:i2 ih A /^(^l -lifts' LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 709 267 y^^ a i M Y^^I «^/». ASSOCIATION OF THE ^8tli and 147th Regiments Infantrij 1861. 1865. (ndependent Battery "E," Ligbt Artillery PEJ^JNSYLVy\Niy\ VETERy\N VOLUNTEEF(S. ^>\ t 57.^1 Printed by ALLEN, LANE & SCOTT, Philadelphia. P)ATTLHS, HXGAGliMHNTS, AND SKIRMISHHS In which the 28th Regiment Infantry Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteers participated during its term of service. Pritchard's Mills, Va., September 15th, 1S61. Berlin, Md., September 19th, 1S61. Point of Rocks, Md., September 24th, 1.S61. lierlin, Md., September 29th, 1861. Bolivar Heights (Harper's Ferry), Va., October i6tli, i " Se pt. 6, " Ai, g- 30, " a <( 17, " Oc t. 15. " ARMIES, CORPS, DIVISIONS, AND BRIGADES In which the 28th Regiment sensed during its term of service. Left Philadelphia July 27th. Arrived at Sandy Hook, Md., July 28th, 1861. July, 1 86 1, ist Brigade, Banks' Division, Department of the Shenandoah. August, .September, October, November, December, 1861, and January, 1862 (Independent command unassigned to Brigade), Banks' Division, Army of the Potomac. February, 1862, 3d Brigade, Banks' Division, Army of the Potomac. March, 1S62, ist Brigade, ist Division, 5th Corps, Army of the Potomac. April and May, 1862, ist Brigade, ist Division, Department of the Shenandoah. June, July, and August, 1861, ist Brigade, 2d Division, 2d Corps, Army of Virginia. September, October, November, and December, 1862, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, and September, 1863, ist Brigade, 2d Division, 12th Corps, Army of the Potomac. October and November, 1863, 1st Brigade, 2d Division, 12th Corps serving with the Army of the Cumberland. December, 1863, ist Brigade, 2d Division, 12th Corps, Army of the Cumberland. January and February, 1864, on veteran furlough. March, 1864, ist Brigade, 2d Division, 12th Corps, Army of the Cumberland. April, May, June, July, August, September, and October, 1864, ist Brigade, 2d Division, 20th Corps, Army of the Cumberland. November and December, 1864, January, February, March, April, and May, 1865, ist Brigade, 2d Division, 20th Corps, Army ofGeorgia. June and July, 1865, 3d Brigade, Bartlett's Division (not numbered), 2 2d Corps, Department of Washington. Mustered out July iSth, 1865. Disbanded at Camp Cadwalader, Philadelphia. 147th Regt. Infantrij Penna. Volunteers. Organized at Harper'' s Ferry, Va., October 28th, 1862 ; re-enlisted as Veteran Volunteers in Watihatchie Valley, Tennessee, December 2gth, i86j. Co. A B C D E F G H I Where Enrolled. Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co., Pa., . Philadelphia, » . Hazleton, Luzerne Co., Pa., . . Coalmont, Huntingdon Co., Pa., Philadelphia, Hollenback and Hazleton, Pa., . Snyder County, Pa., Place and Date of Muster. Philada., Aug. 5, 1861. Sept. 6, " Aug. 30, " " 17, " Oct. 15, " Harrisb'g, Sept.29, 1S62. Nov. 8, " Reading, Allent'n, Mauch Chunk, &c. Philad'a, West Chester, Reading, &c. Pliilada., Oct. 10, 1863. BATTLES, ENGAGEMENTS, AND SKIRMISHES In iL'hiih the i4'/th Regiment Infantry Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteers participateil during its term of service. Companies L, M, N, O, and P, of the 28th Regiment, were transferred in accordance with instructions from the War Department, dated September 6th, 1862, hut the organization was not effected until October 28th, 1862, at Harper's Ferry, Va. Companies A (L), B (M), C (N), D (O), and E (P) participated in the battles, engagements, and skirmishes of the 2Sth Regiment up to, and including Antietam, Md., September 17th, 1862. Chancellorsville, Va., May 1-5, 1863. Gettysburg, Pa., July 1-3, 1863. Lookout Mountain^ November 24th, 1863. Missionary Ridge, November 25th, 1863. Ringgold (Taylor's Ridge), Ga., November 27th, 1863. Rocky Face Ridge (Mill Creek Gap), Ga., May 8-1 1, 1S64. Resaca, Ga., May 13-15, 1864, Pumpkin Vine Creek, May 25th, 1864. New Hope Church, Ga., May 26-29, 1864. Pine Knob (Mountain), Ga., June 14-16, 1S64. Kulp House, Ga., June 22d, 1864. Dallas, Ga., June 25th, 1864. Kenesaw Mountain, June 2 7th-July 2d, 1864. Peach Tree Creek, Ga., July 20th, 1864. Siege and capture of Atlanta, Ga., July 2ist-Aug. 25th, 1864. Siege and capture of Savannah, Ga., Dec. ioth-2ist, 1864. Bennett's House, Durham Station, N. C, April 26th, 