PS 1268 .C4 P5 Copy 1 U. L-. ^. U. - ff^^vao0 ^-G\a^^ of ,888. ll "^^ -"rr Written at the time of the adoption of the class naf/w, and partly published in Chatitauquan for May, iSSj. ^ 1) MAR 31 \68l] .. The c l s. c class of 1888, iMRS. MARIETTA S. C^ASE. l^espectfiiUy Dedicated to the Officers and (Members of my class, "The Plymouth Rock," by the Author. Highland Park, Conn. Feb. 22, 1888. Copyrighted, i 4r The Plymouth T^ck, The C. L. S. C. Class of '88, CLASS MOTTO, — Let us be seen by our deeds. CLASS COLORS,— National; red, white and blue. CLASS FLOWER,— Geranium. Cha lit ail qua class of eighty -eight. In honor of the Pilgrim state, Has taken to itself a name Of national, illmtrious fame. Ami pictured on the badge we wear. The band of pilgrims landing there On Plymouth rock, in winter drear Of that revered historic year. And while I conned the emblem o'er, With wonder growing mere and more, A reason for this name to find, TJjese queries rose within my mind. Why should we take -with such pretense A name so great ? and in what sense Shotdd we be likened to the stone Which to the pilgrims first was known ? nese answering thoughts then came to me The teachings of our class should he A stepping-stone for coming youth, From seas of doubt to shore of truth. So when the ocean waves of wrong Shall dash about ivs fierce and strong, We may not fear, nor he dismayed — Truth never in the grave was laid. And when the surging waves subside And calmed shall be the raging tide, We, like the rock, may firmly stand To welcome home the storm-tossed band. 7hese principles otw lives will lead, If to our name we give good heed: True helpfulness to others give, And firmness for the right to live. Our influence will then appear, Proving more clearly year by year The motto which our class now leads, "Let us be seen by our {good) deeds,' -^^^5^ ^MAN & OO. ERS O, MASS. LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS