iHiiiiiii^^ . 16 D34 1920 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS DDDDS^71bEA ^' y^ .V *: =^: ^-^^^ ■o<.**Trr:^' aO 'bV" q.. *.»^'* ^0' V'; ♦ AT ^ ^.•/°- •I o ^ °^ * • ' ^ • A? ^^ * • I :-. ^^-"^ r'Sfe': '^*-^** •«'•• "^-^^ :'^ ^ov^ :iSi^'- ^--0^ !^^B-. -ov^ :£M^^\ '^^o^ •- V^^ ^0»V "Pa, •* .0 .f" .. ''t' *•••• ^y ^, ♦ • ■ o ' .^* ^J-***'"^* aV b_ ♦-^:^* A 'oK ^^0^ :. ,^^-^-X /^is^%\ ^''^;^'.\ ^"^ '^^^ ' Adopted 17721 MEDAL OF THE SOCIETY OF THE FRIENDLY SONS OF SAINT PATRICK On 4\e right Hibemia — on ihe l«fft Amenca — in A\e centre Libert;? (oining the bands of Hibernia and Amenca, represented by tbe usual figures of a female supported by a Harp for Hibernia — an Indian Witb Kis quiiJer on bis back, and bis bow slung, for America — underneath. Unite. On tbe rrOerse, St. Patrick trampling on a snake — a cross in Kis band— dressed in Pontificalibus, — tbe motto "Hier". Tbese devices, designed some years before tbe Revolution, were certainly omirious, if not prophetic, — The Goddess of Liberty" joining the hands of Hibernia and Amenca, with me superscnption, "Unite", was siifpaentl}? significant, considenng (bat tbe effect of that union powerfully promoted 4ie subsequent dismemberment of tbe British Empire, and the establishment of nspicuously absent, for a reason which must have been fully understood by THE FRIENDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK g all, though no hint of it is given in the minutes. Within a month and a week of that jovial gathering, an anonymous Paul Revere from Trenton, galloping up to the City Tavern, brought the first news of the shot fired at Lexington by the embattled farmers. Then there was work a-plenty to the liking of the Friendly Sons. The enrollment of citizens for home defense began, and military companies galore sprang up. Most famous among these appear the "Greens," who drilled twice daily in the yard of John Cadwalader, who was their captain, and who, in the kindness of his heart, "set out his madeira for the men to refresh themselves on after drill." The quarterly meetings of June and September were held, without incidents of moment, so far as may be gathered from the minutes, but in the record of the gathering on December i8, 1775, we read of "a motion being made and seconded that Thomas Batt, a member of this Society, should be expelled for taking an active part against the Liberties of America." Then follows the announcement, startlingly refreshing when we consider the ticklish tension of the times and the impulsive natures of the members, that "Determination was postponed till the next meeting- in order for a more deliberate Consideration." The Friendly Sons were most patient with this Batt. They knew it was his paltry half-pay that prompted him to align himself with the Royalists. Perhaps they knew, too, that bigger fish than he were in the same net. The American patriots could not have been wholly unacquainted with the fact, which is now known to all of us who have access to Boswell's ''Life of Johnson" that the great Doctor of English Letters was induced by something of the same fear, regarding his pension from the King, to write his infamous pamphlet, "Taxation No Tyranny." At any rate, it is to the credit of those Friendly Sons that for three months they did give "deliberate consideration" to Batt's case; but it is still more to their credit that upon March 17, 1776, they unanimously decided to rid themselves of this one unworthy member of the Society, which Washington was pleased — shortly before he himself became an adopted member — to characterize as "Distinguished 10 THE FRIES DLY SOS'S OF ST. PATRICK for the firm adherence of its members to the glorious cause in which we are embarked." In the minutes of that notable meeting in March. 1776, military titles began to blossom before the names of erstwhile plain citizens: Colonels Anthony Wayne and Stephen Moylan. Major Samuel Meredith. Captain William West, and Commodore Andrew Caldwell. A mere corporal's guard attended the June meeting, and then comes the eloquent record: — "Xotk: — The state of Pennsylvania having been invaded, and the city oi Philadelphia taken by the British Army under the Command of Gen'l Sir William Howe in September. 1777. the StKMety had no meeting till September. 1778. the niinutes of the meetings in Sept'r and Dec'r. iJ/(^. and in March and June. 1777, are unfortunately lost." It is. of course, impossible to follow during those two memorable years the activities of all those "far-flung Gaels." but we can picture, in our proud fancy. Captain John P>arry sweeping the blue, "the first to put to sea on a regularly commissioned national vessel for a regular cruise" : we can stand beside Andrew Caldwell. Commodore of the Pennsylvania Xavy. on the (juarter- deck of the flagshij) of his little fleet which repelled the British ships "Roebuck" auil "Liverpool" in the Delaware River in May. 177^: we can follow Thomas McKean. during his brief command of a battalion of reserves, and Colonel Anthony Wayne and Colonel John Shee at the head of two other battalions: we can acccument for THE FRIENDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK ii publication from the rough draught of Jefferson, and another Irishman, Thomas Dunlap, who first printed it and pubHshed it to the world. During" those two years unnoted in the minutes Valley Forge had come into existence ; the battles of Germantown, Trenton and Princeton had been fought ; and in all these heroic activities the Friendly Sons had been prominent. Even after the evacuation of Philadelphia by the British in 1778 there was but slim attend- ance at the meetings, many members being recorded as "at camp" or "beyond sea" — phrases big with import. These laconic minutes are interesting mainly for their first introduction to us of new members whose names were already writ large in American History. John Barry makes his first formal appearance as a member ; and so does Blair McClenachan, fiery City Trooper and powerful politician, but, most of all, the patriotic financier who was the strong right hand of Robert Morris. Morris and McClenachan, with contributions of £10,000 each — a prodigious sum in those days — headed the list of subscribers in the movement undertaken in 1780 to establish the Bank of Pennsylvania for the purpose of supplying provisions "for the armies of the United States." Of the magnificent total of £315,000 raised, thirty members of the Friendly Sons pledged more than one-third. The bank opened in July, 1780, and continued in operation until the establishment, on July 7, 1782, of the Bank of North America, which — according to Gouge's History of Paper Money and Banking — "appears to have sprung from it, and to have monopolized the glory which belonged to the old bank of Pennsylvania, of having rendered essential service to the country during the revolution." Now we come to the Crowning Glory. Between the lines of records even so meagre as those in the old minute-book of the Friendly Sons it is possible to read in the entries of 1781 indica- tions of the approaching end of the war. The attendance was again becoming full, and the lists of distinguished guests were a succession of historic processions, showing that the members were getting back to their peace-time haunts and avocations, 12 THE FRIENDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK and that the pressure upon the new nation's heroic figures was relaxing. Speaker Muhlenberg, among others, was at the St. Patrick's Day dinner of 1781. and so was Chevalier Paul Jones. John Barry was "beyond sea," though these two pre-eminent naval worthies did sit at table together in September. 1783. "It was a comnKjn occurrence." says Campbell, in his history of the Society, "to elect military and naval officers to member- ship." The reasDU being, evidently, because it would have been uncommon to hit upon an eligible Irishman who wasn't one or the other. At any rate, in quick succession came General William Irvine, (ieneral Henry Knox, General Edward Hand. Surgeon- General Cochran. Colonel Charles Stewart, Colonel Thomas Robinson, Captain Isaac All. Captain Thomas Read, Captain Thomas Green and Colonel Richard Butler. With the Society's heightened military complexion it is natural that the eyes and the thoughts of the members should center upon ^ne beloved object, and it isn't surprising to read in the minutes, under date of December 7. 1781, that the President and his Council "agreed and ordered the Secretary to Invite his Excellency General Washington and the Gentlemen of his suit in the name of the Society to dinner on Monday, the 17th inst.. at the City Tavern, but that this deviation from the rules of the Society should never be deem'd a precedent hereafter. "X. B. — His Excellency, having been previously engaged, could not coni|)ly with the abo\e request." .\n inspired member at the regular December meeting, held ten days later — it is regrettable that his identity has been withheld from us — was responsible for the suggestion that the Friendly Sons must have General Washington not only as a guest but as a member. Since the honorary membership — for those not of Irish birth or descent — was full, George Washington was "unanimously adopted as a member of this Society." "Thus." says Campbell, "making an Irishman out of him so far as it was in their power to do so." And in that connection, it may be mentioned, in passing, that tlii-^ :u-i ni.iv, .ifftT all. lia\ e been akin THE FRIENDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK 13 to the ceremony of conditional Baptism. For, having in mind the doubt, which even the Encyclopedia Britannica shares, that Washington's descent can be traced to the Sulgrave branch of the family in Sussex, there are those who hold with Dr. Austin O'Malley that George Washington's forebears may, indeed, have been Irish. It is only fair to say. however, that Dr. O'Malley has not proved his case. Let this be a friendly challenge to him ! But for the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick there is glory enough in the fruition of the plan proposed at that meeting in December, 1781. It was ordered that the President. Vice President and Secretary "wait on his Excellency with a suitable address" and that they present him with a medal in the name of the Society. There were no medals immediately accessible, the dies being in London, but James ]\Iease offered his and it was accepted. What followed cannot be better told than in the simple eloquence of the minutes : — 'Tn pursuance of the foregoing order, the President and Secretary waited upon his Excellency with the following address : — May it please your Excellency. The Society of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick in this City, Ambitious to testify with all possible respect, the high sense they entertain of your Excellency's public and private Virtues, have taken the liberty to adopt your Excellency a member. "Although they have not the cloathing of any Civil establish- ment, nor the splendor of Temporal power to dignify their election, yet they flatter themselves, as it is the genuine offspring of hearts fill'd with the warmest attachments, that this mark of their esteem and regard will not be wholly unacceptable to your Excellency. "Impress'd with these pleasing hopes, they ha\'e directed me to present your Excellency with a gold medal, the ensign of this fraternal Society, which that you may be pleased to accept and long live to wear, is the earnest wish of Your Excellency's Most Humble and Respectful Servant, By order & in behalf of the Society, Geo. Campbell. President. To his Excellency. General Washington. Commander in Chief of die Allied Armv." 14 THE FRIEXDLV SOXS OF ST. PATRICK "To which his Excellency was pleased to give the following answer, viz : — Sir:— I accept with singular pleasure, the Ensign of so worthy a Fraternity as that t»f the Sons of St. Patrick in this city — a Society distinguished for the firm Adherence of its members to the glorious cause in which we are embarked. Give me leave to assure you. Sir. that I shall never cast my eyes upon the badge with which I am honoured-, but with a grateful remembrance of the polite and affectionate manner in which it was presented, j ^^^^ ^^.-^^^ Respect and Esteem, Sir, your mo. Ob. Servant George Washington To George Campbell, Esq., President of the Society of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, in the City of Philadelphia." The most glorious in the long line of notable dinners of the Friendly Sons is thus simply set down in the old minute-book : — "At an extra Meeting at George Evans's, on Tuesday, the first of January. 