/ F 264 Rl C7 r„ ^ PUBLICATIONS Copy 1 1^- OF THE NORTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL COMMISSION BULLETIN No. 8 CANOVA'S STATUE OF WASHINGTON 1910 Nlonosraph cphoa ol (.a„uvu« MatiK- of Wa.sliington, presented to the North Carolina Historical Commission by the Italian Government, 1909, now in the State Capitol of North Carolina. From the original in the Canova Museum, Possagno, Italy. CANOVA'S STATUE OF WASHINGTON BY R. D. W. CONNOR Secretary of the North Carohna Historical Commission 1910 tAsY\ ^t^G 19 1910 r ^ The North Carolina Historical Commission J. Bryan Grimes, Chairman Raleigh W. J. Peele, Raleigh M. C. S. Noble, Chapel Hill D. H. Hill, Raleigh Thomas W. Blount, Roper R. D. W. Connor, Secretary Raleigh CANOVA'S STATUE OF WASHINGTON INTRODUCTION Probably no work of art ever excited a more general interest in the United States than Canova's statue of Wash- ington. The time at which it was ordered, the scarcity of such works of art in the United States, the fame of the sculptor, the manner in which the statue was brought to this country, the eminent names associated with its history, and its tragic fate, all combined with the love and veneration felt for the memory of Washington to attract to it the attention of the jSTation and to make its erection a national event. The recent liberality of the Italian Government in present- ing a replica of the plaster cast to the State of ISTorth Caro- lina has added another interesting incident to its history. The statue was ordered just after the close of our second war with England, in which the young ISTation had asserted its dignity and vindicated its claim to the respect and con- sideration of the world. Men spoke of the contest as our "Second War for Independence," and its victories recalled the glories of the Kevolution. At the Fourth of July ban- quet in Ealeigh, in 1815, the following were among the toasts offered: "The Army of the United States: — The achievements of our soldiery against the veterans of Europe during the late contest, have confirm,ed that character for skill and bravery which we acquired in the Revolutionary War." "The Day We Celebrate: — May Americans ever cherish the political principles of '76." "The Warriors and Patriots of the Revolution: — Men whom their country delights to honor." As memories of the Revolution were revived, the central figure of that struggle loomed up with more than its usual 6 North Carolina Historical Commission. greatness. Somehow or other it seemed that as the genius of Washing-ton had established independence, so his spirit had guided the Nation through its struggle to maintain it. "The Memory of Washington" (thus ran the toast at the Raleigh banquet) : — "Though every struggle we are called upon to make for the maintenance of our Independence will raise up distinguished Heroes and Statesmen, Washington will still remain first in the hearts of the American people." While this feeling was at its height, the General Assembly of North Carolina met in annual session. On the 16th of December, 1815, the House of Commons, and four days later the Senate, unanimously adopted a resolution instructing the Governor "to purchase on behalf of this State a full length statue of General Washington." As there was no limitation of price or action placed on him, the Governor determined to execute the commission in the most liberal spirit. At his request the State's senators in Congress, Messrs. Turner and Macon, undertook to ascertain whether a statue "worthy the character it is to represent, and the State which erects it," could be made in the United States ; and if not, what would be the cost of getting one from Italy, Some of the most eminent men in the country became interested in the work. William Thornton and Benjamin H. Latrobe, architects of the National Capitol, declared that the statue could be executed in the United States as well as anywhere, and recommended a French sculptor named Vala- perti ; but Joseph Hopkinson and Thomas Jefferson were of opinion that no sculptor in the United States would offer himself as competent to do the work. Both urged that Canova be employed. Accordingly to Canova Governor Miller decided to apply. In determining what style should be adopted and what model should be followed, the opinion of Jefferson, in favor of the Roman, prevailed. Acting again on Jefferson's advice, Gov- ernor Miller sought the services of Thomas Appleton, Ameri- can Consul at Leghorn, in the negotiations with Canova. Canova's Statue of Washington. 7 His instructions were that the style should be Roman, the size somewhat larger than life, the price to Canova $10,000. the attitude to be left to the artist. Delighted at receiving the commission, Appleton hastened to approach the sculptor, from whom he received a favorable reply. As it was intended that the statue should be placed in the hall of the State Senate, which was only sixteen feet in height, Appleton was of opinion that the statue should be in a sitting attitude. This was also Canova's opinion, and he was permitted to have his way. Cerrachi's bust was sent to him as the model for the head, but for the figure the sculptor was left to follow his own imagination. He pushed the work as rapidly as possible and completed it in the spring of 1821. Upon being advised that it was ready for shipment the Governor of JS^orth Carolina applied to the Secretary of the Navy for permission to have it brought to the United States in a war vessel. This request was readily granted and the necessary orders promptly issued. Accordingly, Commo- dore William Bainbridge, commanding the United States Ship Columbus, in a letter written May 19, 1821, from Gibraltar Bay, informed the Governor of North Carolina that he had the statue on board and would sail within ten days with it for the United States. The Columbus with her cargo arrived at Boston July 22, and thence the statue was shipped by a coasting vessel to Wilmington, N. C. From Wilmington a river boat conveyed it up the Cape Uear River to Fayette- ville, whence it was brought overland to Raleigh. It reached Raleigh December 24, 1821, and with elaborate ceremonies was set up in the rotunda of the State House. Perhaps the most interesting event in its brief history was the visit which La Fayette paid to it in March, 1825. "This was indeed an interesting scene," wrote an eye witness, "and we were fortunately so situated that we heard the inquiries and remarks, and witnessed the feelings which it [the statue] elicited. We were gratified to hear the General observe that the likeness was much better than he expected to see. He 8 North Carolina Historical Commission. seemed deeply interested in examining the historical designs on the pedestal, and expressed his approbation of the ex- quisite workmanship of the whole. "^ The statue had but a brief existence. In the early morn- ing of June 21, 1831, the citizens of Raleigh were alarmed by the cry of fire and in a few minutes every person in the village knew that the State House was in flames. The struc- ture was soon a heap of ashes. With it was destroyed the statue of Washington, ''that proud monument of national gratitude, which," declared the Ealeigh Begister, '"was our pride and glory." The destruction of the statue was bemoaned throughout ISTorth Carolina, and was the cause of much disgust in other 1 In the life of William Winston Seaton, Mrs. Seaton, writing from Washington City, to her mother, Mrs. Gales, at Raleigh, says : "We had a most kind note from LaFayette, proposing to spend half an hour with us, during the last day of his stay here. The half-hour passed qviickly in the most interesting conversation, and he protracted the visit until the hour had also fled. He spoke to me much of North Carolina, of your kind hospitality to him, of Washington's Statue b.y Canova, which he saj's is a splendid monument of the Sculptor's genius, but is the most inexcusable action of his life, as he sinned both against light and knowledge in making it as much like me as the great Wash- ington. But mum to the Raleighites." Pp. 121-122. George Bancroft, who visited LaFayette in 1821, made the follow^ing entry in his Diary: "May 30 [1821]. General la Fayette had encouraged me to come to see him. I went to his house today, and was sliown into his parlour. Four engravings hang on its walls. The Rights of man and of the citi- zen, as decreed by the 'Assembl6e Constituante,' and accepted by King Louis XVI, surrounded by appropriate devices are hung on one side of the door. A similar copy of the constitution of the United States is on the other side; at the top of it is the likeness of Washington. The third Engraving is that of the French frigate, which when beaten by the English chose rather to go down, than surrender; the moment chosen is that, when the French are about to be swallowed up by the waves, and in the enthusiasm of liberty exclaim, vive la liberte, vive la R6publique. The last Engraving is one taken from the statue lately made of Washington by Canova. This hangs in the most conspicuous part of the room, and attracts the eye at once on entering. These are worthy ornaments for the chamber of a distinguished partisan of lib- erty. It has seldom had in Europe so pure and upright a champion as General la Fayette." — Howe: "Life and Letters of George Bancroft," I., 10.5-106. Canova's Statue of Washington. 9 parts of the Union. Chancellor Kent, of New York, in a conversation with William A. Graham, of North Carolina, "spoke of the loss of Washington's statue and expressed much disgust at the negligence which had caused it." At Leghorn, Appleton read the news "with a very sincere sensibility." The State employed Ball Hughes, an English sculptor who had recently arrived in the United States, to restore the statue, appropriating $5,000 for the purpose; but Hughes proved faithless to his engagement and nothing came of it. For many years the ruins of the statue on exhibition in the State Hall of History were a melancholy reminder of the precious treasure which had brought to the people of North Carolina so much self-gratification. Nobody dreamed that the statue could ever be replaced, and the State con- soled herself for her loss by the purchase of a bronze replica of Houdon's statue at Richmond. But in 1908 the Secre- tary of the North Carolina Historical Commission learned through the Hon, Bellamy Storer, former Ambassador to Austria, that the original model made by Canova himself still existed in the Canova Museum, at Possagiio, Italy. A request for further information directed to Hon. Lloyd C. Griscom, American Ambassador at Rome, brought a reply from Mr. Winthrop, Second Secretary of Embassy, in which it was intimated that the Italian Government would present the State of North Carolina with a plaster replica. The generosity of the Italian Government was promptly accepted, and in January of the present year, the replica was received and set up in the State Capitol at Raleigh.^ 1 Mr. F. W. Ruckstuhl. sculptor, of New Yoi'k, who was in Europe during the summer of 1909 directing the carving of his statue of John C. Calhoun for Statuary Hall, Washington, and of his bust of William A. Graham, for the North Carolina Historical Commission, was largely instrumental in getting the replica completed and shipped to America. At the request of the Italian Minister of Fine Arts, Mr. Ruckstuhl examined the replica, and upon his approval of the work, it was offi- cially accepted. Mr. Ruckstuhl was acting for the North Carolina His- torical Commission without compensation for his trouble and expense. It is a pleasure, therefore, to make this acknowledgment of his disin- terested services. 10 North Carolina Historical Commission. Perhaps the best description of the statue is that of the Coiiritess Albrizzi in ''The Works of Antonio Canova," illus- trated by the great English engraver, Henry Moses : "In this fine composition Canova has not only maintained the dignity of his subject, but (warmed by admiration of the amiable qualities of this illustrious man) has also infused into the statue an expression of the gentleness and benevo- lence which attempered his severer virtues. "The hero is sitting with an air of noble simplicity on an elegant seat, raised on a double square base. ISTothing can surpass the digTiity of the attitude or the living air of medi- tation which it breathes ; and the grandeur of the style, the force and freedom of the execution, the close and animated resemblance to the original, all conspire to place this statue in the highest rank of art. The fine tunic which he wears is seen only at the knee, being covered by an ample ornamented cuirass, above which is a magnificent mantle fastened by a clasp on the right shoulder, and flowing down behind in majestic folds. Beneath his right foot, which is extended forward, is a parazonium sheathed, and a scepter, signify- ing that the successful termination of the war, and the estab- lishment of the laws, had rendered them now useless. "The hero is in the act of Avi'iting on a tablet held in his left hand, and resting on the thigh, which is slightly raised for its support. From the following words already inscribed on it, we learn the subject which occupies his mind — 'Oeorge Washington to the people of the United States — Friends and Fellow-Citizens.'^ In his right hand he holds the pen with a suspended air, as if anxiously meditating on the laws fitted to promote the happiness of his countrymen ; a border of the mantle, raised to the tablet by the hand which supports it, gives a fine effect to this graceful and decorous action. In his noble countenance the sculptor has finely por- trayed all his great and amiable qualities, inspiring the be- 1 Giorgio Washington al popolo degli Stati Uniti ; Amici e Concitta- dini. Canova's Statue of Washington. 11 holder with mingled sensations of affection and veneration. This statue is only in a slight degree larger than life ; his robust form corresponding with his active and vigorous mind. "If to this great man a worthy cause was not wanting, or the means of acquiring the truest and most lasting glory, neither has he been less fortunate after death, when, by the genius of so sublime an artist, he appears again among his admiring countrymen in this dear and venerated form ; not as a soldier, though not inferior to the greatest generals, but in his loftier and more benevolent character of the virtuous citizen and enlightened lawgiver." Though somewhat overdrawn in the author's enthusiastic admiration of the genius of the sculptor, this description is in the main accurate. There were not wanting those, when the statue was first brought to America, who sharply criti- cized the sculptor for Romanizing the American general, declaring it to be a better statue of Julius Csesar than of George Washington ; nor have such critics yet been silenced. ISTevertheless these criticisms rather add to than detract from the general interest which the statue excites ; nor do they lessen one whit the liberality of the Italian Government in putting it into the power of the State of ISTorth Carolina to restore to the American people what is in many respects the most interesting, if not the most perfect tribute that art has ever paid to the memory of Washington. APPENDIX The following letters form only a small part of the cor- respondence relative to the statue now in the Collections of the !N^orth Carolina Historical Commission, but they contain all the data essential to an understanding of its history. Resolution of the General Assembly Resolved unanimously, that the Governor of this state be, and he is hereby authorized and requested to purchase on behalf of this state, a full length statue of General Wash- ington; and that he cause the same to be fixed at the inter- section of the entries of the lower story of the state house, and have the same surrounded by an iron railing ; and that the governor be authorized to draw his warrant or warrants upon the public treasury for a sum not exceeding dollars to pay therefor ; and that the treasurer be allowed the same in the settlement of his public accounts/ Gov. William Miller to James Turner ^ Executive Office Xo. Ca.^ Raleigh 30th Decem. 1815. Sir, By a resolution of the last Assembly I am authorized and requested to jDurchase for the State a full length statue of General Washington. If a marble one can be obtained in the United States I should wish to get one. Xot knowing 1 Introduced into the House of Commons, December 16, 1815, by Thomas Spencer, of Hyde County. Passed its third reading in the House of Commons December 19. Passed its third reading in the Sen- ate December 20. 2 Governor's Letter Book. William Miller, Governor of North Caro- lina 1814-1817. James Turner, United States Senator 180.5-1816. 3 A letter of the same tenor was written to Senator Nathaniel Macon. 14 ISToKTH Carolina Historical Commission. where work of this description is executed and thinking it probable you may be able through some of your friends in Congress to aid me I have taken the liberty of troubling you. I am not limited in price and should therefore wish it exe- cuted in the best manner. With great respect I am Sir Your obt Servant Will Miller. To James Turner Esquire. Nathaniel Macon to Governor Miller ' Washington 6 Jany 1816. Sir The letter you wrote on the 30 ult. has been received. I will cheerfully give every aid in my power to procure the statue of General Washington, ordered by the General Assem- bly; to ascertain whether one can be made in the United States, to answer the expectation of the Legislature, I have written to Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York; a copy of my letters is herewith transmitted, that you may decide how far the enquiries are calculated to carry into execution the resolution under which you act. Whatever information may be obtained, will be immediately sent to you. I am very respectfully Sir Yr Obt servt Kathl Macon ]^. B. I am almost certain that there is not a statuary in the U. S. 1 A. L. S. Cai^^ova's Statue of Washington. 15 [Enclosure:] From Nathaniel Macon' Washington 5 Jaiiy 1816. SiK The Legislature of jSTortli Carolina has ordered a full size statue of General Washington of the hest marble and work- manship to be procured and put up in the Capitol of the State. The Governor who is authorized to carry the order into execution has requested me, to ascertain whether one worthy the character it is to represent, and the State which erects it can be made in the United States, and the sum that it will jjrobably cost, if it can not be got in this country ; the best means of getting one from Italy and the probable cost there. I flatter myself, you will pardon the liberty I take in ask- ing you to give the desired information ; it is done under the belief that you approve the measure, and are always willing to give aid to carry into execution that which you approve. I am, etc ISTathl Macon Nathaniel Macon to Governor Miller " Washington 3d February 1816. SiK, The enclosed letters contain the information respecting the Statue of General Washington ordered by the Assembly, which has been collected in consequence of your request. I am very respectfully Sir Your obt Servant IS^ATH Macon 'N, B. You will I hope attend to the P. S. of Mr. Jeffer- son's letter. 1 Copy in Macon's; handwriting. 