635 ) D92 L6 >y 1 i Cv J j...^..:.v. THE BOUNTIES OF THE KINGDOM THE BOUNTIES OF THE KINGDOM Dedicated to my beloved Niece and Nephew Elizabeth Butterworth Crowell and Wm. Henry Arthur Crowell By MRS. E. E. CROWELL DUNLOP Home Address 2626 University Place, N. W. Washington, D. C. Copyright 1916 E. E. Crowell Dunlop Washington, D. C. 5 1916 Press of THPQa . , The New Era "^^"^ U Q 7 J '^ c Eiverton, <- -> 3 N.J. ©GLD 43915 FOREWORD These days are termed by the Students of the Hidden Inner Mysteries of God to be the days of the Spiritual Springtime when we have with us the Son of Baha'u'llah, which name means the Glory or Splendour of God, and we have been instructed by these Students to look upon this Son as the Center of the Covenant with the Children of Men and to address him as Abdul Baha, Servant of God. The author has quoted liberally from the teachings of this Persian Wise One, Baha' u' Hah, and her part has been to design the costumes of the Fairies herein named after the characteristics and attributes of God, and to train them in giving forth these utterances according to the play which she has written. If this play touches the hearts of the audience and charms the ears of the attentive souls she will feel more than repaid for her efforts in their behalf. In the Service of the Cause of Humanity, The Author. CAST OF CHARACTERS DETEKMINATION COUKAGE PEACE INDUSTRY MIGHT JOY KNOWLEDGE GRANDEUR BEAUTY LIGHT DELIGHT GENTLENESS SWEETNESS TENDERNESS COURTESY YOUTH HONOR POWER DOMINION PERFECTION WISDOM UTTERANCE DISCRETION RULER OF THE KINGDOM SECRETARY OF STATE PROSPERITY CONTENTMENT WILL SPLENDOUR MERCY WORDS NAMES SOVERIGNTY SPEECH LOFTINESS GLORY GENEROSITY BENEFICENCE TRUTH TRUSTWORTHINESS STEADFASTNESS "The LORD shall be king over all the earth; In that day shall there be one LORD and his name one." (Zech. 14:9). "For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD (His Manifested Word) as the waters cover the sea." (Hab. 2:14; Is. 11:9). Xke Bounties of the Kingdom FOREST SCENE. (Fairies appear in groups of two and threes, etc.) (Fairies are named after the characteristics and at- tributes of GOD.) (Determination and Courage walk forward arm in arm, talking earnestly.) Determination is heard to exclaim to her com- panion, Courage: "What is it that is now happening on this Planet? Have mortals gone mad?" Courage responds: "Verily, it doth appear so!" Determination: ''We must call the Fairies to- gether here and now and hold a constiltation meet- ing. Mortals call us good Fairies. We must use our influence to aid them." Peace, coming up to them, says: "Yes, they need us sadly. Celestial Souls walked among us this very Dawn and talked and counseled with our wisest Fairies and told them along what lines of thought we must work." Industry approaches and says very earnestly: "I, too, heard the conversation of our Elders or Wisest Workers, and we must consult together and visit at once the Leaders of the Mortals. Perchance we may be able to make the Leaders and Chief Ruler see us and impress them, so we can warn them of the danger to the race and to their country." Might: "This is not a game; this terrible devasta- tion now taking place on earth, which mortals call 'war.' It is outrageous!" Industry: "It ruins all the crops. It interferes with commerce." Joy (dancing forward lightly and gracefully, as if blown by the wind) : ''Oh, oh, dear Fairies, it takes all the happiness away ! I can no longer make the women smile! Even the little children are sad and cry and moan, so that my feet will no longer keep pace with my gladness and lightness of heart." All together: "We will speak to Knowledge. She will preside at our consultation meeting." (The Fairies Determination, Courage, Peace, Industry, Might and Joy, all walk toward side of stage where are several Fairies seated on the grass in a circle around Knowledge, Grandeur, Beauty and Light; these last-named Fairies having come quietly on to the stage and seated themselves while the first- named Fairies were talking one with another.) (Here a group of Fairies comes upon the stage and joins those assembled there; these are Delight, Gentleness, Sweetness, Tenderness, Courtesy, Youth, j Courage addresses Knowledge: "Knowledge, you heard the words of the Celestial Souls this morning at Dawn. We all feel that a consultation meeting should be called." Determination: "Yes, here and now without de- lay." Might: "This is the day of deeds and not merely lip service!" Peace: "Our influence must be more strongly felt by mortals. We must exert ourselves night and day. This is no time for idleness and ease." Industry : "Indeed, my followers are depressed and sadly distraught. They know not what move to make next! We must gather to their aid." (Grandeur arises, then Beauty and Light, and their appearance is according to their names. They are attired as suits their stations and their names.) (Knowledge steps forward to center of stage and the afore-named Fairies follow and group themselves around HER.) Knowledge turns to Courtesy (a charming little Fairy page) and tells him to "Run fetch Honor, Power, Dominion and Perfection. We must have our men here as well as our women. In Fairyland young and old, men and women, co-operate and coun- sel, one with another. Truly, we never grow old, after all; we are immortal. We have no high nor low, no rich nor poor. We are all as leaves of one tree, waves of one ocean." (Here Honor, Power, Dominion and Perfection are seen, a stately group, approaching through the trees in the distance. Courtesy walks toward them when the Page reaches the side of Perfection this glorious Fairy places an arm about the shoidders of the bright-faced Page and listens attentively to his words meanzvhile faintly and pleasantly smiling) : "Oh, Perfection! Come^ come to our consulta- tion meeting. Hasten thy footsteps as Knowledge requires thee to be seated by her side. She bids thee bring with thee thy companions, and at once, as mat- ters of weight are requiring immediate consideration." Perfection turns to the group beside her and says: "Ye have heard the words of