p F 676 .K48 Copy For the Semi-Centennial Year The Kansas State Historical Society, must have 1000 members for the Year ending* June 30, 1911. The only application necessary is your check for one dollar or ten dollars, as you may elect. The Legislature of 1909 said: "Tiie Kansas State Historical Society is the custodian of one of the largest and most valuable collec lions of original historical material in the United States." Note the patriotic citizenship included in the list of members, and the number of remarkable history makers in the list of ex-presidents who have been interested in its work. A magnificent home is being prepared for this work and its results. The following counties are not represented in the membership list: Anderson, Chautauqua, Cheyenne, Cloud, Coffey, Comanche, Crawford, Doniphan, Elk, Ellsworth. Finney, Gove, Grant, Gray, Harper, Haskell, Kingman, I.ogan, Miami, Montgomery, Morton, Nemaha, Norton, Ottawa, Pratt, Rice. Rooks, Scott, Seward, Sheridan. Sherman, Stafford, Stevens, Wallace, Wichita. You are cordially invited to become a member. The earnest cooperation of teachers and others associated with our school system is very much desired. Speak to some patriotic and enthusiastic Kansas neighbor about this. OFFICERS. A. B. Whiting. Topeka, rresident. Geo. W. Martin, Secretary. E. C. Manning. Winfield. First Vice President. Lucv S. Grkenk, Treasurer. W. E. CoNNEl.LEY. Topeka. Second Vice President. PAST PRESIDENTS OF THE SOCIETY. -Samuel A. Kingman, Topeka 1876 I 'Solon O. Thacher, Lawrence 1895 'George A. Crawford, Fort Scott 1877 I *Edmund N. Morrill, Hiawatha 1896 *Harrison Kelley, Burlington 1897 *John Speer, Lawrence 1898 Eugene F. Ware, Kansas City, Kan. . . . 1899 *John G. Haskell, Lawrence 1900 .John Francis, Colony 1901 William H. Smith, Marysville 1902 William B. Stone, Galena 1903 .John Martin, Topeka 1904 Robert M. Wright, Dodge City 190& Horace L. Moore, Lawrence 190& .James R. Mead. Wichita 1907 (Jeorge W. Veale, Topeka 1908 George W. Click, Atchison 1909 *John A. Martin, Atchison 1878 *Chas. Robinson, Lawrence 1879, 1880 »T. Dwight Thacher. Lawrence... 1881. 1882 *Floyd P. Baker, Topeka 1883, 1884 *Daniel R. Anthony. Leavenworth, 1885, 1886 Daniel W. Wilder, Hiawatha. 1887 ♦Edward Russell, Lawrence 1888 ♦William A. Phillips, Salina 1889 *Cyrus K. HoUiday, Topeka 1890 ♦James S. Emery, Lawrence 1891 *Thomas A. Osborn, Topeka 1892 'Percival G. Lowe, Leavenworth 1893 Vincent J. Lane, Kansas City 1891 ♦Deceased. UA-'6 ' ■,' ; ■ 'r. r- -e- t p-t // 111 i il^^ «: I' ■ fe L.j«t If i| ;,/Ercr«:|/'te- 13 / ■'i \; .^micfeeim. F). OF 0. LIFE MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY. Adams, J. B., El Dorado. Anthony. Col. Daniel R., Leavenworth. Anthony, Daniel R., jr., Leavenworth. Bailey, W. J., Atchison. Ballard, Clinton David, Barnes. (Born August 10, 1898.) Ballard, David E., Washingrton. Benton, Otis L., Oberlin. Berryman, J. W., Ashland. Bernhardt, C, Lincoln. Bigger, L. A., Hutchinson. Bishop, John L., Salina. Bockeviohle. II'. Leo, Ellinwood. Bonebrake, P. L, Topeka. Brougher, Ira D., Great Bend. Burge, N. B., Topeka. Burkholder, E. R., McPherson. Cain, W. S., Atchison. Campbell, J. W., Plevna. Capper, Arthur, Topeka. Carson, C. W., Ashland. Clark, Elon S., Topeka. Clarke, Fred B., McPherson. Clarke, Genevieve Slonecker. Blue Mound. (Born June 20, 1908.) Cole, Geo. E., Topeka. Crawford, Samuel J., Baxter Springs. Cron, F. H., El Dorado. Curtis, Charles, Topeka. Davidson, C. L., Wichita. De Rigne, Haskell, Kansas City. (Born July 11, 1906.) Fairfield, S. H., Alma. Fike, J. N., Colby. Frizell, E. E., Larned. Frost, John