1782, the following Gentlemen were present: His ExcelKy Gen"l Washington (Ic-orge Campbell, Esq., Prest. Gen"l Lincoln Gen'l Stuben Gen'l Howe Gen'l Mt)ultrie Gen'l Knox Gen'l Hand Gen'l Mcintosh His Excell'y Mr. Hanson His Excell'y Mr. Wm. Moore His Excell'y Mr. Luzerne Mr. Rendon Mr. Muhlenburgh Colo. Tench Tilghman Colo. Smith Major Washington Count Dillon Count De La T(->uche Mr. Marbois Mr. Otto Mr. Holker ( J I Guests) Mr. Thomas Fitzsimons, \'. P. •' William West Matthew Mease lohn Mease '' 'Tohn Mitchell •* ). M. Xesbitt Mr. John Xixon Samuel Caldwell Andrew Caldwell " James Mease Sharp 1 )elany, Esq. Mr. I). H. Conyngham *' George Henry " P.lair McClenachan " Alex'r Xesbitt '* John Donnaldson " John Barclay " James Crawford *' John Crawford James Caldwell Mr. John Dunlap THE FRIENDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK 15 Mr. Hugh Shiell Colo. Francis Johnston " George Hughes Doct'r John Cochran " M. M. O'Brien Mr. Wilham Constable Jasper Moylan, Esq. Henry Hill, Esq. Colo. Ephraim Blaine Robert Morris, Esq. " Charles Stewart Samuel Meredith, Esq. " Walter Stewart (35 members) Friendly Sons, who, to the number of 600 or more, annually overflow the ballroom of the Bellevue-Stratford on St. Patrick's Day, will contemplate with mixed emotions this great dinner of 56 covers, where the members numbered but 14 more than the guests, and those guests so distinguished ! The annual banquet on the following St. Patrick's night was more numerously attended, but there Washington appeared not as a guest but as a member. The minutes of the Society from 1790 to 181 3 cannot be found, and for our knowledge of the meetings of those years we are dependent upon the files of the newspapers of the day. We shall probably never know, therefore, whether in those meetings of which we have no detailed record, the members "feared to speak of '98," or what they thought of the Act of Union in 1800, or how they were moved by the fate of Robert Emmett in 1803. At the beginning of this period — the last decade of the eighteenth century — the members appear to have deemed a change in the title of the Society desirable, for the Pennsylvania Packet tells us that on Monday Evening, April 5, 1790, "there was a numerous and respectable meeting at the State House of the Hibernian Society for the relief of Emigrants from Ireland, at which meeting the constitution was ratified and the officers of the Society elected." Chief Justice Thomas McKean is named as the first President under the changed title; General Walter Stewart, Vice President; Mathew Carey, Secretary, and John Taylor, Treasurer. It was probably Carey's idea to put a special patriotic blessing upon this formal beginning by selecting for the place of meeting the Cradle of American Liberty. Mathew Carey resigned as secretary in 1791, but in the 18 1 6 THE FRIENDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK montlis of liis incuiiibencv tlie Society had waxed prosperous. To the Federal Gazette of April 6. 1791. we are indebted for a glimpse of the anniversary dinner held the day before, April 5. At the guests' table we see the Vice President, John Adams ; the Secretary of State, Thomas Jefferson ; the Attorney General. Edmund Randolph ; and the Governor of Pennsylvania, Thomas Mifflin. The presiding officer on that occasion was to be the next Governor of the young commonwealth, but it was under the hand of Governor Mifflin, and the great seal of the State, that, a little more than a year later, the Society's new Charter was granted. On April jj. 1792. the Society was incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania as "The Hibernian Society for the Relief of Emigrants from Ireland." The incorporators were : — The Honorable Thomas McKean. LL.D., Chief Justice of the Commonwealth aforesaid; Brigadier-General Walter Stewart, Edward Im)x, Edward Carroll. Patrick Ferrall. Paul Cox, James McCrea, James Barclay, David Lapsley. Mathew Carey, Joseph Brown, Henry Toland, James Boylan, John Leamy, Archibald Bingham. John McLoughlin, William Hayes. James Adler, George Baker, William Delany, Alexander Henry. Patrick Moore. John Dunkin. Peter Benson. Richard Moore, John McClelland, John McCree. Andrew Porter. Samuel Bayard. Sharp Delany. James Crawford. John Brown. Daniel Baldwin, William Matthews. Michael Morgan O'Brien, Oliver Pollock, John Lynch. John H. Huston, Thomas Lea, John Maxwell Xesbitt, George Hughes. Jasper Moylan. George Meade, John Connelly. Samuel Kingsley. John Jones. Edmund Mullery, James Gallagher, James McClure. James Campbell. Robert McCleay, John Taggert. Roger Kean. Alexander Cain. Robert Rainey, Hugh Holmes, Charles Heatly. David McCormick and John Graham. At the lirst meeting following the incorporation it was resolved, "that the following sul)scription paper be circulated, in order to effect the establishment of a Society for the above- mentioned purpose : THE FRIENDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK 17 "As no object can be more laudable, so to a benevolent mind none can be more grateful than the relief of distress ; perhaps no institution can afford a more ample scope for the effectuation of this purpose than the national societies established in this country for the protection of those emigrants whom misery, misfortune or oppression has compelled to forsake their native country and fly to the 'asylum' established here 'for the oppressed of all nations.' By these societies emigrants have been not only rendered more happy in their situations, but more useful members in society; oppression has been punished, migration hither encour- aged, misery alleviated, and consequently the temptations to wander from the paths of rectitude diminished. These reasons, and others equally forcible, have induced the subscribers, natives of Ireland or descendants of Irishmen, to associate themselves under the title of 'The Hibernian Society for the Protection of Irish Emigrants.' " The closing years of the Eighteenth Century were big with important events in the development of the new Republic, and in all of them, military, naval and political, the members of the Society played prominent parts. John Barry, by virtue of his commission, signed by President Washington, and bearing the No. I, had become the "Father of the American Navy"; Thomas Fitzsimons, a signer of the Federal Constitution, had been elected to Congress; Sharp Delany was Collector of Customs ; Robert Patton, Postmaster ; and — but the list is interminable. All the Irish were working for the new nation, and — to be sure— fighting among themselves politically, through it all. They were heroic civic servants and fearless self- sacrificing neighbors in the Yellow Fever epidemic; they were almost unanimous shouters against Jay's Treaty with England; and in the bitter political controversies between Thomas McKean and William Duane they spread themselves tempestuously upon both sides, and glorious fighting times were had by all. But through all this boiling of the political caldron, the Hibernians found time to become leaders in manufacturing circles, foremost in the establishment of the Chamber of Commerce, and always i8 THE FRIES DLY SOS'S OF ST. PATRICK watchful and CDiisitlerate of the interests of their humble and friendless C(>nii)atriots coming in from the old land. The first mutterings of tiie War of 1812 served to bring all factions together against the threatened reappearance of the old enemy, the same King George. Throughout that conflict Hibernians served again with gallantry in the army and the navy, and out of it they took, as an honorary member, its most distinguished military hero. Andrew Jackson. From March 17. 18 13. the minute books of the Society are complete down to the present day. and in those records one may note the gradual passing of the great old names and the rising of other stars still held in reverence by their followers. Although every national necessity drew from the Hibernian membership the customary full quota of ready and capable patriots, the Society's history during the long period from 18 13 to i860 is chiefly ncjtable for its close attention to the object for whose furtherance, mainly, it was founded. Help and sympathy for Ireland and her aftllicted sons and daughters, especially in the periods of famine, wore never failing. The annual dinners were elaborate functions, apparently well attended, and in the toasts, which were numerous and highly patriotic and eloquent, we may follow the procession ot' passing events in which the members were interested. Doubtless those dinners were not such jovial affairs as in the older dav. for there is little or no talk of "chusins: the li(|Uors;" and it is with something of a shock that we read in the minutes, touching the dinner of March 17. 1848: — "The following toast was offered by tlie President of the St. George's Society and drunk with great enthusiasm: — "Father Matthew (the great temperance advocate) — though Ireland has the honor of his birth, and he is a sectarian in religion, he is now claimed as a brother by Christians of every countrv, and is honored and revered all the world over." It is interesting to note that through nearly a full century the Society had but five presidents — Thomas McKean. who served from 1790 to 1800; Hugh Holmes, from 1800 to 1818; Joseph Tagert. from 18 18 to 1850; Robert Taylor, from 1850 to 1856; THE FRIENDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK ig and General Robert Patterson, from 1856 to 1881, the year of his death, at the venerable age of 90. Of these, next to Governor McKean, General Patterson was by long odds the most distin- guished. His membership in the Society dated from 1824, and his service to his country covered even a longer period. Born in Ireland in 1792, he was brought to this country by his father, whose participation in the Rebellion of 1798 compelled him, in that year, to seek a refuge in America. At the beginning of the War of 18 1 2, Robert Patterson, when but 19 years of age, was commissioned a lieutenant of infantry in the regular army and later was promoted to captain. His life thereafter was a succession of glorious military service. He was one of the organizers of the effective militia of Pennsylvania, and became Major General of the First Division in 1828, a position he held for 40 years. He rendered important military service in suppressing the anti- Catholic riots in Philadelphia in 1844; he entered the Mexican War as Major General of U. S. V^olunteers, and emerged from it as Commander-in-Chief of the army; and at the outbreak of the Civil War he directed the organization of the famous Pennsylvania Reserve, and later took personal command of the opening campaign in the Shenandoah Valley. The disaster of Bull Run led many critics to blame General Patterson's conduct of the campaign, but time has fully vindicated his judgment and services, and both had the complete approval of President Lincoln. During General Patterson's long term as President of the Society, among the many incidents of moment, the most notable were the dinner of March 17, 1871, where General Grant was the guest of honor, and that hero's subsecjuent election as an honorary member. In 1880 the Society sent $5,000 to the relief of famine sufferers in Ireland. There was about that time an infusion of new blood, and most of that access of vital fluid was due to the admission of Peter Samuel Dooner to membership and to his indefatigable efforts in the interests of the Society. At the meeting on j\Iarch 17, 1880, at which Mr. Dooner was admitted, there were just 12 members present. But at that mark 20 THE FRIENDLY SOXS OF ST. PATRICK of extreme low water the tide turned and came rushing in at flood and has continued with increasing force. With the death of General Patterson passed the last great figure of the War of 1812, Commodore George C. Read and Commodt)re Charles Stewart ("Old Ironsides"), grandfather of Charles Stewart Parnell. having died some years before. But the city was rich in heroes of later naval and military activities, and in men of Irish blood who had achieved eminence in the more peaceful fields. There were, also, of course, many more who, though neither of Irish birth or descent, were eligible to membership, for the Society, in 1790. had broadened the qualifica- tions, to take in all who were favorably dis|x>scd to the objects of the organization. At the meeting on December 17. 