\' VXX^\X\VXNN^X\X\X\X\VsX\VX\XnV\X\XxX\X^X^X\XX\VVXvX\^^^ John MorrU Company, Printers, Chicago, ^^ ESTAVuShTEV "l 864." |. OLDESriT BAI^BBF^ SUPPLY HOUSE IN GHIGAGO. PRICE LIST ixm mmn referbicb eook OF ^ GUSTAV Knecht. TIS.A.irE: 3M^S^ISI-r. ^'^' 'ff- ic^ AA 171 E. RANDOLPH STREET, CHICAGO, ILLmoIS. MANUFACTURER OF Mtry, M\h Fmta li Supplies. Steam Concave Grinding Establishment. Decorator of Shaving Mugs. ^. JAN 26 1805 OFFICE AND SALESROOM:^ 2 3 ^ <> 9 ^\ ■ 171 E^ST I^^IsTIDOILI^S: STI^EET CHICAGO. < <4^ ^ A Entered according to act of Congress, iu the year 1S84, by GUSTAV KNECHT, In the oiBce of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. JOHN MORRIS COMPANY, PRINTERS, 118 AND 120 MONROE STREET. -^\ C/r/^'^ WE HAVE NO BRANCH HOUSE or relative in Kansas city or OTHER PLACES IN THE UNITED STATES. -HJC^ :ABEo3l£<- rHE tendency and growth of our establishment is surety to our Barber friends, that GOOD GOODS, LOW PRICES and PROMPT, HONEST dealing is our motto ; we try to please, and success has been the result S^^A general reduction of prices has been made in this List. Terms are Cash on delivery, C. 0. D, by Express ; small orders (under $2.00) should be accompanied by cash; any change will be returned with the goods ; we pay return charges on amounts (for new goods) over $5.00 through one Express Company. Please write orders distinctly, in compliance with this Catalogue, to avoid mistakes. We fill orders for goods not mentioned in this book without extra charge. All goods are shipped by Express; we send small -paid articles by mail, only on special instructions given, and do not hold ourselves responsible for mail packages, With order for Furniture or other heavy goods (including Shaving Mugs, decorated), remit a cash deposit enough to cover transportation both ways, and to insure the goods being taken on arrival, the balance of bill to be paid on delivery. The full amount will be required for goods to distant or outside States. Please give your instructions how to ship by Express or freight line. We give estimates for large outfits on application. Our constant dealing with Express and Freight Companies enables us to secure lowest rates for transportation. NO CHARGE FOR BOXING OR CARTING GOODS. NO GOODS SOLD ON INSTALLMENTS. SPECIAL. — Customers wishing to exchange articles which do not fulfill their expectations, may do so immediately, if sent in free of charge, provided they have not been used or injured. ^rices quoted in this List cancel all former. Keep this book from injury, and oblige Yours respectfully, GUSTAV KNECHT. GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO. GUSTAV KNECHTS "Diamond Zenith Razor." Registered in .^=. .=,— .— ^==^-^ In London, England, Wasliingtou. D. C. ^Br^^^^^^^*™* and Ottawa, Canada. TO THE BARBER PROFESSION: Thirty-seven years' experience has been crowned with success. THE UNRIVALED DIAMOND ZENITH RAZOR HAS STOOD THE TEST. It is not our intention to print the numerous testimonials received daily from prominent Barbers of this and other countries. They pronounce them superior to any which they have used. There is a general call for the Razor with the GLAZIER'S DIAMOND, named DIAMOND ZENITH RAZOES. THE JOURNAL OF COMMERCE, CHICAGO, A LEADING PAPER FOR HARDWARE AND CUTLERY of HIGH STANDARD, says in its columns of September 24th, 1884: A WORD ABOrT BARBER'S CITTI.ERY. The article of greatest importance to barbers is a good, keen razor, and shears which do not slip the hair. We are not aware, as yet, that all barbers are ac- quainted with the good qual- "^^^j^^^^^-^^^- ity of the "Zenith Razor." What are the advantages of a mtf-Jg^^lfH fancy barber chair, brushes, soap or other tools, or being a skillful and experienced barber, if one has not the razor to depend upon ? Unquestionably, the whole weight of the barber's reputu tion rests entirely on a first-class razor — a razor better than what has hitherto been offered by what is called "the trade." A barber is bound to have a razor which is MADE to SHAVE and hold out. GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO. Mr. Gustav Knecht, 171 E. Randolph Street, Chicago, is the fortunate man who understands how to make a razor which ought to be tried and will be appre- ciated —Mr. Knecht being in the first place born and brought up in cutlery, all his forefathers having been engaged in the manufacture of knives, shears and razors; his own experience in this very line of business, making and concaving razors and other instruments, extends beyond 30 years. He has now brought it to the extreme point in manufacturing a razor invented, and known in material as well as in temper only by himself; thus his new brand is truly the "ZeNITH Of rm AG^/' Begistered in e»ii g-r-^ gi^ ^^»_—i m In London, England and Washington, D. C. ^^^M^^^H Ottawa, Canada. DIAMOND RAZOR. Mr. Knecht's superior razor concaving has long been known all over the United States. It is not his way to puff and shout about anything, but, as we learn, he is busily engaged with a large force of assistants in making the Zenith Razor, and is hardly able to fill all the orders received from people who have heard of the good quality of his razors through friends and barbers who had them in use already. Three years ago the Zenith Razor was introduced, and it is now really the standard and zenith of the day. Manufactured bj^ Gustav Knecht of the same razor steel, are in great demand and meet all put on barber's shears. These shears are known by being full (highly) polished and bearing the manufacturer's name. No others are identical and genuine Knecht's Razor Steel Shears. a^'Xliese Groods speak foi* Theiiiselves.^^a -to' GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO. . :♦: :♦■■:♦; :♦; :•:■:♦: >: :♦:■:♦:■:♦; :♦: >: >. :♦; .♦; ♦:•;♦:■.♦: .♦; ;♦; >:■:♦: >: ,♦; :♦:■ 1 FOR BARBERS AND HAIRDRESSERS, GUSTAV KNECHT'S DIAMOND "ZENITH" RAZORS. (Sole Manufacturer.) See pages 4 and 5. Extra German Concave, sizes i inch to ^ inch, each $ 1 50 Half dozen 8 00 One dozen 15 00 Diamond Zenith Razors with white bone handles, sizes i inch, |, f and ^ inch are on hand at same price. Zenith Razor, with best Ivory handle, sizes i inch, |, f and I inch, each 2 00 Each Zenith Razor is put up in an ornamented case. Gustav Knecht's Genuine Bengal Razors, sizes i inch to | inch. Extra German Concave, each 1 25 Half dozen 7 00 One dozen 14 00 We have the genuine "Wade & Butcher Razor stamped on front side of shank, ■ sufacturej^ ^ < «« @ We do not substitute o so-called bow branded razor pretended to be made by Wade & Butcher. Genuine Wade & Butcher Razors, best German Concave, each 1 25 Half dozen 7 00 One dozen 14 00 RAZORS OF OTHER BRANDS, SUCH AS Wostenholm's Genuine Pipe, best German Concave, sizes | to -J inch. Tally-Ho (old Fox Razors), the genuine (Engl.) old brand, sizes i to | inch. G. Johnson's Star and Hammer Brand, extra German Concave, " i to I " Reynolds' extra, best German Concave. " i to -J " Hunter's, " " " " ^ to 1 " Speed Razors, " " " " i to | " Price, each, $1.25. Half dozen, $7.00. One dozen, $13.50 It^^Please state the SIZE Razors you wish. Illustrations on next page. Our concaving is done by hand under the wet process on imported German Grindstones. We do not trust this important branch of our business to hired men. We are large importers of German Grindstones. FOR RAZOR ROLLS OR POCKETS, SEE PACE 18. Vz in. Size. GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO. I /iTiTilii ,| 'liTV ^ L % in. Size. ft ' \ % in. Size. To prevent misunderstauding in reference to the size of Razors, I herewith show these three patterns in full size. When ordering, please state size thus : i inch size ; f inch size ; f inch size ; | inch size, (f inch size Razors are on hand.) FOR RAZOR ROLLS OR POCKETS, SEE PACE 18. GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO. SHEARS. Shears, our own make. Japanned handles, 7^ inch $1 00 " " " " " 7| " to 8 inches 1 15 8i " 1 25 9 " 1 35 Barber's Left-handed Shears, 7t inches, 11.25 ; 8^ inclies, $1.50; 9 inches.. 1 50 Shears, our own make, Nickel-plated Handle and Bows, 7| inches 1 25 8 " 1 35 " 8i " 1 50 " 9i " 1 50 Above Shears are made by us and stamped on each pair, Gustavlvnecht. Chicago. Heinisch & Son's Shears, Japanned Handles, 11 to 7f inches $1 00 8i " 1 35 9 " 1 35 B^-'ALL STEEL SHEARS. HAND FORCEO-ALL RAZOR STEEL SHEARS, FULL POLISHED. PACES 4 AND 5. SEE All-Steel Shears, our own make, 7J inches $1 25 Barber's Shears, own make, 7f to 8 inches 1 35 8i to8i " 1 50 " " " " 9 inches 1 75 Loft-handed all-Steel Shears, 7i inches 1 35 8i " 1 50 9 " 1 75 NOTICE.