E., Topeka. Gardner, Theodore, Lawrence. Gilmore, John S., Fredonia. Gleed, Charles S., Topeka. Gray, John M., Kirwin. Greene, Albert R., Portland, Ore. H alderman, John A., Washington, D. C. Hanna, D. J., Salina. Haskell, John G., Lawrence. Haskell, Wm. W., Kansas City. Havens. Paul E., Leavenworth. Holliday, Cyrus K., Topeka. Hornaday, Grant, Fort Scott. Humphrey, James V., Junction City. Humphrey, Marj' Vance, Junction City. Jacobs, John T., Council Grove. Jewett, Edward B., Wichita. Johnson, Elizabeth A., Courtland. Johnson, Geo., Courtland. Jones, Lawrence M., Kansas City, Mo. Keeling, Henry C, Caldwell. Kellough, Robert W., Tulsa, Okla. Kennedy, Thos. B., Junction City. Kimball, E. D., Wichita. Kimball. F. M., Topeka. Little, James H., La Crosse. Lininger, W. H., Topeka. Locknane, Charles S., Topeka. Loomis, Mrs. Christie Campbell, Onmha. Looniis, N. H., Omaha, Neb. Low, Marcus A., Topeka. Lowe. P. G., Leavenworth. Lower, George Levi, Republic City. (Born October 12, 1902.) McGonigle, James A., Leavenworth. McKercher, F. B., Peabody. Mackey, Wm. H., jr.. Junction City. Manning, E. C, Winfield. Martin, George Haskell, Kansas Citj-. (Born August 1. 1907.) Martin, Geo. W., Topeka. Mead, James Lucas, Chicago. Mead, J. R., Wichita. Metcalf, Wilder S., Lawrence. Monroe, Lee, Tojieka. Morehouse, Geo. P., Topeka. Morrill. Kilniiind N.. Hiawatha. Mulvane. David W., Topeka. Mulvane, John R., Topeka. Myers. Frank E., Whiting. Nellis, Luther McAfee, Los Angeles, Cal. Norton, Jonathan D., Topeka. Orr, James W., Atchison. Orr, Jennie Click, Atchison. Peterson, C. A., St. Louis, Mo. Pierce, Francis L., Lakin. Plumb, A. H., Emporia. Plumb, George, Emporia. Plumb, Mrs. P. B., Emporia. Badges, Sam, Topeka. Ridenour, Peter D., Kansas City, Mo. Robinson, A. A., Topeka. Rockwell, Bertrand, Kansas City, Mo. Roenigk. A., Lincoln. Root, Geo. A., Topeka. Ruppenthal, J. C, Russell. Seaton. John, Atchison. Shields, Mrs. Clara M., Lost Springs. Shields, Joseph B., Lost Springs. Simpson, Samuel N., Kansas City. Slonecker, J. G., Topeka. Stewnrt, Judd, New York city. Stone, Eliza May, Galena. Stone, William B., Galena. Stubbs, Walter R., Lawrence. Thacher. Solon O.. Lawrence. Waggener, Bailie P., Atchison. Whiting, A. B., Topeka. Total number. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 016 087 907 5 ACTIVE MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY For the Year Ending June 30, 1910. i Abilene: W. T. Davidson. Alma: John A. Bisbey, Fred Crafts, Joseph Little. Lardner J. McCrumb, W. N. Smith, C. C. Stotler, Willis G. Weaver. Amy: I. M. Wolf. Argentine: Geo. W. Toothaker. Arkansas City : Ed. F. Green. Ashland: Robert C. Mayse. Atchison: J. W. Fisher, Geo. W. Glick, Mrs. John J. Ingalls, Sheffield Ingalls. Atwood : Fred Robertson. Baldwin : Charles E. Beeks, O. G. Markham. Barnes: A. Ballard, R. B. Briggs, W. C. Hailowell, A. Hazen, Matthew McKelvy. Beloit: Wm. H. Mitchell. Blakeman : Cyrus Anderson, Oren V. Hen- derson. Chanute: J. M. Bashline, S. W. Brewster. Chapman : J. H. Taylor. Clay Center: Clark M. Anthony. Colony: Clara Francis, John Francis. Columbus : Warren B. Cochran. Cottonwood Falls: Miss Carrie Breese, Archi- bald Miller, John Miller, W. A. Morgan, J. B. Sanders. Dighton : F. L. Rownd. Dodge City : E. H. Madison, Robert M.Wright. Elmdale : Robert Brash. Emporia : L. T. Heritage, Jos. H. Hill, D. W. Morris, Mrs. G. W. Newman. Enid, Okla: J. V. Admire. Enterprise: James Frey, Mrs. Catherine A. Hoffman. Erie: L. Stillwell. Fairview: W. P. Lambertson. Fort Scott: Miss Frances E. Hall, Dr. Sarah