Qass i i Book >M 5V Agister flf Jfamilks SETTLED AT THB TOWN OF MEDFOED, MASS. COMPILED BY W. H. WHITMORE. BeprfntcB from tfje "gistorfi of jKenfotti, fia Eeb. CTfjarUa tfroofw. rV of Co ftg . BOSTON: PRINTED BY JOHN WILSON & SON, 22, School Street. 1855. f 1 V REGISTER OF FAMILIES* 1 ALBREE, JOHN, b. in the Island of New Providence in 1G88 ; came to Boston in 1700, where he m., in 1711, Elizabeth Green, of Boston, a cousin of Gov. Belcher. She d. Dec. 6, 1751 ; and he d. Aug. 28, 1755. Children : — 1- 2 Joseph, b. 1712. 3 Elizabeth, „ Jan. 28, 1716 ; d. Mar. 17, 1735. 4 Ruth, „ May 17, 1718; in. Caleb Brooks. 5 Susanna, ,, 1722; ,, John Pratt. John Albree had a sister, Elizabeth, who d. mini. 1- 2 Joseph Albree m. Judith Reeves, Dec. 23, 1756 : she was a dau. of Sam. R., and d. Jan. 26, 1778, aged 43. He d. Mar. 26, 1777, leaving children : — 2- 6 John, b. Nov. 9, 1757. 7 Joseph, „ Aug.15, 1760; m. Susan Dodge, d.s.p. Feb. 16, 1815. 8 Samuel, „ Oct 20, 1761. 9 Elizabeth, „ May 17, 1768 ; „ Jonathan Brooks ; d. Mar. 31, 1826. 2- 6 John Albree m. Lydia Tufts J™. 5. 1793, who d. Apr. 27, 1850. He d. Nov. 6, 1842. Children : — „ in T u . T „, „„. C 1st, N. Shepherd, Feb. 10, 1824. 6-10 John, b. Jan. 23, 1 J 94 ; m. J 2d ; M&p ^ June u> m ^ 11 Lydia, „ Apr. 24, 1798 ; d. May 31, 1822. 12 George, „ Feb. 1, 1803. 13 William T., „ July 8, 1805. 14 Elizabeth, „ Mar. 1, 1810 ; m. John A. Downie, April 12, 1838. 2- 8 Samuel Albree m. Martha Hodge, of Amherst, May 16, 1786, who d. Apr. 2, 1841, aged 72. He d. Feb. 22, 1841. He had — * Wherever two numbers are connected by a hyphen, the first is the number of the parent; and thesi cond, of the child. Therefore, in every family, the grandfather, father, and child have their numbers in the same paragraph. Thus in the Albree family : Joseph m. Judith Reeves. i he I 2 against his name refers to the previous paragraph, where 1 is his father's number, and 2 his nun'. In the 'J 6,7, 8, &c. these latter are his children's numbers, in the regular succes- sion of descendants of the first John Albree. The abbreviations used are b. for born; d. for died; m. for married; mm. for unmarried; «/. s.ji. for died sine prole (without issue)- 4 REGISTER OF 8-15 Samuel R., b. Oct. 29, 1787 ; d. Feb. 26, 1788. 16 Thomas It., ,. Apr. 10, 1790; „ Oct. 2, 1791. 17 Joseph, „ Oct. 27, 1792; „ Apr. 19, 1796. 18 Elizabeth, „ Nov. 14. 1794 ; in. Peter Hall. 19 Samuel, „ June 1, 1799; d. June 23, 1827. 20 Martha, „ Sep. 10, 1801; „ Apr. 20, 1802. 6-12 George Albree m., Mar. 27, 1828, Martha Curing, of Pittsburg, and had — 12-21 John, b. Mar. 14, 1829. 22 George ('., „ Jan. 23, 1831; d. July 1, 1835. 23 William A., „ June 9, 1833 ; „ Dec. 22, 1836. 24 Joseph, „ Sep. 15, 1835. 25 Robert C, „ Feb. 21, 1838. 26 Elizabeth P., „ Oct. 1.5, 1840. Family of Albree. We can trace this Medford family to Nassau, in the Island of New Providence, thecapital of the Bahamas. In 1672, the English government sent .Mr. Collingworth to superintend the settlement of that island and its chief city b\ Englishmen. The attempt succeeded but imperfectly ; because the coasts were infested with pirates, and the Spanish were moved bj jealousy to check English power. Mr. Collingworth, after a few years, resigned his office in despair; and the govern- tppointed Mr (.'lark governor of the island, and gave him means tor sustaining himself. The early English settlers wire selected for their energy and enterprise; and they fixed on Nassau as their central port. The place grew and flourished; but its Spanish enemies were numerous and bloodthirsty. They made a sudden and warlike descent upon it. and cap- tured the brave Clark; ami, in order to show their future intention-, the) " roasted the Eng- alive." In one of these barbaric assaults, in 1G99, the unoffending inhabitants hi to the sword; and two little children were that day made orphans. One was named John Albree, who was born in 1688; and the other was his sister, Elizabeth, win. was three years younger. The brother fled with hi- Bister to Beek protection in a Boston vessel, which was there for cargo. The captain knew that the tragic story of the children was true; and, witli the characteristic warmth of a sailor's heart, he took the weeping orphans to his arms, ami nil. red to bring them to Boston and provide tor them. They accepted, but wished Something from their father's house. The captain went to the house; hut could find nothing worth taking awa '/ English one-day clock, which the plunderers had That he took; and that clock is now m possess! il Misses Elizabeth and Lucy Ann hi keep time well, although two hundred years old. I. oh in the year 1700, John Ubree and Elizabeth Albree arrived in Boston, and were ten- derly cared tor by the family oi the captain who brought them. They wen- put t.> school, and taught to labor; and, when John was fourteen years old, he was indented as an apprentice, . to a weaverin Maiden. [lis master found him a silent and thoughtful boy, and made him a good weaver. His sister, at her own request, became an inmate of his mas- amily. These children annually received, from an unknown hand in New Providence, generous gifts of raw cotton and fruits This cotton hail Seeds in it; and a gin was Bent with which to clear out the seeds. After they f age, these benefacti Their father was pi.iiiabh a cotton planter; hen. a' the son's preference for the trade of cotton- weaver. when he became ol I to Medford, and soon afterwards purchased _a small house, which st l mi the -pnt now occupied bj the bouse of Mr. Thatcher Magoun, jun. His sister became his housekeeper. In May, 1711. he married a near relative of Governor Belcher,— Miss i. tie, of Boston. When his first child was burn, he wished t.. have it bap- tized, and named Joseph in honor of it- grandfather ; but not knowing whether he himself had aptized, either in England or New Providence, he resolved to ask baptism for himself; and on I 6,1718,hen ite, and then offered his son. After a few years, he sold hi- house and garden, and bough) a (arm of twenty -two acres ; which, by three subse- quent purcha irged I hundred acres. It W8S much of the farm BOW occupied h, M, Peter C. Hall. There was a gristmill upon it, on the west side of Purchase Street, contiguous to the fuel of Mr. I;. I.. Swan lb enlarge I the mill by an addition of a wi comparatively rich. His grandson told us, that, in 1786, the stream that fed the mill tailed , ami that he then " remove I the mill and .-hop, and tilled up i in n in, ii i of John, the first settler, was a i. out ton rods north-east of his mill. lie was retired man, with many thoughts and few word-; he we i honor w ith the English slowness in adopt, be unl h tenacity in id due last what he bad eh He was an active friend of the poor, lllj of orphans, lie temloih cherished his Bister in hi- family while she lived. She died unmarried. He had four children. Joseph, Elizabeth, Kuth, and Susanna. Joseph was the father 1. 16 Rebecca, „ Nov. .">, 1755. 17 Sarah, „ Mar. 25, 1757. MEDFORD FAMILIES. 18 Joanna, b. Feb. 26, 1759. 19 John, „ Apr. 21, 1761. 20 Stephen, „ July 1, 1763. 21 David, „ Sept. 21, 1765. 22 Benjamin, ,, Sept. 8, 1770. Shed. July 31, 1775. 6-15 Andrew Blanchard m. Mary Waters, Sept. 14, 1786, and had — 15-23 Andrew, ' b. Sept. 2, 1787. 24 Mary, „ Oct. 27, 1789. 25 Sarah H., „ Apr. 26, 1792. 26 Abraham W., „ Nov. 10, 1794. 27 James, ,, Apr. 13, 1797. 28 Martha, „ Dec. 4, 1799. 29 Emily, „ Apr. 5, 1802. 30 Roxana, „ Aug. 14, 1808. 6-19 John Blanchard m. Rebecca Tufts, Sept. 30, 1784, who d. Nov. 22, 1821, aged 62; and had — 19-31 Rebecca, b. Aug. 29, 1784. 32 Ansters D., „ May 24, 1786. 33 John, „ May 21, 1788. 34 Aaron, „ Feb. 7, 1790. 35 Sarah, „ Jan. 1792. 36 John, „ Apr. 3, 1794. 37 Gilbert, „ Dec. 21, 1795. 6-20 Stephen Blanchard m. Elizabeth , and had — 20-38 Elizabeth, b. Jan. 14, 1789. 39 Gair, „ Apr. 15, 1790. 40 Hezekiah Blanchard m. Susanna , and had — 40-41 Susanna, b. Sept. 15, 1755; d. July 16, 1790. 42 Hannah, „ Feb. 1, 1757 ; „ Aug. 17, 1797. 43 Hezekiah, „ Sept. 3, 1758. 44 "Winifred, „ May 8, 1760 ; „ Jan. 15, 1790. 45 Mary, „ Sept. 8, 1761. 46 Elizabeth, „ Nov. 13, 1762. His wife dying Jan. 1, 1763, aged 31, he m., 2d, Sarah , and had — 47 Andrew, b. July 27, 1764 ; d. Sept. 19, 1766. His wife d. Nov. 28, 1792. He d. Aug. 24, 1803, aged 76. 48 Caleb Blanchard m. Lucy Hall, Mar. 2, 1788, and had — 48-48£ Lucy, b. July 28, 1788. 49 Caleb, „ Apr. 10, 1790. 50 David, „ Oct. 28, 1792. 51 Sarah, „ June 25, 1795. 52 Mary, „ Aug. 16, 1797. 53 Hannah, „ July 19, 1799. 54 Ebenezer Blanchard m. Mary Leathe, Dec. 1, 1766, and had — 54-55 William, b. Apr. 4,1767. 56 Ebenezer, „ Feb. 22, 1769. 57 Samuel Blanchard, jun., of Maiden, m. Sarah Cutter, Apr. 12, 1745, and had — 57-58 Ebenezer, b. Jan. 2, 1766. Andrew Blanchard, d. 1815. Ebenezer „ „ Jan. 21, 1772, aged 32. Ebenezer „ „ Dec. 27, 1771, „ 3. REGISTER OF Samuel ~) Blanchard d. Sept. 14, 1800, aged 1, c. Eunice S „ „ Sept. 18, 1800, „ 1, c. Hannah) „ „ Feb. 18, 1803. „ 9 mos. Hezekiah „ „ 1803. Joseph „ „ Oct. 24, 1694, „ 43. Rebecca „ „ Dec. 28, 1839, „ 55. Aaron Blanchard, jun., of Maiden, m. Sar. Cutter, Apr. 12, 171-3' Sarah „ m. Joseph Souther, Dec. 22, 1746. Hannah „ ,, Jedidiah Leathe, of Ch., Jan. 16, 1754. 1 BRADSHAW, JOHN, son of Humphrey and Patience B., of Cambridge, b. June 24, 1655, was one of the earliest recorded tax-payers. He m. Mary ; and d. Mar. 19, 1745, aged 89. His wife died April 18, 1758, aged 90, leaving — 1-2 Marv, b. May 8, 1687; d. aged 25. 3 Sarah, „ Sept. 8, 1690; „ Nov. 27, 1690. 4 Ruth, „ Nov. 29, 1692; m. Benjamin Willis, Feb. 10, 1714. 5 John, „ Feb. 11, 1694. 6 Jonathan, „ Dec. 18, 1696. 7 Sarah, „ Mar. 19, 1699. 8 Samuel, „ Aug. 29, 1700. 9 Susanna, „ Dec. 23, 1702; „ B. Scolly, of Bost.,Feb. 17, 1731. 10 Abigail, „ Apr. 29, 1704; „ Jona. Watson, Jan. 16, 1729. 11 Hannah, „ Jan. 31, 1706. 12 Stephen, „ Sept. 16, 1707. 13 Simon, „ Oct. 3, 1709. 1- 5 John Bradshaw m. Mercy Tufts, Mar. 14, 1718, and had — 5-14 John. b. Feb. 13, 1719. 15 Mercv, „ Dec. 27, 1721 ; m. Joseph Newell, Feb. 21, 1740. 16 Elizabeth, „ Oct. 19, 1722. 17 Nathan, „ Jan. 4, 1724. 18 Cotton, „ Dec. 15, 1725 ; d. Aug. 13, 1765. 19 Ruth, „ Dec. 22, 1727. 20 Anna, „ Apr. 4, 1730. 21 Sarah, „ May 1, 1734. 22 Joshua, „ July 6, 1736. 23 Peter, „ May 6, 1738. 24 Rebecca, „ Feb. 6, 1744. 1- 6 Jonathan Bradshaw m. Mary Watson, Apr. 17, 1722. He was a deacon of the church in 1723. He had — 6-25 Jonathan, b. Feb. 13, 1723. 26 Abraham, „ Oct. 14, 1724. 27 Mary, „ May 15, 1729. 28 Anna, „ Apr. 4, 1730. 29 William, „ Aug. 14, 1733. 30 Jonathan, „ Apr. 10, 1735. 31 Rebecca, „ Jan. 17, 1737. 32 Susanna, „ May 24, 1742. 33 Elizabeth, „ Jan. 20, 1745. 1- 8 Samuel Bradshaw m. Sarah , and had — 8-34 Samuel, b. July 18, 1737. 35 William, „ Apr. 20, 1739. 36 Sarah, „ Aug. 31, 1740. 37 Hannah, „ Mar. 10, 1742. 1-12 Stephen Bradshaw m. Mary , and had — MEDFORD FAMILIES. 12-38 Mary, b. Feb. 24, 1739. 39 Susanna, „ July 12, 1741. 40 Thomas, „ July 8, 1743. 41 Abigail, „ Mar. 25, 174G. 42 John, „ July 16, 1748; d. July 16, 1748. 43 Sarah, „ Jan. 27, 1750; „ May 10, 1750. 44 John, „ Jan. 30, 1751. 45 Andrew, „ Feb. 26, 1753. 46 Henrv, „ Sept. 13, 1754. 47 Ruth, „ Feb. 5, 1757. 48 Zechariah, „ Sept. 27, 1759; „• Oct. 16, 1759. 49 Uriah, „ July 16, 1760; „ Sept. 10, 1760. Stephen Bradshaw, d. Dec. 21, 1767. Mary, his widow, ,, Jan. 12, 1776, aged 58. 1-13 Simon Bradshaw m. Mary , and had — 13-50 Simon, b. Mar. 1, 1739. 51 Isaac, „ Sept. 26, 1740 ; d. Dec. 1741. 52 Isaac, „ Dec. 10, 1743; „ Feb. 14, 1746. 53 Eleazer, „ Feb. 11, 1746. 54 Mary „ Sept. 24, 1747. 55 Catharine,,, July 11, 1749; „ Sept. 15, 1749. Mary, widow of Simon, „ July 26, 1764. Thomas Bradshaw (perhaps No. 40) m. Mary Tufts, Nov. 26, 1772, and had — 56 Thomas, b. Apr. 17, 1773. N.B. — He perhaps m., 2d, Martha , who d. July 6, 1808, and had as below. He d. Sept. 1, 1801. 57 Martha, b. 1775 ;„ Aug. 11, 1778. 58 Susanna, „ Aug. 3, 1778. 59 John, „ June 3, 1786. Rebecca Bradshaw m. Wm. Hall, jun., Feb. 7, 1753. Mercy ,, ,, Joseph Ellis, of Dedham, May 13, 1756. Mary „ „ Nathaniel Hall, Apr. 2, 1761. Sarah „ „ Joseph Thompson, Dec. 30, 1718. Hannah „ „ Enoch Greenleaf, Feb. 17, 1726. Abigail ,, „ Jonathan Watson, Jan. 16, 1729. Elizabeth „ „ John Muzzy, July 12, 1709. William ,, „ Elizabeth Lampson, June 5, 1761. Susanna ,, „ Jonathan Patten, Apr. 14, 1 702. Stephen „ „ M. Mansfield, Nov. 22, 1763. (Of Anbury.) Susanna „ „ Timothv Newhall, Nov. 1, 1764. Elizabeth „ „ Andrew Floyd, of Roxbury, Oct. 31, 1765. Simon „ „ Hannah Johnson, July 12, 1770. Thomas „ „ Mai tha Tufts, Nov. 26, 1772. Patience „ „ N. Ordway, of Chelmsford, Nov. 22, 1733. Sarah „ d. Oct. 22, 1775. BRADSTREET, JOHN, son of Rev. Simon B., of New London, and grandson of Gov. Bradstreet, b. Nov. 3, 1676; m. Mercy Wade, Oct. 9, 1699, and had — 2 Dudley, b. Oct. 26, 1701. 3 Ann, „ July 7, 1704. 4 Lucy, „ May 30, 1706. 5 Patience, „ Feb. 13, 1712. 6 Mercy, d. Oct. 9, 1712. 2 10 REGISTER OF 1- 2 Dudley Bradstreet, of Boston, probably tbe son of John, as above, m. Sarah Peirce, of Medford, Aug. 18, 1724. 1 BROOKS, THOMAS, the first of the name in New England, came, it is supposed, from Suffolk, England, and settled in Watertown, where lie had a lot assigned him, on the main road, in 1631. He was made a freeman in 1636; and, two years afterAvards, his name, which had disap] eared from the Water- town records, is to be seen on those of Concord, where he was constable in 1638. He settled in this latter town, and owned larye estates there; in consequence, he was appointed to the various town-offices. In 1660, he, with his son-in-law, Timothy "Wheeler, bought lour hundred acres of land in Medford, for four hundred and four pounds sterling, which he owned at the time of his death. His farm in Medford was bought of Edward Collins, and thus probably a part of the great Cradock estate. He sold his farm in Concord, Oct. 22, 1664; and he died there, May 21, 1667. His wife was Grace , who died May 12, 1664. His children were — 1- 2 Joshua, b. freeman, 1652; m. Han. Mason, of Watertown. 3 Caleb, „ 1632; „ 1654. 4 Gershom, „ 1672 ; „ Hannah Eckles. 5 Mary, ,, Tun. Wheeler, of Concord. (According to Mr. Shattuck, probably others.) 1- 3 Caleb Brooks lived at Concord until 1679. He m., successively, the two daus. of Thomas Atkinson; viz., Susannah, Apr. 10, 1660; 2d, Hannah. He removed to Medford, where he inhe- rited some land lying east from the Wear Bridge. His house was situated about mid- way between the bridge and the Lowell • Kailroad, immediately in front of the Woburn Road. It was torn down, in 1779, by his great-grandson, Samuel. He died July 29, 1696, aged 64 ; and his second wife, Hannah, died Mar. 10, 1702, aged about 70. His children were, by his first wife, — 3- 6 Susannah, b. Dec. 27, 1661 ; d. unni., Dec. 23, 1686. 7 Mary, „ Nov. 18, 1663 ; „ young. 8 Mary, m. Nathaniel Ball. 9 Rebecca, d. unm. 10 Sarah, m. Philemon Russell, Oct. 18, 1705. And, by his second wife, — 11 Ebenezer, b. Feb. 24, 1670. 12 Samuel, ,, Sept. 1, 1672. 3-11 Km \i zi.k BROOKS m. Abigail, clan, of Dr. Thomas Boylston, of Bro ikline. They joined the church, 1712. lie d Feb. 11, 1713; his wife d. May L'fl, L766, aged 82. Their children wire — 11-13 Caleb, b. July 8, 1694. 14 Ebenezer, ,, May 23, 1698. 1.5 Thomas, „ Apr. IS, 170'); d. unm. Nov. 14, 1784. Hi Samuel, ,, Feb. 8, 1710. 17 Abigail, „ Oct. 6, 1699 ; m. Thomas Oakes. 18 Hannah, ,, Apr. 15,1701; „ Nathaniel Cheever. 19 Mary, „ Jan. L9, 1704; d. Sept. 3, 1704. 20 Rebecca, ,, July 24, L706 ; m. Samuel Pratt, Dec. 2, 172-5. 3 -12 S.wn i.i, Bb iik-iii. Sarah BoylstOD (sister of his brother's wife), an i lived in Medford, nearly oj rite of the house since occupied by Ins desc( mlaut, Peter C. Brooks. He died July 3, lP3y^*z£^ MEDFORI) FAMILIES. 11 1733. His wife died Oct. 16, 1736, aged 56. Their children were — 12-21 Samuel, b. Sept. 3, 1700. 22 Sarah, ,, Apr. 17, 1702; m. Rev. Shearjashub Brown, of Scitu- ate, Feb. 12, 1736. 11-13 Caleb Brooks, m., 2d, Ruth Albree, Mar. 1, 1750, by whom he had — 13-23 Theodore, b. Jan. 2, 1751. 24 John, bap. May 31, 1752 ; afterwards Governor of this State. 25 Joseph, d. young. 26 Elizabeth, „ June 26, 1757; in. Rev. Jacob Burnap, 1776. 27 Hannah, ,, Feb. 12, 1760 ; „ Francis Burns, 1794. Captain Caleb Brooks, so called, m., 1st, Mary Wyer, and had by her five sons and five daughters. His homestead was what is now called the Bosquet House. He d. Nov. 21, 1706. 12-21 Samuel Brooks m. Mary Boutwell, of Reading, who brought with her a large landed property in that town. His house is still standing, about thirty rods above his father's. His will proves him to have been one of the few slaveholders in the town. He d. July 5, 1768. His wife d. May 25, 1772, aged 74. Their children were — 21-28 Mary, bap. Jan. 1, 1728 ; m. William Whitmore. 29 Samuel, b. Aug. 24, 1729. 30 Thomas, „ Jan. 6, 1732. 31 Edward, „ Nov. 4, 1733. 32 Jonathan, „ Aug. 17, 1735, d. in college, 1750. 13-24 John Brooks (Governor of Massachusetts) m. Lucy Smith, of Reading, in 1774, who d. Sept. 26, 1791, aged 38. He died March 1, 1825. Their children were : — 24-33 Lucy, b. June 16, 1775 ; m. Rev. O'Kill Stuart. 34 Alexanders., ,, Oct. 19, 1781; killed by explosion of a steam- boat, 1836. 35 John, „ May 20, 1783 ; fell at the battle of Lake Erie, Sept. 10, 1813. 