I NEW ENGLAND I iff )^$ SOCIETY OF VINELAND, NEW JERSEY. J ORGANIZED 1902 III 1^ ji CONSTITUTION 1^ OFFICERS AND MEMBERS /?Si 55 1902-1906 ^ iff S ^S' VINELAND, N. J. ^§ l|^ 1906 5^ 5J» NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY jr OF VINELAND, NEW JERSEY. ORGANIZED 1902 CONSTITUTION OFFICERS AND MEMBERS 1902-1906 VINELAND, N. J, 1906 Gilt Author 22 Ap'07 CONSTITUTION AS AAiENDED. OBJECT. The object of the .New England Society shall be the annual celebration of Forefather's Day with appropriate ob- servances, and to cherish at all times a reverent memory of our ancestral homes. MEMBERSHIP. Any person who was born in New England, or who is a lineal descendant of a person who was born in New England, shall be eligible to membership, and may become a member of the society by enrolling his or her name in its book of record and the payment of one dollar, which fee shall not be exacted from lady members. The husband or wife of members of this society may be- come associate members on the same terms. Any further fund that may be required at any time shall be raised by voluntary contributions. MANAGEMENT AND OFFICERS. The management of the Society shall be vested in ;i President and six Vice-Presidents, who together shall consti- tute a Board of Directors, any three of whom shall be a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of which due notice has been given. There shall also be a Secretary and a Treasurer who shall be members of the Board of Directors. ANNUAL MEETING. The Annual Meeting for the election of officers of this Society shall be held the first Monday night of November in each year. No officer shall be re-elected to the same office held by them. AMENDMENTS. Constitution and By-Laws of this Society may be chang- ed at any meeting provided same are submitted at a previous meeting of the Board of Directors. FIRST ANNUAL MEETING. OFFICERS. 1902. President, Professor Marcius Willson. Vice-Presidents, Augustus J. Washburn, .... Mrs. Augusta C. Bristol, Myron J. Kimball, Freeman S. Hale, Mrs. Eleanor C. Washburn, Mrs. S. R. Fowler, .... Secretary, Herbert C. Bartlett. Treasurer, Orange H. Adams, M. D. Maine. New Hampshire. Vermont. Massachusetts. %hode Island. Connecticut. SECOND ANNUAL MEETING. OFFICERS. 1903. President, Edwin C. Bidwell, M. D. Vice Presidents, Mrs. Clara A. Kimball, . . . . Frank H. Walls, Albert B. Pixley, Col. George A. Cheever, N. Henry Stevens, Mrs. Emma B. Andrews, _ - - - Secretary, Mrs, Augusta Cooper Bristol, Treasurer, Orange H. Adams, M. I). Maine. New Hampshire. Vermont. Massachusetts. %hode Island. Comiecticut. TFIIRD ANNUAL MEETING. OFFICERS. 