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Judas, arise, come forth, I cried, from out your loathsome Pit, Where HelFs abhorrent Monsters writhe and putrid Horrors flit! Come forth and save your Soul alive, O Fear-enfettered Slave — And Judas answered brokenly, "I have no Soul to save!" Alarmed by the Utter Renunciation of the One in Hell, Alvah Appeals to Judas, In Behalf of the Whole Bace of Mortal Men II. Come forth, recant your craven vow, abjure the Temper's spell, Blind men seek knowledge of a Truth, that you alone can tell ! The first fruit of His toil, you know the One Eternal, by His grace — "I am bereft of God," he said, "I am in my own place !" III. CreatiOH The Sensuous Languor of the Energized Dust Hark back to Life's primordial dawn, the supermundane birth, When Souls within the Vast illapsed, upon the Virgin Earth. You groped in blind mortality, through that illusive Dream, Whilst I held fast, the Cause profoimd, of God's Creative Theme! IV. The "I Trust." of the Second Awakening The aeons from enchoate mist, unrolled Life's broader plan! You sprawled a ponderous, uncouth Thing, I stalked a primal Man ! I thrust you from my path with blows, and trampled you in scorn, And ravening Murder, loosed on Earth, to scourge the host unborn ! V. The "I Fear" of the First Migration Portentious deed, that baleful wrought, the wrench and parting of the ways! At war, set vengeful beasts and men, throughout the Cosmic Days ! In Oneness, absolute, 'till then, zoned men and beasts and fowls of air, Incarnate Souls, that upward reached. His wondrous works to share ! VI. The Garden of the Lord, Man's First Reincarnation The Retarded Egoes of the Migration The Highest Intelligence The. "Soul Adoring" of the Day of Days! Paradise the Perfect Spiritual Statue From Sleep, the aeons roamed the Spheres, to greet a new, resplendent Day ! Brute-Man, you led your bellowing pack, and o'er the fens held sway ! In hideous gambols, lunged and tore, and gorged on things unclean. Or claw and fang your combats waged, atrociously obscene! VII. And I came lustrous as the Morn, aglow on Accad's vernal plain, Unto that Mirage of His Heaven, that Earth will ne'er reflect again 1 Where Man in joyous pulchritude, pulsed His incarnate Elohim, I entered in, that bliss to mar, and blight Has Mortal Paradigm ! VIII. O vanished Garden of the Lord, where fountained, flowed the Euphrates, And Accad's fields perennial flowered, and nectared sweetness decked the trees! And ordered tasks, glad Souls pursued, nor wearied through the Sun-bright day, For Labor wore the yoke of Love, and Toil was jubilance at play! IX. Moon, There was Wone. 'til Baal, by His Own Fires Consumed, Roamed the Pale Spectre of the Nleht Ingratitude the Origin of Mortal Sin Than Baal's in Accad, burned no fires,* nor shone than his, no quickening light ! I subtle plained that light and fire, extinguished by his hurried flight! And men to fortressed walls must flee, ensieged, while Baal withheld the day, By your dread Brute-Men, from the fens — from lairs, the beasts of prey ! X. 'Till men abhorred the joys of day, that withered in a sunless blight, And here held as dross, that bliss profaned, by those foul terrors of the night! To my blasphemous counsel turned: the Vast, its conquest to aspire, Bridge the White Chasms to the god — and bear to Earth, his rifled fire! =^THAN BAAL'S, IN ACCAD, BURNED NO FIRE! It to be remembered, in that Day, still shone the great Orb of Fire — the old, old Sun of Creation! There was no Moon, to shine by Night, and not until Creation's Sun burned out and slowly chilled to its core, hung a lifeless mass in the Cosmos, did the Night have a Moon, as the Day Yiad a Sun! And when the pale spectre hung eternal in the Heavens — a great planet rolled out of the Vast — smaller and less liuni- nant than the Master Orb it succeeded, and by Divine com- mand, the Day and Night of the Earth were reversed! For the New Sun rolled over the Eastern horizon, as the declin- ing, and extinguished Baal passed into the lambent glory of the multitudinous Stars! From thenceforth to be Queen of the New Night, and flood with tender radiance her foster- child, the Earth! And evermore, except at short intervals — to mitigate the gross terrors