I* i^i. 4)T ^ \ / ■•^' jL '•:t^i 1 ^-/7^^?^^.e----J-i-H.^ HISTORY OF GLENDALE AND VICINITY BY JOHN CALVIN SHERER ILLUSTRATED PUBLISHED BY THE GLENDALE HISTORY PUBLISHING COMPANY 1922 Cered by sev- eral thousand, with flocks and herds covering the hills and valleys of the "new world." Having acquired additional details as to the location of Monterey, Portola, on the seventeenth of April, 1770, with a party of 20 soldiers under command of I.ieut. Pages, started again for the lost harbor. On May twent}-fiiurth, they re-discovered the object of their search and on May thirty-first, the ship San .\ntonio, commanded by Capt. Juan Perez, the first sail that was ever spread over the waters of that bay, entered the harbor of Monterey. From that time forward for a half century or more, Monterey was the chief city of California. The Founding of S.^n Gabriel .\nd Los An'gele.s There were at the opening of 1771 only two European settle- ments in California, San Diego and Monterey. Felipe de Neve, the jjrogressive governor of .-\lta California, having been instructed by his superiors in 1776 to make observations of the country with regard to its agricultural and other possibilities, recommended that two pueblos be established, one on the Rio de Porciuncula CLos Angeles), and the other on the Rio de Guadalupe (near San Jose), and Don Fernando de Rivera y Moncado, was instructed to begin a campaign in Leen woven into alleged his- 34 GLENDALE AND VICINITY torical sketches of the San Rafael ranch, there is one to the effect that the peace treaty which achieved the cessation of a state of war in Cahfornia between the two governments, was signed at the home of the Verdugos. This story misses the truth by a few miles only, and it may be worth while to briefly relate the historical facts, as the locality in which Glendale is situated did furnish the stage for some of the last acts of the war. General (then Captain) John C. Fremont, arrived in Monterey in January. 1846, having comjileted his march overland and arrived in the San Joaquin valley with sixty-two men. Fremont's mission was a peaceful one but the susjiicious Castro ordered him out of the country and the Americans after a brief delay began their march northward. They had almost reached the Oregon line when on May ninth they were overtaken by a messenger bearing government des- patches for Fremont, who upon receiving them turned about and marched southward, reaching Sacramento and encamjjing. On July seventh, Commodore Sloat raised the Stars and Stripes at Monterey. Castro at that time was at San Jose and upon receiving the news he called his men together, announced that he was off for Me.xico, and told them they could go to their homes, which permission was promptly followed by the action suggested. All was now quiet in the north, but the south was not )'et sub- jected. Commodore Stockton, who had superseded Sloat, organized an expedition to proceed to Southern California and take over that ])ortion of the country. Fremont's forces, which had been recruited at Monterey to 120 men, was a part of this expedition, and was sent south by steamer to San Diego. Gov. Pio Pico had left Los Angeles, in June, on an expedition against the rebellious Castro at Monterey, and was with his army at San Luis Obispo when he heard the news of the capture of Monterey. As previously mentioned, Castro had joined Pico and they attempted to act together to oppose the common enemy, without success, the old jealousies prevailing as usual. Pico, at Santa Barbara, issued a proclamation calling on all able bodied men to rally to the defense of their country against the invader and taking occasion to allude to the invading forces in very uncomplimentary terms. They did not rally to any great extent, however. Pico followed up this proclama- tion on July twenty-seventh (Guinn) with another in which he took i|uite a different stand, advising the peo])le to abstain from all acts of violence toward the invaders. Castro had not gone to Mexico, as he had announced his intention of doing, but was now at Los Angeles, where, with .\ndreas Pico, he was endeavoring to raise and drill an army of defense. This "army" consisted of aI)out 300 men. poorly armed and equipped. Commodore Stockton sailed for San Pedro, where he arrived on August sixth, with 360 sailors and marines; these he began to drill in military maneuvers in preparation for a march to Los .\ngeles. Castro sent to Stockton the usual "commission" asking for a cessation of hostilities, which can scarcely be said to have be.gun, but Stock- ton refused to consider any proposition and sent the commissioners GLENDALE AND VICINITY 35 hack empty handed. The situation was now entirely hopeless for the Cal'fornians, so hoth Pico and Castro cleared out, the former going to the Santa Margarita ranch, near Capistrano, where he was concealed by his brother-in-law, Dt>n Jnhn Forster, while Castro resumed his trip to Mexico where he ultimately arrived. Stockton resumed his march on Los Angeles on August eleventh; he had four jiieces of cannon drawn by oxen, and a good brass band. Fremont who had gone to San Diego with his battalion of 170 men. was now supplied with horses and. on August eighth, started north to jc)in Stockton, having an army of 120 men. having left a guard of 50 men at San Diego. It took Stockton three days to march to Los Angeles from San Pedro and on August 13. 1846, having joined Fre- mont on the outskirts of the city, the combined forces of over 500 men, entered the city without opposition. On .August seventeenth, Stockton issued a prficlamation as "Coin- mander in chief and governor of the territory of California" inform- ing the people that the country now belonged to the Lhiited States. Four days after the capture of Los Angeles, the Warren, Captain Hull commander, anchored at San Pedro. She brought official notice of the declaratinn of war between the United States and Mexico. Then for the first time, Stockton learned that there had been an official declaration of war between the two countries. United States officers had waged war and taken possession of California upon the strength of a rumor that hostilities existed between the two countries. ( Guinn.) This looks like the end oi trouble, but it was only a beginning. Stockton left Los .-\ngeles for the north on September second, leaving Captain Gillespie to hold the town with fifty men. Fremont also went north. Gillespie tried to rule by martial law, but his ridiculously inadequate force made it impossible for him to maintain his authority over a conglomeration of trouble makers such as coinposed a large ])ortion of the population of Los Angeles at that time, and in addition to that element was a considerable body of the better class of natives, who were inspired by a naturally resentful feeling against the in- vaders. On September twenty-second a body of Californians at- tacked the garrison at three o'clock in the morning and were repulsed with loss of three men. The next day there were six hundred men on horseback in an attacking party, armed witjh shot guns, lances and having a piece of artillery. The Americans intrenched on Fort Hill kept the Californians at a distance 1))' occasional rifle fire and shots now and then from a rusty cannon. In this connection occurs the story of the ride of John Brown, locally known at the time as Juan Flaco or Lean John. Colton in his "Three Years in California," says: "Brown rode the whole dis- tance (Los Angeles to Monterey) of four hundred and sixty tniles in fifty-two hours, during which time he did not sleep. His intelligence was for Comm(jdore Stocktf)n. and in the nature of the case, was not committed to paper, except a few words rolled in a cigarette fastened in his hair. But the commodore had sailed for San Francisco and it u as necessary he should go one hundred and f(.)rly miles further. He 36 GLENDALE AND VICINITY was quite exhausted and allowed to sleep three li^urs. Before day he was up and off on his journey." He had left Los Angeles on Septem- ber twenty-fourth at 8 P. M.. and on the mornini^ nf the twenty-ninth was, according to Captain Gillespie's account of the ride, lying in the bushes on the edge of San Francisco Bay. waiting for an early morn- ing boat. In leaving Los .\ngeles he had been discovered by the be- siegers, was fired on, his horse killed. Flaco carried his spurs and riata to Los Virginese. a distance of 27 miles afoot, where he secured another mount. This noble ride availed nothing for the beleaguered Americans however, their situation becoming more desperate daily. Finally Flores, commanding the Californians. issued an ultimatum de- manding surrender within twenty-four hours, and on September thirtieth, the Americans capitulated, being allowed to march out of the city with colors flying and proceeded to San Pedro where they ar- rived in due time. Upon receiving Gillespie's message, by messenger Juan Flaco. Gillespie ordered Captain Mervine to go to San Pedro at once. Sev- eral days' time were lost, however, and it was October first when Mer- vine and his men sailed out of San Francisco bay, arriving at San Pedro on October seventh. The combined forces of the Americans began the march on Los Angeles on C^ctober eighth, with about 300 men. The Californians harassed the Americans all along their route, being in possession of a cannon which they handled very efficiently. After proceeding inland several miles, and having a number of men wounded, the Americans finally retreated back to their vessels. This affair was known as the Battle of Dominguez Ranch. The .\merican losses were four men killed and five or six wounded. The dead were buried on an island in the harbor, named at that time "Dead Man's Island." The Californians during this battle were commanded by Jose Maria Flores, who after the fight returned to Los .\ngeles. called the departmental assembly together and was elected governor in the absence of Pico. He held office until January S, 1847. The defeat of Mervine showed the .Americans that conditions in the south required more strenuous efforts than had been put forth heretofore to pacify the natives, and Fremont, under orders from Commodore Stockton proceeded to recruit a sufficient number of men to form a regiment. His headquarters were at Monterey and he had now attained the rank of lieutenant colonel. C"astro had been made commandante of the Mexican forces with headcpiarters at San Luis Obispo. On October sixteenth, a body of scouts on their way to Monterey, to join Fremont, encountered a part of Castro forces at Hncinalitos and a fight occurred in which there were a dozen men or so killed on each side. On January second following there was a fight at Santa Clara without any fatalities. Stockton sailed for San Pedro where he arrived on October 23, 1846. having in ail a force of about 800 men. The fact was afterwards disclosed that the Mexican forces opposing him did not number more than a hundred or two hundred at most. The Californians maneuvered their horsemen so skilfully, that the careful Stockton seems to have imagined himself opposed by an invincible army, and on October thirty-first he loaded his forces GLENDALE AND VICINITY 37 on board the Congress and sailed for San Dicf^o, evidenti)' plannin.^' to march from that place to Los Angeles some other day. Meantime Fremont had been recruiting in the north until he had an army of about 450 men. witii wliich force he began his march southward on November twenty-ninth to co-operate with Stockton. General Kearney, marching to San Diego from the cast with ai)Out 80 men. had been attacked at San Pasqual by a force of the Califor- nians. under .'\ndreas Pico, and in the battle that ensued lost three of- ficers and 15 dragoons killed, with seventeen dragoons wounded; his force would probably have been annihilated had not reinforcements reached him from San Diego, at which place Kearney and his forces arrived, without anj' further fighting, but after enduring great hard- ships. He had been sent from l^ort Leavenworth to take ])ossession of New Mexico, which was accomplished without a battle. The affair at San Pasqual was for the Americans the most serious battle that oc- curred during the war. On December twenty-ninth. Stockton began the march to Los Angeles with Kearney second in command, the force numbering about 500 men. At San Luis Rey a messenger came into camp from Flores asking for the customary conference. Stockton refused to accede to the proposition and demanded that Flores and his army surrender, which proposal was also rejected. On January eighth, the .Xmericans having reached the crossing of the San Gabriel river, south of Los Angeles, encountered the enemy in considerable force. A fight oc- curred there and another on the following day at "the ^^csa." In these two battles the Californians lost three men killed and had several wounded, the .'\mericans losing about an e<|ual ntunbcr. The Cali- fornians were short of good powder to which fact tlieir opponents owe the good fortune of escaping with so small a loss. On January tenth while the .Americans were encamped along the river on the out- skirts of the town, a delegation came into camp with a proposition to surrender which was accepted, and the next day Stockton's forces entered Los Angeles. Fremont Cfiming down from the north reached a point a few miles north of San b'ernando on January 11. 1S47. Here he received news of the capture of Los .^ngeles, and camped on the above named date at the San Fernando mission. That night a friemlly Californian, Jesus Pico set out from the mission to find the army of the Califor- nians. and here we get our local coloring; he found them "encamped al V^erdugas." (Guinn.) The probability is that this cncanipnient was at the adobe residence in the Canyon, as it seems reasonable to suppose that that location would I)e preferred for a military encani])ment rather than at the other adobe house, situated on the mesa, on what is now Verdugo Road, which Julio had built in 1835. Although Julio, as far as our knowledge goes, had no military record, not being mentioned in the accounts of the various revolutions that periodically occurred, he, no doubt, was in (]uite natural sym- pathy with his countrymen in their opposition to the invading Amer- icans. Pico was detained at the Verdugos while the leaders were summoned for a council, word being sent to them by horsemen to San 38 GLENDALP] AND VICINITY Pasqual Raiicho (Pasadena) and otlier points near at hand. General F"lores. governf)r and cotnmandante. seems to have been able to read handwritinsj on a wall whatever he may have lacked in educational adornments, and upon receivings Pico's communication, and listening to him when he advised surrender, heard a sudden call to duty else- where and left the same night lor Mexico, where he held a position in the regular army. He was accompanied by several other officers and thirty privates. Before leaving he conferred the command of the army upon General Andreas Pico, who immediately appointed two commissioners, Francisco Rico and Francisco de la Guerra, to return with Jesus Pico to Fremont's camp and confer as to a treaty of peace. Fremont appointed similar commissioners. Major P. B. Redding, Major Wm. H. Russell and Capt. Louis McLane. On the return of his commissioners to camp, Gen. Pico appointed two others, Jose Antonio Carrillo, and Augustin Olvera. and moved his army over to Cahuenga, to which point Fremont had also moved, and there in a deserted ranch house on January 13. 1847. the treaty of peace was signed. Under the terms of the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (a small town near the City of Mexico), the rights of American citizenship were accorded to all Californians who were willing, and had the usual qualifications, to receive them. The majority of the better class of natives swore allegiance to the Stars and Stri])es. but it is doubtful whether they gained any material benefit from the change in flags. They were given a stable government in exchange for one of frequent changes, each one based upon the last "revolution" and in that re- spect the change should have been a boon of some value. But the old regime had its merits and if the landed proprietors regretted its ])ass- ing and failed to hail the new conditions with enthusiasm, who shall say them nay ? The revolutions were usually bloodless and served to break the monotony of a life that needed something in the way of excite- ment to flavor it. The people were generous to a fault, and practiced the virtue of hospitality with a free handed grace that can never exist outside of a country whose people are more or less primitive. There were occasional crimes of violence and very few of a nature that can be described as sordid or shameful. 'i"he great misfortune of the people in passing under the control of the United States, was their ignorance of the language and of the laws. They were entirely at the mercy of the lawyers and this is not meant for a reflection upon the members of that profession, but as a mere statement of facts. The owners of land had to take ste])s to have their titles con- firmed by the new government and instances occurred in which they lost title to property which they had occupied for years without chal- lenge from any one. It was necessary for them to obtain legal advice ancl to execute legal papers, the meaning of which was unknown to them except through interpreters who. admitting their honesty, were not always themselves capable of rightly explaining the intricacies of the law. And when it came to paying the lawyers, what more natural than that it should be done by executing a deed to a piece of land GLENDALE AND \1CIMTY 39 when the owner had more than he knew what to do with? I'.ut tlie loan sharks were the most terrible enemy of the California land owner. It was easy to borrow money and so terribly hard to pay. For years the prevailing rate of interest was three per cent a month, compounded of course upon non-paj-ment. The records are full of the sad story which shows how one landed proprietor after another saw his broad acres slip away from him. Those who fought foreclosure through the courts fared the wt)rst, fur the case usually went against them and that terrible three per cent was run- ning all the time. Looking over the old records one finds many an interesting story bearing on this subject. Here is the record of one mortgage, or rather the opening chapter, for the sequel is unknown. It is given here to afford a glimpse of transactions in this line seventy years ago. being one of many. In Alarch. 1849, Pedro Dominquez borrows of John Temple 350 ounces of gold dust of good quality and Troy weight for the sum of $3,500 in silver. The document securing the loans set forth that the borrower intends to use the greater part of it to ])ay his debts, after which he will owe no one. To secure this he states his desire to .give a most firm writing, desires to pay the 330 ounces and further de- sires to be compelled to do so. For this purpose he mortgages the Rancho San Pedro; said Temple to lay claim to the same so that when term expires, if claim is not paid, he may take action. He further states his intention of going to the "Bonanza Gold Mines." .'\s the Dominguez family still held the Rancho San Pedro after this transaction, the inference is that I'cdro was more lucky than the av- erage borrower. CHAPTER V JULIO VERDUGO, HIS FAMILY AND ACTIVITIES SOME TRANSACTIONS IN REALTY. DIVISION OF THE RANCH BETWEEN JULIO AND CATALINA. VARIOUS CONVEYANCES. SCAR- CITY OF MONEY AND EXORBITANT RATES OF INTEREST. A LOAN AT THREE PER CENT A MONTH AND HOW IT GREW. TESTIMONY GIVEN IN FORECLOSURE TRIAL. JULIO, A PICTURESQUE FIGURE. PASSES AWAY. Julio, coming into possession of the ranch (with his sister) about 1832, was at that time about 45 years old. He had married Maria Jesus Romero and probably the greater number of their numerous offspring had already appeared upon the scene of action. The num- ber of their children, who reached maturity, appears to have been eleven, nine sons and two daughters. The sons are frequently al- luded to in the testimony of their neighbors, in association with their father in carrying on their, for that time, rather extensive farming operations. They not only raised crops of barley, wheat, corn, beans and hay but had large herds of cattle and horses. It is quite proljable, that in 1835, when Dana visited San Pedro in the good ship ".\lert" taking on hides and tallow, as related in "Two Years Before the Mast," he helped to load some of the products of the San Rafael ranch. And Don Julio was a builder also. He built a house "on the hill at the Garbanzos" in 1833 and 1834. He built cattle pens also and put in a garden and vineyard, and planted corn and wheat. This house, on the hill top, lietween Garvanza and Eagle Rock, was quite a conspicuous object until a few years ago when it was obliterated by the overwhelming march of improvement. We have his testimony also as to other building: "On the hill, at that portion called the Cienega, I also built a house and pens and kei)t a dairy there. This was in 1835. I also had improvements on the southern part at the place called the Talaga. Five years ago (this was in 1865), my wife built a house at the Porto-suelo, the place where we now live." The house in the "Cienega" appears to be the old adobe standing in Verdugo Canyon and while speaking of th.it house, he continues: "The house built at the small hill near the Cien- ega is still there and rented to Mr. Lanfranco. It is (jf adobe. We lived at the .house with the family over four years. I was living in the bottom when the flood came and we were forced out. The gar- dens have been there eight or nine years." He als.> speaks of having lived at the "Loma." It is possible that this is an error, and thai the word should be "Toma" the place on the river where the water was diverted. The house at Portosuelo. built by the wife of Julio, was on the Verdugn GLENDALE AND VICINITY 41 Road, on the east side, near the residence now occupied and lielons;ing to Mrs. Rohde, in the southeast corner of the city of Glendale. This was the residence of Julio and his family from the time it was built, in 1860, until his death in 1S76. It was occupied after the father's death by one of his sons. Jose Maria, until about 1S''0. when the faniii\' moved to .San Gabriel where Jose was accidentall\- killed on the rail- road. Others of the family lived in the house lunil it was sold to Mr. Rohde about 1910. Only a frajjment of it remains. This was the "homestead" of 200 acres awarded to Julio in 1869. when the rest of the ranch was sold under foreclosure of nn>rt£]:ag:e, as will presently be related. The homestead was on both sides of X'crducfo Road, there being 98 acres on the west side and 202 acres on the cast, the latter property being principally hill-iand. The level land on the west side of the road was left in small lots to the children, there being between seven and eight acres in each al- lotment as a rule. On one of these pieces was the home f)f Joaquin Chabolla, who had married Julio's daughter, Maria .Antonia Longina Maxima, who was born March 15, 1824, and baptized at San Gabriel on the day following. .At this date Mrs. Chabolla is still alive, living with a relative in Verdugo Canyon. The Chabolla home was lc)cated west of Verdugo Road. Maple street now running through it. Mrs. Chabolla lived there until the property was sold about 1912. The others of these small homesteads, passed into possession of the set- tlers, who came into the valley in the '80's. In Bancroft's history, we find the following reference to Julio: "Julio, son of Jose Maria, alcalde at San Rafael Raiicho in '31, '33, '36 and Juez de Campo, '40." The position of Juez de Canipo, was an honorary one conferred upon the possessor of the title by his fel- low citizens, at their annual rodeos, when the cattle were counted and separated, his duty consisting in acting as judge in the settle- ment of the numerous disputes that arose upon such occasions. This Judge of the Camp practically administered the duties of his office in the saddle, and holding the position testified to the belief of the par- ties interested, in the ability and fairness of the incumbent. This office was purely honorary under Mexican rule, but the United States government about 1850 attached to the position a sal- ary of $100 a year, scarcely enough to buy the official the expensive saddle with which he often bestrode an inexpensive horse. The an- nual rodeos were important affairs, the horses and cattle being gath- ered together to be identified as to ownership by their brands and dis- tributed to their respective owners. In driving ilieni in to a com- mon center where the judge was awaiting them, there was oppor- tunity given for skilful displays of horsemanshij). and as these af- fairs were as much a matter of pleasure as of business, there was al- ways a large number of spectators present to applaud any particidar display of skill among the riders, all of whom were born to the saddle. Then the day's events were appropriately wound up by music ami the dance. Until 1860 land had no particular monetary value and the change about that period came gradually. In 1863. Dr. (3riFfin bought a 42 GLENDALE AND VICINITY large portion of East Los Angeles for 50 cents an acre. As late as 1866 lots on Spring Street sold for $50 each. In that year Jotham Bixby bought 27,000 acres in the neighborhood of Long Beach for $125,000. The railroad from Los .Vngeles to San Pedro was completed in 1869. It really stopped at Wilmington, however, the extension to San Pedro being made some ten or twelve j-ears later. In 1852. Captain J. D. Hunter, who had come into California with the Ameri- can forces, having turned his attention to the arts of peace, began the manufacture of bricks in Los Angeles and built the first brick house in that city, on the corner of Third and Main street. This was the property exchanged by Hunter for land in the San Rafael ranch. In 1862, a "great flood" occurred and the following year was marked by a disastrous drouth, when cattle died by thousands and some are reported as having been sold for a price of .37 cents per head. In 1868, another disastrous flood occurred. Under the first grant of 1784 Vcrdugo claimed all the land lying between the Los Angeles river and the Sierra Madre, which took in the Rancho La Canada, but under date of May 12. 1843, Governor Micheltorena issued a grant to Ygnacio F. Coronel, of the "Rancho La Canada or Canada Atras de la Verdugos. which was later con- firmed to Benjamin Hayes and Jonathan R. Scott on February 16, 1857. Julio brought suit against Scott and Hayes to have the property restored to him. with the result that it was given back to Catalina and himself, in its entirety, by deed of December 21, 1857. La Canada was held in common by Julio and Catalina. Then, in 1861, they di- vided the ranches between them, Catalina taking all north of a cer- tain line, the language of the deed on this point being, "Catalina Verdugo shall have, hold and possess all that portion known as Ca- nada Atras de Verdugo and San Rafael which are situated north of a certain line, beginning at a point on the easterly side of the Los Angeles river, nearly opposite the house of Antonio Feliz (now Grif- fith Park) in the ]jotrero a short distance above the point where the hills which form the chain called the Cahuenga approach the said river; thence north 79° 50' East to the top of a round hill near the main road from San Gabriel; thence east to the Piedra Gorda (the Eagle Rock) and from thence to the Arroyo Seco. Julio and his sister appear to have kept their heritage intact until about 1855 when a portion was acquired, ajjparently under a tax sale, by Lewis Granger, a lawyer of that period, and was, by Granger, sold to J. D. Hunter. The i)roperty he acquired in the Rancho San Rafael was about 2.700 acres. An adobe house stood on the i)roperty, on the hill where Verdugo Road and San Fernando Road form a junction near the school building, now known as the Washington school. The Hunter family occupied the adobe for a short time until a new house was built near the ri\er. l)ut two or three small frame residences have been occupied by the younger generation of the family in the same neighborhood until very recently. In December, 1855, Julio and Catalina conveyed to J. L. Brent, that portion of the ranch along the river since known as "Santa Eu- (J LEND ALE AND VICINITY 43 lalia." Brent was another lawyer who liad the X'erdugos for his clients and is well spoken of by his contemporaries as a lawyer of repute. A portion of this property, some seven hundred acres, was sold by I'rent to Heath who convened it to \V. C. R. Richardson, August 16, 1868. Another tract was sold by the Verdugos to |. D. Hunter by deed of April 10, 1866. This gave Hunter a large acreage both in the southeasterly portion along the river, and also in the northwest and joining the Provideiicia ranch. On January 12. 1858, J. L. Brent transferred to J. R. Scott a tract of land described as "between the Sierra de la Verdugos fm the north and the river of Los Angeles on the south to the west of a line drawn 21.06 chains from the southwest corner of house of Fernando Verdugo, course northwest; with right to convey water." The legal documents of that time making these conveyances were generally written in Sjian- ish and as often as otherwise the signature was by mark. It is noticeable that except in one or two cases. Don Julio wrote his signature to the many documents that he issued. The property descriptions depended usually upon natural objects to tie down the variation of lines. Here is a good example: "April 10, 1860. C'atalina and Julio Verdugo, and Maria Jesus Romero de Verdugo (Julio's wife) conveyed to J. D. Hunter for a consideration of $400.00 a piece of land described as follows : The southeast corner of the Rancho San Rafael beginning on the river of Los Angeles at the southeast corner of tract ccjnveyed to J. L. Brent by Julio and Catalina X'erdugo June 5, 1858, thence along the lioundary line of said P.rcnt to the northeast corner thereof where there is a spring, or "aguage," and a little arroyo enters the same and forms a junction thereto and follow- ing the meanderings of the same Arroyo de la Cherro in a northeast direction, to a point where the .\rroyo del Cal through its mouth to the Arroyo Seco, or Hondo, thence along the last mentioned arroyo to the ancient Toma de agua. or city dam of the pueblo de Los An- geles in the river Los .Angeles, the same being the southeast corner of said rancho, thence up the river to place of beginning." Reference has been made to the division of the property between Catalina and Julio. In the various documents referring to this division, there is a va- riation in the description of the line on the north side of which wag Catalina's and on the south Julio's portion. The following is that given in the deed executed April 3, 1861. The document starts out by reference to the grant by (jovcrnor Micheltoreno to A. F. Coronel of the property described as "Rancho Canada Atras de los Verdugos," afterwards confirmed to Hayes and Scott, and re-conveyed by the lat- ter to the Verdugos under order of court. There is excepted the three conveyances, viz.: to Brent, Scott and Hunter, Commencing at a point on the east side of the Los Angeles river, nearly opposite the house of Antonio Feliz (now Griffith Park), in the jiotrero a short dis- tance above the point where the hills that form the chain called the Ca- huenga approaches said river; thence north 79° 50' east passing a small alder where a pile of stones is deposited and a stake driven ; thence north 76° 45' east passing through a corral to a Ir)ne alder on 44 GLENDALE AND VICINITY the southern slope of the hills of the northeasterly side of the valley; thence south 86° 40' east 9 chains to a point on the portosuelo; thence due east across the valley called the Encino Gacho to a very large round stone called the "Piedra Gorda" ; thence due east to the waters of the Arro^-o Seco where a stake is driven. During the '60's property was transferred, to and fro, within the family with monotonous frequency. August 2, 1864, the name of Teodoro Verdugo is found on the records for the first time, as hav- ing conveyed to him by his Aunt Catalina, property described as follows: "Bounded on the south by a sycamore tree; on the east by the Cuchilla of Francisco Maria to the Sierra Madre; on the north and west by another cuchilla of old rancho to beginning." Then on August 14, 1867, Teodoro re-conveyed this property to Catalina. This seems to have been land in Verdugo Canyon, and the sycamore tree to be the one still standing near the City reservoir. May 22, 1868, Catalina, for a consideration of $2,000, conveyed to C. V. Howard a one fourth interest in her entire holdings in both ranches, and in August following she deeded to Teodoro property rather loosely described as bounded on the north by the Sierra Madre ; on the east by the Arroyo Seco; on the south by the Los Angeles river and on the west and northwest by the Los Angeles river and the Rancho Providencia. "containing six leagues more or less." In a deed Novem- ber 30, 1868, appear as grantees the names of Julio's sons as follows : Teodoro, Pedro, Quirino, Jose Maria, Chrysostimo, Rafael, Guilermo. Victorio and Fernando. The available wealth of the California rancher consisted in cattle principally. There was an annual slaughtering on all the big ranches in the fall of the year, a thousand or more being butchered at a time for the hide and tallow. Hides were worth two or three dollars apiece and tallow brought six or eight cents a pound. It was a pre- carious business, the outcome depending entirely upon weather con- ditions which no man can control and consequently there were "lean" and "fat" years. The floods and drouth no doubt brought misfor- tune to Don Julio and drove him to the risky expedient of borrowing money at the ruinous rate of interest then prevailing, for the records disclose the following: "Julio Verdugo to J. Elias, January 2, 1861 — Julio Verdugo and Maria Jesus Romero de Verdugo, borrow $3,445.34, mortgaging all of the interest in the following described property: bounded on the north by the Sierra Madre. on the east by the Arroyo Hondo, south by the river Los .\ngeles and west by the lands of Jonathan R. Scott now cultivated by him, excepting lands sold to J. D. Hunter and J. L. Brent with appurtenances. Intended to secure a certain note in the words and figures following: $3,445.37 Los Angeles, December 6. 1860. Two years after date, without gfrace, I promise to pay to the order of Jacob Rlias $3,445.37, for value re- ceived, with interest at 3 per cent per month until paid, which inter- est to be paid each and every three months, and if not so paid to be added to the principal and become a part thereof and draw same in- terest as principal debt. "This conveyance is also intended as a security to said party of GLEXDALE AND VICINITY 45 second part in case he shall be obliged to protect his interest in mort- gage by the payment of any taxes, etc.. it having been agreed tliat party of first part shall pay all taxes on said property and on this mortgage, and if said payment shall be well and truly made, then, these presents shall be null and void. But if default be made in the jiayment of said delit, or any part of it becomes due, then it shall be lawful for the party of the second part, and he and his heirs or ex- ecutors are authorized to sell the premises and every ])art thereof, rendering the over-plus, if any, to parties of the first part. (Signed) Julio Verdugo." The original note is written on unofficial pajier and bears the signature of the maker in a scarcely legible hand, and it is noticeable that the signature of his wife is not attached. It was the contention of the plaintiff, when foreclosure proceedings were started promptly upon expiration of the two j'ears, that as the prf)perty was held in common, the signature of the wife was not legally required, and the claim appears to have been considered valid by the court. From this time on for the next eight or nine years, the court records bear testi- mony to the activities of the Verdugos in transferring and re-trans- ferring their property from one to the other within the family. On April 13. 1861, an agreement was entered into between Julio and Catalina that they hold in common the rancho La Canada the whole of which said rancho was on December 21. 1857. conveyed to Julio Verdugo and Catalina Verdugo bj- J. R. Scott, that the said Catalina Verdugo shall have, hold and possess all that portion, known as Canada Atras de Verdugo and San Rafael, which is situ- ated north of a certain line, the description of the line being as here- tofore been given, and which ran from the northwesterly corner on the river, easterly along the southern base of the nearest range of mountain and hill, across the mouth of Verdugo Canyon on to the Arroyo Seco by way of the Eagle Rock. There was much conflict- ing testimony given at the trial, the defense endeavoring to prove that the division of the property had been made as between Julio and Catalina, while the plaintiff introduced a good deal of testimony to show that it was held in common. Probably the best witness for Julio was Juan .Mvarado who testified that he had known the de- fendants since childhood and that he had personally made the di- vision in his cai>acity as First Regidor in 18.12 or 18,1,1. lie testified that the line of division was a round rock on a round hill on to the mouth of the potrero; Julio took the southern part. Julio was at the running of the line; I do not remember if Catalina came out. Catalina and Julio both agreed as to the line and were content. The i)otrero is over the river right in front of the house of Feliz. Julio testified: My sister Catalina now living, never married. The ranch was divided between me and Catalina because the other heirs had received their inheritance. It was divided on August 17, 1832. My father decided the property should be divided in his life- time and after his death I applied to the authorities and order was made to divide it. 1. \'. .'\lvarado went out. The line went near the 46 GLENDALE AND VICINITY mouth of the potrero of the Feliz's to the hill situated near the Mis- sion road and from thence to Piedra Gorda. I am 77 years old and m}' sister Catalina three years younger (this was June 1865). On my part, in place called the Garbanza, I built a house and cat- tle pens; I began the work in 1833. I put in a garden and vineyard and sowed and planted corn there. The house was finished; I and my wife occupied it. My son William was born there. I was fre- quently at the house of my sister and always left some one at the house with her. On the hill at that portion called the Cienega, I also built a house and pens and kept a dairy there. This was in 1835. It is in the southern part and on that set apart to me in the division. I had also improvements on the southern part at the place called the Telaga. Five years ago my wife built a house at the Porto Suelo the place where we now live. Previous to going there I lived at the Loma ( ?) and the Garbanza. I have never left these places un- occupied. I and my sister staid with each other frequently. I have never to my knowledge signed any paper that ranch was not di- vided. The deed of April 13, 1861. was not so interpreted to me. I have had my separate part since 1832. My father died April 12. 1832 (the San Gabriel record say.s 1831). He directed in his will that rancho be divided between me and Catalina. My sons now live in the house built by me at the Garbanza. The first house there was built of brush and then we made adobes and put them up. It is the same house now standing. The house built at the small hill near the Cienega is still there and is rented to Mr. Lanfranco. It is of adobe. We lived at the house with the family over four years. I was living in the bottom when the flood came and we were forced out. The gar- dens had been there eight or nine years. My legal adviser from 1851 to 1861 was Mr. Brent, and until he went away. I told Brent about the division and he asked me for a piece of the southern part. J. D. Hunter testified that he had known the land since 1855. At the time the greater part of the Verdugo family lived in the old house of the ranch in the northwest part. When he went to see Julio in 1860 he found him living in a jacale. The old ranch house would fall north of the partition line. Had seen cultivated land in the south part of the rancho since 1860. Saw no house in 1860, there were three or four jacales. Cyrus Lyons testified that he lived at the Providencia ranch, and had known the San Rafael since 1850. The Verdugos lived in the old ranch house then. Had been ])resent at many of the rodeos and escojidas which Julio gave on the ranch; his own stock was there and he had to go after them. The first fields he ever saw Julio and sons at work on were in the northwest part of the ranch near Scotts line. Had seen other cultivations near the Porto Suelo and Piedra Gorda, of which were corn, barley and beans. There was a vineyard near the old ranch house which Julio and boys worked. A. F. Coronel testified that he had known the lands since 1840; when he first knew the ranch Julio lived in the old house, near mouth of the Canada. He still lived there in 1833. At present he lixed in the GLENDALE AND VICINITY 47 new house two or three miles southeast of the old, which is north of the partition line of 1861. Knew J. L. Rrent intimately; he spoke and understood Spanish and was a lawyer of repute. Saw cultivated fields near Julio's present residence for the first time last year. He was part owner of La Canada until sold to Scott and remembered a lawsuit that X'erdugo hrouji^bt ajjainst them for trespass. Was County Assessor for several terms previous to 1860; Julio made returns of the whole rancho for assessment, but it was always understood that it belonjfed to brother and sister. Was Colin- dente for several years. Never heard of any partition of the rancho. Manuel Garfias. a resident of San Pascual, testified he had known the San Rafael for twenty years. In 1843 Julio and family lived in the old ranch house. Julio and wife lived there until 1859. There was a vineyard and fields of grain near the old ranch house which were worked by Julio and his sons. Jacob Elias, the plaintiff, testified. Knew lands since 1852 or 1853. Julio, his wife and Catalina lived in the ok\ ranch house. Knew where the new house was. Was there at the time of the barley crop in August or September, 1861. Was no house there then. Had seen plantations west of the old house towards San Fernando. The oldest boy worked fields on his own hook, the others worked with their father. Had generally bought what grain they had to sell. Julio's new house is about three miles from the old ranch house. Never saw corrals or fields near the place of the new house until 1858. The note sued on was given for a bill for goods, for money paid for taxes, for provisions and seeds. A part was to pay for lumber used in Julio's new house at the Porto Suelo. Always dealt with Julio, never with Catalina. The mortgage was not signed by Julio's wife because I did not present it to her to sign. Mr. Drown (his at- torney) said that the point was settled by the Supreme Court, and that the signature of the wife was unnecessary if the property was in common. Manuel Uominguez told of his acquaintance with the ranch and the Verdugo family since 1850, and of fields towards San Fernando in the West. He was Prelect in 1832 and 1833. He did not know of any partition of the ranch. Francisco Sepulveda, a son-in-law of Julio, testified that lie had known the ranch for twenty years, and that Julio worked fields on both sides of the partition line, and lived at the old house at times, perhaps, for a year at a time. Julio used to sow on the north side of the line whenever he took a fancy. Jose Sepulveda testified that Julio lived in various places on the ranch and could scarcely be said to have a permanent home. Other testimony showed that Julio made his home frequently in jacales lo- cated where the crops were to be gathered. At another time Elias testified that he had been engaged in mer- chandising in Los Angeles for twelve years, i)ut was absent in Europe from 1858 to 1860. Julio and Catalina occupied the lands in com- mon, and resided together in the old house situated in the northwest part of the ranch, from 1852 to 1861. He was frequently at the ranch 48 glendalp: and vicinity during the time of planting and harvesting, furnishing Julio with money for seeds, taxes, etc., taking in payment whatever produce he had to dispose of. The Judge of the court, Pablo de la Guerra. seems to have been in sympathy with the defendant Verdugo. and gave a decision in his favor, against the plaintiff, which was unsatisfactory to the plaintiff and an appeal was taken to the supreme court and in October, 1866. the judgment was reversed on the ground that, "We consider the demonstration that the occupation was joint and not several from 1832 to 1861, when there was a formal partition by deed, so far com- plete as to justify a reversal." The findings of the Court on April 30, 1864, shows that the de- cree awarded Elias the sum of $10,795 and goes on to state that, Julio and Catalina Verdugo had I)een in possession and had made division before the lands came under the United States government; that Catalina resided on the north half containing the old family resi- dence. That Julio moved to, and built on. and resided with his wife and family on the southern half; that the same was duly recorded as their homestead in April, 1861. Court finds that plaintiff is entitled to foreclosure on La Canada ; defendant to a homestead on San Ra- fael. Then, the Court adds an opinion: "Under the Me.xican gov- ernment and law a parole division of land followed by pt)Ssession was as binding as one made in writing. That under the customs and usages, as they prevailed in California, it is within the knowledge of the court that division of ranches among heirs were seldom reduced to writing. They were nearly always verbal and when followed by possession were always considered valid and binding on the parties. There were seldom any fences or enclosures to mark the division of estates. There were few law books and less lawyers in California while the country was under the Mexico government. The country was governed to a great extent by custom. Contracts and even sales of real estate were generally verbal resting on custom and the good faith of the primitive people. Under such a system, it cannot well be doubted that a division of land by parole was as valid as it would have been by written instrument in due form." — Pablo de la Guerra. District Judge. Appeal seems to have been made principally on the grounds that defendant should not have been awarded the homestead. Judge de la Guerra denying the motion for a new trial and being overruled by the higher court as stated above. The case was tried and tried again. On June 3, 1865, another decision awards Elias the sum of $15,955.02, with interest from May 26. 1865, at three jier cent a month. Then fol- lowed more legal battling until the final decision of February 4, 1869, by which the plaintiff was awarded the siun of $56,878.21 and an or- der for sale of the projierty issued. Lawyers fees and other charges swelled this total to $58,750. for which amount the property was sold to .Alfred B. Chapman on March 8. 1869, by Thomas Sanchez, Sheriff. By stipulation it was agreed that the purchaser should deed back to Verdugo a homestead of 200 acres surrounding the residence that he occupied at that time. GLENDALE AND VICINITY 4!t By this conveyance to liiiii 1)\ Chapman. Julio retained 98 acres of level land on the west side ol X'erdiigo Road, and 102 acres, mostly hilly on the east-side opposite, wiiere iiis luiuse stood. Althougfii the mortgage given by Julio purported to cover all his interest in both La Canada and San Rafael ranches, it is evident that his interest in the former was not recognized by the court in render- ing final judgment, although the interest of Catalina (who had not joined in the mortgage) was concecled. The property afterwards owned and occupied by the family in Verdugo Canyon was acquired by transfer from Catalina to Teodoro, a son of Julio. This include him land bounded "On the north by the Sierra Madre; on the east by the Arroyo Seco; on the south by the Los .Angeles river ; on the west and northwest by Los Angeles river and Rancho Providencia, descrilsing both ranches, con- taining six leagues more or less." November 30, 1868, Julio's nine sons gave a deed to C. V. Howard ''their attorney) "all right, title and interest" in both ranches. June 21, 1870, Catalina deeded to C. E. Thorn, "the undivided half of each ranch." Thoin afterwards deeded back certain portions, comprising an excess of what was intended to be conveyed in the first instance. Julio's wife, Maria de Jesus, died April, 1872, aged 98 years. And on January, 1876, passed the sou! of Don Julio, his body being carried to the Church of the Archangel at San Gabriel where it was interred with the numerous members of his family of the same and preceding generations that had gone liefore. According to his own word he was 88 years old at the time of his death, but the San Ga- briel record bears evidence of uncertainty as is shown by the follow- ing extract : "Julio Verdugo, die 14 Enero de 1876 hijo Jose Ma. Verdugo and I'lncarnacion de Lopez, native of Mexico a la edad de 80 anos." Catalina V^erdugo was born at San Gabriel in 1782, and died June 1, 1871. She never married. During the last few years of her life she was blind as the result of smallpox. Her property. La Canada, escaped foreclosure when the San Rafael was lost to Julio. She made GLENDALE AND VICINITY f)! a large number of conveyances and in several instances brought suit to cancel the same. In the suit brought in March, 1870. asking for a partition of the ranch among various claimants, it was stated that there were involved some thirty conveyances made bj' Catalina and four or five by Julio. It would seem that eventually Catalina had nothing left, but her kindness to her favorite nephew Teodoro to whom she had conve3-ed a tract of about 2,700 acres, secured her a home and care in her old age as she testified in the case above men- tioned, that Teodoro had tal the quartette of a tract containing 1.357.10 acres. This was "on the east side of the rancho"; also another tract of 368.35 acres, and yet another of 436.39, this last being the hills along the west side of \'erdugo Road reaching over westerly into the Tro- pico section. The consideration for the above was $2,810.43. The low valuation placed upon most of the property conveyed by Dreyfus as above, was due to the fact that the decree of partition had allotted all the water of the X'erdugo canyon stream arising in the "Cienega on the West side of the Verdugo canyon" to the naturally irrigable lands of the ranch and the high lands not so capable of irrigation from open ditches were considered practically valueless. These hill lands (or more correctly "bench"' lands) were offered by the new t)wners in 1883 at a price of from $5 to $12 per acre with but little demand. The price for the other lands, fixed bv the new owners, was about $100 per acre. On May 28, 1883, M. L. Wicks acquired from \'alentine Mand 500 acres "and one twentieth of the water of Verdugo Canyon." This was the property adjfiining the Thom ranch on the west and included the former property of Rafael \'erdugo de Sepulveda, a daughter of Julio Verdugo, with the old homestead known in later years as "Casa Verdugo." This property w as later sold to George Baugh, a retired Church of England clergvman, who in turn sold it to J. D. Bliss, who built the large house now standing on the i)roperty and sold it to Mr. James McMillan of the Pacific f^lectric Company. On August 4, 1883. .Mr. Wicks acquired from J. U. Hunter, 30^? acres adjoining the above named property on the west, described as "being the west half of (except the north 50 acres) a tract of land GLENDALE AND VICINITY 57 conveyed by A. Briswalter t<> X^nlentiiie Mand Se]iteml)er 6. 1882." This conveyance included the "Sanchez Place," a well improveil j)rop- erty on which was another adobe residence in jjood condition, which was occupied for several years thereafter by the successive owners of the property, among which the writer remembers the names of Elijah Taylor and Mr. Sinjjleton. This property was further de- scribed as being- "bounded on the north and west by the pro()erty of Beaudry and Burbank." The consideration was named as $9,000. September 6, hSSo. Watts, Hodgkins and Wright conveyed to Wicks a three-fourths interest in Lots 44 and 60 of Watts subdivision of 88.50 acres with water rights. Mr. Wicks had a proper apprecia- tion of the value of \'erdugo Canyon water rights and profited there- by. He acquired some acreage to which no water rights had been as- signed and so transferred and divided his accumulated water shares that some of his land deeded to him and Iiis associates by Dreyfus and rated as belonging to Class B. \alued at $1,^.00 an acre, at once moved automatically into Class A at $50 an acre. It was the latter part of 1883 when the influx of settlers began to move into the valley. One of the first transfers b)- Wicks to a pioneer of that period was on December tenth when he sold a large tract of land to Martha F. Morgan; this was on what is now Colum- bus Avenue in the vicinity of the school house. Dr. J. S. Morgan was a well known physician in Los Angeles, and in active practice until a sliort time before his death in 1921. On Decemlier twelfth Wright sold ten acres to Lewis Riley, in the Tropico district. Mr. Riley was one of the active "first settlers" of that time. In 1884 among transfers made by him, were those to Le Maire in North Glendale, to Duncan. Dubois, Butterfield, Darracolt, Chandler, Sanders. Casterline and Siddons. He also sold to Col. A. S. Moore in that year, a tract of land at the west end of what is now known as Palmer .Vvenue, although originally the street was known as Moore .Avenue. Col. Mc)ore de- served more than the naming of a street in his honor. He was a wounded veteran of the Civil War, almost incapacitated by his in- juries physically, but mentally active and jiublic spirited. He was the first president of the V'erdugo Canyon Water Company, and its prin- cipal organizer. He died in 1920 at Balboa Beach. Land was being sold also by the other partners. .Among the transfers of 1885, were those from Wright to W. G. Watson and to J. E. Fiske. Mr. \\'atson secured a home at that time on the southeast corner of Verdugo Road and Colorado street. Mr. Fiske bought on Le.xington Avenue, west of Verdugo Road, afterwards subdividing his property. He was a teacher of vocal music and is remembered by some of the survivors of those "early settlers" as a man of fine presence and a singer of unusual excellence. Wright also sold al)out this time a ten-acre tract on Windsor Road, east of Adams Street, to W. G. Shaw, whose wife is a sister of Mr. J. M. Banker, well known in Cjlendale. Mr. Shaw had been a member of the, at that time, well known firm of Willcox and Shaw, with an office on Spring Street, Los .Angeles, successful dealers, who were about the first in their line of business ti> offer the public lots in 58 GLENDALE AND VICINITY Hollywood. He took an active part in Glendale affairs and after- wards moved to Denver from which place he and family have recently returned to California. The initial activity of the four men referred to above, resulted in the sale of other lands outside the acreage covered by their transac- tions. In 1880, J. C. Sherer had bought five acres on \'erdugo Road near the present city's southeastern corner, of Santiago Juvero for fifty dollars an acre. A short time afterwards he bought an additional 12 acres adjoining his first purchase, from Cynthia J. Dunsmoor, wife of C. H. Dunsmoor who later became County Clerk. For this he paid $100 per acre. In the spring of 1883 he moved on to his purchase and about the same time. Mr. S. I. Mayo bought and occujiied with his family a twelve-acre piece adjoining on the north and about the same time Mr. S. C. Hollenbeck bought and moved on to another twelve- acre tract on the south. These three pieces of property were located on the 200-acre tract of land deeded back to Julio Verdugo by A. B. Chapman, when the latter acquired Verdugo's remaining interest in the ranch when it was sold to satisfy a mortgage in 1869. The original Julio Verdugo homestead was on the east side of the road opposite the three proper- ties named. This adobe house was built by Julio's wife in 1835. this portion of the valle}' being known at that time and up to the time of the movement in real estate here spoken of, as Porto Suelo. One morning in 1883 one of the new settlers on his morning horseback ride into Los Angeles, where he was employed, was startled at discovering on a slight hillside along the X'erdugo Road, near the present crossing of the Eagle Rock car line, the Ixxly of a Mexican. The man looked so natural that the first impression of the traveler was that here was another drunken man sleeping oflf the effects of a night's carousal. An examination of the body disclosed the fact that the man was dead. Mounting his horse again the ])asser-by rode on towards Los Angeles and soon met Dr. Reini Xadeau. then the Coro- ner of the County, hurrying out to the scene. The Coroner's inquest developed the storj'. The dead man was named Garcia, a wood cut- ter from the hills who had on the daj- previous driven his team into the city with a load of wood, probably grease wood roots, for sale. He disposed of his wood and was in possession of a twenty-dollar piece when in the evening he on returning stopped at the "Summit Saloon" on the San Fernando Road. There he met a neighbor, one Martinez, who lived in \'erdugo canyon near the Judge Ross property. Garcia's exhibition of his gold piece aroused desire in the heart of his neighbor to possess it and as they rode homew ard in the dusk of the evening, he shot Garcia through the heart, took the body out oi the wagon, placed it on the roadside and drove off with the dead man's team and money. The case against Martinez was so plain that he was presently convicted and was soon afterwards hanged in the old jail yard at the corner of Spring and Franklin Streets, .\nother criminal, one Silvas was hanged at the same time, these being the last official hangings that took place in Los Angeles, the law soon afterwards being changed requiring that executions be at the penitentiary. It GLENDALE AND ^^CINITY 59 was a year or two later that a rage crazed man named Craig killed his wife in the Hunter ranch house near the river and then hurrying into Los Angeles went to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hunter, and shot and killed both of them. The latter shooting took place at a little house on North Broadway, still standing near the Hospital of the University of Southern California. Craig was hanged at San Quentin. In 1898, Pedro Lopez, stepfather of J. D. Olivas, was shot and killed one Sunday morning as he sat in a chair in front of his house on Verdugo Road, by an assassin who rode by in a buggy and emptied the contents of a shotgun into the old man's body. What the assumed provocation was, is not now recalled. In the minds of the jurors, it was imaginary if it existed at all. The punishment meted out to the murderer, one Leiva, was a sentence of fifteen years in the penitentiary from which he was released some years ago. One more instance of crimes of violence that occurred about this period, will suffice to show that the valley was not as peaceful in the early eighties as might be inferred, if the historian passed such affairs by and spoke only of the growth and development of the community. At this time "Colonel" G. J. Griffith was residing at his homestead on the Los Feliz ranch (Griffith Park), enjoying the lite of a country gentleman, keeping a pack of hounds with which he hunted wild- cats in the hills, and coursed jack rabbits through where Glendale now stands. Dr. Sketchley had introduced ostriches to Southern California from South Africa, and associated with him in some capac- ity was a man named I'eauchamp, who met Col. Griffith and suc- ceeded in interesting him and others in the establishing of an ostrich farm at Griffith Park. For a brief time the venture seemed to promise success, a narrow gauge railroad was built connecting the "farm" with Los Angeles and for a season the place was a popular Sunday resort. The venture collapsed, however, and went the way of other "boom" enterprises along about 1887. It is probable that his business reverses affected Beauchamp's mind and he conceived the idea that Griffith had wronged him and he took measures to secure revenge. Being familiar with the daily habits of the latter, he met him one afternoon as he was driving home along Buena Vista Street, near the Catholic cemetery. His intented vic- tim saw him in time, however, to make a quick get-a-way, escaping by way of the cemetery fence. Beauchamp fired one barrel of his shotgun at Griffith's retreating figure, doing no particular damage. Whether he thought his object accomplished and his enemy dead or not, will never be known to mortal, for he fired the other barrel at his own head with terribly fatal effect. At the Coroner's jury it was shown that Beauchamp had loaded one barrel with buckshot and the other with bird shot apparently in doubt as to whether he wanted to kill or only slightly injure his man. At any rate it was evident that Griffith's life was saved by the fact that the charge of bird shot was the one sent after him instead of the more deadly contents of the other barrel. Although the greater part of the valley was covered with sage brush, cactus and similar growth, there were here and there cleared 60 GLENDAIiE AND VICINITY spaces of several acres in extent on which crops of barley were grown, and after harvest time sheep were g^razing. The roads were a mere succession of parallel wagon tracks running in the same general direc- tion, deep dust in summer and mud in winter. On the adobe soil rank crops of wild mustard grew, the golden bloom of which in its season gave brightness and beauty to the landscajjc. Here and there where conditions were favorable there were clumps (»f live oaks and in the canyons a few sycanu)re trees showed the ajiproach of moisture to the surface. In Verdugo Canyon, the a|)i)earance of nature was much as it re- mains today except for the few acres of vineyard, which the Verdugos had planted, and the small pieces of cultivated ground where beans, melons and a few other vegetables were grown. On May 31. 1870, .\. H. Chapman deeded to O. W. Childs a one- eighth interest in that portion of the ranch which he had acquired at foreclosure sale and in a subsequent division o( their interests, Childs acquired a tract in the choicest section of the ranch, containing 371 acres, known ever since and of record as the "Childs Tract." The well known "Childs Tract line" which runs straight through Glendale from Windsor Koad northward, was the eastern boundary of this tract. In 1876, jirobably because of financial stringency, he disposed of a half interest in it to I. W. Hellman, the well known banker. In 1882 this property was subdivided into lots, containing each ten acres, except where in the westerly tier a variation from this rule was necessary owing to the northeasterly trend of the w-esterly line, which was the easterly boundary of Glendale Avenue, the old "Ca- mino del Astradero." This tract has played such an important part in the history of Glendale that its development may properly be taken as typical of the growth of the surrounding neighborhood in the lively days of the middle eighties. Chance brought together in Los .Angeles a trio of home seekers from the middle west, E. T. Byram, B. F. Patterson and G. W. Phelon. Mr. Phelon was the first to pass away without seeing anything mure than the opening cha])ter of the story in which he played an important part, but the other two survived him several years, each being an active particijjant in the work of planting or- chards and vineyards and building homes and later in bringing into being the city in the surprising growth of which both played imjjor- tant parts and in which they took a well justified pride. May 10, 1883, Hellman and Childs sold to the three men named above thirteen pieces of land in the tract aggregating 123 acres, with appurtenant water rights in the water of Verdugo Canj'on. The con- sideration named was $10,593. On May 2i. 1883, Childs and Hellman sold to J. C. Ivins, for a consideration of $6,800. seven other lots in the tract consisting of 70 acres. In Uecember, 1886, Ivins sold this piece of land to Byram, Patterson & Miller for $15,300. This was on the eastern side of the tract and was subdivided by the jjurchasers and became of record as the Byram, i'atterson & Miller tract. In October, 1885, L. C. Miller bought lr)ts 21 and 25, at this time being the southeast corner of .Adams and Colorado streets, building Byrain Ktsidence in ly.2() and (above) in 1897. (■•LKXDAI.E A\n VICIMTV M the house that still stands and occupying it with his family until they moved away, selling to R. Williams and others. In 1883, S. E. Chase and family arrived from Rochester, New York, purchasing from Childs and Hellman ten acres on Glendale Avenue^ located at what is now the northeast corner of Mai)le street. This property afterwards passed into the possession of Wilmot Par- cher, the first "Mayor" of Glendale. Mr. Chase was one of the active citizens of the community, serving for some time as Road overseer, of the district. He died several years ago leaving a widow who still survives, and two sons, one of whom is Dr. R. E. Chase, the well known phjsician, the other Mr. W. E. Chase of Los Angeles. Another property owner in the Childs Tract about that time v>as Mr. E. B. Rivers, who afterwards established the well known Los Angeles firm of Rivers Brothers. .An early settler on the cast side was Mr. (i. W. Benson \vho had a number of acres at what is now the eastern boundary line of the city. Among other improvements made by Mr. Benson was the sinking of one of the first successful wells in the valley. The names mentioned heretofore are of those who came to the \ alley, of which the original Glendale was a part, in 1883 and before. From this time on it will be too great a task to attempt to give the names of the pioneers, as they came too rajjidl}'. The pioneers of the same era, who settled in what was later known as Tropico, will be found mentioned in the "Story of Tropico." In mentioning the names of the men who were the heads of the families, and who did so much to start the settlement on the career of development which has never since ceased, the historian can do no less in justice to the wives and daughters of these pioneers, than to say that in every way possible they gave the fullest and most cheerful support to the work of general welfare and upbuilding. It was indeed principally through their initiative and intelligent efforts that the churches were established and their houses were thrown open to public entertain- ments for the benefit oi these institutions, which were in the days of their early histor}- (juite a burden, though willingly borne, upon their small membershi]). These early settlers not only cleared their lands of underbrush and the wild natural growth generally, but nearly all of thein had visions of a pleasant and profitable existence supported by the output of vineyard and orchard, and the vision soon caused a veritable illus- tration of that poet's dream where the "desert blossomed as the rose." The fifty foot lot was as yet unknown, although they s.jon be- came sufficiently numerous as the days of the "boom" ai)proached and burst upon the quiet almosphere oi the rural communit}-. Hut during the first decade of the settlement nearly every home was surrounded by orchards, princijially of peach, apricot and prune with a lesser acreage of oranges and lemons, the latter principally along the foot hills. But the raising of fruit was never a profitable business in the valley and those who actually made mrmey out of it were the few who not only produced it but peddled it as well, quite a number of the 64 GLENDALE AND VICINITY growers carrying their produce to the early morning market of Los Angeles. There were a few large fruit drying plants in the valley, the "plants" consisting of a large number of wooden trays, six by three, and a box for sulphuring the fruit, these being moved from place to place yearly. The output of dried peaches, prunes and apricots was quite large for several years. In 1892, '93 and '94 a co-operative drying concern was operated by the growers. The first year it was fairly successful but this was a period of very low prices all over the country and the last year of its operation, there was practically no market for the fruit and the "Union" went out of business, the growers failing in many cases to realize anything on their crops. The "drying field" for this concern was on the south side of Broadway (then Fourth Street) opposite the present location of the City Hall, where trays were, at the height of the season, spread over two or three acres of ground. A report of this organization for 1894 shows fruit handled as fol- lows: Apricots, green fruit 228,606 pounds, making when dried, 41,- 809 pounds, netting the grower for the green fruit $8.80 a ton. Peaches 325,112 pounds green, 46,093 dried; netting the grower $5.57 per ton for the green fruit. Prunes, 52,093 green, 19,793 dried ; net to grower $16.37 per ton. In the present era of high prices it is difficult to realize that in the years mentioned the retail price of dried fruit in the markets of the middle west was from five to seven cents a pound. The "Glendale Improvement Society" is alluded to elsewhere, but we find much more in its brief record than the long drawn out but successful efiforts to secure transportation between the settlement and Los Angeles. Among the membership of this organization, the following names appear under date of September, 1886: E. T. Byram, R. F. Patterson, L. \V. Riley, I. M. Clippinger, A. S. Hollingsworth, H. N. larvis, H. H. Rubens, J. D. Lindgren, J. W. C. Buchanan, A. A. Wolf, H. J. Crow, I. D. Hullis, S. A. Ayres, A. S. Gilbert, J. F. Duns- moor, J. C. Sherer'. L. C. Miller, W. G. Watson, S. I. Mayo, G. W. Woodward, G. W. Barber, Mrs. E. M. Bowler. Even at that early date the society appointed a committee to see about getting the name "Mason" changed to "Glendale." The interests of the fruit growers were being looked after, as a ctimmittee was working on the problem of ridding the apple and pear trees of the "San Jose Scale," a pestiferous insect which threatened to destroy the trees named. This scale is not yet e.xtinct in California, but it has been generally eradicated by the use of sprays. On June 6, 1887, the society was debating the proposition of A. J. Wheeler and brother to establish a newspaper in the valley, a resolu- tion being adopted unanimously that the society get behind the proj- ect, pledging the enterprise financial support. As an earnest of such support the sum of $80.00 was pledged on the spot. Soon after this date the Glendale Encinal was established as mentioned in the chapter on newspapers. Work was also done by the society in planting shade trees along the streets, the committee recommending grevilla and 1 lie (.Kiiilali.- lloul uiidir Coiislructioii. and the Same Building MOW (1922) as the Glciidalc Sanitarium. OLENDALE AND VICINITY 67 pepper trees, many of them being planted. Publicitj- was evidentlj' desired and the value of advertising- appreciated, for the society is stated to have received a bill from the Los Angeles Herald as "balance due for write-up of the valley." In February, 1888. the question of securing a daily mail was a live issue, the service at that time being only tri-weekly; it was some time before this agitation produced results, as in that case and many others at that time it was necessary to raise a sum of money before the object desired was secured. By this time other names, some of which are still familiar to Glendale people, are found on the member- ship roll: E. D. Goode, H. H. Davenport, E. V. Williams, J. M. Banker, G. F. Button and N. C. Burch. Even at that time the idea of securing a public park was dis- cussed but no results appear. By this time the "boom" was on in Glendale. In 1887. Messrs. Ross. Thorn, Ward. Ryram. Patterson and Crow created the "Town of Glendale," by pooling their lands and plotting the same. The "Town" extended to First Street (Lexington) on the north, the Childs Tract on the east, and east of Glendale Avenue was bounded on the south by Fifth (Harvard) Street; cross- ing the avenue it took in the Crow property (Lomita Park), the southerly line of which extended from about two hundred feet south of the present Maple street south westerly to Central Avenue which was the western boundary. In the City Hall of Glendale hangs one of the maps of the town site. It is a lithographed production in colors and is ornamented by cuts of the three comparatively new houses that were than to be seen on Crow's portion of the plot. The owner of the land had do- nated the lots on condition that the recipients of the deeds build the houses. On the margin of the map is the legend that informs the reader that Glendale is in one of the finest sections of Southern Cali- fornia, only six and a half miles from the Court House (in Los An- geles). It further asserts that a fine hotel is to be erected near the center of the plot at once and that the Los Angeles and Glendale Rail- road will be completed and running trains in six months. "Two stages run daily between the tract and the office of Ben Ward, No. 4 Court Street." Both of these promises were fulfilled although their enterprise seriously embarrassed the men back of it and sent H. J. Crow into bankruptcy, from which he never recovered either financially or phys- ically and he passed away two or three years later. The hotel was built by Messrs. Thorn, Ross and Crow at a cost of $60,000. This sum would not serve to construct and equip much of a building at present prices, but in 1887, it was enough to erect a structure that was commodious and ornate as well. It was well fur- nished and that it was not a successful venture was in no way the fault of its projectors, but a natural result of the i)assing of the "boom" which occurred very shortly after its completion and left in its wake the wrecks of many finished and a lesser number of uncom- pleted edifices of a similar character all over Southern California. 68 GLENDALE AND VICINITY When it was sold finally, about 1905, the owners received salvage from the wreck of their venture, about $4,000 each. The Crow property of 200 acres passed into the hands of O. S. Bond under foreclosures, the southern half of it being sold by him to H. C. Goodell, including nearly all the improvements, consisting of orchards and buildings. The northern half including the hotel build- ing and about 400 lots, was sold to J. A. Merrill at a price of about forty dollars per lot. The center of Glendale at this time was at the corner of Glendale Avenue and Third Street (now Wilson). Here on the southwest corner was the two-storj^ frame building built by George F. Dutton, the upper story being used as a public hall when occasion demanded ; the lower story being occupied by the general merchandise store and post-ofifice, conducted by Geortje F. Dutton, who was the postmaster. Dutton was succeeded by Elias Ayers in 1892, to whom he sold building and business. The Glendale Hotel building had been turned into a seminary, and the following brief sketch of that institution, fits in here. St. Hilda's Hall, a "School for Girls," opened in the Glendale Hotel building February 3, 1889, under the rectorship of Rev. Thomas Haskins, who acted as rector and teacher of Ancient History and the Bible. In the latter part of 1890, or early in 1891, he was succeeded by Rev. John D. Easter, who became a resident of Glendale and Rec- tor of St. Marks church. The school opened with about thirty pupils and three resident teachers; a number of other instructors who taught special subjects came out from Los Angeles on certain days. Miss Ruth Ryram who was a pupil at St. Hilda's kindly furnished the writer of this history with a copj^ of the "Register" of the school for 1893-94. At that time Miss K. V. Darling was the principal. The "Corps of Teachers" as published in this "Register" is an impressive one, indicating that the institution was prepared to teach the pupils everything that was deemed necessary to equip the young ladies for high and useful stations in life. The frontispiece of the "Register" is an excellent picture of the seminary building as it then appeared sur- rounded by trees and shrubbery evidently only two or three years old. The school was discontinued after having been conducted about four years by the Episcopal Diocese of Southern California, not hav- ing been a financial success. It was, however, a valuable asset to the community in which it was located, being a leading influence in shap- ing the moral, religious and social life of the people. Rev. John D. Easter while connected with the institution was active in local aflfairs and being a man of high educational endowments, and a public speaker of unusual ability, achieved general popularity. The Hotel building, which after being vacated as a seminary, re- mained in the possession of a keeper. Mr. R. G. Doyle, who occupied it with his family, remained unused until it passed into the possession of the Battle Creek people in 1905. This building and about five acres of ground had been bought by J. A. Merrill, in connection with other property acquired at the same time as told elsewhere ; he sold it to GLEXDALE AND VICINITY 6!) L. C. Brand for $10,000 cash and Brand sold it to the Battle Creek institute for $12,000. There were no other improvements of anj" consequence in the neighborhood of what is now Broadway and Glendale Avenue. A small frame building stood on the southwest corner which had been used as a depot and real estate office in the latter days of the "boom" (1887), but it remained vacant from that time until removed. The northwest corner of Broadway and Glendale Avenue, as now known was a hole in the ground, having at one time been used for a reservoir to supply the Crow ranch. That corner was bought by John Mulder in 1905, who secured the old school house on Broadway when it was sold to make way for a new structure, he paying $550 for the same, and moving it on to his lot. where it was built over for store purposes. Mulder conducted a pool room there for some time, until put out of business, after which it was used as a drug store; the portion on Glendale Avenue above the corner being occupied in June, L905, by the Bank of Glendale for a few months until that institution moved to the corner of Glendale Avenue and Wilson. After being vacant for about a 3'ear that building became the home of the Glendale News from 1907 until 1913. The new century opened upon Glendale to find it a community of homes, the most of which were set in the midst of orchards and shrub- bery, inhabited by a people who. while enjoying the pleasures of life in the country, were progressive in spirit and having the most en- thusiastic faith in the future importance of their town, were alive to the necessity of making a constant eiTort to advertise its merits to the world, and to build a foundation that might well serve the require- ments of the superstructure in the years to come. There has rarely been a period in Glendale's existence when an improvement society, board of trade or chamber of commerce was not functioning, although it often happened that there were scarcely enough members in attendence at the meetings to form a quorum. One of these organizations came into being on May 21. 1902, when about twenty people met to form an improvement association. The meeting was called to order by Dr. D. W. Hunt, who was elected chairman, Mr. E. D. Goode, secretary. Mr. J. A. Merrill, of Highland Park, who had recently become the owner of the hotel and a large number of lots around that institution, was the principal speaker at the meeting. The society met again May twenty-fourth to effect a permanent organization, the place of meeting being the hotel building. Thirty-four members signed the roll. Dr. Hunt was elected permanent chairman and E. D. Goode permanent secretary. J. F. Mclntyre was elected treasurer. Mr. Mclntyre was at that time the proprietor of the Lumber yard on Glendale Avenue now conducted by the Litchfield Lumber Com- pany. He sold that business in 1905 to E. W. Pack who carried on the business for several years until he sold out to the present owners. On May 24. 1902. the Improvement .'\ssociation organized per- manently with thirty-four members. It seems appropriate to put into 70 GLENDALE AND VICINITY a more or less permanent record the names of these members as fol- lows: D. W. Hunt. F. G. Taylor. ]. W. Penn, Thos. R. Warren, G. M. Penn. Thos. Gillette, C. D. Thorn, Mrs. D. W. Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Goode, Mrs. Eva Gilson, J. W. Merrill, R. D. List, Edgar Lea- vitt, Mrs. B. M. Fiske, Mrs. L. E. Peck, W. H. Peck, E. J. Vavvter, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Pack. F. W. Mclntyre, Mrs. Alice Avers, H. C. Goodell. Miss Cora Goodell. Mrs. A. B. Geisler, W. H. Witham, E. T. Byram, R. M. Byram, E. W. Smith, F. M. Beers. Mrs. M. S. Duncan, P. W. Parker, Miss Judson Harris, Prosser Penn, J. F. Mclntyre, J. L. Whitaker, Elias Ayers, Mrs. Adeline S. Wing, J. C. Sherer. At the meeting of June twenty-fourth, Dr. Hunt is reported as speaking at length about the donation by the people of the sum of $750.00 for the purchase of a site for the High School. He stated that it was proposed to secure two and a half acres of land (now the south- east corner of Brand and Broadway) to be donated to the High School district. He further stated that six citizens had guaranteed this sum and called on the citizens to contribute. At this meeting a transportation committee was appointed, "to secure better facilities for getting in and out of the city." Mr. Elias Ayers passes into history as the father of the Glendale Fire depart- ment, by reason of the fact that at that time he suggested the secur- ing of fire fighting apparatus and the laying of water mains for com- mon protection. At the meeting of July eighth a communication was read from the Tropico Improvement .Association, inviting the mem- bers of the Glendale society to attend the anniversary meeting of the Tropico organization on July fourteenth next to participate in the second anniversary of the formation of that society. It is told elsewhere, in the chapter on "Transportation," how these two organizations worked together in securing the right of way and promoting the building of the Pacific Electric railway into Trop- ico and Glendale. .An effort was made to form a union of the two societies, but they could not agree to do anything more than work harmoniously and separately. Mrs. Edgar W. Pack suceeded Mr. Goode as secretary in August, the former having resigned. The record discloses the fact that the shortage of houses at this time, was felt to be a serious drawback to the upbuilding of the settlement. The service given by the Salt Lake Railway company was very unsatisfactory and the transporta- tion committee was earnestly at work but without success in trying to secure some improvement. In October, 1902, Mrs. Pack tendered her resignation as secretary on account of intended removal from Glen- dale, Mr. W. P. Penn being her successor. At the meeting of November eleventh two names were added to the membership roll of individuals who became rather conspicuously identified with the history of the community, Mr. G. U. Moyse and Mr. Theodore D. Kanouse. The name of Mr. Lorbeer, principal of the public schools, appears frequently in the records of the society as an active committee worker. The records disclose the fact that the value of advertising was fully appreciated, as from time to time diflFerent persons were ap- GLENDAT.E AND VICINITY 71 pointed as correspondents for the Los Angeles newspapers, which seem to have been at that time as chary of giving- anything of the kind free, as they have been known to be since. The receipt of a quaint communication from George Rice and Son, well known printers of Los Angeles, is noted, calling attention to the fact that the firm had never been paid for some folders printed for a defunct "Board of Trade," but soliciting the patronage of the then active organization along similar lines. On March 5. 1903. the society received a visit from delegates of the Tropico Improvement Society, consisting of Miss Cora R. Hick- man and Messrs. Imler and Eshelman. who "were welcomed by Mr. Kanouse in one of his happy speeches." Under the management of the association there was held on April ninth and tenth of this year a two day session of the "Farmer's Institute," the sessions I)eing held in the G. A. R. hall on Glendale .Avenue, Tropico. The controlling spirit of these meetings was Professor Cook of Claremont College, a very interesting and capable man, who after- wards became the Chief of the Horticultural department of the state. -As related in the chapter on "Transportation." the society about this time took up the electric railway proposition, in conjunction with the Tropico organization, pushing the same ultimately to a successful conclusion. At the meeting of October first it was reported that the Tropico association had proposed and endorsed the name of Brand Boulevard for the new thoroughfare along the tracks of the electric road. The Glendale society at a later meeting endorsed this action. In January, 1904. Mrs. Lillian S. Wells was appointed secretary of the association, Mr. Penn having resigned. During the many years of her residence in Glendale, Mrs. Wells, of Canyon Crest, was one of the most progressive workers in the growing community, being at the front in every campaign for civic betterment, giving much of her time, and best efforts, to the building up of the public library and similar objects. A prominent memlier of the organization at this time was Mr. Ernest Braunton, who had lately come into the valley and while residing there was active in its public enterprises. In May, 1904, the association made a contract with George K. Byram to set shade trees along Fourth (Broadway) Street from Glen- dale Avenue to Central. The public school situation was being in- vestigated and it was recommended that a bond issue be presented to the people asking for the sum of ten thousand df)llars to erect a new school building in place of the old one on Broadway. The bond issue was authorized and the building was erected which stood on the Broadway site until 1920, when the present structure was built. On June 3, 1904, it was announced that Mr. L. C. Brand had donated a lot on "Fourth street west of Central Avenue" for the con- struction of a building and its occupancy by the Home Telephone Company. The telephone company was located there for a consider- able time, the location being, however, considered quite out of town. as indeed the lone building presented a solitary appearance. The society had been working for several weeks on a ten thou- 72 GLENDALE AND VICINITY sand edition of a folder descriptive of Glendale, at a cost of $173.00, and the same were reported ready for delivery in August, two thou- sand copies being sent to the World's Fair at St. Louis. At the meet- ing of September second it was announced that the Hotel property had been sold to the Battle Creek people and a resolution was adopted welcoming the new institution. On September ninth a Mr. Bourland was present at the regular meeting and announced his in- tention to establish a newspaper in the town. No action appears to have been taken. In February, 1905, Mr. George B. Woodberry succeeded Mrs. Wells as Secretary of the association. In March, of 1905, the subject of storm water was frequently up for discussion. During that season the Verdugo Canyon stream had overflowed its banks and ran down Brand Boulevard doing some damage to the streets. Flood water from Sycamore Canyon had also escaped from its channel and did some slight damage on the east side of the settlement. In conse- quence of this it was resolved to petition the supervisors to establish a storm water district and that body went so far as to start proceed- ings, which were never completed. At meeting of January 19, 1906, Mr. R. A. Blackburn was elected secretary to succeed Mr. G. B. \\'oodberry. For the previous several months the society had been wrestling with the incorporation of the settlement into a "City," and now that this matter had been brought to a successful issue by the election of February seventh, the mem- bers of the association evidently were willing and glad of an excuse to rest upon the record made and the work accomplished, and the Glendale Improvement Association after its meeting of February 16, 1906, having accomplished its work, quietly ceased to exist, after the custom of its kind. At this time, just previous to the incorporation of the city, Glen- dale had two banks, one on the corner of Third Street and Glendale Avenue and the other on Brand Boulevard north of Fourth Street. The brick two-story building on Brand Boulevard, in which the bank was located, was known as the Masonic Hall building, as the Masons occupied the second story for a lodge room with a few small offices which they rented to physicians. The building had been erected by a corporation formed by a few local people, but had been transferred to Mr. Brand a short time before the bank opened in 1905. This was the only brick business block in the town. The High School was a two-story frame building on the southeast corner of Brand and Fourth Streets. There was one important section of the valley which through all the formative years of the City of Glendale was unwilling to acknowl- edge itself as a part of either Glendale or Tropico, but the most of which territory has by the logic of events finally become a part of Glendale; this was the territory along the base of the Verdugo moun- tain looking down over the growing settlement spreading over the valley below. The more easterly portion found a local name by adopting that which described the old adobe residence near the head GLENDALE AND VICINITY 75 of Brand Boulevard, "Casa Verdugo,'" although with innre truth to history it might be called "Casa Sepulveda." The westerly portion along Kenneth Road was in general terms alluded to as "North Glendale," although giving no evidence of taking any particular pride in that designation. During his short term as minister in the Presbyterian Church about 1895. Rev. Eugene R. Mills, was residing in a two-story house which he had built on top of the hill, now occupied by the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. Mattison B. Jones. About 1887, Mr. E. J. Valentine moved into this section occupy- ing the property on which Mrs. Valentine still resides. A. P. Kerchoff had acreage on West Broadway and took part in neighborhood mat- ters, particularly in regard to the water question, which was in those times always a live issue. Mr. Henr}' Anderson, whose acreage was on the corner of Pacific and Kenneth was active in affairs of the neighborhood being manager of the Glendale Fruit Growers Union, elsewhere spoken of for one season. He afterwards was one of the vice presidents of the Mer- chants National Bank in Los Angeles. Mr. David Buesser had ten acres on the corner of Pacific and Sixth street. Mr. Buesser claims to have planted the first orchard of navel orange trees in the valley. Previous to that time all of the orange trees planted were seedlings. Up towards Burbank Mr. J. F. Truman had in the latter eighties located on the acreage which he still resides on although some of it has been sacrificed to supply the demand for "town lots." In 1903. Mr. D. E. Fuller settled on ten acres at the head of Cen- tral Avenue and became active in local matters. Mr. Fuller still resides on the acreage which has also been reduced to supply the demands of other home builders. In 1900. the Bliss brothers bought out George Baugh's acreage. adjoining the western boundary of the C. E. Thom property, and erected the two-story house that was later occupied by Mr. J. S. Mc- Millan when he acquired the property. About 1905, Mr. C. M. Walton came to Casa Verdugo. locating on Central Avenue. Mr. Walton entered upon a development pro- gram that added several residences to that neighborhood and in the meantime built up a large business in raising fancy poultry, being followed in that line, on a less ambitious scale by many of his neigh- bors. About the same time Mr. Albert Dow arrived and purchasing the property on the southwest corner of Central Avenue and Kenneth Road, now owned by Mr. David Black, made many improvements that added greatly to the natural attractiveness of the section. Dr. S. S. Black and Mr. W. E. Reynolds were also early settlers on Kenneth Road, and their acreage is now being subdivided. Mr. Dan Campbell came into the valley with the advent of the Pacific Electric Railway and has ever since been an active figure in the building up of the community, building up on a sightly elevation 76 GLENDALE AND VICINITY at the base of the mountain the beautiful home in which he and his family still reside. Mr. Arthur Campbell lives near by. He was the active manager of the first telephone company in Glendale, and also the superinten- dent of the Consolidated Water Company before it passed under the control of the City of Glendale. One of the early settlers, who came in about twenty-five years ago, was Mr. E. H. Sanders, who planted an orchard and otherwise improved his twenty-acre place on Kenneth Road and sold to John Brockman. Mr. Alex Mitchell came in about the same time and has been active in building up that section, as an active dealer in real estate and as a worker for all objects calculated to advance the interests of the community. One of the more recent settlers in this section is Mr. Charles H. Toll, the well known banker, whose beautiful home is one of the at- tractive features of Kenneth Road. At the head of Grand View Avenue on Glendale's westerly boundary is the splendid home of Mr. L. C. Brand, who for the past fifteen or more years has been a resident there, having built up and developed the beautiful property on the base of Mount V'erdugo Ifiok- ing down over the valley which owes much of its development to the fact that, with Mr. H. E. Huntington, Mr. Brand was responsible for the bringing of the electric railroad to Glendale. Mr. Brand's property is still outside the Glendale city limits, but during the past five years almost all of this territory has been annexed to the city and is at present reaping its reward for its enterprise and the foresight of its pioneers. Among the latter, should be mentioned Mr. M. D. Learned, owner of considerable acreage which he cultivated with success for several years before the city encroached upon it. Mr. Learned has played a prominent part in the civic activities of re- cent years which preceded and accompanied the marvelous develop- ment of this section. This is the story of the era in which the sage brush gave way to orchards and homes. The conditions which the writer has attempted to picture above, seem in the retrospect to be much further removed from the present than they are in fact, so great is the contrast. But who shall say that the time of i)ioneering. the endurance of hardships, through lack of quick transportation and all that this im- plies, and the absence of the features of city life which now seem in- dispensable, were things that constituted failure in the happier ele- ments of living. There was a neighborliness that seems to be missing in the pres- ent day swift movement of life's expanding ])rogram ; there was a neighborly kindness that finds no compensation in the service ren- dered by concentrated efficiency through organized public machinerj'. But it bred the "divine discontent" that calls for a movement for- ward, and so it passed. CHAPTER VII THE STORY OF TROPICO NO DIVISION IN EARLY DAYS OF THE SETTLEMENT. NAME OF GLENDALE CHOSEN AT PUBLIC MEETING. GROWTH BRINGS DIVI- SION OF COMMUNITY. S. P. COMPANY ESTABLISHES DEPOT AND CALLS IT "TROPICO." BUSINESS CONCERNS ESTABLISHED. STRAW- BERRY CULTURE. ROLL CALL OF THE PIONEERS. AGITATION FOR CONSOLIDATION AND ANNEXATION. CITY OF TROPICO COMES INTO BEING. NUMEROUS ELECTIONS. CONSOLIDATED WITH GLENDALE. Since November. 1917, Tropico has been officially a part of Glen- dale; for six years immediately precedinjf it was an independent municipality, but always the two communities have been naturally one geographically and by common interests, divided only by a line that was mostly imaginarj'. Both sections had a common origin, Glendale Avenue being one of the common thoroughfares running through and connecting the two places, Tropico being on both sides of the southerly extremity of that road, bounded on the south by the Southern Pacific Railway tracks. The early history of Glendale is the early history of Tropico, for in 1883 when the development of this portion of the San Fernando Valley begun, neither place had a local habitation and a name. Before the subdivision of the Rancho San Rafael by Wright, Wicks, Hodg- kins and Watts in 1883, there were improved ranches along the foot- hills on the north where Thorn anfl Ross had jilanted their orchards along about 1870 with the Sanchez and Sepulveda places adjoining on the west, dating a little further back. To the south along the Los Angeles river was the Ranclio Santa Eulalia belonging to W. C. B. Richardson, something over 700 acres, acquired bj' Richardson of Samuel M. Heath in 1868 and adjacent to this property in tiie early '80's were the homes of Robert Devine, J. W. Cook, James Hodgson, Sheriff H. M. Mitchell and a few others. In the interval between these two extremes was the ranch of H, J. Crow, who acquired a tract of over 600 acres there about 1870 and had set out an orange orchard and planted eucalyptus trees which have since acquired some importance as the guardians and landmarks of Lomita .