2 Governor's Letter Book. 16 iN'oRTH Cakolina Historical Commission. [Enclosures:] William Thornton to Nathaniel Macon ' City of Washington 8th Jaiiy: 1816. Sir I had yesterday the honor of your letter, respecting the very praiseworthy determination of the Legislature of your State to erect a Statue to the great Washington, and it would give me very great satisfaction to he in any manner instru- mental in forwarding a work so highly honorable to the State you represent. I went this morning to see an Italian Artist of great merit, SigTior Valaperta, who has had some expectation of being employed in the public works here ; but nothing has yet been decided relative to him. I enquired what price would be demanded for a full size Statue of the General executed here in his best manner. He said ab[ou]t five thousand doll[ar]s. I enquired how much would be demanded by the great Stat- uary Cannova, an Artist in Rome, whose works equal the best Antiques? He answered ab[ou]t the same Sum. We have found Marble in this Country equal to the fine Marble of Carrara. It is to be had in large Blocks near Baltimore as fine and correct likeness. The celebrated Ceracchi executed Waterford in Loudoun County, Virg[ini]a, of equal quality, and may be obtained in large blocks. The bust of Washing- ton was taken by Houdoai of Paris, and the Casts in this Country are all from that Bust. Houdon took an impression from the Face of the General, and finished his work by a good impression from the Mask ; whereby he obtained a very fine and correct likeness. The celebrated Ceracchi executed a grand bust of the General, which was purchased for, and is still in possession of the King of Spain. This marble Bust had great dignity of Character, and was considered as a mas- terpiece. I doubt, however, whether the likeness exceeded 1 A. L. S. William Thornton, one of the architects of the Capitol at Washington. Canova's Statue of Washington. 17 or even equalled the one by Houdon. These Busts being done by the first Artists, and Casts being within the command of the European Sculptors a fine Statue could no doubt be executed there. The Statue of Pitt, in jSTew York, cost one thousand Guineas many y[ea]rs ago, and I have heard that it is a capital performance. Flaxman engaged to execute a fine full length Statue of the General for seven hundred and fifty Guineas, and he is the first Artist in England, or in the world, except Cannova. Whoever should be employed to execute the Statue should be particularly cautioned against using the full length Painting of the Genl. by our Country- man Stuart; for though he is unequalled in a Head he can- not draw a Figure. The one in possession of the Marquis of Lansdowne is entirely out of proportion : but the propor- tions by our Countrvman Trumbull are correct ; jet the head is not to be compared to the Stuart's. Any Statue executed in marble may easily be packed up so safely as to be imported without danger. Any further Information in my power will be given at any time with pleasure. I am, Sir, with the highest respect and esteem yrs. etc William Thornton. Honble. ISTathl. Macon Beprese. in Congress Benjamin H. Latrobe to Nathaniel Macon ' Washington, January (9th, 1816 The Honble N. Macon Senate U. S. Dear Sir, I received your letter yesterday afternoon, and give you with pleasure all the information I possess on the subject of 1 A. L. S. Benjamin H. Latrobe, architect. He perfected Thornton's designs for the Capitol. After the burning of the Capitol in 1814, by the British, Latrobe was called upon to rebuild it. 2 18 N'oRTii Carolii^a Historical Commission. the Statue of General Washington proposed to be erected in the State-House of X. Carolina. The Statue may be very admirably made in this country by Mr. Villaperta. He is an Italian artist who after being- long employed in Spain, yvas engaged before the fall of Napo- leon in the decoration of his palace at Malmaison. The dis- tracted state of France induced him to seek his fortune in this country, and he has brought with him the most portable of his works, — a few most admirable sculptures in Ivory. He also brought With him letters of recommendation to the President and to other prominent characters in this country. I have likewise received by him letters from France bearing high testimony to his character as an artist and as a Man. But his works bear him the best testimony, and in a few days, I will call upon you with him, and you shall see them. I may therefore answer that the Statue may be as well exe- cuted in this country, as in Italy, unless an enormous price is given to Canova, or Thorkeld, men who for many Cen- turies have had no equal, and whose abilities it is almost impossible to purchase. I give it now as my opinion, that the Statue would be made by Mr. Villaperta for $1,500. I wished to have had a bust of General Jackson made for the Corporation of this city, but the project ended in an address. On this occasion I made an estimate with Mr. Villaperta, and rating the time necessary to be employed very moderately, we found that it would cost $800 in workmanship. The Marble and putting up would probably have made it $1,000. Xow the bust being the most important part of the work, I presume $1,500 would be a just price for a whole length figure. The block, transportation, and putting up, upon a plain and solid pedestal, would cost, I think, $1,000 more; at the outside, say in all $2,500. We have in America marble very superior in texture to that of Carrara in Italy which is the kind always used for statues, and I believe, is the best that country affords. The Parian and Penthelic Marbles of antiquity, are not inferior Canova's Statue of Washington. 19 to ours, but they are very superior to that of Italy. They are hoAvever inaccessible, being in the hands of the Turks. The difficulty here is that our quarries are scarcely opened. An admirable Mass of Statuary Marble has lately been found very near to Baltimore, and I have found as good as any in the world in Loudon county, Virg[ini]a. From what I hear of the Baltimore Marble, as to its size it would probably be the source from whence to obtain a proper block. The strata of that of Loudon County are too thin. Vermont is inex- haustible in good statuary marble, but the transportation of so large a block as is necessary would render it inadvisable to procure it from thence. The only doubt therefore which remains is as to procuring a proper block of Marble. En- quiry will either remove it, or oblige you to resort to Europe. This enquiry I will most cheerfully make, if you wish me to do so. It is next to be considered in how far a resort to Europe might be adviseable. Of the two sculptors for whom I sent in the year 1804, Frangoni, the sculptor of Statues, is dead. But Andrei is now in Italy directing the Sculpture of the Capitals of the Columns of the House of Representatives,' experience hav- ing taught us, that they may be procured for about half the price there of Marble, for which they could be made here of Freestone. If therefore the Statue were made in Italy, there would be a certainty that it would be well executed, Mr. Andrei being not only an excellent Sculptor, in his line, himself, but a Man of rare personal virtue, united to first rate talents, and firmness of character. He has also a per- fect knowledge of the temper of our country, and would see that no Italian frippery should degrade the dignity of a figure of Washington. He would employ a good artist. But I feel an objection to the Carrara Marble which is subject to black specks in the body of the stone, which sometimes hit upon the nose or under the eye and disfigure the finest Statues. iN'or may they be discovered untill the work is too 20 I«]roRTii Carolina Historical Commission. far advanced to be throAvn awaj. Mrs. Barlow has a bust of Carrara Marble by Houdon, of her husband. The like- ness is strong, but the face has many black spots about it. Our Marble is free from this defect, and is also of much finer grain. As to the price of the work in Italy, it would be less there, than here. The transportation, freight, duties and charges, would however lessen the difference of price. Mrs. Barlow's bust cost in Paris 600 dollars, including the Material, Mr. Bacon in London 20 years ago, executed, the Marble Statue of Lord Rodney, for the Island of Jamaica, with its Marble Pedestal, also decorated with Sculpture, for 1000 Guineas, about $5000 besides the price of the Marble which Wias 3 Guineas per foot ($15). In Italy it would have been done cheaper, but not so well. Upon the whole, whether executed in Italy or in America, less than $2,500 to $3000 should not be calculated upon. If, by any endeavors of mine, the price can be diminished, or in any way the object of the Legislature of your State promoted, my anxiety for the advancement of the fine arts, would impell me to exert myself on the occasion, without the inducement which I sincerely and warmly feel, to contribute as much as possible to honor the memory of Washington, as well as to show my personal respect for yourself. Yours very truly, Bn. Latrobe. William Jones to Nathaniel Macon ^ Philada. 20 Jan 1816 Dear Sir My respect for the State you represent and for the memory of the venerated chief whose fame will survive the marble which gratitude maj^ erect to his virtues, could not fail to command the cheerful attempt to execute the task assigned to me in your letter of the 5th current ; and I have only to regret that the result is not more definite and satisfactory. 1 A. L. S. William Jones, Secretary of the Navy 1813-1814. Canova's Statue of Washington. 21 I have sought information from those gentlemen of science and taste in this city who are supposed to be conversant with the fine arts, and I enclose a letter from Mr. Patterson the President of the mint who kindly undertook to aid my research. I also applied to Mr. Corea a foreign gentleman now resident in this city whose attainment in philosophical science, and knowledge of the fine arts it is believed are not surpassed by those of any individual who has visited our country. Indeed I should rely upon his information and judgment in this case with more confidence than upon that of any other ; and not less upon his candour, for he is a real philosopher, entirely divested of prejudice. He is decidedly of opinion that there is not a sculptor in the United States competent to execute the work in the style contemplated by the legislature of l!^. C, even if the foreign material could be procured in this country which he very much doubts. You no doubt recollect the statue of Doctor Franklin which adorns the front of the Library in this city. It is of Italian workmanship and is said to be tolerably well exe- cuted. It was presented by the late Mr. Bingham who em- ployed one of the most celebrated artists in Italy to execute it, for which he was paid $6000 ; but unfaithful to his engagement he employed one of his pupils for that purpose and paid him but $1000 for the work. This information I derive from Mr. Corea who says, the best method to have the work well executed will be to employ an agent whose taste and judginent in the arts may be relied upon ; to have the work done in Italy from the best model of Gen Washing- ton that can be procured ; but that everything depends upon the taste of the agent who may be employed. I should suppose that Stewart's full length portrait in addition to the bust would greatly aid the artist ; and that our minister at Paris (when one shall proceed there) would have the best opportunity of selecting a suitable agent to contract for and superintend the execution of the work. I have no doubt that under this arrangement the statue 22 ISToBTH Cakolina Historical Commission. would not only be more worthy of the sentiments of your constituents, and of the sage w!hom it is to represent, but would be completed in less time and for less money than if indifferently and tardily executed in this country. There is a Mr. Miller in this city whose profession is that of a modeller, in which art he is said to possess considerable talent, having executed some very good casts. He would undertake to make the statue, and at a rough estimate sup- poses the cost would be from 3000, to 4000, dollars, exclu- sively of a suitable block of Italian marble to be furnished by the State. It is questionable however whether the con- templated style and execution of the work may be within the compass of his art ; and I strongly incline to the opinion of Mr. Corea. There is now at Washington City a Mr. Hassler one of the professors at West Point who has lately returned from Europe with the collection of astronomical and mathematical instruments procured by him for the government of the United States. He is said to be a gentleman of profound science and extensive knowledge particularly in the arts. It is highly probable that useful information might be de- rived from him on the subject of the statue. Mr. Hopkinson one of the representatives of this district is a gentleman of taste and information in respect to the fine arts, with the progress of which in our own country he is perfectly acquainted, having by his zealous exertions greatly contributed to their advancement. With great regard I am Dr Sir your friend W. Jones The Hon jSTathaniel Macon Senator from the State of ]^. C. In Congress. Canova's Statue of Washington. 23 Thomas Jefferson to Nathaniel Macon ' MoNTicELLO Jan. 22 [18] 16. Dear Sir Your favor of the 7tli after being a fortnight on the road, reached this last night. On the subject of the statue of Genl Washington which the legislature of ]!^. Carolina has ordered to be procured, and set up in their capitol, I shall willingly give you my best information and opinions. 1. Your first enquiry is whether one worthy the character it is to represent, and the state which erects it, can be made in the U. S. ? Certainly it cannot. I do not know that there is a single marble statuary in the U. S. but I am sure there cannot be one who would offer himself as qualified to' undertake this monument of gTatitude and taste, — besides no quarry of statuary marble has yet, I believe, been opened in the U S., that is to say of a marble pure white, and in blocks of sufficient size, without vein or flaw. The quarry of Carara in Italy is the only one in the accessible parts of Europe which furnishes such blocks. It was from thence we brought to Paris that for the statue of G-enl. Washington made there on account of this state ; and it is from thence alone that all the Southern and maritime parts of Europe are supplied with that character of marble. 2. Who should make it ? There can be but one answer to this. Old Canove of Rome. JSTo artist in Europe would place himself in a line with him ; and for 30 years, within my own knowledge, he has been considered by all Europe as without a rival. He draws his blocks from Carara, and delivers the statue compleat and packed for transportation at Rome. From thence it descends the Tyber ; but whether it must go on to Leghorn or some other shipping port, I do not know. 3. Price, time, size and style ? It will probably take a couple of years to be ready. I am not able to be exact as 1 A. L. S. 24 North Carolina Historical Commission. to the price. We gave Iloiulon at Paris 1000 guineas for the one he made for this state ; but he solemnly and feelingly protested against the inadequacy of the price, and evidently undertook it on motives of reputation alone. He was the first artist in France, and being willing to come over to take the model of the General, which we could not have got Canove to have done, that circumstance decided on his employment. We paid him additionally for coming over about 500 guineas, and when the statue was done we paid the expenses of one of his under workmen to conie over and set it up, which might perhaps be 100 guineas more. I sup- pose therefore it cost us in the whole 8000 D. but this was only of the size of the life. Yours should be something lar- ger. The difference it makes in the impression can scarcely be conceived. As to the style or costume, I am sure the artist, and every person of taste in Europe would be for the Roman, the effect of which is undoubtedly of a different order. Our boots and regimentals have a very puny effect. Works of this kind are about one third cheaper at Rome than Paris ; but Canove's eminence will be a sensible ingredient in price. I think that for such a statue, with a plain ped- estal, you would have a good bargain from Canove at 7 [000] or 8000 D. and should not be surprised were he to require 10,000 D. to which you would have to add the charges of bringing over, and setting up. The one half of the price would probably be to be advanced, and the other half paid on delivery. 4. From what model ? Ciracchi made the bust of Genl Washington in plaister. It was the finest which came from his hand, and my opinion of Ciracchi was that he was second to no sculptor living, except Canove, and if he had lived, would have rivalled him. His style had been formed on the fine models of antiquity in Italy, and he had caught their ineffable majesty of expression. On his return to Rome, he made the bust of the General in marble, from that in plaister, it was sent over here, \\^s universally considered the best Canova's Statue of Washington. 25 effigy of him ever executed, was bought by the Spanish min- ister for the King of Spain, and sent to Madrid. After the death of Ciracchi, Mr. Appleton, our Consul at Leghorn, a man of worth and taste, purchased of his widow the original plaister, with a view to profit by copies of marble and plais- ter from it. He still has it at Leghorn, and it is the only original from which the statue can be formed. But the ex- terior of the figure will also be wanting, that is to say the outward lineaments of the body and members to enable the artist to give to them also their true forms and proportions. There are, I believe, in Philadelphia, whole length paintings of Genl. Washington, from which, I presume, old Mr. Peale or his son wtould sketch on canvas the mere outlines at no great charge. This sketch, with Ciracchi's bust, would suffice. 5. Through whose agency ? None so ready, or so compe- tent as Mr. Appleton himself. He has had relations with Canove, is a judge of price, convenient to engage the work, to attend to its progress, to receive and forward it to IST. Carolina. Besides the accommodation of the original bust to be asked from him, he will probably have to go to Rome himself to make the contract, and will incur a great deal of trouble besides from that time to the delivery in IST. Carolina ; and it should therefore be made a matter of interest with him, to act in it, as his time and trouble is his support. I imag- ine his agency from beginning to end would not be wiorth less than from 1[00] to 200 guineas. I particularize all these things, that you may not be surprised with after-claps of expense, not counted on beforehand. Mr. Appleton has two nephews at Baltimore in the mercantile line, and in corre- spondence with him. Should the Governor adopt this chan- nel of execution, he will have no other trouble than that of sending to them his communications for Mr. Ajppleton, and making the remittances agreed on as shall be convenient to himself. A letter from the Secretary of State to Mr. Apple- ton informing him that any service he can render the State 26 North Carolina Historical Commission. of iSF. Carolina in this business, would be gratifying to his government, would not be without effect. Accept the assurance of my great esteem and respect. Th : Jefferson P. S.^ You mention that you shall communicate my let- ter to the Governor. To this I have no objection, provided it be kept out of newspapers. But as I do not know, to how many he may have to communicate it, I add this P. S. for your and his consideration only. Appleton has a friend and great favorite in a sculptor of the name of Bartholini, whom he thinks equal to Canove, and his friendship may lead him to find difficulties with Canove and draw the job to Bartolini, of whose name I never heard but from Mr. Appleton. But I could not yield to his opinion alone against that of all Europe. He should understand (without mentioning Bar- tolini) that it is particularly to the hand of Canove, and no other that they chuse to confide this work. Another private circumstance. I know nothing of Mr. Appleton's nephews in Baltimore, not even their names. That of course must be looked into. Ever, constantly and affectionately yours Th: J. Joseph Hopkinson to Nathaniel Macon ^ Feby 2, 1816 Dear Sir My information from Philadelphia fully confirms the opinions I had the honour to offer you on the subject of a Statue of General Washing-ton. There is certainly no artist in this Country to whom the work ought to be entrusted if, as I presume, it is intended to have a work worthy of the subject, and of the dignity of the State under whose direction it is to be performed. Of the European artists, 1 Written on separate sheet. 2 A. L. S. Canova's Statue of Washington. 27 Canova, residing at Rome, should have the preference, not only on account of his superior excellence in the art ; but from a desire he is known to possess to send some specimen of his power to this Country. He would be particularly pleased with this subject. If however he should decline the undertaking, there are other very eminent Statuaries whose services may be obtained. If there is no suitable artist in the United States it may be unnecessary to say any thing on the subject of the marble. I repeat however that I have never seen or heard of any in this Country, equal to that which is found in Italy for this purpose. As to the probable cost of such a Statue as the State of North Carolina would choose to possess, I think it should not be estimated at less than Ten thousand Dollars. I beg you to understand, how- ever, that this is a part of the subject about which I am the least confident. With high respect I have the honor to be Your mo. obed. serv Jos. HOPKINSON Honhle Me Macon Governor Miller to William R. King' Executive Office IST. C. Raleigh 4th May 1816 Sir, The legislature of this State at its last Session having made it my duty to purchase a full length Statue of Gen. Wash- ington, and being advised that it cannot be executed in the United States in a manner worthy the State or the character which it is to represent, I must ask the favour of you during your stay in Italy to give me your aid in procuring one. The most celebrated artist in Europe, I have been in- formed, is old Canove of Rome. He draws his blocks of 1 Governor's Letter Book. A letter of the same tenor was written to William Pinkney, United States Minister to Russia. 28 JSToRTH Caeolina Historical Commission. marble from the quarry of Carara and delivers the Statue compleat and packed for transportation at Rome. Mr. Apple- ton, the American Consul at Leghorn, has Ciracchi's bust of the General in Plaister and as he has had relations with Canove, and is convenient to engage the work, I wish through you to procure his services. I will furnish him with a sketch of the outlines of a full length painting, from Philadelphia, which, with the bust in his possession will, I suppose, be sufficient for the artist. He shall be liberally compensated for his trouble in engaging the work, attending to its prog- ress, receiving and forwarding it to the State of I*^orth Caro- lina. Mr. Appleton has two nephews in Baltimore in the mercantile line, and in correspondence with him, whose address I should be glad you would obtain during your stay in Baltimore, and send me that mj communications and any remittances necessary, may be made through them. The style or costume to be Roman. The size somewhat larger than life. The attitude I leave to your taste and that of Mr. Appleton and the artist. The price not to exceed $10,000 to Canove. Should any advancement of money be necessary, and should Mr. Appleton's services be engaged he may draw upon me through his nephews in Baltimore and his drafts shall be honoured. With great respect I have the honor to be Your obt Servant Will : Miller. Honhle Will R. King Secretary of Legation to Russia. Canova's Statue of Washington. 29 Thomas Appleton to Governor Miller ^ Leghorn 20th Septr. 1816. His Excellency William Miller, Governor of the State of Xorth Carolina Sir Towards the close of the last month, I received from ISTaples, throngh the medium of W. R. King esquire, Secre- tary of the American Legation to Russia, a letter from the Secretary of the U. S. in date of the 27th of May, relating to a Statne, which the government of l^orth Carolina is desirous to erect to the memory of the late illustrious General Washington. I avail myself, Sir, of the present occasion, to assure you, that no circumstance could be more grateful to me, than in being charged with procuring the Statue of the .father of our country ; and I beg your Excellency will be equally persuaded, that my utmost exertions shall not be wanting, to correspond in a suitable manner, to the confi- dence which is thus reposed in nie. x\t the same time, that I received the letter from the Secretary of State, I also re- ceived one from Mr. King in which he requests my superin- tendence of the Statue. On his reception of my reply, he has again written me from ISTajDles, on the 1st of the present month, inclosing me the drawing and inscription which are intended to be sculptured on the piedestal. I immediately wrote Mr. Canova at Rome, to be informed if he would undertake the business. Aware as I was, of his immense engagements, and that no consideration of a pecuniary kind, would induce him to accept a new work ; and nothing short of the precise object of my request, it was, therefore, that the terms of my letter were such, as has drawn from him the following passage, or rather, it is the translation of it. "In truth, the numerous labours to which I have obligated myself for many years to come, would seem to require, that I should 1 A. L. S. Sent in triplicate. 30 North Carolina Historical Com.mission. renounce to the honor proposed to me ; but my admiration for the genius who has performed such sublime deeds, for the safety and liberty of his country, compel me to make every effort to accomplish the Statue, you have proposed to me to execute ; I, therefore, accept the commission etc." I am the possessor of the original bust, in gesso or plaister of General Washington, and made by Cerrachi in the U. S. This will alone suffice for the likeness ; I shall, therefore, for- ward it by Sea to Rome. The lowness of your Senate-hall, which I am informed, is only sixteen feet, would seem to require, that the Statue should be sitting, this is the opinion of Mr. Canova; for a standing figure, and which, of course, must be larger than life, reposing on its proportionate base, would nearly touch the ceiling, and thus violate all estab- lished rules. Besides, a sitting figure seems more consistent with the place and purjDose, for which it is intended. On this subject, Sir, as well as in relation to the figures which are proposed to be Sculptured on the piedestal, I shall very f idly write you in my next respects, as the post departs in a few hours. With, regard to the expence, I am in hopes, to en- compass it in the 'Sum of Ten thousand dollars ; I should be enabled positively to say now, if I were now informed the cost of the piedestal, and some other indispensable charges ; but as I have already said, there is every probability, it will be within the before mentioned sum. The payments to be made, are as usual in all similar business, one third imme- diately, a second third, as soon as the work is commenced, and the last, when compleated. I have learnt from Mr. King, that it was your desire, I should draw on you for the amount ; but this mode. Sir, would be attended wiith great inconve- niences, and a very large discount would be required, if a purchaser could be found ; for the discredit which bills on the U. S. have since the peace fallen into, owing to certain depre- ciated bank-paper being a legal tender in many States ; that certainly, here, a buyer could not be found without a sacrifice, I presume, of nearly one quarter part; even though silver An Engraving in the Senate Chamber of Raleigh, representing LaFayette viewing Canova's Statue of Washington. From a picture painted in 1840 by J. Weisman and Emmanuel Lentze, and engraved by Albert Newsam. It bears the following inscription: CANOVA'S STATUE OF GENERAL GEORGE WASHINGTON As it appeared on the Pedestal, in the State House Rotunda, at Raleigh, Nortli Carolina. A beautiful liglit falling from the Dome Window, upon the slab of marble, ilhiniiiiates the whole statue. LaFayette is represented as viewing this masterly representation of his beloved General. Respectfully dedicated to the Legislature of North Carolina, BY J. WEISMAN. Canova's Statue of Washingtojn'. 31 dollars should be assured them. I, therefore propose, Sir, that this sum should be deposited by the State of North Carolina, in the hands of some banker of London, Paris, or Amsterdam, I should prefer one of the two latter places, and to be held by them payable to my drafts. In Paris, M. Hot- tinguer, is the banker of the American ministers. You will readily perceive. Sir, that I shall be immediately called on for this money, pardon me, therefore, if I urge the most speedy remittance, which may be in your power to make of the amount. Should you think proper to avail yourself of the services of my nephews in Baltimore, to negotiate the exchange their address is, IST. and C. Appleton of that city. Accept the expressions of respect, with which I have the honor to be. Your Excellency's most obedt. Servant. Th : Appleton Consul for U. S. A. Leghorn His ExcELLEisrcY Governor Miller. Thomas Appleton to Governor Miller ^ LectHOrx 1st October 1816 His Excellency William Miller Governor of the State of North Carolina Sir The foregoing is a copy of my respects of the 20th of Sep- tember. On this day I have received a letter from Mr. Canova, of which the following is a translation. "Rome 28, September 1816. Sir, I now reply to your much esteemed favor of the 20th of September. I have then the honor to observe to you, that my desire of executing the Statue, Sit- ting, is occasioned, not wholly from the necessity of propor- tioning it to the height of the hall ; but likewise, because in this attitude, is infinite more digiiity ; and if I may be 1 A. L. S. In duplicate. 32 ]^ORTH Carolina Historical Commission. allowed the expression, I can give a greater force to my feeble genius. If I consulted only my own ease and interest, I should have adopted an erect figure, as requiring less labour ; but animlated with the ardent zeal, with which I am, to apply every effort of w,hich I am capable, to render me worthy of so great a Subject, I have much preferred the Sit- ting posture. I am etc. Canova." As no opinion of mine, Sir, could add the smallest weight, to the judgment of so great a man, it must be intirely left to your own decision ; and whether the result be for an erect, or sitting attitude it shall, on my part, be most scrupulously adhered to. I have, therefore, given the instructions, to make no further advance in the labour, than in procuring the marble, until I shall receive your reply ; and this is in compliance with the senti- ments of Mr. King, who left Florence on the 29 ultimo for St. Petersburg. As I was not previously informed of the precise time, he would arrive there, and only remaining a part of two days, it was impossible to meet him as I intended. He has written me from thence, recommending this delay, for he greatly approves the sitting posture. I have not, as yet, informed Mr. Canova, the precise figures proposed for the piedestal, for to my own very limited knowledge of the theory of the Art, there arose some objections to the figures, and which are the result of having very frequently seen, I believe, all the most Celebrated Statues of Antiquity, now extant in Italy. Will you then pardon me. Sir, if I offer some observations on the drawing, and which most assuredly I should not have taken this freedom, if they were correct with the figures which are delineated in our authors on my- thology. It is. Sir, an unalterable maxim in Sculpture, as it is in painting, that unity of Subject, should be strictly observed, throughout the piece. The drawing then contains two figures ; on the left, one representing the Goddess of Liberty, and the other, I presume, was intended for Ceres ; but the latter is by no means correct with mythology. It is delineated in a fashionable, modern deshabille dress, with a Canova's Statue of Washington. 33 wreathe of flowers romid the head ; in the right hand, a cornu- copia of the same ; and in the left an ear of wheat. This figure then combines two Seasons & Subjects. The Goddess to be correctly expressed, the vestments should be heroic, with a wreathe of wheat round the head ; the right hand, is usually extended with poppies, a plant of extraordinary fecundity; and the left supporting an ample drapery. If it was intended for Flora, which it certainly more resembles, the cornucopia, should be in the left hand, while the right hand should support a consistent heroic dress, with a wreathe of flowers, but she should not have any of the attributes of Ceres. Were I consulted, I should most certainly recoimnend, instead of the Goddesses in question, to have sculptured on the piedestal, some expressive traits, in the life of the General, which would at once lead to the recollection of the numerous virtues, with which, he was so singTilarly adorned; and this, I believe, would not only be consistent with the usage of the most enlightened ages of antiquity, but comformable also, to the universal practice of modern times. Your Excellency will gTcatly oblige me, by foi'warding to me triplicate letters of your reply; and to divide them by Baltimore, N. York, and Boston, as offering the most frequent occasions for this port. I beg your Excellency will accept the expressions of my very high respect & esteem. Th : Appleton. His Excellency Gov: Miller ISTo. Carolina. 34 North Caeolina Historical Commission. Thomas Appleton to James Monroe ' Leghorn, Yth October, 1816. The Honorable James Monroe, Secretary of State, Washington. Sir: In the early part of last month, I received, through the medium of Mr. King, Secretary of the Legation to Russia, the letter you honored me with, in date of the 27th of May, relating to the statue, which the State of Xorth Carolina has decided to erect, to the late illustrioiLS General Wash- ington. I beg you will believe. Sir, that no event could be more agreeable to me than in the superintendence of the commission, and that the assiduous attention which I shall devote to its accomplishment will justify the confidence you have thus reposed in me. Mr. Canova has accepted the com- mission in terms highly honorable to our country, for most assuredly he would have declined a proposition from, any sovereign! in Europe, owing to the immense engagements he had previously entered into. His opinion is, that it ought to be sitting, as the senate chamber is only sixteen feet in height, and that in this attitude, to use his own modest ex- pression, ''I can thus give a greater force to my feeble genius, animated wdth the ardent zeal with which I am to render myself worthy of so great a subject." Mr. King having pur- sued his journey towards Petersburg, he has resigned over to my care, entirely the charge. I have very fully wi'itten to Governor Miller, on the subject of the attitude, together with some observations on the emblematical figures intended for the pedestal, for as I did not think myself at liberty to vary a line from the tenor of the instructions, though very gener- ally expressed, I am compelled therefore, to await his reply. Being myself the possessor of the original bust of General Washington, formed in plaster, by Cerrache, in the United States, it will greatly facilitate the execution of the likeness, 1 Copy of A. L. S. in the Department of State, Washington. Canova's Statue of Washington. 35 and the passion with which Mr. Canova seems so ardently inflamed for onr country, will, I am confident, produce a monument, unexampled in the present age, but my single apprehension, I confess is, that he will make him a god, instead of the greatest of men. From the first moment, I was persuaded he would urge a sitting posture, as better adapted to a senate hall, where every one is seated, and will be thus more on a level with the eyes of the spectators, besides, it is consistent with the usage of the most enlightened periods of sculpture. I have not shown hitherto Mr. Canova the drawing which has been sent for to be sculptured on the pedestal, as the figaires even to my own very limited knowledge of the theory of the art, do not in a direct manner, rise out of the subject; for unity is as indispensable a requi- site in works of sculpture, as it is in painting or dramatic j)ieces. One of the figures is designed for the goddess of liberty, and the other for Ceres, or Flora, for which of these, however, it is not possible to determine, as she is adorned with the attributes of both. I have, therefore, taken the liberty to state my objections to them to Governor Miller, recom- mending at the same time, in order that unity of subject may be preserved throughout, that the sides of the pedestal should be ornamented with some of the great traits in the life of the general, thus they Would at once lead to the recollections of the virtues with which he was so singularly conspicuous, and in adopting this mode, I believe^ we should write^ [sic] the usage of the m,ost enlightened ages of antiquity with the universal practice of modern times. Th. Appleton. 1 Unite. 36 NoKTH Carolina Historical Commission. Montford Stokes to Governor Miller^ AVashington" City, February 10th, 1817. Dear Sir, Perceiving that the Legislature of JSTorth Carolina at their last Session, again took up the consideration of the former resolutions, relative to the monumental Statue of Genl. Wash- ington,^ I take the liberty of enquiring what the situation of that business is at present ? and "vvhat steps have been taken since I left the State. I do not do this to gratify an idle curiosity, but from a desire that the Statue intended to be procured shall possess as many of the features of the deceased General, as it is now in the power of the State to obtain. With this view I herewith enclose you an Extract of a letter from Mrs. E. P. Custis of Virginia to Mr. Hopkinson, a member of Congress, on that subject.^ In the correspond- ence which you laid before the Assembly during last Session, I observed that it was strongly recommended by some of those who had been consulted, that the Statue should be made upon the ancient models, that is to say, as to the costume or drapery, inasmuch as the fashion of Modern Military dresses is liable to change. In either case I think it would be desireable that as much of the form and features of General Washington as possible, should be preserA^ed in the Statue. 1 A. L. S. Montford Stokes, United States Senator from North Caro- lina, 1816-1823. 2 Tliis was a resolution of inquiry as to what action the Governor had taken to carry into effect the resolution authorizing the purchase of the statue. After receiving the Governor's reply, the Legislature passed a resolution approving his actions. 3 "You have no doubt felt much pleasure from the resolution of North Carolina to erect a statue or some other monument to the memory of our great father, but as the first of sculptors, Canova, is to execute the work, I am very desirous that the exact model of his form and features should be sent. I possess a small full length picture of the General, painted by Colonel Trumbull. The whole figure is General Washing- ton, the Creator's work, only more perfect. The face was his many years past, but the form was his to the day of his death. Would it not be well to have an accurate drawing made from my portrait and sent to Italy?" Canova's Statue of Washington. 37 If you think with, me, and with the lady from whose letter I have made the extract, an artist can be employed at a very small expense to trace the outlines of the portrait in the pos- session of Mrs. Custis. I am. Dear Sir, with great respect Your ohedt Servant M. Stokes His Excellency Governor Miller. Governor Miller to Montf ord Stokes ' Executive Office ]^. C. Raleigh 19th March 1817. Sir, Upon my return home a few days ago I found a letter in the office from you, containing an extract from a letter of Mrs. E. P. Custis of Virginia, and as it is certainly desirable that as m;uch as possible of the form and features of the Gen- eral should be transfused into the Statue, I would take the Iil)erty of troubling you to have this painting executed (pro- vided it can be done for a moderate price) and I will cause it to be sent to Canova. With much respect Your obt. Servant Honble Will: Miller Montford Stokes Wilkes County Governor Miller to Thomas Appleton ^ Executive Office X. C. Raleigh 19th March 1817. Sir, Your letters of the 20th of September and 1st of October 1816, informing [me] of the contract made with Canova, for 1 Governor's Letter Book. 2 Governor's Letter Book. 38 ISToRTH Carolina Historical Commission. a Statue of Genl, Washington, for the State of North Caro- lina, have been received and for the prompt attention you have given to this business, be pleased to accept my acknowl- edgments. ***** I am not at all tenacious of the inscription sent by Mr. King, and am perfectly willing to leave that and the attitude to yours and the artist's taste. Any incident in the life of Washington which you may select will be pleasing to me. A wish has been expressed by Mrs. E. P. Custis of Virginia, a relation of the Generals, that a drawing should be made from a Portrait in her possession, and sent to Canova, as she seems to think (to use her own language) "the exact model of his form and features," could be obtained from that. The portrait alluded to was taken by Col. Trumbull. As soon as this painting can be had, I will cause it to be trans- mitted to you. But the work need not be delayed in its prog- ress for this. ***** With the most respectful consideration Your obt. Servant Thomas Appleton Esqr., Will: Miller American Consul at Leghorn. Joseph G. Swift to Governor Miller^ E'ew York May 8, 1817 Dear Sir, The liberal conduct of the State of ISTorth Carolina ex- hibited in authorizing the employment of Canova to execute agreeably to his taste a statue of the man wbo was "first in War, first in Peace and first in the Hearts of his Country- men," has inspired a wide spread respect for the State over which you preside. Those who have many friends in that State, as I have, whose minds are intelligent, and whose feel- 1 A. L. S. Joseph G. Swift, Brigadier-General U. S. Army, and Chief of Corps of Engineers at New York. Canova's Statue of Washington. 39 ings are exalted, have received by this exhibition of senti- ment a double portion of gratification. I learn from Gov. Hawkins/ that it is desirable to have a Portrait of Washington to send to Italy. A friend of mine in this City, Mr. H. Pierpont, has an original fnll length Portrait of Washington, painted by Stewart for Washing- ton's friend the late Mr. Constable, (Father in law of Mr. Pierpont). It is the Portrait from which was taken that presented to the Marqnis of Lansdoun, and is deemed to be every way Eqnal to that celebrated piece. Mr. Pierpont will with pleasure allow the picture to be used. I recommend Mr. John M. Jarvis, of this City, a distinguished artist, to paint the Portrait. Mr. Jarvis is peculiarly happy in pour- traying the character of the subject which he paints. My aid in furthering any views you may have upon this subject, are [sic] at your service. With gTeat respect and regard Dear sir. Your obt. Hum Serv J. G. Swift To His Excellency William Miller Governor North Carolina Thomas Appleton to Governor Miller^ Leghorn 6th November 1818 His Excellency William Miller Govr. of No. Carolina Sir * * -Sr * * * * I am truly sensible. Sir, of the high confidence you have reposed in me, in leaving intirely to my feeble judgment, the appropriate figures which will adorn the four sides of 1 Probably William Hawkins, Governor of North Carolina, 1811-14. 2 A. L. S. 40 ISToRTH Carolixa Historical Commission. the piedestal of Washington ; and as the great distance which separates us, seemed an insurmountable obstacle to discus- sing the propriety of the selection I should make, thus I at once determined on the various emblematical figures, and which are now under the hands of the sculptors. I am well aware of the innumerable opinions which will be passed on them; if thej obtain the suffrage of the judicious, it is every thing which can be hoped: the censures of the injudicious, are praises not intended. The inscription is placed on the architrave of the front part of the piedestal ; below is repre- sented Lord Cornwallis delivering his swurd to Genl "Wash- ington ; in both gTOupes appear about twelve military figiires. ISTo. 2 represents Washington resigning his commission into the hands of the President of the legislature at the close of the War. l^o. 3 is Washington receiving the unanimous suffrage, which places him at the head of the government, and No. 4, is Washington holding a plough drawn by two oxen ; behind, is a humble Cottage, near to which are seen Ceres and Mercury, with their suitable emblems. These appeared to my mind, the four most interesting epochs of his life; and as they are sculptured by the most able hands, I hope, Sir, they will receive your approbation. I was in expectation, agreeably to your letter, to have received from you the portrait you mentioned as belonging to a lady of the family of the General ; but as this has never reached me, the likeness can only be taken from the bust made by Cer- rachi, and which I sent to Mr. Caiiova for that purpose. In the course of 1819, the Statue will be compleated; previous to which, I beg your instructions as to the mode of trans- porting it to the U : States. A public vessel would be gTeatly preferable to a merchant ship, for few of the latter could receive under cover so large a mass. My opinion was, that the whole expense would be comprised in Ten thousand dol- lars ; but I now find, though I can not say what the expenee of packing and transporting to Civita-Vecchia will be, yet we mav roundlv say. Eleven thousand dollars ; and as the Canova's Statue of Washington. 41 latter payments are drawing near, and wishing, to be in readiness to meet them, I have, therefore, now drawn on your Excellency, in date of this day, and in favor of my nephew Thomas Perkins Jun, of Boston, for Four thousand three hundred and forty-six Spanish dollars, making the whole smn of Eleven thousand dollars, which shall be accounted for by me, in the final adjustment of the total expense of the monument. I beg your Excellency will accept the re- newed expressions of my great esteem and respect. Th: Appleton. His Excellency '• William Millek Governor of the State of ISTorth Carolina Raleigh. Governor Branch to Smith Thompson, Secretary of the Navy ' Executive Office Xo. Ca. Raleigh Octr 8th 1819. Sir By an act of the Legislature of iSTorth Carolina the Exe- cutive of the State ^vas required to obtain from some eminent sculptor a marble Statue of the [renowned ?] father of his country, Gen. George Washington to be preserved in the public buildings of the State at Raleigh. In obedience to this injunction a contract was made through the polite and patriotic aid of Mr. Appleton the United States Consul at Leghorn with Mr. Canova, of Rome and the former gentleman continuing his attentions to the subject has lately informed the Executive of ISTorth Carolina that the same will be finished by the beginning of the next year and in a style w'orthy of the reputation of the eminent artist to whose execution the task was assigned. It is also understood that much difficulty will occur in 1 A. L. S. John Branch, Governor of North Carolina. 1817-1820. 42 !N"oRTH Carolina Historical Commission. transferring this monument from Italy to the United States in consequence of the bulkiness of the mass, few commercial vessels being prepared to receive a body of its size under cover of their decks. Under these circumstances I have taken the liberty to request that if it will not interfere too much with the public service that one of its vessels when about to return to the United States may be permitted to visit Rome and take charge of it to this country. I trust sir that this request will not be considered as un- worthy the notice or consideration of the Government of the United States. The Statue though the contribution of an individual State is consecrated to the memory of him who devoted his life to the service of all and must be regarded as a kind of National property and its safe transportation to the United States a just object of ISTational solicitude. I have the honor to be, With the highest respect Your obt St Jno. Branch The Honhle Smith Thompson Secretary of the ISTavy Smith Thompson, Secretary of the Navy, to Governor Branch ^ j^AVY Department. Deer 23d 1819 SiR;, I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 8th of October last, upon the subject of affording transportation of a marble Statue of the late General George Washington, from Rome to the United States. Various considerations are to be taken into view in the performance of this service. It is desirable to know the iL. S. Canova's Statue of Washington. 43 dimensions of the Statue, to determine the practicability of the Ship's receiving- it on board, and the proper place for its deposit. As the navigation affords no suitable anchorage at or near Rome, a Ship of War could not take the Statue on board nearer than ISTaples or Leghorn, and as Thomas Appleton Esquire, Consul of the United States, is resident at the latter place, that port would be preferred. The United States Ship Columbus will sail hence by the 1st of February, and the consequent return of the Ship Franlvlin might afford the conveyance to the United States. But as there is no port in JSTorth Carolina to which that Ship could proceed, it would become necessary to provide for a second transportation, by some vessel coastwise from Boston to the place in Xorth Carolina, which should be designiated. Upon receipt of your answer to these observations I will give an order to the Commanding j^aval Officer in the Medi- terranean, to perform this service, if it shall be deemed practicable and not delay the Ship at Leghorn beyond a rea- sonable period. The object, as it respects the State of North Carolina, will receive all the attention of this Department to facilitate its accomplishment. I have the honor to be. With high respect and consideration, Your Excellency's most obedient servant Smith Thompson To His Excellency John Beanch Governor of the State of North Carolina Raleioh 44 ISToKTir Carolina Historical Commission. Governor Branch to Commodore William Bainbridge ' Executive Office No. Carolina Raleigh February 15th 1820. Sir Enclosed is a letter to Mr. Appletoii United States Consul at Leghorn through whose polite agency a marble Statue of the immortal Washington has been executed by the celebrated Marquis Canova for the State of !N"orth Carolina. As the Statue is now complete and ready for transporta- tion to this country and as a merchant vessel will not be able to take the same under cover, I deemed it advisable on the suggestion of Mr. Appleton to apply to the ISTavy Department of the United States to furnish the requisite facilities. This has been promised by the Gentleman who presides in that Department at this time, as will appear by a reference to the enclosed transcript. Your attention to the business will I am confident be most 'cheerfully and patriotically afforded, and permit me as the Representative of the State of ISTorth Carolina, to assure you that we shall at all times cherish a high sense of the obli- gation conferred. With the highest respect I am your very obt Servant John Branch Commodore Bainbridge Commodore William Bainbridge to Governor Branch^ U S Ship Columbus Hampton Roads, 30th March 1820 Your Excellency's Letter of the 15th ulto enclosing a Letter for Mr. Appleton, the United States Consul at Leg- horn, has come to my hands, and I have the pleasure to assure you that it will afford me much gratification to aid 1 Grovernor's Letter Book. 2 A. L. S. Canova's Statue of Washington. 45 as far as will be in my power, the transportation of the Statue of the Immortal Washington ! which the patriotism of the State of jSTorth Carolina has directed to be made in Italy. I have the honor to be With great respect, Your Excellency's obt. Sert Wm Bainbkidge ■To His Excellency John Branch Governor of the State of North Carolina Thomas Appleton to Governor Branch ^ Leghorn 1st June 1820 His Excellency The Governor of ]^orth Carolina. ******* I regret greatly, sir, this disaster^ in a particularly manner as it necessarily occasions a delay in Payments to Mr. Can- ova who has now completed the Statue and of course requires the completion of the sum stipulated. This Statue is a Chef d'ouvre of sculpture ; as are likewise the basso relievos on the four sides of the pedestal. I must then. Sir, solicit your most early attention and that you would as speedily as possible adopt somie mode to make the indispensable remit- tance in order to obtain the Statue from the hands of the sculptor ; and at the same time you will have the goodness to point out by what conveyance you are desirous it should be sent to the United States. It can be conveyed to Civita- Vecchia by Eoman boats and may then be received by the vessel you may direct. I have some doubts if the hatch-ways 1 Governor's Letter Book. 2 Refers to the loss of $3,000 by the failure of Thomas Perkins, Jr., of Boston, to whom the money had been sent to be transmitted to Appleton for the final payment to Canova. 46 ISToRTH Carolina Historical Commission. of our Merchant vessels are sufficiently wide to receive it. A ship of War would on all accounts be preferable. I beg your Excellency to be persuaded, that I could not have de- voted more feeling and interest to the Statue of my natural father, than I have given to that of the political father of our country. It is from the hands of the first Artist the world has produced, since the period of ISTero the Emperor and the important events in the life of our hero which are represented in basso relievos on the sides of the pedestal, are Wrought with a far superior hand to the relievos, either on the column of Trajan or on the triumphal arch of Con stantine for sculpture had declined for more than a century before Architecture had risen to that perfection which leaves only the power to admire without the genius to imitate. The pedestal was sculptured by Mr. Eaimon de Trentanove a young man of only six and twenty years, the first scholar of Canova and strongly recommended to me by the latter as the most capable in Rome. His genius is of a sublime cast and will most assuredly rise at least to the greatness of his master. He is personally known and admired by Mr. Russell and General Harper both of whom he copied in marble dur- ing their late visit to Rome. It remains then only to solicit your early attention and that funds may be as speedily as possible placed at my disposal to terminate the payments. I will merely observe that the best remittances are by the way of London and that Mr. Samuel Williams an American banker in that city is reputed to possess a very ample fortune and enjoys the full confidence of our most careful merchants. Accept, Sir, the renewed expression of the high respect with which I have the honor to be Your Excellency's Obedient Servant Th: Appleton Canova's Statue of Washington". 47 Thomas Appleton to Governor Branch ' Legiioen, ISth April 1821. To His Excellency J. Bkanch Govr of the State of No Carolina. I had the honor to address Yonr Excellency, a few lines on the 30th of March, by the U. S. Ship Peacock, Captn. Brown, who departed from hence, on that day for Civita- Yecchia, to receive on board, the Statue of Washington, sculptured by Canova, for the State of l^orth-Carolina; from which port, he sailed on the 14th of the present month, having received the Statue, and the piedestal. In the first letter, with which I was honored by your predecessor Governor Miller, I was requested to loan the colossal bust, in gesso, by Cerrachi, of Washington, to serve as a model, in sculpturing the Statue ; it was therefore conveyed to Rome for that pur- pose; he at the same time added, he should send me a paint- ing of the General, in the hands of Mrs. Custis ; but as this likeness never reached me, the Statue was necessarily com- pleated, singly from the bust I have mentioned. That this bust was the original likeness, taken by the celebrated Cer- racchi, from life, I now inclose you, copy of the certificate of William Lee, esq. then Consul at Bordeaux,^ and at pres- ent first Auditor of the treasury; as likewise, the certificate of Mrs. Peters, who purchased it from Cerracchi, on his re- 1 A. L S. 2 "I the undersigned Consul of the United States of America for the port and district of Bordeaux, do hereby certify tliat the bust of Wash- ington, in gesso, now in possession of Thomas Appleton, Esqr., Ameri- can Consul at Leghorn, was to my certain knowledge, purchased by Mr. Theodore Peters, a very respectable merchant of this city, of Monsieur Cerrachi, a distinguished Italian artist, who took it himself in Phila- delphia from life; and that it is considered as the best likeness ever taken of Washington, indeed, it is said to be the only true likeness taken of Washington from life. Bordeaux, July 1st, 1809. Signed to original Wm. Lee. Attest, Th: Appleton." 48 North Caeolina Histokical Commission. turn from the U States, to Bordeaux. In my first letter to Governor Miller, to which I beg your reference, I mentioned the reasons of Mr. Canova, for preferring a sitting attitude of the Statue, as more appropriate for a public hall, and indispensable from the lowness of your Senate Chamber. In relation to the emblems on the four sides of the piedestal, I offered various reasons, that they should be allusive, of the most memorable events in the life of the hero, as they keep the mind of the spectator, solely intent on the subject; and that unity of action, being as indispensable a requisite in works of sculpture, as they are acknowledgd to be, in dramatic writings : — indeed, it is conformable to the invariable practice of ancient Greece and Rome, and the usage of modern times. The reply of Governor Miller, was certainly flattering to me, in fully approving my suggestions ; but he extended his acquiescence, further than I w^ished, as he left entirely, to my feeble judginent, to determine the most important epochs, in the life of the General. The latter part of his confidence, I should unquestionably have declined, if I had not have re- flected on the great distance which separates us, and that in waiting for his reply, it would have caused a delay in the work, of at least six mouths. Thus I combined the four peri- ods, which you will perceive sculptured, in bassi-relievi, on the four sides, to wit — 1st. The Surrender of Cornwallis ; 2d. The resignation of Washington, at the close of the war; 3d. He is seen holding the plough ; and on the 4th He is accepting the Presidency of the U States. All the figures were sculptured by Mr. Trentanove, the first scholar of Canova, and in execution, not inferior, to the finest works of an- tiquity. This young artist, stands in the first class of Rome ; and it is already foreseen, that he will, at a day not far dis- tant, perhaps, rival the greatest artist the world now ao- knowdedges. He is personally known to General Harper, and also to Mr. Russell, late Minister at Sweeden, and w*hose busts, he sculptured in marble. I am sensible the whole, will attract infinite criticism, especially from the unintelligent ; * Canova's Statue of Washington. 