M% m A% f% fh ih ih 4^^ fh &!^ 4"v 4"4 ft''' .ft" f% &' LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. ClKip.. Copyright No.... ShHf.. U^*^— UNITED SI AIki> Ui AMHRICa. Practical Drapery Cutting an, DCSigRIRQ #0i t Giving actual measurements of festoons for many different sizes of draperies with PULL PARTICUIJ^RS ON HOW TO HaNQ. t' \LL\.\SVUKVCD Witli half-tone engravings and pen and ink sketches, including half-tone engra\-ings of store windows trimmed with merchandise, etc. / [copyrighted 1897.] V^A^AA^ I V / \ "i ; colors, adapting designs to the various styles of architecture, and skill in ar- ranging draperies, and, foremost of all, a cultivated taste in making original sketchc-s and drawings which art' ])kasing to the eye. 20 ^^H^B ■f^'iH W9l i % ^ '*ffl p '/ ll E^2r^ fl J E^^riM Window (lis])lay of (Iraju'rics ami lacf ciulaiiih. C ocOS SO' These festoons and cascades, when cut by these tneasurements and pleated, will reach twenty-four inches. If for a door six feet wide, cut three and put together as shown in cut. 23 Window coniici-, sliowiiij^ cut drajK-ry and lact- curtains. 24 Parlor, Showing cozy corner and rope curtains. 25 Door between Parlors, Showing grill or wood-work half way iij) on side and across top. Heavy tapestry for side curtain, and China silk for ovenlrapery. 26 Cut, showinji how to measure oval arch. Stretch tape measure as in ilesifjii, with thum tack and steel fork; then measure for about six inches with plummet la weighted line.) Have paper with diagram as nearly as possible like the place you are to measure, to put figures on. 27 Draper)" across bay window. Cut by these measures will be suitable for many places, if correctly arranjjed. Pt. Ivsprit lace curtains in win. Address J. C. LARKINvS, 2 I '2") Cohunhus Avenue, Minneapolis, Minn. 32 34 There is nothint^ more beautiful lliau a pair of straij^ht portiers, as iu this picture. Althouj^h this pair of curtains is hunj^ over a narrow door three feet wide, the effect is as though it was a wide arch-way. In hanging this .style of curtain to a wide door, the curtain must go on inside of casing, as on page oO. 35 Fron^ Parlor to Hall. Made of fifty inch tapestry with grill, or wood work, at top of door. For an ordinary door from 4 feet 6 inches to 6 feet wnde, refer to festoons, page 16. 37 tV CcohS To i VI r 1*^ ud'cTtl ^^r^ * V"/' ;:y " 2. <■ »fArU\AL - Uz/ Cozy Corner or Retreat, Can he fiiiislKd without much exiK-nsu. The picture explains itself, although it is not necessary to cut festro]iortioii to my fiijures. Pay no atteiitii^n to it, but cut by fijjures only. 42 Special Designs for Odd Places. Price, $1.00. If the reader wishes suitable designs for odd places, and will send picture or drawings of place, with measurements, I will send, prepaid, a pattern and design with full instructions and particulars for hanging. 