21-30 Thomas Brooks m., 1st, Anna Hall, Feb. 27, 1755, who d. Aug. 28, 1757 ; 2d, Mercy Tufts, Dee. 29, 1762. He died Mar. 7, 1799. His second wife died Aug. 26, 1813, aged 71. His chil- dren were, by first wife, — 30-36 Nancy, b. Apr. 6, 1757 ; m. Dr. Stevens. By his second : — 37 Mercv, b. Sept. 3, 1763 ; m. Cotton Tufts, of Weymouth. 38 Jonathan, „ Oct. 25, 1765 ; d. Mar. 18, 1847. 39 Samuel, „ young. 40 Samuel, „ Oct. 23, 1768 ; lost at sea. 41 Isaac, d. young. 42 William, „ „ 43 Simon, „ Sept. 2, 1772 ; „ 1805. 44 Lucy, „ young. 45 Abigail, „ „ 46 Isaac. „ June 3,1776; „ Oct. 2, 1819. 47 William S., „ Mar. 5, 1781 ; lives at Brattleboro', Vt. 48 Thomas, „ Jan. 30, 17 S3 ; d. at sea, Jan. 6, 1810. 49 Edward „ June IS, 1786; „ at N. Orleans, 1817. 50 James, „ Feb. 7, 1788 ; „ „ Havana, 1809. 21-31 Edward Brooks m Abigail, dau. of Rev. John Brown, of Haver- hill. He grad. H. C, 1757, where he was librarian for a short time. He was chaplain on board the frigate " Hancock " in 1777 ; 12 REGISTER OF but, returning to Medford, died there, May 6, 1781. His -wife died Nov. 29, 1800, aged 69. She was, through her mother, a lineal descendant of the famous Puritan divine, John Cotton. Their children were — 31-51 Cotton Brown, b. July 20, 1765 ; d. May, 12, 1834. 52 Peter Chardon, „ Jan. 6, 1767 ; „ Jan. 1, 1849. 53 Mary, „ Jan. 27, 17(19 ; m. Samuel Gray, of Salem. 54 Joanna G, „ May 18, 1772 ; „ Nathl. Hall, Nov. 26, 1793. 30-38 Jonathan Brooks m. Elizabeth Albree, Sept. 26, 1791 ; died Mar. 18, 1847. His wife d. Mar. 31, 1826, aged 58. Their children were — 38-55 Samuel Reeves, b. Feb. 1, 1793 ; m. Frances Olney, 1842. 56 Charles, „ Oct. 30, 1795. 57 Elizabeth. 58 Alfred, „ Lydia Warren, 1833. 59 Lucy Ann. 31-52 Peter Chardon Brooks m. Nancy Gorham, and had — 52-60 Edward, b. Dec. 22, 1792. 61 Gorham, „ Feb. 10, 1795; d. Sept. 10, 1855. 62 Peter C, „ July 4, 1796 ; „ 1798. 63 Ann G., „ Feb. 19, 1797. 64 Peter C, „ Aug. 26, 1798. 65 Sidney, „ Oct. 7, 1799. 66 Charlotte Gray, „ Nov. 4, 1800. 67 Ward Chipman, „ Apr. 21, 1804 ; „ 1828. 68 Abigail B., „ Jan. 22,1806; „ young. 69 Henry, „ Feb. 2, 1807 ; „ Sept. 2, 1833. 70 Abigail B., • „ Apr. 25, 1808. 71 Horatio, „ Sept. 20, 1809 ; „ 1843. 72 Octavius, „ Oct. 27,1813; „ 1822. 30-46 Isaac Brooks m. Mary Austin, and had — 46-73 Margaret, m. Wm. Brigham, June 11, 1840. 74 Isaac Austin, b. Apr. 13, 1824. 30-47 William S. Brooks m. Eleanor Forman, and had — 47-75 Ellen Malvina. William. 76 Horace, m. Mary Emerson, and has three children. 77 George. 78 Mary E., „ Frank Goodhue. 79 Francis. 80 Lucy Tarbell, „ Cabot. 38-56 Charles Brooks, author of this history, m. Cecilia Williams, June 27, 1827, who d. Mar. 13, 1837, aged 35. He m., 2d, ( lharlotte Ann Haven Lord, Aug. 1, 1839. Has by first wife -*- Elizabeth Albree. Charles John, d. June 8, lcS3:>, aged 1 year. Charles Wolcott, l>. Oct. 1, 1833. Is\.\( A i stin 15 urn iks in. Sarah W. Hill, April 25, 18 y], and had — l'n deric Cornwell, b. Feb. 16, 1847. Alfred Austin, ,, Sept 1, ISIS. iy Isabel „ Apr. 21, L852. 86 Edward Corliss, „ Jan. 22, 1864. 13-26 Elizabeth Brooks m. Rev. Jacob Burnap, of Merriraac, 1776, and had — 56 -81 82 46 -74 71 -S3 SI 86 c> c . 73 1~ cj fc ^ • DO O J 13 5 a a II — pa a 8a c «•* o *o _= i-i •° ""o 3o PhS i-s s« g - • „> 3eoa> l ^ ij w^. ."■ o . a o a rj — P^-s 'jzn O H — -o ja pa U 2 •= S o 3 o3 .-•3 « n S co -* g gNuTtO W SJj.3rH(M _w 3 J; g-i 1 soSPs s 3 on _wft ta . W.O. 3 § 5 -s O --CO EH l- CO ogg Sim ** wo a & = ON •OlCM O CO 00 r-Hr-H O - „ c2 cs o a . -CO 5". -n o* as 00 « .NO S 3 P. £•6 WW IxCO sa hj a s a l-s 3 .1-3 W •- • -2»OC3 SrH-X 5 oo co ■% T— ( f—t rH CO ^Jcoco -f -_r o c-i c-i -^ -f -t^ -t^ i~ t.t o a: x a. x a /. (^J• t< t-3 O »4 ccoo 5^S tH 0O teco o^ PQ li . c M< ^a H PQm cr 00 X X X' l--*lOOH 3 Sco W^r-t Ifol ^ ►-5G0.55 « eB •- . HOH -•COCO W . . . . C So — M . . . 1— ( 1 LIZA LICE W<1W J2-3 — W 2H<0 MEDFOKI) FAMILIES. 17 20 Seth, b. Jan. 14, 1744; d. Oct. 31, 1791. He d. July 13, 1771. His wife d. June 22, 1767. 4-12 Nathaniel Francis m. Sarah , and had — 12-21 Nathaniel, b. Jan. 6, 1732. 22 Benjamin, „ Nov. 11, 1734. 23 Richard, „ Jan. 2, 1736. 23£ William, bap. Feb. 6, 1737. 4-13 Samuel Francis had by his wife, Mary, — 13-24 Anna, b. Nov. 28, 1726 ; m. Josiah Dixon, June 16, 1748. 25 Samuel, „ Jan. 1728. 26 Sarah, bap. Oct. 26,1729. His wife d. Apr. 21, 1774 ; and he followed, Sept. 29, 1775. 4-15 Joseph Francis and Elizabeth had — 15-26£ Elizabeth, b. Nov. 7, 1736. 27 Lydia, „ Dec. 12, 1737. 28 Joseph, „ July 12, 1741. He d. Feb. 1, 1749 ; and his widow d. Dec. 2, 1786. 29 Nabhall Francis m. Sarah Whitmore, May 16, 1723 ; and, from the dates, may have been a son of John No. 4, born about 1694 ; but all these sons of this John seem, if rightly traced, to have married comparatively late in life ; and the unusual length of the generations seems to call for another generation to be inserted. 30 John Francis, jiin., who d. Apr. 2, 1776, had by wife Dorothy — 30-31 Manning, b. Nov. 20, 1748 ; d. Sept. 6, 1749. 32 Phebe, „ May 25, 1753. 33 Deborah, „ Apr. 21, 1755; m. John Lagood, Feb. 9, 1755. 34 Sarah, „ May 22, 1757. 35 John, „ Apr. 6, 1760. 36 David, „ June 23, 1764. 37 Mary, „ May, 1767. 38 Ebenezer Francis had by wife Rachel Tufts, whom he m. Nov. 15, 1733 — 38-39 Susanna, b. Nov. 28, 1734 ; m. Samuel Cutter, Apr. 28, 1757. 40 Abigail, „ Oct. 6, 1736. 41 Lucy, „ Mar. 12, 1739. 42 Sarah, „ June 6, 1741 ; m. Thomas Wyer, Mar, 8, 1766. 43 Ebenezer, ,, Dec. 22, 1744. 44 William, „ Apr. 20, 1746. 45 Thomas, „ July 15, 1748. 46 Aaron, „ Feb. 16, 1751. 47 John, „ Sept. 28, 1753. Ebenezer d. July 16, 1774. 12-21 Nathaniel Francis m. Phebe , and had — 21-48 Nathaniel, b. Oct. 13, 1752. 49 Jonathan, ,, Jan. 27, 1755. 50 Stephen, „ July 25, 1757. 51 Joseph, „ Aug. 8, 1759. 52 Phebe, „ Sept. 13, 1761. 53 Thomas, „ May 3, 1763. 54 Caleb, „ Mar. 8, 1766. 55 Joshua, „ July, 1767. 12-22 Benjamin Francis m., 1st, Lydia , who d. January, 1768 ; 2d, Sarah Hall, Oct. 20, 1768 ; and d. June 5, 1798. He had — 22-56 Benjamin, b. Sept. 6, 1759 ; d. in Baltimore. 57 James. 18 REGISTER OF 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 12-23 23-66 67 68 69 22-59 1- William, lives in Newburyport. Convers, b. July 14, 1766; lives in Wayland. Ebenezer. Simon. Nathaniel. Stephen. Sarah, m. Mr. Eond, of Middletown. Lydia, ,, Job Wyeth, of Cambridge. Richard Francis, by wife Hannah Winship, whom he m. Mar. 20, 1760, had — Richard, b. Dec. 16, 1760. Loring, „ June 7, 1762. Samuel, „ Aug. 26, 1764. Daniel, „ June 25, 1766. Convers Francis m. Susanna Rand, May 11, 1788, who d. May 7, 1814, aged 48, and had — James, b. June 12, 1789 ; lives at Wayland. Susanna, „ Oct. 7, 1790; m. J. K.Frothingham, of Charlestown. Mary, „ May 29,1793; „ Warren Preston ; d. Sept. 21, 1847. Convers, ,, Nov. 9, 1795 ; of Harvard College. [books. Lydia, ,, Feb. 11,1802; m. David L.Chi Id ; has written several Lydia Francis, m. Ebenezer Blount, Feb. 17, 1739. Sarah ,, ,, Josiah Smith, of Lexington, Nov. 15, 1750. Lydia „ „ Benjamin Tufts, March 4, 1779. Hannah „ ,, Isaac Amsdell, of Marlborough, June 7, 1725. Lydia ,, „ Nathaniel Fierce, Mar. 1, 1685. Elizabeth „ d. Nov. 12, 1750. Samuel „ jun., „ Oct. 15,1775. and his wife „ May 15,1775. Jane, widow of John Francis, „ Dec. 16, 1800, aged 63. FULTON, JOHN, was born in Boston, 1736, and moved to Med- ford in 1772, where he owned land bounded by the street which now bears his name. His father is said to have emigrated from Ireland, to enjoy liberty of conscience, and was one of the proprietors of the Federal-street Church. He m. the oldest daughter of Samuel Bradlee, of Boston, whom he left a widow, with ten children. She died, aged 95. One of her daughters m. Nathan Wait, of Maiden, who was b. 1763, and d. 1840, in Medford ; in which town one of his daughters now lives, the wife of Jonathan Perkins, Esq. 1 GARDNER, THOMAS, m. Mary Willis, June 21, 1704, and had — 1- 2 Elizabeth, b. Aug. 13, 1721. GILCHRIST, JAMES, was a shipmaster, out of Boston and Salem, in the China and East India trade. He died June 14, 1825, aged 52, leaving, by his wife, Susan Wyman, — Emily, m. Samuel Crosby, of Charlestown. Margaret A., „ Matthews W. Green. John James, „ Sarah Hubbard. Is Chief Justice of N. H. Hannah S. Susan. Martha R. Daniel S. Charles Henry, d. June 4, 1849, aged 24. MEDFORD FAMILIES. 19 1- 6 Susan Gilchrist m. Francis Low, Esq., of Jamaica Plains, and has — G-10 Susan, m. Ebenezer Bacon, Esq. 1 1 Emily, „ William Bacon, Esq. 12 Edward. 13 Ellen. 14 Francis. GILLEGROVE, JOHN, d. Feb. 3, 1718. 1 GREATTON, JOHN, and Sarah, had — 1- 2 John, b. Mar. 25, 1713. 3 Sarah, „ Nov. 5, 1714 ; d. July 4, 1715. 4 Sarah, „ Nov. 15, 1716. 5 Mary, „ Sept. 9, 1718. 6 Thomas, „ May 8, 1722. 1* GREENLEAF, STEPHEN, m. Mary , and had — 1*- 1 Gardiner, b. Jan. 9, 1726. 2 Elizabeth, „ Dec. 7, 1727. 3 Mary, „ Apr. 25, 1734. 4 Stephen, „ Aug. 5, 17:30. 5 Rebecca, „ Mar. 19, 17:19. 6 Isaac, „ May 27, 1741. He was probably a descendant of Edmund Greenleaf, of Newbury, 1G38, and brother of Enoch 2*, mentioned below. [Vide " History of Newbury."] 2* E.voch Green-leap m. Hannah Bradshaw, Feb. 17, 1726, and had — 2*- 7 Hannah, b. Dec. 23. 1726 ; d. Apr. 21, 1736. S John, „ Oct. 30, 1729. 9 Edrnond, „ Aug. 17, 1731 ; „ Mar 9, 1730. 10 Judith, „ July 26, 1733. 11 Samuel, „ Oct. 24,1735; „ Jan. 7, 1741. 12 Edrnond, „ Jan. 21, 1740. 1*- 1 Gardiner Greenleaf m. Catharine Thompson, Jan 21, 1748, who died Apr. 8, 1768, aged 38. He died Nov 21, 1808, leaving — 1-13 Gardiner, b. Aug. 20, 1748. 14 Rebecca, „ Sept. 25, 1750 ; m. Benjamin Floyd, Apr. 30, 1770. 15 Mary, „ Oct. 11,1752; „ Samuel Kidder, May 19, 1778. 16 Jonathan, ,, June 9, 1754. 17 Catharine,,, May 23, 1756 ; „ E. Thompson, May 21, 1778. 18 Hannah, „ Mar. 3, 1758 ; „ Francis Tufts, June 12, 1785. 19 Gardiner, „ July 14, 1765. 20 Abigail, „ Apr. 1, 1768. 1*- 4 Stephen Greenleaf m. Maria , and had — 4-21 Eliza Mason, b. Dec. 1, 1764. 1*- 6 Isaac Greenleaf m. Mary Tufts, Dec. 10, 1772 ; but, his wife dying June 24, 1776, aged 25, he m. Sarah, dau. of Jacob Rhoades, Apr. 30, 1778. She was b. Dec. 1, 1756, and d. Nov. 6, 1829, aged 72. He d. Feb. 19, 1807, leaving — 6-22 Isaac, b. Feb. 3, 1779 ; m. Hepzibah Shed. 23 Sarah, „ Sept. 1780 ; d. unm. Sept. 15, 1S07. 24 Mary, „ Jan. 29, 1782 ; „ „ July 11, 1805. 25 r Hannah H., „ Apr. 5, 1784 ; m. Henry Reed. REGISTER OF 6 Mary, m. Israel Meade, Feb. 26, 1669. 7 Hannah, „ Stephen Francis, Dec. 27, 1070. 8 Lydia, „ Gershom Cutter, 1 mo. 6,1677-8. 1- 2 Johk Hall was of Concord, 16-58. He m., 4 mo. 2, 1656, Elizabeth Green, of Camb., dau. of Percival and Ellen Green. John was of Camb., 1667 to 1675. He bought lands at Medford, June 27, 1675, of Caleb Hobart, which he mortgaged to him the same day as security, and redeemed May 2, 1881, for two hundred and sixty pounds. His children were — 2- 9 Elizabeth, b. 18, 7 mo., 1658; m. John Oldham. 10 John, „ 13, 10 „ 1660. 11 Nathaniel, „ 7, 5 „ 1666. 12 Mary, „ 1668 ; m. John Bradshaw. 13 Stephen, „ 1670. 14 Percival, „ Feb. 11, 1672. 15 Susanna. 16 Jonathan, „ 1677. 17 Sarah, „ 1679. 18 Thomas. 1- 4 Stephen Hall was of Concord; afterwards (in 1685) of Stow, of which latter place he was representative in 1689. He m., Dec. 3, 1663, Ruth Davis, and had — 4-19 Samuel, b. Dec. 8, 1665. 20 Ruth, „ Jan. 12, 1670. 21 Mary, „ June 1, 1677. 22 Elizabeth, „ Apr. 7, 1685. 1- 5 William Hall, m., 18, 8mo., 1658, Sarah Meriam, of Concord, where he lived. He d. Mar. 10, 1667. 2-10 John Hall, of Medford, m., Dec. 2, 1687, Jemima Syll, of Camb. ; and d. Nov. 14, 1720. He had — 10-23 John, b. Sept. 11, 1689; d. Oct. 2, 1689. 24 John, „ Sept. 19, 1690. 25 William, „ June 24, 1692 ;„ Oct. 4,1694. 26 William, „ Nov. 1, 1694; „ Jan. 3, 1695. 27 Elizabeth, „ June 10, 1696. 28 Andrew, „ May 5, 1698. 29 Jemima, „ Oct. 8, 1700; m., Jan.14, 1725, Z.Alden, of Boston. 30 Joseph, „ Nov. 30, 1702. 31 Stephen, „ Jan. 19, 1704. 32 Martha, „ Aug. 20, 1706. (And perhaps two others.) 2-11 Nathaniel Hall m., April 16, 1690, Elizabeth Cutter, and had — 11-33 Elizabeth, b. Jan. 9,1691. 34 Nathan, „ Oct. 25, 1694 ; d. Sept. 22, 1773, s.p. 35 Susanna, „ Aug. 30, 1696. 36 Sarah, „ Sept. 8, 1698. 37 Tabitha, „ Nov. 9, 1699 ; m. Wm. Benford, Sept. 16, 1723. 38 William, „ Feb. 9, 1705. 2-13 SrnriiKN Hall, of Charlestown, m., 1st, Grace , who d., of smallpox, Nov. 12, L721 ; and, 2d, Feb. 5, 17:!'.", Mrs. Anne Nowel. He d. Sept. 3, 1755, aged 85. His children were — 13-39 Stephen, b. Nov. 5, 1693. 40 Grace, „ June 17, 1097 ; m. Isaac Barker. 41 Esther, „ Dec. 27, 1700; ,, Dec. 18, 1729, Peter Eades. MEDFOUD FAMILIES. 28 42 Josiah, b. May 12, 1705. 43 Willard. 44 Ruth, „ 1708 ; m. \ If™**' l J?!>! 5^ WebC ''- ( 2d, Dec. 11, 173o, T. Symmes. 2-14 Pehcival Hall, of Sutton, 1720; m. at Woburn, Oct. 18, 1(597, Jane Willis. He was one of the founders of the church at Mod- ford ; was one of the original proprietors of Sutton ; was repre- sentative to the Provincial Congress; and deacon. He died Dec. 25, 1752. Children : — 14-45 Percival, b. Nov. 13, 1698; m. Lydia Bounds; d. s.p. 46 Jane, „ May 15, 1700. a. Mary. b. Elizabeth. c. Stephen, „ Apr. 2, 1709. d. Martha. 47 Thomas, „ Aug. 15, 1712. 48 Zaccheus, > T - 49 Susanna, \ " Jan ' ".1714-15. 50 Grace, „ Oct. 7, 1717. 51 Willis, „ Mar. 7, 1719-20. 2-16 Jonathan Hall m., 1702, Lydia Cutter, who d. Jan. 1, 1754. He d. Jan. 12, 1754, leaving — 16-52 Jonathan. 53 Lydia, b. Apr. 27, 1705 ; m. Jas. Tufts, of Chas., June 27, 1722. 54 Gershom, d. Dec. 9, 1718. 2-18 Thomas Hall was deacon of the church at Medford; m., 1st, Dec. 22, 1702, Hannah Cutter ; 2d, Abigail , who d. Sept. 8, 1745; 3d, Apr. 16, 1747, Elizabeth Davis. He d. Jan. 25, 1757. His children were, by first wife, — 18-55 Thomas, b. Oct 5, 1703. By second marriage : — 56 Edward, b. Apr. 11, 1707. 57 Abigail, „ Oct. 24, 1708. 58 Ruth, „ July 1, 1712 ; d. Oct. 30, 1711. 59 John, „ Mar. 17, 1715. 60 Ruth, „ Aug. 20, 1719. Gl William,,, June 11, 1721. 62 Samuel, „ Nov. 27, 1723; „ May 7, 1726. 63 Samuel, „ May 7,1725; (?) d. Mar. 30, 1729. 64 Rebecca,,, Feb. 28, 1727; m., Nov. 13, 1745, A. Blanchard, jun. 05 Samuel, „ Jan. 22, 1730. 10-24 John Hall (Captain), m. Elizabeth Walker, Apr. 27, 1720 ; and d. Aug. 8, 1746. His children were — 24-66 John, b. Nov. 24, 1720. 67 Elizabeth, „ Mar. 24, 1722. 68 Susanna, „ May 9, 1724. 69 Timothy, „ Mar. 13, 1726. 70 Samuel, „ Apr. 2, 1728 ; m. Mary Hall; and d., 1772, s.p. 71 Joseph, „ Mar. 29, 1730. 72 Jemima, ,, Dec. 2, 1732. 73 Nathaniel, „ June 7, 1735. 74 Ebenezer, „ July 21, 1737. 75 Zachariah, „ Jan. 9, 1740. 10-28 Andrew Hall m., Nov. 22, 1722, Abigail Walker, who d. Aug. 26, 1785, aged 88. He d. June 24, 1750. Children : — 28-70 Andrew, b. Oct. 6, 1723. 24 REGISTER OF 77 Abigail, b. Apr. 15, 1725 ; m. Fitch. 78 James, „ Apr. 17, 1727 ; d. Aug. 20, 1729. 79 Sarah, „ Dec. 1, 1729 ; „ Nov. 28, 1792. 80 Benjamin, „ Jan. 27, 1731. 81 James, „ Apr. 8, 1733; „ Nov. 8, 1763. 82 Anna, „ Mar. 17, 1735; m. Brooks. 83 Richard, „ Nov. 12, 1737. 84 Isaac, „ Jan. 24, 1739. 85 Josiah, „ Jan. 11, 1741 ; d. May 1, 1743. 86 Josiah, „ Oct. 17, 1744. 87 Ebenezer, „ Mav 31, 1748 ; „ Mar. 21, 1835. 88 Enoch, „ Oct. 30, 1749 ; „ Apr. 2, 1750. 10-31 Stephen Hall, jun., m. Mary , and had — 31-89 Willis, b. Aug. 20, 1733. 90 Stephen, „ Mar. 7, 1735. 91 Aaron, „ Apr. 23, 1737. 92 Mary, „ Apr. 27, 1739. 93 Ezekiel, „ Apr. 14, 1741. 94 Elizabeth, „ May 15, 1743. 95 Jane, „ Apr. 11, 1746. 96 Edmund, ,, July 15, 1749. 13-39 Stephen Hall, the lieutenant, m. Elizabeth , \\ ho d. Feb. 3, 1764. He d. Sept. 3, 1755. Children: — 39-97 Mary, b. Apr. 17, 1719. 98 Stephen, „ Aug. 10, 1721. 99 Sarah, „ Oct. 14, 1724. 100 Elizabeth, „ Dec. 19, 1725; d. Sept. 9, 1749. 13-43 Willard Hall grad. H. C. 1722, and was the minister of West- ford. He m. Abigail Cotton, of Portsmouth, who d. Oct. 20, 1789, and, dying Mar. 19, 1779, left — 43-101 Willard, b. June 12, 1730. 102 EUzabcth, „ Oct 24, 1732; m . { J* ™?She, 103 Abigail, „ July 19, 1734 ; „ Abbot, of Billerica. 104 Ann, „ Apr. 22, 1736 ; „ L. Whiting, of Hollis, N.H. 105 Mary, „ July 30, 1738 ; „ Jonas Minot, of Concord. 106 Martha, „ June 8, 1741; d. young. 107 Stephen, „ May 28, 1743. 108 Willis, „ Nov. 14, 1747. 109 Isaiah, „ Jan. 19, 1749. 110 Martha, „ July 16, 1752. 111 Grace, m. Benjamin Whiting. 14_46 c. Stephen, of Sutton, was quarter-master in the old French war ; m., Apr. 17, 1745, widow Sarah (Taft) Reed, and had — 46 c.-l 11a. Stephen, b. Jan. 24,1746. b. Joseph, „ Feb. 25, 1748. •ni" i_.ii- -n u no i-rcn C 1st, Benjamin Swinerton. c. Elizabeth, „ Feb. 28, 1750; m. J 2 d,.L. Aompson. d. John, „ Apr. 26, 1752. e. Samuel R., „ Jan. 21, 1755. /. Emerson, „ Apr. 21, 1758. g. Lucy, „ Jan. 7, 1761 ; d. Nov. 7, 1777. 14-47 Thomas Hall m. 1st, June 30, 1737, Judith Chase ; 2d, Hul- dah ; removed late in life to Cornish, N.H., and there died, 1797. He had — 47-112 Percival, b. Mar. 15, 1740-1. MEDFORD FAMILIES. 25 113 Thomas, b. Mar. 23, 1742-3. 113 a. Sarah, „ Aug. 28, 1745. b. Thomas, „ Dec. 1747. c. Mary, „ June 10, 1750. d. Betty, ,, June 9, 1753. e. Moses, „ Aug. 27, 1755 ; d. in Guildhall, Vt. /. Judith, „ Sept. 16, 1757. And by second wife, — 114 Moody, b. Feb. 25, 1760. 114 a. Huldah, „ July 26, 1761. 14-48 Zaccheus removed to New Braintree, m. Mary , and had (born in Sutton) — 48-114 b. Elias, b. Sept. 23, 1743. c. Mary, „ Sept. 17, 1745. d. Zaccheus, „ July 1, 1749. e. Aaron. 