► I .*.»w» l.fi! ..>r:;:^ r^s'^is »_ ■r ;?. *'j'^ #' t5». 4> ' o <^^ 4 o V . * • - "- ^O t NOTICE The publication of this History was unavoidably delayed on account of the neglect of some of the families to send their records promptly. Then also the Publishing House required more time to complete their work than was expected. However, the subscribers are to be com- mended for their patience. On account of the size of this work as compared with the cost, it was thought necessary to abbreviate and pro- duce less pages, although the same information is given. It is hereby announced that the Wenger History is on sale, until the number is exhausted. State which binding you want and send your orders direct to the Mennonite Publishing Co., at Elkhart, Ind. Leather binding, $1.25. Full cloth, $1.00. All postpaid. DEDICATION 1st. This book is dedicated to tlie memory of our ancestors who braved the dangers of life incident to the early settlements in the wilds of America, and bequeathed to us the blessing of religious liberty and by their con- sistent lives set us noble examples. 2d. To our parents, for their timely advice and for implanting the seeds of religious thought in our young minds. May we reverence them as a priceless boon from the hand of the Lord. 3d. To our children, in whom we hope to see the perpetuation of these blessings and privileges. May they cherish their inestimable privileges, and may they hold fast to the piety to which the lives of their ancestors direct them. 4th. May our posterity imitate the priceless principles of their ancestors, and may they be found among the good, the true, and the holy, like those who have preceded them, and may none dare to bring reproach upon the honored name of these dear old ancestors. JOSEPH H. WENGER, South English, Iowa. March 10, 1903. INTRODUCTION Christian Wenger, the progenitor of the Wenger family of our lineage in America, emigrated from Europe to this country in 1727. According to official records, dif- ferent Wengers came across the ocean to America on different occasions, but that the above mentioned Christian Wenger is the progenitor of our lineage is proved beyond a doubt by the family records copied from his Bible and handed down from one generation to another. This record corresponds with the official records of immigrants ar- riving at Philadelphia, Pa., during the years from 1700 to 1800. The traditions of our grandfathers tell us that when the above Christian Wenger from Europe arrived at Phila- delphia, then a yoimg man, he made his way up through the country to Lancaster Co., Pa., into the neighborhood of Strasburg, where the Herrs and Brennemans and others settled. Here, it seems, he hired out to a man by the name of Hans (John) Groff. Said Hans Groff's horses strayed away on a certain occasion, and were found at what is now known as Groff's Valley, at the large spring. It seems that Groff became attached to this place and purchased a large tract of land, setting the four corner stones, marking the outlines of the tract he desired. But on surveying he found that he had more land than money, and also found himself involved in debt which he was not able to meet. There- fore, young Wenger, who had some money to invest, in order to help Groff out of his dilemma purchased 300 acres of if along the west side, paying forty dollars for it, in the vicinity now known as Groffenthal, in Earl township, Lancaster Co., Pa., in the church at which place even at present (1900) the aged Joseph Wenger, a descendant of the fifth generation of the same Wenger family, is the presiding minister. Here then we have the site of the old homestead where our progenitor, Christian Wenger, took upon himself the hardships of a pioneer life, and began to carve out of the dense forest a home for himself and family, contenting himself with but few requisites. Having no stoves, they built a fireplace in one end of the house, upon which an open fire was kept to protect them from the cold of the winter season. The cooking was done by means of kettles hung over the fire, and the baking was done in ovens that were built outside of the house, and which were simply places arched over with stone and clay. Our grandfathers tell us that as the land was cleared off, the soil was broken up by means of the hoe and the spade, and after sowing the seeds, a heavy brush was drawn over it by hand. We may feel inclined to think that this was a rude way of starting out in life, but by hard labor and strict economy they prospered, and, I believe, enjoyed life in their humble new home at that time as well as if not better than we do in our modern and more com- modious homes. MARTIN D. WENGER, Elkhart, Ind. ADDITIONAL INTRODUCTORY REMARKS By Joseph H. Wenger. Christian Wenger, our first American parent, came from the Palatinate, Germany, to America, landing at Philadelphia Sept. 30, 1727, and settled in Lancaster Co., Pa. In the course of years, some of his children emigrated to Canada, Joseph and Henry to Rockingham Co., Va., but the majority remained in Pennsylvania, and later they scattered from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Thus, our progenitor bade farewell to his country, his home, and his relatives in the Old World to exchange them for the realities of the New World, and to secure peace and reli- gious liberty in the forests of America, to battle w^ith things of which he knew nothing until he approached them. It is very evident, however, that he and his children and grandchildren had to brave the inconveniences of pioneer life in these years, minus the improvements and advantages which came to their posterity in later years. For instance, the plow with wooden mold-boards, the har- ness made of hickory withes, the wagon wheels made of cut blocks and without tires, the hoe, and the reap-hook — these few things constituted the farming outfit. The log cabin, perhaps constructed without a single nail, and, if it had any windows, perhaps greased paper or skins did service instead of glass. No cook-stoves, no sewing machines, no pianos, no fine clothing, nor ruffles, etc. These people had no opportunity to get such luxuries, neither did they want them. The men were engaged in clearing the forest and till- ing their few small fields, while the women found employ- ment not only in their household duties, but in operating the hemp and flax break, the spinning-wheel and the loom that produced the linsey and the tow linen which clothed the young men and maidens when they appeared at the marriage altar. Their plain, healthful diet consisted of mush and milk for supper, and for a change perhaps milk and mush for breakfast. All these things occurred long before the dude was born and before the existence of the tramp, the pick- pocket, the murderer and the robber. Those were years when people ate their bread by the sweat of the brow, and who dare say that they did not enjoy life as well as the people of the present day? The history of the Wenger family in America has for 175 years been scatteringly preserved by written records and also by personal recollections, and has been handed down from one generation to another from 1727 to the present time. These dear old relics were almost on the verge of being entirely lost, but a few of the enthusiastic relatives who were greatly interested in the Wenger rec- ord, faithfully performed the laborious and tedious task of producing this work for the benefit of the present as well as future generations. The writer from boyhood took great interest in family records and ties of relationship, at which time he had a limited number of the older generations on hand. Some years ago our worthy cousin, Jonas G. Wenger, of Harper, Kansas, but now of Rittman, Ohio, conceived the idea of getting up the genealogy in book form, which awakened me to an untiring zeal in the work, and in which I gave liim all the assistance in my power. Later on, through the pressure of other business matters, he resigned in favor of Cousin Martin D. Wenger, of Elkhart, Ind., in whose hands it remained until he died, Sept. 22, 1901. Since that time it has been in my hands for completion, and to prepare it for the press. We are greatly indebted to our co-workers who have so faithfully aided us in the work: namely, Jonas G. Wenger, Rittman, Ohio; Joseph Cressman, Breslau, Ontario, Canada; Joseph W. Dettwiler, Brutus, Michigan; Isaac G. Wenger, Caledonia, Mich.; Benj. G. Wenger, Murrell, Pa., and many others whose names I ■ liave not been supplied with; also with the help of our efficient committee, of which Christian G. Wenger, of Cale- donia, Mich., is chairman, all or whom put forth their best efforts in bringing this work to completion. The' commit- tee consisted of C. G. Wenger, Chairman, Caledonia, Mich.; S. P. Martin, Secretary, Caledonia, Mich.; Zimmerman. Wenger, Treasurer, Caledonia, Mich. In order to accomplish this work, the descendants were hunted up, grandfathers and grandmothers were in- terviewed, family Bibles, old documents and public records were searched and thousands of letters of inquiry were sent over the United States and Canada. Now, after several years of persistent labor, the in- formation has finally been obtained, the work goes to press, and we present to posterity and the public the result of our labors. I would here add that these zealous workers have arrived at old age and soon will lay their armor by, and it will be left for the present, as well as future, generations to say whether or not they appreciate our undertaking in this work. It is to be hoped, however, that the young generations will continue these records by beginnings where we left off, so that as it grows in numbers it may also grow in interest. Christian Wenger, our progenitor, thus left his European home during the religious persecutions of that country, which his peaceful disposition could no longer endure, and in so doing he purchased for us the privileges that we now enjoy. We surely are indebted to him for securing the religious liberty and prosperity that now sur- round us. He immigrated to this glorious land of America, and endured the inconveniences of pioneer life in the forests, and braved dangers among wild beasts and savage Indians. Had he not thus purchased our present liberty, no doubt our existence in that foreign country would have been bondage, tyranny; heathenism and martyrdom. We hope that this thought may be indelibly stamped upon the heart of every reader. It seems that through the angelic peace principles and tireless efforts of the noted William Penn of 1681, these conscientious and harmless Germans were sheltered at Germantown, Pa. For instance, the 8 Mennonites, the Dimker Brethren and the Quakers all assembled in the same meetings and worshiped together as one denomination, and from the same standpoint they praised God for their deliverance from tyranny. No denominational backbiting then. Why should there be any now? May the Lord deliver us from any of these abomin- able sins of the present day. We are commanded to rebuke wickedness in all its various avenues, but God forbids all denominational backbiting. The writer has traveled over twenty-eight states be- sides Canada, and he finds the Wengers scattered from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Some of them have immigrated to America since our progenitor came in 1727, whom we are not able to link to our history. Some of the later ones have changed the name to Winger, Wanger, Wingert and Wengerd. But it is positively known that all those who are recorded in this history are direct descendants of Christian Wenger of 1727. All names have a source, and originate from some occupation, place, or thing, or from some circumstance that has occurred. History informs us that the name Wenger originated from a range of mountains found near Berne, Switzerland, bearing our family name. Between Lauterbrunnen and Grindelwald are found the Wenger "Alps," spoken of as being famous for their scenic views. It is with a great degree of satisfaction that we note this prominent recognition and memorial of our name in the birthplace of those remote ancestors. The old clock which has been in the possession of the Wengers for a century or two is still in existence. In 1847 my brother-in-law, Jacob Blosser, bought it at my Grand- mother Wenger's sale, and in 1854 it came into my pos- session. In 1892 I presented it to my son, Benjamin Franklin Wenger, who died May 1, 1896, after which it came into the possession of my son. Homer C. Wenger, of South English, Iowa. It is supposed by some that this clock was brought from Europe by Christian Wenger of 1727, but of this there is nothing positive, yet we have evidence that it has been in the possession of the Wengers for over a hundred years. We also have evidence that it is extremely old, from its peculiar construction. In size it is six by eight inclies, and the journals and boxes do not seem to be worn a particle. It has been in continual run- ning order until within the last few years, and would now only require cleaning and oiling. I have directed that it be handed down in the Wenger generations as long as the clock and the name exist. It is to be regretted that the dates of births and par- ticulars of some of the families are omitted, and in other families the grandchildren are not mentioned. It will be seen that in some cases the particulars are limited, but it is by no means the fault of the Secretary, as the greater number of these records in the many different states were secured by mail. In our general course of business we demanded names, dates of births, deaths, marriages and to whom, church denominations, addresses, etc., but in many cases we were not furnished with all these requisites. Therefore we beg pardon in their behalf and hope that no one will accuse us of negligence, as we did not leave one stone unturned under which we thought there was any record. Our work has been a toilsome one, in being com- pelled to write — and write again and again — and occa- sionally without response. There are a few, yet very few, families that are not recorded, from the fact that the rec- ords could not be obtained. A few mistakes may possibly have occurred in this history; in fact they are unavoidable in any work, especially of this kind, although we have been very careful. The plan was adopted for each family to be reported by one of its own members. A very few records, how- ever, were so illegibly written as to be difficult to decipher. Now, if a few errors are found, the Secretary is not willing to claim all of them, but charges the greater portion to the readers. Entire omissions are due to failure to respond to our continued calls. In presenting this work, we do so in a plain, common way, claiming no honor, but only a duty. We present the history of a plain, industrious, thrifty, upright. Chris- tian people. We present the history of an ancestry which we can always justly be proud to honor and respect. And as our ancestors were a Christian and law-abiding people, we sincerely hope that their posterity may think their 10 lives worthy of imitation. May we aspire to every- thing that is worthy and honorable and good; may we never forsake the virtues of the fathers and bring shame and reproach upon an honored name, but may we look forward and onward and upward, submitting ourselves to the will of the Lord, and finally all have our names re- corded in the great book of eternal life, which is of far greater value than to have them in the Wenger record. With this hope, we present this work to the public. JOSEPH H. WENGER, South English, Iowa. March 10, 1903. HISTORICAL At different periods, and from various causes and motives the ancient Germans were induced to leave their firesides and relatives in their native country to exchange for, they scarcely knew what, in the untried realities of the New World. Since 1606 millions have left their homes, the dearest spot on earth to them, to which their hearts often returned with sadness for the loved ones who were left behind. Religious persecution and political oppression drove thousands to Pennsylvania, which was then the asylum for the oppressed sons and daughters of the relics of the Reformation, and who were sheltered under the wings of William Penn's administration, who himself had invited the persecuted of every creed and religious opinion. From 1682 to 1776 Pennsylvania was the central point of immigration from Germany, France and Switzerland. Penn's liberal views and the liberal government of New York towards them induced many to come to this province. In the period of twenty years from 1682 to 1702 com- paratively few Germans arrived; not more than about two hundred families. They located principally at German- town, and were nearly all of the low German language from Cleves and Westphalia. 11 Leaving their native country at that time, they provi- dentially escaped the desolation of a French war, which in 1689 laid waste the city of Worms, near which town they had resided. The countries for miles around were ravaged and the flames went up from every market-place, every hamlet, every parish church and every country-seat within the devoted provinces. The period from 1702 to 1726 marks an era in the German emigration, and between forty and fifty thousand left their native country; the ravages and desolation by the troops of Louis XIV. under Turenne caused the bloody persecution. Because of persecution and oppression in Switzerland, a large body of defenceless Mennonites fled from the cantons of Zurich, Berne and Schaffenhausen about the year 1672 and took up their abode in Alsace on the Rhine. In 1708 they immigrated to Pennsylvania and settled at Germantown and Philadelphia. It 1712 they purchased a large tract of land from Penn's agents in Pequea, then Chester, now Lancaster, county. Among the Indians this Swiss settlement formed a nucleus or centre of a rapidly increasing Swiss, French and German population in the Eden of Pennsylvania. Scarcely had the Mennonites com- menced making their lands arable, when they sent a com- missioner by the name of Martin Kindig to Germany and Switzerland to induce others to come to Pennsylvania, in which he was successful. There were large accessions to this new colony during the time from 1711 to 1717, and a few years later the influx was so great as to call forth public attention. But finding that these harmless people were a great source of benefit to the country, the objec- tions of those in public office were withdrawn. In 1719, through the invitations of Martin Kindig, many thousands came and settled about sixty miles west of Philadelphia. About this time some of the Germans, French and Dutch began to penetrate farther west into the wilderness, from thirty to seventy miles, at which places large settlements soon sprang up. Some Mennonites coming from the Netherlands settled along the Pakihmomink (meaning Cranberry Place). The Germans were principally farmers, and depended 12 more upon themselves than upon others. They wielded the mattock, the spade, the axe and the maul, and by the power of brawny arms dug up the grubs, removed the timber, and changed the forest into fields of golden grain. They were those of whom Governor Thomas in 1738 said: "This province has for some years been the asylum of the distressed Protestants of the Palatinate and other parts of Germany, and I believe it may truthfully be said that the present flourishing condition of our country is due to the industry and economy of these people." The Germans, Swiss, French and Dutch formed the greater portion of the first settlements in Pennsylvania. These were the ancestors of the now toiling millions; the ancestors of the now rich and poor; the ancestors of the honored man and the criminal, the presidents and their adherents, the Christian and the infidel, the millionaire and the pauper, all of whom are more or less miscellaneously miixed up in this world's business matters, and many of whom, especially the ungodly, seldom and perhaps never entertain a single thought of thankfulness to their an- cestors who cared for them, much less to the God who created and preserved them. J. H. W. 13 EXPLANATION It is just as necessary for the reader to first study these explanations as it is for the student in arithmetic to commit to memory the multiplication table before he can be able to solve its problems. This work might have been differently arranged and perhaps to a better advantage, but from the fact that the collections of the many different lineages were so scatter- ingly sent in, in fact some of them coming in at the eleventh hour of the last days. Directions — First, pay no attention to pages, use num- bers instead. Example: No. 40. Fourth Generation. 20. 4) John Jones, born Oct. 23, 1850. Married Minnie Johnston, July 1, 1875. Their children: 1. Henry Jones, born June 2, 1878. No. 75. 2. Minnie Jones, born May 1, 1880. No. 90. No. 40, as above, means that John Jones is the fortieth family so far recorded. Fourth generation indicates four steps down from the first generation, therefore Henry and Minnie Jones would be fifth generation. The figures 20 following the word "generation" refers you back to No. 20, where you find John Jones and his father's family are recorded. 4) means that John Jones is the fourth child of his father's family. 1. means that Henry Jones is the first child, and 2. means that Minnie Jones is the second (see example). No. 75 following the name of Henry Jones takes you farther on to No. 75, where you find Henry's family re- corded, and so on through the entire work. Where marriages occur, the n^me of the person who is in direct relation to the Wenger lineage is placed first on record, as also the same in the index. This history contains the names of 4,243 persons, in- cluding 716 bearing the name of Wenger, making a total of 834 families. j, H. W. 14 A LIST OF THE WENGERS COMING FROM EUROPE TO THIS COUNTRY BETWEEN THE YEARS 1727 AND 1767. Sept. 30, 1727.— "Seventy Palatines (Pfaelzer) with their families, about 300 persons, imported in the ship Molley, John Hodgeson, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Deal, appeared," repeated and signed the Declaration." — Among these Palatines was a Christian Wenger, whom we claim as our progenitor. Oct. 20, 1747. — "Foreigners imported from Rotterdam, last from Leith." — Among these were a Johannes Wenger and a Christian Wenger. Sept. 5, 1748. — "Foreigners imported in the ship Edin- burg, James Russel, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Portsmouth." — Among these was one named Peter Wingert. Sept. 16, 1748. — "Foreigners imported in the ship Paliena, John Brown, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes." — Among these were a Hans Wenger, a Stephan Wenger, and a Christian Wenger. Sept. 9, 1749. — "Palatines — ship St. Andrew, James Abercrombie, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Plym- outh. 400 passengers." — Among these were a Christian Wenger and a Hannes Wenger. The above is copied from "Rupp's Collection of Thirty Thousand Names of Immigrants in Pennsylvania." Two Early Settlers of Pennsylvania. Hans Graaf came to Germantown, Pa., in 1696. He afterwards settled in Chester county, now Lancaster, took up, as per date of warrant, in 1716, in Pequea, 1,000 acres of land; on a second warrant, Nov. 22, 1717, a large tract of land in Earl township, Lancaster county. The old home- stead on this tract is now owned by Levi W. Grove, a lineal descendant of Hans. — Rupp's History of Lancaster Co. Heinrlch Zimmerman came to Pennsylvania in 1698. He returned to Europe for his family, which he brought over in 1706, to Germantown. In 1717 he removed to Chester county, now Lancaster. His son Emanuel died in 1780. — Rupp's History of Lancaster Co. 15 DEED MADE TO CHRISTIAN WENGER No* t Copy of Original Deed made July 14, 1902. Thomas Penn, and Richard Penn, Esquires, True and absolute Proprietaries, and Governors in Chief of the Province of Pennsylvania, and Counties of Newcastle, Kent, and Sussex, on Delaware. - To All unto whom these Presents shall come. Greeting: Whereas, in Pursuance of a Warrant under the Lesser Seal of the said Province, bearing date Twelfth Day of June, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty Eight, there was surveyed unto One John Evans, a certain Tract of Land situate in the Township of Earl, in the County of Lancaster, under certain conditions in the said Warrant mentioned; which Conditions, not having been complied with by the said John Evans, the said Warrant and Survey made in Pursuance thereof are become utterly void as in and by the said Warrant remaining in our Surveyor Gen- eral's Office, Relation being thereunto had, does manifestly appear. And Whereas, afterwards in and by a warrant under the Seal of the Land Office bearing Date the Ninth Day of October, One Thousand Seven Hundred and fifty-Four, upon application made to us by Christian Wenger, of said County of Lancaster, Our Surveyor General was required to accept and receive into his Office the survey of the said Tract of Land and to make Return thereof into the Secre- tary's Office. For the use and Behoof of the said Christian Wenger, which survey being accordingly accepted by our Surveyor General, and by him duly returned into the Secretary's Office, the Meets and Bounds of the same are set forth and described as follows, viz: Beginning at a marked White Oak in a line of Jenkin David's Land and from thence extending by the same. South by West Three Hundred and twenty-four Perches to a Post. Thence by vacant Land East by South One hun- 16 V ■o c nj L. (U o o re -5 in o Z dred and Forty-two Perches to a post. Thence by Morgan Morgan's Land North Twenty Eight (28) Degrees East, Eighty-four Perches to a Post. North Four Degrees, West Forty Perches to a Post, and North Forty Degrees, East One Hundred Perches to a Post. Thence by Patrick Wil- son's Land North Fifty Degrees, West Ten Perches to a Post. Thence by Philip Evans' Land West, South West Four Perches to a marked White Oak, North West One Hundred and Forty Perches to a Post, and North Fifty-one Perches to a marked White Oak. Thence West by vacant Land Sixty-seven Perches to the Place of Beginning, Con- taining Two Hundred and Ninety Acres, and the usual allowance of six acres per cent, for roads and High Ways, As in and by the survey thereof remaining in our Surveyor General's Office and from Thence certified into the Sec- retary's Office may appear. And the said Christian Wenger, by his Deed bearing Date the Nineteenth day of May One Thousand Seven Hundred and fifty-nine for the consideration therein men- tioned did grant, bargain and sell the said described Tract of Land and Premises unto his son John Wenger, of the said County of Lancaster, Yeoman, in Fee. Now at the instance and request of the said John Wenger that we would be pleased to grant him a Con- firmation of the same. Know Ye that in Consideration of the sum of Forty Two Pounds Nineteen Shillings lawful money of Pennsylvania, to our use, paid by the said John Wenger, the Receipt whereof We hereby acknowledge and thereof do acquit and forever discharge, the said John Wenger, his Heirs and Assigns by these Presents, And of the Yearly Quit Rent hereinafter mentioned and reserved. We Have given, granted, released and confirmed. And by these presents, for us, our Heirs, and Successors, Do give, grant release and confirm unto the said John Wenger, his heirs and assigns, the said Two Hundred and Ninety Acres of Land as the same are now set forth, bounded and limited as aforesaid. With All Mines, Minerals, Quarries, Meadows, Marshes, Savannas, swamps, Cripples, Woods, Underwoods, Timber and trees. Ways, Waters, Water Courses, Liberties, Profits, Commodities, Hereditaments and Appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in any wise 2 17 apertaining and lying within the Bounds and Limits afore- said, Three full and clear Fifth parts of all royal mines free from all Deductions and reprisals; for digging and refining the same, and also one fifth Part of the ore of all other mines delivered at the Pit's Mouth, only excepting and hereby reserved. And also free leave, right and liberty to and for the (said — omitted) John Wenger, his Heirs and Assigns to Hawk, hunt, fish and fowl, in and upon the hereby granted Land and Premises, or upon any part thereof. To Have and to hold, the said Two Hundred and ninety Acres of Land and Premises, hereby granted excepted, as before excepted, with the appurtenances unto the said John Wen- ger, his heirs and assigns. To the only use and behoof of the said John Wenger, his Heirs and Assigns forever. To Beholden of us, our Heirs and successors Proprietaries of Pennsylvania, as of our Manor of Conestogo, in the County of Lancaster, aforesaid in free and Common Soc- cage by Fealty only in lieu of all other service. Yielding & Paying therefore Yearly unto us, our heirs & successors at the town of Lancaster in the said County at or upon the first day of March in every year from the first Day of March last past, One half penny sterling for every acre of the same, or value thereof, in Coin Current, according as the exchang shall be then between our Province and the city of London, to such person or persons, as shall from time to time be appointed to receive the same. And in case of nonepayment thereof within ninety Days next after the same shall become due, then it shall and may be law- fully for us, our heirs and successors. Our and their Re- ceiver or Viewers into and upon the hereby granted Land and Premises to reenter, & tne same to hold and pos- sess, until the said Quit Rent & all arrears thereof, to- gether with the charges accruing by means of such Non- payment and reentry be fully paid and discharged. Witness. William Denny, Esquire Lieutenant Governor, of the said Province, who by virtue of certain Powers and Authority, to him for this purpose inter alia granted by the said Proprietaries, hath hereto set his hand, and caused the Great Seal of the said Province to be hereunto affixed at Philadelphia This first Day of June in the year of Our 18 Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and fifty-nine, The Thirty-second year of the Reign of King George, the Sec- ond, over Great Britain &c. and Forty-second year of the said Proprietary Government. WILLIAM DENNY. Recorded in the Office for Recording of Deeds in the City and County of Philadelphia, in Pat. Book A. Vol. 23, Page 261 etc. the 4th day of June 1759. Witness my hand and seal, I. BROCKETTS, R.'d. Patent to John Wenger, for Two Hundred and Ninety Acres of Land. Lancaster County. Copied by M. G. Weaver, Spring Grove, Pa., from the original deed. 19 PLAT OF SAID TRACT OF LAND. FOR HEIRS OF CHRISTIAN WENGER. First Owner of within Represented Land. lis? SO O Sg «= 'S a ■* " w p M ►-■ t? i-h M a <» o ^ a^S^o Ea^^a o S^„ (TV! S» o po g ;;i 2 p o a o'^ odIq trfo I— P k-(D i Bit S "ta p*t 9^ ^(^'CCbrxt Xoy,i^^ 20 GENEALOGY OF THE WENGER FAMILY IN AMERICA. No. 1. First Generation. Christian Wenger emigrated from Palatinate*) Europe^ to America as a young man, in the ship Molley, from Rot- terdam, last from Deal, arriving at Philadelphia Sept. 30, 1727, locating himself in the vicinity now known as Groffenthal, Lancaster Co., Pa. It is not positively known, but is supposed that he was a Mennonite. Afterwards he was married to a German lady by the name of Eve Grabiel. Their children were: 1. Magdalena Wenger, born Aug. 26, 1729. 2. Hans (John) Wenger, born Nov. 9, 1731. No. 2. 3. Christian Wenger, born Mar. 23, 1733. No. 27. 4. Mary Wenger, born Nov. 27, 1734. 5. Eve Wenger, born Oct. 10, 1736. 6. Barbara Wenger, born Nov. 11, 1739. 7. Michael Wenger, born Aug. 1, 1741. No. 39. 8. Elisabeth Wenger, born July 4, 1746. 9. Joseph Wenger, born Aug. 8, 1747. No. 3. 10. Abraham Wenger, born Oct. 9, 1749. No. 23. 11. Henry Wenger, born Oct. 25, 1753. No. 4. Two sons of the above family, Joseph and Henry, emigrated from Lancaster Co., Pa., to Rockingham Co., Va., as near as can be ascertained in about the year 1785. Joseph bought a tract of land containing 500 or 600 acres, for seventeen hundred dollars in silver, about six miles north of Harrisonburg, Rockingham Co., a place now called Edom, upon which land he located. Henry settled about, four miles south of Harrisonburg. *) Palatinate, a province in the northwest of France, on the river Rhine, adjoining Baden. In 1815, when the allied army defeated Napoleon, by the treaty of peace signed at Paris, on the 20th of November, it was ceded to- Baden. It is now a province in Bavaria, in the German Empire.— See Markam's History of France. 21 No. 2. Second Generation. 1. 2) Hans Wenger, born Nov. 9, 1731, was married to Anna Sherk. They lived on the farm later owned and occupied by David Zimmerman, at the Conestoga Creek, in. Earl township, Lancaster Co., Pa. Their children were: 1. Christian Wenger, born Apr. 3, 1758. No. 28. 2. Anna Wenger, born Nov. 7, 1759. 3. Hans (John) Wenger, born Feb. 28, 1761. No. 66. 4. Mary Wenger, born May 9, 1762. 5. Michael Wenger, born Jan. 28, 1764. No. 26. 6. Prany Wenger, born Oct. 17, 1765. No. 29. 7. Eva Wenger, born Sept. 19, 1767. No. 5. 8. Joseph Wenger, born Sept. 21, 1769. No. 19. 9. Barbara Wenger, b. July 11, 1771; m. Jacob Hoffman, 10. Anna Wenger, born Apr. 8, 1775. Died young. 11. Anna Wenger, born Apr. 27, "1776. 12. Elisabeth Wenger, born Jan. 3, 1780. No. 3. Second Generation. 1. 9) Joseph Wenger, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Aug. 8, 1747, died at Edom, Rockingham Co., Va., in May 1812; was married to Barbara Hoover, his first wife, Nov. 22, 1765, who was born in 1747, and died in 1792. Dec. 1, 1793, he was married to Anna Hochman, his second wife, who was born in Oct. 1764, and died Nov. 17, 1847. Joseph Wenger, my grandfather, and his brother Henry (see No. 4) emigrated from the parental roof in Lancaster Co., Pa., in 1785, to about six miles north of Harrisonburg, then called Rocktown, and settled about one mile east of a place now called Edom, Rockingham Co., Va. His brother Henry settled a few miles south of Harrisonburg. Joseph bought between 500 and 600 acres of land which was nearly all in timber, for seventeen nundred dollars in silver, which at that time was the only current funds. His buildings were placed by a fine spring; and this part of the farm later on became the property of his young- est son Henry, and after having been in the possession of father and son for about a hundred years, it became the property of Henry's daughter, Kate Wenger Miller, and son John D., who own it at the present time. The above Joseph Wenger built a barn on this home- 22 stead some time between 1785 and 1795, which did active service for over a hundred years, when on a February night in 1898 it took fire from some unknown cause and burned to the ground. Horses, cattle, machinery and feed were also burned. The above mentioned tract of 500 or 600 acres included the farm now owned by Kate Miller and son, that of Jacob qq^I^ Sr.— the former John H. Beery farm— also the north part' of the old Jesse Ralston farm and the east part of the Isaac N. Beery farm. Grandfather died 90 years ago, and his first wife died 110 years ago. His second wife, my grandmother, died 55 years ago. It is somewhat singular, yet true, that these dear old ancestors never had tombstones or anything bear- ing inscriptions, placed at their graves, until in the spring of 1902 when the grandchildren and their descendants placed beautiful, but plain, white marble with inscriptions showing the last resting place of these dear old people. They were consistent members of the Mennonite church, and are buried at the old Brenneman cemetery, now known as the Lindale Mennonite church, about a mile north ot Edom, Rockingham Co., Va. JOSEPH H. WENGER, South English. Iowa, Nov. 15, 1902. His children (with his first wife): ' 1 Eve Wenger, born Nov. 22, 1768. Died Sept. 28, 1778. 2. Barbara Wenger, b. June 3, 1772. Died Apr. 1, 1776. 3 John Wenger, born June 12, 1773. No. 13. ■ 4 Christian Wenger, born Nov. 29, 1774. No. 12. 5". George Wenger, born , 1775. Died young. 6 Mary Wenger, born July 14, 1776. No. 7. 1. Barbara Wenger, born Nov. 4, 1777. Never married. 8 Joseph Wenger, born Apr. 19, 1779. Died in 1792. 9. Benjamin Wenger, born Apr. 28, 1781. No. 61. 10. Samuel Wenger, b. Dec. 15, 1782. Died Apr. 5, 1783. 11. Christina Wenger, born June 15, 1785. No. 9. 12 Anna Wenger, born June 12, 1788. No. 11. 13. Abraham Wenger, born Oct. 13, 1789. No. 14. (With his second wife) 14 Joseph Wenger, born Sept. 17, 1794. No. 62.^ 15. Elisabeth Wenger, born Apr. 13, 1796. No. bu. 23 16. Jacob Wenger, born Aug. 20, 1798. No. 15 17. Magdalena Wenger, born Nov. 6, 1800. No. 64. 18. Henry Wenger, born Feb. 3, 1804. No. 65 First Barbara and first Joseph died young * This ac- counts for repeating these two names. No. 4. Second Generation. 1. 11) Henry Wenger, born in Lancaster Co., Pa Oct 25, 1753, settled in Virginia about four miles south of Har- risonburg, Rockingham Co. Henry was noted for his great inventive genius. His children were all daughters All r '' H \T\^' ""'' '"^'^^ '^ '^"^ ^^ ^^^ ^^'y two daugh- ters and that his oldest daughter was married to one by the name of Early and went to Allen Co., Ohio, and the other to one by the name of Whisler, of whom some descendants remain in Virginia. No. 5. Third Generation. 2. 7) Eva Wenger, born Sept. 19, 1767, in Lancaster Co Pa. was married to Abraham Martin, who was born Bee. 15, 1760, and lived near Blue Ball, Lancaster Co., Pa Their children were: 1. Anna Martin, born Mar. 10, 1786. 2. Maria Martin, born May 30, 1788. 3. Susanna Martin, born July 8, 1790. 4. Abraham Martin, born Mar. 19, 1794. No 6 5. John Martin, born Feb. 8, 1800. 6. Eve Martin, born Jan. 3, 1805. No. 6. Fourth Generation. 5. 4) Abraham Martin, born Mar. 19, 1794 was marrierl to Maria Horst (daughter of David and Anna ZsU M 4, 1815 who was born Oct. 2, 1793. Their children were- 1. Anna Martin, born Apr. 18, 1817. No. 722 2. Daniel Martin, born May 26, 1819. No 236 3. David Martin, born Feb. 11, 1823 No 723 4. Elisabeth Martin, born Dec. 16, 1825. No 724 5. Levi Martin, born Feb. 28, 1828. No 725 6. Moses Martin, born Sept. 16, 1830 No 726 The above were all born in Lancaster Co., Pa ' and the following in Erie Co., N. Y.: 7. Abraham H. Martin, born May 29, 1832 No 8. Maria Martin, born Aug. 10, 1834. No. 727. 24 42. Q. o O i_ 0) nj o c n -J CM O 00 9) (A O X (A 0) ■*-• u L. o o Z 4) 0) JZ Q. V V) O E o X o I- 9. Susanna Martin, born June 6, 1837. No. 402. 10. Fanny Martin, born Aug. 17, 183y. No. 275. No. 7. Third Generation. 3. 6) Mary Wenger, born July 14, 1776, and died Sept. 19, 1848, was married to John Bare Nov. 2, 1795, who was born June 22, 1774, and died Aug. 1, 1848. Their children were all Mennonites, as follows: 1. Anna Bare, born Jan. 22, 1797. No. 17. 2. Abraham Bare, born Jan. 16, 1799. No. 25. 3. Barbara Bare, born June 25, 1801. No. 18. 4. Christina Bare, born Jan. 15, 1803. No. 21. 5. Mary Bare, born Dec. 19, 1804. Died young. 6. Fanny Bare, born Oct. 19, 1806. Died May 8, 1817. 7. Elisabeth Bare, born Nov. 25, 1808. No. 16. 8. John Bare, born Dec. 2, 1810. No. 207. 9. Magdalena Bare, born Aug. 16, 1813. Died young. 10. Joseph Bare, born June 30, 1814. No. 208. 11. Christian Bare, born May 6, 1816. No. 8. 12. Henry Bare, born Feb. 11, 1818. Died single. 13. Susanna Bare, born Jan. 1, 1821. Died May 3, 1821. No. 8. Fourth Generation. 7. 11) Christian Bare, born May 6, 1816, in Rockingham Co., Va., was married to Esther Shank Oct. 10, 1837, who was born Oct. 2, 1815. He was a Mennonite minister at Yellow Creek, Elkhart Co., Ind. Their children: 1. Benjamin Bare, born Aug. 25, 1838. No. 40. 2. Mary Bare, born Oct. 22, 1840. Died young. 3. John C. Bare, born Jan. 2, 1842. No. 41. 4. Anna Bare, born Oct. 10, 1844. No. 42. 5. Rebecca Bare, born July 29, 1847. No. 44. 6. Catharine Bare, born Oct. 20, 1850. No. 43. 7. Susanna Bare, bom Feb. 24, 1845. Died single. No. 9. Third Generation. 3. 11) Christina Wenger, born near Edom, Va., June 5, 1785, and died Dec. 22, 1850, was married to William S. Reed, who was born Apr. 8, 1792, and died May 18, 1874, in Union Twp., Elkhart Co., Ind. Mennonites. Their chil- dren were: 1. Abraham I. Reed, born July 1, 1818. No. 10. 2. Margaret Reed, born Feb. 18, 1820. No. 588. 25 3. Maryann Reed, born Dec. 15, 1822. No. 611. 4. Harriet Reed, born Apr. 5, 1824. No. 24. 5. Elisabeth Reed, born Mar. 15, 1825. No. 552. No. 10. Fourth Generation. 9. 1) Abraham I. Reed, born July 1, 1818, was married to Mary Weaver (daughter of Samuel Weaver), who was born Mar. 2, 1817. Their children (Mennonites) are: 1. Henry W. Reed, born Jan. 20, 1846. No. 557. 2. Noah W. Reed, born Oct. 7, 1847. No. 585. 3. Aaron Reed (twin), born Dec. 15, 1848. No. 559. 4. Anna Reed (twin), born Dec. 15, 1848. No. 560. 5. Abraham W. Reed, born Feb. 4, 1851. No. 586. 6. Lydia Reed (twin), born Dec. 12, 1852. No. 587. 7. Mary Reed (twin), born Dec. 12, 1852. No. 283. 8. Ellas W. Reed, born July 27, 1855. No. 561. No. 11. Third Generation. 3. 12) Anna Wenger, born near Edom, Va., June 12, 1788, and died Nov. 13, 1861, was married in Dec. 1807 to Chris- tian Coffman, born Aug. 2, 1780, and died July 22, 1852, and lived near Lewisburg, Greenbrier Co., W. Va. Their chil- dren (Mennonites) are: 1. Abraham Coffman, born Nov. 1809. No. 189. 2. Christina Coffman, born Apr. 9, 1811. No. 190. 3. Elisabeth Coffman, born Apr. 4, 1815. No. 191. 4. Joseph Coffman, born Dec. 17, 1816. No. 192. 5. Daniel Coffman, born Aug. 1818. No. 193. 6. Anna Coffman, born Jan. 19, 1820. No. 194. 7. Samuel Coffman, born June 2, 1822. No. 37. 8. David Coffman, born Dec. 15, 1825. No. 195. 9. Susan Coffman, born Sept. 2, 1828. No. 196. 10. Fannie Coffman, born Jan. 23, 1833. No. 197. No. 12. Third Generation. 3. 4) Christian Wenger, born near Edom, Va., Nov. 29, 1774, was killed by lightning in Rockingham Co., Va., June 10, 1806; had married Anna Brenneman. Mennonites. Their children were: 1. Mary Wenger, born Jan. 30, 1797. No. 473. 2. Joseph Wenger, born July 17, 1801. No. 20. 3. Elisabeth Wenger, born Aug. 24, 1805. No. 481. 26 No. 13. Third Generation. 3. 3) John Wenger, born near Edom, Va., June 12, 1773, was married to Frances Coffman, and moved from Rock- ingham Co., Va., to Greenbrier Co., W. Va. Their children were: 1. David Wenger, born 1799, died Nov. 19, 1861. No. 458. 2. Christena Wenger, born Jan. 1, 1802, died Apr. 18, 1887. No. 459. 3. John Wenger — no dates. No. 460. 4. Esther Wenger — no dates. No. 461. 5. Fannie Wenger — no dates. No. 462. 6. Sabina Wenger, born Oct. 14, 1808, died Oct. 14, 1886. No. 463. 7. Jacob Wenger, born Apr. 9, 1814, died Nov. 23, 1897. No. 464. These were found at the eleventh hour by Joseph H. Wenger, South English, Iowa. No. 14. Third Generation. 3. 13) Abraham Wenger, born near Edom, Rockingham Co., Va., Oct. 13, 1789, died Sept. — , 1857; was married May 23, 1820, to Mary Grove, born Mar. 2, 1799, died July 1, 1837. He was a minister of the Mennonite church for many years at Hermitage, Augusta Co., Va. Their children are (with his first wife) : 1. Elias Wenger, born Apr. 16, 18zl. No. 75. 2. David G. Wenger. b. Sept. 15, 1824. D. June 23, 1854. 3. Jacob Wenger, b. July—, 1828. Drowned Mar. 4, 1831. 4. Elisabeth Wenger, born Jan. 27, 1831. No. 76. 5. John W. Wenger, born July 1, 1837. No. 77. (With his second wife, Anna Burkholder, from Pennsyl- vania, who died Dec. 10, 1875): 6. Mary J. Wenger, born Sept. 1, 1840. No. 78. 7. Barbara Wenger, born May 2, 1848. No. 79. 8. Susan C. Wenger, born Apr. 23, 1850. Yet single (1900), living at Stuarts Draft, Augusta Co., Va. No. 15. Third Generation. 3. 16) Jacob Winger, born at Edom, Rockingham Co., Va., Aug. 20, 1798, died Feb. 8, 1882; was married Sept. 21, 1819, to Rachel Floyd, who died June 12, 1880. Jacob Winger united with the Lutheran church in Virginia in 21 1821, and in 1823 he moved to Ohio. In 1851 he joined the United Brethren church and was placed in the ministry, in which he continued until his death, which occurred at his home at Millersburg, Mercer Co., 111. He was a noted pious worker and beloved by all who knew him. Their chil- dren are: 1. Levi Winger, born in Va., Oct. 16, 1820. No. 258. 2. Henry M. Winger, born in Va., Oct. 31, 1822. No. 468. 3. Caleb Winger, b. in Ohio, Dec. 31, 1824. D. Aug. 1887. 4. Richard Winger, born in Ohio, Apr. 26, 1827. No. 96. 5. Joseph Winger, b. in Ohio, May 20, 1829. D. in war. 6. John Winger, born in Ohio, Feb. 16, 1833. No. 403. 7. Anna Eliza Winger, b. in Ohio, Ap. 23, 1836. No. 377. Notice. — The above family use the i instead of the e, but are of the same close relationship. No. 16. Fourth Generation. 7. 7) Elisabeth Bare, born in Augusta Co., Va., Nov. 25, 1808, was married Feb. 7, 1837, in Beaver Twp., Columbiana Co., O., to Henry Shank, who was born Oct. 25, 1808, in the first mentioned place. Their children are: 1. John Shank, born Dec. 24, 1837. No. 45. 2. Anna Shank, born Feb. 19, 1839. 3. Lydia Shank, born Apr. 17, 1840. The above were born in Columbiana Co., O., and the fol- lowing in Allen Co., same state: 4. Morichen Shank, born Apr. 11, 1842. 5. Elisabeth Shank, b. July 13, 1844. Died May 18, 1867. 6. Hetty Shank, born Nov. 16, 1846. Died Feb. 18, 1849. 7. Rebecca Shank, born Nov. 27, 1848. No. 46. 8. Christena Shank, born June 24, 1851. No. 47. No. 17. Fourth Generation. 7. 1) Anna Bare, born Jan. 22, 1797, died Oct. 28, 1884, was married to Peter Blosser. Their children are: 1. John Blosser. 2. Magdalena Blosser. 3. Joel Blosser. 4. Mary Blosser. 5. Abraham Blosser. No. 18. Fourth Generation. 7. 3) Barbara Bare, born in Virginia, June 25, 1801, died in November 1874, in Elkhart Co., Ind.; was married to 28 Jacob Christophel, who was born in Germany in 1784, and died in 1868. Their children are: 1. Elisabeth Christophel, born Oct. 17, 1833. No. 31. 2. Joel Christophel, born Apr. 17, 1836. 3. Henry Christophel, born Dec. 23, 1837. 4. Susan Christophel, born Aug. 16, 1840. No. 32. 5. Daniel Christophel, born July 15, 1842. No. 33. 6. Joseph Christophel, born June 26, 1844. No. 19. Third Generation. 2. 8) Joseph Wenger, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Sept. 12, 1769, died in 1825, was married to Martin, his first wife, with whom he had one child. The mother dying in early life he was married again, to Elisabeth Zimmer- man, his second wife, who was born Nov. 21, 1778, died Mar. 23, 1840, and was buried in Martin's cemetery, Water- loo Co., Ont. All the members of this family were Menno- nites. The children, all born in Lancaster Co., Pa., are: With his first wife: 1. Anna Wenger, born Feb. 28, 1793. No. 247. With his second wife: 2. Christian Wenger (twin), born Dec. 20, 1802. No. 22. 3. Joseph Wenger (twin), born Dec. 20, 1802. No. 248. 4. Barbara Wenger, born Dec. 14, 1804. No. 249. 5. Elisabeth Wenger, born Feb. 11, 1805. No. 250. 6. Zimmerman Wenger, born Nov. 25, 1807. No. 251. 7. Susanna Wenger, born Apr. 3, 1810. No. 252. 8. Isaac Wenger, born Feb. 18, 1812. No. 253. 9. Mary Wenger, born Apr. 28, 1814. No. 254. 10. Jonas Wenger, born May 6, 1815. No. 255. 11. Magdalena Wenger, born Aug. 13, 1816. No. 256. 12. Esther Wenger, born July 23, 1819. No. 257. In the year 1825, while the above family was engaged in preparing to move to Waterloo Co., Canada West (now known as Ontario), the father accidentally wounded his left wrist with an awl, which, while at first considered an insignificant scratch and not given much attention, became a serious wound, and blood poison setting in caused his sudden death. Being almost ready for their trip, the mother, in a few weeks after the burial of the father, with her family of eleven children, with teams, set out on her jour- ney for Canada, a distance of 500 miles, which place they 29 made their future permanent home. — Reported by my mother, Mary Wenger, now (1900) 83 years of age. M. D. WENGER, Writer. No. 20. Fourth Generation. 12. 1) Joseph Wenger, born July 17, 1801, died Jan. 21, 1880, was married to Mary Grove, born Mar. 21, 1805, died June 1, 1880, at Spring Hill, Va. Their children are: 1. Nancy C. Wenger, born Mar. 8, 1833. No. 102. 2. Martin H. Wenger, born Sept. 19, 1834. No. 103. 3. Mary M. Wenger, born Apr. 28, 1838. No. 104. 4. Eliza M. Wenger, born Jan. 5, 1847. No. 105. 5. Levi A. Wenger, born Nov. 9, 1841. No. 106. No. 21. Fourth Generation. 7. 4) Christena Bare, born Jan. 15, 1803, died June 21, 1857, was married June 21, 1825, to John Gulp, born in Fayette Co., O., June 7, 1804, and died Jan. 27, 1900. P. O. address, Foraker, Elkhart Co., Ind. Their children are: 1. Susanna Gulp, born Mar. 19, 1826. No. 209. 2. Mary Gulp, born Apr. 15, 1827. Died July 25, 1838. 3. Simon Gulp, born Dec. 12, 1828. Died Jan. 21, 1865. 4. Solomon Gulp, born Nov. 10, 1829. No. 210. 5. Elisabeth Gulp, b. Nov. 20, 1830. Died Oct. 14, 1878. 6. John B. Gulp, born Jan. 20, 1832. No. 211. 7. Henry Gulp, born July 30, 1833. No. 212. 8. Frederick Gulp, born Oct. 29, 1834. 9. Lydia Gulp, born Feb. 20, 1836. Died, aged 6 mcyiths. 10. Abraham Gulp, born Sept. 30, 1838. No. 213. 11. Anna Gulp, born Jan. 25, 1840. 12. Peter Gulp, born Jan. 20, 1841. No. 214. 13. David Gulp, born Mar. 26, 1843. Died May 17, 1848. No. 22. Fourth Generation. 19. 2) Christian Wenger, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Dec. 20, 1802, died Feb. 4, 1858, aged 55 years, 1 month and 13 days; was married to Magdalena High (Hoch), his first wife, Sept. 20, 1829, who was born Nov. 3, 1807, and died Apr. 3, 1835, aged 28 years, 5 months. Was married to Elisabeth Good, his second wife, May 24, 1836, who was born Jan. 20, 1814, and died Nov. 15, 1875, aged 61 years, 9 . months, 25 days. His children, all born in Lancaster Co., Pa., except Barbara, the youngest, who was born in Wayne Co., O., are: 30 With his first wife: 1. Joseph Wenger, born May IG, 1831. No. 216. 2. Elisabeth Wenger, born Apr. 3, 1832. No. 217. 3. Anna Wenger, born May 30, 1833. No. 218. 4. Susanna Wenger, born Oct. 25, 1834. No. 219. With his second wife: 5. Mary Wenger, born Nov. 15, 1837. No. 220. 6. Peter G. Wenger, born Mar. 25, 1839. No. 221. 7. Jonas G. Wenger, born Nov. 13, 1840. No. 275. 8. Magdalena Wenger, born Nov. 16, 1842. No. 223. 9. Isaac G. Wenger, born Dec. 18, 1844. No. 224. 10. Christian G. Wenger, born Dec. 22, 1846. No. 225. 11. Jacob Wenger, born Mar. 31, 1849. No. 226. 12. An infant son, born Mar. 23, 1851. Died young. 13. Zimmerman G. Wenger, born July 1, 1852. No. 227. 14. Barbara Wenger, born Mar. 16, 1855. No. 228. In the year 1854 the above family moved from Lancaster Co., Pa., to Wayne Co., Ohio; from thence, in the year 1855, to Waterloo Co., Canada West (now known as Ontario): and from thence, in the spring of 1857, to Elkhart Co., Ind. In February, 1858, when on a business trip to Canada, and while engaged in conversation with a friend on King street, Berlin, Ontario, he dropped dead of paralysis. The remains were brought back to his home in Elkhart Co., Ind., and there interred in the Mennonite Yellow Creek cemetery. The members of the above family were all Mennonites. No. 23. Second Generation. 1. 10) Abraham Wenger, born Oct. 9, 1749. From this lineage I was not able to learn anything more, except that he moved to Lebanon Co., Pa., with his family. No. 24. Fourth Generation. 9. 4) Harriet Reed, born Apr. 5, 1824, was married to John M. Christophel Jan. 1, 1847, who was born in Bavaria. Germany, Feb. 2, 1819, and died May 31, 1886. J. M. Christophel was a minister of the Mennonite church at Yellow Creek, Elkhart Co., Ind., twenty-six years, and filled the office of bishop thirteen years. Their children are: 1. Margaret A. Christophel, born Nov. 23, 1847. No. 423. 2. Christiana Christophel, born Mar. 1, 1849. No. 222. 3. Josiah Christophel, b. Jan. 28, 1851. D. Dec. 26, 1851. 31 4. Isaiah Christophel, born Feb. 24, 1852. No. 229. 5. Noah Christophel, b. Feb. 23, 1854. D. Feb. 28, 1854. 6. Catharine Christophel, born May 30. 1856. No. 424. 7. Abraham Christophel, born Nov. 29, 1857. (Single.) 8. Peter R. Christophel, born Jan. 15, 1861. No. 376. 9. Elisabeth Christophel, born June 27, 1863. No. 426. No. 25. Fourth Generation. 7. 2) Abraham Bare, born Jan. 16, 1799, died Apr. 3, 1851, was married to Anna Hoover. Their children are: 1. Mary Bare. 2. Michael Bare. 3. Christena Bare. 4. Magdalena Bare. 5. Anna Bare. 6. Christian Bare. No. 34. 7. Abraham Bare. 8. Samuel Bare. 9. Elisabeth Bare. No. 26. Third Generation. 2. 5) Michael Wenger, born Jan. 28, 1764, in Lancaster Co., Pa., was married to Maria Martin. Their children are: 1. David Wenger, married Susanna Martin. 2. John Wenger, born July 1, 1792. No. 35. 3. Nancy Wenger, married Peter Sensenig. 4. Mary Wenger, married Benj. Buchwalter. 5. Susanna Wenger, married Henry Showalter and John Groff. 6. Esther Wenger, m'd Frankhauser and Jacob Buser. No. 27. Second Generation. 1. 3) Christian Wenger, born Mar. 23, 1733. From this progeny I could learn nothing more than that he had a son named Joseph. 1. Joseph Wenger, born Aug. 30, 1766. No. 38. No. 28. Third Generation. 2. • 1) Christian Wenger, born Apr. 3, 1758, was married to Frany Bucher, and had four sons and three daughters. 1. David Wenger, born June 11, 1781. No. 36. 2. Samuel Wenger. Married to Bucher. 3. Christian Wenger. Died young. 4. John Wenger. Married to Brubacher. 32 5. Nancy Wenger. Married to Leffler. 6. Mary Wenger. Married to Abm. Wenger. 7. Susanna Wenger. Married to Abm. Eberly. No. 29. Third Generation. 2. 6) Frany Wenger, born Oct. 17, 1765, was married to Peter Weaver, father of Isaac, father of Bish. George Wea- ver, all of Lancaster Co., Pa., George Weaver being the successor to Jacob (familiarly called Yochel) Zimmerman as bishop in the Weaverland Mennonite church. No. 30. Fifth Generation. 21. 6) John B. Kolb, born in Columbiana Co., O., Jan. 20, 1832, was married to Mary Troub, born in 1842. Their children, all born in Elkhart Co., Ind., are: 1. Noah Culp, born May 3, 1860. 2. Elias Culp, born Aug. 7, 1862. 3. Aberd Culp, born Sept. 5, 1865. 4. Lorin Milden Culp, born Feb. 16, 1868. 5. Levi Culp, born May 18, 1870. 6. Jessie Culp, born June 5, 1876. No. 31. Fifth Generation. 18. 1) Elisabeth Christophel, born Oct. 17, 1833, was mar- ried Mar. 28, 1858, to Abraham Lehman, born Jan. 17, 1824, and died in Jan., 1900. Their children are: 1. Leah Lehman, born Jan. 16, 1859. 2. Jacob C. Lehman, born Mar. 13, 1860. 3. Enos A. Lehman, born Jan. 16, 1862. 4. Nancy Lehman, born Oct. 20, 1863. 5. Joel B. Lehman, born Jan. 18, 1866. 6. Simeon Lehman, born Nov. 10, 1867. 7. Jessie Lehman, born Mar. 2, 1870. 8. Fanny Lehman, born Aug. 28, 1872. 9. Sarah Lehman, born Jan. 28, 1875. 10. Daniel Lehman, born Feb. 27, 1877. No. 32. Fifth Generation. 18. 4) Susan Christophel, born Aug. 16, 1840, was married to Levi H. Eberly, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., July 2, 1831. Their children are: 1. Adam Eberly, born Mar. 21, 1870. 2. Samuel Eberly, born May 17, 1872. 3. Elisabeth Eberly, born July 6, 1874. 3 33 4. Catharine Eberly, born May 21, 1876. 5. Levi Eberly, born Mar. 31, 1878. 6. Martha Eberly (twin), born Dec. 3, 1880. 7. Margaret Eberly (twin), born Dec. 3, 1880. 8. Noah Eberly, born July 19, 1887. No. 33. Fifth Generation. 18. 5) Daniel Christophel, born July 15, 1842, was married in Elkhart Co., ind., Jan. 1, 1874, to Anna Wenger. Their children, all born in Elkhart Co., Ind., are: 1. John Christophel, born May 12, 1875. 2. Emma Christophel, born July 16, 1876. 3. Wesley Christophel, born May 5, 1878. 4. Phebe Christophel, born July 10, 1880. 5. Enos Christophel, born June 23, 1882. 6. Harvey Christophel (twin), May 17, 1884. 7. Claudia Christophel (twin), born May 17, 1884. Harvey died Sept. 10, 1884; Claudia died Sept. 13, 1884. 8. Jessie Christophel, born June 23, 1886. No. 34. Fifth Generation. 25. 6) Christian Bare, born in Mahoning Co., O., Nov. 10, 1831, died Jan. 11, 1866, in Benton Twp., Elkhart Co., Ind., aged 34 years, 2 months, 1 day; was married in Goshen, Ind., July 27, 1858, to Fransanna Delina V. Berkey, born in West Bloomfield, Oakland Co., Mich. Their children are: 1. Joseph Abraham Bare. 2. John Desken Henry Bare. 3. Malinda Ann Bare. No. 35. Fourth Generation. 26. 2) John Wenger, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., July 1, 1792, died Mar. 25, 1870, aged 77 years, 8 months and 24 days; was married to Susanna Sherk, his first wife, wkh whom he had one child, born dead, the mother dying not long afterwards. Was married in the year 1816 to Barbara Sensenig, his second wife, born Mar. 13, 1791, who died in the spring of 1848. Occupation, shoemaker. P. O. address, Terre Hill, Lancaster Co., Pa. Their children are: 1. Mary Wenger, born Jan. 13, 1817. No. 198. 2. Christian Wenger, b. Feb. 16, 1818. Died May 8, 1837. 3. Michael Wenger, born Feb. 26, 1819. No. 199. 4. Elisabeth Wenger, born Dec. 4, 1820. No. 200. 34 5. John Wenger, born Dec. 2, 1822. No. 201. 6. David Wenger, born Dec. 25, 1824. No. 202. 7. Susanna Wenger, born July 19, 1827. No. 203. 