Class j£E}lb3XX Book 1 H<\ U £ _ IRE fi* WORCESTERSHIRE General and Commercial DIRECTORY. For 1820 ; CONTAINING THE CITY $ SUBURBS OF WORCESTER, THE BOROUGH OF DROITWICH, And the Towns of Presenting an Alphabetical Arrangment OF THE Gentry, Clergy, Merchants, Manufacturers, and Inhabitants in general. WITH A DIGEST OF PROFESSIONS AND TRADES, And a List of Magistrates for the County, TO WHICH IS PREFIXED, A brief Account of the Trade, Manufacture, Population, Extent, Public Biuld ; rgs, S~c of each Tovrn. *"' 'Compiled * > *••/ » v ° • > '<- ' IBY 0. ttJBWttS© lowe&wjor, tfoncxsTzn. v * STOURBRIDGE: Printed for the Proprietor, by J. Heffiinff, and Sold by all the Booksellers ia the County, Price 5s. boards, or 6s. neatly bemud. .•'••■■■ •* ^fcfcrtgs* THE proprietor in submitting this work into the Lands of his numerous subscribers and the public generally, solicits their candid indulgence, being aware of the impossibility of producing a Directory without inaccuracies and omissions, even after re- peated editions of the same work. That there may appear some errors in the present publication cannot be doubted, under the circumstances of a first edition ; he can, however, assure his friends that neither pains nor expense have been spared, to render the Worces- tershire GENERAL AND COMMERCIAL DIRECTORY deserving their patronage and support. A correct map of the county, with several useful tables, and other miscellaneous matter, will be given with the second part of the work, which will shortly appear, supplying also an addenda, which will in a great measure obviate any accidental defects that may have occurred. The proprietor begs leave to submit his intention to continue the present work triennially, the next edition to appear in 1823. &tmttnt$. List of Magistrates for the County 6 Brief A ecount of the City of Worcester 9 Section First. — City and Suburbs of Worcester. . 27 Bjief Account of the Borough of Droitwich.. . .... 123 S ection Second.— -Borough of Droitwich 127 Brief Account of the Town of Bromsgro ve ........ 1 35 Section Third, — Town of Bromsgrove 139 Brief Account of the Town of Stourbridge 163 Section Fourth.— Town of Stourbridge 167 LIST OF MAGISTRATES &ax tlje County, In the Commission of the Peace below the Peerage, Those marked thus (*) are acting Magistrates, The Hon. Andrew Foley The Hon. William Henry Lyttelton The Hon. George Rush- out Bowles The Hon. James Somers Cocks Sir John Pakington, Bart. Sir John Saunders Se- bright, Bart. Sir Charles William Rouse Boughtou, Bart. Sir John Dashwood King, Bart. *Sir Thomas Edward Win- nington, Bart. Sir Charles Cockerell, Bart. ♦Sir William Smith, Bart. Rev. Henry Rowland Berkeley, D. D. Rev. John Jones, D. D. Rev. Samuel Wilson Warneford, D. D. Rev. John Anthony Per- ry, D. D. Rev. John WingfieId,DD Rev. George Frank Blac- kiston, D. D. *Rev. John Tirnbrell, D.D. Rev. John Banks Jenkin- son, D. D. Dean of Worcester ♦Rev Luke Booker, LL. D. John Addenbrook Adden- brook, Esq. Edward Addenbrook Ad- denbrook, Esq. William Anderton, Esq. *Matthias Attwood, Esq. Aaron Attwood, Esq. John Attwood, Esq. *Thomas Biggs, Esq. William Edward Rouse Boughton, Esq. *Thomas Clutton Brock, Esq. * Henry Bromley, Esq. *Thomas Henry Bund, Esq. Richard Chambers, Esq. Richard Bourne Charlett, Esq. Edmund Lechmere Charl- ton, Esq. ♦Richard Cocks, Esq. LIST OF MAGISTRATES. •Thomas Bealo Cooper, Esq. William Champion Cres- pigny, Esq. Edward Dixon, Esq. •Lieut. Gen. William Dowdcswell William Dowding, Esq. •Thomas Farley, Esq. ♦Henrv Geast, Esq. •Philip Grcslev, E^q. •Richard Griffiths, Esq. William Hamper, Esq. •Thomas Hawkes, Esq. Roger Wright Hawkes, Esq. Thomas Hill, Esq. William Holmes, Esq. Thomas Homfray, Esq. Thomas Honey bourne, Esq. •Richard Hudson, Esq. Thomas Hunter, Esq. John Jefferys, Esq. 41 Benjamin Johnson, Esq. Edward Johnstone, Esq. Elias Isaac, Esq. John Knight, Esq. ♦Joseph Lane, Esq. ♦Joseph Lea, Esq. ♦William Lea, Esq. Edmund Hun^erford Lechmere, Esq. Henry Greswold Lewis, Esq. ♦John Little, Esq. Richard Warburton Lit- ton, Esq. James Male, Esq. Richard Mence, Esq. Walter Michael Moseley, Esq. James Wakeman Newport, Esq. ♦Josiah Patrick, Esq. ♦Henry Perrin, Esq. •George Wigley Perrott, Esq •John Phillips, Esq. John Pidcock, Esq. William Preedy, Esq. Wilson Aylesbury Roberts, Esq. Edward Rudge, Esq. William Oldnall Russell, Esq. Saint Andrew St. John, Esq. •John Sayer, Esq. ♦Ferdinaudo Smith, Esq. •John Soley, Esq. •Richard Spooner, Esq. John Taylor, Esq. James Taylor. Esq. Gore Townshend, Esq. ♦William Turton, Esq. ♦William Villiers, Esq. ♦Henry Wakeman, Esq. William Wall, Esq. •Samuel Wall, Esq. •William Welch, Esq. ♦Edward Wheeler, Esq. ♦Edmund Meysey Wigley, Esq. ♦John Williams, Esq. Francis Williams, Esq, •William Withering, Esq. 1IST OF MAGISTRATES. Rev. Job Walker Baugh Rev. George Biggs *Rev. Thomas Blackall *Rev. William Boughton Rev. William Burslem Rev. William Calcott *Rev. James Commeline Rev. James Commeline, jun. *Rev. Denham James Jo- seph Cookes Rev. Samuel Cooper Rev. George Baj lis Corn- wall *Rev. Charles Crewe Rev. William Digby *Rev. Henry Barry Dom- ville Rev. John Dudley *Rev. Charles Dunne *Rev. Joseph Fell ♦Rev. John Thomas Fen- wick Rev. Thomas Philip Fo- ley *Rev. John Foley *Rev. John Robert Hall •Rev. William Heath * Rev. Joseph Higgins *Rev. Thomas Hill Rev. Henry William Hill *Rev. Charles Hill *Rev. Nathaniel Hinde , Rev. John Hippisley Rev. George Huddleston Rev. Jeirvoise Purefoy Jeir* voise # Rev. Edward Wilmington Ingram Rev. Thomas Jones *Rev. John Keysali *Rev. Joseph Martin *Rev. Peter Miller *Rev. Thomas Elton Miller *Rev. Richard Francis On- slow *Rev« Samuel Peshall *Rev. William Probyn *Rev. Reginald Pyndar Rev. Charles Rock *Rev. Francis Rufford *Rev. Henry Salmon Rev. William Smith *Rev. Martin Stafford Smith Rev. Thomas Lambert Snow *Rev. John Francis Sey- mour Fleming St. John *Rev. Joseph Taylor ♦Rev. George Turberville Rev. John Turner *Rev. James Volant \Ta- shon *Rev. Christopher White- head Rev. Reginald Wynniait BABIES!? Ml^SMM® OF THE ®ttg of ©Stomgfcr, WORCESTER is a large, populous, handsome City, about four miles in circumference, plea- santly situated in a vale on the bank of the Severn; its general appearance exhibits undoubted proofs of the opulence of its merchants, tradesmen, and inha- bitants. The houses are well built, and the streets regular and spacious, with an excellent pavement and convenient footways. It lies 52° 9' 30" North latitude, and 2° 0' 15" West longitude from Green- wich, 112 miles from London, and nearly in the centre .of the Count}'. It is a City and County of itself, and sends two members to parliament. Tho number of houses in the year 1811, was 2399, and the population 13611. Since which time a consider- able number of houses have been built without the liberties of the City ; and if we include the township of St. John's, the Tvthing of Whitstone, and those parts that are extra-parochial, the total population may now be considered upwards of 15000. B 10 GITY OF WORCESTER. The City is governed by a Mayor, Recorder, Six Aldermen (who are Justices of the Peace), chosen out of twenty-four principal citizens, a Sheriff, and Two Chamberlains, annually elected. These are assisted by a Town Clerk, Two Coroners, and Forty- eight Common Council Men, who compose the Cor- porate Body, and are attended by a Sword Bearer, Four Serjeants at Mace, Thirteen Constables, Four Musicians, and Four Beadles. The following is an abstract of the Charter granted by King James the First : — " The City of Worcester to be a County and City u of itself, distinct from the County of Worcester, " and to be called the County of the City of Worces- " ter. " The Judges and Justices to have the power of " holding the Assizes and the Sessions for the County * in the City. " The former Bailiffs, Aldermen, Chamberlains, " and Citizens, to be one Body Corporate, by the M name of Mayor, Aldermen, and Citizens of the " City of Worcester. " May purchase lands, &c. and may grant and " demise lands, &c. " May plead and be impleaded. " May have a common Seal, changeable at plea- " sure. " One Citizen to be Mayor. " Six Citizens to be Aldermen. " One Citizen to be Sheriff'. *' Two Citizens to be Chamberlains. " Four-and-twenty to be capital Citizens whereof " the Mayor and Six Aldermen are to be Seven. " Eight-and-forty other capital Citizens, of which li the Chamberlains are to be two. " The Four-and-twenty and the Eight-and forty to " be called Common Council Menr CITY OF WORCESTER. 11 " To have a Council House in the Guild Hall, and " to make Bye-Laws. "To inflict corporal punishments or fine. u To levy fines by distress. " The Body at large to choose a Mayor yearly, on " the Monday next after the Feast of St. Barthole- " mew, out of the Twenty-four. " If the Mayor die during his office another to be " appointed. 44 The Body at large to choose Six Aldermen yearly " out of the Twenty-four. " If any Alderman die in office another to be ap- " pointed. 44 To choose a Sheriff yearly out of the Body at " large. " If the Sheriff die during his office another to be " appointed. 44 Two Chamberlains to be elected yearly, out of " the Body at large. " If the Chamberlains die during office others to be <• appointed. " One learned and discreet man to be chosen " Recorder, to continue in office during pleasure. 44 A Common Clerk, four Auditors, and other infe- !'■ rior Officers, to be appointed. • 4 Two Coroners to be elected out of the Citizens. " No other Coroner to have power in the City. "An Escheater to be elected out of the Citizens, " who is to answer before the Barons of the Exche- u quer. 44 A Sword Bearer to be elected and to continue in " office during pleasure ; and to attend the Mayor and " carry the sword before him in the City, and in St. 44 Michael and St. John's parishes. 44 Four Serjeants at Mace to be elected, and to " continue in office during pleasure and attend the 44 Mayor and Sheriff. 44 The Body at large to attend the King. The " Mayor to carry the Sword before the King. Four 12 CITY OF WORCESTER. " Aldermen to carry the Maces, and at his departure ** to attend him to the limits of the County of Wor- 44 cester. " The Body at large to attend any of the Royal "Family. The Mavor and Three of the Aldermen c * to carry before them the Maces, and at their depar- H ture to attend them to the limits of the County of * Worcester. 44 If any person elected to any office (except the "Recorder or Common Clerk), shall refuse to act, M to be expelled from all liberties and franchises, or r ' to be committed to gaol until he will exercise it, or " to be fined or amerced, and may be committed to * gaol until such fines are paid. 4< If any member neglect or refuse to come to 44 convocation, to be amerced and another chosen. 44 When any of the Twenty-four die or shall absent 44 themselves from any meeting for twelve months " after summons, they may be removed and other 44 members chosen into the Twenty-four from the " Forty-eight. 14 When any of the Forty-eight die or be removed, (l the residue of the Forty-eight to choose other 44 Citizens into that number to fill up the vacancies. u The Mayor. Aldermen, Sheriff, and Chamber- 44 lains to take their respective oaths yearly, for the 44 due execution of their several offices, before ten or 44 more of the capital Citizens; the Mayor to be sworn 4V on the Monday next after St. Michael's day, or '• within fifteen days following'; and Aldermen, She- * 4 riff, and Chamberlains, on the second Monday w after St. Michael's day, or within fifteen days fol- '" lowing. 44 The Recorder, Common Clerk, Auditors, Coro- 44 ner, and other Officers, to take their several oaths, 41 lor the due execution of their offices, in like 44 manner. ** A Court of Record to be holden every Monday, 44 before the Mayor, Recorder, and Aldermen, or any CITY OF WORCESTER. t3 11 three or more of them ; the Mayor, or one of the ** two ancient Aldermen to be one, of all Plea-s, Ac- ik lions, Suits, and Trespasses, with force of amis or *' otherwise, as well above as under 40*. and of Ac- " tions real as well as personal and mixt.. M The Mayor, Recorder, and Aldermen of the City " to be Justices, during the time they shall be id M office, for the preservation of the peace, and tochas- ,k tise and punish offenders, according: to the Statutes, f for offences committed within the City. u They are also to adjust and rectify abuses in " weights and measures or in selling victuals contrary <¥ to the Statutes and punish all forestallcrs, regra- ■* tors, extortioners, &c. within the City, administer " the oaths to other Justices and to the succeeding " .Mayor, for the execution of their respective offices. H The Coroners to make returns of Juries, Inquisi- M tions, &c. by them taken, before the Mayor, Recor- " dor, and Aldermen. u TW Sheriff to be attendant upon the Justices of " gaol delivery of the prisoners in the gaol of the " City, and the precepts of the Mayor, Recorder, and u Aldermen, and take his oath for the due execution u of his office, and the office of Escheater, before the '* Mayor in the Guild Hall of the City, and not else- u where. * fc The Mayor to return the name of every Sheriff, " under the seal of the City, into Chancery. " The Sheriff to keep a court within the City, from ki month to month, upon the Tuesday yearly, and '* exercise all powers, jurisdictions, &c. which belong M to the office of a Sheriff. u The Sheriff to accompt before the Barons of the 11 Exchequer, yearly. " The Mayor, Aldermen, and Citizens to have one 11 prison or gaol within the City, and the Sheriff to be J * the keeper. " Mayor, Aldermon, and Citizens, have power and 34 CJTY 0F WORCESTER. " authority 3 to purchase manors, Iands > &c. in Mort- " main. t' A Confirmation granted to the Mayor, Aldermen, > and Citizens, of all and the like liberties, franchises, " rights, jurisdictions, fairs, markets, tolls, customs* " goods, and cattell, of felons and fugitives, goods " and cattells, wa>t, estrays, escheats, fines, amerce- " ments, issues, forfeitures, lands, tenements, soils, " commons, void ground, pourprestures, approve- " ments, and all other hereditaments whatsoever, *j which the Burgesses of the Town of Worcester, or 44 the Bailiffs, Aldermen, Chamberlains, and Citizens 44 of Worcester heretofore held and enjoyed, yielding " to the King such and the like services,, rents, and. " sums of money, as were heretofore yielded and "paid. . f? The Mayor, Aldermen, and Citizens, to enjoy "..all gifts, grants, legacies, &c. as the Bailiffs, Alder- 44 men, and Chamberlains heretofore enjoyed, with " the same power to recover and use the same. And 44 to enjoy all offices, jurisdictions, powers, and privi- 44 leges within the City, as v\ as heretofore enjoyed by "them. 44 The Mayor to do and execute all and singular th* 44 things within the City, which the bailiffs heretofore 44 lawfully did. 44 The Mayor and Aldermen to have, hold, and 44 enjoy all offices and privileges within the City, 44 which the Bailiffs and Aldermen heretofore lawfully 44 held and enjoyed. 44 The Aldermen to hold and enjoy all offices, &c. " which the Aldermen of the City heretofore lawfully "..held and enjoyed. *' The Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council to "do and execute all things within the City, which the 44 Bailiffs, Aldermen, Chamberlains, and Council used 44 to do and execute ; and the Chamberlains to do and 44 execute all things which the Chamberlains within " the City were lawfully wont or ought to do. CITY OF WORCESTER. 15 "The Bishop, Dean and Chapter, and their tenants " to enjoy all privileges and customs anciently due to " them. (Signed) « YOUNG AND PIE. " By a Writ of 7 u p r ivy Seal. J " Dated at Westminster, 2d Oct. 1621.— 19th King " James 1st." CORPORATION OF WORCESTER, Elected and continued for the Years 1819—20. Members of the Twenty-four* Jflapor. 1. Right Worshipful Elias Isaac, Esq. &*c0r&er* Right Hon. George, Earl of Coventry. <iennen an* Jftagfettate*. 2. Worshipful Humphrey Chamberlain, Esq. 3 Thomas Farley, Esq. 4 Richard Nash, Esq. 5 Thomas Carden, Esq. 6 William Morton, Esq. 7 John Blew, Esq. 8. .......... Francis Hooper, Gent. •» CITY OF WORCESTER. gUtretmm op #0utte% Having passed the Chair* 9. Thomas Davis, Esq. 10. Francis Wilson, Esq. 11. Thomas Best, Esq. 12. James Wakeman, Esq, 13. Thomas Allies, Esq. 14. Samuel Crane, Esq. 15. Herbert Rogers, Esq. 16. William Blew, Esq. 17. John Doweling, Esq. Johnson, 18. Benjamin Esq. 19. Thomas St. John, Esq. 20. Robert Brown, Esq. 21. Samuel Garmston, Esq. 22. SirAnthonyLechmere, Bart. 23. Robert Chamberlain, Esq. 24. William Moore, Esq. Chamberlains* Henry Clifton, Gent. | William Wanklin, Gent. fctoton Cleriu Benjamin Johnson, Esq. Coroners John Piatt, Gent. | Nathaniel Mence, Gent. Jtflemoets of tije dPotfHECgiJt. His Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland. Right Hon. Lord Viscount Dudley & Ward. Walter Haynes, Gent. John Wheeley, Gent. W'alter Careless, Gent. Thomas Garmston, Gent James Paine, Gent. William Wall; Gent. John Williams, Gent. Thomas Carden, jun. Gent. Samuel Wall, Gent. Charles Dowding, Gent. John Garnatt, Gent. William Watkins, Gent. CITY OF WORCESTER. 17 Josepli Powell, Gent. Elias Isaac, Gent. John Mann, Gent. James Churchill, Gent Jolyi Thomas, Gent, Thomas Lessingham,Gent John Severn Ballard, Gent. John Jones, Gent. Joseph Ellis Viner, Gent. William Shaw, Gent. William Dunn, Gent. Henry Clifton, Gent. Philip Mason, Gent. Edward Blew, Gent. John Morton, Gent. John Dent, Gent. William Wankliu, Gent, Richard Garmston, Gent. Thomas Best, jun. Gent. Charles Lessingham, Gent. John Clifton, Gent. James Fletcher, Gent, James Hinton Tymbs, Gent. Henry Jones, Gent. Humphrey Chamberlain, jun. Gent. Chase Armstrong Hoi I, Gent. John Morton, Gent. Harvey Berrow Tymbs, Gent. William Henry Lennens Walcott, Gent. (Five Vacancies,) gtoortr Nearer. Mr. John Shuck. Serjeants at JWace. John Crane. William Allen. William Powell. William Whittall. Several trading companies are incorporated here, (viz.) Glovers, Pursers, Pouch Makers, and Poynters, incorporated 1497, united with the Tanners, Saddlers, and Pewterers in 1664, Cordwainers 1504. Mercers, Grocers, Haberdashers, and Upholsterers, 3504, to whom the Apothecaries were united in 1663. Clothiers first in 1511, renewed in 1590. Bakers 1528. Tailors 1551. Ironmongers 1598. Butchers 1604, C 18 CITY OF WORCESTER. Barbers and Tallow Chandlers 1677. Carpenters and Joiners 1690. Bricklayers 1713. Coopers 1726. Masons, a fellowship erected 1739. • Fishermen, a fellowship by prescription. Parish Clerks, a fraternity by prescription. There are five annual fairs held at Worcester, (viz.) on the day before Palm Sunday, on the Saturday in Easter week, on the loth day of August, on the 19th day of September, and the first Monday in December, and the following markets toll free, — the second Mon- day in February, and the first Monday in the* month* of May, June, July, and November. The Cathedral, notwithstanding the great variety of style it exhibits by having been erected at different periods, has a grand and venerable appearance ; Us model resembles the Collegiate Church at Brussels, iu the Austrian Netherlands. The general plan is that of a double cross. The tower, which was completed in the year 1374, is 200 feet high, aad arises from the great cross aisle ; its top is terminated by four pinnacles of open work, and surrounded with battlements. The statues of the Virgin Mary with our Saviour in her arms, and of St. Oswald and St Wulstan on each side of her are on a level with the windows, in the bell room, which con- tains a set of eight bells, supposed to be equal to those of York, the largest weighing 6600/6. There are nine parish churches within the liberty of the City, and two without (viz) ; — 1. St. Nicholas, situate on the Hast «ide of the Cross, a Rectory in the gift of the Bishop. 2. St. A loan's, situate the North West corner of Fish Street, a Rectory in the gift of the Dean and Chapter. 3. St. Andrews, situate on the North side of Co- penhagen Street, a Rectory in the patronage of the Dean and Chapter. CITY OF WORCESTER. 19 4. St Helen's, situate in the High Street, a Recto- ry in the gift of the Eisbop. " 5. St. Swithin's, situate at the West eiul of Meal- eheapen Street, a Rectory in the patronage of the Dean and Chapter. 6. St. Martin's, situate at the North West angle of the Corn Market, a Rectory in the gift of the Dean and Chapter. 7. All Saints, situate near the bottom of Broad Street, a Rectory in the dispensation of the Crown. 8. St. Clement's, situate near the Bridge, a Recto- ry in the gift of the Dean and Chapter. 9. St. Peter's, situate near Diglis Meadows, a Vicarage in the presentation of the Dean aud Chapter. 10. St John's, situate in the Township of St. John's, aVicarage in the gift of the Dean and Chapter. 1 I St. Michaei's, situate the North East comer of i)ia Cathedral, a Rectory in the gift of the Dtan and Chapter. Besides the parochial churches here are the follow- ing places of worship for dissenters, (viz.) — A Chapel in the Connexion of the late Lady Hunt- ingdon, situate in Birdport Street. independent Meeting House in Angel Street. Methodist Chapel in Pump Street. Anabaptist Meeting House, North West corner of Silver Street. Quakers Meeting House and burial ground, San- son! Fields. A Chapel for the use of the Roman Catholics, near Sansora Street. The principal trade now canied on in Worcester is the manufacture of gloves, in which a very great improvement has taken place within the last few years, and the demand has increased with the spirit aud enterprize of the manufacturers. The number of persons employed in the different brauches of this manufacture are estimated at about 8000. There are also three very extensive manufactories 20 CITY OF WORCESTER* of porcelain, carried oft by Messrs. Flight, Barr, and Barr ; Messrs. Chamberlains ; and Messrs. Thomas Orainger & Co. These gentlemen have by their inde- fatigable exertions, attained to such a degree of per^ fection in the whiteness and texture of the ware, aiid the beautiful paintings how executed, as to rival the first manufactories in Europe. Worcester is the most considerable hop market in the kingdom, three-fifths of the produce of the sur- rounding plantations are brought into this City for sale ; the average number of pockets sold yearly are upwards of 20,000. The great fluctuation that takes place in the price of hops, has rendered it an article of great specula- tion ; in proof of which, the early part of the last year the price of hops per cwt. v/as i;24, whereas the last fair, September 19th, the average price was only 72s. The hop market which is situate at the South end of Foregate Street, is governed by Guardians^ chosen out of every parish in the City ; here are very exten- sive and commodious warehouses, in which large quantities of hops are lodged for the convenience of the dealers. The Worcester and Birmingham canal was begun in the year 179 lj and was made navigable December 4th, 1815, for which the proprietors obtained an Act of Parliament, and are allowed to take the following sums for tonnage ; — On coal, iron, ironstone, stone, timber, and other goods and things (except lime and limestone), upon any part of the canal (except the iirst 10 miles from Birmingham), 2*. 6d. per ton. On lime and limestone upon any part of the canal, (ex- cept the first ten miles from Birmingham), Wd. per ton. On coal, iron, ironstone, stone, timber, and other goods or things, (except lime and limestone), upon the first 10 miles from the head of the canal at Birmingham, 3d. per ton per mile. On lime and limestone upon the first 10 miles from the head of the canal at Birmingham,. Id. per ton per mile. CITY OF WORCESTER. 21 Only Id?, per ton to be taken on goods or oilier things carried to or from the Severn, into or out of the bason near the City of Worcester, and notpasshig on any other part of the canal. Paving stones, gravel, sand, and other materials for making and repairing roads ; and dung, soil, marl, and other manure for the improvement of the lands or grounds of persons whose lands shall have been taken for the use of the canal, except lime and lime- stone, are to pass free, with the usual exceptions. Several very extensive warehouses have been erected at Lovvesmoor and Diglis, for the housing of goods ; likewise a powerful steam engine for supply- ing the canal from the Severn. A large iron foundry has been established on the bank of the canal, under the firm of the Worcester Iron Foundry ; and on the the other side, near Lowesmoor, are the Works of the Worcester Gas Light Company. Among the public buildings in this City, the Guilds- Hall is most worthy of remark : it is a modem edifice situate in the High Street, and was completed in the year 1723, from a design of Mr. White, a native of Worcester, and a pupil to Sir Christopher Wren. On the front under the cornice is exhibited a Roman trophy, in which the imperial arms of England, sup- potted by two angels, are the principal of the group ; in a niche between the two centre windows is a statue of Queen Ann, and underneath is written hi gold letters, ANNA REGINA. The parapet is ornament- ed with five statues, (viz.) on the centre is the figure of Justice with her sword and balance ; on the right, Peace, with the olive branch ; and on the left, Plenty, with the cornucopia. The statue at the North end represents Chastisement, that on the South, Hercules or Labour. In niches on each side the entrance, are the statues of King Charles the 1st and 2d ; the for- mer supporting the church, the latter holding legal government. The hall on the first floor is spacious and lofty : to 22 CITY OF WORCESTER, the West are two courts of justice, wherein are held the assizes and sessions for the County and Ciiy. Over the liall is the council chamber, a most elegant apartment ; in the centre opposite to the entrance is placed on a bracket of statuary marble, lichJy embel- lished, a portrait of his present Majesty in his corona- tion robes, presented by him to the Corporation, (at their request) when on a visit to this City in the year X788. Adjoining the council chamber are handsome rooms tor tea and cards at the public assemblies; likewise two commodious rooms for the County and City grand juries. Opposite to the Town Hall is the new Market Place, its interior is well arranged, and was first opened on the 18th of February 1804: its erection cost the Corporation the sum of £5050. The Market days are Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays ; the latter is the principal market day for all kinds of commodities. The Theatre, a commodious building now under the management of Mr. Crisp, is situated in Angel Street. It was erected by the subscription of twenty persons £50 each, advanced on security of the build- ing, each subscriber to receive interest for his mone}, and a silver ticket, transferable at pleasure. Plays during the season are exhibited four times a week. The public subscription Library, situated the North West side ot Angel Street, is an institution under the direction of a President, Treasurer, and a Committee, annually chosen ; the subscribers are numerous, and the terms of subscription moderate. Strangers and non-residents are admitted on being introduced by a snbscriber. The general Infirmary* a very handsome building, pleasantly situated to the West of the Foregate Street, and commands a most delightful prospect; the interior is airy and spacious. The building was erected in the year 1770, by voluntary contributions, at the expence of £0085, and is ably 'Supported by CITY OF WORCESTER. 23 legacies ami the liberality of the public. The yearly receipts are about ,£4000, it being a general Infirma- ry it is open to patients of all countries, by a recom- mendation from a subscriber. In cases of accident persons are admitted without a recommendation, any hour during the day or night. Thelate Mr. Robert Velt.ers. formerly a silk mercer in this City, be- queathed to his executors for the benefit of this institution, the sum of £6000. It is attended by three physicians, three surgeons, and other officers ; (viz.) Drs. Woodyatt, Maiden, and Hastings ; Messrs. Garden, Sandford, and Shepherd, Surgeons; House Surgeon, Mr. Hubert Cole ; inspecting apothecary Mr. John Raymont ; Matron Mrs. Perkes. The House of Industry is a noble edifice built on an eminence called Tallow Hill, to the East of the City, it was erected by virtue of an Act of Parlia- ment, in the 32d year of the reign of his present Majesty, under the direction of G. Byfield, Esq. at an expence of £7318 7*. exclusive of the sum of ,£2273 3s. Sdi in purchase of about 22 acres of land adjoining. On the 10th of November, 1794, the poor of the incorporated parishes of Worcester were first received into this comfortable asylum. Under the provisions of the Act of Parliament Justices of the- peace, may act in the united capacities of Magistrate and Director ot this institution. The City Gaol, situate in Eriar Street, was former- ly a house of grey friars ; it is the most entire of any ancient religious house in Worcester ; it was granted to the Citizens by Henry the 8th. The new County Prison, erected at an expence of near £19,000, is situated in Salt Lane, leading from the Foregate Street into Pitchcroft, just without tiro boundaries of the City ; it is surrounded by. a brick wall 15 feet high, which encloses about three acres of ground, the different wards are well arranged for the various classes of criminals, and separate ones are .appropriated for the male and female debtors. Mr,' $4 CITY OF WORCESTER. Davis, the present keeper, has been in that office upwards of 30 years. The following public scbools and hospitals bare been founded and endowed in this City add neigh* bourhood ; — The King's, a college school founded by King Henry the 8th, 1541, for 40 scholars. Queen Elizabeth's school, endowed for tbe classi- cal education of 12 boys, situate near St. Swithin's church, founded in the 3d year of her reign. Rebuilt 1735. Bishop Lloyd's school, in New Street, endowed for 16 boys and 8 girls, founded in the year 1714. Subscription free school, upon tbe Lancasteiian system. Erected 1810. National school on the Madras system. Esta- blished 1812. Moore's hospital, Silver Street, endowed for the relief and education of 10 poor children. lnglethorp's hospital, adjoining Sansom Fields, endowed for 6 men and 2 women. The number bas since been augmented. Nash's hospital, New Street, endowed for 10 men and 2 women ; 5 more has since been added. Wyatt's hospital, Friar Street, endowed for 6 poor men. Queen Elizabeth's hospital endowed for 29 poor women. Burkley's hospital, opposite the Hop Market, en- dowed for 1-2 poor men. Shewring's hospital, Tything, endowed for 6 poor women. St. Oswald's hospital, Tything, endowed 1682, in whieh are supported 16 men and 12 women* Goulding's hospital, Tything, endowed for 3 men and 3 women. €JTY OF WORCESTER. 2o MEMBERS OF THE CATHEDRAL, The Right Rev. Folliott Herbert Walker Cornewall, Lord JBishop. Venerable Richard Francis Onslow, M. A. Archdeacon. Very Rev. John Ranks Jenkin^on, D. D. Dean. James Henry Arnold, LL. D. Chancellor. Ten Canons or Prebendaries. Rev. James Meakin, M. A. Sub-Dean. Rev. Septimus Collision, D. D. Rev. John Wiugfieki D. D. Rev. J. F. S. F. St. John, M. A. Rev. William Digby, iVl. A. Rev. Townshend Forrester, D. D. Hon. and Rev. Edward Rice, M. A. Hon. and Rev. Richard Ba&ot, M. A. Rev. Herbert Oakley, M. A. Rev. Henry Anthony Pye, M. A. Eight Minor Canons. Rev. Digby Smith, M. A. (Chanter.) Rev. Thomas Clark, M. A. (Sacrist.) Rev. Thomas Hey ties, B. A. Rev. Allen Wheeler, R. D. Rev. William Staflbrd, B. A. Rev, Kichard George, LL. B. Rev. Matthew Limn, M. A. Rev. William Price, \1. A. D 26 CITY OF WORCESTER. Organist and Master of the Choristers. Mr. Charles Clark. School Masters. Fev. Edward James Porter, M. A. Rev. Cornelius Copner, B. A. Eight Lay Clerks. Ten Choristers* Forty King's Scholars. Two Sextons % Two Vergers. Two Butlers. One Manciple. Two Cooks. Ten Beadsmen. Three Porters. OF THE COUNTY OF WORCESTER. l^art E. SECTION FIRST. GO&TAIjklRG THE CITY fr SUBURBS OF *** Abbreviations wben requisite are as follows, (viz J h for house — in, lane — sq- square — st, street— Vict. Victualler— Manuf. Manufacturer — Yd. Yard, Some few others may occurwhich will be readily understood. ACKRILL and Matthews, Bakers, Goose Lane Adams Lydia, Clothes Broker, Merry Vale Adams Richard, Gent. Pool House, Ty thing' Aldrum Capt. Sansoin Fields Allcrott John, Victualler, Cross Keys, Sidbury Allen Nathaniel, London Road Allen Michael, Victualler, Farriers' Arms, Butts Allen James, Victualler, Don Cossack Doldy Allen Thomas, Straw Hat Manufacturer, New-street Allen George, Glove Manufacturer, Kdgar-sireet Allen Charles, Glove Manufacturer, Edgar-street Allen Mr. Job, Henwick Read Alien Richard, Butcher, Shambles 28 CITY OF WORCESTER. Allen George, Glove Manuf. Block House Fields Allgood Read, dealer in Straw Plait, Bank-street Allies James, Currier, 70, Broad -street Allies Thomas, Maltster, Foregate-street Allies Mrs, Tanner, St. John's Allso Thomas, Carpenter, Butts Amphlett and Son, Carpenters, Love's Grove Arophlett Mrs. Milliner, Bridge-street Anderson and Perry, Painters and Gilders, Foregate-st. Andrews E. Bookseller, High-street Andrews John, Hair Dresser, Newport- street Archer and Williams, Grocers and Tea De alcrs, wholesale and retail, Goose Lane Ashmoro's Waggon Office, Angel-street Aston and Sonthan, Fishmongers, 38, High-street Aston Edward, Glove Manufacturer, 107, High-st. Alias lire & Life Insurance Office, Ty thing — Agent, Mr Thornbury Badger William, Breeches Maker, 2, Corn Market BagotHon. and Rev. R. College Greeu Bailey William, Land Surveyor, St. John's Bailey William, Shoe Maker, St. John's Baldwin John, Organ Builder, North Parade Ball Philip, Glove Manufacturer, Silver-street Ballard J S. Grocer and Tea Dealer, 31, High~street Ballard Mr. Philip, Gent. Boughton Fields Bannister John, Chair Maker, Little Fish-street Barber William, Tailor, St. Oswald's Place Sansora Fields Barber John, Surveyor of the Roads, Lowesmoor Bardin Christopher, Academy, Friar-street Barker Thomas, Gentleman, Villa House Barker William, Gentleman, London Road Barneby and Best, Solicitors, Foregate-sttcet Barneby Richard, Esq Foregate-street Barnes Mrs. College Yard &. 1 ' * 8") $> mm) III} x ^/ ayn wholesale oyster j/er< mutts. X4iT, inicUfdlt gdUtaO. ■ CITY OF WORCESTER. 2# Barnes William, Maltster, St. John's Batoes Thomas, Grocer and Tea Dealer, 39, High-st.. Barnesley Thomas, Gentleman, St. John's Barnesley Mrs. Stay Maker, High-street Barnett William, House Painter, Ty thing 1 Barnett Thomas, Cooper, Church-street Barratt Edmund, Maltster, 45, Foregate-strcet Barrow Samuel, Carpenter and Wheelwright, Back Walk, Tything Barrey George, Glove Manufacturer, Bath Row Baskerville Thomas, Woollen Draper, 64, High-st. Bass Mrs. Ladies' Seminary, Diglis-house Bate man Thomas, Baker, St. John's Baxter Thomas, Artist, Edgar-street Baylis George, Hair Dresser, 93, High-street Bay lis Richard, Victualler,. Curriers' Arms, Angel-st» Baylis Mrs. London Road Beach T. Tailor, St. John's Beck Charles, Plumber and Glazier, Leach-siicet Beck William, Surgeon, St.. John's Bedford Rev. Thomas, Fish-street Beeken Hector, Grocer & Tea Dealer, Mealeheapen Street Beeken and Hurst, Grocers and Hop Merchants, 16^ High-street Beese James, Fruiterer, College-street Beesley Francis, Glove Manufacturer, St. Juhn's Benbow John, Glove Manuf. Birdport— House, Park Place, London Road Benbow John, Plaisterer, Pump-street Benbow William, Victualler, Lion, Leigh Bennett John, Glover and Tailor, 33, High-street Bennett and Newman, Linen Drapers, High-street Bennett William, Currier and Leather Seller, 30^, Broad-street Bennett Richard, Gent. Rainbow Kill Bennett John, Vict. Hen and Chickens, Merry Vale Benton Walter, Farrier, Angel-street Berwick and Co, Bankers, Go, High-street 30 CITY OF WORCESTER* Berwick Mrs. Gentlewoman, Sansom Fields Best Thomas, Glove Manufacturer, Foregate-sfreet Best Thomas, jun. Glove iVIanuf. & Leather Dresser, Turkey Bevan George, Maltster, Merry Vale Pevan Francis, Maltster,. St. John's Bibbs Benjamin, Saddler, and Harness Maker, 3, Corn Market Bickerton Thomas, Glove Manuf. Mealeheapen-st. Piddle Eliz. Plumber and Glazier, 32, Broad-street Bigg James, Nursery & Seedsman, Mealchcapen-st. Bill Thomas, Scale Maker, Merry Vale Biugle William, Plumber, Glazier, and Painter, 10, High-street Binnall Samuel, Carpenter, Lowesmoor Binnall James, Grocer. St. John's Birbeek Joseph, Hair Dresser, Old Bridge Place Birbcck George, Hair Dresser, Angel-slicet Bird & Co. Cariiers, Dig lis Wharf Birmingham Life and Fire Insurance Office, Copen- hagen-street Bishop John, Glove Manufacturer, Sidbury Bishop Charles, Grocer, New-street Bishop John, Blacksmith, St. John's Black well and Homing, Merchants, Sansom-street Blew, Moore, & Blew, Chyinists and Druggists, 44, High-street Blew William, Wine Merchant, Broad-street Blew Edward, Gentleman, Bridge-street Blower Edward, Surgeon, 9, High-street Blower Benjamin, Horses on Hire, Butts Bonaker Mr. near Bromwich Hall Bosley William, Hair Dresser and Toyman, 82, High -street Boucher John, Boarding House, Frog Lane Bough Joseph, Tailor, New-street Boughton John, Nursery and Seedsman, Lower Wick Boulcott IVirs. Ann, Sidbury Boulter George. Gent, Bridge-street CITY OF WORCESTER. 31 Bowen William, Surveyor and Builder, New-street, —House Red Hill Bowen Thomas, Glove Manuf. St. John's Bowen James, Glove Manuf. Regent's Place Bowen Capt. Lower Wick Bowker Mrs. Gentlewoman, Tything Bowker Charlotte, Straw Hat Maker, Sidbury Bowly Mr. Boughtou Place Bowyer William, Vict. Bull's Head, High-street Boyce Benjamin, Vict. Crown and Anchor, Henwick Hiil Bovce W. C. Silk Mercer and Haberdasher, High-st. Bozward Joseph, Tallow Chandler, Crippiegate Brace John, Tailor, F«sb-street Bradford Mary, Milliner, &c. 34, Ki^h-st. Bradley Joseph, Tallow Chandler and Maltster, '25, Cross Bradley James, Turner & Fancy Chair Maker, New-st. Bradley John, Ironmonger, Bioad-st. — House Brom- wich Cottage Bradley Mrs. Gentlewoman, Foregate-street Bradley J. Engineer to the Gas Light Company, Bushwick Bradley George, Cooper, Shambles Brampton Samuel, Solicitor, New-street Brampton Thomas, Solicitor. Foregate-street Brecknell Thomas, Hop Merchant, Tything Bridge William, Boot and Shoe Maker, Powick's In. Bridges J. Worcester and Gloucester Carrier, Quay Bright Mrs. Gentlewoman, Edgar-street Briudley Ruth, Straw Hat &Stay Warehouse, Broad- street Bristow James, Glove Manufacturer, Doldy Bristow John, Currier & Leather Seller, Powick's In. Bristow William, Leather Dyer, Doldy Broadfield John, Carrier & Coal Merchant, Doldy Broadtoot and Ballinger, Glass and China Ware- house, I, Cross Bromley Michael, Coal Merchant, Lowesmoor 82 CITY OF WORCESTER. Bromley James, Wharfinger and Carrier, Lowesmoor Wharf Brooke George, Linen Draper, 91, High-street Brookes Thomas, Shoe Maker, Turkey Brookes William, Hair Dresser, Sidbury Brookholdin? John, Hop Merehant, Sansom-street Brookholdins: Mrs. Gentlewoman, Foregatc-street Broughtou William, Sail & Tarpauling Maker, Tm> key Brown Charles, Shoe Maker, Leach-street Brown Thomas, Gardener, St. John's Brown Thomas, Tailor, Leach-street Browning, William, Glove Manufacturer, Tything Buck Jeremiah, Gentleman, Sansom-street Buckley Benjamin, Builder, Slater, and PJalstercr, Salt Lane Bulford Thomas, Boot and Shoe Maker, 20, High -st. Bullock Charles, Dealer in Grindeiy, Little Angel- street Bullock Thomas, Tailor, Birdport Bulstrode George, Esq, 29, Foregate-street Bunn, Eliz. Confectioner, 23, High-street, Bunn Charles, Rope and Twine Manufacturer, 48, High-street Bunn Mrs. Gentlewoman, Fish-street Bunn John, Sacking Manuf. Palace Row — House London Road Bunn Major, Upper Wick Burdon Joseph, Milk Carrier, New-street Burden Stephen, Draper and Clothier, Goose Lane Burford William, Weaver, St John's Burford Maria, Dress Maker, Powick's Lane Burgess Miss, Ladies 7 Seminary, New Road Burgess Thomas, Vict. General Hill, Fish-street Burgess Rohert, Sheriff's Officer, Bank- street Burlingham Thomas and John, Glove Ma-nuf. Sid bury Burlingham Joseph and Samuel, Shoe Manuf. Sidbury Burnidge Edward, Yict. Rein Deer Inn and Free Mason's Tavern, Meaicheapen-street (rroit €m^tjsm , London Hats oi'the T^est qjialitj. CITY OF WORCESTER. 33 Furrow John. Maltster. Cross— House Rainbow Hill "Burrow Samuel. Glove Maunf. Ne\v-s!ivc t Barrow Thomas. Saddler ^ Harness ."Maker, Meal- cheapen-sireet Burrow John, Glove Manufacturer, Cross Burrow \\ iliiam. Draper. 27. Cross Burt Henry, >boe Make*, Park Place Barton llamas. Maltster. Formate-street Bury William, Yint Crown. Friar-stn ot Butler Sarah. Printer, Garden Market Butler William, Victualler, Cross K^ys Trinity Butler Airs. 108, High-street Butler Richard, Viet. Green Dragon, Newport-street — Public Warehouse St. Clements Gate Butler Thomas Victualler, Saracen's EI e al , i\ thing Butler Robert, Gentleman, Heilwick Road Butt William, Shoe Maker, Sidbury C Calder John, Vict. Leopard, Broad-street Calvin John. Hatter and Glove Manuf 2, Broad-sf. Cameron and Pest, Solicitors. Palace Row Canal Company's Whan. Digiis — Agent T. Smith Cape well John, Ha'.r Dresser, New- street Garden George, Clerk to the Gas Light Company Carden Thomas, Gent. Mealcheanen-stR' c Garden John, Surgeon, New-street Carr Benjamin, Broker, Leach Street Carwardine John, Grocer and Tea Dialer, Corn Alar. Caswell William, Coal Merchant, Helton-street s r William. Glove Man::!. T\lhiu£ Chamberlain II, i± 11. Ro>al Porcelain Works, High- street Chambers John, Gent. Tjthing Chambers Thomns. Shoe Maker, St. John's Chandler John, Vict. Crown & Anchor, Silver-street Chandler Thomas, Vet. Plume of Feathers, Copen- hagen-street E 34 CITY OF WORCESTER. Chapman Francis, Hop Merchant, Sansom-street Chesterton Jarnes, Vict White Horse, Silver-street Chesterton Miss, Ladies' Seminary, Sidbury Chesterton Jonathan, Vict. Coach & Horses, Sham- hies Chillingworth Richard, Corn Dealer, South Parade Chipp William, Jobbing Smith, Sidbury Churchill James, Gent. Barbourn Cottage Ciapham John, Viet. Duke of York, Little Newport- street Clarke Charles, Ironmonger and Brazier, 9, Broad-st. Clarke Rev. T. Edgar Tower Clarke Miss, 14, Foregate-street Clarke Joseph, Wine and Spirit Merchant, Little An- gel-street Clarke Charles, Viet. Chequers, Leach-street Clay Miss, Lower Wiek Clements Thomas,. Butcher, Newport-street Clent Thomas, Grocer, Lowesmoor Clifton John, Esq College Yard Clifton Rev. Robert, Cross Clifton Henry, Proctor, Edgar-street Clifton Mrs. Gentlewoman, Red Hill Close Edward, Plumber and Glazier, Sidbury Coates James, Gentleman, 11, Foregate-street Coates Joseph, Woollen Draper, 61, High-sheet Coker Mrs. Gentlewoman, Ty thing Cole Hubert, House Surgeon, Infirmary Coles Mary, Haberdasher, Shambles Coley Joseph, Tinman, Friar-street Collett John, Academy, Foregate-street Collier Riehard, Carpenter, Leach-street Collirigwood John, Surveyor and Architeet, Tything Collison Rev. Dr. College Green Colston Thomas, Victualler. Talbot, Sidbury Coney Mrs. Gentlewoman, Sidbury Cook Benjamin, Buteher, Shambles Cook Nathaniel, Glove Manuf. Sidbury Cooke Miss, Ladies' School, Sansom-st, CITY OF WORCESTER. 