49 if it is approved by the judicious, it is every thing that can be wished; the censures of the injudicious, are praises not intended. You will receive inclosed, Sir, my account for the cost, and expenses on the Statue, balance due me, four hundred and eighty seven dollars and 50 cents — say 487. Dollars 50 Cts. You will likewise find herewith, the vouchers of Mr. Canova and Mr. Trentanove. Your Excel- lency will perceive, I have not made any charge in my ac- count, for my attentions, during four years, to the comple- tion of this comimission ; however, should it be thought, that they merit a pecuniary recompense, the amount is entirely submitted to your views of my services, and may be with the balance, remitted into the hands of my friends, Messrs John Astor and Son of New York. ******* I now forward to your Excellency engravings of two views of the Statue, which I beg your acceptance of. It then only remains for me, to express my gi'ateful sense of the high con- fidence which has been placed in me by the State over which you preside, and to beg your Excellency will accept the assurances of the great resj)ect, with which I have the honor to be. Your very obedient servant, Th: Appleton His Excellency GovR Branch ISTorth Carolina U. S. A. 50 iN'oRTH Carolina Historical Commission. Account of Thomas Appleton Against the State of North CaroHna^ The Government of the State of ISTorth-Carolina, to Thos, Appleton, Consul, Leghorn, Dr. 1821. To cash pd Antonio Canova, of Rome, for a colossal Statue of Washington, in marble, as Per or dr. of Govr. Miller of sd. State, in the year 1816, 3000 Roman Golden Zechines, as Per enclosd receipt, which at the excha. on Leghoni in Sil- Dollars ver, are equal to Sp. Dollars 7107 To cash paid Raimon de Trentanove, of Rome, first Scholar of Canova, for the piedestal of sd. Statue, with the bassi- rilievi on the four sides, & Sculptured under the direction of Canova, 1700 Rodman Golden Zechines, as Per enclosed receipt, which at the exchange on Leg- horn, are equal in Silver, to Dollars.... 4044 Dollars 11,151 CHARGES. 1821. To cash p'd xVnto. Canova, for Govt, duties on exportation of Statue case, cloth, cords, packing & por- terage to the Tyber. Dolls 85.50 To cash pd R. Trentanove for case, cloth, packing, and porterage of the piedestal to the Tyber 45.50 To pd transporting both to Civita- Vecchia , 18.40 To cash pd transpg from Carrara, my colossal bust by Cerrachi, to serve as a model for the Statue.... 5.00 lA. D. S. Enclosed in letter to Gov. Branch, April 18, 1821. Canova's Statue of Washington. 51 To pd postage during four years, to & from Rome, relating to Statue, to Amsterdam, London, etc., on remittances amounting to 127 Letters reed, or franked here in reply, on the Subject of the Statue & Piedestal 60.00 To expenses to Rome, to engage the Statue & emblems 122.00 336.50 Spanish Dollars 11,487.50 Leghorn 18. April 1821. E. E. Th: Appleton Dr. The Government of the State of Korth-Carolina in Acct. current with Thos. Appleton Consul Leghorn.^ Dr. 1821 April To amount of Colossal Statue of Washing- Dollars ton and charges, as annexed 11,487.50 Cr. 1817. July. By cash reed for my drafts on Daniel Cromelin & Sons of Amsterdam for 17,- 304.3 florins, being the net amount, they informed me, were at my disposal, for the accot. of State of ]^o. Carolina, and which produced here, at the then excha. Sp : Dols. Dollars 6,654 1821 By cash reed of R & W. Pulsford, London, as Per their letter, authorizing me to draw on them for 4346 Dollars 4346 11,000 1 A. D. S. Enclosed in letter of April 18, 1821. 52 North Caeolina Historical Commission. Bala, due Thos. Appleton 487.50 Dollars 11,487.50 Leghorn 18. April 1821. E. E. Th: Appleton Commodore William Bainbridge to Governor Franklin ' U. S. Ship Columbus, Gibraltar Bay, 19 May, 1821. Dear Sir, I have the pleasure to inform you that I have on board this ship the Statue of General Washington, made by Canova at Rome for the State of North Carolina; which I shall convey to the United States (probably to the port of Boston) whither I expect to sail in the course of ten days. My letter to you of the 1st of July last will have informed you of my having sent the Frigate Guerriere to Leghorn for the purpose of taking the Statue to America, and that it was not then finished, but that I should not be unmindful of it. In March last I sent the Peacock sloop to Leghorn in expectation of her finding the Statue there, in which, how- ever, I was disappointed. Captain Brown then proceeded, agi*eeably to my orders to Civita Vecchia, and thence to Rome ; when the Statue was sent to the former place, put on board the Peacock, and brought to this place ; where it was removed to this ship, and in her, I trust, it will be safely conveyed to the shores of our beloved country. I beg leave to assure you, Sir, that it has afforded me much pleasure to attend to the request of the Executive of iL. S. Canova's Statue of Washington. 53 the patriotic State of l^orth Carolina relative to the Statue of the Great and Good Washington. I am, Sir, with sentiments of high respect. Your obedient servant Wm. Bainbridge To His Excellency the Governor of N^orth Carolina. Commodore William Bainbridge to Governor Franklin ' U. S. Ship Columbus, Boston Harbour, 23 July, 1821. Sir, From the inclosed duplicate of my letter of the 19th of May last, your Excellency will perceive that the Statue of Washington, made by Canova for the State of North Caro- lina, is on board of this Ship ; which arrived here yesterday. It will be held subject to your order. - I have the honour to be, Sir, With great respect, yr. obt. servt. Wm. Bainbridge P. S. I herewith send a letter to you from Mr. Appleton, Consul of the U States at Leghorn. To His Excellency the Governor of N'orth Carolina, Raleigh. iL. S. 2 From Boston the statue was conveyed to Wilmington, N. C, by water, thence up the Cape Fear river to Fayetteville, thence overland to Raleigh, where it was set up in the rotunda of the State House and unveiled, December 24, 1821. An account of the ceremonies can be found in The Raleigh Register, Dec. 28, 1821. 54 [N^ORTH Caeolina Historical Commission. Resolutions of the General Assembly ' Resolved that the thanks of the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, be given to Comniodore William Bainbridge, for his politeness and attention in the trans- mission of the Statue of Genl. George Washing-ton from Italy to this State. And be it further Resolved that his Excellency the Gov- ernor be requested to send a copy of the foregoing resolution to Commodore Bainbridge. Governor Holmes to Marquis Canova ^ Executive Office, ]S[o. Carolina. Raleigh, July 4, 1822. Marquis Canova,, Sir, In obedience to a Resolution of the Legislature of this State I derive much pleasure in making known to you the high sense and acknov^ledgments the citizens of North Caro- lina, cherish for the taste and skill with which you have exe- cuted that admirable specimen of sculpture, the Statue of General George Washington. The sublimity and elegance of this composition, combining freedom, grace, and majesty, will long live a sacred memorial of a grateful Republic to his memory, and a proud mjonu- ment of the divine genius of Canova. It commands the wonder and applause of the Western Hemisphere, and will prove to the young enthusiastic artist of the New World, what the sublime labours of Praxiteles and Phidias, those favorite sons of Greece, did to their imita- tive brethren and admiring spectators, chaste models of ad- miration and perfectio;n. I likewise, Sir, avail myself of the honor to transmit to you 1 Journal of the General Assembly, passed December 18, 1821. - Governor's Letter Book. Gabriel Holmes, Governor of North Caro- lina 1821-1824. Canova's Statue of Washington. 55 the unanimous resolution of the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives, with assurances of my high respect and esteem for the Marquis Antonio Canova. Gael: Holmes Thomas Jefferson to Governor Holmes ^ MoNTicELLO, August 3. 23. Sir, I take the liberty of transmitting to you the extract of a letter received from Mr. Appleton our Consul at Leghorn bearing date the 2d of April of the present year.' I have thought it a duty to be the channel of this explanation from him, as having, perhaps, been in some degTee, the instrument of his being employed in directing the Execution of the Statue of General Washing-ton, which will ever be a dis- tinguishing and unrivalled possession of your State. I pray you to consider me, however, as merely the transmitter of this paper, meaning to take no jiart in its object, which be- longs solely to the justice and liberality of the State; perhaps it is incumbent on me to say, that I have known Mr. Appleton nearly forty years, that during the greater part of that time, I have been in intimate correspondence w[ith him either official or private ; that he has been so long in the service of the United-States, faithful, honest, diligent, and honorably poor. Should you think proper, to make the acknowledg- ments of the State for his services in a pecuniary form, which his circumstances induce him to prefer, I have not the least idea what his expectations may be, perhaps, the sum which has passed thro' his hands may furnish some measure. But 1 A. L. S. 2 This letter refers to the failure of the Legislature to make proper compensation to Appleton for his troubla and for the use of his bust of Washington. This oversight was remedied at the next session by the appropriation of $500 for Mr. Appleton. 56 North Caeolina Historical Commission. all this rests with your excellency, to whom I tender the assurance of my high respect and consideration. Th: Jefferson. ri[is] E[xcellency] Gabriel Holmes, Governor of K. C. Raleigh. Governor Holmes to Thomas Appleton ' Executive Office, ISTo. Carolina, Raleigh, April 5th 1824. Thomas Appleton, Esqr. American Consul at Leghorn, SlR^ I have the pleasure to transmit to you through the medium of Mr. Lenox, Merchant of I^ew York, five hundred dollars ($500) by a Resolution of the Legislature of Worth Carolina, in Session 1823, as an acknowledgment of your services and Classick taste, in procuring for them and the citizens of the State, that inimitable Statue of Genl. Washington, with the very appropriate and impressive devices of our l^ational history in Bass Relief, on the Pedestal. This tribute of respect, I beg leave to tender you, mth assurances of my great regard for your talents and judgiuent, in putting us in possession of that truly Patriotic and orna- mental specimen of Sculpture, the boast and pride of Is^orth 2\merica. I am. Sir, With great respect Your obt. hbl. Servt. Gael: Holmes i Governor's Letter Book. Canova's Statue of Washington. 57 Ball Hughes to Thomas Devereux ^ [June] 27th [1831] To Thomas P. Devereux SlE, Plaving the honor of enjoying Mr. Robert Lennox's ac- quaintance he has suggested to me that I might address you respecting your late loss of your Statue of Genl Washington. I wias exceedingly grieved to see by the Public Journals the devastation you have suffered from fire.' Allow me most re- spectfully to offer my services for the restoration of that in- valuable work. Whatever may be the state of it, it might be repaired and those parts entirely destroyed re-carved so as to render the joins imperceptible. The expense of a thing of this kind would be triffling compared to the Actual Value of the Work. Whatever may be its mutilated state it can be repaired and I shall consider my visit to this country most fortunate should I be the means of preserving to the world the Statue of your Immortal Washing-ton and the work of that great Artist Canova. I have been in this country about two years. My object in visiting it was to see the state of the Arts in this New World and endeavor to put up one or two national monu- ments to bear witness some future day to my having been here. I am employed at this moment on a Colossal Marble Statue of Genl Hamilton ; likewise a Marble Moninuent life size of the late Bishop Hobart. The following are among the Gentlemen who have done me the honor of sitting to me for their Bust: Chief Justice Marshall, Honbl Charles Vaughan, D. Webster Esq., D. B. Ogden Esq., Chancellor Kent, Philip Hone Esq., E. Tibbits Esq., M. Van Buren Esq., Doctor Hosack, G. Griswold Esq., Charles Wilkes Esq., T. Dixon Esq., S. Skinner Esq., T. Perkins Esq., of Boston, Honble E. R. Livingston of Louis- 1 A. L. S. 2 The burning of tlie State House, and the destruction of Canova's Washington, June 21, 1831. 58 North Carolina Historical Commission. iana. Should you feel disposed to treat respecting the Statue, I will be happy to visit Raleigh (my expenses for travelling- being paid) and give you an estimate of what it would cost or a description of the State of it would be sufficient to enable me to give to you an idea of the expence. I have lately got from England three most clever and experienced marble workers. I can give you any references respecting capability and shall be most happy to hear from you. Trusting you will pardon the liberty of addressing you without the honor of a personal acquaintance I remain Sir Your obent Servant Ball Hughes. 62 Franklin St New York. Thomas Appleton to Governor Stokes ^ Leghorn 10 August 1831. To His Excellency the Governor of the State o-f North Carolina. Sir, I have learnt, by the journals of the U. States, with a very sincere sensibility, the loss, the State of No. Carolina has sustained, in the burning of the Senate-house, and the total destruction of the noble Statue of Washington, sculptured by the great Canova, under my inspection. It was at the request of the then Governor of the State, and at the particular de- sire of Mr. Monroe, then Secretary of the State for the United States, Mr. Canova sculptured the Statue, while the ad- mirable emblematical figures on the four sides of the piedestal, were sculptured by the inimitable hand of Mr. Trcntanove, scholar of Canova, at that period, only 23 years of age, and now unquestionably, the first sculptor in Rome, lA. L. S. Montford Stokes, Governor of North Carolina, 1830-1832. Canova's Statue of Washington. 59 and probably in the world. Mr. Caiiova, then insisted that Mr. Trentanove should sculpture all the emblems on the piedestal, for as he then assured me, and which has been since verified, that this young artist, was in a few years, to approach, if not to equal, the first remains of grecian Sculp- ture, Mr. Trentanove in my opinion, now stands unrivalled in his profession. Many of his works are in the U. S. — at Baltimore, Phila,, New York and Boston. I presume, not less than a dozen of the busts of Washington, are in those cities, for he has greatly improved the likeness of Washing- ton, from that formed by Canova, in several journies to London and Paris, and which are universally acknowledged to approach so near the original features of the hero, as to remain unrivalled by any European artist. In a word. Sir, a constant habit, in works of ancient and modern Sculp- ture, for more than thirty years I have resided in Italy, as consul for the U. States, I have no hesitation in pronouncing Mr. Trentanove, as the greatest sculptor of the present time in Europe. Should the State, over which, your Excellency presides, determine to replace the Statue, which has been consumed in the burning of your Senate-house, no Sculptor as I have before said, exists in Europe, who is able to per- form the task, equal to Mr. Trentanove, and should my services be useful in overseeing and directing the work, or in receiving and paying the stipulated Sums, I beg your Excellency will command my best services. The usual con- ditions of payment, of works of Sculpture, at Eome, are, one half on signing of contract, and the other half when compleated. If your archives have not perished in the flames, it will be easy to recur to all my correspondence with the then Governor of the State, and which Avill shew, that the journals of the U. S. are greatly in error, when they assert, that the Statue cost, 32,000 Dollars. The real truth is, that the Statue, and emblems on the piedestal, together with every expence, until shipped by me, on board of one of our public Ships of War at Civita Vecchia, for the U. S., 60 I^ORTH Carolina Historical Commission. was Eleven thousand four hundred and eighty Seven Dollars and fifty cents, say, 11,487 Dollars and 50 cents, as by ac- counts forwarded by me, to the then Governor of the State. I can not say with absolute precision, what would be the present cost, of a Statue formed from the best models, and which are in the possession of Mr. Trentanove, as he is at this time in London, where he has been called, by several of the most distinguished nobility of England, but I can assure you, it would not exceed this sum. I rather suppose, and believe, it would be somewhat less. Should the Govern- ment of the State, determine to replace the Statue, and to confide its execution to Mr. Trentanove, and that my over- seeing its accomplishment, should be deemed of utility, I beg in this case, your reply may be explicit, as to Attitude, Size, and Emblems, with every other requisite information, in order, that no time may be lost, in questions and replies, at a distance of 4000 miles. It only remains to reassure you, that your utmost confidence, and reliance may be placed, in the transcendent abilities, fidelity and integrity of Mr. Trentanove, and to beg you will accept the expressions of the great respect, with which I have the honor to be. Your Excellency's very obed Servant Tii : Appleton Consul of U. S. A. Postscriptum. The emblems on the four sides of the piedestal, were sug- gested and designated by me, from an established principle in Sculpture, as in architectural wtorks, to wit, that nO' irrevalent emblem, or figure, should be introduced, on any part, appertaining to it; for this reason I selected, what I judged to be, the four most important epochs in the life of the hero. Should you deem any other events more appro- priate, it will be necessary to desigTiate them, in case the Government of ]^o. Carolina should determine to replace the Statue, and that the execution should be confided to Mr, Trentanove. The latter, I well remember, sculptured the Ruins of Canova's Statue of Washington. Now jn-csiTvcd in llu- Hall (.!' Ilisloiy, Raleigh. Canova's Statue of Washington. 