/ ^^ ^7 K/E:po:k.t OF S. p. HAMILTON, wiim ffliiiii iiiBi FOR THE n D STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 87 R&n 5.f fc^7 i^e:foe.t To the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of South Caro- lina now cpnrened and sitting in General Asseinbli/ : (3n the 24th of Dceomber. 1880, the Gfeneral Assembly uppropri- atetl the sum of five thousand dolhvrs "to defray the expenses which may be incurred b}^ the Kigali}' a])])ointed rejiresentatives of the State of South Carolina at the Centennial Anniversaiy of the battle of Vorktown ;" Avhich sum of money was to be exi)ended undei* the su- j)ervision and direction of the Governor of the State u])on pro])er vouchers furnished. Having been appointed by Governor Simpson as Commissioner on the part of the State of South Carolina to take charge of the matters (onnected with the YorlvtOAvn Centennial Celeliration, and having been requested by his Excellencj' Governor Hagood to undertake the task of carrying out the pui-pose of the General Assembly, so as to secure a ])roper representation of the State at Yorktown. it becomes nu' duty to make to the General Assembly a re})ort of the manner in which its v.'ishes and instructions have been carried out, and to show how the money ajjpropriated has been expended. On the 21st of December, 1880, a Concurrent llesolution was passed by your honorable body directing that the State should 1h' rejire- sented by her distinct delegations: the first, a battalion formed from the military coni])anies of the State "not exceeding two hundred and fifty men, raidc and file;" the second was to consist of the Governor and Lieutenant Govei-ncn-. all the State otficers of the Executive De- partment ; the Chief J ustice and the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court; all the Circuit Judges; the Speaker of the House of He])re- sentativcs, and a Committee from both of your honorable bodies. The ))rovisions of the military delegations were plain enough, and there would have been little difficulty in providing handsomely for oui' soldiers, had the expenditure of the ap]iropriation been confined to them. A civic delegation was to be )irovide:overnnients of CQ ^ 1381 ^ the other States, would be present to celebrate the anniversary of the surrender of Lord Cornwallis as a national festival, and to en- gage in a grand ceremonial on the reception of a deputation of our ancient allies, the French, and the descendants of Clenerals Lafayette and Steuben, it was taken for gi'anted it was the intention of the (xeneral Assembly that the State of South Carolina should, in all her Yorktown ; and this transportation to be paid for to said main route, which cost the sum of $384.40. With Field and Staff Com- pany officers, band, and servants, the battalion numbered about three hundred and twenty persons. The civic delegation were in number about fift}'. The former were to be subsisted on shore some two and a half miles fi-om the landing place, for three days ; and the latter for the same period had -to be taken care of on ship-board, as York- town is a deserted and desolate hamlet without accommodations for any one. To accomplish this, a contract was entered into at Richmond, on the last, with Mr. A. Pope, the head of the j^assenger department of the Associated Eailways of Virginia and the Caro- linas, to transport, from Columbia to Portsmouth, and return, not more than 350 persons for the sum of twelve hundred dollars. A contract was also made with the Chester River vSteamboat Company, of Baltimore, for the charter of the Steamer B. S. Ford, to leave that city on the 17th of October last, and to meet both delegations at Portsmouth, on the morning nf the 18th, thence to transport not exceeding four hundred persons to Yorktown ; to subsist the civic delegations for three days, and to return all to Portsmouth on morn- ing of the 21st. The delegations left Columbia on the morning of the 17th, were transferred at Wilmington to another train, suffered some incon- venience by the over-crowding of cars from there to Portsmouth, were met promptly by the steamer B. S. Ford and transported to Yorktown. The battalion Avas at once landed and went into camp in 1382 tents furijisluMl l>y the United States. The providini!; of meals fortlie sohlers was committed to Mr. T. PoUoek, of Columbia, (a man of ex- perience in such matters.) the subsistence stores lieing purchased in Baltimore at the lowest possible tiage, etc., amounting to six hundred and twenty-eight 90-100 dollars : and 3d, the account for miscellaneous ex])enditure, which reaches seven hundred and twen- ty-five 05-100 dollars ; in the aggregate five thousand two hundred and sixty two 35-100 dollars. Of the bills still unpaid, there is one to Mr. T. Pollock for one hundred dollars, and one to Phillijjs & Co., of Nor- folk, Va., for one hundred and eighty dollars ; when this is paid it will make the total expenditure five thousand five hundred and forty- 1 wo ."55-100 dollars, showing an excess of expenditures over recei])ts of four hundred and seventy-seven 34-100 dollars. The {4eneral As- seniblv. however, is not asked for an appropriation foi" more than two hundi-ed :ind eighty dollars. The civic delegation among themselves had ma / LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 011 800 387 1