1881, thirty-three new members were proposed, nine of them by Mr. Dooner, and upon that occasion began the movement for a departure from the old system of electing officers, which brought about the present highly satisfactory plan oi regular rotation in office — at least so far as effects the presidency and the vice presidency. It is becoming to note here that at the next meeting, the anniversary gathering of March 17, 1882, Thomas D. Ferguson was elected Secretary, and that, to the great benefit of the Society, he has continued in oftice to the present day. At this March meeting of i88j, Mr. Dooner and his "new blood" associates presented another batch of new members — an even dozen this time. A spirited contest resulted in the election of \\"illiam Rrice. President, and William J. Xcad. \'ice President. Year after year new and distinguished names were added to the rolls, and the purse in the hands of the treasurer grew fat and prosj)erous. Mr. Rrice was succeeded in the presidency by Mr. Xcad. and ho. in turn. ga\e way tt» John Field, during whose administration two of the Society's most noteworthy latter-day functions wore held. The first of these, in order of time, was the dinner in Dooner's Hotel fc^llowing the regular quarterly meeting of September, 1886. at which the Governors of the 13 original states, who were meeting that day in Philadelphia to arrange for the celcl)ration of the C 4 C^- ^ '^-- ^ n j^ ^^^^^^''^^^^-^^'y^^^^ / %.^£/a^t^i^(7Xy /L ^ -- ^ -f^' Tc4^rt4;''7 ip/r/-^'^^^^ ^ ;^-^*:^./J,<;^ :.:v/ t / ■t^J^''^ ^-^ «" r^-^ '' /i ''*^tZI/i >^>' ^':>^<^ y"- ■\ ^ < y^^/.w'-'"'^'^ /./>J^:^/ 1^^ '^'" '' C/j -> .^- y^ M>/ji^^^yu^ ««.^bk ,^ ):^ i>:- ~ i ^ ' iJSKsVSy.iiMJsii':; y • i ^-v" ' ,<^ ^"^ y . .^ r \ i>- .>^ >^ / ^^■^■ - ^®;^v^.^. -^ ^ > -'' 2 ^z/ij^c^^^ ^■^uJnJ^'-'^^'r^'- A'" / ^/U^^Z^T). (^^JJ^ '^ March 17. >'( 18, June 17. " i7» March 17. 17, 17. u 17- June December 17' 17- June September December 17. i7> 17- March 17. [820 [827 [832 [840 [844 [847 t85i [852 [864 [864 [865 [865 [865 [866 [883 [884 [884 [884 [886 [886 [887 [889 [889 [889 [890 [892 [905 [906 [908 [909 [910 [914 [915 [920 ♦Barclay, Thomas .... *Boyle, John *Bache, Richard, H. M. *Batt. Capt. Thomas . . *Boyd, Dr. Robert . . . [771 [771 [772 ^77 A 40 THE FRIEXDLY SOXS OF ST. PATRICK *Barclay, John *Barry, Commodore John *Brown, John *Blaine, Col. Ephraim *Barclav, W'iUiam *Butler, Gen. Richard *Burke. William *Boyle, Hugh *Brown, William *Bailey. Francis *Bald\vin. Daniel *Ball. B. W *Barclay, James *Barclay, John ♦Barry, John *Barry, Com. John *Barry, William *Barton. Benjamin S *Bayard, Samuel *Beil. William *Benson, Peter *Bingham. Archibald *Bleakley, John *Boyd. Alexander *Boylan, James *Boyle, Hugh *Boys. Elias *Boys, Xathan *Bro\vn, Andrew *Bro\vn. John *Bro\vn, Joseph * Brown. William ♦Bridges. Robert *Bryan, Hon. George *Bryan, Guy *Bryson. James *Byrne. James *Byrne, Redmond *Byrne, Patrick ♦Bache. Richard 779 779 779 780 781 781 7^3 787 7^7 7«X) 790 790 790 790 790 790 ■jcjo ycjo ■jcjo 7()0 -urnside. Hon. Thomas " " 14 ♦Brown. James *' " 18 ♦lirooke. Charles Wallace " January 18 ♦Baker. John R " March 1 1 ♦Boyle, William \' " " 11 ♦Barr, Ilu^h " " 14 ♦liarr, Daniel " Deccnil)cr 17 ♦Brown. John 11 " March iS ♦Brown, William " December 17 ♦P.rown. Roger " March 13 ♦pHirt. Arthur A " " 14 ♦Brady, Francis E " " 10 ♦Bishop, Stilwell S " " 14 ♦Black, James ' September 17 ♦Blackwood, Rev. Wm. H. M. D.D.. LL.D •• December 17 ♦Boyd, David. Jr " March 10 ♦Brady, Daniel C. E " December 17 ♦Brown, William " March 17 ♦Black, James J " December 17 ♦Blair. William II " March 17 ♦P.rice. William " " iS ♦Barr. Michael " June 17 ♦Beattie. Robert II " " 17 ♦Bell, Thomas " December 17 ♦Barr, Daniel J '" March 10 ♦Barr, James J " " 10 ♦Barr, Robert J " " 10 ♦Bolster, Richard II " December 18 ♦Beirn, Michael F " March 17 ♦Brehony, Rev. James A "' September 17 ♦Baird, Mattiiew 1 )eceniher 17 ♦Baird, William M •' 18 ♦Boyd, Major Augustus " " 18 ♦lirooke, Xathan "" June 17 ♦Bruner. William M " 17 [832 [832 ^833 [836 [838 ^839 1841 [841 [841 [842 [842 1844 1843 [846 [846 [847 [848 1850 1850 [851 [851 1852 1855 [861 :864 1864 1864 [865 1863 [865 [865 [866 [866 [866 ! 867 [8<37 [870 1871 THE FRIENDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK *Boyd, John elected March 17, *Baird, John " December 17, *Bailey, John T " March 17, *Brady, Owen " September 17, *Barry, PhiHp, H. M '' " \7> *Brown, William K., M.D " March 17, *Bunting, Henry B " December 17, Bolton, Rev. James Gray, D.D.. " March 17, *Boyle, William " June 17, *Breslin, John " " I7' *Blackburne, Francis " " I7' *Brady, James " September 17, Brankin, Patrick J " " I7' *Brown, I. Newton " June 17, *Brady, Thomas " December 17, *Brady, Thaddeus " March 17, *Brice, Ephraim " " I7» *Burke, Edward M " " 17. *Burton, Edward " " I7' Burns, Stephen F " " 17^ *Boland, Frederick " " 17, Boyle, Thomas " " I7' ^Beaver, Gen. James A., H. M... " December 17, *Biggs, Hon. Benjamin T., H. M. " " 17. Byrd, John " " 17. Beck, James M " March 17, *Barry, Rev. Thomas " June 18, *Britton, Andrew L " December 17, Barker, Wharton " June 17, *Baily, Joel J " December 17, *Boney, Morris " March 17, *Byrnes, Thomas F " June 17, Burke, Jos. J., M.D " September 17, *Brennan, Edward H " March 17, Boyle, Samuel A " " I7» *Burke, Peter C " " I7. Brown, James " June 17, Brice, William R " September 18, *Benson, William T " December 18, ♦Boyle, Patrick " March 17, 43 875 877 880 880 881 881 882 882 883 883 884 884 884 884 885 886 886 887 887 887 888 889 889 890 890 892 893 893 893 893 893 893 894 44 THE FRIENDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK *Brady, John I elected June *Brannen. James " December *Black. Hon. Chauncey F *' September *Butler, Joseph " December *Bambrick. Thos. H " *Blake. Harry Knapp Boyle, James P " March *Byrne, Peter " *Br()phy. hMward J " *Boyd. ' William h" " Jmic ♦Byrne. Hon. \Vm. M Brown, Robert H " December Boyle, P. C " June Bradley. John M " *Bro\vn. Felix " September ♦Barry. Thos. F '" March Bowes. Dr. T. J " Byrne. Edward H " Brannan. Robert " Deceml)er Boylan, Thomas " June *Buzby. Aug. C Bassett, Henry " March Brcslin. Thomas J " *Bruehl, Col. \Vm. J " Britton, Joseph H Bonner. James B Boss. Louis " September Boyer. Herbert M " December Bunn. William M " March Boylo. Arthur A " June Brown. Francis Shunk " Baldi. Chas. C. A " March Barton. Charles B .. Byrd, John J " June Byrd. William J " Brady, Bernard " December Brown. Hon. Charles I Brennan, Frank J " March Baird. David " June Bricc. Chas. Frederick " December 17. 1894 17. 1894 17. 1895 17. 1895 17. 1897 17. 1897 17. 1898 17. 1898 17. icpo 17. 1 90 1 17. 1 901 17. 1901 17. 1902 17- 1902 17. 1902 17. n)03 17. 1903 17. 1903 17. 1903 17- 1904 17- i(X)4 17. i()05 17. iix»5 17, 1905 i7» 1905 17. 1905 18, 1905 17. 1906 16. itX)7 17. 1907 17. [907 17. [90S 17, [908 17. [909 17. [909 17. 1909 '7. qOC) 17. I 910 17. J 910 17. 1 910 THE FRIENDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK *Byrne, Joseph T elected December 17, Bennis, Edward F " June 17, Brophy, Dr. John A " " 17, Bracken, Francis B " December 18, Burk, Henry, Jr " March 18, Bartilucci, Joseph P " June 17, Buckley, .Daniel P " September 17, Boyle, Thomas S " December 17, Brunker, Robert J " March 17, Boyle, Hon. William T " December 17, ^Bradley, John J " March 17, Brunei!, George W " " 17, Bradley, James V " June 17, Brown, John J " " 17, Brennan, George J " December 17, Blair, Rev. John Allan, D.D " " 17, Bonniwell, Hon. Eugene C " June 17, Butler, William J " September 18, Botts, John M " " 17, Brown, William Findlay " December 17, Brown, James B " " 17, Byrne, Thomas F " March 16, Buckenham, Dr. J. E. Burnett. . . " June 17, Burns, James J " " 17, Beamish, Richard J " December 17, Bickta, Charles F " March 17, Baker, Joseph H " " 17, Bennett, James A " September 17, Browne, Edward Jas " March 17, *Caldwell, Samuel *Caldwell, Andrew *Campbell, George *Cadwalader, Gen. John, H. M *Carsan, Samuel *Cadwalader, Col. Lambert, H. M '•'Conyngham, David H "■'Caldwell, James *Crawford, James *Cochran, Dr. John 45 910 911 911 911 912 912 912 912 913 913 914 914 914 915 915 915 916 916 917 917 917 918 918 918 918 919 919 919 920 771 771 771 771 772 772 775 778 779 781 46 THE FRIENDLY SOXS OF ST. PATRICK *Constable, William ♦Collins, James *Connor, John ♦Campbell, James *Clark, Daniel ♦Caldwell, William ♦Caldwell, John ♦Calbraith, Hector ♦Calbraith. James ♦Caldwell, John ♦Caldwell, Samuel ""Callaghan, David ♦Campbell. John ♦Campbell, George ♦Carey, Mathew ♦Carrell, Edward ♦Carson, John. M.D ♦Carson, Joseph ♦Cochran, Alexander ♦Cochran, William ♦Collins. James ♦Connolly, John ♦Connelly, Robert ♦Connelly. Patrick ♦Correy, Robert ♦Coxe, Tench ♦Cox, Capt. Paul " Crawford, John ♦Crawford. James ♦Crothcrs. A ♦Cunningham. James, M.D ♦Cuthbert. Thomas ♦Campbell. James ♦Cain. Alexander ♦Caldwell. David ♦Clibborn. Joshua *Caldwell. James ♦Clark, Edward *Cook. Alexander ♦Cooper. Hugh 781 783 784 784 786 787 790 790 790 790 790 700 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 JCjO 790 790 yc)o 790 790 790 790 790 79-2 794 795 802 803 803 803 THE FRIENDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK A7 *Currin, Hugh 1803 *Currin, George 1803 *Cruikshank, James 1803 *Clark, George 1803 *Clapier, Lewis • 1805 *Caldcleugh, Robert A 1806 *Calbraith, Matthew 1807 ♦Carlisle, John 1808 *Carr, Rev. Matthew 1808 *Conrad, Cornelius 1808 *Chriswell, Capt. James 1809 *Cochran, William elected March 17, 181 3 *Correy, Robert 1814 *Cushing, Augustus elected March 16, 1814 ♦Cunningham, John " " 16, 1815 ♦Caldwell, James 1816 ♦Caskey, Joseph elected March 18, 1816 ♦Chestnut, William " " 18, 1816 ♦Cochrane, Michael 1816 ♦Coxe, Alexander S 1816 ♦Coxe, Hon. Charles S elected March 15, 1817 ♦Creighton, Robert " " 15. 1817 ♦Cupples, Samuel " " I5. 1817 ♦Catherwood, Robert " September 17, 1818 ♦Camac, Turner " December 17, 1818 ♦Carswell, Samuel " March 17, 1819 ♦Chestnut, Samuel " June 17, 1819 ♦Carey, Henry C 1820 ♦Colhoun. Samuel, M.D elected March 17, 1823 ♦Chew, Samuel " " ^7, 1823 ♦Cook, Ezekiel C. M.D " " 17, 1823 ♦Correy, David " " I7. 1823 ♦Catherwood, Hugh " " 16, 1824 ♦Carr, Morgan " " 16, 1825 ♦Callaghan, Charles " " ^7, 1826 ♦Clements, Richardson T " " 13. 1829 ♦Coleman, Edward " December 17, 1830 ♦Crilly, Henry " June 17, 1833 ♦Campbell, Hugh " March 14, 1834 ♦Campbell, Archibald " " I4, 1834 48 THE FRIENDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK *Chambers, George T elected *Cochran, Daniel J " ♦Clark, John *Cumismkey, Eugene " *Craig, Andrew C " *Craig, Hugh " *Campbell, Hon. James, H. M.. . . " ♦Clark, Hugh " ♦Crilly, Thomas " *Cro\v. Andrew " ♦Chandler, Hon. Joseph R., H. M. ♦Campbell, George " ♦Campbell, James " ♦Catherwood, Andrew Jackson . . " ♦Campbell, Robt., H. M ♦Crutcher, Foster G " ♦Colahan, John B ♦Collins. John, H. M " ♦Cuthbert. Allen, H. M ♦Castle, James II " ♦Clarke. William R ♦Collins, James C " ♦Clark. Hugh " ♦Cassidy, Hugh " ♦Collins, William " ♦Collins, Joseph " ♦Connolly, Harry " ♦Clark, James ♦Clark. John " ♦Christy, William M " ♦Carrick, Alexander " ♦Catherwood, H. W ♦Craig, Joseph B " ♦Cahill, Michael ♦Convery, Alexander ♦Campbell. John (Xo. i ) elected ♦Catherwood, Samuel B " ♦Connolly, John G ♦Callaghan, George " ♦Comber, John " March 17- 1835 " 14. 1836 " 17. 1836 " 17, 1836 (< 14, 1837 " II, 1841 September 17, 1841 " 17. 1841 " 17- 1841 " 17. 1841 December 17, 1842 September 18. 1843 March 14. 1S44 January 17. 1845 March 13. 1846 " 13. 1846 <( 10, 1847 <( 10, 1847 December 17. 1847 March 17. 1848 December 17, 1848 March 18. 1850 Tune 17. 1850 December 17. 1850 June 17, 1851 September 17. 1851 it 17. 1852 December 17. 1852 March 10, 1853 << 9. 1854 " 17, 1854 December 18. 1854 " 18, 1854 March 8, 1855 18;; March 17, 1856 December 17. 1857 September 17. 