61 bust of General Harper, while in Ilom,e, and I also think he procured from him, a bust of Washington ; but what I know, is, that several busts of Washington, are in the possession of many gentlemen of New York. Genl. Harper assured me in this city, that not any likeness he had ever seen, ap- proached the perfection of those from the hands of Mr. Trentanove. Your Excellency will please accept the renewed expres- sions of my high respect. Th : Appleton. Ball Hughes to Governor Stokes ' Raleigh December 7th, 1831. To His Excellency The Goveknok Montford Stokes SlK^ In consequence of your kind permission I this miorning remt)ved a portion of the boards which surround Canova's great and truly grand Statue of the immortal W^ashington for the purpose of carefully ascertaining the full extent of its injury, and after therefore a minute survey of many hours into every detail of that beautiful and once highly finished work, I am truly happy in being able to lay before you the following result. I find it perfectly within the compass of my powier to restore it to all its former beauty, to invest it v^'ith all its original grandeur, to give it once more its pure unsullied whiteness, its strength durability and form, the latter shall not deviate more than the simple cleaning of any Statue would demand. In fact I wish it to be clearly and simply understood that I would engage to infuse into that work all its former greatness and perfection making it bear so closely the same appearance that it had before the dreadful fire, that the most accustomed eye shall look with wonder on its present and future state. 1 A. L. S. 62 North Carolina Historical Commission. Your Excellency will perceive by the letters I had the honor to present you with, that amongst other large works, I have been engaged for many months on the restoration of the marble Statue of the late Earl of Chatham which some fifty years since stood at the intersection of Wall and Wil- liam Street in New York. This Figure I by accident dis- covered, then laying a neglected and useless piece of Stone for old cannon rubbish and lumber to rest against. It was considerably m;ore mutilated than the one in question, how- ever I purchased it and after bestowing on it months of arduous exertion I restored it to its former state, solely for the purpose of forwarding my views in relation to the Statue here, believing the success of that work would be the best recommendation I could bring with me. Of the perfection of my labours in regard to it I must leave the many letters I brought here to tell, and the praise the Public Press were pleased to lavish on me. I have every reason to believe it will eventually be placed in the Merchants Exchange in that City together with a full sized Statue of Hamilton which I have nearly completed for the same Building. I have a recommendation from the Committee of that work and about sixteen other letters from the most distinguished, talented, and respectable men in New York besides some from the Right Honble C. Vaughan the British Minister to whom I brought letters on my first arrival here. I belong to the Royal Academy in London and studied for Eight years under the first Sculptor of the Age, and feel proud to state, that I am the only one of that institution that ever obtained all its medals. I do not state this with any feeling of vanity but only as a further claim on your con- fidence. My greatest ambition is to be employed to restore the Statue alluded to. Should I be employed for that pur- pose tis my intention to do it in this City, that all risk of transportation may be done away with. This circumstance however favourable to the Figure would increase the expence attendant on it in consequence of my being compeled for a Canova's Statue of Washington. 63 time to remove my Family and Workmen from New York ; however gain is not my object ; fame is a Sculptor's riches. I will therefore undertake that the whole cost of it shall not exceed Five thousand dollars. In its present state the Statue will exist but a few years. Trust me to restore it and thus preserve to posterity Canova's finest work, and to the world a Statue of its greatest Hero. I have the honor to be Sir Most Respectfully your Obedient Servant Ball Hughes His Excellency Governor Montford Stokes. Report of the Committee on the Restoration of Canova's Statue of Washington [Dec. 15, 1831]. The Joint Select Committee, to whom was referred the message of the Governor, communicating the proposition of Mr. Ball Hughes to restore to its former condition the Statue of Washington belonging to North Carolina, have considered the subject, and beg leave respectfully to report : Among the regrets occasioned by the late destruction of the State House, it is believed by the Committee that none have been more deeply or generally felt by the Citizens of North Carolina than those which were excited by the muti- lation of the monument, which the gratitude of the State had caused to be erected to the memory of the Father of his Country. True it is, that while a heart beats amongst us to which Liberty is dear, or which can swell with admiration for Patriotism, the name of Washington raiust live, em- balmed in the affections and consecrated by the reverence of his countrymen. No storied Urn or animated Bust is needed to perpetuate the glories of his achievements, or to rescue from oblivion the recollection of his services. But the people of this State had a right to be proud of the evidence they had exhibited of the intensity with which they delighted to 64 NoKTH Cakolina Historical Commission. cherish his memory. Limited in their means, plain in their habits, and economical in their expenditures, on this one subject they had indulged a generous magnificence. At their bidding, the genius of Canova had given to the marble of Carrara the impress of his noble figure, and this last and greatest work of the first sculptor of the age was to be seen in the Capitol of our unpretending State, gratifying the curiosity of our own Citizens, attracting the attention of strangers, and fixing the admiration of the lovers of the arts. A full heart had thus spoken, and was relieved by this ex- pression of its feelings. The erection of this Statue by the People and their repre- sentatives was the result of a generous impulse of nature. But the act was not the less recommended by a sound , and sagacious policy. A mionument like this was a book which all could read, and w'hich bade the most thoughtless and in- attentive to enquire and reflect. To the Legislator, as he passed by to the Council hall of the State, as well as to the ardent and young of every condition, it taught a lesson the most salutary, and not the less impressive because it was communicated without the formalities of instruction. While it refuted the calumny which stigmatizes republics as un- grateful, it taught the [that] true glory is the meed of virtue, and that, though temporary popularity may be gained by courting public favour, permanent renown, the renown which triumphs over the grave, is awarded to him alone who seeks the public good with pure and devoted disinterestedness. Besides, few sentiments are found to be more congenial with Patriotism, or more favourable to public and private virtue, than a rational State pride. As no one can love that of which he is ashamed so it is impossible not to regard with affection the community of which we are proud to be mem- bers. The duty of advancing the prosperity, defending the rights, and cherishing, improving and perpetuating the insti- tutions of our country, is performed with ardour when that country stands high in our own estimation and is known to Canova's Statue of Washington. 65 be respected by others. To serve it becomes a pleasure and ceases to be a task, when we feel that it is worthy of our service; and every, even the humblest, citizen of a free State appropriates to himself a portion of the reputation which belongs to the State itself. As that reputation is raised, his self-respect is increased ; and if self-respect be not itself a virtue, it is assuredly one of the best safeguards against the degradation of vice. Impressed With these sentiments which they entertain in common wdth the great body of our People, yet unacquainted wdth operations of the kind proposed by Mr. Hughes, and comparing the present mutilated and defaced Statue with its former well remembered perfect and finished state, the Committee entered upon the proposed enquiry, with strong fears that an entire restoration was impracticable. They rejoice to say that these fears have been dispelled. If con- fidence can be reposed in the testimony of the most honoured and enlightened men in our land, Mr. Hughes is competent to accomplish all that he promises. If a judgment can be formed from Avhat he has already done, the task which he pledges himself to execute is not beyond his ability. With perfect candour he has laid before the Committee the details of his intended operations and has invited the freest enquiry from every member. Your Committee fully believe that he can not merely repair but restore the Statue, perfect, dur- able and with all its original grandeur and elegance. He engages to do this for the sum of five thousand dollars, to be paid to him in such equitable instalments as may be arranged betAveen himself and any person whom the Legis- lature may designate. Mr. Hughes has also entered into a statement of the probable costs and expenses attending the proposed undertaking, which satisfies the Corumittee that it can not be to him one of much pecuniary emolument. Indeed, gain appears to weigh but little in his estimation. With the enthusiasm, of an artist devoted to his profession. 66 JS^ORTH Carolina Historical Commission. he seems impelled bj the ambitiou of becoming the restorer of the Statue of Washington, and thus to connect his name with that of the great Canova. One fact, highly honorable to the disinterestedness of Mr. Hughes, your Committee take pleasure in stating. A neces- sary preliminary step to the restoration of the Statue is the making of a perfect cast in Plaister. It is represented to your Committee that in all such cases it is usual for the artist to retain this model in order that he may be enabled to exhibit it as a specimen of his skill. Upon the inti- mation of a wish that he would forego this claim, Mr. Hughes readily assented, upon condition that he might be permitted to present the cast to the University of our State. The Statue is the property of the People of !North Caro- lina. It cost them a large sum, and in the estimation of competent judges its value exceeded the cost. In its present condition it is without use and without value. The in- clemencies of our atmosphere, unless its injuries be inune- diately repaired, must soon destroy it entirely. The duty of attempting its restoration ought to be begun now or aban- doned altogether. In the opinion of your Committee it would be a wasteful parsimony by a refusal of five thousand dollars to permit the destruction of public property worth five times that sum. In their opinion, the abandonment of this once magnificent monument to the fate with which it is threatened, would subject ITorth Carolina to the just reproach of the other States of the Confederacy, of all who venerate the memory of Washington, and of the admirers of genius and art throughout the civilized world. In their opinion, though the People of I'Torth Carolina may be poor they are ready to encounter any expenditure which is demanded by a just re- spect for themselves and your Committee believe that this Legislature would little consult either the character or wishes of those whom it represents if it refused to embrace this opportunity of re-erecting the Statue of him, who living was Canova's Statue of Washington. 67 always first in the hearts of our fathers, and whose name is now enshrined with the same precedence in the affections of their sons. The Committee unanimonsly recommend the following Resolution : Resolved that the Governor be authorized and requested to make a contract with Mr. Ball Hughes for the restoration of the Statue of Washing-ton upon the basis of the principles set forth in this Report, and that he be authorized to draw warrants on the Treasury from time to time to an amount not exceeding five thousand dollars in order to carry such contract into effect. Respectfully submitted Will : Gaston for the Comjnittee.^ Governor Stokes to Ball Hughes ^ Executive Department Raleigh, N. Carolina, January 18th, 1832 Mr. Ball Hughes, '^0 62 Franklin Street N. York. Sir I enclose you a copy of the Report on your Representa- tion to the Legislature of ITorth Carolina, together with a copy of the Resolution adopted on the subject of repairing the Statue of Washington. You can therefore commence the Work when you think proper; and it is desirable on m'lany accounts that you should not delay. You will perceive by the tenor of the Resolution that I am not at liberty to enter into the contract precisely on the terms stated in your propo- sition ; but as I have the greatest confidence in your skill and ability I do not apprehend any difficulty with either you or myself in making the contract. I will draw in your 1 The report is in Gaston's handwriting. The Resolution was adopted by the House of Commons, January 11, 1832, yeas 86, nays 30; and by the Senate, January 13, 1832, yeas 29, nays 21. 2 Governor's Letter Book. 68 IsToRTH Carolina Historical Commission. favour for One thousand Dollars as soon as yon commence the work, and as you progress, will endeavour to comply with your terms as nearly as the Resolution authorises. As you have the Report and Resolution both before you, it remains with you to decide upon the terms of the contract which I am authorised to make, and I think they are such as will justify your immediate removal and that of your hands and materials to this place. I am. Sir, with respect, Your obedt. Servant M: Stokes. Governor Stokes to the General Assembly ^ [Nov. 19 1832] A resolution of the General Assembly directed that a ''contract should be made with Mr. Ball Hughes for the "restoration of the Statue of Washington upon the basis of "the principles set forth in the report of the joint selecc "committee on that subject." In obedience to this Resolution, a written contract was made with Mr. Hughes, and sometime in May last he com- menced the undertaking, and so far as I was able to judge, in a manner conformable to the principles laid down in the Report. Being desirous of removing his family and ma- terials to this place, he returned to ISTew York about the first of July, under an express promise to return and prosecute the work in fifteen days. With a confident reliance upon this promise, and to facilitate the speedy removal of his family, his workmen, and materials, a sum of money was advanced, perhaps beyond the portion of the labor done ac- cording to the contract — of this, however, I confess myself not a competent judge. The whole sum advanced to Mr. Hughes amounts to two thousand eight hundred Dollars. Mr. Hughes finding (as I understand from him) that sick- ness prevails to an alarming extent in New York, removed 1 Extract from his annual message, November 19, 1832. Canova's Statue of Washington. 69 with his family to 'New Jersey, and has not returned to North Carolina. He has since requested that the moulds and casts for the repair of the Statue should be forwarded to ]^ew York, where he intended to prosecute the work. I thought proper to forbid the removal of anything pertaining to the Statue, as the contract requires that the repairs shall be miade in Raleigh. William Gaston to Governor Swain' New York Novr. 21st 1833. My dear Sir, I have availed myself of the opportunity presented by my visit to this place to see Mr. Hughes and converse with him freely in relation to his unexecuted contract for restor- ing the Statue of Washington. At the same time I have conferred with several gentlemen of great eminence, con- versant with the fine arts and well acquainted with Mr. Hughes, with a view of enabling me to form an opinion as to his ability to execute his engagement. It w^ould be tedious and perhaps unprofitable to enter into a detail of the causes which have so long delayed the completion of the work. I believe that the main one has been pecuniary embarrassment proceeding from that inattention to economy too often found among eminent artists, unexpected difficulties to which strangers are always exposed, and the increased expenditures of himself and his family caused by the cholera of last year and the panic which it spread so extensively. Of the man's skill not a reasonable doubt can be entertained. His wlorks, here visible, proclaim it. Nor can I question the sincerity of his determination to accomplish his undertaking. I am not influenced in this opinion by his declaration merely, but by the information of those who know him well, and who assure me that he is deeply, most deeply mortified by what has occurred. I am satisfied that he fully purposes to do all that he has promised, and that he has the skill to effect lA. L. S. David L. Swain, Governor of North Carolina, 1832-1835. 70 ]S[oKTH Carolina Historical Commission. this purpose. My only doubt is whether the same pecuniary embarrasments which have retarded the work may not yet longer delay it. I complained to him that he did not return to Carolina as soon as the Cholera panic was over and there resume his operations. He stated that then he found himself embar- rased by Waugh leaving him; that another worknian whose name I have forgotten, and who had been retained to assist him in the work died just before the time appointed for going on, and that before he could get necessary aid he was obliged to enter on another work for the means of subsistence. I pressed him to go on now. He says he has here workmen, a shop, the material, and the necessary machinery, and that he can here operate as well (were but his models here) as at Raleigh and at one fourth the expense, and he solemnly promises that the instant he receives these, which are daily expected, he will devote his attention to the work and never intermit his labour until he has accomplished it. He asks no further payments until he has restored the Statue, and pledges himself to go on to Raleigh the moment he has done all which can be so much better done here. I asked him within what time we might calculate with confidence upon the business being compleated, and he answ:ered that with- out some unforeseen calamity the Statue should be finally restored within twelve months after the models came to hand. I am convinced that it would be useless and believe that it might be pernicious to resort to legal measures against him. He has no money to refund, and the fear of being ar- rested has I believe not a little operated to prevent his re- turn to the State, This then Sir is the situation of the affair. He is able to do the work, he fully purposes to do it, and he thinks that he can accomplish this purpose within a reasonable time. My only fear is that the necessity of procuring immediate supplies may divert his attention from the business and pro- duce further delays than he dreams of. But as he can not Canova's Statue of Washington. 