... t^SSMSS&MAM^M3t±JSIStlSiS3^^^J8liS-* LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. „ LTTT51L Chap. Shelf \%(a\ PRESENTED BY UNITED STATES OF AMEEIOA. ;&j[t?3Eki3^^ s THE CLASS OF 1861 BOWDOIN COLLEGE The Achievements zfte Honors and the Family History of its Members during Thirty-five Years COMPILED BY EDWARD STANWOOD Class Secretary BOSTON i ^ V $ to ^ I DEDICATE THI5 HI5TORY TO THE NAME AND FAME OF "OLDBOWDOIN- N the morning of August 7, 1857, more than two-score young men and boys, one at least of whom was wearing his first coat, assembled in Professor Cleaveland's recitation room, in Massachusetts Hall, to be examined for admission to the Freshman class of Bowdoin College. Our Alma Mater, like many other American colleges, shows a fine disregard of the Friday superstition by choosing that day of the week for summoning each successive brood to come beneath her sheltering wings. The examination was conducted in person by the great professors whom we afterward learned to love and revere, — Cleaveland, Smyth, Packard, and Upham ; and toward evening we each received a certifi- cate, signed " L. Woods," that we were admitted to the Freshman class on probation. The second examination was held on Thursday, August 27. The fall term of Col- lege was supposed to have begun on the preceding day, August 26 ; but the first required college exercise was prayers on Sunday evening, the 30th ; and we began our four years' term of study by reciting the Preface to Livy to Tutor William Packard Tucker, at six o'clock on the morning of Monday, August 31, 1857. The first catalogue of Bowdoin for the College year 1857-58 contained the names of fifty-five Freshmen, six of whom never appeared to recite with our class ; but two of them, Albion Burbank and John Thomas Magrath, joined and graduated with the class of 1862. The second catalogue, spring of 1858, contained five more names of Freshmen ; (v) / but again two of them, Joel Marshall and Charles Widgery Milliken, never joined the class, but became members of 1862. The total number, therefore, of those entered in the two catalogues who were ever with us was fifty-two. Edward R. Upham joined the class in the last term of Freshman year, but left College in the first term of the next year. Two new members, Jordan and Manning, came from Tufts College at the beginning of Sophomore year ; four, — Cochrane and Loring from Waterville College, now Colby University, and Finger and Shell from Catawba College, North Carolina, — at the beginning of Junior year. At this time, also, Wiley, who started with '60, became a member of '61. Curtis, whose association with the class began in the last term of Senior year, brings up the whole number of those who were at any time members of the class to sixty-one. The number of names in the General Catalogue of the College as graduates of 1861 is fifty-two. The outbreak of the Civil War made serious inroads in the class. Many of our classmates were already in the army when Com- mencement Day arrived,- — Wednesday, August 7, 1861, — precisely four years after our entrance. One, at least, Kenniston, was in Libby Prison on that day. Finger and Shell had departed, weeks before, for the South to "go with their State." But eventually every member of the class, with one exception, who left College to enter the army, received his degree and his proper place in the cata- logue. The exception was Shell, who joined the Confederate Army, and died of disease contracted in the service, during the second year of the war. It will be seen by a com- parison of the figures given that nine only of those who ever recited with the class are not in the General Cata- logue ; namely, Anderson, Appleton, Butler, Hardy, Mulli- (vi, ken, Shell, H. K. Upham, Vose, and Wight, the last-named of whom we gave up to 1862, as we had received Wiley from i860. Of the fifty-two whose names are in the catalogue, thirty-two are living in March, 1897, as are also three of those who dropped out before graduation. Dealing now, and hereafter except where it is expressly stated to the contrary, with all the sixty-one men who were at any time active members of the class, twenty-five served in the Army and two in the Navy of the United States ; and two were in the Confederate army. Morrell and Fessenden were killed in battle during the Civil War ; Howe was killed by Indians in the Modoc War ; Cram, Jor- dan (navy), and Shell (Confederate) died of disease con- tracted in the service. Two members of the class rose to the rank of brevet brigadier-general, — Hyde and Manning. Fifty-five members were living at the end of the Civil War. Of these, eleven became lawyers ; eleven, doctors ; six, ministers of the gospel ; six, teachers ; three, editors ; two, farmers ; one, a dentist. Ten engaged in business. Curtis and Howe remained with the army and Joe Upham with the navy ; Atkins became a scientific breeder of fish and superintendent of hatching stations. " Mose " was the fifty- fifth, and defies classification, as he always did. Most of the boys have "done something." Run through the list of doctors : Hunt and Stubbs are professors in med- ical colleges. Eaton and Thorp — not to mention others — hold commanding positions in their respective communities. Bradford and Smith brought undying credit upon themselves by their brave devotion to duty. No more touching sight can be imagined than that of a whole town in mourning, all business being suspended during the funeral of one who occupied no official position, but was simply the universally (vii) loved and respected good Dr. Smith. Anderson was not <»nly a physician of the highest repute, but the leader <>i his political party in Wisconsin, and is just closing his second tour years' term as consul-general at the chief city of the Dominion of Canada. The law claimed as many of our members as did medicine. Five of the eleven, all living, are entitled to the prefix " Judge." Emery, who has long not only occupied but filled a seat on the Supreme Bench of Maine, is also a professor in the Medical College. Kenniston is probate judge for Lincoln County ; Hicks, Ray, and Rounds have all served as munic- ipal judges, and Hicks still adorns the bench. But some of those who did not rise to judicial rank hardly fall in achieve- ment below those who did. Manning occupied for many years a commanding position in North Carolina ; Furber has made a great name and fortune ; Simonton has grown up with Minnesota, and is not only highly esteemed for what he is and has done, but as a lawyer is foster-father of the new congressman from the St. Paul district. Loring's career was one of the greatest honor. His sturdy integrity was proved over and over again, and no man in Massachusetts stood higher than he in the esteem of those who knew him. __-- - A minister of the gospel looks for no higher position than that which he fills in the " sacred desk." Not one of our six clergymen could become a bishop without changing his faith. Would any one of our boys do that? Read the list, and answer : Cross, Hardy, Johnson, Maxwell, Palmer, Smith ; all earnest, devoted, faithful men. Every one of those who engaged in the work of education has made his mark. Fernald heads the list with a long- service as a college president. Packard, a professor in one of the leading universities, a universally recognized authority on (viii) entomology, an author of world-wide fame. Finger, for many years the State superintendent of public instruction in his native State of North Carolina. Rideout, for twenty-one years master of one high school, and with a record of thirty years' teaching in the same place. Emery, a successful and most honored head of several high schools and an instructor attached to a government school-ship. Waterman, the youngest of the sixty-one members of '61, who occupies a high position in the Golden State, and has probably fitted more young people for college than any other son of Bow- doin, old or young. Though Curtis is classed as a soldier, he too has filled the chair of president of a university. And it will be seen that although only six of our classmates are reckoned as teachers, two of the doctors and one of the law- yers are also full professors ; so that we score two college presidents and four professors out of a class of sixty-one members. Three of our number became editors. Dingley has raised to himself a great monument — not wholly of wood pulp — on the banks of the Androscoggin. Your Secretary does not think his own merits greater than his success. Atkins has devoted himself to science and to a most prac- tical application of it, and has secured the highest opinion of those who know his faithful work. Of the ten members who engaged in business, five only are living. No attempt has been made to gather statistics of their wealth. They are all good men ; one of them is a great man. General Hyde has filled eminent public positions and bears a national reputation for enterprise and for business courage and good judgment. Eight members of the class have served in the Legislat- ures of their respective States : Butler, L. A. Emery, Hyde, Kenniston, Lufkin, and Ray, in Maine; Finger in North (ix) Carolina ; and Loring in Massachusetts. Five of the eight were senators. Three members of the class have received honorary de- grees, all from Bowdoin : Fernald, Ph.D.; Packard, Ph.D.; Stan wood, Litt.D. Nine are entitled to rank" as authors, more or less prolific : Atkins, Curtis, Dingley, Finger, Hyde, Owen, Packard, Rideout, and Stan wood. No one of the six members who died before the close of the Civil War was married, nor was any one of the fol- lowing-named classmates who died subsequently : Appleton, Bradbury, Fogg, Haines, Mulliken, Owen, J. B. Upham, and Vose. Of the surviving members of the class, Farr and Purington are unmarried. The other forty-five members married. Nine became widowers and married a second time ; it is interesting- to observe that no one became a widower and remained single ! Thus the number of wives is fifty- four, or but one short of the total number of those who survived the war. Seven married members of the class have been childless ; the other thirty-eight have been the fathers of sixty-five sons and fifty-nine daughters, of whom fifty-three sons and forty-five daughters are living. Twelve sons and twelve daughters have married. Ten members of the class are grandfathers. They are the ancestors of nine grandsons and eleven granddaughters. Rideout stands at the head of the list with five grand- children, but Maxwell and Simonton each have three. It would be interesting to know how many of the class were the children of college-bred men. Your Secretary can name but four ; namely, Fessenden, Packard, and the two Palmers. But '61 has done its full duty by its children. No less than thirty-four sons and fifteen daughters have entered college, or an institution of collegiate rank ; and (x) twenty sons and twelve daughters have taken degrees in arts, medicine, or science. Eight sons of sixty-one men have entered Bowdoin College, of whom five have graduated, and two are still there. At least two more, as yet too voung to enter, expect to go to Bowdoin. Wellesley has been the favorite college for the daughters of the class, seven of whom have taken a degree at that institution, and one is an undergraduate there. Two-thirds of the surviving sons and one-third of the daughters have set out, at least, on a course of higher education. The following pages contain a brief account of what each classmate has done since Commencement Day in 1861, and his family history. The aim has been to make it as full and accurate as possible. The only omissions known to the compiler, with the exception of a few missing dates, are the facts relating to Butler and E. R. Upham. His efforts to obtain them were unavailing. The portraits pre- sented are for the most part half-tones from photographs made expressly for this history. A very few only were taken one or two years ago. The portraits of deceased members are, it is believed, in every case made from the last photograph taken before death. Your Secretary thanks the members of the class for their cooperation, and begs their indulgence if the compila- tion falls in any way short of their expectations. Edward Stanwood. (xi) 6rrata. Piil msr, first- — His second wife died November 18, 1884. Simoiitoii. — His grandson, Edward Bushnell, born June, 1892. Stanwood! — Date of his marriage, November 16, 1870! BOWDOIN COLLEGE CLASS OF 1861 SlciidcU Hbrabam Hnderson* Born: At Gray, Maine, September 9, 1840. Left college in sophomore year. Medical cadet, United States Army, 1 861 ; graduated M.D., College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, 1863 ; Surgeon Third Maryland Regiment, April, 1863, to August, 1865. Removed to La Crosse, Wisconsin, 1866. President Board of Education, 1873-77. United States Examining Surgeon for Pensions. City Physician of La Crosse. Mem- ber of the Wisconsin State Medical Society. Chairman of the Democratic State Central Committee, 1875-76 and 1881-85. Democratic candidate for Lieutenant- Governor of Wisconsin, 1881. United States Consul-Gen- eral at Montreal, 1885 to 1889, and 1893 "to the present time. Married: At Portland, Maine, March 9, 1864, Susie M. Small, born at Gray, Maine, in 1840 ; educated in the public schools of Cambridge, Massachusetts, and the school for young ladies at New Hampton, New Hampshire. Children : 1. John Wendell, born at La Crosse, Wisconsin, September 2s, 1867. Entered Cornell University, 1885 ; graduated in the law department of the University of Michigan, 1890. Prac- tises law at Detroit, Michigan. Married at Detroit, June 19, 1895, Gustava Doeltz. 2. Greeley Spring, born at La Crosse, January 2, 1873. Edu- cated in the public schools of La Crosse. Now in the insur- ance business. Married at La Crosse, November, 1893, Alice Carey Douglass. 