1859 March 17. i860 <« 18, 1861 THE FRIENDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK *Caslin. Daniel elected December *Conway, William *Crilly, Michael F *Campbell, John (No. 2) " September ♦Campbell, William *Clendenning, James *Cassin, John " March *Crawford, William *Campbell, Archibald B., M.D. . . " "^ *Corr, Bernard *Cascaden, James " September *Conlin, Michael " December *Craig, Hugh, Jr '| June ♦Coulter, James *Conway, Francis *Costigan, Thomas " December *Craig, Wilson D ♦Campbell, John H " March ♦Carr, John A ♦Cronin, Michael H ♦Curtin, Hon. Andrew G Campbel,l John M " December ♦Cleary, Martin ♦Condon, John " March ♦Craig, David A ♦Cummings, Matthew L ♦Creighton, James McC " June ♦Conway, Denis " September ♦Carrigan, Peter " December ♦Cunningham. Francis A ♦Creran, Charles " March ♦Crooks, William C, M.D " ♦Coxe, Hon. Eckley B " June ♦Coleman, Henry Phillips " December ♦Castle, Charles B "^ March ♦Cleary, Malachi J ♦Clare, Washington K Comber, John B it a Connor, James Campbell, William J. (No. i) .. " June 49 17, 1861 17, 1863 17, 1863 17, 1864 17, 1864 17, 1864 10, 1865 10, 1865 5, 1866 17, 1866 17, 1866 17, 1866 17, 1870 17, 1871 17, 1873 17. 1873 18, 1876 17, \\ 17, i\ 17, 1881 17, 1881 17, 1881 17, 1881 17, 1882 17, 1882 17, 1882 17, 1882 17, 1882 17, 1882 17, 1882 17, 1883 17, 1883 18, 1883 17, 1883 17, 1884 17, 1884 17, 1884 17, 1884 17, 1884 17, 1884 50 THE FRIENDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK ♦Carberry. P. J. L.. M.D elected June Coghlan, Rev. Gerald P *Collins, Peter F ♦Curtis, F. D ♦Commins, William Kent ** March Cadwalader. John " December *Cahill, Richard F " September ♦Conroy, Patrick " March Castner, Samuel. Jr " " *CaIlahan, Thomas " June *Carlin, John " December Comber, Edward E " March Council, Horatio P " September Comber, Joseph I " March ♦Carter. Thomas " " *Corr, James " Cunningham, Patrick J " December Caraher, Eugene J " " Cassidy, H. Gilbert " June *Crow, Alexander, Jr " December Cavin, Samuel E " June Cunningham, Mark D Coyle, Hon. John J " September ♦Cassels, Col. John. II. M " March Carroll, John M " June Campbell. Francis ' December ♦Cleveland, \\m. H ♦Converse, John H " March ♦Corish. William " lunc ♦Cullinan, Col. R. F •' ' '• ♦Corr, Bernard J " March ♦Conner, Philip S. P " September ♦Clements, Thomas " December Costello. George M " March Cunningham. Ja?. S ♦Call, John W." " June Crawford. A ♦Carson. Major John M.. H. M.. " March Conway, James F " June Crowley. Rev. John T " September I/. 1884 !/■ 1884 17- 1884 17. 1884 17. 1885 17. 1885 17. 1886 17. 1887 18, 1889 17. 1889 17. 1890 17. 1 891 17. 1 891 17. 1892 17. 1893 17. 1893 18. 1893 18, 1893 18. 1894 17. 1894 17- 1895 17. 1895 17. 1895 17. 1896 17. 1896 17. 1896 17- 1896 17. 1897 '7- 1 > 1909 17- 1909 17- 1909 17. 1909 17, 1910 17. 1910 17, 1910 17- 1911 18, 1911 18, 1912 18, 1912 18, 1912 18, 1912 18, 1912 18, 1912 17. 1913 17. 1913 17, 1913 17. 1913 17, 1914 17. 1915 52 THE FRIEXDLV SOXS OF ST. PATRICK Carroll. Frank J elected December 17. Connelly, John P " " 17, Corcoran, John A " March 16, Carson, Hon. Hampton L " June 17. Carr, William A "' March 17, Clinton, Charles H " " 17. Carroll, Edward A " June 17. Crowley, J ere J " September 17, Cortelyon. James T " December 17. Conway, Patrick P " " 17, Conway, Peter P " " 17, *Dickinson, John, H. M *Davis, George *Delany, Sharp *Donnaldson. John *Dunlap, John *Davan, Kingsmill *Davidson. James, Sr *Dean, William ♦Delany, Sharp *Delany. William *Diven, William *Donnaldson. John *Donnelly, Francis ♦Dufheld, Samuel, M.D ♦Duncan, David *Dnncan. Matthew *Dunkin, John *Dunlap, John *Dunkin. Robert H ♦Davidson. William *Denman, Samuel ■"Dorsey, Benedict. Jr *Davis, Capt. William *Denman, Aaron *Donovan. Jeremiah *Duane, William *Dickerson, Mahlon ♦Donaldson, William T 015 915 918 918 919 919 919 919 919 920 920 771 771 772 77S 779 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 7(90 796 802 802 804 806 806 806 806 807 809 THE FRIENDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK 53 *Delany, William *Dobbins, Thomas *Drean, Richard elected *Dickson, William " *Davis, Col. Samuel B " *Dobbins, Stewart A *Dobbins, John B *Dougherty. Alexander *Duane, William J *Dugan, Richard " *Doran, Hon. Joseph M " *Dickson, John W ""Dougherty, James L " *Dickson, Thomas H " *Dunlap, Thomas " *Dimond, Alexander ' " *Darragh, John *Duncan, Benjamin *Deal, Daniel " *Duke, Bernard " *Dougherty, Alexander E " *Dorrance David '* ♦Devine, Mark *Dimond, Joseph " *Dimond, Francis " *Devine, John " *Divine, George W " *Dewey, George W " *Dimond, John " *Drake, Thomas " ♦Divine, William, Jr " ♦Dougherty, Daniel " *Drew, John " *Dunn, Michael " ♦Dougherty, John A " ♦Donaghy, James " *Duross, John " ♦D'Olier, Henry " ♦Dunlap, William " ♦Dickson, James R " March i8 December 17 March 17 December 17 March 5 16 January 7 March 16 December 17 March 13 13 December 17 February 17 March 14 15 15 14 14 January 17 March 14 September 17 March 1 1 13 December 18 18 18 17 17 September 17 17 December 18 17 March 10 17 17 December 17 March 10 December 17 [811 [816 [816 [818 [819 [819 [822 [824 [825 [827 [827 [829 [830 [830 [832 [832 [833 t833 [834 [836 [838 [838 [83Q [841 [848 [848 [850 [850 [850 [850 [852 [852 [854 [855 [856 [858 [860 [863 [864 [864 54 THE FRIENDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK Dougherty, Patrick elected Doherty, John P ♦Drexel, Anthony J " ♦Dougherty, Charles A " ♦Dougherty, William H *Dazley, James " ♦Devine, Patrick *Dillon, Edward T " *Devenney, Charles " *Dolen, Edward ♦Donnelly, John F., M.D ♦Dohan, Michael J D'Olier, William " ♦Donovan, Daniel " ♦Dooner, Peter S " ♦Duffin, John H " ♦Duross, James " *l).-ily. Patrick K ♦Dardis, John " ♦Devine, William " Devlin, Thomas " ♦Dooner, Thomas H " ♦Daly, Henry M ♦DeMorat, Olivier B ♦Dimond, Richard " ♦Downey, James " ♦Doyle, Patrick ♦DufTy, Patrick ♦Durang, Edwin F " Doyle, John M " Dwier, George W " ♦Daly, John " ♦Delaney, Edward " ♦Dclany, William ♦Dignan, John " ♦Dingec. James E Dolan, Patrick J Doyle, William H ♦Duffy, Daniel J ♦Dechert. Gen. Robert P " March [O 1865 December [8 1865 March : [8 1867 June ^7 1868 " f7 1868 " 1/ 1870 " 17 1870 March 4 1872 June 17 1872 December 17 1873 March 18 1878 (i 17 1880 " 17 1880 " 17 1880 11 17 1880 September 17 1880 December •7 18S0 March 17 1 8S2 >< 17 1882 (( 17 1882 •' 17 1882 " 17 1882 June 17 1882 " 17 1882 " 17 1882 17 1882 " 17 1882 ' 17 1882 " 17 1882 September 17 1882 i< 17 1882 March 17 1S83 (< 17 1884 " 17 1884 " 17 1884 17 I S84 17 1884 17 1884 Tune 17 1884 December 17 1884 THE FRIENDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK 55 *Duffy, Col. Charles elected *Daly, Timothy M *Donahue, Michael *Dever, Patrick F *Devine, Richard *Daly, Eugene S *Donnellan, P. S., M.D *Disston, Hamilton *Dunn, Thomas J ♦Dougherty, John *Dodgson, John W Dooner, Edward J ♦Dougherty, John A ♦Donoghue, Jeremiah G ♦Dunlevy, Patrick Dever, Daniel Dooner, Thomas F ♦Devlin, Joseph ♦Deacon, Charles R Dagit, Henry D Dunlop, Robert T ♦Douredoure, Bernard L Duane, Russell ♦Daly, James A ♦Davis, Edward T ♦Donnelly, Hugh Derham, Joseph J Dooner, William J ♦Dickson, William H Devine, M. A ♦Doty, Hon. L. W Dougherty, Gen. C. Bow Dohan, James M Donnelly, Mathew ♦Dakon, Michael J ♦Dougherty, John J ♦Diamond, John Daly, Thomas A Dowling, Andrew J Doyle, William J :ted March 17, 1 885 " June 17- 1 886 " September 17, ] 886 " December 17, ] 887 " March 17, ] [888 " June 18, ] [888 (( i( 17, 1 [889 " March 17, J [890 " June 17, [891 March 17, [892 " June 17- [892 " September 17. [892 " " 17, [892 March 17- i8q3 " September 18, 1893 " December 18, 1893 " March 17, 1894 (( u 18, 1895 " June 17, 1895 " December 17- 1895 " " i7> 1895 " March 17, 1896 " December 17. 1896 March 17. 1897 " June 17- 1897 ti a 17. 1897 " September 17. 1897 " " 17, 1897 " December 17. 1897 " March 16, 1 901 " " 17. 1902 " " 17. 1903 " September 17. 1903 " " 17. 1903 " December 17. 1903 " March 17- 1904 (( <( 17, 1905 <( (( 17, 1906 tt <( 17, 1906 " June 18, 1906 56 THE FRIENDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK Daly, J. Burwood elected December Deering, William M *' March Donohoe, Michael " " ♦Donovan, Joseph " " *Dohan, Ignatius J " June Donahue, J. Gilbert " December Doyle, Francis J " " De Mey, Emile J " March Duggan, Rev. D. J ♦Delahunty, Michael G " June Doyle, Michael Francis " September Dougherty, Wm. R., Sr " March Dougherty, Wm. R., Jr Duffy, James J *Dorney, James D " June Durkin, Joseph L Diamond, James J " December Donohue, William F " " ♦Dougherty, D. W'ebster " March Dolan, James " June Dougherty, Chas. J Diamond, Patrick " December Dooner, Albert J Devlin, William J " Devlin, Dr. T. Frank Devlin, Frederick M " " Devlin. Dr. Albert J Devlin, Dr. Raymond A " " ♦Devlin. Clarence J " " DeFord. Eugene " March Donoghue, Daniel C " " Delahunty. James P " June Duddy. Michael M " September Donahue, John " December Dugan. John F " Dunlap. Frank T " June Daly. Joseph P " December ♦Dolan. Joseph A " Da Costa, Dr. J. Chalmers " March Darrow. Hon. George P " " 17 . 1906 16 - 1907 16 , 1907 16 , 1907 17 , 1907 17 1907 17 1907 17 1908 17 1908 17 1908 17 1908 17 1909 17 1909 17 1909 17 1909 17 1909 17 1909 17 1909 17 1910 17 1910 17 1910 17 1910 17 1910 18 1911 18 1911 18 1911 18 1911 18 1911 18 1911 18 1912 18 1912 17 1912 17 1912 17 1912 17 1912 17 1 91 3 17 1914 17 1914 17 1915 17. 1916 THE FRIENDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK 57 Donnelly, John F elected March 17, 1916 Diamond, Edmund A " December 17, 1917 Diamond, Rev. Joseph H " " 17, 1917 Dornan, T. Benton " March 16, 191 8 Dolan, James V " September 17, 1918 Dougherty, Most Rev. Dennis J. " December 17, 1918 Donovan, Rev. Michael C " March 17, 1919 Dunn, Dr. Thomas F " June 17, 1919 Dempsey, P. Alexander " . March 17, 1920 Dooner, Peter S " " 17, 1920 Dougherty, John J " " 17, 1920 Dearden, Edward C " June 17, 1920 Drumgoole, Rt. Rev. Henry T., D. D " " 17, 1920 *Erskine, William 1780 *Eddy, George 1790 *Elliott, William . 1790 *Erwin, Joseph ■ . 1790 *Ewing, Alexander 1802 *Ewing, Rev. John 1802 *Ewing, Samuel elected March 18, 1816 *Ewing, Robert " " 12, 1819 *Edwards, Thomas A '* September 17, 1833 *Eakin, Thomas " March 17, 1846 ♦English, William " " 17, 1847 *Edwards, George W " " 14, 1850 *Ellis, Thomas " " 8, 1855 *Ellis, John " December 17, 1857 *Elliott, John " " 17, 1863 *EIcock, Hon. Thomas R " June 17, 1870 *Engel, Theodore C " September 17, 1883 ♦English, Thomas S " March 17, 1884 *Ennis, Geo. W " " 17, 1884 *Emsley, William " " 17, 1889 *Earle, William G " June 17, 1896 *Eagan, Daniel " December 17, 1897 *Elverson, James " " 17, 1897 Eyre, Lincoln L " March 17, 1904 Earle, Rev. Edward H " June 17, 1910 58 THE FRIEXDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK *Klkiii, Hon. John P elected March i8. Edmonds, Hon. George W " December 17, Eisenlohr, Louis H " September 17, Elverson, Col. James, Jr " March 16. *Fitzsimons, Thomas ♦Francis Tench *Francis, Col. Turbutt *Fuller, Benjamin *Fullcrton. George *Fargus, James *Findley, William *Finley. James *Fitzgeral(l, Robert *Fitzsimons, Thomas *Flahaven, Thomas *Flahaven, Roger, Jr *Fleeson, Plunket ^Fleming. Rev. Francis Anthony ♦Fletcher, John W " *Ford. Standish *Fox. Edward ♦Francis, Philip ♦Fullerton. Richard ♦Fcrrall, Patrick ♦Foster, Alexander ♦Frazier, Robert ♦Francis, Thomas Willing ♦Fox. John ♦Freeman, Tristam B ♦Franklin. Walter ♦Flintham, William ♦Fox, Samuel ♦Francis. William ♦Frazcr. Robert ♦Fisher. Andrew elected March 16, ♦Forsyth. Isaac " " 16, ♦Fotterall, Stephen E " " 16. ♦Flcmming. Robert " December 17, ♦Febiger, Christopher C " March 6, THE FRIENDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK 59 *Francis, Willing elected March 16, 1824 ♦Fearon, James " " 16, 1825 *Furey, John S " " ^7, 1826 ♦Fleming, Alexander " December 17, 1827 *Faye, James " " '^7, 1840 *Fallon, Christopher " April 16, 1841 *Fallon, John " December 17, 1841 *Flynn, Bernard " March 14, 1845 *Fay, Thomas " September 17, 1846 *Fenlin, John " December 17, 1851 ♦Fleming, William J., M.D " March 9, 1854 ♦Flanagan, Robert " December 17, 1859 ♦Fisher, Thomas " March 10, 1864 ♦Frazer, John " " I7. 1865 ♦Fitzpatrick, Florence " September 18, 1865 ♦Fitzpatrick, Timothy " March 17, 1870 ♦Fahy, Michael " " 4, 1872 ♦Fitzpatrick, Philip " June 17, 1^7^ ♦Ferguson, James M " " I7. 1873 Ferguson, Thomas D " September 17, 1880 ♦Ferguson, George S " December 17, 1881 ♦Flood, Edward H " March 17, 1882 ♦Field, John " June 17, 1882 ♦Flynn, James D " " ^7> 1882 ♦Fay, Charles " September 17, 1882 ♦Fisher, William A " December 17, 1882 Fahy, Michael J " March 17, 1883 Fitzmaurice, Michael " " I7. 1884 ♦Fitzpatrick, John J " " ^7, 1884 ♦Flood, William H " " i7. 1884 ♦Foster, Solomon " " ^7, 1884 Fahy, Thomas A " ' " 17.1885 Farrelly, Stephen " " i7. 1885 fFarren, Bernard N " " I7- 1885 ♦Fitzpatrick, Joseph M " June 18, 1888 *Fitzpatrick, Terence " " 17. 1889 ♦Foster, Fred L " " ^7, 1889 ♦Furbush, Charles A " March 17, 1891 Foster, James J " December 17, 1891 t Resigned. 