71 go ou to Raleigh and the moulds are on their way here, no great injury can result from a little longer delay; and I can not but hope that he will ultimately complete the work to the satisfaction of the Citizens of North Carolina. Very respectfully and affectionately Your friend and obt. Servt. Will: Gaston His Excellency GovEENOE Swain. Louis D. Henry to Governor Swain ^ !N^EW YOEK July 8th 1834. My dear Sie, I received your favor requesting me to act as your agent in ascertaining what progress Ball Hughes the sculptor was making on the work of restoring the statue of Washington, and whether in case he should prove faithless in the execu- tion of his contract with the State of ISTo. Carolina, there was any hope of obtaining pecuniary redress from him by legal coercion. Knowing the solicitude you have felt in common with our fellow citizens of ISTo. C. on this subject, and the pains you have taken to procure from ]\[r. Hughes a compliance, with his contract, and the necessity of obtaining precise and certain information from a variety of creditable sources to satisfy the doubts which exist in our State with regard to the ability, good faith and pecuniary circumstances of Mr. Hughes, I have taken great pains in seeking out information from various classes of people, whose candor and veracity could not be questioned, some of whom were artists, some amateurs and others practical men of business, and all of them together knomng Mr. Hughes well, in his personal, professional and business character. The result of these enquiries is so perfectly satisfactory to me, that you may 1 A. L. S. 72 ISToRTH Carolina Historical Commission. rely upon it with entire contidenee, and without the shadow of a doubt. It is this, that Mr. Hughes is a man of genius, in his profession, the heau ideal of enthusiasts and perfectly competent to execute the work he has undertaken, but that he is faithless in the performance of his contracts, seemingly insensible of their moral and honourable obligations, always straitened for money and perfectly improvident in the use or management of it, and finally so poor that there is no hope of indemnity from legal coercion. I called upon Mr. Hughes at his work shop, he received mo with great politeness and took great pains to show me all his works, then in different stages of progress. I admired all, but more particularly his Statue of Alcxr. Hamilton and bust of our friend Mr. Gaston. The bust of Mr. Gaston is the most admirable likeness, the truest to nature and the original of all the works of painting or statuary I have ever seen. I pointed it out in an instant, although I had upon the first recognition of it but an eskance view and was ignor- ant that such a work was there or in contemplation. May 1 venture the passing suggestion that so admirable a likeness of a man who is universally esteemed and who is in fact so great an ornament of our State ought to be set up in the Hall of our State House or in the room of the Supremie Court. If the Legislature will not, I am clear the Bar shall by permission of the Legislature. I believe the work was undertaken by Mr. Hughes of his own accord. Mr. Hughes says that he will complete the Statue of Hamilton (which he executes for the merchants of this City and which is to be set up in the Exchange) in a month or thereabouts, when he will immediately proceed to our State and perform his contract with it by restoring the Statue of Washington This he promises to do in the wannest and most solemn man- ner, alledging that he has been prevented from doing it hereto- fore from circumstances growing out of his pecuniary diffi- culties, but as Hamilton's statue was the first undertaking, and so near completion, he must and is compelled to com- Canova's Statue of Washington. 73 plete it, and swears that our Washington shall be the next. He is not doing any thing upon our Statue of Washington at this time so he informed me, and there was no appearance of it in his shop. I took the liberty of insinuating to him without being oifensive, the many considerations that en- forced the necessity of his immediately completing the Statue of Washington, which were connected with his fame, the character of Washington, the honour of our State, the popular obliquy that threatened the advocates of the measure in the Legislature of 1831, the general interest that the virtuous in Europe and America felt and manifested in the restoration of this Statute, and finally the undying execra- tions of the people of No. C. and of all America upon his name and memory should their hoj)es be disappointed, be- sides the odium and harrassments of an expensive law suit. He assented to it all, and swore by the immortal Gods and all else that was sacred, the work should be completed and before the completion of the new State House. From all therefore I have seen or heard relative to him I so far incline to believe that he will perform his contract shortly, that I would not as yet advise a suit, but persecute him with epistolary importunities (as I find most every one has had to do here whom he has served in the same way and have succeeded) untill all moral constraints are exhausted. Truly yours Louis D. Henky Robert Donaldson to Governor Swain ^ N"ew Yokk Sept. 3rd 1834. Dear Sir, I have now the pleasure to acknowledge your Letter of the 22nd Augt. enclosing a Commnnication for Mr. Hughes, which has been delivered to him. I am still of the opinion, that it is vain to look for the restoration of the Statue by him. He has not finished any 1 A. L. S. Enbert Donaldson, of New York, tlnoiin;h whose agency Governor Swain conimunicated with Hughes. 74: North Carolina Historical Commission. thing (except a mouiiment with some figures in relief in Trinity Church) since he came to the Country, but goes on taking new orders for Busts etc., receiving partial payments in advance and then turning to something else. The only service that he can render to ]^orth Ca. for the money given, which he will ever perform, is to visit Raleigh and pack the Statue, so that it may be shipped to Italy.^ I think Greenough would restore it for three thousand Dollars in the best manner. Yours truly Robert Donaldson Bellamy Storer to R. D. W. Connor - 164 Marlborough St., Boston. January 10, 1908. To R. D. W. Connor, Esq., Raleigh, I^. C. My Dear SiR;, ******* Within five or six years friends of mine have seen the original plaster model [of the Washington] made by Canova's own hands, which was still in a good state of preservation. It forms, or at least did form within that time, a part of the collection of w^orks finished and un- finished, models, and relics of Canova, collected and pre- served in the house in which the sculptor was born at Pos- sagno, not far from Asolo, in the foot hills of the Venetian Alps. I venture to suggest that a rej^lica of the statue might probably be had by the State of North Carolina, at no very great expense, through the friendly intervention of the American Ambassador at Rome with the Italian authori- ties. * 4f * * * * Very faithfully yours, Bellamy Storer. 1 Donaldson's prediction proved well founded. Hughes failed com- pletely to perform his contract. - L. S. In reply to a letter of inquiry relative to certain engravings of the statue in his possession. Canova's Statue of Washington. 75 Robert M. Winthrop to R. D. W. Connor' American Embassy Rome. May 10, 1908. E. D. W. Connor, Esquire, Secretary of the I*Torth Carolina Historical Commis- sion, Raleigh, IST. C. Sir: In reply to yonr letter of the 23rd ultimo, addressed to the Ambassador, I beg to inform you as follows : The Embassy applied simultaneously to the Consulates at Leghorn and at Venice, as well as to the Ministry of Eoreign Affairs for the information desired by you relative to the plaster cast of the statue of Washing-ton executed by Canova. The Minister for Foreign Affairs informed the Ambassa- dor on April 4th last that the Minister of Public Instruc- tion had directed the Commission who has charge of the historical monuments in the Province of Venice to find out if the cast is in condition to have another cast made from it without injury and His Excellency promised to inform the Ambassador of the result of this inquiry and further whether the Royal Government was prepared to offer to the I^orth Carolina Historical Commission this cast as a present. ]!»J"othing further has been heard from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. On the other hand, the American Consul at Leghorn has informed the Embassy that a careful search of the archives of his Consulate fails to discover any correspondence be- tween Canova and Thomas Appleton. The Consul however, adds as follows : ''There is a memorandum dated June 1st, 1820, made by Consul Appleton in the official records saying that a letter (copy?) to the Governor of Xorth Carolina on the iL. S. 76 XoKTH Cakolina Historical Commission. subject of the statue of Washington was 'in file of papers relating to statue.' "There are also in the official records copies of two letters from Consul Appleton to the Governor of North Carolina regarding the statue ; and several references to the Statue in other letters. "Should transcripts of these letters be desired, the cost of the same would be the fees prescribed for copies, — 50 cents for the first 100 words, and 25 cents for every additional hundred words or less." Furthermore, I beg to transmit copies of a letter from the Major of Possagno (Translation) which has been for- warded by the Consul at Venice, in which he courteously agrees to grant permission for the duplication of the cast, together with the Embassy's reply to the Consul. The Em- bassy has been awaiting an answer with reference to the photos desired of the cast as well as estimates of the cost of the copy of the original cast before communicating the above information to you. The Consul at Venice has been again directed to make renewed efforts to secure this supple- mentary information, and as soon as it is received by the Embassy, it will be at once transmitted to you. I am, Sir, Very truly yours, Robert M. Winthrop Second Secretary of Embassy. Canova's Statue of Washington. 77 [Enclosure] Robert M. Winthrop to James V. Long Copy, March 13, 1908. James Verner Long, Esquire, American Consul, Venice. Sir: The Embassy is in receipt of your letters of the 6th and 7th, the second enclosing a communication addressed to you by the Mayor of Possagno, giving permission to have a replica made of the cast in question. The Embassy greatly appreciates the courteous terms used in granting this per- mission, and will transmit a copy of the letter to the Secre- tary of the ]^orth Carolina Historical Commission, which society will be doubtless pleased to avail itself of the Mayor's obliging courtesy. With reference to the allusion in the letter to photos of the cast and estimates of the cost of a replica, the Embassy will be glad if you will point out to the Mayor of Possagno, that the previous inquiries he alludes to, were regarded by the former Ambassador, Mr. White, as of a purely private nature, and the archives of the Embassy contain nothing with reference to the matter. On the other hand, the Embassy before communicating with the above named commission is especially desirous of learning the cost of a replica for which the Mayor has given his kind permission ; also whether photographs of several views of it may be had and at what price. I am, Sir, Your obedient servant, (signed) Robert M. Winthrop. Second Secretary of Embassy. 78 I^ORTH CAROLi:srA Historical Commission. [Enclosure] E. Rossi to James V. Long Copy. TOWN" or POSSAGlSrO. N"o. 151. Office of the Mayor. March 5, 1908. As a special favor, and making an exception to the rule that forbids the reproduction, the Administration of this town has decided to permit the copy of the statue of George Washington by Canova, of which a very fine original model exists in this museum. Such concession has been made with a view to paying a tribute of homage to the great man who was the first President of the United States, and to increase the admiration for the genius of the celebrated artist who is a glory to our country. The Director of the Museo Canoviano, Professor Sera- fini, who studied in the Royal Academy of Pine Arts in Venice, would be disposed to take charge of the said copy. In the month of August, 1906, the Amtu'ican Ambassador, Mr. Henry White, visited the museum in this towm, and he also asked for a reproduction of this work. A correspond- ence was begun on this subject, and at his request, large size photos of George Washington's statue were sent, with a preliminary estimate of the expense, but no answer was re- ceived. This I communicate for your information and as an an- swer to your esteemed note. With kind regards, The Mayor. E. ROSSI. Canova's Statue of Washington. 79 Robert M. Winthrop to R. D. W. Connor^ American Embassy Rome August 22, 1908. R. D. W. Connor, Esquire, Secretary to the ]S[orth Carolina Historical Commission, Raleigh, N. C. Sir: Referring to the Embassy's communication of May 10, last, relative to the plaster cast of the statue of Washington executed by Canova, and especially with reference to the Embassy's statement as to the probability of the Italian Government's desiring to offer the cast as a present, I have now the honor to inform you that the Ambassador is in re- ceipt of a letter from Signore Tittoni, the Italian Minister for Foreign Affairs, in which he states that permission to make a reproduction of the cast having been accorded by the Municipality of Possagiio, whose property the cast is, the Italian Government will take pleasure in having a re- production of the cast made, and is desirous of offering it as a present to the North Carolina Historical Association [Com- mission] . The Ambassador has accepted this generous offer on your behalf and has hastened to express his best thanks to Signer Tittoni, and through him to the Italian Government for this most graceful act of courtesy, and he feels that it will be most highly appreciated by the State of ITorth Carolina as well as by the Historical Commission, of that State. I remain. Sir, Your obedient servant, Robert M. Winthrop Second Secretary of Embassy. iL. S. 80 JsToKTH Carolina Histokical Commission. John W. Garrett to R. D. W. Connor ' American Embassy Rome iNTovember 18, 1909. R. D. W. Connor, Esquire, Secretary, JSTorth Carolina Historical Commission, Ral- eigh, N. C. Sir: With reference to previous correspondence on the subject, I have today received a note from, the Foreign Office inform- ing me that the copy of Canova's statue of Washington was forv\^arded by the Italian Ministry of Public Instruction, enclosed in three cases, from Genoa on the steamer "Luisi- ana" on the 14th of jSTovember, 1909. The three cases were directed to ''The 2^^orth Carolina Historical Commission, Raleigh, N. C."" I am, Sir, Your obedient servant, John W. Garrett Charge cV Affaires. iL. S. - The cases were received and the cast was placed, temporarily, in the east corridor, on the second floor of the State Capitol, January, 1910. Canova's Statue of Washington. 81 Calendar The following is a calendar of all the letters and other documents in the collections of the ISTorth Carolina Histori- cal Commission, relating to Canova's Statue of Washington, which are not printed in this bulletin. Turner (James). United States Senator. A. L. S. Washington, Jan. 6, 181G. To William Miller, Gov. of N". C. Promises to make inquiries as to whether the statue can be made in the United States. Mitchell (Samuel L.) Eminent scientist. A. L. S. New York, Jan. 11, 1816. To I^athaniel Macon, United States Senator. Recommends Messrs. N'orris and Kain, of New York, as competent sculptors to make the statue. Norris and Kain, Sculptors. New York. Jan. 11, 1816. To Samuel L. Mitchell. Offer to make the statue for $5,000. Enclosed in Mitchell's to Macon. Williamson (Hugh). Physician and Historian. A. L. S. New York. Jan. 16, 1816. To Nathaniel Macon. Thinks the statue can be made in New York. Also recommends three sculptors in London, etc. Patterson (Robert). Director of Mint at Philadelphia. A. L. S. Jan. 10, 1816. To William Jones, Secretary of Navy. Recommends Valeperta, an Italian sculptor. En- closed in Jones's to Macon. P. 20. Williamson (Hugh). A. L. S. New York. Jan. 22, 1816. To Nathaniel Macon. Recommends a New York sculptor. Discusses the style and costume, and recommends Roman. 6 82 N^ORTH Carolina Historical Commission. ISTicbolsoii (Joseph H.) Judge. A. L. S. Baltimore, Jan. 25, 1816. To Nathaniel Macon. Recommends Vala- perta, an Italian sculptor then in Washington. "Valaperta worked a long time for the Empress Josephine, in the Palace at Malmaison, and comes out with a great Reputation." ■Miller (William). Gov. of Is^. C. Governor's Letter Book, (26) Executive Office, N". C. Raleigh, May 4:th 1816. To William Pinkney, IT. S. Minister to Russia. Request- ing him to procure the services of Thomas Appleton, Ameri- can Consul at Leghorn, to make contract with Canova for the statue. Style to be Roman, price $10,000. Miller (William). Governor's Letter Book, (29). Exe- cutive Office N. C. Raleigh, May 9, 1816. To Jamtes Mon- roe, Secretary of State. Requesting a letter to Appleton, etc. King (William R). Secretary to the American Embassy to Russia. A. L. S. Baltimore, May 16, 1816. To Gov. Miller. Will make arrangements in Baltimore with Apple- ton's nephews for transmitting remittances to Appleton, etc. King (William R.) A. L. S. Baltimore, May 18, 1816. To Gov. Miller. Has made arrangements for transmitting remittances, etc. Miller (William). Governor's Letter Book, (37). Peters- burg, Va. May 26, 1816. To William R. King. "Upon reflection I have thought it best to postpone the purchase of a statue of Genl Washing-ton," etc. ISTote in Letter Book: "Never received by Mr. King." Monroe (James). Secretary of State. Copy. Depart- ment of State, May 27, 1816. To Thomas Appleton. ". . . it will be very satisfactory to the President that you should afford him [Mr. King] all the aid in your power" [in making a contract with Canova]. Canova's Statue of Washington. 83 Pinkney (William). U. S. Minister to Russia. A. L. S. Xaples, Aug. 1, 1816. To Gov. Miller, ". . . it will give me sincere Pleasure to be of use in the very interesting Subject of youir Letter," etc. King (William R.) A. L. S. Florence, Sept. 29, 1816. To Gov. Miller, Appleton has agreed to superintend the statue, and ''Canova, certainly the first Artist in the world, has agTeed to undertake it's execution." Resolution of the General Assembly of E'orth Carolina. Dec. 11, 1816. Requests information from the Governor of steps taken to secure the statue. Miller (William). Gov. of !N". C. Governor's Letter Book. (138). Executive Office. N". C. Raleigh, Dec. 12, 1816. To the General Assembly of iN'orth Carolina. Giving account of his course in making contract for statue, etc. Resolution of the General Assem;bly of ISTorth Carolina. Dec. 28, 1816. Api>roving the Governor's action etc. Miller (William). Governor's Letter Book (223). Petersburg, Ya., Feb. 1, 1817. To N". & C. Appleton. Re- questing the purchase of two bills on Amsterdam or Paris of $3,500 each, etc. Dall and Company (William). L. S. Baltimore. Feb. 4, 1817. To Gov. Miller. Have succeeded to business of N. & C. Appleton, and purchased the bills as requested, etc. Dall and Company (William). L. S. Baltimore March 6, 1817. To Gov. Miller. Requesting remittance for bills, etc. Enclosing copy of letter to Daniel Cromelin and Sons instructing them to place 17,500 guilders to credit of Gov. Miller. Miller (William). Governor's Letter Book. (257). Exe- cutive Office K C. Raleigh. March 19. 1817. To William Dall & Co. Enclosing letter to Thomas Appleton. 84 North Carolina Historical Commission. Miller (William). Governor's Letter Book, (256). Exe- cutive Office N. C. Raleigh. March 19, 1817. To Daniel Cromelin and Sons. Draft for 17,500 guilders in favor of Thomias Appleton. Appleton & Dall. L. S. Baltimore, May 13, 1817. To Gov. Miller. Letters to Apjileton have been sent to the care of John Quincy Adams at London. Miller (William). Governor's Letter Book. (307.) Exec- utive Office N. C. Raleigh. May 17, 1817. To Brig. Genl. Joseph G. Swift. Cerrachi's bust and Trumbull's portrait of Washington to be used by Canova as models, etc. Appleton & Dall. L. S. Baltimore. July 14, 1817. To Gov. Miller. Daniel Cromelin & Sons have acknowledged receipt of bills, etc. Appleton (Thomas). A. L. S. Leghorn, Jan. 21, 1819. To Gov. Miller. Has drawn on him for $4,34G. Statue fast progressing, etc. Branch (John). Gov. of 'N. C. Governor's Letter Book (156). Raleigh, April 6, 1819. To Ex-Gov. Miller. Itai- portuned daily to accept Appleton's draft for $4000 ; Miller's warrant book shows that money had been sent ; wishes further information, etc. Miller (William). A. L. S. Louisburg, April 7, 1819. To Gov. Branch. A few days before leaving office drew a warrant for $3160, to remit to Appleton ; entrusted money to Thos. H. Brown, of Baltimore, to be delivered to Appleton & Dall ; fears the mioney has been lost ; offers to make it good to the State. Plummer (William). Private Secretary to the Governor. Governor's Letter Book (157). To William Dall & Co. Canova's Statue of Washington. 