\venue. On the San Fernando road at its junction with the Verdugo road, the Hunter family had been established since 1860. When settlers came into the valley in 1883, there was the natural neighborliness that characterizes pioneering everywhere and it led the people of the entire community to get together and attempt to accomplish certain things for the general welfare. The first and temporary center of their activities was the new 78 GLENDALE AND VICINITY school building (on the site of the present Cerritos Avenue school) on Glendale Avenue, where the first church services were held and where there were frequent evening meetings for counsel among neighbors. It was at the schoolhouse one evening in 1883 that a meeting was held at which Mr. George D. Howland. principal of the school, was made chairman. No minutes of this meeting have been preserved, but Mr. Howland remembers that the meeting was well attended and it was decided that the name of the new settlement should be "Glen- dale." Previous to that time the settlement along the river had been locally known as Riverdale, and the name of the school district was "Sepulveda," so it may safely be inferred that both of the last men- tioned names were suggested, as was also "Etheldene," this sug- gestion being credited to Mrs. A. S. Moore, wife of Col. Moore, living at the east end of "Moore Avenue" as it was later known, and still later as "Palmer Avenue." There was no suggestion at that early date of boundary lines and if such limitation had been suggested, "Glendale" would probablj' have included all of the territory between Los Angeles and San Fernando, all of which was open to preemp- tion as to nomenclature. It is evident therefore that at that time "Tropico," being as yet otherwise unnamed, was a part of Glendale without protest and by a somewhat informal vote of its citizens. A few months later the entire community united to erect a building in which to hold religious services, and erected the first church in the valley, a small frame structure located on the west side of Glendale Avenue at what is now the northwest corner of Windsor Road. This was a neighbor- hood, and not a denominational enterprise, and it was clearly under- stood that it was to be independent of any sect and open to the preach- ing of the Gospel by any one who felt a "call." It was conducted on this basis for a short time until a reverend gentleman, by the name of Stevens, who was the only resident preacher in the neighborhood, succeeded in organizing a congregation under the control of the M. E. Church. As soon as possible after this occurred, the Presbyterians organ- ized and built a church on the present site of the G. A. R. hall on Glendale Avenue. Adjoining, or very near to the Presbyterian church, Mr. A. S. Hollingsworth resided and carried on a small general store. In 1886, a postoffice was established at the store of Mr. Hollings- worth, and as is told elsewhere, was given the name of "Mason" by the postofiice authorities, with Mr. Hollingsworth as postmaster. All of these events were gradually working to break up the complete harmony which at first existed in the community, as individual ambi- tions began to pull in different directions, seeking a center around which things might revolve. Then, in 1887, the Glendale Townsite was put upon the map, starting a center at Glendale Avenue and Third Street, and this was followed by the removal of the Presbyterian church to "Glendale." The attempt to pull the activities of the entire community from the lower end of the avenue a mile or more up hill, proved to be physi- cally and morally impossible and the strain broke the settlement in GLENDALE AND VICINITY 79 two. Then, in May, 1887, the Southern Pacific company established its depot for Glendale and called it "Tropico." Thus Tropico came into being and Glendale practically retired to the northern end of the avenue, the one community splitting into two pieces which from that time forward until the consolidation of 1917, had frequent spasms of disagreement. The division lines of the school districts gave a partially official line of demarkation. and the same being adopted by the city of Glendale as its southerly boundary when that city incorporated in 1906, a point half way between Ninth and Tenth Streets (renamed Windsor and Garfield respectively) be- came the recognized division between the two neighliors. Previous to 1905, a general store, a blacksmith siiop. meat store, livery stable and a few small concerns constituted the business dis- trict of Tropico, gathered together near the foot of Central Avenue along the San Fernando Road. In 1905. the frame structure in which the general store had been conducted gave way to a two-story brick block erected by John A. Logan, who opened therein a large general store. Within the year another brick building was erected on the same side of the street by Peter Gabaig, and the "sleepy village" soon found itself awake and calling for all the luxuries demanded by a newly awakened and ambitious community. The Tropico Art Tile Works was established in 1904, beginning at once to employ a large number of people and has continued ever since, a constant output of high class products, equalled in quality by only a few other similar estab- lishments in the United States. Allusion is made elsewhere in this work to the raising of straw- berries, which for a number of years was carried on so successfully in the valley about Tropico. Glendale and Burbank. Hut Tropico was the head as well as the center of this industry. The office of the Strawberry Growers' Association, with its shipping depot, was located here and some of the best producing fields were in the imme- diate vicinity. From a pamphlet issued by the Tropico Improvement Association in 1904, we quote the following: "In the winter markets of New York, Philadelphia. Boston and other eastern cities, Tropico strawberries have sold at higher prices than berries from any other section of the state or from any other section of the entire country. From April to November, the shipments are great to outside points, as far as Colorado and Texas and the quality of the berries grown at Tropico creates a constant and ever increasing demand." The busi- ness prospered and added greatly to the prosperity of the community for three or four years, but the Japanese gradually secured control of it and in their eagerness to get rich quick they allowed the growers' association to go to pieces, and competition among the growers suc- ceeded co-operation, with disastrous results. But Tropico contin- ued to grow, home makers being attracted to the place by its prox- imity to Los Angeles and its natural beauty. This growth was most noticeable, of course, after the comjile- tion of the Interurban railway in 1904. giving a means of transporta- tion to and from Los Angeles which was the culmination of the 80 GLENDALE AND VICINITY efforts of years of hard work on the part of t!ie pimieers and their immediate successors. First of all, by reason of years of residence, age and service, W. C. B. Richardson may properly be named. As a pioneer and as the owner of the largest single piece of property in the vicinity, Mr. Richardson easily gained the right to be alluded to as Tropico's first citizen, and who was always among the first to contribute to every worthy local cause. Samuel Hunter, who still resides in the vicinity, has the distinc- tion of being the oldest white settler in point of residence, in the valley, dating back to 1860. Robert Devine. who died in 1919, was the owner of forty acres on the south side of San Fernando Road, having located his family there in 1882. Edward Ayers, one of the settlers who came in 1883, had also been a miner in early days on the Coast. He was a man of fine char- acter and possessed a remarkable fund of native humor and neigh- borly kindness that endeared him to all his acquaintances. His widow, Mrs. Mary Ayers, shared with him many years of pioneering experience. Samuel Ayers located in Tropico in 1883 also, and in the early times of its history was an active worker in all movements for the progress of the community. Mrs. Minnie Ayers, his widow, is still a resident of Tropico, and with her husband was always a worker for community welfare, particularly with the Presbj'terian church. One of the most active realty dealers in the valley during the "boom" of the late '80's was I. M. Clippinger. a resident of Tropico. N. C. Burch was a prominent resident of this section for many years until his death which occurred in 1920. Mr. Burch was an attorney at law and an old newspaper man. He served as City Clerk of Tropico and also conducted the Tropico Sentinel. But it is useless to attempt to call the roll of the pioneers, for as the writer attempts to name one, a procession of others begins to troop across the field of memory. Their names will be recalled by their few contemporaries who survive them. Are they all shades, or does it happen that even one of them survives? There appear in the procession to pass review, Dunsmoor, Woodard, Hogaboom, Peck- ham, Wilkinson, Buchanan, Marsh, Thompson, Gabaig, Light, Cook, Hodgson, Erskine, Rice, Hobbs, Hollingsworth, Chandler, Hickman, Imler, Gilbert, Riley, Jarvis, Bullis. G. W. Woodard, for many years a police officer in Los Angeles and now retired, resides in the latter city. W. H. Bullis, one of the youngest of the company as measured by birthdays, but old in years of residence and usefulness, is still among us. Possibly one or two of the others named may with justice resent being classed among the "shades." But living or dead, the names be- long to Tropico. In the case of others the family name is kept alive, by very much alive descendants of the pioneers. It can readily be seen from this imperfect sketch so far, that the Tropico section, al- though covering a somewhat limited area as compared with the rest Residence of Ktlvvard Avers about IS'IO A Partial V'ievv of the Santa l':ulalia Ranch about 1900. Tropico's Blue Ribbon Float, at Los Angeles, in 1901. OLENDALE AND VICINITY 83 of Glendale, furnished even more than its average quota of settlers and home builders who were in at the beginning, in the making of the Glendale of today. By 1910, there were a considerable number of business establish- ments in Tropico, with the number of residents constantly increasing. In that year the Bank of Tropico was organized and a Chamber of Commerce was enlivening the community. The number of commuters who traveled daily between their places of business in Los Angeles and their Tropico homes, had in- creased to a considerable company, and it was not unnatural that they should as a rule favor the closer relationship of their doulile interests which they thought would follow the annexation of Tro])- ico to the great and growing city, just over the hills and daily draw- ing nearer. And so when it became apparent that some sort of polit- ical machinery was necessary with which to accomplish the things in the way of public improvements that were becoming more insistently necessary, there was considerable agitation for annexation to Lns Angeles among the class of citizens alluded to. On the other hand, a very considerable numl)er of people were equally anxious to become a part of the city of Glendale, which had for the past few years been giving a demonstration of rather successful home rule, and stress was placed upon the fact that the two sections were intended by nature to become one. There was still a third class composed of those who hesitated about taking the important step in either direction. The result was that for a year or two the subject was kept alive by a con- stant agitation which was bound, sooner or later, to be brought to an issue. The unvarnished relation of the conditions preceding the birth of the official City of Tropico, can give but a faint idea of the feelings of the people at the time. There were the three parties as stated; the Los Angeles annexationists, the independent city party and the pro- ponents of annexation to Glendale. The latter were located princi- pally in the northeast section of the district, east of Brand Boulevard and adjacent to Glendale. Their ambition to join Glendale, naturally had the sympathy of the people of that city and was not discouraged by the city officials. They put into circulation a petition to the Glen- dale trustees asking that an election be called to decide the question of annexation. This petition having the number of signatures re- quired by law. there was nothing for the Glendale officials to do but to call the election, fixing the date of March 21, 1911. The district proposed to be annexed, was bounded, approximately, on the west by a line drawn between Brand Boulevard and Central Avenue, on the south by the Southern Pacific Railroad and followed an irregular course northeasterly up over the hills and out to a point in the Glen- dale city southern boundary line, some 2,000 feet west of Verdugo Road. This would have taken in the Forest Lawn cemetery and everything on the east side of a line drawn a short distance west of Brand Boulevard. The situation was serious. The Tropico Sentinel had just been started on its journalistic 84 GLEXDALE AND VICINITY career by H. W. Melrose and its pages fairly glowed with patriotic appeals to the citizens of Tropico to defend their altars, while the Board of Trade, under the leadership of Mr. Frank Davis, was func- tioning vigorously, and mass meetings were affording an outlet for the indignant protests of the citizens who objected to the union with Glendale. But all this would not have prevented the City of Tropico from annihilation, even before its birth, had not some one conceived the brilliant idea of starting a legal back fire to make harmless the schemes of the enemy. This was done by starting a petition and se- curing the legally requisite number of signatures, asking the Super- visors of the County to call an election to vote upon the proposition of creating the City of Tropico. This action was pushed with such vigor and promptness that the County authorities received the peti- tion and called an election to take place on March fifteenth, five days before the date of the Glendale annexation election. The territory cov- ered by the annexation petition was included in the district described in the petition for the City of Tropico, with the exception of the cem- etery and a few residences in that vicinity. By the vote on March 15, 1911, Tropico was admitted into the honorable family of California municipalities, and when the newly elected trustees held their first meeting on March seventeenth, one of their first acts was to instruct their city attorney to institute proceedings to enjoin the City of Glen- dale from annexing any of Tropico's territory at the election to take place three days hence. No legal steps were necessary, however; the city attorney of Glendale advised the trustees of that city that the election would have to be held according to call, but that regardless of the result, the City of Tropico would no doubt be entitled to exist as determined by the election of the fifteenth. The election came of! on the twentieth as called, the inhabitants of the district voting 99 to 55 in favor of annexation. Their vote was too late to be of effect and by a narrow margin of five days the new city came into being. The officers elected were the following: Trustees, C. A. Ban- croft, John Hobbs, E. W. Richardson, C. C. Rittenhouse, Daniel Webster; clerk, S. M. Street; treasurer, John A. Logan. The Board of Trustees held its first meeting on March 17, 1911, and or- ganized by electing C. C. Rittenhouse, president. Frederic Baker was appointed city attorney. At this meeting J. E. Shuey was ap- pointed recorder and J. L. Fishback, marshal. At the meeting of April fourteenth E. M. Lynch was appointed engineer and a permit granted for the running of a pool room. This meeting was attended by Trustee E. W. Richardson, while at the meeting held April twenty- seventh, his associates had occasion to pass a resolution expressing regret at his death and appreciation of his services. Mr. Richardson was esteemed as a man of high character and enjoyed a reputation in the community for fairness and integrity. Mrs. Ella W. Richard- son, well known in Glendale, is his widow. On May fourth, Mr. B. W. Richardson, a brother of the deceased trustee, was appointed to be his successor. Forim-rly I. ity Hall ol I'lopico. The First National Bank of Glendale. Brand Boulevard and Cypress Avenue, and (al)ovc) the Same Location about 1910. GLENDALE AND VICINITY 87 The valuation of the territory included in the city for this year was $492,666. The new government started promptly the work of street improvement, the imperative need of which had been one of the weighty arguments favoring the formation of a city government Central Avenue was the first proceeding of this kind started, the con- tract for that improvement being let on June seventeenth. During the life of the city, a period of less than six years, the number of streets improved was twenty-nine, comprising all of the principal thoroughfares. In the Sentinel's first issue about this time appeared the adver- tisement of the "Tropico Mercantile Company" ; "Tropico Meat Market," A. Stephenson, proprietor; McKiuney & Son, hardware; Tropico Drug Co., and a number of smaller institutions. There is also a picture of the new Bank of Tropico, "open six months," with de- posits of $67,000. Reference is made to the Tropico Public School, Mrs. Martha McClure, principal, with the following assistants: Helen Ingraham, Freda Borthick, Gertrude Bond, Ira Hunter, Letta Hib- ben and May Cornwall. The issue of March fourth reports the mass meeting of the previ- ous Saturday evening, addressed by Mr. Frank Davis, president of the Board of Trade; Judge Shuey, C. C. Rittenhouse, John Hobbs, Daniel Webster, Messrs. Carmack, Eshelman, Davenport and Gris- wold. The two last named appear to have been in the minority as favoring annexation to Glendale, the others being either proponents of independent incorporation or annexation to Los Angeles. One reads between the lines that the temperature was above normal. An "Aerial Trolley," the invention of Mr. J. W. Fawkes of Bur- bank, is pictured as transporting passengers through the air from Burbank to the sea coast; its practicability clearly demonstrated and prophecies as to its near-future accomplishments dwelt upon at length in a quite convincing manner. Subsequent issues also amplify the aerial trolley propaganda. Although the new city had made a good start and was beginning to accomplish things, in the way of street improvement particularly, the faction that favored annexation to Los Angeles was by no means discouraged, and continued their efforts to bring about the result they desired. On October twenty-sixth, a petition was presented to the trustees signed by 110 residents, asking that steps be taken to bring about consolidation with Los Angeles; this was referred to the city attorney and appears to have been insufficient in that it lacked the requisite signatures of one-fifth of the voters. A petition sent in to the City of Glendale, asking for consolida- tion of that city with Tropico, had better success and resulted in an election being held on December sixteenth. The vote on this occasion was as follows : In Tropico, there were 740 votes cast, of which num- ber 352 voted in favor of consolidation and 387 against the proposition. In Glendale there were 27}> votes for consolidation and 19 against it. The small majority against consolidation cast in Tropico was suf- ficient to defeat it and the local government continued to function. 88 GLENDALE AND VICINITY A great deal of dissatisfaction existed as to the service given by the private company furnishing electricity and water and all through the existence of the city the question of municipal ownership of these utilities was almost constantly being agitated. A bond election was held in December of 1911, on a proposition to buy the property of the existing electric light plant, but the voters refused to sustain it and the private company continued to supply both electricity and water, until the city merged with Glendale, when the district, which comprised the city during its existence, voted to bond itself and purchased both systems which were at once taken over by the city of Glendale, thus solving a problem of long standing. At the April election of 1912 the following trustees were elected: C. A. Bancroft, O. A. Conrad, John Hobbs. Irving Oliver and Daniel Webster; S. M. Street, clerk and S. E. Brown, treasurer. Judge George C. Melrose was appointed recorder. An ordinance was adopted on May sixteenth establishing a public library. On September 5, 1912, a franchise was granted to the Pacific Telegraph and Telephone Company ; a similar privilege had been sold to the General Pipe Line of California, represented by Mr, Fitz- patrick. On January 23, 1913, a franchise was sold to the Southern California Gas Company. The need was being keenly felt for a municipal building and early in the year this matter began to be agitated. It was decided to ask the voters to support a bond issue of $25,000 for this purpose, to be divided as follows: Fire engine and equipment, $12,000; fire hydrants, $4,000; and $9,000 for combined City Hall and Fire House. At the election which followed the prop- osition carried by a vote of 218 to 71. A delay of several months en- sued before a site for the municipal building was decided. All through the brief history of Tropico the Los Angeles annexa- tionists kept persistently busy and on March 13, 1914, the Tropico Consolidation Club filed a petition with the Board of Trustees signed by 693 citizens asking that an election be called to decide the question of consolidation with Los Angeles. The election was called for May twenty-sixth, but owing to some legal informality the date was later fixed for June sixteenth. When the votes were counted, it was found that 252 favored and 395 opposed consolidation. The attitude of the ruling body of the city is indicated by the fact that when the city clerk on April thirtieth asked permission to have some letter heads and envelopes printed, he was informed that it was probable that the city would consolidate with Los Angeles at the coming election, and that stationery with the imprint of the City of Tropico on it would be out of date. He was authorized to purchase 500 plain envelopes. At the April election in 1914 the following officers were elected : Trustees. James Rich, C. H. Henry, A. E. Boice; Messrs. Conrad and Webster holding over. N. C. Burch was elected city clerk and Stillman E, Brown, treasurer. Mr, James Rich became president of the Board of Trustees. Mr. H. P. Goodwin succeeded Mr. Frederic Baker as city attorney, C, H. Smith was appointed marshal, while Mr. F. V. Ashton succeeded Mr. E. M. Lynch as engineer. Members 1^^^ Kivirdale Drive al)Out 1908 and in 1922. GLENDALE AND VICINITY 91 of the Library Board were appointed consisting of Walter Hibljert. Miss Cora B. Hickman, Mrs. Luella M. Bullis. This year was char- acterized by the usual agitation of the question of the water supply and the electric light system; the latter being owned by Mr. L. C Brand and the former controlled by him as trustee of the Consolidated Water Company, the voters refusing to sanction the purchase of the plants. Bids were called for to furnish a lot on which to erect the new citj- hall. There was lively competition between the business section on San Fernando Road and a proposed new business section on Brand Boulevard. Among the bids received were the following : Bj- Stepper Bros., a lot on Brand Boulevard north of Cypress Street, 50 by 162 feet, $2,500. A. J. Adair, San Fernando north of Tropico Avenue, 100 by 150 feet. $4,000. L. C. Brand, lot on Brand Boule- vard, 100 by 150 feet, $3,000. H. Davenport, on east side of Brand, corner of Cypress Street, $4,200. J. J. Burke, northeast corner Trop- ico Avenue and Central, 100 by 183 feet, $2,600. On May fourteenth, an offer made by Leigh Bancroft of a lot on the southwest corner of Brand Boulevard and Tropico Avenue (Los Feliz Road) for $2,200 was accepted by a vote of 3 to 2. Bids for the building were called for in July and that of E. D. Yard, a Glendale builder, was accepted, the contract price being $7,976. On August seventeenth the corner stone was laid and on October 31. 1914, the completion of the building was celebrated. The annual report of the city clerk for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1914, showed an estimated population of the city of 3,200. compared with 1,200 in 1910. The assessed valuation had risen to $940,900. In January, 1915, C. H. Smith, the city marshal, was shot and killed by a highwayman whom he had arrested. The trustees adopted a resolution showing appreciation for the character and services of the dead officer. In the same month Mr. James Rich, who had been a trustee and president of the board since April, 1914, died after a short illness. Mr. Daniel Webster succeeded Mr. Rich as president of the board. Mr. F. A. Alspach was appointed trustee. Mr. H. A. Good- win was appointed city attorney. On March ninth. Judge George C. Melrose resigned, Mr. S. E. Brown being appointed to fill the va- cancy. In October Mr. L. C. Brand offered to sell the city the Trop- ico Water Company at a price of $50,000, but no action was taken. The election of April, 1916. resulted in the election of the fol- lowing: Trustees, F. A. Alspach, F. E. Peters, W. C. Seal; Trustees Boice and Henry holding over; Miss Margaret Coleman, clerk; S. E. Brown, treasurer ; Hartley Shaw, city attorney. On June 6, 1916, Mr. W. G. Black presented a petition to the trustees asking that an election be called for the purpose of voting on the proposition of consolidation with the City of Glendale. This petition was signed by 378 voters out of a total registration of 1,168. The election was called for August fifth. The campaign that followed 92 GLENDALE AND VICINITY was a repetition of former history, at a slightly lower temperature. The result of the vote was 381 in favor and 393 against consolidation. On October thirty-first, Mr. Boice resigned as trustee and Mr. F. A. Alspach was appointed to the vacancy. On May 29. 1917, the popular and efficient city clerk, Miss Margaret Coleman, died, the trustees passing a highly eulogistic resolution in honor of her mem- ory. Mr. A. J. Van Wie was appointed city clerk. The Consolidationists and the .'\nnexationists resumed their ac- tivities. On June fourth, a petition for an election on consolidation with Glendale was filed, checked up and found to be insufficient. While another was being prepared the opposition was also busy and succeeded in getting a similar petition into the city council of Los Angeles asking also for an election to vote on consolidation with that city. The Tropico-Glendale petition was withdrawn and the trustees on June seventeenth received an acknowledgment from the city coun- cil of Los Angeles of the receipt of the Tropico petition. There en- sued claims and counter claims, charges and counter charges. On July third, the petition asking an election to determine the question of Tropico-Los Angeles consolidation, was received and referred to the city attorney ; communications were also received from certain citizens asking for the withdrawal of their names from the petitions. However, on July tenth, the Los Angeles-Tropico petition was declared sufficient and the attorney was instructed to prepare the necessary papers calling an election for August 29, 1917, to determine whether Tropico become a part of Los Angeles. The usual campaign ensued and when the votes were counted on September fourth it was found that there had been 333 votes cast in favor of the consoli- dation and 548 against it. The end was now drawing near and on September 25, 1917, a petition was filed with the trustees asking for an election on the consolidation of Tropico and Glendale, with 514 names attached. The clerk's report showed that the total registered vote in the City of Tropico was 1,548, that the 514 names represented more than one-fifth of the total number of registered voters, and was therefore sufficient. There were at that time in Glendale 4,301 registered voters. The election was therefore called for November 21, 1917. This was the last of the many elections held by the City of Tropico as an entity, for when the vote was counted it showed that there had been 861 votes cast upon the question of consolidation with Glendale, of which 650 were affirmative and 211 negative. The City of Glendale by ordinance accepted the Tropico section into official family relations and the union was completed on January 9, 1918. The merging of the two cities into one municipality brought to a happy ending the local jealousies which had for years from time to time marred the relations existing between neighbors divided only by an imaginary line; and from the date of this fortunate merger, the naturally homo- geneous community moved onward harmoniously towards its mani- fest destiny. CHAPTER VIII THE TRANSPORTATION QUESTION ORIGINALLY FOUR ROADS THROUGH THE VALLEY. THE SET- TLERS OF '83 OPEN STREETS, MUCH AS THEY ARE TODAY, EXCEPT AS TO NUMBER. THE STORY OF THE "SALT LAKE RAILROAD." GLENDALE'S RAILROAD BUILDER, E. D. GOODE; HIS WORK IN CON- NECTION WITH L. C. BRAND. ACTIVITIES OF THE IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATIONS. THE PACIFIC ELECTRIC ROAD COMES INTO THE VALLEY. CELEBRATION OF ITS COMPLETION. EAGLE ROCK ROAD AND VERDUGO CANYON EXTENSION BUILT BY GOODE. DEPOT ESTABLISHED AT "TROPICO." INEFFECTUAL EFFORTS TO OBTAIN "LOOP LINE." Streets and Railroads The records of the first Improvement Association organized in the valley in 1886 are incomplete but show that the objects for which the members were working was the acquiring of public thoroughfares, the widening of others and the occasional opening of an entirely new street, and as they had no organized local government they had to depend upon the action of the county supervisors; a body of five men who, having the control of the entire county upon their shoulders, were not always prompt to respond to appeals for action, made by an ambitious but struggling community, whose political power was as yet of comparatively small consequence. That so much was accomplished as the record shows is a matter of wonderment. The old Verdugo Canyon County road on the east side of the set- tlement, at that time known as "Verdugo," was located as it had been since the days of the Mission fathers, while dating back to the same ])eriod was the "San Fernando" road running through the center. A road of later date, but probablj' traveled with more or less uncer- tainty as far as a beaten track was concerned for many years, ran northward from the San Fernando Road up to the few residences. Sepulveda, Sanchez, Verdugo and perhaps one or two others located on the mesa where is now Kenneth Road. The new comers of 1883 proceeded to name this thoroughfare Crow Avenue, in honor of H. J. Crow. About 1886, it was concluded that the interests of the community would be best served by giving a more distinctive name to this street and it was named Glendale Avenue. At about this same time, the Im- provement Association passed a resolution that hereafter all roads leading north and south shall be called avenues and those running east and west, streets. This plan was not adhered to, and the modern city has a multiplicity of streets, avenues, roads, boulevards, etc., running in all directions. The roads as they existed through the val- ley in 1880 were merely a series of parallel tracks running in a sim- 94 GLENDALE AND VICINITY ilar general direction, every vehicle trying to seek out a new track that should afford as few chuck holes as possible in summer-time, and a comparative scarcity of mud holes in winter. Even the San Fernando road was in this condition, as the writer of this history well remembers when he first traveled over it in 1878. There was no bridge over the arroyo on this road at the time the Im- provement Association, above spoken of. was doing business at va- rious meeting places, travelers having to drive down into the bed of the Arroyo Seco on one side and up out of it on the other. The as- sociation took hold of this matter vigorously, appointing committees to see the supervisors about a bridge over the arroyo, until at last a bridge was built. Until the bridge was built the route over this highway from Los Angeles was out Buena Vista street (now Broad- way) to the river, thence down into the dry bed of the river, usually (for there was no bridge over the river at that point), and up its course through the sand to a point near the mouth of the arroyo. When heavy rains occurred it was not unusual for both of these streams to be impassable until the storm was over and the run oflf bad been completed. As recently as 1883, a Glendale man had a team of horses drowned in attempting to ford the arroyo, which was at such times more dangerous than the river, at this point. It was naturally recognized as of prime importance that the road connecting the city and the new settlement should at all times be kept in a passable condi- tion, as among the earlier settlers were a number of that class of use- ful citizens who in a later and perhaps happier time would be classed as "commuters," when traveling daily to and from their places of business by rail, but who in the early '80's did their own commuting by horse and buggy or on horseback. On August 30, 1886, the first road committee of which we find record consisted of H. J. Crow. Dr. J. S. Morgan, S. A. Ayres, S. E. Chase and J. C. Sherer. This committee had put upon it the responsi- bility of seeing the supervisors in regard to bridge over the arroyo. and another committee was also appointed consisting of Wm. Riley, J. F. Dunsmoor and E. T. Byram, who were to confer with the Los Angeles city councilmen in an attempt to get some work done on the San Fernando road, within the limits of the city, which at that time extended up to a point that would now agree with the location of the Taylor Milling Company about a mile and a half from the arroyo. At a meeting held on October 11, 1886. progress in opening up new streets or roads was shown by the statements made by Messrs. Jarvis. Ayres and Barber that they were ready to deed land for road purposes for the thoroughfare now known as Park Avenue. Messrs. Crow, Clippinger, Bullis and Sherer also volunteered readiness to do likewise in regard to roads proposed to be opened through or along their properties. Mr. P. H. Bullis reported having presented a peti- tion to the Los Angeles city council asking for a bridge over the ar- royo and stated that the proper officials had been instructed to exam- ine and report. This seems to have been a live meeting, for the fol- lowing persons were appointed a committee to see Los Angeles cap- 6LENDALE AND VICINITY 95 italists about building a railroad into the valley, viz. : I. M. Clippinger, B. F. Patterson and J. C. Sharer. Later Messrs. Crow and Byram were added to the committee, a strong addition as both men were active in the work from that time on until the road was finally com- pleted. Mr. Bullis was appointed a committee to see about opening a road along the north line of Mr. Crow's land. This would seem to have reference to Broadway (originally Fourth street) the original Crow property running that far north and Mr. Bullis also having a twenty acre piece on the same road near the San Fernando Road. Mr. Riley was to attend to the opening of a road between E. Ayres and Mr. Wolf, apparently referring to what later became Cypress Street. At a meeting on January 17, 1887. committee reported that deeds had been received for widening Glendale Avenue. At this meeting it was suggested that the road running north and south between the property of Crow and Glassell, be called San Rafael Avenue, which if it had prevailed would have left the name of Central Avenue to be given to some other thoroughfare. The road had borne the name of Central Avenue among the residents of that section previous to that time, and the suggestion of the new nomenclature seems not to have been a popular one, although favored by a few of the property owners on the road at that time. The widening of Glendale Avenue was accomplished only after considerable work had been done by the committee appointed for the purpose, as deeds had to be secured from owners on both sides of the street giving on each side a ten foot strip; the road had to be straightened also by deeds from Sheriff H. M. Mitchell, owning the property on the east side where the road started northward at San Fernando Road and from the trustees of the school property on the west side. This Improvement Association of 1886 and 1887 must be credited with the creation of the road system pretty much as it existed up to 1888, and it must be admitted that it was a job well done when conditions existing at that time are taken into consider- ation. The necessary roads having been obtained, the old thorough- fares straightened and named, the pioneer workers did not stop in the good work, but now became active in securing a railroad that would better serve their daily needs for transportation than did the through line of the Southern Pacific Company which, until 1887, did not even have a stopping place in the settlement. Probably the credit of se- curing the desired road does not properly belong to the Improvement Association, but that organization certainly did much in assisting the projectors of the road in obtaining rights of way and in raising the required bonus. Captain John Cross had recently come to the coast from Little Rock, Arkansas, and in connection with A. P. Cross, his nephew, had built a street railroad in Santa Barbara. Through the efforts principally of H. J. Crow, Judge E. M. Ross and Capt. C. E. Thorn, Capt. Cross became interested in the project of building between Los 96 GLENDALE AND VICINITY Angeles and Glendale. A right of way was secured from the Downey Avenue bridge to Glendale and a permit was secured of the Board of Supervisors. This permit was granted February 14, 1887, and as the nature of this permit has sometimes been a matter of controversy, it is presented in full, at the end of this chapter. The road was subsidized by Judge Ross, Captain Thorn and An- drew Glassell, each contributing about $5,000, and by contribution of land and small subscriptions from others. Some of these latter sub- scriptions were never paid, as contributions were made with a proviso that the road was to be completed within a specified time, and Capt. Cross was unable to strictly fulfill this part of the agreement. He completed the road however in good time to Glendale, stopping at First Street and Glendale Avenue. He also secured a lease of Ver- dugo Park and established a bus line between his rail terminal and the park which became a popular picnic resort and helped to keep the road running. Later he continued the laying of rails and the running of his trains to the park. The following details of the railroad building activities of Capt. Cross are furnished by Mr. A. J. Wheeler, the newspaper pioneer of that time : "In 1888 Cross financed and built a standard gauge rail- road to Pasadena, calling it the Pasadena and Altadena Railroad, which was afterwards sold to R. C. Kerns and B. F. Hobart of St. Louis, who called it the Los Angeles Terminal Railroad. They bought Rattlesnake Island from the Dominguez Land Company, and extended the road to Long Beach and Terminal Island. They sold a half interest to Senator W. A. Clark of Montana and the combina- tion built to Provo, Utah, to connect with the Union Pacific branch running from Salt Lake to Provo, and named it the Los Angeles, San Pedro and Salt Lake Railroad. This was sold in 1922 to the Union Pacific Railroad Company. The Glendale-Los Angeles road was transferred with the Pasadena line." People of Glendale had made frequent efforts to get the road electrified for passenger service without success until early in 1922, when the Glendale Advancement Association, an organization of busi- ness men interested principally in property along Glendale Avenue and Broadway, undertook the task. They succeeded in interesting the Glendale and Montrose Railway Company in the project, this com- pany finally getting a working agreement with the Union Pacific Company by which the Glendale and Montrose Company was to be allowed the use of the track from Verdugo Park to the junction of the San Fernando Road and Verdugo Road at which point con- nection is made with the electric line of the Los Angeles Railway Company. The cost of converting the road over this portion of its route was to be borne by the Glendale-Montrose Company and to assist the project the people of Glendale and vicinity raised a bonus of $25,000. As this history goes to press, the project is about to be successfully completed, thus giving Glendale two electric rail con- nections with Los Angeles. The Salt Lake Company served the people of the valley with limited transportation facilities for several years, but the Transporta- OLENDALE AND VICINITY 97 tion committee of the Improvement Associations of both Glendale and Tropico found ample excuse for continuing in service owing to the frequent causes of complaint given by the railroad company, for inadequate facilities. We find by reference to the minutes of the meetings held in 1902, and 1903, that the people were dissatisfied with the railroad service; cars were not run at sufficiently frequent inter- vals, depots were not provided for passengers, etc. Five trains daily each way seems to have been the limit of service given. Some of the citizens of Tropico found it possible to travel between their homes and Los Angeles by the Southern Pacific trains, but as these were not calculated to cater to local travel, the service could not be relied upon by the "commuters." The fact that the Salt Lake com- pany's depot was on the further side of the river in Los Angeles from the business center, also tended to make travel by that road un- satisfactory. So it came about that the Glendale Improvement Association on June 24. 1902, appointed a Railroad committee on the suggestion of Mr. E. \V. Pack, at that time conducting the lumber yard on Glen- dale Avenue; the committee consisted of E. W. Pack, J. L. Whitaker, W. P. Penn, P. W. Parker and J. A. Merrill. Mr. E. D. Goode was at this time secretary of the Improvement Association. He was county road superintendent, a resident of Glen- dale and about this time began his work as a successful railroad pro- moter and builder. The railroad committee named above did not long continue in office and confined its work to efforts to get better service from the Salt Lake company. Mr. Goode, however, seems to have been active about this time in an effort to get an electric road into the valley and we find him working later with Mr. L. C. Brand, in securing rights of way, particularly within Los Angeles city. On March 27. 1903, a special meeting of the Improvement As- sociation was held in Ayers Hall, to discuss a proposition made by Mr. Brand. Dr. D. W. Hunt presided at the meeting which was also attended by large delegations from Eagle Rock and Tropico. We quote from the minutes of the meeting: "The secretary read a docu- ment signed by the cashier of the Merchants National Bank of Los Angeles, and L. C. Brand, which stated that L. C. Brand had de- posited with the bank a certified check for ten thousand dollars to be forfeited to the Glendale and Tropico Improvement Associations if an electric road is not in operation within six months, provided the people of the valley furnish the necessary rights of way." In the meantime the Tropico Improvement Association had also been agi- tating the railroad question and had appointed a railroad committee consisting of Mr. Otto Snyder, president of the association, M. M. Eshelman, Dvvight Griswold, Joseph Kirkham, R. G. Doyle, John Hobbs and S. L. Borthick to further the project. Reverting to the minutes of the Glendale association: "On motion of Mr. Taylor, seconded by E. T. Byram, a committee of five including the president of the association (Dr. Hunt) be appointed by the chairman to co- operate with the Tropico committee in obtaining the desired right of way. The members of the committee were named as follows: J. A. 98 GLENDALE AND VICINITY Merrill, H. C. Goodell, E. D. Goode. F. G. Taylor with the chair- man." From this time forward progress was marked, but many dif- ficult matters were encountered in obtaining rights of way that re- quired the expenditure of time, patience and money. Previous to all this, Mr. Goode had been endeavoring to obtain a franchise from the city of Los Angeles for an electric road. His petition was turned down by the council in the latter part of 1902, the councilmen claiming to be harassed by the fear that the appli- cation was merely a "blind" covering the designs of some other rail- road company to secure a right of way to Pasadena by way of Glen- dale. Attorney Frank James, speaking for Mr. Goode, was quoted in the Los Angeles Times of January. 1903, as saying: "Mr. Goode has been working to secure an electric railway fmrn Glendale to Los Angeles for a number of years. He has tried to persuade the Pacific Electric Railroad company and the Los Angeles Traction company to build, but neither of them would be persuaded. Now he has de- termined to form a companj' and build it himself." One of the dif- ficulties in the way also was the fact that the proposed route of way lay through the edge of GrifTith Park which fact would compel the road, if built, to furnish transportation within the city limits to and from the park for five cents. Goode finally gave up effort to get a franchise in his own name and pooled his interests with Mr. Brand. The survey was changed, a franchise was obtained from the Arcade Depot to Sunset Boulevard and another from the latter point to Grif- fith Park. The change in survey made it possible to get to the river without crossing the park as at first proposed. From the river into Glendale the joint committees of the Improvement Associations of Glendale and Tropico undertook the task of securing the rest of the rights of way. Dr. D. W. Hunt was the i)resident of the Glendale association and Mr. O. P. Synder was at the head of the Tropico body. One piece of property on the pro])osed route between Tropico Av- enue and Cypress Streets, was occupied by a house and other im- provements and caused the committee much trouble but the way was finally secured through it by the payment of $4,000, jointly assumed and finally provided for, by the two associations. The rights of way were issued in the name of Mr. Brand. We find it noted in the Glendale News of this time that in April the survey for the road had been made west of the High .School, but Mr. Brand promises to have survey run nearer Cllendalc to secure the cooperation of the people. On May fifth Mr. Goode rei)orted to the Improvement Association that the rights of way had mostly been secured but that it would be necessary to raise $4,000. By May nineteenth there only remained one piece of land to be secured. At the same time report was made that Harris and Merrill had signed for $500. Messrs. Leavitt and Kanouse were added to the com- mittee at this time. On August fourth Mr. Goode reported that the proposed route had been slightly changed, to run straight down the valley behind the Tropico school house. On October first Mr. Goode reported that there remained to be collected about $400 from each of the associa- GLENDALE AND VICINITY 9\) tions. The Tropico association had endorsed the name of "Brand Boulevard" for the thoroughfare in the center of which the road was to be built. Some time later the Glendale Association supported this suggestion as to the name of the street. On January 7, 1904, Mr. Goode reported that there remained to be collected cmly $75.(X) which would be paid after the completion of the road. The right of way having been secured the work of construction was pushed rapidly and on Sunday, April 6, 1904, the first electric car ran through Tropico and on to its Glendale terminus, this date marking the beginning of an era during which the wonderful de- velopment of the "Fastest growing city in America" became an his- torical fact. On April first a committee was appointed to arrange for a proper celebration of the completion of the electric railroad to Glendale. "to take place when the cars shall commence running to Glendale Avenue, the proposed terminus of the line." The com- mittee consisted of E. D. Goode, Dr. D. W. Hunt. Mr. E. V. Wil- liams, Mrs. Lillian S. Wells (then secretary of the Improvement .\s- sociation) and J. C. Sherer. A similar committee was later ajipointed by the Tropico Association, the two acting jointly. The Glendale Improvement Association held a meeting on July 1, 1904, and Mr. Goode made a report on preparations fi)r the celebra- tion of the completion of the railroad, to be held on the morrow. These preparations consisted of the purchase of two or three beeves for the barbecue, the securing of the services of Mr. K. G. Doyle and a celebrated Mexican expert to prepare the same, with a barrel of pickles and a large quantity of bread, etc. Barrels of lemonade had been donated by citizens and cofTee was to be served in abundance. The program prepared by the committee received the ap])roval of the meeting and a vote of thanks was tendered Mr. Goode for his un- tiring efforts. At the meeting held on July fifteenth the final report of the cele- bration committee was made, showing an expenditure of $250.00. The celebration held on July 2. 1904. was a great success and the affair was given generous publicity by the Los .\ngeles papers. Mr. J. C. Sherer was chairman of the day and speeches were made by the chairman, and by E. D. Goode, L. C. Brand, O. P. Snyder. Ed- gar Leavitt. Col. Tom C. Thornton, J. McMillan and Francis Murphy. the noted temperance orator who happened to be in the crowd and was called upon by the chairman. In the account given in the columns of the Los .-\ngeles Times, the chairman is quoted as saying in part: "Yesterday Tropico cel- ebrated and today we celebrate. If I could look into the future with an eye of prophecy I would say that tomorrow Burbank may cele- brate, and possibly the next day San Fernando, and eventually La Canada, for I cannot believe that the road will stop here while just beyond us lies as beautiful a country just as fertile and populous, and like Glendale waiting an outlet and an electric railway system to tie it to the world." Mr. Goode gave an account of his experiences in securing rights of way and told briefly the history of the road. 100 GLENDALE AND VICINITY Mr. Brand told of his early dreams coming true, in which he pictured a country home in close proximity to the city, and how these dreams had finally led him into the present enterprise. Col. Thornton spoke in his usual eloquent style of the glories of the southland and painted a word picture of its possibilities. Col. Harrison Gray Otis who had been invited to be present, but was un- able to appear, sent a letter which was read by the chairman and be- cause of its prophetic character, and as an expression of the views of one of the great builders of the state, is here presented in full : "The Bivouac," Los Angeles, July 2, 1904 Mr. J. C. Sherer, Chairman Valley Celebration, Glendale. Dear Sir : — I promised myself, as well as others, that I would attend the cel- ebration in honor of the inauguration of electric railway connection between your charming Glendale region and the city ; but I will not be able to be present. My physician is trying to hold me down and keep me under cover for the next few weeks; and even partial obedi- ence to his commands requires me to forego the pleasure which I would otherwise have in meeting with our friends at Glendale upon this pleasant occasion. Spots like Glendale and Tropico, occupying sheltered nooks at the base of the Sierra, with a southern exposure, where the "slant of the sun" is just right, where it is always afternoon, where the soil is of almost unexampled fertility, where life giving water is abundant for irrigation, where frost is practically unknown, and where every prospect pleases — such spots are rare, save in this blessed land of Southern California, and they are certain to have full development, large expansion and a splendid destiny. With all its natural advantages, and with the enterprise and labor of its keen-sighted and intelligent popu,lation, the results which I here anticipate for this favored valley cannot fail to ma- terialize. The good Lord has done so much for this southern land of ours sloping toward the Pacific, and nurtured by a never-failing sun (though with sometimes scant rainfall) that the destiny of such favored spots as Glendale and Tropico is assured. There is an ever-increasing number of people from beyond the mountains, and in- deed from all parts of the world, who are seeking just such spots in which to plant themselves and their families for the remainder of their years, and where they may establish surroundings in harmony with the higher forms of civilized life. Communities with this com- mon thought in mind, and working with a common end in view — the betterment of their material surroundings — can and will accomplish great things in a comparatively brief period of time, transforming the land from a state of nature and creating happy homes where none existed before. I can well understand what rejoicing there must be along the foothills and in the valley over the fortunate conclusion of the long- continued and arduous efforts which patient citizens have put forth to secure the happy consummation which they are now to celebrate. Hraiul HouU'v.ird in 1')(I5 and in I'Jii. Broadway, 1-ookiiiK Kast t'roni Central Avenue. GLENDALE AND VICINITY 103 They say "all things come to him who waits," hut they are not sure to come without effort, and that effort these citizens have made in a wise, persistent way. I congratulate them upon their success, and rejoice with them in the certain and prosperous future which is theirs. Large credit is also due to that masterful "captain of industry," H. E. Huntington, for his bold initiative and fearless enterprise in making this timely suburban electric railway connection, which brings Glendale, Tropico and Los Angeles so close together, mak- ing entirely feasible residence in the country and business pursuits in the city. No Californian who knows anything of the immense possibilities of our fertile soil and famous climate can doubt what great things the future has in store for the numerous choice spots scattered all along our southern coast, in her canyons and on her foothills; and among them all none are more promising than those which will cele- brate today. Tropico and Glendale have farms, orchards, orange groves, and handsome gardens now ; they will have more and more in the future, and will become beauty spots at the very gate of the city, acquiring importance, attracting visitors, increasing their agri- cultural and horticultural productions, making home builders and cultivators prosperous, and winning fame among the show places of Southern California. Population will increase and values rise, and the sagacious upbuilders will, I trust, have the good sense to stand off all baseless booms. With congratulations and good wishes for the assembled citizens and visitors who will come together on the propitious occasion today, and promising that the happy valley shall occupy its proper place in the columns of the Los Angeles Times, I remain yours truly, Harrison Gray Otis. Just here it is apropos to insert an interesting brief account by Mr. E. D. Goode of his early efforts in connection with this road : "Before I made application to the council of the City of Los Angeles for a franchise, I secured an option on the whole of Edendale, con- sisting of 105 acres at one hundred dollars per acre and I formed Mr. L. C. Brand's acquaintance while trying to sell him this land. He did not want to buy so I sold to other parties, reserving the right of way. Just a year from that time Mr. Brand and the Bradshaw brothers bought this same land for two hundred dollars an acre and after I had been denied a franchise by Los Angeles. Mr. Brand then asked me if I would turn over the right of way to other parties if they would agree to build a road to Glendale. I told him I would, and would do all I could to assist any one who would build the road. A few months after this Mr. Brand appeared at a joint meeting of the Glendale and Tropico Improvement Associations, under the chair- manship of Mr. Snyder at Logan's Hall, Tropico, and agreed to de- posit the sum of $10,000 in a Los Angeles bank to guarantee the building of the road provided we procure a private right of way from Edendale to Glendale, and that the company that he represented would purchase a franchise covering the streets from the Southern 104 GLENDALE AND VICINITY Pacific depot in Los Angeles, to Edendale. Very few Glendale people attended this meeting but I was appointed chairman of a committee to secure rights of way. Other members of the committee were D. Griswold, D. H. Imler, W. E. Borthick, H. C. Goodell, and M. M. Eshelman. After working some time and meeting with much discourage- ment, they all quit and said we could not do it. Even Mr. Brand told me to give it up, but I had secured much of the right of way and Mr. Brand took hold again and went after the franchise. Finally I had all the right of way except between Cypress Street and Tropico Avenue (now Los Feliz) and this would cost $3,500 because there were two or three houses there. Then the Glendale people woke up and a joint committee of the two Improvement Associations was formed and the money was raised, each association becoming re- sponsible for half the amount." Mr. L, C. Brand and Mr. H. E. Huntington had at the inception of their railroad project bought 175 acres of land of Judge E. ^L Ross at a price of $225 an acre, this property being covered very largely, by an orchard of apricot trees, and lying east of Columbus -Avenue and north of Lexington, then First Street. They had also acquired the Button property of 20 acres and some other acreage, most of it appearing on maps of record as Glendale Boulevard Tract. The road was constructed up to Broadway, where, at the southeast corner it was necessary to acquire turning ground from the corner of the property belonging to the Union High School. This was ob- tained without much delay and the tracks laid up Broadway to Glendale Avenue, which was the first terminus. There was but little delay, however, in continuing the laying of the tracks up Brand Boulevard to the base of the mountains at "Casa Verdugo," at which point the company established a high class restaurant under the management of Mrs. Piedad Yorba de Sowl, which quickly became a very popular resort and was the scene of many social functions dur- ing the five years or so that the arrangement between the railroad company and Mrs. Sowl continued. A Spanish dinner at "Casa Ver- dugo" was during that period, one of the pleasant experiences which comparatively few tourists missed. In May, 1911, the Shriners on the occasion of their annual en- campment at Los Angeles were entertained here; the capacity of the railroad company being strained to the utmost to accommodate the visitors. When the five year arrangement between the company and Mrs. Sowl expired, a difference arose between the parties and the latter started a rival establishment at her own home near by. This and the advent of national prohibition, resulted in the doing away of a very delightful resort, which at the height of its prosperity was a distinct asset to the valley. Upon the completion of the line to Casa Verdugo the Pacific Electric acquired a new terminus and that section of Glendale east of the main line, along Broadway, was side tracked. A small car was operated over the track between Brand Boulevard and Glendale Avenue on Broadway until June, 1907, when the Broadway track was GLENDALE AND VICINITY 105 taken up, as is related elsewhere in this history. When direct service from the main line to Glendale Avenue was given up, a small one man car, made the trip between Brand Boulevard and the Avenue, meeting most of the main line cars. The service was very unsatis- factory and caused many complaints to be made, formally and in- formally, without mending matters. Notwithstanding considerable bitterness of feeling that frequently found expression, the discomforts of the open car in cold and stormy weather were not always taken too seriously as is indicated by the following verses dedicated to "Maud," the pet name of the little "dummy" car, appearing in the Glendale News of February, 1907 : The Dinkey Car The snow it lies on the mountain top, And the liar he lies elsewhere, And the dinkey car curtains go flippity flop. And the wind it blows as 'twould never stop, And the passengers they swear. But the dinkey car bobs up and down. As it travels to and fro. And the passengers to Glendale town Clutch tighter yet the wind swept gown As they glance at the chilly snow. The motorman motes as mote he may, And the passengers shiver and shake, And the shirt-waist lady who eke was gay. Has suddenly ceased to have aught to say. And begins in her boots to quake. Oh, dinkey car that was surnamed "Maud," Come back to your loving crew; You had faults 'tis true and we called you fraud. Your virtues we ever forgot to laud. But there were two sides to you ! And the next day it snowed! Maud, indeed seems to have been potent with inspiration, for the above was succeeded shortly by another poetic outburst on the part of the editor, as follows : Lo, here is Maud ! Mark you her graceful poise; Fourteen small girls and boys Crowded, can ride her. Never a mule or car Swift as her jerklets are; Comets and lightnings flash, Slow are beside her. 106 GLENDALE AND VICINITY Bow ye the knee in praise, For small mercies thankful; Ended Maud's useful days — Tears shed, a tank full. Upon the completion of the Pacific Electric road, the Salt Lake Company ceased to attempt to give Glendale passengers carrying service and from that time up to the present has maintained its tracks for freight carrying purposes only, its patronage coming from the lumber yards on Glendale Avenue and from the products of the orange and lemon orchards of the Sparr company near Montrose and those of Messrs. Ross and Thorn within the original Glendale city limits. Mr. E. D. Goode did not cease his efforts at railroad building upon the completion of the electric road, for we find him active again in 1907 in an effort to induce the Los Angeles Railway Com- pany to construct a line into Glendale from its Eagle Rock line at the crossing of Verdugo Road. He was so far successful that in October, 1907, he secured from that company an agreement to build northward along the Verdugo Road into Glendale provided that a private right of way should be furnished in addition to a bonus of $17,500. Of this sum the owner of the old Workman ranch (Saga- more Hills) agreed under certain conditions to contribute $11,000. After a great deal of hard work on the part of Mr. Goode, assisted by a committee of Glendale citizens, arrangements were made for practically the entire right of way which was to follow the center of Verdugo Road to a point north of Broadway thence westward to Belmont street between Broadway and Wilson. Success seemed almost certain when a difference in regard to details arose between the railroad company and the principal contributor to the bonus fund, and the project had to be abandoned. When this scheme failed, the indefatigable Goode turned his attention to building a railroad between Eagle Rock and Glendale. Assisted by Mr. R. A. Blackburn he secured a private right of way along Third Street (now Wilson Avenue) in Glendale and on into Eagle Rock. He had all the experiences that a man may rely upon encountering when he tries to build a railroad without money, but he thought that with the road actually in operation he could get either the Los Angeles or the Pacific Electric Company to take it over; but in this he was disappointed, as the fact was quite satis- factorily demonstrated in all these various efforts to get better rail- road facilities that these two companies did not intend to enter into competition with each other, either on account of a gentle- men's agreement to this eifect, or an even more definite contract as to the division of territory. The Los Angeles Railway Company did, however, demonstrate its friendliness to the persistent amateur at railroad construction in many ways, loaning him its engineers and assisting him in securing material which had to be paid for, although the prices were very rea- sonable and this necessitated borrowing money of the local bank. The 6LENDALE AND VICINITY 107 rails for instance for this two miles of road cost $5,000 cash; the grad- ing was $700 and ties cost 25 cents apiece. Then a car had to be bought at $2,500 and arrangements made with the power company to furnish electricity which was metered out at reasonable rates. The builder had $3,500 in sight which he was to secure upon the completion of the road but it can he readily seen that his margin of profit was exceedingly small. The road was completed and the first car run over it between Eagle Rock and Glendale March 12, 1909. Four days afterwards at the skating rink on Glendale Avenue, just below Broadway, there was a fitting celebration of the event and Mr. Goode was properly honored for his achievement. About this time Messrs. Pirtle and Glassell acquired Verdugo Park and being desirou.s of putting it in closer relations as far as transportation was concerned with the rest of the world, they had endeavored unsuccessfully to induce the Salt Lake Company to electrize its track to that place. Failing in that they applied to Mr. Goode to come to their assistance, oiTering him $20,000 for an electric road. This sounded well to the railroad builder and he again started on a new project. On May 9, 1910, we find that the supervisors of the county were considering the application of Mr. Goode for a franchise up Verdugo Road from the Glendale city limits, then about Doran Street, to Ver- dugo Park. They concluded, however, that the county road should not be given over to this use and refused his petition. Next we find him in possession of deeds giving him a private right of way over the property of Judge Ross and Captain C. E. Thom. The Salt Lake Company then came into court desiring to be protected from Glen- dale's Harriman, complaining that he was encroaching upon its right of way. The railroad company's complaint stated that Goode had begun grading on June fifth; their complaint does not seem to have stopped his work for within thirty days from that time the road was completed. The vicissitudes of a railroad builder are best set forth in Mr. Goode's own words : "The arrangement was that they should pay me $5,000 thirty days after completion of the road, and the balance in sixty days and ninety days. To secure me they delivered to me bonds of the Glendale Consolidated Water Company, with a face value of $30,000. I put these bonds in escrow and was able to borrow money to buy rails and other materials. I was enjoined by the Salt Lake Company and the trial cost me $500. The court finally en- joined me from building within thirteen and one-half foot centers. I had to get the road completed by July fourth. The engineer of the Los Angeles Company told me it would be impossible to do it, that they would not attempt to do it themselves, but I went ahead. They let me have a crew of twenty men under one 'Pat' as fore- man. The Fourth of July came on Monday. On Sunday morning of the third we were within a quarter mile of the finish and going ahead fine. Then along came some Italians with a jug of 'Dago Red' which got mixed up with my track laying crew in a scandalous manner. All work stopped and I was scared, but the foreman 108 GLENDALE AND VICINITY wasn't altogether overseas and I told him that if the road wasn't completed on time there would be no money for any of them. He finally got the men straightened out and to work and by 8 o'clock on the fourth we completed the job. "In the meantime the bonds I had to secure me depreciated fifty per cent. Instead of receiving five thousand at the end of 30 days as promised, I received $1,000. They paid me along in driblets until I had received about $12,000 of the $20,000. They finally gave me notes for $8,000 and I surrendered the bonds. Of these notes $3,000 came back on me for payment to the bank that had ac- cepted them and I had to mortgage everything I had to take care of them. I came to the conclusion that railroad building without money in hand wasn't a good game for me and I went to Imperial Valley and went to raising cotton." From June, 1907, to January, 1910, there was no cross town railroad connecting Glendale Avenue and the eastern section of Glen- dale with the electric railway on Brand Boulevard, and the com- pletion of the Goode electric road connecting Glendale and Eagle Rock went far toward bridging over the gap that had retarded the development of the city. During this interval of two and a half years, Mr. T. W. Watson and his brother-in-law, Mr. Reed, con- ducted a 'bus service between the two sides of the city, at pre-war prices, a round trip for five cents. This was not a financial success for its enterprising backers, however, and it left much to be de- sired as a "public utility." In October, 1913, the Pacific Electric Company applied for another franchise over Broadway to Glendale Avenue and the ordinance granting the same was passed by the Board of Trustees on November 4, 1913. It was in 1914 that the Pacific Electric Company resumed ser- vice between Brand Boulevard and Glendale Avenue and about six months later the tracks were laid and service extended east to the "Childs Tract line" opposite the Broadway grammar school build- ing. This extension was part of a project to construct a loop line by building southward from the school house to the base of the hills and thence westward to connect with the main line at Tropico Avenue. The Chamber of Commerce had appointed a Railroad Com- mittee to secure this extension as the railroad company had prom- ised to build it provided that the right of way was furnished. The committee put in a great deal of hard work and raised several thou- sand dollars for the project, purchasing several pieces of property for the right of way, but the outbreak of the war and a combination of adverse circumstances delayed and finally caused a failure of the plan, after it had dragged over a space of four or five years. In 1922 the railroad company established an auto bus line con- necting both the east and the west sides of the city with the main line at Tropico Avenue, thus completing a system that very satis- factorily serves the people of Glendale with traveling facilities in marked contrast with the era when dust, mud or chuck holes marked the highways over which the pioneers drove their horses at a gait Nortl (JraiiKf Street, Looking North I'roni Wilson Street, aljout 1906. and in 1922, GLEXDALE AND VICINITY 111 which was kept by these conditions well within the limit of any existing speed laws. PERMIT BY COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES TO LOS ANGELES AND GLENDALE RAILROAD, GRANTED FEBRUARY 14, 1887, M. B. 9,367 On motion of Supervisor Martin the prayer of the petition was granted and the following resolution was unanimously adopted : WHEREAS, the Los Angeles & Glendale R. R.'Co., a corpora- tion duly organized under the laws of the state of California desire to build, construct and establish a railroad as hereinafter described; and WHEREAS it appears by the signature of numerous persons that nearly all the property owners along the line of the proposed railroad desire the same to be built; and WHEREAS it appears that such railroad will greatly benefit the public and said property owners as well, and that the establishment of such railroad is consistent with the use of such highways; NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RE- SOLVED by the said Board of Supervisors of L. A. Co., California, that said board consent that the L. A. & Glendale R. R. Co.. or its as- signs, may construct, lay down and operate one single line of iron or steel railroad track and run cars thereon moved by steam, cable or electric power, with the privilege of changing same from a single to a double track whenever the said corporation or its assigns may deem the same expedient, and carry freight and passengers thereon for the period of fifty years from the date of the passage hereof along the pub- lic highways or streets, viz. : Commencing at the new town of Glen- dale and running thence southerly along Crow Avenue to the intersec- tion with the San Fernando, thence along San Fernando Road to its intersection with Cypress Street at the northern boundary of L. A. City, with the right to construct necessary switches, curves, turnouts and side tracks. It being understood that throughout the entire description the center of the street, or a line as near thereto as pos- sible, is intended. Provided and upon condition that the construc- tion of said road shall be commenced within sixty days from the date of passage hereof and shall be finally completed, equipped, stocked and in running order over the entire line of said road within one year from date of passage hereof. It being understood that this privilege shall be forfeited by the grantee herein on account of a failure to complete the said road which, at the expiration of said one year, shall remain and l)e unfinished, leaving the privilege to that portion of said road completed and in running order unaffected by such failure. Provided further, that in case the cars on said road when com- pleted and in running order shall be propelled by electricity as the motive power, then and in such case the wires furnishing the same shall be placed under ground. .And provided further that said builder or builders of said road shall grade or macadamize or otherwise im- prove the entire length of said route along which said road may be constructed between the rails and for two feet on each side thereof. 112 GLENDALE AND VICINITY so as to form a road bed as good as the remainder of the road beyond the rails whenever ordered to do so by the said Board of Supervisors, and shall keep the same constantly in repair, flush with the street and provided with good crossings both at present crossings and wherever roads shall be made to cross said railroad, and provided that the tracks shall not be more than five feet wide within the rails and there be a space between the main tracks and the side tracks or turn outs to allow cars to pass each other freely and without danger. Provided further, that the laying of said track shall in all cases conform, when any part of said road has been or shall be graded, to an established grade shall be changed or altered, the bed of the road and the track shall be made to conform therewith. Provided further that the said builder of said road shall provide said railroad with all the proper and necessary flumes and culverts for the passage of water under said tracks or road bed whenever and wherever said Board of Supervisors or its successors shall order said flumes and culverts to be placed. Provided further, that the said builder of said road shall provide sewer, macadamize, pave, improve, alter or repair all or either of said highways or any part thereof, and to pipe the same for gas, water or other purposes, such work to be done with as little injury as pos- sible to said railroad, but when work shall make it necessary, the owners of said road must shift the rails so as to avoid obstructions made thereby. Provided further, that the rate of fare for passengers on said rail- road shall never exceed ten cents. The said Board of Supervisors reserves the right to establish at any time a fare not exceeding ten cents and not less than five cents. The rights and privileges given by this resolution are granted by this resolution on each and all of the above conditions and pro- visions, and if the said grantee or its assigns shall fail to comply there- with or any part thereof, all of said rights and i)rivileges shall be for- feited and shall be void except as herein provided. CHAPTER IX THE WATER QUESTION SOURCES OF SUPPLY FOR THE RANCHO SAN RAFAEL. ORIGINAL DISTRIBUTION BY DITCHES. PARTITION MADE BY DECREE OF 1871. FORMATION OF WATER DISTRIBUTING COMPANIES. VERDUGO CANYON WATER COMPANY. LITIGATION. EXTRACTS FROM COURT DECREES. DEVELOPMENT WORK. QUANTITY AND VALUE. In all the countries of the world depending on irrigation, the trite statement that Water is King, holds true today as it did in the beginnings of civilization and as it will until the time crimes in a future which, it is to be hoped is far distant, when a limited supply is unequal to an insatiable demand and the gardens will become deserts as it was in the beginning. Those founders of our Pacific Coast civilization, the wise Franciscan fathers, made sure before establishing their missions that there was a supply of living water near at hand. And the settlers on the great ranchos also never failed to assure themselves of a su])ply of the life-giving requisite. And so it was that the San Rafael Ranch dipped at the southwest corner into the Los Angeles river; had the Arroyo Seco (not always dry) on the east and the never failing mountain streams of Verdugo Canyon on the north. One of the earl)- names of the ranch was "La Zanja," which would seem to indicate that at the time of the grant, a zanja, or water ditch, was one of its noticeable features, al- though it is difficult to imagine who at that early date had occasion to construct an artificial water course, except the one that tapped the river at the "Narrows," and continuing down to the pueblo, sup- plied the needs of its inhabitants. This, however, would not be a feature of the ranch which lay on the opposite side of the river. Probably the first legal contest over water in the state that reached the higher courts was the one heard in the Supreme Court of the state in 1855, in which Mathew W. Irwin sued Robert Phillips for diversion; but from that time until the present it is probable that the Supreme Court calendar has rarely been cleared of contests over this vital problem. And the courts of the Pacific coast had to blaze the way on this subject and set their own precedents, as the common law which the courts can so frequently and conveniently fall back upon, when other resources fail, is silent upon the subject, for it dealt with conditions exactly the reverse of those that exist in a dry country, applying as it did to a land where there is a surplus of water instead of a lack of it. Quite early in its history the Pueblo had some trouble with the padres at the San Fernando Mission over the diversion of the river waters, and probably there were frequent contests in the local courts 114 GLENDALE AND VICINITY over this subject. And no doubt the courts had many a time to pass upon and punish offenders who attempted to settle their disputes over water out of court. Conditions as late as 1871 when the decree of partition of the ranch was signed, were in great contrast with the present time. At that time there was comparatively little water deliv- ered under pressure for irrigation purposes anywhere and it is noticeable in the proceedings in this case that the commissioners and the court had in mind at all times, the delivery of water by open ditch as had been the custom in irrigated countries from time imme- morial. Although the houses were not so numerous at that time as to threaten congestion, it was not always praticable to build by a living stream and the country was crisscrossed by small ditches constructed so as to carry the water by gravity to the door of almost every householder whether his domicile was a pretentious adobe or a mere jacale, or house of brush. To the careless eye these ditches along the highways appeared to disregard in many cases the law of gravitation, as there were instances where a water course on one side of the road carried the water eastward, while on the opposite side a stream flowed west; or north and south respectively, as the case might be. On March 21, 1870, a complaint was filed in the District Court of Los Angeles by A. B. Chapman, Andrew Glassell, P. Beaudry and O. W. Childs against Fernando Sepulveda, his wife and a long list of other defendants, owners of land in the Rancho San Rafael who claimed and held possession of the property they occupied under various kinds of titles, in some cases contradictory in their nature. The complaint starts out by the statement that the defendants are tenants in common and owners in fee simple to a tract of land bounded on the north by the Sierra Madre, east by the Arroyo Hondo, south by Los Angeles river, and west by lands belonging in 1861 to J. R. Scott (comprising two ranches). It then goes on to state that one C. V. Howard, also having a defendant's interest, died in Febru- ary, 1869; that certain parties had claims, the validity of which the complainants were unable to determine, and asks for a full and com- plete partition. Glassell, Chapman and Smith were the lawyers for the complainants. To fully investigate all of the claims in the ranch and make a recommendation to the Court, the following commissioners were appointed : J. H. Landers, A. W. Hutton and Benjamin Eaton, The two first named were lawyers and the last an engineer, the father of Fred Eaton, a former mayor of Los Angeles. The first act of the commissioners was to secure the services of a surveyor, Frank Le- couver, under whose direction a complete survey of the properties involved was made. The commissioners were empowered to take testimony of witnesses and practically given all the powers of a court of law, except as to rendering final judgment. The work done by them was stupendous and their findings were so complete and equitable that although attacked legally from more than one angle, were fully upheld by the court and the interested reader of this ancient history as set forth in the voluminous collection of papers GLENDALE AND \'ICINITY 115 on file must be impressed with the apparent thoroughness and indus- trious work of this commission that a half century ago established the title of the thousands of owners who at this date occupy in indis- putable possession the rich heritage of the untitled "soldier of the King" who claimed it all for his own. There were reserved from this partition the lands belonging to D. Burbank, W. C. B. Richardson, Glassell & Chapman and the acreage of Hunter and Hendrickson. Of La Canada the report says : On west of San Rafael is large body of mountain land. 9.122.71 acres, marked on map. Verdugo Mountains, undivided. This land is without definite value and unless it contains minerals, not known to exist, is almost valueless. Recom- mend that this be sold and divided. The acreage allotted bv the commission is as follows : C. E. Thorn, 579.67; P. Beaudry, '500.50; Rafaela Verdugo de Sepulveda, 909; Maria Sepulveda de Sanchez, 212.3; Maria Catalina Verdugo, 208.82; C. E. Thom, 30.92; Glassell & Chapman, without division, the whole of Rancho Canada, 5,745 and 2,296; Benjamin Dreyfus, 8,424.35; P. Beaudry, 1,702.64; F. P. Ramirez, 310.01; O. W. Childs, 371.60; Ma. Antonia de Chabolla, 8; Ch. Verdugo, 8; Fernando Verdugo, 7.84; Pedro \'erdugo, 7.83; Jose Maria Verdugo, 7.82; Quirino Ver- dugo, 7.82; Rafael Verdugo, 7.83; Guil. Verdugo, 7.81; Vittorio Ver- dugo, 7.84. The last eight named above were the sons of Julio, com- prising all of them except Teodoro who was elsewhere provided for in the canyon lands by transfer from Catalina, his aunt. The daughter, Rafaela, the wife of Fernando Sepulveda, had also her portion in the land deeded to him. The other daughter. Antonia, married to Cha- bolla. had a portion similar to that given the sons as mentioned above. The above does not include the acreage held by Catalina and Teodoro in common in \'erdugo Canyon, alluded to hereafter in the partition of the water. The prime importance of the water supply is set forth as follows: Your referees have carefully considered the questions in regard to water, deeming them of the most vital im- portance to the parties interested in the ranches and in grading the lands the i)racticability of irrigation has entered largely into the value of those tracts lying most accessible to the sources of water supply as follows: The first that rises in Verdugo Canyon upon the tract of land belonging to Teodoro and Catalina Verdugo as tenants in common near the foot of a spur running down from the Cuchilla of Francisco Maria east of and near to both the road that runs through the canyon and the house or jacale in which at present reside a family of Mexicans bearing the name of Pajo. The second are the streams that rise west of the said road within the enclosure of the field of said Teodoro and east of his house. These constitute and form by far the largest body of flowing water upon the rancho except the Los Angeles river which forms one of the boundaries. The third is the stream that rises near the southern boundary of the 702.64 acre tract assigned to P. Beaudry near the Arroyo Seco and within a short distance of the old adobe house wherein one Joaquin 116 GLENDALE AND VICINITY Chabolla formerly resided. This stream flows naturally in a south- erly direction. The fourth is the Arroyo Seco. The supply from this though at present only an undefined interest, may in the future be so developed as to be worthy of notice. The fifth is the Los Angeles river from which by means of canals and ditches it is the opinion of your referees that water can be con- ducted upon a large body of the lands lying along the east bank. Then comes the recommendation as to the Verdugo Canyon supply upon which the City of Glendale depends for its gravity water, which was approved and affirmed by the Court in its decision. Your referees recommend: That the said Teodoro and Catalina Verdugo, so far as her interest is in common with the said Teodoro, be decreed to have so far as their necessities require, the exclusive use and benefit of the first above mentioned stream of water, the sur- plus thereof to be turned into the second above mentioned stream or streams. That the water forming the second, together with the sur- plus from the first, as above provided belong to the several parties, Rafaela Verdugo de Sepulveda, Julio Verdugo, O. \V. Childs, C. E. Thom, Maria Antonia Verdugo de Chabolla) here are mentioned again the names of the eight sons of Julio given above), Benjamin Dreyfus, Catalina Verdugo, Marie Sepulveda de Sanchez, Andrew Glassell, A. B. Chapman and P. Beaudry; and that these several parties be decreed to be entitled to use and enjoy the said streams referred to as the second, and the surplus water from the first in following proportions, which proportions have been calculated by your referees upon the basis of the number of irrigable lands as- signed to them in this partition, to wit: Rafaela Verdugo de Sepul- veda two thousand one hundred and sixteen ten thousands of the whole, .02116; Julio Verdugo, three hundred and eight ten thous- ands, .00308; O. W. Childs, one thousand one hundred and twenty- one ten thousands, .01121; C. E. Thom, as his proportion incident and appurtenant to the tract of 579.67 acres assigned to him in the Carabajal tract, one thousand seven hundred and fifty ten thous- ands, .01750; C. E. Thom, as the proportion incident and appur- tenant to the tract of 30.92 acres assigned to him in the Catalina tract (part of the original Rafaela tract) ninety-three ten thousands, .00093; C. E. Thom, as incident and appurtenant to the tract of 25.3 acres assigned to him subject to the demands of the administration of the estate of C. V. Howard, and as above referred to, seventy-five ten thousands of the whole. .00075; Maria Antonia Verdugo de Chabolla, twenty-four ten thousands, .00024; Chrysostimo Verdugo, Fernando Verdugo, Pedro Verdugo. Jose Maria Verdugo, Querino Verdugo, Rafael Verdugo, Guillermo Verdugo and Vittorio Verdugo, each, twenty-four ten thousands, .00024; Benjamin Dreyfus, one thousand one hundred and ninety-seven ten thousands, .01197; Maria Catalina Verdugo, as incident and appurtenant to the tract assigned to her subject to the demands of the administration of the estate of C. V. Howard one hundred and eight ten thousands, .00108; Maria Catalina Verdugo as incident and appurtenant to the tract of land containing GLENDALE AND VICINITY 117 201.82 acres assigned to her, six hundred and seven ten thousands, .00607; Andrew Glassell and A. B. Chapman, as undivided and appor- tioned to their interests in the Carabajal tract, one thousand and nine ten thousands, .01009; Maria Sepulveda de Sanchez, six hundred and forty-one ten thousands, .00641 ; P. Beaudry. as incident to his in- terest in the Carabajal tract seven hundred and fifty-five ten thous- ands, .00755. That the parties .Andrew Glassell, A. B. Chapman and P. Beaudry have not received as much water as others in proportion to the number of acres of land, because the parts assigned to them were not graded quite so high as the others and it was considered by your referees that these parties could with less expense and with greater ease procure water from the Los Angeles river. Provision is then made for Dreyfus, Beaudry, Ramirez and Glassell and Chap- man to use in respective proportions the water of the Arroyo Seco in "ordinary ditches." Also for rights of way to carry water in ditches from the river. The various tracts are here summarized in acres as follows: Scott Tract, 4,603; Santa Eulalia, 671.60; Brent Tract, 133.33; J. D. Hunter, 2,790.15; undivided mountain land commencing at the red peak known as Colorado, 9,122.71; Rafaela Sepulveda. 971.60; M. Sepulveda de Sanchez, 212.03; Catalina Verdugo, 201.82; Estate C. V. Howard, 36.10; C. E. Thom, 25.2; Fernando, Pedro, Jose Maria, Rafael, and Guillermo Verdugo, 7.84 each ; Teodoro and Catalina Verdugo 2,629.1 ; Julio Verdugo, 97.70 and 102.80. Chr. Verdugo, 8; M. A. V. de Chabolla, 8; Glassell & Chapman La Canada, 5,745; San Rafael, 22.9* and 669.8; C. E. Thom, Caraba- jal, 579.67; Catalina Verdugo int. 30.92; P. Beaudrv, 500.50; Grazing Lands, 1,702.64; F. P. Ramirez, 310; O. W. Childsi 371.60; B. Drey- fus, 8,494.35. In the trial of this case both Julio and Catalina gave testimony. From her own testimony we learn that Catalina was born at the Mis- sion San Gabriel in 1792; she had lived on the San Rafael over fifty years. She had been blind since she had small pox, 1862-63. She testified that her niece Rafaela had married Francisco Sepulveda, to whom she had conveyed certain lands to be divided between her nieces and nephews, but that he had sold it to others. Her evi- dence showed that Teodoro was her favorite nephew and that he supported her, notwithstanding that he had a large family. She had sold to Carabajal for money ; to Teodoro and Rafaela she had made gifts. There was much contradictory testimony about a piece of land conveyed by Julio to C. V. Howard. Catalina had conveyed certain lands to Teodoro to be distributed by him to the nieces and nephews, but the records showed that he had signed a deed of the same to Howard. The testimony of Teodoro confirmed the version given by his aunt and he denied having signed the deed alluded to, which was signed by a cross instead of bearing his written signature. The commission sustained the transfer, not feeling justified in going against the written record of the transaction. Julio also gave testi- mony in connection with the partition, in which he stated that he was 118 GLENDALE AND VICINITY 83 years old ( this was in 1870) and that his eyesight was poor. He had paid Howard for his services and after the latter's death had employed F. P. Ramirez. Teodoro stated that his age was about 42 or 43 years. His own land was deeded to him by Catalina in 1864. Had transferred land to Sepulveda for a division, no money passing. In this case a number of old deeds and other legal papers were introduced and some of them have an interest on account of the use in them of names applied to certain natural objects, which are no longer used to describe the same. Here is an example : Verdugo conveyed to J. L. Brent, June 6, 1861, a piece of land described as follows : "A parcel known as San Julio, commencing at a large stone known as Piedra Gordo, being on range of hills called Sunas de los Verdugos to the north of the plains called La Garbanzo, and not far west from Arroyo Seco; thence to summit of the highest peak or hill known as the Devisidera of the Piedra Gorda, to the south of said stone." Mr. W. C. B. Richardson gave testimony tracing the chain of his Santa Eulalia property as follows : Two transfers from Verdugo to Brent, one dated December 18, 1855, the other January 5, 1858; Brent conveyed to F. J. Carpenter who conveyed to Wm. Potter, December 4, 1861; Potter to Mateo Lanfranco April 5, 1864; Lanfranco to Heath, October 23, 1867; Heath to Richardson, August 6, 1868. The survey was made by George Hanson, Julio Verdugo being present to point out land marks, etc. The division of the water into ten thousand parts, was not an arbitrary or haphazard selection of a working basis, but was evi- dently chosen because of the fact that there are about 10,000 minutes in a week and it was possible to reduce the quantity of water belong- ing to any one individual into equivalent time by a very simple process. Any owner for instance who controlled say 100 parts of the water of the canyon stream, would be entitled to the full run of the stream for 100 minutes once a week. This was indeed the way in which the water of the canyon was distributed when the settlers of the early '80's appeared on the scene. The day run of water was usually allotted to the irrigationists, while the night run went into the several ditches which led through the valley to the various houses, some of them mere "jacales" of brush, that were scattered along the base of the hills. This system lasted but a short time after the pioneers of 1883 arrived. Some of them procured tanks and cisterns which received the weekly allowance of water, while others quickly constructed reservoirs. The need of some sort of a water delivery system at once be- came apparent and Messrs. Wright, Wicks, Watts and Hodgkins, the subdividers of the most of the ranch property without waiting for the formation of a company, went ahead and constructed a dam near the mouth of the canyon and laid a concrete main pipe down through the Ross property southward along Glendale Avenue and down to the reservoir, constructed about the same time, just north of Ninth (Windsor) Street, known later as the Tropico Reservoir. From this main line one branch ran easterly to the reservoir on Verdugo Road GLENDAI.E AND VICINITY 119 near First Street; they also excavated that reservoir. Another lateral pipe was laid along the base of the hills westward to supply "North Glendale." Although this work was done by the parties named, it was paid for later by the various persons benefited, the reservoirs being deeded to the local distributing companies as soon as the latter were organized, as they were very soon afterwards. In the latter part of 1883 the Verdugo Canyon Water Company was organized with the following named stockholders : Col. A. S. Moore, G. W. Barber, S. C. Hollenbeck, H. J. Crow, E. T. Byram, W. J. Kingsbury, J. T. Morgan, E. T. Wright, B. F. Patterson, J. C. Sherer. The first meeting of the board of directors was held at the store of A. S. Hol- lingsworth on Glendale Avenue. Col. A. S. Moore was named president, and J. C. Sherer, secre- tary. This company was incorporated with 10,000 shares at a par value of one dollar per share. Every owner of Verdugo Canyon water was eligible to membership, every share to represent one ten- thousandth part of the canyon water and no one to own more than an equivalent on this basis of his interest in the water. An effort was made in the beginning to have the owners of the water transfer their rights to the company, but they were generally averse to doing this and so the company was organized as a distributing company only, the organizers conveying to the corporation their interest in the dis- tributing system pipes and reservoirs ; the water rights remaining in the individual owners and recognized as appurtenant to the land in accordance with the decree of partition. With the exception of Messrs. Thorn and Ross, who were owners of approximately one- fourth of the water distributed by the company practically all of the water owners became stockholders in the company. The function of this organization was, as it continues to be, to distribute the water to the various local companies supplying the different sections of the valley. By this plan nearly all of the water owners were stockholders in the Verdugo Canyon company, while in addition to that ownership they owned stock in their neighborhood companies which delivered the water to their lands. Although Messrs. Thom and Ross did not become stockholders in the Verdugo Canyon company, the organiza- tion delivered their water with a pro rata of the expenses charge- able to them for the service. This was the condition when the City of Glendale came into existence in 1906, except that previous to that time there had been a consolidation of certain interests which resulted in the formation of the Glendale Consolidated Water Company which supplied the prin- cipal portion of Glendale with water until the city bought out this company with the Verdugo Springs and the Verdugo Pipe and Res- ervoir Company, in 1914. The Verdugo Springs Company supplied a limited territory on the east side of the city while the Verdugo Pipe and Reservoir Com- pany was a mutual company delivering water to its stockholders only, operating along the Verdugo Road. Although the decree of partition had expressed itself very explicitly and allotted water rights. 