35 Cooke Vincent, Turner, Lowesmoor-strcct Cooksey J. H. Inspector of Taxes, 1'aih Road Coombs Tbotnas, Bricklayer, High-street Cooper and Millichap, Tailors and Drapers, Goose-In. Cooper William, Eo<>t and Shoe Maker, Angei-st. Cooper J. T. Tailor, Ty thing Cooper Thomas, Farmer, Broadheath Cooper Joseph, Nailor, St. John's Copncr Rev. Cornelius, Cripplegate Corbctl James, Gardener, Leach-street Corbet! Mrs. College-street Corden W illinm, Gentleman, St. John's Corker Daniel, Cork Cutter, Butts Corles Captain W illiam, Bath Road Colterell William, Painter and Glazier, High-street CoUerell John, Clothes Broker, Leach-street Cotterill John, Vict. Hare and Hounds, College-st. Gotterill George, Glove Manuf. College-street Cotterill Hobert, Plumber and Glazier, Mealcheapeu- strect Cottrill Joseph, China Painter, Newport-street Coucher H. Straw Hat Maker, Sidbury Coweil and Cartwright, (late Timings), Upholsterers and Cabinet Makers, 95. High-street Cowell. Crane, and Kilpin, British Wine Manufac- turers, Foregate-street Cowcll Benjamin, Gent. Barbourn Lodge Cownley Henry, Tailor, Shambles Cox John, Glove Manufacturer, South Parade Cox Thomas, Glove Manufacturer, 9, High-street Cox Richard, Tailor, Sidbury Co}d Lydia, Midwife, College-Street Cracroft Edmund, Gent. Hen wick Road Craine Benjamin, Hop -Merchant. College Yard Crane George. W auh Maker, High-Street Cripps, J. C Tea Dealer and Wine Merchant, 31, Cross Crisp \\ iiiiam Gent. St. John's .ett Jubn ; Boot & Siioc Maker, Mea!cheapcn-st, 36 CITY OF WORCESTER. Cropper Miss, Ladies' Seminary, College Yam Crow Edward, Tailor, Goose Lane Crowley, Lealand, & Hicklin, Carriers, Lowestnoor Wharf Crowther John, Maltster, Friar-street Crump Richard, Upholsterer, 83, High-street Crutchley Henry, Gent. Sansom-street Curnock John, Vict. Archangel, Fish-street Curtis William, Bricklayer, Back Walk, Tything D Dance Thomas, Chymist and Druggist, 27, Broad-st Dance Philip, Vict. Ewe and Lamb, Angel-street Dance Samuel, Tallow Chandler, New-street Dangeriield Capt. Bridge-street Daniel.1 Samuel, Hatter and Hosier, 63, High-street Daniel William, Supervisor of Excise, Angel-street Dankes and Co. Carriers, Diglis Wnarf Darby Mrs. Gentlewoman, Catherine Vale Darke Samuel, Glove Manuf. Sansom Fields Davies & Son, Tailors and Habit Makers, I, High-sU Davies William, Vict. Cock, Copenhagen-street Davies Rev. Thomas, Tything Davis Rev. John, Berkley's Hospital Davis William, Plumber and Glazier, Copenhagen-st. Davis Henry, Glove Manuf. Copenhagen-street Davis Joseph, Librarian, Newport-street Davis John, Breeches Maker, Newport-street Davis John, Bricklayer and Plaisterer, Bridge-street Davis Joseph, Gent. Tything Davis John, Carpenter, Silver-street Davis Francis, Cork Merchant, High-street Davis Mrs. Old Bmy Davis Williarti, Tallow Chandler, Sidbury Davis Thomas, Esq. Tything Davis William, Glove iVIanuf. Edgar-street Davis William* Keeper of the County Gaol and House of Correction CITY OF WORCESTER. 37 Davis John, Glove Maiwf. High Timber-street D-tvise [Mrs. Gentlewoman, Tylhing Day William, Hat Manuf. 99, High-street Day John, Glove Manuf. Bridge-street Day Henry, Plumber and Glazier, Friar-street Day Elizabeth, Viet. Black Boy, Leach-street De Comcy Patrick, Solicitor, Commissioner for tak- ing Irish Affidavits, and Agent to the West of England Insurance Company, Foregate-street De Egville Mr. Dancing Master, College Vard Deighton Henry, Bookseller & distributor of Stamps, 53, High-street Dempsy Dcnnes, Agent and Surveyor, Mealcheapen- street Dent John and William, Glove Mannf. High-street D< nt John, Gent. Foregate-street Dent Thomas, Giove Mantitf. Sidbury Dent Rev. Benjamin, St. John's Dexter Charles, Glove Manuf. High-street Digby Rev. William College Green Dipper Francis, Silk Mercer, 5, Cross Dixon Dr. Grove Villa Dixon James, Tailor, St. Johr/s Dobbins Richard, Cooper, 24, Broad-street Dods Mr. Surgeon, Sansom Fields Doe Enoch, Artist, Edgar-street Done, Gent. Lower Wick Done Richard, Baker, 7, High-street Done -Alary, Toy Warehouse, 24, Cross Done Thomas. Baker, Corn Market Dooley Charles, Clerk, Newport-street Dove) Thomas, Bell Hanger, I'mr-street Do\ey Thomas, Vict Waterloo Tavern, Block-house Fieids Dough'y John, Giove Manufacturer, High-street Dowding Charles, E-q, Tvtlmig Dowding John. Fanner, Ujwei Wick Dult) Richard, Broad heath Duncan John, Flop Merchant, Sunsoui-slreet 38 GITY OF WORCESTER. Dunn William. Glove Manuf. Foregate-strcet Dunn Henry, Glove Manuf. Coin Market D urn ford James, Vict. Old Greyhound Inn, >> cw-st. Dulfield Samuel, Butcher, Shambles Dyke Maiy, Clear Starcher, Friar-street E Eaton Mrs. Gentlewoman, Bridge-street Eaton T. Bookseller, College-street Edginton Richard, Gardener, Leach-street Edgecombe Thomas, Bookseller, College-street Edmunds Isaac, Music Seller, 50, High-street Edmunds John. Brick Merchant, St. Clement's Ga*e Edmunds Abraham, Timber Merchant, Lowesmoor Edwards and Lawrans, Farriers, Butts Edwards Mr. Houghton Place Edwards James, Carpenter, Carden-street Edwards Miss, Farmer, Rush wick Edwards John, Gent. London Road Edwards George, Gent. Lower Wick Edwards John, Ladies' Shoe Maker, 21, High-street Edwards Joseph, Dyer, Carden-slreet Edwards Mrs. Tylhing Eicox John, Gent. St. John's Ellis Eli, Jeweller, Goose Lane Ellis Joseph, Twine h Sacking Manuf. Broad-street Eilison John, Grocer, Turkey Elt Edward, Bridge Place Elrington Mrs. Gentlewoman, Foregate-street. Evans & Cadbnry, Linen Drapers, Haberdashers, and Silk Mercers, Cross Evans and Stokes, Grocers and Tea Dealers, 64, Broad-street Evans Edward, (hy mist and Druggist, Foregafe Evans Thomas, Hop and Seed Merchant, Foiegate Evans Joseph, Vict. Hop Market Inn Evans John, Clerk, Bank Street Evans John, Cabinet Maker, Ty thing r> CITY OF WORCESTER. 39 Evans S. Milliner and Dress Maker, Sidbury Evans 'I 'ho mas, Glove Manuf. Old Bridge Place Evans Thomas, Gent. Houghton Place Evans William, Vicf. RisingSun, Cripplegate Everall George, Baker and Maltster, 74, High-st. Everail George, jiiii. Gent. Boughton Fields Evi rill Thomas, Straw Mann factory, 49, High-street Everton Francis, Baker, Cripplegate Evesham William, Gent. Tything Excise Office, Little Angel street Farley, Johnson, and Turner, Bank, 4, Cross Farley Thomas, Esq. Henwick Farley John, Gent. H en wick Road Earley Job, Staffordshire War^ house, Shambles and Market Hare Earlow Mrs. Gentlewoman, Bridge-street Farmer Mrs. Sid bury Parnham John, Tailor and Draper, College-street 1 aulkener Rev. William, Head Master oi the Gram- mar School, Bath Road Featherstone William, Boat Owner, Newport-street J'eatherstone James, Viet. Boat Inn, Lowesmoor-st. Feathers tone \\ illiam, Coal Merchant, Lowesinoor Wharf Featherstonhaugh A. S. dry mist and Druggist, 27, High-street Fen wick Jesse, Bookbinder, Carden-street Ferny hough Mrs. Gentlewoman Foregate-street Fidoe Edward, Vict. Horn Tavern, Angel-street X ieid Joseph, Spirit Merchant and \\ liarfinger, St Clement's Gate Field John, Shoe Maker, Friar street Field Miss Mary, London Road Finch, Mrs. Shoe Maker, St. John's 1 letcher James, Linen and Woollen Draper, (7, Broad-street 40 CITY OF WORCESTER. "Flight, Rarr, and Earr, Royal Porcelain Works, 45> High-street Flinn J. sen, Dyer and Scourer, 23. High-street Flinn Judiah, Dyer, Newport-street Fluke William, Vict. \\ heat Sheaf, Henwiclc Ford William, Vict. Bridge Inn, Bridge-street Ford John, Surgeon, Little Angel-street Ford Joseph, Baker, Sidbury Forrester Rev. Dr. College Green Fowler George, Tailor, College-street Fox Thomas, Nail Factor, Block-house Fields France Thomas, sen. Gentleman, St. John's France Thomas jun. Solicitor, St. John's Freaaie Thomas, Cabinet, Upholstery, and Fancy Chair Manufactory, Goose Lane, Five Doors from the Cross Freeman Mrs, Bough ton Fields Freeman Thomas, Tallow Chandler, Mealcheapen-st. Freeman Francis, Victualler. Wheat Sheaf, Sidbury Freeman Thomas, Glove Manuf. AMhailow's Well Frost R. & T. & Co. Lace Manuf. Hyiton-street Frost Thomas, Trunk and Packing Case Maker, Car- den-street Fuller William, Tailor, Silver-street Gabb George, Gentleman, Bou^bton Fields Gardner Edward, Malster and Corn Factor, Cross Gardner William, Carver and Gilder, Broad-street Gardner Nathaniel, Lowesmoor Gardner Thomas, Corn Factor, Garden Market Garmslon Samuel, Glove Manuf Sansom-street Garmsion Thomas, Hop Merchant, Sansom-street Garmslon Richard, Glove Manuf Ty thing Garnatt and Ampblett, Woollen Drapers, Foregate ■Garnatt John, Gentleman, St. John's Corner John, Boot and Shoe Maker, 81, High-st. CITY OF WORCESTER. 41 Garness John, Officer of Excise, Quay-street Gem Richard. Gentleman. Paradise Row, Tything George Daniel, Baker and Maltster. Friar-street George W. V. Glove Manufacturer- Fish-street George William, Gh* J'/f///'.J J A/, )//(f;//f////' 7 ' J/Yf / 'Y/ <7LO& I ^' /;<"/////'/.; GENTLEMENS : EE&£ Z02ZDO2Y UAH'S, ltjubrella*"aiid Parasols. - Silk, Cotton and Worfted HOSIERY of every 'Description. ■. / ; //^' 0a r/i CA ami€&>.a a/Y/u frYi'?%efyq C ■> 'n-aft . to?MY&h _^ St' can dfeo^uppliT ificin W%& '^^_T J yfrY/7 - 1/Y //yy/y ^ Y//'//r/.j, Brufsels. Soot€h& Stair Carpeting", —Imperial Figured &Brufsels | LO^IjOX PfiI2YTEfr JGED FVJtWTTUXSS, . YIOEEE^\S\ /~/', ,,',:;, '///„ ////// ,//': /'■/////' ////'//v- /,-v, ■//,>, ,-•- ^ - ////:> /// ///V ;/yyy>y//. - . 7/ (>f7L //>/ ■/. ■-, s/////// JoeM- -//ttfau/. • (/////7: It// -/7/r/// ,( Yj/y/: fr-/;~ 'Vthoiefale .™<1 Retail . /,. f/v> //t /< <•/ S,/7 /,,/.j ///f y //"'ot and Shoe Maker, Tything Norman John, Boot and Shoe Maker, Bridge i luce Norwich Union Insurance UrUce, High-street CITY OF WORCESTER* 55 Nott Thomas, Whitesmith, Hylton-street Nott Abraham, Yict. Dog and Duck, Henwiek Hill O Gates Jonathan, Gentleman, Henwiek Road Oates Thomas, Cutler, 80, High-street Oakley Rev. Herbert, M. A. College Green Oatridge John, Provision Dealer, High-street Oldnall Edward, Haberdasher, &c. 43, Broad-street Oliver Colonel 5, Foregate-street Osbouru Mrs. Gentlewoman, Tythiug Oseman Jonathan, Boot and Shoe Maker, 26, Higb-st. Otley Samuel, Yict. The Fish, High Timber-street Overbury James, Vict. PJaisterers' Arms, Doldy Overton John, Breeches Maker, Leach-street Overton J. P. Gove Factor, Salt -lane Owen Edward, Baker, Tythiug Owen John, Cashier at Messrs. Farley Sc Co's. Bank, Cross Pacey Mrs. Manufacturer of Hosiery, Lowesmoor-st Packwood John, Sheriff's Oiiicer, Little Angel-street Page John, Hop Merchant, Tything Page Simon, Shopkeeper, New-street Page Catherine, Druggist, Corn Market Page Rev. Henry, Minister of the Baptist Chapel, Rose Hill Palmer William, Machine Keeper, Allhallow's Well Palmer John, Glover kFellmonger, St. John's— House Tything Palmer James, Glove Manufacturer, New-street Palmer William, Clock and Watch Maker, Goose-In, Pardoe John, Vict. Bush Inn, Cripplegate Pardoe James, BlockhoUbe lields Parker William, Esq. 30, Foregate-street Parker and Smith, Solieitors, Newport-street Parker Miss, Loudou Road 66 CITY OF WORCESTER. Parkes Mrs* Gentlewoman, Bought on Fields Parkes John, Plumber and Glazier, Friar-street Parkes Mrs. E. Gentlewoman, Barbourn Terrace ■Parrot t- Mrs. Gentlewoman, Thorneloe Place Parry John, Glove Manuf. Portland Place Parry Robert, Glove Manuf. College-street Parsons George, Tailor and Breeches Maker, 58, Broad-street Parsons Richard, Glover and Breeches Maker, Goose- lane Parsons Mrs. Gentlewoman, Barbourn Terrace Parti idge Thomas, Gentleman, Farmer, London-Road Passey Edward, (late Gardner) Glass and China Warehouse, 23, Cross Passey John, Boot and Shoe Maker, 16, Foregate-st Patrick Captain, St. John's Pattershall Mr. Farmer, Broadheath Paul E. Milliner and Dress Maker, Sidbnry Payne William, Butcher, Bridge-street Pedley Frances, Milliner, 8, Foregate-street Peglar John, Gent. Ty thing Pelican Insurance Office, 95, High-street Pemberton Abraham, Brush Manuf. 15, Broad-st. Pemberton John, Brush Manuf. 16, Broad-street Pemberton Mrs- Tanner, St. John's Pendrice John, Tailor and Draper, Goose-lane Pennethorne Thomas, Hop Merchant, 28, Forega te-st. Penning Samuel, Academy, College-street Pennington John, Grocer, Sidbury Perkes Joseph, Baker, Copenhagen-street Perkes Charlotte, Milliner and Dress Maker, Leach- street Perkins J. & J. Smiths, Corn Market Perkins Joseph, Dyer, Carden-street Perrins George, Butcher, Shambles Perrins John, Butcher, Shambles Peshall Rev. S D. Bridge-street Peshall E. Gent. Bridge-street Pettipher Samuel, Tea Dealer, Colfege-street ^^x &rh <{ h v X fj ' <*n>t ' .V X^ X '\ ^ [ ,\^ :n £?A ?ci X CITY OF WORCESTER* 57 Phasey Samuel, Breeches Maker, Carden-street Philip Wilson, M. D, Foregate-slreet Phillip Charles, Tailor and Draper, St. John's Phillip fT. T. Cabinet Maker, Shambles Phillips John, Hop Merchant, Sansom-sfreet Phillips John, Saddler and Harness Maker, Nevv-st. Phillips Matthew, Grocer, St. John's Philpots & Preen, Linen Drapers and Haberdashers, 21, Cross Philpotts Jane, Vict. New Greyhound, New-street Pickernell Thomas, Fanner, Broadheath Pick ford & Co. Wharfingers and Carriers, Lowes- moor Wharf Pierpoint Matthew, Surgeon, Church-sheet Pitman Thomas, Shoe Maker, Ty thing Pitt J. & C. Silversmiths and Jewellers, 85, High-st. Pitt Joshua, Toy Shop, 102, High-street Pitt Joseph, Hair Dresser, Sidhury Piatt John, Solicitor, Bridge-street Pointon Abraham, Pavior, New-street Pollard Thomas, sen. Butcher, Shambles Pollard Thomas, jjun. Butcher, Shambles Poncir Peter, General Salesman, Shambles Poole Mrs. Gentlewoman, St. John's Poole Richard, and James, Lanthorn Leaf and Comb Manufacturer-, 49, Broad street Pope Alexander, Tailor and Diaper, 2, Foregate-st. Porter Rev. Edward James, College Green Post Office Foregate-strcet— Mr. St. John Postmaster Powell James, Silversmith and Jeweller, 20, Cross Powell William, Linen Draper and Silk Mercer, 10, Broad-street Powell John, Wine & Brandy Vaults, Copenhagen-st. Powell Mrs. Carpenter, Lowesmoor-street Powell Thomas, Carpenter, Friar-street Powell Elisha, Vict. King's Arms, Leach-street Pratt George, Gentleman, Edgar-street Pratt Mrs. Gentlewoman, Henwick Road Price William and Son, Glove Manuf. Sidbury 58 CITY OF WORCESTER, Price Thomas, Tailor and Draper, College-st. Price John, Bricklayer, Sidbury Price William, Grocer and Tea Dealer, College Yard Price Rev. William, Barbourn Price Thomas, Glove Manuf. Park Place Price William, Vict. & Coal Merchant, Golden Lion, High-street and Lowesmoor Wharf Price William, Ale and Porter Dealer, Lowesmoor Price Rev. Thomas, 16, Foregate-street Price James, Shoe Maker, Tything Price William, Gentleman, Merryman's Hill Price William, Leather Cutter, Pump-street Pringle W 7 illiam, Artist, College-street Pritchett John, Broker, 104, High-street Pritchett Mrs. Gentlewoman, 19, Foregate-street Pritchett Thomas, Gentleman, Newport-street Probert John, Hair Dresser, Merry Vale Pugh Thomas, Boot and Shoe Maker, Lowesmoor Pumphrey John, Leather Seller, Doldy Pumphrey J. and J. Glove Manuf. Copenhagen-st. Pumphrey Stanley, Glove Manuf. Copenhagen-st. Pumphrey Julius, Glove Manuf. New-street Pumphrey Josiah, London Road Pye Rev. H. A. College Green R Ranford Samuel, Grocer, &e. New-street Rayment John, Apothecary, 19, Broad-street Rea James, Glover and Maltster, Sidbury Rea William, Glove Manuf. Sidbury Rea Philip, Glove Manuf. Sidbury Rea Robert, Gentleman, Rainbow Hill Read William, Livery Stables, Bank-street Read John, Wine and Spirit Merchant, Little Angel- street Read Thomas, Upholsterer, Sidbury Read I. B. Wine and Spirit Merchant, Corn Market CITY OF WORCESTER. 59 Redding William, Gentleman, Trippleton House, Henwick Hill Rees Edward, Vict. Black Swan, Quay-street Registrar Office, Edgar-street Reynolds Thomas, Dyer, Cripplegate Reynolds James, Gentleman, Henwick Hill Reynolds John, Broker, Pump-street Rice Hon. and Rev. Edward, College Green Rice Thomas, Grocer, 40, Broad-street Richards Miss, Tything Richards Samuel, Millwright, St. John's Richards and Son, Hop Merchants, Sansom-street Richards John. Esq. Maskerfield House Ricketts Richard, Vict. Old Horn and Trumpet, Angel-street R idler John, Coach Proprietor, Sidhury Risely William, Glove Manuf. Sidbury Roberts and Cleever, Waggon Office, Sansom-street Robiuson Rev. Andrew, Sansom Fields Robinson, Corbett, and Co. No. 4, Diglis Wharf Robson Joseph, Hatter, 44, Broad-street Robson John, Hatter, Corn Market Rogers Robert, Hair Seating Manuf. Copenhagen-st. Rogers James, Leach-street Rogers George, Glass Painter and Staiuer, Sidbury Romuey William, Surgeon, Foregate-street Rose Eliz. Perfumer, 3, Broad-street Ross John, Grocer, &c. Mealcheapen-street Ross John, Engraver, Corn Market Rouse John, Baker, 97, High-street Rowe Henry, Architect, Fish-street .Rowlands John, Coal Merchant, Lowesmoor Wharf Rowlands Mr. Merry man's Hill Rowley William, Sheriff's Officer, Lowesmoor Rowley William Shoe Maker, New-street Rudge John, Farmer, St. John's Huff Susannah, Butcher, Shambles Russell John, Tobacco Pipe Maker, Cripplegate GO CITY OF WORCESTER. s Salkel William, Academy, Primrose Hill Salmon Thomas, Shoe Maker, Lowesmoor Samroons Thomas, Vict. Fountain, Bank-street Sanders John, -Vict. Old Dolphin, Copenhagen-street Sanders Thomas W. 6, High-street Sanders Richard, Draper and Salesman, Leach-street Sand ford William, Surgeon, Bridge-street Sanford Richard, Basket Maker, Sidbury Sargeant Moses, Glove Manuf. Sidbury Savigny J. O. Gent. London Road Savigny Edward, Cjiymist and Druggist, 73, High-st. Savings Bank, Sansom-street — Open every Monday from 12 till 2 Saunders William, Gent. St. John's Saunders William, sen. Gent. Sid bnry Saunders William, jun. Solicitor, Sidbury Sauvage William, Coal Merchant, Bridge Wharf Sayer John, Esq. Wick House Sayer James, Wine and Spirit Merchant, Lowesmoor Scandrett William, Glover, Grocer, and Draper, Bridge-street Scott Joseph, Gentleman, London Road Severn Thomas, Vict. Talbot Inn, Tything Seward Miss, Thorneloe Place Sexall William, Shoe Maker, Leach-street Shapman Mrs. Gentlewoman, Paradise Row, Tything Shares Charles, Land Agent, Auctioneer, and Ac- countant, 59, Foregate-street Sharp William, Tailor, London Road Shaw William, Leather Seller, 7, Mealcheapen-st. — House Tything Shaw Thomas, Farmer, Lower Temple Lawn Shaw Frederick, Currier, Friar-street "Shaw William, Saddler & Harness Maker, College- Yd. Sheen Ann, Milliner, Newport-street Sheen Thomas, Butcher, Shambles Sheen Richard, Baker, Newport-street CITY OF WORCESTER. 61 >bn, Sweet Maker. Friar-street , Gentleman, Sansom Fields Shelfou Hem v Mu.-ic Master, 8, Barbourn Terrace Shelton and Bland v, Milliners and D:ess Makers, 86, Higb-streeJ Sheppanl James, Surgeon, Foregate-street Gliomas. Music Master, Rose-lawn, London R 1 n Robert, Saddler and Harness Maker, Goose- Jane Shirley John, Woolstapler, St. Clement's Gate Shirley John, Tailor, Friar- si reel I Jobs, Gentleman, Salt-lane Sli ic-k John, Swo;d Dearer. Salt-lane ; William, Hatter and Glover, 1, Broad-street, — House Barbourn Terrace . John, Bricklayer, Eougbton Fields Si ft on Fram .1, Bookseller, 41, Broad-street iter SaraU, Gentlewoman, Tjthing ster Thomas. Gentleman, Henwick Road 3 .Mrs. Gentlewoman. Henwick Hill s Thomas and Son. Glove Manuf. 4, Higb-st. pson James. Plaisterer, Fisb-street son R. G. Glove Manuf. Lowesmoor-sfreet Simpson William, Vict. Porto Bello, Henwick Hill son John, M. A. Academy, Silver-street Simpson Samuel, Tailor, Powick's-lane Skarat! and Son. Clock and VYatcb Makers and Jewellers, Goose-lane i Mivs, Henwick Road Skinner George. Solicitor, Higb-street Skinner John, Vict Sow and Pigs, Do!dy Skinner Richard, Gentleman, St. Jobu's Skyrme Sarab, Hatter and Hosier, 66, Broad-street Slide William, Gentleman, Red Hill le John. Maltster, Silver-street Slade J. S, Boot and Sboe Maker, 92, High-stree* ! and Co. Glove Manuf. Fisb-street Smiib James, >Yatcb Maker, Tything 62 CITY OF WORCESTER. Smith John, Viet Crown, Pump-street Smith Eliz. Clothes Broker, Leaeh-st. Smith Thomas, Dealer in Staffordshire Ware, Leach- street Smith John, Farmer, EarPs Court Smith Thomas, Farmer, Lower Wick Smith, Lesingham, and Trimmer, Brewery, Hylton- street Smith J. S. Glove Manufacturer, 24, Broad-street Smith George & Edward, Carpenters, Love's Grove Smith Samuel, Vict. Angel, St. John's Smith Mrs. Gentlewoman, 3, Barbourn Terrace Smith Joseph, Bricklayer, Tything Smith William, Hair Dresser, Tything Smith George, Carpenter, Tything Smith Joseph, Hop Merchant, Sansom-street — House Henwick Hilt Smith William, Hair Dresser, Lowesmoor-street Smith Thomas, Wine and Spirit Merchant, New-st. Smith J. L. Surveyor of Taxes, New-street Smith George, Bricklayer, New-street Smith John, Vict. Wheat Sheaf, Corn Market Smith Richard, Nursery and Seedsman, Mealchea* pen-street Smith Rev. Digby, Tything Smith John, Brush Maker, 41, High-street Smith James and Co. Coal Merchants, Diglis Wharf Smith Samuel, Drawing Master and Fancy Stationer, 84, Hish-street Smith Amelia, Milliner, 62, Broad-street Smith Robert, Barge Owner, Copenhagen-st. Socket Francis, Gent. Park Flace Solay Thomas, Leather Grounder, London Road Soule Miss, Gentlewoman, Turkey Soule John, Bristol Trader, Quay Southern Edward, Gent. Lowesmoor-street Southern Miss, Gentlewoman, Henwick Hill Sparkes A. F. Gent. 5, Barbourn Terrace Spencer George, Tailor and Draper, 63, Broad-street CTTY OF WORCESTER. 63 Spicer Mrs. Gentlewoman, Park Place Spikes John, Hair Dresser, New-street Spilsbury Thomas, Vict. Bell Inn, St. John's Spooner Robert, Vict. Barley Mow, Sidbury Spooner Thomas, Confectioner, 21, Cross Spriggs William, Clothes Warehouse, 26, Broad-st. Squire Mrs. Gentlewoman, Edgar-street Squires Sc Co. Stone Masons, Powick's-Iaue Stafford Kev. William, College Green Stallard William, Wine aud Spirit Merchant, Copen- hagen-street Stamp Office, Mr. H. Deighton's, High-street Stanton John, Wharfinger and Coal Merchant, Bath Row Staples William, Umbrella Maker, Merry Vale Stead James, Shoe Maker, Palace Row Stephens John, Gent, New-street Stephens William. Coal Merchant, Lowesmoor Wharf — House Turkey Stephens Joseph, Mason, Copenhagen-street Stephens William, Plumber and Glazier, Copenha- gen-street Stephens Miss, Henwick Road Stephens Joseph, Vict. Angel, Sidbury Stephenson Thomas Surgeon and Oculist, Tything Stevenson William, Fishmonger, 13, Broad-street Sterry & Amphlett, Carvers and Gilders, 11, High-st. St. John Rev. J. F. S. P., M. A. College Green St. John Thomas, Post Master, Foregate-street Stillingfleet Mrs. Gentlewoman, Paradise Row Stillingfleet Mrs. Gentlewoman, College Green Stinton John, Vict. Prince Regent, Birdport Stinton James, Shoe Maker, Leach-street Stinton Thomas. Grocer, Newport-street Stokes Benjamin, Gent. Turkey Stokes John, Basket Maker, Broad-street Stokes Richard, Bookbinder, New-street Stone William, Baker and Maltster, 3, High-street Strange Charles, Vict. Bear Inn, Turkey 64 CITY OF WORCESTER. Stratford Mrs. Gentlewoman, London Road Stretch J. C. Auction Rooms, 51, High-street Stretch T. B. Schoolmaster, Sansorn Fields Stretch Mrs. Gentlewoman, Sansom Fields Street Edward, Millwright, Bridge Place Strict-land Mrs. Gentlewoman, Salt-lane Stroud Thomas, Silk Mercer and Haberdasher, Cross Stimmerrleld Mary, Vict. Fish Inn, Friar-street Sun Fire Insurance Office, High-street — Agent Mr. Ballard Surman Thomas, Baker, Tything -Sutchell William, Gent. Park Place T Talbot Sarah, Broker, Leach-street Taperell John, Land Surveyor, College-street Tasker Peter, Tailor, College-street Taylor Thomas, Saddler and Harness Maker, tligh-st. Taj for Mrs. Gentlewoman, Bridge Place Taylor John, Vict. Dog and Duck, Garden Market Taylor Thomas, Tailor, Meaicheapen-street Taylor Richard, Coach Maker, Tything Taylor James, Butcher, Shambles Tayne Mrs. Farmer, St. John's Tearne C. M. Surgeon and Dentist, Bridge-street Tearne William, Gent. Tything Tearne JMiss, Ladies' Seminary, Henwick Hill Terrett Edward, Baker, Sidbury Thomas R. and T. Linen Diapers, 47, High-street Thomas Mrs. Gentlewoman, Tything Thomas James, Saddler and Harness Maker, St. John's Thomason William, Master of the House of Industry Thomason Elizabeth, Straw Hat Maker, Silver- street Thompson Andrew, Clerk to the Magistrates, Back Walk Tything Thompson G. Farrier, London Road CITY OF WORCESTER. 65 Thompson Joseph, Vict. Old Hen Sc Chickens, Merry Vale Tiiornbei y William, Solicitor, Tylhing Thornes John, Vict. Mouth of the Nile, Copenhagen- street Thornecraft Matthew, Artist, Tvthing Thrnpp John, Gentleman, Salt-lane Tklmarsh Samuel, Vict. White Hart, College-street Till George, Butcher, Shambles Thomson William, Gent. Henwick Hill Till Edward. Butcher, Shambles Till John, Butcher, Shambles Till Samuel, Butcher, Shambles Tipping Jonathan, Vict. Queen's Head. Tything Tipton William, Hair Dreiser, Church-street Tebey John, Tailor, Lowesmoor Tomlinson Mrs. Widow, Silver-street Tomnson William, Grocer and Tea Dealer, Meal- chcapen-street Trcliearn Martha, Toy Shop, 67, Broad-street Trcheru William, Baker, Silver-street Trenfield William, St. John's Trewroan George, Stone Mason, Neu port-street Trimnell Thomas, Vict. Pheasant, New-street Turk Jeremiah, Saddler, Broad-street Turner Abraham. Barrister, Britannia Place TurnstaJU George, Gent. Henwick Road Turnstall and Co. Hop [Merchants, Hop Market Turvej William, Vict. Golden Heart, Sansom-slrect Twigg Airs. Milliner, Bridge-street Tayier John, Viet Castle and Falcon, Broad-street T\ier George, Chair Maker, Rank-street Tyler William, Shoe Maker, Sidbury Tyler Juhn, Butcher, Sidbury Tymbs John, Gentleman. InGrmary W T alk Tymbs H. B. Printer and Publisher of the Worcester Journal, 53, High-street— Printing Office Church- Mreel 66 CITY OF WORCESTER. V&ughan Rev. Robert, Minister of the Independent Meeting, Angel-street Vaughan Thomas, Vict, and Coal Dealer, King's Head, Sidbnry Wharf Vaugban Hannah, Fruiterer, 79, High-street Vaughan S. Vict. Lamb and Flag, Tything Verity William, Glove Manuf. Park Place Vernall James, Hair Dresser, High-street Vincent Captain, York Cottage, London Road Viner Ellis, Esq. Cross W Wagsfaff Joseph, Saddler and Harness Maker, Meal- cheapen-street Wagstaft" Robert, Butcher, Sidbnry Wagstaff Michael, Butcher, Hylton-street Wainwright John, Hair Dresser, Mealcheapen-st. Wainwright Mrs. Widow, Foregate-street Wakeman James, Gent. Paradise Row, Ty thing 1 Wake man Mrs. Gentlewoman, Paradise Row, Ty- thing Wakernan James, Glove Manuf. Foregate-street Walcot William, Bookseller, 88, High-street Walhouse Miss, Tything Walker Andrew, Glove Manuf. New-street Walker Hester, Straw Hat Warehouse, New-st. Walker Henry, Glove Manuf. Palace Row Walker Edward, Bricklayer, Doldy Walker William, Gent. St, John's Walker Joseph, Tanner, St. John's Walker William & Son, Glove Manuf. Blockhouse Fields Wall George, Butcher, Friar-street Wall William, Esq Solicitor, 21, Foregate-street Vv all Miss Catherine, High-street Oi i £ vl ' S ^ CITY OF WORCESTER. 67 Walter James, Pawnbroker and Salesman, Corn Market "Walter James, Pawnbroker, Merry Vale Walters Hugh, Whitesmith, Friar-street Walters John, Boot and Shoe Maker, Goose-lane Wambv Captain, St. John's Wambv Captain, jun. St. John's Ward Michael, Linen Draper, 67, High-street Ward Edmund, Wheelwright, Rushwick Ward James, Clerk, Edgar-street Warton Joseph, Vict Lord Nelson, Birdport Watkins William, Horn Dealer, South Parade Watkins John, Well Sinker and Pump Maker, Lowesmoor Watkins William, Whitesmith, Lowesmoor Watson Mrs. Gentlewoman, London Road Weaver William, Farrier, Gardener's-lane Weaver William. Gentleman, TjUiing Webb Samuel, Yict Star, St. John's Webley William, Shoe Maker, Eriar-sireet Weever R. Broker, Church -street Welles & Dickins, Solicitors, Sansom-street Wellington Joseph, Hair Dresser, Sidbury Wells Joseph, Butcher, Shambles Wells Lake, Vict. Glovers' Arms, Merry Vale Wensley John Dench, Grocer and Tea Dealer, 12, Broad-street West Thomas, Gent. Cripplcgate West John, Shoe Maker, London Road Westby Robert, Lace Weaver, Bridge Place Westcombe John, Currier and Leather Cutter, Sid- bury Westwood William, Cooper, St John's Wheeler T. H. Bookseller and Music Warehouse, and Agent to the Norwich Insurance Office, 72, High-street Wheeler Rev. Allen, Academy, Butts Wheeley John, Wine and Spirit Merchant, 54, Broad- street 68 CITY OF WORCESTER. Wheeley John, Gentleman, Barbourn Whewell Edmund, Clothes Broker, Leach-street Whitaker John, Yict. George and Dragon, Tything Whitaker James, Glove Manuf. Butts Whitcomb, Baker, Mealcheapeu-street White and Co. Linen Drapers, 62, High-street Whitehouse W. W. Glove Manuf. 45, Broad-street Whitehouse Mrs. Gentlewoman, Newport-street Whitmore Miss, Shrubberry Cottage, Barbourn Whigley Henry, Gentleman, Tything Wilberfoss Robert, Linen Draper, High-street Wild Mrs. Gentlewoman, College Yard Wild William, Skinner, St. John's Wilkes and Wheeler, Hop Merchants, 57, Forcgate- street Wilkin Christopher, Gentleman, Rainbow Hill Wiikins William, Organ Builder, Fish-street Wiikins Miss, Sansom Fields "Wilks Thomas, Tailor and Draper, 18, High-street Williams James, Confectioner, 14, High-street Williams Francis, Rectifier, Bridge -street Williams John, Distiller, Hylton-street Williams Mrs. Gentlewoman, St. John's Williams Mrs. C. Gentlewoman, Tything Williams Thomas, Grocer, Tything Williams Sarah, Milliner, &c. High-street Williams Samuel, Glove Manuf, Sid bury Williams Thomas, Glove Manuf. Sidbury Williams Thomas, Glove Manuf. Boughloa Fields Williams Mr. Edgar- street Williams Matthias, Dyer, Cripplegate Williams Henry, Brazier, Cripplegate Williams John, Turner, Birdport Williams Mrs. St. John's Williams Miss, Ladies' Seminary, St. John's Williams John, Esq. Pitmaston House W v illis Sherlock, Esq. Tything Wilmore John, Surgeon, Foregate-street Wilson Mr, Gentleman, Lower Wick JVcLvaL&MilUajy UrvifoTrrvs&C \, CITY OF WORCESTER. 69 Wilson Edward, Vict. Pack Horse, Garden Market Wilsou J. H. Solicitor, Garden Market Wingficld Rev. John, D. D. College Yard Winn Miss, Tything Winnali and Steers, Straw and Umbrella Manufac- turers, 66, High-street Win wood John, Nursery and Seedsman, 16, Foregate- street Wellingtons Miss, Hemvick House Witts John, Bricklayer, Cripplegate Woakes Henry, Man's 'Mercer, 42, High-street Wofl'all Thomas, Vict. City Ann's, Church-street Wood John, Drawing Master, 65, Foregate-street Wood Joseph, Tailor, Garden Market Wood Edward, Glove Manuf. Garden Market Mood Sarah, Grocer, Garden Market Wood Mary, Milliner and Dress Maker, Cross Wood William, Gun Maker, 18, Broad-street Wood Robert, Hop Merchant, Hop Maiket— House Turkey Wood Thomas, Clothes Broker, Leach-street Wood William, Builder, Hylton-street Wood Mrs. Gentlewoman, Lower Wick Woodcock Miss, College Green Woodward and OJdaker, Hop Merchants, Sansom-st. Woodwards Miss, Ladies* Seminary, Infirmary Walk Woodward Samuel, Gent. Sidbury Woodward Thomas, Glove Manuf* Houghton Fields^ Woody att George, M. D. Foregate-street Woodyatt Thomas, Gent. St. John's Lodge, Wick Woof Richard, Chymist and Druggist, College-sf. Wormington William, Hair Dresser, Angel-street Wormington Thomas, Law Stationer, 26, Cross Worthington & Co. Liverpool and Manchester Car- riers, Lowesmoor Wharf — Agent Mr. Baxter Worthington John, Red Lion, Sidbury Wright Edward, Grocer and Tea Dealer, 20, Broad-st, 70 CITY OF WORCESTER* Yarnell Mary, Shoe Maker, Butts Yarnold Charles, Plumber and Glazier, New-street Yarnold Mrs. Gent. Thames House Yarnold Joseph, Glove Manuf. Edgar-street Yates Mrs. Gentlewoman, St. John's Yates Rev. Mr. Gloucester Road Yeomans James, Law Stationer, New-street Young George & Co. Grocers and Tea Dealers, Cross Young William, Tailor and Breeches Maker, 14 7 Foregate Young John, Glove Manuf. Silver-street Young William, Tailor, Park Place Young John, Gent. St. John's Young Mrs. Gentlewoman, St. John's Young William,, juii. Artist, 14, Foregate ^±cffe>Iacldox &• Young; Tailob & Habit Maker! toJfis-Rqyal 'JfigJineft flu Leather Breeches, Gaiters, Mild Boo Is See. IbtlStt OF Professions & Eva&%$ f IN THE CITY AND SUBURBS OF ATTORNIES. Barneby &Best, Foregate street Brampton S. New- street Brampton T. Foregute-st. Cameron & Best, Palace Row De Coursey P. Foregate- street France T. St. John's Godson — Foregate-st. Gillam R. Foregate-slreet Kaden 8. Com Market Hill G.48, Broad-sheet Holdsworth W. Foregate- strect Holmes W. L. Tything James M. Foregate-sfreet Long E. Foregate-slreet JMence M. Broad-street Moore T.H is h-street Parker & Smith, Newport- street Piatt J. Bridge-street Saunders W. Siduury Skinner G. High-street Thornhery W. Tything Wall W. Foregate-st. Welles & Dickens, San- som-street Wilson J. H.Garden Mar. 73 TRADES IN WORCESTER. AUCTIONEERS. Gill R. Tything Handy and Bentley, Ty- thing Biggs W. Sansom-street Hobbs W. Foregatc-st. Shares C. Foregatc-street Stretch J. C. High-street BAKERS. Ackrell and Mathews, Goose-lane Bateman T, St. John's Pone R. High-street Done T. Corn Market Everall G. High-street Everfon F. Cripplegate Fovd «L Sidbusy George D. Friar-street Granger J. Foregate-st. Hooper T. St. John's Hooper J. St. John's Hughes W. Broadrstreet Jeynes E. Leach-street Johnson — Sid bury Lilly J. Sidbury Lingham E. Broad-sf. Morgan T. Bridge-st. Nichois M. Friar-street Owen E. Ty thing Perkes J. Copenhagen-st. Rouse J. High-street Sheen R. Newport-street Stone W. High-street Sunn an T. Tything Terratt E. Sidbury Treheru W. Silver-street Whitcomhe — Meaichea- pen-street BANKERS. Berwick & Co. 65, High- | Farley, Johnson, & Tur- street ner, Cross BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS. Andrews E. High-street Deighton H. High-street Eaton T. College-street Edgecombe T. College-si iiayes T. Broad-street Hunt J. R. Foregate Lewis T. Broad-street Waleot W. High street Wheeler T. H. High-st. TRADES IN WORCESTER. 7G BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Bailey W. St. John's Bridge W, Powick's-hi. Brookes T. Turkey Broun KT Leach-street Bulford T. High-street Burlingham J. & S. Sid- bur v Burt H. Park Place Butt W. Siclbury Chambers T. St. John's Cooper W. Angel-street Crockett J. Mealckea- pen-street Edwards J. High-street Field J. Friar-street Finch Mrs. St. John's Garner J. High-street Green G. New-street Green T." Friar-street Griffiths W. Leach-street Harper G. High-street Harris W. Cripplegale Hill J. Copenhagen-st. Hulls R. Pump-street Hunt S. High-street Hunt J. Broad-street Iiisull W. New-street Lawrence G. St. John's Lewis T. New-street Lowe J. Collegc-slrcct Ma} field J. Shambles Merrick W. St. John's Minchal! W. Broad-st. Monnox A. Angel-street Nichols J. Corn Market Noke H. Tything Norman J. Bridge Place Oseman J. High-street Passey J. Foregate-sl. Pitman T. Tything Price J. Tything Pugh T. Lowesmoor Rowley W. New-street Salmon T. Lowesmoor Sexall W. Leach-street Slade J. S, High-street Stead J. Palace Row Stinton J. Leach-street Tyler W. Sid bury Walters J. Goose- lane Webley VV. Friar-street West J. London Road Yarnold M. Bntts BRAZIERS. Coley J. Friar-street Johnson J. Meakhea- pen-street Jones R. Mealcheapen- street Jones & Dawes, Broad-sf. Williams H. dipplegate 77 TRADES IN WORCESTER. 78 BREWERS. Hall, Nasb, Pardoe, and Mence, Hen wick Smith, Le singh am, and Trimmer, Hylton-st, BRICKLAYERS. Buckley B. Salt-lane Coombs T. High-street Curtis W. Back Walk, Ty thing Davis J. Bridge-slreet Hall J. Cripplegate Holland W. Butts Holland F. Butts Hughes J. Butts Mars ton W. Sidbury Morris H. Merry Vale Morris W. Edgar-street Munn J. Frog-lane Nixon T. Newport-street Price J. Sidbury Shuck J. Boughton Fields Smith J. Tything Smith G. New-street Walker E. Doldy Witts J. Cripplegate BRUSH MAKERS. Pemberton A. Broad-st. Pemberton J. Broad-st. Smith J. High-street I BUTCHERS, Allen R. Shambles Clemonts T. Newport-st. Cook B. Shambles Du1 field J. Shambles Giles E, Shambles Groves J. Friar-street Hickman E. Shambles Hollo way E. Silver-street Hope S. Tything Ingram W. Shambles Jones A. S h am b 1 es Lea- J. Shambles Lench J. Shambles Morgan J. St. John's Payne W. Bridge-street Perrins J. Shambles Perrins G. Shambles Pollard T. sen. Shambles Pollard T. jun. Shambles Ruff S. Shambles Sheen T. Shambles Taylor J. Shambles Till G. Shambles Till E. Shambles 'lillJ. Shambles Till S. Shambles TRADES IN WORCESTER. SO Tyler J. Sidbnry Wagstaff R. Sidbury Wagstaff M. Hylton-st. Wall G. Friar-street Wells J. Shambles CABINET MAKERS & UPHOLSTERERS. Co well and Cartwright, High-street Crump R. High-street Evans J. Tything Freame T. Goose-lane Insull W. Foregafe-sfreet Michael W. High-street Morton J. Broad-street Phillip H. Shambles . Read T. Sidbury CARPENTERS, BUILDERS, &c. AllsoT. Butts Amphlett and Son,Love*s Grove Barrow S. Back Walk, Tything Binnail S. Lowesmoor Collier R. Leach-street Davis J. Silver-street Edward J. Garden-street Grainger T. Tything Griffin T. Lowesmoor Griffiths T. Butts Hemming W. Palace Row HoitT. Doldy James F. High-street Jones T. College-street Jones T. Newdix Court Lawrence T. St. John's Lloyd T. Blockhouse Fields Lucy and Son, Sidbury Lucy J. St. John's Malvern J. College-st. Nichols J. Silver-street Powell Mrs. Lowesmoor Powell T. Friar-street Smith G. Tything Smith G. & E. Love's Grove Wood W. Hyiton-street CARVERS & GILDERS. Anderson & Perry, Fore- gate-street Gardner W. Bjoad-sfrect Marks W. College Yard Sterry & Amphlett, High- street 81 TRADES IN WORCESTER. 82 CHAIR MAKERS. Bannister J. Little Fish-st. Bradley J. New-street Langford R. Church-st. Tyler G. Bank-street CHEESE FACTORS. James J. Mealcheapen-st. | Morris B. Higli-street Jones S. Corn Market j Nind R. Goose-lane COAL MERCHANTS, Broadfield J. Doldy Bromley M. Lowesmoor Caswell W. Hylton-street Featherston W. Lowes- moor Wharf Lloyd T. Henwick Road Lloyd A. Henwick Hill New J. Hylton-street Price W. High-street Rowlands J. Lowesmoor Wharf Sanvage W. Bridge Wharf Smiths J. & Co. Digiis Wharf Stanton J. Bath Road Stephens J. Lowesmoor Wharf VaughanT.Sidbury Whf. CONFECTIONERS. Bunn E. High-street Linton S. Cross Merryfield J, Garden Mar- ket Mountford H. High-st. Nash S. Broad-street Spooner T. Cross Williams J. High-street COOPERS. Barnett T. Church-street Bradley G. Shambles Dobbins R. Broad-street Grout J. Blockhouse Fids. Harris B. Sid bury Hide J. Newport-street Hiil E. v Newport-street Lane A. Sidbury Westwood W. St. John's 83 TRADES IN WORCESTER. 84 CORK MERCHANTS. Davis T. 79, High-street | Hooper R. Mealcheapen- | street CORN FACTORS AND MEALMEN. Chillingworth R. South Parade Gardner T\ Corn Market Helm F. College Yard Helm G. Powick Mill Hull T. Mealcheapen- street James R. Corn Market Jones S. Corn Market Lin sham E. Eroad-street CURRIERS AND LEATHER SELLERS. Allies J. Broad-street Bennett W. Broad-street Bristow J. Powiek's-ln. Price YV\ Pump-street Pumphrey J. Doldy Shaw W. Mealcheapen-st. Shaw F. Friar -street Westcombe J. Sidbury DISTILLER. Williams J. Turkey DRUGGISTS. Blew, Moore, and Blew, High-street Dance T. Broad-street Evans E. Foregate Featherstonhaugh A. S, High-street Hughes T. Mealcheapen- street Lea J. W. Broad-street Mason P. Broad-street Page C. Corn Market Savigny E. High-street Woof R. College-street DYERS AND SCOURERS. Flinn J. High-street Flinn J. Newport-street Hardman J, Broad-street | Spalden J. Sidbury | Tomkins F. Leach-street TRADES IN WORCESTER* 8# FURNITURE BROKERS. Carr R. Leach-street Kingatt J. Friar-street Lightwood J. Copenha- gen-street Mason T. Friar-street Pritchett J. High-street Reynolds J. Pump-street Talbot S. Leach-street Weever R. Church-street GLASS & CHINA DEALERS. Broad foot and Ballinger, Cross Farley J. Shambles Huxley M. High-street Latham W. AllhallowV Well Lewis E< Market Place Passey E. Cross Smith T. Leach-street GLOVE MANUFACTURERS. Allen G. Edgar-street Allen C. Edgar-street Allen G. Block-house Fields Aston E. High-street Rail P. Silver-street j Barrey G. Bath Row Beesley F, St. John's Bennett J. High-street Best T. Foregate-street Best T.jun. Turkey Bickerton T. Mealcheap- cn-street Bishop J. Sidbury Bowen T. St. John's Bowen J. Regent's Place Bristow J, Doldy Browning W. Ty thing BurlinghamT.^nd J. Sid- bury Burrow S. New-street Burrow J- Cross Calvin J. Broad-street Causer W. Tything Cook N. Sidbury Cotterill G. College-st. Cox T. High-sireet Cox J. South Parade Darke S. Sansom Fields Davis H. Copenhagen- street I>avis J. High Timber-st. Davis W. Edgar-street Day J Bridge- street Dent J. and W. High-sr. Dent T. Sidbury Dexter C. High-street Doughty J. High-street Dunn W. Foregate-st. Dunn H. Cora Market, 87 TRADES IN WORCESTER. 89 EyansT. Old Bridge Place Freeman T. Allhaliow's Welt Garmston R. Tything Garmston S. Sansoru-st. * George W. V. Fish-street George W Hi°:h-street Goodman J. Silver-street Goodman .1. Kroad-st. Griffiths W. Friar-street Hal! T Garden Market Hiam J. Pump-street Hickman B. New-street Hill J. Friar-street Hollyhead G. Newport-st. Hudson S. Friar-street Hudson B. Turkey Humphries J. Broad-st. Jenkins W. New port-st. Johnstone J. Bath Bow Jones 5c Johnson, jVIeal- cheapen-strect Kingett W. New- street Kinnersley J. New-street Lee and Son, Lowcsmoor Lingham J. Copenhagen- street Lowe Ka Sidhurv Lveett P. F. London Rd. Malpas T. Garden Mar- ket Mason G- Sid bury jMoore R- Friar-street Morgan J. Turkey Morgan J. Newport-st. Closes J. Sidbury Palmer J. New-street Pahncr J. St. John's Parry J. Portland Place Parry R, College-street Price & 'Son, Sidbury Price T. Park Place Pumphrey J . & J. Copen- hagen-street Pumphrey S. Copenhagen street Pumphrey J. New-street Rca W. Sidbury Rea J. Sidbury Rea P. Sidbury Risely W. Sidbury Sargent M. Sidbury Saunders R. Sidbury Scandrett W. Broad-st. Shuck W. Broad-street Simms T. & Son, High-st Simpson R- G. Lowes- moor Slade and Co. Fish-street Smith J. and S. Broad-st. Verity W. Park Piace YVakeman J. Foregate-st. Walker A. New-street Walker H. Palace Row- Walker W. & Son, Block- house Fields Whitaker J. Butts Whitehouse \\ . Broad-st. Williams T. Boughtou Fields Williams S. Sidbury Wood E. Garden Market Woodward T. Roughtou Fields Yarnold J. Edgar-street Young J, Silver-street 89 TRADES IN WORCESTER. 9© GOLD AND SILVERSMITHS. Ellis E. Goose-lane Lilwall J. Foregate-st. Manning W. High-st. Mason J.&E. Goose-hi. Pitt J. and C. High-street Powell J. Cross Skarratt and Son, Goose- lane GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS. Archer & Williams, Goose lane Ballard J. S. High-street Barnes T. High-street Beeken & Hurst High-st. Beeken H. Mealcheapen- street BinnaJi J. St. John's Bishop C. Nevvsf rcet Carwardine J> Corn Mark. Clent T. Lowcsmoor Cripps J, Cross Ellison J. Turkey Evans & Stokes, Broad- street Hooper J Bridge-street Jones J. Broad -street Jones R. Cross Lakeman S. Broad-street Leonard T. Broad-street Mason E. High-street New W. High-street Pennington J. Sidbury Petti p her S Colleffe-st. Phillips M.St. John's Price W. College Yard Randford S. New-street Ross J. Mealcheapen-st. Scandrett W. Broad-st. Stinton T. Newport-street Tompson W. Mealeheap- en-street Wenslcy J. D- Broad-st- Williams T.Ty thing Wright E. Broad-street Young G. & Co. Cross HAIR DRESSERS. Andrews J. Newport-st. BavlisG. 