3. Spencer Elwell, born at La Crosse, June, 1879. Now in the high school at La Crosse. Three other children died in infancy. Present Hddress: Hon. Wendell A. Anderson, Mon- treal, Canada. United States Consul-General . (1) 6dward Larke Hppletom Bom: At Bangor, Maine, September, 1839. Left college at end of freshman year. Lieutenant First Artillery, United States Army, 1861-65, Merchant in Bangor, Died: In 1868, (2) Charles Grandison Htkins* Born: At New Sharon, Maine, January 19, 1841. For five years Commissioner of Fisheries of Maine, 1 867-1 872 ; since 1872 Superintendent of stations of the United States Fish Commission, at Bucksport and Fast Orland, Maine, Woods Holl, Massachusetts, and other points. Author of numerous reports and papers in the Reports of the United States Fish Commission, and of articles relating to fish-propagation, horticulture, and miscellaneous topics, in magazines and newspapers. Married: At Bucksport, Maine, November 24, 1874, Nellie Hart Moses, born at Boston, Massachusetts, Decem- ber 7, 1853; educated at the public schools in Bucksport. Present Hddrcss : Charles G. Atkins, East Orland, Maine. Superintendent of the station of the United States Fish Com- mission. (3) jfames Cdare Bradbury jfunior. Born: At Augusta, Maine, July 22, 1839. Admitted to the Bar, 1864, and became a member of the firm of Bradbury and Bradbury. City Solicitor of Augusta, 1868. Appointed United States Commissioner, 1869. Died: At Augusta, September 21, 1876. Professor Packard wrote of him : "He left us with the im- pression that he possessed intellectual powers that promised much for his friends and the public." (4) Theodore Dwigbt Bradford. Born: At Auburn, Maine, September i, 1838. Graduated M.D., at Columbia, 1865. Physician in New York City; staff physician of Hahnemann, Bellevue, and Charity (Ward's Island) hospitals. Married: At New York, April 13, 1876, Matilda Rose Leverich ; born at Newtown, Long Island, May 31, 1852; educated in New York. Children : 1. Marian Gustine, born at New York, February n, 1877; edu- cated at New York, and at the Misses Masters' School, Dobb's-Ferry-on-Hudson. 2. Clara Richmond, born at Newtown, Long Island, New York, July 22, 1878; educated at New York, and at the Misses Masters' School, Dobb's-Ferry-on-Hudson. Died: At New York City, May 10, 1! (5) jfohn Gdward Butler. Born: At Great Falls, New Hampshire, July 6, 1835. Left college at the end of junior year. Editor of the " Biddeford Journal." President of the Maine Senate, 1874. Removed to Boston and practised law. Died: June 25, 1889. (6) ^ jfames Brier Cochrane* Born: At Fayette, Maine, March 23, 1833. Graduated M.D., at the Albany Medical College, Albany, New York, 1864. Practised medicine at Chelsea, Massachusetts, three years ; at St. Paul and Cottage Grove, Minnesota, six years ; at Dover, Maine, since 1873 ; medical examiner for United States pensions, 1882 to 1893. Married: At Dover, Maine, February 19, 1865, Elizabeth M. Cochrane; born at Dover, August 23, 1836; educated at Foxcroft Academy and Gorham Female Seminary. present Hddress: Dr. J. B. Cochrane, Dover, Maine. (7) f^elson perley Cram* Born: At Bridgton, Maine, June 24, 1839. Sergeant Eleventh Maine Regiment. Died: At Brunswick, Maine, of disease contracted in the service, September 18, 1862. (8) QdcUington Rolvin Cross. Born: At Albany, Maine, March 24, 1835. Tutor in Bowdoin College, 1862-63. Graduated at Bangor Theological Seminary, 1865. Congregational pastor at New Gloucester, Orono, Camden, Maine ; Milltown, New Brunswick ; and Foxcroft, Maine. Married: First, August 9, 1865, Olive Charles Walker, born at Fryeburg, July 22, 1837 ; educated at Fryeburg Academy; died, September 23, 1875. Married: Second, at Camden, Maine, November 25, 1890, Rubie Angelia Gould, born at Camden, November 23, 1849 ; educated at the Camden High School. Child: Rolvin Walker, born, September 3, 1875 ; died, July 22, 1892. Died: At Foxcroft, September 20, 1891. (9) Charles Hlbert Curtis. Born: At Hallowed, Maine, October 4, 1835. Graduated at Norwich (Vermont) University, 1861. Received the degree of A.B. from Bowdoin, and his name was inserted in the catalogue with the class of 1861 by vote of the Boards. Lieutenant Seventh and Fifth United States Infantry. Brevet Captain United States Army, 1865 ; served in the Army of the Potomac and on the Rio Grande ; and, after the close of the Civil War, in operations against Indians in New Mexico, Colorado, and California. Author of many popular serial stories of army life. Professor of Military Science and Tactics, on detailed duty, in colleges and schools in many States, since 1869; Professor of General History and Political Economy, Norwich University, 1870; President, Norwich University, 1875-80. Married: At Ashland, New Hampshire, May 17, 1866, Harriette Louise Hughes, born at Holderness, New Hamp- shire, April 8, 1846; educated at New Hampton (New Hampshire) Seminary. Children : 1. WarJon Allan, born at Fort Sumner, New Mexico, February 1, 1867. Graduated A.B. at the University of Wisconsin, 1891. 2. Laurence Albert, born at Northtield, Vermont, April 17, 1872. Three years at the University of Wisconsin, class of 1894. Now a student at the Art School in Chicago. 3. George Hughes, born at Northtield, Vermont, June 29, 1874; died at Northtield, August 7, 1877. 4. Dorothea, born at Northtield, Vermont, April 7, 1878. 5. Barbara, born at Faribault, Minnesota, March 23, 1882. present Hddress: Capt. Charles A. Curtis, U.S.A., Madison, Wisconsin. Professor of Military Science and Tactics. (10) frank Lambert Dingley. Born: At Unity, Maine, February 7, 1840. Editor of the Lewiston (Maine) "Journal" since graduation. In 1889-90 in Europe, executing the orders of Secretary Blaine touching Foreign Immigration ; author of a report on this subject pub- lished by the Department of State, 1891. Married: At Canton, Missouri, October 21, 1862, Lu Mary Greeley. Children : 1. Parke Greeley, born at Auburn, Maine, May 8, 1864; entered Bovvdoin College, but did not graduate ; now on the business staff of the Lewiston "Journal;" married at Auburn, May 23, 1885, Rilla M. Baird. Child: Marion, born October 19, 1889. 2. Jane Lambert, born at Auburn, July 26, 1866; graduated at Wellesley College, class of 1889 ; studied two years in Ger- many and in Paris; married, October 21, 1895, Arthur Gray Staples (Bowdoin, 1882). 3. Anna Ladd, born at Auburn, March 20, 1868; graduated at Wellesley College, class of 1889 ; studied modern languages two years in Europe ; now on the editorial staff of the Lewiston " Journal." 4. Bret Harte, born at Auburn, January 15, 1871 ; graduated at Amherst College, class of 1892; now in Boston, and engaged in musical criticism for " Music," a Chicago monthly musical magazine. 5. Daisy, born at Auburn, February 19, 1872; died at Auburn, July 22, 1872. 6. Blanche, born at Auburn, May 27, 1873 ; prepared for college; studied music in Berlin and Boston ; now engaged in the profession of music in Chicago. 7. Florence, born at Auburn, June 7, 1S77 ; educated at Auburn and in Germany ; now a student of vocal music in Boston. Present Hddress: Frank L. Dingley, Lewiston, Maine. Editor of the Lewiston " Journal." (11) CdiUiam Slinslow 6aton* Born: At Webster, Maine, May 20, 1836. Assistant Surgeon and Surgeon, Sixteenth Maine Regiment, 1861 to 1865. Graduated M.D., at the University of the City of New York, 1864. Physician at Wakefield, Massachusetts, 1865 to 1867; at Danvers, Massachusetts, from 1867 to the present time. Councillor, Censor, and President of the Essex District Medical Society ; Trustee of the Peabody Institute ; United States Examining Surgeon for Pensions ; Surgeon of Post 90, G.A.R., for twenty-six years ; President of the Danvers Im- provement Society ; member for twenty-five years, and much of the time Chairman, of the local health and school boards. Married: At Brunswick, Maine, July 12, 1865, Agnes Trumbull Hurst Magoun, born at Carlisle, England, January 5, 1842 ; educated at Miss Hinckley's Young Ladies' Semi- nary, Brunswick. Children: 1. Elbert Carpenter, born at Wakefield, Massachusetts, August 8, 1866; died at Danvers, May 31, 1880. 