8. Barbara Wenger, born Jan. 30, 1829. No. 204. 9. Magdalena Wenger, born Nov. 19, 1830. No. 205. 10. Samuel Wenger, born Dec. 9, 1833. No. 206. In 1849 John Wenger was married to Wid. Sally Weaver, his third wife, born May 29, 1800, and died Dec. 25, 1878. No. 36. Fourth Generation. 28. 1) David Wenger, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., June 11, 1781, died Oct. 31, 1869, aged 88 years, 1 month, 20 days; was married to Barbara Zimmerman (sister of Bish. Jacob Zimmerman of Weaverland church), born Mar. 14, 178T, died May 15, 1868, aged 81 years, 2 months, 1 day. Their children are: 1. Christian Wenger, born Jan. 25, 1809. No. 58. 2. David Wenger, born Dec. 22, 1811. No. 59. 3. Fanny Wenger, born Sept. 7, 1818. No. 60. No. 37. Fourth Generation. 11. 7) Samuel Coffman, bishop of Mennonite church, born in Greenbrier Co., W. Va., June 2, 1822, died Aug. 28, 1894; was married Nov. 11, 1847, to Frances Weaver, born Apr. 28, 1825 (yet living, 1902). Bishop Samuel Coffman came from Greenbrier Co., W. Va., when a young man, to Harrisonburg, Va., and married Frances Weaver, He soon united with the Mennonite church; was placed in the ministry and later in the office of bishop, in which he faithfully served for 42 years. He was a man of great worth to the church and wherever you found him. The Mennonite church greatly increased in membership while under his care. He used gospel precision in church government, and yet he was sufficiently lenient. His death was a great loss, both to the church and out of it. He raised a fine family, a family that cannot easily be excelled anywhere, a family of religious principles which it is to be hoped that his descendants may think worthy to imitate. J. H. W. Their children, all born at Dale Enterprise, Rocking- ham Co., Va., are: 1. John S. Coffman, born Oct. 16, 1848. No. 48. 35 ■L. Jacob B. Coffman, born July 28, 1850. No. 49. 3. Lizzie C. Coffman, born Feb. 9, 1852. No. 50. 4. Anna M. Coffman, born Oct. 12, 1855. No. 51. 5. Mary A. Coffman (twin), born Feb. 19, 1857. No. 52. 6. Joseph W. Coffman (twin), Feb. 19, 1857. No. 53. 7. Daniel H. Coffman, born Apr. 4, 1859. No. 54. 8. David A. Coffman, b. Apr. 14, 1861. D. Jan. 18, 1868. 9. Sarah C. Coffman, born Mar. 29, 1863. No. 55. , 10. Fannie V. Coffman, born Oct. 30, 1865. No. 56. 11. Rebecca S. Coffman, born Mar. 24, 1868. No. 57. RECAPITULATION.— Total number of persons in the entire family of Bishop Samuel Coffman, 100; total number of deaths, 10; members of the family living in Virginia, 62; in Indiana, 23; in Iowa, 2; in Canada, 2; in Pennsylvania, 1; in Illinois, 1; in West Virginia, 1; total number of male persons in the family, 49; females, 51; children, 12; grand- children, 73; great-grandchildren, 3; members in Menno- nite church, 39; Dunkard church, 3; Methodist church, 1; Christian church, 1; above 15 years of age, 52; under 15 years of age, 38; age of oldest person in the family (grand- mother), 77 years; age of youngest person in the family (Ruth F. Heatwole), 2 months. The above record of the Coffman family is credited to the fourth child, Mrs. Ann M. Coffman (Swartz) and in- cludes sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, and those who are dead, to make the grand total ot 100 persons. No. 38. Third Generation. 27. 1) Joseph Wenger, born Aug. 30, 1766, died Feb. 17, 1851, aged 84 years, 5 months, 18 days; was married to Maria Horst, who was born Nov. 12, 1767, and died Sept. 21, 1831, aged 63 years, 10 months, 9 days. He was a minister of the Mennonite church at Groffenthal, Lancaster Co., Pa. Their children are: 1. Joseph Wenger. 2. Michael Wenger. 3. Elisabeth Wenger. 4. Esther Wenger, 5. Daniel Wenger. 6. Mary Wenger. 7. Susanna Wenger. 8. Benjamin Wenger. 36 No. 39. Second Generation. 1. 7) Michael Wenger, born Aug. 1, 1741. Have learned nothing more. No. 40. Fifth Generation. 8. 1) Benjamin Bare, born Aug. 25, 1838, in Columbiana, O., was married Feb. 2, 1868, to Magdalena Good of Page Co., Iowa. Their children are: 1. Alice Jane Bare, born in Page Co., la., Dec. 17, 1868, 2. Lydia Rebecca Bare, b. May 29, '70, Elkhart Co., Ind. 3. Esther Frances Bare, b. Dec. 10, '71, Elkhart Co., Ind. 4. Mahlon George Bare, b. Mar. 27, '73, Marion Co., Ks. 5. Nancy Ann Bare, b. Oct. z5, 1876, Marion Co., Ks. 6. Joseph Harlin Bare, b. June 19, 1879, Marion Co., Ks. 7. Katy Susan Bare, b. Mar. 2, 1882, Marion Co., Ks. 8. Martha Elisabeth Bare, b. Sept. 18, '85, Mar. Co., Ks. An infant, twin to Nancy Ann, died on the day of its birth. No. 41. Fifth Generation. 8. 3) John C. Bare, born in Mahoning Co., O., Jan. 2, 1842, died May 31, 1892, was married Mar. 28, 1869, in Elk- hart Co., Ind., to Nancy Eberly, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Oct. 11, 1851. Their children are: 1. Amanda Catharine Bare, born June 13, 1870. 2. Sarah Ann Bare, born Aug. 16, 1872. 3. An infant, born July 10, 1874. Died the same day. 4. Mary Manerva Bare, born Aug. 7, 1875. 5. Reuben E. Bare, b. June 11, 1877. Died May 30, 1879. 6. Levi E. Bare, born Nov. 21, 1880. Died Mar. 4, 1881. 7. Noah Calvin Bare, b. Aug. 22, 1882. D. Sept. 4, 1884. The above were all born in Elkhart Co., Ind., and the fol- lowing in Marion Co., Kansas: 8. Orpia May Bare, b. Feb. 20, 1887. Died uuly 6, 1887. No. 42. Fifth Generation. 8. 4) Anna Bare, born Oct. 10, 1844, was married Jan. 7, 1864, in Elkhart Co., Ind., to Ulrich Welty, born in Switzer- land May 28, 1835. Their children are: 1. Ephraim Welty, born July 22, 1864. 2. Emanuel Welty, born July 24, 1866. 3. Levi Welty, born May 3, 1868. 4. Hettie A. Welty, born Aug. 10, 1870. 5. Christena Welty, born Dec. 29, 1872. 37 6. Noah Welty, born May 27, 1875. 7. William H. Welty, born Apr. 1, 1878. 8. Minerve Welty, born Sept. 4, 1880. 9. Mary Elisabeth Weldy, born Nov. 18, 1882. 10. Saloma Welty, b. Apr. 10, 1885. Died Sept. 18, 1885. 11. David Welty, born May 10, 1888. No. 43. Fifth Generation. 8. 6) Catharine Bare, born Oct. 20, 1850, was married May 3, 1874, in Elkhart Co., Ind., to Isaac Leimbach, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Jan. 10, 1850. Their children are: 1. Daniel Leimbach, born Feb. 17, 1875. 2. Henry Leimbach, born Aug. 2, 1876. 3. Christian Leimbach, born Aug. 13, 1878. 4. Esther Leimbach, born May 17, 1880. 5. Emma Leimbach, born Apr. 14, 1882. 6. Mary Leimbach, born May 20, 1884. 7. Jonas Leimbach, born Apr. 3, 1886. 8. Saloma Leimbach, born Nov. 22, 1887. 9. Noah Leimbach, born Oct. 24, 1889. 10. Lydia Ann Leimbach, born Mar. 19, 1892. No. 44. Fifth Generation. 8. 5) Rebecca Bare, born July 29, 1847, was married to Levi Holdeman. Their children are: 1. Ellen Holdeman, b. Dec. 1, 1877. Died Nov. 28, 1878. 2. Eve Holdeman, born Nov. 8, 1880. 3. Menno Holdeman, born Sept. 14, 1883. No. 45. Fifth Generation. 16. 1) John Shank, born Dec. 24, 1837, in Allen Co., O., was married to Nancy Culp, born in Fairfield Co., O. Their children, all born in Allen Co., O., are: 1. David Shank, born Dec. 8, 1869. 2. Elisabeth A. Shank, born July 20, 1871. 3. Sophiah F. Shank, born Oct. 15, 1873. 4. Christian Shank, born May 13, 1875. 5. Emma J. Shank, born Aug. 24, 1877. 6. Mary E. Shank, born June 30, 1879. 7. Nancy A. Shank, born Oct. 2, 1885. No. 46. Fifth Generation. 16. 7) Rebecca Shank, born Nov. 27, 1848, was married Nov. 30, 1871, to Isaac Hobegger, born in Putnam Co., O., 38 Apr. 1, 1841. Their children, all born in Putnam Co., O., are: 1. Noah Hobegger, born Nov. 27, 1872. 2. Henry Hobegger, born Oct, 25, 1874. 3. Elisabeth Hobegger, born July 15, 1876. 4. William Hobegger, born Oct. 13, 1878. 5. Josiah Hobegger, born Feb. 6, 1881. 6. Isaac Hobegger, born Aug. 15, 1883. 7. John Hobegger, born Sept. 9, 1885. No. 47. Fifth Generation. 16. 8) Christena Shank, born June 24, 1851, in Allen Co., O., was married Mar. 7, 1872, to Isaac Kohlie, born Mar. 12, 1847, same county. Their children are: 1. Henry Kohlie, born Nov. 21, 1872. 2. Jacob Kohlie, born Dec. 3, 1873. Died Dec. 9, 1873. 3. Levi Kohlie, born Mar. 24, 1875. 4. Mary Kohlie, born Sept. 2, 1877. 5. Elisabeth Kohlie, b. Dec. 10,1879. Died Mar. 28, 1882. 6. Emma Kohlie, born June 17, 1882. The above were all born in Richland Twp., Allen Co., O., and the following in Union Twp., Elkhart Co., Ind., where the family moved Feb. 12, 1884: 7. John Kohlie, born Sept. 14, 1884. No. 48. Fifth Generation. 37. 1) John S. Coffman, born at Dale Enterprise, Rocking- ham Co., Va., Oct. 16, 1848, died July 22, 1899, in Elkhart, Ind.; was married Nov. 11, 1869, to Elisabeth Heatwole, born July 31, 1845, at first mentioned place. J. S. Coffman gave his heart to God in his youth, join- ing the Mennonite church by baptism July 4, 1861. The Civil War then raging and the Southern Confederacy gradually forcing every able-bodied man over sixteen years of age into the Confederate ranks, Bro. Coffman, together with others, became a refugee and came northward and remained in Southern Pennsylvania and Maryland for two years, when he returned to his home. On the 18th of July, 1875, he was ordained to the ministry, and in June, 1879, he moved with his family from Virginia to Elkhart, Ind., where he entered upon the duties of assistant editor of the Herald of Truth, and later assumed the editorial work of the Sunday School Lesson Helps. Aside from this work he 39 was actively engaged in evangelistic work and traveled extensively among the various churches and elsewhere throughout the United States. Their children are: 1. William Perry Coffhian, born Jan. 13, 1871. No. 243. 2. Samuel Frederick Coffman, b. June 11, 1872. No. 465. 3. Jacob Manasses Coffman, b. Aug. 18, 1873. No. 244. 4. Ansel Victor Coffman, born Apr. 30, 1875. No. 466. 5. Fannie Elisabeth Coffman, born Jan. 29, 1877. 6. Daniel Joseph Coffman, born Apr. 22, 1879. 7. Anna Barbara Coffman, born Mar. 12, 1881. No. 49. Fifth Generation. 37. 2) Jacob B. Coffman, born at Dale Enterprise, Va., July 28, 1850, was married Oct. 14, 1875, to Sallie E. Showal- ter, born Nov. 2, 1855. P. O. address, Rushville, Rocking- ham Co., Va. Dunkards. 1. Ernest S. Coffman, born Apr. 22, 1881. Methodist. 2. S. Frank Coffman, born Sept. 23, 1883. Dunkard. No. 50. Fiftli Generation. 37. 3) Lizzie C. Coffman, born at Dale Enterprise, Va., Feb. 9, 1852 (Mennonite), was married Feb. 22, 1872, to John Wallace Minnich, born Mar. 30, 1839. P. O. address. Dale Enterprise, Rockingham Co., Va. Their children are: 1. Lillie Fannie Minnich (Mennonite), born Jan. 6, 1873. South English, Iowa. 2. Wade Hampton Minnich, b. June 9, 1877. Norfolk,Va. 3. Charles Lloyd Minnich, born Nov. 6, 1879. Newport News, Va. No. 51. Fifth Generation. 37. 4) Anna M. Coffman, born at Dale Enterprise, Va., Oct. 12, 1854, was married Oct. 7, 1875, to John S. Swartz. P. O. address, Dayton, Va. Mennonites. They, with a por- tion of their family, moved to near Elida, Allen Co., Ohio, in January, 1903. Their children are: 1. Fannie R. Swartz, born Dec. 9, 1876. Died 1878. 2. Samuel D. Swartz, born Mar. 3, 1878. Dayton, Va. Mennonite. 3. Bertie A. Swartz, born Sept. 16, 1879. Bunkers Mill. W. Va. Mennonite. 4. C. Sherman Swartz, born Aug. 3, 1881. Elkhart, Ind. 5. Ina K. Swartz, b. May 3, 1883. Dale Enterprise, Va. Mennonite. 40 6. J. Clyde Swartz, b. Apr. 4, 1885. Dale Enterprise, Va. Mennonite. 7. C. Josephine Swartz, b. Apr. 29, 1887. D. Dec. 15, '89. 8. Annie V. Swartz, b, Apr. 3, 1889. Dale Enterprise, Va. 9. Joseph A. Swartz, b. May 12, 1891. D. Enterprise, Va. 10. Jacob B. Swartz, b. July 26, 1893. D. Enterprise, Va. 11. William S. Swartz, b. Sept. 26, '95. D. Enterprise, Va. 12. Eldon Swartz, b. Aug. 9, 1899. Dale Enterprise, Va. No, 52. Fifth Generation. 37. 5) Mary A. Coffman, born at Dale Enterprise, Va., Feb. 19, 1857, was married Nov. 11, 1875, to Lewis J. Heat- wole, born Dec. 4, 1852. P. O. address, Dale Enterprise, Rockingham Co., Va. Mennonites. Lewis J. Heatwole has had the office of bishop in the Mennonite church for many years. He is a deep thinker, and an efficient expounder of Holy Writ. He has the ad- vantage of a good education, but makes no display of it, and is of a quiet, honest, and religious disposition, yet is always ready to answer in case of emergency. He is an able counselor, and is of sterling worth to the church and in his community. J. H. W. 1. Verdie May Heatwole, b. Nov. 21, '76. Died same day. 2. Fannie Catharine Heatwole, b. Nov. 20, 1877. South English, Iowa. Mennonite. 3. Nellie Virginia Heatwole, born July 29, 1879. No. 467. 4. Bessie Pearl Heatwole, born July 7, 1881. Mennonite. 5. Justus Bare Heatwole, b. Mar. 20, 1883. Mennonite. 6. Annie Laura Heatwole, b. Sept. 7, 1884. Mennonite. 7. Lizzie Maude Heatwole, born Nov. 16, 1889. No. 53. Fifth Generation. 37. 6) Joseph W. Coffman, born at Dale Enterprise, Va., Feb. 19, 1857, was married Mar. 6, 1879, to Sallie Heatwole, born Dec. 19, 1859. P. O. address, Rushville, Rockingham Co., Va. Mennonites. 1. Homer W. Coffman, b. June 3, 1881. Philadelphia, Pa. Mennonite. 2. Mollie G. Coffman, born Oct. 1883. Rushville, Va. Mennonite. 3. Nellie F. Coffman, born Dec. 23, 1896. 41 No. 54. Fifth Generation. 37. 7) Daniel H. Coffman, born at Dale Enterprise, Va., Apr. 4, 1859, was married Feb. 11, 1883, to Sarah R. Guyer, born Feb. 21, 1860. This couple are Mennonites. In 1888 this family moved from Virginia to Indiana, arriving at Elkhart, Ind., Feb. 23, where they located. He worked in the Mennonite Publishing House one year, and in the Gar- den City Tablet Factory two years, when he again resumed his carpenter trade. Their children are: 1. Mattie S. Coffman, born Feb. 4, 1884. 2. Grover F. Coffman, born Jan. 25, 1885. 3. Lizzie D. Coffman, born Nov. 16, 1886. 4. C. Victor Coffman, born June 21, 1888. 5. John W. Coffman, born July 5, 1890, 6. Eva May Coffman, born Sept. 21, 1892. 7. Dorothy Coffman, born Mar. 17, 1894. 8. Anna F. Coffman, born Dec. 22, 1895. 9. Clara Coffman, born Feb. 12, 1897. 10. Mary Coffman, born Nov. 4, 1898. 11. Ruth Coffman, born Apr. 28, 1901. No. 55. Fifth Generation. 37. 9) Sarah C. Coffman, born at Dale Enterprise, Va., Mar. 29, 1863 (Mennonite), was married Nov. 25, 1883, to John Thomas Heatwole (Christian church), born Mar. 28, 1863. P. O. address, Rushville, Va. 1. Oliver W. Heatwole, born Nov. 4, 1884. No church. 2. Stella E. Heatwole, born Oct. 22, 1886. Mennonite. 3. Mattie C. Heatwole, born Sept. 5, 1888. No church. 4. John L. Heatwole, born Sept. 12, 1890. Mennonite. 5. Paul V. Heatwole, born Aug. 15, 1892. Mennonite. 6. Joseph W. Heatwole, born Mar. 3, 1895. 7. Emery B. Heatwole, born Jan. 16, 1899. 8. Ruth F. Heatwole, born May 19, 1902. David and Nellie between Joseph and Emery die'd in infancy. No. 56. Fifth Generation. 37. 10) Fannie V. Coffman, born at Dale Enterprise, Va., Oct. 30, 1865, was married Mar. 6, 1890, to Abraham P. Shenk, a one-armed man, born Feb. 15, 1862, raised at Elida, Allen Co., Ohio. Their present address is Mohea, 42 Warwick Co., Va. Both Mennonites. Their children are: 1. Samuel Coffman Shenk, born May 9, 1891. 2. John M. bhenk, b. July 10, 1893. Died May 21, 1894. 5. Henry Michael Shenk, born Aug. 2, 1894. 4. Mary Catharine ShenK, born Aug. 28, 1896. 0. Jacob Andrew Shenk, born Feb. 17, 1900. 6. Francis Shenk, born Jan. 26, 1902. No. 57. Fifth Generation. 37. 11) Rebecca S. Coffman, born at Dale Enterprise, Va., March 24, 1868, was married Oct. 19, 1888, to Perry D. Hart- man, born Sept. 30, 1866. P. O. address, Harrisonburg, Rockingham Co., Va. Their children are: 1. Fannie E. Hartman, b. Aug. 26, 1889. D. Oct. 26, 1889. 2. Leanna C. Hartman, Dorn Aug. 3, 1890. 3. William F. Hartman (twin), born Sept. 22, 1892. 4. Wildy F. Hartman (twin), born Sept. 22, 1892. 5. Mary M. Hartman, born Mar. 8, 1894. 6. Daniel Hartman, born June 1, 1896. 7. Lewis Hartman, born June 18, 1898. 8. Jacob Hartman, born Dec. 21, 1889. 9. Irene S. Hartman (twin), born Mar. 17, 1902. 10. Pauline R. Hartman (twin), born Mar. 17, 1902. No. 58. Fifth Generation. 36. 1) Christian Wenger, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Jan. 25, 1809, died Oct. 11, 1882, aged 72 years, 8 months, 16 days; was married Oct. 31, 1837, to Mary Wenger (No. 198), born Jan. 13, 1817, same county mentioned above. This family moved in February. 1856, from Lancaster Co., Pa., to Waterloo Co., Canada W^est (now called Ontario), and in October, same year, from last mentioned place to Elkhart 'Co., Ind. Their children are: 1. Infant son, born Feb. 22, 1839. Died same day. 2. Martin D. Wenger, born Mar. 24, 1841. No. 260. 3. Barbara Wenger, born Dec. 10, 1842. No. 261. 4. Michael Wenger. born Nov. 23, 1844. No. 262. 5. Eli Wenger, born Feb. 6, 1847. No. 263. 6. Fanny Wenger, born June 29, 1849. No. 264. 7. Susanna Wenger, b. Dec. 15, 1851. Died Mar. 8, 1864. No. 59. Fifth Generation. 36. 2) David Wenger, born Dec. 22, 1811. died Oct. 15. 1879, aged 68 years, 9 month, 23 days; was married to Bar- 43 bara Oberholser, born Dec. 25, 1817, died Feb. 1, 1870, aged 52 years, 1 month, 13 days. Both were born and died in Lancaster Co., Pa. Oct. 10, 1876, he was married to Matty Sherli, his second wife. No children born to these unions. No. 60. Fifth Generation. 36. 3) Fanny Wenger, born Sept. 7, 1818. was married in January, 1852, to John Burkholder, born Nov. 5, 1807, died May 7, 1862, aged 54 years, 6 months, 2 days. Their chil- dren are: 1. Abraham Burkholder, born Oct. 18, 1852. No. 265. 2. Elisabeth Burkholder, born Nov. 26, 1854. No. 266. No. 61. Third Generation. 3. 9) Benjamin Wenger, born near Edom, Va., Apr. 28, 1781, died Feb. 26, 1865; was married to Mary Ann Mauck, born Aug. 15, 1783, died Dec. 15, 1850. Benjamin Wenger was for many years a minister of the Mennonite church, preaching in the German language. His address was Day- ton, Rockingham Co., Va. Their children are: 1. Anna Wenger, born Sept. 18, 1803. No. 67. 2. Polly Wenger. No date given. No. 68. 3. Christena Wenger, born Jan. 3, 1809. No. 69. 4. Benjamin Wenger, born May 23, 1811. No. 70. 5. Samuel Wenger, born July 16, 1813. No. 71. 6. Ephraim Wenger, born Sept. 9, 1815. No. 72. 7. John Wenger. No date given. No. 73. 8. Daniel Wenger, born Nov. 18, 1820. No. 74. 9. Susanna Wenger, born Nov. 25, 1823. No. 271. No. 62. Third Generation. 3. 14) Joseph Wenger, born near Edom, Rockingham Co., Va., Sept. 17, 1794, died at the same place Feb. 14, 1865; was married Apr. 28, 1818, to Barbara Beery, born in Newmarket, Shenandoah Co., Va., died at Edom, first named county, Aug. 26, 1871. Joseph Wenger was born and raised on a farm at Edom, Rockingham Co., Va. His father died when Joseph was at the age of 18 years, which made it necessary for him to settle the estate as administrator, and also have in charge the large farm and the widowed mother with her small children. School privileges in those days were very limited, and the pressure of the above business made it still more difficult for him to procure a school education. 44 The few schools then in existence were in the German language, which he attended only a short time, not having access to schools in the English language. But he mastered science by employing spare moments, like many other self- made men. He thoroughly mastered English, German, and vocal music, and understood French, Greek and Latin fairly well, having taught school a number of terms during the winter months. During the fall of 1864 he had a severe spell of fever and before he had fully recovered, his barn was burned by the soldiers of the Civil War, and in his attempt to keep the fire from the house and other buildings, his strength was overpowered, from which he never fully recovered, and died on Feb. 14, 1865. In early life he and his wife united with the Mennonite church. Written by his son, JOSEPH H. WENGER. South English, Iowa. Their children are: 1. Catharine Wenger, born Mar. 20, 1819. No. 80. 2. John B. Wenger, born Sept. 16, 1820. No. 81. 3. Elisabeth Wenger, born May 21, 1822. No. 82. 4. Isaac Wenger, born Nov. 22, 1823. No. 83. 5. Abraham Wenger, born May 31, 1825. No. 84. 6. Anna Wenger, born Jan. 8, 1827. No. 85. 7. Jacob Wenger, born June 4, 1829. No. 86. 8. Barbara Wenger, born June 20, 1831. No. 87. 9. Mary Wenger, born May 21, 1833. No. 88. 10. Joseph H. Wenger, born Nov. 15, 1835. No. 89. No. 63. Third Generation. 3. 15) Elisabeth Wenger, born near Edom, Va., Apr. 13, 1796. died Feb. 27, 1869, was married to Abraham Beery, who died early in the fifties near Harrisonburg, Va. Menno- nites. Their children are: 1. Anna Beery, born Mar. 17, 1819. No. 90. 2. Magdalena Beery, b. Ap. 22, '22. D. single Mar. 21,'50. 3. Barbara Beery (twin), born Jan. 4, 1825. No, 91. 4. Elisabeth Beery (twin), born Jan. 4, 1825. No. 92. 5. Henry C. Beery, b. Jan. 27, 1827. D. single Dec. 25,'95. 6. Abraham W. Beery, born Mar. 28, 1829. No. 93. 7. Mary Beery, born Feb. 15, 1831. No. 94. 8. Catharine Beery, born Apr. 10, 1833. Single (1900), Rockingham Co., Va. 45 9. Lydia Beery, born Jan. 3, 1836. No. 95. No. 64. Third Generation. 3. 17) Magdalena Wenger, born near Edom, Va., Nov. 6, 1800, died Apr. 12, 1876; was married Aug. 25, 1819, to John K. Beery, born June 4, 1801, died Oct. 11, 1885. Mennonites. Their address was Edom, Rockingham Co., Va. Their chil- dren are: 1. Elisabeth Beery, born Nov. 6, 1820. No. 164. 2. Anna Beery, born Aug. 13, 1822. No. 165. 3.' Barbara Beery, born Apr. 29, 1824, No. 166. 4. Sally Beery, born Feb. 4, 1826. No. 167. 5. Hannah Beery (twin), born Jan. 26, 1828. No. 168. 6. Susanna Beery (twin), born Jan. 26, 1828. No. 169. 7. Lydia Beery, born Jan. 6, 1830. No. 170. 8. Noah Beery, born Aug. 31, 1831. No. 171. 9. Catharine Beery, born Sept. 29, 1833. No. 182. 10. Isaac N. Beery, born Sept. 4, 1835. No. 173. 11. John C. Beery, born Apr. 5, 1837. No. 174. 12. Joseph Beery, born Apr. 5, 1839. No. 175. 13. Magdalena Beery, born June 2, 1841. No. 176. 14. Mary Beery, born Dec. 20, 1843. No. 177. 15. DeWitt C. Beery, born Feb. 27, 1846. No. 178. No. 65. Third Generation. 3. 18) Henry Wenger, born near Edom, Va., Feb. 3, 1804,. died Dec. 4, 1888; was married Apr. 17, 1827, to Anna Beery, born Dec. 20, 1808, died April 15, 1879. P. O. address, Edom, Rockingham Co., Va. Henry Wenger was the eighteenth and youngest child of his father's (Joseph Wenger's) family by his second wife. He was a small man, and from childhood was of rather- delicate health, until he reached the age of nearly eighty years, when he became stout and robust for a man of his age. Therefore, his last four or five years were the best part of his life so far as health was concerned. He was of a sensitive disposition in deciding between right and wrong, always giving credit to things that were right, while • things that were wrong he would condemn in the most emphatic way. While he was possessed of great intellectual faculties, yet, like his brothers, his school education was limited. Therefore he also was a self-made man. Unlike- 46 any of his many brothers and sisters, he never united with any church. JOSEPH H. WENGER, South English, Iowa. Their children are: 1. Elisabeth Wenger, born Feb. 3, 1828. No. 97. 2. Joseph Wenger. Died young. 3. Michael Wenger. Died young. 4. Anna R. Wenger, born Oct. 15, 1836. No. 98. 5. B. Kate Wenger, born Aug. 5, 1838. No. 99. 6. Mary (called Pet) Wenger, b. July 18, 1842. No. 100. 7. Fannie Wenger, born Jan. 21, 1848. No. 101. No. 66. Third Generation. 2. 3) Hans Wenger, born Feb. 28, 1761, in Lancaster Co., Pa., was married to Barbara Gundie, and had only three daughters. One was married to Christian Zimmerman (brother to Bish. Yochel Zimmerman), and one to Abraham Overholser (father of Jacob, John, Joseph, Abraham, Samuel, Barbara (see No. 59) and Susanna); and the other was married to a certain Groff. No. 67. Fourth Generation. 61. 1) Anna Wenger, born Sept. 18, 1803, died Jan. 9, 1872; was married to Joseph Harshbarger. Mennonites. P. O. address. Mount Crawford, Rockingham Co., Va. Their children are: 1. Lydia Harshbarger, born Aug. 19, 1824. 2. Susan Harshbarger, born Sept. 18, 1825. 3. Francis Harshbarger, born fall of 1826. 4. Abraham Harshbarger, born Apr. 21, 1828. 5. Anna Harshbarger, b. Aug. 6, 1829. Died May 7, 1896. 6. Isaac Harshbarger, born June 12, 1831. 7. Jacob Harshbarger, born May 12, 1832. 8. Mary Harshbarger, born in fall of 1833. 9. Christena Harshbarger, born May 29, 1835. 10. Barbara Harshbarger, born Apr. — , 1837. 11. Elisabeth Harshbarger, born Mar. 1, 1839. No. 398. 12. John Harshbarger, born Jan. 2, 1842. 13. Sarah Harshbarger, born Apr. 1, 1844. No. 68. Fourth Generation. 61. 2) Polly Wenger, date of birth not given, was married to Peter Burkholder. They were Mennonites. P. O. address, 47 Harrisonburg, Rockingham Co., Va. They had five children, but most of them are dead. No record could be found. No. 69. Fourth Generation. 61. 3) Christena Wenger, born near Dayton, Va., Jan. 3, 1809, died Aug. 3, 1861; was married to Jacob Good, who died in 1900. They were Mennonites. P. O. address, Cherrygrove, Rockingham Co., Va. Had no children. No. 70. Fourth Generation. 61. 4) Benjamin Wenger, born near Dayton, Va., May 23, 1811, died July 9, 1890; was married to Barbara Blosser. They were Mennonites. P. O. address, Dayton, Rocking- ham Co., \a. Their children are: 1. Noah C. Wenger, born Oct. 5, 1835. No. 272. 2. Abraham B. Wenger, born June 13, 1839. No. 184. 3. Magdalene Wenger, born Aug. 10, 1846. No. 626. No. 71. Fourth Generation. 61. 5) Samuel Wenger, born near Dayton, Va., July 16, 1813, died Sept. 11, 1861; was married to Eva Kagy, Sept. 8, 1834. Mennonites. P. O. address, Dayton, Rockingham Co., Va. Their children are: 1. Barbara Wenger, born Nov. 8, 1835. Died 1901. 2. Mary Wenger, b. Dec. 30, 1837. Married Henry Geil. 3. Magdalene Wenger, born Apr. 2, 1840. 4. Christena Wenger, born Mar. 20, 1842. 5. Anna Wenger, born Aug. 4, 1844. Married Solomon Beery, Address, Dayton, Va. 6. Susan Wenger, born Feb. 1, 1847. 7. Eva K. Wenger, born Sept. 10, 1849. No. 729. No. 72. Fourth Generation. 61. 6) Ephraim Wenger, born near Dayton, Va., Sept. 9, 1815, died Jan. 26, 1893; was married to Susanna Good. Mennonites. P. O. address, Dayton, Rockingham Co., Va. Their children are: 1. Peter Wenger, born Oct. 14, 1840. Married Mary Geil, first wife, and Katie Geil, second wife. Dale Enter- prise, Va. 2. Benjamin Wenger, born Jan. 16, 1842. 3. Jacob Wenger, born Nov. 8, 1843. Married Priscilla Geil, Rushville, Va. 4. Christena Wenger, born Oct. 17, 1845. 48 5. John Wenger, born June 29, 1848. 6. Ephraim Wenger. Died quite young. 7. Simeon Wenger. Died quite young. 8. Susanna Wenger, born Feb. 16, 1856. No. 73. Fourth Generation. 61. 7) John Wenger. No record more than that he mar- ried a Miss Burkholder and went west many years ago. We are sorry that more particulars could not be had of Nos. 67, 71, 72 and 73. JOSEPH H. WENGER, South English, Iowa. No. 74. Fourth Generation. 61. 8) Daniel Wenger, born near Dayton, Va., Nov. 18, 1820, died Aug. 29, 1889; was married to Sarah Coffman. Mennonites. P. O. address, Dayton, Rockingham Co., Va. Their children are: 1. Gideon Wenger, born Mar. 1, 1843. No. 231. 2. Benjamin Wenger, born July 7, 1844. 3. Samuel Wenger, born May 2, 1846. No. 547. 4. Daniel Wenger, born Apr. 7, 1848. No. 232. 5. Anna Wenger, born Jan. 3, 1850. No. 233. 6. David Wenger, born Mar. 2, 1852. Died young. 7. Elisabeth Wenger, born May 19, 1854. No. 234. S. Sarah Wenger, b. Apr. 24, 1856. M'd Christian Good. 9. Solomon Wenger, born Dec. 8, i857. No. 728. 10. Mary Wenger, born Aug. 22, 1860. Single. 11. Moses Wenger, born July 13, 1862. No. 480. 12. John M. Wenger, born Mar. 22, 1865. No. 235. No. 75. Fourth Generation. 14. 1) Dr. Elias Wenger, born at Hermitage, Augusta Co., Va., died at Gilman, Iroquois Co., 111., Aug., 28, 1887; was married to Eliza J. Smith, Apr. 19, 1842, his first wife, who died Jan. 18, 1880. In 1848 they moved to Washington, Tazewell Co., 111. Their children are: 1. Mary E. Wenger, born Nov. 15, 1843. 2. Louisa A. Wenger, born Oct. 15, 1845. No. 237. 3. Abraham A. Wenger, born July 20, 1847. 4. Joseph W. Wenger, born Sept. 28, 1851. No. 186. 5. Charles P. Wenger, born Apr. 17, 1856. No. 187. 6. Daniel B. Wenger, born Jan. 13, 1859. No. 188. 7. Nellie Wenger, born Feb. 15, 1865. No. 457. 4 49 Aug. 25, 1880, Elias Wenger was married to Estelle M. Shaw, his second wife, who is now (1900) living at Staun- ton, Augusta Co., Va. No children. No. 76. Fourth Generation. 14. 4) Elisabeth Wenger, born at Hermitage, Augusta Co.,. Va., Jan. 27, 1831, died Aug. 1896; Mennonite; was married to Abraham Kindig, who died in May, 1896, in Augusta Co., Va. Their children are: 1. David E. Kindig, b. about 1850. A Dunkard minister. 2. Leah Kindig, born about 1852. Married Dr. Switzer. Harrisonburg, Va. No. n. Fourth Generation. 14. 5) John W. Wenger, born July 1, 1837, at Hermitage,. Augusta Co., Va., was married Jan. 9, 1862, to Mary E. Cress, his first wife, who died Oct. 31, 1868, in Illinois. Their children: 1. Mary Ellen Wenger, born Jan. 15, 1863. Married James H. HinkelT, Omaha, Neb. 2. Ida M. Wenger, born Nov. 12, 1865. Married A. A. Jones, Staunton, Va. He was married to Susan Jane Tobias, nee Cress, his. second wife, who died in Oct., 1877. Their children are: 3. John David Wenger, b. Nov. 5, '72. Single. N. Y. City. 4. Charles Abraham Wenger, born Dec. 10, 1876. Mar- ried Lula Stump. He was married Mar. 4, 1880, to Anna R. Tisinger, of Mt. Jackson, Va., his third wife. Their children are: 5. Elisabeth Wenger, b. Dec. 16, 1880. Died Mar. 17, '89. 6. Joseph Wenger, b. Aug. 16, 1882, Died Dec. 21, 1896. 7. Bernard G. Wenger, born Jan. 29, 1884. 8. Anna R. Wenger, born Sept. 16, 1888. John W. Wenger's present address (1900) is Wood- stock, Va. No. 78. Fourth Generation. 14. 6) Mary J. Wenger, born at Hermitage, Augusta Co., Va., Sept. 1, 1840, died Aug. 18, 1886; was married to Peter Wine. P. O. address. Hermitage, Augusta Co., Va. Their children are: 1. John M. Wine. 2. Sue Wine. 3. Charles Wine. 50 4. James Wine. 5. Emma Wine (twin). Married E. A. Miller, Los Angeles, Cal. 6. Alice Wine (twin). 7. Emmert Wine. No. 79. Fourth Generation. 14. 7) Barbara Wenger, born at Hermitage, Augusta Co., Va., May 2, 1848, died May 29, 1875; was married to Thomas Cox. P. O. address, Sport, Augusta Co., Va. Their children are: 1. Minnie B. Cox, born Sept. 28, 1868. No. 548. . 2. Leola Cox, born Oct. 14, 1870. Address, Sport, Va. 3. Charles E. Cox, born Feb. 14, 1872. Died Oct. 1878. No. 80. Fourth Generation. 62. 1) Catharine Wenger, born at Edom, Va., Mar. 20, 1819, died June 27, 1890; was married Aug. 30, 1838, to Isaac Grove, born May 16, 1820, who was a Mennonite min- ister and died May 24, 1899. P. O. address, New Hope, Augusta Co., Va. Catharine Wenger, at the age of 18 years, married Isaac Grove, who was a Mennonite minister, and lived and died near New Hope, Augusta Co., Va., at the age of over 70 years. She was of a kind, motherly disposition, pos- sessing the same good qualities as did her four younger sisters. They seem to have inherited their good qualities from good parental training. She was a member of the Mennonite church. Her brother, JOSEPH H. WENGER, South English, Iowa. Their children are: 1. Elisabeth Grove, born Aug. 10, 1839. No. 107. 2. Barbara Grove, born Oct. 18, 1840. No. 108. 3. Joseph W. Grove, born Mar. 24, 1842. No. 109. 4. Nancy Grove, born Mar. 23, 1844. No. 110. 5. Mary Grove, born Aug. 23, 1845. No. 111. 6. Catharine Grove, born Jan. 20, 1848. No. 112. 7. Susanna Grove, born Jan. 17, 1850. No. 113, 8. Isaac Grove, born Nov. 23, 1851. No. 114. 9. Noah Grove, born May 17, 1854. No. 115. 10. Jacob A. Grove, born Dec. 7, 1856. No. 116. 51 No. 81. Fourth Generation. 62. 2) John B. Wenger, born at Edom, Va., Sept. 16, 1820, died suddenly Mar. 31, 1883; was married Aug. 17, 1843, to Anna Shank, who was born Sept. 15, 1824, and died at Har- risonburg, Va. John B. Wenger was a man of rather delicate health from his childhood to old age, and yet he always had an eye to business, and in a financial way he accumulated a great amount of this world's goods. He always donated liberally to charitable purposes; and poor people were generally supplied from his immense stock of provisions. He raised a small family, whose reputation cannot be doubted by anyone. For 25 or 30 years he was a consistent member of the Mennonite church, after which time he seemed to consider his duty in a different way, and united with the Dunkard Brethren, in which church he was an arduous worker during his life. J. H. W. Their children are: 1. Elisabeth Wenger, born Sept. 1, 1848. No. 117. 2. John A. Wenger, born Aug. 26, 1859. No. 118. 3. David H. Wenger, born July 23, 1862. Died single, Aug. 20, 1890. No. 82. Fourth Generation. 62. 3) Elisabeth Wenger, born at Edom, \a.. May 21, 1822, still living (1902) ; was married Nov. 11, 1841, to Jacob Blosser, born Feb. 25, 1816, and died at Macon City, Mo., July 6, 1882. Elisabeth Wenger Blosser was naturally of a delicate constitution, yet her sphere in life was a useful one. She is still living (Nov. 26, 1902) at the advanced age of over 80 years, with her only son at Atlanta, Georgia. Like her sisters she is of a kind and noble disposition. In early life she and her husband united with the Mennonite church, of which she is still a member. J. H. W, One son: "^ 1. Joseph Wenger Blosser, born Apr. 23, 1844. No. 119. No. 83. Fourth Generation. 62. 4) Isaac Wenger, born at Edom, Va., Nov. 22, 1823, was married Mar. 16, 1848, to Lydia Brenneman, born Nov. 10, 1827, died Mar. 4, 1903. P. O. address, Linville, Rock- ingham Co., Va. 52 Isaac Wenger, like his brother John B., was an excep- tional expert in business management, and yet he was never in a hurry; neither did he ever hurry any of the men in his employ, of whom he always had many — nor did he seem to have any trouble with anyone. When trouble was in the act of arising he would kill it with love and kind- ness. It was said that he owned about 1,600 acres of land on Linville's Creek in Rockingham Co., Va., and including two large flouring mills, all of which he himself superin- tended in his easy, good-natured way. He was a staff and benefactor to poor people. He and his wife united with the Mennonite church some time in the forties, and on Nov. 26, 1902, he is still living at a ripe old age. J. H. W. Their children are: 1. Anna Wenger, born July 1, 1849. No. 120. '; 2. Joseph Wenger, born Oct. 28, 1850. No. 121. 3. Jacob C. Wenger, born Jan. 19, 1853. No. 122. 4. Henry H. Wenger, born Feb. 14, 1856. No. 123. 5. Barbara Wenger, born Oct. 27, 1858. Died single, Oct. 17, 1896. 6. Isaac B. Wenger, born Oct. 10, 1860. No. 124. 7. David Wenger, born Apr. 20, 1863. No. 125. 8. Minnie C. Wenger, born Mar. 12, 1865. No. 126. 9. John J. Wenger, born Nov. 16, 1866. No. 127. 10. William H. Wenger, born Aug. 25, 1869. No. 128. No. 84. Fourth Generation. 62. 5) Abraham Wenger, born at Edom, Va., May 31, 1825, died Mar. 21, 1870; was married Apr. 6, 1848, to Sarah Geil, born June 12, 1823, died in Morgan Co., Mo., Feb. 3, 1892. Emigrated from Melrose, Va., to Morgan Co., Mo., in April, 1869. Abraham Wenger was a stout, hearty, robust man, but death called him shortly after he had passed the milestone of middle age. It seemed that he possessed an inexhaustible supply of ingenuity in a mechanical way. While he had a good home of his own in Missouri, yet right at the entrance of prosperity for him, death called him away, and our great loss was his eternal gain. He raised a fine, prosperous family, who may be considered among the best people on earth. He, like his older brothers, was naturally endowed with kindness and hospitality. He and his wife in early 53 life united with the Mennonite church, and were devoted to Christianity. J. H. W. Their children (all born in Rockingham Co., Va.,) are: 1. John R. Wenger, born Jan. 20, 1848. No. 129. 2. Mary E. Wenger, born Mar. 9, 1850. No. 130. 3. Joseph Wenger, born Jan. 28, 1852. Died Nov. 8, 1863. 4. Michael Wenger, born Nov. 12, 1853. No. 131. 5. Barbara Catharine Wenger, born Sept. 5, 1855. Died Nov. 2, 1863. 6. Abraham Wenger, born Dec. 14, 1857. No. 132. 7. Priscilla Wenger, born Jan. 21, 1860. No. 133. 8. Lewis Wenger, born June 12, 1863. No. 134. No. 85. Fourth Generation. 62. 6) Anna Wenger, born at Edom, Va., Jan. 8, 1827, died near Harrisonburg, Va., Apr. 25, 1892; was married in 1844 to John P. Good, born in 1821, died Feb. 1, 1879. Anna Wenger, at the age of 17 years, married John P. Good and lived and died near Harrisonburg, Rockingham county, Virginia. She was an exceptionally kind-hearted woman, always helping the poor and doing good wherever needed. She was also highly esteemed on account of her Christian graces. She was truly a light in the sense of the scriptural injunction, "Let your light shine," etc. She was much concerned about the welfare of others and especially her children. She died suddenly while taking a noonday rest. She and her husband were Mennonites. J. H. W. Their children are: 1. Barbara C. Good, born Apr. 2, 1845. No. 135. 2. Christena Good, born Sept. — , 1846. No. 136. 3. Elisabeth Good, born Jan. 26, 1848. No. 137. 4. Joseph Good. Died young. 5. Isaac Good, born Feb. 7, 1851. No. 138. 6. John F. Good, born Mar. 19, 1853. No. 139. 7. Anna Good. Died young. No. 86. Fourth Generation. 62. 7) Jacob Wenger, born at Edom, Rockingham Co., Va., June 4, 1829, died July 22, 1879; was married Mar. 13, 1853, to Hannah Brenneman. Jacob Wenger was a man of industry, integrity and piety; very exact in business, a strong advocate of peace 54 principles and non-conformity to the world, and a faithful, consistent member of the Mennonite church. When forced into the Confederate army and shouldering the musket, he remarked that by compulsion he would be obedient that far, but assured the officers that he would hurt no one. In his every-day life he practiced the principles that he always advocated, and was true to his convictions regardless of cost. His life was worthy of imitation. By his son, SOLOMON B. WENGER, South English, Iowa. P. O. address, Greenmount, Rockingham Co., Va. Their children are: 1. Christian Wenger, b. Mar. 6, 1854. D. Nov. 13, 1863. 2. Barbara Wenger, born May 17, 1855. No. 140. 3. Solomon B. Wenger, born Jan. 7, 1857. No. 141. 4. Anna Wenger, born Oct. 7, 1858. No. 142. 5. Lydia Wenger, born May 10, 1860. No. 143. 6. Adam Wenger, born Feb. 9, 1862. No. 144. 7. Timothy Wenger, born Feb. 18, 1864. No. 145. 8. Amos D. Wenger, born Nov. 25, 1867. No. 146. 9. Samuel M. Wenger, b. Sept. 5, 1870. D. Feb. 23, 1893. 10. Magdalena Wenger, born Oct. 24, 1872. No. 147. 11. Katie E. Wenger. born Mar. 25, 1875. No. 185. No. 87. Fourth Generation. 62. 8) Barbara Wenger, born at Edom, Va., June 20, 1831, died May 24, 1892; was married Nov. 30, 1848, to Martin H. Grove, who died . Barbara Wenger, at the age of 17 years, married Mar- tin H. Grove, and lived four miles south of Waynesboro, Augusta Co., Va. She lived to a good old age, and died rather suddenly, her sickness being of about 30 minutes' duration. She was the precise type of her sisters in kind- ness and innocence as well as all other good qualities. She and her husband united early in life with the Mennonite church. J. H. W. Address, Waynesboro, Augusta Co., Va. Their chil- dren are: 1. Joseph W. Grove, bom Feb. 24, 1851. No. 148. 2. Henry M. Grove, born Apr. 15, 1853. No. 149. 3. Anna M. Grove, born June 24, 1855. No. 150. 4. Barbara C. Grove, born Apr. 19, 1857. No. 151. 55 5. Jacob S. Grove, born May 3, 1859. No. 152. 6. Mary E. Grove, born Mar. 24, 1861. No. 153. 7. Abraham F. Grove, born Dec. 9, 1864. No. 154. 8. Fannie S. Grove, born Aug. 5, 1867. No. 155. 9. Robert A. Grove, born Sept. 20, 1870. No. 156. No. 88. Fourth Generation, 62. 9) Mary Wenger, born at Edom, Va., May 21, 1833; was married May 15, 1851, to Jacob Geil, born Aug. 31, 1828. P. O. address, Edom, Rockingham Co., Va. Mary Wenger Geil is the youngest of five sisters, and in these sisters is a very marked similarity in regard to the good qualities they possessed. Surely the writer is proud of such sisters, and thinks that these good qualities are due to proper parental training, and as the writer is the tenth, and youngest of this family, he thinks that we cannot suf- ficiently thank our parents for the timely advice they gave us during our childhood. Mary and her husband are living at the old homestead where she was raised at Edom, Va. Both are living at present (Nov. 26, 1902), and are con- secrated Mennonites. J. H. W. Their children are: 1. Catharine V. Geil, born July 6, 1853. No. 157. 2. Barbara A. Geil, born Feb. 11, 1855. No. 158. 3. Joseph Wenger Geil, born Oct. 8, 1858. No. 159. No. 89. Fourth Generation. 62. 10) Joseph H. Wenger, who was born at Edom, Rock- ingham Co., Va., Nov. 15, 1835, and came to South English^ Keokuk Co., Iowa, Sept. 13, 1861, was married Apr. 5, 1868,. to Elisabeth L. McAfferty, who was born in Waj^ne Co., O.,. May 8, 1843, and came to South English, Iowa, in 1S55. P. O. address. South English, Keokuk Co., Iowa. Joseph H. Wenger, the tenth and youngest of his father's family, is a man small of stature, and was of a hearty constitution unttf^ hfe" -v^fes 41?' years of age when a spell of sickness for seven years- affli-eted him. At the age of 26 he regained his health and energy, and retained it uniil the declining years of old age, and at the present date, Nov. 26, 1902, is more active at 67 years than the majority of his age. He came to South English, Iowa, on Sept. 13, 1861, and braved the tide of pioneer life as a farmer and stock raiser, in which he was successful, being 56 No. 37. Bishop Samuel Coffman. a close observer and well posted in business. His clear conception and foresight made him useful in his community as an adviser, and was generally selected as such in un- raveling difficult problems. He is liberal to the poor and needy, and ready for charitable purposes and especially for those of a religious nature. He emphatically denounces backbiting because of differences in religious views. He is an ardent inquirer and searcher in the deepest depths of history and old-time events and relics, the older the better, and took a very active part in the construction and publica- tion of this Wenger history by searching every possible avenue that would bring any history to the front. At middle age, on Oct. 23, 1881, he and his wife united with the Brethren church. Retiring from business in 1894, they have traveled over the majority of the states and territories in the United States and Canada, and many of them a num- ber of times. SOLOMON B. WENGER, South English, Iowa. Their children are: 1. John H. Wenger, born Feb. 15, 1869, in Iowa. No. 160. 2. Benj. Franklin Wenger, b. Apr. 17, '71, in la. No. 161. 3. Homer C. Wenger, b. Dec. 24, 1872, in la. No. 162. 4. Mollie D. Wenger, b. Mar. 7, 1874, in Iowa. No. 163. No. 90. Fourth Generation. 63. 1) Anna Beery, born near Harrisonburg, Va., Mar. 17,. 1819, died Sept. 8, 1861; was married in 1838 to David Burk- holder. Mennonites. P. O. address, Harrisonburg, Rock- ingham Co., Va. Their children are: 1. Francis Burkholder, b. Jan. 17, 1840. D. May 5, 1868. 2. Catharine A. Burkholder, b. Jan..l,'47. D. Aug. 19, '74. 3. Abraham B. Burkholder, born Jan. 4, 1850. No. 784. 4. David H. Burkholder, born Jan. 16, 1852. No. 785. 5. Margaret Burkholder, b. Mar. 16, '54. D. Sept. 17, '57. No. 91. Fourth Generation. 63. 3) Barbara Beery (twin to her sister Elisabeth), born near Harrisonburg, Va., Jan. 4, 1825, died Dec. 9, 1854; was married Apr. 15, 1851, to Abraham Lehman. They were Mennonites. Their children are: 1. Mary A. Lehman, born Feb. 7, 1852. Was married to 57 Sam'l Weaver 'in 1868. Died July 20, 1890. 2. Martin A. Lehman, born May 22, 1854. Was married to Kate Shank in 1874. No. 92. Fourth Generation. 63. 4) Elisabeth Beery (twin to her sister Barbara), born near Harrisonburg, Va., Jan. 4, 1825, died Sept. 16, 1873; was married in the fall of 1845 to Joseph Rhodes. They were Mennonites. Their children are: 1. Abraham B. Rhodes, born Mar. 8, 1848. No. 789. 2. David B. Rhodes, born May 18', 1851. No. 790. 3. Anna Rhodes, born Nov. 19, 1852. No. 791. 4. Levi S. Rhodes, born Sept. 6, 1854. No. 792. 5. Mary Rhodes, born in Aug. 12, 1856. Died in 1859. 6. Anthony Rhodes, born in Oct. 22, 1858. No. 793. 7. Ammi Rhodes, born Apr. 12, 1860. No. 794. 8. Hiram Rhodes, born Apr. 8, 1862. No. 795. 9. Elisabeth Rhodes, born Sept. 16, 1865. No. 796. 10. J. Perry Rhodes, born Oct. 22, 1867. No. 93. Fourth Generation. 63. 6) Abraham W. Beery, born near Harrisonburg, Va., Mar. 28, 1829, was married Feb. 6, 1866, to Martha McCord, of Woodford Co., 111., who was born Oct. 4, 1841, This family emigrated from Illinois to California in April, 1890. P. O. address. South Pasadena, Los Angeles Co., Cal. A. W. Beery was born of parents who were considered among the best people in Rockingham Co., Va., as were also his grandparents. They were noted for their pious and religious characteristics in the denomination of the Mennonite church. The writer knew them well, and knows whereof he speaks, that Mr. Beery's parents were among the best people in the Old Dominion. The subject of this sketch was born a natural business man, and became a man of wealth; and while he was shrewd in driving sharp bargains, it was said by his neighbors that he was just in dealing with his fellow-man, and that his word was as good as his bond. However, very different from his parents, brother, sisters and relatives, he never believed the Bible nor in religious principles; neither did he believe in future reward or punishment. Mr. Beery's health had been fail- ing for over a year, when on Feb. 8, 1903, he died at his 58 home in South Pasadena, California, at the age of nearly ii years. The body was privately cremated a few days later. He leaves a worthy and intelligent wife and two daughters. J, H. W. Their children are: 1. Minnie V. Beery, b. Apr. 12, 1867. Died Dec. 13, 1883. 2. May E. Beery, born Dec. 10, 1868. 3. Abraham D. Beery, b. Oct. 20, 1873. D. July 22, 1898. 4. Mary E. Beery, born June 3, 1878. No. 94. Fourth Generation. 63. 7) Mary Beery, born near Harrisonburg, Va., Feb. 15, 1831, died in 1882; was married Apr. 21, 1855, to David Landes. Mary Beery and David Landes were cousins and come in the record both ways. Therefore see No. 477. Mennonites. Their children are:^ 1. Elisabeth Landes, born July 6, 1856. No. 478. 2. Sarah Landis, born June 15, 1858. Nos. 259 and 479. 3. Nannie C. Landis, b. Oct.. 9, 1860. Nos. 230 and 480. 4. Mary Landis, born Oct. 27, 1862. 5. Emma V. Landis, born July 2, 1869. No. 95. Fourth Generation. 63. 9) Lydia Beery, born near Harrisonburg, Va., Jan. 3, 1836, was married Jan. 7, 1875, to John W. Sutlers, who died Nov. 15, 1896, at Harrisonburg, Va. Mennonites. Their children are: 1. Daughter, born May 21, 1876. Died June 3, 1876. 2. Sallie C. Suthers, born Aug. 18, 1880. No. 96. Fourth Generation. 15. 4) Richard Winger, born in Knox Co., O., Apr. 26, 1827, died Jan. 29, 1885; was married Apr. 18, 1850, to Margaret Brady, born in Green Co., O., May 17, 1831, and died Sept. 25, 1896. AFFIDAVIT. You will see that my father spells the name Wenger, which we think is the proper German name, but was always hard to pronounce correctly. On coming to Illinois in 1848 we adopted the i, making the name Winger, which is more easily spoken. We have invariably written and spoken the name Winger, and the same was adopted by all the mem- 59 bers of the family as they came to Illinois, my father included. Signed, RICHARD WINGER. JOHN WINGER (see No. 403). Subscribed and sworn to before M. L. Marsh, J. P.^ Feb. 16, 1882, Aledo, 111. P. O. address, Millersburg, Mercer Co., 111. Their chil- dren are: 1. Clarence B. Winger, born Jan. 26, 1851. No. 179. 2. Sarah E. Winger, born Nov. 26, 1853. No. 180. 3. Harry E. Winger, born Dec. 24, 1855. No. 181. 4. Alice R. V/inger, born May 7, 1863. No. 182. 5. Jesse A. Winger, born Apr. 27, 1865. No. 183. 6. Edith Winger, born May 25, 1867. Single (1900). No. 97. Fourth Generation. 65. 1) Elisabeth Wenger born at Edom, Va., Feb. 3, 1828, was married Nov. 30, 1848, to Abraham Geil, born Oct. 19,. 1824. Mennonites. P. O. address. Sky, Rockingham Co.,. Va. Their children are : 1. John Henry Geil, b. Aug. 4, 1850. M'd Kate Tyler. 2. Anna Priscilla Geil, born Dec. 31, 1853. Married John G. Miller, Oct. 15, 1872. 3. Sarah C. Geil, born Nov. 18, 1856. Married Matt. Fulk, May 13, 1874. 4. Jacob S. Geil, born May 11, 1859. Married Minnie Wenger, Dec. 20, 1882. 5. David S. Geil, born Nov. 25, 1862. Married Clara Wenger, Oct. 8, 1890. 6. Dr. Frank Geil, born May 28, 1864. Married Minnie Helbert, Feb. 17, 1895. No. 98. Fourth Generation. 65. 4) Anna R. Wenger, born at Edom, Va., Oct. 15, 1836, was married Dec. 1, 1861, to Jacob Lineweaver, born Dec. 15, 1836. Presbyterians. P. O. address, Chrisman, Rock- ingham Co., Va. Their children are: 1. Sallie C. Lineweaver, born Apr. 8, 1863. Living in Va. 2. Mary C. Lineweaver, b. May 16, 1864. Living in Va. 3. Henry A. Lineweaver, b. May 1, 1868. Brooklyn, la. 4. Jacob W. Lineweaver, b. Dec. 11, *69. So. English, la. 5. Joseph L. Lineweaver, b. May 6, 1871. Chrisman, Va. All single (1902). 60 No. 99. Fourth Generation. 65. 5) B. Kate Wenger, born at Eddm, Va., Apr. 5, 1838, ivas married Nov. 29, 1860, to Jacob M. Miller, born Aug. 28, 1836, who died, and the widow married Michael Miller, who died July, 1902. P. O. address, Edom, Rockingham Co., Va. Dunkards. Their children are: 1. Henry W. Miller, b. July 6, 1863. Died Aug. 11, 1865. 2. John J. D. Miller, born June 29, 1866. Married Min- nie C. Wampler, June 18, 1889. No. 100. Fourth Generation. 65. 6) Mary Wenger, born at Edom, Va., July 18, 1842, was married Mar. 7, 1861, to David H. Myers, born June 2, 1839. P. O. address, Rockingham, Ray Co., Mo. Dunkards. Their children are: 1. Henry W. Myers, b. July 25, 1862. Died Sept. 20, 1863. 2. Katie A. Myers, born Apr. 6, 1865. 3. Jacob S. Myers, born Jan. 27, 1867. No. 101. Fourth Generation. 65. 7) Fannie Wenger, born at Edom, Va., Jan. 21, 1848, was married May 12, 1870, to William T. Lineweaver, born Nov. 14, 1846. P. O. address. South English, la. William T. Lineweaver and wife emigrated from Edom, Rockingham Co., Va., to South English, Iowa, in Feb. 1874, and comes in second as a member of the Mennonite or- ganization near South English. With untiring zeal in the Master's cause in the capacity of the deacon's office, he, with S. B. Wenger, caused the church to bud and bloom, and now since other good material has been added there is nothing to hinder success. His wife is also a member, and is a pleasant, sociable, model woman, and her presence is a blessing to the community. J. H. W. One child: 1. Henry W. Lineweaver, born Sept. 6, 1874, who mar- ried Miss Maud Artis, born Nov. 28, 1877, married Jan. 19, 1895. South English, Iowa. No. 102. Fifth Generation. 20. • 1) Nancy C. Wenger, born Mar. 8. 1833, was married Feb. 27, 1857, to John L. Wampler. P. O. address, Moscow, Augusta Co., Va. Their children are: 1. Mary S. Wampler, born June 17, 1858. 2. Margaret A. Wampler, born Aug. 23, 1860. 61 3. Joseph D. Wampler, born Aug. 17, 1862. 4. Barbara J. Wampler, born Sept. 18, 1864. 5. Henry Wampler, born Jan. 4, 1867. 6. Elisabeth M. Wampler, born May 3, 1868. 7. Sarah F. Wampler, born Aug. 16, 1870. 8. Levi D, Wampler, born Jan. 8, 1873. No. 103. Fifth Generation. 20. 2) Martin H. Wenger, born Sept. 19, 1834, died Apr. 3, 1894; was married Jan. 2, 1862, to Barbara Shank. Dunk- ards. P. O. address, Longglade, Augusta Co., Va. Their children are: 1. Mary M. Wenger, born Feb. 8, 1863. Married Isaac A. Miller. 2. Nancy E. Wenger, born Aug. 3, 1866. Married Sam'l B. Early, Nov. 23, 1899. 3. Eliza A. Wenger, born Sept. 21, 1868. 4. Joseph W. Wenger, born Feb. 14, 1872. 5. Lydia F. Wenger, born Mar. 19, 1874. Married Thos. J. Rimel, Dec. 31, 1891. 6. Sallie K. Wenger, born May 24, 1877. 7. Henry D. Wenger, born Nov. 18, 1879. No. 104. Fifth Generation. 20. 3) Mary M. Wenger, born Apr. 28, 1838, was married Feb. 14, 1861, to Samuel M. Hawkins. Dunkards. Their children are: 1. Mary A. Hawkins, born Nov. 28, 1861. 2. Sarah C. Hawkins, b. Jan. 15, 1863. M'd Aug. 29, '89. 3. Joseph D. Hawkins, b. Oct. 8, 1864. M'd June 5, 1888. 4. Elisabeth F. Hawkins, b. Oct. 29, 1866. D. Nov. 1, '81. 5. Benjamin F. Hawkins, b. Dec. 1, '69. M'd Jan. 1, 1900. 6. Eliza A. Hawkins, b. Feb. 24, 1871. M'd Jan. 16, 1897. 7. Samuel H. Hawkins, born Feb. 22, 1873. 8. Amanda M. Hawkins, born Oct. 18, 1875. 9. Mattie J. Hawkins, born July 17, 1879. 10. Levi J. Hawkins, born June 13, 1883. No. 105. Fifth Generation. 20. 4) Eliza M. Wenger, born Jan. 5, 184V, died Sept. 10, 1887; was married Sept. 9, 1880, to B. A. Deffenbaugh; died. No children. No. 106. Fifth Generation. 20. 5) Levi A. Wenger, born Nov. 9, 1841, died March, 62 1902. Dunkard minister. Married Oct. 18, 1866, to Mary Miller. P. O. address, Mount Sidney, Augusta Co., Va. Their children are: 1. J. M. Wenger, born May 9, 1868. 2. P. J. Wenger, born Jan. 10, 1873. No. 107. Fifth Generation. 80. 1) Elisabeth E. Grove, born in Augusta Co., Va., Aug. 10, 1839, was married Dec. 20, 1860, to Jacob F. Flory, born in Virginia Aug. 2, 1839. P. O. address, Lemoore, Kings Co., California. Their children, all born at South English, Iowa, except the youngest, Andrew, who was born in Califor- nia, are: 1. Christena C. Flory, born Oct. 15, 1862. No. 730. 2. Joseph H. Flory, born Mar. 2, 1864. No. 731. 3. Isaac D. Flory, born Oct. 4, 1865. No. 732. 4. Sallie E. Flory, born June 10, 1867. . No. 733. 5. Charles F. Flory, born Aug. 2, 1870. No. 734. 6. Andrew Flory, born Dec. 2, 1873. No. 735. No. 108. Fifth Generation. 80. 2) Barbara Grove, born in Augusta Co., Va., Oct. 18, 1840, died Oct. 17, 1881. Dunkard. Was married Dec. 1, 1865, to John Stover. P. O. address. New Hope, Augusta Co., Va. Their children are: 1. William M. Stover, born Feb. 10, 1867. Doctor, living in California. 2. Charles F. Stover, born Aug. 21, 1868, living in Cal. 3. Edward P. Stover, born Aug. 9, 1876, living in Va. No. 109. Fifth Generation. 80. 3) Joseph W. Grove, born in Augusta Co., Va., Mar. 24, 1842, died Dec. 30, 1862. Was never married and died in the army. No. 110. Fifth Generation. 80. 4) Nancy Grove, born in Augusta Co., Va., Mar. 23, 1844, was married Feb. 18, 1869, to William B. Garber. P. O. address. Nightly, Va. Their children are: 1. Charles W. Garber, born Mar. 16, 1870. No. 809. 2. Homer B. Garber, born Aug. 30, 1874. No. 810. No. 111. Fifth Generation. 80. 5) Mary Grove, born in Augusta Co., Va., Aug. 23, 1845, died Mar. 6, 1886; was married Dec. 19, 1867, to Samuel 63 Wampler. Dunkard. P. O. address, Barrenridge, Augusta Co., Va. Their children are: 1. Ida C. Wampler, born Aug. 20, 1869. No. 811. 2. Bertie Wampler, born Feb. 13, 1871. No. 812. 3. Bettie Wampler, born Aug. 7, 1872. No. 813. 4. Luther Wampler. No dates. 5. Elmer Wampler. No dates. 6. Isaac Wampler. No dates. Died. 7. Minnie Wampler. No dates. 8. Jennie Wampler, born Nov. 28, 1879. 9. Charles Wampler, born Feb. 23, 1884. No. 112. Fifth Generation. 80. 6) Catharine Grove, born in Augusta Co., Va., Jan. 20, 1848, died Oct. 25, 1877; was married Sept. 12, 1872, to Joseph Garber, died. P. O. address, New Hope, Augusta Co., Va. No children. No. 113. Fifth Generation. 80. 7) Susanna Grove, born in Augusta Co., Va., Jan. 17, 1850, was married Oct. 12, 1871, to Henry F. Borden, Baptist. P. O. address, Laurelhill, Augusta Co., Va. Their children: 1. Effie L. Borden, born Mar. 7, 1873. Married J. F. Dellinger, Dec. 19.. 1895. 2. Arthur G. Borden, b. in Va., Sept. 13, 1877. No. 777. No. 114. Fifth Generation. 80. 8) Isaac Grove, born in Augusta Co., Va., Nov. 23, 1851, was married Dec. 25, 1873, to Elisabeth Landes. Menno- Tiites. P. O. address, Weyer's Cave, Augusta Co., Va. Their children are: 1. John H. Grove, born Jan. 28, 1875. 2. William Grove, born Aug. 25, 1876. Address, Lemoore, California. 3. Anabella Grove, born Mar. 24, 1878. Died Oct. 2, 1885. 4. Walter Grove, born Apr. 25, 1880. 5. Isaac Grove, born Jan. 31, 1882. 6. Grace Grove, born Nov. 14, 1884. 7. Charles Grove, born Mar. 22, 1886. 8. Kate Grove, born Nov. 2, 1888. 9. Lissie Grove, born Nov. 6, 1890. 10. Ora Grove, born Dec. 21, 1892. 11. Arthur Grove, born Apr. 24, 1896. Died. 64 No. 52. Bishop L. J. Heatwole. 12. Earl Grove, born Jan. 26, 1897. 13. Goldie Ethel Grove, born Dec. 13, 1899. No. 115. Fifth Generation. 80. 9) Noah Grove, born in Augusta Co., Va., May 17, 1854, was married Mar. 27, 1878, to Ella Wood, born Aug. 3, 1855. P. O. address, Somerville, Fauquier Co., Va. Their chil- dren are: 1. Estelle Grove, born Feb. 20, 1879, No. 816. 2. Katie Grove, born July 25, 1881. Died Feb. 12, 1886. ^ 3. Howard Grove, born Nov. 20, 1883. 4. Florence Grove, born May 16, 1886. 5. Mamie Grove, born Mar. 26, 1888. 6. Lloyd Grove, born Sept. 25, 1890. 7. Blanche Grove, born Sept. 3, 1892. 8. Norman I. Grove, born July 6, 1895. 9. Mildred A. Grove, born Sept. 2, 1902. No. 116. Fifth Generation. 80. 10) Jacob A. Grove, born in Augusta Co., Va., Dec. 7, 1856, was married Mar. 28, 1878, to Emma Craig. Menno- nites. P. O. address, Koiner's Store, Augusta Co., Va. Their children are: 1. Araminta Florence Grove, born Jan. 4, 1879. Married Joseph Weaver, Jan. 2, 1902. 