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MARQUIS &c COMPANY 1914 COPYRIGHT, 1914, BY ALBERT NELSON MARQUIS M/iR -S.-fSM '^^ ©CI.A3fi2727 INTRODUCTORY When the first edition of The Book of Detroiters was published in 1908 it found a large constituency awaiting it. The residents of Detroit, especially the business men. had long felt the need of just such a careful and comprehensive biographical cyclopedia as a book of reference. This was a field that had hitherto been entirely unoccupied, and the new ]x)ok covered it so completely that it was at once accorded a prompt recognition and most cordial reception. Consequently the new reference book soon found its way to the desks of merchants, bankei*s, manufacturers, and professional men generally; into news- paper oflSces ; to the reference shelves of libraries ; and into the homes of the people. And wherever installed it proved itself a mine of valuable information. However, in the course of a few years, as the city grew in popula- tion and new business enterprises sprang up, with new people taking- part in the city's life, it was found that a revised edition of The Book OF Detroiters was necessary to bring the work up to date and to make it adequate to meet the public demand. To supply this obvious need this new and enlarged edition has been prepared, and it is believed that all requirements have been fully met. The mechanical changes that have been made in the book will be recognized as a distinct improvement. The smaller type employed makes it possible to print a much larger number of sketches without materially increasing the bulk, as the aim has been to keep it of con- venient size, while the division of the page into two columns will be found to facilitate lx)th reading and reference work. In order that the authenticity of the published sketches may be understood, it is apropos to say, in this connection, that all the sketches in both editions have been written from data furnished by the persons themselves. To bring all the sketches that appeared in the volume of 1908 up to date for this volimie, they were sent out for personal revision and for the latest data. It will thus be seen that the entire book has been practically written anew, and that every sketch is in fact an autobiography. In making selections for the new biographies the same care has 8 INTRODUCTORY been taken, as in the first edition, to keep the personnel of the Ijook thoroughly representative of the best intellectual and business life of the city. Every available source has been made use of, and the merits and claims of the individual in each case have been carefully con- sidered. In every particular the most painstaking care and experi- enced methods have been employed to make the work as nearly perfect as possible. The new volume cannot fail to give satisfaction to the people of Detroit, who are proud of their beautiful and progressive city, and of the men who contribute to its success. In the concise biographical sketches contained in its pages the business man will be able to find a sjTiopsis of the careers of many of his competitors and patrons, to- gether with a vast amount of personal information about others of his fellow-citizens which may be of benefit to him, both from a business and social standpoint. As a matter of fact, the book contains more inter- esting and valuable information about the living men of Detroit than all other books combined. An examination of the book will show that a large niunber of new names have been added. These have been recruited from various sources. In the lapse of time since the first edition was issued many important changes have taken place in the personnel of Detroiters who are ' * worth while. ' ' Many ambitious young men have come to the front, while a number of business and professional men who were then obscure have become prominent, and have therefore achieved eligibility. A large number also have been supplied by newcomers, men of capital and worth, who, attracted by the rapid growth and prosperity of Detroit, have become residents of the city and have entered into its large business enterprises. The names of some persons who have been much in the public eye have not been included, but the strict alignment as to business vocation and standing have excluded those who have acquired only a passing notoriety. The absence of other names, in some instances of persons of note in the community, will be regretted; but for this absence the publishers are not responsible, as in all such cases the persons failed to respond to the solicitation to furnish the necessary biographical data. Many life sketches that appeared in the volume for 1908 have been omitted from the new edition for various reasons. Some persons have died, and for that reason are no longer eligible, as The Book of Detroiters includes biographies only of the living. Some are no longer INTRODUCTORY 9 residents, and a few are no longer considered of sufficient importance to be retained. However, in each case of omission, the name of the subject has been entered in regular alphabetical order, referring the reader for the sketch to Vol. 1908. The date of death and place of removal are given when they could be ascertained. This feature of the book will be appreciated by those who may desire to obtain authentic information about men who were prominent in the business and pro- fessional life of Detroit in the early years of the twentieth century, but who have passed from mortal activities and left no other record of their life and deeds. The making of the book has been no easy task, but the fact that it is, all things considered, the most complete, reliable and convenient biographical compendium of notable living Detroiters ever published makes the labor involved seem worth while. The Book of Detroiters also commends itself to public esteem as being more than an ephemeral publication, whose usefulness departs with the day and generation it represents. It is, in fact, a work of authority on the life records of leading Detroiters of the present day, and therefore worthy of preservation. To the busy newspaper man, as well as the business man, it will prove invaluable in his work, as by its use he will be able to avoid many exasperating errors when writing in haste about persons with whom he cannot communicate, assured that the information he finds therein is thoroughly reliable. The genealogist likewise may consult it to advantage, knowing that prac- tically all its life histories have the authenticity of personal approval. While prepared particularly for Detroiters, this volume has, in fact, a far wider field of interest and usefulness. In this age of the world when steam and electricity have fairly eliminated time and space, the business interests of the entire country, and even of foreign lands, have come into such intimate and complex relations that a dependable biographical cyclopedia of any one of our large cities has necessarily a national as well as a local interest. The business man of New York or Chicago, or any other large city, has almost equal need to be able to obtain information of his confreres in other communities as in his own. Hence, this comprehensive collection of the life sketches of the business men of so large and important a city as Detroit should be included in the business equipment of mercantile, industrial, and financial estab- lishments everywhere. February 1, 1914. PERSONAL SKETCHES THE BOOK OF DETROITERS BIOGRAPHIES AABON, Charles D., physician; boru, Lock- port, N. Y., May 8, 1866; son of A. Hymes and Hannah (Barnett) Aaron; M. D., Univer- sity of Buffalo, N. Y., 1889; Sc. D., Heidelberg University, 1910; married, June 23, 1902, Winifred Comstock, of Detroit; one daughter: Lillia Josephine. Practiced in Detroit since 1889; professor of gastroenterology and ad- junct professor of dietetics, Detroit College of Medicine; consulting gastroenterologist, Harper Hospital; house physician. Harper Hospital, 1889-90; city physician of De- troit, 1891-92-93. Director German-Ameri- can Bank. Eepublicau. Member American Medical Association, Michigan State and Wayne County Medical societies, Detroit Academy of Medicine, American Gastroenter- ological Association, Northern Tri-State Med- ical Society. Mason. Author: Diseases of the Stomach, 1911, translation (from the Ger- man) ; Examination of the Feces by Means of the Test-Diet, 1906, 2d edition, 1909. Con- tributor to medical journals. Office: 32 West Adams Ave. Residence: 168 Seminole Ave. ABBOTT, Charles Stewart, lawyer; born, Lapeer, Mich., Nov. 3, 1872; son of Austin and Mary J. (Ostrum) Abbott; educated in public schools of Lapeer, Ann Arbor High School and University of Michigan, graduat- ing, LL.B., 1897; married at St. John's, Mich., 1894, Merrie Hoover, and was prose- cuting attorney of Ogemaw Co., Mich., 1898- 1901. Began practice in Ogemaw Co., Mich., 1897; removed to Detroit, 1899, and has since continued in practice as member of the firm of Abbott & Abbott. Proprietor Leland Light & Power Co., East Jordan Electric Light & Power Co., Williamston Illuminating Co. Member Detroit Board of Law. Repub- lican. Presbyterian. Member Association Bar City of Detroit, Michigan State Bar As- sociation. Member I. O. O. F., Knights of Pythias. Club: Detroit Yacht. Recreation: motoring. Office: 823-825 Majestic Bldg. Resi- dence: 111 Palmer Ave. ABEL, Frederic Laurence, musical direc- tor; born, Huron Co., O.; son of Frederic and Nancy (O'Cleary) Atel; educated in public schools of Milwaukee, Chicago and Detroit; was instructed in music by his father, Fred- eric Abel, and at Dr. Hoch Conservatory of Music, Frankf ort-on-the-Main, Germany; married at Detroit, Feb., 1895, May Leggett. Served as clerk in office of R. G. Dun & Co., Milwaukee; removed to Detroit and acted as shipping clerk in wholesale grocery house of John Stephens, 1873-75; entered upon an ex- tended course of studies in music and spent several years in Europe, returning to Detroit, 1881; instructor Detroit Conservatory of Music, 1881-1900; organized the Michigan Conservatory of Music, Sept., 1900, of which is director, secretary and treasurer. Enlisted as member Co. A, 1st Battalion, Michigan National Guard; has been continuously in the service and holds rank in the guard of major, and adjutant general, 1st Brigade; served in Spanish-American War as 1st lieutenant and adjutant 31st Michigan Infantry. Republi- can. Member Music Teachers' National As- sociation. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Member Society of Foreign Wars. Recreations: automobiling and farming. Of- fice: 1020 Woodward Ave. Residence: 1900 Woodward Ave. ABT, Peter Jesse, lawyer; born, New York City, June 8, 1869; son of Peter and Theresa (Holt) Abt; educated in public schools of New York City until 1885; U. S. Army Schools, Columbus, O., 1888, and U. S. Army Schools, San Antonio, Tex., 1889; Detroit Col- lege of Law, 1898-1901, graduating, LL.B., 1901; student of special subjects at medical college and graduate Ontario Veterinary Col- lege, degree of V.S., 1907; married, Nov. 2, 1892, Margaret Reed; children: Helen A,, Reed E., Winifred M., Leroy J. Engaged in 13 14 THE BOOK OF DETROITERS practice since 1901; connected with the De- troit United Eailway, since Jan., 1910. Served in Illinois National Guard, 1886-87; on duty during riots in Chicago; private and sergeant 19th U. S. Infantry, Columbus and San Antonio; honorably discharged at De- troit; 2nd lieutenant Detroit City Greys, Michigan National Guard, 1892; has held rank of captain, major, colonel, and brigadier general of various civic and military organ- izations. Republican. Episcopalian. Mem- ber I. O. O. F. Recreations: outdoor diver- sions. Office: 12 Woodward Ave. Residence: 491 Kercheval Ave. ACKEEMAN, Edward L., automobile hard- ware; born, Davis, Macomb Co., Mich., Oct. 2, 1869; son of Joseph Warren and Sarah A. (Hoover) Ackerman; descended from early Dutch settlers of New Amsterdam (New York), 17th or 18th century; educated in country district school, Michigan, and busi- ness college at Chatham, Ont.; married at Detroit, Aug. 31, 1892, Marie E. Brown; four children: Edna Grace, Edward Clarence, Mar- garet Florence, Robert Joseph. Served as bookkeeper for Jos. N. Smith, Detroit, 1889- 92; bookkeeper to chief clerk of Detroit Cop- per & Brass Rolling Mills, 1892-9; in grocery business for self, 1899-1900; salesman for Chi- cago Brass Co., 1900; bookkeeper Swift & Co., 1901, Chicago and St. Louis; productive engi- neer Detroit Copper & Brass Rolling Mills, 1901-2; vice-president, treasurer and manager Jos. N. Smith & Co., 1902-13, since president and general manager. Progressive Republi- can. Presbyterian. Member Board of Com- merce, Detroit. Recreations: automobiling, fishing. Office: 4th Ave. and Porter St. Resi- dence: 128 Rosedale Court. ACKEBMAN, Henry John, shoe merchant; born, Wayne Co., Mich., Mar. 18, 1877; son of Frederick and Augusta (Trilck) Ackerman; educated Detroit public schools; married, Nov. 6, 1897, Emma Schulte, of Detroit; one child: Harriet. Has resided in Detroit since ke was 2% years of age; began active career with Valpey Shoe Co., 1890, continuing until 1901; started for self, 1901, as H. J. Acker- man; firm succeeded by Yaeger & Ackerman, Feb., 1903. Member First English Lutheran Church. Recreation: outdoor sports. Office: 87 Gratiot Ave. Residence: 1048 Concord Ave. AOKEBMAN, William Easlmer, secretary Standard Motor Truck Co.; born, Flint, Mich., June 11, 1876; son William and Chris- tiana (Riddle) Ackerman; educated public and high schools of Flint and Detroit, by private tutor, and International Correspond- ence School, Scranton, Pa.; married Mayme Alice Anderson, of London, Ont., Can., Sept. 17, 1907; three children: William Robert (died 1908), Ellen May, Edna Evon. Began as draftsman and mechanic, at Flint, Mich., with Judge C. H. Wisner, and assisted in de- signing and building one of the first automo- biles in Michigan; also completed two cars, one air and one water chassis, continuing four years; came to Detroit and was draftsman Cadillac Motor Co. two years; organized the Reliance Motor Truck Co., of which was superintendent and engineer four years, the company then being sold to the General Motors Co., of which was purchasing agent two years; purchasing agent and assistant manager Kelley Motor Truck Co., Springfield, O., one and one-half years; returned to De- troit and organized the Standard Motor Truck Co., Aug. 1, 1912, of which has since been secretary. Republican. Methodist. Member Detroit Board of Commerce, Society of Auto- mobile Engineers. Club: Wolverine Automo- bile. Recreations: automobiling, fishing and hunting. Office: 973 Bellevue Ave. Resi- dence: 47 Buena Vista Ave. E. ADAMS, Elbert Clinton, steam packings and rubber goods; born, Valley Mills, N. Y., Mar. 26, 1869; son of Clinton and Mary (Savery) Adams; common school education; married at Oneida, N. Y., July 18, 1893, Jen- nie M, Ayres. Began active career at age of 14 in china and glass store of Henry Riven- burgh, Oneida; was with the firm eight years, from office boy to traveling salesman; then went upon the road for George H, Wheelock & Co., china and glassware, South Bend, Ind., ;ind continued with the firm twelve years; sales manager The Garlock Packing Co., at Detroit, Jan. 1, 1904, to May 1, 1908; since manager Detroit branch of The Anchor Pack- ing Co. (of which is a stockholder); also gen- eral manager for all of Canada, of The An- frhor Packing Co. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Republican. Presbyterian. Mem- ber B. P. O. E. Recreation: entertaining with sleight-of-hand tricks, which he himself orig- inates. Office: 158 Jefferson Ave. Residence: 141 Forest Ave. W. ADAMS, William F., anto body painting and trimming; born. Fort Plain, N. Y., Mar. 21, 1857; son of Robert B. and Frances H. (Young) Adams; educated in Fort Plain pub- THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 15 lie schools until 12 years of age; married, at Cleveland, Apr. 25, 1881, Susan G. Harpham; two children: Robert H., S. Louise. Engaged in the dry goods business for forty years as salesman, buyer and manager; partner and office manager for Knell & Adams, auto body painting and trimming, since Feb. 1, 1909. Democrat. Universalist; trustee Church of Our Father. Member Detroit Board of Com- merce, New York Society of Detroit, Ohio Society of Detroit. 32° Mason (Chapter, Commandery and Consistory). Clubs: Detroit Athletic, Noontide. Eecreation: literature. Office: 1045 Jefferson Ave. E. Residence: 56 Pingree Ave. ADAMS, William H., consulting civil engi- neer; born, Hopewell, Ontario Co., N. Y., Jan. 11, 1879; son of Henry Tibbets and Melvina A. (Pardee) Adams; descended from Went- worth family in America; educated High School, Lock Haven, Pa., 1891-4; teacher pub- lic schools, New Jersey, 1897-1902; graduate, Ohio Northern University, Ada, O., degree of C. E., Jan., 1905; married. May 9, 1906, Flor- ence A. Gossard, of Helena, Sandusky Co., O.; children: Helen Canfield, Robert Pardee, Will- iam Gossard. From graduation held various technical positions, acquiring experience in structural engineering; chief estimator Trussed Concrete Steel Co., Detroit, 1907-8; independent practice since 1909; general civil engineering; designer of bridges, dams, founda- tions, substructures and structural steel and reinforced concrete in connection with archi- tects in Detroit, Grand Rapids, Buffalo and elsewhere; senior member firm of Adams & Cummins; branch office in charge of partner in Houston, Tex. Methodist. Associate member American Society of Civil Engineers. Member Detroit Engineering Society. Club: Exchange. Recreations: outdoor sports, gar- dening and fruit-growing. Office: 809 Ford Bldg., Detroit. Residence: 157 Connecticut Ave., Highland Park, Mich. ADMTEE, William Woodford, Eastern Michigan manager State Life Insurance Co. of Indianapolis; born, Elizabeth, Ind., July 24, 1861; son of James Beasley and Rachael (Veatch) Admire; educated common schools, Indiana; LL. B., Kent Law School, Chicago, 1894; Sheldon School of Scientific Salesman- ship, Chicago, 1910; married, Dec. 23, 1883, Emma Smith, of Boonville, Ind.; one daugh- ter: Pearle (Mrs. C. W. Dilcher, of Buffalo, N. Y.). Served as journeyman printer, stenographer and newspaper correspondent in Kansas, 1885-92; magazine writer, compiler Admire 's Handbook of Kansas, 1891; agency director, Illinois Life Insurance Co., Chicago, 1899-1903; superintendent agency department, American Assurance Co., Philadelphia, 1903- 10, since at Detroit. Republican (standpat- ter). Mason (Scottish and York rites, Shriner). Recreations: fishing, hunting and bowling. Office: 610 Penobscot Bldg. Resi- dence: 30 Garfield Ave. ATKFiNS, Berton AUen, railway purchasing agent; born, Hartford, Vt., Aug. 25, 1869; son of Joseph Parkhurst and Mary J. (Rubs) Aikens; educated in public schools; married, May 28, 1895, Marian E. Gallagher, of St. Al- bans, Vt.; one son: Berton Allen, Jr. En- tered railway service with Central Vermont R. R., April 1, 1889; appointed clerk in office of purchasing agent, Rutland B. R., April 1, 1899; later chief clerk, assistant storekeeper and on Feb. 1, 1905, was made purchasing agent; resigned July 1, 1912, to become pur- chasing agent Michigan Central Railway; also general tie agent same road, and the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern, Lake Erie & Western, Lake Erie, Alliance & Wheeling, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis, Peoria & Eastern, Cincinnati Northern, To- ledo & Ohio Central, Zanesville & Western and Chicago, Indiana & Southern roads. Protestant. Mason (Knight Templar and Shriner). Club: Detroit Transportation. Of- fice: Michigan Central R. R. Co. Residence: 65 Marston Ct. AILFiS, James W., insurance; born, Alli- ance, O., April 22, 1858; son of Amos and Mary A. (Allman) Ailes; was the first gradu- ate of Alliance High School, June, 1874; mar- ried, at Brampton, Ont., June 11, 1879, Frances H. Bradley; one son: Edgar R. Be- gan as a representative of Teal & Sargent, photographers' supplies, Cleveland, continu- ing, 1875-7; removed to Detroit, Jan. 1, 1877; associated with C. D. Widman & Co., manu- facturers of furniture, and president of the company until 1910; manager special risk de- partment Detroit Insurance Agency until 1912. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Mason, K. T. Republican. Methodist. Rec- reation: fishing. Office: 1104 Dime Savings Bank Bldg. Residence: The Carola Apts., 42 Watson St. AIPItE, Joseph, president Union Brewing Co.; born, Germany, Feb. 7, 1857; son of Max and Waldpurga Aiple; educated in Germany; came to America, 1885; married, at Detroit, 16 THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 1890, Miss Anna Eichbracht; one daughter: Josephine. Learned brewer's trade in Ger- many; located in Detroit after arriving in United States, but spent a short time in Mil- waukee; was connected with the Stroh Brew- ing Co., 1887-89; acted as foreman for the Goebel Brewing Co., 1889-98; established the Union Brewing Co., 1898, of which has since been president and manager. Member Con- cordia Society, Harmonie Society, Elks, and various other organizations. Recreations: music and hunting. OflBce: 24 Mitchell Ave. Residence : 714 McDougall Ave. AIBHEART, W. P., state manager Under- wood Typewriter Co.; born, Roanoke, Va., Jan. 18, 1871; son of George Philip and Ella Dithulia (Copenhaver) Airheart; educated Alleghany Institute, Roanoke; Virginia Poly- technic Institute, Blacksburg, Va.; married, Sept. 27, 1903, Anna May Sewell, of Louis- ville, Ky.; one child: Jack Sewell. Began in employ of Iron Belt Bldg. & Loan Association, Roanoke, continuing for four years; then with Remington Typewriter Co., in Missouri, Illi- nois, Ohio and Michigan, seven years; entered employ of the Underwood Co. in Louisville, Ky., 1902, later at Hartford, Conn.; since 1905 at Detroit as state manager for Michigan. Episcopalian. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. 32° Mason, K. T., Shriner. Club: Exchange. Recreations: horticulture, country life. Office: 147 Griswold St. Residence: 128 Windemere Ave. ALBEBTUS, Eegiuald Charles, automobiles; born, Detroit, Mar. 1, 1888; son of Harold Victor and Annie M. (Randall) Albertus; educated Cass (public) School and Central High School, Detroit, graduating Jan., 1907; Y. M. C. A. Technical School; married, De- troit, June 4, 1913, Edith Thomson. Entered employ of the Acme White Lead & Color Works, 1907; then consecutively with Michi- gan Central Ry., Michigan State Telephone Co., Washburn-Crosby Co.; entered automo- bile business, 1910, and organized the W. J. Marshall Auto Co., of which was managing partner until Aug., 1913; since member Regal Motor Sales Co. Member of Detroit Naval Reserves four years. Clubs: Detroit Motor Boat, Wolverine Automobile. Recreation: automobiling. Office: 758 Woodward Ave. Residence: 16 Highland Ave., Highland Park. ALBBECHT, Albert August, contractor and builder; born, Detroit, July 5, 1853; son of William and Caroline (Gutensehwager) Al- brecht; educated in public schools of Detroit and Detroit Business College. Began by as- sisting his father, a builder and contractor in Detroit; name of firm became William Al- brecht & Son; from 1877 to 1904 the business was conducted under the name of Albert A. Albrecht; in 1904 it was incorporated as The Albert A. Albrecht Co., of which is president and general manager. Erected the following buildings: The Union Trust Co. 's build- ing, the Penobscot, the Masonic Temple, the Washington Arcade, the Stevens Block, the Morgan & Wright plant. Murphy Power plant, Edison Power House No. 1, Edison Power House No. 2, Gas Office building, and others. President Builders' Association of Detroit, 1905-8. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Clubs: Harmonie, Rushmere, Detroit. Recre- ations: summer outing and fishing. Office: 820 Penobscot Bldg. Residence: 57 Martin PL ALBBIG-HT, James G., state manager Union Central Life Insurance Co.; born, Bucyrus, Crawford Co., Ohio, Sept. 30, 1859; son of Daniel B. and Mary Ann (Smith) Albright; educated Bucyrus Union School, graduating high school, 1875; married, June 3, 1886, Helen Isabel Twiss, of Columbus, Ohio; two children: Susan R., Arthur S. Has been iden- tified with the Union Central Life Insurance Co. since 1887; state manager for Wisconsin, 1889-1907, when twenty-three companies left the state on account of adverse legislation; state manager in Michigan since 1907. Con- gregationalist. One of the founders of Wis- consin Archaeological Society; member Amer- ican Civic Association. Member Ohio Society of Detroit. 32° Mason; Knight of Pythias. Club: Fellowcraft. Office: 621-622 Free Press Bldg. Residence: 109 Taylor Ave. ALDBICH, Fred H., lawyer; born, Wauseon, O., Sept. 11, 1861; son of Joseph D. and Julie E. (Carter) Aldrieh; educated in public schools of Wauseon and at Adrian College, Mich.; studied law and was admitted to the bar, 1883; married. Delta, O., Aug. 21, 1884, Sarah Corine Isbell; four children: Fred H., .Jr., Frank Compton, Julia May, Ruby Corine. Taught school previous to entering upon prac- tice of law at Cadillac, Mich., 1883; served as judge 28th judicial circuit, 1887-99; has prac- ticed in Detroit since 1899; director and gen- eral counsel Northern Assurance Co. of Mich- igan; president Charlevoix Rock Product Co. Republican. Congregationalist. Member American Bar Association, International Law Association, Lawyers' Club, Detroit. 32° THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 17 Mason. Office: 1526 Dime Savings Bank Bldg. Eesidence: 272 Ferry Ave. AIiDBICH, Peter J., real estate; born, Ar- mada, Mich., Jan. 6, 1883; son of James Z. and Medora (Loomis) Aldrich; educated Ar- mada High School, to senior class, finished 11th grade; married, Jan, 8, 1909, Ellen T. Flory, of Detroit. On farm near Utica, Mich., until spring of 1908; entered real estate busi- ness with the Stormf eltz-Loveley Co., as sales- man, June 9, and appointed superintendent farm department, Jan. 2, 1912; resigned Oct., 1912, and organized the P. J. Aldrich Co., Oct. 15, 1912, capitalization, $40,000 ($29,500 paid in) ; president of company since its organiza- tion. Member Knights of Pythias. Eecre- ations: fishing and hunting. Office: 8 Butler Bldg., 82 Griswold St. Eesidence: 623 Lin- coln Ave. ALDBICH, Ralph Leonard, lawyer; born, St, Joseph, Mich., Oct. 2, 1864; son of Almon Lyman and Dency (Abbott) Aldrich; edu- cated Flint (Mich.) High School; LL, B., Uni- versity of Michigan, 1886; married, Oct. 30, 1894, Elizabeth Hamilton Beagle, of Flint, Mich.; children: Ealph Leonard, Jr., and James Griffith. Began practice at Flint, July, 1886; removed to Detroit, 1891. Member Association Bar City of Detroit. Independent in politics. Episcopalian. Clubs: University, Detroit, Detroit Boat, Detroit Athletic. Eec- reation: traveling. Office: 509 Moffat Bldg. Eesidence: 282 Iroquois Ave. ALEXANDER, Charles Towne, lawyer; born, Oct. 5, 1866; died, 1908; see Vol. 1908. ALEXANDER, Edward Woolsey, furrier; moved to Santa Barbara, Cal.; see Vol. 1908. ALEXANDER, George WiUiam, railway official; born, Lightcliffe, Yorkshire, Eng., Sept. 10, 1859; son of Andrew and Harriet Newell (Hayward) Alexander; educated in public schools; came to America, 1871; un- married. Began in railway service at Hamil- ton, Ont., with the Great Western Ey.; be- came identified with the Grand Trunk System at Port Huron, Mich., Dec. 1, 1879, and has filled positions of secretary to general man- ager, assistant to treasurer, paymaster, and since Dec, 1906, has been secretary and treas- urer Grand Trunk Western Ey. Also secre- tary and treasurer Detroit, Grand Haven & Milwaukee Ey., Toledo, Saginaw & Muskegon Ey., Grand Eapids Terminal Ey., Grand Trunk Milwaukee Car Ferry, Detroit & Toledo Shore Line E. E.; secretary Chicago, Detroit & Can- ada Grand Trunk Junction Ey., Michigan Air Line Ey., St. Clair Tunnel Co., International Bridge Co. Clubs: Detroit, Detroit Country, Detroit Boat. Office: Foot of Brush St. Eesi- dence: Detroit. ALEXANDER, Kirkland Barker, advertis- ing; born, Grosse He, Mich., Dee. 28, 1874; son of George Watts and Martha (Arnold) Alexander; graduate Cass School, Detroit; Detroit High School, 1893; Ph. B., University of Michigan, 1896; married, Oct. 7, 1911, Frances Campau Sibley, of Detroit; one son: Charles Towne, 2d. Reporter on staff Detroit Journal, 1900; with Detroit News, 1901; re- turned to Journal as dramatic and literary editor, 1902; editorial writer, 1903-11; since treasurer MacManus Co., advertising agents. Author: The Log of the North Shore Club, Satan Sanderson (a play). Writer of several satirical comedies, a three-act comedy, and a number of magazine articles. Non-resident lecturer on journalism in University of Michi- gan. Member Fine Arts Society, University of Michigan Society, Phi Chapter of Psi Up- silon. Eepublican. Episcopalian. Clubs: University, Detroit Country, Detroit Athletic, Players, Campfire, Detroit Eacquet and Curl- ing, Eecreations: tennis, racquets. Office: Detroit Journal Bldg. Residence: 379 Agnes Avenue. ALGER, Frederick Moulton, investor and business manager; born, Detroit, June 27, 1876; son of Gen, Eussell A, and Annette H. (Henry) Alger; educated in Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., and Harvard University, graduating from the latter, A.B., 1899; mar- ried at Detroit, May 2, 1901, Mary Eldridge Swift; children: Frances and Frederick M,, Jr. Has been engaged in business in Detroit since 1900; director and treasurer Alger, Smith & Co., lumber manufacturers, Manis- tique Lumbering Co.; director Packard Motor Car Co., Anderson Forge and Machine Co., Michigan Copper & Brass Co., National Bank of Commerce. Served as cap- tain and assistant adjutant general, U. S. Vols., in Santiago Campaign, Spanish-Ameri- can War, 1898. Eepublican. Presbyterian. Clubs: Detroit, Yondotega, University (De- troit), Metropolitan, Army and Navy (Wash- ington), University Yacht, Aero, Grolier, Harvard (New York). Eecreations: horse- back riding, baseball, etc. Office: 1202 Ford Bldg. Eesidence: Grosse Pointe Village, Michigan. ALGER, Russell Alexander, Jr., lumber manufacturer; born, Detroit, Feb. 27, 1873; 18 THE BOOK OF DETROITERS son of the late Geu. E. A. and Annette H. (Henry) Alger; educated at Michigan Mili- tary Academy, Detroit High School and Phil- lips Academy, Andover, Mass.; married, at Detroit, Jan. 23, 1896, Miss Marion Jarves. Was associated with his father in business and is executor of the Alger estate; in busi- ness for himself since 1903. President Alger, Smith & Co., wholesale manufacturers of lum- ber, Anderson Forge & Machine Co.; vice- president Packard Motor Car Co.; treasurer Duluth & Northern Minnesota K. E. Co.; director Security Trust Co., People's State Bank, Manistique Lumber Co., Alger-Sullivan Co., Gibford Specialty Co. Eepublican. Pres- byterian. Member Loyal Legion (by inherit- ance). Clubs: Detroit, Youdotega, Country, Detroit Yacht, Detroit Boat, Automobile, De- troit Eacquet and Curling, Plunt, St. Clair Pishing and Shooting, Yacht, Automobile of America (New Y'^ork), Eatchi Gammi (Du- luth), Mount Eoyal (Montreal), Canada Shooting. Eeereations: boating and field sports. Office: 1202-1207 Ford Bldg. Eesi- dence: "The Moorings," Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich. ALGOE, John Frederick, merchant; born, Flint, Mich., Feb. 21, 1889; son of J. Frank and Ella J. (Lissett) Algoe; educated public schools, Flint; Ferris Institute, Big Eapids, Mich.; unmarried. Began active career in Flint, 1903, with father in hardware business (established by father, 1888) ; came to De- troit, June 13, 1910, and opened hardware store at 1505 Woodward Ave., under name of Frank Algoe, of which he is manager; re- moved to present location Dec, 1912; com- pany also has two stores in Flint. Eepubli- can. Baptist. Member National Hardware Dealers' Association, Michigan Hardware Dealers' Association. Eeereations: automo- bile touring, fishing and hunting. Office: 1482-1484 Woodward Ave. Eesidence: 1505 Woodward Ave. ALLEE, Herbert Dick, auditor Parke, Davis & Co.; born, Smyrna, Del., Mar. 13, 1859; son of Jacob Eaymond and Sarah (Dick) Allee; educated public schools and Smyrna Seminary; married, Oct. 14, 1891, Juanita Coit, of Missouri Valley, la.; two sons: William Coit, Herbert D., Jr. Began active career as assistant auditor, Chicago, Burlington & Quincy E. E. Co., June 1, 1888, continuing until May 1, 1906; since auditor Parke, Davis & Co. Clubs: Detroit, Detroit Athletic, Detroit Golf. Eeereation: golf. Office: Parke, Davis & Co. Eesidence: 32 Delaware Ave. AIiLEN, Charles Henry L,, wholesale woolens; born, Cobourg, Ont., Can., Mar. 8, 1874; son of Henry and Sarah (Bigger) Allen; came to the United States, fall of 1879; educated grade schools, Jackson, Mich., 1880-4, Detroit, 1884-9; District High School, 1889-93; in office of architect, 1893-4; student Cornell University, 1894-6; married, July 10, 1901, Fanny L. Sheldon, of Chautauqua Co., N. Y.; two children: Henry Sheldon, Alice Albro. Lived in New York one year, Cleve- land one year, St. Louis two years; partner Henry Allen & Sons, woolens and tailors' trimmings, since 1899; has traveled as sales- man in the Middle West. Eepublican. Episcopalian. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Clubs: Detroit Boat, Literary, Cornell, of Michigan. Eeereation: traveling. Office: 10 Gratiot Ave. Eesidence: 43 Cal- vert Ave. ALLEN, John Robins, professor mechanical engineering; born, Milwaukee, Wis., July 23, 1869; son of James Morrill and Eliza Jane (Stanton) Allen; educated in public schools of Milwaukee; Ann Arbor High School; Uni- versity of Michigan, B.S., 1892, M.E., 1896'; married, at Ann Arbor, Oct. 9, 1894, Lola H. Conrad. Secretary L. K. Comstock Con- struction Co., Chicago, 1893; member firm of Ball & Allen, consulting engineers, Chicago, 1894-6; teacher mechanical engineering, Uni- versity of Michigan, 1896; advanced to pro- fessor, 1903; dean Engineering Department (in charge of establishing Engineering College), Eobert College, Constantinople, Turkey, 1910- 13; professor mechanical engineering (in charge of department). University of Michi- gan, since 1913. An organizer of firm of Brush & Allen, engineers, Detroit, 1904, firm becoming Brush, Allen & Anderson, 1907. Democrat. Baptist. Member American So- ciety of Heating and Ventilating Engineers (ex-president), Detroit Engineering Society, National Association of Stationary Engineers (honorary), American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Michigan Engineering Society, British Institution of Heating and Ventilat- ing Engineers, Phi Gamma Delta. Club: Uni- versity. Eeereations: hunting and fishing. Eesidence: 837 E. University Ave., Ann Arbor, Michigan. ALLEN, Mark W., manufacturing chemist; born, Detroit, Mar. 9, 1873; son of Eiehard Webber and Sarah Jane. (Sears) Allen; an- THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 19 cestry on both sides of the house dates in America from 1635; educated public schools and High School, Detroit; Massachusetts In- stitute Technology, Boston; SheflSeld Scien- tific School, Yale; married Alice L. Maslen, of Bath, England, June 5, 1905; two children: Sarah Irene, Eichard Webber. Began in De- troit as manufacturer toilet articles; secre- tary and treasurer Mark "W. Allen & Co. ; presi- dent E. A. Carmichael & Co.; director Wood- mere Cemetery Association, Huron Eadiator & Lamp Co. Progressive. Episcopalian. Mem- ber Detroit Board of Commerce. Member Sons American Eevolution, Theta Xi. Clubs: Fellowcraft, Detroit Yacht, Y. M. C. A., De- troit Motor Boat, Detroit Athletic. Eecrea- tions: yachting and motor boating. Office: 122 Michigan Ave. Eesidence: 425 Hurlbut Avenue. ALLEN, William Henry, manufacturer; born, "Worcester, England, Sept. 10, 1871; son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Fox) Allen; edu- cated in public schools of England and at Detroit Business University; married, at De- troit, Nov., 1896, Miss Jennie Johnson. Came to America, 1887, and began active career in factory of Oliver P. Hazard, manu- facturer of pants, Detroit; next was con- nected with the Peerless Manufacturing Co. as sewing machine adjuster and later served in the same capacity with Marvin M. Stanton & Co.; was in employ of Kruttner, Eosenfield & Co., and the Binghamton Overall Co., Bing- hamton, N. Y.; returned to Detroit, 1897, and began as William H. Allen & Co., in manufac- ture of all grades of petticoats, in which has since continued. Eepublican. Episcopalian. Mason (Corinthian Lodge). Club: Detroit Motor Boat. Eecreations: automobiling and motor boating. Office: 253-255 Lafayette Boul. Eesidence: 130 Stanton Ave. ALLEN, William Young; born, Cobourg, Ont., Can., Mar. 8, 1878; son of Henry and Sarah (Bigger) Allen; educated grammar and high schools, Detroit; married at Saginaw, Mich., Nov. 14, 1905, Myrtle Ehea Wallis; one daughter: Margery Wallis. Has engaged as wholesale dealer in woolens and automobile fabrics in Detroit, since 1894; partner in firm of Henry Allen & Sons. Eepublican. Episco- palian. Member Lambda Sigma society. Club: Detroit Boat. Eecreations: water sports, automobiling. Office: 10-12 Gratiot St. Eesidence: 2941 West Grand Boul. ALLHEILIG, Edward A. A., clergyman; born, Alsace, France, Feb. 3, 1863; son of Anthony and Madeline (Burgsthaler) Allhei- lig; educated at Merville, France; Holy Ghost Seminary, Paris. Ordained priest, E. C. Church, by Bishop Picarda, in Paris, Nov. 1, 1887; engaged in educational work in Guada- loupe, F. AV. I., seven years, and in France seven years; came to America, Oct., 1903; as- sistant St. Joachim's Church, Detroit, 1903-5; then assistant Notre Dame Church, Chippewa Falls, Wis.; spent one year at Duquesne Uni- versity, Pittsburgh; pastor St. Joachim's Church, Detroit, since July, 1912. Eesidence: 181 Dubois St. ALLINGER, Charles Edward, secretary- treasurer The Chas. A. Strelinger Co.; born, Cincinnati, Oct. 29, 1877; son of Eev. Louis H. and Sarah (Delker) AUinger; father came from Germany in the early 50 's, served four years through the entire Civil War as private, chaplain and corporal, became a Methodist minister in 1866 and is still active; mother born in Vermillion, O.; educated public schools at Cincinnati, Marion, O., Allegheny, Pa., and Detroit, also Detroit High School and Detroit Business University; married, Sept. 12, 1900, Emma A. Benke, of Detroit; one daughter: Euth Emma. Started to work as errand boy for The Chas. A. Strelinger Co., machinery, tools and shop supplies, 1895, working through the various departments; in 1907 was admitted to the firm, elected director and secretary-treasurer, which positions has .since held. Member Detroit Board of Com- merce. Eepublican. Methodist. Member Palestine Lodge, F. & A. M.; Monroe Chapter; Detroit Commandery; Moslem Shrine; also Eoyal Arcanum. Member Ohio Society, De- troit Citizens League, Y. M. C. A. Clubs: Fellowcraft, Detroit Motor Boat, Transporta- tion, Automobile of Detroit, Wolverine Auto- mobile, D. A. C. Eecreations: boating and fishing. Office: 96-110 Bates St. Eesidence: 220 Maybury Ave. ALLMAND, John T., manufacturer; born, Mt. Clemens, Mich., Sept. 29, 1867; son of John and Josephine (Benenou) Allmand; edu- cated public schools, Mt. Clemens; married, April 10, 1901, Caroline Thieler, of Detroit; two children: John T., Jr., Eobert. Learned carriage trimmer's trade and followed same for a number of years; shop superintendent for Seevers & Erdman, carriage manufactuj-- ers, 23 years; vice-president and factory manager Fisher Closed Body Co. since 1910. Eepublican. Mason. Eecreations: automo- biling, fishing. Office: 1368-1414 St. Antoine 20 THE BOOK OF DETROITERS St., cor. Piquette Ave. Eesidence: 121 Colo- rado Ave. ALLOE, Elmer L., lawyer; moved to Mt. Clemens, Mich.; see Vol. 1908. ALTHOFF, Clement A., insurance and real estate; born, Dayton, O., Dec. 15, 1872; son of John J. and Catherine (Glaser) Althoff; educated public school, Emanuel Parochial School, St. Mary's College, all of Dayton; married, June 29, 1897, Elizabeth Catherine Whelan, of Detroit (who died Feb. 24, 1904) ; 2d, July 10, 1905, Mary A. McDonough, of Detroit; children: George J., Elizabeth C, Clement M., Joseph M., Margaret M., Helen G. Began active career in real estate and insur- ance business; president Security Casualty Co., 1907-10; conducting general insurance and real estate agency in own name since Jan. 1, 1910. Eepublican. Eoman Catholic. Member Knights of Columbus. Kecreation: outdoor exercise. Office: 705-707 Majestic Bldg. Residence: 290 Pennsylvania Ave. AIiTLAND, Daniel Fickes, lawyer; born, Dillsburg, Pa.; son of Samuel and Lydia Alt- land; preparatory education at Kiskiminetas Springs School, four years; graduate Princeton University, A. B., 1898; married, Feb. 6, 1909, Katherine C. Woodbury; children: Mary Woodbury, Edward Woodbury. Practiced in Detroit since 1898; member law firm of Hunt & Altland; vice-president Butte Falls Lumber Co.; director White Eiver Lumber Co.; treas- urer Kalamazoo Paper Co.; vice consul of Mexico. Member Association Bar City of Detroit. Clubs: Detroit, Country, University. Recreation: golf. Office: 1030-1032 Penobscot Bldg. Eesidence: Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan, AMAN, John H., treasurer and general man- ager Monarch Foundry Co.; born. Fort Wayne, Ind., Apr. 4, 1874; son of Louis P. and Ma- thilda (Fegman) Aman; grandparents were brought to America, as children; father born in Sidney, 0., mother born at Ft. Wayne; edu- cated St. Mary's Academy, Ft. Wayne; then learned molding trade; later took up course of business education at the Business Insti- tute; married, June 7, 1898, Gertrude Cecilia Sommers, of Ft. Wayne, Ind. Lived with parents until 22 years of age; removed to De- troit June 22, 1896; followed trade as molder; became connected with the Monarch Foundry Co., grey iron castings, 1907; treasurer of same since Nov. 5, 1907; was shop foreman 1907-8, since general manager. Catholic; member of Most Holy Eedeemer Church. Eec- reations: home and reading. Office: 895-907 Greenwood Ave. Eesidence: 652 Ferdinand Avenue. AMBEBG, Adolph, silk merchant; born, De- troit, Oct. 27, 1862; son of Adolph Frederick (a native of Berlin, Germany) and Marie (Mauch) Amberg (a native of Koenigreich, Wiirttemburg, Germany) ; educated in German- American Seminary, and Goldsmith 's College, Detroit; unmarried. In employ of various stores in Detroit and was manager silk de- partment of J. L. Hudson Co. for nine years; has engaged in business for self since 1903, under firm name of A. Amberg & Co., silk shop, handling imported silks and velvets. Member Board of Commerce, Detroit. Repub- lican, Club: Board of Commerce. Recreation: gardening. Office: 21 John R St. Residence: 287 Parker Ave. AMBERG, Emil, physician; born, Santa Fe, N. M., May 1, 1868; son of Jacob and Minna (Loewenbein) Amberg; graduate Eealgymna- sium, Elberfeld, Germany, 1887, Gymnasium in Arnsberg, 1888, University of Heidelberg, 1894, also passed state examination for li- cense to practice in Germany; was interne in the Ear Department of the Massachusetts Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary, Boston, Jan. 1, 1896-Apr. 1, 1897; post-graduate courses in Berlin and Vienna; married, Nov. 16, 1909, Cecile Siegel, of Detroit; children: Robert S. and Blanche Adele. Has been en- gaged in practice at Detroit since 1898; at- tending physician to Ear, Nose and Throat Department, United Jewish Charities dispen- sary; consulting otologist, Harper Hospital. Fellow American Association for Advance- ment of Science; fellow Federation of State Medical Boards of the United States; member American Otological Society, Wayne County and Michigan State medical societies, Amer- ican Medical Association, National Council of the National Economic League, Detroit Oto-laryngological Society, American Acad- emy of Ophthalmology and Oto-laryngology, Detroit Society of Neurology and Psychiatry. Office: 270 Woodward Ave. Residence: 756 Cass Ave. AMERINE, Charles Cassatt, manager The Great Western Oil Co.; born, Piqua, O., July 12, 1857; son of John and Susan (Macklefish) Amerine; educated in public and high schools of Piqua, 1864-74; married, Detroit, Oct. 10, 1905, Agnes Eleanor Todt; two children: Eliz- abeth Julia, Lois Edna. Connected with freight department of the Pennsylvania R. R. THE BOOK OP DETROITEES 21 at Columbus and Indianapolis, 1878-84; en- gaged in farming, 1884-87, and as traveling salesman for the Cleveland Refining Co. (oils), 1887-90; city salesman, Detroit, for Scofield, Shurmar & Teagle (oils), 1890-1900; has been manager of The Great Western Oil Co., De- troit and Toledo, since June 1, 1901. Repub- lican. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Recreations: automobiling, baseball and the- atre. Office: 75 Woodbridge St. E. Residence: 550 14th Ave. AMMEEMAN, Charles Richard, consulting engineer; born, Marengo, Calhoun County, Mich., Mar. 8, 1880; son of Anson Leonard and Ida M. (Bryan) Ammerman; descended from Derrick Jans Ammerman, who settled in Flat bush, N. Y., 1650; educated country school; graduated Commercial Department, Al- bion College, Mich., 1900; attended night school of Detroit Technical Institute; Amer- ican Correspondence School; married, Aug. 30, 1904, Mabel Adams, of Detroit; one daughter, Helen Elizabeth. Began active career as stenographer, Burnham, Stoepel & Co., 1900, continuing until 1903; stenographer, Donald- son & Meier, architects, 1903-5; became draftsman, Brush, Allen & Anderson, consult- ing engineers, 1905; now member Ammerman, McColI & Anderson, consulting engineers, power plants, heating and ventilating, elec- trical engineering. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Republican. Methodist. Member Detroit Engineering Society. Recreations: ten- nis, fishing. Office: 1310 Penobscot Bldg. AMOS, Charles Bristol, manufacturer orna- mental brass, iron, etc.; born, Detroit, Aug. 25, 1871; son of Ferdinand and Martha (Bris- tol) Amos; educated in public schools and at Detroit Business College; married at Detroit, Aug. 24, 1896, Elizabeth J. Snook. Served apprenticeship as machine operator with Har- vey Sons Co., Limited, 1888-91; employed by American Straw Board Co., Anderson, Ind., as paper machine operator, 1891, and in same year as bookkeeper for the Citizens' Gas Co., Anderson; returned to Detroit as assistant teller Peninsular Savings Bank; entered man- ufacture of mineral water, 1892, later acting as commercial salesman; president Charles Amos & Co. since 1905. Mason; member Mac- cabees. Club: Detroit Yacht. Recreations: motoring, fishing and outdoor sports. Office: 153 Elizabeth St. W. Residence: 108 John E Street. ANDERSON, Bruce, physician; born, Mon- treal, P. Q., Can., Aug. 12, 1874; son of James D, and Mary E. (Frautz) Anderson; studied preparatory, high and technical courses at high school, Montreal; M.D., McGill Univer- sity, Montreal, 1894; M.D., Detroit Homeo- pathic College of Medicine, 1901; married, Dec. 1, 1898, Janet McVittie, of Detroit. Lo- cated in Detroit, 1898; attending gynecolo- gist to Grace Hospital since 1911; in and out- of-door clinics; examiner for Michigan State Sanatorium; visiting physician Detroit Tuber- culosis Sanatorium. Member American Insti- tute Homoeopathy, Michigan State Homoeo- pathic Medical Society, Practitioners' Society of Detroit. Member Oriental Lodge, A. F. & A. M. Clubs: Detroit Athletic, Detroit Boat. Recreations: motor boating and farm. Office and Residence: 178 Forest Ave. W. ANDERSON, Charles G., physician; born, Delaware, Ont., Can., May 24, 1869; son of Charles G. and Annie (Hixton) Anderson; educated in public schools of Ontario, Col- legiate Institute of Ontario, and at Detroit College of Medicine, graduating, M.D., 1893; unmarried. Began practice in Detroit, 1893, as assistant physician Detroit Sanitarium; has been physician-in-chief since 1896. Mem- ber Wayne County and Michigan State Med- ical societies, American Medical Association, Nu Sigma Nu. Mason, Knight Templar. Clubs: Detroit, Old Club. Recreation: fishing. Office and Residence: 107 Fort St. W. ANDERSON, GUbert J., physician; born, Detroit, July 31, 1877; son of William H. and Elizabeth (McVittie) Anderson; graduated High School, Detroit, 1896; M.D., Detroit Col- lege of Medicine, 1900; married, Sept. 2, 1908, Agatha Bennett, a native of Chatham, Ont. Interne Harper Hospital, 1900-1; since in prac- tice in Detroit; member polyclinic staff of Harper Hospital; clinical assistant depart- ments of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Detroit College of Medicine. Republican. Presbyte- rian. Member American Medical Association, Michigan State and Wayne County Medical societies. Alumni Association, Detroit College of Medicine. Mason. Recreations: fishing, au- tomobiling. Office: 925 Kercheval Ave. Resi- dence: 408 Pennsylvania Ave. ANDERSON, Henry C, mechanical engi- neer; born, Morganfield, Ky., Dec. 4, 1872; son of John G. and Sophia (Cromwell) Ander- son; educated in public schools, academy and Kentucky State College, degree of B. M. E., 1897; married at Lexington, Ky., Aug. 14, 1904, Sara G. Sinnrall. Junior professor of mechanical engineering University of Michi- 22 THE BOOK OF DETROITERS gan; member firm of Brush, Allen & Anderson, consulting engineers, since Apr., 1906. Mem- ber Michigan Engineers' Society, Detroit En- gineering Society. Member Sigma Chi, Sigma Xi. Mason. Recreations: reading, outdoor di- versions. Office: 1310 Penobscot Bldg., De- troit. Eesidence: Ann Arbor, Mich. ANDSSSON, John Edwin, commercial agent, Big Four Ey.; born, Lawrence, Kan., Oct. 15, 1887; son of Olof and Betty (Easmus- sen) Anderson; graduated common schools, Douglas Co., Kan., 1902; graduated Lawrence Business College, Lawrence, Kan., 1904; stu- dent Kansas City School of Law and Benton College of Law, St. Louis; married, Sept. 25, 1911, Ona May Swaim, of Lawrence, Kan. Began active career as clerk in commercial of- fice Big Four Ey., Kansas City, May 18, 1905, and continued as follows: chief rate clerk, St. Louis, Apr., 1, 1908; soliciting freight agent, St. Louis, Mar. 1, 1909; traveling freight agent, Chicago, Sept. 15, 1909; chief clerk, Chicago, Sept. 15, 1911; commercial agent, De- troit, since June 1, 1912. Congregationalist. Eepublican. Clubs: Detroit Transportation, Michigan E. E. Outing. Eecreations: hunting and fishing. Office: 414 Ford Bldg. Eesidence: 120 Avalon Ave., Highland Park, Mich. ANDEESON, John Wendell, lawyer; born. La Crosse, Wis., Sept. 25, 1867; son of Wen- dell A. and Susan M. (Small) Anderson; La Crosse High School, 1885; Cornell University, 1889; University of Michigan, LL.B., June, 1890; married at Detroit, June 19, 1895, Gus- tava Doeltz; children: Wendell W., Suzanne M. Has been engaged in practice at Detroit since 1893; member of law firm of Anderson & Eackham, 1896-1910, Anderson, Eackham & Wilcox, Anderson & Wilcox, since 1912, at- torneys for E. G. Dun & Co. and Highland Park State Bank. Director Highland Park State Bank. Member Detroit Board of Com- merce, Detroit Bar Association, Michigan Bar Association, New England Society. Democrat. Episcopalian. Member Chi Psi, Corinthian Lodge, No. 241, F. & A. M. Clubs: Detroit, Yondotega, University (member board of gov- ernors, 1899-1903, president, 1902-3), Coun- try, Detroit Boat, Green Bag, Bankers', De- troit Athletic, Indian Village, The Players. Eecreations: outdoor sports. Office: 622-623 Moffat Blk. Eesidence: 196 Iroquois Ave. ANDERSON", Kenneth, owner Kenneth An- derson Manufacturing Co.; born, Montreal, Can., Dec. 28, 1868; son of James D. and Mary E. (Troatz) Anderson; educated public and high schools; married, Sept., 1890, Nellie 1. McVittie, of Detroit; two children: Norman D. and Irene E. Engaged in jobbing of wrought iron pipe and fittings ever since be- ginning of active career; was with Dry Dock Sheet Metal Works; organized business on own account, 1896; owner Kenneth Anderson Co.; mgr. Chicago branch of A. M. Byers & Co., Pittsburgh. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Mason. Office: 33-37 Atwater St. E. Eesidence: 149 Canfield Ave. W. ANDEESON, WiUiam C, president Ander- son Electric Car Co.; born, Ontario, Can., 1853; son of Hiram and Susanna (Cummings) Anderson; educated in public schools and busi- ness college; married at Port Huron, Mich., 1877, Ida F. Beard; two daughters: Lynell A., Marj^ H. (Mrs. F. E. Price). Began in manu- facturing business at Port Huron, as Ander- son Manufacturing Co., 1895; removed to De- troit, and continued as wholesale manufacturer of carriages and electric automobiles; firm name changed, 1911, to Anderson Electric Car Co., of which has since been president. Mem- ber Detroit Board of Commerce. Eepublican. Episcopalian. Mason. Clubs: Detroit, Coun- try, Eushmere, Wolverine Auto. Eecreations: horseback riding and automobiling. Office: Clay Ave. and Eiopelle St. Eesidence: 65 Eowena St. ANDERSON, William Kyle, capitalist; born, Mar. 24, 1847; died, 1909; see Vol. 1908. ANDERSON, William Robert, general man- ager Advance Machine Co.; born, Detroit, Oct. 7, 1872; son of William Henry and Elizabeth (McVittie) Anderson; educated in Detroit public and high schools; married at Detroit, June 5, 1899, Elizabeth Maude Eoss; one daughter, Dorothea Elizabeth. General man- ager Anderson Forge and Machine Co., 1905- 1911; since general manager Advance Machine Co., contracting machinists; also treasurer Anderson Tool & Supply Co., manufacturers of cold chisels, plumbers' tools and contract- ors' supplies, with which he has been con- nected since 1892; vice president Krause Man- ufacturing Co.; director Metropolitan State Bank, Anderson Forge and Machine Co. Mem- ber Detroit Builders' and Traders' Exchange (director, 1905-6), Detroit Board of Com- merce. Eepublican. Presbyterian. Member Ashlar Lodge No. 91, F. & A. M., Peninsular Chapter No. 16, E. A. M., Monroe Council No. 1, E. S. M. Club: Fellowcraft. Eecrea- tion: automobiling. Office: 654 Franklin St. Eesidence: 365 Montclair Ave. THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 23 ANDEESON, Willis Sidney, physician; born, Oct. 16, 1S68; died, 1911; see Vol. 1908. ANDRE, Anthony J., wholesale grocer; born, Detroit, Apr. 18, 1873; son of Anthony and Clara (Leyhman) Andre; educated at St. Joseph's School, Detroit; married at Detroit, Apr., 1905, Emma Puff; two children: Anthony J., Jr., William P. Began active career, 1889, in employ of James Nail & Co., house furnish- ings, etc.; then was with George W. Larkins & Co., lumber merchants; commenced in 1890 as clerk with Peter Henkel Co., wholesale gro- cers, wines, etc.; became traveling salesman and since 1897, when firm was reorganized as The Edward Henkel Co., has been vice presi- dent and director of the company. Catholic. Eecreation: farming. Office: 157 Eandolph St. Eesidence: 32 Palmer Ave. W. ANDREW, Ed. P., pianos; born, Hoosick Falls, N. Y., May 12, 1861; son of Edwin and Susan Elizabeth (Bray) Andrew; educated in Ludington (Mich.) High School; married at Grand Eapids, Mich., Mar. 31, 1883, Annetta Louise Knight; two sons: Gray don Eoy, Ed- win K., Jr. Began active career upon leav- ing school, 1879, as traveling salesman for S. A. Maxwell & Co., Chicago, continuing until 1882; in business as partner in firm of F. W. Andrew & Co., Ludington, 1882-87; on road for the Farrand Co., manufacturers of pianos and organs, 1887-1905, and has been manager of the company's retail store, Detroit, since 1905. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Eepublican. Member Masonic order, Elks, K. of P., N. U., E. A., U. G. T. Clubs: Eotary, Adcraft. Eecreations: automobiling, sailing. Office: 172 Woodward Ave. Eesidence: 70 Massachusetts Ave. ANDREWS, Charles James; moved to Co- lumbus, O.; see Vol. 1908. ANDREWS, Harry E., treasurer Boyer- Campbell Co., factory supplies; born, Detroit, Aug. 30, 1874; son of Charles A. and Dolora (Wight) Andrews; educated public schools, Detroit; Caton Business University; married, Nov. 7, 1898, Maud Packard, of Plymouth, Mich.; three children: Bruce P., Virginia, June. Began active career as clerk and oper- ator, police headquarters, Detroit, then license clerk for police department; assistant secre- tary to John B. Whelan (now Judge Whelan); private secretary to collector of customs, 1905- 1911; treasurer The Boyer-Campbell Co. since 1907. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Member Detroit Light Guard, 1892-98; enlisted, 1898, in Co. I, 31st Mich. Vols, and went to Cienfuegos, Cuba; mustered out of U. S. serv- ice, 1899; became 1st lieut. Co. C, 1st Mich. Eegt., M. N, G., 1909. Eepublican, Congre- gationalist. Mason, K. T. Member Gen. Henry M. Duffield Camp, Spanish War Veter- ans, Maccabees. Club: Fellowcraft. Eecrea- tions: baseball, handball. Office: 92 Congress St. E. Eesidence: 115 W. Philadelphia St. ANDRIES, Joseph H., surgeon; born, Mil- waukee, Wis., Apr. 7, 1875; son of Engelbert and Christine (Weinheimer) Andries; edu- cated St. Joseph's parochial school, 1881-87; Canisius College, Buffalo, N. Y., classical course, 1887-91; Detroit College, 1891-93; studied medicine University of Munich, Ger- many, 1893-94, Eoyal Frederick William Uni- versity, Berlin, 1894-97, University of Vienna, six months, and University of Eome, six months, 1897-98; degree of Doctor of Medicine and Surgery, conferred by Eoyal Frederick William University, 1897; assistant physician, Krankenhaus Moabit, Berlin, one year; mar- ried. May 20, 1903, Charlotte Friede, of Eoch- ester, N. Y.; children: Alfred and Lucile. Be- gan practice in Berlin, Aug. 7, 1897; practiced in Detroit since 1899; professor of surgery, Detroit College of Medicine and Surgery; surgeon to St. Mary's Hospital. Catholic. Member American Medical Association, Wayne County Medical Society. Member Knights of Columbus. Eecreations: art, music and outdoor life. Address: 75 Adelaide St. ANDREBS, Raymond C, physician and sur- geon; born, Detroit, July 12, 1883; son of En- gelbert and Christine (Weinheimer) Andries; educated parochial school, Detroit, 1896; Uni- versity of Detroit, 1896-1903, degree of A.B., 1903; Detroit Medical College, 1903-7, M.D., 1907; married, Oct. 16, 1912, Eose A. Bayer, of Detroit. Served as interne St. Mary 's Hospital, Detroit, 1907-9; associated in practice with Dr. Angus McLean since 1909; junior surgeon to St. Mary's Hospital; demonstrator of anat- omy, Detroit College of Medicine, and clinical assistant to chair of surgery of same. First lieutenant Medical Eeserve Corps, U. S. Army. Member Wayne County Medical Society, Michigan State Medical Society, American Medical Association. Eecreation: music. Of- fice: 308 Washington Arcade. Eesidence: 110 Forest Ave. E. ANDRTJS, Frank Davis, lawyer; born, Wash- ington, Mich., Aug. 21, 1850; son of Loren and Lucina (Davis) Andrus; graduate Detroit High School, 1868; University of Michigan, Literary Department, B.A., 1872, M.A., 1875; 24 THE BOOK OF DETROITERS Law Department, same university, B.L., 1879; married, at Saginaw, Nov. 23, 1880, Julia J. Goodson; one daughter, Helen G. (Mrs. Francis E. Merrill, of Las Cruces, N, M.). Began practice in Detroit, 1880; in partnership with John B. Corliss, as Corliss & Andrus, 1882; Corliss, Andrus & Leete, 1886; Corliss, Andrus, Leete & Joslyn, 1901; withdrew from firm, 1905, and has since been alone; practice gen- eral, business largely probate. Director and general counsel Michigan Alaska Development Co. Eepublican. Member Board of Estimates of City of Detroit continuously since 1890 (president, 1895). Member Association Bar City of Detroit, Michigan Bar Association. Episcopalian. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Member Delta Kappa Epsilon. Club: Old Club. Eecreation: outdoor diversions. Of- fice: 214 Moffat Blk. Eesidence: Pasadena Apartments, ANDRUS, Frederick H., estate manager; born, Washington, Mich.; son of Truman E. and Elizabeth (Hotham) Andrus; public school education; married, at Chicago, Nov. 9, 1893, Inin Louise Marsh; one daughter, Cath- erine. Began active career at Jackson, Mich., in employ of Michigan Central E. E.; became connected with Standard Paper Co., whole- sale paper, Milwaukee, Wis., 1884; removed to Chicago, 1888, and acted as credit man for A. G. Spalding & Bros., 1888-1902; has been iden- tified with interests of the Whitney estate, Detroit, since 1902. Eepublican. Clubs: Detroit, Country, Detroit Boat, Detroit Athletic. Eec- reation: golf. Office: 1724 Ford Bldg. Eesi- dence: 273 Seminole Ave. ANDEUS, Ward Loren, merchandise broker; born, July 13, 1852; died, Apr. 1911; see Vol. 1908. ANGELIi, Alexis Caswell, lawyer; born. Providence, E. L, Apr. 26, 1857; son of James B. and Sarah S. (Caswell) Angell; educated in public schools of Burlington, Vt., Ann Arbor, Mich., and University of Michigan, graduat- ing, A.B., 1878, LL.B., 1880; married, June 6, 1880, Fanny C. Cooley; three children. Was admitted to the bar, 1879, and has practiced in Detroit since 1880; member firm of Wells, Angell, Boynton & McMillan, 1892-1902, and of Angell, Boynton, McMillan & Bodman, 1902- 1911; U. S. district judge, Eastern District of Michigan, July, 1911-June 1, 1912; since mem- ber firm Angell, Boynton, McMillan, Bodman & Turner. Professor of law, University of Michigan, 1893-98. Member Michigan State Bar Association, Detroit Board of Commerce. Director Associated Charities. Club: Univer- sity. Office: Dime Savings Bank Bldg. Eesi- dence: 300 Iroquois Ave. ANGELL, George Hall; born, Detroit, Aug. 3, 1874; son of George E. and Sarah (Hall) Angell; educated in public schools of Detroit, and University of Michigan, graduating, de- gree of B.L., 1894. Identified from the begin- ning of active career to Nov. 1, 1912, with the art business established by his father in 1863 as the George E. Angell Co., Ltd.; sold his interests, since not active in any business. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Clubs: Detroit, Country, University, Detroit Boat, Detroit Athletic, Hunt. Eecreations: golf, rid- ing and yachting. Eesidence: The Pasadena. ANGER, Frederick Charles, investment se- curities; born, Kingston, Ont., Can,, Sept. 7, 1875; son of Charles L. and Sarah (Swanton) Anger; educated public schools of Bay City and Saginaw, Mich.; married, Jan. 14, 1904, Mary F. Sullivan, of Bay City, Mich.; one child, Frederick Charles, Jr. Began active career as bookkeeper for Adams Co., Sagi- naw, Mich., 1893; then successively with the New York Life Insurance Co. and the Aetna Insurance Co. of Hartford, Conn.; engaged in security business, 1902-9; came to Detroit from Bay City, Mich., 1909; director Dow- Gilbert Eealty Co.; secretary and director United Amusement Co.; secretary Equitable Loan Co. Baptist. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Member Joppa Lodge, No. 315, A. F. & A. M., and B. P. O. Elks of Bay City. Eecreation: automobiling. Office: 1117 Dime Savings Bank Bldg, Eesidence: 3019 W. Grand Boul. ANGUS, Samuel Floyd; born, Apr., 1855; died, Feb. 6, 1908; see Vol. 1908. ANEETELL, Thomas Jackson, wholesale and retail lumber dealer; born, Windham, Conn.; son of Eev. John (D.D) and Marie Louise (Butterfield) Anketell; educated at Trinity School, New York City, and Shattuek School, Faribault, Minn.; married, in Illinois, May 4, 1892, Elizabeth Moss Mills; one daugh- ter, Elizabeth Clara. President Anketell Lum- ber Co., organized Aug. 1, 1893, Anketell Lumber & Coal Co. and Gratiot Lumber & Coal Co.; director Truman Moss State Bank. Democrat. Episcopalian. Member Masonic or- der. Clubs: Detroit, Automobile, Country, Bloomfields Hills Country, Detroit Athletic, Fellowcraft (Detroit), Calumet (Chicago), Eecreations: automobiling; lover of horses, cats and dogs. Office: 1033 Majestic Bldg. Eesidence: 195 McDougall Ave. THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 25 ANKLAM, William Frederick, manufactur- er of motor lamps; born, Menasha, Wis., Jan. 20, 1872; son of Lewis John and Minnie (Hoechner) Anklam; educated Menasha High School; married, Sept. 12, 1902, Mary Eliza- beth Charles, of Kenosha, Wis.; two children: Charles William, Frances Porter. OflBce boy to shipping clerk for Menasha Wooden Ware Co., Menasha, six years, 1889-95; cashier Ster- ling Cycle Works, Kenosha, Wis., 1895-98; superintendent and treasurer Kenosha Brass & Iron Works, 1898-1901; purchasing agent and office manager Badger Brass Manufactur- ing Co., Kenosha, 1901-9; secretary, general manager and director, C. M. Hall Lamp Co., manufacturers motor car lamps, Detroit, since 1909. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Eepublican. Lutheran. Member Lodge No. 750, B. P. O. Elks, Kenosha. Club: Wolverine Auto. Eecreations: automobiling, fishing, hunting. Office: C. M. Hall Lamp Co., 363 Hancock Ave. E. Residence: 221 Hancock Ave. W. ANNIS, Newton, fur manufacturer; born, Michigan, Oct. 22, 1858; son of Joseph and Berintha (McKee) Annis; public school edu- cation; married, at Burr Oak, Mich., June 27, 1883, Clara Culver. Came to Detroit from Burr Oak, Mich., 1880; was connected for six years with F. Buhl & Co., furs, etc.; has been in fur business in his own name since 1887. Clubs: Fellowcraft, Detroit Golf. Recreations: golf and automobiling. Office: 241 Woodward Avenue. ANSCOMS, William H., grocer; born, Aug. 22, 1846; died, 1909; see Vol. 1908. ANTHONY, Howard B,, manufacturer; born, Medina, N. Y., Mar. 22, 1868; son of Benjamin M. and Elizabeth S. (Cole) An- thony; educated in public schools of Detroit and Detroit Business University (graduate) ; married, at Detroit, Jan. 8, 1891, Mary J. Fairbairn; two daughters: Margaret E., Marion. Began as bookkeeper for P. H. O. Willebrands and later was stock and shipping clerk Detroit Tobacco Co.; entered employ of Michigan Stone Co., 1883; was connected with Homer, McGraw & Co., fire insurance, for three years; secretary, treasurer and director of The McRae & Roberts Co., manufacturers of brass goods, Feb., 1895-1909; resigned on account of health; secretary and treasurer Michigan Brass & Foundry Co. since 1911. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Repub- lican. Presbyterian. Mason, K. T., Shriner. Club: Detroit Fishing and Hunting Associa- tion, St. Clair Flats. Recreation: traveling. Office: 1218 Hastings St. Residence: 1216 Cass Ave. ANTISDEL, John Parshall, lawyer; born, Detroit, Jan. 31, 1861; son of John Francis and Sarah Jane (Parshall) Antisdel; ancestry on both sides in America from early Colonial times, and served in American Revolution; educated public schools and high school, Mil- waukee, Wis.; LL.B., Detroit College of Law^ June 13, 1903; unmarried. Was in partner- ship with father and brother in the hotel business (Fraser House), Bay City, Mich.; in Kingsville, Ont. (Mettawas Hotel), until 1900; law student until June 13, 1903; since in general practice at Detroit. Member De- troit Board of Commerce, Republican. Bap- tist. Member American Bar Association, Michigan State Bar Association, Association Bar City of Detroit. Member Sons of Ameri- can Revolution, Y. M. C. A. Club: Lawyers'. Office: 310 Union Trust Bldg. Residence: 319 Jefferson Ave. APPLEBAUM, Isaac, railway supplies; born, in Suvolk, Russo-Poland, Apr. 19, 1854; son of Harris and Hannah (Burnstein) Apple- baum; received education in private school in his native land; came to America, 1868; mar- ried, at Detroit, Apr. 19, 1874, Ray Jacobs. Landed in New York from Europe without any funds; started to work as butcher (a busi- ness he had learned in the old country), but soon abandoned it and began traveling and buying and selling machinery; in 1877 con- centrated upon general railway supplies at Detroit and founded the business in which he has since continued under his own name. Re- publican. Hebrew. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Member Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias. Recreation: automobiling. Office: 1646 Woodward Ave. Residence: 2902 W, Grand Boul. APPLEGATE, Oliver Perry, general agent Denver & Rio Grande Railway; born, near Corydon, Ind., Dec. 21, 1869; son of John Thomas and Sarah Catherine (Reas) Apple- gate; descended from early Colonial families of Pennsylvania and Virginia; graduated Corydon High School, Ind., May 21, 1889; graduated Bryant and Stratton Business Col- lege, Louisville, Ky., Jan. 1, 1891; married, Sept. 11, 1899, Gertrude Avery Lanius, of Louisville, Ky.; two daughters: Virginia L. and Helen L. Entered railway service in of- fice of superintendent of P,, C, C. & St, L. Railway (Pennsylvania Co.), at Louisville, 26 THE BOOK OF DETROITERS Ky., Jan. 12, 1S91; became connected with traffic department, C, C, C. & St. L. Eailway (Big Four), at Louisville, Ky., Oct. 18, 1894; chief clerk Eio Grande Western Eailway, Chi- cago, May 9, 1898; contracting agent Denver & Eio Grande Eailway, Chicago, July 1, 1901; general agent Denver & Eio Grande & West- ern Pacific railways, Detroit, since Apr. 1, 1912. Eepublican. Presbyterian. Member Southern Society of Detroit, Eoyal Arcanum. Clubs: Detroit Transportation, Grand Eapids Transportation. Eecreations: baseball and gardening. Office: 1323 Majestic Bldg., De- troit. Eesidence: Birmingham, Mich. AEMITAGE, Percy T,; see Vol. 1908. ARMSTRONG, Edwin E., manufacturer of saddlery; born, Detroit, 1853; son of Thomas and Catherine (Hopson) Armstrong; educated in public schools of Detroit; married, at De- troit, 1883, Louise McCutcheon; three chil- dren: Philip M., Catherine, Josephine (Mrs. James M. Acklin, of Toledo, O.). Was con- nected with the hardware trade during the earlier years of his business career; member of the firm of Armstrong & Graham, organ- ized 1880, wholesale manufacturers of har- ness and other saddlery goods; also president Armstrong Tanning Co. Member Detroit Board of Commerce, Geological Society. Trustee Westminster Presbyterian Church. Clubs: Detroit, Country, Detroit Boat. Office: 123 Jefferson Ave. Eesidence: 67 Watson Street. ARMSTRONG, George A., state agent and adjuster ^tna Insurance Co.; born, Hillsdale, Mich., Dec. 13, 1853; son of George and Martha (Nares) Armstrong; educated Union School, Hillsdale, and Hillsdale College; mar- ried, June 10, 1889, Cora L. Howard, of Fari- bault, Minn. Served as state agent New York Underwriters' Insurance Co., eight years, 1881-89; state agent Hartford Insurance Co., 1889-1900; state agent -.Etna Insurance Co. since 1900. Member Detroit Board of Com- merce. Republican. Mason. Club: Eushmere. Eecreations: fishing and hunting. Address: 12 Atkinson Ave. ARMSTRONG, Henry I., saddlery hard- ware; born, Detroit, Dec. 10, 1850; son of Thomas and Catherine (Hopson) Armstrong; educated in Detroit public schools, Olivet College and University of Michigan; married, at Detroit, Mar. 21, 1877, Sarah Aikman. Was connected with the chemical laboratory of Parke, Davis & Co., 1871-73; then with Hayden & Baldwin and Glover & Campau; in emploj^ of Buhl, Ducharme & Co., 1875-85; has been member firm of Armstrong & Gra- ham, wholesale manufacturers saddlery hard- ware, since 1885. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Republican. Presbyterian, Club: Detroit. Office: 123 Jefferson Ave. Eesidence: 197 Parker Ave. ARNOLD, Charles Peter, electrotyping; born, Detroit, Jan. 25, 1876; son of Phillip Peter and Rosie Mary (Webber) Arnold; edu- cated St. Mary's (parochial) School and Clin- ton and Duffield (public) schools; unmarried. Learned printing trade with the Detroit Evening News, continuing about nine years; then turned attention to electrot japing; in employ Peninsular Engraving Co. until 1900; became connected with firm of Stewart, Bell & Stewart, Mar. 12, 1900, and now vice-presi- dent same. Member Jubilee Lodge, I. O. O. F. Eecreation: automobiling. Office: 11-17 Woodbridge St. W. Eesidence: 728 Hurlbut Avenue. ARNOLD, John W., lawyer; born, Allegau, Mich., July 6, 1874; son of Dan J. and Frances (Bassett) Arnold; father, for twenty years judge 20th judicial circuit, Michigan; graduate University of Michigan, and Law Department, June, 1896; married, Dec. 4, 1902, Gertrude Jenkins, of Grand Eapids, Mich.; one daughter, Dorothy Elizabeth. Be- gan practice at Ann Arbor, 1896; removed to Detroit, 1902; managing attorney for Mercan- tile Credit Co., since 1909. Eepublican. Epis- copalian. Member Golden Eule Lodge, No. 159, F. & A. M., Ann Arbor. Eecreation: motoring. Office: Suite 715-716 Chamber of Commerce. Eesidence: Fernando Apartments. ARTHUR, Frederick Prentice, clergyman; born, Utica, N, Y., May 25, 1859; son of John and Elizabeth P. (Sessions) Arthur; nephew of Alonzo Sessions, at one time lieutenant- governor of Michigan; educated high school, Ionia, Mich.; Lansing Agricultural College, 1878 and 1879; M.A., Bethany College, W. Va., 1885; married, Aug. 4, 1885, Roberta C. Hawkins, of Bethany and Elizabeth, W. Va.; one daughter, Mildred (Mrs. C. A. Helmeck). Ordained to ministry Christian (Disciples) Church, 1880; pastor Angola, Ind., 1886-91, Rochester, N. Y., 1891-99, Grand Eapids, Mich., 1899-1908; state evangelist and secre- tary Jfor the Disciples of Michigan, 1908-12; since city missionary, Detroit, starting new churches. Eepublican. Eecreation: farming. Address: 174 Hartford Ave, THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 27 ASHLEY, Edward H., wholesale and retail coal and ice; born, Eichmond, N. Y., Nov. 2, 1846; son of Hiram and Polly (Gilbert) Ash- ley; educated in public schools and Nunda Academy, N. Y., and at Goldsmith's Business •College, Detroit; married, Detroit, May 22, 1878, Eva J. Belknap; one daughter, Euth (Mrs, Eoys A. Ellis). Began active career as clerk in Warner's Dry Goods Store, Nunda, N. Y., 1865; removed to Detroit, 1869; sales- man in dry goods house of Newcomb & Endi- cott, 1869-81, with Belknap & Drake, whole- sale packing and provisions, 1881-87; entered the coal business, 1887, and organized the firm of Hall & Ashley, which was consoli- dated with Pittmans & Dean Co., 1892, of which he became director and secretary; also director Crystal Ice Co., Ltd. Member Sons of American Eevolution. Eepublican. Con- gregationalist. Eeereation: enjoyment of "the simple life." Office: 10 Adams Ave. W. Eesidenee: 71 Garfield Ave. ASHTON, William J., secretary John Lauer Machine Co.; born, Enfield, Ont., Can., Nov. 28, 1869; son of John S. and Grace Yoe (Westaway) Ashton; educated in public schools of" Enfield, 1874-84; Port Perry High School, 1884-87; business university, Chat- iam; married, Detroit, May 8, 1900, Frances M. Westphal (died Mar. 9, 1911); two chil- s. A. k. Root), Fannie L. (Mrs. J. C. Murray), Howard B. Came to Detroit, 1876, and entered employ of Charles Root & Co., 300 THE BOOK OF DETROITERS wholesale dry goods; admitted to partnership as junior member of the firm, 1888, and on death of Mr. Eoot, four months later, the firm of Strong, Lee & Co. was organized; continued in wholesale dry goods business for fifteen years; associated with W. M. Finck, 1902, and organized firm of W. M. Finck & Co., manufacturers of overalls, of which is treasurer. Also director Bower Roller Bear- ing Co. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Democrat. Presbyterian. Mason. Clubs: Detroit, Country, Detroit Athletic. Recrea- tion: golf. Office: 1156 Gratiot Ave. Resi- dence: Grosse Pointe, Mich. LEE, John, physician; born, Detroit, Feb. 13, 1869; son of John and Catherine (Doran) Lee; educated public schools, Detroit; M.D., Detroit College of Medicine, 1890; married, Nov. 29, 1900, Rose A. Campros, of Detroit; 7 children: Margaret, Robert E., John, Jr., Catherine, Rose Mary, Eleanor, Joseph. Be- gan practice in Detroit, 1890; ambulance sur- geon in charge of down-town station, for the Harper Hospital, 1% years; member staff of visiting physicians, St. Mary's Hospital; clinical professor in medicine, Detroit College of Medicine. President Lariviere Printing Co. Democrat. Catholic. Member American Medical Association Michigan State, and Wayne County Medical societies. Member Knights of Columbus. Residence: 317 Cass Ave. LEECH, Charles William; born, Newboro, Ont., Can., Mar. 11, 1856; son of Robert and Ann (Barber) Leech; educated Gorrie pub- lic schools and Brantford High School; mar- ried, Nov. 15, 1894, Anna Jackson, of Blue- vale, Ont.; 6 children: Grant, Gertrude, Vir- gil, Frederick, Dorothy, Anna Jean. Asso- ciated for 17 years with William Roche in the lumber business as Leech, Roche & Co.; manager and senior partner of the Gregg Hanna Box Co., since 1908. Trustee Grand River Ave. M. E. Church. Prohibitionist. Recreation: amateur gardening. Office: Mich- igan Ave. and M. C. R. R. Viaduct. Resi- dence: 9 Taft Ave. LEECH, Edward W., hardwood lumber; born, Newboro, Ont., Jan. 20, 1849; son of Robert and Elizabeth (Earl) Leech (both natives of Canada) ; educated in rural com- mon school and at Berlin (Ont.) High School; married, at Gorrie, Ont., 1878, R. May Jack- son; one son. Earl; married, 2d, at London, Ont., Jan., 1892, Christina Henderson; one daughter, Margaret (deceased). Located in Detroit, 1879, and entered hardwood lumber business, in which is engaged in his own name as wholesale and retail dealer. Mem- ber Detroit Board of Commerce. Methodist. Member Royal Arcanum, Maccabees. Recre- ation: automobiling. Office: 17th St. and Warren Ave. Residence: 75 Commonwealth Ave. LEETE, Frederick De Land, clergyman; moved to Atlanta, Ga.; see Vol. 1908. LEETE, Thomas T. Jr., lawyer; born, De- troit, Nov. 26, 1858; son of Thomas T., Sr.,. and Jean (Hopkins) Leete; educated in De- troit public and high schools; Law Depart- ment, University of Michigan, 1880; married at Detroit, 1885, Miss Mary Cooper; one daughter, Lillian G. Has been engaged in practice in Detroit since 1880; member of firm of Corliss, Andrus & Leete, 1885-1902; member of firm of Corliss, Leete & Joslyn since 1902. Vice-president Dearborn Transit Co. Formerly assistant city attorney, assist- ant corporation counsel and member Detroit Board of Education. Member Association Bar City of Detroit (executive committee), Michigan State Bar Association, Y. M. C. A. (board of directors), McGregor Institute (board of directors); trustee Y. W. C. A. Republican. Baptist. Club: Orchard Lake Yacht. Recreation: golf. Office: 1424 Ford Bldg. Residence: 64 Alexandrine Ave. W. Summer home at Orchard Lake. LEGG, Thomas Milton, funeral director; born, Butler County, O., Mar. 4, 1834; son of John and Anna (Whalen) Legg; educated public school, Piqua, O.; married, 1858, Jem. B. Breckon, of St. Mary's, O.; 2 children: Eva (Mrs. James R. Webster), Bess (Mrs. Nelson M. Gass). Engaged in retail hard- ware business at Celina, O.; then farmed for 2 years; entered the furniture and undertak- ing business at St. Mary's, O., 1870; was in the undertaking business exclusively at Union City, Ind., for 4 years; came to Detroit, 1888; member firm of T. M. Legg & Co., funeral di- rectors, 1888-1900, when took his son-in-law,. Nelson M. Gass, as a partner, and firm and name became Legg & Gass. Sheriff of Mer- cer Co., Ohio, for 8 years. Republican. Trus- tee Simpson M. E. Church. Member De- troit Funeral Directors' Association. Mason. Recreation: summer outing. Residence: 376 4th Ave. LEGGETT, John Wheeler; see Vol. 1908. LE GEO, Albert Leland, dental surgeon; born, Suisun, Calif., Oct. 25, 1875; son of THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 301 Eichard Purrington and Cathryn A. (Smith) Lie Gro; graduate Santa Rosa (Calif.) High School, 1891; student University of Califor- nia, 1891-93; graduate University of Michi- gan, 1895; married, Oct. 1, 1908, Golden Filer, of Detroit; children: Catharine M., Frank Filer. Began practice at Athens, Mich., 1896; has practiced in Detroit since Oct., 1906. Republican. Member Michigan State Board of Examiners in Dentistry (appointed secre- tary by Gov. Warner, Nov. 12, 1905), and member National Committee to promote uni- form dental examinations in all states of the Union; member Southwestern Michigan (president, 1904-5, 1905-6), Michigan State (president, 1907), Northern Ohio and National Dental associations. Central Michigan Dental Society (honorary). Delta Sigma Delta. Ma- son, Knight Templar, Shriner. Clubs: Detroit, Detroit Athletic, Detroit Boat. Recreation: horseback riding. Office: 271 Woodward Ave. Residence: 91 Ferry Ave. E. IiEHMANN, William J., lawyer; born, Adrian, Mich., Nov. 21, 1879; son of Chris- topher G. and Caroline C. (Eiseh) Lehmann; educated public schools; Adrian College; LL.B., University of Michigan, 1904, A.M., 1905; unmarried. Admitted to Michigan bar, 1905, and since practiced in Detroit; mem- ber firm of Choate, Webster, Robertson & Lehmann, 1909-12; Choate, Robertson & Leh- mann, since Oct., 1912. Republican. Lutheran. Member German-American Society. Member Schiller Lodge, A. F. & A. M. Club: Law- yers'. Recreation: outdoor sports. Office: 433 Majestic Bldg. Residence: 776 Baldwin Ave. LEHNER, WiUiam; born, Mt. Clemens Mich., Feb. 24, 1872; son of Leonard and Catherine (Bartholomae) Lehner; educated in Mt. Clemens public schools and Detroit Busi- ness University; married at Detroit, Nov. 21, 1893, Miss Belle Shook; one daughter, Alice K. Began active career in men's furnishings establishment, Mt. Clemens; came to Detroit, 1894, and was identified with John Gorman, the hatter, for four years, and then with J. L. Hudson for two years; was traveling sales- man for the Detroit White Lead Works until Jan., 1906, since connected with the American Paint and Glass Co. Member Detroit Paint and Varnish Club. Presbyterian. Member Knights of Pythias. Clubs: Fellowcraft, North Channel. Recreation: tennis. Office: 30 Cadillac Sq. Residence: Mt. Clemens, Mich. LEHB, Andrew Adam, manufacturers' agent; born, Sandusky, O., July 27, 1880; son of Adam Henry and Elizabeth Dorothy (Klem) Lehr; educated public schools; high school 2 years; private tutelage for busi- ness 2 years; mechanical engineering 4 years; married, Feb. 27, 1901, Lillian Cathleen Adams, of Toledo, 0. Entered employ of the Pope Motor Car Co. when the company started building steam carriages, 1898; gave up posi- tion to assist in organizing the DeLuxe Motor Car Co., Detroit, 1906; assisted in organizing the E-M-P-Co., 1907; director of purchases of General Motors Co., 1911-13; in business for self as manufacturers' agent since Aug. 1, 1913, representing Chisholm & More Mfg. Co., of Cleveland (malleable iron castings), Sagi- naw Sheet Metal Works and Page-Storms Drop Forge Co., Chicopee, Mass. Has served in practically every capacity known in the auto industry. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Republican. Protestant. Mem- ber Zion Lodge, F. & A. M.; Michigan Sov- erign Consistory; Moslem Temple, Mystic Shrine; also Knights of Pythias, K. O. T. M, Club: Detroit Motor Boat. Recreation: mo- toring and scientific research. Office: Suite 2, 790 Woodward Ave. Residence: 1909 Scotten Ave. LEIDICH, Christian; born, Germany, Jan. 19, 1868; son of Christian and Marie Eliza- beth Leidich; college education in Germany and Detroit College of Law, LL.B., 1902; married, Paris, France, Sept. 30, 1897, Olga C. Dohmstreich, of Detroit. Came to America, 1889; located in New York City and first en- gaged in preparing boys for college; entered tourist business, 1893, traveling as director and lecturer of De Potter parties to countries of Europe and the Orient; became manager of Dr. De Potter's Paris tourist office and assistant manager of the New York office; removed to Detroit, 1899, and since passenger agent for ocean and lake lines; also has prac- ticed law since 1902. Protestant. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Clubs: Har- monie, Arion, Turnverein, Fellowcraft. Rec- reations: gardening, music. Office: 174 Gris- wold St. Residence: 150 E. Grand Boul. LEITH, Campbell Hamilton, men's tailor; born. Point Edward, Ont., Nov. 26, 1881; son of Thomas B. and Louisa Anne (Saunders) Leith; was brought to America in infancy; educated public schools and Saline (Mich.) High School; married, June 25, 1907, Cynthia E. Dean, of Detroit. Came to Detroit, 1898, 302 THE BOOK OF DETROITERS from Saline, Mich; in men's furnishing busi- ness, 1905-9; assisted in organizing, Aug., 1909, firm of Leith & Young, of which is senior partner. Eepublican. Presbyterian. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Mem- ber Palestine Lodge 357, F. & A. M. Recrea- tions: outdoor sports. Office: Bowles Bldg. Residence: 51 Chope PI. LELAND, Frank Bruce, banker; born, Rose, Mich.; graduate University of Michi- gan, degree of B.A., 1882, Law Department, same university, LL.B., 1884; married; one daughter, Katherine. Practiced in Flint, Mich., 1885-90; removed to Detroit, 1890, and continued in general practice until 1895, when he became general counsel, and later general manager National Loan and Invest- ment Co., continuing until 1910; organized Detroit United Bank, 1901, of which is presi- dent. Elected Regent University of Michigan, 1907. Republican. Member Phi Kappa Phi. Clubs: Detroit, Country, Old Club, American Alpine Club. Recreation: mountain climbing. Office: 206 Griswold Bldg. Residence: 185 Burns Ave. LELAND, Henry Martyn; born, Danville, Vt., Feb. 16, 1843; son of Leander B. and Zilpha (Tifft) Leland; educated in public schools of Worcester and Milbury, Mass.; married at Milbury, Mass., 1867, Miss Ellen R. Hull; children: M. Gertrude (Mrs. Angus C. Woodbridge), Wilfred Chester, Miriam (de- ceased). Learned machinist's trade in Wor- cester, Mass.; tool maker in U. S. Armory, Springfield, Mass., 1862-65; was connected for twenty years with Brown & Sharp, Providence, R. I., becoming superintendent of sewing ma- chine department; removed to Detroit, 1890, and started small machine shop on Bates street as manufacturer of special machinery; organized the Leland & Falconer Manufactur- ing Co., of which was manager until merged into Cadillac Motor Car Co., 1904, of which was founder and general manager until 1909, since advisory manager; also director Detroit Gas Co. President Detroit Citizens' League. Republican. Presbyterian. Office: 1343 Cass Ave. Residence: 2984 W. Grand Boul. LELAND, Wilfred Chester, automobiles; born, Worcester, Mass., Nov. 7, 1869; son of Henry M. and Ellen R. (Hull) Leland; ed- ucated Providence (R. I.) public schools; Providence High School; Brown University to 1890; married, June 27, 1907, Blanche M. Dewey, of Detroit; 1 child: Wilfred Chester Leland, Jr. With Leland Faulconer & Norton Co., manufacturers of machinery and tools, Detroit, 3 years, then with Brown & Sharpe Manufacturing Co., Providence, R. I., 1 year; returned to Detroit and was assistant man- ager Leland & Faulconer Mfg. Co., 1900-4; became connected with the Cadillac Motor Car Co., 1904, was assistant manager until 1909, since vice-president and general man- ager; vice-president Automobile Chamber of Commerce; Trustee Detroit Museum of Art; director Detroit Orchestral Association; chair- man Y. M. C. A. State Executive Committee. Republican. Presbyterian. Member Zeta Psi. Mason. Clubs: Detroit, Detroit Automobile, Detroit Boat, Bloomfield Hills Country, De- troit Athletic. Recreations: automobiling, stock raising, farming. Office: 1343 Cass Ave. Residence: 2980 W. Grand Boul. LE MESSURIER (or LA MEASURE), Joses Tallman; born, Hamilton, Out., Feb. 9, 1868; son of Peter and Rachel (Langlois) Le Messurier; educated Ontario schools; married, Sept. 17, 1891, Christina W. Sartor, of Alma, Mich.; 2 children: Vida Rachel, Lawrence Joses. Began in laundry business as parcel boy and continued in various capacities until 1897; since member La Measure Bros., laun- dry. Detroit Laundry Machinery and Supply Co., since 1906. Methodist. Member Detroit Board of Commerce, National, Michigan State and Detroit Laundrymen's associations. 32° Mason; member Knights of Pythias, K. O. T. M., B. P. O. Elks. Office: 255 Lafayette Blvd. Residence: 463 Baker St. LEMKE, Alexander, hardware merchant; born, Berend, Germany, Mar. 12, 1858; son of John and Dorothy Lemke; was brought to America, 1859; educated in parochial and public schools, Detroit; married, Feb. 7, 1887, Christine Brobecker, of Detroit; 6 children: Dorothy (died 1888), Elizabeth (died 1890), John (died 1902), Mary (died 1905), Antoi- nette and Rose. Began active career in the retail grocery store of his father, later was admitted as a partner; continued in grocery business for 38 years; also engaged as retail hardware merchant on own account since Oct. 13, 1893, and since 1906 has devoted en- tire time to same. Trustee Mt. Elliott and Mt. Olivet cemetery associations; treasurer Retail Hardware Dealers' Association (since organization, 1902), treasurer Order of C. M. B. A. Democrat. Catholic. Recreations: automobiling, boating and summer home. Of- fice: 811-815 St. Aubin Ave. Residence: 815 THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 303 St. Aubin Ave. Summer Eesidence: New Baltimore, Mich. LEMMEK, Gustave H.; born, Detroit, Sept. 5, 1866; son of Henry and Catherine (Gies) Lemmer; educated public schools, Detroit; married, Sept. 19, 1890, Elizabeth Van Hoff- man, of Detroit; 2 children: Harry, Irene. Has been engaged since 1874 in granite and marble work, the business having been es- tablished by his father, manager and director Henry Lemmer 's Sons since 1898; was man- ager of Estate of Henry Lemmer who died in June, 1897. Catholic. Member Knights of Columbus, C. M. B. A. Office: 104 Elmwood Ave. Eesidence: 106 Elmwood Ave. LEMMEB, Theodore C, monumental work; born, Detioit, July 15, 1876; son of Henry and Catherin'i (Gies) Lemmer; educated parochial schools, Detroit; married, Sept. 27, 1899, Elizabeth Colerus, of Detroit; 4 chil- dren: Jerome, Elizabeth, Catherine, Theodore. Learned trade under father who established business in 1874; after death of father, in 1897, title of firm was changed to Henry Lemmer 's Sons, which still continues. Cath- olic. Office: 104 Elmwood Ave. Eesidence: 750 Champlain St. liENHARD, Charles A., physician; born, St. Agatha, Waterloo County, Ont., Can., Oct. 14, 1859; son of Adam and Frances (Kaizer) Lenhard; educated parochial schools, St. Agatha and Detroit; St. Jerome College, Ber- lin, Ont., 2 years; M.D., Detroit College of Medicine, 1890; married, 1891, Dorothea Mich- enfelder, of Detroit. Associated with Dr. Kaizer until his death, 1893, and succeeded to his practice. Supreme medical examiner in United States and Canada for Knights of St. John. Democrat. Catholic. Member American Medical Association, Michigan State and Wayne County medical societies. Member Knights of Columbus. Eecreations: baseball, outdoor sports. Office and Eesidence: cor. East Grand Boul. and Gratiot Ave. LENOX, Harry, merchant tailor; born, De- troit; son of James and Sarah (McKenna) Lenox; of Scottish- American descent; edu- cated public schools. Entered merchant tail- oring business in Detroit, 1875; began on own account, after returning to Detroit from Kan- sas City, Mo., 1895, and has since continued in own name on steadily increasing scale. Mem- ber Detroit Board of Commerce, National Mer- chant Tailors' & Cutters' Association. Eecre- ations: athletic sports, and art (owner of some notable works of art). Office: 56 Lafay- ette Boul. Eesidence: 115 W. Euclid Ave. LEONARD, Arthur Alexander, warehousing; born, Detroit, Aug. 12, 1888; son of Henry James Leonard, Jr., and Annie (Adams) Leonard; descended from English ancestry; educated public schools and high school, De- troit; married, Oct. 19, 1912, Mary Ladue Dunbar, of Detroit. Began active career, 1905, in warehouse business, founded, 1886; vice-president Leonard 's Eeliable Storage Co. since 1908. Member Detroit Board of Com- merce. Eepublican. Episcopalian. Member American Warehousemen's Association. Ma- son, Damascus Commandery No. 42, Knights Templar. Eecreations: fishing and all out- door sports. Office: 23-29 W. Alexandrine Ave. Eesidence: 850 Cass Ave. LEONARD, Charles Henri, physician, author; born, Akron, 0., Mar. 28, 1850; son of Charles H. and Ann S. (Gary) Leonard; edu- cated at Hiram College, O.; Genesee College, Lima, N. Y.; Union College, Schenectady, N. Y., graduating, A.B., 1872, A.M., 1882; studied medicine at Clevelant^, under Pro- fessor G. C. E. Weber; M.D., University of Wooster, 1874; post-graduate courses at Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons, and Wom- an's Hospital, New York; married at Avon Springs, N. Y., June o, 1872, Cornelia S. Wil- liams. Has practiced in Detroit since 1874; professor gynecology Detroit College of Med- icine, 1879-1910, now emeritus professor. Vice- president Detroit Coin Wrapper Co. Mem- ber Board Public Library Commissioners for six years, and its president, 1901. Member American Medical Association, Michigan State Medical Society, Wayne County Medi- cal Society (president, 1888-90), Detroit Gyne- cological Society( vice-president, 1892). State committeeman Pan-American Medical Con- gress. Eepublican. Methodist. Mason. Au- thor: Pocket Anatomist; A Manual of Band- aging; Hair: Its Growth, Care, Diseases and Treatment; Materia Mediea and Therapeu- tics; etc. Eecreation: whist. Eesidence: 3087 West Grand Boul. LEONARD, Everett Austin; born, ilount Clemens, Mich., Sept. 26, 1855; son of Theo- dore Otis and Mary Townsend (Jenney) Leon- ard; educated in public schools of Detroit; unmarried. Began active career as clerk in wholesale department of E. B. Smith & Co., books and stationery, where he remained for six years; then was bookkeeper in Detroit, Mackinaw & Marquette E. E. Co.'s laud of- 304 THE BOOK OF DETROITERS fice; bookkeeper for George E. Angell, pho- tographic supplies, 6 years; secretary Stand- ard Life and Accident Insurance Co., 1885- 1912; since vice-president and treasurer Standard Accident Insurance Co. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Eepublican. Episcopalian. Member Sons of American Kev- olution. Clubs: Wayne, Detroit Boat. Eecre- ations: automobiling, baseball and other out- door diversions. Office: Penobscot Bldg. Ees- idence: 60 Stimson PI. LEONARD, George Edward, life insurance; born, Argentine, Mich., May 28, 1878; son of Edward F. and Maggie (Berry) Leonard; graduate Fenton High School, Fenton, Mich., June, 1899; LL.B., University of Michigan Law School, 1902; married, Nov, 27, 1907, Ma- bel Traphagen, of Fenton; one child: George Edward, Jr. In practice of law at Detroit, 1902-11; since auditor Northern Assurance Co. of Michigan. Progressive. Methodist. Mason, K. T. Office: 3d floor Dime Savings Bank Bldg. Eesidence: 135 Eosedale Ct. LEONARD, Henry R., president H. E. Leon- ard Furniture Co.; born, Aug. 27, 1847; died, Jan. 10, 1912; see Vol. 1908. LEONARD, Orvice R,; born, Keene, N. H., Sept. 24, 1865; son of Henry O. and Harriet (Hendrick) Leonard; educated in public schools of Keene, N. H., Brattleboro, Vt., and six months at Vermont Academy, Saxtons Eiver, Vt.; unmarried. Began as clerk in grocery and furniture store, later learning organ and piano tuning; was chief clerk in oflSce of register of deeds for two years and in surety bond business 11 years; resident manager National Surety Co., of New York, at Detroit, 1903-8, since general agent same. Member Michigan House of Eepresentatives since 1911. Member Vermont National Guard 9 years; on board U. S. S. Yosemite during Spanish-American War. Eepublican. Episco- palian. Mason; member I. O. 0. F. Club: Detroit Athletic. Eecreations: outdoor sports. Officee: 1018-1020 Ford Bldg. Eesidence: 165 Kirby Ave. W. LEPPER, Louis J., vice-president Detroit Insurance Agency; born, Detroit, Nov. 27, 1884; son of James H. and H. Belle (Briggs) Lepper; descended from early Colonial an- cestry; graduated Ann Arbor (Mich.) High School, 1903; married, Mar. 9, 1910, Agnes Foreman, of Detroit. Began active career as clerk Crowley Bros., wholesale dry goods, De- troit, June, 1903, continuing until Aug., 1905; salesman Belding Bros. & Co., Chicago, Aug., 1905-Jan., 1909; vice-president Detroit In' ar- ance Agency since Jan., 1909. Eepublii n. Episcopalian; choirmaster Trinity Episcoj^ Church. Member Palestine Lodge No. 357, . . & A. M.; King Cyrus Chapter No. 133, E. A. M.; Detroit Commandery No. 1, K. T.; Mosle Temple, Shrine. Clubs: Business Men's Y C. A., Detroit Athletic. Eecreations: music, gardening, handball. Office: 1104-1112 Dime Savings Bank Bldg. Eesidence: 60 Colorado Avenue. LERCHEN, William Godfrey, bonds; born, Detroit, Mar. 9, 1879; son of Edward Henry and Melena Ann (Eoe) Lerchen; educated public schools, Detroit; married, Nov. 8, 1905, Mabel Dorothy Hodson, of Detroit. Secre- tary and treasurer Gibraltar Quarry Co., 1905-9; assistant manager bond department First National Bank, Detroit, 1909-13, since manager department. Eepublican. Congrega- tionalist. Clubs: Orpheus, Players, Detroit Golf (secretary and treasurer), Detroit Ath- letic, Fine Arts Society. Eecreations: out- door sports, music. Office: First National Bank. Eesidence: 152 Gladstone Ave. LE SEURE, Oscar, physician; born, Dan- ville, 111., Jan. 27, 1851; son of Prosper and Elizabeth (Wilhoit) Le Seure; educated pub- lic schools, Danville; M.D., University of Michigan, 1873; house physician U. S. Marine Hospital, Detroit, 6 months; post graduate degree at Bellevue Hospital, N. Y., Mar., 1874; studied in Paris, France, 1886; Edin- burgh and London, 1892; hospitals of Lon- don, Berlin and Vienna, 1906-7; married, Dec. 24, 1874, Caroline Stansbury, of Dan- ville, 111. Practiced, Danville, 1874-86; re- turned to Detroit and later appointed surgeon and gynecologist to Grace Hospital; member Detroit Board of Health, 1895-98 (president, 1897-98) ; professor surgery, Homeopathic De- partment, University of Michigan, 1895-1900. President Board of Eegistration of Michigan, 1906; surgeon in chief Michigan Central R. E. since Mar., 1907; president Medical Board Grace Hospital, since 1904, also senior sur- geon. Appointed by President McKinley brigade surgeon with rank of major U. S. Vols. 1898; on duty at Sternberg General Hospital, Chickamauga Park, Ga. Member Michigan Homeopathic Medical Society (pres- ident, 1894), American Institute of Home- opathy, American Association Military Sur- geons, American Association Eailway Sur- geons, American Medical Association, Michi- gan State Medical Society, Wayne County THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 305 Me(lical Society. Club: Prismatic. Kecrea- tioi^, farming. OfJfice: 607 Fine Arts Bldg. P . \ience: 25 Eowena St. .'J3SHER, George Henry, lawyer; born, Easton, Pa.; son of Joseph H. and Susan Bher; educated in public schools of Detroit Mayhew's Business College; admitted to tiie oar, 3888; married at Sharon, Pa., Ber- aella E. Hulette. Deputy clerk in Eecorder's Court, 1873-77; clerk, 1877-1900; began prae- ♦^ice of law, 1888. Director Peninsular State Bank, Stewart Transportation Co.; secretary Sheboygan (Wis.) Gas Light Co. Eepublican. Member Association Bar City of Detroit, Harmonie Society. Mason (32°), K. T., Shriner; member B. P. O. E, Clubs: Detroit Boat, Detroit Boat Club Yachtsmen, Detroit Yacht, Detroit Athletic. Eeereation: yacht- ing. OfBce: 815 Union Trust Bldg. Eesidence: Lucerne Apts. IiESTTFiB, Howard J., retired; born, Easton, Pa., Aug. 9, 1856; son of Joseph H. and Susan (Kortz) Lesher; educated in public schools of Detroit; married at Joliet, 111., Aug. 15, 1896, Misa Louise Minihan; 2 children: George W., Ealph H. Began as messenger First Na- tional Bank, Detroit, continuing one year; in the office of collector of customs four years, two years in office of register of deeds and four years in money order department of the Detroit postoffiee; after serving a year as deputy collector of customs was for four years in the office of city assessor and for four years acted as cashier of the postoffiee; with Union Trust Co., 1893-1902; treasurer Detroit Trust Co., 1902-12 (retired). Eepublican. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Clubs: Detroit, Detroit Golf, Detroit Boat, Old Club. Eesi- dence: 106 Warren Ave. W. L'ESPEEANCE, David A., Jr., lawjer; moved to New York City; see Vol. 1908. LESZCZYNSKI, Peter J.; born Detroit, June 29, 1866; son of Anthony and Anna (Skiba) Leszczynski; educated public schools of Detroit; married, Aug. 5, 1890, Stella Wieruszewska, of Detroit; 6 children: Wanda, Irene, Isabelle, Eobert, Florence, Henry. In mercantile business in Detroit since 1902; also partner M. J. Maloney «&; Co. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Catholic. Member Knights of Columbus, Elks, Polish National Alliance. Eeereation: automobiling. Office: 873-881 Eus- sell St. Eesidence: 1260 Brush St. LEVY, David J., physician; born, Kalama- zoo, Mich., Feb. 8, 1881; son of Jacob and Alice (Desenberg) Levy; educated public schools, Kalamazoo; Kalamazoo College; A.B., University of Michigan, 1902, M.D., 1906; post-graduate courses, Boston, New York, Ber- lin and Vienna; married, June 30, 1913, Helen K. Blitz, of Detroit. Practiced in Kalamazoo, 1906-9; went abroad for 1 year and in 1911 located in Detroit; associate physician, De- troit United Jewish Charities, Franklin Street Dispensary, Salvation Army Dispensary, Milk Fund Clinic, Detroit General Hospital. Mem- ber Detroit Board of Commerce. Democrat. Member American, Michigan State and Wayne County Medical associations, Detroit Society of Neurology and Psychiatry. Club: Phoenix. Office: 513 Washington Arcade. Eesidence: 165 Pingree Ave. LEVYN, William Mark, merchant; see Vol. 1908. LEWIS, Alex. I.; bom, Detroit, Aug. 21, 1874; son of Alexander and Elizabeth (Inger- soll) Lewis; educated in Detroit public schools; Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass.; Yale University, degree of B.A., 1898; mar- ried, Detroit, Nov. 28, 1900, Bertha Palms; 3 children: Elizabeth, Annette, Alex. I., Jr. Began as secretary of the Bailey Coal Co., 1899; was next with Michigan Brass and Iron Works as treasurer; has been secretary and treasurer The Newland Hat Co. since 1904; also director Detroit Fire & Marine Insurance Co., Detroit Trust Co. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Clubs: Detroit, University, De- troit Boat. Eeereations: outdoor diversions. Office: 164-168 Jefferson Ave. Eesidence: Grosse Pointe Farms. LEWIS, Alexander; born Oct. 24, 1822; died Apr. IS, 1908; see Vol. 1908. LEWIS, E. St. Elmo, advertising manager; born Philadelphia, Mar. 23, 1872; son of Enos Eees and Mary Bartram (Gibson) Lewis; de- scended on mother's side from Chief Justice Gibson, of Pennsylvania, also from John Bartram, first botanist of America, founder of Bartram 's Garden, Philadelphia; on father's side from the same family as Meriwether Lewis, of Virginia, leader of the Lewis and Clark expedition which first explored the Northwest; educated Eastburn Academy, Philadelphia; University of Pennsylvania Law School, to 1894; married, Nov. 16, 1905, Maude E. Wherry, of Detroit; 1 son, Bartram Durfee Lewis. Began in advertising business in Philadelphia, Sept., 1896; with National Cash Eegister Co., Dayton, O., 1902-3; manag- ing editor of magazine, "BBsinesa, " Detroit, 306 THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 1904-5; advertising manager Burroughs Add- ing Machine Co., since 1906. Member National Progressive Party State Executive Commit- tee, Michigan, 1912; president Wayne County Progressive Club, 1913. Protestant. President Association of National Advertising Mana- gers, 1910-11; president Adcraft Club of De- troit, 1909; member Efficiency Society, Amer- ican Philosophical Society, American Eco- nomic Association, Association of Corporation Schools (vice-president), Associated Adver- tising Clubs of America (executive commit- tee), Detroit Board of Commerce. Member Palestine Lodge, F. & A. M., Detroit; corre- sponding member Quatuor Coronati Lodge, F. & A. M., London, Eng. Clubs: Detroit, De- troit Athletic, Detroit Golf, Automobile, Ad- craft. Eecreations: motoring and golf. Public speaker on business and civic affairs. Office: Second Ave. and Amsterdam St. Eesidence: 109 Pingree Ave. LEWIS, Eugene W., manufacturer; born. Belle Vernon, Pa., Sept. 6, 1870; son of Thorn- ton F. and Margaret E. (Evans) Lewis; edu- cated Curry University, Pittsburgh, Pa.; mar- ried, June 3, 1902, Margaret M. Mellinger, of Canton, O. Began business career as a clerk in office of the Raney & Berger Iron & Steel Co., Nevi' Castle, Pa., continuing for 2 years; then TPith the Bradford Window Glass Co. 2 years and in the general offices of the Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh Railroad; entered em- ploy of the Standard Oil Co. and was located in Pennsylvania and Ohio, first as office man, assistant secretary, secretary and treasurer; later with the Commercial National Gas Co., Bradford, Pa.; was assistant general manager of the East Ohio Gas Co.; engaged in the manufacturing business as member of the J. H. McLain Co., manufacturers of radiators and hot water systems. Canton, O. Located in Detroit, 1909; secretary and treasurer, The Timken Detroit Axle Co.; treasurer and di- rector Timken-David Brown Co.; director Se- curity Trust Co. (Detroit), J. H. McLain Co., Canton, O. Member board of directors of So- ciety for Prevention of Cruelty to Children, Ohio Society (director), Detroit Board of Commerce. Member Masonic bodies and Shrine. Clubs: Detroit, Country, Automobile Country (director), Aero Club of Michigan (director), Detroit Athletic (director), De- troit Boat, Automobile. Recreation: golf. Office: Timken Detroit Axle Co., 132 Clark Ave., near Fort St., W. Residence: 144 Vir- ginia Park. LEWIS, George Andrew; born, Tilsonburg^ Ont., Can., Apr. 25, 1870; son of William and Martha (Shippy) Lewis; married, July 30, 1895, Amy Neal, of Philadelphia; three daugh- ters: Evangeline, Lucile, Georgia. Founder The Lewis School for Stammerers, and head of same. Member board of directors Newsboys' Association; member Detroit Board of Com- merce. Baptist. Mason, K. T., Shriner; mem- ber B. P. O. Elks. Clubs: Wolverine Auto, Ad- craft, Exchange. Writer on stammering. Recreations: automobiling; interested in an- tique clocks. Office: 35 Adelaide St. Resi- dence: 38 Adelaide St. LEWIS, Henry B.; born, Detroit, Nov. 18, 1866; son of Alexander and Elizabeth J. (In- gersoll) Lewis; educated in public schools of Detroit and at Trinity College, Port Hope, Ont; married at Detroit, 1900, Margie E. Croul; one son, Alexander Jerome. Engaged in manufacture structural iron since 1893, and proprietor of works conducted in his own name. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: Detroit, Country, Yondotega, Boat, Old Club, Detroit Curling, Detroit Racquet and Curling. Recre- ation: golf. Office: Ferry Ave. E. and Roby St. Residence: 685 Jefferson Ave. LEWIS, Lincoln G,, transportation official; born, Louisville, Ky., Aug. 18, 1863; son of Sewell B. and Mattie Lewis; educated in De- troit public schools; married at Detroit, Sept. 8, 1885, Mary Zoellner; 2 children: Grace May (Mrs. Stewart Monroe), Lincoln A. Has been a resident of Detroit since 10 years of age; began, 1876, as cash boy for C. R. Mabley, clothier, and advanced through various de- partments until 1884, when he entered De- troit & Cleveland Navigation Co. 's office as clerk; became chief clerk and ticket agent to general passenger agent, assistant general passenger agent, 1902, and has been general passenger and ticket agent same since 1904. Republican. Methodist. Mason (32°), Shriner. Club: Transportation. Recreation: bowling. Office: Foot of Wayne St. Residence: 520 Willis Ave. W. L'HOMMEDIEU, Charles Hammond, law- yer; born, Jackson, Mich., May 4, 1880; son of Richard Henry and Angelina Catherwood (Marston) L'Hommedieu; educated Detroit public schools; A.B., Yale University, 1903; LL.B., University of Michigan, 1906; unmar- ried. Admitted to Michigan bar, 1906; entered employ of Russel, Campbell & Bulkley, 1906; became a member of the firm Jan. 1, 1912j THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 307 title being changed to Campbell, Bulkley & liedyard; director and secretary Tessmer Ma- chine & Tool Co., Benjamin Douglas Co., Na- tional Hide & Leather Co.; assistant secre- tary and treasurer Home Construction Co. Member Association Bar City of Detroit. Ee- publican. Episcopalian. Member Phi Delta Phi. Clubs: University, Detroit Boat, Law- yers', Detroit Athletic. Recreations: fishing, hunting. Office: 604 Union Trust Bldg. Resi- dence : 191 McDougall Ave. L'HOMMEDIEU, Richard Henry, retired; born, Cincinnati, Dec. 29, 1850; son of Stephen S. and Alma (Hammond) L'Hommedieu; edu- cated by tutors and at private academies; married, Chicago, May 13, 1878, Angelina C. Marston; 3 children: Eloise M. (Mrs. Philip Russell, of Philadelphia), Charles H., Alma. Began in locomotive machine shops of the Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton Ry., 1872; was clerk in division superintendent 's office, Chi- cago, Burlington & Quincy R. R., 1872-73; train- master Michigan Central Ry., 1873-77; superin- tendent West Division, Chicago, 1879-90, as- sistant general superintendent of the road, 1890-96, general superintendent, 1896-1903, gen- eral manager same road, 1903-12 (retired). Club: Country. Recreation: reading. Resi- dence: 191 McDougall Ave. LICHTENBERG, William; born, Baden, Germany, Apr. 20, 1842; son of John George and Catherine Lichtenberg; educated in Ger- many and in piiblic schools of Detroit; mar- ried, Oct. 20, 1868, Mina Weitzel, of Detroit; 4 children: Ella D. (Mrs. Stanton Crawford), William G., Minnie E. (Mrs. Joseph Perrien), Cora L. (Mrs. Malcolm McKinnon). Came to America, 1852, and located in Detroit; was en- gaged in the grocery business, 9 years; firm of Lichtenberg & Son, grain, mill feed, etc., was established, 1863, reorganized, 1888. Alder- man old Fourth Ward (now Fifth Ward), 1871; commissioner Detroit House of Correc- tion for 20% years. Republican. German Lutheran. Member Detroit Board of Trade (president, 1872), Harmonic Society. Office: 121 Vermont St. and M. C. R. R. Residence: 715 East Grand Boul. LICHTENBERG, William George; born, De- troit, Apr. 19, 1875; son of Frederick William and Mina (Weitzel) Lichtenberg; educated grammar schools and High School, Detroit, graduating from latter, 1893; married, Oct. 10, 1900, Eunie Plass, of Detroit; one son, Wil- liam 6., Jr. Has been identified with whole- sale grain and feed business since beginning of active career; member firm of Lichtenberg & Son since 1903. Presbyterian. Member Har- monie Society. Mason, K. T. Clubs: Detroit Athletic, Detroit Yacht. Recreations: automo- biling, outdoor sports, summer home. Office: 121 Vermont Ave., cor. M. C. R. R. Residence: 114 Pingree St. LICHTIG, William; born, Hungary, Aus- tria, Mar. 26, 1861; son of John and Fannie (Wohl) Lichtig; came to America, 1867; edu- cated in public schools of Ohio; married, Cleveland, June 28, 1883, Bertha Meth; 4 chil- dren: Henry, Edward, Fannie, Allen. Learned trade of cigar maker in Cleveland, 1874-77; worked in various cities up to 1883, and then returned to Cleveland, where he started a cigar factory; district manager American Cigar Co., 1907-11; secretary and manager Se- curity Cigar Co., 1911-13; since partner and manager Lilies Cigar Co. Deputy internal rev- enue collector, Cleveland, 1894-98; superinten- dent of streets, Cleveland, 1899-1901. Demo- crat. Jewish religion. Member Knights of Pythias. Club: Phoenix. Recreations: hunt- ing and fishing. Office: 222 Forest Ave. Resi- dence: 826 2d Ave. LIDDY, Ralph William, lawyer; born, De- troit, May 8, 1886; son of Frank N. and Mary A. (Shaw) Liddy; educated Detroit public and high schools; LL.B., Detroit Col- lege of Law, 1907; unmarried. Began prac- tice of law in Detroit, 1907; supervisor of schools in the Philippines, 1909-11. Member Lawyers' Club of Detroit. Republican. Mem- ber Detroit Board of Commerce. Recreation: boating. Office: 815 Ford Bldg. Residence: 57 Selden Ave. LIEBERMAN, Herman; born, Rochester, N. Y., Nov. 24, 1875; son of William and Anna (Grossman) Lieberman; educated public schools of Rochester and Detroit; married, Oct. 14, 1903, Rose Rosengarten, of Detroit; one daughtei', Elizabeth Ann. Was with Fort St. Union Depot Co., representing the Wabash, Pere Marquette and Canadian Pacific rail- ways, 1896-1913; general manager Central Cigar Co. since Apr., 1913. Musician 1st In- fantry, Mich. N. G., 7 years. Republican. Recreations: fishing, hunting. Office: 568 Woodward Ave. Residence: 582 Brush St. LIEBERMAN, John P.; born, Detroit, Oct. 10, 1854; son of Constantine and Margaretha (Hilzinger) Lieberman; public schools, De- troit; Herman's private German school, 1861- 65; married, June 24, 1885, Emma Hamburg, of Detroit; 3 children: Irene (Mrs. George L. 308 THE BOOK OF DETROITERS Earle), Norma (Mrs. J. E. Decker, of Bay City, Mich,), Florine. Began as newsboy, 1865; apprenticed printer's trade, 1867-72; then in job printing office, 1872-74; with K. C. Barker Co., manufacturers of tobaccos, as manager of printing and advertising depart- ment, 1874-76; manager of printing and ad- vertising department. Globe Tobacco Co., 1876-80; in tobacco business on own account since 1880, incorporated, 1898, under firm name of John P. Lieberman and Co., of which is president. Member Detroit Scott Guards, Michigan National Guard, 1882-86. Repubffi- can. Lutheran. Member Detroit Board of Commerce, German American Association. Mason. Clubs: Exchange, Detroit Athletic, Harmonic. Recreations: traveling. Office: 84 Gratiot Ave. Residence: 133 Virginia Park. IiIEBIG, William, machinist; born, Macomb County, Mich., Aug. 26, 1866; son of William and Bertha (Dietz) Liebig; educated public schools, Macomb Co.; married, Nov. 20, 1888, Bertha Ketel, of Detroit; 6 children: Walter, W'illiam, Edwin, Elsie, Viola, Gertrude. Came to Detroit, 1883; learned machinist's trade with George Mead & Co., continuing with the oompany for 10 years; then with Detroit Specialty Co., 2 years; foreman Cartwright Manufacturing Co., 1 year; with John Lauer, 1 year; in business on own account since 1901, as William Liebig & Co., manufacturers of special brush machinery, on which he holds a dozen patents. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Member German Lutheran Church. Recreation: automobiling. Office: 96-100 Le- land St. Residence: 485 Sherman St. LIGHTNER, Clarence A., lawyer; born, Binghamton, N. Y., Jan. 24, 1862; son of Rev. Milton C. Lightner; educated in public schools of Detroit and University of Michigan, grad- uating, degree of B.A., 1883; married, 1892, Frances B. McGraw; children: Theodore A., Clarence H., Alice M., Martha F, Studied law in office of Hon. Alfred Russell, was admitted to the bar, 1888, and has since practiced in Detroit; member firm of Keena, Lightner, Ox- toby & Oxtoby. Member American and Mich- igan State Bar associations. Association Bar City of Detroit, Detroit Board of Commerce. Clubs: University, Country, Detroit Boat, Of- fice: Dime Savings Bank Bldg. Residence: 1708 Jefferson Ave. LIGHTNER, Edwin N,; see Vol. 1908. LrLLIBEIDGE, Francis Marion; born, Blossville, N, Y., Sept. 9, 1848; son of Ira and Sophronia (Merrick) Lillibridge; edu- cated district schools of New York state; married, Jan. 1, 1879, Ruby E. McMillen, of Chelsea, Mich.; one daughter, R. Birdsall (Mrs. A. E. Peters), In lumber business in Detroit since 1873; established the F. M. Lil- libridge Lumber Co., retail, 1905, and con- tinues as proprietor. Republican. Mason. Of- fice: 652 Grand River Ave. Residence: 96 Ferry Ave. W. LINCOLN, Addison I., real estate; born, Ypsilanti, Mich., Jan. 9, 1875; son of Charles Henry and Mary Jane (Smith) Lincoln; grad- uated Armada (Mich.) High School, 1893; attended the Ypsilanti Normal School 2 years; Michigan Agricultural College; married, Apr. 14, 1904, Helen Caroline Palmer, of Detroit; children: Palmer, Marjorie, Joyce, June. Be- gan in real estate business in Chicago, Apr, 1, 1901; in same line of busines in Detroit since 1903, Republican. Congregationalist, Member Detroit Real Estate Board. Clubs: Fellowcraft, North Channel Fishing and Shooting. Recreations: outdoor sports. Office: 412 Moffat Bldg. Residence: 1126 3d Ave, LINDEMANN, Frank W,; born, Detroit, Sept. 20, 1880; son of William and Emma (Schnikter) Lindemann; educated Detroit public schools and Washington Normal School; married, June 24, 1902, Agnes M. Cor- coran; 2 children: Marguerite, Frank W., 3d. Partner with Wm. Lindemann & Sons, car- riage and wagon manufacturers, since 1909. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Repub- lican. Protestant. Mason. Recreation: auto- mobile touring. Office: 160 Madison Ave. Res- idence: 846 East Grand Boul. LINDKE, Gustav A., shoe merchant; born, Casco, St. Clair Co., Mich., July 4, 1876; son of Christian and Wilhelmina (Mackelburg) Lindke; educated public schools, Casco; mar- ried, Feb. 20, 1901, Anna Stayner, of Chicago. Began active career, 1891, in employ of Val- pey & Co.; started on own account as the Triangle Shoe Co., on Grand River Ave., 1892; bought out Valpey & Co., June, 1902, and conducted same 10 years as The Valpey Shoe Co., Ltd.; incorporated, 1912, as the Lindke Shoe Co., of which is president and manager. Conregationalist. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Member B. P. O. Elks. Club: Ex- change. Recreation: automobiling. Office: 29- 31 Monroe Ave, Residence: 145 Pingree Ave, LING, J. Henry; born, Detroit, Oct, 10, 1864; son of Conrad and Damaris V, (CaSy) Ling; educated German school until 11 j^ears of age, public schools to 13; business college THE BOOK OP DETROITERS 309 6 months; married, Oct. 18, 1893, Augusta D, Guest, of Detroit; 2 daughters: Elizabeth Irving, Constance Cliflford. Has engaged in selling pianos since 1880; successor to C. Ling, established, 1860. Trustee Central Methodist Church. Progressive. Member Civic League. Recreation: farming. Office: 78 Library St. Residence: Ford City, Ont., Can. LING, Louis; born, Detroit, Feb. 12, 1874; son of Conrad and Damaris Victoria (Cady) Ling; educated Detroit High School; private tutelage; B.A., Harvard, 1898; University of Michigan Law School, one year; LL.B., De- troit College of Law, 1900; unmarried. On staff of Detroit Journal, 1901-12; dramatic, musical and literary editor for 9 years, also other positions; now with The McManus Co., magazine and newspaper advertising. Meth- odist. Member Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Fine Arts Society. Clubs: University, Country, De- troit Athletic, Harvard Club of Michigan, The Players. Recreations: outdoor sports. Office: Journal Bldg. Residence: 115 Alfred St. LINK, Harry N.; see Vol. 1908. LIPPHARDT, Herman John, retail cloth- ing merchant; born, St. Louis, Nov. 20, 1863; son of John and Catherine (Hede) Lipphardt; educated public schools, St. Louis; married, Apr. 26, 1905, Dorothea Finck, of St. Louis; 1 daughter, Marion Finck. Was with Arbuckle Bros., coffee merchants. New York, 1894-1901; member firm Lipphardt & Klie Clothing Co., East St. Louis, 1901-3; became treasurer of Lipphardt & Heymann Clothing Co., Detroit, incorporated Sept. 1, 1903; after death of Samuel Heymann, Oct., 1907, was elected sec- retary and treasurer; store name of Lipp- hardt & Heymann Clothing Co. changed from "The Good Luck" to The Schmitz & Shroder Co., 1910. Republican. Member Detroit Board of Commerce; member B. P. O. Elks. Recre- ations: outdoor sports. Office: 53-57 Farmer St. Residence: 51 Melbourne Ave. LISK, Cliarles Wayland, life insurance; born, Rockford, HI., Mar. 20, 1868; son of James and Mary Lutherana (Pratt) Lisk; A.B,. Brown University, 1890; B.D., Rochester (N. Y.) Theological Seminary, 1893; married, Oct. 17, 1904, Lulu M. Wellman, of Detroit; 2 children: Atwood Granville, Grace Pauline. Ordained Baptist ministry, 1893; pastor at Ithaca, Mich., 1893-1900; editor Michigan Christian Herald, Detroit, 1900-5; since spe- cial agent Northwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co. of Milwaukee. Republican. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Member Delta Upsilon fraternity. Mason (32°); member Michigan Sovereign Consistory; Shrine. Club: Fellow- craft (life member). Recreations: country life, outdoor diversions. Office: 620 Hammond Bldg. Residence: 115 Webb Ave. LITTLE, Charles H., manufacturer; born, Detroit, Mar. 14, 1839; son of Thomas and Marie (Stock) Little; educated in public schools of Detroit (Barstow, principally) and course in Prof. W. D. Cochran's Academy, Detroit; married at Mount Clemens, Mich., Feb. 22, 1870, Fannie J. Wise; 3 daughters: Ida L. (wife of Dr. Edward L. Merritt), Lil- lian L. (Mrs. Cornelius N. Ray), Clara H. (wife of Dr. William F. Bernart, of Chicago). Began active career in employ of Frederic B. Sibley, dealer in builders' supplies, 1856; ad- mitted to partnership under title of F. B. Sibley & Co., 1865, and succeeded to the busi- nes, 1887, when the name of the firm became C. H. Little; organized stock company under title of The C. H. Little Co., Jan. 1, 1898, of which was elected president; organized the Ray Chemical Co., and was its president until 1905, when he disposed of his interest; also or- ganized the Union Tale Co., of New York. Republican. Episcopalian. Mason (32°), Shriner. Died, Sept. 6, 1913. LIVINGSTON, WiUiam T.; born, Detroit, Apr. 2, 1858; son of Allan and Euphemia Livingston; educated in public schools of De- troit; married at Detroit, Aug. 19, 1885, Delia G. Gilbert; 1 son, William Gilbert. Began active career as parcel boy for R. H. Fyfe & Co., 1871, and has been partner in the firm since 1886, and vice-president since incorpo- ration, 1910. Member Detroit Board of Com- merce. Republican. Methodist. Mason, K. T., Shriner. Club: Detroit Golf. Recreation: golf. Office: 183 Woodward Ave. Residence: 50 Bethune Ave. LIVINGSTONE, WiUiam, banker; born, Dundas, Ont., Jan. 21, 1844; son of William and Helen (Stevenson) Livingstone; academ- ical education; married, Detroit, June, 1866, Susan Downie; children: William Allan, Mar- garet, Helen E., Robert B., Susie A., Sea- bourne R., Florence M. and T. W. P. Be- came connected with the shipping interest on the Great Lakes at beginning of his active career, 1864, and has been identified with it for more than 45 years. President Dime Sav- ings Bank since its organization, 1884. Pres- ident Lake Carriers' Association; director Se- curity Trust Co. Former publisher Detroit .Journal. President American Bankers' Asso- 310 THE BOOK OF DETROITERS ciation, 1911-12 (chairman executive commit- tee, 1909-10) ; ex-president Michigan Bankers ' Association; ex-president Detroit Board of Trade; member Detroit Board of Commerce. Eepublican. Member Michigan legislature, 1875; ex-president Detroit Park & Boulevard Commission; formerly chairman executive committee, Eepublican State Central Commit- tee; delegate Republican National Convention, 1896 (chairman Michigan delegation). Mem- ber St. Andrew's Society (ex-president), 33° Mason, K. T. (past eminent commander De- troit Commandery No. 1). Clubs: Detroit, Fel- lowcraft. Country, Detroit Bankers' (ex-presi- dent), Detroit Golf, Automobile, also Press (New York). Office: Dime Savings Bank Bldg. Eesidence: 40 Eliot St. LIVINGSTONE, WUliam Allan, manager Detroit Publishing Co.; born, Detroit; son of William and Susan (Downie) Living- stone; descended from Scotch ancestry on both sides of the house; educated Detroit public schools, and Capitol High School; B.S., in Mechanical and Marine Engineering, Uni- versity of Michigan, 1889; unmarried. Iden- tified with the Detroit Publishing Co., art publications and technical and educational publications, since 1901, now vice-president and manager of the company; secretary Mich- igan Navigation Co. For some years also vessel agent and marine consulting engineer. Has contributed many special articles to mag- azines and newspapers. Public lighting com- missioner, City of Detroit, 1896-99. Trustee and treasurer Detroit High School Scholarship Association. Eepublican. Presbyterian. Mem- ber American Society of Naval Engineers, Detroit Engineering Society, Tau Beta Pi. Clubs: Detroit, University, Old Club, Arts and Crafts, Detroit Boat. Eecreation: sail- ing. Office: 723 Vermont Ave. Eesidence: 40 Eliot St. LLOYD, Ernest Frederick; born, Detroit, Aug. 21, 1866; son of Gordon William and Laura (White) Lloyd; attended Assumption College, Sandwich, Ont., 1876-82, and high school, Windsor, Ont., 1882-84; apprenticed as architectural student in father's office, at De- troit, 1884-89; married at Fort Wayne, Ind., Dec. 12, 1895, Mabel Eobertson. Entered gas business at Akron, O., 1889; became secretary and treasurer Western Gas Construction Co., Fort Wayne, Ind., 1893; sold out, 1901, and in 1902 established the Lloyd Construction Co., Detroit, of which is president. Member American Gas Institute. Clubs: Detroit Boat, Detroit Athletic, Chemists' (New York). Rec- reation: yachting. Office: 860 Greenwood Ave. Eesidence: 106 Merrick Ave. LOCKE, Charles E.; born, Detroit, Mar. 9, 1858; son of Charles H. and Avis C. (Fiske) Locke; educated in Prof. Patterson's private school, Detroit; married, Detroit, 1888, Sarah W. Hinchman; 1 son, Edward H. Began ac- tive career as clerk with DuCharme, Fletcher & Co., wholesale hardware, 1876; entered em- ploy of A. C. McGraw & Co., wholesale shoes, 1879, as clerk, and later became assistant man- ager; resigned, 1895, and organized the Michi- gan Shoe Co. and was its president until Feb., 1908; since secretary and treasurer Menzies Shoe Co. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Episcopalian. Member Michigan National Guard for twenty-one years; was lieutenant colonel and assistant adjutant general First Brigade at time of resignation, in 1892. Eec- reations: golf, fishing. Office: 431-433 Gratiot Ave. Residence: 158 McDougall Ave. LOCKE, William M.; born, Brantford, Ont., Oct. 17, 1846; son of William and Elizabeth (Liens) Locke; educated in public schools of Tonawanda, N. Y. ; married at Memphis, Mich., Sept. 22, 1868, Lucina Clough; 2 daugh- ters: Marjorie (Mrs. E. T. Paterson), Una Belle (Mrs. B. S. Pagel). Began in lumber business at East Tawas, Mich., 1869, and con- tinued for twenty-six years; removed to De- troit, 1895, associated with others and organ- ized The Anderson Carriage Co., of which was secretary, 1895-1901; treasurer of the com- pany, 1901-11; since treasurer Anderson Elec- tric Car Co. Member Detroit Board of Com- merce. Director Detroit Y. M. C. A. Repub- lican. Methodist. Club: Fellowcraft. Eecre- ation: automobiling. Office: Clay and Eiopelle Sts. Eesidence: 2994 East Grand Boul. LOCKWOOD, Frederick R., civil engineer; born. Five Lakes, Mich., June 11, 1879; son of Joshua J. and Josephine (Fair) Lockwood; educated High School, North ville; Detroit Col- lege; special work Y. M. C. A., Buffalo, N. Y.; married, Dec. 18, 1905, Eleanor Stolz, of De- troit; 1 son. Began active career with Edison Co. of Detroit, 1901; now associated with U. S. Lake Survey of Detroit. Eepublican. Uni- versalist. Member Detroit Engineering So- ciety. Mason. Eecreations: motor boating, fishing. Office: Old Federal Bldg. Eesidence: 557 Sheridan Ave. LOCKWOOD, Harry Albert, lawyer; born, Petersburg, Mich., Aug. 28, 1861; son of Ezra L. and Jennie (Hall) Lockwood; educated THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 311 public schools, Michigan; graduated State Normal School (Ypsilanti), 1881; LL.B., De- partment of Law, University of Michigan, 1883; married, Aug. 28, 1884, Helen Stone, of Washington, Mich.; children: Albert H., Gertrude A., Ezra W. Began practice at Mon- roe, Mich., 1883; city attorney, Monroe, 2 terms; prosecuting attorney, Monroe County, 1894-6; appointed circuit judge of 38th Ju- dicial Circuit by Governor Bliss, Sept. 5, 1901; elected circuit judge for balance of term in 1902; reelected for full term, 1906; resigned Feb. 1, 1909; now member firm of Clark, Lock- wood, Bryant & Klein; director, The Boehme & Ranch Co. (Monroe), Detroit National Fire Insurance Co. Member Association of Judges of Michigan (president, 1906), Michigan State Bar Association (president, 1909-10), Sons of the American Revolution. Director Y. M. C. A. Republican. Methodist. Recrea- tions: motoring, traveling, reading. Office: 1301-1308 Ford Bldg. Residence: 1077 2d Ave. LODGE, Albert, physician; born, Brooklyn, July 26, 18.52; son of Edwin Albert and Emma (Kissane) Lodge; educated in public schools and at University of Michigan, graduating, M.D., 1879; married at Detroit, Oct. 20, 1875, Louisa Freeman; one daughter, Florence. Has practiced in Detroit since 1879; member State Board of Medical Registration, 1899-1903; on staff Grace Hospital eight years. Homeopath. Republican. Congregationalist. Recreation: automobiling. Address: 44 High St. W. LODGE, Edwin, physician and surgeon; born, Cincinnati; son of Edwin Albert and Emma (Kissane) Lodge; educated in public schools. University of Michigan and New York Homeopathic College, M.D., 1871; married at Detroit, Dec. 12, 1899, Alice Dwight Berry; children: Joseph B., Adelaide D. Began prac- tice at Detroit, then in Ionia, Mich., 1871; practiced in San Francisco, 1874-75, Detroit since 1875; surgeon to Grace Hospital until 1903. Homeopath. Manager Joseph Berry Es- tate. Was member Old Detroit Light Guard. Trustee Grosse Pointe Farms. Republican. Mason. Recreation: traveling. Office: 76 Broadway, Detroit. Residence: Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich. LODGE, Frank Terrell, lawyer; born, Madi- son, Ind.; son of John James and Mary (Ter- rell) Lodge; educated public schools, Chicago and Indianapolis; A.B., DePauw University, Greencastle, Ind., 1884, A.M., 1887; student. Law School, Columbian University, Washing- ton, D. C, 1878-80; M.D., Michigan College of Medicine and Surgery, 1903; married, Nov. 25, 1908, Genevra Rose Buck, of Brighton, Mich, (died Aug. 3, 1911); one son, Cameron W. Private secretary to first comptroller of the U. S. Treasury, Albert G. Porter, 1878-80; law secretary. Judge William Lawrence, first comptroller, 1880-2; admitted to bar, 1884, and since in practice at Detroit; medico-legal expert, City of Detroit; professor medical jurisprudence, Michigan College Medicine and Surgery, for 14 years; member firm of Lodge & Brown. Republican. Methodist. Member Association Bar City of Detroit, Detroit Board of Commerce, Detroit Institute of Science, Beta Theta Pi, Michigan Society Sons Amer- ican Revolution. Mason (33°); member Knights of Pythias. Clubs: Fellowcraft, De- troit Athletic, Detroit Boat, Lawyers'. Au- thor of a number of monographs on medico- legal and general subjects. Recreations: study of psychology; flowers. Office: 715 Majestic Bldg. Residence: 75 Tuxedo Ave. LODGE, John Christian, lumber dealer; born, Detroit, Aug. 12, 1861; son of Edwin Albert and Christina (Hanson) Lodge; edu- cated Detroit public and high schools; Pat- terson's School for Boys; Michigan Military Academy; unmarried. In lumber business since 1897; secretary Dwight Lumber Co. since 1909. Member Detroit Light Infantry, 1884-90; member Michigan House of Representatives, 1909; alderman City of Detroit, since 1911; also chairman Wayne County Board of Super- visors. Member Michigan Commission Perry's Victory Centennial. Republican. Presbyte- rian. Mason. Club: Detroit Athletic. Recre- ation: baseball. Office: Dwight Lumber Co., River Rouge, Mich. Residence: 44 Garfield Ave., Detroit. LOGAN, Charles Harrison, joint express agent; born, Thorndale, Ont., Can., Feb. 11, 1860; son of William H. and Maria (Harri- son) Logan; educated public school. Thorn- dale; high school, St. Mary's, Ont.; Colle- giate Institute, London, Ont.; married, Dec. 1, 1886, Catherine Payne, of London West, Ont.; 6 children: William Richard, Evelyn Maria, Ethel Mary, Charles George Harold, Gladys Florence, Mildred Helen. Bookkeeper and traveling salesman, A. MeCormick & Sons, London, Ont., 1879-82; clerk Grand Trunk Ry., at London, Ont., 1882-5, at Windsor, Ont., with same company, 1885-91, Detroit, with same company, as accountant, 1891-1904; joint express agent. Electric Depot Co., Detroit, since 1904. Member Detroit Board of Com- 312 THE BOOK OF DETROITERS merce. Eepublican. Episcopalian. Member Local Freight Agents ' Association, West War- ren Eesidents' Association, La Salle Gardens Improvement Association. Member Indepen- dent Order of Foresters, Canadian Order of Chosen Friends. Club: Detroit Transportation. Eecreations: baseball, fishing and hunting. Office: Electric Depot Co., 5th and Congress Sts. Kesidence: 20 La Mothe Ave., La Salle Gardens. IiONDY, Samuel M.; born, Germany, Dec. 20, 1878; son of Jacob and Miriam Londy; was brought to America with parents early in life and educated in public schools of New York state; unmarried. Lived for many years in New York state, and in New York city for three years; then removed to Chicago, where he remained six years; came to Detroit, Oct., 1906; has been connected with same line of business ever since the beginning of his active career; resident partner of L. Londy & Co., Chicago and Detroit, dealers in ladies' cloaks, suits, etc., established in Detroit, Oct., 1906. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Mason. Eecreations: hunting and fishing. Office: 217 Woodward Ave. Eesidence: The Tuller. LONG, Irvin, lawyer; born, Monroe, Mich., Oct. 3, 1884; son of Amos M. and Susan (Westover) Long; educated public schools Monroe; A.B., University of Michigan, 1906 LL.B., 1908; unmarried. Admitted to Michi gan bar, 1908, and since practiced in Detroit Member Association Bar City of Detroit. Ee publican. Presbyterian. Member Phi Alpha Delta. Clubs: Fellowcraft, Lawyers'. Eecre- ations: fishing, tennis. Office: 915 Hammond Bldg. Eesidence: 476 Cass Ave. LONGYEAR, Howard Williams, surgeon; born, Lansing, Mich., July 24, 1852; son of John Wesley and Harriet (Monroe) Longyear; educated in Lansing public schools; commer- cial college; University of Michigan; Colum- bia University Medical Department (College of Physicians and Surgeons), degree of M.D., 1875; post-graduate studies in hospitals of Berlin and Vienna; married at Lansing, Mich., Sept. 7, 1880, Abbie Scott; children: Esther (Mrs. T. A. McGraw, Jr.), Margaret M. In practice in Detroit since 1875; visiting phy- sician to Woman 's Hospital, gynecologist to Harper Hospital, professor clinical gynecology Detroit College of Medicine; vice-president and treasurer Universal Button Fastening and Button Co. Member Wayne County Medical Society, Michigan State Medical Society, American Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ex-president). Member A. O. U. W. and N. U. Clubs: Detroit, Country. Eecreations: hunting, fishing and boating. Of- fice: 271 Woodward Ave. Eesidence: 1699 Jef- ferson Ave. LONYO, Andrew, retired; born, Detroit, July 28, 1850; son of Louis and Angeline (Eeed) Lonyo; educated public schools of Springwells; married, Dec, 1876, Annie Lap- ham, of Detroit (died Feb., 1904); 5 children: Orville, Emma, Andrew, Jr., Daisy, Arnold. Lived on farm at Springwells until 1874; started brick yard on farm owned by the fam- ily and engaged actively in business as Lonyo- Harsha Brick Co. for 38 years (retired, spring of 1912); senior member Lonyo-Harsha. Ee- publican. Mason. Eesidence: 435 14th St. LOOK, Henry, lawyer; born, Detroit, Sept. 25, 1872; son of Henry and Theresa (Burkard) Look; educated parochial schools; admitted to Michigan bar, 1893; married, Sept. 28, 1897, Mary Schneider, of Detroit; children: Henry J., Dorothy, Eobert C, Eichard W. Practiced law in Detroit 1894-96; chief deputy under Sheriff Chipman, 1897-98; became assistant secretary City & Suburban Homes Co., Ltd., •June, 1904, secretary and treasurer since 1910. Democrat. Catholic. Member American Phila- telic Society, Detroit Philatelic Society. Mem- ber C. M. B. A., Loyal Guards. Eecreation: collecting stamps. Office: 200 Griswold St. Eesidence: 322 Vinewood Ave. LOOK, William, lawyer; born, Detroit, Mar. 16, 1857; son of Arnold Nicholas and Cath- erine (Canto) Look; self-educated; admitted to the bar, 1880; married July 22, 1879, Chris- tine Audretsch, of Detroit (died Aug., 1905); 5 children: Cordelia, Florence (Mrs. C. Dick- son), Viola (Mrs. Norman J. Chapton), Eugene Edwin, Virginia. Began practice in Detroit, 1880; elected member Board of Councilmen (then the upper house of the city council), 1885, and served 2 years, until abolishment of the board; judge of Wayne County Circuit Court, 1887-88; resumed practice after retir- ing from the bench; member law firm of Look 6 Humphrey, 1894-1900, since practiced alone. Democrat. Eoman Catholic. Eecreations: fish- ing, sailing, rowing. Office: 45 Campau Bldg. Eesidence: 284 Monroe Ave. LOOKEE, Oscar K., life insurance; born, Columbus, 0., June 19, 1846; son of Eobert S. and Sarah (Hooper) Looker; educated in schools of Ohio; married at Detroit, Oct., 1895, Libbie C. Sullivan; 2 sons: Oscar F., Beam C. Began in life insurance business, THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 313 1867; came to Detroit from Cleveland, O., 1871, and has been identified with the Michi- gan Mutual Life Insurance Co. since June of that year, first as bookkeeper, next as secre- tary, and since 1895 as president. Served in Eighteenth U. S. Infantry, regular army, 1861 to Apr., 1865, Army of the Cumberland. Ma- son; member Detroit Commandery No. 1, Knights Templar, and Michigan Sovereign Consistory. Past Commander Detroit Post No. 384, G. A. E. Eeereation: fishing. Office: 150 Jefferson Ave. Residence: 70 Canfield Ave. E. LOOlVnS, Freeman L.; see Vol. 1908. LOBE, William E., automobile supplies; born, Camden, N. J., May 27, 1881; son of Charles T. and Mary (MacAfee) Lore; edu- cated public schools of Camden; married. May 15, 1906, Christine E. Spencer, of Newport, N. J.; one son, William E., Jr. Began active career as salesman for Pennsylvania Salt Co., Philadelphia, continuing for 3 years; sales- man with Chicago branch of Whitman & Barnes, machine tools, 1904-7; with Chas. E. Miller, Philadelphia, auto supplies, 1907-8; came to Detroit, 1908, as local manager same company; resigned Sept., 1910; since engaged in business on own account under title of the Acme Sales Co., of which is president. Demo- crat. Episcopalian. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. 32° Mason. Eeereation: thea- tre. Office: 237 Jefferson Ave. Eesidence: 124 Webb Ave. LOTHEOP, Cyrus E., lawyer; see Vol. 1908. LOTZ, John A., real estate; born, Aug. 10, 1858; died, Apr. 27, 1912; see Vol. 1908. LOVE, Charles Edward; born, Charleston, S. C, Dec. 27, 1871; son of Charles and Mary A. (Fuller) Love; educated in public schools of Blissfield, Mich., and at Detroit College of Law, LL.B., 1895; married, Detroit, Nov. 24, 1899, Florence Harmer. Practiced law in Detroit, 1895-1910; since secretary and treas- urer Art Glass Co.; assistant corporation coun- sel, Detroit, 3 years. Democrat. Member De- troit Board of Commerce, Detroit Board of Education 4 years. Mason; member Loyal Or- der of Moose. Eecreations: fishing, baseball. Office: 72-76 Fort St. E. Eesidence: 362 Alger Avenue. LOVE JOY, Luther Ellsworth, clergyman; born, Jamestown, Mich., Mar. 21, 1864; son of Hiram Eeed and Harriet Helen (Eobinson) Lovejoy; A.B., with honors, Albion College, Mich., 1899; S.T.B., with honors, Boston Uni- versity, 1894; (D.D., Albion, 1905); married, June 28, 1892, Nellie S. Valentine of Litch- field, Mich.; one daughter, Helen Mary. Or- dained ministry M. E. Church, 1889; pastor Three Oaks, Mich., 1889-91, Bridgewater, Mass., 1892-95, Greenwood Ave. Church, Jack- son, Mich., 1895-96, First Church, Ludington, Mich., 1896-99, Trinity Church, Grand Eapids, 1899-1904, First Church, Saginaw, 1904-8, Fi^st Church, Pontiac, 1908-10, 14th Ave. Church, Detroit, since 1912; handsome new church edifice dedicated Mar. 2, 1913. Trustee Al- bion College, Chelsea Home for Aged People. General secretary Detroit Housing Commis- sion, 1910-12; member National Conferejice of Charities and Correction; Michigan Child La- bor Committee, Delta Tau Delta. Progressive. Club: Adcraft (hon. member and chaplain). Eecreations: tennis, boating, fishing, walking. Study: cor. 14th Ave. and Poplar St. Eesi- dence: 222 Stanton Ave. LOVELAND, Harlow B., manager Loveland Co., automobiles; born, Suffield, Conn., Nov. 7, 1875; son of Edward C. and Julie C. (Stowell) Loveland; educated common schools, N. Blandford, Mass.; technical education, Spring- field, Mass.; married, Sept. 25, 1900, Bertha D. Hemenway, of Chester, Mass.; one daugh- ter, Doris Enie. Engaged as produce mer- chant, Eockville, Mass., 1898-1905; district manager for Armour & Co., New Haven, Conn., 1905-8; manager Loveland Co., Detroit, since 1908; also treasurer Merril Self Starter Co. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Eepub- lican. Congregationalist. Member I. O. O. F., Eebecca, Modern Woodman. Club: Wolverine Auto. Eecreations: automobiling, outing. Of- fice: 1197-1205 Woodward Ave. Eesidence: 79 Colburn PI. LOVELEY, Edward Arthur, real estate; born, Springfield, Mass., June 11, 1879; son of Napoleon P. and Mary (Eno) Loveley; edu- cated Springfield and West Springfield public schools; married, Sept. 8, 1904, Lina F. Mc- Leod, of Detroit. Began in employ of the Davis Electrical Works, Springfield, continu- ing until 1900; with the Western Envelope Co., Centralia, 111., until 1901; learned real estate business in Cleveland; removed to De- troit, 1900, and became connected with W. W. Hannan; incorporated, 1904, the Stormfeltz- Loveley Co., of which is vice-president and secretary; also vice-president Stormfeltz-Love- ley Neville Co., New York, N. Y., American Construction & Eealty Co.; president Grosse Pointe Development Co.; treasurer Boulevard 314 THE BOOK OF DETROITERS Kealty Co. President Detroit Eeal Estate Board, 1913; treasurer National Association of Real Estate Exchanges of America; mem- ber Detroit Board of Commerce. Catholic. Clubs: Detroit, Automobile, Bloomfield Coun- try, Detroit Athletic, Harmonie. Office: 76 Griswold St. Residence: 120 Seward Ave. LOWE, William Baird, treasurer and busi- ness manager The Detroit Journal; born, De- troit, Jan. 27, 1871; son of Thomas and Mary Ann (Poole) Lowe; educated in Detroit High School; married at Detroit, 1889, Gertrude Merrell; 1 daughter, Helen Rosemary. Began active career as counter clerk, The Detroit Journal, advancing through advertising de- partment to position of advertising manager; has been business manager since 1901; treas- urer since Apr., 1910. Republican. Baptist. Member Board of Commerce. Clubs: Detroit, Detroit Golf (president, 1910). Recreation: golf. Office: cor. Fort and Wayne Sts. Resi- dence: 43 Atkinson Ave. LOWELL, George K., railway official: moved to New York; see Vol. 1908. LOWE.IE, Albert Bruckner; born, Detroit, Apr. 2, 1870; son of George P. D. and Jus- tine E. (Bruckner) Lowrie; educated public schools and Detroit High School, graduating June, 1890; married, Mabel Gale, of Aurora, 111., June 25, 1902; 2 children: Justine G., Ed- mund G. Began working in the woods and saw mill at LeRoy, Mich., for the Cutler & Savage Lumber Co., 1891; came to Detroit, 1894, and was employed as manager of the West Detroit Lumber Yard; associated with Mr. Robinson, 1904, and bought out the West Detroit Lumber Yard; now vice-president, sec- retary and treasurer Lowrie & Robinson Lum- ber Co. Member Board of Education, De- troit, 1912-15. Republican. Presbyterian. Ma- son, K. T. Clubs: Fellowcraft, Detroit, Ro- tary. Recreations: automobiling, fishing. Of- fice: 2569 West Jefferson Ave. Residence: Grosse He, Mich. LOWRIE, Frederic Low; born, Detroit, July 24, 1878; son of George Pike Dowling and Justine Ernestine (Bruckner) Lowrie; edu- cated public schools, Detroit; A.B., University of Michigan, 1901; married, Sept. 29, 1906, Charlotte Jane Bamford, of Detroit; 2 daugh- ters: Marguerite Bamford, Charlotte Jane. Began with the West Detroit Lumber Yard, 1904, title becoming Lowrie & Robinson, 1905; elected director Lowrie & Robinson Lumber Co., 1909; resigned, Jan. 1, 1913, and formed the F. L. Lowrie Lumber & Finish Co., of which has since been president. Member De- troit Board of Commerce. Progressive. Pres- byterian. Member Phi Delta Theta frater- nity. Clubs: Detroit Boat, Detroit Athletic. Recreations: automobiling, baseball. Office: Dix Ave. & M. C. R. R. Residence: 220 Han- cock Ave. W. LUCE, Barnard Coffin; born, Hollister, Mass., Feb. 27, 1879; son of Barnard and Sarah Osborn (Coffin) Luce; ancestry in America dates from 1640; graduated Phillips Andover Academy, Mass.; student Dartmouth College, 2 years; S.B., Harvard, 1902; mar- ried. Mar. 22, 1913, Bernice F. Heyworth, of Providence, R. I. Chemist Lake Superior Smelting Co., Houghton, Mich., 1902-5; asso- ciated with Paine, Webber & Co., stocks and bonds, Boston, 1907-13; manager at Detroit, for Paine, Webber & Co., since 1913. Baptist. Member Detroit Board of Trade, Detroit Board of Commerce. Mason. Recreations: ten- nis, hunting, fishing. Address: 218 Ford Bldg. LUCE, Theodore, banker; born. Crystal City, Mo., Dec. 31, 1873; son of Theodore and Mary (La Montague) Luce; educated in pub- lic schools of Detroit; married at Detroit, 1898, Delia Thompson; one daughter, Nancy. Came to Detroit with parents, 1876; began as messenger Merchants ' and Manufacturers ' National Bank, 1890, continuing for four years; was next identified with the Union Trust Co., and was in charge of the bond de- jjartment of the company when he left, after twelve years ' service, in 1905, to become man- ager of the Detroit office of N. W. Halsey & Co., bankers, New York and Chicago; also vice-president and treasurer The Ballantine Co. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Re- publican. Member Corinthian Lodge, F. & A. M. Clubs: New Detroit Athletic, Detroit Boat, Detroit Fishing and Hunting Associa- tion, Detroit Curling, Union League (Chica- go). Recreations: outdoor sports. Office: 1518 Ford Bldg. Residence: 777 2d Ave. LUCKING, Alfred, lawyer; born, Ingersoll, Ont., Dec. 18, 1856; son of Joseph and Ellen Margaret (P^rd) Lucking; removed with par- ents to Ypsilanti, Mich., when an infant; edu- cated in Ypsilanti High School, and State Normal College; Law Department, Univer- city of Michigan, degree of LL.B., 1878; mar- ried, Feb. 23, 1881, Vie Loree Rose; 2 sons: William Alfred, Dean Loree. Admitted to bar, 1878, and began practice at Jackson, Mich., as member of firm of Conely & Lucking; lo- cated in Detroit, 1880; member firm of Conely, THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 315 Maybury & Lucking, 1882-92, Maybury & Xiucking, 1892 to 1903, Maybury, Lucking, Em- mons & Helfman, 1903-9, since Lucking, Em- mons & Helfman. Member Association Bar City of Detroit, Michigan State Bar Associa- tion. Temporary chairman Michigan State Democratic Convention, 1900; temporary and permanent chairman State Democratic Con- vention, 1902 and 1908; member Congress, First District, Michigan, 1903-5. Democratic primary nominee for U. S. Senator 1912; re- ceived entire Democratic vote in the legisla- ture Jan., 1913, for U. S. Senator. President Vancouver Timber Co. ; director North Ameri- can Timber Holding Co., Nelson, Baker & Co., Grainger-Hannan-Kaye Co., Hoskins Manufac- turing Co. Member board of trustees De- troit General Hospital. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Clubs: Detroit, Detroit Golf, Les Cheneaux. Recreations: outdoor sports. Office: 1502 Ford Bldg. Residence: 32 Rowena Street. LUNDY, C. Bradford, physician; born, De- troit, Dec. 14, 1878; son Dr. Charles J. and Elizabeth (Bradford) Lundy; educated in pub- lic schools of Detroit; Detroit College, and Michigan Agricultural College; M.D., Detroit College of Medicine, 1904; unmarried. Has practiced in Detroit since 1904; instructor in pathology, Detroit College of Medicine, until 1910. Member Wayne County and Michigan State Medical societies, American Medical As- sociation, Society for Prevention of Tubercu- losis, Detroit Council Boy Scouts of America. Clubs: Detroit Athletic, Detroit Boat. Recre- ation: athletics. Office: 208 Scherer Bldg. LUNN, Thomas Henry; born, Syracuse, N. Y., Dec. 25, 1868; son of Thomas and Eliza- beth (Ashfield) Lunn; common school edua- tion; married, Apr. 25, 1894, Marjory Young, of Syracuse. In real estate business in Detroit since Mar. 1, 1908. Republican. Unitarian. Member Detroit Real Estate Board, Detroit Board of Commerce. Mason. Recreation: out- door sports. Office: 1317-1318 Dime Savings Bank Bldg. Residence: 127 Charlotte Ave. LUSCOMBE, Thomas Lapthome; born, Lon- don, Ont., Can., June 29, 1876; son of Thomas L. and Bessie (Lapthorne) Luscombe; edu- cated public schools, London and Guelph, Ont.; married June 14, 1899, Lillian A. Kydd, of Detroit; 4 children: Thomas Lapthorne, Jr., John McPherson, William Kydd, Elizabeth Lapthorne. Came to Detroit, Sept., 1892; be- gan in employ of the Valpey Shoe Co., 1893; then in shoe department of Goldberg Bros.; in business on own account as the Luscombe Factory Outlet Shoe Co., since 1908. Repub- lican. Methodist. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Club: Adcraft. Recreation: fish- ing. Office: 402 Breitmeyer Bldg. Residence: Birmingham, Mich. LUSH, Firmon, lawyer; born, Ontario, Can., July 22, 1878; son John F. and Lavinia (Ar- nold) Lush; one of the ancestors on maternal side was Baron Mathias Osborne, of England; educated public and high schools, Detroit, also by private tutors; unmarried. At age of 12 entered the office of Cleaveland Hunt, with whom he later read law; admitted to Michi- gan bar, 1903; practiced with Mr. Hunt until his death. Mar. 17, 1906; associated with Judge W. W. Chapin since 1909. President National Insulating Manufacturing Co. Clerk of Training School Committee of Grace Hos- pital since 1906. Presbyterian. Member Law- yers ' Club. Mason (Oriental Lodge, King Cyrus Chapter, Monroe Council). Member German American Society. Office: 820 Free Press Bldg. Residence: 533 Cass Ave. LUTHS, Henry J,, jeweler; born, Germany, June 7, 1869; son of Fred and Louisa (Melms) Luths; was brought to America, 1872; edu- cated Norvell School, Detroit; married, June 6, 1893, Ida A. Brandes, of Detroit; 1 daugh- ter, Edna. Began learning jeweler's trade with house of G. A. Strengson, Detroit, 1884; associated with the Steere Jewelry Co., 1906, title becoming Luths, Dorweld, Haller Co., wholesale jewelers, 1910. Republican. Luth- eran. Member Detroit Board of Commerce, Detroit Jewelers' Board of Trade. Mason; Odd Fellows. Recreation: outdoor sports. Of- fice: 68 Woodward Ave. Residence: 260 Hib- bard Ave. LUTZ, William; born, Manchester, Mich., Nov. 18, 1866; son of Jacob and Catherine (Dold) Lutz; educated district schools, Wash- tenaw County, Mich.; Detroit Business Uni- versity; married. May 18, 1892, Marie Haase, of Detroit; 2 children: Marie, Annetta. Be- gan in employ of the Prudential Insurance Co., 1885; then engaged as traveling cigar salesman; became connected with George W. Larkins & Co., lumber merchants, 1887, and continued with successor, C. W. Kotcher; has engaged in business on own account since 1910. Member Evangelical Church. Member German American Association, I. O. Foresters. Mason; member Detroit Master Masons' Asso- ciation. Recreations: automobiling, hunting, 316 THE BOOK OF DETROITERS fishing. Office: cor. Farnsworth & Mt. Elliott Ave. Residence: 257 Seyburn Ave. LYDECKER, Garrett J., army officer; born, Englewood, N. J., Nov. 15, 1843; son of John R. and Elizabeth (Ward) Lydecker; educated in New York public schools, and College of the City of New York; graduate U. S. Mili- tary Academy, 1864; married, Detroit, Sept. 21, 1869; Delia W. Buel. Commissioned first lieutenant engineers, June 13, 1864; captain, Aug. 8, 1866; major. Mar. 31, 1880; lieutenant colonel, Dec. 14, 1891; colonel, Apr. 3, 1901; advanced to brigadier general and retired by operation of law, Nov. 15, 1907. Breveted captain, Apr. 2, 1865, "for gallant and meri- torious services in siege of Petersburg, Va. " Extensively engaged in river and harbor work at Galveston, Michigan City, New Orleans, Chicago, Detroit, and at other points. Resi- dence: 160 Jos. Campau Ave. LYLE, Hilliard G., lawyer; born, Manches- ter, Ont., Can., 1874; son of Henry E. and Isabelle (Daniels) Lyle; graduate University of Michigan, 1899; Harvard University, 1899 and 1900; married at Battle Creek, Mich., to Blanche A. Halladay; 1 daughter, Carolyn Isabelle. Began practice in Detroit, 1901, spe- cializing in real property and life insurance law; attorney at Detroit for Home Life Insur- ance Co., of New York. President Cross "Gear & Engine Co. Member Association Bar City of Detroit, Michigan State Bar Association. Club: Harvard of Michigan. Recreations: yachting, golf, traveling. Office: 520 Ham- mond Bldg. Residence: 22 Forest Ave. E. LYNN, James Torrence; born, Pittsburgh, Pa., Feb. 18, 1856; son of James and Jane (Ferguson) Lynn; educated in public schools of Allegheny; married at St. Thomas, Ont., Can., Frances Louise Kerr Pelton. Served apprenticeship in the machine shops of the Northern Pacific R. R., at Duluth and Brain- erd, Minn., and became locomotive engineer on the same road, also served on Pittsburgh & Lake Erie R. R., at Pittsburgh, Pa., 1876- 77; employed at gas plant in Allegheny, ad- vanced to position of foreman of various plants and executive officer; came to Detroit, 1893, and in 1898 effected consolidation of a number of gas and lighting plants under title of the National Gas, Electric Light and Power Co., now including fourteen public utility companies, of which he is president. Formerly captain Battery B, Light Artillery, Pennsylvania National Guard; member City Council, Chattanooga, Tenn., 1883-89. Repub- lican. Member Christian Church. Member Detroit Board of Commerce, American Gas Institute, Illuminating Gas Engineers' So- ciety, National Commercial Gas Association, etc. Mason. Clubs: Detroit, Old Club, De- troit Country, Audubon, Bloomfield Hills, Country (director). Recreations: outdoor sports. Office: 1715 Ford Bldg. Residence: 93 Eliot St. LYON, Edward F.; born, Detroit, Feb. 19, 1871; son of Adolph and Phyllis (Peters) Lyon; educated Detroit public schools; De- troit Business University; married, Jan. 10, 1901, Minnie B. Lewis, of Jackson, Mich.; 2 children: Charles A., Elizabeth F. In employ of J. T. Wing & Co., mill supplies, 1887-1900; president The Muzzy-Lyon Co., manufactur- ers pressure die castings and babbitt metals, 1900-12, since vice-president; manager at De- troit of The Lewis Spring & Axle Co. Con- gregationalist. Member Detroit Board of Com- merce. Clubs: Detroit Boat, Felloweraft. Of- fice: 1003 Woodward Ave. Residence: 110 Taylor Ave. LYONS, Albert Brown, chemist; born, Waimea, Hawaii, Hawaiian Islands, Apr. 1, 1841; son of Rev. Lorenzo and Lucia Garratt (Smith) Lyons; descendant of William Lyons, of Roxbury, Mass. (member Ancient and Hon- orable Artillery), who landed in Massachu- setts in 1635; spent early life at remote mis- sion station and was educated at home; Preparatory Department, Oahu College, 1857- 60, Oahu College, 1861-63; Williams College, graduating, class valedictorian, 1865; Medical Department, University of Michigan, M.D., 1868, post-graduate course, 1896; married at Detroit, Apr. 25, 1878, Edith M. Eddy (de- scendant of Miles Standish and John Alden); 2 children: Albert Eddy, Lucia Edith (mis- sionary in China). Teacher Oahu College, 1861-62; teacher (science) Englewood Mili- tary Academy, N. J., 1865-66; professor of chemistry Detroit Medical College, 1868-81; chemist Parke, Davis & Co., 1881-87; editor Pharmaceutical Era, 1887-88; government chemist for Hawaii, 1888-95; teacher of nat- ural science Oahu College, 1888-95; chemist Nelson, Baker & Co., Detroit, since Sept., 1897, and secretary of the company since 1898. Member Citizens' guard in rebellion against Republic of Hawaii, 1894; member committee of revision U. S. Pharmacopoeia, 1900 and 1910. Member American Medical Association, American Pharmaceutical Association, Chem- ical Society (of England), American Chemical THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 317 Society, American Association for the Ad- vancement of Science. Independent Kepub- lican. Congregationalist. Author: Manual of Pharmaceutical Assaying, 1887; Practical As- saying of Drugs and Chemicals, 1899; Plant Names, Scientific and Popular, 1900; Lyons' Memorial (genealogical record of family, three vols.), 1905-08; also many papers for period- icals. Recreations: photography, botanical ex- cursions. Office: Nelson, Baker & Co. Eesi- dence: 102 Alger Ave. LYSTEE, Henry L., lawyer; born, Detroit, Dec. 22, 1872; son of Dr. Henry F. and Wini- fred Lee (Brent) Lyster; educated in public schools of Detroit and at Weimar, Germany, and Geneva, Switzerland; A.B., University of Michigan, 1895; LL.B., Law Department, same university, 1896; unmarried. Admitted to the bar, 1896; practiced with the firm of Brennan, Donnelly & Van De Mark (established 1873), 1898-1913, and was member of the firm, 1901- 13; firm reorganized under the name of Don- nelly, Lyster, Brennan & Munro in 1913. Mem- ber Association Bar City of Detroit, Michi- gan State and American Bar associations. Member Michigan Naval Eeserve, 1897-99; was seaman on board U. S. S. Yosemite dur- ing Spanish-American War. Eepublican. Epis- copalian. Member Delta Kappa Epsilon. Clubs: Detroit, University, Country, Detroit Boat, Grosse Pointe Eiding and Hunt. Eecre- ations: outdoor sports. Office: 1702 Ford Bldg. Residence: 604 Pasadena Apartments. M MABLEY, John Dingle, clothier; born, To- ronto, Can., Aug. 30, 1856; son of Charles and Susan Anna (Dingle) Mabley; was brought to Michigan, 1861; educated public schools, Fenton, married, Apr. 16, 1869, Mary S. Grace, of Fenton; five children: Charles E., Grace E., Harold J., Josephine and Donald J. Eeared on farm near Fenton; came to Detroit, 1880, and was in employ of J. L. Hudson & Co., clothing department, for 13 years; in business on own account since 1893. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Democrat. Protestant. Mason, K. T., Shriner. Clubs: Fellowcraft, Detroit Athletic, Detroit Automobile. Eecrea- tions: motoring, billiards. Office: 17-19 Grand River Ave. Eesidence: 30 Medbury Ave. McALPENE, Archibald Duncan, surgeon; bom, Glencoe, Ont., Can., Jan. 24, 1882; son of Peter J. and Mary (Mclntyre) Mc Alpine, both natives of Scotland; matriculated Uni- versity of Ontario; M.D., Detroit College of Medicine, 1905; unmarried. Practiced in De- troit since 1905; junior attending surgeon Harper Hospital, Children's Free Hospital; attending surgeon Jewish Institute. Eepubli- can. Presbyterian. Member American Medi- cal Association, Michigan State Medical So- ciety, Wayne County Medical Society, Nu Sigma Nu. Member Detroit Board of Com- merce. Mason. Clubs: Fellowcraft, Detroit Athletic. Office: 357 Woodward Ave. Resi- dence: 32 Josephine Ave. MACAULEY, Alvan; born. Wheeling, W. Va., June 19, 1872; educated at George Wash- ington University, Washington, D. C, and Lehigh University, South Bethlehem, Pa.; married at Washington, D. C, Nov. 20, 1895, Estelle Littlepage; 3 children: Alvan, Jr., Mary, Edward E. Admitted to bar in Ohio; practiced in Washington, D. C, for five years; with National Cash Eegister Co., Dayton, O., 1895-1901; general manager Burroughs Adding Machine Co., at Detroit, 1901-10; since gen- eral manager Packard Motor Car Co.; director Burroughs Adding Machine Co., Automobile Board of Trade, National Automobile Manu- facturers' Association. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Clubs: Detroit Athletic, De- troit, Detroit Golf, Bloomfield Hills Country. Eecreations: outdoor sports. Office: East Grand Boul. and Belt Line E. E. Eesidence: 124 Boston Boul. MACAULEY, James F., bookseller; died, Jan. 10, 1913; see Vol. 1908. MACAULEY, Richard Henry, manager Aetna Life Insurance Co. of Hartford, Conn., for eastern Michigan; born, Detroit, Mar. 9, 1873; son of Eiehard and Josephine Annette (Foster) Macauley; educated in public and private schools of Detroit, Lawrenceville (N. J.) Academy and Trinity College, Hartford, Conn.; married, Hartford, Nov. 7, 1895, Sarah Taintor Bulkeley; 4 children: Eiehard Bulke- ley, Frances Gurney, Sally Thurston, Annette Foster. Began active career in wholesale mil- linery business, in which he continued for nine years; has been manager for uiEtna Life Insurance Co., with headquarters in Detroit, since Apr. 10, 1905. Eepublican. Episcopalian. Member Delta Psi. Clubs: Detroit, Country, Detroit Automobile, University. Eecreations: football, baseball, golf. Office: 929-934 Majes- tic Bldg. Eesidence: 267 Seminole Ave. MACAULEY, Ward, bookseller; born, De- troit, Nov. 27, 1879; son of James Francis and Sarah (Preston) Macauley; of Scotch-Irish ancestry; educated Detroit public schools and 318 THE BOOK OF DETROITERS commercial college; married, May 26, 1904, Luella Moore, of Detroit. Began as book- seller, 1897, in store established by father and has since continued in same line of business; member Macauley Bros. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Baptist. Second vice- president American Booksellers' Association; member Michigan Authors ' Association, Na- tional Economic League (national council). Author: Cheap Turkey, 1912. Has written numerous plays intended for amateurs, among them: Graduation Day at Woodhill School; Mr. Editor; Back to the Country Store; Old Home Day in Plunket; also short stories, liter- ary reviews, etc. Greatly interested in work of the American Booksellers ' Association. Of- fice: 78 Library Ave. Eesidence: 328 Hudson Avenue. McCABE, Francis J., funeral director; born, Detroit, Sept. .3, 1871; son of Patrick B. and Mary J. (Curtiss) McCabe; educated pub- lic schools; Detroit University (formerly De- troit College); Detroit Business University; studied medicine, law and embalming; mar- ried, Oct. 30, 1890, Eva C. Barlow, of Detroit; 2 children. Hazel Irene, Clifford Lee. Has en- gaged in undertaking business since 1893. Ee- publican. Methodist. Secretary Detroit Un- dertakers' Mutual Association; member K. O. T. M. M., I. O. O. F. Eecreations: water sports. Office: 1277 Grand Eiver Ave. Eesi- dence: 1277 Grand Eiver Ave. McCAIN, Frederick E., lawyer; born, De- troit, Oct. 21, 1875; son of Edmund S. and Ann J. (Ferguson) McCain; Ph.G., Detroit College of Medicine, 1898; LL.B., Detroit Col- lege of Law, 1906; unmarried. Admitted to Michigan bar, 1906, and since in general practice in Detroit; certified public account- ant since 1909. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Secretary and treasurer Detroit Institute of Science; member Michigan Asso- ciation Certified Public Accountants, Michi- gan Academy of Science. Club: Detroit Ath- letic. Eecreations: motoring, outdoor life. Of- fice: 828 Ford Bldg. Eesidence: 34 Brainard Street. McCARROLL, John, clergyman; born, Mil- ford, Ont., Can.; son of John and Margaret (Taylor) McCarroll; undergraduate McGill University, Montreal, 1875; M.B., University of Toronto, 1879; M.D., Victoria University, 1879, University of Toronto, 1880; M.C.P.S.O., 1880; married at Toronto, Apr. 24, 1884, Emily Middleton Aird. Ordained deacon, Church of England, Toronto, 1881, priest, 1881; came to Detroit, Feb. 14, 1884; rector Grace Church, 1884-1910; since Senior Canon St. Paul's Ca- thedral. Naturalized as citizen of Unite'- States, 1890; dean of Detroit Convocation, Diocese of Michigan, since 1896. Eepublican^, 33° Mason. Eecreation: golf. Eesidence: 8s ^ Hancock Ave. W. McCIiEAR, Louis William, lawyer; born, Gregory, Livingston Co., Mich., May 29, 1872; son of Terrenee and Ann (McCarty) McClear; attended district schools and taught school 8 years; read law for 1 year under brother James L.; LL.B., Detroit College of Law, 1897; married, 1904, Anna Deane, of Liv- ingston County, Mich.; one son, Eobert. Prac- ticed in Detroit since 1899; assistant prosecut- ing attorney Wayne County, 1907-8. Demo- crat. Eoman Catholic. President Wayne County Federation of Catholic societies, 1905 and 1906, vice-president National Federation of Catholic societies, 1906-7. Member Macca- bees. Club: Lawyers'. Eecreation: gardening. Office: 415 Moffat Bldg. Eesidence: 457 Sec- ond Ave. McCLEARY, Earnest; born, E. Saginaw, Mich., June 4, 1865; son of Archibald and Mary Ann (Wynne) McCleary; educated in primary school and by practical experience; married, Jan. 17, 1895, Emma Parker, of De- troit. Engaged in electrical contracting busi- ness since 1884; president, treasurer and man- ager McCleary-Harmon Co. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Mason. Clubs: Fellow- craft, Detroit Athletic. Recreations: base- ball, boating, billiards. Office: 423 Stevens Bldg. Eesidence: 415 West Grand Boul. McCLINTOCK, Charles Thomas, physician, bacteriologist; moved to Eichmond, Va. ; see Vol. 1908. McCLOSKEY, Charles Clark, mantels and lighting fixtures; born, Detroit, Oct. 31, 1857; son of Charles Clark and Harriot (Cook) Mc- Closkey; ancestors ou mother's side from Goshen, Conn., on father 's side from New York; educated Cass union school, Detroit; married, Aug., 1882, Elizabeth Trunk, of De- troit (she died 1910). Began in mantel and lighting fixture business in Detroit, 1880, later in Cleveland, Pittsburgh and Omaha; returned to Detroit, 1904, and bought interest in the Barton-Netting Co., afterwards the C. J. Net- ting Co., of which is secretary and treasurer; was one of the organizers of The Barton-Net- ting Co., of Windsor, Ont., of which is also secretary and treasurer; an organizer, and president American Boat Co., of Detroit. Mem- THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 319 ber Detroit Board of Commerce. President Marble and Tile Dealers' Association; secre- ta.y Tile Dealers' Credit Association. Eepub- lican. Baptist. Mason; member City of the Ftraits Lodge No. 452; member Loyal Order ' Moose. Clubs: Fellowcraft, Mendelssohn, . Ptroit Motor Boat (secretary), Rushmere. Recreations: hunting, boating, fishing. Office: 71 Broadway. Residence: 300 Hurlbut Ave. McCOLL, Daniel M.; born, Argyleshire, Scotland, Oct. 25, 1867; son of Malcolm and Janet McColl; came to Canada with parents, 1870; collegiate education at St. Thomas, Ont., Can.; unmarried. Lived on farm in Canada until 1891; removed to Chicago and was book- keeper William Deering & Co., two years; re- turned to Canada and in 1897 located in De- troit; has been engaged in manufacture of lap robes and overcoats since 1899; treasurer Hugh Wallace Co. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Presbyterian. Member St. An- drew's Society. Office: East Grand Boul. and Orleans St. Residence: 114 Euclid Ave. McCOLL, Jay Robert, mechanical engineer; born, Webster, Mich., Mar. 24, 1867; son of Robert McColl; general education Ann Arbor High School; graduated engineering depart- ment, Michigan Agricultural College, 1890; special post-graduate course there and at Cor- nell University; married, St. John's, Mich., Jan. 3, 1900, Belle G. Baldwin; one daughter, Jeanette Baldwin. Appointed member U. S. Geological Survey, 1890, but did not accept; adjutant professor mechanical engineering, University of Tennessee, 1890-1902; associate professor of thermodynamics, Purdue Uni- versity, 1902-3; associate professor steam en- gineering, in charge of department of steam engineering, same, 1903-05; mechanical en- gineer for American Blower Co., 1905-10; member firm of Ammerman, McColl & Ander- son, consulting engineers, since 1910. Dean of engineering. University of Detroit, since 1911. Member American Society Mechanical Engineers, American Society for Promotion of Engineering Education, 1892-1909. Office: 1310 Penobscot Bldg. Residence: 195 Chicago Boul. McCOLLESTEB, Lee Sullivan, clergyman; moved to Boston, Mass.; see Vol. 1908. McCOLLOM, Cecil Guy, lawyer; born, De- catur, 111., Jan. 29, 1882; son of Samuel G. and Cora B. (Friend) McCollom; descendant of Scotch ancestry; educated Decatur High School; Brown Business College; LL.B., Uni- versity of Michigan, 1904; married, Feb. 14, 1907, Ella M. Sehaffer, of Ann Arbor, Mich.; 1 daughter, Elizabeth Virginia. Practiced in Detroit since 1904. Member Detroit Board of Commerce, Lawyers' Club of Detroit. Repub- lican. Methodist. Mason (R. A.). Club: Fel- lowcraft. Recreations: fishing, boating. Of- fice: 1526-1530 Dime Savings Bank Bldg. Resi- dence: 146 Pallister Ave. McCOMBE, Samuel Lewis; born, Carrick- macross, Ireland, Feb. 22, 1876; son of Robert Thomas and Mary (Lewis) MeCombe; edu- cated grammar school, Carrickmacross; Royal College, Cavan, Ireland; married, Sept. 11, 1901, Olive Harriett Blunden, of Sarnia, Ont., Can.; children: Katherine Lewis, Edward Samuel. Came to America, May, 1897, and en- tered business at Sarnia, Ont.; removed to De- troit, 1901, and since identified with American Oil Co., of Jackson, Mich. Republican. Epis- copalian. Mason (32°). Office: 1320 Majestic Bldg. Residence: 207 Medbury Ave. McCOEKLE, William Foster, lawyer; born, Thorntown, Ind., Jan. 7, 1855; son of William A. and Cordelia M. (Foster) McCorkle; grad- uate Princeton University, degree of A.B., 1877; married, Detroit, Apr. 20, 1897, Bessie L. Dalzell; 1 daughter, Helen Dalzell. Studied law, was admitted to the bar at Brooklyn, N. Y., and began practice at Nyack, N. Y., 1880; after a short time went to Chicago and engaged in business for a year; located in De- troit, 1882, where he has since practiced. Mem- ber Association Bar City of Detroit, Michigan State Bar Association. Republican. Presbyte- rian. Clubs: University, Princeton, Detroit Boat. Recreation: reading. Office: 1824 Ford Bldg. Residence: 38 Alfred St. McCRICKETT, Thomas Francis, engineer; born at Detroit, Nov. 9, 1869; son of Patrick and Elizabeth (O'Flynn) McCrickett; edu- cated in private schools and at University of Michigan, degrees of B.S. and M.E., 1897; un- married. Has been identified with engineering department of the Russel Wheel and Foundry Co. as chief engineer, since 1897. Independent in politics. Member American Society of Civil Engineers, Detroit Engineering Society. Clubs: University, Detroit Boat. Recreations: general sports and traveling. Office: Russel Wheel and Foundry Co. Residence: 904 Brush Street. MacDIARMID, Alexander A., Jr.; born, Detroit, Mar. 16, 1881; son of Alexander A. and Hester L. (Wright) MacDiarmid; edu- cated public schools, Detroit; married, Detroit, July 16, 1913, Doris J. Man. Began active ca- reer in office of Detroit White Lead Works,. 320 THE BOOK OF DETROITERS continuing for 1 year; then one year in office of Michigan Inspection Bureau and 1% years with the Dime Savings Bank, Detroit; with the Brown & Brown Coal Co. and People 's Ice Co., 1896-1906; established, 1905, with other members of the family, the MacDiarmid Candy Co., of which is secretary and manager. Ee- piiblican. Presbyterian. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Mason. Clubs: Detroit Athletic, Detroit Tennis, Kotary. Office and Main Store: 32 Broadway. Kesideuce: 391 Lincoln Ave. MacDIAEMID, C(liarles) Preston, confec- tioner; born. Port Huron, Mich., Jan. 24, 1877; son of Alexander A. and Hester L. (Wright) MacDiarmid; public schools, Detroit; married, Sept. 14, 1906, Mrs. Alice E. Stewart (nee Pratt), of Owosso, Mich.; 2 sons, Richard, Charles Preston, Jr. Eesident of Detroit since 1881; in employ of City Savings Bank for 7 years; then with Detroit Trust Co. as teller and traveling auditor until 1906; associated with brothers in organizing the MacDiarmid Candy Co. Was member Detroit Division Michigan Naval Eeserve, 2d enlistment; hon- orably mustered out, 1906. Eepublican. Pres- byterian. Member Detroit Board of Commerce, Y. M. C. A. Mason. Clubs: Detroit Athletic, Detroit Tennis, Eotary. Eecreations: camping out, athletic sports. Office: 211 Woodward Ave. Eesidence: 395 Putnam Ave. MacDIARMID, Mile Stuart, civil engineer; born, Truxton, Cortland Co., N. Y., July 27, 1872; son of Hugh Stuart and Lucy Louise (Pierce) MacDiarmid; graduated Homer Acad- emy, Homer, N. Y., 1891; C.E., Cornell Uni- versity, 1895; married. May 3, 1900, Katharine E. Cobb, of Homer. Held various positions in the building of the Ithaca Sewer System, 1895-97; rodman on N. Y. State Canal im- provement, 1897-98; stadiaman and leveler, U. S. Deep Waterways Survey, Champlain Di- vision, 1898-99; inspector construction work, B. & O. S.-W. R. R., Osgood, Ind., 1899-1900; inspector and junior engineer construction Illi- nois and Miss. Canal, Sterling, 111., 1900-2; junior engineer, 1902-10, and since assistant engineer, U. S. Lake Survey, on surveys of the Great Lakes. Congregationalist. Member American Society of Civil Engineers, Detroit Engineering Society. Mason. Office: 205 Old Custom House. Residence: 156 Euclid Ave. W. McDONAIiD, Charles Sheldon, lawyer; born, Macomb Co., Mich.; son of Benjamin Fowler and Maria (Duncan) McDonald; grad- uate Ann Arbor (Mich.) High School; edu- cated at University of Michigan, University of Gottingen, Germany, and one year in Bos- ton libraries; married at Detroit, July 11, 1900, Linda E. Harris. Has been engaged in practice in Detroit since 1886; member law firm of McDonald & Fowler, 1900-11, since alone. Member Association Bar City of De- troit, Michigan State Bar Association. Mem- ber School Board, City of Detroit, one year. Clubs: University, Detroit. Eecreations: hunt- ing, fishing, traveling, athletics. Office: 715 Hammond Bldg. Eesidence, 836 2d Ave. McDonald, Edward W.; born, Dundee. Mich., June 10, 1879; son of William J. and Emeline S. (McCarn) McDonald; graduated Dundee High School, 1896; graduated Detroit Business University, 1900; Alex. Hamilton In- stitute; married. May 8, 1900, Helen E. Wil- son, of Detroit; one son, Earle W. Auditor since June, 1906, and secretary since Jan. 1, 1913, Trussed Concrete Steel Co.; assistant secretary Trussed Concrete Steel Co. of Texas. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Eepub- lican. Presbyterian. Member Knights of Py- thias. Club: Fellowcraft. Recreations: out- door sports. Office: 502 Trussed Concrete Bldg. Residence: 108 Melbourne Ave. McDonald, Fred J., manufacturer of brick and drain tile; born, Springwells, Mich., Jan. 8, 1864; son of John C. and Margaret A. (McFarlane) McDonald; educated in Detroit High School; married, Detroit, Sept., 1888, Miss Martha D. Otis; children: Myrtle, Grace E., Clifford J., Irene. Taught school in Spring- wells, Mich., 1882-85; became associated with father in brick and drain tile manufacturing, 1885; was admitted to firm, 1902, as J. C. Mc- Donald & Son, plants in Springwells, covering forty-five acres; president McDonald Coal & Brick Co. Member Detroit Builders' and Traders' Exchange, Detroit Board of Com- merce. Republican. Methodist. Mason (past master Union Lodge), Knight Templar (E. C. Detroit Commandery No. 1), Shriner; member Michigan Sovereign Consistory. Clubs: Detroit Boat, Telegraph, Recreations: lodge matters and country life. Office: 707 Hammond Bldg. Residence: 163 Pallister Ave. MacDONALD, Frederick William, ortho- dontist; born, Ripley, Can., Feb. 12, 1876; son of Archibald and Elizabeth (McAsh) Mac- Donald; educated in public schools of Ripley, and Owen Sound Collegiate Institute; D.D.S,, Dental Department, Detroit Medical College, 1899; graduate of The Angle School of Ortho- dontia, 1911; married at Centralia, Can., Sept. 3, 1903, Ada Mary Hutton; one son, Archibald THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 321 Hutton, born, Nov. 10, 1904. Has practiced in Detroit since 1899; now practicing ortho- dontia as a specialty. Eepublican. Presbyte- rian. Ex-president First District Dental So- ciety; member American Society of Orthodon- tists, Michigan State Dental Society, Wayne County Medical Society. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Club: Detroit Athletic. Eecreation: athletics. Office: 410 Seherer Bldg. Eesidence: 1717 Woodward Ave. McDonald, James H., born, Macomb County, Mich., Feb. 14, 1853; son of Theodore F. and Elizabeth A. (Jones) McDonald; edu- cated in district schools; Mt. Clemens (Mich.) High School, Ann Arbor High School; Univer- sity of Michigan, graduating from Literary Department, 1876, and from Law Department, LL.B., 1878; married, Detroit, May 18, 1904, Christine Jewell; four daughters: Martha L (Mrs. H. L. Lancashire, of Toledo, O.), Mary McL., Elizabeth, Margaret A. Admitted to the bar, 1878, and has since been in practice in Detroit. Member Association Bar City of Detroit, Michigan State Bar Association, De- troit Board of Commerce. Democrat. Episco- palian. Member University of Michigan So- ciety, Detroit Municipal League, Detroit Civic League. Club: Church Club, Lawyers'. Rec- reations: horticulture and farming. Office: 1601-1602 Ford Bldg. Residence: 68 Erskine St., Detroit. Summer Residence: 2017 Geddes Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich. McDONAIjD, John Alexander, dry goods merchant; born, Bruce Co., Out., Jan. 11, 1872; son of Archibald and Elizabeth (McAsh) Mc- Donald; educated public and high schools, On- tario; married, Sept. 28, 1897, Marion Mac- queen, of Glengary County, Out.; 3 children: Norma, John Fraser, Kenneth Stirling. Began in general merchandise business of his father in Bruce County, and continued until 1895; came to Detroit and entered employ of A. Krolik & Co., wholesale dry goods, continuing for 8 years; associated, 1903, with N. Davies in organizing firm of Davies & McDonald, proprietors New York Trimming & Lining House, laces, trimmings, silks and dress sup- plies; in May, 1913, acquired his partner's in- terests, incorporated as the New York Trim- ming & Lining House, and became its presi- dent and treasurer, business is one of the largest establishments of the kind in the United States outside of New York. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Republican. Pres- byterian. Member Odd Fellows, Canadian Or- der of Foresters. Recreations: gardening; ac- tive in church matters. Office: 16 John R St. Residence: 129 Virginia Park. McDonald, John C, brick and drain tile manufacturing; born, Springwells, Mich., Nov. 29, 1834; educated in district schools; married at Greenfield, Mich., 1861, Margaret A. Mc- Farlane; children: Florence (Mrs. Richard Hartley), Frederick J., Mary L., Kate, Char- lotte, Emma, Carrie (Mrs. Clarence Harvey). Began active career as a farmer, later en- gaging in agricultural implement business in Wayne County, Mich.; entered manufacture of brick and drain tile at Springwells, Mich., 1882, in which continues as J. C. McDonald & Son, operating two plants of forty-five acres. Also conducts 100-acre farm in Wayne County and is developing Cherry Beach, near Marine City, Mich., comprising tract of nine acres, subdivided and improved for summer resort cottages, for Detroit people. Formerly treasurer of Springwells, member board of public works and poor commissioner of Wayne County. Member Detroit Builders' and Trad- ers' Exchange. Republican. Methodist. Asso- ciate member Detroit Post, G. A. R. Recrea- tion: traveling. Office: 707 Hammond Bldg. Residence: 47 Davenport St. MacDONALD,^ Peter A. ; born, Oxford Coun- ty, Ont., Can., Jan. 13, 1862; son of Donald and Janet (Murray) MacDonald; educated public schools of Oxford County, Ont.; mar- ried, Feb. 8, 1888, Amelia Vollans, of Wind- sor, Can.; 1 daughter, Elsie R. Came to De- troit from Windsor, Out., 1896; entered em- ploy of Burnham, Stoepel & Co., wholesale dry goods, as entry clerk, 1882; has since been continuously identified with the company, and secretary same since 1911. Republican. Epis- copalian. Member Detroit Board of Com- merce. Mason. Clubs: Detroit Golf, FeUow- craft. Recreations: golf, bowling. Office: 19 Lamed St. E. Residence: 117 Chandler Ave. McDonald, S. Grant, physician; born, Oakland, Mich., Nov. 17, 1869; son of William and Louise (Darnell) McDonald; educated common schools; M.D., Detroit College of Medicine, 1900; married, Emma C. Waterfall, of Detroit, June 30, 1903; two children: Mar- ion, Edward Grant. Practiced in Detroit since 1900; attending physician Florence Crittenton Mission, Home of the Friendless; assistant attending physician Children's Free Hospital. Member Wayne County Medical Society, Mich- igan State Medical Society, American Med- ical Association, Harper Hospital Alumni As- sociation. Presbyterian. Recreations: fishing, 322 THE BOOK OF DETROITERS fruit growing. Office: 1737 Woodward Ave. Eesidence: 121 Holbrook Ave. McDONELL, Alexander Henry; born, Petit Cote, Ont., July 28, 1855; son of Donald L. and Frances (Gillman) McDonell; educated in public schools of Detroit; married at Detroit, 1880, Ellen L. Kice; children: Francis E., Edith L., Edwin A. Has been identified with the Detroit Fire and Marine Insurance Co. since 1874, and has been secretary of the com- pany since 1899. Episcopalian. Club: Fellow- craft. Eecreations: social diversions. Office: 95 Shelby St. Eesidence: 50 Virginia Ave. McDonnell, Henry Patrick; born. Ma- rine City, Mich., Nov. 17, 1855; son of Pat- rick and Mary McDonnell; educated Mai'ine City High School; married at Detroit, 1883, Elizabeth Creland. Has resided in Detroit since 1877; engaged in produce commission business since the beginning of active career; president McDonnell Bros.; director United Fruit Auction Co. Member Detroit Produce Exchange, National League Commission Mer- chants. Democrat. Member Knights of Co- lumbus, Knights of Equity, C. M, B. A. Club: Eushmere. Office: 35 Woodbridge St. W. Ees- idence: 136 Canfield Ave. W. Mcdonough, Terence E.; see Vol. 1908. MacEDWAED, Gordon Kenneth, advertis- ing manager; born, Huntington, Ind., Feb. 13, 1886; son of William George and Luetta (Hille- gas) MacEdward; descended from Michael Hillegas, first treasurer of the United States; educated Elmira Academy; Detroit Central High School, 1906; University of Michigan; unmarried. Began active career as copy writer for O. J. Mulford Advertising Co., June 15, 1907; became assistant advertising manager. Wolverine Manufacturing Co. and Cadillac Cabinet Co., June 15, 1907; advertising man- ager, Gray Motor Co., Nov. 15, 1908; has been advertising manager, Detroit Lubricator Co., since Aug. 1, 1910, also manager export de- partment. Director Advertising School, De- troit Technical Institute. Democrat. Member Alpha Zeta fraternity. Club: Adcraft (direc- tor for 3 years, now treasurer). Has written a number of technical articles on lubrication, for technical and class journals. Eecreation: shooting. Office: Detroit Lubricator Co. Eesi- dence: 89 Selden Ave. McFALL, Guy Harrison, physican; born, Sandusky, O., Apr. 21, 1876; son of Eugene and Anna (Stevens) McFall; educated in pub- lic schools; graduate Detroit Church Acad- emy, 1895; M.D., Detroit College of Medicine, 1899; post-graduate study, London, Paris and New York; married at Louisville, Ky., Jan. 3, 1906, Linnie Belle Tucker. Has practiced in Detroit since Jan., 1902; lecturer on thera- peutics, Detroit College of Medicine, laryngol- ogist Hari^er Hospital and Children 's Free Hospital. Eepublican. Episcopalian. Member American Medical Association, Michigan State, Northern Tri-State and Wayne County Medical societies, American Academy of Oph- thalmology and Oto-Laryngology, Sons Amer- ican Eevolution. Clubs: Detroit Boat, Detroit Athletic. Eecreation: yachting. Office: 503 Washington Arcade. Eesidence: 957 Jefferson Avenue. MacFABLANE, J. F. Maurice, manager Co- lumbia Western Mills, successors to The Hees, MacFarlane Co.; born, Montreal, Can., Sept. 18, 1849; son of William Stewart and Mary, daughter of Hon. James Ferrier, who, with John Molson, brought the first steam engine to Canada, built the first railroad, from Mon- treal to Lachine, was for many years chair- man of the Grand Trunk Ey., and a member of the Quebec legislature and of the Sen- ate in the Canadian Parliament. Educated in preparatory school of McGill College, Mon- treal; married, 1874, Victoria A. Amsden, of Scranton, O. (died, 1882); 2 daughters: Mrs. Victoria L. Johnson, of Paris, France, and Lydia Dixon; again, 1887, Harriet Story, of New York; 1 child, Harry U. Left Montreal, 1868, for Chicago, and was with Field, Leiter & Co., until 1870; returned to Montreal and for four years was connected with a wholesale dry goods house; was proprietor general mer- chandise business at Woodstock, Ont., 1874- 80; removed to Toronto, Ont., and engaged in manufacture of window shades, 1880-94; came to Detroit, Jan., 1895, and organized the firm of Hees, Macfarlane & Co., which was incor- porated, 1904, as The Hees, Macfarlane Co.; on Jan. 1, 1912, this company was incorporated as the Columbia Western Mills, of which he is the Detroit factory manager, also a large stockholder in the company, manufacturers of window shades and window shade cloths. Member Canadian militia during the Fenian raid. Eepublican. Protestant. Eoyal Arch Mason; member Foresters. Clubs: Detroit Athletic, Detroit Golf, Automobile. Eecrea- tions: golf, automobiling. Office: 957 Hubbard Ave. Eesidence: 109 Peterboro St. McFAELANE, William Phelps, automobile manufacturer; born, Detroit, Mar. 8, 1864; THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 323 son of James K. and Emily (Edwards) Mc- Farlane; educated in public schools of Romeo, Mich.; married, Port Huron, Mich., 1885, Emma Smith; one daughter, Beatrice (Mrs. William S. Spiegel, died June 7, 1913). Learned trade of carriage trimming with Ketchum Bros., carriage manufacturers, Romeo, continuing for four years; became foreman of carriage trimming department An- derson Carriage Co., Port Huron, 1886; super- intendent of factory, 1892 (plant removed to Detroit, 1895); secretary and superintendent of the company, 1900-11, when firm name was changed to Anderson Electric Car Co., of which has since been secretary and superin- tendent (company manufactures the Detroit Electric). Member Detroit Board of Com- merce. Member Knights of Maccabees, Mod- ern Woodmen of America. Clubs: Detroit Ath- letic, Detroit Motor Boat, Fellowcraft, Wol- verine Auto. Recreation: automobiling. Of- fice: cor. Clay Ave. and Riopelle St. Resi- dence: 3039 East Grand Boul. McFATE, Robert; born, St. Catherines, Can., June 13, 1871; son of Robert and Mar- garet (Killman) McFate; educated in Dutton, Can.; married at Detroit, 1906, Maud Todd. Came to Detroit, 1891, and entered employ of the Vinton Company, general building con- tractors; has since remained with the com- pany, vice-president, 1906-10, treasurer and general manager since Dec, 1910. Republican. Methodist. Mason (32°), Shriner. Club:Y. M. C. A. Recreation: baseball. Office: 120-146 Woodbridge Ave. E. Residence: 1042 Lothrop Avenue. McGOOKIN, Earl Wilfred, automobile ac- cessories; born Manistee, Mich., May 9, 1878; son of Arthur Richard and Rosalind (Taber) McGookin; educated in private schools, later public and high schools, Milwaukee; married June 1, 1905, Alice Dixon Cromwell, of Hen- derson, Ky. Began active career with the Filer & Stowell Manufacturing Co., Milwau- kee, and continued 3 years; then with W. J. Winterburn Co., Chicago, 2 years, and 5 years with Marshall & McGookin Co., steel, iron and wire products, Chicago; sales manager Stew- art & Clark Manufacturing Co., Chicago, 2 years, and Detroit branch manager, since Apr. 1, 1909; also director Culver-Taylor Chain Works and George Realtj'^ Co., Detroit. Mem- ber Detroit Board of Commerce. Congrega- tionalist. 32° Mason (Blue Lodge, Chapter, Commandery, Michigan Sovereign Consistory, Moslem Temple, Mystic Shrine). Clubs: De- troit Athletic (charter member), Fellowcraft, Wolverine Auto. Recreation: automobiling. Office: 1231-1235 Woodward Ave. Residence: 54 Marston Ct. McGOUGH, Albert Lee, physician; born, Geneva, N. Y., Oct. 16, 1870; son of Thomas and Mary (Mahon) McGough; educated in private schools and Detroit Jesuit College; M.D., Detroit College of Medicine, 1894; in- terne Wayne County Hospital 2 years; mar- ried at Detroit, 1898, Marie Lodewyck; again at Dalton, Ga., 1905, Mary Wortley; 1 daugh- ter, Henrietta Wortley. Began practice in De- troit, 1894; practiced in Westfield, Wis., 1897- 98, returning to Detroit, 1898; associated in practice with Dr. George Duffield Stewart 2 years; has practiced alone since 1900. Demo- crat. Roman Catholic. Member American Medical Association, Michigan State and Wayne County Medical societies. Recreations: shooting and fishing. Office: 402 Fine Arts Bldg. Residence: Manhattan Apts., 522 2nd Avenue. McGRAW, Alpheus Chittenden; see Vol. 1908. McGRAW, Homer; born. New Baltimore, Mich., Jan. 22, 1856; son of Richard and Jane (Chapman) McGraw; educated in country and public schools, Detroit Business University; married at Detroit, Oct. 1, 1884, Anna An- thony; children: Howard A., William H., Eliz- abeth J., Marguerite A. Lived on farm until 15 and clerked in general store at Plymouth until 1880; came to Detroit, 1880, and entered the wool house of Thomas McGraw, where he continued for 5 years; was traveling sales- man in Canada for the Globe Tobacco Co. for 3 years; began in wholesale tobacco business with his brother, under name of Detroit To- bacco Co., continuing 4 years; returned to Thomas McGraw and took charge of his pri- vate business affairs, also carrying on fire in- surance business, since 1889. Executor estate of Thomas McGraw; president Globe Tobacco Co.; alderman Second ward 4 years. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Republican. Episcopalian. Member Masonic order (32°), Knights Templar, Shrine. Clubs: Detroit, De- troit Automobile. Recreations: fishing and automobiling. Office: 35 McGraw Bldg. Resi- dence: 1209 Cass Ave. McGRAW, Theodore A., retired; born, De- troit, Nov. 11, 1839; son of Alexander C. and Susana (Walker) McGraw; educated in pub- lic schools of Detroit; B.A., University of Michigan, 1859 (LL.D., 1905); M.D., College 324 THE BOOK OF DETROITERS of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, 1863; married at New York, July 10, 1866, Alice Simpson; children: Theodore A., Jr., Frances (Mrs. C. L, Lightner). Practiced as assistant surgeon, U. S. A., 1863-65; practiced in De- troit, 1865-1912 (retired). Professor of sur- gery Detroit College of Medicine, 1869-1912, Republican. Member Wayne County Medical Society, Michigan State Medical Society, American Medical Association (ex-president), American Surgical Association (ex-president). Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Clubs: Detroit, Country. Residence: 1710 Jefferson Avenue. McGRAW, Thomas Stanley; born, Detroit, Feb. 28, 1843; son of Virgil W. and Ann (Cul- len) McGraw; educated in public schools of Detroit; married at Detroit, Nov. 19, 1867; Maria L. Dickinson; 2 sons: Stanley D., San- born T. Served in Civil War as member of the Sixteenth Michigan Volunteer Infantry, Army of the Potomac; began business career, 1864, in employ of A. C. McGraw & Co., whole- sale dealers in boots and shoes, the title in 1895 becoming Baldwin, McGraw & Co., of which he was partner until 1911 (retired). Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: Detroit, Country, Yondotega, Old Club. Recreation: fishing. Office: 88 Griswold St. Residence: 81 Alfred St. McGRAW, William T.; born, Lavonia Town- ship, Wayne Co., Mich., May 12, 1860; son of Richard and Jane (Chapman) McGraw; edu- cated in Plj^moutb, Mich., and Detroit Busi- ness University; married at Plymouth, Mich., June 15, 1897; Harriette Fuller. Began active career in First National Bank, Plymouth, con- tinuing for 2 years; removed to Detroit and became traveling salesman Globe Tobacco Co., later organizing the Detroit Tobacco Co., with which he is still connected; since 1906, vice- president Mexican Crude Rubber Co.; 2nd vice-president National Twist Drill Co.; secre- tary National Cooperage Co.; director Com- merce Motor Car Co. Member Board of Com- merce. Member Michigan State Senate 1898- 1900. Republican. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Clubs: Detroit, Country, Detroit Boat, Automobile. Recreations: outdoor sports. Office: 126 Lyman PI. Residence: Plaza Hotel. McGregor, James, banker; born. May 10, 1830; died, Feb. 19, 1909; see Vol. 1908. McGBEGOB, Malcolm, lawyer; born, Am- herstburg. Out., May 25, 1869; son of William and Jessie (Peden) McGregor; educated in schools of Canada and at University of Mich- igan; married at Windsor, Out., Dec. 4, 1894, Eva B. Bartlett; children: Margaret, Jessie, Jean. Has practiced in Detroit since 1900; member firm of McGregor & Bloomer; secretary Detroit College of Law and Detroit Bar Library; professor of law and personal prop- erty and sales, Detroit College of Law; direc- tor McGregor-Earnwell Fence Co. Member Association Bar City of Detroit, Michigan State Bar Association, Detroit Board of Com- merce. Republican. Presbyterian. Clubs: De- troit Golf, Fellowcraft. Recreations: golf and outdoor sports. Office: 520 Penobscot Bldg. Residence: 30 Atkinson Ave. McGregor, Robert Bruce; born, Canada, Apr. 6, 1848; son of Alexander and Rebecca (Brown) McGregor; educated in public schools of Komoka, Ont.; H. M. Military School, Toronto, graduating, 1865; London Commercial College, London, graduating 1867; married at St. Joseph, Mo., Sept. 16, 1873, Annie R. Ransom; 1 daughter, Mary Evelyn (Mrs. George W. Parker). Taught school in Andrew Co., Mo., 1868; was cashier Missouri Valley R. R. Co., 1869, and North Missouri R. R. Co., 1870; agent St. Joseph & Denver R. R. Co., 1871-77; in carriage and grain busi- ness, 1878-83; has been agent Empire Line since Oct. 1, 1883. Veteran of Fenian Raid, June, 1866; promoted to captain and holds medal for services. Presbyterian. Mason. Of- fice: 819 Hammond Bldg. Residence: 421 2nd Avenue. McGregor, Tracy W., superintendent Mc- Gregor Mission; born, Berlin Heights, 0., Apr. 14, 1869; son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Taitt) McGregor; educated in Toledo public schools, graduating from high school, 1886, and Ober- lin College; married, Nov. 20, 1901, Katherine, daughter of David Whitney. Lived in Toledo until 21 years of age; came to Detroit, 1891, as superintendent of the McGregor Mission (founded by his father, 1890), and has since continued in that position (name changed to McGregor's Institute, 1910). The institute is a wayfarer's lodge, for destitute men, and aims to provide them with temporary employ- ment and also to maintain a workingman's hotel for such men as find employment and wish to reside under the restraining influences of a home; the institute has accommodations for 450 men and is three-fourths self-support- ing. President Detroit Housing Association, 1911-12; also president Provident Loan Soci- ety; secretary Whitney Realty Co. Republi- THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 325 can. Congregationalist. Clubs: Detroit Ath- letic, Detroit, University. Office: 239 Brush Street. McGKEGOR, William Henry, tool manufac- turer; born, Detroit, Aug. 16, 1861; son of Alexander and Margaret (Clark) McGregor; educated in public schools of Detroit and De- troit College of Law; married. Pharmacist with Parke, Davis & Co., 1880-99; president National Twist Drill and Tool Co. since 1903. Formerly member Detroit Board of Education (president, 1898). Republican. Member Ma- sonic order, Knights of Pythias, B. P. O. Elks, Harmonic Society, G. A. E. Office: Brush and Grand Boul. Residence: 3017 East Grand Boul. McGUGIN, Dan E., lawyer; moved to Nash- ville, Tenn.; see Vol. 1908. McHUGH, Jolm Joseph; born, Detroit, Dec. 23, 1867; son of Philip A. and Jane (McGui- gan) McHugh; educated in public schools, De- troit; unmarried. Began railwaj'^ service, 1893, as fireman on Big Four R. R., operating be- tween St. Louis and Indianapolis; became special agent, Wabash R. R., 1894, out of De- troit, Decatur, 111., etc.; special agent. Wheel- ing & Lake Erie R. R., at Canton, O., 1903-5; special agent, Missouri Pacific R. R., at Poplar Bluff, Mo., and Little Rock, Ark.; assistant chief special agent, Missouri Pacific R. R. at St. Louis, 1905-9; chief special agent for Mich- igan Central R. R. at Detroit since July 1, 1909. Catholic. Member Knights of Pythias, Knights of Equity. Club: Railway (St. Louis). Recreations: fishing, hunting. Office: 120 Michigan Central Depot. Residence: 1465 West Grand Boul. McHUGH, Philip A., lawyer; born in Essex Co., Ont., Can., July 12, 1880; son of Philip and Jane (Goodwin) McHugh; came to De- troit with parents, 1885; educated in public schools of Detroit; St. Peter and St. Paul's parochial schools; Detroit Business Univer- sity; Detroit College of Law, graduating, LL.B., June 11, 1904; unmarried. Associated in practice in Detroit with George F, Mon- aghan, June, 1904- January, 1907; in partner- ship with Charles P. O 'Neil, Jan. 1, 1907-Jan. 1, 1908; member firm of McHugh & Gallagher, Apr., 1908-July 1, 1911; member firm of Mc- Hugh, Gallagher & McGann, July, 1911-May 1, 1913; since member firm of McHugh, Gal- lagher, O'Neil & McGann. Republican. Mem- ber Detroit Board of Commerce. Roman Cath- olic. Member Association Bar City of Detroit, Michigan State and American Bar associa- tions. Lawyers' Club, Harmonie Society, De- troit College of Law Alumni Association, Cooley Chapter of Theta Lambda Phi. Mem- ber Knights of Columbus, Knights of Equity, Young Men's Order, Catholic Mutual Benefit Association, Ancient Order of Hibernians, Catholic Knights and Ladies of America, Catholic Order of Foresters. Clubs: Detroit Yacht, Cathedral, Eushmere. Recreations: motoring, horseback riding, boating and out- door sports. Office: Suite 702 Majestic Bldg. Residence: 1465 West Grand Boul. McINERNEY, Thomas William, business man; born, Detroit, Sept. 15, 1866; son of Pat- rick H. and Margaret (White) Mclnerney; educated Detroit public schools and Jesuit College; married, June 6, 1889, Mary Faltis, of Detroit; 6 children: Thomas J., Harold J., Leo W., Gerald H., Florence J., William (de- ceased). Began active career in employ of Detroit Electrical Co., 1881, continuing until 1895; commissary agent for Michigan Central R. R., 1895-1900; entered Royal Shoe Co. with Ed. H. Dunham, of Kentucky, and president of same; reorganized, 1910, taking in two of the clerks, Charles Rapp and Carl Smith, and still continues as president; bought one-half interest in Faltis Market Co., 1910, and presi- dent of same; also secretary and treasurer Mclnerney & Sons, real estate; shareholder Protective Stockholder, Ltd. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Member Knights of Colum- bus, Knights of Equity. Recreations: hunting, fishing. Office and Residence: 28^^ Elizabeth Street E. McINTOSH, James Berkeley, western sales manager Louismann-Capen Co., of Brockport, N. Y.; born in Brant Co., Can.; son of George B. and Mary A. (Mc Williams) Mcintosh; edu- cated in public schools of Brantford, Can., and at collegiate institute; married at Flint, Mich., 1883, Ada M. Perry; 3 sons: Perry B., James A., Charles B. Began active career in employ of William McD. Edwards, wholesale and re- tail grocer and commission merchant, Flint, Mich., continuing, 1879-80; was connected for three years with D. B. Lyon Co., dry goods, and was with Smith, Bridgman & Co., 11 years; organizer and manager American Col- lection and Reporting Agency, Owosso, Mich., and also engaged as piano dealer; became traveling representative, Apr. 1, 1900; then general manager Clough & Warren Co., manu- facturers of pianos and organs, Detroit, June, 1905-Dee., 1910; western representative for Brockport Piano Manufacturing Co., of Brock- port, N. Y., Dec, 1910-Aug., 1912; this com- 326 THE BOOK OF DETROITERS pany was sold to Louismann-Capen Co., of Brockport, manufacturers of the Louismann and the Capen pianos and player pianos, of which is western sales manager. Democrat. Member National Manufacturers ' Association, National Piano Dealers' Association, National Piano Travelers' Association. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Eecreations: social diver- sions. Office and Eesidence: 836 2nd Ave. McINTOSH, William Seymour; see Vol. 1908. MACK, Joseph; born near Peterboro, Can., Dee. 1, 1868; son of John and Agues (Hamil- ton) Mack; educated in public schools, Lind- say, Ont.; married, Catherine M. McCann, of Whitby, Ont.; 4 children: T. Henry, Kathryn M., Florence M., Eleanor. Entered printing business, 1897, as member firm of Eule & Mack; purchased Mr. Eule 's interest in 1902 and since sole owner of Joseph Mack Printing House; president Palmer Park Eealty Co.; secretary Grosse Pointe Estates. Eepublican. Protestant. Member Detroit Board of Com- merce, The Typothetfe, Allied Printing Trades Association. Clubs: Detroit Athletic, Detroit Adcraft, Detroit Automobile, Detroit Motor Boat. Office: Mack Bldg., 115-123 State St. Eesidence: 71 Boston Boul. W. McKAY, Arch, president McNaughton-Mc- Kay Electric Co.; born, Button, Ont., Can., Nov. 8, 1882; son of Thomas McKay and Phoebe (Andrews) McKay; educated in public and high schools, Ontario and Detroit; came to United States in 1893; unmarried. Began active career, 1895, in employ of grocery house, continuing 3 years; was for a short time connected with the American Electric Co.; then became identified with Miller-Seldon Electric Co. and was with this company 12 years, advancing to position of vice-president; assisted, 1910, in organizing the McNaughton- McKay Electric Co., dealers in electrical sup- plies, of which is president. Eepublican. Pres- byterian. Member Detroit Board of Com- merce. Mason (Palestine Lodge, King Cyrus Chapter). Clubs: Detroit Athletic, Eotary, Automobile, Fellowcraft, Detroit Motor Boat. Eecreations: automobiling, swimming. Office: 107 Broadway. Eesidence: 231 Woodland Ave. McKAY, James Beresford, real estate; born in County of Londonderry, North of Ire- land, June 9, 1848; son of James and Mary (McClellan) McKay; educated in public and private seminaries in Ireland; married, Lon- donderry, Apr. 28, 1876, Maude Wilson; 1 daughter, Mary Isabelle (Mrs. C. Dana Cor- biu). Came to Detroit, 1868; began active career as bookkeeper for Stephens, Smith & Co., later becoming connected with the real estate business; has been dealing in real es- tate since 1882. Director Dime Savings Bank. Was member Detroit Board of Estimates, 1888-1904 (twice president of the board). Member Detroit Eeal Estate Board (presi- dent, 1906). Eepublican. Presbyterian. Mem- ber Masonic order (Scottish Eite). Clubs: Detroit, Old Club of St. Clair Flats. Eecrea- tions: hunting and fishing. Office: 213 Moffat Blk. Eesidence: 33 Canfield Ave. W. McKEAN, George Edwin, physician; born, Mt. Hope, O., Feb. 21, 1868; son of Dr. Wil- liam and Eachel (Slutz) McKean; educated in public schools; Mt. Union College, O.; grad- uate Normal University, Ada, O., 1886; M.D., Medical Department, University of Michigan, 1894; post-graduate work in Chicago, New York, London and Edinburgh; married at Ann Arbor, Mich., July 5, 1894, Lucy Moore; chil- dren: Eichard, Eobert, Thomas. Began prac- tice at Granger, 0., 1894; located in Detroit, 1897; attending physician Harper's Hospital. Eepublican. Congregationalist. Member American Medical Association, Michigan State and Wayne County Medical societies. Eecre- ation: automobile. Office: 310 Washington Arcade. Eesidence: 86 Delaware Ave. McKECHNIE, Clarence C; born, Middle- town, O., July 13, 1870; son of William E. and Louise M. (Kemp) McKechnie; educated in public schools; married at Toledo, O., 1901, M. P. Coakley; 2 children: Eobert, Charlotte M. Began in coal business, 1895; entered wholesale coal and coke business for self, 1900; came to Detroit, 1901, where he has since continued. Member Sons of American Eevolution. Eecreations: automobiling and photography. Office: 1924 Ford Bldg. Eesi- dence: 50 Melbourne Ave. McKEE, Samuel W.; born, Indiana Co., Pa., Mar. 12, 1857; son of Samuel and Elizabeth (White) McKee; educated in public schools and seminary; married, June 1, 1886, Minnie Thompson, of Tipton, la.; 4 children: Mark T., Susan N., Max B., P. W. Commercial traveler, furniture houses, for 20 years out of New York and Chicago; manufacturer of furniture, 1895-1910; located in Detroit, 1911; president since Apr. 1, 1913, Detroit Outfitting Co., manufacturers' agents in furniture. Demo- crat. 32° Mason, Shriner; member Knights of Pythias, I. O. O. F. Office: 39 Campau Blk. Eesidence: 395 Cadillac Boul. THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 327 McKENNEY, Louis J.; born, Xew Bedford, Mass., Mar. 2, 1880; son of James F. and Elizabeth A. (Cleary) McKenney; educated in public schools, Boston; married, Jan. 7, 1907, Mary A. Cotter, of Boston; 1 son, Ealph. In employ of Boston Woven Hose & Kubber Co., 1897-1904; in Detroit, for same company', 1904-7; resident manager Manhattan Eubber Manufacturing Co. of New York since Mar., 1909. Democrat. Catholic. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Member Knights of Columbus. Club: Eotary. Recreation: base- ball. Office: 616 Penobscot Bldg. Residence: 30 Massachusetts Ave. MACKENZIE, Donald Allan; merchant; born, Ross-shire, Scotland, Nov. 9, 1870; son of Kenneth and Margaret (McCulloch) Macken- zie; educated Standard Normal Schools, Glas- gow, Scotland; married, June 30, 1903, Cath- erine E. Merritt, of Elmira, N. Y. Clerk, Hamilton, Ont., 3 years; came to Detroit from Hamilton, 1889; clerk and salesman, L. F. Weiss, men's furnishings, 1889-97; traveling salesman for George C. Weatherbee Co., whole- sale wood and willow-ware, 1897-1904; on own account, men 's furnishings, since 1904. Pres- byterian. Member Detroit Board of Com- merce. Mason, K. T. Club: Wolverine Auto. Recreation: outdoor sports. Offices: 70 Wood- ward Ave. and 1 Opera House Blk. Residence: 19 Gladstone Ave. McKEECHEY, John Malcolm; born, De- troit, Dec. 25, 1870; son of John and Barbara (Clark) McKerchey; educated in public schools of Detroit; married, Detroit, June 5, 1895, Eva J. Miller. Began active career as newsboy and telegraph messenger, 18S5; learned plumbing and steamfitting trade and engaged in it for 16 years; engaged in sale of builders' and pavers' supplies, 1903-May, 1907, disposing of his interest on latter date and devoted his attention to lake vessels until Jan., 1912; since manager of transportation and steamboat department of the C. H. Little & Co., also member board of directors. Repub- lican. Presbyterian. Mason, Knight Templar. Recreations: fishing and automobiling. Office: 320 Penobscot Bldg. Residence: 74 Taylor Avenue. McKIBBIN, John, retired banker; born, Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 8, 1836; son of Alexander and Mary (Graham) McKibbin; educated in private schools, by private tutors, by travel and by special courses of study in languages; married at Grand Rapids, Mich., Oct. 15, 1875, Jeanie Wood. Boyhood days spent in Detroit; engaged in private banking at Kalamazoo, Mich., for 20 years, and lived abroad for 20 years; in Detroit since 1899. Member Munici- pal Art Commission, trustee Museum of Art. Republican. Episcopalian. Recreation: study of art (art connoisseur). Residence: 460 Jef- ferson Ave. MACKLEM, Stephen B.; born, Hamilton, Ont., Aug. 22, 1856; son of John and Margaret (Blaine) Maeklem; educated in public schools of Lexington, Mich., and Hamilton (Ont.) Business University, graduating 1877; married at Waterford, Ont., 1877, Ella Tressa Pursel; 1 son. Glen E. (M.D.;. In general merchandis- ing at Lexington, Mich., 1878-79; moved to Detroit and became connected with wholesale dry goods house of J. K, Burnham & Co., Jan. 1, 1884; organized firm of S. B. Maeklem & Co., general store, Fenton, Mich., selling out, 1889; returned to Detroit and entered real estate and insurance business as Maeklem Bros., January, 1890; since 1900 has conducted the business in his own name. Republican. Mayor of Fenton, 1889-90. Methodist. Mem- ber Y. M. C. A. Mason (32°), Knight Templar. Recreation: traveling. Office: 320 Hammond Bldg. Residence: 70 Garfield Ave. MacLACHLAN, Daniel A., aurist and oc- ulist; born, Aylmer, Ont., Can., Nov. 10, 1852; son of Archibald and Mary (Robertson) Mac- Lachlan; attended public schools of Aylmer ; studied medicine under Dr. Clark, of Aylmer, and at University of Michigan, Medical De- partment, graduating, M.D., 1879; passed ex- aminations at College of Physicians and Sur- geons, Toronto, Can.; married, Dec. 15, 1892, Bertha M. Hadley, of Holly, Mich.; 2 chil- dren: Mary Winifred, Ruth. Taught school, 1872-74; began practice of medicine at Pou- tiac, Mich., 1879, and later practiced at Holly, Mich.; appointed to chair of theory and prac- tice of medicine, University of Michigan, 1885; visited hospitals of London, Heidelberg, Vienna and Paris in 1889 and while in latter city received appointment to chair eye, ear, nose and throat, Homa?opathie Medical Col- lege, University of Michigan; visited hospitals of London and Edinburgh, studying operations on eye and ear and vocal organs, in 1892; re- signed professorship in university, October, 1895, and has since practiced in Detroit. Wa.s dean of Detroit Homoeopathic College, 1899- 1912, and professor of ophthalmology, otology- and laryngology same; professor of ophthal- mology and otologj^, Cleveland-Pulte-Detroit Medical Department, Baldwin University, 328 THE BOOK OF DETROITERS since 1913. Member medical staif of Grace Hospital; associate editor Medical Counselor; member Michigan State Board of Health, 1899-1905. Member American Ophthalmolog- ical, Otological and Laryngological Society (one of the founders), Michigan State Homce- opathic Medical Society (president, 1895-97), American Institute of Homoeopathy (first vice- president, 1896), Detroit Homoeopathic Practi- tioners' Society. Mason. Knight Templar, Shriner. Clubs: Fellowcraft, Wayne. Eecrea- tions: golf, yachting. Office: 1301 Majestic Bldg. Eesidence: 47 Watson St. McLAUCHLAN, Jay C; born, Cleveland, O., Mar. 12, 1874; son of William and Dora (Chandler) McLauchlan; graduate Yale Uni- versity, 1898; married at Detroit, December, 1901, Edith Williams; 2 children; Eloise, Wil- liam. Came to Detroit from Cleveland, 1898; was connected with F. A. Goodrich & Co., iron and steel, for 6 years; has been district sales manager, with headquarters at Detroit, for Lackawanna Steel Co. and Pickands, Mather & Co., since 1905. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Clubs: Detroit Country, Univer- sity, Eacquet and Curling, Hunt, Yondotega. Eecreation: golf. Office: 1208 Penobscot Bldg. Eesidence: 211 Seminole Ave. McIiAUCHLIN, James A., born Lancaster, Ont., Nov. 10, 1855; son of Andrew Summers and Hannah (McDonald) McLauehlin; edu- cated in public schools, Detroit; married, Mar. 15, 1903, Emma Jarhue, of Western Springs, 111.; 1 son, Eussell. Began in employ of the Michigan Stove Co., Detroit, later with Chi- cago branch; then became connected with the Peninsular Stove Co., and operated in Chicago and Detroit; in bond business since 1902. Ee- publican. Presbyterian. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Mason. Eecreation: fish- ing. Office: 815 Dime Savings Bank Bldg. Eesidence: 661 Cass Ave. McLEAN, Angus, surgeon; born, St. Clair, Mich., Apr. 4, 1863; son of Donald and Cath- erine (McDonald) McLean; attended public schools of St. Clair; graduate Ontario Col- legiate Institute, 1880; M.D., Detroit College of Medicine, 1886; post-graduate course Uni- versity of Edinburgh, 1895; married, Atlantic City, N. J., Apr. 9, 1907, Eebekah Scotten; children: Euth, Marion. Has practiced in De- troit since 1888; professor of anatomy, De- troit College of Medicine; surgeon to Harper Hospital. Member Michigan State Board of Health. Member Wayne County and Michigan State Medical societies, American Medical Association, Detroit Board of Commerce. Clubs: Detroit, Detroit Automobile. Office: 307 Washington Arcade. Eesidence: 19 Mar- tin PI. McLEAN, Dariiis, manufacturer of per- fumes; born, Oxley, Ont., Oct. 13, 1861; son of Jacob and Anna Angeline (Beeman) McLean; educated in Detroit public schools; married, Oct. 3, 1894, Cora Gates Davies, of Detroit; children: William Wilbur, Gertrude S. (Mrs. E. L. Slater, of St. Louis). Began active career in employ of E. N. Lightner & Co., manufacturers of perfumes, Detroit, 1873, con- tinuing until 1900; then engaged alone as manufacturer of perfumes; business was ab- sorbed by the Allan-Pfeiffer Co., St. Louis, 1902, and he became general manager same; was awarded grand prize, perfumes, at World 's Pair, St. Louis, 1904; withdrew from business associations in St. Louis, 1906, and returned to Detroit, building up present McLean Labor- atory, of which is sole owner. Awarded gold medal for perfume at Paris Exposition, 1911. Progressive in politics. Episcopalian; trustee Trinity Church. Club: Detroit Yacht. Eecrea- tions: yachting, fishing. Office: 156 Myrtle street. MacLEAN, Hector; born, LTnderwood, Ont., Can., Aug. 18, 1869; son of Alexander and Mary (MacKinnon) MacLean; educated in public schools of Canada; LL.B., Detroit Col- lege of Law, 1900; married, June 29, 1904, Mary Taylor, of Detroit. Began as timekeeper Michigan Bolt and Nut Works, 1895; became assistant to general manager, 1903, purchasing agent 1904, secretary 1906; secretary and treasurer same works since 1910; president Ellis Engine Co. Presbyterian. Mason (Mich- igan Sovereign Consistory). Club: Mendels- sohn. Office: Michigan Bolt & Nut Works. Eesidence: 522 Sheridan Ave. McLEAN, John, cigar manufacturer; born, Sept. 20, 1847; died, 1910; see Vol. 1908. McLEAN, John Frederick, investment bonds; born, Menominee, Mich., Jan. 10, 1878; son of John and Bertha E. (Wendt) McLean; B.L., University of Michigan, 1900; married, Apr. 28, 1910, Sarah Georgiana Grant, of St. Paul, Minn.; 1 daughter: Katharine Grant. Instructor of English, St. John's Military Academy, Delafield, Wis., 1900-1, Knox Col- lege, Galesburg, 111., 1901-3; member McLean & Holland, mail order business, Galesburg, 1903-5; manager municipal bond department H. W. Noble & Co., since 1905; also since May 1, 1913, resident manager at Detroit for J. 8. THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 329 & W. S, Kuhn, Inc., investment bankers, Pitts- burgh. Kepublican. Presbyterian. Member Sigma Chi fraternity. Club: Detroit Tennis. Recreations: tennis, automobiling. Office: 314 Dime Savings Bank Bldg. Residence: 3052 East Grand boul. McLEISH, Robert, wholesale grocer; born, Gait, Can., Jan. 15, 1849; son of William and Mary McLeish; educated in public schools of Canada; came to Detroit, 1872, and married, same year, Miss Jane McBean; 2 children: Mildred (Mrs. J. H. Torney, of New York City), Erskine. Has been connectel with grocery business in Detroit since 1873; began in employ of .John Stevens & Sons, then with Beatty, Fitzsimmons & Co.; assisted in organ- izing wholesale firm of Taylor, McLeish & Co., 1899, of which he is a partner. Methodist. Recreation: outdoor sports. Office: 99-101 Jef- ferson Ave. Residence: 434 Putnam Ave. McLENNAN, William N., lumber; born. Port Rowan, Ont., Apr. 29, 1865; son of John and Marian A. (Hornby) McLennan; educated in public schools of Bay City, Mich.; married at Tonawanda, N. Y., 1894, Helen A. Ayrault; 3 children: William N., Jr., Miles A., Mary T. Came to Bay City, with parents, 1868; associ- ated with his father under firm name of John McLennan, in lumber business, 1887-97; en- tered lumber business in Bay City for himself, 1897; became secretary, treasurer and manager City Lumber Co., Detroit, 1905, and has made his home in Detroit since May, 1906; also secretary National Supply Co. Member De- troit Board of Commerce. Served 11 years as member Michigan National Guard, first lieu- tenant Co. C, Third Regiment, and quarter- master of the regiment. Republican. Presby- terian. Mason (32°), Shriner. Recreation: boating. Office: Hart and Waterloo Aves. Residence: 150 Atkinson Ave. McLEOD, Alexander I., retired; born, Provi- dence, R. I., Aug. 2, 1852; son of Alexander and Janet (Reid) McLeod; educated in public schools of Detroit until 18 years of age; married at New York City, 1876, Frances A. Millington; 1 daughter, Janet. Followed the lakes for a while after leaving school; re- turned to Detroit and engaged in newspaper work; clerk of recorder's court, 1873-77; with others formed company for manufacture of wood chemicals, serving as assistant superin- tendent for 1 year; engaged in steamboat busi- ness for 3 years; again in newspaper work in Detroit, 1882-89; private secretary to Mayor Pingree, 1890-95; treasurer Wayne County, 1895-99; engaged in manufacture of ladies' wear until 1905; president and general man- ager Maxwell-Briscoe-McLeod Co., 1905-9. Also secretary and treasurer Ontonagon Silver Land Co.; director Central Savings Bank, Dixie Portland Cement Co.; treasurer Atlee Foundry Co.; president Oakland Land Co., De- troit Reduction Co. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner; member I. O. O. F., Knights of Pythias. Clubs: Fellowcraft, Detroit Yacht, Detroit Motor Boat, Wolverine Automobile, Detroit Athletic. Recreation: yachting. Of- fice: Majestic Bldg. Residence: Grosse Pointe Shores, Mich. McLEOD, John James; born, Sept. 15, 1852; died, Nov. 2, 1911; see Vol. 1908. McLEOD, Malcolm J.; born, Huron Co., Can., Jan. 22, 1868; son of John and Flora (McKinnon) McLeod; came to Michigan with parents in infancy; educated in public schools of Attica, Mich., and Sarnia, Ont.; married at Sarnia, May 19, 1890, Christina Darvux; chil- dren: Clarence J., Florence. Began as clerk in grocery store; was employed on construction of the St. Clair tunnel, 1888-91; came to De- troit, 1891, and was street ear conductor until 1895; business agent for street car employes, 1895-1900; deputy labor commissioner, 1901-5, and state labor commissioner, 1905-7; since collector of internal revenue. President Com- monwealth Foundry Co. Republican. Roman Catholic. Was member state legislature, 1899- 1900; candidate for nomination for mayor of Detroit and received 10,000 votes at primary election. President National Association of Factory Inspectors, 1905. Member Detroit Board of Commerce, Knights of Pythias, Knights of Columbus. Office: 234 Postoffice Bldg. Residence: 226 Lysander Ave. McLEOD, Norman H. F., assistant auditor Parke, Davis & Co.; born, London, Ont., Can., Feb. 12, 1875; son of Robert and Ann (Mc- Ivor) McLeod; educated public and high schools, London, Ont.; married, May 12, 1898, Maud Annie Evans, of London; 2 children: Robina, Margaret. Began active career, 1892, in employ of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, continuing in London, Toronto and Montreal; then with Detroit Stove Works as accountant, 7 years, 1899-1906; with Parke, Davis & Co. since 1906. Republican. Presbyterian. Mem- ber Detroit Board of Commerce, Drug & Chem- ical Co. of New York. Club: Detroit Athletic. Recreation: motoring. Office: Parke, Davis & Co. Residence: 40 Van Dyke PI. 330 THE BOOK OF DETROITERS McLUNEY, Andrew Kirk; born, Fair Grove, Mich., Feb. 10, 1870; son of Eobert and Sarah (Kirk) McLuney; educated in public schools, Fair Grove; married, Apr. 15, 1897, Grace Bur- roughs, of Fair Grove. Engaged in produce commission and shipping business at Fair Grove, 18S9-1907; moved to Flint, 1907, and became local manager for Buick Motor Co.; located in Detroit, continuing with the Buick Co. until July, 1912; since manager The Stude- baker Corporation of America. Republican. Presbyterian. Member Detroit Automobile Dealers' Association. Odd Fellow. Office: 507 Woodward Ave. Residence: 2518 West Grand Boulevard. McMASTEE, Edward Elmer; born, Belcher- town, Mass., July 1, 1867; son of Malon K. and Mary (Whalen) McMaster; educated in public schools, Springfield, Mass.; married, Dec. 21, 1901, Marie Hipkens, of Syracuse, N. Y. Grocery clerk in Springfield, Mass., 3 years; then traveled for 3 years for The Haven Man- ufacturing Co., of Brooklyn, N. Y., manufac- turers of hardware specialties; with Hartford Rubber Works Co. as sales agent, 1893-1906; Detroit manager for the Firestone Tire & Rub- ber Co., 1906-8; western sales manager for the Continental Caoutchouc Co., 1908-11; manager manufacturing department United States Tire Co. since Nov. 1911. Republican. Unitarian. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Mason (32°), Shriuer; member B. P. O. Elks, I. 0. O. F. Clubs: Detroit Automobile, Detroit Yacht, Detroit Curling. Recreations: yachting, auto- mobiling, curling. Office: 245 Jefferson Ave. Residence: 1921 West Grand Boul. McMATH, Francis Charles, president Cana- dian Bridge Co., Ltd.; born, St. Louis, Jan, 29, 1867; son of Robert Emmet and Frances (Brodie) McMath; degree Bachelor of Engi- neering, Washington University, St. Louis, 1887; married, June 26, 1890, Josephine Cook, of Detroit; children: Robert R., Neil C, Ma- rian H. Entered employ of Detroit Bridge & Iron Works, 1887, and became chief engineer of same, 1899; organized, 1900, and since president the Canadian Bridge Co., Ltd., of Walkerville, Ont. ; also president Trussed Con- crete Steel Co., of Walkerville; president Es- sex County Realty Co.; director St. Lawrence Bridge Co. (Montreal), Structural Steel Co. (Montreal), Union Trust Co. (Detroit), Mari- time Bridge Co. (New Glasgow, N. S.), Essex Terminal Railway, Walkerville. Member De- troit Board of Commerce. Republican. Epis- copalian. Member Detroit Engineering So- ciety, Canadian Society Civil Engineers. Clubs: Detroit, University, Country, Detroit Athletic, Old, Detroit Boat, Turtle Lake. Of- fice: Walkerville, Out. Residence: 215 Iro- quois Ave., Detroit. McMICHAEL, Albert, physician; born, Gor- rie. Can., Dec. 12, 1860; son of Abraham and Marj'' (Dow) McMichael; educated public schools and Collingwood Collegiate Institute; M.D., Medical College of Pennsylvania, Phila- delphia, 1878; post-graduate work, University of Toronto and schools and hospitals of Edin- burgh, Scotland; married, Feb. 10, 1886, Min- nie Hough, of Ontario, Can. In practice in Detroit since 1882; president Board of Educa- tion, Detroit, 1913-14. Member Wayne County Medical Society, Michigan State Medical So- ciety. Republican. Presbyterian. Mason. Of- fice: 10 Tuscola St. Residence: 157 Brainard Street. McMillan, Enos L.; born, Detroit, May 29, 1888; son of Neil and Carrie (Lebot) Mc- Millan; graduated Detroit University School, 1907; student University of Michigan, 1 year; married, Detroit, Oct. 4, 1913, Miss Frederika Walker Swift. Purchasing agent National Can Co., since Sept., 1908; also vice-president Mill- er Car Co. Member Beta Theta Pi. Clubs: Detroit Country, Detroit Athletic. Recrea- tions: automobiling, golf, motor boating. Of- fice: National Can Co., N. E. cor. Dequindre St. and East Grand Boul. Residence: 158 Van Dyke Ave. MacMILLAN, James Alexander, physician; born, Strathroy, Ont., Can., Apr. 35, 1863; son of James and Margaret (Bentley) MacMillan; educated in Strathroy public and high schools; Toronto Normal school; Toronto University, degree of B.A., 1887, M.B., 1893; post-graduate study in hospitals of London, Eng. ; married at Detroit, 1897, Annie Romlyn Buttrick; 2 sons: Alexander Romlyn, Francis. Began prac- tice in Detroit, 1893; professor clinical proc- tology and adjunct professor therapeutics, De- troit College of Medicine; clinical proctol- ogist to Harper Hospital, and department of rectal surgery, German Polyclinic, Detroit. Member American Medical Association, Amer- ican Proetological Society, Michigan Acad- emy of Sciences. Presbyterian. Mason (32°), Shriner. Club: Prismatic. Office: J. Henry Smith Bldg. Residence: 69 Virginia Ave. McMillan, Neil, manager National Can Co.; born, Scotland, Mar. 18, 1852; son of Michael and Jean (Ballentine) McMillan; edu- cated in Scotland; came to America, 1871; THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 331 married, Aug. 4, 1887, Carrie Lebot, of De- troit; 3 children: Enos L., Neil, Jr., Carrie U. Located in Detroit, 1871; was one of organiz- ers of the old Detroit Sheet Metal & Brass Works (now owned by the American Ship- building Co.); later, organized and conducted the Art Stove Works, manufacturers Laurel Stoves and Ranges; sold out his interest and since 1901 has been identified with the Na- tional Can Co. as secretary and general man- ager at Detroit. Republican. Methodist. Mem- ber Detroit Board of Commerce. Mason, K. T. Clubs: Detroit Athletic, Rotary. Recreation: outdoor sports. Office: N. E. cor. Dequindre St. and East Grand Boul. Residence: Pasadena Apts., 720 Jefferson Ave. Summer Residence: Grande Pointe, Mich. McMITiIiAN, Philip H., lawyer; born in Detroit, Dec. 28, 1872; son of the late Senator James and Mary L. (Wetmore) McMillan; graduate Yale University, Classical and Law departments, 1894; Harvard Law School, class of 1898; married Elizabeth Anderson, of Wash- ington, June 7, 1899. Member law firm of An- gell, Boynton, McMillan & Bodman since 1895; has devoted his attention mainly as executor to management of family estate since death of his brother, William C. McMillan, Feb., 1907. President Detroit & Cleveland Naviga- tion Co., Detroit Seamless Tube Co.; director Detroit Savings Bank; First National Bank, Peoples State Bank, The Detroit Hotel Co., Monarch Steel Castings Co., Packard Motor Car Co. Trustee Grace Hospital Bldg. Repub- lican. Office: Union Trust Bldg. Residence: 728 Jefferson Ave. McNAMAEA, James, lawyer; born, Dexter, Mich., July 4, 1866; son of James and Bridget (Fitzgerald) McNamara; attended Dexter High School; A.B., University of Michigan, 1884, LL.B., 1886; married, Jan. 10, 1894, Lil- lie Conmey, of Bay City, Mich. Began prac- tice at Alpena, Mich., 1887; removed to De- troit as general counsel for the Detroit & Mackinac Railway Co., 1900; general counsel Railway Conductors' Protective Association; director Federal Casualty Co., Detroit Casualty Co. ; member law firm of McNamara & Scallen. Prosecuting attorney Alpena County, 1888-94; postmaster Alpena, 1894-99. Democrat. Cath- olic. Member Michigan State Bar Association, Association Bar City of Detroit, Detroit Law- yers ' Club. Member B. P. O. Elks, Knights of Columbus, Maccabees. Recreations: hunting, fishing. Office: 2026 Dime Savings Bank Bldg. Residence: 20 Kirby Ave. W. McNAUGHTON, Charles N.; born, St. Clair, Mich., -June 7, 1877; son of Neil and Margaret (Bannatyne) McNaughton; educated in public and high schools, Detroit, LL.B., Detroit Col- lege of Law, 1900; married, 1903, Pearl Mcln- erney, of Detroit (she died, 1907); 1 daughter, Ardath M. Began practice in Detroit, 1900; state agent American Bonding Co. since 1900; member firm of Whitaker, McNaughton & Livingston, general insurance. Member De- troit Board of Commerce, Association Bar City of Detroit. Clubs: Lawyers', Detroit Athletic, Detroit Tennis. Recreations: aquatic sports. Office: Dime Savings Bank Bldg. Res- idence: 147 Atkinson Ave. McNaughton, Duncan K., president Palace Model Laundry Co.; born, Chatham, Ont., May 22, 1845; son of Duncan and Mar- garet (McKay) McNaughton; educated Chat- ham public schools; married, Oct. 4, 1910, Anna McKnight, of Ballston Spa, N. Y. Be- gan active career in grocery business, at Chat- ham, 1870, continuing until 1876; in produce business, Chatham and Detroit, 1876-85; re- moved to Detroit, 1885; member McNaughton, Walker & Co., produce merchants, 1885-1900; in produce brokerage business alone, 1900-5; president and manager Palace Model Laundry Co. since 1905. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Independent in politics. Presbyte- rian. Member Detroit Laundrymen's Associ- ation, Michigan State Laundrymen's Associ- ation, National Laundrymen 's Association. Mason. Club: Detroit Golf. Office: 11-17 Pine St. Residence: 1141 Cass Ave. McNIEL, Daniel T., retired; born, Logans- port, Ind., Dec. 7, 1847; son of Daniel and Penina (Stumbaugh) McNeil; educated in public schools of Indiana; married at Kokomo, Ind., 1880, Sarah Pickett; 2 sons: Walter C, Paul C. Began active career as clerk in gen- eral freight office of the Indianapolis, Peru & Chicago R. R., Indianapolis; next engaged in hardware business in Kokomo, Ind., con- tinuing for 10 years; was traveling salesman for the Reeves Pulley Co., becoming vice- president of the company, 1897; removed to Detroit, 1904, and in November, 1905, com- pleted organization of the Detroit Steel Pul- ley Co.; president and manager same until Dec, 1909 (retired); vice-president Reeves Pulley Co., Columbus, Ind.; engaged in citrous fruit raising, Gotha, Fla. Progressive. Presby- terian. Club: Country of Orlando, Fla. Recrea- tions: golf and fishing. Residence: 20 Alfred St., Detroit, and Gotha, Fla. 332 THE BOOK OF DETROITERS McNTEIj, Walter Carson, attorney; born, Kokomo, Ind., July 30, 1881; son of Daniel T. and Sarah (Pickett) McNiel; educated Ann Arbor (Mich.) High School, 1895-99; Univer- sity of Michigan, Literary Department, 1899- 1903, Law Department, 1903-5; A.B., 1903, LL.B., 1905; married, Oct. 1, 1908, Katharine Blythe Carter, of Atlanta, 111.; 1 son, Walter Carson, Jr. Practiced in Detroit since July, 1905. Presbyterian. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Clubs: University, Detroit Ath- letic, Detroit Boat, Detroit Tennis. Eecrea- tions: tennis, boating. Office: 812-813 Ham- mond BIdg. Eesidence: 78 Watson St. MACON, Edward Adams; born, Eichmond, Va., Nov. 5, 1880; son of James M. and Jennie (Bridge) Macon; educated in public schools. Began active career as clerk in general freight office, Chesapeake & Ohio Eailway, at Eichmond, Va., Aug. 22, 1895, continuing about 3 years; held similar position with same road at Cincinnati, 1898-1905; then trans- ferred as soliciting freight agent to Eich- mond, Va., and remained there, 1905-7, and at Memphis, Tenn., Apr.-Dec, 1907, Chicago, 1907-8, New York, 1908-9; soliciting freight agent for Central E. E. of Georgia, in New York, Mar.-May, 1909; traveling freight and passenger agent Southern Pacific E. E. at Tucson, Ariz., 1909-11; general agent same road at Detroit since Apr. 20, 1911. Episco- palian. Club: Transportation. Office: 221 Majestic Bldg. Eesidence: 555 Woodward Avenue. McPEAK, James, commercial agent; born, Centralia, Ont., Can., Jan. 22, 1872; son of James and Florence (McDonald) McPeak; ed- ucated in public schools, Exeter, Ont.; mar- ried, Nov. 17, 1892, Sarah Buckley, of London, Ont.; children: Cecelia, James Earl. With Michigan Central E. E. at Bay City, Mich., 1886-90, with Grand Trunk E. E. at London, Ont., 1890-96; then traveling freight agent, same road, with headquarters at Saginaw, 1896-1912; commercial agent same road, with headquarters in Detroit, since Dec. 1, 1912. Catholic. Member Knights of Columbus. Clubs: Transportation, Detroit Traffic. Eecre- ations: fishing, hunting, baseball. Office: Brush St. Depot. Eesidence: 40 Harmon Ave. Mcpherson, Alexander, banker; born, Daviat, Scotland, June 7, 1836; son of Wil- liam and Elizabeth (Eiddle) McPherson; came to America, 1836; educated in village schools of Howell, Mich., and at Cochran Business Col- lege, Detroit, graduating, 1857; married, Greenville, Mich., Sept. 4, 1860, Julia C. Ells- worth. Was engaged in mercantile business with George W. Lee, Z. F. Crosman and H. H. Mills, Howell, 1859-63; organized firm of Alex- ander McPherson & Co., bankers, Howell, June, 1865, of which he is still a member; president Old Detroit National Bank, 1891, and since has made his home in Detroit. Also president Detroit Trust Co.; director National Can Co., the State Bank of Fowlerville, Stand- ard Savings and Loan Association. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Presbyterian. Clubs: Detroit, Old Club of St. Clair Flats, Country Club of Grosse Pointe, Bankers '. Of- fice: Old Detroit National Bank. Eesidence: 989 Cass Ave. MacPHEESON, Frank Herbert; born,. Sharon, Ont., Can., Sept. 2, 1861; son of Craw- ford and Elizabeth (Terry) Macpherson; edu- cated in public schools. In general store, 1872; in printing office, 1876-78; bookkeeper in gen- eral store at Brigden, Ont., 1879-82; publisher Beeton (Ont.) World, Canadian Bee Journal, Canadian Poultry Journal, 1883-92; publisher Windsor (Ont.) Eeview, 1893-96; in field of accounts since 1897; head of Macpherson, Weiss & Co., certified public accountants and auditors. Ex-president Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario. Clubs: Detroit, De- troit Country, Detroit Automobile, Bloomfield Hills Country, San Gabriel Valley Country (Cal.), Windsor (Windsor, Ont.). Office: 1004 Union Trust Bldg. Eesidence: 117 Kirby Avenue E. McQUISTION, Oliver J., insurance; born on farm, Clinton Co., Mich., Aug. 17, 1873; son of William H. and Sarah (Strauser) McQuistion; educated in public schools; married, Aug, 4, 1897, Euby Setterington, of Elsie, Mich.; 1 daughter, Lois. Cashier for John Hicks, St. John's, Mich., 1893-96; en- gaged in banking, 1896-1906, and organized several banks; sold out all banking interests, 1906, and located in Detroit; secretary-treas- urer Detroit Insurance Agency, since 1906. Village treasurer, South Lyon, Mich., 1898. Ee- publican. Baptist. Member Detroit Board of Commerce, Detroit Credit Men's Association. Member Knights of Pythias, I. O. O. F. Eecre- ation: automobiling. Office: 1104-1112 Dime Savings Bank Bldg. Eesidence: 140 Pallister Avenue. McRAE, Milton A., journalist; born Detroit, June 13, 1858; son of Duncan B. and Helen (Stevenson) McEae; academy education; mar- ried, Aug. 11, 1880, Victoria Wallis, of Toron- THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 333 to, Ont.; children: Mrs. J. P. Scripps, Helen v., Marie E., Lindsay S. Joint owner of the Scripps-McRae League and other daily news- papers; vice-president McEae & Eoberts Co., manufacturers of brass goods, Detroit. For- merly president of the United Press Associa- tion of New York and Scripps-McRae League Newspapers. Retired from active business and management of league, 1908. Removed, from Cincinnati, where he resided for 25 years, to Detroit, 1907. Spends winters in southern Cal- ifornia. President Detroit Board of Commerce, 1911; vice-president and member executive committee Boy Scouts of America; vice-presi- dent Detroit Y. M. C. A.; president Harper Hospital, and officially connected with many other philanthropic and charitable institutions of Detroit. Lecturer on journalism University of Michigan. Clubs: Detroit, Country, Detroit Golf, Old, Automobile. Recreation: golf. Of- fice: Majestic Bldg. Residence: 36 Ferry Avenue E. McVeigh, James A., physician; born, Cov- ington, Ky., Apr. 12, 1872; son of Peter and Mary (Sweeny) MacVeigh; educated at St. Xavier's (Jesuit) College, Cincinnati, O.; University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Ind., degree of A.B.; Medical Department, Univer- sity of Cincinnati, M.D., 1896; married at De- troit, Sept. 11, 1895, Frances Eleanor Byrne; children: Frank, Eleanor, James A., Jr. Be- gan practice in Cincinnati, Apr. 11, 1896; re- moved to Detroit, 1898. Member American Medical Association, American Proctologic Association, Michigan State Medical Society, Wayne County Medical Society. Democrat. Catholic. Member Knights of Columbus. Clubs: Country, Detroit Golf. Recreation: outdoor sports. Office: 32 Adams Ave. W. Residence: 61 Adelaide St. McVITTIE, Alexander; born, May 6, 1842; died, 1909; see Vol. 1908. MADAY, Albert; born, Poland, Apr. 7, 1864; son of Frank and Agnes (Siodmak) Maday; educated in public schools of Wapno, Poland; came to America, spring of 1882; mar- ried at Detroit, May 21, 1901, Addie Richards; children: Arthur, Helen, Bernice, Henry, Mary Adaline, Agnes. At 18 years of age worked in coal mines of Pennsylvania; then was employed in hotels, sold sewing machines, pictures and picture frames; engaged in pic- ture and frame business in Detroit and en- tered real estate and fire insurance. Member Detroit Board of Commerce, Detroit Real Es- tate Board. Member Michigan National Guard, 1900-1. Republican. Roman Catholic. Recreations: hunting, fishing and music. Of- fice: 505 Canfield Ave. E. Residence: Royal Oak, Mich. MAEDEL, Arthur; born, Benmiller, Ont., Oct. 23, 1873; son of Gottfried and Wilhel- mina (Frank) Maedel; educated in public schools of Canada and business university, Detroit; married, Detroit, June 28, 1905, Kath- erine Gertrude Becker; 1 son, A. Howard. En- tered railway service, 1894, as billing clerk Michigan Central Ry., and was later rate clerk in commercial office and contracting freight agent, 1902, was contracting freight agent of the Chicago & Alton R. R. 1902-5, and has been commercial freight agent of same road since June 1, 1905. Republican. Protestant. Member Masonic order. Chapter. Club: De- troit Transportation. Recreation: fishing. Of- fice: 425 Ford Bldg. Residence: 79 Colling- wood Ave. MAGUIRE, Arthur David Patrick, lawyer; born, Hamilton, Ont., Can.; son of Patrick and Margaret (Walsh) Maguire; graduate Central School, Hamilton, and later attended high school there; spent 6 years as student at St. Mary's (Jesuit) College, Montreal; stu- dent for 3 years in Law Department, Catholic University, Washington, D. C, degree of LL.B., June, 1899; student 1 year, Detroit Law School, degree of LL.B., June, 1904; mar- ried at Brooklyn, N. Y., 1900, Irene Lydia Uflfreduzi; 1 daughter, Kathleen Frances. Was private secretary to Congressman Alfred Lucking and secretary congressional commit- tee, First District of Michigan. Has engaged in practice in Detroit since June, 1904. Secre- tary Detroit Garment Manufacturing Co. Member American and Michigan State Bar associations. Association Bar City of Detroit. Democrat; active worker in the presidential campaign of 1912; organizer and secretary Woodrow Wilson Club, of Wayne Co. Roman Catholic. Clubs: Detroit Motor Boat, Catholic (New York). Recreations: hunting and fish- ing. Office: 904-905 Hammond Bldg. Resi- dence: 1065 Jefferson Ave. MAGUIRE, Francis John Walsh, surgeon; born, Hamilton, Ont., Feb. 16, 1868; son of Patrick and Margaret (Walsh) Maguire; edu- cated in public and private schools; B.S., St. Lawrence College, Montreal, Can., 1888; M.D., Detroit College of Medicine, 1895; post-gradu- ate studies in Vienna and Paris; married at Detroit, June 16, 1897, Mignon Bosset. Was acting assistant surgeon, U. S. Marine Hos- 334 THE BOOK OF DETROITERS pital service, 1895-97; has practiced in Detroit since 1897, specializing in surgery; attending surgeon St. Mary's Hospital; chief surgeon Home Sanitarium, ^tna Life Insurance Co.; president Detroit Garment Manufacturing Co. Democrat. Eoman Catholic. Member Ameri- can Medical Association, Michigan State and Wayne County Medical societies. Member Knights of Columbus, New York Society of Detroit, Detroit Board of Commerce. Club: Fellowcraft. Kecreations: motor touring, trav- eling. Author of the following published ar- ticles: A New Dietetic and Injection Method of Treating Typhoid Fever, with a Eepout of One Hundred and Thirty-eight Consecutive Cases Successfully treated in the Last Ten Years; Intestinal Obstruction and Paralysis of the Bowels Following Laparotomy; The Curse of Miscarriage to Our American Women, With a Few Suggestions in the Way of a Remedy; The Use of Rubber Gloves As An Aid to Prophylaxis in Obstetrics; The Ma- guire Dropper for the Administration of Saline; The Maguire Diagnostic Sound. Of- fices: 778 Jefferson Ave. and Shurly Bldg., 32 Adams St. Residence: 776 Jefferson Ave. MAHON, Thomas J., lawyer; born, Detroit, Mar. 19, 1873; sou of Lawrence and Anna (Ryan) Mahon; educated in parochial schools of Detroit; Detroit College, receiving degrees of A.B. and A.M., 1892; Law Department, Uni- versity of Michigan, degree of LL.B., 1896; un- married. Engaged in practice of law in De- troit since 1897. Member Association Bar City of Detroit, Lawyers ' Club. Republican. Roman Catholic. Recreations: boating, fishing and baseball. Office: .512 Hammond Bldg. Resi- dence: 300 Medbury Ave. MAHON, William D.; born, Athens County, O., Aug. 14, 1861; sou of Robert and Rebecca (Cook) Mahon; attended public schools a few months; married July 1, 1881, Ida Neff, of Baltimore, O.; 4 children: Ida, Russell, Or- lando, Eugene. Entered the street car serv- ice as a driver, at Columbus, O., 1888, and assisted in organizing employes of that sys- tem; v.'as elected president, later elected sec- retary and business agent; served two terms as president Trades and Labor Council of Co- lumbus; assisted in organizing Amalgamated Association of Street and Electric Railway Employes, Indianapolis, 1892, elected presi- dent, 1893; international president. Amalga- mated Association of Street and Electric Railway Employes of America since 1893. Ap- pointed by Mayor Marx, June, 1913, street railway official ; 25, 1869; son of railway commissioner. City of Detroit, tor The Motorman and Conductor, 11 yea s, appointed by Governor Pingree judge St ite Court of Arbitration, 1898; served as presid- ing judge 3 years; member executive commit- tee National Civic Federation and acted in the work of American Federation of Labor. Office: 603 Hodges Bldg. Residence: 221 Mitchell Ave. MAIN, James Porteus, born, Portland, Me., Dec. John and Mary Jane (Whitely) Main; mar- ried at Detroit, 1900, Anna Belle Richardson. Began active career in office of James H. Muir, treasurer of the Grand Trunk R. R., at Detroit, 1885; was transferred to transporta- tion department of the road, 1886; became chief clerk to superintendent and superin- tendent of telegraph in Mar., 1894, continu- ing until 1904; superintendent and traffic man- ager Detroit, Toledo & Shore Line R. R., 1904- 11, since general manager. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Republican. Presbyte- rian; superintendent Westminster Presbyte- rian Sunday School. Club: Detroit Transpor- tation. Office: 303 Lightner Bldg. Residence: 98 Brainard St. MAIRE, Lewis E.; born, Philadelphia, Sept. 3, 1855; son of John E. and Catherine P. (Verpilot) Maire; educated public schools, Detroit; Webster Polytechnic; M.D., Detroit Medical College, 188i; married, Nov., 1881, Florence M. T. Davis, of Detroit. In practice since 1881; ophthalmologist Wabash R. R. Trustee Grosse Pointe Park Village, 1913-15. Republican. Episcopalian. Member American, Michigan and Wayne County Medical associa- tions. Northern Tri-State Medical Association, Detroit Academy of Medicine. Otologicai Club, Ophthalmological Club. Mason. Mem- ber Woodmen of the World. Recreations: lit- erature, gardening. Office: 78 Washington Ave. Residence: Grosse Pointe Park. MALCOMSON, Alexander Y., president The Alexander Y. Malcomson Coal Co. until 1913, since president Malcomson-Houghten Co., coal, coke and builders' supplies; married, Miss Schofield; children: Mary J., Helen J., George W. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Clubs: Fellowcraft, Detroit Rotary, Catholic Study Club. Office: Free Press Bldg. Resi- dence: 1725 Woodward Ave. Summer Resi- dence: Orchard Lake, Mich. MAliOTT, Andrew Lome, real estate ; born, Kingsville, Ont., Can., Apr. 11, 1880; son of Solomon S. and Frances Elizabeth (Clark) THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 335 "ilott; educated Detroit public schools; mar- ^led, June 28, 1904, Louise Anna Harris, of Petroit. Employed in postoffice, Detroit, un- til Oct. 1, 1906, then entered real estate busi- ness with Homer Warren & Co. and still con- tinues. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Republican. Methodist. Member of Palestine Lodge No. 357, F. & A. M. Club: Fellow- craft. Recreation: automobiling. Office: 1227 Chamber of Commerce. Residence: 1708 Vine- wood Ave. MANCHESTER, William C, lawyer; born, Canfield, O., Dec. 25, 1873; son of Hugh A. and Susan Rosannah (Squire) Manchester; took a six-year course in Northeastern Ohio Normal College, Canfield, graduating, degree of A.B., 1894; graduate University of Michi- gan, Law Department, LL.B., 1896; married at Bay City, Mich., Dec. 27, 1898, Margaret Katherine MacGregor; 6 children: Hugh Alex- ander, Mary Katherine, William Charles, Jr., Helen Margaret, Susan Rosannah, Frances. In practice at Detroit since Jan., 1897. Elected delegate to Constitutional Convention, State of Michigan, 1907. Member Lawyers' Club of Detroit, Association Bar City of Detroit, Michigan State and American Bar associa- tions. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Republican; member Republican State Cen- tral Committee since 1910. Presbyterian. Ma- son (32°); member Corinthian Lodge No. 241; Detroit Commandery No. 1, K. T. ; Shrine; member Detroit Lodge No. 34, B. P. O. Elks, Kappa Sigma fraternity. Recreations: litera- ture, hunting, fishing. Office: Dime Savings Bank Bldg. Residence: 219 Vinewood Ave. MANCOURT, Edward M.; moved to Chi- cago, 111.; see Vol. 1908. MANDELL, Henry Addison, jurist; born, Detroit, Mar. 16, 1861; son of Addison and Mary F. (Chittenden) Mandell; educated in public schools and University of Michigan, graduating, Ph.B., 1883; unmarried. Read law with Moore & Canfield and was admitted to the bar, 1885; engaged in admiralty and general practice until 1891; assistant city at- torney, 1891-92, and assistant prosecuting at- torney, 1892-1901; appointed by Governor Bliss in 1901 as judge of Circuit Court, to fill vacancy; was elected judge to fill vacancy, 1903, reelected in 1905, 1911, present term ex- piring 1917. Republican. Episcopalian. Mem- ber Association Bar City of Detroit, Michi- gan State Bar Association. Mason, K. T. Clubs: Detroit, Yondotega, Country, Univer- sity. Recreations: amateur photography, auto- mobiling. Office: County Bldg. Residence: 819 Jefferson Ave. MANEY, John W., funeral director; born, Detroit, May 26, 1870; son of John W. and Sarah (White) Maney; educated public schools, Detroit; married. Mar., 1895, Mary Hamilton, of Detroit; 2 children: John W., Jr., Pearl Mary; married, 2d, Helen F. Huber, of Wasso, Ind. Began active career at 10 years of age in bolt and nut works, and con- tinued for 5 years; became connected with undertaking and embalming business at age of 15; with Geist Bros., then partner with Charles Orleman as Maney & Orleman; opened establishment on own account, 1894, of which has since been the head; city and county un- dertaker. Independent in politics. Episco- palian. President Detroit Funeral Directors ' Association since Jan. 1, 1913; member Na- tional and Michigan State Funeral Directors ' associations. Member B. P. O. Elks, L. O. O. Moose, National Union, Maccabees, Modern Woodmen, I. O. Foresters, Foresters of Amer- ica, etc. Clubs: Detroit Pastime Gun, Ford Bowling (captain). Recreations: automobil- ing, bowling, fishing, shooting. Office: 43-47 National Ave. Residence: 331 Lincoln Ave. MANN, Charles Frederick; born, Ann Ar- bor, Mich., Sept. 19, 1864; son of Emanuel Ernest and Anna (Neithammer) Mann; edu- cated public fichools of Ann Arbor; married, June 15, 1891, Irene F. Delbridge, of Detroit; one daughter, Gertrude Delbridge. Engaged in retail drug business in Detroit since Sept. 15, 1881; in busines on own account since May, 1887; director Wolverine Drug Co. Di- rector Retail Bureau, Detroit Board of Com- merce. Republican. Congregationalist. Clubs: Detroit Boat, Detroit Athletic. Office: 901 Woodward Ave. Residence: 91 Forest Ave. W. MANN, Roland Henry; born, Detroit, Feb. 22, 1880; son of Ernest E. and Amelia S. (Backus) Mann; educated Detroit High School and Ann Arbor High School; married, June 5, 1902, Katherine Fowler Maedonald, of Detroit; 3 children: Donald C, Ernest E., Katherine. Has been connected with the American Radiator Co. ever since beginning of active career; assistant manager Michigan plant of the company since 1909. Republi- can. Episcopalian. Member Palestine Lodge No. 357, F. & A. M. Club: Detroit Athletic. Recreations: automobiling, baseball, football. Office: 424 Trombly Ave. Residence: 86 E. Canfield Ave. 336 THE BOOK OF DETROITERS MANNING, Bartholomew H., real estate; born, Thamesville, Ont., Can., Dec, 30, 1882; son of Eobert and Deborah (O 'Hern) Man- ning; educated public schools, Thamesville; married, June 6, 1906, Margaret H. Kenney, of Detroit; 2 children: Eobert William, Catherine Virginia. Came to Detroit, 1898; entered employ of the Union Trust Co., 1903; manager real estate department same since 1910. Re- publican. Eoman Catholic. Member Detroit Board of Commerce, Detroit Real Estate Board, National Association of Real Estate PJxchanges. Member Knights of Columbus. Recreation: athletics. OflEice: Union Trust Co. Residence: 2258 West Grand Boul. MANTON, Walter Porter, physician; born, Providence, R. I., Aug. 3, 1857; son of Walter Bartlett M.; private education in United States and Germany, fitting for college; grad- uate Harvard Medical School, 1881; three years post-graduate studies abroad; since in practice, Detroit; married at Lake City, Minn., 1879, Cara M. Williamson; children: Walter, M.D., Helen. Formerly professor clin- ical gynecology and professor obstetrics, De- troit College of Medicine; gynecologist to Harper Hospital and to Eastern and Northern Michigan Asylums for Insane; consulting gyn- ecologist St. Joseph's Retreat; president med- ical board, Woman 's Hospital. Republican. Member American Medical Association, Amer- ican Association Obstetricians and Gynecolo- gists, American Gynecological Society, Michi- gan State Medical Society, Michigan Academy Sciences, Detroit Academy Medicine, Wayne County Medical Society, Loyal Legion, Sons of American Revolution. Clubs: Detroit, De- troit Boat, Pere Marquette Fishing, Univer- sity (Chicago). Author: A Syllabus of Lec- tures on Human Embryology; Helps to Nat- ural History Series (six manuals); Epitome of Obstetrics, 1903. Wrote chapters in Jew- ett's Obstetrics, and Peterson's Obstetrics; also many special articles. Recreations: fish- ing and hunting. Office: 32 Adams Ave. Res- idence: 45 Watson St. MANZELMANN, Charles; born, Prussia, Germany, Nov. 11, 1861; son of John and Mary Manzelmann; came to Detroit, 1871; educated in parochial schools, Detroit; mar- ried at Detroit, Nov, 15, 1883, Minnie Knack; 2 sons: Charles, Jr., Herbert. Began learn- ing broom making, 1874, and has been en- gaged in the busines in his own name since 1881. Member Michigan House of Represent- atives, 1895-96; director Deaf and Dumb In- stitute, North Detroit. Member Detroit Board of Commerce, Republican. Evangelical Luth- eran. OflSce: 741-749 Bellevue Ave. Resi- dence: 531 Field Ave. MABCEBO, Joseph IiCO, wholesale confec- tionery and cigars; born. New Baltimore, Mich.,"^Nov. 13, 1869; son of Peter and Eliza- beth (Rose) Marcero; parents both of French descent, grandfather on father's side coming to America, 1828 (family name originally spelled Marcereau) ; educated high school, New Baltimore; Catholic School, Anchorville, Mich.; Detroit Business University; married, Sept. 2, 1897, Frances Thompson, of Detroit; 4 children: Ellen, Thompson, Joseph, Jr., Eliz- abeth. Began active career in employ of the Fair Haven Stave Co., Fair Haven, Mich., 1889, continuing 3 years; with Daniel Scotten & Co., 1892-1900; opened business on own ac- count as wholesale and retail dealer in cigars and confectionery, Pontiac, Mich., 1900; es- tablished similar line in Detroit, 1909 (both stores now in operation) ; president Marcero Mercantile Co. (Pontiac), J. L. Marcero & Co., Detroit. Member Detroit Board of Commerce, Pontiac Commercial Association (president). Republican. Roman Catholic, Member Knights of Columbus, C. M. B. A., B. P. O, Elks. Rec- reation: motoring. Office: 65 Jefferson Ave., Detroit. Residence: Pontiac, Mich. MABCOTTE, John B,; born, Detroit, Mar. 6, 1863; son of John I. and Margaret (Gart- land) Marcotte; educated in public schools of Detroit; unmarried. Began in employ of Swift & Dobbs, wholesale druggists, Detroit, contin- uing one year; then became connected with Frederick Stearns & Co., manufacturing chem- ists, and remained four years; was with Ham- mond, Standish & Co., meat packers, for five years; became identified with The Edward Henkel Co., wholesale grocers, 1887, and has been secretary, treasurer and manager of the company since 1895. Democrat. Catholic. Recreation: fishing. Office: 35-37 Farmer St. Residence: 339 3d Ave. MARKS, Joseph A,; born, Red Bank, N, J,, Dec. 24, 1858; sou of William L. and Ann M. (Lufburrow) Marks; educated in public schools; married, Detroit, Oct. 22, 1908, Edith Louise Wilkie; one daughter, Virginia. Came to Detroit, 1879, and began as clerk for Du- Charme, Fletcher & Co., hardware; later con- nected with Limbauch & Weber, hardware, T. B. Rayl & Co., J. A, Marks & Co., and then with Hodson, Howard & Co.; firm became Hod- son, Howard & Marks, and after death of THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 337 Mr. Hodson, acquired full ownership as Jo- seph A. Marks & Co. Eepublican. 32° Mason, K. T., Shriner; member B. P. O. E. Eecrea- tions: outdoor sports. Office: 93 Woodward Ave. Residence: 264 Hancock Ave. W. MAROSKA., Louis John, secretary Kahl Iron Foundry; born, Detroit, Jan. 21, 1883; son of John Louis and Henrietta (Ilenning) Maroska; educated Duffield School and De- troit Business University; married, Clara Al- bright, of Detroit, July 4, 1902; one daugh- ter, Madeline Marie. Began active career as pattern maker, Kahl Iron Foundry, 1900, be- came manager, and since 1911 has been secre- tary of firm; also a practical accountant. Re- publican. German Lutheran. Recreations: fishing and yachting. Office: 537 Atwater St. E. Residence: 462 Clinton Ave. MARQUIS, Samuel Simpson, clergyman; born, Sharon, O., June 8, 1866; son of John E. and Sarah P. Marquis; A.B. (with honors), Allegheny College, 1890 (D.D., 1905); B.D., Cambridge (Mass.) Theological School, 1893; married at Warren, 0., Aug. 23, 1894, Gertrude Lee Snyder. Ordered deacon P. E. Church, 1891, ordained priest, 1893; rector Trinity Church, Woburn, Mass., 1893-97, Trinity Church, Bridgewater, Mass., 1897-99, St. Jo- seph's Church, Detroit, 1899-1906; rector St. Paul's Church and dean of St. Paul's Cathe- dral since May 15, 1906. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Recreation: summer home, St. Clair River. Residence: 35 Han- cock Ave. E. MARR, Maurice R., fire insurance; born, Dec. 27, 1860; died, Jan. 13, 1912; see A^ol. 1908. MARR, Richard Henderson, architect; born, Detroit, Aug. 24, 1885; son of James A. and Elizabeth (Dovey) Marr; educated Detroit Central High School; Harvard University, 2 years; married, Mar. 29, 1911, Irma R. Bon- uing (A.B., Wellesley College, 1910), of De- troit. In general practice of architecture in Detroit since 1905. Republican. Member De- troit Architectural Club. Clubs: Town, Har- vard, Detroit Yacht. Office: 1926 Ford Bldg. Residence: 200 Edison Ave. MARSH, George Beverly, clergyman; born, Hamilton, Ont., Can., Oct. 2, 1869; son of William James and Tama Elizabeth (Beverly) Marsh; educated Hamilton Collegiate Insti- tute; Rockford Academy, Rockford, 111.; by private study; married, Feb. 4, 1897, Blanche F. Bate, of Rockford, 111.; one child, Clyde B. Ordained M. E. ministry, 1901; pastor Bur- ritt, 111., 1893-95, Forreston, 111., 1896, Wol- verine, Mich., 1896-99, Chelsea Circuit. 1899- 1900, Tipton, Mich., 1900-3, Milan, Mich., 1903-7, Centenary Church, Detroit, since 1907. Secretary-treasurer Methodist Ministers' As- sociation, Detroit. Mason. Recreations: fish- ing, baseball. Residence: 43 Dearborn Ave. MARSH, R(obert) George; born, Detroit, Dec. 27, 1870; son of Robert J. and Mary (Beniteau) Marsh; educated in public schools of Detroit to 1880, and at Detroit Jesuit Col- lege, 1882-85; married at Detroit, June 3, 1896, Margaret L. Madigan. Engaged in bot- tling business with his father after leaving school and was later in extract business; pro- prietor of The George Marsh Co., manufac- tures of soda fountains and billiard tables since 1885; president Marsh Automatic Soda Fountain Co. Member Detroit Board of Com- merce. Catholic. Member Knights of Colum- bus, Elks. Clubs: Detroit Motor Boat, Mer- vue. Recreations: boating, hunting and fish- ing. Office: 9-11 Farmer St. Residence: Grosse Pointe Shores, Mich. MARSHALL, Anthony J., hotel supplies; born, Detroit, July 5, 1858; educated in pri- vate schools. Was employed in various stores in Detroit, 1872-85; engaged as brass founder and manufacturer, 1885-97; has dealt in bar, hotel and restaurant supplies, also soda foun- tain, billiard table, butchers' and janitors' supplies, since 1897. Republican. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. B. P. 0. E., Har- monie Society. Clubs: Detroit Golf, Detroit Curling, Detroit Yacht. Recreations: golf, boating, bowling. Office: 168 Randolph St. Residence: 1006 East Grand Boul. MARSHALL, Edgar Cliarles, funeral di- rector; born, Detroit, Jan. 4, 1893; son of Fred G. and Elizabeth (Niedermueller) Marshall; educated public schools and Business Institute, Detroit; unmarried. In undertaking business since beginning of active career; after death of father, Nov., 1912, associated with brother in purchase of the business as Fred G. Mar- shall Sons. Member Detroit Funeral Direc- tors' Association. Republican. Evangelical Church. Recreation: automobiling. Office and Residence: 245 Beaubien St. MARSHALL, Fred G., funeral director; born, Detroit, Nov. 10, 1885; son of Fred G. and Elizabeth (Niedermueller) Marshall; ed- ucated public schools and Detroit Business University; Cincinnati College of Embalm- ing; married, Nov., 1909, Glenna Doyle, of Hastings, Mich.; 1 daughter, Virginia E. In 338 THE BOOK OF DETROITERS business established by father, 1878; admitted to firm, 1911; member Fred G. Marshall Sons. Eepublican. Evangelical Church. Member Michigan Funeral Directors' and Embalmers' Association (treasurer), Detroit Funeral Di- rectors' Association. 32° Mason, Shriner. Member Arbeiter Society. Club: Detroit Yacht. Recreation: automobiling. Office and Residence: 245 Beaubien St. MAESHAIiL, Michael W.; born, Apr. 29, 1860; died, Dec. 19, 1912; see Vol. 1908. MAESHAIjL, Eoy, publisher; born, Cas- sopolis, Mich., Oct. 17, 1884; son David Ed- win and Ada (Jenkins) Marshall; educated Dowagiac (Mich.) High School; married, June 9, 1908, Bernice Spencer, of Dowagiac. En- gaged in newspaper work on Detroit Free Press, 1902-5; construction work in Mexico, 1906; publishing business, Detroit, since 1906; treasurer and business manager Concrete-Ce- ment Age Pub. Co., publishers of the Concrete- Cement Age. Club: Scarab. Recreation: gar- dening. Office: 97 Fort St. W. Residence: 27 LaSalle Gardens, N. MARSHALL, William John, engineering and automobiles; born, Calais, Me., May 2, 1872; son of William Balcom and Annie Ca- therine (Powers) Marshall; descended from English ancestry; common school education; married, Sept. 18, 1893, Henrietta Wilson, of St. Helen, Lancashire, England; one daugh- ter, Ethel Gene. Has been identified since be- ginning of active career with various branches of engineering, especially steam engineering and naval machinery; also general manager W. J .Marshall Auto Co., selling agents for Paige automobiles; president Mercury Cycle- car Co. Formerly member 1st Artillery of Massachusetts, and of Michigan Naval Brigade (engineering division). Republican. Member Church of England. Member Spanish War Veterans, Detroit Naval Reserves; engineer- ing officer Michigan Naval Brigade. Mem- ber Detroit Automobile Dealers' Association. Odd Fellow. Clubs: Detroit Motor Boat, En- gineers'. Recreation: motor boating. Office: 75-78 Woodward Ave. Residence: 100 Forest Ave. E. MAESHUTZ, WlUiam B.; born, Bambert, Bavaria, Germanj^, Sept. 1, 1854; son of Jo- seph S. and Regina (Stachel) Marshutz; edu- cated public schools, and University of Vien- na, Austria; married. May 30, 1877, Ella Hunter, of Lancaster, O.; 1 son, Joseph Hunt- er. Came to America, 1869; read law and ad- mitted to bar in Illinois, 1877; identified with insurance business since 1888; came to De- troit from Milwaukee, Wis., 1908, and has since been connected with Michigan Mutual Life Insurance Co. as supervisor of agencies. Presbyterian. Associate member Detroit Post No. 384, G. A. R. Club: Fellowcraft. Recrea- tion: reading. Office: 407 Hammond Bldg. Residence: The Pasadena. MARTIN, Harold E., lawyer; born, Lapeer County, Mich., Feb. 15, 1881; son of Burdett and Harriet E. (Ruggles) Martin; educated public schools, Lapeer County; LL.B., De- troit College of Law, 1901; married, Sept. 4, 1907, Nettie E. Lott, of Manistee, Mich, (died, 1908); 1 son, Wilber E. Became student, 1898^ in law office, with which is now connected; admitted to bar, 1901; member firm of Geer, Williams, Martin & Butler since 1905. Re- publican. Methodist. Member Association Bar City of Detroit. Mason, K. T., Shriner. Clubs: Fellowcraft, Lawyers'. Office: 18 Buhl Blk. Residence: Lenox Apts. MAETIN, William C; born, Jackson Coun- ty, O., Jan. 10, 1875; son of Henry and Mary (Crabtree) Martin; educated in public schools; married at Newark, 0., Apr. 8, 1899, Estella Haynes; children: Harold, Gladys,, Earl. Lived on farm until 1897; became con- nected as solicitor with Metropolitan Life In- surance Co., 1898, and was promoted to posi- tion of assistant superiteudent at Toledo, O., where he remained for five years; acted as superintendent at Calumet, Mich., two years, and has filled similar office in Detroit since 1905. Mason. Republican. Methodist. Club: Detroit Athletic. Recreation: automobiling. Office: 1423 Majestic Bldg. Residence: 351 McClellan Ave. MAETIN, William H.; born, Detroit, Feb. 8, 1876; son of Henry T. and Nellie (Faldey) Martin; family settled in Detroit in early 40 's; educated public schools, Detroit; un- married. Began active career in mailing di- vision, Detroit post office, 1894; appointed acting superintendent of mails, Detroit, Feb. 1, 1912, superintendent of mails, July 1, 1913. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Recre- ations: fishing, boating. Office: 102 Post Of- fice. Residence: 172 Calumet Ave. MAETINDALE, Wales C; son of George G. and Clarissa (Howard) Martindale; edu- cated in public schools and Detroit High School, graduating, 1882; married, 1887, Clara Henderson; children: Frederick C, George C, Clarissa, Edwina, Allen, Laura, Wales C, Jr. Was appointed principal of schools Delray,. THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 339 1885; removed to Detroit and served as prin- cipal of Clinton and Williams schools and Eastern High School; superintendent of schools, Detroit, 1897-1912, since in real es- tate business. Mason, Knight Templar, Shri- ner. Office: 802 Majestic Blk. Residence: 2176 Grand River Ave. MARTZ, Albert A.; born, Detroit, June 14, 1867; son of Michael and Appolonia Martz; educated in public schools and Detroit Busi- ness University; married at Detroit, Feb. 20, 1900, Elizabeth Nagel; 3 daughters: Rose- mary, Elizabeth, Virginia. Has been identified since 1891 with the Detroit Brewing Co. (es- tablished, 1868, by his father), and has been treasurer of the company since 1897. Catho- lic. Clubs: Detroit Athletic, Harmonie, De- troit Yacht, Rushmere. Recreations: yacht- ing and automobiling. Office: 490 Orleans St. Residence: 165 Van Dyke Ave. MARTZ, Charles A.; born, Detroit, Mar. 24, 1864; son of Frank and Catherine Martz; educated in public schools of Detroit; mar- ried at Detroit, Aug. 12, 1896, Lottie Dust; 3 children: Katherine, J. Genevieve, Charles A., Jr. Began in office of Detroit Brewing Co., 1881; has been secretary of the company since 1897; president Rands Manufacturing Co.; superintendent of agencies and director Michigan Bonding & Security Co. Catholic. Member B. P. O. E., Harmonie Society. Rec- reation: automobiling. Office: 490 Orleans St. Residence: 702 East Grand Boul. MARTZ, George H., brewer; born, Detroit, Aug. 23, 1857; son of Michael and Appolonia Martz; educated in Detroit jjublic schools and Detroit Business University; married at De- troit, 1897, Margaret Corbet. Has been con- nected with the Detroit Brewing Co. since the beginning of his business career, 1873; upon death of father, 1897, succeeded him as president of the company. Recreations: hunt- ing and fishing. Office: 490 Orleans St. Resi- dence: New Baltimore, Mich. MARX, Adolph; born, Coblenz-ou-Rhine, Germany, .June 30, 1857; son of David and Fanny (Kahn) Marx; educated German pub- lic schools and under private tutor in foreign languages; married, London, England, Nov. 8, 1881, Auguste Schubach, of Neuwied-on- Rhine, Germany; 7 children: Frieda (Mrs. David Lewis), Cora (Mrs. George A. Bloom), Benjamin Tecumseh, Wilma (Mrs. Aubrey Straus, of Richmond, Va.), Florence (Mrs. Louis Barnett, of Chicago), Delia, Montrose. Came to America, 1871; started in business with father in 1880 and continued the meat business until 1908; then organized the Marx Market Co., of which is president; director Broadway Market Co. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Jewish religion. Vice-president of the National Master Butchers ' Association of America. Member Knights of Pythias, B. P. O. Elks. Recreations: outdoor sports. Of- fice: 25 Cadillac Sq. Residence: Tuller Hotel. MARX, Benjamin D.; born, Coblenz, Ger- many, Oct. 26, 1867; son of David and Ve- ronica (Kahn) Marx; was brought to Amer- ica, 1871; educated in public schools of De- troit; married, June 24, 1894, Susan Schu- bach, of St. Louis; 4 children: Milton D., Vera, Ruth, Lucille. Engaged in various ca- I^acities until 19; then assisted brother, A. Marx, in meat business, in St. Paul, Minn.; in meat business for self at Detroit, at 21; went to St. Louis, 1896, and engaged in sell- ing railroad tickets; returned to Detroit, 1907, and since in meat business. Democrat. Jew- ish religion. Member Knights of Pythias, Free Sons of Israel, Moose. Office: 25 Cadil- lac Sq. Residence: 305 Ferry Ave. E. MARX, Jacob L.; born, Detroit, Sept., 1859; son of Moses and Barbara (Weinstock) Marx; educated in public schools of Detroit and Goldsmith's Business College; married, Detroit, 1889, Minnie Kopple; 4 sons: Hubert K., Donald A., Ivan, Marcellut;. Began as deal- er in hides, furs and pelts, continuing for five years; associated with his father, 1882, and established present business under title of B. Marx & Son. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Republican. Member U. C. T. Clubs: Commercial, Phoenix. Recreation: baseball. Office: 92-94 Jefferson Ave. Resi- dence: 45 Rhode Island Ave. MARX, Moses; born, Nov. 12, 1829; died, Aug. 12, 1910; see Vol. 1908. MARX, Oscar Bruno, mayor; born, Detroit, July 14, 1866; son of Stephen and Eleanore (Busch) Marx; educated public schools and German American Seminary; married, Feb. 4, 1897, Lydia Darmstaetter, of Detroit; two children: Emma, Oscar B., Jr. Assisted father on farm and in dairy until 25; entered employ of Michigan Optical Co., 1891, and has since been identified with the company, of which has been president since 1902; member board of directors Standard Computing Scale Co. Served as estimator-at-large, 1894-95; alder- man 15th Ward, 1895-1903; city assessor, 1910- 13; elected mayor, Nov. 7, 1912, for term end- ing 1915. Republican. Clubs: Harmonie, Con- 340 THE BOOK OP DETROITERS cordia, Turners, Detroit Yacht, Detroit Ath- letic. Eecreations: yachting, fishing. Office: City Hall. Residence: 465 East Grand Boul. MABXHAUSEN, August, editor and pub- lisher; born, Detroit, Feb. 12, 1864; son of August and Marie (Ewers) Marxhausen; edu- cated Detroit Seminary; married, 1892, Laura Lorch, of Detroit; 3 children: Erua, Curt and Thelma. Began active career with the Abend- Post at age of 15, and served in every ca- pacity, now manager and proprietor same; president Detroit Delicatessen Kitchen; sec- retary The Guide Co. Progressive. Member Detroit Board of Commerce, German Ameri- can Society. Clubs: Detroit Motor Boat, Har- monie, Concordia. Recreation: yachting. Of- fice: 60 Broadway. Residence: 102 Watson St. MAEXHAUSEN, August, St., newspaper publisher; born, Apr. 2, 1833; died, Dec. 27, 1910; see Vol. 1908. MASON, Fred J.; born, Detroit, Sept., 1871; son of W. J. and Helen S. (Wright) Mason; educated public schools; married, 1887, Helen J. Jenks, of Port Huron, Mich.; 2 children: Gardner, Marjorie. Engaged in mercantile pursuits until 1898; then entered employ of Detroit and Windsor Ferry Co. and became general passenger agent in 1907. Congrega- tionalist. Member Detroit Board of Com- merce. Office: 6 Woodward Ave. Residence: 52 Philadelphia Ave. E. MASON, Frederick H.; born, Ravenna, O., Nov. 26, 1870; son of Albert G. and Loretta (Howe) Mason; educated public schools of Ravenna and Cleveland; Manual Training School and Technical Training School, Cleve- land; married, Apr. 29, 1903, Jessie K. Young, of Hamilton, Ont., Can. District representa- tive of Harrison Safety Boiler Works, Phila- delphia, since 1900, also of Custodis Chimney Construction Co., of New Y''ork. Member De- troit Board of Commerce. Secretary and treasurer Detroit Engineering Society; mem- ber American Society of Mechanical Engi- neers, Ohio Society of Mechanical, Steam and Electrical Engineers. Clubs: Detroit Boat, De- troit Athletic. Recreation: athletics. Office: 614 Moffat Bldg. Residence: 53 Seward Ave. MASON, Harry, president Mason Laundry Co.; born, Angola, Steuben Co., Ind., Oct. 21, 1867; son of Cyrus Nichols and Eunice (Rose) Mason; edu/cated Lamont (Mich.) district and union schools; Chamberlain Institute, Randolph, N. Y.; married, Oct. 3, 1889, Vira Carman, of Schoolcraft, Mich.; children: Leila (Mrs. Walter Cowdeu), Carman R. Spent his boyhood days until age of 17 on farm, at Lamont, Mich.; worked in general store at Randolph, N. Y., for several years; carpet salesman and buyer in various cities for 10 years; in laundry business on own account since Sept., 1898. Was active worker in Clerks' Union and pioneer in early closing movement; member executive board of Re- tail Clerks' National Association, 1892-97 (chairman, 1894-97); editor Retail Clerks' Na- tional Advocate, 1896-97; editor and publisher Retail Clerks' Gazette, Detroit, 1897-98. Mem- ber Detroit Board of Commerce, Detroit Laun- drymen's Club, Lavmdrymen's National Asso- ciation, Michigan Laundrymen's Association (secretary, 1911-12). Independent in polities. Protestant. Recreation: short trips to points of interest throughout the country. Office: 148 Grand River Ave. Residence: 1830 Vinewood Avenue. MASON, Eobert Edmund; born, Detroit, Sept. 30, 1868; son of Robert S. and Phoebe (Reilly) Mason; educated in public schools of Detroit; married at Detroit, Sept. 4, 1893, Nina A. Gould; one daughter, Mildred. Be- gan active career as correspondent clerk First National Bank, 1886, continuing until 1890; was receiving teller People's State Bank, 1890-92, paying teller, 1892-1906, assistant cashier, 1906-8; assistant manager Michigan U. S. Fidelity & Guaranty Co. of Baltimore, 1908-10; since cashier General Motors Co., Detroit. Member Detroit Light Guard, 1889- 99 (secretary, 1898). Republican (vice-presi- dent Alger Republican Club, 1892). Episco- palian. Mason. Office: 84 Congress St. E. Residence: 66 Josephine Ave. MASON, Robert Shaw, banker; born, Ire- land, July 27, 1839; son of Edward and Fanny W. (Shaw) Mason; educated in public schools; came to America, July, 1852; married at Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 17, 1865, Phoebe Reilly (died, 1898); married, 2d, Dec. 12, 1901, Mrs. Anna B. Wasey; children: Robert E., Wesley R., Clarence J. In crockery business in em- ploy of F. Wetmore & Co., 1855-86; with Mich- igan Insurance Bank, 1856-69, First National Bank, 1869-83; cashier State Savings Bank, 1883-1906; vice-president People's State Bank since 1907. Member Detroit Board of Com- merce. Club: Detroit Golf. Recreations: hunting, fishing, sailing, golf. Office: People's State Bank. Residence: 68 Arden Park. MASON, Stevens T., lawyer; born, Balti- more, Md., July 3, 1880; son of John T. and THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 341 Helen (Jackson) Mason; educated University School, Baltimore; Johns Hopkins University, 1902; LL.B., University of Maryland, 1904; married, Aug. 8, 1911, Marion Houghton, of Buffalo, N. Y.; 1 daughter, Helen Houghton. Began practice at Baltimore, 1904; member firm of Cadwalader, Whitman & Mason, 3 years; removed to Detroit, Feb., 1911; attor- ney for Michigan for Maryland Casualty Co. of Baltimore. Member Co. A, 5th Infantry, Maryland National Guard, 1904-7. Democrat. Episcopalian. Member Baltimore Bar Associa- tion. Club: Country. Recreations: water and field sports. Office: 921-923 Hammond Bldg. Kesidence: 520 Seminole Ave. MASSNICK, Frederick Carl, manufacturing machinist; born, Flint, Mich., Nov. 4, 1883; son of Frederick and Anna (Schenk) Mass- nick; educated public schools, Detroit; mar- ried, Sept. 3, 1902, Bessie Mosby Berridge, of Lansing, Mich.; 2 children: Dorothy Emma, Frederick C, Jr. Began learning machinist's trade at 10 years of age and worked as jour- neyman in various shops until 20; organized the Horton-Massnick Co., 1903, succeeded by the Massnick Mfg. Co., 1904; title changed, 1908, to Massnick-Phipps Manufacturing Co., of which was secretary, treasurer and direc- tor until Sept. 20, 1913; disposed of entire in- terests on account of ill health. Director Mo- tor Foundry Co. of Detroit. Independent in politics. Presbyterian. Member Detroit Board of Commerce, Employers' Association. 32° Mason, Consistory, and Shrine; Odd Fellow. Served in U. S. Navy during Spanish-Ameri- can War, 1898, on board U. S. S. Yosemite. Clubs: Fellowcraft, Automobile of Detroit, Mendelssohn. Recreations: automobiling, fish- ing, motor boating. Residence: 445 East Grand Boul. MATHESON, Donald Campbell; born, Zora, Ont., Can., July 31, 1853; son of Heman S. and Elizabeth (Campbell) Matheson; edu- cated public schools; married, 1883, Annie H. Mclntyre, of London, Ont.; 3 children: Isa- belle (died, Dec. 18, 1901), Alexander D., Cora L. Began in employ of the Grand Trunk R. R., at London, Can., and continued with same system for 30 years in Canada and Mich- igan; had charge of telegraph department for Grand Trunk R. R. in U. S., at Flint, Mich., 1888-97; located in Detroit, 1897; associated with son in The Detroit Window Cleaning Co., since 1906. Member United Brethren Church. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Club: Detroit Rotary. Recreation: automobiling. Office: 83 Park PI. Residence: 436 Lincoln Ave. MATHESON, John A.; born, Ontario, Can., Nov. 5, 1863; son of Alexander and Wilhel- mina (Henderson) Matheson; educated public schools of Ontario; married June, 1888, Mar- tha White, of Ontario. Entire active career has been in the lumber business in Canada and United States; came to Detroit, 1888. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Clubs: Wolverine Automobile, New Detroit Athletic. Recreations: fishing, hunting. Office: 1916 Dime Savings Bank Bldg. Residence: 92 Pal- mer Ave. W. MATHEWS, Frederick Chapman, president Mathews, Kaye, Mann & Co., advertising busi- ness; born, Toledo, O., Oct. 6, 1878; son of Robert W. and Kate (Chapman) Mathews; educated public schools of St. Paul, Minn.; married, June 18, 1901, Louise J. Jerrems, of St. Paul; 1 daughter, Louise J. M. Engaged in newspaper work until 1898; in advertis- ing business in Chicago, 1898, and traveled throughout United States; came to Detroit, 1904, and followed same line for two years; advertising manager Toledo Computing Scale Co., Toledo, 1906-9; returned to Detroit and established house of Mathews, Kaye, Mann & Co., 1909, and since president same. Pro- gressive. Episcopalian. Member Detroit Board of Commerce, United Commercial Trav- elers. Mason (Corinthian. Lodge). Club: Pro- gressive. Recreations: hunting, fishing, ten- nis. Office: 168 Earned St. W. Residence: 157 Calvert Ave. MATTER, Edward G., mechanical engineer; born, Grand Rapids, Mich., Aug. 18, 1872; son of Elias and Anna (Toot) Matter; edu- cated high school. Grand Rapids; M. E., Uni- versity of Michigan, 1895; married, June 1, 1898, Arianna Innes Freligh, of Grand Rapids. Began active career in employ of Chicago Tool Co., 1896; assistant foreman, machine tool department, Fox Machine Co., Grand Rapids, 1897; assistant supeintendent Hamil- ton Kenwood Wheel Co., 1897-99; manager Berkey Seat Post Co., 1899-1902; supervisor production, Fox Machine & Fox Typewriter companies, 1902-4; credit manager same, 1904-6; became connected with The National Acme Manufacturing Co., 1907, and continued at Clevelaud and Chicago, manager Detroit since 1909. Progressive (active). Episcopa- lian. Member Board of Commerce, Society Automobile Engineers, American Society Me- chanical Engineers, Delta Upsilon. 32° Mason. 342 THE BOOK OF DETROITERS Clubs: Wolverine Automobile, Detroit Ath- letic. Kecreations: automobiling, traveling. Office: 1327 Majestic Bldg. Eesidence: 153 Merrick Ave. MATTHEWS, Miles L.; born, Equinunk, Pa., July 7, 1874; son of Miles J. and Mary (Campbell) Matthews; educated public school, Binghamton, N. Y.; unmarried. Began active career in machinery business in central New York; traveling salesman (machinery) through central New York, 1904-12; came to Detroit, 1912, as local manager for the Hart- ford Suspension Co., of Jersey City, N. J., manufacturers of Truffault-Hartford shock absorbers. Associate member Society Automo- bile Engineers. Mason; member B. P. O. Elks. Club: Wolverine Automobile. Eecreation: fishing. Office: 803 Woodward Ave. Eesi- dence: The Madison Apts. MAU, Theodore C; born, Berlin, Germany, Mar. 5, 1847; son of John L. and Frieda (Hel- berg) Man; educated in Eealschule, Berlin; married at London, Eng., Feb. 18, 1880, Agnes Sieber; 5 children: Theodore, Frederick, Doris, Eaymond, Elsa. Came to America, 1883, and spent four years in New York; located in Detroit, 1887, and was connected with Henry A. Newland & Co., furriers, for twelve years; has been in business in his own name since 1899. Eepublican. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Member Harmonic Society, Loyal Guard. Eecreations: bowling, billiards. Of- fice: 269 Woodward Ave. Eesidence: 102 Winona Ave., Highland Park. MAURICE, Walter Ballard, contractor; born, Detroit; son of George and Matilda A. (Hopson) Maurice; educated Detroit public and high schools; B.S. in civil engineering. University of Michigan, 1900; unmarried. Be- gan active career with State Tax Commission, 1900; with engineering department, American Bridge Co., 1901-3; in employ engineering de- partment of Detroit Water Board, 1903-5; en- gineer of parks and boulevards, Detroit, 1905-9; member, since 1909, firm of Jackson & Maurice, builders of concrete and fireproof factories and commercial buildings. Eepub- lican. Episcopalian. Member Detroit Engi- neering Society, Detroit Board of Commerce. Clubs: Detroit Boat, Indian Village, Univer- sity of Michigan, Church Club of Diocese of Michigan. Eecreations: rowing, sailing. Of- fice: 323 Ford Bldg. Eesidence: 28 Van Dyke Place. MAXON, William Densmore, clergyman; born, Schenectady, N. Y., Oct. 23, 1857; son of George G. and Ann Maria (Wood) Maxon; attended public schools and Union Classical Institute, Schenectady; B.A., Union College, Schenectady, 1878, A.M., 1886 (D.D., 1894); student at General Theological Seminary, New- York city, and Berkeley Divinity School, Mid- dletown. Conn.; married at Schenectady, Oct. 26, 1881, Annie Cuyler Lush; children; Margaret (Mrs. Warren F. Draper), Paul, Eichard L. Ordered deacon, P. E. Church, 1881, ordained priest, 1882; missionary at Fonda, N. Y., 1881; assistant minister, St. George's Church, Schenectady, 1882; acting professor logic and rhetoric Union College, 1882; rector Grace Church, Waterford, N. Y., 1883-87, Trinity Church, Utica, N. Y., 1887-94, Calvary Church, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1894-98, Christ Church, Detroit, since Jan. 1, 1899. Member Sigma Phi, Phi Beta Kappa. Club: Country. Eecreation: golf. Eesidence: 408 Jefi'erson Ave. MAY, James D., lawyer; born, Detroit, Oct. 23, 1863; son of Thomas and Eliza Margaret (Shannon) May; educated in public schools of Detroit, Detroit College, and Law Department, University of Michigan, degree of LL.B., 1887; married, Detroit, Apr. 30, 1895, Angle Monnier. Began practice in Detroit, Aug. 15, 1887, and practiced for nine years alone; was member firm of Flowers, May & Maloney for five years, and since 1901 has been senior member of firm of May & Dingeman. Also president Duncan Eun Coal Mining Co.; di- rector Ohio and Michigan Coal Co.; secretary Thos. Quellette Lumber Co. Member Ameri- can and Michigan State Bar associations. As- sociation Bar City of Detroit. Democrat. Catholic. Club: Lawyers' of Detroit (presi- dent, 1913). Eecreations: motoring, athletics. Office: 619 Majestic Bldg. Eesidence: 3026 East Grand Boul. MAY, Max; born, Darmstadt, Germany, Mar. 10, 1860; son of Gerson and Caroline (Joseph) May; came to America, 1872; was educated in Germany and in public schools of Iowa; married at Trinidad, Colo., 1890, Hattie Jaffa; 2 children: Gerald J., Elsa. Be- gan active career at Des Moines, la., and was traveling salesman for M. Eiegelman, becom- ing partner in the firm; came to Detroit, 1896, and founded millinery and fancy goods busi- ness in own name. Member of Temple Bethel. Mason. Eecreations: fishing, traveling. Office: 268 Woodward Ave. Eesidence: 33 Westmin- ster Ave. THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 343 MAY, Samuel L., lawyer; born, Canada, Mar. 27, 1870; son of John W. and Isabella (Lamb) May; came to Detroit, 1889; educated in public schools and at Detroit College of Law. Began practice at Detroit, 1891; mem- ber Chamberlain, May, Denby & Webster; circuit court commissioner since Jan. 1, 1901. Chairman board of directors. Guarantee Trust and Loan Co., Ltd. Member Association Bar City of Detroit. Member Michigan Naval Brigade, on board U. S. S. Yosemite, during Spanish-American War. Eepublican. Mason; member Modern Woodmen of America. Clubs: Detroit Boat, Fellowcraft, Harmonic. Eec- reations: outdoor sports. Offices: Dime Sav- ings Bank Bldg. and Wayne County Bldg. Eesidence: 2120 E. Grand Boul. MAY, Thomas, cartoonist; born, Detroit, June 30, 1860; son of Thomas and Margaret E. (Shannon) May; educated in public schools of Detroit (hon. A.M., University of Michi- gan, 1910) ; married at Detroit, May 17, 1887, Maria L. Hollings; two children: Caryl M., Marion G. Began active career as cartoonist on Detroit Evening News, 1886, continuing until 1892; on staff of Detroit Journal until Nov. 1, 1912; now with Detroit Times. Mem- ber Knights of Columbus. Member Eine Arts Society. Club: Eobert Hopkin. Eecreations: baseball and fishing. Office: Detroit Times. Residence: 112 Chandler Ave. MAY, WiUiam; see Vol. 1908. MAYBURY, William Cotter, lawyer; born, Nov. 21, 1848; died, 1909; see Vol. 1908. MAYER, Alfred John, vice-president Greg- ory, Mayer & Thom Co.; born, Ann Arbor, Mich., Feb. 2, 1870; son of John and Christine (Sittenhelm) Mayer; educated public schools, Ann Arbor; married, June 20, 1905, Emma M. Friedrich, of Detroit; 3 children: Louise C, Alfred John, Jr., Eveline F. Served 5 years at the book-binding trade, Ann Arbor; re- moved to Detroit, Oct., 1890; in employ of The Richmond & Backus Co., 1890-98; asso- ciated with Mr. Gregory and Mr. Thom in a small way as blank book manufacturers, sta- tioners and printers in 1898; firm incorpo- rated, 1909, as Gregory, Mayer & Thom Co.; business has developed until the company is the largest of the kind in the state; now vice- president and factory manager same. Republi- can. Lutheran. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Clubs: Detroit Athletic, Y. M. C. A., Harmonic Society, Mendelssohn, Blue Wing Shooting. Recreations: bowling, fish- ing, shooting, automobiling, baseball. Office: 107-109 Woodward Ave. Residence: 576 East Grand Boul. MAYWORM, Joseph; born, Oct. 11, 1851; died, Aug. 13, 1909; see Vol. 1908. MEAD, James Edwin, physician; born, Bos- ton, May 15, 1873; son of John and Maggie (Doyle) Mead; educated in Detroit public schools (Pitcher); Detroit High School; De- troit College of Medicine, degree of M.D., 1899; house surgeon for one year at Harper Hospital, Detroit; married at Detroit, Apr. 30, 1902, Nana R. Oliver; one daughter, Alice Marion. While practicing in Detroit, ap- pointed acting assistant surgeon U. S. Army, 1901, and assigned to service in the Philip- pine Islands; after ten months in the Philip- pines was appointed captain and assistant surgeon, U. S. V.; returned to Detroit, 1903; chief surgeon for Ford Motor Co. since 1909. First lieutenant and assistant surgeon Michi- gan National Guard. Member Association of Military Surgeons of the United States. Re- publican. Presbyterian. Recreations: horse- back riding, hunting and shooting. Office: Ford Motor Co. Residence: 211 Calvert Ave. MEARS, Thomas; born, Amherstburg, Ont., Can., Sept. 20, 1854; son of William and Elea- nor (Mason) Mears; educated in public schools of Sandwich, Ont., 1862-69; married at Sandwich, Apr. 9, 1877, Eliza Lassaline; 3 daughters: Etta (Mrs. W. J. Hutton), Ella, Grace. Began active career by learning tin- smith trade, at Windsor, Ont., continuing, 1870-73; came to Detroit and was employed by John Leadley & Son, galvanized iron cor- nice works, 1873-75; then entered employment of John B. Dj'er, car refrigerator and steam- boat works, continuing, 1875-78; became con- nected with Leadley & Hutton, 1878, and has been a member of the firm since 1889, now known as Robert Hutton & Co., manufactur- ers of roofing and sheet metal. Republican. Episcopalian: Club. Detroit Bowling. Recrea- tions: bowling, hunting, fishing and yachting. Office: 112-116 Fort St. E. Residence: 425 Brainard St. MEDBURY, Charles Franklin; moved to Montreal, Can.; see Vol. 1908. MEDDAUGH, Martin Van Buren, physi- cian; born, Lexington, Mich., July 28, 1856; son of John W. and Mary (Thibodeau) Med- daugh; educated in public schools of Michi- gan and Indiana; graduate Valparaiso Uni- versity, Teachers' and Scientific Courses, 1880; M.D., Michigan College of Medicine and Surgery, 1892; post-graduate courses at Chi- 344 THE BOOK OF DETROITERS cago every year since 1900; married at De- troit, 1896, Alice E. Wilbur. Editor School Journal, Chicago, 1880-85; superintendent schools, Huron County, Mich., 1885-89; taught school for several years in Indiana and Mich- igan; has practiced medicine and surgery in Detroit since 1892; professor of physiology and assistant gynecologist, Michigan College of Medicine and Surgery, 1892-1900. Theoso- phist. Member American Medical Association, Michigan State and Wayne County Medical societies, the Northern Tri-State Medical So- ciety. Mason (Chapter); Odd Fellow; member Knights of Maccabees. Eecreations: outdoor diversions. Office: 702 Washington Arcade. Residence: 357 Warren Ave. W. MELCHEES, Gari, artist; born, Detroit, Aug. 11, 1860; son of Julius and Marie (Ban- gertor) Melchera; general education in Detroit; studied at academy, Dusseldorf, Germany, 1877-80, and in Paris, at Ecole des Beaux Arts, and under Lefebvre and Boulanger; married, Apr., 1903, Corinne Lawton Mackall, of Sa- vannah, Ga. Gold medal, Paris Salon, 1886; grand medal of honor, Berlin, 1891, Antwerp, 1894; grand medal of honor, Salon, 1899; grand gold medals, at Amsterdam, Munich, Vienna, Dresden, Philadelphia, Buffalo, 1901, St. Louis, 1904. Pictures in public galleries: "Maternity" (Musee de Louxembourg) ; "The Family" (National Gallery of Berlin); "The Ship Builder" (Royal Gallery, Dres- den); "Girl in Church" (Royal Gallery, Mu- nich); "Skaters" (Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia); "Sailor and His Sweetheart " (Carnegie Institute, Pitts- burgh) ; Mural Decorations, Peace and War (Congressional Library, Washington) ; Por- trait of Charles Hutchinson (Art Institute of Chicago) ; Portrait of President Roosevelt (Freer Collection, Smithsonian Institution, Washington) ; Portrait of General Nathanael Greene (Rhode Island State House); "Man with Cloak" (National Gallery, Rome); "Brabanconne" (Ann-Mary Museum, Provi- dence); "Wedding" (Detroit Museum of Art). Among other portraits: President Wil- liam Rainey Harper, Potter Palmer, David Jones, Donald Mitchell ("Ik Marvel"), Maurice Chevrier, Baroness Huene, etc. Of- ficer Royal Bavarian Order of St. Machael; Knight, 1895, officer, 1903, Legion d 'Honneur de France; Officer Royal Prussian Order of the Red Eagle, 1907. N.A., 1906. Member Royal Academy, Berlin, International So- ciety Painters and Sculptors, London, Na- tional Institute Arts and Letters, Societe des Beaux Arts, Paris, Royal Society Austrian Painters, Vienna, Secession, Munich. Home: 173 Seyburn Ave., Detroit. Studio: 20 Rue Galvani, Paris, France. MELIN, Frank B.; born. Province Posen, Germany, Apr. 1, 1856; son of Albert and Monika Melin; educated parochial school, Province Posen; married, Nov. 21, 1882, Wal- erya Postemachi, of Cleveland; 7 children: Anna, Frank, Frances, Clara, Edward, Amelia, Vitold. Came to America, 1869; engaged in grocery business, 1885-90; in clothing busi- ness, 1890-1906; president since 1906, Frank B. Melin & Co., furniture, carpets, etc. Mem- ber Detroit Board of Commerce. Catholic. Office: 427-431 Caufield Ave. E. Residence: 427 Caufield Ave. E. MEIiLISH, Charles Fillmore, secretary, Hargreaves Manufacturing Co.; born Buffalo, N. Y., Dec. 7, 1858; son of James Willoughby and Elvina Lavinia (Suthers) Mellish; edu- cated public schools of Lockport, N. Y.; mar- ried, July 2, 1884, Sarah Estelle Butler, of Lockport, N, Y,; one daughter, Marjorie But- ler, Began active career, 1873, with R. W. & E. Beck, picture dealers, Lockport, N. Y., and continued for 10 years; came to Detroit, 1883; employed by Hargreaves Manufacturing Co. until about 1888 when acquired an interest in the business and became assistant manager and a director of the corporation; was elected secretarj^ of the company, 1905, and now one of its principal stockholders; was one of the organizers of The Federal Motor Truck Co. and is a director same. Republican. Episco- palian. Member Niagara Lodge, F. & A. M., of Lockport, N. Y. Clubs: Detroit (director, 1908-13, president, 1912-13), Country (De- troit), Union League (Chicago), Tuscarora (Lockport, N. Y.). Recreation: golf. Office: 17th, 18th, Howard Sts. and Lafayette Boul. Residence: 625 Jefferson Ave. MELOCHE, Dan Harvey, pharmacist; born, Detroit, May 22, 1888; son of Albert Fred- erick and Catherine C. (Lewis) Meloche; de- scended on mother's side from Gen. Lewis Cass; educated Woodland School to 1901; graduated Eastern High School, 1906; Ph.C, University of Michigan, 1908; post-graduate course. Literary Department, for 2 years, spe- cializing in chemistry; married, Nov. 22, 1911, Agnes Elsnor Connelly, of Detroit. Began practice as pharmacist, 1908; now vice-presi- dent Meloche Drug Co. Republican. Member Kappa Phi Alpha, Phi Delta Chi, Alpha Tau THE BOOK OF DETROITEES 345 Omega. Mason (Palestine Lodge, No. 357), Club: Wolverine Automobile. Kecreation: au- tomobiling. Office: Jefferson Ave. and Hillger St. Eesidence: 338 Hamilton Ave. MELOY, Carl Eidge, Sr., physician; born, Selma, O., Sept. 4, 1882; son of Lewis Smith and Alice Mary (Eidge) Meloy; educated pub- lic schools, Springfield, O.; Wittenberg Acad- emy, Springfield; A.B., Wittenberg College, 1902, A.M., 1905; M.D., Johns Hopkins Uni- versity, 1905; married, June 24, 1908, Jessie B. Crabill, of Springfield; children: Eichard C, Carl E. Located in Detroit, 1910; path- ologist and bacteriologist; director depart- ment of clinical diagnosis and research, De- troit General Hospital, since 1913. Democrat. Congregationalist. Member American Asso- ciation of Pathologists and Bacteriologists, American Medical Association, Michigan State Medical Association, Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha Tau Omega, Nu Sigma Nu. Eecrea- tions: tennis, golf. Office: Detroit General Hospital. Eesidence: 219 Edison Ave. MENZIES, Henry Donald, president Men- zies Shoe Co.; born. Armada, Mich., Apr. 26, 1866; son of James and Allison (Macauley) Menzies; educated in public schools of Am- herstberg, Ont.; married, Detroit, Mar. 22, ]909, Meta Haubeil; one daughter, Edith. Be- gan business career at Amherstberg as clerk for Stephen Johnson, grocer, and later filled similar position under J. D. Burke; came to Detroit and entered employ of John Blessed & Sons, grocers; later became connected with Eobinson, Burtenshaw & Co., shoe manufac- turers, and Eobinson & Co., in same line; in 1893 assisted in organizing C. E. Smith Shoe <'o., shoe manufacturers, and was member of the company and one of the board of direc- tors; next became senior member of the firm of Menzies & Crawford, which bought out the Mc Alpine Shoe Co. of Highland Park, Mich.; after death of Mr. Crawford, in 1901, organ- ized the Menzies Shoe Co., and has since con- tinued at the head of the company. Also member of firm of J. E. Menzies & Co., con- tractors and builders, Amherstberg, Ont.; di- rector Trenton State Bank, Trenton, Mich. Was sergeant Twenty-first Fusileers, Cana- dian Militia, for three years. Member De- troit Board of Commerce, Wholesalers' Asso- ciation of Detroit. Eepublican. Presbyterian. Mason. Clubs: Detroit Athletic and Trenton Club, Trenton, Mich. Eecreations: automobil- ing, motor boating. Office: 431-433 Gratiot Ave. Eesidence: Trenton, Mich. MENZIES, James H., retired; born, Cale- donia, Mich., Dec. 1, 1850; son of James and Sarah (Burns) Menzies; educated in district schools of Michigan; married at Detroit, Jan. 15, 1883, Bertha M. Koemling; one daughter, Grace (Mrs. Fred L. Petrequim). Beared on farm; came to Detroit, 1867, and worked in general store two years: became connected with the Detroit and Cleveland Navigation Co., 1869, as checker on dock, and continued consecutively as dock foreman, purser on steamer for twenty-two years, purchasing agent two years, and freight agent, 1902-11 (resigned). Episcopalian. Club: Detroit Transportation. Eecreation: fishing. Eesi- dence: 2139 W^est Grand Boul. MERCIER, Jolin A.; born, Detroit. May 2, 1862; son of John and Adaline (DeMars) Mercier; educated in public schools, Detroit; married, Dec. 10, 1886, Matilda Huson, of Detroit; 1 daughter, Lillian. Learned carpen- ter's trade under his father; went to Chicago at age of 20 in employ of the Charles Smith Eoofing Works; returned to Detroit after 2 years and has since engaged in general con- tracting business; president Lonyo Brick Co.; vice-president National Twist Drill Co.; pres- ident Springwells State Bank. Clubs: Detroit Golf, Detroit Boat, Bankers'. Eecreation: hunting. Office: 211 Hammond Bldg. Eesi- dence: 1702 Woodward Ave. MERCKEL, John William, furrier; born, Saginaw, Mich., Jan. 9, 1874; son of William George and Francisca (Platz) Merckel; edu- cated in public schools, and Detroit Business University; married, Jan. 31, 1902, Emily G. Koltham, of Detroit; 3 children: William George, Edgar Wallace, Edna Grace. Eesident of Detroit since 1884; was connected with James E. Davis & Co., wholesale druggists, 1% years; then with Newton Annis, furs, continuing 13 years; went to New York, and to Europe, returning to Detroit, 1906; entered wholesale furrier business on own account, 1906, incorporated, 1911, as the John W. Merckel & Co., of which has since been presi- dent and manager. German Lutheran. Mem- ber Detroit Board of Commerce. Mason; Odd Fellow. Eecreations: athletics, fishing, hunt- ing. Office: 302 Breitmeyer Bldg., cor. Broad- way and Gratiot Ave. Eesidence: 69 Stanton Avenue. MEREDITH, Howard G.; born, Ontario, Can.; married at Detroit, Helen Newland; 1 son, Newland. In railroad business until 1905; then in charge at Detroit of the New York 346 THE BOOK OF DETROITERS •Coal Co., of which was vice-president, 1905-9. British vice-consul since 1907. Clubs: Detroit, Yondotega, Country, Detroit Racquet and Curling, Toronto Shooting, Cartwright Game Preserve. Eecreations: hunting, fishing. Of- fice: Burns Blk., 88-90 Griswold St. Eesi- "dence: 650 Jefferson Ave. MEREDITH, James S., wholesale dry goods; born, Dundas, Can., Sept. 17, 1859; son of James S. and Jane (Notman) Meredith; educated in Hamilton (Ont.) High School; married at New York City, Feb. 14, 1893, Katherine Cheever. Began active career in 1872 in employ of Donald, Mclnnes & Co., wholesalers of dry goods, Hamilton; came to Detroit and became connected with Edson, Moore & Co., 1878; removed to New York City, 1880, where he has since remained as eastern resident buyer for the house, coming to Detroit several times each year; member of the firm since 1892, and upon incorporation of the firm, Jan. 1, 1909, became first vice- president. Independent Republican. Episco- palian. Clubs: Merchants' (New York), Fox Hills Golf (Staten Island, N. Y.), Detroit Golf. Recreation: general outdoor sports. Office: 200 Jefferson Ave., Detroit. MEKRELL, Francis C; moved to Texas; see Vol. 1908. MERRIAM, Seward L., lawyer; born, Romeo, Mich., Mar. 18, 1862; son of Royal G. and Helen (Le Roy) Merriam; educated in public schools of Romeo and at University of Michigan; married. Port Huron, Mich., 1888, Martha Anderson; 1 son, Dewitt H. Studied law and was admitted to the bar, 1886; prac- ticed in Port Huron, 1886-99; removed to Detroit, 1899; member firm of Merriam, Y^'erkes & Simons since 1907; general solicitor Pere Marquette R. R., since Oct. 1909. Mem- ber Association Bar City of Detroit, Detroit Board of Commerce. Mason, Knight Templar. Clubs: Detroit, Detroit Golf. Recreation: golf. Offices: 1024 Ford Bldg. and Union Depot. Residence: 56 Garfield Ave. MERTZ, William Maurice, lawyer; born, Burnettsville, Ind., Jan. 15, 1871; son of Daniel A. and Sarah (Sieber) Mertz; educated in public schools of Burnettsville, Mt. Morris (111.) College, graduating 1890; taught coun- try school in Indiana for 2 years; University of Michigan, degree of Ph.B., 1896; Detroit College of Law, LL.B., 1899; married at St. Louis, Apr. 21, 1906, Lois Atwood Ferguson; children: Virginia Ferguson; William Mau- rice, Jr. Reared on father's farm until 21 years of age; after graduating was instructor in history in Central High School, Detroit, for 3 years, studying law at night and at Univer- sity of Michigan Summer School; has prac- ticed law in Detroit since Oct., 1899, also part of time instructor in ora- tory, Detroit College of Law. Indepen- dent Republican. Dunkard (German Bap- tist or Brethren). Member Detroit Y. M. C. A. Clubs: Fellowcraft, Lawyers' of Detroit. Recreations: farming and outdoor diversions. Office: 814-815 Hammond Bldg. Residence: Grosse Pointe Shores, Mich. MERZ, Louis F., banking business; born, Durkheim, Germany, Feb. 5, 1881; son of William and Elizabeth (Brodhag) Merz; edu- cated in public school, Frankenthal, Germany, 1887-91; grammar school, Frankenthal, 1891- 97; Polytechnical College, Mannheim, 1897- 1900; Lycee Condorcet, Paris, 1903-4; Oxford Business College, London, England, 1904-5; married, June 11, 1907, Wilhelmine Weber, of Frankenthal. In employ of Pfalzische Bank, Frankenthal, 1897-1900; with H, & H. Marx, bankers, Munich, 1900-2; with Goldman, Sachs & Co., bankers. New York, 1906-11; manager foreign exchange department, First National Bank, Detroit, Since Nov. 7, 1911. Received title of lieutenant in German army. Lutheran. Member Y. M. C. A. Clubs: Detroit Athletic, Harmonic. Recreation: athletics. Office: Ford Bldg., cor. Griswold and Congress Sts. Resi- dence: 2684 West Grand Boul. MESSERICH, Edward J.; see Vol. 1908. METCALF, Charles H.; born, Cooperstown, N. Y.; son of James and Elizabeth (Ayls- worth) Metcalf; educated in public schools; married, Oct. 27, 1886, Mattie Woodbridge, of Detroit; 4 children: Woodbridge, Elizabeth, Marjorie W., Marian. Began, 1878, with Met- calf Bros., dry goods, Adrian, Mich.; removed to Detroit, 1880, and till 1890 was member Metcalf Bros. & Co., dry goods; went to Alaska, and in general merchandise business in Circle City and Dawson (made 5 trips over Chilcoot Pass) ; returned to Detroit, 1900, and was sales manager for Berry Bros., Ltd., var- nish manufacturers, 1900-10; managing his own interests since 1910. Congregationalist; trustee and treasurer Grosse Pointe Protestant Church. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Club: Detroit. Office: 405 Ford Bldg. Resi- dence: Grosse Pointe Farms. METCALF, William Francis, surgeon; born, Picton, Ont., Can., Dec. 27, 1863; son of Law- rence and Eliza (Thomson) Metcalf; educated THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 347 in public schols, Out., Can.; graduate Trenton High School; Belleville Normal School for Teachers; Medical Department, University of Michigan, degree of M.D., 18S8; married at Detroit, June 30, 1897, Agnes Lovering; chil- dren: Jessie L., William L. Teacher in public schools of Ontario, 1880-84; engaged in gen- eral practice of medicine at Detroit, 1888-96; practiced general surgery, 1896-99; work con- fined to surgery of the abdominal and pelvic organs since 1899; surgeon Detroit General Hospital. Member Detroit Board of Com- merce. Member American Medical Associa- tion, Michigan State Medical Society, Wayne ■County Medical Society, Detroit Academy of Medicine, Phi Kho Sigma. Clubs: Detroit, Detroit Country, Detroit Automobile, Detroit Athletic, University, Caledon Mountain Trout. Office: 636 Woodward Ave. Eesidence: 73 Westminster Ave. METZGER, Joseph, manufacturer; born. May 6, 1870; died. May 29, 1910; see Vol. 1908. MEYER, August F., vice-president and sec- retary Michigan Grey Iron Castings Co.; born, Delray, Mich., Nov. 2, 1876; son of Carl and Emelia (Wagner) Meyer; educated in public schools of Delray and Detroit; married, Feb. 19, 1902, Hauna Hannemann, of Detroit; 2 sons: Arthur, Leonard. Worked for his father as gardener until 19 years of age; learned the molder's trade with the Michigan Malleable Iron Works, Detroit, and later became fore- man of the foundry department; one of the organizers of the Michigan Grey Iron Cast- ings Co., 1908, of which is vice-president and secretary. Democrat. Protestant. Mason and Odd Fellow. Eecreations: automobile touring and hunting. Office: 247-253 Harbaugh Ave. Eesidence: cor. Eademacher Ave. and La- fayette Boul. METERING, J. Ralph, real estate and in- vestments; born, Jamestown, Mich., Mar. 15, 1882; son of Henry and Anna (Pickaart) Meyering; educated in public schools of Jamestown and Grand Eapids (Mich.) High School and College, 1899-1903; married Donna F. Nadolleck, of Detroit, May 18, 1910. Be- gan active career as clerk in State Savings Bank, Scottsville, Mich., serving as assistant cashier of the bank, 1899-1903; took charge of credit department Lull Carriage Co., Kala- mazoo, Mich., 1903, and continued until 1906, when he came to Detroit; organized, with his brother, John H., the real estate and invest- ment firm of J. H. & J. E. Meyering, which was in operation, Feb. 1, 1907-Apr., 1911; since vice-president Meyering Land Co. (De- troit), Central Eealty Co. (Jackson), Sub- urban Eealty Co. (Grand Eapids), Park Manor Eealty Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Mem- ber Detroit Eeal Estate Board. Eepublican. Congregationalist. Club: Wolverine Auto. Eecreations: tennis and golf. Office: 408 Penobscot Bldg. Eesidence: Alhambra Apts., Bagg and Park Sts. MEYERING, John H., real estate and in- vestments; born, Jamestown, Mich., Sept. 26, 1880; son of Henry and Anna (Pickaart) Meyering; educated in Jamestown public schools and at high school and college, Grand Eapids, Mich., 1897-1901; married. Grand Eapids, Feb. 1, 1905, Joanna Ellen Maxwell; 1 daughter, Gladys Ellen. Began active career as clerk Grand Eapids & Indiana E. E., con- tinuing, 1899-1902; then was assistant cashier Zeeland State Bank, Zeeland, Mich., 1902-6; was sales manager for Charles B. Hays, real estate operator, Kalamazoo, Mich.; came to Detroit and associated with his brother, J. E. Meyering, Feb. 1, 1907, under firm name of J. H. & J. E. Meyering, real estate and invest- ments. In Apr., 1911, organized the Meyering Laud Co. of Detroit, of which is president; also president of Central Eealty Co. (Jack- son) ; treasurer Suburban Eealty Co. (Grand Eapids) ; secretary and treasurer Park Manor Eealty Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Member De- troit Board of Commerce, Detroit Eeal Estate Board. Eepublican. Congregationalist. Mem- ber Knights of Pythias. Club: Wolverine Auto. Eecreations: tennis and golf. Office: 408 Penobscot Bldg. Eesidence: 150 Bagg St. MICKLER, Charles E.; moved to Buffalo, N. Y.; see Vol. 1908. MILLER, Christopher C, physician; born, Apr. 19, 1846; died, Dec. 17, 1912; see Vol. 1908. MILLER, Edwin L., high school principal; born, Aurora, 111., Jan. 9, 1868; son of Eobert and Mary (Lillie) Miller; graduated Detroit Central High School, 1886; A.B., University of Michigan, 1890, A.M., 1891; unmarried. Principal of Hancock (Mich.) High School, 1891-92; Englewood High School, Chicago, 1892-1907; Central High School, Detroit, since 1907. Eepublican. Member Loyal Legion, D. A. C, N. E, A., National Council of English Teachers, Conference on Uniform College En- trance Requirements in English, etc. Mason. Editor: Southey's Life of Nelson, 1896; Car- lyle's Essay on Burns, 1911; Macaulay's 348 THE BOOK OF DETROITERS Copyright Speeches, Lincoln "s Cooper Union Speech, and Jane Austen 's Sense and Sensi- bility, in preparation. Keereations: golf, base- ball, automobiling. Office: Central High School. Eesidence: 50 Delaware Ave. MZIiLEE, Guy A., lawyer; born, Aurora, 111., Sept. 11, 1875; son of Eobert and Mary (Lillie) Miller; graduate Houghton School, Detroit, June, 1890; Detroit High School, June, 1894; University of Michigan, Literary Department, A.B., 1898; Law Depart- ment, same university, LL.B., 1900; married, Nov. 5, 1901, Grace A. Bliss, of Oak Park, HI.; children: Lois, Aileen, Eobert. In office of Wells, Angell, Boynton & McMillan for about 6 months after leaving college; was in office of Bowen, Douglas & Whiting for 1^/4 years, then alone about 1 year; was con- nected for a time with legal department Union Trust Co.; associated with Alexander J. Groesbeck since 1904. Member Association Bar City of Detroit. Eepublican. Eepresenta- tive State legislature, 1907-8, 1909-10, State Senate, 1911-12. Clubs: Detroit Golf, Bloom- field Hills Country. Eecreation: golf. Office: 814 Majestic Bldg. Eesidence: 50 Delaware Avenue. MILLEE, Sherman Ralsey, manufacturer; born, Unadilla Center, N. Y., Jan. 24, 1852; son of John Bud and Abby Ann (Finch) Miller; educated at Oxford Academy, N. Y.; married at New Canaan, Con., 1877, Emma Estelle Flandreau, who died in 1902; 6 chil- dren: Sherman Ealsey, Jr., Addie E. (Mrs. Charles P. Spicer), Mahanna (Mrs. W. Gris- wold Chesebrough), Grace W. (Mrs. George Boss Ford, of Toledo, O.), Le Eoy F., Chris- tine C. Eeared on farm; came to Detroit at 17 and entered employ of D. M. Ferry & Co., 1869; became managing director of the Cana- dian business of the firm, with headquarters at Windsor, Ont.; resigned position, 1899, on account of ill health, and has since devoted his attention mainly to the Eoyal Manufac- turing Co. and the Imperial Silverware Co., Windsor, Ont., manufacturers and jobbers of silverware, of which he has been proprietor since its organization, more than 25 years ago. Also president American Harrow Co., Miller- Hoefer Co., Windsor, Ont., and Detroit; treas- urer Detroit Fireproofing Tile Co.; formerly president National Pin Co.; vice-president Incandescent Light and Stove Co., of Cincin- nati, Safety Gaslight Co., Chicago; director D. M. Ferry & Co., Detroit. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Eepublican. Congrega- tionalist. Mason. Clubs: Detroit, Detroit Ath- letic, Old Club, Caledon Mountain Trout Club, Strollers (New York). Eecreation: farming. Office: 85-S9 Jefferson Ave. Eesidence: Lothrop Apts. MIIjLER, Sidney Trowbridge, lawyer; born, Detroit, Jan. 4, 1864; son of Sidney D. and Kate (Trowbridge) Miller; educated at Trin- ity College, Hartford, Conn., and Harvard Law School; married at Hartford, Nov. 20, 1889, Lucy T. Eobinson; 2 children: Eliza- beth T., Sidney T., Jr. Has been engaged in practice at Detroit since 1887; member law firm of Miller, Smith, Paddock & Perry. Director Detroit Savings Bank, Wyandotte Savings Bank, Detroit Trust Co., Freeman, Delamater & Co. (wholesale hardware), De- troit Fire & Marine Insurance Co., and other corporations. President Detroit College of Medicine. Democrat. Episcopalian. Member American and Michigan State Bar associa- tions. Association Bar City of Detroit, Law- yers' Club of Detroit, Detroit Board of Com- merce, Detroit Chapter Eed Cross (president), Society Colonial Wars, Sons of American Eevolution; formerly ensign Michigan Naval Eeserves. Clubs: Detroit, Yondotega, Coun- try, Detroit Eaequet and Curling, Detroit Boat, Detroit Athletic, University (Detroit), University (New York), York Harbor (Me.) Beading Boom. Eecreations: outdoor diver- sions. Office: 1124 Penobscot Bldg. Eesi- dence: 524 Jefferson Ave. Summer Home: Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich. MILLER, William A. C; born, Detroit, July 25, 1881; son of William A. C. and Annette I. (McGowan) Miller; educated in Detroit High School, Detroit University School, and Uni- versity of Michigan, class of 1904; married at Detroit, Jan. 8, 1908, Buby C. Boyer; 2 sons: William A. C, 2nd, Joseph Boyer. Began with the W. A. C. Miller Lumber Co., 1902; became connected with Thomas Forman & Co., lumber manufacturers, fall of 1904; secretary, treas- urer and general manager Holden, Miller & Murray Co., Jan. 1, 1906- July, 1909; since president W. A. C. Miller Co.; also director Thomas Forman & Co. Member Michigan and Detroit Betail Lumber Dealers' associations. Eepublican. Member Detroit Board of Com- merce, Delta Kappa Epsilon. Clubs: Detroit Athletic, Detroit, University, Country, Old Club. Eecreations: fishing and outdoor sports. Office: 1080 Vinewood Ave. Eesidence: 165 Parker Ave. MILLER, William Howard, importer and manufacturer of furs; born in Hardin Co., O.; THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 349 sou of John aud Geneva (Poe) Miller; edu- cated in public schools of Geneva (O.) Col- lege; married at Belief ontaine, O., Fannie Canby. Began active career as traveling salesman for Frederick Buhl & Co.; has been engaged in importing and manufacturing fur l)usiness for himself in Detroit since 1888 as William H. Miller & Co.; director Detroit Stoker Co., American Motor Castings Co., Grosse Pointe Realty Co., Detroit Foundry Co.; also interested in timber lands and real estate. Member Detroit Board of Commerce, National Geographic Society (Washington, D. C), Ohio Society of Detroit, Detroit Soci- etj' Archaeological Institute of America. Re- publican. Congregationalist. Clubs: Detroit, Country, Detroit Boat, Exchange, Detroit Ath- letic. Recreations: golf, traveling. OflBce: State and Shelby Sts. Residence: 961 Cass Avenue. Mn.TiTS, Wade, lavpyer; born, Wheatland, Mich., June 3, 1868; son of Walter and Jane Clark (Carlow) Millis; graduate Addison (Mich.) High School; special work in Liter- ary Department of University of Mich- igan? graduate Law Department, Univer- sity of Michigan, degree of LL.B., 1898; married at Addison, Aug. 22, 1894, Beulah Bowen, 1 daughter, D o r o t h y. Was superintendent public schools, in Michi- gan, 1887-96; engaged in practice of law in Detroit since 1898, now senior member Millis, Griffin & Lacy. President American Coal and Coke Co.; vice-president Gregg Hardware Co.; secretary and director Abbott Motor Co., Lindke Shoe Co. Member American and Mich- igan Bar associations. Association Bar City of Detroit, National Geographic Society, Societj^ for Prevention of Cruelty to Children (direc- tor). Republican. Mason (Detroit Com- mandery No. 1, K. T.), Shriner; member I. O. O. F. Clubs: Detroit, University, Detroit Golf. Recreations: golf, motoring. Office: 1403-1407 Ford Bldg. Residence: 30 Hague Avenue. MHiIiS, Merrill B., cigar manufacturer; born, Detroit, Oct. 12, 1854; son of Merrill I. and Cynthia A. (Barbour) Mills; educated in private schools of Detroit; Cheshire Military Academy, Conn.; Mayhew's Business College, Detroit; married at Saginaw, Mich., 1895, Lila Eddy; 1 daughter, Cynthia. Began active career as shipping clerk and timekeeper Mich- igan Stove Co., 1872, later becoming traveling salesman and purchasing agent; resigned from his position, 1S82, on account of death of his father and has since devoted his attention largely to the management of the family estate. Founder and owner of Mills' Subdivi- sions (real estate, Detroit) ; president Banner Cigar Manufacturing Co., organized, June, 1888; director Michigan Stove Co., director Detroit Fire and Marine Insurance Co., De- troit Stove Co., etc. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Honorary member Detroit Light Infantry. Independent Democrat. Clubs: De- troit, Detroit Boat, Detroit Boat Club Yachts- men, also Columbia Yacht, New York Yacht, New York Athletic, Manhattan (New York), Hartford (Conn.) Yacht, Toledo (O.) Yacht. Recreation: yachting. Office: Banner Cigar Co., Detroit, Address: Manhattan Club, New York, MELOTTE, Jolin A,, lawyer; born, Dresden, Ont,, Can., Jan. 22, 1882; son of Joseph and Alice (Whitson) Milotte; was brought to America, 1885; educated in High School, Soutk Lyon, Mich.; University of Michigan; Law Department, University of Michigan, 1902-5 inclusive, LL.B., 1905; married, June 22, 1912, Marvel Clair Wylie, of Detroit. Has been as- sociated in practice with the firm of Butzel & Butzel, since Apr., 1906; secretary Fenn Realty Co,; secretary and treasurer Pneu- matic Tire Filler Co,; member Merchants' Agents' Co, Independent in politics, Presby- terian. Member Detroit Board of Commerce, Association Bar City of Detroit, Lawyers ' Club, Mason (Corinthian Lodge No, 241). Recreations: fishing, country life. Office: 1012-1014 Union Trust Bldg." Residence: 24 Prentis Ave. MILWAED, William J.; born, Detroit, July 27, 1859; son of Henry G. and Emma (Rowe) Milward; educated in public schools, Detroit; married, Apr. 30, 1884, Elizabeth King, of Detroit; 3 children: Robert, Emma, Frances. Began, 1880, in Detroit office Pennsylvania Ry., becoming agent in 1882; now agent Star Union Line, the Pennsylvania B. R. Co., Penn- sylvania Co., Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Ry. Co. Republican. Congrega- tionalist. Member Detroit Board of Com- merce, Detroit Board of Trade. Club: Trans- portation. Office: 15 Campus Martins. Resi- dence: 132 Pingree Ave. MINER, Clement L., manufacturer; born, Winchester. 111., Mar. 10, 1879; son of Dr. James and Eleanor M. (Thomas) Miner; grandson of Sophronia Alden, who was a direct descendant of John Alden; graduated Winchester High School; student University 350 THE BOOK OF DETROITERS of Illinois, 1898-1900 inclusive; attended Eochester Business Institute and Mechanics' Institute, of Rochester, N. Y.; married, June 1, 1903, Frances Hudson, of Flint, Mich.; 1 son, James Griswold. Entire active career has been spent in the manufacture of glass enam- eled steel tanks; in business in Detroit since Nov., 1911; secretary and director Detroit Steel Cooperage Co.; secretary, treasurer and director Glass Enameled Package Co. Mem- ber Detroit Board of Commerce. Republican. Clubs: Adcraft, Detroit Boat. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Office: Detroit Steel Cooperage Co., 981 Beaufait Ave. Residence: 208 East Grand Boul. MINER, rrank J,; born, Detroit, Mar. 28, 1862; son of Captain John and Julia (Boucher) Miner; educated in Assumption College, De- troit public schools, Mayhew's College, gradu- ating from the two latter, and private tuition in steam, hydraulic and electrical engineer- ing; also spent several winters in machine shops up to 1885; married at Detroit, Jan. 8, 1883, Celia De Guise; 6 children. Engaged in sailing on the lakes, previous to 1881; was made captain, 1885, and continued as master until 1901. Manager, secretary and treasurer of the Seidler-Miner Co., electric contracting, established, 1891. Member Detroit Builders' Association, National Electrical Contractors' Association. Member B. P. O. E., Knights of Columbus, National Union. Clubs: Detroit Yacht, Detroit Motor Boat. Recreations: yachting and club associations. Office: 36 Larned St. Residence: 260 Holcomb Ave. MINER, Jolin, lawyer; born, New York City, Sept. 14, 1849; son of Edward and Mary (Curren) Miner; educated in public schools of Detroit; married, Detroit, Oct. 29, 1879, Josephine Cicotte; children: Rev. Edward F. (S. J., of St. Louis), John E. (of Cincinnati, O.), Julia (Mrs. F. C. Cronin), Louis I. (man- ager Portland Cement Co.). Studied law, was admitted to the bar before the Supreme Court of Michigan and has practiced in Detroit since 1875; police justice of Detroit, 1878-90; member Michigan House of Representatives, 1891; member Detroit Board of Lighting Com- missioners, 1897. Democrat. Recreation: study of the philosophy and science of gov- ernment. Residence: 550 Brush St. MISNER, Richard Alexander; born, Gode- rieh, Ont., Can., July 18, 1872; son of Wesley and Margaret (McDonald) Misner; educated in public schools, Essex Co., Ont.; married, Sept. 22, 1903, Maude Crozier, of Goderich; 1 son, William Bruce. Bookkeeper, Traders ' Bank, Windsor, Ont., 1900-4, and for various firms, Detroit, 1904-8; president Misner Man- ufacturing Co., toilet specialties, Windsor, Ont., and Detroit, since 1908; also president McKan Swadge Works. Methodist. Ma'' ' V, Knight Templar. Recreation: fond of out- door sports. Office: 11-13 Woodward Ave. Residence: 126 Victoria Ave., Windsor, Can. MISTERSKY, Eugene Ludwig, la-'-er; born, Detroit, Feb. 26, 1877; son of I^i^atz and Henrietta (Uhl) Mistersky; educated in public and high schools, Detroit; LL.B., De- troit College of Law, 1899; married, Sept. 4, 1901, Florence Adele Holland, of Detroit; 1 daughter, Florence Henrietta. Practiced in Detroit since 1899. Member Association Bar City of Detroit. Republican. Member Detroit Board of Commerce, Business Men 's Club, German-American Association. Mason (Friend- ship Lodge, Monroe Chapter and Monroe Council) ; member I. O. F., Loyal Order of Moose, Concordia Society, Y. M. C. A. Clubs: Detroit Yacht, Harmonie, Turner Sommer- Heim Gesellschaft, Detroit Turner-Verein. Recreation: outdoor sports. Office: 825 Ham- mond Bldg. Residence: 129 Kenilworth Ave. MITCHELL, Arthur Drury, hat manufac- turer; born, London, Ont., Dee. 22, 1869; son of Andrew W. Mitchell (born in Temple, Me.) and Susan A. (Yates) Mitchell (born in East Douglas, Mass.); removed to Detroit with parents, 1870; educated in Detroit public schools until 1878, and later in Central School and London Collegiate Institute, London, Ont.; married at Chicago, Dec. 14, 1897, Via A. Irwin; 2 daughters: Marjorie M., Dorothy D. Began career in the wholesale millinery business with Richard Macauley, 1888, con- tinuing with him until 1899; assisted in or- ganizing the wholesale millinery firm of Mitchell, Harris & Co., which later became the Mitchell, Moody, Garton Co., of which was president and general manager; sold out interest in millinery business, June, 1905, and has since devoted attention to the Crown Hat Manufacturing Co., founded, 1902, of which was owner and manager until the company in- corporated, Sept. 1911, and he became presi- dent; also president American Beaver Co., of East Nutley, N. J.; member Detroit Board of Commerce. Advocate of principles of New Thought. Republican. Clubs: Detroit Golf, Detroit Curling. Recreation: golf. Office and Factory: cor. 4th Ave. and Lafayette Boul.. Residence: 46 Woodward Ter. THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 351 MITCHELL, Randall H., sales manager Penberthy Injector Co.; born, Scotland, Jan. 3, 1876; son of Charles D. and Jane (Hood) Mitchell; came to America, 1892; married, Letroit, Mar., 1901, Lueile May Tiffany. Be- g ' active career upon arriving in the United Stages in office of the Michigan Lubricator Co.; secretary and director of the company, 1903-12; since sales manager Penberthy In- jector Co.; also president of the Bosserdett Yac' & Engine Co. Clubs: Detroit Athletic, Detroit Tennis, Detroit Boat. Recreations: automobiling and tennis. Office: Holden Ave, and G. T. R. R. Residence: 50 Rhode Island Avenue. MITSHKUN, Mark, railway supplies; born, Wilna, Russia, Sept. 15, 1855; son of Kalman and Leah (Gordon) Mitshkun; moderately educated in Russia; came to America and located in Detroit, Oct., 1871; married, De- troit, Sept. 15, 1878, Sarah Jacobs; 4 children. Began, 1872, buying and selling rails, locomo- tives and cars; finally made a specialty of buying and selling complete logging railroads to lumbermen and loggers in various parts of the United States and Canada; now interested in manufacture of general railway supplies. President M. Mitshkun Co., Railway Equipper Publishing Co.; director Detroit Carbuilding and Equipment Co. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Mason. Office: Dix Ave. and M. C. R. R. Residence: 147 Rhode Island Ave. MIZNEE, Henry E., army officer; born, Geneva, N. Y., Aug. 1, 1827; son of Lansing and Mary (Rutgers) Mizner; married. Dee. 28, 1852, Eliza Whiting Howard, daughter of Col. Joshua Howard; 5 children: Mary (de- ceased), Julia (Mrs. Richard H. Poillon), Henry R., .Jr., Walter I., Lizzie P. (deceased). Appointed from Michigan (civil life) captain 18th Infantry, May 14, 1861, and Dec. 22, 1862, became colonel 14th Michigan Volunteer Infantry; honorably mustered out of volun- teer service, July 18, 1865; transferred to 36th Infantry, Sept. 21, 1866; major 20th In- fantry, U. S. A., Feb. 22, 1869; transferred to 12th Infantry, Mar. 15, 1869, to 18th Infantry, May 14, 1877; lieutenant-colonel 10th Infan- try, Dec. 15, 1880; colonel 17th Infantry, Jan. 2, 1888; retired Aug. 1, 1891; advanced to rank of brigadier-general, by act of Apr. 23, 1904. In Civil War was on recruiting duty until Sept., 1861; mustering and disbursing officer, quartermaster and commissary for State of Michigan, Sept. -Oct., 1861; mustering and disbursing officer to Jan., 1862, on recruit- ing duty to May, 1862, after that in field with regiment. Breveted major U. S. V. for gallant and meritorious services at Stone River; lieu- tenant-colonel for Atlanta campaign and bat- tle at Jonesboro, Ga.; brigadier-general, U. S. v., at close of war; after war chiefly at frontier posts and in Indian campaigns until retired. Address: 61 Pitcher St. MODESITT, James Bert; born, Terre Haute, Ind., Nov. 29, 1876; son of Albert B. and Josephine (Gibson) Modesitt; educated Terre Haute public and high schools; Chicago Institute and Training School of Y. M. C. A., 1898; M.D., Sioux City College of Medicine, 1909; B.P.E., Chicago Institute and Training School, 1912; married, July 24, 1901, Josephine S. Evans, of Terre Haute; children: Philip Evans, Virginia Lee, Miriam D. Director of physical training, Wabash College and Craw- fordsville Y. M. C. A., 1898-1903, Milwaukee Y. M. C. A., 1903-6; Sioux City, la., 1906-10, Detroit Y. M. C. A. since 1910. Democrat. Methodist. Member American Medical Asso- ciation, Physical Directors' Society of North America. Club: Exchange. Recreation: out- door sports. Office: Y. M. C. A. Bldg. Resi- dence: 190 Englewood Ave. MOEBS, William D. C, hotel proprietor; born, Detroit, July 24, 1874; son of George and Fredericke (Bauman) Moebs; graduated Bishop union school, 1889, Detroit High School, 1893; University of Michigan, class of 1897; married, Detroit, 1899, Nellie Hedges (now deceased); 2 children: Helen, William; married, 2nd, 1913, Isabelle Moag. Began in cigar busines, 1903, as president of W. D. C. Moebs & Co., and conducted a wholesale and retail business with 7 stores; sold out to United Cigar Stores Co. in 1906; devoted at- tention to real estate business, 1906-9; presi- dent and manager Berghoff Hotel and Cafe since 1909; president W. D. C. Moebs & Co., Wayne-Michigan Realty Co.; secretary and treasurer Rotary Engine Co.; director Michi- gan Engineering Co. Member Detroit Board of Commerce, Detroit Hotel Men's Associa- tion. Protestant. Member Lodge No. 34, B. P. O. Elks. Clubs: Harmonie, German Sales- men, Concordia, Detroit Yacht (commodore, 1900), Detroit Wheelmen, Detroit Curling, University of Michigan Club. Recreations: fishing, automobiling. Office: 10-22 Monroe Ave. Residence: 26 Gladstone Ave. MOELLEE, Herman F., retired; born, Sagi- naw, Mich., Jan. 17, 1866; son of Frederick J. and Fredericka Moeller; educated at Saginaw 352 THE BOOK OF DETROITERS and Detroit; married at Saginaw, June 10, 1897, Marguerite Smith; 1 son, Jerome. Be- gan active career as clerk in auditor's office Flint & Pere Marquette Ed., at Saginaw, and was traveling passenger agent of the road, 1889-93, district passenger agent, at Detroit, 1893-96. assistant general passenger agent, 1896-98; general passenger agent same road, 1898-1900; general passenger agent Saginaw district Pere Marquette E. E., Jan. 1-May 1, 1900; acting general passenger agent entire system, May-Oct., 1900, general passenger agent system, 1900-12 (retired). Eesidence: 857 Cass Ave. MOESSNER, Emil D., lawyer and automo- bile manufacturer; born, Newark, N. J., Jan. 20, 1878; son of George and Josephine (Boust) Moessner; educated in public schools of Plankington, S. Dak., and Saginaw, Mich.; Bethany College, Bethany, W. Va.; Detroit College of Law, graduating, LL.B., June 13, 1903; admitted to practice by Supreme Court of Michigan, June 14, 1903, and by U. S. Circuit Court, Detroit, June 16, 1903; married at Detroit, Sept. 12, 1906, Lillie P. Brownell; 1 son, Emil D., Jr. Began active career as clerk with J. M. Groat & Co., grocers, Stan- dish, Mich., 1891; became clerk in dry goods and clothing house of A, H. Welles & Co., Standish, 1895; came to Detroit, Sept. 1, 1901; entered emjiloy of the Briscoe Manufacturing Co., Detroit, as private secretary to the presi- dent, Benjamin Briscoe, Mar. 18, 1902; pur- chased an interest in the company and was elected secretary. May, 1903, assistant treas- urer, Jan., 1906, treasurer, 1909-11; secretary and treasurer the Briggs-Detroiter Co., manu- facturers of the Detroiter automobiles, since Jan., 1912. Member Detroit Board of Com- merce. Independent in politics. Congregation- alist. Mason. Club: Detroit Athletic. Eeere- ations: automobiling, fishing and baseball. Office: 451-480 Holbrook Ave. Eesidence: 1056 Warren Ave. W. MOLONEY, John E., lawyer; born, Detroit, Oct. 3, 1868; son of William E. and Mary Gertrude (Fey) Moloney; educated in parochial schools, Detroit; Canisius Jesuit College, New York, 1882-87; Detroit College of Law, degree of LL.B., 1893; married, 1910, Martha Grant, of Detroit. Admitted to bar, Dec. 7, 1892; in office of Brennan & Donnelly until 1893; practiced alone until 1895; formed partnership with Charles Flowers, as Flowers & Moloney, 1895; firm has undergone several changes, Moloney & Atkinson since 1911. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Member B. P. O. E., Knights of Pythias. Eecreation: yachting. Office: 517 Moffat Bldg. Eesidence: 373 Howard St. MONAGHAN, Greorge F., lawyer; born, De- troit, Oct. 27, 1876; son of Patrick and Mar- garet (Kiley) Monaghan; educated Holy Trin- ity parochial school; Detroit College, 1887-94, graduating, degrees of B.A. and M.A.; De- troit College of Law, LL.B., 1896; married, Feb. 25, 1908, Alice May Kotcher, of Detroit; 1 son, George F., Jr. Studied law in office of Hon. James H. Pound, 1897-1900; member firm of Pound & Monaghan until 1902; has been member law firm of George F. & Peter J. Monaghan since 1906. Member Michigan State Senate, 1898-1901. Member Association Bar City of Detroit, Michigan State and American Bar associations. Lawyers' Club. Democrat. Catholic. Member Knights of Columbus, B. P. O. Elks, Harmonie Society. Clubs: Detroit, Eushmere, Country. Eecrea- tion: outdoor sports. Office: 312-317 Majestic Bldg. Eesidence: 44 Atkinson Ave. MONAGHAN, Peter J., lawyer; born, De- troit, Jan. 7, 1881; son of Peter J. and Han- nah (Kiley) Monaghan; graduate Detroit College, degree of A.M., 1903; Detroit College of Law, LL.B., 1902; married at Detroit, Alma J. Nocker, June 23, 1907; children: Peter J., .Ir., Joseph N. Admitted to the bar, 1902, and has since engaged in practice; member firm of Monaghan & Monaghan. Member Michigan State Bar Association, Association Bar City of Detroit, Lawyers' Club. Democrat. Cath- olic. Member Knights of Columbus. Club: Fellowcraft. Eecreation: baseball. Office: 312-317 Majestic Bldg. Eesidence: 131 Chan- dler Ave. MONBOE, Charles E.; born, Kalamazoo Co., Mich., Sept. 7, 1862; son of Almon V. and Phoebe H. (Hart) Monroe; graduate Plain- well (Mich.) High School and attended Kala- mazoo Baptist College 4 years, leaving college in senior year on account of death of father; admitted to the bar, 1885; married at Kala- mazoo, Dec, 1885, Hattie Potter; 3 children: Donald, Marjorie, Kenneth. Moved to Chi- cago, 1887, and practiced law there until 1891, when he located in Detroit and engaged in real estate business until 1909; since pro- prietor Charles Hotel. Eecreation: fishing. Office: 126-130 Farmer St. Eesidence: 32 Woodward Ave. Ter. MONTGOMERY, William F.; see Vol. 1908. THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 353 MOODY, George T., dry goods; born, De- troit, Sept. 16, 1851; son of Eobert and Eliza- beth (Broadley) Moody; educated in Detroit public schools; married at Clintonville, Mich., Aug, 13, 1879, Alena C. Eiker; 2 daughters: Olive J. (Mrs. George A. Worden), Marjorie. Began as package boy with J. W, Farwell, dry goods, 1867, the business being acquired later by Newcomb, Endicott & Co., with which firm he continued; was admited as member of firm, 1887, and upon incorporation, 1903, became first vice-president. Member De- troit Board of Commerce (ex-president), De- troit Y. M. C. A. (ex-president). Trustee Kal- amazoo College, Kalamazoo, Mich. Eepubli- can. Baptist. Mason. Clubs: Detroit, Fellow- craft, Detroit Boat, Country, Old Club, Aldine (New York). Recreations: automobiling and travel. Office: 190-206 Woodward Ave. Resi- dence: 42 Eliot St. MOODY, Philip Earl, physician; born, De- troit, Feb. 7, 1879; son of Samuel Broadley and Evaline Mary (Earl) Moody; educated in Detroit public schools; M.D., Detroit College of Medicine, 1902; married, Sept. 4, 1908, Fan- nie Stowell, Pontiac, Mich.; children: Miriam May, Paul Broadley, 2nd. Practiced in De- troit since 1902; assistant urologist. Harper Hospital. Republican. Presbyterian. Member Wayne County Medical Society, Michigan State Medical Society, American Medical As- sociation, Harper Hospital Policlinic Society, Harper Hospital Alumni Association, Nu Sigma Nu fraternity. President Michigan Ornithological Club, 1901. Club: Miehigamme. Recreations: fishing and bird lore. Office: 1519 Woodward Ave. Residence: 192 Glad- stone Ave. MOON, Elmer Samuel, real estate; born, Detroit, Nov. 23, 1886; son of Samuel and Eliza (Lawson) Moon; educated in public and high schools, Detroit; unmarried. After leaving school served as clerk for Kunz & Rogers, wholesale jewelers; later with City & Suburban Homes Co. as insurance clerk; with Michigan Fire & Marine Insurance Co. 1 year; then returned to the City & Suburban Homes Co. to sell real estate, continuing about 21^ years; with Paterson Bros., 1908-9; entered into partnership with E. C. Smoots under firm name of Moon & Smoots, general real estate and insurance, 1910; shortly after- ward bought partner's interest and has eon- ducted the business ever since in his own name. Moved, Apr. 1, 1913, to Dime Savings Bank Bldg., on account of expansion of busi- ness. Republican. Presbyterian. Member Detroit Board of Commerce, National Associ- ation of Real Estate Exchanges, Detroit Real Estate Board (executive committee). Recre- ations: motoring, outdoor life. Office: 1317- 1318 Dime Savings Bank Bldg. Residence: 225 Pingree Ave. MOON, Merle Burnett, vice-president First National Bank; born, Flint, Mich., Sept. 6, 1872; son of Rev. Lewis N. (S.T.D.) and Mary (Rose) Moon; educated in public schools and Albion College, Mich.; married, Sept. 14, 1898, Mary Sparks, of Detroit; 1 child, Geraldine. Began active career as a school teacher in Northern Peninsula of Michigan; later asso- ciated in Chicago with the banking firms of Rudolph Kleybolte & Co., A. B. Leach & Co. (Chicago and New York), H. M. Byllesby & Co., Chicago; came to Detroit, Dec. 1, 1908, as manager of bond department, First National Bank, and elected vice-president June, 1912. Director United States Radiator Corporation, Monroe Water Co., Monroe, Mich. Republican. Methodist. Member Republic Lodge No. 714, A. F. & A. M., Chicago; Detroit Commandery, K. T.; Michigan Sovereign Consistory 32°. Clubs: Country, Detroit, Bloomfield Hills Country, Detroit Golf, Detroit Athletic, De- troit Boat, Bankers' (Detroit), Union League (Chicago). Recreations: golf, fishing. Office: First National Bank. Residence: 115 Ferry Avenue E. MOOBE, Alauson A.; born, Sarnia, Ont., Can., Oct. 24, 1858; son of Robert J. and Catherine (Avery) Moore; educated in public schools of Beachville, Ont., 1864-78; married at Detroit, Feb. 14, 1888, Margaret Harrop; children: Harold H., Helen. Began with his father, who was a carpenter and contractor, continuing, 1884-88; then engaged in farming at Crookston, Minn., returning to Gladwin, Mich., where he was identified with lumber- ing and farming until 1895; was connected with contract department Michigan Telephone Co., at Detroit, 1899-1901, and was with City and Suburban Homes Co. as salesman, 1901-2; has been in real estate business under title of Bessenger & Moore, since 1902. Member De- troit Board of Commerce, Detroit Real Estate Board. Republican. Baptist. Member Inde- pendent Order of Foresters. Clubs: Fellow- craft, Detroit Whist. Recreation: automobil- ing. Office: 812 Union Trust Bldg. Residence: 95 Chicago Boul. MOOBE, Alvah F,, secretary and director Michigan Mutual Life Insurance Co.; born, 354 THE BOOK OF DETROITERS Perry Co., O., June 10, 1860; son of George W. and Harriet (Richards) Moore; educated in public schools of Perry Co, and at Madison Academy, Mt. Perry 0.; married at Eoseville, O., Dec. 10, 1881, Miss Sack Martineau (died, Sept. 9, 1910). Began as teacher in public schools of Perry Co.; then went to Chicago and engaged in business for 10 years; came to Detroit, 1891, and entered service of the Michigan Mutual Life Insurance Co. as clerk in investment department, later becoming manager of the department, and secretary and director of the company, 1901. Eepublican. Associate member Detroit Post, G. A. E. Ma- son; member Detroit Commandery No. 1, K. T. ; Moslem Temple, Mystic Shrine. Eecrea- tions: reading, theater. Office: 150 Jefferson Ave. Eesidenee: Ansonia Apts. MOOBE, Charles, banker; born at Ypsilanti, Mich., Oct. 20, 1855; son of Charles and Ade- line (MacAllaster) Moore; educated at Phil- lips Academy, Andover, Mass.; graduate Har- vard, 1878 (M.A., 1898, Ph.D., 1900, Columbian [now George Washington] University); mar- ried at Middleton, Mass., June 27, 1878, Alice Williams Merriam; 2 sons: MacAllaster and James Merriam, both graduates of Harvard. Editor Detroit Times, 1883-85; editorial writer Detroit Journal and Detroit Tribune, 1885-89; political secretary U. S. Senator James McMillan, and clerk U. S. Senate com- mittee on D. C, 1889-1903; secretary Union Trust Co., Detroit, 1904-5; chairman board of directors Submarine Signal Co., Boston, 1906-7; secretary Security Trust Co., Detroit, since 1908. Member Detroit Board of Com- merce. President Detroit City Plan and Im- provement Commission, Detroit Society Archas- ological Institute of America; vice-president Detroit General Hospital; trustee Detroit Col- lege of Medicine, Alma College, Mich.; incor- porator and life member American Academy in Rome; treasurer Detroit Orchestral Associ- ation, Society of Colonial Wars, Detroit Hous- ing Commission; member National Commission of Fine Arts; corresponding member American Institute of Architects. Clubs: Detroit, Old Club, University, Cosmos (Washington), Cen- tury (New York). Author: Charities of the District of Columbia, 1897; The Gladwin Man- uscripts, 1897; The Northwest Under Three Flags, 1900. Editor and compiler: Plan of Chi- cago; Improvement of the Park System of the District of Columbia; Purification of the Washington Water Supply; articles in the Century and other magazines on park improve- ment in Washington, the restoration of the White House, and on historical topics. Edited and revised Cooley's History of Michigan. Office: Security Trust Co. Eesidenee: 205 Seminole Ave. MOOEE, Charles Thomas; born, Lafayette, Ind., Nov. 1, 1868; son of James M. and Mary Eliza (King) Moore; educated in public schools and business college; married, June 15, 1896, Adah B. Mercer, of Battle Creek, Mich.; 1 son, Charles T., Jr. In employ of National Cash Eegister Co., at Chicago, 2 years; has been connected with the International Time Eecording Co. about 10 years and came to Detroit, 1906, as district manager for Michi- gan and Toledo. Republican. Congregational- ist. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Mason (32°), K. T., Shriner. Club: Fellow- craft. Recreations, motoring, hunting, fishing. Office: 76-82 Washington Ave. Residence: 51 Grand Ave., E. Highland Park, Mich. MOORE, Edward C; born, Batavia, O., Dec. 4, 1845; son of Lindsey C. and Olivia (Frazier) Moore; educated in public schols, Batavia, to 1861; later student Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, O.; D.D.S., Ohio College of Dental Surgery, Cincinnati, 1871; married, New Rich- mond, Clermont Co., O., Oct. 23, 1872, Laura O. Pigman; 1 son, Lindsey E. Enlisted in Union Army, Oct., 1861, and served 3 years as private in Co. F, 59th Ohio Volunteers; in Western Army, and was with Sherman in Atlanta campaign. Practiced in Detroit from 1871, with exception of 1 year — 1873-4 — at Meadville, Pa. President E. C. Moore & Son Co., manufacturers of dental specialties. Re- publican. Congregationalist. Honorary mem- ber Michigan Dental Society, Detroit Dental Society, Delta Sigma Delta college fraternity. Member Detroit Post No. 384, G. A. R. Recre- ation: mechanical work in laboratory. Resi- dence: 116 Atkinson Ave. MOOBE, Frank B., manufacturer; born, May 10, 1863; died, 1910; see Vol. 1908. MOORE, George Whitney, lawyer; born, Cazenovia, N. Y., June 29, 1845; son of J. Whitney and Esther L. (King) Moore; edu- cated at Utica Free Academy, Utica, N. Y., and University of Michigan, 1871-72; married at New York, Nov. 22, Zillah De Lamater. Re- moved to Utica with parents at 12; served in U. S. mustering and disbursing office at Utica, time of Civil War, 1861-63; in War Depart- ment office at Washington and deserters' bureau, of provost marshal general's office, 1863-64; chief clerk to assistant provost mar- shal general, Hartford, Conn., 1864-65; came THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 355 to Detroit, 1866; went west on account of impaired health, 1868, and returned, 1870; ad- mitted to the bar, 1872, and began practice in partnership with George William Moore, as Moore & Moore, which still continues. Mem- ber Association Bar City of Detroit, Phi Delta Phi. Member Michigan House of Eepresenta- tives. First district, 1879-80. Kepublican. Clubs: Old, University. Eecreation: travel- ing. Office: 12-13 Campau Bldg. Eesidence: 30 Canfield Ave. W. MOOBE, George William, lawyer; born, Romulus, Mich., Sept. 9, 1847; son of George Washington and Mary (Emery) Moore; edu- cated in public sehols of Romulus; Ypsilanti Seminary, Ypsilanti, Mich.; University of Michigan, 1868-72, graduating from Law De- partment, LL.B., 1872; married at Detroit, Feb. 3, 1885, Katharine M. De Mill; 1 daugh- ter, Katharine Palmer. Admitted to the bar, 1872, and has since practiced at Detroit as member of firm of Moore & Moore. Member Association Bar City of Detroit, Michigan State and American Bar associations. Demo- crat. Member Detroit Board of Commerce, Michigan University Alumni Association. Mason. Clubs: Detroit, Country. Recreation: outdoor diversions. Office: 12-13 Campau Bldg. Residence: 162 Collingwood Ave. MOORE, Henry H.; born, Mar. 25, 1849; died, Jan. 31, 1913; see Vol. 1908. MOOBE, Lawrence, manufacturer; born, Sandusky, O., Apr. 16, 1881; son of John L. and Mary S. (Stone) Moore; educated San- dusky High School; B.S., Princeton, 1902; un- married. Began active career with Westing- house Electric & Manufacturing Co., continu- ing, 1903-9; with the Gear Grinding Machine Co., Detroit, 1907-11; president K-R-I-T Motor Car Co., Detroit, 1911-Aug. 1, 1913. Member Detroit Chamber of Commerce. Clubs: De- troit University, Racquet and Curling, Detroit Athletic, Detroit Country, Detroit Automo- bile. Recreation: all outdoor sports. Resi- dence: 473 Jefferson Ave. MOOBE, Lucian Selwyn, Jr.; born, Detroit, Mar. 18, 1885; son of Lucian Selwyn, Sr., and Rebecca (Pierson) Moore; educated Detroit University; B.S., University of Michigan, 1907; student Harvard Law School, 1 year; married, Oct. 10, 1910, Frederica Sibley, of Detroit; 1 son, Lucian Selwyn, 3d. Was with the C. C. Wormer Machinery Co. for several years; partner Pater son Bros. & Co., real estate, since 1910; director C. C. Wormer Machinery Co., Wright Manufacturing Co., Austin Separator Co. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: University, Detroit Racquet and Curl- ing, Detroit Country, Town, Indian Village Tennis. Recreations: golf, tennis. Office: 169 Griswold St. Residence: 192 Van Dyke Ave. MOOBE, William V., lawyer; born, Detroit, Dec. 3, 1856; son of William A. and Laura J. (Van Husan) Moore; graduate Detroit High School, 1873; University of Michigan, degree of B.A., 1878; Boston University, Law De- partment, LL.B., 1880; married at Detroit, Jan. 28, 1883, Jane Andrews; children: Wil- liam V. H. and Mary (Mrs. R. P. Joy). Be- gan practice in Detroit with his father, as member firm of Moore & Canfield, later, Moore & Goff, Moore, Standart & Drake, 1905-7, since alone. Director and counsel Wayne County Savings Bank, Detroit Fire & Marine Insurance Co.; vice-president North- ern Engineering Works. Member Michigan State Bar Association, Association Bar City of Detroit. Member Detroit Board of Educa- tion, 1885-89, Detroit Fire Commission, 1905- 13. Democrat (gold); delegate to Democratic National Convention, Chicago, 1896. Baptist. Member Delta Kappa Epsilon. Clubs: De- troit, Yondotega, Detroit Boat, Country, Old Club, Detroit Automobile, Detroit Athletic. Recreation: outdoor sports. Office: Wayne County Savings Bank Bldg. Residence: 1055 Woodward Ave. MOOBE, William Van Husan; born, Detroit, Sept. 18, 1884; son of William Van and Jane (Andrews) Moore; educated Cleveland Uni- versity School; Detroit University School; University of Michigan; married, Apr. 11, 1912, Marie Stephanie Moran, of Detroit. Since Mar. 1, 1912, secretary and treasurer Mineral Products Co. of America, manufac- turers of steam specialties. Member Zeta Psi. Clubs: University, Old. Recreation: automo- biling. Office: 11 Woodbridge St. E. Resi- dence: 119 Rowena St. MOBAN, Fred T., stove manufacturer; born, Detroit, Mar. 4, 1855; son of Charles and Justine (McCormick) Moran; educated in public and high schools, Detroit, and at St. John's College, Fordham, N. Y.; married at Detroit, June o, 1878, Satilla G. Butterfield. Has been connected with the Peninsular Stove Co., since its incorporation, 1881, and has been president of the company since 1895. Also president Michigan State Telephone Co.; director of Home Telephone Co., Michigan Brass and Copper Co.; vice-president Gabriel 356 THE BOOK OF DETROITERS Eeinforced Concrete Co.; director People's State Savings Bank, Welch Motor Car Co., Union Trust Co. President Canadian Yukon Mining Co. Fire commissioner of Detroit since 1890. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Clubs: Detroit, Yondotega, Old Club. Eecrea- tions: automobiling and raising trotting horses. Office: Ford Bldg. Residence: 415 Jef- ferson Ave. MORAN, George W., physician; born, June 23, 1868; died, 1910, see Vol. 1908. MORAN, James P.; born, Detroit, Jan. 11, 1879; son of Patrick and Eliza (Hefferman) Moran; educated at St. Vincent's parochial school and Detroit Business University; mar- ried at Detroit, June, 1907, Jacqueline De Clark; 3 children: Jacqueline, Josephine, Jane Agnes. Entered coal and coke business 1895; was in employ of several firms until June, 1904, since which time he has been in business for himself under title of J. P. Moran & Co. Recreation: outdoor sports. Office: 1002 Penobscot Bldg. Residence: 707 Sheridan Avenue. MORAN, John Vallee, retired; born, De- troit, Dec. 25, 1846; son of Charles and Jus- tine (McCormick) Moran; educated in schools of Detroit; married at Memphis, Tenn., Nov. 25, 1880, Emma Etheridge; 6 children: Em- erson Etheridge, John Bell, Cyril Godfrey, Justine (wife of Lieut. C. W. McClure, U. S. A.), Marie Stephanie (Mrs. William Van Moore), Elise. Began active career as grocery clerk, with Moses W. Field & Co., Detroit, 1867; became connected with wholesale gro- cery house of John Stephen & Co., 1869, and later with Beaty & Fitzsimons; purchased an interest in the firm and after death of Mr. Beaty, title became Moran, Fitzsimons & Co.; was one of the organizers of the Gale Sulky Plow Co.; aided in establishing Ward's line of Detroit and Lake Superior steamers; as- sisted in organizing, 1887, the American Bank- ing and Savings Association and the Ameri- can Trust Co. (retired, 1912). Clubs: Detroit, Detroit Boat. Residence: 584 Jefferson Ave. MORAN, William A.; born, Detroit, Aug. 7, 1877; son of William B. and Frances A. (Das- nayer) Moran; educated in private schools, Detroit, and Georgetown University, Washing- ton, D. C; unmarried. Began in employ of the Peninsular Stove Co., 1898, continuing 8 years^ became connected in June, 1906, with the Standard Brass Works, and has been vice- president and treasurer same since 1910. Served in Michigan Naval Militia, 1896-1900; member Michigan State Naval Brigade; on board U. S. S. Yosemite during Spanish-Amer- ican War. Democrat. Catholic. Club: De- troit Country. Recreations: golf, sailing. Of- fice: 97-109 Wight St. Residence: 521 Jeffer- son Ave. MOREAU, Oscar A., druggist; born, Sebawa- ing, Mich., Oct. 13, 1886; son of L. R. and Ida (Krause) Moreau; educated in public and high schools, Sebawaing; graduate Packard Practical Institute of Pharmacy, Marlette, Mich.; Detroit College of Medicine (non-grad- uate) ; married, Sept. 1912, Beulah M. Lippin- cott, of Wheeling, W. Va. Came to Detroit, 1903, and entered employ of the firm, with which has since been connected; admitted as partner Van Vliet & Moreau, 1910. Member Detroit Retail Druggists' Association. Repub- lican. Mason; member B. P. O. Elks. Recrea- tions: baseball, football. Office: 107 Gratiot Ave. Residence: 740 Garland Ave. MORGAN, Harry Foster; born, Upper San- dusky, O., Feb. 16, 1868; son of William Fos- ter and Hattie (Cramer) Morgan; educated in public and high schools of Findlay, O.; Ohio Normal University, Ada, O.; married, Oct. 1900, Nanette Beatty Bender, of Findlay, O. Clerk with the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railway, at Dubuque, la., 1888-90; agent Toledo & Ohio Central Ry., at Findlay, 1890-1903; came to Detroit, 1903, as city sales agent for Sunday Creek Co., wholesale coal, and northern sales agent same since Jan., 1909. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Republican. Presbyterian. Member B. P. O. Elks. Club: Fellowcraft. Recreations: outdoor sports. Office: 1333 Majestic Bldg. Residence: 807 Trumbull Ave. MORGAN, Sherman H.; born, Blenheim, Ont., Can., Aug. 12, 1868; son of John and Mary Abigail (Snyder) Morgan; educated in grade schools of Ontario; business college, Chatham, Ont.; married, June 5, 1888, Mary Adams, of Scotland; 1 son, C. Stanley. Re- moved to Detroit, 1885, and entered employ of the Detroit Heating & Lighting Co. as book- keeper, continuing 8 years; in business for self since 1896; senior partner (with son) C. Stanley Morgan, pipe and boiler coverings. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Republi- can. Baptist. Member Builders' Exchange, Detroit Master Plumbers' Association, Uni- versal Craftsmen Council of Engineers. Mason. Recreations: baseball, fishing. Office: 104 Randolph St. Residence: 268 Sheridan Avenue. THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 357 MORGAN, William S.; born, Elliston, Ky., Sept. 30, 1878; son of William H. and Sarah Elizabeth (May) Morgan; educated in public schools, Latonia, Ky.; married, Feb. 3, 1909, Florence Harrison, of Detroit. Engaged as traveling man in the South for 6 years, with headquarters in Macon, Ga. ; removed to De- troit, 1911; has been identified with real es- tate business since Sept., 1912. Recreations: outdoor sports. Oflice: 515 Stevens Bldg. Res- idence: Woodward Ave. near Calvert St. MORLEY, Frederick George, accountant; born, Guelph, Ont., Can., May 12, 1879; son of William N. and Sarah (Lenover) Morley; edu- cated in High School and Canada Business College, Chatham, Ont.; married, Dec. 25, 1906, Vita L. Clarke, of Blenheim, Ont., Can.; 1 daughter, Mary. Began active career in em- ploy of William Grey & Son, carriage manu- facturers, Chatham, 1897, continuing 3 years; accountant with Sutherland Innes Co., cooper- age, Chatham, 1900-2; with F. H. Macpherson & Co., chartered accountants, Detroit, 1902-6; has been connected with the Great Lakes En- gineering Works since 1906. Republican. Methodist. Member Detroit Board of Com- merce. Mason. Recreations: fishing, hunting. OflBce: Great Lakes Engineering Works, foot of Rivard St. Residence: 211 Chandler Ave. MORLEY, Warren A., general agent South- western Surety Insurance Co.; born. Bay City, Mich., July 14, 1883; son of Ira W. and Juli- ette (Baker) Morley; educated Pontiac High School; Ferris Institute, Big Rapids; married, Sept. 8, 1906, Jessie I. Ross, of Detroit. Be- gan active career as clerk Shaw, Warren, Cady & Oakes, continuing, 1901-6; with the Bankers' Surety Co., 1906-11; general agent (Morley & Fisher), Southern Surety Co. of St. Louis, 1911-13; general agent (Morley & Coleman), Southwestern Surety Insurance Co. since July 10, 1913. Member Phi Delta Theta fraternity. Recreation: motoring. OflEice: 811 Union Trust Bldg. Residence: 113 Lothrop Avenue. MORPHY, John D., state manager Berk- shire Life Insurance Co.; born, Detroit, June 9, 1864; educated in public schools of Detroit. Began active career in employ of Michigan Central R. R., continuing for 6 years in vari- ous capacities in different departments; be- came connected with the wholesale dry goods house of Allen Sheldon & Co., continuing for 11 years; entered life insurance business. 1892, and has been state manager for the Berkshire Life Insurance Co., headquarters in Detroit, since 1893. Member Detroit Board of Com- merce, Detroit Life Underwriters' Associa- tion. Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: De- troit, Country, Old Club. Recreations: outdoor diversions. OflSee: 1419-1422 Majestic Bldg. Residence: Palms Apts. MORRIS, Charles V.; see Vol. 1908. MORRIS, Edmund A.; born, Detroit, Nov. 17, 1857; son of Robert and Mary (Darling) Morris; graduate Detroit high school, June, 1873, Detroit Business University, May, 1874; married, Detroit, Sept. 8, 1880, Ida S. Hall; 3 children: Hazel (Mrs. William B. Roberson, of Alpena, Mich.), Samuel Ferguson, Montrose Alexander. Began as office boy with J. N. Raymond & Co., June 7, 1876; company dis- solved, 1879, and was succeeded by Samuel Ferguson, for whom acted as general manager until 1883, when the Detroit Lead Pipe and Sheet Lead Works was organized, of which he has been secretary and treasurer from time of organization. Also vice-president Union Foundry Co., Anniston, Ala.; president and treasurer Southern Stone & Marble Co., White- stone, Ga. Member Masonic order, Damascus Commandery No. 42, Knights Templar. Rec- reation: traveling. Oflfice: 61 2nd St. Resi- dence: 87 Garfield Ave. MORRIS, Scott Harrison, secretary and treasurer The Standard Foundry Co.; born, Indianapolis, Ind., Feb. 26, 1860; son of Sam- uel Vance and Jane Elizabeth (Harrison) Morris; educated in public schools of Indian- apolis, graduating from the high school, 1877; married at Indianapolis, Jan. 1, 1888, Laura Ann Pease; 4 children: Mrs. Mabel Morris Barron, Jane, Lewis Parker (deceased), Anna. Began active career in employ of At- las Engine Works, Indianapolis, and learned trade of iron moulder, 1878-81; came to De- troit and acted as superintendent of the American Radiator Co. until 1893; organized the Globe Iron Works, 1893, which was suc- ceeded by the Standard Foundry Co., 1899, iron foundry and manufacturers of automo- bile engines; elected secretary and treasurer upon incorporation of the company. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Republican, Presbyterian. 32° Mason. Clubs: Detroit Yacht, Detroit Motor Boat, Rushmere. Recre- ations: outdoor sports. Residence: 395 Cad- illac Boul. (Died, June 30, 1913.) MORRISON, James W.; born, Hamilton, Ont., Can., July 11, 1846; son of John and Jeanette Morrison; educated in public schools 358 THE BOOK OF DETROITERS of Hamilton; came to U. S., 1867; married at Chicago, 1869, Miss Sarah J. Porter; 2 chil- dren: Mary Alice, William W. Learned print- ing trade in Hamilton and connected with it for more than 40 years; was resident of Chi- cago, 1867-72; came to Detroit, 1872, and or- ganized the Morrison Printing Co., of which was the head until 1909; since manager Con- gress Sign Co. Club: Detroit Curling. Eecre- ation: curling. Office: 59 Congress St. W. Residence: 209 Clairmount Ave. MOREOW, George W., field secretary Anti- Saloon League of America; born, Champaign Co., 111., May 27, 1863; son of James and Sarah A. (Laughead) Morrow; educated in common schools and High School, Newman, 111.; Friends' Bloomingdale Academy, Bloom- ingdale, Ind.; graduated Christian Biblical Institute, Stanfordville, N. Y., 1889 (valedic- torian) ; married, Oct. 15, 1885, Susie E. Whit- more, of Champaign, 111. Ordained to Chris- tian ministry, June 9, 1889; pastor Grace Church, St. Johnsville, N. Y., 20 months, 1889- 91, Randolph, Vt., 1891-99; superintendent Vermont Anti-Saloon League, Burlington, 1899-1905, Michigan Anti-Saloon League, 1905-Dec. 31, 1912; since on National Staff as field secretary Anti-Saloon League of Amer- ica. Trustee Christian Biblical Institute, of Defiance, O. Progressive. Odd Fellow, Good Templar; chaplain Camp No. 1, Sons of Vet- erans. Recreations; golf, fishing. Residence: 107 Atkinson Ave. MORSE, WiUard H., sales agent The J. L. Mott Iron Works, of New York; born, Peters- burg, Mich., Feb. 7, 1857; son of Henry G. and Maria A. (Hill) Morse; educated in pub- lic schools of Petersburg; married at Detroit, Jan. 16, 1882, Juliette Rossa; 1 son, Claude R. Came to Detroit, 1877, and engaged as build- ing contractor until 1886; was salesman De- troit Lead Pipe and Sheet Lead Works, 3 years, and salesman for J. B. Clow & Sons, Chicago, 9 years; connected with National Supply Co., Toledo, O., until 190S, since which time he has been Detroit sales agent for The J. L. Mott Iron Works. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Independent Republican. Mem- ber B. P. O. E., United Commercial Travelers of America. Club: Detroit Motor Boat. Rec- reation: launching. Office: 1304-1306 Penob- scot Bldg. Residence: 2975 East Grand Boul. Summer Residence: Riverside, St. Clair Flats, Michigan. MORTON, Harry Dean; born, Ann Arbor, Mich., Dec. 17, 1872; son of Andrew N. and Betty N. (Congdon) Morton; educated in pub- lic schools of Chelsea, Mich.; married, Detroit, Nov. 2, 1908, Edith M. Davis. Came to De- troit, 1890, and engaged as stenographer of Daniel Scotten & Co., tobacco manufacturers; then was manager Howard Publishing Co.; engaged in general shorthand reporting; re- moved to New York City and for 6 years was manager of the legal department of the Far- benfabriken-Elberfeld Co., of Germany; re- turned to Detroit early in 1906 and organized the Gies Gear Co., of which was treasurer and general manager, 1896-1911; since president Morton Motor Co. Recreation: motor boating. Office: 47 Fort St. E. MORTON, William D.; born, Monroe, Mich.; Feb. 8, 1843; son of Julius D. and Emeline (Sterling) Morton; educated at Dr. Soldan's private school, Detroit, and Troy University, Troy, N. Y.; married at Detroit, Nov. 2, 1870, Mary H. Brooks (now deceased). Came to Detroit from Monroe, 1853, and was for many years identified with the lumber business; manager of the Port Huron Salt Co., May 1, 1904-12; since manager Morton Salt Co., Port Huron, Member Delta Phi. Club: Detroit Boat. Recreation: billiards. Office: Foot of 2nd St. Residence: 79 Watson St. MOSS, William Edwin; born, Rensselaer, Ind., June 24, 1859; son of Gordon A. and Lydia (Greenfield) Moss; educated in public schools, Rensselaer; married, 1884, Lelia Drake, of Detroit; children: Edith L., Helen L. Came to Detroit from Indiana, 1880; con- nected with Detroit Stove Works and T. B. Rayl & Co., hardware merchants, until 1898; since in bond and investment business as W. E. Moss & Co.; president American State Bank; treasurer and director Coldwater Gas Light & Fuel Co., Monroe Gas Light & Fuel Co., Hillsdale Gas Co., Columbus (O.) Gas Co., Grand Haven (Mich.) Gas Co., Citizens' Gas Co. (Hannibal, Mo.), Winston-Salem (N. C.) Gas Co., Drake Cattle Co. Member Detroit Board of Commerce, Detroit Stock Exchange. Clubs: Detroit, Detroit Boat, Detroit Country. Recreations: outdoor sports. Office: 710 Union Trust Bldg. Residence: 307 Seminole Ave. MOYNAHAN, John Fortier, bronze, brass, iron and wire work; born. Sandwich, Ont., Feb. 14, 1863; son of Dennis and Eliza (For- tier) Moynahan; educated in country school in Canada; married, Nov. 23, 1886, Bernice F. Stoddard, of Monroe, Mich.; 3 children: Bald- win J., Beatrice E., Roy D. On farm until 17; THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 359 then in railroad service for about 4 years; in grocerj- business 2 years; shipping clerk for National "Wire & Iron Works, Detroit, 188G- 89; went with American Brass & Metal Works as bookkeeper and worked up to traveling salesman and designer; in charge of engineer- ing department of J. E. Bolles Wire & Iron Works, Detroit, 1893-96; superintendent To- ledo Wire & Iron Works, 1896-97. Eeturned to Detroit as superintendent of William Inglis Wire & Iron Works and remained in that posi- tion over 15 years; started the firm of Moyna- han & Duchene, May, 1912, in the manufac- ture of architectural and ornamental metal work, and since senior partner in the busi- ness. Usually Eepublican. Catholic. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Club: Wolverine Automobile. Recreations: baseball, bowling, card playing, swimming. Office: 122 State St. Residence: 355 Warren Ave. E. MUELLES, Frederick J.; born, St. Louis, Dec. 11, 1880; son of Fred and Henrietta (Creelins) Mueller; educated public schools, St. Louis; unmarried. Began active career in employ of the St. Louis Candy Co., Mar., 1896; became connected with National Candy Co., Feb., 1907; came to Detroit from St. Louis, Feb., 1912, and since manager for National Candy Co., of the Gray-Toynton-Fox factory. Republican. Protestant. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Mason (32°), K. T., Shriner. Recreations: boating, fishing. Office: 37 Woodbridge St. E. Residence: Henry Clay Apartments. MUELLER, Gustav Adolph, architect; born, Dresden, Saxony, German}', Oct. 14, 1864; son of J. G. and J. C. (Seidel) Mueller; educated universities in Dresden, Munich and Berlin, Germany; married, Emma Marx, Detroit, Nov. 24, 1897. Followed profession as architect in Berlin, Munich, Dresden and Paris; went to Panama on engineering staff for French gov- ernment; located in Detroit, 1893. Vice-presi- dent Michigan Cigar Box Co. Served in Ger- man army. Republican. Lutheran. Member Detroit Board of Commerce, Detroit Builders' and Traders' Exchange, Detroit Chapter American Institute of Architects. Member B. P. O. Elks, Harmonie Society. Office: 804 Breitmeyer Bldg. Residence: 451 St. Aubin Street. MUELLER, Joseph; born, Baden, Germany, Feb. 4, 1867; son of Joseph and Marie (Win- terhalter) Mueller; educated in the old coun- try, and in public schools of Detroit; mar- ried, June 5, 1895, Julia Hensien, of Detroit; 1 daughter, Alice. Came to America, 1883; learned upholsterer's trade with Keck, Win- terhalter & Co., continuing with the firm 4 years; then with Hudson Simon, 1886-98; as- sisted in organizing firm of Weyermiller & Mueller, furniture, carpets and curtains, 1898, and since co-partner. Catholic. Recreations: theater, music. Office: 1060 Champlain St. Residence: 336 Seyburn Ave. MUER, Joseph F., cigar manufacturer; born, Detroit, Mar. 18, 1884; son of Anthony and Mary (Lingeman) Muer; educated St. Joseph's Commercial College; married, June 13, 1905, Susie Malburg, of Detroit; 3 chil- dren: Joseph, Rosemary, William. Began act- ive career, 1898, in house established by father in 1866; has been sole proprietor since 1905, business being conducted in own name. Independent in politics. Catholic. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Member Knights of Columbus, German American Society, B. P. O. Elks. Clubs: Harmonie, Wolverine Auto- mobile. Recreations: automobiling, baseball. Office: 588 Gratiot Ave. Residence: 455 St. Aubin Ave. MUIR, R. Murray, dentist; born, Port Dal- housie, Ont., Can., Aug. 12, 1877; son of Wil- liam and Christina (Cavers) Muir; educated high school, St. Catharines, Ont.; graduated, degree of D.D.S., University of Maryland, 1897; married, June 30, 1906, Mary Roberts, of Marine City, Mich.; children: Laura Chris- tina, Mar}^ Jean. Commenced practice at Ma- rine City, 1897; removed to Detroit, 1906. Member Michigan State Dental Society, First District Dental Society of Michigan, National Oral Hygiene Association. Club: Detroit Mo- tor Boat (director). Recreation: motor boat- ing. Office: 4 Adams Ave. W. Residence: 340 Bewick Ave. MUIR, William Howie; born, Detroit, May 28, 1867; son of William Kerr and Christina (Hendrie) Muir; educated at Michigan Mili- tary Academy and University of Michigan, graduating, degrees of B.S. and M.E., 1888; married at Detroit, 1905, Marion Lewis; 3 children: Elizabeth, Marjorie, William. Be- gan active career in employ of the Eureka Iron and Steel Works, 1888; assisted in or- ganizing the Jenks & Muir Manufacturing Co., 1892, manufacturers iron and brass bed- steads, of which has since been vice-president and treasurer. Presbyterian. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Mason; member Delta Kappa Epsilon. Clubs: Detroit, Yondotega, Country, Racquet and Curling. Office: 1441 360 THE BOOK OF DETROITERS Hastings St., Detroit. Eesidence: Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich. MULFOED, Benjamin Franklin, lawyer; born, East Orange, N. J., Jan. 4, 1879; son of Samuel M. and Mary (Kiley) Mulford; edu- cated in private and public schools, Detroit Business University and Detroit College of Law, degree of LL.B., 1903; married, Detroit, Nov. 10, 1909, Mabel C. Warner. Has prac- ticed in Detroit since 1903; member firm of Prentis & Mulford since 1907. Member Asso- ciation Bar City of Detroit, Michigan State Bar Association, Lawyers' Club of Detroit, Fine Arts Society. Eepublican. Episcopalian. Mason, K. T. Clubs: Fellowcraft, Detroit Tennis, Detroit Athletic, Cadillac Boat. Eec- reations: athletics, boating, music. Eesidence: 56 Glendale Ave., Highland Park. MULFOED, Elmer William, lawyer; born, Detroit, Nov. 13, 1876; sou of George Mahon and Julia (Euehle) Mulford; educated in pub- lic and high schools, Detroit, and at Univer- sity of Michigan, graduating, degree of LL.B., 1900; married, Detroit, Oct. 5, 1911, Louise A. Tighe; 2 sons (twins): Eichard G., Eobert E. Has practiced in Detroit since 1900. Sec- retary and treasurer Newaygo Fruit Land Co.; director Montana Mineral Products Co. Member Association Bar City of Detroit, Law- yers ' Club, University of Michigan Alumni Association. Eepublican. Universalist. Ma- son (32°). Club: Fellowcraft. Eecreations: boating, theater. Office: 309-310 Moffat Bldg. Eesidence: 121 Clairmount Ave. MULFORD, Ora James; born, Monroe, 0., Sept. 8, 1868; son of John C. and Mary A. (McCreary) Mulford; public school education; married at Detroit, Feb. 28, 1900, Evelyn Wil- letts; 1 son, John W. Began active career as printer in country newspaper office of Stanton, Mich.; came to Detroit, 1882, and was employed as a printer by the Commercial Publishing Co.; entered printing business for self, 1885, as half owner of the Acme Print- ing Co.; sold out and in 1887 went to Los Angeles, Cal., and engaged in street car ad- vertising business; returned to Detroit, 1889, and continued in street car advertising under title of the Michigan Street Car Advertising Co., of which is now president and general manager. Was head of the O. J. Mulford Ad- vertising Co., 1903-9; also president Gray Mo- tor Co. Eepublican. Christian Scientist. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Ma- son. Clubs: Detroit, Country, Detroit Boat, Fellowcraft, Detroit Motor Boat, Bloomfield Hills, Detroit Athletic, Eecreation: motor boating. Office: 83 Fort St. Eesidence: 159 Parker Ave. MULHERON, John J., physician; born. May 31, 1846; died, Aug. 2, 1913; see Vol. 1908. MUNCH, George A., physician; born, Fre- mont, O., Apr. 29, 1862; son of George and Elizabeth (Shatz) Munch; educated Univer- sity, Ada, O.; M.D., Louisville Medical Col- lege, Louisville, Ky., 1891; M.D., Eclectic Medical College, Cincinnati; Western Eeserve Medical College, Cleveland; married, Jan. 17, 1892, Nora Smythe, of San Antonio, Tex.; 3 children: Audrey, Norma, Mercedes. Began practice at Cincinnati, 1888; located in De- troit, 1893; president Detroit Medical Insti- tute. Member Disciples (Christian) Church. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. 32° Mason; member W. O. W., Maccabees. Eecrea- tions: fishing, hunting, golf. Office: 572-574 Grand Eiver Ave. Eesidence: 149 Pine St. MUNGER, Frank S., retired; born, Dundee, Mich., Nov. 10, 1850; son of Elijah D. and Mary P. (Simons) Munger; educated in pub- lic and high schools of Dundee; married at Detroit, 1874, Fannie A. Caverley; 2 children: Frank, Helmer. Began active career in retail dry goods store at Manchester, Mich., 1869; came to Detroit, 1872, and entered employ of Edson, Moore & Co. and was member of firm, 18S8-1909 (retired). Member Board of Com- merce. Eepublican. Congregationalist. Club: Country. Eecreations: automobiling, golf. Eesidence: 69 Warren Ave. E. MUNGER, Franklin E.; born, Dundee, Mich,. Feb. 13, 1866; son of Edmund C. and Sarah (Gee) Munger; educated public schools; married, Sept. 9, 1891, Elizabeth Trost, of De- troit. Learned printer 's trade and worked at case for several years; published weekly pa- per at Dundee, Mich., 1893-96, then returned to practical printing; was connected with De- troit Times, 1900-6; established, 1907, Modern Printshop, of which is president and general manager. Eepublican. Presbyterian. Member Printers' Club, Master Printers' Association. Mason. Eecreations: camping, travel. Office: 139 Bates St. Eesidence: 703 Hurlbut Ave. MUNRO, Alexander, lawyer; born, Town- ship Sydenham, Out., Can., Feb. 2, 1865; son of John and Christina (Sutherland) Munro; educated in college and Detroit College of Law, degree of LL.B., 1903; married at De- troit, Feb. 18, 1903, Cora D. Dart. Began prac- tice of law alone, 1903; member of law firm of THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 361 Brennan, Donnelly & Van De Mark, 1904-13, since of Donnelly, Lyster, Brennan & Munro; vice-president Arctic Ice Cream Co.; secretary Interior Construction & Improvement Co. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Presby- terian. Member Y. M. C. A. Kecreations: literature, music, travel. Office: 1702 Ford Bldg. Eesidenee: 410 Commonwealth Ave. MUNEO, Herbert C, lawyer; born, St. Thomas, Ont., Jan. 21, 1877; son of Colin and Hannah M. (Davis) Munro; educated in com- mon schools; Detroit High School; LL.B., De- troit College of Law, 1901; married, Toronto, Ont., June 25, 1902, Beatrice Martin; one daughter, Dorothy. Has practiced in Detroit since June, 1901; makes a specialty of real property, corporation and probate law. Mem- ber Association Bar City of Detroit, Lawyers' Club of Detroit, Detroit Board of Commerce. Mason (32°); member Oriental Lodge; King Cyrus Chapter, E. A.; Detroit Commandery, K, T.; Detroit Consistory; Moslem Temple, Mystic Shrine. Club: Fellowcraft. Eeerea- tions: motoring, horseback riding. Office: 1633 Dime Savings Bank Bldg. Eesidenee: 89 Wil- lis Ave. W. Summer home: Grosse He, Mich. MUNZ, Charles W.; born, Wurtemberg, Germany, July 25, 1864; son of Frederick and Caroline Munz; educated in public schools of Germany; came to Detroit, 1881; married at Detroit, 1S92, Miss Anna Stucky; 2 sons: El- mer George, Harold Eaymond. Learned trade of cabinet maker in plant of Clough & War- ren Organ Co., piano and organ manufac- turers, continuing 1881-85; entered upon a series of experiments and invented the Vic- tor extension table in 1895; became connected with Posselius Brothers' Furniture Manufac- turing Co. as foreman of cabinet department, 1897, and was superintendent for one year; bought out interest of the president, 1903, and was president and general manager of the company, until Apr. 1, 1913 (retired). Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Eepub- lican. Catholic. Club: Fellowcraft. Eecrea- tion: automobiling. Eesidenee: 92 Chicago Boulevard. MURFIN, James Orrin, lawyer ; born, Ports- mouth, O., Jan. 7, 1875; son of James Orrin and Josephine Hurd (Smith) Murfin; edu- cated in public and high schools of Ports- mouth; University of Michigan, Literary De- partment, degree of Litt.B., 1895, Law De- partment, LL.B., 1896; married at Detroit, Apr, 24, 1907, Jane B. Macklem. Began prac- tice in Detroit, July, 1896; member law firm of Bowen, Douglas, Whiting 6b Murfin, 1897- 1908; judge Circuit Court, 1908-12; since mem- ber Eobson & Murfin. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Eepublican. Member Associa- tion Bar City of Detroit, Michigan State Bar Association. Member Michigan State Senate,. 1901-3. Clubs. University, Country, Detroit, Yondotega, Lawyers' of Detroit, Detroit Ath- letic. Eecreations: fishing and other outdoor diversions: Office: Dime Savings Bank Bldg. Eesidenee: 184 Van Dyke Ave. MURPHY, Alfred J., judge; born, Detroit, Jan. 1, 1868; son of James S. and Mary (Sex- ton) Murphy; educated in public schools of Detroit, Detroit College and Detroit College of Law, graduating, A.B., 1887, LL.B., 1893; married at Detroit, June 29, 1903, Margaret Walburga Ducey. Began practice in Detroit, 1893. Democrat. Judge of the Eecorder's Court of Detroit, for six years; elected cir- cuit judge, 1905, and reelected, 1911. Member Michigan State Bar Association. Clubs: De- troit, Country, Detroit Boat. Office: Wayne County Bldg. Eesidenee: Grosse Pointe, Mich. MURPHY, C. Hayward, secretary Murphy Power Co.; born, Detroit, Dec. 9, 1882; son of William H. and Laura May (Hayward) Murphy; educated Detroit public schools; De- troit University School; Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass.; Yale University; married, Apr. 21, 1908, Eebecca Knox Steele, of Chi- cago. Has been connected with the Murphy Power Co. since Feb. 1, 1904, secretary since 1908. Eepublican. Congregationalist. Mem- ber Electric Vehicle Association. Clubs: Uni- versity, Detroit, Detroit Athletic. Eecreation: yachting. Office: 1225 Penobscot Bldg. Eesi- denee: 220 Van Dyke Ave. MURPHY, Charles Eottsford, railway serv- ice; born, Toledo, O., Sept. 27, 1857; son of John and Hannah Ann (Dillmore) Murphy; parents both born in Philadelphia; graduated J. B. Jordan's Business College, Toledo, 1881; married, Sept. 26, 1885, Leonore Parker, of Toledo; 2 children: Alice Virginia (Mrs. Ven- able Johnson), Theresa Helena (Mrs. H. E. Schadt, of South Bend, Ind.). Served as pri- vate Co. D, 3d Cavalry, U. S. Army, 1876-81; clerk Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Eail- way, Toledo, Dec, 1881-84; contracting agent, same road, 1884-90; agent same road at Wagon Works, O., 1890-93, at South Bend, 1893-1911, and at Detroit since July 1, 1911. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Eepub- lican. Episcopalian, Mason. Club: Detroit Transportation. Eecreations: fishing, bowling. 362 THE BOOK OF DETROITERS Office: L. S. & M. S. Freight Station. Eesi- dence: lo9 Lincoln Ave. MURPHY, Gleeson; born, Detroit, Feb. 15, 1881; son of Michael J. and Eliza (Gleeson) Murjihy; educated in France to 1895, Austria, to 1897; graduated Detroit University School, 1901; A.B., Cornell University, 1905; married, Oct. 28, 1908, Cornelia Wilkinson, of Mem- phis, Tenn.; 1 sou, Gleeson, Jr. Began active career as manager Singapore Eattan Co., De- troit, 1906; secretary Murphy Chair Co., 1906- 10; assistant to president General Motors Co. since 1911; general manager H. K. McCann Co. (advertising); director Murphy Chair Co. Eoman Catholic. Member Society Automo- bile Engineers, Fine Arts Society, Chi Phi fra- ternity. Quill and Dagger (senior society), Country Club, University Club, Automobile Club. Eecreations: motoring, golf, tennis. Of- fice: H. K. McCann Co., Brush and Congress Sts. Eesidence: 30 Van Dyke PI. MXJEPHY, James F.; born, Sarnia, Ont., Sept. 14, 1866; son of James and Catherine (Casey) Murphy; educated in public schools of Sarnia; married at Detroit, June 20, 1894, Helen M. Eoss; 3 children: Helen Claire, Mar- ion Francis, James, Jr. Has been identified with the Murphy Chair Co., manufacturers of chairs, since Jan., 1883, first as office boy, then as salesman, superintendent, vice-president and since 1892 as treasurer of the company; director Murphy-Potter Co. President Particu- lar Council of Detroit for St. A^inceut de Paul Society; secretary St. Francis' Home for Or- phan Boys. Member Detroit Board of Com- merce. Eepublican. Catholic. Clubs: Detroit, Detroit Athletic, Detroit Golf. Eecreation: automobiling. Office: Murphy Chair Co. Eesi- dence: 70 Ferry Ave. E. MURPHY, John E., vice-president and gen- eral manager Yellow Bonnett Taxi Co.; born, Gynthiana, Ky., Nov. 19, 1874; son of Thomas and Johannah (Hayes) Murphy; educated dis- trict school, Harrison County, Ky. ; city schools, Lexington; Kentucky University; un- married. Began as traveling salesman with Smith & Sills (now John S. Sills & Sons), wholesale grocers, New York city, continuing one and a half years; was with Williams Bros. Pickle Co., Detroit, 12 years, 8 years as sales- man, 4 years as sales manager and director; vice-president and general manager Taxi Cab Service Co. (Yellow Bonnett) since Apr. 1, 1909; vice-president Esterman-Verkamp-Mur- phy Co.; treasurer Day Automobile Co. Catho- lic. Clubs: Detroit Athletic, Fellowcraft, Eushmere, Detroit Golf, Detroit Boat, Eotary, Wolverine, Harmonie. Eecreations: outdoor sports. Office: 61 Elizabeth St. Eesidence Ad- dison Apts. MURPHY, Michael Joseph; born, Sarnia,. Can., Feb. 22, 1851; son of James and Ivath- erine (Casey) Murphy; public school educa- tion; married in 1877, Eliza Gleeson; 7 chil- dren: Blanche, Marguerite (Mrs. Charles B. Davis), Gleeson, J. Harold, Charles E., Fran- cis, Constance. Came to Detroit, 1868, and, gaged as bookkeeper for C. H. Dunks, ir"-- ' i- turer of bed springs; bookkeeper Second Na- tional Bank (now Old Detroit National Bank), 1871-72; purchased the business of C. H. Dunks, 1872, and continued in same line until 1878, when he introduced manufacture of chairs, which now forms the sole product of the factory; business incorporated, 1884, as Murphy Chair Co., of which is president; also president Murphy -Potter Co.; director Se- curity Trust Co., People's State Bank, Mich- igan Savings Bank, First National Bank, Gen- eral Motors Co. Member Detroit Board of Commerce (first president). Clubs: Detroit, Detroit Athletic, Country, Old, Detroit Boat, also Strollers' (New York). Eecreation: golf. Office: Harper Ave. and Lake Shore & Mich- igan Southern Ey. Eesidence: 810 Jefferson Avenue. MURPHY, William Herbert, capitalist; born, Bangor, Me., June 18, 1855; son of Simon Jones and Ann Montgomery (Dorr) Murphy; educated in public schools of Ban- gor; public and high schools of Detroit; Uni- versity of Michigan; married, Jan. 3, 1882, Laura M. Hayward, of Bangor; two children: C. Hayward and Serena K. Connected with saw mill at Bay City, Mich., 1878-82; re- moved to Detroit, 1882, and joined his father in his various business enterprises, principally lumber; on death of father, Feb. 1, 1905, was made one of the trustees of the Simon J. Mur- phy Estate; president Simon J. Murphy Co., Murphy Power Co., Murphy Lumber Co., Mur- phy Oil Co.; vice-president Pacific Lumber Co.; director Michigan Fire and Marine In- surance Co., Standard Accident Insurance Co. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Trustee Detroit Museum of Arts, University School, Liggett School. Protestant. Member Delta Kappa Epsilon. Clubs: Detroit, Country, De- troit Golf, University, Old Club. Eecreation: music. Office: 1225 Penobscot Bldg. Eesi- dence: 30 Putnam Ave. MURRAY, Edgar A., manufacturer; born, Howell, Mich., Mar. 7, 1871; son of William THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 363 and Lucy (Wilber) Murray; educated Detroit public schools; Detroit Business University; University of Nebraska; married, Nov. 26, . 396, Isabel Knight Wallace, of Louisville, Kj.; 7 children: William Foster, Isabel Knight. Marion Thayer, Lucy Virginia, Jean Wilber, Edgar A., Jr., Elizabeth Anne. En- gaged as newspaper publisher, Lincoln, Neb., 1890-94; established, 1895, the Edgar A. Mur- .y Co., manufacturers insecticides and dis- ^^ctants, Detroit, and secretary and treas- lu -. aame. Progressive. Unitarian. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Mason. Clubs: Fellowcraft, Rotary. Recreations: bowling, fishing. Office: 80 Bagley Ave. Residence: 46 Lawrence Ave. MURRAY, John WiUiam, president J. W. Murray Manufacturing Co.; born, Ann Arbor, Mich., Apr. 2, 1862; son of Andrew and Hon- ora (Shanahan) Murray; educated in public schools; married, Oct., 1887, Harriet E. Ra- pin, of Rapinville, Mich.; 3 children: James R., Nell C, Nora M. Served as foreman A. F. Bartlett & Co., Saginaw, Mich., 1889-93; gen- eral manager Jenison Manufacturing Co., Jen- ison, Mich., 1893-95; moved to Chicago, 1895, and engaged in business on own account; moved to Knox, Ind., 1906, and was president and general manager of the Knox Independent Metal Wheel Co., until 1909; factory manager and director Michigan Stamping Co., 1909-13; president J. W. Murray Manufacturing Co., manufacturers of automobile parts, since Mar., 1913. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Rec- reations: motoring and yachting. Office: 550 Clay Ave. Residence: 312 Putnam Ave. MDRRAY, William P., Jr., retired; born, Champaign County, O., Sept. 3, 1859; son of William P. and Nancy A. (Runyan) Murray; educated in public schools of Ohio, Pennsyl- vania Military College, Chester, Pa., and Iron City Commercial College, Pittsburgh, Pa.; married, Detroit, 1893, Alice Foley; 1 son, William F. Began in confectionery business at Palatka, Fla., 1880; came to Detroit, 1887, and was in same business until June 1, 1908 (retired). Was for seven years a member of the 7th Regiment, Ohio National Guard. Owner of stock farm near Springfield, O.; breeder of roadsters. Recreation: traveling. Residence: 95 Spruce St. MUSSEY, George D.; born, Dec. 2, 1841; died, 1910; see Vol. 1908. MUTTER, George William, purchasing agent Parke, Davis & Co.; born, Detroit, Feb. 24, 1860; son of Robert and Louise (Pavey) Mutter; educated public schools; Holly (Mich.) High School; also private lessons; married, June 2, 1910, Mary M. Pavey, of Detroit; 2 children: Mamie Louise (Mrs. Verne Murray Davis), Harry Valentine. En- tire business record is represented by 31 years' continuous service in various capacities with Messrs. Parke, Davis & Co., of Detroit; purchasing agent since Oct. 15, 1905. Mem- ber Detroit Board of Estimates, 1901-6, in- clusive (president, 1905). Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Republican, Presbyte- rian. Mason. Clubs: Detroit, Detroit Boat, Detroit Golf, Drug and Chemical Club of New York (non-resident member). Recreations: hunting, golf. Office: Parke, Davis & Co. Res- idence: 168 McDougall Ave. MUZZY, J. Howard; born, Romeo, Mich., Feb. 23, 1865; son of Joel P. and Mary T. (Reade) Muzzy; educated High School, Ro- meo, Mich.; married. Mar. 4, 1892, Grace E. Gray, of Romeo; 4 children: Edith Dwight, Howard Gray, Morris J., Robert William. Came to Detroit at 17; clerked for Armstrong & Graham, 3 years, and for J. P. Donaldson & Co., 2 years; manager J. T. Wing & Co., 15 years; organized, 1903, The Muzzy-Lyon Co., Ltd., of which has since been secretary and treasurer; secretary-treasurer Mogul Metal Co. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Re- publican. Congregationalist. Clubs: Detroit Athletic, Wolverine Auto, Fellowcraft. Rec- reations: outdoor sports. Office: 149-151 Earned St. W. Residence: 71 Clairmount Ave. MYERS, Cornelius Tiers, mechanical engi- neer; born, Elizabeth, N. J., Mar. 23, 1879; son of James Lawrence and Amelia Ogden (Allen) Myers; descended from William Allen, 1699, Cai^tain James Lawrence, commander of Frigate Chesapeake, War of 1812; educated Pingry School, Elizabeth, N, J., 1893-96; Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, N. J., 1896-1900, degree of Mechanical Engi- neer, 1900; married, Oct. 10, 1906, Gertrude Edgar, of Avenel, N. J.; children: James Law- rence, 3d, Natalie Edgar, Cornelia. Cadet engineer, S. S. New York, American Line, 1899; assistant to chief engineer, American Engine Co., 1900-2; assistant chief draughts- man, Rand Drill Co., 1902-3; in sales depart- ment International Steam Pump Co., 1903-6; general sales manager and assistant secretary and treasurer, Wisconsin Engine Co., 1909-10; in practice as consulting engineer, 1910; me- chanical engineer. General Motors Co., 1911; chief engineer. General Motors Truck Co., 3b4 THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 1912; consulting engineer, since 1912, spe- cialty motor trucks. Member American So- ciety of Mechanical Engineers, American Wa- ter Works Association, Society of Automobile Engineers, Beta Theta Pi fraternity. Clubs: Kacine Country (Eacine, Wis.), Beta Theta Pi (New York). Eecreations: golf, tennis, handball, breeding Airedale terriers. Resi- dence: 49 Pingree Ave. MYERS, Frank Simpson; see Vol. 1908. MYEES, Harry Gorton; born, Lima, O., Jan. 22, 1872; son of George W. and Mary A. (Gorton) Myers; educated public schools, Lima; Burlington Military College, Burling- ton, N. J.; married, Aug. 21, 1893, Emma Long, of Lima, O.; 1 son, Harold G. Auditor Ohio Southern E. E., 1899-1901;" fuel agent, Toledo, St. Louis & Western E. E., 1901-2; assistant auditor Pittsburgh, Shawmut & Northern E. R., 1902-5; chief clerk Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton Ey., 1905-7; auditor of disbursements, Pere Marquette R. E., since 1908. Episco- palian. Eecreation: baseball. Office: Union Depot. Eesidence: 189 Blaine Ave. N NAGEL, William J., postmaster; born, De- troit, Sept. 13, 1873; son of William and Theresa (Schulte) Nagel; educated public schools, University of Detroit, and Detroit Business University; married, Feb. 23, 1903, Emma E. Martz, of Detroit; 3 children: Doro- thea, Gretchen, William A. Organized, Sept., 1900, the Brady-Nagel Manufacturing Co., manufacturers of automobile parts, of which is secretary and treasurer; secretary Michi- gan Bonding & Surety Co. since Aug., 1911. Deputy U. S. internal collector under the in- come tax law during President Cleveland's administration; chief bookkeeper and deputy city treasurer in city treasurer 's office, 1898- 1907; deputy controller City of Detroit, 1909- 10; postmaster of Detroit since Sept. 1, 1913. Democrat. Eoman Catholic. Clubs: Detroit Eaequet and Curling, Detroit Yacht. Eecrea- tions: outdoor and indoor sports. Office: Goe- bel Bldg. Residence: 159 Seyburn Ave. NAIiL, Edwin B., real estate; born, Detroit, Feb. 27, 1866; son of James and Isabella F. (Beard) Nail; educated in Detroit public and high schools, to 1884; married, Oct. 30, 1908, Fuchsia Case. Began active career in carpet and furniture business with his father, James Nail, also conducting a real estate branch; entered real estate exclusively with his father under title of James & Edwin B. Nail, real estate, loans and insurance, incorporated^ 1906, as the James & Edwin B. Nail Co., of which is president and treasurer. Member Detroit Real Estate Board, Detroit Board of Commerce. Served in Michigan Naval Bat- talion as seaman U. S. S. Yosemite during Spanish-American War, ending 1898. Republi- can. Congregationalist. Member Sons of Amer- ican Revolution; admitted Nov. 24, 1900, and formerly junior vice-commander United States War Veterans, Department of Michigan; com- mander Gilbert Wilkes Naval Command No. 17 U. S. W. V. Clubs: Detroit Boat, Detroit Boat Club Yachtsmen. Recreation: boating,. Office: 522 Hammond Bldg. Residence: 273 Seyburn Ave. NALL, James, real estate; born, 1828; died,. Aug. 12, 1911; see Vol. 1908. NALL, Louis Algernon, real estate; born, Detroit, Dec. 6, 1873; son of James and Isa- bella F. (Beard) Nail; educated in Barstow public school and Detroit High School; unmar- ried. Associated with brother in real estate business and building of modern homes on vacant property owned by James and Edwin B. Nail Co., of which he is vice-president. Republican. Member Detroit Association American Florists. Recreations: canoeing and boating. Office: 522 Hammond Bldg. Resi- dence: 37 Hendrie Ave. NAYLOR, Oscar Nathaniel, mercliant; born, West Chelmsford, Mass., Dec. 15, 1877; son of Samuel and Melvina (Decatur) Naylor; edu- cated grammar schools West Chelmsford; high school. North Chelmsford; Westford Academy; married, Dec. 25, 1902, Grace W. Bachelder, of Lowell, Mass. Engaged as trav- eling salesman, with Fitchburg (Mass.) File Works, 4 years; with Gorman File Co., Bos- ton, 3 years; with the Grover File Co., Nashua,. N. H., 5 years; located in Detroit, 1910, and since president The Kendal & Naylor Co.,. dealers in tools and tool steel. Republican. Congregationalist. Member Detroit Board of Commerce, United Commercial Travelers. Ma- son, Shriner. Recreations: outdoor sports. Of- fice: 56-62 Cadillac Sq. Residence: 2905 West Grand Boul. NEAL, Myron W.; born, Bay City, Mich.,. Nov. 14, 1874; son of Charles S. and Hannah E. (Williams) Neal; educated public schools and University of Michigan, 1895-96; unmar- ried. Began active career in New York with the American Surety Co. of New York, con- tinuing, 1896-1905; came to Detroit, 1905, as treasurer Acme White Lead & Color Works. THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 365 Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Clubs: Detroit, Detroit Golf, Detroit Athletic. Office: Acme White Lead & Color Works, St. Aubin Ave. and M. C. R. E. Eesidence: Lothrop Apartments. NEAL, Thomas; born, Corunna, Ont., Sept. 27, 1858; son of Henry N. and Mary (Proctor) Neal; educated in public schools of Detroit; married at Detroit, May 14, 1884, Elizabeth M. Davies; one son, Kirke Albert. Assisted in organizing and incorporating the Acme White Lead & Color Works, 1884, and was secretary and general manager from time of organization until 1911, since chairman finance committee; president General Motors Co., 1910-12, resigning to become chairman of the board. Director First National Bank, Michigan Savings Bank. Republican. Epis- copalian. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Clubs: De- troit, Bankers ', Country, Detroit Golf, Fel- lowcraft, Detroit Boat, Detroit Athletic. Rec- reations: golf, horseback riding, boating and fishing. Office: 88 Congress St. E. Residence: 1809 Woodward Ave. NEAIi, William Charles, manufacturers' agent; born, Greenfield Township, Mich., June 27, 1870; son of Henry and Mary Ann (Proc- tor) Neal; both natives of England; edu- cated Detroit public schools; district school of Huron Count}', Mich.; business college; married, Sept. 19, 1893, Jessie May Jones, of Cairo, 111.; children: Allan W. and Helen Les- ter. Entered employ of The Acme White Lead & Color Works, Sept., 1885, and was con- nected with the company until Dec. 31, 1912; spent 4 years in various departments of the factory, the remainder of the time as a sales- man on the road; opened office in Detroit, Jan., 1907, as manufacturers' agent of auto- mobile accessories under firm name of W. C. Neal & Co. Member Detroit Board of Com- merce. Independent in politics. Protestant. Club: Wolverine Automobile. Recreations: country life, gardening, motor boating. Office: 607 Sun Bldg. Residence: 63 Canfield Ave. W. NEEB, William A., investment securities; born, St. Paris, O., Mar. 10, 1885; son of Adam and Mary E. (Kite) Neer; educated St. Paris High School, 2 14 years; complete business course, Bliss Business College, Colum- bus, O., 1904-5; unmarried. Began active ca- reer in employ of A. J. Hood & Co., Detroit, Aug. 1, 1907, continuing until 1911; with W. A. Hamlin & Co., 1911-13; assisted, Feb. 1, 1913, in organizing the firm of John Burn- ham, Neer & Co., investment securities, stock and bonds, of which is treasurer and general manager. Republican. Baptist. Member Ohio Society of Detroit. Clubs: Detroit Boat (cap- tain), Detroit Athletic. Recreations: boat rac- ing, hunting, fishing, automobiling. Office: Ford Bldg. Residence: 1209 Cass Ave. NEHLS, Bernard. Frederick (better known as Barney Nehls), electro-plating; born, De- troit, Oct. 9, 1859; son of John and Hannah (Vebro) Nehls, who came to America, 1848; descended from General Blucher, of Germany; educated public schools, Detroit; married, Aug. 1, 1882, Emma Gertrude Kaiser, of De- troit; 2 children: Florence (died, July 25, 1886), Carl Bernard. Began business career in Detroit, 1874, with the Heyn's Bazaar, con- tinuing until 1883; then with J. H. Black (carpets and curtains), 1883-84; with Hudson & Symington (now J. L. Hudson Co.), 1884- 93; in electro-plating business on own ac- count, since Aug. 1, 1893, at which time pur- chased the Bromley Electro-Plate Works (es- tablished, 1874, by Ed. Bromley, who died, 1892). Member Kilwinning Lodge No. 297, F. & A. M. Recreations: gardening and yacht sailing. Office: 248 Brush St. Residence: 202 Van Dyke Ave. Summer Residence: Les Che- neaux, Mich. (P. O. Address, Cedarville, Michigan. NEHLS, Carl Bernard, chemical engineer; born, Detroit, July 13, 1886; son of Bernard Frederick and Emma Gertrude (Kaiser) Nehls; educated public schools; graduate Eastern High School, Detroit; B.Sc, Univer- sity of Michigan, 1910; special course of 2 years as chemical engineer in iron and steel, at the Royal University at Charlottenburg, Germany; completed practical course at the English Steel University, Sheffield, Eng., un- der Prof. Arnold; unmarried. Associated with father in the electro-plating business under firm name Bromley Eleetro-Plate Works; also engaged as a chemical engineer, specializing in iron and steel. Member Society of English Engineers. Recreations: outdoor sports. Of- fice: 248 Brush St. Residence: 202 Van Dyke Avenue. NEILL, James Eenwick, lawyer; born in Oakland, Co., Mich., Mar. 7, 1875; son of Alexander and Margaret (McBride) Neill; educated in district schools of Oakland Co., Detroit Business University and Detroit Col- lege of Law, degree of LL.B., 1899; married at New York city, Mary E. Fox; 2 children: Alexander J., Frank Eugene. Lived on farm 366 THE BOOK OF DETROITERS uutil 1894, when he came to Detroit; in 1897 became connected with law office of Charles W. Casgrain; member of firm of Brown & Neill, 1899-1903; since practiced alone. Mem- ber Association Bar City of Detroit, Lawyers' Club, Michigan State Bar Association. Ee- publican. Member Oakland County Society of Detroit (secretary). Social Order of Amer- ican Lions (lieutenant commander). Cove- nanter. Odd Fellow. Recreations: fishing, hunting. Office: 324 Hammond Bldg. Residence: 59 Winona Ave. NELLIS, Elton Robert, lawyer; born, Tren- ton, Mich., Sept. 5, 1876; son of John C. and Cerina (Youker) Nellis; educated in public schools of Wyandotte, Mich., and Law De- partment, University of Michigan, degree of LL.B., 1899; married, Detroit, Sept. 6, 1906, Katherine Gillespie; 1 son, John J. Began practice at Wyandotte, Mich., 1899; removed to Detroit, 1906; member of firm of Condon, Nellis & Hirth. Treasurer City of Wyandotte, 1901 and 1902, mayor, 1903 and 1904. Repub- lican. Presbyterian. Member Association Bar City of Detroit. Mason; Odd Fellow. Club: Detroit Boat. Recreations: boating, farming. Office: 609-10 Free Press Bldg. Residence: 121 Maybury Ave. NELSON, Ame Thorstein, manufacturing machinist; born, Tonsberg, Norway, Oct. 23, 1878; son of Andrew A. and Arnesen (Maren) Nelson; educated in public schools of London, England, and the Newark Technical School of Newark, N. J.; married, June 27, 1908, Hatta Tomlinson, of Chesterfield, Mich.; 2 children: Frank Thayer, Natalie G. Came to America, 1892; learned tool making in New York; removed to Detroit, 1904, with Cadillac Motor Car Co., as a tool maker; then success- ively became superintendent Welch Motor Car Co., Pontiac, Mich.; assistant to the de- signer Aero Car Co., Detroit; general foreman Rainier Motor Car Co., Saginaw, Mich.; vice- president and manager, Vulcan Gear Works, Detroit; organized the Nelson-Peterson Manu- facturing Co., May, 1909, title changed spring of 1913 to The Nelson-Blanck Manufacturing Co., manufacturers of the Nelson adjustable two-spindle drill heads, of which is vice-presi- dent and general manager. Member North- eastern Business Men's Association. Recrea- tions: outdoor sports. Residence: 220 Alger Ave. Office: Clay and Dubois Sts. NELSON, Edwin Horatio; born, Brighton, Ont., June 27, 1856; son of John and Eliza Bayley (Thayer) Nelson; educated in Brighton grammar school; Belleville Commercial Col- lege, graduating 1874; Ontario College of Pharmacy, Ph.C, 1878; married at Rochester, N. Y., Apr. 29, 1884, Anna Louise Gilkeson; children: Frank Thayer, Natalie G. Came to Detroit, 1878, and entered employ of Fred- erick Stearns, retail druggist; next was con- nected with Frederick Stearns & Co., manu- facturing pharmacists; was elected secretary of the corporation, 1886, and continued until 1890; since president Nelson, Baker & Co., manufacturing pharmacists. Director Na- tional Bank of Commerce. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Republican. Episcopa- lian. Office: cor. Lafayette Boul. and Brook- lyn Ave. NESTER, George, lumber; see Vol. 1908. NETTING, Conrad John; born, Germany, Nov. 5, 1868; son of John Conrad and Cath- erine (Beckle) Netting; came to America, Apr., 1880; attended public schools at Pontiac, Mich.; married at Detroit, Feb. 18, 1891, Clara Beckbissinger; 4 children: Conrad John, Jr., Lenore, Clarence, Ralph. On farm from 13 to 19; located in Detroit in 1888 and entered em- ployment of P. A. Billings & Co., later Bil- lings & Drew; became connected with firm of Barton & McBean, 1896; member firm F. G. Barton & Co., in 1898; name changed to Bar- ton & Netting, 1902, and to The Barton-Net- ting Co., Feb. 1, 1905, of which was president until 1910; since president C. J. Netting Co., dealers in gas and electric lighting fixtures, mantels, tiling and grates. Also president The Barton-Netting Co., Ltd., Windsor, Can. Mem- ber Detroit Board of Commerce. Member First German Baptist Church. Mason; mem- ber Knights of Pythias. Clubs: Fellowcraft, Detroit Motor Boat. Recreation: boating. Of- fice: 71 Broadway. Residence: 332 Pennsyl- vania Ave. NETTLETON, James Bnrritt, architect; born, Medina, Ohio, June 24, 1862; son of Noble and Mary Anna (Blakeslee) Nettleton; educated Medina High School; B.S. in archi- tecture, Cornell University, 1886; married, June 25, 1889, Kitty M. Wilder, of Medina; children: Frances E., Dorothy M. After leav- ing college worked in York, Pa., Zanesville and Cleveland; with Donaldson & Meier, De- troit, 1887-98; went to Toledo, 1898; returned to office of Donaldson & Meier, Detroit, 1902; member firm of Nettleton & Weaver since 1907. Republican. Episcopalian. Member Michigan Chapter, American Institute Archi- tects, Detroit Board of Commerce. Becrea- THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 367 tion: gardening. Office: 1405 Penobscot Bldg. Eesidence: 224 Glynn Ct. NEUHOFF, Herman August; born, Ann Ar- bor, Mich., Jan. 12, 1879; son of Henry A, and Sophie A. (Petri) Neuhotf; educated Ann Arbor public schools; married, Sept. 30, 1905, Estelle M. Kuebelmann, of Detroit. Came to Detroit, 1892; later conducted store six months, on own account; manager Central Drug Co. 1 year; became connected with the Detroit Drug Co., 1902, and vice-president same since 1905. Member Detroit Retail Drug- gists ' Association, Michigan Pharmaceutical Association, National Association of Eetail Druggists. Mason. Club: Detroit Drug. Eec- reations: automobiling, fishing, horseback rid- ing. Office: 1526 Woodward Ave. Residence: 3000 West Grand Boul. NEUMANN, William Frederick Valentine, president and general manager Neumann-Lane Co., automobiles; born, Minonk, 111., Feb. 26, 1872; son of John and Matilda (Metzger) Neumaun; educated Ann Arbor public and high schools; B.S. in Electrical Engineering, University of Michigan, 1897; married, Mar. 6, 1893, Lydia Dittman, of Romeo, Mich.; 2 sons: John, Carl. Began active career in elec- trical railway construction; was with Chase Construction Co., building electric roads in Ohio, later public electric lighting service in Grand Rapids, Mich.; U. S. harbor inspector, building breakwaters on Lake Michigan for 2 seasons under Grand Rapids jurisdiction, 1898-99; then for 4 months in Paris, installing Ellectric Exhibit, Paris Exposition, 1900; in automobile business, Detroit, since 1900. Be- gan as manager William E. Metzger, retail automobiles, continuing, 1900-6; organized, 1907, the Neumann-Lane Co., distributors Pierce-Arrow, Chalmers and Raueh-Lange Electric cars, and now president and general manager same. Republican. Member Detroit Board of Commerce, Detroit Automobile Deal- ers ' Association (president, 1912-13), Detroit Engineering Society. Member Corinthian Lodge, A. F. & A. M. Clubs: Wolverine Auto- mobile, Detroit Athletic, Harmonie, Detroit Motor Boat, Underbill Fishing, of North Branch Au Sable River, and Parker 's Perpet- ual Paradise Club, Au Train, Upper Peninsula, Mich. Recreations: automobiling, fishing, hunting. Office: 1342-1352 Woodward Ave. Residence: 147 Delaware Ave. NEWBEEEY, Frederick Henry, physician; born, Tuscola County, Mich., Mar. 22, 1878; son of Jay Lamar and Ida (Rathborn) New- berry; educated Buchtel College Preparatory (Akron) ; M.D., University of Michigan Med- ical Department, 1902; married, July 6, 1904, Margaret Gillies, of Cass City, Mich.; chil- dren: Jay Lamar, Frederick Gillies. Physi- cian Northern Michigan Hospital for Insane, Traverse City, 1902-4; registrar, German Poly- clinic, Detroit, 1908-10; assistant demon- strator anatomy, Detroit College of Medicine, 1906-12. First lieutenant Medical Eeserve Corps, U. S. A.; acting surgeon in charge of medical service and property, Fort Wayne, Mich. Republican. Presbyterian. Member Wayne County and Michigan State Medical societies, American Medical Association, De- troit Society of Neurology and Psychiatry. Mason, K. T. Club: University of Michigan Club. Office and Eesidence: 1425 Grand River Avenue. NEWBEEEY, John S.; son of Hon. John Sand and Helen P. (Handy) Newberry; mar- ried. President Detroit Steel Castings Co.; director National Bank of Commerce. Mem- ber Detroit Board of Commerce, Michigan Society of Colonial Wars, Michigan Society Sons of American Revolution. Clubs: Detroit, Country, Yondotega, Old, Detroit Boat, Auto- mobile, Grosse Pointe Riding and Hunt. Of- fice: 1243 Michigan Ave. Residence: Grosse Pointe, Mich. NEWBEEEY, Lewis, president Newberry Baking Co.; born, Rochester, Mich., Jan. 6, 1859; son of George and Minnie J. (Bemis) Newberry; educated public schools, Detroit; married, 1898, Addie Ohl, of Grand Eapids, Mich. Began active career with Shiawasse Paper Co. (father's business) paper manufac- turers, continuing 4 years; then went to Buf- falo as i:>assenger trainman on Buffalo, Roches- ter & Pittsburgh R. R.; returned to Detroit, 1888, and was with the Morton Baking Co., 18 3'ears; in business on own account, since 1906, as the Newberry Baking Co., wholesale bread bakers, of which is president and man- ager. Mason (Ashlar Lodge and Peninsular Chapter); member Odd Fellows. Club: De- troit Motor Boat (vice-commodore, 1913). Rec- reations: automobiling, motor boating. Office: 1372 14th Ave. Residence: 1374 14th Ave. NEWBEEEY, Truman Handy, ex-secretary of navy, manufacturer; born, Detroit, Nov. 5, 1864; son of John S. and Helen Parmelee (Handy) Newberry; educated in schools of Detroit; Michigan Military Academy; Char- lier Institute, New York city; Dr. Ried's School, Lakeville, Conn.; Yale University, 368 THE BOOK OF DETROITERS graduating, Ph.B., 1885 (hon. A.M., 1910); married at Brooklyn, Feb. 7, 1888, Harriet Josephine Barnes; children: Carol (Mrs. Frank W, Brooks, Jr.), Barnes, Phelps. As- sistant secretary af navy, 1905-8; secretary of the navy in cabinet of President Eoosevelt, Dec. 1, 1908-Mar. 6, 1909. Director Cleveland Cliffs Iron Co., Detroit Steel Casting Co., Packard Motor Car Co., Union Depot and Sta- tion Co., Union Elevator Co. President Grace Hospital. Commissioned in U. S. Navy as lieutenant (junior grade). May, 1898, and served on U. S. S. Yosemite through Spanish- American War. Member Institute of Naval Architects. Clubs: Union, University, New York Yacht, St. Anthony (New York), Chi- cago (Chicago), Yondotega, Detroit, Detroit Country. Office: 1224 Ford Bldg, Detroit. Ees- idence: Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich. NEWERO, Dupont Morse, pharmacist; born, Lansing, Mich.; son of Solomon D. and Orissa D. (Maxwell) Newbro; educated in public and private schools of Lansing; married at Butte, Mont., Nov. 20, 1888, Sarah Matilda Hall; 3 children: William Hall, Martha Jo- sephine, Dupont Morse, Jr. Started Newbro Drug Co., Butte, Feb. 1, 1890, first as a retail store, later as wholesale and retail; was for twelve years president and general manager of the company, selling out to company which still bears his name; principal owner and di- rector Fosselman Drug Co., Walkerville Drug Co., and Montana Drug Co., all of Butte, sell- ing out, November, 1902; was for ten years president Washoe Copper Co., whose properties were disposed of to the Amalgamated Copper Co. for $20,000,000. Has been president and general manager of The Herpicide Co., of Detroit, since Sept. 13, 1901, manufacturers of Newbro 's Herpicide. Was the first presi- dent of Montana State Pharmacy Examining Board; president Montana State Pharmaceu- tical Asociation, 1904-5. Mason, Knight Tem- plar, Shriner. Clubs: Detroit, Detroit Ath- letic, Detroit Golf, Detroit Automobile. Eecre- ations: automobiling, farming, hunting, golf. Office: 35-37 Milwaukee Ave. W. Eesidence: 46 Pallister Ave. Country Eesidence: "Glen- lodge Farm, ' ' Pontiac, Mich. NEWCOMB, Cyrenius A., president The Newcomb-Endicott Co.; born, Cortland, N. Y., Nov. 10, 1837; son of Hezekiah and Nancy (Eounds) Newcomb; educated at Bridge- water Normal School; married at Hartford, Conn., Mary Haskell (now deceased) ; chil- dren: Dr. William Wilmon, Cyrenius A., Jr., Mary Newcomb (Mrs. William E. Fuller, Jr., of Fall Eiver, Mass.), Howard Eounds; mar- ried again, at Detroit, 1899, Mary Sharp. Be- gan in dry goods business at age of 18; came to Detroit from Taunton, Mass., 1868, and in the same year assisted in establishing The Newcomb-Endicott Co., of which is president. Eepublican. Universalist. Eecreation: auto- mobiling. Office: 190-206 Woodward Ave. Ees- idence: 625 Woodward Ave. NEWCOMB, Csrrenius Adalbert, Jr., dry goods; born, Detroit, Jan. 14, 1871; son of Cyrenius and Mary E. (Haskell) Newcomb; educated in public schools (Irving and Cass), Detroit High School, graduating June, 1889; University of Michigan, degree of Bachelor of Letters, June, 1893; married at Detroit, Dec. 16, 1896, Brownie Jenness Kelly; 3 chil- dren: Cyrenius A., 3d, Alice Jenness, John Jenness. Has been identified since the be- ginning of his business career, 1893, with the Newcomb-Endicott Co., founded, 1868, by his father, and incorporated, 1890, and is director and secretary of the company. Trustee North Chicago Land Association, Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Member Psi Upsilon col- lege fraternity. Clubs: University, Detroit Boat, Country, Detroit Curling, Detroit Ath- letic, also Aldine (New York). Eecreation: sailing. Office: Newcomb-Endicott Co. Eesi- dence: 103 Eowena St. NEWMAN, Frank Lydston, physician; born, Norfolk, Eng., 1859; son of William John and Sara Ann (Johnson) Newman; came to Can- ada, 1880, and to United States, 1885; edu- cated at Victoria College, Island of Jersey, at Dieppe, France, and Detroit College of Medicine, M.D., 1886; married in Ontario, Can., 1890, Amj^ Seymour Galon; children: Dorothy A., Nesta A. Professor materia med- ica Detroit College of Medicine. Member Wayne County Medical Society, American Medical Association. Clubs: Detroit, Detroit Country, Detroit Boat. Eecreations: boating, golf and driving. Office and Eesidence: 1081 Jefferson Ave. NEWMAN, R. Adlington, physician, retired ; born in Watlington, Norfolk Co., England; son of William John and Sara A. (Johnson) Newman; received academic education at Vic- toria College, St. Helier's, Jersey; came to America, 1875; studied medicine in Chicago College of Physicians and Surgeons and at Detroit College of Medicine, graduating, M.D., 1889; married at Detroit, Apr. 15, 1890, Bessie M. Scotten. Served as house physician St. THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 369 Luke's Hospital j practiced in Detroit for about ten years; administrator of the Daniel Scotten estate until its affairs were closed and has since devoted attention to manage- ment of private interests. Director National Bank of Commerce, Detroit Museum of Art. Republican. Episcopalian. Member L 'Alli- ance Francaise, Detroit Board of Commerce. Clubs: Detroit, Detroit Racquet and Curling, Country, Automobile, Detroit Boat, Caledon Mountain Trout Club, of Ontario. Recrea- tions: automobiling, golf. Office: Ford Bldg. Residence: 1630 Jefferson Ave. NEWTON, Earl B.; born, Summit County, O., May 11, 1874; son of John T. and Mary E. (Adams) Newton; educated in public schools, Ph.B., Hiram College, Ohio, 1898; married, May 1, 1911, Fannie DeVilbiss, of Decatur, Ind. ; one daughter, Martha Elizabeth. Man- ager mantel and tile department of The A. Teaehout Co., Cleveland, O., 1900-6; sales man- ager Fox Bros. & Co., Ltd., Windsor, Can., 1906-9; joined sales force of Fox Bros. & Co., Detroit, 1909, vice-president since Nov., 1911; also vice-president Herbert Manufacturing Co.; member Kelsey Wheel Co., and since Feb., 1913, president E. B. Newton Auto Co. Progressive. Member Church of Christ. Clubs: Detroit Athletic, Bloomfield Hills Coun- try. Recreations: automobiling, fishing, hunt- ing. Ofl5ce: 649-51 Cass Ave. Residence: 27 Kenilworth Ave. NEWTON, Thomas E., packer; born, La- vonia, Mich., Mar. 15, 1866; son of Melvin and Mary (Newington) Newton; educated in De- troit public schools; married at New York City, Dec. 28, 1910, Charlotte Burnstine; 1 son, Thomas A. Resident of Detroit, since 1872; began in meat business, 1882; started on own account, 1887, the firm incorporating, 1901, as the Newton Beef Co., of which is president and treasurer. Also treasurer and general manager Gayety Theatre Co.; general mana- ger Brooklyn Theatre Co.; director Michigan State Fair Association, N. Rasell Sons Co., of Toledo, O. Appointed jury commissioner by Governor Warner, February, 1907. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Refjublican; chairman Wayne County Republican Commit- tee. Club: Detroit Driving (director). Rec- reation: driving. Office: 1075 14th Ave.; mar- ket, 41 Cadillac Sq. Residence: 1055 14th Avenue. NICHOLS, J. Brooks, manufacturer; born, Dunkirk, N. Y., July 11, 1885; son of Edward and .Jessie (Brooks) Nichols; graduated Hill School, Pa., 1904; Ph.B., Sheffield Scientific School, Yale University, 1908; married, June 3, 1908, Rosa Sparks Dunlap, of Louisville, Ky.; 2 sons: J. Brooks, Jr., and Edward. Came to Detroit in 1910; with U. S. Radiator Corporation as purchasing agent until 1913, now a director of company; treasurer and director of Detroit Princess Manufacturing Co. since Jan. 1, 1913. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: Detroit, University, Country, Detroit Athletic, Grosse Pointe Riding and Hunt, De- troit Motor Boat, Detroit Racquet and Curl- ing, Yale (New York), Eastern Yacht, Corin- thian (Boston), Pendennis, Tavern (Louis- ville, Ky.), University (Chicago). Recrea- tions: yachting and tennis. Office: Detroit Princess Manufacturing Co., cor. Hastings and Larned Sts. Residence: Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich. NICHOLSON, Duncan, steamboat officer; born, Rochester, N. Y., July 1, 1850; son of Alexander and Mary Ann (Roy) Nicholson; educated in public schools of Rochester and Michigan; married at Windsor, Ont., 1873, Martha Katherine Kolfag (died, July 5, 1911); 3 children: Lillian Frances, Alice Mary (Mrs. John Eberlin, of Cleveland), Gerald. Began active career sailing on the lakes, 1865; became first officer, 1870, captain, 1871, and was master of various sailing vessels and steamboats, 1871-1903; has been superinten- dent Detroit, Belle Isle & Windsor Ferry Co. since 1903. Republican. Episcopalian. Mem- ber Masonic Order, A. O. U. W. Club: Trans- portation (Detroit). Recreations: reading and home. Office: 2-6 Woodward Ave., Detroit. Residence: 25 Chatham St. E., Windsor, Can. NICHOLSON, Samuel Joseph; born, De- troit, June 13, 1871; son of George and Sarah J. (Boden) Nicholson; educated in pub- lic schools, Detroit; married, July 5, 1905, Maude Smith, of Detroit; 3 children: Walter, Donald and Samuel J., Jr. Began active career as messenger with Western Union Tele- graph Co. and became operator, continuing with the company for 15 years; became man- ager Barcy-Nicholson Co., 1905, and president same 1911. Republican. Protestant. Recrea- tion: all outdoor sports. Office: 845 Fort St. W. Residence: 375 Ferdinand Ave. NICOL, Eugene L.; see Vol. 1908. NICOL, Frank V.; born, St. Thomas, Ont., Can., July 7, 1872; son of William and Julia (Ostrander) Nicol; educated in public schools of St. Thomas, 1879-87; Collegiate Institute, 370 THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 1887-91; St. Thomas Business College, 1891- 92; married at St. Thomas, June 16, 1897, Clara Ferguson; 1 daughter, Helen. Began as bookkeeper at St. Thomas, 1892, continuing until 1894; entered service of Michigan Cen- tral E. E., 1894, train master, 1896-1900; in real estate business in Detroit, 1900-5; vice- president American Machine Manufacturing Co., manufacturers of motor trucks, 1905-10; since again in real estate business. Eepubli- can. Member Christian Church. Eecreatiou: outdoor sports. Office: 1813 Ford Bldg. Eesi- dence: 236 Pingree Ave. NICOL, Henry Glover, lawyer, circuit court commissioner; born, Detroit, Apr. 12, 1873; son of John M. and Clara D. (Glover) Nicol; educated Detroit public schools to 1888; graduated Detroit High School, 1892; LL.B., University of Michigan, 189G; unmarried. Began practice in Detroit, 1899; elected cir- cuit court commissioner for Wayne County in Nov., 1906, and reelected in fall of 1908, 1910 and 1912. Vice-president Aldrich Manu- facturing Co. Baptist. Member Association Bar City of Detroit. Clubs: University, Boat, Indian Village, Lawyers'. Eecreatiou: aquatic sports. Offices: 426-427 Hammond Bldg. and County Bldg. Residence: 1441 Champlain St. NILES, Tracy Worden; moved to Buffalo, X. Y.; see Vol. 1908. NIMMO, Alexander Hughey, electrical con- tractor; born, Arthur, Can., May 16, 1882; son of Thomas and Marion (Chalmers) jSTimmo; educated in public and high schools, Detroit; unmarried. Has resided in Detroit since 1888; began in employ of the Crook Electric Co., 1900, continuing 5 years; then with Millers & Seldon Eleeti-ic Co., 1905-10; assisted in or- ganizing firm of Nimmo, Spaulding & Eddy, 1910, and since treasurer same. Mason; Odd Fellow. Club: Detroit Rotary. Office: 57 Por- ter St. Residence: 1585 West Grand Boul. NIMMO, Harry M., editor; born Bath, Out., Can., Sept. 4, 1877; son of John Henry and Ann Ellen (Minnes) Nimmo; educated Queen's University, Kingston, Out.; married, Sept. 13, 1904, Kate Beaton, of Orillia, Ont.; children: Hector, Donald and Margaret. Began news- paper work in Kingston, Ont., and has been connected with various newspapers in Canada and the United States; located in Detroit, 1901; one of the founders of the Detroit Sat- urday Night, a weekly newspaper, of which is vice-president and editor. Member Fine Arts Society. Clubs: University, Detroit Athletic. Office: 97-99 Fort St. W. Eesidenee: 150 Dela- ware Ave. NOACK, William C; born, Detroit, Aug. 31, 1863; son of J. William and Louise (Jacob) Noack; educated in public schools and Ger- man-American Academy; married at Detroit, Jan. 12, 1898, Ethel McKeen; 3 sons: William Theodore, Harold Eosenrans, Walter Maurice. Was upon the road as traveling man, 1880-85; in insurance business, 1886-98; senior member Noack & Gorenflo. One of the organizers of the Wholesale and Manufacturers' Associ- ation (president, 1910-11). Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Winner of paddling trophy of the American Canoe Association, Aug. 24, 1896, at Grindstone Island, St. Law- rence Eiver, bringing back to United States this trophy, held many years by Canada. Clubs: Detroit, Golf, Detroit Boat (honorary member). Recreation: golf. Office: 184-188 Jefferson Ave. Eesidenee: 562 Congress St. NOBLE, Albert D.; born, Grand Eapids, Mich., Dec. 4, 1860; son of Albert D. and Elizabeth (Pierce) Noble; educated in Grand Eapids public schools and business college; married, Maple Rapids, Mich,, 1886, Miss Marie Hewitt; 2 children: Erlyle, Hewitt E. Came to Detroit, 1879, and entered employ- ment of A. D. & F. L. Noble; partner Noble & Co., 1892-1909; since treasurer W. J. Burton & Co., sheet metal stamping. Universalist. Recreations: yachting, photography. Office: 161 Congress St. W. Eesidenee: Orchard Lake, Michigan. NOBLE, Benjamin, manufacturer of brass goods; born, St. John, N. B., Can., Mar. 27, 1859; son of Thomas H. and Cecelia (Dodds) Noble; educated in public schools of Toronto, Ont.; married at Point Hope, Can., 1887, Edith Sanders, who died June 30, 1907; 2 children: George H., Ollid; married, 2nd, Detroit, Sept., 1910, Louise Tinning. Learned trade of foun- dryman in Toronto, Can., 1872-79; then with the Taylor Safe Works, Toronto, for 5 years; traveled in Canada until he located in De- troit, 1885; became superintendent of the brass department of the Frontier Iron Works; associated with John G. Dietz and estab- lished the Capitol Brass Works, 1899; also president Eby Manufacturing Co. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Eepubliean. Presbyterian. Mason; I. O. O. F. Clubs: De- troit Yacht, Fellowcraft. Eecreations: auto- mobiling, yachting. Office: cor. Chene and Franklin Sts. Eesidenee: 25 Van Dyke PI. THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 371 NOBLE, Charles P.; born, Red Bauk, N. J., Feb. 25, 18(j;j; son of John A. and Sarah A. (Wood) Noble; educated in public schools, Newark, N. J.; married, Jan. 20, 1893, Helen Willett, of Red Bank. Began as hat and cap salesman. Red Bank; then in business ou own account in Newburgh, N. Y., 5 years; came to Detroit, 1898, and since in business, men's furnishings. Republican. Congregationalist. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Mason. Club: Detroit Boat. Recreations: baseball, fishing. Office: 124-126 Woodward Ave. Resi- dence: 56 Forest Ave. E. NOBLE, G-eorge Hubert; born, Detroit, Feb. 27, 1887; son of Benjamin and Louise (San- ders) Noble; educated iu public and high schools, Detroit; unmarried. Has been identi tied since beginning of active career, 1904, with Capitol Brass Works, now vice-president of the company. Presbyterian. Mason. Club: Detroit Yacht. Recreation: automobiling. Of- fice: 592 Franklin St., cor. Chene. Residence: 25 Van Dyke Ave. NOBLE, Herbert W., l^anking; born, De- troit, Feb. 8, 1867; son of Garra B. and Eliza (Crosman) Noble; educated in Detroit public schools; married at Detroit, Apr. 22, 1891, Gertrude Delbridge; 2 children: Sheldon R., Irene. Began active career as clerk in the old Third National Bank; in 1894 organized banking firm of H. W. Noble & Co., and has since continued as head of the organization; manager of Detroit Clearing House Associa- tion since 1896. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Republican. Clubs: Detroit, De- troit Boat, Detroit Golf, Detroit Automobile, Bankers'. Recreations: .yachting, automobil- ing. Office: Dime Savings Bank Bldg. Resi- dence: 65 Seward Ave. NOERIS, Paul E., special electric appa- ratus; born, Cleveland, Aug. 2, 1884; son of Elf red P. and Carsie (Hull) Norris; gradu- ated Case School of Applied Science, Cleve- land, 1907; married at Cleveland, Janet Myers, June, 1909; 1 son, Robert E. AVith National Electric Lamp Co., Cleveland, 1907-9; salesman, Cleveland office, U. S. Light & Heat- ing Co., 1909; has been manager Detroit office same compan}' since Jan. 1, 1912. Republican. Member Sigma Psi, Sous of Jove, Zeta Psi, Theta Nu Epsilon. Club: Wolverine Auto. Recreation: motoring. Office: 35 Bates St. Residence: 215 Gladstone Ave. NOETHMORE, William Henry, merchant; born, Pewabic, Mich., Sept. 30, 1869; son of John and Elizabeth (Matters) Northmore; educated in public schools, Ishpeming, Mich.; married, July 19, 1897, Leta A. Northmore, of Chicago; 1 daughter, Josephine (Mrs. Frank Dalton, of Burlington, Wis.). Began at Ish- peming with C. & N. W. Ry., continuing 3 years; then at St. Louis with same road 2 years; with Goodrich Steamer Lines of Mil- waukee, at Duluth, Minn., 7 years; then with U. S. Steel Corporation 3 years and with White Line Transportation Co. and Booth Steamship Co. until 1907; started as importer of dress goods in Duluth, 1907; came to De- troit, 1909, and established firm of W. H. Northmore & Co. Was special deputy collec- tor of customs at Marquette, Mich., 1892-93. Mason. Club: Rotary. Recreations: baseball, fishing. Office: 129 Farmer St. Residence: 150 Bagg St. NOETHRUP, William F., dentist; born, Stanwood, Mich., July 22, 1885; son of James I. and Mary E. (Powers) Northrup; educated in public and high schools. River Rouge,^ Mich.; Detroit High School; D.D.S., Univer- sity' of Michigan, 1911; married, June 27^ 1911, Jessie E, Wyckofl:', of Detroit; 1 son» William F,, Jr. In employ of the Great Lakes Engineering Co. 's offices, Ecorse, Mich., 3% years, before studying dentistry; practiced i» Detroit since 1911. Baptist; clerk Woodward Avenue Baptist Church. Member Michigan State Dental Association, The Pylon (dentai fraternity). Recreation: tennis. Office: 404 Fine Arts Bldg. Residence: 897 3rd Ave. NORTON, Isaac Price, undertaker; born-^ Gloucester Co., N. J., Apr. 9, 1859; son of Henry W. and Lavina (Price) Norton; fore- bears landed in Boston, Mass., 1636; educated in common schools of New Jersey; married^ Woodtown, N. J., Dec. 2, 1879, Hannah Jonesj 2 children: Albert H., Marie; married, 2nd, Apr. 9, 1907, Agues Skene, of Detroit. En- gaged in green grocery business in Philadet- phia, 1871-78; moved to Galesburg, 111., an(i started as undertaker, 1881; located in De- troit, 1900. Member Detroit Board of Con»- merce. Congregationalist. Mason, K. T., Shriner; member Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias. Recreation: fishing. Address: 759- 761 Michigan Ave. NOEVELL, Walter G., traffic manager, Parke, Davis & Co.; born, Detroit, Nov. IS, 1872; son of James K. P. and Lillie (Coe) Norvell; educated in public and high schools, Detroit; married, Aug. 10, 1905, Janetta M. Warden, of Detroit; 2 daughters: Janette, Katheryn. Began active career in employ of ;i/L' THE BOOK OF DETROITERS the Peninsular Car Co., 1887, continuing 4 years; became connected with Parke, Davis & Co., 1891, traffic manager since 1908. Ee- publican. Episcopalian. Member Detroit Board of Commerce (director and chairman transportation committee). Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Club: Pellowcraft. Eecrea- tion: automobiling. Office: Parke, Davis & Co. Eesidence: 312 Bewick Ave. NUTTEN, Wesley L., lawyer; born, Mos- cow, Mich., Apr. 6, 1869; sou of John B. and Marie A. (Crane) Nutten; educated in Hills- dale (Mich.) College, 3 years, 1889-91, and University of Michigan 1 year, 1891-92; mar- ried at Sturgis, Mich., Dec. 25, 1895, May Van Vleck; children: Clyde V., Wesley L., Jr., Ada B. Studied law and was admitted to practice upon examination before Supreme Court of Michigan, June 15, 1895; has since practiced in Detroit; was associated for 6 years with Hon. John W. McGrath, ex-justice of the Supreme Court of Michigan; was member of law firm of Nutten & Eichter, May 1, 1907-9, since practiced alone. Member Association Bar City of Detroit. Independent in politics. Universalist. Member Palestine Lodge No. 357, F. & A. M., also Chapter. Eecreation: outdoor athletic sports. Devotes much leisure time to civic improvement matters. Office: 1214 Penobscot Bldg. Eesidence: 121 Engle- jvood Ave. OABES, Walter Henry, shipbuilder and re- pairer; born, Clayton, N. Y., Nov. 2, 1849; son of John and Jane (Van Allen) Oades; edu- cated in public schools of New York state and Detroit; married at Detroit, 1883, Miss Anna Smith; 2 children: Walter J., Byron J. Learned trade of shipbuilding in Detroit un- der his father, continuing in the business after death of his father, in 1895; shipbuilder and repairer shears and steam marine rail- way. Member Detroit Board of Commerce, B. P. O. E., Eoyal Arcanum. Club: Detroit Motor Boat. Eecreation: yachting. Office: Atwater and Dubois Sts. Eesidence: 607 Fort Street E. OASES, Herbert King, lawyer; moved to Cleveland, O.; see Vol. 1908. OAKMAN, Carl Shepard, chemical manu- facturing; born, Corinth, Me., Oct. 26, 1876; son of George W. and G e o r g i e L. (Clark) Oakman; descended from New England ancestry, extending back to the 17th century; educated in Boston Latin School; A.B., Harvard College, 1900; M.D., Harvard Medical School, 1903; gradu- ated surgical service, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, 1904; unmarried. Practiced ] medicine in Detroit, 1905-10; entered business ! with The Eay Chemical Co., Detroit, Jan. ; 1910; at present secretary Digestive Ferments ' Co. Democrat. Member American Medical ' Association, Wayne County Medical Society, . Detroit Academy of Medicine. Clubs: Couu- j try. University, Detroit Eacquet and Curling, The Players, Detroit Tennis, also Harvard ) (New York). Eecreations: music, outdoor ■ sports. Office: 16-26 Locust St. Eesidence: 62 \ Bagg St. I OBETZ, Henry Lorenz, physician and sur- geon; born, July 8, 1851; died, 1913; see Vol. j 1908. " j O'BRIEN, Ernest A., lawyer; born, De- j troit, July 1, 1879; son of James and Mary A. i (Breunau) O'Brien; A.B., University of De- ; troit, 1898; LL.B., Detroit College of Law, i 1905; married, Sept. 16, 1909, Elizabeth Dee, j of Detroit; 2 children: Ernest D., John J. | Draftsman, Civil Engineer's Department, De- | troit Water Board, 4 years; admitted to Mich- j igan bar, 1905, and since practiced in Detroit; j member firm of Monaghan & Monaghan; • director Ecorse Land Go. Democrat. Catholic. ! Member Association Bar City of Detroit, | Alumni Association, University of Detroit, ' Knights of Columbus, Knights of Equity. Clubs: Lawyers', Fellowcraft. Recreation: I baseball. Office: 312 Majestic Bldg. Eesi- I deuce: 125 Pallister Ave. O'BRIEN, Jolin A., real estate; born, Vas- ! sar, Mich., June 17, 1885; son of John A. and ( Elizabeth (White) O'Brien; educated in Vas- j sar High School; married, Nov. 6, 1909, Ethel M. Leake, of Seattle, Wash. Located in De- | troit, 1910; since engaged in real estate busi- i ness, operating principally in Western De- i troit; organizer and manager The John A. i O'Brien Co.; manager and director Detroit- Wyandotte Improvement Co. Served in 30th and 10th U. S. Infantry regiments in Philip- . pines, 1900-4. Member Detroit Eeal Estate ! Board. Member B. P. O. Elks. Office: 530 \ Penobscot Bldg. Eesidence: 211 Edison Ave. O'BRIEN, Michael Edward, life insurance; born, Osceola, Mich., Sept. 21, 1877; son of j Patrick J. and Mary (Harrington) O'Brien; both parents born in Ireland and came to U. ' S. iu 1856; graduated Sacred Heart High School, Calumet, Mich., 1893; married, Feb. 4, , 1903, Nellie V. Harrington, of Lake Linden, Mich.; 6 children. Engaged in general insur- ^\ THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 373 ance business in 1898 under firm name of Webb & O'Brien; entered life insurance ex- clusively, as agent Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co., 1900, at Calumet, Mich.; was made district agent, 1903, general agent one- half of Northern Michigan, 1907, with head- quarters at Laurium, Mich.; resigned, 1910, and elected vice-president Detroit Life Insur- ance Co., president and general manager same since June, 1911; director First National Bank of Hubbell, First National Bank of Laurium. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Member B. P. O. Elks, Knights of Equity. Club: Fellowcraft. Recreations: golf, fishing. Office: Majestic Bldg. Residence: 286 Putnam Ave. O'BRIEN, Michael Hubert, lawyer; born, Detroit, Apr. 2.5, 1878; son of late Michael William and Martha Frances (Watson) O'Brien; A.B., Detroit College, 1895, A.M., 1902; LL.B., Detroit College of Law, 1897; LL.B., University of Michigan, Department of Law, 1898; married, June 15, 1912, Mrs. Zula Vail Shirts (nee Cheney), of Grand Rapids, Mich. Began practice with law firm of Keena & Lightner; organized firm of May & O'Brien, 1900, with Samuel L. May, circuit court commissioner, later Hon. Edwin Denby, ex-congres.sman, joined firm and name changed to May, Denby & O'Brien, which continued until Feb., 1907; associated with William G. Fitzpatrick, Frank E. Doremus and Charles E. Duffy (no firm name) since 1909. Served as marshal U. S. Court for China, Feb., 1907-Oct., 1909. Enlisted in 1st Div., Mich. State Naval Brigade, 1899, and served continuously to 1905, when received commission as ensign 1st Div., M. S. N. B.; resigned 1907, on going to China. Member Michigan State Bar Associa- tion, Association Bar City of Detroit, Detroit Board of Commerce, Associated Charities of Detroit. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Member American Association of China, Sigma Phi, University of Detroit Alumni Association, De- troit College of Law Alumni Association, Knights of Columbus, St. Vincent de Paul Society. Clubs: University, Detroit Boat, De- troit Athletic, Detroit Racquet and Curling, Detroit Tennis, Lawyers, Green Bag. Recrea- tion: athletic sports. Office: 1603-1606 Ford Bldg. Residence: 919 Jefferson Ave. O'BRIEN, Michael William, banking; born, Sept. 25, 1835; died, Jan. 6, 1912; see Vol. 1908. OCHENFELD, John, furniture merchant; born, Detroit, Sept. 8, 1880; son of Lorenz and Mary (Mueller) Ochenfeld; educated in De- troit parochial schools; married, June 27, 1906; Selina Warren, of Hart, Mich.; 2 children: Frank Raymond, Helen Marie. Began active career in employ of the German Catholic Weekly, Detroit, and continued as compos- itor 3% years; then became connected with the Murphy Chair Co. as chairmaker; entered furniture business on own account, 1903, and so continues, as John Ochenfeld & Co., manu- facturers and dealers in baby carriages, go- carts, furniture and stoves. Catholic. Mem- ber Arbeiter Society. Recreation: automobil- ing. Office: 1197 Gratiot Ave. Residence: 1096 Mt. Elliott Ave. O'CONNOR, Arthur C, lawyer; born, De- troit, July 28, 1866; son of Arthur and Cath- erine (Cavanaugh) O'Connor; educated in parochial schools of Detroit, Detroit College, and Detroit College of Law, degree of LL.B., 1892; married, Little Rock, Ark., June 9, 1909, Antoinette Holmes; 1 son, Arthur C, Jr. Began active career at 10 years of age as office boy in office of James Caplis; through influence of Mr. Caplis was appointed messenger in State Senate, 1881; reentered employ of patron and continued until 1888; index clerk in office of register of deeds, 1888-90; became clerk in city assessor's office, 1890, and subse- quently assistant assessor; was assistant cor- poration counsel, 1896-1900; since in general practice of law. Director Michigan W^ire Cloth Co. Member Association Bar City of Detroit, Detroit Board of Commerce. Repub- lican. Member Knights of Columbus, Knights of Equity. Clubs: Detroit, Detroit Boat, De- troit Boat Club Yachtsman, Detroit Athletic, Indian Village. Recreations: yachting and all outdoor athletic sports. Office: 722 Hammond Bldg. Residence: 348 Seminole Ave. O'CONNOR, Hugh; born, Detroit, Dec. 28, 1863; son of Arthur C. and Catherine (Cava- naugh) O'Connor; educated at Detroit Col- lege; married, Adrian, Mich., 1888, Alice Madeline Botsford; 1 daughter, Madeline. Be- gan as clerk in office of Michigan Car Co., 1878; served as clerk for Senate committee during session of State legislature, 1881, and was in office of controller for City of Detroit, 1883-86; engaged in manufacturing business since 1887. Treasurer and manager Michigan Wire Cloth Co., manufacturers of wire cloth; president and treasurer National Telephone Equipment Co.; vice-president, secretary and treasurer Michigan Wire and Iron Works. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Served 5 years in Detroit City Greys (militia). Re- 374 THE BOOK OF DETROITERS publican. Clubs: Detroit, Detroit Athletic, Automobile, Lake St. Clair Fishing and Shoot- ing Club, Audubon, and Country Club. Eecre- ations: hunting, fishing, yachting, automobil- jng. Office: 500 Howard St. Eesidence: 59 Ferry Ave. E. O'DEIiL, Henry Augustus, architect; born, Detroit, Apr. 17, 1875; son of Henry James and Emma (Rpoks) O'Dell; common school education; married, Apr. 20, 1903, Agnes Cleveland, of Detroit. In practice in Detroit since 1902; member firm of Baxter, O'Dell & Halpin ; secretary and treasurer Belmont Land Co. Eepublican. Episcopalian. Member De- troit Board of Commerce. Mason. Clubs: De- troit Boat, Detroit Golf, North Channel. Eeereations: golf, hunting. Ofiice: 1024 Ham- mond Bldg. Residence: 3015 West Grand Boul. O'DONNEIiL, Albert Edward; see Vol. 1908. O'DONNELL, James H., vice-president and treasurer Schroeder Paint and Glass Co.; born, Detroit, Sept. 23, 1861; son of James and Johanna (Fitzgerald) O'Donnell; edu- cated in public schools of Detroit; married at Detroit, May 26, 1887, Miss Margaret Glass (died, June 4, 1903); 4 children: Thurman J., Margaret, Agnes, Ernest; married, 2nd, De- troit, May 12, 1909, Edna E. Smith; 1 daugh- ter, Edna Mary. Began active career in ac- counting department of Michigan Central E. M. and later was connected with accounting department of the Peninsular Car Co.; be- came identified with American Eagle Tobacco Co., wholesale tobacco, 1880; joined with Mr. Schroeder and started the Schroeder Paint and Glass Co., 1897, of which he was secretary and treasurer, 1897-1913, since vice-president and treasurer. Member Detroit Board of Com- merce, Detroit Credit Men's Association. Catholic. Member Knights of Columbus, C. M. B. A., Elks, Royal Arcanum. Clubs: Har- monie, Detroit Paint, Oil and Varnish (ex- president). Recreation: automobiling. Office: 47-55 Cadillac Sq. Residence: 435 Lincoln Avenue. OESTEBLE, Frederick; born, Baden, Germany, Sept. 18, 1870; son of Anton and Sophie (Schoendierst) Oesterle; educated at Heidelberg University; married. Mar. 3, 1896, Anna Honer, of Detroit; 2 sons: Carl, Paul. Came to Detroit, 1887; began as dry goods salesman, continuing 4 years; engaged in busi- ness on own account, men 's furnishings, for 16 years; in real estate business since 1908; also partner firm of Oesterle & Honer. Repub- lican. Catholic. Member Detroit Board of Commerce, German-American Association. Recreation: motoring. Office: Free Press Bldg. Residence: 299 East Grand Boul. O'FLYNN, Cornelius Jolin, lawyer; born, Jan. 23, 1838; died, Nov. 19, 1911; see Vol. 1908. OG-G, Robert Young, manufacturers' repre- sentative; born Dundas, Ont., Can., July 22, 1860; son of Alexander and Elizabeth (Airth) Ogg; public school education; married, June 4, 1888, Susie M. McCarthy, of Detroit. Began active career as a newsboy in Canada; learned printer's trade and worked in many Canadian and American cities, locating in Detroit, 1879; compositor, and later reporter, on Detroit Tribune, Detroit Journal and Detroit News; secretary Board of Public Works, 5 years, 1899-1904; manufacturers' representative for paving materials, since 1904, representing Metropolitan Paving Brick Co., Canton, O. ; Jennison-Wright Co., Toledo, creosoted wood block; American Granite Co., Milwaukee, granite blocks; Orleans County Quarry Co., Medina curbing; Barber Asphalt Paving Co., sheet asphalt and asphaltic concrete pave- ments. Three times elected to State legisla- ture — 1886, 1908, and 1910; member State Senate from 4th District, 1912-14; a leader in securing abolishment of contract labor and corporal punishment in prisons; advanced pri- mary election legislation and better condi- tions for women and children; active in trade unions, Republican and Masonic affairs; presi- dent Trades and Labor Council 2 years and delegate to scores of labor conventions. Mem- ber Detroit Board of Commerce. Congrega- tionalist. Mason (32°), Shriner. Recreations: books, travel and life out-of-doors. Office: 200 Majestic Bldg. Residence: 291 Avery Ave. O'HARA, Charles J., machinery; born, To- ledo, O., May 7, 1854; son of Charles and Elizabeth (Knaggs) O'Hara; educated in pub- lic school. Christian Bros. College, Chicago, and at Farmer's College, College Hill, near Cincinnati; married at Greenwich, R. I., Oct. 23, 1889, Jane Way Howland; 1 daughter, Jeannette Howland. Has been identified with machinery business since he was 17 years of age; came to Detroit, 1887; treasurer C. C. Wormer Machinery Co. since its organization in 1889; also vice-president Wolverine Screw Co.; secretary Austin Separator Co., Wright Manufacturing Co., Murray Steam Specialty Manufacturing Co.; director National Twist THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 375 Drill & Tool Co. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Clubs: Detroit Golf, Grosse He Country. Recreations: golf, fishing. OflSce: 99-101 Woodbridge St. W. Eesidence: 73 Delawaje Ave. OHLIGEK.Willard, chemist; born, Wooster, O., Nov. 26, 1877; son of Louis P. O. and Emma (McClure) Ohliger; educated at Uni- versity of Wooster, Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, receiving degree of Pharm. S. D., 1900; married at Wooster, O., June 11, 1902, Agatha Hard. En- tered scientific department of Parke, Davis & Co., Detroit, 1900; became connected, 1901, as experimental chemist, with Frederick Stearns & Co., and now second vice-president and superintendent same. Democrat. Episcopa- lian. Member Detroit Chemical Society, Soci- ety of Chemical Industry (London), Ameri- can Pharmaceutical Association, Beta Theta Pi (University of Pennsylvania). Member Ohio Society. Mason (Ebenezer Lodge, Wooster). Clubs: Detroit, Detroit Boat. Office: Fred- erick Stearns & Co. Residence: 75 Medbury Avenue. OHLMACHEB, Albert Philip, physician; born, Sandusky, O., Aug. 19, 1865; son of Christian John and Anna (Scherer) Ohlmach- er; educated in high school, Sycamore, 111.; M.D., Northwestern University, 1890; married, June 14, 1890, Grace M. Peck, of Sycamore, 111.; children: Horace, Albert, Grace, Carl, Elsa. Professor comparative anatomy and embryology. College of Physicians and Sur- geons, Chicago, 1891-4; professor pathology, Chicago Policlinic, 1892-4; professor pathology and bacteriology, Medical Department, Ohio Wesleyan University, Cleveland, 1894-7; direc- tor of pathological laboratory, Ohio Hospital for Epileptics, Gallipolis, 1897-1901; professor pathology, Medical Department, Northwestern University, 1901-2; superintendent Ohio Hos- pital for Epileptics, 1902-5; director biological laboratory, Frederick Stearns & Co., Detroit, 1905-7, In private practice, specialty epilepsy and treatment of infections by bacterial or vaccine therapy, Detroit, since 1907. Honorary member Toledo Academy of Medicine; mem- ber American Association of Pathologists and Bacteriologists, Society of American Bacteri- ologists, National Association Study of Epi- lepsy, National Association Study and Pre- vention of Tuberculosis, American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Medical Association, Wayne County and Mich- igan State Medical societies, etc. Author of articles in American Textbook of Pathology, Reference Handbook of the Medical Sciences and numerous papers based on original re- search in blood platelets, cell reproduction, lymphatic constitution, thymus gland, cancer parasite, micro-technics, diphtheria anti- toxin, tj'phoid meningitis, vaccine therapy, epilepsy, etc. Recreations: automobiling, fish- ing. Office: Breitmeyer Bldg. Residence: 381 Pennsylvania Ave. OLDS, Frank Walter; born, Lafayette, Ind., Nov. 21, 1853; son of Henry E. and Saint A. (Murdock) Olds; educated in public school, Delphi, Ind.; married, June 27, 1882, Anna C. Tea, of Philadelphia; 3 children: Edna G., Florence W., Frank W. Began in hat and cap business in Delphi, 1876, continuing until 1885; removed to Detroit and was with Wal- ter Buhl & Co., hats and furs, 1885-90; in laundry business on own account since 1890. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Republi- can. Methodist. OflSce: 326 Woodward Ave. Residence: 119 Selden Ave. OLIN, EoUin Carolus, physician ; born, Aug. 17, 1839; died. Mar. 9, 1909; see Vol. 1908. OLSON", Edward; born, Chicago, Apr. 11, 1872; son of Nels and Ellen M. (Olson) Olson; educated in public schools, Chicago; married, Sept. 16, 1896, Alice Leonard, of Chicago; 3 children: Leonard W., Warren, Helen. Has been identified with Canadian Pacific K. R. ever since beginning of active career; entered freight department of the road at Chicago as clerk, 1890, advancing to chief clerk and con- tracting freight agent; agent at Milwaukee, Wis., 1900-1; assistant export freight agent at Chicago, 1902-8; district freight agent, De- troit, since July, 1908. Protestant. Member Detroit Board of Trade. Mason. Club: De- troit Transportation. Recreations: fishing, motoring. Office: 506-510 Dime Savings Bank Bldg. Residence: 184 Pallister Ave. OLSON, Nels L.; born, Sweden, Oct. 15, 1868; son of Ola and Inga (Christofferson) Olson; educated in public schools of old coun- try; married, Nov., 1899, at Butte, Mont., Ina Mickleson; 3 children: Florence, Norman and Blanche. Learned blacksmith's trade; came to America at 17; worked in various cities of the West; opened a shop in Butte, Mont., 1890; established the Olson Implement Co., 1897; came to Detroit, 1910; organizer and president Swedish Crucible Steel Co. Member Swedish Lutheran Church. Odd Fellow. Rec- reation: automobiling. Office: Butler & G. T. Ry. Home: 246 Massachusetts Ave. 376 THE BOOK OF DETROITERS OLT, Jolin August, export manager; born, Dayton, O., Mar. 2, 1879; son of Jolin and Phillipina (Linxweiler) Olt; graduate of Day- ton High School, 1897; course in bookkeeping and stenography at Wilt 's Commercial Col- lege, Dayton; also attended night school, Dayton Y. M. C. A., 3 years (mechanical drawing, social economy, commercial law); married, Oct. 2, 1906, Marguerite Kytka Mc- Mahon, of Chicago. Stenographer and secre- tary work, National Cash Kegister Co., 1897- 1902; department head, purchasing agent, auditor National Cash Kegister Co., Ltd., Lon- don, Eng., 1902-6; auditor Societe Francaise de Caisse Enregistreusse, Paris, France, and Latin countries, 1906-7; salesman Burroughs Adding Machine Co., Cleveland, 1907-9; for- eign department manager same company, De- troit, 1909-11; since export manager Hudson Motor Car Co. Member Detroit Board of Com- merce, also committee of 15 on export trade. National Association of Manufacturers. Protestant. Member Ohio Society of Detroit, Alexander Hamilton Institute of New York, American Academy of Political and Social Science, Philadelphia. Clubs: Detroit Ath- letic, Adcraft. Kecreations: reading, general outdoor sports. Address: Hudson Motor Car Co., Detroit. O'NEIL, Charles (Stewart) Parnell, lawyer; born, Detroit, Sept. 26, 1883; son of John James and Mary Ann (Dwyer) O'Neil; edu- cated at Our Lady of Help parochial school; A.B., Detroit (Jesuit) College, 1907, A.M. 1906; LL.B., Detroit College of Law, 1906; unmarried. Has practiced in Detroit since July 1, 1906; member of firm of McHugh & O'Neil until 1910, since alone. Member Law- yers' Club, Knights of Columbus. Progressive; chairman Progressive State Central Commit- tee. Recreation: outdoor sports. Office: 422 Ford Bldg. Eesidence: 587 Hurlbut Ave. OETMANN, Ferdinand C; born, Saxony, Germany, Oct. 21, 1861; son of Andrew and Juliana (Schilling) Ortmann; educated in common schools of Saxony; married, Apr. 17, 1900, Ada Jay, of Detroit. Learned stone cut- ter's trade in old country; came to America, 1885; lived at Pontiac, Mich., 1885-87, since at Detroit; organized firm of Ortmann & Brother, stone contractors, 1890; title changed to F. C. Ortmann & Co., 1896; has operated in own name since 1910. German Lutheran. Member Detroit Board of Commerce, Detroit Builders' and Traders' Exchange. Office: 1099 Wabash Ave. Residence: 258 Lincoln Ave. OSBORN, Francis Conrad, president and manager F. C. Osborn Co.; born, Bridgeport, N. Y., Dec. 10, 1856; son of Ozias and Mary C. (Herbener) Osborn; educated in public schools, Cazenovia (N. Y.) Seminary and Syracuse University, graduating, degree of Ph.B., 1885; married at Huntington, Ind., June 22, 1891, Laura A. Freele; 3 children: Ruth, Laura, Francis C, Jr. Taught in public schools, Fayetteville, N. Y., 1880-82; traveling representative Ginn & Co., publishers school and college text books, Hlinois, Indiana and Michigan, headquarters in Chicago, 1885-89; located in Detroit, 1889, and invented and de- signed several styles of cash registers and other machinery; organized the Osborn Cash Register Co., Ltd., 1896, and was secretary and mechanical superintendent of same until sold out to National Cash Register Co. in 1900; organized Standard Computing Scale Co., Ltd., 1889, to manufacture computing scales of his invention and design, and was general manager and secretary of same, 1889- 1901, when he sold out; organized, 1901, the F. C. Osborn Co., manufacturers round paper box machinery, and president and general manager of the company; on inventions staff of the National Cash Register Co., 1900-4; in- vented and put on the market the O. K. Com- puting Cheese Cutter, now made and marketed by the Standard Computing Co.; has been granted thirty-six United States and foreign patents and has acted as mechanical expert in a number of important patent suits. Mem- ber Detroit Board of Commerce. Member American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Detroit Engineering Society, Franklin Insti- tute, Delta Upsilon. Progressive. Club: Penin- sular, Delta Upsilon. Recreation: automobil- iug. Office: 45-49 Fort St. E. Residence: 64 Lawrence Ave. OSBORNE, Archibald Lloyd; born, Lees- ville, Crawford Co., O., Mar. 4, 1861; son of William and Ann Eliza (Smith) Osborne; educated in public schools of Wooster, O.; married, July 2, 1884, Mary Norton, of Park PI., Pittsburgh; 1 son, Charles Norton. Be- gan in employ of Samuel Geitgey, dealer in retail crockery, Wooster; in 1880, became connected with H. McAfee, Jr., wholesale dealer in lamps and glass, Pittsburgh, con- tinuing 414 years; then went to Cleveland and was identified with Kinney & Levan, whole- sale crockery, 1884-1908; since in wholesale crockery business in Detroit as member of firm of Osborne, Boynton & Osborne. Repub- lican. Presbyterian. Office: 71-75 Jefferson THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 377 Ave. Eesidence: 1-14 Alexandrine Ave. West. OSBORNE, Fred S., banker, broker; see Vol. 1908. OSIUS, George, manufacturer; born, Bern- castel, Germany, Nov. 14, 1859; son of Adolph and Albertine (von der Heyden) Osius; edu- cated in public and high schools and private schools in Germany; came to America, 1878; married at Detroit, 1893, Elise Eickel; 2 chil- dren: Albertine M., Elisabeth G. Engaged in book and publishing business, in Ann Arbor, Mich., 1883-87; since secretary, treasurer and director Michigan Ammonia Works; secretary and treasurer Canadian Ammonia Co., Ltd., of Toronto, Can.; director Standard Tie Co. Commissioner Detroit Public Library, ap- pointed, 1900, reappointed, 1901, and 1907 (president, 1906). Member American Gas In- stitute, Michigan Gas Association, Wisconsin Gas Association. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. President Village of Grosse Pointe Shores, Mich. Republican. Lutheran. Mason (32°), Shriner. Clubs: Eellowcraft, Harmonic. Eecreation: horticulture. Office: foot of Mel- drum Ave., Detroit. Eesidence: Grosse Pointe Shores, Mich. O 'STEIN, Gary, life insurance; born, Colum- bia, Fla., Aug. 29, 1887; son of Lewis A. and Emma C. (McKinney) O 'Stein; educated in common schools; White Springs Normal Col- lege, White Springs, Fla.; graduate of Tampa Business College, Tampa, Fla.; unmarried. Born and reared to age of 18 on farm in Suwanee Co., Fla.; taught school in Bradford Co., Fla., 1 term, and in Hillsboro Co., 2 years; principal of the East Tampa School, 1909-10. Appointed assistant commercial agent, Clyde Steamship Co. and Mallory Steamship Co., Tampa, 1911; moved to Mich- igan, Sept., 1911, now special agent. Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States. Member of Co. C, 1st Infantry Michigan Na- tional Guard. Democrat. Methodist. Member Ann Arbor Lodge No. 44, Knights of Pythias. RecTeations: fishing, shooting. Office: 504 Union Trust Bldg. Residence: 46 Montcalm Street E. OSTERHOUS, Greorge Cummings, secre- tary Colonial Garment Co.; born, Stanton, Mich., Apr. 17, 1883; son of John and Ida (Cummings) Osterhous; public school educa- tion; unmarried. Traveling salesman for Ed- son, Moore & Co., 1903-8; became vice-presi- dent and sales manager of The Detroit Gar- ment Manufacturing Co., Sept., 1908; severed connection with the company Aug., 1912, to become secretary of Colonial Garment Co., manufacturers of children's dresses, in which position still continues. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Clubs: Detroit Golf, Fel- lowcraft. Eecreation: golf. Office: 21 Atwater St. W. Eesidence: 2975 East Grand Boul. OTIS, Burr, manager Otis Cement Construc- tion Co.; born, Ionia, Mich., Oct. 4, 1882; son of Amon and Cynthia (Harwood) Otis; gradu- ate High School, Saranac, Mich.; student Fer- ris School, Big Eapids, 5 months; unmarried. Organized, 1908, and since president and treas- urer Otis Cement Construction Co., general contractors concrete work. Eepublicau. Mem- ber Union Lodge No. 3, F. & A. M.; Penin- sular Chapter, E. A. M. ; Detroit Commandery No. 1, K. T. Club: Eotary. Office: 1010 Ham- mond Bldg. Eesidence: 66 Seebaldt Ave. OUGHELTREE, Frank S.; born, Adrian. Mich., Aug. 27, 1870; son of Daniel and Vesta (Shaw) Ougheltree; educated in public schools, Adrian and Adrian College; married, Sept. 28, 1898, Eosa Hendershot, of Tecumseli, Mich.; 1 son, Leslie D. Began active career in employ of A. C. Varney & Co., architects, De- troit, continuing 3 years; then with the Page Woven Wire Fence Co., Adrian; continued for 4% years; assistant superintendent and me- chanical engineer, same company, plant at Monessen, Pa., 9 years; located in Detroit, 1909, and became vice-president and engineer the Detroit Architectural Iron Works Co. Member School Board at Monessen, Pa. Ee- publican. Methodist. Member Builders' and Traders' Exchange. Eecreation: hunting. Of- fice: Isabella Ave., and E St. Residence 564 Northrop Ave. OVERTON, Carl I., treasurer and manager The Winkley Co.; born, St. Paul, Minn., Dec. 21, 1875; son of John B. and Anna Pauline (Bunker) Overton; educated in public schools, St. Paul; married, Nov. 23, 1899, Edith M. Bartlett, of St. Paul; 1 son, Raymond Bart- lett. Began as messenger in bank, St. Paul, and continued 7 years; enlisted in Co. C, 13th Minn. Vols., 1898, and spent 18 months in Philippines; mustered out at San Francisco, Oct., 1899; returned to St. Paul with regi- ment. Entered employ of Pratt & Whitney, Hartford, Conn., 1899; later became connected with The Winkley Co., manufacturers of oil- ers, grease cups and specialties (company moved to Detroit, Dec, 1905) and now treas- urer and manager same; also treasurer and manager Canadian Winkley Co. Republican. Presbyterian. Member Detroit Board of Com- S78 THE BOOK OF DETROITERS merce, Manufacturers' Association of Canada. -Mason (City of the Straits Lodge No. 452). Club: Detroit Athletic. Eecreations: automo- Ijiling and outdoor sports. Office: 866 Warren Ave. W. Eesidence: 190 Taylor Ave, OWEN, Ernest William, life insurance; born, Manchester, Eng., Jan. 19, 1879; son of Alfred and Margaret (Davies) Owen; gradu- general manager Michigan State Telephone Co. since July, 1912; president Cheboygan Telephone Co.; vice-president Lenawee County Telephone Co. Member Detroit Board of Com- merce. Republican. Unitarian. Member B. P. O. Elks. Clubs: Detroit, Exchange. Recrea- tion: outdoor diversions. Office: Telephone Bldg. Residence: 1115 Woodward Ave. w WACKEE, William, merchant; born, Ger- many, May 24, 1860; son of I. W. and Fritzi (Jordan) Wacker; educated in old country; came to America, 1878; married, June 11, THE BOOK OF DETROITEKS 505 1891, Sophia Klinordlinger, of Franklin, Pa.; 2 daughters: Euth, Fritzi. Served as clerk and bookkeeper in bank in Germany; upon coming to United States located in Denver, Colo., and became bookkeeper in a wholesale notion house; later traveled as salesman out of Denver, and engaged in business in various cities in the West; came to Detroit, in latter part of 1910, and on Jan. 1, 1911, became mem- ber Detroit Neckwear Co. Eepublican. Jew- ish religion. Member B. P. O. Elks. Office: 129 Jefferson Ave. Eesidence: 85 Colburn PL WADDINGTON, Josepli Edward George,' physician and surgeon; born, Manchester, England, Apr. 28, 1865; son of John Hick and Ann Eliza (Jones) Waddington; came to America, 1884; educated at Stamford Terrace Academy, Ashton-under-Lyne; Leathley 's Academy, Manchester; Manchester Grammar School 4 years, passing examination as matric- ulate of British Pharmaceutical Society; at- tended lecture courses for 1 year at Owen's College, Victoria University, Manchester; student Indiana College of Medicine and Mid- wifery, 1884-86, graduating, M.D., 1886; graduate National Medical University, Chi- cago, 1908; M.D., Bennett Medical College, Chicago, 1911. Eeturned to England, 1886, and the following year went to Australia and spent 2 years as surgeon with Cross' survey party, laying out government lands in New South Wales and Victoria; returned to Eng- land and thence to Winnipeg, Can., and to Cin- cinnati, where he practiced 10 years; came to Detroit, 1899, traveling the first year for Lam- bert & Lowman, wholesale druggists, since which time has practiced in Detroit. Eclectic school of medicine. Medical examiner Court of Honor, K. of P., etc. Member National Eclectic Medical Association, Michigan State Eclectic Medical and Surgical Society, North- ern Tri-State Medical Association, Wayne County and Michigan State Medical societies, American Medical Association. Eepublican. Congregationalist. Mason, Knight Templar; member Knights of Pythias, Court of Honor, Sons of St. George, O. E. S. Eecreations: music, literature. Office and Eesidence: 1324 25th St. WAGNER, Cornelius E.; moved to Saginaw, Mich.; see Vol. 1908. WA6NEE, Edward, president Wagner Bak- ing Co.; born, Prussia, Germany, 1845; son of Henry and Helena (Girst) Wagner; educated in schools of Germany; came to America, 1864; married at Detroit, 1875, Annie Tin- nette; children: Ottilie, George J., Flora, Cora, Ethel, Linda. Came to Detroit, 1864, and con- tinued at baker's and confectioner's trade, which he commenced to learn in Germany; with the assistance of four brothers, founded the Wagner Baking Co., 1869, and has been president of the company since its incorpora- tion, 1893. Eepublican. Member I. O. O. F., Harmonie Society, Turn-Verein, Concordia. Eecreations: social diversions. Office: 368-382 Grand Eiver Ave. Eesidence: 128 Peterboro Street. WAGNER, Henry, Jr.; born, Prussia, Ger- many, June 10, 1852; son of Henry and Helena (Girst) Wagner; came to Detroit, 1867; edu- cated in Germany, in schools of Detroit and at Detroit Business University; married at Detroit, 1878, Wilhelmina Neubronner; 4 chil- dren: Henry E., Otto A., Helena (Mrs. Frank S. Gomeiner), Adele. Identified with the Wag- ner Baking Co. since 1869, and treasurer of the company since its incorporation, 1893. Member Board of Commerce. Eepublican. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Mem- ber Concordia and Harmonie societies. Eecre- ations: fishing and hunting. Office: 368-.'582 Grand Eiver Ave. Eesidence: 126 Peterboro Street. WAGNER, Otto A., manager retail depart- ment Wagner Baking Co.; born, Detroit, Jan. 18, 1881; son of Henry Wagner, Jr., and Wil- helmina (Neubronner) Wagner; educated in public schools, Detroit; Detroit Business Uni- versity; Chidlow Institute of Baking and Milling Technology, Chicago; married, Feb. 17, 1904, Marie Brickman, of Detroit; 1 son, William Otto. Began active career, 1901, with the Wagner Baking Co., wholesale and retail bakery, and has continued with the same com- pany, now manager retail department. Mem- ber Detroit Board of Commerce. Member Palestine Lodge No. 357, A. F. & A. M. Club: Harmonie. Eecreations: automobiling, fishing, gardening. Office: 327 Woodward Ave. Eesi- dence: 39 Prentis Ave. WAGSTATF, Charles Beckman, president City Coffee & Spice Mills Co.; born, Detroit, Nov. 4, 1874; son of Eobert M. and Catherine (Nial) Wagstaff; public school education; married, 1904, Josephine Moran, of Detroit; 1 daughter, Carmen H. Began active career with advertising department, Detroit Free Press, 1893; with Armour & Co. as special salesman for canned meat department, 1896- 1902; president City Coffee & Spice Mills Co. since 1902. Republican. Episcopalian. Mem- 506 THE BOOK OF DETROITERS ber Detroit Board of Commerce. Recreations: automobiling, fishing. Office: cor. Larned St. and 2nd Ave. Residence: 537 Chalmers Ave. WAITE, Will Allen, life insurance; born, Clarkston, Mich., Apr. 25, 1864; son of Waldo F. and Harriet (Allen) Waite; public school education; married, Manistee, Mich., June 15, 1892, Mattie E., daughter of Louis Sands, of Manistee; 2 children: Wilma 1. and Marshall W. Began active career as tele- graph operator and ticket agent of the Flint & Pere Marquette R. R., and served at Mil- ford, North Bradley and Manistee, Mich.; be- came bookkeeper for Canfield Salt and Lum- ber Co., Manistee, 1888; was merchant, oper- ating two general merchandise stores in Man- istee, 1893-1901; became connected with the Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Co., Dec, 1901, and has been associate manager at Detroit since 1901, first as member of firm of Arthur & Waite, then alone for 1 year; member firm of Waite & Burgess, Mar., 1905-7; since city manager Phosnix Mutual Life Insurance Co., Detroit. Secretary and treasurer, general manager, Association of the Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Hartford, Conn.; ex- secretary of the National Association of Life Underwriters. For many years an active worker in politics; county clerk and register of deeds, Manistee Co., 1891-93; president pro tem. City of Manistee for 2 years; alderman 3 terms; member Republican County Commit- tee of Manistee, and chairman Republican City Committee of Manistee for 4 years; has been delegate to Republican State Convention for 15 years past, and served on several occa- sions as secretary of convention; reading clerk at Republican National Convention, Chicago, June, 1912. President The State League of Republicans of Michigan. Aide-de- camp on staif of Gov. A. T. Bliss for 4 years, with rank of colonel. Member Michigan Soci- ety Sons of American Revolution. Congrega- tionalist. Mason, Knight Templar (member Michigan Sovereign Consistory; treasurer of the Commandery Class of the Michigan Sov- ereign Consistory). Clubs: Fellowcraft (mem- ber board of governors past 5 years). Bloom- field Hills Country. Recreation: baseball, fish- ing. Office: 414-416 Hammond Bldg. Resi- dence: 41 Adelaide St. WALDO, Frank Owen, railway official; born, Hammond, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., Dec. 11, 1854; son of Orange G. and Barbara E. (Zoller) Waldo; educated in public schools and Gouverneur Wesleyan Seminary, Gouver- neur, N. Y.; married, Aug. 10, 1876, Anna Louise Martin, of Watertown, N. Y. Entered railway service at age of 15 as telegraph operator Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburg Railway, at DeKalb Junction, N. Y., 1869, continuing until 1873; ticket agent and clerk in general ticket office at Watertown, N. Y., 1873-76; came to Detroit, Aug. 12, 1876, with Michigan Central R. R., first as clerk in auditor's office, subsequently general book- keeper, chief clerk, auditor of passenger ac- counts, assistant auditor and since Oct., 1908, auditor same road. Also auditor Canada Southern Ry. Co., Toronto, Hamilton & Buffalo Railway; director, secretary and auditor Chi- cago, Kalamazoo & Saginaw Railway, Detroit & Charlevoix Railroad Co.; secretary and aud- itor Detroit Terminal Railway; auditor De- troit River Tunnel Co.; director and official of other subsidiary companies. Member New York Militia for several years. Republican. Presbyterian. Mason (Damascus Commandery No. 42, Knights Templar). Clubs: Detroit Golf, Detroit Curling, Detroit Transportation, Fellowcraft. Recreations: golf, fishing and curling. Office: Michigan Central Station. Residence: 104 Delaware Ave. WALDO, Lewis C, manufacturer and ves- sel owner; born, Ithaca, N. Y., Aug. 12, 1854; son of Albert G. and Sarah D. (Kennedy) Waldo; educated in public schools of Milwau- kee, Wis.; married at Ludington, Mich., 1876, Miss Mary E. Roby; 6 children: Ida R. (Mrs. J. E. King), George R. (deceased), John R., Catherine R. (Mrs. George E. Naylon), Mary R. (Mrs. R. B. Harmon), Eloise R. Went to Ludington, Mich., 1874, and entered the lum- ber business, with the Roby Lumber Co., con- tinuing until 1887; then officer and director of the First National Bank, Ludington, 1887-90; entered vessel business at Ludington, 1889; removed to Detroit, 1890; became secretary and managing owner Northwestern Trans- portation Co.; also secretary, treasurer and managing owner Robey Transportation Co.; and president White Star Line. Was treas- urer City of Ludington for 2 years. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Republican. Con- gregationalist. Scottish Rite Mason (32°), K. T. and Shriner. Clubs: Detroit, Old Club, Detroit Athletic, Country. Office: 1 Griswold St. Residence: 106 Canfield Ave. W. WALDON, Sidney Dunn; born, London, Eng., Jan. 29, 1873; son of James Lay and Julia (Dunn) Waldon; educated in London and South Kensington; married, Oct. 20, 1898, THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 507 liois Strong Burton, of Erie, Pa.; 1 daughter, Maunie. Emigrated to America, 1893; with Cooper Engine Works, Mt. Vernon, O., 1893- 96; in employ of Ball Engine Co., Erie, Pa., 1896-1900; then with Foster Auto Co., Eoeh- ester, N. Y., 1900-2; became connected with the Ohio Auto Co. (Packard), Warren, O., 1902; removed to Detroit, 1903, with the Pack- ard Motor Car Co., of which is now vice- president. Member Detroit Board of Com- merce. Republican. Episcopalian. Mason. Clubs: Detroit, Grosse Pointe Country, Detroit Athletic, Detroit Automobile, Bloomfield Hills Country, Camp Fire of Michigan, Automobile (New York). Recreation: farming. Office: Packard Motor Car Co. Residenc'e: 59 Jose- phine Ave. WATiKBB, Arthur B., manager Practical Advertising Specialties Co.; born, Wilton Junction, la., Apr. 21, 1889; son of Charles A. and Emma M. (Fulmer) Walker; educated in Austin High School and E. T. Crane Manual Training School, Chicago; unmarried. Began active career in employ of the McCord Co., Chicago, 1904, title, 1909, becoming the Mc- Cord Manufacturing Co., manufacturers of automobile, railway and steam specialties; re- moved to Detroit for the company, 1909, and ■was department manager until resigned, Sept. 1, 1913, to enter business for himself; now manager the Practical Advertising Specialties Co. (direct appeal advertising). Member De- troit Board of Commerce. Club: Adcraft. Recreation: athletics. Office: 409-410 Free Press Bldg. Residence: 368 John R St. WATiKFiB, Bryant, lawyer; born, Detroit, July 3, 1856; son of Edward C. and Lucy (Bryant) Walker; B.A., University of Michi- gan, 1876, LL.B., 1879 (honorary Sc.D., 1912); married at Washington, D. C, June 10, 1890, Mary W. Maguire, of Detroit. Read law in office of Walker & Kent until 1876; admitted to bar in 1878 and began practice in 1879; associated with Walker & Kent until 1884; member firm of Walker (father) & Walker, 1884-94, alone 1894-96, and member Walker & Spalding since May, 1896. Director Woodland Cemetery Association. Republican. Presbyte- rian. Member Detroit Bar Association. Trus- tee Detroit Museum of Art (jiresident, 1910- 11 and 1912-13), member Michigan Academy of Science (president, 1895), Detroit Zoolog- ical Society (president, 1912), Malacological Society of London, Eng., Conchological Soci- ety of Great Britain and Ireland, Omicron Chapter, Delta Kappa Epsilon (University of Michigan) ; Non-Game License Commission of Michigan; honorary curator of conchology, Museum of University of Michigan. Clubs: Detroit, Witeuagemote, Prismatic, Old, also Huron Mountain (Marquette, Mich.). Writer of numerous papers on conchology for maga- zines and proceedings of various societies, also for publications of biological and geolog- ical survey of Michigan. Office: 1306 Dime Savings Bank Bldg. Residence: 45 Alfred St. WALKER, Charles R., real estate; born, Armada, Mich., Sept. 13, 1876; son of Seth E. and Carrie (Draper) Walker; educated at Armada High School and Detroit Business University; married, Detroit, 1910, Elizabeth Dawson. Began in real estate business as salesman in office of Homer Warren & Co., 1896, and became member of the firm, 1905. Member Warren, Brown & Co., fire insurance, since 1907. Member Detroit Board of Com- merce, Fire Underwriters ' Club. Republican. Methodist. Clubs: Fellowcraft, Detroit Auto- mobile. Recreations: automobiling, hunting, fishing. Office: 1227 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 59 Pallister Ave. WALKER, Frank Banghart, physician and surgeon; born. Hunter's Creek, Mich., Apr. 25, 1867; son of Roger Thomas and Harriet Lucinda (Banghart) Walker; graduate Lapeer (Mich.) High School, 1883; Flint (Mich.) High School, 1885; University of Michigan, Ph.B., 1890; Detroit College of Medicine, M.D., 1892; married at Monroe, Mich., Sept. 4, 1894, Hattie Belle Venning (died, June 28, 1902); married, 2nd, Detroit, June 26, 1905, Kate Huntington Jacobs; children: Roger V., Margaret A. Has practiced in Detroit since Mar., 1892; professor of surgery and secre- tary, treasurer and registrar Detroit College of Medicine; professor of surgery Detroit Post-Graduate School of Medicine; surgeon to Providence Hospital; attending surgeon St. Mary's Hospital, Detroit. Editor of Physi- cian and Surgeon, Ann Arbor, Mich., 1889- 1903. Member Wayne County and Michigan State Medical societies, Tri-State, Mississippi Valley and American Medical associations. Member Corinthian Lodge No. 241, F. & A. M. Clubs: University, Detroit Boat. Recreations: reading and outdoor diversions. Office: 402 Washington Arcade. Residence: 115 Watson Street. WALKER, Fred Mallett, electrical engi- neer; born, St. Ignace, Mich., Mar. 1, 1884; son of Frank S. and Elina (Mallett) Walker; educated at University of Michigan, degree of 508 THE BOOK OF DETROITERS Bachelor of Electrical Engineering, 1910; mar- ried, July 6, 1910, Christmas Hough, of St. Ignace; 1 son, Frank Douglas. Began as elec- trical engineer, Detroit, in Aug., 1910; now manager Illuminating Engineering Co., in- stalling electric light systems, public and pri- vate. Member Detroit Board of Commerce, Detroit Engineering Society, Mason; member Knights of Pythias. Eecreations: athletics, music. Office: 17 Washington Boul. Resi- dence: 84 Chope PI. WALKEE, Frederick W., mechanical engi- neer; moved to Cedarburg, Wis.; see Vol. 1908. WALEEB, Harry James, manufacturer; born, Liverpool, Eng., Jan. 31, 1864; son of Darnett and Elizabeth (Melville) Walker; educated in schools of Liverpool; married, Apr. 6, 1887, Jessie Lenora, of Detroit; 2 children: Agnes, Norman. Began learning machinist's trade at 14, and followed trade in Liverpool; came to America, 1887, locating in Detroit; was one of the founders of the United Manufacturing Co., 1S94, continuing with the company until 1909; since president and manager J. H. Walker Co. (son Norman, secretary), manufacturers of automobile parts. Republican. Episcopalian. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. 33° Mason; member Union Lodge No. 3, F. & A. M.; Pen- insular Chapter No. 16, R. A. M.; Monroe Council No. 1, R. & S. M.; Detroit Command- ery No. 1, K. T.; Michigan Sovereign Con- sistory (Past Sovereign Prince). Club: De- troit Motor Boat. Recreation: motor boating. Office: 40 Champlain St. Residence: 144 Can- ton Ave. WALKEE, Henry L., president and treas- urer Henry L. Walker Co., electrical supplies; born, Grosse He, Mich., Sept. 8, 1867; son of Henry Nelson and Emily Virginia (Norvell) Walker; father was prominent in politics and railway development of Michigan, attorney general of Mich.; postmaster of Detroit, editor and owner Detroit Free Press for 10 years; educated in public schools, Detroit; married, Apr. 21, 1902, Alice Hammond Ives, of De- troit. Began active career in employ of James E. Davis & Co., wholesale drugs, Detroit, 1884; with Detroit National Bank, 1886-94; started in electrical supply business under own name, 1894, and in 1902 incorporated the Henry L. Walker Co., electrical supplies, machinery and electrical vehicles; organized, 1904, the P R Manufacturing Co., now the largest manufac- turers of electric bells in the world, of which is vice-president and treasurer. Retired mem- ber of Michigan Naval Reserves. Episcopa- lian. Member Detroit Board of Commerce, Clubs: Detroit, Detroit Boat, Country, Auto- mobile, Detroit Athletic, Old Club. Recrea- tions: boating, fishing, tennis. Office: 40-44 Larned St. E. Residence: 197 Iroquois Ave. WAIiKEE, Henry O., physician; died, Apr. 5. 1912; see Vol. 1908. WALKEE, James Marshall, plumbers' sup- plies; born, Detroit, Mar. 30, 1881, son of John and Isabel (Paton) Walker, educated in Detroit public schools and Central High School; entered in University of Michigan but left the University to go into business; married, Apr. 21, 1909, Elizabeth Mix, of Chi- cago. Began with James Walker & Son in 1900; held various positions until became as- sistant secretary and purchasing agent of the company, 1905, the business being disposed of in 1906; then associated with John Walker in organizing the Walker Manufacturing & Supply Co., heating and plumbing supplies, and has since been junior member and sales manager same. Formerly identified with wa- ter-power and mining interests in the Spokane Valley. Member National Pipe and Supplies Association (Pittsburgh), Central Supply As- sociation (Chicago), Confederated Supply As- sociation (New York), Credit Association of Wholesalers of Steam & Water Supplies, De- troit. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Republican. Mason. Club: Detroit Athletic. Recreations: automobiling, yachting, tenuis. Office: 136-138 Larned St. W. Residence: 161 East Grand Boul. WALKEE, John, manufacturer plumbeis ' supplies; born in Stirling, Scotland; son of James and Margaret (Sharp) Walker; came to America, 1859; educated in Detroit public and high schools, Detroit Commercial College and University of Michigan; married at Detroit, J 880, Isabel Paton; 2 sons: James M., Alex- ander E. Has been engaged in manufacture of metal goods with the same house, since the beginning of his active career; general man- ager and chief owner of Walker Manufactur- ing and Supply Co. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Vice-consul Republic of Para- guay. Mason (33°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Clubs: Fellowcraft, Detroit Golf, Royal Can- adian Yacht. Recreations: yachting, automo- biling, golf. Office: 136-138 Larned St. W. Residence: 47 Edmund PI. WALKEE, John A., dentist; born, Elgin Co., Ont., Can., Aug. 16, 1873; son of John and THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 509 Margaret (McCallum) Walker; educated in public schools, Elgin Co.; London (Ont.) High school; IngersoU High School; Belmont High School; graduate IngersoU Normal School; received Sd-class certificate, later 2d-class certificate as teacher; taught for 6 years in Canadian public schools; D.D.S., Detroit Col- lege of Dentistry, 1900; married, Oct. 22, 1902, Ida Helen Lippert, of Detroit; 1 son, Eussell J. Practiced in Detroit since June, 1900. Ee- publican. Presbyterian. Member National Dental Association, First District Dental Soci- ety of Michigan (president, 1911-12), Detroit Dental Society. Club: Y. M. C. A. Business Men's. Eecreations: fishing, athletics. Office: 303-304 Bowles Bldg. Eesidence: 955 Trum- bull Ave. WAIiKEE, William M., president Walker Bros. Catering Co.; born, Detroit, May 10, 1S67; son of Dugald and Sarah (Gainor) Walker; educated in St. Vincent's Webster schools; Detroit Business University; mar- ried, Oct. 15, 1902, Sara O'Holloran, of Jack- son, Mich.; 4 children: Eosemary, William M., Jr., Sarah, Anna May. Learned baker's trade and worked at it for 10 years; traveling- salesman for Twin Bros. Yeast Co., 3 years; began, Apr. 1, 1893, as partner in firm of Coon & Walker, bakers and grocers; succeeded to bakery business 1899; then added catering under name of Walker, the Caterer; took into partnership A. F. Walker, 1899, as Walker Bros., caterers; organized, June 30, 1909, the firm of Walker Bros. Catering Co., of which has since been president; president Detroit Commercial Car Co. President Board of Poor Commission, 1912-13. Democrat. Catholic. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Past Exalted Euler Detroit Lodge, B. P. O. Elks; member of Knights of Columbus. Eecreations: baseball, athletic sports. Office: 29 Farmer St. Eesidence: 2876 East Grand Boul. WALLACE, Henry M.; born, Hartland Township, Livingston Co., Mich., Feb. 26, 1872; son of Henry Wallace and Hannah (Bailey) Wallace; educated in district and village schools; literary course. University of Michigan; LL.B., same university, 1896, LL.M., 1897; unmarried. Began practice in office of Judge William D. Harriman, Ann Arbor, Mich., 1897; spent a number of months in Alaska and British Columbia; on return, 1901, located in Grand Eapids, Mich., and as- sociated with Andrew Fyfe in practice and also in building gas plant at Ludington, Mich., and Stoughton, Wis.; removed to De- troit, 1907. President The Henry M. Wallace Co., a holding corporation; president General Construction Co., Temple Gas Light Co., Wax- ahachie Gas Co., Corpus Christi Gas Co., Me- nomonie Gas Co. Progressive; member Na- tional Progressive Committee for Michigan. Mason, K. T., Shriner, Office: Union Trust Bldg. Eesidence: Plaza Hotel. WALLACE, Hugh; born. Gait, Can., Oct. 8, 1863; son of James and Elizabeth (Wells) Wallace; public school and collegiate educa- tion in Canada; married at Detroit, 1899, Louise Arms; 2 children: Edwin James, Euth Louise. Came to Detroit, 1897, and estab- lished the Hugh Wallace Co., of which is pres- ident; also president Detroit Ornamental Stone Co.. Member Detroit Board of Com- merce. Eepublican. Presbyterian. Mason. Clubs: Detroit Boat, Detroit Golf, Detroit Athletic. Eecreation: traveling. Office: n. w. cor. East Grand Boul. and Orleans St. Eesi- dence: 33 Virginia Park. WALSH, James J., architect; born, Detroit, Feb. 12, 1873; son of Edward A. and Lillie (Burke) Walsh; educated in public and pri- vate schools; married, Nov. 8, 1892, Margaret Halloran, of Detroit; 4 children: Helen P^liz- abeth, Margaret, James Frederick, McDon- ough. Began practice in Detroit, 1893; asso- ciated with father until 1898, since practiced alone. Independent in politics. Catholiu. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Eesi dence: 870 14th Ave. Office: 1205-1206 Cham- ber of Commerce. WALTENSPEEGER, George Henry; born, Detroit, May 28, 1873; son of Christopher and Emily (Kull) Waltensperger; educated in public schools of Detroit; married at Detroit, Oct. 7, 1896, Mabel L. Organ; 1 son, George Eichard, Jr. In employ of Detroit Free Press for 19 years, resigning, 1902, as advertising manager; engaged in advertising, promoting and publishing, with headquarters in Detroit; president and general manager of Twentieth Century Publishing Co., publishers of Twen- tieth Century Eeview, 1900-8; connected with Miles Circuit of Vaudeville Theatres since ]910. Member B. P. O. E. CTubs: Fellowcraft, Adcraft. Eecreation: outdoor sports. Office: Miles Theatre Blk. Eesidence: Charlevoix Hotel. WALTERS, Henry C, lawyer; born, Brit- ish Columbia, Can., Aug. 24, 1870; son of John and Margaret (MacDonald) Walters; came to United States, 1892; LL.B., University of Michigan, 1894; married. Mar. 7, 1908, Char- 510 THE BOOK OF DETROITERS lotte G. Smith, of Detroit. Admitted to Mich- igan bar, 1894, and since practiced in Detroit, in general practice with specialty in corpo- rate and insurance law. Director National Casualty Co., Peninsular Life Insurance Co. Member Association Bar City of Detroit, Michigan State and American Bar associa- tions, Detroit Board of Commerce, Detroit Zoological Society (director), Michigan Alumni Association. Democrat. Presbyterian. Clubs: Detroit Athletic, Detroit Golf, Detroit Curling, Detroit Motor Boat. Eecreations: motoring, golfing. Office: 917-920 Ford Bldg. Eesidence: Grosse Pointe, Mich. WALTZ, Burt Allison, mechanical engineer; born, Akron, O., Aug. 1, 1885; son of Luvan- der and Wilhelmina (Hoch) Waltz; educated in Akron High School; University of Michi- gan, 1904-8; unmarried. Began as mechanical engineer at Akron, 1908; removed to Detroit, Mar., 1912, and since associated with Therou C. Tayler, as Tayler & Waltz, mechanical en- gineers. Progressive. Member English Ee- formed Church. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Club: Detroit Wheelman. Eecre- ations: motorcycling, outdoor sports. Office: Ford Bldg. Eesidence: 987 2nd Ave. WARD, John M., theatrical manager; born, New York, Apr. 11, 1860; son of John K. and Mary A, (McCamly) Ward; public school edu- cation; married, Newport, Ky., 1892, Ella J. Kenefick, of Plymouth, Eng. Has been en- gaged in various lines of the theatrical busi- ness since 1874, beginning with the Forepaugh circus; has owned and managed many well- known dramas and comedy companies; owned, leased or managed leading theatres in New York, Chicago, Cleveland, Toledo, Saginaw, Detroit, Windsor, Out., and other cities; now general manager United Amusement Co.; pres- ident and general manager Windsor Theatre Co. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Clubs: Fellowcraft, Detroit Y'acht, Detroit Motor Boat, Friars (New York). Eeereation: traveling by water. Office: Broadway Theater. Eesidence: 697 2nd Ave. WARD, Thomas W.; born, London, Ont., Nov. 9, 1864; son of Jonathan and Sarah Jane (Scott) Ward; educated in public schools of Detroit and at Detroit College of Law, gradu- ating, degree of LL.B., 1901; married at De- troit, Sept. 28, 1887, Elizabeth W. Duncan. Clerk in grocery store, 1880-86; associated in business with his brother, William J., and engaged in building homes, 1886-91; has been in real estate business on his own account since 1891. Member Detroit Eeal Estate Board. Eepublican. Baptist. Member Masonic order, I. O. O. F., Maccabees, I. O. F., Loyal Guard. Eecreations: hunting, fishing and boating. Office: Buhl Blk. Eesidence: 33 Ward PI. WARDELL, Charles R.; born, Hamilton, Ont., Can., Mar. 7, 1858; son of Oren and Mary (Pennock) Wardell; educated in public schools, Toronto, Ont.; married, Jan. 20, 1886, Catherine Peacock, of Toronto, Can. Came to Detroit, 1873; began with Wardell & Walsh, wholesale auctioneers, continuing, 1873-83; then engaged in same line of business in own name, for 10 years; title changed, 1893, to present style of O. Wardell & Son, real estate and auctioneers. Eepublican. Presbyterian. Member Detroit Board of Commerce 32° Mason, Shriner. Eecreations: fishing, outdoor diversions. Office: 311 Hammond Bldg. Resi- dence: 79 Lincoln Ave. WARDELL, Fred; born, Toronto, Out., Mar. 30, 1866; son Oren and Mary (Pennock) War- dell; educated in public schools of Detroit; married at Detroit, 1893, Helen F. Williams. Eesident of Detroit since age of 6; began as clerk with his father, title O. Wardell & Sons, member of the firm, 1887-1909; established the Eureka Vibrator Co., 1902, firm name changed, 1908, to Eureka Vacuum Cleaner Co., of which is president. Member Detroit Board of Com- merce, National Electric Light Association. Republican. Episcopalian. Mason, K. T., Shriner. Clubs: Detroit Golf, Rotary. Eeere- ation: golf. Office: 1223 Majestic Bldg. Eesi- dence: 2989 East Grand Boul. WARDROP, Nerval, architect; born, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., Feb. 22, 1858; son of James and Mary (Simpson) Wardrop; de- scended from Scotch ancestrj'; educated in public schools, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y,, and Ontario, Ont.; B.S., McGill University, Mon- treal, 1877; M.S., 1884; also graduated in civil engineering and took post-graduate course in architecture, same university; married about 1883, Sarah Sullivan, of Detroit; 1 daughter, Lenore. Served 1 year in architect 's office, Ogdensburg, N. Y. ; with J. W. Yose, archi- tect, Bellaire, O., 1 year; came to Detroit, Oct. 17, 1881, and entered office of Gordon W. Llo3'd, to whose business succeeded, 1896; spe- cializes in residences, apartments and facto- ries. Architect for plants of Hamilton-Car- hartt Co., W. M. Fink & Co., Pioneer Woolen Mills, etc. Independent in politics. Presbyte- rian. Member Detroit Board of Commerce,. THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 511 National Geographic Society. Member Loyal Guards. Kecreations: walking, motoring. Of- fice: 270 Woodward Ave. Eesidenee: 127 Del- aware Ave. WAENEE, Ernest D., real estate; born, York, Washtenaw Co., Mich., July 14, 1866; son of Albert and Sarah A. (Waugh) Warner; educated in public schools, Ann Arbor; gradu- ated Cleary Business College, Ypsilanti, Mich., 1890; married, June 6, 1894, Maud K. Shoul- ter, of Port Huron (died, Jan., 1909); 1 daugh- ter, Sara Belle. Served as superintendent of Van DeVenter & Eider Co., railroad construc- tion, 1900-5; assistant general manager Van DeVenter Manufacturing Co., 1905-9; engaged in real estate business in Detroit since 1911; president W. C. Patrick Co. Democrat. Uni- versalist. Member Detroit Eeal Estate Board. Mason; member K. O. T. M. Eecreations: hunting, baseball. Office: 410 Hammond Bldg. Eesidenee: 72 Elizabeth St. E. WAENEE, Willard E., lawyer; moved to Hamilton, Bermuda; see Vol. 1908. WAEEEN, Benjamin Streeter, lawyer; born, Chicago, July 10, 1865; son of George P. and Amelia Lorenza (Dunwell) Warren; ed- ucated in public schols of Detroit and at Yale Law School, graduating, LL.B., 1886; married, Goshen, Ind., .June 29, 1904, Miss Eomayne Latta; 3 children: Eomayne, Elizabeth Lau- renza, Benjamin S., Jr. Began practice in Detroit, 1886, in offices of Dickinson, Thurber & Hosmer; then member of firms of Dickin- son, Warren & Warren, and Dickinson, Ste- venson, Cullen, Warren & Butzel until 1908, since alone. President Hutchins Car Eoofing Co., Mailometer Co.; director National Bank of Commerce, Mexican Crude Eubber Co., De- troit. Democrat. Baptist. Member Associa- tion Bar City of Detroit, Michigan State Bar Association, Detroit Board of Commerce. Clubs: Detroit, Country, Detroit Boat, Caledon Mountain, Detroit Athletic, Detroit Eacquet and Curling, Boylston, Yondotega. Eecrea- tions: outdoor sports. Office: 1212 Ford Bldg. Eesidenee: Grosse Pointe Shores, Mich. WAEEEN, Charles A., banking; born, Stow, Mass., Apr. 26, 1846; son of Francis Warland and Lucy Ann (Forbush) Warren; educated in grammar and high schools. Stow, and Auburndale; married at Stow, June 19, 1869, Mary E. Whitney. Came to Detroit, 1865; be- came director Dime Savings Bank upon its organization, 1884; cashier same since 1891, vice-president since 1912. Member Detroit Board of Commerce, New England Society, Sons of American Eevolution. Eepublican. Congregatioualist. Mason (32°) Knights Tem- plar (commander Detroit Commandery No. 1, 1892; Grand Commander of Grand Command- ery of Michigan, 1907). Clubs: Telegraphers', Detroit Curling. Eecreation: gardening. Of- fice: Dime Savings Bank. Eesidenee: 789 Cass Avenue. WAEEEN, Charles B., lawyer; born, Bay City, Mich., Apr. 10, 1870; son of Eobert L. and Caroline (Beecher) Warren; graduate University of Michigan, degree of Ph.B., 1891; LL.B., Detroit College of Law, 1893; married at Detroit, Dec. 2, 1902, Helen Wetmore; 3 sons: Wetmore, Charles B., Jr., Eobert. Has been engaged in practice in Detroit since 1893; was associated with Don M. Dickinson, in the firm of Dickinson, Warren & Warren, until 1900, after which became a member law firm of Shaw, Warren, Cady & Oakes, suc- ceeded by Warren, Cady & Ladd Jan., 1911. Appointed by U. S. Government, 1896, as asso- ciate counsel for the United States before the Joint High Commission, to determine the Beh- ring Sea claims. Attorney and counsel for U, S. in North Atlantic Coapt Fisheries arbitra- tion with Great Britain, before The Hague Tribunal, 1910, making one of the oral argu- ments for the United States. Delegate-at- Large Eepublican National Convention, 1907; elected member Eepublican National Commit- tee for State of Michigan, 1912. Episcopalian. Member Michigan State and Detroit Bar asso- ciations, American Society of International Law (executive council). Director Old Detroit National Bank, National Bank of Commerce. Detroit Stove Works, Lozier Motor Car Co., and other companies in which he is financially interested or for which he is counsel; director and general counsel Michigan Sugar Co. Clubs: Detroit, Country, Yondotega, Univer- sity, Huron Mountain, also University (New York), Metropolitan (Washington). Office: Union Trust Bldg. Eesidenee: 825 Jefferson Avenue. WAEEEN, Charles Woodbury, jeweler; born, Portland, Me., June 16, 1863; son of Charles and Mary A. (Day) Warren; educated in common schools, public schools of Philadel- phia, and at Germantown Academy, German- town, Pa.; married at Detroit, Apr. 12, 1889, Florence Adeline Wood. Was in employ of George W. Smith & Co., Philadelphia, previous to 1882; removed to St. Louis, 1882, and was then conencted with Mermod, Jaccard & Co.; located in Detroit, 1887, and since Sept. 1, 512 THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 1902, has been at the head of Charles W. War- ren & Co. Member Detroit Board of Com- merce. Eepublican. Presbyterian. Member Sons of American Eevolution. Eecreation: farming. Office: Washington Arcade. Resi- dence: Koyal Oak, Mich. WARREN, Edward J., real estate; born, Burnett Junction, Wis., May 15, 1862; son of Job and Sarah Diautlia (Kingsbury) Warren; educated in Bay City (Mich.) High School; married at Detroit, Oct. 27, 188(5, Bertha Walker; 3 children: Nellie L., Edith M., John L. Began active career as clerk in grocery, at London, Ont.; came to Detroit and entered photograph business, 1882, being connected at times with Ilolcombe & Alvord, F. N. Tom- linson and C. 11. Smith, all old-time photog- raphers; removed to Poughkeepsie, N. Y., and conducted a photograph gallery for 2 years; then was superintendent of agents, in the field, for the ordinary branch of the Pruden- tial Life Insurance Co.; returned to Detroit and oj)ened the state for the Provident Life and Trust Co., of Philadelphia, continuing as state agent for 3 years, during which period was vice-president of the National Under- writers' Association 1 term; then organized the C. M. Hayes Photo Co.; became interested in tropical lands, and began in stock broker- age business, 1899; organized the Cuban De- velopment Co. and the East Cuba Co., for growing citrus fruit in Cuba, and is vice-presi- dent of both companies; since 1911 president Grand Traverse Fruit Co. (handling Michigan orchard lands). Member Northwestern Busi- ness Men's Association, Northwestern Ee- search Club, New York Society of Detroit. Formerly member Detroit Light Guard. Mem- ber Masonic order, Knights of Pythias. Eec- reations: golf, fishing. Office: 1001 Majestic Bldg. Eesidence: 50 Dexter Boul. WAJREEN, Fred Hamline, lawyer; born, Manchester, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Oct. 11, 1850; son of Eev. Frederick Wales and Lavi- nia Lucevia (Seaver) Warren; educated in public schools and University of Michigan (did not graduate); unmarried. Began prac- tice at Fowlerville, Mich., 1879; removed to Detroit, 1887; prosecuting attorney, Living- ston Co., Mich., 1884-86; assistant city coun- selor of Detroit, 1908-9. Member Association Bar City of Detroit. Trustee Masonic Temple Association of Detroit. Eepublican. Method- ist. Mason (33°), Knight Templar, Shriner; Past Eminent Commander, Past Thrice Potent Master. Club: Felloweraft. Eecreation: Ma- sonry. Office: 619 Dime Savings Bank. Resi- dence: Library Park Hotel. WARREN, Harry S.; born, Eutland, Vt., Oct. 27, 1871; son of George Wayne and Ellen Adelia (Mussey) Warren; educated in public and high schools and Detroit Business Uni- versity; married, June 11, 1S9-1, Maerde A. Dunks, of Eochester, N. Y. Worked on farms and clerked in store vacations, while securing high school training; came to Detroit, 1890, and was in service of Detroit & Cleveland Navigation Co. until 1904; with George M. West Co., brokers, 1905-6; since in business for self as H. S. Warren & Co. Eepublicau. Member Michigan Commandery, Loyal Legion, Sons of Veterans. Clubs: Felloweraft, Detroit Yacht. Eecreations: country life. Office: 211 Moffat Bldg. Eesidence: 104 Holbrook Ave. WARREN, Homer, real estate and insur- ance; ex-postmaster of Detroit; born, Shelby, Mich., Dec. 1, 1855; son of Eev. S. E. and Ellen (Davis) Warren; educated in public schools and at Albion College, Albion, Mich.; married at Detroit, Dec. 9, 1879, Susie M. Leach (died, 1907); married, 2nd, Feb. 17, 1909, Flora M. Perry. Located in Detroit at age of 17 and began in employ of J. M. Ar- nold & Co., books and stationery, where he remained for 6 years; appointed deputy col- lector of customs at Detroit and later was made cashier of the customs office; entered real estate business alone, 1886, continuing until 1892, when he organized firm of Homer Warren & Co., which still continues, the mem- bers being self, Cullen Brown and Charles E. Walker. Was appointed postmaster of Detroit by President Eoosevelt and received his com- mission Jan. 15, 1906; reappointed Dec, 1909, by President William H. Taft. Term expired Sept. 1, 1913. President Detroit Board of Commerce. Eepublican (active worker in party for many years and treasurer Eepubli- can State Central Committee). Methodist. Mason. Clubs: Felloweraft (formerly member board of governors), Michigan, Detroit, St. Clair Flats Fishing and Gun, Country, De- troit Golf, Detroit Automobile. Eecreations: hunting, fishing, golf, automobiling. Office: 1227 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Eesidence: 778 Cass Ave. WARREN, Wadsworth, physician; born. Elk Eapids, Mich., Dec. 23, 1864; son of Eev. Leroy (D.D.) and Francis A. (Wadsworth) Warren; educated in Preparatory Department Olivet College to 1880; Olivet College, gradu- ating, degree of A.B., 1886, A.M., 1889; Med- THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 513 ical Department, University of Michigan, de- gree of M.D., 1889; post-graduate course. Uni- versity of Vienna, 1895, University of Heidel- berg, Germany, 1896; married at Flint, Mich., Feb. 14, 1895, Adelaide Fenton Birdsall; 2 •children: Wadsworth, Jr., Grace. Began prac- tice at Kalamazoo, Mich., 1889; practiced at Flint, Mich., 1891-94, Detroit 1896-1910; with General Motors Co. 1 year; since general man- ager The Anglada Co. (manufacturers of de- mountable rims). Honorary member Detroit Academy of Medicine (president 1908 and 1909). Republican. Clubs: Detroit, Detroit Boat, Witenagemote. Recreation: yachting. Office: 503 Free Press Bldg. Residence: 21 Van Dyke PI. WARREN, William Harrington (retired); born, Westborough, Mass., Aug. 11, 1840; son of Horatio and Lucinda Fisher (Harrington) Warren; educated in public schools of West- borough; N. T. Allen's School, West Newton, Mass.; A.B., Harvard, 1865, A.M., 1868; graduate Andover Theological Seminary, Andover, Mass., 1868; D.D. from Olivet Col- lege, Mich., 1896; married at Andover, July 28, 1870, Mary Angeline Jackson. Ordained to ministry Congregational Church, St. Louis, 1869; pastor Plymouth Congregational Church, St. Louis, 1869-72, Pilgrim Congregational Church, Cleveland, 1872-75, First Congrega- tional Church, Springfield, 0., 1875-87, Vine Street Congregational Church, Cincinnati, 1887-94; superintendent Congregational Home Missions in Michigan, 1894-1906; pastor Fort Street Congregational Church, Detroit, Mar. 1, 1907-11 (retired). Residence: 1190 Lafayette Boul. WASEY, Edward Gay, lawyer; manager Wilber Mercantile Agency; born, Detroit, Mar. 9, 1880; son of George Edward and Anna Belle (Whiting) Wasey; educated in Detroit High School; attended Williams College; LL.B., Law Department, University of Michi- gan, 1903; married, June 24, 1909, Josephine Willeke, of Springfield, Mo. Began practice of law, in Detroit, 1903; became member of firm of Graves, Hatch & Wasey, 1906; re- tired from firm, 1910; manager of Wilber Mer- cantile Agency since 1910, also continues in practice. Director Detroit Motor & Machine Co., Crittall Casement Co.; director and secre- tary Casket Hardware Manufacturing Co. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Repub- lican. Methodist. Member Association Bar City of Detroit, Phi Delta Phi. Clubs: De- troit Athletic, Detroit Boat, Detroit Curling, Lawyers'. Recreations: boating, curling. Of- fice: 610 Hammond Bldg. Residence: 61 Cal- vert Ave. WASHER, Winfield S.; born, Newton, Sus- sex Co., N. J., Sept. 24, 1847; son of Daniel and Celicia (Vaughan) Washer; educated in district schools of Oakland Co., Mich.; mar- ried, Dec. 24, 1874, Delphine Johnston, of Al- mont, Mich.; 1 daughter, Maude E. Lived on farm till 19; then in general merchandise stores in Oakland Co., Mich.; in furniture and undertaking business, Metamora, Mich., 1876- 82; removed to Detroit, 1882; became travel- ing salesman Detroit Casket Co., Nov., 1885, vice-president since May, 1912. Republican. Presbyterian. Mason. Office: 177-187 Congress St. W. Residence: 624 12th St. WASMUND, Leberecht, cut stone contrac- tor; born Province of Brandenburg, Germany, July 14, 1863; son of Charles and Minnie (Mil- ler) Wasmund; came to Detroit with parents, 1870; educated in parochial schools of De- troit; married at Detroit, 1885, Margaret Maul; 6 children: Edward, William (deceased), Alfred, Elsa (wife of Capt. D. W. Davie), Frederick, Albert (deceased). Member of the firm of Batchelder & Wasmund, 1895-1911; company incorporated, 1911, as The Batchel- der & Wasmund Co. and he became president. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Organ- izer, 1888, and member Bethania Liederkranz Society; member Lutheran Bund of Michigan. Recreations: baseball, football. Office: cor. 15th St. and West Jefferson Ave. Residence: 441 Elmwood Ave. WATERFALL, Arthur Thomas, traffic com- missioner; born, Detroit, Jan. 26, 1870; son of .Tohn Buxton and Phoebe Wheeler (Robinson) Waterfall; ancestors on both sides settled in Detroit early in the '40s; educated in public schools and special courses of study, Detroit; married, July 25, 1895, Crystal F. Reager, of Detroit; 1 son, Thornton Edwin. Began active career in employ of the Russel Wheel & Foun- dry Co., 1889, advancing to general superin- tendent, 1904; left the company in 1912, and became traffic commissioner of the Detroit Board of Commerce. Past president American Foundrymen's Association. Methodist. 32° Mason; member Consistory. Clubs: Fellow- craft, Detroit Motor Boat. Recreation: motor boating. Office: 70 Washington Ave. Resi- dence: 157 Alger Ave. WATERFALL, Edward A., insurance and real estate; born, Detroit, May 28, 1862; son of John and Christine (Currie) Waterfall; 514 THE BOOK OF DETROITERS educated in public schools and 1% years in Detroit High School; married, 1894, Lillian Linn, of Detroit; 1 daughter, Jessie C. Left school, 1885, to enter building and real estate business with father, under firm name of John Waterfall & Son, continuing until 1897; since in fire insurance and real estate business un- der individual name. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Rei)ublican. Episcopalian. Member Zion Lodge No. 1, F. & A. M.; Mon- roe Chapter, R. A. M. ; Damascus Command- ery No. 42, K. T. Club: Exchange. Recrea- tions: motoring, boating, fishing. Office: 921 Ford Bldg. Residence: 514 Cass Ave. WATERMAN, Cameron Beach; born, De- troit, Dec. 20, 1878; son of Cameron D. and Elizabeth H. (Beach) Waterman; educated in Detroit public and high schools, Detroit School for Boys; Yale University, graduating, B.A., 1901; LL.B., Yale Law School, 1904; married, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1904, Lois F. Miller; 3 children: Mary Elizabeth, Cameron, Reuben Miller. Admitted to bar, New Haven, Conn., June, 1904; practiced, Detroit, mostly patent cases. Invented the Waterman outboard mo- tor, and organized, 1906, the Waterman Ma- rine Motor Co., of which is president. Repub- lican. Presbyterian. Clubs: Detroit Country, Detroit University, Yale (New York). Recre- ations: motoring, boating, baseball, tennis, fishing. Office: 2.35 Mt. Elliott Ave. Resi- dence: Grosse Poiute, Mich. WATKINS, William H., hardware, plumb- ing, automobile accessories, etc.; born, De- troit, Jan. 12, 1861; son of Henry William and Amelia (Jenkins) Watkins; public school ed- ucation; married at Detroit, 1887, Annie Wit- horn, of Capac, Mich.; 2 children: William A., Doris W. Began active career in employ of Henry C. Hopson, 212 Woodward Ave., and continued for 5 years; then with S. Symonds, .3.32 Woodward Ave., for 5 years; member of firm of Watkins & Radcliffe, since 1887; also treasurer Ideal Metallic Furnace Co. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Member Michi- gan and Detroit Retail Hardware Dealers' as- sociations. Republican. Protestant. Mason. Recreations: fishing, travel. Office: 769-771 Woodward Ave. Residence: 74 Trowbridge Avenue. WATLING, John W., bonds; born, Ypsi- lanti, Mich., June 17, 1882; son of John A. and Eunice (Wright) Watling; educated pub- lic schools, Ypsilanti; A.B., University of Michigan, 1904; married, Oct. 3, 1906, Sallie Palmer Rice, of Detroit; 3 children: John W., Jr., Palmer, William Robinson. Came to De- troit, 1904, and has since been engaged in bond and investment business; manager for firm of Bolger, Mosser & Willaman, of Chi- cago. Democrat. Clubs: University, Detroit Golf, Chicago University. Recreation: golf. Office: 2020 Dime Savings Bank Bldg. Resi- dence: 157 Canfield Ave. WATSON, Frank H., lawyer; born, Shia- wassee County, Mich., Nov. 14, 1857; son of Stephen and Hannah M. (Kenyon) Watson; educated district and high schools; studied law while teaching country school, also in office and in law school; married, .Jan. 4, 1887, Ella Pauline Westfall, of Corunna; children: Donna M., Helen P., Mark R., Frank H., Jr. Admitted to bar, 1881, and began general practice at Corunna, 1883; member Michigan House of Representatives, 1887-88 (judicial committee); prosecuting attorney Shiawassee County, 1893-97; city attorney, Owosso, 1900-5; U. S. attorney Eastern District of Michigan, 1906-11; special counsel for U. S. government in bath-tub trust cases; formerly general counsel Michigan State Life Insurance Co.; now general counsel and member executive board Detroit Life Insurance Co. Republican (regular). Cougregationalist. Mason, Knight Templar (Past Eminent Commander Corunna Commandery No. 21), Shriner; member B. P. O. Elks. Club: Fellowcraft. Recreation: bil- liards. Office: 1326 Dime Savings Bank Bldg. Residence: 35 King Ave. WATSON, Milton Tate, orthodontist; born, Lyndon, Mich., Jan. 16, 1872; son of Tate and Harriet (Sellers) Watson; educated in schools of Dexter, Mich., Goshen, Ind., Jackson, Mich., and at University of Michigan, graduating, D.D.S., 1893; married at Ypsilanti, Mich., Nov. 27, 1895, Genevieve Cherrington Ryan. Practiced general dentistr.y at Bay City, Mich., 1893-1901; took up special practice (ortho- dontia) in Detroit, 1901. Taught clinical or- thodontia in the Angle School of Orthodontia, St. Louis, during its early history; special lecturer on orthodontia at University of Mich- igan, 1903-6. Member American Society of Orthodontists (ex-president), Institute of Stomatology (New York), Michigan Dental Association, First District Dental Society, Delta Sigma Delta; ex-president Saginaw Val- ley Dental Society. Mason. Clubs: Detroit Boat, Automobile. Recreation: motoring. Of- fice: 406 Gladwin Bldg. Residence: 865 2d Avenue. THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 515 WATTS, Will W., life insurance; moved to St. Louis, Mo.; see Vol. 1908. WAY, Edwin C; born, Marshall, Mich., Dec. 21, 1850; son of James Atkins and Anna Mal- vina (Post) Way; educated in public schools of Marshall; unmarried. Has been connected with tobacco business since 1872; began with Scotten, Lovett & Co., later Daniel Scotten & Co.; was for two years in New York with the American Tobacco Co.; became identified with the Scotten-Dillon Co., 1901, and is now president of the company. Member Detroit Chamber of Commerce. Kepublican. Episco- palian. Mason. Oi3fice: cor. Fort St. \7. and Campau St. Residence: Hotel Wayne. WEADOCK, Bernard F., lawyer; born, Sag- inaw, Mich., Mar. 24, 1884; son of George W. and Elizabeth (Tarsney) Weadock; educated private and public schools, Saginaw; Univer- sity of Michigan; Detroit College of Law; married, June 26, 1912, Mary L. Dillon, of Chicago. Located in Detroit 1904; admitted at Lansing, Mich., to practice in all courts, 1905; assistant corporation counsel, Detroit, 1906-12; attorney for Detroit United Lines since May 1, 1912; director Detroit & High- land Park R. R. Co. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Democrat. Catholic. Member Michigan State Bar Association, Association Bar City of Detroit. Club: Lawyers'. Office: 12 Woodward Ave. Residence: 22 Chandler Avenue. WEADOCK, Thomas A. E., lawyer; born, Ireland, Jan. 1, 1850; son of Lewis and Mary (Cullen) Weadock; came to America with parents, 1850; educated in district school in Ohio and St. Mary's Union School; married, 1874, Mary E. Tarsney, who died, 1889; again, in 1893, Nannie E. Curtiss; children: Lewis J., Paul, Isabel, Clare, Monica, George P. Ad- mitted to bar, 1873, and began i^ractice at Bay City, 1874; has practiced in Detroit since 1895; prosecuting attorney two years; mayor Bay City, 1883-85; representative in Congress, Bay City District, 1891-95. Democrat; dele- gate-at-large Democratic National Convention, 1896. Served 2 years in Michigan Militia. Member American and Michigan State Bar associations, Association Bar City of Detroit. Roman Catholic. Club: Detroit. Recreations: horseback riding and collection of books. Of- fice: 810-811 Hammond Bldg. Residence: 102 Ferry Ave. E. WEAKLEY, William James, lawyer; born, Strawn, 111., Mar. 16, 1881; son of Joseph and Catherine (Hagerty) Weakley; educated pub- lic and high schools, Forrest, 111.; LL.B., De- troit College of Law, 1907; unmarried. Tele- graph messenger, Forrest, 111., 1897-98; sta- tion agent Wabash R. R., at various points, 1898-1902, also for Sante Fe and Denver & Rio Grande railways, 1902-4; with Western Union and Postal Telegraph companies, De- troit, 1904-7; admitted to Michigan Bar, 1907; associated in practice with Charles T. Wilkins, 1907-9, since alone. Member Michigan Naval Reserves, 2 years. Democrat. Member Bar Association City of Detroit, Detroit Board of Commerce. Club: Lawj'^ers'. Office: 815 Ham- mond Bldg. Residence: 100 Hague Ave. WEATHERWAX, Andrew Jay, Jr., presi- dent Central Distributing Co.; born, Jackson, Mich., Oct. 26, 1877; son of Andrew Jay and Mary Louise (Maxson) Weatherwax; edu- cated Jackson public schools; University of Michigan; United States Military Academy, West Point, N. Y.; married, June 18, 1898, Ema Gillette, of Jackson, who died, Oct. 20, 1907; 2 children: Gillette A. and Millicent; married, 2d, Anna Mildred Johnson, June 16, 1910; two children: Andrew Jay, 2d, and Mil- dred. Began active career at Jackson, Mich., 1897, with firm of Holton & Weatherwax, of which was vice-president and treasurer; firm name changed to the Central Distributing Co., June, 1911, since president and general man- ager Central Distributing Co. of Detroit, and Jackson, Mich., jobbers and manufacturers' agents for transmission apparatus, steam fit- ters' supplies, structural steel reinforcing ma- terials, raih-oad supplies, etc. Protestant. Rec- reations: automobiling, baseball, billiards, fishing. Office: 316-320 Harper Ave. Resi- dence: 170 Harper Ave. WEBB, Charles Mortimer; born, London, England, Mar. 7, 1859; son of Charles William M. and Fannie (Mortimer) Webb; brought to America at age of 5 years; educated public schools, Detroit; married, Oct. 22, 1880, Al- vina Knickbein, of Detroit; 6 children: Nellie (Mrs. Charles H. Stewart), Cora (Mrs. W. H. Goebel), Laura (Mrs. George Skelton), May, Clara, Charles M., Jr. Came to Detroit from Milwaukee, Wis., 1870; was in employ of Horace Turner, furniture manufacturer, 6 years; connected with the A. A. Gray Co., furniture and upholstery, since 1883, and has been vice-president and superintendent of fac- tory since 1885. Republican. Presbyterian. Recreations; boating, fishing. Offices: 15 At- water St., and 260-262 Woodward Ave. Resi- dence: 96 Prentis Ave. 516 THE BOOK OF DETROITERS WEBB, George Herbert, railway official; born, Dubuque, la.. Mar. 5, 1860; son of George and Emma (Alder) Webb; graduate Pennsylvania Military College, degree of C.E., 1880; widower. Began active career as rod- man Baltimore & Ohio Ed.; then tested steel for the Brooklyn Bridge and later acted as level and transit man for Pittsburgh Southern Ey. and Pittsburgh Western Ed.; was city engineer, Johnstown, Pa., 1883; engineer Johnson Steel Eail Co., 1884-85; assistant en- gineer C, B. & Q. E. E., 1885-88; located and built portions of Seattle, Lake Shore & East- ern Ed., in Washington Territory, 1888; con- structed government railways in Chili, South America, 1889-91; was division engineer Cen- tral Eailway of Peru (formerly Aroya E. E.), and built a division of the road through the Cordilleras de los Andes at an altitude of 15,657 feet above the sea level (this road has fifty-seven tunnels in seventy miles). Ee- turned to United States, 1893, and was in private practice until 1897, when he became chief engineer Cincinnati, Georgetown & Portsmouth Ed., continuing until 1899; was roadmaster Big Four, and Chicago & Alton railways, 1899-1901; engineer in charge con- struction Baring Cross shops. Iron Mountain Ed., Arkansas, 1901-2; since Jan., 1903, has been with Michigan Central E. E. consecu- tively on Ostemo division, division engineer Middle division, assistant chief engineer in charge of surveys, construction and mainte- nance of way, and since Jan. 16, 1905, chief engineer Michigan Central E. E. Also chief engineer Detroit Eiver Tunnel Co. since July, 1911. Member American Society of Civil En- gineers, American Eailway Engineering As- sociation, National Geographers' Society, De- troit Engineering Society. Eepublican. Epis- copalian. Clubs: Transportation (Detroit and Buffalo). Eecreations: golf, fishing. Office: 31 Michigan Central Depot. Eesidence; 60 Han- cock Ave. W. WEBB, Rajrmond Simpson; born, Feb. 5, 1846; died, Feb. 12, 1912; see Vol. 1908. WEBBER, George F.; born, Chicago, June 8, 1865; son of Augustus and Eliza (Morphy) Webber; educated public schools, Toronto, Can.; married, Nov. 5, 1888, Frances J. Finch, of Minneapolis, Minn.; children: Bert, Helen L., Frank. Studied law in Minneapolis and admitted to practice in Michigan, Dec. 12, 1893; credit man in wholesale knit goods house, 1894-7, later with another house; started as mill salesman, 1900, and engaged in manufacturing on own account since June, 1909. Democrat. Episcopalian. Clubs: De- troit Boat, Detroit Athletic. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Office: 414-418 Gratiot Ave. Eesidence: 130 Kirby E. WEBBER, Oscar, vice-president, The J. L. Hudson Co.; born, Ionia, Mich., May 22, 1889; son of Joseph Thompkins and Mary Eleanor (Hudson) Webber; descended from English ancestry; educated Ionia Grammar School; Detroit Central High School; A.B., University of Michigan, 1910; unmarried. Began active career as department manager The J. L. Hud- son Co., department store, Sept., 1910; left department and entered executive work, Dec, 1912; elected vice-president. Mar., 1913. Ee- publican. Methodist. Member Phi Beta Kap- pa. Clubs: Detroit Athletic, Detroit Boat, University of Michigan. Eecreations: hand- ball, tennis. Office: The J. L. Hudson Co. Ees- idence: 145 Ferry Ave. E. WEBBER, Richard Hudson, merchant; born, Ionia, Mich., July 24, 1879; son of Joseph T. and Mary E. (Hudson) W'ebber; nephew of late Joseph L. Hudson; educated Ionia public and high schools; unmarried. Began in father's clothing store, Ionia; removed to De- troit, 1898; became vice-president of the J. L. Hudson Co. department store, 1906, and has been president of the company since death of uncle, July, 1912; also director Dime Sav- ings Bank. Member Board of Directors, Har- per Hospital, McGregor Institute, Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Eepublican. Methodist. Clubs: Detroit, Detroit Athletic, Detroit Hunting and Fishing, Country, De- troit Boat. Eecreations: golf, boating. Of- fice: Gratiot Ave. and Farmer St. Eesidence: 63 Boston Boul. E. WEBSTER, Arthur, lawyer; born, Mont- rose, la., Apr. 15, 1871; son of George and Cornelia M. (Allen) Webster; educated in public schools; Law Department, University of Michigan, degree of LL.B., 1892; married, Apr. 30, 1910, Laura Belle Eussell; 1 daughter, Jane Elizabeth. Has practiced in Detroit since the beginning of professional career; as- sistant corporation counsel five years and as- sistant prosecuting attorney three years; member of firm of Chamberlain, May, Denby & Webster. Member Association Bar City of Detroit, Lawyers' Club, Sigma Chi. Clubs: Detroit Boat, University, Detroit Athletic, Detroit Tennis. Recreations: rowing, base- THE BOOK OF DETROITERS 517 ball and tennis. Office Dime Savings Bank Bldg. Eesidence: 3079 West Grand Boul. WEBSTER, Clyde L, lawyer; born, Eaton Eapids, Mich., Aug. 10, 1877; son of Hiram P. (a prominent Michigan lumberman) and Sarah J. (Piekerd) Webster; graduate Eaton Rapids High School, 1895; Ph.B., University of Michigan, 1899, LL.B., 1901; married at Eaton Rapids, Sept. 4, 1901, Edith May Hughes. Practiced in Detroit, in office of Don M. Dickinson, 1901-4; member firm of Ghoate & Webster, until Mar., 1909, Choate, Webster, Robertson & Lehmaun, until Nov. 1, 1912; appointed U. S. district attorney Aug. 6, 1912. Republican. Member Michigan State Bar Association, Association Bar City of Detroit, Lawyers' Club of Detroit, Detroit Board of Commerce. Mason (32°); member Corinthian Lodge, King Cyrus Chapter, De- troit Commandery No. 1, Knights Templar, Michigan Sovereign Consistory Shrine. Mem- ber Sigma Alpha Epsilon (college fraternity). Club: Fellovvcraft (vice-president and mem- ber board of governors). Recreations: read- ing, fishing. Office: 311 P. O. Bldg. Resi- dence: 31 King Ave. WEEKS, Harold J., contracting engineer; born, Ft. Clark, Tex., May 23, 1884; son of Capt. Harrison S. and Julia (Shoemaker) Weeks; great-grandfather, Benjamin Shoe- maker, Lord Mayor of Philadelphia under George 111; educated Allegan High School, Allegan, Mich.; University of Michigan, En- gineering Department, 1906, non-graduate; married, Dec. 14, 1909, Florence Ford, of New Orleans. Southern manager Gabriel Concrete Reinforcement Co., 1908-1909; became chief engineer Gabriel Concrete Reinforcement Co., 1910; secretary Invincible Starter Co. since Jan., 1913; consulting and contracting engi- neer with H. J. Weeks Co. since July, 1912. Personally supervised the erection of some of the first reinforced concrete structures in Texas and Oklahoma. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Republican. Episcopalian. Member Southern Engineering Society, Hous- ton, Tex.; Delta Upsilon fraternity. Southern Society of Detroit. Clubs: Detroit Boat, Uni- versity of Michigan Club, Detroit Tennis. Office: Penobscot Bldg. Residence: 7 Glad- stone Ave. WEGENER, Anthony; born, Westphalia, Germany, Feb. 9, 1841; son of John and Anna Marie (Kerwig) Wegener; educated in old country; came to America, 1867, and located iD Detroit; married. Nov. 16, 1875. Gertrude Kramer, of Detroit; 6 children: Catherine, Anna (Mrs. Zack Bouelitz, of Rochester, Mich.), John, Anthony, Jr., Joseph, Frank. Learned machinist's trade and followed same until entering bottling business in 1870; in- corporated, 1905, as A. Wegener & Sons, of which is president. Catholic. Office: 387-393 Riopelle St. Eesidence: 385 Riopelle St. WEIDNER, Paul; born, Breslau, Prussia, Germany, Aug. 12, 1848; son of Johannes Weidner; educated in Germany; came to America, 1866; married at New York city, 1875, Sophia Bostel; 5 children: Olga (Mrs. Cort Kling), Paul, Jr., Oscar, William, Fred. Came to Detroit from New York city, 1877, and entered business as importer and dealer in hops, etc.; admitted his two sons, Paul, Jr., and William, to partnership, Jan. 1, 1907, under firm name of Paul Weidner & Sons, which still continues; also vice-president Michigan Sulphite Fibre Co. and Michigan Bonding & Security Co. Democrat. Associate member Detroit Post No. 384 G. A. R.; mem- ber Harmonie Society. Club: Germania Bowl- ing. Recreation: farming. Office: 350-352 Gra- tiot Ave. Residence: 71 E. Forest Ave. WEIL, Charles L., mechanical engineer; moved to St. Clair, Mich.; see Vol. 1908. WEIL, Henry M.; born, Detroit, Nov. 21, 1871; son of Julius and Hannah (Sweet) Weil; educated Detroit public schools; married, Jan. 10, 1900, Ella Arndt, of Detroit; 4 children: Rajmond, Leona, Frank, Herbert. Identified with produce and fruit commission business ever since beginning of active career; started as H. M. Weil & Co., 1890, succeeded in 1911 by Weil & White; member also of firm of Ellenstein & Weil, 1906-10. Member Detroit Produce Exchange. Recreation: automobiling. Offices: 368 High St. E. and 24 Market St, Residence: 504 Fourth Ave. WEIL, Herbert; born. New York city, Jan. 31, 1881; son of Isadore and Clara (Rosen- berger) Weil; educated in Detroit public and high schools; married at Detroit, 1904, Daisy Roemer; 2 children: Herbert, Jr., Virginia. Became connected with the San Telmo Cigar Manufacturing Co. as cashier, 1905, and has been treasurer since Jan. 1, 1907; also secre- tary and treasurer Central Cigar Co. Mem- ber Detroit Board of Commerce, Detroit Credit Men 's Association. Mason (32°). Republican. •Jewish faith. Recreations: outdoor sports. Office: 540-550 Forest Ave. E. Residence: 306 Putnam Ave. 518 THE BOOK OF DETROITERS WETLER, John J.; born, Detroit, Aug. 28, 1S74; son of John J. and Johanna (Bloom) Weiler; educated Detroit public schools; mar- ried, Sept., 1901, Josephine Kremer, of De- troit; 4 children: Josephine, John J., Jr., Frank, Ruth. Newsboy for 5 years; in employ of Wetherbee Woodenware Co. 3 years; served apprenticeship in candy business; spent 2 3'ears in New York working at trade; returned to Detroit, 1892, and was in employ of Bloss- enberger & Co. 5 years; in busines on own ac- count since 1893; proprietor candy department Peter Smith & Sous. Catholic. Member De- troit Board of Commerce. Recreatious: auto- mobiling, fishing. Manufacturing Plant: 78-80 Broadway. Residence: 200 Maybury Ave. WEISGEEBER, Frank, paints, oils, etc.; born, Detroit, Apr. 28, 1874; son of Philip and Martha E. (Yaeger) Weisgerber; edu- cated public schools, Detroit; married, Apr. 11, 1900, Helen R. Rankin, of Detroit; 1 son, Frank R. Began active career in employ of Higgius & Taepke, 1888, continuing four years; organized the Central Paint & Glass Co., Jan., 1893; organized, 1909, the Weisger- ber-Lowther Paint Co., of which has since been senior partner. Trustee Village of High- land Park, 1901-5. Mason: Odd Fellow. Clubs: Fellowcraft, Detroit Motor Boat. Recreations: outdoor sports. Office: 141 Bates St. Resi- 'i i I ^ c o V I « "oo^ ^^^^y n ^ ■ ,0- ^-^#' il: "^^ ^^ * P^/^^^ y ' VSJ-^ * I- <^. o ^/ i" \^" = 2j. .,7 ",>-?•' ^ , ^-H-i^^ ^ ■(' ' ,0 <<'^- A-* %^^ ,.^^ ^^, ^0o, VV s /'. "> ,0 o. ^\^^ ?^ OC ^^,.?.. c-^ "bo^ .Oo^ ^ ': , • . y ^ i. ..I •"^ - V-- S « ri ■>' ' , V ■*' ,-\ "^A v^' O N C ^1^ 'oo' Oxide SEP 19J6 PRESERW I ION TECHNOLOGIES, LP* 111 Thomson Park Drive ] Cranberry Township, PA 16066 (724)779-2111 ' '^A V^ ■f^^^T^is „ ' \V Of. ■^^ >?.■. 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