14-51 Willis Hall, of Sutton, was deacon, representative, &c, and a man of wealth. He m., 1st, May 15, 1746. Martha Gibbs, •who d. Feb. 1, 1756 ; 2d, Anna, dau. of William and Anna Coye ; and had — 51-115 a. "Willis, b. May 29, 1747. (A captain in the revolutionary army.) b. Jacob, „ Feb. 1749. c. Martha, „ Sept. 12, 1751. d. Grace, „ Oct. 30, 1753. e. Olive, ,, Dec. 11, 1755. And by second wife, — /. Jonathan, b. Oct. 21, 1757. (j. Josiah, „ Oct. 5, 1759. h. Israel, „ Jan. 21, 1762. 116 Nathaniel, „ Apr. 9, 1764. 116 a. Joseph, „ Jan. 26, 1767. 16-52 Jonathan Hall m., 1st, Feb. 17, 1731, Elizabeth Tufts ; 2d, Nov. 22, 1739, Anna Fowle; and d. Dec. 25, 1753. He had — 52-117 Jonathan, b. Oct. 16, 1733. 118 Samuel, „ Nov. 2, 1740. 119 Elizabeth, „ Oct. 22, 1742; d. Oct. 27, 1742. 120 Daniel, „ Oct. 9, 1744. 121 Gershom, „ July 21, 1746; „ Apr. 7, 1767. 122 Ebenezer, „ Sept. 12, 1749 ; „ Feb. 1776. 123 Daniel, „ Dec. 9, 1751; „ Feb. 25, 1773. 123J , „ Jan. 2, 1754 ; „ Jan. 2, 1754. 18-56 Edward Hall m. Abigail , who d. Aug. 31, 1748, He d. Jan. 28, 1749. Children : — 56-124 Abigail, b. Aug. 10, 1733 ; m. Samuel Giles, Jan. 31, 1784. 125 Joshua. 126 Luke, „ 1741. 127 Mary, „ Apr. 26, 1746 ; d. Jan. 28, 1749. 24-66 John Hall m., Oct. 22, 1746, Mary Keisar, and had — 66-128 John, b. July 24, 1747. 129 Henry, „ June 29, 1749. 130 Moses, „ Nov. 28, 1750. 24-69 Timothy Hall m., June 29, 1749, Mary Cutter, and had — 69-131 Mary, b. Feb. 15, 1750. 132 Timothy, ( , Dec. 12, 1751 ; d. Jan. 21, 1753. 133 Timothy, „ Oct. 24, 1753. 4 26 REGISTER OF 134 Susanna, b. June 3, 1756. 135 Ammi-Ruhamah, „ Aug. 27, 1758. 136 Samuel, „ Oct. 5, 1760. 137 John, „ Feb. 9, 1763. 138 Sarah, „ May 12, 1765. 24-71 Joseph Hall m., Nov. 24, 1757, Abigail Brooks, and had — 71-139 Caleb, b. Oct. 27, 1758. 140 Joseph, „ Dec. 2, 1759. 24-74 Ebenezer Hall ra., Nov. 3, 1763, Susanna Floyd, and had — 74-141 Abigail, b. Apr. 6, 1767. 142 Ebenezer, „ May 10, 1770. 143 Gilbert, „ Sept. 27, 1771. 24-75 Zachariah Hall, who d. Oct. 30, 1795, m. Mehitable , and had — 75-144 Samuel, b. June 11, 1772. 145 Daniel, „ Oct. 17, 1774. 28-76 Andrew Hall (a ship-master), m. Sarah , and had — 76-146 Abigail, b. Jan. 28, 1751. 28-80 Benjamin Hall m. Hepzibah Jones (b. May 6, 1734), May 3, 1752. He d. Feb. 2, 1817. His wife d. Aug. 10, 1790, aged 56 ; and had — 80-147 Benjamin, b. Aug. 9, 1754. 148 Ephraim, ,, June 1, 1756. 149 Fitch, „ Jan. 28, 1759. 150 Andrew, „ Feb. 26, 1761. 151 Hepzibah, „ June 25, 1764; m. John B. Fitch, Jan. 27, 1785. 28-81 James Hall m. Mary Watson, Mar. 27, 1760, and d. Nov. 18, 1763. He had — 81-152 Mary, b. Jan. 15, 1761. 28-83 Richard Hall m., Nov. 9, 1762, Lucy Jones, who was b. Oct. 13, 1745, and d. Feb. 10, 1826. He d. June 27, 1827. Child : — 83-153 Richard, b. Aug. 29, 1764 ; d. July 16, 1765. 28-84 Isaac Hall m. Abigail Cutter, Oct. 8, 1761, and had — 84-154 Abigail, b. Oct. 12, 1762. 155 Elinor, „ July 23, 1764. 156 Isaac, „ Aug. 5, 1766 ; d. May, 17, 1770. 157 James, „ Dec. 25, 1768. 158 Isaac, „ June 20, 1774; „ July 22, 1775. 159 Rebecca, „ May 28, 1776. 28-87 Ebenezer Hall m., Apr. 12, 1770, Martha Jones, sister of the wives of Richard and Benjamin, ante. She was born June 19, 1750 ; and d. Dec. 22, 1835. He d. Mar. 21, 1735, and had — 87-160 Ebenezer, b. May 11, 1771. 161 Richard, „ Feb. 24, 1774; d. Oct. 19, 1798. 162 Ephraim, „ Feb. 17, 1776; m., Feb. 2, 1819, J. T. Reynolds. 163 Martha, „ June 24, 1778 ; d. June 23, 1780. 164 Lucy, „ Nov. 28, 1782 ; m. Josiah Bradlee, of Boston. 165 Isaac, „ Mar. 12, 1783 ; ,, Susan Mitchell, of Nantiuket. 166 Andrew, „ Oct. 21, 1788 ; „ \ 1 ' f nn % x ^ De £ 2 °' JJJJ' ' " i 2. Ann G. Moor, Sept., 1819. MEDFORD FAMILIES. 27 31-89 89-167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 31-90 90-175 176 177 178 31-91 91-179 31-93 93-180 181 182 39-98 98-183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 43-101 101-192 193 194 195 196 197 198 43-107 Willis Hall m. Sarah , who d. Nov. 11, 1790 ; and had — George H., b. Jan. 8, 1763. Willis, „ Sept. 10, 1764. Nathaniel, „ Mar. 12, 1767. Ann, „ Oct. 10, 1770. Mary, „ Sept. 28, 1772. Edward, „ Jan. 19, 1778. Sarah, „ Oct. 12, 1780. Elizabeth, „ Jan. 13, 1783. Stephen Hall, the 4th, had wife Mary , and had — Stephen, b. Dec. 22, 1770. Mary, „ June 22, 1772. Elizabeth, „ Mar. 10, 1777. Zechariah, „ Dec. 16, 1778. Aaron Hall m., Jan. 3, 1760, Rebecca Pool, and had — Rebecca, b. Nov. 9, 1760. Ezekiel Hall m. Anna , and had — Samuel, „ July 1769. Stephen Hall m. Sarah — ah * * b. Sept. 23, 1744. „ Jan. 3, 1746. Lucy Stephen, Simon, Jacob, Elizabeth, Francis, Elizabeth, Mary, Apr, Jan. Mar 9, 1747. 9, 1749. 11, 1750; May 18, 1751. May 10, 1753. Apr. 3, 1757. -, and had d. Mar. 20, 1750. , and had — d. s. p. „ in Vermont, leaving one child. m. Miss Moore, and lives in Groton. „ 1st, Oliver Spaulding ; 2d, Giles. d. unmarried. Willard Hall m, Willard. Isaiah, James, Joseph F., Abigail, Sarah, Ruth. Stephen Hall grad. H. C. 1765, where he was tutor. Was educated for the ministry, but never settled. He m. Mary Holt, widow of Moses Holt, jun., and settled in Portland, where his wife died, July 27, 1808, aged 54. Children : — C armorer at Harper's Ferry, and J known by «' Hall's Carbine ; " b. Jan. 21, 1778 ;<{ father of W illard P. Hall, late [m.C. from Missouri. 10, 1779. 13, 1783. 6, 1785. 5, 1788. 26, 1792; d. Nov. 26, 1847. 200 201 202 203 204 43-108 108-205 b. Jan. „ Oct. „ Dec. „ Oct. ,, June „ Jan. Martha, Mary, William A Willard, Martha C, Willis Hall lived and died at Westford. table Pool, and had — Willard, b. Dec. 24, 1780. He married Mehi- 28 REGISTER OF 206 William C, b. 1783. 207 Benjamin. 208 Elizabeth. 209 Mehitable, ra 210 Hannah, 9 211 Frances. 46c.-llla. llla.-211a. b. 46C.-1116. Ill 6.-211 i. J- k. I. m. n. o. P- ?• 46c.-llld. 46c.-llle. m. Stephen Dow. T. R. Wright, of Pepperell. Willard (205) has been Secretary of State in Delaware, 1811-1814; Representative to Congress, 1816-1820; District Judge U. S. Ct., May 6, 1823, to date ; besides taking a conspicuous part on State questions. He m , , and has one child, b. 1809, who m. Dr. Robert R. Porter, of Wilmington. Stephen Hale, of Sutton, m. Abigail , and had — Abigail, b. Dec. 7, 1770; m. Amos Batchelder. Mar. 4, 1773. Elkanah Otis. Capt. D. Stone, of Oxford. Stephen, Sarah, Betsey, Simon, Aug. 20, 1775; Mar. 4, 1778 ; Mar. 27, 1780. /. William, „ Mar. 9, 1783; Mary, Calvin, now living in Sutton, on land inherited from Percival, his great-grandfather. Feb. 22, 1785; m. Eli Servey. Jan. 23, 1789 ; is of Sutton. Joseph Hall, a mason, resided in Richmond, Vt. ; and d. there, Nov. 22, 1822. bridge, of Newton, b and had — Thaddeus, b He Nov. in 1769, Mary Trow- 1750; d. Dec. 28, 1824; Sarah, Amasa, Abner, Polly, Joseph, Louis, Edmund T Ethen, Asher, Anna, John, Betsey, Lucy, Mar. 28, 1770. Nov. 26, 1771 ; m. Orin Stevens. June 4, 1774; d. young. July 25, 1775 ; „ „ May 15, 1777 ; m. James Butler. Sept. 14, 1779 ; is living. Dec. 7, 1781 ; d. in infancy. June 1, 1783; is living. Isaac Hallock. Sept. 12, 1785 June 25, 1787 Apr. 19, 1789 1791 1793 Sept. 22, 1796 John Hall, of Sutton, m., Jan. 28, 1777, Dolly Ward, and had — b. Jan. 10, 1778 ; „ Nov. 30, 1779. „ Jan. 13, 1782. 12, 1785; Lucy, Thaddeus, Jonas, Dolly, John, Harriet, Hannah, Increase S., ,, Aaron Curtis, d. young. >» «> m. Nathan Smith. m. Joseph Nelson. Feb. 12, 1785; „ John Haskell. Oct. 28, 1787 ; a scythe manufacturer. Mar. 4, 1792; m. Jonathan Putnam. Jan. 9, 1794 ; „ Smith, of Shrewsb. Apr. 3, 1797 ; d. s.p. Samuel Reed Hall was a clergyman in Croyden, N.H. ; Guildhall, Vt. ; and in Rumford, Me., where he d., Nov., 1814. He m. Elizabeth Hall, and had — m. Michael Amy. ,, Caleb Amy. „ John Whitter. „ Hannah Swinerton. Hannah, Lucy, Betsey, Samuel, Reed. ■ MEDFORD FAMILIES. 29 Chloe, m. Asa Swinerton. Hezekiah, was a clergyman. Sarah. Josiah Brewer. Theodosia. Samuel Read, was a clergyman in Brownington, Vt. 46 e.-l 1 If. Emerson Hall, of Boscawen, N.H., m. Tabitha Goldthwait, of Northbridge, and had — Tabitha. ) Lydia. ) Eleazer. Ebenezer. Lucy. 47-112 Percival Hall was a physician and surgeon in the revolu- tionary war ; and d. at Boston, Sept., 1825. He m. Mar- garet Ware, of Wrentham, who d. aged 81. Children : — 112-212 Jairus.* 213 Sewall. 214 Jeffries. 215 Bradshaw, d. in Castine, 1826, leaving six children. 216 Timothy, b. 1769 ; father to Rev. J. Hall, of Newcastle, Me. * A lawyer; for more than twenty years a member of Vermont Legislature ; Judge Court of Common Pleas, &c. ; d. in Boston in 1849. 48-114 e. Aaron Hall m. , and had — 114e.-216a. Daughter, m. Asa Parsons. b. Apphia, ,, Sylvester Judd, Esq., of Southampton. c. Irene, ,, Samuel Matthews. d. Drusilla, „ Johnson, of Hadley. e. Arethusa, lives in Brooklyn, N.Y. f. Richardson, lives in Greenfield, Me. g. Samuel, is a clergyman. 51-115 g. Josiah Hall, of Sutton, was a captain in the revolu- tionary army. He m., 1785, Mary Marble, and had — 1 1 =• ni^t r\T i t> i not ( for manv years town-clerk of H5g.-2\Qh. Oliver, b. Dee. 1, 1785;< c .. - v , ,. y ' ( Sutton, where he now lives. i. Mary, „ Apr. 7, 1788 ; m. Alpheus Marble. j. Almira, „ June 4, 1790; d. Sept. 18, 1795. SB k. Deborah, „ Jan. 18, 1793 ; „ Sept. 12, 1795. , tt i t\ io i-rnr ( 1st, Rufus Carter. I. Hannah, „ Dec. 13, 1795 ; m., J M ■ Cyrug Faulkner§ m. Mindwell, „ Feb. 8, 1798 ; „ James Phelps. II. Anna, ,, June 17, 1800. o. Sarah, „ May 7, 1804; d. May 11, 1839. 51-116 Nathaniel Hall grad. D. C. 1790; settled minister at Grantville, N.Y., where he d. July 31, 1820. He m., Jan. 22, 1798. Hannah, dau. of Dea. Daniel Emerson, of Hollis, b. Dec. 7, 1773, and d. May. 22, 1832. Children: — Nov. 9, 1798 ; m. Rev. Abijah Crane. . . 1Q . < Attorney- General N. Y., Apr. i, iSUi;^ i 8 39 ;m . Mrs. H.Handley. C m. Mary Fell, and lives at I Granville, N.Y. tv/t o iota ( Y.C. 1834; m.D.E. Ken- Ma v 9, 1810 ; < , , A «,, lu -„ J ' '( nedy ; d. Apr. 24, 1S.>2. 6-217 Hannah E., t 218 Willis, , 219 Nathaniel E., 220 221 Eliza. Richard B. 222 Daniel E., 223 David Brainerd, 224 Mary. 225 Edwards, 51- -116 a. Joseph remo 1 116 a-22 5 a. b. c. d. e. Nancy, b, Joseph M., ,, Lucinda, ,, Louis, ,, Willard, „ 30 REGISTER OF a minister at Cleveland, N.Y. Ham. C, 1840. ed to New Salem ; m. Anna , and had — Apr. 19, 1793. Nov. 2, 1794. June 19, 1797 ; m. Carter Eliot. Nov. 2, 1799. May 25, 1802 ; of Milbury. 52-117 Jonathan Hall m. Mercy , and had — 117-226 Elizabeth, b. March 19, 1755. 52-118 Samuel Hall served his apprenticeship with his uncle, Daniel Fowle, the first printer in N.H. He published, in 1768, the " Essex Gazette," at Salem, whence he removed, in 1775, to Cambridge, where he published the " N. E. Chronicle." He moved this latter to Boston the next year. He published the "Salem Gazette" again, in 1781 ; and, in 1785, the "Massa- chusetts Gazette." In 1789, he opened a book-store in Boston, which he sold to Lincoln and Edmandf in 1805, to whom Gould and Lincoln are the successors. He died Oct. 10, 1807. 66-130 Moses Hall m. Martha , and had — 130-227 John, b. Oct. 5, 1776. 228 Moses, „ Dec. 8, 1777. 229 Martha, „ Mar. 7, 1780. 230 Mary Kiesar, „ Sept. 16, 1783. 231 Moses, „ Dec. 13, 1785. 232 Elizabeth, „ Apr. 11, 1787. 233 James, „ May 29, 1788. 74-142 Ebenezee Hall m. Eunice , and had — 142-234 Martha, b. Apr. 20, 1798. 235 Mary, „ Feb. 6, 1802. 80-147 Benjamin Hall m. Lucv, dau. of Dr. Simon and Lucy Tufts, Nov. 20, 1777, and had — 147-236 Dudley, b. Oct. 14, 1780. 237 Lucy, „ Mar. 27, 1783. 238 Hepzibah,,, Feb. 17, 1785. 80-149 Fitch Hall m., May 14, 1783, Judith Brasher, and had — 149-239 Fitch, b. Jan. 25, 1785-. 240 Benjamin, „ Feb. 27, 1786. 241 William, „ Mar. 21, 1790. 80-150 Andhew Hall m., Apr. 19, 1789, Eunice Fitch, and had — 150-242 Charles J., b. Nov. 1, 1790. 243 George B., „ Oct. 5,1791. 2434 Eunice. 87-160 Ehenezeb. Hall m., March 8, 1796, Eunice, dau. of Capt. Isaac Jones, of Boston, and had — 160-244 Martha, b. Apr. 20, 1798. 245 Richard, „ Aug. 22, 1800; m. Mrs. Mary A. Hayward. 246 Mary Jane, ,, Feb. 7, 1802. 247 William J., „ May 20, 1805. 248 Ann Louisa, „ Apr. 17, 1807 ; d. Dec. 14, 1834. 249 Susan Mitchell, „ Nov. 7, 1808. 250 Lucy J., „ Oct. 15, 1812. 251 Ebenezer, „ Jan. 11, 1815. e£ |S2 — ",o«or- .c 3-d o — ' "- CO -H S5 >> QS"o o -.Sg?j 5 i> t to II J2 t~ ^O M* S co_- . -a II sS ' 1 — o-'"C« 3 D.r- asS-d >' CS j "° -g C >2 1 -CO . • «2l«i|i Q , ^S^<2 ii 55 , cSj* i^o <>1 -C"-C — » f iSS — .S-Sfc® j OP fc. . w So •SJ -C \?S O z — us* .S * II ■ w*^ cu™ - S = . .s-g • H O o J3 Eben zer, b. Marc 1681; 14 Ja 1702 II cj> as to Q.3-) CO = 1*= n-SS tit-: •-=. Cy c < at- " ° 90 = — rt l> . co 1 -6 |52< -if S3 £g r— 1 ^2 .o. Q o >■><" S"5 5 E a O o " ra c ~" II E?Ja! E= = t; Xg7 3 e - "JoEi S COT! C8 2 II 1 . • - S Sri — co _• ^ £■ 00 s«- HH CC '- • 5? A -c A • ^2 CU-O fe-» . a .^ co •* <5 as £'f4' N — C L3 -^ ^!" -S 1 -J^gSJJ &< s cs u to S£2 o r~ — !-» — ™ t> M z II - -fi 03 V o o o -co llev. Jo! b. 1671 . H.C. 16; . d. 5 Dp 1752. -J<2 < Jo< ' a z°2 _j3 _• a a J3 •- *J-d35 II o ^to -■egg 2 ^ II II co ,2 B £--d£. i co o « ..-, co m -=' > '. ».rf Nalh iel, b 29 1668 11 M 175 .s2£: . b'j; a o SK haniel, Mary, 8 Feb. b. 6 5; d. May, July, 1666 665. I 1 Rev. Na- Marth thauiel, b. 169' b. 14 Jan. d. 20 C 1701. 1712 - B) CO « - Z ja - w 5 ia — ii ^CT> . --co .5 -co .o co _-S hi o&3 o— i «*: CO _--h ^ 5 c?i£ Z ■ . «- ^~ — "^"d " ScnC -= _ _o > q»t. CD • C0~> is G-' £ - 1£hO ^2.« CO CO CO JB -«2 j<^2 -«2.b —3 CO 03 ■=So Oio w I) CO -;- _ c«ao o Medford, 1849, ami had — MEDFORD FAMILIES. 37 34-35 Emerett O., b. Mar. 8, 1844. 36 Herbert L., „ Oct. 16, 1845; d. Nov. 10, 1847. 37 Charles A., „ Oct. 1, 184S; „ Dec. 4, 1848. 38 Oscar L., „ Jan. 13, 1852. PATERSON, JAMES, son of Andrew and Elizabeth, b. Oct. 5, 1707. 1 PATTEN, WILLIAM, m. Abigail Willis, Jan. 3, 1701, who d. Feb. 19, 1725, aged 48 ; and had — 1- 2 John, b. Jan. 1, 1713. 3 Aaron, „ Apr. 16, 1717. 4 Thomas,,, Feb. 20, 1719. William Patten d. Sept. 7, 1741, aged 69 ; b. 1672. 5 William Patten m. Anna Seccomb, Nov. 17, 1727, and had — 5- 6 George, b. Sept. 4, 1729 ; d. aged 3 mos. 7 Lucy, „ Dec. 24, 1730. 8 Anne, „ Mar. 4, 1732. 9 George, „ Nov. 9, 1733 ; „ Feb. 24, 1740. 10 Jonathan, „ July 7, 1738; „ July 28, 1790. 11 Rebecca, „ Apr. 11, 1742; „ same year. 12 Abigail, „ June 2, 1744. 13 Thomas Patten m. Mary Tufts, Jan. 10, 1745, who d. Aug. 28, * 1764; and, 2d, Mary Rinford, Jan. 8, 1765. He d. Nov. 26, 1786. Children : — 13-14 Mary, b. July 10, 1747. 15 John Patten m. Priscilla , and had — 15-16 Mary, d. Dec. 29, 1752. Lucy Patten m. Samuel Hall, Nov. 27, 1751. Jonathan „ „ S. Rradshaw, Apr. 14, 1762. Mary ,, ,, Henry Fowle, Jan. 8, 1766, Mrs. Mary „ d. Mar. 15, 1773. 1 PEIRCE, NATHANIEL, m. Lydia , and had — 1- 2 Hannah, b. Apr. 27, 1702. 3 Francis, „ Sept. 24, 1704. 4 Lydia, „ Feb. 24, 1707. 5 Abigail, „ Feb. 5, 1710. 6 Renoni, „ Feb. 24, 1712. 7 Mary, „ Mar. 2, 1714. 8 Renjamin Peirce m. Sarah Hall, Dec. 2, 1702, and had 8- 9 Renjamin, b. Apr. 7, 1707. 10 Sarah, „ Mar. 11, 1710. 11 Eleanor, „ Feb. 13, 1712. 12 Thomas, „ Aug. 11, 1714. 13 Susanna, „ Jan. 29, 1717. His widow d. Mar., 1764, aged 85. 14 Iciiabod Peirce m. Sarah , and had — 14-15 Sarah, b. July 14, 1709. 16 Robert, „ Nov. 29, 1711. 17 Nathaniel,,, Aug. 2, 1713. 18 Rebecca, „ Aug. 5, 1716. 19 Jonathan, „ Oct. 8, 1717. 38 REGISTER OF PERKINS, JONATHAN, was b. in Middleton, Mass., in 1791. His grandfather is believed to have emigrated from England to this town, which latter place was the birthplace of his father. This emigrant ancestor had twenty-four children, of whom An- drew m. Phebe Eliot, grand-daughter of the Rev. Andrew Peters, of Middleton ; and had eleven children, nine of whom are now living. Of these, — Jonathan Perkins m., in 1823, , fourth daughter of Nathan Wait, Esq., by whom he had six children, four of whom are now alive. PERRY, SANFORD B., b. Sept. 20, 1819, in Leicester, was son of William Perry, who was born there, Apr. 12, 1797. William was the son of Abijah Perry, b. in Princeton, Aug. 3, 1764, — son of Aaron Perry, b. in Mendon, Apr. 17, 1733. The father of Aaron was John P., who is supposed to be a descendant of Edmund Perry, who settled in N.E. about 1650. Sanford B. Perry m. Sarah Jane Barr, b. of James Barr, in New Ipswich, July 1 1, 1827. Her father was b. May 23, 1790 ; and his father, James, b. in Kilbarchan, co. of Renfrew, Dec. 12, 1752, emi- grated to the United States, June 22, 1774. 1 POLLY, SAMUEL, and Elizabeth, had — 1-2 Samuel, b. Nov. 3,1714. 3 Elizabeth, „ May 13, 1716. 4 Ruth, „ Feb. 25, 17 IS. 5 John, „ Aug. 6, 1719 ; d. Mar. 15, 1721. 6 Susanna, „ 1721; „ Apr. 16,1721. 7 Sarah, „ Mar. 7, 1729. 1 PORTER, JOHN (1), was of Windsor, Ct., in 1638 ; will proved, June, 1649 ; and had — 1- 2 Samuel, m. Hannah Stanley ; was one of the first settlers of Had- ley, in 1659 ; and d. 1689, leaving seven children. 2- 3 Samuel Porter, son of the last, was b. Apr. 6, 1660; afterwards judge; m. Joanna, dau. of Aaron Cook, of Hadley. He d. July 29, 1722, aged 62, leaving three sons and four daughters. 3- 4 Rev. Aaron Porter, second son and third child of the last, was b. July 19, 1689. Grad. H. C, 1708; and m., in 1709, Susanna Scwall, sister of the chief justice; and had — 4- 5 Aaron, b. July 9, 1714; d. young. 6 Susanna, ,, Mar. 1,1716; m., Aug. 4, 1739, Rev. A. Cleveland. 7 Margaret,,, July 18, 1717. 8 Joanna, „ Mar. 22, 1719 ; „ Jan. 1, 1735, Josiah Cleveland. lie died Jan. 21. 