— Do not compare our Steel Shears with those of other dealers, gotten up wholesale by manufacturing agents. None are genuine Knecht all- steel shears, but those stamped on each pair, Gustav Knecht, Chicago. Left- handed and left blade. All-Steel Shears are on hand at following prices: 7| inch, $1.50; Siinch, $1.75. Ticket Punches 75c, $1.00, |].25, $1 50 Conductor Punches, best, new style. Nickel-plated 2 50 FOR RAZOR ROLLS OR POCKETS, SEE PACE 18. GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO. HONES. ADYANTAGES IN PILLING HONE Of^DEI^S. Our Mr. Knecht, Sen., on his trip to Europe last summer, took occasion to visit the German Stone and Belgian Hone headquarters and profited for our liouse, in selecting first-class goods. By his full knowledge and experience acquired in his many years' using and handling Hones, he not only made a selec- tion of extras, which in other cases never reach this country, but has transferred his skill (educated one of his relatives in the same trade, who resides near the best Hone Quarries of Belgium), and will henceforth be supplied steadily from there, with nothing but prime wares. We can thus say, we have better Hones to offer than the ordinary market supply. Please give particulars with order as to grit, size and limited price. We do not keep anj' artificial or baked Hones. PRICES OF IMPORTED OIL HONES. Razor Oil Hone, 6 inch 75c, $1.25 to |1 50 1.25 to 1 50 extra quality 11.75, 2.25 to 2 50 2.50 to 2 75 extra quality 2.75 to 3 50 4.00 to 5 00 10 inches 6.00 to 7 00 9 Extra selected Hones The last or highest price is meant for a Hone which we have tried again with a razor in our store before shipping, so as to have it comply with description given with order. GREEN AND BLUISH GREEN IMPORTED WATER HONES. Water Razor Hone, with Rubber, 7i inches $1 25 8i " 1 50 10 " 1 75 Single Rub Stones to Water Hones 25 Parties wishing second quality Hones can have them at reduced prices. -4) GUSTAV KXECHT, CHICAGO. CLIPPING MACHINES. Custav Knecht, Importer and Grinder of Clippers. We examine and try each new Clipper before we ship them. It is provoking to Barbers to receive new Clippers from improper hands, and not in working order. To be sure, buy Clippers only from pro/essionai and careful Cutlers and Grinders of Clippers. No. I. English Clark's Horse No. 2. English Clark's One-Hand Clipper. Barber's Clipper. Price, 83.75 ~" Clark's Imported Clippers are known as the most reliable Clippers advertised. We IMPORT and keep on hand a well assorted stock of the best English Clark's Clippers. Newmarket Horse Clippers are in stock at same prices as Clark's. Coates' Toilet Clipper. Coates' Razor Clipper Price, S3.75. .See Attachment Plate, page 13. Please observe the improvement of handle and spring on Clark's Barber's Clippers. These springs now last more than twice as long as the former short bent ones. Price, S3.00. Price, 13.00. We do not believe in puffing worthless articles for the sake of making sales and thus disappointing our customers. The above cut represents Coates Adjuslahle Clipper for Bar- bers ; to cut hair from J>^ to nearly % inch. Price, $4.00. GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO. 11 *^ CLIPPING M ACmm-ES.— Continued. Universal Clipper. French Toilet Clipper. WE GRIND AND REPAIR CLIP- PERS. SEE GRINDING, PAGE 12. Coates' Little Cem Clipper. Bow handle, reversible thumb-rest; new idea. Price, $4.00. This is a neat little neck Clipper; the under plate is thin, so as to cut close. Price, nickeled, $3.00. Pet Clipper. Improved Pattern. No. 2. Nickel-plated. Price, 12.75. The French Toilet Clipper gave good satisfaction last year. (See Attachment plates on page 13.) Brown &. Sharpe Clipper, American Shear-Handle Clipper. Price, i i^*^ A neat and handY little Clipper, only for neck. Price, $2.00 No. $3 00 No. 1 3 50 No. 2 4 00 FOR RAZOR ROLLS OR POCKETS, SEE PACE 18. X§ GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO. GRINDING AND REPAIKING. Please Observe the following Directions when sending in Barbers' Cutlery for Grinding. Mail Packages: Do not paste nor seal, nor put in any writing — write your name and address outside and send instructions extra by letter. Express Packages: You can put in letter with full address and instructions. It is the safest way to send by express. Packages of one Razor or Shears should be prepaid. Please attach your address to all orders and packages j'ou send for repairs. Razors ground, full concave, each $0 50 half " " 35 " " plain " " 25 Shears ground, per pair 15 Clippers, ground and refitted 75 Horse Clippers (with wooden handles) ground 1 00 Clippers being in bad order, additional charge may be necessary. Grinding of Clippers must be done by skillful grinders; very few in Chicago are successful in doing this job right. The newly invented machine for grinding Clippers, which we have, works like a charm. New Screw in Shears |0 10 " " where double head is needed 15 to 20 New Springs for Clippers, per pair, 40c; for one spring 25 " " for Brown tt Sharpe's Clipper, each 15 " Handles on Razors, black 30 " " " white bone 50 Mock, imitation Turtle Shell 50 " " Ivory 75 10 cents extra for reducing large thick Razors over i of an inch in size. As we are MECHANICS ourselves we claim to do what is called "A No. 1 Work." Concaving of Razors in proper style is an art of itself and ought to be placed in the hands of real mechanics only. Vv^E DO NOT GRIND RAZORS DRY. Our establishment is systematically arranged, so there is no need of unscru- pulous puffs, calculated only for people who never look at real facts. It is foil}' for some of our competitors to whom grinding is an unknown art, to waste words in endeavoring to prove themselves skillful in this department. Mechanical skill is acquired only by years of careful practice; it cannot be hired or bought, or proved by window advertisements. Let customers judge. The reputation we enjoy is sufficient proof that these claims and advertisements are necessary for them to establish a reputation for skill they do not possess. FOR RAZOR ROLLS OR POCKETS, SEE PACE 18. GUSTAV KXECHT, CHICAGO. ATTACHMENT OR EXTENSION PLATES TO CLIPPERS. These Plates are made in three numbers and can be used to extend the under part of the Clark's No. 2, Brown & Sharpe's No. 1, and French Toilet Clipper. ; To save express charges we will send one to any part of this country on receipt of price and 10c additional for mailing. In ordering be sure to state whether the Clipper for which the attachment is want- ed has 19 or 20 teeth on lower plate. No. 1 Attachment Plate leaves the hair i inch long, price, each $1 00 No. 2 Attachment Plate leaves the hair f inch long, price, each 1 00 No. 3 Attachment Plate leaves the hair i inch long, price, each 1 00 STROPS. Canvas Strops (Linen or Duck). $0 25 trimmed with Leather. 50 Russia Leather Strops, not smooth and heavy 1 00 ready for use (smooth) light 100 " " " smooth and heavy 1 25 Briggs' Patent Strops, one side Russia Leather, the other side canvas 1 00 We are sole agents of the S. M. Briggs Patent Strops. Horse Leather Strops, ready for use 50 to 75 SEAMLESS LINEN CANVAS STROPS, TO USE BOTH SIDES. Gustav Knecht's Swivel Strop, finished ready for use $0 90 This Strop is bound to be the Barbers' Canvas Strop of the future, because it swivels (our own invention) or turns on the fastenings. Made of one piece Linen Canvas, seamless. The Barber may turn the Strop at pleasure to use either side. The lower end has convenient Leather trimmings, with loop. Hand Bow Strop, ready for use, Russia Leather, small $1 00 " " " " • " " " large size 1 25 Eichner's Patent Swing Strop, Leather 1 00 FOR RAZOR ROLLS OR POCKETS, SEE PACE 18. 14 GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO. FOR THE J. p. ^OLD^CjlK|lDT, ^EH., BEl^Lg \m\ p\{if$. PATENTED ALL OVER EUROPE. Awarded the Medal and Highest Diploma for Excellent Quality, at the Philadelphia Centennial Exposition. We supply the trade with these Strops all over the countrj', and quote lowest prices : Per dozen. Each. No. C. wooden frame $ 6 00 $ 75 No. AK, iron frame 9 00 1 25 No. B, large, wooden frame 9 00 1 25 No. AM, iron frame 11 00 1 50 No. AG, extra large, iron frame 14 00 2 00 In filling large orders, for jobbers, an extra discount will be allowed. The genuine goods bear the name of Herm. Goldschmidt, son of the inventor, J. P. Goldschmidt, deceased. CUSTAV KNECHT, Sole Agent, 171 Randolph St., Chicago. TORREY'S RAZOR STROPS. FOR CUSTOMER'S PRIVATE USE. Each. Torrey's four side Strop, fO 25 Two Rod Belt Strop 50 " Elastic Cushion Sti'op 75 " Genuine Emerson Strop 75 " Yours Truly, Fine Leather Encasing 1 25 Genuine Emerson, Favorite, fine " " 1 25 Gustav Knecht's Excellent Strops, 10 inch, 50c; 12 inch, 65c ; 13^ inch 75 Torrey' s Travelers Favorite Strop, fine Leather Encasing 75 Traveler's good, plain Strop 35 Extra discount will be allowed to dealers buying by the quantity. PATENT TURKEY-FEATHER DUSTER. Feathers 10 in long. $0 60 Feathers 14iu. long.