Courtesy. Shall we pro- ceed without undue delay to the aid of Knowledge?" Honor, Power and Dominion in unison: "Yes, yes !" (Then Perfection turns, and surrounded by Honor, Power and Dominion, moves forward across the stage to where Knowledge and the group of Fairies stand waiting for them.) (Knowledge with Grandeur, Beauty and Light, and the younger Fairies, Delight, Gentleness, Sweetness, Tenderness and Youth^ are awaiting their approach.) Courtesy says to Knowledge: "Thy mission have I performed. Here is Perfction and with him his comrades. Honor, Power and Dominion." (Then Courtesy falls back and into the group.) (The consultation meeting is held toward the cen- ter-front of the stage.) (Honor, Power and Dominion seat themselves about Courtesy with evident respect and deference.) (Grandeur, Beauty and Light seat themselves on the ground about the others. After these are seated, Delight, Gentleness, Sweetness, Tenderness and Youth seat themselves.) (Knowledge leans toward Honor and talks to her in a low tone inaudible to the audience but observed by all.) Knowledge (ends the conversation and waves a hand to Courtesy, who still stands nearby not hav- ing seated himself) : "Courtesy, dear lad, where are Wisdom and Utterance, and Discretion as well? Why hast thou failed to summon these wondrous Wise Ones? Can we have a true consultation meet- ing without Wisdom, Utterance and Discretion? Run thou, search for them in the nearby forest. If need be, call them from afar hither by sound of thy bugle. Make haste!" (Courtesy hastens across lawn and is seen passing through the trees. When lost to sight of audience a szveet bugle call is heard resounding clearly. Mean- zvhile the Fairies are waiting for these three to come. Delight arises and commences to dance and twirl on her toes and take many pretty steps, singing softly to herself. The other Fairies zvatch her smilingly zvith soft "Ohs" and "Ahs" of pleasure at some es- pecially well-executed step.) Then Youth jumps up and runs to Delight, and catching her tells her: "Come, Delight, stay thy pretty dancing feet while we take counsel, one with another, then perchance there may be an opportunity given thee to show thy fancies in this artful manner to these weary mortals and e'en to the Ruler of the Nations, should Discretion lend ear to Knowledge and agree with Honor, Power and Dominion that it 10 be best to visit mortals and show ourselves to them. So come, Delight ! See (turning half way around), here are Wisdom, Utterance and Discretion!" (Delight poses on her toes with head on one side while gazing roguishly at the outstretched hand of Youth, and when he tells her the three wise Fairies are close at hand, places her hand in his and drawing him quickly after her, nearly upsetting him, scampers to her seat, drawing him hastily to the grass beside her. He gasps with the quickness of her movements, and as he sinks to the grass pulls one of her curls. She shakes her head and curls at him, smiles, and they settle down to peace and quiet.) (Wisdom, Utterance and Discretion, coming on the stage, make signs of welcome to those seated and proclaim all together the Persian words "Ya Ali el Allah,'' whereupon all the Fairies instantly arise and how their heads together in deep reverence and say in return, "Ya Ali el Allah!'' Then all are seated and Knowledge says to them thus assembled) : "It is indeed a great joy to us of this Fairy King- dom that the Celestial Souls have decreed that we have these consultation meetings, and after due delib- eration act with one accord and as one soul." Turning to Utterance, she continues: "We have gathered here to confer one with another in order that we may decide if it is best to go and make our- selves visible to the mortals. Perchance we may be able to warn them of the wrong way which some of their Rulers have chosen to settle their difficulties." Honor: "You see, Utterance, there is still an op- portunity to aid through our influence the mortals who are as yet peacefully inclined." Utterance: "The Celestial Soul has said to us may times, and it seems we must tell mortals now that His command is — 'O Son of Man ! Neglect not My Laws if thou lovest My Beauty, and forget not My Counsels if thou art hopeful to attain My Will.' " 11 Light (an exquisitely lovely, radiant Fairy): "If they could retire from thoughts of their earthly af- fairs to consider they would find that naught is there of value but the best things, such as wisdom, knowl- edge, justice, mercy, generosity, beauty, power and love." (Here all the Fairies smile and beam and chant softly as one person, "Ya Ali el Allah.") Grandeur: "Mortals have yet to learn that the sincere heart turns itself toward the Source of these things of worth, and learns to trust the Giver of them. Then there is no discord, only harmony." Power, turning to Discretion : "What sayeth thou ? We await thy word." (Discretion looks at Power intently, then at Knowledge, the chairman of the consultation meet- ing. Bowing to Knowledge deferentially he says:) "The language of kindness is the lodestone of hearts and the food of the soul; it stands in the relation of ideas to words and is an horizon for the shining of the sun of Wisdom and Knowledge. So we have been taught by the Celestial Soul." Wisdom : "We will go then and appear to the Ruler of the Nation and proclaim that 'the heaven of Divine Wisdom is illumined and shining with two orbs — Consultation and Kindness.' " Beauty: "Consort with all the (people of) re- ligions with joy and fragrance, and then the cause of foreignness, discord and disunion will be forever re- moved." Knowledge arises — all the Fairies arise: "Fairies all! You have heard these words of wise counsel from Honor, Utterance and Light. Grandeur and Power, Discretion and Wisdom, too, have had their say. Beauty, here, has made the way appear simple. Then go we shall, make ourselves visible, and speak unto the Ruler of the Nation even as we have been taught by our beloved Celestial Soul." 12 (Knowledge extends both hands as in a benedic- tion and all the sweet young Fairies chant in unison with