> N S>3 FINAL REPORT TREASURER AND FINANCE COMMITTEE METROPOLITAN FAIR IN AID OF THE iiiitrli §iate ^aiiitarg Coiiimi^sioii, HELD IN NEW YORK, APRIL, 1864. NEW YORK: JOHN F. TllOW, PRINTER, 50 GREENE STREET. 1864. FINAL REPORT TREASURER AND FINANCE COMMITTEE METROPOLITAN FAIR IN AID OF THE iuM Slate Samtarj Commission, HELD IN NEW YORK, APRIL, 1864. ll '"/ NEW YORK: JOHN F. TROW, PRINTER, 50 GREENE STREET, 1864. ^ io ^^ >^s^ FINAL REPORT. The Finance Committee of the late Metropolitan Fair would respectfully present the following as the final Keport of the affairs under their administration : The whole amount of moneys received was One Million Three Hundred and Fifty-one Thousand Two Hundred and Seventy-five Dollars and Ninety-four Cents ($1,351,275 94), and the expendi- tures One Hundred and Sixty-seven Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty-nine Dollars and Seventy-one Cents ($167,769 71), leaving a net profit of One Million One Hundred and Eighty-three Thousand Five Hundred and Six Dollars and Twenty-three Cents ($1,183,506 23) ; of which amount One Million One Hundred and Eighty Thou- sand and Ninety-one Dollars and Twenty-seven Cents ($1,180,091 27) were paid over to the United States Sanitary Commission, and their receipt taken for the same ; and Three Thousand Four Hundred and Fourteen Dollars and Ninety-six Cents ($3,414 96) were retained by them to close up some still unsettled affairs. Respectfully submitted, JOHN H. GOURLIE, Chaikman Finance Committee. Ur, THE METROPOLITAN FAIR ASSOCIATION 1864: Aug. 1. — To amount from former Eeport. $176,671 90 '' 2.— Art Gallery, sale of Matting , . . . $153 60 " " " " (additional) exhibi- tion of Mr. As- pi n wall's Gallery 257 00 " 8. — IJew York Club, balance of con- tribution by Edward A. Bibby, Treasurer 90 00 " 25.— Sale of Stationery by C. 0. Jones 105 00 605 60 Sept. 1. — Music Committee per Wm. Scharfenberg, sale of jjiano. . . 250 00 " 14. — Adolphus Schwerin 25 00 " 16.— Music Committee by W, Schar- fenberg 1,154 55 55 50 " 27.— Eeceipts from sales 1,485 05 Oct. 1.— Music Committee by W. Schar- fenberg, sale of steel bell 723 40 " 11. — Receipts from sales 17 00 " 19. — Cariosity Shop, sale of books, &c G7 35 " 25. — Swiss Department, sale of Me- chanical Singing Bird 300 00 " 27. — Committee on Public Convey- ances, Albany Line of Steam- ers by Le Grand B. Cannon.. 104 00 1,211 75 Nov. 1,— Mrs. C. M. Lamson, London, proceeds of sale of book of photographs and autographs, through James Tinker, Esq., New York • 300 00 84 00 " 2. — Receipts from sales " 3.— Committee on Optical Instru- ments, by Messrs. Beni. Pike &Sons 92 00 75 00 " 7. — Restaurant Department, sales. . " 12.— Music Committee by W. Schar- fenbers: 104 18 25 00 15 00 " 16.— Sale of bale of flax " 17.— Sale of Necklace " 21.— New Jersey Department, to close 12 09 " 23. — Dramatic Committee by R. Grant White 121 85 " " Children's Department, Union Square, by C. W. Darling 139 25 " " Donations to National Sailors' Fair, Boston: Curiosity Shop 97 00 ^ ^ *•••••••••*.•• Carried forward $97 00 $968 37 $179,974 30 IN ACCOUNT WITH ELLEN R. STRONG, Treasurer. Cr. 1864: Aug. 2, b. 6. 9. 16. 31. Sept. 2. 9, " 16, Oct. 1. " 4. " 5.' " 13.