All the Delights gf Travel for Those Who Stay at Home *<— i— — ■— — ■ ' —————— Seventh Year in America ¥ Tirst Year in England C. Under the Direction of Mr. Louis Francis Brown Mr. Lyman G. Bo urn i que Gilt THE TRAVELOGUES OF Mr. Burton Holmes Being Traveler' s Tales Tersely Told in Graphic Speech, Vivified by Pidures in Colour and Pictures in Motion A Travelogue — u The Gist of a journey, Ground Fine by discrimina- tion, Leavened with informa- tion, Seasoned with humor, Fashioned in literary form, and Embellished by pictures that delight the eye, while the spoken story charms the ear." A Travelogue is not a lecr.ure — one listens to a lecture ; one experiences a Travelogue. In a Travelogue one sees what is being told about* "Once seeing is better than a hundred times telling about/' — Japanese Adage. H G LUTING the picture to the phrase, Mr. Holmes **-^ in his Travelogues satisfies that universal yearn- ing to SEE and KNOW the wonder and the beauty of that WORLD of OTHERWHERE, the earth-wide realm of the modern traveler. "To travel is to possess the