that had prevailed In her revo- lutions — since Murder — "At war, set vengeful beasts and men, throughout the Cosmic Days!" The Divine Blessing of Innocent Joys Disdained XI. No more, they hymned the Matin Song, that hailed the advent of the Sun, But Accad's hapless race deplored, when his imperious course was run ! No more the Feast of Fruits was spread, in the refulgence of his brands, Nor wove the votive dance, when Baal, mid-throned in glory, blessed the Lands ! Alvah the Master Builder XII. With sun-dried bricks, and slime I wrought, and Master-Builder of the Race, I piled the fair abodes of men, in wondrous strength and grace! My stately colonnades, and Fanes, limned on the tide, their spectres dim. And regal Cities I enwalled, beside the River's lapping brim! Love's Joyous Labor The Tower of Babel, and the End of the Garden of the Lord XIII. For Asshur, 'stablished Nineveh, for Nimroud, builded Babylon! And that accursed Tower, upreared, my vaimting causway to the Sun! Whereon, I dared the livid fires, from Baal's consuming craters hurled, That tombed me 'neath the molten stones, of my dismantled World! XIV. The Great Dispersion to the Possession of the Earth! The Covenant with Ahram the Chaldean Judas Keincamates a Chaldean Slave Alvah Returns Tidal of Canaan, King of Nations And far within the splendored East, and deep into the burnished West, By tribes, the stricken Accad's passed, on Fate's inexorable quest! And Accad's sundered ties forsworn, vanquards of Nations, yet to be, Belted the Earth from pole to pole — stern Lords of Human Destiny I''' XV. Again, we journeyed to the Light, from Sleep's enchanting bourne, By Earth's insistent call aroused, to eagerly return ! You, bondsman, born in Abram's House, chief of his underlings, And Canaan's potent sovereign I — the Arbiter of Kings! *Withln The Garden of the Lord, "The Soul Adoring," of The Day of Day's, rejoiced vpith the perfect trust of a gentle acceptance of the beniflcence of Deity, until that joy was turned to affliction, through the baleful propulse of Alvah! That terrific Being, the highest intelligence of living men, and predominant in authority — led men first to question the wisdom of God, and then to defy ffis law! When the consunming fires of Baal, by command swept down, and over The Garden of the Lord — ^the disintegrated Bace, was driven out, and afar from the Holy of holies, it had defamed! Out, and beyond uncharted Seas, and unnamed Shores, to conquer, and subvert the Wilderness, the stricken Accads passed, in separate bands and tribes. Guided by unerring intuition to ordained destinations, they marched, and paused for aye — or commanded, wandered further on the Road tc Empire — ^until they apportioned and possessed the Earth! And as Time piled up the cycles, and generation followed generation, the story of The Garden of Th« Lords and The Great Dispersion, was toid no more! And of their origin, unwitting and knowing naught of the God of the Accads, they bowed before the idols their sj)uls created — ^neither God, or Devil fearing — "Stem Lords of Human Destiny"! 10 XVI Eight kings to Canaan bent the knee, and vassal homage swore. Rich Sodom^s, and Gomorrah's lords, proud Shinar, jealous Zoar — Zeboiim, bold and treacherous, brave Elam, rash and vain, Admar, the Spy, and Elassar — the jackalls of the Plain! XVII. From Ur, you led the Chaldean's herds,* to Canaan's Promised Land, - And from the hill-tops of Judea, beyond the Jordan's strand, Beheld the length and breadth thereof, where Israel's favored race, Sojourned, and ruled two thousand years — passed out, and left no trace ! THE COVENANT *The blind "I SERVE," of the Chaldeans, sacrificing to the ONE GOD — What? Never asking! Where? Their sooth- sayers made no assignment: held fast unto that day. But also, out of tradition that held fast among the Chal- deans alone, they KNEW, that Shekinah, the Splendor of God. stood between the Cherubim, and kept watch at the Bast Gate of The Garden of the Lord! And from the East Gate in the Great Dispersion, had been driven their forefathers, seventy times seventy thousand years before the later Emigration of the Tribes to seek their first Inheritance! ^ Albeit, the Tribes sought diligently, they found it not — for