2. Flossie May Grove, born May 2, 1886. 3. William Isaac Grove, born May 3, 1890. No. 117. Fifth Generation. 81. 1) Elisabeth Wenger, born near Harrisonburg, Va., Sept. 1, 1848, was married Dec. 24, 1872, to Daniel J. Myers, born Mar. 19, 1850. Dunkards. P. O. address, Harrison- burg, Rockingham Co., Va. Their children are: 1. Annie R. Myers, born July 3, 1874. No. 562. 2. John W. S. Myers, born May 28, 1876. No. 563. 3. Elisabeth S. Myers, born Nov. 17, 1877. No. 564. 4. Samuel D. Myers, b. June 24, 1880. D. Apr. 24, 1881. 5. Lydia M. Myers, born Nov. 28, 1882. 6. Isaac D. Myers, born June 28, 1885. 7. Sallie C. Myers, born Apr. 3, 1887. 8. Minnie J. Myers, born June 8, 1889. No. 118. Fifth Generation. 81. 2) John A. Wenger, born near Harrisonburg, Va., Aug. 5 . 65 26, 1859, was married Nov. 18, 1880, to Sallie R. Driver, who was born Nov. 29, 1859. P. O. address, Mount Clinton, Rockingham Co., Va. They are Dunkards. Their chil- dren are: 1. Bettie A. Wenger, born Jan. 10, 1882. Married B. M. Hedrick, Feb. 18, 1900. 2. Savilla F. Wenger, born Jan. 25, 1884. 3. John D. Wenger, born Feb. 5, 1886. 4. William N. Wenger, born Mar. 24, 1888. 5. Lydia S. Wenger, born Mar. 14, 1890. No. 119. Fifth Generation. 82. 1) Dr. Joseph Wenger Blosser, born in Dayton. Va., Apr. 23, 1844, physician by occupation, was married Oct. 15, 1868, to Margaret E. Stephenson, born Jan. 16, 1845. P. O. address, Atlanta, Ga. Joseph W. Blosser was born at Dayton, Rockingham Co., Va. At the age of fourteen he moved with his parents to Upshur Co., W. Va., in 1858, and at the early age of 21 he graduated in medicine from the Physio Medical College at Cincinnati, Ohio, after which he practiced medicine, first in Elkhart Co., Ind., and then in Jasper Co., Mo. He was married to Margaret E. Stephenson, Oct. 15, 1868. From early childhood he had strong religious inclinations, and in his youth accepted his Savior, whom he continued to serve faithfully during all the years of his medical practice. In 1870 he entered the ministry and from that year until 1881 he either practiced medicine or served as a pastor of a con- gregation, about half of the time doing double work as physician and minister of the gospel. Being the possessor of rare gifts, the demands upon his services were often beyond his powers of physical endurance. In 1881, while living at Macon City, Mo., he began evangelistic work which he continued almost constantly for fifteen years, during which time he preached and traveled in eighteen states, from New York to Kansas, and south to Florida, holding meetings in churches, gospel tents, halls, court houses, and in the open air. Through these efforts thousands of souls were moved to confess their Savior. In 1895 he moved to Atlanta, Georgia, and engaged in busi- ness, however giving a share of his time to the work of the ministry, until the year 1902, when he retired from busi- 66 ness, and built a tabernacle with a seating capacity of about 800 people, and became the pastor of the congrega- tion which he had thus gathered together, tie is also the inventor of the "Dr. Blosser's Caiarrh Cure," an excellent and widely known remedy tor catarrh, the manufacture of which forms quite an industry, which is now superin- tended by his two worthy sons, who employ many helpers. AMOS D. WENGER, Millersville, Pa. Their children are: 1. Alice Blosser, born Mar. 1, 1871. No. 565. 2. Clarence Blosser, born June 3, 1874. 3. Angle Blosser, born Dec. 1 1876. 4. Linnie Blosser, born iSept. 10, 1879. 5. Roy Blosser, born Jan. 12, 1882. No. 120. Fifth Generation. 83. 1) Anna Wenger, born near Edom, Va., July 1, 1849, was married Jan. 7, 1878, to David F. Senger, of Senger- ville, Augusta Co., Va. Dunkards. They are permanently located near Linville Station, Rockingham Co.,Va. One son: 1. Isaac C. Senger, born Jan. 25, 1882. No. 121. Fifth Generation. 83. 2) Joseph Wenger, born near Edom, Va., Oct. 28, 1850, was married Dec. 21, 1871, to Anna M. Rhodes, his first wife, who died May 17, 1896. See No. 658; they were cousins and come in history both ways. Their children are: 1. Clara A. Wenger, born Oct. 19, 1872. No. 819. 2. Charles R. Wenger, born Sept. 16, 1874. No. 820. 3. Joseph L. Wenger, born Apr. 19, 1876. No, 821. 4. Byrd W. Wenger, b. Sept. 29, 1877. Lives in Illinois. 5. Emma C. Wenger, born Aug. 21, 1880. No. 822. 6. Isaac Howard Wenger, b. Oct. 21, '82. D. Feb. 24, '99. 7. Infant son, born Dec. 30, 1883. Died Feb. 2, 1884. 8. Anna Pearl Wenger, born Aug. 4, 1886. Single in Va. 9. Jacob Owen Wenger, b. Jan. 31, 1889. Single in Va. He was married to Mrs. Etta M. Lutholtz, his second wife, Feb. 10, 1898. One child (1900): 10. Owen M. Wenger, born Dec. 22, 1898. No. 122. Fifth Generation. 83. 3) Jacob C. Wenger, bom near Edom, Va., Jan, 19, 1853, was married Dec. 21, 1879, to Susanna Virginia Suter,. 67 born Nov. 26, 1859. Mennonite. P. O. address, Linville Depot, Rockingham Co., Va. Their children are: 1. Oscar Emanuel Wenger, born June 19, 1881. 2. Mary Elisabeth Wenger, born July 28, 1882. 3. Lydia Florence Wenger, born Aug. 15, 1883. 4. Isaac Luther Wenger, born Oct. 4, 1885. 5. Homer David Wenger, born Dec. 10, 1886. 6. Margaret Virginia Wenger, born May 4, 1888. 7. Laura Rebecca Wenger, born Aug. 23, 1889. 8. Anna Suter Wenger, born Dec. 30, 1890. 9. Sarah Jane Wenger, born Mar. 20, 1892. 10. Lillie Frances Wenger, born Aug. 23, 1893. 11. Perry Gabriel Wenger, born Nov. 18, 1894. 12. John Robert Wenger, born Feb. 2, 1896. 13. Clara Alma Wenger, born July 21, 1899. 14. Katie Ethel Wenger, born Nov. 22, 1900. 15. Lucy Wenger, born Nov. 1902. No. 123. Fifth Generation. 83. 4) Henry H. Wenger, born near Edom, Va., Feb. 14, 1856, was married Dec. 20, 1882, to Sallie R. Swope.' Menno- nites. P. O. address, Linville Depot, Rockingham Co., Va. 'Their children are: 1. Franklin Wenger, born Oct. 19, 1883. 2. Mattie Wenger, born Nov. 25, 1884. 3. Henry Wenger, born Apr. 23, 1886. 4. Elisabeth Wenger, born Aug. 2, 1887. 5. John D. Wenger, born Mar. 2, 1889. 6. Benjamin Wenger, born June 4, 1890. 7. Jacob C. Wenger, born Dec. 20, 1893. No. 124. Fiftli Generation. 83. 6) Isaac B. Wenger, born near Edom, Va., Oct. 10, 1860, was married June 4, 1895, to Mary Lula Beery, born July, 1868. P. O. address, Linville Depot, Rockingham Co., Va. Their children are: 1. Isaac Beery Wenger, born May 30, 1896. 2. Clarence Wenger, born Jan. 24, 1899. See No. 702. They are cousins and come in both ways. No. 125. Fifth Generation. 83. 7) David Wenger, born near Edom, Va., Apr. 20, 1863, was married Nov. 14, 1895, to Dora B. Rhodes. P. O. address, Linville Depot, Rockingham Co., Va. Their chil- 68 dren are: 1. Barbara Matilda Wenger, born Aug. 27, 1896. 2. Dewitt Wenger, born Oct. 1, 1897. i 3. William Roy Wenger, born Mar. 4, 1899. No. 126. Fifth Generation. 83. 8) Minnie C. Wenger, born near Edom, Va., Mar. 12, 1865, was married Dec. 20, 1882, to Jacob S. Geil, born May 11, 1859. Mennonites. P. O. address, Linville Depot, Rock- ingham Co., Va. Their children are: 1. Gertrude Ola Geil, born Nov. 17, 1883. 2. Isaac Abram Geil, born June 2, 1885. 3. Sadie May Geil, born June 29, 1887. 4. Lydia Elisabeth Geil, born Mar. 5, 1889. 5. Lula Maude Geil, born Jan. 11, 1891. 6. Jacob Clark Geil, born Jan. 27, 1893. 7. Minnie Ethel Geil, born Mar. 9, 1895. 8. Clinton Wenger Geil, born Feb. 9, 1897. 9. David Newton Geil, born Dec. 12, 1898. 10. Not reported. 11. Not reported. 1902. No. 127. Fifth Generation. 83. 9) John J. Wenger, born near Edom, Va., Oct. 16, 1866, was married Aug. 23, 1899, to Isa Nellie Beery, born Apr. 26, 1875. Mennonites. P. O. address, Linville Depot, Rock- ingham Co., Va. See No. 705. No. 128. Fifth Generation. 83. 10) William H. Wenger, born near Edom, Va., Aug. 25, 1869, was married Nov. 25, 1896, to Florence Leona Moore. Occupation, physician. P. O. address, 1506 North Capitol St., Washington, D. C. One child (1900): 1. Florence Irma Wenger, born Oct. 25, 1897. No. 129. Fifth Generation. 84. 1) John R. Wenger, born near Edom, Va., Jan. 20, 1849 (Mennonite), died and was buried in Morgan Co., Mo.; was married Dec. 23, 1888, to Katie Bowman (Dunkard), born about 1870. P. O. address, Versailles, Morgan Co., Mo. No children. Katie (Bowman) Wenger married Samuel Keller, Feb. 26, 1899. They are members of the Dunkard Brethren church. Address, Bourbon, Ind. They have two sons. 69 No. 130. Fifth Generation. 84. 2) Mary E. Wenger, born near Edom, Va., May 9, 1850, died and was buried in Florida Jan. 27, 1894; was married Nov. 12, 1872, to Lewis H. Shank. Mennonites. P. O. address, Alvin, (Later) Palmyra, Mo. 1. Sarah E. Shank, born Oct. 15, 1873. No. 517. 2. Jacob A. Shank, b. Aug. 22, 1875. Died Jan. 5, 1890. 3. John R. Shank, born Aug. 19, 1877. 4. Mollie C. Shank, born July 5, 1879. No. 518. 5. Josephus W. Shank, born Oct. 10, 1881. 6. Emma A. Shank, born Nov. 20, 1883. 7. Charles L. Shank, born May 22, 1886. 8. Benjamin A. Shank, b. Apr. 14, 1888. D. July 7, 1888. 9. Fannie P. Shank, born Apr. 27, 1889. 10. Florida Rose Shank, born Feb. 2, 1892. No. 131. Fifth Generation. 84. 4) Michael Wenger, born near Edom, Va., Nov. 12, 1853, was married Dec. 23, 1879, to Rosina Welty, born Sept. 1, 1855. Mennonites. P. O. address, Newton, Kansas. Their children are: 1. Sarah Christena Wenger, born Jan. 28, 1881. 2. Ira Joel Wenger, born Feb. 14, 1883. 3. Lewis Franklin Wenger, born Aug. 12, 1885. 4. Paul Abraham Wenger, born Mar. 22, 1889. 5. Elisabeth Maria Wenger, born June 17, 1892. Died Dec. 14, 1892. No. 132. Fifth Generation. 84. 6) Abraham Wenger, born near Edom, Va., Dec. 14, 1857, was married Dec. 23, 1883, to Carrie Lehman, born Sept. 17, 1860. Mennonites. P. O. address, Versailles, Mor- gan Co., Mo. Their children are: 1. John William Wenger, born June 2, 1885. 2. Sarah Elisabeth Wenger, born Dec. 17, 1888. 3. Abraham Daniel Wenger, born July 11, 1893. 4. Jesse Walter Wenger, born Aug. 10, 1895. 5. Edward Esra Wenger, born Jan. 6, 1897. "6. Solomon Okie Wenger, Nov. 5, 1898. No. 133. Fifth Generation. 84. 7) Priscilla Wenger, born near Edom, Va., Jan, 21, 1860 (Mennonite); was married Oct. 16, 1888, to William 70 W. Holsopple, born Dec. 10, 1863, in Indiana Co., Pa. (Dimkard minister). P. O. address, Versailles, Morgan Co., Mo. Their children are: 1. Joseph A. Holsopple, born Nov. 16, 1890. 2. John W. Holsopple, born Feb. 22, 1893. 3. Lewis A. Holsopple, born June 16, 1895. 4. Daughter, born Jan. 2, 1903. No. 134. Fifth Generation. 84. 8) Lewis Wenger, born near Edom, Va., June 12, 1863, was married Jan. 7, 1886, to Sarah M. Lehman, his first wife, born Apr. 21, 1863, died Dec. 27, 1892. Mennonites. P. O. address, Versailles, Morgan Co., Mo. Their chil- dren are: 1. Orva Homer Wenger, born Feb. 15, 1889. 2. Sarah Elisabeth Wenger, born Dec. 13, 1892. He was married to Mary J. Lehman, his second wife (sister to first wife), Dec. 20, 1894, who died Jan. 7, 1903. Their children are: 3. Isaac Abraham Wenger, born Sept. 28, 1895. 4. Lettie Ruth Wenger, born Dec. 2, 1897. 5. John Wilmer Wenger, born Nov. 2, 1899. No. 135. Fifth Generation. 85. 1) Barbara C. Good, born near Dale Enterprise, Va., Apr. 2, 1845, was married Sept. 11, 1867, to Jacob D. Suter, born Nov. 24. 1843. Mennonites. P. O. address, Harrison- t>urg, Rockingham Co., Va. Their children are: 1. John D. Suter, born July 17, 1868. No. 238. 2. Isaac C. Suter. born Aug. 12, 1869. No. 239. 3. Andrew G. Suter, born Jan. 8, 1871. No. 240. 4. Mary A. Suter. born Feb. 9, 1873. No. 241. 5. Fannie H. Suter, born Mar. 24, 1875. No. 242. 6. Ida B. Suter, born Mar. 7, 1877. Died Apr. 3, 1880. 7. Jacob Aldine Suter. b. Jan. 17, '80. South English, la. 8. Aaron E. Suter, born May 14, 1884. At home. 9. Ada M. Suter, born Mar. 14, 1887. At home. No. 136. Fifth Generation. 85. 2) Christena Good, born near Dale Enterprise, Va., Sept. 18, 1846, was married Dec. 28, 1865, to Abraham P. Myers. Dunkards. P. O. address, Greenmount, Rocking- liam Co., Va. Their children are: 71 1. Anna E. Myers, born May 1, 1867. No. 369. 2. Benjamin F. Myers, born Mar. 20, 1870. No. 370. 3. Hannah M. Myers, born Dec. 29, 1871. No. 371. 4. Charles S. Myers, born Oct. 15, 1874. No. 372. 5. Luella B. Myers, b. Mar. 8, 1877. Died Sept. 5, 1893. 6. John J. Myers, born Aug. 30, 1879. At home. No. 137. Fifth Generation. 85. 3) Elisabeth Good, born near Dale Enterprise, Va , Jan. 26, 1848, died Aug. 19, 1884; was married Apr. 2, 1874, to James Keister, born Mar. 2, 1847. P. O. address. Mount Clinton, Rockingham Co., Va. Their children are: 1. William I. Keister, born Jan. 3, 1875. 2. John P. Keister, born Dec. 6, 1877. 3. James T, Keister, born Apr. 13, 1879. 4. Jacob Keister, born Oct. 18, 1881. 5. Joseph E. Keister, born May 14, 1884. No. 138. Fifth Generation. 85. 5) Isaac Good, born near Dale Enterprise, Va., Feb. 7, 1851, was married Sept. 21, 1871, to Mary E. Ashenfelter, born Nov. 22, 1856. Mennonites. P. O. address, Harrison- burg, Rockingham Co., Va. Their children are: 1. Laura E. Good, born Dec. 17, 1872. 2. Perry G. Good, born Mar. 13, 1875. 3. Anna M. Good, born June 2, 1877. 4. Martha F. Good, born Sept. 22, 1878. Died. 5. James W. Good, born July 7, 1880. 6. Cora M. Good, born Sept. 28, 1882. 7. Sarah E. Good, born Mar. 13, 1884. 8. Charles E. Good, born July 23, 1886. 9. John E. Good, born Nov. 12, 1888. 10. Weldon I. Good, born Oct. 23, 1890. 11. Otto Joseph Good, born Aug. 12, 1892. 12. Icia May Good, born May 9, 1894. 13. Jacob Langdon Good, born Feb. 12, 1898. No. 139. Fifth Generation. 85. 6) John F. Good, born near Dale Enterprise, Va., Mar. 19, 1853, was married Dec. 24, 1874, to Hannah B. Ralston, his first wife, born Apr. 26, 1854, died Oct. 31, 1892. Both were Presbyterians, They were then living in Rockingham Co., Va. 72 No. 62. Mrs. Barbara (Beery) Wenger, Wife of Joseph Wenger. John F. Good is a man of rare characteristics, and, like his mother, he has inherited that kind and innocent dis- position which no one fails to appreciate. He is kind to everyone, and especially do you find the better class of people gather around him to hear his interesting con- versation. He is another one of the few men who believe in and practice the golden rule. I am inclined to think that he was never angry, and if he was, he never showed it. Amidst the trials of life, during the long continued sickness and death of his first wife and her mother, and the loss of his property and his home in Virginia, and with a family of children to provide for, yet he braved all these with a Christian fortitude. He moved with his four young sons to South English, Iowa, on March 23, 1893, in very limited financial circumstances, but through the aid of advice, in- dustry, and the help of his young sons and his second wife, he now has a fine home of 160 acres. His reputation and that of his sons is equal to the very best in the com- munity. J. H. W, Their children (all born in Virginia) are: 1. Anna M. Good, born Dec. 16, 1875. Died Apr. 7, 1877. 2. George E. Good, born Oct. 6, 1877. Presbyterian, at college in Crawfordsville, Ind. 3. David N. Good, born Nov. 20, 1879. Mennonite. 4. James C. Good, born Mar. 26, 1882. Presbyterian. 5. William L. Good, born May 25, 1884. Presbyterian. He was married July 24, 1895, to Ida Parnell, his second wife, born Oct. 24, 1857, of South English, la. (Baptist). P. O. address. South English, Keokuk Co., la. No. 140. Fifth Generation. 86. 2) Barbara Wenger, born near Greenmount, Va., May 17, 1855, was married Nov. 13, 1877, to Jacob A. Andes (Christian church). P. O. address, Cave Station, Va. Their children are: 1. Alfred Wellons Andes, born Nov. 19, 1880. 2. Ivie Delia Andes, born Oct. 31, 1882. 3. Emmet Wenger Andes, born Mar. 20, 1887. 4. Owen Wede Andes, born Feb. 27, 1-891. No. 141. Fifth Generation. 86. 3) Solomon B. Wenger, born near Greenmount, Va., Jan. 7, 1857 (Mennonite); was married in Virginia in May 73 1882 to Sallie J. Beery (Dunkard), his first wife, who was born in Virginia Aug. 30, 1855, and died in Iowa Sept. 30, 1883. P. O. address. South English, Keokuk Co., la. No children. Solomon B. Wenger moved to South English, Iowa, in 1881 and was the first Mennonite that settled in the above vicinity. According to Matt. 5:16 he let his light shine, and soon others followed, which resulted in an organization, with a church house and a resident minister. He is a con- secrated Christian and a model man. His characteristics are doing as he would wish to be done by, and contending for things that are right in the sight of God, regardless of cost. It is said that a person cannot be too honest, which is an absolute fact, but yet he can be too liberal. The sub- ject of this sketch is rather inclined to discommode him- self in order to accommodate others. Charity should some- times begin at home. The golden rule is his theory and he strictly practices it. J. H. W. He was married at North English, la., Apr. 13, 1886, to Belle Irene Gruey, his second wife, born Sept. 22, 1857 (Mennonite). P. O. address. South English, Keokuk Co., Iowa. Their children are: 1. Edith G. Wenger, born Jan. 30, 1888. 2. Clark A. Wenger, born Sept. 20, 1889. 3. Arthur J. Wenger, born Aug. 29, 1893. 4. Emery B. Wenger, born May 16, 1896. 5. Milo E. Wenger, born Aug. 16, 1900. No. 142. Fifth Generation. 86. 4) Anna Wenger, born at Greenmount, Va., Oct. 7, 1858, was married Jan. 29, 1885, to Benjamin Brenneman, of Elida, Allen Co., O., where all of their children were born. Both Mennonites. P. O. address at present (1902), Mohea, Warwick Co., Va. Their children are: 1. Amos Brenneman, born Nov. 6, 1885. 2. Hannah M. Brenneman, born Dec. 4, 1886. 3. Susannah Brenneman, born Nov. 2, 1888. 4. Hettie Brenneman, born Jan. 6, 1890. 5. Timothy Brenneman, b. Aug. 11, 1891. D. Nov. 1892. 6. John W. Brenneman, born Jan. 30, 1893. 7. Aldine Brenneman (twin), born Dec. 14, 1895. 8. Alfred Brenneman (twin), born Dec. 14, 1895. 74 9. Benjamin Brenneman, born Nov. 25, 1897. 10. Anna Brenneman, born Feb. 3, 1899. No. 143. Fifth Generation. 86. 5) Lydia Wenger, born at Greenmoimt, Va., May 10, 1860, was married Nov. 13, 1883, to Cyrus B. Showalter. Mennonites. P. O. address, Chrisman, Roclvingham Co., Va. Their children are: 1. Edward Wenger Showalter, born Sept. 8, 1884. 2. Elisabeth Ola Showalter, born Dec. 17, 1885. 3. Hannah Effie Showalter, born Nov. 13, 1887. 4. Oliver Benjamin Showalter, born Sept. 15, 1889. 5. Amos M. Showalter, born Dec. 15, 1891. 6. Ada May Showalter, born Feb. 4, 1894. 7. John L. Showalter, born Apr. 23, 1896. 8. Nellie Kate Showalter, born Mar. 20, 1898. No. 144. Fifth Generation. 86. 6) Adam Wenger, born at Greenmount, Va., Feb. 9, 1862, was married in Nov. 1888, to Amanda Rhorer. Menno- nites. P. O. address, Sport, Augusta Co., Va. Their chil- dren are: 1. Mattie R. Wenger, born Apr. 19, 1890. 2. Israel Rhorer Wenger, born Nov. 30, 1891. 3. Abram Jacob Wenger, born Feb. 15, 1893. 4. Lena Susan Wenger, born Oct. 18, 1895. 5. Amos Daniel Wenger, born Aug. 11, 1897. 6. Stella Virginia Wenger, born June 10, 1899. No. 145. Fifth Generation. 86. 7) Timothy Wenger, born near Greenmount, Rocking- ham Co., Va., Feb. 18, 1864, was married Nov. 30, 1886, to Mary Powell. Mennonites. P. O. address. Sport, Augusta Co., Va. Their children are: 1. Anna Belle Wenger, born June 6, 1888. 2. Lessie May Wenger, born Jan. 2, 1890. 3. Hannah Etta Wenger, born Jan. 6, 1892. 4. Mary Magdalena Wenger, born Aug. 8, 1893. 5. Lula Fannie Wenger, born July 1, 1895. 6. Ida Wenger, born Apr. 13, 1898. No. 146. Fifth Generation. 86. 8) Amos D. Wenger, born near Greenmount, Rocking- ham Co., Va., Nov. 25, 1867, was married July 1, 1897, to 75 Mary Hostetter, of Millersville, Lancaster Co., Pa., who died July 14, 1898. No children. The above Amos D. Wenger is a minister in the Men- nonite church, and in March 1900 completed a tour around the world. P. O. address, Millersville. Lancaster Co., Pa. Sept. 27, 1900, he married Anna May Lehman, his second wife, who was born at Millersville, Pa., May 19, 1878. Amos D. Wenger was born Nov. 26, 1867, on a farm near Greenmount, Rockingham Co., Va. His education was re- ceived in the country schools near his home, and at the Missouri State Normal at Warrensburg, from which in- stitution he graduated in 1894. Afterwards he took a post- graduate course at Penn College, a Quaker school at Oska- loosa, Iowa. From early childhood he was under deep religious convictions, both as to the salvation of his own soul, and as to God's call to him to devote his life to the preaching of the gospel. Being of a quiet and reserved dis- position he kept these convictions to himself, and it was not until he was 22 years of age that he publicly confessed Christ, was baptized and received into the Mennonite church by Bishop John M. Shenk in Allen Co., Ohio. On the 11th of November, 1894, he was ordained to the ministry by the congregation at Bethel, near Garden City, Mo., Bishop Daniel Kauffman ofRciating. From this time he devoted himself earnestly to the work of the ministry, be- coming an evangelist, and preaching in several different states, but principally in Pennsylvania. He preached not only with fluency, but also with deep earnestness and great effect. In July, 1897, he was happily married to Mary H. Hostetter, of Millersville, Pa., and a year later sustained a great bereavement in the death of his wife. On Jan. 1, 1899, he sailed from New York upon a tour around the world, going first to England, thence to several European countries, spent six months in Bible lands, thence went to India, China and Japan, and after fourteen months of travel, returned to his native land in March, 1900. Seven months later he was married to Anna May Lehman, of Millersville, Pa. He has written a book of travels, entitled, "Six Months in Bible Lands; Around the World in Fourteen Months." The writer of this sketch considers this one of the most instructive and inspiring narratives of Oriental 76 travel that has ever been written. It is full of thrilling in- cidents. Unarmed he traveled in the most dangerous lo- calities, among bloodthirsty and treacherous brigands, and, looking only to his heavenly Father for protection, he es- caped all harm. Within six months of publication of this book, three thousand copies had been sold. Dr. J. W. BLOSSER, Atlanta, Ga. I would here add a compliment in favor of the above mentioned book. I would read a chapter, and then spend hours in meditation on the different interesting Bible sub- jects which were brought forth in such an interesting spiritual way. The spiritual applications are excellent. I find but one objection to the above descriptions, and that is they are not long enough to fully satisfy the craving desire of the reader for more. After having finished reading the book, I in solemn meditation wished for more. Therefore the only remedy is to read, and read again. The History of Bible lands with the spiritual applications is a feast to soul and body. To some it may be of no interest, but to the Christian and Bible reader its value cannot be computed. It is not in the power of all to visit the Old World, besides ic is a tiresome, dangerous and costly trip, but in reading the history you can almost imagine that you are seeing the real thing. JOSEPH H. WENGER. South English, Iowa. One child by second wife: 1. Mary Magdalena Wenger, born Jan. 14, 1903. No. 147. Fifth Generation. 86. 10) Magdalena Wenger, born near Greenmount, Va., Oct. 24, 1872, was married Mar. 12, 1891, to John J. Brunk, who died on Sept. 9. 1900. Mennonites. P. O. address, Greenmount, Rockingham Co.. Va. Their children are: 1. Menno Jacob Brunk, born Oct. 3, 1892. 2. Kate Amanda Brunk, born Oct. 15, 1893. 3. Lewis Samuel Brunk, born Oct. 30, 1895. 4. Mary Edith Brunk, born July 22, 1897. 5. Anna Barbara Brunk, born June 6, 1899. No. 148. Fifth Generation. 87. 1) Joseph W. Grove, born near Waynesboro, Va., Feb. 24, 1851, was married Dec. 24, 1877, to Kate A. Flory (Dunkard), born May 15, 1856. P. O. address. South Eng- 77 i lish, la. Their children are: 1. Anna S. Grove, born Nov. 30, 1879. 2. Mary V. Grove, born Mar. 12, 1881. 3. Bertha M. Grove, born Nov. 29, 1882. 4. John M. Grove, born May 3, 1885. 5. Infant, born Feb. 17, 1890. Died Feb. 18, 1890. No. 149. Fifth Generation. 87. 2) Henry M. Grove, born near Waynesboro, Va., Apr. 15, 1853, was married June 11, 1883, to Emma S. Wine, born in Virginia Aug. 4, 1858, died July 19, 1902. Mennonites. P. O. address, Ladd, Augusta Co., Va. Their children are: 1. Bertie G. Grove, b. Sept. 16, 1884. Died Nov. 23, 1886. 2. Ira F. Grove, born July 12, 1888. No. 150. Fiftin Generation. 87. 3) Anna M. Grove, born near Waynesboro, Va., June 24, 1855, was married Dec. 14, 1879, to James Keiser, born in Virginia Mar. 1, 1853. Dunkards. P. O. address. South English, Keokuk Co., la. Their children are: 1. Lottie V. Keiser, born Mar. 18, 1881. No. 834. 2. Martin A. Keiser, born Sept. 18, 1883. 3. Samuel A. Keiser, born Jan. 25, 1886. 4. Dewitt A. Keiser, born Nov. 18, 1888. Died in 1889. 5. Ivie M. Keiser, born Feb. 25, 1890. 6. Ciiarles H. Keiser, born Apr. 18, 1893. 7. Mollie A. Keiser, born Mar. 1, 1896. 8. Erma Keiser, born Aug. 5, 1900. No. 151. Fifth Generation. 87. 4) Barbara C. Grove, born near Waynesboro, Va., Apr. 19, 1857, was married Dec. 24, 1882, to Dewitt C. Niswander, born in Virginia Oct. 26, 1848. Dunkards. P. O. address. South English, Keokuk Co., Iowa. Their children are: 1. Frank I. Niswander, born Nov. 26, 1883. 2. James O. Niswander, born Jan. 18, 1886. 3. Jesse D. Niswander, born Dec. 26, 1887. 4. Mary V. Niswander, born Aug. 26, 1890. 5. Ruth C. Niswander, born Nov. 12, 1892. 6. Lydia Ann Niswander, born Sept. 1, 1895. No. 152. Fifth Generation. 87. 5) Jacob S. Grove, born near Waynesboro, Va., May 3, 1859, was married Oct. 30, 1882, to Mary Elisabeth Garber,. 78 born in Virginia Feb. 26, 1860. Dunkards. P. O. address^ South English, Iowa, Their children are: 1. Eula M. Grove, born May 15, 1885. 2. Lottie C. Grove, born Feb. 27, 1888. 3. Homer A. Grove, born Oct. 12, 1898. No. 153. Fifth Generation. 87. 6) Mary E. Grove, born near Waynesboro, Va., Mar. 24, 1861, was married Oct. 23, 1881, to Benjamin F. Garber, born May 1, 1855. Dunkards. P. O. address, New Hope^ Augusta Co., Va. Their children are: 1. Andrew Martin Garber, born May 25, 1883. 2. Mino Franklin Garber, b. Feb. 21, 1885. D. Mar. 7, '87. 3. Effie Belle Garber, born June 26, 1887. No. 154. Fifth Generation. 87. 7) Abraham F. Grove, born near Waynesboro, Va.» Dec. 9, 1864, was married Apr. 7, 1892, to Mary M. Blosser, born in Virginia Dec. 16, 1867, and died May 6, 1899. Men- nonites. P. O. address, Ladd, Augusta Co., Va. Their chil- dren are: 1. Homer A. Grove, born Sept. 6, 1893. 2. Margaret A. Grove, b. May 3, 1899. D. July 9, 1899. No. 155. Fifth Generation. 87. 8) Fannie S. Grove, born near Waynesboro, Va., Aug. -5, 1867, and died Aug. 27, 1902; was married Apr. 14, 1892, to Franklin E. Weaver, born in Pennsylvania, Dec. 22, 1862. Mennonites. P. O. address, Ladd, Augusta Co., Va. One child: 1. Ivan G. Weaver, born May 30, 1893. No. 156. Fifth Generation. 87. 9) Robert A. Grove, born near Waynesboro, Va., Sept. 2v, 1870, was married Dec. 27, 1897, to Ella Chesney, bom in Iowa Oct. 20, 1872. P. O. address, South English, lowa. Thein children are: 1. Juinta Grove, born Aug. 15, 1899. 2. Melvin Grove, born Aug. 30, 1901. No. 157. Fifth Generation. 88. 1) Catharine \. Geil, born at Edom, Va., July 6, 1853, was married Jan. 12, 1875, to Joseph H. Brunk. Mennonites. P. O. address, Linville Depot, Rockingham Co., Va. One child: 1. Ada May Brunk, born Jan. 4, 1877. 79 No. 158. Fifth Generation. 88. 2) Barbara A. Geil, born at Edom, Va., Feb. 11, 1855 (Mennonite), was married Feb. 8, 1881, to Jacob S. Beard, who died in February, 1885. P. O. address, Edom, Rocking- ham Co., Va. Their children are: 1. Joseph Owen Beard, born Jan. 1, 1883. 2. Jacie S. Beard, born Apr. 24, 1885. r No. 159. Fifth Generation. 88. 3) Joseph Wenger Geil, born at Edom, Rockingham Co., Va., Oct. 8, 1858, was married Dec. 8, 1885, to Anna R. Beery, born Oct. 12, 1866. Jos. W. Geil is a minister in the Mennonite church. Address, Cowan, Rockingham Co., Va. Their children are: 1. Jacob Edward Geil, born Feb. 2, 1888. 2. Noah Wilmer Geil, born May 24, 1889. 3. Mary Kate Geil, born July 26, 1891. 4. Joseph Paul Geil, b. Dec. 19, 1892. D. Dec. 28, 1893. 5. Arthur Daniel Geil, born May 12, 1894. 6. Anna Elisabeth Geil, born Apr. 18, 1897. See No. 690. No. 160. Fifth Generation. 89. 1) John H. Wenger, born at South English, Iowa, Feb. 15, 1869, was married Mar. 17, 1892, to Cora Blaylock, born Aug. 9, 1872. She is a Dunkard. P. O. address. South English, Keokuk Co., Iowa. John H. is the oldest of his father's family. They own a farm adjoining the home- stead, but rent it, and live in South English. They spent the greater part of the year 1902 in traveling with his brother, Homer C. Wenger. They have no children. No. 161. Fifth Generation. 89. 2) Benjamin Franklin Wenger was born at South English, Iowa, Apr. 17, 1871, and died May 1, 1896, aged 25 years. B. Frank Wenger was a young man of more than ordinary endowment. He had for some time been attend- ing business college at Valparaiso, Ind., at which place he became afflicted, returned home, and died a month later. He was born a mechanic and machinist, and by ingenious contrivances manifested his skilfulness and inventive faculties. He was a deep thinker, and endeavored to reach 80 the bottom of science, in which he was very successful. He died in the bloom of young manhood, at the age of 25 years. J. H. W. No. 162. Fifth Generation. 89. 3) Homer C. Wenger, born at South English, Iowa, Dec. 24, 1872. Single (1903). P. O. address. South English, Iowa. He is a member of the Dunkard Brethren church. Homer C. also has a farm adjoining the homestead, but in 1902 he rented it, and with his brother John H. and wife traveled to the eastern coast states, and in September went to California and Oregon, spending the greater part of the winter in the Pacific coast states, having during the year traveled from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and from Canada to Old Mexico and Texas. No. 163. Fifth Generation. 89. 4) Mollie D. Wenger, born at South English, Iowa, Mar. 7, 1874, was married Dec. 4, 1894, to William D. Grove, born in Virginia Oct. 22, 1867. Dunkards. P. O. address, South English, Keokuk Co., Iowa. Mollie D. is the youngest of her father's family. She is noted for kindness and sociability, and is a model woman. She lives at the homestead, and kindly looks atter the welfare of her aged parents. Their children are: 1. Harlie Irvin Grove, born Aug. 14, 1896. 2. Delia Irene Grove, born Jan. 15, 1898. 3. Edna Esther Grove, born Aug. 16, 1900. No. 164. Fourth Generation. 64. 1) Elisabeth Beery, born at Edom, Va., Nov. 6, 1820, was married to George K. Moyers. Mennonites. Address, Edom, Va. Their children are: 1. John B. Moyers, b. Feb. 8, 1848. Died Jan. 12, 1869. 2. Mary M. Moyers. b. June 29, '49. Died May 17, 1894. 3. Peter R. Moyers, born Aug. 30, 1851. No. 637. 4. Isaac B. Moyers, born Dec. 16, 1854. No. 638. 5. George D. Moyers, Jr., b. May 15, '57. D. Mar. 7, '59. 6. Bettie A. Moyers, born Jan. 1, 1859. No. 639. 7. Sallie M. Moyers, born Apr. 30, 1860. No. 640. 8. Hettie Catharine Moyers, born Feb. 3, 1864. Single. Lives at Edom, Va. 6 81 No. 165. Fourth Generation. 64. 2) Anna Beery, born near Edom, Rockingham Co., Va., Aug. 13, 1822, and died Sept. 3, 1876; was married Oct. 2, 1847, to Peter Rhodes, born Nov. 5, 1824, died Apr. 7, 1863. They were Mennonites. Address, Harrisonburg, Va. Their children are: 1. Solomon E. Rhodes, born Dec. 2, 1848. No. 641. 2. Frances A. Rhodes, born May 11, 1850. No. 642. 3. John A. Rhodes, born Nov. 12, 1851. No. 643. 4. Martin B. Rhodes, born Jan. 6, 1853. No. 644. 5. Elisabeth J. Rhodes, born July 23, 1854. No. 645. 6. Lydia A. Rhodes, born Mar. 19, 1856. No. 646. 7. Simon P. Rhodes, b. Nov. 7, 1857. Died Jan. 15, 1863. 8. Mary M. Rhodes, born Dec. 8, 1859. No. 647. 9. Ida C. Rhodes, born Jan. 8, 1862. No. 648. 10. Emanuel D. Rhodes, born Oct. 5, 1863. Died in Missouri, Jan. 14, 1889. No. 166. Fourth Generation. 64. 3) Barbara Beery, born near Edom, Va., Apr. 29, 1824, died Mar. 26, 1868; was married Oct. 13, 1842, to Jacob Shank, born near Harrisonburg, Va., May 12, 1819, and died Aug. 13, 1889. They were Mennonites. Address, Harrison- burg, Va. Their children are: 1. John Shank, born July 3, 1843. Died (drowned) Mar. 1, 1845. 2. Anna Shank, born Oct. 3, 1844. No. 649. 3. Noah Shank, born May 3, 1847. Died in Missouri, Mar. 21, 1880. 4. Mary M. Shank, born Dec. 29, 1849. No. 650. 5. Rebecca Shank, born Jan. 3, 1853. No. 651. 6. Lydia Shank, born July 2, 1856. No. 652. 7. Jacob Shank, born Nov. 23, 1858. No. 653. 8. Erasmus Shank, born Jan. 2, 1861. No. 654. 9. Isaac S. Shank, born Feb. 24, 1863. No. 655. 10. Amos Shank, born May 3, 1865. No. 656. No. 167. Fourth Generation. 64. 4) Sarah Beery, born near Edom, Va., Feb. 4, 1826, and died Feb. 3, 1864; was married Oct. 25, 1849, to Jacob C. Rhodes, born near Broadway, Va., died May 6, 1880. They were Mennonites and lived at Edom, Va. Their children 82 (all born at Edom, Va.) are: 1. Sophia C. Rhodes, born Nov. 17, 1850. No. 657. 2. Anna M. Rhodes, born Oct. 17, 1852. No. 658. 3. Emma S. Rhodes, born Mar. 29, 1856. No. 659. 4. Clara A. Rhodes, b. May 26, 1861. Died Mar. 18, 1863. 5. Sallie A. Rhodes, born Oct. 23, 1862. No. 660. No. 168. Fourth Generation. 64. 5) Hannah Beery, born near Edom, Va., Jan. 26, 1828, and died Sept. 19, 1892; was married Dec. 4, 1851, to An- thony Rhodes, born near Broadway, Va., Mar. 1, 1828, died May 7, 1892. Hannah was a Mennonite. Address, Edom, Va. Their children (all born near Edom, Va.) are: 1. Laura E. Rhodes, born Nov. 1, 1852. D. Apr. 26, 1862. 2. Franklin R. Rhodes, born Apr. 18, 1854. No. 661. 3. Isaac Newton Rhodes, born Jan. 26, 1856. No. 662. 4. Maggie A. Rhodes, born Jan. 22, 1858. No. 663. 5. Samuel J. Rhodes, born May 15, 1860. No. 664. 6. Ida F. Rhodes, born Nov. 29, 1861. No. 665. 7. Charles L. Rhodes, born Oct. 27, 1863. No. 666. 8. Minnie H. Rhodes, born Sept. 26, 1865. Single. 9. Ettie C. Rhodes, born Mar. 3, 1867. Single. 10. Allie S. Rhodes, born Jan. 4, 1869. Died Jan. 7, 1890. No. 169. Fourth Generation. 64. 6) Susana Beery, born near Edom, Va., Jan. 26, 1828, died Jan. 13, 1898; was married Jan. 2, 1848, to Martin Brenneman, born near Edom, Va., Feb. 9, 1826, died Jan. 24, 1898, eleven days after his wife died. They lived near Edom, Va., until April 12, 1868, when they emigrated to Martin, Ray Co., Mo., and after a number of years, moved to the vicinity of Polo, Caldwell Co., Mo., at which place they spent the remainder of their lives. In 1853 they united with the Mennonite church in Virginia, but as there were no Mennonites in the part of Missouri in which they lived, they in 1881 united with the Dunkard Brethren church and lived consecrated Christian lives. Their children were all born in "Virginia, except Mary E., the tenth. 1. John Simon Brenneman, b. Mar. 17, '50. D. Jan. 25, '52. 2. Anthony A. Brenneman, born Feb. 14, 1852. No. 667. 3. Jacob H. Brenneman, born Mar. 29, 1854. No. 669. 4. Fannie A. Brenneman, born Sept. 4, 1856. No. 673. 83 5. Virginia M. Brenneman, born Oct. 13, 1858. No. 674, 6. Hettie C. Brenneman, born Oct. 4, 1860. No. 676. 7. Martin D. Brenneman, born Mar. 21, 1863. No. 677. 8. Emma S. Brenneman, born Feb. 16, 1865. No. 678. 9. Minnie H. Brenneman, born May 6, 1867. No. 679. 10. Mary E. Brenneman, born Sept. 5, 1869. No. 680. No. 170. Fourth Generation. 64. 7) Lydia Beery, born near Edom, Va., Jan. 6, 1830, died Mar. 13, 1884; married Michael Shank, Aug. 31, 1851, who is still living (Jan. 1903). They were Mennonites and lived in the vicinity of Dayton, Va. Their children are: 1. Fannie M. Shank, born May 17, 1852. No. 681. 2. Hettie Shank, born Aug. 2, 1853. No. 682. 3. John W. Shank, born Oct. 27, 1854. No. 683. 4. Catharine Shank, born Dec. 2, 1855. No. 684. 5. Charles G. Shank, born Feb. 25, 1857. No. 685. 6. Laura Shank, born Oct. 8, 1860. No. 686. 7. Abby G. Shank, b. Aug. 8, 1863. Died Mar. 24, 1884. 8. Jacob L. Shank, born July 18, 1870. No. 687. The mother of this family and her daughter Abby G. died and others of the family were injured from the effects of gas from a coal stove in their house, the particulars of which I cannot explain. J. H. W. No. 171. Fourth Generation. 64. 8) Noah W. Beery, born near Edom, Va., Aug. 31, 1831; married Oct. 3, 1860, to Catharine V. Neff, born in Shenan- doah Co., Va., Oct. 19, 1839; both living. Members of the Dunkard Brethren church. Address, Edom, Va. Their children are: 1. Maggie E. Beery, born Oct. 1, 1861. No. 688. 2. Minnie D. Beery, born Dec. 22, 1864. No. 289. 3. Anna R. Beery, born Oct. 12, 1866. No. 690. 4. Laura K. Beery, born Aug. 23, 1868. No. 691. 5. Edwin M. Beery, born July 12, 1871. No. 692. 6. Olive V. Beery, July 11, 1875. No. 693. 7. Nellie C. Beery, born Nov. 7, 1880. No. 694. No. 172. Fourth Generation. 64. 9) Catharine Beery, born near Edom, Va., Sept. 29, 1833; married Oct. 16, 1853, to Jacob S. Rhodes, born Apr. 22, 1827, died July 23, 1899. Dunkards. Address, Broad- 84 way, Va. Their children are: 1. Infant daughter, b. May 12, 1855. Died May 13, 1855. 2. Emmer B. Rhodes, born May 23, 1856. No. 695. 3. Marion B. Rhodes, born Nov. 24, 1857. No. 696. 4. Virginia F. Rhodes, born July 3, 1859. No. 697. 5. Alice M. Rhodes, born Apr. 4, 1861. No. 698. 6. Raleigh N. Rhodes, born Sept. 8, 1862. No. 699. 7. Infant son, born Feb. 2, 1865. Died Feb. 10, 1865. 8. Luther H. Rhodes, born Nov. 11, 1867. No. 700. 9. Ira J. Rhodes, born June 10, 1871. No. 701. No. 173. Fourth Generation. 64. 10) Isaac N. Beery, born near Edom, Va., Sept. 4^ 1835; married Oct. 8, 1867, to Sarah Jane Swank, born Nov, 17, 1842, died Sept. 12, 1899. Mr. Beery lives at the old homestead where he was raised. They are Mennonites. Address, Edom Rockingham Co., Va. Their children are: 1. Mary Lula Beery, born July 2, 1868. No. 702. 2. Maggie V. Beery, born Oct. 31, 1869. No. 703. 3. Tracie Beery, born Oct. 9, 1871. No. 704. 4. Wade Hampton Beery, b. Feb. 25, '73. D. Apr. 17, '78. 5. Isa Nellie Beery, born Apr. 26, 1875. No. 705. 6. Thomas P. Beery, born Sept. 15, 1877. No. 706. 7. Roy Perry Beery, born Nov. 4, 1879. No. 707. 8. Mada E. Beery, born July 28, 1881. Single, at home. 9. Clarence A. Beery, b. Mar. 28, 1885. Single, at home. 10. Isaac N. Beery, Jr., b. Aug. 6, 1886. Single, at home. No. 174. Fourth Generation. 64. 11) John C. Beery, born near Edom, Va., Apr. 5, 1837; married Feb. 28, 1867, to Hannah M. Beery, born near Edom, Va., Dec. 18, 1842. They are Methodists and live in; Harrisonburg, Va. Their children are: 1. Edwin Beery, born Dec. 10, 1868. died . 2. Nora Beery, born Jan. 7, 1869. Not married. Har- risonburg, Va. 3. Luther Beery, born Nov. 11, 1870. Died Aug. 20, 1888. 4. Stuart Beery, born Oct. 22, 1872. No. 708. 5. Kemper Beery, b. Sept. 2, 1874. Allegheny City, Pa 6. Marvin Beery, born Feb. 28, 1876. Died July 9, 1876. 7. Clara Beery, born June 5, 1877. No. 709. 8. Loyd Beery, born Jan. 26, 1882. Harrisonburg, Va. 85 No. 175. Fourth Generation. 64. 12) Joseph W. Beery, born near Edom, Va., Apr, 5, 1839. In 1861 he enlisted in the Confederate army in Gen. Jackson's command, was wounded Jan. 6, 1862, at Bolivar, W. Va., and died two days later. No. 176. Fourth Generation. 64. 13) Maggie C. Beery, born near Edom, Va., June 2, 1841; married Oct. 3, 1860, to Dr. M. S. Zirkle, born June 13, 1833. Soon after marriage they located in Edom, Va., where the doctor had a successful practice, and where they resided for over forty years, after which time they moved to Covington, Va., which is their present address. Their children are: 1. Olive P. Zirkle, born Oct. 8, 1870. Died Apr. 2, 1871. 2. Maggie E. Zirkle, b. Mar. 20, 1872. Died Aug. 12, '72. 3. Luther K. Zirkle, born Nov. 16, 1874. Single. 4. Maud M. Zirkle, born Mar. 30, 1876. No. 710. 5. Mabel M. Zirkle, born June 17, 1878. Single, at home. No. 177. Fourth Generation. 64. 14) Mary A. Beery, born near Edom, Va., Dec. 20, 1843, died Oct. 21, 1886. She lived at and near Edom, Va., all her lifetime. She was married Dec. 21, 1865, to Jasper Hawse, born in Hardy Co., W. Va., Nov. 15, 1835. He has lived, since the war, in Rockingham Co., Va., and has for many years been county surveyor. He is noted for his excellent business capacities, and nis sociable, gentlemanly disposition. The compiler of this work has always been especially attached to Mr. Hawse, not only on account of his generous deportment, but he is of the precise age to the day, that I am, which makes him still nearer to me. I have traveled from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and have never yet found another person precisely my age. J. H. W. Their children are: 1. John J. Hawse, born Sept. 28, 1866. No. 711. 2. Maggie L. Hawse, born July 23, 1868. No. 712. 3. Enos T. Hawse, born Nov. 27, 1869. No. 713. 4. Dewitt C. Hawse, b. Mar. 29, 1871. Died July 13, 1871. 5. Holland Z. Hawse, b. Apr. 20, 1872. Died Mar. 30, '73. 6. Mary B. Hawse, born May 17, 1873. No. 714. ' 86 7. Jasper L. Hawse, born Apr. 8, 1875. No. 715. 8. Lillie D. Hawse, born Feb. 9, 1877. No. 716. 9. Alpheus B. Hawse, born Mar. 7, 1878. Died at Nor- folk, Va., May 15, 1898, single. 10. Ella Kate Hawse, born Mar. 9, 1880. No. 717. 11. George T. Hawse, born Oct. 3, 1882. Elkins, W. Va. 12. Bessie D. Hawse, born Dec. 29, 1883. Single at home, Harrisonburg, Va. 13. Louie E. Hawse, b. Mar. 15, 1886. Died Sept. 19, 1886. Jasper Hawse for his second wife married Miss Annie C. Scott, Dec. 25, 1888. No children by this marriage. No. 178. Fourth Generation. 64. 15) Dewitt C. Beery, born at Edom, Va., Feb. 27, 1846; Annie E. Brunk, born at Edom, Va., July 15, 1846; married at Edom, Va., Feb. 21, 1866, and lived there a few years, then moved to Dade county, Southwestern Missouri. They are members of the M. E. church South. Their address is Cedarville, Dade Co., Mo. Their children are: 1. Joseph William Beery, born June 9, 1867. No. 718. 2. Gunning Christian Beery, born Mar. 1, 1869. Metho- dist minister. 3. Maggie Olive Beery, born Nov. 1, 1870. No. 719. 4. Dewitt Aldine Beery, born July 9, 1872. Methodist minister. No. 720. 5. Anna Belle Beery, born Feb. 4, 1874. Died Nov. 1874. 6. Viola May Beery, born Mar. 25, 1876. No. 721. 7. John K. Beery, b. Mar. 31, 1878. Methodist minister. 8. Ivy Frances Beery, born Apr. 4, 1880. Preparing for missionary. 9. Ethel Cleo Beery, born Nov. 24, 1882. At college, Parksville, Mo. 10. Elsie Sidney Beery, born Apr. 28, 1885. 11. Jessie Lee Beery, born July 31, 1887. No. 179. Fifth Generation. 96. 1) Clarence B. Winger, born Jan. 26, 1851, was married to Flora Bartlitt. P. O. address, Aledo, Mercer Co., Ill, Their children are: 1. Culver Nevins Winger, born Oct. 15, 1878. 2. Mary Alice Winger, b. Mar. 10, '80. Died July 29, '81. 3. Mareus Allen Winger, b. Apr. 21, '82. D. May 25, '85. 87 No. 180. Fifth Generation. 96. 2) Sarah E. Winger, born Nov. 26, 1853, was married Jan. 1, 1880, to Oscar P. Mannen. Their children are: 1. Lena Mannen, born Nov. 30, 1880. 2. Harry Mannen, born July 24, 1882. 3. Alice Mannen, born May 23, 1884. 4. Owen Mannen, born Apr. 4, 1886. 5. Leona Mannen, born Apr. 1, 1892. No. 181. Fifth Generation. 96. 3) Harry E. Winger, born Dec. 24, 1855, was married Oct. 27, 1884, to Clara B. McCreight. P. O. address, Aledo, Mercer Co., 111. Their children are: 1. Mary Orr Winger, b. Oct. 14, 1885. Died Dec. 28, '91. 2. Richard E. Winger, born Jan. 10, 1888. 3. Eva Lucile Winger, born June 18, 1890. 4. Arthur B. Winger, born Sept. 2, 1892. 5. Helen Winger, born Nov. 30, 1894. 6. Lena M. Wenger, born Apr. 3, 1899. No. 182. Fifth Generation. 96. 4) Alice R. Winger, born May 7, 1863, was married Nov. 24, 1887, to Ralph Graham. Profession, lawyer at Newton, Iowa. Their children are: 1. Geneva Graham, born Aug, 12, 1890. 2. Russell Graham, born Dec. 11, 1892. 3. Gerald Graham, born Jan. 18, 1895. 4. Garrett Graham, born Sept. 4, 1896. No. 183. Fifth Generation. 96. 5) Jesse A. Winger, born Apr. 27, 1865, was married Apr. 15, 1886, to Lula Norwood. Their children are: 1. Lorena Winger, born Jan. 18, 1887, 2. Richard Winger, born Oct. 30, 1888. 3. Frank Winger, born Jan. 11, 1891. 4. Faith Winger, born Nov. 7, 1896. No. 184. Fifth Generation. 70. 2) Abraham B. Wenger, born June 13, 1839, died July l4, 1896; married Sarah Hartman, Dec. 24, 1862, who died Aug. 22, 1900. He was ordained a minister in the Menno- nite church, July, 1880. Address, Dayton, Va. Their chil- dren are: 1. Rebecca S. Wenger, born Dec. 12, 1865. No. 629. 88 No. 64. Magdalena (Wenger) Beery. 2. Isaac B. Wenger, born Aug. 31, 1867. No. 630. 3. Elisabeth Wenger, born July 10, 1869. 4. Rachael Wenger, born June 22, 1872. No. 631. 5. Clement D. Wenger, born Nov. 23, 1874. 6. Sarah F. Wenger, born Oct. 27, 1878. No. 185. Fifth Generation. 86. 11) Katie E. Wenger, born at Greenmount, Va., Mar. 25, 1875, was married July 15, 1900, to George Brunk, of McPherson, Kan. He is a bishop in the Mennonite church. Address, McPherson, Kansas. No. 186. Fifth Generation. 75. 4) Joseph W. Wenger, born Sept. 28, 1851, was mar- ried Sept. 28, 1881, to Mary Bainbridge Taylor, of Cairo, 111., who was born June 24, 1861. His position. Commercial Agent Illinois Central R. R. Co. Their children are: 1. Joseph Bainbridge Wenger, born Dec. 22, 1882. 2. Alice Mary Wenger, born Sept. 30, 1884. 3. Kenneth Taylor Wenger, born Jan. 31, 1891. No. 187. Fifth Generation. 75. 5) Charles P. Wenger, born Apr. 17, 1856, was yet single in 1900, and clerk in City National Bank, Cairo, 111. No. 188. Fifth Generation. 75. 6) Daniel Brainard Wenger, born in Tazewell Co., 111., Jan. 13, 1859, was married Feb. 23, 1887, to Maggie E. Jamison, at Starkville, Colo. Occupation, mercantile busi- ness. Their children are: 1. Laura May Wenger, b. Apr. 28, 1888, Starkville, Colo. 2. Daisy Elisabeth Wenger, b. Nov. 30, 1889, " 3. Daniel Elias Wenger, b. July 16, 1891, Ogden, Utah. No. 189. Fourth Generation. 11. 1) Abraham Coffman, born Oct. 17, 1809, died Aug. 23, 1881; was married in 1834 to Mary Tuckwiller, born in 1804, died July, 1886. Methodist. Lived in Greenbrier Co., W. Va. Their children are: 1. Kate Coffman. No. 776. 2. Bettie A. Coffman, born Jan. 20, 1843. 3. Agnes N. Coffman, born Jan. 28, 1846. The last two are single and live at Blue Sulphur Springs, Greenbrier Co., W. Va. 89 No. 190. Fourth Generation. 11. 2) Christina Coffman, born Apr. 9, 1811, died Dec. 8, 1880; was married to John Tuckwiller. who died a few years later. Lived in Greenbrier Co., W. Va. Children died in infancy. No. 191. Fourth Generation. 11. 3) Elisabeth Coffman, born Apr. 4, 1815, died Apr. 28, 1894; Daniel Rodgers, born Aug. 16, 1813, died May 15, 1882; were married Apr. 11, 1844. Methodists. Greenbrier Co., W. Va. Their children are: 1. Sallie A. Rodgers, born Mar. 14, 1845. No. 798. 2. Christopher M. Rodgers, born Sept. 13, 1846. Died Sept. 16, 1867. 3. Catharine F. Rodgers, born Apr. 2, 1848. No. 799. 4. James M. Rodgers, born Jan. 15, 1850. No. 800. 5. Mary C. Rodgers, born Feb. 16, 1852. No. 801. 6. Samuel E. Rodgers, born Apr. 26, 1854. No. 802. 7. Susie J. Rodgers, born May 22, 1856. No. 803. No. 192. Fourth Generation. 11. 4) Joseph Coffman, born Dec. 17, 1816, died Dec. 7, 1890; was married to Sallie Wilson, who died Nov. 29, 1873. Lived in Greenbrier Co., West Virginia. Their children are: 1. James Madison Coffman, born Jan. 1, 1844. No. 778. 2. Barbara Ann Coffman, born July 3, 1845. No. 779. 3. Wm. Taylor Coffman, born Aug. 23, 1849. No. 780. 4. Samuel Harvey Coffman, born Mar. 22, 1852. No. 781. 5. Sallie L. Coffman, born Jan. 19, 1854. No. 782. 6. Otey Frances Belle Coffman, b. Feb. 24, '57. No. 783. The above family are members of the M. E. church.*) No. 193. Fourth Generation. 11. 5) Daniel Coffman, born Aug. 23, 1818, fell from a cherry tree and died June 29, 1871; was married on the 23d day of May, 1841, to Catharine Hedrick, who was born Apr. 18, 1820, and is still living (1902) in Greenbrier Co., W. Va. Methodists. Their children are: 1. David Coffman, b. June 27, 1843. Died Sept. 4, 1847. 2. John Coffman, b. June 8, 1845. Carbondale, Osage Co., Kansas. *) This Coffman family is reported by two different persons, and the dates conflict. I cannot tell which is right. 90 3. Price Coffman, born Aug. 10, 1848. Fort Springs, Greenbrier Co., W. Va. 4. Mary Elisabeth Coffman, born Aug. 15, 1851. Mar- ried Mr. Brackman, Carbondale, Kansas. 5. Jacob Samuel Coffman, born May 22, 1854. Address, Coffman, Greenbrier Co.^ W. Va. 6. Clark Phelps Coffman, Dec. 10, 1855. Carbondale, Osage Co., Kansas, (See No. 567.) 7. Charles Nixon Coffman, born Dec. 15, 1859. Summer- ville, Nicholas Co., W. Va. 8. Harvey Lewis Coffman, born Nov. 24, 1861. Coff- man, Greenbrier Co., W. Va. 9. Leni Leoti Coffman, born Apr. 1, 1866. Married Mr. Hern, Blaker's Mill, Greenbrier Co., W. Va. No. 194. Fourth Generation. 11. 6) Anna Coffman, born Jan. 19, 1820, was married to George Wilson, her first husband, and David Hedrick, her second husband. George Wilson died within a year after marriage. Anna remained a widow for 21 years, then mar- ried David Hedrick, who was born about 1814 and died Dec. 20, 1902, but she is yet living (Jan. 1, 1903). He was a Methodist, and she a Mennonite. Though long separated from her own denomination she remained loyal to the church of her choice. No children by either marriage. Greenbrier Co., Va. No. 195. Fourth Generation. 11. 8) David Coffman, born Dec. 15, 1825, died where he was born Feb. 15, 1899; was married to Isabel Hedrick Feb. 7, 1854. Methodist Episcopal. Isabel Hedrick was born July 15, 1832, and died July 9, 1885. Lived at Lewisburg, Greenbrier Co., W. Va. Their children are: 1. Moses Christopher Coffman, b. Jan. 10, 1855. No. 566. 2. Martha Jane Coffman, born July 8, 1856. No. 567. 3. George Samuel Coffman, born May 28, 1858. No. 568. 4. Frederic David Coffman, born Jan. 20, 1860. No. 569. 5. Sarah Barbara Coffman, born Nov. 24, 1861. No. 570. 6. Hannah Elisabeth Coffman, born Feb. 22, 1864. Died Dec. 25, 1866. 7. Amos Joseph Coffman, born July 28, 1866. No. 571. 8. Minnie Christena Coffman, b. Jan. 31, 1869. No. 572. 9. Eli Stephen Coffman, born Jan. 17, 1871. No. 573. 91 10. Elmer Jehu Coffman, born July 3, 1873. No. 574. 11. Ira Hedrick Coffman, born Sept. 8, 1876. No. 575. No. 196. Fourth Generation. 11. 9) Susan Coffman, born Sept. 2, 1828, died Oct. 20^ 1900; Methodist; was married to Levi Claypool, who was born July 12, 1822, and died Mar. 18, 1896. They were mar- ried Apr. 9, 1853, and lived at Fort Springs, Greenbrier Co., W. Va. Their children are: 1. John W. Claypool, born Jan. 6, 1854. No. 576. 2. Rebecca A. Claypool, born Feb. 17, 1855. No. 577. 3. Christopher K. Claypool, born Sept. 25, 1856. No. 578. 4. Fannie Claypool, born May 20, 1867. Fort Springs^ W. Va. No. 197. Fourth Generation. 11. 10) Fannie Coffman, born Jan. 23, 1833, was married Feb. 15, 1853, to Jehu Hedrick, who was born Feb. 16, 1828. Both still living (1902). Methodist. They are living at. tort Springs, Greenbrier Co., W. Va. Their children are: 1. Isabell A. Hedrick, b. Mar. 6, 1854, died Oct. 31, 1872.. 2. Stephen T. Hedrick, born Feb. 23, 1857; No. 579. 3. George H. Hedrick, born Oct. 30, 1858; No. 580. 4. Madison L. Hedrick, born Nov. 30, 1862; No. 581. 5. Lucy F. Hedrick, born Dec. 2, 1864; No. 582. 6. Eliza C. Hedrick, b. Oct. 24,'66. Fort Springs, W.Va. 7. Moses C. Hedrick, born June 20, 1869; No. 583. 8. Amos L. Hedrick, born Sept. 3, 1871; No. 584. 9. Frank E. Hedrick, b. Apr. 13, 1874. Seattle, Wash. No. 198. Fifth Generation. 35. 1) Mary Wenger, born Jan. 13, 1817, was married to Christian Wenger. For their family record see No. 58. Mary Wenger died Sept. 25, 1900, aged 83 Y., 8 M., 12 D. No. 199. Fifth Generation. 35. 3) Michael Wenger, born Feb. 26, 1819, died Apr. 18, 1900, aged 81 Y., 1 M., 22 D.; was married Dec. 28, 1840, to Barbara Sensenig, born April 25, 1822, died May 28, 1900, aged 78 Y., 1 M., 3 D. Both interred in Sensenig's graveyard. P. O. address, Weaverland, Lancaster Co., Pa. Their children are: 1. Esther S. Wenger, b. Nov. 11, 1841. D. Sept. 6, 1876.. 2. John S. Wenger, born Sept. 19, 1843; No. 267. 92 3. Mary S. Wenger, born Oct. 9, 1845; ^o. 268. 4. Frances S. Wenger born May 6, 1848; No. 269. 5. Samuel S. Wenger, born Feb. 7, 1850. 6. Aaron S. Wenger, born June 3, 1852. No. 270 7. Barbara S. Wenger, born Nov. 1, 1854. 8. Magdalena S. Wenger, born March 16, 1857. 9. David S. Wenger. born July 28, 1859. 10. Lydia S. Wenger, born Dec. 28, 1861. No. 200. Fifth Generation. 35. 4) Elisabeth Wenger, born Dec. 4, 1820, died Oct. 27, 1891, aged 70 Y., 10 M., 23 D.; was married Dec. 4, 1844, to Christian Martin, born Feb. 25, 1824, died Apr. 21, 1900, aged 76 Y., 1 M., 26 D. Both buried in the Olive cemetery, in Elkhart Co., Ind. Their children, all born in Lancaster Co., Pa., are: 1. Barbara Martin, b. Oct. 27, 1845. Died Oct. 16, 1884. 2. Abraham Martin, b. Nov. 2, 1846. Died Jan. 28, 1851. 3. Magdalena Martin, b. Dec. 30, 1847. D. Mar. 19, 1848. 4. Elisabeth Martin, born Apr. 16, 1850. 5. Susanna Martin, born Feb. 10, 1852. No. 290. 6. Isaac Martin, born Dec. 18, 1854. No. 291. 7. Maria Martin, born Oct. 16, 1857. Died Mar. 10, 1859. 8. Anna Martin, born Oct. 2, 1859. Died Nov. 14, 1859. No. 201. Fifth Generation. 35. 5) John S. Wenger, born Dec. 2, 1822, was married Nov. 17, 1844, to Esther Newswanger, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Oct. 12, 1817, and died May 11, 1875, in Elkhart Co., Ind., aged 57 Y., 6 M., 29 D. In the year 1858 this family moved from Lancaster Co., Pa., to Elkhart Co., Ind., locating one mile west of the Yellow Creek Mennonite church. Their children are: 1. Jacob N. Wenger, born Nov. 28, 1845. No. 285. 2. Anna Wenger, born Feb. 27, 1847. No. 286. 3. Elisabeth Wenger, b. Mar. 17, 1849. D. Feb. 18, 1866. 4. Eli Wenger, born Mar. 25, 1852. No. 287. 5. Barbara Wenger, born Jan. 17, 1856. No. 288. No. 202. Fifth Generation. 35. 6) David Wenger, born Dec. 25, 1824, was married Oct. 25, 1846, to Sarah Stauffer, born Oct. 17, 1826, and died Jan. 1, 1870. Their children, all born in Lancaster Co., Pa., are: 93 1. Anna Wenger, born Dec. 15, 1847. No. 416. 2. Magdalena Wenger, born Feb. 25, 1849. No. 427. 3. Enos Wenger, born Mar. 31, 1850. Invalid. 4. David Wenger, born July 27, 1851. No. 430. 5. John Wenger, born Apr. 26, 1853. Died. 6. Jacob Wenger, born Dec. 18, 1854. No. 429. 7. Sarah Wenger, born Sept. 8, 1856. No. 431. 8. Samuel Wenger, born May 3, 1858. No. 433. 9. Lydia Wenger, born Sept. 16, 1859. No. 434. 10. Joseph Wenger, born May 16, 1862. 11. Mary Wenger, born Aug. 20, 1863. 12. Israel Wenger, born Mar. 27, 1865. Died. Dec. 28, 1870, David Wenger was married the second time, to Catharine (Brubaker) Weaver, born Dec. 1, 1837, and died Dec. 22, 1873, aged 36 years and 22 days. No. 203. Fifth Generation. 35. 7) Susanna Wenger, born July 19. 1827, was married ^pr. 19, 1853, to Joseph Martin, born Sept. 26, 1809. In his early years he was a drover, buying up cattle in Ohio and taking them to Lancaster and adjoining counties in Penn- sylvania and selling them. His farm residence was on the bank of the Conestoga Creek, near Chr. Sensenig's flouring mill. She died . Their children are: 1. Anna Martin, born Nov. 27, 1854. No. 804. 2. John Martin, born Feb. 16, 1856. No. 805. 3. Susanna Martin, born Mar. 28, 1857. No. 806. No. 204. Fifth Generation. 35. 8) Barbara Wenger, born Jan. 30, 1829, was married Dec. 23, 1852, to Abraham Martin, born Aug. 26, 1828. In the spring of 1867 this family moved from Lancaster Co., Pa., to Washington Co., Md. Occupation, farmer; later he also erected a flouring mill at Hagerstown. P. O. address, Hagerstown, Md. Their children are: 1. John W. Martin, born Sept. 17, 1853. No. 406. 2. Abraham W. Martin, born Sept. 1, 1854. No. 407. 3. Menno W. Martin, b. Mar. 27, 1856. D. May 27, 1857. 4. Elisabeth Martin, born May 9, 1857. No. 408. 5. Barbara Martin, born Aug. uO, 1858. No. 409. 6. David W. Martin, born Aug. 24, 1859. 7. Samuel W. Martin, born Oct. 27, 1860. No. 410. 8. Joseph W. Martin, born May 30, 1862. No. 411. 94 9, Mary Martin, born May 30, 1864. 10. Anna Martin, born Aug. 15, 1865. 11. Martha Martin, born Apr. 26, 1867. Died same day. 12. Isaac W. Martin (twin), born Oct. 14, 1868. No. 412. 13. Michael W. Martin (twin), born Oct. 14, 1868. 14. Daniel W. Martin, born Mar. 7, 1872. No. 413. No. 205. Fifth Generation. 35. 9) Magdalena Wenger, born Nov. 19, 1830, was married Oct. 17, 1850, to Abraham Weaver, born Aug. 8, 1824. Both were born in Lancaster Co., Pa., where they resided until 1866, when they moved to Washington Co., Md., and from thence, in the spring of 1869, to Franklin Co., Pa. Their children are: 1. Jonas A. Weaver, born Aug. 19, 1851. No. 497. 2. Susanna Weaver, born Oct. 19, 1852. No. 498. 3. John W. Weaver, born Sepc. 9, 1854. No. 499. 4. Lydia Weaver, born Mar. 5, 1856. No record, 5. Aaron Weaver, born Apr. 27, 1857. No. 500. 6. Magdalena Weaver, born Jan. 12, 1859. No. 501. 