2. Susie Wilhelmina, born at Danvers, April 2, 1870 ; graduated at Wellesley College, class of 1894 ; now teacher of French in the Danvers High School. 3. Harold Poslet, born at Danvers, January 2, 1882 ; died at Dan- vers, May 4, 1882. 4. Marion Agnes, born at Danvers, June 19, 1883 ; now in the Danvers High School. present Hddress: Dr. W. Winslow Eaton, Danvers, Massachusetts. (12) edwin emery. Born: At Sanford, Maine, September 4, 1836. Lieutenant Seventeenth Maine Regiment. Author of a History of Sanford, Maine, not yet published ; one of the compilers of the "Genealogy of the Emery Family." Master of high schools at Gardiner and Belfast, Maine ; Great Fulls, New Hampshire ; Southbridge and Northbridge (Whitinsville), Massachusetts. Instructor of Cadets, United States Revenue Marine, New Bedford, Massachusetts, 1877- 1890. Afterward engaged in the insurance business. Married: At Brunswick, Maine, October 27, 1864, Louisa Farnham Wing, born at Brunswick, April 20, 1841 ; educated at Maine State Seminary, Lewiston (now Bates College). Children : 1. William Morrell, born at Brunswick, Maine, October 2, 1866; graduated at Bowdoin College, class of 1889; married, at New Bedford, Massachusetts, March 24, 1894, Margaret C. Donaghy. Night editor of the New Bedford " Morning Mercury." 2. Horace Frank, born at Southbridge, Massachusetts, June 30, 1871 ; died the same day. 3. Fred Harold, born at Southbridge, Massachusetts, March 4, 1873; died at Southbridge, July 11, 1873. 4. Clarence Percy, born at Southbridge, Massachusetts, July 28, 1874; educated at the New Bedford High School, class of 1893. Now a member of the class of 1899, Bangor Theologi- cal Seminary. 5. Edwin Prescott, born at Northbridge (Whitinsville), Massa- chusetts, August 16, 1876 ; educated at the New Bedford High School, class of 1894, Now in the insurance business at New Bedford. 6. Mabel Louise, born at New Bedford, Massachusetts, June 15, 1880; died at New Bedford, November 1, 1881. Died: At New Bedford, September 28, 1895. (13) Lucilius Hlonzo Gmcvy. Born: At Carmel, Maine, July 27, 1840. Began the practice of law at Ellsworth, Maine, October, 1863. County Attorney for Hancock County ; City Solicitor of Ellsworth ; member of the Senate of Maine, 1874, 1875, an d 1882; Attorney-General of Maine; Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court of Maine, 1883 to the present time. Member of the Board of Overseers, Bowdoin College, since 1875 ; Professor of Medical Jurisprudence in Bowdoin College since 1889. Married: At Hampden, Maine, November 9, 1864, Annie Stetson Crosby, born at Hampden, 1841 ; educated at Hamp- den Academy and at Highland Seminary, Somerville, Massa- chusetts. Children : 1. Annie Crosby, born at Ellsworth, Maine, January 1, 1871 ; educated in Europe and at Bryn Mawr College, where she graduated in the class of 1892 ; took a post-graduate course in Greek and Latin at Bryn Mawr and at the University of Leipsic, Germany; received the degree of Ph.D. at Bryn Mawr, 1896; and is still connected with that college. 2. Henry Crosby, born at Ellsworth, Maine, December 21, 1872 ; educated in Germany, and at Bowdoin College, where he graduated in the class of 1892; at Harvard University, where he took the degree of A.M. ; and for one year at Columbia University, New York, from which he received the degree of Ph.D., 1896. Instructor of Economics and Sociology in Bowdoin College since 1894. Present Hddress: Hon. L. A. Emery, Ellsworth, Maine. Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court. (14) Loring fari\ Born: At Manchester, Maine, June 2, 1834. Enlisted as private in the Nineteenth Maine Regiment ; was commissioned as Second Lieutenant, First Lieutenant, and Captain, in the same regiment ; wounded at Cold Harbor ; appointed Captain in the United States Veteran Volunteers, Hancock's Corps, where he served till after the close of the war. Engaged in teaching several years in the West ; was admitted to the Bar in St. Louis in 1873 ; commenced the practice of law at Augusta, Maine, in 1877; retired from active practice in 1893 to his farm in Manchester, on the shores of Fair Cobbossee. Present Hddress: Loring Farr, Manchester, Maine. Farmer. (15) JMerritt Caldwell fernald Born: At Levant, Maine, May 26, 1838. Received the degree of Ph.D. from Bowdoin College, 1881. Professor in the Maine State College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts from 1868 to 1879 ; Acting President, 1868 to 1 87 1 ; President of the College, 1879 to 1893; Professor of Mathematics, 1896. Hutbor: Of numerous reports and historical sketches of the Maine State College ; also of agricultural and scientific ad- dresses, published chiefly in the reports of the Maine Board of Agriculture. Married: At Bethel, Maine, August 24, 1865, Mary Lovejoy Heywood, born at Weld, Maine, May 8, 1845 '■> ea "u- cated at Gould's Academy, Bethel, Maine. Children : 1. Harriet Converse, born at Dover, Maine, September ti, 1866; graduated at the Maine State College, class of 1884 ; and at the School of Library Economy, Columbia College, New York, [888. Is now Librarian of the Maine State College. 2. Robert Heywood, born at Orono, Maine, December 19, 1871 ; graduated at the Maine State College, class of 1892 ; took post-graduate course one year at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Instructor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Case School of Applied Science, Cleveland, Ohio, since 1893. 3. Merritt Lyndon, born at Orono, October 5, 1873 ; educated at Maine State College, and Lawrence Scientific School, Harvard University, class of 1897. 4. Reginald Lovejoy, born at Orono, August 7, 1877; student at the Lawrence Scientific School, Harvard University. 5. George Bancroft, born at Orono, November 10, 1880 ; is pre- paring for college at the Foxcroft Academy, Foxcroft, Maine. present Hddress: President M. C. Fernald, Orono, Maine. Professor of Mathematics, Maine State College. (16) Samuel fessetiderL Born: At Portland, Maine, January 6, 1841. Lieutenant First Maine Artillery. Killed : At the Battle of Centerville, Virginia, September 1, 1862. (17) Sidney JVIicbael finger. Born: In Lincoln County, North Carolina, May 24, 1837. Educated four years at Catawba College, North Carolina. Entered Bowdoin College at the beginning of Junior year. Private Eleventh North Carolina regiment. Major Confed- erate service, in charge of collecting the "tax in kind" throughout North Carolina. Nine years a teacher in Catawba College, until 1874. Author of " Civil Government in North Carolina and the United States," published by the University Publishing Com- pany, New York. Member of the North Carolina House of Representatives, 1874. Member of the North Carolina Senate 1876-78 and 1881-82. State Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1884 to 1892. Married: In Gaston County, North Carolina, December 26, 1866, Sarah Hoyle Rhyne, educated at academies near her home. Died: At Newton, North Carolina, December 26, 1896. (18) edmund 6astman fogg* Born: At Limerick, Maine, June 7, 1839. Graduated M.D., at the Harvard Medical School, 1869. Was a physician at Buxton Centre, Maine. Died: At Buxton, April 13, 1887. (19) f>enry Jcwett furber* Born: At Great Falls, New Hampshire, July 17, 1840. Left college at the end of junior year, but was afterward given his degree by vote of the Boards. Resided in Green Bay, Wisconsin, New York City, and Chicago. Is now President of the National Life Insurance Company ; President of the Columbus Safe Deposit Com- pany ; President of the Fidelity Safe Deposit Company. Married: At Green Bay, Wisconsin, January 7, 1862, Elvira Irwin, born at Green Bay, March 30, 1836; educated in the public schools of Green Bay. Children : 1. William Elbert, born at Green Bay, Wisconsin, March 17, 1863 ; educated at Racine College, Wisconsin. 