43 44 This drapery, suitable for door or over lace curtains, with center festoon and cascade of contrasting colors, or combination of rose and green. 45 Upholstered furniture can he kept frt-e from moths by lakinj^ tlie furni- ture outside about once a month and beatin. lioston IMorU, i^liiM\Ci)|K^li>. 320 WalHkSlUI .St., St. Pcuil. IVIC|)I\()I\C ("01M\(( tioi\>. Ilk|l\ liixuk' IIKLsrmrioivsiaWVVKl, IUilf-roi\c aivl l.ii\{\ Door lookinji from back parlor to ilining room showinj^ single rope curtain on left side and silk festoon drapery on the other. Double Door Drapery, ('.rill work on sides with hox-pk-atcil \alaiicf in ccnlcr. I.ady's dress box with canopy overdrape; center held up hy rinij in ceilin;^, and sides with poles as in drawiin^. ^J'¥^ xf7 f- J'? — ( y . (^ v/ c. r^ ^ — y y k 0>^ ^dyO^ ^<^ See page 65. Drapery DepartiiiLiil show window, showinj^ cut drapery, ilrapen*- jjoods and lace curtains. 66 JiTZ. OfP/CE Vovc/zi/i ..J ^.-^./Sc ulc^ ^f>^- fiLck>Eii,y Syjr Ce -nvc Oyt 0*0 This cut gives the reader a verj' good idea of a drapery order. It repre- sents an order filled as when drapers- cutter finishes his job, sho\\nng place for cost marks. Putting down cost of goods, etc., is a very important thing, be- cause it can be referred to at any time in case of a mistake, and, on the other hand, it enables the draper to figure and see how much is made on certain jobs. Parties wishing to purchase orders of this style in proper size and to get prices per one thousand, address J. C. LARKINS, 2425 Columbus Avenue, Minnaapolis, Minn. 57 Three festoon draper)- over arch looking into round bay window, and going through canopy ring at top of casing, with cascades on sides. 58 Parlor to Back Parlor. Grill, or fret wood work, at top of door, with straight curtains on sides. One festoon in center, with two cascades, as in half-tone en<^ravina^. T/\Mi)l? & M()l^sTW)M, (i)niin(T(i(il ^^f PhokxjrcipUcrs tiivl IX'\'Clo|)ii\() iiivl Prii\tii\(| :^peciclli5Ls in \''\i)s\\ l.i(|l\r for Anxiifcur.s. Groups iiiM\ Inferiors. Kodacs fJckxulcd. :')2>ixHusrrrt'rsoiifh, 60 61 Drapery from parlor to dininjf room, showinj^ straij^ht curtain on side with two festoons and cascade. Festoons raised six inches with canojjy rinj^. Drapery from parlor to hall, showinj^ straijfht curtain on sides, — the one to the ri^ht reaching to the floor. The one to the left part way down. One festoon in center with rosette on one side, and double cascade on the other, raisenH oi> Ilk !•) Tti Afin» •' tl^ loisHuti.i uf th« amv t^*tac n I %^\ i.« rw^u aucfi** mJ pvna MpfortW (»' Nl •firt, fir tkc 't»l- who r««vi>« J'tiiVt Dm W, ITuv. \ ll'bcrt Mr Jofftk VvUt mJ >I 4s«. vert ^t loJ took U>c>t m«u Mr HprUrf oi. M'>sJai. IkmI Ufor* iW H»«-, » Udff lr««i i/.. 