120 GLENDALE AND VICINITY as far as the Verdugo Canyon supph' was concerned, in a manner that would seem to have left no chance for uncertainty, there was never- theless from time to time for several 3-ears. consideral)le friction between the people of the valley and the Verdugos. At one time in the early '90's, the latter rented a considerable acreage of the canyon land to Chinese for gardening purposes and this naturally created trouble, as the water needed down in the valley for domestic use was not only diverted but was polluted as well by hog pens and corrals near the stream. On one or two occasions a serious conflict between guards em- ployed by the water company and over zealous workmen who were determined to have water at any cost, was narrowly averted. On another occasion the zanjero of the water company caused the arrest of one Bing Hi and he was haled before the nearest justice of the peace, at Burbank, where he was able to produce some sort of an alibi, and in retaliation started proceedings against the zanjero for false imprisonment. He did not have much success in this effort, and after this condition of affairs had lasted for several months the Chinese gave up trying to use the stream for stock purposes. Frequent diversions of water continued and were only stopped when suit was brought against Teodoro Verdugo by the Verdugo Canyon Water Company and the Thorn and Rr)ss interests. This suit was filed June 15, 1893, Case 13999 in Dept. Four of the Superior Court, Andrew Glassell et al Plaintiffs vs. Teodoro Verdugo et al Defendants and 150 or more intervenors, the latter comprising about all of the water owners in the valley. An Order of Restraint was issued by Judge Walter Van Dyke, June 4, 1893. This order starts out by reference to judgment given against the defendants on Marsh 24, 1893, in favor of the plaintiffs with costs charged to defendants. The order states that the plaintiffs are owners in common of all the water rising in the enclosed field of Teodoro Verdugo. the same being described in detail with references to maps on file. The order proceeds: It is further ordered, adjudged and decreed that the de- fendants, their servants, agents and employes, be. and they hereby are perpetually enjoined and restrained from maintaining, erecting, having or keeping any dam or artificial obstruction of any kind or description whatever to the free flow in the natural channels thereof of the waters rising in the said enclosed field, and that they be and they hereby are restrained and enjoined from diverting or using any of said waters rising within said enclosed field. Also that tliey be and they hereby are restrained and enjoined from in any manner polluting the said waters or obstructing the flow thereof. Also that the defendants be restrained and enjoined from in any manner in- terfering with the plaintiffs, or intervening plaintiffs, their lawful agents and representatives, in their entry upon said tract of land and upon said enclosed field for the construction, use, cleaning and repairing the ditches and channels for the transmission and flow of said waters to which they are entitled for their use as aforesaid. And it is ordered, adjudged and decreed that the permanent order of this Loniita Avcnin- ahmit 19(18 and in 1922. GLENDALE AND VICINITY 123 court issue herein against the defendants, and their servants, agents, emploj'es and attornej's, requiring them and each of them, to per- petually refrain from doing any of the actions herein restrained and prohibited. The defendants are then ordered to, within ten days, remove all obstructions to the flow of the water. This order was fully obeyed and the menace of Bing Hi and his Chinese gar- dens was satisfactorily removed, much to the relief of the severely harassed zanjero of the water company and the water owners of the valley. The Verdugo Canyon Water Company had acquired by purchase of Judge E. M. Ross, about seven acres of land in the canyon upon which the company's dam and distributing works were located, and had also spent several thousand dollars in an attempt to build a sub- merged dam across the canyon to check and bring to the surface the underground flow of water, as one or two comparatively dry seasons had diminished the flow to such an extent that some effort to secure a larger supply seemed imperative. This work was only partially successful, as it had only been possible to construct about two hun- dred feet of the dam, work upon which had started on the west side of the canyon, it being impossible with the company's limited facil- ities to go any further eastward in following the bed rock which con- tinued to recede downward as the work proceeded. Work was then started on a tunnel running eastward but after this had reached a point beyond the eastern boundary of the company's property, Judge Ross protested against its continuance under his land, and efforts in this direction ceased. This work of development was not an entire failure, as some twenty inches of water was secured and added to the surface supply. The question of diversion of the water being permanently set- tled b}' the order quoted above, no more trouble was experienced along that line, but the question of development was brought to the front by the sinking of wells above the water company's land by both Capt. C. E. Thoin and Judge Ross on their own lands. The well of Capt. Thom was on the west side of the canyon directly above the springs supplying the main stream which had l)een awarded to Thom and Ross and the settlers lower down in the valley. The well put down by Judge Ross was on his land f)n the east side of the canyon, but the water owners in the company made the claim that water taken out by means of a pumped well at any i)oint above their works, interfered with the underground stream by which the springs were fed. There had also been a well put down by Verdugo. and, seeing a good prospect of their water supply being greatly dimin- ished, if not cut off by these various projects, suit was brought by the Verdugo Canyon Water Company against Verdugo et al in the Superior Court in Los Angeles, before Judge M. T. Allen, in July, 1904. The opinion of Judge Allen is based partly upon the assumption of the existence of two streams in the canyon (the east and the west side streams of the decree of 1871) and proceeds to state that the de- cree of 1871 divested the lands in the Canyon Tract of riparian rights 124 GLENDALE AND VICINITY as far as the west side stream was concerned, while the lands belong- ing to Ross and Thorn and the plaintiffs below the Canyon Tract were invested with the same as well as their original rights, while the Canyon Tract was invested with the right to a reasonable use of all the waters of the east side streams upon the Canyon Tract, per- mitting that not required or taken up in plant lite or evaporation to flow on down the stream and into the western stream at the junction of the two. Also that the rights of each of these parties to the sub- flow of these streams are governed by the same rules of riparian ownership as a surface stream of water. The opinion goes on to state the conditions existing in the can- yon, the quality of the land and the quantity of water per acre sup- posed to be required by Judge Ross for his orange orchard, etc., and continues: "I believe that a line drawn from the northeast corner of the enclosed field northerly to the north line of the Canyon Tract, midway between the canyon w^alls, would be a fair division of this drainage area, east of which the owners of the Canyon Tract should take out their water. Applying this rule, Verdugo's well and Captain Thorn's wells are outside their proper area, and were it not that all of the parties had full knowledge of Verdugo's outlay in the installa- tion of his pumping plant and the use of water therefrom for so many years and the conditions which would naturally arise, under such extended use. I should feel it my duty to prohibit further operations at its present location; but considering the acts and apparent acquies- cence of the parties, their knowledge of the surroundings. I am loath at this date to interfere, especially in view of the fact that no con- vincing testimony has been offered showing the influence of this pump upon the waters of the western stream at the dam. unless we con- sider the small diminution said to be noticed at the dam the same day the pump is operated, which diminution, if ascribed to the pump, would be upon the theory that the water of that canyon would flow through the character of material shown between the walls, a distance of two miles in a single day. This I am not prepared to accept. No damage, therefore, being affirmatively shown, no order against Ver- dugo will be entered as to the thirty-five inches of water so ex- tracted. If he needs more water, or Captain Thom desires to cultivate his land above the enclosed field, they should each extract water from the canyon east of the line above suggested, that being the area feed- ing the eastern stream. The wells of Captain Thom and Judge Ross and the other owners of land below the Canyon Tract should not be interfered with. None of them are operating wells within such a dis- tance of the dam of the plaintiffs as to interfere with the flow of water at such dam. Whatever water they are taking is escaping through the canyon down the stream through their lands; they are taking no part of it other than that required for use, and all of the owners, in the ranches below, who have sunken wells, have found an abundance of water flowing under their holdings, more in fact than Captain Thom or Judge Ross are able to develop near the mouth of the can- yon, etc." This decision was not satisfactory to either party and the case went to the Supreme Court, resulting in a lengthy opinion writ- GLENDALE AND VICINITY 125 ten by Judge Shaw, other judges concurring, under date of January, 1908. This opinion starts out with an interesting resume of condi- tions in Verdugo Canyon and vicinity, and referring to conditions when the decree of partition was given in 1871, states that the irri- gable acreage below the canyon is ?>.M5 acres, to which was allotted three ten thousandths of the water per acre, which is approximately correct although all the acreage did not share alike as has been shown elsewhere in this history. It is also stated that at that iine there were twenty-one different owners. The opinion declares that the decree of 1871 did not change the fact of riparian rights and in regard to the stream says: Its waters were therefore not merely appurtenant thereto, as a right acquired by proscription, or appropriation, would be, but were a part of the land itself, as parcel thereof. This was the case with respect to each of the three surface streams then flowing, and also with re- spect to all the underground flow when constituted a part of said streams. In making a partition of these waters the right to the use of the surface streams, which previously attached to the entire ranch, was completely severed from the other parts thereof and transferred to the lands to which water was assigned. The right thus assigned to each tract by the partition was a riparian right and it continues to possess that character with all its attributes, since the partition as fully as before. It is stated that the west side stream is given to the lands below the Canyon Tract exclusively. Neither part)' should be allowed to decrease this necessary quantity of the underground water to the depletion of the surface stream and the injury of those to whom it has been assigned. So in the present case the under- ground water was not set apart and the available sur])lus thereof belongs as before, to the riparian lands to be used b}- the owners in accordance with the laws of riparian rights. Each parcel of land therefore is entitled to its proper share of the entire underflow, without regard to the question whether it comes from the underflow supporting the particular surface stream set apart for it by the partition, or from some other part of the underflow, always of course saving the proposition that no owner may, by ex- tracting the underflow, diminish either surface stream to the injury of the partj' entitled to it. The attempt of the lower court to establish a division line be- tween the two streams, is controverted. The opinion expresses dis- belief in the existence of any division underground of the east and west side streams. On this \H>\nt it says: "There is no finding how- ever, and no evidence that the separation is so complete that the pumping of water from one of them will not affect the flow, above or below the surface in the other, and this is the vita! point in the case." It is declared that the decree of the lower court is erroneous in not limiting the right of each owner to his proper proportion of the under- flow as compared to the rights of other owners. The lower court is overruled in its expression of unbelief, that the pumping from a well by Verdugo 1,000 feet north of the enclosed field interfered with the surface flow of the west side stream at the dam. The lower 126 6LENDALE AND VICINITY court is criticised for not finding that the Ross well also tended to diminish the quantity of water rising to the surface at the dam. In regard to estoppel, the opinion says : "The mere fact that the de- fendants expended money in sinking the wells and putting in the pumps each upon his own land with the knowledge of the plaintiffs and without objection by them, creates no estoppel." There was nothing in the circumstances to put upon the plaintiffs any duty or obligation to inform either defendant that the pumping would be, or was a violation of plaintiffs' rights. Verdugo well knew, from the former action against him that the plaintiffs did object to any diminuition of, or interference with the west side stream. The necessary elements are wholly wanting, and therefore the defense of laches is not established. After disposing of the question of the Verdugo well, by stating in effect that it undoubtedly did in- terfere with the water rising below, the court proceeds to consider- ation of the Ross well, which was on the easterly side of the canyon. From the evidence it is practically certain that the pumping of this well, as stated, would materially reduce the underflow at the dam. The court should have made a definite finding on this issue. In regard to Judge Ross' rights to pump water the court says : "Under the partition he is only given a right to the surface flow of the east side stream. With regard to the available unpartitioned under- flow he is entitled as a riparian owner, to his reasonable share thereof, and may use it on any of his riparian land in the canyon tract. In regard to his right to take the underflow, by means of a pump from the land above the dam for use upon his lands below, his riparian rights are modified by the estoppel existing against him by reason of the facts referred to in the preceding subdivision of this opinion. As we have said the dam was built to intercept all of this underflow and devote it for use on the lower lands, and he, no more than the other parties interested, should be permitted to take out water from the underflow above the dam for use on the lower lands, to a sufficient extent to decrease the amount thereof that will flow to and be inter- cepted by the dam. If any can be taken out without producing that effect, he and the other riparian owners of the lands below, are each entitled to a reasonable share thereof." In conclusion the court gives certain directions for a new trial, of which the following is a part : "The only just method of adjusting the rights in this surplus of the underflow, is to ascertain, as near as may be, the total average amount thereof available for his use and the amount required by each party when used as economically and sparingly as may be reasonably pos- sible, and upon this basis apportion to each his due share." The principal points of the Supreme Court's opinion have been given above because of the almost vital interest the people of Glen- dale have in the water supply of Verdugo Canyon. As will be noted the court intimated that a new trial would probably be required to settle the matter more definitely. No new trial has been had, but it is quite within the range of probability that such trial must be had in the near future owing to the rapid development of the canyon tract as a residential district. When the Railroad Commission of California GLENDALE AND VICINITY 127 held a hearing in Los Angeles, in 1913, to determine the price that the City of Glendale should pay for the water companies it proposed to take over, testimony was taken to show the value of this water sup- ply. Various engineers giving expert testimony placed the value of the water all the way from $1,5CX) to $3,000 per miner's inch, and from records of the supply from year to year presented by Mr. Woodberry, who had acted as zanjero for the company almost from its inception, it was shown that, taking all the seasonal variations into considera- tion, it was fair to rate the stream as averaging two hundred inches. In 1894, the V'erdugo Canyon company in conjunction with Judge Ross and Capt. C. E. Thorn purchased of Judge Ross about seven acres of land, extending from the top of a hill on the west side of the canyon, extending easterly about two-thirds of the distance across the wash. The next year development work was started, the object being to construct a submerged dam on the bed rock. Work was begim on the west side and continued for about seven hundred feet. As the work proceeded eastward the bed rock constantly receded until at length it was found that the expense of carrying out the original intention would be so great as to make it practically im- possible. After an expenditure of something like twenty thousand dollars, the work of development stopped. It was not altogether barren of results as an addition of about twenty-five miners inches of water was by it added to the supply. Various plans for further de- velopment have been made in recent years, but as yet none of them have been put into effect. During about half the year this gravity water furnishes the City of Glendale with its supply for its domestic use, but as soon as the irrigating season begins it is supplemented by pumped water from the wells on San Fernando Road. During recent years the City of Glendale has purchased a con- siderable quantity of Verdugo Canyon water and water company stock from individual owners until it now owns a majority of the stock in the Verdugo Canyon Water Company, although it does not own a majority of the ten thousand parts of the water, as divided by the decree of 1871. That portion still retained by individual own- ers is appurtenant to lands on the eastern side of the city, along Ver- dugo Road, and to the lands of Thorn and Ross and the foothill ter- ritory of North Glendale. It will be noticed that of the five sources of suppl}' recognized by the decree of 1871 as available for use on the Rancho San Rafael, only two, the east and the west side streams of Verdugo Canyon, have been made use of by the recent settlers on the ranch. The water of the Los Angeles river has been given to the City of Los Angles by decree of court. The water of the stream in the Arroyo Seco never seems to have been made available. The "third" stream described as rising near the south boundary of the land of P. Beaudry, has not been in evidence in recent years except during the wet season when it appears along Verdugo Road south of the City of Glendale near where the Eagle Rock car line crosses that thoroughfare and continu- ing through Glassell Park to the river. 128 GLENDALE AND VICINITY At one time some thirty years ago an artesian well located in Eagle Rock valley near the present site of Occidental College, sup- plied a considerable stream of water that was piped southerly across Verdugo Road to the lands of Andrew Glassell. This well was prob- ably sunk near the source of the "stream" alluded to in the decree. The thirty-seven hundred ten thousand parts of the Verdugo Canyon water, owned by the City of Glendale, has been acquired by purchase of the original owners many of whom owning only a few shares and being supplied by the city water system regardless of their ownership, have disposed of their individual interests to the city. Being a majority owner in the Verdugo Canyon Water Com- pany, the City of Glendale controls the Board of Directors and shapes its policy. By the purchase of the individual water rights of L. C. Brand and of" the property of the Consolidated Water Company of which he was trustee, the city became the owner of about an acre of land on the San Fernando Road near the Los Angeles river, near the foot of Grand View Avenue, on which Mr. Brand had sunk a well and installed a pumping plant. Since acquiring this property the Citv of Glendale has spent a large sum of money in its develop- ment as a water producer with great success, additional wells having been put down and first class pumping equipment having been in- stalled. Altogether with a plant consisting of five wells, the city has at present a pumping capacity of about seven hundred miners inches in addition to its interest in the gravity water in Verdugo Canyon. And in both these courses of supply there is a reserve capacity in the way of development which places Glendale above apparent need of water for many years to come. Within the past year the city ac- quired an additional tract of some thirty acres adjoining its original holdings on the San Fernando Road. CHAPTER X THE MUNICIPALITY OF GLENDALE— PART ONE CONDITIONS PRECEDING INCORPORATION. WORK OF THE IM- PROVEMENT ASSOCIATION. THE ELECTION OF FEBRUARY 7. 1906. FIRST OFFICIALS OF THE CITY. PROPERTY VALUATIONS, EFFORT TO DISINCORPORATE FAILS. RIVALRY OVER POSTOFFICE. POOL ROOMS A LIVE ISSUE. RAILROAD TRACK HAULED AWAY BY NIGHT. HIGH SCHOOL SITE CHANGED. The time had now come when it became necessary for the pro- gressive community to take steps to acquire authority to do public work, as efforts to obtain certain improvements through action by the County Board of Supervisors had proved very unsatisfactory, al- though the supervisors evidently noted the constant progress and growth of the community, for it is of record that they visited Glen- dale in a body more than once to familiarize themselves with condi- tions. At last, however, the thought was born in the minds of a few progressives of the "village" that the old saying still holds true, that "the gods help those who help themselves," and agitation was begun looking to the accomplishment of incorporation as a city of the sixth class under the general law. On May 21, 1902, the Glendale Improvement Association was or- ganized with Dr. D. W. Hunt, chairman, and Mr. E. D. Goode, secre- tary, and it was through the efforts of this organization that many affairs of public interest to the community were brought to a success- ful issue, and the incorporation of the city was one of the most im- portant that can be placed to the credit of this organization. Look- ing over the record of the association's activities for the four years following the date given above, one cannot but be impressed with the fact that this body, composed of a comparatively few men and women of that time, hampered by opposition of conservatives always, and without funds in its treasury most of the time, has to its credit a record of accomplishments that is almost incredible. There had been a suggestion made that the association be incorporated and a committee had been appointed to investigate this matter. The com- mittee on May 6, 1904, consisted of F. G. Taylor, E. T. Byram, E. D. Goode, John M. Merrill and E. V. Williams. This committee was not successful in arousing sufficient interest in the incorporation of the society, to accomplish that object, but the agitation of this mat- ter led to arousing some interest in the question of incorporating as a city. On June 3, 1904, Mr. Taylor stated at one of the association's meetings that there was considerable sentiment in favor of incor- porating the village, and made a motion that Mr. Goode be appointed 130 GLENDALE AND VICINITY a committee to look into the matter. The appointment was tnade and on Julj' 1, 1904, Mr. Goode reported that he had interviewed the District Attorney and learned that to accomplish incorporation it was necessary that the district proposed to be incorporated should have a population of 500 people, and that the petition asking for the calling of an election should have on it the signatures of at least 100 citizens of the district, etc. A motion made by Mr. Byram was adopted that it be the sense of the meeting that steps be taken to incorporate, the limits of the proposed city to be the same as the limits of the Glendale School district. A committee was appointed to arrange for and call a mass meet- ing to discuss the matter, the committee consisting of Messrs. -Taylor, Goode, Rev. Norton, Elias Ayers and Sherer. The mass meeting was held July 29, 1904. The principal speaker was Mr. Long, of Long Beach, who explained the law governing the matter and enlarged on the desirability of incorporation. The minutes of the meeting state that "the question carried by a small majority," which shows lack of unanimity of sentiment. At an association meeting .A.ugust fifth, the matter was discussed and another mass meeting arranged for. In the meantime a change had been made in the officers of the association, Mr. Edgar Leavitt was chairman and Mrs. Lillian S. Wells, secretary. The second mass meeting was held September second, Mr. J. C. Sherer, acting chairman. Mr. Goode reported progress and Mr. Fred- eric Baker, City .A.ttorney of Long Beach, addressed the meeting at length, going into detail and covering the subject thoroughly, answer- ing questions, etc. On motion of Mr. Leavitt, it was resolved that Glendale be incorporated; that it include the Glendale City school district and that a committee of five be appointed to attend to circu- lation of the necessary petition. At a regular meeting October ninth, the committee on incorpora- tion was named as follows: Goode, Taylor, Overton. Williams and Wells. Mr. Goode reported for the committee that boundary lines had been agreed upon, being the same as the school district boundary on the north and east but changed somewhat on the south and west. At this meeting, Mr. Thos. Hezmalhalch representing the Ver- dugo side of the settlement voiced the opposition of that section to incorporation, the community along Verdugo Road having at that time a post office and being locally known as "Verdugo," some of its citizens had plans of their own and had organized an improvement association to advance the interests of that section; Mr. M. L. King was the president of this organization and Mr. Hezmalhalch, secre- tary. The Tropico section was also opposed to incorporation, possess- ing a post office of its own and having local aspirations for the future. At a meeting held November eleventh Mr. Goode reported that the committee had reduced the boundaries, but was in favor of going as far westward as the West Glendale school house (Columbus Ave- nue). On December nine Mr. Goode made another report to the ef- GLENDALE AND VICINITY 131 feet that consideral:)le opposition had lieen eiicountered and it seemed inadvisable to follow the matter up any further at present, whereupon the report was received and the committee discharged. The associa- tion was kept busy attending successfully to other matters for the next six months, and in the meantime the subject was discussed quite generally b\' the people at large, and at a meeting held on June 13, 1905, the chairman brought the matter up again, stating that many people were talking in favor of incorporating as a city and suggested that the secretary communicate with the Tropico Association and as- certain, if possible, how that organization now regarded the matter. In the meantime Mr. George B. Woodberry had succeeded Mrs. Wells as secretary of the Glendale association. At a meeting on July eleven, the secretary read a letter from the Tropico Association to the effect that that organization had declared a vacation for three months and consequently was not prepared to do anything. Discussion of the subject was resumed and the old com- mittee re-appointed with the addition of Mr. R. A. Blackburn, who had been active in connection with railroad and other public matters. The Glendale association was not taking vacations in those days and on August eighteen the incorporation committee made a report of progress and the meeting appears to have been imbued with a new spirit of determination to put the thing through. Mr. Blackburn said that it would be necessary for the association to back up the commit- tee to the fullest extent, and a resolution pledging the committee sup- port and instructing it to go ahead was adopted apparently without opposition. On October twentieth Mr. Goode reported progress and gave de- tails of a meeting with the Tropico Association to discuss joint incor- poration of the entire valley. It appeared, however, that the people of Tropico were not in favor of this proposition and that this feature of the question would have to be dropped. In regard to the petition of Glendale, he stated that conditions seemed favorable and that sev- enty-one names had been secured ; that one of the requirements of the law was that the petition must be published for two weeks in a local paper, but in his opinion such publication in the Glendale paper recently established, was inadvisable. At a meeting on December fifteen, Mr. Goode reported that through an error on the part of the map maker, Verdugo Park had been omitted from the territory proposed to be incorporated. In the meantime large ranch holders were at work endeavoring to head off the movement through fear of increased taxes. At a hearing before the Board of Supervisors a large number of citizens were present and the merits of the proposition were set forth by one group while the other argued against it. The opposing parties came together finally, however, and a district was outlined which while not satisfactory to either party altogether, was generally acce])ted as about fair to both. The (late of the election was finally fixed for February 7. 1906, and an election board appointed consisting of the following citizens: H. E. Gulvin, T. \V. Doyle, \V. A. Anderson, George Byram, C. E. Lund, Fred Suit and C. E. Russell. There were 120 votes cast at the 132 GLENDALE AND VICINITY election ; four were thrown out as irregular, 75 were in favor of in- corporation and 41 against. The campaign was a lively one and feel- ing "ran high" while it lasted. Indignation meetings were held at which dire prophecies were made as to the results that would un- doubtedly follow in the wake of the venturesome enterprise. As a inle opposition came from a lack of knowledge of the subject and many of those who opposed the proposition on election day soon be- came supporters of the administration although there were quite a number of irreconcilables around the edges. There was only one ticket in the field and the following ofificers were elected : Trustees, Wilmot Parcher, Geo. U. Moyse, Thos. W. Watson, Asa Fanset and Jas. C. Jennings. Clerk, Geo. B. Woodberry; Treasurer, J. C. Sherer; Marshal, Orrin E. Patterson. On February 16, 1906. the Improvement .\ssociation held a meet- ing at which the fact of the incorporation of the city was reported as having been successfully accomplished and it does not appear that the association held any more meetings, apparently being content to pass into history with the record it had made ; and certainly the historian of that time must in justice remark that for an organization under such circumstance as surrounded it. the Glendale Improvement Asso- ciation of 1902-1906 accomplished great things, for we have found in its records covering the period spoken of, that its members, compris- ing a very small minority of the people of the community, were vig- orously promoting such enterprises as the building of railroads, erect- ing school houses, laying out streets, getting up entertainments, print- ing pamphlets, constructing bridges and doing other things innum- erable to build up the community and provide a broad and safe basis for its future greatness. The first meeting of the Board of Trustees was held at the resi- dence of the Clerk, Mr. Woodberry. Mr. Wilmot Parcher, a success- ful business man, was the unanimous choice for Chairman of the board and proved to be the right man for the place. Mr. Frederic Baker was appointed City .\ttorney and Mr. Postle, a resident of South Pasadena, Engineer; Mr. Edgar Leavitt, Recorder. The second meeting was held in the building on the northwest corner of Fourth street (Broadway) and Glendale avenue. After meeting there for a few months, quarters were secured in a one story brick building erected by Mr. W. A. Anderson on Broadway oppo- site the Glendale Sanitarium, as it is now known. The next move was to the present city hall. The new government began work at once, entering vigorously on a campaign of street improvement which was pushed through as fast as possible so that in a comparatively short time the dusty roads put on a metropolitan appearance with smooth hard roadways, and sidewalks and curbs were constructed. In January, 1907, the proprietor of one of the two lumber yards then in operation reported that during the previous five months there had been 75 new buildings erected. During that month the Salt Lake Railroad Companj' had purchased six lots of C. E. Thorn on the west side of Glendale Avenue for depot purposes, a move GLENDALE AND VICINITY 133 which gave some promise of future usefulness on the part of that company in the development of Glendale which has not as yet been fulfilled, as by the loss of its passenger carrying business to the Pa- cific Electric company, the steam road seems to have been content to merely hold on to its freight trafTfic, which consists of carrying lumber for the yards along its line and the hauling of the orange and lemon crop from the orchards of Ross, Thom, Sparr and others. On March 2, 1907, there was an election for a bond issue to be used in the erection of a city hall and purchase of apparatus and equipment for a fire department. The voters were as yet canny about incurring bonded indebtedness, however, and refused to support the city hall project but authorized the issue for the fire department. In March of this year Mr. H. L. LeGrand was installed as agent of the Pacific Electric Company and the subject of a Carnegie library was being agitated not to be carried to a successful issue until 1914, as the expenditure of about a thousand dollars yearly for library pur- poses was looked upon generally as too much of an undertaking to be assumed at that time. It is interesting to note that in March of this year, 1907, the city engineer (Mr. E. M. Lynch) made a report on "Sycamore Canyon Road," a proposed road running through the length of the citj' from north to south along the "Childs Tract line" some six hundred and fifty feet east of Adams Street, interest attaching to the matter be- cause of the fact that the road has not yet been opened, although at- tempts have been made looking to that end periodically ever since. The engineer's suggestion was for a district to be formed, comprising about six hundred acres on the east side of the city, which should bear the expense of the opening and improvement at a cost of about forty-five dollars per acre. May 6, 1907, was a red letter day in Glendale as on that date the city entertained a host of "Shriners" on the occasion of their an- nual national gathering. There was a barbecue at Casa Verdugo and a general holiday was observed, the affair being carried ofT very suc- cessfully. At this time the growing of strawberries had become an industry of considerable importance in the valley surrounding Glendale and Tropico. The headquarters of the Strawberry Growers association was at Tropico and shipments were being made from that point amounting to about 7,000 cases of berries daily. This business brought the growers of the fruit for that year about $250,000. Mr. Wilmot Parcher, chairman of the Board of Trustees of Glendale, was the Association manager. This industry flourished for several years but finally fell into the hands of the Japanese who, through over-pro- duction for one season, finally brought about its collapse. The ship- ment of oranges and lemons for this season anidunted to about 250 carloads. These facts indicate that the neighborhood around Glen- dale, Tropico and Burhank, was one of natural productive capacity and did not depend entirely upon the sale of town lots for its pros- perity. An estimate given by the local newspaper showed that the pop- 134 GLENDALE AND VICINITY Illation of Glendale at this period doubled in about eighteen months; the period of greatest growth having begun with the advent of the Pa- cific Electric railroad in 1905. Business blocks were being erected on both sides of the city, con- siderable rivalry existing between the "East" and "West" sides of the town. An idea of the value of real estate at this time is gained from an advertisement in the local paper, offering "bargains" as follows: Building on southwest corner of Glendale Avenue and Broadway, $15,000; on northwest corner of the same street. $10,000, the former being ~a two-story frame structure and the latter one story. The two- story frame building, on the southwest corner of Third Street and Glendale, $10,000. In July, 1907, the Glendale Country Club was opened on Brand Boulevard, corner of Third (Wilson) Street, the building being an artistic structure, erected by Mr. Brand for an incorporated com- pany. The club for the next two or three years was the center of social functions in the city, and played a prominent part in the de- velopment of the city, during that period. About this time Glendale's railroad builder, Mr. E. D. Goode, began a campaign to secure for the East side of Glendale an extension of the "Yellow Car Line." The owner of the i)ropert3' on the East side of Verdugo Road, now known as the "Sagamore Tract" was to join hands with Mr. Goode and give a large proportion of a bonus to induce the Los Angeles Railway Company to build up the Verdugo Road from the point where the company's line crosses that thorough- fare northward into Glendale. The company was to be given $17,000 and a right of way. Papers were signed by the railroad people agree- ing to build into Glendale on the above conditions, the road to leave \^erdugo Road at a point between Broadway and Third (Wilson) Street turn westward and find a terminus at Belmont Street. Ver- dugo Road was to be widened to a hundred feet, property owners hav- ing agreed to this, and the railroad was to be given a private right of way in the center of the road. The matter had proceeded so far that the city trustees had taken favorable action on a petition from owners of Verdugo Road frontage asking for abandonment of a strip in the center of the street, instructing the city attorney to draw the neces- sary resolution, when for some reason the principal contributor to the bonus fund, withdrew or failed to act and the project failed. In Jul)', 1907, the sale was announced of a twenty acre tract, now appearing on the map as "Glendalia Park" tract, belonging to Judge E. M. Ross, to Holman and Campbell for about $35,000. This is now one of the city's choicest residence and business sections. The municipal officials elected in February held office until the time of the regular elections in the following April, when all were re-elected, except that trustee Moyse declined to be a candidate for re-election and Asa Fanset was elected in his place. It is recorded in the Minute book of the Board of Trustees, that on .\pril 18, 1906, the trustees adjourned their regular meeting as a tribute of respect to the victims of the San Francisco earthquake and fire. (.ilcndak-> Couiitr\ L luh oi tin Past, ami (above) Brand Bouk'vard at Hroadwav about 1909. GLENDALE AND VICINITY 137 On May eighteen, a permit was given a Los Angeles concern to lay gas pipes in the city streets and a few blocks in length of pipe was actually laid, but the company registered a dismal failure leaving a few local investors to mourn its premature demise. The need of a city hall soon became apparent and a public si)irited citizen, Mr. L. H. Hurtt offered to donate to the city a lot, located opposite the present City Hall, on the sole condition that the city erect thereon a municipal building that should cost not less than .$3,000. With rare foresight the trustees, realizing that a fifty foot lot would not permit the erection of a suitable building such as the city would soon demand, and after trying ineffectually to secure a lot adjoining the one offered, declined the gift. On October twenty-seventh the trustees were presented with a petition signed by seventy citizens, asking that they proceed to call an election to vote on the dis-incorporation of the city, and in ac- cordance with the requirements of the law. an election was called to be held on December 11, 1906, to decide again the question which was practically the same as the one by which Glendale became a city ten months before. The petition showed that there was still an active dissatisfied element in the community that did not support the administration and would not easily be downed. The owners of the large tracts of land within the corporate limits who had fought vigorously against incorporation refused, however, to train longer with the discontented ones and gave no encouragement to the move- ment backwards. When the ballots were counted on the evening of election day the tally of votes cast showed 46 in favor of dis-incor- porating and 224 against the proposition. A glance at the list of names on the petition asking for this election to be called, shows that a number of the signers evidently quickly forgot their seeming causes of discontent and became "leading citizens." The two or three leaders of the discontented faction however have passed on to another country, mundane or otherwise. In Xovember, Mr. Fanset having been appointed postmaster, resigned as city trustee and was succeeded by Mr. Frank Campbell. In this connection it may be found interesting to recall a little po- litical history of that time which has never before found its way into print. From the beginning of the era of Glendale's development there had been and continued for a few years thereafter a lively rivalry be- tween the "East" and "West" sides of the city, leading to considerable feeling between the factions. There were many incidents illustrating the fact of the existence of this feeling so that no truthful historian can conscientiously elude reference to it, although happily these grow- ing pains have been cured by time, and allusions can be made to cer- tain occurrences of that period now. that at the time might have led to increased bitterness of feeling it nothing worse. The postofiice had been an institution on the "East side" ever since its establish- ment, as before the advent of the electric railroad the great majority of the people resided in that section. W^ith the building up of Brand Boulevard the center of popula- tion drifted westward and it was only natural that the citizens, di- 138 GLENDALE AND VICINITY rectly interested in that part of the city, should desire to do every- thing legitimately possible to favor themselves. With this end in view they moved to secure the post office for that section. A petition was put in circulation asking the department at Washington to change the location of the office and appoint a postmaster who was named in the petition. When the old timers on Glendale Avenue heard of the movement a hurried council was held and steps taken to head it off. Fortunately for their purpose the congressman of the district had a better acquaintance with the old timers than with the new comers of Glendale and advantage was taken of this fact to have him approached and advised of the situation. To the committee that waited on him he said, "Yes, I can have your man appointed if you will get together and name one who will be satisfactory to both sides of the town ; go home and talk it over with your friends and when you have selected the man, let me know." The committee got to- gether promptly and decided upon Mr. Asa Fanset, a well known citizen who had been identified with neither faction. One mem- ber of the committee waited upon the congressman the following day and presented Mr. Fanset's name. "All right," the congressman said, "and now as I have had some experience in these affairs I will do what I have discovered always saves time and trouble, I will settle this thing right now before the other fellows get after me." He took a telegraphic blank and wrote a telegram to the First As- sistant Postmaster General at Washington, recommending Mr. Fan- set for postmaster at Glendale, and handed it to the committeeman, saying, "Now go to the telegraph office and send this message, and I've just one thing to say — don't tell anybody that the appointment has been made until it has actually been made public, for I don"t want to be bothered about it." It is hardly necessary to add that his injunction was respected and acted upon, not even the supporters of Mr. Fanset knowing anything about it until the appointment was published in the news- papers. It was reported later, however, that the representative from the district of which Glendale was a part, did not succeed in staying off trouble over the matter as a number of gentlemen of real im- portance and holding rather elevated official positions, with one large corporation in particular, and even with the government at Washington, interviewed the congressman, more than once, and wondered why he was not susceptible to influence. A matter which caused the Board of Trustees considerable per- turbation at the time, and brought down upon them much unde- served criticism, was their refusal to grant the Pacific Electric Rail- road company a franchise over the alley north from Broadway be- tween the present location of the City Hall and Glendale Avenue. Application was made for this privilege in January, 1907. Aside from the fact that granting a franchise as requested would have meant the practical abandonment of the alley to the use of the railroad company, which in itself was a good reason for refusal on the part of the city authorities, it was developed subsequently that a partial GLENDALE AND VICINITY 139 promise had been given to the Salt Lake company to permit it to run down the alley from First to Second Street back of the lumber yard, so that it happened that both companies wanted the same priv- ilege. The Pacific Electric Company wanted to lay its track from Broadway to First Street over the alley so as to get access to the lumber yard, the other company having the same object in view. On February 2, 1907, the Trustees gave the latter company a permit to lay its tracks south to Second Street. The subsequent action of the Pacific Electric Company in taking up its track from Brand Boulevard to Glendale Avenue, was by some of the people attributed to its desire to "get even" for being refused the desired privilege. The electric road had been constructed on Broadway from Brand Boulevard to Glendale Avenue before the city was incorporated and a franchise was not obtained over that street until January, 1907. On February 27, 1907. the city voted on a bond issue of $17,000 for the purchase of a lot and the erection of a city hall, and $5,000 for fire fighting apparatus and equipment. The vote was as follows : City Hall proposition, yeas, 162; nays, 121, indicating a majority in favor but not the necessary two thirds. The purchase of fire fighting equipment was authorized by a vote of 222 in favor and 44 against it. The question of licensing pool rooms agitated the community about this time, sentiment among the people being divided, the churches solidly taking a position against it. On August fourteenth the trustees granted a permit to L. F. Hadrich to operate a pool room in the building on the northwest corner of Glendale Avenue and Broadway and three days later a mass meeting was held in the Presbyterian church to protest against this action, the trustees being called upon to appear and defend themselves as best they might. The meeting developed rather high temperature, the officials coming in for fervid denunciation and a resolution being adopted, almost unanimously condemning the granting of the permit. The following week at the regular meeting of the trustees a com- mittee which had been appointed at the mass meeting, appeared be- fore the city officials and demanded that the action by which the permit had been granted be rescinded. The subject was referred to committee of the whole, where it laid indefinitely. The action of the board was not unanimous, however, Trustee Watson voting consis- tently against the majority. The agitation of the matter continued until the passing some weeks later of an ordinance prohibiting pool rooms in the city. On September 14, 1907, the Building Inspector's report showed for the five months just ended, sixty-six permits issued at a valuation of $78,025. The Glendale Steam Laundry was established in September of this year by Albright & Andrews. On October twelfth the city received a proposition from L. C. Brand to sell the lighting system for the sum of $21,000. The pur- chase was not made at that time, however. 140 GLENDALE AND VICINITY Another fact indicating the rapid growth of the community at this time, was the demand for increased accommodations for the High School established only about two years previously. The Board of Trustees on December 26. 1906, passed a resolution agreeing to pay $1,771.81 for Lot 17, Block 11, Town of Glendale. This is the lot ex- tending from Glendale Avenue through to Howard Street occupied by the "Power House" of the Public Service department. The trustees were severely criticised at the time for making this pur- chase; not only on account of the "exorbitant price" paid for it. but especially were they condemned for buying it from a man who had a short time before been a city official. Time, of course, as in a number of similar cases, proved the wisdom of the city officials and the lack of vision on the part of their critics. The record of 1907 in Glendale would be incomplete if no men- tion was made of the action of the Interurban Railway Company when on June eighth (being Saturday) at ten o'clock at night some cars loaded with Mexican laborers were run up Broadway and work begun on tearing up the railroad track from Brand Boulevard to Glendale Avenue. Great excitement was naturally caused and a crowd of indignant citizens gathered and witnessed the act. Init were helpless to inter- fere. For some months previous this portion of the system had been relegated to the position of a "side track," service being given by a small car which met the regular cars at the Brand Boulevard junc- tion. The indignation of the citizens of the east side of the city was expressed vigorously, and seems to have been justified by several facts in connection with the history of the road, one of them being that the road as first planned and upon which basis the subscri]>ti(>ns were made to secure the right of way. named Glendale .Xvenue as the terminal, the subscribers being almost altogether citizens of that section and the people of Tropico. A committee waited upon the officials of the road, and were even allowed to interview Mr. Hunt- ington, but no satisfactory e.xplan.-ition was ever given, although a statement was made by the superintendent that this branch of the road had yielded a profit of only a few cents a day for (|uite a period of time past. Mr. Huntington stated that he was guided in such matters by the reports and advice of his subordinates and promised to investi- gate the situation personally, and so the matter ended exce(>t for the natural results which were bitterness of feeling in the community and increased efforts to get transportation facilities by other means. The Salt Lake company officials were approached and the fact de- veloped that the interests of the two sj'Stems interlocked so that no relief was possible in that direction. The local paper had the follow- ing to say in regard to this latter company: "The Salt Lake road cannot be depended upon for any service that will assist in the build- ing up of Glendale as far as passenger traffic is concerned," which is of interest as being a very close prophecy compared with the facts and conditions that have since occurred and still exist. This un- explained action of the Pacific Electric Company was a serious blow Residence of James F. Triieiiiaii. Ke>i(li.l]ie 1)1 1)1. T. C. Youi GLENDALE AND VICINITY 143 to the east side of Glendale from which it inay fairly be said not ever to have recovered. The original High School was located on the most important business corner in the city, at southeast corner of Brand Boulevard and Broadway, now the location of the First National Bank. The building of the Pacific Electric railroad, turning as it did to go eastward, required that the school district give a small corner of its property- for .street purposes so that the car tracks could make the turn. The school buildings being thus left in very close prox- imity to the railroad, it was soon found that the noise of passing cars was a serious annoyance to the school and aside from this, the demand for more ground for High School purposes became empha- sized and a new location was decided upon. The site selected was a block further south, extending from Maryland Avenue to Louise Street and from Harvard to Cohirado Streets, containing four and one-third acres which was bought for $20,000, a price which was considered high for that time. In April, 1908, the district authorized a bond issue of $60,000 for new buildings. The grammar schools were also beginning to be inadequate and in April a mass meeting was held to discuss the securing of a new site for another school building, the outcome of which was the Colorado Street school. The size of Glendale at that time is pretty well set forth in an item found in the Glendale News under date of January 25. 1908, as follows : A recent count of houses in and about Glendale gave some sur- prising results, which we publish herewith. While the count is not exact, we have personally satisfied ourselves that it is approximately correct. Between San Fernando Road and Central .Avenue and from First Street to Riverdale Drive, 150; between Glendale Avenue and Central, 230; east of Glendale Avenue to Eagle Rock, 375; total, 775. This indicates a population of 3,500 people and means that we are rapidly outgrowing our country village aspect. In this same issue of the News a few personal items are worth notice. The death is reported of Mr. H. N. Jarvis, one of the Trop- ico pioneers who had been active in the early day affairs. Also ap- pears the funeral notice of W. R. Newton, father of one of Glendale's present day business men. Rev. James O'Neill announces Catholic services at the G. A. R. hall, Tropico. The first delinquent tax list of the City of Glendale is published in this issue, comprising about two hundred and twenty-five pieces of property and among the names of owners that appear on the list, are those of several citizens who are today recognized in the community as having received their re- ward for having "held on," when to do so meant sacrifices of per- sonal ease and comforts and hardship in general. 144 GLENDALE AND VICINITY BEGINNING OF 1908— PART TWO RESULTS OF APRIL ELECTION. EVIDENCES OF GROWTH. FINAL SETTLEMENT OF POOL ROOM QUESTION. THE INCEPTION OF MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP. LOCATIONS OF CITY HALL AND LIBRARY DECIDED. CITY HALL BUILT. CONSOLIDATION OF GLENDALE WITH TROPICO AND WITH LOS ANGELES AGITATED, FINALLY DE- CIDED AT POLLS. CENSUS SHOWS REMARKABLE GROWTH. WATER COMMITTEE APPOINTED. MUNICIPAL ELECTION OF 1910, 1912 AND 1914. At the election in April, 1908, the following trustees were elected : Wilmot Parcher, William A. Anderson, Thomas W. Watson, John A. Cole and Simeon Grant. Mr. Parcher was re-elected chairman of the Board. Mr. George B. Woodberry was re-elected city clerk; Thos. W. Doyle, treasurer. Engineer Postle was succeeded by Ed- ward M. Lynch and Attorney Baker by John N. Metcalf. Dr. R. E. Chase, health officer and Harry M. Miller, marshal. On September twentieth Mr. Parcher resigned as a member of the Board and Mr. R. A. Blackburn was appointed to fill the va- cancy, Mr. Watson being elected chairman of the Board. The pool room question continued to agitate the community more or less, that portion of the people represented by the churches continuing to protest against allowing the business to be carried on. In August the license for a pool room which had been given to L. F. Hadrich was by him transferred to L. C. Wardell with the consent of the Board. On December thirtieth it was ordered by the Board that Mr. Wardell's license be cancelled on January first next and in January an ordinance was passed prohibiting pool rooms in Glen- dale after July 1, 1909, Mr. Wardell being meanwhile permitted to operate. Up to April. 1908, the trustees served without compensation, but at the spring election of that year the voters agreed to pay them three dollars per meeting, limited to one meeting a week, and this remained the salary attached to that office until changed by the charter in 1921. On October fifth school was opened in the new building recently completed in the "West Glendale" district, now Columbus Avenue. On September twentieth the Catholic Church was dedicated, the congregation having been gathered together and the building con- structed through the efforts of Rev. Father James O'Neill. The corner stone of tlie new High School was laid with ap- propriate ceremonies on November 28, 1908. The city was forging steadily ahead; a dozen different streets were being improved simul- taneously and the tax assessment roll for the year had passed the first million dollars in valuation. There had been a number of changes in the city government. Trustee J. C. Jennings died, in February, and was succeeded by the appointment of Mr. A. W. Randolph on March fourth, he filling the position only a few weeks until the regu- lar election in April, 1908, not being a candidate for election. In June, 1908, Station Agent Le Grand reported that the busi- GLENDALE AND VICINITY 145 ness of the Pacific Electric had doubled within the last twelve months. On December 9, 1909, Mr. J. M. Banker, who had been acting Recorder, resigned and was succeeded by Mr. J. Whomes, who had filled a similar position at Redondo before becoming a resident of Glendale. Mr. Whomes continued in this position until his death, in 1917. Mr. Metcalf resigned the position of city attorney on March twenty-fourth and Mr. Frederic Baker, who had previously filled the position, was appointed in his place. In April Mr. C. \V. Burkett was appointed Building and Plumbing Inspector, holding the position until October twentieth when he resigned and was suc- ceeded by Mr. J. M. Banker who filled the position until 1920. The question of municipal ownership had for many months been a Hve issue in Glendale and action looking toward accomplishing something in this direction was taken in the early part of 1909, when the city engineer was instructed to bring in a report as to the prob- able cost of taking over the existing lighting system belonging to the Pacific Light and Power Company. The need of street lights was one of the things that urged to action in the matter. The power com- pany had offered to install and operate lights for $30 apiece monthly, a price not considered favorably by the trustees. The whole matter came to an issue when an election was called to be held in June to vote on a bond issue of $60,000. The campaign that ensued was a lively one. Although there was evidently a good majority favoring the bonds there was a very active minority opposed to doing any- thing, and the power company gave moral and probably financial support to this element. There was much circularizing of the town and dire predictions were made as- to the results that would follow a venture into munic- ipal ownership. There were committees at work and mass meetings held by both parties and the political atmosphere was kept at a high temperature until the election was over. The vote stood 250 to 78 in favor of the bonds and so Glendale entered upon an experiment which succeeding years have continued to demonstrate as a great success, the project having been a paying one from the beginning. In November, it was resolved to purchase the distributing system of the Pacific Light and Power Company, which was ultimately done. A contract was entered into between the city and the company by which the latter was to furnish power for a period of five years, an arrangement which worked to the apparent satisfaction of both parties. The city did not go into the water business until later as will be related in proper sequence. On August 25. 1909, Trustee John A. Cole resigned and was succeeded by John Robert White. Jr. Efforts were made from time to time to get the railroad com- pany to restore its tracks to Broadway from Brand Boulevard to Glendale Avenue, but without success, a letter to the trustees being presented on October 27 , in which the attorney of the company stated that the company would not rebuild the line and offering to assign the franchise if article eight should be eliminated, by which trans- 146 GLENDALE AND VICINITY fers were provided for. The trustees declined to make the change requested. A petition had been presented to the Board asking that an effort be made to have the railroad company put its rails on Brand Boule- vard down to grade, and thus at that time began an agitation which finally resulted in having the tracks lowered between Lexington Avenue and Colorado Street, but not elsewhere along the line. The postoffice had been taken over by Los Angeles, being operated from that office as a branch, Mr. Fanset remaining in charge. By this change Glendale received free delivery for the principal portions of the city, but it is of record that a letter was received from Postmaster Flint in Januar3% 1909, calling attention to the necessity of having street names appear on street corners and of having residences and business houses furnished with numbers in order to facilitate deliv- ery. Mr. Flint was in turn requested to see to it that the postofifice lobby was kept open during the evening as late as eight o'clock. In December of this year contract for the transformer house on the lot recently purchased on Glendale Avenue, was awarded to Mr. G. W. Seward at $1,657. The building was completed in the following March. At the April election of 1910, John Robert White, Jr., and H. P. Coker were elected trustees for the four year term and Mr. O. A. Lane for two years. H. G. Dominy was elected treasurer and failed to qualify, F. L. Church being appointed to that position. Mr. Wood- berry was again elected clerk. Mr. Church resigned as treasurer .'Xpril 22, 1911, and Mr. G. B. Hoffman was appointed to that office. On Xovember 19, 1910, Mr. H. B. Lynch was appointed manager of the Public Service Depart- ment, a position which he held until he resigned in 1920. On March 21, 1911, an election took place to determine the much debated question of the annexation to Glendale of a large portion of the Tropico district. The vote favored annexation but as the City of Tropico had come into existence a few days previously, taking in the most of the territory involved, the annexation was not accom- plished. y\nother election on the consolidation of Tropico and Glen- dale, took place December 16, 1911, the proposition being defeated by a vote of 352 for and 387 against it in the city of Tropico. At the April election of 1910 the following were elected : Trustees, H. P. Coker, O. A. Lane, John Robert White, Jr., Clerk George B. Woodberry; treasurer, Thomas W. Doyle. Mr. Watson and Mr. William Anderson were the hold-over members of the board of trustees. Mr. White was elected chairman of the board. Up to this time the trustees had been giving their services free, but at this election a proposition to pay them three dollars for every regular meeting attended, was approved and the compensation remained at that figure until the charter was adopted in 1921 when it was fixed at ten dollars per meeting attended, limited to six in a month. Mr. Frank L. Muhleman, who had succeeded Mr. Frederic Baker as city attorney on October 3, 1910, resigned the position on S '-J Di tti OS o 23 GLEXDALE AND VICINITY 151 May 8, 1911, and Mr. W. E. Evans was appointed city atti)rney, serv- ing in that capacity for the city until lie resigned in 1920. Street Supt., F. R. Sinclair, who had rendered the city excellent service during his incumbency, resigned the position in September, 1910, and the duties of that office were taken over by city engineer E. M. Lynch, who acted in that capacity until 1918 when he resigned to accept a position as Captain in the engineering service of the army a short time before the armistice. An election for the annexation of territory on the west and' north, was held on January 3, 1911, after a particularly lively campaign, the vote being against the proposition. On March 21, 1911, another vote was taken and with some slight change in the boundaries, the territory became a part of the city. During this same period the city was also agitated by the ques- tion of city hall and library sites. Three lots on the northwest cor- ner of Broadway and Jackson were offered for $4,000 and three on the corner of Fifth and Kenwood for $3,500. One set of citizens argued in lavor of a single site for both city hall and library, while others favored two separate sites. By a straw vote the decision was in favor of the two sites, the lots on Fifth Street being at the same time decided upon for the librar}-. The lots on the corner of Fourth and Howard Streets were finally selected for the city hall, at a cost of $3,170, a bond issue being authorized in the amount of $18,000, which included the construction of the city hall and jiurchase of the sites. Ground having been secured for a library gave rise to another topic for general discussion, viz. : the kind and the ways and means to be employed to secure a library building. There were those who objected to accepting a Carnegie dona- tion, one argument being that the requirement that one tenth of the amount donated should be expended on the library every year, was too heavy a financial burden to be assumed. However, the trustees instructed the clerk to apply to Mr. Carnegie for the sum of $20,000, which amount was, after some exchange of letters, reduced to $12,500. This was the sum finally received and the building was completed in 1914. In July, 1910, the first water committee was appointed, the trustees delegating to the Chamber of Commerce and the Valley Im- provement Association, the appointment of five members from each of those organizations to collaborate with the board of trustees in an investigation of the water question. On August 21. 1911. Mr. G. E. Williams was appointed trustee, succeeding Mr. W'. A. An- derson, resigned. Mr. Anderson, being a contractor and builder, having ceased to be a city official became eligible to bid on the con- tract for the erection of the city hall, and to Anderson & Murdoch, the lowest bidders, the contract was awarded at $7,047.50 exclusive of the heating apparatus. On October 14, 1911, an election occurred by which more terri- tory was annexed on the west side. In addition to other matters being agitated during this period, 152 GLENDALE AND VICINITY the consolidation of Glendale and Tropico was a live topic and on October 30, 1911, a petition was presented to the trustees asking that an election be called to determine the matter. To this petition was appended the signatures of 222 citizens of Tropico and 143 of the legally registered residents of Glendale. The city clerk certified that the signatures represented in each case the requisite one-fifth of the registered voters based on the returns of the last general election, and was, therefore, legally sufficient for its purpose. The election was called for the sixteenth of December following. At a joint session of the boards of trustees of the two cities held December eighteenth a canvass of the votes was made, showing that in Glendale, 273 votes favored the proposition while 19 were against it. In Tropico there were 740 votes cast of which 352 were in favor and 387 against consolidation. In both Glendale and Tropico at this time there were a number of citizens who favored annexation to Los Angeles, the main argu- ment advanced by them being that by annexation only, could Owens River water be secured. A petition was presented to the Glendale trustees in November, 1911, asking that body to appoint a committee to look into the subject of annexation to Los Angeles, and the presi- dent of the board appointed Mr. A. O. Lane, city trustee; Mr. E. U. Emery, president of the Chamber of Commerce and Mr. F. J. Show- alter, president of the Valley Improvement Association as such com- mittee. Nothing ever came of this and subsequent efforts towards becoming merged in the larger city, although in Tropico the matter finally came to a vote which resulted in the defeat of the proposition. The desirability of adding the Verdugo Canyon section to the city in order to exercise some control over the water supply, gave con- siderable impetus to the movement for annexation of that district, but when the proposition was submitted to the voters on February 12, 1912, it was defeated, principally through the efforts of parties having large land interests in the canyon, although Judge E. M. Ross and Capt. C. E. Thom, whose large acreage was included in the dis- trict to be annexed, took a neutral stand in the matter, acknowledging the necessity existing for a better control of the water which at that time was the city's only source of supply. About this time there was also some agitation over the acquisi- tion of a public park. The old picnic grounds in Verdugo Canyon were generally recognized as desirable for park purposes and a peti- tion was presented to the trustees asking that steps be taken to secure that property. The trustees appointed a committee to investi- gate the matter, but nothing came of it. The price of the 43 acres embraced within the park, was generally spoken of as $60,000, but no option was ever obtained. A Central Park was also talked of, the site generally favored being the block bounded by Fourth (Broad- way) Street, Jackson, Kenwood and Third (Wilson) Streets. Un- fortunately neither of these propositions was pushed to a successful conclusion. In March, 1912, the new City Hall was completed and the city /5^- "v^- GLENDALE AND VICINITY 155 government moved into it. The building was only half of its pres- ent size (now 1922) an addition havincf been made to it which was paid for out of the revenues of the public service department. The municipal election of April. 1912. resulted in the election of Messrs. O. A. Lane, A. \V. Tower and T. \V. \\'atson as trustees; White and Coker holding over; G. B. Woodberry, city clerk and G. B. Hoffman, treasurer. Mr. T. \\'. Watson was elected president of the Board of Trustees and other officers were appointed as fol- lows: W. E. Evans, attorney; J- M. Banker, building inspector; E. M. Lynch, engineer; O. W. Tarr, street superintendent; J. Whomes, recorder. In May, Mr. White resigned and the vacancy was filled by the appointment of Mr. J. S. Thomjison as against Mr. M. W. Watson, whose appointment was urged by a number of citizens residing in the western portion of the city; both aspirants having strong backing. The city was now well launched upon an era of great constructive activity; bond elections and annexation elections followed one after another in close succession. A Chamber of Commerce and a Valley Improvement .Association were functioning successfully working in harmony with the govern- ing body of the city in solving the problems that confronted the rapidly growing community and two weekly newspapers were per- forming their part in affording publicity and as a medium of ex- pression, the latter quite frequently differing upon matters of public policy and thus playing well their part in showing up both sides of all (juestions. As a necessary preliminary to an effort to obtain a Charter for the city, a census was ordered to be taken in June, 1912, the count showing a population of 5,510 persons. This was a very satisfactory evidence of growth as compared with the census of 1910 which gave the city a population of 2,757. .A board of fifteen freeholders was elected, Mr. Frank I,. Muhleman being made chairman and after several weeks of hard work a charter was prepared and submitted to the voters for acceptance; it was rejected, however, lieing too progres- sive in its provisions to meet the views of the citizens as expressed at the polls. This charter provided among other things, for the divi- sion of the city into wards and for the appointment of a city man- ager; these two provisions being the ones over which the greatest differences of opinion were expressed, and which apparently were re- sponsible for the refusal of the people to accept it. The success of municipal ownership as demonstrated in the city's lighting system, and the trouble experienced with the private companies supplying water, impelled the trustees to begin a campaign for adding a water department to the city's public utilities. On June ,\ 1912, the president of the Board of Trustees appointed a water commission consisting of the following citizens: A. C. .\dy, H. Le- Grosse, John Robert White and J. C. Sherer, to investigate and make a recommendation to the board. .Afterwards, Mr. H. B. Lynch and Mr. G. B. Woodberry were added to the committee, with the presi- 156 GLENDALE AND VICINITY dent of the Board of Trustees, Mr. T. W. Watson as ex-officio member. The committee was authorized to employ experts to assist in its investigations and Messrs. Burns and McDonald were secured, their fee being $1,000. In July the report of the experts was received covering the sub- ject very exhaustively. Acting upon the recommendations in this report, an election was called for October 29, 1912, asking the voters to approve the issuance of $225,000 in bonds to acquire a water sys- tem, by purchase of private companies and otherwise; also $65,000 for parks and $5,000 for street working machinery. The last of the propositions named was approved in the voting, but the community was not yet ready to embark in the water business nor to buy a park, notwithstanding the constant friction between consumers and the local water company; there being 595 votes cast for the water proposition and 731 against it. The agitation continued thereafter with even more energy and display of feeling than before the election. There was considerable bitterness injected into the controversy and sectional feeling ran high. As a general proposition the residents in the older portion of the city were in favor of the program as outlined by the trustees and be- lievers in the natural water supph' of the Verdugo Canyon, which they claimed would if properly developed supply the requirements of the community for years to come, and being available by gravity be the cheapest source of supply. The opposition to this program came principally from the more recent comers, many of whom believed that as the- ultimate destiny of the community was absorption in Los Angeles, annexation should be sought immediately so that a sup- ply of the Owens River water might be secured ; and there were others who believed that the solution of the problem would be found by securing land along the Los Angeles river and developing water by wells. Both of these classes were opposed to the purchase by the city of the existing water companies and had considerable to say about "rot- ten water pipes." Finally a mass meeting was called to discuss the question and take some action. The result of this meeting was the appointment of a committee of eleven citizens to investigate the matter thoroughly and make some recommendation to the trustees. The committee was allowed the sum of $1,000 with which sum they employed an engineer who furnished a report, going into the de- tails of the several propositions. The committee labored four months, but owing to the differences of opinion among the members was unable to reach a decision even approximately unanimous, and in December, 1913, submitted its report, making only one recommendation, which was that the trustees ask the Railroad Commission to put a valuation on the properties proposed to be purchased by the city. Application was therefore made to the commission to perform this service and in May, 1914, the result of the Commission's investi- gation was received. The valuation placed upon the various prop- GLENDALE AND VICINITY 157 erties was $159,234. This included the system of the Glendale Con- solidated Water Company, the Verdugo Springs Water Company, the Miradora Water Company, and the Verdugo Pipe and Reservoir Company. The above properties consisted of a system of compara- tively small pipes covering the city and 2,392 ten-thousandths of the water of Verdugo Canyon. Upon receiving this report the trustees referred it to the City Engineer, in conjunction with the City Manager and the Manager of the Public Service department, to prepare an estimate as to the amount of money that the people should be asked to authorize for the purchase of the property of the water companies. The sum decided upon was $248,000 and accordingly an election was called to authorize this issue. In the campaign which followed, and which was waged with considerable heat, all but two or three of the committee of eleven opposed the proposition. The antis formed a "Municipal League" and issued numerous circulars and two or three numbers of a lively sheet called the "Searchlight." Notwithstanding the strong organized opposition, the bond issue was authorized by a vote of 1,913 to 613, and Glendale entered into the municipal water business, which has been a marked success. The municipal election of April, 1914, resulted in the election of the following officials : Trustees — Charles Grist and J. S. Thomp- son, with Lane, \\'atson and Tower holding over; Treasurer, G. B. HoiTman ; Clerk, J. C. Sherer. Mr. Watson was reelected president of the Board. In June of this year the Carnegie Library building was completed and occupied. Mrs. Alma Danford, who had been connected with library work in the city from the beginning, in the years when the state supplied a few books and liberal citizens contributed others, was appointed Librarian. There was considerable agitation about this time, continuing for several months, over the question of "storm water." The run-oflf of surplus water during heavy rains such as occasionally fell, from the Verdugo and the Sycamore Canyons, did occasional damage to streets, and the necessity of doing something in the way of control and protection became apparent. The matter was taken up with the County supervisors and joint plans for a flood control were worked out. Difficulty arose, however, when the district was outlined and petitions of protest signed by a majority of the property owners in the proposed district, were presented to the supervisors resulting in the project being abandoned. This outcome of the matter was a fortunate one as the same object was later obtained by a county wide bond issue and the creation of a County Board of Flood Control which worked harmoniously with the Glendale trustees in carrying out protective measures. The merging of the Glendale post-office with that of Los Angeles, by which the Glendale office became merely a branch of the larger city office, had taken place in 1909 and although the change had re- sulted in establishing free carrier delivery, it was not satisfactory 158 GLENDALE AND VICINITY to the Glendale people generally and in May, 1914, a petition was forwarded to Washington asking for an independent office. This petition bore the names of 1,200 people and although it had the sup- port of the congressman of the district, the department refused to take action and it was not until 1922 that the Glendale postoffice was made independent and strictly a local institution, as it was in the beginning of the city's life. An important change was made in the city government on June fifteenth of this year when trustee Thomas W. Watson resigned and was appointed Citj' Manager. Under the general state law providing a form of government for cities of the sixth class, under which law Glendale was working as a municipality, no provision is made for such an official, but the growth of the city had now assumed such proportions and so many problems were arising from time to time, that the trustees assumed the responsibility of creating the office by ordinance and subsequent events ])r(ned the wisdom of their action. Mr. O. A. Lane succeeded Mr. \\'atson as Chairman of the Board of Trustees and the vacancy on the board was filled by the ai)pointment of Mr. George S. Williams as trustee. On May 3, 1915. a petition was presented to the Trustees asking that steps be taken to secure the reorganization of the city as a munic- il)ality of the fifth class. This move was the culmination of the efforts of an organization called the Municipal League, composed principally of citizens who were opposed to the administration and were active in keeping up an agitation that was not often construc- tive in its character. The City Attorney advised that as a preliminary in the legal requirements of the case, the first thing to be done, was to have a census of the city taken showing that the population was such as to justify the organization proposed. The matter dragged on for several months and at last it was determined to wait until the next general election, occurring in the following April, and submit the question to the voters at that time. \\'hen this was done re- organization was defeated at the ballot box by a vote of 94 to 312. It was in April of this year (1915) that the city took over the private water companies. These purchases were as follows : Con- solidated Water Company, contrtilled by L. C. Brand, at a price of $79,663.94; V'erdugo Springs Company, owned i)y Thom and Ross principally, price $51,157.80; Miradora Water Company, owned by Mr. Brand, price $25,114; Verdugo Pipe & Reservoir Companv about $14,000. This launched the city upon the municipal ownership and control of water and immediately began to give noticeabh' improved water service. This subject is covered in detail in the chapter on Water. In August of this year the assessor rendered his report on valua- tions, in which the following details were given: Number of acres within the city, 3,068; assessed valuation, $4,311,865. During this year the City Manager started a comprehensive campaign of tree planting along the streets of the city which resulted in lining the principal streets with attractive shade trees which today constitute one of its principal assets. J2 O m o GLEN'DALE AND VICINITY 163 THE MUNICIPALITY OF GLENDALE— PART THREE CONSOLIDATION" OF GLEXDALE AND TROPICO FINALLY ACCOM- PLISHED. DEATH OF JUDGE WHOMES WHO IS SUCCEEDED BY FRANK H. LOWE. CHANGE IN STREET NAMES AND STREET NUM- BERING SYSTEM. MERGER OF TELEPHONE COMPANIES. AGITA- TION OVER RAISE OF RATES BY PUBLIC UTILITY COMPANIES. BOND ISSUE OF $260,000 FOR THE WATER SYSTEM. COLLECTION OF TAXES TURNED OVER TO THE COUNTY. PURCHASE OF PATTER- SON AVENUE PARK. U. S. CENSUS GIVES BIRTH TO A SLOGAN. ELECTION OF 1920. BOARD OF FREEHOLDERS ELECTED. RESIGNA- TION OF CITY ATTORNEY EVANS AND APPOINTMENT OF MR. HARTLEY SHAW. DISTRICT SEWER SYSTEMS ESTABLISHED. The municipal election of April, 1916. was not marked by any unusual features, although the vote on trustees was a close one. The result was as follows: Trustees elected, R. M. Jackson, Frank L. Muhleman, George B. Woodberry; Treasurer, G. B. Hoffman; Clerk, J. C. Sherer. The holdover trustees were Charles Grist and J. S. Thompson. Mr. Thompson was elected chairman of the board. In March of this year the city completed its third well on the property owned by the municipality, on San Fernando road, the same supply- ing about 225 inches of water, making the total output of the wells over 500 inches, which, added to the gravity supply in Verdugo Can- yon, seemed to assure an abundance of water for years to come. The consolidation of Glendale and Tropico, which had been a live question for many months, now began to assume a concrete form and a committee of five was. on June ninteenth, appointed by the Glendale Board of Trustees to meet with a similar committee to be appointed by Tropico, to consider the matter and make a report. On July thirteenth the committee filed its report with the Glen- dale Trustees, consisting of a series of questions formulated with a view to disclosing the ideas of the ruling powers, of the larger city, in regard to certain improvements desired by Tropico, in the event of consolidation, and particularly as to extension of the public utili- ties to the territory to be acquired by Glendale. These questions having been satisfactorily answered, the campaign for consolidation reached its final stage and on August 5, 1916, the election occurred. The result of the election in Tropico was as follows : In favor of consolidation, 381 ; opposed, 393. This close vote gave encourage- ment to both parties and the contest continued to enliven the com- munity more or less until it came to an issue at the polls again a little over a year later when at another election, held on November 21, 1917, the matter was finally decided by Tropico casting a vote of 650 votes in favor of consolidation against 211 opposed. This result was formally accepted on the part of the City of Glendale by ordinance, the official date of the consolidation being January 9, 1918. The merging of the two cities into one municipality brought to a happy culmination the efforts of the citizens on the northern and southern ends of the community to get together, and put an end to manifestations of local jealousy which, from time to time for years, divided the people on the two sides of an imaginary line. The 164 GLENDALE AND VICINITY consolidation into a Greater Glendale of a naturally homogeneous community enabled them to work out together their manifest destiny. In the interval between the two elections, Tropico had voted on the proposition of being annexed to Los Angeles, the election occurring on August 29, 1917, resulting in defeating that project by a vote of 548 to 333. At the end of June, 1916, the report of the Public Service de- partment showed a business of $100,000 for the year, with a profit of $50,000 since the organization of the department, after making allow- ance for depreciation. The assessed valuation of the city for this year (1916) was $5,062,315. In January, 1917, Judge Joseph'Whomes, who had served the city in the capacity of Recorder for eight years, resigned the position on account of poor health. His death occurred a few weeks later and the Board of Trustees adojjted resolutions of regret for the loss of a valuable public official and a good citizen. Mr. Frank H. Lowe was appointed Recorder and still serves in that capacity. On July 1, 1917, the city's five-year contract with the Pacific Light and Power Company to furnish electricity, expired, and the Manager of the Public Service department reported that the Southern California Edison Company was the only concern that another con- tract could be made with, the first-named company not desiring to renew the lease and the City of Los Angeles not yet being able to deliver power. Interest attaches to this statement because of the fact that five years previously when power was sought by the city, the city of Los Angeles was at that time desirous of making a con- tract with Glendale to supply power (deliverable in a few months' time) and the trustees were subject to considerable criticism for not accepting the offer. On August 9, 1917, Mr. G. B. Hoffman, who had served as Treasurer for six years, died and was succeeded by Mr. J. W. Stauf- facher. Mr. Hoffman was a man of ability and culture, a naturalized citizen of high standing in the community. The assessed valuation of the city this year was $6,094,815. In November, Glendale contributed the sum of $750 towards the construction of the bridge over the river at Ivanhoe, there having been more or less agitation in favor of this improvement for several months, the city of Los Angeles, owing to the stringency of war times, having decided to construct the bridge, deferring action, had asked for the assistance of Glendale and Burbank. The bridge was soon afterwards built. The year 1917 was a difficult year for public enterprises on account of war conditions, the edict of the government having gone forth that all projects for public improvements which were not strictly necessary should be held in abeyance. There was conse- quently very little being done in the nature of street improvements, etc., in Glendale or elsewhere at this time. As an indirect result of the great world contest, there was an advance generall)' in the cost to the consumer of the service of public utilities; the price of gas and telephone service was advanced to rates that appeared to the people GLENDALE AND VICINITY 165 of Glendale unwarranted in both cases and there resulted vigorous eflForts on the part of the Board of Trustees, and of citizens generally, to secure some modification of rates. Municipal ownership of both of these necessities was advocated by petition and in mass meetings, even going to the extent of employing- experts to report upon the valuation of both of these utilities in Glendale, and calling upon the Railroad Commission to take action enabling the municipality to take them both over. After a great deal of agitation and the failure of the Railroad Commission to take any action, interest in the matter gradually died down and the increased cost of the service of both companies was accepted as a necessary evil. In the early part of 1918 the matter of changing street names and the system of street numbering generally was taken up and pushed vigorously by its proponents. In the early days of the city the streets had been named according to a system that at that time seemed practical and satisfactory. The center of population at that time was considered to be a little east of Glendale Avenue, and there was no principal east and west street in existence, Broadway not having been improved and ranking merely as one of the east and west streets. This being the condition, the street now called Adams, was considered as the central thoroughfare north and south and was named "A" street, the next on the west was "B" street, then came "C" street, etc., ending in that direction with "O" street, now Orange. Westward of that, in 1906. imagination pictured no settle- ment worthy of attention ; while there were no north and south streets east of "A" street except Verdugo Road, long known by that name. Numbering began at "A" street, west and east but principally westward. The geographical center of the young city north and south was guessed to be "First" Street (now Lexington Avenue) and numbers started from there in the other direction. This system had lasted twelve years and was clearly outgrown, it being generally conceded that, for present purposes, the center of the city was at Brand Boulevard and Broadway. There was therefore little opposi- tion to commencing to number the streets at that point. The most radical change in street nomenclature was that which did away with the numbered streets, substituting Lexington Avenue for First Street, California for Second. Wilson for Third, etc. Previous to this the streets given letters only for names, had been changed using the same letters attaching to the streets as initials for the names substi- tuted, as Adams for "A" Street, Belmont for "B" Street, etc. In September, 1917, Mr. A. W. Randolph, who at one time served by appointment as a city trustee, met his death while crossing the railroad track at Burbank. The Board of Trustees passed a eulo- gistic resolution lamenting the loss of a good citizen. It was during this year that there was a merger of the Home Telephone with the "Sunset" company. The "Home" had been the pioneer telephone company in Glendale and its elimination was another evidence of resistless change which is usually called progress. In January, 1918. the most extensive street opening project yet brought about by the city was completed. This was the condemna- 166 GLEXDALE AND VICINITY tion of a strip of land one hundred feet wide south of Broadway and eighty feet in width north of that thoroughfare, extending the entire length of the city at that point, for Sycamore Canyon Road, the same being intended for a combination street and storm water course. The number of assessments included in this procedure was 1,584, and the amount of money paid for the condemned property was $35.339.,31. A number of efforts to improve this right of way have been made and at this time appearances indicate that during 1923, this thoroughfare will be completed. At the municipal election in April, 1918, the newly annexed terri- tory at the southerly extremity of the city, secured two members of the Board of Trustees, Hartley Shaw and C. H. Henry. The Board now consisted of C. H. Henry, R. M. Jackson. F. L. Muhleman. Hartley Shaw and George B. Woodberry. Mr. Wtjodberry was chosen chairman of the Board. Soon after the consolidation with Tropico, the Board of Trustees took up with the Southern Pacific Railroad Company the subject of changing the name of the company's station to Glendale and after considerable agitation the change was made taking effect on August 10, 1918. In May, 1918, the City of Glendale paid Mr. I,. C. Brand $55,500 for the water system serving the former city of Tropico, payment being made by a bond issue authorized by the district covered. The Charter election called for July ninth of that year, was not held, conditions not seeming to warrant any change of government at that time. Arrangements were completed in July for the construction of a new bridge at Brand Boulevard and Arden Avenue and the straight- ening of the channel of the wash at that point. This was the culmina- tion of several months of effort on the part of the city to get the railroad company and the county of Los Angeles and the County Flood Control commission together on the proposition. On October thirty-first George H. Herald resigned as City Mar- shal and was succeeded by J. P. Lampert on December 1st. In a report by an expert employed to investigate the telephone sit- uation, the fact was developed that the telephone company had in Glendale, at this time, 2,900 sul)scribers. The estimated cost of a mu- nicipal telephone system was given as $263,606. On January ninth, engineer E. M. Lynch having resigned. Mr. H. A. Eddy was appointed City Engineer. On April 12, 1919, Mr. George B. Woodberry, who had accepted the presidency of the Board of Trustees with a proviso of his own that he should only fill that position for a short time, resigned as head of the city's governing body, and Mr. Frank L. Muhleman, for several years a well known and publicly active citizen of Glendale and a lawyer in high standing, was elected president. Mr. Woodberry served out the remainder of his term as trustee and declined to stand for re-election in 1920. He had been connected with the city govern- ment for six years as City Clerk from the organization of the city, declining to be again a candidate for the position. Much of the suc- cess of the new city had been brought about by Mr. Woodberry s GLEXDALE AND VICINITY 167 intelligent aiul untiring efforts as clerk, and the added two years of service as trustee served to emphasize his value as a public servant, but he preferred to retire to private life, although continuing active in civic affairs up to the present time upon all occasions when the city had occasion to call upon its citizens for unofficial action. A change of considerable importance was inaugurated this year in passing the work i>i assessing and collecting taxes over to the County of Los Angeles, relieving the local government of consider- able labor and expense. An important liond election was held on November twelfth when the proposition to bond the city in the sum of $260,000 for the purpose of developing the water distributing system by the construction of reservoirs and the laying of mains and in developing additional water, was carried by a vote of 974 to 284. The County Flood Con- trol commission in the fall and early winter of this year put in a line of protection work along the Verdugo Wash on the entire northerly frontage of Glendale along that occasional stream, thus bringing to completion a work that had been contemplated for a number of years. In 1920 conditions had improved generally throughout the coun- try so that affairs were being stabilized, more or less, and the city of Glendale took on new life and energy and a few projects that had been "hanging fire" were pushed through successfully. Early in the year the city trustees having received from Mr. J. R. Gray a very liberal offer, bought of him ten acres for park purposes, at a price of about a thousand dollars an acre. This land lies at the western end of Patterson Avenue south of the wash and gives promise of becoming one of the valuable assets of the city when contemplated improve- ments shall have been made. The assessed valuation of the city for this year was $9,384,535 as against $7,692,995 for the previous year, showing that notwithstanding war time conditions the city had con- tinued uninterruptedly on its progressive course. This idea was confirmed from a very high source when the returns of the United States census of that year were made public, showing that Glendale led all the cities of the Union in percentage of growth in population during the decade just ended. The ofificial figures were as follows: Population of Glendale in 1910, 2,746; in 1920, 13,536. The assessed valuation of the city area was now, 1920, $12,- 488,379. This evidence of increase in population gave birth to the slogan, "The fastest growing city in America" ; and in the three years that have elapsed since the census was taken, there is ample evidence to show that this percentage of increase had been steadily expanding, as there are within the corporate limits of Glendale at this time about 35,000 people. This growth is little short of phe- nomenal and can only be attributed to a combination of natural advantages and a sane and yet progressive local government of their own by a class of people who are appreciative of the favors of Provi- dence and alive to their own responsibilities. In February, 1920, Dr. R. E. Chase resigned the position of 168 GLENDALE AND VICINITY health officer of the city, which he had filled very satisfactorily for several years, and was succeeded by Dr. J. E. Eckels. On April first, Mr. H. A. Eddy, who had served as city engineer since January, 1919, resigned and was succeeded by Mr. Courtland T. Hill. In the April election of 1920. Mrs. Ann P. Bartlett, Spencer Rob- inson and Dwight W. Stephenson were the newly elected members of the Board of Trustees, Mr. Hartley Shaw being elected president of that body. In July of this year occurred the death of Mr. R. M. Jackson, who had, in .April just passed, completed a four-year term as a trustee of the city. Mr. Jackson, although comparatively a recent comer, had established a reputation as a progressive and useful citizen, having served as secretary of the Chamber of Commerce and performed other civic duties in a manner that made him man)' friends. In June, Mr. John P. Lampert resigned as City Marshal and Mr. C. E. Stanley was appointed to that office. In October following, Mr. Stanley resigned and Mr. Lampert was reappointed. The matter of a new charter was at last brought to an issue by an election on November 16, 1920. when a Board of Freeholders was elected as follows: Bert P. Woodard. Chairman; Dr. Jessie A. Rus- sell, A. W. Beach. C. E. Kimlin, R. M. McGee. F. L. Muhleman, May E. Myton. W. R. Phelon, Mabel L. Tight, F. H. Vesper. George B. Woodberry, George H. Bentley, C. \V. Ingledue. Henry Johnson, C. D. Lusby. The Board completed its work and the proposed charter was filed on the twelfth of January following. On December 30, 1920, Mr. W. E. Evans resigned as City Attor- ney, a position he had filled for almost ten years, during which period he had piloted the growing city through a numl^er of difficult situa- tions. The city was fortunate in having at hand to put into the city attorney's office a lawyer of experience in municipal afTairs. as well as in general law, in the person of Mr. Hartley Shaw, the president of the Board of Trustees. To assume the duties of this position, Mr. Shaw resigned as a trustee of the city and was immediately made city attorney. The vacancy on the Board was filled by the appointment of Mr. A. H. Lapham. who was sworn in as a trustee on January 6, 1921. Mr. Dwight W. Stephenson was elected chairman of the Board. A much needed improvement in the water system was provided for in December, 1920, when the city purchased of Judge E. M. Ross, for the sum of $7,000, a site for a reservoir on Verdugo Road a short distance above the mouth of Verdugo Canyon, which was completed some six months later, with a capacity of seven and a half million gallons and costing $85,000. .'