2. Henry Jewett, born at Green Bay, May 12, 1865 ; graduated at Chicago University, class of 1886 ; honorary M.A., Bow- doin College, 1889; studied at the Universities of Berlin, Vienna, and Leipsic, and took the degree of Ph.D. at the Uni- versity of Halle, 1891. Through his efforts during the past year, 1895-6, the Universities of France have been opened to American students on substantially the same plan as the German Universities are open. 3. Frank Irwin, born at Englewood, New Jersey, September 18, 1868 ; educated at Chicago University ; married, at Chicago, June 28, 1889, Clara Proby. Present Hddress: Henry J. Furber, Columbus Memo- rial Building, Chicago, Illinois. Lawver and Banker. (20) Benjamin Shute 6rant. Born: At Prospect, Maine, September 12, 1839. Alder- man of Newton, Massachusetts, four years. Lawyer and Merchant at Boston ever since graduation. Married: At Milwaukee, Wisconsin, June 30, 1875, Mary Augusta Howes, born at Bucksport, Maine, December 18, 1842 ; educated at Bloomfield Academy, Bloomfield, New Jersey. Child: June, born at Boston, Massachusetts, August 16, 1877; educated at Newton High School, Newton, Massachusetts, and under private instructors. Present Hddress: Benjamin S. Grant, Boston, Massa- chusetts. (21) Charles GUdden Raines* Born: At Portland, Maine, January 10, 1840. Paymaster of the Laconia Company, Biddeford, Maine, until 1872, when he removed to Portland, where he was Treasurer of the First Parish Church, the Cumberland Club, the Portland Yacht Club, the Maine Poultry Association, and other organizations. Died: At Portland, Maine, December 1, 1886. " He was a good brother, a good son, and a good friend ; and was loved and respected by everybody, young and old." (22) Daniel QJarren F)ardy* Born: At Wilton, Maine, July 24, 1834. Left college in sophomore year ; graduated M.D. at the Maine Medical School, 1863 ; Surgeon Thirty-seventh U.S.C.T. ; Brevet Lieutenant- Colonel, March 4, 1867. Graduated at Bangor Theological Seminary, 1871. Congregational pastor at Presque Isle, Maine ; Stowe, Ver- mont ; Bluehill, Searsport, and Bethel, Maine; and Billerica, Massachusetts. Married: At Waterville, Maine, June 18, 1874, Lydia Follansbee, born at Waterville, February 26, 1845; educated at Waterville High School, Waterville Academy, and New England Conservatory of Music. Children : 1. Warren Follansbee, born at Bluehill, Maine, December 14, 1878 ; in Colby University, class of 1900. 2. Edgar Drury, born at Bluehill, Maine, April 3, 1880; in Lowell High School, Lowell, Massachusetts. Present Hddress: Rev. D. W. Hardy, Billerica, Massa- chusetts. (23) 6ordon JVIerrill Ricks. Born: At North Yarmouth, Maine, March 19, 1835. Lawyer, and Judge of the Municipal Court, Rockland, Maine. Married: At Bristol, Maine, April 13, 1871, Mary Helen Fossett, born at Bristol, August 23, 1842 ; graduate of Maine Wesleyan Female College, class of 1866. Children : 1. Blanchard Fossett, born at Rockland, August 25, 1872 ; gradu- ated at Tufts College, 1894. 2. Helen, born at Rockland, November 15, 1878; graduated at Rockland High School, 1896. 3. Grace Gordon, born at Rockland, December 18, 1881 ; now in Rockland Grammar School. Present Hddress : Hon. Gordon M. Hicks, Rock- land, Maine. Lawyer, and Judge of the Police Court. (24) francis Libby fiobson. Born: At Buxton, Maine, January 8, 1839; member of the Board of Aldermen, Saco, Maine, 1878. Married: At Boston, Massachusetts, June 5, 1867, Annette Hubbard, born at Wiscasset, Maine, June 5, 1845; educated at Lasell Seminary, Auburndale, Massachusetts. Children : 1. Ruth Wales, born at Portland, Maine, March 23, 1870; educated at Washington, District Columbia, High School ; Wellesley College (one year) ; and University of California, where she graduated in 1890. Taught school four years. Married, at San Francisco, August 29, 1894, William Sidney Tangier-Smith (University of California, 1890). 2. Jeannette Frances, born at Saco, Maine, December 13, 1877. Now a member of the class of 1899, University of California. present Hddress: Francis L. HOBSON, Berkeley, Cali- fornia. Secretary of Bower's Rubber Company, 42 Sacramento Street, San Francisco, California. (25) Hlbion F)owe* Born: At Jacksonville, Florida, May 16, 1840. Lieutenant Fourteenth New York Heavy Artillery, 1863; Brevet Lieu- tenant-Colonel, 1865 ; Lieutenant Fourth Artillery, United States Army. Married: At Fortress Monroe, Virginia, June 1, 1869, Sallie McKnight Barry, born at Buffalo, New York, July 24, 1850. Killed: In the Modoc war in Oregon, April 26, 1873. (26) Charles Oliver Fkint* Born: At Gorham, Maine, April 26, 1839. Lieutenant Fifth Battery, First Maine Artillery. Graduated M.D. at the University of Pennsylvania, 1868. Superintendent of the Maine General Hospital, Portland, Maine, since 1874 5 Instructor in the Portland School for Medical Instruction since 1868 ; Professor of Materia Medica in the Medical School of Maine since 1882 ; Examining Surgeon for Pensions, 1873-85 and 1 889-1 893. IMarried: At Lancaster, Pennsylvania, May 25, 1871, Cor- nelia Davidson Carson, born at Lancaster, August 5, 1839; educated at a private school in Lancaster. Children : 1. Charles Oliver, born at Portland, Maine, March 15, 1872; died at Portland, June 22, 1872. 2. Cornelia Davidson, born at Portland, June 3, 1873 ; educated at public and private schools, and at Abbott Academy, An- dover, Massachusetts. 3. Helen Hastings, born at Portland, February 28, 1876. Now a member of the class of 1898, Wellesley College. 4. Charles Henry, born at Portland, January 9, 1881. Now a member of the class of 1898, Portland High School. present Hddress : DR. CHARLES O. Hunt, Maine Gen- eral Hospital, Portland, Maine. Superintendent of the Maine General Hospital. (27) Hbomas Qdorccster F)yde* Born: At Florence, Italy, January 15, 1841. Graduated A.B. at Chicago University and Bowdoin College, 1861. Lieutenant-Colonel Seventh Maine Regiment ; Colonel First Maine Veteran Volunteers; Brevet Brigadier-General, 1865. Author of "Following the Greek Cross," Houghton, Mifflin, & Co., Boston : 1894. Member of the Senate of Maine, 1873 to l8 75 ! President of the Senate, 1874 and 1875. Married: At Bath, Maine, June 13, 1866, Annie Hayden, born at Bath, July 16, 1841 ; graduated at Bath High School. Children : 1. John Sedgwick, born at Bath, March 25, 1867 ; educated at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 2. Edward Warden, born at Bath, August 9, 1868 ; educated at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 3. Ethel, born at Bath, August 30, 1871 ; educated in Bath, Bos- ton, and Paris. 