6o THE FRIENDLY SOS'S OF ST. PATRICK Flaherty, James A elected ■•■Flanagan. William A " *Fo\v. Oscar A " *Fagan, Col. Maurice E " Fulton, T. Chalmers, M.D " ♦Flood, Christopher L Flanigen, Edward Gaw " ♦Flaherty, Martin F " Fahy. John Eugene. M.D ♦Field. Richard L Field. Thomas R Field, Wm. M.. Jr " Fahy, Walter T. Fox, L. Webster. M.D ♦Finney. Major John F " ♦Flood. E. 11. ..' Farrell, James F " ♦Faber, Ludwig E " Farrell, James E " Fitzpatrick, Aloysius L ♦Fitzsimmons. Thos. C. M.D. ... ♦Flanigan. Joseph J Flood. Edward m'. Fox. Joseph W ♦Farreily, Rev. T. J Flynn. J. Cajetan Fitzpatrick. J. C Fogarty, James P " ♦Fuller, Rev. Horace F Fitzgerald, Thomas M " Folwell. Nathan T Flint. George " Frazicr. Johnson M " Farrell. Dr. John A " Fitzgerald. Patrick Friel. James F " Felin. John J ♦Fischer. Clarence C " Farrell. Laurence " Flanagan. John W " March 17. 1892 «< 17. 1892 " 17. 1893 September 18, 1893 March 17. 1894 <( 17, 1894 << 18, 1895 September 17- 1896 March 17, 1897 " 17. 1897 « 17. 1897 <( 17. 1897 a 17, 1898 June 16, icpo December 17. 1901 March 17. I [900 December i7> [900 March 16, [901 " 17. [902 December 17, [903 March 17, [904 September 17, [904 December 17, [904 March 17, [905 it 17, [905 September 18, [905 March 17, [906 " 17, [906 December i7> [906 March 16, [907 " 16, [907 June 17, [907 December i7> [908 " 17, [908 September i7> [909 March 17, [910 June 17, [910 December 17, [910 September i7> [912 December 17, [912 i( 17, [912 March 17, [913 (( 17- [913 June i7> C915 September 17, ^915 December 17, [915 March 17, ] [916 June 17, J [916 December 17, ] [917 <( 17, 1 [917 64 THE FRIENDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK Gilbert, John T elected March i6, 1918 Glynn. Martin P " " 16, 1918 Gercke, Rt. Rev. Monsg. Daniel J. " June 17, 1919 *Hill, Col. Henry. H. M 1771 ♦Hicks. William. H. M 1771 ♦Hamilton, Win.. H. M. (dropped) 1771 *Henry, George 1775 *Holmes, Capt. Alexander 1780 ♦Hughes, George 1781 ♦Hand, Gen. Edward 1782 ♦Heatly, Charles 1783 ♦Hand, Gen. I-Mward 171)0 ♦Hanlon, Edward 1790 ♦Harvey, Samuel 1790 ♦Hawthorn, James 1790 ♦Hayes. William 1790 ♦Healy, William. H. M ijc)0 ♦Heatly, Charles 1790 ♦Heffernan, John 1790 ♦Henderson, William 1790 ♦Henry, Alexander 1790 ♦Henry, Hugh 1790 ♦Holmes, Hugh (No. i) 1790 ♦Hunter, James. Sr 1790 ♦Hunter, James. Jr 1790 ♦Holmes. Hugh ( Xo. 2) 1791 ♦Hawthorn. James 1792 ♦Huston, John Hasell 1792 ♦Hughes, George 1702 ♦Hamilton, Gavin 1795 ♦Holland. Charles 1803 ♦Hugh. James H 1803 ♦Humphrey, Thomas 1803 ♦Hurley. Rev. Michael 1803 ♦Harkness, William 1804 ♦Higbee. Joseph 1804 ♦Hudson. Edward. M.D 1806 ♦Hamilton, John 1808 ♦Heaton, John 1808 THE FRIENDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK 65 *Hall. Richard 1809 *Heylin, Isaac, M.D 1809 *Hogaii, Patrick 1809 *Holmes, Samuel 1809 *Horner, John 1809 *Humes, John ^^^^ *Hiirley, Thomas i^i ^ *Hohiies, John 1812 *Hahn, William 1813 *Hope. Thomas ^8^3 *Hughes, Miles H elected March 17, 1813 ^Hamilton Gavin, Jr 1814 *Haves, Patrick i^H *Holmes, George elected March 16. 1814 *Hmnes, George ^"^^4 *Hennesey, Thomas elected March 18, 1816 *Hardinge, J. A ^^^7 *Hood, John M elected March 15, 1817 *Huston, James ^^^7 *Harper, Arthur elected March 16. 1818 *Henrv, John S " " ^^' i^iS *Harper/Charles A " " 12, 1819 *Hart, Thomas " " ^7> 1819 *Hewitt, William " " I7. 1819 *Harrison, Henry 1S20 *Hemphill, John 1820 *Hanson, John elected March 5, 1822 *Hall, Thomas 1S25 *Hirst, James M elected March 16, 1826 *Hieskill. Thomas " " i/' 1826 *Hemphill. Hon. Joseph " December 17, 1827 '^Hughes, James .' " March 14, 1828 *Holmes, Valentine " " ^3> 1830 *Halv, William W " " H, 1832 ^Harding, John, Jr " " H, 1832 *Harper, Hon. James " " H, 1832 *Harper, Thomas " " ^4, 1832 ^Hamilton, James " " ^7. 1832 *Hood. Matthew " " ^7> 1832 *Haves, Samuel " " 15- i833 66 THE FRIENDLY SOXS OF ST. PATRICK *Hood, Samuel elected *Hindman, James " ♦Holmes, John, M.D elected ♦Herring, Robert G ♦Hewitt, John ♦Holmes, John, Jr ♦Hurst, Alfred ♦Hammill, William ♦Holmes, John ♦Horn, James Henry elected ♦Hanna, James " ♦Hoy. James. Jr ♦Holmes, Seth Craig ♦Haswell, Capt. George D ♦Henderson, John ♦Heron, Alexander, Jr ♦Hayes, Robert, Sr ♦Hayes, Robert, Jr ♦Harper. Thomas S., M.D " ♦Hood. William B " ♦Heaney, Thomas ♦Hutchinson, Samuel L " ♦Hill. Adam ♦Holmes, William ♦Heenan, Col. Dennis ♦Hogg. Alexander ♦Henry. Hugh ♦Hunter. John ♦Horan, Thomas " ♦Haugh. Thomas " ♦Henry, Hon. Alexander, H. M.. ♦Hookey, Joseph H " ♦Hcaly. Patrick ♦Hannis. Henry S ♦Hay, James ♦Hurst. John C ♦Hopkins. William K " ♦Heenan. Thomas Edward, M.D.. " ♦Hanna. William J ♦Harper, James September : [7, ^^33 December 7- ^^33 December ] 7. 1834 March 3. '835 14. 1836 [4. .836 " [4. 1836 17' ^S37 1841 1 841 September 17, December [7- 1844 January ^7> 1845 March t7- 1845 December ^7< 1845 March [3. 1846 December i7< 1850 March [O. 1856 " [O, i8s6 " i7» 1856 " to. 1857 " 17, 1857 t< 17. 1857 September 17, 1859 '7- i860 December '7' 1862 March [O, 1863 December ^7' 1863 '7- 1863 " 17. 1864 September [8. [865 " [8. 1865 •' [8. 1865 December '"• 1866 March I. iS(.7 •' [ I. 1867 " [8. 1SG7 " [8. 1867 December ] [7. 1867 Tune 7- .871 March '7' ^^73 THE FRIENDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK 67 *Harris, Samuel L *Heyl, Lt.-Col. Edward M., U.S.A. *Harrity, Wm. F *Hardy, Charles A Huey, William G *Hagan, James Harrigan, Jeremiah J *Heraty, Edward J *Horstmann, Francis F *Huggard, John Halvey, Timothy F *Holmes, Henry Hallahan, Peter T Hamill, Hugh J Hanna, William W Healy, James M *Hearn, W. Joseph, M.D *Hanna, Hon. William B *Hassett, James C *Handy, Moses P *Henry, John *Hope, John F *Haines, Lindley Harrah, Charles J., Jr Henry, Charles P., M.D ^Henderson, William *Huber, John Y *Haugh, John Harned, Thomas B *Haggerty, Francis *Heraty, Michael P *Harper, Benjamin W *Hastings, Gen. Daniel H *Hughes, Hon. Benjamin F *Harnett, William M *Hartley, James Haugh, Marcus Hanifen, John E Hastings, Major W. H *Haley, Joseph F elected September 17, 1879 (e a 17, 1880 March 17, 1 881 it (( 17, 1 881 " December 17, 1 881 March 17, 1882 (( (( 17, 1882 ti ii 17, 1882 (I a 17, 1882 a a 17, 1882 " September 17, 1882 June 18. 1883 " March 17, 1884 (< a 17, 1884 a it 17. 1884 ii a 17- 1884 a a 17, 1884 " June 17, 1884 (( u 17, 1884 " December 17. 1884 " March 17, [885 (( a 17. [885 " Ji-"ie 17, [886 " " i7> [886 a (< 17, [886 " December 17, [886 U ii 17, ] [886 " September 17- ] [887 " December 17, 1 [887 " June 18, ] 888 " " 18. ] 888 " December 17. J 888 a a 17, ] 888 March 17, 5 890 " September 17, 1 890 March 17- 1 892 (( a 17, 1 892 June 17. 1 892 " September 17- I 892 a a 18, I 893 68 THE FRIEXDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK ♦Hamilton. John elected March ♦Hastings, James ♦Healy. Dr. John J ♦Heraty. Thilip F " June Huneker. John F ♦Hand. Frank L " March ♦Hicks. Samuel H Henderson. Jas. D. C Hill. Francis J " September ♦Hanlon. Felix " June Hoffman. George F " March Hoben. Robert J " June Hinch. Waher i " Harnett. James J " December Hart. William C Hookey. Frank A " March Henry. Bayard " June Henderson. John J " December Hunter. Joseph W " June Hutchins. Col. J. Warner Horstmann. Ignatius J " December Harris. Franklin M.. Jr " March Higgins, Robert Holmes, Arthur C Holmes. Harry R ♦Hall. Hon. Harry Alvan '" June Hutchinson, W, Kennard ♦Horn. Walter J " December Horan. Hubert J " June Hepburn. W. Horace. Jr " March Horn. Franklin S " June Harrigan. Daniel S " March Hannigan. Rev. Jos. J " June Horn. William H.. Jr " December ♦Hughes. William J Hanlon. Felix L " March Harrigan. Frank A Hcp)burn. Barry Hayes Haines. I. Snowden " June Haggarty. Cornelius. Jr 17- 1897 I/. 1897 I/. 1897 17. 1897 17, 1898 17- 1902 17, 1903 17. 1904 17. 1904 17. 1905 17. 1906 18. 1906 18. 1906 17. 1906 17- 1906 t6. 1907 17. 1907 17. 1907 17. 1908 17. 1908 17. 1908 17. 1909 17. 1909 17. 1909 17. 1909 17. 1909 17. 1909 17. 1909 17. 1910 17. mil U- 191 1 18. 1912 17. KI12 17- 191 2 17. 1012 17. loi.l 17- H)i3 17. 1013 17. 1013 17- i'»i^ THE FRIENDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK Haibach, Philip C elected December 17, *Holahan, Rev. James A " March 17, Hurley, William L " June 18, Harron, Joseph A " December 17, Hill, John M " June 17, Hansen, Frank R " March 17, *Irvine, Gen. William ''■Irwin, Matthew *Irwin, William *Irwin, John M *Inskeep, Abraham *Irvine, Charles *Irvine, Gen. Callender elected March 16, *Irvine, Hood " December 17, *Irvine, James " March 6, *Irvine, Jared W " " 14, *Johnston, Col. Francis *Jackson, David *Jones, John M *Joyce, Dominick *Jolly, Charles *Johnston, Col. Francis *Johnson, Robert *Jackson, John * Jackson, Major-Gen. Andrew, U. S. A., H. M elected March 17, *Jackson, Washington * Jackson, Ebenezer elected March 17, *Jones, Joseph " " 15, *Johnson, Charles, Sr " " 14, *JoIly, Thomas M " " 17, * Johnson, Charles, Jr " December 17, *Johnson, John K " March 18, *Johnson, William " " 9, *Jamison, WilHam M. . " " 10, * Juvenal, William M " December 17, *Johnson, Alexander " March 10, *James, John O " " 18, 69 915 916 917 917 918 919 781 790 790 795 803 806 815 819 821 832 779 790 790 790 802 815 819 820 823 831 834 836 838 839 852 853 863 864 867 70 THE FRIENDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK * Jamison, Col. Benton K. ...'... .elected June 17, * Judge, Thomas P " September 17, ♦Jones, Jo?hua R " March 17, ♦Judge, William " " 17. Jennings, John W " September 17. Jenkins, Hon. Theodore F " March 17. ♦Jackson, Henry J., H. M " " 17, ♦Johnston, William (No. i) .... " June 17, Johnston, William (No. 2) . . . . " " 17, Jackson, William Henry " " 17. Junker. Jules " March 17. Jones, Dr. Charles J " *' 17, Jennings, Joseph M " December 17. Johnson. Philip H " " 17. Judge, Edward F " March 16. Jennings, William J " December 17. Jones. Dr. John F. X " March 17. Joyce, William " " 17. ♦Knox, Gen. Henry ♦Kean. John ♦Kean, Roger ♦Kelly. John ♦Kennedy. Alexander ♦Kennedy, Andrew ♦Kennedy, Anthony ♦Kidd, James *Kidd, James, Jr ♦Kidd, William ♦Kingsley, Samuel ♦Knox, Andrew ♦Keppele. Michael ♦Koch, Jacob Gerard ♦Kerr. Capt. Walter ♦Keith. Samuel ♦Kitchen, James ♦Kittera, Thomas ♦Knox. John elected March 16, ♦Kyle. William " " 16. ♦Kirkman. Thomas " " 16. 871 879 882 882 SS2 884 884 884 889 892 896 906 906 o 7<>o 7<:)0 J'-fO 790 790 790 790 7<-)0 803 803 804 806 806 S13 814 814 815 THE FRIENDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK 71 *Kingston, Stephen *Keating', John, Jr *Kelly, Thomas, Jr elected *Kerr, James (No. i) *Kelly, Philip *Kyle, David *Kane,' Hon. John K *Kelly, Dennis *Keefe, John *Keating, Wm. H *Kelly, Charles " *Kirkpatrick, Samuel " *Kelly. Patrick H *Kane, Gen. Thomas L " *Keenan, Michael *' *Keenan. Michael F *Kelly, Samuel S " *Kelly, Philip F. (No. i) " *Kirkpatrick, James " *Kelly, Dennis B *Kelly, James (No. i) *Kelly, John A " *Kelley, William *Kerr, Alexander " *Kelly, Edward J. (No. i) " *Kelly, William F. (No. i) " *Keefe, Joseph I " *Keefe, David " *Kennedy, Hon. Joseph P " *Keys, James " *Keys, Roger, M.D *Keane, Martin " *Kelly. John F *Kelly, William F. (No. 2) " *Kelly, George " *Kerr, James (No. 2) " *Kenney, James J " *King, Hon. Charles F " *Kane, James " *Kearney, Richard " March December March December March December (I March June December September it March December March December September March June it March June September December (I March 7. [6, [6, 7, [3, [5. ■3^ 7, [4, 7- [8, 7' 7, [8, 7- 9' 7, [O, [8, 7- 7, 7, 7- 7. 7, 7. 7- 7, 7. 7- 7> 7, 7, 7> 7, ^815 [820 [822 [823 [826 [826 [828 [829 [830 [831 [833 [844 [846 [848 [849 [849 [850 [850 [854 [862 [865 [865 [866 [867 [867 [867 h [882 [882 [882 [882 [882 [882 [883 [883 [884 k ^2 THE FRIENDLY SOS'S OF ST. PATRICK Kelly, Edward J. (Xo. 2) elected March Kelly, John L *King, Charles S " Kearns, Patrick " June *Keefe, James J " " *Kelly. Owen " *Kennelly. John S ♦Kelley, John A *Kaier. Charles D *' December ♦Kelly, Philip F. (Xo. 2j Kenney, Hon. James R " " Kennedy, John D " June Kieran. Rev. William, D.D " September *King, William " March Kelly. Michael J " *Kendrick, George W., Jr " June Kelly. James (Xo. 2) *Kingsley, Edward F " " ♦Kelly, Thomas F ♦Kelly, William J " ♦Kearns, Peter P " ♦King. James J " September King, Bernard B " December ♦Keech, Samuel J ♦King. James W *" March ♦Kerr. Hon. James Kelly, Samuel L " June Kolle, Otto F ♦Kelly. P. M., M.D Kerr. William J " December Keane. Walter F " September ♦Kelley, Daniel F " June Kirlin, Rev. Joseph L. J " December Kelly. Francis E " September ♦Kilpatrick. James D " March Kelley. James M Keough. James M " December Kenny. John E " March ♦Killmurray, M. S " " Kerrigan. Joseph P " September 17, 1884 17, 1884 17. 