1865. ARMIES, CORPS, DIVISIONS, AND BRIGADES In which ike 14'jth Regiment served during its term of service. The first Battalion of five companies served as the 3d Battalion of the 28th Regiment until October 28th, 1862. November and December, 1862, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, and September, 1863, ist Brigade, 2d Division, 12th Corps, Army of the Potomac. October and November, 1863, ist Brigade, 2d Division, 12th 'Corps (serving with the Army of the Cumberland). December, 1863, ist Brigade, 2d Division, 12th Corps, Army of the Cumberland. January and February, 1864, on veteran furlough. March, 1864, ist Brigade, 2d Division, 12th Corps, Army of the Cumberland. April, May, June, July, August, September and October, 1864, ist Brigade, 2d Division, 20th Corps, Army of the Cumberland. (Company I was stationed at Philadelphia, Pa., January to April, 1864, in the Department of the Susquehanna.) October and November, 1864, January, February, March, April and May, 1865, ist Brigade, 2d Division, 20th Corps, Army of Georgia. June and July, 1865, 3d Brigade, Bartlett's Division (not num- bered), 2 2d Corps, Department of Washington. Mustered out, July 15th, 1865. Disbanded at Camp Cadwalader, Philadelphia. Independent Batten) '%'' Uiflit Artillen), PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS. "KNAP'S BATTERY." Organized from the 28th Regiment and Recruits from Pittsburgh, Penna., at Point of Rocks, Md., October ist, 1861 ; re-enlisted as Veteran Volunteers in Wauhatchie Valley, Tenn., January — , 1864. BAITLES, ENGAGEMENTS AND SKIRMISHES /// which Knap's Battery participated during its term of service. Point of Rocks, Md., December 19th, t86i. Capture of Leesburg, Va., March 8th, 1862. Middleburg, Va., March 29th, 1862. Front Royal, May 23d, 1862. Cedar Mountain, August 9th, 1S62. Culpeper Court House, August 12th, 1862. Antietam, Md., September 17th, 1862. Chancellorsville, Va., May ist-5th, 1S63. Gettysburg, Penna., July ist-3d, 1863. Wauhatchie, Tenn., October 29th, 1863. Lookout Mountain, November 24th, 1863, Missionary Ridge, November 25th, 1863. Rocky Face Ridge (Mill Creek Gap), May 8-1 1, 1864. Resaca, Ga., May i3th-i5th, 1864. Pumpkin Vine Creek, Ga., May 25th, 1864. New Hope Church, May 26th-29th, 1864. Pine Knob (Mountain), Ga., June i4th-i6th, 1864. Kulp House, June 2 2d, 1864. Dallas, Ga., June 25th, 1864. Kenesaw Mountain, June 27th-July 2d, 1864. Peach Tree Creek, Ga., July 20th, 1864. Siege and capture of Atlanta, July 2ist-August 25th, 1864. Siege and capture of Savannah, Ga., Dec. ioth-2ist, 1864. Avervsboro, N. C, March i6th, 1865. Bennett's House, Durham Station, N. C, April 26th, 1865. (7) ARMIES, CORPS, DIVISIONS, AND BRIGADES In which Lidependent Battery " E" {"K?iafs'') Light Artillery served during its term of service. November and December, 1861, and January, 1862, with 28th Regiment (unassigned to Brigade), Banks' Division, Army of the Potomac. February, 1862, 3d Brigade, Banks' Division, Army of the Potomac. March, 1862, Artillery Brigade, ist Division, 5th Corps, Army of the Potomac. April and May, 1862, Artillery Brigade, ist Division, Depart- ment of the Shenandoah. June, 1862, 2d Brigade, ist Division, 2d Corps, Army of Virginia. July and August, 1862, Artillery Brigade, 2d Corps, Army of Virginia. September, October, November, and December, 1862, January, February, March, and April, 1863, 2d Division, 12th Corps, Army of the Potomac. May, June, July, August, and September, 1863, Artillery Brigade, 12th Corps, Army of the Potomac. October and November, 1863, 2d Division, 12th Corps (serving with Army of the Cumberland). December, 1863, 2d Division, 12th Corps, Army of the Cumberland. January and February, 1864, on veteran furlough. March, 1864, 2d Division, 12th Corps, Army of the Cumberland. April, May, and June, 1864, 2d Division, 20th Corps, Army of the Cumberland. July, August, September, and October, 1864, Artillery Brigade, 20th Corps, Army of the Cumberland. November and December, 1864, January, February, March, April, May, and June, 1865, Artillery Brigade, 20th Corps, Army of Georgia. Mustered out June 14th, 1865. Disbanded at Pittsburgh, Penna. / Compiled by the Secretary of the Association, JOHN P. NICHOLSON, Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U. S. V. 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