1722, and has many descendants through the Clcvelands; especially, of those now alive, are Rev. Charles Cleveland, of Boston, and Pro- < barles D. Cleveland, of Philadelphia. 9 Porter, John, came from England, 1632; of Salem, 1637; was made freeman, 1646. Had children, who settled at Topsfield and Wenham, from which latter place Deacon William Porter removed to Braintree, about 1740; his son, Jonathan, moved to Maiden, aboul 1 755 ; and his sun, Jonathan, jun., moved thence to Medford, 1773. He m. Phebe Abbott, of Andover, and had — 9-10 Jonathan, b. Nov. 13, I7'.n ; m. Catharine Gray. MEDFORI) FAMILIES. o9 11 Henry, b. Nov. 9, 1793 ; m. Susan S. Tidd. 12 Sarah, „ Juno 7, 1795 ; d. 1815. 13 Charlotte, m. Hezekiah Blanchard. 14 George, „ Aug. 26, 1799 ; d. young. 15 George W., „ Jan. 26, 1801 ; m. Elizabeth Hall. 16 Augusta, „ James T. Woodbury. Jonathan Porter d. Nov., 1817. 1 RAYMOND, WILLIAM, is said to have emigrated with two brothers, Richard and William, and to have been concerned in lands held under John Mason, in N.H. ; and lived at Ports- mouth, 1631. Of these, Richard was freeman, 1634: John d. Jan. 18, 1703, aged 87 ; and William was of Salem, 1G48, after- wards of Beverly, where he was representative, 1685 and 1686. He was a captain of Beverly troops, and had, for his services, a grant of land, where Dunbarton, N.H., now is. He d. Jan. 29, 1709, aged 72. He m., 1st, Hannah Bishop; 2d, Ruth Hall; by each of them leaving issue. His children were — 1- 2 Mary. 3 William. 4 Daniel, b. Nov. 25, 1691. 5 Paul. 1- 4 Daniel Raymond m. Abigail Balch, Mar. 11, 1714, and moved to Marblehead. He and his oldest son died in 1745, during the expedition against Louisburg. His youngest son, — 4- 6 Freeborn Raymond, b. Feb. 20, 1741, m. Mary Young, and moved to Athol. By a second wife, Sarah Powers, lie had three sons and six daughters. He d. Feb. 11, 1817. 6- 7 Freeborn Raymond, oldest son of the last named, was b. June 4, 1765 ; m., 3d, Jane Rich, Mar. 9, 1801 ; and had, by her, live sons and four daughters. He d. July 3, 1824. 7- 8 Thatcher R. Raymond, third son of the last, was b. Mar. 9, 180S ; m., 1st, Oct. 26, 1831, Helen M. Wilder, who d. Sept. 8, 1835 ; 2d, Caroline L. Blanchard, Mar. 9, 1837, who d. Mar. 14, 1839; 3d, Jan. 26, 1841, Jane E. Bartlett, by whom he has — 8- 9 Caroline Louisa, b. Sept. 12, 1846. 10 Elizabeth B., „ Nov. 3, 1848. Is now a citizen of Medford. REED, HENRY, b. Jan. 27, 1785 ; m., Aug. 23, 1810, Hannah S. Greenleaf, who was b. Apr. 5, 1784. He d. Oct. 13, 1827, and had — 2 Hannah M., b. June 23, 1811 ; m. Noah Hathaway. 3 Susanna E., „ Feb. 15,1813; „ N.Johnson. 4 Martha W., „ May 30, 1817; d. July 12, 1817. 5 Henry F., „ June 15, 18 IS. 6 Isaac R., „ Dec. 17, 1820 ; m. Mary Merrill. 7 Rebecca G., „ Sept. 1, 1823. 1 REEVES, JOHN, embarked, Mar. 16, 1634, aged 19, for New England, on board the " Christian," from London, and settled in Salem, where land was granted him in 1643. His first wife was Jane ; and 2d, Elizabeth . His children Mere — 1- 2 William. 3 Freeborn, b. Mar. 10, 1658. 4 Benjamin, ,, Dee. 30, 1661. 40 REGISTER OF 1- 2 William Reeves m. Elizabeth Collins, Mar. 14, 16G9, and had — 2- 5 John. G Cochran. 7 Elizabeth. 2- 6 Cochran Reeves m., 1st, Judith ; 2d, Elizabeth Robinson, July 17, 1723; and had — 6- 8 Samuel, b. Jan., 1708; d. Oct. 9, 1791. 9 William, „ Dec, 1710. 10 Susanna, ,, Mar., 1713; m. John Clough. 11 Elizabeth, „ Oct., 1715; „ Holman. 12 Nathaniel, „ Mercy Dudley. 13 Jacob, „ Aug., 1720. 14 Mary, „ July, 1724; „ Palmer. 15 John, „ Feb., 1725. 16 Benjamin, „ 1730. G- 8 Samuel Reeves m. Elizabeth , 1733, who d. Apr. 23, 17.39, aged 51. He d. Oct. 9, 1791, and had — 8-lGa. Elizabeth, b. 1734 ; m. Isaac Warren, Oct. 3, 1751. b. Judith, „ 1735 ; „ Joseph Albree, Dec. 23, 1756. c. Hannah, „ 1738 ; d., unm., Feb. 26, 1791. d. Thomas, ,,1741;,, Feb. 12, 1755. G-13 Jacob Reeves m. Abigail Ferguson ; lived some time at Roxbuiy, and moved thence to Wayland. He had — 13-17 Nathaniel, b. Mar. 6, 1749. 18 Elizabeth, „ Dec. 25, 1753 ; m. Thomas Heard. 19 Naomi, „ Mar. 12, 1756; d. young. 20 Mary, „ July 12, 1758. 21 Anne, m. Jona. Underwood. 22 Jacob, ,, Jan. 31,1763; ,, Elizabeth Robinson. 23 Samuel, „ Apr. 15, 1765; ,, Abigail Parris. 13-17 Nathaniel Reeves m., 1st, Dorothy Hoar; 2d, Eunice Noycs ; and had — 17-24 Nathaniel, b. Aug. 15, 1771; d. Feb. 3, 1772. 25 Nathaniel, „ Jan. 23, 1777; „ July 6, 1779. 2G Eunice, „ May 6,1779; „ Aug. 17, 1785. 27 Nathaniel, „ Sept. 15, 1781; „ Nov. 14, 1815. 28 Abigail, „ Oct. 8, 1783 ; „ Jan. 30, 1830. 29 Jonas Noyes, „ June 11, 1786; „ Feb. 18, 1835. 30 Henry, ' „ Mar. 21, 1789. 13-22 Jacok Reeves m. Elizabeth Robinson, and had — 22-31 Samuel, b. June 20, 1785 ; d. Oct. 28,1814. 32 Nancy, „ May 30, 1787; „ Apr. 28, 1816. 33 Hervey, „ Apr. 13, 1789; m. Lucretia Bond. 34 Walter, „ May 25, 1791; „ Elmira Griffin. 35 Jacob, „ Mar. 29, 1793; d. Sept. 25, 1818. 36 Charles, „ June 18, 1795; „ Jan. 24, 1796. 37 Hannah, „ Oct. 29, 1796. 38 Charles, „ Dec. 26, 1798; „ Sept. 18, 1801. 39 Dexter, „Oct. 2, 1800; m. Margaret P. Troufatter. 40 Elisa E., „ Aug. 17, 1804 ; d. Nov. 15, 1804. 13-23 Samuel Reeves m. Abigail Parris, and lived in Hope, Me. He had — 23-11 Clarissa, b. Apr. 22, 1786 ; m. Job Morse. 42 Sylvester, „ Oct. 18, 1789. MEDFORD FAMILIES. 41 43 Sarah, b. May 30, 1795. 44 Elisa, „ Feb. 6, 1800. 45 Elmira, „ Aug. 10, 1804. 17-27 Nathaniel Reeves m. Milicent Rice, and lived in Wayland. lie had — 27-46 Emmeline A., b. June 10, 1810 ; m. James S. Draper. 47 Caroline, „ June 1, 1812. 48 Cordelia, „ Sept. 29, 1814 ; „ Dr. Alex. Jackson, Plymouth. 17-29 Jonas N. Reeves m. Nancy Heard ; lived in Templeton ; and had — 29-49 Thomas Heard, b. Oct. 20, 1817. 50 Nancy, „ Apr. 20, 1820 ; m. Cyrus Cheney. 51 George H., „ Jan. 30, 1822; d. Aug. 22, 1822. 52 Albert, „ July 16, 1823 ; „ Aug. 5, 1825. 53 Francis, „ July 30, 1825. 54 Jacob H., „ Feb. 24, 1829. 17-30 Henry Reeves m. Nancy Gleason ; lives in Wayland ; and had — 30-55 Mary Ann, b Apr. 8, 1817 ; d. Nov. 15, 1823. 56 Catharine G., „ Apr. 2,1819; „ Sept. 26, 1837. 57 Henry, „ Feb. 25, 1821 ; „ Nov. 16, 1823. 58 Nancy G., „ Mar. 13, 1823; m.E. Packard; d. July 10, 1845. 59 MaryE., „ Aug. 15, 1825. 60 Licentia, „ Oct. 27, 1827. 22-33 Hervey Reeves m., 1st, Phebe ; 2d, Lucretia Bond, by whom he had — 33-61 Samuel D., b. Feb. 2, 1818. 62 Ellen P., „ Apr. 27, 1824. 63 James H., „ June 30, 1828. 64 Francis W., „ May 3, 1831. 22-34 Walter Reeves m. Elmira Griffin. He lives at Wayland, and has — 34-65 Nancy G., b. June 21, 1821 ; m. Abner Rice, of Natick. 66 Eliza E., „ Sept. 23, 1822 ; „ John Dane, of Clinton. 67 Charles W., „ Apr. 17, 1825. 68 Sarah G., „ Sept. 17, 1827 ; „ Ed. Rice, jun., of Wayland. 69 Emma L., „ Sept. 30, 1833. 70 Adeline R., „ Oct. 20, 1835. 22-39 Dexter Reeves m. Margaret P. Troufatter, and lives in Boston. Child : — 39-71 Dexter, b. Aug., 1834. 23-42 Sylvester Reeves m. Milicent, widow of Nathaniel Reeves, jun., and has — 42-72 Nathaniel, b. July 22, 1820. 73 Sylvester, „ May 30, 1823. i RICHARDSON, JOHN, and Abigail, his wife, had — 1-2 Joshua, b. Sept. 22, 1714. 3 Abigail, „ July 23, 1716. 4 Susanna, „ May 2, 1718. 5 John, „ May 29, 1721. 6 James, ,, June 15, 1725. 7 Joseph, „ Aug. 16, 1729. 42 REGISTER OF 5 William Richardson had, by wife Rebecca, — 5- 9 Mary, b. Apr. 17, 1717. (I am indebted for the following account to the kindness of Hon. James Savage.) 1 ROYALL, WILLIAM, of Casco, 1636, had been sent by the go- vernor and company to Captain Endicott, at Salcin, 1629, as a " cleaver of timber." Part of the town of Salem was early called Ryall's side. He purchased of Gorges, 1643, on east side of Royall's River, in North Yarmouth, and lived near its mouth. He m. Phebe Green, step-dau. of Samuel Cole, of Boston. Children : — 1- 2 William, b. 1640. 3 John. 4 Samuel. 1- 2 William Royall was driven by the Indians from North Yar- mouth, and remained at Dorchester some years. Freeman 1678 ; d. Nov. 7, 1724. Children : — 2- 5 Isaac, b. 1672. 6 , a dau., m. Amos Stevens. 7 Jemima, „ 1692; d. Nov. 9, 1709. 8 Samuel, of Freetown. 9 Jacob, of Boston. And others, whose names are unknown. 2- 5 Isaac Royall returned in 1757 from Antigua, where he had re- sided 40 years, settled in Medford, and there d. June 7, 1739. He m., July 1, 1697, Elizabeth, dau. of Asaph Eliot, who d. Apr. 21, 1747. His wife seems to have m., 1st, an Oliver, as Isaac R. mentions a dau.-in-law, Ann, wife of Robert Oliver, of Antigua. Elizabeth R., in her will, mentions gr.-ch., Dr. James, Thomas, Isaac, Richard, and Elizabeth Oliver. Children : — 5-10 Asaph, b. Apr., 1699 ; d. July 24, 1699. 1 1 Isaac. 12 Penelope, m. Henry Vassall. 2- 8 Samuel Royall m , and had — 8-13 William. 14 Samuel Winthrop. 5-11 Col. Isaac Royall, of Medford, m. , and had — 11-15 Elizabeth, b. 1741; d. July 9, 1747. 16 Miriam, (?) m. Thomas Savel. 17 Elizabeth, „ Sir William Pepperrell. 17£ Mary. 5-12 Penelope Royall m. Henry Vassall, 1741, and had — 12-18 Elizabeth, m. Dr. Charles Russell, who d. in Antigua, s.p., May 27, 1780. 11-16 Miriam Royall m. Thomas Savel, Dec. 23, 1773, and had — 16-184 Thomas. 19 Elizabeth, b. Dec. 20, 1784. 20 Miriam, „ Apr. 19, 1787. 11-17 Elizabeth Royall m. William Pepperrell Sparhawk, whose mother was the only daughter of Sir William Pepperrell, and who took his grandfather's name on succeeding to the estate and title. He d. Dec, 1816, aged 70. Children — 17-21 William, d., unm., 1809; 22 Elizabeth Royall, b. July 14, 1770. 23 Mary Hirst Mcintosh. 24 Harriot. MEDFOItD FAMILIES. 43 17-22 Elizabeth R. Pepperrell m. Rev. Henry Hutton, who d. in 1813, and had — 22-2,5 Elizabeth, m. William Moreton, 1814. 26 Charles H. 27 Mary Anne, „ Rev. William Moreton, 1832. 28 Henry, „ Sophia Brevort. 29 Anne". 30 Harriot, „ Rev. David Drummond, 1829. 31 Louise, „ Archdeacon Parry. 33 Thomas P., ,, Mary Drummond. 34 Frances, d., unm., 184S. 17-23 Mary H. McIntosii Pepperrell m. Wilham Congreve, July, 1799, and d. s. p., Feb. 4, 1839. 17-24 Harriot Pepperrell m., 1802, Sir Charles Palmer, who d. Apr. 27, 1827. His widow d. Jan. 2, 1842. Children : — 24-3-5 Louisa C. 36 Mary Anne. 37 Caroline H. 38 George J., m. Emily Elizabeth Holford, Feb., 1836. 39 Charles A., „ Julia Simpson, Feb. 27, 1838. 40 William Henry, b. 1815; d. Sept. 2, 1823. Note. — In printing these English branches, I have copied from the " Life of Sir William Pepperrell,'' by Usher Parsons, Esq. Robert Royall, perhaps a brother of Isaac (No. 5), was living with wife Mercy, in Dorchester, July 20, 1741. 1 SAMSON, MILES, m. Sarah Clough, of Medford, July 9, 1815, who d. Sept. 5, 1824. They had — 1- 2 Sarah, b. June 1, 1816 ; m. Philip Putney. 3 Miles, „ Oct. 29,1817; „ 1st, E. Paine; 2d, A. Weston. 4 Eden, „ May 25, 1819 ; „ Mary Ann Tufts. 5 Elizabeth C, „ Aug. 7,1821; „ Albert Hadley, of Eden, Me. He m., 2d, Charlotte Peirce, April 10, 1825, who d. March 20, 1832; and had — 6 Charlotte, b. Aug. 16, 1825. 7 Henry, „ Sept. 21, 1829; m. Matilda Headley. 8 Mary, „ Sept. 2,1831; „ Henry Jones. 1 SAVEL, THOMAS, m. Miriam Royall, Dec. 23, 1773, and had 1- 2 Thomas. 3 Elizabeth, b. Dec. 20, 17S4. 4 Miriam, „ Apr. 19, 1787. Thomas Savel, Jr., m. Mary Francis, Dec. 22, 1799. Margaret ,, „ James Buckman, Feb. 12, 1778. Martha, „ „ Benjamin Floyd, Jan. 7, 1779. Joseph, ,, d. June 2, 1776. Widow Martha, „ „ Dec. 10, 1786. 1 SECCOMB, RICHARD, came from the west of England ; set- tled at Lynn as early as 1660 ; and d. 1694. He had — 1- 2 Noah. 3 Richard. 44 REGISTER OF 4 Susanna. 6 Peter, b. 1678. 1- 3 Richard Seccomb m. Anne , and had — 3- 6 Jonathan, b. Sept. 17, 1710. 7 Anne, „ Sept. 17, 1712. 8 Dorothy, „ Jan. 24, 1715 ; m. Henry Fowle, Mar. 6, 1738. 1- 5 Peter Seccomb m. Hannah Willis, Feb. 25, 1702, who d. at Har- vard, Dec. 15, 1760. She was b. Jan. 1, 1672 ; and d. Dec. 15, 1760, aged 89. He d. Sept. 8, 1756, aged 78. Children : — 5- 9 John, b. July 30, 1706 ; d. May 27, 1770. 10 John, „ Apr. 25, 1708 ; minister at Harvard, Mass., 1728. 11 Charles, „ Jan. 15, 1710 ; d. Sept. 28, 1730. 12 Thomas, „ Aug. 16, 1711; „ Apr. 15, 1773. 13 Joseph, minister at Kingston, N.H. ; d. 1760. 14 Willis, „ Apr. 30, 1704 ; d. Apr. 15, 1725. Joseph Seccomb (13) m. Ruth Brooks, Nov. 20, 1760. ,, , fd. Mar. 13, 1781, aged 77. Kebecca, „ £ ghe m< Thomas (No> 12 ) ( a bove. Anna, „ m. William Patten, Nov. 17, 1727. Anne, „ ,, Nathaniel Lawrence, Nov. 13, 1725. Note. — Seccombe is the name of a place in the Isle of Purbeck, on the coast of Dorsetshire, Eng. 1 SHED, DANIEL, of Braintree, 1647, from whom probably de- scended Ebenezcr Shed (1), of Charlestown, who d. Apr. 17, 1770, aged 75 ; and m. Abigail Ireland, who d. Oct. 8, 1783, aged 83. He had, inter alios, — 1- 2 Zechariah, b. Feb. 7, 1745 ; m. Lydia Spring, who was b. Jan. 11, 1748, and d. Oct. 7, 1821. She Avas the dau. of Henry Spring, jun., and Sarah Swan, his wife (avIio Avas a dau. of old Lady Winship, who d. Dec. 2, 1807, aged 100). Zechariah Shed d. Jan. 15, 1813, leaving — 2- 3 Francis, b. July 5, 1772. 4 Thomas, „ Feb. 7, 1784. 2- 3 Francis Shed m. Lydia Prentiss Saunders, May 29, 1797, Avho d. Oct. 11, 1846, aged 72. He d. Apr. 15, 1851. Children : — 3-5 JudithS., b. Sept. 16, 1798; m. | ^^^; 6 Caroline D., „ May 22, 1801; „ | Jf^SSSg" 7 Emily Ann, „ Sept. 11, 1803; „ Aaron Traverse. 8 Francis, „ Nov. 20, 1805 ; „ Mary Ann Frost. 9 Lydia, „ Noa\ 21, 1807 ; „ Thomas Marshall. 10 Zechariah, „ Mar. 19, 1810. ,, _,. -r, T t on idio ( 1st, Ambrose Tucker. 11 Eliza B., „ July 22, 1813 ; „ J 2d ; Anthony Nuttcl , 12 Matilda O., „ Oct. 14, 1816 ; „ Charles Danfoith. 2- 4 Thomas Shed m. Abigail H. Greenleaf, Dec. 18, 1808, and d. Dec. 9, 1849. He had children : — 4-13 Abigail G., b. Nov. 22, 1809 ; m. George Sawyer. 14 Sarah R., „ Dec. 8,1811; „ Samuel Ward. 15 William B., „ Oct. 24, 1813. 16 Harriet G., „ Oct. 26, 1815. 17 Helen M., „ May 29, 1818 ; „ Mathias Miner. MEDFORD FAMILIES. 45 18 Thomas A., b. Nov. 14, 1822. 19 Franklin K., „ May 19, 1825 ; d. Feb. 22, 1848. 20 Marshall S., „ Mar. 15, 1828 ; m. Emma A. Gibbs. 21 Mary A., „ May 1, 1831 ; d. May 12, 1832. 22 Convers Francis, „ Jan. 8, 1835 ; „ Aug. 13, 1853. 3- 8 Francis Shed, jun., m. Mary Ann Frost, of Tyngsboro', May 23 1829. Shed. June 4, 1851, aged 42. He m., 2d, Mrs. Eliza- beth H. Page, dau. of the late Jonathan Tufts. Children by 1st wife : — May 1, 1S36. 1838. 8-23 Luther A., b. June 11, 1830. 24 Mary Jane, ,, Sept. 9, 1831. 25 John F., „ Oct. 11, 1833. 26 Matilda M., „ Jan. 22, 1835 ; 27 Laura M., „ Feb. 25, 1837; 28 Sylvanus, ,, Sept. 1, 1840. 29 Jefferson, ,, July 1, 1842. 30 Lydia S., „ Aug. 1, 1844. 31 Lucy Ann, „ Dec. 17, 1847. 32 Albert, „ Sept. 16, 1850. SHEPARD, JACOB, m. Mercy Chickering, Nov. 22, 1699 • and had — 1 1- 2 Jacob, b. Aug. 22, 1700 1 SWAN, SAMUEL, was b. 1720 ; was an only son ; his father m Miss Austin, of Charlestown, and d. 1746. His ancestors arc said to have had large possessions in Haverhill and Methuen • and, as lately as 1798, Mr. Swan was urged to prosecute his claims by persons of respectable standing, one of whom, a pub- lic officer, desired to purchase a part of his claim. From a deli- cate sense of justice, Mr. Swan and his oldest son firmly refused to entertain the idea. In March, 1746, he m. Joanna Richard- son, of Woburn, and had children as below. His house in Charlestown was burnt by the British ; and he went, with his family, to Concord. He d. Aug., 1808. Children : — 1- 2 Samuel, b. 1750. 3 Daniel, „ 1752. 4 Caleb, „ 1754 ; d. Mar., 1816. 1- 2 Samuel Swan, jun.. m. Hannah Lamson, Mar. 5, 1778, who d Nov., 1826, aged 70. He d. Nov., 1825. In Jan., 1787, he was appointed quartermaster-general, with the rank of major, under General Lincoln, in the time of Shay's rebellion. He had pre- viously served under General Lincoln in the revolutionary war • and, for his conduct in this later matter, received the written thanks of Gov. Bowdoin. He was afterwards deputy-collector of the revenue under Gen. Brooks. His children were — 2- 5 Samuel, b. 1779; d. Mar. 31, 1823. 6 Daniel, m. Sarah Preston. 7 Joseph, „ 1784. 8 Hannah. 9 Benjamin L., 10 Timothy, „ 1789 ; d. Jan. 20, 1830. 11 Caleb. 1- 3 Daniel Swan m. Elizabeth, dau. of Peter Tufts, Aug 21 1777 • and d. in 1780. His widow d. 1853, aged 97. 46 REGISTER OF 5 5-12 13 14 15 16 Samuel Swan m. Margaret Tufts and had — 2- 7 2- 7-17 18 19 20 9 9-21 22 23 24 25 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Benjamin L., Samuel, James, Margaret, Hannah L., Sarah Brinkerhoff. Lucretia Staniels. Matilda Loring. William Evelcth. George Francis. 1- 2 2-14 15 16 17 18 m. Elizabeth Bartlett. d. 1854. m. Peter C. Hall. Joseph Swan was a merchant, educated in the counting-room of Hon. William Gray. He m. Ann Rose; and d. Jan., 1853, leaving — Joseph, William R., Ann R., Timothy. Benjamin L. Swan m. Mary Saidler, and had — Benjamin L., m. Caroline Post. Edmund H., ,, Julia Post. Mary, ,, Charles N. Fearing. Otis Dwight, ,, Margaret Johnson. Frederic. Elizabeth Swan m. Ezra Skinner, Jan. 8, 1724. Ruth, wife of William Swan, d. Jan. 6, 1716. Thomas Swan, of Roxbury, m. Prudence Wade, Sept, 27, 1692. SYMMES, ZECHARIAH, was the son of Rev. William Symme< and was b. in Canterbury, Eng., Apr. 5, 1599. He came to New England, Sept. 18, 1634; and soon after was ordained minister at Charlestown. He had eleven children, five of whom were born in Charlestown. He is said to have left his large property to his son William, on condition that he should pay two hundred pounds apiece to the other heirs. This son failing to do this, and dying soon after his father, the heirs appointed Rev. Zechariah, of Bradford, to divide it. He d. Feb. 4, 1671 ; and had, by wife Sarah, — 10, 1627. .