in the southern part of the district. I said that if I were living there I thought I should take the forlorn hope and risk it, but I yielded to the views of the Republicans of New Hampshire. They asked me, " Is it necessary for us to elect a successor to Mr. Sulloway in order that the Republicans may control the next House?" I said, "No, we can not control the [61] Memorial Addresses: Representative Sulloway House, even if a Republican were elected to succeed Mr. Sulloway; and as you know a great deal more about conditions in New Hampshire than I do, and you think it would not be possible to get the Republicans out to vote who live in the country, on account of the snow in the month of March and the practical impassability of the roads, I defer to your judgment." They thought that if they postponed the election until God's sun shone upon the earth and dissipated the snow they would then be able to send a Republican as the successor of Mr. Sulloway. I said, " In view of what the gentlemen here say who know, and in view of the fact that there is no necessity for trying to do something that you can not accomplish, I am willing to take your judgment and let the result speak for itself." As you all know, success came to our fortunes when the election was held, and Mr. Burroughs easily was elected to succeed Mr. Sulloway. Mr. Sulloway, in the Committee on Pensions as well as elsewhere, was very conscientious in whatever he did. It has been said that he looked with leniency upon many of the men whose cases were brought before him because some of them had been put down as deserters unde- servedly; and when he believed that to be the fact he urged that this delinquency be overlooked. I may say that I sympathize a great deal with his idea in regard to that one fact. One of the most unpleasant things I have found in looking up pension legislation is that some good man had been marked as a deserter who was not a de- serter but who when the war was over was told by his commanding officer, " The war is now over. You do not need to wait here; you can go home; " and yet, where sol- diers who had no thought of pensions failed to remain to be discharged regularly from the service, quite fre- quently such men have been marked as deserters, and so have been denied the privileges of the pension laws [62] Address of Mr. Greene, of Massachusetts because the record showed that they deserted from the service. I would be glad to wipe out all those distinctions. I have in mind now the case of a young man who was a member of the Regular Army a few years ago. He was thrown from a horse and badly injured, and was sent to a hospital for treatment, and was allowed to wander away from the hospital. He went home, but was marked as a deserter, and his record so stands to-day, when he did honorable service, and never should have been allowed to depart from that hospital; but the parties in charge of the hospital felt that by letting him go home and putting the charge of desertion against him it would relieve the United States Treasury of the responsibility which it otherwise would have to bear because of his injury in the service. No such narrow spirit ever characterized the life and charac- ter of the late Cyrus A. Sulloway, whose memory we hallow to-day. He was broad enough to throw the mantle of charity over every such case that came to Ms attention. I have been gratified to listen to the tributes here to Mr. Sulloway's memory. Having taken the oath of office here on the 18th day of June, 1898, and having been a Member of the House ever since, it has been very pleasing to me to hear the kind words spoken by his associates. Allusion was made by my colleague [Mr. Gillett] to the fact that one of the saddest features of our life here is the passing away of our colleagues. That is very true. It is a very sad feature of life, but there is one compensation in our service here, and that is the extensive acquaintance we obtain and the friendships we form with men throughout the country, and the high character that attends nearly every service here. The average population of a district is 200,000. It is natural that Representatives selected should be men of high standing, high character, well thought of at home, [63] Memorial Addresses: Representative Sulloway and naturally would be well thought of here because of their average attainments, experience, and ability. All of us can not become orators. Many of us could take a great deal more time in debate than we do, and so far as my experience is concerned I hear so much talk that I think that if one-half of it were eliminated the country would be a great deal better off. I fear some Members talk too long and too drearily to accomplish what they really seek to do. If Members would talk plainly and drop some of the long flights of eloquence, I believe better results would be obtained. Mr. Sulloway did but little talking, but he could always be found in his seat. I have not examined the record of his attendance, but I think you will find that it will com- pare favorably with that of any Member of the House. I do not recall that he was absent except on