\ large acreage of high class residence property along the base of the hills above the valley came under the gravity water system of the city and at once entered upon an era of rapid development. The year 1921 opened with every promise of continued prosperity and growth. The total value of buildings erected during the previous year as shown by the record of the permits issued by the Superinten- dent of Building, was $5,099,201. The total number of water connec- 1 TJ»" JEhTSENS PALACEZCKaND SHOPS IHHiii Tlic Jiiisfii BuildiiiL The HarrowiT l.alioiatorv. GLENDALE AND VICINITY 171 tions on July 1, 1920, was 4,229. increasing within the following year to 5,242. Under these conditions, the local authorities began to prepare vigorously for the future growth and importance of the municipality. A committee was appointed to prepare a plan for dividing the city into residential, business and commercial sections. A business dis- trict had previously been set aside for the location of factories, lumber yards, etc., along the San Fernando road adjoining the tracks of the Southern Pacific Railroad and various concerns had already located there. An advisory committee of citizens was appointed to consider and report on the matter of a sewer system for the city. The need of such a system began to be felt in the congested business district in the center of the city, and after considerable investigation and preliminary work, a district covering this territory was outlined and a system adopted to cost approximately $31,296. This work was completed in the latter part of the year. Another similar sj'stem with a local disposal plant was constructed in Verdugo Canyon, which had developed during the past two or three years into a high class resi- dential section. The first named system was financed by an assess- ment on the property within the district and the latter by a bond issue voted upon by the inhabitants of the district benefited and covering a limited territory, in the amount of $50,000. Both districts were planned with a view of becoming a part of a general system to be established in the near future. Annexations of territory in the north- west along the base of the hills towards Burbank had added to Glen- dale's area a large addition of choice residence property and that sec- tion had within the past year started upon an era of wonderful devel- opment consisting of the erection of a great many residences, the opening and improvement of streets and the installation of water mains and reservoirs. The territorial area of the city was now eleven square miles. THE MUNICIPALITY OF GLENDALE— PART FOUR GLENDALE UNDER THE CHARTER, RESULTS OF THE ELECTION. RESIGNATION OF T. \V. WATSON. CHANGES IN OFFICES OF TREA- SURER AND CLERK. W. H. REEVES APPOINTED CITY MANAGER STATISTICS SHOWING GROWTH. THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT. DATES OF VARIOUS ANNEXATIONS On March 29, 1921, the voters ratified the new charter. There was nothing radical or revolutionary in this new code and there was practically no opposition to it. It provided for a City Manager, but this merely furnished a law to fit a fact that had been in existence ever since 1914, when the city trustees by ordinance created the office although there was no provision for such an office in the general law governing municipalities of the sixth class such as Glendale was. The election for officers under the charter occurred on June 28. 1921. There were fifteen candidates for the five positions on the council; four for the office of clerk and one only for treasurer. The following were elected Councilmen : S. A. Davis. C. E. KimJin, A. H. Lapham, Spencer Robinson and Dwight W. Stephen- 172 GLENDALE AND VICINITY son. Messrs. Davis, Robinson and Kimlin having received the highest number of votes were declared elected for the four year term and Messrs. Lapham and Stephenson for the .short term of two years. J. C. Sherer was elected clerk and J. W. Stauffacher, treasurer. A Board of Education was elected consisting of the following: Eva C. Barton, David Black, D. J. Hibben. Nettie C. Brown and P. C. Lucas. Mr. Spencer Robinson was chosen Mayor and Acting President of the Council. The following appointments were made at the first meeting of the newl}- elected councilmen : Judge of Police Court, Frank H. Lowe; Controller (a new office), H. A. Harrison. On August eleventh, Mr. Thomas \V. Watson resigned the posi- tion of City Manager which he had held ever .since the office was created. In leaving the service of the city, Mr. Watson closed a career of unbroken service to the city covering the entire period of its existence of fifteen years. In the capacity of Trustee, President of the Board and City Manager he rendered to the city intelligent and valuable service. Mr. Watson was succeeded b)- Mr. W. H. Reeves as City Man- ager. Mr. Reeves was a citizen of Pasadena, but immediately re- moved to Glendale and entered vigorously upon the duties of the office. On September fifteenth, Mr. J. P. Lampert resigned as Chief of Police and was succeeded by Mr. A. O. Martin. Mr. Lampert had given general satisfaction in the difficult position that he was leaving and retired to private life with expressions of sincere regret by the council. Other appointments under the charter were as follows; A. H. Lankford, Chief of Fire department; Dr. J. E. Eckles, Health Officer; C. T. Hill, Engineer; F. A. Marek. Building Superintendent; P. Died- erich, Superintendent of Plant and Production; J. F. Mclntyre, Com- mercial Agent. On September 1st, Mr. Hartley Shaw resigned as City Attorney and Mr. Bert P. Woodard was appointed to the posi- tion. On October 3, 1921, Mr. J, W. Stauflfacher resigned as city treasurer and Mr. J. C. Sherer was appointed to the position, having resigned as city clerk. Mr. J. W. Blake was appointed city clerk, but after serving about ten days resigned and Mr. A. J. Van Wie was made clerk. The opening of the year 1922 found the city in the midst of its most prosperous period and throughout the year this condition con- tinued unbroken. The work of street improvement which had been held back during and for a time after the great war, was resumed with an impetus that promised to make up for lost time. The number of street improvement proceedings carried through during the year just ended as this chapter is written, was fifty-one. Figures representing assessed valuation cease to be of use in determining growth, as during this year a re-valuation of property was made by the county of Los .'\ngeles and a greatly increased val- uation as a basis for taxation, went into eflfect all over the county. Under this general advance, the valuation of the city for assessment purposes in 1921 and 1922 was $21,981,560. GLENDALE AND VICINITY 173 From the controller's report for the year ending June 30, 1922. the following statistics are taken : Valuation of property belonging to the City of Glendale, City hall, land and building $ 20.204.66 Furniture and equipinent 6.015.96 Police dei>artment 6„^37.83 Fire houses and land 10.122.22 Equipinent 37,964.61 Library, land and building 17.246.71 Books and equipment 26.508.76 Park (one only at that date) 10.000.00 Public welfare equipment 7.370.58 Public works equipment 51,985.84 Water company stock 24,852.50 Water system.' 824,768.73 Electricity, distributing system .?32,792.88 Total value of city property $1.. 384,771. 28 Number of water connections 6,816 Miles of mains 100 Revenue for vear $176,567.27 Expense '. 56.803.94 Excess of revenue 119,764.23 Electricity, connections 8.256 Revenue $265,453.42 Expense 121,814.54 Excess of revenue 143,638.88 Glendale on J.\nu.\rv 1, 1923 By this date the number of water connections had increased to 6,816; electricity, light and power meters, 8,256. Estimated population, conservative, 30,000. Value of new buildings for 1922, represented bv permits, $6,-305.971. The same for year 1920, $3,127,264. Area of city, 11.7 square miles. Number of banking institutions, eight, with combined deposits of $70,000,000. Number of churches, sixteen. Schools — Intermediate 2. Elementary 10, High 1. Number of pupils in Intermediate and Elementary schools. 3.961. Teachers in same. 121. Pupils in High School, 1.600; teachers. 76. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company has made a recent survey of conditions in Glendale and vicinity, from which the following items are gleaned: The Federal census of 1920 gave the City of Glendale with the territory comprising Montrose, La Crescenta and La Canada, a popu- lation of 15,928 persons. The recent survey made by this company makes the number not less than 30,000, which indicates an increase of 100 per cent in three years. 174 GLENDALE AND VICINITY A similar survey was made in 1917 which showed 4,200 families in Glendale; there are now 8,679. Of this number, 8,029 are living in individual homes, 583 in flats and the remainder in lodging houses and light housekeeping quarters. There are 879 firms doing business in Glendale. Of these there are 212 in offices, 316 in retail establish- ments, and 131 are workshops. There are seventy grocery stores and markets, sixteen drug stores, seven banks, three wholesale houses, eleven factories, fifteen religious and eighteen educational institu- tions. The following is a condensed roster and directory of official Glendale as of January 1, 1923: City Councilmen : Spencer Robin- son, Mayor; C. E. Kimlin, S. A. Davis, A. H. Lapham, Dwight W. Stephenson. The terms of Councilmen Lapham and Stephenson expire April, 1923. City Manager, W. H. Reeves; City Clerk, A. J. Van Wie; City Treasurer, J. C. Sherer; Engineer, Ben S. Depuy; City Attorney, Hartley Shaw; Asst. City Attorney, Ray Morrow; Controller, H. C. Saulsberry; Supt. of Plant and Production (Public Service), Peter Diederich; Commercial Agent (Public Service), J. F. Mclntyre; Supt. of Building, H. C. Vandewater; Judge of Police Court, F. H. Lowe; Chief of Police, Col. J. D. Frazer; Chief of Fire Dept., A. H. Lankford; Purchasing Agent, F. H. Dickson; Health Officer, Dr. G. Kaemmerling. Public Service Department The growth of this department is eloquently told by the follow- ing figures: The number of employes in 1913 in the public service office were, besides the manager, one office clerk and one meter reader and collector. On January 1, 1923, there were on the office payroll the following: One commercial agent, two meter readers, three collectors, two utility men, two billing clerks, one cashier, one assistant cashier, one chief clerk, one utility clerk. The outside force consisted of the following: A superintendent, one senior draftsman, two junior draftsmen, one general foreman, one construction fore- man, eight or nine sub-foremen, two linemen, two line foremen, two pump plant men, three trouble men, one meter tester, seven truck drivers, four linemen helpers, one blacksmith, two store keepers, and an ever varying number of laborers, depending on the amount of construction work on hand, sometimes as many as seventy-five. Mr. Peter Diederich, as Superintendent of Plant and Production, is the head of this department. Mr. Diederich has been connected with this department ever since its organization. Mr. H. B. Lynch was its original manager, acting in that capacity until 1919, when the department was reorganized and put under the direct control of the City Manager, Mr. Lynch acting for about two years longer in an engineering capacity. Fire Department This department of the city's service, shows great growth from a small beginning. As late as 1913 the entire "department" consisted of one man, a horse and wagon and 800 feet of hose. The one man was Town Marshal, Harry Miller (later Justice of the Peace), who Fire House No. 1. GLENDALE AND VICINITY 177 while keeping peace, patrolling the city night and day, had his ears open for fire alarms, which fortunately were infrequent. In November, 1913, the city purchased a Knox Truck chemical and hose combination, at a cost of $6,250. Marshal Miller resigned and Mr. A. H. Lankford was appointed driver, with one fireman. In December the horse and wagon were sold. In January, 1914, Mr. Geo. Herald was appointed chief of the department, which then consisted of three men. (^n Jul)- 1. 1915, Mr. Lankford was made chief of the department and has retained the position until this date. In January, 1918, Tropico was made a part of the City of Glendale and by this consolidation Glendale acquired two fire trucks, the Tropico station being retained as Fire Station No. 2. In May, 1918, a Buick roadster was procured at a cost of $1,400 for the use of the chief. In May, 1919, an American-La France pumji and hose combina- tion of 750 gallons capacity was purchased for $10,250. In November, 1921, the city purchased another American-La France pump and hose combination of 750 gallons' capacity for $12,500. In September, 1922, still another at the same price was purchased. The mechanical force of the department has to its credit the building over of the first truck owned by the city which had become practically useless, converting it into a first class ladder wagon at a cost of $393. An old Ford car bought for $50 was converted into a first class service car at a cost of $156. Fire Station No. 3 was opened in the Grand View district in 1922. The department now maintains three stations with a force of twenty men. The total equipment now is as follows: Three 750- gallon pumpers; one 500-gallon pumper; one ladder wagon; one Buick roadster; one Ford service car and 4,800 feet of two and one-half inch hose. Engineering Department Mr. Ben S. Depuy is engineer and also Street Superintendent. The demands made upon this department by the rapid growth and extension of the city, particularly by the great amount of street im- provement work being done, has made it difficult to keep up the neces- sary detail work, but it has been done nevertheless and the depart- ment is now in smooth and effective working condition. The force employed in this department is as follows : Engineer, assistant engineer, three chiefs of party, seven inspectors, field dep- uty. The above constitute the outside force. Inside are the follow- ing: In the street assessment department, one chief, a clerk and a draftsman. In office department, five draftsmen, one office deputy, six clerks, two stenographers. Street Department L. Dewaard and T. W. Curl, foremen. Eight truck drivers, five sweepers, three grader men, one tractor man, thirteen laborers, two chainmen. Health Department Consists of one health officer. Dr. G. Kaemmerling; an inspector, a nurse and a technician. Owing to the crowded condition of the city hall, this department is located in the building that was once the city hall of Tropico, on Los Feliz Road, corner Brand. 178 GLENDALE AND VICINITY The Hi-'iLniNC Department This department was for many years under the control of the Buildinjj Inspector, doing the work with one clerk. Mr. J. M. Banker held the position until 1920. At present Mr. H. C. Vandewater is Superintendent of Building, having under him four inspectors, one clerk and a draughtsman. Police Department In 1918, the Glendale Police department consisted of six men, its traveling equipment consisting of one motorcycle and one "Ford." The signalling system consisted of one telephone call box and some "volunteer" telejihones used by courtesy. The salaries ranged from $75 to $1 10 per month. The hours of duty were about twelve hours per "watch," but owing to the fact that high-grade men were em- ployed and that citizens generally co-operated, the taxpayers received a maximum of service at a minimum of cost. In 1916, an efifort was made to install a finger-print bureau, but because oi limited funds, it was impossible to employ an expert for that service. However, the fact that the department possessed this crime-detecting accessory, undoubtedly had a good effect in deterring the undesirables from coming to or remaining in the city. During the war period the task of obtaining good men was a difficult one, but the force was, nevertheless, kept in a good condition of efficiency. The department today is one of the most modernized and im- portant of the city government; although still somewhat handicapped, it is rapidly approaching a stage of 100 per cent efficiency. The per- sonnel on January 1, 1923, was composed of a chief. Col. John D. Frazer; a lieutenant, two sergeants, three desk officers, four motor- cycle officers, two detectives, a bailiff, a police matron and fourteen patrolmen. The transportation equipment consists of a Dodge Tour- ing car, a Ford Touring car. the latter being used part of the time by the pound-master in collecting stray canines. The motorcycle squad consists of a sergeant and three men working in two teams. This squad has done verj- efficient service in running down traffic law violators, recently averaging more than 450 a month. The signalling system has been greatly improved and enlarged. Thirteen call box stations have been established at various parts of the cit-s' and a red light signalling device operated from headquarters calls the force to the telephones in cases of emergency or of general alarm. A "Flying Squadron" consisting of two men armed with sawed-off shot guns is on duty at headquarters during the night ready for instant service. The city is divided into five precincts patrolled during the twenty-four hours and in constant touch with head- quarters. The offices have been greatly enlarged recently, adding considerable to the comfort and efficiency of the force. The hours of duty have been reduced to eight in the day and the pay increased until it is now from $135 to $200 a month. The personnel has been kept up well and is highly efficient, many ex-service men and marines being included in the force. A modern system of records has been installed, and in fact all along the line improvements are noticeable. Pi-iulroy's Dcparlimiu Store. 'I'hc Monarch Buildiiifi. GLENDALE AND VICINITY 181 TiiF. Growth of Gi.iindai.e by Anxkxations As the following statement shows, Glendale has gathered to itself by annexation a large area of territory, until at present it comprises all of the territory naturallj- aftiliated with it, except a small section of "Casa Verdugo" and a few scattering sparsely settled outlying districts of limited area. Most of the annexed territory has become a part of the city because its inhabitants saw the advantages to be derived, principally in the way of service of water and electricity by the municipality. The "Pumping Plant" strip was annexed in its shoestring form, for the purpose of bringing the property along the San Fernando road on which the city wells are located, under the jurisdiction of the city government. A similar argument was effective in reference to the Verdugo Canyon territory in which is located the city's gravity water supply. Original city, 1906 1.486 acres West Glendale, October 14, 1911 399 " Verdugo Canyon, March ,30, 1912 3,736 " Remington Street District. Oct. 16, 1915 45 " Pumping Plant District, Nov. 10, 1915 21 "' Tropico, Nov. 21, 1917 861 " Valley View, April 5, 1918 43 " Arden Avenue, April 5, 1918 14 " Kenilworth, June 24, 1918 47 " Grand View, Jan. 20, 1919 605 '• Pacific Avenue, June 30, 1921 748 " Viola Avenue, July 13, 1921 18 " Sierra Avenue, August 11, 1921 1,186 " Laurel Avenue, Nov. 29, 1921 401 " Total 9,610 acres The above are the dates of the elections, the official date of filing with the Secretary of State is a few days later in each case. As the year 1923 opens, several building projects have assumed tangible shape and structures will soon be erected that mark a new era in Glendale's building history. The "First four-story building in Glendale" is being erected on the southwest corner of Brand Boule- vard and Wilson Avenue, by J. W. Lawson. In the same block south of the Lawson building, E. U. Emery and H. S. Webb are con- structing a fine two-story building with glass front, to be occupied by the dry goods store of H. S. Webb and Company. The northeast corner of Brand and Broadway, occupied up to the present time since 1906 by the depot building of the Pacific Elec- tric Railway company, has been sold to the Security Loan and Trust Company, which recently took over the First National Bank of Glen- dale, and there will be erected there in the near future a bank building which it is said is to consist of six stories. But the largest building project ever started in the city, is the structures now being erected by the Glendale Sanitarium Company, 182 GLENDALE AND VICINITY on that company's recently acquired property on the hillside north of Wilson Avenue and east of Verdugo Road. The initial investment of this concern will amount to $480,000. This site was bought in 1922 of Mrs. Mary G. Dodge, widow of J. M. Dodge, a pioneer of Glendale, who selected that sightly spot for his home about 1885. He died some five or six years ago and his widow has occupied the original house on the hill up to the time of sale of the property. On the fine twenty-one acre site on the southeast corner of Ver- dugo Road and Broadway, acquired by the High School district in December, 1921. school buildings are now in course of construction for the Glendale Union High School, to cost $600,000 calculated to accommodate 2.500 pupils. The larger portion of this property was sold to the district by Mr. J. P. Lukens who came to Glendale in 1885 with no other capital than that with which nature had endowed him. The ground now being built upon by the High School district was covered by a fine bearing orchard of navel orange trees, which Mr. Lukens produced from the seed, and which have been dug up during the past few months to make way for the educational plant. The jjast year has witnessed the establishment of a number of important industrial enterprises along the San Fernando Road paral- leling the lines of the Southern Pacific Railroad company, within the recently established "Industrial District." As for the building of homes, which after all are the sure foundation of the city's growth and prosperity, that part of this history is told best in the figures presented herewith showing the continued and almost unparalleled record of achievement in this direction. The development of the city in recent years has naturally been from the center outward ; the section best served by the electric railroad, being the first to feel the impetus of the movement in real estate values set in motion by the home builder and then by the business that followed in his trail. The present era of rapidly increasing values in business property in particular, may be said to have had its inception about 1920, when Dr. Goodno, a Pasadena capitalist, bought lots on Brand Boule- vard running back to Maryland Avenue, between Broadway and Har- vard Street, and erected the Glendale Theatre building. This struc- ture was soon followed by the erection of the building now occupied by the Chamber of Commerce, and immediately afterwards bj' other business blocks which were immediately upon completion occupied by various prosperous business concerns, along Brand Boulevard and Broadway, in both directions from the center, which by common con- sent had been established at the junction of Broadway and Brand. At the present time there is no portion of the city in which growth and prosperity are not shown by buildings in the course of construction, although it is apparent that the greatest development in the way of home building is along the beautiful foothill section of the northwest towards Burbank. and at the other extreme in the eastern portion of the city near the Eagle Rock boundarj — the space between that city and Glendale being rapidly closed in. CHAPTER XI NEWSPAPERS OF GLENDALE THE ENCINAL AND THE BOOM OF THE LATE 'SO's. INTERESTING REMINISCENCES OF THE WHEELER BROTHERS AND SISTER. THE GLENDALE NEWS APPEARS ON THE SCENE. THE VALLEY INDE- PENDENT. ANOTHER PRINTER IN TOWN; THE PRESS BEGINS PUB- LICATION. TWO FLOURISHING DAILIES AT THIS TIME. The story of "The fastest growing city in .\nierica, " which omitted to give due attention to its newspapers, would be suggestive of Shakespeare's great tragedy with the Melancholy Dane left out. Certain it is that the newspapers of Glendale have at all times done their full duty in making the world familiar with the merits of the community whose life they mirrored and whose record they have faithfully kept. It is hard to realize that as long ago as 1887, a live newspaper existed in Glendale, fully as much alive to existing condi- tions and as thoroughly convinced of the future greatness of the com- munity, as the newspaper of today, which is saying much, for then it was seen with the eye of faith, while today the wonders of growth and development are so evident to the senses that they cry aloud ! Referring to the minutes of the Glendale Improvement Associa- tion, under date of June 6, 1887, we find the following: "The news- paper question was then discussed, the meeting being unanimous in the opinion that the project should be encouraged and a large sub- scription be given to a paper to be published on the spot. Messrs. Wheeler were present and e.xpressed their willingness to take hold of the project if guaranteed sufficient support. The secretary was in- structed to draw uj) a resolution pledging support to the proposition, pecuniary and otherwise." The resolution was unanimously adopted and a committee consisting of Messrs. Crow and Watson appointed to assist Mr. Wheeler in circulating a paper pledging a certain sum per month for the support of the paper for a period of six months. The sum of eighty dollars was pledged by those present. The mem- bers of this committee were Mr. H. J. Crow and Mr. W. G. Watson. The committee was evidently successful, for the paper was started. Both of the Wheeler brothers are alive and prosperous at the present time; one in the state of Washington and the other, .Arthur J., being connected with the Los .'\ngeles Railway Company. ,'\nother member of the firm that made the Glendale Encinal a success, was Mrs. Cora J. Wolfe, a sister of the two brothers, a practical type setter whose valuable assistance in that capacity went far towards making the existence of the paper possible. The historian is fortunate in being able to give the story of this interesting enterprise in the language of the editor and also other 184 GLENDALE AND VICINITY features of it in the language of the useful "silent partner." "I was working in the Western Union telegraph office in Los Angeles," said Mr. Wheeler, "and happened to remark one day to J. C. Sherer who was also employed there, that I had a brother who wanted to start a small newspaper somewhere. Mr. Sherer, who was living in Glendale at the time, said that there was a good opening in Glendale and the result was that he took me out there to see about it. We went to the meeting of the Improvement Association and in a short time the mat- ter was arranged for us to start the publication of a small weekly which we called the Encinal. We had no money and it was strictly a shoe-string proposition. I talked the printers' supply house, man- aged by Dick Pridham who afterwards became supervisor, into let- ting us have a small press and a set of type, for which we gave a note payable in six months. It was mighty hard 'sledding' but the people stood by us loyally and we made it go. "The paper was first located in the rear of the real estate office conducted by Clippinger and Williams at the southwest corner of Broadwaj' and Glendale Avenue. In a short time we moved from there to quarters prepared for us in the basement of the new hotel building. "The people of Glendale and Tropico gave us loyal support al- though we had of course, to work pretty hard for all that we got. As a printer's devil we had a lively number in the person of 'Billy' Phelon, who made himself generally useful. He is well known to Glendale people as the local manager of the Southern California Gas Compan}'. Among the pioneers of that day I recall with very friendly feelings, the names of Richardson, Devine, Cook, Hollenbeck, By- ram, Patterscjn, Clippinger, Lukens, Dewing, Hobbs, and always when thinking of those times I recall H. J. Crow. Glendale's original booster who was always ready to give support to any project that promised to develoj) the valley. After the railroad was completed to Glendale and before it was extended up into the canyon a stage ran from the terminus to the park. This stage was run by George Washington Gray who lived up Crescenta way and I was surprised a few weeks ago when I encountered Mr. Gray on the streets in Los Angeles, wearing the same long whiskers and looking much as he did in the days of the "iiooni.' We published the Encinal for about two years when, as the boom had collapsed, the picking became rather scanty and we sold out to Wm. Galer of Long Beach. I be- lieve Mr. Galer kejit it alive about a year when it passed into history." We are also able to supplement this interesting account by the fol- lowing sketch furnished by Mrs. Cora J. Wolfe, which furnishes a characteristeric atmosphere for the times pictured so graphically. "The Glendale T'lncinal, a weekly newspaper, was established in 1887 by Arthur J. and Walter L. Wheeler. A few cases of type and a Washington hand press made up the plant. The bugle note, or sole object in fact, was the booming of the little town. How the editor wrote of its future greatness, as a suburb of Los .Angeles — that was as far as he could visualize, and this was a far cry, a pure case of GLENDALE AND VICINITY 185 "kidding yourself,' a phrase which had not then been coined but aptly applies now. "Looking back thirty-five years one is dazed at the transition. Great things have been evolved from that first crude attempt at building a cit}-. As one remembers, the Encinal loyally reported every house that was constructed, fondly referring to the 'music of the hammer and the saw'; always prophesying that there was more to follow. No need to call attention to the many hmnes of artistic design that constitute the city of today. The old family home was located on what was then known as 'M' Streets (now Maryland Av- enue) between Fourth and Fifth Streets (now Broadway and Har- vard). There was a path made through the weeds and wild flowers leading thereto. There were only two other homes south of the hotel ; all beyond and surrounding being orchard and vineyard. On the lot where the little home stood and the tall corn waved — a home garden being the natural thinu: requiring no urge from the govern- ment, now stands a brick building. Within the past year the last land marks have been removed, a few large pepper trees and some cypress that had once formed a hedge about the house thirty years "Going back to the Encinal; the manner of getting news in those days was in keeping with the rest. A cart and a broncho were a part of the equipment and two days in the week saw one of the editors start of? for Tropico, Eagle Rock or even over the rocky road that led to La Canada and Crescenta, picking up bits of 'news' and those familiar with small town stuff will appreciate the fact that it was 'hard picking.' "Recalling those times one had a mental picture of 'Billy' the broncho, interested, if not in the work, in gleaning for himself the luscious pickings in the vineyards by the roadside. When he took a notion nothing would induce him to go ahead with the business of the day until he had sampled the grape juice. One day he came to grief through his pilfering propensities. He discovered some oats in a half opened box, and not being content with enough and to leave some for the next comer, he got his nose in too far and the result was a terrified broncho tearing down Glendale Avenue adorned with an unusual headpiece. It is not remembered that this experience re- formed him. The writer cherishes an abiding memory of the friends of that distant day who were loyal friends of the little paper; some of them still remain and are enjoying the fruits of their patient planting while others have passed on, let us hope, to an even better country. "Among them were Mr. and Mrs. W. C. B. Richardson. The latter contributed verses to the Encinal from time to time, and as there were no poets on the staff, her contributions were appreciated and each bit of her verse held some worth while message. Mr. Rich- ardson with his wide experience was a valued adviser of the strangers and novices. Out of the fund of his recollections he contributed many incidents of earlier days in the valley which supplied items of interest for our readers. 186 GLENDALE AND VICINITY "Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ayers always proved their interest in the Encinal, by contributions for the delectation of the newspaper force, rather than for the readers of the paper, as it was the good old custom still at that time, to send to the newspaper office samples of the fruits of the garden and orchard. While the ball of reminiscence rolls we speak of another good friend, Mrs. Ella B. Newcomb, whose home was in Verdugo on a hill overlooking the valley, from which a beauti- ful view of the valley unfolded. Mrs. Newcomb also expressed her- self in verse, short poems inspired b\' the beautiful natural surround- ings of her home in the Verdugo hills. -A^nother loyal supporter of the paper was Mr. H. J. Crow whose home was located in the center of a fine orchard, where the new Catholic church now stands. The long line of eucalyptus trees on Lomita Avenue were planted by Mr. Crow and stands as a fitting monument to the memory of that sturdy, energetic pioneer. Some one has said. 'There is in friendship, for a tree, somethintj resembling ones relation to a friend. Rich and happy is the man who has in his heart the gift of feeling to discern the link between nature and humanity, so that the magic door unlocks for him and discloses the inner meaning of them both.' " After the passing of the Encinal, Glendale went for many years without a newspaper. But in 1895 there was an enterprising grocer located at the store on the corner of Glendale Avenue and Third Street, named T. W. Jones. Mr. Jones conceived the idea that trade might be helped by a new scheme for advertising, so he began to pub- lish an occasional six by four sheet called The Suburban Visitor. The first issue of that publication lies before us, dated November 19, 1895. The editor modestly declares that he "does not hope to compete with the big dailies," and then proceeds to show that he has a good idea of news values, by publishing a good many items of local interest. The principal one is in reference to the development work being done by the Verdugo Canyon Water Company in the canyon. It is stated that 250 feet of a bed rock dam has been completed at an expenditure of $6,000, extending to a depth of from 12 to 28 feet. .Another item tells about the strawberry crop of L. C. Wardell. Rev. Mills was the min- ister of the Presbyterian church. Mrs. Duncan (Mrs. P. W. Parker) was giving lessons on the piano. J. F. Jones, Mark Gorsline, E. J. Valentine and Chas. Sternberg were engaged in raising a crop of green peas on the North Glendale foothills, hoping to get a good crop and high prices provided the frost kept off. The reason for the exis- tence of the sheet is given in full column list of prices at the store of Mr. Jones. A comparison with present day prices may be of in- terest. It should be remembered that the year 1895 was in a period of great business depression. However, we learn that 5 gallons of coal oil could be purchased for 90 cents, gasoline costing five cents more. A fifty pound sack of flour could be bought for 80 cents. Four pounds of soda crackers, 25 cents. Six cakes of Borax soap, 25 cents; a 75 pound sack of rolled barley, 55 cents; one pound of Mocha and Java coflfee, 40 cents; good English Breakfast Tea, 60 cents. The old reliable Arbuckle's coffee was two pounds for 45 cents. Wheat $1.15 a hundred. Mr. Jones soon left for more enticing fields, not fore- GLENDALE AND VICINITY 187 seeing the coming greatness of the city that was to come into exis- tence eleven years later. One day in 10Q5 a printer came to Glendale with a pocket full of type, rented a little frame building on Glendale Avenue between Third and Fourth (Wilson and Broadway) Streets and presently is- sued a very small sheet, called a newspaper by courtesy, and passed copies out to anybody passing by. He was so unobtrusive in his methods that but few people knew he was in the neighborhood. So little of an impression did he make on the community that among the old settlers of that time who still remain no one can be found who remembers his name. He may have remained a month, possibly not so long, but he played his part, for there came out to the little town one day a real live newspaper man who bought out the plant, if such it could be termed, and started the Glendale News. The newcomer was Mr. E. M. McClure, a man who had had ex- perience in starting newspapers in small towns and, in the words of the fraternity, "knew the game." Mr. McClure sensed the possibil- ities of the town and although short on capital, financially speaking, was supplied with natural endinvments of energy and aggressive push. He impressed upon a few of the "leading citizens" the idea that a newspaper was an absolute necessity and that he was offering them an opportunity to get one which might not be again repeated. He obtained about $300 of the local bank, on the endorsements of the "prominent citizens." with which he bought a small assortment of type, a hand press and a few other requirements, and proceeded to print and issue a small but aggressive sheet, well spiced with person- alities and other things. He took up the question of municipal in- corporation, which had been started by the Improvement Association, and fought it through to a finish in the February following. Mr. McClure conducted the News with fair success until Janu- ary 1, 1907, when he sold out to Riggs and Sherer. When the paper was first established as a regular publication, it was located on Broadway, second door from the northwest corner of Glendale Av- enue, in the old schoolhouse building that had been bought by John Mulder, moved from its location on Broadway, remodeled and turned into two business structures. On Broadway there were two rooms, the corner one used as a l)ool room and soft drink establishment and the other being leased to the newspaper, Mulder and his wife living in the rear. When the newly elected city trustees began to look around for quarters in which to transact the city business, it was decided to secure this room on Broadway if possible. A deal was made with Mr. McClure by which he gave up his lease and allowed the city authorities to move in, so that after meeting at the residence of the clerk for the two first regular meetings, the third was held in the new quarters. The News ofifice was then moved into Mulder's other building, adjoining the corner one on the north. There it remained until 1913 when it passed into the hands of the present owner who moved the plant to the Wil- son block on Broadway near the corner of Louise Street. There it remained, having meantime been converted into a daily paper, until 188 GLENDALE AND VICINITY again moved into its present quarters on Brand Boulevard. Sherer and Riggs conducted the News until July, 1908, when Mr. Riggs sold out his interest to his partner. In the meantime, within a few weeks after having sold the paper, Mr. McCIure started an opposition paper (The Valley Independent) on Brand Boulevard. He published this until July, 1908, when it was bought by the proprietor of the News. Mr. Sherer published the paper until March, 1913. when he sold out to Mr. A. T. Cowan, a newspaper man from Illinois. Mr. Cowan conducted the paper as a weekly a few months only when he converted it into a daily on September 1, 1913, the paper from that time onward constantly growing in circulation and influence; each issue at present consists of from 10 to 16 pages. The plant which Mr. Cowan took over in 1913 consisted of an old cylinder press, two job presses, two or three fonts of type and the other usual accessories of a small printing estab- lishment. At this time the News is published in spacious modern quarters with a mechanical outfit which is excelled only by those to be found in larger cities. The force of employes in 1913 numbered five; today the establishment gives emploj'ment to about seventy-five people with a weekly wage roll of two thousand dollars. The Glendale Press In May, 1910. Mr. Frank S. Chase, a practical printer, came to Glendale from San Diego and started a four page weekly in a small office on Brand Boulevard. For several months the actual printing of the paper was done in Los Angeles, the editor and proprietor carry- ing on a job printing business which was the principal source of in- come, although the popularity of the adventurous spirit in the journal- istic field, brought to the Press a volume of advertising that the circu- lation of the paper hardly merited. The paper kept alive through the "lean" years and began to prosper when the "fat" ones came; a good "plant" was gradually accumulated and after about ten years of ef- fort Mr. Chase found himself the owner of a valuable piece of journal- istic property. On December 1, 1919, he sold out to Mr. J. H. Folz. another practical printer. Mr. Folz conducted the paper for six months alone and then sold a part interest to Mr. J. W. Usilton. well known in Glendale through his connection with the Los .Angeles Ex- ])ress and his activity in civic affairs. The paper continued as a v/eekly, having grown up to a sixteen page issue, for another year. Messrs. Folz and Usilton then in company with a number of Glendale citizens formed an incorporated publishing company and started the Press on its career as a daily. Shortly after this was accomplished, Mr. Folz sold his stock in the concern to Capt. Thomas D. Watson. It was on March 1, 1921, that the first issue of the Press as a daily appeared with Mr. John W. Usilton as editor and Mr. \V. L. Taylor as business manager, assisted by a full corps of reporters, advertising solicitors, etc. The paper had the usual difficult experiences of a new venture of the kind, but the outcome was creditable to all concerned and it was in a short time well established in the favor of the pul^Iic. When Captain Watson bought into the company he took over the GLENDALE AND VICINITY 189 general management and soon succeeded in putting it upon a substan- tial and profitable basis. In May. 1921, a Cox Double Web press was installed with a capacity of 3.600 papers an hour, thus solving the problem which had up to that time been a difl'icult one. In Septem- ber, 1921, Wr. F. \V. Kellogg, who had been very successful as man- ager of the Los Angeles Express and several allied papers, obtained control of the Glendale Press and in a short time brought it to a posi- tion of well assured success and efficiency. No change was made in the local management. The combination of the Press with the prin- cipal Los .Angeles evening paper has been one of the principal factors in giving this paper a large circulation. The policy of the Press has been loyalt}' to local interests and support of measures tending tf> in- crease Glendale interests and prestige. San Fernando Valley Sun In the latter part of 1916, Mr. Herbert Crooks, a well known newspaper man of San Fernando and elsewhere, conceived the idea that there was room for another newspaper in Glendale and started a weekly paper named as above. It was published for a few weeks in a small room on Broadway, east of Glendale Avenue. War condi- tions and other adverse circumstances conspired against the venture and after a precarious existence for three or four months, it passed away. From time to time there have been a number of publications started in Glendale as advertising propositions, the readiness of the average Glendale merchant to try at least once anything promising publicity, giving encouragement to these ventures. Generally their existence has been ephemeral, although at the present time one or two of them appear to be fairly successful. Indeed it is a matter of wonderment that it has been possible for two local dailies to establish themselves so securely as they have done, considering the competition of the big Los Angeles papers which also have a large circulation in the community and are distributed in Glendale as promptlj' as in the outskirts of Los Angeles. It is proof of the fact that Glendale is possessed of a spirit of loyalty to home interests, which make it pos- sible to overcome the natural trend of that attraction which forces the suburbs of a large city generally toward the greater common center. The newspapers of Glendale from the first to the latest, have been one of the chief factors, building, even better than they knew, the foundations of a city of ever increasing greatness. Tropico Newspapers H. W. Melrose, a practical printer, was living in Tropico when that place began to show signs of awakening and it was natural enough that it should occur to him that a newspaper was a "long felt want." The result was that in February, 1911, the Tropico Sentinel was launched under his leadership. It came into being at a time when there was a general agitation over the questions of annexation, either to Los Angeles or Glendale, and of incorporation as a separate mu- nicipal entity. The issue of April 1, 1911, announced that Mr. N. C. 190 GLENDALE AND VICINITY Biirch had been secured as editor. Mr. Biirch was an old newspaper man, also an attorney, and under his editorial management the paper became well established, the editorial pages being well filled with leaders which showed the work of an experienced writer. Mr. Burch was connected with the Verdugo Canyon Water Company, and being familiar with the water question which was one of the live issues of the time, the pages of the paper were enlivened with many able arti- cles from his pen on that subject t)n which he particularly specialized. In April of the year of its establishment, the paper changed its heading to Inter-Urban Sentinel, being inspired by an ambition to cater to a somewhat larger field. On June 15, 1911, Mr. Melrose transferred his interest in the paper to the Sentinel Publishing Com- pany, under the management and editorial control of Mr. Hurch. He conducted the paper until February, 1913, when he sold to Harry L. Edwards. In July of that year Mrs. Ella ^\'. Richardson became financially interested in the paper and it was issued thereafter by Ed- wards and Richardson. In January. 1914, Mrs. Richardson became the sole owner and Mr. Arthur J. Van Wie was placed in the editorial chair, also acting as manager. On July 8. 1914. the paper became the Tropico Sentinel. Mr. \'an Wie becoming editor and proprietor. Mr. Van Wie conducted the paper until June. 1916. when it ])assed into the possession of E. C. Gibbs, Miss Gertrude Gibbs becoming editor. In the issue of De- cember, 1917. Miss Gibbs announced that the Sentinel had been con- solidated with the weekly edition of the Glendale News and would thereafter be known as the Glendale-Sentinel-Progress, the con- solidation of the two cities having l)een effected. In 1917, Mr. Oliver, a practical printer, who had associated with him an old newspaper man, Mr. F. C. Wilkinson, started the Tropico Herald which was published until November, 1919, bj- the Oliver Company, when on account of the fact that the printing plant had moved to Glendale, the name of the publication was changed to the Glendale Herald, its publication continuing for a short time only. CHAPTER XII BANKING INSTITUTIONS OF GLENDALE THE PIONEER DANK; THE BANK OF GLENDALE. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK SOON FOLLOWS. THE FIRST AND ONLY STRICTLY SAVINGS BANK. A BANK OF MANY NAMES, THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK IN GLENDALE. THE GLENDALE STATE BANK APPEARS ON THE SCENE. THE COMMUNITY SAVINGS AND COMMERCIAL BANK. In 1905 it was a much more serious thing to start a Ijank than it is now when there is one found in ever}' small town. In that year B. F. Patterson, Dr. D. W. Hunt, E. T. Byram and a few others started the movement for securing a bank for Glendale, the need for one becoming more and more apparent daily. They interested Judge E. M. Ross and Captain C. E. Thorn in the project. They secured the assistance of Mr. \Vm. Mead of the Central Bank, Los Angeles, and the Bank of Glendale was organized with a paid up capital stock of $25,000. Mr. James C. Kayes, also connected with the Central Bank, was made president of the Board of Directors; Dr. D. W. Hunt, vice- president and Mr. J. C. Sherer, cashier. The bank opened its doors on June 26, 1905, in the frame one-story building on Glendale Avenue, on the west side of the street, second door from the corner, north of Broadwa)'. The equipment was limited to such books and jjarapher- nalia as were absolutely necessarj', including a manganese steel safe. In the meantime Mr. Elias Ayers was erecting a two-storj- build- ing on the northwest corner of Glendale Avenue and Wilson, the lower corner room being calculated for the use of the bank ; and so about August first the bank was moved to that location on a five year lease. At that time the principal store of the town was on the south- west corner of Wilson and Glendale Avenue, as was also the post- office, Broadway not having developed as a business thoroughfare, while Brand Boulevard was just entering o na building career which was later to make it the center of the city. In the latter part of 1906 Mr. F. H. Vesper, an Iowa banker, looking around for a banking business in which to establish himself, secured a block of stock in the institution which was held by Mr. Mead and puchasing it entered into control of the Bank of Glendale. Mr. Vesper's judgment has been amply substantiated since that time and the bank under his direction prospered even in excess of his ex- pectations. Up to the time that Mr. Vesper took charge, the bank had obtained a good start with a large list of depositors, generally in small amounts and had a very desirable line of local investments in the form of mortgages. On January I, 1907, Mr. Sherer retired and was succeeded as cashier by Mr. J. F. Mclntyre, who retained that position until suc- ceeded by Mr. Herman Nelson, February 15, I9I2. 192 GLEXDALE AND VICINITY In 1909, the business center having shifted to Broadway so un- mistakably that the fact could not be evaded, this bank, although its lease did not expire for another year in the quarters then occupied, moved into its own building on the southeast corner of Glendale Avenue and Broadway. In June, 1916, the bank opened a branch on Brand Boulevard, the immediate success of which proved the wisdom of the move. On August 20, 1920. a merger was accomplished by which the Bank of Glendale ceased to exist and became a branch of the Los An- geles Trust and Savings Bank. Mr. \'^esper, who had been president of the institution ever since 1907, retired from the banking business, remaining with the institution, however, until re-organization had been completely accomplished. Mr. Nelson remained as local man- ager and later became a vice president of the Pacific Southwest Trust and Savings Bank as this bank was re-christened in the latter part of 1922. Mr. D. H. Smith is manager of the Brand Boulevard branch and a vice-president of the bank. As an indication of the growth of this institution the following comparison of the amount of deposits, is given: August. 1920, $1,799,- 855.54; January 1, 1923, $3,412,248.84. The First National Bank of Glendale opened its doors in No- vember, 1905, Mr. L. C. Brand being the principal owner and pro- moter. .Associated with him as directors were Herman W. Hellman. and W. S. Halliday of the Merchants National Bank. Los Angeles, and Dan Campbell and D. Griswold of Glendale. The cashier was Mr. E. V. Williams. Among the other stockholders we find the names of D. McNiven, A. Engelhardt, A. W. Collins, George U. Moyse, P. S. McNutt, Fannie S. McNutt, George T. Dutton and J. A. Logan. The bank was located in the two-story brick building, known then as the "Masonic Hall" just north of the P. E. depot where, in enlarged quarters, the Branch Bank of the Pacific-Southwest Trust and Sav- ings Bank is now located. In 1909 W. W. Lee, M. P. Harrison and Ed M. Lee purchased a controlling interest in the bank. Mr. Halliday and Mr. Griswold re- maining on the Board of Directors, being succeeded later by E. U. Emery and George T. Paine. In 1918 the first three story brick building in Glendale was erected on the southeast corner of Broadway and Brand and the bank was moved into these quarters. In August. 1919. the controlling in- terest was sold to C. C. Cooper, R. F. Kitterman and W. C. Ander- son. Mr. Anderson soon sold out his interest to Messrs. Cooper and Kitterman. About the first of January, 1922, Mr. Kitterman pur- chased Mr. Cooper's interest and eflfected a merger with the Security Trust and Savings Bank of Los Angeles. The growth of this institu- tion is indicative of the growth of the community as the following figures show. The combined assets on December 31, 1909, were $231,473.37; on December 31, 1913, $453,495.04; on December 31, 1919, $1,274,133.84 and at the time of the merger with the Security Trust and Savings Bank, $2,266,020.60. I'lfS''^'' Glcndalf Branch. Security Trust i\: Savings Bank. Prese".t (Juartcrs (above), and Class A Building to be Constructed at Broadway and Brand Boulevard in 192.V GLENDALE AND VICINITY 195 Glendale Savings Bank This institution is the only strictly Savings Bank in Glendale. It received its charter under date of May 5, 1913, being organized by W. W. Lee, M. P. Harrison, W. S. Perrin, Ed M. Lee, and E. U. Emery, who were appointed directors for the first year. The ofificers for that year were : Ed M. Lee, president ; \V. W. Lee, vice presi- dent; E. U. Emer)', vice president; M. P. Harrison, secretary; C. D. Lusby, assistant secretary and cashier. The bank opened for business Tune 2, 1913. The deposits at the end of that year were $36,578; at the end of 1914. $76,242; on June 1, 1915, the end of the second year, deposits were $133,595; June 30. 1922, deposits $600,000; January 1, 1923, $665,953. In May, 1920, E. U. Emery and C. D. Lusby sold their stock to W. S. Perrin and David Francy. At the same time W. W. Lee and Ed M. Lee sold most of their holdings to C. E. Wetmore and H. E. Francy. Mr. Ed M. Lee, Mr. E. U. Emery and Mr. C. D. Lusby re- signed as ofificers of the bank and Mr. W. S. Perrin was elected presi- dent, C. E. Wetmore and Fred L. Thompson vice presidents, and H. E. Francy, cashier. These ofificers continue in charge of the in- stitution and their work shows the remarkable result indicated by the figures given above. First Xational Bank in Glendale This institution with a determination to keep up with the times, has twice changed its name. It was organized as the Bank of Trop- ico in March, 1910, with the following named officials: Daniel Camp- bell, president; E. W. Richardson, vice president; John A. Logan, cashier. The Board of Directors was constituted as follows: Daniel Campbell, E. W. Richardson, O. S. Richardson, B. W. Richardson, John A. Logan, Norton C. Wells, W. H. Bullis. The location was in the bank's own building on the corner of San Fernando Road and Central Avenue. The business center of Tropico having shifted to Brand Boule- vard, the bank in 1917 moved into a new building located on the cor- ner of Brand Boulevard and Cypress Street, where it remains. At that time the bank was capitalized for only $25,000 with deposits of $40,000. At present its capitalization with surplus amounts to $65,000 and deposits are $900,326.91. In 1921 the name of the institution was changed to Glendale National Bank and on January 1, 1923, it became The First National Bank in Glendale. The Board of Directors is constituted as follows : O. S. Rich- ardson, W. H. Bullis, B. F. Lyttle, Dan Campbell, W. W. Lee, John A. Logan. Present ofificers are: W. W. Lee, president; O. S. Rich- ardson, vice president; John A. Logan, cashier; Dan Campbell, chair- man of Board of Directors. Glendale State Bank This bank was organized May 14, 1921 ; opening for business September 26 of the same year, with a paid-up capital of $100,000. Mr. Allen R. Eastman, the organizer, had associated with him the 196 GLENDALE AND VICINITY following Glendale people who served as the first directors : W. E. Evans, Peter L. Ferrv. Howard W. Walker, C. D. Lusbv. C. E. Kim- lin, C. H. Toll. Oma Fish. John Hyde Braly. Mr. C.'H. Toll was elected president. Allen R. Eastman, active vice president and inan- ager; Howard \V. \\'alker. vice president; C. D. Lusby, cashier. On the opening daj-. the deposits were $75,000; by December thirty-first this had increased to $338,990.85. Deposits grew with re- markable celeritv as is shown bv the following figures: March 1. 1922, $516,698.88; June 30, 1922, $603,516.62; September 30. 1922. $683,196.81; December 30. 1922, $836,871.82. On January 10. 1923. the following were elected directors: Allen R. Eastman, president; Howard \V. Walker, vice president; C. D. Lusby, D. J. Hanna, W. E. Evans, Oma A. Fish, C. E. Kimlin, Peter L. Ferry, J. J. Nesom. The 1923 oflficers are the following: Allen R. Eastman, presi- dent; Howard W. Walker, vice president; George E. Farmer, cashier; Allen R. Eastman, treasurer; George E. Farmer, secretary. The bank is located in the remodeled Central Building. 109 E. Broadway. The CoMMr.Nnv Savi.vgs and Co.^rMERCIAL Bank This is the latest financial institution offering its services to the Glendale people. It was organized November 13, 1922, with a paid up capital of $40,000 by the following gentlemen: Daniel Campbell, ^Iax Baj-ha, George Bentley. Geo. \'. Black. Arthur Campbell, Her- bert L. Eaton. Geo. B. Carr, W. W. Lee. W. C. B. Richardson. The above constitute the Board of Directors with Mr. Dan Camp- bell as chairman; Mr. W. W. Lee, president; John Logan and Dan Campbell, vice presidents; Mr. H. J. Wellman, cashier. The institu- tion is located on San Fernando Road near Brand Boulevard and only open for business three months has deposits aggregating $135,000. This bank occujiies a central place in a rapidly grt)wing business por- tion of the city and promises a rapid growth and ever increasing use- fulness. CHAPTER XIII THE SCHOOLS OF GLENDALE THE SEPULV^EDA SCHOOL DISTRICT. THE FIRST SCHOOL- HOUSE. EARLY TEACHERS. GEO. D. HOWLAXD AND PROF. S. E. COLEMAN TELL OF THEIR EXPERIENCES. BUILDING OF THE SCHOOLHOUSE AT "TROPICO." THE BROADWAY SCHOOLHOUSE DIVISION OF THE DISTRICT. GROWTH OF THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS. THEIR CONDITION UP TO DATE. Tlie story of the public school.s of Glendale is familiar to the writer back as far as 1883. Details of the Sepulveda school district previous to that time are difificult to obtain as the records of the county superintendent's office are rather fragmentary. The Sepul- veda School District, as it was then named, practically covered origin- ally all of the Rancho San Rafael, having the Arroyo Seco for its eastern boundary, the Providencia Ranch for its westerly line and extending over all the territory between the top of the Sierras and the Los Angeles river. .Along about 1880, however, the easterly boundary was made to terminate at the Los Angeles city limits, which at that time, where the city line crossed the San Fernando Road, was just east of where the Taylor Milling company now is located. In 1880 the territory now covered by Pasadena, was the San Pasqual School District, having that year 133 census children (between ages of 5 and 17 years). Then came Sepulveda with 109 children of school age, nine of whom were classed as "Indians." These disappeared in subsequent years, however, which indicates that they were nomads and had gone to other pastures. On the west was the Providencia district, which included all of the San Fernando valley westward to where it joined the San Fernando district. The latter district had 110 children in 1880, while Providencia had seventeen. In 1881 the number of children in the Sepulveda district had dwindled to 97. indicating that the Indians were missed. The total expenditures for the district for that year were $1,205.66. By 1882 the number of children had increased to 130, of which 72 were classed as "White." The school census was taken in June, the apportionment of money by the state being based on the number of children in the district and the average attendance. It was in- tended that there should be one teacher for every 70 children enumer- ated. At that time there was no compulsory school law and it is noted that in that year there were 70 of the 130 children in the district who did not attend school. In 1883, the year that the development of the valley started, the new settlers did not get in in time to be counted evidently, for there 198 GLENDALE AND VICINITY were only 150 children enumerated, 89 designated as "Whites," there being two Chinese among those present. It is noted that there were 70 children listed as not attending school the previous year. By June, 1884, the number of school age children had increased to 235, with 85 not attending school. In 1885 there were 244 enumerated. In 1886 the district was divided, the La Canada district being created. The first school house in the Sepulveda district was located on Verdugo Road on the southeast corner of Sycamore Canyon Road, a small one-story whitewashed building. In 1883 when the necessity for a new schoolhouse became imperative, the trustees of the district were H. J. Crow, J. F. Dunsmoor and George Engelhardt. Dunsmoor's hom'? was located on San Fernando Road under a big oak tree that stood on a little knoll between the railroad tracks and the river, below the winery. Crow was located at Lomita Park. Engelhardt had moved out from Los Angeles the previous year and was located in Verdugo Canyon, having a hundred acres or so of mountain land, with a house on the bluff overlooking the Verdugo Creek, or "wash," near where at present a rock crusher has been located and gravel is being taken out. Mr. Engelhardt had a large family and there were a number of families of native Californians in the vicinity who figured numerously in the school census and when Engelhardt insisted that the children in his neighborhood should have a schoolhouse in that vicinity, the weight of his argument appealed to the other trustees as reasonable and it was agreed that if the voters in the canyon would support the proposition to bond the district for a new school house to be located at Tropico (not then in existence) the old building should be moved further up the canyon. This was done and it settled near the point where the direct road to Crescenta is joined by the road running near the base of the hills westward. Mr. Engelhardt was a practical politician in those days when one man could, if he knew how, fi.x the tickets for all those of his neigh- bors who were inclined to take the franchise not too seriously ; and he kept his promise, the bond issue being put through successfully and the schoolhouse built. This does not end the story of the little whitewashed schoolhouse, however. A school being established at La Canada in 1886, it was agreed that as a second school was needed in the Sepulveda district, the old house should travel down the Verdugo Road again, as it did, settling on or near its original site. It remained there for two years, when, as the schoolhouse on Broadway had been built, it was bought by Mr. \V. G. Watson, and closed its career ingloriously as a barn. Mr. Coleman's story of this school which appears in the following pages, fits in here. In 1883, Mr. George D. Rowland (now a lawyer in Los Angeles) was the first teacher in the new building at Tropico. Of this time, Mr. Rowland says: "I was the first principal of the district and the first teacher in the new schoolhouse, being all alone during the first year. Preceding my advent there had i)een but one teacher at a time and the attendance now doubled. The next year Miss Fannie Quesnel (now Mrs. W. D. Byram) became my assistant. After two The West C.kndale and Tropico Schools of the Past. GLENDALE AND VICINITY 201 years at 'Sepulveda' I took the principalship of the Wilmington school and Miss Quesnel l^ecame principal at Sepulveda. The trustees at that time were H. J. Crow, Frank Duiismoor and George Engel- hardt. As I recall it now, 1 received a salary of $75 per month the first year, the second year $87.50; Miss Quesnel received $50. "One day the Downey Avenue bridge washed out, and the water in the Arroyo Seco was too high for my horse and cart to ford, so I borrowed a saddlehi>rse of Mr. J. C. Sherer who was employed in the telegraph office in the Baker Block, Los Angeles, and made the round tri]). At another time all the bridges over the river were washed out and I with others picked my way over the twisted rails of the S. P. bridge, and walked. The second year I boarded with Major Mitchell's family near the schoolhouse. During the latter part of that year, owing to sickness in the Mitchell family, 1 went to Mr. Richardson's to board. "When I opened school in 1883 only one room was provided with desks, but before the year ended desks were put in the other room and I was handling a school of seventy pupils, from the beginning of the primary grade up to about the second high school year. The school was strictly graded and worked according to the county course of study and all work was completed on time although there was frequently only ten minutes for a recitation. I had the complete cooperation of pupils and parents, without which I never could have stood up under the work. While one class was passing to their seats another was forming for recitation. The County Superintendent said that no school had pupils wider awake or quicker to respond. W^ith such timber to build with, the valley had to grow." In 1886 occurred the first division of the district, when La Canada district was formed. Miss Helen M. Haskell, teacher, with 35 children enrolled. A year later Crescenta district was formed with 67 children in the district and only 27 enrolled. Miss Mary H. Merrill, teacher. Eagle Rock district also came into being about this time. The teaching force in the Sepulveda district in 1886 was Miss Fanny Quesnel, Miss Maggie Tracy and Miss Ida McCormick. Mr. S. E. Coleman, who had been a pupil under Mr. Howland in the "new schoolhouse," began teaching in this year in the little old schoolhouse on Verdugo Road. Mr. Coleman, who is at this time head of the Department of Science in the Oakland High school, writes in an interesting manner of this period as follows: "The little old whitewashed schoolhouse on Verdugo Road was, I believe, moved down there from the Canyon (Verdugo). School was first organized in it in this location on November 1, 1886. I remember the date well, as it was my twenty-first birthday and my first day as a teacher. There were about six grades, ranging from chart class up. The majority of the 30 or 35 pupils scarcely knew a word of luiglish. The room was small and crowded to the walls. In fact the outer row of seats on each side was placed against the wall and a board seat extended across the room from side to side against the rear wall. On the opening day I had a small drygoods box for a seat. We had a small chart for the chart class and a 'blackboard' of cloth stretched 202 GLENDALE AND VICINITY against the wall. It was a crude beginning and a very green hand in charge. "The following year the school was moved to the new building on Fourth Street. I was the only teacher, only one room being used that year. After completing this second year, I entered the Normal school in Los Angeles, from which I graduated two years later. My first teacher's certificate was of the second grade, obtained in Los Angeles on examination, my preparation for which was obtained in the Glen- dale (Tropico) school, supplemented by some self-directed reading." Mr. Coleman's experience since that time includes terms of teach- ing it! Ventura, Riverside, Los Angeles High, San Jose High, and Oakland Technical High School. In the intervals he has found time to graduate at Berkeley and to put in two years study at Harvard. In 1887 Miss Haskell was teaching in La Canada with 37 pupils enrolled. Schools had also been established at Crescenta and at Eagle Rock. In 1888 Miss Elva B. Williams was teaching at La Canada; Miss Mary H. Merrill at Crescenta and Miss Augusta Stevens at Eagle Rock. Sepulveda district for that year had 161 pupils enrolled with 216 children of school age in the district. Following Mr. Howland, Miss Fannie Quesnel became principal in 1886, with Miss Maggie Tracy and Miss Ida McCormick as assistants. Miss Quesnel married Mr. W. D. Byram and for many years was well known in Los Angeles as being connected with county welfare work. Mr. and Mrs. Byram are at present residing in San Francisco. Miss Flora Denton, an accomplished lady who afterwards entered the Foreign Mission field over in China, suc- ceeded Miss Quesnel with Mr. W. C. Hayes as assistant. In 1888 Mr. W. R. Chandler came to the Tropico school as principal with Miss Laura Campbell as assistant. In 1889 Miss Marden (well known as Mrs. Wesley H. Bullis) came to the Tropico school as assistant with Mr. Chandler, teaching there continuously for eight years, the latter three or four years under Mr. Sherman Roberts as the principal. Mr. Roberts was a local product, who lived with his parents on Verdugo Road near what is now Glassell Park, and is remembered by the writer of this history as traveling daily on school days between his home and Los Angeles while in attendance at the Normal school in that city. Mr. William Malcom succeeded Mr. Roberts as principal for three or four years. As previously stated, the Broadway school was erected in 1887 at a cost of about $.^,200 for the building and $500 for two school lots. Realizing the fact that the grounds were not large enough, the people of the neighborhood took up a collection and purchased one or two additional lots which they donated to the district. Mr. Coleman was the first teacher in the new building, only one of the rooms being in use. To this school in 1888 came Miss Margaret Clark who taught there three years. Miss Dora Brown taught with Miss Clark during the last year of Miss Clark's principalship and a part of the following year, resigning to become Mrs. Baker, and being succeeded by Miss Emma Sovereign, who was assistant with Miss May Stansberry, who became principal in 1891. In Miss Stansberry 's second year GLEXDALE AND VICINITY 203 Miss Mary Baright taught the two lower grades. The following year Miss Baright took charge of the newly established school in West Glendale in the upper story of the brick building on San Fernando Road, which later became a winery. Miss Baright was married the following year to Mr. James Dunsmoor, the son of J. F. Dunsmoor, a pioneer of the early '80's. In 1896-97 Prof. Edward L. French was principal of this school. Professor French was a man of unusual culture. He had been con- nected with Wells College in New York before coming to Glendale, and was a man of great personal attraction, who had a faculty of imparting to his pupils much information of a useful nature which was not found in the text-books. One of his assistants during one of these years was Miss Margaret Thomas, who subsequently went from Berkeley University to take up the work of teaching in the Philippine Islands. She is now Mrs. McBee, a resident of North Carolina; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Thomas, still residing in Glendale. In 1898 Mr. W. H. Holland became princi])al at this school, being assisted by Miss \'iola Bacchus of Eagle Rock. During this period the salary of the principal of the schools in this district was $80 and $90 per month. The average attendance in 1899 was 89, reaching 105 in 1903 when three teachers were employed. From 1899 to 1902, Mr. Ernest Babcock was principal. He is now "Professor"' Babcock of the State University. Assisting him at various times were the following: Cornelia E. Bowen, Josephine A. Bont, Martha Bohan, Lula .A.. Diffenbacher. In 1892 the Sepulveda district was cut up and formed the districts of Glendale, West Glen- dale and Tropico. In the fall of 1902 Mr. M. W. Lorbeer was appointed principal, teaching for two terms. In addition to his work as teacher, Mr. Lor- beer, with his wife, was active in civic matters during his residence in Glendale, taking an active part in the work of Improvement Asso- ciation, the literary society, church, etc. During his first term his assistants were Miss Frances Hendershott and Miss Cornelia Bowen. In his second year, Miss Ida Waite became assistant teacher in place of Miss Bowen, beginning at that time her long and useful career in Glendale. The average attendance at this school in 1904 was 124. In 1905, Mary Ogden Ryan, who had been teaching at the West Glendale school since 1897, came to the Broadway as principal. She arrived at the beginning of an era of remarkable growth in the schools as in the community at large. The average attendance for the term of 1905-06 was 247, almost exactly double that of two years before and the corps of teachers had increased to five, Mrs. Ryan being sup- ported by Misses Ida M. Waite, Frances Hendershott, Edna Ballan- tyne and Norah Harnett. During the term of 1906-07, the assistant teachers were Misses Ida M. Waite, Helen Best. Lucile Shultz, Frances Hendershott and Annie Mclntyre. The Colorado street school opened in 1908 with Miss Waite as principal, a position she still holds. The opening of this school reduced the attendance at the Broadway to a daily average of 219 which in 1912-13 had increased to 245. From this time forward it is 204 GLENDALE AND VICINITY not possible nor desirable to follow the growth of the schools in detail. In 1903 a new school building was erected on Broadway, succeed- ing the structure that was erected in 1887. This was removed in 1921 to be succeeded by the handsome up-to-date structure of the present. At the time this history is written, the erection of one or more school buildings in the different parts of the city, is a matter of yearly occurrence. Mr. Richardson D. White became principal of the Glendale Grammar School district in 1913 and to him we are indebted for the following brief sketch of the system up to date. History of the Glend.xle Schools From Sept., 1913, to Date With the opening of the fall term of school in 1913 there were five schools in operation in Glendale, the Central Avenue School having been opened at that date for the first time. These five schools employed altogether approximately 36 teachers. This did not include the Tropico school which employed at that time about ten teachers. The enrollment was in the neighborhood of 1,100. The Board of Trustees at this time consisted of Mr. A. B. Heacock, Mr. C. S. Westlake and Mr. David Black. For the next two years, the growth and development of the schools was steady and continuous so that at the opening of school in September, 1915, the total enrollment was 1,239, which included the pupils in the two new schools provided for in the bond issue of May, 1914. These schools, the Pacific Avenue and Doran Street schools, were opened in January, 1915. At this time the war in Europe was well under way and this country was feeling its effects in many ways, one of them being the slowing up of immigration into California. As a result of this the Glendale schools showed a very small increase in enrollment for the next three years, the only marked change being caused by the annexa- tion of Tropico which added about 300 pupils. The figures for the enrollment on the opening dav of school for these three years are as follows: 1915, 1,239; 1916, 1,296; 1917, 1,324; 1918, 1,698. The last figure includes the Tropico schools. Thus in the year 1918 the Glen- dale school system started with ten schools and the total enrollment indicated above. Since the close of the world war, the schools of Glendale furnish a very good index of the rapid growth of the city. In fact, the num- bers have increased so rapidly that it has been impossible to pursue a building program that would furnish adequate accommodations for the number of pupils enrolled. The figures given below will perhaps indicate this better than anything that could be said. Opening day enrollment: September, 1918, 1,698; September, 1919, 1,723; Sep- tember, 1920, 2,169; September, 1921. 2,850; September. 1922, 3,476. So great had this increase become in September, 1921, that the demand for more school rooms was very insistent and the need very evident. So much was this the case, that in October, 1921, bonds M w* i ttmsatimm mW P' 1 The First. S(.-coiul ;m(l the IVi'Sciit Broadwav Schools. GLEXDALE AND VICINITY 207 were voted in the sum of $260,000 for tlie purpose of furnishing addi- tional classroom accommodations. With the money voted at this time the Board has built two new schools, the Glendale Avenue school, with eight classrooms and Manual Training. Cooking and Sewing rooms, and the Grandview school with four classrooms. Besides these the Board has built a four-room addition to the Acacia .Avenue school, and has constructed the first unit of four rooms of what will ultimately be the permanent building on the Columbus Avenue site. In addition to these buildings it was necessary to use approximately $80,000 for sites and additions to sites. In spite of all this, as we start on the school year 1^22-23. almost every school in the district is crowded beyond its normal cajiacity and there apjiears to be no remedy in sight except to build more schoolrooms. With the advancement in numbers and size the Glendale Cit\' Schools have also made decided progress from the educational stand- point. The Board is at all times careful to select progressive and up-to-date teachers, with the result that the Glendale schools rank high in the California educational system. Another factor that has tended to advance the standard of our schools was the incorporation of the city under a charter in May, • 921, resulting in the election of a Board of Education of five mem- bers as follows: Mr. D. J. Hibben. Mrs. Nettie C. Brown, Mrs. A. A. Barton. Mr. David Black and Dr. P. O. Lucas. Since that time Mr. Black has resigned and is now employed by the Board as business manager, and his place has been filled by the appointment of Mr. E. H. Learned. With an independent Board of Education having power under the law to formulate its own course of study, there is every reason to believe that the schools will advance even more rapidly than heretofore. At the present time the school organization consists of ten elementary schools and two intermediate schools, employing alto- gether 121 teachers and 25 other employees. As is natural under the circumstances the change from a village to a city school system in the course of a very few years, has resulted in the necessity for a great many adjustments. It has been especially difficult this year to fit the children into the rooms because of the greater growth in some neighborhoods than in others. GLENDALE UNION HIGH SCHOOL HOW IT CAME TO BE ORGANIZED. STARTS IN THE GLENDALE HOTEL BUILDING. THE FIRST TEACHERS. EARLY DAY POLITICS. THE FIRST SCHOOL BUILDING. EARLY BOND ISSUES. FIRST BUILD- ING SOON OUTGROWN. NEW SITE AND NEW BUILDING. SALE OF THE ORIGINAL PROPERTY. EVIDENCES OF GROWTH. THE LATEST "NEW SITE" AND THE BUILDING PLAN. CONDITIONS UP TO DATE. This High School district was organized in 1901 by a combina- tion of the following grammar school districts : Glendale, repre- sented by Mr. E. D. Goode; Eagle Rock, P. W. Parker; Burbank, George C. Melrose; Ivanhoe, D. W. Dwire; Crescenta, C. Pleukarp; 208 GLEXDALE AND VICINITY Tropico, E. W. Richardson ; West Glendale. F. R. Pitman. The school opened in a room of the Glendale Hotel building, with Mr. Llewellyn Evans as principal and Miss Mary G. Edwards, assistant. The total enrollment was 28 and the average attendance 22. The second year the enrollment was 56, average attendance 42, showing an increase of almost exacth- 100 per cent. The third year, Mr. George U. Moyse came to Glendale as prin- cipal of the High School and has retained the position until the present, aiding in and witnessing the growth of the institution from this modest beginning up to the present time when the enrollment is over 1.800. With Mr. Moyse the first year were Miss Edwards and Miss Sue Barnwell as assistants. There was considerable rivalry between Glendale and Tropico over the location of the school, but in Mr. Goode as a representative of Glendale it was safely assumed that Glendale would lose no points in the game and so it came to pass that through the prompt action of some three or four citizens of the latter place, a brief option was obtained on a two and a half acre lot on the southeast corner of Brand Boulevard and Fourth Street (Broadway) where the three-story bank building now stands; these few citizens taking the responsibility upon themselves of buying it for the sum of $750 for the use of the Union High School district. At a meeting of the Glendale Improvement Association. June 24, 1902, Dr. D. W. Hunt the chairman, announced that "six citizens had guaranteed the payment of the sum of $750 for the purchase of a piece of land containing two and a half acres, as a donation to the school district," making an appeal to citizens generally to come to the relief of these public-spirited citizens. The appeal was not made in vain and within a few days the money was raised, the owner of the property. Mr. John A. Merrill, contributing $200 of this sum. The first bond issue of the district was for the modest sum of $10,000, which was sufficient to construct a two-story frame building, thought at the time to afford ample accommodations for any demand upon the district for probably the next five years. The importance of the laying of the cornerstone of this building was fully appreciated by the Improvement Association, for it is recorded' that at the meeting of .'\ugust 12, 1902, Mr. E. T. Byram suggested the appointment of a committee to have charge of the cornerstone ceremonies, and the following citizens were appointed by the chairman: E. T. Byram, E. D. Goode, F. G. Taylor, J. F. Mclntyre, E. W. Pack, Edgar Leavitt and W. Prosser Penn. Subse- quently, Mr. Pack being unable to serve, Mr. J. C. Sherer was appointed in his place. At the meeting of September ninth, the committee made a report which was adopted, presenting a program for the cornerstone cere- monies to take place at 3 o'clock P. M., September 13, 1902. The committee also stated that a special train would leave Los Angeles for Glendale on the Salt Lake Railroad at 2:15 P. M., special round- trip fare 25 cents. The ceremonies took place as scheduled. The principal speaker was Rev. H. K. Walker of the First Presbyterian Church, Los Angeles; Mr. J. H. Strine, County Superintendent of The Glcndalc Union High School of the Past and IVcscnt. GliiuhJc rnion Hiyh School to be Lonstnicud iii IMi.i, I'roni Architect's Plans. GLENDALE AND VICINITY 211 Schools also made an address, as did Mr. Theodore D. Kanouse of Glendale. Papers of an historical nature were read hy E. D. Goode and J. C. Sherer. and ministers from the several grammar school districts, offered prayer or read brief scripture lessons. There was vocal music by a quartette and the audience sang "America." The building was ready for service, December second. It occupied a lone- some position, there being no other building within two blocks of it. Mr. Moyse entered upon his duties as principal, with three assistants. Misses Mary G. Edwards. Sue Barnwell and Frances E. Snell. The first graduating class consisted of the following: Lillie Fay Goode and Nora Lyman, of Glendale; Helen Barra, of Tropico and Flora Kuhn of Burbank. Burbank withdrew from the district in 1908 and built a High School of its own. Ivanhoe left the district when that section became a part of Los Angeles and considerable more territory was lost when Los Angeles absorbed all the territory along the San Fernando Road up to the Tropico line. Crescenta and Tejunga were later taken into the Glendale Union High School district, which now comprises five grammar school districts. By November, 1907, there were 115 students enrolled and it was realized that the original building was much too small and that addi- tional grounds should be secured for the outdoor activities of the school. On November 9, 1907, a mass meeting decided to submit to the voters the question of issuing bonds to the extent of $60,000 to buy a new site and erect another building. The election took place in April, 1908. the bond issue being supported. The new site ex- tended from Fifth (Harvard) Street to Sixth (Colorado) and from Louise Street to Maryland Avenue. On April 18, 1908, a mass meeting was held for the purpose of authorizing the sale of the original High School lot. A small syn- dicate of real estate dealers had planned to buy the property for ten thousand dollars, but a few independent citizens headed by Mr. O. A. Lane, who had other ideas of its value, held out against the accept- ance of this offer and it was rejected, a committee being appointed with authority- to sell at not less than $12,000. The next day the property was sold for $13,000 to D. L. Swain. The cornerstone of the new building was not laid until November 28, 1908. The land and building with the necessary equipment cost about $75,000, which left the trustees to handle the problem of a finan- cial shortage of $15,0(X). The sale of the old site, however, brought in about $13,(XX) and made the problem easy of solution. The new- building was occupied in September, 1909. At that time the enroll- ment was 166, which by the end of the term had increased to 203 and by January, 1911, to 240. In .August, 1910, there were twelve teachers employed and the bonded debt of the district was $55,092. The attendance increased steadily and by 1914 had reached 340. In the early part of that year it became apparent that additional facilities must be obtained and it was decided to ask the voters to 212 GLENDALE AND VICINITY support a proposition to buy more land and put up additional build- ings. The proposition was supported at the polls and an issue of $100,000 authorized. An appeal was made to the city authorities for the abandonment of Maryland Avenue, from Fifth to Si.xth Streets, so that a tier of lots facing the first-named street on the west could be purchased and a solid addition be made to the school grounds on that side. The city trustees acceded to this request, the street was abandoned and the lots purchased. Several houses stood on the lots thus acquired and these were sold, adding to the resources of the school and making possible the erection of two more substantial school buildings. In 1920 it became apparent that still further additions would have to be made to the jjlant. The voters refused to authorize an expensive plan furnished by the school trustees, giving expression to an intention to resist the proposition of making any additions to the school grounds on the present site. This resulted in the voting of a bond issue of $60,000 and the erection of a number of frame buildings of bungalow type. At this election the people voted on the securing of a new site for the school. Several months of agitation followed, a committee of citizens being appointed to investigate and make a recommendation. The committee finally made a report, recommending the purchase of approximately 21 acres at the south- east corner of Verdugo Road and Broadway, about twelve acres of the proposed purchase consisting of an orange orchard of 25 year old trees, belonging to Mr. J. P. Lukens. There was a lively contest in this campaign; another site belonging to Mr. J. R. Grey, near the Patterson Avenue park, being favored by a large number of citizens. In the voting a large majority was polled in favor of the Lukens site and the sum of $85,000 in bonds was authorized to be issued for the purchase, which was made after some months delay. In June, 1922, a bond issue of $600,000 was authorized to pay for the new plant. Meanwhile the ever-increasing growth of the school led the trustees to conclude that the sum voted was insufiflcient for the erection of such buildings as in the opinion of the school authorities, was required for future demands, and amplified plans were prepared and the additional sum of $450,000 was asked, making a total for the new plant of approximately a million dollars. The voters refused to authorize the prt)posed increase and several months' delay resulted before work was started for the improvement of the new site. Early in 1923 contracts will be let and work begun on what promises to become one of the most complete and attractive High School plants in Southern California. The following table showing average daily attendance at the Glendale Union High school for a number of years indicates as accurately as any other statistics that might be given, the growth of the community: 1909, 167; 1910, 210; 1911, 245; 1912, 290; 191.^, .340; 1914, 369; 1915, 482; 1916, 512; 1917, 540; 1918. 576; 1919, 680; 1920, 812; 1921, 1,188; 1^22, the i.resent year, about 1,800. The force of teachers at present is seventy-two in number. GLEXDALE ANT) \aCINITY 213 One of the original promoters of the High School enterprise was Mr. J. F. Mclntyre, a well known citizen of Glendale. who speaks of it as follows : "I was at that time one of the trustees of the Glendale Grammar School district. When it came to planning for the graduating exer- cises, we found that we had no auditorium and so it was arranged to have the program carried out in the Presbyterian Church, and this was done. "After the performance was over several of us were discussing school affairs and Mr. F. R. Sinclair, another trustee, broached the subject of a High School. The suggestion appealed favorably to Mr. T. D. Kanouse, the third school trustee. It was decided to go to work on the matter and see what could be done. Then we found out very quickly that there were not enough school children in Glendale to enable us to secure the school. At this time, Dr. D. W. Hunt, then president of the Improvement Association, made the suggestion that possibly we could combine several of the nearby grammar school districts into a Union High School district and it was agreed that I should write to County Superintendent, J. H. Strine, and ask if this could be done. Mr. Strine in his reply to the letter stated that it was entirely feasible and stated that it would be necessary to get up a petition and have it signed by a majority of the heads of families in the districts to be combined. A few of us met and planned the campaign. It was decided to attempt to combine the seven districts that were after included in the union district and the ])etitions were prepared and circulated. Everybody we approached favored the proposition and in a very short time we had the necessary names on the petition and then began a campaign to locate the institution in Glendale. Tropico, Burbank and Eagle Rock all had similar ideas as' to their own sections and quite naturally there was some rivalry. "We finally saw that in order to get it established here we would have to secure a site and donate it to the district. Mr. John A. Merrill had recently secured the Hotel property with about fifty lots and nearly all the property on the south side of Broadway north of what is now Elk Avenue, and extending from Glendale Avenue to Central. Mr. Merrill entered heartily into the project and offered us a number of lots, comprising about two and a half acres, at a very low price, even for that period, five hundred and fifty dollars. A half dozen of us bought the property; others came in afterwards and helped out. Having a site to present to the district, which was more than any other section had offered, we secured the location of the school." CHAPTER XIV POST OFFICES OF GLENDALE VERDUGO, THE FIRST POST OFFICE. MASOX, AFTERWARDS CALLED "GLENDALE." ESTABLISHED. TROPICO POST OFFICE ABSORBED BY LOS AXGELES. NOW INDEPENDENT. The first accompaniment of civilization that follows the people wherever they may go to congregate in any considerable number, is the post office. It is the friendly hand of our government reaching out from its headquarters in the capital of the nation to proffer its service to the people in the near and the far away parts of our common country. It is the one free and necessary service given without price or thought of profit. It belongs as much to the few families on the outposts of civilization, whether in distant mountain camps, on western prairies, in sun burned deserts of the south or in the lonely logging camps of northern forests, as it does to the resident of the crowded cities, and its service is not long impeded by the fiercest storms. And so it came to Glendale when the people were few in number. In the latter part of 1883 Mr. Silas I. Mayo, an old employee of the railroad, and who assembled the first locomotive that ran into San Diego when the Southern California Railroad company ran its first train over the road from Riverside down the Temecula Canyon, concluded to retire to private life. His wife was a well known artist at that time, the family residing in a house on Main Street near the corner of Fourth Street, Los Angeles, near the site of the Farmers and Merchants Bank. Mr. Mayo bought six acres of land on V'erdugo Road, at a point that would now corner on Maple Street, erecting thereon a two-story house and a small store building, and opened a general store. In 1884, a post office was established in that store with Mr. Mayo as postmaster. It was named Verdugo and the mail service for the first year was semi-weekly. The mail was carried by George Washington Gray usually in a lumber wagon, as Mr. Gray lived at La Canada and made frequent trips between his home and Los Angeles, carrying wood to market. .