exquisite harmony, ''Ya Ali el Allah T) (Fairies gracefully, gradually retire into the woods on all sides of the stage, chanting softly as they with- drazv.) (The curtain descends. Orchestra plays heavenly music, suitable to Fairyland — light, graceful, haunt- ingly sweet. "Gluck's Melody.'') SECOND SCENE. (Garden or grass plot. Trees form the background, flowers about the sides of the stage, flowering bushes such as lilacs^ etc.) (A wicker chair stands beside a table, another chair near by it — a low stool. A magazine or two lie on the table, also a newspaper. A bowl of flowers on the table. A large, clump of lilac bushes blooming to the left of stage.) (The Ruler of the Kingdom — must look like President Wilson, of the U. S. of A. — is found seated in the chair nearest the table. He lays down the news- paper which he is seen to be holding when the curtain goes up; he sighs, starts to rise, but in turning his head sees a Fairy peeping at him through lilac bushes not far from him, on the edge of the stage, to his left.) Ruler of the Nation : "Do my eyes play me false ? As I live^ there is a Fairy!" (He leans back in his chair and gazes and gazes at the Fairy. This Fairy is Courage, and gradually Courage comes slowly out from behind the bushes and marches bravely up to the Ruler of the Nation of mortals.) Courage: "You are good and kind and you love Peace. Would you also like to behold the Fairy whom IS we call Peace? Since you have had clear vision suf- ficient to see me your heart is pure, and you 'desire but the good of the nations/ " (Leaning forward and speaking in a manner which denotes surprise, astonishment and pleasure comingled, the Ruler of the Kingdom speaks gently and quietly, for he has trained himself to have remarkable self- control.) "Oh, indeed, yes! What a pleasure to see your Fairy, Peace. We mortals have had no peace for eight months, and so far as we can see there is none in view as yet. Ah, it would be restful to the mind to behold Peace, even in Fairy form. Mayhap, she may inspire me. And what, may I ask, is your name, good Fairy?" Courage: "I am Courage. I have to have an iron will and never falter, no matter where our Fairy Queen may send me." Ruler: "It might have occurred to me your name was Courage. How slowly my mind works! It is wearniness that oppresses me. Weariness of soul and spirit. These are such trying times ! You Fairies know not the cares that harass and depress the minds of men, especially Rulers who are ever in the fore- ground of daily occurrences here on our Planet." Courage: "Indeed we do know! We are good Fairies, and we are taught by the Celestial Souls from Heavenly Spheres beyond the Realms of Earth, where Doubt and Fear are no more. You are weary. Peace shall come and bring an attendant band of Fairies." (Courage waves a hand and from all sides spring forth lightly, gracefully, noiselessly the little Fairies led by Joy and Delight, follozved closely by Gentle- ness, Sweetness, Tenderness, Courtesy, Youth, then a groiup, moving immediately behind from the trees (middle stage) , comprising Peace, leading Pros- perity, Industry and Contentment, then Deter- mination, Will and Might; a second group moves 14 forward from the right (a moment later), composed of Light, leading Grandeur, Beauty, Knowledge and Perfection, with Splendor, Mercy, Words, Names, Power, Sovereignty, Speech, Loftiness, while Honor (beautiful to behold), stately and calm, moves singly and alone behind the second group.) Joy and Delight lead Gentleness, Sweetness, Tenderness, Courtesy, Youth . followed by Peace leading Prosperity, Industry and Contentment then Determination, Will and Might. Second Group led by Light Grandeur, Beauty, Knowledge, Perfection, Splen- dor, Mercy, Words, Names, Power, Sov- ereignty, Speech and Loftiness then comes alone Honor. (The Ruler of the Nation is filled with wonder and forgets his cares in the startling beauty of what he beholds. His form relaxes. He arises and ex- tends a hand (each) to Joy and Delight.) These tzvo dainty Fairies exclaim together: "Y'ou tell us you are weary. May we dance for you before Peace unfolds to you for your consideration our message?" (The Ruler of the Nation smiles with pleasure and bows.) Courtesy (steps forward and with beautiful man- ner directs the Ruler to be seated and at his ease): "Relax thyself in thy chair, O Ruler! Be ye at rest! Thou art weary, we v/ill dance for thee and mayhap our pretty fancies as expressed by our trip- ping feet may charm away thy weariness and bring to thy fagged mind the needed repose; thus thy 15 mind at ease, thy body will relax and thy spirit find comfort and rest." (Music plays. Joy and Delight with Youth and Courtesy lead out in a quaint minuet after which Gentleness, Sweetness and Tenderness give an exhibition of truly lovely dancing. When the danc- ing has ceasedj the Ruler first notices that the danc- ing Fairies are attired like flowers: Gentleness as a lily (white). Sweetness as a rose (pink). Tenderness as a hyacinth (lavender) . Courtesy in Elizabeth blue (formerly called Belgian blue). Youth as a daffodil (yellow and green). (These Fairies, after dancing, sink softly to the ground, breathless, about the Ruler's feet, presenting a picture of beauty and loveliness, fair to behold.) (Peace then advances and holds out toward the Ruler where he is seated at his ease too charmed to care to move,, too pleased to speak, a long palm branch and proclaims:) "Knowledge is divided into two kinds — divine knowledge and satanic knowledge. One appears from the inspiration of the Ideal King; the other emanates from the imaginations of darkened souls. The teacher of one is the Exalted God, and the teacher of the other is sensual suggestion. The explanation of one is: 'Fear God, and God will teach you;' and the definition of the other is : 'Knowledge is the greatest veil.' The fruits of one tree are patience, longing, wisdom and love; the fruits of the other are pride, vainglory and conceit. No scent of these obscure learnings, the darkness of which hath encompassed all regions, is inhaled from what the Masters of