4. Arthur Sewall, born at Bath, February 21, 1875; graduated at Harvard University, class of 1896. 5. Eleanor Hayden, born at Bath, August 6, 1880. 6. Madelyn, born at Bath, August 4, 1883. present Hddress: General Thomas W. Hyde, Bath, Maine. President and General Manager of the Bath Iron Works, the first steel shipbuilding plant in Maine. Built the United States gunboats " Machias " and " Castine," and the Ammen harbor-defence ram " Katahdin," and other government vessels ; also the steamer " City of Lowell," at present the fastest boat on Long Island Sound. (28) Hlbion f)enry Johnson. Born: At Vienna, Maine, October 12, 1840. Graduated at the Bangor Theological Seminary, 1864. Congregational Pastor at Limington, Maine ; Antioch, California ; Rockport, Maine ; South Braintree, Massachusetts ; Acworth, New Hampshire ; and since September, 1882, at Clarendon Hills, Massachusetts. Married: First, at South Bridgton, Maine, September 27, 1864, Miranda Fowler Potter, born at North Bridgton, Maine, March 24, 1837; graduated at Gorham Seminary; died at Antioch, California, June 3, 1871. Married: Second, at South Braintree, Massachusetts, May 24, 1877, Annie Livia Arnold, born at South Braintree, Feb- ruary 23, 1839 ; graduated at Hollis Academy, South Braintree. Children : 1. Frederic Perley, born at Limington, Maine, September 3, 1865 ; graduated at Amherst College, class of 1887; and Andover Theological Seminary, 1891, where he received the fellowship for his class, and spent two years in study at Berlin, Ger- many. Ordained and installed pastor of the Congregational church, Ashburnham, Massachusetts, May 22, 1894. 2. Henry Lewis, born at Limington, Maine, June 1, 1867 ; educated at the Boston English Higli School, and (two years) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, class of 1890. Mar- ried at Acworth, New Hampshire, Sept. 7, 1892, Mabel A. Wood. 3. Miranda Fowler, born at Antioch, California, December 22, 1870; died at Antioch, February 7, 1871. present Hddress: Rev. A. H. JOHNSON, Roslindale, Massachusetts. Pastor of the Hyde Park Congregational Church. (29) Samuel Jordan. Born: At Poland, Maine, February 22, 1836. Entered Bowdoin from Tufts College, sophomore year. Acting Assist- ant Paymaster, United States Navy. Died: At Poland, of disease contracted in the service, August, 1865. (30) George Beaman Kennistom Born: At Boothbay, Maine, December 18, 1836. Lieu- tenant Fifth Maine Regiment; Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel, 1864. Admitted to the bar, 1875. Member of the Maine House of Representatives, 1871-72. Deputy Collector of Customs, 1874 to 1882. Judge of Pro- bate of Lincoln County since 1893 ; reelected September, 1896. Married: First, at Edgecomb, Maine, November 9, 1864, Antoinette Eliza Adams, born at Deer Isle, Maine, September 2, 1836; educated at Saint Stephens, New Brunswick; died at Boothbay, October 14, 1881. JMarried: Second, at Boothbay, September 11, 1883, Annie Janet Blair, born at Boothbay, May 12, 1838; educated at Boothbay. Children : 1. Mabel, born at Boothbay, Maine, September 18, 1865 ; educated at Hallowell Classical Institute; married, at Boothbay, December 25, 1889, Emerson Rice, of Hyde Park, Massa- chusetts. Child: Roger Courtland, born at Hyde Park, January 22, 1890. 2. Walter Adams, born at Boothbay, January 31, 1867; educated at Hallowell Classical Institute, and was prepared to enter Bowdoin College ; died at Boothbay, September 20, 1887. 3. Irving Chase, born at Boothbay, April 3, 1869; graduated at the Maine State College, class of 1890. 4. William Beaman, born at Boothbay, November 20, 1870; graduated at Bowdoin College, class of 1892 ; M.D. at Maine Medical School, 1895. Interne at Maine General Hospital ; now taking a post-graduate medical course in New York City. 5. Alice, born at Boothbay, March 31, 1873 ; educated at Saint Catharine's Hall, Augusta, Maine. 6. George Blair, born at Boothbay, January 25, 1878 ; preparing for Bowdoin College, class of 1901. present Hddress: Hon. George B. Kenniston, Boothbay Harbor, Maine. Lawyer and Judge of Probate, Lincoln County. (30 edward payson Loring* Born: At Norridgewock, Maine, March 2, 1837. Educated at Waterville College (Colby University), 1857-1859, and entered Bowdoin College at the beginning of junior year. Lieutenant and Captain Thirteenth Maine Regiment ; Major United States Colored Troops ; Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel, 1865 ; mustered out of service, 1867. Graduated at the Albany Law School, 1868 ; began to prac- tise law in Fitchburg, Massachusetts, 1869. Member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives from Fitchburg, 1872 to 1874; member of the Senate, 1883 and 1884; Chair- man of the Joint Committee on Public Charitable Institutions before which Gov. Benjamin F. Butler conducted his investi- gation of the Tewksbury Almshouse; in 1885, Joint Com- missioner (with Charles Theodore Russell, Jr.) to prepare a report of contested election cases. Appointed Controller of County Accounts by Governor Ames, 1887; reappointed by Governor Brackett, 1890; and by Governor Russell, 1893. Married: At Waterville, Maine, July 15, 1869, Hannah McMillan Stark, born at Waterville, August, 1843 ; educated at Ipswich Female Seminary, Ipswich, Massachusetts. Died: At Boston, October 30, 1894. (32) Hugustus JVatbaniel Lufkin. Born: At Orrington, Maine, June 2, 1837. Enlisted private Second Maine Regiment ; Captain Forty-fifth United States Colored Troops. Member of the Maine House of Representatives, 1887-88. Married: First, at Brunswick, Maine, Lucy Ellen John- son, born at Hallowell, Maine, August 3, 1837; educated at Brunswick High School; died at Brunswick, June 3, 1863. Married: Second, Lucinda Medora Libby, born at Charles- ton, Maine, September 6, 1858. Children : 1. Julia Frances, died in infancy. 2. Lucy Ellen, born at Brunswick, May 19, 1863 ; graduated at Bradford Academy, Bradford, Massachusetts, 1882 ; married, July 22, 1885, Edward Hale, of Haverhill, Massachusetts. Child: Dorothy Hale, born 1889. 3. Augustus Neander, born at Benton, Maine, September 25, 1893. Present Hddress: Augustus N. Lufkin, East Orring- ton, Maine. Occupation, Farmer. (33) Stephen Rart farming* Born: At Lewiston, Maine, July 24, 1834. Entered Bow- doin from Tufts College at the beginning of sophomore year. Mustered into military service as Quartermaster Sergeant First Maine Regiment (three months), May 3, 1861 ; First Lieutenant and Quartermaster Fifth Maine Regiment ; Quar- termaster First Brigade, First Division, Sixth Army Corps, and, by successive promotions, Lieutenant-Colonel and Chief Quartermaster of the Sixth Corps ; Colonel and Chief Quar- termaster of the Department of Texas ; Brevet Brigadier- General. General Manning received one commission from the Governor of Maine and seven from the President of the United States. Sheriff of New Hanover County, Wilmington, North Caro- lina, 1874 to 1890. Delegate to the Constitutional Conven- tion of North Carolina, 1875. ]Married: At Boston, Massachusetts, January 24, 1864, Sarah Walker, born at Rumford, Maine ; educated at Maine State Seminary. present Hddress: Gen. Stephen H. Manning, Lewis- ton, Maine. (34) Hbram jVIaxwelL Born: At Sweden, Maine, December 6, 1832. Graduated at Bangor Theological Seminary, 1866. Home Missionary in Nebraska. Married: At Peru, Maine, August 5, 1866, Abbie DeMeritt, born at Peabody, Massachusetts, June 10, 1845 ! educated at Maine Wesleyan Seminary (Kent's Hill), Readfield, Maine. Children : 1. James L., born at East Sumner, Maine, May 30, 1868 ; educated in public schools of Lynn, Massachusetts ; married, at Lynn, November 8, 1890, Addie L. Fogg. Children: (1) Leon Arthur, born at Lynn, March ir, 1892; (2) Marion Louise, born at Lynn, March 13, 1893. 