The Garden of the Lord, as their Wise Ones discovered (after much tribulation), had been carried afar by the Shekinah. and the Cherubim, and the Chaldeans would know that Place — only, when the Spirit roamed from Earth forever ! But to reward his Constant Soul, GOD made a Covenant with Abram, and sent him, and his household, to possess a Promised Land: wherein there was a Garden, and in the center of that Garden, twenty generations removed. Abram' s sons would build a City, about a Temple — that would en- shrine the Shekinah. and the Cherubim — as long aa the Children of Israel kept the Covenant with their God! 11 ; . ' . XVIII. The Overthrow of the Kingdoms of the Jordan And Abram's prestige fixed, you Slept — I held the kings in pawn, I knew each secret hope and hate, and drove the victims on! Bartered their toppling thrones for pelf, the murderous hosts arrayed — Unhinged the red Sluice-gates of War, and God, and man betrayed! The Day of the Messenger Judas, in His Last Reincarnation, the Devoted Servant of Zebedee XIX. Another Day, broke in the East, our destined roads we trod ! You, served your master Zebedee, tireless, and simplest clod. That ever trawled a fisher's net, in white-capped Galilee, Or toiled in shameless nakedness, upon that azure Sea ! Alvah, Bebom to High Estate, Rules Palestine as the Favorite of Imperial Caesar XX. But I was great in Palestine, imperial Caesar's man! My rolls appraised each field and herd, each merchant's caravan: My Clerks of Customs sat in wait, beneath the Temple's dome, And ravaged tribute from the Jews, to bribe decadent Rome! 12 XXI. Buled and Bobbed His People Israel, as Caesars Man Supreme My minions ruled the Market Place, at my price bought, and sold. O I waxed fat in Palestine, in lands, and slaves, and gold ! Clutched in my greed, the widow's mite, plundered the rich man's store, And all that aped at place, or power, brought treasure to my door! But- Mightier Than Caesar's Man, Buled Mary of Magdala, Over the Seajrts and Fortunes of All Men in Palestine XXII. Magdala's harlot queen I loved! her smile, alluring, rare. Held all men fettered in its charm, and lashed me to despair ! Until I won her, with the gifts, a Sultan might bestow, To come, and dwell with me apart, within my Seraglio! The Messenger Who Taught "Love God, in Spirit and In Truth!" XXIII. 'Twas then He went about His work, among the poor of Earth, And you, made manifest to Him, became of vital worth! You heard His call, and from that hour, 'till Time shall cease to be, He is the hostage of your Soul, unto Eternity! 13 The Understandlns of a Tender Pity XXIV. Beneath my balcony He paused, where one, crouched sore afraid! We heard Him shame the leacherous Jews, imtil they fled, dismayed ! Then lift the trembling wanton up, and to her gently say — "Rise, sin no more, but follow me," and pass upon His way! That Hour Redeemed, and Exalted to the Service of Her Lord XXV. Transfigured, rose the Magdalene, my jewels laid aside, Slipped off my gauds and broideries, and with a chastened pride. Assumed the garments of her slave, and followed in His train! My ribald mockery, as naught, my pleading love, as vain ! The Tempter's Spell XXVI By stealth, I mingled with the throngs, that gathered as He led. And watched you, when Magdala poured, the spikenard on His head ! I weighed your mean, avidious mood, and there at Bethany, You heard my horrid whisp)er, of the Silver, and the Tree! 14 XXVII. Wie Poor were Despised and in Old Age Anathema, in Judea Then Judaa Knew the liOrd The Atonement Prone in the dust at Bethany, you battled with your greed — 'Though you were chosen for His Hour, born for that one black deed ! But when you held the Tempter's price, and kissed Him, to betray. You flung the blood-dyed monies back, and cast your life away! Alyah Fiend Implacable, Crucifies Ood'a Messenger XXVIII. And I, expounder of the law, the Tetrarch's Advocate, Bade Caiaphas rouse the frenzied mob, to murder-lust, and hate! I laid the great beam on His back, and heinous crime, to dare — Ruthless, I nailed Him on the Tree, and jeered His dying prayer! THE MESSENGER "Love God with all thy heart and Soul, worship Him in Spirit and Truth." It was thus the Messenger spoke when for a season He dwelt among