Utter- ance have explained concerning the meaning of Knowledge. The only fruit of this tree is injustice and iniquity, and it yieldeth no crop but malice and hatred. Its fruit is a deadly poison and its shadow is a destructive fire." 16 Will speaks next (advancing as Peace retires): "Knowledge is one of the greatest benefits of God. To acquire knowledge is incumbent on all. In this day the mysteries of this earth are unfolded and vis- ible before the eyes, and the pages of swiftly appear- ing nezvspapers are indeed the mirror of the world; they display the doings and actions of the different nations." Continuing, Will says: "Do not consider that we have revealed unto you ordinances, but rather that we have opened the seal of the sealed wine with the fingers of might and power." Determination: "O people of the earth! The Day of Victory hath come, and the Speaker of the Mount hath appeared with signs, the like of which could not be produced by whosoever is in the heaven and earth. We have forbidden any to work sedition and strife, and ordain that victory be gained only through commemoration and explanation. Thus hath the matter been decreed from before the Merciful in His evident and clear Book." Might: "O people of Balia! (Glory.) Subdue the cities of the hearts by the sword of wisdom and demonstration; those who argue in accord with their own desire and wish, they are in obvious wrong. Say, the sword of wisdom is hotter than the summer and sharper than the sword of iron, if ye are of those who know ; draw out that sword in my Name and Power; then invade with it the cities of the hearts of those who are fortifying themselves in the fortress of Desire." Contentment: "Every one who desireth victory must first subdue the city of his own heart with the sword of spiritual truth and of the word, and must protect it from remembering aught beside God ; after- ward let him turn his regard toward the cities of (others') hearts. This is what is meant by Vic- tory'!" 17 Prosperity: "Knowledge is like unto wings for the being (of man), and is a ladder for ascending. To acquire knowledge is incumbent on all, but of those sciences which may profit the people of the earth, and not such sciences as begin in mere words and end in mere zvords. The possessors of sciences and arts of man have a great right among the people of the world. Indeed, the real treasury of man is his knowl- edge. Knowledge is the means of honor, prosperity, joy, gladness, happiness and exultation." Industry: "It is incumbent upon every one of you to engage in some one occupation, such as arts, trades and the like. We have made this your occupation, identical with the worship of God, the True One. Re- flect, O people, upon the mercy of God and upon His favors; then thank Him in mornings and evenings. Waste not your time in idleness and indolence, and occupy yourselves with that which will profit your- selves and others beside yourself. Thus hath the mat- ter been decreed in this Tablet from the Horizon from which the Sun of Wisdom and Divine Utter- ance is gleaming." Light: "O people of Baha! (Glory). The re- flective faculty (or the mind) is the depository of crafts, arts and sciences. Exert yourselves, so that the gems of knowledge and wisdom may proceed from this ideal mine and conduce to the tranquility and union of the different nations of the world." Grandeur: "The people of wealth and men of honor and power must have the best possible regard for the respect of Religion. Religion is a manifest light and a strong fortress for the protection and tranquility of the people of the world. For the fear of God commands people to do that which is just and forbids them that which is evil. If the lamp of Re- ligion remain concealed, agitation and anarchy would prevail, and the orb of justice and equity and the sun of peace and tranquility would be withheld from 18 giving light. Every man of discernment testifieth to that which is (here) mentioned." Utterance: ''Against the sword may the Word arise; against fierceness, patience; in the place of op- pression, submission, and at the time of martyrdom, resignation." Words : ''The righteous have always^ through good words, taken possession of the gardens of existence." Sovereignty: "The tent of the order of the world is hoisted and established on two pillars — Reward and Retribution." Perfection : "Verily, the Spirit of Truth hath come to guide you into all Truth. Verily, He speaketh not unto, you from himself ; nay^, but rather from be- fore the All-knowing, the Wise. Say, He is the One Whom the Son hath glorified and hath upraised His Command! Abandon that which is before you, O people of the earthy and take that which is com- manded you from before the Powerful, the Faithful. Purify your ears and turn your minds to hear the sweet Call which hath arisen from the direction of Sinai, the abode of your Most Glorious (Abha) Lord, Verily, He attracteth you unto a station wherein you will behold the Lights of the Face, which have shone forth from this brilliant Horizon." Speech : "O people, the Door of Heaven was opened, and the One who hath ascended thereunto is come again, crying throughout the land and sea, and preaching to all of this Manifestation, whereon the Tongue of Greatness hath uttered : 'The Promise hath come, and this is the Promised One.' Be firm so that nothing of the concerns of this world cause thee to slip ; take the cup of straightforwardness in the Name of the Possessor of creation and drink thereof with the permission of God, the King of the Kingdom." Splendor : "O ye wise men among nations ! Turn your eyes away from foreignness and gaze unto One- ness ; hold fast unto the means which conduce to tranquility and security of the people of the whole 19 world. This span-wide world is but one native land and one locality. Abandon that glory which is the cause of discord, and turn unto that which promotes harmony. To the people of Baha, glory is in knowl- edge, good morals and wisdom — not in native land or station. O people of the earth, appreciate the worth of this Heavenly Word, for it is like unto a ship for the