PS lOfc-] Bslfc LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. ^n\^. ©opJ^riBy 1?0,- Shelf xt&.'S:! 4 \^i^ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. K f / IN HARBOR, NELLIE L DAVIS BARNES. ILLUSTRATED BY A. SHARRARD. FLEXNER BROTHERS, LOUISVILLE, KY. I'.MH t5 1/: .// y S' 7 ^ f COPYRIGHTED, lS92, BY MRS. J. B. BARNES. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. INSCRIBED TO THEODORE HARRIS. IN HARBOR. y®.EEE tliere not castles In Spain, and (^^^ Gold mines galore To be found 'cross tlie ocean, on a Dream-haunted sliore ? So we took slilp, and sailed for tlie Land of our dreams— A stout craft was slie, sound in Keelson and beams i !EEP her Jaold, true lier pilot, and S^^ Pea^rless lier crew ; Like tJie curlew, she skimnied o'er the Waters' dark blue, Prom her decks we flew signals to Homeward bound ships. -' Hail and Pareweli," with light hearts and Laughter on lips, We sailed far and wide, tlirough Days that were long, North, South, East and West, 'gainst Winds adverse and strong ; In the far North, held prisoned by Blue icebergs grasped, While Aurora's bright circle the Mystic Pole clasped, Then the frost of our breath, with the Ice of our tears. Lengthened out the sad days to the Space of long years. HENCE, Southward we sped, cruel Sport for the blast ; Strange shapes hurtling \)j us in the Deep shadows cast Bj the gloomy, dark hull and the Towering mast, Light gleamed phosphorescent, where 'the old Mariner passed On his xvorm-eaten ship, in its Ice frosted shroud, While liis pliantom companions the Slanting decks crowd As the smitten ship staggers, half Hidden in foam. Or stands, poised for a moment on the Billows' dark comb ; The " lone mariner " loud calls from His floating grave. Ere he's hurried from sight by the Following wave, . ^N the arms of the tempest our "^1 Shix) lies entwined, Snaps her cordage !— its lash is in Light'ning defined, Like Tisiphone's hair on the Blast oast behind ; And the main-sail, in rags, wraps its Folds round the mast. While theMUows make troughs where the Good ship is cast, Forgotten are gold mines and the Castles in Spain, In the whirl of the tempest. Ambition lies slain. And manhood arises on the Wings of the storm ; Facing death it grows freer of the Sins which deform ; The baser self sinks in the Depths of the sea, -^-^ l-Tw^;^ ^S the strained ship reels forward with Keel cutting free A patli through the waters, where the Hidden rooks lie Eound the lighthouse, its heaoon, a Fiery red eye. Which the tempest— llame-lDeaten— Deluges in rain,— Not here, oh, not here are the fair Castles of Spain, To the Westward we rove for the Houses and gold- Coral reefs stab the keel, and foul Damps fill the hold ; Here the palm droops its fronds and the Brilliant macaw Swings in loops of the vine, under Skies without flaw, Here the wild man tattooed, in his iNFakedness roams JIEEE tlie waters sweep inland, round (^^^ The pearl fishers' homes, The translucent green pools lie in Circular moats, Wherein waving soft lines, the Octopus' arm floats, And the footstep unwary slips Down to its doom. To lie withi heaped shells in tlie Sea's sandy room, Long sliall salt waters gurgle througli Eye-holes in the skull. Or rush with their currents round the Long sunlien hull, In the noisome, dank jungles the Coiled serpent lies, At eve, \)j the water -pool, the Night-prowling loeast cries. The marsh heron's Lead beneath Its scarlet-hued wing. . S uneasily stirred by tiie poison Gnat's sting, Tiie niglit air is lieavy xvitli sweet odors, Dew-pressed On palled senses, tliat sioken, and Never find rest, Wtiere tlie ear is assaulted witli Medley of sounds, In tlie morn, noon and eve as Days speed on their rounds. Tlie vapors malarial rise like mist O'er tlie lands, Where no fair castles are, neitlier Gold in tire sands, Then the hollowed cheek, dark'ning 'neatk Lack lustre eyes, is joy-flushed, as the prow points where A newer guest lies. In a tangle of flotsam in tke Gulf stream we drift ; -aJM^ -n- ■■ l/'L.'J.J,, [OT a breeze strikes the wanderer, Jaer "^ Slack sails to lift, Tiie hearts that were youthful, have grown Old in this guest, A deep yearning for home is the Phantoni-like guest, Which at nightfall rises and Dances, and tansts With beckoning hands in the Wavering mists , That watery wastes fling, in their Blood-chilling damp, To the circle of light round the Binnacle lamp, Not in tropical climes where Lang'rous calms reign; Not in cruel Northland with its Frost-accursed main ; Not in cinnamon groves Of world-famed Ceylon, ^jI IHE the gold mines found, and tlie Air castles won, The spirit wiiioli droi^e us Fortli on tills ciuest Is dead ! its tired wings folded Upon its damb breast, The brave ship that has weathered The arctic gale, And outridden fierce storms, that have Turned the cheeks pale. Has her prow homeward turned. Where the harbor lights gleam In a brightness, unrivaled by Those in youth's dream Unfulfilled, Enough for the present The dangers we've passed, Let us gain for this brave ship safe Harbor at last, 'Twixt the headland and sand bar, we Pass up the bay ; U)^3>A_DLY worn and dismantled, in the Offing we lay ; Ttie canvas rags flutter from Eacti creaking mast ; Furl the sails ! Drop the anchor ! We're in harloor at last ! Life's feverish ciuest over, strength. Courage both spent, Tides may come, tides may go, we Walt here conte.nt, mSmZE^P^^oRB^ 0016 211 444 A t