93, High-st. Birbeck G. Angel-street Birbeck J. Old Bridge Place Bosley W. High-street Brookes W. Sidbury Cape well J. New-sueet Hundley J." W. Merry Vale Manison W* Broad-st. Pitt J. Sidbury Probert J, Merry Yale Smith W. Ty thing. Spikes J. New-street Yeruail J. High-street 91 TRADES IN WORCESTER, 92 HATTERS. Calvin J. Broad-street Daniel! S. High-street Day W. High -street Hail S. Shambles Lesinghani T. High-st. Lillington R. Broad-street Robson J. Broad-street Robson J. Corn IV1 arket Shuck W. Bioad-street Skyrme S. Broad-street HOP MERCHANTS. Beeken & Hurst, High- street Blackwell and Heniing, Sansom-street Brecknell T. Tything i BrookholdLngT. Sausom- street Chapman F. Sansom-st. Craine B. College Yard Duncan J. Sansom-street Garmston T. Sansom-st. Gibbons T. Foregate Evans T. Foregate Hodges T. Hank-street Holland J. P. Hop Mar- ket Hooper W. Foregate-st. Hopkins J. Hop Market Jeffreys — 64, Foregate- street Lacon S. Hop Market Moseley — Rainbow Hill Page J. Tything Pennithorne T. Foregate- street Phillips J. Sansom-street Richards and Son, San* som-street Smith J. Sansom-street Tumstall and Co. Hop Market Wilkes & Wheeler, Fore- gate-street Wood R. Hop Market Woodward and Oldaker, Sansom-street HOSIERS. Daniell S. High-street Hurnphr ies J. Broad-st. Jones J. & Co. High-street Lesinghani T. High-st. Lillington R. Broad-st. Skyrme S. Broad-street Pacey Mis. Lowesmutfr 93 TRADES IN WORCESTER. D4 INNS AND TAVERNS. For Innkeepers Names see Alphabetical List. Ansel. Sidbury Angel, Silver-street Angel, St. John's Archangel, Fish-street Barley Mow, Sidbury Bear Inn, Turkey Bell Inn, Broad-street Bell Inn, St. John's Bird in Hand, Cross Blaek Boy, Leach-street Black Swan, Quay-street Boar's Head, Newport-st. Boat, Lowesmoor Bridge Inn, Bridge-street Britannia, Doldy Bull's Head, High-street Butchers' Arms, Sham- bles Bush Inn, Cripnlegate Castle & Falcon, Broad- street Chequers Leach street City Arms, Church-street Coach & Horses, Ty thing Coach & Horses, Sham- bles Cock, Copenhagen-street Cock, Cripplegate Cross Keys, Friar-street Cross Keys, Trinity Cross Keys, Sidbury Crown, I riar-street Crown Inn, Broad-street Crown, Puaijj-sireet Crown and Anchor, Hen- wick Crown & Anchor, Silver- street Curriers' Arms, Angel-st. Dog and Duck, Henwick Hill Don Cossack, Doldy Duke of York, Little Newport-street Ewe and Lamb, Angel-st. Farriers' Arms, Butts Fi^h Inn, Friar-street Fish, High Timber-street Fountain, Bank-street General Hill, Fifth-street George and Dragon, Ty- thing Gloucester Arms, Copen- hagen-street Glovers' Arms, Merry Vale Glovers' Arms, Turkey Golden Heart, Sansom-st. Golden Lion, High-street Green Dragon, Newport- street Green Man and Still, Ty- thing Hare and Hounds, Col- lege-street Hen and Chickens, Mer- ry Vale 05 TRADES IN WORCESTER. 96 Hole in the Wall, Merry Vale Holly Bush, Foregate Hop Market Inn, Hop Market Hop-Pole Inn and Royal Hotel, Foregate-st. Horn Tavern, Angel-st. Horse and Jockey, Quay- street King's Arms, Leach-st. King's Head, St. John's King's Head, Sidbury Lamb and Flag, Tything Leopard, Broad-street Lord Nelson, Birdport Masons' Arms, Frog Lane Mouth of the Nile, Co- penhagen-street Mugg House, Hylton-st. New Greyhound, New- street New Inn, Shambles Old Dolphin, Copenha- gen-street Old Greyhound, Ne\v-st. Old Hen and Chickens, Merry Vale Old Horn and Trumpet, Angel-street Old Peacock, Trinity Old Wherry, Quay-street Pack Horse, Garden Mar- ket Pheasant, New-street Plaisterers' Arms, Doldy Plume of Feathers, Co- penhagen-street Plumbers' Arms, Friar-st. Porto Bello, Hen wick Prince Blucher, Birdport Prince Regent, Birdport Punch Bowl, College-st. Queen's Head, Tything Red Lion, Sidbury Rein Deer Inn and Free- Masons' Tavern, Meal- cheapen-slreet ** Rising Sun, Cripplegate R03 al George, Old Bridge street Saracen's Head, Tything Severn Trow, Hylton-st. Shades, Frog-lane Shakespear, Angel-street Sow and Pigs, Doldy Star, St. John's Star & Garter Hotel, Fore- gate-street Swan, New-street Swan, St. John's Talbot, Sidbury Talbot, Tything Unicorn Inn, Broad-street Union Tavern, Lowes- moor Waterloo, Block - house Fields Wheat Sheaf, Sidbury Wheat Sheaf, Corn Mar- ket Wheat Sheaf, Henwick Wherry, Quay- street White Hart, College-st. White Horse, Silver-st* Wool Pack, Doldy 07 TRADES IN WORCESTER. 98 IRONMONGERS. Bradley J. Broad. street Clarke C. Broad-street Hardy and Co. Worces- ter foundry Hemming J. High- street Jones and Dawes, Broad- street Lavender & Viner, Sham- bles Mathews J. Broad-street LACE MANUFACTURERS. Frost R. and T. and Co. Hylton-street ! Henson W. Copenhagen- j street I Jackson W. Hylton-st: LINEN DRAPERS. Bennett and Newman, High-street Blackwell and Hearing, Sansom-street 3>rooke G. High-street Bwrrow \V. 27, Cross Evans & Cadbury. Cross Fletcher J. Broad-street Jones H. 87, High-street Jones & Co. 57, High-st. Miles W. High-street Meates E. Mealcheapen- street Philpots and Preen, Cross Powell W. Broad-street Thomas R. and T. High- street Ward M. High-street Wilberfoss R. High-st. White and Co. High- street MALTSTERS. Allies T. Foregate-st. Barnes W. St. John's Barratt E. Forcgate-st. Bennett R. Rainbow Hill Re van G, Merry "\ ale Bevan F. St. John's Bradley J. Cross Burrow J, Cross Burton T. Foregate-st. Crowther J. Friar-street Everall G. High-street Gardner E. Cross George D. Friar-street Giles Mrs. Copenhagen- street Hooper J. St. John's Jones R. Mealcheapen- street 99 TRADES IN WORCESTER. 100 Li ngham E. Broad-st. Lingham T. S. Newport- street Mann J. Tything Morton W. Newport-st. Nanfan J. St. John's Nichols Mi Friar-street Rea J. Sidbury Slade J. Silver-street Stone W. High-street MILLINERS AND DRESS MAKERS. Amphlett Mrs Rridge-st Bradford M High-street Evans S. Sid bury Hood Mrs. College-st. James M. Broad-street Insull M. M. Foregate- street Lane J. Sidbury Mathews Frances, High- street Paul E. Sidbury Perkes C. Leach-street Pedley F. Foregate-street Sheen A. Newport street Sheltun and Blandy, High street Smith A. B oad-street Twigg Mrs. Bridge- t. Williams S. High-street Wood M. Cross NURSERY AND SEEDSMEN. Bough ton J. Lower Wick Smith R. Mealeheapen-sf. Win wood J. Foregate-st. PAINTERS. Anderson & Perry, Fore- gate-street Barnett W. Tything Cottcrell W. Birdport Hughes J Block - house Fields Harper T. Newdix Court Kennedy J. College Yard Loight C. Block-house Long C. Tything Stephens W. Copenhagen street PAWNBROKERS. Walter J, Merry Vale | Walter J. Corn Market PHYSICIANS. Dixon Dr. Grove Villa Hastings Dr. Tything Maiden Dr. Foregate- street Newman Dr. Catherine Hill House Philip Dr. Foregate-st. Woody att Dr. Foregate-st. 101 TRADES IN WORCESTER. 102 PLUMBERS AND GLAZIERS. Beck C. Leach-street Biddle E. Broad-street BingleW. 10, High-st. Close E. Sidbury Cotterill R. Meaichea- pen-street Davis W. Copenhagen- street Day H. Friar-street Harrington T. Broad-st. Lloyd E. St. John's Malpas J. High-street Parkes J. Friar-street Stephens W. Copenhagen- street Yarnold C. New-street PORCELAIN MANUFACTURERS. Chamberlain H. and R. High-street Flight, Barr, and Barr, High-street Grainger Thomas & Co. Foregate PRINTERS. Eaton T. College-street | Holl C. & W. High-street Hayes T. Broad-street | Tymbs H. B. Church-st. PROCTORS. Clifton H, Edgar-street | Jackson T. S. St. John's SADDLERS. Bibbs B. Corn Market Burrow T. Mealcheapen- streei Hall \V. Foregate Phillips J. New-street Shaw W. College Yard Shinton R. Goose-lane Tavlor T. High-street Thomas J St. John's Turk J. Broad-street Wagstaff J. Meaicheapen- streoi 103 TRADES IN WORCESTER. 104 SCHOOLS. Bardin C Friar-street Bass Mrs. Diglis House Burgess Miss, New Road Chesfertons Miss, Sidbury Collett J. Foregate-street Cooke Miss, Sansom- street Cropper Miss, College Yard Godfrey Miss, Sidbury Helm Miss, College Yard Hughes Miss. Ty thing Lewis W. Sansom Fields Loight Mrs. Butts M ark h ana R. Bird port Penning S. College-street Satkeld W. Primrose Hill Simpson J,, M. A- Silver- street Tearne Miss, Henwick Wheeler Rev. A. Butts Williams Miss, St. John's Woodwards' Miss, Infir- mary Walk SILK MERCERS. Boyee \Y. C. High-street Drpper T. Cross Ivens J. High-street Miles W. High-street Stroud T. Cross SMITHS. Chipp W. Sidbury Dovey T. Friar-street Edwards and Law reus, Butts Grundy T. Back Walk Hemming J. High-street Hinks H. Trinity Nott — Hylton-strcet Perkins J. & J. Corn Mar- ket Walters H. Friar-street Watkins W. Lowesinoor STONE MASONS, Loving R. Sidbury Squires and Co. Powick's lane Stephens J, Copenhagen- street Trewman G. Ncwport-st. 105 TRADES IN WORCESTER. 106 SURGEONS; Beck W. St. John's Blower E. 9, High-street Garden J. New-street Cole H. Infirmary Dods — Sansotn Fields Ford J. Little Angel-st. Hebb C. H. Mealchea- pen-street Hill R. Broad-street Hulston J. Apothecary & Dentist, Broad-st. Nash J. Sidbury Pierpoint M. Church-st. Raymont J. Apolhecan*, Broad-street Romney VV. 10,Foregate- strcet Sand ford W. Bridge-st. Shepperd J. Foregate-st. Stephenson T. Tything Tearne C. M. Dentist, Bridge-street Wilmore J. Foregate-st. SURVEYORS. Bailey W. St. John's Bow en W. New-street Collingwood J. Ty thing Dempscy Dennes, Meal- cheapen-street Harris J. College Precincts ] Jones G. New-street | Jones R. Broad-srreet i Lucy and Son, Sidbury Lucy J. St. John's Mainley S. Ty thing Maund A Butis | Taperell J. Saiisom st. TALLOW CHANDLERS. Bozward J* Cripplegate Bradley J. Cross Dance S. New-street Davis W. Sidbury Freeman T. Mealehea- pen-street Jones J. 22, Broad-street TANNERS. Allies Mrs. St. John's Pemberton Mrs. St. John's Walker J. St. John's 107 TRADES IN WORCESTER. 108 TAILORS AND BREECHES MAKERS. Badger W. Corn Market Barber W. St. Oswald's Place, Sanborn Fields Beach T.St. John's Bennett J. High-street Bough J. New-street Brace J. Fish-street Brown T. Leach-street Bullock T. Birdport Cooper and Millichap, Goose-lane Cooper J. T. Ty thing Cownley H Shambles Cox R. Sidbury Crow E. Goose-lane Davies and Son, High-st. Davies J. Newport-street Dixon J. St. John's Farnham J. CoJlege-st. Fowler G. College-street Fuller W. Silver-street Gibbon M. St. John's Griffiths W. Lowesmoor Grout W. Little Angel- street Higgins J. Ty thing Johnson T. Garden Mar- ket Kiug W r . Foregate-street Lester M. Garden Market Lewis W. 42, New-street Lucas J. Leach-street Maddox J. Cross Mayor D. Angel-street Miliage J. Sidbury Morgan W. Ty thing Mumford W. Merry Vale Overton J. (Breeches Ma- ker,) Leach-street Parsons G. Broad-street Parsons R. Goose-lane Pendrice J. Goose- lane Phasey S. Carden-street Phillip C. St. John's Pope A. Foregate-street Price T. College-street Sharp W. London Road Shirley J. Friar-street Simpson S. Powick's-lane Spencer G. Broad-street Tasker P. College-street Taylor T. Mealcheapcn- street Tobey J. Lowesmoor Wilks T. High-street Wood J. Garden Market Young \V. Fcrcgate Young W, Park Place TOY Bosley W. High-street Done M. Cross DEALERS. | Pitt J. High-street Trehearn M. Broad-street Bradley J. New-street Cook V. Lowesmoor-st. TURNERS. Williams J. Birdport M 1W TRADES IN WORCESTER. 110 WATCH MAKERS. Crane C. HigTi-strect liilwall J. Foregate-st. Mason J. and E. Goose- lane Palmer W. Goose-lane Skarratt and Son, Goose- lane Smith J. Tything WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS. Blew W. Broad-street Clarke J, Little Angel- street Cowell, Crane, & Kilpin. (British Wine,) Fore- gate-si reet Criops J. G. Cross Field J. St. Clement's Gate Hooper & Wanklin, Cross Josleand R. Friar-street Neal J. 13, Bndge-street Powell J. Copenhagen-st, Read J. Little Newport-st. Read J, B. Corn Market Sayer J. Lowesmoor-st. Smith T. New-street Staliard W. Copenhagen- street Wheeley J. Broad-street WOOLLEN DRAPERS. Baskerville T. High-st. Burden S. Goose-lane Coates J. High-street Cooper and Millichap, Goose-lane Garnatt and Amphlett, Fore gate Holbrook W. High-st. King W. Foregate-street Lewis W. New-street Pendrice J. Goose-lane Pope A. Foregate-street Sanders R. Leach-street Spencer G» Broad-street Wilkes W. High-street Woakes H. High-street JFVoni the Star and Garter Hotel. Jftatls, BIRMINGHAM— Arrives every night at half-past eight, and returns every morning at a J past three. BRISTOL— Through Tewkesbury and Gloucester, ar- rives every morning at four, and returns every night at nine, \o meet the Exeter mail and ail west country coaches. HEREFORD— Arrives Tuesday, Thursday, and Sa- turday mornings, at half-past eleven, and returns through Malvern and Ledbury the same days at one in the afternoon. LONDON — Through Oxford, arrives daily at noon, except Monday, when it arrives at one, and returns daily at half-past three, except Saturday, when it goes at half-past tv>o. LCD LOW — Arrives Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday mornings, at half-past eleven, and re- turns through Tenbury the same days at one in the ufternooii. 112 COACHES FROM WORCESTER. EATH — Arrives every afternoon, except Sunday, at four, and returns every morning, except Sunday, at half-past nine. BIRMINGHAM— The True Blue, arrives every evening at seven, and returns every morning at eight. BIRMINGHAM— The Defiance, arrives every day at noon, and returns at one. BIRMINGHAM— The Hero, arrives every morning, except Sunday, at halt-past ten, and returns every afternoon, except Sunday, at half-past three. BIRMINGHAM— The Bath, arrives every morning at half-past nine, and returns every afternoon at four. BRISTOL— The Hero, arrives every evening, ex- cept Sunday, at half-past three, and returns every morning, except Sunday, at ten. CHELTENHAM— The Hibernia, arrives Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings, at nine, and re- turns Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday evenings, at half-past three. LONDON — through Cheltenham, Oxford, and Henley, the Royal Telegraph, arrives every morning, ex- cept Monday, at eight, and returns every day, except Monday, at half-pa&t twelve. CJACHES FROM WORCESTER. 113 LONDON— through Cheltenham, Oxford, and High JFycomhe, the Royal Sovereign, arrives Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday evenings, at nine, and re- turns Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at five in the morning-. SHREWSBURY and HOLYHEAD— the Hibernia, through Kidderminster and Bridgnorth, arrives Tues- day, Thursday, and Saturday evenings at three, and returns Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Mornings at half-past nine. From the Hop Pole Inn and Royal Hotel. Lt'sfjt i^ost Coadjes, BATH — Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday Mornings, at seven. BIRMINGHAM— Daily at One. CHELTENHAM— Daily at five and seven in the morning. LONDON— The Rising Sun, in fifteen hours, Tues- day, Thursday, and Saturday Mornings, at five. OXFORD— Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday Morn- ings, at five and seven. SHREWSBURY and HOLYHEAD — Tuesday, 1 hursday, and Saturday mornings, at nine. 114 COACHES FROM WORCESTER. From the Unicorn Inn. JLtgilt i^ost Coacije^ ABERISTWITH— Tuesday, Thursday, and Satur- day Afternoons, at half-past two. BIRMINGHAM— Through Bromsgrove, daily, at one and three, BRISTOL— Daily, at half-past eleven. CHELTENHAM— Daily, mornings at seven, after- noons at halt-past two. HEREFORD— Snnday, Wednesday, and Friday a£ ternoons, at half-past one. KINGTON and LEOMINSTER— Monday, Tues- day, Thursday, and Saturday, at half-past twelve. LONDON — through Oxford, daily, at a quarter be- fore one. LUDLOW — every Tuesday Afternoon at one. WOLVERHAMPTON— Daily, at three in the af- ternoon. From the Bell Inn. Coach to LEOMINSTER — Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at half-past twelve. WOLVERHAMPTON— Three days a week, at three in the alternoou. COACHES, ETC. FROM WORCESTER. 115 From the Golden Lion, High-street. Perseverance day coach to WOLVERHAMPTON every morning at a quarter before six, where it arrives in time to meet the mail for Manchester. From the Old Horn and Trumpet, Aug eh street. STOURPORT— Caravan, Monday, Wednesday, Fri- day, and Saturday afternoon, at four. From the Old Greyhound Lin, New-street. BIRMINGHAM— Caravau, Wednesday & Saturday. From the Bird in Hand, Cross. KIDDERMINSTER— Diligence, Monday, Wed- nesday, and Saturday afternoons, at three. LEDBURY— Diligence, Monday and Thursday af- ternoons, at three. BROMYARD and LEOMINSTER— Mail, daily, afternoon, at two. KEMPSEY— Post, every afternoon, at two. MALVERN— Post, Sunday, Wednesday, and Fri- day afternoons, at three. WHITLEY and STANFORD-Post, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday afternoons, at three. aanU <&&xxi&&t. From Ashmore and Co's. Warehouse, Angel-street. BIRMINGHAM— Daily, and from thence to Man- chester, Liverpool, and all parts of the North. TEWKESBURY, GLOUCESTER, BRISTOL, &c. ---Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings. From Jk Hopkins' Warehouse, Quay-street. ALCESTER, STRATFORD, and WARWICK— Twice a week. From GaWs Warehouse, Garden Market. BIRMINGHAM— Twice a week, from whence goods are forwarded to Coventry, Leicester, Not- tingham, Sheffield, Manchester, Liverpool, North Wales, and North of England. BRISTOL— Through Tewkesbury and Gloucester, daily, Sundays excepted, in 26 hours, from which place goods are forwarded to the South of England and South Wales. North and Co's. Waggons, to all parts of South WALES, and South oi IRELAND, every Tuesday and Friday* LAND CARRIAGE FROM WORCESTER. 117 W. Williams' Waggons to HEREFORD, Tuesday and Friday. J.Wynde and (Vs. Waggons to LEOMINSTER, every Tuesday and Saturday, by which goods are forwarded to Kington, Radnor, Builth, and all paits of South Wales. From Roberts and Cleicers Warehouse, Sansom- street. Waggons to LONDON every Tuesday, and to KINGTON and BISHOP'S CASTLE Wednesday and Thursday night. From Mole and Co's. Warehouse, Sansom- street. Waggons daily to LEDBURY, HEREFORD, BOSS, MONMOUTH, ABERGAVE NNY HAY, BRECNOCK, BUILTH, LLANDO- VERY, CAERMARTHEN, PEMBROKE, and all parts of South WALES, and South of IRE- LAND. From John Jolly's Warehouse, Angel-street. Fly Waggons to LONDON 1 , OXFORD, LEOMIN- STER, KINGTON, PRESTEIGN, HEREFORD, MONMOUTH, PEMBROKE, and all parts of South WALES and South of IRELAND. From the Pack Horse, Garden Market. Bedford's Waggon to LEOMINSTER, through Bromyard, Tuesdays and Saturdays. STANFORD and WHITLEY Cart, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. N 118 LAND CARRIAGE FROM' WORCESTER From the Bird in Hand, Cross. Cart to STANFORD, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Ditto to MALVERN. Ditto to PERSHORE and EVESHAM. From tJie Golden Lion, High- street. Cart to STANFORD and WHITLEY, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays From the Old Horn and Trumpet, Angel street; Cart to STOURPORT, Mondays, Wednesdays, Fri- days, and Saturdays. Ditto to TEWKESBURY and GLOUCESTER, Wednesdays and Saturdays. Ditto to MALVERN. Ditto to BEWDLEY, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays. From the Old Greyhound Inn. Carriers to UPTON-UPON-SEVERN, BULING- HAM, WELLAND, KEMPSEY, STRENS- HAM, and ECKINGION, Wednesdays and Satuidays. <&omt gance tig Wlattv. Bihd and Co r s. Boafs regularly from Diglis Wharf to LONDON and BIRMINGHAM.— Agent Joseph Brommage, » Crowley, Lealand, and Hicklin, from the Compa- n>'s Wharf, Diglis, and Commercial Wharf, Lowes- noor. convey and forward goods to all parts of CHESHIRE, DERBYSHIRE, GLOUCESTER- SHIRE, LANCASHIRE, LEICESTERSHIRE, MIDDLESEX, North and South WALES, OX- IORDSHIRE. SHROPSHIRE, STAFFORD. SHIRE, WARWICKSHIRE, WORCESTER. SHIRE, and YORKSHIRE.— Agent Thomas Cole. Dankes and Co. Diglis Wharf, Fly Boats, daily to BIRMINGHAM.— Agent James Wall. Thomas and Matthew Pickfoiid and Co. from their Wharf, Lowesmoor, to LONDON, MANCHES- TER, LIVERPOOL, LEICESTER, DERBY, BIRMINGHAM, and all parts of the kingdom.— Agent William Ba&s. Robinson, Corbet, and Co. from Diglis Wharf to LONDON, BRISTOL, BUCKINGHAM, CAM- BRIDGE, GLOUCESTER, WARWICK, the intermediate places, and all part* of the North.-- Agent G. Partridge. 120 WATER CARRIAGE FROM WORCESTER. James Bromley's Fly Boats, from his Warehouse, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and ar- rives in BIRMINGHAM the succeeding days, at N. and G. Wheatcroft's Sheffield Wharf. On which days their Boats load for DERBY, NOT- TINGHAM, LOUGHBOROUGH, LEICESTER, and the intermediate places • also, to BUCKLAND HOLLOW, from which place their Waggons load daily for CHESTERFIELD, SHEFFIELD, DON- CASTER, YORK, and all parts of the North. Joseph Smith & Sons' Boats from James Bromley's Warehouse, Lowesmoor, to BURTON-UPON- TRENT, NOTTINGHAM, HULL, LINCOLN, SHEFFIELD, YORK, SCARSBOROUGH, and all parts of the Eastern Coast. — Agent G. Wood. Whitehouse & Sons' Fly Boats, load regularly at the Diglis and Lowesmoor Warehouses, for LONDON, STAFFORD, the POTTERIES, CHESTER, LANCASTER, LIVERPOOL, MANCHESTER, LEEDS, HALIFAX, and the fntermediate and adjoining places.— Agent William Price, Lowes- moor. Worthington & Co's. Fly Boats, from Jambs Brom- ley's Warehouse, Lowesmoor, to BIRMINGHAM, WOLVERHAMPTON, STAFFORD, the POT- TERIES, CONGLETON, WARRINGTON, LI- VERPOOL, MANCHESTER, and the interme- diate places, from whence goods are forwarded, by respectable carriers, to all parts of CHESHIRE, North WALES, WESTMORLAND, CUMBER- LAND, and parts of SCOTLAND adjacent.— Agent G. Wood. Field's Barges to BEWDLEY, Wednesdays and Saturdays, from the Quay. WATER CARRIAGE FROM WORCESTER. 121 :* and Field's ditto to BEWDLEY and SIOURPORT, thre« times a Week, from the Qpaj« Bradley's ditto ft BRIDGNORTH, once a Fort- nuht, from the Britannia. ?' ditto to TEWKESBURY, every Saturday, from the Old Wherry. Baylis' ditto to UPTON", everv Saturday, from the Old Wherry. Pumphriy's ditto to UPTON, every Saturday, from the Old Wherry. i ditto to UPTON, every Saturday from the Old Wherry. 5ES 3 ditto to GLOUCESTER, Tuesdays and Fridays, from the Quay. Broadfield and Co's. ditto to STOURPORT. front whence goods are forwarded to all parts of STAF- FORDSHIRE, LIVERPOOL, MANCHESTER, and the North of England. Every Full Moon and Change* S.LLE la GLOUCESTER, BRISTOL, STOUR- POHT, tad DROITWICH. Harris to GLOUCESTER, BRISTOL, and a FOUR FORT. 122 WATER CARRIAGE FROM WORCESTER. Barnett, Meaby, Barnett, and Co. to GLOU* CESTER, BRISTOL, and STOURPORT. Ames and Jones, to GLOUCESTER, BRISTOL, STOURPORT, and BRIDGNORTH. Belsham and Reynolds, to GLOUCESTER, BRISTOL, STOURPORT, and BEWDLEY. Devey to GLOUCESTER, BRISTOL, STOUR- PORT, and BEWDLEY. JT. Jones, jun. to SHREWSBURY and GLOUCES- TER. Bratton to SHREWSBURY and GLOUCESTER. Rogers to SHREWSBURY and GLOUCESTER. End of Worcester. DROITWICH. A OF TH3 Borons!) of 8rotttotd>» DROITWICH, an ancient Borough, seven miles from Worcester and 118 from London, is go- verned by two Bailiffs, two Justices, Kecorder, &e. and sends two Members to Parliament. This Borough had privileges and immunities grant- ed by King John, and in the reign of King James the First, the Bailiffs and Burgesses were elected a Body Corporate. By this charter, two Bailiffs are elected annually. Formerly they tried their felons for -capital offences, but now only for petty ones. By the court, which is held every Thursday, debts to the amount of ;£9 19s. may be recovered. The Salt Works have frequently engaged the atten- tion of the curious. The brine is considered to ex- ceed all other in purity, is entirely free from bittern, and from that light calcerous earth, called scratch, which abounds in most salt springs, and is, perhaps, one of the richest sources of sea salt in the world. The general process of making salt is by filling a pan with brine (which rises in pits as frebh water), conveyed into it by pumps, when a piece of resin, the size of a pea, is thrown into it to make it graduate %e. Whoa the brine is boiling, the salt first iacrasts 126 DR0ITW1CH. at the top, and then subsides to the bottom. After it is subsided, the Wallers, or persons employed in the seals, lade it out with an iron skimmer, and put it into wicker barrows, each containing one bushel, in the form of a sugar loaf, and let them stand at the side of the pan about three hours to drain. They then drop the salt out of the barrow, and place it in the stove to harden ; afterwards it is fit for use. To make a ton of salt, there is generally used from 15 to 16 cwt. of coals. The market-house, which is situated in the High- street, near St. Andrew's Church, was built in the year 1628. The weekly market is held on Friday. Here are two fairs annually, viz. — June 19th and December 20th. The navigation to Droitwich was begun in 1768, and the first load of coal brought by water was i« 1771. Neto ©toctorg OF THE COUNTY OF WORCESTER. mvt e. SECTION SECOND, CONTAINING THE BOROUGH OF B1MPW3I©IHL A ACTON Mrs. Widow, St. Andrews-street Allen Richard, Post Master and Agent to the Phoenix Insurance Office Allen Rebecca, Grocer and Druggist Amphlett Rev. Dr. Dodderhill Amphlett Mrs. Hill Court Amphlett Miss, the Steps B Bedford James, Farmer, Berry Hill Bennett Thomas, Gardener. High-street Bourne Joseph, Vict, and Salt Proprietor, Rising Sun Bourne John, Vict. Old Fex, the Vines Bourne William, Haiiicr, Quceu-slieet 128 ©R01TWICH. Bourne Mary, Widow, High-street Bourne Adam, Brush Maker, High-street Bourne John, Butcher, High-street Bourne John, Carpenter, Towns-end Bowles George, George Inn Bray Henry, Solicitor, St. AndrewVstreet Brookbank William, Agent to T. Farley,* Esq.. Salt Proprietor Brownell James, Shoe Maker, High-street Brownell William, Shoe Maker, St. AndrewVstreet Burrows John, Vict. Crown Inn, High-street Cattell Joseph, Shoe Maker, Queen-street Chance Sarah, School Mistress, Vines Cole Daniel, Butcher, High-street Cook Richard, Grocer and Tallow Chandler, Queen- street Cope Samuel, Farmer, VVhiton Corbett Richard, Vict. New Rising Sun Cox William, Excise Officer, High-street Crowther John, Butcher,, Hanbury-street Curtler Thomas Gale, Solicitor, High-street D Dance John, Castrater, St* AndrewVstreet Davis William, Shoe Maker Davis George, Cooper, High-street Davis Silvester, Sieve Maker, St. AndrewVlan© Dews William, Hanbury-street Dugard George, Grocer, Queen-street Edmonds Hannah, Straw Hat Maker, Queen-street Edwards John, Esq. Edwards John, Vict. White Hart, High-street DROITWlCHc 129 Emuss John, Salt Proprietor Kmuss John, Butcher, Hanbury-streelf Excise Office— James Townsend, Supervisor Fisher Richard, Gent. Frances Richard, Esq. St. Andrew's-street G Gale Mrs. Gentlewoman, High-street Goiie John, Grocer and Ironmonger, Queen-street Graves John, Blacksmith, St, Andrew's-lane Greaves Thomas, Owner, Vines Gurney Job, Baker, High-street H Haley Mrs. St. AndrewVlane Hall James, sen. Blacksmith, Bromsgrove-street Hali James, jun- Blacksmith, Hanbury-street Hand Mary, Shopkeeper, Bromsgrove-street Harding William, Hallier, High-street Harrell Richard, Excise Officer, Towns-end Harrison John, Baker, St. Andrew's-street Healey Mrs. St. Andrews-lane Hemming Thomas, Gent. Hemming Eliz Plumber and Glazier, St. Andrew's-st» Higgens John, Excise Officer, Towns end Horsley James, Linen and Woollen Draper, Queen- street Hunt Edward, Clerk of St. Andrews, High-street Jaques Rev. Jonathan, St. Andrew's-street James Edward, Bricklayer, Stainer's Court Jeffreys Edward, Vict. Barley Mow, Hanbury-street 13ft DROITWICH. Jones John, Surgeon, Queen-street Jones John, Mason, Towns-end K Knight John, Dealer in Staffordshire Ware, Hanbury- street Knight Stephen, Butcher, High-street Kynaston John, Saddler, High-street Kyrvvood Miss, Gentlewoman, Towns-end Langford Henry, Vict. Prince of Wales, Hanburj-st, Langford Richard, Gent. Towns-end Langford Thomas, Carrier to Worcester Lawrence William, Wheelwright, Hanbury-street Leek Jeremiah, Mason, Towns-end Lees John, Carpenter, High-street Lees John, Shoe Maker, Haubury-street Loughton George, Schoolmaster, Bromsgrove-street M Manton John, Blacksmith, Bromsgrove-strect Mason Charles, Clerk of Excise, Kigh-street Martin William, Wheelwright, Bromsgrove-street Morgan David, Excise Officer, Towns-end Moule Eliz. Shopkeeper, Hanbury-sfreet Moule Hannah, Shopkeeper, High-street Munn John, Hallier, Towns-end Musgrove Joseph, Navigator, Towns-end N Nash Charlotte, Baker and Maltster Nash John, Farmer, near Dr >ROMSGROVE, situated 13 miles from Worces- ter, 13 from Birmingham, and 114 from London, contains one long street, in which are a considerable number of well-built houses, and several good inns* The population is about 3000, and the local jurisdic- tion consists of a Court Baron, which sits once in three weeks, in the Town Hall, for the recovery of small debts. As early as the reign of Edward the 1st, this town sent Members to Parliament, but now that is discontinued. The church, which stands upon a hill ascended by nearly seventy steps, is a handsome Gothic structure, dedicated to St. John the Baptist. The tower and spire, whose height is 189 feet, form a most commanding object, and is equal in antique elegance to any in the county ; on the western side are the statues of St. John, St. Peter, and St. Paul. The market, which is held here every Tuesday, is well supplied with provisions. There are two fairs annually, viz, — June 24th, and October 2d ; also, a market toll-free for cattle the last Tuesday in March, April, May, and August. There are several places of worship in Bromsgrove appropriated to dissenters* Likewise an excellent 138 BROMSGROVE. free grammar school, founded by Edward the 6th ». with an additional endowment by Sir Thomas Cookes, who gave exebitions from the school to Worcester College, Oxford, ofhis own foundation. A very extensive Worsted Manufactory is carried on here, by Messrs. Adams & Co. ; but tke principal manufacture consists in sheeting, table cloths, and coarse linen ; likewise in needles, nails, and other small articles in the iron trade, which gives employ- ment to nearly one half or the population. Bromsgrove liekey, a little to the north of the town, is a wild and lofty range of hills. The views from it over the surrounding country are very extensive and pleasing. It contains a small spring, which divides itself into two streams, one of which flowing to the northward, runs into the tfea, and after joining the Trent, falls into the German ocean ; whilst the other, emptying itself into the Stour, and thence to the Severn, is carried into the Irish sea. This great waste, containing 2000 acres, which formerly yielded nothing but heath, furze, and fern, is now in a great measure enclosed, and produces good crops of tur* nips, clover, and potatoes. OF THE COUNTY OF WORCESTER. Part & SECTION THIRD. CONTAINING THE TOWN OF ADAMS and Co. Worsted Manuf. Worcester-street A v atch Makers, High-st. Cromwell Richard, Brazier, High-street Cromwell John, Brazier, High-street Cullwick Michael, Crown Hotel, High-street Cullwick John, Druggist and Grocer, High-street Curtler T. G. Solicitor, High-street Curtler James, Baker and Maltster, Worcester-street D Dews Thomas, Yict. Mitre, Horse Fair Dipple John, Ironmonger, High-street Drewry William, Auctioneer, Appraiser, and Uphol-. sjerer, High-street Duffill Thomas, Baker, Strand Dunklin William, Rope Maker, High street Dunn James, Vict. King's Head Inn, High-street Edwards Thomas, Carpenter and Cabinet Maker, High-street Ellins Mary, Linen Manufacturer and Bleacher, High-street Erauss Mrs. Gentlewoman, High- street English Thomas, Blacksmith, High-street Featherstone James, Cooper, High-street Fisher Thomas, Saddler and Harness Maker, High- street Q 14$ BROMSGROVE. G Gabb George, Vict, and Wholesale Nail Ironmonger, George Inn, High-street Gardner Mrs. Ann, Postmistress, High-street Gillett Mrs Gentlewoman, High-street Gower J. Broker, High-street Green James and Co. Coffin Furniture Makers and Factors, High-street Green James, Gent, near the Turnpike Green John, Vict. Black Cross Inn, Worcester-street Green Mrs. H. Vict. Golden Lion, Worcester-street Green George, Gent. Greening Thomas, Grocer, Chandler, and Druggist, High-street Griffin Elizabeth and Sons, Grocers, High-street Grove George, Grocer, Worcester-street H Haden William, Vict. Star and Garter Inn, High-st Haines Thomas and Co. Linen Manufacturers, High- street Haines Thomas, Red Lion, High-street Haines ft. J. Surgeon, High-street Haines John, Butcher, High-street Hale Benjamin, Blacksmith, Horse Fair Halfpenny John, Whitesmith, Worcester-street Halls Miss Mary, Seminary, High-street Hat bach John, Blacksmith, Worcester-street Harris William, Miller and Corn Factor, High-street Harrison John, Rope and Bag Manuf. Horse Fair Harrison Thomas, Rope and Twine Manuf. Worces- ter-street Harrison Thomas, Moat Mill Harrison William, Baker, Worcester-street Hartle William, Grocer, Worcester-street Haynes P. B. Esq. Worcester-street Hedges Samuel, Ironmonger, High-street BROMSGRCVE* 143 Hellens Henry, Nail Ironmonger and Linen Manuf. High-street Heywood Mrs. Ladies' Day School, High-street Holloway John, Cabinet Maker, Worcester-street Holmes John, Grocer and Miller, High-street Holyoakc John, Linen and Woollen Draper, Hosier, &c. High-street Hope Charles, Gent. High-street Horton John, Surgeon, High-street Houghton Edward, Tailor, High-street J Jakcman Joseph, Tanner, High-street Jakeman Mrs. Widow, High-street James 1'. Millwright, Strand Jew Joseph, Baker, Worcester-street Johnson William, Cork Cutter, High-street Johnson Mary, Milliner, High-street Johnson Benjamin, Tailor, High-street Jones William, Clock and Watch Maker, Worcester- street Juggins Thomas, Nail Ironmonger, High-street K King James, Vict. Hop Pole Inn, High-street Knight William, Butcher, Worcester-street Knight Henry, Butcher, Worcester-street Lacy J. Tailor, High-street Lacy George, Shoe Maker, St. John-street Lacy John, Vict. Shoulder of Mutton, St. John-street Lamb Edward, Grocer, St. John-street Lamb Nathaniel, Whitesmith, St. John-street Laugh 1 ) Wiiiiam, Millwright aud Machine Maker, Worcester-street 144 BROMSGBOVE. Laton Richard, Hair Dresser, Worcester-street Lawrence John, Boot and Shoe Maker, Strand Ledbury William, Wheelwright, Worcester-street Leek Richard, Butcher, Horse Fair Le welling William, Staffordshire Warehouse, Wor- cester-street M Malens David, Carpenter and Wheelwright, High-st. Manning Thomas, Tailor, Worcester-street Marshall Robert, Clerk to Messrs. Adams and Co. Worcester-street Martin Francis, ButcheF, Uigh-street Maund Benjamin, Printer and Bookseller, High-st. Mc. Keg Samuel, Gent. Worcester-street Meek James, Academy, High-street Moles worth Mrs. High -street Moore F. Milliner, High-street Morris William, Shoe Maker, Worcester-street N Newman J. IVI. Woolstapler, High-street Nichols Robert, Breeches Maker and Glover, High- street Noak Joseph, Fruiterer, High-street Norwich Union Insurance Office — Agent Mr. Maund, High-street No well Richard, Hatter, Worcester-street Osbourne George, Gent. Shrubbery, near Bromsgrove Overton Richard, Smith and Farrier, Worcester-st, Owen John, Hair Dresser, High-street B BOMS GROVE. 145 Pardoe John, Butcher, Worcester-street Parker Mrs. Worcester-street Parry John, Cooper, High-street Parry William, Grocer and Druggist, High-street Partridge Mrs. Widow, St. John-street Pearce John, Master of the Workhouse, Horse Fair Penns Messdms, Grocers, High-street Phoenix Insurance Office — Agent Mr. Drewry, High- street Pinches Mrs. Seminary, St. John-street Powell John, Hair Dresser, Worcester-street R Reeve Thomas, Umbrella Maker, High-street Reeve Eliz Straw Hat Maker, High-street Richardson William, Dyer, High-street Robeson Henry, Esq. Solicitor, High-street Robinson Samuel, Tailor, Worcester-street Rogers John, Plumber and Glazier, High-street Rose John, Draper, Grocer, and Druggist, High-st. Rose William, Clerk to Messrs. Adams k Co. Wor- cester-street Ross Edward, Gent. Worcester-street Ruft'ord aud Biggs, Bank, High-street, (Draw on Spooner, Attwoods, & Co. Bankers, London) Sanders and Blew, Wholesale Nail Ironmongers, High-street Sanders Mrs. High-street Scriven John, She- Maker, Worcester-street Scroxton and Broady, Wholesale Nail Ironmongery St, John-street 146 BROMSGROVE. . Sealey James, Saddler and Harness Maker, High- street Simms James, Music Master, Worcester-street Smith Thomas, Hatter, Worcester-street Smith Thomas, Butcher, High-street Smith Samuel, Gent. Strand Smith George, Supervisor of Excise, Strand, Spooner Francis, Sieve Maker, Worcester-street Stamp Office, Mr. Scroxton's, St John-street Stanley Jabez, Wholesale Nail Ironmonger, Strand Steward John, Maltster, High-street Steward John, Vict. JRed Lion Inn, High-street Swift William, Academy, High-street Tabbcrer Thomas, Gent. Strand Tandy George, Currier, High-street Tandy James, Shoemaker, High-street Taylor John, Maltster, Strand Tench James, Baker, High-street Tidmas John, Draper, High-street Tilt Benjamin, Tailor, St. John-street Tipper John, Paw* broker, Worcester-street Tomkins Edmund, Golden Cross Inn, High-street Tonks Thomas, Staffordshire Warehouse, Worcester- street Topham Hev. Mr. Bine School, Worcester-street Town J. S. St. John-street U Undrill Richard, Shoe Maker, Worcester-street W Walker M. Wood Turner, Worcester-street Walker liaaiiah, Brush Maker, Worcester-street BR0MSGR0VE. U7 Wall George, Seedsman, High-street Ward William, Grocer, Auctioneer, and Maltster, High-street Ward Mrs Widow, High-street Warner William. Gent. Strand Watkins Thomas, Tailor, St. John-street Wattell Mrs. Widow, High-street Wattersnn Mrs. Widow, Hi^h-street Walton William, Butcher, High-street Walton Edward. Vict. Upper Dolphin Inn, High-street Weaver John, Blacksmith, High-street Weaver Benjamin, Shoe Maker, High-street "Weaver John, Higler, Strand Webb William and Samuel, Maltsters, Worcester- street "Webb John, Boot and Shoe Maker, High-street M heeler John, Saddler and Harness Maker, High st. "White Thomas, Ironmonger, Hizh-street White George, Butcher, High-street White John, Skinner. Woicester-street Whitehoose James, Tea Dealer, High-street Whitheford Benjamin, Vict. Sampson, Worcester-st. Wilkinson James, Gent. High-street Williams Oliver, sen. Timber Merchant, Strand Williams Oliver, Jan. Tanner. Strand "Wilson Henry, Vict, and Cow Salesman. Crab Mill Inn, Birmingham Road Win penny Rev, -Mr. Vicarage Wuodhousc William, Bricklayer, Strand OF Professions u ttartres, IN flljpijaMtcallp &trange*u ATTORNIES. Brettell J. St. John-st. | Robeson H. High-street Curtler T. G. High-st. | AUCTIONEERS. Drewry W. High-street | Ward W. High-street BAKERS. 'AmphlettT. High-street Austin S. High-street Blood — St. John-st. Curtler J. Worcester- street Duffill J. Strand Harrison W. Worcester- street Jew J* Worcester-street Tench J. High-street 150 bromsgrove; 151 BANKERS. Rufford and Biggs, High-street BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS. Crane & Son, High-st. | Maund B. High-street BRAZIERS. Barrow J. High-street | Cromwell R. High-street Brooke C. High-street | Cromwell J. High-street BUTCHERS. Adams W. High-street Brazier B. Worcester- street Bullinghara H. St. John- street Haines J. High-street Knight H. Worcester-st. Knight W. Worcester-st. Leek R. Horse Fair Martin F. High-s(reet Pardoe J. Worcester-st. Smith T. High-street Watton W. High-st. White G. High-street CABINET MAKERS. Brooke J. St. John-st. Cotton VV. Worcester- street Edwards TV High-street Hollow ay J. Y\ orcester- fctreet CLOCK AND WATCH MAKERS. Bott J. Worcester-street I Jones W. Worcester-st. Crane and Son, High-st. | COFFIN FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS, Green J. and Co. High-street, R 152 BR0MSGR0VE. COOPERS, 153 Featherstone J. High-st. J Parry J. High-street CURRIERS. Cole W. High-street Crane J. R. High-street Tandy G. High-street DRAPERS. Bourne E. Worcester- street Compson J. High-street Holyoake J. High-sireet Rose J. High-street Tidmas J. High-street DRUGGISTS. Cullwick J. High-street | Parry W. High-street Greening T. High-street | Rose J. High-street DYERS. Blew E. and M. Worces- | Richardson W. High-st. ter-street [ GROCERS. Bourn E. Worcester-st. Cass well T. Worcester- street Culhvick J. High-street Greening T. High street Griffin and Sons, High-st. Grove G. Worcester-street Hartle W. Worcester-st. Holmes J. High-street Lamb E. St. John-street Parry W. High-street Penns Misses, High-st. Rose J. High-street Ward W. High-street HAIR DRESSERS. Brookes T. Horse Fair Cox S. High-street Laton R. Worcester-st. Owen J. High-street Powell J. Worcester-st* 154 BROMSGROVE. 155 HATTERS. Nowell R. Worcester-st. ] Smith T. Worcester-st. INNKEEPERS. Baker J. Green Dragon Bow en C. Roe Buck Browne E. Lower Dol- phin Bunn M. Old Bird in Hand Butler J. White Horse CnliwickM. Crown Hotel Dews T. Mitre Dunn J. King's Head Gabb G. George Inn Green J. Black Cross Green H. Golden Lion Haden W. Star & Garter Haynes — Red Lion King J. Hop Pole Inn Lacy J. Shoulder of Mut- ton Tomkins E. Golden Cross Watton E. Upper Dolphin Whitheford B. Sampson Wilson H. Crab Mill IRONMONGERS. White T. High-street Dipple J. High-street Hedges S, High-street LINEN MANUFACTURERS. Ellins M. High-street | Hellens H. High-street Haines T. & Co. High-st. | MALTSTERS. Curtler J. Worcester-st. Tavlor J. Strand Ward \V. High- street I Webb S. and W. W'orces* ter-street MILLINERS. Johuson M. High-street | Moor F. High-street 156 BROMSGROVE. 157 MILLERS AND CORN FACTORS. Harris W. High-sf reet | Holmes J % High-street Harrison T. Moat Mill | MILLWRIGHTS. James T. Strand [ Langley W. Worcester-st. NAIL IRONMONGERS. Gabb G. High-street Hellens H. High-street Juggins T. High-street Sanders & Blew, High-st. Scroxton and Broady, St. John-street Stanley J. Strand NEEDLE MAKERS. Bott P. Worcester-street | Connard J. Worcester-st. Bolt P. High-street | PLUMBERS AND GLAZIERS. Brown R. High-street. j Rogers J. High-street ClarkesonJ. Worcester-st. | ROPE AND TWINE MANUFACTURERS. Dunklin W. High-street | Harrison T. Worcester- Harrison J. Horse Fair j street SADDLERS AND HARNESS MAKERS. Fisher T. High-street | Wheeler J. High-street Scale) J. High-street 158 BROMSGROVE. 159 SCHOOLS. Halls Miss,High-street Hey wood Mrs. High-st Meek J. High-street Pinches Mrs. St. John-st. Swift \V. High-street SHOEMAKERS. Bell J. St. John-street Burton IV. High-street Clemonts H. High-street Lacy G. St. John-street Lawrence J. Strand Morris \V. Worcester-st. Scriven J. Worcester-st. Tandy J. High-street U n drill R. Worcester- st reet Weaver B. High-street Webb J. Hish-street SMITHS. English T. High-st. Hale B. Horse Fair Halfpenny J. Worcester- street Harbach J. Worcester-st. Lamb N. St. John-st. Overton R. Worcester-st. Weaver J. High-st. SURGEONS. Blackford J. High-st. Collett&Cowell, High-st. Haines R. J. High-st. Horton J. High-st. TAILORS. Barratt T- Worcester-st; Houghton E. High-st. Johnson B. High-st. Lacy J. High-st. Manning T # Worcester-st. Robinson S. Worcester-st. Tilt B St. John-st. Watkins i. St. John-st. TANNERS. Jakeman J. High-st. Williams O. Strand 160 BROMSGROVE. WHEEL WRIGTHS. Ledbury W. Worcester- | Malens D. High-street street | WOOLSTAPLER. Newman J. N. High-street. WORSTED MANUFACTURERS. Adams and Co. W T orcester-street From the Crown Hotel. BIRMINGHAM— Ten in the morning, three in the afternoon, and five and six in the evening. BATH — Through TForccster, eight in the morning. BRISTOL— Through Worcester, half-past eight aud nine in the morning. WORCESTER— Six in the evening. From the Golden Cross. . LONDON MAIL— Half-past two in the Afternoon. KIDDERMINSTER MAIL— Quarter before twelve at noon. BRISTOL MAIL— Seven every evening BIRMINGHAM MAIL-Half-pastfive in the morn- BATH POST COACH— Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at eight in the morning. BIRMINGHAM POST COACH-Quarter before six in the evening. Ilan^ ©airiage* Ashmore's Wajrgon to WORCESTER, GLOUCES- TER, BRISTOL, BIRMINGHAM, STAFFORD, MANCHESTER, and all parts of the North.— Warehouse High-street. End o/Bromsgrove. STOURBRIDGE. OF THE SoWH of £tow*ritrgc* STOURBRIDGE is a township in the parish of Old swin ford, situated at the north-west extremity of the great midland mining and manufacturing dis- trict, '^on the south bank of the Stour, which serves as a boundary line of the counties of Worcester and Stafford. Its appellation was derived from a bridge erected over the river Stour in the reign of Henry the seventh, previous to which time the township was known by the name of JBedcote, which is still the designation of a contiguous manor. The same monarch granted to this town a court leet, a market on Fridays, and two fairs annually ; on the 29th of March and the 8th of September ; for some days previous to the former is held a large mart for horses. The vicinity of Stourbridge abounds with valuable mines uf coal, iron-stone, and clay of a peculiar qua* lity, calculated for bricks, crusibles, and other vessels destined to bear a considerable degree of heat without fusion, which is exported to all parts of the kingdom. The manufacture of glass was established here in 1557, about the time of its introduction into this king- dom from Lorrain, and has contributed much to the present situation of the town. The number of houses in this branch, at the present time, amount to twelve. Iron works of great magnitude have been erected in the neighbourhood, and numerous manufactories in this branch, as nails, implements of husbandry, &c. &c. are of long; standing, and afford employment to some thousands of the industrious poor for many miles round. 