$l 25 11 12 13 15 16 1 40 1 60 m FOR BARBER'S RAZOR STROPS, SEE PACE 13. FOR RAZOR ROLLS OR POCKETS, SEE PACE (8. m ^ GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO. 15 -^^ REVOLVING OR ROLLING HAIR BRUSH. I' I # The Revolving Hair Brush Pleases! The Revolving Hair Brush Cleans the Scalp ! The Rolling Hair Brush Does the Work Thoroughly! Price reduced to $4 50 each. BATH BRUSHES. Single, each ... from 60c to 75c. Double, each. ." T. ."T. . . .^' $1 00 Curved Flesh Brush 75c up to $1 00 Leather Back Bath Brush, $1 00 The handle of this brush canbe removed and used without it, especially for scrubbing out bath tubs. Nail or Hand Scrub Brushes from 20c to 35c. " " " extra fine 50c. Powder Brushes, fine and soft from 50c to 65c BARBER'S WHISK BROOMS. Best Braided or Hurl Handle Whisks, price, each 25c Smaller Whisks 15c, 20c and 25c GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO. NECK DUSTERS AND HAIR DRESSING BRUSHES. REAL FRENCH BRISTLES. FRENCH BRISTLES. Made up extra to our order. No. 1, oOc. No. 3, 65c. Whisker Brush. Price, 75c. No. 4, reduced to 65c. o io o L"; JO to io j> cj o (^? t- £- 1^ O-t-ItHt-H ■^ o oo ja ■ • ■ Oc to 1.00 .1.25 Oc. 1. rBru a a s'S :-gW o 1^ :5S.'^ J- ^ ■5 ^ 03 ^ cexJ "^ P 2 .;2 CD 0) Y cs <" ±; doifq ^^ 2 -^ pq tc,.*,-^^ ^ ^- - : d 2 s^ 1 Hai Pate ervoi 3r Br dClc ;; a t? a o„oico^ Z-^ oc ~^- O O O O =4- ."^ cS <^^^^ t^ w "^ 18 GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO. [See Illustration.] » GUSTAV KNECHT, AGENT FOR THE PATENT I10IAI17 Wl SRUSB UACHiHL This is the best, cheapest, most useful and ornamen- Hair Brush Machine ever introduced into the barber hop. is easily handled; removes all short hair after cut- ; and brushes can be changed from hard to soft. By using the soft brush after shampooing, it creates a healthy circulation in the scalp. Steam or any secondary power is entire- ly dispensed with. Price, for the Machine (nickel-plated), with the No. 1 Brush and best genuine Russia Bristles, 120.00. EXTRA BBUSHES. 1 Best Russia Bristles. .$6 00 2 Soft, best " . . 5 00 3 Good Bristles 4 00 [ I^^Keep the Machine well oiled. RAZOR ROLLS OR POCKETS.— (NEW.) Neat, Strong and Useful for every Barber, Eazor Rolls for holding 6 Razors, price $1 00 — Razor Rolls for holding 9 Razors $1 ,50 Razor Rolls for holding 12 Razors, price $2 00 We introduced this article in our store since last fall, and we have sold a great number of them without being further advertised. GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO. HAND-MADE COMBS. UlJIJIIHlllllWlii' Broad Hair Cutting Comb No. 2. (Narrow size.) 19 Celluloid Coiub. My Combs are made by hand, especially to my order and for my trade. I can thus truly announce them to be the best in the market. Hair Dressing Combs, hand-made, best fabric, per dozen ^2 75 ,, ' " " half dozen j 50 ^_ " " " each ,"."..'.'.'.'.'.'.". 25 V 1 T> T TT ■' ,, ... '1 , " all coarse teeth, per dozen $3 00, eacii! 30 No. 1 Broad Han- Cutting Combs, usual size, per dozen ..„ 4.00 " 35 t^*'," ^ ',' " " narrower size, " . 3 50' " "in Neck Combs, close cutting, per dozen ^'tV " 9^ Fine Teeth Combs, with handle, each ' « ,2 Dye Combs, each....^ ;..\ „ rx Celluloid Combs, red, white, blue or turtle shell coloiV perdozen."."....." '-Vfj" » 25 20 GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO. POWDER PUFFS. HAND MIRRORS. All sizes, Irom 'JUc to 75c Hand Mirrors from 75c, ^1.00 up to $1 35 BRITANNIA SQUIRT. PORCELAIN SQUIRT. Price 10c. Price 10c. Britannia Squirt, with cork to screw on, each 15c. plated, with cork to screw on, each 25c. GUSTAV KNECHT'S HIGHLY PERFUMED TOILET POWDER. (Prepared especiall}' for Barbers.) In tin cans, 1 pound each. " 1 " " . .50c. .25c. FRENCH POWDERS. Genuine Coudray's, per package |0 20 " " •' dozen 2 00 Imitation " " package 10 " " " dozen 75 " French Powder in tin cans, i pound 25 " 1 " 50 . — •CH\c^Go • — Mill" GUSTAV KNECHT'S HIGHLY PERFUMED MAGNESIA For the face (new,) in large size cakes, each, 10c; per dozen, 90c. These cakes are twice the size of others in the market. GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO. 21 ^^. COSMETIQUE. xi^^aVC'SRIX'H^ imo0SMET,0UErM:.flXAjTWR\As4 iKJ^PQh.KNECm'^ 111 RANDOLPHSr/q|/ Gustav Knecht's Cosmetique, black, white or rose color, per dozen $0 60 G. K. Imitation Italian, round stick, black, brown, rose or white, per dozen.. 75 American or Imitation French, black or white, per dozen 75 Gustav Knecht Cosmetique, a la Turkish, best perfumed, per dozen 1 00 Genuine Italian, small, best perfumed, per dozen 1 00 large, " " 2 00 " " small, less than one dozen, each 10 " " large, " " " 20 " French Cosmetique, per dozen 1 50 GUSTAV KNECHT'S MOUSTACHE WAX. G. Knecht Moustache Wax, short sticks, a la Hongrois, each, $0 10 " " " " " dozen, 1 00 Imitation Moustache Wax (in glass pots,) " each.. 25 Genuine Imported Hungarian Moustache Pomade, per bottle.. $0 25 Genuine Imported Hungarian Moustache Pomade, per dozen 3 00 Genuine Imported Hungarian Moustache Pomade, in por- celain pots, each 45 We do not sell the Imitation Coudray Moustache Wax for imported. GUSTAV KNECHT'S CAMPHOR ICE. Camphor Ice (round sticks,) per dozen, f 1 00, each, 10c " " square cakes, (in boxes,) per dozen 1 25, " 15c COTTON AND LINEN TOWELS At current prices, $1.00 to $3.00 per dozen. GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO. SHAVING AND BATH SOAP. Ai4/i^C/rACTU/i£R O/' BARBERS SC/FRU£S Gustav Kneclit's Barber's Bar Soap lias earned a wide-spread reputation the year past. As we are sure of its being the best Barber's Soap now in use, we concluded to give it a better display and room in this Catalogue. PRICES. Gustav Knecht's Barbers Bar Soap, 12 one-pound bars in a box $3 50 " " " per bar 25 " Rovind Bars cut in cakes, same price. " Round Cake Soap, cup size, per dozen 40 Williams' Barber's Bar Soap, per box of 10 bars 3 00 " " " by single bars 30 " " " round or square cakes, cut cup size, at same price (6 pieces in a bar). " Favorite square cake soap, tin-foil wrapper, per dozen 75 " Mug Shaving, to sell for customers' private use, per dozen 50 Brown's New York Soap, per large bar (\\ U).) 35 " " " i bar (ordinarj'^ bar size) 20 " " " box of 20 large bars 6 00 " short bar Soap,round, cut 8 pieces in one, per box of 10 bars 2 75 " " " same as above, per bar 30 The Brown's Soap is used in New York City Barber Shops principally. Graham's Barber's Bar Soap, per box of 13 bars. 3 50 " " " per bar 25 Schmidt's Bar Soap, per box of 12 bars 2 25 Pioneer Bar Soap, " 10 bars 3 50 Heckman's Kentucky Bar Soap (10 bars) 2 25 " " " per bar 25 Pioneer round cake Soap, per dozen 40 Grumnie's " " " 40 Schmidt's " " " 40 Williams' Bath Soap, large, per dozen. 1 00 Schmidt's Bath Soap, large cakes, per dozen 1 00 Other brands of Soap furnished on application. GUSTAV KNECHT. CHICAGO. 23 70 1 75 40 70 1 75 POMADES. Roseline or (Kumoline) Pomade is far superior, and is given the preference to 0. M. Pomade, by all who have become familiar v^ith its merits. Never gets rancid; it is wholesome for the skin, and is also more economical, though higher in price per pound. Roseline (rose color) Pomade, 1 pound tin cans $0 40 << <> << 2 < " 5 ' Ecruline (yellow color) " 1 " 2 ' " 5 ' Kumoline Pomade in 2 oz. bottles, highly per- fumed, per dozen 1 50 WARRANTED NOT TO BECOME RANCID IN ANY CLIMATE. O. M. Pomade, rose color or yellow, lib. cans..$0 30 " " 2 " .. 60 " " 5 " ..1 50 COLOGNE WATER. Superior Cologne Water, per gallon .