7. Anna Weaver, born June 4, 1861. No record. 8. Martin L. Weaver, born Mar. 30, 1863. No. 502. 9. Samuel S. Weaver, born July 11, 1865. No. 503. 10. Mary Weaver, born Oct. 19, 1867. No. 504. 11. Abraham Weaver, born Mar. 22, 1870. No record. 12. Daniel Weaver, b. Dec. 21, 1874. Died June 27, 1893. No. 206. Fifth Generation. 35. 10) Samuel Wenger, born Dec. 9, 1833, died ; was married Mar. 28, 1852, to Elisabeth Stauffer, born July 5, 1834, died Feb. 24, 1886. P. O. address, Terre Hill, Lancaster Co., Pa. Their children, all born in Lancaster Co., Pa., are: 1. Susanna Wenger, born June 30, 1852. No. 445. 2. Anna W. Wenger, born July 11, 1853. No. 771. 3. Sarah Wenger, born July IjO, 1854. 4. Menno Wenger, born Apr. 24, 1856. 5. Jacob Wenger, born Nov. 9, 1857. 6. Infant son, born Oct. 14, 1858. Born dead. 7. John Wenger, born Oct. 9, 18b9. No. 446. 8. Samuel Wenger, born Dec. 3, 1860. No. 447. 9. Mary Wenger, born Aug. 15, 1862. No. 448. 10. Magdalena Wenger, born Sept. 8, 1863. No. 449. 95 11. Elisabeth Wenger, born i>iov. 23, 1864. No. 450. 12. David A. Wenger, born Dec. 30, 1865. No. 772. 13. Barbara Wenger, born Mar. 1, 1867. Single. 14. Fyanna Wenger, born June 15, 1868. No. 453. 15. Catharine W. Wenger, born Dec. 19, 1873. No. 773. 16. Martin W. Wenger, born Dec. 29, 1874. No. 774. 17. Amanda W. Wenger, born Apr. 28, 1877. No. 775. No. 207. Fourth Generation. 7. 8) John Bare, born Dec. 2, 1810, died Jan. 14, 1855, was married to Anna Blosser. He was a Mennonite minister and lived west of Waterford, Ind. Their children are: 1. Noah Bare. 5. Jonas Bare. 2. David Bare. 6. Peter Bare. 3. John Bare. 7. Elias Bare. 4. Jacob Bare. No. 208. Fourth Generation. 7. 10) Joseph Bare, born June 30, 1814. died Feb. 3, 1866; was married to Barbara Christophel. Their children are: 1. Mary Ann Bare. 4. Joel Bare. 2. Jacob Bare. 5. Sarah Bare. 3. Enos Bare. 6. Joseph Bare. No. 209. Fifth Generation. 21. 1) Susanna Gulp, born May 29, 1826, died Sept. 8. 1898; was married Feb. 24, 1857, to Jacob Dausman, who died July 26, 1893. P. O. address, Goshen. Ind. Their chil- dren are: 1. John Dausman. b. Jan. 26, 1858. Died Mar. 11, 1876. 2. Noah Dausman, born Apr. 29, 1859. No. 245. 3. Anna Gatharine Dausman, b. July 15, 1861. No. 246. 4. Benjamin Dausman, b. Dec. 12, 1865. D. Sept. 21, '83. No. 210. Fifth Generation. 21. 4) Solomon Gulp, born Nov. 10, 1829, was married in Jan., 1861, to Rachael Overholt. Residence, Elkhart Go., Ind. Had five children — all died young. No. 211. Fifth Generation. 21. 6) John B. Gulp, born Jan. 20, 1832, was married May 1, 1858, to Mary Traub. P. O. address, Foraker, Elkhart Co., Ind. Their children are: 1. Noah Gulp, born May 3, 1860. 2. Elias Gulp, born Aug. 7, 1862. 96 No. 65. Henry Wenger. 3. Albert Gulp, born Sept. 5, 1865. 4. Lorin Gulp, born Feb. 20, 1868. 5. Levi Gulp, born May — , 1870. 6. Jessie Gulp', born May — , 1876. No. 212. Fifth Generation. 21. 7) Henry Gulp, born July 30, 1833, was married in 1858 to Magdalena Overholt. P. O. address, South West, Ind. Their children are: 1. Josephus Gulp. 5. Jonas Gulp. 2. Enos Gulp. 6. William Allin Gulp. 3. Sarah Ann Gulp. 7. Glara Gulp. 4. Susan Jane Gulp. 8. John Henry Gulp. 9. Benjamin Franklin Gulp. No. 213. Fifth Generation. 21. 10) Abraham Gulp, born Sept. 30, 1838, was married in the winter of 1866 to Anna Blosser. P. O. address, Wakarusa, Ind. Their children are: 1. Salome Gulp, born June — , 1869. 2. Phebe Gulp, born June ^,1873. 3. Amos Gulp, born Feb. — , 1876. 4. Elisabeth Gulp, born Apr. — , 1878. 5. Timothy Gulp, born Nov. — , 1880. No. 214. Fifth Generation. 21. 12) Peter Gulp, born Jan. 20, 1841, died June 30, 1900; was married in September, 1865, to Gathar.ine Holdeman. Their children are: 1. Ira Gulp, born Oct. 17, 1866. 2. Anna Gulp, born Nov. 9, 1867. 3. William Gulp, born Feb. 14, 1870. 4. Helena Gulp, born Apr. 9, 1872. Died young., 5. John Gulp, born Dec. 29, 1874. 6. Abner Gulp (twin), Sept. 16, 1876. 7. Elisabeth Gulp (twin), Sept. 16, 1876. 8. Nora Gulp, born Sept. 25, 1880. 9. Ellen Gulp, born Sept. 12, 1882. No. 216. Fifth Generation. 22. 1) Joseph Wenger, born May 16, 1831, in Lancaster Co., Pa., was married Dec. 19, 1858, to Susanna Martin, born Jan. 31, 1832. After their marriage they moved to Elkhart Go., Ind. Their P. O. address was Goshen, later 7 97 Elkhart. Joseph Wenger, at the . age of 21 years, left the parental roof in Pennsylvania in 1852 and came to near Columbus, Ohio. In 1853 he went to Canada; in 1854 to Ohio again with teams, and in 1856 to Elkhart, Ind., where he is still living. He is a small man, but is full of Christian kindness and noble deeds. The secretary of this History is acquainted with him, and knows that his life is worthy of imitation. He and wife in early youth united with the Old Mennonite church. Their children, all born in Elkhart Co., Ind., are: 1. Elisabeth Wenger, b. Sept. 20, 1859. D. Nov. 20, '61. 2. Henry Wenger, born Mar. 31, 1861. 3. Anna Wenger, born Dec. 5, 1862. 4. Lydia Wenger, born Oct. 2, 1864. 5. Susanna Wenger, born June 10, 1866. 6. Infant son, born Oct. 19, 1868. Died same day. 7. Maria Wenger, born Dec. 8, 1869. Died young. No. 217. Fifth Generation. 22. 2) Elisabeth Wenger, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Apr. 3, 1832, was married Oct. 16, 1855, to John B. Detwiler*), born Apr. 6, 1833, in Waterloo Co., Canada (now known as Ontario). In the year of 1858 they moved from the above mentioned place lo Elkhart Co., Ind. P. O. address, Goshen, later Elkhart. Their children are: 1. Solomon W. Detwiler, b. July 21, '56. D. Aug. 24, '57. 2. Susanna W. Detwiler, b. Sept. 30, 1857. 3. Christian W. Detwiler, b. Aug. 18, '59. D. Jan. 30, '62. 4. Rudolph W. Detwiler, born Nov. 17, 1860. No. 417. 5. Jonas W. Detwiler, b. Feb. 22, 1862. D. May 15, 1867. 6. William W. Detwiler, born Oct. 17, 1863. No. 337. 7. Elisabeth W. Detwiler, born Nov. 9, 1865. No. 338. 8. John W. Detwiler, b. Oct. 27, 1867. Died Dec. 26, '70. 9. Magdalena W. 'Detwiler, born Mar. 7, 1869. 10. Noah W. Detwiler, born July 21, 1870. No. 418. 11. Joseph W. Detwiler, born Mar. 10, 1874. No. 218. Fifth Generation. 22. 3) Anna Wenger, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., May 30, *) This name in this family should be spelled "Dett- weiler." 98 1833, died Mar. 15, 1865; was married Apr. 17, 1855, in Wayne Co., O., to Henry Eyman, born in Bavaria, Germany, in 1828, who came with his parents to America in 1840. In the year 1855 he with his wife moved from Wayne Co., O., to Waterloo Co., Canada West (now known as Ontario), and in the year 1857 from the last mentioned place to Elk- hart Co., Ind. In 1864 they moved to Kent Co., Mich. They are Mennonites. Their children are: 1. Elisabeth Eyman, born Mar. 25, 1856. No. 339. 2. Catharine Eyman, b. June 8, 1857. D. Nov. 12, 1868. 3. Anna Eyman, born June 22, 1858. No. 340. 4. Jacob Eyman, born Apr. 6, 1860. Died Mar. 25, 1861. 5. Elias Eyman, born Nov. 5, 1861. 6. Mary Eyman born Nov. 4, 1863. No. 341. Sept. 1, 1885, Henry Eyman was married to Widow Rachel Blosser, his second wife, in Elkhart Co., Ind., and then moved with her to Kent Co., Mich. No. 219. Fifth Generation. 22. 4) Susanna Wenger, born Oct. 25, 1834, died Sept. 4, 1872; was married May 13, 1857, to Martin Good, who was born Nov. 13, 1836, and died Sept. 1, 1878. Susanna Wen- ger, after the age of maturity, moved with her parents from Pennsylvania to Ohio, in 1854; from there to Canada in 1855, and again to Elkhart Co., Ind., in 1856, where she was married in 1857. They moved to Kent Co., Mich., in 1864, and lastly to Morgan Co., Mo., where she died Sept. 4, 1872, and was buried at the Bethel Swiss Mennonite church. Their children are: • 1. Mary Ann Good, born Aug. 18, 1858. No. 625. 2. Lucy Ann Good, born June 12, 1860. Died July 12, '63. 3. Daniel Good, born Oct. 25, 1861. No. 621. 4. Leah Good, born June 6, 1863. Died Apr. 21, 1865. 5. Joseph W. Good, born Sept. 24, 1864. No. 622. , 6. Aaron W. Good, born Aug. 1, 1867. No. 623. I 7. Eliab W. Good, born Feb. 23, 1870. No. 624. I 8. Eliza Good, born Apr. 5, 1872. Died, no date. 9. Ida B. Good, born Sept. 4, 1876. 10. Fannie Good, born Apr. 22, 1878. Died Sept. 27, 1881. No. 220. Fifth Generation. 22. 5) Mary Wenger, born In Lancaster Co., Pa., Nov. 15, 99 1837, and died May 13, 1883; was married to Adam Brenne- man, who was born May 30, 1837, and died Oct. 20, 1889, aged 52 Y., 4 M., 20 D. P. O. address, Orrville, O. Mary Wenger moved with her parents from Lancaster Co., Pa., in 1854, then a year later to Canada, and in 1857 to Elkhart Co., Ind., where she was married, then settled in Wayne Co., Ohio. When young, they united with the Old Menno- nite church and both died in that faith. Their children are: 1. Elisabeth Brenneman, born Aug. 14, 1858. 2. Amanda Brenneman, born Dec. 9, 1859. 3. Anna Brenneman, born Apr. 8, 1861. 4. Amos Brenneman, b. Jan. 1, 1863. Died Feb. 20, 1863. 5. Henry Brenneman, born Feb. 2, 1864. 6. David Brenneman, born Sept. 17, 1865. 7. Sarah Brenneman, b. Apr. 20, '67. D. Sept. 7, 1879. 8. Enos Brenneman, born Mar. 5, 1869. 9. Adam Brenneman, born Aug. 28, 1870. xvJ. Andrew Brenneman, b. June 14, 1872. D. Mar. 9, '75. 11. Eli Brenneman, born Feb. 3, 1874. I 12. Mahlon Brenneman, born Aug. 13, 1875. No. 221. Fifth Generation. 22. 6) Peter G. Wenger, born Mar. 25, 1839, in Lancaster Co., Pa., was married Sept. 22, 1867, to Lydia Souder, his first wife, born also in Lancaster Co., Pa., Oct. 14, 1837, and died Sept. 20, 1868, aged 30 Y., 11 M., 8 D. Oct. 27, 1870, he was married to Maria S. High, his second wife, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Nov. 28, 1837. They live near Bare- ville, Lancaster Co., Pa., which is their postoflEice. No children. No. 222. Fifth GeneratTon. 24. 2) Christiana Christophel was born Mar. 1, 1849. In January, 1868, she became employed in the office of the "Herald of Truth," Elkhart, Ind., as a compositor, which position she filled faithfully until September following, when, complaining of feeling unwell, she returned home to her parents in Union township, Elkhart Co., Ind., where she died of typhoid fever, Oct. 6, 1868, aged 19 Y., 7 M., 5 D. Though young, she was modest in her behavior, gentle in her conduct, kind and affectionate toward all, and graced her profession as a Christian with a pious walk and an unblamable life. 100 No. 223. Fifth Generation. 22. 8) Magdalena Wenger, born Nov. 16, 1842, was married Sept. 27, 1866, to Henry Bowman, born in Berks Co., Pa., Mar. 17, 1840. Mennonites. P. O. address, Bowmansville, Lancaster Co., Pa. No children. No. 224. Fifth Generation. 22. 9) Isaac G. Wenger, born Dec. 18, 1844, was married May 5, 1868, to Mary Elisabeth Vollwiler, born Nov. 28, 1846. Mennonites. Isaac G. Wenger was deprived of a father's care at the age of 13 years. Therefore, he with his young brothers and sisters, worked hard to support their mother with her family of nine children. It became necessary for Isaac to work among strangers until about 1864, when he was 20 years of age; then he left Elkhart Co., Ind., and settled in Kent Co., Mich., and was married at the age of 25 years. He then settled in the woods where in a few years he had a fine farm of 160 acres well im- proved. He is now living in Caledonia, Mich., and is in the hardware business with his brother, Zimmerman Wenger. He and his wife united with the Mennonite church about the year 1885. They are respected as worthy citizens. P. O. address, Caledonia, Kent Co., Mich. Their children, all born in Kent Co., Mich., are: 1. Mattie Wenger, born Nov. 16, 1869. No. 736. 2. Noah Wenger, born july 2, 1871. 3. William Henry Wenger, born July 17, 1873. No. 737. 4. Menno Wenger, born July 5, 1875. No. 738. 5. Zimmerman Wenger, born May 2, 1877. 6. Jonas Wenger, born Dec. 26, 1879. No. 739. 7. Isaac Simon Wenger, born Jan. 17, 1881. 8. Ida May Wenger, born Oct. 5, 1884. 9. Mary Jane Wenger, born Aug. 4, 1886. 10. Otto Jacob Wenger, born Feb. 27, 1891. No. 225. Fifth Generation. 22. 10) Christian G. Wenger, born Dec. 22, 1846, was mar- ried Feb. 26, 1872, in Kent Co., Mich., to Lovina Nogle, who was born Sept. 20, 1853, in Columbiana Co., O. He was ordained to the ministry of the Mennonite church in the spring of 1886. Christian G. Wenger was at the age of five years when his father was removed by the death angel, but he had the 101 benefit of a kind, consoling mother. He lived for a number of years with an uncle, with whom he moved to Kent Co., Mich., in April, 1864, where he continued to work on the farm. At the age of 21 he worked at the carpenter trade for four years, and at 25 was married. They have eleven children, a family unbroken by death. At the age of 21 he secured a parcel of timber land, which after his marriage he began to clear and improve. But not satisfied alone with this temporal home, they sought for a heavenly home and united with the Old Mennonite church. He has served as superintendent of their Sunday-school for 20 years. They have made their home attractive for their children, hence they nearly all cluster around the old homestead. JONAS G. WENGER. C. G. Wenger has been chairman of our efficient com- mittee in conducting the business affairs of this Wenger History, and a better man could not have been found. I, the secretary of this work, am personally acquainted with him, and through his energies and timely advice the work is completed. We like some people better than others, and we have a right to. Space forbids me to say more, but I regard Mr. Wenger as one among the best of men. JOSEPH H. WENGER. P. O. address, Caledonia, Kent Co., Mich. Their chil- dren are: 1. Barbara Wenger, born Apr. 19, 1873. No. 414. 2. Inez Wenger, born Apr. 6, 1874. No. 415. 3. Amos N. Wenger, born Aug. 14, 1875. No. 549. 4. Aaron V. Wenger, born Mar. 5, 1877. No. 814. 5. Joseph Wenger, born Sept. 2, 1878. No. 815. 6. Mary Ann Wenger, born May 20, 1883. 7. John Wenger, born Sept. 21, 1884. ' 8. Christian Wenger, born May 22, 1886. 9. Benjamin F. Wenger, born Apr. 29, 1889. 10. Flossy Lovina Wenger, born Sept. 27, 1891. 11. Manerva Elisabeth Wenger, born Mar. 14, 1894. No. 226. Fifth Generation. 22. 11) Jacob Wenger, born Mar. 31, 1849, was married Nov. 3, 1878, to Magdalena Hunsperger, born Aug. 25, 1855. Mennonites. P. O. address, Wakarusa, Elkhart Co., Ind. Their children are: 102 ■ 1. Elisabeth Wengep, born Aug. 2, 1880. 2. Noah Wenger, born Nov. 5, 1882. No. 352. 3. Goldie Wenger, born Oct. 14, 1894. No. 227. Fifth Generation. 22. 13) Zimmerman G. Wenger, born July 1, 1852, was married May 18, 1879, to Lizzie Karrer, born July 24, 1859. Lutherans. Z. G. Wenger owns a farm in Kent Co., Mich., which he operated until 1900, when he rented the farm, and is now a partner with his brother, Isaac G. Wenger, in the hardware business in Caledonia, Kent Co., Mich. They are doing a thriving business. P. O. address, Caledonia, Kent Co., Mich. Their children are: 1. Otto Wenger, born Nov. 8, 1881. Died Oct. 18, 1887. ,. 2. Ida Wenger, born June 20, 1884. 3. Anna Wenger, born Apr. 7, 1886. 4. Lloyd Wenger, born Feb. 26, 1890. No. 228. Fifth Generation. 22. 14) Barbara Wenger, born Mar. 16, 1855, in Wayne Co., Ohio, was married Jan. 6, 1878, to Isaiah Christophel, born Jan. 28, 1851. For their family record see No. 229, below, as this couple are related, and come into the his- tory from both sides. No. 229. Fifth Generation. 24. 4) Isaiah Christophel, born Feb. 24, 1852, was married Jan. 6, 1878, to Barbara Wenger, born Mar. 16, 1855 (see No. 228). P. O. address, Nappanee, Elkhart Co., Ind. Their children are: 1. Susie W. Christophel, born Jan. 2, 1879. No. 636. 2. Martha Christophel, born Dec. 15, 1883. 3. Emma Christophel (twin), bora Aug. 27, 1886. Died Oct. 3, 1894. 4. Anna Christophel (twin), born Aug. 27, 1886. No. 230. Fifth Generation. 94. 3) Nannie C. Landes, born Oct. 9, 1860, was married in October, 1883, to Moses Wenger. See No. 480, as this couple are related and come into the history from both sides. No. 231. Fifth Generation. 74. 1) Gideon Wenger, born Mar. 1, 1843, at Dayton, Rock- ingham Co., Va., was married in 1868, to Catharine E. Rhodes (Mennonite), his first wife, who died Nov, 15, 1878. 10 Q In 1880 he was married to Catharine Virginia Coiner, his second wife, born in 1852, in Augusta Co., Va. Their chil- dren are: With his first wife: 1. John Daniel Wenger, b. June 1, 1869. D. Jan. 1, '79. 2. Elisabeth Frances Wenger, born Aug. 15, 1870. 3. Sarah Luella Wenger, born Feb. 22, 1872. 4. Rhodes Solomon Wenger, born Feb. 8, 1874. 5. Marvin Cleophas Wenger, born Apr. 6, 1876. 6. Catharine Anna Wenger, born Oct. 27, 1878. Died Nov. 2, 1887. With his second wife: 7. Sadie Belle Wenger, born Sept. 11, 1881. 8. William Franklin Wenger, born Oct. 22, 1882. 9. James Alvin Wenger, born Sept. 13, 1884. 10. Charles Sylvester Wenger, born May 12, 1886. 11. Emmitt Stuart Wenger, born Apr. 23, 1888. 12. Flossie Virginia Wenger, born Mar. 14, 1892. 13. Andrew Lee Wenger, born Dec. 15, 1893. 14. Mary Evaline Wenger, born Apr. 16, 1897. No. 232. Fifth Generation. 74. 4) Daniel Wenger, born at Dayton, Va., Apr. 7, 1849, died June 10, 1893, aged 45 Y., 2 M., 3 D. ; was married Aug. 10, 1876, to Fannie M. Heatwole, born May 30, 1853. Their children, all born in Rockingham Co., Va., are: 1. Bettie F. Wenger, born May 22, 1877. 2. Arthur S. Wenger, born Jan. 5, 1879. 3. Maggie S. Wenger, born Aug. 12, 1880. 4. Emanuel J. Wenger, born Jan. 1, 1883. 5. Lydia A. Wenger, born Apr. 25, 1886. 6. Mollie E. Wenger, born Aug. 18, 1888. 7. Abram D. Wenger, born Jan. 9, 1891. 8. Bertha E. Wenger (twin), born Oct. 30, 1893. 9. Vedia A. Wenger (twin), born Oct. 30, 1893. No. 233. Fifth Generation. 74. 5) Anna Wenger, born at Dayton, Va., Jan. 3, 1850, was married Dec. 18, 1873, to Jonas H. Blosser, born in Rock- ingham Co., Va., July 16, 1851. Mennonites. P. O. address, Harrisonburg, Rockingham Co., Va. No children. No. 234. Fifth Generation. 74. 7) Elisabeth Wenger, born at Dayton, Va., May 19, 104 4> £ ns c 4> m c o 00 « o z 1854, was married Feb. 25, 1892, at Bridge water, Rocking- ham Co., Va., to David Shantz, who was born Jan. 30, 1846. P. O. address, Cullom, Livingston Co., 111. Their chil- dren are: 1. John S. Shantz, born Jan. 16, 1893. 2. Sarah L. Shantz, born Apr. 23, 1894. 3. Alvin C. Shantz (twin), born Oct. 15, 1895. 4. Earl D. Shantz (twin), born Oct. 15, 1895. 5. Mary E. Shantz, born Apr. 27, 1898. No. 235. Fifth Generation. 74. 12) John M. Wenger, born at Dayton, Va., Mar. 22, 1865,. was married Mar. 11, 1894, to Nannie J. Byerly, born July 7, 1864. P. O. address. Mount Crawford, Rockingham Co.,. "Va. Their children are: 1. Peachy Benjamin Wenger, born Mar. 15, 1895. 2. Celia Ann Wenger, born July 31, 1897. 3. Lois F. Wenger, born Jan. 14, 1900. 4. Mary F. Wenger, born Oct. 6, 1902. No. 236. Fifth Generation. 6. 2) Daniel Martin, born May 26, 1819, was married in Erie Co., N. Y., in the year 1840, to Elisabeth Lapp, his first wife, who was born Nov. 22, 1819, and died Dec. 18, 1849, aged 39 Y., 26 D. He was married, Oct. 6, 1850, to Elisabeth Dortha Waller, his second wife, born July 3, 1827, and died Dec. 11, 1881, aged 53 Y., 6 M., 8 D. The children are: With his first wife: 1. Infant son, born Oct. 10, 1840. Died soon after. 2. Anna Martin, born Nov. 15, 1841. 3. Maria Elisabeth Martin, born July 12, 1844. Died Feb. 9, 1892. 4. Emanuel Martin, b. Apr. 15, 1847. Died Jan. — , 1849. 5. Abraham Martin, born Nov. 25, 1848. Died same day, .6. Esther L. Martin, born Dec. 11, 1849. With his second wife: 7. Infant son, born Aug. 25, 1851. Died same day. 8. Daniel Martin, born Aug. 11, 1852. Died Apr. 5, 1854. 9. John Martin, born May 14, 1855. 10. Franklin Martin, born May 10, 1857. 11. David Martin, born Feb. 3, 1859. 12. Abraham Martin, born Sept. 16, 1860. 13. Eli Martin, born July 14, 1862. Died Apr. 2, 1863. 105 14. Mary Elisabeth Martin, born Mar. 18, 1864. 15. Aaron Martin, born Oct. 21, 1865. Died Nov. 8, 1865. 16. George Martin, born Jan. 4, 1868. Died same day. 17. Susanna Martin, b. Jan. 28, 1869. Died Apr. 20, 1869. 18. ^anny Martin, born July 15, 1870. Dec. 14, 1882, Daniel Martin was married to Mary (Overlise) Norwood, his third wife. No. 237. Fifth Generation. 75. 2) Louisa A. Wenger, born Oct. 15, 1845, was married Sept. 17, 1890, to John L. Craig, born in Newport, Vermil- lion Co., Ind., Apr. 16, 1847. Mr. J. L. Craig was a miner and prospector fifteen years in Colorado and New Mexico, then lived on a ranch some years in New Mexico. He is at present (1900) an employe in the Kansas City Times printing office. P. O. address, 608 E. 13th St., Kansas City, Mo. No. 238. Sixth Generation. 135. 1) John D. Suter, born at Dale Enterprise, Va., July lY, 1868, was married in Dec. 1892, to Sallie Cline. P. O. address, Rushville, Rockingham Co., Va. Their children are: 1. Mary Ann Suter, born Apr. 5, 1893. ■2. Treva Pearl Suter, born Aug. 11, 1895. 3. Jacob Boyd Suter, born Aug. 20, 1898. 4. John Samuel Suter, born Apr. 8, 1901. No. 239. Sixth Generation. 135. 2) Isaac C. Suter, born near Dale Enterprise, Va., Aug. Iz, 1869, was married Oct. 18, 1898, to Bettie Swank. P. O. address, Harrisonburg, Rockingham Co., Va. Their chil- dren are: 1. Weldon Ottilon Suter, born July 3, 1900. 2. Benjamin Franklin Suter, born Aug. 24, 1901. No. 240. Sixth Generation. 135. 3) Andrew G. Suter, born at Dale Enterprise, Va., Jan. 8, 1871, was married in Dec, 1894, to Verdie Good. P. O. address, Chrisman, Rockingham Co., Va. Their chil- dren are: 1. Dewitt Roy Suter, b. June 21, 1896. Died Aug. 20, '97. 2. Lillian May Suter, born May 9, 1898. 5. Anna Esther Suter, born Mar. 25, 1901. 106 No. 241. Sixth Generation. 135. 4) Mary A. Suter, born at i/ale Enterprise, Va., Feb. 9, 1873, was married in Oct. 1897, to John Sharp. P. O. address, Harrisonburg, Rockingham Co., Va. 1. Ralph Conrad Sharp, born June 21, 1898. No. 242. Sixth Generation. 135. 5) Fannie H. Suter, born at Dale Enterprise, Va., Mar. 24, 1875, was married in Jan., 1889, to John Heatwole. P. O. address, Rushville, Rockingham Co., Va. Their chil- dren are: 1. Anna Margaret Heatwole, born Jan. 3, 1900. 2. Guy Jacob Heatwole, born Jan. 9, 1901. 3. Marion Suter Heatwole, born Sept. 2, 1902. No. 243. Sixth Generation. 48. 1) W^illiam Perry Coffman, born in Rockingham Co., Va., Jan. 13, 1871, was married in Elkhart, Ind., Jan. 9, 1895, to Lydia Hug, born Mar. 19, 1868. Occupation, for- merly foreman in the composing room of the Mennonite Publishing House, Elkhart, Ind., now manager job depart- ment Times Publ. Co., South Bend, Ind. Their children are: 1. Esther Elisabeth Coffman (twin), born Nov. 11, 1895. 2. Ethel Magdalena Coffman (twin), born Nov. 11, 1895. 3. Mary l^rances Coffman, born Feb. 5, 1900. No. 244. Sixth Generation. 48. 3) Jacob Manasses Coffman, born in Rockingham Co., Va., Aug. 18, 1873, was married July 1, 1900, to Vesta Queath DeCamp, of Elkhart Co., Ind. His occupation, postal clerk in the Elkhart P. u., Elkhart Co., Ind. No. 245. Sixth Generation. 209. 2) Noah Dausman, born Apr. 29, 1859, was married Oct. 23, 1879, to Emma Stiver, born Dec. 10, 1857, died Aug. 3, 1883. P. O. address. South West, Elkhart Co., Ind. Their children are: 1. Clara Ettie Dausman, born May 10, 1880. 2. Arvilla Alice Dausman, born Dec. 4, 1882. No. 246. Sixth Generation. 209. 3) Anna Catharine Dausman, born July 15, 1861, was married July 21, 1881, to Jacob Stump, born Mar. 10, 1858. Their children are: 1. Albert Stump, born Mar. 26, 1882. 107 2. Dora Ella Stump, born Nov. 23, 1883. 3. Lillie Alles Stump, born Sept. 8, 1886. 4. Bessie Stump, born Nov. 29, 1888. 5. Beulah Stump, born June 1, 1894. No. 247. Fourth Generation. 19. 1) Anna Wenger, born Feb. 28, 1793, died Sept. 15^ 1853, aged 60 Y., 6 M., 17 D. ; was married to Jacob (familiarly called Yockel) Zimmerman, born July 16, 1784^ died Sept. 14, 1856, aged 72 Y., 1 M., 28 D. He was for a good many years the bishop of the Mennonite church at Weaverland, Lancaster Co., Pa. Their children are: 1. Joseph Zimmerman, born Jan. 5, 1818. No. 322. 2. Christian Ziimmerman, born Aug. 3, 1821. No. 507. 3. Susanna Zimmerman. 4. Jacob Zimmerman, born Mar. 21, 1828. No. 509. 5. Isaac Zimmerman, born Apr. 6, 1830. No. 515. No. 248. Fourth Generation. 19. 3) Joseph Wenger, born Dec. 20, 1802, died Nov. 1, 1864; married Sarah Carman, who was born Apr. 8, 1831. They were Mennonites. She remained a widow until Apr. 16, 1874, when she married John Renninger. She died Jan. 25, 1897. No children by second marriage. They lived in Lancaster Co., Pa. Four children by tirst marriage: 1. Margaret Wenger, b. Jan. 25, 1852. M'd Elias Shirk. 2. Elisabeth Wenger, born Mar. 13, 1854. Married Harry G. Sheaffer. 3. Emma Wenger, b. (no date). Married Benj. McWate. 4. Joseph Wenger, born (no date). M'd Kate Lessley. The above four Wengers are married and have fami- lies, but were reported in such a bad shape that they could not be recorded. J. H. W. No. 249. Fourth Generation. 19. 4) Barbara Wenger, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Dec. 1-t, 1804, died Sept. 21, 1882, in Emmet Co., Mich.; married John W. Dettwiler in 1826, and died near Conestoga, Ont., Canada, June 22, 1852. I think .they lived in Michigan. Their cnildren are: 1. Abraham W. Dettwiler (twin), b. May 6, '28. No. 524. 2. Isaac W. Dettwiler (twin), b. May 6, 1828. No. 528. 3. Susannah Dettwiler, born Aug. 8, 1831. No. 534. 108 4. Joseph W. Dettwiler, born Feb. 17, 1834. No. 422. 5. Jonas W. Dettwiler, born Apr. 3, 1840. No. 519. 6. Henry W. Dettwiler, born Apr. 5, 1842. No. 523. 7. Esther Dettwiler. Married Henry Schiedel, Cale- donia, Mich. 8. Christian W. Dettwiler, born Dec. 31, 1845. No. 541 No. 250. Fourth Generation. 19, 5) Elisabeth Wenger, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Feb. 11, 1805, was married in 1822, to Peter Weber, born in Earl Twp., Lancaster Co., Pa., June 11, 1801. In April, 1825, they moved to Waterloo Co., Canada, locating in Woolwich township, a little north of Conestoga, where they resided until their deaths. Their children are: 1. Israel Weber, born Sept. 2, 1823. Died Oct. 15, 1849. 2. Jonas Weber, born Nov. 8, 1824. No. 294. 3. Zimmerman Weber, born May 3, 1826. No. 296. 4. Peter Weber, born Dec. 26, 1827. No. 297. 5. Isaac Weber, born Sept. 19, 1829. No. 298. 6. Joseph Weber, born Nov. 10, 1831. No. 299. 7. Veronica Weber, born June 7, 1833. Died an infant. 8. Mary Weber, born Oct. 20, 1834. No. 300. 9. Elisabeth Weber, born Feb. 3, 1836. Died an infant. 10. Eli Weber, born Sept. 10, 1837. No. 301. 11. Magdalena Weber, b. June 14, 1839. Died an infant. 12. John Weber, born June 15, 1840. Died an infant. 13. Susanna Weber, born Dec. 3, 1841. Died young. 14. Anna Weber, born Mar. 31, 1843. No. 302. 15. Lydia Weber, born June 13, 1844. Died young. 16. Catharine Weber, born Nov. 15, 1846. No. 303. 17. Lovina Weber, born Feb. 25, 1848. Died in 1858. 18. Hiram Weber, born May 31, 1850. No. 304. No. 251. Fourth Generation. 19. 6) Zimmerman Wenger, born Nov. 25, 1807, and died Mar. 25, 1831. Was never married. He was a builder by occupation, erected many houses and barns in Waterloo Co., Canada. No. 252. Fourth Generation. 19. 7) Susanna Wenger, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Apr. 3, 1810, was married Sept. 21, 1834, to Joseph C. Martin, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Dec. 24, 1811. When in his 109 eighth year, Joseph Martin moved with his parents (Peter Martin's) to Canada. After marriage they located in Waterloo township, a few miles north of Waterloo, where he died Mar. 21, 1856. Some years later, she, with part of her family, moved to Kent Co., Mich., where she died Jan. 7, 1879, aged 68 Y., 9 M., 4 D. Their children are: 1. Daniel W. Martin, born Sept. 16, 1835. No. 319. 2. Mary W. Martin (twin), born Nov. 4, 1836. No. 320. 3. Magdalena Martin (twin), born Nov. 4, 1836. Died same day. 4. Peter W. Martin, born May 13, 1838. Died same day. 5. Joseph W. Martin (twin), born Mar. 23, 1839. Died same day. 6. Benjamin W. Martin (twin), born Mar. 23, 1839. Died same day. 7. Anna Martin, born Mar. 26, 1840. No. 421. 8. Simon P. Martin, born Dec. 1, 1841. No. 321. 9. Zimmerman W. Martin, born Dec. 20, 1843. 10. Susanna Martin, born Aug. 11, 1845. No. 253. Fourth Generation. 19. 8) Isaac Wenger, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Feb. 18,. 1812, died Mar. 6, 1890, was married in Waterloo Co.^ Canada, Mar. 26, 1839, to Mary Bowman, who died Oct. i^ 1899, aged 81 Y., 2 M., 18 D. Some time after their mar- riage they moved to Elmira, where he was engaged in the mercantile business. Later he moved from there to Ayton, Grey Co., Ont., there carrying on a mercantile and milling business. Their children are: 1. Joseph Wenger, b. Dec. 22, 1839. Died June 12, 1842. 2. Jonathan Wenger, b. Oct. 19, 1841. D. Apr. 17, 1843. 3. Noah Wenger, born Oct. 27, 1844. No. 330. 4. Aaron Wenger, born Aug. 27, 1848. No. 331. 5. Amos Wenger, born July 17, 1851. No. 332. No. 254. Fourth Generation. 19. 9) Mary Wenger, born Apr. 28, 1814, died Mar. 16, 1868; was married to John Meyer, born Aug. 21, 1808, died Aug. 8, 1883. They resided in Woolwich Twp., Waterloo Co., Canada, one mile east of Heidelberg, where she died.. After her death he was again married. Their children arer 1. Diana Meyer, born Sept. 3, 1834. No. 740. 2. Louisa A. Meyer, born Feb. 21, 1836. No. 741. 110 3. Eliab Meyer, born June 7, 1837. No. 742. 4. Solomon Meyer, born Aug. 20, 1838. No. 743. 5. Isaac W. Myers*), born Nov. 20, 1839. No. 744. 6. Marian Meyer, born July 17, 1841. No. 745. 7. Sarah Meyer, born Feb. 17, 1843. No. 746. 8. Elisabeth Meyer, born May 17, 1844. No. 747. 9. Hannah Meyer, born Mar. 14, 1846. No. 748. 10. Absalom Meyer, born July 13, 1847. No. 749. 11. Barbara Meyer, born May 12, 1849. No. 750. 12. John W. Meyer, born May 10, 1851. No. 751. 13. Aaron Meyer, b. June 1, '53. Died single, July 5, '75. No. 255. Fourth Generation. 19. 10) Jonas Wenger, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., May 6, 1815, was married Mar. 3, 1840, in Waterloo Co., Canada, to Maria A. Martin, his first wife, born June 15, 1820. In October, 1856, this family moved from Elmira, Waterloo Co., Canada, to Elkhart Co., Ind., where she died Apr. 2, 1857, aged 36 Y., 9 M., 17 D., and, with her new-born babe in her arms in the same casket, was interred in the Menno- nite Yellow Creek cemetery. He then, not feeling himself at horne in Indiana, moved back in the spring of 1858 to Waterloo Co., Canada, where he was married to Anna Weber, his second wife, born Oct. 17, 1820, and died Oct. 24, 1872. Some years after the death of his second wife he was married to Eliza Zeigler, widow of the late Abra- ham Kolb, his third wife, who died Jan. 5, 1896; he dying Jan. 17, 1897, aged 81 Y., 8 M., 10 D. Jonas Wenger was a man with practically no school facilities, and his education was limited. But as a business man and farmer he was among the most prosperous. Dur- ing his lifetime he accumulated considerable wealth, the greater portion of which he distributed among his children during his life. As a husband and father he was kind, generous and affectionate. He was a member of the Old Mennonite church, and as a Christian was firm in his be- lief, as well as unwavering in his faith unto the end. J. H. W. *) This member of the family has resumed the old spelling of the name "Myers", and not "Meyer" as the family has it. Ill His children, all born m Waterloo Co., Canada, are: With his hrst wife: 1. Isaac M. Wenger, b. Dec. 9, lb40. Died Apr. 9, 1841. 2. Annie M. Wenger, born Nov. 29, I84I. No. 391. 3. Lucy M. Wenger, b. Dec. 21, 1842. D. Sept. 9, 1843. 4. Mary Magdalena M. Wenger, b. Dec. 11, '43. No. 392. 5. Esther M. Wenger, born Dec. 5, 1845. No. 349. ■6. Peter M. Wenger, born Jan. 17, 1848. No. 394. V. Elisabeth M. Wenger, born Oct. 29, 1849. No. 393. 8. Christian M. Wenger, born Apr. 26, 1851. No. 396. 9. Menno M. Wenger, b. Sept. 9, 1853. D. Oct. 31, 1855. 10. Mary Ann M. Wenger, b. July 16, '55. D. Sept. 12, '55. 11. Susanna M. Wenger, b. Apr. 2, 1857. D. Apr. 3, 1857. With his second wife: 12. Daniel W. Wenger, born Apr. 8, 1860. No. 350. 13. Lydia W. Wenger, born Aug. 22, 1862. No. 351. No. 256. Fourth Generation. 19. 11) Magdalena Wenger, born Aug. 13, 1816, died Aug. 14, 1876; was married in the year 1836 to Eli Schrock, who died in 1843, aged 27 years and some months. They resided near Conestoga, Waterloo Co., Canada. In the year 1857 the widow with her children moved to Elkhart Co., Ind., where she died, her remains being interred in the Olive cemetery. Their children are: 1. Sarah Schrock, born Apr. 3, 1837. No. 632. 2. John Schrock, born Feb. 27, 1838. No. 356. 3. Joseph Schrock, born Feb. 1, 1839. No. 357. 4. Elisabeth Schrock, born Mar. 3, 1840. No. 358. 5. Maria Schrock, born Mar. 1, 1841. No. 506. 6. Susanna Schrock, born Mar. 13, 1842. 7. Eli Schrock, born Apr. 15, 1843. No. 308. No. 257. Fourth Generation. 19. 12) Esther Wenger, born July 23, 1819, was married in April, 1842, to Frederick Scheifley, born June 21, 1823. They resided a little to the south of Conestoga, Waterloo Co., Canada, where she died Aug. 28, 1850 (No. 378). June 21, 1851, he was married again, to Elisabeth Gingerich, and moved near the town of Waterloo. His children with his Hrst wife are: 1. Gideon Scheifley, born Nov. 28, 1843. No. 617. 2. Amanda Scheifley, born Dec. 23, 1844. No. 618. 112 3. Priscilla Scheifley, born Mar. 22, 184o. No. 619. 4. Barbara Scheifley, born Apr. 3, 1848. No. 620. With his second wife he had five children: Christian G., Solomon G., Aaron G., Andrew and David. No. 258. Fourth Generation. 15. 1) Levi Winger, born in Rockingham Co., Va., Oct. 16, 1820, died Aug. 22, 1874, aged 53 Y., 2 M., 26 D.; was mar- ried Apr. 15, 1841, to Abby Harrison, born May 31, 1820. Occupation, farming, coopering, shoemaking. P. O. ad- dress, Appleton, Licking Co., O. Their children are: 1. Henrietta Winger, born Mar. 8, 1842. No. 273. 2. Phebe Elisabeth Winger, born Aug. 9, 1843. No. 276. 3. Rachel Euphemia Winger, b. May 16, 1845. No. 293. 4. Harvey Harrison Winger, born Dec. 6, 1846. No. 279. 5. Cynthia Carolina Winger, b. Oct. 27, 1848. No. 333. 6. Timothy Jacob Winger, born Oct. 27, 1850. No. 347. 7. Harriet Ann Winger, b. Mar. 22, 1852. D. Feb. 21, '56. 8. Melissa Winger, born Feb. 6. 1854. No. 281. 9. Martha L. Winger, born Nov. 14, 1855. No. 334. 10. Joseph L. Winger, born Jan. 6. 1858. No. 335. 11. Amtzi C. Winger, born Jan. 27, 1860. No. 282. 12. Loyal F. Winger, born Oct. 16, 1861. No. 336. 13. Mary Bell Winger, born Aug. 29, 1866. Died. No. 259. Fifth Generation. 94. 2) Sarah Landis, born June 15, 1858, was married Oct. 1, 1876, to Andrew Beery. See No. 479. No. 260. Sixth Generation. 58. See Frontispiece. 2) Martin D. Wenger, born Mar. 24, 1841, in Lancaster Co., Pa., was married in the city of Elkhart, Ind., Apr. 30, 1876, to Nancy K. Stayrook, born in Mifflin Co., Pa., June 22, 1844, died Aug. 14, 1897, aged 53 Y., 1 M., 22 D. In February, 1856, Martin D. Wenger moved with his parents to Woolwich township, Waterloo county, Canada (Ontario), and in October of the same year from last mentioned place to Elkhart Co., Ind. In September, 1867, he accepted a position in the Herald of Truth Pub- lishing House, Elkhart, Ind. (J. F. Funk & Bro., propri- etors), serving as compositor, then proofreader and as- sistant editor of "Herold der Wahrheit", and at the same 8 113 time for about six years editing a German children's paper, called the "Christliche Jugendfreimd." In ivpril, 1881, he, on account of failing health, resigned his office work and moved with his family to the country, two miles south of the city of Elkhart, engaging in tne raising of fruit and vegetables for market, besides serving for about twelve years as general secretary of the Mennonite Aid Plan. In November, 1900, he moved to the city again, but on Sept. 18, 1901, he went to look after the farm and was sick in the evening when he came home, and died on Sun- day morning, Sept. 22, 1901, aged 60 Y., 5 M., 28 D. M. D. Wenger was a consistent member of the Mennonite church. The neighborhood, the church, the Sunday-school and the family have all suffered a great loss in the departure of so worthy a man. The funeral took place on Tuesday at his home in Elkhart, Ind., conducted by J. S. Hartzler and Samuel Yoder, and at the lellow Creek church by Noah Metzler and John W. Martin. Cousin Martin D. Wenger, my efficient co-worker in this Wenger record, was compiler of this work up to the time of his death, after which time the manuscripts were placed in the writer's hands for completion. I never had any personal acquaintance with Cousin Martin, but in our work on the Wenger record we had a continual pleasant correspondence, so that in a measure we were well acquainted, and in conclusion would say that in his death we have suffered a great loss. JOSEPH H. WENGER, South English, Iowa. The children, all born in the city of Elkhart, are: 1. Ella Wenger (twin), born June 22, 1877. 2. Emma Wenger (twin), born June 22, 1877. 3. John S. Wenger, born Nov. 5, 1879. No. 261. Sixth Generation. 58. 3) Barbara Wenger, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Dec, 10, 1842, was married in Elkhart Co., Ind., Dec. 22, 1867, to Elias Z. Martin, born near Goodville, Lancaster Co., Pa., Aug. 14, 1843, he coming from Lancaster Co., Pa., to Elk- hart Co., Ind., in December, 1866. He was ordained deacon in the Wisler branch of the Mennonite church. P. O. address, Goshen, Ind. Their children, all born in Elkhart 114 Co., Ind., are: 1. John W. Martin, born Apr. 22, 1869. No. 284. 2. Eli W. Martin, born May 1, 1872. 3. Henry W. Martin, b. Sept. 10, 1876. D. Jan. 19, 1899. No. 262. Sixth Generation. 58. 4) Michael Wenger, born Nov. 23, 1844, in Lancaster Co., Pa., was married Jan. 5, 1893, to Salome Troxel, born in St. Joseph Co., Ind. He was a farmer and served six- teen years as supervisor in Harrison Twp., Elkhart Co., Ind. P. O. address, Goshen, Ind. Their children are: 1. Allen Guy Wenger, born Sept. 17, 1893. 2. Ell Nora Wenger, born Aug. 13, 1895. 3. John Walter Wenger, born Feb. 15, 1898. 4. George Rhemas Wenger, born Jan. 20, 1900. Died Sept. 5, 1900. 5. , born May 16, 1901. No. 263. Sixth Generation. 58. 5) Eli Wenger, born Feb. 6, 1847, in Lancaster Co., Pa., was married Feb. 5, 1874, to Mary Ettie Troxel, born Feb. 2, 1856, in St. Joseph Co., Ind. P. O. address, Goshen, Ind. Their children, all born in Elkhart Co., Ind., are: 1. Franklin Wenger, born Nov. 30, 1874. 2. Magdalena Wenger, born Sept. 17, 1877. 3. Menno Wenger, born Sept. 18, 1879. 4. Ellen Wenger, born Sept. 1, 1887. 5. Savilla Wenger, born Dec. 5, 1892, No. 264. Sixth Generation. 58. 6) Fanny Wenger, born June 29, 1849, in Lancaster Co., Pa., was married Oct. 31, 1869, to Christian Weaver, born Nov. 22, 1848. P. O. address, Wakarusa, Elkhart Co., Ind. Their children, all born in Elkhart Co., Ind., are: 1. Menno Weaver, born Nov. 20, 1870. 2. John Weaver, born Oct. 26, 1873. 3. Christian Weaver, born Feb. 14, 1879. 4. David Weaver, born May 8, 1883. 5. Eli Weaver, born Dec. 20, 1884. 6. Israel Weaver, b. Mar. 27, 1888. Died Jan. 16, 1889. No. 265. Sixth Generation. 60. 1) Abraham Burkholder, born Oct. 18, 1852, was mar- ried Jan. 20, 1874, to Catharine Zimmerman, born May 28, 115 1856. P. O. address, Farmersville, Lancaster Co., Pa. Their children, all born in Lancaster Co., Pa., are: 1. Martin Z. Burkholder, born Dec. 31, 1874. 2. Fannie Z. Burkholder, b. Dec. 26, '78. D. Mar. 14, '96. 3. Mary Z. Burkholder, born May 15, 1882. 4. Catharine Z. Burkholder, born Sept. 1, 1884. Died Apr. 12, 1896. 5. Abraham Z. Burkholder, born Nov. 26, 1886. 6. Jacob Z. Burkholder, born Sept. 6, 1890. No. 266. Sixth Generation. 60. 2) Lizzie Burkholder, born Nov. 26, 1854, was married May 20, 1877, to Isaac M. Weaver, born Sept. 13, 1854. P. O. address, Martindale, Lancaster Co., Pa. Their children, all born in Lancaster Co., Pa., are: 1. Elias B. Weaver, b. July 20, 1878. Died Oct. 6, 1878. 2. Fanny B. Weaver, b. Aug. 15, 1879. D. Jan. 19, 1884. 3. Mary B. Weaver, born Apr. 17, 1882. 4. Peter B. Weaver, b. July 31, 1883. Died Jan. 9, 1884. 5. Reuben B. Weaver, born Feb. 26, 1885. 6. Menno B. Weaver, born Apr. 28, 1887. 7. John B. Weaver, born July 7, 1889. 8. Anna B. Weaver, born Oct. 24, 1891. 9. Isaac B. Weaver, b. Sept. 26, 1893. Died July 21, 1894. 10. Noah B. Weaver, born Dec. 21, 1894. 11. Joseph B. Weaver, b. May 15, '96. Died Sept. 21, '96. No. 267. Sixth Generation. 199. 2) John S. Wenger, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Sept. 19, 1843. He was blind and never married. No. 268. Sixth Generation. 199. 8) Mary S. Wenger, born Oct. 9, 1845, in Lancaster Co., Pa., was married Dec. 29, 1867, to Joseph H. Martin, born Jan. 24, 1840. Their children, all born in Lancaster Co., Pa., are: * 1. Menno W. Martin, born Apr. 22, 1869. No. 767. 2. John W. Martin, born Oct. d, 1870. No. 768. 3. Joseph W. Martin, born Feb. 14, 1872. No. 769. 4. Anna W. Martin, born Sept. 30, 1873. No. 770. 5. Solomon W. Martin, born Apr. 9, 1875. 6. David W. Martin, b. Nov. 30, 1876. Died Dec. 20, '89. 7. Michael W. Martin, born May 12, 1878. 116 8. Daniel W. Martin, born Dec. 23, 1880. 9. Barbara W. Martin, born May 26, 1882. 10. Levi W. Martin, born Nov. 26, 1883. 11. Mary W. Martin, born Mar. 6, 1885. 12. Fannie W. Martin, born Sept. 28, 1886. 13. Lydia W. Martin, born Apr. 20, 1888. 14. Susanna W. Martin, born Mar. 20, 1890. No. 269. Sixth Generation. 199. 4) Francis S. Wenger, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., May 6, 1848, was married Oct. 6, 1868, to Catharine G. Good, his first wife, born Oct. 17, 1851, died May 25, 1881. In 1887 he was married to Mary Ann Sengerwalt, his second wife, born June 20, 1853. P. O. address, Brandamore, Chester Co., Pa. Their children are: Of first wife: 1. William G. Wenger, born Oct. 7, 1869. No. 289. 2. Mary Ann Wenger, born July 29, 1871. 3. Naomi G. Wenger, born July 30, 1873. 4. Lizzie G. Wenger, born May 22, 1876. 5. Harry G. Wenger, born Feb. 17, 1880. Of second wife: 6. Edward S. Wenger, born Dec. 1, 1887. 7. Benj. Franklin Wenger, born Aug. 26, 1889. 8. Clara S. Wenger, born Oct. 18, 1892. 9. Susanna S. Wenger, born Jan. 11, 1894. No. 270. Sixth Generation. 199. 6) Aaron S. Wenger, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., June 3, 1852, was married Oct. 14, 1877, to Maria W. Martin, born Aug. 22, 1859. Their children, all born in Lancaster Co., Pa., are: 1. Joseph M. Wenger, b. Jan. 3, 1879. D. Apr. 8, 1883. 2. Lydia M. Wenger, b. Feb. 27, 1881. Died Mar. 22, '82. 3. Maria M. Wenger, born Oct. 22, 1882. 4. Aaron M. Wenger, born Apr> 17, 1884. 5. Fanny M. Wenger, born Sept. 1, 1886. 6. Barbara M. Wenger, born Nov. 3, 1888. 7. Eli M. Wenger, born Oct. 15, 1890. 8. Ellen M. Wenger, born Sept. 30, 1892. 9. Elisabeth Wenger, born Mar. 17, 1895. 10. Alice Wenger, born Feb. 10, 1898. 11. Samuel A. Wenger, born Aug. 4, 1900. 117 No. 271. Fourth Generation. 61. 9) Susanna Wenger, born Nov. 25, 1823, died Sept. 7, 1892; was married in Jan., 1846, to Samuel Grabill, born July 9, 1824, died Jan. 23, 1894, aged 69 Y., 6 M., 14 D. In the fall of 185 — they moved from Rockingham Co., Va., to Livingston Co., 111., on a farm on which a part of Cullom is now built. At the same time about six other families moved there on the prairie, then a perfect wilderness with swamps and creeks and no bridges and no roads, land be- ing worth $1.25 per acre. There they both died. Their children are: 1. Mary Grabill, born Mar. 26, 1847. No. 326. 2. Ephraim Grabill, born Mar. 3, 1848. No. 425. 3. Noah Grabill, born May 25, 1850. No. 428. 4. Anna Grabill, born Aug. 14, 1851. No. 454. 5. Christena Grabill, born Apr. 17, 1853. 6. Susanna Grabill, born Feb. 28, 1855. 7. Elisabeth Grabill, born Feb. 9, 1857. 8. Malinda Grabill, born Apr. 19, 1859. 9. Benjamin Grabill, born Mar. 10, 1861. 10. Ida Grabill, born Sept. 13, 1865. No. 272. Fifth Generation. 70. 1) Noah C. Wenger, born at Dayton, Rockingham Co., Va., Oct. 5, 1835, died Nov. 5, 1900, aged 65 Y., 1 M.; was married Nov. 26, 1857, to Sarah Basinger, born in Mahoning Co., O., Sept. 7, 1840. In Dec. 1890 this family moved from Rockingham Co., Va., to Knox Co., Tenn. P. O. address, Ball Camp, Knox Co., Tenn. Their children are: 1. Peter B. Wenger, b. Oct. 28, 1858. D. June 17, 1860. 2. Mary Ann R. Wenger, born Jan. 20, 1861. No. 323. 3. Jerusha Wenger, born Oct. 11, 1865. No. 324. 4. Barbara C. Wenger, born July 14, 1871. No. 325. No. 273. Fifth Generation. 258. 1) Henrietta Winger, born in Licking Co., O., Mar. 8, 1842, was married Sept. 10, 1863, to John D. Edwards, born in same place, Sept. 10, 1841. P. O. address, Appleton, Licking Co., O. Their children are: 1. Lillie May Edwards, born July 21, 1867. No. 274. 2. Infant daughter, born Mar. 12, 1871. Died same day. No. 274. Sixth Generation. 273. 1) Lillie May Edwards, born July 21, 1867, died Sept. 118 21, 1895; was married Sept. 19, 1889, to William Edgerty, born in Licking Co., O., Nov. 3, 1864. P. O. address, Newark, Licking Co., O. One child: 1. Charlie P. Edgerty, born Sept. 13, 1895. No. 275. Fifth Generation. 22. 7) Jonas G. Wenger, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Nov. 13, 1840, was married in Clarence Center, Erie Co., N. Y., Aug. 27, 1865, to Fanny Martin, born at last mentioned place, Apr. 17, 1839. Mennonites. After their marriage trip they located in Kent Co., Mich., in October 1865, he being a farmer. Selling out nere they moved Mar. 20, 1872, to Tipton, Moniteau Co., Mo., buying here a half interest in the hardware business of Martin Good, but Good failing in less than a year they sold out their entire stock of hard- ware in the spring of 1873. In the fall of 18y3 J. G. Wenger and E. C. Weber jointly opened and operated a general merchandise business, in which they continued until Feb. 1875, when Wenger bought out Weber, Wenger conducting the business himself. In Aug. 1883 Wenger sold out his entire business to Mr. Buel, settled up accounts, and, in company with his wife, set out in November on a visiting tour to the East. Stopping in Elkhart Co., Ind., to visit friends and relatives until Feb. 12, 1884, his wife took sick with typhoid pneumonia and died there. Mar. 6, 1884, aged 44 Y., 6 M., 19 D., and was buried in the Mennonite Olive cemetery. After the burial of his wife, J. G. Wenger con- tinued his proposed visit through Michigan, Canada, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, to Indiana, and from thence home again to Missouri. He then traveled one year for the Mennonite Publishing House in Elkhart, Ind., and moved in the spring of 1887 from Missouri to Harper, Kansas, where he was engaged in the coal, lumber and feed business for fifteen years. In 1902 he was appointed superintendent of the Mennonite Old People's and Orphans' Home at Ritt- man, Ohio. Much credit is due to Mr. Wenger for starting this Wenger History in the bud, which later on by others was made to bloom and grow to its present condition. They had no children of their own, but in 1873 they adopted Susanna, a little daughter of Jonas and Amanda Detwiler, and raised her, and she was married to Menno 119 B. Weaver on Thanksgiving day of 1891. In 1878 they adopted Eliza Good (both her parents being dead), who died May 27, 1882, aged 10 Y., 1 M., 22 D. No. 276. Fifth Generation. 258. 2) Phebe Elisabeth Winger, born in Licking Co., O., Aug. 9, 1843, was married Nov. 19, 1865, to Merril C. Par- sons, born in Chautauqua Co., N. Y., Dec. 30, 1835, who in the spring of 1838 came with his parents to Ohio. The Civil War breaking out he served three years in the Union army, and then spent three years in California and the West. He was a carpenter by trade, but in later years followed farming. P. O. address, Croton, Licking Co., O. Their children are: 1. Infant child, born Sept. 29, 1866. Died same day. 2. Amie A. Parsons, born Dec. 15, 1868. No. 277. 3. Harvey M. Parsons, b. Mar. 29, 1870. D. Oct. 23, 1893. 4. Andy H. Parsons, born Sept. 9, 1872. No. 278. 5. Hattie A. Parsons, born Apr. 15, 1884. Harvey went west, took sick and died at Guthrie, Logan Co., Okla., the remains being brought back to the home of his parents and buried in the Appleton cemetery, in Licking Co., Ohio. No. 277. Sixth Generation. 276. 2) Amie A. Parsons, born Dec. 15, 1868, was married Jan. 13, 1887, to Elmer Hawkins, born Mar. 30, 1865, at Mt. Liberty, Knox Co., O., where they reside. Their chil- dren are: 1. Benjamin H. Hawkins, born June 7, 1888. 2. Inna H. Hawkins, born June 27, 1890. 3. Meril McKinley Hawkins, born Oct. 8, 1893. No. 278. Sixth Generation. 276. 4) Andy H. Parsons, born Sept. 9, 1872, was married Sept. 10, 1891, to Martha Lenington, born in Licking Co., O. P. O. address, Jersey, Licking Co., O. One child (1900) : 1. Elcy May Parsons, born May 30, 1896. No. 279. Fifth Generation. 258. 4) Harvey Harrison Winger, born in Licking Co., O., Dec. 6, 1846, went to Millersburg, Mercer Co., III., in Sep- tember 1868, where he was married Oct. 17, 1871, to Sarah Crawford. P. O. address, Aledo, Mercer Co., 111. Their children are: 120 No. 82. Elisabeth (Wenger) Blosser. 1. Levi J. Winger, born Nov. 5, 1872. No. 280. 2. Infant son, born June 27, 1875. Died same day. 3. John W. Winger, born Oct. 18, 1876. 4. Minnie E. Winger, born Sept. 19, 1883. 5. Bessie M. Winger, b. Jan. 8, 1889. Died May 3, 1889. No. 280. Sixth Generation. 279. I) Levi J. Winger, born Nov. 5, 1872, in Mercer Co., III., was married Oct. 15, 1895, to Mattie Miller, born in Mercer Co., 111. One son: 1. Loyal Erskine Winger, born Sept. 1, 1898. No. 281. Fifth Generation. 258. 8) Melissa Winger, born Feb. 6, 1854, was married Aug. 16, 1877, to Liender Webb, born in Licking Co., O., Apr. 2, 1850. In March 1880 this family moved to Poweshiek Co., Iowa, and from thence in March 1896 to Dallas Co., Mo. P. O. address, Buffalo, Dallas Co., Mo. Their chil- dren are: 1. Clinton A. Webb, born June 24, 1878. 2. Myrtle L. Webb, born Sept. 12, 1879. 3. Alta H. Webb, born Aug. 3, 1883. 4. Amzi D. Webb, born Oct. 27, 1886. 5. William H. Webb, born Mar. 29, 1890. 6. Alva A. Webb, born Apr. 15, 1892. No. 282. Fifth Generation. 258. II) Amtzi C. Winger, born Jan. 27, 1860, was married Sept. 5, 1885, to Emma Adams, born Jan. 20, 1861, died June 14, 1898, aged 37 Y., 4 M., 24 D. P. O. address. Center Village, Delaware Co., O. Their children are: 1. Ethel M. Winger, b. July 19, 1886. Died Jan. 9, 1897. 2. Walter E. Winger, born Feb. 6, 1888. 3. William L. Winger, born Dec. 15, 1890. 4. Flora M. Winger, b. Feb. 19, 1893. Died Jan. 9, 1897. 5. Flossa Winger, b. Oct. 14, 1894. Died Nov. 25, 1894. 6. John H. Winger, born Jan. 20, 1896. Mar. 8, 1900, Amtzi C. Winger was married to Mary Work, his second wife. No. 283. Fifth Generation. 10. 7) Mary Reed, born Dec. 12, 1852, was married in Elk- hart Co., Ind., Oct. 5, 1873, to Joel Schneider, born in Wa- terloo Co., Canada, Aug. 31, 1847, and died instantly Jan. 121 24, 1898, from the effects of being kicked by a horse, aged 50 Y,, 4 M., 23 D. He was a deacon in the Wisler branch of the Mennonite church, and a man highly esteemed by :all who knew him. P. O. address. South V/est, Elkhart Co., Ind. Their children are: 1. Emma Schneider, born Aug. 29, 1875. No. 284. 2. Simon Schneider, born Dec. 21, 1884. Nov. 18, 1900, Mary (Reed) Schneider was again mar- ried to Joseph Musser, of Elkhart Co., Ind., her second hus- band. P. O. address, Wakarusa, Ind., box 333. No. 284. Seventh Generation. 261 and 283. 1) John W. Martin, born in Elkhart Co., Ind., Apr. 22, 1869, was married Feb. 4, 1894, to Emma Schneider, born in Elkhart Co., Ind., Aug. 29, 1875 (see No. 283). P. O. address, Goshen, Ind. John W. Martin and Emma Schnei- der are cousins and come into this History both ways. Their children are: 1. Clara Martin, born Jan. 13, 1896. 2. Nettie Martin, born Nov. 28, 1898. No. 285. Sixth Generation. 201. 1) Jacob N. Wenger, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Nov. 28, 1845, was married Nov. 3, 1867, to Mary Hartman, born Apr. 27, 1842, died Dec. 21, 1870, aged 28 Y., 7 M., 14 D., and buried in the Mennonite Yellow Creek cemetery. Oct. 19, 1871, Jacob N. Wenger was married to L.ydia A. J. Shoe- maker, his second wife, born Mar. 19, 1848. He lived in various places, followed farming, had one time moved to Kansas, returned, followed threshing with engine and sep- arator some years, then worKed in planing mills in Elkhart, then in Goshen, Ind., and lives at present (1900) in Noble Co., Ind., following farming, Ligonier being their P. O. His children are: With his first wife: 1. Lovina Wenger, born July 28, 1868. No. 364. 2. Aaron H. Wenger, born Aug. 13, 1869. 3. Mary Wenger, born Dec. 13, 1870. No. 365. ¥/ith his second wife: 4. Clara A. Wenger, born Mar. 14, 1874. No. 366. 5. Ella May Wenger, b. Dec. 23, 1878. Died Dec. 6. '87. 6. Oliver Reene Wenger, born Aug. 25, 1891. No. 286. Sixth Generation. 201. ."2) Anna Wenger, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Feb. 27, 122 1847, was married Jan. 1, 1874, to Daniel Christophel. For her family record see No. 33. No. 287. Sixth Generation. 201. 4) Eli Wenger, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Mar. 25, 1852, was married Nov. 30, 1876, in Elkhart Co., Ind., to Susanna B. Witmer, born in Mahoning Co., O., Apr. 26, 1856. In 1858 he moved with his father and family to Elk- hart Co., Ind., where he has been a resident ever since (1900). P. O. address, Wakarusa. One child: 1. Mary Lucretia Wenger, born Feb. 27, 1892. No. 288. Sixth Generation. 201. 5) Barbara Wenger, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Jan. 17, 1856, was married Nov. 8, 1877, to Henry Leimbach, born also in Lancaster Co., Pa., Nov. 21, 1847. They were married in Elkhart Co., Ind., where they commenced keep- ing house, Goshen being their P. O. Later they moved to Lancaster Co., Pa., Bowmansville being their P. O. Their children are: 1. Menno Leimbach, born Nov. 7, 1882. 2. Hettie Leimbach, born Feb. 10, 1889. No. 289. Seventh Generation. 269. 1) William G. Wenger, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., was married Sept. 3, 1891, to Sarah Reich. They have one child: 1. Magdalena Wenger, born Oct. 30, 1892. No. 290. Sixth Generation. 200. 5) Susanna Martin, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Feb. 10, 1852, was married Oct. 20, 1872, to David Wilson, born May 8, 1850. P. O. address, Nappanee, Elkhart Co., Ind. Their children are: 1. William Walter Wilson, born Sept. 8, 1876. Died Sept. 25, 1876. 2. Annora Wilson, born Sept. 30, 1880. No. 292. 3. George Calvin Wilson, b. July 5, '82. D. Sept. 26, '82. 4. John Orlando Wilson, born Oct. 23, 1889. No. 291. Sixth Generation. 200. 6) Isaac Martin, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Dec. 18, 1854, was married Apr. 6, 1876, in Elkhart Co., Ind., to Margaret Lechleiter, born Aug. 28, 1858. P. O. address, Wakarusa, Elkhart Co., Ind. Their children are: 1. David L. Martin, born Mar. 16, 1878. 123 2. Abraham Martin, born Apr. 18, 1880. 3. Harvey Martin, born Feb. 19, 1882. 4. Emma Martin, born Aug. 17, 1884. 5. Elisabeth Martin, born Aug. 10, 1886. 6. Reuben Martin, born June 14, 1888. 7. Martha Martin, born May 9, 1891. 8. Amos Martin, born June 5, 1893. 9. Infant, born July 22, 1895. Died Aug. 29, 1895. 10. Willis Martin, born Sept. 17, 1896. 11. Alvin Martin, born May 1, 1899. Died Mar. 20, 1900. No. 292. Seventh Generation. 290. 2) Annora Wilson, born Sept. 30, 1880, in Elkhart Co.^ Ind., was married Apr. 15, 1900, to Simon Schmucker. No. 293. Fifth Generation. 258. 3) Rachel Euphemia Winger, born May 16, 1845, in Licking Co., O., was married Dec. 16, 1869, to John R. Long, born Mar. 29, 1844. P. O. address, Centerburg, Knox Co., Ohio. Their children are: 1. Rensselaer Hubert Long, born Apr. 5, 1872. No. 359. 2. Carrie Eunice Long, born Oct. 14, 1874. No. 360. No. 294. Fifth Generation. 250. 2) Jonas Weber, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Nov. 8,. 1824, and moving with his parents in 1825 to Waterloo Co., Canada, was married in the latter place in 1848 to Catharine Ziegler, born July 18, 1821. They resided on a farm nearly two miles northwest of St. Jacobs, where he died Jan. 16, 1875. Their children are: 1. Maria Weber, born July 18, 1849. Unmarried. 2. Daniel Weber, born July 24, 1851. No. 295. 3. Noah Weber, born July 18, 1853. Died Jan. 18, 1855. 4. Catharine Weber, b. Mar. 29, 1855. Died Sept. 11, '60. 5. Elisabeth Weber, born Feb. 25, 1858. No. 305. 6. Lovina Weber, born June 14, 1860. Linmarried. 7. Louisa Weber, b. May 15, 1863. Died Jan. 24, 1888. No. 295. Sixth Generation. 294. 2) Daniel Weber, born in Waterloo Co., Canada, July 24, 1851, was married Dec. 25, 1881, to Augusta Cookman. They reside with his mother on the old homestead. Their children are: 1. Aaron Weber, born Oct. 7, 1882. 2. Leander Weber, born Mar. 10, 1889. 124 No. 296. Fifth Generation. 250. 3) Zimmerman Weber, born in Waterloo Co., Canada. May 3, 1826, and died June 13, 1893, aged 67 Y., 1 M., 10 D. He had his home at Henry Detwiler's in Stanley Twp., Huron Co., where he died. He was unmarried. No. 297. Fiftli Generation. 250. 