C. Hall, Dr. W. S. McDonald. Geneva, Minn. : Rev. J. J. Lutz. Great Bend: Edwin Tyler, Dr. E. E. Morri- son. Greenleaf: C. L. Woodford. Greensburg: John W. Davis. Hallet: Frank I. Burt. Hartford, Conn. : W. J. Chapman. Hays City: J. H. Beach, James Behan. Hennessey, Okla. : Charles Harker Rhodes. Hiawatha: Henry J. Aten, Mrs. Julia A. Chase, G. E. Congdon, M. G. Ham, G. A. Hoffman. Rebecca D. Kiner, Frank N. Morrill, Thos. Stevens, Raymond G. Tay- lor. Hill City: John S. Dawson. Hutchinson : J. S. Simmons, lola: A. H. Campbell, Oscar Foust, E. W. Stan field. Jetmore: W. A. Morgan. Jewell City: J. C. Postlethwaite. Junction City: Elizabeth Henderson, Robert D. Henderson, A. C. Pierce, S. W. Pierce, Geo. A. Rockwell. Kansas City: C. L. Brokaw, Dr. W. F. Waite, Eugene F. Ware. Kansas City, Mo.: Willard R. Douglass, F. A. Faxon. Kinsley: E. T. Bidwell, Geo. W. Watson. Lawrence: W. B. Brownell, Edward Bum- gardJier, Miss Mary P. Clarke, C. C. Col- lins, G. Grovenor, Frank H. Hodder, O. W. Mc.^llaster, Col. H. L. Moore, J. C. Walton, Alex Martin Wilco.x, C. H. Tucker, F. W. Blackmar. Leavenworth: E. T. Carr, Dr. J. L. Ever- hardy, H. C. F. Hackbusch, Mrs. Came A. Hall. Lecompton : E. P. Harris. Lyndon: E. H. Ckiff. McPherson : A. C. Spilman, J. A. Spilman, I. F. Talbott, John R. Wright. Madison : H. F. Martindale. Manhattan : Mrs. Anna E. Blackman, John Booth, Mrs. A. E. Coleman, John V. Cor- telyou, S. M. Fox, Wm. J. Griffing, Mrs. J. A. Roller, J. W. Paul, Ralph R. Price. Mrs. Caroline A. Smith, Mrs. Charlotte F. Wilder, Nellie Elliot, Eusebia Mudge, Harriet A. Parkerson. Marion : Ferd J. Funk. Marysville: J. Earll Miller, David v. Riesen, W. H. Smith. Meade : Robert A. Harper, C. K. Sourbeer. Medicine Lodge : Chester I. Long. National Soldiers' Home: Jos. S. Phebus. Ness City: L. B. Wolf. Newkirk, Okla : J. C. Columbia. Newton : W. L. Adam, R. B. Lynch. North Topeka : Samuel J. Reader. Nortonville : Anna Pearl Fisher. Oberlin: W. A. Smith. Olathe: J. B. Bruner, Isaac Fenn, C. R. Green, D. P. Hougland, D. Hubbard, John P. St. John, Stephen J. Wilson. Omaha, Neb. : Henry E. Palmer. Osborne: J. K. Mitchell. Ottawa : Chai-les N. Converse, Rev. Thos. E. Chandler. Parker : Lewis N. McCarty. Parsons: E. O. Ellis. Perry: J. F. True. Plattsmouth, Neb. : Rev. Michael A. Shine. Randolph: W. F. Peter. Rosedale : Frank Holsinger. Russell : Louis Banker, Mrs. Sara Spalding Ruppenthal, F. J. Smith. Salina: J. W. Blunden, Geo. F. Brooks, T. D. Fitzpatrick, W. F. Grosser, Luke F. Parsons, Fred H. Quincy, Daniel R. Wag- staff. Shawnee, Okla. : James E. Histed, Thad. C. Histed. Smith Center: S. H. Boggs. St. Louis, Mo.: W. H. H. Tainter. Syracuse : Caroline E. Barber, Evelin P. Barber, Mrs. Philip S. Kriegh. Tecumseh : Dr. J. A. Read. Topeka: Zu Adams, O. W. Bronson, F. D. Coburn, William E. Connelley, Geo. W. Crane, John P. Davis, Chas. P. Drew, B. F. Flenniken, Lucy S. Greene, Clad Ham- ilton, Geo. A. Huron, Arthur M. Hyde, Judge W. A. Johnston, Howell Jones, Geo. M. Kellam, Lucy D. Kingman, W. W. Mills, Arthur L. Nichols, L. M. Penwell, Mrs. Caroline Prentis, J. W. Priddy, Frank K. Sanders, Hari-y E. Valentine, Geo. W. Veale, Geo. W. Weed, Mrs. Ward Burlingame, Peter Fisher, Dr. El- more S. Pettijohn. Tribune: Clement L. Wilson. Wabaunsee: Geo. S. Burt. Wa Keeney : A. S. Peacock. Walnut Grove, Ariz.: T. B. Carter. Washington. D. C. : E. J. Dallas. Wichita: Kos Harris, Mrs. W. H. Isely, J. H. Stewart, Heni-y Wallenstein, Samuel F. Woolard. Yates Center: Mrs. Mary W. Campbell. York, Pa.: Dr. I. H. Betz. Total, 220. \ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 016 087 907 5 •