—; Fov. 31.— I 22 -By Expenses. Art Gnllery, Tick- ets to Mr. Aspinwall's Exhibi- tion, sold at various stations, and paid into Treasurer's of- fice Michael Donnelly .' Office Expenses ■Moving Sate Art Gallery, charges in Rome on Roman contributions -Floral Committee, for Aquarium -Office Rent -Wholesale Grocery Committee : Sundry Bills for advertising Stage and Oar Fares Michael Donnelly -Art Gallery, Insurance Arms and Trophies, freight Michael Donnelly Office Expenses -Advertising "Journal of Com- merce " -Travelling Expenses •Cartage and Expenses on Glass. Michael Donnelly Cotton and Raw Goods, adver- tising A. T. Stewart & Co., for Child- ren's Department Manhattan Gas Light Co. in full Decorations, Colonel D. H. Vinton : Flags lost and damaged Office Expenses — Michael Donnelly. —Office Rent — Art Gallery, E. Leutzes — Printing Treasurer's Report — Freight on Foreign Goods —Sundry Office Expenses " New York Herald," advertis- ing Ex. Committee — Note Paper .^ — Fitting up Stove for Office. . . Ships and Shijiping Committee, work, &c., done and flags lost —Millinery Com., D. Marley's bill Union Square Department, W & J. Sloane Carried forward $257 00 41 00 230 00 12 00 1.S2 61 22 50 44 16 315 73 48 10 30 $1,066 38 37 50 5 75 41 20 209 00 9 87 2 00 305 32 3 00 40 30 12 78 5 88 131 25 856 56 224 00 1,273 77 40 00 75 00 10 00 454 14 10 25 15 00 132 80 2 50 6 25 35 50 71 00 22 30 $872 74 $2,645 47 Dr. THE METROPOLITAN FAIR ASSOCIATION 1864: Nov. 23. -To amounts brought forward. Art Gallery Machinery Department Decorations , Lingerie Department Music Committee Fancy Goods Committee Sliips imd Shipping do Hardware do Nov. 29. — Swiss Department, balnnce of Sales by Mrs. M. J. Paillard.. Public Schools Committee, by R. Grant White Hardware Committee, by Geo. 0. Wetmore Dec. 1.- -Tnterest on U. S. Certificate No. 9197, 154 days 6 per cent.. $100.520 .■ Interest on U. S. Certificate No. 9437, $70.000, 133 days, 6 per cent New Yokk, Dec. 3, 1864. The undersigned, a committee appointed to examine and audit the nccounts and books of the Finance Department, John H. Gourlie, Chairman, and Mrs. Ellen R. Strong, Treasurer, of the Metropolitan Fair, report tluit the}' have carefully examined the same from the date of the last examina- tion, May 18, 1864, to the present date, and find them correct in every respect. (Signed) Jas. A. Roosevelt. William T. Blodgett. C. H. Ogden. Dec. 9. — To Union Square Music Com- mittee, sale of piano by Wm. Scharfenberg " 10.— Art Gallery, sale of Sketches ... " " Curiosity Shop, Sales " " Decorations $97 00 1,300 00 150 00 15 00 98 50 50 00 199 00 62 00 35 00 2,580 01 1,551 67 $968 37 2,006 50 227 25 75 50 5 33 4,131 68 $179,974 30 400 00 101 00 4 00 3 54 8,282 95 4,131 68 508 54 $187,897 47 IN ACCOUNT WITH ELLEN K. STRONG, Treasurer. Cr. 1864: Nov. 22. — By amounts brought forward. . . John G. Dale, foreign freight. . , Hardware Committee, Show Case Art Gallery, Printing Autograph Catalogue Boyd's City Post, Postages New Yoi-k "Sun," advertising. . New York " Tribune," do New York " Times," do " 23. — Donations to National Sailors' Fair, Boston Michael Donnelly " 25. — D. Appleton & Co., printing La- dies' Report " 30. — Office Expenses Postage Stamps and Fares Dec. 1. — Union Square Department, Alex. Stevenson Exjn'ess Charges on Erhlinger's Painting " 2. — United States Sanitary Commis- sion " 5. — Advertising " 13.