them, and in His gentle pity Importuned all men to accept Salvation! And of that Day ALVAH knew himself to be the guiltiest wretch of an abominable generation! As the scenes of that imperishable Drama moved across the Zone of vision — ^Judas crumpled in abject conviction — gazed in agony of adoration and sublime renunciation, on the countenance of his beloved Lord! But as the Drama advanced, and the blasphemous ven- geance of Alvah was depicted against the gentle Messenger — suflering, enduring, forgiving with His expiring sigh — Alvah groveled upon the earth, and covered his head with dust, ashamed to look upon his heinous crime I Shame and degradation for himself — but the pity and sorrow that flooded his Soul, were for Judas, submissive In Hell — and the first PBAYEB of his incarnate Soul, was that Judas would come forth. AND SAVE HIS SOUL ALIVE I 15 The Vengeance of Ishmailis and the Disintegration of Kome The First Crusade The Crimson Path The Wars of Christian Europe The March of the War Lords XXIX. And as the generations passed, and you cringed brooding There, With subtler power o'er men I came, to weave a deadlier snare! Set East, and West, at endless strife, the Mosque, the Church defied — And countless armies, age on age, for Cross, and Crescent, died! XXX. Insatiate vengeance spurred me on, and down the Crimson Path, Earth's shambled hordes, my impulse drove, to war's insensate wrath ! Shattered the Nations, great and small, shook monarchs from their thrones, Nor record of the vanquished left, save heaps of rotting bones! THE CRIMSON PATH .War's abominations, had debauched the whole Earth. Supported by the armies he had converted to Ishmailis, and inoeculated with his diabolical creed, of utter extirpation of all peoples, and nations, that worshiped the One Om- nipotent God — Alvah had reached the zenith of earthly glory! All living men abased themselves before him, according him, because of his immortality. Divine power, as the abso- lute Ruler of the Earth! Not one Jew, or Christian, or Moslem remained alive of the religions that had worshiped the One God, whom Alvah defied, and blasphemed! When, therefore, he declared that no peoples of the de- spised creeds remained to affront him : he loomed a para- mount force, to his adoring Armies — standing alone, and above Divine, or Mortal equality! And when he declared Peace, and Pleasure, should reign on Earth, to solace his conquering IshmaiUs — the air was rent with tumultuous acclaim! He bade his adorers farewell — and dismissed them to pur- sue their individual predilections — and was again applauded to the echo! Entering his quarters, he feverishly tore off the trappings and insignia of the War-Lord, yearning as never before to sleep with Death in eternal oblivion of existence on Earth! Dismissing his attendants he wrapped a linen sheet about him, and threw himself, upon what in his insolence and Buper- assumption of power — he had decreed should be his bed of Death! 16 And Suddenly His Soul was Sick of Vengeance The Judgment of Ood XXXI. Hate's apex reached, with carnage drunk, acclaimed, my last behest — The glutted wreake, my being loathed, and anguished, yearned for rest! Lo, then His awful judgment raced, a vortex, swift and wide — And wrecked me here, earth-chained, ac- cursed the boon of Death, denied! THE JUDGMENT OF GOD But without, the heavens assumed an ominous aspect, and a wail, as if all the peoples he had exterminated, shrieked one terrific curse in unison — roared, and thundered on the wind. Onward the deadly Whirlwind raced 1 The vast concourse of soldiers, augmented by the inhabitants of the city, and the nearby villages massed, sodden with fear, and with a ferocious comprehension of the Cause of the appalling calam- ity impending ! Alvah rushed out to reprove the uproar — naked but for the Bhroud draped loosely about his shoulders, only to find him- self the central figure, against whom the wrath of God and Man was directed! The warriors, that a few short moments before had ac- claimed him MIGHTIEST OF LIVING MEN— fell back at his approach, their gaze fixed upon him in a delirium of detestation and abhorrence ! And as the Whirlwind swept nearer, a bolt shot straight and gashed the breast of Alvah! About his feet a Vortex burst, bearing on its seething foam the Dead — men, women, and the multitudes of little children he had ruthlessly slain. And the living on the opposite shore, beholding the hideous convolutions in the Cauldron — the boil- ing, and bubbling mutilated Dead — covered their faces and fled, from the accursed scene! 