sea of Knowledge, and is as the sun to the uni- verse of Perception." Loftiness: "Let not a man glory in this, that he loves his country; let him glory in this, that he loves his kind." Mercy: "O ye rich people! When ye see a poor man do not grow proud and haughty and despise him, but think from what ye were created, for each one was created from despised water. Be truthful, whereby your temples will be decorated, your names elevated and your positions exalted among the people, and you will have before God, the Truth, a great reward." Beauty : "The creatures were created through love ; all are commanded to live in friendship and unity. Now look to this carefully, and mention this blessed Word which hath shone forth from the horizon of the mouth of the King of Unity. Do not allow the opportunity to fall from your grasp, and spend not your time uselessly. I declare by the Ocean of the Godly Knowledge that a moment in these days is more excellent than past centuries and ages; to this beareth witness your Lord, the Chooser, in the Gen- erous Station." Names: "Verily, he who doth not move by the Breath of God in His Day, he is indeed dead before God, the King of Names and Attributes. Arise from the graves of lusts and advance to the Kingdom of your Lord, the Ruler of the throne and the earth, that ye may see that which was promised unto you on the part of your Lord, the All-knowing. Do ye 20 imagine that ye will be profited by what ye have? It will be possessed by some one in your stead, and ye shall return to the dust without finding any one to succor or help. Of what use is a life that is ruled by death, or a duration which vanisheth, or a grace that changeth? Set aside what ye have and advance to the Bounty of God, which hath been revealed in this Wonderful Name." Perfection: "Be generous when in affluence and grateful when thou art poor. Be faithful to the rights of others. Let thy face be bright and open, and be a treasure to the poor and needy. Be an ad- monisher to the rich, and an answer to those who call thee. Fulfill the promise thou givest, and in all matters be just and equitable. Be silent among mul- titudes of men, and upright in giving decisions. Be humble toward men, be a lamp in darkness, a com- forter in troubles, a sea to the thirsty, a refuge to the afflicted, a helper, assistant and succor to the op- pressed." Power: "O my friends! Hearken unto the advice of one who exhorteth you sincerely for the sake of God. Verily, He hath created you and manifested unto you that v/hich will elevate you, profit you and make known unto you His Right Path and Great Message. In truth. Piety is the first leader among the armies of the Lord, and its hosts are pleasing morals and pure deeds. By these are the cities of hearts and minds conquered in all ages and centuries, and the standards of victory and triumph are planted on the loftiest places." Knowledge : "As we have been instructed long ere this, O Ruler of the Nations, by Daniel who indi- cated 'an hour upon the clock of time' in the future history of the Persian Kingdom — Tor behold, I cre- ate new heavens and a new earth, and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind.' O thou, my friend, I declare in Truth that if thou dost ponder over these statements thou wilt find doors of 21 Divine Wisdom and portals of Infinite Knowledge opened before thy face. The outward is the expres- sion of the inward; the earth is the mirror of the Kingdom; the material world corresponds to the spiritual world." (These Fairies retire and the little or younger Fairies arise from the grass at the feet of the Ruler and chant in unison, ''Ya All el Allah T) Honor advances and ^proclaims: ''All that is in the heavens and earth shows forth the Divine Names and Attributes until the traces of the splendor of that Sun of Truth are manifest and evident in every atom; so that, without the appearance of this splendor, noth- ing can be honored with this robe of life nor attain to existence in the phenomenal world. What suns of knowledge are concealed in an atom ! What oceans of wisdom are hidden in a drop ! Among the beings man is especially assigned to these robes and chosen for this dignity, for all the Divine Names and Attri- butes are manifest and evident in human appearances in the most perfect and excellent manner. All of these Names and Attributes have reference to man. Everything glorifieth God and praiseth Him. Some among them know God and mention Him ; some men- tion Him and do not know Him. All things express the Divine Names and Attributes. Each, in propor- tion to its capacity, indicates and points to the Divine Knowledge, until the appearances of (His) Attributes and Names have encompassed all the seen and un- seen." Light : "Shouldst thou drink the pure wine of Life from the cups of the Words of thy Lord, the Mer- ciful, thou shalt attain to a station whereby thou wilt cut thyself from that which thou hast and cry in My Name among the inhabitants of the world. Wash thyself with the water of devotion for the sake of this celebration, which hath shone forth from the horizon of creation; verily, it shall purify thee from the dust of the world." 22 Youth : ''Man, the most noble and perfect of the creatures, is a mightier evidence and greater expres- sion than the other visible things. The most perfect, superior and excellent of men are the Manifestations of the Sun of Truth. These Holy Temples are the Eternal Primal Mirrors which express the Invisible of the Invisibles and all His Names and Attributes, such as Knowledge, Power, Dominion, Grandeur, Mercy, Wisdom, Glory, Generosity and Beneficence." Perfection : ''Man is said to be the greatest repre- sentative of God, and he is the 'Book of Creation' be- cause all the mysteries of being exist in him. If he comes under the shadow of the True Educator and is highly trained, he becomes the essence of essences, the light of lights, the spirit of spirits ; he becomes the center of the divine appearances, the source of spiritual qualities, the rising-place of heavenly lights, and the receptacle of divine inspirations." Loftiness: "O