166 STOURBRIDGE. The Stourbridge canal, which communicates to the Staffordshire, commences at the wharf close to the town, by which a communication is opened with all parts of the kingdom. The church, which is dedicated to St. Thomas, stands on the western skirts of the town; it is a neat edifice of brick ornamented with stone, and was erect- ed in A. D. 1735. There are also several meeting houses for various classes of dissenters, who form a very respectable part of the population, which, ac- cording to the census in 181 1, amounted to 4072, and that of the whole parish 9755, but is now considerably increased. A free grammar school, founded here by Edward the sixth, is handsomely endowed, to which a library has been added by a subsequent donation ; two re- spectable houses are attached to the school for the residence of the masters, (the Rev. Joseph Taylor,* and the Rev. J. C. Homfray,) whose salaries are liberal, but there are no scholars ! There are likewise several charity and sunday schools, which are sup- ported with great liberality. A school on the Madras system was also instituted in 1815. In the adjoining hamlet of Oldswinford is a noble hospital founded by the late Thomas Foley, Esq. for boarding, clothing, and educating sixty boys, and is now ably superintended by Mr. James Fisher, steward and head master, and is under similar regulations to that of Christ Church, London ; many of the leases on the estate bequeathed to this school have lately expired, in consequence of which the receipts are considerably increased, and ten more boys are added to the number. At this school the intention of the donor is strictly acted upon. Stourbridge is distant from London 121 miles, from Worcester 23, Birmingham 13, and Bridgnorth 14, and may now be considered a place of present wealth and increasing opulence. * Magistrate for the County. Nrtu SSitectotg OF THE COUNTY OF WORCESTER. $art 3L SECTION FOURTH. CONTAINING THE TOWN AND The principal Manufacturers in the Vicinity OF STP©HJ1IBIKI®©IB* ADDENBROOK Samuel, Nail Ironmonger Addenbrook and Co. Iron Masters, JBrociunore Forge Allden John, Tailor, Rye Market Alien George, Auctioneer and Appraiser, High-street Allport *.rs. High-street Ash Mary, Wine and Spirit Vaults, High-street Ashboum Aim, Chair and Basket Maker, High-st. Ashley Mary, Hatter, Rye Market Attwoods and Co. Steel Manufacturers, Corngrcaves Attwood Thomas, Anvil Manufacturer Attwood John, Anyil Manufacturer 168 STOURBRIDGE. B Badger Thomas, Currier, New-street Bancks Christopher, Iron Master, Bromley Bancks William, Iron Master, Moor Lane Bannister Jesse, Lime Works, Brettell Lane Barlow Elias, Vict. Coach and Horses, High-street Bate George, High-street Bate Henry, Maltster, Coventry-street Bate Phebe, Vict. Woolpack, High-street Bate Samuel, Woolstapler, High -street Batson James, Gent. Catherwell House Baylie E. and Co. Chain Makers and Ironmongers, and at Rosamond-street, Clerkenwell, London Beasley Michael, Academy Beavington A. and E. Clock and Watch Makers, Bye Market Biddle James, Grocer and Tea Dealer, High-street Bird Peter, Wood Turner, &c. Windmill-street Biven Susan, Vict. Chequers, High-street Biven Thomas, Town Crier, near the Court House Blakeway George, Grocer, Tea Dealer, and Chand- ler, High-street Bland J. H. Grocer and Druggist, High-street Blantern Thomas, Saddler and Harness Maker, High- street Blew William, Woolstapler and Dyer, High-street Blew Hannah, Vict. Old Pipe, High-street Blizard Miss, Seminary, Hagley Terrace Blumer Joseph, Nail Ironmonger, Cradley Blurton John, Clock and Watch Maker, High-street Boulton George, Butcher, High-street Bradley, Ensells, and Holt, 1 lint Glass Manufactu- rers Bradley John and Co. Stourbridge Iron Works Brain Isaac, Vict, and Maltster, Malt Shovel, Old- swinford Brettell Ilichard, Esq. High-street STOURBRIDGE. 169 Brctiell and Bate, Fire Clay Proprietors and Brick Manufacturers Brindley Thomas, Shoemaker, Rye Market Brocksop Benjamin, Potter, Lye -Brookbanks Christopher, Grocer, High-street Brookes John, Nail and Anvil Manufacturer Brookes 8 and J. Fire Clay Works and Brick Makers Brookes William, Vict, and Nail Factor, Holly Bush Brookes Samuel, Vict. Old Star Inn, High-street Brown George, Bookbinder, High-street Burden W. B. Maltster, High-street Burden Thomas and Edward, Clothiers and Wool- staplers, High-street Bur ford John, Manufacturer of Bed Screws, and general Smith, High-street Burton Thomas, Baker, High-street Camden Mrs. Church Row Carless Thomas, Vict. Hole in the Wall, High-street Causer and Downing, Surgeons, Rye Market Causer John, Hagley Terrace Child John, Vict. Anchor, Coventry-street Coates John, Tailor and Man's Mercer, High-street Coley and Townshend, Iron Masters, Lodge Forge Colev and Townshend, Manufacturers of Reading Glasses Collis George and Sons, Wine and Spirit Merchants, Rye Market Collis Thomas, Maltster, Rye Market Coltman George, Druggist, High-street Compson Nathaniel, Corn Dealer, Coventry-street Compson and Mathews, Drapers, High-street Compson Joseph, Currier, High-street Compson Joseph, Shoemaker, High-street Compson Thomas, Shoemaker, High-street Cooksey Ann, Confectioner, High-street Cooper Michael, Joiner, Rye-Market 170 STOURBRIDGE. Cooper Thomas, Vict. New Inn, Crown Lane Cooper John, Plumber and Glazier, High-street Corns John, Confectioner, Coventry-street Corser Edward, Maltster, High-street Court Richard, Land Surveyor, and Auctioneer, Wol- lescot Cox Samuel, High-street Cox Miss, Church Row Cox Mesdms. Ladies' Seminary, Hagley Terrace Cox William, Nail Ironmonger, Cradley Cox Joseph, Worsted Manufacturer, Coventry-street Cox Nabo, Glass Cutter, Brettell Lane Cradley Iron Company, Iron Works, Cradley Crawford Peter, Vict. Fox Inn, Rye Market D Davies Martha, Dress Maker, High-street Davis Miss, Dress Maker, Biven's Buildings Davis Samuel, Glass Cutter, Brettell Lane Devey John, Lye Mill Dixon Joseph Hoper, Solicitor, High-street Dovey Richard, Glass Cutter, High-street Downing Isaac, Surgeon, Rye Market E Ealand Richard, Straw Hat Manufacturer, Coventry- street Edge Samuel, Potter, Brettell Lane Edgecombe Samuel, Boot and Shoe Maker, High-st. Edwards John, Vict. Union, Coventry- street Edwards John, Iron Pipe and Engine Maker, Coven- try-street Edwards Richard and Joseph, Nail Factors and Aik vil Makers, Cradley Edwards Thomas, Butcher, Coventry-street Edwards Mary, Vict. Star Inn, Coventry-street STOURBhIDGE. 171 Ellis Richard, Butcher, High-street Emu As, Saunders, and Heywood, Iron Masters, Brock more Forge . Evans George, Academy, New-street Evans William* Surgeon, High-street Eveson Thomas, Nail Ironmonger, Lye- Excise Oilice, Talbot Inn, High-street F Fellows John, Iron Master, Stamher Mill Forge Fisher James, Head Master of Oldswinford School Floyd Joseph, Tailor and Master of the Workhouse Forrest and Bate, Nail Ironmongers, Thorns Forrest Joseph, Fire Clay and Brick Maker, Thorns Foster William, Iron Master, High-street Foster, Raslriek, and Co. Steam Engine Makers Fowler Joseph and Samuel, Maltsters and Hop Mer- chants, High-street Fowler Joseph and Samuel, Printers, Booksellers, and Stationers, High-street Fowler Hannah and Son, Corn Factors, Maltsters, and Hop Merchants, High-street Fowler E and H. Haberdashers, Rye Market Freer \V. 11. Surgeon, High-street Grazcbrook and Sons, Flint and Coloured Class Ma- nufacturers Craze brook Michael and Co. Iron Masters Grazebrock M Solicitor, High-street Goodwin Rev. Josiah, Minister of the Methodist Cha- pel, New Boad Gough Thomas, Yarn Manufacturer, High-street Gough Richard, Worsted and Woollen Manufacturer, R\e Market Green Thomas, Ironmonger, High-street T 172 STOURBRIDGE, Green Isaac, Plumber, Painter, and Glazier ,-Oldswiit- ford Road Green William, Fish Monger, High-street Griffin Thomas, Saddler and Harness Maker, High-st* Griffiths Edward, Nail Ironmonger Griffiths Mary, Maltster, Coventry-street H Halley W. P. High-street Hampton and Harrison, Nail Ironmongers* Hancox Miss, Church Row Hancox William, Pork Butcher, High-street Harris Joseph, Vict. Seven Stars, Rye Market Harris Benjamin, Vict. Plough, Coventry-street Harward John, Builder, High-street Harwood Charles, Solicitor, High-street Hawkes Joseph, Vict. Mitre Inn, High-street Haynes William, Currier, New Road Haynes John, Nail Ironmonger Heath, Tyler, and Danks, Carriers Heming Joseph, Printer, Bookseller, and Stationer, High-street Hickman Mrs. High-street Hickman Mrs. Seminary, High street Hill, Hill, Bate, and Robins, Old Bank Hill, Hampton, Harrison, and Wheeley, Glass Bottle Manufacturers Hill, Hampton, and Co. Fire Clay and Brick Works Hill Thomas, Wollaston Iron Works Hill Francis, Scythe Maker, Foscott Hill William, File Cutter, Cradley Hill Mary, Milliner, High-street Hill John, Bricklayer, High-street Hodgson Samuel, Spade Manufacturer Hodgson Richard, Vict. Old Sergeant, High-street Holt and Smith, Steel Works Homer Charles, Solicitor, Church Row STOURBRIDGfc. 173 Horn fray Rev. J. C. High-street Homfray and Son, Stourton Iron Works Honeyhournc, Pidcock, and Brettell, Coal Masters Honeybournc and Batson, Flint Glass INIanufactnrers Hopkins Charles, Gent. New-street Hopkins Richard. Law Stationer, High-street Homblower S. and W. Iron Masters, Brierley Hill Hornblower Mrs. Gentlewoman, High-street Horton Daniel, Iron Boiler Maker, Harts Hill Hudson Gent. Cobourg Place Hughes, Horton, and Downing, Iron Masters, Wind- mill End Hughes and Eades, Dealers in Stourbridge Clay and Bricks Hughes Hugh, Hair Dresser, High-street Humphreys William, Vict, and Currier, King's Head Inn, High-street Hunt William, Solicitor, Higli-street Hyrons Charles, Gent. High-street Hyrons Joseph, Boot and Shoe Maker, Coventry-st. James Thomas, Higb-street Iddens Miss, High-street Independent Meeting, High-street Jones and Fereday, Iron Masters, New Buffery Fur- nace Jones Noah, Livery Stables, Higb-street Jones William, Vict. George Inn, High-street Jones Thomas, Vict. Three Crowns, High-street Jones William, Clothes Warehouse, Coventry-street Jones C. and M. Milliners and Straw Hat Makers, High-street Jones William, Vict. Maltster and Brick Maker, Waterloo House Jones Martha, Salt Warehouse, High-street lzons aud Whilehouse, Iron Masters 174 STOURBRIDGE. K Kent William, Surge©©* -High-street Kilby Thomas, Patten Ring xWaker, High-street Lawson Mrs. Ladies' Seminary, Oldswinford Lee John, Vict. White Lion, Rye Market Lees Benjamin, Joiner and Cabinet Maker, Oldsw in- fold Road Lewis Thomas, Malt Maker, George Walk Lewis Abraham, Traveller. Church Row Library Public, High-street— Peter Bird, Librarian Light James, Grocer, Wine and Spirit Merchant, and Agent to the Alias Fire Office, High-street LiHlewood Benjamin, Flint Glass Manufacturer Littlewood and King, Lire Clay and Brick Makers Lowe James, Boot a'ftrt Shoe Maker, High-street Lowe James, Viet. Crown Inn, High-street Lowe Mrs. Sarah, High street Lucas Miss, Ladies* Day School, High-street M Male Mrs. Gentlewoman, High-street Mapstone John, Officer of Excise, High-street Maidens William, Linen Draper and Mercer, IJigh-st. Maurice Mrs. Seminary, High- street Meredith Joseph, Scythe and Spade Manufacturer Methodist Chapel, New Road Micklewiighi Benjamin, Shoe Maker, Rye Market Mills William, Cooper, High-street Moreton Joseph, Plumber, Painter, and Glazier, High-street Morrell Daniel, Boot and Shoe Maker, High-street Morris Iron Warehouse, High-street Morris Samuel, Chemist and Druggist, High- street Moseley William, Gent, 'New-street Moseley William, Academy, Rye Market Moseley John, Vict, Old Horse Shoe, High -street STOURBRTDGE. 175 Mxcklf wri^ht William, Vict. Duke William, Coven- try-street X Newey Thomas, Butcher, Hisrh-street Nickless William, Wine and Spirit Merchant, Coun- try-street Nock Samnel, Commercial Academy, Bed Hill Nock William, Vict. King's Head Inn, High-street Noiris William, Surgeon, Hijrh-sireet Norwich Inion Insurance Ofiice — Agent J. aud S. Fouler, High-street Oliver Miss, Postmistress, High-street Onions John and Son, Iron M asters, Brierley Hill Onions Ann, Potter, Thorns Owen Christopher, Spade and Shovel Manufacturer Owen Joseph, Ironmonger, Brazier, aud Tinman, High-street Paget! Thomas, Brazier and Tinman, High-street Pardoe Joseph, Nail Ironmonger, Lye \\ aste Pargeter Joseph and Thomas, Nail Ironmongers, Careless Green Parish John, Flint Glass ATannfacturers and Cutters Parish Thomas, Potter, Brcttell Lane Parish Joseph, Glass Culter. Prettell Lane Parkes Z. Iron Master, Park Head Furnace Parkes Thomas and James, Spade Manufacturers Parkes Thomas, GroCer and Hosier, High-street Payne Thomas, Chair Maker, Coventry-street Payton Miss, Ladies' Seminars, Grange House Peantall Ann, Iron Boiler Maker, Biierley Hill Penny James, Farrier, Rye .Market Perkes Francis, Tailor aud Draper, High-street Pen ins Wiliiara, Trace and Chain Manufacturer 176 STOURBRIDGE* Perrins Thomas, Trace and Chain Manufacturer Perry John, Ironmonger, Brazier, und Seed>mui, High-street Perry John, Nail Ironmonger Perry William, Nfail Ironmonger Perry Thomas, Tailor and Man's Mercer, High-street Perrins Mary, Vict. Nag's Head, New-street Phipson T. West wood Wire Mills Pidcock, Cope, and Co. Glass Bottle Manufacturers Pitman James, Fellmonger, Spanish and Oil Leather Dresser, and Parchment Maker Piper Joseph, Tinman, New-street Plant Noah, Vict. Bear, High-street Porter Samuel, Shoe Maker, High-street Presbyterian Chapel, High-street Price Benjamin, Hair Dresser, High-street Price John, Hair Dresser, High-street Price William, Vict. Wheat Sheaf, Coventry-street Price and Son, Tailors, High-street Price Samuel, Clothes Broker and Coach Proprietor, High-street Pritchard Mrs. and Miss Jones, Ladies' Seminary R Reynolds Richard, Sheriff's Officer, High-street Richards Thomas, Saddler and Harness Maker, High- street Richards FJenry, Vict. Vine Inn, High-street Richards Sarah, Grocer and Chandler, High-street Richards Rev. John, Minister of the Independent Meeting, Oldswinford Roberts Henry, Solicitor, Hi^h-street Roberts Mrs. Gentlewoman, High-street Roberts Robert, Confectioner, High street Robins Joseph, Solicitor, Church Row Robins Edward, Nail Ironmonger Rollason Joseph, Auctioneer, Pi inter, and Bock- seller, High-street STOURBRIDGE. 177 Robinson Mrs. Vict: Pig, Coventry-street Round Joseph, Nail Ironmonger Rowley Godfrey, China and Glass Warehouse, Rye Market Ruflbrd Francis and Son, Flint Glass Manufacturers Ruflbrd Francis, jm. Coal Master, Fire Clay Pro- prietor, and Brick Maker, High-street Rufford and Biggs, Stourbridge and Bromsgrove Bank S Salter John, Vict. Red Lion, New-street Saunders Samuel, Tinman, Rye Market Scott John, Esq. High-street Scott William, Gent. High-street Scott John, Vict. Old Crispin, Windmill-street Scager, Miss, Milliner, High-street Shemmonds Christopher, Brazier, High-street Shirt Mary, Baker, High-street Shirt George, Draper, High-street Shutt William, Grocer and Chandler, High-street Siddens Skidmore, Butcher, High-street Smith John, Nail Ironmonger Smith and Shepherd, Iron Masters) Smith Francis and Sons, Potters, Black Lead Mer- chants, and Corn, Steam, and Colour Mill, Bret- tell Lane Spittle William, Butcher, High-street Stamp Office, Mr. Hopkins', High-street Steele Thomas, Grocer, High-street Steventon Thomas, Cooper, Coventry-street Stinson William, Potter, Ravcnsich Stokes Thomas, Wheelwright, High-street Stokes James, Tailor, High-street Taylor Rev, Joseph, A, M. High-street 178 STOURBRIDGE. Taylor Thomas, Baker and Grocer, High street Taylor Thomas, Vict. Old Bell, Rye Market Taylor Thomas, Baker, Coventry-street Taylor John, Butcher, High-street Thatcher William. Vict. Three Tuns, High-street Thomas Martha, Currier and Leather Seller, High- street Thomas Thomas, Vict. Shakespear, New-street 'ihommings Jeremiah, Level Iron Works Tidmarsh Rachel, Turner, Coventry-street 'Jammings Mrs. High-street Timmins Arthur, Grocer and Tea Dealer, High-street Titley William, Smith and Farrier, High-street Tomlinsoo Joseph, Woolstapler, High-street True man George, Fire Shovel Bit und Umhrella Maker, High-street U Underwood and Son, Upholsterers, High-street V Venables Joseph, Vict, Angel, Coventry-street W Walker Francis, Linen and Woollen Draper, High- street Walker William, Brush and Patten Maker, High-st. W r all John, Vict. Old Saracen's Head, High-street Wallens J. and S. Anvil Manufacturers Walters John. Nail Ironmonger Warren Rev. Thomas, Minister of the Presbyterian Chapel, High-street Webb Thomas, Gent. High-street Webb John, Butcher, High-street Webb John, Maltster, Corn Dealer, &c. High-st, STOURBRIDGE; 179 Webb Elizabeth, Milliner and Dress Maker, Coven- try-street Westwood Edward and Co. Glass Bottle Manufactu- rers West wood Edward, Maltster, Carrier, &c. Hollo way End Wheeler Miss, Gentlewoman. High-street Wheeley W. S. Flint Glass Manufacturer and Coal Master White John, Timber Merchant and Builder, Holloway End Wilkes John, Grocer and Tea Dealer, High-street Wilkinson James, Iron Master, Lye Millets Miss, Ladies' Seminary, High-street Williams Joseph, Shoemaker, Cobourg Place Wilson Jane, Baker, High-street Wood George, jun. Spade Manufacturer Wood and Richards, Nail Ironmongers Woodhouse John, Vict. Falcon, Rye Market Woolridge George, Anvil Manufacturer Woolridge Edward, Anvil Manufacturer Wragg and Harris, Linen Drapers, High-street Wright George, Hatter, Rye Market Wright Mark, Butcher, Rye Market Wythes Thomas, Grocer, High-street Wythes Simeon, Flour and Butter Warehouse, &c» High-street Young William, Cooper, Holloway End U OF IN ^Ipljafcettcallp &rrangt&» *V* For the Residence refer to Alphabetical List, and where it is not given the Address may be considered Stourbridge* ANVIL MANUFACTURERS. Attwood Thomas | Wallens W. S. Attwood John | Woolridge George Brookes John I Woolridge Edward ATTORNIES. Dixon Joseph Hoper Grazel>rook George Harwood Charles Homer Charles Hunt William Roberts Henry Robins Joseph 182 STOURBRIDGE. 183 AUCTIONEERS. Allen George Court Richard Rollason Joseph BAKERS. Burton Thomas Shirt Mary Taylor Thomas | Taylor Thomas I Wilson Jane BANKERS. Hill, Kill, Bate, & Robins | RufFord and Biggs BOOKSELLERS. Fowler Joseph and Sa- | Fleming Joseph muel Green Thomas Owen Joseph Pagett Thomas Rollason Joseph BRAZIERS, kc. | Perry John j Shemmonds Christopher | Saunders F. BUTCHERS. Boulton George Edwards Thomas Ellis Richard Hancox William Newey Thomas Siddens Skidmoro Spittle William Taylor John Webb John Wright Mark CHAIR MAKERS. Ashbourn Ann Payne Thomas 184 STOURBRIDGE. 185 CLOCK AND WATCH MAKERS. Beavington A. and E. | Blurton John Cooksey Ann Comes John CONFECTIONERS. | Roberts Robert Barrett G. COOPERS. Mills William Jones Thomas Badger Thomas Compson Joseph Haynes William Steventon Thomas Young William CURRIERS. Humphreys William Thomas Martha DRAPERS. Compson and Mathews Maidens William Shirt George Walker Francis Wragg and Harris Eland J. H. Coltman George DRUGGISTS. Morris Samuel DYER. Blew William. FELLMONGER. Pitman James 186 STOURBRIDGE. 187 FIRE CLAY & BRICK MANUFACTURERS. Brettell and Bate Brookes S. and J. Forrest Joseph Hill, Hampton, and Co. Hughes and Fades Jones William Little wood and King Rufford Francis, jun. CLASS MANUFACTURERS. Bradley, EnseMs, & Holt Graze brook and Sons Hill, Hampton, Harrison, and Wiieeley Honeybourne and Batson Liitlewood Benjamin Parrish John Pidcock, Cope, and Co. Rufford Francis and Sons Westwood Edward and Co. Whecley W. S. GROCERS. Biddle James Blake way George Bland J. H. Brookbanks Christopher Light James Parkes Thomas Richards Sarah Shutt William Steele Thomas Taylor Thomas Timmins Arthur Wilkes John Wythes Thomas Ashley Mary HATTERS. | Wright Georga INNS. Anchor, John Child Angel, Joseph Venables Bear, Noah Plant Chequers, Susan Biven Coach and Horses, Elias Barlow Crown Inn, James Lowe Duke William, William Micklewright Falcon, John Woodhouse Fox, Peter Crawford George Inn, William Jones 188 STOURBRIDGE. INNS— Continued. Hole in Hie Wall, Thomas Careless King's Head, William Nock King's Head, William Humphreys Mitre, Joseph Hawkes Nag's Head, Mary Perry New Inn, Thomas Cooper Old Bell, Thomas Taylor Old Crispin, John Scott Old Horse Shoe, John Moseley Old Pipe, Hannah Blew Old Saracen's Head, John Wall Old Sergeant, Richard Hodgson Old Star, Samuel Brookes Plough, Benjamin Harris Red Lion, John Salter Seven Stars, Joseph Harris S h a k e s p e ar, T h om as T h o- mas Star, Mary Edwards Talbot Inn, R. Loverock Three Crowns, Thomas Jones Three Tnns, William Thacker Union, John Edwards Waterloo, William Jones Wheat Sheaf, William Price White Lion, John Lee White Lion, Mrs, Hall Woolpack, Phebe Bate Vine Inn, Henry Richards JOINERS. Austin Thomas Cooper Michael Harw aid John Lees Benjamin Mills James IRON MASTERS. Addenbrook and Co. Bancks Christopher Bancks William Bradley John and Co. Coley and Townshend Cradley Iron Company Emuss, Saunders, and Hey wood Eoster and Co. Foster William Grazebrook atid Co* Hill Thomas Horn fray and Son Hornblower S. and W. Hughes, Horton, & Co* Jones and Fereday Onions J. and Son Smith and Shepherd Thorn mings Jeremiah Wilkinson Jaiscs 190 STOURBRIDGE. 191 IRONMONGERS. Green Thomas | Owen J. Morris T. (Wholesale) | Perry J. LAW STATIONER. Hopkins Richaid. MALTSTERS. Badger Thomas Bate Henry Bate Thomas Brain Isaac Burden W. B. Burton T. Collis Thomas Corser William Fowler and Son Griffiths Mary Hunt William lone? William Moseley John Shutt Wiiliam Weslwood Edward MILLINERS AND DRESS MAKERS. Pavies Martha Davi^iWiss Hill Miss Jones C. and M. Seager Miss Webb Elizabeth NAIL IRONMONGERS. Addenbrook Samuel Baylie E. and Co. Blumer Joseph Brookes John Brookes William Cox William Edwards R. and J. Eveson Thomas l^orrest and Bate Griffiths Edward Hampton and Harrisoa Haines John Pardoe Joseph Pargeter J. and T. Perry John Perry William Robins Edward Round Joseph Wood and Richards Wood George, jun. 192 STOURBRIDGE, PLUMBERS, &c. Cooper John Green Isaac Jones William | Moreton Joseph | Nock — 1 Smith J. POTTERS. Brocksop Benjamin Edge Samuel Onions Ann Parrish Thomas Smith F. and Sons Stinson William PRINTERS. Fowler J. and S. Heming Joseph Blantern Thomas Griffin Thomas Beasley Michael Blizard Miss Cox Mcssdms. Evans George Hickman Mrs. Lawson Mrs. Lucas Miss Rollason Joseph SADDLERS. Richards Thomas SCHOOLS. Maurice Mrs. Moseley William Pritchard Mrs. and Miss Jones Nock Samuel Payton Miss Willetts Miss SHOEMAKERS. Brindley Thomas Compson Joseph Compson Thomas Edgecomb Samuel Hyrons Joseph Lowe James Micklewright Benjamin Morrell Daniel Porter Samuel Williams Joseph 194 STOURBRIDGE. 195 SPADE MANUFACTURERS. Hodgson Samuel Meredith Joseph Owen Christopher ] Parkes Thomas James | Wood George, jun. STEEL MANUFACTURERS. Attwood and Co, | Holt and Smith SURGEONS. Causer and Downing Evans William Freer W. H. Kent William Norris William TAILORS. Allden John Bonner W'illiam Coates John Floyd Joseph Perkes Francis Perry Thomas Price and Son Stokes James UPHOLSTERERS. Underwood and Son. WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS. Ash Mary Collis George Sons and Collis Thomas Light James Nickless William Bird Peter WOOD TURNERS. | Tidmarsh R. and 196 Burford John Clark Robert Edwards John Bate Samuel Blew William Cox Joseph STOURBRIDGE. SMITHS. [ Penny James Richards William Tiliey William WOOLSTAPLERS. | Burden T. and E. I Tomlinson J. rara mwwwm® mm* From the Talbot Hotel WORCESTER Coach, from the above Inn, through Kidderminster, ever) morning at eight o'Clock. BIRMINGHAM Royal Bang-up Post Coach, every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday morn- ing, through Halesowen, at half-past nine. BIRMINGHAM Royal Bang-up Post Coach, every Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday, through Dudley. KIDDERMINSTER— Victory, every morning at half-past tell. KIDDERMINSTER— Bang-up, every evening at half-past six. WOLVERHAMPTON Coach, every evening at half-past six. BIRMINGHAM— Victory, through Dudley, every afternoon at lour o'clock. WORCESTER Coach, through Kidderminster ', every afternoon at live, WO LVERHAlfl PTON Coach, through Dudley, every morning at half-past eight. 198 COACHES FROM STOURBRIDGE, From the Coach and Horses. WOLVERHAMPTON — Royal Perseverance, every morning at nine o'CIock, through Dudley. WORCESTER— Royal Perseverance, every after- noon at five, through Kidderminster. From the Vine Inn. BIRMINGHAM Original Post Coach, every morn- ing at eight o'CIock, through Dudley, to the Nel- son's Hotel, returns from thence at four, and arrives at the above Inn at half-past seven. From the Chequers. BIRMINGHAM Mail, which carries three passen- gers, every morning at half-past seven. Hantr ©amajje* LONDON Waggon, (Bury) Saturday, to the Fam Inn, Smithfield. Goods received by Thomas Kilby. BIRMINGHAM, (Wakefield) every Monday, Wed- nesday, and Friday, from the Mitre. BIRMINGHAM, (Walford's Caravan) Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday. WOLVERHAMPTON, (Walford's Caravan) Wed- nesday. WOLVERHAMPTON, (Cox) from Humphries', King's Head, Thursday. W ORCESTER, (Cox) Friday, from ditto. DUDLEY and WALSALL Carriers from ditto. WOLVERHAMPTON, (Ward) Thursday, from the Mitre. WOLVERHAMPTON, (Newman) Wednesday. WORCESTER, (Jolly) Nock's, King's Head, Mon- day. — DUDLEY, same day. BROMSGROVE Carriers, from ditto, Fridays. BRIDGNORTH, (Stokes) Mondays. BEWDLEY, through Kiddermimter, (Stokes) Fri- day. ietg tn ®ai LONDON— from Stonrhrid^e Wharf to Paddington •and intermediate places, Westwood and Moore — Crowley, Leland, and Co. — G. and K Bird. LIVERPOOL, MANCHESTER, CHESTER. &c. — J. G. Ames and Co.— Heath, Tyler, and Danks — Crowley, Leland and Co. SHARLOW, GAINSBOROUGH, and HULL— Heath, Tyler, and Danks. STOURPORT, BRISTOL, SHREWSBURY, &c. — J. G. Anus and Co. — York and Co* END OF PART FIRST. Printed at the Office of J, Reining, Stourbridge* CITY OF WORCESTER. BY the decease of Mr. W HANDY, of this City, (whose long and extensive practice as Auctioneer, rendered him most highly respected in the diligent pursuit of thai Profession in which lie ranked so high,) it may be presumed some change in connexions may take place : — MR. SHARE, Most respectfully solicits a portion of the Public Favour and Patronage, in the Professions of AUCTIONEER, Appraiser and Accountant, and begs to assure those who may be pleased to honour him with their commands, that strict integrity, correctness and despatch in Business, with the closest Attention to the Interest oi his Employer, will ever be the Line of Conduct he will pursue. HIS Central JMart Catalogue, Of all Estates to be SOLD or LET, continues to be Published Monthly at his Land and House Agency- Office, 59, Foregate-street, Worcester, where Particu- lars may be had of any Estate in England that is on Sale or to be Let. The utility of such Information is extensively felt and acknowledged. Mr. Share can accommodate any Gentleman with any Sum on Mortgage of an adequate Freehold Estate, at Five per Cent ; or any Sum from jt50() upwards can be immediately advanced by way ot Annuity, at Eight per Cent. %* Very superior Cider and Perry in Casks or Bot- tles which Mr. S. can confidently recommend. WORCESTERSHIRE General and Commercial DIRECTORY, PART SECOND. CONTAINING THE BOROUGHS of EVESHAM and BEWDLEY, AND THE TOWNS OF Dudley , Kidderminster, Stourport, Tenhury, Pershore, Upton-upon- Severn, and Shipston-upon-Stour. And all the Parishes in the County, PRESENTING AN ALPHABETICAL ARRANGEMENT OF THE Gentry, Clergy, Merchants, Manufacturers, Tradesmen, and Farmers. TO WHICH IS PREFIXED A Brief Account of the Trades, Manufactures, Popu- lation, Extent, #c. of each Place. $TO a (Emm JWap of tfy eountg. COMPILED Lowesmoor, Worcester. WORCESTER: Printed and Published for the Proprietor, by T.Eaton, and Sold by all the Booksellers in the County. Price 5s. boards, or 6s. neatly bound. CONTENTS. Page Rates of Inland Post 204 Rates of Foreign Post 205 City and County Officers and Members of Parliament 206 Brief Account of the Town of Dudley 207 Section Fifth. — Town of Dudley. . e 209 Brief Account of the Town of Kidderminster 247 Section Sixth. — Town of Kidderminster. . 250 Brief Account of the Town of Stourport. . . . 269 Section seventh. — Town of Stourport. . . . 270 Brief Account of the Borough of Bewdley , . 277 Section Eighth — Borough of Bewdley. . . . 279 Brief Account of the Town of Tenbury 288 Section Ninth — Town of Tenbury 289 Brief Account of the Borough of Evesham . . 295 Section Tenth — Borough of Evesham. . . . 297 Brief Account of the Town of Pershore .... 308 Section eleventh — Town of Pershore. . . . 309 Brief Account of the Town of Upton- upon- Severn , 315 Section Twelfth — Town of Upton-upon- Severn 316 Brief Account of the Town of Shipston-upon- Stour 322 Section thirteenth — Town of Shipston- upon-Stour 323 Brief Account of Parishes 329 Section Fourteenth — Parishes 343 Stamps, &c. at the end RATES OF INLAND POST. ALL double, treble, and other letters whatever, pay in proportion to the respective rates of single letters 5 but no letter or packet to and from places within the kingdom of Great Britain, together with the contents thereof, shall be charged more than as a treble letter, unless the same shall weigh an ounce when it shall be rated as four single letters, and so in proportion for every quarter of an ounce above that weight, reckoning each quarter of an ounce as a single letter. M <&xmt mimin. Postage of a Single Letter, From any Post -office in England or Wales to any place not exceeding 15 miles from such office 4d, For any distance above Id miles and not exceeding 20 5 . . . . » 20 miles, and not exceeding 30 6 SO miles, and not exceeding 50 7 . *. . 50 miles, and not exceeding SO 8 80 miles, and not exceeding 120 9 120 miles, and not exceeding 170 10 170 miles, and not exceeding 230 1 1 230 miles, and not exceeding 300 12 and so in proportion ; the postage increasing progressively one penny lor a single letter for every excess of distance of 100 miles. The safe conveyance of any sum of money not exceeding 5 guineas is guaranteed to any part of the kingdom by the respective deputy PostmasterSj on the payment of eight pence in the pound, and an order given, payable at sight on the deputy Postmaster where the remittance is required to be made, either in England, Scotland, or Ireland. FOREIGN POST. Single Letter to & from To & from London Falmouth America 2 2 1 3 West India Islands 2 2 1 3 Gibralter 2 10 1 11 Malta 3 2 2 3 Majorca 3 2 2 3 Sicily, Mediterranean 3 2 2 3 Madeira 2 7 1 8 Lisbon .2 6 1 7 Oporto 2 6 1 7 Spain 2 2 Brazils 3 6 2 7 France 1 2 Holland and the Netherlands. ... 1 4 Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Ger-~\ many, Prussia, Russia, and all I . « parts of the North of Europe, j through Hamburgh > Italy via France 1 11 Italy via Germany \ 8 No letters to any of the above places or parts (except the West Indies) can be forwarded unless the postage is paid. The inland postage of letters to London or Falmouth, coming from the country and going to foreign parts, must also be paid. Mails made up in London as follows, viz. France, every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Hamburgh and Holland, every Tuesday & Friday. America & Jamaica, 1st Wednesday in each month. Leeward Islands, 1st & 3rd Wednesday in each month Berbice, Surinam, 6c IHmerara, 2nd Wednesday in each month. Corunna, every 2nd Tuesday. Madiera & Brazils, 1st Tuesday in each month. Lisbon & Oporto, every Tuesday. Gibralter, Malta, Sicily, & Miditerranean^ every 3rd Tuesday, CITY & COUNTY OFFICERS. ©ttg. MAYOR— F. Hooper, Esq. TOWN CLERK— B. Johnson, Esq. DEPUTY TOWN CLERK— Mr. N. Mence. SHERIFF — Thomas Lessingham, Gent. UNDER SHERIFF— Mr. John Piatt. CORONERS— Mr. John Piatt, and Mr. Natha- niel Mence. CHAMBERLAINS— William Wanklin and Rich- ard Garmston, Gents. ©otmtg- LORD LIEUTENANT— Right Honorable Earl of Coventry. SHERIFF— Richard Griffiths, Thorngrove, Esq. UNDER SHERIFF— Mr R, Gillam, Worcester. RECEIVER GENERAL & TREASURER— Sir Anthony Lechmere, Bart. CLERK OF THE PEACE— Thomas Blayney, Esq. Evesham. DEPUTY CLERK— Mr. Geo. Hill, Worcester. CLERK OF THE INDICTMENTS— Mr. P. D'Courcy, Worcester rMr. Wm. Godson, Tenbury. CORONERS J Mr. George Hill, Worcester. LMr. Thos. Allen, Kidderminster. Jflfomkrs of parliament. Elected 1820. COUNTY— Hon. H. B. Lygon, and Sir T. E. Win- nington, Bart. CITY— Viscount Decrhurst, &T. H. H.Davies. Esq. BEWDLEY— W. A. Roberts, Esq. UROITWICH— T. Foley, Esq. & Earl of Sefton. EVESHAM— Sir C. Cockerell, Bart, and W. E. R. Boughton, Esq. A IB IB Q IB IF At r Finch Jeffrey, Bed-Screw Maker, Birmingham-st. Finch Francis, High-street Fisher Joh, Vict Holly-bush, Sterne-street Fisher and Co Great Bridge Fletcher John, Baker, High-street Fletcher William, Nail Ironmonger, High-street Foley Edward, Maltster., Tower-street Foster John, and Co Coal Masters, Scott's Green Franklin Thomas, Hair-dresser, Wolverhampton- street Freeth James, Baker, High-street Full wood William, Vict. Griffin, Stone- Street Gardner Richard, Clothier, Queen-street Garner Thomas, Clerk, King- street Garratt, Robert, Victualler, Gate, Church-street Geast F P Jun Surgeon, New Hall-st. Gibbons Benjamin, Level Iron Works Gibson, Samuel, Traveller, Flood-street Glazebrook George, Vict Wool Pack, High-street Glover George, Fire Iron Maker, Church- street Glover James, Fire Iron Maker, Martins Hill Gordon David, Fender Maker, Wolverhampton -st. Gordon Alexander, Wine and Spirit Merchant, High-street Grainger Edward, Butcher, High-street Grainger Charles, Grocer, Wolverhampton-stfeet Gray Thomas, Shopkeeper Tower-street Grazebrook Michael Iron Master, Blowers Green Great Francis, Surgeon, High -street Greathead Francis, Excise Office, High-street Greathead J. H. Clerk, King-street Green Joseph, Gent, Spring Field 216 DUDLEY. Green Robert, Clerk, Wolverhampton- street Green and Royle, Nail Manufacturers, Birming- ham-street Green John, Fender Maker, Tower-street Gregg Thomas, Blacksmith, Stone-street Griffin William, Sacking Manufacturer, High-st Griffin James, Upholsterer, High- street GrifJIn and Newman, Auctioneers, High-street and Castle-street Griffiths Thomas, Shoe Warehouse, High-street Grigg James, Confectioner, High-street Grosvenor Miss, Seminary, High-street Guest Wilier, Nail Ironmonger, Hall-street Guest Joseph, Nail Manufacturer, Wolverhamp- ton -street Guest Thomas, Builder, Wolverhampton- street Gwinnett Thomas, Clerk, High-street Gwinnett Joseph, Vict. Lion, High- street H JHaden Joseph, Rope Maker, Bagging Weaver, and dealer in Pitch, Tar, Hemp, &c. Dix- on's Green Haden Thomas, Shopkeeper, New Hall-street Haden Edward, Rope Maker, Castle-street Hall William, Cooper, Wolverhampton- street Hall Robert, Malt Mill Maker, High-street Hall William, Broker, Queen-stieet Hall Joseph, Shoe Maker, New-street Hand John, Confectioner, High-street Harper Joseph, Vict Bush, Castle-street Harper John, Fruit Salesman, Castle-street Harper Richard, Vice Maker, Castle-street Harper Joseph, Vict. Miners Arms, Queen+street DUDLEY. 217 Harper Mrs. Vict. Waggon and Horses, Spring Mire Harper Henry, Fruit Salesman, New-street Harrison and Son, Earthenware Manufacturers, Shavers End Harrison William, Draper and Tailor, High-street Hartell Miss, Ladies School, New-street Hartill Joseph, Pawnbroker, King- street Hatton Miss, School, High-street Hawke Elizabeth Pawnbroker, New Hall- street Hawkes Thomas and Co. Flint Glass Manufactu- rers, Stone-street Hawkes Roger Wright, Solicitor, Stone-street Hawkes Mrs. Gentlewoman, High-street Haxertine Joseph, Butcher, High-street Henlow William, Vict. Hearty Good Fellow, Bir- mingham-street Herbert Samuel, Glass Engraver, High -street Hewitt Kimber, School Master, High-street Hewitt James, Tailor, Castle-street Hickman W. J. Shoe Maker, Castle-street Higgs Joseph, Linen Draper and Haberdasher, High-street Hill Thomas, Tailor, Wolverhampton- street Hillman James, Clerk of the Market, High-street Hillman, Joseph, Tailor, New Haill-street Hines Thomas, Stay Maker, New Hall-street Hinton Mrs. Widow, Castle-street Hobson John, Vict, and Cooper,, Bird in Hand, New-street Hodgetts Booth, Esq. High-street Hodgetts Joseph, Nail Ironmonger, High-street Hodgetts Miss, Tower-street Hodgetts T. and W. and Co. Nail Ironmongers,, New Hall-street 2 A '2 18 DUDLEY. Hodgetts Hartley, Dealer in Iron, Holly Hall Hodgetts Joseph, Builder and Joiner, Vicar-street Hodson Joseph, Clock and Watch Maker, King-st. Holland John, Carpenter, High-street Holland Samuel, Baker, Hall- street Hollies Edward, Shopkeeper, Castle-street Hollington Joseph, Grocer and Chandler, High-st. Hollis Ann, Vict and Maltster, Oakwell-lane Holloway Thomas, Vict, and Shoe Maker, Sun, High- street Homer Richard, Maltster, New-street Homer John, Maltster, New- street Homer Peter, Maltster, Birmingham-street Homer Hannah, Maltster, Potters Field, Birming- ham-street Hordern and Molineux, Bankers, Queen -street Horton Daniel, Iron Boiler Manufacturer, Harts Hill Horton Moses Saddler and Harness Maker, High- street Hughes William, Vict Blue Pig, Stone-street Hughes and Co Linen Drapers and Haberdashers and Stamp Office, High -street Hughes, Horton and Downing, Iron Masters, Windmill End Hughes John, Clerk, Queen's Cross Hunt James, Nail Ironmonger, Wolverhampton st. Hyde Thomas, Vict, and Vice Maker, Wolver- hampton- street Jackson William, Plumber and Glazier, High-st. Jeavons and Co. Fire Clay and Brick Manufactu- facturers DUDLEY. 219 Jenns William, Vict. Ship and Rainbow, High- street Jenkins William, Cheese Factor. New Hall-st. Jenkins Joseph, Shopkeeper, Castle-street Jesson John, Shoe Maker, Hign-street Jessop Edward, Gent. Pool House-street Jewkes George, Fire Iron Maker, Wolverhamp- ton-street Jewkes Joseph, Vict. Green Man, Castle-street Johnson Hannah, Vict. King's Head Jones Thomas, iluckster, Hall-street Jones Benjamin, Bellows Maker, New-street Jones David Clothier, Queen-street Jordan Joseph, Hatter, Queen-street Jordau William, Boot and Shoe Maker, New-st. Jordan Benjamin, Vict, and Broker, New-strtet Izod William, Tailor and Draper, King-street K Kennedy William, Vict, Old Hare and Hounds, Birmingham-street Kenwick Henry, Tea Dealer and Tobaconist High-street Knight Aaron, Druggist, Queen-street Lakin Richard, Hatter, High street Langford Richard, Hall-street Lay Benjamin, Shopkeeper, High-street Leadbetter Benpmin, Clerk, Stone-street Lear Joseph, Vict Waggon and Horses, Hall-st. Lee Joseph, Wine and Spirit Merchant, High-st. Leech David, Hair Dresser, Hall- street 220 DUDLEY. Lewis and Palmer, Bottled Porter and Cyder Deal- ers, Stone- street Lloyd John, Bricklayer, Privey- street Lister Thomas, Pork Butcher, High-street Lowe John, Dealer in Earthenware, Hail-street M Maddox Thomas, Gardener and Seedsman, Castle- street Mainwaring William, Ground Bailiff, Church-st. Mainwaring Robert, Ground Bailiff, Flood-street Malpass Richard, Blacksmith, New-streeet Maulin Thomas and Co. Nail Ironmongers, High- street Maurice William, Bookseller .and Stationer, High- street Martin Thomas, Gentleman, Field Houses Mason Mrs Widow, Wolverhampton-street M'Donald John, Draper, New Hall- street M'Caul and Charters, Drapers and Tea Dealers, King-street M' Michael John, Draper and Tea Dealer, King-st. M'Michael and Co. Drapers, High-street Mellon William, Bookseller, High -street Mew Mrs. Day School, Wolverhampton-street Mild George, Linen Draper, New Hall-street Millard Susannah, Vict. Kings Head, Birming- ham-street Mills Sarah, Shopkeeper, Hall-street Mister William, Carpenter, Stone-street Morris Pierce, Clerk, Field Houses Morris Benjamin. Maltster, King-street Morris Ann, New- street Morris Robert, Hatter, High-street DUDLEY. 321 Morris Joseph, Vict. Colliers Arms, High-street Moss Joseph, Surgeon, Castle -street Mound John, Vict. Malt Shovel, Castle-street N Nash Sarah, Stiaw Hat Maker, Wolverhampton- street Newman Thomas, Bookseller and Stationer, Cas- tle-street Newry William, Wheelwright, New Hall-street Newry Joseph, Shoe Maker, New Hall- street Newry Oliver, Builder, King-street Newton John, Skinner, Wolverhampton- street Nichols Male, Grocer and Shopkeeper, New-street Nightingale Daniel, Shoe Maker, Hall-street Nock John, Farmer, Hall-street Pack wood Samuel, Bellows Maker, Hall-street Palmer Thomas, Vict Saracens Head^ Stone-st. Parker Mrs Widow, Castle- street Parkes John, Clerk, High-street Parkes Z, Iron Master, Park Head Furnace Parkes John, Vict Plume of Feathers, High-st. Parkes Edward, Gent. Tower-street Parkes George, Nail Ironmonger, Waddams Pool Parkes Zephaniah and Co. Glass Manufacturers, Holly Hall Parkes Joseph, Glass Cutter, Bob Pit Parish Charles, Butcher, High-street Parish Thomas, Butcher, High-street Parsons Daniel, Gent. Wolverhampton- street 222 DUDLEY. Paskin Samuel, Vict. Half Moon and Seven Stars", Hall- street Paskins Samuel, Academy, Vicar-street Pay ton Joseph, Auctioneer, Carver and Gilder, High-street Penn B D Druggist, High-street Pensotti Joseph, Barometer and Umbrella Maker, High-street Perkes Joseph, Cooper, High-street Perkes Henry, Cooper, King-street Perrins William, Tailor, Hall-street Perry John, Locksmith, King- street Phillips Richard, Maltster, Church-street Phillips John, Maltster, High-street Philpot Richard, Hood- street Phcenix Fire Office, Queen-street Pinncock William Vict. Swan Inn, High-street Pitt Joseph, Vict. Royal Oak, King-street Pitt Samuel, Upholder, and Bell hanger Hali-st. Pitt Job, Flour dealer, Wolverhampto ^-street Powell Richard, Plumber and Glazier, High-st. Power William, Vict and Farrier, Cross, High-st. Price John, Vict, and Bottled Porter Dealer, George and Dragon, Hall-street Prince Benjamin, Haberdasher, High-street Pyatt Francis, Grocer, Wolverhampton-street Pyatt John, Carpenter, New Hall-street Pyemont George, Plumber, Glazier, and Painter, Wolverhampton-street Pyke John, Watch Maker, Castle-street R Randies, John ; Maltster, High-street DUDLEY. 