account of sick- ness during all the time of his service here. He died re- spected by his fellow men and loved by his associates. The fine tributes to his character that will be recorded will be an honor to his memory, to his State, and to the country. [64] Address of Mr. Kahn, of California Mr. Speaker: From the day I entered Congress, on the first Monday in December, 1899, I learned to know and to admire Cyrus Adams Sulloway. His massive physique stamped him with an individuality that was bound to impress the man who met our deceased colleague for the first time. During all the years that have intervened since the opening of the Fifty-sixth Congress I learned to ad- mire him more and more. Mr. Sulloway never trespassed upon the time of the House unless he had something to say that would be of interest to his colleagues and to the country. He rarely took the floor, but when he did he was accorded that at- tention which the House always pays those Members whose opinions it values. Himself rejected as a soldier by reason of physical de- fects, he gave the greatest attention to those who, more fortunate than himself, had fought to preserve the Union. In his death the old soldiers of the Republic lost a valued friend, a warm-hearted and sympathetic counselor. Every year the line of veterans who wore the blue during the trying days of the Civil War is steadily diminishing. It will not be long before the last of those heroes shall be called to Ms everlasting sleep. Mr. Sulloway recognized the debt of gratitude their country owes them. His heart was ever ready to respond to their worthy appeals. Per- haps many of those of a later generation could not so thoroughly appreciate what those men endured in their effort to preserve the Union. Many Members have been too prone to look slightingly upon the deserving appeals made from time to time by these old soldiers. It was therefore especially fortunate that they had on the floor 116937°— 19 5 [65] Memorial Addresses: Representative Silloway of this House such a valiant champion as Mr. Sllloway. They will assuredly miss him from this Chamber. In all the legislation incident to the proper preparation of our country for the present war in which we are en- gaged Mr. Sulloway constantly voted for the protection of American rights and the maintenance of American honor and prestige. The very fact that he had sought to be a soldier of the Republic in the years gone by made him an ardent, earnest advocate of our country's cause. In the closing months of his life he spoke to me frequently about the war and the patriotic duty of Americans regard- less of political affiliation to stand behind the Government in the prosecution of the struggle. He forgot all partisan- ship and remembered only that he was a whole-hearted, thoroughgoing American. We have missed him and shall continue to miss him in our deliberations during these momentous days. The Speaker pro tempore. In accordance with the resolution already adopted, the House will now adjourn. Accordingly (at 2 o'clock and 50 minutes p. m.), the House adjourned until to-morrow, Monday, April 29, 1918, at 12 o'clock noon. [66] Proceedings in the Senate Monday, March 12, 1917. Mr. Hollis. Mr. President, I am very sorry to have to announce to the Senate the death on Sunday, March 11, of the Hon. Cyrus Adams Sulloway, Representa- tive in Congress from the first New Hampshire district. Mr. Sulloway has had a long and distinguished record in the House, and his death will he properly commem- orated on some suitable occasion. At this time I offer the following resolutions and ask for their adoption. The resolutions (S. Res. 10) were read, considered by unanimous consent, and unanimously agreed to, as follows : Resolved, That the Senate has heard with profound sorrow the announcement of the death of Hon. Cyrus Adams Sulloway, late a Representative from the State of New Hampshire. Resolved, That a committee of six Senators be appointed by the President pro tempore to join a committee appointed on the part of the House of Representatives to attend the funeral of the de- ceased Representative. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be transmitted to the family of the deceased. The President pro tempore appointed, under the sec- ond resolution, Mr. Gallinger, Mr. Hollis, Mr. Ashurst, Mr. Kenyon, Mr. Chamberlain, and Mr. Sutherland the committee on the part of the Senate to attend the funeral of the deceased. Mr. Hollis. Mr. President, I move, as a further mark of respect to the memory of the deceased, that the Senate do now adjourn. The motion was unanimously agreed to; and (at 12 o'clock and 35 minutes p. m.) the Senate adjourned until to-morrow, Tuesday, March 13, 1911, at 12 o'clock meridian. [67] Memorial Addresses : Representative Sulloway Wednesday, April k, 1911 . A message from the House of Representatives, by J. C. South, its Chief Clerk, communicated to the Senate the intelligence of the death of the Hon. Cyrus A. Sulloway, late a Representative from the State of New Hampshire, and transmitted resolutions of the House thereon. [68] 013 787 892 6 • '13WfflJ$'tMSl filiill 4;iiiiil