„ im C 1st, T. Savage, Sept. 15, 1652. 10, 10-8 ; m. £ 2d) Anthony stoddard. „ Hezekiah Usher, 1654. „ William Davis, d. unm. 1-2 William, bap. Jan 3 Apr. 1, 1630; 18, 1631 ; 22, 1632 ; Jan. Mar. Aug. Feb. Oct. 18, 1635; Jan. 9, 1638; May 7, 1640; 12, 1634; m. Humphrey Booth. Mary, Elizabeth, Huldah, Hannah, Rebecca, Ruth, Zechariah, Timothy, Deborah, Sarah, Timothy, William Stmmes m. Mary ; and d. Sept. 22, 1691. He had seven children, <>l whom the names of five are known ; viz., — Sarah, m. Rev. M. Fisk, of Braintrec, Nov. 7, 1672 ; d. Nov. 2, 1692. William, Jan. 7, 1679. Zechariah, Timothy. Nathaniel. Bit dan., Sarah, was child of his Brat wife, as his servant, John 'Warner, testified that his master N\.-c> :i widower when this dau. married. Parmer's Ed. Willis, June 15, 1668. d. Mar. 22,1708 ; min. at Bradford. „ 1641. Aug. 28, 1642; m. Timothy Prout, 1664. C 1st, Rev. Sam. Hough, 1650. " I 2d, Rev. Join. Brock, 1662. „ Mary Nichols, Dec. 10, 1668. MEDFORD FAMILIES. 47 Register says that Mary, his widow, m. Kev. Samuel Torrey, July 30, 1695 ; ami in 1700 she was certainly called Mary Torrey, as I have seen a document of that date so signed. 2-15 William Symmes in. Ruth Convers. He inherited two- thirds of his father's estate, and had a clothing-mill where Mr. Bacon's now is. He d. May 24, 1764. Children : — 15-19 William, d. young. 20 Zechariah. 21 Josiah, ,, young. 22 Elizabeth. 23 Timothy. ^24 John. 25 William, minister at Andover. 15-23 Timothy Symmes m. Martha , and had — 23-26 Timothy, b. Dec. 23, 1800. 27 William Wyman, „ Aug. 24, 1803. 15-24 John Symmes m. Miss Dix, of Waltham, and had — 24-28 Josiah. 29 John, b. 1754. 30 Abigail, m. Cutter. 24-29 John Symmes m. Elizabeth Wright, 1780, and had — 29-31 John, b. Jan. 27, 1781 ; m. Pamela Richardson, 1804. 1 TAINTER, ELISHA L., b. in New Fane, Vt., 1777 ; rn. Sarah P. Smith in 1800, who d. 1806, leaving two children : — 1- 2 Mary Ann, b. Aug., 1801. 3 Albert, „ May, 1803. He m., 2d, Lydia Fesenden, of Lexington ; and d. Sept. 19, 1851, leaving, by his second wife, — 4 Edwin, b. June, 1815. 5 Adaline, „ 1817. 6 EmmelineM., „ Dec, 1819. 7 Lydia A., „ Dec, 1821. 8 Cordelia, „ Dec, 1823. 1 TOMPSON, JONATHAN, m. Abigail ■■, and had — 1- 2 Phebe, b. Jan. 15, 1713. 3 Ruth, „ Oct. 30, 1715. 4 Jonathan, „ Apr. 10, 1720. By 2d wife, Lydia Nutting, whom he m. Feb. 25, 1720, he had — 5 Lydia, b. Dec. 12, 1720. TUFTS, PETER, was b. in England, in 1617 ; parents and birth- place unknown. There are, however, persons bearing the name in Lancashire ; and, between Little Baddow and Maiden, co. Essex, there is a village called Tuftes. Peter Tufts was one of the earliest and largest land-owners in our town of Maiden ; and it is perhaps a fair supposition, that he named his home for his English birthplace. lie is supposed to have immigrated 1638-40 ; and was admitted a freeman, May 3, 1665, being then an inha- bitant of Maiden. He bought land in Medford, in 1664, of Mrs. No well, which descended to his son, Capt. Peter Tufts. His wife was Mary , who d. 1703, aged 75. He d. May 13, 48 REGISTER OF 1- 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 1- 2 2-11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1- 3-27 28 29 30 31 32 33 31 1- 4 1(357. 1665. John Edes. ,, Joseph Lyndo, bro.-in-law of Pet. Tufts, jun. „ Joseph Waite. „ Thomas Oakes. d., unm., 1683. „ „ 1683. 1700, aged 83, and lies buried, with his wife, in Maiden church- yard. His children were — Peter, b. 1648. Jonathan, John, Mary, Elizabeth, Mercy, Sarah, Persis, Lydia, Petek. Tufts, of Medford, commonly called Capt. Peter, m., 1st, Aug. 26, 1670, Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Lynde, who d. July 15, 1684, by whom he had — Anna, b. Feb. 25, 1676. Peter, „ Jan. 27, 1678. Marv, ,, Jan. 30,1681; m. John Brodelins. Thomas,,, Mar. 31, 1683; d. Dec. 36, 1733. He m., 2d, Mary Cotton, Dec. 16, 1684, who was dau. of Rev. Seaborn Cotton by his wife Dorothy Bradstreet, dau. of Gov. Simon Bradstreet by his wife Ann Dudley, the poetess. Mercy Cotton was b. Nov. 3, 1666 ; and d. June 18, 1715. The issue • by this marriage was — Cotton, b. June 11, 1686 ; d. July 28, 1686. Mary, John, Samuel, Dorothy, Mercy, Dorothy, Mercy, Simon, Sarah, Dorothy, Lydia, 4, 1687; July May Aug May 5, 1693 ; June 20, 1695 ; Mar. 27, 1697 ; Oct Jan, May 13, 1702. Dec. 14, 1704 ; Jan. 30, 1707. Mar. 8, 1688. 5, 1689 ; minister at Newbury, 1714. 22, 1691; d. Oct. 20, 1692. Sept. 10, 1693. Aug. 19, 1697. Nov. 29, 1697. 27, 1698 ; m. John Bradstreet. 31, 1700. ,, Bradshaw. i 35 Ho appears, by his will, to have had a third wife, Prudence, who owned a house, whi • "> ; m. John Foster, 103 Mary, „ Mar. 17, 1758 ; „ Seth Stone. 1034 Abigail, „ Jan. 20, 1760; d. 1777. 104 Daniel, 1757. 105 Amos, „ July 30, 1762. 106 Nathan, „ Mar. 23, 1764. There was an earlier bodj Nathan, who d. Aug. 5, 1702; and perhaps another child, who il. young. MEDFORD FAMILIES. 51 38-66 Teter Tufts was of Charlestown. lie m. Anne Adams, Apr. 19, 1750 ; and d. Mar. 4, 1791. His wife was b. July 8, 1729 ; and d. Feb. 17, 1813. They had — 66-107 Peter. 108 John, m. Elizabeth Perry. 109 Asa, „ Martha Adams. 110 Joseph, „ Abigail Tufts. 111 Thomas, ,, Rebecca Adams. 112 Elizabeth, „ Daniel Swan. 113 Lucy, „ Jacob Osgood. 114 Rebecca, „ Nathan Adams. 115 Lydia, „ Rev. R. Gray, of Dover, N.H., Mar. 22, 1787. 116 Sarah, „ Joseph Adams. 38-68 Timothy Tufts m. Anna , and had — 68-117 Timothy. 118 Abijah, b. Apr. 17, 1766 ; grad. H. C, 1815 ; moved to Virginia. 119 Anna, „ May 26, 1768; m. Mr. Dixon. 120 Isaac. 121 Joseph, „ Miss Twiss. 38-69 Samuel Tufts m. Martha Adams, May 11, 1769. He d. Oct. 24, 1828. She d. Aug. 28, 1811, aged 65. Children : — 69-122 Samuel, b. May 27, 1770 123 Martha, „ Sept. 28, 1773 124 Lydia, „ May 24, 1778 125 Susan, „ Dec. 8, 1780 126 Mary, „ Nov. 25, 1782 127 Elizabeth, „ June 27, 1788 d. June 27, 1822. m. Walter Frost, June 21, 1792. „ John Tapley, Nov. 3, 1795. „ Jotham Johnson, Nov. 4, 1802. „ Ambrose Cole, Apr. 1, 1804. „ Reuben Hunt. 39-72 Benjamin Tufts m. Esther , who d. May 27, 1778, aged 37. Hed. 1804, and had — 72-128 Benjamin, b. Oct. 9, 1761. 129 Esther, „ May 30, 1763 ; m. Hezekiah Blanchard. 130 Jacob. I30h Mary, „ 1779 ; d. c. 1795. 39-76 John Tufts m. , and had — 76-131 John. 132 Peter. d. unm. 39-77 Hutchinson Tufts, who d. Aug. 2, 1800, m. Mary Grover, and had — 77-133 Hutchinson, b, Dec. 16, 1769. 134 Mary, m . Jonathan Locke. 39-78 Francis Tufts m., successively, two sisters named Lunt. and had — 78-135 Francis, moved to Maine. 136 John. 137 Benjamin, moved to Ohio. 138 William. 139 Mary, m . Mr. Hopkinson. 55-91 Cotton Tufts, of Weymouth, m. Mercy Brooks, Mar. 6, 1788, and had — 91-140 Quincy, is a merchant in Boston. 141 Lucy, m . Thomas Tarbell. 142 Susan. 143 Mercy. 52 REGISTER OF 65- -104 Daniel Tufts m. A bigail Tufts, and had — 104-11 1 Daniel, b. Dec. 31, 1776. 145 Gilbert, „ Apr. 27, 1778. 146 Charles, „ 1781. 147 Nathan, ,, Mar., 1786. 65- -105 Amos Tufts m. Deborah Frothingham, and had - 105-148 Amos, d., aged 14. 149 Deborah, b. 1789; m. Mr. Frothingham. 150 Joseph F., »> 1790; d. 1854. 151 Mary, )> 1793 ; m. James P. Mclntyre. 152 Abigail, d., aged 12. 153 Nathan Ad ams, „ 1797. 154 Amos. 155 William. 156 Samuel. 157 Edward. 66- -108 John Tufts m. Elizabeth Perry, and had- 108-158 John, m. Abigail Wheeler. 159 Benjamin, „ Susan Stone. 160 James, d. num. 161 Elizabeth, >> ii 162 Cynthia, i> >> 163 Sophia, „ aged 6. 164 Lydia, m. David Sanborn. 165 Leonard, „ Hepzibah Fosdick. 166 Asa, „ Dorothy Danforth. 167 Oliver, b. 1801; ,, widow of his brother Asa. 66-109 Asa Tufts m. Martha Adams, and had — 109-168 Anna Louisa, m. Theodore Atkinson. 169 Charles, d. unm. 170 Asa Alford, m. Miss Gilman. 66-110 110-171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 66-111 111-182 183 184 is:, 186 68-117 117-187 188 189 Joseph Tufts Abigail, b Joseph, „ Lydia, „ Bernard, ,, Asa, ,, Lucy, „ Mary, ,, Edmund, „ Mercy, „ Harriet, ,, Caroline, ,, m. Abigail Tufts, and had — 1785. m. Helen Whittemore. d. 1808. m. Lucinda Tufts. „ Mary Ann Tufts. „ Gershom Whittemore. d. 1820. 1783; 1786; 1788 ; 1790; 1792; 1793; 1795. 1797; 1799; 1801 ; „ 1820. m. James Russell. „ Gershom Whittemore. Thomas Tufts m. Rebecca Adams, and had — Thomas, d. 1816, aged c. 24. Rebecca, „ ,, „ 30. Marshall, graduate H. C. 1827. Eveline! m. Mr. Rochester, of Ohio. Lucy Ann, „ Dr. Proctor, of Castine, M< ■ Timi.iiiy Tufts m., 1st, Mary Goddard ; 2d, Mehitable Flagg ; and had — Timothy, b. 1786 ; m. Susan Cutter. Artemas, d. num. Mary, m. Milzar Torrey, and d. 1853. MEDFOKD FAMILIES. 53 And by his second wife, — 190 Jonas ^ ves U1 Charlestown, N.1I. 191 Joshua, mini., ,, „ „ 192 Submit, m. Mr. Wetherbee. 68-120 Isaac Tufts m., 1st, Anna Tufts, and had by her — 120-193 Anna, m. Samuel Hand. 194 Martha. And by his second wife, Mary Green, — 195 Lucy. 196 Mary. 197 Louisa. 198 Isaac. 199 Ann Maria, m. James Sawyer. 200 Timothy. 201 George. 69-122 Samuel Tufts m., 1st, Hannah Tufts, Dec. 3, 1795, and had — 122-202 Hannah, d. aged 17. 203 Lucinda, m. Bernard Tufts (No. 174). 204 Mary Ann, ,, Asa Tufts (No. 175). 205 Charles, unm. He m., 2d, Grace Barnicott, and had — „ „.„. . C 1st, Abigail Tufts. 206 William Augustus, m. J 2 d, Susan Tufts. 207 John. 208 Hannah, „ Mr. Davis, of Billerica. 77-133 Hutchinson Tufts, jun., m. Mary , and had — 133-209 Hutchinson, b. Feb. 10, 1797. 210 Mary, „ Mar. 6, 1799 ; d. aged four days. 104-144 Daniel Tufts, jun., who d. June 12, 1S26, m. Rhoda Wyman, May 25, 1786, who d. March 17, 1816 ; and had — 144-211 Cornelius, b. Aug. 12, 1786. 212 Rhoda, „ Aug. 27, 1788. 213 Ruth, „ Dec. 11, 1790. 214 Tryphena, ,, Feb. 6, 1793. 215 Pamela AVyman, „ Mar. 23, 1796. 216 Lucy, „ Aug. 28, 1799. 104-145 Gilbert Tufts m. Mary Chickcring, and had — 145-217 Abby, m. Fred. Williams. 218 Gilbert, „ Charlotte Fitz. 219 Caroline, b. 1822; „ Dr. J. E. Bartlett, and d. 1851. 220 Sarah Scholfield. 221 Arthur Webster, „ Anna Hooker. 104-147 Nathan Tufts m. Sarah Miller, and had — 147-222 Sarah Elizabeth, b. 1811 ; m. Andrew B. Kidder. 223 MaryTapley, „ 1813; d. 1833. 224 Martha, „ 1815. 225 Nathan, „ 1818 ; m. Mary Jane Fitz. 226 Marcellus, „ 1820; d. 1822. ' 227 Hannah Johnson, „ 1822 ; m. Dr. Chauncey Booth. 228 Daniel, „ 1825; d. 1825. 229 Francis, „ 1827 ; grad. H. C, 1849. 110-172 Joseph Tufts m. Helen Whittemore, and had — 172-230 Joseph Binford, grad. H. C, 1849. 231 Helen Emily, m. Theodore Buckman. 54 REGISTER OF 232 William Whittemore, b. 1830. 233 Benjamin, ,, 1833 ; d. young. 110-174 Bernard Tufts m. Lucinda Tufts (No. 203), and had — 174-234 Joseph Bernard, lives in Billerica. 235 Edmund. 236 Alfred, b. c. 1837. 110-175 Asa Tufts m. Mary Ann Tufts (No. 204), and had — 175-237 Harriett, m. Mr. Holbrook. 238 Mary Ann. 239 Elizabeth. 240 Caroline. 241 Lucy. 242 Mercy. 243 Abby. 244 Henry Clay. 245 Alice. The following branches 1 have not been able to locate authoritatively ; but those marked with (I!) rest upon the decisions of Dr. Boothe, whose large collection of genealogical matters re- lating to this family has been a very great aid to me. 246 James Tufts is said (B) to have been a son of Peter (No. 1) ; m. Mary Dill, Sept. 4, 1729. He is supposed to have been killed by the Indians, as an old family tradition reports. He had — 246-247 James Tufts, who m., 1st, Phebe Woods, of Groton, and had — «. Andrew, b. Oct. 11, 1748; d. Oct. 25, 1752. b. Nathaniel, „ 174G ;„ March 20, 1752. From him may have been descended — 248 James Tufts, jun., who m. Tabitha Binford, Apr. 19, 1757, who d. Oct. 25, 1766, aged 67. Children : — 248-249 Mary b. Nov. 21, 1752. 250 Abigail, ,, Jan. 5, 1758. 251 Daniel, „ Mar. 30, 1759. 252 Abigail, „ July 24, 1761. 253 Mercy, „ Sept. 21, 1765. He d. June 12, 1769, aged 67. Peter Tufts (No. 2) is said to have had (B) two children be- sides those previously recorded : — 2-254 Samuel, b. 1709. 255 William, „ 1713. 2-254 Samuel Tufts m. , and had — 254-256 Anna, b. 1744. 2-255 William Tufts m., 1st, Catherine Wyman, who d. 1749 ; and had — 255-256£ Catharine, b. Mar. 31, 1734. 257 William, „ Mar. 27, 1736. 258 George, „ Jan. 10, 1717. 259 Grimes, „ Dec. 4, 1748. 259£ Uriah. He m., 2d, Mary Francis, Feb. 8, 1750, and had — 260 Mary, b. Apr. 25, 1751. 261 Samuel, ,, Aug. 19, 1752. 262 Lucy, „ Apr. 21, 1754; m. Thomas Pritchard. 262£ Francis, „ Francis. 263 David, „ June 30, 1758. MEDFORD FAMILIES. 55 264 Sarah, b. Jan. 14, 1760. 26.5 David, „ June 17, 1763. 266 Richard, „ Nov., 1765. 266a. Moses. 2266. Aaron. He d. Oct. 29, 1783. 255-267 Samuel Tufts m. Margaret Hodgkins, who d. Aug. 7, 1793. He d. Nov. 29, 1815, and had — 267 a. Margaret, b. 1779; m. Samuel Swan, jun. b. Samuel, „ 17S1; d. 1821. c. William, „ Mar. 21, 1787. 267^. John Tufts m. Sarah , and had — 267^.-268 William, b. Sept. 4, 1727. 269 John, „ Mar. 29, 1729. 270 Ichabod, „ May 16, 1731. 271 Ebenezer, „ Nov. 9, 1733. 272 Sarah, „ May 4, 1736 ; d. June, 25, 1738. 273 James, „ Nov. 3, 173S ; „ Aug. 12, 1739. 274 Sarah, „ Aug. 12, 1710. 275 Barnaby, „ Feb. 12, 1743. 276 Ichabod Tufts, m. Rebecca Francis, May 17, 1753, and had — 276-276rt. John. b. Samuel. c. Rebecca. 276r/. Ebenezer Tufts m. Rachel Whitmore, Feb. 17, 1731, and had — 276(/.-276, ism. 339 Emily, „ Apr. 16, 1806. 340 Andrew, „ Oct. 14, 1808. 341 Nathan Tufts, jun., m. Sarah Trefray, Feb. 22, 1776, and bad — 341-342 Sarah, b. Apr. 9, 1780. 343 Nathan, ,, Jan. L9, 1784. :;i I Elizabeth, ,, May 20, 1785. Same as No. 291. :;!■". Job] ph Totta m. Esther , and had — MEDFORD FAMILIES. 57 345-346 Joseph, b. Jan. 24, 1781. 347 Esther, „ Nov. 21, 1782. 348 Rebecca, „ Feb. 6, 1785. 349 Lucy, „ July 20, 1787. 350 Cotton, „ Feb. 1, 1790. 351 George Tufts m. Elizabeth , and had — 351-352 Elizabeth, b. Sept. 14, 1776. 353 John, „ Oct. 30, 1778. 354 Call, „ Oct. 30, 1781. 355 James Tufts, jun., m. Elizabeth , and had — 355-356 Mary, b. Sept. 18, 1775. 357 James, „ Feb. 25, 1777. 358 Elizabeth, „ Jan. 5, 1779. 359 Lucretia, „ Oct. 14, 1780. 360 Mercy, „ Aug. 9, 1782. 361 Sarah, „ Aug. 1, 1785. 362 Elias, „ Jan. 30, 1787. 104-144 Daniel Tufts m. Martha Bradshaw, and had — 144-363 Martha, m. Thatcher Magoun. 364 Abby, ,, Dr. John Neilson. This family differs from the one previously inserted from my own MSS., and is here given on the authority of Dr. Booth. It is probably correct. 365 Mary, dau. of Hannah Tufts, b. May 2, 1759. 366 , a son,, „ ,, „ Jan. 6,1761. 367 Elizabeth, dau. of Phebe Tufts, b. Jan. 2, 1760; d. July 23, 1760. 368 James Tufts m. Ruth , who d. Nov. 26, 1721, aged 39; and had — 368-369 Susanna, b. 1716; d. July 8,1739. 370 Grimes, „ Jan., 1721; „ Nov. 28, 1721. 371 Ruth, „ 1730; „ Apr. 27, 1736. He was probably father of William (255), and same as James (247). Marriages and deaths not previously recorded. Feb. 26, 1729. Elizabeth Tufts, m. John Foskit. Feb. 17, 1731. Elizabeth „ „ Jonathan Hall. Feb. 17, 1732. Ebenezer „ „ Rachel Whitmore. May 18, 1767. Ruth „ „ Thomas Binford. Nov. 1, 1770. Lydia „ ,, Daniel Wiswall, of Cambridge. May 14, 1772. Hannah „ „ Watts Turner. Dec. 17, 1772. Mercy „ „ Isaac Greenleaf. Mar., 1774. Rebecca „ „ Thomas Manning. Dec. 21, 1775. Anna „ „ Abel Richardson. Mar. 26, 1776. Eunice „ „ Joseph Trask, of Boston. Nov. 14, 1776. Rebecca „ ,, Aaron Blanchard. Aug. 21, 1777. Elizabeth „ „ Daniel Swan. Nov. 3, 1777. Mary „ „ Daniel Collins, of Gloucester. Nov. 20, 1777. Lucy „ „ Benjamin Hall, jun. Nov. 25, 1777. Mary „ „ Richard Clark, of Watertown. Feb. 5, 1778. Eleanor „ „ Isaac Green, of Lexington. May 19, 1778. John „ „ Elizabeth Perry, of Cambridge. May 11,1779. Benjamin „ „ Lydia Francis. Nov. 24, 1779. Abigail „ „ Joshua Symonds, jun. May 23, 1781. Sarah „ „ Asa Richardson, of Hillenca. Mar. 31, 1783. Abigail „ „ Joseph Tufts, of Charlestown. MEDFORD FAMILIES. 59 Jan. 4,1782. William Tufts, d., aged 24. Apr. 30, 1779. Mary „ „ „ 57. Mar. 16,1806. Tabitha ) wife of James T „ 82. Nov. 5. 1786. James < „ „ „ 62. TURELL, DANIEL, the ancestor of the Medford line, came from Instow, co. Devon, a place between Barnstable and Bideford ; was a captain at Boston, 1646 ; and. d. Jan. 2-i, 1699. He in. Lydia , who d. 16-58 ; when he m. Mary, widow of John Barrell, and dau. of Elder William Colburn ; and had — 1- 2 Daniel, b. 16, 6 mo., 1646. 3 Joseph, „ Dec. 27, 1653. 4 Samuel, „ June 14, 1659. 5 Lydia, „ Nov. 30, 1660. 6 Colbourne „ Dec. 4, 1662. 7 8 Sarah, Elizabeth, ) „ Oct. 14, 1663. 9 Benjamin, ,, June 24, 1665. William Turell, of Boston, is thought to have been the brother of the above-mentioned Daniel; and, as "Farmer's Register " countenances the supposition, I insert the record of his children. He m. Rebecca , and had — Rebecca, b. Dec. 26, 1655. William, „ Mar. 16, 1657. 1- 2 Daniel Tukell, jun., m. Anne , and had — 2-10 Mary, b. Apr. 4, 1672. 11 Anna, „ Mar. 31, 1674. 12 Lydia, „ Jan. 17, 1678. 13 John, „ Apr. 18, 1693. 14 Humphrey, „ Sept. 22, 1696. 1- 3 Joseph Turell m. Sarah , who d., perhaps, Jan. 15, 1728, aged 68 ; and had — 3-15 Sarah, b. Oct. 31, 1679. 16 Humphrey, „ May 21, 1681. 1- 4 Samuel Turell m. Lydia, dau. of Anthony Stoddard, and had — , , „ , ,» C Whittemore, and had Da- 4-16* Mary, m - J niel and Samuel. 17 John, b. July 3, 1687. 18 Christian, „ Dec. 17, 1688 ; „ Samuel Bass. 18* Lydia, ,, Cornelius Thayer. 