— Michael Donnelly " 15.— Rent to Dec. Yth " 31. — Office Expenses, Salaries to Jan- WM-yl M. Donnelly, to Jan. 1 Sundry Expenses, Fare, &c John H. Gourlie, Chairman, for Contingent Fund to close .... $872 74 60 26 4 00 31 17 4 20 10 00 12 18 7 50 2,006 50 10 00 110 18 215 00 6 77 218 00 25 00 10 61 3,414 96 2,645 47 3,350 46 178,101 98 3,739 57 $187,897 47 ELLEN K. STRONG, TREAsuiiEE. JOHN H. GOURLIE, Chairman Finaxck Committee. CONSOLIDATED CASH. JOr. 67 62 69 65 82 6 &43 70 37 78 3 80«fe44 29 84 26 83 75 34 49 54 Arms and Trophies Agricultural Departmeut Architectural Department Art Department Auction Sales of Sundries Baptist Churches Book Department Boot and Shoe Department Buffalo Department ... Churches, Methodist do. Universalist do. Jewish do. Episcopal do. 2(1 Av. and 14th Street. . do. Mr. Tliompson's. do. Mr. Ganse do. Sundry Carriage Department Cliina, Glass, and Earthenware De- partment Clothing Department Cotton and Raw Goods Committee Cloths, English Curiosity Shop Copper Mine Dramatic Committee Decorations, Sale of Druggists' Committee Dry Goods Committee Dentists' Committee Dobbs' Ferry and Tarrytown Dressmaking (proper) Express Companies of Nevv York.. Exchanges and Discounts Excelsior Society English Goods Fancy Goods Committee Finance Committee Fortune-Teller Foreign Contributions Furniture Committee Foreign Goods Furnishing Goods, Gentlemen's. . . Floral Department. . . Grocers' Committee Gas, Flags, and Coal Committee.. Hardware Committee Hide and Leather Committee Hartford Committee Hats, Caps, and Furs Committee. . Hairdressers' Committee Hastings Carried forward $67,100 48 5,580 62 10,108 57| 85,780 22 2,700 19 1,432 60 12,424 02 1 8,138 23 500 00 8,103 41 7,890 63 3,162 18 1,848 20 907 00 917 60 1,042 29 764 57i 3,136 10 5,368 25 26,688 34 8,475 00 4,331 64 11,455 37| 5 20 13,951 57 18 54 6,102 27 137,623 00 2,913 50 442 00 30 17 20,000 00 25 72 1,345 00 310 50 16,794 82| 63,840 00 80 75 5,280 77| 8,837 33 131 65 3,936 15 7,391 53 51,211 43 26,718 50| 28,388 88 6,770 00| 1,005 00 10,930 85 533 30 665 00 $688,138 44 nr. CONSOLIDATED CASH. Brought forward 19 Harlem Interest 39 India Rubber Committee Insurance 52 Indian Department 42 Jewelry Department 45 Jacob's Well Light Gymnastics 56 Lingerie Department Vol Ladies' Goods, Mrs. Courtney 45 Lemonade 63 Machinery Metro])olitan Police 72 Millinery Committee Militia, 7th Regiment N.Y.S.N.G. 73 Mineral Department 35 New Jersey Department New York Post Office New York Fire Department 10 New Bedford 16 Norwalk Out-of-Town Contributions 59 Oils, Soap, and Candles Committee Owego 12 Ohio Private Contributions ..