8«r«Ufj •f lUTrtMarj. ii»cloBn(»fl»l#»eil w( bn mcovbU for tti.: }i V "''J < trdofvJ to W«« ite ub^-- Idtoa. l"****!! Jota Uro«n. i^lauc. "^fAK Md PUU, vrr* kffonuJ ft fUMjinf •omatttM of Ws)! 'ImI Mcsv. M«ffr« llkrncr.r i;oM!n.b. IbytrJ. Mafflull ft»d ?«»ll. »crt tppw-ud « cvHaitUc*. ■■ Mir»ujftcc uf a rcrttatio* pstmlMi Moois). r«Uu«s lo iIk- r» JM all pcMibk Mcew i vliwk h««Y 1 letHlrtiry I. ..,1 fc.,., it(b«ft f>oeU«n<'< Ml m} corUial ru- Tlk- f-nur of tl>c8<«MU •■< judtcioufly aMfcrrc*! .•u tl>^ (>ro«putu4c »»U Ktol of Ihc Iroupa ealW aoJ M t«cuun(mCT4l i lut««fro«illh. tf-t l»*tMf'r nVT TlM Miui'i "•rgb ">«ll «i>l>:li Wr . ■tMr MB 1V'-'^' >>• *mmJ »ul vrt «li. M Iklo i«<4r «'^i to HrM FiMXlU^stH.Ctiun.K I- Itl^ilit Hon. LoM vtllr. -Ulr.! 1I>mJ I^HArt. iitforM your 1. •t'UIti)-, Hi -a lU n--ult i>r • Mi h ka* Im • I tbc S \. S A T K TbwJv " 1- "''"''- ^''^ 5<«t« bml; M'UO w tht I'rr&ivnt «l I wi«J Sui«> witb Ike (itl^vmr aJ 4mi. >n u»«rr t') hu ixv.*l> m kolb IIOMM* l*HESU>KNT of ib« r^.Tw 8T*Tto. \CCKKT Sr lb. rmfHrctM l'Bll#tJ ? II ' WbiW »• JtiMily i^B /«i I* ofl-r ia( av tb*aka m Almiihi; (iwl fw il otir r\\w. uJ I..r iW |[««r»l r'^T^'^J «/■*» fuasifi lb« vtiA u4f 4«.fBiaC>«i ■tn^ ttM« \% r«tiH;liaBu irr*faj rawprllcJ Ibr c«|>l*/7n>r*> iiliUrr rirf« to xJ IS* mil aaU •111 li«*i) ritrtMB* !•■«<- mifbMl M LU.'IOON. Oct I* «V K Irjf* trow yn^%is. k Iter*, ibi iIh 4-x««»l4 liril wl.i I. wc t'uU4mH raJ«»*MT«| «.ili ,■•..) r I. ft KM lor(« )>«t».fi T^> n-tll lb- (l^ abl<- alUrk. hi* bifkorw lafttl "wlf i *tf%\ cb«iflf ronoifliBji of llir 1 'J piwm of r*ii»on iintini Kw(> t>off. ; Ut»> r.*\v •kfunv^l ■ Htlfte^l- OHX RAiUAt -■"" ■"' '•"' 1. tlr.urt ( . ■ ' ■ ff1T» » nalrk 4»pbf •< I- 68 ShcriA's Sali '"'uBiJ (Irltvrrvd la mt. I h»vc |«v|ed Mid lakcii tb« ifOoJt and cIiAlUrt, IuhJ* KoJ K-Df meou of Lrwia Gatb- ertr, wblch I sk^ll rit>*ae to mIc ex tk«law. the lOlb dAyvfJaouiuir DPit, ftt tho dwdlluc bOUM of Ihc Mill Oktherl*. iDtbv tOWQ orShAWauiTUiik. Ml II o'claok in tb« fonoooa -DnuilDscrinbar 7. 17ini. PETER ii:N UROECK. Sbvrlir DY *lrtii« of tt «rli of n*rl ficlu. I«itd< uiPi \ock la Itti' tureawgo. I'ClER'tEN URUECK. blicnrr. ufuf ut nui •ued out uf tbe Court uf Common rii-A*. for ih« oo of t'Utor. illrevtril aft.l dellTcn-1 to inc. I bavo levied and Imkea ibu cooda uo«) • haltl«*. Itutda and irut-aiaou i-f Geori,*o Uer- rlrk.wbloli f shall ei|>oM lo •i*k-. lu ihtf law dlr^-cu. oa Wolur-.day. tho •JJ-\ Oajr of Jantiaty n«t, at tho homt.- oraaiaMcrrU'k. la the lowo of Col- vhwilar. at ten o'clwck la the forvnoos. UaI«4 Dc«ei PETEU lE.N UROECK .riff. Pleai. for the county of L'Uier. Jlrcc- tmi and Uclivere Di-il.utthc tioase orialdXenrlllescr, at too u'clovk tn tike torruvon.