19 Ebenezer, „ Feb. 5, 1702. 4-19 Ebenezer Turell, the minister, grad. 1721 ; studied with Rev. Benjamin Colman ; settled at M., 1724, where he d., Dec. 8, 1778. He m., 1st, Jane Colman, Aug. 11, 1726, who d. Mar. 26, 1735 ; when he m., 2d, Oct. 23, 1735, Lucy, dau. of Adding- ton Davenport, who d. May 17, 1759, aged 45. He m., 3d, Aug. 21, 1760, Jane, d. of Win. Pepperell, of Kittery (who had in. twice before; viz., 1st, Benjamin Clark; and, 2d, Wm. Tyler), who d. Feb. 6, 1765. He had issue only by his first wife ; viz., — 19-20 Samuel, b. Feb. 2, 1729; d. Oct. 8, 1736. 20& Clark-Thomas, bapt. Aug. 18, 1728; „ young. And two children who d. infants. Q(Aw-. 33 Nancy B., „ John Pickett. 34 Mary. „ William Bettis. 35 James. 36 Samuel. 37 Theodore L. 38 Charles H. 39 Benjamin F. 40 Edward. 28^-30 Edward Wade m. Rebecca Harnden, June 10, 1770, and had — 30-41 Edward, b. Mar. 5, 1780. 42 Fitch, unm. 43 Henry. 44 Rebecca, m. Major John Wade. 45 Lucy, ,, Stephen Waitt, of Maiden. 46 Pameha, „ Daniel Waitt, „ 47 Susan, „ i s t, Ezra Green ; 2d, Eb. Townsend. 29-35 James Wade m. Sarah Mulford, and has — 35-48 Ezekiel M., b. Nov. 14, 1814. 49 James, „ Jan. 28, 1824. 50 Edward, „ Oct., 1829. 29-36 Samuel Wade m. Emily Caldwell, and had — 36-51 Sidney, d. 1850. 52 Caroline T., b. July 6, 1822 ; m. Philander Warren. 53 Gertrude, „ Jan. 2, 1825. 54 Thalia, „ Jan. 13, 1833. 55 Edward, 3d, „ Feb. 12, 1838. 29-37 Theodore L. Wade m. Augusta Bcttes, and has — 37-55£ Ellen, b. July 26, 1836. 56 Sedgwick M., „ Oct. 28, 1838. 57 Marcia, „ Oct. 4, 1840. 29-38 Charles H. Wade m. Juliet Spear, and has — 38-58 Benjamin F., b. May 3, 1832. 59 Decius S., „ Jan. 23, 1S35. 60 Lucia A., „ May 30, 1846. 29-39 Benjamin F. Wade m. Caroline Rosencrans, and had — 39-61 James Wade, 3d, b. 1843. 62 Henry, „ Aug., 1845. 29-40 Edward Wade m. Sarah Louisa Atkins, and has — 40-63 William O., b. Sept. 4, 1837. 64 Sarah F., „ Mar.,15, 1840. 30-41 Edward Wade m. Nancy Hoskins, Oct. 26, 1814; and d. Nov. 27, 1836, leaving — 41-65 Fitch. 64 REGISTER OF 66 Esther, m. Isaac Wether bee. 67 Elizabeth, „ Daniel Hitchins. 68 Martha, ,, Abiel Winship. I find, in the church records, a copy of the inscription on the Wade Tomb, with the follow- Ing remark on it : " The following is copied from a communication of Turell Tufts, Esq. ; there is apparently some error in it. — C. Stetson." Major Wade's tomb was purchased by the late Ebenezer Hall, andis now in possession of his children. The old tablet removed by Mr. Hall was of red sandstone, and contained the fol- lowing inscriptions : — " Here lyeth interred the body of Major Jonathan Wade, Esquire, who departed this life the 24th of November, anno Doin. 1G89, in the 53J year of his age. " Also the body of Dorothy Wade, wife to said Jonathan Wade, Esquire, daughter of Hon- ourable Thomas Dudley, Esquire, deceased the 1st of November, 1G38, in the 40th year of her age. "Also the body of Dudley Wade, son of said Jonathan Wade, Esquire; and " Also the body of Dorothy Wade, daughter of the said Jonathan Wade, Esquire. "And Elizabeth Wade, his last wife, who was born the 7th of February, 1637, and deceased the month of June, 1688." [This last date was 1678.] [Here follows the place for two names, illegible.] " Here lies interred the body of Mrs. Elizabeth Wade, daughter of the Honourable Jonathan Wade, Esquire, and Mrs. Elizabeth, his wife, who departed this life August 19, 1721, aged 34 years." Prudence Wade m. Thomas Swan, of Roxbury, Sept. 27, 1692. Abigail ,, ,, Rev. Thomas Goss, of Boston, Dec. 3, 1741. John „ „ Elizabeth Poole, Jan. 22, 1766. Major Samuel ,, d. Nov. 28, 1707. Mercy, wife of same ,, Oct. 5, 1715, aged 68. 1 WAIT, PETER, had by wife Sarah, who d. Aug. 16, 1717, — 1- 2 Sarah, b. Jan. 15, 1714. 3 Mercy,,, Apr. 28, 1716. 1 WARREN, ISAAC, m., 1st, Ruth Hall, Nov. 19, 1741, who d. Oct. 14, 1749 ; by whom he had — 1- 2 Isaac, b. Dec. 13, 1745. 3 Abigail, „ June 22, 1748. And, 2d, Elizabeth, dau. of Samuel Reeves, Oct. 3, 1754, who d. Mar. 11, 1791 ; and had — 4 Thomas, b. Dec. 19, 1755. 5 Elizabeth, „ Nov. 8,1757. He d. Nov, 22, 1794, aged 80. 1- 2 Isaac Warren m. Elizabeth , and had — 2- 6 Isaac, b. Aug. 9, 1787. 7 Amos, „ 1789. 8 George W., Mayor of Charlestown. 1- 2 3 4 5 6 6- 7 8 9 10 L0- 11 WEBER, BENJAMIN, m. Susanna Whitmoie, Sept. 6, 1727, and had — Susanna, b. Mar. 21, 1728. Martha, „ Aug. 2, 1729. Benjamin, ,, Pel). 14, 1731. John „ Dec. 5. 1732. He d. July 27, 1732, aged 34. i Weber m. Elizabeth , and had — Elizabeth, b. July 27, 1744. Josiah, „ Oct". 26, 1745. Benjamin, „ June 15, 1748. J \m is Weber m. Susanna , and had — James, b. Apr. 27, L754. MEDFORD FAMILIES. 65 12 James Weber m. Sarah , and had — 12-13 Sarah, b. Aug. 19, 1758. 14 Mary, ,, May 9, 1760. Jonathan Weber m. Mary Whitmore, Aug. 19, 1725 ; and d. Oct. 16, 1730, aged 28. James Weber d. Mar. 19, 1729, aged 6-4 ; probably father of Jona- than, James, Benjamin, and Nathan. Nathan Weber d. Oct. 15, 1739, aged 35. Mary ,, m. Joseph White, of Lexington, Jan. 1, 1735. 1 WIER, ELEAZER, and Catharine, had — 1- 2 Elizabeth, b. July 11, 1696. 3 Susanna, „ May 8, 1699. 4 Eliot, „ May 16, 1701. 5 Prudence, „ May 18, 1703. 6 Catharine, „ Mar. 16, 1706. 1 WILD, SILAS, of Braintree, was b. Mar. 8, 1736. He m., 1st, Ruth Thayer, who d. Dec. 29, 1793 ; leaving — Sarah. Jonathan. 1-2 s^;} b - J ™- 13 ' 1762 - He m., 2d, Sarah Kingman, of Weymouth. He d. Sept. 30, 1807. 1- 2 Silas Wild m., 1st, Abigail Wild, who was b. Feb. 4, 1761, and d. Jan. 8, 1803 ; leaving children : — 2- 3 Silas, b. Jan. 23, 1787. James T. Abigail. Elizabeth A. Mary C. Alden. Lydia. Washington. Adams. He m., 2d, Mrs. Deborah (Noyes) Hayden, who d. Sept. 12, 1845, aged 91. He d. Oct. 12, 1828. 2- 3 Silas Wild m. Ruth Reed, of Braintree, Mar. 19, 1812, who was b. Dec. 1, 1785. He had — Abigail, b. June 17, 1814. 3- 4 George W., „ Aug. 29, 1816. 5 Silas F., „ Aug. 24, 1818. Jonathan S., „ Apr. 29, 1820; d. Sept. 18, 1820. * Elizabeth R., „ Aug. 14, 1821 ; m. Alfred Odiorne, Apr. 1, 1852. Mary P., „ Mar. 7, 1823. 6 Henry M., „ Dec. 26, 1825. Ellen R., „ Oct. 18, 1828 ; „ Elijah Sampson, of Duxbury. Ann J., „ July 7, 1833. He moved to Medford in 1832. 3- 4 George W. Wild m. Elizabeth M. Otis, June 3, 1840, who was b., Aug. 31, 1818, in Exeter, N.H. No issue. 3- 5 Silas F. Wild m. Lucy D. Smith, Oct. 26, 1843, who was b. July 11, 1819. Child: — Emma Warren, b. Feb. 17, 1845. 66 REGISTER OF 3- 6 Henry M. Wild m. Caroline S. Bean, Oct. 22, 1850, who was b. in Durham, Nov. 16, 1822. Child : — Henry F., b. June 4, 1853. 1- 2 3 1- 2 2- 4 1- 3 3- 9 10 11 Ifi 16 17 2- 6 6-18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2- 8 8-26 WILLIS, GEORGE, was freeman, May 2, 1638, then living at Cambridge with wife Jane. In a petition to Andros, 1688, he states his age to be 86, and that he had lived in Cambridge near sixty years. He d. 1690, aged c. 90. His children were — Thomas, b. Dec. 28, 1638. Stephen, „ Oct. 14, 1644. Thomas Willis m. Grace , Avho d. Jan. 23, 1716. He lived first in Billerica, where he had three or four children. He moved afterwards to Medford. In 1708, he conveyed to his son Stephen land and housen by the Mill Creek, in Boston. He d. Aug. 14, 1725. His children b. in Medford were — Elizabeth, b. Oct. 19, 1673. Jane, „ Apr. 9, 1677. Stephen, „ Nov. 16, 1679. Mary, „ Mar. 1, 1682. William, „ July 7, 1685. Stephen Willis lived in Braintree ; moved to Medford 1678, in which year he sold Caleb Hobart, of Braintree, a piece of land in that town. He m. Hannah , who d. Mar. 22, 1732, aged 81. He d. July 29, 1718. Children were — Abigail, Thomas, 1 1 John, Au 12 Jonathan, „ Feb. 23, 1684 ; 13 Benjamin, „ Oct. 30, 1686 ; Hannah, Mary, Stephen. Rebecca, Oct. 3, 1677 ; m. Wm. Patten, May 3, 1701. Sept. 19, 1679; d. May 16, 1731. r Rebecca Tufts, Apr. 17, 1717, 6, 1681 ; m. \ who d. Aug. 21, 1747, aged (54. Hed. Aug. 8, 175"). C 1st, Dorothy Wade, Oct. 17, } 1706 ; 2d, widow Mary Eliot, (1726. Hed.s.^., Sept", 1749. rRuth Bradshaw, Feb. 10, 1 1714, who d. Feb. 19, 1752. ( He d. Feb. 3, 1767. Peter Seccomb. Benj. Parker, Apr. 22, 1714. July 1688; 15, 1690; Thomas Seccomb. Stephen Willis m. Susanna , and d. Mar. 15, 1718. She d. Mar. 12, 1742. His children were — Su^uum, b. Nov. 13, 1699; d. Nov. 8, 1700. July 15, 1718. Jan. 21, 1705. Deborah, Eliot, Patience, Mary, Stephi n, Jonathan, Mary, June 27, 1701 ; „ Aug. 13, 1702 ; „ Dec. 26, 1708. „ Apr. 18, 1710. „ Oct. 22, 1712. „ Mar. 24, 1714; ,, Jan. 29, 1716; Oct 19, 1714. May 18, 1736. William Willis m. Rebecca , who d. Sept. 30, 1754, aged 63. He d. Aug 27, 1754, aged 60, and had — Thomas, b. Aug., 1710; d. young. Stephen Willis possibly (6-28) m. Elizabeth Bradshaw, Nov. 12, 1711, and had — 27 Stephen, 28 Hannah, 29 Elizabeth, 30 John, 31 Mercy, 32 Susanna, 33 Mary, MEDFORD FAMILIES. 67 b. Aug. 19, 1742. „ Nov. 27, 1743. „ Aug. 29, 1745. „ Sept. 17, 1747. „ Feb. 7, 1750. „ June 21, 1753. „ Sept. 5, 1756. A Captain Stephen Mills, possibly same as above, had by wife Mary, son (34) Stephen, b. Nov. 20, 1758. 35 John Willis, probably a near relative of Thomas (2) and Stephen (3), m. Esther, or Hester , and had — 35-36 John, b. Sept. 5, 1694 ; d. Oct. 10, 1694. 37 Andrew, „ Sept. 30, 1695. 38 Esther Feb 16 1 70^ • f m ' Nathan Hay ward, of Lancaster, do joiner, „ x eo. lb, km , £ June 2Q> m3> 39 Thomas, „ Mar. 4, 1705. -11 ? John, possibly same as (3-11), and Mary Willis, had dau. Mary, d. Feb. 3, 1719, aged 5. Mary, wife of John Willis, d. Feb. 12, 1716, aged 27 years 10 months. The foregoing are all that can be found on our Medford records ; but there are two branches probably connected, which I desire to record. Benjamin Willis m. Ann Gammell, of Medford, and was proba- bly connected with the Medford branch ; very likely as son of Benjamin (13). He was killed at Louisburg, leaving a son, — Benjamin, b. Jan. 10, 1743, who m. Mary Ball, of Charlestown, Oct. 3, 1766, and had — Benjamin, b. Mar., 1768; $ ^p"^^ "- William WiUis ' Mary, „ Dec. 13, 1774. Ann, ,, Aug. 24, 1778. Elizabeth B., „ June 27, 1782. Robert B., „ Mar. 15, 1784. Hon. William Willis has kindly furnished me with these facts, and is better informed on the genealogy of the family than any person now living. His antiquarian taste has found this a welcome field for research. Charles Willis, in all probability a brother of the forementioned Benjamin, m. Anna Ingols, 1727, and had — Charles, b. Aug. 21, 1728. Anna, „ Dec. 29, 1731. Charles Willis, jun., m. Abigail Belknap, gr.-dau. of Rev. John Bailey, of Watertown, and had — Charles. Nathaniel, b. 1760 ; d. 1832. Abigail, m. Isaac Collins. Of these, — Nathaniel Willis m. Lucy Douglass, of New London, and had — Andrew, d. young. Nathaniel, b. June 6, 1780. Rebecca, „ 1782 ; m. Samuel Richards. He m., 2d, Mary Cartmeil, and had — Sarah, m. Judge Easton, of La. Mary, „ McDonald. Eliza, „ D. R. Ferguson. Catharine, „ Carpenter. Madeline, „ Hiram Still. 68 REGISTER OF MEDFORD FAMILIES. James M. Henry C. Matilda. Julian D., deceased. The oldest son, Nathaniel, is the well-known publisher in Bos- ton. He m., July 22, 1803, Hannah Parker, who was b. Jan, 28, 1782, and d. Mar. 21, IS 11. Their children were — Lucy D., b. May 11, 1804 ; m. J. F. Bumstead. fist, Oct. 1, 1835, M. Nathaniel Parker, the well-known au- thor, b. Jan. 20, 1806 ; " Louisa H., Julia D., May 11,1807. Feb. 28, 1809. j Stace, who d. Mar. 25, Mar. 19, 1826. Sarah P. (Fanny Fern),, July 9,1811; Mary P., „ Nov. 28, 1813 ; Edward P., Richard Storrs, Ellen H., C Charles H. El- 2 dridge, May 4, ( 1837. C Joseph Jenkins, (Aug., 1831. „ July 23, 1816; d., uurn. Mar. 22, 1853. ■a \. i /» i m n ( Jesse Cairnes, Sept. „ Feb. 10, 1819; m. J 30il852> C C. F. Dennett June „ Sept. 23, 1821; „ } 12, 1843, and d. ( Feb. 5, 1844. 1 WYMAN, JAMES, of Medford, was b. in Woburn, Sept. 28, 1726. His father was Joshua Wyman, by his wife Mary Pollard. Joshua was fifth son of William Wyman, by bis wife Prudence Putnam; was b. Jan. 3, 1693, and d. r. 1770. William W., was second son of Francis W., of Woburn, who came here at an early date, and m., 2d, Abigail Read. William was b. 1656. His father, Francis, d. Nov. 28, 1699, aged c. 82. James Wyman, of Medford, m. Susanna Cutter, Mar. 18, 1756, w r ho d., aged 38, May 12, 1772. He d. Oct. 26, 1813. Children were — 1- 2 James, b. Jan. 21, 1757; m A ^ehitable ; 2d, Mary ,, Mary Wheeler. „ Susanna Francis. „ Joseph M. Sanderson. „ Abigail Brooks. William Tufts. Samuel Wakefield, Jan. 2, 1749. Ruth Wright, June 1, 1714. Elizabeth Brooks, May 18, 1787. Caleb Brooks 2d, Nov. 20, 1800. Susanna ( 'utter. Ruth Feroll, Mar. 15, 1781. Mary Wyman, Nov. 15, 1781. Mary Dalton, Nov. 13, 1790. Hannah Wheeler, July 7, 1821. Ruhama Richardson, Feb. 26, 1765. Sarah Mansfield. 3 William, „ Dec. 7, 1760; 4 Joshua, „ Jan. 13, 1765; 5 Susanna, „ May 1, 1767; 6 Zaccheus, „ Nov. 10, 1769 ; Catharine Wymanj ni Elizabeth ,, ii Seth >» of Charlestown, ,, James of Woburn, ,, Phebe )( James », Joseph >> ,, ,, n Joseph ,, ii Joseph it ii John ii .. Jonathan ,, ii ADDENDA. All the dates of births, &c, recorded in the first volume of the town-records, being all previous to the year 1718, have been incorporated in the preceding Register. The second volume, covering the period between the years 1718 and 1S09, contains many dates of which the limits of this work forbid the insertion. For the assistance of any who may have traced their genealogy to a Medford stock, a list is here inserted of the names not previously mentioned, which are to be found in the second volume of the town-records, and the dates of their appearance thereon. Adams, 1757 ; Allen, 1757 ; Andriesse, 1799 ; Attwood, 1718 ; Auld, 1750 ; Austin, 1752. Bacon, 1749 ; Bailey, 1806 ; Ballard, 1721 ; Binford, 1757 ; Blodgett, 1752 ; Blunt, 1748; Boutwell, 1753; Bradish, 1745; Brattle, 1747; Bucknam, 176G; Budge, 1762; Burdit, 1761 ; Burns, 1751; Bushby, 1735; Butterfield, 1785. Calif, 1750; Chadwick, 1756; Cook, 1757; Cousins, 1755; Crease, 1757; Crowell, 1752. Davis, 1804; Degrusha, 1744; Dexter, 1767; Dill, 1734; Dixon, 1758; Dodge, 1749 ; Durant, 1787. Earl, 1781; Easterbrook, 1787; Eaton, 1755; Edwards, 1753; Erwin, 1752. Farrington, 1788 ; Faulkner, 1761 ; Fessenden, 1785 ; Fitch, 1785 ; Floyd, 1750; Fowle, 1752; French, 1755. Gait, 1757; Gardner, 1721; Garret, 1732; Giles, 1719; Gill, 1738; Goddard, 1745 ; Gowen, 1773; Grace, 1779; Greatton, 1718, Green, 1785. Hosmer, 1746; Hunt, 1751. Kendall, 1752 ; Kettle, or Kettell, 1740. Lathe, Laithe, and Leathe, 1738 ; Learned, 1793; Le Bosquet, 1781. Mack, 1790; Mallard, 1753; Mansfield, 1759; May, 1759; MacCarthy, 1747; MacClinton, 1750; Mead, 1757; Melendy, 1732; Morrill, 1732. Newell, 1767; Newhall, 1751 ; Nutting, 1729. Oakes, 1721-75. Page, 1747; Pain, 1767; Parker, 1754; Penhallow, 1767; Polly, 1748; Poole, 1732 ; Powers, 1797 ; Pratt, 1791. Rand, 1789 ; Reed, 1755 ; Richardson, 1796 ; Robbins, 1765 ; Rouse, 1770 ; Rumril, 1750; Rushby, 1735; Russul, 1733. 70 ADDENDA. Sables, 1758 ; Sargent, 1716 ; Scolly, 1733 ; Semer, 1719 ; Simonds, 1773 ; Souther, 1747; Sprague, 1763; Stacker, 1763; Storcr, 1748. Tebodo, 1757; Teel, 1760; Tidd, 1746; Tilton, 1764; Tompson, 1718 ; Trowbridge, 1787 ; Turner, 1729 ; Tuttle, 1729 ; Tyzick, 1785. Wait, 172.5 ; Waite, 1785 ; Wakefield, 1751 ; Walker, 1779 ; Ward, 1718 ; Waters, 1721 ; Watson, 1729 ; White, 1749 ; Whitney, 1768 ; William, 1762 ; Williston, 1769; Winship, 1772; Witherston, 1798; Wright, 1795. As to the strangers who are mentioned on our records, I find that Adrian Lubert Andriesse, of Batavia, was born in Boston, Feb. 9, 1799, and baptized at Medford, July 7, 1805. Charles Dabney's child, which Mr. Albree had to nurse, was baptized July 4, 1742, and named Charles. Of those not of American birth or parentage, I find, besides the slaves and their children, that Jacob Auld, one of the " Scotch-Irish," had, by wife Ann, a daughter, Margaret, born Mar. 19, 1750. There seems to have been some Irish families as early as 1745 ; but these are named in the foregoing list. There remains one class of unwilling settlers in our town, — the Acadians ; or French Neutrals, as they are called on our records. Of these exiles from Grand Pre, three arc mentioned on the records, as follows : — Eunice, wife of John- Degkusiia, was bapt. Feb. 12, 1744. Johx Lb Bosquet, and Sarah, his wife, had — Joseph, b. Jan. 12, 1781. Rebecca, „ Jan. 19, 1783. John Tebodo had, by Ann his wife, — Ann, b. July 4, 1757. Elizabeth, „ Nov. 1, 1759. Joseph, „ Feb. 24, 1762. The name of Le Bosquet, preserved in recollection by the Le Bosquet house, has been corrupted into Burkit. Of the others, I know not whether they removed from town, or whether any descendants yet remain. CORRIGENDA. Page 6. There is evidently an error in the record of George Blanchard's death. The date probably refers to his father, or other relative. „ 10. Thomas Brooks had lot assigned 1634, not 1631. ,, 10. Hannah, second wife of Caleb Brooks (No. 1-3), was born March 5, 1644. ,, 22. John Hall (No. 2-10) married Jemima, daughter of Captain Joseph Sill. ,, 23. Percival Hall was not representative to Provincial Congress, as he died twenty-two years previously. ,, 42. Mr. Savage declines the responsibility of more than the early part of the record of the Royalls. „ 42. The wife of Isaac Hoyall (No. 2-5) was buried from the house of Dr. Oliver, at Dorchester; which strengthens the probability of her first marriage. He had a daughter Elizabeth, born 1741 ; died July 9, 1747. ,, 42. Colonel Royall (No. 5-11) had a daughter, who married George Erving, of Boston. He (Colonel R.) died 1781; and his wife died 1770. „ 46. Rev. Zechariah Symmes had twelve children ; names as given in their place. ,, 54. There is no probability, considering the dates, that James (No. 246) was son of Peter (No. 1). „ 59. Lydia, wife of Daniell Turell (No. 1), died June 23, 1659. ,, 59. Daniel was captain 1683, not 1046. ,, 60. Hezekiah Usher (No. 1) married, first, Frances . Hannah (No. 5) was daugh- ter by second wife, and was born Dec. 29, 1653. He married his second wife, Nov. 2, 1652. ,, 60. Hezekiah (No. 1-2) married Bridget Hoar, 1686, and had no children. All those under that record — viz., Nos. 15, 16, 17 —belong to Hezekiah No. 1. John Usher married Elizabeth Slidgett not Sidgett. Jonathan Wade (No. 1) had Mary, baptized October, 1663, who married William Symonds ; also daughter Sarah. Prudence (No. 5) married, second, Rev. Seaborn Cotton. Jonathan (No. 1-2) had Deborah, baptized March 24, 1667 ; Prudence, June 6, 1669 ; Catharine, Aug. 27, 1671, — died soon; Catharine, June 22, 1673; Susanna, Juno 10, 1677; Dorothy, July 10, 1081; all before Dudley (No. 2-8). I am authorized to say that John Willis was very probably the same as No. 3-11. )J 60. " 62 )J 62. )> 02. Note. — The compiler desires to offer his thanks to the following gentlemen for valuable aid in pursuing his investigations: To Dr. Booth, and Dean Dudley, Esq., for the Tufts; to Rev. A. H. Quint, for the Halls; to T. B. W'ymau, jun., for the Wymans, aud others; an. I, finally, to Hon. James Savage, for very many facts and corrections throughout the whole extent of this Register. Boston, Oct. 8, 1855. WHITMORE FAMILY. ] „ Mar. 26, 1713; d " Jan " l > 1714 ' 55 Abigail 56 Hannah, 57 Seth, 58 Martha, 59 Francis, 60 Samuel, 61 Francis, 62 Jedediah, , Dec. 25, 1715. , Apr. 24, 1717. , June 11, 1719. Aug. 3. 