323 Rami John, Printer, Bookseller and Stationer, High- street Rami Joseph, Fishmonger, High-street Raybould M and A. Drapers, King-street Reynolds John, Worsted Maker, Castle-street Rhodes William, Flatter, Queen-street Richardson W H Clerk, Tower-street Richardson John, Baker, Wolverhampton- st. Ridley John, Carpenter, Privey-street Roberts Evan, Vict. Marquiss of Granby, Stone- street Roberts William, Hair Dresser, Castle-street Roberts Jane, Saddler and Harness Maker, Cas- tle-street Robinson Edward, Gent. Holly Hall, Robinson William, Shoe Maker, W^olverhampton- street Robinson Joseph, Sacking Manufacturer, Wol- verhampton - street Robinson J S Sacking Manufacturer, Wolver- hampton-street Robinson John Gent. Wolverhampton-street Robinson Rev Proctor, head Master of the Free Grammar School, High-street Robinson John, Solicitor, High-street Rogers Susannah, Watch Maker, Wolverhamp- ton-street Rogers Mary Ann, Straw Hat Maker, Wolver- hampton-street Round William, Grocer and Shopkeeper, High-st. Round Joseph, Vict. Windmill, Wolverhampton-st. Royle Joseph, Maltster and Hop Merchant, King- street Ryley Robert, Clothier, High-street 224 DUDLEY. S Salisbury and Co. Iron Masters, Old BuftVey Salisbury and Co. Iron Masters, New Buffrey Salt Joseph, Stone Mason, Wolverhampton-st. Salt Joseph, Jun. Stone Mason, Wolverhampton- street Sedgley William, Grocer and Hop Merchant, High-street Share John, Cabinet Maker, High-street Shaw R. G. Surgeon, High-street Shaw Gilbert, Vict. Barrel, High-street Shaw David, Vict. Holly Bush, Tower-street Shaw Titus Woolcomber, Hall- street Shaw Joseph, Vict. Currier's Arms, Hall-Street Shedden William, Woollen Draper and Clothier, High- street Sheldon Thomas, Ironmonger and Whitesmith, High street Shemmonds Sarah* Basket Maker, Hall- street Shirt and Boddington, Linen and Woollen Dra- pers, High- street Shore Joseph, Shopkeeper, High-street Shore Pharez, Vict. Bell, High-street Shorthouse Thomas, Wolverhampton- street Shorthouse Samuel, Wolverhampton-street Silver Thomas, Cut Glass Manufacturer, Castle-st. Silver Daniel, Glass Cutter High- street Slaney Z, Vict. Leopard, Church-street Smith Joseph, Carpenter, Castle-street Smith Isaac, Tailor, High-street Smith Benjamin* Hair Dresser, Wolverhampton- street Smith James, Butcher, Hall- street Southall Enoch, Cabinet Maker, High-street DUDLEY. 325 Southall John and Sons, Maltsters, Bakers, and Nail Factors, Flood- street Sprigg William, Linen and Woollen Draper, High- street Stamp Office, Hughes and Co. High-street Steedman A Maltster, Vicar-street Stephens Joseph, Birmingham Carriers, King-st. Stevenson James, Clothier, Queen-street Stiles Thomas, Linen and Woollen Draper, High- street Stinson Benjamin, Grocer and Tea Dealer, High- street Stinson Joseph, Grocer and Tea Dealer, High-st. Stokes Benjamin, Martin's Hill Storey Joseph, Maltster, King-street Storey William, Clerk, King-street Taylor James, Schoolmaster, Martin's Hill Taylor William, Grocer, High-street Terry John, Bottled Porter Merchant, High-street Terry Edward, Grocer and Tea Dealer, High-st. Tew Charles, Tailor, Hall-street Thomas Thomas, Shoe Maker, Queens Cress Thomas John, Shoe Maker Queens Cross Thomas Richard, Vict, and Sheriffs Officer, Green Dragon, King-street Thompson Joseph, Plumber and Glazier, New Hal I -street Tilley Tim .thy, Currier and Leather Seller, King- ston* Timmins Aaron, King-street Timmings Joseph, Fire Iron Maker, Flood-street Timmings Mary, Vict. Shakes pear's Head Hall-st. 2B 226 DUDLEY. Timmings Samuel, Boot and Shoe Maker, Hall-st * Timmings Joseph, Vict Peacock, High- street Timmings Richard, Brazier, High- street Timmings John, Leather Cutter, and Seller, and Boot and Shoe Maker, High-street Tompson John, Shoe Maker and Leather Seller, High -street Trouman Ezekiel, Vict. Old Bull's Head, Hall-st. Turner William, Vice Maker, Martins Hill Turner J, S. Chymist and Druggist, High-street Twamley John, Grocer and Chandler, High-street Vanes Benjamin, Nail Ironmonger, Hall-street W Wain wright, Jones, and Fereday, Iron Masters, Dixon's Green Wainwright and Roberts, Surgeons, High-street Wallace John, Clothier, High-street Wallace John, Clothier, High-street W r alters George, Bookseller, Printer and Statio- ner, High-street Ward Thomas, Clock Maker, High-street Ward Brian, Grocer and Tea Dealer, High-street Ward Henry, Academy, Tower- street Wathew Richard> Grocer, Wolverhampton-street Weaver William, Bricklayer, Wolverhampton- st. Webb Thomas, Vict. Crown and Anchor, Hall-st, Westley Brass Founder, Wolverhampton- street Whatmore William, Vict. Bull's Head, Stone-st. Wheldon Jeremiah,, Maltster, King^street DUDLEY. 227 Wheldon Joseph, Woolen Draper, and Tea Dealer, Queen-street Wheldon Mrs Day School, Privey- street Whetstone James, Baker, Queen-street White William, Vict Coach and Horses, Wolver- hampton- street White James, Vict. Lord Wellington, Tower- st. White house Benjamin, Iron Master, Easy Hill Whitehouse George, Cabinet Maker, Waddams Pool Whitehouse William, Grocer, &c Hall- street Whitehouse George, Draper and Tea Dealer, High- street Whitehouse John, Jun. Carrier, Castle-street Whitehurst, Moore and Guest, Nail and Chain Ma- nufacturers, New street Whyley Samuel, Vict and Blacksmith, Horse Shoe Wilcox Thomas, Dealer in Rags, New Hall-street Wilcox S Vict, Duke of York, King-street Wild Richard, Traveller, High-street Williams Marshall, Maltster, High-street Wilkes Richard, Grocer and Dealer in Malt and Hops, Wolverhampton-street Wilkes S Hair Dresser, Hall-street Wilkes John, Hardener, Bob Pit Wilkinson James, Vice and Anvil Maker, Castle- street Wilkinson Richaid, Surgeon, High-street Wilkinson John, Vict, and Vice Maker, 3 Crowns, High- street Wilkinson John, Vict New-street Wilkinson Edward, Vice Maker, Tower-street Wilkinson William, Maltster, Tower-street Willetts Thomas, Butcher, Birmingham- street Wilson John, Draper, King-street 228 DUDLEY. Willies John, Fender and Fire Iron Maker, King- street Wilson Sarah, Draper, Queen -street Windsor Joseph, Maltster, High-street Withers Henry, Tailor, Castle-street Wood John, Shopkeeper, Hall-street Wood Peter, Wolverhampton -street Wood John, Broker and Clothes Dealer, Queen? street Wood Thomas, Shoe and Blacking Maker, High- street Woodhouse Henry, Shopkeeper, Castle-street Woodhouse William, Baker, Castle-street Wooldridge- Shoe Maker, Birmingham-st. Woolley and Dudley, Vice and Anvil Makers, Castle-street Woolley Henry and Benjamin, Fire Shovel Pan Makers, Wolverhampton* street Worley Elizabeth, Shopkeeper, Hall-street Wright William, Vice Maker, Martin's Hill Wright Jesse, Builder, Cabinet Maker, and Sur- veyor, King-street Wright Elizabeth, Straw Hat Maker, Hall-street Wright Daniel, Seedsman, High-street Young, Joseph, Cooper, Stone-Street OF Trades and Profession*, IN DUDLEY, gljrtjafieticallg grrangrtu {Jpj^ For Residence refer to Alphabetical List. ARTISTS. Child Jonah ATTTORNIES. Bourne James, Josiah Greeen, and James Bourne Jun. Fellows William Hawkes Roger Wright Robinson John AUCTIONEERS. Bunch William Griffin and Newman Payton Joseph BAKERS. Baker William Cook William Creighton John Eld John 230 DUDLEY. 231 Fletcher John Freeth James Holland Samuel Richardson John Whitstone James Woodhouse William BANKERS. Dixon, Dalton, and Co. Hordern, Molineaux, and Co. BOOKSELLERS. Maurice William Mellon William Newman Thomas Rann John Walters George BOTTLED PORTER DEALERS. Aignworth William England George Lewis and Palmer Price John Terry John BRAZIERS. Bond Richard Brown «* Bullas Stephen ChinnerT. O. Darby William Sheldon Thomas Timmings Richard BREWERS. Dudley Company BRICKLAYERS. Bills Edward Lloyd John Weaver William BUTCHERS. Brinton James Bunn Charles Fellows Charles Fellows John Grainger Edward Haxertine Joseph Lister Thomas Parish Charles Parish Thomas Smith James Willetts Thomas CABINET MAKERS. Baker Joseph Share John Southall Enoch Whitehouse George 232 DUDLEY. 233 Wright Jesse CONFECTIONERS. CARPENTERS. Brazier James Grigg James Bissell Benjamin Hand John Fellows Benjamin Guest Thomas COOPERS. Hodgett Joseph Holland John Baker Thomas Mister William Hale William Newry Oliver Hobson John Pyatt John Perkes Joseph Ridley John Perkes John Smith Joseph CORNFACTORS. CLOCK & WATCH MAKERS. Bloxcidge Z. Dunn Samuel Devey William Pitt Job Hodson Joseph Wright Daniel PykeJohn Rogers Susannah DRUGGISTS. Ward Thomas Knight Aaron CLOTHIERS. Penn B. D. Turner J. S. Gardner Richard Jones David FIRE IRON AND FENDER Ryley Robert MANUFACTURERS. Sneddon William '•"•' ' Stevenson James Bloomer Caleb Wallace Thomas Burton James AVallace John Cole Mary Glover George 234 BUDLEY. 335 Glover James Gordon David Green John Jewkes George Timmings Joseph Willies John GLASS CUTTERS AND ENGRAVERS. Herbert Samuel Parkes Joseph Silver Thomas Silver Daniel GLASS MANUFACTURERS. Badgers Messrs Cook, Price, and Wood Davies and Hodgetts Davies Thomas Hawkes Thomas & Co. Parkes Z. & Co. GROCERS. Bailey George Bent John Blakeway Thomas Cherrington William Dunn Samuel Dunn David Eld William Grainger Charles Hollington Joseph Kenwick Mary M'Caul and Charters M'Michael John Pyatt Francis Sedgeley William Stinson Benjamin Stinson Joseph Taylor William Terry Edward Twamley John Ward Brian Wathew Richard Wheldon Joseph Whitehouse George Whitehouse William Wilkes Richard HAIR DRESSERS. Bisseli Thomas Franklin Thomas Leach David Roberts William Smith Benjamin Wilkes S. HATTERS. Devall George Jordan Joseph ' Lakin Richard Morris Robert Rhodes John 336 DUDLEY. J 37 INNS. Angel, S. Baker Apollo, R Bourne Barrel, G. Shaw Bell, P. Shore BirdinHand, J. Hobson Blue Pig, W. Hughes Bulls Head, \V. What- more Bush, J. Harper Castle, W. Bailey Coach and Horses, W. White Collier's Arms, J. Morris Cross, W. Power Crown and Anchor, W. Webb Currier's Arms, J. Shaw Duke of York, S Wilcox Duke of York, J Dick- inson Gate, R Garnatt George and Dragon, J. Price Green Dragon, R. Tho- mas Green Man, J. Jewkes Griffin W Fullwood Half Moon and Seven Stars, S. Paskin Hearty Good Fellow, W Henlow Holly Bush, W. Collins Holly Bush, J. Fisher Holly bush, D. Shaw 2 Horse Shoe, S. Whyley Hotel, J. Blewitt Kings Head, H. Johnson Kings Head, S. Millard Leopard, Z Slaney Lord Wellington, J. White Lyon, J. Gwinnett Malt Shovel, J Mound Marquis of Granby, E. Roberts Miners Arms, J Harper Old Bulls Head. E. Trowman Old Bush Inn, J. Cart- wright Old Hare and Hounds, W. Kennedy Old Hen and Chickens, A. Bennett Old Inn, J Condee Peacock, J Timmings Plume of Feathers, E. Ellwell Plume of Feathers, J. Parkes Royal Oak, J. Pitt Saracen's Head, T. Pal- mer Shakespear's Head, M. Timmings Ship and Rainbow, W. Jenns Shoulder of Mutton, W. Dudley C 23B DUDLEY. 239 Swan, J. W. Pinnock Talbot, W. Beasley Three Crowns, M. Beau- mont Three Crowns, J. Wilk- inson Waggon and Horses, J, Lear Waggon and Horses Mrs Harper Windmill, J. Round Woolpack, G. Glaze- brook IRON MASTERS. Atwoods and Co. Bancks C. Downing and Co. Gibbons Benjamin Grazebrook Michael Hughes, Horton, and Downing Parkes Zephaniah Salisbury and Co. Wainwright, Jones, and Ferreday Whitehouse Benjamin LINEN DRAPERS. Badger Richard Baker W. R. Bill John Ciemont J. M. Cook Samuel Dudley Benjamin Higgs Joseph Hughes and Co. M 'Donald John M'Caul and Charters M'Michael John M'Michael and Co. Mild George Raybould M. and A. Shirt and Boddington Sprigg William Stiles Thomas Wilson John Wilson Sarah MALTSTERS. Baker John Bridgewater Edward Day Mary England George Foley Edward Hollis Ann Homer John Homer Richard Homer Peter Homer Hannah Morris Benjamin Phillips Richard Phillips John Randies John Royle Joseph Southall John and Sons Steedman A. Storey Joseph Wheldon Jeremiah 240 DUDLEY. 241 Williams Marshall Wilkinson William Windsor Joseph NAIL IRONMONGERS. Badger Thos. and Isaac Bennett William Bennett and Bate Bloomer Joseph Cox Joseph and Son Darhy and Whitehouse Davies and Sons Davis Edward Davis Thomas Downing and Co. Dudley Hartall Fletcher William Green and Royle Guest William Guest Joseph Hodgetts T W. and Co. Hodgetts Joseph Hunt James Maulin Thomas & Co. Parkes George Vanes Benjamin Whitehurst, Moore, and Guest PLUMBERS AND GLAZIERS. Baker Thomas Jackson William Powell Richard Pymont George Thompson Joseph PRINTERS, Maurice and Co. Rann John Walters George SADDLERS. Caddick Samuel Challingworth Edward Cook Joseph Horton Moses Roberts Jane SCHOOLS. Booth Jarvis Ferney Mrs. Grosvenor Miss Hartell Miss. HattonMiss. Hewett Kimber Mew Miss. Paskins Samuel Robinson Rev. Proctor Tay James Ward Henry Wheldon Mrs. SHOE MAKERS. Allen John 342 DUDLEY. 343 Bate John Bruce William Blytheway John Blythevvay John, Jun. Earp Benjamin Griffiths I horn as Hall Joseph Hickman J W. Holloway Thomas Jesson John Jordan William Newry Joseph Nightingale Daniel Robinson William Thomas Thomas Thomas John Timmings Samuel Timmings John Tompson John Wood Thomas Woodridge ■ SKINNER. Newton John SMITHS. Baker Thomas Gregg Thomas Malpass Richard Perry John Power William Sheldon Thomas Whyley Samuel STONE MASONS. Eglington James Salt Joseph Salt Joseph, Jun. SURGEONS. Badley John Cart wright and Ash win Geast F. P. Jun. Great Francis Moss Joseph Shaw R. G. Wain wright and Roberts Wilkinson Richard SURVEYORS. Bunch William Wright Jesse TAYLORS. Aston Thomas Baggott John Baker Mark Benson William Boughey Joseph Brook George Butler Thomas Corbet George Harrison William 244 DUDLEY. 245 Hewitt James Hill Thomas Hillman Joseph Izod William Perring William Smith Isaac Tew Charles Withers Henry THREAD MANUFACTURER. Dudley Richard VICE MAKERS. Hyde Thomas Turner William Wilkinson James Wilkinson John Wooley and Dudley Wright William UPHOLDERS. Griffin James Pitt Samuel WHEELWRIGHTS. Deacon Benjamin Newry William WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS. Bond Mark Fehr Thomas Gordon Alexander Lee Joseph WOOLLEN DRAPERS. Badger Richard Baker Mark Baker W. R. Bill John Ciemont J and M. Cook Samuel Harrison William Izod William Shedding William Shirt and Boddington Sprigs William Stiles Thomas Wheldon Joseph WORSTED MANUFACTURER. Reynolds John 246 DUDLEY. COACHES FROM DIFFERENT INNS. -«««•}•»»>- Jtom tfie ®IU JSusI) Inn, BIRMINGHAM MAIL— every Morning at ten BIRMINGHAM COACH— every Morning at nine, and Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday Mornings at eleven. WOLVERHAMPTON— every Morning at half past nine WORCESTER— every Afternoon at half-past three JFrom tfje |^otel WOLVERHAMPTON— every Evening at eight, every Morning at half-past nine, and Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday Mornings at eight. KIDDERMINSTER— every Morning at ten. BIRMINGHAM— every Afternoon at half-past five WORCESTER— Daily at half-past three. FLY BOATS to London Manchester, Liverpool, Bristol, Worcester, &c. by Whitehouse & Sons. OF THE Towfi of Kidderminster JZ IDDERMINSTER, a Market Town and ■*■*- Borough in Halfshire Hundred, 14 miles from Worcester, and 126 from London, on the river Stour, containing 1636 houses, and 7036 inhabi- bitants, viz 3987 males, and 1049 females ; of whom 3658 were returned as employed in various trades and manufactures, and 345 in agriculture. This return was made in the year 1811, but the population is now considerably increased. The Church is a venerable Gothic structure, very large, and has of late been ornamented and repair- ed at a considerable expence ; in it are many curious ancient monuments. The tower, adjoining the church, is a strong lofty pile, containing eight bells. The Town Hall is a large commodious brick building, bein^ in part occupied by several tene- ments, and part for the prison. On the ground floor there are butcher's stalls^ above is the coun- cil chamber for transacting public business. The 248 KIDDERMINSTER. streets are well paved, and kept very clean , and the town has lately been lighted with gas. Here are twelve alms houses, and besides Sunday schools^ eight charity schools for boys and girls. Kidderminster was noted for its manufactures in the reign of Henry the 8th -, for broad cloths, af- terwards for wolseys, and at a subsequent period for bombazeens, crapes, and poplins. The Scotch and flat carpet manufacture, known by the name of Kidderminsters was introduced here about 1735. Some years since the cut carpet was wrought here with great skill, and in 1 772, the number of looms in the town and neighbourhood amounted to up- wards of 250. This manufacture gives employ- ment to more than half the population, a consider- able number of whom are employed in preparing the yarn for the manufactures. A silk manufac- tory was erected here in 1755, and one in imitation of the Marseilles quilting. The Lord of the manor holds a court leet for the prevention of encroachments and public nui- sances 5 and here is a court of requests for the re- covery of small debts. No county magistrate has a right to exercise any judicial authority in this borough, which is governed by a recorder and two magistrates, called the bailiff and justices -, the bailiff, who is one of the quorum, is annually elec- ted by his brother aldermen, twelve in number, with the concurrence of the twenty-five common council mem. It formerly sent members to par- liament. Here is a good grammar school at the east end of the church choir, free for all the inha- bitants of the town, endowed with lands and tene- KIDDERMIN8TER. '149 ments producing upwards of ^ 150. per annum for two Masters. The Staffordshire and Worcester Canal which pases this place opens a communica- tion to Hull, Liverpool, Manchester Bristol, &c. and other trading towns. It crosses the river Stour about 100 yards from the market place, at the foot of the eminence on which the church is erected and where there is a very commodious wharf and ware- houses Market on Thursday for all kinds of grain provisions, &c Fares Monday in the week before Easter, Holy Thursday, June 20th and 4th of Sep- tember, for all kinds of Merchandise The living is a vicarage rated at ^30 16s. 7d. with Mitton Chapel annexed, the clear annual va- lue being rather more than g£5QQ per annum. 2D OF THE COUNTY OF WORCESTER. mvt %%. SECTION SIXTH, CONTAINING THE TOWN OF mum IDRIfiSttQROtttttBo A ACOCK Benjamin, Shopkeeper, Bewdley road Aignsworth Jonathan, Hair Dresser, High-street Allbut Joseph, Constable and Town Cryer, Mill-st. Allcock Charles, Joiner and Shopkeeper, Mill-st. Badland Thomas, Shopkeeper, New-street Baker Joseph, and Son, Carpet Manufacturers, Pitts lane, Mill-street Barlow Thomas, Vict. Horn and Trumpet, Park Butts Barlow John, Vict. New Inn, Queen-street Barratt Henry, Carpet Manufacturer, Mill-street Barratt Mrs. Gentlewoman., Church-steeet KIDDERMINSTER. 351 JBartles William, Vict. Bell, Coventry-street Bayiiss and Wagstaff, Carpet Manufacturers, Mill- street Baylis Samuel, Maltster, Bewdley road Baynton Thomas, Grocer and Druggist, Swan-st. Beddoe Samuel, Baker, Swan- street Bennett Thomas, Locksmith, Blackwell-st. Bennett Thomas, Joiner, Mill-street Best John, Woolstapler and Felmonger, Mill-st. Best William, Baker, Horse Fair Be van James, Joiner, Horse Fair Bingley Miss, Ladies Seminary, Broadwaters Birchley John, Brazier and Tinman, Swan-street Bird, A Y. Solicitor, Church-street Bloomer John, Vict. Fox Inn, Swan- street Blundle and Cattell, Millers, C aid wall-row Blysit John, Vict. Land Oak, Birmingham Road Bore John, Plumber and Glazier, Worcester-st. Bowyer Joseph, Carpet Manufacturer, Vicar-st. Boycott and Edwards, Drapers, High-street Bradley Thomas, Surgeon, Swan-street Breadney John, Vict. Coach and Horses, Mill-st. Broad Mary, Confectioner, Blackwell-street Broad Charles, Baker and Maltster, Bull-ring Brookes Allen, Boot and Shoe Maker, Worces- ter-street Broom, Sons, and Horn, Carpet Manufacturers, Mill-street Broom Mrs. Gentlewoman, Blake Brook Broom Mrs. Herbert, Gentlewoman, Birmingham Road Brown George, Stone Mason, Queen-street Browne Joseph, Clock and Watch Maker, Black- 1 well-street Bucknell Thomas, Brewer, Black well-stiieet 3 52 KIDDERMINSTER. Bucknell John, Joiner, Blackwell- street Bullock Anthony, Baker, Worcester-street Burgess Mrs. Milliner, Waterloo-street Burrow Jobn, Baker and Maltster, Mill-street Capenhurst William, Butcher, Bull-ring Castre John, Boot and Shoe Maker, Mill-street Chadwick Isaac, Clothes Warehouse, Mill-street Chapman Thomas, Vict. Cow and Calf, Horse Fair Churley Robert, Hosier, Bull-ring Clymer Joseph, Boot and Shoe Maker, Mill-street Coates Richard, Vict. Fish, Fish-street Coates William, Drapei, Worcester- street Cock ell J. S. Shopkeeper, Barn-street Cole Charles, Vict Black Horse, Mill-street Cole James, and Sons, Carpet Manufacturers, Church-street Coley Joseph, Brazier and Tinman, Bull-ring Collins JNathaniel, Vict. Leopard, Hoo-lane Collins Edward, Boot and Shoe Maker, Coven- try-street Colwell James, Printer and Stationer, High-st. Cook Rev Thomas, Vicar- street Cooke Miss, Vict Red Man, Blackwell-street Cooke James, Shopkeeper, New-street Cooke William, Grocer, Swan -street Cooke Samuel, Baker, Blackwell-street Cooper Phoebe, Gentlewoman, Mill-street Cooper Mis. W Carpet Manufacturer, Mill-st. Cooper Mrs. J. Widow, Woodfield Cooper Joshua, Carpet Manufacturer, Vicar-street Cox Stephen, Clock and Watch Maker, High-st. KIDDERMINSTER. 253 Crane Joseph, Surgeon, Worcester- street Cresswell S. B. Veterinary Surgeon, Waterloo- street Crouther Thomas, Vict. Pied Bull, Mill-street Custins George, Surgeon, Bull-ring D Davis William, Vict. George and Dragon, Trini- ty-lane, Bull-ring Dixon Arthur, Surgeon, Church-street Dobson T & Son, Carpet Manufacturers, Church- street Dovey John, Butcher, High-street Doughty William, Surgeon, Mill-street Duncan Leonard, Draper, Worcester- street Dutton John, Clock and Watch Maker, Bull-ring E Emery Thomas, Solicitor, Church-street Evans John, Vict. Black Star, Blackwell- street Evans Richard, Boot and Shoe Maker, High-st. Fawcett John, Maltster, Queen-street Fawkes William, Schoolmaster, Church -street Fletcher Richard, Vict. Anchor, Worcester- street Flinn Joseph, Vict. Duke of York, Paradise-row Ford Thomas, Smith and Farrier, Woreester-st. Fox all William, Vict. Cross Keys, Worcester- street Fry Rev. William, Church- street 254 KIDDERMINSTER. G Garlick John, Shopkeeper, Queen- street Gaw John, Joiner, Blaekwell-street Godfrey Henry, Vict. White Lion, High-street Goodman Humphry, Joiner, Church-street Gough John, Vict, and Carpet Manufacturer, Gate, Mill-street Gongh John, Jun. Draper, High-street Gower and Pennelf, Printers, High -street Gregg S. and L. Confectioners, High-street Griffen S Mercer and Tailor, Bull-ring Grove G. and H Tailors and Drapers, High-st. Grosvenor Miss, Ladies Seminary, Waterloo-st. Grosvenor Benjamin, Rope Maker, Fish-street Gummery John, Saddler and Harness Maker, Blaekwell-street H H alien and Son, Solicitors, Worcester- street Ham Edward, Hair Dresser, Mill- street Hammond Levi, Shopkeeper, Mill-street Harris Thomas, Draper, Bull-ring Harris John, Vict. Angel, Worcester- street Hawker Thomas, Slater, Bird-lane Hawker James, Whitesmith, Coventry-street Head Samuel, Boot and Shoe Maker, Blaekwell- street Hickin Thomas, Coach Maker, Coventry-street Hill William, Hatter, High -street Hill Eleanor, Shoe Warehouse^ Bull-ring Hill Samuel, Tailor and Draper, Swan-street Hollingworth Albert, Farrier, Bewdley-road Hoak William, Hair Dresser, Blaekwell-street GUMJUERY SADLER, KIDDERMINSTER. 2 55 Hooman John, Maltster, Barn-street Hooman and Co Carpet Manufacturers, Nevr Road Hopkins William and Son, Grocers and Druggists, High-street Horn Samuel, Butcher, Church Fields Horton John, Ironmonger, Black well- street Horton James, Rope Maker, Square Horton Miss, Ladies Seminary, Blackwell-street Howartb John, Spinner, Mill-street Javons Thomas, Vice. Seven Stars, Coventry-st. Jeffreys John, Esq. Blake Brook Jenkins John, Grocer, Horse Fair Johnson John, Cooper, Swan-street Jones Richard, M. D. Caldwall-row Jones Thomas, Grocer and Druggist, High-street Jones Thomas, Shopkeeper, Swan-street Jones John, Vict. Boar's Head, Worcester- street K Knowles James, Butcher, Worcester-street L Law Richard, Butcher, Swan-streeet Lea John and Sons, Carpet and Bombazeen Ma- nufacturers, Mill- street - Lea Francis and Thomas, Carpet Manufacturers, Mill-street Lea, Carmicheal, and Lea, Bombazeen Manufac- turers, Mill- street "356 KIDDERMINSTER. Lea Joseph and Sons, Bombazeen Manufacturers, Church- street Lea & Newcombe, Carpet Manufacturers, Church- street Lea Mrs Gentlewoman, Shrubbery Lewis Richard, Vict. Wharf, Church-street Lioyd John, Pawnbroker, Blackw ell- street Lythall Widow, Vict, King's Head, Park Butts M Mason Joseph, Shopkeeper, Mill-street Mayers Mrs Vict. Three Tuns, Vicar-street Maxwell Richard, Tea Dealer, Coventry-street Millward Capt Superintendent of the Gas Works, Pitts Lane Moore Robert, Joiner, Swan-street Moore Daniel, Smith, Worcester-street N Nash Benjamin, Smith, Mill-street Nettleship John, Vict. Red Lion, Mill- street Newcombe John and Sons, Carpet Manufacturers, Mill-street Newson T J. Post Master, Church -street Nichols William, Grocer, High-street Onslow Rev R. F. Vicar,, Vicar-street Osborne William, Tailor, Bull-ring KIDDERMINSTER. 2,7/ Palmer S. Ladies Seminary, Church* street Patrick James, Butcher, Blackwell-street Pendlebury John, Vict Rose and Crown, Black- well-street Perring Henry, Esq. Church-street Perrins Thomas, Shopkeeper, Worcester-street Perry Thomas, Currier, Mill-street Pitt William, Agent to the Birmingham Fire Office, Mill-street Pitt Thomas, Vict. Royal George, New- street Pitt Francis, Joiner, Barn-street Plater Mrs. Shopkeeper, Bull-ring Potter Thomas, Shopkeeper, Worcester-street Potter Thomas, Vict, and Builder, Swan-Inn Porter John, Baker, Blackwell-street Porter William, Maltster, Blackwell-street Price Elizabeth, School, New-street Price Michael, Vict. Crown, Worcester- street Price Samuel, Cooper, Coventry-street Pritchard William, Wine Merchant, Swan- street R Read John, Builder, Blackwell-street Reynolds John, Vict. Bull, Swan- street Richards Bartholomew, Tailor, Worcester-street Richardson William, Staffordshire Warehouse, Worcester-street Roberts John Woolstapler, Mi 11- street Roberts Miss, Milliner, Bull-ring Roberts Thomas, Vict. Cock, Horse Fair Robinson Mrs. and Son, Carpet Manufacturers, Church- street 2E 258 KIDDERMINSTER. Rogers James, Vict. Bear, Stourbridge road Rogers Joseph and James, Tanners, Coventry- st Rooke John, Vict. Barley Mow, Bewdley road Russell John, Coal Merchant, Worcester- street Scott on Joseph, Hosier, High-street Seagar Benjamin, Maltster, Broadwaters Searl Walter, Vict Peacock, Horse Fair Sharman William, Manufacturer of Hosiery, Swan- street Sharman John, Shopkeeper, Union-street Shemmonds John, Brazier, High-street Shirley Robert, Carpet Manufacturer, Church-st Skeats Thomas, Vict. Wheat Sheaf, Worcester-st. Smith James, Hair Dresser, Worcester- street Smith J. T. Solicitor, Church-street South an Joseph, Vict. Dolphin, Worcester- street Sou than Mrs. Draper, High- street Spilsbury Richard, Butcher, Mill- street Sprigg James, Draper, Bull Ring Stanley E. Wharfinger, Wharf Stockdale Joseph, Coal Dealer, New- street Stokes Thomas, Shoe Maker, Black well- street Summers William, Saddler, Worcester- street Talbott G. and H. Carpet and Bombazeen Manu- facturers, Mill- street Talbott Benjamin, Vict. Pheasant, Mill-street Thrustan James, Vict. Plough, Churchfields Turrall Benjamin, Miller, Mill-street Tyther W. Vict. Golden Cross, Worcester Cross KIDDERMINSTER. 259 w Wakcman, Farley and Co. Bank, High-street Walters Joseph, Vict. Lyttleton's Arms, Callows Lane Ward Joseph, Currier, Coventry- street Ward Rev Mr, Church-street Watson Richard, Carpet Manufacturer, Church-st. Welch Thomas, Ironmonger, High-street Walters William, Vict. Union, Worcester- street Whitconihe, Goodman and Co. Carpet Manufactu- rers, Church-street W T hitcombe Thomas, Hatter, Bull Ring White William, Butcher, Vicar-street Willey James, Vict. Old Compasses, Coventry-st. Willis B P Plumber and Glazier, Worcester- st. Willis Richard, Shopkeeper, Square Woodward and Morton, Carpet Manufacturers, Vicar- street Wright Charles, Carpet Manufacturer, Vicar-st. Wright Eli, Pawnbroker, Fish- street a mm OF Trades and Professions IN KIDDERMINSTER, ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. <««•}♦»»- ATTORNIES. Bird A. Y. Emery Thomas H alien and Son Smith J. T. BAKERS. Best William Broad Charles Bullock Anthony Beddoe Samuel Cooke Samuel Porter John BANKERS. Wakeman, Farley, & Co, BOMBAZEEN MANUFACTURERS. Lea John, and Sons Lea, Carmicheal, & Lea Lea Joseph, and Sons Talbot G. and H. BOOKSELLERS AND PRINTERS. Colwell James Gower and Pennell BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Brookes Allen Castre John Collins Edward Clymer Joseph 1&2 KIDDERMINSTER . 263 Evans Richard Head Samuel Stokes Thomas BRAZIERS AND IRONMONGERS. Birch ley John Coley Joseph Horton John Shemmonds John Welch Thomas BUTCHERS. Capenhurst William Dovey John Horn Samuel Knowles James Law Richard White William CARPET MANUFACTURERS. Lea John and Sons Lea Francis & Thomas Lea and Newcoinbe Newcombe John & Sons Robinson Mrs. and Son Shirley Robert Talbott G. & H. Watson Richard Whitcombe, Goodman, and Co. Wright Charles Woodward and Morton GROCERS, &c. Baynton Thomas Cooke William Hopkins William Jenkins John Jones Thomas Nichols William HAIR DRESSERS. Barratt Henry Baylis and Wagstaff Broom, Sons, and Horn Bowyer Joseph Cooper Mrs W. Cooper Joshua Cole James and Sons Dobson T. and Son Gough John Hooman and Co. Aignsworth Jonathan Foxall William Hook William Ham Edward Smith James HATTERS. Hill William Whitcombe Thoma* 264 KIDDERMINSTER. 265 HOSIERS. Cburley Robert Scotton Mrs. Sharman William INNS. Anchor, R. Fletcher Ansel, J. Harris Barley Mow, J. Rooke Bear, J Rogers Bell, W Bartles Black Horse, C, Cole Black Star, J. Evans Boar's Head, J, Jones Bull, J, Reynolds Coach and Horses, J. Breadney Cock, James Roberts Cow and Calf, T. Chap- man Cross Keys, W. Foxall Crown, M. Price Dolphin, J. Southan Duke of York, J. Flinn Fish, R. Coates Fox, J. Bloomer Gate, J. Gough George, W. Davis Golden Cross, W. Ty- ther Horn and Trumpet, T. Barlow King's Head, Widow Lythall Land Oak, J. Blysit Leopard, N. Collins Lyttelton's Arms, J. Walters Lion Inn, H, Godfrey New Inn, J. Barlow Old Compasses, J. Wil- ley Old Plough, J. Ryder Peacock, W. Searl Pheasant, B. Talbott Pied Bull, T. Crowther Plough, J. Thruston Red Man, Miss Cooke Red Lion, J . Nettleship Rose and Crown, J. Pen- dlebury Royal George, T. Pitt Seven Stars, T. Javons Swan, T. Potter Three Tuns, Mrs. May- ers Union, W. Walters Wharf, R. Lewis Wheat Sheaf, T.Skeats JOINERS. Allcock Charles Bennett Thomas Bevan James i Bucknell John 266 KIDDERMINSTER. 267 Gaw John Goodman Humphrey Moore Robert Pitt Frauds LINEN & WOOLLEN DRAPERS. Boycott and Edwards Coates William Duncan Leonard Gough John, Jim. Harris Thomas Southan Mrs. Sprigg James MALTSTERS. Baylis Samuel Burrow John Faweett John Hooman John Porter William Seagar Benjamin SADDLERS. Gummery John Summers William SCHOOLS. Bingley Miss Fawkes William Grosvener Miss Horton Miss Palmer Samuel Price Elizabeth SMITHS. Bennett Thoma* Ford Thomas Hawker James Moore Daniel Nash Benjamin SURGEONS. Bradley Thomas C us tins George Dixon Arthur Crane Joseph Doughty William TAILORS. Griffin Samuel Grove George Hill Samuel Osborne William Richards Bartholomew TANNERS. Rogers Joseph & James WATCH MAKERS. Browne Joseph Cox Stephen WOOLSTAPLERS. Best John Roberts John COACHES FROM DIFFERENT IN '/VS. Jtom tfyz Hon Inn, f^tgtwtrm, SHREWSBURY & HOLYHEAD-every Morn- ing at Eleven WOLVERHAMPTON— every Morning at seven, evening at five. WORCESTER — every Morning at nine, evening at six BIRMINGHAM — every Morning at eight and nine BIRMINGHAM MAIL— through Bromsgrove, every Morning at eleven. Jrom tff 1 fflacft i^orse. SHREWSBURY & HOLYHEAD— every Morn- ing at ten. WORCESTER— every Evening at six. WOLVERHAMPTON— every Morning at seven and half-past twelve TYER'S CARAVAN to WORCESTER, Mon- day, Wednesday, and Saturday Mornings at eight. WATER CONVEYANCE to all parts of the kingdom, by J. Stanley, Wharf. A OF THE TOWN OF STOURPORT. ^TOURPORT, a market Town, situated upon ^the east bank of the Severn. A few years since this town was almost a barren sandy heath, till the junction of the Staffordshire Canal with the Severn was formed at this place, which from an insignificant village, is now become a neat and handsome town New buildings are continually springing up, and its wharfs, extensive basons, and busy traffic, present a lively picture of a little sea- port. By means of the Canal from this place there is an easy communication with most parts of the north, Manchester, Liverpool, &c. The Manu- facturers of Birmingham and the adjacent towns derive great advantage from having their heaviest products conveyed by w r ater to the principal sea- ports in the kingdom, without any material addi- tion to their original price. The first bason was opened in 1771, after an expence of ^ 105,000. A considerable trade is carried on here in coals, corn, hops and fruit. The houses in general are well built and the population upwards of 2000. Market on Wednesday for all kinds of provisions. Fairs, March 27, September 14, and December 18. 2F OF THE COUNTY OF WORCESTER. ma m. SECTION SEVENTH, CONTAINING THE TOWN OF Allen William, Tailor, High-street Ames J. G. and Co, Canal Carriers Ames and Jones, Wharfingers, Trow Owners and Severn Carriers B Baldwin, Son and Co. Iron Foundry Ball Thomas, Vict. Bridge Inn, Bridge-street Bannister William, Chemist and Druggist, York- street Barnett Samuel, Maltster, New- street Barnett, Meaby, Barnett, and Co. Trow Owners, Wharfingers and General Carriers Barnett Thomas, Iron Merchant, Mart Lane Barnett John, Barge Owner, High- street STOURPORT. 2/1 Bateman S. J. Tea Dealer, High-street Bates Joseph, Waterman, High-street Baynham John, Shoemaker, Bridge-street Beaman Thomas, Grocer, High-street Belsham G. Severn Owner, Bridge-street Belsham and Reynolds, Trow Owners and Severn Carriers Best Thomas, Shopkeeper, High-street Bickley, Danks, and Co. Canal Carriers Bird John, Boat and Barge Builder, Bridge- st. Bird John, Plumber and Glazier, High-street Bird William, Vict Bell Inn, Church-street Bishop William, Tailor & Habit Maker, High-st. Blundell T. Corn Dealer and Miller Bore John, Plumber and Glazier, High-street Broad Henry, Maltster and Baker Busby Thomas, Ironmonger and Builder, Bridge- street C Cattell William, Corn Dealer Carey Misses, Bridge- street Carter Robert, Shoe Maker, High-street Coley Joseph, Brazier, High- street Cooper William, Wool and Spinning Manufactory Corker Charles, Boat Builder, York-street Cresswell James, Commercial School, York-street Crump John, Cooper, High-street Danks S. and Co, Canal Carriers Davis Rev. David Davis Thomas, Skinner Dewsbury Benj. Salt Warehouse & Severn Owner 272 ST0URP0RT. E Edwards S. Straw Bonnet Maker, High-street Edwards J. Shoe Maker, York-street Fenton Joseph, Hair Dresser, High- street Firmstone Joseph, Coal Merchant, Lichfield-sfc. G Gill Thomas, Corn Dealer, New- street Goodman Thomas, Cooper, Church-street Green John, Wood Turner, Bridge- street Greensill Edward, Coal Merchant, High- street H Harris Richard^ Tailor and Draper, High-street Harriston T. Baker, York -street Heath Matthew, Canal Carrier, Wharfinger and Coal Merchant Heath, Tyler, and Danks, General Carriers Hepworth T. and J. Barge Builders Hill W. and R. Drapers and Tea Dealers, High-st. Hill Ann, Gentlewoman, High-street Hinton C. Milliner and Dress Maker, Lichfield-st. Holt William Cabinet Maker Howell Richard, Vict. Red Lion, Hudson John, Currier, New-street Jeff John, Grocer and Tea Dealer, High-street STOURPORT. 273 Jeffreys Joseph, Boat Builder, New-street Jukes and Watson, Surgeons, High-street K Kerby William, Druggist and Grocer, York-street Kerby Mrs Widow, Mart Lane Knight James, Tailor and Draper, Bridge-street Lane John, Vict. Lord Nelson, York-street Lashford John, ^hoe Maker, High-street Lewty Edmund, Post Master, High-street Little Henry, Baker, Bridge-street Lowe Joseph, Perfumer and Hair Dresser, Bridge- gtreet Lowe Mrs Straw Bonnet Maker, Bridge-street M Miles William, Waterman, Mart Lane Moore Joseph, Saddler, Morris George, Shoe Maker, High-street Morris John, Vict. Black Star, Church-street Muskin Charles, Butcher, High -street Mytton William, Mercer and Draper, Bridge-st. N Nichols Richard, Vict Union , Lichfield-street Nicholson George, Printer and Bookseller, Bridge- street Nicklin Daniel, Blacksmith, High-street Northall W. K. Academy, New-street 274 STOURPORT. Owen and Co. Grocers and Ironmongers,, Bridge- street Owen John, Gent. New-street Palmer Samuel, Gent. Church-street Palmer John, Vict. White Lion, Church-street Parkins George, Wool stapler, Mart-lane Perks John Wood, Farmer, Tichney Philpot Thomas, Traveller, New- street Pidduck Joseph, Draper and Mercer, Bridge- st. Pitt Joseph, Timberley, Gent. Pyndar Rev. Reginald, Areley-house R Raine Thomas, Plaisterer, Bridge-street Rice John, Coal Dealer, Foundry- street Rowley Levi, Coal Merchant, Bridge-street Rowley J. & J. Timber Merchants, Bridge-street Rowley William, Grocer, New- street Russell and Webb, Coal Merchants, Mart-lane Saddler Thomas, Vict. Hop-pole, York-street Shaw Thomas Vict. Swan Inn, High -street Shaw Joseph, Hatter, York-street Smith Edward, Timber Merchant, High-street Smith Jesse, Vict. Duke of Wellington, York-st. Stephens William, Barge Owner, Church-street Swan James, Vinegar Merchant, Lichfield- street STOURPORT. 275 Swan William, Maltster T Thomas John, Druggist and Grocer, High-street Tonkas William, Shoe Maker, Church-street Twemlow Christopher, Plumber and Glazier, High -street Tyler Edmund, Wharfinger, New-street Tyler Thomas, Jun. Grocer, Lichfield- street W Wagstaff Samuel, Gent. York-street Wakeman, Farley, and Co. Bank, York-street Walker Henry, Church- street Ward John, Stone Mason, and Builder Wilde William, Severn Carrier, and Coal Merchant Wihxot Arabella, Dress Maker, High- street Worthington Mrs. Coffee Rooms, New-street Worthington Jonathan, Gent. Wright John and George, Timber and Coal Mer- chants, Bridge-street Wynne Thomas, Grocer and Seedsman, Bridge-st. Yates Benjamin, Barge Owner, Church-street Yates John, Sen. Gent. Lichfield-street Yates John, Jun Barge Owner, Lichfield-street Yates Thomas, Barge Owner, Lichfield-street Yates Mrs. Shopkeeper, York-street Yapp Richard, Shoe Maker, High-street York and Worthington, Canal Carriers FROM DIFFERENT INNS. -«««•}•»»»- WORCESTER — every evening at half-past six. WOLVERHAMPTON— every Morning at half- past six Jrom tfie Macft Sbtar. WORCESTER— every Morning at half-past nine, every evening at half-past six. WOVERHAMPTON— every Morning at half- past six. SgRater Carriage. LIVERPOOL, MANCHESTER, CHESTER, &c. — J. G. Ames and Co. — Bickley, Danks, and Co — Heath, Tyler, and Danks. — York and Worthington. SHARDLOW, GAINSBRO', HULL, &c.— Heath, Tyler, and Danks. BIRMIMGH \M, TIPTON, &c —Danks & Co. WORCESTER, (GLOUCESTER, BRISTOL, &c. and GENERAL CARRIERS on SE- VERN. — Belsham and Reynolds. — Barnett, Meaby, Barnett, and Co. — Ames andJones. — York and Co.-r-J. Jones, Jun. OF THE TOWN OF BE WD LEY. TSEWDLEY, a Borough and Market town, in ■*^the parish of Ribbesford, situated on the river Severn, 3 miles from Kidderminster, and 132 from London. In 1811 it contained 787 houses, and 3671 inhabitants, of whom 939 were returned as employed in trade and manufacture, The new chapel which is a neat edifice is in the centre of the town, built in 1748 : at a small distance from which, stood the Old Shambles, or the Walk, be- ing a long range of timber buildings open on both sides, and were removed in 1 783. In 1795 an Act of Parliament was obtained for building a new bridge over the Severn, which leads directly down from the main street ; the bridge is a very light and elegant stone structure, consisting of three arches with a toll house at the east end. Henry the 7th built a palace here for his son Arthur, at which the ceremony of his marriage with the in- fanta of Spain by her proxy, was performed on Whitsunday, 1499 ; his corpse also rested here 2G 278 BEWDLEY. on its way from Ludlow to Worcester, the place of its interment In the town are several dissent- ing meeting houses, and a free grammar school founded by James the I st It formerly sent two members to parliament, but now only one The town enjoys a good trade in malt, leather, horn, and Dutch and sailors caps, which are much prized for their excellent napping, a considerable number of which are sent to London and other places for exportation. The corporation consists of a Bailiff, with 12 Aldermen and Burgesses. At Blackstone, a beautiful rock on the edge of the Severn, is an hermitage very curiously excavated in the rock, with a chapel and several apartments. The mar- ket is on Saturday, which is well supplied with cattle, corn, hops, &c. Fairs, April 23, July 25, and December 10. OF THE COUNTY OF WORCESTER. #art m. SECTION EIGHTH, CONTAINING THE TOWN OF A Allcock Benjamin, Corn Dealer, Load- street Allcock Benjamin, Tailor, High-street Allen Charles, Watch Maker, Load-street Allen William, Tailor and Draper, Load-street Allen Mary, Capper, Welchgate Allport Jane, Tanner, Lower Park Asprey Mrs. Load- street B Baker Slade, Solicitor, High-street Baker Ann, Severn side Baker George, Tanner, Severn side Baker John, Mercer, Load- street Baldwin Thomas, Farmer Banks Thomas, Load-street 280 BEWDLEY. Banks Miss, Load-street Barber James, Dog- lane Barnett Joseph, Shoemaker, Load -street Baugh Mrs. High-street Baugh Miss, Load- street Bayman Martha, High-street Baylis Robert, High-street Beach Thomas, Bag Weaver, High-street Beach Edward, Shoemaker, Load-street Beale Jame<, Load-street Beddoe John, Owner, Severn side Bennett Thomas, Cabinet Maker, Load-street Bennett Mrs. High-street Bibb John, Butcher Blencow and Co. Druggists, Load-street Blount Thomas, Baker, Welchgate Bradney Mrs. Park -lane Bradney Mrs. Severn side Breeze John, Vict. King's Head, High-street Brian Edward, Mason, Load-street Brookholding John, Hop and Seed Merchant; Load- street Brookes John, Liquor Merchant, High-street Brookes George, High-street Brown Thomas, Shoemaker, Welchgate Brown Thomas, Shopkeeper, Welchgate Buck lee Thomas, Currier, High- street Burlton James, Maltster and Capper, High-street Burton Philip, Sailor and School Boy Cap Manu- facturer, High-street Bury John, Solicitor, Load- street Cart wright Thomas, Merchant, High-street BEWDLEY. 281 Cartwright and Beddoe, Mercers, Load- street Cart wright Mrs. Severn side Cartwright Vict. Rose and Crown Cawood Rev. John, High-street Challenger Thomas, Maltster, Load-street Clarke Daniel, Solicitor, Park-lane Clarke Mrs. Vict. King of Prussia, Load-street Cocksedge Henry, Load-street Coles James, Butcher and Vict. Angel, Load-st. Coles Miss, Liquor Vaults, Load-street Coles John, Butcher, High-street Cook James, Wood Collier, Welchgate Cook Richard, Farmer and Vict. Running Horse Coombes William, Shopkeeper, Load-street Cooper Thomas, Oatmeal Grinder Corker Ann, Carrier on Severn, Severn side Court John, Vict. Old Pack Horse, Load-street Cox John, Shopkeeper Crane T. H. Chandler, Load-street Crane Joseph, Ironmonger, Load- street Crudgington Charles, High -street Crump Joseph, Load-street Crump John, Maltster, Load-street Crump Charles, Farmer Crump Sarah, Cooper, Load-street Crump Jane, Vict. Cock and Magpie, Severn side Crump Thomas, Oatmeal Grinder D Danks Samuel, Printer, Load-street Davis William, Shopkeeper, High-street Davis Thomas, Supervisor, High-street Davis Mary, Farmer Davis Charles, Park-lane 282 BEWDLEY. Doughton John, Grocer, Load-street Dodd Richard, Maltster, Severn side Dovey Mary, Farmer Draper Benjamin, Vict. Dog Wheel, Dog-lane Dugard Miss, Toy Shop, Load-street Dutton Mrs. High-street E Edwards William, Butcher, Load-street Edwards Mrs. Severn side Evans Thomas, Vict. Peacock, Lower Park Farmer Samuel, Seedsman, Load-street Farmer Joseph, Saddler, Load-street Farr James, Watchmaker, High-street Field John, Carrier on Servern, Severn side Fowler George, Wheelwright, Dog-lane Fox John, Cooper, High-street Frazier Richard, Farmer Fry Phillip, Grocer, Load- street Fryer James, Surgeon, Load- street Fryer Thomas, Hair Dresser, Load- street Gill Richard, Tinman, Load- street Godsall William, Vict. Wheat Sheaf, Load-street Griffin John, Vict. Fox, Load-street Griffin Richard, Cabinet Maker, High-street Grove Samuel, Hair Dresser, High-street Green Miss, Load- street Gunn Jonathan, Load-street BEWDLEY. 