1904. President, Leverett Newcomb. Vice Presidents, Augustus J. Washburn, Mrs. Lizzie G. Walls, Mrs. May C. Harvey, B. Frank Ladd, Mrs. Eleanor C. Washburn, Lucius F. Babcock, (Maine. Neiv Hampshire _ Vermont. Massachusetts. Rhode Island. ■ Connecticut. Secretary, Mrs. Ada H. Chance. Treasurer, Orange H. Adams, M. D. FOURTH ANNUAL MEETING. OFFICERS. 1905. President, N. Henry Stevens. Vice Presidents, Albert M. Pitcher, .... Miss Julia Kimball, - - . . Albert B. Pixley, .... John W. Wellington, M. D., - Mrs. Lena W. Goe, .... Frank D. Andrews, - . . . Secretary, Mrs. Lizzie G. Wails. Treasurer, Augustus J. Washburn, Maine. New Hampshire. Vermont. Massachusetts. Rhode Island. - Connecticut. FIFTH ANNUAL MEETING. OFFICERS. 1906. President, Myron J. Kimball. Vice presidents, Mrs, Elizabeth K. Barker, Walter H. Blake, John A. Hobart, Mrs. Ada H. Chance, Mrs. Eleanor C. Washburn, Mrs. S. R. Fowler, Secretary, Mrs. Lena W. Goe. Treasurer, Augustus J. Washburn. Maine. New Hampshire. Vermont. Massachusetts. • Rhode Island. Connecticut. LIST OF MEMBERS. tASSOCIATE MEMBERS. *DECEASED. CAME TO NAME. BIRTHPLACE, VINELAND- Adams, Miss Alice M., Hanover, N. H. 1884 Adams, Mrs. Clara J. New York, N. Y. 1893 *Adams, Orange H., M. D. Rindge, N. H. 1884 Aiken, Miss Mabel, Ellsworth, Me. 1878 Aldrich, Mrs. A. R. Fletcher, Vt. 1903 Allen, Miss Julia S. Lee, Mass. 1864 Allen, Miss Mary, H. Lee, Mass. 1865 Ames, Mrs. A. H. Parrishville, N. Y. 1870 Andrews, Mrs. Bessie A. Greenwich, N. J. 1890 Andrews, Mrs. Emma B. Southington, Conn. 1873 Andrews, Frank D. Southington, Conn. 1869 Babcock, Mrs. Eleanor, Pleasant Valley ■ N. Y. 1870 Babcock, Lucius F. Windsor, Conn. 1870 Barker, Mrs. Elizabeth K. Bangor, Me. 1866 Bartlett, Herbert C. Boston, Mass. 1873 Beers, Mrs. Caroline, Newtown, Conn. 1879 Bidwell, Mrs. Carrie, So. Manchester Conn, 1865 =!^Bidwell, Edwin C, M. D. Tyringham, Mass. 1866 Blake, Walter H. Peterboro, N. H. 1866 Bliss, Mrs. Caroline E. Newtown, Conn. 1863 fBray, Mrs. Florence, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1886 Bray, Frank C. Boston, Mass. 1872 Bray, Miss Hazel, Vineland, N. J. Brick, Mrs. Annie E. Eastport, Me. 1865 Brigham, Harry W. Worcester, Mass. 1865 Brigham, Mrs. J. N. Binghampton, N. Y. 1865 NAME. Bristol, Mrs. Augusta C. Bristol, Miss Bessie, Brown, Mrs. Myra, Burge, Mrs. Caroline M. Capen, George P. Capen, Mrs. Hannah, Carey, Miss Nellie F. fCecil, John, Cecil, Mrs. Mary N. Chance, Mrs. Ada H. fChance, James, ''■Cheever, Mrs. Angie M. Cheever, Col. George A. Cheever, Miss Mabel L. Cleveland, Mrs. Julia H. Cram, Miss Marv E. Cranmer, Mrs. Anna L. Cranmer, Miss Emma L. Davis, Mrs. Etta H. Dawson, Mrs. Eva, Doughty, Miss Hattie M. Fenton, Mrs. Edwin, Fenton, Miss Ruby, Fitch, Miss