4) Peter Weber, born in Waterloo Co., Canada, Dec. 26, 1827, was married and resided in Urbana, Champaign Co., Ohio, where he and his wife died. Their children all died young. No. 298. Fifth Generation. 250. 5) Isaac Weber, born in Waterloo Co., Canada, Sept. 19, 1829, was married Apr. 13, 1851, to Magdalena Shuh, "born in Waterloo Co., Canada, Nov. 29, 1829, died July 10, 1893. After their marriage they moved to Conestoga, where he was engaged in the wagon and carriage building business, and also carried on blacksmithing in connection. In 1868 he retired from business and moved on a farm in Howick Twp., Huron Co., Ontario, where they resided until their deaths. In 1871 he was ordained a minister of the Mennonite church, which position he held until his death, which occurred Feb. 5, 1892. Their children are: 1. Ezra Weber, born Apr. 1, 1852. No. 306. 2. John Weber, born June 29, 1854. No. 307. 3. Simeon Weber, b. Nov. 13, 1856. D. Nov. 20, 1856. 4. Menno Weber, born Jan. 6, 1858. No. 309. 5. Elisabeth Weber, born Apr. 26, 1860. Unmarried. €. Urias Weber, b. Sept. 21, 1862. Died Mar. 3, 1864. 7. Sarah Weber born Nov. 10, 1864. Unmarried. 8. Lovina Weber, born Dec. 5, 1868. Unmarried. No. 299. Fifth Generation. 250. 6) Joseph Weber, born in Waterloo Co., Ont.. Nov. 10, 1831, was married to Mary Cole, who died Sept. 6, 1890. They resided on a farm near Winterbourn. Their chil- dren are: 1. Clarissa Weber, born July 23, 1853. Died Oct. 22, '54. 2. Phoebe Weber, born Feb. 12, 1855. No. 310. 3. Franklin C. Weber, born Dec. 10, 1856. No. 311. 4. Agnes A. Weber, born Aug. 24, 1859. No. 312. 5. Elmina E. Weber, born Mar. 3, 1861. No. 313. 6. Isabella Weber, born Jan. 19, 1863. No. 314. 125 7. Herman C. Weber, born June 20, 1865. No. 315. 8. Allen W. Weber, born Oct. 26, 1868. No. 316. 9. Maurice E. Weber, born July 7, 1871. No. 317. 10. Zulema Weber, born Apr. 26, 1875. No. 318. No. 300. Fifth Generation. 250. 8) Mary Weber, born in Waterloo Co., Ont., Oct. 20, 1834, was married Oct. 20, 1855, to Aaron Weber, born Sept. 20, 1833. In Jan. 1856 they moved on part of lot No. 102, Grerman Company's Tract, Woolwich Twp., northwest of Elmira, Elmira being their P. O. Their children are: 1. Matilda Weber, born Sept. 8, 1858. No. 383. 2. Ephraim Weber, born July 27, 1859. No. 384. 3. Reuben Weber, born Apr. 23, 1863. No. 385. 4. Josiah Weber, born Oct. 13, 1864. No. 386. 5. Sidney Weber, born June 11, 1868. No. 387. 6. Israel Weber, born Jan. 18, 1873. No. 388. No. 301. Fifth Generation. 250. 10) Eli Weber, born Sept. 10, 1837, was married to Eliza Meyer. They moved to Barry Co., Mich., where he died in 1882. They had no family. No. 302. Fifth Generation. 250. 14) Anna Weber, born Mar. 31, 1843, was married to Dilman Snyder. They reside in Conestoga, Waterloo Co., Ont. To them was born no family, but they have adopted children. No. 303. Fifth Generation. 250. 16) Catharine Weber, born Nov. 15, 1846, was married Oct. 28, 1864, to Henry Shoemaker, born Aug. 21, 1841, and died Nov. 24, 1877, in Conestoga, where they resided. The trade of his choice was wagon building, which he carried on until his death, which was caused by typhoid fever. Their children are: 1. Isabella Shoemaker, b. May 28, 1865. D. Dec. 30, '77. 2. Lydia Ann Shoemaker, born Sept. 19, 1866. 3. Albert Shoemaker, b. Jan. 3, 1868. D. Sept. 13, 1868. 4. Ellen Shoemaker, born July 3, 1869. 5. Urias Shoemaker, born Mar. 18, 1872. 6. Isaiah Shoemaker, born July 27, 1873. 7. John Shoemaker, born May 1, 1875. Died same day. 8. George W. Shoemaker, born July 6, lb/ 6. 126 9. Henry W. Shoemaker, born May 25, 1878. No. 304. Fifth Generation. 250. 18) Hiram Weber, born at Conestoga, Waterloo Co.^ Ont., May 31, 1850. He is unmarried and has his home with his sister Anna, who is married to Dillman Snyder and resides in Conestoga, Ont. See No. 302. No. 305. Sixth Generation. 294. 5) Elisabeth Weber, born in Waterloo Co., Ont., Feb. 25, 1858. For a number of years she was engaged in dress- making and had her place of business in St. Jacobs, Ont. Later on she was married to John Dierlamm. No. 306. Sixth Generation. 298. 1) Ezra Weber, born Apr. 1, 1852, was married to Catharine Rapp and resides in Wallace Twp., Perth Co.^ Ont., where he is engaged in farming. His P. O. is Gowanstown. No. 307. Sixth Generation. 298. 2) John vVeber, born June 29, 1854, was married to Elisabeth Brant and resides in Howick Twp., Huron Co., Ont. His P. O. is New Bridge. No. 308. Fifth Generation. 256. 7) Eli Schrock, born in Waterloo Co., Ont., Apr. 13, 1843, moved to Elkhart Co., Ind., when a young man, and served four years in the Union army in the Civil War. No. 309. Sixth Generation. 298. 4) Menno Weber, born in Conestoga, Waterloo Co., Ont., Jan. 6, 1858, was married Jan. 28, 1879, to Sarah Ann Knipe. She was born in Pennsylvania and moved to Ontario with her parents when eight years of age. At present they reside in Waterloo, where he is engaged as traveling agent for The Waterloo Manufacturing Co. Their children are: 1. Urias Weber, born Nov. 28, 1879. 2. Magdalena Weber, born July 15, 1881. 3. Annie Sophia Weber, born May 24, 1883. 4. Clara Lovina Weber, born Dec. 27, 1884. 5. Norman Weber, born Dec. 12, 1886. 6. Mary Edna Weber, born June 9, 1888. 7. Irwin Weber, born May 1, 1891. 8. Mabel Weber, born May 14, 1893. 127 ' No, 310. Sixth Generation. 299. 2) Phoebe Weber, born Feb. 12, 1855, was married to J. W. Fear, a merchant. They reside in Waterloo, Water- loo Co., Ont. Their children are: 1. Mabel E. Fear. 2. Maurice L. Fear. 3. Weber S. Fear. No. 311. Sixth Generation. 299. 3) Franklin C. Weber, born Dec. 10, 1856, was married to Maggie Gerrie. They reside at Orillia, Ont., where he is engaged as a carriage builder. Their children are: 1. Neal Weber. 2. Dora E. Weber. 3. Hugh Weber. 4. Maurice Weber. No. 312. Sixth Generation. 299. 4) Agnes A. Weber, born Aug. 24, 1859, was married to D. E. McCreery, a farmer. They reside at Diamond Springs, Allegan Co., Mich. Their children are: 1. Mary L. McCreery. 2. John L. McCreery. 3. Ann O. McCreery. No. 313. Sixth Generation. 299. 5) Elmina E. Weber, born Mar. 3, 1861, was married to William Cooper, a millwright. They reside in Baden, Ont. Their children are: 1. William G. Cooper. 2. Mars E. Cooper. No. 314. Sixth Generation. 299. 6) Isabella Weber, born Jan. 19, 1863. She resides in Hamilton, Allegan Co., Mien., where she is engaged as a dressmaker. No. 315. Sixth Generation. 299. 7) Herman C. Weber, born June 20, 1865. He is un- married and resides in Chicago, 111., where he is engaged as a carpenter. No. 316. Sixth Generation. 299. 8) Allen W. Weber, born Oct. 26, 1868. He is unmar- ried, and resides in Chicago, 111., where he is engaged as a carpenter. 128 No. 83. Isaac Wenger, Sr. No. 317. Sixth Generation. 299. 9) Maurice E. Weber, born July 7, 1871. He is in Berlin, Ontario, where he is engaged as a harness maker. He is not married. No. 318. Sixth Generation. 299. 10) Zulema Weber, born Apr. 26, 1875. She is a teacher, and resides in Hamilton, Allegan Co., Mich. No. 319. Fifth Generation. 252. 1) Daniel W. Martin, born in Waterloo Co., Ont., Sept. 16, 1835, died Mar. 6, 1885; had married Anna Ruler in 1862, who was born in Devonshire, England, July 13, 1840, and died Oct. 6, 1888. She had come with her parents to Canada in 1841. After marriage they in 1869 moved to Caledonia, Kent Co., Mich. Their children are: 1. Joseph R. Martin, b. June 15, 1863. D. June 4, 1891. 2. Zimmerman Martin, b. Apr. 22, '65. Caledonia, Mich. 3. Susanna Martin, born Mar. 11, 1867. No. 827. 4. William Martin, born Jan. 8, 1870. No. 828. 5. Simon Peter Martin, born Dec. 27, 1871. No. 829. 6. Daniel Martin, born Mar. 28, 1874. No. 830. 7. Ephraim Martin, born July 30, 1876. No. 831. 8. George Martin, born Jan. 20, 1878. Lives in Kent Co., Mich. 9. Elisabeth Jane Martin,- born July 18, 1880. No. 832. 10. Mary Ann Martin, born Jan. 12, 1883. No. 833. No. 320. Fifth Generation. 252. 2) Mary W. Martin, born in Waterloo Co., Ont., Nov. 4, 1836, was married Dec. 15, 1857, to Ephraim Musser, born in Ohio, Feb. 1, 1836. They are located in Harrison Twp., Elkhart Co., Ind. Their P. O. is Goshen. Their children are: 1. Anna Musser, b. Mar. 29, 1859. Died Jan. 24, 1864. 2. Henry Musser, born July 26, 1860. Died Sept. 29, '60. 3. Susanna Musser, born May 31, 1865. 4. Amanda Musser, born Dec. 29, 1868. No. 419. 5. Enos Musser, born Oct. 22, 1875. No. 420. No. 321. Fifth Generation. 252. 8) Simon P. Martin, born in Waterloo Co., Ont., Dec. 1, 1841, was married May 13, 1864, to Eliza Sidler, born in same county, Dec. 8, 1843. After their wedding tour they located on a farm half a mile east of Caledonia, Kent Co., 9 129 Mich. Their P. O. is Caledonia. Their children, all born in Kent Co., Mich., are: 1. Susanna Martin, born Mar. 7, 1865. No. 367. 2. Sarah Martin, born Oct. 2, 1866. No. 373. 3. Isaac Martin, born Nov. 11, 1868. 4. Leander Martin, born Mar. 9, 1872. No. 374. 5. Eliza Martin, born July 15, 1873. 6. John Martin, born Apr. 24, 1875. No. 375. 7. Villina Martin, born Aug. 20, 1876. 8. Simon P. Martin, born Nov. 30, 1879. 9. Mary Jane Martin, born Sept. 19, 1881. No. 322. Fifth Generation. 247. 1) Joseph Zimmerman, born Jan. 5, 1818, in Lancaster Co., Pa., was married Nov. 3, 1840, to Anna Martin, also born in same county, May 8, 1819. He died of smallpox, Apr. 21, 1857, aged 39 Y., 3 M., 16 D. She was married the second and third time and died June 21, 1896, aged 77 Y., 1 M., 13 D. The children, with first husband, are: 1. Samuel Zimmerman, born Sept. 21, 1841. 2. Anna Zimmerman, born July 10, 1843. 3. Jacob Zimmerman, b. July 8, 1844. Died Jan. 3, 1900. 4. Joseph Zimmerman (twin), born Feb. 5, 1846. 5. Benjamin Zimmerman (twin), born Feb. 5, 1846. 6. Elisabeth Zimmerman, born July 11, 1848. 7. Fanny Zimmerman, born Aug. 11, 1849. 8. Isaac Zimmerman, born Mar. 27, 1851. 9. Christian Zimmerman, born Aug. 7, 1852. 10. John Zimmerman, b. Jan. 21, 1854. Died May 3, 1857. 11. Martin Zimmerman, born Oct. 1, 1856. No. 323. Sixth Generation. 272. 2) Mary Ann R. Wenger, born in Rockingham Co., Va., Jan. 20, 1861, was married Sept. 19, 1880, in above mentioned place, to David H. Lehman, born also in same county, Mar. 13, 1855. P. O. address, Bermuda, Knox Co., Tenn. Their children, the first six of whom were born in Virginia, and the others in Tennessee, are: 1. Noah D. Lehman, born May 12, 1881. 2. John E. Paul Lehman, b. Jan. 10, 1883. D. Feb. 5, '84. 3. Ida C. Lehman, born Mar. 13, 1884. 4. Jerusha P. Lehman, born Aug. 29, 1886. 5. Sarah A. Lehman, born June 17, 1888. 130 6. Oscar G. Lehman, born Mar. 13, 1890. 7. Barbara M. Lehman, born June 17, 1892. 8. Perry F. Lehman, born Sept. 15, 1894. 9. Ina M. Lehman, b. Sept. 25, 1898. D. Sept. 26, 1898. No. 324. Sixth Generation. 272. 3) Jerusha Wenger, born in Mahoning Co., O., Oct. 11, 1865, and in 1888 going to VanWert Co., O., was married in the latter place Feb. 28, 1888, to Jesse P. Brenneman, who was born in Rockingham Co., Va., Sept. 16, 1860, and in the fall of 1881 went to Allen Co., O., and in 1888 to VanWert Co., O., where he was married. They moved to Paulding Co., O., near Scott, where they commenced keep- ing house, but moved back to VanWert Co. in 1890, and in 1892 from that place to Harvey Co., Kansas, their P. O. being Trousdale. Mennonites. Their children are: 1. Lula P. Brenneman, born Oct. 11, 1890. 2. Naomi B. Brenneman, born Aug. 16, 1896. 3. Noah J. Brenneman, born July 27, 1898. No. 325. Sixth Generation. 272. 4) Barbara C. Wenger, born near Dayton, Rockingham Co., Va., July 14, 1871, was married Mar. 30, 1893, in Knox Co., Tenn., to Levi Stoltzfus, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., June 11, 1852. In Dec. 1890 Barbara C. Wenger moved with her parents from Rockingham Co., Va., to Knox Co., Tenn. Their P. O. is Lovell, Tenn. Their children are: 1. Clarence Milford Stoltzfus, born Jan. 8, 1894. 2. Dora May Stoltzfus, born Oct. 11, 1896. 3. Ephraim Levi Stoltzfus, born Apr. 3, 1898. 4. Frederic Walter Stoltzfus, born June 7, 1899. No. 326. Fifth Generation. 271. 1) Mary Grabill, born in Rockingham Co., Va., Mar. 26, 1847, was married Oct. 27, 1864, to Abraham M. Blosser, born in Mahoning Co., O., Dec. 19, 1842. They commenced keeping house at Cullom, Livingston Co., 111. From this place they moved in Nov. 1869 to Excelsior, Morgan Co.^ Mo.; from thence, in May 1872, back to Cullom, 111.; in Feb. 1882 to McPherson Co., Kansas, and in Nov. 1897 to- Fairbanks, Harris Co., Texas. Their children are: 1. Theodore Blosser, born Sept. 20, 1865. No. 328. 2. Susanna Blosser, b. June 26, 1867. Died Oct. 24, '67. 131 3. Anna Blosser, born Nov. 1, 1868. No. 327. 4. Christena Blosser, born May 20, 1870. 5. Lucinda Blosser, born Oct. 28, 1873. 6. Rudolph Blosser, born Aug. 24, 1875. 7. Samuel Blosser, born May 22, 1877. 8. Ida Blosser, born June 12, 1879. Died Oct. 25, 1879. 9. Nathaniel Blosser, born June 4, 1882. 10. Salome Blosser, born Aug. 12, 1884. 11. Linden Blosser, born Sept. 2, 1886. No. 327. Sixth Generation. 326. 3) Anna Blosser, born in Livingston Co., 111., Nov. 1, 1868, was married May 28, 1892, to Jonas Holdeman, born in Elkhart Co., Ind., Dec. 16, 1867. In Sept. 1873 they moved to McPherson Co., Kansas. Their P. O. is Schley. Their children are: 1. Sarah Holdeman, born Mar. 28, 1893. 2. Walter Holdeman, born July 18, 1895. 3. Hattie Holdeman, born Apr. 25, 1897. 4. Roy Holdeman, born July 8, 1899. No. 328. Sixth Generation. 326. 1) Theodore Blosser, born in Livingston Co., 111., Sept. "20, 1865, was married Oct. 1889 to Salome Holdeman, born in Elkhart Co., Ind., Sept. 17, 1869. They lived in Chase Co., Kansas, when on the night of Mar. 31, 1892, they were all killed during a cyclone passing through that section of country. Theodore, the father, aged 26 Y., 6 M., 11 D. Salome, the mother, aged 22 Y., 6 M., 14 D. Conrad, the only child, aged 1 Y., 5 M., 24 D. No. 329. Sixth Generation. 326. 7) Samuel Blosser, born in Livingston Co., 111., May 22, 1877, was married Nov. 12, 1896, to Hattie Belle Rodgers, born in Henry Co., 111., Mar. 1, 1875. P. O. address, Trousdale, Kansas. Their children are: 1. Elmer Ray Blosser, born June 3, 1897. 2. Harry Lyman Blosser, born Aug. 11, 1899. No. 330. Fifth Generation. 253. 3) Noah Wenger, born in Waterloo Co., Ont., Oct. 27, 1844, was married in 1874 to Isabella Philip. They reside in Ayton, Ont., where he is engaged in the lumber and 132 milling business. Their children are: 1. Isabella Wenger, born Feb, 11, 1876. 2. Edgar Isaac Wenger, born Aug. 24, 1878. 3. Ella Bowman Wenger, born Dec. 26, 1880. 4. John Allen Wenger, born Mar. 30, 1883. 5. Florence Kate Wenger, born Feb. 11, 1886. 6. Harry Arnold Wenger, born Apr. 26, 1889. No. 331. Fifth Generation. 253. 4) Aaron Wenger, born in Waterloo Co., Ont., Aug. 27, 1848, was married Jan. 16, 1879, to Janet Phillip. They re- side in Ayton, Ont., where he is following the mercantile business, and in connection with this he is also engaged in manufacturing choice creamery butter. Their children are: 1. Robert Wenger, born Nov. 7, 1879. 2. Mary Bowman Wenger, born June 26, 1882. 3. Isaac Wenger (twin), b. Oct. 15, 1883. D. Aug. 15, '84. 4. Franklin Wenger (twin), born Oct. 15, 1883. 5. Ethel Belle Wenger, born Mar. 5, 1886. 6. Amos Addison Wenger, born Apr. 11, 1888, 7. Roy Mercer Wenger, born July 10, 1891. 8. Lee Cameron Wenger, born Feb. 10, 1894. No. 332. Fifth Generation. 253. 5) Amos Wenger, born in Waterloo Co., Ont., July 17, 1851, was married to Elisabeth Nahrgang. They reside in Ayton, Ont., where he died June 27, 1882, leaving a family of two children, viz.: 1. Mary Louisa Wenger, born May — , 1877. 2. Amos Wenger, born Dec. 26, 1882. Died July 1, 1884. No. 333. Fifth Generation. 258. 5) Cynthia Carolina Winger, born Oct. 27, 1848, was married Feb. 9, 1879, to Calvin K. Howe, born in Millers- burg, Mercer Co., 111., Sept. 23, 1854, in which vicinity they located on a farm until in 1893, when they moved to Aledo, Mercer Co., 111., where he is engaged in the farm im- plement business. No children. No. 334. Fifth Generation. 258. 9) Martha L. Winger, born Nov. 14, 1855, was married Jan. 11, 1881, to John H. Barcraft, born in Coshocton Co., O., Feb. 27, 1860. From this place they moved in Oct. 1881 to Iowa, from thence in 1889 to Oklahoma, and in 1896 to 133 Aledo, Mercer Co., 111., where they still reside (1900). Their children are: 1. Lee L. Barcraft, born Oct. 25, 1883. 2. John E. Barcraft, born Apr. 4, 1885. 3. Glenn A. Barcraft, born Feb. 21, 1887. 4. ^Cloyd H. Barcraft, born Apr. 7, 1892. No. 335. Fifth Generation. 258. 10) Joseph L. Winger, born near Appleton, Licking Co., O., Jan. 6, 1858, was married Dec. 24, 1882, to Effie J. Bennett, born July 18, 1858, near Centerville, Delaware Co., O. J. L. Winger lived on the farm until 21 years of age, taught school one term, and in 1880 went on a trip west, visiting friends and relatives in Illinois and Iowa. Afterwards he attended Normal School at Lebanon, Ohio, then Antioch College at Yellow Springs, Ohio, and Dec. 24, 1882, returned to Centerville, where he was married. After teaching the Centerville school one year they moved to New Albany, where he was superintendent of the schools one year. Then spending one year on the farm they moved to Galena, O., at which place he went into the grain ware- house business, continued in the same until 1890, then moved to Columbus, O., where he became conductor of The Consolidated Street Car Co., until 1896, since which time he has been operating a laundry route. Their chil- dren are: 1. Nona Winger, born Mar. 2, 1884. 2. Maud Winger, b. June 19, 1885. Died Mar. 2, 1896. 3. Inah Winger, born Feb. 24, 1888. Died Nov. 5, 1896. No. 336. Fifth Generation. 258. 12) Loyal F, Winger, born near Applecreek, Licking' Co., O., Oct. 16, 1861, was married Nov. 24, 1881, to Eunice Clark, born Feb. 9, 1862, in Sylvania, Licking Co., O. In February 1886 they moved to Kansas, locating on a farm near Wichita, Sedgwick Co., from whence, in January 1890, they moved to Oklahoma, settling on a claim seven miles east of Mulhall. Five years later they moved to Mulhall, where they lived until January 1897, when they left for Ohio, and are now (1900) living near Sylvania, Licking Co., O. To them one child was born: 1. Lory S. Winger, b. May 30, 1884. Died Oct. 8, 1884. 134 No. 337. Sixth Generation. 217. 6) William W. Detwiler*), born in Elkhart Co., Ind., Oct. 17, 1863, was married Jan. 1, 1890, to Mary Alverta Christner. In 1892 they moved to the city of Elkhart, where he took up his carpenter trade, later driving a bread wagon. Their children are: 1. Warren A. Detwiler, born Aug. 10, 1891. 2. Bula E. Detwiler, b. Mar. 25, 1894. Died Oct. 23. '94. 3. Lillian Detwiler, born Oct. 27, 1900. No. 338. Sixtli Generation. 217. 7) Elisabeth W. Detwiler*), born in Elkhart Co., Ind., Nov. 9, 1865, was married Nov. 7, 1886, to Eli Good. P. O. address, Goshen, Ind. Their children are: 1. Lulie Good. 2. John Good, born June 11, 1890. 3. Barnis Good. No. 339. Sixth Generation. 218. 1) Elisabeth Eyman, born in Waterloo Co., Ont., Mar. 25, 1856, was married Oct. 3, 1877, to John Grody. P. O. address. Bates, Grand Traverse Co., Mich. Their chil- dren are: 1. Manda Ann Grody, born Nov. 16, 1878. 2. Melvin Grody, born Jan. 1, 1882. 3. Mary Vinerva Grody, born Dec. 28, 1883. 4. Nathaniel Grody, born Nov. 29, 1885. 5. Clara Belle Grody, born Aug. 8, 1887. 6. Viola May Grody, born Nov. 7, 1889. 7. Eliza Jane Grody,' born Sept. 2, 1891. No. 340. Sixth Generation. 218. 3) Anna Eyman, born in Elkhart Co., Ind., June 22, 1858, was married in Kent Co., Mich., Apr. 8, 1881, to David M. Witmer, born in Waterloo Co., Ont., Oct. 23, 1857, from which place he moved with his parents to Kent Co., Mich., in 1864. Later they moved to Minneapolis, Minn., where he was employed as salesman for the American School Furniture Co. Their children are: 1. Olive Witmer, born May 31, 1884. 2. Angelina Witmer, born July 29, 1887. *) This name should be Dettweiler. 135 3. Pearl Witmer, born Aug. 16, 1889. 4. Helen Witmer, born Oct. 22, 1893. No. 341. Sixth Generation. 218. 6) Mary Eyman, born in Elkhart Co., Ind., Nov. 4, 1863, was married Sept. 14, 1889, to Isaac Lichty. P. O. address, Mancelona, Antrim Co., Mich. Their children are: 1. Jennie Elisabeth Lichty, born July 5, 1890. 2. Ethel Almeda Lichty, born July 20, 1892. No. 342. Fifth Generation. 6. 7) Abraham H. Martin, born in Erie Co., N. Y., May 29, 1832, was married Mar. 25, 1860, to Mary Ann Enders, born Mar. 2, 1838. In March 1860 they moved to Laporte Co., Ind., and from there in 1865 to Douglas Co., Kansas, Ap- panoose being their P. O. Their children are: 1. Cora Etta Martin, born Feb. 17, 1861. No. 343. 2. Clarence Harrison Martin, b. Sept. 19, 1862. No. 344. 3. Walter Scott Martin, born Oct. 30, 1867. 4. Effie Rosalia Martin, born Dec. 26, 1870. No. 345. 5. Stella Edna Martin, born Sept. 26, 1877. No. 346. 6. Irene Evelyn Martin, born Apr. 26, 1881. No. 343. Sixth Generation. 342. 1) Cora Etta Martin, born in Laporte Co., Ind., Feb. 17, 1861, was married in 1882 to Oliver Meyers. Their P. O. is Carbondale, Osage Co., Kansas. Their children are: 1. Walter Frederic Meyers, born Mar. 4, 1883. 2. Lettitia Ann Meyers, born Feb. 15, 1887. No. 344. Sixth Generation. 342. 2) Clarence Harrison Martin, born in Laporte Co., Ind., Sept. 19, 1862, was married in 1884, to Anna W. Stan- ton. They live in Shawnee Co., Kansas. Their children are: 1. Clarence Walter Martin, born Oct. 30, 1886. 2. (No name), born Nov. 19, 1900. No. 345. Sixth Generation. 342. 4) Effie Rosalia Martin, born in Douglas Co., Kansas. Dec. 26, 1870, was married May 1, 1892, to Granville H. Metsker. Their children are: 1. Alfa Winona Metsker, born July 20, 1895. 2. Lladis Nevada Metsker, born July 3, 1897. 3. Freda Lavera Metsker (twin), born Mar. 30, 1899. 4. Leda Madera Metsker (twin), born Mar. 30, 1899. 136 No. 87. Barbara (Wenger) Grove. No. 346. Sixth Generation. 342. 5) Stella Edna Martin, born in Douglas Co., Kansas,. Sept. 26, 1877, was married in May 1896 to Charles M. Bald- win. One child: 1, Stanley Leroy Baldwin, born July — , 1900. No. 347. Fifth Generation. 258. 6) Timothy Jacob Winger, born in i^icking Co., O., Oct. 27, 1850, and died July 17, 1883, was married Oct. 10,. 1874, to Elmira Dixon, born also in Licking Co., O., Nov. 25, 1849, and died Oct. 15, 1893. P. O. address, Appleton, Lick- ing Co., O. Their children are: 1. Eva H. Winger, born Dec. 25, 1875. No. 348. 2. Delia M. Winger, born Jan. 12, 1880. No. 348. Sixth Generation. 347. 1) Eva H. Winger, born in Knox Co., O., Dec. 25, 1875, was married Feb. 3, 1898, to William H. Sesser, born in Knox Co., O., July 8, 1871. Their P. O. is Lock, Knox Co., O. One son (1900): 1. Isaac Earl Sesser, born Feb. 8, 1899. No. 349. Fifth Generation. 255.' 5) Esther M. Wenger, born in Waterloo Co., Ont, Dec, 5, 1845, was married Apr. 17, 1866, to Benjamin Lichty, born also in Waterloo Co., Ont., Dec. 18, 1844. Occupation, farm- ing. They live about two miles from St. Jacobs, Ont., which is their P. O. Their children are: 1. Henry Lichty, born Jan. 21, 1867. No. 353. 2. Mary Ann Lichty, born Aug. 20, 1868. No. 354. 3. Sarah Jane Lichty, born July 3, 1870. No. 355. 4. Daniel W. Lichty, b. June 22, 1873. D. July 28, 1884. 5. George W. Lichty, born Sept. 16, 1877. 6. Susanna Lichty, born May 22, 1879. 7. Benjamin W. Lichty, born Feb. 2, 1882. 8. Erwin W. Lichty, born June 28, 1884. No. 350. Fifth Generation. 255. 12) Daniel Wenger, born near St. Jacobs, Waterloa Co., Ont., Apr. 18, 1860, was married Sept. 14, 1880, to Angeline Hagey, born in Preston, Ont., June 2, 1860. In the spring of 1900 they moved to Okotoks, Alberta, where he is engaged in farming. Their children are: 1. Edward Wenger, born Nov. 16, 1881. 137 2. Adeline Wenger, born May 10, 1883. 3. Magdalena Wenger, born May 6, 1885. 4. Lillie Wenger, born Oct. 9, 1886. No. 351. Fifth Generation. 255. 13) Lydia Wenger, born in Waterloo Co., Ont, Aug. 22, 1863, was married Jan. 27, 1880, to Joseph S. Cressman, born Mar. 27, 1852, near Breslau, Ont. They now (1900) reside on the old "Clemens Farm", near Breslau, where he is engaged in farming and dairying. Their children are: 1. Annie Maritta Cressman, b. Oct. 2, '82. D. Aug. 30,'83. 2. Milton Cressman, born June 29, 1884. 3. Ada Cressman, born July 1, 1887. 4. Elvina Cressman, born July 27, 1890. 5. Leroy Cressman, born Jan. 5, 1895. No. 352. Sixth Generation. 226. 2) Noah Wenger, born in Elkhart Co., Ind., Nov. 5, 1882, was married Mar. 24, 1900, to Susanna Loucks, also born in Elkhart Co., Ind., Nov. 27, 1879. No. 353. Sixth Generation. 349. 1) Henry Lichty, born in Waterloo Co., Ont., Jan. 21, 1867, was married Jan. 10, 1900, to Velina Brubacher, born May 9, 1873, in Waterloo Co. They are located about four miles north of Elmira, Waterloo Co., Ont. No family. No. 354. Sixth Generation. 349. 2) Mary Ann Lichty, born in Waterloo Co., Ont., Aug. 20, 1868, was married Feb. 26, 1889, to Josiah Weber, born Oct. 13, 1864. They live about two miles northwest of El- mira, Ont., where he 'is engaged in farming. Their chil- dren are: 1. Nelson Weber, born Mar. 17, 1890. 2. Orton Weber, born Mar. 9, 1892. 3. Altana Weber, born Sept. 15, 1895. 4. Ion Weber, born Sept. 2, 1896. 5. Pearl Weber, born Aug. 25, 1898. 6. Ella Weber, born Sept. 1, 1900. No. 355. Sixth Generation. 349. 3) Sarah Jane Lichty, born July 3, 1870, in Waterloo Co., Ont., was married Mar. 16, 1898, to John P. Steiner, Iborn Feb. 5, 1873. Occupation, farming. No children, 138 No. 356. Fifth Generation. 256. 2) John Schrock, born in Waterloo Co., Ont., Feb. 27, 1838, moved to Elkhart Co., Ind., in 1857, and was married Oct. 21, 1860, to Esther Weldy, his first wife, born in Elk- hart Co., Ind., where she died July 27, 18b6, and is buried in the Mennonite Olive cemetery. July 21, 1868, he was married again, to Maria Shirk, born in Lancaster Co., Pa. Their P. O. is Cloudville, Ind. Their children, all born in Elkhart Co., Ind., are: With his first wife: 1. Henry Schrock, born May 5, 1862. 2. Jacob Schrock, born June 1, 1865. With his second wife: 3. Elisabeth Schrock, born Feb. 24, 1870. 4. David Schrock, born Sept. 2, 1872. No. 357. Fifth Generation. 256. 3) Joseph Schrock, born in Waterloo Co., Ont., Feb. 1, 1839, was married in Elkhart Co., Ind., June 23, 1861, to Margaret Stauffer, born Nov. 23, 1842. Joseph Schrock when four years old (his father then dying and leaving a family of seven small children) was adopted into the home ot his uncle, Jonas Wenger, living near Elmira, Waterloo Co., Ont., for board and clothing, until sixteen years of age. Then starting out for himself, and laboring a few years under rather adverse circumstances, he went to Elkhart Co., Ind., in 1858. Here, being industrious and saving, he soon procured a home of his own, married, and in the spring of 1872 with his family moved to McPherson Co., Kansas, from thence in March 1876 to Harvey Co., Kansas, and in Nov. 1899 as a retired farmer moved to the town of Newton, Harvey Co., Kansas. Their children are: 1. John S. Schrock, born Aug. 18, 1863. No. 361. 2. Noah Schrock, born Feb. 25, 1864. No. 362. 3. Leander Schrock, b. June 17, 1871. D. Sept. 2, 1872. 4. Annety Schrock, b. June 1, 1875. D. Sept. 24, 1875. 5. Salome Schrock, born Oct. 9, 1877. No. 363. 6. Harvey Schrock, born Mar. 25, 1881. 7. Ida Schrock, born Dec. 22, 1884. No. 358. Fifth Generation. 256. 4) Elisabeth Schrock, born in Waterloo Co., Ont., Mar. 3, 1840, was married in Elkhart Co., Ind., Sept. 25, 1865, to 139 Daniel W, Stauffer, born in Columbiana Co., Ohio, Jan, 29, 1843. After marriage they settled down in Union Twp.» Elkhart Co., Ind. Later they moved to Washington town- ship, same county, and still later to Harvey Co., Kansas. Their P. O. is Walton, Kansas. Their children are: 1. Franklin Owen Stauffer, born Mar. 11, 1867. 2. Noah Otto Stauffer, born Mar. 3, 1869. 3. Samuel Warren Stauffer, born Mar. 15, 1872. 4. Manerva Alice Stauffer, born Aug. 24, 1874. 5. Barbara Frances Stauffer, born Feb. 29, 1876. 6. Theresa Lucinda Stauffer, born Nov. 8, 1878. 7. Aaron Ezra Stauffer, born Apr, 3, 1880, No. 359. Sixth Generation. 293. 1) Rensselaer Hubert Long, born at Centerburg, Knox Co., Ohio, Apr. 5, 1872, was married Aug. 9, 1899, to Maude Hoover, born at Maple Rapids, Clinton Co., Mich., Apr. 20, 1876. In 1892 R. H. Long graduated from high school at Centerburg, Knox Co., O. After teaching school one year in same county he attended college, first Kenyon College at Gambler, Ohio, then the Union Christian College at Merom, Ind., where he graduated in June 1896, receiving the degree of A. B. In September following he was ad- mitted to the Mount Vernon Christian Conference, and preached in the Trenton Christian church the following year. The next fall, in Oct. 1897, he commenced preaching at Maple Rapids, Mich., was ordained Oct. 1898 at the Eureka Christian church. Eureka, Mich., served three years as pastor at Maple Rapids, same state, and, Nov. 8, 1900, moved to Centerburg, Knox Co., O. One child: 1. Marguerite Long, born Dec. 14, 1900. No. 360. Sixth Generation. 293.^ 2) Carrie Eunice Long, born Oct. 14, 1874, was married Oct. 29, 1892, to Frank B. Willis, born Jan. 6, 1868, in Sparta, Morrow Co., O. Carrie E. Long graduated from the Centerburg high school in May 1892. She has studied music for years and is quite proficient as a player on the piano. Has been church organist for a number of years at the Centerburg Christian church. Their P. O. is Center- burg, Ohio. One son: 1. Elmo Lee Willis, born Mar. 18, 1898. 140 No. 361. Sixth Generation. 357. 1) John S. achrock, born in Elkhart Co., Ind., Aug. 18, 1863, was married Sept. 5, 1888, to Cora E. Fletcher, born in Whitley Co., Ind., June 22, 1871. P. O. address, Waukomis, Garfield Co., Okla. Their children are: 1. Vertie May Schrock, born Aug. 17, 1889. 2. Arthur H. Schrock, born Dec. 21, 1890. 3. Esther Schrock, born Aug. 16, 1893. 4. Anna Schrock, born Oct. 22, 1895. 5. Ruth Schrock, born Nov. 13, 1897. No. 362. Sixth Generation. 357. 2) Noah Schrock, born in Elkhart Co., Ind., Feb. 25, 1864, was married Sept. 13, 1886, to Clara Weaver, born in Elkhart Co., Ind., Jan. 24, 1866. Later they moved to Okla- homa, their P. O. being Cashion, Okla. Their children are: 1. Cora Schrock, born Mar. 15, 1887. 2. Harry Schrock, born Aug. 19, 1889. 3. Chester Schrock, born Oct. 10, 1891. No. 363. Sixth Generation. 357. 5) Salome Schrock, born in Harvey Co., Kansas, Oct. 9, 1877, was married Jan. 15, 1894, to Daniel Beutler, born Sept. 2, 1874, in Morgan Co., Mo. Their P. O. is Waukomis, Garfield Co., Okla. Their children are: 1. Lacey Beutler, born Aug. 20, 1895. 2. Orome Beutler, born Oct. 6, 1897. No. 364. Seventh Generation. 285. 1) Lovina Wenger, born in Elkhart Co., Ind., July 28, 1868, was married Apr. 28, 1891, to William Stouder. P. O. address, Ashley, Steuben Co., Ind. Their children are: 1. Irene Stouder. 2. Maria Stouder. No. 365. Seventh Generation. 285. 3) Mary Wenger, born in Elkhart Co., Ind., Dec. 13, 1870, was married May 14, 1889, to William Ganger, she dying Nov. 4, 1897, aged 26 Y., 10 M., 21 D. P. O. address, Goshen, Elkhart Co., Ind. Their children are: 1. Mandie May Ganger, born Apr. 14, 1891. 2. Leroy Ganger, born May 10, 1893. 3. Ralph Ganger, born Sept. 4, 1895. 141 No. 366. Seventh Generation. 285. 4) Clara A. Wenger, born in Elkhart Co., Ind., Mar. 14^ 1874, was married Sept. 24, 1894, to Sylvester Johnson. P. 0. address, Ligonier, Noble Co., Ind. No children (1901). No. 367. Sixth Generation. 321. 1) Susanna Martin, born in Kent Co., Mich., Mar. 7, 1865, was married Oct. 30, 1883, at the home of her parents,, to George Siebert, born also in Kent Co., Mich., Apr. 20, 1859. In Apr. 1894 they moved to Ferris, Riverside Co., Cal., where he is employed as clerk in a hardware store. Their P. O. address is Perris. Their children are: 1. Clara Siebert, b. Oct. 29, 1885. Died Mar. 3, 1889. 2. Gracia Siebert, b. Dec. 12, 1886. Died Nov. 1, 1894. 3. Lloyd M. Siebert, born May 23, 1889. The above all born in Michigan, the following in California: 4. Clyde M. Siebert, born Aug. 9, 1895. 5. Bessie E. Siebert, born Jan. 19, 1898. 6. Pearl L. Siebert, born Mar. 2, 1900. No. 369. Sixth Generation. 136. 1) Anna E. Myers, born near Greenmount, Va., May 1, 1867, was married to Benjamin B. Shifflet, of Green- mount, Va. Their children are: 1. Horace W. Shifflet. 3. Ollie C. Shifflet. 2. Robert F. Shifflet. No. 370. Sixth Generation. 136. 2) Benjamin F. Myers, born at Greenmount, Va., Mar. 20, 1870, was married to Sadie Brenneman, of West Cairo, Allen Co., O. Their children are: 1. Alvia A. Myers. 2. Charles S. Myers. No. 371. Sixth Generation. 136. 3) Hannah M. Myers, born at Greenmount, Va., Dec. 29, 1871, was married to Benjamin Ritchie, of Cherrygrove,. Rockingham Co., Va. Their children are: 1. Myrtle M. Ritchie. 2. Minnie M. Ritchie. 3. Paul W. Ritchie. 4. Charles S. Ritchie. Died in 1899. 5. Galen M. Ritchie. No. 372. Sixth Generation. 136. 4) Charles S. Myers, born at Greenmount, Va., Oct. 15,. 142 1874, was married to Emma Black, of Kinross, Keokuk Co., Iowa, born Jan. 23, 1864, and died Nov. 20, 1899. 1. Joseph S. Myers, born Nov. 15, 1899. May 15, 1900, Charles S. Myers married Mary Snell, of near Kinross, Iowa, which is their address. They are mem- bers of the Dunkard church. 2. Carl S. Myers, born Mar. 10, 1901. No. 373. Sixth Generation. 321. 2) Sarah Martin, born in Kent Co., Mich., Oct. 2, 1866, was married Sept. 9, 1894, to Alfred H. Wright. No. 374. Sixth Generation. 321. 4) Leander Martin, born in Kent Co., Mich., Mar. 9, 1872, was married Apr. 14, 1896, to Flora Liebler. No. 375. Sixth Generation. 321. 6) John Martin, born in Kent Co., Mich., Apr. 24, 1875, was married Aug. 12, 1897, to Lizzie Stickler. No. 376. Fifth Generation. 24. 8) Peter R. Christophel, born in Union Twp., Elkhart Co., Ind., Jan. 15, 1861, was married in the spring of 1891 to Effie G. Eager, born at North Manchester, Wabash Co., Ind., May 25, 1869, and died at Nappanee, Elkhart Co., Ind., Aug. 1, 1894. In Feb. 1897 he went to Cullom, Livingston Co., 111., where he is engaged in teaching school. To this union was born one son: 1. Orris Sereno Christophel, bom Nov. 1, 1891. No. 377. Fourth Generation. 15. 7) Anna Eliza Winger, born in Licking Co., O., Apr. 23, 1836, was married "to Joseph Baker Stone, born in same county, Dec. 30, 1830. After being married they moved to Marion, Linn Co., Iowa, where they began keeping house. A few years later they moved back to Etna, Licking Co., O., and still later to Hardford, Trumbull Co., O. In 1859 they returned to Marion, Iowa, where he died Oct. 4, 1870. Their children are: 1. Jeffrey Llewellyn Stone, born Aug. 7, 1856. No. 389. 2. Wilburn Floyd Stone, born Dec. 13, 1857. No. 390.- Sept. 4, 1873, Anna Eliza (Winger) Stone was married at Marion, Iowa, to Willis G. White, her second husband, born in Green Co., N. Y. In the summer of 187 — they moved 143 to Miller, Hand Co., S. D., where they resided until Jan. 1891, when they moved to and made their home in Minden, ICearney Co., Neb., where he died, Sept. 12, 1900. No. 378. Fifth Generation. 257. 0) Matilda W. Snyder (daughter of Esther Wenger, No. 257, while single), born Nov. 27, 1839, in Waterloo Co., Ont., was married Dec. 7, 1858, to Henry B. Dettwiler, born also in same county. Mar. 25, 1837. In Jan. 1861 this family moved from Waterloo Co., Ont., to Elkhart Co., Ind., and in Nov. 1862 from this place back again to Waterloo Co., 'Ont. In the early part of 1870 they moved to Huron Co., Ont., and from thence in Nov. 1893 to Fauquier Co., Va., ^here he died, in Midland, Dec. 8, 1897, aged 60 Y., 8 M., 13 D. He was a minister of the Mennonite church for some .years. Their children: 1. Israel S. Dettwiler, born Nov. 27, 1859. No. 379. 2. Rudolph S. Dettwiler, born Nov. 12, 1861. No. 380. 3. Elisabeth S. Dettwiler, born Mar. 14, 1864. No. 381. 4. Susanna S. Dettwiler, born Apr. 14, 1867. No. 382. No. 379. Sixth Generation. 378. 1) Israel S. Dettwiler, born in Waterloo Co., Ont., Nov. 27, 1859, was married Oct. 4, 1885, to Lydia Wideman, born also in Waterloo Co., Ont., Apr. 17, 1864. Later they moved to Tuscola Co., Mich., Colwood being their P. O. Their chil- dren are: 1. Magdalena W. Dettwiler, born Oct. 24, 1886. 2. Susanna W. Dettwiler, born Aug. 10, 1888. 3. Lovina W. Dettwiler, born Feb. 12, 1890. 4. Albert W. Dettwiler, b. Sept. 15, 1891. D. Nov. 11, '91. 5. Elden W. Dettwiler, born July 7, 1893. 6. Elmer W. Dettwiler, b. Apr. 1895. Died Dec. 1895. 7. Lillian W. Dettwiler, born Dec. 1896. No. 380. Sixth Generation. 378. 2) Rudolph S. Dettwiler, born in Elkhart Co., Ind., Nov. 12, 1861, was married Nov. 26, 1895, to Sarah M. Switzer, born in Fulton Co., 111., Mar. 14, 1876. P. O. .•address. Midland, Fauquier Co., Va. Their children are: 1. Henry S. Dettwiler, b. Aug. 7, 1896. D. Mar. 10, 1898. ■2.. Alva S. Dettwiler, born May 15, 1899. 144 ISTo. 381. Sixth Generation. 378. 3) Elisabeth S. Dettwiler, born in Waterloo Co., Ont., Mar. 14, 1864, was married Oct. 4, 1887, to Abraham S. Schneider, born also in Waterloo Co., Ont, Aug. 19, 1863. Later they moved from Waterloo Co., Ont., to Fauquier Co., Va., their P. O. being Midland. Their children are: 1. Matilda D. Schneider, born July 21, 1888. 2. Hannah D. Schneider, born Dec. 5, 1889. 3. Susanna D. Schneider, born May 28, 1891. 4. Allen D. Schneider, born Dec. 30, 1892. 5. Abraham D. Schneider, born Jan. 27, 1897. 6. Leroy D. Schneider, born Jan. 9, 1900. No. 382. Sixth Generation. 378. 4) Susanna S. Dettwiler, born in Waterloo Co., Ont., Apr. 14, 1867, was married Oct. 18, 1896, to Franklin B. Switzer, born Aug. 30, 1874, in Fulton Co., 111. P. O. ad- dress. Midland, Fauquier Co., Va. Their children are: 1. Albert D. Switzer, born Dec. 10, 1897. 2. Sidney D. Switzer, b. Aug. 27, 1899. D. Mar. 12, 1900. No. 383. Sixth Generation. 300. 1) Matilda Weber, born in Waterloo Co., Ont., Sept. 8, 1858, was married Mar. 29, 1882, to Reuben Snider, born May 21, 1857. P. O. address, Conestoga, Waterloo Co., Ont. Their children are: 1. Emerson Snider, born Dec. 27, 1890. 2. Ada Snider, born June 5, 1895. No. 384. Sixth Generation. 300. 2) Ephraim Weber, born in Waterloo Co., Ont., July 27, 1859, was married Mar. 20, 1883, to Leah Snider, born Mar. 21, 1857. P. O. address, Elmira, Waterloo Co., Ont. Their children are: 1. Clayton S., born Feb. 20, 1884. 2. Allen S., born Oct. 9, 1885. 3. Laura S., born Apr. 26, 1889. 4. Lucinda S., born Dec. 17, 1891. No. 385. Sixth Generation. 300. 3) Reuben Weber, born in Waterloo Co., Ont., Apr. 23, 1863, was married Mar. 23, 1886, to Mary Bricker, born Aug. 27, 1868. P. O. address. Glen Allen, Waterloo Co., Ont. Their children are : 10 145 1. Clara Weber, born Oct. 29, 1887. 2. Stanley Clifford Weber, b. Feb. 25,1900. D. June 7,'00. No. 386. Sixth Generation. 300. 4) Josiah Weber, born in Waterloo Co., Ont., Oct. 13, 1864; was married. No. 387. Sixth Generation. 300. 5) Sidney Weber, born in Waterloo Co., Ont, June 11, 1868, was married Mar. 18, 1891, to Caroline Wanner, born Feb. 14, 1867. P. O. address, Elmira, Waterloo Co., Ont. Their children are: 1. Nellie Weber (twin), born Dec. 6, 1891. 2. Elise Weber (twin), b. Dec. 6, 1891. Died next day. 3. Elisabeth Weber, born Nov. 5, 1893. 4. Eaith Weber, born Apr. 16, 1896. 5. Wellington Weber, born Sept. 23, 1898. No. 388. Sixth Generation. 300. 6) Israel Weber, born in Waterloo Co., Ont., Jan. 18, 1873, was married Feb. 23, 1898, to Elisabeth Wanner, born »■ Jan. 31, 1865. P. O. address, Elmira, Waterloo Co., Ont, No. 389. Fifth Generation. 377. 1) Jeffrey L. Stone, born in Marion, Linn Co., Iowa, Aug. 7, 1856, was married in Sutton, Clay Co., Neb., Aug. 7, 1883, to Viola G. Roys, born in Boston, Mass., Aug. 21, 1856. Their children are: 1. An infant daughter, b. Apr. 4, 1885. Died same day. 2. John Wilburn Stone, b. Dec. 15, 1890. D. Feb. 1891. No. 390. Fifth Generation. 377. 2) Wilburn Floyd Stone, born in Etna, Licking Co., Ohio, Dec. 13, 1857, was married Sept. 15, 1891, to Anna W. Merrill, born at Ai, Fulton, Co., O., Feb. 23, 1866. Their children, all born at Sutton, Clay Co., Neb., are: 1. Norma Fern Stone, b. Nov. 18, 1892. D. Nov. 30, 1893. 2. Ethel Stone, born Oct. 7, 1894. 3. Floyd Merrill Stone, born Apr. 6, 1898. No. 391. Fifth Generation. 255. 2) Anna M. Wenger, born in Waterloo Co., Ont., Nov. 29, 1841, died Sept. 7, 1902; buried at Caledonia, Mich. She was married Feb. 28, 1860, to John D. Martin, born also in Waterloo Co., Ont., Sept. 19, 1836. In April 146 1881 this family moved from Waterloo Co., Ont., to Hol- land, Ottawa Co., Mich., and from thence in September of the same year to Grand Rapids, Kent Co., Mich., where he died June 26, aged 46 Y., 9 M., 7 D., and was buried in the Caledonia cemetery. His profession was, veterinary surgeon. Their children, all born in Waterloo Co., Ont, are: 1. Amos Martin, born Dec. 2, 1860. Died Dec. 24, 1860. 2. Josiah Martin, born June 30, 1862. No. 397. 3. Leah Martin, born June 30, 1863. Died Oct. 17, 1863. 4. Benjamin Martin, b. Aug. 22, 1864. Died Oct. 11, 1865. 5. Daniel Martin, born Apr. 12, 1866. 6. Ephraim Martin, b. Sept. 16, 1868. Died Mar. 10, 1869. 7. Enos Martin, born Mar. 10, 1870. 8. Aaron Martin, born Apr. 3, 1872.. Died Mar. 3, 1873. No. 392. Fifth Generation. 255. / 4) Mary Magdalena M. Wenger, born in Waterloo Co., Ont., Dec. 11, 1843, and died Sept. 24, 1871, was married Mar. 3, 1868, to Benuel Bowman, also born in Waterloo Co., Ont. June 3, 1872, he was married again, to Elisabeth M. Wenger, born Oct. 29, 1849^ sister to his first wife and familiarly known as Lizzie. They reside (1901) in Wool- wich Twp., Waterloo Co., Ont. Their P. O. is Conestoga. Their children are: With his first wife: 1. Mary Ann Bowman (twin), b. Jan. 4,'69. D. Jan. 5,'69. 2. Lydia Ann Bowman (twin), born Jan. 4, 1869. Died Feb. 10, 1869. 3. Aaron Bowman, born Mar. 8, 1870. 4. Lena Bowman, born Sept. 9, 1871. With his second wife: 5. Malinda Bowman, born Jan. 26, 1873. 6. Noah Bowman, born Sept. 3, 1874. 7. Nelson Bowman, born Sept. 3, 1876. Died (no date). 8. Lovina Bowman, born Oct. 4, 1877. 9. Abram Bowman, born Jan. 2, 1880. 10. Addison Bowman, b. Mar. 8, 1882. Died May 16, 1886. 11. Amaziah Bowman, born May 30, 1884. 12. Milton Bowman (twin), born Oct. 8, 1886. 13. Marietta Bowman (twin), b. Oct. 8, '86. D. Apr. 3, '89. 14. Alvin Bowman, born Dec. 22, 1889. 15. Titus Bowman, born Aug. 20, 1892. 147 No. 393. Fifth Generation. 255. 8) Elisabeth M. Wenger, born in Waterloo Co., Ont, Oct. 29, 1848, was married June 3, 1872, to Benuel Bowman, her deceased sister Mary Magdalena's husband. For their family record see No. 392. No. 394. Fifth Generation. 255. 6) Peter M. Wenger, born in Waterloo Co., Ont., Jan. 17, 1848, was married Nov. 18, 1873, to Hannah Eby, born July 6, 1854, in St. Jacobs, Waterloo Co., Ont. Peter Wen- ger was engaged in farming, in the early part of his mar- ried life, and later for a number of years was engaged in the real estate agency, and some years later moved to Grand Rapids, Mich., where he is at present engaged in the fish, oyster, butter, egg and poultry business at 350 West Bridge St. Their children are as follows: 1. Serranus Wenger, born Nov. 6, 1874. No. 817. 2. Addison Wenger, born May 10, 1876. No. 395. 3. Lydiann Wenger, b. May 20, 1877. Single, at home. 4. Edgar Wenger, b. Sept. 29, 1879. Machinist, at home. 5. Calvin Wenger, born Feb. 25, 1882. No. 818. 6. Ada Viola Wenger, b. Mar. 2, 1885. Portrait artist, at home. 7. Wesley W. Wenger, b. May 25, '86. Died Mar. 19, '87. 8. Ervin Wenger, born Aug. 15, 1888. Bissel Carpet Sweeper Works. 9. Eliziann Wenger, b. Mar. 4, 1891. Died May 8, 1891. 10. Irvin Earl Wenger, born July 24, 1892. At home. 11. Allen Peter Wenger, born Oct. 21, 1894. At home. 12. Elmer Jonas Wenger, b. Sept. 11,'96. Died Oct. 27,'96. 13. Maude Hannah Priscilla Wenger, born May 19, 1898. At home. No. 395. Sixth Generation. 394. 2) Addison Wenger, born in Waterloo Co., Ont, May 10, 1876, was married Nov. 15, 1900, to Mildred Brinker, born in Grand Rapids, Mich., Dec. 29, 1881. He is an em- ploye of the Bissel Carpet Sweeper Co. Their P. O. address is No. 90 Third St., Grand Rapids, Mich. No. 396. Fifth Generation. 255. 8) Christian M. Wenger, born in Waterloo Co., Ont., Apr. 26, 1851, was married May 4, 1873, to Mary Ann Gole, born near Bridgeport, Waterloo Co., Ont., Oct. 2, 1848. In 148 April 1881 this family moved from Elmira, Waterloo Co., Ont., to Sanilac Co., Mich., and from thence in May 1889 to Noble Co., Minn., from whence, after an eighteen months' stay, they moved back to Sanilac Co., Mich., and in April 1898 to Yale, St. Clair Co:, Mich., where they now (1901) reside. Their children are: 1. Leah Wenger, born Nov. 15, 1873. 2. Menno Wenger, born Nov. 10, 1875. 3. George Wenger, b. Jan. 10, 1878. Died Oct. 6, 1878. 4. Altana Wenger, born Nov. 20, 1880. 5. Clara Ellen Wenger, born July 18, 1883. 6. Martha Ann Wenger (twin). May 5, 1886. 7. Mary Ann Wenger (twin), b. May 5,'86. D. Jan. 1,'87. 8. Nelson Wenger, born Oct. 10, 1888. Died same day. 9. Mary Jane Wenger, born Mar. 9, 1890. No. 397. Sixth Generation. 391. 2) Josiah W. Martin, born in Waterloo Co., Ont., June 30, 1862, was married Oct. 12, 1892, to Catharine M. Kluper- tanz, at the home of her parents in Hampden, Columbia Co., Wis. Oct. 27, 1892, they moved to Grand Rapids, Mich., where he served as conductor and motorman on the street railway. Sept. 9, 1897, they moved on a farm in Newaygo Co., Mich., and from thence in Nov. 1900, back to Grand Rapids, Mich. Their children are: 1. John Clarence Martin, born Sept. 16, 1893. 2. Lester Francis Martin, born June 20, 1895. 3. Joseph Earl Martin, born Apr. 27, 1898. 4. Viola Margareth Martin, born Jan. 10, 1901. No. 398. Fifth Generation. 67. 11) Elisabeth Hershberger, born in Rockingham Co., "Va., Mar. 10, 1839, was married Nov. 22, 1866, at Pontiac, Livingston Co., 111., to Christian Shantz, born in Waterloo Co., Ont., Aug. 21, 1839. They began keeping house near Cullom, 111. In 1870 they moved to Champaign Co., 111., on the prairie, where they lived five years, during which time they fought one furious prairie fire, which had come near destroying their home. In 1875 they moved back to Liv- ingston Co., three miles southwest of Cullom, on a farm, where they lived until in Dec. 1892, when they moved to Cullom. Their children are: 1. Charlie A. Shantz, born Feb. 2, 1868. No. 399. 149 2. Minnie A. Shantz, born Sept. 7, 1869. No. 400. 3. Jessie H. Shantz, b. Aug. 17, 1871. Died Aug. 24, '72. 4. Harvey A. Shantz, b. June 11, 1873. D. Apr. 24, 1875. 5. J. Milton Shantz, born Feb. 21, 1875. No. 401. 6. Fannie E. Shantz, b. July 19, 1877. Died Nov. 7, 1878. 7. Cora A. Shantz, born Sept. 5, 1879. Single (1901). No. 399. Sixth Generation. 398. 1) Charlie A. Shantz, born in Livingston Co., 111., Feb. 2, 1868, was married near Cullom, 111., Nov. 26, 1891, to Mary E. Kulp, born in Grundy Co., 111., Oct. 29, 1866. Mar. 1, 1892, they, together with her parents, Lewis Kulp's, moved from Livingston Co., 111., to Elkhart Co., Ind., about three miles east of the city of Elkhart, from whence in the fall of 1899 they moved on their own farm four miles south of Elkhart. Their children are: 1. Sarah A. Shantz, born Dec. 19, 1892. 2. Fannie B. Shantz, born July 1, 1894. 3. Dora M. Shantz, born Sept. 25, 1897. No. 400. Sixth Generation. 398. 2) Minnie A. Shantz, born in Livingston Co., 111., Sept. 7, 1869, was married near Cullom, 111., to Henry L. Horning, born in Page Co., Iowa, Nov. 24, 1866. They began keeping house on her parents' farm near Cullom, 111., from whence they moved Mar. 1, 1900, to Elkhart Co., Ind., locating about four and a half miles south of Elkhart, upon their own farm. No children (1901). No. 401. Sixth Generation. 398. 5) J. Milton Shantz, born in Livingston Co., 111., Feb. 21, 1875, was married at Cullom, 111., Jan. 26, 1899, to Mary E. Cox, born in Clinton Co., Ind., Feb. 28, 1875. They began keeping house near Cullom, 111., and on Mar. 1, 1901, moved to Elkhart Co., Ind., on their own farm about four miles south of Elkhart. One child: 1. Paul A. Shantz. born Nov. 18, 1899. No. 402. Fifth Generation. 6. 9) Susanna Martin, born in Erie Co., N. Y., June 6, 1837, died May 12, 1897; was married June 8, 1865, to Chris- tian Blocher, born Dec. 15, 1836, and died June 1, 1896. Their P. O. was Wakarusa, Ind. Their children, all born in Elkhart Co., Ind., are: 150 1. Martin A. Blocher, born July 22, 1866. 2. John M. Blocher, born June 7, 1868. 3. Anna E. Blocher, born Jan. 19, 1870. 4. Ida A. Blocher, born Feb. 14, 1872. No. 403. Fourth Generation. 15. 6) John Winger, born in Knox Co., O., Feb. 16, 1833, was married in Mercer Co., 111., Dec. 25, 1869, to Ella Gal- lagher, born in Tuscarawas Co., O., Jan. 18, 1843. In the spring of 1870 they moved to Kansas, locating near Augusta, Butler Co. In the fall of 1871 they moved to Mercer Co., 111., and from thence, in the spring of 1878, again to Butler Co., Kansas. From there, in the fall of 1886, they moved to Eureka Springs, Carroll Co., Ark.; in January 1887 to Harrison, Boone Co., same state, and in March 1891, to Batavia, same county. Their children, first, fourth and fifth born in Butler Co., Kansas, and second and third in Mercer Co., 111., are: 1. Ida Winger, born Nov. 27, 1870. 2. Bertha Winger, born Jan. 29, 1873. No. 404. 3. Clyde Winger, b. Apr. 11, 1875. Died July 14, 1878. 4. Minnie E. Winger, born Sept. 15, 1880. No. 405. 5. Maggie E. Winger, born Dec. 11, 1882. No. 404. Fifth Generation. 403. 2) Bertha Winger, born in Mercer Co., 111., Jan. 29, 1873, was married at Harrison, Boone Co., Ark., Apr. 5. 1896, to Walter A. Markley, born in Randolph Co., W. Va., July 8, 1872. P. O. address, Batavia, Boone Co., Ark. One child (1901) : 1. Lester Markley, born Jan. 26, 1898. No. 405. Fifth Generation. 403. 4) Minnie Earl Winger, born in Butler Co., Kansas, Sept. 15, 1880, was married in Batavia, Ark., Dec. 24, 1899, to Benjam.in L. Sanders, born in Batavia, Boone Co., Ark., Nov. 22 1875. P. O. address, Batavia, Ark. One child (1901): 1. Joseph Winger Sanders, born Dec. 31, 1900. No. 406. Sixth Generation. 204. 1) John W. Martin, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Sept. 17., 1853, died Sept. 16, 1899, aged 45 Y.. 11 M., 28 D.; was married Oct. 26. 1876, to Amanda Horst. torn Sept. 7, 1856. P. O. address, Maugansville, Md. Their children are: 1. Levi H. Martin, born Nov. 25, 1877. 151 2. Noah H. Martin, born Dec. 15, 1878. 3. Barbara Martin, b. Mar. 8, 1880. Died Feb. 10, 1882. 4. Abraham H. Martin, born Nov. 24, 1881. 5. Katie Martin, b. Aug. 16, 1883. Died Jan. 2, 1887 6. Amanda Martin, born Feb. 5, 1885. 7. Mary Martin, born Mar. 25, 1887. 8. Ama Martin, born Aug. 25, 1888. 9. Leah Martin, born May 13, 1890. 10. John H. Martin, b. May 21, 1892. Died July 30, 1892. 11. Fannie Martin, born July 15, 1893. 12. Esther Martin, born Aug. 9, 1895. 13. Noami Martin, born Aug. 16, 1897. 14. Henry H. Martin, born Feb. 24, 1899. No. 407. Sixth Generation. 204. 2) Abraham W. Martin, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Sept. 1, 1854, was married Jan. 1, 1878, to Lydia Miller, born Mar. 8, 1858. Occupation, agent for machinery. P. O. address, Hagerstown, Washington Co., Md. Their chil- dren are: 1. Anna Martin, born Oct. 7, 1878. Died Feb. 10, 1881. 2. Benjamin F. Martin, b. Nov. 9, 1879. D. Feb. 25, 1881. 3. Mariah V. Martin, born Aug. 22, 1881. 4. Barbara Ella Martin, born May 12, 1883. 5. Lydia Ann Martin, b. July 31, 1885. Died Aug. 16, '86. 6. John A. Martin, born Oct. 31, 18bO. 7. George Henry Martin, born Apr. 6, 1893. No. 408. Sixth Generation. 204. 3) Elisabeth Martin, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., May 9, 1857, was married Nov. 21, 1876, to Jacob L. Horst, born Aug. 1, 1854. Occupation, night watchman in Cable Fac- tory. P. O. address, Hagerstown, Md. Their children are: 1. Anna Horst, b. Nov. 16, 1877. Died Aug. 23, 1894. 2. Martin L. Horst, born Oct. 23, 1878. 3. Barbara Horst, b. Oct. 9, 1879. Died June 19, 1883. 4. Mary E. Horst, born Nov. 4, 1880. 5. Abraham S. Horst, born Nov. 4, 1881. 6. Reuben F. Horst, born Jan. 20, 1883. 7. Lizzie A. Horst, born Aug. 26, 1884. 8'. Jacob M. Horst, born Dec. 8, 1885. 9. Lydia M. Horst, born Feb. 16, 1887. 10. Levi S. Horst (twin), born Feb. 24, 1890. 152 No. 88. Mary (Wenger) Geil 11. Katie Y. Horst (twin), born Feb. 24, 1890. 12. Leah Horst, born Oct. 4, 1891. 13. Emanda Horst, born June 18, 1893. 14. Fannie Horst, born Jan. 12, 1895. 15. Maria Horst, born June 12, 1897. No. 409. Sixth Generation. 204. 5) Barbara Martin, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Aug. 30, 1858, was married in Washington Co., Md., Dec. 25, 1877, to John E. Risser, born Aug. 24, 1855, and died June 25, 1883, aged 27 Y., 10 M., 1 D. In October 1885 Barbara (Mar- tin) Risser was married again, to Henry H. Baer, born May 15, 1853. Their P. O. is Hagerstown, Washington Co., Md. Her children are: With her first husband: 1. Abraham M. Risser, b. Nov. 17, '78. Died Apr. 13, '90. 2. Jacob H. Risser, born Feb. 13, 1880. 3. Fannie M. Risser, born May 26, 1881. 4. John D. Risser, born Dec. 4, 1882. With her second husband: 5. Henry M. Baer, born June 22, 1886. 6. Barbara M. Baer, b. Apr. 18, 1888. Died May 3, 1888. 7. Adam M. Baer, born Feb. 2, 1890. 8. Isaac M. Baer, born May 30, 1892. 9. Leah M. Baer, born Oct. 24, 1893. 10. Lizzie M. Baer, born Jan. 28, 1896. 11. Benjamin M. Baer, born Nov. 24, 1898. No. 410. Sixth Generation. 204. 7) Samuel W. Martin, born Oct. 27, 1860, in Lancaster Co., Pa., was married Dec. 19, 1882, to Christina S. Keener, born Jan. 29, 1860. P. O. address, Hagerstown, Md. Their children are: 1. Amos K. Martin, b. Nov. 18, 1883. Died Feb. 17, 1885. 2. Fannie K. Martin, born Aug. 13, 1886. 3. Maggie K. Martin, born Dec. 21, 1888. 4. Elmer K. Martin, born Nov. 15, 1890. 5. Harvey K. Martin, born July 6, 1893. 6. Christiana K. Martin, born July 13, 1896. 7. Mary K. Martin, born Apr. 3, 1899. No. 411. Sixth Generation. 204. 8) Joseph W. Martin, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., May 30, 1862, was married Jan. 1, 1884, to Hettie B. Horst, born 153 Nov. 3, 1861. P. O. address, Hagerstown, Washington Co., Md. Their children are: 1. Barbara H. Martin, born Mar. 17, 1885. 2. Eli H. Martin, born Dec. 28, 1886. 3. Emma H. Martin, born Dec. 7, 1888. 4. Joseph H. Martin, born May 22, 1890. 5. Benjamin H. Martin, born Oct. 25, 1891. 6. Infant daughter, born Jan. 11, 1894. Died same day. 7. Magdalena H. Martin, born Mar. 6, 1895. 8. Hettie H. Martin, born June 5, 1897. 9. Martha H. Martin, born Jan. 28, 1900. 10. Ada H. Martin, born Mar. 8, 1901. No. 412. Sixth Generation. 204. 12) Isaac W. Martin, born in Washington Co., Md., Oct. 14, 1868, was married Dec. 24, 1891, to Mary H. Eby, born Oct. 2, 1871. P. O. address, Hagerstown, Md. Their children are: 1. Susan E. Martin, born July 1, 1894. 2. Barbara E. Martin, born Apr. 25, 1897. 3. Reuben E. Martin, born July 4, 1899. No. 413. Sixth Generation. 204. 14) Daniel W. Martin, born in Washington Co., Md., Mar. 7, 1872, was married Feb. 2, 1893, to Rebecca S. Shank, born July 6, 1873. P. O. address, Hagerstown, Md. Their children are: 1. Menno S. Martin, born Feb. 3, 1894. 2. Rhoda S. Martin, born Apr. 28, 1895. 3. Jacob S. Martin, born May 28, 1896. 4. Leroy S. Martin, born Sept. 9, 1897. 5. Daniel S. Martin, born July 27, 1899. No. 414. Sixth Generation. 225. 1) Barbara Wenger. born near Caledonia, Kent Co., Mich., Apr. 19, 1873, was married Dec. 22, 1892, at the home oi her parerits. to John F. Brake, also born near Caledonia, Kent Co., Mich., Sept. 14, 1872. Occupation, farmer. P. O. address, Campbell, Ionia Co., Mich. Their children are: 1. Elwood M. Brake, born Mar. 23, 1896. 2. Mabel C. Brake, born Feb. 27, 1899. No. 415. Sixth Generation. 225. 2) Inez Wenger, born near Caledonia, Kent Co., Mich., Apr. 6, 1874, was married Aug. 40, 1892, to Frederick L. 154 Klahn, born in Mecklenburg, Germany, Nov. 11, 1859. They commenced keeping house on a farm near West Campbell, Ionia Co., Mich. P. O. address, Campbell, Ionia Co., Mich. Their children are: 1. Oliver F. Klahn, born Sept. 19, 1893. 2. Arietta I. Klahn, born Nov. 2, 1896. No. 416. Sixth Generation. 202. 1) Anna Wenger, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Dec. 15, 1847, was married Dec. 3, 1868, to Isaac H. Martin, born July 24, 1845. Martindale was their P. O. She died Oct. 26, 1874, aged 26 Y., 10 M., 11 D. Their children are: 1. Sarah N. Martin, born Oct. 29, 1870. 2. David W. Martin, born Dec. 20, 1872. 3. Isaac W. Martin, b. Oct. 19, 1874. Died Dec. 14, 1874. No. 417. Sixth Generation. 217. 4) Rudolph W. Dettweiler, born in Elkhart Co., Ind., Nov. 17, 1860, was married Mar. 19, 1896, to Grace Cyrene Steward, born in Wakarusa, Ind., June 7, 1878. They com- menced keeping house in Goshen, Ind., and lived in various places in Elkhart county until in the spring of 1900, when for the second time they moved to the city of Elkhart, No. 126 Garfield Ave., where he resumed his carpenter trade. Their children are: 1. John Byron Dettweiler, born Sept. 1, 1897. 