|4.00 to $5.50 and $6 00 Murray & Lanman's Florida Water (genuine) per dozen 6 50 We have Florida Water of many other manufacturers. Prices range from W.50 to S6.50 per doz. DR. PUNK'S FACE PREPARATIONS. Funk's Cream of Roses, 1 dozen $1 50 " k " 80 " " " a sample bottle 15 This is a well known and acknowledged face prepa- ration. PERFUMERIES. Lundborg's White Rose, per dozen |4 25 Rimmel's Ylang Ylaug, " 8 00 Lubin's Extracts, " 8 00 All kinds of Essential Oils on hand, and sold at ruling market prices. Tonic, Bay Rum and Hair Oil Labels, &c., &c., always in stock. R0^ GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO. ORIENTAL HAIR TONIC. Used ia first-class Barber Shops. It is highly recom- mended for removing Dandruff, gives the hair a glossy ap- pearance, and prevents its falling out. It contains no poisonous drug, nor sticky substances; besides being an agreeable and refreshing Hair Dressing, it is a wholesome remedy for the scalp. Prepared by CUSTAV KNECHT, 171 Randolph St., Chicago. Price, per gallon, can extra $3 00 " " quart, including bottle 80 in 4 oz. bottles, per dozen 2 50 HAIR OIL. Best perfumed Hair Oil, for Barbers' use, per gallon $3 00 " " " " " extra, per gallon 2 50 Finely perfumed extra Hair Oil, in 4 oz. bottles, per dozen 2 50 BAY RUM. First quality Bay Rum, per gallon $2 00 " " extra, per gallon 2 50 Extra Bay Rum in 8 oz. bottles, per dozen 3 00 GUSTAV KNECHT'S SEA FOAM OR DRY SHAMPOO. USE THE BEST. SEA FOAM THAT FOAMS. Per gallon, can extra |2 00 Per quart, including bottle 55 Put up in 8 oz. bottles, per dozen 3 OO (Charges for cans and bottles at cost.) Half gallon Shipping Cans 15c. Three gallon Shipping Cans 40c. " 20c. Five " " " eOc. " " 30c. Quart or pint bottles, each 5c. One Two Essential Oils, Labels, Corks, &c., Ac, on hand. GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO. BRILLANTINE. Coudray's Imported Brillantine for glossing the moustache. Good size bottles, holding about 2^^ oz., per dozen, i|4.00, e ach i|0 40 This is a genuine imported French Brillantine for the moustache. (No hair oil.) rille's New York Brillantine, per bottle 25 KUMOLINE (for the Face). In 2 oz. bottles, highly perfumed, per dozen |1 50 Warranted not to get rancid. GUSTAV KNECHT'S IMPERIAL HAIR DYE. BLACK. Per Set, No. 1 and No. 2, with directions, .dOc Gustav Knecht's Imperial Dye is recommended by pro- fessional Barbers for its superior lasting black color, and prefer it to other Black Dyes. It is done up in a neat paper box with directions, No. 1 in 2 oz. bottle, No. 2 in 1 oz. bottle. HAIR RESTORATIVES. Weeden's Hair Restorer, each, per bottle, 50c; per dozen $5 50 Wood's " " " " 50c; " 5 50 Rettig's "' " " " 50c; " 6 00 Prof. Calliver's Dandruff Remover, Gustav Knecht, sole agent ; pint bottles, each, 11.00; per dozen 8 50 Hall's Hair Renewer, per dozen 8 00 Ayer's Hair Vigor, " 8 00 Tibbet's Hair Restorer, " 6 25 Kromer's Hair Dye, black or brown, Nos. 1 and 2 50 Kappelman's Brown Dye, 4 oz. bottle 50 " 3oz. " 30 Kimball's Atmospheric Hair Dye, 2 oz. bottle 35 TOWELS. We have a large stock of Cotton and Linen Towels always on hand, and sell them at reasonable prices. Prices range from $1.00 to $3.00 per dozen. Use our fine perfumed Cake Magnesia after shaving. Large size cake, 10c. 26 GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO. POWDER OR FINGER BOWLS. Engraved Powder Bowls. Craquelled Powder Bowls. Price, 40c. Plain Powder Bowls. In Green. Blue or Purple. Price, 25c. Silvered Class Powder Bowls. In Blue or Crimson. New Pattern, Price, 45c. Powder Stands, Silver Class outside, elided inside. No. 2. Nice Pattern. Price, 40c. New Pattern Silver Powder Stand, Cilded inside. No. 1. Silvered Glass. Price, 25c to 35c. No. 3. Heavj' and beautifully Silvered Glass. Price, 45c. This Stand can be used for Pomade. v5i GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO. ATOMIZERS. Boston Atomizer, each $1.00 | Imperial Atomizer, each 50c Phoenix Atomizer, each 25c Complete Atomizer |1.00 Essex Atomizer $1.00 New Zephyr Atomizer 75 Centennial Atomizer 1.00 The New Zephyr Atomizer is almost identical with the Complete, and sells at 75 cents. BLUE OR MILK-WHITE OPAL SQUIRT BOTTLES. With fancy tablet and picture. Any other name put on to order. Price with China Stopper, each. . 60c i Without Tablets, each 40c These bottles hold 18 ounces, and are of heavy glass; used very much for shampooing bottles. ^(5 GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO. 29 IMPORTER OF Genuine Ri^engh ©hina (Qugs. Largest Mug Decorating Works Known. The product in this special branch of our business is lusting — because we use no other but Imported French China; is ornamental and tasty — because our decorators are experts and ingenious. The Best of Work at a Low Price is Much Better than the Inferior at a Lower. REDUCED PRICES FOR DECORATED SHAVING MUGS. To Barbers Only. No American China used in our establishment. No. Medium. Large. 1. Gold name, stroke and banded, gilt edges, each $0 55 $0 65 1. Gold name and stroke, not banded, no gilt edges 45 50 2. Gold name and wreath, or wreath in color 65 75 3. Tablet Mug, in any color, gold band and edges 55 60 4. Flowered Tablet Mug, gold band and edges 55 60 5. Gold name, nice flowered wreath 80 90 6. Gold name on nice panel body of Mug, in any color, nice flow- ered ornaments around name 1 00 1 10 7. Shaded gold name, curved fancy band on top, colored foot, nice gold scroll around name , 90 100 8. Gold name, banded on foot and top, scolloped colored border, rich gold and flowered ornaments 1 30 1 50 9. Card Mug, with a sprig of flowers through and over the card; the body of the Mug is colored in blue, crimson, green, or any color desired, which makes it very beautiful; medium size 1 10 1 25 10. Gilt edges and name, colored band on foot and a broad colored band on top, two lines running over it; the attached scroll work is of gold, forming a handsome pattern of decoration. . 1 00 1 10 11. A favorite pattern of our burned decorated Mugs, skillfully done by our best artist, in blue or any other color 1 30 1 50 12. Gilt edges, curtain tablet Mug; the tablet is richlj^ ornamented in gold, with handsome bluish ground color; the nicest tablet known at present 90 1 00 13. Gold name and stroke, colored bands 55 60 14. Gold name on white panel, gold scrolls contrasted with red. . . 90 1 00 T FOR SHAVING BRUSHES SEE PACE 17. 30 GUSTAV liNECHT, CHICAGO. SHAVING MUGS-Continued. No. Medium. Large. 15. Gold name and band on top and bottom, tasty gold scrolls, finely ornamented colored bnnd to beautify, aided by nice tassels $1 35 $1 50 16. Improved pattern, colored body, rich gold ornaments around top and name 1 25 1 35 17. Gold letters and banded, flying bird 90 1 00 18. Gold letters, flowered card Mug, with flying bird 1 20 1 35 19. Body of Mug in brown color, gold name on white ribbon, blue folds 1 20 1 80 20. Gold banded, nice wreath of roses on blue ground on top of Mug, 1 25 1 50 21. Gold banded and name, broad blue band right under, with nice wreath 1 25 1 50 22. Gold name, gold and crimson band, daisy flowers 1 25 1 50 23. Gold name and rich variety of a flower boquet. . 1 35 1 65 24. Gold name, magnificent flower and strawberry boquet 1 50 1 75 These prices are meant for quantities, packed carefully in a wooden box. No charge for box. We fill smaller orders at same price. Names will be placed always in front (opposite the handle), if no different instructions be given. Numbered Mugs, per dozen $4 00 $5 00 " " gilt edges and band, per dozen 5 50 6 00 Gilt edged Mugs, no number 4 00 5 00 White " " 2 50 3 00 Designs or Society Emblems put on Shaving Mugs (a few specimens given on pages 31-32), at an extra charge of from 25c to $1.00 and higher, according to nature of work and artistic labor required. Copies of photographs put on tablets for Mugs. The No. 1 is the most spacious pattern for placing large designs. Monograms put on at reasonable charge. On request we decorate Mugs to patterns given by customers. We can make any style of Mugs shown in other catalogues, or Mug sheets. In such case please send the illustration and price. All Mugs Will Be Sent Medium, Unless Other Size Is Mentioned. DEPOSIT REQUIRED FOR DECORATED SHAVING MUGS. PLEASE WRITE NAMES PLAIN AND DISTINCT. Turkish Sponges for Cups, each 10 to 15c Extra fine Surgeon Sponges for Cups, each 20 to 25c Turkish Bath Sponges, each from 25, 50 to 60c FOR SHAVING BRUSHES SEE PACE 17. m V£>; m> GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO. 31 ^^ SPECIMENS OP DESIGNS FOR SHAVING MUGS. 32 GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO. SPECIMENS OP DESIGNS FOR SHAVING MUGS. 34 GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO. W1 No. 8. GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO No. 13. No. 15. No. 18 .