283 H Hadduck William, Horner and Comb Manufac- turer, High-street Hammonds John, Baker and Confectioner, Load- street Hammonds Thomas, Mason, High-street Hammonds Charles, Shoemaker, Load-street Harding Miss, High-street Hayley Thomas Lower Park Hazlewood Mrs Load-street Hill William, Vict Blue Boar, High-street Hill Elizabeth, Shopkeeper, Load-street Holder James, Tobacconist, High-street Holliday Mrs High- street Hughes John, Grocer, Load-street Hughes William, Blacksmith, Dog- lane Hume Joseph, Vict. Hole in the Wall, Load-st. Hume Benjamin, Vict. Load-street Humphriom Joseph, Horn Turner, High-street Hunt James, Banbury Lock Manufacturer, High- street James Miss, Mantua Maker, High-street James William, Turner Jefferies Grant, Saddler, Load-street JefFeries James, Druggist, Load-street Jefferies Francis, Jun Vict. Swan, Load-street Jefferies Francis, Sen Vict. Barley Mow, High-st. Jefferies Edward, Vict Sun, Severn side Jefferies Benjamin, Oatmeal Grinder Jevons James, Plumber and Glazier, High-street Jones Rev. John, High-street 284 BEWDLEY. Jones Thomas, Stone Mason, Severn side Jones Richard, Wood Collier K King John, Powder Flask Maker Knowles John, Load- street Knowles Margaret, Grocer, Load-street Knowles Richard, Maltster Knowles James, Farmer Knowles Thomas, Miller Lambert John, Shoemaker, High-street Lane James, Vict. Pack Horse, High-street Lane Joseph, Seedsman, High-street Lane Isaac, Shopkeeper, Load- street Lank aster Benjamin, Comb Maker, High- street Lankaster Thomas, Comb Maker, High-street Lankaster John, Shopkeeper, Severn-side Laton John, Farmer Lawleys Messrs Mercers, Load-street Lister John, Severn side Lea William, Brush Maker, Severn side Lewis Miss, Ladies Seminary, Load-street Lewis James, Corn Dealer, Severn side Lloyd Samuel, Vict. Labour in vain, Severn side Lucus Edward, Vict, Star and Garter M Mann Ann, Pawnbroker, Load-street Mantle Francis, Vict. Old Hop- pole, Load-street Marshall Mrs. Load-street Ifarsc:. Tb:~ai. Mal:s:e: 5 e Terr. 5: :e V:.!i \> :--'_:. L-.;:;';.t: L -. -r: ::: M::::s v x:.-:-. C::r. Deader. L:a:-s:ree- W M. Esq T .V;;.:e;.y : . r V \~— :y J:':.:-.. B-^:r.g Weaver, Loi:i-s::e- M- T::'£er: Hi".: '.' ■"■.-: s I .: "' -.:.-::.. G:: :e: "-.:..; ; L:: .;-s: Pardee, Vceo'.s. aid Co Bankers Pardee ae: N deeds. Sedic iters. L:a:>s::ee: :t Mrs Park Parkes Mrs L:-e: Park Patche:: Wbd:arr.. Butcher. Welcbrate FaytoD Nathaniel, Joiner and V! : : TaMfet, High- s'reer 5::ee Mi?::. D:i:-la::e Pilkington Thomas, Surgeee. H:/e-s::eet Piper Joseph, Load- street Piper William, Grocer and Chac :de:, L - Piper James. Cabinet Maker, High-street P::: Thomas. Bu::br:. Weithirate Pxdei Mary, Coal Dealer, Severn side Poumner Sarah, Hatter, Load-street Poantney William, Tinman, High-street Wdbarr.. V:;: Bia:* Boy :'. • : M ■■■ . Fareee: •: h 286 BEWDLEY-. Prattington Peter, Esq. High-street Prattington William, Grocer, Load-street Price William Butcher, Load- street Pugh William, Baker, Load-street R Radnall Miss, High-street Radnall Samuel, Vict. Hop-pole Reynolds Mrs. Baker, Severn side Richards -Yarn Manufacturer, Load-street Roberts Wilson Aylesbury, Esq. M. P. High-st. Roberts, Baker, and Crane, Bankers, High-street Roberts Miss, Severn side Roberts F. R. Maltster, Load-street Roberts Rebecca, Lower Park Romney Samuel, Baker, High- street Rule Miss, High-srreet Scarlett Mrs. Severn side Shaw Thomas, Currier, Park-lane Sheldon Francis, Glazier, Severn side Simmonds Mary, High-street Skelding Joseph, Farmer Skey Jonathan, Dry Salter, Load-street Skeys Exors. Dry S alters, Severn side Smith Benjamin, Tailor, Load-street Smith John, Rope Maker and Vict. Severn side Southall Edward, Farmer Stewart Mary, Severn-side Stokes George, Vict, Currier's Arms, High-street Symmonds James, Horner and Comb Maker, Lower Park BE WD LEY. 287 T Taylor John, Vict. Black Boy, Welch gate Tench George, Miller Tench James, High- street Thomas Anthony, Schoolmaster, Load -street Tudor Tailor, Load- street Turnington William, Farmer Tyler John, Corn Dealer, Severn side Tyler Peter, Vict. Duke William, Severn side Tyler Elizabeth, Vict Anchor, Welchgate W Walker John, Exciseman, High-street Wall Richard, Shoemaker, Load-street Westwood John, Brushmaker, Load-street Wigmore Mary, Vict. Black Boy, Severn side Williams Henry, Shopkeeper, Load-street Winwood Thomas, Vict. Waggon and Horses, Welchgate Wysam Miss, High-street iUnfc atttr Wiattv Carriage* MAIL, to Worcester every Afternoon 3 to Kid- derminster, Stourbridge, and Dudley, every Morning. SMITH'S CARAVAN, to Worcester Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday Mornings. FIELD'S BARGE, to Worcester twice a week. CORKER'S BARGE, to Worcester twice a week. OF THK TOWN OF TEN BURY. HPENBURY, a market Town, 22 miles from -*- Worcester, 9 from Leominster, and 134 from London It is situated on the bank of the river Team, which divides it from Salop. According to the last census in 1 8 1 1 , it contained 1 85 houses and 905 inhabitants, exclusive of the Hamlet called the Foreign, containing 44 houses and 233 inha- bitants. On the north side of the town is a neat stone Bridge consisting of six arches over the river Team, which divides the counties of Worcester and Salop. The river here is very subject to flood, as on the south side of the town a small brook called Kyre empties itself into the Team, and is of- ten blocked up by it. The great flood, November 17th, 1 7 70, threw down the south and middle aisles of the church, by which means the windows, organ, &c. were broken, and the monuments much injured. Here are annual horse races, respectably attended. The market is on Tuesday, and its fairs are 25th of April, 18th of July, and 26th of September. OF THE COUNTY OF WORCESTER. mtt *$. SECTION NINTH, CONTAINING THE TOWN OF ^ne© linens A Andrews George, Vict. Bell Inn, Market-street B Bangham Edward, Maltster, Team-street Benbow Thomas, Draper and Grocer, Cross Blakeway Thomas, Mercer and Draper, Team-st. Brunt Thomas, Shoe Maker, Team-street Brunt Elizabeth, Toy Shop Team-street Burbridge John, Shopkeeper, Team-street Carter Joseph, Tailor, Team-street Cheese John Surgeon, Cross 290 TENBUKY. Clarke Thomas, Surgeon, Team-street Clarke William, Butcher, Team-street Colley George, Draper, Team-street Collins John, Shoe Maker, Team-street Collins Jane, Stay Maker, Team -street Crane Samuel, Plumber and Glazier, Team-street D Davis Thomas, Surgeon, Market-street Deakins Richard, Vict, Crown Inn, Team-street Dearne Joseph, Nail Ironmonger, Cross-street Dovey James, Wheelwright. Crossrstreet Drew Thomas, Vict. Royal Oak, Market-street Evans Thomas, Grocer and Spirit Merchant, Cross Evans Thomas, Brick Maker, Cross-street Everall Joseph, Flax Dresser, Team- street Fletcher William, Shoe Maker, Cross-street Foster John, Shopkeeper, Cross-street Foster Thomas, Team- street Gent James, Shoe Maker, Cross- street Giles Benjamin, Chandler, Ironmonger, Hop Mer- chant, and Maltster, Market -street Godson William, Solicitor Team- street Godson Septimus Holmes, Solicitor, Team- street Green T. L. Mercer and Draper, Team-street TENBURY. 291 Green William, Clock and Watch Maker, Mar- ket-street Greenly William, Shoe Maker, Market-street Griffiths John, Vict. Crow Inn, Team-street H Handley Samuel, Shoe Maker, Team-street Hill William, Shopkeeper, Cross-street Holland Rev. Thomas, Cross Hollo way William, Shoe Maker, Team-street Home Thomas, Land Surveyor and Schoolmaster, Team-street Home Benjamin, Printer and Stationer, Team-st. Hooper Mrs. Ladies Seminary, Cross Howell George, Saddler, Market-street Jeffries William, Sen. Butcher, Team-street Jeffries Richard, Butcher and Farmer, Team-st. Johnson Alexander, Gent. Church-street Jones William, Tailor, Team- street Jones Samuel, Team-street Jukes George, Vict. Ship, Team-street K Knowles Mrs. Gentlewoman, Cross-street L Lane John, Draper, Market-street 292 TENBURY. M Mansell Thomas, Vict Talbot, Team-Street Mason Ann, Milliner, Cross Maund Edward, Confectioner, Team-street Maund Mary, Widow, Team-street Merrick James, Saddler and Brazier, Team-street Middleton Sophia, Straw Bonnet Maker, Team-st. Mills Edward, Stone Mason, Cross-street Morgan James, Hatter, Team-street Morgan John, Baker, Market- street Morris Misses, Gentlewomen, Cross-street Oliver John, Draper, Team-street Oseland Samuel, Shopkeeper, Church- street Page John, Saddler and Brazier, Team-street Page Richard, Druggist, Team-street Penny Eleanor, Gentlewoman, Team-street Perks Thomas, Shopkeeper, Team-street Post Office, Team-street, William Home, Post Master Poston William, Breeches Maker, Market-street Pound James, Butcher, Market-street Pound James, Saddler, Team-street Pound Phillip, Vict King's Head, Cross-street Probin John, Cooper, Team-street R Robinson and Cowburn, Solicitors, Team-street TENBURY. 293 Rocke Rev. Thomas, Rector, Cross Russell John, Draper, Market-street Sanders Richard, Clothes Shop, Team-street Smith James, Plumber and Glazier, Team-street Smith Samuel, Joiner, Team- street w Webb George, Gun Locksmith, Cross-street Wilden Samuel, Tailor, Team-street Wheeler Edward, Sen. Esq. Kyrewood Wheeler Edward, Jun. Solicitor, Cross Wheeler James, Carpenter and Turner, Cross- st. Whittall George, Tailor and Draper, Market -st. Williams Charles, Shoe Maker, Team-street Wollams John, Tailor, Cross-street Wood Rev. Vincent, Market-street Yates William, Team -street Yapp James, Shopkeeper, Cross-street Yarranton Thomas, Tanner, Berrington- house 21 CARRIAGE. LUDLOW MAIL to Worcester, calls at the Swan Inn every Morning at 7 o'Clock, and returns through Tenbury at 4 o'Clock in the Afternoon ROBERTS and CLEWER'S WAGGON, calls at the Swan Inn going to Worcester, every Tuesday at 2 o'Clock in the Morning, and returns through Tenbury to Ludlow, every Friday at 2 o'Clock in the Afternoon. OF THE BOROUGH OF EVESHAM. "EWESHAM, a Borough and Market Town, -"-Comprising three parishes, including Benge- worthj containing 606 houses, and 2837 inhabi- tants, being 1332 males, and 150V females, of whom 472 were returned as employed in trade. It is pleasantly situated on rising ground, having a charming view of the winding river Avon, over which it has a stone bridge of seven arches and a convenient harbour for barges. The well known Vale of Evesham, extending along its banks is re- markable for its fertility in corn as well as pas- turage This town had formerly a stately Monas- tery, whose Abbot sat in Parliament as a spiritual lord. It was founded in 709, by Prince Egwin, who retired hither after having been unjustly dis- possessed of the bishoprick of Worcester by the Pope. The principal fragment of this building now remaining, is a large pointed arch or gateway 17 feet high. The borough has three parish churches, two in that part called Evesham, and one at Bengeworth at the foot of the bridge where 296 EVESHAM. was formerly a castle. It is remarkable that al- though each of the churches have towers, the bells hang in a very handsome tower, separate from any other building, about 110 feet high. In the Town are a well endowed Free Grammar School, a Charity School, and Almshouses. A number of marker gardens hereabouts supply the markets of Tewkesbury, Cheltenham, Worcester, and Bir- mingham, and in Asparagus season they supply Bath and Bristol. Evesham is a Borough by prescription, govern- ed by a Mayor, Recorder, seven Aldermen, twelve Common-council men, and twenty-four Assist- ants. Their privileges are very extensive 3 the Mayor and four of the Aldermen are justices of the peace, hold sessions of Oyer and Terminer, and gaol delivery, with power to punish all crimes except high treason, within their liberty One of the most remarkable battles in the English annals was fought here in 1265, between Somon de Montford the great earl of Leicester, and prince Edward, afterwards king Edward the 1 st in which the earl and most of his adherents were slain. The market is on Mondays, and the fairs on the 2nd of February, the first Monday after Easter, Whitmonday, and September 2 1st. COUNTY OF WORCESTER. mvt m. SECTION TENTH,, CONTAINING THE TOWN OF Acton John, Dealer in Seeds,, Malt, Hops, &c. Ben ge worth Adams William, Surgeon, Bridge-street Agg Job , Printer, Bookseller, and Postmaster, Bridge-street* Agg George. Cabinet Maker, and Upholsterer, Bridge- street Agg and Son, Auctioneers, Bridge-street Allan) William, Vict Fleece, Bridge-street Allom Rev. Mr. High- street Amos Samuel, Grocer Vine-street Arch Elizabeth, Grocer, Cole-street Arkles William, Joiner and Cabinet Maker, Vine-street Ash win S. Milliner, Bengeworth 298 EVESHAM. Atkins John, Silk Manufacturer, Vine-street Averill William, Confectioner, Bridge-street B Badger William, Hat Manufacturer, Bengeworth Baldwin Mrs. Widow, Market Barnes William, Baker and Maltster, Market Battersby William, Basket Maker, Market-place Baylis Charles, Baker, Bengeworth Bay lis C. Shopkeeper, Bengeworth Baylis George, Butcher, Bengeworth Benton Draper, Bridge-street Blayney Thomas, Esq. Lodge Bonaker William, Surgeon, High-street Booth Mary Walker, Vict. Old Angel Inn, Benge- worth Burlingham and Co. Ironmongers and Nail Ma- nufacturers, Bridge- street Byrch William, Solicitor, High-street Byrd J. Vict. Swan Inn, Bengeworth Cheek J. M. G. Solicitor, Bridge-street Churchill Shoemaker, High- street Clemens Samuel, Maltster, High-street Clements John, Butcher, High-street Cole J. Vict, Volunteer, Bridge- street Collett Job, Tanner, Chapel- street Cook John, Vict, and Felmonger, Nelson's Tavern, Bengeworth Coombe William, Surgeon, Bengeworth Cooper Thomas Beale, Esq. Bengeworth Cooper Rev. Henry EVESHAM. 299 Cornfield John, Academy, High- street CullJ. Vict. Plough und Harrow, Vine-street Cull William, Appraiser and Auctioneer, High-st. D Davis Rev. Mr. High-street Davies David, Chemist and Druggist, Bridge-st. Davis John, Stationer, Bridge-street Day George, Coal Merchant, Bengeworth Dingley William, Baker, Bengeworth Dixon John, Supervisor of Excise, High-street Dobbins Walter, Vict. Fox, Bridge-street Doyle James, Vict. White Hart, Bridge-street Drinkwater William, Vict Trumpet, Vine-street Drury Pearshouse, Brazier, Bridge-street Dyson Edward, Net Maker, Market-place E Edge Daniel, Draper, and Agent to the Phcenix Fire Office, Bridge- street Ellcock Samuel, Plumber and Glazier, High-st. Field George, Gardener, High -street Fincher John, Grocer and Druggist, Bengeworth Fisher Misses, Gentlewomen, Bengeworth Fletcher Sarah, Staffordshire Warehouse, Market- place Foster Thomas, Oil Mills, High-street 300 EVESHAM. G Gibbs Henry, Cooper, High-street Glover Francis, Cooper, -Bridge-street Gregory J. & E Drapers and Clothiers, Bridge- st. Green Miss, Stiaw Bonnet Maker, High-street Grove William, Vict Farrier's Arms, Vine-street Guion James, Vict. White Hart, Cole-street H Hardy William, Vict. Crown, Bridge- street Harris Miss, High-street Harris Robert, Wine & Spirit Merchant Bridge-st Hartland and Co Bank, Bridge-street Hathaway Abraham, Gent Bridge-street Hawley Thomas, Shopkeeper, Bengeworth Haynes Thomas, Glazier, Bridge-street Hill Thomas, Hosier, Bridge-street Hill John, (lock and Watch Maker, Bridge-st. Hill Thomas, Gent Bridge-street Hill Robert, Owner, Bengeworth Hitch George, Hair Dresser, Bridge-street Hobday Scupltor, High-street Horn R. Draper, Market-place Horn Miss, Vine-street Horseman E. Grocer and Tea Dealer, Bengeworth Huband Thomas, Clerk, Bengeworth Hughe? David, Currier, Bengeworth Hughes Samuel, Gardener, Vine-street Hughes Gardener, High-street Humphris John, Butcher, Bridge-street Hunter John, Hop Dealer, Bridge- street Hyde Daniel, Saddler, High- street EVESHAM. 301 J Jackson John, Painter and Glazier, High-street Jarrett John, Cabinet Maker, Bridge-street Jarrett Joseph, Appraiser and Auctioneer., Benge- worth Jarrett John, Grocer, High-street Jenks Edmund, Baker, High-street Jenks Samuel, Gardener, Vine-street Jones J. Grocer and Tea Dealer, High-street Izod J. W. Surgeon, High-street Izod Robert, Cooper, High-street K Kelsall Elizabeth, Shoe and Salt Warehouse, Bridge- street Kempson Miss, Ladies Seminary, High-street Kerry John, Sen. Wood Turner and Broker, High-street Kerry John, Jun. Wood Turner, Market-place Kinsey Samuel, Solicitor, High-street Klipseh J. P. Surgeon, High- street Knight B. Tailor, High- street Knight William, Gardener, High-street Lavender J. W. Solicitor, High-street Laurence George, Vict. Rose & Crown, High-st. Lies John, Shoemaker, Bridge-street Lewis Charles, Surgeon, Bengeworth Lewis Richard, Gardener, Vine-street Llovd T. Wool Dealer, Cole-street 2K 302 EVESHAM. M Malin T. Oil and Colourman, Bengeworth Mann J. Silk Manufacturer, Vine-street Mann Miss, Ladies Seminary, Vine-street Marriott Edward, Gent. Bridge- street, Agent to the Globe Insurance Company Marshall Henry, Grocer and Cooper, Bengeworth Mathews Samuel, Vict. Dun Cow, Cole-street Meien John, Baker, Bengeworth Millington Richard, Vict. Angel Inn, Bengeworth Moades Gent. Bridge-street Monk John, 'Hat Manufacturer, Bridge- street Moore E. Cabinet Maker, Bengeworth Moulting William, Vict. Bell Inn, High-street Murrell S. Milliner, High-street Murrell W Grocer, Bridge-street Murrell Thomas, Grocer and Chandler, Vine-st. N New Caleb, Draper, High -street New Anthony, Woolstapler, Vine-street New J. Currier and Leather Seller, Cole-street New John, Gardener, High- street New James, Vict. King's Head, High-street New George, Farmer, Bengeworth Oldaker, Day, Lavender, and Murrell, Bank, High -street Oldaker Francis, Clothier, Bridge-street Oldaker F. Master of the Blue School, Bengeworth Osborne J. Whitesmith, Cole- street EVESHAM. 303 P Padgate Benjamin , Baker, Bengeworth Paine E. & R. Parchment Makers, Bengeworth Paine John, Seedsman, High-street Paine Miss, Milliner, Bridge-street Partington William, Butcher, High-street Peam Thomas, Grocer, High- street Pearce James, Grocer, Bridge-street Pearce William, Maltster and Hop Merchant, Bengeworth Pearce Mrs. Staffordshire Warehouse, Bengeworth Penny William, Vict, and Hop Merchant, Royal Oak, Vine-street Phelps W. L. Solicitor, Bridge-street Phillips William, Solicitor, Vine-street Phillips Miss, Vine-street Phoenix Fire Office, Bridge- street, D. Edge, Agent Porter Thomas, Esq. Bengeworth Pratt George, Cabinet Maker, Bengeworth Pratt Benjamin, Butcher, Bengeworth Prew E. and R. Milliners, Bridge-street Price William, Gardener, Bengeworth Proctor John, Baker, Maltster, and Farmer, High-street Prosser Mrs. Widow, Bengeworth R Reynolds Richard, Cora Dealer and Timber Mer- chant, High-street and Harvington Mill Rodd Richard, Draper, High-street Roberts Humphrey, Baker, High -street Roper Mary, Vict. Red Horse, Vine- street 304 EVESHAM. Roper Anthony, Tanner, &c. Bengeworth Rose William, Glazier, Bridge-street Rudge Edward, Esq. Abbey Manor House Ruff James, Gardener, High- street Russ Robert, Butcher, Bridge- street Russ James, Butcher, Market place Savage Edward, Solicitor, High- street Savage Mrs Widow, Market place Scott Jeremiah, Grocer, Bridge-street Shaw Rev. John, Bengeworth Skey John, Vict. Angel Inn, Bengeworth Smart Benjamin, Skinner and Felmonger, Benge- worth Smith John, Gent. Bridge-street Smith William, Vict. Wool Pack Inn, Bengeworth Smith William, Miller, Bridge-street Smith Henry, Carpenter, Bridge-street Smith E. Vict. Golden Anchor, Bewdley-street Smith John, Vict. Red Lion, Market place Soley William, Grocer, Bridge- street Souch Vict. Green Dragon, Oat-street Stamp Office, Daniel Edge, Bridge-street Stephens Charles, Whitesmith, Bengeworth Stratton Matthias, Spirit Merchant, Vine-street Suffield Joseph, Saddler, Bridge-street Suffield John, Brazier, Bridge- street Taylor G. Vict. Northwick Arms Inn, Bengeworth Taylor William, Butcher, High-street EVESHAM. 30 Taylor William, Skinner, Vine- street Thomas Isaac, Excise Officer, High-street Taylor James, Vine- street Thomas John, Chemist and Drug-gist, Bridge-st. Trotman William, Vict Cross Keys, High-street Tustin Joseph, Shopkeeper, High-street Tustin Robert, Bricklayer and Slater, High-st. Tymbs Samuel, Vict Horse and Jockey, Vine-st. W Walker Stephen, Vict. Black Bear, Bengeworth Walker Joseph, Cooper, Bengeworth Walker Joseph, Millwright, Bengeworth Walker J . Ironmonger and Maltster, Bengeworth Walter William, Ironmonger, Bridge-street Warner John, Sen. Clock and Watch Maker, High -street Warner John, Jun. Clock and Watch Maker, Bridge-street Watkins Joseph, Vict. Horse Shoe, Bengeworth Wheatley Josiah, Boot and Shoe Maker, Bridge-st. Whitford J Schoolmaster, High-street Whitford Thomas, Slatererand Plasterer, High-st. Whitford Henry, Vict, and Plasterer, Lamb, High -street Whitford Richard, Hair Dresser, Bridge-street Whitford James, Shoe Maker, Bridge-street White Henry, Wheelwright, Vine- street White John, Tailor, Bridge- street White Thomas, Currier, High-street Whiting Mrs. Ladies Seminary, High-street Wickins Thomas, Stay Maker, Bridge-street Wilks William, Grocer, & Tea Dealer, Bridge-st. 306 EVESHAM. Williams Jane, Confectioner, Bridge-street Winter Humphrey, Gent. Bengeworth Winstone Anthony, Vict Duke of York, Bridge-st. Workman B. Solicitor, Bengeworth Young John, Dealer, in Flour, Hops, &c. Bridge- street COACHES. FROM DIFFERENT INNS. Jprom $£ i^ortfttoftfe &rms, JStngefcort!)- LONDON — Mail every ;\fternoon at five, ex- cept Saturday, when it goes at four. WORCESTER— Mail every Morning at half- past eight LONDON — Coach every Morning at half-past six. Ditto ditto Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday Mornings at half-past six WORCESTER— Coach every evening at eight. Ditto ditto Monday, Wednesday, and Friday even- ings at eight. §xm tfje SgEcoI ^acfe, 2Scngefoortf). LONDON — Coach every Morning at half- past six. WORCESTER — Coach every Evening at seven. Jprom t&t ®nqt\ Inn, JStngcfoortf). LONDON — Coach every Afternoon at three WORCESTER— Coach every Morning at half- past seven Done's Waggons to Worcester, Upton, Stow en the Wold, &c. twice a week. Dufty's ditto ditto twice, a weet. OF THE TOWN OF PERSHORE. "OERSHORE, a market town,, consisting of two -*-* Parishes, Saint Andrews and Holy Cross, 9 miles from Worcester.,- Q^ from Tewkesbury, and 103 from London, near the junction of the river Avon with the Bow,, containing about 400 houses and 2000 inhabitants ; tie main street is near three quarters of a mile long and a considerable sum of money has been collected for paving the footway with flag stones, which will be a considerable im- provement to the town. The parish is of great extent, having several manors and chapelries with- in its limits, In the reign of Edward the 1st. this town sent 2 members of parliament, but never since. The church of Holy Cross 'contains seve- ral ancient monuments, it has a square tower with 8 bells, and is, a curacy to. §,t. Andrews, which is small and has a square tower with 6 bells. Here was formerly an extensive, abbey of Benedictine Monks. The Market is on Tuesday, and the Fairs Easter Tuesday, June 26th, first Monday in Au- gust and the Tuesday before the 1 st of November. The great Fair has usually been held in the church- yard, but we understand the Magistracy are determined to prevent a recurrence of a practice so disgraceful. rallM*i OF THE COUNTY OF WORCESTER. $att $3L SECTION ELEVENTH. CONTAINING THE TOWN OF PIIlBaiEKDlBIB* Aldington James, Gent. Bridge-street Araphlett William, Farmer Anderson William, Gent. Bridge-street Andrews Robert, Bacon Factor, Newland-street Andrews Mrs. Schoolmistress, High-street Andrews Samuel, Gardener, Newland-street Andrews E. Gardener, Newland-street B Baker Robert, Surgeon, Broad-street Baker Henry , Liquor Merchant, Bridge- street Baker Ann, Gentlewoman, Broad-street Baker Sarah, Currier, Bridge- street Bannister James, Vict. Bell Inn, High-street 2K 310 PERSHORE. Barnbrook Miss. Ladies Seminary, Broad-street Barry Rebecca, Gentlewoman, Bridge-street Baugh Joseph, Ironmonger, High-street Baugh Timothy, Fishmonger, Bridge-street Bay lis John, Hair Dresser, High-street Bedford John, Solicitor, Broad-street Bennett Jane, Gentlewoman, High-street Bidlake Charles, Druggist, Bridge-street Blizard John, Ironmonger & Builder, Bridge- st. Blizard Susannah, Straw Bonnet Maker, Bridge-st Blizard Stephen, Gardener, Newiand-street Bomford William, Pig Dealer, High-street Bomford John, Pig Dealer Bomford Bentley, Pig Dealer, High-street Bourne Mary Mrs. Priss lane Bradflock John, Blacksmith, Broad-street Bromfield J D. Gent. Br dge-street Brookes Thomas, Brazier, Broad-street Bromall Thomas, Tailor, Bridge-street Brown Walter, Gent. Pridge-streec Bullock Edward, Vict. Quiet Woman, High-street Bunn Richard, Boot and Shoe Maker, High-st. Bunn Vict. White Horse, Church-street Bunn James, Gardener, Church-street Bum John, Surgeon, High-street Chambers Joseph Baker, High-street Clee William, Gent. Bridge-street Clee James, Auctioneer, Broad-street Cole Thomas Gardener, Newiand-street Collett G. Vict Ship and Punch Bowl, High-st, Collins Mary, Vict. New Inn, High-street Coombs James, Bricklayer, Broad- street PERSnORE. 31 1 Crook William, Gardener, Church- street Crook Mary, Gardener, Newland-street Cross Thomas, Woolstapler, Bridge-street Cross Richard, Schoolmaster, High-street D Davis David, Draper, High-street Day J. Millwright, Broad-street Dayton Mary, Gentlewoman, Bridge-street Deacons Charles, Shoe Maker, Broad-street Dinely Rev. George, High-street Dinely Francis, Solicitor, Bridge- street Done William Worcester Carrier, High-street Doughty John, shopkeeper, High- street Drew Mrs Gentlewoman, Broad- street Dudfield Thomas, Mercer and Draper, High-st. Dudheld Jonathan, Gardener, Newland-street Dufty William, Worcester Carrier, Priss lane Dufty Richard, Gaidener, Newland-street Dufty William, Gardener, Priss lane Edwards Thomas, Baker, High- street Evans Miss. Gentlewoman, Bridge- street Evans Mrs. Gentlewoman, Broad-street Evans H. Butcher, High-street Farley Benjamin, Breeches Maker, Broad-street Farley, William, Breeches MaKer, Bridge-street Farley Joseph, shoemaker, Broad-street Farley John, Basket Maker. Bridge-street Foster William, Butcher, Bridge-street Foster James, Gardener, Priss- lane Franklin John, Rope, Bag, and Twine Manufac- rurer, Bridge-street 312 PERSHORE. G Ganderton R. Woolstapler Ganderton Thomas, Woolstapler, Higb-street Ganderton J. L. Glazier, High-street George Edward, Gent. Bridge-street Giles Sarah, Vict. Angel Inn, Bridge-street Glazebrook Thomas, Saddler, High-street Goodall William, Woolstapler, High-street Goodall Ralph, Grocer and Chandler, High-street Goodall James, Plumber and Glazier, High-street Goodall Thomas, Plumber and Glazier, Bridge- st. Goodall Richard, Baker, Corn Factor, and Malt- ster, Bridge-street Goodall Edward, Skinner Grant Jeremiah, Exciseman, High-street Gray John, Vict. Coach and Horses, Bridge-st. Green George, Butcher, Church- street Green John, Baker, High- street Gwillam James, Vict. Talbot, Broad-street H Hackett Samuel, Gent. Bridge-street Haines John, Gardener, Newland- street Hamhurst General, Broad- street Hammerton Mrs Gentlewoman, Broad- street Handley William, Baker, High-street Harding Henry, Gent. Bridge-street Harley George, Carpenter and Wheelwright, Bridge- street Harley Edward, Shopkeeper, High- street Harris James, Butcher, Newland-street Hatch John, Auctioneer, Bridge*street Hatch William, Butcher, High-street PERSHORE. 313 Hemming John, Draper, Bridge- street Hemming Jobn, Tailor, High-street Holland Thomas, Gent. Broad-street Hope Thomas, Vict. Three Tuns, Bridge-street Hopkins John, Stocking Weaver, Priss-lane Hooper Edward, Boot and Shoe Maker, High-st. Hooper George, Butcher, High-street Hudson. Richard, Gent. Hunt John, Tanner, High-street Hunter John, Gent. Bank, Bridge-street Hunter Thomas, Draper, Bridge-street Kings William, Vict. Chequers, High-street Kings James, Gardener, Newland-street Laight John, Butcher, Bridge-street Laugher Charles, Druggist & Grocer, Bridge- st. Laughton Mary, Stone Mason, Bridge-street Lloyd Edward, Carpenter and Joiner, Bridge- st. Lloyd Thomas, Wyre Mill M Mac Alester Richard, Draper and Tea Dealer, High-street Martin Joseph, Grocer aud Chandler, Bridge-st ; . Mason George, Horse Dealer, Bridge-street Melen Henry, Grocer, High-street Meredith John, Butcher, High-street Millington Mr. Gent. Priss-lane Millward Henry, Saddler, Bridge-Street 314 PERSI10RE. Milton William, Sen. Coal Dealer, Bridge-st. Milton William, Barge Owner, Bridge-street Mogridge Mrs. Broad-street N Nash John, Vict. King's Head, Bridge-street Nash John, Hair Dresser, Bridge-street - , Oldaker Edmund Wells, Solicitor, Broad-street Oldaker Mrs. Gentlewoman, Broad-street Oldaker Francis, Miller, Bridge- street Partridge William, Watch Spring Maker, High-st. Phillips William, Boot and Shoe Maker, High-st. Pool Mary, Gentlewoman, Bridge-street Probyn Rev. William, Bridge-street Pugh William, Joiner and Ironmonger, High-s ♦ R Racster John, Surgeon, Bridge- street Roberts William, Ironmonger and Maltster, Bridge- street Roberts Elizabeth, Draper Russell Thomas, Saddler, Bridge- street Sheppard Rev. J. L. Vicarage House Smith Mary, Milliner, Bridge-street PERSHORE. 315 Stephens Samuel, Joiner, Bridge-street Stephens John, Butcher, Bridge-street Stephens Robert, Cooper, Bridge-street Squires William, Vict White Hart, Newland-st. Taylor William, Sen. Wheelwright, High-street Taylor William, Grocer & Wheelwright, High-st. Taylor Francis, Fishmonger, Bridge-street Tidmarsh William Baker, Bridge- street Tomlius Richard, Plough Inn, High -street Tovey John, Gent. Bridge-street Tovey John, Shopkeeper, Broad -street Tyler William, Boot and Shoe Maker, Bridge-st. W Wagstaff Charles, Butcher, Newland- street Ward Thomas, Sen Weaver and Corn Dealer, High -street Ward Thomas Jun Weaver and Shopkeeper Warner Robert, Watchmaker, Bridge-street Waters Rev Mr Bridge- street W r hite Thomas, Shoemaker, Bridge-street W 7 hitford William, Hair Dresser, High-street W 7 ild Lester, Barge Owner, Bridge-street Wilson John, High- street Woodward Herbert, Solicitor, Bridge-street Woolley Mrs Gentlewoman, Bridge-street Workman John, Gent High-street Workman Joseph, Butcher, Broad-street Workman William, Butcher, Church-street Workman H. Butcher, High-street Wright John, Gardener, Newland-street COACHES. FROM DIFFERENT INNS. -«««•{•»»>- Jfrom t§£ glngel Inn. LONDON — Coach every Morning at six. WORCESTER— ditto every Evening at eight. Jtom t!)e ©oacl) anft Worsts Inn. LONDON — Coach every Morning at six, WORCESTER — ditto every Evening at nine. LONDON — Mail every Eveirng at four. WORCESTER— ditto every Morning at ten, Jrom tgt 23ril Inn. LONDON — Coach every Afternoon, at half-past two WORCESTER— ditto every Morning at eight. DONE'S Waggons to Worcester, &c. twice a week. DUFTY'S Ditto, ditto. OF THE TOWN OF UP TO N-TJ PON-SEVERN. UPTON-UPON-SEVERN, a Market Town, situated on the banks of the river Severn, 10 miles from Worcester, and 109- from London, con- taining about 400 houses and 1800 inhabitants, of whom nearly 300 are employed in trade. The Church is an extremely neat building, erected in 1758 and has a square tower containing 5 bells. The town carries on a considerable traffic by bar- ges on the Severn, over which it has a stone bridge of 6 arches. The Market is on Thursday. Fairs, first Thursday after Midlent, Thursday in Whitsun week and before St. Matthews day, and on the 2nd. of September. 2 L , OF THE COUNTY OF WORCESTER $art %%. SECTION TWELFTH. CONTAINING THE TOWN OF UPTON-UPON-SEVERN. A Alexander Daniel, Clothes Shop, Old- street Allen S. and B. Blacksmiths, London-lane Armstrong Joseph, Baker, Old-street B Baines Rev. Robert, M. A. Old- street Baldwin Richard, Staffordshire Warehouse, Old-st. Barnford William, Shoe Maker, Old-street Barnes Joseph, Tailor, High-street Baylis H Gent High -street Bay lis T Gent. High -street Beale S. Solicitor, New-street Benbow Thomas, Vict. White Lion Inn, High-st, Bennett Mrs. Farmer, Hook Common UPT0X-UP0N- SEVERN. 31/ Berkley William, Builder, Old-street Bird Thomas, Gent High-street Bird Thomas, Jun. Solicitor, High-street Blew Samuel, Dyer and Shopkeeper, High- street Bradley John, Baker, Old-street Brotheridge T. Vict. Cross Keys, Old-street Burgess S. and B Hatters, Old-street Callow Thomas, Baker, Church-street Callow John, Coal Merchant, Bridge-street Charlwood Joseph, Brazier and Tinman, Old-st. Clarke George, Wine Merchant, Severn side Clarke and Mathews, Porter Brewers, Severn side Clarke Robert, Farmer, Green Fields Clevely William, Vict. Black Boy, New-street Coombe William, Flour Warehouse, Church-st. Cooper J H. Gent. Kent Cottage Cooper John, Ironmonger, Old-street Coursand Mrs. Gentlewoman Cowley Henry, Butcher, High-street Cowley Charles, Draper, New-street Crees J. Tailor, New-street Crees Thomas, Vict. & Coal Merchant, Black Swan Crow Mrs. Gentlewoman, Church-street D Dalby Mary, Vict. Red Cow, Old-street Davis Thomas, Druggist, High-street Day John, Druggist and Grocer, High-street Day John, Baker and Maltster, Bridge-street Deacon Francis, Grocer, Bridge- street Dunn Mrs. Gentlowoman, Church-street UPTON -UPON-SEVERN. E Edwards Thomas, Vict. Comet, London-lane F Farmer William, Chair Maker, High-street Fildes Thomas, Plumber and Glazier, Old- street G Gask John, Esq. Berry Fields George J . Soap Boiler and Chandler, High-street George Thomas, Butcher, High- street Giles Thomas, Blacksmith, New-street Goodman Gabriel, Surgeon, Old-street Green Mrs. Gentlewoman, Church-street Griffiths E. Shoemaker, Old-street H Hall John, Hair Dresser, High-street Hancox Thomas, Vict. Seven Stars, Old-street Handy Francis, Baker, Old- street Harrison Mrs. Ladies Seminary, Mount Hartland Robert, Cooper, Old-street Hattin J Barge Owner, Church-street Heming Richard, Currier, New-street Higgens Thomas, Farmer, Hook Common Hill Richard, Baker, Old-street Hooper Joseph, Butcher, New-street Hudson Joseph, Plumber, Watchmaker, & Malt- ster, Old-street Hudson Samuel, Plumber and Glazier, Old-street UPTON-UPON-SEVERN. 3 1 9 J Jakeman William, Postmaster, High-street K Kale Thomas, Vict. Anchor, Bridge-street Kent W. and S. and Sons, Vinegar Makers and Brandy and Cider Merchants Kent Samuel, Gent. New-street Kent James, Mason, Old-street Lane Robert, Saddler, Old- street Lane E and S. Drapers, Old-street Layton Samuel, Hair Dresser, Old-street Lechmere, Wall, and Co Bank, High-street Lessingham Samuel, Solicitor, Parsonage Lilley Thomas, Butcher, Old- street M Maddy Samuel, Collar Maker & Leather Cutter, Old-street Martin Rev. Joseph, Ham Court Marriott Joseph, Baker, New- street Morris Elizabeth, Grocer, High-street Osborne Richard, Farmer, Palace P Page John, Tanner, Severn side 320 UPTON-UPON-SEVERN. Page William, Vict. Old Crown, Old-street Palfrey Thomas Malster, High-street Pantin Thomas, Pigeon House Pearce E Milliner, Old-street Pitt William Saddler, New-street Protherough William, Shoemaker, Old-street Pumphrey John, Vict. Nelson, Bridge-street Purser Robert, Butcher, High- street R Reece J, T. Cooper and Vict. Talbot Inn, High-st. Reynolds Joseph, Nursery and Seedsman, New-st. Rickards Tailor and Draper, New-street Rickards George, Maltster, Old-street Ross Thomas, Maltster, Old-street Rustall William, Bacon & Cheese Factor, Old-st. Sanderlands Edward, Whitesmith, Bridge- street Sands William, Gardener, High-street Shepperd Rev. Mr. Old- street Skeys Miss, Berry Fields Smith Charles, Surgeon, Old-street Stallard Thomas, Vict. Star Inn Steward James, Shopkeeper, Old-street Thomas William, Chandler, Old-street Thomas Charles, Grocer, Old-street Thorn Samuel, Barge Owner, Church- street Tinkler J. Vict. Wheat Sheaf Tolley B. Shopkeeper, New-street UPTON-UPON-SEVERN. 321 Trash Henry, Surgeon, Berry Fields W Wagstaff J. Bookbinder, Old-street Wallis Miss, Stationer, Old-street Ward Sarah, Toy Shop, High- street Webb Edward, Blacksmith, Old-street Whiting Joseph, Academy, New- street Worrond John, Sollys Orchard Wridgeway, Charles, Builder, High-street CARRIAGE. MAIL CART to Worcester, every Morning at eight BAYLIS'S BARGE to Worcester every Saturday and returns the same day HALL'S ditto ditto. PUMPHREY'S ditto ditto. OF THK TOWN OF SHIPSTON-UPON-STOUR. CHIPSTON-UPON-STOUR, a Market Town, ^in a detached part of the county, surrounded by Warwickshire, 5 miles from Moreton, and 83 from London, containing 270 houses and 1293 inhabitants Its name is derived from its situation on the river Stour, and its being noted formerly as o ne of the greatest sheep markets in the king- dom. The town has no trade of any consequence, but has a tolerable good market on Fridays, and two fairs annually, viz. on the 22nd of June and the Tuesday after the 1 0th of October. It is a Vicarage with Tidmington annexed, and the Patrons are the Dean and Chapter of Worcester, and Jesus College, Oxford, by turns. COUNTY OF WORCESTER, ma m. SECTION THIRTEENTH, CONTAINING THE TOWN OF SHIPSTON-UPON-STOUR. A Adams George, Mason Adams Thomas, Mason Allen William, Clerk Alliband Thomas, Victualler Ashfield William, Sen. Victualler Ashfield William, Jun. Victualler B Badger Richard, Chandler Barrister Edward, Solicitor Batsford John, Butcher Baylis William, Butcher Bellamy J. B. Solicitor Bolton Thomas, Shoemaker 2M 324 SHIPSTON-UPON-STOTJR. Bonner Benjamin, Shopkeeper Brain Richard, Farmer Brain Richard, Jun. Victualler Brown Rev. Robert Caldicot William, Higler Callaway Thomas, Breeches Maker Callaway Edward, Victualler Carpenter Elizabeth, Victualler Chadband Henry, Hatter Chamberlain Joseph, Shoemaker Cherry Edward, Land Surveyor Churchley John, Basket Maker Clark Mrs. Gentlewoman Cockbill William, Farmer Colbourne Catherine, Stationer Colbourne Robert, Brazier Coleman John, Baker Cook Martha, Shopkeeper Cook John, Carpenter Cook William, Blacksmith Cooper William, Blacksmith Cooper William, Victualler Coulling Edward, Farmer D Day Joseph, Gardener Devonshire Elizabeth, Gentlewoman Dove John, Surgeon Dowdeswell Samuel, Saddler SHIPSTON-UPON-STOUR. 325 E Eden Joseph, Farmer Ellaway William, Victualler Ellis John, Mason Findon Francis, Solicitor Flower Honourable Catherine Fowler J. P. Draper Fox Richard, Currier Freeman Jane, Draper Freeman John, Hatter Freeman William, Shoemaker Gardner Robert, Carpenter Gardner William, Carpenter Gibbs William, bhoemaker Gillett J . Gentleman Gillett Mrs Ladies Seminary Gillett Samuel, Hosier Grimes Thomas, Mason Groves Francis, Woolstapler Groves Ann, Farmer Groves Samuel, Farmer H Hale William, Victualler Halford Robert, Butcher Hall Richard, Shoemaker Hall Jonathan, Draper 326 SHIPSTON-UPON-STOUR. Hands William, Blacksmith Hawker Francis, Butcher Hemming Sarah, Shopkeeper Hemming Thomas, Butcher Herbert William, Gardener Heynes William, Glazier Higgens John, Gentleman Higgens William, Hatter Higgens John, Hatter Hodgkins Misses, Gentlewomen Horniblow John, Surgeon Horniblow William, Surgeon Hughes William, Flax Dresser Hyde Thomas, Draper Insull William, Land Surveyor and Auctioneer Jones Rev. John, D. D. K Keitley Tanner \ Kibble Thomas, Poulterer King Bertha King David, Victualler Knott John, Shopkeeper Lord Elizabeth, Gentlewoman Lyne John, Carpenter Lyne William, Currier SHIPSTON-UPON-STOUR. 32/ M Marshall Edmund, Shoemaker Marshall William, Victualler Marshall Stephen, Victualler Mayors William, Victualler Miles Joseph, Hatter Mumford William, Excise Officer N Nelson William, Victualler Newbould Thomas, Druggist Newland John, Glazier Newman George, Victualler Nicholl Edward, Wheelwright Parker John, Carpenter Parker George, Carpenter Parker Samuel, Carpenter Parry Thomas, Auctioneer Paul Elizabeth, Druggist Perver Thomas, Gardener Potter Daniel, Tailor Pratt Thomas, Farmer Prew Richard, Collar Maker Prick ett John, Victualler Pritchard Miss, Gentlewoman R Ray Thomas, Saddler Reeve John, Victuallet 328 SHIPST0N-UP0N-ST0UR. Robbins William, Clothier S Sabin Thomas, Gentleman Salmon Thomas Wheelwright Shirley James, Saddler Simms Sampson, Clothier Snow Thomas, Tanner Stanley Richard, Mason Starling John, Victualler Stephens Thomas, Miller Strong John, Shoemaker Sturch William, Baker Sturch Joseph Chandler Summerton Waiter, Wheelwright Tappin Elizabeth, Victualler Truby Thomas, Hatter Walford Thomas, Baker Ward William, Hay Trusser Wells James, Watchmaker White John, Currier White William, Weaver Williams John, Excise Officer Williams Ann, shopkeeper Wilson Thomas, Hair Dresser Wise George, Weaver Wright E. W. M. D. W r right Mary, Gentlewoman OF IN THK COUNTY OF WORCESTER. A BBERLEY, J 1 miles fiom Worcester, and 8 ■** from Bewdley, near the Kingston Canal, containing 82 houses, and 495 inhabitants. The neighbourhood is greatly benefited by having coal- pits, from which the adjoining country is supplied. ABBERTON, 6 miles from Alcester, containing 15 houses, and 86 inhabitants, is remarkable for having a spring of mineral water which contains steel mixed with salt, said to be equal in virtue to those at i psom, in Surry ABBO'J PS MORTON, 4 miles from Evesham, containing 40 houses, and 191 inhabitants. ACTON BEAUCHAMP, 4 miles Brom- yard, containing 42 houses, and Ll4 inhabitants. ALDERMINSTER, 6 miles from Shipston- upon-Stour, containing 76 houses, and 363 in- habitants. 330 PARISHES. ALVECHURCH, 5 miles from Bromsgrove, containing 207 houses, and 1228 inhabitants. The parish is 7miles in circuit, and was formerly a market town The church is an ancient buildings , containing vestiges of Saxon architecture Here is a good free grammar school, and an alms-house, founded by Nicholas Lewkner, of Hadzor. ARELEY KINGS, 4 miles from Bewdley, containing 75 houses, and 377 inhabitants ASHLEY, 6 miles from Bewdley, contain- ing 117 houses, and 697 inhabitants. BADSEY, 2 miles from Evesham, containing 42 houses, and 284 inhabitants. BAYTON, 6 miles from Bewdley, containing 77 houses, and 389 inhabitants. BELLBROUGHTON, 4 miles from Broms- grove, containing 249 houses, and 1266 inhabi- tants. A considerable number of nails are ma- nufactured here There are 2 fairs, viz. on the 25th of April, and the 17th of October BENGE WORTH, adjoining Evesham, con- taining 147 houses, and 672 inhabitants See brief account of Evesham, page 295. BEOLEY, 7 miles from Bromsgrove, on the boundaries of Warwickshire, containing 126 houses, and 630 inhabitants. BERROW, 5 miles from Upton-upon- Severn, containing 71 houses, and 397 inhabitants. BEWPLEY, see page 277 BIRLINGHAM, 3 miles from Pershore, con- taining 70 houses, and 353 inhabitants, BIRTSMORTON, 4 miles from Upton-upon- Severn, containing 45 houses, and 238 inhabitants. BISHAPMTON, 7 miles from Evesham, con- taining 61 houses, and 308 inhabitants. PARISHES. 