2. Harry A., born at Pownal, Maine, July 23, 1871 ; educated in Lynn public schools ; married, at Lynn, November 25, 1893, Elizabeth M. Kelly. Child: Arleen Frances, born at Lynn, July 11, 1894. 3. Edith Moore, born at Red Cloud, Nebraska, July 23, 1878; is being educated in Lynn public schools. Died: At Andover, Ohio, January 30, 1882. (35) CdiUiam Qdilson jVTorrelL Born: At East Livermore, Maine, February 12, 1836. Lieutenant Twentieth Maine Regiment. Killed: At Spottsylvania, Virginia, May 8, 1864. (36) francis 6verett JVhilliken* Born: At Augusta, Maine, August 8, 1839. Left college at the end of sophomore year. Died: At Augusta. (37^ JVIoses Owen. Bom: At Bath, Maine, July 21, 1839. Citizen Clerk in Second Division, Sixth Corps, Army of the Potomac. Au- thor of "Fragments" and "Plymouth Church and Other Poems." Died: At Augusta, Maine, November 11, 1878. (38) Hlpbeus Spring packard Born: At Brunswick, Maine, February 19, 1839. Grad- uated M.D., at the Maine Medical School, 1864; Honorary Ph.D., Bowdoin College, 1879. Assistant Surgeon First Maine Veteran Regiment. Curator and afterward (1877-78) Director of the Peabody Academy of Science, Salem, Massa- chusetts ; Lecturer on Entomology, Bowdoin College and Massachusetts Agricultural College ; Lecturer on Comparative Anatomy, Bowdoin College ; member of the United States Entomological Commission, 1877-1882 ; Professor of Zoology and Geology in Brown University since 1878. Author of a " Guide to the Study of Insects," " Our Com- mon Insects," " Half Hours with Insects," " Entomology for Beginners," "Zoology for Colleges," "First Lessons in Zoology," "The Labrador Coast," beside more than five hundred monographs and papers on scientific subjects. Married: At Salem, Massachusetts, October 17, 1867, Elizabeth Derby Walcott, born at Hopkinton, Massachusetts, November 10, 1842; educated at Salem. Children : 1. Martha Walcott, born at Salem, Massachusetts, December 19, 1868 ; educated at Salem, and Providence, Rhode Island. 2. Alpheus Appleton, born at Salem, September 1, 1871 ; educated at Brown University, class of 1895, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 3. Elizabeth Derby, born at Salem, April 30, 1877 ; died July 24, 1885. 4. Frances Elizabeth, born at Providence, Rhode Island, May 9, 1880; educated at the Lincoln School, Providence. present Hddress: Prof. A. S. Packard, 275 Angell Street, Providence, Rhode Island. Professor of Zoology and Geology in Brown University. (39) Hlbert Deforest palmer. Born: At Augusta, Maine, March 12, 1839. Graduated at Newton Theological Institution, 1863. Baptist pastor at Dover, Maine ; McGregor, Iowa ; Tewksbury, Massachusetts ; Chicopee, Massachusetts ; North Berwick, Maine ; Middle- bury, Vermont ; and Plaistow, New Hampshire. Married: First, at Foxcroft, Maine, March 15, 1866, Abbie Maria Jordan, born at Foxcroft, October 12, 1844; educated at Maine Wesleyan Seminary (Kent's Hill), Readtield, Maine; died at McGregor, Iowa, January 25, 1867. Married: Second, at Lynn, Massachusetts, June 25, 1868, Mary Jane Spear, born at Boston, Massachusetts, March 28, 1848 ; educated at State Normal School, Salem, Massachu- setts ; died at Middlebury, Vermont, November 28, 1884. Children : 1. Abbie Jordan, born at McGregor, Iowa, January 16, 1867; educated at Middlebury, Vermont, High School ; married, at Plaistow, New Hampshire, Eugene Page Davis. Child : Howard Palmer Davis, born at Haverhill, Massachusetts, February 10, 1893. 2. Albert DeForest, born at Tewksbury, Massachusetts, July 26, 1869; graduated B.P. at Brown University, class of 1891 ; post-graduate study at Johns Hopkins, 1891-93 ; Ph.D., Brown University, 1895 ; since 1893 Instructor and Associate Professor in Physics at Brown University. 3. Sarah Blossom, born at Tewksbury, Massachusetts, June 25, 1871 ; graduated A.B. at Middlebury College, class of 1891 ; Phi Beta Kappa ; married, at Plaistow, New Hampshire, March 30, 1895, Ernest Calvin Bryant (Middlebury, 1891), Professor of Mathematics in Middlebury College. Child: Ruth Bryant, born at Middlebury, January 18, 1896. 4. Harold Gustavus, born at Chicopee, Massachusetts, November 5> 1873 ; graduated M.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1895. 5. William Spear, born at North Berwick: Maine, June u, 1878; died July 3, 1879. present Hddress: Rev. Albert DeF. Palmer, Plais- tow, New Hampshire. Baptist Minister. (40) Gustavus Steward palmer. Born: At North Anson, Maine, June 9, 1841. Dentist at Waterville, Maine. Married: First, at North Anson, December, 1865, Ellen M. Getchell; died April 1, 1880. Married: Second, at China, Maine, April 3, 1882, May Stanley, born at Vassalborough, Maine, February 14, 1858; educated at Oak Grove Seminary, Vassalborough. Children : 1. Harry Stanley, born at Waterville, Maine, February 17, 1883. 2. Walter E., born at Waterville, May 29, 1884. 3. Stanley Gustavus, born at Waterville, September 18, 1887. They are attending the public schools in Reno, Nevada, where the family reside. Died: At Waterville, Maine, October 16, 1888. 14O Gtovqe Loring peirce* Born: At Kittery, Maine, August 10, 1837. Graduated M.D., at Jefferson Medical College, 1879. Married: At Melrose, Massachusetts, November 9, 1861, Harriet Newel Noyes, born at Boston, Massachusetts, 1843. Child, Class Baby: Daniel Joseph, born October 2, 1862; educated at public schools in Brooklyn, New York, and Philadelphia ; married, in New York, August 13, 1884, May Emma Brown. Children: (1) Victor L., born at Oyster Bay, Long Island, New York, November 29, 1885; (2) Edythe L., born at Brooklyn, New York, March 13, 1892 ; died June 8, 1894. present Hddress: Dr. George L. Peirce, 159 West i02d Street, New York City. (42) Lauriston floyd purington* Born: At Bowdoinham, Maine, May 3, 1835. Has resided at the old home-place ever since graduation. Present Hddress: L. F. PURINGTON, Richmond, Maine. Occupation, Farmer. (43) fabius JYIaximus Ray. Born: At South Windham, Maine, March 30, 1837. Ad- mitted to the Bar, 1865 ; graduated at Harvard Divinity School, 1868; resumed practice of the law, 1869. Author of a volume of verse, published in 1874, and of numerous original poems and "metrical translations," pub- lished in various periodicals. Editor of a journal kept by a medical ancestor who accompanied the expedition against Ticonderoga in 1758, which makes the basis of a page in Parkman's " Wolfe and Montcalm." Member of the Maine House of Representatives, 1871, 1872. Judge of the Municipal Court of Westbrook, 1883 to 1885. Member of Maine Senate, 1885. Married : First, at Lexington, Massachusetts, August 29, 1863, Mary Muzzey Marrett, born at Westbrook, Maine, Sep- tember 22, 1834 ; educated at Maine State Seminary, Gorham, Maine ; died at Westbrook, January 27, 1877. Married: Second, at Westbrook, Maine, November 22, 1883, Josephine Isabel Tibbetts, born at Alfred, Maine, December 4, i860; educated at Westbrook Seminary. Children : 1. Sarah Adeline, born at Westbrook, Maine, June 14, 1866; graduated at Westbrook Seminary and Female College, classical course, class of 1885. 