-DaU-d Uvivnibcr 7. i7'jy. I-ETER TEN BROECK, SlKiiff pV •iiiiieofu writ of lion raclu5. lliw iP Uudi (< irl I, B< ui. uu Of Krnnt •• Pur trr. wbicb 1 ahiUI ck^KMC tu mUl-, aa I tlic InwdirrrU.on Uooilav tlic imh I day of r*.'Lrumv. m trn u>lo<-k In Ihs I rorci>or)n.attlicbr»iir> ^r <>ui*l I'nrliT I »n tb« town or liochratrr DaUd D^ctrnbtr .'»<. 17l)'.' PETER TEN UKOECX shrrlff »TIi«'vroJuc of iho k^xkU ruu cliatiJ*-*. abd^knvDK'uta of John .'•ol- loi'k. It |H>«t(*OD«d lu Turadny llir IUthda> of Juouury. at 10 o'clock A M Dut«Hi Dvctniber loUi. 1709 PETHRTES RROecK.'ibfrlff. VoH Salk. A niiD.iivr of cnoice I^»T8. hnis '^..ih^Wlltuirv Twict, ...ntalnluB Jti>m 50 111 &.* Ui«|>u U»L.Ioiii»4wnt boplvrn Abo. .>o« .lunritfr Towimhii'. or Jur cliosc. at .t nioilrrate price l'er»onH may kno<> Iho i>aniL-ulAra liv a|.|>lyiijc LODKWYCK HOuRNUEEK.jun. Ro<-hest«i.Di:.pnibcr 7. I7HU John Tremper. HAK . -Jj^mcope,. Buflmrss In th« Uer>-.u.ti|r>hn<- an.l hns 4 s-Dcr alAfT.rt.nj.MOf Dry Goods Cj I o c c r i c s. niiich 11" ttlII.II»|>o "hr.'U' rorCABH or Puubi CL OHiy. tare ASH I'uid tor Wlioni Jt FlU Klnsoion. December 1-1, 17yy. .\UK.VH.VM I HA8UR0LV.K. DETl'RKfi bM conlini Tliank-« to *^bls Frka.l* tiud Uie Public In ffcn I. for tbtlr ikftBi favor-, iiml rc ectfully Informt ibem ihnt he con- MERCANTILK & icctuioM, IfTif.! ''UI of the Couri of ^<;ouimon Ple.-u.. for Up county uf I'litcr. .Urectcd nnd Oclivrn.l to me. I bavc Icvlt-d obO la- koB ib« goods untl iliattle*. lunUs and Mnemenu of Joba Amva. which I •ball *xpoa« to aalo as the law. dlr«cU ua tbv ac«-oDd Tuoaday of January oritat litncLvk A M.. at the d«vll- ink' buuM otwil.I Ami-. In tho towa or r»irkiii.- Dated Nov :m iTiiy PtTER ILN UUUHCK. Slivil.T UV Tlrtucof a writoftr-italum tlen *^t»cla«. Iffued OQt of the Su|>tcme Court wf Judicature of Ibc iK-oj.le of •he 8UU of Ne« Vork. dln.H-u-d uuJ dellvarcd to ut-. I have ■(■vied itod lokeo the t;o»da und'chatUi-H. liiDd> ^nd teoenvnUuf I'oroollus Dcohun, which I ahall et| o*c to kUo m tli<< ii 8iUunlA> , th>- 1 Jih dii> Groceries, will ■ » for CASH OR ■<( Pebruorv hMRlo tbe town of xrindluuii. aI ]( u'tflocklp the forKovoQ. I>*U'I De '^nib»r ?i, |7!>0 PET> It TEN DRttECK. Sli. nf! pY vinuc of ^erai Eiccuuou. ^Urbe« oat of the Court of (otanoi PlMa, foi the county of t'Uler. direr wdand delivered t«i<(c.I ba\cie«iei and ukoD th« tcooda and i<(ialtii-k land* :iA .if l_rut...k. ..k ^ho«DniAk< of Htd ttchoonmokci Boeli< I7«V, :>Iiallot|Ht t». oa Uo da) of KcbruoT), Ai *" torvnooB.at Ijie li loaklifl ■atdttch BoetaMter IHlc^i Oeveiflb^r -.'nth PETER TES DttuEl.K.bhtrirT Ptoaa, for tka r tad and deliver iiiBeU-hu unty of I'Uter. < loasiMctu John Tie iwwn -r Naverflek hit ri;.H.t iBaad li)thc*aOH', I 4hall > *«lv u< tbe law dlrr^tt* vd lh<- nth day of KebruMr> COCXTtt PRODICE Klnirtton LaiiOiiif;, ij^iit. 1 4, 1 T<)0. N B. >rurvhu«ca<|uuf llt\ ofV6E.\Tun.l FLAXSEED for whU-bCi-ut willb<'(;iv.n. Samuel Freer. W n alTortmeni of for r.