«t-. ^^ 36 GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO. No. 19. No. 20. No. 23. No. 24. GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO. 37 ^'^ SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE AGENT FOR THE AECHEE PATENT ADJUSTABLE I^OGHESTSr^ Bai^bei^s' (sHAir^s rliESE Chairs nave well earned, oy fneir Qicality, Q.itr ability, Ease and Gcmfort, the position of being the Standard First-Class Barber Chairs of the World. Tne quaUty of WORKMENSHIP and MRTERMLS used is SUPERIOR to tJzat of any other (Barber Chairs. The best evidence of their Superiority is that all (or nearly all) other (Barber Chair manufacturers endeavor to imi- tate them, which they do in design only. We assert that an ERCHER CERIR will give you at least fifty per cent more SETISFECTION and outwear two of any other Chairs in the market. Cver TWENTY-FIVE THOUSEND of these Chairs nozu in use, and the demand is constantly increasing, botli at home and in foreign countries. For elegance of STYLE, FINISH, QUELITY, and for EESE, COMFORT END DUREBILITY, they are UNEQUELLER The BEST is always the CHEEPEST. For illustrations and descriptions see following pages. (Please address all orders to GUSTAV KNECHT, 171 E. Randolph St., Chicago. Sole Agent for The G. W. Archer Barbers' Chairs. y.Gy 38 GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO. ABCHER'S PATENT ADJUSTABLE BARBER CHAIR, No. 3. KOCHESTEK, WEW^ YOBK. The above is the most elegant and convenient Barber Chair made. It is gotten up regardless of expense. It is made of solid Ijlaek Walnut, elegantly carved, upholstered and finished in superb style; Plush finished back, and the gimp is put on with fire gilt nails. These Chairs are now used in the hair-dressing rooms attached to all the first-class hotels in Chicago, Oincinna/i, Cleveland, San Francisco, and most all large cities in the United States. The Palmer House Barber Shop, of Chicago, has 27 of above chairs in use. Price of Ch.\ir and Foot-Stool, Either Walnut, or Cherry Finish. Covered with best Plushes (pure Mohair^ green, crimson or maroon 155 00 Covered with Moquette(a very handsome and durable cover) 55 oo With Raising Seat '. 65 00 For Improved Ratchet Headpiece, add to above prices 5 00 For Improved Adjustable Back, " " 10 00 For Chairs made of Mahogany, " " 5 00 For Extra Perforated Seat, " " 3 oO For Shipping Barber Chairs See Page 3. JfFi -^ In ordering this €l»air, please call it Xo. 6, Open Arm. This Chair is in every respect well made and finished, and finely upholstered— frame made of solid black Walnut. The body and seat of the Chair can be moved back to the necessary position for shaving, by means of a foot-lever at the side, or by a foot-lever at the back. Read circular for description of material and labor used in manufacturing these Chairs, on page 37, showing difference between Archer's Chairs and those of the parties who attempt to imitate this style. No. 3 Foot-Stool, with Iron Platform is with this Chair. No extra charge. Price of Chair and Foot-Stool. Covered with best Plushes (pure Mohair), green, crimson or maroon $42 00 Covered with Moquette (a very handsome and durable cover) U oo Patent Perforated Seat, for summer use, extra ■ ^ "" For Shipping Barber Chairs See Page 3. The above Chair is made of solid Black; Walnut, in the most substantial manner, and well up- holstered. It will be seen that Mr. Archer has greatly improved this Chair by substituting swan neck arms, and adding castors to the front legs. For strength and durability it is unsurpassed. It is movable to the positions most convenient for shaving or hairdressing, by means of a foot lever working from the side of the Chair, and also by an additional lever working from the back of the Chair. It is the best Chair for the money in the market. Foot-stool is covered with sheet brass ou Plush- covered Chairs. PRICE OF CHAIR AND FOOT-STOOL: Covered with best Tapestry Brussels Carpet, green or crimson S32 00 Covered with best Plusheb (pure Mohair), green, crimson or maroon 35 00 FOR SHIPPING BARBER CHAIRS, SEE PACE 3. GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO. 41 %■? ARCHER'S ADJUSTABLE BARBER CHAIR, No. R. (Patent Applied For.) The above Chair is one of Archer's hite designs, and is an elegant Chair in every particular. It is well made of Walnut or Maple, or finished as Ebony. Iron platform on foot-stool, and well upholstered. All of Archer's Barber Chairs are made of strictly dry and seasoned wood. Price. Upholstered and covered with best Tapestry Brussels Carpet $33 00 With best Mohair Plush, green or crimson, or Moquette 35 00 FOR SHIPPING BARBER CHAIRS, SEE PACE 3. ^^ 42 GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO. ARCHER'S NEW ADJUSTABLE BARBER CHAIR, No, 7. (.I'axem- Applied For.) The above Chair illustrates Archer's latest design. A very handsome and durable Chair. It is strongly made in every respect. Archer's Chairs are well known to Barbers for their good quality and work- manship. Foot-Stool with Iron Platform. PRICE, EITHER WALNUT OR MAPLE, OR EBONY FINISHED. Upholstered with best Tapestry Brussels Carpet $30 00 Mohair Plush, green or crimson, or Moquette , 33 00 FOR SHIPPING BARBER CHAIRS SEE PACE 3. GUSTAV KNECHT. CHICAGO. 43 >^ ARCHER'S PATENT ADJUSTABLE BARBER CHAIR, No. 4. EOCHESTEK, N. Y. (Patented May 21, 1878.) The above illusti ates Archer's latest New Style of Barber Chair. The Chair is made of Walnut, or Maple finished as Ebony, finished in first-class style. The arms, back and seat are connected and securely fastened together by the tasty iron side arm, which is double japanned and ornamented with gilt lines. The Foot-stool, as will be seen, is constructed in a similar manner, by tasty iron platform and step. The above connections are protected by patents issued May 21st, 1878. This Chair is the most handsome and durable Chair for its price ever offered to the trade, the iron platform never wearing out and always looking clean and neat. PRICES, EITHER WALNUT OR EBONY FINISH: Substantially upholstered and covered with best Tapestry Brussels Carpet, green or crimson. ..S27 00 Best Plushes (pure Mohair), green, crimson or maroon 30 oo Moquette (a very handsome and durable cover) 30 qq FOR SHIPPING BARBER CHAIRS, SEE PACE 3. -I^ 44 GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO. ARCHER'S PATENT ADJUSTABLE BARBER CHAIR, No. 5. ROCHESTER, NEW YORK. (Patented May 21, 1878.) The above style Barber Chair is made of iron, of beautiful design and tastily ornamented witli gilding. It is adjusted to the position necessary for shaving by placing the foot on tlie treadle at the rear, •which releases the segment and allows the seat and back to be tilted to any desired angle. As will be seen, the Chair and Foot-rest are combined, thereby making it a firm and strong Chair. It has rollers under the front legs to facilitate the moving of the Chair about the room. It is the most handsome design, and withal the best low-priced Adjustable Barber Chair ever offered to the trade. It is well upholstered, with steel springs in the seat, and the best of materials, and covered with Carpet or Plushes; wood-work finished in Walnut or ebonized Cherry. PRICES, UPHOLSTERED AND COVERED : With best Tapestry Brussels Carpet, green or crimson S2.5 00 AVith best Plushes (pure Mohair}, green, crimson or maroon 30 00 Back and Seat finished in Cane 22 00 GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO. GUSTAV KNECHT'S LATEST AND MOST PERFECT RECLINING BARBER CHAIR, No. 2. FiGUKE 1. — Shows the Chan- in a reclining position for shaving. "WITH IMPROVED BEVOLVING TOOT-EEST. Permit me to call your attention to the patent foot-rest, which gives this new improved pattern agreat advantage over the former Reclining Chair advertised in catalogue 1883-84. There is no more tilting or tipping in with a person's foot when stepping on the foot-stool, which occurred in those formerly advertised. All parts are secure and perfectlj' safe. This, our Reclining Chair of to-day, is a useful novelty to have in the shop. Please notice also the reduction in price for the Plush and Carpet-covered Reclining Chair. " PRICE OF CHAIRS. Covered with best Mohair Plush, crimson or green, nickel-plated trim. . . $35 00 " " Tapestry Brussels Carpet, crimson or green, bronze trim 28 00 Barbers will please compare foot-rest on above Chair with that of other Reclining Chairs advertised, and observe the perfect safety when persons get in the Chair; the foot-rest has sufficient support. Customers having short legs may conveniently rest their feet on the platform. _ FOR SHIPPING BARBER CHAIRS, SEE PACE 3. 