1721 ; „ Mar. 8, 172-. „ Jan. 10, 1723. „ Apr. 8, 1725. „ June 29, 1728 ; „ Feb., 1730. He was afterwards of Lyme, where he d., Apr. 29, 17-7. His widow d. May 2, 17 — . 3-16 "William Whitmoee, of Middletown, m. Rebecca Bassett, of New Haven, Apr. 8, 1714, who d. Oct. 30, 1732. Children : — 16-63 William, b. May 5, 1715. 64 Martha, „ Mar. 8, 1717. 65 Fitz-John, „ Jan. 18, 1719. 66 Rebecca, „ Dec. 14, 1720. 67 Sarah, „ Jan. 10, 1723. 68 Solomon, „ Jan. 25, 1725. 69 Francis, „ Jan. 17, 1727. 70 Hannah, „ May 8, 1728. 71 Joseph, „ Feb, 13, 1730. 72 Jedediah, „ Oct. 29, 1731. 4-20 Francis Whitmore m., 1st, Anna Peirce, Dec. 7, 1699, and had — 20-73 Sarah, b. May 4, 1701. 74 Hannah, „ Jan. 22, 1703 ; d. same year. 75 Anna, „ May 4, 1707. 76 Eliot, „ Mar. 13, 1710; „ Mar. 16, 1713. „ _, , . . , .„.„ C 1st, Eben. Tufts, Feb. 17, 1731; 77 Rachel, „ Apr. 1, 1712 ; m. J 2d> ' Eben Francis . 78 Mercy, „ Mar. 11, 1714. 79 Elizabeth, „ July 21, 1716; „ Thos. Fillebrowne, Mar. 30, 1732. His wife d. Aug. 6, 1716. His second wife, Mary , d. Mar. 29, 1760. He d. Feb. 6, 1771. He was associated in business with his brother John, and also carried on the trade of a tanner ; he bought land of Stephen Willis, to be used as a tan- yard. He also owned land near Marbey Brook, besides his property in Bed- ford. v y> ctsn^Syfaipyvifrij^ k-11 John Whitmore m. Mary Lane, of Bedford, and had — ,, , T . ,_ „„._ C 1st, J. Weber, Aug. 19, 1725; 22-80 Mary, b. July 17, 1707 ; m. J ^ White. _, „ , T „, ,-. C 1st, Beni. Weber, Sept. 6, 1727 ; 81 Susanna, „ Nov. 25, 1708 ; „ £ 2d> ' p age . 82 John, „ Apr. 15, 1711. 83 Francis, „ Oct. 4, 1714. _.,,., . M „,. < John Skinner, Dec. 22, 1743; 84 Martha, „ Apr. 22, 1716 ; „ J and d Mar> 6> ' 1780# 85 William, „ Dec. 19, 1725. WHITMORE FAMILY. 77 John d. Mar. 26, 1753. His widow d. Mar. 27, 1783, aged 96. He was at first a housewright, but afterwards went into business with his brother. He owned much property in Medford ; and his oldest son, John, having removed to Bedford, he resided there chiefly in his old age, and was so liberal a bene- factor to the church as to be mentioned with gratitude on the records. His daughters all left issue; and one of them, Susanna, left descendants, now living in Lexington, by the name of Chandler, who still preserve some relics of their ancestor. The family of Lane, when it emigrated from England, left property there, the rents of which were paid to the heirs, John Whitmore's descendants included, until within fifty years, when the heirs, being nume- rous, sold the estate, and divided it. sybtCS^,^? 5-24 Samuel Whitmore, jun., of Lexington, m. Bethiah Page, Jan. 7, 1720, and had — 24-86 Daniel, b. Feb. 15, 1725 ; m. Elizabeth Winsliip. He d. Aug. 17, 1724. 5-27 Benjamin Whitmore m. Elizabeth Cheney, 1729, and lived in Newton. Children : — 27-87 John, b. June 28, 1730. 88 Joseph, „ Oct. 13, 1732. 89 Sarah, „ July 29, 1735. 5-30 Nathaniel Whitmore, of Newton, had, by wife Abigail, — 30-90 Abigail, b. Dec. 31, 1724; m. Moses Cheney. 91 Kebecca, „ Apr. 30, 1726. 92 Moses, „ Jan. 17, 1731. 10-32 Thomas Whitmore, of Killingly, m. Elizabeth Lee, Dec. 9, 1718, and had — 32-93 Abraham, b. 1720. 94 Isaac, „ 1721. 95 Zerviah, „ 1723. 96 Jacob, „ 1725 ; d. Dec. 21, 1731. 97 Elizabeth, „ June 3, 1728. 98 John, „ Dec. 30, 1730. 10-33 Francis Whitmore, of Killingly, m. Elizabeth Bassett, and had — 33-99 Elias. 100 Jacob, d. Sept., 1739. 101 Asa, „ s.p. 102 John, „ „ 103 Sarah, „ „ 104 Mary, m. Drake. 105 Elizabeth, „ Obadiah Clough. 10-34 Samuel Whitmore, of Killingly, m. Peternell Mitchell, Dec. 5, 1722, and had — 34-106 Samuel, b. Dec. 13, 1723. 107 Peternell, „ Feb. 23, 1724. 108 Abigail, „ Jan. 21, 1726. 109 Edward, „ Aug. 20, 1728. 78 REGISTER OF THE 10-36 Daniel Whitmobe, of Killingly, m. Dorcas Convers, Mar. 20. 1723, and had — 36-110 Margaret, b. Jan. 24, 1725. Ill 112 Daniel, } Dorcas, ) „ May, 1727. 113 Martha, „ May, 1728. 114 Josiah, „ Mar., 1730. 115 Moses, „ Aug., 1731. 116 Abigail, „ June, 1733. 117 Aaron, „ Mar., 1735. 118 Elizabeth, „ Mar., 1737. 119 Mehitable, „ May, 1739. 120 Thankful, „ Dec, 1740. He d. Aug. 12, 1768. •37 Ephbaim had — Whitmobe, of Killingly, m. Elizabeth 37-120V€ 15-61 Francis Whitmore, of Middletown, m. Elizabeth Hale, Nov. 15, 1750, and had — 61-162 Samuel, b. Dec. 26, 1751. 16-69 Francis Whitmore, of Middletown, m., 1st, Rachel White, July 15, 1750, who d. Mar. 1, 1751. He m., 2d, Sybil White, Apr. 18, 1753, and had — 69-163 Rachel, b. Dec. 22, 1753; d. Jan. 31, 1755. 164 Mary, „ Nov. 26, 1755. 165 Sybil, „ Oct. 13, 1757 ; „ Mar. 31, 1758. 22-82 John Whitmore m. Martha Lane, of Bedford, and had — 82-166 John, b. Oct. 23, 1737 ; d. Aug. 29, 1743. 167 William, „ Mar. 17, 1739; „ Sept. 11, 1743. 168 Ebenezer, „ Jan. 1, 1741; „ Aug. 24, 1743. 169 Martha, „ Sept. 30, 1742; „ Apr. 17, 1750. 80 REGISTER OF THE 170 Mary, 171 Lucy, 172 Susanna, 173 John, b. May 2, 1744, „ Nov. 8, 1745 „ July 1G, 1747 „ June 13, 1749 d. Feb. 16, 1750. „ Mar. 4, 1750. „ Feb. 21, 1750. He d. Oct. 25, 1748, and his wife removed to Conn. He was a leading man in Bedford, being selectman, treasurer, and clerk. The town, during his life, sent no representative, being a precinct of Billerica. 22-83 Francis Whitmore, jun., m. Mary Hall, Jan. 1, 1739, and had — 83-174 Stephen, b. Oct. 21, 1739. 175 Francis, bap. Aug. 16, 1741. 176 William, b. Sept. 6, 1746. 177 Mary, „ Dec. 25, 1750; m. Thomas Blodgett, of Lexington. 178 Elizabeth, „ Nov. 27, 1752; „ Elisha Seavins. 179 John, „ Nov. 25, 1754. 180 Susanna, „ Sept. 14, 1757 ; „ Thomas Dinsmore. 181 Andrew, „ Oct. 2, 1760. Francis W. was engaged in business in Medford; but his too generous method of dealing embarrassed his affairs ; and having, with Rev. Mr. Stone, purchased a township on the Kennebec, he removed thither with his oldest son, Stephen. He was engaged in shipping masts for the royal navy, an occu- pation which gave much offence to the squatters on the crown lands. He d. Apr. 27, 1794; and his wife d. Oct. 20, 1791, aged 79. 22-85 William Whitmore m. Mary, dau. of Thomas and Mary Brooks, Oct. 1, 1747, and had — 85-181*. William, b. May 3, 1748 ; d. Nov. 19, 1775. b. John, „ May 31, 1750; „ July 28, 1750. c. Mary, „ Oct. 25, 1752; m. Walker, of Rindge. d. Sarah, „ Nov. 7, 1757 ; d. s.p. e. Samuel, „ Dec. 15, 1759 ; „ Oct. 22, 1762. /. Martha, » s.p. He was a graduate of Harvard College; but bodily weakness prevented him from active pursuits, though he was a schoolmaster for a short time. The manner of his death was very peculiar ; he having died in consequence of an illness produced by a dread of the smallpox. He d. Mar. 10, liW. Ilia widow d. Oct. 10, 1765. WHITMORE FAMILY. 81 27-87 John Whitmore, of Newton, m. Beulah , and had — 87-182 John, b. June 11, 1758. 183 Abigail, „ Apr. 25, 1760. 184 Elisha, „ Feb. 17, 1763. 185 Katie, „ Feb. 7, 1765. 186 Isaac. 27-88 Joseph Whitmore, of Newton, m. Susanna Chick (published, at Boston, Mar. 7, 1755), and had — 88-187 Enoch. 188 Joseph, d. 1766. 30-92 Moses Whitmore, of Newton, m. Rebecca , and had — 92-189 Margaret, b. May 8,1731. 32-94 Isaac Whitmore, of Killingly, m. , and had — 94-190 Zerviah, b. Aug. 24, 1752. 191 Mehitable, „ Aug. 17, 1754. 192 Joseph, „ Feb. 13, 1757. 193 Hannah. 194 Rachel, „ July, 1759. 195 Zolva. 196 Jabez, „ Jan. 18, 1765. 36-111 Daniel Whitmore, of Killingly, m. , and had — 111-197 Daniel. 198 Anna, rri. Jonas Kelly. 36-117 Aaron Whitmore, of Killingly, and afterwards of Mansfield, Conn., m. , and had — 117-199 Ruth, b. Sept. 11, 1762. 200 Edith, „ Mar. 10, 1764. 201 Moses, „ Jan. 17, 1766. 202 Aaron, „ July 3, 1768. 203 Elizabeth, „ Nov. 11, 1770. 204 Daniel, „ May 5, 1773. 40-121 Joseph Whitmore, of Woburn and Leominster, m. Mary Ma- rion, Dec. 24, 1741, and had — 121-205 Mary, b. Feb. 15, 1743; m. Enos Jones ; d. Dec. 23, 1788. 206 Hannah, „ Oct. 27, 1744. 207 Rebecca, „ July 16, 1747. 208 Joseph, „ June 6, 1749. 209 Benjamin, „ Oct. 26, 1751; d. July 30, 1848. 210 Isaac, } ,, „ , -*, 211 PersisJ » Mar ' 3 ' 1755 ' 212 Lucy, „ Jan. 23, 1757. 213 Elizabeth, „ Feb. 8, 1759. 214 Edward, „ Aug. 12, 1763. 40-125 David Whitmore, of Newbury, m. Lydia Giddings, Dec. 5» 1758. He d. at Lebanon, Jan. 9, 1828. Children : — 125-215 Amos, b. Oct. 29, 1759; d. Mar. 20, 1829. 216 Ebenezer, „ Feb. 28, 1760. 217 Jacob, „ Oct. 30,1761; „ Jan. 6,1811. 218 Lydia, „ Oct. 10, 1763 ; m. Timothy Gordon. 219 Joshua G., „ 1765 ; d. 1765. 220 Mary, „ 1766; „ 1805. 221 David, „ Sept. 17, 1768. 222 Sarah, „ Dec. 5, 1771 ; m. Edward Keyes. 223 Elizabeth, „ June 20, 1773 ; d. 1780. 11 82 REGISTER OF THE 224 Giddings, b. Jan. 26, 1777. 225 Hannah, „ May 11, 1779; m. John Carr (pub. Sept. 13, 1801). 226 Joseph F., „ May 16, 1782; d. May 16, 1803. 40-126 Jonathan "Whitmoke m. Sarah Knapp (pub. Dec. 15, 1759), and had — b. Nov. 20, 1760. „ Nov. 26, 1763 ; m. William Stickney. „ Mar. 22, 1765 ; „ Jos. Moody, Jan. 19, 1790. „ Feb. 9, 1767. „ Feb. 8, 1769 ; „ Henry Titcomb. „ Mar. 15, 1771. „ Mar. 10, 1773 ; lost at sea, Aug., 1798. „ Jan. 16, 1775 ; m. R. Campbell, May 15, 1804. „ Aug. 9, 1778. lost at sea. 126-227 Nathaniel, 228 Sarah H., 229 Elizabeth F 230 Joseph, 231 Abigail, 232 Anthony, 233 Samuel, 234 Hannah, 235 Benjamin, 236 Jonathan, t n nco 266 William, J •» June11 ' 1768 ' 267 Francis, „ Mar. 19, 1770 ; „ „ July 22, 1795. 268 John, „ Nov. 25, 1771 ; still living (1855). 269 Jonathan Wins, „ Aug. 22, 1773; m. Mary Rogers. 270 Benjamin, „ July 12,1775; „ Elizabeth Temple. 271 Mary, „ Oct. 26, 1777. 272 Rhoda, „ Feb. 9, 1779. 273 Sarah, „ Oct. 12, 1782. 274 Andrew, „ Sept. 16, 1785 ; d. Oct. 1, 1785. He d., Oct. 15, 1816, at Bowdoinham. 83-175 Francis Whitmore, 3d, m. , and had — 175-275 Elizabeth Sanders, bapt. Oct. 13, 1765 ; d. Aug. 22, 1777. 276 Francis, „ Aug. 2, 1767 ; „ Aug. 14, 1820. He removed to Boston, and with him the name departed from Medford ; within a year or two, one of the name has occasionally resided there ; but now he also has gone. 83-176 William Whitmore, of Bath, Me., m. , and had — 176-277 Mary, b. Feb. 2, 1793 ; m. Growse. 278 Sarah, „ May 27,1794; C 1st, John Whitney ; 2d, " I Joseph Newcomb. 279 280 Ansters, > Lucy, 5 „ July 21, 1796 ; C Joseph Whitney. " I Job Pratt. 281 Francis, „ May 7, 1798. 282 John, „ Feb. 20, 1800. 283 Rebecca, „ Mar. 27, 1803. 284 Elizabeth, „ Oct. 23, 1804 ; d. 1820. 83-179 John Whitmore m. Huldah Crooker, Apr. 12, 1781, and had — 179-285 William D., , b. Nov. 3, 1781. 286 Mary, „ July 19, 1783 ; d. July 7, 1792. 287 John, „ July 6, 1785. 288 Huldah R., „ Dec. 14, 1787. 289 Thomas, „ Oct. 17, 1789; C Emma Staples ; d., *. p., m ' I Mar. 25, 1824. 290 Isaiah C, „ Feb. 21, 1792. 291 Gamaliel, „ Feb. 8, 1794. 292 Swanton, „ Feb. 14, 1796. 293 Creighton, „ Mar. 19, 1799. 294 Angeline, „ Nov. 14, 1801 ; „ J. C. Humphreys. 84 REGISTER OF THE 295 Elizabeth, b. July 31, 1803 ; m. Levi Gould, and d. 1849. 296 Almira, „ Feb. 14, 1807 ; „ John Lovey. JcrUri h/foM'MOY*^ 83-181 Andrew Whitmore m. Lucy Couillard, and had — 181-297 James C, b. Jan. 19, 1787. 298 William H., „ Sept. 10, 1788. 299 Merrill, „ Feb. 20, 1792; d., s.p., 1813. 300 Elizabeth C, „ Apr. 18, 1794. 301 Sophia F., „ Oct. 9, 1803. 302 Louisa, „ Oct. 10, 1806. 94-192 Joseph Whitmore, of Killingly, m. , and had 192-303 Isaac, b. Aug. 26, 1778. 304 Joseph, „ Nov. 25, 1781. 305 Epaphroditus, „ Feb. 24, 1784. 306 Olive. 307 Julius, „ Jan. 29, 1789. 308 Russell. 94-196 Jabez Whitmore m. Hannah Learned, and had — 196-309 Davis S., b. Jan. 31, 1782. 310 Learned, „ Feb. 27, 1784; d. Dec. 6, 1807. 311 Dyer, „ Mar. 13, 1786. 312 Abby, „ Jan. 11, 1788. 313 Mary, „ Dec. 6, 1789. 314 Thomas, „ Jan. 29, 1792. 315 Hannah, „ June 18, 1794; „ Apr. 29, 1807. 316 Martha, „ July 27, 1797; „ Sept. 6, 1828. 317 Laura, „ Aug. 3, 1800. He d. Apr. 25, 1828. His wife d. Feb. 26, 1827. 121-209 Benjamin Whitmore, of Newbury, m. Sarah Thompson, and had — 209-318 Sarah, b. Oct. 7, 1774. 319 Rufus, „ May 28, 1778. 320 Benjamin, „ Feb. 10, 1782. 321 Eunice, „ May 19, 1784. 322 Mary, „ May 9, 1786. 121-210 Isaac Whitmore, of Newbury, m. Rebecca Foster, who d. Aug. 30, 1840, aged 80 ; and had — 210-323 James, b. Apr. 23, 1782. 324 Levi F., „ Feb. 13, 1787. 325 Sarah, „ Sept. 16, 1793. 326 Enoch, „ Sept. 8, 1796. 327 Beulah, „ Aug. 8, 1799. 125-215 Amos Whitmore, of Newbury, m. Sarah Merrill, Feb. 13, 1780, who d. Aug. 10, 1838, aged 78; and had — 215-328 Phebe, m. Henry Southwick, 329 Amos, WHITMORE FAMILY. 85 125-216 Ebenezer Whitmore, of Newbury, m. Susanna Merrill, Apr. 14, 1784, and had — 216-330 Ebenezer, b. Mar. 27, 1785. 331 Joshua, „ Aug. 15, 1787. 332 Ebenezer, „ Oct. 12, 1789. 333 Mary, „ Feb. 22, 1791. 334 Susanna, „ Aug. 14, 1793. 335 Lydia, „ Aug. 14, 1796. 336 George, „ May 16, 1799. He d. Aug. 6, 1839. His wife d. June, 1840, aged 76. 125-217 Jacob Whitmore, of Newbury, m. Lydia , and had — 217-337 William, b. 1796. 338 Jacob, „ 1798. 339 Charles, „ 1803. 125-224 Giddings Whitmore, of Newbury, m. Orry Parker, and had — 224-340 Edwin P., b. Jan. 2, 1808. 341 Hamlin, „ Mar. 5, 1809. 342 Albert, „ May 3, 1810 ; d., s.p., 1847. 343 Joseph F., „ Dec. 22, 1811. 344 Martha A., „ Sept. 3, 1815 ; „ „ 1849. 345 Henry S., „ Oct. 28, 1818. 346 Horace M., „ Sept. 25, 1821. 126-227 Nathaniel Whitmore, of Newbury, m. Jane Mills, Dec. 2, 1784, and had — 227-347 Nathaniel, b. May 8, 1788. 348 Amos H., „ May, 1790. 349 Sarah K. 350 Jane, m. Ira Preston, of Danvers. 351 John M. 352 Maria, „ Smith. 353 Thomas J. 126-230 Joseph Whitmore, of Newburyport, m. Bridget Eidgway, and had — 230-354 Jonathan, b. Mar. 29, 1792. 355 Joseph, „ Jan. 13, 1795. 356 Amelia, d. Mar. 26, 1804. 126-232 Anthony Whitmore, of Newburyport, m. Priscilla Chase, Jan. 15, 1795, and had — 232-357 Anthony K., b. June 1,1796. 358 Elizabeth H., m. Daniel Moore, of Lowell. 359 Samuel K. 360 Ruth, „ John Calef, of Salisbury. 361 Benjamin F., „ E. Whittemore, of Lebanon. ,»„ T „ „ , T, r ( Mary A. Felt, of Salem, 362 Joseph W., „ J Nov f 24j 183o ; 363 Sarah K., „ John Butterfield, of Lowell. JSktb (^titration. 159-244 Bulkley Whitmore, of Middletown, m. Martha (Pryor) Mil- ler, and had — 244-364 Eliza Ann, b. Sept. 1, 1827; d. Oct. 9, 1854. 86 REGISTER OF THE 365 Chauncey B., b. July 9,1829. 366 NoahH., „ May 1,1831. 367 Edwin A., „ Nov. 31, 1832. 368 Clarissa, „ Sept. 18, 1834 ; d. 1840. 369 Charles H., „ Aug. 20, 1837; „ 1840. 370 William A., „ Mar. 9, 1839 ; „ 1840. He d. 1840. 174-265 Samuel Whitmore, of Bowdoinham, m. , and had — 265-371 Charity, b. Dec. 29, 1797. 372 Francis, „ Oct. 8, 1799. 373 Sarah P., „ May 15, 1802. 374 Hannah, „ Feb. 17, 1804. 375 Farosina, „ Nov. 23, 1805. 376 Mary, „ Feb. 2, 1808. 377 James P., „ Mar. 13, 1810. 174-266 William Whitmore, of Bowdoinham, m. Rachel , and had — 266-378 Stephen, b. Nov. 5, 1793. 379 Hepzibah, „ Feb. 13, 1796. 380 Winship R., „ May 2, 1798. 381 Mary, „ Feb. 20, 1799. 382 Rachel, „ Nov. 24, 1801. 383 True, „ May 23, 1805. 384 Comfort G., „ Sept. 2, 1807. 385 William, „ Feb. 11, 1810. 386 Abigail C, „ Mar. 5, 1813. 387 Byram, „ May 22, 1815. 388 Dexter, „ Feb. 1, 1818. 174-268 John Whitmore, of Bowdoinham, m. Sarah McLellan, who was b. 1778, and d. Apr. 10, 1839. Children : — 268-389 Amherst, b. Sept. 18, 1805. 390 Philena, „ May 2, 1807. 391 John, „ Jan. 29, 1809. 392 Hannah S., „ Sept. 16, 1810. 393 Nathaniel M., „ Oct. 1, 1812. 394 Stephen, „ May 9, 1814. 395 Sarah, „ Jan. 9, 1816. 396 Chadbourne, „ Oct. 4, 1818. 397 Samuel, „ Feb. 15, 1820. 