85 Requesting whether Gov. Miller's agent delivered the money, etc. Dall (William). A. L. S. Baltimore. April 12, 1819. To William Pliitmmer. Giving details of transactions with Gov. Miller; has not received the $3160 entrusted to Thos. H. Brown. Plummer (William). Governor's Letter Book, (156). Ealeigh. May 8, 1819. To Ex-Gov. Miller. Governor does not wish him to act with precipitation, or to sacrifice any property; will make inquiries about Brown, etc. Thompson (Smith). Secretary of the ISTavy. L. S. Navy Department. Jan. 27, 1820. To Nathaniel Macon & Mont- ford Stokes, U. S. Senators. Commodore Bainbridge, com- manding the U. S. Mediterranean Squadron, has been in- structed to arrange for bringing the Statue to the U. S. in a war vessel. Macon (Nathaniel) and Stokes (Montford). L. S. Wash- gton. Jan. 31. 1820. To Gov. Branch, above letter from the Secretary of the Navy. ington. Jan. 31. 1820. To Gov. Branch. Enclosing the Branch (John). Governor's Letter Book (278). Exec- utive Office, No. Ca. Raleigh. Feb. 15, 1820. To Thomas Appleton. Commodore Bainbridge will transport the Statue to the U. S. Bainbridge (William) Commodore LT. S. N. L. S. U. S. Ship Columbus, Leghorn Roads, July 1, 1820. To Gov. Branch. Statue not ready in time to go by U. S. Frigate Gurriere. Appleton, (Thomas). A. L. S. Leghorn. March 30, 1821. To Gov. Branch. Statue shipped by IT. S. Ship, Peacock. 86 ISToRTH Carolina Historical Commission. Franklin (Jesse). Governor of North Carolina. Gov- ernor's Letter Book (27). Executive Office No. Carolina. Raleigh. April 4, 1821. To the Secretary of the Navy. Requests advices as to whether the statue will be shipped by U. S. Ship. Thompson (Smith). Secretary of the Navy. L. S. Navy Department. April 17. 1821. To Gov. Franklin. Repeats assurance that statue will be shipped by U. S. Ship. Franklin (Jesse) Governor's Letter Book (70). Exec- utive Office. No. Carolina. Raleigh. July [31] 1821. To Commodore Bainbridge. Acknowledges letter informing him that statue had arrived at Boston on the Columbus. Requests information relative to shipping to North Carolina. Franklin (Jesse) Governor's Letter Book (74). Execu- tive Office. No. Carolina. Raleigh July 31, 1821. To Thomas Appleton. Statue in Boston. "Grateful acknowl- edgements" for his "jDarticular attention" to the business. Bainbridge (William). A. L. S. Boston, Aug. 12, 1821. To Gov. Franklin. Is making inquiries relative to shipping the statue by coasting vessel to Wilmington. Franklin (Jesse). Governor's Letter Book (81). Exec- utive Office No. Carolina. Raleigh. Sept. 10, 1821. To Commodore Bainbridge. Accepting his oifer to superintend shipment of the statue to Wilmington. Bainbridge (William). L. S. Boston. Sept. 18, 1821. To Gov. Franklin. Enclosing copy of letter from. A. Bin- ney. Enclosure : Amos Binney, U. S. Navy Agent. Boston. Sept. 18, 1821. To Commodore Bainbridge. The statue ''cannot he placed under dech of any vessel employed in the coasting trade;" suhmitting propositions for its transporta- tion to Wilmington or Norfolk. Canova's Statue of Washington. 87 Franklin (Jesse). Governor's Letter Book (117). Exec- utive Office 'No. Carolina. Ealeigh. Sept. 28, 1821. To Commodore Bainbridge, leaving manner of shipment to his judgpnent. Bainbridge (William). L. S. Boston. Nov. 3, 1821. To Gov. Franklin. Statue ''was shipped on board the Schooner, Mary Ann, Stephen Skiff, Master, which vessel sailed on the 26th bound to Wilmington, N. C." Thaxter (Benj. L.) D. S. for Stephen Skiff, Wilming- ton, Nov. 22, 1821. Receipt for freight on statue from Boston to Wilmington. Franklin (Jesse). Governor's Letter Book (142). Exec- utive Office No. Carolina, Raleigh. Nov. 10, 1821. To James Owen, Collector of the Port of Wilmington, request- ing him to take charge of the statue upon its arrival at Wilmington, in case of the absence of John Hogg, to whom it was consigned. Hogg (John). A. L. S. Wilmington, N. C. Nov. 12, 1821. To Gov. Franklin, notifying him of the arrival of the statue at Wilmington. Franklin (Jesse). Governor's Letter Book (144). Exec- utive Office, No. Carolina. Raleigh. Nov. 15, 1821. To John Hogg, requesting him to make contract for transport- ing statue up the Cape Fear to Fayetteville. Franklin (Jesse). Governor's Letter Book (146). Exec- utive Office No. Carolina. Raleigh Nov. 18, 1821. To James Owen, requesting that no contract for transportation of statue to Fayetteville be made. Bainbridge (William). A. L. S. Boston. Nov. 20, 1821. To Gov. Franklin, enclosing bill of lading etc. Efi- closure: Shiff (Stephen) Master of the Mary A^iJi. D. 8. 88 I^OKTH Carolina Historical Commission. Bill of lading for Statue of WasJiingtoH: Binney (Amos) Account of expenses incurred in shipment to Wilmington. Franklin (Jesse). Governor's Letter Book (159). Exec- utive Office 1^0. Carolina. Ealeigh. Nov. 25, 1821. To William Nichols, State Architect, instructing him to go to Wilmington to superintend the transportation of the Statue to Raleigh. Nichols (William). State Architect. A. L. S. Raleigh. Nov. 26, 1821. To Gov. Franklin. Will go to Wilmington tomorrow etc. Franklin (Jesse). Governor's Letter Book (160). Exec- utive Office, No. Carolina. Raleigh. Nov. 26, 1821. To the General Assembly. Encloses vouchers etc. from Thomas Appleton, recommends compensation to Appleton, etc. Franklin (Jesse). Governor's Letter Book (166). Exec- utive Office. No. Carolina. Raleigh. Nov. 28, 1821. To Commodore Bainbridge, informing him of safe arrival of Statue at Wilmington. Raleigh Register, The, Friday, Dec. 28, 1821. Account of the unveiling of the Statue in the State House. Appleton (Thomas). A. L. S. Leghorn, July 1, 1822. To Gov. Branch, complaining of not receiving any reply to his letter of April 18, 1821 ; requests information as to arrival of the statue, etc. etc. Holmes, (Gabriel). Gov. of N. C. Governor's Letter Book (106). Executive Office, No. Ca. Raleigh, March 4, 1823. To Thomas Appleton, giving reasons for delay in replying to his letter of April 18, 1821 ; for failure of Legislature to vote a compensation for his services ; his serv- ices deeply appreciated, and will undoubtedly be rewarded by the next Legislature. Canova's Statue of Washington. 89 Appleton (Tliomas). Extract of letter to Thomas Jeffer- son, enclosed in Jefferson's to Gov. Holmes, Aug. 3, 1823. Gives history of the Statue and complains of the failure of the Legislature to give credit for his services or compensa- tion for his trouble and use of C'errachi's bust. Holmes (Gabriel). Governor's Letter Book (110). Exec- utive Department. Raleigh. Oct. 6, 1823. To Thomas Jefferson. Gives history of the failure to compensate Appleton. Devereux (T. P.) Governor's Private Secretary. Gov- ernor's Letter Book (205). Raleigh. April 7, 1824. To Robert Lenox. Request to remit to Thomas Appleton the sum of $500. Lenox (Robert). A. L. S. N"ew York. April 16, 1824. To Gov. Holmes. Will make the remittance to Appleton "with gr'eat satisfaction." Devereux (Thomas). A. L. S. Raleigh, July 6, 1831. To Montford Stokes, Gov. of JST. C. Enclosing letter from Ball Hughes. (P. 57.) "It is almost useless to add that I never before heard of Mr. Hughes & that your Excellency has all the knowledge upon the subject which I possess." Stokes (Montford). Gov. of X. C. Governor's Letter Book. ¥ov. 22, 1831. To the General Assembly. Extract. Destruction of Canova's Statue of Washington. Wainwright (Jonathan M.) A. L. S. ^N'ew York. N"ov. 25, 1821. To Gov. Stokes. Introduces Ball Hughes as "an artist of great & acknowledged merit in the department of sculpture." Trumbull (John). A. L. S. Is^ew York. N'ov. 27, 1831. To Gov. Stokes. Recommiends Ball Hughes as competent 90 iSToRTH Carolina Historical Commission. to restore the Statue of Washington ; account of his restora- tion of the Statue of Earl of Chatham in ]^ew York. Livingston (Edward). A. L. S. Washington, ISTov. 30, 1831. To Gov. Stokes. Introduces R. B. Hughes as "a. gentleman of very great merit as a sculptor." Hughes, (Ball) A. L. S. Raleigh. Dec. 7. 1831. To Gov. Stokes. The following enclosures : Van Buren (Martin) . President. A. L. S. Washing- ton. June 3, 1829. To Gen. Van Resselaer. Introduces Ball Hughes "of the British Academy and justly disthir guished for his talents as a sculptor." Will-es (Charles). A. L. 8. N&w York. Nov. 25, 1831. To Ball Hughes. Testimonial of the "very general appro- bation'' of his ivorh in New Yorh, particularly of his model for a statue of Alexander Hatnilton, of Bishop Hohart, and his restoration of the statue of the Earl of Chatham. Hone (Philip). A. L. 8. New York. Nov. 25, 1831. To Andrew 8tevenson. Introducing Hughes as "a sculptor of high reputation" ivhose works in New York "promise to he superior to any tiling which has been executed in our country." Hone (Philip). A. D. 8. Neic- York. Nov. 25, 1831. Testimonial of Ball Hughes' "superior talents as a sculptor" as shoivn by his work in New York. Browne (Walter). Mayor of New York. D. 8. New York. Nov. 26, 1831. Testimonial of Ball Hughes' char- acter and ability. Wilkes (Charles), and Others. D. 8. New York. Dec. 27, 1830. Testimonial of the excellence of Hughes' model of Hamilton. Canova's Statue of Washington. 91 Stokes (Montford). A. L. S. Executive Office. Novem- ber [December] 8, 1831. To the General xlssembly trans- mitting a coanmimication from Hughes, Dec. 7, 1831, -vvith his endorsements. "^'In the present peculiar state of public feeling, I do not feel myself at liberty to recommend any particular course proper to be pursued on this occasion." Stokes (Montford). Governor's Letter Book. Executive Office. Ealeigh, X. C. Feb. 20, 1832. To Ball Hughes, en- closing draft for $500 ; "It will readily occur to you that in order to accommodate you and forward the undertaking, 1 am departing from the usual customi, by making an advance of money previous to making the contract." Hughes (Ball). A. L. S. New York. Feb. 27, 1832. To Gov. Stokes. Acknowledges receipt of an advance of $500 ; will begin his work on the Statue ''the moment the weather settles a little." Hughes (Ball). A. L. [New York] April 25, [1832]. To Gov. Stokes. In a fortnight will be on the road to Kaleigh ; ''has been detained in New York owing to Mrs. Hughes' confinement." Hughes (Robert Ball). A. L. S. Raleigh City. May 28, 1832. To Gov. Stokes. Encloses form of a contract. "I have now commenced the work, have been engaged on it nearly three days, in fact I have moulded most of the frag- ments." Requests the payment of another $500. Stokes (Montford) and Hughes (Robert Ball). D. S. [Raleigh]. May 29, 1832. Contract for the restoration of the statue of Washington by Hughes for the sum of $5000. William R. Hill, Witness. Hughes (Robert Ball). A. L. S. Raleigh City. June 30, 1832. To Gov. Stokes. Castings of the head, limbs, body and fragments have been produced "in a most success- 92 K'oRTH Carolixa Historical Commission. fill and perfect manner. In consequence of the dreadful cholera having visited this happy countrv, I am anxious be- vond measure that niv wife should be here with me. . . . [now] waiting for me in Philadelphia. ... I intend or hope to leave here for that place by the mail of tomorrow." Request for payment of $800. Hughes (Ball). A. L. S. Xew York. [Sept.] 17 [1832]. To Gov. Stokes. "You will doubtless attribute my non arrival in your city to the dreadful sickness with which we have been visited. Indeed it is impossible to describe the state of alarm and confusion which it has caused to all classes of society," etc. Waugh (Alfred S.) Assistant to Ball Hughes. A. L. S. Raleigh. Sept. 26, 1832. To Gov. Stokes. His "very peculiar situation," owing to Hughes's absence, "universal displeasure of the citizens of the State at his absence from his work," "his threats of a prosecution by law, if I do not forward the casts of the Statue now made, to him the said R. B. Hughes in the city of iSTew York," requests Governor's advice '*as to the line of conduct I must pursue," etc. Stokes (Montford). Governor's Letter Book. Executive Office, Raleigh. Sept. 20, 1832. To Alfred S. Waugh. "I would advise you not to send the casts to Xew York; nor will their removal be permitted." Hughes (Ball). A. L. S. [Xew York]. Oct. 2, 1832. To Gov. Stokes. Complains of unfaithfulness of Waugh, his refusal to obey instructions, etc. The cholera in [N^ew York has "put an end to my thinking of returning to Raleigh." Hughes (Ball). A. L. S. Xew York. Oct. 10, 1832. To Gov. Stokes. Xecessary to have the casts sent to Xew York. "My going to Raleigh at the present time would not forward but retard the work. ... I entreat vour Excel- CajS'ova's Statue or Washington. 93 lency to have the Casts and moulds forwarded with all possible speed. Do not have a moment's anxiety respecting the work." Feels "too much pride and honor" etc. "to deceive or disappoint the hopes" etc. Hughes (Robert Ball). A. L. S. [Xew York], Nov. 1, 1832. To Gov. Stokes. IndigTiant at charge in the Greensborough Patriot that he had "run awav," etc. a "slanderous libel," "an infamous lie," etc. " 'Tis true I have received 2,800 dollars," etc., but no more than entitled to by contract etc. Stokes (Montford). A. L. S. Raleigh. Xov. 6, 1832. To Robert Ball Hughes. Editor of the Greensborough Patriot "a reckless fault finder, and has abused me worse than he has you." Understanding that the work was to be done in Raleigh. Xo objection to removal of the casts "but you can not expect me to superintend their transportation to a seaport," etc. Fears Legislature may rescind appro- priation if you do not "shew a disposition to go on with the work" ; earnestly recommends "that you come on as soon as convenient" etc. Hughes (Robert Ball). A. L. S. New York. Dec. 29, 1832. To Daniel TV. Courts and Benjamin Sumner, Com- mittee of the Legislature. A defence of his course in regard to the Statue. Swain (David L.) Gov. of X. C. Governor's Letter Book (23-27). Executive Department. Raleigh. Jan. 23, 1833. To Robert Ball Hughes. Has been authorized by the Legislature to take such steps relative to Hughes' con- tract as he deems wise. Reviews the controversy, and urges Hughes to take immediate steps to execute his contract. Hughes (Ball). A. L. S. Xew York. Feb. .5, 1833. To Gov. Swain. Enclosing Gov. Stokes' letter authorizing removal of the casts. 94 l^ORTH Carolina Historical Commission. Swain (David L.) Governor's Letter Book. Executive Department. Raleigh. Feb. 12, 1833. To Robert Ball Hughes. "The casts will be delivered to any agent you may designate to receive them," Swain (David L.) Governor's Letter Book. Executive Department. Raleigh. March 25, 1833. To Robert Ball Hughes. Requests an answer to his letter of Feb. 12. "You will j)erceive the propriety and necessity of advising me at once of the course which you may determine tO' pursue in relation to your contract with the state." Swain (David L.) Governor's Letter Book. Executive Department. Raleigh. March 25, 1833. To James Don- aldson. Requests him to deliver the above letter to Hughes. Donaldson (James). Governor's Letter Book (60). I^ew York. April 8, 1833. To Gov. Swain. Letter to Hughes delivered on the 4th inst. Hughes (Robert Ball). A. L. S. N'ew York. [April 19, 1832]. To Gov. Swain. Will have casts removed at once, and m\ake "utmost exertions to complete the said work" etc. Gales (Weston R.) Governor's Letter Book. Raleigh. May 30, 1833. To Gov. Swain. Enclosing letter from Hughes. Enclosure: Hughes (Ball) Governor's Letter Booh (73). New York. May 21, 1883. To Weston R. Gales. Requests his superintendence of the removal of the casts, & gives directions for paching etc. Swain (David L.) Governor's Letter Book (119). Exec- utive Department. Raleigh. Oct. 8, 1833. To R. B. Hughes. A request for a report on his wOrk. Hughes (Ball). A. L. S. [New York] Oct. 14 [1833]. To Gov. Swain. "In about three weeks from the present Canova's Statue of Washi^stgton. 95 time, I expect to be at work on the Statue, and shall not leave it for any other order, until it is finished and safe in your State house at Raleigh." Donaldson (Eobert). A. L. S. I^^e\v York. Oct. 15, 1833. To Gov. Swain. ''Hughes has several other things on hand and I fear that it may be some time before he com- pletes his contract." Swain (David L.) Governor's Letter Book (122). Ra- leigh. ISTov. 8, 1833. To Judge William Gaston. Invests him with full authority, while in ISTew York, to investigate work of Hughes. "If he satisfies you that he can and will jDerform his contract, urge him by every consideration, con- nected with his reputation, to its immediate execution. If on the contrary you come to the conclusion, that he is want- ing either in ability or disposition, I would thank you to suggest to me the best means of obtaining redress." Swain (David L.) Governor's Letter Book (180). Ex- ecutive Department. Raleigh. ]\larch 5, 1834. To Robert Ball Hughes. Introduces H. I. Cannon who will call "to ascertain and report to me the state of your operations upon the Statue of Washington." Hughes (Ball). A. L. S. [A^ewYork]. April 3, [1834]. To Gov. Swain. "I will now put the entire strength of my study on that Work [the statue], and will have it ready for the State House sometime in September" ; cannot go to Raleigh till August. Swain (David L.) Governor's Letter Book (219), Ex- ecutive Department. Raleigh. June 17, 1834. To Louis D. Henry. Appoints him agent, while in l^ew York, to ex- amine state of Hughes' work, etc. Swain (David L.) Governor's Letter Book (238). Ex- ecutive Department. Raleigh. August 22, 1834. To Rob- 96 North Caeolina Historical Commission. ert Donaldson. Encloses letter for Hughes, "probably for the last time." Enclosure: Swain (David L.) Governor's Letter Booh {237). Executive Department. Raleigh. Au- gust 20, 183Jf-. To Robert Ball Hughes. "I have been much disappointed in receiving no intelligence from you on the subject" [of tlie statue~\. Swain (David L.) Governor's Letter Book. Executive Department. Dec. 10, 1834. To the General Assembly. Encloses documents bearing on controversy with Hughes. ''I consider it only necessary to refer to these papers as afford- ing conclusive evidence that Mr. Hughes possesses the requi- site skill to enable him to fulfill his engageiment, but that he is, unfortunately for the interests of the State, and his own reputation, entirely beyond the influence of either legal or moral coercion." Hughes (Ball). Governor's Letter Book (315). [New York]. Jan. 15, 1835. To Gov. Swain. "My Statue of Hamilton is finished. * * * Eor the next six months I will devote myself to your work," etc., etc. Everett (Edward). A. L. S. Charlestou, Mass. Nov. 21, 1835. To William Gaston. Recommends Mr. L. Per- sico, "an Italian sculptor of merit," either to restore Canova's Washington, or to replace it with one of his own execution. Hughes (Ball). A. L. S. New York. Aug. 16 [1837 ?]. To Edward B. Dudley, Gov. of N. C. Will proceed with his work on the Statue, and devote his "entire time" to it, if the Governor Avill advance another $500. Grahami (William A.). Gov. of N. C. Governor's Let- ter Book. Executive Office. May 24, 1848. To A. H. Shepperd, giving a history of Canova's Statue of Washington. LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS I mill mil Hill Hill mil mil mil mil Hill ii mil 014 418 086