17 Tha Curse and the Weariness of Conscience XXXII. Damned by my crimes, my jaded march, could brook no stop, no stay. But ever down the war-seared waste, I tracked the Corpse-paved Way! I might not ask of God, His grace, but the accusing Dead, I begged, for their forgetfulness, as o'er their dust, I fled! THE CURSE That livid bolt probed the heart and soul of Alrah — ^that roaring wind, jeered and taunted his memory! And « VOICE — too terrible for mortal man to hear and live— com- manded Alvah— NOT TO DIE— BUT— DAMNED BY HIS CHIMES TO LIVE UNTIL ETERNITY! To live, convicted and proscribed; apart from all human association, or human tolerance — avoided and condemned by men and devils! "But ever down the War- seared waste. To track the corpserpaved way!" The Befign of Peace The End of War and the Arrogance of Security XXXIII. Long years, has Peace voluptuous reigned, no more. War's lurid brand. Lights the ensanguined trail of Death, across the blood-drenched land! Nor franchised men, the Lord portune, to guide the avenging sword — Secure, the ingrates scoff the God, their battling Sires, implored! 18 XXXIV. The Deepalrtng Appeal of s Soul In Peril Judas, come forth, and pay the debt — O save us, e'er this Day, Shall end with its expiring Sun, nor leave one phantom ray. To guide our Soul's immortal wraiths, in that abyssmal gloom, In deathless consciousness to mourn, our Everlasting Doom! Judae Aestuues tbe l&sk The Conversion of Alvah XXXV. He stood beside me, and behold,' my shackles fell away — And my racked Spirit dared to hope, and almost dared to pray! He preached the Love of God, and I amazed, forgot my shame. And man, amidst my fellow-men, rejoicing, praised His Name! Alvah'8 Reward, the Confidence of Mankind One Friend Who Found In Him No Guile xxxyi. And mightiest miracle, was this, when I essayed to warn, Men paused, and reverent heard my plea, erst-while had jibed in scorn! And babes, before had fled my face, confiding, leaned upon my breast! And once, beside a Home's hearth-fire, I sat, a cherished guest ! 10 XXXVII. Tbe Living Desire of the Weary Soul For Best The cycles of my years, at length, exacted Nature's toll, And like a shriveled husk, my form, enwrapped my anxious Soul! But halt, and bent, I flouted eld, and labored at the Task, For I would dare, when all was done, one boon, of Him, to ask! The Bace Bedeemed XXVIII. Unto the End, the Helper pressed, the glorious Word, he bore. In flaming signals, burned, and flashed, God's Truth, from shore to shore! Until one tie, bound all the Earth — all hearts with sweet accord In unison — beat One Great Heart, for all men Loved the Lord! Hl8 Day At Hand The Great Assembllns XXXIX. The Race Redeemed, His Day at Hand, pealed, Time's exulting knell. Assembling all the quickened host, the sullen Ones from Hell — From emptying Seas, and shattered Tombs, the unregenerate Dead, In legions massed, where Judas poised, a nimbus Yound his head! 20 Alvah Alone with God The Bleep of Worlds The Answer to the Last Mortal Prayer A Soul Made Worthy to Behold the Omnipotence of God XL. I followed not, the joyful throng, he led to Heaven's Supernal Zone! In the impending shock of World's, my Soul would meet its God alone! Alone, on Earth's dissolving dust, my Faith, appealing, cleft the Vast — And voiced its pent-up human urge, the burden of long aeons past ! XLI. The whispered sigh of Echo hushed, and mortal sound effaced! The Shadow of a Mighty Hand, the Universe erased! Inert, imponderous, supine, the lethal blackness walled. The pulseless vapidness of Space, in nihil Silence palled! XLII. Deep in engulfing Void, I prayed, to Yield Life's finite breath — Granted the boon, did tranquil sleep, the last pale ward of Death! Omniscient rose, where splendored Worlds renascent, rim the Shining Way — And toil, adoring, at His task, in God's Eternal Day! FINIS 21 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 018 348 214 2 $