1884 17. 1884 17. 1884 17. 1884 17, 1884 17, 1887 17, 1887 17, 1887 17, 1887 18. 1888 17. 1889 17. 1890 17. 1890 17- 1890 17, 1890 17. 1 891 17, 1 891 17. 1892 17. 1892 17. 1895 17. 1896 17. 1896 17. 1897 17. 1898 17- i8q8 17. 1898 16, [900 17. [900 17. 1901 17. [902 17. [903 18. 005 16, [907 17. [909 17. 1 909 17. 1 010 17. ] 910 17. 1 910 THE FRIENDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK Kline, D. Frank, M.D elected December 17, Kelley, John M " June 17, Kleckner, Joseph " March 18, Kohl, Charles W " " 18, Kinsley, Joseph T " " 18, Kelly, Frank X " December 17, Keegan, Robert J " June 17, *Keegan, Andrew J " December 17, Kahre, Edward C " " 17, Kearns, John J " June 17, *Kinzer, Stuart L. B " " 18, Kelley, Lieut. Aloysius J " March 16, Kendrick, Murdock " December 17, *Lynch, Ulysses *Lardner, John, H. M *Lea, Thomas *Latimer, George *Lapsley, David *Lea, Thomas *Leamy, John *Little, James *Loller, Col. Robert *Lucas, Thomas *Lynch, John *Latimer, Lieut.-Col. George *Leamy, John *Ladlie, James F *Loughrey, John *Lynch, Edward *Latimer, James *Latimer, William G *Lucas, Fielding *Lyle, William *Logan, James *Lapsley, John *Lapsley, David, Jr *Leake, Richard elected March 17, *Latimer, George *Lefevre, Nicholas elected March 16, 7i 910 911 912 912 912 912 913 913 915 916 917 918 918 771 782 785 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 791 792 802 802 802 803 803 803 803 804 808 811 813 814 814 74 THE FRIENDLY SOS'S OF ST. PATRICK *Lisle, John *Lyle, Peter elected *Laverty, Jesse " *Luke, William *Locke, Harrison " *LapsIey, Joseph B *Leiper, Col. William j *Lindsay, Henry H *Loughead, Robert L. *Looney, Robert *Loiigh. Joseph *Lisle. John M *Laird, Robert *Lindsay, John *Ligget, Robert *Le\vis. Callender Irvine *Leddy, Capt. James M ♦Little. Robert *Lciper. Armstrong, M.D *Lavens. John " *Lynch. William *Latterty. Edward *Ligget. John " *Lee. Edward R *Laughlin. Robert *Ligget, Samuel " Love. John B * Lynch. John W *Loran. Thomas *Laughlin. Capt. John ♦Lclar. Robert G * Locke, Theodore F *LciI). Albert *Liebcrman. John B *Loughlin. Dennis J.. ^LD *Lce. Hon. James D Latta. William J *Langton. D. J.. M.D *Lucas. John *Lowrv. Thomas P " March i6, 1815 " i8, 1816 December I/- 1818 ^Larch i2» 1819 6, 182I 15- 1831 ** 14. 1832 " 17- 1832 " 14. 1834 17. ^^57 December 18. 1837 '• •7- 1838 March 12, 1 S40 December 17. 1850 ^L^rch 10. 1853 17. 1853 10. 18^6 t7- 1857 December ^7' 1862 " t7. 1863 March 7- i8()5 " I. 18(17 December i 7. 1870 September 7. 1873 ALarch i 7. 1880 December 7. 1880 Tune 1 7' 1 882 December i / - 1883 March 1 / • 1884 / • 1884 7' 1 884 / • 1886 December i / • 1887 J 7' 1887 March i 8. 1880 December i 7« i88() June I 7- 1801 / • 1 80 1 December i / • 1801 THE FRIENDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK 75 Lynch, John elected March 17, 1894 Lavery, Hugh " June 17, 1895 Larkin, Peter B " " I7. 1895 Lucey, John A " March 17, 1896 *Lea, Henry C " June 17, 1897 *Lane, Cornehus A " March 17, 1898 Lonergan, John E " " 17, 1898 Lowrey, Dwight M " December 17, 1898 *Lmden, Robert J " " ^7, 1900 *Lucas. Wm. Walter " March 16, 1901 Logue, J. Washington " September 17, 1901 *Levy, Edmond L " June 17, 1902 *Lynde, Francis E. P " December 17, 1903 Lennon, James F " " ^7, 1906 Lynch, Patrick J " March 16, 1907 Lawler, Patrick J " September 17, 1909 Long, William H., Jr., M.D " December 17, 1909 Logue, Patrick " September 17, 1912 Lynch, Edward D. C " December 17, 1912 Lank, Edgar W " June 17, ^9^3 *Lane. Dr. Peter H " December 17, 1915 Lincoln, Jacob " " 18, 1916 Lodge, Joseph P " " I7. ^9^7 Lamoreile, Hon. Joseph F " June 17. 1918 Logue, Lieut. Thomas A " " I7. 1918 *Logue, Lieut. Frank C " " ^7, 1918 *Meade, George ^77^ *Mease. James ^77'^ *Mease. John ^77^ *Mease, Mathew ^77i *Mitchell, John ^771 *Mitchell, Randle ^77^ *Mitchell, William ^771 *Morris. Robert. H. M ^77i *Moylan. Gen. Stephen ^77'^ *Moylan, James ^77^ *Meredith, Gen. Samuel, H. M 177^ *Murray, John '^77^ *Mitchell, John. Jr 1781 76 THE FRIENDLY SOXS OF ST. PATRICK 781 781 783 ♦Moylan, Jasper *Moylan, John *Moore, Hugh *Moore, Major James *Moore. Patrick *Magoffin, Joseph ♦Marshall, James ♦Marshall, Christopher *Mcade, George ♦Metcalfe, Thomas ♦Milne, Edward ♦Mitchell. John, Jr ♦Montgomery, Capt. James . . . . ♦Moore, Samuel ♦Moore. Richard ♦Moore. William, Sr ♦Morris, Owen '^ Moore. \\'illiam, Jr ♦Morton, George ♦Morton, John ♦Moylan. Jasper ♦Mullowney, John, Jr ♦Mullery, Edward ♦Matthews, William ♦Moore. Col. Thos. Lloyd. H. M ♦Mease. James. M.D ♦Marshall, Benjamin ♦Marshall. Charles ♦Meeker, Samuel ♦Moore. Capt. James ♦Moore. Patrick ♦Moore. William ♦Muhlenberg. J. P ♦Moore. Davis "Mallon. James ♦Mnhlenherg. David ♦Magoftin, John ♦Miller. Robert ♦MillcT. William ♦Murrav. George 785 786 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 7

o 790 790 790 790 790 792 702 798 802 So 2 802 S02 S02 802 802 802 803 809 811 811 811 811 THE FRIENDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK 77 *Maccoun, David *Markley, Philip S elected *AIeany, John *Miercken, Peter *Murray, George *Mason, Samuel '''Mann, Thomas elected *Mason, William ''■Mercer, Robert ='\AIitchell, Robert *Magrath, Michael *Milligan, Francis *Murphey, Robert *Montgomery, William elected *Mahany, James A *Moffett, Richard *Mellon, Thomas *Moss, John *Maxwell, John *Maxwell, James " ^Murray, Hugh W ^Mitchell, John K., M.D *Mercer, Singleton A " ''•Maguire, John " *Murphy, Dennis " *Maguire, Bernard " *Malone, Michael " *Moroney, William *Mulholland. George, Jr *Milliken, James " *Magee, James " *Maguire, John " *Martin, William J *Mills, John ....' " *Minford, Thomas " *Murphy, D. W., M.D " *Maguire, James " *MacLellan, C. J " *Murphy, John A *Murphy, Alexander February 2^, March i6, March 15 15 12 17 December 17 16 March 17 December 17 March 14 15 December 17 March 14 17 December 17 January 17 December 17 September 17 17 December 17 March 14 14 14 17 December 18 March 13 10 17 September 17 March 17 9 8 September 17 December 17 [814 [814 [814 [814 [815 [816 ^817 [817 [819 [819 [819 [820 [820 [823 [827 [832 t833 [833 [834 ^835 ^835 [838 [838 [839 [841 [841 [842 [842 [842 [843 [843 [848 [851 [852 [852 [853 [854 C855 ^855 ^855 78 THE FRIEXDLY SOXS OF ST. PATRICK ♦Megee, George elected Marcli lo *Magee. Francis P " " 17 *Magee, Michael " " 17 *Martin, James S "' 4 ♦Murta, John P " " 17 ♦Morgan, William " September 17 *Mahony, John T " December 17 *Mears, Lewis T " March 17 ♦Mershon, Daniel, H. M " June 17 ♦Melloy, John M " December 17 ♦Miller, William " " 17 ♦Macky, Samuel " March 10 *Mulholland, Gen. St. Clair A. . . " *' 17 ♦Mackenzie. R. Shelton " December 17 ♦Moody, Matthew " March 10 ♦Manderson, John " September 18 ♦Miirtha, John " December 18 ♦Millar, William A " March 17 ♦Moore, Alexander " " 17 ♦Maxson, John. Jr " June 18 ♦Massey. William " December 17 ♦Maguire, James A " March 17 ♦Maguire, William " June 17 ♦Morgan, William E " March 7 ♦Murphy, Dominick , " June 17 ♦Maguire, Edward T " December 17 Morgan. Charles V " " 17 ♦Muldoon. John " March 4 ♦Mulligan. Edward " " 4 ♦Milligan. William " December 17 ♦Megargee. Louis N " March 17 ♦Mein. John H " " 17 ♦Megargee. Irwin F " December 17 ♦Mathews. Michael " ^L^rch 17 ♦Mullen. David " " 17 ♦Maguire. James " June 17 *^L'lynes. Rodger " " 17 ♦Moroney, James " " 17 *^L'l^tin. Simon J " December 17 ♦Martin. Owen " March 17 THE FRIENDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK 79 *Mohan, John elected March 17, 1883 *Monaghan, Robert Emmet " " U, 1883 *Murphy, Francis W " June 18, 1883 *Mack, John M " March 17, 1884 *Magrath, Christopher S " "^ i/. 1884 *Malone, Richard A " " 1 7, 1884 Maloney, Martin " " ^7> 1884 *Mathieu, Claude J " " ^7, 1884 *Menamin, Robert S " '' ^7, 1884 *Montgomery, Austin J " '^^ ^7. 1884 *Morrison, Wilson J " " ^7. 1884 Mulqueen, Bryan " " ^7, 1884 *Madden, John " June I7> 1884 *Murphy, Dennis F " " I7» 1884 *Mullin, Andrew J " March 17, 1885 *Murphy, Francis K " " I7» 1885 Martin, Joseph. M.D " June 17, 1885 *Magee, James E " September 17, 1886 Mooney, Thomas J " March 18, 1889 *Murphy, Joseph P " " ^7, 1889 *Martin, Henry " March 17, 1890 Martin, Edwin " June 17, 1890 *Martin, Thomas J " " ^7, 1890 Martin, William L " " ^7, 1890 *Morgan, George " " I7, 1890 Moylan, P. F., M.D " March 17, 1892 *Maneely, John " June 17, 1892 Mullen, Thomas J., Jr " " I7. 1892 *Monroe, Lawrence " March 17, 1893 *Manderfield, Thomas F " June 18, 1894 *Morrell, Col. Edward " March 18, 1895 *Murphy, Patrick J " March 18, 1895 Martin, Thomas J., Jr " December 17, 1895 *Milligan, Joseph H. S " March 17, 1896 *Mahony, Daniel H " December 17, 1896 *Morrison, James F " " ^7, 1896 Martin, Hon. J. Willis " March 17, 1897 Moore, Dr. J. Edward " " ^7, 1897 *Mullin, Daniel D " June 17. 1897 ♦Murray, Charles C " " ^7, 1897 So TtlE FRIENDLY SOXS OF ST. PATRICK *Mogan, John elected December Murphy, J. Joseph " *Meily, James " March *Murphy, Joseph L) " " Moloney, Thomas " |une ♦Meade, James M " December Maneely, Francis J " March *Murphy, Richard S Moroney. James E " March Meredith, Hon. W'm. B " June *Murphy, Peter F *Melville. Rear-Admiral Geo. W., U. S. N. (H. M.) " March Morris, William H " September *Mulhcrin, William Murphy. Joseph L " March Maguire, Aloysius J *Maguire. Edward T., Jr " Meagher, Thomas James " December Milligan. Robert J " March Mullin, Frank T " December Mundy, John J " March Murray, John F " Maguire, Bernard " June Murray. Samuel " " *Murphy, Michael Maguire, Thomas F *' December Melloy, George G " " Morris. Charles E " March Madden. Edward P " December Mellon, John C Magee. Henry C " June Maguire. James J " " Mulhcrin. John E " Miller. J. Albert " December Moore. J. Clarke, jr " March Mulhcrin. Arthur P " " Mulherin. Andrew J " Mulherin, Frank A Mallon, James P " Tune 17. 1897 17. 1897 17- 1898 17. 1900 16. 1900 17. 1900 16, 1 901 16, 1 90 1 17. I o7 17. [907 17. [907 17- [907 17. [*x^7 17. ( i7> [890 March f7- [891 " 17, [891 June [7. [891 March [7, [892 u [7. 1 [892 "' [7, f893 June [7- 1 [893 ] f7, 1 t893 September [8, ] 893 86 THE FRIENDLY SOS'S OF ST. PATRICK *McGill, Francis elected December ♦McCaffrey, Henry S " June ♦McCaffrey, Hugh I " September ♦McCarty, James A " December McCarty, M. A " ♦McCool. Michael " March ♦McLaughlin, Robert G McKinley, David H " McMulIin, Wm. J " September * McKinley, Wm. S " March ♦McMenamin, David B " McCaffrey, Walter A " September ♦McDevitt, Henry C " December ♦McCormick, Laurence " March ♦McC.ill. Connell " McManus, Harry " " McXulty. Charles J " *McGlinn, John " June McAleer. John H. . . . : " March McAleer. William. Jr " ♦McLoughlin. Rev. Wm. A McLaughlin. Daniel B " December McQuillen. Dr. D. N " ♦McHugh, John McCaffrey, Joseph J " March McCarthy, John A " McManus, Frank A " McKcrnan. Frank " September McXichol. Thomas F " " McAleer, Joseph L " March McCaffrey. Fdward V " McXab. Thomas A " " McAnany, Hugh " June ♦McTTugh. William J " " " ♦McXichol. James P. " ♦McKnight, Alexander " " ^TcCusker. Michael J " September McAvoy. Charles D ." March ♦McCaffrey. William A " McDonough. David J " June 18 1893 18 1894 17 1894 17 1894 17 1894 18 1895 18 1895 18 1895 17 1895 17 1896 17 1897 17 1897 17 1897 17 1898 17 1898 17 1898 17 1898 17 1898 17 1899 17 1899 17 1000 17 I(X>0 17 1900 17 i9or 17 1003 17 1903 17 1903 17 1003 17 1903 17 1904 17 i'X>4 17 1904 17 1904 17 1004 17 1004 17 1004 17 100^ 17 1905 17 1905 17 1005 THE FRIENDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK 87 McDonough, James J elected *McCormick, W^m. M " '''McLaughlin, Adrian F McAniff, Hugh P., M.D " McCurdy, George *McFillin, J. William " McAteer, John McCarthy, John J McCartney, James S *McGra\v, John J " McLaughlin, J. Frank " McXamee, Joseph A McDonald, Mitchell McLaughlin, Joseph S " McNally, James H. J " McNichol, Daniel J McCullough, Rev. Jos. A McLaughlin, Joseph " McClain, Hon. Frank B McCullough, Chas. H " ^McCabe, Rev. M. J " McCool. Patrick A McGurk. James H " McAdams, Francis M McCrea. James " McElwee,' William H " MacDonough, Chas. Q McCarthy, Daniel J., M.D *McFadden, James " McGrath, Louis J *McKelvey, Owen McNelis. Anthony J.. M.D McKenna, Dr. John A McMichael, Hon. Chas. B McGlinn, William J " McGinty. John F McCarthy. John A McKinley. Dr. William J " McNally, James J " McGarrity, Joseph " June I 7, I 905 1 7, I 905 December ] 8, 1 90.S ] 7, 1 906 ] 7. J 906 ] 7. 