-Xfter a while the service became tri-weekly and Mr. Gray was assisted by his wife who for the lumber wagon substituted a two-wheeled cart drawn by a lively "broncho." At least the writer can testify to the fact that the animal was lively at times if not usually so, for he has a vivid recollection of seeing the Gray "stage" rounding the corner of Broadway and Verdugo Road upon one occasion when the speed and a too-sudden turn combined to overcome the law of gravitation and the cart was overturned and the lady quite suddenly upset in the road. GLENDALE AND VICINITY 215 Mr. C. J. Fox, an Englishman who had accumulated some capital in Los Angeles by successfully dealing in real estate, had acquired considerable land along both sides of Broadway from the Childs Tract line eastward on both sides of the street, extending almost to the present limits of Eagle Rock city. From him was bought the two lots on which the schoolhouse was built, in 1887, and from him Mr. J. P. Lukens acquired a part of his present holdings and the portion he recently sold to the High School district. In 1887 Mr. Fox built a store building on the southwest corner of Broadway and Verdugo Road and Mr. ^Iayo moved into that building with the post office. He conducted a store there until 1890 when he retired, his mercantile business never having been a success. Miss Rachel M. Sherer, a pioneer of 1883, bought out the business of Mr. Mayo and conducted the store for a year or two. Mr. J. P. Lukens was appointed postmaster, in 1890, and continued to hold that position until December 31, 1894. During this time Miss Sherer performed the duties of postmistress as a deputy for Mr. Lukens. Mr. Herman Cohn had opened a store on the northwest corner of Verdugo Road and Sixth (Colorado) Street and to this location the postoffice was transferred and Mr. Cohn appointed postmaster. Mr. Cohn after two or three years sold his business to a Mr. Hueston, who became postmaster. After him came Mr. J. C. Campbell, who conducted the store and was the last postmaster at Verdugo, as the office was discontinued January 1, 1903, as the post office had been established in Glendale on the corner of Glendale Avenue and Third (Wilson) Street and, principally through the efforts of Eagle Rock citizens, a rural route had been established with delivery from Gar- vanza. This seems to have been the first rural delivery route in the county as it bears the official designation of "Rural Free Delivery Route, No. 1, Los Angeles, California." That portion of Glendale east of Adams street and south of Broadway was dependent upon this rural service until 1920, when free delivery was given from the Glendale post office. The second post office in the valley was established on Glendale Avenue near the site of the G. A. R. Hall, in the general store of A. S. Hollingsworth, who was the first postmaster, in 1886 and was officially designated "Mason," until changed five years later. The story of what one woman accomplished, fits well just here. The people were not pleased with the name "Mason" for their post office, preferring the name "Glendale," but the authorities of the post office department at Washington (this was under the Cleveland administration) refused to accept the name "Glendale," and it was therefore, designated "Mason" for reasons known to the department only. On March 4, 189L President McKinley was inaugurated and John Wanamaker was appointed Postmaster General. Mrs. E. T. Byram (still living in 1922) residing on Glendale Avenue in the house she still occujiies, read the newspapers and kept abreast of the times. She noted the fact that Mr. Wanamaker was to visit the Pacific Coast and was to be in Los Angeles soon after his appointment. 216 GLENDALE AND VICINITY In April, 1891, he arrived and was properly entertained and took occasion to say the usual complimentary things about Southern Cal- ifornia, with the customary assurances that he intended to do every- thing that was possible to give the people good service as far as his department was concerned. Taking this speech for her text, Mrs. Byram was inspired to write to him immediately after its publication and call his attention to the trouble caused by the name inflicted upon the Glendale people. Her letter stated that the people refused to accept the name, and that as a matter of fact the most of the mail coming to the place was addressed "Glendale" and arrived at its proper destination. This letter was dated April 28, 1891. The follow- ing replies show that "red tape" can sometimes be cut expeditiously, even in the postoffice department at the nation's capital. San Francisco, May 2, 1921. Mrs. H. M. Byram : I thank you for your very kind letter of the 28th of April and as the matter of changing the name will have to be investigated at Washington I refer your letter to the First Assistant Postmaster General who is acting Postmaster General in my absence. In case there should he any delay, I trust you will write me again on my return home. With great respect, I remain yours very truly, J. M. Wanamaker. Washington, May 11. 1891. Dear Madame : Your letter of April twenty-eight addressed to the Postmaster General has been forwarded to me for consideration and answer. 1 note what you say in reference to the name of Mason being changed to Glendale and also your reference to previous order of the Depart- ment declining to grant you the name of Glendale on account of there being an office of same name in Colorado. The rule of the Depart- ment is against allowing a repetition of the names in these two states on account of a similarity of the abbreviation of the names of the states. I shall, however, in this case disregard the rule and have this daj' ordered that a change be made, and as soon as the necessary papers are filled out and your postmaster is commissioned under the new name, your office will be known as Glendale. Yours truly, S. A. WiNFIELD, First Asst. P. M. Gen. The office remained in that location for a little over a year, when it was removed to the corner of Glendale Avenue and Third (Wilson) Street, to the store of George F. Dutton who became post- master. This store changed ownership frequently, usually with a change of postmasters. Following Mr. Dutton, Mr. Elias Ayers succeeded to the mercantile business and became postmaster. He was succeeded by Mrs. Mabel Hackman (Mrs. Mabel Tight), who con- ducted the office until it was moved to the little concrete building on Glendale Avenue, midway between Wilson and Broadway, which was erected by Mr. I'^lias Ayers, in 1906, to accommodate the office after GLENDALE AND VICLNITY 217 Mr. Asa Fanset was appointed postmaster. From tliat location it was removed to the one story Isrick building on Broadway, owned by Mr. William Anderson, opposite the Sanitarium, where it remained until removed to Brand Boulevard, January, 1912. In 1909 the office be- came attached to Los Angeles office, by which change Glendale obtained the advantage of a free delivery system, but in postal affairs became merely a branch of the Los Angeles office until 1922, when it was again established as an independent office and Captain D. Ripley Jackson made postmaster. The removal of the post office from its location on south Glen- dale Avenue to Third and Glendale resulted in a successful effort to get a post office at Tropico, that being established in 1888. Mr. Aaron Wolfe being the first ])ostmaster. He was followed by Mr. Clark Gilbert. Mr. Gilbert remained in business only a few months and soon afterwards left Tropico to make his home in .'\naheim. Mr. George Boyer was then made postmaster, serving only a short time. Miss Nettie Jay being appointed postmistress. Miss Jay afterwards became Mrs. Yaw, marrying a brother of the singer, and has since been connected for a portion of the time with the sheriff's office in Los Angeles. Mr. Boyer sold his business to Shuler Brothers and the latter sold to a Mr. Cristler. but Miss Jay retained the post office until December, 1898, when Mrs. Wesley H. Bullis was appointed postmistress, retaining the position until 1911. when the post office was merged into that of Los .Angeles. CHAPTER XV IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATIONS. CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE, ETC. From the very beginning, which means the period of development beginning in 1882. the people of the valley now comprised within the limits of Glendale. showed their appreciation of the capabilities of the public meeting and the get-together assemblies in the upbuilding of the community. The first meeting of this kind that we have any record of is that spoken of by Mr. G. D. Rowland, in a letter to the editor, in which he says : "The second year (1884) I lived with Major Mitchell's family. Their home was where the cemetery is now. Owing to sickness in the family I had to make a change and spent the balance of the year at Mr. Richardson's. "While I was at Major Mitchell's a meeting of all the inhabitants of the valley was called to select a name for the place. They met one evening at the schoolhouse and filled it full. I was honored by being made chairman. Several names were suggested and it was decided to hold a second meeting. Mr. Hollenbeck from Verdugo Road was there, being possibly the oldest one present. He suggested that even in that delightful valley one could not live always, and it would be well to select a committee to consider the acquiring of a location for a cemetery. At the adjourned meeting the name 'Glendale' was selected." Aside from the selection of the name of Glendale, two things stand out in the above worthy of note. One is that this meeting was held in the territory that afterwards became "Tropico" and whose people for many years refused to accept the Glendale nomenclature. The other is the fact that a son of the Mr. Hollenbeck alluded to, in after years became the principal owner of Grand View cemetery. Improvement Association of 1886 This was really the first of these associations which have played such an important part in Glendale's upbuilding. In writing this history frequent references have been made to its work. It was organ- ized August 30, 1886, by the "Citizens of Glendale, Verdugo and Sepulveda." The meeting adjourned subject to call of the chairman. On September twenty-seventh a permanent organization was effected: Mr. E. T. Byram, President; I. N. Clippinger, Vice-President; H. N. Jarvis, Treasurer; J. C. Sherer, Secretary. The following members were enrolled; L. W. Riley, H. N. Jarvis, B. F. Patterson, J. D. Lindgren, A. S. HoUingsworth, E. T. Byram, I. M. Clippinger, H. H. Rubens, W. C. B. Richardson, A. A. Wolf. H. J. Crow, J. D. GLENDALE AND VICINITY 219 BulHs, S. A. Ayres. C. S. Gilbert, J. F. Diinsmoore. Later appear the names of Mayo, Buckingham. Williams. Watson, Dutton. Wheeler, Moore, Davenport and Banker. The last meeting appears to have been held on .\pril 2, 1888. The railroad (Salt Lake) had been built and apparently the associa- tion felt that it was entitled to a vacation, as adjournment was had, "sine die." Improvement Association of 1902-06 This was the association having the longest life of the many that have existed from time to time in the valley, until the present Chamber of Commerce came into being. It was organized May 21. 1902. when about twenty of the residents of Glendale met on the above date for the purpose of considering the proposition of organiz- ing an Improvement Association. Dr. D. W'. Hunt was made presi- dent and Mr. E. D. Goode, secretary. Mr. Goode resigned and was succeeded August twenty-sixth by Mrs. E. W. Pack as secretary. Mrs. Pack served until September 23, 1902, when Mr. W. Prosser Penn became secretary. He served until January. 1904, when Mrs. Lillian Wells assumed the duties of the position. Mrs. Wells resigned in December. 1904, and Mr. G. B. Woodberry became secretary, holding the position until January. 1906, when he retired and Mr. R. A. Blackburn became secretary, serving until the association dis- banded in the latter part of February, 1906. having a fine record of achievement to its credit; the principal items being the building of the Pacific Electric Railway and the incorporation of the City of Glendale. In Januar\', 1904, Mr. Edgar Leavitt succeeded Dr. Hunt as chairman. Mr. Leavitt was successfully active in arranging for several get-together meetings in which old and new settlers mingled to the advantage of the growing community. Tropico Improvement Associ.xtion W'hile the Glendale association was at work, the Tropico Im- provement Association was also functioning, and in the work of pro- moting the Pacific Electric Railways' building into the valley was acting in harmony with the Glendale committee and possibly in one or two particulars, going ahead of it. This especially applies to the naming of Brand Boulevard, which was accomplished as follows : "At a stated meeting of the Tropico Improvement Association, Mrs. David W. Imler made a motion that was duly seconded by Mrs. Cora Hickman, that the new boulevard that was being opened in Tropico and Glendale be named Brand Boulevard in lieu of the fact that Mr. L. C. Brand had been so vitally interested in the building of the Pacific Electric Railway into the valley. The motion was unan- imously adopted as it seemed a very fitting tribute to pay Mr. Brand." It has been mentioned elsewhere that when the Glendale associa- tion was notified of this action, it immediately approved and adopted it. There is not much of a written record of the doings of this asso- ciation attainable, but it was organized by Mrs, Samuel Ayres, at her 220 GLENDALE AND VICINITY residence on Central Avenue. Mr. David H. Imler was the first president and Miss Cora Hickman the secretary, serving in that capacity four years. In reference to the building of the Pacific Electric road, the important part played by members of this organization is indicated by the fact that the railroad committee on securing rights of way, etc., held the most of its meetings at the residence of Mr. D. H. Imler who was one of the committee. This committee met at least once a week while the campaign lasted, and sometimes oftener. Dr. Hunt, the chairman of the joint committee, was usually present, as were the following members of the Tropico committee : Otto P. Snyder, president of the Tropico association ; David H. Imler, M. M. Eshel- man, Dwight Griswold, John Hobbs, C. C. Chandler, H. C. Goodell, Joseph A. Kirkham. Other members of the Glendale association also attending were R. G. Doyle and E. D. Goode. Glendale Board of Trade This organization came into being in 1896 or 1897 and lasted only a few months. It appears to have left no record of its activities except a sample copy of a folder that it issued calling attention to Glendale. The matter in the folder is the work of Prof. E. L. French, principal of the Broadway school. The pamphlet dwells upon the natural advantage of the section described, calls attention to the fine quality of the fruit produced and to the orchards that dot the valley here and there and emphasizes the quantity and purity of the water. Evidently this organization was formed for the purpose of getting out this folder and having accomplished its purpose ceased to exist; as was the way of many of the similar bodies that have existed both before and since that time in the valley. The Valley Improvement Association This organization came into being about 1909. Its meetings were held usually at the K. of P. hall, corner of Third Street and Brand Boulevard. Its first president was Mr. J. W. Usilton and the first secretary, Mr. E. H. Kerker. It was a vigorous organization and did a lot of good work. In 1910, on May fourteenth, it was respon- sible for a "May Festival" which brought to Glendale a crowd of visitors who were well entertained by the citizens who made a holiday of the occasion. The vacant lot on the corner of Glendale Avenue and Fifth Street was the scene in the afternoon of a series of per- formances, part of the program being carried out by the Vaquero Club of Los Angeles, consisting of feats of horsemanship. This was followed by a ball game and in the evening at the "Grand Stand" at Broadway and Kenwood, there was an interesting program, features of which were speeches by Hon. Lee C. Gates and Col. Tom Thorn- ton, and an exhibition of Japanese skill in a broadsword contest. A similar day's entertainment was given the following year, which was also a success. This organization presented to the city a fine stone fountain which was originally located on Brand Boule- Glcndalc's Blue Ribbon Float at PasaiKna. Jainuirv 1, 192o. GLENDALE A\D VICINITY 223 vard, but had to be removed on account of encroaching business concerns and was taken to the Colorado Street school where it is now located. At the same time a Board of Trade existed on the east side of the town, of which Mr. H. P. Cokcr was president and Mr. G. H. Barager, secretarj-. First Ch.xmber of Commerce The first regularly organized Chamber of Commerce came into being about 1912. meeting in the Hurtt building, opposite the City Hall. Dr. L. H. Hurtt was the first president. This body was quite active for several years. In March, 1913, the membership was run up to a high figure by a contest headed by two teams in a search for members. The leader of one team was Mr. M. P. Harrison, and of the other, Mr. T. W. Watson. The losing team gave a banquet which was something of an event in those comparatively quiet times. At this time Mr. A. P. Heacock was president and Mr. W. B. Kirk, secre- tary. Other presidents of the organization were Mr. E. U. Emery and Mr. J. N. McGillis. The Present Ch.\mber of Commerce In 1921 Mr. J. O. Stevenson and Mr. Ben Schouboa were secured to come to Glendale and organize a Chamber of Commerce upon a permanent basis. Pledges of membership were secured from 500 Glendale citizens, at a yearly membership fee of $25.00, which assured a good financial start for the organization, something which no previ- ous body of the kind in Glendale ever had. The directors of the Chamber in looking around for a secretary were fortunate in securing Mr. James M. Rhoades, who had been suc- cessful elsewhere in managing similar bodies. Mr. Rhoades took hold of the work with enthusiasm and is now entering upon his third year in this position. It was soon discovered that an assistant was needed to look after memberships particularly, and perform other duties, and Mr. E. H. Sanders was secured. Fortunately for the Chamber this selection was also a good one and the membership has been kept close up to the thousand mark and the loyal support given by Glendale people enables the Chamber to be of great service to the community. A report of the year's activities has just been issued by the Cham- ber, which occupies several pages. The list of things achieved touches almost every field of community activity, from securing bet- ter railroad facilities and establishing new business concerns, all down the line to the promotion of bond issues for the schools. Al- together the record is a great one and proves that the Chamber of Commerce has made for itself too large a place in the forward-look- ing program of the "fastest growing city," to ever be permitted to go backward. CHAPTER XVI LIBRARIES The Glendale Public Library The Glendale Public Library will forever stand as a memorial to the discriminating intelligence and untiring perseverance of the women of the Tuesday Afternoon Club of Glendale, who inaugurated, fostered and supported the nucleus of the same the first eighteen months of its existence, when the end desired and advocated, was at- tained and a public library was established by city ordinance. Preliminary to and during the club year of 1904-05, with Mrs. Cora S. Taylor as president of the club, Mrs. D. W. Hunt as chair- man of the committee, arranged for a course of lectures to raise money to found the proposed library. During the following year with Mrs. R. A. Blackburn as president, a state traveling library from Sacramento was procured, with the following board who were tax payers and were responsible for the same: Mrs. Ella Witham, president; Mrs. Lillian S. Wells, secretary; Mrs. D. W. Hunt, Mrs. F. L. Church. Mrs. David Imler. Later the board was : Mrs. Ella C. Witham, president; Mrs. Lillian S. Wells, secretary; Mrs. E. D. Goode, Mrs. F. L. Church and Mrs. R. A. Blackburn. The announce- ment of the opening of the library read as follows: "The traveling- library has been placed by the ladies of the Tuesday Afternoon Club in the store room adjoining Nelson's Bakery, on D Street (now Day- ton Court) and Third Street (now Wilson Avenue) and will be open from fftur to six P. M. daily." In March the number of memberships was 60; the rent, $10.00 per month, was taken care of by the business men. In May, 1906, beside the state traveling library of 50 volumes the club owned over 70 books. In October. 1907, the City Council passed an ordinance creating a public lilirary, and levied a tax of 5j/ cents on one hundred dollars which would aggregate about five hundred dollars for the year, and the Tuesday Afternoon Club by resolution donated all books, and furniture to the Municipal library. The first board of the Glendale Public Library was composed of the following persons: E. D. Goode, president; Lillian S. Wells, sec- retary; Ella C. Witham, Mrs. R. A. Blackburn, Dr. A. L. Bryant and Mrs. J. C. Danford, librarian. In 1910 steps were taken to procure a Carnegie library building for Glendale, but it was not until 1914 that the new building was completed and ready for occupancy. The new Carnegie Library building was dedicated Friday, November 13. 1914, the library trustees at that time being: Dr. A. L. Bryant, jjresi- dent; Mrs. R. A. Blackburn, secretary; Mrs. J. II. Braly, J. E. Hen- derson, W. W. McElroy. The building committee was O. A. Lane, city trustee, J. E. Henderson and W. W. McElroy library trustees; Paul \^ Tuttle. architect; T. H. .Addison, builder. The handsome Public Lib: GLENDALE AND VICINITY 227 structure stands at the corner of Kenwood and Harvard Streets. The material used is cream brick and the structure is one story high, with basement which is well above ground giving the appearance of a two story building. All the interior finisii is of quarter oak with the furniture of the same wood. The walls and ceilings are in leather effect in soft tones of brown; stained glass windows add to the charm. The growth of the library has been phenomenal, from the time when the report shows "o\er 70 books in library." to the present time when the number of volumes is 26,000 and the circulation 16,000 in the main and branch library; the latter in the Tropico district. For the first few months the work was cared for by volunteer librarians, Mrs. J. H. \\'ells and son James H. Wells, Jr. and Mrs. R. A. Black- burn, serving. They were followed by Miss Mable Patterson, acting for six weeks. Mrs. J. C. Danford was elected librarian of the club library and was the first librarian of the Glendale Public Library, which position she still holds, her untiring efforts, executive ability, and rare tact and sympathy have contributed largely to the efficiency of the library. The trustees of the library at present are the following: Olin Spencer, president; T. W. Preston, Mrs. Genivive H. (joss, Mrs. .'\bbie P. Barker and Mrs. Flora M. Temple, secretary, .\mong those who have been trustees at various times since the library was established, may be mentioned. Mrs. John Hyde Bralv, Mr. f. E. Henderson, Mrs. F. McGee Kelley, Mr. W. J. Hibbert, Mrs. lluella M. Bullis, Mr. Dwight VV. Stevenson. TlIlC TroI'ICO LlliRAKV The nucleus of the Glendale Public Library branch at the corner of Los Feliz Road and Brand Boulevard, Mr. C. H. Gushing, libra- rian, was the Tropico Library which had its inception in the latter part of 1906. .A.t a meeting of the Tuesday .Afternoon Club held Jan- uary 17, 1907, Miss Cora Hickman brought the subject to the atteu; tion of the club. Miss Hickman was appointed a committee to secure a section of the free state library at Sacramento, which at that time was furnishing "Traveling Libraries" to applicants. The application was granted and in a short time a consignment of fifty books was received. The first Library Board consisted of Mrs. D. B. Imler, Mrs. W. A. Thompson and Miss Cora Hickman. Quarters were secured in Logan's Hall, over the store at the corner of San Fernando Road and Central Avenue, and the room was kept open three half days in the week. Miss Hickman assumed charge, she and other ladies giv- ing their services free in attendance. Miss Harriet Myers succeeded Miss Hickman, also donating her services, after the latter had served for fourteen months. Meanwhile the city of Trojjico had been in- corporated and in May, 1912, took over the library, the club donat- ing to the city the property acquired. The first directors under city control were Mr. C. Carmack. Mrs. Hal. Davenport, Mrs. J. A. Logan, Mrs. J. H. Webster, Mrs. W. H. Bullis. Mr. C. H. Cushman was appointed librarian which position he has since retained. CHAPTER XVII THE TELEPHONE IN GLENDALE The story of the telephone in Glendale, like the story of every other public utility, reads like a fairy tale in respect to its marvelous growth. The Home Company was the pioneer. That company put up a small building on Broadway just west of Central Avenue, which stood out conspicuously with a lonesomeness that was noticeable and caused the passer-by to wonder what it was. This was in August, 1904. There were probably a half dozen telephones in use in the valley before the exchange was established. The three physicians of the settlement, Drs. D. W. Hunt, A. L. Bryant and R. E. Chase had them installed, and there was one in the store at Tropico and in the other store on the corner of Wilson and Glendale Avenues. When \\'oods Hotel Building was constructed on Brand Boule- vard, about 1904, the Home Company moved into a back room on the second story and was thought to have quite commodious ac- commodations. By that time the company had been acquired by Mr. L. C. Brand, who obtained control of the system embracing Cres- centa, La Canada, Burbank and Lankershim (then known as To- lucca). Mr. Brand sold the lines to a Mr. Bartel about two years be- fore the consolidation occurred. The Sunset I'elephone Company, known now as the Pacific Tele- phone and Telegraph Co., came to Glendale in June, 1906, starting operations with sixty subscribers located in Glendale, Tropico and Burbank. The first office was located in the rear of a drug store in the Watson building, corner of Broadway and Glendale Avenue. Starting with one operator, the business rapidly increased until by the end of the year there were six employes. In 1918 occurred the consolidation of the two companies, the "Home" disappearing in the consolidation. At this time (January. 1923), the number of telephones in the Glendale office, 4.161. In 1912, fifty stations were "taken on" in Sunland, the company opening there. In 1915, Burbank was cut in with 120 telephones and an office opened there. Glendale is now headquarters in the San Fernando valley, also in Antelope valley, for all telephones. Formerly the telephones in Glassell Park and .Atwater district were in Glendale control, but are now "cut in" to Los Angeles. Mr. Fred Deal was manager in the beginning and still remains in that position. In contrast with the six employes the first year, the total force employed in the Glendale office now is seventy-seven. The company's faith in Glendale is attested by the fact that it has built here a three story building, in every way up to date and constructed with a view of meeting the requirements of the fastest growing city in America ! Home Tckphonc Company's Office of tlie Past. I'acitic TeUplioiH' & Tek'niapli Building. CHAPTER XVIII SANITARIUMS AND HOSPITALS While boasting of a climate that is in itself life-giving, there are ills that even a genial climate cannot cure, and as long as humanity continues to fall heir to them, the sick and the unfortunate victims of bodily misfortunes generall}-. must be cared for by those trained in this blessed service, and institutions must be provided where the healing forces of nature may be aided by such treatment as the long experience of mankind may suggest and the latest discoveries of science may be applied. Glendale Sanitarium This has been a Glendale institution ever since 1905, when the Battle Creek people bought the Glendale Hotel property on Broad- waj' and established a sanitarium founded on the principles and prac- tices of the parent institution at Battle Creek, Michigan. The Glen- dale Sanitarium has not only been very successful as a place where the physically afflicted have been successfully treated, but in the years in which Glendale was sorely in need of a Hotel furnishing accommo- dations amid quiet surroundings, this sanitarium to quite a consid- erable extent furnished a temporary home for numbers of tourists who could not find, elsewhere in the community, the home accommo- dations that they desired. From which statement it appears that the patrons of this establishment have not always remained there for the treatment of their physical ills, but often made it their temporary home while looking around for a place in which to establish for them- selves a dwelling place in Southern California, and not infrequently choosing to remain in Glendale. It has also upon many occasions been thrown open to the Glendale public for meetings of various kinds, requiring facilities for entertainment which no other place in the city could supply. The Chamber of Commerce has used its spacious dining room for more than one delightful banquet; political candi- dates have received the public there ; and various organizations have been permitted to hold assemblies there on special occasions. From which it will be apparent that the Glendale Sanitarium has filled a unique place in the life of Glendale and its rapid e.xpansion in recent years, widely advertised as it has been, has been an important factor in making Glendale known to the outside world. The hospital features of the institution have been amplified dur- ing the past two or three years, new buildings being erected and modern features added that have rendered its equipment in that line, equal to the best to be found in the larger cities. 232 GLENDALE AND VICINITY The institution is owned and controlled, as it has been since its establishment, by the Seventh Day Adventists, the manager for the past several years lieing Mr. C. E. Kimlin. About a 3-ear ago, a new site was purchased on the hillside east of Verdugo Road and north of Wilson Avenue, which aflfords a magnificent outlook over the val- ley. This site consists of twenty-eight acres of land upon which is now being constructed a magnificent building over four hundred feet in length, to be equipped with special features for the treatment of patients in accordance with the methods in vogue in these sanitariums in various places throughout the United States, and nowhere will such equipment excel that of the Glendale plant, nor the surround- ings be so nearly ideal. The cost of the improvements that have been begun will reach half a million dollars, with anticipated pos- sibilities for expansion that will in time far exceed this sum. Thorn YCROFT Farm In December. 1908, Mrs. Nan Maxwell Miller acquired six acres on Ninth Street (now Windsor Road), Glendale, and established a "Rest Home." There was an ordinary two story comfortable house on the property with very limited accommodations for patrons of the institution, and Mrs. Miller at once commenced on a program of cot- tage building, which has continued up almost to the present. In the beginning the cottages were really nothing more than very com- fortable tents with floors and other conveniences not usually found in a tent; but by a process of evolution these structures have become home-like cottages for the accommodation of one or two persons, additions and changes dictated by experience being made from time to time so that every cottage at present is furnished with the most of the comforts of home, while a new building complete in all the re- quirements of the purpose for which it is designed, has taken the l)lace of the original structure. In this building are the administra- tive offices, dining room, parlors and a few rooms for special guests. In 1913, Mrs. Miller added to the equi])ment of Thornycroft Farm, a general hospital, modern and fully equipped with surgical department, wards for the sick, and all the appliances necessary in an up-to-date institution of the kind. The ideal location and accom- modations such as they required, secured at Thornycroft a tempo- rary home for over sixty of the government's ex-service men, disabled in the great war, who came to this place in 1920. They remained here until 1922, and during their stay Mrs. Miller, and the people of Glendale, also exerted themselves to make the time pass pleasantly for the unfortunates who had sacrificed so much for their country. The hospital at Thornycroft no longer caters to surgical cases, but in other respects serves for general hospital purposes. At present a specialty is being made of rheumatic cases, Mrs. Miller having se- cured a formula for the treatment of persons afflicted with this pain- ful disease, which, it is claimed, has accomplished marvelous re- sults. Recently three acres of the original six constituting Thorny- croft Farm, was sold, leaving the improved portion intact for the continuance of the work for which it is designed. Thornvcrott. The Ciolden West Saiiitarivini. ArliDi l\r>l llome. 'fW * .^■ '4^ fee. .^ T,;^->i|fl#-r-Trr>«^-^c>:^5w«"--"_=^ *1= "3i 3i''ia3J'-'!lSu' ; .r-i I ■i*^. k:ic) f fiiuf \ HniMTH The Gleiidale Saiiitariuin and Hosiiital to be Constructed in 1M2,?. GLENDALE AND VICINITY 235 Arbor Rest Home This resort on East Lexington Avenue has been built up from a small besjinning by Mr. S. E. and Mrs. Daisy D. Grant who started it in 1912. In the beginning the "plant" consisted of an ordinary city lot and a six room house. The present day accommodations are dis- tributed over three lots and a series of buildings having thirty-three rooms. Mrs. Grant, herself a trained nurse, now has four others as- sisting her. The buildings are surrounded by a great many fruit and ornamental trees, among the former being several avocado trees that for a dozen years have been demonstrating the fact that they are located in Glendale's "frostless belt." Arbor Rest has recently become almost exclusively a home for the aged, the majority of its patrons belonging to that class of peo- ple, who sufTering from the infirmities of age. desire to secure the care and comforts of a home in a place w-here the invigorating effects of fresh air and sunshine are appreciated and attainable. Research Hospital This is strictly a Glendale institution with over two hundred sub- scribers to its capital stock. The organization was perfected in 1920, and the hospital opened for service on May eighth of that year. The buildings are located on a plot of ground composed of six lots in Piedmont Park, near Lexington Avenue and Adams Street. The original investment \vas $100,000 but with the additional im- provements and equipment since added, represents the sum of $140,- 000. The location is ideal, being at an elevation overlooking the city with nothing to detract from the naturally prime requisites of an insti- tution of this character. It is the object of the hospital to supply the best of medical care with all the equipment for surgical work which is consistent with the latest discoveries of science, including as a mat- ter of course a complete "X-Ray" outfit. The culinary department is separated from the main building which contains thirty-eight beds. There is ample space for additional buildings which will be erected from time to time as necessity demands. Although so recently estab- lished the hospital has been a success from the opening day and prom- ises a development that will keep it in the first rank of similar insti- tutions in the rapidly growing city in which it is located. The Board of Directors consists of the following local men : Harry L. Hall, president; A. L. Baird, secretary; Dr. T. C. Young, R. M. Brown and Roy L. Kent. Mission Rest Home Situated on San Fernando Road near Park Avenue. These hand- some Mission style buildings were erected in 1914 for a hospital by Dr. Rockwell, who did not make the venture a success. In August, 1917, Mrs. M. P. Moberly leased the property with a buying option which she availed herself of a year later. The hospital is surrounded by over five acres of ground. Mrs. Moberly has improved the build- ings by the construction of sky lights and other features which have 236 GLEXDALE AND VICINITY added greatl)' to the cheerfulness and homelike atmosphere. The main building is complete in all details, the basement containing kitchen, laundry room, store rooms and a gas heating furnace from which connection is made to every room in the building. The hos- pital features have been abandoned by Mrs. Moberly and the insti- tution is now used entirely as a home for the aged. It contains forty- two ro(jms, all of which are connected with bath rooms, well lighted and comfortable in ever)- respect. The rooms are all filled at pres- ent and the accommodations have been in use to the extent of their capacity for the past several months. Mrs. Mol^erly is a trained nurse and is enjoying the ambition of a lifetime in providing a home for aged people in surroundings which furnish them with the comforts of life and the care and attention which their individual cases require. Golden West S.\nit.\rilm Five years ago Mrs. Allie Taylor Anderson came to Glendale, oc- cupying a small cottage on Harvard Street west of Verdugo Road. In these limited quarters she foimd accommodations for two or three invalids to whom she gave her personal services. She had ac- quired a nurse's training in a Catholic institution in her native state, Texas, and her experience in the cottage on Harvard Street demon- strated to her satisfaction that she could succeed in larger quarters. She secured the two story home on California Street, number 1125 East, and has built up a business that taxes the capacity of the build- ing which is now accommodating twenty-six patients. Both rest cure and medical cases are accepted and it will soon be necessary to enlarge the capacity of the institution or move to another location. CHAPTER XIX PATRIOTIC ORGANIZATIONS Grand Army of the Republic The Grand Army of the Republic. N. P. Banks Post, was organ- ized September, 1894, in Ayers hall with twenty-one charter members as follows: T. D. Kanouse, P>. F. Patterson, Robt. Taylor, Uriah Thomas, W, B. Pratt, Moses Black (a colored man), A. B. Hapgood, George Cornwell, Ruel Dodd (Presbyterian minister). George Vance, E. L. French, Thos. Gillette. James Field. R. M. Sherman. Geo. W. Sanford, J. J. Glover, W. G. Watson, John Hodgson, N. F. Reynolds, Chas. McCarty and J. \V. Dye. At one time the Post had nearly 100 members. Of the charter members, four are living: Rol>ert M. Taylor, (leo. W. Sanford. Theodore D. Kanouse and George Cornwell. Of these Theodore D. Kanouse was the first Commander. Geo. \V. Sanford the first Adjutant. The present G. A. R. hall at 902 South Glendale Avenue was hiuh in 1891-2 by the Good Templars, later was purchased by Chas. W. Winne. who deeded the property to the W. R. C. and Mrs. Cora Hick- man Sterns was made life trustee of same, the building to be held by them in trust for the G. A. R. The old hall has been the scene of many hap])y times. Several of the Veterans and their wives celebrated their golden weddings at the hall. Notably the donor, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W. Winne. Nu- merous improvements have been made from time to time. The N. P. Banks Post numbered at one time 110. The [)rescnt membership is 75. Its meeting dates are the second and fourth Fridays of each month at 10:30 o'clock. Each fourth Friday, luncheon is served to the Veterans 1)\' the Woman's Relief Corps. Officers for 1923 are: C. M. Barrett, commander; T. C. Fuller. vice commander; G. A. Robertson, quartermaster; G. W'. Sanford, assistant quartermaster; R. N. Taylor, officer of the day; C. H. Clark, adjutant; W. M. Collins, assistant adjutant; C. R. Norton, chaplain. Mr. Taylor has held the office of officer of the day for twenty- five years, having held it several years elsewhere before coming here. Mr. Norton has been installed chai)lain fourteen times. Women's Relief Corps This patriotic society was organized by the women of Tropico. January 13. 1898, as an auxiliary of the G. A. R. The organization was made by Mrs. May Hartwell, Post deputy commander, on the above date. The original "crew" consisted of the following: Mrs. 238 GLENDALE AND VICINITY Morella Pratt, Mrs. Mary Gillette, Mrs. Clara Gulvin, Mrs. Adelaide H. Imler, Miss Cora Hickman, Mrs. Luella M. Bullis, Mrs. Tessie Stine, Mrs. Martha Myers, Mrs. Mary Patterson, Mrs. Hattie Field, Mrs. Isabella Mcjore, Mrs. Martha Winne, Mrs. Miranda Crist, Mrs. Alice Watson, Mrs. Clara Iman. In 1914 the members numbered over 100. The organization owns its own hall, which is also the meeting place of the G. .\. R. and the two organizations work together almost as a imit. Sons of Veterans This is another patriotic society, an auxiliary of the G. A. R., also originating in Tropico. It was mustered in as Camp 22, November 15, 1913, at G. A. R. hall. The following were the first officers of the organization: First officer, J. V. Griffin; commander, Fletcher Pom- eroy; senior vice commander, Burt F. Burlingham; junior vice com- mander, Robert Danner and Delos Jones; secretary, Henry L. Adams; treasurer, W. A. Goss; guide, J. A. Demuth; inner guard, E. F. Pomeroy ; outer guard, Ed. M. Shipman ; patriotic instructor, Jos. Durham ; color bearer, J. Guy Bixley. The present membership numbers forty-eight. The present of- ficers are: Commander, C. F. Stuart; senior vice commander, H. A. Hall; junior vice commander, Walter Richardson; patriotic in- structor, J. V. Griffin; treasurer, A. H. Davis; secretary, R. M. Mc- Gee; chaplain, W. A. Goss; color bearer, J. R. Danner; guide, Thos. Gillette; trustee, C. F. Parker. Daughters of the American Revolution The General Richard Gridley Chapter of the Daughters of Amer- ican Revolution, was organized in Glendale November 17. 1913, with a charter membership of twenty-two. The officers elected for 1913 were: Mrs. Mary Howard Gridley, regent; Mrs. Minnie Babcock. vice regent; Mrs. Robert H. Kimball, recording secretary; Mrs. Thomas Preston, corresponding secretary; Mrs. W. Herman West, registrar. The meetings are held on the afternoons of the first Thursday of each month at the homes of the various members. The Chapter has at present a membership numbering fifty. In addition to the avowed object of the organization, that of fostering and promoting patriotism, the members of the Glendale Chapter have interested themselves in various local philanthropic and charitable activities. The officers of 1923 are the following: Mrs. John Hyde Braly, regent; Mrs. C. W. Huston, first vice regent; Miss Ida D. Myers, second vice regent; Mrs. Mable Franklin Ocker, corresponding secretary; Mrs. H. A. Strong, treasurer; Mrs. H. But- terfield, Burbank, chaplain; Mrs. J. A. Crawford, recording secretary. Glendale Chapter American Red Cross The local Red Cross was organized in 1916, about a year before the United States entered the war and was at first a branch of the Los Angeles institution. Later, July 12, 1917, it was organized as GLENDALE AND VICINITY 239 an independent Chapter with the following oflficers : John Hyde Braly, chairman ; T. F. McCrea, vice chairman ; Mrs. Mabel Franklin Ocker, secretary; Mr. F. H. Vesper, treasurer; Mrs. H. E. Bartlett, purchasing agent. In January. 1918, Mr. McCrea was succeeded bj' A. L. Lawshe, who was in turn succeeded by Olin Spencer. Mrs. H. E. Bartlett, who had been purchasing agent since the organization, succeeded Mr. Spencer as acting chairman and in the early part of 1919 after the armistice had been declared, when the work was reorganized on a post-war basis, she was elected chairman, an office she still fills. At the peak of its activities, the membership numbered 3,000, practically all active members doing w(jrk at home if not at head- quarters. Its annual drive for the renewal of the $1 a year memberships in November. 1922, Mrs. John Robert White, chairman, resulted in a list numbering 2,431 members. The officers elected for 1923 are as follows: Mrs. H. E. Bartlett, chairman ; Mrs. W. W. Worley, vice chairman ; Mrs. John Robert White, Jr.. secretarj' ; Miss Neva Veysey, treasurer. American Legion Glendale Post No. 127 was organized in August. 1919. It meets in its own hall, 610 A East Broadway, every Friday night. Officers for 1923 are: Chalmer Day, commander; Mitchell Frug, first vice commander; Donald Packer, second vice commander; Attorney W. C. Anspaugh, adjutant; Henry Prussing. treasurer; Frank Secrest, ser- geant-at-arms ; Rev. C. M. Calderwood, historian; Emil O. Kiefer, Attorney Eugene Wix and Robert C. Plume, trustees. Women's Unit .\meric.\n Legion The Women's Unit of the American Legion was organized in March, 1920, and has 100 members. It meets at the Legion hall the first Monday night and third Monday afternoon of every month. The of^cers for 1923 are: Mrs. Margaret Kaeding, president; Mrs. L. T. Rowley, first vice president; Mrs. E. L. Sullivan, second vice president; Mrs. Charles T. Jones, secretary; Miss Josephine Emery, treasurer; Mrs. E. Wheelon, sergeant-at-arms. Spanish War Veterans The Glendale Camp of the Spanish War Veterans was established in June, 1922. and has a membership of sixty-eight. The officers for 1923 are: Dr. William C. Mabry, commander and surgeon; L. D. Pike, senior vice commander; Cameron D. Thorn, junior vice com- mander; Col. J. D. Eraser, chaplain; Herbert Gray, officer of the day; Jack Satow, officer of the guard; Samuel Warren, adjutant; .Alexander Schmitt, quartermaster; John Clark, historian; Harry Girard, musician; Capt. G. L. Rollins, patriotic instructor; Frank E. Peters, sergeant major; G. T. Harness, quartermaster sergeant; George L. Murphy and Forest E. Hill, color guards; Capt. William B. Kelly and Capt. William A. Living, trustees. CHAPTER XX CHURCHES Central Avenue M. E. Church This is the pioneer church of the valley. The record shows that it was incorporated October 6, 1884. under the name of The Riverdale M. E. Church. It was organized previous to this date. The record is deficient as to the first months of the organization's existence. The facts of its beginning, however, are clearly remembered by one of the pioneers who was on the ground. In the early part of 1884, the necessity for a church building was felt by the group of settlers who had recently moved into the neighborhood, as the only building available for public meetings of any kind was the recently completed school building which stood on the site of the present Cerritos Avenue school. The need was felt and acknowledged by the active members of the community who were giving much of their time and some of their money to the work of providing all the necessities, in the way of improvements of a pub- lic nature, which are a necessity in every American community, par- ticularly facilities for education of the young and the observances of religious worship. Among these pioneers were a few church members, particularly of the Methodist and the Presbyterian denominations, and a consid- erable number who had never been afifiliated with any religious or- ganization. All, however, joined in building a church structure which was not originally intended to be used exclusively by any par- ticular denomination, but should be free to all comers in which to hold religious services. The building was located on Glendale .Av- enue at a point which would now corner on Windsor Road, that road not then being in existence. Among those assisting in the build- ing of the structure was a retired Methodist preacher. Rev. H. R. Stevens, and almost immediately after the building was completed, Mr. Stevens organized his Methodist brethren and took possession in the name of his church. There was some good natured talk about Mr. Stevens having "stolen a march" on the Presbyterians, but the matter was fixed up harmoniously among those concerned. The names of those participating in the original organization have been preserved as follows: H. R. Stevens, W. B. Warner, B. F. Patterson, W. G. Watson, Peter Backman, P. H. Bullis, A. S. Hollingsworth. N. B. Huff, G. D. Howland. Rev. Stevens evidently served as an irregular volunteer until a regular preacher was appointed which the record shows was on Jan- uary 1, 1885, when the Rev. M. L. Williams was appointed pastor and G LEND ALE AND VICINITY 241 served until June of the same year. He was succeeded by Rev. J. G Sigler, who remained a few months only when Rev. C. W. Tarr suc- ceeded him, serving about a year. From that time on the record of ministers officiating in this church is as follows: E. J. Inwood, 1886- 1887; J. M. Hilbish. 1887-1888; Frank M. Johnson, 1888-1889; S. B. Woolpert, 1889-1890; F. S. Woodcock, 1891-1893; Jas. M. Hilbert, 1893-1896; H. J. Crist. 1896-1901; E. S. Chase, 1901-1904; John Pit- tenger, 1904-1907; J. H. Henry, 1907-1909; \V. C. Botkin, 1909-1911; S. W. Cams, 1911-1914; R. T. Smith, 1914-1915; Dan S. Ford, 1915- 1917; B. C. Cory. 1917-1918; H. S. Munger, 1918-1919; F. Marion Smith, 1919-1920; D. Hunter Brink. 1920-1923. In 1904 the congregation obtained a lot on the corner of Central and Palmer Avenues and the building was removed to the rear of this lot. This building was used until 1913 when the present church was erected. As indicating the growth of this church in recent years the records show for 1920 an active membership of eighty persons and now has increased to 215. Glendale Presbyterian Church The Glendale Presbyterian Church had its organized beginning September 28, 1884. At that time there were but very few settlers sparsely scattered over the valley, and the name "Glendale" had not yet been assumed. The labor of the veteran Rev. J. R. Boat of Los Angeles gath- ered together the little group who became the charter members of the church. They were the following : Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Byram, their daughter. Miss Eva (Mrs. J. M. Banker) and son, Mr. W. D. By- ram, Mrs. Byram's aged father, Mr. John D. Miller, his daughter. Miss Alice Miller (Mrs. Elias Ayers), Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ayres and daughter Mary G. Ayres, Mrs. Catherine Erskine and her mother, \Irs. Rachel Christler, and Miss Adah Z. Coleman. Early in 1885, by most earnest effort and self denial, a very simple and plain frame building, thirty-six feet square, was erected on the old-time Mexican highway which afterwards came to be known as Glendale Avenue, at about the point of the subsequent Glendale-Trop- ico boundary. Incoming settlers afterwards locating mostly farther north, the building in 1886 or '87 was moved and placed on ground given by Mr. E. T. Byram and Mr. B. F. Patterson on the corner since known as Broadway and Cedar. Here the church's history continued, small, modest and faithfully persistent, through the years of the valley's infancy, under a succes- sion of pastoral care. The first in charge was Rev. W. S. Young, who of later years has long been the honored clerk of Los Angeles Presbytery and also of the Svnod of California. He was followed bv Revs. A. R. Bickenback, Reu'el Dodd. E. R. Mills, D. M. Stuart, C. D. Merrill, S. Lawrence Ward, D. D., and Walter E. Edmonds whose service began December 11, 1911. Early in 1904 a small colony withdrew and formed the church of Tropico. In 1907 need was felt of better accommodation for the Sun- day school, and extremely modest planning to that end was begun. 242 GLENDALE AND VICINITY This continued and gradually expanded until it became the plan for an entire new church, which many there thought daringlj- and needless- ly large. Moving the original building to the back corner of the ground, the new was begun on the old spot in November, 1910. This was completed and entered in 1911. nearly coincident with the begin- ning of the pastorate of Rev. W. E. Edmonds, and most timely for the unforeseen great growth of town and church which was ap- proaching. From that time onward a history has unfolded of continuous and ever increasing e.xpansion and opportunity of usefulness. A distinct feature in this history has been the privilege from time to time of the services of many most valuable men, men of national and inter- national reputation. Another feature has been the occasional holding of interdenominational Bible conferences, supplied by many speak- ers of the highest standing, whose work has had profoundly useful and of formative effect. The numbers and work of the church rapidly outgrowing the building, first steps were taken late in 1920 for providing a much larger and more completely equipped church home. A site central to the town was chosen at Harvard and Louise streets, and here ground was broken on Easter day. 1922. The building is expected to be ready for occupation late in 1923. The membership of the church January 1, 1923. approximates 1,150; the average attendance at the Sunday School, about 600. The Episcop.\l Church in Glendale The Episcopal Church was organized in Glendale as the Mission of the Good Shepherd in March, 1889. The Reverend John D. Easter was appointed missionary in charge and Mr. Henry J. Moore became warden. Services were held in the chapel of St. Hilda's School of which Mr. Easter was rector. In 1893 steps were taken towards the erection of a church edi- fice. The first service in the new building was held the first Sunday after Easter that same year. A Sundaj' School was organized by Mr. George Eley who later became rector of the parish. In the spring of 1894 the name of the Mission was changed to that of St. Mark's Glendale. Mr. Eley was lay reader in charge of the Mission from the fall of 1894 when Mr. McKenzie. who had been rector, resigned to take up work elsewhere. He continued to con- duct the work until 1895 when Mr. Robinson came to assume charge, under whose leadership the church was finished. In 1900. Mr. Eley, who had in the meantime been ordained to the ministry, became rector and continued as such until 1907. In 1914 during the rectorship of the Rev. C. Irving Mills the church was moved from its original site at the corner of Broadway and Isabel Streets to its present location at Harvard and Louise Streets. The building was enlarged so as to double its seating capacity. At present there are between 200 and 300 communicants, a Sun- day School of about 150, the organizations such as the Woman's (juild. Woman's Auxiliary. The Daughters of the King, and The First Methodist (•"piscoiial tluirrh. Central Cliristian Cliiinli. I'irst I'rcsbvtc'riaii I luuoli ol the I'ast. GLENDALE AND VICINITY 245 Order of Sir Galahad. The officers of the parish at present are: Rev. Phihp K. Kemp, rector; Mr. John Trotter, senior warden; Mr. Alex J. Badger, junior warden and Mr. John T. Gate, clerk. First Methodist Episcopal Church, Glendale In the fall of 1903 the Methodists in Glendale. although few in number, decided that it was time to organize a church, as Tropico al- ready had an organization of that denomination (the first church or- ganization in the valley, as told elsewhere). A coniniittee was ap- pointed to wait upon the Presiding Elder. Rev. John Stafford, of the Pasadena district. The result of the committee's work was that Rev. Stafford came to Glendale to investigate the conditions. It was arranged for him to preach in Odd p-ellows Hall, at that time in the upper stor)' of the building on the southwest corner of Wilson Ave- nue (then Third Street) and Glendale Avenue. The date was Oc- tober 11, 1903. The text from which he spoke on that occasion was in the words, "Not by might or by power but by my spirit, sayeth the Lord." At the conclusion of the service he enrolled thirty-two persons as members of the Methodist Church of Glendale. Mr. C. E. Russell was appointed class leader. On Monday following he looked up Rev. Charles R. Norton and appointed him pastor of the new church organization. On October 18, 1903. the newly appointed pastor had a good con- gregation and spoke from the text. "One thing is needful and Mary has chosen the good part that shall not be taken from her." After the preaching, a Sabbath school was organized with thirty-five mem- bers; Mr. C. E. Russell, superintendent. A short time thereafter an Epworth League was organized at the home of Mrs. Hendershott with thirty' members; Miss Frances Hendershott. president. .\ com- mittee was appointed to secure a location for the church which it was proposed to erect, the chairman of the committee being Capt. (Rev.) H. H. Hall. At that time Glendale Avenue and Third Street was the location around which the principal activities of Glendale centered and four lots were secured on the corner of Dayton Court and Third Street at a cost of $1,000. Plans were immediately made for erecting a church building. The pastor took hold of the matter with enthusiasm, personally carrying around the subscription list, assisted near the end of the cami)aign by the Rev. W. S. Blackburn, a retired minister of the denomination then living in Glendale. .\n Aid Society had been formed among the ladies of the congregation which assisted greatly in the work, pledging in the beginning of the campaign the sum of $300 and later after the building had been com- ]jleted, aiding with $500 more for furniture and equipment. On September 16, 1906, Ur. Robert Mclntyre, of the First M. E. Church in Los Angeles, dedicated the new building, complimenting the pastor and the congregation by saying that he had never seen the dupli- cate of the successful campaign which ended by the dedication of this building. Dr. S. A. Thompson, who had succeeded Rev. Stafford, deceased, said among other things that the Glendale Methodist church building was the best in the San Fernando valley. 246 GLENDALE AND VICINITY Rev. Norton remained pastor here for four years and saw an increase of membership from 32 to 202, and a report to the conference at the end of his ministry, states that the church property was worth $10,000. Of the charter members of the church the following are still residents of Glendale: Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brown, Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Quick, Mrs. Mary Turner and Mrs. Hodgson ; while Rev. Norton still survives, one of Glendale's most honored citizens. In 1907 Rev. N. J. Burton was appointed pastor, continuing for the conference year. In 1908 Rev. J. H. Humphrey was appointed pastor, remaining for five years during which the church continued to grow and prosper, having at the end of that time a membership of 375. In 1913 Rev. Bede A. Johnson was appointed pastor, serving until 1915. Rev. B. Dudley Snudden was the pastor for the three following years. During his pastorate the new church was built at the corner of Wilson Avenue and Kenwood Street. This was erected in 1916-17 at a cost of fifty thousand dollars, a sum which at that time was un- precedented in Glendale for a church structure, but which has been demonstrated to have been a most wise expenditure. Rev. Charles Scott was pastor in 1917-18. Rev. C. M. Crist served in 1921 and 1922. The membership is now over 1,100. First Baptist Church On July 5, 1904, the Baptists of the valley met at the residence of Mr. S. C. Marchant and decided to form a church organization. Among those present were Rev. S. C. Ohrum and A. M. Petty. On July twenty-fourth the church was organized under the name of the Calvary Baptist Church, with twenty-two charter members. A present trustee. Mr. J. M. Banker, being the only charter member who is now of the church membership, was elected the first church clerk. On September 23, 1904, a Council of Recognition was held in the I. O. O. F. hall, fifteen pastors and twenty-seven delegates being present. At that time Mr. J. M. Banker gave a brief history of the church and this was supplemented by a brief address by Rev. S. C. Ohrum. On September 25, Rev. C. W. Iller commenced his pastor- ate, dividing his time between Glendale and South Pasadena. Ser- vices were held in the I. O. O. F. hall on Sundays at three o'clock, the Methodist brethren occupying the hall morning and evening. Prayer meetings were held regularly at the homes of members. A building committee was appointed and on November 13. 1904, the trustees purchased two lots on the corner of Third and L Streets (the present location) for the sum of $445.00 and with the help of Bap- tist friends outside and with the resources of the congregation money was raised to erect a good substantial frame building worth about $3,500. Many of the members contributed their labor for weeks on the structure as but little money was paid out for labor. Mem- bers who had teams did the hauling. Rev. E. K. Fisher was pastor from July 25, 1905, to April 8, 1906, GLENDALE AND VICINITY 247 during which time seventeen members were received into the church. I'nder Mr. Fisher's leadership the R. Y. P. U. was organized. Rev. \Vm. F. Stone was pastor from May 31, 1906. to June 3, l'X)8. Under his leadership the church became self-supporting. Dur- ing Mr. Stone's pastorate seventj^-two members were received. Rev. J. F. Moody was pastor from July 31, 1908, to February 10, 1910, and during this period sixty-four members were taken into the church. During Mr. Moody's regime, the Women's Mission Circle was organ- ized with Mrs. Moody as first president; this organization has been one of the most helpful of the church auxiliaries. On April 1. 1909, the church was incorporated as the First Baptist Church of Glendale, J. M. Banker, H. F. Freyer and James Hoffman, of the present membership, acting as incorporators. September 1, 1910. Rev. Eugene Haines became pastor, continu- ing until April 16, 1913. Under his leadership, 103 memljers were re- ceived into the church by letter, twenty-seven by baptism and eight by e.xi)erience. During Mr. Haines' administration, and under the leadership of Mr. C. C. .Arrow smith, the Sunday School, organized in 1904, with two classes and al)out twenty children, had outgrown its quarters and J. M. Banker, W. F. Wood, C. E. Reed and Mrs. W. W. lyicElroy were members of a building committee appointed to take charge of the building enterprise, which was conducted successfully, the old church building l)eing sold to the Adventists for $1,500. Ser- vices were continued at the new location. Wilson and Isabel, for about one year, during which the ])resent building was constructed at a cost of about $11,000, Mr. J. M. Banker in this, as on former occasions, l>roving his loyalty and helpfulness. On October 2, 1913, after a period of several months of supplies, Rev. Troy became pastor, and according to a letter written by Sara A. Pollard, on September 30, 1914, the growth had up to that time been lifty per cent of the membership at the beginning of the church year. Rev. Troy's pastorate terminated March 1, 1916. On July 16, 1916, Rev. Vernon H. Cowsert counnenced his pas- torate, continuing until August 1, 1918. During this pastorate, being the war period, notwithstanding the many demands made by the gov- ernment, the membershij) responded U)yally to all appeals and con- tributed their quota to the Million Dollar Drive as well as keeping up their regular contributions, both general and missionar}-. On July first the present jiastor. Rev. Ernest E. Ford, entered upon his duties as church leader, and thus far the indications are that the church has entered upon another era of great ])rosperity and use- fulness. The present membership is 560 with a Sunday School of 500. The church is on the eve of building a new auditorium at a cost of about $100,000. Lots have been purchased in the .\twater Tract, on the edge of Los -Angeles, for another church soon to be erected. Tropico Presi!VTeri.\n Church This church was organized in January, 1904, by a number of Presbyterians residing in Tropico who withdrew from the Glendale 248 GLENDALE AND VICINITY church to form an independent organization. The organization was effected in Richardson's hall with thirty-three members. The first elders selected were John Hobbs, F. R. Bear and Nelson C. Burch. Rev. D. M. Stewart, who had resigned from the Presbyterian church of Glendale, was the first pastor, serving from 1904 to 1907. He was succeeded by Rev. .A. W. McConnell who remained until 1909. He was followed by Rev. H. C. Shoemaker, who served until 1911. Then came Rev. C. B. Hatch, officiating until 1914. Rev. O. P. Ryder served until 1921 when the present pastor, Rev. Jas. F. Winnard, D. D., was installed. The first church building was located at the corner of Glendale and Park Avenues. The present house of worship is located at the corner of Central .Avenue and Laurel Street. Seventh D.w Ad\'entist Church The Glendale Sanitarium has ever since 1905 been a Glendale in- stitution, playing an important part in the upbuilding f>{ the city. The ordinary sanitarium has for its sole object the upbuilding of the phy- sical and the mental constituents of the human being, but the sani- tariums of the Seventh Day .\dventists add to this service, the de- \elopment of the spirit; and it therefore follows that the care of the body and the welfare of the soul are blended together in one purpose wherever these institutions are found. Following closely therefore upon the establismment of the sanitarium by the people from Battle Creek in the latter i)art of 1905, came the organization of the church body on Januar}' 27, 1906, at 3 o'clock P. M., Elder George \N'. Reeser officiating. There were about thirty charter members and the follow- ing officers were chosen: Elder, Charles F. Marvin; deacon, M. De- roy Learned; deaconesses, Mrs. E. L. Learned, Mrs. Laura B. Hyatt; clerk, Mrs. Elizabeth M. Stanley; librarian, Mrs. Elizabeth M. Stan- ley; treasurer. The Glendale Sanitarium. Services were at first held in the Sanitarium building; then the frame church, purchased of the Baptists, was moved onto the lot on the southwest corner of Wilson Avenue and Isabel Street. This soon I^roved too small for the rapidly growing congregation and a larger building was erected about three years ago on the corner of Califor- nia and Isabel Streets. At the present time this building is much too small for the congregation as the membership now is over seven hundred. Church of the Hoi.v Famh,v This parish was established in 1907 when Rev. James S. O'Neill, then stationed in Los Angeles, was called to the office of Bishop Conaty and told to "Go to Glendale — hire a hall — establish a parish." The splendid church building recently dedicated, and the large congregation worshijiing there, testifies eloquently to the fact that "Father" O'Neill not only obeyed orders and went, but that he pos- sessed good staying qualities, for he is in Glendale yet. The hall he hired was the old G. A. R. hall on Glendale .\venue, where services were held for nine months, the congregation numbering about sixty- GLENDALE AND VICINITY 251 five persons gathered from all parts of the valley. Father O'Neill's jurisldiction at that time comprised Tilendale. Tropico, Burbank, Van Nuys and Lankershim. He held services in Burbank also in connec- tion with his Glendale duties and I)uilt churches in both places. In 1908, Mrs. Emeline Childs of Los Angeles, donated land in the "Child Tract" on East Lomita Avenue where the church building was erected that was dedicated by Bishop Francis J. Conaty, as master of ceremonies, on Sunday. September 29. 1908. A congregation was present that filled the new church to its capacity. The growth of the church kept up with the growth of the young city and by 1920 the congregation comprised some three hundred families, and the need for a new building becoming imperative. Father O'Neill went to work and got it. The building was completed and blessed in 1921, but the dedication was delayed until the erection and occupancy of a rectory. The dedication took place on Sunday. September 24. 1922, Right Rev. Bishop Cantwell assisted by a large body of priests, offi- ciating. After the dedication adjournment was had to the rooms of the Chamber of Commerce where a banquet was given in honor of the Bishop, addresses being made by Bishop Cantwell, Hon. Joseph Scott, Judge Paul McCormick, Hon. Spencer Robinson, Mayor of Glendale, and others; the audience representing practically all the denominations in the city. Rev. James O'Neill was born in Boston, one of a family of ten children. He received his education at Boston University, and studied theolog)' and philosophj' at St. Bonaventuras College, in Alleghany. New York. He was ordained to the priesthood in 1902. Coming to California, Father O'Neill was stationed at San Diego, Ventura and Los Angeles, from which station he came to Glendale. He has made himself a part of the civic life of Glendale. being a member of the Chamber of Commerce and of the Benevolent Order of Elks, and is always ready to assist any worthy enterprise in the city. Early in 1923 ground will be broken for the erection of a parish school and Sisters Convent, which enterprise will involve an expendi- ture of $50,000. West Glendale M. E. Church In the spring of 1908, J. C. Lennox of the First Methodist Church of Glendale, erected a small building on the lot now occupied by the present structure. A Sunday School was organized with L. A. Wood as Superintendent. The first preaching services were conducted by Rev. N. J. Burton and Rev. W. S. Blackburn and others. This arrangement was continued for a few months, or until the advent of Dr. A. B. Morrison. Under his administration, on May 26, 1909, the West Glendale Methodist Episcopal Church, with a membership of twenty was organized. Rev. L. A. Thompson, D. D., Superintendent of Pasadena District, presiding. The official members consisted of the following stewards: C. F. Smith, J. W. Durham, M. S. Van Luven, W. R. Burrington; Sunday School Superintendent, L. A. Wood. 252 GLEXDALE AND VICINITY In September, 1910, the foundation was laid for the present build- ing. The first service was held in the completed structure, December 18, 1910. The church is valued at $6,000 and the six-room modern par- sonage and garage are valued at $3,500. Record of Pastors: Rev. A. B. Morrison, •08-'12; Rev. M. R. Walton, '12-'14; Rev. H. S. Hartsell. 'U-'\6; Rev. C. A. Norcross, '16-'17; Rev. E. M. Crandall. ■17-'18; Rev. W. W. Cookman. '18-'21 ; Rev. Harley G. Preston, '21-'22; Rev. H. C. Muller, 1922. The present membership is eighty. The Chri.sti.\x Church In the fall of 1908, Rev. J. W. Utter, then with the Broadway Church, Los Angeles, made a canvass of the city of Glendale and began a series of revival meetings. His success encouraged him in the belief that he had found a fertile field in which to build up a congregation and establish a Christian Church. He asked to be relieved of his duties in Los Angeles and entered heartily into his self-imposed task. He labored with the growing congregation for five years, building it up to a church membership of two hundred. He was succeeded by Rev. E. E. Francis who remained for three years, the congregation constantly increasing in numbers. January 1, 1917, Rev. ClifTord A. Cole was called from the Compton Heights Church. St. Louis, and has remained the minister up to the present. This church has now a membership of nearly 700. The congrega- tion at first, and for eighteen months, met in the G. A. R. Hall on South Glendale .Avenue. The original church was erected in 1909. The following named persons with many others participated in its establishment: A. K. Crawford, S. P. Borthick, A. B. Heacock, J. P. Shropshire, E. H. Learned, Miss Mary Chester. The present church edifice was dedicated July 2. 1922. The Christian Church is identified in the V. S. Census report as "The Disciples of Christ." It is the largest body of Christians having origin in the United States and is fifth in numbers among Protestant bodies, having a membership of about a million and a half. It has spread out over Great Britain, France, Scandinavia Russia, Austria and other lands, with its greatest strength in the central portion of the United States. Cas.a Verdugo Methodist Episcopal Church In the Journal of the Southern California Conference, of the Methodist Episcopal Church, for the year 1910 appears the ff)llowing notation : "Casa Verdugo is a beautiful settlement of twelve to fifteen hundred people at the end of the Glendale trolley line, about one and one-half miles northwest of that city. There is no church organization there of any kind, nor was there a .Sunday School until Dr. J. F. Humphrey, our pastor at Glendale, and some of his efficient workers started fine, which has been successfully carried on and is rapidly growing." GLENDALE AND VICINITY 25;{ The Journal of the same year records the appointinciu by Bishop Edwin H. Hughes, of Rev. C. R. Norton to the pastorate at Casa Verdugo. During the pastorate of Mr. Norton, extending to the fall of 1913, a society was organized and a chapel erected on a purchased lot just west of the present site of their property at the corner nf Park Place and Xorth Central Avenue. In the fall of 1913. Rev. M. K. Stcme was appointed pastor. serving one year, at the expiration of which. Rev. Julius Soper having returned from his appointment, made in 1873. as Missionary in Japan, was appointed pastor at Casa Verdugo serving the charge for five years. The records show that at the close of the pastorate of Dr. Soper the membership had reached 90, the Sunday School enrollment 109, and that the church property was valued at $1,899. In October of 1919, Rev. E. O. Thayer succeeded Dr. Soper in the pastorate of this church, continuing until October of 1921, when the present pastor. Rev, J. C. Livingston, was appointed to the charge. During the pastorate of Dr. Thayer the present property was bought and the new building erected. At the present time the membership has reached 150. The aver- age attendance at Sunday Schonl is 145, and the church property is valued at $20,000. Situation and environment provide valuable assets to this prosperous and popular church. Its future looks bright. CONGREG.\TION'.M. ChURCH The story of this church is one of the innumerable cases showing the remarkable growth of all Glendale institutions. It was organized on November 26. 1911. Preliminary services had been held for three consecutive Sundays in the K. of P. Hall, in the second story of the building on the southeast corner of Brand Boulevard and Wilson Avenue. The organizer was Rev. E. H. Willisford. Twenty-five people constituted the charter members. In May of 1912, Dr. Willi.s- ford was able to purchase for the congregation two lots on the northwest corner of Wilson and Central and the "Bungalow Church" was built on that site during that year, the reverend gentleman him- self putting in many days' work with hammer and saw. This building was dedicated June 30, 1912, and Rev. Willisford formally installed at a special service held July first. By December, 1914, the building ])roved inadequate to accommodate the Sunday School and a wing was added on each side of the building. In December, 1916, a committee of five was appointed to devise ways and means to obtain a more suitable building, but all plans were interfered with by the war. Dr. Willisford obtained leave of absence to engage in Y. M. C. A. work, went overseas and took active part in that work in France within range of the guns. During his absence Rev. W. J. Marsh supplied the church very successfully. On Septem- ber 5, 1919, the congregation held a celebration and burned the church mortgages. The building committee was discharged at this time and in June, 1920, Rev. Willisford tendered his resignation and accepted a call to the church at Houston, Texas. 254 GLENDALE AND VICINITY A call was issued to Rev. Charles M. Calderwood, of Lee, Massachusetts, who accepted, and preached his first sermon as pastor on the first Sunday in November. 1920. In the interim. Rev. Clyde Sheldon Shepard acted as pastor very acceptably. Plans for a new church building were again taken up and in May, 1921, a building committee of five persons was appointed, consisting of the following; Blake Franklin, Chas. B. Guthrie. E. D. Yard, Hartley Shaw and Thomas White. On January 11, 1922, a detailed report was made by the committee and it was decided to adopt plans for a building to cost, with furnishings. $80,000. Mr. C. L. Peckham and G. H. Schulte were added to the building committee which was given full power to go ahead with the work. Services were held in the old building and ground broken for the new one, on May 12, 1922, being Frida}'. The "services" on this occasion consisted in a social dinner and an enjoj-able musical entertainment. On the following Sunday the last sermon was preached in the old church. The new edifice will be completed and dedicated early in 1923. First Church of Christ, Scienti.st March 31, 1912, eighteen members of the Third Church of Christ, Scientist, of Los Angeles, withdrew their membership from that church in order to form a church in Glendale. and on April 17, 1912, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, of Glendale. was incorpo- rated under the laws of the State. The Masonic Hall was rented, and on Sunday. Maj' 19. 1912, the first church service was held. The large attendance and interest manifested gave immediate proof of the need of the new organization. All church activities were at once established. A reading room was opened for the public in the Rudy block and committees for special work were appointed. The new church proved to be self-supporting from the start and it was not found necessary to accept the financial assistance generouslj- proffered by the Third Church of Los Angeles. On September 27, 1912, the reading room was moved to rooms in the Parker & Sternberg building on Brand below Broadway, where more spacious and desirable quarters were secured and are still retained. A building fund was maintained by the church from the beginning and had so grown that on April 18. 1913. the organization was able to make the first payment on a building site. Two lots were obtained at the southeast corner of Maryland Avenue and Second Street, having a frontage of one hundred and two feet on Maryland Avenue with a depth of one hundred forty-two and a half feet. The lots were purchased for twentj'-five hundred dollars and constitute an admirable and central location. By the spring of 1914 the attendance at church services had out- grown the seating capacity of the Masonic hall and it was found necessary to have more commodious c|uarters. It was found possible to lease the auditorium of the recently completed Masonic Temple, centrally located with a seating capacity of about three hundred. In this location the attendance increased more rapidly than ever and by GLENDALE AND VICINITY 255 the spring of 1916 it became apparent that action must be taken at once to meet this condition. The construction of a church building had become a necessity. The church lots had in the meantime been paid for and there were several hundred osed of Miss Margaret Cross. Mrs. Margaret D. Higgs and Miss Sara Pollard wa.*; appointed to fornuilate a constitution and by-laws. About thirty-five were present at the call of the meeting on October l.S, held in the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce, when the constitution was adojited and officers elected. Since that date the club has grown steadil\'. It closed its charter membership November 22 with 110. Its first activitv was to ])rom(>te the estab- lishment of two gymnasium classes in the High School "Gym" for woinen of Glendale. whether they were employed or not. A public ban(|uet at which covers were laid for 200 was given in January. 1922, in the banquet hall of the Chamber of Commerce, at which plans for vocational guidance work and the placement bureau were announced. The next big project was the establishment of a club home in an apartment at 2905j South Brand Boulexard to serve as a rest room and lunching ]>lacc for members and their guests and meet an urgent need on the part of ])usiness women of the city for a social rallying place for mutual benefit and advantage. It was for the maintenance of these rooms that a series of entertainments were given in the Spring of 1922. In August, 1922, the headcpiarters was moved to 126 South Maryland .Street and a clubhouse established. The club has grown rapidly and has now a membership of 183. The officers elected in 1921 were: Mrs. Margaret I. Biggs. Pres- ident; Miss Margaret Gross, \'ice-President ; Dr. Caroline Paine Jackman. Treasurer; Miss Neva \'eyses. Recording Secretary, and Miss Sara Pollard. Corresponding Secretar}'. The officers elected for 1923 are: Dr. Laura Brown. President; Mrs. Peggy Warner, Vice-President; Mrs. Anita Anderson, Trea- surer; Miss Clara Sayre. Recording Secretary, and Miss Sara Pollard. Corresponding Secretary. College Women's CLtns of Glendale The College Women's Club was organized in December. 1922. with a membership of about eighty-five. The following officers were elected: President, Mrs. A. L. Ferguson; vice president, Mrs. Charles A. Barker; recording secretary, Mrs. Helen ^loir; treasurer, Mrs. Max L. Green ; parliamentarian. Dr. Jessie A. Russell ; program chairman, Mrs. A. W. Tower; publicity, Mrs. Paul Webb; member- ship, Mrs. Frank Parr; scholarship, Mrs. A. A. Barton. CHAPTER XXIII OTHER CLUBS. ASSOCIATIONS. ETC. Gleno.m.k Music Club This club was organized February 28, 1921. in the music room of the High School with Mrs. Mattison B. Jones, chairman. There were fifteen charter members. At this first meeting, by-laws were adopted, officers elected and the club voted to join the state federation, all in an hour and fifteen minutes. The following officers and directors were elected: Mrs. Mattison B. Jones, president; Mrs. Catherine Shank, vice president; Mrs. Spencer Robinson, second vice president; Mrs. L. N. Hagood. secretary; Mrs. Charles Marlinee, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Warren Roberts, treasurer; Mrs. Vivian Webb, finan- cial secretary-; Mr. (Mayor) Spencer Robinson, auditor. Directors: Mrs. Dora Gibson, Mrs. Calvin Whiting and Mrs. Frank .\rnold. Within two months the membership had reached two hundred and at present the total enrollment, including the Junior and Juvenile auxiliaries, is seven hundred. The cluli has given a number of high class concerts; the first on April 1, 1922, was an All-.American pro- gram given b}' Gertrude Ross, composer; Jessie McDonald Patterson, vocalist and Mr. .-Mexander Saslavskj', violinist. Succeeding enter- tainments given by the club have been well uj) ti> the standard set by the first. The Junior Auxiliary was organized .\pril 1, 1921. at the home of Mrs. Spencer Robinson, first director, other directors being Mrs. Dora Gibson and S. Gertrude Champlain. There were fifteen charter mem- bers of this auxiliary which now has a membership of eighty-five. The Juvenile Auxiliary was formed May 2, 1921, at the home of Mrs. Frank Arnold with Helen Sternberg as president under the leadership of three directors, Mesdames Frank Arnold. Eva Cunning- ham and Zula Hapgood. Charter members were thirty-one and the present membership sixty-five. Other civic organizations have united in assisting this high class musical club. Shrine Club of Glrndale This club was organized December 1, 1921, at the Chamber of Commerce hall. Noble C. E. Neale was elected president; Julius Kranz vice president and James Rhoades, secretary, .'\mong the members signing the roll, numbering in all eighty-two, were the fol- lowing, who constituted the various committees: Nobles, Arthur Campbell, Julius Kranz, A. L. Baird, Robt. R. McKenzie, Charles R. Snider, David Crofton, W. S. Rattray, Edward Waxman, M. M. John- son, George Moyse, C. C. Rittenhouse, John Everson, J. J. Burke, Alfred Clark, Dr. H. R. Boyer, W. A. Reynolds. The next meeting GLENDALE AND VICINITY 275 of the club was held January 4, 1922. when Noble Dan Campbell was elected treasurer and a fine entertainment was given. From that time forward, a business meeting was held on the first Wednesday of every month and once every month the club enjoyed a ladies' night, featured either by a banquet or ball. At a regular meeting held in May, 1922. Noble C. K. Neale ])re- sented his resignation and Noble Edwin F. Heisser was elected presi- dent of the club. Vice President Kranz and Secretary Gartley also resigned and Noble Edwin F. Heissler was elected president and Noble Charles F. Hahn. secretary. These officers functioned during the remainder of the year 1922. In January. 1923. D. Ripley Jackson was elected president ; Charles F. Hahn re-elected secretar\- and Noble W. A. Reynolds, vice president. The office i>f treasurer was combined with that of secretary. The social activities of the club are one of its chief features, being partaken of by members and their ladies only. Glend.ale Credit Men's Associ.vtion This is one of those organizations which does not advertise itself much, but keeps on doing business most effectively. It was organ- ized in December. 1921, and has for members over a hundred of Glen- dale merchants who meet every Monday noon at the banquet room of the Chamber of Commerce. The association co-operates with the Chamber of Commerce and other local civic bodies, the members being as a rule, also members of one or more of the i>ther ori^'ani- zations. The first secretary and organizer was Mr. Frank 11. Pilling, who has been connected with similar bodies in other cities for several years, and was selected by the Glendale association because of his ex- perience and general fitness. The object of the association is to keep a credit list of Glendale people and although only in e.xistence a little over a year, it has already nearly 10,000 ratings on file. It is the idea of Mr. Pilling that every family head, upon coming into Glendale to reside, should report to the association as to their financial standing, so that the record may be available when needed. These associations are not only a great help to the merchants of Southern California, enabling them to find out by inquiry as to whether persons asking credit should be given it, but are useful to the individual al.so, particu- larly if when absent from his home city he can refer to his record that is on file. The membership list is growing rapidly and the goal towards which it is bending its efforts, will be attained when every merchants in the San Fernando X'alley is a member. Officers of the assc)ciation are the following: .\ttorney Owen C. Emery, president; H. S. Webb, secretary and treasurer; trustees, Owen C. Emery, H. S. Webb. Arthur Parker, W. P. Potter, W. H. Hooper. Wm. Moore and H. M. Butts. Rotary Club of Gi.end.m.e The founder of the Rotary Clubs was Paul P. Harris, an attorney of Chicago. It is an organizatif)n of business and professional men, with membership limited to one representative of the particular line of 276 GLENDALE AND VICINITY business or the profession in which he is en^agfed. The first meeting of the original club was held on February 23. 1905. in Chicago. The name was suggested by the meeting of the club in the different places of business of its members. The headquarters of the International Association of Rotary Clubs is in Chicago, and it is rapidly extend- ing throughout the United States and foreign countries. The motto of the club is "Service above self; he profits most who serves best." The Glendale Club came into being January 4, 1921. with the fol- lowing members : C. C. Cooper, president ; Roy L. Kent, vice presi- dent; J. Herbert Smith, secretary; Richardson D. White, treasurer; Owen C. Emery, sergeant-at-arms; \V. A. Tanner and W. Edgar Hewitt. At present the club members number thirty-five. White Siiri.nk of Jeri'sai.e.m A number of the loyal supporters of the Order of Eastern Star gathered together at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Phillips on March 9, 1922, for a preliminary meeting to make plans to organize a White Shrine of Jerusalem, with the result that on March 29, 1922. Omar Shrine. No. 9 was instituted by Artaban Shrine of Pasadena. California. To become a member of the White Shrine of Jerusalem, one must be a member of the Order of Eastern Star in good standing. The secret work of the order is very inspiring and beautiful but the socia- bility of the Shrine is much enjoyed by all its members. The order is closely related to the Masonic orders in that all these bodies work together in case of want, sickness or death and are always ready to assist in time of need. A very beautiful and impressive ceremony of installation of of- ficers was held on July 19, 1922. with the following officers placed in the chairs: W. H. P., Orma V. Naudain; W. of S.. E. M. Cutting; W. P., Sarah Carroll; W. C, Eva G. Vesper; W. S., Fern A. Roberts; W. G., Olga C. Bourne; W. H.. Mae Warrick; W. O., Nana K. Custer; First W. M., Alvah H. Leland; Second W. M., Warren Q. Roberts; Third W. M., Thos. D. Watson; King. B. Frank Bourne; Queen. Sarah Leland; First H. M., Libbie Cutting; Second H. M.. fennie Phillips; Third H. M.. Valencia Watson; W. G.. Gertrude "McMillan; W. G., Nellie G. Squier. The year 922 was a very prosperous one for the New Shrine as there were initiated during the short time of its life, thirty-seven new members. The Kiwanis Club There is no more enterprising civic club in Glendale than the local organization of Kiwanians. Each and every member stands for pro- gressive movement of the city — and, although organized less than a year ago they have been of inestimable value in promoting civic affairs. The officers for 1923 are: A. L. Ferguson, president; Herman Nelson, first vice president; Dr. T. C. Young, second vice president; D. H. Smith, treasurer and Fred Deal, district trustee. The following GLENDALE AM) VICINITY 277 are the board of directors: M. B. Towinaii, O. \V. Aiulreaen. Kay Hentley, Dr. Jack Anderson, Harry Macliain. \V. H. Reeves, Bert ['erry. Glendai.f. Rkai.ty Board The Glendale Realty Board is one of the progressive factors in the development of the community. About seventy local realtors are members of this assucialion. They feel that they are more than mere salesmen and agents for the sale of property and take a personal pride in their activities because they realize that every new home sold usually means a more contented family. They have been instru- mental in bringing many families to this city and most of them take personal resp(msibility in the fact that Glendale is "The P'astest Growing Cit}- in America." Cameron Dellart Thorn, a Glendale pioneer, who was one of the first citizens of this city to awake to its possibilities, is the president of this organization. Its secretary is E. P. Hayward. Young Men's Christian Associ.vrio.v The Glendale Y. M. C. A. has 300 members at the present time, but has no building of its own. The young men meet at numerous places around the city, at frequent intervals, and their activities are extensive. The ortranization is divided into two sections, high school and junior. The board of directors number the following seven men: David Black, president; C. D. Lusby, treasurer; Rex C, Kelly, secretary; C. W. Ingledue, H. L. Finlay, W. F. Powers, J. S. Thompson. Federated BROTiiERHoon This organization is composed entirely of laymen and is a group composed of members and officers of ten Protestant churches of Glen- dale valley, united for the purpose of exerting a combined effort to achieve higher morals and civic standards in the city. The motto of the Federation is "A clean city, kept clean." Membership is oyer 2.000. The following churches comprise this organization : First Baptist, Central Christian, Congregational, First M. E., Casa Ver- dugo M. E., Central Avenue M. E., Pacific Avenue M. E., South Glendale M. E., Presbyterian, Tropico Presbyterian. The officers are: G. D. McDill, president; R. F. Kitterman, first vice president; James H. Garnsey, second vice president; William D. Kirk, secretary; George F. Daugherty, treasurer. The executive committee of the Federation comprises the five oflficers of each church, plus two representatives at large from each, a total body of seventy men. CHAPTER XXIV THE PROFESSIONS SOME OF THE PIONEER PHYSICIANS. A GLANCE AT THE LOCAL MUSICIANS. CARLYLE PETERSILEA AND OTHERS OF EARLIER DAY.S. THE LEGAL FRATERNITY. PIONEER LAWYERS. AND SOME OF THE PRESENT ERA. ONE LOCAL WRITER ACHIEVES FAME. When the city was young it would have been an easy matter to have covered this subject with an individual account of every member of the ])rofessions in Glendale. Among its population of nearly forty thousand at present, it is possible to speak of a few of the pioneers only, and refer to the directory for the others. Of the medical fraternity the writer recalls Dr. Moses Chandler of Tropico who arrived there about 1890. Dr. Chandler was a physi- cian of the old school with a long experience in his profession and being well advanced in years, did not have an active practice although he built it up to a point where when he concluded to give up the work. he found it necessary to call in a young i)h3'sician latelj' graduated from a northern college to take care of his clients. This young man was Dr. A. O. Conrad who established a large and successful practice in the neighborhood and later removed his offices to Los Angeles. Dr. Conrad was early attracted to the use of the X-Ray in the use of which he became an expert. He died about 1918. .About 1895 Dr. Eveleth came to fJlendale from New York. He and his wife became important personages in Glendale social circles and the doctor, who was a talented and highly educated man became very popular, although his medical practice was never extensive. Dr. C. V. Bogue came to Glendale for his health. Dr. Bogue was a physician of high standing and a surgeon of unusual skill, having come from a large practice in the city of Chicago. He built up a good practice in Glendale and was active in community work. He lived on Wilson Avenue, corner of Belmont Street. He became an owner of Glendale realty, owning for several years the southwest corner of Broadway and Glendale Avenue. When Dr. Bogue returned to Chicago about 1901 he sold his home and his practice to Dr. D. W. Hunt who came to Glendale from Redlands. Dr. Hunt was at that time an active and skillful physician. He entered at once into the town's activities, becoming the president of the Improvement Association, and was one of the effectual workers who secured the right of way for the Pacific Electric railroad when it came into the valley. Dr. Hunt died in the early part of 1922 at his Glendale home. GLENDALE AND VICINITY 279 The oldest established physician in Glendale is Dr. Raymond E. Chase, who came to Glendale as a boy with his parents in 1884, was educated in the local public schools and received his medical education in the University of California and its affiliated colleges, graduating in 1901. He practiced in Los Angeles for three years and then opened an office in his home city and began the building up of an ever increasing patronage which continues to the present time. Dr. Chase was for several years the Health Officer of Glendale. Dr. A. L. Bryant arrived in California in 1903 and after a short stay in Orange county came to Glendale in February, 1904, and has ever since been engaged with marked success in the practice of his profession. In addition to his professional work, he has been active in civic affairs, having served several years as a member of the High School Board of Trustees, and also as a member of the Library Board. Dr. Thos. C. Young arrived in Glendale from Los Angeles and established himself in an office in the two story brick building oppo- site the City Hall, where he is still located, in August, 1909. Al- though Dr. Young remains in his original location, the growth of his practice has led to greatly enlarged quarters. Dr. Wm. C. Mabry arrived in Tropico in September, 1912, and began his professional career in the city that afterwards became a part of Glendale. He has been active in civic aflfairs and was for a long term the Health officer of the city of Tropico. Dr. Mabry has been very successful in his profession and is active in the building up of his rapidly increasing patronage. Dr. H. R. Boyer came to Glendale after several years of pro- fessional service in the state of Maryland, in March, 1913. He has a large and rapidly increasing practice, and is prominent in civic affairs. He has a large circle of friends, particularly among fraternal orders. There are many other physicians of whom it may be said that they rank high in their profession and as citizens interested in help- ing to build on a firm foundation of good citizenship, the city in which they have cast their lot. But reference to the recent directory dis- closes the fact that they are over fifty in number, and it becomes necessary to close the record of this most honorable profession with the names above mentioned, of pioneers and those near to them. Glendale's professors of the musical art are also too numerous to mention, but the daily press bears testimony in almost every issue as to their activity and to the high quality of the art exhibited in the numerous concerts and recitals given by local talent. Like the artists of the theater and the screen, many of them have chosen Glendale as their home, and in addition to their work as professionals and ama- teurs, they play a loyal part in the building of the city. In times gone by, there were a few talented musicians who came to the city of prom- ise as it then was, and made a record of friendships which survived them when they went to blend their voices in the harmony of "The Choir Invisible." There was Professor J. E. Fiske, who had a Los 280 GLENDALE AND VICINITY Angeles studio where he taught voice expression, but who in the early '90's made Glendale his home. The echf)es of his rich baritone voice can still be heard by those who at that time listened to him in the Presbyterian church and on many secular occasion.s. About the same time, Carlyle Petersilea came to (ilendale from Boston, where he had achieved a high reputation as a pianist, l^eing the author of a method of teaching as well as a performer of almost the highest rank. He was generous in playing for local entertain- ments, and became by reason of his personal charm, a friend of all who knew him. He built the house on Windsor Road, just east of Thornycroft Farm, now belonging to Mrs. Greene. About 1910 Eugene Noland, a talented \'iolinist, was associated with Fordyce flunter (another fine artist) living then on San Rafael street, and in addition to his work in the nearby city, found time to play at local entertainments. To attempt to name any of the many fine artists who are now cit- i;'.ens of Glendale, would lay the writer open to the charge of "invid- ious discrimination." from which he naturally shrinks. The many associations having for their object the furtherance of the musical art, give bright promise of securing for Glendale a reputation as one of the few musical centers of the Pacific coast; a characterization al- ready deserved, if not achieved. In literature, at least one of Glendale's citizens has recently achieved fame, and that is Frederic O'Brien, whose wife remains at their home on South Pacific .