Ruler, one must have an ideal to- wards which one may continually strive, as Perfec- tion has stated: 'if he comes under the shadow of the True Educator and is highly trained, he becomes . . . the center of the divine appearances . . . and the receptacle of divine inspirations." Ruler: "Then your idea in visiting me in this de- lightful manner and refreshing my ears with words of such sublime import is to charm away all sounds of discord and war which resound to us here in America from the European Nations, and to present to my mind these ideals in order that I may keep my thoughts centered on them and strive to use my in- fluence as Ruler to further their fulfillment?" All say at once: "YES!" Sovereignty: "The day is fast approaching when the Hague tribunal will have grown into a Universal House of Justice, and in each city there will be a House of Justice composed of nineteen men, chosen by the men and the women for their character, their 23 wisdom and sagacity, not for wealth nor social posi- tion. In the smaller communities these Houses of Justice will be composed of nine members." Ruler: "I see — sort of spiritualized socialism." Might: "You may so state if it pleases you." Ruler (sits erect in his chair with shining eyes and interested face): "Fairies, these are indeed sub- lime thoughts which you propound to me, but knew you the people whom I am supposed to guide and counsel you would realize that they have not reached this ideal state of mind. To be plain with you, you are taking over their heads !" Knowledge : "All things are related to other things in a fixed manner; nothing is independent or self- subsistent, but all are under the over-ruling law which expresses itself in each according to its needs and for its highest development. Even the laws of decay and disintegration are for an evolution to higher uses, as the rock must be ground to dust before its nobler values may appear in the rose and grape. Man sees these laws of physical life working and expressing in all below and around him, even in his own body and mind ; he also perceives that knowledge enables him to grow in wisdom and power. As the government of each kingdom is such that it promotes its best condition, so must there not be laws for man, which shall direct him to his highest possible destiny. The same Divine Wisdom which cares for the lily and the grass of the field to bring them to their fulness of use and beauty must surely provide for the exalta- tion of humanity to its perfection, and this is above and beyond the realm of ordinary human faculties." Ruler: "And all disputed points as to the right procedure in cases concerning the public welfare will be brought before these Houses of Justice, I sup- pose." Might: "Yes. Also the education of children who are orphans, or whose parents are unable to provide 24 for them the proper education, will be attended to ; for all estates where there are no heirs will be left to the House of Justice to administer for the public weal." Power: *'The House of Justice is a general assem- bly of consultation, and the Universal House of Jus- tice eventually will be composed of representatives from all parts of the world." Peace : "A universal language we favor as a means of bringing people together in unity, harmony and accord." Industry: "On the occasion of this our first visit to you, O Ruler, we can but touch upon the points most interesting to mortals ; the wisdom of the Celes- tial Souls as taught to us as Fairies in order that we may guard and guide you is too vast and too far- reaching to elucidate in one meeting. We come again unto you. All these wars must be abolished; they must cease. All men should be free to believe as they wish, but all are urged to unite in faith and to lay aside the prejudices and superstitions of past ages. International arbitration should be able to settle in- ternational questions under dispute." Ruler: "Should be — oh, yes! But the peoples of the European countries are afraid of one another's power. Like wild animals they fight for what? Often I ask myself since this conflict, for what?" Peace: "Alas! Alas! For what? In this day the creeds and dogmas have lost their power o'er the hearts of men." Industry: ^No. Common interests or commerce and modern methods of business have drawn men into closer unity, although modern methods of conducting business may seem to be cut-throat methods." Might : "The mechanical part of commerce, or the means by which commerce and labor are carried on have evolved to such a high degree of perfection that the very business interests they serve make it expedi- ent to have peace. Commerce, nowadays, is from one side of the world to the other. It is not just 25 trading with one's neighbor, as in olden times! And what used to be considered luxuries are now con- sidered absolute necessities." Ruler: "What is it you desire of me? Be frank with me, good Fairies !" Knowledge: "You believe in prayer. Through prayer the soul learns to aspire or to come into har- mony with the higher spiritual forces. Thus illumina- tion is made possible and inspiration can descend upon one. Such Rulers are needed in these trying times. This planet is passing through its transition period. It is the end of a Great Cycle and the early days of another Cycle of time." Ruler: "So you feel I pray, do you, Fairies, and you have come to warn me to 'watch and pray'? Is that the idea?" Younger Fairies proclaim all in unison: "Our time is short, we must away. We cannot here much longer stay. Mark well our words, keep hope on high, let honor be your watchword. Ere long you'll see why Fairies came to cheer your path and make your fame more sure. "Firm your foundations build; by wise counsel guide; uphold your Nation "That it may be a bright and shining light, In order that its brilliance may ignite A lasting flame in the hearts of men To attain to like station when " Joy and Delight, dancing forward hand in hand proclaim together: "Away, away, we Fairies must go, No longer may we linger here below. Our land is real, though to mortals unknown, And now we must fly away, fly away home !" Courtesy, coming forward, entreatingly says: "Oh, mind not these Fairies, O Ruler, strong, Their souls e'er reflect a heavenly song. Their lives are so pure, their hearts entirely free, Severed from EARTH thoughts indeed are they." 26 Beauty: "Oh, come now dear Fairies, away we must go — We like not this land so full of woe. This garden is peaceful, this Ruler is is kind. But cries of distress I hear from afar, The planet is rent with the agonies of war!" Ruler of the Nation : ''Oh, wait, ere you leave me! I must send for my Secretary of State. He must see you and be inspired — his courage renewed by your broad and comprehensive views and your noble ideas toward the betterment of the Human Race." (Just then three gloriously beautiful Fairies are seen coming onto the stage and the Fairies gathered about the Ruler turn to greet them. These Fairies are Glory, Generosity and Beneficence.) Glory: "If the spiritual and divine eye of man be opened, he will see that nothing exists without the appearance of the splendor of that Ideal King. For thou dost perceive that all contingent and created things express the manifestation and emanation of that Ideal Light, and dost behold the doors of the Divine Paradise (Rizwan) opened in all things for seekers to enter the cities of Intelligence and Wisdom, and attained ones to pass into the gardens of Knowledge and Power. In every garden the bride of significances is seen seated in the chambers of words with full adornment and grace." Beneficence: "We exhort them (mankind) to equity, justice, trustworthiness and honesty and to that by reason of which the Word of God, as well as their own stations, shall be exalted among men; and I am the One who adviseth in Truth, whereunto testi- fieth He from whose Pen the running water of Mercy and from whose Utterance the Fountain of Life hath flowed for the people of the world. Exalted is this 27 Most Great Bounty and glorious is this manifest Gift!" Generosity: "God manifested Himself to teach the people truth, sincerity, religion, faith, submission, reconciliation, compassion, courtesy, prudence and piety, and to adorn themselves with the garments of good qualities and holy deeds. Say, O people, be merciful and do not desecrate the holy ordinances of God with your impure suppositions, evil thoughts and delusions. We ask God to lead all people to the Truth, to assist them that they may return to him, and to strengthen them to serve his Cause, to spread His Words and to act according to the Ordinances of their Ancient Master." (Just then a man who looks like Mr. William Jen- nings Bryan is seen coming across the lazvn from, the background of trees, and seeing the Ruler sur- rounded by this radiant and beautiful host of crea- tures from an unseen realm (fairyland) he hesitates and almost stops; but Courtesy runs forward and Truth and Trustworthiness advance toward him with shining faces and outstretched hands, and so Sec- retary OF State comes on and up to the Ruler and grasps his hand, retaining it a moment, with a straight, clear look into the Ruler's eyes.) (Trustworthiness steps out before the Secretary OF State and the Ruler and says:) 'Tn the future. Oh Counselor Wise and Good, the States will need no warships, for we will have the International Police Boats." (Secretary of State looks surprised. Trust- worthiness waves a hand as for silence and con- tinues:) "This sounds dogmatic to your ears, but we, as Fairies, speak but for your good and enlightenment as to the future. You who guide the Nation's des- tiny need but a few words suggestive of the Path marked out for the Nation by the Celestial Souls. You know them not ! Veils of flesh blind your eyes. We 28 know them well. You must become as a little child, pure of heart, and then you will see with clear and true vision. Hence we have come to you." Light: ''You see our lives are pure and our minds are free from earthly thoughts, and hence our spiritual vision is such that in the clear mirrors of our hearts we can reflect the sublime ideals which our Teachers make known to us." Determination and Courage step forward: "At our consultation meeting we decided to come to this Ruler kind and illumine his mind." Joy: "Weary was he. This we did see. So we sang and we danced And his eyes did entrance." Grandeur: ''You two prepare the way for a New Day. The Powers that be have Work for , you." Courtesy: "But now away, away! Enough we've said to-day. Another time we'll come To this Ruler's Home." Peace: "To charm you we have tried, A thought or two we leave behind To germinate within your mind." (Music is heard, sweet and clear. The Fairies all lift their heads and looks of reverence and joy spread over their shining faces. Then through the trees comes a Celestial Soul. All the Fairies turn and with wrapt, heavenly expressions slowly, very slowly, move to- ward the Celestial Soul, while the music becomes more and more entrancing.) (The Celestial Soul, dressed in purest white and in flowing robes of Oriental style, head bound in white turban, as in Orient, with radiant face, stops, stands just within the circle of trees on the edge of the lawn — a picture of power and grandeur, force and strength.) (Ruler of the Kingdom gazes steadily at the Celestial Soul in rear of stage and Secretary of State stands by him, also gazing intently at the Celes- tial Soul.) (The Fairies all retire and group themselves about the Celestial Soul, Light on one side. Honor on the other, Steadfastness and Truth each kneel on one knee, side face to the audience (profile) and gaze up into the face of the Radiant Being ; all the younger Fairies assume graceful, reverent poses. Soft, heavenly music — harps and violins. An exquisitely clear, high soprano sings behind the scenes a suitable song as the lights are thrown on the tableaux, and the curtain is slowly lowered.) (Just before the citrtain is lowered the Celestial Soul stretches forth His hands toward the Ruler and Secretary of State over the heads of the pos- ing Fairies and proclaims:) "The language of kindness is the lodestone of hearts and the food of the soul; it stands in