46 GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAC40. GUSTAV KNECHT'S LATEST AND MOST PERFECT RECLINING BARBER CHAIR. No. 2. For prices and cut showing recllniiig; position, see previous I ■■ Fig. 3. pa;;re (45). | H _^^ Figure 2.— Placed in position for Hair Dressing. The design is entirely new. Frame made ot solid Black AValnut, oil finish, the ornamentation which shows richness of effect is produced by artistic engraving, gilt and ebonized finish. The Chair has the Automatic Foot Treadle, which cannot be used by any other manufacturer. The Chairs upholstered with Plush and Moquette have ^Nickel-Plated Triinniing:^. The mate- rial used for upholstering is of the very best quality. SPECIAL NOTICE.— I would respectfully solicit my Tonsorial friends to call and examine the Reclining Barber Chair whenever convenient for them to do so, and be convinced of their supe- riority. It is impossible to illustrate the Chair to its proper advantage, or explain all parts in the proper light ; those that have them in use speak of them in the highest praise. Solid comfort for the occupant and convenient and easy-working for the Barber. Would also call your attention to the improved Hair Cutting Chair (upholstered), and the Boot Blacking Chair, which is a great convenience to the bootblack, an ornament and advertisement for your shop. See page 51. Also, Sole Agent for the Famous Adjustable Barber Chairs, " Beauty " and " Pride of the West." See page 50. FOR SHIPPING BARBER CHAIRS, SEE PACElS. GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO. GUSTAV KNECHT'S UNION BARBER CHAIR. ADJUSTABLE. (Patent Applied For.) The Chair is manufactured of kiln-dried black "Walnut lumber, well uphol- stered, and is a better made Chair for the money than hitherto offered. New, easy and durable machinery. Foot-Stool is covered with sheet Brass. We have sold a large number of them last year, and this Chair is favorably known to nearly all barbers. PRICE FOR CHAIR AND FOOT-STOOL. Covered in best Plush, green or crimson, or Moquette $32 00 Covered in best Tapestry Brussels Carpet 2» 00 FOR SHIPPING BARBER CHAIRS, SEE PACE 3. 'ri ^< 48 GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO. GUSTAV KNECHT'S NATIONAL BARBER CHAIR No. 2. ADJUSTABLE. r-^TEl^T .A.n'XjIEZD ^"0X2.. This Chair is made of thoroughly seasoned Blacli Walnut lumber; well upholstered; has new improved machinery, same as our Union Chair. This Chair has become a necessity in the Barber furniture line. PRICE OP CHAIR AND POOT-STOOL. Covered with Plush, green or crimson, or Moquette $30 00 ' ' Carpet, green or crimson 26 00 Deposit on Chair Orders, see page 3. SHIPPING BARBER CHAIRS, SEE PACE 3. GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO. 4i) ^^ THE NATIONAL PATENT ADJUSTABLE BARBER CHAIR, No. 1. This Chair is made and finished in the best manner; frame of solid Blaclc Walnut, and well upholstered; adjustable to different positions by means of a foot lever on the rear of the Chair. Covered with best Mohair Plush, crimson or green (with stitched edges). .$28 00 Best Carpet cover (double stitched edges) 24 00 FOR SHIPPING BARBER CHAIRS, SEE PACE 3. GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO. CINCINNATI PATENT ADJUSTABLE BARBER CHAIR, "PRIDE OF THE WEST." (PATENT APPLIED FOR.] This Chair is made of solid Black Walnut; it unites unusual strength with richness of effect. The simplicity of arrangement of the mechanism is quite marvelous, no cog-wheels or springs of any kind being required to operate the Chair. It is adjustable to five (5) different positions by means of a single foot lever, working from the back of the Chair; the seat can be taken out and a summer seat put in its place. Casters on foot-stool and front legs of Chair. 2='rice o£ Cli.a.ir s.ari.5. ^"oot-Stool. Covered in Roxbury Tapestry Brussels Carpet, green or crimson $25 00 Covered in plain Mohair Plush, green or crimson, or Moquette 30 00 Extra Perforated Seat, for summer use, see page 53 2 00 FOR SHIPPING BARBER CHAIRS, SEE PACE 3. QUSTAV KNECHT'S BOOT AND SHOE BLACKING CHAIR. It is fastened to the wall and can be drawn forward from the wall 5 feet, or louke 1 at any intermediate point. It can also be folded up close against the wall. Price, Slo.OO . ^x GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO. if. MISCELLANEOUS.— Continued. BARBER'S ORNAMENTAL TOOL BRACKET. This illustration represents a new design oi " Tool Bracket," which for beautiful effect of nitistic design and completeness in point of de- tail, is unsurpassed. As an article of utility it must recommend itself to the favor of every practical barber, and prove to be indispensable in any barber shop. You will find on it a con- venient place for your Razors, Shears, Neck- dusters, Canvas and Russia Leather Strop, and an appropriate pocket in which to keep your shaving paper. The Razors are so arranged that they stand ofl'from the Bracket, to admit of taking them away and replacing them more readily. The engraved lines are tilled with gilt, adding life to the eflect. Dimensions, 14x'24. Price, boxed $2 2.5 TICKET BOARDS. Solid Black Walnut. Price., $3 00 Black Walnut Coat Rack. Bronzed Iron Hooks. Four Hooks 30c Five " 40c Six " 50c TOWEL ROLLS. 35c FOR RAZOR ROLLS OR POCKETS, SEE PACE 18. We have tlie Largest Stock of Barter Chairs. We have a Variety of Barter Chairs not shown in this Book FOR SHIPPINC BARBER'S FURNITURE, SEE PACE 3. ^C GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO. 53 •A i^ THREE-DRAWER LOOKING- TWO-DRAWER LOOKING- GLASS BRACKET. GLASS BRACKET. Black Walnut, engraved and finished in oil, Made of Black Walnut, engraved and finely with fine trimmings, etc. Price S4..5U Imished in oil. Price, $3.7.5 With Italian marble top, add S2.2o to above ^^'i'''i Italian marble slab, add ^'Z.zo to above price. price. ONE-DRAWER LOOKING GLASS BRACKET. Made of Black Walnut, engraved, not gilded, price, 33.00. With Italian marble slaii, add S2.'i0 to above price. WASTE BASKETS. With Wooden Bottoms. Puce, from 60 cents to $1.00. LOOKIN& &LASS MARBLE SHELF, WITH ENAMELED BRACKET, American Marble fl OD Italian Marble 3 00 MATTING, OR RUGS AROUND BARBER CHAIRS. . Suuituer Seal to '" Pride These Bugs ar "especially manufactured to fit around the Barber of the West " Barber Chair. ■»' Chair. Price, S5.50. Price Sii.oo >uij GUSTAV KNECHT , CHICAGO. BARBER'S WORK STAND, No. 1. Height. 3 feet 6 incbes. Made of Black Walnut, handsomely carved and oil finished, gilded engrav- ing. The drawer with the two drop handles is intended for the barber's tools. The second apartment, provided with a self-closing spring door, is for clean towels and shaving paper, and the two lower apartments are intended for the used towels and paper. PRICE. With finished Black Walnut top. $ 9 00 With Italian marble top 13 00 BARBER'S WORK STAND OR BUREAU, No. 2. Made of Black Walnut, same size and finish as our No. 1. Three small drawers on top and two apartments below closed by spring self-closing doors; each apartment is provided with a partition, one to hold clean towels and shaving paper, and the other for the soiled towels and waste paper. PRICE. With finished Black Walnut top |12 00 Price, with Italian marble top 15 00 W. We make this Bureau with veneered panels to order, at same price. FOR SHIPPING FURNITURE, SEE PACE 3. GUSTAV KNECHT, CIIICAGU. BARBER'S WORK STAND, No. 3. Made of Black Walnut, engraved and oil finished. It contains five drawers ; right under them are two apartments for clean towels and shav- ing paper, closed by one self-closing spring door with ebony drop handle, matching the ebony knobs on the drawers. The opening on bottom is left for a waste basket. PRICE, "With finished Walnut top $10 00 " Italian Marble top 13 00 CUP CASES, No 1. CSew Design, 1885.) 25 hole Mug Case $6 00 30 " " 7 50 30 " " with two drawers 8 50 43 hole Mug Case 11 00 AI)ove sizes kept in stock; larger sizes made to order. These Mug Cases are made of Black Walnut, well finished in oil ; the partitionsexteud through to the back; the back is made of regular stained pine. Size of pigeon holes, 6x5i inches. CUP CASES, No. 2. Not shown by illustration. Are made of Black Walnut, with plain cornice and shelves; wooden strips running down in front of shelves, to make all se- cure and firm ; stained back. Size of pigeon holes, 5x5f inches. PRICE. 20 hole Case, with strips. . $3 75 35 " '• " " .. 4 75 49 " " " " .. 7 00 72 " " " " . . 