\venue while the husband sails the South Seas and attends to the publications in eastern cities of the books that have made him famous. Mr. O'Brien, while in Glendale some years ago, was known as a bright newspaper man who had been connected with a newspaper in Manila and told interesting stories of life in the lately accpiired possessions of Uncle Sam. He took a lively interest in local affairs for a brief period, even acting for a short time as one of the members of a special and continuous committee that labored over the water question before (ilendale finally went into the business of munici]Kil ownership of that utility. He disappeared in the middle of that committee's labors, to go adventuring, as the result of which he gave the world that fascinating series of South Sea life, beginning with "White Shadows in the South Seas." Lawyers have also liecome numerous, so that mention may be made of only a few of them who were in the city in the days of its infancv. Probably the best known and one of the most ])opular of these is Mr. Mattison B. Jones who has made Glendale his home for several years. Mr. Jones and his acconii)lished wife wlio has also achieved a wide popularity through her connection with Women's clubs in which she has held high offices, has lately completed and oc- cujjied a beautiful home on Kenneth Road, but the family was for many years located on Orange Street. Mr. Jones is favoraldy known throughout the state and had a statewide reputation even before he became the candidate of the democratic ])arty for governor at the last general election. Mr. P. S. McXutt has also Ijecn a resident of Glendale lor many GLENDALE AND VICINITY 281 years. He maintained uffices in Lds Angeles while making his home in Glendale and had a large practice up to the time that a severe physical affliction seized him and compelled him to retire from active practice. Mr. McXutt and his wife, who is well known in club circles and civic affairs, reside in their pleasant home in Sycamore Canyon. Mr. N. C. Burch. who ])assed away about five years ago, was a practicing attorney in addition to his many other activities, having his home in Tropicf) and maintaining offices in Los Angeles a portion of the time. Col. Tom C. Thornton, well known throughout Southern Cali- fornia as a brilliant lawyer, has been for several years a citizen of Glendale and vicinity. Col. Thornton was at one time (|uite promi- nent in city alYairs and has a large circle of friends. judge Erskine M. Ross, who has had a large landed interest in Glendale for the i)ast fifty years, has a state-wide reputation as an eminent jurist, having been on the Federal bench for many years. Judge Ross made his home in Glendale for several years in the early days of its settlement and was active in co-operation with its pioneers in working out civic problems. The part Judge Ross took in starting Glendale on its forward career, is told elsewhere in this history. Mr. Hartley Shaw, now City .Attorney of Glendale, has a large practice in the Los Angeles courts with which he has been familiar for many years. Mr. Shaw is the son of Judge Lucien Shaw, of the Supreme Court of California, and his reputation among his fellow lawyers is such that they endorsed him unanimously for the position of Superior Judge when he aspired to that position a few years ago. Mr. W. E. Evans, for nine or ten years Glendale's city attorney, is also a successful attorney and a po])ular citizen. Mr. Evans stands high in political circles and is looked upon as likely to attain to an honorable political position, should he decide to aspire in that direction. Mr. Frank L. Muehlman, also a former city attorney and a trustee and acting mayor as well, has a large practice and is looked upon as one of the attorneys who are destined to attain high place in the jirofession. There are a number of veterans of the bar who have re- cently made Glendale their home and are building up for themselves an enviable record in their profession. There are al.so several others of less experience who have made rapid progress in achieving success in the honorable profession which they have chosen. Glendale's Thkatkicai. Colony Glendale jjoints with especial pride to a representative group ot devotees and professors of the mimic art who have chosen it for their home and have taken their place in the city's activities. Immediately after the advent of the Pacific Electric Railroad in 1905, a few of these professionals had the good judgment and good fortune to invest in homes in the city and in some cases the recent rapid advance in realty values have made the t)wners inde])endent of any further necessity for "grinding toil." 282 GLENDALE AND VICINITY One of these pioneers was that veteran of the stage, Harry Duf- field, who built a home on Lomita Avenue under the giant eucalyp- tus trees that shade that avenue. Mr. Duffield when he passed away a year ago had an unbroken record of fifty-nine years of popular service before the public, and his popularity in private life by reason of his genial disposition, was in full harmony with his public record. Among the other noted actors who came to Glendale early in its history, some of whom have gone to other fields of action, and one or two of whom have obeyed the Great Prompter's call, may be men- tioned Harry Mestayer, Charles Giblyn, Henry Stockbridge and Harry Glazier. These were all at one time or another, members of the old Burbank stock company. In the home on Lomita Avenue originally occupied by Harry S. Dufiield, live the Neils, James Neil and Edith Chapman Neil and the brother Edwin Neil; the latter for many years treasurer of the Mo- rosco Theater. Mr. James Neil has served the public for nearly forty years in the theaters and on the screen. This home is noted for its hospitality which has been shared by a long list of the notables of the stage. Harry Girard and his wife, Agnes Cain Brown, both with a long record of vocal triumphs in operatic circles, bj' generous contributions to local calls upon their talent, have achieved an enviable measure of popularity in the city they have adopted for their home. George Melford, who has attained a high rank among the few thoroughly successful motion picture directors, was for years the manager of the old Kalem company at its studio on \'erdugo Road and was a resident of Glendale at that time. He has recently moved to Hollywood. He was Exalted Ruler of the local lodge of Elks and made many friends while a Glendale resident. Among new comers to Glendale are Mr. and Mrs. George Hol- lister. Mrs. Alice Hollister has made an enviable record of success in character roles; while Mr. Hollister is an artist with the camera and has recently assumed the management of the theater at Eagle Rock. Mr. Herbert Fortie who lives in happy domesticity at 200 Chest- nut street, is a veteran of the theater and the studio, now devoting himself to the screen. Mr. and Mrs. Landers Stevens of North Louise Street, were for many years popular members of the Landers Stevens stock company well known in San Francisco and the other cities of the Bay, and are now both engaged in screen work, having many successes to their credit. Mr. and Mrs. Gilmore Walker, at home on North Columbus .Ave- nue, both enjoy a wide measure of popularity. Mr. Walker was for many years an actor and stage director. He now works exclusively for the screen. Mr. Lawrence Underwood, of South Everett Street, gave up the theater a dozen years ago to try ranch life, but has recentlj' returned to his first love and is engaged in a Hollywood studio. A pioneer of the motion picture industry is Frank E. Montgom- GLENDALE AND VICINITY 283 ery, the first manager in Glendale of the Kalem company. He is still in screen work, now at Hollywood. At 804 East .-Xcacia Street reside Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Brad- bury. Mr. Bradbury is a successful director of motion pictures, while two clever twin sons have qualified as clever children of the screen. Another veteran of the stage is Will M. Chapman, of West Doran Street, who has successfully transferred his talents to the screen. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DeGrasse. he is a descendant of that French Admiral who assisted the colonists during the revolutionary war, are both engaged in screen work, Mr. DeGrasse being a director of national repute, while his wife, professionally known as Ida May Park, is a well-known writer of screen drama. Mr. and Mrs. Al W. Fremont of Lorraine Street are both actors of many years' experience, having maintained their own companies on eastern circuits. Mr. Fremont is actively engaged in screen work. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gardner, of Mountain Street, have to their credit a long list of successes in theatrical productions and in vaude- ville. Mrs. Gardner is known to the stage as Louise Dresser. Both are still active in their profession and their home attracts many pro- fessional friends. James W. Home and his wife, Cleo Ridgely reside on Valley View Road. He is well known as a successful director of motion pictures while his wife is one of the important figures of the screen. Pearl Keller Brattain, who is well known as the proprietor of the Pearl Keller School of Dancing and Dramatic Art, enjoyed a very suc- cessful stage career for several years, in which she played ingenue and juvenile leads, before coming to Glendale. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Kull reside on San Fernando Road near Colorado. Mr. Kull is a master of the camera and also a successful director, being engaged at present with the Robertson-Cole company as camera man. George Larkin and wife, of South Brand Boulevard, have both secured firm hold on public favor in film representations and in vau- deville, both being skillful dancers and entertainers of originality. Thomas Lingham and wife, of East Acacia Street, both devote themselves to the motion picture art. Mrs. Lingham is known to stage and screen by her pre-marriage name of Katherine Goodrich. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Louis live on Valley View. Mr. Louis brings to the screen work a long experience on the stage. Recent patrons of the Fairbanks production at Hollywood may have recog- nized him as the rotund jolly Frair Tuck. Harry P. McPherson, who makes his home at the Elks Club, is connected with motion pictures as actor and director. George C. Pierce, of West Windsor Road, is a \eteran of both stage and screen, with a long and successful record in eastern cities. Both he and Mrs. Pierce are now engaged in productions for the screen. Mrs. Jack Frear, formerly connected with the speaking stage, specializing successfully in "Little Mother" parts, has taken to film work in similar characterizations with continued success. 284 GLENDALE AND VICINITY Mrs. William T. Wallace, formerly known to the stage as Georgia Woodthorpe, attached to the old Alcazar Theater, San Francisco, is continuing her successful career in the moving picture field. Mr. Richard Pennell, who has become a good American since he foreswore allegiance to King George, to whom he bears a striking re- semblance, when not engaged in studio work enjoys a fine library which he has collected, in his home on Commercial Street. John J. Tuohy with his family, occupies the house on Lomita Avenue, formerly belonging to Mr. W. C. Stone, the theatrical cos- tumer, popular with the professionals whom he served for many years before his death which occurred five or six years ago. Mr. Tuohy is engaged in motion picture work. Aside from the above, all of whom are still connected with the stage and screen, there is quite a numerous body of retired theatrical people who have chosen Glendale as their home. The senior and patriarch of this group is Mr. Albert Fisher, who after fifty-four years of professional activity has settled down at his home on Salem Street. His wife, Maggie HoUoway Fisher, and a daughter share the home. The interesting reminiscences of this couple of past professors of their chosen art. constitute almost a complete history of the Eng- lish speaking stage for half a century. Dr. Raymond E. Chase has won to a permanent domesticity, Virginia Edwards, of memory most agreeable to theatergoers. Mrs. Chase is active in local theatricals, various amateur performances being given under her guidance. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carrere live on North Louise Street. Mrs. Carrere was formerly Edith Cooper, a successful ingenue of the legit- imate stage. She is a sister of George Cooper Stevens and daughter of Georgia Woodthorpe, well known, each in their generation. In their West Elk Street home, Dan Bruce and his accomplished wife, are rearing a family of young Americans under their own vine and fig tree. Both Mr. and Mrs. Bruce were favorites in the mimic world. The Edith Woodthorpe. long prominent in Coast theatricals, is now Mrs. A. T. Dobson of Melrose Avenue. One of the best known of Glendale actors, retired, is Mrs. Fannie Stockbridge, who for many years has been living in her home on East Lomita Avenue. With her husband. Harry Stockbridge, formerly the comedian at the Burbank theater, she won high popular favor as a character actress. Young Esther Ralston and her brother, now at Hollywood work- ing out a promising career, resided in Glendale as children. Tom Mix was for a long time connected with the Bachman studio on East Windsor Road. His headquarters are now on the road to Edendale, across the river. Among other film celebrities who in times past made Glendale their home and have sought a wider field, may be mentioned Jack Hoxie and Marian Sais, who were located on Verdugo Road near the southeast city limits. Others who have heard and responded to the call of the east are Carlyle Blackwell and Arthur Sherry. GLENDALE AND VICINITY 285 This sketch cannot be fitly closed without a brief tribute to a few members of the theatrical colony, who made Glendale their home for years before they passed beyond the reach of earthly plaudits. There was William Herman West who died August, 1915. He was known as "Billy" to a large circle of friends and admirers. He was a par- ticular favorite in the Elks Lodge of which he was for one term Ex- alted Ruler. His widow still living in Glendale fell heir to much of her husband's popularity, her days of operatic success recalled by her songs at many a local entertainment. Harry Glazier, St., responded to the inevitable call nearly twenty years ago, and is affectionately remembered by many old-timers. His widow and son reside on Windsor Road. The influenza epidemic claimed for one of its victims, William Wolpert who with a brilliant theatrical career behind him, had be- gun to achieve fame in motion pictures when the call came that broke Bp a happy Glendale home. CHAPTER XXV INTERVIEWS AND AFTERTHOUGHTS LITTLE INTERVIEWS WITH OLD SETTLERS Philip W. Parker One of Glendale's most enthusiastic optimists is Philip W. Parker, and his opinions are worth consideration as they are those of a man who has had rare opportunities for witnessing the growth of the country, through a long life beginning across the ocean in England. He came to the United States in 1860. just before the be- ginning of the Civil War and in the days of the beginning of Chicago. "I had a good trade," said Mr. Parker, "that of a cooper, and had no difficulty in securing work at good wages. Talk about efficiency ; the statistics of production show that a man produces twelve and a half per cent more at any given trade in California than he can in the east under less favorable weather conditions. In my own experience I remember that in winter time back in Chicago on a cold morning I would go to work but couldn't really get warmed up until afternoon. We worked by the piece, getting a dollar seventy-five for making a barrel and my partner and I would make two barrels apiece and call it a day. "I was in Chicago all through the war. After the war the gov- ernment sold all its army supplies by f)ffering them to the public at all the principal headquarters and there were great opportunities to pick up bargains. I got hold of a fine driving horse and I tell you we had some lively horse races. But I started to talk about real estate. I have watched Chicago frt.m the day I left there until now and am thoroughly familiar with its phenomenal growth, but I tell you that Chicago was never in it with Glendale for rapid development. Prices may seem high here now. but they are nothing to what they will be. "I noticed the other day a sign put up by a real estate dealer fore- telling a population of 50.000 in Glendale in 1930, but I tell you it will be double that figure, Glendale will have 100,000 by that time. We are living in a new age ; things are moving faster than at any other period in the world's history and we are just beginning to grow. This part of California between the mountains and the sea is destined to be the most densely populated portion of the globe. It is the pleasure ground of America; not only that, but manufacturers are coming here very largely because of what I told you a moment ago, because a man's efficiency is at its greatest here. "Now about prices. Sixty years ago in Chicago, they thought a thousand dollars per front foot for property in the business section was more than it was worth, arguing that the most valuable realty in GLENDALE AND VICINITY 287 America was only bringing, in New York City, $3,250 a front foot. Let me give you a little personal experience: I came to Eagle Rock thirty-five years ago, buying one-half of a tract of 154 acres which be; longed to Schumacher Brothers of Los Angeles. They sold me the east half, but when it was surveyed it was found that a little canyon which I was to get, with a small stream running through it part of the year, was just on the dividing line. So it was agreed that 1 get enough on the west half to allow me a road around the hill. I paid $2,000 for the property. About two years ago, the west half of that property was sold and I received $2,500 for my interest in the west half, and you may be sure they were glad to get it at that price for they were receiving $90,000 for the property. "When I first knew Glendale, some of the best lots in the town were selling.or could be bought, for fifty dollars. I need not tell you about the rapid advance in values here, but my friend Ed. Goode told me the other day that he was offered the entire block between Broad- way and Harvard and between Brand and Orange for $3,500. This was about 1904." Jose Olivas "I was born in Los Angeles but came to Glendale to live in 1865. I knew Julio Verdugo and family well as I was at their house a great deal. I helped take care of them when they had small-po.x in the family and they were very good to me. Julio was a little short man; he wore leggings and short trousers open at the side with silver but- tons and looked rather queer as he rode on a big black horse as he did every day. He lived at the house on the hill by the big rock east of Verdugo Road in the southeast corner of Glendale. He spent a great deal of his time taking care of the vineyard on the west side of Verdugo, on the piece of land which afterwards belonged to his daughter, Mrs. Chabolla and afterwards passed to Frank ITrquidez; was sold by him to Mr. Moore and by him to the Glendale School district. "The oldest Verdugo house that I know of was the one near the corner of Pacific .\venue and Kenneth Road ; the ruins were there not very long ago. I think the property now belongs to Mr. Clements. When a boy, my chum and I used to dig there after night for buried money. We had no other light to work by so we burned pieces of brea and after we had worked there all night our own mothers wouldn't know us, we were so black. No, we never found any money; lots of people were digging in old ruins and around old trees in those days hoping to find money as some fellows had once found some and that led others to think it was buried in lots of places. There was a large oak tree standing just south of Mr. Spencer Robinson's place west of Verdugo Road until about twenty years ago, but it had been dug around so much that it finally died. The digging was all done after night; guess we thought it was better luck than in daylight. There were three adobe houses along the foothills, west of the Thorn property, the first was the Sepulveda place, used a few years ago as the 'Casa Verdugo Restaurant'; then came the one built by Sheriff 288 GLENDALE AND VICINITY Sanchez and the third was the old Verdugo house. Then there was the one. still standing in Verdugo canyon, and there was another in the canyon on the east side of the road just above the big Glendale reservoir. There was one over near Garvanza on the top of a little hill. They raised garbanzos (beans) there and from that came the name of the place. "We used to build houses out of willows and tules. There was a patch of tules growing on the east side of V'erdugu road, now the 'Sag- amore tract' just south of Glendale. We used o.xen in those days and I have cause to remember how they used to get into the tules and lie down and hide so that we had to hunt them. The la.'it occupant of the adobe house on Verdugo road was Jose Maria Verdugo. whom we used to call 'General.' He left there about twenty-five years ago and went to San Gabriel where he was killed by a train running over him. His widow still lives there. Rafael Verdugo. a son of Julio, died a few months ago; he was very old. Mrs. Chabolla. who still lives up in the canyon is about 100 years old." Samuel Hunter "My father, J. D. Hunter, traded the first brick house in Los An- geles, at the corner of Third and Spring Streets, for 2.700 acres of the Rancho San Rafael, then owned by Lewis Granger, a lawyer, who got it from Verdugo. This was about 1850. We moved out soon after- wards and lived in an adobe house that stood near the site of the Washington school house on the hill near the corner of San Fernando Road and Verdugo Road. We lived there four or five years when a new house was built down near the river. I remember seeing Julio Verdugo and his sons riding by our place almost every day. I think they lived at the adobe house along the foothills west of Casa Ver- dugo, although Julio did not seem to stay long at any one of his houses. "As far as I can recall the house on the foothills was the oldest of their residences. There was an adobe on a little hill located on the property now belonging to Judge Ross; I think that was built by Julio. He spent considerable time at the adobe on Verdugo Road, on the hill now in the southeast part of Glendale. I think he died there. The adobe houses were not always completed. The one he built at Garvanza never had any roof on it except one of brush or willows. There was a house near the river at a point now in West Glendale west of the San Fernando Road. The Sanchez family had an adobe house in North Glendale and a great many fine fruit trees which were still bearing and in good condition when the property was sold to Wicks about 1881 or 1882. They had a very loose way of doing busi- ness in those days when we first saw the valley. Julio Verdugo would sell a piece of land without any papers passing. He and the other fellow would get together and agree that the land sold was to be a certain piece bounded by a line running from a tree to the top of a hill and from there down a certain canyon and thence to another tree and so on. They piled up a lot of trouble for the people who came afterwards and were more particular, but for the time it worked satis- GLENDALE AND VICINITY 289 factorily and there were not many serious disputes over property lines until the lawyers got to coming in. "They were not exciting times, although of course there was some outlawry. I remember \'asf|uez, the bandit, very well. Except for h!s adventure when he attem])ted to rob Rapetto, the sheep man, he did not commit many depredations in this section, mostly working up north. Rapetto lived out on the Mission road between Los An- geles and Pasadena. One day V^asquez and some of his companions rode into his ranch and held the old man up. demanding money. When he told them he had none. Vasquez told him that might be true, but he knew that he had plenty in the bank and made him write a check on the Farmers and Merchants Bank in Los Angeles and send it in by a boy while they waited for his return with the coin. The boy was properly scared and told that his life would not be worth a centavo if he didn't keep his mouth shut or failed to bring back the money. The boy meant to obey orders all right but his actions at the bank were so suspicious that the teller thought something was wrong and notified the sheriff. .K posse was quickly got together and followed the boy who had been given a portion of the money. Of course Vasquez was watching matters closely. The boy got in far enough ahead of the ofificers to deliver a small amount of money, said to have been a hundred dollars, to the bandit who with his compan- ions quickly mounted and got away. Vasquez was as mild a man- nered man as ever cut a throat, and except for his liking for other people's money and his manner of obtaining it, was a very likeable fellow. I've seen him play poker many a night at Elizabeth Lake when I was ranching there along about 1868. He was a good sport all right. "One of his adventures was at Coyote Hole up on the Owens River Valley Road near Jaw Bone Canyon. There was a little store and a sort of hotel there. A party of about fifteen men rode into the place one afternoon ; some of them were peace ofificers who would have been glad to have a chance at the bandit whose fame had spread pretty well over the state. Along about dusk Vasquez came along with one of his men and without letting any of the stage party know they were in the neighborhood, took advantage of the travelers being inside the store and unhitched the stage horses, or found others in the corral, I'm not sure which, fastened tin cans to their tails and turned them loose to run past the store. The racket they made naturally brought the men inside the house to the outside to see what the noise was. The bandits then rushed into the store, got several guns the men had left behind, gathered up what money they could find, and before the victims knew what had happened, mounted their horses and escaped in the darkness, firing a volley as they went to impress the party with the idea that they were a much more numerous band than they were. "In those days the assessing was done in a way differing as much as possible from present day methods. There was a deputy assessor in Los Angeles named Mike Madigan, whose business it was to ride over the country and do the assessing, collect poll tax, etc. He was 290 GLENDALE AND VICINITY a sort of a 'wild Irishman' given to boasting a good deal in his con- versation. One day while out in the neighborhood of Elizabeth Lake he was riding along the road when he fell in with another horseman traveling in the same direction. They very naturally got into con- versation and quite as naturally the subject of their talk was the ex- ploits of the dreaded highwayman who was supposed to be in the neighborhood. In the course of the conversation Madigan expressed himself very freely as to what he would do if he should be held up by Vasquez. He was not backward about speaking of his courage and was quite sure that if the occasion offered he would show the bandit that he had a right good gun and knew how to use it. Presently they came to a cross road and Madigan's companion said, 'Well I'm glad I met you and as you may not have another chance to assess me you had better do it now, as I have to leave you.' Madigan replied, after getting his book out ready to perff)rm his duty, 'all right, what is your name?' and quite pleasantly the other answered, 'Tiburcio Vasquez at your service.' turned and rode leisurely away. Mike used to tell the story with full appreciation of the joke on himself, always admitting, 'Well, he didn't shoot, but he might as well have done it for his answer plum knocked me out.' Vasquez was captured at Cahuenga a year or two afterwards by Emil Harris. Billy Rowland and some other of- ficers who hid themselves in a wagon covered by hay and surrounded a cabin in which he was visiting his sweetheart, or one of them. I believe he was hanged at San Jose." Theodore Kanouse "My wife, daughter, son and self, with twenty-five 'standard bred' Barred Rocks, two cows and a dog, left Sioux Falls, South Dakota, in an 'Immigrant Car' shipped for Glendale, California, where we ar- rived on Friday, November 4, 1891. Had arranged with John Hobbs. Elias Ayers and Mr. Stein to build a very small, but fwhat proved to be) pleasant cottage, at the southwest corner of A and Sixth Street where the preceding year, they had secured ten acres, and when we reached our destination we found the foundation laid and the stud- ding being set up. We camped with Mr. Ayers for a few days until the carpenters had the roof on, by virtue of urgency, and we moved in, locating in what w^as to be the upper story, reached by a tempor- ary ladder for a stairway. The next daj' we had callers, whose errand was to welcome us as citizens of the then sparsely settled but prom- ising community of Glendale. No time was given us for acclimation or any formal reception, but characteristic of hospitable frontier men and women, we were made to feel at home at once. "We set about cultivating our ten acres, putting in water pipes and setting out orange trees, buying a horse, lumber wagon, surry, a one 'hoss' plow and cultivator, and began life on the pleasantest little ranch in the. to us, prettiest valley in the world. We were all soon at work in Sunday school, church, Good Templar lodge. Kings Daughters, G. A. R., etc., etc. Everybody was kin to us, and our lives were 'One Sweet Song.' The angel of us all left us for the 'Better Land' in 1904. and after leaving her in Evergreen' the broken circle soon came to Los Angeles, where our home has since been." y. X o 2 ■J GLENDALE AND VICINITY 293 George Engelhardt Mr. George Engelhardt came to Los Angeles in 1866 and was ac- quainted with the San Rafael previous to his moving out to the Ver- dugo Canyon in 1882, having bought about 140 acres of P. Beaudry in the Verdugo mountains, building on the extremity of a point of hills overlooking the Canada eastward. Pio Sepulveda's mother occupied the "Sanchez place" when Engelhardt first came to the valley. He was road overseer for the Canada district and built the grade around the hill leading up the canyon after the lower roadway had been washed away. The county afterwards widened the roadway and improved it. He was school trustee of the old Sepulveda district, serving with J. F. Dunsmoor and H. J. Crow. When the new school house at the "Sycamore tree" (Tropico) was built, about 1882 or 1883, the old school building was located at a point on Verdugo Road on land now owned by G. B. Woodberry just below the old reservoir site. Engel- hardt had five children of his own and made a pact with the trustees that he would not oppose the building of the new school house if they would agree to put a school up in the canyon for the accommodation of the children in that neighborhood, the other trustees agreeing to the proposition. The building stood on that location until the La Canada school district was created when it traveled back to its orig- inal location. It was then sold to Mr. W. G. Watson and ended up its history as a barn. Mr. Engelhardt moved to Santa Monica in 1^4 and soon after- wards entered United States service as a deputy revenue collector at the port of San Pedro, serving until he was retired about 1920 after many years of continuous service. Frank L. Muehlman "My earliest knowledge of Glendale was in the Spring of 1906. Our family removed from Los Angeles to Glendale in the fall of that year. At that time there were two electric lights on Brand Boule- vard, one on Lomita Avenue and one on Fourth Street, now Broad- way. The high school at that time was located at the southeast cor- ner of Fourth and Brand. This was later sold and a new site pur- chased where the present high school now stands. The only building on Brand Boulevard at that time, so far as I recall, was the Pacific Electric depot, which was recently purchased by the Security Bank of Los Angeles. There were no homes in the tract known as the Val- ley View Tract, located west of Central Avenue. The principal ac- tivity in building at that time was on Lomita Avenue, where a num- ber of actors had purchased lots and built homes. It was one of the best known residence streets in Glendale. Ezra Parker lived at or near the southeast corner of Brand and Lomita Avenue; Joseph Kirkby lived opposite him on Lomita, and Mr. Goodell was living in the old Goodell home on Lomita Avenue, which property has since been purchased by the Catholic Church. "The streets of Glendale at this time were simply sand lots, but the Board of Trustees soon took active steps, under the advice of 294 GLENDALE AND VICINITY Frederic Baker fat that time city attorney), to grade and oil the streets, and in a few years Glendale had many miles of what is known as petrolithic streets, some of which are still in use, and, considering their age, in pretty good condition. "Glendale's boundaries were then approximately limited to Cen- tral Avenue on the west. Ninth Street on the south, Doran Street on the north and Verdugo Road on the east. Tropico was not incor- porated. There were four water companies furnishing water to the territory that is now within the limits of the City of Glendale. There was no gas, and electricity was furnished by a small com- pany that required payments for extensions in order to get it in- stalled. This had the effect of retarding its use generally. "In the fall of 1906 or the early spring of 1907 a move was made by some parties to disincorporate the city. This was decidedly de- feated. After that the city began to take on new life. Later a bond issue was voted to install a municipal lighting plant and a celebration was had after the lights were all installed to commemorate this achievement. Much civic pride became manifest about this time. An association was organized, the moving spirit of which was John W. Usilton. This association was given the name of Glendale Im- provement Association. Meetings were held regularly and annexa- tion of additional territory became the watchword. Barbecues were given for several years in the month of May to encourage people to join Glendale and much public spirit was shown by the Glendale citizens which resulted in a rapid growth. Many of the leading cit- izens of the Glendale of today participated in these movements and have lived to see their fondest hopes of a greater city realized. Poli- tics from the partisan standpoint were lost sight of and men were chosen for office purely upon their civic principles." Afterthoughts Mention has been made of the first settlers along Glendale Ave- nue, but in looking back over these pages, the author is struck by a sense of incompleteness in the list of these pioneers. Casting his mental vision over the scene as he remembers it, that portion of Glen- dale Avenue north of Ninth Street (Windsor Road) was in 1883 and 1884 peopled as follows : On the northeast corner was a ten acre tract belonging to Mr. J. D. Lindgren, who lived with his family on the west side of the road opposite. Then came the Chase acreage and the house they occupied on the east side of the road about Maple Street. On the west side, opposite, was the "Crow Ranch" with no other house on that side of the road south of Fourth Street (Broad- way). Neither was there another house north of the Chase place until the home of B. F. Patterson was encountered on the northeast corner of Fourth Street and the avenue. Then came the Byram home on the northeast corner of Third Street and the avenue. There was still no house on the west side of the road, the store building being erected the following year (1885). Adjoining Byram on the north was the home of G. W. Phelon who sold to J. F. Jones in the latter part of 1884. North of that was the ten acres of Captain Ford (later the GLENDALE AND VICINITY 295 Leavitt place), who was killed by his runaway team on the Downey Avenue bridge in East Los Angeles. Then came the ten acres and the home of S. J. Coleman on the corner of what is now Monterey Road. From such small beginnings has Glendale grown. Here is the close of the Story of Glendale up to the first day of January, 1923, as told by the present writer. A very beautiful custom has been established in several of the countries engaged as allies in the struggle for civilization during the late great war, that is the burial of the "Unknown Hero" with all the pomp and circum- stance that the greatest of the nations can show to the heroic dead, who is held to be typical of the thousands of others, also unknown, whose graves are in the fields of France and elsewhere where the great contest left its dreadful trophies. And the writer of this history, conscious of its defects, regrets that he has not been able to pay a tribute of printed words to the many of Glendale's builders, who aided by unselfish effort the laying of the foundations of the city. He would, therefore, if he could, raise a monument to the "Un- known Builder," without whose efforts, the present splendid city would never have risen from the brush-covered valley. And in doing this he would not detract in any respect from the honor due the builders of today, who are nobly continuing the work of those who have gone before ; he feels, however, that the historian of the future from his more lofty viewpoint, may be trusted to give to them their meed of praise, after their work is finished and the Great Architect who plans the building shall have pronounced it all "Well done." ^'^'P- /GjcyCctyycZ^^in^ BIOGRAPHIES William C. B. Richardson. The name Richardson is traceable back to the Norman conquest and is an example of the most common origin of surnames, viz., the addition liy the eldest male of the suffix "son" to the father's name, being in this case the son of Richard. Richardson is said to have been a common name among the Normans, and in fact, to have been exclusively Norman, so that there is no room for doubt as to its origin. It is one of those families also, of which a history is traceable back almost to its beginning, if not to the identi- cal individual who first fastened the "son" on to his father's name. It is said that the name is common to almost every county in England, and had achieved eminence as early as the sixteenth century. One of the first of these was Samuel Richardson, the English novelist, author of "Pamela or Virtue Rewarded," "Clarisse Harlowe," and "The His- tory of Sir Charles Grandison." A number of the family were artists and writers. Ezekiel Richardson came to America with Winthrop early in the seventeenth century and became the founder of Woburn, Massa- chusetts. A number of brothers followed shortly thereafter landing in Virginia. Capt. Edward Richardson was one of those who resisted the English at Concord and served all through the revolution. Sir John Richardson, who died in 1865, was a noted Arctic explorer. Major General I. B. Richardson, who was a graduate of West Point, made a record in the Mexican war, and was killed at Antietam in the Civil War while in command of his division. Albert D. Richardson was a noted newspaper man during the Civil War, and the author of a popular work on western life, "Beyond the Mississippi." Wyman Richardson, the grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was a native of the Granite State and served as a soldier in the Revo- lutionary War, taking active part in many engagements. Hon. Elkanah Richardson, the father, was reared and educated in New Hampshire, and subsequently moved to Ohio, becoming a pioneer of that state. He was a surveyor by profession, and in pursuit of his oc- cupation became familiar with that section of the country in the early days of its history. A man of much talent, he became influential in financial business and legal affairs and for fourteen years served as judge of the Circuit Court. His death occurred while he was in the prime of life, at the age of fifty-six years. Sophia Belding, the mother of William C. B. Richardson, was also a native of New Hampshire, and a sister of William C. Beldiiig who was killed in the war of 1812, and for whom the subject of this sketch was named. William C. B. Richardson was born in Swanzey, New Hampshire, October 28, 1815. He was taken when a boy by his parents to Ohio, where he was educated in the common schools of Summit county. From his father he learned the profession of surveyor, and followed 302 GLENDALE AND VICINITY it for forty years in Cleveland and vicinity. A straightforward, thor- ough-going business man. he met with eminent success in his under- takings, acquiring wealth and distinction. He served two terms as a member of the Common Crmncil of Cleveland, and was a prominent citizen of that place when he came to California in 1868. A brother had preceded him to this state in 1849, and was in the habit of send- ing back glowing accounts of the El Dorado of the Pacific. It was therefore but natural that Mr. Richardson should turn to California as the land of promise. The brothers made a tour of the state, travel- ing as every one did at that time on horseback. Mr. Richardson se- lected and purchased a tract of land containing six hundred and seventy-one acres, lying along the Los Angeles river, extending into what is now Glendale and named it the Santa Eulalia Ranch. Mr. Richardson returned to Cleveland, Ohio, to attend to his many interests, remaining there until 1880, when he returned to the .Santa Eulalia Ranch to make it his home. In 1873 the ranch was placed in charge of Mr. Richardson's son, Elkanah W., who in a few years' time had the ranch stocked with several thousand head of sheep which were herded on it and adjoining acreage. Soon after the ar- rival of Mr. Richardson in 1880, sheep raising was given up and dairying was extensively engaged in. Many fruit trees were set out, and in 1903 five hundred acres were given over to about one hundred Japanese for the cultivation of strawberries, the property being gen- erally improved, giving it an air of genuine prosperity. The man- agement and improvement of the ranch was due to both the father and the son, who worked and planned together harmoniously. With the coming of the Southern Pacific railroad in 1872, Mr. Richardson gave the railroad company sixteen acres for a depot site, and when the Art Tile factory was promoted in 1901 he gave the necessary acreage for its site, besides donating a site for the Tropico Presbyterian church and the Cerritos Street school. At Akron, Ohio, in 1838, Mr. Richardson married Sarah Everett. who passed from this life in 1895, having reached her seventy-sixth year. Three sons arrived at years of maturity. Omar S., the eldest and only one living, is a resident of Glendale; Elkanah \V., a sketch of whom appears elsewhere in this volume ; and Burt, the youngest, who was a resident of Glendale at the time of his death in 1915. Mr. Richardson was a Mason as was his father before him. He was a member of the Pioneer Society, and the Historical Society, of Los Angeles county. Politically he was a republican, although while in Los Angeles county he took no active interest in politics. His death occurred July 7, 1908, while in his ninety-fourth year. He enjoyed life to the last, his mind remaining clear and alert. He passed away at his home on San Fernando Road at Cerritos Street, while quietly resting, his demise being unobserved. Hon. Cameron Erskine Tho.m was born on his father's plantation at Berry Hill, Culpeper county, Virginia, June 20, 1825. His father, John Thorn, was a soldier of distinction, a gentleman and a scholar, as well as a statesman of marked ability. He was an officer in the GLENDALE AND VICINITY 303 War of 1812. commanding a regiment of volunteers throughout the entire period of military activity. For thirty years he served in the State Legislature as Senator and upon retiring from that office was commissioned by the Governor, by and with the consent of the Sen- ate, to be "High Sheriff" of his county as some partial compensation for his many years of service as magistrate. His grandfather was a Scotchman of note and distinguished himself at the battle of Cullo- den, fighting under the banner of Prince Charles Edward, the Pre- tender Stuart, who, in commemoration of his great valor, jiresented him with a gold snuff box. After receiving his preliminary education in private schools, Captain Thom took an extensive course at the University of Virginia, including law in all of its branches, receiving a license to practice his profession in all the courts of his native state. The call of the West, however, was ringing throughout the land and the adventuresome blood of military forefathers warmed in his veins in response. In 1849 he was one of a party of thirty picked young men bound for the Far West, the enchanted Land of Gold. The party was well equipped for its trip across the plains, having riding horses, eight wagons drawn by mules, plentj' of supplies, and eight negro cooks and wagon men. They were in no hurry and took plenty of time, finding, as they did, some new interest and adventure at every point of the way. They stopped wherever fancy dictated and remained as long as they pleased. Their first stop for any length of time was at Ash Hollow, Dakota, where they spent si.x weeks with the Sioux. A thousand Indians, warriors and squaws, were encamped there, and the young men from Virginia found them a noble body of men. even hospitable and gentle in their domestic life, and well worth}' of consideration and study. These Indians had just come from a great battle, or rather a series of battles, with the Paw- nees and were celebrating their victories and regaining their own wasted strength. Journeying onward, the party passed many herds of buffalo dotting the wild plains, now and then pausing long enough for an exciting chase. They arrived at Sacramento late in November, and there the part)- disbanded, scattering over the new country as their fancy called, a majority of them going to Rose's Bar on the Yuba river where, in six months, most of them succumbed to tj'phoid. Mr. Thom with a party of personal friends, engaged in mining on the south fork of the American river, also on Mormon Island, and later in Amador county. The price of food products was almost pro- hibitive and, although wa.ges were high, the cost of living was so great as to make the problem of a livelihood a very vital one. Po- tatoes, that winter, sold as high as five dollars a pound, while salt beef was two hundred and fifty dollars a barrel, with other things in proportion. Mining, under these not too pleasant conditions, soon palled upon the young adventurer, and he went to Sacramento and o])ened a law office. He l)ecanie an agent for the firm of White & Jennings, a lumber and general merchandise company from Oregon, on a salary of five hundred dollars a month, his chief duties being the collection of their rents and general supervision of their property. 304 GLENDALE AND VICINITY The great flood of the Sacramento valley occurred in the early 'SO's and through this Mr. Thorn passed with many thrilling experi- ences, his responsibility for the White & Jennings company hold- ings adding not a little to his anxieties. A second flood was more dis- astrous to his comfort than the first. He prospered in the practice of law at Sacramento until the big fire, which burned most of the city and destroyed his library. In the fall of 1853 Mr. Thorn left Sacra- mento having received an appointment as assistant law agent for the United States Land Company in San Francisco, where he had super- vision over twenty-five clerks and draftsmen. The next spring he was ordered to Los Angeles for the purpose of taking testimony in land cases before Commissioner George Burrell. That work finished he resigned from the government position and was appointed by the council of Los Angeles as city attorney, and by the supervisors as district attorney to fill unexpired terms. Later he was elected dis- trict attorney three different times, after which followed his election by a large majority to the State Senate. The fighting blood of Mr. Thom was stirred by the excitement of the Civil War, and he went to Virginia and offered his services to the Confederacy at Richmond, volunteering in the army as captain without charge to the government. He conscientiously did his duty at all times and on all occasions. He was paroled at Peterslnirg. and returned to Los Angeles, where he was confronted with the statute of the state, prohibiting anj'one from practicing his profession who ac- tively sympathized with the Confederacy. He had lost everything save honor. Shortly after his plight became known he was given a pardon from President Johnson, but by whom obtained he was never able to learn. His name was all the recommendation that he needed in the "Angel City" and his law office was soon doing a thriving business. However, his services were needed in another capacity and he found himself elected mayor. He served one term in that capacity, then returned to the practice of his profession, and gave the necessary attention to his real estate, banking and other interests. Being a firm believer in a big future for Southern California it was but natural that he should invest heavily in real estate, and this he did with wisdom and foresight. In 1870 he acquired a large acre- age in the Rancho San Rafael (now Glendale) and a few years later planted an orange orchard and made other improvements. Part of this property he disposed of to his nephew. Judge Erskine M. Ross, and the two. besides being law partners for many years, managed their ranch property, to a considerable extent, in common. He owned a home C)n Main Street, corner of Third, in Los .Xni^eles up to the time of his death in February, 1915. Although not residing on his ranch property, he kept in close touch with the develoimient of Glendale and was very heavily interested financially in the building of the Glendale hotel, the construction of the Salt Lake railroad branch be- tween Los Angeles and Glendale, and other enterprises which marked the era of development that began in the middle '80"s. When the bank of Glendale was organized in 1905 he became one of the directors and a principal stockholder, taking an active personal interest in the af- GLENDALE AND VICINITY 305 fairs of that institution. Captain Thom enjoyed the distinction of being the largest individual taxpayer in the city of Glendale. Mr. Thom married Belle Hathwell, who is now a resident of Los Angeles. The four living children are: Cameron D.. of Glendale; Catesby C, of Los Angeles; Mrs. .'\rthur Collins, of London, Eng- land ; Erskine P. Thom, of Los Angeles. Judge Erskine M.^Yo Ross was one of the first Americans to ac- quire a large tract of land in the valley, and in connection with Capt. C. E. Thom began its improvement and development. In 1872 they set out orange trees, some of which are still bearing. This was the first orange grove planted on the Rancho San Raphael. In 1883 he built a large residence on the ranch, which he named "Rossmoyne" and made it his home for many years. In 1883 the Glendale Hotel (now the Glendale Sanitarium) was built by Judge Ross, Capt. Thom and H. J. Crow, and for many years Judge Ross was prominently identified with all activities for the growth and development of the community. Judge Ross is a Virginian by birth, and was born June 30, 1845, at Belpre, Culpeper county, a son of William Buckner and Elizabeth Mayo (Thom) Ross. His father was of Scotch ancestry and his mother of English descent. His early days were spent with his parents at their home which was called Belpre (Beautiful .Meadows). The first school he attended was one established by a few neighbors for the benefit of their children. Subsequently, when about ten years old, he went to a military school at Culpeper Court House, where he continued most of the time until the summer of 1860, then entering the Virginia Military Institute — an institute modeled after West Point. At the outbreak of the war the corps of cadets at the institute was ordered to Camp Lee. at Richmond, which it reached on the night of the day Virginia seceded. The corps was the first to arrive and the cadets, of whom Ross was one, were put to drilling the raw re- cruits as they came in. Like most of the others Ross was too young to be mustered into the army, but acted as lieutenant in various commands, and was in several battles with the Confederate forces. In 1863 his father insisted that he return to the institute, which he did. In 1864 the Confederates were in such straits that the corps of cadets was again called out, and the body took part in the battle of New Market, sustaining a loss of fifty-five killed and wounded out of a total number of one hundred and ninety. At the close of the war young Ross returned to the institute and graduated with the class of 1865. In 1868 he came to Los Angeles, to engage in the study of law in the office of his uncle, Cameron E. Thom, who at that time was a leader in his profession in the city. In 1869 he was admitted to the bar, and in 1875 to the bar of the .Sui)reme Court of the state. In 1879, he was elected justice of the Supreme Court of the state of Cal- ifornia and having drawn one of the short terms, was re-elected for a term of twelve years. In 1886 Judge Ross resigned his seat on the .•urned to the ground and on wliich no insurance was collected. Mr. Ayres then enlisted in the Union army, was sent to Jefferson City, Missouri, equipped for service and sent on a forced march which completely exhausted him, necessitating his being sent to a hospital from which he was discharged eight months later as permanently dis- abled for military duty. Returning to Des Moines, he became a deputy auditor in the state auditor's (jffice, and a few years later was made chief deputy auditor. These ]>ositions he filled through the successive terms of the different state auditors for thirteen years. In February, 1874, because of ill health, he resigned from his position in the state house and went to South Sioux City, Nebraska, to re- side on land he had pre-empted while in the emploj' of the bank in Sioux City, Iowa. He remained there only a few years, then return- ing to Des Moines, opened up a large china and silverware business which he conducted until 1883. His health again failing he sold the business and came to Southern California. He bought twenty acres at $80.00 an acre and the residence which he built in 1904, at 1121 South Central Avenue, occupies a part of that original purchase. He built a house on the acreage the first year, which was the first residence on Central Avenue. He set out fruit trees and grape vines and for several years was a successful fruit grower. In 1890 he sold eight acres. Since then the remaining acreage has been sold in acre lots, excepting the plot occupied by Y. Goto, for a nursery, and the Central Avenue home where his widow now resides. He established the first insurance agency in the valley which proved a lucrative business for many years and which he disposed of only a few years ago. He was a charter member of N. P. Banks Post, G. A. R. At Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, December 27, 1866, Mr. .Xyres married Minnie Menefee, a native of Virginia, daughter of Philip and Kath- erine ( Pendalton) Menefee. Her father was a planter and slave owner in the ante-bellum daj's, and she was reared under the watchful care of a black mammy. Four children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Ayres: Mary, who became the wife of Harry Banker, died following the birth of her child, Marion, who was raised by Mrs. Ayres as her own; Edgar S., of San Francisco, who graduated from Stanford University, is a consulting engineer; Minnie, is the wife of Charles H. Moser. of Glendale; Nelson, who is secretary of the State Dairymen's As- sociation, is a resident of San Francisco. Mrs. Ayres is a charter member of the Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian church. Mr. and Mrs. Ayres were charter members of the First Presbyterian church of Glendale, and transferred their membership to the Tropico Pres- byterian church upon its organization, and were also charter mem- bers of the Missionary society. Mrs. .\yres in the early days sug- gested that their street be named Central Avenue and in due time. GLENDALE AND VICINITY U'l after being voted on, it was so named. In 1916 Mr. and Mrs. .Aj'res celebrated their golden wedding, all members of the family being present. All through life Mr. .\yres was a splendid example f)f enteri)rise and courage. His determination and foresight led him to overcome obstacles and to win through difiiculties that wnuld have daunted one of less spirit. Simon Fairdir.v is a \'irginian by birth, having been l)orn May 16, 1850. in Augusta county, in the Shenandoah Valley. He is a son of William and Elizabeth (Funk) Fairl^urn. The l-'airburns are of substantial Scotch ancestry. William Fairburn. the great grand- father of the subject of this sketch, served all through the Revolution- ary War during which he suffered many severe exposures, the effects of which caused his death in 1782. William Fairburn, his grand- father, served in the War of 1812, and died in the service in 1814. The Funks are Holland Dutch. Bishop Henry Funk settled at In- dian Creek. Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, in 1709, Henry Funk H, the second son of Bishop Funk, was purchasing agent for the army during the Revolutionary War. Joseph Funk, the grandfather of Mr. Fairburn, was a music teacher and publisher of song books. In 1847 he published the first Mennonite hymnal, and the publishing of the Mennonite hymnals and literature still remains in the Funk family. Simon Fairburn was reared on his father's plantation in the Shenandoah Valley and was one of a family of twelve children. He remained at home until he was seventeen, when he was apprenticed to a miller, and after serving his ai)prenticeship leased the mill and operated it for three years. He went to Parkersburg, West Virginia, and became an employee of the Standard Oil Company, remaining in their employ for twenty-two years, working his way up to the position of representative of all the company's business in Mexico. For three years before being sent to Mexico he was superintendent of the plant at Parkersburg. In the fall of 1886 he was sent to Mexico with instructions to locate, construct and operate a refinery at Mex- ico City. In 1889 he built a refinery at Vera Cruz, and upon com- pletion of that work was made superintendent of all the company's business in Mexico, a position of great responsibility. In 1896, he resigned his position and returned to the States, because of a lack of educational institutions in which to have his children educated. After traveling about the States for a few months he came to the valley and purchased a sixty acre tract. His present residence on Tenth Street at Alameda Avenue, which he built in 1901, occupies a part of his original purchase. He still owns forty acres which is largely de- voted to peach orchards. Mr. Fairburn has been very successful as a fruit grower. He is identified with the banks of Burbank and has been a member of the school board in his district for many years. Fraternally he is a Master Mason and politically a Democrat. In Washington, D. C, on September 5, 1873, he married Bettie M. Williams, a daughter of Dr. R. P. Williams of Bath county, Vir- 316 GLENDALE AND VICINITY ginia, who was a surgeon in the Confederate army. The children are ; Charles W.. a rancher residing near Burljank; Eve E., wife of E. J. Young, of Hermosa Beach; Flora E., wife of Charles Rehart, of Fill- more, California; Olive W.. wife of J. A. Swalk, of Burbank; Ruth H., wife of B. R. Fellows, an employee of the city of Glendale. George B. Woodbury, a well known pioneer of Glendale, where he has resided since 1884, was born in Monticello, Minnesota, July 21, 1860, a son of George L. and Anna (Rich) Wondhury, His parents were natives respectively of Massachusetts and Maine, and of old Yankee ancestry. George L. Woodbury was reared and educated in Salem, Massachusetts. He conducted a mercantile establishment in his home town for several years, then selling out started for Cali- fornia via New Orleans and the Isthmus route. He stopped over, however, in New Orleans while his wife went to Minnesota to visit relatives, and while she was there the subject of this sketch was born. The following winter there was a great uprising among the Sioux Indians and Mrs. W'oodbury returned to New Orleans, and a few weeks later was bereaved of her husband and left alone with her infant son. She decided to leave the South — for there were rumors of war and the war clouds hung low — on "Old Ironsides," the last boat out before war was declared. Conditions were so unsettled that she was not able to realize on her household possessions. She made her home in Boston. Massachusetts, for a time before going to Pittsfield, Maine, where Mr. Woodbury was educated in the Maine Central Institute, taking the normal course. He taught school and clerked until 1884 when with his mother he came to Glen- dale and bought a twenty acre tract of land on Verdugo Road, and in due time built a home and resided on the ranch for some years. His mother returned to the East in 1888 and passed away in 1889. Mr. Woodbury soon began to take an active interest in local affairs. In 1886 he was made superintendent of the \"erdugo Water Company, which position he filled until he resigned in April, 1922. He was the first city clerk of Glendale and filled that office for eight years, declining to be a candidate for re-election. Four years later he was elected a trustee, and served in that capacity for four years, the last year being chairman of the board. Mr. Woodbury is one of the outstanding personalities in the "fastest growing city," and to him much of its development and progress in the earlier years of its existence may be attributed. The service he rendered in the position of City Clerk in the city's infancy, may truly be said to have been invaluable; while in the place of Trustee at a later period, his good judgment and untiring thoroughness in all that he attempted for the welfare of the city, was attended by valuable results. While he has voluntarily retired to private life, he is still active in participation in civic affairs and is always classed among those who are outspoken champions of that which is progressive and yet "safe and sane." He is the inventor of the Woodbury Sub-irrigation System which has been patented and is a demonstrated success. Machinery is being in- GLENDALE AND VICINITY 317 stalled to manufacture the device in large quantities. Kratcrnally he is a member of Unity Lodgfe No. 368 I". & .\. M. and politically has always been a Republican. Mr. Woodbury married Alice C. Wright, who is a native of Penn- sylvania. They have one daughter, .\nna C who is a graduate of the University of California at Berkeley, where she received the de- gree of A. B. and was elected to membership in Phi Beta Kappa. She later took a postgraduate year at the University of Southern California, Los .Angeles, receiving the degree of .'\. M. Edmond J. Valentine, who passed from this life on i\Ia\- 23. 1903, was born in Warren county, Pennsylvania, August 5. 1841, a son of Edmund and Hannah (DcLong) Valentine. His parents were of French-Scotch ancestry. His grandmother on his mother's side, whose maiden name was Juliana Scott, was a cousin of Gen. Win- field Scott. The Valentine family in America antedates the Revolu- tionary War. Mr. Valentine attended the pul>lic schools of Warren county, Pennsylvania, and at the age of fourteen went to Geneseo, Illinois, where he worked on a farm and grew to manhood. In 1863 he went to Mitchellville, Polk county, Iowa, where he had a general store and was postmaster until 1882, when he went to Mitchell county, Kansas, and ranched for four years. Hard times caused him to sell out at a loss, and he came to Los Angeles and dealt in real estate until 1889. He bought forty acres of land on Kenneth Road where hi.s widow now resides. Here he was a pioneer farmer and took an important part in the development of North Glendale, especially so in the de- velopment of water for irrigation. He became an expert agricultur- ist and horticulturist, firmly believed in the future of the country, and never tired of doing all within his power for its improvement and development. Fraternally, he was a Master Mason and a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, and in politics was a Re- publican. At Mitchellville, Iowa. January 1, 1867, Mr. Valentine married Mary Z. DeLong, a native of Crawford county, Pennsylvania. Her grandmother, Elizabeth Aughey, was a descendant of the Augheys, French Huguenots, who came to .America in the seventeenth cen- tury, and who served in the Revolutionary War. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Valentine are: William; Edna, who is the wife of Gil- bert D. McCann ; John, a civil engineer, who served in France with the 603d Engineer's Corps in the late war; and Minnie, who is the wife of Professor E. T. Merrill of the University of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Valentine labored unceasingly in the development of their ranch, the result of which is in evidence today. The substan- tial stone house which was built in 1900 and the spacious grounds are shaded with many kinds of trees, shrubs and vines which give it an attractive and alluring setting. Since Mr. V'alentine's death, Mrs. Valentine has directed the care of the ranch which now contains twenty acres. The family are Episcopalians. 318 GLENDALE AND VICINITY Mrs. Mary Howard Gridley JIraly. On September 27, 1909, Mrs. Mary Howard Gridley came to Glendale, California, from New York City. After looking at a number of towns in which to build a home she decided on Glendale as the most desirable, it being in such close proximity to Los Angeles and the class of citizens superior mentally and morally. In a short time she was elected President of the Tuesday After- noon Club, afterwards a member of the Library board and for some time was chairman of the book committee. She loved the work with the members of the Library board and never failed to express her appreciation of the wonderfully efficient librarian, Mrs. Danford. She was on the building committee for the public library and greatly enjoyed the harmony of the meetings. Mrs. Gridley was a state chairman in the Federated Clubs for four years; a member of the Friday Morning Club in Los Angeles; and the Woman's Press Club, having brought her membership card from New York City, where she was a member for many 3'ears. She was also a member of the West End Women's Club of New York City in which she was chairman of waterways and forestry; the Rubenstein Club; the Forum; the Current Events Club; a director of the Crippled Children's Home, and an active worker in many lines of charities. Being one of the early members of the national society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, descended from ancestors who were all officers in the battle of Bunker Hill, she first joined the "North Shore Chicago Chapter." She was born and raised in Illi- nois, in a town founded by her father, Captain Sullivan Howard, who was on the Governor's stafT in Boston, Massachusetts. He brought a colony of several hundred ])eople to Illinois before the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy railroad was built, and founded the town of Kewanee, where Mary Howard was born. She was educated by a governess (a Mount Holyoke graduate) who fitted her to enter the Kewanee Academy, where she finished the academic course. She then entered Oberlin College, Ohio, where she completed "the be- ginning of her education." She has been an ardent student all her life, taking courses of lectures, under many celebrated teachers in different places; has been twice to Europe; has studied art and made a specialty of antique oriental rugs as one branch of art; also has studied the lives of the Persian rug artists. She considers these rugs even more decorative to a home than paintings by the old masters. After finishing her school life she married James Conger Gridley, of Pekin, Illinois, a successful merchant of a fine family, who died many years ago, greatly beloved by his friends. Mr. and Mrs. Gridley had one daughter who married Charles W. Kirk, and now lives in Santa Barbara, California. Mrs. Kirk was educated at a ladies' col- lege in Minneapolis, and is an exemjjlary woman. Mrs. Braley has been greatly interested in the Parent-Teacher Association and thinks it a wonderful organization doing much good in demonstrating harmony between parents and teachers in their work. She was a member of the State Lectureship Board and has TJu^. %iaA^ ^. :^/Uc/M^^f:)/i.. GLENDALE AND VICINITY 321 spoken at a great number of school houses in Los Angeles county, as well as lecturing' before nearly all of the largest women's clubs on antique rugs. She became a member of the Congregational Church at the age of twelve years and began to teach Sunday School at the age of thirteen. She served as church clerk and Sunday School superin- tendent for many years in the middle west where she lived before going to New York City. She loves Sunday School and Christian Endeavor work and was an ardent worker for all these organizations until coming to California, when she decided she had earned a rest and would leave the responsibility to younger workers. Her home is one of the most beautiful in Glendale. She took great interest in the architecture, and the building as well as the laying out of the grounds and the planting of trees and flowers. The Los Angeles Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution was formed in her home where she was elected regent and served them for two years in the city of Los Angeles where their meetings were held. In 1913 she founded the General Richard Gridley Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution with- out taking any pay. She is very proud of her Chapter and thinks the members form the finest Chapter in the world. She has been elected regent for life, also is on the advisory board of the Maternity Hospital in Los An- geles and her Daughters of the American Revolution Chapter has done some praiseworthy work for thi.s institution, both in making articles of clothing for the little babies, putting up fruit and raising money to help sustain it. They also work for the Albion Street School, helping to Americanize the many foreigners in that locality. In 1910 Mrs. Braley became a member of the Fine Arts League in Los Angeles, and assisted with their collection of art display at Exposition Park. During membership in that League she became intimately acquainted with Mr. John Braley who was president of that League while Mrs. Gridley was vice president. In July, 1914, Mr. Braley and Mrs. Gridley were married in Chi- cago and came to Glendale to live. Mr. Braley is the father of Suf- frage for California, and was a college president when he was twenty- four years of age, having graduated at the University of Tennessee a few months before. He has been president of eight banks and built the Hibernian Bank building in Los Angeles while he was its presi- dent and it was known as the California Savings Bank. He is a very well known citizen and a worker in the Anti-saloon League and in all progressive enterprises to benefit California and the United States. (Written by one who has known Mrs. Braley from girlhood.) Cornelius C. Cha.vdler, who passed from this life in January, 1917, had been a resident of the valley for eighteen years. He was born at Concord, New Hampshire, July 13, 1837. The Chandlers are an old Yankee family, which dates back to the Colonial days ; some coming over in the Mayflower. His fatiier was Jeremiah Chandler, and his mother's maiden name was Mercy Merrill. Jeremiah Chand- 322 GLENDALE AND VICINITY ler was a builder and specialized in building churches, in the East and as far west as Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The subject of this sketch grew to manhood in the contracting and building business, and at the age of eighteen began building on his own account in Syracuse, New York. He remained in Syracuse only a few years, and then went to Chicago, Illinois, where he set- tled and made his home for many years. He became prominent as a contractor and builder in Chicago during the years following the Civil War, and in the upbuilding of the city after the big fire of 1871. For many years he had approximate!)' two hundred men in his em- ploy the greater part of the time. He was also prominent in the ranks of the Republican party, in Masonry, and as a member of the G. A. R. During the Rebellion he served with the infantry of the One Hundred Eighty-fifth Regiment of New York Volunteers. He was seriously injured while carrying a wounded comrade from the battlefield, which caused him to be discharged from the ranks as permanently disabled for further military duty. He was a top sergeant when disabled. After having spent several winters in Southern California, he decided to make Tropico his home and moved to that section in 1899. He was greatly interested in the growth and development of the land of his last adoption. When the tile factory was promoted he bought a twenty-acre tract and presented it to the company for a building site. He was a charter member of Glendale Commandry No. 43, Knights Templar, and was an official of that body at the time of his death. At Syracuse, New York, in 1855. Mr. Chandler married Ann Elizabeth Denick of that city. To them were born six children: Alphonzo L. ; L. O. ; Elizabeth, wife of Edward H. Ellias; l-illian wife of Charles L. Peckham ; Cornelius L. ; Flora May, wife of Ed- ward H. Weston. AW are residents of Glendale except L. O. Chand- ler, who lives at Gorman, California. Dr. R.avmond E. Ch.vse has l^cen a resident of Glendale since 1883, when his parents came here from New York State to make their home. The Chase family are of old Yankee ancestry. Dr. Chase was born in Rochester, New York, December 14, 1878, a son of S. Everett and Ella T. (Harris) Chase. His father was a native of New Hamp- shire, and his mother of New \'ork. His father grew to manhood on the home estate in New Hami^shire. and then went to Rochester, New- York, where he became interested in the manufacture of shoes. In Glendale he purchased twenty acres on Glendale .\venue; im- proved and farmed it for a time, becoming a fruit grower, raising all kinds of deciduous fruits and lemons. He later sold the ranch and lived retired for some years preceding his death, which occurred in October, 1914. Mrs. Chase makes her home with her son, W. E.. of Eos Angeles. Dr. Chase attended the grade school of Glendale after which he graduated from the Los .\ngeles High School. He then matriculated in the medical department of the University of Southern California, now affiliated with the University of Southern California, and grad- /4^4^ GLENDALE AND VICINITY 327 uated with the class of 1901. For three years he i)racticed medicine and surgery in Los Angeles, since which time he has been located at Glendale. He was city health officer of Glendale for twelve years, and for five years was a member of the Lunacy Commission of Los Angeles county, as one of its examining physicians. Fraternally, he is a Master ^Iason and an Elk. His wife, N'irginia E. Chase, is a native of West Virginia and came to Los Angeles as a young lady. She spent two years in the Dobhinson School of Dramatics, Los An- geles, and later went to New York City, where she had a professional career for eleven years, playing ingenue and juvenile leads. She is well known and prominent in dramatic circles, as district chairman of drama for the Federated Women's Clubs of Southern California, and as curator of the drama section of the Glendale Tuesday After- noon Club. She is also a member of the Glendale Music Club. In 1920, Dr. Chase built a modern residence at 239 North Orange Street, where they now reside. Hon. John Robert White, Jr., who represented the Sixty-first California Assembly District in the Forty-third and Forty-fourth General Assemblies, was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Febru- ary 15, 1870; a son of Capt. John Robert and Katie (Ashbridge) White. Capt. White was of Scotch ancestry and a native of Mary- land, while Katie Ashbridge was of Quaker descent and was born in Philadelphia. The Ashbridge family in America date back to 168.S, the year following the arrival of William Penn. Capt. John Robert W^hite enlisted, at the outbreak of the Civil War, with the Eighteenth Pennsylvania Volunteers, served four months and re-enlisted at once in Co. G., One Hundred Eighteenth Regiment, and went to the front as a first sergeant. At Shepards- town, all the company officers were killed, and, by si)ecial orders from Major General Fitz John Porter, Sergeant White was made a lieutenant. He served with his regiment at Fredricksburg, Chancel- lorsville, Gettysburg, the Wilderness, and through many other en- gagements to Appomattox, and was advanced to the rank of captain. Mustered out of the service at the close of the war. Captain White returned to Philadelphia. In due time he became one of the firm of Boyd, White & Co., of Philadelphia ; manufacturers, jobbers and importers of car]jets and rugs; for many years one of the largest concerns of its kind in the country. In 1895 Capt. White sold his interests in Philadeljjhia and came to California and purchased a wal- nut ranch at Burhank, which he managed for several years before retiring. In Philadelphia, Cajjt. White was a director of the Ninth National Bank, the Central Trust and Safe Deposit Com])any and the Industrial Safe Deposit Company; was a member of the Committee of Fifty, organized to promote measures for the benefit of the city; and was a well-known member of the Union League, United Service Club, Historical Society and other minor societies. Fraternally, Capt. White was a Mason. His death occurred March 15, 1915, in the eightieth year of his life. The demise of Mrs. White occurred in 1897. 328 GLENDALE AND VICINITY The subject of this sketch supplemented his high school educa- tion with a three year course at Wharton School of Finance and Economy at the University of Pennsylvania, which fitted him for public life. He became an employee of Boyd, White & Co.; first as one of the office force, then for one year sold goods on the floor, after which he was promoted to the position of buyer of carpets and oriental rugs, and served in that capacity until 1895. Then, he accompanied his parents to California, and assisted in locating them on a ranch at Burbank. Returning to the East Mr. White was a trav- eling salesman for a New York City carpet and rug concern for two years; after which, he returned to California and followed ranching at Burbank for four years. He accepted a position as salesman for T. Bellington & Co., of Los Angeles, and served in that capacity until 1905. He then became buyer and manager of the carpet and rug department of the newly organized California Furniture Co., of Los Angeles, which position he still holds. In 1906 Mr. White became a stockholder in the company, and since 1919 has been on the board of directors. Mr. White is an ardent Republican, and has been an active sup- porter of the party for many years. In 1909 he was appointed to fill an unexpired term as city trustee, re-elected in 1912, and chosen mayor. He resigned from this position in May of the same year because of pressing business activities. During Mr. White's incum- bency as trustee and under his administration as chairman of the board of trustees, a number of intricate problems were confronted and brought to a successful issue. One of these was the lowering to grade of the Pacific Electric railway's track on Brand Boulevard. This was accomplished only after many conferences with the railroad officials, and by the firm and persistent course adopted by the gov- erning body of the city, acting generally through the chairman of the board and the city attorney. The successful venture of the city into municipal ownership in the distribution of light and power, was accomplished during this era. In 1918, Mr. White was elected to the state legislature on the Republican ticket, and re-elected to the same office in 1920. During his first term he was chairman of the com- mittee on mileage, and a member of the committees on ways and means, education, banking, oil industries, labor and capital. During the second term was chairman of the committee on governmental efficiency and economy, and a member of the committees on re-ap- portionment, ways and means, attaches, civil services, labor and capital. He was opposed to the King tax bill which was passed after a stormy battle had ensued, and which will go down in history as one of the hardest fought battles that ever took place in the State House. Mr. White is president of the Association for the Betterment of Public Service of Southern California ; an organization that seeks to place efficient and capable officers in public service. He is also treas- urer of the Federal Discount Corporation of California. He belongs to the Flinlridge Country Club; the Los Angeles Athletic Club; the Sons of the American Revolution; the military order. Loyal Legion of the United States; the fraternity. Delta Upsilon; the Glendale Cham- GLENDALE AND VICINITY 829 ber of Commerce; and represents the California Furniture Co. in the Lo3 Angeles Chamber of Commerce. In Philadelphia he was a mem- ber of the Union League Club. Fraternally, he is a Master Mason. Since 1905 Mr. White has made semi-annual business trips to New York City for his company, and is recognized as an authority of national importance on goods in his line; especially on oriental rugs. He delivers lectures at the University of Southern California on the oriental rug subject and also contributes articles for publication to the trade magazines. At Burbank, California, on August 31, 1901, Mr. White married Rosa A. Luttge, a native of Cook county, Illinois; daughter of Henry and Rosa (Wagner) Luttge. The Luttge family came to Southern California in 1893 and settled on a ranch at Burbank. Mrs. White is well known and prominent in club life in Glendale. .She is past presi- dent of the Glendale Federation of Parent-Teacher .Associations, secretary of the Glendale chapter of the American Red Cross, di- rector and past treasurer of the Tuesday Afternoon Club. She is a member of the Colorado Boulevard Parent-Teacher Association, which was the first of its kind in Glendale. She is a past president of the Columbus Avenue Parent-Teacher Association, of which she was also parliamentarian for two years. Mr. and Mrs. White have four children: John Robert 3d., a student in Stanford University; Douglas Ashbridge, a junior in Glendale Union High School; Ken- neth Ashbridge attends the intermediate school; and Gorden Ash- bridge attends the grade school. The family home is on Lexington Drive at North Orange Street, and is one of Glendale's attractive homes. RoiiERT DiviNK, who passed from this life December 7, 1920, had been a resident of the valley since 1881, when he purchased a forty- six acre tract on San Fernando Road, and made that place his home until his death. He was a native of Ireland; born October 30, 1834, at Straben, Tyrone county; educated in the national schools; and grew to manhood on a farm. At the age of twenty-one he set sail on the "Great Western" from Liverpool, and after si.x weeks arrived at New York City. After a short stay in the city, where he visited relatives, he boarded the "Illinois" for the Isthmus of Panama, which he crossed on the railroad, then came up the Pacific on the "Golden Age," anchoring at San Francisco, January 15, 1856. He mined in California and Idaho for many years; was among the first hundred to enter Idaho, from the west, at the time of the Salmon River ex- citement. In 1867 he returned to Ireland via the Nicaragua. He spent several weeks renewing associations of youth, but, though loyal to his native land, returned to California firm in the faith that no region approached it, in opportunities afforded to men of energy and determination. During his visit in Ireland he secured and paid for a life rental of the old home place for his father and gave him the greater part of his cash ou hand, enabling the elderly gentle- man to live in very comfortable circumstances during his declining years. 330 GLENDALE AND VICINITY In 1881 he purchased a tract of land on San Fernando Road, which was partly set out to deciduous fruit trees and grape vines. He cleared off the rest of the land and built a modest residence the first year. The present home of the family at 3464 San Fernando Road, which was built in 1908, occujiies a site adjacent to their original residence. The acreage is still intact except for ten acres sold to the Coast Lumber Company, and land given to the city for Oxford Street. The ranch is leased to Japanese for the raising of garden truck. It is one of a few large close in properties left, and is very desirable for either residence or business sites. Mr. Devine was a Democrat, always active in the rank, serving on the election boards and as a delegate to conventions. .\t Los Angeles, on May 4, 1874, Mr. Devine married Ellinor Chapman, a native of Georgina. York count)'. Province of Ontario, Canada. She came to Los Angeles in 1868. They became the par- ents of six children: Janet, who died at the age of two years; Mar- garet, who died in her twenty-fourth year; Robert, who is a rancher at Owensmouth ; Lelia, who died at the age of thirty-si.x, and was an auditor in the employ of Parmalee Dohrmann Company, of Los An- geles, prior to her death ; Mable, who is at home with her mother and assumes the responsibility of the home; and Florence, who is a book- keeper in the employ of Andrew Jergens Company at Burbank. The family are members of the Episcopal Church. Edward Ulysses Emery has been a resident of Glendale since 1906. He soon became a thorough Glendalian and has taken active and leading part in the development of the city. He furnished the name "Jewel City" which has been ado])ted as the popular name of Glendale. He was born September 9. 1865, at LeGrand, Marshall county, Iowa; a son of Jacob B. and Olive Maria (Dobson) Emery. His grandfather. John Emery, was a native of New York State. His father was born in Newark. New Jersey. The Emerys were pioneers in Ohio before going to Iowa, where his father was a pioneer farmer and wagon maker. The Dobsons are an old Virginia family and pioneered in Indiana before going to Tama county, Iowa, where they took up land, later known as Dobson Settlement. Mr. Emery's pa- rents were married at Tama county. Iowa. The subject of this sketch was the third of a family of six chil- dren. He received a common school education, and began his busi- ness career at the age of thirteen, by clerking in a general store in his home city. Later he accepted a similar position in a shoe store at Marshalltown. He was manager of a general mercantile store at Le- Grand, before becoming a traveling salesman for Hammond and Bene- dict, owners and proprietors of the LeGrand Flour Mills. He re- mained with them two years, then for five years held a like position with a Marshalltown wholesale grocery house, followed by a position of similar cai)acit>' with a wholesale tea and coffee house of Des Moines. In 190.^ he moved tf) Birmingham. .Mabama, where he took charge of the city business, and was assistant Iniyer for a large whole- sale grocery business for three years. QLENDALE AND VICINITY 331 In 1906 he came to Glendale wliere he has since resided and been active in the growth and development of the city. He was one of the incorporators of the city, and has been asked to serve as city trustee many times, but has always declined the honor. He was a charter member of the first Chaml)er of Commerce of Glendale, of which or- ganization he has been president, first to fill an unexpired term, and then for two succeeding terms. He was chairman of the water com- mission that fought for the municipal ownership of water works. He was a stockholder and director of the First National Bank for ten years, one of the organizers of the Glendale Savings Bank and of the First Savings Bank of which he has been a director and vice-president and was also one of the organizers and is president of the Citizens Building Company. Fraternally, he is a Scottish Rite Mason, an I''lk and a Past Patron of the Eastern Star. Politically, he is an old line republican. Soon after coming to California he secured a position as sales manager with Newmark Brothers, coffee and tea importers and wholesalers, of Los Angeles, and has been in their employ ever since. In 1920 the business was reorganized and he was made general mana- ger. He is a member of the Commercial Board of Los Angeles. At LeGrande, Iowa, on March 12, 1890, Mr. Emery married Mary Martha Ferguson, a native of Ogle County, Illinois, a daughter of Phineas J. and Arabella (Richardson) Ferguson. Her grandmother Ferguson was the first white child born in Ogle County, where her parents also first saw the light of day. Mr. and Mrs. Emery are the parents of five children : Owen C, an attorney at law and Justice of the Peace for Burbank town- ship, a sketch of whom appears elsewhere in this work ; Waunita May, now Mrs. John O. Eaton, supplemented her high school education by taking a course in music at the college of music, University of South- ern California. She is a member of Chapter L. of the P. E. O. ; Edward Gilbert is a high school graduate and is now a student at the Univer- -sity of Southern California, and a member of the fraternity Sigma Tau ; Josephine Latatia graduated from Glendale L^nion High School with the class of 1922; Olive Bell is a senior in the Glendale Union High School. Mrs. Emery is a past matron of Glen Eyrie Chapter Order Eastern Star, a trustee of the Ladies Auxiliary of the American Le- gion, a member of the Tuesday Afternoon Club, Chapter L. of the P. E. O., and is active in the Ladies Aid of the First Methodist Church. Mr. and Mrs. Emery served faithfully on all war auxiliary work dur- ing the World War. The family residence at 329 North Kenwood Street was liuill by Mr. l'2mery in UHO, at that time the farthest out of any residence on the street. David Henry Imler, who passed from this life March 12, 1913, was a brilliant scholar and a successful business man. He was re- markable for his wise judgment and keen foresight. He led a very ac- tive and useful life, giving freely of his time and substance to all worthy causes. 332 GLENDALE AND VICINITY Mr. Tmler was born October 31, 1863. at Bedford county. Penn- sylvania; son of Henry and Elizabeth (Harcleroad) Imler. His par- ents were American born. His father was a farmer and enlisted in the Civil War at the age of twenty-eight, serving with valor, and meeting death in action at the battle of Gettysburg. David H. Iniler was reared by his grandfather, Henry Imler, a merchant and farmer at Bedford. He graduated from high school at the age of fourteen and then went to South America with a party of men, where he engaged in the cattle business for three years. When a rebellion broke out in Argentine, the party returned with less than they had when they started out. He then came west, and at St. Joseph, Missouri, en- tered the employ of the Chicago & Rock Island railroad, and was with the civil engineers in construction work all the way to Colorado Springs. His services as an engineer proving valuable, he was re- tained for four years in different capacities, and was one of the en- gineers connected with the building of the railroad on Pikes Peak Later he worked on the construction of the Colorado Midland rail- road and tunnel. During all this time he was interested in grub staking and pros- pecting and met with the usual experiences of miners in alternate suc- cesses and reverses. With John Lane and J. E. Hunter as partners, they located the Orphan Bell grouj) on Bull Mountain, Crijjple Creek. Four claims were located and developed, and were sold for $450,000.00. They formed a company of which Mr. Imler was secre- tary, and developed other claims, maintaining an office in Colorado Springs. He was also interested in a brokerage business before he left for California in the fall of 1897. .Some time previous to his com- ing to California he purchased a three-acre tract of land in Tropico, without really knowing what the i)ro])erty was. There was a small house on the acreage, and one year prior to his coming, his father-in- law, James B. Hickman, with his daughter, Cora Hickman, came and took possession of the place. Mr. Imler built a modern two-story residence on the pro])erty at 336 West Park Avenue, which was named "Palm Villa," and is now the home of his widow. In California, Mr. Imler led a very useful and active life until his untimely death. Soon after coming here he became interested in mining at Cadis, California, and at Parker, Arizona. In 1900, when the Tro])ico Improvement Association was organized, he became its first president. He was an important member of the committee of Tropico and Glendale in the early agitation for the Pacific Electric railway. For a few years prior to 1908. Mr. Imler maintained an office in Los Angeles to take care of his mining, real estate and oil interests. In the fall of 1908, he made an extensive business trip East, attend- ing to many matters of impcjrtance, disposing of some of his mining and other interests, returning the following fall. Soon thereafter, he went to the Imperial Valley where he became prominently identified with the growth and development of that locality. He was one of the organizers and a director of the Farmers and Merchants Bank at Im- perial ; helped organize and was the first president of the La Verne school district ; was president of a water company ; and owner of sev- GLENDALE AND VICINITY 335 eral hundred acres of land which he improved and used tor the grow- ing of cotton, alfalfa and barley. From the time he first went to the valley until his death, which occurred suddenly while directing his employees, he spent most of his time there, returning home only at intervals t(5 be with his family. Mr. Imler was a Scottish Rite Mason. He was made a Mason at Colorado Springs, later demitting from that lodge to become a charter member of Unity Lodge. No. 368, at Glendale. He was a Past Patron of Glen Eyrie Chapter Order Eastern Star. In 1903 and 1906 he was superintendent of the clay department at the Art Tile Comi)any, at Tropico. He was a Republican, very active in the ranks at Colorado Springs, but not as an office seeker. At Los Angeles. California, on November 17. 1895, Mr. Imler married Adelaide Hickman, a daughter of James Bailey and Eugenia Adelaide Louise (Wilson) Hickman; a native of Evansville, Indiana, where she graduated from high school and taught school. In Glen- dale, Mrs. Imler has been prominent and active in lodge and club life. She is a Past Matron of Glen Eyrie Chapter Order Eastern Star, a Past President of the Women's Relief Corps, a member of both the Tuesday Afternoon and the Thursday .\fternoon Clubs, and Mschsle- holtzia Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Of all these orders she is a charter member. She also belongs to the W^omen's State Patriotic Institute. There are two children : Eugene Henry and Marjorie Adelaide. Eugene is a civil engineer in the employ of the Standard Oil Com- pany at Bakersfield. He graduated from the California Institute of Technology, with the class of 1917, having previously graduated from the California Military School of Los Angeles, and the Los Angeles High School. He is a member of the Fraternity Sigma Alpha Pi. On May 17, 1917, he enlisted in the Radio Transmission Service while a student at college, and after his graduation was sent to Camp Alfred \'ail. He remained in the service until September 26, 1920, and was stationed in many different places and serving most of the time in the Signal and the Engineering Corps. At Camp Humphries he was assigned to the work of re-surveying the old Fairfax estate, which was originally surveyed by George Washington. Many of the old stakes were found, and the original survey found correct. At Marsh- field, Oregon, on February 22, 1920. he married Florence Flannagan. They have a babj' girl, Adelaide Jeanne Imler. Marjorie Adelaide graduated with the class of 1922 from the Uni- versity of California, at Berkeley, having taken the political science and educational course. She had previously graduated from the Trop- ico Grammar and the Glendale Union High Schools. She is a mem- ber of the Sigma Kappa Sorority. Dr. Jessie .A.. Rl'ssell, recognized as one of the most notable women of the state, is a native of Chicago, Illinois. She is a daughter of the late Robert Logan and Lena Belle (Mackay) Jack. Her father was a native of .'\yrshire, Scotland, and her mother was a daughter of Duncan and Jessie Mackay, pioneer settlers of Illinois. 