the relation of ideas to words and is an horizon for the shining of the sun of Wisdom and Knowledge. The learned who practice (their knowledge) and the wise who act justly, they are as the spirit to the body of -the world. Well is it with that learned man whose head is adorned with the crown of justice and whose body glorieth in the ornament of honesty. The righteous have always, through good words, taken possession of the gardens of existence. We desire but the good of the world and the happiness of the nations ; that all nations shall become one in faith and all men as brothers ; that the bonds of affection and unity between the sons of men shall be strengthened; that diversity of religion shall cease and differences of race be annulled. So it shall be; these fruitless strifes, these ruinous wars shall pass away, and the 'Most Great Peace' shall come. These strifes and this bloodshed and discord must cease, and all men be as one kindred and one family." 30 (All the Fairies chant in union, clearly and sweetly, with great depth of feeling: ''Ya Ali el Allah! Ya Ali el Allah! Ya Ali el Allah!'') (These words mean ''Oh, Thou High One Who art the Most High!") Curtain. (The Author has taken the liberty of quoting from the words of Baha'u'llah, a Persian teacher and edu- cator. ) 31 The Bahal teaching Is that when, in the ending- of a great cycle of dispensations and the beginning of another, there is an Universal Manifestation of the Will of God, the changes In all things are so great, the new condition so advanced, that the old becomes for- gotten and no trace of it remains. Although it is believed that man has existed on earth for immense periods of time, yet there Is no record of him previous to Adam, about 7,000 years ago. That was the time of the beginning of this great week of thousands of years now ending and passing in its turn into the Lethe of forgetfulness. Its Sabbath, its final day of peace and rest, has already dawned. The recurrence of cycles of spiritual light and darkness is as well established as the succession of days and nights. When the night of troubles and doubts becom.es dense, when faith is danger- 6usly shaken, another dawn of glorious revelation of God's Word and Will appears above the Eastern Horizon. This has been the history of mankind from the beginning, and history is now repeating itself. Toward the end of the Eighteenth Century and in the Nineteenth the world was in deep spiritual darkness. We see the effects of that condition In the fierce greed of men and nations, their oppression over the weak, their craftiness, diplomacy, fear and reliance upon the god of force. In the schools we see the academic result in the wide-spread materialism, the scoffing at religion and spiritual ideas, the exaltation of man as against God, the dethrone- ment of God from participation In the affairs of men and the doc- trines of man's self-sufficiency. Our great universities hesitate not to teach these doctrines of gross materialism and their works on religion are often destructive rather than constructive. All these are the works of darkness, but God slumbers not, nor sleeps. Afar off in the Orient his Sun has risen ^th healing in his ^ngs, his Word has again appeared through Baha'u'llah, the Glory of God. Even as darkness and ignorance have covered the earth, so this Great Light has shone forth with such brilliancy, power and adaptation to the needs of all men, that it is already en- lightening ones from every clime and religion, from Persia, Russia, India, Egypt, China, Germany, France, England and America, are welcoming its beautiful and Life-giving radiance. From The Bahai Revelation y by Thornton Chase, the first Bahai in America {page 27). There are forty-nine states of consciousness, but the minds of average men only function upon ten or twelve. There are a great many doors to knowledge, which we may open if we will; hut if we continue to think in the lower states of consciousness, and never rise above them in aspiration, these other doors will remain forever shut to us. If we always live in the cellar of our house we will never see God's sunlight streaming into our upper rooms. The sun shines, but not for us becatise we will not go where it can reach us. All the world's great teachers have substantially taught the same rules for conduct and morality. Ethics is not founded on police regulations nor sentiments of moralists, but is established on the immutable laws of nature. "Love your enemies" was one of the precepts taught by Jesus, and it has puzzled many of his followers to find the reason for the teaching. Many persons think, if they do not say: What sense is there in loving one's enemies.'' This precept has a purely scientific basis. Love is not an indefinite sentiment, it is something real: it is the highest and greatest dy- namic force on this planet, it is something we can feel on this plane of effects and see on the mental plane, if we are able to function on that plane. When pure love is sent forth from the subjective mind, it manifests as a constructive force, having its own particular high yellow rate of vibration. Anger being an emotion and proceeding from the subjective mind of man, vibrates at a lower rate, which is red. A person who hates you — an enemy — sends a red current of thought toward you; but if you send loving thoughts in return, you are projecting a yellow rate of vibration which is infinitely higher and more forceful than the red, and the yellow vibration deflects the lower vibration so that it never reaches you. The higher rates of vibration will protect you from harm, and if you live according to the ethical principles, a high quality of thought or vibration is attained. When we come to consider Spiritual Forces, we shall see how, by the control of our thoughts, we can \ise the cosmic force. "Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God; but to others in parables; that seeing they might not see, and hearing they triight not understand." (Allaho Abha, Ya Baha Ul Abha.) Quoted from History and Po-^ver of Mind, pp. 142 and 143. i-iDn«ni \jr uuNUHtSa 016 215 098 4