10 00 The No. 1 Cases are made to meet the demand for a cheap Case, and are not comparable with our No. 2 Cases. Estimates given on other patterns Dressing and Cup Cases on application. Our Barber Fuhxitire F.\cilities are Better To-Day Than Ever Before. No charge for Boxins^- or Cartage on Chairs and Fiu'niture. % 56 GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO. BLACK WALNUT MUG CASE WITH BASE. Total height of Cup Case is 8 feet. Price of solid Black Walnut, 68 mug boles, witli glass doors f43"00 [[ " " 56 " •■ " 38 00 \[ [[ 48 " " •' 33 00 48 '■ without glass doors 37 00 v)^t Our Furniture is well made of dry lumber, and neatly finished in oil. ^^ . ■ P. GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO. BARBER'S DRESSING CASE. This Case is made of Black Walnut, with veneered panels, handsomely fin- ished in oil It is a practical piece of furniture. i?ot up specially for barbers use. It contains six drawers and four lower compartments; the compartments on the riffht are closed with sprin MARBLE SLAB. Veneered panels, scroll top, engraved and gilded, marble top base. Price, German plate. 18x40 115 00 20x48 21 00 m GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO. 61 LOOKING GLASSES— Continued. PIER GLASS No. 191', PIER GLASS No. 305. All carved. No Gilding. PRICES. Fitted with German Plates. 18x32 1^50 PRICES. Fitted witli German Plate. 18x40. 20x48 . 8 50 Size, 18x40 $9 50 .15 00 " 20x48 IT 50 •sy-. 62 GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO. No. 12 WALNUT PIER. With Raised Veneered Panels, Trimmed with Ebony, Engraved and Gilded. Size. 17x30. 18x33. 18x36. FITTED WITH GERMAN PLATE. Net. Size. $7 00 7 50 8 00 18x40. 20x40. 20x45. Net. ; 8 50 11 50 13 00 Vi 20x60. 20x48 $15 00 FITTED WITH FRENCH PLATE. 127 00 I 20x72 00 GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO. 63 MANTEL GLASS FOR WASH STANDS. New design, made of solid Black Wnlnut and titled with German plate. 40x18 $11 00 48x20 18 00 lC^*^- GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO. 65 ^t iB-z^ieiBEie :e=oil.:h]S- ... No. 3 Nol, Ho.ih Af ^20< 66 -^5i GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO. BARBER POLES— Continued. A Well Assorted Stock of Barter Poles is Kept on Hand in our Salesrooi, After many experiments we have come to the conclusion that Poles turned from a dry and solid Cedar beam stand exposure to the weather far better than those made of holloxc ordinary pine wood. We turn out quite a number of Poles and many are to be found on the streets of Chicago and elsewhere. The first attraction of a well titted up Barber Shop is a good, nice Pole. Our painter is an artist in his line. Nothing but the best material is used; the balls and rings are gilded with pure gold leaf. The colors on our Poles keep their bright appearance for several 3'ears. Style No. 4, Self-standing Pole, nicely executed $14 00 4, " " with eagle 20 00 3, 12 inch diameter 12 00 3,10 " " 10 00 3, 8 " " 8 50 3, 6 " " 6 25 2, Display Pole, each 2 00 " 1, Arm Poles, 4 inch diameter, 3^ feet high 1 75 1, " 4 " " 3i " per pair 3 50 Pointing Hands, each from 75c to 1 00 Ornamental Flag, to put on top of Barber Pole, with lettering 2 00 Lanterns to Barber Poles, according to descriptions given, at from $6.00 to 10 00 A Deposit is Required with Orders for Barber Poles and ii^liop Furniture. a NO CHARGE FOR BOXING OR PACKING OF BARBER POLES. GUSTAV KXECHT. CHICAGO. «r y^ THREE-BOWL WASHSTAND. Made of Black Walnut, carved and veneered. The slab i.s of Italian marble, countersunk, and IJ inch thick; 14 inch patent overflow basin, best kind. The wood-work is extra fine finished. We give a hose and nickel-plated shampoo sprinkler with this Washstand. PRICE. Without shampoo faucet §;75 00 With Fuller's best nickel-plated combination shampoo faucet and hose. . 85 00 FOR SHIPPING BARBER FURNITURE, SEE PACES. GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO. TWO-BOWL STATIONARY WASHSTAND. Made of Black Walnut, French veneered and carved; Italian marble slab, If inch thick, countersunk, 8 inch back; 14 inch best kind patent overflow basins; best patent nickel-plated faucets. We give nickel-plated shampoo sprinlder and hose with this Washstand. Price, with 4 faucets $45 00 ' 3 " 43 00 ONE-BOWL STATIONARY WASHSTAND. HANGING SOAP DISH. China, each 50c. Made of Black Walnut carved 'and veneered; Italian marble slab, li inch thick, countersunk, with 8 inch back; best kind patent overflow basm and nickel-plated faucet, plug and chain. Nickel-plated shampoo sprinkler and hose with this Washstand. Price, with two Faucets ^25 00 oneFaucet 24 00 y^^- he two-bowl Stand, complete, same design ov w SHIPPING BARBER FURNITURE, SEE PACE 3. ^Mt 70 GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO. PLUG TO COMMON OVERFLOW BASIN. COMPRESSION DOUBLE BASIN COCKS. Price, nickel-plated... 50c. MARBLED WASH BASIN, WITH RUBBER PLUG. Outside Diameter, 14 inches. Patent Overflow, with rubber plug and chain ,12 35 Plain or Common Overflow, no plug. .' 1 75 JNickel-plated metal plug to common overflow Basin (see cut) extra 50 RUBBER TUBING. (HOSE.) Price per foot, 15c. Compression Double Basin Cock, nickel-plated $9 00 Fuller's patent Combi- nation, extra heavy nickel-plated 10 00 m GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO. n 'S^^ SQUARE MARBLE SLAB, FOR WASHSTAND. m /: " / /. / I I f Price, square slab, with back, for 1 bowl, sizu 2ii,\:](i, Italian marble, li inch thick, countersunk $9 25 square slab, with back, for 3 bowls, li inch Italian marble, counter- sunk, size 20x48 15 00 Best Italian marble slab, for center Washstand (no back), countersunk; for 3 bowls ; size, 42x38; U inch thick. Price 30 00 In ordering Slabs be particular to state size, number of cock holes or chain stay holes. Above quoted marble Slabs are the best of their respective kinds, and are li inch thick, countersunk. CHAIN STAY. SHAMPOO SPRINKLER. With Handle. Nickel-plated. Price II 00 NICKEL-PLATED CHAINS. Foi; Washstands and Bath Tubs. Price per foot, 10c. Nickel-plated. Price 2 FOR SHIPPING BARBER FURNITURE, SEE PACES. S^ 72 . GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO. BASIN COCKS. Fallev^s patent B isin Cock, nickel-plated, fnce each, $3 50 llD Compression Basin CocU, nickel-plated cross handle. Price |2 00 RUBBER PLUG. SHAMPOO SPRINKLER. Cotnpression Basin CorA, nickel- plated, straight or cross handle. Price $1 50 Price. 25c. Plated, price. . . . 75c GUSTAV KNECHT. CHICAGO BATH TUBS, ZINC OR COPPER. 5, 5' 2 or 6 feet long. Outside width at liead aud foot, 24 inches; outside depth, lU inches. Price, Zinc-lined Bath Tub, wood casing, including plug $8 00 Copper Bath Tubs, 10 ounce, including plug 14 00 16 " " " 16 00 IRON WASHSTAND, ENAMELED. Size of Bowl, 12 inches inside. m'-— 3, Width of the Stand, 22 inches ou ^^-^^ hack. Price (not including any faucet), boxed |12 GO _ _ In ordering, say whether one '^^ '-=-==^^5. ^^^S^^aa^/ 7 or two cock holes are wanted. BATH PLUG. Extra Plug to Bath Tub. Brass, 50c. ; nickel-plated. 75c. SPONGE BASKET. Price, each oOc. FOR SHIPPING BARBER FURNITURE, SEE PACE 3. m GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO. FULLER'S COMBINATION DOUBLE BATH COCK. FOR HOT AND COLD WATER. Price, nickel-plated, complete with couplings, etc $!) 00 COMPRESSION COMBINATION BATH COCK. FOR HOT AND COLD WATER. Price, complete, nickel-plated .$5 00 BIBBS. Finished suitable for Bath. Fuller's Bibbs, | size, brass. . •$! 25 " " t " nickel- plated 1 50 Plain Bibbs, | size, brass.. 1 00 " " I " nickel- plated 1 25 For shoulders and screwed for iron pipe, add to above 2.5c. INFORMATION FOR FITTING UP BATH ROOMS. If there is no water works in your city, you need the following fixtures: 1st, a wooden cold water tank (see page 76); 2d, an iron tank or boiler (on same page); 3d, a heater; 4th, bath tubs. Connect the heater with the iron tank or boiler (see cut), run a pipe from the top of tank to the cold water supply; hot water is drawn off from the iron tank to the bath tubs, a separate pipe for cold water being needed from the main water supply (wooden tank) to bath tubs. When vising the heater an iron tank is always necessary. Connections cannot be made directly between the heater and bath tubs. ■^ GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO. 75 cciD v,;,-,TEa BATH ROOM FITTINGS. WILKS' HEATER, FOB BATH ROOMS. The cut shows the respective positions of the fuel, fire and water. The door to feed by is in a portion of the smoke pipe, which we furnish. The large sizes are self-feeders, so that a tire can be kept up for twelve hours at a time with- out attention. The 12x24 inch heater is adapted for one or two bath tubs; it is not advisable to use smaller sizes. For Tanks, see next page. Small Sizes. Not Self-Feeders. Size ot Furnace. 