^ Private Schools Public Schools 54 Printing and Stationery Produce and Corn Exchange Public Press 24[ Perfumery Table 77 Photographic Gallery Public Conveyances. Private Table, E. Mathews Police 7tli Precinct 61 Restaurant Department 41 Roman Department 50 Sewing Machines 79 Stoves and Gas Fitting 64 Ships and Shipping Sundry Sales 13 Staten Island 36 Saddlery and Harness 46 Spirit of the Fair 47 Surgical and Optical Instruments, 48' Soda Water Tobacco 33 Thread and Needles Committee.. Trades and Associations Ticket Department I Carried forward $3,584 11 5.582 77 8,621 43 943 83 1,765 00 19,960 56 640 19 745 55 12,284 80 2,233 00 32 00 19,769 07 4,034 25 4,205 80 8.583 50 1,174 02 88,298 08 700 00 30,250 00 1,000 00 1,565 00 3,081 12 8,635 96 1,140 24 2,340 20 39,028 22 1,129 15 23,782 19 7,047 36 5,750 00 1,245 04; 1,262 00 456 05 8,384 80 4,500 00 711 00 17,573 16 7,896 30 3,803 62 111 75 20,177 72 453 21 3,870 04 2,755 30 7,175 73 1,716 62 1,200 85 25 00 3,566 60 3,224 48 181,382 10 ,138 44 $1,216,537 21 10 JOr. CONSOLIDATED CASH. 57 17 18 25 84 Brought forward Turnverein Table Tliread and Small "Wares Toys Union Square Department Music Committee, additional Swiss Committee, additional. . . . Children's Committee, additional Window Glass Wines and Liquors Welsh Department Westchester Wax Flowers Umbrella Stand $96,785 55 2,682 13 527 25 139 25 $1,039 50 4,918 00 1,851 45 100,134 18 100 00 17.850 06| 5,210 05 2,312 00 1,314 69 8 80 $1,216,537 21 $1,351,275 94 Nbw York, Z>«o. 16, 1861. CONSOLIDATED CASH. 11 Cr. By Advertising Art (hillei-y Buildings Cotiiiterfeit Muney Donations to other Fairs Discounts Delivery of Purchases at Fair. . Decorations English (Consignment, Hosiery and Tea Furniture Freights Fire Police Floral Department Gas and other Lights Grocers' Committee, Advertis- ing Gas-Fitting and Plumbing,... Hardware Committee Insurance Labor Music Millinery Committee Printing, Postages Painting Rents Receiving Department Stationery Stoves and Fuel Salaries Sundr}' Departments Shipping Charges Subsistence ot Police Table Furniture Ticket Department Union Square Department. . . . United States Sanitary Com- mission Contingent Fund to Close $5,282 31 468 28 48,565 17 307 85 5,743 32 138 94 824 40 5,09!) 12 6,421 73 1,696 23 1,259 16 2,356 37 22 50 2.960 52 '315 73 6,072 89 4 00 4,438 83 2,786 12 5,385 00 71 00 6,742 13 658 00 483 07 4.413 56 919 83 570 23 1,160 72 3,667 27 34,090 65 668 79 3.200 50 8,548 31 2,3H4 50 33 18 1,180,091 27 3.414 96 $1,351,275 94! ELLEN R. STRONG, Treasurer. JOHN II. GOURLIE, Chairman Financk Committek. 12 T-l i, (M O ^ CO H CO CO 00 a. I—* o OD -^ O o O PP <1 ;« q 5 W oT ^ -^ -5 ^ ~ ^ w .= a 03 te >. ^ ^ 02 13 « 52 C3 IT) •- a, a -g 2 « t^ W Q O Q El o CO p4 m I— I g o hi I o NOTE. The Chairman of the Finance Committee begs leave to state that the following items of sales by various Departraeuts were contributed by and through the New Jersey Department, viz. : For Sales of Tickets of Admission $8,791 00 '• by Arms and Trophies Department 2,000 00 " Machinery Department 1,287 40 " Rubber Department ,' • 517 00 " Floral Department (about) 2,000 00 For Cottage, not sold (stolen from Union Square) . . . 600 00 For Cash 12 09 10,207 49 Amount paid in as per previous Report 38,286 99 $48,493 48 Also, that there was credited to Trades and As- sociations, obtained through the Committee of Stationery and Printing 366 20 Also, sold by Machinery Department and paid in by them, the proceeds of a Press, amounting to 975 00 $1,341 20 which amount is to be added to the Stationery returns as above reported, to show the gross receipts of Committee.