Mary, Flanagan, Mrs. J. H. ■■■'•Fowler, Miss Kate S. Fowler, Mrs. Mary M. Fowler, Mrs. S. R. Frazier, Mrs. Grace, Fuarey, Mrs. Emma G. Fuller, Miss Hattie, Ga\', Mrs. Eliza A. Gerow, Mrs. Florence K. CAME TO BIRTHPLACE. VINELAND. Croydon, N. H. 1872 Vineland, N. J. Piermont, N. H. 1867 Enosburg, Vt. 1864 Winhall, Vt. 1869 CornwallBridgi e Conn. 1869 Vineland, N. J. Oxford, England. N. H. Springfield, Mass. 1868 Port Elizabeth, N. J. 1863 Stoughton, Mass. 1867 Medway, Mass. 1867 Vineland, N. J. Charlotte, Vt. 1870 Roxbury, Vt. 1873 Union, Me. 1878 Vineland, N. J. Rockland, Me. 1864 Charlestown, Ohio 1863 Vineland, N. J. Rockland, Me. 1864 Vineland, N. J. Salem, Conn. 1863 Lewiston, Me. 1885 Lewiston, Me. 1885 Harwinton, Conn. 1870 Sheffield, Mass. 1878 Lee, Mass. 1872 Vineland, N. J. Stafford, Conn. 1873 Sedgwick, Me. 1866 NAME. Goe, Mrs. Lena W. Goodwin, Eugene B. Gould, Mrs. P. W. 'i'Gouid, Solon S. Graves, Mrs. Carrie T. Greene, Mrs. Fannie E. Greene, Herbert N. *Hale, Mrs. Eliza K. Hale, Freeman S. -'^Hallett, Mrs. Addie, Hallett, Charles G. ^Hammond, Mrs. Harriet U. Harvey, Mrs. May C. Harvey, Miss Sadie, Hawkins, Mrs. E. H. P. Heywood, Miss Louise, Hiscock, Mrs. Harriet N. Hobart, Mrs. Emily A. Hobart, Mrs. Evelyn A. Hobart, John A. Hobart, Miss Laura K. Hollis, Mrs. Fannie, Howe, Miss Caroline R. Howe, Mrs. Cora Prince, Howe, Everett C. Hubbell, Miss Eva G. Hurd, Sumner F. Hussey, Miss Sarah H. h-jsh, Mrs. Mary Hobart, 'i'Johnson, Levi D. Jones, C. P., M. D., Kimball, Mrs. Clara A. Kimball, Mrs. Emma E. CAME TO BIRTHPLACE VINELAND. Bristol, R. 1. 1900 Canaan, Me. 1864 Fairlee, Vt. 1868 Hanover, N. H. 1868 Norwich, Conn. 1862 Vineland, N. J. Vineland, N. J. Wallingford, Vt. 1866 Winchester, Mass. 1865 Warren, N. H. 1871 East Abbington Mass. 1870 Burke, Vt. 1863 Des Moines, Iowa, 1870 Vineland, N. J. Pittsfield, Me. 1864 Weld, Me. 1864 Wiscassett, Me. 1883 Auburn, N. Y. 1869 Hartland, Vt. 1876 Randolph, Vt. 1868 Vineland, N. J. No. Eastham, Mass. 1895 Marlboro, Mass. 1866 Pittsfield, Me. 1864 Marlboro, Mass. 1866 Milford, Conn. 1895 Newport, N. H. 1873 New York, N. Y. 1893 Waterbury, Vt. 1870 Bridgewater, N. H. 1868 Boston, Mass. 1905 Pittsfield, Me. 1865 Canyon. Col. 1893 NAMt. Kimball, Ifugene M. Kimball, Mrs. J. G. Kimball, Miss Julia, Kimball, Myron J. Ladd, B. Frank, Ladd, Mrs. Julia M. Little, Mrs. Clara, McDavitt, Charles, McDavitt, Miss Ina Lord, McDavitt, Mrs. Mary Hawkes, -Mc Neil, Miss Jane, '■•Marks, Mrs. Susie B. Miller, Edwin F. Miller, Miss Jessie, -Miller, Mrs. Lillian B. Miller, Louis H. Morgan, Miss Evelyn, Morgan, Mrs. H. C. Morgan, Miss Minnie, Morgan, Wallace E. Newcomb, Leverett. '•=Penniman, Mrs. S. L. Perrigo, Mrs. H. L. Perrigo, Warren