1 906 March ] 6, ] 907 ] 6, ] 907 ] [6, ] [907 ] [6, ] [907 ] [6, ] [907 ] [6, ] [907 June ] [7. [907 March ] ^7, ] [908 " [7, [908 " [7. [908 September [7, [908 December [7, [908 March ^7, [909 a f7, [909 June f7- [909 (( [7, [909 December t7- [909 March t7- [910 « 17. [910 ce [7. [910 June 17. [910 March t7. [911 June [7. [911 « 17- [911 (( 17, [911 (( 17, [911 December [8, [911 March 18. [912 June 17. 1912 September 17, 1912 March 17, 1913 (( 17, 1913 (( 17, 1913 June 17, 1913 88 THE FRIEXDLY SOXS OF ST. PATRICK McLeister, Thomas elected McGuigan, Bernard J McMenaniin, Michael J McDerniott, Cornelius McDonald, Laurence McClatchy, John H McGarvey, Patrick J MacXeille, Hon. Raymond McCarron, Francis A McCarter, C. Howard McGlinn, John McGuigan, Dr. John I McCarthy, Robert S McCaffrey, Sergt. Xorbert G. . . McCaffrey, Henry S McEner}', Michael J McCann, John Henry McDcrmott, Dr. Bernard A. . . . McLaughlin, F. P McCormick, Samuel S McDonnell, M. J McLaughlin, James A McTear, Thomas F McCullen, Hon. Jos. P December June September December March June September March December ^L1rch June September December March September December 17, 17. 17- 17. 17. 17, 17. 17. 17. iS, 18, 17. 17. 16, 16, 16, 17, 17. 17. 17. 17. 17. 17. 17- 1913 1914 [914 1914 1915 1915 [916 [916 1916 1916 [916 1917 [917 [918 [918 [918 1918 1918 [918 [919 1919 [919 [919 1919 *Xesbitt, John Maxwell *Nixon, Col. John *Xesbitt, Alexander . . . *Xichols, Col. Francis . *Xesbitt, Alexander . . . *Xesbitt, John Maxwell *Xichols, Col. Francis . *Xicholson. John *Xichols, William *Xugent, Edmund *Xcill, Lewis *Xcwman, Thomas . . . . *Nixon. James *Xewell. William ■/7i 77S 1784 [790 .790 [790 '790 [79a , 7170 [802 [804 1816 1824 THE FRIENDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK *Niblo, John elected March 14, *Newman, Hugh " " 14, *Neiles, George " '' 17, *Negus, James Engle " " 17, *Nichols, Jereniiaii " December 17, *Nelson, James " September 17, *Nelson, John B " December 17, *Nichols, Henry K " September 17, *Nead, Wilham J " " 17, *Nolan, WilHam " June 18, *Nolan, James " March 17, Nolan, John J " June 17, *Neville, James J " March 17, *Nolan, Thomas " September 17, *Nolan, Charles " March 17, Nichuals, Richard D " " 17, Newton, Mahlon W " June 16, Nolan, James P " March 17, Nickles, Theodore E " " 17, Northrop, Dr. H. L " September 18, Norris, George W " March 18, *Otto, Jacob S *Orth, Henry *Ogle, Thomas elected March 17, *Oakman, John , " " 13, *Orne, James H " December 17, *Owens, Thomas " " 17, *Owens, Bernard " " 17, *0ellers, Richard G " " 17, *Ogden, Robert C " " 17, *01iver, Chas. A., M.D " March 17, *0'Brien. ^Michael Morgan *0'Brien. Patrick *0'Connor, Capt. Christopher *0'Mealey, Rev. T. J elected January 7, *0'Neill John " March 13, *0'Neill, Robert " " 14, *0'Kane, Andrew " " 15, 832 832 843 846 863 864 864 866 870 883 884 884 885 892 893 894 900 905 906 911 912 803 809 822 835 859 866 867 888 889 893 781 790 80Q 825 829 832 833 90 THE FRIENDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK *0'Connor, James elected March ♦O'Donnell, Hugli " December *0'Donnell, Peter P " January *0'Xeill, Tliomas " December *0'Rourke. Thomas " ♦O'Brien, James " June ♦O'Brien, John " September ♦O'Bryan, John Duross " December O'Donnell, Patrick F " June ♦O'Rourke, Michael ♦O'Reilly, Col. James " September O'Brien, Michael E " March ♦O'Neill, Patrick ♦O'Reilly, Francis C ♦O'Hara, Michael, M.D " June ♦O'Neill. Charles " " ♦O'Brien, William H " December ♦O'Brien, James A " June ♦O'Neill. Charles M " December ♦O'Brien. John T " June O'Neill. William C " March ♦O'Callahan. John " June ♦O'Rourke, John J " September ♦O'Sullivan, James " December ♦O'Neill, Peter " June ♦O'Donncl. John " December O'Brien. William J.. M.D " March ♦O'Donnell. Thomas " June ♦O'Reilly. T. B., M.D " ' " O'Brien. Thomas M " Marcii ♦O'Malley. Dr. Joseph " June O'Ncil, Peter J " September O'Hara, Michael, Jr., M.D " March O'Brien. Patrick f O'Rourke. Thos. J " September O'ConnclI, James A " June ♦O'Donosrhue. Patrick J " December O'Neill. Col. Christopher T. . . . " O'Neill. Thomas E " O'Kane. Tames " March IJt 1836 I/' 1838 ^7- I ^^45 I"' 1859 ^7' i860 ^7» 1867 17' 1870 ^7' 1880 ^7» 1882 ^7' 1882 '■ / ' 1883 ^7' 1884 ^7' 1884 ^7- 1884 ^7' 1886 17. 1886 ^ / ' 1886 ^7' 1887 ^ / • 1887 '/ • i88q ^7' i8cxD ^7' 1802 ^7' 1806 ^7' i8q6 ^ / • i8»v ^7' 1897 ^7> 1899 16, 1900 i7« 1901 ^7' 1902 ^7' 1003 ^7' 1903 ^7< 1Q05 ^7' 1006 ' / • 1007 ^7' 1008 ' / • TO08 ^7' 1008 17. 1908 T •? 1909 THE FRIENDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK O'Connor, Charles elected June 17, O'Neill, John " " 17, *0'Connor, Rev. Daniel " " 17, O'Neill, Francis " " 17, O'Hara, Dr. Thomas A " March 18, ^Oliver, Hon. George T " " 18, O'Donnell, Frank P ; . . " December 17, Owens, Bernard F " March 17, O'Brien, Edward M " " 17, O'Brien, Dr. T. A " December 18, O'Connor. \\'illiam " March 17, O'Brien, P. J " September 17, O'Neill, James J " March 17, O'Dea, John " December 17, *Penn, Hon. Richard, H. M ^Patterson, John , *Patton. Col. John *Pollock, Oliver *Peters, Richard, H. M *Patterson, Robert *Patton, Col. John *Patton, Robert *Pinkerton, John *Porter. Robert *Powers, \\"illiam *Pringle. John *Proctor, Gen. Thomas *Pollock, Oliver *Porter, Andrew *Parker, Edward *Poalk, Robert *Potter, Richard C "Pleasants, James *Parker, William *Piersol, Jeremiah *Piersol, William *Potts, Rev. George C *PhiIson, Alexander *Purdon, Joseph R 91 909 909 909 910 912 912 912 913 914 916 917 917 919 919 773 772 779 783 7^7 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 792 792 802 802 802 805 807 807 807 811 812 812 92 THE FRIENDLY SOS'S OF ST. PATRICK *Patterson, John ♦Porter, James M elected *Passmore, Thomas ♦Patterson, W'ilHam *Patton, James, Jr *Porter, Hon. James Madison ... ♦PhiUips, Capt. WiUiam *Patton, John C ♦Patterson, Gen. Robert ♦Porter, WiUiam ♦Patterson, Christopher Stewart. . ♦Porter, Samuel " ♦Preston. Major Walter, H. M. . . ♦Park. David ♦Pomeroy. Ralph W " ♦Patterson, Joseph " ♦Pog^ue. Joseph " ♦Penn-Gaskell. Thomas " ♦Patterson. Robert M.. D.D ♦Power. Tyrone ♦Patterson. Samuel D " ♦Parker. Isaac B " ♦Patton. Robert ♦Patterson. Henry S.. M.D.. H.M. " ♦Pollock, Robert ♦Porter. Hon. Win. .\ ♦Patterson. William C ♦Patton. Georfi[e " ♦Philbin. John ♦Patton. Samuel A " ♦Powell. Philip " ♦Patterson. William H ♦Porter. William G ♦Patterson. Gen. Robert E " ♦Patton. Thomas R " ♦Pollock. William J ♦Pettid. Owen W ♦Patton. Michael ♦Pollock. John " ♦Patterson, Wm. C, Tr " March December March September March December September March December March December March September December « ^Tarch [814 [814 [816 [8x6 [817 [818 [819 [821 [824 [826 1826 ;820 8,20 831 'S33 1834 t835 [8^6 :830 1839 [840 [840 [842 :845 1846 [851 [852 [855 1850 i8rx) [862 1862 186^ [865 r863 [867 THE FRIENDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK 93 *Piersol, Joseph N elected *Pollock, James *Patterson, John *Payne, John E *Patterson, Robert S PhilHps, WiHiam M ^Patterson, Richard *Perkins, Edward L *Phillips, Charles *Powers, Thomas J *Pancoast. Prof. William H. . . . *Porter, Hon. Chas. A *Patton, John , *Patton, Hon. John, Jr ''■'Powell, G. Washington *Parker, Thomas * Pound, W^illiam T Power, Maurice H Patton, William A., H. M *Patton, Alexander E Porter, Hon. W^m. W Peale, R. R Patterson, Andrew C *Paul, Charles E Powers, Edward L Patterson, Robert ^Patterson, Frank E *Patterson, George R *Powell, G. Washington, Jr. ... Power, John E *Popham, Richard M fPotter, Hon. William Patterson, Harry T Pickard, Cyrus S Patton, Edward W Pike, J. Edward Parkinson, Robert L Pletcher, Henry W *Prendergast, Most. Rev. E. F. . t Resigned. :ted March 7, [869 f7» [882 " June t7, [882 (( •( t7> [882 " September ^7, [882 March [7, [884 " September f7, [884 i> li ^7, [884 " March [7, [885 " June [7. 1885 " '' [7- [889 " " t7, [890 " March [7. [893 a it C7- t893 " " [7, 1893 " December [7, [894 (( (( [7. f895 March ^7, [896 " " [7, [896 " June f7> [897 March f7- [898 (< u [7. [898 " June ] [7- [899 " September [7> [900 " June [7, [902 " December ^7, [902 March i ^7, [904 " September [7. [904 li a [7, [904 " March ] [7-. [905 " December [7, [906 " September i [7. [907 March ] f7. [910 " June ] 7- ] [910 ] 7, J [911 " " ] [7, ] [911 " December i 8, ] [911 " September i ^7, ] [912 " December i 7, ] [912 94 THE FRIEXDLV SOXS OF ST. PATRICK Patterson, Hon. John M elected June 17, Powers, Peter H " March 17, Price, Michael G " June 17, Price, William G " March 17, *Quinton, Alexander " *' 15, *Quinlan, Capt. Francis T " " 17, *Quinn, John " " 17, *Quinn, Patrick " September 17, Quin, Charles T " June 17, Quinlan, Paul F " September 17, Quinn. F. X " March 17, Quinn, Charles " December 18, Quinn. A. F " " 17, Quirk, Thomas K " June 17, Quinn, M. P " March 17, Quinn, Andrew F.. Jr " " 17, Quinn, Ignatius A " " 17. *Read, Capt. Thomas *Robinson, Col. Thomas *Rainey. Robert *Rice, Henry *Richardson, William *Risk, Charles *Robinson. William *Rc>lston. William *Ryan, James *Rainey, Robert *Reed. John *Rcynolds. James, M.D *Renshaw, Richard *Rogers, Maurice *Reid, John *Reed, Samuel *Read, Collinson *Reilly, Thomas ♦Ritchie, Robert ♦Rogers, James ♦Rogers, William 915 916 916 920 833 882 882 886 897 9CX) 904 905 912 914 919 920 920 7S2 7S2 790 JCJO 790 790 790 790 700 791 793 796 802 S02 803 803 803 803 803 808 808 THE FRIENDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK 95 "^Richards, Mark *Rossiter, John ♦Reed, Joseph ♦Rogers, John William *Renshaw, William elected ♦Rankin, David " ♦Roney, Thomas " ♦Reath, Thomas " ♦Richards, Joseph " ♦Rice, Robert ♦Robinson, John " ♦Rankin, Robert ♦Richards, Benjamin W " ♦Read, John M " ♦Riddle, John S " ♦Rush, William, M.D ♦Ryan, Patrick " ♦Reynolds, John " ♦Riddle, Robert ♦Reed, William B " ♦Reilly, Philip " ♦Reed, Robert ♦Rea, Thomas C " ♦Reed, Samuel F " ♦Robins, Thomas, H. M " ♦Riddle, Samuel " ♦Riddle, James ♦Redmond, John " ♦Randolph, Evan " ♦Rankin, Hugh ♦Reilly, Robert L " ♦Reed, Admiral George C, H. M. " ♦Roney, James " ♦Reville, James J " ♦Robinson, John " ♦Ritchie, George " ♦Reilly, James " ♦Rafferty, Bernard ♦Robinson, P. Edmund " ♦Rogers, Charles " March i6 i6 i6 i6 i6 i6 i6 17 17 14 14 15 15 13 13 14 14 September 18 March 17 17 December 17 March 14 " 10 December 17 March 9 December 17 17 June 17 March 10 17 September 18 March 17 June 18 December 17 March 1 1 18 [809 [811 [811 [812 [814 [824 [824 [825 [825 [826 [826 [827 [829 [832 [832 [833 [833 t835 f835 t837 [838 [843 [845 [846 [847 [850 ^851 1851 f854 [859 [859 [862 [863 [863 [865 [866 [866 [866 [867 [867 96 THE FRIENDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK ♦Roth, Edward elected March i8 ♦Ralston, Robert " June 17 ♦Rafferty, George J " March 17 ♦Reilly, Hon. Bernard " " 17 ♦Reaney, Patrick " June 17 Roche, Thomas J " December 17 ♦Rehill, Patrick " March 17 Reilly. John B " June 18 ♦Reilly, Thomas A " - 18 Roth, George M " " 18 Reilly. H,on. James B " March 17 ♦Reilly, John A " " 17 ♦Reilly, Dennis " " 17 Reilly. T. Wallace " June 17 ♦Roantree, William F " September 17 ♦Rogers, Col. John I " " 17 ♦Ryan. Patrick T " " 17 ♦Roney, George " June 17 Ryan, Michael J " " 17 ♦Ryan, Matthew A *' September 17 ♦Raleigh, Walter " March 17 ♦Rees, John E " September 17 ♦Ross, Hon. George ' " June 17 ♦Read, William F " December 17 Ryan. James J " June 17 ♦Rue, John R., Jr " March 17 ♦Rorkc. Allen B " June 17 Robinson. Hon. John B " September 18 ♦Rowan. William F " December 17 ♦Ruj)p. George P " March 17 ♦Ryan. Most Rev. P. J., D.D. ..." " 17 ♦Robinson, Joseph " December 17 ♦Ryan. Thomas J " " 17 ♦Ryan. Daniel J " June 16 Raff. A. Raymond " March 16 Reilly. Thomas " December 17 ♦Reilly. John A • March 17 Rogers. Joseph P " " 17 Rohrer. Howard , " September 17 Reed. C. H.. }r , " December 17 [867 [871 [881 [882 [882 [SS2 [883 1883 [883 [883 [884 1884 [884 1884 1884 [884 1884 [SS6 [886 [886 1SS7 [887 i^% [889 [892 t893 [893 1893 [804 [8(/) t8c>7 [897 [897 [900 [901 [902 [904 [Q04 h/d6 THE FRIENDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK Reynolds, Walter, M.D elected March i6, Ryan, William J " " i6, Ryan, Rev. Thomas F " " 17, Rock, Michael, Jr " December 17, *Richmond, Joseph G " " i7» Raggio, Antonio " June 17, Reilly, Thomas F " September 17, *Ruane, Edward J " June 17, Read, Major Harmon P " December 17, Rooney, Charles P " June 17, Rooney, James F " " 17, Ryan, Wm. S " " 17, Riley, James T. " December 18, Reilly, William D " September 17, *Ragan, Daniel J " December 17, Ryan, James Francis " March 17, Reynolds, Hon. John M " " 17, *Roney, Charles J., Jr " " 17, Ragan, James J " " 17, Robbins, Joseph A " June 17, Reilly, Joseph H " September 18, Reilly, Patrick F " " 18, Ryan, George M " March i^, *Rorke, William F " June 17, Rahilly. David A " March 17, *Shee, Gen. John *Searle, James, H. M *Stewart, Gen. Walter *Shiell, Dr. Hugh *Stewart, Col. Charles *Scott, Edward *Service, John *Shea. John *Shields, John, H. M *Small, John *Smith, James *Smith, Robert *Smith, William Moore, H. M *Spotswood, William 97 907 907 908 908 908 909 909 910 910 911 911 911 911 912 912 914 914 915 916 916 916 916 917 918 920 771 771 779 780 781 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 98 THE FRIENDLY SOXS OF ST. PATRICK ♦Stewart. Col. Charles . . ♦Stuart, Col. Christopher ♦Stuart, David ♦Stewart, James Hood ♦Stewart, Gen. Walter ♦Stillas. John ♦Strawbridge, John ♦Swaine, Francis ♦Sweeney, Hugh ♦Stephens, Thomas ♦Sweeny, Doyle ♦Schaffer. Charles ♦Smith, William W ♦Stewart, James ♦Smith, John ♦Steele. Gen. John ♦Sterling, Samuel S ♦Stuart. James ♦Shipley, Thomas ♦Sergeant, Hon. John ♦Schlatter. \\'illiam ♦Stafford. Robert S.. M.D ♦Sergeant. Henry ♦Scott, Thomas elected March 17. ♦Smith. James F ♦Schumann. Ernst F elected March 16. ♦Smiley. William ♦Smith. John M ♦Steel. John ♦Swain. Francis ♦Sergeant. Hon. Thomas elected March 18, ♦Strawbridge. John " " 18. ♦Sullivan. John T " December 17. ♦Sharpnack. Benjamin " March 16. ♦Sims, Robert " " 16. ♦Steel, Samuel " December 17. ♦Stewart. Thomas " " 17, ♦Smith, John " March 16. ♦Stevenson. Augustine " " 16. ♦Smith. Rev. James " " 16. 