336 GLENDALE AND VICINITY Dr. Russell attended a private school for girls during early girl- hood, later taking a teachers' course at the State Normal School, then the University of Chicago, where she received the degree of A. B. She then went to the Boston Conservatory of Music and Oratory, where she completed, with honor, a three-year course in vocal and in- strumental music and oratory. In 1902 Dr. Russell matriculated in the S. S. Still College of Os- teopathy and Surgery at Des Moines, Iowa; and upon her graduating from a three year course there, completed a post graduate course in medicine in Chicago. She came to Los .Xngeles and maintained of- fices there and in Long Beach. In the practice of her profession she was most successful, winning national distinction and honor by being the first osteopath in the United States to receive recognitiim from leading life insurance companies. She was appriinted medical exam- iner for four companies of national prominence, holding these ap- pointments imtil ill health compelled retirement from professional activity. After regaining her health she studied law at the University of Southern California and planned to follow that profession, but in 1917. because of her activity and popularity in several organizations, she was elected state president of the California Congress of Mothers and Parent-Teacher Assuciations for a term of three years. With the nation just entering the World W'ar. Dr. Russell found herself elected to four of the most important positions held by women of California; including, beside the state presidency, chairmanship of the Los Ange- les county Women's Council of Defense; vice-])residency of the Wom- en's Legislative Council, of California; and vice-presidency of the Women's City Clul), of Los .\ngeles. For the ensuing three years she devoted all of her leisure time to public work. In 1909, Dr. Russell came to Glendale, where her ability was at once recognized. She was the first president of the Colorado Boule- vard Parent-Teacher Association and also of the Parent-Teacher F"ed- eration upon its organization, being elected to these offices for three consecutive terms. Later she was elected president of the Interme- diate Parent-Teacher .Association for two terms. She organized, and was the first president of the (ilendale Choral Club; the first real co- ordination of musical activity in the city. .Always active in civic affairs, she has held numerous offices in various civic organizations. She is a member of the Chamber of Commerce, chairman of its civic committee, a former vice-president of that organization and secretary of the park commission. She has been chairman of civics of the Cal- ifornia Federation of Women's Clubs, and of the (ilendale Tuesday Afternoon and the Thursday .\fternoon Clubs. She is a member of the Friday Morning Club, of Los .Angeles, a charter member of the Women's City Club, of Los .Angeles, and also of the Women's Re- publican Club, of Southern California, of which she is vice-president. She held the office of National Chairman of Legislation of the Na- tional Congress of Mothers and Parent-Teacher .Associations for sev- eral years, during which time she made numerous trips to Washing- ton, b. C, and lectured in most of the states in the Union, her services as a speaker being in great demand. She is an active member of over GLENDALE AND VICINITY 337 a score of organizations including the College Women's Club, the South Side Ebell, the Glendale Music Club. Order Eastern Star, White Shrine and others. Politically, Dr. Russell is a progressive Republican. She was ac- tive in the suffrage campaigns, and alwaj's has been active in city, county and state campaigns. In 1916. she received a distinction never before accorded a woman in the nation; that of having a committee, including the state chairman of the Republican party from an eastern state, come to California and personally extend her an invitation to go East, to assist in organizing the campaign. The many interesting phases offered proved so alluring, that Dr. Russell accepted and spent six weeks in the work. Keenly alert to the needs of the hour. Dr. Russell has been a potent factor in women's activities throughout California. In 1898, she was married to I. H. Russell, an attorney of Minne- apolis, Minnesota. They have one son, Harold Julian, now attending the State University. Frank L. Muhlem.\n became a resident of Glendale in 1906. He immediately interested himself in civic matters and has served the city in various capacities; first as city attorney, then as trustee, and later as mayor. He was chairman of the charter commission that drafted the charter submitted to the voters of Glendale in 1912. and was also a member of the charter commission that drafted the present charter of the City of Glendale. He is the son of Jacob J. Muhleman. now of Riverside county, California. He was born in the state of Ohio, where his ancestors settled in the early days. Mr. Muhleman is a lawyer with offices in Los Angeles. He is married and has two children. He is now re- siding near San Fernando, California. Edward Ayers, who passed from this life April 30. 1921, was born August 19. 1837. at Danville. Indiana. His parents were natives of Maryland, and of old Southern stock. At the age of thirteen he was apprenticed to learn the shoemaking trade, at which he worked in his home city until he was twenty years old. He went to New York city, and from that port took a steamer for the Isthmus of Pan- ama. Crossing the isthmus by rail, he boarded the steainer "John F. Stevens" for San Francisco, and arrived there after a perilous journey. After a short stay in the Bay City he went to Sacramento, where he worked at his trade, remaining for two and one half years, then went to Yreka. California, and mined until 1861. He followed the t;()ld rush into Idaho, and spent about a year in the Clearwater Mountains of the Gem State before going to The Dalles, Oregon. Here he re- sumed his trade, saved his money, and again went to Idaho, opening up a shoe store in Silver City, which business he conducted for nearly eight years. Making his way overland to San Francisco, he set out for Portland, Oregon, on the same steamer that brought him up from the isthmus in 1857. At Portland he worked at his trade in connec- tion with conducting a retail shoe store, remaining there until 1878. 338 GLENDALE AND VICINITY He returned u> San Francisco, and because of somewhat delicate health he spent some time recuperating^. At San Francisco. September 17. 1881. Mr. Ayers married Mary Mactinney. She, a native of New York City, was a milliner before coming to California with friends in 1878. In the spring of 188.3 they came to Southern Califcirnia. and on .Xugust twenty-fifth of the same year they bought a twelve and one-half acre tract in Tropico. at $80 an acre. It was the second tract sold, and the first to be improved with streets, sidewalks, etc. Mr. Ayers opened up a shoe shop in Los Angeles, and Mrs. Ayers assumed charge of the ranch, setting out several hundred apricot, pear, plum, quince and apple trees. After growing fruit for several years the trees were nearly all taken up, because of low prices, and the acreage planted to grape vines. In 1884 the property was subdivided and put on the market as the Ayers tract. It is all sold except thirteen lots on East Palmer Street. The)' have given in all. three acres for the building of streets, fifteen foot alleys, and to the Pacific Electric and Salt Lake railroads. They built a home the first year, and since then have built six other residences, some of which have been sold. The sub-dividing, selling of lots, and the building of residences were all done under the supervision of Mrs. Ayers. while Mr. .\yers was attending to his business in Los Angeles. He journeyed to Los Angeles and returned each day for over thirty years. In the days before the Pacific Electric was built, his mode of travel was a horse and Iniggy. He was very much in- terested in the growth and development of the valley all his life, and willingly supported all movements for the general good of the commtmity. Mr. Ayers was a Master Mason and an Odd Fellow, having joined the orders as a young man. His first vote was cast at Yreka, California, for Abraham Lincoln, and throughout his long life he gave his supjiort to the Republican jjarty. In his many years of travel about the countrj' he collected hundreds of varieties of minerals and petrified woods, which together with other specimens from all parts of the world, makes it one of the most valuable collections of its kind in the countrj-. This collection and five hundred and fifty arrow points, his family has donated to the Southwest Museum of Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Ayres became the parents of three children : Wesley John, who died at the age of eighteen months, was the first white boy born in Tropico; Evalena, who is the wife of C. C. Melrose, of Bakersfield, California, was the first white girl born in Tropico, now an accomplished pianist and vocalist, having studied under the best teachers in Los Angeles; Edward, who is a well known actor, has played on the legitimate stage and also for the moving pictures. He was formerly agent for the National Cash Register Company, at Sidney, Australia, and prior to that was a sailor for seven years, during which time he sailed around the world three times. Mrs. Ayres is a splendid example of a business woman, and is held in high regard and esteem by her large circle of friends. She is an active member of the Thursday Afternoon Club and of the Kebekahs. She resides in a new duplex on Palmer street at Glendale avenue. GLENDALE AND VK'IXITV 3;j9 Daniel Webster was born at Conway, Carroll county, New Hampshire, on December 1, 1836, a son of Samuel and Naamah (Swan) Webster. The Webster family is of Scotch-Irish ancestry and has been in America since the middle of the eighteenth century. Mr. Webster's grandfather. John Webster, was advanced tn the ranl< of colonel during the Revolutionary War. and in the French and In- dian wars fought under General John Stark. His grandmother. Mary (Sterling) Webster, was a niece of General Sterling and also of Gen- eral John Stark. Samuel Webster was a second cousin of Daniel Webster, the illustrious American statesman, jurist and orator. Naamah Swan attended Fryburg Academy when Daniel Webster was one of the facult)' of that institution. Mr. Webster was reared on his father's farm, and after attending the district school, went to Fryburg .\cademy, at Fryburg, Maine, which was only a short distance from Conway, New Hampshire. After finishing his course at Fryburg Academy, he was employed in a carriage and wagon factory at Gilmanton for three years. He then went to Woburn, Alassachusetts. where he was employed in the man- ufacture of leather goods for several years; in later years acting as foreman. In 1860. .\Ir. Webster went to Osage county, Kansas, where he pre-empted one hundred and sixty acres of government land, im- proved the same and remained there for eighteen years. There he was one of the organizers of a school district that was twenty-four miles long. Selling his Osage county farm he went to Lebo. Coffy county, Kansas, and conducted a general mercantile store and farmed until he sold out in 1884 and came to Tropico. He purchased four acres of land, his present residence at 1012 South Central avenue occupying a part of the original purchase. In 1904 he went to Imperial Valley, where he and his oldest son each homesteaded a cptarter section of land west of El Centro. They resided there a part of each year until 1914, when they sold their holdings and returned to their home in Tropico. Mr. Webster was a member of the first board of trustees of the city of Tropico; was re-elected and served the second term as presi- dent of the board. Mr. Webster married Hannah Sleeper Smith at Concord, Massachusetts, December 15, 1857, a native of Gilmanton, New Hampshire, and of an old New England family. Their children are: Fred, who is the city clerk of Burbank; Josephine, who married Griffeth O. Hughes, passed away in 1903, leaving a family of five children; Samuel, who died in Arizona of typhoid fever at the age of thirty-two; and Jose])h, who is purchasing agent in the light and power department of the city of Glendale. Mr. and Mrs. Webster are members of the Second Adventist Church of Los Angeles. On December 15, 1917, they celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary. Both have been blessed with good health all their lives, and are exceptiftJially well preserved for their years. Mrs. Webster is one year younger than her husband. They have eight grand children and nine great-grand children. 340 GLENDALE AND VICINITY William E. Evans, of the law firm of Evans & Pearce, Van Nuys Building, Los Angeles, was born in London, Kentiuky. December 14, 1877, a son of P. M. and Vina Catherine (Jones) Evans. He is de- scended from old Southern families on both his father's and mother's side. His parents reside at London. Kentucky. Mr. Evans was reared on his father's farm, and after graduating from the pul)lic schools, enrolled at the Sue Bennett Memorial Col- lege, where he took a general course. He read law and was ad- mitted to the bar in 1903, and practiced law in Kentucky until he came to Glendale in 1910, where he has since resided. He was asso- ciated with Mattison B. Jones in the practice of his profession, with ofifices in Los Angeles, until 1917, since which time he has been asso- ciated with .Mbert D. Pearce. In April, 1911, he was made city attorney of Glendale, and filled that office for nearly ten consecutive j'ears. These ten years in the life of the city, constituted one of the most important eras in the history of the municipality, and the work of Mr. Evans as city at- torney was of inestimable value. During that time the city took over the management of the water and electrical distribution, thus embarking upon an experiment in the ownershij) of public utilities by a municipality. The move was fraught with more risk than sub- sequently assumed by other cities with a large numl^er of precedents to guide them; yet. the enterprise was a success, and its freedom from embarrassment and expensive litigation, which in some cases follow closely upon the heels of similar ventures, was evidence of the soundness of the City Attorney's judgment and his knowledge of the law. There were also a number of intricate questions handled by him during his incumbency of office, dealing with the railroad, gas and telephone companies, which were carried out with marked success and resulted in ad\antage to the city. He ai)peared on a num- ber of occasions as the representative of the city before the Railroad Commission and the Supreme Court of the state, with conspicuous success. He is associated with J. G. Huntly in develojjing real estate, putting on high class residential sub-divisions on Kenneth Road. The new building occupied by the Pendroy Dry Goods Company was built and is owned by Huntly <.K: Evans. It is Cllendale's most i)re- tentious building, the cost exclusive of location, approximating $150,000.00. Mr. Evans is a leader in the ranks of the Republican party of Los Angeles county. He is chairman of the Republican Con- gressional Committee of the Sixty-first Assembly District, and a member of the Republican state and count}' Central committees. Of the latter he is first vice ])resident. Without his making any cam- paign for it his name was placed in nomination for United States Congressman, at the same convention held in Pasadena in February, 1922 that nominated Mr. Lincberger. He received sixty-six votes on the first ballot to appro.ximately ninety each for both Mr. Line- berger and Mr. Flower, who had made vigorous campaigns. Me refused to allow his name to appear on the next ballot on which Mr. Lineberger was nominated. During the World War Mr. Evans was / / lycZc^^iUxyi^ i. iOo GLENDALE AND VICINITY 345 a member of the legal advisory board for his district. He is the attorney for, and was one of the organizers of, the Glendale State Bank. He was attorney for the Rank of Glendale at the time it was taken over by the Los Angeles Trust and Savings Bank (now Pacific- Southwest). He is also attornej' for the Glendale National Bank, and was one of the organizers and vice-president of the South Side State Bank, in Los Angeles. Fraternally, he is a Knight Templar Mason and Shriner, and an Elk. For needed recreation he holds a member- ship in the Flintridge Country Club. He belongs to the Glendale Chamber of Commerce and the City Club of Los Angeles. In the spring of 1907. Mr. Evans journeyed to Los Angeles from Kentucky, and on .\pril eighteenth, married Cecil Corinne Smith, also a native of Kentucky. She is a daughter of James Dudley and Amer- ica (Ewell) Smith. Her father was a lawyer, who, although his ca- reer was cut short by death in 1900, while still a young man, had risen to prominence not only in his profession, but also as a capitalist. Her mother was a daughter of Colonel Richard Leighton Ewell. a veteran of the Union army in the Civil War, and of the Virginia branch of the Ewell family. The Ewell family is of Scotch ancestry, and was founded in America about the middle of the seventeenth century. The name in Scotland was spelled Yuille. In America, the name, like many other family names, in due time, by some of its members, came to be spelled as pronounced, Ewell. The Ewell family is one of America's largest and most illustrious. Its name is found in all walks of life, and not least is it mentioned in the military annals of the nation. Mrs. Evans began her education in the public schools of Louis- ville, Kentucky, her parents having moved there when she was nine years old. Residing there until the death of her father, she. with her mother, came to Los Angeles and continued her education until she was in her junior year at the Los .Angeles High School, w hen busi- ness called her mother back to Kentucky. She matriculated at Ham- ilton College. Lexington. Kentucky, for a course in literature and dra- matic art. In 1906. she and her mother again came to Los ;\ngeles to live. At present she is an active member of the Tuesday Afternoon Club, and was a member of its board of directors for three years. Mrs. Evans was one of the organizers, and is a director, of the Glendale Chapter of the American Red Cross, and was the first chairman of the hospital garment department of that organization. She is a member of Glen Eyrie Chapter, Order Eastern Star, and the Ebell Club of Los Angeles. She belongs to the Christian church. Mr. and Mrs. Evans have one daughter, Catherine Cecil, age nine years. The fam- ily home is now at 333 North Orange street, but early in 1923, Mr. Evans will build an Italian type residence on Cumberland road, Ken- neth Heights, Glendale, California. S.\MUEL Littleton Borthick, who passed from this life on May 13, 1918, had been a resident of Glendale since 1896. He was born December 18, 1837, in Johnson county, Missouri, where his father, James Borthick, a native of New York state, was a pioneer of 1832. 346 GLENDALE AND VICINITY Mr. Borthick's grandfather, John Borthick. a native of Ireland, emi- grated to America in 1795 and settled in New York state. Mr. Bor- thick's mother was Mary (Arah) Borthick, a native of Lexington. Kentucky. Samuel Borthick was the fourth of a family of twelve children. He attended the district schools of Johnson county and then farmed until he was about thirty years old, when he went to Warrensburg, and engaged in a mercantile business, remaining there until he came to Glendale. He traded property in Warrensburg, for a house and lot in Tropico on Park Avenue, between Brand Boule- vard and Central Avenue, and made that place his home for some time. Later he bought a fifteen acre tract on Windsor Road and gave his time to growing berries. He began selling his acreage for home sites and soon all of his time \\as given to dealings in real estate, which business he followed until his death. Being honest and straightforward in his business dealings he soon built ^^^ a large clientele and was recognized as a realtor of more than ordinary conse- (|uence and ability, and for many years was considered the best posted realtor on valuations in the San Fernando valley. He was a charter member of Unity Lodge No. 368, F. & A. M., and at the time of his death had been a Master Mason for over fifty years. He was active in the Central Christian church, of which he had been a trustee for many years. He became the owner of much real estate both vacant and improved, and was ever interested in the development and growth of Glendale, giving his time and substance to all worthy causes, truly benefiting the city by his residence and work. At Warrensburg, Missouri, Mr. Borthick married Eliza Cleve- land, a native of Kentucky. They became the parents of eight chil- dren, all of whom arc living, except Ray A. Borthick who passed away in December, 1922, and who was one of Glendale's highly respected citizens. Those living are as follows: Sally, wife of Ira Tucker, of Pomona, California; W^ O., of Glendale; Edna, wife of George Byram, of Watsonnville, California; Frank, of San Francisco; Nona, wife of E. K. Daniels, of Glendale; Miss Fredonia, of Los Angeles; and Ruby, wife of Logan Bowen. of Modesto, California. Jesse S. Stixi:. The early histor)- of the Stine family in America dates back to the early days of the colony of V^irginia, when three brothers settled there. They were natives of Germany, and history mentions the name in connection with the reformation and down through the ages since that time. The year that the subject of this review was born finds his parents on a farm in Bucks county, Pennsyl- vania. His father was I. D. Stine and his mother was Rebecca (Coe) Stine. His father was a native of Pennsylvania, and his mother of Ohio. His father, early in life, became a contractor and builder and continued in that business for many years, in the East. He was born and reared in Ohio and Indiana; making Los .Xngeles his home after coming to Southern California in 1885. He first came to California in 1880 but remained only a short time. In 1895 he retired from the contracting business, and was then employed by the city of Los An- geles; first as a deputy zanjert) and later as deputy superintendent of GLENDALE AND VICINITY 347 streets. He is now a resident of Pasadena, where he has lived re- tired for several years. He is a member of the G. A. R. and served with the 31st Ohio Infantry in the Civil War. Jesse E. Stine was born at Fremont, Sandusky county, Ohio. At the age of seventeen he had served three years as an apprentice plumber, after which as a journeyman plumber he traveled through many of the states. In 18S2 he joined Co. F., U. S. Cavalry, at Ft. Custer and remained in the army for three years, serving all through the Northwest. He then joined his father in Los Angeles and was in partnership with him until 1892, when he became a plasterer on his own account. In 1887 he came to Glendale and has resided here ever since. In 1896 he and his brotlier-in-law, Wesley H. Bullis. formed a partner- ship as plasterers and bricklaying contractors which lasted for twenty years without any dissension. E)uring this time they were leaders in their line of business in Glendale, Tropico and vicinity. In 1887 Mr. Stine bought a five-acre tract in what was then known as West Glen- dale, his residence at 514 West Broadway, which he built in 1908, oc- cupies a part of this original purchase, of which he still owns three acres. Fraternally he is a Master Mason and an Elk. Politically he is a Republican. For many years he was a member of the school board of West Glendale. At Tropico, on June 15, 1888, Mr. Stine married Tessie Bullis, a daughter of Philip Bullis, one of the earliest pioneers of the San Fer- nando velley. They have one son. Richard, who resides at La Cres- enta, and is associated with his father in the plastering business. He married V^arnice Gilkin, and they are the parents of twin boys, Philip and Jack. Mrs. Stine died in 1910. Mr. Stine married for his second wife Ursula M. Goldsworthy, of Los .'Kngeles, a daughter of John (i. Goldsworthy, a pioneer surveyor of that city. Jesse Pawling Lukens. More than twenty-nine years ago a deli- cate man who was told by the doctors "l)ack East" that he could not live two months if he stayed in that climate, arrived in California. His having a letter of introduction to a gentleman living in Glendale brought him to this neighborhood. The Southern Pacific having given the impetus to the settlement of Southern California by com- pleting its line from the north, the large Spanish land grants were already sold and subdivided into ten and twenty acre ranches. Money being scarce at that time most of the land was sold on easy terms. The ranch industry was having a boom and our tenderfoot caught the fever and bought ten acres of sage-brush and cactus, on time. The land was not cheap, as the price paid was $250 an acre. Nursery stock was scarce. From a ranch nearby he obtained the seedlings that had dropped and by hand squeezed out the seeds and planted them in boxes, and after grubbing out the sage brush and cactus, he set out the small plants in rows for nursery stock. The plants grew and thrived and in due time were set out for the orchard. He became ambitious and bought ten acres at the same ])rice and on the same terms. He was now in debt $5,000. He was also healthy and happy, 348 GLEN DALE AND VICINITY and the work was fascinating. This second ten acres he sold as soon as the trees were large enough and this helped lessen the indebted- ness. He did this several times, buying bare land and setting out his own nursery stock, paying all the way from $350 to $600 an acre. In each case he profited. Finally buying ten acres he set out to lemons, and kept, with twelve original acres set out to oranges. The first orange crop yielded $5.00. The first crop of lemons $25.00. It was a long time before the grove began to pay expenses. But little by little, year by year, the gain was greater. Increased yield meant greater expenses. Dry years meant more water. Much of the coveted gain went into a hole in the ground, and machinery. But finally, after many ups and downs (principally downs), strict economy, pure grit, pluck, and industry won. The goal was reached, the land paid for, the trees still beautiful and thrifty. There were many discourage- ments and anxious days and nights but he never lost his cheerful, hopeful spirit; and his honesty and happy disposition gained for him good friends and true, who helped him over some of the hard places. He stands today on Easy street an example of sturdy indus- try and pluck, a credit to his pioneer ancestors, who came to the new world to settle over two hundred and fifty-eight years ago, and who left behind them as heritage the sturdiness of constitution which triumphed over disease, with the help of the Glendale climate. Mr. Lukens was born near Philadelphia, in Delaware county. Pennsylvania. His father was Abraham C. Lukens, born in the same vicinity. Abraham was the son of Levi Lukens, born in 1770, of the fourth generation of the Lukens families, which came to Amer- ica with the William Penn colonies for the sake of civil and religious liberty. The old house where he lived while in active business, and the barn and part of the old tannery are still standing at Penfield. a suburb of Philadelphia. The home which he built for his later j^ears is still standing and is kept intact, and is now known as the Samuel Hibbert property. Levi Lukens was a great business man in his day; he had "pit wagons" as they were called, hauling merchandise be- tween Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. His horses were famous, so fat that they could scarcely walk. Levi married Mary Jones, of Juniata county, Pennsylvania, April 17, 1787, at Haverford Meeting. Abraham, the youngest child, was born in 1814. He married Mary Pawling, a descendant of the well known Pawling family of New York and Pennsylvania. The first Henry Pawling came to .America in 1664 in the Duke of York expe- dition. He was a captain in the King's .Army. After fighting the en- emies of the King, he, "having behaved himself well, and as became a Souldyer" was given his discharge April 18, 1670, "and has now our consent to follow his private affayres without any further lett or in- terruptions." He was given two grants of land, one in Pennsylvania, and one in New York. He married and settled in New York. In 1720, when his two sons, John and Henry, were old enough, he sent them to the Pawling grant in Pennsylvania, where they settled. They were the progenitors of many hundreds of the Pawlings family scattered GLENDALE AND VICINITY 349 throughout this country and Canada. The location of this tract may be seen on the map. pages 158 and 159, Vol. II, of Fisher's "The Dutch and Quaker Colonies of America," where two lots are marked H. Pawling. Pawling's ford and Pawling's bridge in the Perkiomen region were named after this family. John Pawling, son of the first Henry, served in the militia during the colonial period holding the rank of Lieutenant, in 1711. When he came to Pennsylvania with his brother, he became owner of a large tract of land on the Perkiomen Creek, with mills, slaves and considerable personal property. This property became famous in Revolutionary history as the camp ground of Washington's Army before and after the battle of Germantown. Manj' of the Pawling family were prominently identified with St. James Perkiomen Church and served as wardens and vestrymen. Local history states that the Pawling family was a large and influen- tial one and honorably identified with the affairs of Pennsylvania. Mary Pawling was a direct descendant of John Pawling. (The above notes were taken from "Genealogy of the Pawling Family" by Kath- erine Wallace Kitts.) The subject of this sketch was the seventh child of Abraham and Mary Lukens. He received his education at the Chester Academy, as his father was living at that time in Chester township, Delaware county, Pennsylvania. Mr. Lukens suffered for several years with throat trouble, and finally left Chester, December 23, 1883, for Cali- fornia, arriving in Los Angeles, January 1, 1884. There had been no rain that fall and he thought it the driest and most uninteresting country he had ever seen, but in January the rain began and for the next six months he spent the loneliest, dreariest, time of his life. That was the year of the floods, when forty inches of rain were recorded. The whole country from Los Angeles to the sea was one vast lake, while the Southern Pacific was washed out from Burbank to Los .\ngeles. For years afterwards the tops of cars could be seen sticking out of the sand as they were never salvaged. He called with a letter of introduction, on Mr. J. C. Sherer as soon as he arrived but did not see him again for many months. In June by the advice of phj'sicians he bought a horse and a hunter's outfit and started on a trip "into the land of nowhere." He went north through Santa Barbara and up the coast as far as the Oregon line, and down the middle of the state. His adventures were many and varied. The roads were only trails. Many days would pass when he wouldn't see a human being. Sometimes he had to wait until the tide went out before he could pass some rocky point. Reaching a city he would put his horse out to pasture and rest himself for a week or two. He stayed in San Francisco for two months. In returning he came through the inland valleys. Reaching Yosemite, he left his horse at the entrance and went into the valley on foot. He reached Saugus on Christmas eve in time to eat a fine Christmas dinner, and was in Los Angeles the next day with his throat trouble all cured, .\bout Janu- ary 1, 1885, Mr. Sherer met him on the street and asked him to go out to Glendale. W^hen he came to California he was in partnership with his brothers in the flour, feed and hay business and of course ex- 350 GLENDALE AND VICINITY pected to go back to it some time, but never did. later severing his connection with the firm. Feeling so much better he stayed with Mr. Sherer in Glendale and worked for him. As everyone was bu3ing land at that time, he bought a lot on Pearl Street, Los Angeles, and sjient all he made in paying for it. which was the beginning of his land ownership in Cali- fornia. He never desired to leave the valley after his arrival. During the boom in the late '80"s he and Mr. Sherer went in the pipe laying business, all the water before that time having run in open ditches. Mr. Sherer withdrew after a time, but Mr. Lukens continued in the business for many years, and laid miles of pipe for the Southern Pa- cific, the Kern County Land and Water Co., the Sespe Land and Water Co., the Azuzu Land and \\'ater Company, the Consolidated Mines of Arizona, and many others. Some of the pipe systems he in- stalled are still in use. At the time of his arrival in Verdugo the only postofifice in the valley was in a store kept by S. L Mayo, just north of Mr. Sherer's place. The mail was taken to Los Angeles by carrier who came down from La Canada. During the boom days of 1887 the postofifice was moved to a building at the southwest corner of V^erdugo Road and Fourth Street (now Broadway). In 1890, Mr. Maj-o left Verdugo and sold his store to Miss R. ^L Sherer, and Mr. Lukens was ap- pointed postmaster, John Wanamaker being at that time Postmaster General. In 1894 Mr. Lukens resigned as postmaster and the oftice was moved to Cohen's store, northwest corner of Verdugo Road and Sixth Street (now Colorado). This was the only public office he ever held, having all he could do to attend to his own affairs. On August 24, 1893, Mr. Lukens married Eoline V. Stratton at the residence of Dr. George Worrall in Santa Clara, California. Mrs. Lukens is a descendant of pre-colonial Quaker ancestry. Their only child, Horace Pawling Lukens, was born in Philadelphia, September 28, 1897, and came to California with his mother in June. 1898. He attended the Glendale public schools and was graduated from the Glendale Union High School in June, 1916. From there he went to Throop College of Technology until 1918, when he resigned to enlist in the Navy; but not being able to register until September 12, 1918. the armistice was signed before he could get in. He worked at the shipyards while waiting to register. On February 9, 1918, he mar- ried Ruth Grey of Glendale. They have become the parents of two children : Martha Eoline Lukens and Rodney Pawling Lukens. Id.\ M. Waite has been a teacher in the city schools of Glendale since 1903. This gives her the record of being the oldest teacher in years of service spent in the Glendale city schools. She is a native of Chicago, Illinois, a daughter of Loring F. and Olive A. (LeVake) Waite. Her father was a native of Vermont, of an old Yankee family and her mother was a descendant of John LeN'ake. a I'Venchman, who came to America with Marquis de Lafayette and served under him in the Revolutionar)- War. Loring F. \\'aite went to Chicago in 1842 where he became a pioneer dry goods merchant. The big fire that pw j^ "^^ V.^^^^jJ ^ ^1 1 E-^^^-9 11^^^^ fe^^zt/ GLENDALE AND VICINITY 353 burned the greater part of Chicago did not reach his business, and he gave succor to many hundreds of sufferers. Miss Waite attended the public schools of Chicago, after which she graduated from the Chicago Normal School, where she was trained by Ella Flagg Young, a teacher of national repute. After teaching several terms in the Clark, Wells and Lincoln schools, Chicago, she went to New York City for an indefinite stay and re- mained four years, enjoying a greatly needed rest and taking part in the social life of the city. Returning to Chicago she did private tutoring until 1903. when she came to Glendale and accepted a posi- tion in the old Broadway school, retaining it until 1909. when she or- ganized the Colorado Street School, of which she has since been principal. During the World War, Miss Waite was active in au.xiliary war work and was chairman of the high and city school teachers war ac- tivities. Her work in connection with the draft board in taking charge of compilation of occupational cards for the industrial index file was noticed in Washington, D. C. and under date of March 21, 1918, the following letter was sent her from the office of the Provost Marshal General : Dear Madam : In view of the report received from the chairman of Local Board No. 7 for Los Angeles county, the Provost Marshal General desires to express to you personally his thanks for your prompt, efficient, and patriotic service and sacrifice in taking charge of the compilation of occupational cards for the industrial index file in this office. This task is at present the most vital link in the process of sending our army to France fully equipped for its task. Your share in the ac- complishment of the necessary work entitles you to the greatest grat- itude of the Nation as one who has done her part faithfully and ef- fectively. By direction of General Crowder, JOHN H. WIGMORE, Lt. Col. J. A. N. A. Miss Waite has traveled extensively, having been to the Orient and Alaska, and has also taken several trips East during summer va- cations. She is a member of the Chamber of Commerce, the Tuesday Afternoon Club, the Glendale Music Club and the Glendale Teachers Club. Miss Waite and her work are much appreciated by Glendal- ians, many of whom have had the privilege of her wise and kind direction. Capt. James Bailey Hickman, who passed from this life Novem- ber 6, 1919, had been a resident of the valley since August, 1896. He was born in Snowhill, Maryland, June 30, 1832. He was descended from old colonial stock, and several of his ancestors were soldiers in the Revolutionary War. His mother, Katharine LeKurts, was of French ancestry. The LeKurts family was very prominent in Mary- land in the antebellum days, being the owners of large plantations and many slaves. 354 GLENDALE AND VICINITY Capt. Hickman received a common school education. He set out early in life to make his own living and taking a westerly course it brought him to the Ohio river, where he secured employment on the river boats. He, in due time, became a marine engineer and in such capacity' sailed on many different steamboats on the Ohio. Missis- sippi, Tennessee, Cumberland, and Green rivers, before he retired in 1892. He made his home in Evansville. Indiana, for many years, after which he lived in Colorado Springs, Colorado, until he came to Tropico in 1896. Here he lived retired, excepting for the time he was in charge of setting up the machinery in the Art Tile Factory, when that plant was being built. His favorite recreations were fishing and hunting. He was an active member of N. P. Banks Post, G. A. R. On August 12, 1862, he enlisted in Co. E., 65th Indiana Volunteers and served until the close of war. He was advanced on his merits to the rank of corporal, sergeant, second lieutenant, first lieutenant, and was commissioned a captain shortly before he was mustered out of the service. Fraternally he was an Odd Fellow. At Evansville, Indiana on June 27, 1864, he married Eugenia Adelaide Louise Wilson and they became the parents of two daugh- ters, Adelaide H. and Cora Bailey; and one son John James. Ade- laide became the wife of David H. Imler, a sketch of whom appears elsewhere in this volume. Cora received a normal school education and taught school for a time. She has also been society correspond- ent for the Los Angeles Times and the Glendale News. She was one of the organizers and the first Matron of Glen Eyrie Chapter, Order Eastern Star; is a life trustee of G. A. R. Hall; and a member of Eschleholtzia Chapter, D. A. R. For three years she was state corresponding secretary of the Congress of ^lothers and Parent- Teacher .Association, the Tuesday .\fternoon and Thursday -After- noon Clubs. She was one of the organizers of the Tropico Improve- ment Association and was its first secretary, and one of the few who secured the traveling libraries for Glendale and Tropico. Miss Hickman was united in marriage to Frank Porter Stearns, lune 24, 1922, at Palm Villa, her home in Glendale. Mr. Stearns is a native of Paris, Maine, but came west and located in Shawnee, Okla- homa, twenty-five years ago. In 1921 Mr. Stearns came to Los An- geles where he became identified in the business world. He was mayor of Shawnee for ten years and prominently identified with ail of the business, ]iolitical and social activities of that city. Tno.\i.\s W. W.xT.soN, who was identified with the city administra- tion for fifteen consecutive years, was born at Houston, Te.xas, June 2, 1878, a son of W. G. and Alice Watson. When he was only a few months old his parents came to Pasadena, California, where his father conducted a meat market until 1895. During the greater part of these years, his was the only market in the city. He came to (ilen- dale and engaged in the same business, later conducting a seed store and a nursery in connection with the market, in which the subject of this sketch was a partner, the firm being known as W. G. Watson & Son. In 1906 they began developing real estate and erected the two- GLENDALE AND VICINITY 355 storj- iraiiie building at the southwest curner of Glendale Avenue and Hroadway. \\'. G. \\'al.S()n was a member of tlie First Methodist church uf Glendale. Several years prior to his death, which occurred in 1914. he took a trip to England, being absent from Glendale for two years. Thomas Watson was educated in the public schools of Glendale. He was ever greatly interested in local aflfairs and upon the incorpora- tion of the city, in 1906. was elected a city trustee. He was a member of the board of trustees continuously until he resigned from that body and was appointed city manager in Septemlier, 1914. During the in- terim from 1906 to 1914. he served two non-consecutive terms as mayor. During the seven years that he was city manager, many im- prcivements were made and much of the foundation was laid which has made possilile the greater Glendale of today. Being a man of high moral character and loving the clean things in life, it was but natural that his ijrayer should be to keep the city free from vice in all its forms, and for this condition he always stood steadfast. Glendale is a clean moral city, and as such has attracted the best people as new citizens, which fact is in no small measure attributable to the never tiring efforts of Mr. Watson. He is now devoting his time to the real estate business. While city manager he was active in the National Association of City Managers, and the League of California Munici- palities. In these organizations he still holds his membership. He is a trustee of the First Methodist church of Glendale, and for eleven years was superintendent of its Sunday School. At Los Angeles, in 1900. Mr. Watson married Anna Helm. I'^roni this union was born a son, William, who is a Sophomore in Glendale Union High School. Mrs. Watson died in 1909. In 1914 Mr. Watson married Belle Helm, a sister of his first wife. They have become the parents of four children: Anna Belle, Dorothy May. Thomas W., and Wayne G. The family home is at 614 South Brand boulevard. James F. McIntyre, who is the commercial agent of the Pul)lic Service Department of the city, is a native of Richmond, New Bruns- wick, a son of .\ndrew C. and /Vnnie (Gilkey) McIntyre. His parents have been residents of Glendale since 1903, and reside at 718 East Harvard Street. They are one of Glendale's oldest couples, both being octogenarians. They celebrated their golden wedding on June 1, 1914. His father is a Canadian by birth, of Scotch descent, and his mother was born in Houlton, Maine, of old Yankee ancestry. The subject of this review is the oldest of a family of five children, the others being: Fred W.. Mrs. Helen I. Campbell, Miss Annie L.. and Mrs. J. E. Flewelling. All are residents of Glendale except Mrs. Flewelling, who resides in New Brunswick. Fred W. is one of Glen- dale's pioneer real estate dealers, having been in that business since he came to the city in October. 1895. Mrs. Campbell, who has been active in club life of the city, was one of the early members of the Tuesday .Xfternoon Club, and for several years was a member of its executive board. She also belongs to the Glendale Music Club. Miss .Annie McIntyre is principal of the Central .Avenue School, which 356 GLENDALE AND VICINITY position she has held since its organization ; prior to this time she was a teacher in the Broadway School. She is a member of the School Supervisor's Association of Southern California, and is now serving her third year as its treasurer; is legislative chairman of the Glendale Teachers Club, and belongs to the Central Avenue Parent- Teacher Association, of which she is a charter member; the Glendale Music Club and the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Mclntyre came to Glendale with his brother, Fred W., and for five years followed ranching. From 1900 to 1906 he owned and operated the Glendale Lumber Yard. For six years he was cashier of the Bank of Glendale, and since 1913 has been with the public ser- vice department of the city, now acting as commercial agent of that department. He took an active part in many matters pertaining to the general advancement of the community, viz. : in organizing the Glen- dale Union High School, and Glendale's first bank, the Bank of Glen- dale; the incorporation of the city; in bringing the Pacific Electric into the valley; and other worthy causes. He has been a school trustee, and for several years was clerk of the school board. At Honcon, Wisconsin, in June, 1891, Mr. Mclntyre married Laura B. Roper of that city. Their four children are Percy T., drafts- man in the public service department of the city of Los Angeles; Wil- mot J., chief clerk of the public works department of Glendale; Edith N., a student in the Glendale Union High School; and Laurence S.. a student in the intermediate school. Mrs. Mclntyre is a charter member of the Tuesday Afternoon Club. The family home is at 135 North Cedar street. Charles H. Toij. is justly considered one of the important men of Southern California. A financier of prominence, he has been closely identified with the ])rogress of Los Angeles county. He believes firmly in the future greatness of Southern California and has done all in his power to help in its advancement. Although a very busy man he still has time to devote to the welfare of his community. Mr. Toll was born at Clinton, Iowa, November 24, 1858, a son of Hon. Charles Hull)ert and Elizabeth (Lusk) Toll. His parents were natives of New York State. His father was an Iowa pioneer and was one of the men who really built up and develoi)ed Clinton as a city. He was a manufacturer there, and also held the office of postmaster. In all public affairs he was a leader. He was chosen to represent his district in the State Legislature and served several terms with dis- tinction. At the time of the Civil War he enlisted in the Tenth Iowa Infantry, and was in the service until the end of the war. He was advanced to the rank of Major after the battle of Chickamauga and was put in charge of the Commissary Department. Major Toll died in Los Angeles in 1887. Charles H. Toll, the youngest of five children, grew up in Clinton. Iowa; acquired a public school education and finished in Cornell Col- lege at Mount Vernon, Iowa. For a time he was a clerk in the Clinton postoffice and later was deputy clerk of courts of Clinton county. Mr. Toll moved to Los Angeles in 1885. He was credit man for several a OytA^a-r- GLENDALE AND VICINITY 361 large firms in the city and gradually became identified with business and finance in an ever increasing scope, so as a banker he has met with accustomed success and is a recognized power in the local monej' market. In 1900 he was chosen cashier of the Southern California Savings Bank, and upon its merger with the Security Trust and Sav- ings Bank in 1906, was made a vice-president of the latter institution, which position he has since retained. He was a member of the city council of Los Angeles from 1896 to 1900. He is vice chairman of the War Finance Corporation for the Twelfth Federal Reserve District; a member of the Glendale and Los Angeles Councils of Boy Scouts, being treasurer of the latter. He is a member of the Salvation Army Board, of Los Angeles county; belongs to the California, University Club; and the Athletic Club of Los Angeles; and the Chamber of Commerce of Glendale. He is a director of the Van Nuys State Bank; was one of the organizers and the first president of the Glen- dale State Bank, is a director of the Goodyear Textile Mills and a trustee of Harvard Military School. Politically, Mr. Toll is a Repub- lican. In 1911 he moved to Glendale. His residence at 1635 Kenneth road is one of the most spacious and attractive in Glendale, the residence grounds occupying seven acres. At Los Angeles. September 4, 1901, Mr. Toll married Eleanor Margaret Joy. She was born in Minnesota and came to California at the age of six. She is a daughter of William Henry and Ruth Anna (Dougherty) Joy. Her father is a descendant of Thomas Joy of Boston, Massachusetts, who came to America on February 20, 1637, from Norfolk county, England. An architect, Thomas Joy de- signed and built the first Town House of Boston, which served as the capitol building of Massachusetts from 1657 until its destruction by fire in 1711. This historic building (referred to by Emerson in his "Boston Hymn") had for its site the open space at the head of what is now State Street. Many of the ancestors of Mrs. Toll, on botii the father's and the mother's side, served in the colonial forces in the Revolutionary, and in the French and Indian Wars, and in the war of 1812; and her father served with distinction in the Eleventh Minne- sota Volunteers, during the period of the Civil War. Mrs. Toll was graduated from the Oakland High Schools, and took Collegiate work privately with some of the ablest professors of two of the leading universities of California. She became a teacher, and after a brief experience in the schools of Sonoma county, moved to Los Angeles county, where she was a resident at Pomona for a brief period, before becoming affiliated with the schools of Los An- geles. She pursued this calling for nearly fourteen years and was, at the time of her marriage to Mr. Toll, a member of the faculty of the Los Angeles High School. Four sons were born into the family : Charles Hulbert, Junior, now a senior at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Gerald Sidney, a junior at the University of California at Berkeley; Maynard Joy, who graduated from Glendale Union High School with the class of 1922; and Carroll Costello, a student at intermediate school. Mrs. Toll counts it as one of the great privileges of her life that she was 362 GLENDALE AND VICINITY enabled to teach her own hoys for a period of two years each, be- fore consigning them to the care of others. When her children became older, Mrs. Toll felt the call to the service of her community and resultant from her intense interest in the affairs of her sons in school, she became vice-president of the Parent-Teacher Federation of Glendale, serving in this capacity dur- ing the year of 1912 and 1913. She then became president of the Fed- eration, which place she filled during the period 1914-15. As Edu- cational Chairman for this organization, she in 1916 founded the Mu- tual Benefit Reading Circle, under the care of the Bureau of Educa- tion at Washington. This organization met for four years, weekly, in Mrs. Toll's home. Its numbers increased so greaatly that its two hundred members transferred their home to the Glendale Library. This Circle has been the motive for much widespread comment by the Bureau of Education, as it has been called in numerous bulletins is- sued by this department, "a model organization." In 1917. ^Irs. Toll was elected to the Board of Trustees of the Glendale Schools, defeating her op])()nent, a man. by a large majority. She served as president «>f the Board for three years. On the forma- tion of the Foothill Club in 1915, Mrs. Toll was made its first presi- dent. In 1918, Mrs. Toll became the first vice-president of the Ebell Club of Los Angeles, one of the largest, if not the largest. Women's Clubs in the United States; which office she held for two years. She was then elected president of this organization, and served a complete term of office of two years in this well-known club, now being a member of its board of directors. In 1920, Governor Stephens ap- pointed Mrs. Toll a member of the Board of Trustees of the California School for Girls at \'entura, which position she still fills. Ch.xri.f.s C. Rittk.niiol'si;, who was the first mayor of Tropico, was born in \'an Wert county. Ohio, August 16, 1852, a son of Ma- thias M. and Christine (Stock) Rittenhouse. His parents were also natives of Ohio. His grandfather. Christian Rittenhouse. was a native of Philadeljihia. The Rittenhouse family was established in America by three brothers, who left Holland as young men and came to Philadeljihia in pre-revolution days. They built the first paper mill in that city. One of them was a surveyor and helped survey the boundary line between Pennsylvania and New York. The subject of this sketch attended the district schot)ls of Van Wert county, after which he served an apprenticeship as a carpenter. His pay at first was $8.00 a month, and the working days in the sum- mer time were from sun to sun. In the winter months he taught school. Such was the program of his life imtil 1877, excepting several months that he spent in an architect's office at Ft. Wayne. Indiana, in 1875 and 1876. Taking a westward course through Illinois, Mis- souri, Iowa and Nebraska, he arrived at Hastings, Nebraska, in Au- gust, 1877, and soon thereafter opened an architectural office, it being the first of the kind established there. He remained there for eighteen years, during which time he was a leading citizen of that city. He served on the citv council for ten consecutive vears. serving two GLENDALE AND VICINITY 363 years as mayor. He became very prominent in Masonry. He is a Past Master of Hastings Lodge No. 50, F. & A. M.. a Past High Priest of Hastings Chapter. No. 21, R. A. M., a Past Master of Hast- ings Council, No. 8 and a Past Commander of Mt. Nebo Commandry. No. 11, Hastings, Nebraska. He was also prominent in the Grand Chapter R. A. M. of the State of Nebraska, and is a Past Grand High Priest of R. A. M., and a Past Grand Master of the Grand Council of the State of Nebraska. He designed practically all of the public buildings which were constructed in Hastings and the surrounding country during the time he lived there, which included the Adams County Court House, at Hastings. He also invested in farm lands, and was for a time engaged in the nursery business on quite a large scale. In 1898, he sold out and went to Colorado, where he followed his profession at Canon City and Cripple Creek for seven years. He came to Tropico in 1905 and purchased a home at 1319 Walnut street, where he has since resided. In July of the same year he opened an ortice in the Wilcox building. Los Angeles, the location of his ])resent office. He has designed and erected many apartment houses in Los .\ngeles, although he has not specialized in any one kind of construc- tion. Upon the incorporation of the City of Tropico in 1911. he was elected a trustee and was made president of the board. In 1915 when Glendale Commandry, No. 43, Knights Templar, was organized, he became one of its charter members and has been its recording secre- tary ever since. He is also a member of Glen Eyrie Chapter, Order Eastern Star. At Hastings, Nebraska, on November 29, 1879, Mr. Rittenhouse married Elvira L. Morse, a native of Iowa City, Iowa. Their children are Frank and Chas. C, Jr., of Glendale; Ralph, of Toronto, Canada; and Pearl (now Mrs. D. D. Markwith) of Edendale. Mrs. Ritten- house passed away in October, 1911. Charles W. Young is a native of Henry county, Illinois. He was born at Geneseo, May 8, 1865, a son of Walter and Laura (Morrill) Young. His father was a pioneer farmer of Henry county, having settled there in 1851, after returning from the gold fields of California, to which he went during the exciting days of 1849. Mr. Young was reared on his father's farm and educated in the public schools, after which he attended the Northwest Normal School, of Geneseo, and the Davenport Business College, at Davenport. Iowa. He spent a year in Kansas, and then returned to the home farm and for several years was engaged in breeding, raising, buying and selling blooded horses for the eastern markets. In 1902 he went to Kingsbury, South Da- kota. Here he did much to raise the standard of life among the pioneers who were having a hard struggle in those days. In 1905 he came to Los Angeles and conducted a grocery for two years before coming to Eagle Rock, where he bought the Ellis home, at 906 Rock Glen avenue, and has since resided. He lias devoted mucli of his time to real estate dealings, in Los Angeles, Pasadena and Eagle Rock property. His activity as a leader in local and civil af- 364 GLENDALE AND VICINITY fairs of Eagle Rock is of a high order. He was a member of the firsi board of trustees, and was the second mayor of Eagle Rock; has also held the office of city clerk and has been chairman of parkways for a number of j'ears. Mr. Young was a trustee of the Glendale Union High School for six years, and during the recent investiga- tion of the needs of the Glendale Union High School, he was a mem- ber of the committee of fifteen that advocated the purchase of the Lukens site, where the new school will be built in 1923. At Geneseo, Illinois, November 23, 1899, Mr. Young married Em- ma Elinor Hines of that city, a daughter of Henry and Susan (Henry) Hines. Her parents were pioneers of Henry county. She is a grad- uate of Northwest Normal School, Geneseo, Illinois, and was prin- cipal of Annawan School for a number of years. Mr. and Mrs. Young have one daughter, Amber, who is a graduate of Glendale Union High School, and is now in Virginia College, Roanoke, Virginia, where she is taking a course in English. Mrs. Young is a member of the Twentieth Century Club of Eagle Rock, and is active in its manage- ment. She has made a thorough study of the early Spanish days in California, and is considered an authority regarding the old missions. She has considerable ability as a public reader and taught elocution while doing school work. The family are members of the Congrega- tional Church. DeLos H. Smith, who is the manager of the Brand Boulevard branch of the Pacific-Southwest Trust and Savings Bank, is a native of Kansas. He was born at Garnett, January 5, 1874. a son of Herbert and Eveline (Coulter) Smith. His paternal grandfather, John Smith, was a native of Georgia, who later moved to Pennsylvania and from there to Peru, Illinois, where Herbert Smith was born. Herbert Smith was a veteran of the Civil War, and served with the Forty- second Illinois Regiment of Volunteers. After the war he went to Kansas and farmed. He is now living retired at Stuart, Iowa, where he has made his home since 1875. Mr. Smith is the second of a family of six children: his two brothers are, Irwin, of Independence, Iowa, and Harvey of Fresno, California; and his sisters are Retta. now Mrs. Leroy Belden of Stuart, Iowa; Mable, now Mrs. Frank Wetrich of Stuart, Iowa; and Lola, now Mrs. Fred Stark, of Ottawa, Canada. Mr. Smith graduated from the grammar and high schools of Stuart, after which he attended the Iowa Business College, of Des Moines, Iowa. He became a bookkeeper in the office of the Wisconsin Lumber Companj', owners and operators of line yards, and later became auditor, and in that capacity visited all their lumber yards in the state. In 1898. at Archer, Iowa, he organized a bank of which he was made cashier. Three years later he went to Primghar, Iowa, and was cashier of a bank there for ten years, after which he was cashier of the First National Bank of Marcus, Marcus, Iowa, until he came to Los An- geles in 1911. He lived a life of ease and comfort, spending much time in auto- mobile travel through the state, until he came to Glendale in l'n4. Y "xf^^i^s—^-^^/v/ xj, ^_ GLENDALE AND VICINITY 367 and soon thereafter bought an interest in the Bank of Glendale and was made its vice-president. He was active in the management of the l)ank until it was purchased by the Los Angeles (now Pacific- Southwest) Trust 1.K: Savings Bank, when he was transferred to the Brand Boulevard branch, and a few months later, on December 15, 1915. was made manager of the branch, which position he has since held. Since his taking the management of the bank the institution has grown from resources of $-KX).000.00 to $1,600,000.00. This growth is attributable in no small measure to the enterprise and ef- forts of its jiopular and efficient manager. Mr. Smith is a Knight Templar Mason and Shriner. an l£lk, and a member of the Chamber of Commerce. He is a Republican, but has taken no active interest in politics since coming to California. At Marcus, Iowa, Mr. Smith married Lulu Roe, an Iowa girl, born and reared at Manchester. Their son, Wayne, is assistant credit man for the Paul G. Hoffman Company of Los Angeles. He is a graduate of the Universitj- of California where he took a four year course. In July, 1918, he enlisted in the Navy at San Pedro, and was discharged from the service in December of the same year when he returned to his classes at the University and graduated with the class of 1919. Mrs. Smith is a member of the Friday Morning Club. The family home, at 302 North Maryland, was built by Mr. Smith in 1913. Ch.vrles BExN'Tley Guthrie, who is a prominent and progressive real estate dealer, was born in Cleveland, Ohio, December 9, 1875, son of Dr. James Welch and Adda (Bentley) Guthrie. The Guthries are descended from a well known Scotch family whose home was at Guthrie Castle. His ancestors have taken a prominent part in the his- tory of America, one of them having come over in the Mayflower. Captain John Guthrie was a famous Re\'olutionary ^\'ar hero. Wil- liam Guthrie, the paternal grandfather of the subject of this review, was an Indian fighter as a young man, guarding the frontier which, at that time, was what is now the western border of Pennsylvania. Dr. Guthrie was educated in medicine at the University of Mich- igan at Ann Arbor, Michigan, and graduated in 1862 with the class that became famous for placing on the campus the big rock which still adorns the grounds. The class was graduated in March to allow the young men to enlist. Dr. Guthrie enlisted as a surgeon with the Twentieth Ohio Regiment, and served on General Grant's and Gen- eral Sherman's staffs for the duration of the war. .^t Bishop's Land- ing he had charge of Grant's Hospital. At Vicksburg, with Grant, he was wounded while giving aid to the suffering on the liattlefield. He was with Sherman on his famous march to the sea. The diary tliat Dr. Guthrie kept while in the service, which he titled "Four Years in the Saddle with Grant and Sherman," is preserved by members of the Guthrie family, and tells of the occasion, on the outskirts of Atlanta, when General Sherman uttered his famous epigram regarding war. Addressing Dr. Guthrie he exclaimed, "Guthrie, war is hell." After Dr. Guthrie was mustered out of the service he returned to Cleveland, Ohio, and shortly thereafter was elected city physician. 368 GLENDALE AND VICINITY which office he creditably filled for several years. During the uar he became a close friend of Colonel Van Horn, who, after the war, set- tled in Kansas City, Missouri, and became the owner of the Kansas City Journal. In 1876. at the instance of Colonel Van Horn, Dr. Guthrie became a representative and reporter of the Kansas City Journal and spent two years traveling over Missouri, Kansas. Okla- home, Texas and Iowa. At Cedar Rapids, Dr. Guthrie was offered, in exchange for a drug store owned by him in Clev^eland, Ohio, a sec- tion of land which long since has been taken within the corporate limits of that city. This offer was not accepted by Dr. Guthrie. He nevertheless became greath' enthused over the possibilities of Iowa, and returning to Cleveland, disposed of his holdings and moved his family to Davenport, Iowa, where he remained for two years. He went to Bedford, Taylor count}', Iowa, where he was for many years a leading citizen and a prominent physician and surgeon. The latter years of his life were spent in retirement near Bedford, where he died in 1912. Mrs. Guthrie, before her marriage to Dr. Guthrie, was a well known school teacher in Cleveland, Ohio. Laura C. Spellman, who later became the wife of John D. Rockefeller ; Mr. Spencer, father of the Spencerian System of writing; and Mr. RickofT, author of Ap- pleton's school books, were at one time members of the same faculty. Mrs. Guthrie died at Bedford in 1910. The subject of this sketch is the youngest of three brothers. His older brothers being William J., of South Dakota, and Harry L., of Los Angeles. Mr. Guthrie graduated from the school at Bedford, Iowa, and then for eleven years was in the railway mail service be- tween Chicago and Omaha. In 1905 he came to Los Angeles and se- cured a position as a clerk in the ofhce of the Los Angeles Abstract & Trust Company; in which capacity he served only a short time be- fore being transfered to the escrow department which he helped to organize and managed for two years. He next embarked in the real estate business, with which he has since been continuously identified. For two years he was with the Rodman-Guthrie Investment Com- pany of Los Angeles. In 1913, Mr. Guthrie moved to Glendale and several years later transferred all his real estate activities to Glendale and vicinity. His business has grown from a small office on Brand Boulevard at Doran Street, to seven offices, six of which are in Glendale and one in Eagle Rock. Fraternally. Mr. Guthrie is a Master Mason, an Elk and a Knight of Pythias. He is a member of the Glendale Realty Board, and was its first president; the Chamber of Commerce and the Brand Boulevard Improvement Association, of which he is secretary. .'\t the Santa Ana convention, he was elected a director of the California Real Estate Dealer's Association, and is a member of the legislative com- mittee of that body. At the time of the Spanish-American War, Mr. Guthrie endeav- ored to enlist but was refused permission as he was a government employee. During the late war he desired to give his services in the ranks, but because of advanced age was repeatedly refused until the GLENDALE AND VICINITY 369 draft age was raised to forty-five. Then he enlisted and was assigfned to the C. I. O. T. C, and sent to Waco, Texas; hut shortly thereafter the armistice was signed and he was mustered out and returned home. He is a member of the American Legion, and is chairman of the ex- ecutive committee. At Long Beach, California, on May 22, 1905, Mr. Guthrie married Pearl C. Coles, a native of Chariton, Iowa. They have one daughter, Catherine, a junior in the Glendale Union High School. Mrs. Guthrie is a charter member of Chapter B. A. of the P. E. O. The family home is ai 1641 Grand \'iew avenue. They are members of the Con- gregational Church. Joseph S. Thompson, ex-mayor of Glendale, was born August 16, 1878, in Hancock county, Illinois, a son of James C. and Esther V.. (Shepherd) Thompson. His father was a native of Kentucky and his mother of Illinois. His father was a trahied nurse by profession, and most of his services were given to the leading hospitals in Chicago, where they were always in demand. The last years of his life were spent in Quincy, Illinois, where he retired. Joseph S. Thompson supplemented his high school education by taking a two-year general course at the Christian Church College, Eu- reka, Illinois, after which he took a full course in accountancy at Gate City Business College, Keokuk, Iowa. He was, for several years, in the employ of the Big Four and the Chicago & Alton Rail- way Companies. In 1907 he came to Los Angeles and secured a position as auditor with the Salt Lake railroad as overcharge claim adjuster. In 1912 he became an auditor for the Independent Steam- ship Company and remained with them for three years. He next be- came manager of the Arden Building Material Company, of Los An- geles, and in 1919 was also assistant manager of the Arden Plaster Company. For several years, in addition to holding a regular posi- tion, he has also dealt in building material, improved and developed real estate, and built modern residences in Glendale and Los Angeles. More recently his time has l)een given to the Los Angeles Lime Com- pany in the capacity of salesman. In May, 1912, Mr. Thompson was appointed to fill a vacancy on the board of trustees of Glendale, caused by the resignation of John Robert White. He was re-elected in 1914, and again in 1916, being president of the Iioard the latter term. During his first term as trustee he was chairman of the committee on supjily. and during the second term chairman of the committee on welfare. He is a Knight Templar, Mason and Shriner, and is the representative of the Shrine for his district, which comprises the territory of Glendale, Burl)ank and Eagle Rock. At Peoria, Illinois, on June 14. 1905, Mr. Thompson married Hattie Crow, a daughter of John and Margaret (Christie) Crow of that city. They have two sons. James Harold and John Russell. Mrs. Thompson is a member of the Tuesday Afternoon Club. The family reside at 400 West Broadway. 370 GLENDALE AND VICINITY Philip Walter Parker, now living retired at 624 North Brand Boulevard, was born July 25, 1844, in London, England. He is one of the eight children of Charles and Susan Thompson Parker. At the age of fourteen he went to live with his uncle, Frederick Parker, at Burton-on-Trent, England, and was apprenticed to the cooper's trade. Two years later he came to America with his uncle who lo- cated in Chicago, Illinois. He finished his apprenticeship to his uncle at eighteen years of age, but continued at his trade until the big fire of 1871. After the excitement of the fire had subsided he went into the real estate business, later in a grocery business for ten years, leaving this to come to California in July, 1885. After one month in Los Angeles, he bought fifty acres of land at Eagle Rock, where he became a prominent fruit and vegetable grower. He was the first American to build a modern residence north of Colorado Boulevard, between Glendale and Pasadena. He was also the first man to make large shipments of tomatoes from Southern California to Chicago. Mr. Parker took active interest in all matters for the upbuilding of the community ; was leader in organizing the first school district in Eagle Rock ; and was its trustee for many years. He was the first trustee from Eagle Rock for the Glendale Union High School, of which school board he was the first president, serving several years. The year 1887 he was associated in the real estate business with Ed. M. Goode, a well known pioneer of Eagle Rock and Glendale. For a time during the early boom days they maintained an office in Los Angeles. In 1906. Mr. Parker went to Los Angeles to live and re- mained there until 1914, when he came to Glendale where he has since resided. He has lived practically retired since leaving Eagle Rock, his only activity being an occasional deal in real estate. At Chicago, Illinois, in 1867, Mr. Parker was married to Ruth M. Orchard, who was born December 9, 1848, in Rochester, New York, shortly after her parents came to this country from England. Mrs. Parker died at her home "Rosemont," in Eagle Rock, October 20. 1901. From this marriage there were six children: Alice E., wife of Wm. B. Frankelton, of Los Angeles; Arthur O., of Los Angeles, whose wife was Mrs. Belle M. Lackey, of Washington, D. C. ; Alia May. Mrs. Edward T. Ellis, of Los Angeles; Susan Ruth, Mrs. Louis Luc, of Glendale; Edith C. Mrs. Hugh Connvell, of Glendale; and Vera M., Mrs. Clarence F. Cf)berly. of Los .\ngeles. Mrs. Coberly is a native daughter, born in Eagle Rock. There are twelve grand- children and four great grandchildren. In November, 1902, Mr. Parker married Mrs. M. L. Duncan (Nettie L. Venable, of Frankfort. Kentucky), widow of J. L. Duncan, a pioneer rancher of West Glen- dale. Mrs. Parker has three daughters, Katherine L. Duncan, Mrs. Sidney W'. Brown, of Eagle Rock; Letie L. l^uncan, Mrs. Wm. F. Nash, Jr., of Glendale, and Rose M. Duncan. Mrs. John D. Bolin, of Glendale. Mrs. Bolin is a native daughter, born at West Glendale. Both Mr. and Mrs. Parker are loval Glendalians. /^t /^a^?Z<.irfi^ CS/^^ GLENDALE AND VICINITY 375 Mattison Boyd Jones. Since coming to Los Angeles, in 1900, Mattison Boyd Jones has enjoyed a high rank in the legal profes- sion, and is also well known as one of the most prominent Masons and Baptist laymen of California and the West, and as a citizen whose interest goes out to every well-considered movement for gen- eral welfare. Mr. Jones was born at Tuttle, in Laurel county, Kentucky. June 15, 1869, a son of Hiram J. and Permelia W. (Black) Jones. The Jones and Black families are both old Southern stock, dating back over a hundred years in Kentucky and another hundred years in North Carolina. The Jones family are of Welsh, English and French ancestry and the Blacks are of Irish descent. His mother was a sister of Hon. James U. Black, a former Governor of Kentucky. Mr. Jones attended the public schools until the age of eighteen, then taught school for two years, and took his college work at the University of Kentucky, at Lexington. He graduated with honors and an A. B. degree in 1894, his graduating speech being delivered in Latin. He taught school at London. Kentucky, as principal of the Laurel Semi- nary for one year, 1894-1895. In the meantime, he diligently pursued the study of law and was admitted to the bar October 17, 1895, at London, Kentucky. He practiced a few months at London, Ken- tucky, and then resumed his teaching. He was professor of mathe- matics and astronomy for two years at Williamsburg Institute, now known as Cumberland College, at Williamsburg, Kentucky. In 1898 he was called to his Alma Mater at Lexington as professor of military science and instructor in mathematics. He remained a member of the faculty of the University of Kentucky and also continued post graduate work there until December 31, 1899, when he resigned. Coming to Los Angeles he made the city his home until 1911, and has since resided in Glendale. Opening a law office in Los Angeles in 1900, he was soon in the midst of a busy practice, and in 1905 formed a partnership with E. B. Drake under the firm name of Jones & Drake, which was dissolved in 1909. He then associated himself with W. E. Evans under the firm name of Jones & Evans, .'\fter this partnership was dissolved in 1917, he practiced alone until 1920, when the firm of Jones, Wilson & Stephenson was formed. This firm has a very lucrative practice. He is a member of the Los Angeles County and the American Bar Associations, and practices before the U. S. Supreme Court. Mr. Jones has had a very thorough military training. On his graduation from the University of Kentucky in 1894, he was ranking officer of the battalion of cadets. At that time Lieutenant Charles D. Clay, a grandson of the noted Henry Clay, and a regular army of- ficer, was professor of military science in the University of Kentucky. Lieutenant Clay presented Mr. Jones with a dress sword, just before his graduation, in recognition of his one hundred per cent military record. At different times Lieutenant Clay had to go to Washington on military business, and left Mr. Jones in full charge of the uni- versity cadets. In 1898, when the commandant was recalled to his regiment during the Spanish-American W^ar, the president of the 376 GLENDALE AND VICINITY University of Kentucky asked Mr. Jones to succeed him; this was the first time that a commandant of the university was called from civil- ian ranks. Mr. Jones is a man of thorough scholarship and has al- ways been a student. As an orator he is much in demand. He took post graduate work at the University of Chicago in addition to the work done at his Alma Mater. He is president of the board of trustees of the University of Redlands. having held that post since the university was founded in 1909. Since early youth Mr. Jones has given part of his time to church duties; being one of the organizers of the Temple Baptist Church of I.os Angeles in 1903; president of the Southern California Baptist Convention two years; for three years president of the Pacific Coast Baptist Conference, comprising all the states west of the Rockies; past president of the Los .Angeles County Baptist .Association and the Los .Angeles Baptist City Mission Society. For many years he has been a deep student of Masonry. He is a member of both the York and Scottish Rite bodies and also the Grotto and Shrine, and has filled a number of chairs ; being a Past High Priest. Past Illustrious Master. Past Commander. Past Grand High Priest of California, and at present is General Grand Master of the Second Veil of the General Grand Chapter, of Royal .Arch Masons of the United States of America. In politics he is a Democrat, and served as alternate delegate-at- large from California to the Democratic National Convention, at Denver in 1908. In 1902, he was nominated for city attorney of Los .Angeles on the Democratic ticket, and in 1914. he was strongly urged for United States District Judge for Southern California. Being strongly urged by leading Democrats of the state. Mr. Jones finally entered the primary race for the Democratic noinination for (lovernor of California in 1922, but failed to receive the nomination. He is a member of the University Club of Los .Angeles and the Sunset Can- yon Country Club. In Glendale. he is the owner of valuable property on Brand Boulevard, both vacant and improved, including business, income and residence pro|)erties. He is chairman of the advisory board of the Los .Angeles Trust and Savings Bank branch at Glen- dale. a stockholder in the Glendale Daily Press, and was president of the Glendale Printing and Publishing Company which organized the Glendale Daily Press. He is ])resident of the Brand Boulevard Im- provement Association, and chairman of the committee that went be- fore the supervisors and the Los .Angeles city council in 1917. bring- ing about the building of the bridge that spans the Los .Angeles river on Glendale boulevard. During the entire World War he served as secretary of the ex- emption board of the se\enth district of Los .Angeles county, which field of service he values very highly. At Louisville, Kentucky, on January 3, 1900, Mr. Jones married Miss Antoinette Ewell Smith, a daughter of James Dudley and America (Ewell) Smith. Her father was a lawyer by profession. Although his career was cut short by death in 1900, while still a young man, he had risen to prominence not only in his profession but GLENDALE AND VICINITY 377 also as a capitalist. Her mother was a daughter uf Colonel Richard Leighton Ewell, a veteran of the Union army in the Civil War, and of the Virginia branch of the Ewell family. The Ewell family is of Scotch ancestry, and was founded in America about the middle of the seventeenth century. The name in Scotland was spelled, Vuille; in America, like many other family names, by some of its members, it came to be spelled as pronounced, Ewell. The Ewell family is one of America's largest and most illustrious. Its name is found in all walks of life, aiul not least is it mentioned in the military annals of the nation. Mrs. Jones is an accomplished musician, particularly in piano, having attended the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music, at Cincinnati, Ohio. In 1898 she graduated from the piano department of the John B. Stetson University. Dcland, I-'lurida, and prior to her graduation was a student at Daughters College, Harrisburg, Kentucky, a select girls' boarding school. She is one of California's prominent club women, being a member of the Emeritus Club of California, which is made up of past state officers of women's clubs. She is a past presi- dent of the Los Angeles district. Federation of Women's Clubs and of the Glendale Afternoon Club and a member of the Women's Club of Los Angeles. She was the leader in organizing the Glendale Music Club, and was its first president. This organization has now over six hundred members, though it is less than two years old. Mr. and Mrs. Jones have one daughter, Lillian Winifred Jones, who is a grad- uate of the Marlborough School, Los Angeles, later attending the University of Redlands, at Redlands, California. Like her mother she is an accomplished musician. Mr. and Mrs. Jones have resided in Glendale since 1911. They now live in their new palatial home "Bel .\ir," 727 Kenneth road, known as the "White House" at Glendale. They also have a summer home at Hermosa Beach, California. Hartley Sh.\w, who is Glendale's city attorney, is a native of In- diana, and was born June 2, 1874, at Bloomfield, a son of Lucien and Hannah (Hartley) Shaw. His grandfather, William Shaw, was a pioneer of southeastern Indiana. His father was born in Indiana and his mother was a native of New York state. His father is chief justice of the Supreme Court of the state of California. He was elevated to that position in 1921, after having been an associate justice of the same court for eighteen years. Prior to that time he had been a judge of the Superior Court in Los Angeles. Mr. Shaw is a graduate of the University of Southern California where he took a literary course. He then matriculated at the Hast- ings College of Law at San Francisco from which he graduated with the class of 1897. He was admitted to the bar in 1897, and has since practiced law in Los Angeles. He was assistant city attorney of Los Angeles for three years, and for six years was chief deputy dis- trict attorney under J. D. Fredericks. In 1911 he moved to Glendale and in 1913 moved to Tropico. and was its city attorney before its annexation to Glendale. He has been very active and influential in all Tropico and Glendale affairs. In 1918 he was elected a member 378 GLENDALE AND VICINITY of the board of trustees of Glendale, and from April to December of that year, was chairman of the board. From January 1, 1921, to Oc- tober 31, 1921. he was city attorney, and on April 7, 1922, was again appointed city attorney, which position he now fills. At Los Angeles, on September 17, 1901, Mr. Shaw married Fern E. West, a native of Iowa. They have two daughters and one son. The daughters are Dorothy and Evelyn. Both are graduates of Glen- dale Union High School. Dorothy is a student at Pomona College, and Evelyn is attending the Southern Branch of the University of Cal- ifornia. The son. Eucien West, is a sophomore in the Glendale Union High School. Mr. and Mrs. Shaw are both very active in the Con- gregational Church. He is a member of the building committee of the new church edifice now being built. Mrs. Shaw is active in all branches of church and Sunday School work. The family home is at 212 West Park avenue, where they have resided since 1913. LoRON T. Rowley, who is the supervisor of attendance for the city and high schools, was born at Portage City, Wisconsin, June 3. 1860; son of Asa and Hutchinson (Smith) Rowley. The Rowley fam- ily in America dates back to colonial times, and its members fought in both the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812. Asa Rowley was a native of Chautauqua county, New York, and Mrs. Rowley was born in Scotland. Mr. Rowley is an under-graduate of the University of Minnesota where he took the classical course with the class of 1884. He came west in 1883 and bought land in Sunland, California, residing there until five years ago, when he came to Glendale to live. He was one of the early settlers at Sunland, and during that time was a leading cit- izen ; being the first postmaster, first president of the Chamber of Commerce, and was first to have a general store. This store he opened in 1887 and conducted for twenty years, which was followed by three years in the hardware business. He drew the petition for the organization of the school district in 1884, and for twelve years thereafter was clerk of the board of education. In 1899, he drew the alignments for the voting precincts. Uncle Sam made him forest ranger for two years. He lived retired in Glendale until 1921 when he was appointed supervisor of attendance for the city schools. He is an Elk and a member of the Chamber of Commerce. The Greater Glen- dale Development Association claims him as its second president. He has been a member of the Red Cross board of directors, and dur- ing the late war was awarded a medal for unusual activity in that work. He was also a member of the Legal .Advisory Board of ex- emption for the district, and he received letters of commendation for his activity in auxiliary war work, from General Boree, in behalf of the state and Governor Stephens; from General Crowder, for the United States. He is a Republican. At Downey, California, in 1883, Mr. Rowley married Virginia Newcomb, a native of Mississippi. Five children were born from this union ; Eustace, Robert, Dorothy, Marion and Virginia. Eustace and Robert are veterans of the World War. Eustace enlisted in the GLENDALE AND VICINITY 379 navy in June, 1917, and served until July, 1919. He was given a cita- tion for unusual heroism in aiding in the saving of sixteen lives at the time of the sinking of the liberty boat of the U. S. S. Salem, off the coast of Key West, Florida. Stationed at Mare Island at the time of the explosion, he was in charge of the company that cleared away the debris. Later he was a seaman on the cruiser Marblehead, which was one of .-\dmiral Dewey's fleet at Manila in 1898. Robert enlisted in the .'\mbulance Corps on .'\pril 17, 1918, and served on the Paive, in Italy, and was awarded the Croce de Guerra by the Ital- ian Government, for services at the front during the last year of the war. He is now a senior at the University of Southern California, taking an electrical engineering course. Dorothy is a sophomore at the University of Southern California, while Marion is a senior at the Glendale Union High Schoi)l. Virginia passed from this life in Janu- ary, 1922, at the age of thirteen. Mrs. Rowley is vice-president of the Glendale Federation of Parent-Teacher .'Association, historian of the High School Parent-Teacher Association and secretary of the Wom- en's Auxiliary to the American Legion. The family home is at 334 Vine street, Ch.\rles L. Peckham. of the firm of Peckham, Green & Ray, in- surance adjusters, Los Angeles, was born in New York City, March 17, 1867, a son of Charles Vasser and Amelia (Nichols) Peckham. The Peckham family in America dates back to about 1710, and is of English ancestry. Many of the Peckham family have been promi- nent in public life, among whom is found the name of Rufus Peck- ham, an associate justice of the United States Supreme Court, and Wheeler H. Peckham of New York City. Captain Luther Nichlos, the grandfather of Mr. Peckham, went to Chicago with General Winfield Scott in 1832 and fought in the Black Hawk War. He was the first overseer of the poor of Chicago. He led the citizens against the Lager Beer Rioters in 1857 and received a gold medal for his bravery. This medal is now in Mr. Peckham's possession. Mr. Peckham was reared in New York City, where his father was a prominent insurance man. After graduating from the public schools of New York City, he attended Kent Law College, from which he graduated with the class of 1894. He established himself in Chi- cago as an insurance attorney and remained there for twenty years. In 1906, at the time of the earthquake and fire at San Francisco, he was sent there to make adjustments, and remained at that work for a year. The adjustment on the Palace Hotel, which was the largest single adjustment ever made up to that time, the amount being placed at $1,250,000.00. was made by Mr. Peckham. He came to Southern California, and selecting Glendale for his future home, has become a thorough Glendalian, believing in Glendale and declaring it to be the best conducted municipality in the country. Soon after coming to Southern California he established himself in business in Los Angeles. In 1921 the firm of Peckham, Green & Ray was formed. Mr. Peckham is well known in insurance circles, being the first president of the .'\merican .Association of .Adjusters for 380 GLENDALE AND VICINITY Insurance Companies, and a charter member of Chapter No. 1, Dis- trict of Southern California. The firm of Peckham, Green & Ray are the only insurance adjusters in the United States whose business cov- ers automobile, fire and marine adjustment. Mr. Peckham is a Knights Templar Mason and Shriner. a member of the Shrine Club, a Past Commander of Glendale Commandry, No. 53, Knights Temp- lar, a member of the Eastern Star, and belongs to both the Glendale and Los Angeles Chambers of Commerce. At Chicago, Illinois, November 21, 1889, Mr. Peckham married Lillian Chandler, daughter of Cornelius C. Chandler, a sketch of whose life appears elsewhere in this volume. They have three chil- dren : Francis Anna, wife of Oliver Ennis of Glendale; Gladys, a senior in Glendale Union High School ; and Vasser, a student in the grade school. Mrs. Peckham is a Past President of the Women's Re- lief Corps, and its present musician ; Patriotic Chairman of the Glen- dale Union High School and Columbus Avenue Parent-Teacher As- sociation ; a charter member of the Thursday Afternoon Club, the Glendale Mutual Benefit Reading Circle, the Glendale Music Club, and is social secretarj- of the Mutual Benefit Reading Circle; a mem- ber of the Tuesday Afternoon Club, the Daughters of Veterans, and Glen Eyrie Chapter, Order Eastern Star. She is an accomplished musician and vocalist, having received her instrumental training under Miss Weston, of Chicago, a pupil of Madam Carino of London ; and her vocal teacher was Professor Kowalski, of Kimball Hall, Chi- cago. Mrs. Ennis is a violinist, having been a student of Professor Fisher of Missoula, Montana, and also of Professor Lowinsky of Glendale. Gladys is a pupil of Professor Joad .Anderson of Los An- geles. The family are members of the Congregational Church, Mr. Peckham being a trustee and Mrs. Peckham a member of the choir. Their home "Casa de Rosa" is at 615 North Central avenue. Charles L. Chandler, who is an attorney of twenty years' ex- perience, was born at Davenport, Iowa, May 30, 1878. His father died when he was only a few weeks old. His mother, whose maiden name was Belle Fischer, was a descendant of the Wilcox family, one member of which was a captain and surgeon in the United States Navy during the Revolutionary War. He has one brother, W^illiam H. Chandler, who is a resident of Los Angeles. The family moved to Des Moines, Iowa, when he (Charles L. Chandler) was six years old, and later to Pueblo, Colorado. He attended grammar and high schools there and in 1892 entered Nebraska Preparatory School, studying mathematics under General John J. Pershing, who was then a First Lieutenant of the Tenth Cavalry and Commandant of cadets at the University of Nebraska. In 1894. returning to Denver, he became a student at the Woodworth Business College, and in 1896 entered the L^iiversity of Denver, where he completed the law course, graduating in 1900. He spent the next year at Cornell University, Ithaca. New York, where he received the Bachelor of Laws degree in 1901. Being admitted to the bar in Colorado, he was associated with a prominent firm of attorneys at Denver during part of 1901 and GLENDALE AND VICINITY 383 1902. He was then employed as lawyer and business representative by the Yellow Poplar Lumber Company of Ironton, Ohio. The owner and active head of this business was his uncle, the late F. C. Fischer. He became ex{)ert in the e.xamination of land titles, and his work took him to the timber districts of the southeastern and northwestern states. Mr. Chandler resigned from the lumber company in 190.5 and came to Los Angeles. For two years he was connected with the firm of Cochran & Williams, and from 1906 to 1916 he was a partner in the firm of W'illiams, Goudge & Chandler. This firm represented the interests of some large corporations in the West, including the Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company, the Broadway Bank & Trust Company, and Home Savings Bank. In 1916 he resumed practice alone, with offices in the Investment (now Chapman) Building, spe- cializing in corporation, probate and title matters. He has been for several years the attorney for the owners of "Verdugo Woodlands" and at present is associated with Howard Robinson, former Presi- dent of the Public Service Board of the City of Los Angeles. Their offices are in the C. C. Chapman Building. Mr. Chandler has served as president of the Seaboard Land Security Company, the Needles Light and Power Company, the Seaboard Metal Works and the Or- iand Land Company. He is a Republican, and has served as secretary of the Republican County Central Committee of Los .'\ngeles County. He is a Scottish Rite Mason, also president of Verdugo Hills Council Boy Scouts of America, and a member of the Glendale Chamber of Commerce. In Los Angeles he is a member of the City Club and the Sons of the American Revolution. At Elizabeth, New Jersey, on March 6, 1906, Mr. Chandler mar- ried Gisela Pluemer of that city. Their four children are, Sarah Fischer, Davis Pluemer, Barbara Belle and Meta Lovell. They moved to Glendale in 1913 and lived on North Central avenue until they moved to "Los Ritos," their home in the Verdugo Canyon. Dr. Kate Shepardson-Blj\ck is a native of Greenfield, Indiana, a daughter of Otis and Catherine (Wade) Shepardson. Her father was a native of Vermont, of old Yankee ancestry and her mother was born at Lincroft, England. She attended the public schools of Greenfield, and of Sturgis, Michigan, her parents having moved to the latter place when she was twelve years old, and where her father was a hardware merchant for many years. At the age of si.xteen she entered Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio, for a four-year literary course, a member of the class of 1869. She taught school for a few terms and then en- tered the Homeopathic Hospital College, Cleveland, Ohio, for a full four-year course, graduating in medicine in 1S74. She practiced med- icine at Columbus, Ohio, for four years, during which time she mar- ried Dr. S. S. Black, having become acquainted with him at college. They went to F"redericton, New Brunswick, where they practiced medicine for seven years. Dr. Black was born at Moncton, New Brunswick, July 8, 1846, a son of Charles and Margaret (Stedman) Black. He is a graduate of Putte Medical College, Cincinnati, Ohio, having graduated with the class of 1875. 384 GLENDALE AND VICINITY In 1883 they came to California and bought land in Pomona and in North Glendale, remaining in California for a year and a half. Re- turning to the East she went to Fredericton, New Brunswick, to care for a patient. Later she rejoined her husband in Buflfalo, New York, where he had, in the meantime, established a practice. In 1888 they returned to California, she going to Pasadena where she prac- ticed medicine for fifteen years. She then decided to move to their property in North Glendale, where he was in charge of the ranch on Kenneth Road, having made his home there since 1893. Dr. Kate Black is a member of the Southern California Homeopathic Society, and is an honorary member of the Shakespeare Club of Pasadena. She recently built a $10,000.00 residence at 715 Kenneth road. Daniel E. Fuller was born in Brunswick, Maine, February 2, 1846. His parents were Daniel and Olive (Norton) Fuller. The grandparents of Mr. Fuller were Aaron and Hannah (Pond) Fuller. Aaron Fuller was born at Newton, Massachusetts, February 26, 1757, and died October 18, 1841. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, and responding to the alarm as a minute man he fought at the battle of Lexington, and also participated in the battle of Bunker Hill. Mr. Fuller's birthplace was the Methodist parsonage at Bruns- wick, Maine, where his father was pastor. Brunswick is the seat of Bowdoin College, and during the days of clipper ships was the home of many active and retired sea captains. John and Roscoe, elder brothers of Mr. Fuller, as captains of vessels, made several trips around Cape Horn to the Pacific coast. There was, also, a brother Wilbur. As a young man Mr. Fuller learned the carpenter's trade, which he followed for many years, acting as foreman for builders and con- tractors, and engaging in business of his own in Boston, Massa- chusetts, and nearby cities. He later operated a transfer business in the center of Boston. In 1903, he sold his holdings in the east and came to Los Angeles. A few days after his arrival he purchased a twelve-acre ranch at the head of Central Avenue on Kenneth Road, North Glendale, where he has since resided. He built the residence at the head of Central Avenue. At Brunswick, Maine. November 22. 1877. Mr. Fuller married Emma Blaisdel. There were two children: Bertha and Edward S. Fuller. Edward S., a musician here and in Los .Angeles, was well know when he died in 1908. The daughter is the wife of Walter L. Cheeves, an artist, who was born and reared in Maiden, Massachu- setts. They are the parents of three children: Consuelo, Bertha Olive and Mary Victoria; the latter are twins. The home is at 1116 North Louise street. Mr. Fuller's wife died in 1885 and in 1888 he married Mary Emma Grossman. In 1870, Mr. Fuller was made a Mason and became a member of United Lodge, No. 8, F. & A. M. at Brunswick. Maine. He served his lodge as master in the years 1875. 