2. Susie May Elisabeth Dettweiler, born Aug. 10, 1899. No. 418. Sixth Generation. 217. 10) Noah W. Dettweiler, born in Elkhart Co., Ind., July 21, 1870, was married Dec. 25, 1894, to Lovina Sailor, born near South West, Elkhart Co., Ind. They commenced keeping house in the city of Elkhart. His occupation, driv- ing a bakery wagon. Later they moved on his father's farm in Harrison township, and still later back to the city of Elkhart, where they now reside (1901). One child: 1. Leta May Dettweiler, born Oct. 21, 1895. No. -^19. Sixth Generation. 320. 4) Amanda Mnsser, born in Elkhart Co., Ind., Dec. 29, 1868, was married in Dec. 1891, to Noah Whisler, who was born also in the same county and died about a month after their marriage; he was buried in the Mennonite Yellow Creek cemetery, in the presence of a large concourse of friends and relatives. 155 No. 420. Sixth Generation. 320. 5) Enos Musser, born in Elkhart Co., Ind., Oct. 22, 1875, was married in September 1898 to Catharine Doering, born in May 1872. Occupation, farmer. P. O. address, Goshen, Ind. No children (1901). No. 421. Fifth Generation. 252. 7) Anna Martin, born in Waterloo Co., Ont., Mar. 26, 1840, was married Apr. 1, 1860, to Joseph W. Dettweiler, born also in Waterloo Co., Ont., Feb. 17, 1834. For their family record see No. 422. Relation on both sides. No. 422. Fifth Generation. 249. 4) Joseph W. Dettweiler, born in Waterloo Co., Ont., Feb. 17, 1834, was married Apr. 1, 1860, to Anna Martin (see No. 421). Address, Brutus, Mich. 1. Simon P. Dettwiler. 4. Barbara Dettwiler. 2. Mary Ann Dettwiler. 5. Amanda Dettwiler. 3. Susanna Dettwiler. No. 423. Fifth Generation. 24. 1) Margaret A. Christophel, born in Mahoning Co., O., Nov. 23, 1847, died Jan. 25, 1900, aged 52 Y., 2 M., 2 D.; was married May 1, 1877, to Josiah Kohli, born in Holmes Co., Ohio, Nov. 19, 1837, died Jan. 25, 1902. They commenced keeping house in Allen Co., O., from which place, in the fall of 1869, they moved to Elkhart Co., Ind., and from thence, Dec. 6, 1895, to Humphreys Co., Tenn., McEwen being their P. O. Their children are: 1. Harriet C. Kohli, born Oct. 2, 1878. 2. Josiah C. Kohli, born Nov. 10, 1879. 3. Noah C. Kohli, born Feb. 23, 1881. Died same day. 4. Katy Ann C. Kohli, b. Feb. 4, 1882. Died May 4, 1882. 5. Magdalena Kohli, b. Feb. 23, 1883. Died same day. 6. Maggie Jane Kohli, born Feb. 27, 1884. 7. Rosa Ellen Kohli, b. June 5, 1885. Died Apr. 29, 1892. 8. Timothy Kohli, born Sept. 19, 1887. • 9. Abraham E. Kohli, born Jan. 16, 1890. 10. Reuben Andrew Kohli, born Jan. 30, 1892. Josiah Kohli was a widower and was married the first time Dec. 17, 1867, to Molly Shank*), born in Allen Co., O., *) Molly Shank's grandmother was a Wenger, but did not learn the connection. 156 ' Apr. 11, 1842, who died Feb. 23, 1876, aged 33 Y., 10 M., 12 D., with whom he had five children, all born in Allen Co., O., as follows: I. John Kohli, born Oct. 5, 1868. II. Amos Kohli, born Jan. 26, 1870. III. Christena Kohli, b. Sept. 24, 1871. Died Mar. 23, '73. IV. Josiah Kohli, born June 19, 1874. Died Aug. 6, 1874. V. Elisabeth Kohli, born June 19, 1875. No. 424. Fifth Generation. .24. 6) Catharine Christophel, born May 30, 1856, died Sept. 29, 1899, was married Jan. 1, 1885, in Elkhart Co., Ind., to Ephraim Grabill, born Mar. 3, 1848, in Rockingham Co., Va. For their family record see No. 425. No. 425. Fifth Generation. 271. 2) Ephraim Grabill, born in Rockingham Co., Va., Mar. 3, 1848, went with his parents in 1858 to Livingston Co., 111., where he was married in 1870, to Helena Grantz, his first wife, born in Germany, who died Mar. 31, 1883, in Liv- ingston Co., 111. Jan. 1, 1885, he was married again, to ' Catharine Christophel, his second wife (see No. 424). In 1893 they moved from Livingston Co., 111., to Elkhart Co., Ind., Nappanee being their P. O. Their children are: With his first wife: 1. Franklin Graoill, b. Dec. 6, 1871. Died Nov. 8, 1874. 2. Edward Grabill, born June 8, 1874. 3. Elmer Francis Grabill, b. July 24, '76. D. Nov. 28, '76. 4. Lewis Grabill, b. Nov. 3, 1878. Died Oct. 27, 1895. 5. Minnie Grabill, born Aug. 9, 1880. 6. Warren Grabill, born Feb. 28, 1883. With his second wife: 7. Lizzie Grabill, b. Sept. 26, 1885. Died Feb. 16, 1886. 8. Phoebe Grabill, born Feb. 15, 1887. 9. Raymond Graybill, born Oct. 4, 1889. 10. Oliver Grabill, born May 23, 1891. 11. Goldie Grabill, born Nov. 11, 1892. 12. Sadie Grabill, born Aug. 5, 1894. 13. Ancil Grabill, born Dec. 26, 1895. No. 426. Fifth Generation. 24. 9) Elisabeth Christophel, born in Elkhart Co., Ind., June 27, 1863, was married Dec. 22, 1887, to Jacob S. Bauer, 157 born also in Elkhart Co., Ind., Jan. 27. 1864. They com- menced keeping house on the old homestead of her parents in Union Twp., Elkhart Co., Ind., from whence they moved to Humphreys Co., Tenn., Dec. 6, 1895, McEwen being their P. O, Their children, the first four born in Indiana, are: 1. Ida Elnora Bauer, born Jan. 27, 1889. 2. Herley Osmond Bower, born Feb. 23, 1891. 3. John Orrville Bower, born Jan. 18, 1893. 4. Noah Claude Bower, born Oct. 20, 1894. 5. Cletus Bauer, born June 20, 1896. 6. Rose Etta Bauer, born Aug. 21, 1898. 7. Martha Elisabeth Bauer, born Sept. 5, 1900. No. 427. Sixth Generation. 202. 2) Magdalena Wenger, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Feb.. 25, 1849, was married Oct. 31, 1867, to Ezra Sensenig, bom Sept. 24, 1847. P. O. address, Reidenbach's Store, Lancaster- Co., Pa. Their children are: 1. Mary Ann Sensenig, b. Dec. 15, 1868. D. Apr. 26, '71. 2. Emma Sensenig, born Sept. 3, 1870. No. 438. 3. Sarah Sensenig, b. Aug. 14, 1872. Died Sept. 8, 1888. 4. David W. Sensenig, born Nov. 18, 1874. No. 439. 5. Magdalena Sensenig, born Jan. 31, 1878. No. 440. 6. Anna Sensenig, born June 2, 1880. No. 443. 7. Moses W. Sensenig, born Sept. 30, 1883. 8. Lydia Sensenig, born teb. 8, 1890. No. 428. Fifth Generation. 271. 3) Noah Grabill, born in Rockingham Co., Va., May 25,. 1850, moved in 1856 with his parents to Livingston Co., 111.; was married Mar. 15, 1883, to Widow Emeline Hernley (daughter of Bish. Henry Shaum, Elkhart Co., Ind.), his first wife, who was born in 1856 and died Feb. 5, 1884, leaving no children. Mar. 5, 1885, he was married again, to Sarah Weaver, his second wife, born in Elkhart Co., Ind., in 1862. In 1895 they moved from Livingston Co., 111., to Elkhart Co., Ind., Goshen being their P. O. Their children, the first five of whom were born in Illinois, and the others in Indi- ana, are: 1. Infant, born . Died. 2. Joseph Grabill, born Mar. 8, 1887. 3. Anna W. Grabill, born May 13, 1888. 158 4. John Grabill, born Jan. 3, 1890. 5. Susie Grabill, b. Sept. 6, 1891. Died Dec. 29, 1893, 6. Charles Grabill, born Aug. 13, 1893. 7. Amelie Grabill, born Oct. 14, 1895. 8. Cordelia Grabill, born Jan. 14, 1897. 9. Clara Grabill, born Oct. 14, 1898. No. 429. Sixth Generation. 202. 6) Jacob Wenger, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Dec. 18^ 1854, was married June 29, 1879, to Hettie Dennies, born. Oct. 10, 1855. P. O. address, Hinkletown, Lancaster Co., Pa. Their children are: 1. Elisabeth D. Wenger, born Apr. 13, 1880. No. 444. 2. Mary D. Wenger, born June 1, 1882. 3. Emma D. Wenger, born July 9, 1883. 4. Isaac D. Wenger, born Mar. 21, 1886. No. 430. Sixth Generation. 202. * 4) David Wenger, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., July 27,. 1851, was married Sept. 19, 1875, to Susanna K. Horst, born Mar. 26, 1850. P. O. address, Martindale, Lancaster Co., Pa. Their children are: 1. Isaac H. Wenger, born Aug. 12, 1876. No. 441. 2. Moses H. Wenger, born Nov. 1, 1877. No. 442. 3. Mary H. Wenger, born Aug. 2, 1879. 4. Anna H. Wenger, born May 12, 188i. 5. Martin H. Wenger, b. Nov. 21, 1883. Died Feb. 26, '87. 6. Ida H. Wenger, born May 13, 1885. 7. Susanna H. Wenger, born Jan. 13, 1887. 8. Lizzie H. Wenger, born Sept. 20, 18»8. 9. Barbara H. Wenger, born May 1, 1890. 10. Sarah H. Wenger, born July 5, 1893. No. 431. Sixth Generation. 202. 7) Sarah Wenger, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Sept. 8, 1856, was married June 11, 1876, to Henry R. Sensenig, born Dec. 20, 1842. P. O. address, Martindale, Lancaster Co., Pa. Their children are: 1. Susanna Sensenig, born Jan. 9, 1877. 2. Anna Sensenig, born May 4, 1878. No. 432. 3. Mary Sensenig, born June 18, 1880. 4. Samuel Sensenig, b. Feb. 22, 1882. Died Sept. 11, '82. Sarah, the mother, died Mar. 12, 1882, aged 25 Y., 6 M.,. 4 D. 159 No. 432. Seventh Generation. 431. 2) Anna Sensenig, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., May 4, 1878, was married Dec. 9, 1897, to John W. Hoover, born Apr. 30, 1875. P. O. address, Talmage, Lancaster Co., Pa. ,No children (1901). No. 433. Sixth Generation. 202. 8) Samuel S. Wenger, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., May 3, 1858, and came to Elkhart Co., Ind., when a young man; was married Sept. 5, 1880, in Elkhart Co., Ind., to Rebecca Weaver, born also in Lancaster Co., Pa., Nov. 11, 1856, and came to Elkhart Co., Ind., with her parents. Pre. John Weavers. P. O. address, Wakarusa, Ind, Their children, all born in Elkhart Co., Ind., are: 1. Lydia Wenger, born Sept. 8, 1881. 2. David W. Wenger, born Mar. 8, 1884. 3. Mary Wenger, born Nov. 28, 1885. 4. John W. Wenger, b. Feb. 28, 1888. Died May 20, 1890. 5. Enos W. Wenger, born Jan. 1, 1890. 6. Emma Wenger, born Apr. 3, 1892. 7. Samuel W. Wenger, born Apr. 25, 1894. 8. Noah W. Wenger, born Dec. 24, 1895. No. 434. Sixth Generation. 202. 9) Lydia Wenger, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Sept. 16, 1859, was married Nov. 13, 1881, to Benjamin W. High (son -of Chr. High), born Feb. 26, 1856. P. O. address, Oregon, liancaster Co., Pa. Their children are: 1. David S. High, born Oct. 19, 1882. 2. Christian W. High, born July 17, 1884. 3. Phares W. High, born Aug. 12, 1885. 4. Phoebe W. High, born Dec. 24, 1891. 5. Lizzie W. High, born Dec. 17, 1896. 6. Nettie W. High, born Dec. 17, 1898. No. 435. Sixth Generation. 202. 10) Joseph Wenger, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., May 16, 1862, was married Sept. 25, 1881, to Lizzie H. Suavely, T3orn July 13, 1862. P. O. address, Reidenbach's Store, Lancaster Co., Pa. No children. No. 436. Seventh Generation. 416. 1) Sarah N. Martin, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Oct. 29, 1870, was married Nov. 28, 1891, to Noah B. Zimmer- 160 Mo. 89. Joseph H. Wenger, South English, Iowa. man, born June 22, 1868. P. O. address, Terre Hill, Lancas- ter Co., Pa. Their children are: 1. Lydiann Zimmerman, born Dec. 26, 1892. 2. Emma M. Zimmerman, born Mar. 5, 1894. 3. Mahlon M. Zimmerman, born June 22, 1895. 4. Isaac M. Zimmerman, b. Aug. 3, 1897. D. Apr. 19, '98. 5. Leah M. Zimmerman, born Dec. 1, 1898. 6. Noah M. Zimmerman, born July 16, 1900. Died. No. 437. Seventh Generation. 416. 2) David W. Martin, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Dec. 20, 1872, was married Dec. 6, 1892, to Maria Nolt, born Mar. 21, 1872. P. O. address. Blue Ball, Lancaster Co., Pa. Their children are: 1. Elisabeth Martin, born Sept. 9, 1893. 2. Emma Martin, born Dec. 11, 1896. 3. Sarah Martin, born Jan. 25, 1900. No. 438. Seventh Generation. 427. 2) Emma Sensenig, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Sept. 3, 1870, was married Nov. 26, 1891, to Jeremiah M. Martin, born Feb. 5, 1866. P. O. address, Hinkletown, Lancaster Co., Pa. Their children are: 1. Amos S. Martin, born Jan. 5, 1893. 2. Ivan S. Martin, born Oct. 12, 1894. 3. Magdalena S. Martin, born Feb. 18, 1896. 4. Emma S. Martin, born Oct. 20, 1897. 5. Ezra S. Martin, born Dec. 12, 1899. No. 439. Seventh Generation. 427. 4) David W. Sensenig, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Nov. 18, 1874, was married Dec. 23, 1897, to Barbara Buckwalter, born Oct. 15, 1873. P. O. address, Gap, Lancaster Co., Pa. Their children are: 1. Hershey B. Sensenig, born Oct. 9, 1898. 2. Isaac B. Sensenig, born May 28, 1900. No. 440. Seventh Generation. 427. 5) Magdalena Sensenig, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Jan. 31, 1878, was married Dec. 15, 1895, to Samuel H. Nolt, bom Oct. 11, 1874. P. O. address, Vogansville, Lancaster Co., Pa. Their children are: 1. David S. Nolt, born Jan. 8, 1899. 2. Magdalena Nolt, born Sept. 16, 1900. 11 161 No. 441. Seventh Generation. 430. 1) Isaac H. Wenger, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Aug. 12, 1876, was married Feb. 7, 1897, to Emma W. Steffy, born Nov. 17, 1877. (See No. 451.) P. O. address, Martindale, Lancaster Co., Pa. Their children are: 1. Frances S. Wenger, born Oct. 12, 1898. 2. (Name not given.) No. 442. Seventh Generation. 430. 2) Moses H. Wenger, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Nov. 1, 1877, was married May 28, 1899, to Lizzie M. Gocliley, born Apr. 5, 1880. P. O. address, Martindale, Lancaster Co., Pa. One child (1901) : 1. Nora G. Wenger, b. Mar. 2, 1900. Died Apr. 5, 1900. No. 443. Seventh Generation. 427. 6) Anna Sensenig, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., June 2, 1880, was married Nov. 7, 1899, to David N. Zimmerman, born Aug. 20, 1879. P. O. address, Martindale, Lancaster Co., Pa. One child (1901): 1. Magdalena Zimmerman, born Oct. 13, 1900. No. 444. Seventh Generation. 429. 1) Elisabeth D. Wenger, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Apr. 13, 1880, was married Jan. 15, 1898, to Martin M. Red- cay, born July 20, 1877. P. O. address, Hinkletown, Lancas- ter Co., Pa. Their children are: 1. Lizzie W. Redcay, born Aug. 2, 1898. 2. Martin W. Redcay, born Apr. 25, 1900. No. 445. Sixth Generation. 206. 1) Susanna Wenger, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Jan. 30, 1852, was married in 1872, to Urias Steffy, born May 24, 1854. P. O. address, Reidenbach's Store, Lancaster Co., Pa. Their children are: 1. Elisabeth Steffy, born Sept. 12, 1872. No. 452. 2. Catharine Steffy, b. Oct. 6, 1874. Died Nov. 30, 1880. 3. Elam Steffy, born Dec. 5, 1875. 4. Emma Steffy, born Nov. 17, 1877. No. 451. 5. David Steffy, b. Oct. 26, 1879. Died Jan. 15, 1883. 6. John Steffy, born Dec. 13, 1880. Died Jan. 4, 1883. 7. Samuel Steffy, born Apr. 27, 1882. Died Aug. 30, 1883. 8. Mary Steffy, born May 16, 1884. 162 9. Infant daughter, born Mar. 6, 1886. Born dead. 10. Leah Steffy, born Dec. 8, 1887. No. 446. Sixth Generation. 206. 7) John W. Wenger, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Oct. 9, 1858, was married Dec. 12, 1882, to Leah Martin, born Oct. 24, 1858. P. O. address, Terre Hill, Lancaster Co., Pa. Their children are: 1. Mary M. Wenger, born Apr. 13, 1889. 2. Bertha M. Wenger, born Jan. 15, 1891. 3. Walter M. Wenger, born Oct. 1, 1896. No. 447. Sixth Generation. 206. 8) Samuel W. Wenger, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Dec. 3, 1860, was married Dec. 23, 1886, to Ella R. Gabel, born Jan. 11, 1868. P. O. address, Reading, Pa. Their chil- dren are: 1. Willie Roy Wenger, born Jan. 18, 1888. 2. Ida May Wenger, b. Oct. 5, 1889. Died Jan. 16, 1891. 3. Edna Grace Wenger, born May 18, 1893. 4. Anna May Wenger, born July 24, 1900. No. 448. Sixth Generation. 206. 9) Mary Wenger, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Aug. 15, 1862, was married July 23, 1889, to Samuel S. Burkholder, P. O. address, Vogansville, Lancaster Co., Pa. Their chil- dren are: 1. Eva W. Burkholder, born Feb. 18, 1890. 2. Grant W. Burkholder, born Sept. 14, 1891. 3. Amos W. Burkholder, born Nov. 8, 1892. 4. Carrie W. Burkholder, born Jan. 30, 1898. No. 449. Sixth Generation. 206. 10) Magdalena Wenger (familiarly called Matty), born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Sept. 8, 1863, was married Nov. 6, 1879, to Jacob Longenecker, born Feb. 14, 1854, near Spring Grove, Lancaster Co., Pa., where they commenced keeping house. Seventeen years later they sold out and moved on a farm eight miles west of Reading, in Berks Co. P. O. address, Gouglersville, Pa. Their children are : 1. Henry W. Longenecker, b. Aug. 24, '80. D. Apr. 22,'8L 2. Martin W. Longenecker, born June 15, 1882. 3. Samuel W. Longenecker, born July 12, 1884. 4. Clara W. Longenecker, b. Nov. 27, '88. D. Nov. 27/93, 163 "5. Jacob W. Longenecker, born Nov. 4, 1889. 6. Ida May Longenecker, born Sept. 2, 1893. 7. Henry Longenecker, born Aug. 23, 189 — . No. 450. Sixth Generation. 206. 11) Elisabeth Wenger (familiarly called Lizzie), born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Nov. 23, 1864, was married Dec. 26, 1886, to David W. Auker, born in Juniata Co., Pa., Feb. 2, 1865. In March 1888 they moved from Lancaster Co., Pa., to Osceola Co., Iowa. P. O. address, May City, Osceola Co., la. Their children are: 1. Ezra W. Auker, born Dec. 20, 1888. 2. Samuel W. Auker, born Sept. 10, 1890. 3. Anna W. Auker, born June 22, 1893. Died Nov. 5, '93. '4. John W. Auker, born July 17, 1894. No. 451. Seventh Generation. 445. '4) Emma W. Steffy, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Nov. 17, 1877, was married Feb. 7, 1897, to Isaac H. Wenger. For their family record see No. 441. No. 452. Seventh Generation. 445. 1) Elisabeth W. Steffy, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Sept. 12, 1872, was married in 1893, to Samuel Jacobs. No children (1901). No. 453. Sixth Generation. 206. 14) Fyanna Wenger, born in Lancaster Co., Pa., June 15, 1868, was married June 18, 1889, to Samuel Steffy. Their children are: 1. Florence A. Steffy, born Mar. 21, 1890. 2. Willis Westlake Steffy, born Mar. 24, 1892. 3. Mary A. Steffy, born Feb. 16, 1894. 4. Myrtle Steffy, born Sept. 10, 1895. No. 454. Fifth Generation. 271. 4) Anna Grabill, born Aug. 14, 1851, in Rockingham Co., Va., was married Mar. 10, 1872. at Gardner, 111., to Alvin L. Kulp, born in Medina Co., Ohio, May 24, 1850. After marriage they commenced keeping house in Wash- ington Co., Iowa. In 1884 they moved to Keokuk, la. From there they moved to Omaha, Neb., in 1887, and later to Crete, Neb. In 1893 they moved to Houston, Harris Co., Tex., where they now reside. Their children are: 1. Rosa Nell Kulp, b. Jan. 28, 1875. Died same day. 164 2. Glendora Kiilp, born Apr. 26, 1876. No. 455. 3. Minnie Dell Kulp, born Sept. 6, 1880. No. 456. 4. Lewis A. Kulp, born May 2, 1882. 5. Edith Maud Kulp, born June 25, 1884. 6. Elisabeth Bell Kulp, born Oct. 8, 1888. No. 455. Sixth Generation. 454. 2) Glendora Kulp, born in Washington Co., Iowa, Apr. 26, 1876, was married at Angleton, Tex,, Feb. 5, 1898, to Clayton H. Mann, born in Illinois. P. O. address, Omaha, Neb. Their children are: 1. Ray Mann, born Feb. 7, 1899. Died Feb. 16, 1899. 2. Ruth Mann, born Mar. 25, 1901. No. 456. Sixth Generation. 454. 3) Minnie Dell Kulp, born Sept. 6, 1880, in Washington Co., Iowa, was married Aug. 19, 1901, to Harry Pretty, born in Canada in 1875. No. 457. Fifth Generation. 75. 7) Nellie Wenger, born in Iroquois Co., 111., Feb. 15,. 1865, and married R. O. Pennewill. Address, Kankakee, 111. No. 458. Fourth Generation. 13. 1) David Wenger, born in 1799, died Nov. 11, 1861; married Amelia , born 1804, died Apr. 16, 1885. Their children lived in Greenbrier Co., W. Va. 1. Elisabeth Wenger, b. Nov. 15, 1826. Died May 10, '53. 2. Samuel Wenger, b. May 10, 1827. Died July 30, 1897. 3. Andrew Wenger, born Nov. 20, 1830. 4. Sabina Wenger, b. Dec. 23, 1831. Died Mar. 15, 1882. 5. David Wenger, b. Mar. 25, 1836. Died Dec. 29, 1877. 6. Mary Wenger, born Aug. 14, 1837. 7. Joseph Wenger, b. Oct. 1, 1838. Died July 9, 1877. 8. Malinda Wenger, born Aug. 27, 1840. 9. Catharine Wenger (twin), born Oct. 7, 1842. 10. Anna Wenger (twin), born Oct. 7, 1842. 11. Susan Wenger (twin), b. Mar. 30, 1846. D. July 5. '50. 12. Rebecca Wenger (twin), born Mar. 30, 1846. No. 459. Fourth Generation. 13. 2) Christina Wenger, born Jan. 1, 1802, died Apr. 18, 1887; married Dominich Fry. Mennonites. They lived in Greenbrier Co., W. Va. Their children were: 165 1. John Fry. 6. David Fry. 2. Michael Fry. 7. Sabina Fry. 3. Joseph Fry (twin). 8. Matthew Fry. 4. Jacob Fry (twin). 9. Elisabeth Fry. 5. Fannie Fry. 10. Christian Fry. No. 460. Fourth Generation. 13. 3) John Wenger (no date). His first wife was Nancy Reynolds; his second, Phoebe Paxton, and his third, Mrs. Cast. All that can be learned is that he died in the West. No. 461. Fourth Generation. 13. 4) Esther Wenger. Never married; died Mar. 10, 1874. No. 462. Fourth Generation. 13. 5) Fannie Wenger (no date) ; married Adam Bearing. No. 463. Fourth Generation. 13. 6) Sabina Wenger, born Oct. 14, 1808, died June 14, 1886; married Jacob Cast. Children died in infancy. No. 464. Fourth Generation. 13. 7) Jacob Wenger, born Apr. 9, 1814, died Nov. 23, 1897. His first wife, Nancy Curran, was born Aug. 10, 1837, and died Mar. 28, 1861. His second wife, Rebecca Flack, was born Dec. 30, 1833, died Dec. 23, 1898. No record of any children. No. 465. Sixth Generation. 48. 2) Samuel Frederick Coffman, born in Rockingham Co., Va., June 11, 1872, and is a Mennonite minister at Vine- land, Ont. ; married Nov. 20, 1901, to Ella Mann, born in Elkhart Co., Ind., Jan. 1, 1873. One child: 1. John Ezra Coffman, born Oct. 6, 1902. No. 466. Sixth Generation. 48. 4) Ansel Victor Coffman, born Apr. 30, 1875. Menno- nite. Address, Evanston, 111. No. 467. Sixth Generation. 52. 3) Nellie Virginia Heatwole, born at Dale Enterprise, Va., July 29, 1879, and married Eugene Suters, Aug. 28, 1900. Mennonites. Dale Enterprise, Va. No. 468. Fourth Generation. 15. 2) Henry M. Winger, born at Edom, Rockingham Co., Va., on Oct. 31, 1822, died Nov. 10, 1881; married Mary W. Hannah, born in same vicinity, Mar. 6, 1830, and died in Kansas, Feb. 25, 1896. No date of marriage. 166 H. M. Winger was a man of thorough education, and was possessed of wonderful ingenuity and mechanical skill. He had the capacity for almost any occupation that pre- sented itself. During the first half of his life he taught school, and I am indebted to him for the instructions given me in my young days which have done me great service all through life. Henry M. was raised in Ohio, but in about 1847 he returned to Edom, Va., the place of his nativity; married and lived there until during the Civil war. He entertained strong Union sentiments, for which he was for a long time confined in that loathsome Libby Prison at Richmond, Va. He was of a pleasant disposition, and raised a fine family of educated, intelligent children. He died suddenly of apoplexy at Augusta, Butler Co., Kansas, and was buried at Burlington, Coffey Co., same state. JOSEPH H. WENGER, South English, Iowa. Their children are: 1. Rachael Anabelle Winger, b. Feb. 24, 1854. No. 469. 2. Barbara Ivydelle Winger, born Aug. 8, 1859. No. 470. 8. Joseph Floyd Winger, born July 10, 1862. No. 471. 4. Jacob Huntly Winger, born Feb. 14, 1868. No. 472. No. 469. Fifth Generation. 468. 1) Rachael Anabelle Winger, born at Edom, Rocking- ham Co., Va., Feb. 24, 1854; was married in 1872 to Fred Watson, a merchant at Leroy, Kansas. Their children are: 1. Claud Watson, born , 1873. Died in 1874. 2. Lillie Pearl Watson, born , 1876. Married. Ad- dress, Kansas City, Mo. * 3. Alonso Van Watson, born , 1878. Married, Jan. 1902. Leroy, Kansas. 4. Ivydelle Watson, born , 1883. Single (1902), at school. No. 470. Fifth Generation. 468. 2) Barbara Ivydelle Winger, born at Edom, Rocking- ham Co., Va., Aug. 8, 1859; was married Sept. 17. 1879, to A. C. Stephenson, a merchant at Burlington, Kansas. Their children are: 1. Ophelia Stephenson, b. Aug. 15, '80. Died Apr. 14, '00. 2. Nellie Stephenson, born Aug. 23, 1882. 3. Mabel Stephenson, b. Oct. 8, 1884. Died Sept. 4, 1888. 167 4. Henry Stephenson, b. Aug. 8, 1886. Died Aug. 29, '86. 5. Hazel Stephenson, born Jan. 2, 1888. 6. Fern Stephenson, born May 4, 1890. 7. Cranston Stephenson, born July 27, 1893. 8. Albert Stephenson, born Dec. 3, 1894. 9. Carrol Stephenson, born Oct. 8, 1896. 10. Marie Stephenson, born Nov. 26, 1900. No. 471. Fifth Generation. 468. 3) Joseph Floyd Winger, born at Edom, Va., July 10^ 1862. Single in 1902. Merchant at Burlington, Kansas. No. 472. Fifth Generation. 468. 4) Jacob H. Winger, born in Fairfield Co., Ohio, Feb.. 14, 1868; married Nov. 17, 1889, to Effie M. Pierce, born in Sheridan, Iowa, Apr. 14, 1870. Lumber merchant, Webb City, Mo. Their children are: 1. Gladys Leonia Winger, born Sept. 17, 1890. 2. Baby Winger, born Apr. 5, 1894. Died Apr. 7, 1894. 3. Delia Dell Winger (twin), b. Dec. 2, '99. D. July 7,'00. 4. Flora Belle Winger (twin), born Dec. 2, 1899. Died May 1, 1900. No. 473. Fourth Generation. 12. 1) Mary Wenger, born Jan. 30, 1797, near Harrison- burg, Rockingham Co., Va., married John Landes, born Jan. 26, 1802. This family were all Mennonites. Address, Har- risonburg, Va. Their children are: 1. Anna Landes, b. July 3, '29. Died single, Dec. 31, '00. 2. Daniel Landes, b. Oct. 25, 1830. Died Oct. 16, 1893. No. 474. 3. Elisabeth Landes, born Feb. 27, 1833. Single (1902). 4. David H. Landes, born Apr. 1, 1834. No. 477. 5. Samuel Landes (twin), born Nov. 6, 1835. Single. 6. Mary Landes (twin), born Nov. 6, 1835. Single. No. 474. Fifth Generation. 473. 2) Daniel Landes, born near Harrisonburg, Va., Oct. 25, 1830, and died Oct. 16, 1893; Barbara Layman, born July 12, 1827; married Oct. 6, 1853. Mennonites. Address, Har- risonburg, Va. Their children are: 1. Mary Landes, born Sept. 24, 1855. Single in 1902. 2. Frances Landes, born July 13, 1857. No. 475. , 3. John A. Landes, born May 31, 1859. No. 476. 168 No. 193. Daniel Coffman. No. 475. Sixth Generation. 474. 2) Frances Landes, born July 3, 1857, married Jacob A. Fultz, Jan. 3, 1884; live in Johnston Co., Mo. Their chil- dren are: 1. David M. Fultz, born Nov. 21, 1884. 2. Clara V. Fultz, born Nov. 21, 1891. No. 476. Sixth Generation. 474. 3) John A. Landes, born May 31, 1859; Priscilla Beery (daughter of Solomon), born Nov. 6, 1858; married Dec. 25, 1884. Address, Harrisonburg, Va. Their children are: 1. Etta Barbara Landes, born May 13, 1886. 2. Miner Webb Landes, born Feb. 1, 1890. 3. Ada Elisabeth Landes, Feb. 26, 1896. No. 477. Fifth Generation. 473. 4) David H. Landes, born near Harrisonburg, Va., Apr. 1, 1834; Mary Wenger Beery, born Feb. 15, 1831, died Nov. 5, 1882; married Apr. 22, 1855. David H. Landes and Mary Beery were cousins; therefore they come in the record both ways. See No. 94. Mennonites. Address, Harrison- burg, Rockingham Co., Va. Their children are: 1. Elisabeth Landes, born July 6, 1856. No. 478. 2. Sarah Landes, born June 15, 1858. No. 479. 3. Nannie C. Landes, born Oct. 9, 1860. No. 480. 4. Mary Landes, born Oct. 27, 1862. Single in 1902. 5. Emma V. Landes, born July 2, 1869. Oct. 11, 1888, David H. Landes was married to his sec- ond wife, Hannah J. Funk, who was born Aug. 27, 1827, and died June 17, 1898. No children. No. 478. Sixth Generation. 477. 1) Elisabeth Landes, born near Harrisonburg, Va., July 6, 1856, died Sept. 8, 1898; married Anthony Showalter, Feb. 1, 1876. Rockingham P. O., Rockingham Co., Va. Their children are: 1. David M. Showalter, born Nov. 21, 1876. 2. Amos Henry Showalter, born Dec. 25, 1877. 3. Mary Catharine Showalter, born Oct. 8, 1880. Mar- ried Perry Shank, a Mennonite minister, Dec. 1, 1901» Broadway, Va. 4. Martha E. Showalter, born Feb. 9, 1884. 5. Omar A. Showalter, born May 26, 1886. 6. Effie V. Showalter, born June 10, 1888. 169 7. Irvin D. Showalter, born June 3, 1890. 8. Ira S. Showalter, born Oct. 3, 1892. 9. Nannie E. Showalter, born Sept. 23, 1895. 10. Lessie A. Showalter, b. Aug. 31, '97. Died in infancy. No. 479. Sixth Generation. 477. 2) Sarah Landes, born near Harrisonburg, Va., June 15, 1858; Andrew H. Berry, born Sept. 27, 1847, died Nov. 10, 1900; married Oct. 1, 1876. Their children are: 1. Anna E. Berry, born Aug. 22, 1877. 2. David A. Berry, b. Feb. 16, '80. Died Oct. 20, 1897. 3. Mary S. Berry, born Feb. 18, 1882. 4. Clark F. Berry, born Apr. 1, 1883. 5. Myrtle C. Berry, born May 29, 1885. 6. Ira T. Berry, born Feb. 24, 1887. 7. Rosa E. Berry, born Apr. 23, 1892. 8. Bessie F. Berry, born Dec. 8, 1894. 9. Ruth N. Berry, born March — , 1897. No. 480. Sixth Generation. 477. 3) Nannie C. Landes, born near Harrisonburg, Va., Oct. 9, 1860; Moses Wenger, born July 13, 1862; married Oct. 18, 1883. Also see No. 230. Address, Harrisonburg, Va. Their children are: 1. Emma Elisabeth Wenger, born Jan. 17, 1885. 2. Sarah Catharine Wenger, born Oct. 15, 1886. 3. Anna Mary Wenger, born Oct. 29, 1888. No. 481. Fourth Generation. 12. 3) Elisabeth Wenger, born Aug. 24, 1805, and died Aug. 4, 1869; was married Feb. 10, 1830, to Christian Landes, born Apr. 30, 1809, and died Jan. 16, 1878. Mennonites. Address, Mt. Sidney, Augusta Co., Va. Their children, all born at Mt. Sidney, are: 1. John W. Landes, born July 4, 1832. No. 482. 2. Joseph Landes, born Aug. 12, 1833. No. 486. 3. Daniel Landes, born Jan. 30, 1835. No. 488. 4. Lydia Landes, born Nov. 28, 1836. No. 490. 5. Mary A. Landes, born Oct. 24, 1838. Died Oct. 1844. 6. Elisabeth Landes, born June 4, 1840. No. 495. 7. Jacob Landes, born Mar. 24, 1843. Died from army wound. May 6, 1862. 8. Margaret Landes, born Apr. 18, 1846. No. 496. 170 No. 482. Fifth Generation. 481. 1) John W. Landes, born at Mt. Sidney, Augusta Co., Ta., July 4, 1832, was married Oct. 27, 1853, to Anna Harsh- barger, born Aug. 6, 1829, died May 7, 1896. Mennonites. Address, Weyers Cave Station, Augusta Co., Va. Their children are: 1. Sarah Elisabeth Landes, born Sept. 13, 1854. No. 483. 2. Joseph Christian Landes, born Oct. 31, 1855. Died Dec. 20, 1855. 3. William Martin Landes, born July 23, 1857. Died May 12, 1861. 4. Margaret Ellen Landes, born Aug. 1, 1858. Died Aug. 3, 1858. 5. Lydia Frances Landes, born Sept. 10, 1859. Died Apr. 30, 1860. 6. Susan Alice Landes, b. Nov. 12, '61. Died Jan. 28, '63. 7. Nettie Ann Landes, born Dec. 15, 1862. No. 484. 8. Mary Isephine Landes (twin), born May 11, 1864. Died Oct. 26, 1864. 9. Martha Josephine Landes (twin), born May 11, 1864. No. 485. 10. John Homer Landes, b. Nov. 1, '68. Died Nov. 20,'68. No. 483. Sixth Generation. 482. 1) Sarah Elisabeth Landes, born at Mt. Sidney, Va., Sept. 13, 1854; was married Dec. 25, 1873, to Isaac N. Grove, -deacon in Mennonite church, born Nov. 3, 1851. Address, Weyers Cave, Augusta Co., Va. Their children are: 1. John Homer Grove, b. Jan. 28, 1875. Rowden, N. D. 2. William Mabrey Grove, b. Aug. 25, 1876. Lemoore, Cal. (1903). 3. Anna Belle Grove, b. Mar. 24, 1878. Died Oct. 2, 1885. 4. Walter Clarence Grove, born Apr. 25, 1880. 5. Isaac Emmet Grove, born Jan. 31, 1882. 6. Gracie Josephine Grove, born Nov. 14, 1884. 7. Charles Menno Grove, born Mar. 22, 1886. 8. Katie Grove, born Nov. 2, 1888. 9. Elisabeth Grove, born Nov. 6, 1890. 10. Orie Grove, born Dec. 21, 1892. 11. Arthur Sellers Grove, b. Feb. 4, '95. Died Apr. 24, '96. 12. Earl Grove, born Jan. 26, 1897. 13. Goldie Ethel Grove, born Dec. 13, 1899. 171 No. 484. Sixth Generation. 482. 7) Nettie Ann Landes, born Dec. 15, 1862, and J. Ed- ward Rankin, born Sept. 26, 1859, married Dec. 17, 1878. Address, New Hope, Augusta Co., Va. Their children are: 1. Anna E. Rankin, born Aug. 6, 1880. Married Walter Craig, Oct. 1, 1899. 2. John W. Rankin, born Mar. 7, 1883. 3. Oscar W. Rankin, born Mar. 13, 1885. 4. Nettie I. Rankin, born Aug. 28, 1887. 5. Lillie P. Rankin, born Nov. 12, 1889. 6. Edith C. Rankin, born Dec. 6, 1892. 7. Susie A. Rankin, born Sept. 9, 1894. 8. Edward L. Rankin, born Apr. 4, 1896. 9. Raleigh C. Rankin, born July 28, 1900. No. 485. Sixth Generation. 482. 9) Martha Josephine Landes, born May 11, 1864; Robert L. Moore, born Nov. 8, 1859; married Nov. 27, 1884. Address, Mt. Sidney, Augusta Co., Va. Their children are: 1. Eva A. Moore, born Sept. 7, 1885. 2. John H. Moore, born Jan. 27, 1887. 3. Willie B. Moore, born Apr. 19, 1888. 4. Nellie B. Moore, born Nov. 11, 1889. 5. Asa R. Moore, born Oct. 12, 1891. 6. Bertha J. Moore, born Aug. 26, 1893. 7. Bessie E. Moore, born Aug. 13, 1895. 8. Ashby B. Moore, born Dec. 19, 1896. 9. Carl C. Moore, born Sept. 16, 1898. 10. Roily O. Moore, born July 10, 1900. No. 486. Fifth Generation. 481. 2) Joseph Landes, born at Mt. Sidney, Va., Aug. 12,. 1833; was married Apr. 12, 1857, to Elisabeth Miller, born June 12, 1834. Address, Knightly, Augusta Co., Va. Their- children are: 1. Mary E. Landes, b. Feb. 12, 1858. Died Mar. 25, 1863. 2. David C. Landes, born Oct. 4, 1862. 3. Joseph S. Landes, born Apr. 17, 1866. 4. Martha J. Landes, b. June 30, 1869. M'd J. W. Craig. No. 487. Sixth Generation. 486. 2) David C. Landes, born Oct. 4, 1862; was married Dec. 10, 1885, to Ida Belle Craig, born Aug. 17, 1865. Ad- 172 dress, New Hope, Va. Their children are: 1. Walter M. Landes, born Oct. 3, 1886. 2. Noah C. Landes, born Apr. 11, 1888. 3. William F. Landes (twin), born July 16, 1890. 4. Arthur W. Landes (twin), born July 16, 1890. Died July 21, 1891. 5. Alice B. Landes, born Sept. 24, 1891. 6. Thomas D. Landes, born Feb. 14, 1893. 7. Richard B. Landes, born June 13, 1896. 8. Edner E. Landes, born Aug. 6, 1897. 9. Kate P. Landes, born June 27, 1899. 10. Anna V. Landes, born Feb. 6, 1901. No. 488. Fifth Generation. 481. 3) Daniel Landes, born at Mt. Sidney, Va., Jan. 30, 1835, married Columbia J. Tutwiler, born Apr. 23, 1839. Ad- dress, Mt. Sidney, Va. Their children are: 1. Sarah M. Landes, b. Nov. 27, 1858. Died July 23, 1860. 2. Henry Lee Landes, b. Mar. 12, '62. Died Sept. 23, '63. 3. Mary J. Landes, born Feb. 15, 1866. No. 489. No. 489. Sixth Generation. 488. 3) Mary J. Landes, born Feb. 15, 1866, married John H. Sipe Feb. 20, 1890. Mt. Meridian, Va. Their children are: 1. Mary H. Sipe, born Dec. 18, 1890. 2. Henry D. Sipe, born Feb. 15, 1892. 3. Carrie E. Sipe, born Sept. 23, 1894. 4. William R. Sipe, born June 9, 1896. 5. George E. Sipe, born Dec. 27, 1897. 6. Irene L. Sipe, born Aug. 31, 1899. No. 490. Fifth Generation. 481. 4) Lydia Landes, born at Mt. Sidney, Va., Nov. 28, 1836, married Christian Miller, Sept. 28, 1865. Their chil- dren are: 1. Elisabeth F. Miller (twin), born Aug. 21, 1866. 2. Martha F. Miller (twin), born Aug. 21. 1866. Died -Aug. 21, 1866. 3. John D. Miller, born Oct. 12, 1868. No. 491. 4. William H. Miller (twin), born May 1, 1871. 5. Mary Ann Miller (twin), b. May 1, '71. D. Dec. 9, '73. 6. Joseph S. Miller, born Oct. 9, 1873. No. 492. 7. Jacob C. Miller, born Feb. 20, 1876. No. 493. 8. Noah E. Miller, born June 2, 1878. No. 494. 173 No. 491. Sixth Generation. 490. 3) John D. Miller, born Oct. 12, 1868; was married Nov. 5, 1890, to Flora Chandler, born Aug. 31, 1873. Their children are: 1. Odes S. Miller, born May 11, 1892. 2. Arthur R. Miller, b. May 24, 1896. Died Mar. 15, 1900. 3. Martha J. Miller, b. Apr. 17, 1898. Died Apr. 17, 1898. 4. Kile C. Miller, born Feb. 23, 1901. No. 492. Sixth Generation. 490. 6) Joseph S. Miller, born Oct. 9, 1873; was married Nov. 29, 1894, to Lucy L. Ritchie, born July 29, 1874. Their children are: 1. Charles E. Miller, born Oct. 31, 1895. 2. and 3. Twins, born and died June 26, 1897. 4. Reeves W. Miller, born Feb. 3, 1901. No. 493. Sixth Generation. 490. 7) Jacob C. Miller, born Feb. 2, 1876; was married Dec. 4, 1898, to Elisabeth F. Morris, born Oct. 15, 1876. Their children are: 1. Oscar S. Miller, born Sept. 12, 1899. 2. Infant son, born Dec. 4, 1901. No. 494. Sixth Generation. 490. 8) Noah E. Miller, born June 2, 1878; was married to Alice B. Shaver, born July 17, 1878. Address, Weyers Cave, Virginia. No. 495. Fifth Generation. 481. 6) Elisabeth Landes, born at Mt. Sidney, Va., June 4, 1840, died Dec. 1874; was married Mar. 12, 1863, to Eli A. Garber. Their children are: 1. Sarah M. Garber (no date). Married John W. Del- linger, New Market, Va. 2. Nannie B. Garber (no date). Married Mr. Bumgard- ner, Lurey, Page Co., Va. 3. James Garber (no date). Died. 4. Riley Garber (no date). Died. 5. Stuart Garber (no date). Married Miss Mauck,. Washington, D. C. 6. Frank Garber (no date). Married Miss Mauck, Washington, D. C. 174 No. 496. Fifth Generation. 481. 8) Margaret Landes, born at Mt. Sidney, Va., Apr. 18,. 1846, and married Martin V. Cline Dec. ' 25, 1864. New Hope, Augusta Co., Va. Their children are: 1. John William Cline (no dates); lives in Kansas. 2. Daniel Stuart Cline (no dates); lives in Kansas. 3. Infant (no dates); died. 4. Luther Cline (no dates); died. 5. Margaret Cline (no date) ; died Nov. 1, 1870. No. 497. Sixth Generation. 205. 1) Jonas A. Weaver, born Aug. 18, 1851; married Anna Souder, Dec. 13, 1877. Address, Terre Hill, Pa. No record of children. No. 498. Sixth Generation. 205. 2) Susannah Weaver, born Oct. 19, 1852; was married Nov. 25, 1877, to Israel Brindle, born Jan. 26, 1853. Address, New Holland, Pa. Their children are: 1. Martha A. Brindle, born Sept. 16, 1878. 2. Daniel W. Brindle, born Oct. 27, 1879. No. 505. 3. Mary R. Brindle, born Aug. 15, 1881. 4. Israel W. Brindle, bom Dec. 21, 1882. 5. Isaac W. Brindle, b. Jan. 30, 1887; died Sept. 22, '87. 6. William P. Brindle, born Oct. 30, 1888. 7. Susan Brindle, born Jan. 4, 1890. 8. Anna E. Brindle, born May 19, 1894. No. 499. Sixth Generation. 205. 3) John W. Weaver, born Sept. 9, 1854; was married Dec. 17, 1878, to Clara B. Railing, born Aug. 12, 1857. Whorleytown, Franklin Co., Pa. Their children are: 1. Jacob A. Weaver, born Oct. 22, 1880. 2. Anna Weaver, born May 23, 1885. 3. Amanda Weaver, born Aug. 24, 1887. No. 500. Sixth Generation. 205. 5) Aaron Weaver, born Apr. 27, 1857; was married Apr. 16, 1882, to Anna Sensenig, born June 12, 1866. They are in the creamery business. Address, Blue Ball, Lancas- ter Co., Pa. Their children: 1. Mary Weaver, born Oct. 10, 1882. 2. Edna May Weaver, born Sept. 24, 1889. 3. Elmer S. Weaver, born Apr. 18, 1893. 175 No. 501. Sixth Generation. 205. 6) Magdalena Weaver, born Jan. 12, 1859; was married Jan. 10, 1889, to Peter Reits, born Feb. 26, 1852. He is a stone-mason. Address, Farmersville, Lancaster Co., Pa. Their children are: 1. Harry W. Reits, born Mar. 2, 1890. 2. Weaver W. Reits, born Jan. 9, 1892. No. 502. Sixth Generation. 205. 8) Martin L. Weaver, born Mar. 30, 1863; was married Dec. 27, 1888, to Clara E. Walck, born July 16, 1862. Ad- dress, Whorleytown, Pa. Their children are: 1. Harry W. Weaver, born Nov. 7, 1889. 2. Dorothy May Weaver, born Sept. 29, 1891. 3. Ralph J. Weaver ,born Nov. 27, 1893. No. 503. Sixth Generation. 205. 9) Samuel S. Weaver, born July 11, 1865; was married Dec. 26, 1889, to Anna Elisabeth Wiles. They reside in Waynesboro, Pa. Occupation, blacksmith. One child: 1. Edith Viola Weaver, born Nov. 5, 1892. No. 504. Sixth Generation. 205. 10) Mary Weaver, born Oct. 19, 1867, died May 11, 1892; married Daniel Shafer Jan. 27, 1887. Lived in Frank- lin Co., Pa. Their children are: 1. Anna May Shafer, born June 24, 1888. 2. William J. Shafer, born Oct. 20, 1889. 3. Flora Shafer, born Apr. 21, 1891; died Aug. 14, 1892. No, 505. Seventh Generation. 498. 2) Daniel W. Brindle, born Oct. 27, 1879; was married Sept. 30, 1900, to Rebecca Martin, born Jan. 6, 1882. New Holland, Pa. No. 506. Fifth Generation. 256. 5) Maria Shrock, born in Waterloo Co., Ont., Mar. 1, 1841; was married Jan. 20, 1861, to Jacob Berky, born in Bucks Co., Pa., Apr. 20, 1835. Their children are: 1. Barbara Ellen Berky, born Dec. 4, 1861. 2. Susanna Berky, born Feb. 20, 1863. 3. Aaron Berky, born Sept. 15, 1864. 4. Eli Berky, born Sept. 24, 1866. 5. Sarah Berky, born Jan. 4, 1868. 6. Jacob Berky, born Nov. 3, 1869. 176 7. Daniel Berky, born May 10, 1873. 8. Magdalena Berky, born Jan. 27, 1875. 9. William Berky, born June 26, 1877. 10. Henry Berky, born Dec. 16, 1882. No. 507. Fifth Generation. 247. 2) Christian Zimmerman, born Aug. 3, 1821, died Jan. 30, 1890; was married Jan. 13, 1846, to Barbara Martin, born Mar. 10, 1821, died Nov. 7, 1875. Their children are: 1. Henry Zimmerman, b. Jan. 13, '47; died Nov. 14, '50. 2. Anna Zimmerman, born May 22, 1848. 3. Julia Zimmerman, born June 21, 1849. 4. Jacob Zimmerman, born Apr. 23, 1851. 6. George Zimmerman, born May 21, 1853. 6. Christian Zimmerman (twin), b. May 13, '56. No. 508. 7. Barbara Zimmerman (twin), born May 13, 1856. No. 508. Sixth Generation. 507. 6) Christian Zimmerman, born May 13, 1856; married Barbara Weaver, Nov. 17, 1878. Their children are: 1. Emma Zimmerman, born Mar. 11, 1880. 2. Anna Zimmerman, born Apr. 5, 1883. 3. Barbara Zimmerman, b. Aug. 14, '85; d. Sept. 27, '93. 4. Nathan Zimmerman, born Jan. 16, 1888. 5. Weaver Zimmerman, born Dec. 16, 1890. 6. Ammon Zimmerman, born July 16, 1893. 7. Allen Zimmerman, born Sept. 15, 1896. No. 509. Fifth Generation. 247. 4) Jacob Zimmerman, born Mar. 21, 1828; was married Dec. 10, 1850, to Elisabeth Martin, born May 28, 1830. Their children are: 1. Samuel Zimmerman, born Oct. 23, 1851. No. 510. 2. Anna Zimmerman, b. Apr. 6, 1853; died May 31, 1853. 3. Henry Zimmerman, born Sept. 4, 1854. No. 511. 4. Jacob Zimmerman, born Sept. 2, 1856. No. 512, 5. Infant son, born Sept. 13, 1858; died. 6. Susanna Zimmerman, born July 10, 1859. 7. Moses Zimmerman, born Apr. 23, 1863. No. 513. 8. Elisabeth Zimmerman, born July 24, 1865. No. 516. 9. Barbara Zimmerman, born Aug. 6, 1867. 10. Rufus Zimmerman, born Apr. 26, 1869. 12 177 I No. 510. Sixth Generation. 509. 1) Samuel Zimmerman, born Oct. 23, 1851; married Salinda Witmyer, born Jan. 28, 1860. One child: 1. Clayton W. Zimmerman, born Mar. 5, 1880. No. 511. Sixth Generation. 509. 3) Henry Zimmerman, born Sept. 4, 1854; was married Oct. 12, 1875, to Charlotte Huffard, born Aug. 14, 1857. Their children are: 1. Samuel Miller Zimmerman, born Sept. 24, 1876; married Lydia B. Witmer, Feb. 21, 1901. 2. Harry Grabil Zimmerman, born June 26, 1880; mar- ried Mary Wanner, Nov. 28, 1901. No. 512. Sixth Generation. 509. 4) Jacob Zimmerman, born Sept. 2, 1856; was married Sept. 19, 1880, to Martha B. Frankfort, born June 17, 1853. Their children are: 1. John G. Zimmerman, b. June 30,'81; died Feb. 21,'00. 2. Anna F. Zimmerman, born Jan. 23, 1883. 3. Lemon F. Zimmerman, born Feb. 16, 1889; died Jan. 10, 1894. 4. Lissie F. Zimmerman, born Oct. 18, 1893. No. 513. Sixth Generation. 509. 7) Moses Zimmerman, born Apr. 23, 1863; was married Nov. 20, 1887, to Frances Sensenig, born Jan. 23, 1863. Their children are: 1. Rufus S. Zimmerman, born Nov. 15, 1888. No. 514. 2. Harry Zimmerman, born Nov. 4, 1890. 3. Moses S. Zimmerman, born Mar. 5, 1892. 4. John S. Zimmerman, born Sept. 1, 1893. 5. Jacob S. Zimmerman, born June 11, 1895. 6. Anna S. Zimmerman, born June 8, 1897. 7. Walter S. Zimmerman, born Jan. 14, 1900. No. 514. Seventh Generation. 513. 1) Rufus S. Zimmerman, born Nov. 15, 1888; was mar- ried Dec. 23, 1894, to Lydia S. Weaver, born Aug. 17, 1870. Their children are: 1. Noah Zimmerman, born Aug. 5, 1899. 2. Levi Zimmerman, born Sept. 4, 1900. 178 No. 515. Fifth Generation. 247. 5) Isaac Zimmerman, born Apr. 6, 1830, died Apr. 23, 1887; was married Aug. 12, 1852, to Catharine Messner, born Apr. 8, 1835. Their children are: 1. Anna Zimmerman, b. July 25, 1854; died July 17, '71. 2. Susan Zimmerman, b. Apr. 2, 1857; married Ranck. 3. Catharine Lydia Zimmerman, born July 15, 1859; married Landes. 4. Rebecca Zimmerman, b. Jan, 13, '62; m. Deffenbach. 5. Martin Solomon Zimmerman, born Jan. 14, 1865. 6. Henrietta Zimmerman, b. Jan. 24, '68; m. Buckwalter. 7. Barbara Zimmerman, b. Jan. 29, 1870; married Herr. 8. Alice E. Zimmerman, b. Oct. 22, '73; m. Matheot. 9. Isaac Jacob Zimmerman, born May 28, 1879; died Jan. 30, 1885. No. 516. Sixth Generation. 509. 8) Elisabeth Zimmerman, born July 24, 1865; was mar- ried Dec. 1, 1889, to Elam Martin, born Mar. 18, 1869. Their children are: 1. Infant daughter, b. Aug. 11, 1891; died Aug. 11, 1891. 2. Rufus J. Martin, born Apr. 2, 1893. • 3. Moses J. Martin, b. June 6, 1895; died Jan. 24, 1896. 4. Elisabeth J. Martin, born Jan. 24, 1897. 5. Jacob J. Martin, born Mar. 9, 1899. 6. Anna J. Martin, born May 4, 1901. No. 517. Sixth Generation. 130. 1) Sarah E. Shank, born in Morgan Co., Mo., Oct. 15, 1873, married Daniel Mohler, who is a minister in the Dunkard church. No. 518. Sixth Generation. 130. 4) Mollie C. Shank, born July 5, 1878; married Bishop Daniel Kauffman of the Mennonite church, on Feb. 6, 1902. Both born in Morgan Co., Mo. Address, Versailles, Morgan Co., Mo. No. 519. Fifth Generation. 249. 5) Jonas W. Dettwiler, born Apr. 3, 1840; married Amanda Eby, of Waterloo, Ontario. She died Jan. 25, 1902. Address, Versailles, Morgan Co., Mo. Their children are: 1. Adeline Dettwiler, born Sept. 9, 1866. 2. Susannah Dettwiler, born Aug. 15, 1868. No. 520. 179 3. Leah Dettwiler, born Sept. 12, 1869. No. 521. 4. William E. Dettwiler, born Mar. 9, 1872. 5. Amanda Jane Dettwiler, born June 11, 1875. 6. John S. Dettwiler, born Sept. 1, 1877. 7. Barbara Ann Dettwiler, born Oct. 4, 1879. No. 522. 8. Jonas Aaron Dettwiler, born Mar. 27, 18^3. Besides the above there were four children that died in infancy. No. 520. Sixtli Generation. 519. 2) Susannah Dettwiler, born Aug. 15, 1868; was mar- ried Nov. 27, 1890, to Menno B. Weaver, of Peabody, Kan., born in March 1870. Address, Harper, Kansas. Their chil- dren are: 1. William Earl Weaver, born May 5, 1892. 2. Fannie Jane Weaver, b. June 3, 1894; d.July 14, 1894. 3. Bessie Amanda Weaver, born Sept. 14, 1895. 4. John S. Weaver, born Aug. 11, 1897. 5. Luke Weaver, born Oct. 27, 1899. 6. Paul Weaver, born Jan. 10, 1902. No. 521. Sixth Generation. 519. 3) Leah Dettwiler, born Sept. 1869, and on Dec. 4, 1894, married Benjamin L. Horst, born Dec. 1866 in Washington Co., Md. Address, Harper, Kansas. Their children are: 1. Jonas Horst, born Oct. 12, 1895. 2. Reuben Horst, born Jan, 15, 1897. 3. Amanda Horst, born June 13, 1898. 4. Paul Horst, born Mar. 3, 1901. 5. Fannie Horst, born Aug. 29, 1902. No. 522. Sixth Generation. 519. 7) Barbara Ann Dettwiler, born Oct. 4, 1879; married William H. Dettwiler, born Jan. 16, 1902. Address, Cherry Box, Shelby Co., Mo. No. 523. Fifth Generation. 249. 6) Henry W. Dettwiler, born April 5, 1842; never mar- ried; lives near Versailles, Morgan Co., Mo. No. 524. Fifth Generation. 249. 1) Abraham W. Dettwiler, a Mennonlte minister, was born in Waterloo Co., Ontario, May 6, 1828, and on Mar. 4, 1851, married Barbara Koch, daughter of Pre. David Koch, of the above named place. Abraham and Barbara in 1864 180 moved to Kent Co., Mich., and in 1879 to near Brutus, Em- mett Co., Mich., which is their address. Their children are: 1. Esther Dettwiler, born Feb. 10, 1852. No. 550. 2. Barbara Dettwiler, born Sept. 18, 1854; died. 3. John K. Dettwiler, born Oct. 1, 1856. 4. Mary Dettwiler, born July 26, 1858; died in 1871. 5. Joseph K. Dettwiler, born Sept. 8, 1860. No. 525. 6. Abraham K. Dettwiler, born Oct. 20, 1862. No. 526. 7. Elisabeth Dettwiler, born Mar. 26, 1865. No. 527. 8. David K. Dettwiler, born Nov. 2, 1868. No. 525. Sixth Generation. 524. 5) Joseph K. Dettwiler, born Sept. 8, 1860; married Elisabeth Limbach, Sept. 12, 1882. Address, Brutus, Mich. Their children are: 1. Amanda Dettwiler, born May 6, 1884. 2. Noah Dettwiler, born Apr. 13, 1886. 3. Aaron Dettwiler, bom Aug. 16, 1888. 4. Solomon Dettwiler, born Oct. 26, 1891. 5. Malinda Leona Dettwiler, born Sept. 28, 1898. No. 526. Sixth Generation. 524. 6) Abraham K. Dettwiler, born Oct. 20, 1862, and on Mar. 12, 1893, married Veronia Sauder, of Waterloo Co., Ontario. Address, Brutus, Mich. Their children are: 1. Sevilla Dettwiler, born Jan. 20, 1894. 2. Anna S. Dettwiler, born Feb. 10, 1896. 3. Enos S. Dettwiler, born Mar. 4, 1898. 4. Henry S. Dettwiler, b. Jan. 30, 1900; d. June 2, 1900. No. 527. Sixth Generation. 524. 7) Elisabeth Dettwiler, born Mar. 26, 1865; married Joseph Tyson, Aug. 30, 1888. Address, Goshen, Ind. Their children are: 1. Levi Tyson, born June 13, 1889. 2. Eliza Tyson, born Jan. 12, 1894. 3. Elmer Tyson, born Feb. 11, 1897. 4. Ruth Tyson, born Mar. 8, 1899. No. 528. Fifth Generation. 249. 2) Isaac W. Dettwiler, born May 6, 1828 (twin brother to A. W., No. 524); married Elisabeth Wideman, July 17, 1855. Address, r5rutus, Mich. Their children: 1. Fannie Dettwiler, born May 24, 1856. No. -529. 181 2. Menno Dettwiler, born June 8, 1858; died. 3. Christian Dettwiler, born June 10, 1860. 4. Jacob W. Dettwiler, born Apr. 22, 1862. No. 530, 5. Elisabeth Dettwiler, born Nov. 17, 1864. No. 531. 6. Anna Dettwiler, born Dec. 11, 1866. No. 532. 7. Barbara Dettwiler, born Mar. 21, 1870; died. 8. Magdalana Dettwiler, born Mar. 17, 1872. No. 533. No. 529. Sixth Generation. 528. 1) Fannie Dettwiler, born May 24, 1856; married P^ter J. McEwen, Apr. 9, 1877. Their children: 1. D. E. McEwen, born Feb. 16, 1878. 2. P. A. McEwen, born Sept. 26, 1879. No. 530. Sixtfi Generation. 528. 4) Jacob W. Dettwiler, born Apr. 22, 1862; married Minnie Miller, Aug. 10, 1882. Their children: 1. Lucy A. Dettwiler, born Aug. 3, 1885. 2. Freeman J. Dettwiler, born Apr. 26, 1888. 3. Ida L. Dettwiler, born Apr. 11, 1896. No. 531. Sixth Generation. 528. 5) Elisabeth Dettwiler, born Nov. 17, 1864; married Henry M. Crawford, July 28, 1883. Their children: 1. Floyd Morgan Crawford, born June 11, 1884. 2. Blanche Leilah Crawford, born Mar. 7, 1886. 3. Ray Cornelius Crawford, born Feb. 22, 1896. 4. Irene Manilla Crawford, born Nov. 22, 1898. No. 532. Sixth Generation. 528. 6) Anna Dettwiler, born Dec. 11, 1866; married Henry Simons. Their children: 1. Glen H. Simons, born Aug. 19, 1892. 2. Earl Simons, born Oct. 12, 1894. 3. Lola Simons, born Jan. 31, 1897; died Sept. 8, 1897. 4. Casper Simons, born Feb. 6, 1900. No. 533. Sixth Generation. 528. 8) Magdalana Dettwiler, born Mar. 17, 1872; married Eraxslus*) Crawford, Sept. 4, 1889. Their children: 1. Ralph Crawford, born June 3, 1890. 2. John I. Crawford, born Feb. 21, 1893. '■) The original is not distinct. 182 3. Anna May Crawford, born Aug. 22, 1896. 4. Harry Crawford, born June 22, 1898. No. 534. Fifth Generation. 249. 3) Susannah Dettwiler, born Aug. 8, 1831; married Wil- liam K. Eby, July 3U, 1853. Conestoga, Waterloo Co., Ont. Their children: 1. Mary D. Eby, born Apr. 16, 1854. No. 535. 2. Jeremian Eby, b. Feb. 21, 1859; died Oct. 20, 1866. 3. Aaron D. Eby, born Apr. 10, 1861; died Aug. 7, 1885. 4. Amanda Eby, born Apr. 29, 1863. No. 536. 5. Henry D. Eby, born Aug. 27, 1864. No. 537. 6. Cyrus D. Eby, born Oct. 31, 1866. No. 538. 7. Susannah D. Eby, born Nov. 29, 1868. No. 539. 8. Anna D. Eby, born Apr. 3, 1871. No. 540. 9. William D. Eby, born Mar. 26, 1877. No. 535. Sixth Generation. 534. 1) Mary D. Eby, born Apr. 16, 1854; married Owen Snider. Their children: 1. David Snider. 3. Solomon Snider. 2. Cyrus Snider. No. 536. Sixth Generation. 534. 4) Amanda Eby, born Apr. 29, 1863; married Tobias Martin. Their children: 1. Mary Ann E. Martin. 4. Simon E. Martin. 2. Leah E. Martin. 5. Menno E. Martin. 3. Elisabeth E. Martin. No. 537. Sixth Generation. 534. 5) Henry D. Eby, born Aug. 27, 1864; married Nannie Shrock. One child: 1. Ruth Eby, born May 1, 1890. No. 538. Sixth Generation. 534. 6) Cyrus D. Eby, born Oct. 31, 1866; married Elisabeth Brubaker. Their children: 1. Jeremiah B. Eby. 3. Israel Eby. 2. Susannah Eby. 4. Amanda Eby. No. 539. Sixth Generation. 534. 7) Susannah D. Eby, born Nov. 29, 1868; married Menno B. Hoffman. Their children: 1. Lovina E. Hoffman. 3. Anna Hoffman. 2. Amanda Hoffman. 4. Elisabeth Hoffman. 183 5. Judith Hoffman. 7. Leah Hoffman. 6. Susannah Hoffman. No. 540. Sixth Generation. 534. 8) Anna D. Eby, born Apr. 3, 1871; married Daniel G. Brubaker. One child: 1. Susannah E. Brubaker. No. 541. Fifth Generation. 249. 8) Christian W. Dettwiler, Mennonite minister, born Dec. 31, 1845; married Susannah Johnson, Oct. 3, 1865. Address, Brutus, Mich. Their children: 1. Charilla Dettwiler, born Oct. 15, 1866. No. 542. 2. Sarah Dettwiler, born Oct. 10, 1868. No. 543. 3. Malinda Dettwiler, born Jan. 19, 1871; died. 4. Susannah Dettwiler, born Mar. 5, 1873. No. 544. 5. Fannie Dettwiler, born Dec. 17, 1875. No. 545. 6. Leah Dettwiler, born Mar. 16, 1879. No. 546. 7. Aaron J. Dettwiler, born Apr. 12, 1881; died. 8. William J. Dettwiler, born Aug. 6, 1887. All these children who are living are Mennonites. No. 542, Sixth Generation. 541. 1) Charilla Dettwiler, born Oct. 15, 1866; married Henry Stebings. Their children: 1. Felas Pearl Stebings. 4. Henry Stebings; died. 2. Vern Harry Stebings. 5. George Ira Stebings. 3. Ervin Stebings. No. 543. Sixth Generation. 541. 2) Sarah Dettwiler, born Oct. 10, 1868; married OweiL Schiedel. Their children: 1. Allan Schiedel. 2. Eva Schiedel; died. No. 544. Sixth Generation. 541. 4) Susannah Dettwiler, born Mar. 5, 1873; married George Rotter. One child: 1. Charles Gordon Rotter. No. 545. Sixth Generation. 541. 5) Fannie Dettwiler, born Dec. 17, 1875; married Wil- liam Smith. Their children: 1. Myrtle Smith. 3. Irene Smith. 2. Forest Smith. No. 546. Sixth Generation. 541. 6) Leah Dettwiler, born Mar. 16, 1879; married Charles: Barnes. One child: 1. Beula B. Barnes. Note. — I am indeed sorry that the dates of marriages,. 184 No. 194. Anna (Coffman) Hedrick. dates of birth of children, and addresses, are not given. Dates should be given for these young children as well as. for older ones. JOSEPH H. WENGER, South English, Iowa. No. 547. Fifth Generation. 74. 3) Samuel Wenger, born at Dayton, Va., May 2, 1846; was married Dec. 20, 1881, to Elisabeth Ann Landes, bom July 10, 1853. Parents and five oldest children are Menno- nites. Address, Canton, Kansas. Their children: 1. Daniel Alpheus Wenger, born Jan. 25, 1883. 2. Nora May Wenger, born Mar. 3, 1884. 3. Cora Wenger, born Jan. 7, 1886. 4. Jonas Wenger, born July 22, 1887. 5. Sarah Ann Wenger, born Nov. 14, 1888. 6. Lena Viola Wenger, born Nov. 16, 1890. 7. Malinda Catharine Wenger, born Dec. 30, 1891. 8. Mary Alice Wenger (twin), born Feb. 26, 1894. 9. Martha Inez Wenger (twin), born Feb. 26, 1894. 10. Barbara Irene Wenger, born Sept. 20, 1896. No. 548. Fifth Generation. 79. 1) Minnie B. Cox, born in Augusta Co., Va., Sept. 28, 1868; married Smith M. Grove, Jan. 2, 1895. Soon after marriage they settled near South English, Iowa, at which place they lived a few years, and then moved to Campbell, Minn.^ but a few years later they returned to South Eng- lish and bought a farm, where they now reside. Their children: 1. Basil Cox Grove, born Mar. 22, 1896; was killed in Minnesota by a runaway team hitched to a mower, Sept. 7, 1899. 2. Paul Miller Grove, born July 23, 1897. 3. Lynn Wenger Grove, born Aug. 3, 1901. No. 549. Sixth Generation. 225. 3) Amos N. Wenger, born Aug. 14, 1875; was married Feb. 15, 1899, to Carrie Sherk, born Feb. 21, 1879. Amos N. Wenger is a healthy, robust, industrious, young farmer, and from childhood was endowed with good moral prin- ciples. At the age of 21 years he was converted to the Lord, and united with the United Brethren in Christ, in which church he has ever since been a devoted member. 185 They have one child: 1. Dorothy Norene Wenger, born Jan. 26, 1901. No. 550. Sixth Generation. 524. 1) Esther Dettwiler, born Feb. 10, 1852; was married Jan. 4, 1876, to JacoD Sender. Their children: 1. Abraham Sender, born in Canada June 9, 1877. 2. Barbara Sender, born in Canada Dec. 6, 1878; mar- ried Charles Brown, Sept. 23, 1900. 3. Elisabeth Sender, born Jan. 12, 1881. No. 551. 4. Anna Sender, born July 6, 1883. 5. Henry Sender, born Mar. 21, 1886; died, aged 5 Y. 6. Mary Sender, born June 25, 1891. 7. Cyrus Sender, born June 18, 1893; died same day. No. 551. Seventh Generation. 550. 3) Elisabeth Souder, born Jan. 12, 1881; married Frank 'Crapsey in 1898. Their children: 1. Dollie Crapsey, b. July 7, 1899; died Aug. 11, 1899. 2. Clarence Crapsey, born Sept. 21, 1900. No. 552. Fourth Generation. 9. 5) Elisabeth Reed, born Mar. 15, 1825; married John N. Christophel. Mennonites. Lived about four miles west of Waterford, Elkhart Co., Ind. Their children: 1. Mary Ann Christophel, b. May 17, '50; d. Feb. 6, '73. 2. Jonas Christophel, born Feb. 18, 1853. No. 553. 3. Noah E. Christophel, born July 22, 1854. No. 554. 4. Jacob Christophel, born July 23, 1856. No. 555. 5. Hannah Christophel, born July 28, 1858. No. 556. 6. Harriet Christophel, born Apr. 2, 1860. No. 614. 7. David Christophel, b. Oct. 12, 1863; died Jan. 10, '84. 8. Sarah Christophel, born Sept. 13, 1865. 9. Susan Christophel, b. May 4, 1868; died Sept. 14, '69. No. 553. Fifth Generation. 552. 2) Jonas Christophel, born Feb. 18, 1853; married Salome Buzzard, Oct. 10, 1878. Both from Goshen, Ind. They are Mennonites. Their children: 1. Walter B. Christophel, b. Oct. 25, 1879. Mennonite. 2. John B. Christophel, born Feb. 8, 1881. Mennonite. 3. Anna Elisabeth Christophel, born Mar. 6, 1883. Mennonite. 186 4. Ella Irene Christophel, b. Sept. 2, '84; d. Oct. 11, '85. 5. Bertha May Christophel, b. Dec. 13, 1887. Mennonite. 6. Cora Estie Christophel, b. Oct. 9, '89; d. Jan. 24, '93. 7. Elsie Mabelle Christophel, born Oct. 31, 1894. 8. Mabel B. Christophel, b. Feb. 24, '96; d. Sept. 15, '96. No. 554. Fifth Generation. 552. 3) Noah E. Christophel, born July 22, 1854; was mar- ried Sept. 7, 1879, to Elisabeth Weaver, who died Sept. 2, 1884. Their children: 1. George W. Christophel, b. July 22, '80; d. Sept. 5, '81. 2. Ira Christophel, born Feb. 27, 1882. His second wife was Maria E. Smoker, married on Jan. 18, 1900. One child: 3. Mayen Christophel, born Nov. 10, 1901. No. 555. Fifth Generation. 552. 