790 790 71/D 790 790 -ijo 790 790 71 ;0 796 796 Soj 802 802 803 803 803 803 804 805 809 809 811 •^13 i^i3 814 814 814 814 814 816 816 816 818 818 818 819 822 822 S26 THE FRIENDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK *Self ridge, Matthew elected March *Steen, Robert " " *Stokley, WilHam " *Stewart, Thomas " " *Scott, Hugh " *Scott, WilHam H., M.D " February *Sloan, John V " March *Sterling, Henry " " *Strickland, WilHam " *Stuart, David *Smyth, Samuel " December *vSavage, John " March *Steen, John L " *Sweeny, Dennis " " , *Solts, Robert " December *Stuart, James '' " *Stuart, George H " March *Smith, Thomas *Ste\vard, George, M.D " June *Scott, David " December ^Shannon, Elwood " September *Slevin, James " March *Sweeney, Myles D " December *Steel, Joseph " March *Smith, John " *Smiley, John McC *Smyth, James *Stewart, Commodore Chas., H.M. " June *Sullivan, John " December *Smyth, Thomas (No. i) " *Sutton, Charles H " September *Smyth, WilHam " December *Scott, Marshall " March *Scott, Col. Thomas A *Scanlan, Michael L " December *Sinnott, Joseph F " March *Sheppard, Israel F " " *Shaw, Isaac " *Sheehan, Joseph " December *Slevin, John " 99 i6, 1827 i6, 1827 17, 1827 13, 1829 15. 1831 17, 1832 14, 1832 14, 1832 15, 1833 13- 1835 17, 1835 14, 1836 14, 1836 17- 1840 17, 1841 18, 1843 17- 1845 17. 1846 18, 1849 17, 1849 17. 1850 17. 1 85 1 17. 1851 9' 1852 17, 1853 17. 1857 17. 1859 17. 1862 i7» 1862 17- 1863 18, 1865 17. 1866 18, 1867 18, 1867 17, 1871 17. 1880 17. 1880 17, 1881 17. 1881 17. 1881 loo THE rRlEXDLY SOSS OF ST. PATRICK *Smith, John F elected December ♦Stewart. James ♦Singerly, William M " March ♦Smith, Patrick ♦Sheppard, Alexander " June ♦Sweeny, James F " " ♦Sharkey, John F " September Smith, Henry Shriver " March ♦Smith, Patrick W Sullivan. James F " ♦Smith, William B " June ♦Small, Peter " December Smith, Patrick S " March Stewart. Hon. John " ♦Summers, William D Stuart, Hon. Edwin S " June ♦Smith. Henry A " March Stoffel, P. W •' June ♦Smyth, George W " March ♦Siddall. Frank. Sr " June ♦Snowden. Frank P Sullivan. Jeremiah J ♦Shields. James " December ♦Smyth, Thomas (Xo. 2) ♦Shields. John J " March ♦Simmons, John " ♦Sweeney. Edward " " Siddall. Frank. Tr " Dccemlier ♦Simpson. Wm. A " Sayen, William Henry " September ♦Sinnamon, ?Tcnry " " ♦Stewart. Gen. Thomas J " March ♦Scannell. David " December ♦Stenger, William S " June ♦Solomon. Joseph J " " Smith. Montraville H " Scott. Thomas " September ♦Sandman. John T " December ♦Schaefer, Gustave R " Jiuie ♦Smith. Edwin F " September ^7 . 1881 '/ . 1881 17 , 1882 17 . 1882 17 , 1882 '/ . 1882 17 . 1882 ^ / . 1883 '/ . 1883 ^7 , 1883 18 . 1883 '/ 1883 ^ / 1884 ^ / 1884 ^7 1884 ^7 1884 17 1885 ^ / 1885 ^7 1886 ^7 1886 ' / 1886 ' / 1886 ' / 1886 ^7 1886 ^7 1887 ^7 1887 ' / 1887 ' / 1887 ^7 1887 '/ 1888 ' / t888 18 1880 ' / • 1880 ' / • 1800 ' / • 1800 ' / • t8oi ' / • i8qi ' / • 180T T-. 1803 18. 1803 THE FRIENDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK lOI *Smith, Cornelius M elected December *Snowden, L. Randolph " June Starr, R. Walter, D.D.S. ..,,.. " December Smith, Walter George " March Sharkey, Charles J " " *Stoneham, John J " September *Sinnett, Wm. P. " June Stroud, David H " Smyth, David J " September Shepp, Col. Daniel B " June *Skelly, Arthur Leo " December Sweeny, Dennis J. " June *Shannon, James F " December Strain, James K " March Smith, J. Stanley *Scott, David S " *Skelly, Thomas P . " December *Shindel, Charles S .,,.,.. " March *Snyder, Baird, Jr ..,.." Stewart, Daniel A .,.,,. " September . Sinnott, John " December Sullivan, Jeremiah J., Jr. ... . . , " March Somers, John I " " Stewart, William N " June Sheahan, John C . " December Sheehan, James B •.•...•, " " fStrawbridge, Geo. H. ...,,,,,, . , " June Seymour, Michael J. ....,,.,. . " December Smith, Hon. Thomas B. ....... " September Sweeney, James T. .,...,,,._.,.." . "' Shields, Frank H ,..,.... " December ^Shields, W. S. P :,,,:... " Slattery, Thomas F. . . . '. Shields, WilHam I " March Schmitt, Harry " September Seery, James P " June Short, Joseph A ..,...>.. " Suelke, Adam " September *Scully, Thomas " March t Resigned. 17. 1895 17, 1897 17. 1897 17, 1898 17. 1898 17, 1898 17, 1902 17, 1903 17, 1903 17, 1904 17, 1904 17, 1905 18, 1905 17. 1906 17, 1906 17- 1906 17- 1907 17, 1908 17, 1908 17, 1908 17, 1908 17. 1909 17, [909 17, [909 17, [909 17, [909 17, [910 17, [910 17. ] [912 17. 1 [912 17, 1 912 17. ^ 912 17, 1 [912 17. 1 913 17- 1 914 17, 1 915 17, 1 915 17, 1 915 17, I 916 102 THE FRIESDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK Sheridan, Edward elected December 18, 1916 Schoales, Marcus A " " 17, 1917 Stroud, James Paul " March 16, 1918 Sullivan, James J " June 17, 1918 Sproul, Hon. \Vm. C " " 17. 1918 Schwoerer, Richard C " September 17, 1920 ♦Thompson, Gen. William *Taggart, John ♦Taylor, John ♦Taylor, John M ♦Tharp, William ♦Thompson, James ' ♦Thompson, John ♦Thompson. Robert ♦Thornburgh, Joseph *Timmons, Dean *Toland. Henry *Tagert, Joseph * Tatem. Joseph R ♦Taylor. George, Jr ♦Taylor. Robert ♦Thompson. George "Toland. John B ♦Thomas. Edward ♦Tatem. James ♦Tilford. John A ♦Tatem, James R ♦Thoburn. John elected March ♦Thompson, James C ♦Thursby. Edward ♦Toland. Henry. Jr ♦Thoburn. James elected March ♦Toland. Robert ♦Toland. George W ' ♦Tevis. Benjamin ' ♦Taylor. Levi ' ♦Thompson. William R ' ♦Taggart. James B ♦Tracy. Michael ' December March 16. 18. 17. 16. 16. 17. T4. 18. [778 '/790 790 [790 [790 L/90 [790 [802 [802 1802 1802 [802 [802 [803 [804 1809 I8I3 [815 t8i5 [815 [815 1816 r8T7 1819 :822 [824 [826 [828 [839 THE FRIENDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK ■*Tiernan, Francis elected March *Tucker, John " January *Tack, John " March ^Thompson, James C " December *Tete, Francis " March ^Thompson, John G " " ^Thompson, WilHam E " " *Taylor, James L " December *Tyler, Robert " March *Taylor, Henry J " " ^Taylor, John H " " *TayIor. Samuel L " June *Town, Col. Thomas J " December *Tobin, Michael " June ^Twibill. George A " March Timoney, Dennis " " Twibill, Thomas P " ^Thompson, George W " June Thomson, William " Tracy, John " '' ^Thompson, Stewart " March '*Tomkinson, Andrew S " September '*Tunney, John " March Thomas, William S " ^Thomas. John " *Tener, Henry B " June *Tierney, Thomas F. (No. i) ... *Trainer, Edward " December *Taylor, Capt. John " March Trainer, Henry J " June *Trainer, John " December ^Thacher, Arthur Thompson, James " June "'Tierney, Thos. F. (No. 2) " March ■*Thompson, Wm. J " " Torchiana, Wm. G " June Trainer, Joseph C " March "^Taulane. Lewis A " September Tierney, Leo J " " ^Trainer. Edward A " June 103 12, 1840 18, 1841 14, 1842 17, 1842 17, 1843 14, 1844 18, 1844 17. 1850 17, 1853 8, 1858 8, 1858 17, 1864 18, 1865 18, 1866 17. 1875 17- r88o 17, 1882 17. 1882 17- 1882 17, 1882 17, 1883 17. 1883 17, 1884 17. [885 17, 1886 17, [886 17- [886 17. [887 18, [889 i7» [890 17. [890 17. [892 17. f893 17. [896 16, [901 17. 1 [901 17. [904 17. [904 17, 1 [904 17. ] [905 104 THE FRIEXDLY SOXS OF ST. PATRICK Thompson. Wm. F elected March Thompson, John B Taylor, William R Tener, Hon. John K Thompson, Rev. Robert L.L.D ♦Tilden, William T Trexler, Col. Harry C. . . Townsend. William B. . . Tiernev, John I Ellis, *\'aux, Hon. Richard . \'anneman, T. H X'incent. Joseph A. ... \'are. Hon. William .*^. \'anneman, Paul A. . . March I". 1906 '* 17, 1908 June 17, 1910 March 18, 1912 December 17. 1912 " 17. 1913 June 17. 1915 September 18, 1916 June 17. 1920 March 18. 1844 " 17- 1890 December 17, 1897 June 17. UfOJ March 17. 1908 *We?t. William *Wcst. William. Jr *\\'hite. John *Wayne. Gen. Aiithony * Washington, Gen. George (Adopted Member) *Wilson. Joseph *West. Francis. Jr *West. John *Watson, Matthew *Watson. ^^'illiam *Watts, Gen. Frederick ♦White, John *Wigton. John *Willi>, Seth, H. M *Williams, William ♦Workman, Benjamin *Wright. Alexander *Watt. Samuel *Wigncll. Thomas ♦Wilson. Benjamin ♦Whelan. Tatrick E ♦Wallace. Joshua M ♦Wheeler. Y T 771 772 77^ 774 781 781 7^3 786 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 705 802 803 805 808 808 THE FRIENDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK 105 *Worrell, Joseph 1808 *Weir, Silas E 1809 *Whelan, Israel 1809 *Wray, William 1809 *Wikoff, Jacob C 1811 *Wylie, Rev. Samuel B 181 1 *\Vilson, James elected March 16, 1814 *Wilson, William " " 16, 1814 *Woods, William " '' 16,1815 *Wilson, Benjamin 1816 *Wilson, James 1816 * Wilson, Motheral elected March 15, 181 7 *Wilson, Thomas 1820 *Whelan, William E elected March 5, 1822 *Wilson, John " " 5, 1822 *Wiley, John " " 16, 1825 *Woods, Joseph " " 16, 1827 *Watres, Charles " December 17, 1827 *Warren, Robert Grant " " 13, 183 1 *Watson, Charles C, Jr " March 14, 1832 nVatt, William " " 14, 1832 *Wray, Andrew " " 14, 1832 *Wilson, William B " " 13, 1835 *Watt, David " December 17, 1835 *Waters, Edward " March 17, 1837 * Wright. Archibald " " 14, 1838 *Waters, John " " 18, 1839 *Whelan. William " June 17, 1839 *Williams, John " March 17. 1840 *Wyle, Edward R " January 18, 1841 *Wilson, Robert Sterling " March 17, 1843 ^Wallace, William " " 13, 1846 *Walsh, Robert F " December 17, 1846 *Wetherill. William, M.D " June 17. 1848 *Watt, William W " March 9, 1852 *Woodside, John " September 17, 1852 *West, Col. John " March 8, 1855 *Woodside, James " " 10. 1856 *Whiteley, George " " 4. 1859 * Wallace, Edward E " December 17, i860 io6 THE FRIEXDLY SOXS OF ST. PATRICK ♦Workman, Henry Wier elected March lo, 1865 ♦Wallace, Henry " " 17, 1867 ♦White, Richard P " June 17, 1868 ♦White, John " September 17, 1869 ♦Whalley, Samuel " December 17, 1870 ♦Whitten. Alexander " " 18, 1876 ♦Walker, William H " " 17, 1881 ♦Walsh, Philip J " " 17, 1881 ♦Wayne. William " March 17, 1882 ♦Wilson, Stewart '" September 17, 1882 ♦Whiteside, William " December 17, 1882 ♦Welsh. John " June 18, 1883 ♦Ward. John D " March 17, 1884 ♦Wilhere, Maurice F "' " 17, 1884 ♦Whitherow. James P " " 17, 1884 ♦Woods, Robert " " 17, 1884 Waters, William H " June 17, 1884 Whelen, Jerome " " 17. 1884 Wanamaker, Hon. John " " 17, 1886 WoltY. Otto " March 17, 1887 ♦Wells. Joseph L " September 17, 1887 ♦Ward. John A " June 17, 1889 ♦Whiteley, James " March 17, 1891 Walsh. Andrew A " June 17. 1892 ♦Woodside, John \\' " " 17. 1803 ♦Walsh. Philip j.. Jr '• March 17. 1894 ♦Welsh, Patrick J " " 17, 1894 Wade. Ang^is s" " " 17. 1896 Ward. James B " " 17. 1896 ♦Ward. John J " " 17. 1896 Wade. Daniel " " 17, 1897 Wilson. John C " June 17, 1898 White, deorge P " September 17. 1899 ♦Whitehead. Alfred " March 16. looi ♦Williamson, Wm C " " 17. IQ02 Wilkinson. John J " September 17. 1002 ♦Williamson, John D " June 17. 1003 Walsh. Francis P " September 17. i ^y ••"• ^^ .0- -^^ -..,. .^> ,^ .,. ^^«i '^.^'^'^ N^^-V. '.Wg^: .s^"^. ^' -^^ --^a^,- J" ''^^ -: > 0-. - -ov* -*t^o^ • ■• * A \ ^•'/ V*^-\**'' V"^^-'/' 'V^'^'V % \ ^5^ 'o , * * ./% a* O ^1^ 4 0^ *1 vv 5$^%, HECKMAN BINDERY INC. | ^^^JUN 89 ,„ N. MANCHESTER, ^#^ INDIANA 46962