1876 and 1877, and is justly GLENDALE AND VICINITY 385 proud of his record, being the oldest Past Master of United Lodge, with which he is still affiliated as a life member. He is also a Past High Priest of the Chapter Royal Arch Masons. Clarence W. Walton was born at Belmont, Massachusetts, Jan- uary 17, 1856, a son of Edmond M. and Miranda CFrost) Walton. He is descended from an old colonial family which lived in Massa- chusetts in 1630. Eleven members of the families of his ancestors were soldiers in the Revolutionary War and were residents of Massa- chusetts in the vicinity of Lexington at the time that battle was fought. His grandfather. Jonathan Walton, was a miller and market gardener. The subject of this review received a common school edu- cation, and remained on the home place until twenty-eight years old, working at gardening and carpentering with his father. In 1884 he went to the Hawaiian Islands and remained there for twenty years, during which time he made two trips to the old home in Massa- chusetts.. During this period he went through three revolutions and assisted in the forming of first, a provisional government, then a re- public, and lastly, annexation to the United States. He worked at his trade for three years, was head overseer of a large sugar planta- tion for seven years, manager of a smaller plantation for two years, and the last eight years was manager of the Pahala Sugar Plantation at Kau. In 1904, he returned to the States and after spending some months at Santa Barbara, San Diego and Hollywood, came to Glen- dale and bought a five-acre peach orchard in which he built his pres- ent residence at 1031 North Central avenue. It was the first resi- dence on that street north of Tropico. He arrived in Glendale on the day following the arrival of the first Pacific Electric car in the city. He built and sold residences, and for several years was quite extensively engaged in the poultry business. He is now living re- tired. His home is a profusion of all kinds of plant life, trees, shrubs and vines. He is a Scottish Rite Mason and Shriner. Mr. W^alton was vice-president of the Bank of Glendale for seven years, and since that institution was taken over by the Los Angeles (now Pacific- Southwest) Trust and Savings Bank has been a member of its ad- visory board. In 1878 Mr. Walton married Muna S. Towne. a descendant of an old pilgrim family. She died in 1896, leaving one son Monroe L., of Glendale, who married Hazel Grover and they have one son Donald. In 1897 Mr. Walton married Bertha Kimball, of an old colonial fam- ily, her ancestors having come to America in 1636 and settled in Salem, Massachusetts. Mr. and Mrs. Walton are members of the Church of the Open Door of Los Angeles. Mary Ogden Ryan is the principal of the Broadway School, which position she has filled for seventeen years ; the eight years prior to which she had been principal of what was then known as the West Glendale School ; a record of twenty-five years continuous service as a teacher of grade schools in what is now Glendale. Dur- 386 GLENDALE AND VICINITY ing the first twenty-three years she never missed a day from her school room, which is another record seldom equalled. She is the daughter of Hiram and Marie (Whiteaker) Ogden. The Ogden family was established in America in the pre-revolution- ary days by three brothers who left England and came to the col- onies. Two of them remained loyal to the King and went to Can- ada, but after the war, returned to the states and founded Ogdens- burg, New York. William, the great grandfather of the subject of this review, was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, and afterwards settled in Pennsylvania. Hiram Ogden was born in Huron county, Ohio, and as a young man made his way to Oregon, arriving there November 27, 1851. He drove an ox team from Keokuk, Iowa, to Portland, the journey taking six months to the day. His compensa- tion for driving the ox team was his board and medical attention. He had one sick spell lasting two weeks. He walked most of the distance. The caravan consisted of five trains at the outset, each train containing three wagons, hauled by five yoke of oxen, one yoke of cows and a team of horses. After crossing the continental divide, the caravan divided, two of the trains going to California. He remained in the great Northwest for nineteen years, where most of his time was devoted to ranching. He fought in the Indian wars in the Yakima country. While residing on a ranch near Walla Walla, Washington, in the short space fif less than one and one-half years, the family suffered the loss, by death from epidemics, of their four oldest children, their ages ranging from three to nine years. This terribly discouraged the parents, so in 1870 the family moved to Fairbault. Minnesota, where a large farm was i)urchased. The jour- ney from Walla Walla to Ogden, Utah, was made by stage, the dis- tance being over five hundred miles. They remained in Minnesota for five years and then came to T.os Angeles, arriving here on May 8. 1875. In Los Angeles county Mr. Ogden ranched and developed real estate. He owned a home on Seventh street at Charity Street (now Grand Avenue), Los Angeles. Later he owned a residence on Sixth Street, between Broadway and Spring Streets, where the Chocolate Shop is now located. Selling the city property he invested in a large vineyard at Cucamonga and later moved on a ranch at Rurbank. His death occurred in March. 1920, at the home of Mrs. Ryan in Glendale, while in his ninety-first year. Mrs. Ogden passed away in 1904. Mrs. Ryan was born at Walla Walla, Washington. .She attended the grammar schools of Los Angeles, graduated from the Los .'\ngeles High School, and from the State Normal School. In Los .'\ngeles she married William A. Ryan. To this union was born one daughter, Evelyn, now the wife of Dr. C. E. Hyde of San Francisco. Mrs. Hyde is a graduate of the Glendale Union High School and of the Southern Branch of the University of California. Mrs. Ryan is a member of the Tuesday .'\fternoon Clul), the Glen Eyrie Chapter, Order Eastern Star, of which she is a Past Matron and a former .Secretary, the Business and Professional Women's Club, the Glendale Teachers' Club, of which she is first vice-presi- t, }^, J^^^^oUuf^-y-cLd,-^^^^ EjLtcx. 2v. /^cA^f the Episcopal Church. Mrs. Scovern assists in the business. GLENDALK AND VICIXITY 431 The Misses Xeva Vevsey and Clara Sayre are the proprietors of the Glendale Commercial School, an institution that has been in exis- tence for seven years. It was founded by Miss Veysey. and she was joined by Miss Sayre in January 1920. The school consists of seven rooms and occupies the second floor of the Press Buildidng at 224 South lirand Boulevard where it has been since the completion of the building in .\pril 1920. Prior to that time it moved several times as the school grew and required more space. Miss Veyse)' is a native of Ogdensburg, Wisconsin, a graduate of Montesano High School, Montesano, Washington, and of the Uni- versity of California, at Berkeley, where she took a general course in English. Prior to coming to Glendale she taught at Munson's School of Secretaries at San Francisco, Mrs. Bean's Business School for Girls and the Young Women's Christian Association in Los Angeles. Miss Sayre is a native of Joplin, Missouri. W'hen she was two years old her parents moved to Council Bluffs, Iowa, where she graduated from high school. She then went to Joplin, Missouri, and graduated from Joplin Business College. Since then she has taught at the Joplin Business College; Parsons Business College, Parsons, Kansas. McCormac Business College and Gregg School, of Chicago, and the Willis Woodbury Business College, of Los Angeles. Both Miss Veysey and Miss Sayre are charter members of the Business Women's Clubs of Glendale. Miss Veysey was the first secretary of the club and Miss Sayre is the present secretary. They are members of the Chamber of Commerce. Miss Veysey is treasur- er of the Glendale Chapter of the American Red Cross. Irving H. Oliver, who is business manager of the Glendale Union High School, was born at Amherst, Massachusetts, March 8, 1880, a son of Edd O. and Lydia (Utter) Oliver. The Oliver family in New England date back to 1690. The Utters have long been resi- dents of New York State. Edd O. Oliver is a native of Massachu- setts, but is now a resident of San Diego, California, where he has resided since 1909. He is still active as a contractor and builder. Mr. Oliver graduated from high school in Newark, New Jersey, and took a position with the Prudential Life Insurance Company. W^hen the Spanish-American War broke out, he enlisted in the Infantry of the First New Jersey Regiment of Volunteers, and was sent to Camp Algers. in Southern Virginia, for training. He was discharged from the same camp, and returned to his position with the Prudential Life Insurance Company, where he remained until became West in 1906. Locating in Los Angeles, he became a bookkeeper for the Los Angeles Creamery Company. While working there he de- cided to live in Glendale and bought a three-acre tract on East Acacia Avenue and resigned his position to devote all of his time to the raising of fancy dogs and chickens. He took a trip East in 1911, to visit his rild iiomc. and the large business centers, being absent from Glendale about a year. Upon his return he became manager for the Ezra Parker furniture business, in which i:)nsition he continued until 432 GLENDALE AND VICINITY made business manager of the Glendale Union High School. Frater- nally, he is a Master Mason and an Elk. He is a Trustee of Glendale Lodge, No. 1289, F. & A. M., he is a member of the Chamber of Commerce, and charter member, and historian of the Spanish-.^meri- can War Veterans. He was active in the affairs of Tropico before it became a part of Glendale. and served a two-year term as a member of its Board of Trustees. He was a member of the Board of Educa- tion of Tropico for three years, and a member of the Board of Educa- tion of the Glendale Union High School, at the time he was appointed to his present position, in 1917. At Los Angeles, on October 17, 1906, Mr. Oliver married B, May Lyttle of Newark, New Jersey. They became acquainted in the offices of the Prudential Life Insurance Company, where they were employed in the same department. Their three children are Lois, Roland and Hubert, Lois and Roland are. respectively, sopho- more and freshman in the Glendale Union High School, and Hubert is a student in the grade school. Mrs. Oliver is a member of the Women's .\u.xiliary of the Spanish-.American War Veterans. The family reside in their new home at 615 North Jackson street. Herman H. Jennings. For seventeen years the late Herman H. Jennings conducted a blacksmithing and horseshoeing shop in Tropico, being the first man to establish himself in that business there and remain any length of time. He was born in Cattaraugus county. New York, March 27, 1865, a son of Daniel S. and Mary Ann (Grover) Jennings. His parents were natives of the Empire state and of old Yankee stock. When he was only a few years old his parents moved to Kent County, Michigan, near Grand Rapids, and settled on a farm. Here he grew to manhood and attended the public schools. He farmed and worked in the lumber camps of Michigan until 1890, when he went to Fort Rolla, Missouri, remaining there for one year and then to Coldwater, Kansas, where he took up black- smithing and farming. In 1893 he returned to Fort Rolla, Missouri, and five years later returned East and plied his trade near Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, where the city of Carnegie now stands. He remained there for two years and then went to Olean, New York. Coming to Los Angeles, he was employed at his trade for a short time before opening his own shop at Tropico on San Fernando road near its junction with Central Avenue. Four years later he moved to a shop across the street, nearer to Los Feliz road, which was burned out in 1913. He then bought property on Los Feliz road, where he conducted a shop until his death in 1918. He was an Odd Fellow and a Knight of Pythias and politically, a Republican. .\t Hastings, Michigan, June 16, 1887. Mr. Jennings married Lucy J. Lancaster, daughter of James L. and Emily (Bunn) Lancaster. Her father was a native of England and her mother of Vermont. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Jennings are: Benzil S., Mrs. John Bow- man, Clark, and Rose. Mrs. Jennings resides at 419 Los Feliz road. Dr. 11. B. Crocker and Kaiiiil) GLENDALE AND VICINITY 435 Dr. Harry B. Ckdcker is a native son and was born in San Fran- cisco. February 18. 1877, a son of Henry and Janet (Mclnnes) Crocker. His father was born in Louisiana and his mother in Mas- sachusetts. His {grandfather, Henry Crocker, was a planter in Loui- siana before the Civil War, and was killed while serving in the com- missary department of the Confederate Army. His property was all confiscated and his wife died of grief shortly thereafter. Henry Crocker, the father of Dr. Crocker, came to California in 1866. and for many years was a reporter on the Dramatic Chronicle (now the San Francisco Chronicle). He went to the Fraser River Gold Fields in British Columbia as representative of the Overland Monthly. Returning to San Francisco, he became identified with banking as an appraiser for the Clay Street Bank, and as such was sent to Sonoma county where he bought land before the railroad was built. Dr. Crocker was reared on the ranch in Sonoma county. He graduated from Healdsburg High School in 1894, and then attended Stanford University for three years, after which he graduated from California Medical College in 1900. While in Medical College he edited and published the California Medical Journal. After gradua- tion he taught and lectured on Ophthalmology at the Medical College for three years. Returning to Sonoma county he sold the ranch the next year and built the Crocker Sanatorium at Healdsburg, which he operated until the earthquake of 1906. Becoming surgeon for the Eldorado Lumber Company at Placerville, he remained with that company for one year before coming to Los Angeles, where he j)rac- ticed medicine and surgery for a time, then became surgeon for min- ing companies in New Mexico and for Francisco Villa in Old Mexico. This work gave him an oj^portunity to learn a great deal of Spanish and, in consequence thereof, he became valuable to the Department of Justice in securing information concerning pro-Germans and fili- bustering enterprises along the border. Later he was stationed at the Lankershim Hotel in Los Angeles, and in such capacity did splen- did service for his country. In 1911, Dr. Crocker bought thirty-two acres of land from Fran- cisco Verdugo. on North Verdugo road, where he has since resided. He was one of the first to see the possibilities of the Verdugo Canyon and bought and developed his land there, in spite of the ridicule of many friends. He has seen the Canyon develop from a barren waste to one of the most desirable residential sections in Southern Cali- fornia. He has. in the interim, sold several building lots on which substantial homes have been built. The balance is platted and on the market, excepting a homesite which he reserved for himself, and on which he is now building a modern residence. Dr. Crocker married Inez Williams, at San Francisco, December 24, 1902. She is a native of Kentucky, and a daughter of Captain C. C. Williams of Chester, Illinois, a pioneer steamboat captain on the Mississippi river and one of the owners of the Anchor Line. They have one daughter, Marcia, age thirteen. Dr. Crocker is a Master Mason and his wife is a member of the Eastern Star. 436 GLENDALE AND VICINITY Francis J. W. Henry, founder of the firm of Henry-Brown Co., Inc., manufacturers of the famous "Sierra Club" ginger ale, is a native of Scotland and is a descendant from the Clan Gorden. He is a graduate from the Grove Academy and studied architecture and law until the Boer War broke out. when he volunteered for active service in South Africa with the I""ifeshire and Forfarshire Light Horse volunteer regiment which formed a company of the Imperial Yeomanry, and for his services he received a medal with five bars. After his discharge from the army he returned to South Africa where he spent several years, finally coming to America and landing in San Francisco shortly after the earthquake and fire, and became an American citizen. .\n experimental laboratory was built at La Crescenta in 1916. and the following Near the factory was established on Broadway in Glendale. In 1918 the Odd Fellows building, at 600 E. Wilson avenue, was purchased and extensive alterations and additions have been made until the plant now approximates 30,000 sq. ft. of floor space with an investment of $250,000.00. It is one of the best and most up to date equipped beverage plants in the west. The greatest skill and care is exercised in the manufacture of Sierra Club Beverages, from the raw material to the finished jiroducts, and a visit through the factory is an education in efficiency and cleanli- ness. The factory is always open to visitors. Mr. Henry is the type of citizen interested in every movement for community betterment. He is a Knight Tem])lar Mason, an Elk, a charter meml^er of the Rotary Club, member of the Chamber of Commerce, and other communit}' organizations, also the St. Andrews Society, of San Francisco. Mrs. Henry is a nati\e daughter of Cali- fornia born at Santa Clara. Her father was a Forty-niner, and settling in Santa Clara valley, became a very prominent and prosper- ous horticulturist and a member of the state legislature. Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. W. Henry have a beautiful home on .'\rden avenue at Central. Dr. J. L. Flint was born at Rinard Mills, Monroe county, Ohio. June 5, 1880, a .son of O. F. and Rebecca (Rinard) Flint. His father and mother were natives of the same place. Both of his grandfathers. Jacob Flint and James Rinard, were born and reared in Vermont, and came to Ohio in the early days, his grandfather, Rinard, being the founder of Rinard Mills. O. F. Flint was a merchant and miller at Rinard Mills before going to Las Vegas. New Mexico, where he was the owner and proprietor of the leading hotel for many years, and served the city as mayor for two years. Dr. Flint is the fifth of a family of six children, the others lieing David, Minnie. J. Harrison, Orilla and Margaret. He graduated from Las Vegas High School and the Normal University at Las Vegas, after which he entered the University of St. Louis for a four-year course in medicine and surgery, graduating with the class of 1906. He practiced his jjrofession at Mora. New Mexico, for four years, and then took a six months' post-graduate course at the New York Post-Graduate Hospital. New York City, after which he established GLENDALE AND VICINITY 437 himself at Watrous, New Mexico, remaining there for one year. Coming to Glendale he practiced medicine and surgery until July, 1918, when he enlisted in the Medical Corps of the army as a Captain and went to Camp Fremont, and from there to Camp Mills where he was under sailing orders at the time the armistice was signed. He was discharged from the service in Feliruary, 1919. Rejoining his family in Glendale, he soon thereafter opened an office in Los Angeles, and has since specialized in diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. His office is in the Wright-Callender Building. Fie is a member of the Los Angeles County Medical Asso- ciation, and fraternally is a Master Mason and an Elk. At Glendale on November 4, 1914, Dr. Flint married Katherine C. Wells, of Pueblo, Colorado. Their three boys are Rinard, James and Richard. Mrs. Flint is a member of the Tuesday Afternoon Club. Their residence at 619 North Central avenue was built by Dr. Flint in 1917. Clarence E. Kimlin, who is a member of the City Council, and the manager of the Glemlale Sanitarium and Hospital, was born at Lit- tleton, Colorado, April 22, 1880, a son of Thomas and Rosa E. Kimlin. His father was a native of Martinville, Illinois, and his mother of Breckenridge, Missouri. He was the second of a family of six children, the others being: Osa Taggart, of Martinville, Illinois; W. O. Kim- lin, of Arrowsmith Illinois; Laura, deceased, was the wife of Lloyd Boyd, of Bloomington, Illinois; Elizabeth, wife of C. M. Christy, of Glendale; and Anna Ellen, private secretary to Dr. Ilarrower, of the Harrower Laboratory. Glendale. Mr. Kimlin was reared on his father's farm in Illinois, the family having moved from Littleton, Colorado, when he was six years old. He attended the public schools of Bloomington, and at the age of eighteen went to Battle Creek, Michigan, and worked at the Battle Creek Sanitarium for his board, room and tuition, to pay his way through Battle Creek College, after which he attended Cornell Busi- ness College of Battle Creek. He became an office emi)loyee at the Battle Creek Sanitarium and remained with that institution for twelve years, the last eight years of which he was cashier. In 1912, he went to Seattle, Washington, to attend to some special work which ke])t him there about one year. In June, 1913, he came to Glendale and for three years dealt in real estate in partnership with his fathtr-in- law. Dr. G. I. Royce. In Decetnber, 1915. he was made manager of the Glendale Sanitarium and Hosi)ital which position he has filled most honorabl}' and efficiently ever since. Mr. Kimlin was elected a member of the city council in June, 1921 and is chainnan of the committee on public welfare. He is vice- president of the Welfare Council of Glendale. a director of the Chamber of Commerce, and was one of the organizers and a director of the Glendale State Bank. Mr. Kimlin was married at Inittle Creek, Michigan. December 24, 1902, to Myrtle Royce. a daughter of Dr. G. I. and .Anna (Hale) Royce, of 137 Franklin Court, Glendale. Dr. Royce is well known 438 GLENDALE AND VICINITY in Southern California as the pubHsher of The Pacific Poultry Craft. To Mr. and Mrs. Kiinlin have been born four children: Marjorie, a graduate of San Fernando Academy, is now taking nurse's training at the Glendale Sanitarium and Hospital ; Dorothy died at the age of six and one-half years; Virginia June and Phyllis Elizabeth are grade school pupils. The family are members of the Seventh Day Adventist Church, of which Mr. Kimlin is an elder. Their home is at 219 North Isabella street. DwiGHT W. Stephenson, a member of the Glendale City Coun- cil, was born at Oneida, Illinois, January 18, 1893, a son of Andy and Katherine (West) Stephenson. His grandfather, George Steph- enson, was a native of Scotland. He came to Oneida. Illinois, as a young man where he was a pioneer farmer. His maternal grand- father, Byron S. West, was a native of Oneida county. New York. He came there in the early days, helped lay out the town, and became a leading citizen of that part of the state. He was a very active Republican in politics. The father and mother of the subject of this sketch are natives of Oneida, Illinois. His father was in the employ of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad before coming to Glendale in 1906, where he has since resided. He is now a building inspector in the employ of the city. Dwight W. Stephenson is a graduate of Glendale Union High School and of the University of Southern California College of Law. from which he graduated with the class of 1915. He was admitted to the bar in 1915, and became associate counsel for the Title Guarantee i.*v: Trust Company of Los Angeles. He remained with that company until February, 1917, when he entered the general practice of the law on his own account. In October, 1917, he entered the army and was in training at Camp Lewis for eight months, then at Camp Kearney, where he remained until July, 1918, and was sent to the Field Artillery Officers' Training Camp at Camp Taylor, where he was commissioned a Second Lieutenant. He ne.xt went to Camp Jackson and became an instructor in the Field Artillery Department, where he was located at the time the armistice was signed. He was mustered out of the service at Camp Sherman, (^hio, on December 31, 1918. Returning home, he established himself in his profession at Los Angeles and in January, 1920, became a member of the law firm of Jones, Wilson & Stephenson. The firm maintains a suite of offices in the Merchants National Bank Building, Los .Angeles. Mr. Stephenson is a Royal Arch Mason, a Past Master of LTnity Lodge, No. 368, F. & A. M., and one of the organizers and a charter member of the American Legion at Glendale. In June, 1920, he was elected a member of the Board of Trustees of Glendale and was made President of that Board. In June, 1921. upon the adoption of the new charter, he was elected a member of the City Council, and is Chairman of the committee on Public Service. He is a democrat and a member of the State Central Committee of that party. Mr. Stephenson is recognized within a wide circle of friends as a man of unusual ability. His legal education and exj>erience, combined GLENDALE AND VI( IMTY 441 with natural talent as a public speaker, give promise of a successful future. At Glendale, on April 28, 1920, Mr. Stephenson married Gladys Justema, of Chicago, Illinois. Mrs. Stephenson is a member of the Tuesday Afternoon Club and of the P. E. O. They reside at 327 West Cypress avenue. E. H. BoTSFORU, who is president of the Glendale Foothills Im- provement Association, was born at Little Rock, .Arkansas, November 11, 1876, a son of Jefferson G. and Charlotte (Henry) Hotsford. His father was a native of Michigan and came to y\rkansas with Steel's army during the Civil War. After the war he located at Little Rock and became a leading citizen. In 1872 he was elected mayor of Little Rock. His occupation there was banking, being identified with the Bank of Commerce as a director and active in its management. Mr. Botsford's maternal grandfather, James A. Henry, was a native of Massachusetts. He came to Little Rock in 1848, and was a pioneer merchant. He became very prominent in Masonry and for many years was the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of F. & .\. M., for the state of Arkansas, and at the time of his death, in 1898, was one of the active thirty-third degree Masons in the L'nited States. Mr. Botsford has two sisters and one brother. The sisters are Harriett E. and Lottie, both residents of Little Rock, the latter being the wife of George Sjjencer. The brother is George T. of San An- tonio, Texas. Mr. Botsford graduated from the grammar and high schools of Little Rock , and then for twenty years was a navigator on the Arkansas and Mississippi rivers, at first employed by others, but later as a partner of Fred A. Morgan, became owner and operator of several steamboats. He had paid five visits to California prior to coming to the state, in 1918, to make it his home. After visiting several localities he de- cided on Glendale and ])urchased a ten-acre tract on Glendale road, where he has since resided. The acreage is devoted chiefly to oranges and walnuts. His interest in local affairs is pronounced. He was a member of the Grand View Improvement .'\ssociation until that or- ganization was absorbed by the Glendale Foothills Improvement As- sociation, of which organization he is president. Mr. Botsford married Margurita Banta Nicholas, a native of Indiana. Mrs. Botsford is a member of the Tuesday Afternoon Club. Mr. and Mrs. Botsford are members of the Glendale Music Club. Arthur G. Lindlev is an architectural engineer of more than or- dinary ability. Although he does not si)ecialize in any one kind of construction, most of his work during recent years has been church architecture. He first took up the work in Massachusetts, later in New York State, and in .Southern California, since coming here in 1912. Mr. Lindley was born at W'illiamstown. Massachusetts. Septem- ber 12, 1871, a son of George and Sarah (Phelps) Lindley. His grandfather, John Lindley, was a native of England, who came to 442 GLENDALE AND VICINITY America as a young man and settled at Williamstown, Massachu- setts, and became the owner and proprietor of a large brick- manufacturing plant. The Phelps family in America dates back to the Mayflower, and to the Mary and John that came to America in 1630. Members of the family served in the Revolutionary War under Washington. Thomas Cooley Phelps, grandfather of Mr, Lindley, was for several terms a member of the Legislature in Massa- chusetts, Mr. Lindley is one of four brothers, the others being, Frederick C. and Grover C. of Williamstown, Massachusetts; and C, Frank, a builder and contractor of Hollywood, California, Mr. Lindley was reared in Williamstown, where his father was a contractor and builder, and was educated in the public schools until he was fifteen years of age. He went to Bennington, Vermont, and for three years worked in a general store, post office and undertaking business com- bined. Returning to Williamstown, he worked at building construc- tion and studied to fit himself for college, .\fter reaching his major- ity, he became interested in building on his own account, and con- ducted a business in his home town until he went to Schenectady, New York, in 1901. While in the building business, he drew plans for many of the structures he erected. In Schenectady he established himself as an architect, and in a short time had a large business with several architects in his employ, designing manj^ schools, churches, theaters, business buildings, factories, hotels and residences. While there he submitted a drawnig for a $750,000.00 court house, the best design to draw a $500.00 prize. Mr. Lindley won the prize from a score of contestants, all leading architects of the large cities of New- England and New York State, He came to Los Angeles in 1912, since which time he has been architect of approximately fifty churches. .At present he has, among those under construction, the First Methodist Episcoi^al Church at San Pedro, an $100,000.00 structure. He was the architect for the First Methodist Episcopal Church at Glendale, also churches at Los Angeles, Lankershim, Burbank, Garden Grove. Whittier, La Mesa, San Diego, Escondido, Artesia, Redlands, Lindsey. Long Beach Santa Monica and other places. He is a certified member of the -American Association of Engineers, with an office in the .American Bank Building, Los Angeles. In Glendale, Mr, Lindley is an active member of the Methodist Church, of which he is a trustee. He was one of the organizers of the Brotherhood of the Methodist Church, and for five years was its president. He was president of the Federated Brotherhood of Glen- dale for two years. He is active in Brotherhood circles and is fre- quently called upon to assist in the starting of new organizations in Southern California, He is a member of the Latin-.American Prop- erty Holding Board of the Southern California Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, which was organized in 1921, and is composed of twenty members. He is chairman of the lay activities for the Pasadena District of the Southern California Conference, and a member of the Board of Home Missions and Church E.xtension of GLENDALE AND VICINITY 443 the same Conference. He is a Knight Templar Mason, lieing a mem- ber of Glendale Coniniaiulery, Unity Lodge, Unity Chapter and Glen E3'rie Chapter, Order Eastern Star, all of Glendale; and belongs to the Glendale Chamber of Connnerce. In Los Angeles he affiliates with the Chamber of Commerce and the City Clnb. In 1918, he was the candidate of the Prohibition and Democratic parties for member of the assembly, and was defeated at the ])olls by only about three hundred votes. .•\t Williamstown, Massachusetts, on June 22, 1898, Mr. Lindley married Caroh-n Stanton, a native of that place and a descendant of old New England stock. Their three children are : Frieda, wife of Delbert Mc.\dams of Glendale; Zelnia, wife of D. S. Smith, of Glen- dale; and Francis, who is a senior in high school at Williamstown, Massachusetts. .After completing his high school work, Francis will enter Williams College and take an architectural and engineering course. Mr. Lindley has been a resident of Glendale since 1914. and now resides at 123 South Belmont street. Albert D. Pearce, of the law firm of Evans & Pearce, Los .'\nge- les, is a native of Michigan. He was born at Champion. Marcpiette county, October 24, 1883, a son of Edward and Margret (Mundy) Pearce. His father is an Englishman by birth and was naturalized as soon after his arrival here as j)ossible; his mother was born in Penn- sylvania. His father was a mining superintendent for many years in the mines of Michigan. The parents are now residents of Mus- kegon, Michigan. The subject of this sketch is the seventh of a family of eleven children. After graduating from high school at I'entwater, Michi- gan, in 1903, he matriculated at the University of Michigan, at .\nn Arbor, from which institution he graduated with the class of 1908, with the degree of A. B. In 1909 he received the degree LL. B. from the same University. In 1907 he was leader of the University of Mich- igan debating team, which won from the University of Chicago, receiving the Russell A. Alger Intercollegiate Troi)liy. In 1908-1909 he was an instructor in English and European History in the Uni- versity of Michigan. In 1910 he became counsel and department manager for the King-Richardson Publishing Company of Chicago. He had sold books for this company each year during his vacation while attending the L'niversity, thereby earning the money ^\■hich carried him through college. In January, 1913, he resigned from his position with the publishing company and came to Glendale, where he has since resided. He soon thereafter established himself in the practice of law on his own account in the Higgins I'nilding, Los Angeles. In 1914, he formed a law partnership with .Arthur Abbott, who was afterwards Dean of the Law School of the Univcrsitj'^ of Southern California. In 1917. the law firm of I'"vans, Abbott & Pearce was formed with offices in the Van Nuys Building, Mr. Evans, the senior member of the firm, at that time being City .Attorney of Glendale. In February, 1920, Mr. Abbott withdrew from the firm, and the firm of Evans & Pearce 444 GLENDALE AND VICINITY came into existence. Fraternally. Mr. Pearce is a Master Mas^n and an Elk. He is a Past. Exalted Ruler of Elk's Lodge. No. 1289. of Glendale, and filled that position during the time that the club house was being built. While in College, he became a memlier of the Intercollegiate Honer College Fraternity, Delta Sigma Rho. He is a Past President of the Michigan Alumni Association of Southern California, belongs to the Glendale Chamber of Commerce, is Presi- dent of the Glendale Republican Club, also a member of the Univer- sity Club of Los Angeles. At Pentwater, Michigan, on October 24. 1910, Mr. Pearce married Esther Lewis of that city. They have a daughter, Jeanne Esther Pearce. The family home is at 119 West Lexington drive. Glendale. Dr. C. Stuart Steelman, who was the first occulist to establish himself in Glendale and devote all of his time to that profession, was born at Cincinnati, Ohio. August 7, 1886, a son of Edgar and Julia (Stuart) Steelman. His father was a native of Cincinnati, where he was a prominent veterinarian for many years, and his mother was born in New York State. The Steelmans are an old Yankee family of English ancestry. The Stuarts are Holland Dutch and have been in America since before the Revolutionary War. William Stuart, grandfather of Dr. Steelman, was an inventor of note and a maker of violnis. Some of his inventions pertained to the modern tyjiewriter of today. Dr. Steelman attended the grammar and high schot)ls of Cincin- nati. In 1901, he came to Los Angeles with his parents and soon thereafter was employed as a decorator by Barker Brothers, and later by Pease Brothers. In 1891, his father died and in 1902. his mother married Dr. W. T. Nichols, a pioneer of Glendale, optician of Los An- geles. At the instance of his stepfather. Dr. Steelman attended and graduated from the Los Angeles Medical College of Optometry and from the Southern California College of Optometry, and in 1915 opened an office in his residence in Glendale where he practiced his profession until 1917, then opening a down town office, where he has since been located. In 1920, he opened a branch office in Bur- bank. His patients in Glendale have reached a grand total of nearly 7,000 in the five years of his professional career. He is a Knight Templar Mason, an Elk and belongs to the Cham- ber of Commerce, the Sunset Country Clul), and the Southern Cali- fornia Optometrists' Association. In Los .'\ngeles on March 5. 1907. Dr. Steelman married Nell Bostrom. They became the parents of three children : Stuart Paul, Constance Laura, and Margaret Florence. Mrs. Steelman passed away in 1917. On October 9, 1921. Dr. Steelman married Olive Brooks, of Los Angeles, and they have a bal)y girl, Gwendolyn May. The family home is at 321 West Milford street. Archibald T. Cowan. There is no Glendalian, who has taken a more active interest in the past ten years' 300 per cent progress and development of "the fastest growing city of its kind in the United GLENDALE AND VICINITY 445 States" than Archibald T. Cowan, who has been owner and propri- etor of the Glendale Evening News since March 1913. When Mr. Cowan purchased the Evening News it was a weekly paper. He se- lected for its new home the \Vilson block at 304 East Broadway and the enlargement of the printing plant, and development of the paper into a progressive daily reflect the growth of the city of Glendale. Mr. Cowan's ancestors were Scotch, his father and mother, David and Agnes (Taylor) Cowan, being natives of Glasgow, Scotland. Upon coming to the United States they resided on a farm at Morrison. Whiteside county. Illinois, and it was there that Mr. Cowan was born March 18, 1861. He was the second of a family of live children : Robert, the oldest of the family, died at Rockford, Illinois, in 1903; Margaret, who died when five years of age; Mary, the wife of H. S. Parker of Highland Park, Los .\ngeles, and Elizabeth, who also re- sides in Highland Park. Following his grammar and high school education, Mr. Cowan attended the State Normal School at Valparaiso. Indiana; then fol- lowed thirteen years in the teaching profession, the final period of which he served as principal of schools at Millageville, Illinois. It was at the close of his teaching career that Mr. Cowan took up journalism, purchasing a weekly newspaper at Millageville and acting in the capacity of editor and publisher for seven years. From Millageville, he went to Polo. Ogle county. Illinois, and published the Tri-County Press for twelve years. The columns of the Press represented activities in Ogle, Carroll, and Whiteside counties and Mr. Cowan is widely known throughout this territory for his successful development and management of the Tri-County newspaper. In the fall of 1912 Mr. Cowan came to California and while in the west he was inspired to buy a western newspaper, so returned to Illinois, and after disposing of his holdings he brought his family to California. It was after a thorough survey of Southern California newspapers and their fields and possibilities that Mr. Cowan came to Glendale and purchased the Weekly News from J- C. Sherer. Realizing the future of Glendale and possibilities of his paper. Mr. Cowan began a systematic development of the business, starting with extensive additions to the mechanical department and then en- larging his repertorial staff and administrative corps, with the result that on August 23, 1913, the Glendale Evening News came into being. Steady progress has marked the growth of the Evening News, which is conducted as an independent Republican newspaper and has received wide recognition as one of California's progressive news- papers. Continued growth gave rise to the need for larger and more ade- quate quarters and in June, 1920. Mr. Cowan moved his business to the present commodious rooms at 139 South Brand boulevard, where now the Glendale Evening News is published and an extensive job department is in operation. An idea of the extent of the activities of the Evening News office may be gained from the fact that a force of nearly fifty people 446 GLENDALE AND VICINITY is employed in the various departments, which demand a weekly pay- roll approximating $2000. Mr. Cowan was married in Clinton, Iowa. August 17, 1887, to Rebecca L. Parker of Fulton, Illinois, and they have four children : Robert H., Ida E., Gilbert A., and Waldo E., the three sons being associated with their father in the Evening News office. Robert and Gilbert are both capable newspaper men, having had experience on large city papers in different parts of the country. They are both heads of departments in the Evening News office and share with their father in the success of the business. Gilbert Cowan enlisted in the Aviation Corps, November, 1917, and later transferred to the intelligence department at Washington, D. C, where he served until mustered out January, 1919. The daughter Ida was formerly on the staff of the Evening News and W^aldo, who has just completed his course at the Glendale Union High School, assists in various departments at the News office. "A Home Paper for a Home City" was the motto adopted by Mr. Cowan upon assuming the ownership of the Evening News, and during the past nine years, he has conducted his newspaper in the spirit of his motto, endeavoring to make it in reality a home paper for a home city. Burt Richardson, who is a contractor and builder with offices at 1127 Walter P. Story building, Los Angeles, and doing business under the name of the Richardson Building & Construction Com- pany, is a son of Elkanah W. and Ella (Weekly) Richardson. He was born February 16, 1896, on the Santa Eulalia Ranch which was purchased, in 1868, by his grandfather, William C. B. Richardson, a sketch of whose life appears elsewhere in this volume, as does that of his father and mother. Mr. Richardson attended the grammar school of Tropico. after which he graduated from the Glendale Union High School with the class of 1914. He attended Mt. Tampalias Military Academy for one year, which was followed by two years at Brown and Nichols Prepar- atory School at Cambridge, Massachusetts, before entering Yale Uni- versity, from which institution he graduated with the class of 1918. with the degree of Ph. B. While a student at Yale, he sailed to France and enlisted in the French army on March 21, 1917, in T. M. \3i. He served with that contingent for nearly a year, then returned to America and joined the Naval Aviation, being Flight Adjutant of Flight ,34, until he was mustered out of service January 1. 1919, and was in the Reserve Corps until September 1. 1919. As Flight Ad- jutant he was stationed at Boston Institute of Technology and at North Island. San Diego. He returned to Yale in January 1919. to complete his studies. Mr. Richardson secured a position in the office of Civil Engineer Campbell of the United States Steel Corporation at Pittsburg, Penn- sylvania, where he remained for a year, after which he came to Los Angeles and was employed by the W. A. Heitman Construction Com- pany as assistant superintendent on the Young Man's Christian GLENDALE AND VICINITY 449 Association building until that huiklinr;- was completed. In January, 1922, he opened an office in the Story Building, Los Angeles, and has since been doing a general contracting business under the name of the Richardson Building & Construction Company, of which he is the ow-ner and proprietor. His first contracts of importance were an addition to the Hollywood High School, the Cheremoya Grammar School, the Soto Street School, the Burhank High School, and the Glendale Municii>al Plunge. He is a Knight Templar Mason, and a member of the Glendale .American Legion, and in Los Angeles is a member of the University Club. He belongs to the Colony Club of Yale University, and to the Fraternity Beta Theta Pi. He is a mem- ber of the Associated General Contractors of America, of New York City, the National Geograjihical Society and the Society for the Ad- vancement of Science, of Washington, D. C, the Old Colony Inter- national Club of New York City, and the Los Angeles Chapter of the Sons of the .American Revolution. Thomas D. \V.\tson, general manager and one of the jiuhlishers of the Glendale Daily Press and the proprietor of the Glendale Sheet Metal Works, was born in Chicago, Illinois. July 27, 1878, a son of Matthew Dunlap and Emma (Dumont) Watson. The Watsons are an old Scotch family whose ancestry is traceable back to the sixteenth century. The famil}- in America was founded by Thomas W'atson, a native of Edinburg, Scotland, grandfather of the subject of this review, who located at Montreal, Canada, in 1848, and became widely known as a contractor and builder. In 1871 he, with his family, came to the states and located at Brazil, Indiana, where they became the largest owners and operators of coal mines in the state. Later they established retail coal yards in Chicago, and were the largest dis- triI)utors of coal in that city. The Dumonts are an old Yankee family, of French ancestry, who came to America before the Revolutionary War. and members of the family participated in the Revolution. Ebeneezer Dumont, grand- father of Thomas D. Watson, was a Lieutenant Colonel in the Mexican War, and in the Civil War was advanced to the rank of Brigadier General in September, 1861. He resigned from the army in January, 1863, after having been elected on the Rejjublican ticket as Congressman from the Seventh Indiana District. He served two terms in Congress, after which he was appointed Governor of the Territor)- of Idaho, but died before he became the incumbent of that office. Mr. Watson's father died in Chicago in 1907, and his inother is now a resident of Washington. 1). C. His only sister, Marie, is the wife of George N. Cole, of New York City. He was educated at Harvard Preparatory School, Chicago. At the age of seventeen he secured employment at Marshall Field's Department Store as stock clerk, and on his merits was advanced to the position of head of the cutlery department. Being a harrl worker, he made a sales record for the department during the holiflay season for which he was given a two weeks vacation with pay. during which he tried out a 450 GLENDALE AND VTCIXITY position in the shipping department of Swift & Company with such success that he remained in their employ and continued with them for eight years. The last of these years he acted as their representa- tive in Iowa, erecting and managing branch plants. He, then, went to Minneapolis, Minnesota, and opened the Thomas Watson Grocery & Supply Company, which he successfully conducted until he en- listed in the army as a private on August 27, 1917. He was sent to Ft, Snelling, and soon thereafter passed the examination necessary to admit him to the Second Officers Training Camj) from which he graduated. He was commissioned a First Lieutenant and was assigned to duty with the Sixty-second Infantry of the Eighth Divi- sion at Palo Alto, California. In October, 1918, he was sent to France as billeting officer to bil- let his regiment, which was soon to follow, but his regiment's overseas orders were stopped and he was assigned to the Eighth Infantry of the same regiment and billeted them. He, then, went to Ft. Boguen. near Brest, as Commander of Casual Battalion, where he had direct supervision of all casuals that embarked from that port, having at times as many as 1700 men under him. He remained there until July 24, 1919, when he returned and was discharged from the service at the Presidio, San Francisco. He came to Los Angeles to rejoin his wife who was living there with her parents, and soon thereafter came to Glendale and bought the Burkett & Goss Sheet Metal Works on Glendale Avenue. To this he gave all of his time until he became a stockholder in the Glendale Press in March, 1921, and in August of the same year was made its general manager, which position he has since held. Mr. Watson is active in many organizations in several of which he takes a prominent part. His most important connection in public life is that of President of the Board of Trustees of the Glendale Union High School. He was first elected a trustee in March. 1921. and a year later was re-elected as president of the Board. He organ- ized two companies of National Guards in Glendale, in one of which he was Captain. He also aided in organizing a Company of National Guards at Pasadena. He is a Scottish Rite and Knight Templar Mason and Shriner, a member of the Shrine Club. VVhite Shrine. Eastern Star, Elks. Yeomen. American Legion, Chamber of Com- merce, Rotary Club, Sunset Canyon Country Club, Union League of Los Angeles, Southern California Editor's Association and belongs to the First Presbyterian Church of Glendale of which he was an elder. In Minneapolis he was Superintendent of Sunday School in the Knox Presbyterian Church. At Red Oak, Iowa, on June 11, 1902, Mr. Watson married Valencia Kretchmer, a daughter of Edward and Caroline Kretchmer. who are residents of Glendale. They have a daughter, Dorothy Marie Watson, who is a senior in the Glendale Union High School. Mrs. Watson is a life member of the Tuesday Afternoon Club of which she is on the ways and means committee. She is also a member of the Thursday Afternoon Club, the Eastern Star, an officer in the White Shrine, and belongs to the First Presbyterian Church. GLENDALE AND VICINITY 451 W. G. Boyd, who is a prominent contractor and builder of Glen- dale was born at Houston, Illinois, June 1, 1886, a son of George W. and Margaret (Houston) Boyd. The Boyds and Houstons were pioneers in Illinois. Mr. Boyd's grandfather Houston was the founder of Houston, Illinois. George W. Boyd was a farmer and is now living retired at Houston, Illinois. Mr. Boj'd supplemented his high school education by attending a business college. His first work of importance as a carpenter was at St. Louis, Missouri, during the construction of the World Fair buildings, and from that time until 1910 he was more or less an itinerant carpenter travelling all through the middle west, as fancy dictated, and being a good mechanic had no difficulty in securing employment at his trade, and having become thoroughly familiar with all kinds of construction was usually employed as a foreman. In 1911, he came to California and after one year at Santa Ana, came to Glendale, where he has since resided and been engaged in general contracting and building. His business for the year 1922 will approximate $350,000, included in this amount is the recently com- pleted Christian Church on which his contract was about $65,000.00. He employs on an average thirty carpenters the year around, sublet- ing all work on buildings not carpenter work. He is a member of the Chamber of Commerce and an elder in the Presbyterian Church. At Houston, Illinois, November 24, 1910, Mr. Boyd married Ruth M. Lyons, of Greely, Colorado. They are the parents of two sons: Robert and Harold. Mrs. Boyd is active in the Presbyterian Church as a member of the Missionary Society and the Class of Elders Wives. Their home is at 326 North Jackson street. Stephen C. Packer was born at Bloomington, Illinois, November 8. 1866. His father, Joseph D, Packer, was a prominent farmer and live stock dealer at Bloomington for many years, and his mother's maiden name was Laura Drum. He attended the public schools, and at the age of seventeen went to northern Michigan, where he was employed in the lumber and logging camps for twenty-two years, fill- ing positions of trust and responsibility. He went to Aberdeen, Washington, and became identified with Grays Harbor Logging Com- pany, of which he was secretary and treasurer for five years. He then came to Glendale and bought a tract of land on Riverdale Drive, on which he built a residence, and devoted his time to contracting and building until 1916. During this time he built the Central Building, on East Broadway, in partnership with Howard W. Walker and the Lynch Brothers. He took over the agency of the Studebaker line of automobiles and has since been the distributor of "Studebakers" for the entire San Fernando valley, doing business under the name of the Packer Auto Company. Mr. Packer was one of the organizers, a charter member and Past Exalted Ruler of Glendale Lodge! No. 1289. B. P. O. E. He is a Mas- ter Mason, a member of the Chamber of Commerce, of which he has been a director, and is a member of the advisory board of the Brand Boulevard branch of the Pacific-Southwest Trust and Savings Bank. 452 GLENDALE AND VICINITY At Escanaba. Michigan, on October 25, 1892, Mr. Packer married Etta E. Hardy, a native of Michigan. They have two children, Don H. and Doris Packer. Don is a graduate of Glendale Union High School and of the University of California, at Berkeley, where he took a college of commerce course. He is a member of the fraternity Alpha Tau Omega. On May 8, 1917, he enlisted as a private in the Heavy Artillery and before saHing for France on October 8, 1918, he had been stationed at Ft. MacArthur, Ft. Scott and Mt. Monroe. In France he was sent to the Heavy Artillery School at Augers, and joined the Fifty-third R. R. Artillery. He was commissioned a Sec- ond Lieutenant at Ft. Monroe and was mustered out of the service at San Francisco, May 19, 1919, after which he returned to Berkeley and graduated with the class of 1920. He is now associated with his father in the automobile business. He is a member of the American Legion. At San Francisco on June 18, 1920, he married Fern Cook, a Glendale girl. Doris is a graduate of Glendale Union High School, having graduated with the class of 1922. Mrs. Packer is a member of the Tuesday Afternoon Club. The family residence is at 362 River- dale drive. Mrs. Allie Anderson, who is the owner and proprietor of the Golden West Sanitarium, 1125 East California avenue, was born at Greenville, Texas, November 1, 1884. Her father is William E. Taylor, and her mother's maiden name was Catherine McCarty. Mrs. Anderson is a great great niece of General Zachary Taylor, her mother being a descendant of the Taylor family. Her father is an ex-Mayor of Greenville, Texas, and is an architect of more than ordi- nary ability, being credited with building more county court houses in Texas than any other architect in the state. Mrs. Anderson is a graduate nurse, and received her early train- ing in Dallas, Texas, in a hospital of the Ursuline Order. In 1919 she came to Glendale and opened a sanitarium in a private residence. Success has been hers from the beginning with the result that she now has a thoroughly modern building which accommodates fifty patients. At Fort Worth, Texas, in 1908, she married George M. Anderson. They became the parents of three children : George, Walta and John. Dr. H. G. Westphal, President of the Glendale Physicians Club and Superintendent of the Glendale Sanitarium and Hospital was born at New London, Wisconsin, July 6, 1881. He was reared on his father's farm and after graduating from the New London schools went to Battle Creek, Michigan, where he completed his college work. He graduated from his medical work at Chicago, in 1905. He served his internship at Battle Creek, Michigan, after which he went to Antigo, Wisconsin, and practiced medicine for twelve years. He was married .A.ugust 5, 1908, to Miss Nellie Countryman of Birming- ham, Iowa. They came to Glendale in 1917, and after a few months' needed rest Dr. Westphal was invited to take the superintendency of the ^^/^ ^/^^^-^^^^ GLENDALE AND VICINITY 455 Glendale Sanitarium and Hospital which position he has since held. He is a member of the Glendale Physicians Club and in March, 1922, was tnade its President. Len C. Davis, who is President of the Grand View Memorial Park, is an Englishman by birth. He was born, in Birmingham March 5, 1880. a son of Wilfred and Kmily (Hunt) Davis. The family came to America in 1885, and settled in Providence, Rhode Island. Wilfred Davis was a manufacturing and wholesale jeweler. The sub- ject of this review is a high school graduate. He remained under the parental roof and worked for his father until he was twenty years of age when he went to Pawtucket, Rhode Island, and was in the employ of the W. H. Elliot Co. for eight years. He then came to Los .Vnge- les and was a contractor and builder for ten years, building many apartment houses and residences, in later years erecting on an average of about fifteen buildings a year. In 1919 he bought the Grand View Cemetery from the Grand View Cemetery Association, a thirty acre tract at Grand View and Glendale road, and formed what is now known as the Grand View Memorial Park, Inc. Of this he is President and Manager. Ini])rovements to the park, totaling many thousands of dollars, have been made, making it thoroughly modern and very beautiful. The American Legion Posts of Los Angeles county have purchased a plot in which 11,000 interments can be made, and the N. P. Banks Post, G. A. R., has also bought a plot 515 feet in length. In the near future a million dollar mausoleum is to be built which will be one of the largest in the country and will con- tain 1600 crypts. A crematory will also be built. Mr. Davis is a member of the Chamber of Commerce, the Sunset Country Club and the Glendale Credit Men's Association. Fratern- ally, he belongs to the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. At Los Angeles, July 11, 1905, Mr. Davis married Clara Ross, a native of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. They are the parents of two sons, Leonard, nine years old and Milton, born in February, 1922. Rev. a. B. S.mart was born at Searsport, Maine, December 27, 1838. His grandfather, Ephraini Knight Smart, was a fuller and was accidentally killed in his own mill; he acted also in the capacity of a Methodist local preacher. His grandmother was Mary Cass, a rela- tive of Gen. Cass of Revolutionary fame. Benjamin Jones Smart, the father of the subject of this sketch, married Abagail Kendall, who also had Revolutionary ancestry, being a granddaughter of Gen. Ken- dall. The father died, leaving his widow with three small children to support, the son, A. B., and two daughters. Three years later the widow married another man of the same family name, John B. Smart, who was a good step-father and a kind husband. On reaching the age of fifteen, the boy. A. B., sailed on a 1200 ton ship for New Orleans and from there to Liverpool, returning to Boston. At six- teen he was "converted" and from that time during the rest of his life took an active interest in religious matters. He continued to go on occasional voyages for five years, learning navigation and the 4.j6 GLEXDALE and VICINITY duties of a sailor, teaching school in the winter and usually spending the remainder of the year on the sea. He enlisted in 1861 but was taken ill while in training camp and compelled to return home with- out getting into active service. In the fall of 1861 he entered the Buckport Seminary from which he graduated in 1864. He entered Wesleyan University, from which he was graduated in June, 1868. Two years later he graduated from the Boston University with de- grees of A. B. and A. M. He joined the East New York Conference and was transferred to the Maine Conference and again to the Rock River Conference, Illinois. From there he went to South Dakota as a missionary, where he was active not only in religious work, but energetic in political matters as well, helping to found two counties, .■\urora and Jerauld, becoming Commissioner in both of these counties and the founder of the city of Wessington. He endowed a seminary with an undivided half of eighty acres of land, and raised large sums of money for school purposes. Meanwhile he founded churches in Mitchell, Huron, Cavour, Mt. Vernon, Plankinton, Wessington Springs, Alpena, Woonsocket and Bates. He was a delegate to the National Convention of Good Templars in Chicago, in 1869, and has always been an ardent Prohibitionist. Mr. Smart was married to Ruby Jane Jordan in 1869. They are the parents of nine children, of whom five died in childhood. Two daughters are in Chicago and two in California. Mrs. Smart has for nine years been president of the Glendale W. C. T. U. and is an active worker in religious and social lines. Mr. Smart is chairman of the Prohibition party in his district. He came to California with his wife in 1911. Dr. Harry C. Smith, who has been a resident of Glendale since 1913, was born at Mt. Pleasant. Iowa. December 28, 1875, a son of Jasper and Deborah (Stout) Smith. His grandfather, Levi Smith, was a pioneer of Iowa and assisted in laying out Mt. Pleasant in 1835. Jasper Smith was born, reared and educated in Mt. Pleasant, and was a druggist bj' profession. When Dr. Smith was five years old his parents moved to Milo, Iowa, where he attended the grade schools, later an academy at Ackworth, Iowa, before he matriculated at the Electic Medical College. Cincinnati. Ohio, for a three year course, from which he graduated with the class of 1899. He also attended the John A. Creighton Medical College, Omaha. Nebraska, before taking up the practice of his profession at Omaha, where he remained for six years and then opened an office at Ainsworth, Nebraska, re- maining there for two years. He came to Los .\ngeles and estab- lished himself in his profession, and two years later came to Glendale where he has since been located. His practice is that of an internist. His office in the new Ralphs Building is equipped with X-Ray ma- chines and other equipment necessary to the profession for proper diagnosis and treatments. In October, 1918, Dr. Smith was commissioned a First Lieuten- ant in the Medical Corps, and was sent to Ft. Riley where he re- mained until discharged from the service shortly after the armistice was signed. He holds a commission of captain in the reserves. He GLENDALE AND VICINITY 457 is a Master Mason, an Elk and an Odd Fellow. In the latter he is also a member of the Encain]Mnent and of the Rebekahs and is acting District Deputy Grand Master of District No. 42, of the State of Cal- ifornia. He is also a member of the .Vmerican Legion, the Modern Woodmen of America, the Woodmen of the World and various medi- cal societies. At Omaha, Nebraska, on December 1, 1909, Dr, Smith married Bertie I. Wilson of that cit\'. She is a member of the Tuesday After- noon Club, the Women's .\u.xiliary of the American Legion, and Carnation Kebekah Lodge, 1. O. O. P., of which she is a Past Noble Grand. Dr. and Mrs. Smith reside at 921 East Wilson avenue. George M. Lindsey, who is the only licensed architect maintain- ing an office in Glendale, is a native of Colorado. He was born at Denver, on January 6. 1891, a son of William A. and Annie E. (Mor- rison) Lindsey. His grandfather, William A. Lindsey a native of Scotland, came to America as a young man and settled in Kentucky. William A. Lindsey was a jirofessor in the high schools of Denver, Colorado, and in the Los .Xngeles School System upon his coming to that city in 1892 until 1906, when failing health caused him to retire. The subject of this sketch is the younger of two sons, his brother being William A. of Los Angeles. After graduating from Polytech- nic High School with the class of 1909, he entered the architectural oftice nf \\'. j. Saunders, of Los .\ngeles, one of the leading architects of the west, where he remained for two years and received excellent training and experience. He was next employed as an architect and engineer by the Los Angeles Board of Education, being the first man to fill that position for the school board. He remained in that capa- city for one year and then matriculated at the University of California where he took a special course in architecture and engineering for one year after which he returned to the architectural department of the Los Angeles Board of Education and remained there for three years. During these three years he super\ised the construction of the Frank- lin and Lincoln High Schools, several grammar schools, and the Board of Education's five story warehouse on San Pedro street. He went to Detroit, Michigan, where he was construction engineer for the E. D. Jackson Constructifm Coinpany and in such capacity di- rected the work on a number of the Dime Savings Hank Branch build- ings. He then went in business on his own accomit as an architect and designer, erecting buildings of importance among which was the Westminster Presbyterian Church of Detroit which represented an expenditure of $500,000. Returning to Southern California he opened an office in what is now the Pacific-Southwest Trust and Savings Piank building at Glendale avenue and East Proadway, (ilendale. He is associated in a number of enterprises with John C. .Austin, of Los Angeles, one of California's leading architects and construction engi- neers. They are the architects and engineers on the new Glendale Union High School for which ground will be broken early in 1923 on the corner of East Broadway and Verdugo road, the cost of which will api)rf)ximate $600,000. and on which Mr. Lindsey will personally be 458 GLENDALE AND VICINITY in charge of construction. Mr. Lindsey was the architect on the Grand View and Acacia avenue schools in Glendale. Fraternall)' Mr. Lindsey is a Knight Templar Mason. He belongs to the Glendale Chamber of Commerce, the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, and the Glendale National Exchange Business Men's Club. He is a member of the Greek Letter National fraternity Pi Kappa Alpha. At Los Angeles, on June 10. 1913, Mr. Lindsey mar- ried Marie Chandler, a native of Kansas City, Missouri, a daughter of Prof. E. E. Chandler, who is jirofessor of chemistry at Occidental College. Los .\ngeles. Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey are the parents of two boys, George Chandler and Robert Morrison Lindsey. The family reside in their new home at 234 North Harvey drive, Glendale, Cali- fornia. Georgk T. Smith, who is an automobile dealer, and a director and treasurer of the Glendale Automobile Club, was born February 7, 1888, a son of Theodore and Ida (Beardsley) Smith. His father was formerly a manufacturer of buggies, and is now a designer and engineer for the General Motors Corporation, at Detroit. Mr. Smith is a high school graduate, and supplemented that education by at- tending Earlham College at Richmond, Indiana, where he took a two-year general course. He was an employee of the Pennsylvania Railroad, at Columbus, Ohio, in a clerical capacity for a time, after which he was secretary to the president of the Atlas Underwear Company, at Piqua, Ohio, for eight years. He became a stockholder and was secretary and treasurer of the Meteor Motor Company at Piqua, Ohio. For this concern a large part of his time was given to travel which brought him to Southern California, and after a few trips to the land of sunshine he became very favorably impressed with the country, and in 1921 sold part of his business interests in the East and came to Glendale to live. He became a Glendalian in fact, by purchasing a home and engaging in the automobile business. He bought an automobile business at 228 South Brand boulevard, and has since had the agency for Overland and Willys-Knight automobiles, also conducting an authorized service station and repair shop. Mr. Smith is a Past E.xalted Ruler of Piqua Lodge, No. 523. B. P. O. E., a charter member of the Glendale Kiwanis Club and a member of the Chamber of Commerce. He is a Republican. At Piqua, Ohio, on October 1. 1911, Mr. Smith married Louisa Croner. They have three children : Irma Louise, Robert Theodore, and Betty Jane. The family home is at 427 South Columbus street. Ralph W. Browni;. who is one of Glendale's able photographers, is a native of Iowa. He was born at Osceola, .'\ugust 18, 1873, a son of Plyn W. and Marjorie (Burns) Browne. He is descended from an old Virginia family on his father's side, whose lineage in America is traceable to the pre-Revolutionary days, members of the family hav- ing fought in the Revolutionary War. His paternal grandfather, John L. Browne, was a pioneer of Burlington. Iowa. He was one of the original boosters of .\braham Lincoln for President of the United GLENDALE AND VICINITY 4(il States, and financed the famous log cabin presidential campaign for Lincoln through Iowa and Illinois. He took up arms against the South during the Civil War after which he went to Iowa and became a leading citizen and capitalist of Osceola. He was a Mason of high standing and at the time of his death had been elected to take the Thirty-third Degree in Masonry. Plyn W. Browne was also a vet- eran of the Civil War, and going to Iowa with his father after the war. became a large land owner and successful cattle miser at darden Grove, making his home at Osceola. The subject of this review received his preliminary education in a private boarding school for boys, which was supplemented with a college course in which he majored in English and chemistry and also had two years of law. From early boyhood his natural bent was towards photography, and upon his return from college he opened a photographic studio in his home city, which he conducted for two years. Being desirous of learning the ways of difTerent photographers and thereby become more proficient in his profession he spent the next three j'ears in travel through the middle west and was em- ployed in manj- different studios. For the next three years he was a demonstrator for the Seeds Dry Plate Company of St. Louis, Mis- souri, which took him over Iowa. Missouri and Nebraska. From 1902 to 1911, he was head operator for the Clyndest Studio, Washing- ton, D. C. He came to Los Angeles and for seven years was located at 718 South Broadway, where he conducted an art store and special- ized in home portrait work. Disposing of his Broadway business, he went to Banning, California, for a year, and resided on his ten acre almond ranch which he still owns. He came to Glendnle and purchased the Cooksey and MacMullin photographic studio at 215 North Brand Boulevard, where he has since been located. He en- joys an enviable reputation in his profession, having had his work accepted and exhibited in the salons of the big cities of Europe and the United States. He is a Master Mason, a member of the Eastern Star and White Shrine. .'\t Los Angeles on October 24, 1914. Mr. Browne married Grace R. Houston, a native of Elmira, New York. Mrs. Browne belongs to the Eastern Star and the White Shrine. Harry M. Miller was the first City Marshal and Fire Chief of Glendale who gave all of his time to the duties of these positions. He w^as born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. December 30, 1877, a son of Martin and Emily (Welch) Miller. He received a common school education, and at the age of fourteen went out into the world to make his own living. He farmed in the middle west until the Spanish-American War broke out, and then enlisted in the Fifteenth Cavalry, Troop B and was sent to the Presidio at San Francisco, where he was in training for some time before being sent to Hono- lulu, and from there to the Philippines. He was in the service for two and one-half years, and was advanced to the rank of Sergeant some time before he was discharged at Manila. In the Philippines, some time was spent selling farm imjilements, after which he went to China and was employed as a foreman of construction work on the 462 GLENDALE AND VICINITY Chinese-American railroad until his health failed and he was taken to a hospital in Hong Kong and was ill for two months and five days. He then went to Japan, where he sojourned for a short time, then embarked for the States, landing at Seattle, Washington. He secured a position with the Government, and was sent to Port Townsend as an overseer of construction and later to Fort Worden in the same capacity, remaining in the emjiloy of the Government for one year. The Southern Pacific railroad claimed him for construction work, and he remained with them until he came to Glendale in 1906. He worked at his trade as a carpenter until he was elected City Marshal in 1908. He was three times re-elected to the same office, and during these j'ears was also Chief of the Fire Department. In 1914 he resigned as City Marshal and Fire Chief to become Justice of Peace for Burbank township, \vhich position he most creditably filled until he resigned in February, 1922. As City Marshal and Jus- tice of Peace. Mr. Miller served with a devotion to duty and a per- sistency in bringing wrong doers to justice. To better qualify himself for the position of Justice of Peace he took up the study of law, and also took the .'\merican Extension University's correspondence course in law. In 1919, he began dealing in real estate, and is now devoting all of his time to that business. He is a member of both the California State and the Glendale Realty Boards, the Elks Club and the Cham- ber of Commerce. He is a stockholder in the Glendale State Bank. At Glendale, on July 8. 1912, Mr. Miller married Isabelle W. Ray. a native of Scotland. They have one son. Ray Melvin Miller. Eli.\s Ayers. By reason of his being a contractor and builder, Mr. Elias .-Xyers, being also a public-spirited citizen, was. very lit- erally, one of Glendale's upbuilders. Mrs. .Vyers. as Miss Alice Miller, came to Glendale in 1882, going back to Ohio in 1885, where in 1886 she wedded Mr. Ayers. They came to California in 1887 and settled on Ninth street (Windsor road) where they built a house which they occupied for several years, selling the property in 1900; later this place became "Thornycroft Farm." In 1892, they l)ought the store building on the southwest corner of Wilson and Glendale avenues, of G. F. Dutton. They took over the merchandise business with the real estate and Mr. Ayers also suc- ceeded Mr. Dutton as postmaster, Mrs. .\yers acting as deputy. The grocery business was mostly carried on. on a credit basis, requiring much of the deputy's time as bookkeeper. One Spanish family on the list of regular customers, jiaid up twice a _\ear and some others not much oftener. The office of the Salt Lake Railroad Company was in the store as was also the telephone office. In 1894, there was a demand for a public hall and Mr. Ayers remodeled the upper floor of the building and "Ayers Hall" became the civic center of the aspiring community. For several years it was the only public hall in Glendale and furnished accommodations for fraternal orders, mass meetings, churches, etc. As late as 1906 a society wedding took place there. In 1905. Mr. Ayers constructed the building on the northwest corner of Wilson and Glendale A\e- GLENDALE AND VICINITY 463 nues, principally for the use of the Bank of Glendale. He soon after- wards built another buildinof adjoining on the north. In addition to the bank, there were on the first floor a pharmacy, two grocery stores, a dry goods store and a bakery. The upper floor of both buildings was occupied as a hotel. In 1907, Mr. Ayers built the small cement block building at 123 North Glendale avenue for the use of the postofifice which occupied it for several years. In addition to the building of the several structures for himself, Mr. Ayers was also the builder of a number of residences for his neighbors. Mr. and Mrs. Ayers were members of the Presbyterian Church, she being a charter member. He was a trustee of the church for a number of years and to him, perhaps, more than any other one person, is the church indebted for the construction of the new building in 1911, to which work he gave all his time for months without com- pensation. Mrs. Ayers is still a faithful church member. Mr. and Mrs. Ayers were ardent prohibitionists, she being active in W. C. T. U. work. Mrs. Ayers was the unfortunate victim of an accident, being thrown from a Pacific Electric car, in 1916, resulting in permanent injury necessitating the use of crutches which she still depends on. Miss Judson Harris, her niece, resides with her on Belmont street. Mr. Ayers died November 6, 1919, age 79 years. Joseph M. Hanker, who served as Building Inspector for the city for eight years, and also filled the office of acting City Recorder for a time, was born at Middletown, Ohio. September ?>. 1861. His father was J. S. Banker, and his mother's maiden name was l.avina Lucas. His father and mother were natives of Middletown, Ohio, and their parents were among the early settlers of that part of the state. In 1876 the family moved to Topeka, Kansas, where the subject of this sketch finished his high school education. He farmed in Kansas until 1885, when the family came to Glendale to live. Mr. Banker was one of four children, the others being: Julia (now Mrs. W. G. Shaw). Harry C, who died in 1919; and Samuel, who died while the family resided in Kansas. Mr. Banker farmed for a time and clerked in a grocery store in Los Angeles for four years, since which time he has been a contractor and builder, with the e.xce])tion of the time he was in the employ of the city. Fraternally, Mr. Banker is an Odd Fellow, and is a Past Grand of Glendale Lodge, No. 338, I. O. O. F. He is a charter mem- ber of the Baptist Church, and has belonged to the official family of the church since its organization. In 1898 Mr. Banker married Eva Byram, a daughter of Ellis T. and Huldah (Miller) Byram. .A sketch of Mr. Byram, who was a pioneer in Glendale. appears elsewhere in this volume. Mrs. Banker is a charter member of the Tuesday Afternoon Club, and was one of the number at the afternoon party at which the club was started, and is the only one of that number who has held a continuous mem- bership. 464 GLENDALE AND VICINITY Rev. Charlks R. Norton, pastor emeritus of the Methodist Epis- copal Church in Glendale, after a long and useful life, is spending the declining years in Glendale, the California city of his choice, to which he came with his family in 1883, under orders from his church superiors to organize and build up a Methodist church. How well he obeyed this order, is shown by the history of the church as it ap- pears in this volume. Mr. Norton is not only well known within church and G. .\. R. circles, in which he especially moves, but throughout the community at large, where he is always ready to play well his part in the work of upbuilding, by taking an active interest in civic affairs. The Norton family came from England before the Revolutionary War, settling in the state of Connecticut. The fatlier of the subject of this sketch was taken to Ohio when a boy and grew up in that state, where he married and reared a family of live daughters and a son Charles, who was born on December 2, 1835. Two of the daughters married before the Civil War, their husbands enlisting in the Union army, one of them losing an arm in action while with .Sher- man in front of Atlanta. Charles also entered the army, enlisting when seventeen years old. in the One Hundred Forty-eighth Ohio Volunteers, and served in the Army of the Potomac. .\s a boy he worked on a farm, receiving five dollars a month "anrl board." His schooling previous to entering the army consisted in attendance at the country school for three months in the year. In the spring of 1865, having received his honorable discharge from the army, he went to Iowa and again worked on a farm. In the fall of 1869 he entered the academy at Burlington, Iowa, and in the spring of 1870 began his attendance at the Mt. Plea.-^ant Wesleyan Seminary, having decided to study for the ministry. In 1872 he was admitted to the Conference at C3skaloosa, Iowa, and appointed to Salem as preacher. On May 6, 1873, he married Miss Jennie Morris, of Van Buren county. To this couple were born six children, four sons and two daughters. After thirty-one years of active service in the Iowa conference. Mr. Norton came to California, arriving in Glendale in 1903. He preached his first sermon in this city on October eighteen of that year in the hall of the Ayers Building. .\ church roll had been started on the previous Sunday by the Rev. John .Stafiford, with thirty-two names as members of the new organization. Mr. Norton recalls, in speaking of conditions then existing, the peach orchard and barley field, one adjoining and the other near his residence, and contrasts it with the growing city of today. Under his guidance the church grew until, in 1907, it had 207 members. On Sei>lember 16, 1906, the church building, the finest church structure at that time in the San Fernando valley, estimated to be worth $10,000. was dedicated by Rev. (afterwards Bishop) Mclntyre, who preached from the text, "Behold what God has wrought." Rev. Norton has always been an ardent and active Republican in politics and in Glendale has worked consistently at all times for a "clean city kei)t clean," and now in the quiet evening of his life looks back on liis splendid record of service in many varied activities, with the satisfaction that comes from a GLENDALE AND VICINITY 4G7 sense of dutv performed, and the well founded hope for the future "Beyond the" Veil." Charles H. Cushing, who is Librarian of the Tropico branch of the Glendale Public Library, is a native of Chicago, Illinois. He was born September 7, 1865, a son of Dr. George H. and Lavinia L. (Larnard) Cushing. The Cushings are an old New England family, some of its members having fought in the Revolutionary War. Dr. George Cushing was a pioneer, and a prominent dentist for many years, and had been president of both the National and the State of Illinois Dental Associations. In 1898 he came to Los .Angeles and was a demonstrator in the University of Southern California up to the time of his death which occurred in 1900. Mr. Cushing is a graduate of the University of Michigan where he took the classical course, graduating with the class of 1888. He taught school until he came to California in 1893. In Antelope val- ley he was known as a rancher tor several years, and then a'ternatcd ranching and teaching until he was appointed to his present position in May, 1912, shortly after the city of Tropico was incorporated, and the library was taken over by the city. He was the first paid li- brarian of the city of Tropico. The residence is at 1100 South Glen- dale avenue, where he purchased four and one-half acres in 1900. the greater part of which has been sold for home sites. He is a member of the Fraternal Brotherhood. His mother lived with him after the death of his father until her death which occurred in 1919. His father willed his medical library to the University of Southern California, and the same was placed in the University library under his name. Alexander Mitchell, who recently completed eight years of service as United States Land Receiver in the Los Angeles district, is a native of Aberdeen, Scotland. He was born September KS, 1859, a son of George and Barbara Jane (Shives) Mitchell. He supple- mented his public schooling by attending King's College at Aberdeen. At the age of eighteen he came to America with his uncle, Alexander Mitchell, and. locating at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, secured a position as clerk with the Wisconsin Marine and Fire Insurance Bank. where he remained for three years. For four years, he was land agent for the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company in North- western Iowa ; later he was made traveling passenger agent for the same company with headquarters at Salt Lake City; and from 1890 to 1900, he was commercial agent in charge of all freight and passenger business in Utah. Montana. Idaho and Wyoming. He was then trans- ferred to Chicago where he remained for about one year before com- ing to Southern California. The immediate cause of his coming to Southern California was to benefit the health of his youngest son. He obtained a ninety-day leave of absence from the railway company, but on his own responsi- bility, continued that leave indefinitely and has since resided on a tract of land purchased in North Glendale. He engaged in the real 468 GLENDALE AND VICINITY estate business, in which he continued until July, 1914, when he was appointed land receiver of the Los Angeles district, the largest district in the country, with receipts of upward of $250,000.00 per year. He has always been active in the support of the Democratic party, and upon the expiration of the term of O. R. W. Robinson as land re- ceiver, he was the choice of the Los Angeles County Democratic Central Committee for appointment to that office with apparently no opposition, and on the basis of qualification and record he was re- appointed June 19, 1918, and served until July 1, 1922. In 1896, while in Salt Lake City, he was a delegate to the Demo- cratic National Convention at Chicago, and took part in the Bryan campaign of that year. In 1908 he was President of the Bryan Club of Glendale. and has been a leader in every Democratic local and state campaign since, but never sought the honors or responsibilities of public office until he was chosen as land receiver. Fraternally, Mr. Mitchell is an Elk and was the first Exalted Ruler of Salt Lake City. Lodge No. 85, B. P. O. E., thereby becoming a life member of the Grand Lodge of the United States. He is also a member of the Fra- ternal Brotherhood, and served as president of the Glendale Lodge for several years. On June 28, 1888, Mr. Mitchell married Jessie M. Pridham, of Chicago, Illinois. Their four children are: Lorraine, principal of the Columbus Avenue School, Glendale; George A., deputy county sur- veyor, enlisted in the navy in 1917. and was advanced to the rank of Ensign ; Barbara Isabelle, secretary for C. C. Julian of Los Ange- les, was active during her school and college days, in amateur theatri- cals, in which she played leading parts; Gilbert, an engineer in the employ of E. M. Lynch. Mrs. Mitchell is a charter member of the Tuesday Afternoon Club. She was the first President of the Glendale Union High School Parent-Teacher Association, and is a Past Presi- dent of the Columbus Avenue Parent-Teacher Association. Owen C. E.mery, who is an attorney and the Justice of Peace for Burbank townshi]), is a native of Iowa. He was born November 8, 1892, a son of Edward Ulysses and Mary Martha (Ferguson) Emery. A sketch of his father appears elsewhere in this volume. Mr. Emery supplemented his high school education b\^ taking a law course at the Law College of the University of Southern California, graduating with the class of 1915. He was admitted to the bar July 23, 1914, prior to his graduation, and began the practice of law as an associate of Sol A. Rehart, with offices in Los Angeles. In September, 1917, he enlisted with the 316th Ammunition Train of the 91st Division. After ten months intensive training at Camp Lewis, he was sent to France. He was at the front in the Argonne and Lys-Scheldt drives, and was at Ishegam, Belgium, at the time the armistice was signed. He remained abroad until April 1919, and was discharged at the Pre- sidio, on May 13, 1919. During much of the time at the front, as a First Sergeant, he was in command of his company because of the ab- sence of his Captain and Lieutenants. He returned to his Los Ange- GLENDALE AND VICINITY 469 les practice, again associatingf himself with Mr. Rehart until 1920 when he opened his own law office in Glendale. In February, 1922, he was appointed Justice of Peace for Burbank township, to which oftice he has been re-elected for four years. He is a Master Mason, and an Elk, a charter member of the Rotary Club and the American Legion, and President of the Credit Men's Association. He belongs to the fraternities Sigma Tau and Delta Theta Phi. At Los Angeles, California, on July 15, 1921, Mr. Emery married Annice V. Williams, of Los Angeles. Mrs. Emery is a member of the Tuesday Afternoon Club, the Women's Auxiliary of the /Vmerican Legion, and the Colorado Parent-Teacher Association. Both Mr. and Mrs. Emery are active in the Methodist Church of which they are members. They have a son. Jack Emery. A. H. Lankford is Chief of the Glendale fire department, a posi- tion he has most creditably filled since July 1, 1915, having been in the department since November 7, 1914. lie was born and reared on his father's farm at Bone Gap, Edwards county. Illinois, his natal day being May 8. 1882; is a son of Edward and Emma (Fox) Lankford. His grandfather was Joseph Lankford, a native of England, who came to America as a young man and was a pioneer of Edwards county, Illinois. Mr. Lankford attended the grammar and high schools of Bone Gap, and as a young man learned the blacksmith trade. At the age of twenty-one he went to Evansville. Indiana, where he was em- ployed in the shops of the Evansville (S; Terre Haute railroad for a period of three years. He went to Westhope. .South Dakota, where he farmed and operated threshing machines, later having a garage and auto delivery. On October 25, 1914, he arrived in Glendale and a few days later was employed as a truck driver in the fire depart- ment. .'\t that time the personnel of the department consisted of Chief Harry M. Miller and Mr. Lankford. and the equipment was one horse and a chemical engine. .'\t present the department boasts of sixteen men besides the Chief, two .\nierican LaFrance 750 gallon fire engines, one triple compound 500 gallon engine, one ladder truck and a Buick roadster for the chief. There are three stations, and the department is operated on the two platoon system. To say that Glendale's fire fighters are efficient is but to speak the truth, as her fire losses are as low as those of any city of her size in the country. Glendale has had no notable fires, which is but the result of having all fires extinguished promptly and efTectually. Not least is the work of fire prevention, which receives much time and attention at the hands of the Chief himself and other members of the dei)artment. At Olney, Illinois, on September 19. 1902, Mr. Lankford married Myra Onley, of Parkersburg. Illinois. Their only son, Burlin, is an employee of the Standard Oil Company at Fullerton. California. Mr. Lankford is a member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks and of the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. and Mrs. Lankford are mem- bers of the Methodist Church. 470 GLENDALE AND VICINITY Glenn R. Dolberg, a photographer, at 206]^ West Broadway, was born at Charlevoix. Michigan, October 2, 1896, a son of Andrew and Ella (Huff) Dolberg. He was reared on his father's farm and after graduating from high school went to Minneapolis. Minnesota, where he was employed as a photographer until 1918, when he en- listed as a musician in the Sixth Cavalry Band of the United States Regular Army. Two months later he sailed for France with that contingent remaining abroad for eighteen months. In France he was stationed at Paris, Tours and Vendome. He was discharged from the service at the Presidio, San Francisco, and went to San Diego, California, to visit his parents, before going to El Centro, California, where he was branch manager of a Vreeland Studio, until he came to Glendale, in September. 1921. to open up a studio of his own. Mr. Dolberg was a cornetist, but gave it up to study voice, being a baritone. He took up music and singing while attending high school. He was the leader of the Charlevoix High School Band for two years, and at the age of seventeen was the director of the Char- levoix City Band. At Minneapolis, Minnesota, he sang in the male quartette of the Hennepin Avenue M. E. Church. He is a member of the choir in the M. E. Church of Glendale, of which he is also a member. He belongs to the American Legion. WiLMOT Parcher. His given name indicates that Mr. Parcher reaches back to that time in the history of the United States when the people still talked and debated over the "Wilmot Proviso." As a matter of fact he was born July 23, 1847, at Stowe. Vermont. His father was Truman Parcher; his mother's name was Jeanette Per- kins. The father was one of the early settlers of the Green Mountain state and although he spent only three months of his busy life in school, was a well educated man and a practical mechanic in more than one line. The mother died when Wilmot was only a year old. She was a woman of fine character, coming of a family that furnished many men well known in the professional life of their time. In 1854 the family, consisting of the father and four children, moved to Min- nesota. The elder Parcher and a few neighbors of that time Iniilt the first school house in Clearwater, Minnesota, and to this school Wilmot went for three months of every year until he was 15 years old. The family of the pioneer in Minnesota at that early day, knew nothing fif luxuries and it was generally a hard struggle to "make both ends meet." This at least was the experience of the Parcher family and when fifteen years of age Wilmot began to "work out" among the neighbors, so that by the time he was twenty years old had accumulated enough mon.ey with which to pa}^ oflf a debt of $600 on his father's farm. This accomplished he made an agreement with a twin brother by which the latter was to stay on the farm, Wilmot agreeing to pay him half wages while he went away from home to earn more money. He went to work in a store at Clearwater and from there to Monticello. wJiere lie lived until 1871. From that place he went to Minneapolis, where he became interested in a livery busi- ness and engaged in the manufacture of carriages, remaining in busi- %5.^.^^o^. GLENDALE AND VICINITY 473 ness in that city until 1894, when he came to Los Angeles. In October 1901, Mr. Parcher came to Glendale. buying the Chase place of ten acres on Glendale avenue, corner of Maple street. He became Presi- dent and General Manager of the Strawlserry Growers Association which had its headquarters, and packing and shipping depot, on Brand boulevard just adjoining the (now) Cerritos school house. Mr. Parcher managed this business on a co-operative basis, with signal success, for over five years. At the height of its success, there were 262 members of this organization, representing various strawberry growing sections of Southern California, having about 1600 acres de- voted to strawberry culture. In 1906 when the city of Glendale came into existence, Mr. Par- cher was elected trustee for a two year term and was unanimously chosen as president of the board, lacking the title of "Mayor" under the law, but performing all the duties of that office. He was re- elected for a four year term, but his health having liecome impaired, he resigned a few nK)nths later and, in search of a higher altitude, moved to Tejunga where he has since resided. Mr. Parcher has been married twice, the first time in 1871 to Miss Dora Wyman, of West- minster, Massachusetts, from which place she had come to Minne- sota; and on the second occasion on June 30, 1892, to Miss Nannie Gertrude McBride, a native of Pennsylvania, who had come from that state to Minneapolis. Mr. and Mrs. Parcher have one son, Carroll W., a graduate of the Glendale Union High School, now editor of the Record-Ledger, of Tejunga, La Crescenta, La Canada and Montrose. E. D. GooDE. If we should term Mr. Goode the "Father of Glen- dale," there are few, if any, of the old timers who would dispute his right to the title. He was not as early on the scene as a few of the pioneers who still survive, but from the time of his arrival in the community from Eagle Rock, where he first located, he was fore- most in every movement for the up-building of the city, and with him originated the idea of incorporating the City of Glendale, and he was probably more instrumental than any one else in getting up petitions and doing the necessary preliminary work in the creation of a legal municipality. He secured the greater pnrt of the right of way for the Interurban Railway Company (now the Pacific Electric) between Los Angeles and the Troi)ico Line, and did his share in securing the remainder of it from that point northward. He built the Eagle Rock road, and the extension north into Verdugo Canyon, almost un- aided. He was chief booster for the organization of a High School district and with three or four other Glendale citizens secured the original site for the school building on the south-east corner of Fourth (Broadway) street and Brand boulevard, becoming one of the first trustees of the district. He was Road Commissioner of the count}' for twelve years, having some two hundred miles of road under his control. Always prominent politically, altho it was his misfortune to be a Democrat in a strongly Republican district, which resulted in his failing to be elected when he was nominated for the Legislature and 474 GLENDALE AND VICINITY again when he was candidate for Supervisor, although in the last in- stance he cut down the majority of his opponent (Mr. R. W. Prid- ham) to a perliously close margin. In that contest his popularity in his own city was shown by the fact that he carried it by a vote of 849 in his favor as against 544 for his opponent, although Glendale was at that time Republican in its political complexion by a tw'O to one vote. He was a Democratic county central committeeman for twenty years, and in the contest mentioned above, was in both ca.ses the unanimous choice of his party convention. The ancestry of Mr. Goode furnishes in itself an interesting his- tory. It has been traced back for six hundred years to Richard Goode, of Cornwall. England, who was born about 1360. His direct de- scendant. "John Goode. Gentleman." came to Virginia in 1661. One of his descendants owned the site of Monticello and married an aunt of Thomas Jefferson. One of the great grandfathers of the subject of this sketch fought in the Revolutionary War and endured great hardships in the Block House Wars with the Indians. Morgan Goode, grandfather of E. D. Goode, was born in Kentucky, moving to Craw- ford county. Indiana, where he married Elizabeth Schoonover, whose father came from Holland about 1760. The maternal grandfather, William Bennett, was born in New York, going west to Illinois and marrying Katy Jackson, a first cou- sin of Andrew Jackson. He was a soldier in the War ot 1812 and received a government land warrant for his services; this he jilaced on land that afterwards became a part of the city of Jacl* ■ ^<' ^ /fW A^'' LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 0017 1396189