«H utotlcrii^ lenns dTA^IlES lakei. I D^einixr'-'l. nuo For Sale. ' At^. ,. iJuirndorf, d Thcn-r -|t Mud 'loi u Kf*n kiiiBc|t<«Unin alao n Bbu- •hop. fTiJa numbrr of b«iUli kaialth'a b«urlns nptite •« eaav a» iKiMlldr. ■ i«M<- title will l>r CI Por fniih-r t«n< o( Abmhoot EL'nondc iHrpriiiUnc OOlcr Klniendjrf.oh Ihe t W'r FKTEB TEN BROECK. Shen.^ aK ull they hnve. iK'for* Ihe «Ald judse ni hit ChaoiOert ■•I the cUy of Albaoy, on th<- nft«4DUi doyofJanuof) nciu M one oVlocfc of the CatoK- of the %Md ln»olveut Rhoiildnorbo uuule. aad bo tw dla charged. iiijrecHtflv to ^n act of Uie Suite of New Vork.euiltlivl. -An Act for civluc relief III va-*o of ln*olveo cy."- itntr^d ih^ ilM -fat of Unrfh. I7!i9 Dated So^urnliei 7. |T;tit STKPHEN HAIUHTON. Jonri.M V.nUon. pFttllonlns '.r-d. ' ray I Bl »rd< York. NoUi Coui of 1 I Stnl (litCrtdltoraof Dcuitimio Hewli nn iniolvcnt dvOtor. to she* ci If un> Uiey have, ttcfoiv the ■ judk'c, at hlb dwelllrtc>faouar iii ctty uau counts »f Albont. on ttftccotb day of Jnnuary nexi, nt fore >t;,niBeot of tbc miIJ lotolvent'ii Eb- lolo shouttl not be niAde. nhd be bo dlschorpt'd ii;;recab))' lo an act of the t.«RUlnturo of tbe Stiite of Sew York eiitlUad. "An An for 2i«iiis relief in euB« of lD«olvrncT. t*/i->^cuTt-haae, by wtplr' ntuateO SIATYS VANsTCENBERnn Aaogtrtleai < KiniTBti^o i>i c ' > cluetiNov. if». 17W. I lO UE SOLD AT PR1\ A fESALE QN len^imU. , '^^enber. that Karm. wfierfon he Ofi Mt7ai,'rea r.fsootj Land. I/Ing la iho'U*wothi|> ef R«chr*t«-r. about llirremilra wc.tof tba Church, aad 00* mlk from JncoU Uuumbeck'a Util. Tberei.onthepre'nlM^afaod ol'W froJBe huu>e, with three ooovea- lent rouma and s Btooe eeil^r under the whole hmiic ~ Al»0 » am*:;- Mm lut J t>afTtM;k. toectber wltii an orchard uf 40 louns Iruit tree*, tbera ar* aijoui 10 orn-* rlaaf«ii acre* ol low land lying along tiic Uuinba.i'us hill, which can IM • onere*. ->oi funherparUc ulara ni «dUCH001fWAKElCJi NoTcmb IB this diiy dlfTolved !.>■ iiiulua) .- Ii^rrl.. forou-.artj or any lui.. • ij^.^.*. ~~ ' liu.> a ntthi in both the comAoos lutlry and UorhleLown. a rva- iblt UHK of rKiymcni will bagly. cltM uittiu tbcsub«ctiU.-r« n lfi.-lrmcuuul> T'lnlly .i.l^iutcl. i dcr.tomaltOu'UvlUnn eftbt' i-ri ty belnnulns to tli« M.id 11, ni. ^fi thomsclvn. ABlUUAUf.HASBRUK HENRY JANSE.N KloRstou Laii,lloi;, St'pi i-t. 17 N U \llkliid..uf|.rodu.c ..t1 a*-«ei.u-dofli. Homroi 'rou IK** Tha sold f.vi Im« a '^ood frame houi>a -II beoriiis apple prom. Hutch lubscflU-r Thv leriua of fa\> will tK- iitado e.n-.} MATTUEW CLAN8HAN ltkK>i>iciidal.-lI>iik-\ P E SOLD A F%RUl>i»jl iitlitlleSbuiMu '^lo 'te to«D of «oodaloi»»Jr^w^ Ulmu^ ..t.-ordine acprs. AlMul 'JOt a new blockliouM- r paitAoular% LiLiWi« the PLACE whcrwM tha ..ii.».