10x15 inch. 10x18 12x24 12x30 14x30 14x36 Heating Capacity. Price. Gals, per hour. .S20 00 .30 . 21 00 40 . 25 00 65 . 26 50 75 . 30 00 100 , 32 00 125 Size of Furnace. 16x30 inch Self.Feedin^ Sizes. Heating Capacity. Price. Gals, per hour. f.57 50 140 16x36 " 60 DO 150 20x30 " 72 00 200 20x36 " 75 00 250 20x42 " 24x36 " 95 00 285 105 00 300 24x42 " 110 00 325 80x42 " 1.30 00 650 30x48 " 135 00 700 LEAD PIPE. Inside "Weight, Price, Measure. per foot. per foot. 14 inch, light 1 lb. 4 oz 12c. ^ inch, strong 1 lb. 12 oz 16c. 1 inch, waste Strong 20c. 1^^ inch, waste Strong 2.5c. 1*4 in'jh, waste. ...-Strong 30c. 2 inch, waste Strong 30c. •WROUGHT IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS. Size,inches '.^ % K Wrought Iron Pipe. ) j, -„ j,' per foot. jfc ,c ^c Galvanized do 7c 8c 9c Elbows, Malleable, ea.. oc 6c 7c Plugs, each 3c 3c 4c % 1 1^ IJ^ 9c 10c 14c 25c 10c 12c 16c 27c lie 18c 24c 35c 5c Go 8c lie Tees, each 6c Sc 10c 15c 21c 30c 40c ^ GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO. COLD WATER TANKS. Made from select common pine, and well supported by strong iron hoops. The 100, 200 and 300 gallon wooden Tanks can be shipped as they are. The larger sizes are better shipped knocked down (taken apart) on account of the lower charges for transportation. In shipping knocked down, all pieces are plainly marked, so they can easily be put together. No extra charges for boxing, etc. Capacity. i Size, Outside Measure. Price. Diameter. Height. 100 Gallons. 200 300 : 400 500 : 600 700 800 900 3 ft. 3 ft. 7 in. 4 " 3 " 4 <• 7 " 4 •' 7 " 5 " 1 " 5 " 5 " 5 " 9 " 6 " 1 " 3 ft. 4 " 4 " 4 " 6 in. 5 " 4 " 5 " 4 " 5 " 4 " 5 '• 4 " 5 " 4 " $13 00 14 00 16 00 18 00 20 00 23 00 25 00 27 00 29 00 GALVANIZED IRON TANK OR BOILER. TESTED AND "WARRANTED. Prices quoted below include the necessary Brass Couplings. Capacity. Size. Price. 30 Gallons. 5 feet X 12 inches. $16 00 40 5 " X 14 " 19 00 52 5 '■ xl6 •' 22 00 66 5 " xl8 ■• 26 50 82 5 " x20 • 32 00 100 5 " x22 " 37 00 120 5 " x24 40 00 144 6 " x24 • 44 00 192 8 " X 24 " I 60 00 TANK OR BOILER STAND. These Stands are provided with an outside raised edge, keeping the Tank firm in po'-ition. Dl ameter. Price. 12 inches. $1 25 14 1 25 16 1 50 18 1 75 20 2 00 22 2 50 Bath Brushes Seepage 15 Towels " 21, 25 Sponges " 30 Bath Soap " 22 Sponge Baskets " 7.3 Hanging Soap I'ish '■ GS FOR SHIPPING BARBER FURNITURE, SEE PACE 3. 1^ GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO. 77 j?'e^ sCUT OF^ 1^( atest ImproYed Tonsorlal Parlorj, Used by Barbers -FOR- Illusti^ating Business @ai^ds, CIRCULARS, ^]Vr> OTHER AI3VJEI1TISE3XE1XTS. PKICE. For ono Copy ^electrotype as shown above). $1 00 78 GUSTAV KNECHT, CHICAGO. WESTERN AGENT FOR R. HEfflSCH SONS' TAILOR AND TRIMMERS. An Assorted stock of all Sizes Always on Hand. 171 E. RANDOLPH ST., CHICAGO. PLEASE NOTE.— We Grind and Repair all Kinds of Shears in a Workmanlike Manner. All Kinds of Knives Ground and Repaired. A Variety of Tailors' Squares, Yard Sticks and Button-Hole Cutters, Also Othee Cutlery of all Kinds, viz.: Wostenholm's and Rodger's English Pocket Knives, Ladies' Scissors, Carving and Butcher Knives, Imported French Slicers, Vegetable Cutters for Cooks, Butcher Steels, Potato Spoons, Meat Choppers and Table Cutlery, etc., etc. Swivels for Barber's Razor Strops, niekel-plated, eacli 35c. ID:K.. ^nxjIsriEC'S Soothing, iQBAIiING, Fl^AGI^ANT, Unique. USE §(^REAMtROSES c V^ F°tHANDS#FAG;E •:• Contains Witch Hazel, which is known to lie the finest healing preparation in the market. Cream OF Roses is the only medicinal preparation ever made that possesses the delightful fragrance of the Parisian products, while its medicinal properties heal all abrasions, irritation and roughness of the skin. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. We have found a number of imitations, some in boxes, and others in a liquid form. Ask for Funk's Cream of Roses (no other), with portrait on label. CONTAINS NO GREASE. Kid Gloves can be worn in five minutes after application. Sold by all druggists and dealers in perfumery. 2.5 cents per bottle, at retail. Address CiilTNTAV KKECHT, Ag:ent. 171 E. Raiidolpb St., Chicago. M.THOME, IMPORTER OF HAIR GOODS, 148 STATE STREET, CHICAGO. IMPROVED FRENCH "WIGS. Directions for measuring the head for a wig to insure a good fit : No. 1. The circumference of the Head. No. 2. Forehead to nape of the neck. . No. 3. Ear to Ear, across the forehead. O No. 4. Ear to Ear over the top. ° No. a. Temple to Temple, round the back. « TO MEASURE FOR A TOUPEE. ■j^ Cut a piece of paper the exact size and •- sliape of the bald spot, also the measure ^ around the head, and mention which side *" the parting is on. Price, :S.5.00to31o 00 9) Gents' full wig for street wear, weft £ seam, with crown, cotton foundation 8 00 .c Gents' wigs, silk foundation, vege- ►" table net seam, 12 00 . Gents' wigs, silk foundation, gauze net O seam 15 00 O Gents' wigs, silk foundation, Hair - Lace S18.0U to 21 00 » Gents' wigs, all ventilated with hair net parting $26.00 •• Extra Shades will be charged according to color. THEATRICAL WIGS.— All Characters, to ?30 00 MY MOTTO IS Promptness, Lowest Prices, Latest Styles. Hair Bestoratives; Dark and Golden Hair Washes ; Face Powders ; Cos- metics; Hair Ornaments and Fancy- Toilet Articles ; Pompadour Bangs ; Artistic Wigs , Langtry Bangs; Latest Coiffures; Water Waves; French Switches , Natural Curls. RETAIL BAZAAR, «— . ^ 157 STATE STREET, /ffljjikEaca. Per aoz. On Gau/(', wSw -''C, 52.50 Imperial- iJw^u on gau/i-, mJiJ' ooc, 3.00 Goatees, iBM' :;ric, 3.00 On Wire, ™ loc, 1.00 BEARDS AND WHIS- KERS. Each, S1..50, per doz., S12.00 SEND FOB FHICE LIST. WHOLESALE DEPOT 14S STATE ST. Orders by mail receive prompt attention. iisriDEx:. PAGE. Atomizers 27 Barber Chairs, Archer's 37-44 " " Knechl's Reclining 45,46 " •' Knecht's Union 47 " •' Knecht's National 48,49 Pride of the West 50 " " Summer Seat 53 Barber's Poles 65,66 Boot-Blaciv Chair 5t Bath Tubs 73 " Plug 73 Bath Room Heater 75 " " Pipes and Fittings 75 Boiler 76 " " Boiler Stand 76 " Gold Water Tank 70 Bureaus or Workstands 54, 55 Brushes (Bath, Lather and Hair Dress- ing) 15, 16, 17 Brushes, Revolving and Rotary 15, 18 Brush Cleaner 16 Brooms (Whisk) 15 Baskets (Waste) 53 Bottles 27,28 Bay Rum 24 Brillantine 25 Camphor Ice 21 Cosmetlque 21 Cream of Roses, Dr. Funks 23, 78 Cologne 23 Cup Cases 55 " " Base 56 Children's Hair Cutting Chair 51 Chains 71 " Stay 71 Combs (Hand Made) 19 Clippers 10,11 " Attachment Plates 13 Dusters, Feather 14 Neck 16 Dressing Case 57 Dye (Hair) 25 Faucets (Shampoo Cock) 70 " for Basins 72 " " Bath 74 " Bibbs 74 Grinding and Repairing 12 Hones (Oil and Water) 9 Hair Restoratives 25 " Goods, M. Thome's 79 PAGE. Hose or Tubing 70 Hand Mirrors 20 Looking Glasses 58 to 63 " " Brackets 53 Magnesia 20, 25 Mustache Wax 21 Matting for Barbev"s Chairs 53 Oil for Hair Dressing 24 " Essential 23 Pomade, O. M , Roseline, etc, etc 23 " Kiunoline 23, 25 Perfumery 23 Powder for Face or Toilet 20 " Bowls and Stands 2G Puffs 20 Punches for Tickets 8 " " Conductors 8 Razors 4, 5, 6, 7 Razor Rolls or Pockets 18 Racks, Hat and Coat 52,64 for Towels 52, .53 Remarks 3 Shipping Instructions 3 Cans 24 Shears (Barber's) 8 Strops, Barber's Swing, etc, etc 13, 14 Squirt Corks 20 Soap, Shaving and Bath 22 Dish, Hanging 68 Spittoons 69 Sea Foam 24 Shampoo Sprinklers 71, 72 Sponges 30 Sponge Basket 73 Shaving Mugs 33, 34, 35, 36 " Designs 31,32 Prices 29,30 Swivels for Barber's Razor Strops 78 Tonic (Hair) 24 Towels 21, 25 Tool Brackets, Extension 51 " " Ornamental 52 Ticket Boards 52 Tailor Shears, etc., etc .* 78 Tonsorial Parlor Cut 77 Terms 3 Wash Stands 67,68,09,73 " Stand, Marble 71 " Basins or Bowls 70 " Plugs 70,72 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS onnuuTTUxrirLrinnjinjvruxririruTJiJxruxr^ H>->--*>i5">- ■♦-■'♦■ ■♦• ■•■ ■♦• '*'■ -•: >t :•;:•;:♦: r#: ;♦: :•< :♦: ;♦■ :♦: :♦; ;<♦: >: :5^»: •-^- -■■ -■■ -^ - — 014 148 413 8 • i i[lkjil!Iliir.Jiaicjii1l!ltiiuii1l!lir,jitnr..Ji^^^^^^^^ 0.^\.T.A.ILiO<3-TTE3 I r^EPEP^ENGE BOOP[ | OF Cx"CJ©Tri\^ KMRCMT!", 15 1885. CHICAGO * -1886. p p|oi!||jiic:flprai|jiio|;iirjiiprTiipiiraiij|;|i»nii0 31 .J ;t-t:. •■■*■•■■■*■■*■■•■■■*'■•••••■■•■■••■■*■ ■•■■■♦■•■•■■■••■■•■■■^•■■•■■•♦^ CTuvjTj\n/injijTjiriJxruinruinjTJiruiJinjin®j^^