xV-^^ * • !»•- *--o^ :# > .-^^. ■'^-o* r^^fe'-. ^a/ :i ' e H o' t » ^^ :^6^ A-^ ^-o.^'^ » " ° *^ « • • * o > »^ ' O M O '^^^ o°^^^>% //i^'\ oq^.^^jsutA /^^^^ 35th Congress, ) HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. C Report 1st session. ) j ^■^■^^^l .Co-2 ^t^ .<).A^ ROBINSON GAMMON. [To accompany Bill H. R. No. 525.] April 17, 1858. Mr. Chaffee, from the Committee on Invalid Pensions, made the following REPORT. The Committee on Invalid Pensions, to whom were referred the petition and papers of Bobinson Gammon, submit the following report: That his case was before the Committee on Invalid Pensions at the first session of the 34th Congress, and was favorably acted on, as will be seen by the following report, which your committee will adopt : T/ie Committee on Invalid Pensions, toivhomwas referred the petition of Robinson Gammon for a pension, ask leave to report: That said Gammon, on or about the 10th day of September, A. D. 1814, was called out on an alarm to serve in the war declared by* the United States against Great Britain on the 18th day of June, 1812 ; that at the time of said alarm the petitioner lived in Buckfield, in the State of Maine ; that he marched from Buckfield to Portland, in said State, in a company commanded by Captain Chase ; that after his ar- rival at Portland he was drafted into Captain James Harlow's com- pany of Col. Ryerden's regiment of Massachusetts militia, and re- mained in service forty days, and was honorably discharged there- from ; that said march from Buckfield was a forced march, in which he contracted a disease in his feet and legs, which has continued from that time up to the present. Said disease has continued to increase, until the said petitioner is now a cripple, without any hope of re- covery. From the proof it further appears that the petitioner is a poor man, with no visible means of support. The foregoing facts are proved to our satisfaction by the evidence accompanying the petition. There is also a petition signed by nearly all the legal voters in the town where the petitioner resides, in aid of his said petition. For the foregoing reasons the committee believe the said Robinson Gammon justly entitled to the relief prayed for, and report the ac- companying Ml, and recommend that the same pass. The committee report a bill granting relief, to commence on the 3d day of December, 1856. W46 -v'pl, i ^^6. ' « , .,_ .0- <;K * ^^ ^* A ^ ^ «'^^P«^'» ■or ^ • \^^*/ \/w^'\/ %^^'/ \*^ ** A <. ♦•^rvT* .0^ '^ 'o.»* A <. ♦TtvT*