-rtUf now ii\e». oontaJalag Bi ae«e> of land On tha abovm m « (ood rramr houaa wilbacwUer uol«rtbw aant«, acd a louig oreharrt. wltk a^' w^II "f W.I B.r Strayctl. . RED i:) LL i.ni...|..ieu tv.ih I I- r.« AB) r^r*,!. iMVlnj; t.>k ,. u^r- uM hv» will be thnnheti, by ;:i\ luw "ifomauoa ihareol 10 the Prlnur> Kugaios. Dm 14. 1709. (*»il4. fctS— girt* M'l ft«f I Ui* bulk W tWtf trIwBph* •• "I - ■■■"" > ..,„.. rft' .. Jloru,,.... ! ftllM|.,t k.. ••) h« li-tt Iha Mui^lJ Nn:.\>' il'lM.H.«.t«Ly 1 r-Mii^ ol the 0«a BWT 1 bu ■tl.. , •( irir ftbtOO Um rat«k< UuibvlnftAd'. ^AOktort fbordau ,o.tm l»fi :i«' t...i * I. »i>4 ^ ."•il. -411 rtilali--. tltui <;ci.. riiU MfhM<^^ ■"'' "•' 1 /'■!-?'" •Th'- iinfonuna .t*d Willi hinii L«M* villi youn om '!-j rr.ui"lhc l>jl vl at^lBu^^ Y^rk hu»o b^lK r.-wUc^l i .m.-Jft>U>rF<.i.cMMt im^;;;^ |.,ta.C^ Hr.imln-.ln.. ||i;lJor or ^;ti.- Uv latl. |lhc llunl InfUx :<-uftoI ior. in , |,-..Untl. , ,Tr»< |«it T thd Dulcli loyaUru on rln:>«Jr itiihonaroJ of the in«er« brought if tn AlkmoiLf man of vat. «hlcli r',vc' *l" B ■upl'oltloi) tbat h.iv.»ov hrff publicly 1( it bi A|p rrlaUuu inc iXftlDlINrSANHVCIl 70 71 WINDOW TRIMMING. The art of window triinniinji is not, as paople iina^ne, an easy one to learn, and. as this is a very important feature to tlie merchants and dealers, it pays them wonderfully to have in their employ a window draper with artistic taste to do nothinjj but arranj^e attractive windows for the benefit of the people passinj^ the store. The store window, if attractive, leads to sales, beinj^ a gooil advertise- ment as well, and for that reason, it is needless to say that jjreat pains should be taken to impress upon the minds of the passers-by the fact that you have the right goods to sell. 72 73 74 75 76 77 76 79 /^ r-\ 61 SPfti/nfC v» a9^ 82 84 85 86 87 88 RKSIOKNCK 111' MR. HKNkV I'AKSdNS, MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. Mr. Parson.s is very well known in the Twin Cities and vicinity as a j)rac- tical, up-to-data contractor and builder, havini,' jilanned and huilt luindreds of the uicst htautiful homes in the nortluvest. Half-tone en}.(ravings of the interior of this residence can lie seen on pages 2~> and 4U. Parties wishinj.; estimates and particulars please address MR. H. PARSONS. ■i'.i'.i tiuaranty Loan Huildinji, Minneajiolis, Minn. 90 C E. TlllliMI: Designer Decorator decorating lor all occasion, dc:5iqn5 furnlsmiil) ror window di5i>i^n'.s of en'ern' I)i::>(:ription, Six'ctcKukir, ^cvrnc, ,^lccl\ar\ical aiid i^lcrchcnvlisr. I)LSPLAV5 DE^ICNEI) AND EXECIITED fj.n.fj. r\^'l<.ww.vv C.PAMD OPENINGS izxposrnoxLs faius, i^ooth.s CELEBIWTIOMS BANQUETS (73iRNI\0ALS PARADIIS or (III UlncLs. TPIILWPHAL APCHC5, r-LOATS, nXTni^lOI? nnd IMITiRIOK of l5UILI)IN(iS, HALLS, Ilk'. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. wkirass C E. THEI/WE, i^llMNrrAIVMS, Ml MM.