Conservation Resources Lig-Free® Type I Ph fi « RiiflttrAH H-^^-^u^..^ %* n ^. In B>:ohange Tale Univ. Lib* iU Mr (tfO? PROGR/I^ Midway each day and evening- Historical Loan Exhibit each day. Manufacturers and Varied Arts Exposition each day and evening. w Services in all Churches in charge of present or former pastors. State Convention of German Catholics at St. Mary's Church. Union Service with address by Rev. Dr. Lyman Abbott. Business Session State Convention German Catholics at 2 P. M. Services in all Churches. Sacred Concert Southern New England Turnfest at Turner Hall. SECULAR. Opening of Southern New England Turnfest. Southern New England Turnfest Parade and opening of Athletic Events- Services at St. Mary's Church, German Catholics State Convention. Connecticut State Banker's Convention. Civic and Industrial Parade. Central League Base Ball at Hanover Park 2 P. M. and 4 P. M. Parade of German Catholics and St. Bonifacius Society. Banquet Connecticut State Banker's Convention. Southern New England Turnfest Athletic Events at Scheutzen Park, State Veteran Firemen's Convention. Southern New England Turnfest Ball at Turner Hall. Opening of Annual Grand Army State Encampment. Automobile Parade. Southern New England Scheutzenbund Parade and opening of shoot. Parade of State G. A. R. Presentation of Memorial Tablet by Susan Garrington Glark Ghapter, D. A. R. Southern New England Scheutzenbund at Scheutzen Park. Big Four League Base Ball at Hanover Park, 4 P. M. Meridens vs. Bristols. State G. A. R. Gamp Fire at Auditorium. Fireworks at Hanover Park. State G. A. R. Encampment at Auditorium. Parade of State Federation of Labor. Southern New England Scheutzenbund all day at Scheutzen Park. Opening Golf Tournament, Meriden Golf Glub. Concluding Session State G. A. R. Encampment. Field Day and Addresses, State Federation of Labor at Terrace Garden. Athletic Meet at Hanover Park. Golf Tournament, Meriden Golf Glub. Centennial Concert. Concluding Exercises State Federation of Labor at Terrace Garden. Southern New England Scheutzenbund at Turner Hall. Cannon Salute, 7 A. M. Parade and Contest for prizes. State Drum Corps Association. Golf Tournament at Meriden Golf Glub. Military and Semi-Military Parade. Golf Tournament at Meriden Golf Club. State Drum Corps Convention at Hanover Park. Tennis Tournament, Meriden Tennis Glub. State Drum Corps Ball and Contest for prizes at Auditorium. Fireworks and Illuminations. Cannon Salute 7 A. M. Golf Tournament, finals, Meriden Golf Giub. Open Athletic Meet at Hanover Park under sanction U. A. A. Parade by Putnam Phalanx. Historical Addresses: Judge Leverett M. Hubbard, Wallingford, Conn. General H. B. Carrington, U. S. A. retired, Hyde Park, Mass. Rev. James E. Wildman, Wallingford, Gonn. Colonial Ball at Auditorium. Cannon Salute 7 A. M. Reproduction of First Town Meeting in costumes, Putnam Phalanx as escort. Open Handicap, Meriden Golf Club. Parade State Saengerbund. Historical Meetings, Addresses and Poems: George Munson Curtis, President Centennial. Rev. Dr. Samuel Hart, President Connecticut Historical Society. Hon. Wm. Travers Jerome, New York City. Judge Simeon E. Baldwin, New Haven Colony Historical Society. Hon. C. LaRue Munson, Williamsport, Pa. Dr. Wm. S. Johnson, Yale University. Base Ball at Hanover Park, Wesleyan University vs. Holy Gross. State Saengerfest. Historical Exercises: George Munson Curtis, President Centennial. Hon. Julius H. Pratt, Montclair, N. J. Rev. J. J. Wooley, Pawtucket, R. I. Prof. David N. Gamp, New Britain, Conn. Dr. Charles H. S. Davis, President Meriden Board of Education. Fireworks and Illuminations. George M. Curtis, Pres. Herman Hess, Rec. Sec. Francis Atwater, Cor. Sec. Wilbur r. Davis. Charles F. Monroe, General Committee. E. T. Bradstreet, E. J. Doolittle, George W. Couch, T. L. Riley. D. L. Bishop, J. H. White, W. A. Kelsey, C. P. Bradley, G. W. Miller. C. H. Tredennick. Finance Committee. J. H. White, Chairman, Floyd Curtis, Treasurer, G. F. Rockwell, Secretary. Invitation. H. Wales Lines, Chairman, George H. Wilcox, Secretary. Historical ./iddresses. Events and Relics. G. M. Curtis. Chairman, "R^eception and Entertainment, A. Chamberlain, Chairman, C. M.Williams, Secretary. Decoration . G. F. Rogers, Chairman, Parades and Grand Stands. J. S. Stokes, Chairman, C. B. Bowen, Secretary, Publicity and Souvenirs. F. E. Sands, Chairman, H. T. King, Secretary. Completion of Public "Buildings, F. D. Smith, Chairman, G. E. Stockder, Secretary. R. J. Merriam, Secretary. Sports. Thos. L. Reilly, Chairman, J. E. Reynolds, Secretary. Transportation. E. E. Smith, Chairman, W. H. Russell, Secretary. Religious Observances. W. H. Gatlin Chairman, F. G. Edgerton, Secretary. FireWorlts and Illuminations. F. S. Fay, Chairman, E. B. Whitney, Secretary. Music and Public Entertainment. Robert W. Garter, Chairman, A. R. Chamberlain, Secretary. Representing Wallingford, the Mother ToU)n. L. M. Hubbard, Chairman, Fraray Hale, Secretary. Ladies' Reception and Entertainment. Mrs. A. Chamberlain, Chairman. Mrs. N. F. Griswold, Secretary. Licenses and Privileges. A. D. Meeks, Chairman. Geo. L. King, Secretary. Colonial Ball. C. E. Stockder, Chairman. Howard Stevenson, Secretary^ Manufacturers' Exhibits. C. F. Monroe, Chairman, C. F. Rockwell, Secretary. Reproduction ToWn Meeting. Sherman F. Johnson, Chairman. Roswell Hyatt, Secretary. Public Safety. C. B. Bowen, C/iairman. W. C. Lucas, Secretary. IWAR 111907 Conservation Resources LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 012 608 966 1