C. Pettengill, A. E. Peitengill, Miss Bessie C. Pettengill, Miss Clara E. iPettengill. Mrs. M. A. Pierson, Mrs. H. A. Pitcher, Adelbert M. Pitcher, Miss Effie G. Pitcher, Miss Eva B. Pitcher. Mrs. L. J. CAAIE lo BIRTHPLACE, VINELAND. Vineland, N. J. Sebec, Me. 1865 Canterbury, N. H. 1877 Wallingford. Vt. 1866 Appleton, Wis. 1865 New Bedford, Mass. 1863 Orford, N. H. 1867 Dover, N. H. 1886 Lynn, Mass. 1886 Windham, Me. 1886 Charlotte, Vt. 1870 Vineland, N. J. Williamsburg, Mass. 1881 Williamsburg, Mass. 1881 So. Vineland, N. J. Williamsburg, Mass. 1 88 1 Hancock, Me. 1881 Hancock, Me. 18S1 Vineland, N. J. Surry, Me. 1881 Mansfield, Conn. 1870 Salisbury, N. H. 1863 Boston, Mass. 1899 Randolph, Vt. 1865 Hancock, Me. 1898 Newtleld, N. J. 1 898 (3amdcn, N. J. 1898 Williamsburg, N. Y. 1898 Barn stead, N. H. 1896 Boston, Mass. 1892 Rockland, Me. 1892 Rockland, Me. 1892 Northport, Me. 1892 CAME TO NAME. BIRTHPLACE. VfNELAND. Pixley, Albert B. Sharon, Vt. 1884 Pixley, Mrs. Ella M. Vineland, N. J. Prince, Mrs. Alice K. China, Me. 1866 Prince, William V. Detroit, Me. 1864 Robbins, Mrs. Albertine, Canaan, Me. 1864 Robbins, Dexter A. East Brewster, , Mass. 1862 Robinson, Mrs. Mary H. Freedom, Me. 1876 Sage, Miss Bertha W. Bridgeport, Conn. 1902 Smith, Mrs. Carrie P. Antioch, 111. 1896 Smith, Mrs. G. E. Vineland, N. J. Steele, Mrs. Annie L. Charleston, Mass. 1867 Stevens, Benjamin, Vineland, N. J. --Stevens, N. Henry, Providence, R. 1. 1866 Still, John H. W.Wiilington, Conn. 1875 Still, Mrs. Mary, New Haven, Conn. [875 Streeter, Miss Angle G. Vernon, Vt. 1901 Thatcher, Mrs. Harriet V. Lee, Mass. 1892 Thompson, Mrs. Addie F. Lowell, Mass. 1885 Thompson, Maurice R. Medford, Mass. 1 88 5 Tomlinson, Mrs. Jeannette W. Corning, N. Y. 1882 tTomlinson, Joseph N. Cross Keys, N. J. 1882 Trevitt, Mrs. Annie E. Marblehead, Mass. 1873 Tucker, M. D. Windsor, Vt. 1Q05 Tuttle, Franklin F. Paris, N. Y. 1890 Tuttle, Lyman A. Paris, N. Y. 1885 Virgil, Mrs. Laura E. Canaan, Conn. 1865 Walls, Frank H. Ellsworth, Me. 1864 VValis, Mrs. Lizzie G. Haverhill, N. H. 1868 Washburn, Miss Annie C. Vineland, N. J. Washburn, Augustus J. Canaan, Me. 1S64 Washburn, Mrs. Eleanor C, Litchfield, N. Y. 1874 Washburn, Gilbert, Litchfield, N. Y. 1S74 NAME. •(■Washburn, Mrs. Margaret A. fWeaver, John H. Weaver, Mrs, Mary A, WelHngton, John W. M. D. Wellington, Mrs. Sarah A. ^Wilison, Prof. Marcius, Winslow, John S. '•'Wisweli, Mrs. Elmira E. CAAIE TO BIRTHPLACE VINELAND. Trenton, N. J. 1902 Kingston, N. Y. 1888 Brockport, Mass. 1888 Lexington, Mass. 1903 Bangor, Me. 1903 W. Stockbridge Mass. 1866 Auburn, Me. 1868 Brattleborough Vt. 1865 APR 13 1907 I LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 042 021 9