4) Jacob Christophel, born July 23, 1856; married Anna Hoover. He was ordained to the ministry in the Mennonite church, July 23, 1893. Address, Goshen, Ind. Their children: 1. Elisabeth Christophel, born June 28, 1886. 2. Elmer Christophel, born Sept. 5, 1888. 3. Allen Christophel, born July 31, 1892. No. 556. Fifth Generation. 552. 5) Hannah Christophel, born July 28, 1858; on Aug. 3, 1884 married Jacob R. Smith, who died Sept. 5, 1884. Ad- dress, Nappanee, Ind. No. 557. Fifth Generation. 10. 1) Henry W. Reed, born in Elkhart Co., Ind., Jan. 20, 1846; married Emeline Crater, Sept. 24, 1872. Mishawaka, Ind. Iheir children: 1. Sarah Reed (twin), b. July 20, 1873; d. Sept. 22, '73. 2. Mary Reed (twin), b. July 20, 1873; d. Sept. 22, 1873. 3. Lydia Reed, born Oct. 29, 1874. No. 558. 4. Irven C. Reed, bom Apr. 9, 1876. 5. Geneta Reed, born Jan. 27, 1878. 6. William F. Reed, born Oct. 9, 1879. 7. Floyd A. Reed, born Nov. 14, 1882. No. 558. Sixth Generation. 557. 3) Lydia Reed, born Oct. 29, 1874; married Ralph Slocum, Feb. 4, 189^. Their children: 1. Floyd Slocum, "bom Nov. 11, 1893. 187 2. Wallace Slociim, born Mar. 14, 1895. 3. Wayne Slocum, born Dec. 16, 1897; died Dec. 1898. 4. Delia Fern Slocum, born July 20, 1900. No. 559. Fifth Generation. 10. 3) Aaron Reed, born In Elkhart Co., Ind., Dec. 15, 1848; married Magdalana Snyder, Sept. 2, 1877. Wakarusa, Ind. Their children: 1. Amanda Reed, born June 1, 1878. 2. Hannah Reed, born Aug. 7, 1880. 3. Lydia Reed, born Sept. 30, 1882. 4. Wilson S. Reed, born Apr. 8, 1891. No. 560. Fifth Generation. 10. 4) Anna Reed, born in Elkhart Co., Ind. (twin sister to Aaron) ; married Samuel Ramer, Apr. 25, 1878, and moved to Missouri. They now live at Versailles, Morgan Co., Mo. Their children: 1. Noah Ramer, b. Apr. 21, 1879; died July 14, 1879. 2. Jacob A. Ramer, born May 12, 1881. 3. Mary C. Ramer, born Feb. 26, 1883. 4. John R. Ramer, born Oct. 28, 1885. 5. Amos I. Ramer, born Jan. 27, 1889. 6. Ira Ramer, born Apr. 2, 1891. No. 561. Fifth Generation. 10. 8) Elias W. Reed, born in Elkhart Co., Ind., July 27, 1855; married Feb. 22, 1883, Mary D. Blosser, of Mahoning Co., Ohio. Address, Calla, Mahoning Co., Ohio. Their children: 1. Allen A. Reed, born Feb. 3, 1884. 2. Martha J. Reed, born June 4, 1885. 3. Homer Reed, born Aug. 16, 1886. 4. Ada C. Reed, born Jan. 7, 1888. 5. Luella May Reed, born Oct. 25, 1889. 6. Clayton C. Reed, born Feb. 23, 1893. 7. Hannah E. Reed, born July 20, 1896. 8. Esther lone Reed, born Jan. 19, 1898. 9. Paul Henry Reed, born uct. 21, 1901. No. 562. Sixth Generation. 117. 1) Annie R. Myers, born near Harrisonburg, Rocking-^ ham Co., Va., July 3, 1874; married J. W. Showalter, Jan. 30, 1894. Address, Linville Station, Rockingham Co., Va.- 188 Their children: 1: Clara Showalter. 3. Isadora Showalter. 2. Lillie Showalter. No. 563. Sixth Generation. 117. 2) John W. S. Myers, born near Harrisonburg, Va., May 28, 1876; married Annie E. Miller, Oct. 22, 1901. Ad- >dress, Harrisonburg, Va. Their children: 1. Elisabeth C. Myers. No. 564. Sixtii Generation. 117. 3) Elisabeth S. Myers, born near Harrisonburg, Va., Nov. 17, 1877; married S. D. Zigler, a minister in the Dunkard Brethren church, on June 30, 1900. One child: 1. John D. Zigler. No. 565.' Sixth Generation. 119. 1) Alice Blosser, born Mar. 1, 1871; married Samuel Loveman. Address, Chattanooga, Tenn. Their children: 1. Ernest Loveman, born Oct. 13, 1895. 2. Margaret Loveman, born Sept. 2, 1900. No. 566. Fifth Generation. 195. 1) Moses Christian Coffman, born Jan. 10, 1855; was married Dec. 11, 1877, to Maggie S. Hedrick, born Aug. 11, 1857. Address, Lewisburg, Greenbrier Co., W. Va. Their children: 1. Elner George Coffman, born Aug. 11, 1880. 2. Laura Catharine Coffman, born July 1, 1882. 3. Wesley Hedrick Coffman, born Mar. 6, 1885. 4. Bessie Jane Coffman, b. Mar. 8, '87; died July 18, '87. 5. Samuel Elmer Coffman, born Sept. 28, 1888. €. Floyd Clark Coffman, born Aug. 11, 1892. No. 567. Fifth Generation. 195. 2) Martha Jane Coffman, born July 8, 1856; was mar- ried Feb. 22, 1893, to Clark Phelps Coffman, born Dec. 10, 1855 (see No. 193). Address, Carbondale, Osage Co., Kan- sas. Their children: 1. Harlie Coffman, born Mar. 25, 1894. 2. Ivy Coffman, born July 1, 1895. 3. Clair Coffman, born Feb. 2, 1898. No. 568. Fifth Generation. 195. 3) George Samuel Coffman, born May 28, 1858; was 189 married Mar. 29, 1883, to Emma Carpenter, bom May 29„ 1863. Address, Overbrook, Osage Co., Kansas. Their children: 1. Ralph Edgar Coffman, born Oct. 28, 1884. 2. Carl Carpenter Coffman, born May 14, 1887. 3. Fred David Coffman, born Aug. 23, 1889. 4. Marion Charles Coffman, born Nov. 17, 1896. No. 569. Fifth Generation. 195. 4) Frederic David Coffman, born Jan. 20, 1860. He is. single. Address, Pickaway, Monroe Co., W. Va. No. 570. Fifth Generation. 195. 5) Sarah Barbara Coffman, born Nov. 24, 1861. is. single. Address, Coffman, Greenbrier Co., W. Va. No. 571. Fifth Generation. 195. 7) Amos Joseph Coffman, born July 28, 1866; was" mar- ried Nov. 12, 1889, to Belle Moody, born Apr. 10, 1871. Address, Carbondale, Osage Co., Kansas. Their children: 1. Irene Belle Coffman, born July 25, 1890. 2. Harry Miller Coffman, born Jan. 25, 1892. 3. Cecil Arthur Coffman, born Apr. 5, 1894. 4. Wankie Otey Coffman, b. Oct. 28, 1897; d. Feb. 1, '99. 5. Infant, born Feb. 27, 1900; died Mar 2, 1900. 6. Flossie May Coffman, born Mar 22, 1902. No. 572. Fifth Generation. 195. 8) Minnie Christena Coffman, born Jan. 31, 1869; was- married June 19, 1895, to William Frederic Fry, born Sept. 3, 1870. Address, Blaker's Mill, Greenbrier Co., W. Va. Their children: 1. Stella Coffman Fry, born July 14, 1897. 2. Elmer Fry, born Oct. 27, 1901. No. 573. Fifth Generation. 195. 9) Eli Stephen Coffman, born Jan. 17, 1871; was mar- ried Aug. 28, 1901, to Mary Eva Sampson, born July 27, 1884. Address, Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W. Va. No. 574. Fifth Generation. 195. 10) Elmer Jehu Coffman, born July 3, 1873, is single. Address, Coffman, Greenbrier Co., W. Va. No. 575. Fifth Generation. 195. 11) Ira Hedrick Coffman, born Sept. 8, 1876, is single. Address, Coffman, Greenbrier Co., W. Va. 190 No. 576. Fifth Generation. 196. 1) John W. Claypool, born Jan. 6, 1854; married Jennie- Shepherd, who was born Apr. 29, 1853. Address, Richwood, Nicholas Co., W. Va. No. 577. Fifth Generation. 196. 2) Rebecca A. Claypool, born Feb. 17, 1855; was mar- ried Oct. 11, 1880, to Charles Auldridge, of Pocahontas Co., W. Va., who died Nov. 4, 1882. One child: 1. Maude M. Auldridge, born July 24, 1881; married J. Bernie Lemons, Sept. 18, '01. Address, Fort Springs, W. Va. The above Rebecca Auldridge was again married, to Daniel Bryan, who died two years later, when she married W. S. Hobson. Address, Charleston, W. Va. No. 578. Fifth Generation. 196. 3) Christopher K. Claypool, born Sept. 25, 1856; was. married Dec. 11, 1882, to Hattie Anderson, born Sept. 4, 1861. Address, Buckhannon, Upshur Co., W. Va. Their children: 1. Hurst H. Claypool, born Sept. 28, 1883. 2. Delia Claypool, born Nov. 4, 1884. 3. May Claypool, born Sept. 3, 1887. 4. Ralph C. Claypool, born Aug. 17, 1891. No. 579. Fifth Generation. 197. 2) Stephen F. Hedrick, born Feb. 23, 1857, died at Pueblo, Colo., July 7, 1890; was married Oct. 3, 1888, to Callie Ellis, who was born June 16, 1856. The widow after- wards married Hiram Hickox. They live at Bakersfield, California, No. 580. Fifth Generation. 197. 3) George H. Hedrick, born Oct. 30, 1858; was mar- ried Dec. 25, 1888, to Nannie B. Shepherd, born Nov. 15,. 1863. Address, Fort Springs, W. Va. Their children: 1. Blanche Hedrick, born Apr. 5, 1890. 2. Florence Hedrick, born July 14, 1892. 3. Hattie Hedrick, born May 27, 1894. 4. Elbert Hedrick, born July 10, 1897. 5. Ward Hedrick, born Sept. 8, 1900. 6. Ira Hedrick (twin), born Jan. 12, 1902. 7. Irene Hedrick (twin), born Jan. 12, 1902. 191 No. 581. Fifth Generation. 197. 4) Madison L. Hedrick, born Nov. 30, 1862; was mar- ried Sept. 4, 1899, to Mary Wise. Address, Lanark, Ark. One child: 1. Mandrel Hedrick, born July 13, 1900. No. 582. Fifth Generation. 197. 5) Lucy F. Hedrick, born Dec. 2, 1864; was married Nov. 30, 1892, to William Ellis, born Dec. 15, 1861. Address, Alderson, W. Va. One child: 1. Lyman Ellis, born Aug. 28, 1896. No. 583. Fifth Generation. 197. 7) Moses C. Hedrick, born June 20, 1869; was married Mar. 20, 1895, to Mary Clevenger, born Sept. 1878. Address, Fairfax, Mo. Their children: 1. Lula Hedrick (twin), born Jan. 27, 1896. 2. Zula Hedrick (twin), b. Jan. 27, 1896; d. Apr. 11, '96. 3. Leora Hedrick, born May 23, 1897. 4. Alva Hedrick, born Feb. 8, 1899. 5. Hazel Hedrick, born Sept. 10, 1901. No. 584. Fifth Generation. 197. 8) Amos L. Hedrick, born Sept. 3, 1871; was married Oct. 18, 1899, to Abbie Longanacre, born June 17, 1873. Address, Fort Springs, W. Va. Their children: 1. Thelma E. Hedrick, born Aug. 16, 1900. 2. Infant son, born Dec. 14, 1902. No. 585. Fifth Generation. 10. 2) Noah W. Reed, bom Oct. 7, 1847; was married Oct. 8, 1881, to Catharine Pepple, who died July 27, 1892, after which Noah W. Reed married Barbara Metzler, Mar. 27, 1894. Address, Nappanee, Elkhart Co., Ind. Church rela- tion, English Lutherans. Children: 1. Elnora Reed, born Apr. 10, 1882. 2. Charles Reed, born Oct. 15, 1885. 3. William Reed, born June 19, 1886. 4. Jesse Reed, born Apr. 9, 1888. 5. Anna Reed, born Apr. 1, 1891. No. 586. Fifth Generation. 10. 5) Abraham W. Reed, born Feb. 4, 1851; married ^mma Sheets, Dec. 1, 1878. English Lutheran. Address, Nappanee, Ind. Their children: 1. Ira Clayton Reed, born Oct. 10, 1879. 192 No. 224. Isaac G. Wer.ger, Caledonia, Mich. 2. John Franklin Reed, b. July 17, 1881; d. July 27, '83. 3. Grover Cleveland Reed, born Sept. 5, 1884. 4. George Homer Reed, born Nov. 25, 1888. 5. Amos Lester Reed, born Feb. 8, 1890. No. 587. Fifth Generation. 10. 6) Lydia Reed, born Dec. 12, 1852; married Ramer, Sept. 8, 1878. Old Mennonites. Nappanee, Ind. Their children: 1. Mennb Ramer, born Apr. 8, 1880. 2. Mary Ramer, born July 1, 1882. Mennonite. 3. Noah Ramer, born Sept. 3, 1885. 4. Daniel Ramer, born Oct. 16, 1887. No. 588. Fourth Generation. 9. 2) Margaret Reed, born Feb. 18, 1820 (died); had married Benjamin Good (also dead) ; lived near Wakarusa, Ind. Mennonites. Their children: 1. William Jacob Good, b. Feb. 28, 1841; d. Jan. 6, 1851. 2. Israel Isaac Good, born May 16, 1842. No. 589. 3. Lydia Ann Good, born Oct. 1, 1844. No. 590. 4. Isaiah R. Good, born Sept. 18, 1846. No. 600. 5. John Davis Good, b. Nov. 12, 1848; d. Apr. 18, 1851. 6. Elisabeth Good-, born Oct. 18, 1850. No. 605. 7. Sarah Good, born Dec. 19, 1852. 8. Elisha W. Good, born Feb. 22, 1854. No. 606. 9. Frances Good, Sept. 12, 1855. No. 607. 10. Jacob Good, born Oct. 13, 1857. No. 609. 11. Mary Ann Good, born July 13, 1861. No. 635. 12. Margaret Good, born Nov. 25, 1865. No. 610. No. 589. Fifth Generation. 588. 2) Israel I. Good, born May 16, 1842; married Magda- lana Burkholder on Sept. 30, 1866. Members of the Menno- nite Brethren in Christ. Walhalla, South Carolina. Their children : 1. John Good, born Oct. 1, 1869. No. 597. 2. Laura Good, born Sept. 5, 1872. No. 598. 3. Emma Good, born Apr. 7, 1875. No. 599. 4. Daniel Good, born Dec. 27, 1883. 5. EfF.e Good, born Oct. 9, 1885. 13 19 o No. 590. Fifth Generation. 588. 3) Lydia Ann Good, born Oct. 1, 1844; married Peter Y. Lehman, Nov. 23, 1862. He was ordained to the ministry in the Mennonite church Oct. 19, 1865, and to the office of bishop Apr. 30, 1892. Goshen, Ind. Their children: 1. David G. Lehman, born June 17, 1864. No. 591. 2. Sarah A. Lehman, born Oct. 22, 1865. No. 592. 3. Isaac G. Lehman, born Mar. 8, 1867. No. 593. 4. Noah A. Lehman, born Jan. 23, 1869. No. 594. 5. Elisabeth Lehman, born July 8, 1870. No. 595. 6. Henry Lehman, b. Dec. 26, 1871; died Aug. 24, 1872. 7.. Amos C. Lehman, born Mar. 26, 1873. No. 596. 8. Margaret Lehman, b. Apr. 26, 1874; d. Nov. 27, 1875. 9. Susan Lehman, born July 19, 1875. 10. Peter G. Lehman, born Oct. 7, 1876. 11. Lydia Ann Lehman, b. Feb. 1, 1878; d. Sept. 11, 1878. 12. Jonas Lehman, b. June 12, 1879; died Mar. 2, 1888. 13. Reuben Lehman, born Oct. 10, 1881. 14. Rhoda Lehman, born Mar. 23, 1883. 15. Alpheus Lehman, born May 10, 1884. 16. Luella Lehman, born Oct. 19, 1886. 17. Harrison Lehman, born June 19, 1888. No. 591. Sixth Generation. 590. 1) David G. Lehman, born June 17, 1864; married Julia Hauffman, Oct. 24, 1889. Amish Mennonite. Address, Goshen, Ind. Their children: 1. Infant, born ; died Jan. 26, 1891. 2. Inez H., born Aug. 31, 1892. 3. Maria H., born Aug. 3, 1894. 4. Leah Agnes H., born Mar. 9, 1897. 5. Julia Mabel H., born Oct. 22, 1898. 6. Dwight K. H., born Aug. 3, 1901. No. 592. Sixth Generation. 590. 2) Sarah A. Lehman, born Oct. 22, 1865; married Samuel Blough, Dec. 31, 1889. Address, Nappanee, Ind. Their children: 1. Earl Earlton Blough, born Sept. 30, 1890. 2. Carson Otto Blough, born Oct. 18, 1895. 3. Made Viola Blough, born Mar. 29, 1897. 4. Lydia C. Blough, born Apr. 14, 1899. 194 No. 593. Sixth Generation. 590. ^ 3) Isaac G. Lehman, born Mar. 8, 1867; married Naomi J. Weaver, Jan. 2, 1890. Mennonites. Elkhart, Ind. Their children : 1. Ruth A. Lehman, born Mar. 31, 1891. 2. Roscoe C. Lehman, born Dec. 6, 1892. 3. Addie M. Lehman, born Nov. 16, 1894. 4. Grace M. Lehman, born Jan. 14, 1897. 5. Eldon J. Lehman, born Mar. 10, 1899. 6. Elgie R. Lehman, born Feb. 2, 1901. No. 594. Sixth Generation. 590. 4) Noah A. Lehman, born Jan. 23, 1869; married Anna Garber, Feb. 21, 1893. Mennonites. Nappanee, Ind. Their children: 1. Maynard Burton Lehman, born Dec. 21, 1893; died Sept. 12, 1894. 2. Bernice Lehman, born May 23, 1896. 3. Josephine Lehman, born Sept. 28, 1899. No. 595. Sixth Generation. 590. 5) Elisabeth Lehman, born July 8, 1870; married Har- rison Miller, Jan. 2, 1890. Address, Elkhart, Ind. Their children: 1. Florence Viola Miller, born Feb. 17, 1894. 2. Louis Orville Miller, born Jan. 27, 1896. 3. Marion Ivan Miller, born Mar. 29, 1901. No. 596. Sixth Generation. 590. 7) Amos C. Lehman, born Mar. 26, 1873; married Bertha , June 4, 1896. Wakarusa, Ind. One child: 1. Joyce Lehman, born Apr. 17, 1902. No. 597. Sixth Generation. 589. 1) John Good, born Oct. 1, 1869; married Sallie Brezeal, Apr. 27, 1898. Wife is Baptist. Address, Tugaloo, South Carolina. Their children: 1. Elisabeth May Good, born Feb. 13, 1900. 2. Cannie Good, born Sept. 3, 1901. No. 598. Sixth Generation. 589. 2) Laura Good, born Sept. 5, 1872; married Rev. J. H. Lawrence, Mar. 6, 1901. Wesleyan Methodist. Canon, Ga. One child: 1. Clayton Lawrence, born May 21, 1902. 195 No. 599. Sixth Generation. 589. 3) Emma Good, born Apr. 7, 1875; married J. L. Singleton, Nov. 21, 1900. Walhalla, South Carolina. No. 600. Fifth Generation. 588. 4) Isaiah R. Good, born Sept. 18, 1846; married Anna A. Rohrer, Mar. 18, 1875. Mennonite Brethren in Christ, Address, Marion, Ind., 1649 West 2d St. Their children: 1. Joseph R. Good, born Dec. 26, 1875. No. 601. 2. Sarah A. Good, born Sept. 2, 1877. No. 602. 3. Ida Good, born Apr. 12, 1879. No. 603. 4. Amos I. Good, born Aug. 1, 1880. No. 604. 5. William H. Good, born Sept. 2, 1883. 6. Irby Good, born Mar. 16, 1885. 7. Lovina Good, born June 20, 1887. S. Lydia Ann Good, born June 26, 1890. 9. James B. Good, born Jan. 24, 1892. 10. Allen B. Good, born Aug. 18, 1893. j No. 601. Sixth Generation. 600. 1) Joseph R. Good, born Dec. 26, 1875; married Mattie M. Miller, Oct. 23, 1898. Their children: 1. Mabel O. Good, born Sept. 9, 1899. 2. Mary C. Good, born Jan. 7, 1902. No. 602. Sixth Generation. 600. 2) Sarah A. Good, born Sept. 2, 1877; married John A. Metzler, Oct. 30, 1898. U. B. church. Marion, Ind. No. 603. Sixth Generation. 600. 3) Ida Good, born Apr. 12, 1879; married Rev. Arthur T. Warick, Oct. 27, 1899. Progressive. No. 604. Sixth Generation. 600. 4) Amos I. Good, born Aug. 1, 1880; married Essie G. Rodgers, Aug. 21, 1900. U. B. church. No. 605. Fifth Generation. 588. 6) Elisabeth Good, born Oct. 18, 1850; married Ben- jamin Hartman, Jan. 14, 1873. Members of the Old Menno- nite church. Address, Goshen, Ind. One child: 1. Peter Hartman, born Dec. 18, 1873. Benjamin Hartman died Oct. 22, 1874, and the widow married Martin A. Hoover, Jan. 8, 1884. Their children: 2. Clayton Cyrus Hoover, born Mar. 2, 1885. 196 3. Walter D. Hoover, born Aug. 6, 1886. 4. Elva M. Hoover, born Apr. 2, 1891. Martin A. Hoover was on Nov. 2, 1875, ordained minis- ter in the Mennonite church, and died Nov. 26, 1895. No. 606. Fifth Generation. 588. 8) Elisha W. Good, born Feb. 22, 1854; married Loyina Rohrer, Dec. 11, 1887. She died Dec. 16, 1888. Address, Nappanee, Ind. No. 607. Fifth Generation. 588. 9) Frances Good, born Sept. 12, 1855; married John Moyer, Nov. 8, 1877. Members of the Evangelical Associa- tion. Address, Nappanee, Ind. Their children: 1. Ira S. Moyer, born Sept. 29, 1878. 2. Silvester G. Moyer, born Apr. 10, 1880. No. 608. 3. George O. Moyer, b. Sept. 27, 1881; d. Dec. 9, 1882. 4. Walter E. Moyer, born Sept. 19, 1883. 5. Oliver J. Moyer, born Mar. 3, 1885. 6. William A. Moyer, born May 31, 1887. 7. Chester F. Moyer, born July 30, 1889. 8. Irene M. Moyer, born May 1, 1891. 9. Bowen A. Moyer, born Dec. 19, 1893. 10. Charles E. Moyer, born May 22, 1895. No. 608. Sixth Generation. 607. 2) Silvester G. Moyer, born Apr. 10, 1880; married Idella Bleile, Jan. 3, 1900. Amish Mennonite. Address, Nappanee, Ind. One child: 1. Gertrude Moyer, born Feb. 21, 1901. No. 609. Fifth Generation. 588. 10) Jacob Good, born Oct. 13, 1857; married Mary A. Best. Address, Nappanee, Ind. Their children: 1. Dessie Good, born Dec. 23, 1881. 2. Harry Good, born Mar. 8, 1884; died Mar. 20, 1884. 3. Jesse Good, born Mar. 13, 1885. 4. Floyd Good, born Apr. 18, 1890. 5. Ansel Good, born Mar. 29, 1892. No. 610. Fifth Generation. 588. 12) Margaret Good, born Nov. 25, 1865; married George R. Parson, Dec. 19, 1895. Mennonite Brethren in Christ. Address, Nappanee, Ind. One child: 1. Frank R. Parson, born Sept. 30, 1896. 197 No. 611. Fourth Generation. 9. 3) Mary Ann Reed, born Dec. 15, 1822; married Peter Blosser, of Mahoning Co., Ohio. They were Mennonites. They lived in Elkhart Co., Ind., but are both dead. Their children: 1. Rebecca A. Blosser, born Oct. 27, 1850. No. 612. 2. Amos P. Blosser, born June 7, 1854. No. 613. 3. Susan Blosser, born in 1860 and died Nov. 3, 1883. Was a member of the Mennonite church. No. 612. Fifth Generation. 611. 1) Rebecca A. Blosser, born Oct. 27, 1850; married Claudis K. Curtis, Sept. 23, 1879. New Mennonites. Ad- dress, Foraker, Elkhart Co., Ind. Their children: 1. Martha V. Curtis, born Oct. 8, 1882. 2. Eva C. Curtis, born Feb. 14, 1884. 3. Otho C. Curtis, born Feb. 12, 1886. 4. Homer B. Curtis, born Jan. 18, 1888. 5. Oriel M. Curtis, born Sept. 20, 1889. 6. Cura G. Curtis, born June 4, 1892. No. 613. Fifth Generation. 611. 2) Amos P. Blosser, born June 7, 1854; married Clara A. Apple, Feb. 25, 1883. New Mennonites. Address, For- aker, Elkhart Co., Ind. Their children: 1. Sadie A. Blosser, born Mar. 29, 1884. 2. Dura A. Blosser, born Apr. 4, 1886. 3. Asher A. Blosser, born Feb. 28, 1891. No. 614. Fifth Generation. 552. 6) Harriet Christophel, born Apr. 2, 1860; married Jacob Blosser, Sept. 9, 1877. Mennonites. Nappanee, Ind. Their children: 1. Sarah E. Blosser, born Oct. 1, 1878. No. 615. 2. Harvey M. Blosser, born May 21, 1880. No. 616. 3. Holda M. Blosser, b. Dec. 3, 1884; died Aug. 31, 1885. 4. Clara A. Blosser, born Mar. 31, 1886. Mennonite. 5. Chester L. ti. Blosser, born Dec. 19, 1891. 6. John O. Blosser, born July 19, 189—. No. 615. Sixth Generation. 614. 1) Sarah E. Blosser, born Oct. 1, 1878; married Amos B. Welty, Jan. 2, 1897. Mennonites. Nappanee, Ind. One child: 1. Vernice Welty, born Oct. 16, 1902. 198 No. 616. Sixth Generation. 614. 2) Harvey M. Blosser, born May 21, 1880; married Katie Ciilp, May 18, 1901. Address, Wakarusa, Ind. One child: 1. Riissel Blosser, born July 28, 1902. No. 617. Fifth Generation. 257. 1) Gideon Sheifley, born Nov. 28, 1843; married Su- sannah Martin. Lives in Michigan. One child: 1. Elisabeth Sheifley. No. 618. Fifth Generation. 257. 2) Amanda Sheifley, born Dec. 23, 1844; married Franklin Meyer. Live in Waterloo, Ont. Their children (no dates given) : 1. Susannah. 6. Lovina. 2. Annie. 7. Henry. 3. Matilda. 8. Mary Ann. 4. Priscilla. 9. Aaron. 5. Franklin. 10. Sidney. No. 619. Fifth Generation. 257. 3) Priscilla Sheifley, born Mar. 22, 1846; married Enoch Snyder. Reside in Ontario, Canada. No dates. Children: 1. Ira. 3. Ida. 2. Sophia. 4. Amos. No. 620. Fifth Generation. 257. 4) Barbara Sheifley, born Apr. 3, 1848; married Chris- tian Keller. They live in Kent Co., Mich. Mr. Keller and wife are especially known for their Christian principles and devotion as workers in the Mennonite church. They practice what they profess, and enjoy life, and with a good grace take things as they come. Eleven children of their family: 1. Amasa Keller, born Aug. 12, 1871; married Leah Ransiger. 2. Sidney Keller, b. Mar. 16, '73; m'd Selma Leuthe. 3. Manassa Keller, b. July 19, 1874; died May 31, 1875. 4. Priscilla Keller, b. May 6, '76; m. Albert Hendershot. 5. Addison Keller, b. Aug. 15, 1877; m. Gertrude Duant. 6. Wesley Keller, b. July 20, '79; married Mary Stuart. 7. Venus Keller, born Apr. 14, 1881. 199 8. Savilla Keller, born Mar. 15, 1883. 9. Ada Keller, born Aug. 25, 1884. 10. Ella Keller, born Apr. 19, 1886. 11. Allen Keller, born Jan. 22, 1889. No. 621. Sixth Generation. 219. 3) Daniel Good, born Oct. 25, 1861; married Sarah Elisabeth Kennedy, Feb. 13, 1890. Mr. Good is engaged as a merchant in the firm of Seibert, Good & Co. They have twelve stores in different states, with headquarters at Chicago, and do an immense business. Daniel is a quiet, honest business man. In regard to his success, he does not ascribe it to shrewdness, but says it is providential. They have but one child: 1. Frances Elisabeth Good, born July 19, 1897. No. 622. Sixth Generation. 219. 5) Joseph W. Good, born Sept. 24, 1864; was married Sept. 24, 1888, to Mary Ellen Brake (perhaps not spelled right), born Sept. 24, 1868. Mr. Good owns and operates a grain elevator in Dutton, Kent Co., Mich. He is a very conscientious young man, and is of an honest business character. They are members of the Advent church. Their children : 1. Eddison B. Good, born Sept. 11, 1889. 2. Goldie L. Good, b. June 3, 1891; died Mar. 31, 1898. 3. Joseph Warren Good, born Dec. 8, 1895. 4. Donald Martin Good, born Aug. 9, 1899. Note. — In copying the records of the Good families there may be mistakes in a few of the names, as the ori- ginals are not very distinct. J. H. W. No. 623. Sixth Generation. 219. 6) Aaron W. Good, born Aug. 1, 1867; was married Mar. 24, 1889, to Salome Blosser, born Jan. 25, 1869. Mr. Good lives in Dutton, Kent Co., Mich, owns and operates a sawmill and heading factory, and is doing a good busi- ness, having the respect and good will of his customers. He is noted for his correct dealing, and is a lover of good morals. They have seven children: 1. Nelson B. Good, born Apr. 19, 1890. 2. Mary Good, born May 14, 1892. 3. Foston Tabis Good, born Feb. 15, 1894. 200 No. 225. Christian G. Wenger, Caledonia, Mich. R. F. D. No. 2. 4. Orlo Mark Good, born Jan. 22, 1896. 5. Rachael N. Good, born Nov. 8, 1897. 6. Ezra A. Good, born Sept. 9, 1898. 7. Daniel Good, born Nov. 19, 1901. No. 624. Sixth Generation. 219. 7) E. W. Good, born Feb. 23, 1870; was married Sept. 11, 1894, to Sarah Blosser, born Jan. 4, 1875. Mr. Good is a graduate from the business college at Valparaiso, Ind. He is engaged as a merchant in the firm of Seibert, Good & Co., in Fort Wayne, Ind. He is an enterprising young man, and spares no effort co make his business a success. No. 625. Sixth Generation. 219. 1) Mary Ann Good, born Aug. 18, 1858, is a single lady and for a number of years has been employed in the store of Seibert, Good & Co., Fort Wayne, Ind. Mary took great interest in caring for her younger brothers and sisters after the death of the parents, at which time she gave them good motherly advice. She is a member of the Pres- byterian church. No. 626. Fifth Generation. 70. 3) Magdalana Wenger, born near Dayton, Va., Aug. 10, 1846; married Thomas Head, Aug. 10, 1867. Members of Christian church. Their children: 1. Barbara F. Head, born May 8, 1868. No. 627. 2. George W. Head, born Nov. 27, 1870. 3. Peter B. Head, born Nov. 12, 1872. No. 628. 4. Pauline Head, born Apr. 29, 1875. 5. Jerusha A. Head, born May 2, 1877. 6. Lucy V. Head, born Feb. 10, 1879. 7. Cameron Head, born Oct. 19, 1882. 8. M. Elisabeth Head, born June 26, 1884. 9. Samuel J. Head, born July 21, 1886. No. 627. Sixth Generation. 626. 1) Barbara F. Head, born May 8, 1868, died Feb. 5, 1902; married William Blosser, Dec. 6, 1891. She was a Mennonite, and left one son: 1. Orlo W. Blosser, born July 7, 1895. No. 628. Sixth Generation. 626. 3) Peter B. Head, born Nov. 12, 1872; married Mattie Wine, Apr. 8, 1902. 201 No. 629. Sixth Generation. 184. 1) Rebecca S. Wenger, born near Dayton Va Dec 12, 1865, died Sept. 28, 1894; married John H. Barnhart' Dec. 15, 1887. Their children are: 1. Sarah C. Barnhart, born Sept. 12, 1888. 2. Effie R. Barnhart, born Feb. 4, 1890. 3. Abraham P. Barnhart, born Apr. 10, 1891. 4. Charles G. Barnhart, born Oct. 9, 1893. No. 630. Sixth Generation. 184. 2) Isaac B. Wenger, born near Dayton, Va., Aug 31 1867. He was ordained to the Mennonite ministry Apr' 1896, and died July 7, 1896. He married Ella M. Haldeman" Oct. 9, 1889. Address, Dayton, Va. Their children: 1. Cornelia M. Wenger (twin), born July 5, 1891 2. Cornelius I. Wenger (twin), born July 5, 1891. 3. Ruth E. Wenger, born Mar. 8, 1896. No. 631. Sixth Generation. 184. 4) Rachael Wenger, born near Dayton, Va., June 22 18Y2; married Charles B. Kilburn, Nov. 7, 1900 Menno- nites. One child: 1. Sarah Elisabeth Kilburn, born Sept. 29, 1901. No. 632. Fifth Generation. 256. 1) Sarah Schrock, born in Waterloo Co., Ont Apr 3 1837, died Sept. 26, 1866; was married Feb. 8, 1857," to Christian Good, of the same place, born Oct. 5, 1834 and died Feb. 15, 1887. Mr. Good and wife in their youth united with the Mennonite church, but in later years united with the River Brethren, in which church he was ordained to the ministry. Soon after their marriage in Canada they moved to near Wakarusa, Ind., which was their address Their children: 1. Gideon Good, born Dec. 28, 1857; died Feb. 14, 1858. 2. Anna Good, born Oct. 10, 1858; died Oct. 11, 1858. 3. Susanna Good, born Jan. 4, 1860. No. 633. 4. Isaac S. Good, born Feb. 19, 1862. No. 634. 5. David Good, born Mar. 2, 1864; died Dec. 5, 1866. 6. Eli Good, born Sept. 22, 1865. No. 766. No. 633. Sixth Generation. 632. 3) Susanna Good, born Jan. 4, 1860; was married Dec. 24, 1876, to Jacob A. Sears, born Oct. 20, 1849. They united " 202 with the United Brethren church. He is a mason by oc- cupation. Address, Wakarusa, Ind. Their children: 1. Rosa M. Sears, born May 13, 1878. 2. Clarence A. Sears, Dorn Dec. 8, 1880. Soldier in Spanish-American war. 3. Oscar V. Sears, born Feb. 17, 1884. 4. Edgar L. Sears, born Mar. 20, 1887. 5. Mervin C. Sears, born Aug. 18, 1889. 6. Cleo N. Sears, born Aug. 19, 1895. 7. Russell Sears, born May 20, 1901. No. 634. Sixth Generation. 632. 4) Isaac S. Good, born Feb. 19, 1862; was married Dec. 23, 1883, to Fannie Musser, born Sept. 13, 1865. They live at the old homestead where Mr. Good was raised. He is a carpenter. Both are Mennonites. Address, Wakarusa, Ind. Their children: 1. Elsie W. Good, born July 25, 1886. Mennonite. 2. Christian Milo Good, born June 6, 1890. 3. Amy Valerie Good, born Apr. 27, 1895. No. 635. Fifth Generation. 588. 11) Mary Ann Good, born July 13, 1861; married Jacob K. Beiler, Oct. 5, 1893. Mennonite Brethren in Christ. Address, Nappanee, Ind. Their children: 1. Candis Beiler, born Oct. 7, 1894. 2. Phoeba Beiler, born May 21, 1896. 3. Edna Beiler, born May 7, 1898. No. 636. Sixth Generation. 229. 1) Susie W. Christophel, born Jan. 2, 1879; married Silvester J. Miller, Dec. 25, 1902. Address, Nappanee, Ind. The latest marriage on record. Happiness to you, Susie! J. H. W. 20 o The following 84 Families are Grandchildren of John K. Beery (see No. 64). (These Nos. have families, but are not reported.) No. 637. Fifth Generation. 164. 3) Peter R. Moyers, born near Edom, Va., Aug. 30, 1851; married Rosa Wagner in 1875. Live in Licking Co' Ohio. No. 638. Fifth Generation. 164. 4) Isaac B. Moyers, born near Edom, Va., Dec. 16, 1854; married Laura Frank, Dec. 12, 1880. Address, Day- ton, Va. No. 639. Fifth Generation. 164. 6) Bettie A. Moyers, born near Edom, Va., Jan. 1, 1859; married Solomon Holsinger, who was born Dec. 10, 1854, died Oct. 1895. They live at Edom, Va. No. 640. Fifth Generation. 164. 7) Sallie M. Moyers, born near Edom, Va., Apr. 30, 1860, and died June 9, 1884, at Broadway, Va.; married Noah F. Cline, May 10, 1881. No. 641. Fifth Generation. 165. 1) Solomon E. Rhodes, born Dec. 2, 1848; was married Dec. 12, 1872, to Susanna Heatwole, who died Jan. 15, 1886. Solomon Rhodes was married again Nov. 22, 1887, to Rebecca J. Burkholder, nee Geil. They are Mennonites, and live near Dale Enterprise, Va. No. 642. Fifth Generation. 165. 2) Frances A. Rhodes, born May 11, 1850; married Joseph F. Heatwole, Dec. 1, 1880, Mennonite minister. Address, Hinton, Va. No. 643. Fifth Generation. T65. 3) John A. Rhodes, born Nov. 12, 1851; married Lydia Hogan. They went to Ray Co., Mo., and John A. mys- 204 terioiisly disappeared. Later. — He died in California in Jan. 1903. No. 644. Fifth Generation. 165. 4) Martin B. Rhodes, born Jan. 6, 1853; married Elisa- beth Brimk, Oct. 10, 1878. Address, Dayton, Va. No. 645. Fifth Generation. 165. 5) Elisabeth J. Rhodes, born July 23, 1854; married Levi Rhodes, Feb. 20, 1877. Address, Harrisonburg, Va. No. 646. Fifth Generation. 165. 6) Lydia A. Rhodes, born Mar. 19, 1856; married J. B. Heatwole, July 15, 1880. Mt. Clinton, Va. No. 647. Fifth Generation. 165. 8) Mary M. Rhodes, born Dec. 8, 1859; married R. S. Rhodes, Sept. 5, 1878. They have 15 children living, but are not reported. Address, Mole Hill, Va. No. 648. Fifth Generation. 165. 9) Ida C. Rhodes, born Jan. 8, 1862; married Erasmus Shank, Aug. 16, 1882, minister in the Mennonite church. Address, Waynesboro, Augusta Co., Va. See No. 654. They are cousins, and come in the record both ways. No. 649. Fifth Generation. 166. 2) Anna Shank, born Oct. 3, 1844, died Apr. 12, 1868; married George O, Roudabush, Jan. 25, 1865. No. 650. Fifth Generation. 166. 4) Mary M. Shank, born Dec. 29, 1849; married Robert Mason, Nov. 26, 1867. Waynesboro, Va. No. 651. Fifth Generation. 166. 5) Rebecca Shank, born Jan. 3, 1853; married A. D. Weaver, Jan. 23, 1872. Dale Enterprise, Va. No. 652. Fifth Generation. 166. 6) Lydia Shank, born July 2, 1856, died Sept. 14, 1898; married William H. Suter, Sept. 25, 1879. Dayton, Va. No. 653. Fifth Generation. 166. 7) Jacob Shank, born Nov. 23, 1858; married Miss Vantrump, of Missouri, in 1878. Address, Rockingham. Ray Co., Mo. 205 No. 654. Fifth Generation. 166. 8) Erasmus Shank, born Jan. 2, 1861, Mennonite min- ister. Married Ida C. Rhodes, Aug. 16, 1882. Waynesboro, Va. See No. 648. They are cousins, and come in the his- tory both ways. No. 655. Fifth Generation. 166. 9) Isaac S. Shank, born Feb. 24, 1863; married Rebecca J. Smith, Apr. 12, 1883, who died . Mr. Shank has his second wife. Lima, Ohio. No. 656. Fifth Generation. 166. 10) Amos Shank, born May 3, 1865; married Fannie Knicely, July 12, 1883. Dale Enterprise, Va. No. 657. Fifth Generation. 167. 1) Sophia C. Rhodes, born at Edom, Va., Nov. 17, 1850; married John T. Roudabush, Feb. 6, 1876. Brooklyn, Iowa. No. 658. Fifth Generation. 167. 2) Anna M. Rhodes, born at Edom, Va., Oct. 17, 1852, died May 17, 1896; married Joseph Wenger, Dec. 21, 1871. Linville Station, Va. See No. 121; cousins, and come in the history both ways. Address (Jan. 1903), Turleytown, Rockingham Co., Va. No. 659. Fifth Generation. 167. 3) Emma S. Rhodes, born at Edom, Va., Mar. 29, 1856; married R. K. Brown, Nov. 25, 1875. He is a miller at Dalton, Florida. No. 660. Fifth Generation. 167. 5) Sallie A. Rhodes, born at Edom, Va., Oct. 23, 1862; married Wm. H. Speck, Feb. 15, 1893. Merchant at Dalton,. Florida. No. 661. Fifth Generation. 168. 2) Franklin R. Rhodes, born near Edom, Va., Apr. 18, 1854; married Laura W. Wood, Nov. 18, 1879. Linville, Va. No. 662. Fifth Generation. 168. 3) Isaac N. Rhodes, born near Edom, Va., Jan. 26, 1856; married Rebecca Zirkle, Nov. 5, 1885. Linville, Va. No. 663. Fifth Generation. 168. 4) Maggie A. Rhodes, born near Edom, Va., Jan. 22^ 206 1858; married John Hinton, Nov. 18, 1879. Merchant at. Basic City, Va. No. 664. Fifth Generation. 168. 5) Samuel J. Rhodes, born near Edom, Va., May 15, 1860; married Catharine Niswander, Oct. 27, 1890. Near Linville, Va. No. 665. Fifth Generation. 168. 6) Ida F. Rhodes, born near Edom, Va., Nov. 29, 1861; married Lewis Driver, Oct. 3, 1889. Address, Mt. Clinton,. Virginia. No. 666. Fifth Generation. 168. 7) Charles L. Rhodes, bom near Edom, Va., Oct. 27„ 1863; married Ora V. Smith, May 26, 1896. Milling busi- ness, near Edom, Va. No. 667. Fifth Generation. 169. 2) Anthony A. Brenneman, born near Edom, Rocking- ham Co., Va., Feb. 14, 1852, and on Feb. 8, 1876, married Lucretia A. Winger, of Lawson, Mo., formerly of Botetourt Co., Va. Their church relation, Missionary Baptist. He is in business in Liberty, Mo., fifteen miles northeast of Kan- sas City. Their children are: 1. John L. Brenneman, born Nov. 28, 1876. No. 668. 2. Oscar H. Brenneman, b. Dec. 22, 1880. Liberty, Mo. 3. Myrtle M. Brenneman, b. June 20, '82; d. Nov. 18, '82. 4. Mollie M. Brenneman, b. Oct. 29, 1883. Liberty, Mo. No. 668. Sixth Generation. 667. 1) John L. Brenneman, born Nov. 28, 1876; married Ora Aultman, of Hamilton, Mo., June 12, 1901. Address,. Cowgill, Mo. No. 669. Fifth Generation. 169. 3) Jacob H. Brenneman, bom near Edom, Va., Mar.. 29, 1854; married Emma Evans, of Millville, Mo., Feb. 9, 1876. Church relation. Baptist. Address, St. John, Kansas. Their children: 1. Daisy L. Brenneman, bom Sept. 29, 1877. No. 670. 2. Ella M. Brenneman, born May 31, 1879. No. 671. 3. William L. Brenneman, b. Nov. 17,'81; d. Sept. 15,'00. 4. Ethel M. Brenneman, born Nov. 19, 1884. No. 672. 5. Henry D. Brenneman, born Aug. 23, 1886. 207 6. Blanch M. Brenneman, born Sept. 10, 1893. 7. Jennie M. Brenneman, born Dec. 9, 1895. 8. Carl E. Brenneman, b. Apr. 15, 1898; d. May 31, 1899. No. 670. Sixth Generation. 669. 1) Daisy L. Brenneman, born Sept. 29, 1877; married Peter A. Henry, of St. John, Kansas, Nov. 15, 1899. Ad- dress, St. John, Kansas. One child: 1. Alletha A. Henry, born Feb. 8, 1901. No. 671. Sixth Generation. 669. 2) Ella M. Brenneman, born May 31, 1879; married Eldora H. Hanley, Feb. 9, 1902. Address, St. John, Kansas. Church relation: Husband, Christian; wife, Salvation Army. One child: 1. Edna May Hanley, born Nov. 22, 1902. No. 672. Sixth Generation. 669. 4) Ethel M. Brenneman, born Nov. 19, 1884; married Arthur Ira*), Dec. 24, 1901. Address, Leesburg, Kansas. No. 673. Fifth Generation. 169. 4) Fannie A. Brenneman, born near Edom, Va., Sept. 4, 1856; married Edward M. Winger, of Botetourt Co., Va., Dec. 26, 1876. Church relation. Missionary Baptist. Ad- dress, Elmira, Mo. Their children: 1. Martin D. Winger, born Dec. 17, 1877; Baptist; died Dec. 3, 1896. 2. William H. Winger, born Oct. 20, 1879. 3. Maud M. Winger, b. Nov. 27, 1880; d. Feb. 27, 1881. 4. Ira L. Winger, born Apr. 15, 1884; died Dec. 3, 1884. 5. Ernest C. Winger, b. May 30, 1886; d. Sept. 21, 1886. 6. Charles E. Winger, b. Oct. 3, 1887; died Mar. 1, 1888. 7. Lula M. Wenger, born Sept. 23, 1892. No. 674. Fifth Generation. 169. 5) Virginia M. Brenneman, born near Edom, Va., Oct. 15, 1858; married Wm. Kerns Strope, Nov. 28, 1878. Mem- bers of the Christian church. Address, Mirable, Mo. Their children: 1. George W. Strope, born May 26, 1880. No. 675. 2. Martin L. Strope, born Nov. 6, 1881. 3. Minnie M. Strope, born Oct. 24, 1883. 4. Jennie E. Strope, born Mar. 3, 1885. *) Original not distinct. 208 No. 675. Sixth Generation. 674. 1) George W. Strope, born May 26, 1870; married Hat- tie Basset, June 20, 1902. Address, Star Buck, Washington. No. 676. Fifth Generation. 169. 6) Hettie C. Brenneman, born near Edom, Va., Oct. 4, 1860; married John B. Hardman, Feb. 4, 1886. Wife is Dunkard. Address, Polo, Mo. One child: 1. Olan O. Hardman, born Apr. 10, 1887. No. 677. Fifth Generation. 169. 7) Martin D. Brenneman, born near Edom, Va., died suddenly Sept. 5, 1886, while traveling in a moving wagon. He married Esther Bosserman, Sept. 29, 1884. Church relation, Dunkard. One child: 1. Leo Brenneman, born July 18, 1885. The widow married W. W. Kulp, her second husband. Address, Pottstown, Pa. No. 678. Fifth Generation. 169. 8) Emma S. Brenneman, born near Edom, Va., Feb. 16, 1865; married Charles H. Smart, May 1, 1887. Church relation, South Methodist. Polo, Caldwell Co., Mo. Their children: 1. Edna E. Smart, born Aug. 23, 1889. 2. Blanche B. Smart, born Apr. 27, 1891. No. 679. Fifth Generation. 169. 9) Minnie H. Brenneman, born near Edom, Va., May 6, 1867; died Feb. 7, 1900; had married Jesse A. Moyer, Nov. 2, 1898. Church relation, Dunkard. One child: 1. Minnie M. Moyer, born Jan. 21, 1900. No. 680. Fifth Generation. 169. 10) Mary E. Brenneman, born at Morton, Ray Co., Mo., Sept. 5, 1869; married Christopher C. Brewen, Nov. 23, 1898. Church relation. Missionary Baptist. Address, Cowgill, Mo. No. 681. Fifth Generation. 170. 1) Fannie M. Shank, born May 17, 1852; married J. C. McNett, Jan. 5, 1875. Address. Dayton, Va. No. 682. Fifth Generation. 170. 2) Hettie Shank, born Aug. 2, 1853; married Davi 1 Burkholder, Apr. 17, 1873. Address, Harrisonburg, Va. See No. 785 — cousins, and come in the records both ways. 14 209 No. 683. Fifth Generation. 170. 3) John W. Shank, born Oct. 27, 1854; married Hannah F. Heatwole, Oct. 20, 1878. Harrisonburg, Va. No. 684. Fiftln Generation. 170. 4) Catharine Shank, born Dec. 2, 1855; married M. A. Layman, Oct. 29, 1874. Harrisonburg, Va. They have 15 children, but they are not reported. No. 685. Fifth Generation. 170. 5) Charles G. Shank, born Feb. 25, 1857; married Fannie Weaver, Aug. 1880. Address, Harrisonburg, Va. No. 686. Fifth Generation. 170. 6) Laura Shank, born Oct. 8, 1860; was married Aug. 10, 1879, to Hugh A. Heatwole, an auctioneer, Harrison- burg, Va. No. 687. Fifth Generation. 170. 8) Jacob L. Shank, born July 18, 1870; married Fannie Good, Dec. 20, 1891. Harrisonburg, Va. No. 688. Fifth Generation. 171. 1) Maggie E. Beery, born near Edom, Va., Oct. 1, 1861; married William H. Sipe, Dec. 21, 1882. Merchant and farmer. Address, Bridgewater, Va. No. 689. Fifth Generation. 171. 2) Minnie D. Beery, born near Edom, Va., Dec. 22, 1864; married Samuel L. Hoover, Nov. 13, 1888. Merchant, farmer and general mahager of the telephone system. Ad- dress, Winchester, Va. No. 690. Fifth Generation. 171. 3) Annie R. Beery, born near Edom, Va., Oct. 12, 1866; married Joseph W. Geil, of Edom, Va., Dec. 8, 1885. They are members of the Mennonite church, in which Mr. Geil is minister. Address, Cowan, Va. They are cousins and come into the history both ways. For their family see No. 159. No. 691. Fifth Generation. 171. 4) Laura K. Beery, born near Edom, Va., Aug. 23, 1868; married David H. Beery, of Fairfield Co., Ohio, Sept. 18, 1894. Residence, five miles northeast of Lancaster, Ohio. No. 692. Fifth Generation. 171. 5) Edwin M. Beery was born near Edom, Va., July 12, 210 1871, and is still single (Jan. 1, 1903). He is a physician at the William Parker Riverside Hospital, New York City. No. 693. Fifth Generation. 171. 6) Olive V. Beery, born near Edom, Va., July 11, 1875; married Dewitt A. Swank, Dec. 17, 1895. Reside at Edom, "Va. Occupation, milling and farming. No. 694. -Fifth Generation. 171. 7) Nellie C. Beery, born near Edom, Va., Nov. 7, 1880; married Joseph H. Ward, Oct. 21, 1902. Address, Bridge- water, Va. No. 695. Fifth Generation. 172. 2) Emmer B. Rhodes, born May 23, 1856, died Oct. 23, 1885; married Kate A. Long, Oct. 25, 1882. No. 696. Fifth Generation. 172. 3) Marion B. Rhodes, born Nov. 24, 1857; married Emma Myers, Nov. 14, 1883. Pen Laird, Va. No. 697. Fifth Generation. 172. 4) Virginia F. Rhodes, born July 3, 1859; married John A. Yates, Oct. 19, 1876. Broadway, Va. No. 698. Fifth Generation. 172. 5) Alice M. Rhodes, born Apr. 4, 1861, died Feb. 10, 1900; married W. H. Bartle, June 12, 1878. Broadway, Va. No. 699. Fifth Generation. 172. 6) Raleigh N. Rhodes, born Sept. 8, 1862; married Sallie C. Simmers, Sept. 11, 1884. Broadway, Va. No. 700. Fifth Generation. 172. 8) Luther H. Rhodes, born Nov. 11, 1867; married Ella M. Nair, Nov. 6, 1892. Broadway, Va. No. 701. Fifth Generation. 172. 9) Ira J. Rhodes, born June 10, 1871; married Jennie Gibbons, of West Virginia, Nov. 28, 1900. He is cashier of bank. Address, Welch, W. Va. No. 702. Fifth Generation. 173. 1) Mary Lula Beery, born near Edom, Va., July 2, 1868; married Isaac B. Wenger, Jr.. June 4, 1895. Address. Lin- ville Depot, Va. See No. 124. Cousins, and come in his- tory both ways. 211 No. 703. Fifth Generation. 173. 2) Maggie V. Beery, born near Edom, Va., Oct. 31, 1869; married Thomas J. Rice, of Broadway, Va., Oct. 10, 1893. Merchant at Lewisburg, Greenbrier Co., W. Va. No. 704. Fifth Generation. 173. 3) Tracie Beery, born near Edom Va., Oct. 9, 1871; married Emmer R. Shank, June 8, 1897. Professor of mathematics at the university in Memphis, Tenn. No. 705. Fifth Generation. 173. 5) Isa Nellie Beery, born near Edom, Va., Apr. 26, 1875; married John J. Wenger, Aug. 23, 1899. They live at the old Isaac Wenger, Sr., homestead. Mennonites. See No. 127. Address, Linville Depot, Va. No. 706. Fifth Generation. 173. 6) Thomas P. Beery, born near Edom, Va., Sept. 15, 1877; single. He is clerk in the First National Bank at Harrisonburg, Va. No. 707. Fifth Generation. 173. 7) Roy Perry Beery, born near Edom, Va., Nov. 4, 1879; married Elisabeth F. Whitmore, Apr. 29, 1902. Ad- dress, Edom, Va. No. 708. Fifth Generation. 174. 4) Stuart Beery, born at Edom, Va., Oct. 22, 1872; married Bessie McMellen, Sept. 29, 1899. Mr. Beery is clerking in the shipyard at Newport News, Va. No. 709. Fifth Generation. 174. 7) Clara Beery, born at Edom, Va., June 5, 1877; mar- ried Dr. B. W. Switzer, Oct. 11, 1898; practicing medicine at Mt. Crawford, Va. No. 710. Fifth Generation. 176. 4) Maud M. Zirkle, born at Edom, Va., Mar. 30, 1876; married E. C. Roller, June 1, 1897. Address, Covington, Va. No. 711. Fifth Generation. 177. 1) John J. Hawse, born near Edom, Va., Sept. 28, 1866; married Dora B. Swank, Oct. 15, 1889. He is a member of the wholesale grocery firm of Snell & Co., of Harrison- burg, Va. They have three children. 212 No. 712. Fifth Generation. 177. 2) Maggie L. Hawse, born near Edom, Va., July 23, 1868; married W. F. Myers, Oct. 3, 1888; live at Mt. Clin- ton, Va. No. 713. Fifth Generation. 177. 3) Enos T. Hawse, born near Edom, Va., Nov. 27, 1869; married Maggie Riggleman; live at Paw Paw, W. Va. No. 714. Fifth Generation. 177. 6) Mary B. Hawse, born near Edom, Va., May 17, 1873; married B. C. Fechtig, Dec. 15, 1891; live in New York City. No. 715. Fifth Generation. 177. 7) Jasper L. Hawse, born near Edom, Va., Apr. 8, 1875; married Elisabeth Markli, of Lexington, Va., Nov. 21, 1900. He is a railroad man, and lives in Baltimore, Md. No. 716. Fifth Generation. 177. 8) Lillie D. Hawse, born near Edom, Va., Feb. 9, 1877; married W. F. Atkinson, of Baltimore, Md., Oct. 5, 1898; live in Baltimore, Md. No. 717. Fifth Generation.. 177. 10) Ella Kate Hawse, born near Edom, Va., Mar. 9, 1880; was married Oct. 3, 1900, to Lewis Higgles, of Wash- ington, D. C, where they live. No. 718. Fifth Generation. 178. 1) Joseph William Beery, born June 9, 1867; married Sarah Sanders, May 9, 1897. He is a teacher in Colorado. One child: 1. Bernis Lydia Beery, born Mar. 12, 1898. No. 719. Fifth Generation. 178. 3) Maggie Olive Beery, born Nov. 1, 1870; married B. H. Anderson in 1892. Their children: 1. Lola Anderson, born May 11, 1894. 2. Herschel B. P. Anderson, born July 11, 1900. No. 720. Fifth Generation. 178. 4) Dewitt Aldine Beery, born July 9, 1872; married Jennie Slavens, Aug. 23, 1898. He is a minister in the Southern Methodist church, and is at the Theological School at Madison, New Jersey. Their children: 1. Bethel Beery, born May 25, 1899. 2. Ruth Beery, born May 18, 1901. 213 No. 721. Fifth Generation. 178. ^) Viola May Beery, born Mar. 25, 1876; married S. E. Yokely, June 18, 1896. Their children: 1. Catharine Delphia Yokely, born July 31, 1897. 2. Gladys Ann Yokely, born Aug. 19, 1899. . 3. Garland A. Yokely, born June 29, 1901. No. 722. Fifth Generation. 6. 1) Anna Martin, born Apr. 18, 1817; married John Rhodes. Their children: 1. Maria Rhodes. 5. Elisabeth Rhodes; died. 2. Nancy Rhodes. 6. Leah Rhodes; died. 3. Sarah Rhodes. 7. Infant son; died. 4. Fannie Rhodes. 8. Amanda Rhodes; died. No. 723. Fifth Generation. 6. 3) David Martin, born Feb. 11, 1823; married Catharine X.eib, Dec. 1, 1848. Their children: 1. Emanuel L. Martin, born Feb. 1, 1850. 2. Henry Martin, born Dec. 19, 1852. 3. Anna Maria Martin, born Feb. 25, 1854. 4. John L. Martin, born Apr. 5, 1856. 5. Ellen Martin, born Dec. 24, 1857. 6. Harriet Martin, born Sept. 1, 1859; died 1862. 7. Orlando Martin, born June 6, 1864. No. 724. Fifth Generation. 6. 4) Elisabeth Martin, born Dec. 16, 1825; married Peter Rhodes. Their children: 1. Susan Rhodes. 7. Lydia Rhodes. 2. Saloma Rhodes. 8. Peter H. Rhodes. 3. Henry Rhodes; died. 9. Lavina Rhodes; died. 4. Anna Rhodes. 10. Mehetabel Rhodes; d'd. 5. Abraham Rhodes. 11. Anthony Rhodes. 6. Eli Rhodes. No. 725. Fifth Generation. 6. 5) Levi Martin, born Feb. 28, 1828; married Catharine Good. Their children: 1. Mary Martin. 5. Abraham Martin. 2. Fannie Martin. 6. Levi Martin. 3. Peter Martin. 7. Ulysses Martin. 4. Barton Martin. 8. Anna Martin. 214 ' No. 726. Fifth Generation. 6. 6) Moses Martin, born Sept. 16, 1830; married Leah Eshelman. Their children: 1. Louisa Martin; died. 4. Sarah Martin. 2. Edwin Martin; com- 5. Eli Martin. mitted suicide. 6. Eliza Martin. 3. Andrew Martin. By second wife: 1. Oliver Martin. 3. Amanda Martin. 2. Jonas Martin. 4. Albert Martin. No. 727. Fifth Generation. 6. 8) Maria Martin, born Aug. 10, 1834; married Jacob Berry. Their children: 1. Frank Berry. 4. Abraham Berry. 2. Emanuel Berry. 5. Ellen Berry. 3. Nancy Berry. 6. Levi Berry. No. 728. Fifth Generation. 74. 9) Solomon Wenger, born near Dayton, Rockingham Co., Va., Dec. 8, 1857. Children: 1. Daniel Edward Wenger, born Jan. 9, 1897. 2. Jacob Andrew Wenger, born Oct. 16, 1898. 3. Rudolph Ottobine Wenger, born Aug. 25, 1900. 4. Joseph Solomon Wenger, born June 23, 1902. No. 729. Fifth Generation. 71. 7) Eva K. Wenger, born near Dayton, Rockingham Co., Va., Sept. 10, 1849; was married June 11, 1874, to Adam Linhoss, born Nov. 30, 1849. Address, Dayton, Va. Their children: 1. Minnie Linhoss, born Mar. 28, 1875. 2. Annas Linhoss, born Jan. 28, 1877. 3. Jesse Linhoss, born Dec. 30, 1878. 4. Cora Linhoss, born June 15, 1881. 5. Ada Linhoss, born Aug. 30, 1883. 6. Homer Linhoss, born Mar. 2, 1886. 7. Vena Linhoss (twin), born May 17, 1890. 8. Vincent Linhoss (twin), born May 17, 1890. 9. Raymond Linhoss, born Dec. 13, 1894. No. 730. Sixth Generation. 107. 7) Christina Catharine Flory, born at South English, Iowa, Oct. 15, 1862; married Frederick E. Brown, of Cali- 215 fornia, May 8, 1890. They are citizens of Hanford, Kings Co., Cal. Their children (all born in California) are: 1. Jessie May Brown (twin), born Nov. 30, 1891. 2. Jacie Mary Brown (twin), born Nov. 30, 1891. 3. Roy Jacob Brown, born Oct. 15, 1893. 4. Earl William Brown, born Dec. 6, 1896. 5. Ray Alvin Brown, born Dec. 4, 1900. G. Zenas Clyde Brown, b. Feb. 13, 1902; d. Oct. 19, 1902. No. 731. Sixth Generation. 107. 2) Joseph Henry Flory, born at South English, Iowa, Mar. 2, 1864; married Alice Webber, of California, May 6, 1890; live in California. Their children (all born in Cali- fornia) are: 1. Everett Edward Flory, born Jan. 27, 1891. 2. Laiirance Henry Flory, born Aug. 29, 1893. 3. Lyle Kenneth Flory, born Aug. 27, 1898. No. 732. Sixth Generation. 107. 3) Isaac Daniel Flory, born at South English, Iowa, Oct. 4, 1865; married Ida Broadhurst, of California, Nov. 6, 1889; are living in California. Their children: 1. Lambert Grove Flory, b. in California Sept. 16, 1891. 2. Leta Goldie Flory, born in California, Jan. 24, 1894. No. 733. Sixth Generation. 107. 4) Sarah Elisabeth Flory, born at South English, Iowa, June 10, 1867; married George W. Barker, in California, Dec. 27, 1888. Address, Lemoore, Kings Co., California. Their children (all born in California) are: 1. Isaac Clayton Barker, born Nov. 27, 1889. 2. Hazel Marguerite Barker, born Aug. 28, 1891. 3. Berdina Elisabeth Barker, born July 27, 1893. No. 734. Sixth Generation. 107. 5) Charles Franklin Flory, born at South English, Iowa, Aug. 2, 1870; married Minta Brouhard, of California, Jan. 13, 1892. Address, Lemoore, Cal. Their children: 1. "Vesta Pearl Flory, born in California, June 28, 1893. 2. Charles Cleo Flory, born in California, Dec. 5, 1899. No. 735. Sixth Generation. 107. 6) Jacob Andrew Flory, born in California, Dec. 2, 1873; married Constance Doty, of California, Dec. 27, 1899. 216 No. 227. Zimmerman G. Wenger, Caledonia, Mich. Address, Lemoore, Kings Co., Cal. Their children: 1. Delores Flora Flory, born Nov. 16, 1900. 2. Lena Atwood Flory, born May 15, 1902. No. 736. Sixth Generation. 224. 1) Mattie Wenger, born Nov. 16, 1869; married Robert Sherington, Dec. 27, 1893. Caledonia, Mich. Their children: 1. Thomas Edison Sherington, born June 12, 1895. 2. Mary Elisabeth Sherington, born Sept. 25, 1897. 3. Frank Otto Sherington, born June 24, 1899. No. 737. Sixth Generation. 224. 3) William Henry Wenger, born July 17, 1873; mar- ried Flora Belle Hammond, Oct. 20, 1898. Caledonia, Mich. Their children: 1. Bernard F. Wenger, born Sept. 9, 1900. 2. Leroy V. Wenger, born Sept. 4, 1902. No. 738. Sixth Generation. 224. 4) Menno Wenger, born July 5, 1875; married Jessie McCauley, June 2, 1902. Caledonia, Mich. No. 739. Sixth Generation. 224. 6) Jonas Wenger, born Dec. 26, 1879; married Bertha Mauchmer, Nov. 11, 1901. Caledonia, Mich. Note. — Some of the records of the following Meyers families were reported in a badly written condition, and if you find any errors, do not find fault with the compiler. J. H. W. No. 740. Fifth Generation. 254. 1) Diana Meyers, born in Waterloo Co., Ontario, Sept. 3, 1834; married Henry Witmer at the above place, Sept. 23, 1856, and some time afterward moved to near Caledonia, Mich. Farmer and carpenter. Church relation, United Brethren. Their children: 1. David M. Witmer, born Oct. 23, 1857. No. 752. 2. Hannah Witmer, born Apr. 30, 1859. No. 753. 3. Mary Ann Witmer, born May 30, 1861. No. 754. 4. Angeline Witmer, born Sept. 18, 1862. No. 755. 5. John Witmer, born Apr. 21, 1864. U. B. church, and is married, but no particulars. 6. Aaron M. Witmer, born May 11. 1866. No. 756. 7. Josiah Witmer, born June 14, 1868; died July 2. 1868. 8. Levi Witmer, b. Aug. 15, 1874; married Miss Hill. 217 No. 741. Fifth Generation. 254. 2) Louisa Ann Meyers, born in Waterloo Co., Ontario, Peb. 21, 1836; married Henry Rudy, of Waterloo, Mar. 4, 1856. He died in the army, July 28, 1863, and was buried at Nashville, Tenn. Their children: 1. Angle Rudy, born and died Jan. 7, 1857. 2. Joseph M. Rudy, b. Jan. 15, 1858; died Nov. 15, 1862. 3. Eliza Rudy, born June 25, 1860. No. 757. 4. Emma Rudy, born July 23, 1862. No. 758. Louisa Ann Rudy married her second husband, Wil- liam Stutz, on May 18, 1867, who died Aug. 28, 1873. Their children: 5. May Stutz, born Mar. 16, 1869. No. 759. 6. William H. Stutz, b. Sept. 8, 1870; died May 26, 1872. 7. Moses W. Stutz, born Mar. 4, 1873. No. 760. Louisa Ann married her third husband, Hiram Stauffer, Apr. 10, 1876. Their children: 8. Albert M. Stauffer, b. May 16, 1877; d. Dec. 23, 1879. 9. Ada B. Stauffer, born Sept. 15, 1879. Teacher at New Boston, Mich. M. B. church. No. 742. Fifth Generation. 254. 3) Eliab Meyers, born in Waterloo Co., Ont., June 7, 1837; married Sarah M. Dawes, Aug. 22, 1863. Address, Harlan, Iowa. Their children: 1. Angelia O. Meyers, born Nov. 30, 1864. No. 761. 2. John T. Meyers, born Aug. 1, 1866. No. 762. 3. Rowland Meyers, born Jan. 15, 1874. 4. Infant Meyers, born Aug. 31, 1878; died Jan. 9, 1881. 5. Roy Meyers, born Mar. 10, 1884. 6. Lester Meyers, born Mar. 4, 1888. No. 743. Fifth Generation. 254. 4) Solomon Meyers, born in Waterloo Co., Ont., Aug. 20, 1838, died Sept. 9, 1877; married Caroline Krauter, who was lorn in 1844. He was a farmer and tanner. Their children: 1. Josiah C. Meyers, born July 31, 1863. No. 763. 2. Marion S. Meyers, born May 6, 1866. No. 764. 3. Isaac C. Meyers, b. Apr. 1, '68; single. Durham, Kan. 4. Angeline O. Meyers, born Mar. 13, 1870; single. Minneapolis, Kansas. 218 5. Orillo S. Meyers, born Nov. 7, 1873. 6. Nisby John Meyers, born Dec. 7, 1875. 7. Solomon Meyers, born Sept. 23, 1877. Winston, Mo. No. 744. Fifth Generation. 254. Note. — This member of the Meyers family insists on having his name spelled Myers (by permission of his father), while his brothers and sisters have it Meyers. 5) Isaac Wenger Myers, born in Waterloo Co., Ont, Nov. 20, 1839; married Alice Francisco, of McHenry Co., 111. He is a produce commission merchant in Hampton, Iowa. Their children: 1. Inez A. Myers, born at Warren, 111., Aug. 28, 1868; married E. H. Either, of St. James, Minn. 2. Orson Francisco Myers, born in Franklin Co., Iowa, Mar. 28, 1870; married Helen Hickman, of Hampton, Iowa. 3. John Percy Myers, born in Franklin Co., Iowa, July 23, 1872; married Lula Krag, of Hampton, Iowa. 4. Irving A. Myers, born in Franklin Co., Iowa, Oct. 11, 187 — ; clerk in Farmers & Merchants Bank, Hampton. 5. Helen Marie Myers, born in Franklin Co., Iowa, Aug. 14, 1878; teacher of vocal music and high school at Parker, South Dakota. 6. Ruth Marian Myers, born at Hampton, Iowa (no date) ; clerk in Farmers & Merchants Bank, Hampton. No. 745. Fifth Generation. 254. 6) Marian Meyers, married Horace Freeland. of Davis Co., 111., Dec. 10, 1861. Members of U. B. church. Caledonia, Michigan. Marian Meyers was born near Berlin, Waterloo Co.. Ont., June 17, 1841, where she resided until eighteen years of age. She then went to Illinois and on Dec. 10, 1861, was married to Horace Freeland, who was born near Battle. Sussex Co., England, Sept. 17, 1836. In 1866, after short residences in Illinois and Canada, she with her husband moved to Michigan and settled on a farm near Caledonia, fifteen miles southeast of Grand Rapids, where she has since resided. Mr. Freeland. her husband, died at their home. Sept. 4, 1902. Their children: 1. John A. Freeland. b. Nov. 16, 1862; died Feb. 4. 1868. 219 2. Mary J. Freeland, b. Dec. 17, 1864; d. Sept. 23, 1866. 3. Sarah B. Freeland, born Sept. 8, 1867. No. 823. 4. Amos A. Freeland, born Oct. 27, 1869. No. 824. 5. Allen M. Freeland, born Mar. 18, 1872. No. 825. 6. Homer H. Freeland, born Apr. 11, 1874. No. 826. No. 746. Fifth Generation. 254. 7) Sarah Meyers, born in Waterloo Co., Ont., Feb. 17^ 1843; married Zimmerman Martin, Nov. 3, 1863, who died Dec. 4, 1866. No children. Sarah married David B. Schnei- der, Nov. 14, 1868. Mennonite Brethren in Christ. Address, Berlin, Ont., Canada. The children spell their names Snyder, viz.: 1. Albert M. Snyder, born Aug. 3, 1869. 2. Joseph Snyder, born Aug. 30, 1877. No. 747. Fifth Generation. 254. 8) Elisabeth Meyers, born in Waterloo Co., Ont., May 17, 1844; married Isaac L. Bowman. Berlin, Ont. Their children: 1. Leander M. Bowman, born Dec. 29, 1863. No. 765. 2. Arthur M. Bowman, b. Aug. 5, 1865. Civil engineer. 3. Franklin M. Bowman, b. Sept. 2, '70. Civil engineer. 4. Hervey M. Bowman, born Sept. 30, 1873. Berlin, Ont. No. 748. Fifth Generation. 254. 9) Hannah Meyers, born in Waterloo Co., Ont., May 14, 1846; married Aaron C. Bowman, Jan. 5, 1875. Members of the U. B. church. Their children: 1. Byron M. Bowman (twin), born Aug. 20, 1876. 2. Nettie B. Bowman (twin), born Aug. 20, 1876. No. 749. Fifth Generation. 254. 10) Absalom Meyers, born in Waterloo Co., Ont., July 13, 1847; married Lovina Moyer, Dec. 22, 1872. Church relation, Mennonite Brethren in Christ. Address, Olathe, Kansas. Mr. Meyers worked on the farm and attended the district school until he reached the age of eighteen years, when he became an apprentice in a tanning establishment at St. Jacobs, Ont. At the end of three years he became journeyman in a leather establishment in Milwaukee, Wis. After eight months he returned to Canada, and in co- partnership with his brother Solomon operated a tannery. In 1875 he moved to Harlan, Shelby Co., Iowa, and bought. 220 -a farm. In 1880 he leased his farm and bought a half Interest in a flouring mill in Listowel, Ont. In 1835 he sold the mill in Canada and the farm in Iowa and moved to Peabody, Marion Co., Kan., where he bought a farm, but in 1898 he sold it and moved to Olathe, Johnson Co., Kan., where he bought a farm, on which he still resides. Their children: 1. Alfred Meyers, born Sept. 29, 1873. 2. Elmira Meyers, born Feb. 3, 1875. 3. Martha Meyers, born Dec. 14, 1876. 4. Lydia A. Meyers, born Feb. 27, 1879. 5. Edith Meyers, born Sept. 11, 1881. 6. Elsie Meyers, born Dec. 18, 1883. 7. Edna M. Meyers, b. July 19, 1886; died Dec. 14, 1900. 8. John Arthur Meyers, born Oct. 29, 1888. 9. Orrel Meyers, born Sept. 13, 1891. 10. Perry A. Meyers, born Jan. 13, 1898. No. 750. Fifth Generation. 254. 11) Barbara Meyers, born in Waterloo Co., Ont., May 12, 1849; married Benjamin Brubaker, Sept. 26, 1867, who died Jan. 21, 1871. Their children: 1. Albert M. Brubaker, born July 21, 1868. Mennonite. 2. Josephus M. Brubaker, b. Nov. 1, 1869. Mennonite. Elkhart, Ind. Barbara married her second husband, Wendel C. Bow- man, Mar. 28, 1875. U. B. church. Caledonia, Mich. Their children: 3. Ada S. Bowman, born May 19, 1876. 4. Nettie M. Bowman, born Jan. 6, 1878. 5. Elias M. Bowman, born May 28, 1880. 6. Benjamin B. Bowman, born Apr. 3, 1882. 7. Chester A. Bowman, born Oct. 23, 1884. 8. Wendel O. Bowman, born Nov. 27, 1886. 9. Elisabeth O. Bowman, born Nov. 2, 1888. No. 751. Fifth Generation. 254. 12) John W. Meyers, born in Waterloo Co., Ont., May 10, 1851; married Angeline Snyder, Dec. 26. 1872. Engaged in milling business at Listowell, Ont. Methodist. Their children: 1. Caleb Meyers, born Nov. 9, 1873. 221 2. Emaline Meyers, b. Feb. 21, 1875; died Sept. 5, 1875. 3. Joseph Meyers (twin), born July 20, 1876. 4. Snyder Meyers (twin), July 20, 1876. 5. Alva H. Meyers, born July 14, 1878. 6. Archie Meyers, born July 13, 1880. 7. Benjamin H. Meyers, born July 28, 1882. 8. Angeline O. Meyers, born June 28, 1884. 9. Ida Alberta Meyers, Dorn Sept. 21, 1886. 10. Arthur O. Meyers, born Oct. 14, 1888. 11. Lillian O. Meyers, born Nov. 7, 1894. John W. Meyers married his second wife. Sarah C. McDowell, June 18, 1896. No. 752. Sixth Generation. 740. 1) David M. Witmer, born Oct. 23, 1857; married Anna Eyman, born Jan. 22, 1858. Mr. Witmer is selling church and school furniture. Minneapolis, Minn. U. B. church. Their children: 1. Ollie Witmer, born May 31, 1884. 2. Angeline Witmer, born July 29, 1887. 3. Pearl Witmer, born Aug. 16, 1889. No. 753. Sixth Generation. 740. 2) Hannah Witmer, born Apr. 30, 1859; married Frank Sherk, Sept. 27, 1881, who died (no date). P. O., Clarion,, Mich. One child: 1. William Sherk, born July 12, 1882. No. 754. Sixth Generation. 740. 3) Mary Ann Witmer, born May 30, 1861; married George Haffer, Mar. 18, 1880. Machinist. Grand Rapids, Mich. Their children: 1. Ivy May Haffer, born Nov. 27, 1881. 2. Frederic Arthur Haffer, born Dec. 18, 1884. No. 755. Sixth Generation. 740. 4) Angeline Witmer, born Sept. 18, 1862; married Samuel A. Gill, Nov. 14, 1883. Address, Canby, Mich. Their children: 1. Frank Hazel Gill, born Sept. 5, 1890. 2. Diana Cleo Gill, born May 7, 1893. No. 756. Sixth Generation. 740. 6) Aaron M. Witmer, born May 11, 1866; married Hat- tie Phomas, July 9, 1889. Address, Petoskey, Mich. One child: 1. Glen Aldine Witmer, born Jan. 16, 1891. 222 No. 757. Sixth Generation. 741. 3) Eliza Rudy, born June 25, 1860; married David W. Near, Aug. 1878. Farmer and blacksmith. Port Colburn, Ont. Their children: 1. Alva Earl Near, born July 20, 1879. 2. Ivy Florence Near, born March — , 1882. 3. Ethel Near, born Nov. 11, 1894. No. 758. Sixth Generation. 741. 4) Emma Rudy, born July 23, 1862; married Henry Adams, Feb. 15, 1886. Address, Middleville, Mich. Their children: 1. Loretta F. Adams, born June 14, 1887. 2. Harrison Adams, born Nov. 6, 1888. 3. Olney Adams, born June 5, 1893. 4. Dorotha Alverta Adams, born July 21, 1900. No. 759. Sixth Generation. 741. 5) May Stutz, born Mar. 16, 1869; married Wilbur Mayes, Jan. 1896. Address, Omaha, Neb. Their children: 1. Virgil Mayes, born Oct. 26, 1896. 2. Ruth Mayes, born Mar. 4, 1899. No. 760. Sixth Generation. 741. 7) Moses W. Stutz, born Mar. 4, 1873; married Loretta Irving, Apr. 12, 1898. M. E. church. Teacher at Carlton, Mich. One child: 1. Ethel Louisa Stutz, born Oct. 25, 1899. No. 761. Sixth Generation. 742. 1) Angeline O. Meyers, born Nov. 30, 1864; married George B. Woomer, Feb. 7, 1886. No children. Address, Harlan, Iowa. No. 762. Sixth Generation. 742. 2) John T. Meyers, born Aug. 1, 1886; married Delinda Plum, Jan. 21, 1892. Railroad agent, Bibon, Wis. One child: 1. Charles H. P. Meyers, born May 14, 1893. No. 763. Sixth Generation. 743. 1) Josiah C. Meyers, born July 31, 1863; married Elisa- beth B. Snyder, Oct. 1, 1889. Mr. Meyers is surveyor and civil engineer. Evanston, 111. Their children: 1. Olive L. Meyers, born Jan. 15. 1891. 2. Maurice Meyers, born July 5, 1894. 22 o No. 764. Sixth Generation. 743. 2) Marian S. Meyers, born May 6, 1866; married Isaac H. Hauptfaurer, Aug. 24, 1886. Winston, Mo. Their children: 1. Josiah F. M. Hauptfaurer, born Nov. 7, 1887. 2. Ethel May Hauptfaurer, born Sept. 21, 1889. 3. William Henry Hauptfaurer, born Aug. 5, 1892. 4. Agnes Amanda Hauptfaurer, born Nov. 2, 1894. No. 765. Sixth Generation. 747. 1) Leander M. Bowman, born Dec. 29, 1863, died Sept. 20, 1895; married Hannah A. Ferguson, Jan. 22, 1890. Their children: 1. Constance L. Bowman, born June 27, 1892. 2. H. A. F. Bowman, born June 2, 1893. 3. Leander D. Bowman, born June 11, 1895. No. 766. Sixth Generation. 632. 6) Eli Good, born Sept. 22, 1865; was married in 1886 to Elisabeth B. Dettwiler, born in 1865. Mr. Good was or- dained to the ministry in the U. B. church in 1900. Clinton Co., Mich. Their children (no dates): 1. Alma Good; died. 3. John V. Good. 2. Lula E. Good. 4. Bernice S. Good. No. 767. Seventh Generation. 268. 1) Menno W. Martin, born Apr. 22, 1869; was married Nov. 13, 1890, to Anna Zimmerman, born Dec. 1, 1870. No. 768, Seventh Generation. 268. 2) John W. Martin, born Oct. 5, 1870; married Magda- lana Martin, Dec. 18, 1893. Their children: 1. Israel Martin, born Sept. 22, 1894. 2. Mary Martin, born Apr. 22, 1896. 3. Moses Martin, born Sept. 15, 1897. 4. Elisabeth Martin, born Dec. 22, 1899. No. 769. Seventh Generation. 268. 3) Joseph W. Martin, born Feb. 14, 1872; was married Oct. 11, 1894, to Elisabeth Nolt, born May 25, 1872. Their children: 1. Jonas N. Martin, born July 13, 1895. 2. Daniel N. Martin, born Oct. 8, 1896. 3. Joseph N. Martin, b. Aug. 28, 1898; d. Sept. 26. 1898. 4. Enos N. Martin, b. Jan. 1, 1900; died May 11, 1900. 224 No. 275. Jonas G. Wenger, Rittman, Ohio. No. 770. Seventh Generation. 268. 4) Anna W. Martin, born Sept. 30, 1873; was married Nov. 21, 1895, to Menno Eberly, born May 2G, 1873. Their children: 1. Joseph Eberly, born Mar. 17, 1897. 2. Francis Eberly, born Aug. 9, 1898. 3. Mary Eberly, born Jan. 17, 1900. No. 771. Sixth Generation. 206. 2) Anna W. Wenger, born July 11, 1853; was married to John G. Gets, born Mar. 11, 1852. Their children: 1. Edwin W. Gets, born Feb. 12, 1875. 2. David A. Gets, b. Oct. 22, 1876; died Nov. 1, 1876. 3. John L. Gets, born Jan. 3, 1878; died May 3, 1878. 4. Samuel A. Gets, b. Apr. 4, 1879; died Aug. 12, 1879. 5. Francis C. Gets, born July 2, 1880. 6. William H. Gets, born Apr. 28, 1894. No. 772. Sixth Generation. 206. 12) David A. Wenger, born Dec. 30, 1865; was married Dec. 24, 1895, to Maria M. Longanecker, born Dec. 16, 1859. Their children: 1. Susan Wenger, born Sept. 27, 1896. 2. John L. Wenger, b. Jan. 27, 1900; died Apr. 8, 1900. No. 773. Sixth Generation. 206. 15) Catharine W. Wenger, born Dec. 19, 1873; was married Nov. 20, 1890, to David S. Brubaker, born May 29, 1869. Their children: 1. Mary W. Brubaker, born Oct. 25, 1891. 2. Abraham W. Brubaker, born June 9, 1893. 3. John W. Brubaker, born Jan. 22, 1897. 4. Elisabeth W. Brubaker, born Mar. 12, 1898. No. 774. Sixth Generation. 206. 16) Martin W. Wenger, born Dec. 29, 1874; was mar- ried to Ida R. Youndt, born Feb. 28, 1875. One child: 1. Lillie Wenger, born Nov. 23, 1895; died Nov. 28. 1895. No. 775. Sixth Generation. 206. 17) Amanda W. Wenger, born Apr. 28. 1877; was mar- ried July 2, 1893, to Benjamin G. Hildebrand. born Mar. 29. 1870. One child: 1. Sadie H. Hildebrand, b. Feb. 15, '98; d. Mar. 24. '98. 15 225 No. 776. Fifth Generation. 189. 1) Catharine Coffman, born , died Feb. 6, 1882; married Lewis A. Mahan, Oct. 20, 1867. Their children: 1. Alice Mahan, born Aug. 4, 1870. 2. Sanford L. Mahan, born Mar. 28, 1873. 3. Lilbur Mahan, born Nov. 16, 1875. No. 777. Sixth Generation. 113. 2) Arthur Groves Borden, born in Augusta Co., Va,, Sept. 13, 1877; was married Dec. 23, 1896, to Mamie C. Woodson, born in Augusta Co., Va., Nov. 13, 1879. About the latter part of the year 1901 they moved to near Guernsey, Kings Co., Calitornia, at which place they now live. Their children: 1. Ethel Lee Borden, born in Va., Nov. 12, 1897. 2. Henry Franklin Borden, born in Cal., Sept. 14, 1902. Note. — The following six Coffman families are reported by two different persons, and their dates conflict. I cannot tell which is right. Also, the children's birth dates were not supplied. No. 778. Fifth Generation. 192. 1) James M. Coffman, born Jan. 1, 1844, died Oct. 6, 1884; he married Nannie V. Lewis, May 15, 1868. They had eight sons: 1. William C. 5. Leslie D. 2. Sidney W. 6. Walter W. 3. Lewis A. 7. Clifton S. 4. Joseph W. 8. James M. No. 779. Fifth Generation. 192. 2) Barbara A. Coffman, born July 3, 1845, died Oct. 11, 1876; married Thomas C. Ellis, Dec. 12, 1875. They have two children: 1. Samuel E. 2. Sadie E. No. 780. Fifth Generation. 192. 3) William T. Coffman, born Aug. 23, 1849; married Maggie Strain in 1882. Address, Overbrook, Kansas. Had five children: 1. Ross. ' 4. Wilson. 2. Joseph. 5. William T. 3. Lloyd. 226 No. 781. Fifth Generation. 192. 4) Samuel H. Coffman, born Mar. 22, 1852, died Sept. 6, 1884; married Catharine Rodgers in 1873. Had five daughters : 1. Nannie M. 4. Loma O, 2. Lottie W. 5. Bessie K. 3. Linnie S. No. 782. Fifth Generation, 192. 5) Sallie L. Coffman, born Jan. 19, 1854; married Wil- liam R. Dotson, Oct. 16, 1878, elder of Presbyterian church. Address, Lewisburg, Greenbrier Co., W. Va. Had three children: 1. John C. 3. May W. 2. Frank T. No. 783. Fifth Generation. 192. 6) Otey F. B. Coffman, born Feb. 24, 1857; married Lydia Marshal in 1881. Address, Overbrook, Kansas. Have nine children: 1. Cora M. 6. Beulah. 2. Elsie A. 7. Edith. 3. Clyde W. 8. Mary L. 4. Blanche. 9. Nettie B. 5. William H. No. 784. Fifth Generation. 90. 3) Abraham B. Burkholder, born near Harrisonburg, Rockingham Co., Va., Jan. 4, 1850; was married Mar. 26, 1871, to Nancy Weaver, born in the same vicinity, June 5, 1853. He was ordained to the ministry in the Mennonite church July 15, 1877. Their children are all Mennonites. 1. Maggie F. Burkholder, born Apr. 9, 1872. No. 786. 2. J. D. Burkholder, born Aug. 10, 1873. No. 787. 3. R. S. Burkholder, born Sept. 10, 1876. 4. Mary E. Burkholder, b. Aug. 6, 1878; d. Aug. 31, 1894. 5. Joseph A. Burkholder, born Jan. 6, 1882. 6. Nannie C. Burkholder, born Nov. 24, 1883. 7. Perry A. Burkholder, born Aug. 12, 1886. 8. Emanuel J. Burkholder, born May 23, 1891. 9. Amos H. Burkholder, born July 31, 1893. 10. Ella D. Burkholder, born Apr. 4, 1897. 227 No. 785. Fifth Generation. 90. 4) David H. Biirkholder, born near Harrisonburg, Va., Jan. 16, 1852; was married Apr. 17, 1873, to Hettie M. Shank, born near Harrisonburg, Va., Aug. 2, 1853. See No. 682 — cousins, and come in the history both ways. Their children: 1. Annie C. Burkholder, born Jan. 11, 1874. 2. Martin L. Burkholder (twin), b. Feb. 21, '75. No. 788. 3. Jacob D. Burkholder (.twin), born Feb. 21, 1875. 4. Minnie F. Burkholder, born Mar. 15, 1877. 5. Sophia M. Burkholder, born Aug. 30, 1879. 6. Lydia M. Burkholder, born Apr. 29, 1881. 7. Emma L. Burkholder, born July 9, 1883. 8. Herman F. Burkholder, born Apr. 7, 1885. 9. Lewis A. Burkholder, born Nov. 24, 1889. No. 786. Sixth Generation. 784. 1) Maggie F. Burkholder, born Apr. 9, 1872; was mar- ried in Sept. 1891 to E. J. Swope. No family reported. No. 787. Sixth Generation. 784. 2) J. D. Burkholder, born Aug. 10, 1873; was married Nov. 13, 1895, to Isa Dora Humbert, born Nov. 10, 1878. Their children: 1. Bertha C. Burkholder, born Sept. 11, 1896. 2. Nellie A. Burkholder, born Mar. 2, 1898. 3. Lena G. Burkholder, born Dec. 12, 1900. No. 788. Sixth Generation. 785. 2) Martin L. Burkholder, born Feb. 21, 1875; was mar- ried Dec. 8, 1896, to Etta M. Swartz, born June 23, 1872. Their children: 1. Clifford A. Burkholder, born Oct. 31, 1897. 2. Marion D. Burkholder, born June 18, 1899. 3. Paul F. Burkholder, born June 6, 1901. No. 789. Fifth Generation. 92. 1) Abrahapi B. Rhodes, born near Harrisonburg, Rock- ingham Co., Va., Mar. 8, 1848; married Josephine Frank in 1873. Live near Broadway, Va. Their children: 1. Joseph D. Rhodes, born June 28, 1874. 2. Annie E. Rhodes, b. Dec. 26, 1875. South English, la. 3. James Homer Rhodes, b. Apr. 25, '79; d. Oct. 21, '81. 228 No. 790. Fifth Generation. 92. 2) David B. Rhodes, born near Harrisonburg, Va., May 18, 1851; married Mary C. Reamer, Oct. 1874. They are members of the Dimkard Brethren church. D. B. is in the tinning, roofing and furnishing business in Edom, Rocking- ham Co., Va. Their children: 1. Walter Eugene Rhodes, born Aug. 18, 1875. 2. Charles Levi Rhodes, born Mar. 6, 1877. 3. William Vernon Rhodes, born Oct. 14, 1878; united with the Methodist church, Nov. 18, 1892. 4. Eddie Clarence Rhodes, born Sept. 6, 1881. 5. Elisabeth Ann Rhodes, born Nov. 20, 1886; married William G. Cook, Nov. 18, 1902. No. 791. Fifth Generation. 92. 3) Anna Rhodes, born near Harrisonburg, Va., Nov. 19, 1852; married Isaac Taylor, Feb. 10, 1876. Their children: 1. Charles M.. Taylor, born Sept. 28, 1876. 2. Mary E. Taylor, born Oct. 7, 1880. No. 792. Fifth Generation. 92. 4) Levi S. Rhodes, born near Harrisonburg, Va., Sept. 6, 1854; was married Dec. 13, 1877, to Dorcas Simmers, born Feb. 1859. Their children: 1. Sallie E. Rhodes, born Oct. 29, 1878. No. 797. 2. Ollie D. Rhodes, born June 5, 1880. 3. Jacob L. Rhodes, born Nov. 19, 1882. 4. Bertie M. Rhodes, born Oct. 3, 1884. 5. Alfred F. Rhodes, born Dec. 14, 1886. 6. Charles L. Rhodes, born June 26, 1889. 7. Cl8.rence H. Rhodes, born June 5, 1892. 8. Mabel Edith Rhodes, born July 5, 1897. No. 793. Fifth Generation. 92. 6) Anthony Rhodes, born near Harrisonburg, Va., Oct. 22, 1858; married Ida E. Bush, Feb. 18, 1883. Undertaker and embalmer, in Broadway, Rockingham Co., Va. Their children: 1. Berlie Bush Rnodes, born Jan. 25, 1884; died July 19, 1895. Berlie was a bright boy. His mind seemed to be developed beyond his years, and he was a devoted factor in the Sunday-school. His death was rather sudden, as his sickness was of only a few hours' duration. 229 2. Myrtle Frances Rhodes, born July 26, 1885; united with the U. B. church at Broadway, Va., Apr. 19, 1898. 3. James Joseph Rhodes, born May 8, 1887. 4. Leslie Donovan Rhodes, born Aug. 17, 1889; united with the U. B. church, Apr. 20, 1902. 5. Sallie H. Rhodes, born Aug. 2, 1891. 6. Trovilla G. Rhodes, born Mar. 8, 1895. No. 794. Fifth Generation. 92. 7) Ammi Rhodes, born near Harrisonburg, Va., Apr. 12, 1860; married Clara Hilbard, of Onarga, 111., Dec. 25, 1884. They have no children, except an adopted daughter, Myrtle. No. 795. Fifth Generation. 92. 8) Hiram Rhodes, born near Harrisonburg, Va., Apr. 8, 1862. In 1880 he went to Illinois. On Sept. 9, 1886, he mar- ried Mary J. Foltz, who was born in Pennsylvania, Sept. 6, 1863. They moved to Danforth, 111., Jan. 1, 1887; in the winter of 1890 to Kingsley, Iowa; in the spring of 1891 to Galva, Ida Co., Iowa, where they now reside. Members of the M. E. church. Their children: 1. Joseph Ray Rhodes, born at Danforth, 111., Jan. 29, 1888; died May 6, 1892. 2. Emery Lee Rhodes, b. at Danforth, 111., Sept. 18, '89. 3. Ruby Pearl Rhodes, born at Galva, la.. Mar. 12, 1893. No. 796. Fifth Generation. 92. 9) Elisabeth Rhodes, born near Harrisonburg, Va., Sept. 16, 1865; married Jacob Martin, Dec. 9, 1888. Their children: 1. Perry S. Martin, born Mar. 5, 1890. 2. Essa May Martin, born Aug. 27, 1893. 3. Ammi Rhodes Martin, born Aug. 21, 1898. 4. Anna Elisabeth Martm, born Dec. 30, 1901. No. 797. Sixth Generation. 792. 1) Sallie Elisabeth Rhodes, born Oct. 29, 1878; was married Mar. 14, 1899, to Charles Ottobine Taylor, born Oct. 4, 1877. No. 798. Fifth Generation. 191. 1) Sallie A. Rodgers, born Mar. 14, 1845; married Robert McDowell, Sept. 25, 1886. They have two boys. Presbyterians. Address, Ronceverte, W. Va. 230 No. 799. Fifth Generation. 191. 3) Catharine F. Rodgers, born Apr. 2, 1848; married J. Harrison Burdett, Nov. 10, 1875. Have six children. Metho- dist. Address, Niclvell's Mill, W. Va. No. 800. Fiftli Generation. 191. 4) James M. Rodgers, born Jan. 15, 1850; married Emma Dimsmore, Nov. 28, 1877. Have nine children. Methodist. Address, Ronceverte, W. Va. No. 801. Fifth Generation. 191. 5) Mary C. Rodgers, born Feb. 16, 1852; married Mat- thew Humphreys, Nov. 7, 1872. Have seven children. Pres- byterians. Organ Cave, W. Va. No. 802. Fifth Generation. 191. 6) Samuel E. Rodgers, born Apr. 26, 1854; married Emma Willia33 No. 820. Sixth Generation. 121 ifi IS,/"'"'"' ""■ '^''°^"'"' ''°™ °«^'- Cowan, Va., Sept 16, 1874 married Miss Fulk, and in the spring of 1902 re moved to near Brooklyn, Poweshiek Co., Iowa. No. 821. Sixth Generation. 121 ,„,/^ ■"'"";'' ^- '^""S'^'"' ""^ '>'^«»"- Cowan,' Va., Apr 19 1876, mamed Miss Zirkle. They live near Brooklyn, lowl' No. 822. Sixth Generation. 121 ,^J^ ^^^^ ^' W^^^^^' born near Cowan, Va Aug 21 1880 marned Mr. Dutrow, of Iowa. They are IWing nel; Brooklyn, Poweshiek Co., Iowa. No. 823. Sixth Generation. 745 Septus fsTf k' ''?'"'""■ ""^ ""^■- Caledonia, Mich., faept. 8, 1867^ Her education was acquired in the common schools and Fenton Normal School. She taught school ^ve ZZlTl f ' ""' "^ ''^'^ '■ ''''■ -- --'•-'i to KeTt Co M,vr%' ^.P^-^'^^^t "^™«r of Gaines township, Kent Co., Mich. P. o. address, R. R. No. 1, Caledonia, Mich. No. 824. Sixth Generation. 745 27 ?,,t'^°i ^' f ""'^^'^■"J- 1^°™ °ear Caledonia, Mich., Oct. 9 237 Gen. No. 4 Beery, Dewitt C, married Annie E. Brimk 178 5 Beery, Dewitt Aldine, married Jennie Slavens 720 4 Eeery, Elisabeth, married Joseph Rhodes 92 4 Beery, Elisabeth, married George K. Moyers 164 5 Beery, Edwin M., single 692 4 Beery, Hannah, married Anthony Rhodes 168 4 Beery, Isaac N., married Jane Swank 173 5 Beery, Isa Nellie, married John J. Wenger 705 4 Beery, John C, married Hannah M. Beery 174 4 Beery, Joseph W., died in the army 175 5 Beery, Joseph W., married Sarah Sanders 718 5 Beery, Laura K., married David H. Beery 691 4 Beery, Lydia, married John W. Slithers 95 4 Beery, Lydia, married Michael Shank 170 4 Beery, Maggie C, married M. S. Zirkle 176 5 Beery, Maggie E., married William H. Sipe 688 5 Beery, Maggie O., married B. H. Anderson 719 5 Beery, Maggie V., married Thomas J. Rice 703 4 Beery, Mary, married David Landes 94 4 Beery, Mary A., married Jasper Hawse 177 5 Beery, Mary Lula, married Isaac B. Wenger, Jr 702 5 Beery, Minnie D., married Samuel L. Hoover ".689 5 Beery, Nellie C, married Joseph H. Ward 694 4 Beery, Noah W., married Catharine V. Neff 171 5 Beery, Olive V., married Dewitt A. Swank 693 5 Beery, Roy Perry, married Elisabeth F. Whitmore. .707 4 Beery, Sarah, married Jacob C. Rhodes 167 5 Beery, Stuart, married Bessie McMellen 708 4 Beery, Susanna, married Martin Brenneman 169 5 Beery, Tracie, married Emmer R. Shank 704 5 Beery, Thomas P., single 706 5 Beery, Viola May, married S. E. Yokely 721 6 Blosser, Alice, married Samuel Loveman 565 6 Blosser, Anna, married Jonas Holdeman 327 5 Blosser, Amos P., married Clara A. Apple ........613 6 Blosser, Harvey M., married Kate Culp 616 5 Blosser, Joseph W., m'd Margaret E. Stephenson. . .119 5 Blosser, Rebecca A., married Claudis K. Curtis ....612 6 Blosser, Samuel, married Hattie Belle Rodgers. . . .329 6 Blosser, Sarah E., married Amos B. Welty 615 238 Gen. js^^o. 6 Blosser, Theodore, married Salome Holdeman 328 Borden, Arthur G., married Mamie C. Woodson 777 Bowman, Leander M., married Hannah A. Ferguson. 765 Brenneman, Anthony, married Lucretia A. Winger.. G67 Daisy L., married Peter A. Henry 670 Ella M., married Eldora H. Hanley 671 Emma S., married Charles H. Smart... 678 Ethel M., married Arthur Ira 672 Fannie A., married Edward M. Winger. 673 Hettie C, married John B. Hardman . . 676 Jacob H., married Emma Evans 669 John L., married Ora Aultman 668 Martin D., Jr., m'd Esther Bosserman. .677 Mary E., m'd Christopher C. Brewen. .680 Minnie H., married Jesse A. Moyer....679 Virginia M., m'd Wm. Kerns Strope...674 6 6 5 6 Brenneman 6 Brenneman Brenneman Brenneman Brenneman Brenneman Brenneman 6 Brenneman 5 Brenneman Brenneman Brenneman Brenneman Brindle, Daniel W., married Rebecca Martin 5 o 7 6 Burkholder 5 Burkholder 5 Burkholder 6 Burkholder 6 Burkholder 6 Burkholder 6 Burkholder 5 Christophel 5 Christophel 5 Christophel 5 Christophel 5 Christophel 5 Christophel 5 Christophel 5 Christophel 5 Christophel 5 Christophel 5 Christophel 5 Christophel 5 Christophel 5 Christophel 6 Christophel ,505 Abraham, m'd Catharine Zimmerman. .265 Abraham B., married Nancy Weaver... 784 David, H., married Hettie M. Shank 785 Elisabeth, married Isaac M. Weaver... 266 Maggie F., married E. J. Swope 786 J. D., married Isa Dora Humbert 787 Martin L., married Etta M. Swartz 788 Catharine, married Ephraim Grabill. . .424 Christiana, died single 222 Daniel, married Anna Wenger 33 Elisabeth, married Abraham Lehman,. 31 Elisabeth, married Jacob S. Bauer 426 Hannah, married Jacob R. Smith 556 Harriet, married Jacob Blosser 614 Isaiah, married Barbara Wenger 229 Jacob, married Anna Hoover 555 Jonas, married Salome Buzzard 553 Margaret A., married Josiah Kohli 423 Noah E., married Elisabeth Weaver 554 Peter R., married Effie G. Fager 376 Susan, married Levi H. Eberly 32 Susie W., married Silvester J. Miller.. 636 4 Coffman, Abraham, married Mary Tuckwiller 189 239 Gen. No. 5 Coffman, Anna M., married John S. Swartz 51 4 Coffman, Anna, m. Geo. Wilson and David Hedrick.194 6 Coffman, Ansel V., single 466 5 Coffman, Amos Joseph, married Belle Moody 571 5 Coffman, Barbara A., married Thomas C. Ellis 779 5 Coffman, Catharine, married Lewis A. Mahan 776 4 Coffman, Christena, married John Tuckwiller 190 5 Coffman, Daniel H., married Sarah R. Guyer 54 4 Coffman, Daniel, married Catharine Hedrick 193 4 Coffman, David, married Isabel HedricR 195 5 Coffman, Elisabeth, married John W. Minnich 50 4 Coft'man, Elisabeth, married Daniel Rodgers 191 5 Coffman, Eli Stephen, married Mary Eva Sampson.. 573 5 Coffman, Elmer Jehu, single 574 4 Coffman, Fannie, married Jehu Hedrick 197 5 Coffman, Fannie V., married Abraham P. Shenk. ... 56 5 Coffman, Frederic David, single 569 5 Coffman, George Samuel, married Emma Carpenter. 568 5 Coffman, Ira Hedrick, single 575 5 Coffman, Jacob B., married Sallie E. Showalter 49 6 Coffman, Jacob M., married Vesta DeCamp 244 5 Coffman, James M., married Nannie V. Lewis 778 5 Coffman, John S., married Elisabeth Heatwole 48 5 Coffman, Joseph W., married Sallie Heatwole 53 4 Coffman, Joseph, m^arried Sallie Wilson 192 5 Coffman, Mary A., married Lewis J. Heatwole 52 5 Coffman, Martha Jane, m'd Clark Phelps Coffman, .567 5 Coffman, Minnie Christena, m'd Wm. Frederic Fry.. 572 5 Coffman, Moses Christian, m'd Maggie S. Hedrick.. 566 5 Coffman, Otey F. B., married Lydia Marshal 783 5 Coffman, Rebecca S., married Perry D. Hartman 57 4 Coffman, Samuel, Bish., married Frances Weaver... 37 5 Coffman, Samuel H., married Catharine Rodgers ..781 6 Coffman, Samuel Fred, Pre., married Ella Mann... 465 5 Coffman, Sallie L., married William R. Dotson 782 5 Coffman, Sarah Barbara, single 570 5 Coffman, Sarah C, married John Thomas Heatwole. 55 4 Coffman, Susan, married Levi Claypool 196 5 Coffman, William T., married Maggie Strain 780 6 Coffman, William P., married Lydia Hug 243 240 Gen. No. 5 Cox, Minnie B., married Smith Grove 548 Gulp, Abraham, married Anna Blosser 213 Gulp, Henry, married Magdalana Overhojt 212 Gulp, John B., married Mary Traub 211 Gulp, Peter, married Gatharine Holdeman 214 Gulp, Solomon, married Rachael Overholt 210 Gulp, Susanna, married Jacob Dausman 209 Dausman, Anna G., married Jacob Stump 246 Noah, married Emma Stiver 245 Abraham W., married Barbara Koch ....524 Abraham K., married Veronica Sander. . . .526 Anna, married Henry Simons 532 Barbara Ann, m'd William H. Dettwiler. .522 Gharilla, married Henry Stebings 542 Christian W., married Susanna Johnson.. 541 Elisabeth W., married Eli Good 338 Elisabeth S., m'd Abraham S. Schneider. .381 Elisabeth, married Joseph Tyson 527 Dausman Dettwiler Dettwiler Dettwiler Dettwiler Dettwiler Dettwiler Dettwiler Dettwiler Dettwiler Dettwiler Dettwiler Dettwiler Dettwiler Dettwiler Dettwiler Dettwiler Dettwiler Dettwiler Dettwiler Dettwiler Dettwiler Dettwiler Dettwiler Dettwiler Dettwiler Dettwiler Dettwiler Dettwiler Elisabeth, married Henry M. Crawford. . .531 Esther, married Jacob Souder 550 Fannie, married Peter J. McEwen 529 Fannie, married William Smith 545 Henry W., single 523 Isaac W., married Elisabeth Wideman 528 Israel S., married Lydia Wideman 379 Jacob W., married Minnie Miller 530 Jonas W., married Amanda Eby 519 Joseph W., married Anna Martin 422 Joseph K., married Elisabeth Limbach. . .525 Leah, married Benjamin L. Horst 521 Leah, married Charles Barnes 546 Magdalana, married Eraxlus*) Crawford. .533 Noah W., married Lovina Sailor 418 Rudolph S., married Sarah M. Switzer 380 Rudolph W., m'd Grace Gyrene Steward.. 417 Sarah, married Owen Schiedel 543 Susanna S., married Franklin B. Switzer. .382 = ) Illegible. 16 241 Gen. No. 6 Dettwiler, Susanna, married Menno B. Weaver 520 5 Dettwiler, Susanna, married William K. Eby 534 6 Dettwiler, Susanna, married George Rotter 544 6 Dettwiler, William W., married Mary A. Christner. .337 6 Eby, Amanda, married Tobias Martin 536 6 Eby, Anna D., married Daniel G. Brubaker 540 6 Eby, Cyrus D., married Elisabeth Brubaker 538 6 Eby, Henry D., married Nannie Shrock 537 6 Eby, Mary D., married Owen Snider 535 6 Eby, Susanna D., married Menno B. Hoffman 539 6 Edwards, Lillie May, married William Edgerty 274 6 Eyman, Anna, married David M. Witmer 340 6 Eyman, Elisabeth, married John Grody 339 6 Eyman, Mary, married Isaac Lichty 341 6 Flory, Charles F., married Minta Brouhard 734 6 Flory, Christena C, married Frederic E. Brown.... 730 6 Flory, Isaac D., married Ida Broadhurst 732 6 Flory, Jacob Andrew, married Constance Doty 735 6 Flory, Joseph H., married Alice Webber 731 6 Flory, Sarah E., married George W. Barker 733 6 Freeland, Amos A., married Emma L. Long 824 6 Freeland, Allen M., married Bertha Dean 825 6 Freeland, Homer H., married Mabel Berridge 826 6. Freeland, Sarah B., married Homer F. Ankney 823 6 Garber, Charles W., married Belle Mauck 809 6 Garber, Homer B., married Maggie J. Monger 810 5 Geil, Barbara A., married Jacob S. Beard 158 5 Geil, Catharine V., married Joseph H. Brunk 157 5 Geil, Joseph W., married Anna R. Beery 159 6 Good, Aaron W., married Salome Blosser 623 6 Good, Amos I„ married Essie G. Rodgers 604 5 Good, Barbara C, married Jacob D. Suter 135 5 Good, Christena, married Abraham P. Myers 136 6 Good, Daniel, married Sarah E. Kennedy 621 5 Good, Elisabeth, married James Keister 137 5 Good, Elisabeth, m. Benj. Hartman & M. A. Hoover. .605 5 Good, Elisha W., married Lovina Rohrer 606 6 Good, Eli, married Elisabeth B. Dettwiler 766 6 Good, E. W., married Sarah Blosser 624 6 Good, Emma, married J. L. Singleton 599 242 Gen. No. 5 Good, Frances, married John Moyer 607 6 Good, Ida, married Arthur T. Warick 603 5 Good, Isaac, married Mary E. Ashenfelter 138 6 Good, Isaac S., married Fannie Miisser 634 5 Good, Isaiah R., married Anna A. Rohrer 600 5 Good, Israel I., married Magdalana Burlvholder 589 5 Good, Jacob, married Mary A. Best 609 5 Good, John F., m. Hannah B. Ralston & Ida Parnell.139 6 Good, John, married Sallie Brezeal 597 6 Good, Joseph R., married Mattie M. Miller 601 6 Good, Joseph W., married Ella Brake 622 6 Good, Laura, married J. H. Lawrence 598 5 Good, Lydia Ann, married Peter Y. Lehman. 590 6 Good, Mary Ann, single 625 5 Good, Mary Ann, married Jacob K. Beiler 635 5 Good, Margaret, married George R. Parson 610 6 Good, Sarah A., married John A. Metzler 602 6 Good, Susanna, married Jacob A. Sears 633 5 Grabill, Anna, married Alvin L. Kulp 454 5 Grabill, Ephraim, m'd Helena Grantz and Catharine Christophel 425 5 Grabill, Mary, married Abraham M. Blosser 326 5 Grabill, Noah, m. Emeline Hernley & Sarah Weaver. 428 5 Grove, Abraham F., married Mary M. Blosser 154 5 Grove, Anna M., married James Keiser 150 5 Grove, Barbara, married John Stover 108 5 Grove, Barbara C., married Dewitt C. Niswander. . . .151 5 Grove, Catharine, married Joseph Garber 112 5 Grove, Elisabeth E., married Jacob F. Flory 107 5 Grove, Fannie S., married Franklin E. Weaver 155 5 Grove, Henry M., married Emma S. Wine 149 5 Grove, Isaac, married Elisabeth Landes 114 5 Grove, Jacob S., married Mary E. Garber 152 5 Grove, Jacob A., married Emma Craig 116 5 Grove, Joseph W., died single 109 5 Grove, Joseph W., married Kate A. Flory 148 5 Grove, Mary, married Samuel Wampler Ill 5 Grove, Mary E., married Benj. Franklin Garl^er 153 5 Grove, Nancy, married William Garber 110 5 Grove, Noah, married Ella Wood 115 243 Gen. " No. 5 Grove, Robert A., married Ella Cliesney 156 5 Grove, Susanna, married Henry F. Borden 113 6 Grove, Sallie Estelle, married H. W. Teats 816 5 Hawse, Ella Kate, married Lewis Higgles 717 5 Hawse, Enos T., married Maggie Riggleman 713 5 Hawse, Jasper L., married Elisabeth Markli 715 5 Hawse, John J., married Dora B. Swank 711 5 Hawse, Lillie D., married W. F. Atkinson 716 5 Hawse, Maggie L., married W. F. Mj^ers 712 5 Hawse, Mary B., married B. C. Fechtig 714 6 Head, Barbara F., married William Blosser 627 6 Head, Peter B., married Mattie Wine 628 6 Heatwole, Nellie V., married Eugene Suters 467 5 Hedrick, Amos L., married Abbie Longanacre 584 5 Hedrick, George H., married Nannie E. Shepherd. . .580 5 Hedrick, Lucy F., married William Ellis 582 5 Hedrick, Madison L., married Mary Wise 581 5 Hedrick, Moses C., married Mary Clevenger 583 5 Hedrick, Stephen F., married Callie Ellis 579 5 Hershberger, Elisabeth, married Christian Shantz...398 6 Keiser, Lottie V., married Henry Brower 834 5 Kolb, John B., married Mary Troub 30 6 Kulp, Glendora, married Clayton H. Mann 455 6 Kulp, Minnie Dell, married Harry Pretty 456 5 Landes, Daniel, married Barbara Layman 474 5 Landes, Daniel, married Columbia J. Tutwiler 488 5 Landes, David H., m. Mary Beery & Hannah J. Funk. 477 6 Landes, David C, married Ida Belle Craig 487 6 Landes, Elisabeth, married Anthony Showalter 478 5 Landes, Elisabeth, married Eli A. Garber 495 6 Landes, Frances, married Jacob A. Fultz 475 5 Landes, John W., married Anna Harshbarger 482 6 Landes, John A., married Priscilla Beery 476 5 Landes, Joseph, married Elisabeth Miller 486 5 Landes, Lydia, married Christian Miller 490 6 Landes, Martha J., married Robert L. Moore 485 5 Landes, Margaret, married Martin V. Cline 496 6 Landes, Mary J., married John H. Sipe 489 6 Landes, Nannie C, married Moses Wenger 480 6 Landes, Nettie A., married J. Edward Rankin 484 244 No. ,479 .483 .59G Gen. 6 Landes, Sarah, married Andrew H, Berry 6 Landes, Sarah E., married Isaac N. Grove 6 Lehman, Amos C, married Bertha 6 Lehman, David G., married Julia Hauffman 591 6 Lehman, Elisabeth, married Harrison Miller 595 6 Lehman, Isaac G., married Naomi J. Weaver 593 6 Lehman, Noah A., married Anna Garber 594 6 Lehman, Sarah A., married Samuel Blough 592 6 Lichty, Henry, married Velina Brubacher 353 6 Lichty, Mary Ann, married Josiah Weber 354 6 Lichty, Sarah J., married John P. Steiner 355 6 Long, R. Hubert, married Maude Hoover .359 6 Long, Carrie E., married Frank B. Willis 360 Abraham, married Maria Horst 6 Abraham H., married Mary Ann Enders. . . .342 Abraham W., married Lydia Miller 407 Anna, married Joseph W. Dettweiler. 421 Anna, married Aaron Sensenig 804 Anna, married John Rhodes 722 Anna W., married Menno Eberly 770 Barbara, married John E. Risser and Henry Baer 409 Cora Etta, married Oliver Meyers 343 Clarence H., married Anna W. Stanton 344 Daniel, married Elisabeth Lapp and Elisa- D. Waller 236 Daniel W., married Anna Ruler 319 Daniel W., married Rebecca S. Shank 413 Daniel, married Amanda Dettwiler 830 David W., married Maria Nolt 437 David, married Catharine Leib 723 Effie R., married Granville H. Metsker 345 Elisabeth, married Jacob L. Horst 408 Elisabeth Jane, married Irvin Schooley 832 Elisabeth, married Peter Rhodes 724 Ephraim, married Elisabeth Schifla 831 Isaac, married Margaret Lechleiter 291 Isaac W., married Mary H. Eby 412 John W., married Amanda H. Hertz 805 John W., married Emma Schneider 284 4 Martin, 5 Martin, 6 Martin, 5 Martin, 6 Martin, 5 Martin, 7 Martin, 6 Martin, H. E 6 Martin, 6 Martin, 5 Martin, beth 5 Martin, 6 Martin, 6 Martin, 7 Martin, 5 Martin, 6 Martin, 6 Martin, 6 Martin, 5 Martin, 6 Martin, 6 Martin, 6 Martin, 6 Martin, 7 Martin, 245 Gen. No. 6 Martin, John, married Elisabeth Stickler 375 6 Martin, John W., married Amanda Horst 406 7 Martin, John W., married Magdalana Martin 768 6 Martin, Joseph W., married Hettie B. Horst 411 7 Martin, Joseph W., married Elisabeth Nolt 769 6 Martin, Josiah W., married Catharine M. Kliipertanz.397 6 Martin, Leander, married Flora Liebler 374 5 Martin, Levi, married Catharine Good 725 5 Martin, Maria, married Jacob Berry 727 6 Martin, Mary Ann, married Perry Adgate 833 5 Martin, Mary W., married Ephraim Miisser 320 7 Martin, Menno W., married Anna Zimmerman 767 5 Martin, Moses, married Leah Eshelman 726 7 Martin, Nora H., married Daniel Whitmyer 808 6 Martin, Samuel W., married Christina S. Keener. .. .410 6 Martin, Sarah, married Alfred H. Wright 373 7 Martin, Sarah N., married Noah B. Zimmerman. .. .436 5 Martin, Simon P., married Eliza Sidler 321 6 Martin, Simon P. (no account of marriage) 829 6 Martin, Stella Edna, married Charles M. Baldwin. . . .346 6 Martin, Susanna, married David Wilson 290 6 Martin, Susanna (no account of marriage) 827 6 Martin, Susanna, married George Siebert 367 5 Martin, Susanna, married Christian Blocher 402 6 Martin, Susanna, married John Sensenig 806 6 Martin, William, married Clara C. Geil 828 5 Meyers, Absalom, married Lovina Moyer 749 6 Meyers, Angelia O., married George B. Woomer. . . .761 5 Meyers, Barbara, married Benj. Brubaker and Wendel C. Bowman 750 5 Meyers, Diana, married Henry Witmer 740 5 Meyers, Eliab, married Sarah M. Dawes 742 5 Meyers, Elisabeth, married Isaac L. Bowman 747 5 Meyers, Hannah, married Aaron C. Bowman 748 5 Meyers, John W., m'd Angeline Snyder and Sarah C. McDowell 751 6 Meyers, John T., married Delinda Plum 762 6 Meyers, Josiah C, married Elisabeth B. Snyder 763 5 Meyers, Louisa A., married Henry Rudy, Wm. Stutz and Hiram Stauffer 741 246 Gen. No. 5 Meyers, Marian, married Horace PYeeland 745 6 Meyers, Marian S., married Isaac H. Hauptfaiirer. . .764 5 Meyers, Sarah, married Zimmerman Martin and David B. Schneider 746 5 Meyers, Solomon, married Caroline Krauter 743 6 Miller, Jacob C, married Elisabeth F. Morris 493 6 Miller, John D., married Flora Chandler 491 6 Miller, Joseph S., married Lucy L. Ritchie 492 6 Miller, Noah E., married Alice B. Shaver 494 5 Moyers, Bettie A., married Solomon Holsinger 639 5 Moyers, Isaac B., married Laura Frank 638 5 Moyers, Peter R., married Rosa Wagner 637 5 Moyers, Sallie M., married Noah F. Cline 640 6 Moyer, Silvester G., married Idella Bleile 608 6 Musser, Amanda, married Noah Whisler 419 6 Musser, Enos, married Catharine Doering 420 6 Myers, Anna E., married Benj. B. Shifflet 369 6 Myers, Annie R., married J. W. Showalter 562 6 Myers, Benj. F., married Sadie Brenneman 370 6 Myers, Charles S., m. Emma Black and Mary Snell. .372 6 Myers, Elisabeth S., married S. D. Zigler .....564 6 Myers, Hannah M., married Benj. Ritchie 371 5 Myers, Isaac W., married Alice Francisco 744 6 Myers, John W. S., married Annie E. Miller 563 6 Parsons, Amie A., married Elmer Hawkins 277 6 Parsons, Andrew H., married Martha Lenington. . . .278 5 Reed, Aaron, married Magdalana Snyder 559 4 Reed, Abraham I., married Mary Weaver 10 5 Reed, Abraham W., married Emma Sheets 586 5 Reed, Anna, married Samuel Ramer 560 4 Reed, Elisabeth, married John N. Christophel 552 5 Reed, Elias, married Mary D. Blosser 561 4 Reed, Harriet, married John M. Christophel 24 5 Reed, Henry W., married Emeline Crater 557 6 Reed, Lydia, married Ralph Slocum 558 5 Reed, Lydia, married Ramer 587 4 Reed, Mary Ann, married Peter Blosser 611 5 Reed, Mary, married Joel Schneider 283 4 Reed, Margaret, married Benjamin Good 588 247 Gen. No. 5 Reed, Noah W., married Catharine Pepple and Bar- bara Metzler 585 5 Rhodes, Abraham B., married Josephine Frank 789 5 Rhodes, Anna, married Isaac Taylor 791 5 Rhodes, Annie M., married Joseph Wenger 658 5 Rhodes, Ammi, married Clara B. Hilbard 794 5 Rhodes, Alice M., married W. H. Bartle 698 5 Rhodes, AnLhon3% married Ida E. Bush 793 5 Rhodes, Charles L., married Ora V. Smith 666 5 Rhodes, David B., married Mary C. Reamer 790 5 Rhodes, Elisabeth, married Jacob Martin 796 5 Rhodes, Elisabeth J., married Levi Rhodes 645 5 Rhodes, Emma S., married R. K. Brown 659 5 Rhodes, Emmer B., married Kate A. Long 695 5 Rhodes, Frances A., married Joseph F. Heatwole .... 642 5 Rhodes, Franklin R., married Laura W. Wood 661 5 Rhodes, Hiram, married Mary J. Foltz 795 5 Rhodes, Ida C, married Erasmus Shank 648 5 Rhodes, Ida F., married Lewis Driver 665 5 Rhodes, Ira J., married Jennie Gibbons 701 5 Rhodes, Isaac Newton, married Rebecca Zirkle 662 5 Rhodes, John A., married Lydia Hogan 643 5 Rhodes, Levi S., married Dorcas Simmers 792 5 Rhodes, Luther H., married Ella M. Nair 700 5 Rhodes, Lydia A., married J. B. Heatwole 646 5 Rhodes, Maggie A., married John Hinton 663 5 Rhodes, Martin B., married Elisabeth Brunk 644 5 Rhodes, Mary M., married R. S. Rhodes 647 5 Rhodes, Marion B., married Emma M. Myers 696 5 Rhodes, Raleigh N., married Sallie C. Simmers 699 5 Rhodes, Sallie A., married William H. Speck 660 6 Rhodes, Sallie Elisabeth, married Charles O. Taylor. 797 5 Rhodes, Samuel J., married Catharine Niswander. ., .664 5 Rhodes, Solomon E., married Susanna Heatwole and Rebecca J. Burkholder 641 5 Rhodes, Sophia C, married John T. Roudabush 657 5 Rhodes, Virginia F., married John A. Yates 697 5 Rodgers, Catharine F., married J. Harrison Burdett. .799 5 Rodgers, James M., married Emma Dunsmore 800 5 Rodgers, Mary C, married Matthew Humphreys 801 248 Gen. No. 5 Rodgers, Sallie A., married Robert McDowell 798 5 Rodgers, Samuel E., married Emma Williams 802 5 Rodgers, Susie J., married Nelson White 803 6 Rudy, Emma, married Henry Adams 758 6 Rudy, Eliza, married David W. Near .757 6 Schneider, Emma, married John W. Martin 284 5 Schrock, Elisabeth, married Daniel W. Stauffer. . . .358 5 Schrock, Eli 308 G Schrock, John S., married Cora E. Fletcher 361 5 Schrock, John, m'd Esther Weldy and Maria Shirk. .356 5 Schrock, Joseph, married Margaret Stauffer 357 5 Schrock, Maria, married Jacob Berky 506 6 Schrock, Noah, married Clara Weaver 362 6 Schrock, Salome, married Daniel Rentier 363 5 Schrock, Sarah, married Christian Good 632 7 Sensenig, Anna, married John W. Hoover 432 7 Sensenig, Anna, married David N. Zimmerman 443 7 Sensenig, Emma, married Jeremiah M. Martin 438 7 Sensenig, David W., married Barbara Buckwalter. . .439 7 Sensenig, Magdalena, married Samuel H. Nolt 440 7 Sensenig, Martin, married Mary A. Martin 807 5 Shank, Anna, married George O. Roudabush 649 5 Shank, Amos, married Fannie Knicely 656 5 Shank, Catharine, married M. A. Layman 684 5 Shank, Charles G., married Fannie Weaver 685 5 Shank, Christena, married Isaac Kohlie 47 5 Shank, Erasmus, married Ida C. Rhodes 654 5 Shank, Fannie M., married J. C. McNett 681 5 Shank, Hettie, married David Burkholder 682 5 Shank, Isaac S., married Rebecca J. Smith 655 5 Shank, Jacob L., married Fannie Good 687 5 Shank, Jacob, married Vantrumii. 653 5 Shank, John, married Nancy Gulp 45 5 Shank, John W., married Hannah F. Heatwole 683 5 Shank, Laura, married Hugh A. Heatwole 686 5 Shank, Lydia, married William H. Suter 652 5 Shank, Mary M., married Robert Mason 650 6 Shank, Mollie C, married Daniel Kauffman 518 5 Shank, Rebecca, married A. D. Weaver 651 5 Shank, Rebecca, married Isaac Hobegger 46 249 Gen. No. 6 Shank, Sarah E., married Daniel Mohler 517 6 Shantz, Charles, married Mary E. Kiilp 399 6 Shantz, J. Milton, married Mary E. Cox 401 6 Shantz, Minnie A., married Henry L. Horning 400 5 Sheifley, Amanda, married Franklin Meyer 618 5 Sheifley, Barbara, married Christian Keller 620 5 Sheifley, Gideon, married Susanna Martin 617 5 Sheifley, Priscilla, married Enoch Snyder 619 5 Snyder, Matilda, married Henry B. Dettwiler 378 7 Souder, Elisabeth, married Frank Crapsey 551 7 Steffy, Emma W., married Isaac H. Wenger 451 7 Steffy, Elisabeth W., married Samuel Jacobs 452 5 Stone, Jeffrey, married Viola G. Roys 389 5 Stone, W. Floyd, married Anna W. Merrill 390 6 Strope, George W., married Hattie Basset 675 6 Stutz, May, married Wilbur Mayes 759 6 Stutz, Moses W., married Loretta Irving 760 6 Suter, Andrew G., married Verdie Good 240 6 Suter, Fannie H., married John Heatwole 242 6 Suter, Isaac C, married Bettie Swank 239 6 Suter, John D., married Sallie Cline 238 6 Suter, Mary A., married John Sharp 241 6 Wampler, Ida C, married Frank Diehl 811 6 Wampler, Bertie C, married Jacob Jones 812 6 Wampler, Bettie, married Taylor Weller 813 5 Weber, Anna, married Dilman Snyder 302 6 Weber, Agnes A., married D. E. McCreery 312 6 Weber, Allen W., not married 316 5 Weber, Catharine, married Henry Shoemaker 303 6 Weber, Daniel, married Augusta Cookman 295 5 Weber, Eli, married Eliza Meyer 301 6 Weber, Elisabeth, married John Dierlamm 305 6 Weber, Elmina E., married William Cooper 313 6 Weber, Ephraim, married Leah Snider 384 6 Weber, Ezra, married Catharine Rapp 306 6 Weber, Franklin C, married Maggie Gerrie 311 6 Weber, Herman C, not married 315 5 Weber, Hiram, not married 304 5 Weber, Isaac, married Magdalena Shuh 298 6 Weber, Israel, married Elisabeth Wanner 388 250 ^^^- No. 6 Weber, Isabella, not married 314 5 Weber, Joseph, married Mary Cole 299 6 Weber, John, married Elisabeth Brant 307 6 Weber, Josiah 3gg 5 Weber, Jonas, married Catharine Ziegler ". . 294 5 Weber, Mary, married Aaron Weber 300 6 Weber, Menno, married Sarah Ann Knipe 309 6 Weber, Maurice E., not married 317 6 Weber, Matilda, married Reuben Snider 383 6 Weber, Phoebe, married J. W. Fear 310 5 Weber, Peter, married (unknown) 297 6 Weber, Reuben, married Mary Bricker 385 6 Weber, Sidney, married Caroline Wanner 387 5 Weber, Zimmerman, not married 296 6 Weber, Zulema, not married 318 6 Weaver, Aaron, married Anna Sensenig 500 6 Weaver, John W., married Clara B. Railing 499 6 Weaver, Jonas A., married Anna Soiider 497 6 Weaver, Magdalena, married Peter Reits 501 6 Weaver, Martin L., married Clara E. Walck 502 6 Weaver, Mary, married Daniel Shafer 504 6 Weaver, Samuel S., married Anna Elisabeth Wiles.. 503 6 Weaver, Susanna, married Israel Brindle 498 5 Wenger, Aaron, married Janet Philips 331 6 Wenger, Aaron V., single 814 6 Wenger, Aaron S., married Maria W. Martin 270 2 Wenger, Abraham, married (not known) 23 3 Wenger, Abraham, married Mary Grove and Anna Burkholder 14 4 Wenger, Abraham, married Sarah Geil 84 5 Wenger, Abraham, married Carrie Lehman 132 5 Wenger, Abraham B., married Sarah Hartman 184 5 Wenger, Adam, married Amanda Rhorer 144 6 V/enger, Addison, married Mildred Brinker 395 5 Wenger, Amos D., married Mary Hostetter and Anna Lehman 146 5 Wenger, Amos, married Elisabeth Nahrgang 332 6 Wenger, Amos N., married Carrie Sherk 549 6 Wenger, Amanda W., married Benj. G. Hildebrand. .775 3 Wenger, Anna, married Christian Coffman 11 251 Gen. 4 Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger 2 3 5 5 Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger No. Anna, married Joseph Harshbarger 67 Anna, married John P. Good 85 Anna R., married Jacob Lineweaver 98 Anna, married David F. Senger 120 Anna, married Benjamin Brenneman 142 Anna, married Henry Eyman 218 Anna, married Jonas H. Blosser 233 Anna, married Jacob Zimmerman 247 Anna, married Daniel Christophel 286 Anna M., married John D. Martin 391 Anna, married Isaac H. Martin 416 Anna W., married John G. Gets 771 B. Kate, m. Jacob Miller and Michael Miller. 99 Barbara, married Thomas Cox 79 Barbara, married Martin H. Grove 87 Barbara, married Jacob A. Andes 140 Barbara, married Abraham Martin 204 Barbara, married Isaiah Christophel 228 Barbara, married John W. Dettwiler 249 Barbara, married Elias Z. Martin 261 Barbara, married Henry Leimbach 288 Barbara, married John F. Brake 414 Barbara C, married Levi Stoltzfus 325 Benjamin, married Mary Ann Mauck 61 Benjamin, married Barbara Blosser 70 Benjamin Franklin, never married 161 Calvin, single 818 Catharine, married Isaac Grove 80 Catharine W., married David S. Brubaker. .773 Catharine E., married George R. Brunk....l85 Charles P., single (1900) 187 Charles R., married Miss Fulk 820 Christian, married Eve Grabiel 1 Christian, married Anna Brenneman 12 Christian, married Magdalena High and Elisabeth Good 22 Christian, married (not known) 27 Christian, married Frany Biicher 28 Christian, married Mary Wenger 58 Christian G., married Lovina Nogle 225 252 Gen. 5 Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger 6 Wenger 7 Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger 4 5 Mattie Sherk 59 5 Wenger 5 Wenger arine 4 Wenger 6 Wenger 6 Wenger 6 Wenger 6 Wenger 4 Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger W^enger Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger 6 Wenger 4 Wenger Wenger Wenger No. Christian M., married INIary Ann Gole 396 Christina, married William S. Reed 9 Christena, married Jacob Good 69 Christina, married Dominich Fry 459 Clara A., married David Geil 819 Clara A., married Sylvester Johnson 366 Daniel, married Sarah Coffman 74 Daniel B., married Maggie E. Jamison 188 Daniel, married Fannie M. Heatwole 232 Daniel, married Angeline Hagey 350 David, married Barbara Zimmerman 36 David, married Barbara Oberholser and David, married Dora B. Rhodes 125 David, married Sarah Stauffer and Cath- Weaver 202 David, married Amelia 458 David, married Susanna K. Horst 430 David A., married Maria M. Longanecker. .772 Eli, married Mary Troxel 263 Eli, married Susanna Witmer 287 Elias, m. Eliza Smith and Estelle M. Shaw, 75 Elisabeth, married Abraham Beery 63 Elisabeth, married Abraham Kindig 76 Elisabeth, married Jacob Blosser 82 Elisabeth, married Abraham Geil 97 Elisabeth, married Daniel J. Myers 117 Elisabeth, married Christian Martin 200 Elisabeth, married John Dettweiler 217 Elisabeth, married David Shantz 234 Elisabeth, married Peter Weber 250 Elisabeth M., married Benuel Bowman 303 Elisabeth D., married Martin M. Redcay 444 Elisabeth, married David W. Anker 450 Elisabeth, married Christian Landes 481 Eliza M., married B. A. Deffenbaugh 105 Emma C, married Mr. Dutrow S22 Ephraim, married Susanna Good 72 Esther, married Frederick Scheifley 257 Esther M., married Benjamin Lichty 349 253 Gen. No. 4 Wenger, Esther, never married 461 3 Wenger, Eva, married Abraham Martin 5 5 Wenger, Eva K., married Adam Linhoss 729 3 Wenger, Frany, married Jr*eter Weaver 29 5 Wenger, Fannie, married John Burliholder 60^ 4 Wenger, Fannie, married William T. Lineweaver. . . .101*' 6 Wenger, Fannie, married Christian Weaver 264 4 Wenger, Fannie, married Adam Bearing 462 6 Wenger, Francis S., married Mary A. Sengerwalt and Catharine S. Good . . » 269 6 Wenger, Fyanna, married Samuel Steffy 453 5 Wenger, Gideon, married Catharine E. Rhodes and Catharine V. Coiner 231 2 Wenger, Hans, married Anna Sherk 2 3 Wenger, Hans, married Barbara Gundie 66 2 Wenger, Henry, married (not known) 4 3 Wenger, Henry, married Anna Beery 65 5 Wenger, Henry H., married Sallie R. Swope 123 5 Wenger, Homer C, single (1903) 162 4 Wenger, Isaac, married Lydia Brenneman 83 5 Wenger, Isaac B., married Mary Liila Beery 124 5 Wenger, Isaac G., married Elisabeth VoUwiler 224 4 Wenger, Isaac, married Mary Bowman 253 7 Wenger, Isaac H., married Emma Steffey 441 6 Wenger, Isaac B., married Ella M. Haldeman 630 6 Wenger, Inez, married Frederic L. Klahn 415 3 Wenger, Jacob, married Rachael Floyd 15 4 Wenger, Jacob, married Hannah Brenneman 86 5 Wenger, Jacob C, Susanna Virginia Suter 122 5 Wenger, Jacob, married Magdalena Hunsperger 226 6 Wenger, Jacob N., married Mary Hartman and Lydia Shoemaker 285 6 Wenger, Jacob, married Hettie Bennies 429 4 Wenger, Jacob, married Nancy Curran and Re- becca Flack 464 6 Wenger, Jerusha, married Jesse P. Brenneman 324 3 Wenger, John, married Frances Coff man 13 4 Wenger, John, married Susanna Sherk and Bar- bara Sensenig 35 4 Wenger, John, married Miss Burkholder 73 254 Gen. ^^ 4 Wenger, John W., married Mary E. Cress, Susan J. Tobias and Anna R. Tisinger 77 4 Wenger, Jolm B., married Anna Shank 81 5 Wenger, John A., married Sallie R. Driver 118 5 Wenger, John J., married Isa Nellie Beery 127 5 Wenger, John R., married Katie Bowman 129 5 Wenger, John H., married Cora Blaylock 160 5 Wenger, John S., married Esther Newswanger 201 5 Wenger, John M., married Nannie J. Byerly 235 6 Wenger, John S., never married 267 6 Wenger, John W., married Leah iMartin 446 4 Wenger, John, married Nancy Reynolds, Phoebe Paxton and Mrs. Cast 460 4 Wenger, Jonas, married Maria A. Martin, Anna Weber and Eliza Zeigler Kolb 255 5 Wenger, Jonas G., married Fannie Martin 275 6 Wenger, Jonas, married Bertha Mauchmer 739 2 Wenger, Joseph, married Barbara Hoover and Anna Hochman 3 3 Wenger, Joseph, married Miss Martin and Elisa- beth Zimmerman 19 4 Wenger, Joseph, married Mary Grove 20 3 Wenger, Joseph, married Maria Horst 38 3 Wenger, Joseph, married Barbara Beery 62 4 Wenger, Joseph H., married Elisabeth L. McAfferty. 89 5 Wenger, Joseph, married Anna M. Rhodes and Etta M. Lutholtz 121 5 Wenger, Joseph W., married Mary B. Taylor 186 5 Wenger, Joseph, married Susanna Martin 216 4 Wenger, Joseph, married Sarah Garman 248 6 Wenger, Joseph, married Elisabeth H. Suavely 435 6 Wenger, .Joseph, single 815 6 Wenger, Joseph L., married Miss Zirkle 821 5 Wenger, Lewis, married Sarah M. Lehman and Mary J. Lehman 134 5 Wenger, Levi A., married Mary Miller TOO 5 Wenger, Louisa, married John L. Craig 237 7 Wenger, Lovina, married William Stouder 364 5 Wenger, Lydia, married Cyrus B. Showalter 143 5 Wenger, Lydia, married Joseph S. Cressman 351 255 Gen. 6 Wenger 3 Wenger 5 Wenger 5 Wenger 4 Wenger 4 Wenger 6 Wenger 6 Wenger 5 Wenger 3 Wenger 4 Wenger 4 Wenger 4 Wenger 5 Wenger 5 Wenger 5 Wenger 4 Wenger 5 Wenger 6 Wenger 6 Wenger 7 Wenger 5 Wenger 6 Wenger 4 Wenger 5 Wenger 6 Wenger 6 Wenger 6 Wenger 3 Wenger 2 Wenger 5 Wenger 5 Wenger 6 Wenger 5 Wenger 5 Wenger 7 Wenger 5 Wenger 6 Wenger 5 Wenger 5 Wenger No. Lydia, married Benjamin W. High 434 Magdalena, married John K. Beery 64 Magdalena, married John J. Brunlc 147 Magdalena, married Abraham Weaver 205 Magdalena, married Henry Bowman 223 Magdalana, married Eli Schrock 256 Magdalena, married Ezra Sensenig 427 Magdalena, married Jacob Longenecker. . .449 Magdalana, married Thomas Head 626 Mary, married John Bare 7 Mary J., married Peter Wine 78 Mary, married Jacob Geil 88 Mary M., married David H. Myers 100 Mary M., married Samuel M. Hawkins 104 Mary E., married Lewis H. Shank 130 Mary, married Christian Wenger 198 Mary, married John Meyer 254 Mary, married Adam Brenneman 220 Mary S., married Joseph H. Martin 268 Mary Ann R., married David H. Lehman. . .323 Mary, married William Ganger 365 Mary Magdalena, married Beniiel Bowman. 392 Mary, married Samuel S. Burkholder 448 Mary, married John Landes 473 Martin H., married Barbara Shank 103 Martin D., married Nancy Stayrook 260 Martin W., married Ida R. Youndt 774 Mattie, married Robert Sherington 736 Michael, married Maria Martin 26 Michael (not known) 39 Michael, married Rosina Welty 131 Michael, married Barbara Sensenig 199 Michael, married Salome Troxel 262 Minnie C, married Jacob S. Geil 126 Mollie D., married Wm. D. Grove 163 Moses H., married Elisabeth M. Gockley..442 Moses, married Nannie C. Landes 480 Menno, married Jessie McCauley 738 Nancy C., married John L. Wampler 102 Nellie, married R. O. Pennewill 457 256 Gen. No 5 Wenger, Noah C, married Sarah Basinger 272 5 Wenger, Noah, married Isabelle Philip 330 6 Wenger, Noah, married Susan Loucks 352 5 Wenger, Peter M., married Hannah Eby 394 5 Wenger, Peter G., married Lydia Souder and Maria S. High 221 4 Wenger, Polly, married Peter Biirkholder 68 5 Wenger, Priscilla, married William W. Holsopple 133 6 Wenger, Rachael, married Charles B, Kilburn 631 6 Wenger, Rebecca S., married John Barnhart 629 4 Wenger, Sabina, married Jacob Cast 463 4 Wenger, Samuel, married Eva Kagy 71 5 Wenger, Samuel, married Elisabeth Stauffer 206 6 Wenger, Samuel S., married Rebecca Weaver 433 6 Wenger, Samuel W., married Ella R. Gabel 447 5 Wenger, Samuel, married Elisabeth A. Landes 547 6 Wenger, Sarah, married Henry R. Sensenig 431 6 Wenger, Serranus, married Livia Bushert 817 5 Wenger, Solomon B., married Sallie J. Beery and Belle I. Gruey 141 5 Wenger, Solomon 728 5 Wenger, Susanna, married Joseph Martin 203 5 Wenger, Susanna, married Martin Good 219 4 Wenger, Susanna, married Joseph C. Martin 252 4 Wenger, Susanna, married Samuel Grabill 271 6 Wenger, Susanna, married Urias Steffy 445 5 Wenger, Timothy, married Mary Powell 145 5 Wenger, William H., married Florence Leona Moore. 128 7 Wenger, William G., married Sarah Reich 289 6 Wenger, William Henry, m. Flora Belle Hammond.. 737 4 Wenger, Zimmerman, never married 251 5 Wenger, Zimmerman G., married Elisabeth Karrer..227 4 Winger, Ann Eliza, married Joseph B. Stone and Willis G. White 377 5 Winger, Alice R., married Ralph Graham 182 5 Winger, Amtzi, married Emma Adams 282 5 Winger, Barbara Ivydelle, married A. C. Stephenson. 470 5 Winger, Bertha, married Walter A. Markley 404 5 Winger, Clarence B., married Flora Bartlett 179 5 Winger, Cynthia C, married Calvin K. Howe 333 17 257 Gen. No. 6 Winger, Eva H., married William H. Sesser 348 5 Winger, Harvey H., married Sarah Crawford 279 5 Winger, Harry B., married Clara B. McCreight 181 5 Winger, Henrietta, married John D. Edwards 273 4 Winger, Henry M., married Mary W. Hannah 468 5 Winger, Jacob H., married EfRe M. Pierce 472 5 Winger, Jesse A., married Liila Norwood .183 4 Winger, John, married Ella Gallagher 403 5 Winger, Joseph L., married EfRe J. Bennett 335 5 Winger, Joseph F., single (1902) 471 4 Winger, Levi, married Abby Harrison 258 6 Winger, Levi J., married Mattie Miller 280 5 Winger, Loyal F., married Eunice Clark 336 5 Winger, Martha L., married John H. Barcraft 334 5 Winger, Melissa, married Liender Webb 281 5 Winger, Minnie E., married Benj. L. Sanders 405 5 Winger, Phoebe E., married Merrill C. Parsons 276 5 Winger, Rachael E., married John Long 293 5 Winger, Rachael Anabelle, married Fred Watson... 469 4 Winger, Richard, married Margaret Brady 96 5 Winger, Sarah E., married Oscar P. Mannen 180 5 Winger, Timothy J., married Elmira Dixon 347 7 Wilson, Annora, married Simon Schmiicker 292 6 Witmer, Aaron M., married Hattie Phomas 756 6 Witmer, Angeline, married Samuel A. Gill 755 6 Witmer, David M., married Anna Eyman 752 6 Witmer, Hannah, married Frank Sherk 753 6 Witmer, Mary Ann, married George Haffer 754 5 Zimmerman, Christian, married Barbara Martin 507 6 Zimmerman, Christian, married Barbara Weaver. .. .508 6 Zimmerman, Elisabeth, married Elam Martin 516 6 Zimmerman, Henry, married Charlotte Huffard 511 5 Zimmerman, Isaac, married Catharine Messner 515 5 Zimmerman, Jacob, married Elisabeth Martin 509 6 Zimmerman, Jacob, married Martha B. Frankfort. . .512 5 Zimmerman, Joseph, married Anna Martin 322 6 Zimmerman, Moses, married Frances Sensenig 513 7 Zimmerman, Rufus, married Lydia S. Weaver 514 6 Zimmerman, Samuel, married Salinda Witmyer. . . .510 5 Zirkle, Maude M., married E. E. Roller 710 258 INDEX OF ILLUSTRATIONS. No. 260. Martin D. Wenger Frontispiece No. 15. Jacob Wenger and Wife Page 16 No. 19. The Old Home of Joseph Wenger, in Lancaster Co., Pa 24 and 32 No. 22. The Old Home of Christian Wenger, in Lancaster Co., Pa 40 No. 37. Bishop Samuel Coffman 56 No. 52. Bishop L. J. Heatwole 64 No. 62. Barbara (Beery) Wenger 72 No. 64. Magdalena (Wenger) Beery 88 No. 65. Henry Wenger 96 No. 81. John B. Wenger and Wife 104 No. 82. Elisabeth (Wenger) Blosser 120 No. 83. Isaac Wenger, Sr 128 No. 87. Barbara (Wenger) Grove 136 No. 88. Mary (Wenger) Geil 152 No. 89. Joseph H. Wenger 160 No. 193. Daniel Coffman 168 No. 194. Anna (Coffman) Hedrick 184 No. 224. Isaac G. Wenger 192 No. 225. Christian G. Wenger 200 No. 227. Zimmerman G. Wenger 216 No. 275. Jonas G. Wenger 224 No. 321. Simon P. Martin and Wife 232 No. 394. Peter M. Wenger and Family 248 Note. — For convenience in binding it was necessary to distribute the illustrations through the entire book, al- though the Numbers are nearly all in the first half of the History. 259 KD 247 rvf, o :* '^^ A ¥». "^. X- / 0°^, I ' » A <. <^ . ^<5> •■^' y 4 <^ . '*%o-'-, ,x- <*. ' . . « « c .^ .U ■o. ^^ r . r. a / T A <^ DOBBS BROS. LiailARV BINDING •, 1. -^ t ' - XT/. • K ^ Vc, o 7^, .ST. AJGUSTINE i^ FLA. 32084 '^ ^-..^^ vP <-," Library OF CONGRESS liiiii 0J21 548 3678