2. William Caleb, born at Westbrook, May 16, 1871 ; educated at Westbrook Seminary. present Hddress: Hon. F. M. Ray, Portland, Maine. Lawyer. (44) jfobn Rich. Born: At Farmington, Maine, March 29, 1838. Died: At Farmington, November 14, 1863. (45) ' Reuben Hugustus Rideout* Born: At Garland, Maine, November 30, 1834. Mathematical editor of the " Maine Teacher," 1861 to 1864; a frequent contributor to the press on scientific and physiological subjects. Principal of the Grammar School at South Maiden (now Everett), Massachusetts, 1866 to 1870; Master of the Everett High School, 1870 to 1891 ; Instructor in Latin and Greek in the same school, 1891 to the present time — making thirty years of continuous service in one place. Married: First, at Pittston, Maine, November 27, 1861, Celia H. Marson, born at Pittston, August 4, 1839 ; educated at East Pittston Academy ; died at Everett, Massachusetts, June 8, 1878. Married: Second, at Everett, Massachusetts, December 29, 1879, Gustie L. Marson, born at Pittston, Maine, March 11, 1846; educated at East Pittston Academy. Children : 1. Inez Celia, born at South Maiden (now Everett), Massachu- setts, August 31, 1867; graduated at Everett High School, 1886 ; married, June 12, 1888, William B. Marshall. Children : (1) Olive Rideout, born at Everett, June 10, 1889; (2) Esther Celia, born at Everett, December 5, 1890; (3) Violet Baker, born at Everett, July 20, 1892; (4) Laurence Parsons, born at Everett, October 6, 1895. 2. Stella Gustie, born at Everett, September 14, 1871 ; graduated at Everett High School, 1889 ; married, December 5, 1893, Norman W. Ware. Child: Merle Marson, born at Everett, August 15, 1896. Present Hddress: REUBEN A. RlDEOUT, Everett, Massa- chusetts. Instructor in Greek and Latin, Everett High School. (46) Charles Bean Rounds. Born: At Danville, Maine, December 8, 1834. Enlisted in the Thirtieth Maine Regiment ; Lieutenant in the Thirty- second, Captain Thirty-first Maine Regiment. President of the Common Council of Calais, Maine, 1877- 78 ; Supervisor of Schools of Calais ; County Attorney, Washington County, Maine, 1876-1883 ; Judge of the Mu- nicipal Court of Calais, 1 883-1 895. Married: At Calais, Maine, January 4, 1865, Harriet Norwood Chase, born at Calais, January 4, 1839 ; educated at Mount Holyoke Seminary. Children : 1. Mina DeHart, born at Calais, Maine, December 8, 1865 ; gradu- ated at Wellesley College, class of 1886; taught school in New York and Missouri, and two years in Oshkosh Normal School, Oshkosh, Wisconsin ; married, at Calais, August 22, 1894, William A. Murchie. Child: Margaret Winslow, born at Calais, July 22, 1895. 2. Pauline, born at Calais, September 6, 1867 ; educated at Mount Holyoke Seminary. 3. Dora, born at Calais, August 27, 1872 ; graduated at Wellesley College, class of 1896. 4. George Monroe, born at Calais, April 29, 1876; now in Bowdoin College, class of 1899. 5. Helen Norwood, born at Calais, June 6, 1880 ; to enter college in 1897. present Hddrcss : Judge Charles B. Rounds, Calais, Maine. Lawyer. (47) JVIanuel Sbenezer SbelU Born: In Catawba County, North Carolina, April 27, 1834. Educated at Catawba College; entered Bowdoin Col- lege at the beginning of junior year ; left during the last term of senior year. Private in a North Carolina regiment, Con- federate service. Died: Of disease contracted in the service, 1862. f48) edward Simontom Born: At Searsport, Maine, October 3, 1839. Lieutenant Twentieth Maine Regiment ; Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel, 1865 ; Lieutenant Fourth United States Infantry. Removed to St. Paul, Minnesota, 1870. Married: At Portland, Maine, January 4, 1866, Annie Elizabeth Hilton, born at Belfast, Maine, December 29, 1839; educated at Belfast High School. Children : 1. Elizabeth Blanchard, born at Plattsburg, New York, Novem- ber 29, 1866; educated in the public schools of St. Paul, Min- nesota ; married at St. Paul, October 27, 1887, Alvin R. Bushnell. Children: (1) Edward, born at Monterey, Mexico, June, 1893 ; (2) Alvin R., born at Monterey, June, 1894; (3) Horace C, born at Monterey, June, 1895. 2. Edward Hilton, born at Fort Laramie, Wyoming, January 4, 1868 ; died at Fort Fetterman, Wyoming, August 4, 1868. 3. Millie, born at St. Paul, Minnesota, November 16, 1874 ; died at St. Paul, May 15, 1875. present Hddress: Col. Edward Simonton, Room 415, Pioneer-Press Building, St. Paul, Minnesota. Attorney at Law, Real Estate and Financial Agent. (49) Gdwin Smith. Born: At Searsport, Maine, March 8, 1836; graduated at the Bangor Theological Seminary, 1864. Author of many articles in the " Congregationalist " and other periodicals. Congregational pastor at Lynn, Barre, Braintree, and Bed- ford, Massachusetts. Married: At Limington, Maine, December 29, 1864, Amanda Shuah Manson, born at Limington, June 23, 1839; educated at Limington Academy and Maine State Seminary, now Bates College. Children : 1. Edwin Ray, born at Lynn, Massachusetts, November 25, 1865 ; graduated at Williams College, class of 1887 ; and Andover Theological Seminary, class of 1892. Pastor of the Old South Church, Farmington, Maine. 2. Annie Manson, born at Limington, Maine, August 11, 1868; graduated at Wellesley College, class of 1890 ; studied two years at Tufts College Medical School ; Principal of Martin Academy, Kennett Square, Pennsylvania, 1895-6 ; married at Bedford, October 7, 1896, Arthur Fuller Belcher, Bowdoin, 1882. 3. Amy Lillian, born at Barre, Massachusetts, December 14, 1870 ; died at Barre, November 2, 1876. 4. Melville Henry, born at Braintree, Massachusetts, October 12, 1880; now in Boston Latin School, preparing for college. present Hddress: Rev. Edwin Smith, Bedford, Massa- chusetts. (50) f)enry Sutton Burgess Smith* Born: At Bridgton, Maine, July 12, 1838; graduated M.D., at the Berkshire Medical College, 1865 ; Assistant Sur- geon Thirty-second Maine Regiment. Physician at Bowdoinham, Maine, and Middleborough, Massachusetts. Married: At Portland, Maine, August 26, 1862, Ophelia Ripley, born at Hillsborough, New Hampshire, June 9, 1838 ; educated at Brunswick, Maine. Children : 1. Elizabeth Trafton, born at Charlestown, Massachusetts, May 29, 1864 ; died July 23, 1865. 2. Orrin Ripley, born at Bowdoinham, Maine, November 9, 1866 ; graduated at Bowdoin College, class of 1889 ; married at Middleborough, Massachusetts, November 12, 1890, Mary Ida Copeland. Child : Madeline Strobridge, born at Middle- borough, August 17, 1893. 3. Arthur Vincent, born at Bowdoinham, Maine, July 8, 1868 ; graduated at Bowdoin College, class of 1890; M.D. Harvard Medical School, class of 1894; married, at Middleborough, Massachusetts, November 15, 1893, Lillian May Monroe. 4. Edgar Henry, born at Bowdoinham, Maine, March 12, 1873 ; died March 30, 1874. Died: At Middleborough, Massachusetts, October 31, 1894. (5i) V , / / • ■ •■■•> . it* -..■--.. < ii 029 915 655 2