331 BLOC RLE Y, detached from this county, and surrounded by Gloucestershire, eontains326 houses, and 1569 inhabitants. Paxford, Aston, Draycot, Ditchford, and Dom, are hamlets to this parish. A brook, which rises in Bourton wood, flows in a serpentine course through the parish, and has several silk and corn mills thereon ; the silk ma- nufacture employs a number of hands, and meets with considerable success. BOCKLETON, 6 miles from Tenbury, con- taining; 42 houses, and 223 inhabitants. BRADFORTON, 3 miles from Evesham, con- taining 81 houses, and 413 inhabitants. The hamlet of Aldington is in this parish. BREDICOT, 2\ miles from Worcester, con- taining 7 houses, and 32 inhabitants. BREDON, near Pershore, containing 129 hou- ses, and 749 inhabitants The situation is pleasant and healthy ; Bredon hill has one of the finest prospectives in the county, on the top is a lofty summer-house, from which may be viewed the cities of Worcester and Gloucester, Cheltenham, &c. The living is a rectory, the most valuable in the diocese of Worcester, and has the chapelries of Norton, Mitton, and Cutsdean annexed, with three hamlets Westmancot, Kelmesham, and Hardewick. BROAD WAS, 6| miles from Worcester, con- taining 41 houses, and 245 inhabitants. It is si- tuated on the river Team • the church is ornamen- ted with some crrious painted glass. BROADWAY, 5 miles from Evesham, con- taining 249 houses, and 1117 inhabitants. It consists of one large street, the houses whereof arc chiefly built of free-stone, and has a neat church. The hills at the end of the town are famous for 2-N 332 PARISHES. their romantic prospect s, on which are several gentlemen's seats BROMSGROVE, a parish of large extent, containing near 1 200 houses, and 7000 inhabitants. King's Norton Chapel is annexed. See town of Bromsgro ve , page 137. BROUG HTON RACKET, 4 miles from Wor- cester, containing 14 houses, and 65 inhabitants, BUSH LEY, i^ miles from Tewkesbury, con- taining 57 houses, and 262 inhabitants. CASTLE MORTON, 4 miles from Upton- upon-Severn, containing 124 houses, and 659 in- habitants CHADDESLEY CORBETT, 5 miles from Kidderminster, containing 223 houses, and 1249 inhabitants. CHURCH HONEYBOURNE, 4 miles from Evesham, containing 11 houses, and 121 inhabi- tants. CHURCHILL, 3 miles from Kidderminster, containing 19 houses, and 12 i inhabitants. CHURCHILL, 4 miles from Worcester, con- taining 1 6 houses, and 98 inhabitants. CHURCH LENCH, 5 miles from Evesham, containing 34 houses, and 150 inhabitants. Ash Lench, Atch Lench, and Sheriff Lench, are hamlets to this parish CLAINES, 3 miles from Worcester, containing 314 houses, and 1463 inhabitants. It formerly was only a chapelry to St Helens, Worcester, but is now a distinct curacy. CLEEVE PRIOR, see Priors Cleve. CLIFTON-ON-TEME, 10 miles from Wor- cester, containing 84 houses, and 499 inhabitants. It is a pleasant and diversified part of the county, PARISHES. 333 and was formerly a market town. Sapeij Pritchard is a hamlet to this parish. COMBERTON GREAT, 3| miles from Per- shore, on the river Avon, containing 45 houses, and 218 inhabitants. In this parish is the hamlet of Comberton Little COTHEHIDGE, 4 miles from Worcester, con- taining 40 houses, and 254 inhabitants. CROOME DABITOT 5| miles from Worces- ter, containing 15 houses, and I 18 inhabitants. CROOME EARLS, near the above, containing 32 houses, and 158 inhabitants. CROOME HILL, adjoining, containing 34 houses, and 169 inhabitants. CROPTHORN, 3 miles from Evesham, con- taining 43 houses, and 240 inhabitants. The manors of Charlton and Netherton, are in this parish. CROWLE, 5 miles from Worcester, contain- ing 60 houses, and 346 inhabitants, DODDERHILL, adjoining the borough of Droitwich, containing 130 houses, and 677 in- habitants. DORMSTON, 7 miles from Droitwich, con- taining 13 houses, and 85 inhabitants. DOVERDALE, 3 miles from Droitwich, con- taining 6 houses, and 60 inhabitants. DROITWICH, see page 125. DUDLEY, see page 207 EASTH \M, near Tenbury, containing 70 houses, and 385 inhabitants. The hamlets of Hanky Child, Hanley William, and Orlton, are in this parish. ECKINGTON, 3| miles from Pershore, con- taining 96 houses, and 550 inhabitants. 334 PARISHES. ELDERSFIELD, Smiles from Tewkesbury, containing 136 houses, and 750 inhabitants. ELMLEY CASTLE, A\ miles from Pershore, on the Rreedon Hills, containing 56 houses, and 296 inhabitants. The hamlet of Nethertou is in this parish. ELMLEY LOVETT, 4 miles from Kidder- minster, containing 7 1 houses, and 369 inhabitants. EVENLOAD, on the borders of Gloucester- shire, near Stow on the Wold, containing 48 houses and 227 inhabitants. EVESHAM, see page 295. FECKENHAM, 7 miles from Droit wich, con- taining 346 houses, and 1830 inhabitants. The church is a neat building, and the parish has a good charity school ; here are several needle ma- nufactories, and it has 2 fairs, 27th of March and 30th of September FLADBURY, 4 miles from Evesham, contain- ing 72 houses, and 424 inhabitants. It has 4 ehapelries, viz. Wxjre Piddle, Bradley, Throckmor- ton, and Hob Lench, with the hamlets of Hill and Moore. FLYFORD FLAVELL, 7 miles from Wor- cester, containg 25 houses, and 117 inhabitants. GRAFTON FLYFORD, 6 miles from Droit- wich, containing 42 houses, and 184 inhabitants. GRIMLE Y, 5 miles from Worcester, is a large parish, containing 98 houses, and 543 inhabitants. It has many hop plantations, and fruit trees in abundance. The chapelry of Hallow is annexed. In Hallow Park is a spring similar in virtue to those at Cheltenham. HADZOR, 1 mile from Droit wich, containing 1 1 houses, and 90 inhabitants. PARISHES. 335 HAGLEY, 2 miles from Stourbridge, contain- ing 104 houses, and 621 inhabitants. The chan- cel of the church was rebuilt in 1 754, and the floor paved with marble at the expense of the late Lord Lyttelton HAMPTON LOVET, 3 miles from Droit- wich, containing 34 houses and 198 inhabitants. HAMPTON^GREAT, 1 mile from Evesham, containing 58 houses, and 276 inhabitants. — Hampton Little is a hamlet to this parish. HANBURY, 3 miles from Droit wich, contain- ing 165 houses, and 983 inhabitants. HANLEY CASTLE, 2 miles from Upton, containing 176 houses, and 986 inhabitants. There are several gentlemen's seats in this parish. HARTLEBURY, an extensive parish, contain- ing 281 houses, and 1534 inhabitants. Hartle- bury Castle is the residence of the Bishop of Worcester. HARVINGTON, 6 miles from Bromsgrove, containing 52 houses, and 262 inhabitants r HIMBLETON, 4 miles from Droitwich, con- tains 60 houses, and 289 inhabitants. The ham- let of Stock is in this parish. HINLIP, 3 miles from Worcester, containing 23 houses, and 149 inhabitants. HOLT, 5 miles from Worcester, containing 56 houses, and 327 inhabitants, The church is one of the most complete remains of saxon architecture at this time extant, to which Whitley chapel is an- nexed. ICCOMB, 2 miles from Stow in the Wold, con- taining 24 houses and 112 inhabitants. INKBERROW, 4 miles from Alcester, con- 336 PARISHES. taining 289 houses, and 1335 inhabitants. It has two hamlets, viz. Morton- Underhill and Cokehill. KEMFSEY, 3 miles from Worcester, on the Bath road containing 166 houses, and 845 inha- bitants. It has the Chapelry Norton and the ham- let of Stoulton KIDDERMINSTER, see page 247 KINGS-NORTON, 4 miles from Birmingham, this parish is near 34 miles in circuit and contains 524 houses, and 2807 inhabitants It has a chapel of ease, and a good charity school There are 2 Fairs, 25th of April, and 5th of September, KINGTON, 3 miles from Droitwich, contain- ing 26 houses, and 1 10 inhabitants. KNIGHT WICK, 8 miles from Worcester, con- taining 25 houses, and 158 inhabitants. Dod- denham and Alton are hamlets to this parish. KYRE WYRE, 3\ miles from Tenbury, con- taining 30 houses, and 165 inhabitants The hamlet of Kyre Minor adjoins this parish, and is noted for the quantity of Wild Saffron growing therein. LEIGH, 7 miles from Worcester, is a large parish, having rich meadows adjoining the Team, it contains 223 houses, and 1255 inhabitants. Leigh Sinton, Leigh Braces, Bransford, and Chor* net, are in this parish. LINDRIDGE, 5 miles from Tenbury, contain- ing 99 houses, and 543 inhabitants The ham- lets of Knighton and Pensax are in this parish. LITTLETON SOUTH, 3 miles from Evesham, containing 30 houses, and 1 16 inhabitants, LITTLETON MIDDLE, a parish united with the above, containing 40 houses, and 304 inhabi- tants, with the hamlet of Littelton North annexed. PARISHES. 337 LONGDON, 2\ miles from Upton-upon- Sev- ern, containing 106 houses, and 535 inhabitants. The cbapelrv of Chasley is annexed. MADDRESFIELD, 2| miles from Upton-up- on-Severn, containing 25 houses, and 1*>3 inhabi- tants. MALVERN GREAT, 7 milts from Worcester, containing 163 houses, and 8I ( J inhabitants, well known for its delightful prospects, and the salu- brity and pureness of the air. There are several hotels for the accommodation of visitors, it being frequented by the most polite circles in the country. The church which formerly belonged to a magni- ficent monastery, was purchased by the inhabitants at the dissolution, and for its beauty of antiquity is not to be equalled in this part of the country. The admirable pile of Malvern Hills, which give name to this village is situated in Worcester- shire and Herefordshire, and from the survey made by order of the Board of Ordnance some time since, it appears that the extreme heighth was 1444 feet above the level of the sea. The views from them extend over 1 counties, and are beautiful beyond description ; from these hills issue several springs, one called Holy Well, about half way up the summit, and about 2 miles from Great Malvern, is accounted very salutary, and has long been used in all cases where chaly- beate waters are given, with considerable success. Malvern Little and Newland are hamlets to this parish. M AMBLE, 7 miles from Bew T dley, containing 56 houses, and 338 inhabitants. MARTIN HUSSINGTREE, 3| miles from 338 PARISHES. Worcester, containing 29 houses, and 194 inha- bitants. MARTLEY, 7 miles from Worcester, contain- ing 173 houses, and 1050 inhabitants MATHON, 8 miles from Worcester, contain- ing 89 houses, and 547 inhabitants. NAUNTON BEAUCHAMP, 3 miles from Pershore, containing 21 houses, and 1 15 inhabi-, tants. NORTHFIELD, 7 miles from Bromsgrove, containing 236 houses, and 1313 inhabitants, The hamlet of Co/ton Racket is in this parish. NORTON, 3 miles from Evesham, containing 59 houses, and 306 inhabitants. To this parish is annexed the hamlet of Lench Wick. ODDINGLEY, 2 miles from Droitwich, con- taining 22 bouses, and 110 inhabitants. OFFFNHAM, 2 miles from Evesham, con- taining 63 houses, and 264 inhabitants OLDBOROUGH, or OLDBARROW, 1| miles from Henley in Arden, surrounded by War- wickshire, containing 19 houses, and 113 inhabi- tants. There is an ancient Tumulus here, whence it is supposed to be named. OLD SWINFOPd), adjoining the town of Stourbridge, containing 705 houses, and 3766 in- habitants. Here is a noble charity for the Edu- cation of 70 boys. See Stourbridge, page 166. OMBERSLEY, 5 miles from Worcester, con- taining 283 houses, and 1696 inhabitants. The parishes very extensive being nearly 12 miles in circumference and has 17 hamlets annexed to it. Here is a good charity school. OVERBURY, 5 miles from Tewkesbury, on the south side of Bredon Hill, it has the manors of PARISHES. 339 Condertcn, Tedington, Alston and IVashboarn, and contains 85 houses, and 425 inhabitants. PEDMORE, \\ mile from Stourbridge, con- taining 51 houses, and 306 inhabitants. Here is a good chanty school. PENDOCK, 4 miles from Upton, containing 48 houses, and 211 inhabitants. PEOPLETON, 3 miles from Pershore, contain- ing 42 houses and 214 inhabitants. PERSHORE, see page 308 PIDDLE NORTH, 6 miles from Worcester, containing 20 houses, and 103 inhabitants. POWICK, 2 miles from Worcester, on the Malvern Road, containing 295 houses, and 1172 inhabitants PRIOR'S CLEVE, near Evesham, containing 62 houses, and 287 inhabitants. REDMARLEY DABITOT, near Upton-up- on-Severn, containing 126 houses, and 689 inha- bitants. RIBBESFORD, 1 mile from Bewdley, con- taining 14 houses, and 88 inhabitants. RIPPLE, near Upton-upon-Severn, supposed to be a place of some note formerly, having manv remains of antiquity. It contains 130 houses, and 679 inhabitants. Queenhill and Holdfast are chapelries to Ripple. ROCK, 4| miles from Bewdley, containing 62 houses, and 532 inhabitants. Heightington is a township to this parish, and contains 148 houses, and 862 inhabitants, including Alton. ROUSLENCH, 6 miles from Alcester, con- taining 44 houses, and 23 i inhabitants. RUSHOCK, 4 miles from Bromsgrove, con- taining 30 houses, and 174 inhabitants. 2 O 340 PARISHES. SAL WARP,, 3 miles from Droit wich, near a river of the same name, which falls into the Sev- ern, it contains 55 houses, and 348 inhabitants. SEDGE BERROW, 4 miles from Evesham, containing 36 houses, and 184 inhabitants. SEVERN STOKE, see Stoke Severn. SHELSLEY BEAUCHAMP, 10 miles from Worcester, containing 36 houses, and 263 inhabi- tants. SHELSEY KINGS, united with the above, containing 38 houses, and 238 inhabitants. SHELSLEY WALSH, a third Parish on the op* posite side of the Team, containing 32 houses, and 167 inhabitants, SHRAWLEY, 7\ miles from Worcester, con- taining 81 houses, and 504 inhabitants, SPETCHLEY, 3 miles from Worcester, con* taining 19 houses, and 127 inhabitants. STANFORD, 1 1 miles from Worcester, on the borders of Herefordshire, and banks of the Team, containing 23 houses, and 140 inhabitants. The church is an elegant Gothic structure of stone, situ- ated on an eminence. STANTON, 9 miles from Tewkesbury, on the borders of Herefordshire and Gloucestershire,though situate in the County of Worcester, it contains 52 houses, and 300 inhabitants STOCKTON, 13 miles from Worcester, con- taining 28 houses, and 108 inhabitants. STOKE PRIOR, 2 miles from Bromsgrove, containing 135 houses, and 754 inhabitants. STOKE SEVERN, 3 miles from Upton, con- taining 123 houses, and 583 inhabitants. STONE, 2 miles fromKidderminster, contain- ing 59 houses, and 403 inhabitants. PARISHES. 341 STRENSHAM, 5 miles from Pershore, con- taining 63 houses, and 286 inhabitants. SUCKLEY, 8 miles from Worcester, contain- ing 85 houses, and 509 inhabitants The hamlets of Alfrick and Luhley are in this parish. TARDEBIG, 3 miles from Bromsgrove, con- taining 348 houses, and 1922 inhabitants, inclu- ding Bordesley. The navigation from Worcester to Birmingham, runs through this parish. At Redditch, a chapelry to Tordebig, is a considerable manufacture of needles, which affords employment to upwards of 4000 persons. TIBBERTON, 3 miles from Worcester, con- taining 36 houses, and 208 inhabitants. TREADINGTON, near Shipston-upon-Stour, containing 194 houses and 935 inhabitants. UPTON-UPON-SEVERN, see page 317. UPTON SNODSBURY, 6 miles from Wor- cester, containing 43 houses, and 21 6 inhabitants; UPTON WARREN, 3 miles from Droitwich, containing 56 houses, and 342 inhabitants. WALCOT CUMMEMBRIS, near Pershore, containing 41 houses, and 239 inhabitants. WARNDON, 3 miles from Worcester, con- taining 26 houses, and 126 inhabitants. WELLAND, 3 miles from Upton-upon-Severn, containing 64 houses, and 334 inhabitants. WHITE LADY ASTON, 4 miles from Wor- cester, containing 44 houses, and 266 inhabitants. WHITLEY GREAT, 10 miles from Worces- ter, containing 73 houses, and 425 inhabitants. WICHENFORD, 5 miles from Worcester, containing 53 houses, and 375 inhabitants. WICKHAMFORD, 2 miles from Evesham, 342 PARISHES. containing 25 houses, and 175 inhabitants. WORCESTER, containing 9 parishes, see page 9. YARDLEY, 4 miles from Birmingham, con- taining 359 houses and 1906 inhabitants. This parish is very extensive, and has the chapelry of Marston annexed. It has a manufactory of burnt tiles from which the town of Birmingham is chiefly supplied. tfmtovs OF THE COUNTY OF WORCESTER. tfatt *«. SECTION FOURTEENTH. Containing the PARISHES, HAMLETS, farmer Slatter William, farmer Weaver Thomas, farmer White James, farmer BROADWAS. Beacon R, gardener Best James, farmer Birch Benj. farmer, Evans Rev. Mr. Barley Thomas, farmer Flill Thomas, farmer Kolmes Wm. blacksmith Hughes Eliz. shopkeeper Hunt Thomas, farmer Hunt John, farmer Newnham Mrs. Ocley Samuel, farmer Pullen Richard, butcher Rimell Richard, farmer Smith Susannah, farmer Smith Thomas farmer Smith, James, farmer Smith Richard, farmer Wiiford Thomas, gent. Williams S. shopkeeper Win wood Cath. farmer Wormingtoo W r m. vict. BROADWAY. Abd.ay Wm, woolcomber Ashwin Thomas, grocer Ashwin William, vict. Atkins Thomas, timber dealer Averili Isaac, sen. farmer Averill Isaac, jun. Averili Stephen, solicitor Averill Charles, surgeon Averili Thomas, farmer Ballinger James, carrier Barnes John, farmer Beard Mary, milliner 3g; PARISHES., ETC. 3GS Bedford Rev. W. II. Beesiey James, joiner Bloxham Jane, butcher Bunn William, butcher Careless R. schoolmaster Careless Win. farmer Charlwood Isr. victualler Clemson Joseph, mason Coleman George, gent. Coleman William, gent. Collett R. blacksmith HassellMiss Heeks J. timber dealer Hiatt Mary, farmer Hodges James, farmer Hopkins James, farmer Kite W'iiliam, gent Lambley Sarah, farmer Laugher William, baker Lawrence Giles, vict. Mann Thos silk throwster Martin Joseph, farmer Cooper Geo. shoemaker '.Marshall Wm.maltsier Cottrell William, gent. JMeddows Henry Crump Charles, farmer Meddows Fanny Davis Richard, gent Miles Stephen, batter Davis John, gent. Morris John, tailor Davis William, joiner Osborne William, gent. Davis Giles, wheelwright Petty Richard hairdresser Davis Mrs. ! Phillips Thomas, esq. Dimmock George, saddle; Phillips Mrs. Dobbins William, farmer; Phillips John, cooper Faulkner T. horse dealer 'Poole John, farmer Fisher Wm. shoemaker ! Porter Miss Folkes Thomas, glazier j Postleweight Wm. gent Frost Rebecca, draper j Postleweight Mrs. Frost Thomas, farmer jRastall Thomas, weaver Goore Henry, victualler Griffiths J. H. solicitor Grinnell William, farmer G rinn ell Sarah, farmer Grinnell John, miller Grinnell widow Hale Anthony, weaver Hal ford Edward, farmer Hall Joseph, farmer 2Q Revers Thos. Max dresser Rodd Charles, farmer Roper John, dealer Russell Richard, gent. Rus-ell John, senior Ru>vel! John jun, farmer Russell Michael, farmer Rn sen, farmer George John, jun. farmer House John, farmer Hundy John, farmer Sisam Phoebe, farmer Turbill Wm. farmer Wagstaff Henry, farmer Wagstaff Samuel, farmer Wagstaff James, farmer Wagstaff Francis, farmer HIMBLETON. Bay lis Thomas, farmer Crockett Ann, farmer Davis Thomas, farmer 411 PARISHES, ETC. 412 Gabb Samuel, farmer Guise James, farmer Heydon George, farmer Lloyd William, farmer Marshall Geoige, farmer Phillips William, farmer Presdee Edward, farmer Sheppey James, farmer Tolley John, farmer Vernon Rev. Robert Wedgeberrow T. farmer W T ythes John, farmer HINLIP. Abell Thomas, farmer Braddock John, farmer Colley Joseph, farmer Green William, farmer Wiggen Thomas, farmer Wilson Thomas, farmer HOB LENCH. Holmes Sarah, farmer Jones Francis, farmer Tandy Thomas, farmer Tandy John, farmer HOLDFAST AND EASTINGTON. Barnes Thomas, gent. Barnes J. K. gent. Berkeley John, esq. Berkeley John , jun. gent. Clarke William, farmer Martin Rev. Joseph Potter Henry, farmer Rayer William, esq. White Joseph, farmer HOLLEN AND ST1LDON. Dorrell James, farmer Holder John, farmer Walker John, farmer HOLT. Chillingworth Henry, esq. Holt Castle Cowell Daniel, fanner Evans Thomas, vict. Flellow James, farmer Foley Rev Mr. Ford John, farmer Ford William, farmer Ford Benj . farmer Goodwin John, farmer Goodwin Samuel, farmer Haywood Cbarles,farmer James farmer Mills John, farmer Pardoe Jeffrey, farmer Roberts James, farmer Tombs farmer HUDDINGTON. Bay lis Ursula, farmer Bridgens J. carpenter Cole Joseph, vict. Dutson John, farmer Merrell J . miller & farmer Pearson Benj. butcher Perkins John, farmer Smith John, farmer ICCOMB. Hambridge George,gent. Hambridge Wm. farmer 413 PARISHES, ETC. 414 Hands George, gent. Morgan Rev. William Phillips John, farmer Tidmarsh T. carpenter West William, farmer INKBERROW Andrews T shopkeeper Bennett Thomas, farmer Bloxam Thomas, miller Brookes James, maltster Broome John, farmer Cowley Thomas, farmer Curnock William, farmer Davis William, farmer Dolphin William, farmer Dolphin Thos. maltster Dyer Benj. blacksmith Edgecombe Wm. farmer Farr James, farmer Fairfax shopkeeper Ford Richard, blacksmith Ford Thomas, carpenter Fryer Thomas, farmer Gardner Joseph, farmer Ganderton Giles, farmer George D. & R. farmers Gibbs Edw. maltster Gould Wm, jun, vict. Gower William, farmer Grisswell Wm. farmer Grove Thos, shopkeeper Harbor John, farmer Harth Rev. William Harvey John, farmer Harvey Henry, farmer Harwood Thos. farmer Haynes John, victualler Hay nes George, farmer Haynes J. B farmer Hemming J H. farmer Hemming Thos. needle maker Hemming Edward, nee- dle maker Houghton Edward Houghton Sarah, vict. Hunt John, farmer Hunt William, farmer Hunt James, farmer Hunt Robert, farmer Jackson George, farmer James Joseph, farmer Johnson Louisa, farmer Johnson William, farmer Johnson Thomas, farmer Johnson Thomas, jun. needle maker Keight Richard, farmer Keight Rich. jun. farmer Knowles Thos. carpenter KnowlesJohn,blacksmith Ladbury Sarah, farmer Laughter Charles, farmer Lee William, farmer Lee Richard, farmer Manseli Joseph, farmer Moore Joseph, farmer Mumford Wm, farmer Nutting William, farmer Owen William, farmer 415 PARISHES, ETC. 416 Peach Charles, farmer Percell William, farmer Perks George, frame r Perks William, maltster Perks Henry, farmer Preston Richard, farmer Prcttv Henry, farmer Praetor Eliz. farmer Proctor Benjamin, farmer Rand Thomas, farmer Rand John, farmer Richards Ihos. plumber Richardson Rd. farmer Rimel Thos. shopkeeper Roe John, farmer Rowney John, farmer Slade Thos. shopkeeper Smith William, farmer Smith Henry, tailor Smith Elizabeth, farmer Smith Ralph, farmer Sorrill John, blacksmith Steward John, farmer Sunn an Wm. carpenter i SurmanThos. shopkeeper Taylor William, farmer \ Union William, saddler '■ WedgburyGeorge,farmer Webb George, farmer White Giles, blacksmith Willis John, shopkeeper Wilmore S. shopkeeper Windle Richard, farmer Woodward Robt. farmer KEMPSEY. Amphlett Benj. butcher Bell Mr. gent. Best T. W. farmer Bick James, surgeon Blandy Joseph, farmer Boulter Thomas, farmer Bowyer James, gent. Chapereau Francis, gent. Clarke William, farmer Costley Captain Theo. Crisp Mrs. widow Crump Miss Dalby William, butcher Dalby Richard, farmer Danter Wtti. bricklayer Derrington W. H. gent. Farmer George, tailor Firkins J. shoemaker Foster Thomas, currier George John, maltster Gibbs hay dealer Godsail John, fanner Gorle Mrs. widow Gorle John, gent. Go lie Thomas, farmer Grant Colonel Green Mrs. vict. Green Samuel, farmer Griffiths Wm. maltster Harper Mr. gent. Hartwright Geo. farmer Hammond Mr. gent. Hav William, gent. 2 T 417 PARISHES, ETC. 418 Henderson Col. George Hobbs Wm. black smith Holland Thomas, farmer Howell Mrs. farmer Hurdman John, farmer Hurdman Thos. farmer James Samuel, farmer Johnstone Lockart, gent. Kent William, mason Little Colonel Joseph Lock Mrs. farmer Lunn Rev. Matthew Moore John, farmer Munn Joseph, tailor Munn Mrs. widow Munn T. baker Newman Thos. farmer Nutting J. farmer Panting J. farmer Pillow Miss, ladies sem- inary Pugh Thomas, gent. Purser J . butcher Randle William, owner Ross James, farmer Rudd Mrs. widow Sargeant Thomas, gent. Shoreland Miss Smith Joseph, gent. Smith William, maltster Smith John, blacksmith Southouse T. W. gent. Spark Miss Stanton J. carpenter Stanton T. carpenter Stonall Mrs. widow Stretton J. M. gent. Tandy William, farmer TimbrillThomas, surgeon Turner Wm. carpenter Warner Miss Wheeler Thomas, farmer White Joseph, farmer White Hannah, farmer WhitehouseMiss Whitesides academy Wilbraham Captain Williams John, farmer Williams Captain Robert Willis Thomas, gardener Wilson Francis, gent. Wiltshire James, farmer KIDDERMINSTER. Foreign. Allerton Thos. maltster Baker Thomas, farmer Bras ton George, farmer Cartwright Wm. gent. I Clarke George, maltster Clarke Thomas, painter Chillingworth J . farmer Chillingw T orth J. farmer Cotterill J. S. farmer Collins Nathaniel, vict. Crane Thomas, gent. Crane Thomas, farmer Crane Thos. jun. farmer Crane Edward, farmer Crane Henry, farmer I Crane John, farmer 419 PARISHES, ETC. 420 Dorrill Thomas, farmer Garmston T. paper maker Glaze Edward, farmer Godfrey Abraham, miller Green John, wharfinger Had cock William, farmer Harris Thomas, baiilff Hill man John, farmer Holmes Ann, farmer Hornblower Win. farmer Instowe W. pump maker Jeffreys John, esq. Jones William, farmer Lamb John, farmer Lane Richard, vict. Leight George, farmer Lewis Richard, maltster Mills Joseph, fanner Owen Widow, vict. Pratt Edward, farmer Prattenton A. esq. Ree Thomas, vict. Seagar John, farmer Seagar Thomas, farmer • Simmonds H. farmer Soley John, esq. Southall Eliz. farmer Spencer Thomas, miller Steward Thomas, esq. Sturge C. corn dealer Styles George, farmer Styles Ferdinand, farmer Taylor John, esq. Turton William, esq. Tyther Joseph, maltster Tyther William, vict. Wags taff John, farmer Waldron Hannah, farmer Walker Charles, vict. White Henry, farmer Widnell Josiah, gent. Wilde William, farmer KINGSFORD. Bate Thomas, farmer Edwaids William, farmer KINGSNORTON. Headley Division. Adkins John, farmer Aston John, tailor Avery Samuel, farmer Abutt Mr. Brittle John, farmer Brooks William, farmer Brown James, farmer But man Richard, farmer Burnell Thomas, farmer Collins John, farmer Cottriil John, farmer Cottrill Joseph, farmer Court Thomas, farmer C ran more John, farmer Crowley John, farmer Edwards Richard, farmer Foster John, farmer Greaves Richard, maltster Greaves Widow, farmer Grimley Matthew, farmer Guest John, farmer Guest William, vict. Hopkins Thomas, farmer James Richard, farmer Johnson Robert, farmer 421 PARISHES, ETC. 422 Ingram William, farmer Ingram Mrs. farmer Keen Edward, farmer Knowles John, farmer Lea Richard, farmer Lilley William, farmer Lloyd Rev. Rees Lyndon Thomas, farmer Martin Joseph, farmer Martin Thomas, farmer Miller Joseph, farmer Morrell Samuel, butcher Morteboys AVm. farmer Moseley Wm. farmer Mynors Robert, esq. Mynors Henry Eden Onion Abraham, farmer Parker Thomas, farmer Parkes Thomas, farmer Parkes Barnett, farmer Parkes James, farmer Parsons Richard, farmer Poney William, farmer Preston John, farmer Pretty William, farmer Reeves John, farmer Richards William, farmer Richards Joseph, farmer Rooper Thomas, farmer Sanders J wheelwright Scaratt John, miller Smith Thomas, farmer Smith John, farmer Smith J. blacksmith Statham Francis,, farmer Tay John, farmer Taylor Samuel, farmer Taylor Charles, surgeon Taylor John, carpenter Terry Thomas, farmer Tonks George, farmer Vale William, farmer Wakeman Wm. farmer White Thomas^ farmer Williams R. farmer Lea Division. Avery Joseph, farmer Allen Joseph, farmer Arms Thomas, farmer Ashmall Thomas, farmer Ash more Thomas, farmer Bushell Thomas, farmer Chase Daniel, gent. Cheshire R. builder Chinn Mrs. farmer Colman Cornelius, farmer Cooks William, vict. Cratherne Joseph, farmer Deaken Francis, farmer Deaken Edward, farmer Deane — whitesmith Gem Mrs, gentlewoman Gem Samuel, gent. Holyoake Thos. farmer Holyoake John, farmer Holyoake A farmer Houghton Joseph, farmer Huskinson Charles, gent. Izon Mrs. gentlewoman Kendrick George, farmer 423 PARISHES, ETC. 424 Marshall Joseph, farmer Oaks Thomas, farmer Parsons Edward, farmer Perry Charles, farmer Roston William, gent. Russton Thomas, farmer Smith Thomas, farmer Smith William, farmer Taylor John, farmer Taylor Mark, farmer Turner Thomas, farmer Twigg Nathaniel, farmer Villars William, esq. Waddall William, vict Warton George, farmer Woodcock J. blacksmith Moseley Division Anderton William, esq. Anderton Isaac, gent, Anderton G. H. gent, Anderton, Wm. farmer Arnold John, solicitor Austin George, farmer Austin Joseph, farmer Ball Thomas, farmer Bate J. gun lock maker Brittle Thomas, farmer Bulivant Wm. butcher Bull William, farmer Bullock Richard, glazier Burwick Thomas, smith Burwick Tbos. juu. smith Burns Samuel, gent. Chapman William, gent. Clerk Henrv, farmer | Cook Thomas, gent i Cotton George, builder j Davis Thomas, gent. Day Thomas, farmer Docker T brass founder French R. schoolmaster 'Guest Mrs gentlewoman Hadeu Henry, farmer j Handley Joseph, farmer | Harford Mrs, gent. I Holmes Edward, gent. | Homer Betty, gent. j Homer Avery E. tanner I Homer J Cox, gent. IJarvisMrs. gentlewoman jjennis Miss, schoolmis- tress I Jems John, brass founder Johnson Widow, vict. Kempson Peter, gent. Kempson Samuel, gent Knowles E. shopkeeper Lawrence J. T. gent. Lea Thomas, builder Mewis William, grocer Mott John, gent. Morgan Rev. Thomas Parker John, gent. Palmer Rev. E, Pay ton A. brick maker Payton P. brickmaker Pountney R. currier Purdon Joseph, gent. Reddall J. H. gent. Reynolds J. gent. 425 PARISHES, ETC. 426 Russell Thomas, esq. Russell Lieut. Colonel Ryland Samuel, esq. Shorthouse William, gent Smith WIdow,shopkeeper Smith Charles, gent. Taylor William, esq. Taylor James, esq. Taylor Samuel, farmer Taylor Sarah, gent. Taylor Thomas, builder Todd J. Grove, farmer Todd Mrs. victualler Undrell Joseph, farmer Watts John, horse dealer Whitaker Eliz. gent. Whitehouse Rich, farmer Wilmore Joseph, gent Wright Mrs. schoolmis- tress Moundsley Division. Bickley Isaac, farmer Brown Joseph, farmer Bushell William, farmer Bushell Joseph, farmer Buxton Richard, maltster Cerington Thos. farmer Cook George, farmer Cook Mary, farmer Cope John, roller Cope Thomas, farmer Dobbs T. vitroil maker Dudley Cath. farmer Edward Rev. Hugh Greaves Widow, farmer Green William, esq. Holmes Thomas, vict. Kendrick George, vict. Kimberley John, mason Lamb Richard, butcher Lea Richard, vict. Lester George, farmer Mason William, butcher Moore John, farmer Newton Matthew farmer Nichols John, farmer Palmer Seymore, farmer Pountney Thos. maltster Pountney John, farmer Pountney John, vict. Pretty William, farmer Pritchet Richard, farmer Reynolds Isaac, farmer Rogers John, farmer Rogers Thomas, farmer Saxelby Thomas, farmer Snape John, farmer Thopson John, glazier Timmins George, farmer Wakeman Benj. farmer Waldron Thomas, farmer Ward Tim. shoemaker W 7 heildon Francis, farmer Wheildon T.& R. farmers Rednall Division Attwood Mathias, esq. Bicknell J. C. farmer Cooper Richard, farmer Dutton Henry, tailor Ganderton James, farmer 427 PARISHES. ETC. 428 Green Joseph, farmer Green Joseph, maltster Homer William, farmer Hodgetts Charles, farmer Ingram John, farmer Ingram Joseph, smith Johnson James, farmer Johnson T. parish clerk Lee Joseph, bricklayer Merry Joseph, gent. Moss James, farmer Parkes G. wheelwright Peakman Wm. farmer Perry and Taylor, silver smiths Rew George, vict. Smith John, farmer Tabberner Benj. farmer Taylor J ames, farmer Weaver John, farmer Wilmore John, surgeon KINGTOX. Baker John, farmer Burford Elizabeth, vict. Curnack William, farmer Dyke Anne, farmer Haynes John, farmer Hemas John, farmer Laight Thomas, farmer SouthallRev. H. Southall John, farmer KNIGHTON AND NEWNHAM. Banks William, farmer Bboton Sainuel, farmer Brazier Thomas, farmer Busy Benjamin, farmer Butler William, farmer Crundell Joseph, farmer Davis Edward, farmer Davis Francis, farmer Draper Abraham, farmer Good Thomas, farmer Good Sarah, farmer Good Benjamin, farmer Handley Thomas, farmer Jones William farmer Jones James, farmer Knowles Stephen, farmer Lane Joseph, farmer Lells William, farmer Mapp George, farmer iMapp Stephen, farmer I Mound Thomas, farmer Nash John, farmer Phasey William, farmer Scarrat Thomas, fanner Smith John, farmer Swann Ephraim, farmer Taylor Thomas, farmer Wall Thomas, farmer Weaver Joseph, fanner Wheeler Vincent, esq. Wood Thomas, farmer KNIGHTWICK. Bell Rev. John Bishop Mary, farmer Butt John, farmer Burraston J. farmer Caswell Joseph, farmer 429 PARISHES, ETC. 430 Don£ Joseph, farmer Freeman Edward, esq, Holmes John, blacksmith Hyde Thomas, gent, Hyde John, farmer Starling Charles, miller Starling Eliz gent KYRE MAGNA Goode Thomas, farmer Hill Richard, farmer Jones Abraham, smith Patrick Samuel, farmer Pytts Mrs gent. Taylor John, farmer KYRE PARVA. Benbow H, farmer Benbo w J . shopkeeper Be van James, farmer Bowkett John, farmer Brazier Thomas, farmer Griffin John, farmer Hill Thomas, farmer Hyde Henry, farmer Hyde Mary, farmer Jordon John, farmer Spilsbury Francis, farmer Stinton John, farmer LEIGH. Attwood John, carpenter Bearcroft H, B. farmer Bearcroft Benj. farmer Bearcroft George, farmer Bellers James, farmer Bennett Mary, farmer Bennett John, farmer Birchley W. bricklayer Bradford Wm. farmer Browning Rich, farmer Burston John, farmer Cannaby J shopkeeper Cole John, farmer Coucher Thomas, farmer Couch er Martin, farmer Coucher R. collar maker Cowles Isaac, vict. Craddock Thorn as, farmer Day Henry, farmer Dee J. P. farmer Dodd Miss, gentlewoman Dowdiug Charles, esq. Dowding John, esq. Essex Joseph, farmer Finch Heniage, esq. Fowler Thomas, farmer Gabb John, tarmer Gabb James, farmer Gabb Benjamin, farmer Gardner Benj . farmer Gwiilam Richard, smith Hadland John, farmer Hadley Richard, miller Harris Thomas, farmer Hayes William, farmer Hill Robert, farmer Hooper William, farmer Hooper Sam. carpenter Hollows y, Wm. farmer Hughes William, farmer Jackson William, mason Jackson William, farmer 431 PARISHES, ETC. 432 Johnson Benjamin, esq. Jones Edward, farmer Jones John, farmer Jones Samuel, farmer Jones Richard, farmer Kemp Jonas, farmer Lamb J, farmer Morton .1 . farmer Meeks Edward, farmer Ness Thomas, farrier Page Henry , farmer Pillinger E. shopkeeper Ratcliffe Wm. farmer Rowberry Joseph, farmer Smith James, farmer Spencer William, tanner Stevenson H. B. gent. Tolley James, farmer Veal Thomas, butcher Williams Mr. gent. Winwood John, farmer Wood William, gent. Wood William, miller Wood vat t John, farmer Woodvatt Susan, farmer LINDOXS. Bank John Nott, farmer C art wright Enoch, farmer Cooke Charles, farmer Cowell Thomas, farmer Crane John, farmer Dodd Richard, farmer Dorrell James, farmer Eaton Joseph, farmer Edwards Joseph, farmer Edwards Wm. 'aimer Fidkin John, farmer Fidkin Ma ry , far m e r Griffiths William, farmer Harper Oliver, farmer Humphries Thos. farmer Lingen Francis, farmer Mapp Rich aid, farmer Mills Henry, farmer Xott Richard, farmer Xott John, farmer Port man Thomas, farmer Reynolds Peter, farmer Rogers John, sen farmer Rogers John, jun farmer Rogers Joseph, farmer Smith Samuel, farmer Spilsbury John, farmer Walker Edmund, vict. Wheeler John, farmer Whittingslow J. farmer Williams Thomas, farmer LIXDRIDGE. Adams Joseph, farmer Adams George, farmer Adams Allen, farmer Band Richard, miller Beddoes Thomas, farmer Boddenham Mary, farmer Bradley T. shopkeeper Flelloe John, wheel wright Gardner William, farmer ( Hinton John, farmer ; Knott William, cooper and farmer U 433 PARI§HB&, ETC. 434 Meakin Rev. Mr. Mills Richard, bricklayer Mound Wm. shoemaker Nott Ann, farmer Pitt John, farmer Pound Willi am , farmer Simmond;- Rich, farmer Simmonds F. shopkeeper Smith Sir William, Bart. Smith Sidney, esq. Strafford John, farmer Walker John, farmer Wall James, shopkeeper Wheeler John, farmer Wheeler H. farmer NORTH and MIDDLE LITTLETON. Ballard Edmund, farmer Ballard William, butcher Bridgwater Geo. farmer Brookes W. wheelwright Butler 'J . shopkeeper Carless Thomas, higler Coldicott Isaac, farmer Hemming- Wm. maltster Knight William, farmer Moore Richard, maltster Qsborn John, smith Pay ton Richard, vict Stephens Thomas, dealer Tregent and Smith, paper makers LITTLETON SOUTH. Carless Thomas* farmer Gibbs William, farmer Shute Rev. George Sibbaths Wm. farmer Smith George, farmer Toms John, gent. Wheeler R. farmer Wheeler William, farmer LONGDON BealeJ. schoolmaster Boulter Mrs. Brewer William, farmer Biookes Wm. shoemaker Crewe Rev. Charles Hatch William, farmer Higgens John, farmer Jennings Henry, farmer Jones Edmund, farmer Lord Joseph, farmer Mills Thomas, butcher Newman Sarah, farmer Pitt John, farmer Royer William, farmer Smith Henry, farmer Stone Edward G. esq. Symmonds Wm. farmer Thorley Charity, gent. Weeks William, farmer Wheeler William, farmer j White William, farmer White Elizabeth, farmer Wodley Mary, farmer Wood Joseph, shopkeeper LULSLEY. Done John, farmer Jones Samuel, farmer ffA' 435 PARISHES, ETC. 436 Jones John, farmer Jones Edward, farmer Presdee Thomas, farmer Racster John, farmer Racster Thomas, farmer L UTILE Y. Allchurch Thos farmer Burton John, farmer Darby David, farmer Eaton and Darby, millers Hawkeswood T farmer Higgs Benjamin, farmer Spencer T farmer & vict. MADDRESFIELD. Allen J H. esq. Beauchamp, Right Hon. the Earl of Clark Thomas, farmer Cowles Thomas, farmer Jefferys Rev. Mr. Lygon Hon. Col. Henry MP. Lygon Hon Col. E. P. Ricketts William, gent. Turnberrow J oh n, farmer Warren Francis, farmer MALVERN GREAT. Baker Mrs. C. Ballard Phillip, attorney Banford Thomas, farmer Bannister James, carrier Barber Richard, smith Barber John, hallier Baylis Thomas, farmer Beale Henry, surgeon Beard J. Belle Vue Hotel Bellers John, farmer Hellers John, jun. farmer Blake John, farmer Bos worth Joseph, farmer Brown Mrs. gent. Bullock Moses, farmer Bullock William, farmer Bullock John, farmer Campbell G. C. gent. Cann Thos. bricklayer Card Rev. Henry Caulfield E. T. gent. Cope Sir Jonathan, Bart. Dandridge Mary, gent. De Bourvilie Madam Deykes Samuel, gent. Downes Joseph, Foley Arms Hotel Ell George, farmer Fowler William, dealer George Thomas, smith Goodman B. schoolmaster Green away Rich, farmer Griffiths W. shopkeeper Hall Francis, farmer Harrison Wm. innkeeper Hartwright James, gent. II art wright J. jun, farmer Holl C. A. gent. Jones Edw. shoemaker Jones Thos. shoemaker Kerby Joseph, butcher Key James, shopkeeper 437 PARISHES, ETC. 438 Lane George, farmer Lashfprd J. shoemaker Lucas Thomas, grocer Lyttleton Lady Marsden James, gent, Mason Ann, gentle worn an Matthews John, farmer Matthews Samuel, farmer Matthews Wm. carrier Nash Samuel, farmer Need George, farmer Philpotts T. carpenter Plumer Mrs. gent, Probert John, victualler Probe rt Vaughan, gent. Ranee -Thomas, farmer Richards John, gent. Roberts Isaac, farmer Roe Samuel, vict. Silvester Miss gent. Simmonds glazier Solloway John, gent. Southall John, musician and librarian Stephens William, farmer Stillingfleet Mrs. gent. Stokes T, shopkeeper Thomas William, farmer Tilt Rev. William Wadley Edward, farmer Waldron- surgeon Wail William, esq. Weaver Charles, farmer West Thorn as, . es q . .Wheeler Allen, gent. Wilks Wm. hair dresser Wilson Captain, Edward Wilson John, farmer Yeend Laringe, farmer Young Edward, farmer MALVERN LITTLE. Clark Jeremiah, warrener Hatch John, farmer Price James*, farmer MALVERN WELLS. Benbow J . Ruby Cottage Davis Thomas, AVoodbine Cottage Essington Samuel, Hotel Lucy William, May Place Phillips J. Louth Lodge Steers William, Rock and Well House Stokes T. Regent Lodge Vaughan John, Vaughan Cottage Woody att Thos. Levant Cottage Wigram Sir Robt. Bart. M AMBLE. Benbow Edw. carpenter Blount Lady Burraston John, farmer Hadley George, farmer Hailes Ann, farmer Hailes Edward, farmer Hailes James, farmer Hanley Edward, farmer > m c ■ f 439 PARISHES^, ETC. 440 Holder Thomas, farmer Holt Thomas, farmer Mapp Geo. shopkeeper Mills William, farmer Owens John, farmer Owens Thomas, farmer Payne George, farmer Biddle Robert, farmer Bishop George, farmer Bradband William, farmer Butt John, farmer Cartridge Mark, farmer Crisp Thomas, farmer Dowding William, esq. Reynolds John, carpenter j Dowding Charles, farmer Simmonds Wm. farmer | Davis John, farmer Davis Daniel, butcher Downes John, farmer Turner Thomas, carrier Walker James, farmer Wheeler Edward, vict. Williams C. butcher MARTIN HOSSINGTREJL Bedford George, farmer Boaz Elijah, farmer Brewster Betty, farmer Curnock L. farmer Ennes James, farmer Footman J. shoemaker Gardner Edward, farmer Gardner Ed. Jun. farmer Gittens James, farmer Gold Susannah, farmer Harris Francis, farmer ^Hickin John, farmer Doogood William, farmer, Hodges George, farmer Green James, farmer Lamb Thomas, farmer Penrice B. E. esq. Quarrell Joseph, farmer spencer J. shoemaker Holliday John, farmer Holmes Thomas, farmer \ Howell Daniel, vict. | Key Thomas, victualler ; Kilson Thomas, farmer Thomas Richard, farmer Lench John, farmer Thorn ason Thos. farmer < Lench Thomas, farmer Williams Rev. George Williams James, esq. HARTLEY. Ad cock Edward, farmer Alklridge J . carpenter Alldridge Wm. carpenter Badger John, farmer Best Rev. Francis ' Lewis John, farmer Merrick J. shopkeeper Mills William, farmer Morton Thomas, farmer Mann Edward, farmer Nash George, esq. Nurse Thomas, farmer FalmeivJames, farmer 441 PARISHES, ETC. 442 Pritchett Mary, farmer Rastell John, shopkeeper Rastell Sam. shoemaker Rastell Joseph, smith Rogers Arnold, tanner Rowley George, cooper Sanders Thomas, farmer •Smith Nathaniel, farmer Turley Jas sen farmer Turley . I as j u n farmer Turley Edward, farmer Turley Benjamin, farmer Turley Edward, cooper Watkins George, cooper White Benjamin, farmer Williams Rev R. Young Thomas, farmer MATHON. ArmishaSl John, farmer Bond William, farmer Bowers Edward, farmer Bowers Thomas, farmer Branch John, farmer Cok John, farmer Gwillam Thomas, farmer Hall John, farmer Har-court Thomas, farmer Hatton Thomas, farmer HattonThos Jun farmer Heming Richard, farmer Hill Richard, farmer Jones Widow, farmer Jones William, farmer Jones Wm. jun. farmer Kings Benjamin, farmer Lay ton William, farmer Layton Thomas, farmer Lloyd Mark, farmer Masters William, farmer Racster Mary, farmer Ravenhill Thomas, viet. Reece Rev. George Smith William, farmer Symmonds Wm farmer Woodyatt William, gent. Woody att J hos. farmer MLTTON. Near Breedon. Bartlett William, farmer Pike Aaron, farmer MITTON LOWER. Not included in Stourport. Bennett Thomas, vict. Broad John, farmer Bold Mary, gentlewoman Bates Wm carpenter Beard Elizabeth, owner Bayliss Benjamin, owner Crane Samuel, farmer Cole John, carpenter Cole Thomas, carpenter Caster John, tanner Corbet t Thomas, owner Chambers Michael, ma- chine maker Chambers Robt. machine maker- Drew Thos. boat builder Devilly Wm, carpenter Dickens John, gent. 443 PARISHES. ETC. 444 Dickens John jun. owner Foliott Mrs gent. Glover John, gent. Hip wood J. boat builder Hipwood T boat builder HarsnetMrs. wheelwright Higgens Joseph, owner James Harry, smith Jones Thomas, grocer Jones William, sail maker Jones J . severn captain Jeffs Thomas, carpenter Meredith John, vict. Mascfield Edw. chaise keeper Nichols Mrs. school Parr Mrs. farmer Price Herbert, owner Perks Win. stone mason Parker Zech maltster Rankin T. schoolmaster Robinson & Co. carrieis Ryan John, gent. Roberts Penelope, school Stanley Rev. Jacob Stringer John, jun. vict. Smith A. bricklayer Sheriff John, bricklayer Trow Wm. coal dealer Webb Thos.coal dealer Youngjohns Rd. coach prorpietor MITTON UPPER. Barnett Samuel, farmer Harrison Richard, vict. Housemau Thos joiner Moore Charles E gent. Mills William, gent. Southall Joseph, butcher Webster Augustus farmer NAUNTON BEAUCHAMP. Arnold Wm. shoemaker Copner Rev Cornelius Huband Thomas, farmer Hunt George, faimer Moore Mrs. farmer Ward David, farmer NETHERTON. Cooke Michael, farmer NEWLAND. Bennett Thomas, farmer Cresswell James, farmer Ciesswell Thos. solicitor Hill John, gent. Mordou M. vict. Reynolds Thos . farmer Stephens Wm. farmer Thomas Rd. farmer Win nail Thomas, farmer NEW BOLD. Fellows Robert, esq. Halford Thomas, miller Hands W 7 m sen. farmer Hands Wm jun. farmer Hutchins Edward, smith Jaques William, farmer Jaques Moses, farmer Jaques Jer. farmer 445 PARISHES, ETC. 446 Neal Thomas, vict Power Eliz. shopkeeper Sale Richard, farmer Salmon David, farmer Walton Richard, farmer NORTHFIELD. Adcock H. W. toy maker Allbutt James, smith Allen Benjamin, gent, Attvvood Matthias, esq. Avery William, esq. Badger William, farmer Ballard John, brickmaker Bate John, shoemaker Bingham James, gent. Bingham H. G. wine merchant Carpenter Charles, farmer Cottrell Robert, miller Davenport John, farmer DerricourtSamuel,farmeri Derricourt Joseph, farmer Edwards J. wheelwright Egginton Joseph, farmer Fallows Hannah, widow Fenwick Rev. T. J. Fielding John, farmer F'isher Thos. shoemaker Fisher Thomas, farmer Forman James, farmer Fox Joseph, dealer Greaves George, farmer Greaves Austin, farmer Green William, farmer Green Thomas, farmer Green John, farmer Green Joseph, farmer Grigg Samuel, farmer Grove Edw. brickmaker Grove Matthew, gent. Hadley Mary, farmer Harrison Rev. Mr. HarrisonWilliam, farmer Hart J. coach proprietor Heaton William, farmer Herps Thomas, farmer Hinton James, smith Hollis John, farmer Izons Thomas, merchant James William, & Co. coal merchants Lea George, carrier Lees John, farmer Manning T. buckle maker Middlemores Rd. farmer Millington John, farmer Moss John, farmer Moss Joseph, farmer Newell Richard, farmer Newell C. shoemaker Owen David, timber merchant Power Thomas, farmer Power W. R. farmer Price Thos. brickmaker Pritchard Thomas,farmer Richards Henry, farmer Rhoden Edward, farmer Robinson W, nail maker Rose Daniel, dealer 44/ PARISHES, ETC. 448 Sergeant T. carpenter Shakespeare Rev. Mr. Smith William, vict. Smith John, boat builder Smith Widow, chandler Tay Tobias, butcher Taylor Joseph, farmer Taylor Isaac, farmer Tibbetts John, farmer Tibbetts William, farmer Ward Henry, farmer Watterson Joseph, smith Watterson 13 . wheelwrigh t Whitehouse J. maltster W r hitehouse Dan. farmer Whitehouse Isaac, farmer Willetts Thomas, farmer Willetts Joseph, farmer Williams Joseph, farmer Withers Thos. carpenter Withers Rob. carpenter Withers T. Parish clerk Withers George, vict, NORTH PIDDLE. Atkins Thomas, weaver Arden William, farmer Cottrill Robert, farmer Cowley Robert, farmer Ewins Edward, farmer Green Harry, farmer Handy Elizabeth, farmer Hancock Henry, farmer Jones William, farmer Morris John, farmer 2 NORTHWICK. Adams Elizabeth, miller Brain Joseph, farmer Mansell Ann, farmer North wick R.t. Hon. Lord Roushout Hon. Miss NORTON. Near Breedon. Botheridge Thos. farmer Dadfield William, farmer Higgens William, farmer Miles Richard, farmer Price John, farmer Quarrel 1 George, farmer Sowley George, farmer Swain John, farmer Woodward John, farmer NORTON. Near Kempsey. Aston Charles, farmer Boulter Mrs. farmer Brewer Miss, farmer Cle wer J ohn , farm er Coney Ann, farmer Griffiths Ann, faimer Harris Mrs farmer Hooke Thomas, farmer Hooke Benjamin, farmer Mathews Thos farmer Parker John, farmer Stanton William, farmer Walford Thomas, farmer Watkins William, farmer Yarnold Thomas, tanner W 449 PARISHES, ETC. 450 NORTON AND 1 LENCHWICK, Ashmore Joseph, farmer I Cole R. wheelwright Harris Mrs.