174-269 Jonathan Wins Whitmore, of Newton, m. Mary Rogers, 1797, and had, by her, — 269-398 Mary, b. June 18, 1798. 399 Elizabeth, „ July 18, 1800 ; d. 1801. 400 Charles R., „ Aug. 28, 1802. 401 Julia K. H., „ Mar. 10, 1805. 402 Emeline F., „ May 29, 1807. 403 Isabella M., „ Apr. 21, 1809; „ 1811. 174-270 Benjamin Whitmore, of Bowdoinham, m. Elizabeth Temple, and had — 270-404 Mary Ann, b. Oct. 2, 1809. 405 Elizabeth T., „ Mar. 25, 1812. 406 Benjamin, „ Feb. 20, 1814. 407 Emily, „ Feb. 24, 1816. WHITMORE FAMILY. 87 408 Minerva, b. Aug. 12, 1818. 409 John T., „ Dec. 25, 1820. 410 Andrew, „ Sept. 13, 1825. He d. Aug. 24, 1847. 179-285 William D. Whitmore m. Bhoda Woodward, Jan. 20, 1805, and had — 285-411 Charles, b. Dec, 19, 1805; d. Mar. 24, 1807. 412 Charles O., „ Nov. 2, 1807. 413 Martha, „ May 9, 1810 ; „ Nov. 3, 1814. 414 Huldah, „ Aug. 1, 1812; m. W. G. Barrows. Hed. 1819. cXj 179-287 John Whitmore m. Mary Wheeler, and d. Feb. 30, 1818. He had — 287-415 Abigail, b. Jan., 1813. 416 Gilbert D., „ Aug. 17, 1815. 417 Mary Anne, „ Dec, 1817. 179-290 Isaiah C. Whitmore m. Elizabeth Ann Culver, and had — 290-418 MaryE., b. June 23, 1823 ; d. Aug. 8,1848. 419 Frederic H., „ Dec. 8, 1824 ; m. M. E. Curtiss, Oct. 21, 1848. 420 William P., „ June 28, 1827. 421 Virginia, „ Nov. 15, 1828. 422 Isaiah C, ) -, . „, 1fm . ( d. June 27, 1839. 423 Edward, j » Feb ' 21 ' 183 ° ' { „ Mar. 14, 1830. 424 Emma, „ Nov. 14, 1831 ; „ Apr. 9, 1842. 425 Julia Ann, „ Feb. 24, 1834 ; „ May 1, 1835. 426 Henry, „ Nov. 30, 1836. 427 Edward C, „ June 12, 1840 ; „ Oct. 1,1841. 428 Edwin, „ Apr. 5, 1842. 429 Azelia, „ June 6, 1844. 430 Franklin G. „ Sept. 8, 1846. 179-291 Gamaliel Whitmore, of Bath, m. Mary Dummer, and had — 291-431 Elizabeth, b. 1823; „ J. Hideout. 432 Harriet, „ 1825. 433 James, „ 1830 ; d. 1830. 434 Ann, „ 1834; „ 1834. 435 Charles, „ 1836. 436 Shubell, „ 1844; „ 1844. 437 Joseph, „ 1845. Creighton Whitmore, of Bath, m. Eliza P. Haskell, and has surviving but one child, — 437J Sarah E., m. O. H. Wight. 181-297 James C. Whitmore, of Phippsburg, m., 1st, Jane, dau. of Patrick and Mary Drummond, and had — 297-438 Jacob D., b. July 24, 1825. 439 Jane A., „ June 7, 1828. 440 James N., „ Oct. 18, 1830. 441 Patrick D., „ Nov. 3, 1832. He m., 2d, Frances D., dau. of John and Nancy Swett, and had — 442 Tamerlane V., b. July 25, 1841. 88 REGISTER OF THE 181-298 William H. Whitmore, of Phippsburg, m., 1st, Charlotte, dau. of John and Susan Parker, and had — 298-442J Jane M., b. July 10, 1819; m. Drummond. 443 Frances E., „ Oct. 27,1821; „ Kendall. 444 Parker M., „ Nov. 22, 1823. 444£ Susan D., „ Apr. 19, 1826. 445 James C, „ Oct. 19, 1828. 446 Charlotte E., „ May 1, 1831 ; „ Jarvis Patten. He m., 2d, Phebe Hudson, and had — 447 William E., b. Nov. 22, 1833. 448 Charles A., „ Apr. 22, 1835. 449 Benjamin F.D ., „ May 9, 1837. 450 Andrew H., „ Feb. 12, 1841; d. s.p. 451 Chapman T., „ Dec. 18, 1842 ; „ „ 452 Adeline J,, „ Nov. 22, 1845. 192-303 303-453 454 192-304 304-455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 192-305 305-469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 192-307 307-477 478 479 480 481 Isaac Whitmore, of Killingly, m. Philomela Sanford, and had — Isaac N., b. Dec. 3, 1830. Joseph, „ Sept. 28, 1832. Joseph Whitmore, Arkley, who was b Mary Ann, b. Aug. Emeline, „ Nov. Harriet A., „ Aug. Louisa, „ Aug. Lucy Ann, „ July Elvira, „ Apr. Almira, „ June Jane E., „ Feb. Carisla, „ Aug. Clarissa M., „ May Augusta S., „ Dec. Ellen G., „ Nov. Frances E., „ Oct. Adeline, „ of Killingly, m., June 17, 1804, Electa . June 29, 1789 ; and had — 21, 180,5 ; m. Seth Rogers. 21, 1806 ; „ Jabez Smith. 31,1808; „ Charles Wright. 7,1810; „ Halsey Brown. 4,1812; „ Edwin Brainer. 27,1814; „ D wight A. Lyman. 10,1816; ,, Martin Chapman. 10,1818; „ Seymour Kellogg. 15, 1820 ; „ Tryon Holmes. 14, 1824 ; „ G. W. Lester. 14, 1826 ; „ Nehemiah Upham. 2, 1830 ; „ Lyman Upham. 20, 1833 ; „ Charles H. Whittier. (?) 1822; „ M. B. Wright. Epaphroditus Whitmore, of Killingly, m., 1st, Susanna Hoory, and had — Mary, m. Ellis. Russell, b. Feb. 4, 1814. Epaphroditus, „ Apr. 16, 1816. Hannah, „ Corey. Susanna, „ Day. Adeline, „ Ballard. He m., 2d, Elizabeth Burnett, and had — Cerissa A. Franklin E. He d. Nov. 6, 1851. Julius Whitmore, of Killingly, m. , and had — Russell, b. Nov. 22, 1815; d. May 29, 1852. Daniel, „ Dec. 10, 1817. Omen F., „ Mar. 30, 1825. Samuel, „ Apr. 3, 1827 ; „ Oct. 6, 1853. Joseph M., „ Jan. 2, 1830. WHITMORE FAMILY. 89 196-309 Davis S. Whitmore, of Killingly, m. Lucina Converse, Dec. 2, 1816, and had — ( 1st, A. C.Mulford; 309-482 Hannah L., b. Nov. 19, 1817; m., \ 2d, J. P. Mathews, July (4, 1850. 483 Fannie M., „ Apr. 30, 1819 ; „ J. W. Sawyer, Oct. 29, 1849. 484 Joseph B., „ Apr. 4, 1825 ; „ j ^1849 Ambr ° Se ' Jan ' 485 Emma J., „ Apr. 12, 1830; d. Aug.', 1832. 486 William D., „ May 2, 1833. 209-320 Benjamin Whitmore, of Newbury, m. Lois Stanley, Apr. 5, 1804, and had — 320-487 Thomas H., b. May 20, 1806 ; m. James Allen, of Chester. 488 Sarah T., „ July 21, 1808 ; „ John C. Ellison, „ 489 Persis W., „ Oct, 8,1810; „ James H. Smith, of Reading. 490 Lois A., „ Mar. 28, 1816. 491 Lucy S., „ May 14, 1818 ; d. May 16, 1839. 210-323 James Whitmore, of Leominster, m. Phebe Stimson, Oct. 22, 1811 (who was b. Sept. 18, 1783, and d. July 16, 1838), and had — 323-492 James H., ) . _ . .... 493 Charles S., \ h ' Dec - 6 > 181 °' 210-324 Levi F. Whitmore, of Leominster, m. Mehitable Ed WHITMORE FAMILY. 91 287-416 Gilbert D. Whitmore, of Boston, m. Mary Ann Story, Oct. 5, 1841, and had — 416-543a. Sarah, b. June 25, 1S42 ; d. Feb. 2, 1810. b. Caroline, „ Feb. 16, 1845 ; „ Jan. 30, 1849. c. Elizabeth, „ Dec. 20, 1848. d. Charlotte, „ Jan. 28, 1851. e. John, „ Mar. 16, 1853. 290-419 Frederic H. Whitmore, of New York, m. Mary Emily Cur- tiss, Oct. 21, 1848, and has — 419-544 Emily Eliza, b. Dec. 26, 1849. 545 Frederic, „ Aug. 15, 1852. 305-470 Russell Whitmore m., 1st, Julia M. Nilcs, and had — 470-546 Addison H., b. June 24, 1839. 547 Otis H., „ June 29, 1848. 548 Francis E., „ Sept. 2, 1850. He m., 2d, Jane M. Conant. 305-471 Epaphroditus Whitmore m. Susan Conant, and had — 471-549 Dwight E., b. Sept. 9, 1840. 550 Stoughton C, „ Dec. 11, 1842. 551 Westley, „ July 25, 1850. 307-477 Russell Whitmore m. , and had — 477-552 Daniel. 553 Charles. 554 Timothy S. 555 Albert. APPENDIX. John Whitmore was of Wethersfield, Conn., in lC40,as, in February of that year, Richard Westcoat, for misleading him, was fined ten shillings. In 1041, he removed to Stamford, with others, who settled under the direction of Rev. Richard Dunton, and had been sojourners at Watertown, Mass. A list of his farms in Wethersfield is here given: — The second month and fifth day, 1641, the lands of Jo. "Whitmore, lying in Wethersfield, on Connecticut River. One piece whereon his house and barn standeth, containing twelve acres and half, more or less: bounds and abut against the Common, or Landing-place, and against the house-lot of Robert Batts, west, and the meadow of Francis , east; the sides against the lands of Rob. Batts and Tho. Curtice, north, and the lands of Tho. , F ranc i s f Mr. Denton, Jo. , and Tho. Coleman, south. One piece of meadow and swamp lying in the Great Meadow, containing three acres three roods, more or less: bounds abut against the highway, west, and Connec- ticut River, east; the sides against the meadow of Mr. Evarts, south, and Rich. , north. One piece lying in Beaver Meadow, containing two acres, more or less : bounds abut against the highway, north, and the lands of Mr. Talcott, south; the sides against the lands of Fran. Horton, east, and Sam. Smith, west. One piece lying in the AVet Swamp, containing four acres, more or less: bounds abut against a way leading to Beaver Meadow, west, and the swamp of Gor. Hub- bard, east; the sides against the land of Mr. Evarts, north, and Mr. Sherman, south. One piece in the east side of Eastfield, being dry swamp, containing seven acres three roods, more or less: bounds abut against a way leading from Beaver Meadow into Mile Meadow, west, and the middle land, east; the sides against the lands of Ro. Gil- dersleeve, south, and Ro. Parke, north. One piece lying on the east side of Connecticut River, containing four and fifth acres, more or less: bounds abut the river, west, and lands of , east; the sides against the lands of John Robins, south, and Jeffcry , north. One piece lying in Penny Wise, containing three acres, more or less: bounds abut against the highway, west, and the Great River, east; the sides against the lands of John Nott, south, and Jonab Weed, north. One piece lying in the West Field, containing acres two roods, more or less: bounds abut against the highway, south, and Hartford Bounds, north; the sides against the lands of John , east, and Ro. Abott, west. 94 APPENDIX. One other piece also lying in the West Field, containing fifteen acres and a half, more or less: bounds abut against tho highway, south, and Hartford Bounds, north; the sides against tho lands of Robt. Abott, east, and John Jesiopt, west. In 1043, he was killed by the Indians; and the following account is transcribed from Hazard's State Papers, p. 127: — [1049.] "The Commissioners for New Haven informed the rest of tho Commission- ers, that, in or about October last, John Whitmore, one of the deputies of Stanford, a peaceable, inoffensive man, not apt to quarrell, or provoke any of the Indians, going forth to seek his cattell, returned not according to expectation, nor could be found by the English that sought him; but, quickly after, the son of a Sogamore who lives near Stanford came into the towne, and told the English that John Whitmore was murdered by one Torquattoes, an Indian ; and, to prove it, that Torquattoes had some of his clothes, and particularly his shirt, made of cotton-linnen. Herovpon the English and some Indians went into the woods to take the murthcrcd body for buriall; but, though they bestowed much time and labore, could not find it. Divers of the English at Stanford suspected the Sogamore's son to be either the author or tho accessory of this murder, but had not satisfying grounds to seize and charge him. " About two or three months after, Uncas coming to Stanford, calling the Indians thither, and inquiring after the murdered body, the fore-mentioned Sogamore's son, and one Rohoron, another suspected Indian, led some of the English, and some of Uncas his men, to the place where the murdered body, or the relicts of it, lay. The carcase was brought to Stanford: the Sogamore's son and Rohoron fell on trembling, and thereby confirmed the suspicion of the English, and wrought suspicion in some of tho Mohegin Indians, so that they said those two Indians were nought, meaning they were guilty. " John Whitmore's widow, both by messengers and letters, presses for justice ; and other Indians grow more insolent, and censure tho English for want of due prosecu- tion in such a case." A General Courto in Hartford, the 13th of Sept., 1049: — " This Courte, taking into serious consideration what may bee done, according to God, in way of revenge of the bloude of John Whitmore, late of Stanford, and well weighing all circumstances, together with the carriages of the Indians (bordering therevppon) in and about the premisses, doe declare themselves that they doc judge it lawfull, and according to God, to inako warr vppon them." — Pub. Records of Conn., p. 197. The following affidavit is on the Stamford Records: — " March 7, 1049. — The testimony of John Whitmore his wife, being no ... . Goodwife Whitmore affirmeth yt her husband Bold to her son John .... five acres land on yo plane . . . ." Another, from the same source (both being defective and partly illegible on tho records), says, — " . . . . Yt Rro. Whitmore told him he had sold his son John five acres, in yo East Field, <>n ye playne; and, if it did not como to so much, he would make it up in ye other plain, and so make it good: it lay in yt plain; and this land was Ro. Fisher's, by gift from yo Cortc." This John Whitmore, jun., mentioned in tho preceding, is no doubt tho one who had a dau., Sarah, born at Hartford, Dec. 16, I' APPENDIX. 95 Thomas Wditmore married Sarah Hale, at Hartford, Dec. 11, 1G45, and bad — John, bapt. Sept. (J, 1646. Sarah, „ Apr. 20, 1651. And many others. His descendants spell their name Wetmore. Francis Whitmore, of Cambridge, owned lands there, near the Plain ; near Charles River, by the Boston line; in Charlestown, near Minottamie; near Dunbarke's Mea- dow; and also in Medfurd and Lexington. His house stood on the dividing line between Cambridge and Lexington, and is mentioned in the act of division. He served in the Indian wars, under Major Willard, as the Treasurers' books witness. His name, with his wife's, stands on a petition in favor of an old woman charged with being a witch; hence he can hardly have been of the extreme Puritan party, although a member of the church. He was, however, a selectman, &c, in the town, and his name is often to be met with on the deeds, wills, &«., of the early settlers in that town. An account of his wife's family is in Jackson's History of Newton, Mass. His will is here inserted: — " After the payment of my just debts, I do give unto my loving wife the use and enfeofment of my whole estate, in housing, lands, and movables (excepting that part of my land by me already given unto my son Samuel), during her widowhood, for her livelihood, and for the bringing up of my three youngest children, and for the expending of what learning she shall be able upon them. But, if she marry to another man, my will is that she shall have thirty pounds out of my movable estate, to dispose of as she shall see meet. To my two youngest sons, Thomas and Joseph, I do give my housing, barns, and my part of the new mill, with all my lands thereunto belonging; excepting that part of the land by me set out and delivered to my son Samuel, which shall be the full of his portion, he not to share in any after-division of any part of my estate to be equally divided between them. They to enter upon the possession thereof at the age of twenty and one years of age, if their mother be not then living; but if she be then living, and continue my widow, she shall not be dis- possessed of any part of my estate during her life. Also my will is, that what of my do remain at my wife's decease or marriage, which of them shall first happen, with what each of my children have already had being added thereuntg, shall be equally divided among them, to each an equal share. My two youngest sons to have the housing and lands as aforesaid, and to pay out of them, to the rest of my children, that which shall be accounted due to them, as followeth: My eldest son, Francis, his part to be due him two full years after the possessing of my youngest sun of the hous- ing and lands as aforesaid; the second, two years after; the third, two years after; and so, successively, till all be paid. To my grandchildren of Daniel Markham, which he had by my daughter Elizabeth, I do give to each of them twenty shillings out of my estate. Also I do nominate my loving friends, William Locke, sen., of Woburn, and Francis Moore, of Cambridge, to bo my executors of this my last will. " Sth m. 8th day, 1GS5." The estate was valued at £305. 9s. — Middlesex Recs., liber 6, p. 270. 96 APPENDIX. The petition of Rachel Whitmore, before mentioned (see John, No. 3), is as fol- lows: — To the Hon. Simon Bradstreet, Esq., Governor, and the rest of the Honorable Magis- trates now sitting in Boston, the humble petition of Rachell Whitmore, wife of John Whitmore. Whereas, your petitioner's husband was impressed into the countrye's service against the Indian enemy, and is now with Major Swayne at Newechawanick, and your petitioner and her two children are very weak and ill, and unable to help our- selves, and do any thing for our relief and the rest of the family, as severall of the neighbors can and have informed your honors, — Doth therefore humbly request the favor from your honors, that her husband, John Whitmore, may be dismissed the present service; and that your honors would please to pass your order for the same, that he may return to his sick family ; and your peti- tioner shall, as in duty bound, ever pray, &c. Rachel Whitmore. Mass. Records, lib. 35, p. 34. Francis Whitmore (No. 1) died Oct. 12, 1G85: his birth is ascertained, by two affidavits on file at Cambridge, to have been in 1625. Concerning the three families of Whitmore, Wetmore, and Whittemore, all researches show the present bearers of the first name to be descended from Francis Whitmore, of Cambridge; of the second name, from Thomas Whitmore, of Middle- town; of the last name, from Thomas Whittemore, of Maiden. I regard the first two as descended from the same stock ; but the third is, and has been, a distinct name in England. It would be useless, at present, to speak of any families of the name now or formerly in England; but it may be worth while to note that the mode of spelling was Whitmore as far back as 1200. In conclusion, in submitting this sketch of a family record to my cousins, near and remote, I must beg them to prove their forgiveness of all errors herein contained, by sending me the materials to correct them, and to complete the account of all the descendants of Francis AVhitmoke. Roston, Dec. 1, 1855. LBJe? f J LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 078 805 3