& son, farmers Lines Robert, carpenter Lunn Peter, farmer Lunn Robert, farmer Lunn William, farmer Lunn George, farmer Nicholas farmer Wormington Rev. Win. ODDINGLEY. Barnett John, farmer Barnett William, farmer Evans Samuel, gent. Harcourt Edward, farmer Marshall Thomas, farmer Nash Samuel, farmer Price Thomas, shopkeeper Waterson Joseph, farmer Williams Thos. farmer OLDBERROW. Cooke William, farmer Gilbert Thomas, farmer Green John, farmer Griffin Thomas, farmer Overton James, farmer Peshall Rev. S. D. Tipping Henry, farmer Wheeler Henry, farmer OFFENHAM. Brookes Francis, farmer Danter W. horse dealer Digby Rev. William Gibbs John, farmer Gibbs John, Jim. farmer Harris Wm, maltster Harris Michael, baker Jeffreys William, farmer Knight John, carpenter Knight Robert, victualler Lidsey Richard, farmer Phillips William, farmer Preedy W. F. esq. Rock Phillip, farmer Sheaf Thomas, farmer OLD SWINFORD. Addenbrook John, esq. Addenbrook John, Jun* iron master Attwood Aaron, esq. Bache Samuel, gent, Baynham William, vict. Bevington Mrs. gent. Bellamy H. pipe maker Biggs Dorothy, gent. Bird Joseph, maltster Blizard & Co. seminary Bos well Joseph, vict. Bowdler Sam. butcher Bowen John, shoemaker Brain Isaac, victualler Brettell James, victualler Brocksopp Benj. potter Brooks John, victualler Brooks Elizabeth,butcher Brooks William, vict. Clark Richard, victualler 451 PARISHES, ETC. 452 Coley Joseph, shoemaker Colev William, vict. Cooke Wm, seedsman Court Rich, auctioneer Cox Esther, victualler Deeley John, carpenter Ensell R. glass master Emerson T nail master Farmer Thos, maltster Fellows Joseph, miller Fisher James, head mas- ter of the Blue School Fletcher John, victualler Flovd William, farmer Foley Rev. T. P Foxall Joseph, victualler Gale George, victualler Gardener Thomas, vict. Grainger S. nail master Green Sam. shopkeeper Griffin John, farmer Griffiths E. nail master Hampton J nail master Hart William, shopkeeper Hawkeswood Charles, shopkeeper Haynes J. nail master PI ill Thos. Jun. esq Hill Francis, farmer Hodgson S spade maker Hodgson Mr gent Holt T. trace maker Jervis Captain Henry Jones William, vict. Jones Thomas, farmer jLawsonH. schoolmaster i Lewis Mrs. gentlewoman i Littlewood William,'trace maker Mil ward J. locksmith Xocke 8. schoolmaster Owen C. spade maker !Pardoe Jane, victualler Pargetor J. and T. nail masters Parkes Thomas, vict. Perkes William, vict. Perkes J. shopkeeper Perkes Wilton, butcher Perrins W. trace maker Peny W; nail master Richards Jas. nail master Richards Rev. John Rhodes G. spade maker Rogers Ann, gent. Round Joseph, victualler Simms J. music master Smith Robert, farmer Stanley William, vict Traunter John, victualler ^'alters J nail master Witton John, victualler Wood T nail master Wood G spade maker Wooldridge Edward,anvil maker Wooldridge Eliz. vict. Wyatt W . pump maker Yardley John, farmer Yardlev Esther, vict. 453 PARISHES, ETC. 454 OMBERSLEY. Amphlett Thos. farmer Amphlett T. jun. farmer AmphlettRichard, farmer and maltster Armstrong Phillip, cooper Ball Wm. wheelwright Barnett S. schoolmaster Batchelor Edw. farmer Birch Samuel, farmer Boughton Edward, far- mer (Acton) Boughton Edward, far- mer (Hadley) Bourne Charles, smith Brighton Richard, vict. Brighton Edward, malt- ster and farmer Brook Nathaniel, draper Burrow Edward, farmer Burrow Thomas, farmer Burrow John, miller Burrow Sarah, farmer Cole William, smith Colley Richard, escj. Cook Richard, farmer Cook James, farmer Cox Rd wheelwright Dalby Thomas, farmer Dalloway William, schoolmaster DowdingRobt. farmer Downshire Most Noble Marchioness of Duggard Widow, farmer Evans Wm. bricklayer Gardner J. B. farmer Gardner Richard, farmer Gardner T. S. farmer Gardner J. II . farmer Gardner Thomas, farmer Gardner Widow, farmer Glasbrook Edw. farmer GoodwinEdw. shoemaker Grove Robert, farmer Harper Richard, farmer Hart! and John, farmer Hal ton Richard, farmer Higgs William, farmer Hobday Thomas, farmer Hollington Joseph, farmer Hope Joseph, butcher Hope George, shoemaker Jones William, farmer Lamb Susan, farmer Lawrence W. carpenter Lawrence W . miller Lightbourne Samuel Malpas Thomas, farmer Meadows Francis, farmer Moule Joseph, farmer Moule William, farmer Munn Thomas, farmer Munn John, farmer Nash Thomas, farmer Newey George, farmer Oakes J. stone mason Onley William, farmer Onley Edward, farmer Palmer M. shopkeeper 4o5 PARISHES, ETC. 456 Pasdoe John, farmer Pardoe James, farmer Partridge T. sen. farmer Partridge T. jun. farmer Patrick Samuel, smith b 80s ui. vict. Perks John, farmer Perry Richard, farmer Price Frederick, glazier Pritcbett Rev. John Pugh Edward, butcher Handle John, farmer Randle Joseph, farmer WinnaH John, farmer Wood John, f aimer (Syc- hampton) Wood John, farmer, (Ta- penhallj Wright Joseph, farmer ORLTON. Cooke William, farmer Davis Thomas, farmer Meredith Joseph, farmer Morris George, farmer Stinton Betty, farmer Teague William, farmer Roistons Thomas, farmer Tench Samuel, cooper Zanders John, jun. farmer OVERBURY. Birch Wm. shoemaker Cuff John, gent Darke Nathaniel, farmer ; Hanley Francis, mason |Mann John 'Martin Mr. surgeon I Moore F. schoolmistress Purser John, mealman Toliey Thos. jun. farmer Rawlins Mrs. gent. Tombs Thomas, farmer | Robinson E. paper maker Severn Ann, vict. Silvester W. A. fanner Sockett Rev. Thomas Soley George, farmer Taylor Mary, farmer Taylor Robert, farmer Toliey Richard,, farmer Toliey John, farmer Tracey Mary, farmer Tracey Samuel, baker Watkins John, esq. WatkinsJohn, sen. Whitney John, carpenter WhitneyWilliam, farmer Williams John, esq. Williams J. G. vict. Stephens Dean, mealman Waters Rev. E. P. Whitcombe W. maltster PAXFORD. Hodges John, farmer Martin farmer Xewitt Joseph, farmer Roberts farmer Wilson William, farmer j Roberts Thomas, farmer Winnall Thomas, farmer! Wells William, farmer 457 PARISHES, ETC. 458 PEDMORE. Amphlett John, gent. Biggs Thomas, esq, Blow Wm. wheelwright Clive Moses, vict. Enseil Sylvester, gent. Hawks wood R. farmer Philpot Rev Mr. Scott J. Edward, gent. Smith Nathaniel, farmer Smith William, farmer Smith Mary, farmer PENDOCK. Clarke Adam, farmer Clarke John, farmer Clarke William, farmer Davis Rev. D. Dee John, farmer Fisher George, farmer Hartland T. shoemaker Hawkins John, farmer Heath James, smith Jackeman J farmer Lane Benj. shoemaker Sheen William, farmer Webb Thomas, cutter PENSAX. Bamford Edward, miller Boddington Edw. farmer Bray John, farmer Brock T. Clutton, esq. Clutton Mrs. Eliz. gent. Craddock J. & F. farmers Gough John, smith Lester George, farmer Mountford Wm. farmer Mountford Thos. farmer Palmer George, farmer Price Dorothy, vict. Rowlands Wrn. carrier Wan en Richard, farmer Warren W T iiliam, farmer Weaver James, joiner Wyke Stephen, farmer PENSHAM. Bedford Samuel, farmer Bright William, farmer George Edward, farmer George Abigal, farmer Graves John, farmer Jakeman Thomas, farmer Pitcher John, farmer Quarrell John, farmer PEOPLETON. Amphlett Joseph, farmer Boucher T. wheelwright Bake well James, farmer Dineley Rev. George Dineley Josiah, farmer Dineley Frederick, farmer Dineley Francis, farmer Dineley John, gent. Dineley Samuel, dealer Hart wright Geo. farmer Heynes Sarah, farmer Hogg John, farmer Rogers Thomas, smith Stanton John, miller Torres Nicholas, gent. 459 PARISHES^ ETC. 460 PJNVIN. Bay] is Henry, farmer Baylis George, farmer Day Henry, farmer Day William, farmer Ewins George, farmer George John, farmer Gibbs Benjamin, farmer Longford Thos. farmer Stinton Richard, farmer White William, farmer PIRTON. Bullock 1 homas, farmer Knight Susannah, farmer Proctor John, farmer Shepherd John, farmer Taylor George, farmer Woodward Geo. farmer POWICK. Addis Thomas, glazier Baker Fanny, farmer Barton Widow, farmer Batham Dr. Christopher Benbow Thomas, farmer Blew John, esq. Carless Walter, esq. Caswell John, farmer Caswell Edmund, ^nct. Constable H blacksmith Crane Samuel, esq. Crook John, esq. Dalby Thomas, farmer Denny Sir Edward, Bart. Denny William, esq. DeVismeAndrew, farmer Dudley William, esq. Edwards John, farmer Evans Richard, farmer Fidoe John, gent. Finch Mary, shopkeeper Finch Thomas, farmer Finch John, farmer Forrest Mrs. gen tie woman Goodyear John, gent. Gorle Richard, farmer Grainger E. schoolmaster Haines Thos. shoemaker Hart wright Wm. farmer Herbert John, farmer Herbert Edmund, farmer Herbert Martha, farmer Hide James, farmer Hill Richard, fanner Hopkins Mrs farmer Hussey Thos. shoemaker Hunt Robert, farmer Inns John, farmer Jolley James, farmer Jones James, farmer Jones William, farmer Lane Joseph, farmer Leech Thomas, farmer Leech Thos. jun. farmer Lewis Richard, farmer Mason John, farmer Mealy John, farmer Meyriek James, farmer Moore Mrs. vict. Newton Miss, farmer Nichols Thomas, farmer 461 PARISHES, ETC. 462 Nuttall Robert, esq. Partington Thos. farmer Prosser John, farmer Rainsfoid Ann, gent. Russell J, S. esq. Shallard Thomas, farmer Shepperd James, farmer Solloway Wm. farmer Steel Thomas, mason St. Aubyn Rev. Mr. Surman Robert, farmer Taylor Joseph, tailor Thompson Abraham, esq. Tombs Wm. carpenter Tompkins F. beast leech Tulley J. hop merchant Turner Samuel, farmer Turner James, butcher Twinberrow Mrs.' farmer Tyler James, farmer Wall Thomas, farmer Wall John, farmer Wall George, farmer Wattis James, farmer Williams Eliz. farmer QUEENHILL. Rateman William, farmer Binnall Wm. carpenter Cooper John, farmer Cowley Thomas, farmer Gray William, farmer Green John, farmer Lloyd Thomas, farmer Smith Joseph, farmer REDDITCH. Abbott Thomas, farmer Avery William, smith Balden Samuel, baker Bartlett William & Sons, needle makers Bartlett William, jun. needle maker Bartlett John, carpenter Bartlett S. dress maker BateT.&J. needlemakers Bayliss T. needle maker Boulter J. needle maker Boulton William & Son, needle makers Boulton R &Son, drapers Boulton Wm. butcher Boxidge John, tinman Bromley C. B. printer &c Brown Thomas, baker Brown Martha, school Carr Barnabas, butcher Chambers J as. plumber Chillingworth & Cooper, needle factors, &c. Clark Wm. carpenter Clark J fish hook maker Cooper J. fish hook maker Court Thos. watch maker Cox C. E. fishing tackier Cutler J. coal merchant Crow J . needle maker Davis James, saddler Davis Thomas, hallier Davis Joseph, shoemaker 463 PARISHES, KTC. 461 Field Wm. needle maker Field Thos. needle maker Field John, scourer Fowkes Thomas, vict. Fowkes J shoemaker Frances T. farmer, &c. Gibbs Wm. shoemaker Gittins John, carpenter Gould \V. needle maker GuardnerR. M. solicitor Hands Thomas, saddler Hemming R. and Son, needle makers Holyoake T. & J. needle makers and factors Holyoake B. needle maker Horton William, farmer Houghton M. needle ma- ker Hulme Rev Charles James J. fishhook maker Ireland Joseph, grocer Lea Rev. William Lewis J. smith Lloyd and Co. needle ma- kers Lowe John, grocer Mence John, victualler Mence Thos. post master Mill ward J. needle maker Mi 11 ward Henry, factor Mitchell William, factor Moore John, farmer Morris Edward, carpenter Parker John, grocer Peakman J. needle maker 2X PerkesEdw. needle maker Perry Thomas, smith Pratt Alexander, surgeon Prescott T. needle maker Reading andTurner, nee- dle makers Rickards S. tinman Robinson John, carpenter Sarsons Benjamin, baker Sarsons Thomas, farmer Scambler Charles, baker Shakle John, tailor Shrimpton William, nee- dle maker Shrimpton Peter, needle maker Smallwood William, nee- dle maker Smith Thomas, butcher Smith John, farmer Sprigg William, draper Stephens Richard, farmer Steward Charles, saddler Swann Charles, factor Tandy T. needle maker Taylor Hugh, surgeon Trubshaw Charles, baker, draper and grocer Turner J. needle maker Vaughan Thomas, grocer Vincent Joseph, farmer Waring P. hair dresser Williams J. needle maker Williams T. needle maker Willis Herbert, victualler Wyers S. needle maker 465 PARISHES^ ETC. 466 Wyers Henry, plumber Yoxall W. fishing tackier REDMARLEY D'ABITOT. Aston Richard, farmer Bird Joseph, farmer Birt James, farmer Clarke William, farmer Commeline Rev, James Cooper Edward, farmer Davis Francis, farmer Fisher George, farmer Goode Thos shoemaker Hawkins Mary, farmer Hill Joseph, farmer Hooper William, farmer Jackeman Daniel, farmer Lutwytch Rich, farmer Meek Edward, farmer Pennell John, farmer Powell Jonas, carpenter Pugh A. shoemaker Redding William, miller Reeves Sophia, farmer Russell Thomas, farmer Shaill John, farmer Smith William, farmer South Thomas, gaidener Stallard Joseph, farmer Stephens Joseph, mason Taylor John, farmer Walker John, farmer Whittle John, farmer RIBBESFORD. Creswell Joseph, farmer Edwards Thomas, farmer Frazier Wm, farmer Ingram Rev. Wilmington Jones Thos sen. farmer Jones Thos, jun. farmer Porter John, farmer RIPPLE. Adams Francis, farmer Allard Thomas, farmer Barnes John, farmer BaughRev J. W. Bennett George, butcher Best John, gardener Bird Phillip, carpenter Brunsden Charles, tailor Cam Henry, carpenter Carr Edmund, esq. Carr Captain Johu Cartridge Wm. farmer Castle Thomas, farmer Chandler Benj. butcher Davis Sam. sen. dealer Davis Sam. jun. dealer Dethendge Richard, ba- ker and farmer Dingley James, esq. Glover Susannah, farmer Gurney Wm. huckster Hall Sarah, farmer Hall William, iarmer Hatch Nancy, widow Hay Richard, shopkeeper Jakeman P. geese dealer Lane William, farmer Martin John, farmer Martin Paul, farmer Matty John, farmer 467 PARISHES, ETC. 468 Matty William, gent. Moore Thomas, farmer Nott William, farmer Parker Thomas, vict. Philpot Rev. H. C. Pratt John, farmer Price John, farmer Rickards John, farmer Rudge Wm. gardener Sealey Samuel, gent. Spencer George, farmer Thacker T. bricklayer Thould Samuel, farmer Walker John, farmer White Richard, farmer Wilkshire John, carrier Wilkshire James, carrier Wilmore Thos. gardener Williams George, smith Williams T. shopkeeper Willis John, gardener Yates Charles, gent. ROCK. Davis Rev. David Davis Rev. Thomas, Rock Academy Dipper Joseph, farmer Dorrell William, farmer Evans John, farmer Hall Edmund, shoemaker Lilley John, farmer Lowe Richard, butcher Wainwright John, farmer Wainwright Wm. smith Wheeler Edward, farmer ROUSELENCH. Bristow William, vict. Clewer Richard, butcher Cole John, farmer Frier John, shoemaker Gilbert Richard, farmer Gilbert William, farmer Haywood Wm. farmer Fleming William, smith Heming Ann, farmer Heming Thos. carpenter Lane Mary, farmer Partington James, farmer Partington J. sen farmer Perks William, farmer Vincent Thomas, farmer Williams Rev. Mr. Yeend John, bone setter RUSHOCK. Bellamy John, farmer , Bur foid Joseph, farmer Everton Thomas, farmer F! alien Rev. George Jackson George, farmer Lett John, farmer Lilley John, farmer Newry William, farmer Taylor Charles, smith Watkins John, farmer SALWARP. Ash win Richard, farmer Boaz George, farmer Brewster Betty, miller Bullock Lucy, smith Caswell Joseph, vict. 469 PARISHES, ETC. 470 Creswell James, farmer Gresley Phillip, esq. Hammonds Mary, farmer Ireland Thomas, farmer Milner Francis, farmer Muck low John, farmer Nash John, farmer Nichols William, miller Prescott George, farmer Price Thomas, farmer Smith Richard, farmer Stephens J. shoemaker Stokes Mrs . gentlewoman Sutton William, farmer Tandy Edward, farmer Vashion Rev. J, V. Wilson Samuel, farmer Wilson John, farmer Wilson William, farmer Wilson Matthew, farmer Womack Wm. farmer SAPEY PITCHARD. Andrews Richard, farmer Arden John, farmer Cheese Phoebe, farmer Downes William, farmer Downes Thomas, farmer Gardner Richard, farmer Perkins Thomas, farmer Perkins Thos . jun . farmer Rabb George, farmer Rea Benjamin, farmer Saunders Thos . farmer Seward James, farmer Walker William, farmer Watkins Thomas, farmer W T est Joseph, farmer SEDGEBERROW. Ash win Sarah, farmer Burrows William, farmer Cole John, pig dealer Grove John, farmer Ninde John, farmer Osborn John, farmer Roberts Rev. Jeremiah Sheaf Henry, mealman Stokes John, farmer Stokes John, smith SEVERN STOKE. Bay lis John, farmer Best Margaret, farmer Burrow Thomas, farmer Cotton William, farmer Deerhurst Rt. Hon. Lord Viscount, M. P. Doughty Thomas, farmer Griffiths Mrs. farmer Harris Thomas, vict. Hatch Francis, butcher Hobbs Richard, farmer Hobbs William, farmer Horniblow Wm. farmer Horniblow W. jun. farmer Horniblow Geo. farmer Martin Charles, esq. Newman John, farmer Newman Wm. farmer Rea John, gent. 471 PARISHES, ETC. 472 Rea Joseph, farmer Salmon Rev. Henry St. John Rev J. R S S ton all Mary, farmer Tibbott Edward, farmer Tibbott John, farmer White William, gent. White John, farmer SHAKENHURST. WiglevEdm.Meysey,esq. SH RAW LEY. Bateman Joseph, farmer Beach John, farmer Bourne William, farmer Bourne Sarah, gent. Brighton James, farmer Castle Thomas, tailor Cliff William, gent. Cook Thomas, farmer DevereuxEliz. butcher Dipple Ann, widow Ford Samuel, butcher Haywood James, farmer Houseman John, wheel- wright Houseman Thos. farmer Nash Rev. Slade Overton John, farmer Pickernell Thos. fanner Powick Edward, farmer Powick Sarah, farmer Rawlins David, farmer Rea John, weaver Robinson J. shopkeeper Sanders Edward, farmer ! Smith Thomas, farmer j Still Samuel, carpenter Still William, farmer Wharton lUv Samuel Worming ton R. farmer Worminpton J woodman SHELbLEY BEAUCHAMP. Brazier John, farmer Bury Mrs. gentlewoman Collins John, farmer Crisp Mis. farmer Downes John, farmer Holder Richard, farmer Horton John, farmer j Moore Edward, gent. Morgan James, fanner Mountford Wm. farmer Napp F. schoolmaster Prichard George carrier Rick aids George, farmer Robinson Rev. Thomas Robinson Mrs. gent. Sant John, farmer Thomas John, gent. SHELSLEY KINGS. Bury Thomas, gent. Butler John, farmer Hill Thomas, farmer Hodges Robert, farmer Martin John, farmer Mountford Thos. farmer Pearkes Joseph, farmer Pearkes William, vict 473 PARISHES, ETC, 474 Sheargold Thos. carrier Smith Henry, shopkeeper SHELSLEY WASH. Gardner Thomas, miller Smith Edward, farmer SHERIFFS LENCH. Callow Thorn as , farmer Edwin John, farmer Quiney Henry, gent. Serjeant Wm. farmer SPETCHLEY. Berkeley Robert, esq. Berkeley Rob t. jun. esq. Leaclbetter W. steward Lycett Rev. Mr. Monslow J. smith Shuard Wm. carpenter Wheeler Thomas, farmer Wheeler William, farmer Wheeler John, farmer STANFORD. Bury Edward, miller Harris Thomas, farmer Ingram Rev. E. W. Webb Richard, farmer Winnington Sir Thomas, Bart, M. P. STAUNTON. Attwood Ann, widow Clinton William, farmer Davis James, farmer Fluck John, butcher Halford John , farmer Hawkins Thomas^farmer Hill Rev. Thomas Hooper Charles, farmer Lane Thomas, farmer Lane Mary, farmer Lane William, farmer Palmer John, farmer Shipston Joseph, farmer Walker John, faimer Walker John, jun. farmer STOCK AND BRADLEY. Barratt Mary, farmer Barley Armel, fanner Bolding Thomas, farmer Boulton William, farmer Burston Rd. shoemaker Brooks Henry, smith ChurchillClement,farmer Cook Thomas, farmer Cook William, farmer Cotttell William, tanner Court Rd. needle maker Davis Thomas, farmer Haden John, farmer Hemming James, farmer Hemming Joseph, farmer Penrice George, farmer Smitheringali W. farmer Timmings John, farmer STOCKTON. Bury William, butcher Chub Mrs. gentlewoman Cooke Charles, farmer Haywood John, smith Nott Edward, farmer Nott James, farmer 475 PARISHES, ETC. 476 Pearson Rev. Mr. Roberts William, carrier Tearne T. M. farmer STOKE PRIOR. Abbott Jeremiah, farmer Abbott Samuel, farmer Abbott Widow, farmer Allen John, farmer Allen Widow, farmer Allen Wm. shoemaker Ashfield William, farmer Ashmore John, farmer Ashmore Benj. farmer Ashmore Joseph, farmer Aston James, farmer Bennett William, farmer Blick Joseph, farmer Bonaker Widow, farmer Brooke Thomas, farmer Buggins T. sen. farmer Buggins T. jun. farmer Collett Thomas, surgeon Deakin Joseph, farmer Dowdeswell Rev. C. Featherston F. F. vict. Featherston F,W. farmer Gardner John, farmer Griffin William, farmer Guise Charles, farmer Hammond James, farmer Harris William, miller Harrison George, farmer Heath Thomas, farmer Heath William, farmer Heath John, shoemaker Hedges William, smith Hemming Thos. farmer Hill G. miller Hill John, farmer Hill Thomas, farmer Holden Richard, farmer Horton Thomas, farmer Horton Widow, farmer Jew William, farmer Jones Charles, farmer Jones Joseph, farmer King James, farmer Langs tone Jacob, farmer Mander John, joiner Nash Richard, farmer Niblett William, miller Page Joseph, sen. gent. Page Joseph, jun. farmer Page Thomas, farmer Pardoe Widow, farmer Pardoe Richard, farmer Parry Samuel, farmer Parton Charles, farmer Penn John, jun. farmer Penn John, sen. farmer Penrice William, farmer Perkins John, vict. Feirott Charles, farmer Rea Ann, farmer Rogers W. F. farmer Sanders Widow, farmer Ti minings Thos. farmer Ward Joseph, weaver Williams Richard, farmer 477 PARISHES, ETC. 478 STONE, Amphlett John, maltster Baynton Thomas, farmer Baynton Hannah, farmer Chillingworth S farmer Cooper Thomas, farmer Crump John, farmer Evans W. wheelwright Giles Edward, maltster Griffin Richard, maltster Harrison James, farmer Horn Isaac, tailor Jordan John, farmer Lane William, gent. Lea William, esq. Maddox Richard, farmer Martin John, farmer Morgan Rev. Thomas Pardoe Thomas, vict. Payn William, gent. Redfern Samuel, farmer Seagar W T illiam, gent. Seager Thomas, farmer Ward Nicholas, vict Williams Moses, butcher STOULTON. Acton Mrs. gent. Bayliss Mary, farmer Broom R. farmer Dyson Thomas, farmer Hemming Samuel,farmer Hemus Elizabeth, farmer Hemus i homas, farmer Hughes John, farmer Hutchinson Rev. Mr. Panting James, farmer Pratt John, farmer Tovey Mary, farmer Whitaker Thos. farmer Woodward Ann, farmer Woodward Thos. farmer STRENSHAM. Bell Thomas, farmer Bell J. farmer Briscoe William, farmer Chamberlain J. farmer Cowell John, farmer Firkins John, farmer Grove Rev. Mr. Grove William, farmer Hackett Benj. farmer Hitchins Thomas, farmer Lee Aaron, farmer Limbreck Wm. farmer Lloyd William, farmer Proctor Michael, farmer Roberts John, farmer Roberts Edward, farmer Turk Samuel, farmer Watkins John, farmer SUCKLEY. Adams Thomas, farmer Allies Edward, farmer Bough John, farmer Brazier William, farmer Bruton Thos. farmer Burrup Edward, farmer C ameron John, farmer Cartridge Wm. farmer Caswell Margaret, farmer 479 FAMISHES. ETC. Freeman John, farmer Garlick VI Euma Hill Joseph, nrmer is Rev. Joha Rev. C. Moseley Thomas, farmer Notf William, termer Oakley W .:mer Page Th Mnas, carpenter Perkes William, farmer Philpott Thomas, farmer Pre-dee William, farmer Robinson R^v. Mi Ski mei [ Spilsbury Wm. farmer Trehearne Sam. miller .".:->, farmer Walker Fanny. farmer Wail Thomas, farmer White Thomas, farmer Wilts John, farmer Woote d E J w a rd . butche r SUTTON. Amyes John, miller Baldwin Phillip, farmer Chambers Thos. farmer Davis Thomas, farmer Johnson W. sen. farmer Johnson \V. jun. farmer Owens R: U mer Robinson James, farmer Swann Charles, farmer Walker Charles,, farmer Webb George, farmer Winter George, farmer 2 Y Yates William, ram TARDEB1GG. A 1 1 b D i : J o b n , far m e r Allbuti Richard, farmer D, farmer Allbutt Thomas, farmer Allen Thomas, farmer Ballard Thomas, rammer Bennett Richard, farmer B I a c k a U Rev. T h o m as Bradley Joseph, farmer Bradley William, farmer v John, farmer Carter William, farmer Cole William, fanner Danks Joseph, farmer Dnucombe Wm. fa: Harbridge Job:. Hartell William, fin Hemming Richard, g Hoi lis John, farmer J e If W i 1J i a m , farm e r Jelf Thomas, farmer Ingram Richard, farmer Ladbury Richard, farmer Lane John, farmer Lewis Thos. workhouse Millward William, farmer M/.eklow Henry, farmer Mucklow John, fanner Onion Abraham, farmer Penrice Roger, farmer Perkins John, farmer Plymouth Rt. Hon. the Eai 1 of, He well Grange 481 PARISHES, ETC. 482 Prestbury Wm farmer Steward Andrew, farmer Taylor Nathan, farmer Taylor Benjamin, farmer Turner Wm. Free School Wicksom Wm. farmer TEDDINGTON. Attwood Edward, farmer Attwood John, farmer Crees John, farmer Fluke Richard, farmer Tyler William, farmer Rimell John, farmer Vernon Samuel, smith White Joseph, farmer TEDMINGTON. Baylis Wm. butcher Penson William, farmer Shirley William, farmer Snow Rev.Thos. Lambert Stockley James, farmer Webb John, farmer TENBURY. Foreign. Adams William, farmer Barnes Richard, farmer Chilton Richard, farmer Clark John, farmer Davis Robert, farmer Hill Phillip, farmer Hill Matthew, farmer Jefferis William, farmer Moor John, miller Nichols James, farmer Pound Thomas, farmer Reynolds Sam. farmer Smith James, shoemaker Steward John, farmer Taylor Benjamin, farmer Waring James, farmer Wheeler Edw. solicitor Wheeler V. W. gent. THROCKMORTON. Chattaway Rich farmer Clemonts John, farmer Curtis Jane, farmer Partington Mrs. farmer Woodward Thos. farmer TIBBERTON. Allen J. shopkeeper Brooke Henry, fanner Col wall James, victualler Crump John, farmer Featherston James, coal merchant* Hartwright John, farmer Lloyd VVm. farmer Lloyd John, farmer Price John, farmer Smith Robert, farmer Wainwright Mrs. gent. Wheeler James, farmer Wilmot Charles, farmer TREDINGTON. Bennett John, baker Butler W. wheelwright Dudley William, farmer Fardon Thomas, miller Green William, farmer Hall William, farmer 483 PARISHES, ETC. 484 Heynes G. shoemaker Hopkins Rev. Thomas Kilby Richard, miller Laniley Sarah, maltster Lyne Robert, smith Neal Richard, pig dealer Power M. shopkeeper Rand John, victualler Rand Wm. butcher Rawlins John, mason Robbins John, mason Wells E. and W. farmers UPTON SNODSBURY. Barley John, carpenter Bullock William, farmer Bullock John, farmer Boyd Michael, farmer Chamberlain John, farmer Crisp John, farmer Cubberley Francis, farmer Davis Thomas, shoemaker Green Thomas, vict. Hemming Thos. farmer Hughes Thomas, farmer Nott Samuel, carpenter Pearce Ann, farmer Smith Samuel, farmer Wrighton Robert, farmer UPTON. WARREN. Arden James, farmer Bagnall James, farmer Bagnall Francis, farmer Cooksey and Simpson, ladies seminary Baker Thomas, farmer Band Francis, miller Biggs Rev. Mr. Edwards William, farmer Francis James, farmer Heath Edward, farmer Hide William, farmer Holmes Eliz. maltster James Charles, maltster Jervis William, farmer Paikes Thomas, farmer Pen-in s Thomas, farmer Powell Thomas, farmer Powell Benjamin, farmer Sim cox F. farmer Talbott John, farmer Tandy Mary, farmer Nickless J. gamekeeper Norton Richard, farmer Quanill William, farmer Wardell William, farmer Watkins Thomas, gent. Webster Wdliam, farmer WALCOT CUMMEMBRIS. Andrews Joseph, gardener Badger Thos. gardener Bradbury Edw. gardener Checketts John, farmer Cole Edward, smith Cole John, farmer Corbett Matthew, farmer Dance William, farmer 485 PARISHES, ETC. 484 Darke Richard; farmer Day Thomas, farmer Deakin Isaac, gardener Ewins John, gardener Fowler Michael, farmer Green John, pig dealer Harris Thomas, farmer Harris Samuel, miller Harris Wm, gardener Hawkes John, gent. Hitchings D. farmer Lockley John, farmer Lloyd Thomas, farmer Merrell James, farmer Mills Thomas, gardener Nickson Thos. gardener Osborne Thomas, farmer Osborne John, gardener Palfrey J. gardener Pardoe John, gardener Perkins John, gardener Purser Isaac, farmer SheervvoodWm. gardener Skinner Elizabeth, farmer Smithen Benj . farmer Stone John, farmer To vey William, farmer Tyler William, gardener Whitaker Thomas, gent. Woodward Joseph, gent. Woodward Thomas,gent. WARLEY WIGOM. . Adams John, clock maker Birch James^ farmer BloxcidgeRichard, farmer Brinton Benj. farmer Chambers Benj. farmer Chambers Isaac, farmer Clift George, farmer Good William, farmer Hanson Martha, vict. Haywood S. farmer Hodgetts Samuel, farmer Hodgetts J. schoolmaster Holloway Thos. farmer Hurley Joseph, vict. Johnson Widow, farmer Lewis Sam. nail master Miller Richard, farmer Mole William, farmer Newby Henry, farmer Paris Rev. Mr. Parkes Richard, farmer Parkes Mrs. farmer Powell Thomas, farmer Smith William, farmer Smith Nancy, farmer Thompson Samuel, vict. UnderhillWilliam,farmer Underhill W. jun. farmer White George, farmer Whitehouse Jos farmer WARNDON. Chance Edward, farmer Chance William, farmer Evans Thomas, farmer Ross Edward, farmer Trevis John, sen. farmer Trevis John, jun. farmer 487 PARISHES. ETC. 488 WASHBOURXE. 1 Thomas Richard, baker Williams Richard, vict. WELLAND. Boulter Rev. Henry Bo Li 1 1 e r M rs . farm e r Bollock R. butcher ue John, miller n John, farmer Curtis Joseph, farmer Dee John, farmer Dunn Mrs. Ann Green Henry, farmer Green William, farmer Han cox Joseph, farmer Harris Richard, farmer Harris William, butcher Hemming Thos. farmer Jakeman J. shoemaker Kings Thomas, vict. Little John, farmer Mussell William, farmer Smith Johu, farmer Spencer John, farmer Turner C. farmer Twinberrow Wm. farmer Wenlock William, farmer Williams Mrs. farmer WHICHEXFORD. Allport William, tailor Ambrose James, farmer Amphlett Wm. farmer Badger Edward, farmer Blissett James, farmer Blissett William, vict. Bury John, farmer Clarke William, farmer Dance Jane, farmer Drinkwater Jos. farmer Gittins John, farmer Hodges Unett, farmer H olden Joseph, farmer Hill Robert, farmer Insoll Thomas, farmer Jones Shadrach, farmer Langstone Sam. farmer Lea Francis, farmer Lilly John, fanner Munn Edward, farmer Munn William, farmer Sprague Edward, farmer Stephens Francis, farmer Surman John, farmer Williams Francis, esq. WHITE LADY ASTOX. A 11 sop John, vict. Beauchamp Rev, Mr. Boraston Rev. George Byrd Samuel, farmer Cole William, baker Grove George, farmer Lock James, farmer Roberts William, farmer Ross George, farmer Ross Joseph, farmer Taylor William, farmer White James, baker White Elizabeth, farmer 498 PARISHES, ETC. 490 WHITLEY GREAT. Bunce Thos. & Jos. vict. Hundred House Inn Church John, gent. Foley Rt. Hon. Lord Griffiths John, farmer Horton J. butcher Mann Prett, 'surgeon Mills James, farmer Palmer James, shopkeeper Pratt Jane, gent. Rickards James, gent. Rowley Thomas, farmer Smith Thomas, farmer South all Eliz. farmer White James, farmer White Catharine, gent. WHITLEY LITTLE. Croft Edward, farmer Evans John, farmer Foley Rev. Mr. Ford William, farmer Mills Joseph, keeper Mills Joseph, jun. farmer Pickernell Thos. farmer Southall John, farmer WICK. Abel George, farmer Abel Stephen, farmer Hudson J. esq. Hudson Henry, esq. Hughes William, farmer Pearce Joseph, bailiff Pinnock Mary, widow Saloway Thomas, farmer Taylor Wm. wheelwright Wheeler Wm. farmer Woodward John, farmer WICKHAMFORD. Kent John, farmer- Robins William, farmer Sawyer Albert, farmer Taylor John, farmer Taylor Thomas, farmer WOLVERLEY. Addenbrook and Co. iron masters Albutt Thomas, tailor Bayliss J. wheelwright Billingsley Simon, farmer Boucher William, farmer Boucher D. shoemaker Box George, vict. Broad Charles, farmer Cook Joseph, farmer Crane Thomas, farmer Crump Rev. Mr. Dobson Timothy, carpet manufacturer Edmonds John, farmer Edmonds J. jun. farmer Edmonds Benj. farmer Giles Samuel, butcher Gordon George, farmer Gray Catharine, huckster Hancox Wm. iron master Harden William, farmer Hawkins Edward, smith 491 PARISHES, ETC. 492 Hollings Richard, farmer Hoi lings John, vict. Hoult Widow, farmer James John, smith King Richard, butcher Knight & Co. iron masters Knight John, esq. Lavender Widow, school Lightbourne J . baker Lythall Win, shoemaker Lythall Benj. shoemaker Morris John, farmer New Widow, farmer Newry William, farmer Palmer Thomas, farmer Palmer John, farmer Partridge John, bailiff Read John, farmer Smith Joseph, esq, Spilsbury Richard, farmer Stringer Thomas, vict. Talbott Mrs. farmer Trow William, farmer Waldron Widow, miller W T ilkes Thomas, farmer Wilson John, farmer WYBE PIDDLE. Bamford William, farmer Beecroft farmer Bentley Mr. gent. Howse John, farmer Melen John, vict. Millward Wm. tailor Ruston John, vict. Wagstaff Thomas, farmer WagstaffWilliam, farmer Wagstaff Kobert, farmer Watkins John, smith YARDLEY. Adams J. wheelwright Adams Samuel, smith Amos John, farmer Avery Jos. Jun. farmer Baldwin Edw. farmer Bateman Thos. surveyor Beach Thomas gent. Bedford Thomas, gent. Biddle Samuel, farmer Biddle Joseph, chemist Biddle Richard, farmer Biddle Edward, farmer Bingham Samuel, farmer Birch John, maltster] Birkett Henry, gent. Blount John, surgeon Bradnack Isaac, farmer Briscoe Richard, farmer Biiscoe John, farmer Brookhouse Nat. farmer Brown A, schoolmistress Bullivant John, farmer Bullivant A. farmer Bullivant Joseph, farmer Burkinshaw Rich. gent. Butcher William, vict. Butler William, farmer Causer Ann, farmer Chambers B. farmer Chambers Wm. farmer 493 PARISHES, ETC. 494 Chilwell Christ, farmer Clark Charles, gent. Colmore Thomas, gent Cook Benj. brass founder Cox William, gent. Cross William, gent. Crow Mary Ann Davis John, victualler Davis Joseph, smith Deakin John, farmer Dipple John shoemaker Dolphin John, gent. Dolphin John, jun. gent. Dunn Ann, farmer Dunkenson Edw. miller Dyott Joseph, esq. Edwards John, farmer Edwards J .wheelwright Fell Rev. Joseph Fell John, farmer Freeman Joseph, farmer Goodrick William, gent. Gossage Wm. farmer Grant Daniel, gent. Green way Wm. farmer Guest John, whitster Guest Joseph, baker Guest Samuel, whitster Guest John, jun. maltster Gwilt Thomas, farmer Harrison Samuel, farmer Hawkins William, vict. Hayes James, gent. Haywood Thos. maltster! Heath Abraham, farmer Heath Thomas, maltster Hedges Thomas, grocer Hemus William, vict. Hipkiss Mary, farmer Holloway Robert, farmer Holloway Mary, school- mistress Holt John, farmer Homer Henry, farmer Hopkins James, farmer Hopkins Thomas, farmer Hopkins Charles, farmer Hopkins A. maltster Hopkins Alice, farmer Hopkins John, farmer Hopkins Daniel, farmer Horton William, farmer Horton W. timber dealer Hughes Benjamin, factor Jaeger J. H. schoolmaster Jennings Benj. farmer Jennings Isaac, butcher Jones William, farmer Kemp Richard, vict. KennedyGeorge, surgeon Key Widow, huckster King Thomas, farmer King William, farmer Lea William, bricklayer Litchfield Wm. farmer Lucock Thos. bricklayer Lyndon William, farmer Madeley William, farmer Manning John, farmer Mansfield Wm. farmer 495 PARISHES, ETC. 49(5 Mansfield Mary, farmer Marston William, farmer Mason William, tailor Mathew Wm. carpenter Meredith R. wheelwright Minchull Geo. toy maker Moss William, farmer Muchall Rd. merchant Nash John, victualler Osbourne Joseph, farmer Palmer John, tailor Palmer Thomas, tailor Parkes George, farmer Pemberton Thos. farmer Priest Mary, farmer Rabone John, farmer Rabone James, smith Reeves Joseph, farmer Reppington Robt. farmer Reynolds Geo. maltster Richards Joseph, gent. Robins Ann, brickmaker Rogers Alice, farmer Rushton Eliz. farmer Russell Mr. gent. Salmon Thos. ironmonger Salmon Richard, gent. Scotton Thomas, farmer Scudamore Thos. farmer Shaw Richard, miller Sims William, gent. Sivetter Joseph, miller Smallbrook John, maltster Smallbrook John, jun. maltster Smith William, miller 2 Soloman A. gent. Steedman Benj. farmer Stephens George, farmer Swinburn B. schoolmis- tress SwinbumE schoolmaster Syers Robert, farmer Tabberner Ann, miller Taverner William, vict. Taylor Robert, farmer Taylor Thomas, maltster Taylor John, farmer Taylor Henry, huckster Terry Isaac, farmer Thickbroom Mary,farmer Thornton Sam. maltster Todd Moss, farmer Tomlinson John, maltster Turner Joseph, farmer Tutin Richard, butcher Vyse Rd. schoolmaster Underhill Richard, gent. Waldron Thos. huckster Walker William, farmer Waterhouse Wm. farmer Ward John, farmer Webb Joseph, whitesmith Welch Lovelace, gent. Welch Henry, farmef WickensE. schoolmistress Williams Widow, farmer Willington Jos. farmer Wells William, maltster Wright John, farmer Yates Charles, maltster Yeomens John, farmer Z 497 3&nnoba!s in tfie ®ftj> anir Sbufrotfaf of 3Storctsttr\ Ballinger John, Maltster, Quay-street Bentley George, Auctioneer, Foregate-street Car den Thomas, Esq. Paradise-row, Ty thing Garden George, Clerk to the Commissioners of Taxes, and Agent to the Phoenix Fire Office, Savings Bank Clifton Henry, Proctor, College-green Corles Captain, College-yard DeCourcey Patiick, Solicitor, Bridge-street D'Egville Mr. Tything Doughty Thgmas, vict. Dog and Duck, Garden* market Higgs William, Auctioneer, Foregate-street Hughes Thomas, Cashier, Old Bank Humphrys Alexander, Academy, Butts Newman John. M. D. Tything Ridler John, Guildhall Coffee-house Sandford William, Surgeon, Rainbow-hill Taylor John, vict. Boat, Lowesmoor Wheeler Rev. Allen, College-green Wilkins William, Organ Builder, Broad- street New Residents. Bevan and Powell, Straw Hat Makers, Broad- st. Davis William, Liquor Merchant, Mealcheapen-st. 498 ADDENDA. Hill George, Diaper, Cross Lombe W. H. Bookseller, High-street Lewis David, M. D. College Yard Munn Ali, Apothecary, Sidbury Newman Josiah, gent. Foregate-street Newport J. W. Esq. Ty thing Newport William, Coach Maker, Tything Newton Edward, Tallow Chandler, Broad-street Powell Joseph, Grocer, Corn-market Prowett R. and S. Booksellers, High-street Silvester John, Millwright, Lowesmoor Sill Mr. Sansom-street Summerfield John, Upholsterer, Bridge- street Tindall Captain, Commandry, Sidbury Weston Mrs. Academy, Sidbury Names accidentally Omitted. Dods Adam, M. D. (omitted in list of Physicians) Jones Thomas, S. Master of the National School, Frog lane Kite Benj. Three Tuns, Salt lane Orange Mrs. Harriet, gentlewoman, Hartlebury Perrott Charles Wigley, Esq. Fladbury Pointon James, Pavior, Henwick Stretch T. B. (omitted in list of Schools.) Wakeman Mrs. Mary, gentlewoman, Little Malvern Wali Samuel, Esq. Hallow Park Watkins Thomas, vict. Black Horse, Lowesmoor Webb Thomas, Esq. Alstone Welch William, Esq. Hawford 499 LIST OF STAMP DUTIES. RECEIPTS. £. of- s. d. If 2 and under 5 SI 5 10 .... 3 10 .. 20 .... 6 20 50 .... 1 50 ........ 100 .... 1 6 100 ........ 200 .... 2 6 200 300 .... 4 300 ........ 500 .. . .... 5 500 1000 .... .... 7 6 1000 and upwards 10 Any Sum, if in full 10 BILLS & PROMISSARY NOTES. Payable on months sight. £. s. If for 2 5 5 20 30 g 50 J3 100 {2 200 300 500 1000 2000 3000 demand, or not exceediag two after date, or sixty days after £. s. .. 5 5 . 20 . 30 . 50 100 200 300 500 1000 2000 6 3000 and upwards be 1 S * i o S3 C 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 8 12 15 25 If ex- c ceding 2 months s. d. 8 12 6 15 25 30 Penalty for Post-dating Bills *g!00. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 500 BONDS and MORTGAGES for SECURING MONEY. of- of. S. For any Slim uot above 50 I Exc. 50 and not above 100 1 10 100 200 ». 200 300 ...... 300 500 500 1000 1000 2000 2000 3000 3000 4000 4000 5000 5000 10000 12 10000 15000 15 15000 20000 20 20000 25 Bonds — for every entire quantity of 1068 words above the first £\ 5 Mortgages I 9 APPRAISEMENTS. £. s. d. For any Sum not above 50 2 6 Exceed. £50 and not above 100 5 100 200 10 200 500 15 500 20 FINIS. IDASTQIBIb QXDWIBlblbd CABINET MAKER, (Successor to Mr. Timings,) 95, HIGH-STREET, WORCESTER, AGENT TO THE p^nixjf itt Assurance Cmitpani), Mention. D. C. begs leave earnestly to recommend his Friends to avail themselves of the protection afford- ded by the above Institution, against the destructive ravages of Fire, which in a few mqments may lay waste the fruits of a whole life of Industry and Care. Farmers and other persons interested in Agricul- turel Stock, whose Properties are so peculiarly lia- able to Accidents by Fire, are informed that the Rate of Premium for the Insurance of Farming Stock has been reduced by the Phoenix Company to 2s. per Hundred Pounds per Annum. Insurances are effected by the Phoenix Company upon every species of Property on the most favour- able Terms, and the Agent thinks it proper to ap- prize his Friends, that persons insured in this Office do not depend on limited funds for the payment of their claims, nor are they liable to be called on to make good the losses of others as is the case in some of the Offices lately set on foot. In the PRESS, and will be PUBLISHED, in FEBRUARY or beginning of MARCH, 1821, A PRACTICAL DISSERTATION On the USE and ABUSE of MERCURY, STIMULANTS, DIET, &c. in the Cure of Fevers, Inflammations, and all diseases connected with them 5 together with an Enquiry in- to the Nature and Origin of Scrofula and Pulmonic Complaints, as also those T)erangements of the Liver and other Internal Organs, usually but er- roneously, termed Nervous, Bilious, &c. BY ADAM DODS, M. D. N. B. The Author will embrace the opportunity to state the rationale ot his opinion respecting the intimate connexions which those diseases common- ly called Medical or Constitutional, Surgical or Local and External, and Mixed or Compound, have with each other, and the great practical utility of a correct knowledge of these facts. Printed and Published by T. Eaton, Worcester, and Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, Paternoster- Row, London. Books Printed and Sold by T. EATON, Bookseller, College- street, Worcester. A CONCISE HISTORY OF THE City and Suburbs of Worcester. Price 3s. 6d. " This is one of the most satisfactory Local Guides that has fallen under our consideration ; comprehend- ing in a very small compass, a succinct and accurate de- scription of all that is most worthy of observation in the ancient and highly respectable City of Worcester." "The reader will here find a good Topographical ac- count of the City, accompanied by a neat North-East View, and a correct Ground-plan ; with Views of the Guildhall, Market-place, and the Cathedral." "Various Trades, and Manufactures, the numerous Schools and Hospitals, the beautiful Cathedral, the se- veral Parish Churches, and other places of public wor- ship, the Canal, the public walks, and social amusements, are all appropriatelydescribed; and anecdotes related of Eminent Persons, natives of, or long resident in and near Worcester." gent's, mag. A NEW IMPROVED EDITION OF PSALMS AND HYMNS, FOR THE USE OF CHURCHES. Price Is. 6d. neatly bound. PREPARING FOR PUBLICATION, THE CONTAINING PRAYERS 8f MEDITATIONS For every Day in the Week, and for several Occa- sions ordinary and extraordinary. A New Edition, revised and corrected from the 86th Edition.— Price is. 6d. neatly bound*