if-f F HISTORIC ;,HfeSANTA FE T AS A HEALTH RESORT \ v ALL THE YEAR aass_JlSQ^ Book ■ ^^H h -&- ^V' , T 'HERE is probably no otiier city of modern times tliat lias been so ctLaracteristic in tlie making of history and unique events tlian ancient Santa Fe or tlie City of tlie Holy Faitli. 'Ttio, ttie ectLoes of ctiivalric conquests and turmoil still ring in lier ears, and tlie furrows of tier brow are blended v/itli ttie scars of battle and rebellion; yet at tliis late day, retaining many of tlie cus- Ben Hur Room. toms and peculiarities of tier earlier years, stie lies in tlie beautiful valley of tlie Sangre de Cristo, a peaceful and mo- dern city surrounded by tlie posterity of tlie cbiefs and warriors so conspicuous in tbe strifes and struggles of tlie days of SpanistL regime. Wittiin lier borders are graves of many missionaries and Spanish explorers who fell as victims to the rav- ages of the hostile Indians, and heroes of the days when conquest "was rife, sleep in unmarked and unknown tombs, but n D n J ^ j- HI = 5 = C(3 O O (A £ U C 3 tS « o ig 5 * as CQ C ^ a> c (D ■M 3 «*- x: — PS +: .ti u. II V 'S E 0) 9> ^ ^ ^ 5 » a> E « ^ c« 5> 0) o H o c u ^s o be n 4) U 3 O Q 5 X :^^:^ ttieir memory is still clieristied. by the descendants of Old Spain. Not only lias Santa Fe ttie distinction of being ttie oldest town in ttie United States, but it is the capital of the Territory of New Mexico, as well as the county seat, and the see of an archbishop of the Roman Catholic Church. The thrilling and romantic incidents comprising its story, the protracted and bloody struggles Corpus Christi Parade. with the Indians, the capture and pillage of the hostile Pueblos in 1680, the reserv- ing of some of the handsomest Spanish iiiaidens for the wives of the favored warriors, the desecration and destruction of the Christian churches and the resto- ration of the worship of snakes and stone idols, the reconquest by Diego de Vargas twelve years later, the terrible punish- ment visited upon the rebellious Pueblos, the change from Spanish rule to the rule Salmon & Abousleman 1 The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House ot Santa Fe, Goods Sold at Eastern Prices, Satis- faction Guaranteed. — give: us a call — H S. KAUNB. FREDERIC MULL.ER. H, S. KAUNE & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Staple and fancy Groceries, FLOUR, HAY AND GRAIN, Fruits, Vegetables and Table Delicacies. Telephone 26. Sail Ff ancisco Stfect. of the triumpliant Republic of Mexico, the capture by the United States forces under General Kearney and the building of old Fort Marcy in 1846, afford too wide a scope for the purpose of this brief sketch. To enumerate in detail the places of interest in and around Santa Fe would be a task worthy the efforts of a great historian; however, more prominent Government Indian School. among the interesting features of the an- cient city are : San Miguel church built in 1540, par- tially destroyed in the revolution of 1680, reoccupied in 1692, and completely re- stored in 1710, and partially rebuilt a few^ years ago. This is the oldest church in the United States and contains many relics of the early days. The capitol, the penitentiary, the U. S. Indian School, St. Katherine Indian furniture anOQueensware. We will furnish your house from kitchen to garret on easy payments, or will give reasonably low prices for cash. All kinds of new and second-hand goods bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid for second-hand goods. UPe Deliver Jill 6ood$. D. $. Cowitzki, San Trancisco Street, Santa Te, new Itlexico. Charles €lo$$on, THE LEADING «l)ack ana Dvery man« OF SANTA FE, Good Rigs, Good Drivers, Reasonable Rates. Saddle Ponies. Bmm Ulagons. TELEPHONE NO. 9. Sctiool, ttie National Cemetery, tlie Ro- man Catholic institutions, including a hospital, sanitarium, convent, Loretto chapel, academy and St. Michael's col- lege, the Federal building, the Deaf and Dumb asylum, the Presbyterian mission school, the military reservation and the court house; the old house believed to antedate the Spanish occupation; the Cathedral of San Francisco, behind Oldest House in U. S. which is the chapel of the parish church, with carved and painted reredos, both curious and interesting, erected by Gov- ernor del Valle and his wife in 1761; the Cathedral museum, containing many Spanish paintings and other objects of interest; old Fort Marcy, the command- ing situation famous in all the sieges of the city, with ruins of the old fort built by General Kearney in 1848; the Garita, on the road to old Fort Marcy, at the JAMES A. MASSIE, M. 6., TOR. Special Attention given to Throat and Pulmonary Troubles. Microscopical examination of Sputum, etc. OFFICE HOURS: 9 to 10 A. M. 2 to 4 P. M. 7 to 8 P. M. TELEPHONE No. 102. Postal Telegraph & Cable Co. Only Direct Service witli Sunmount Tent City. Quickest Service to Mi tiie World, H. T. GIBSON, Manager. Phone 142. Calls Promptly Attended to Day or Night. . . . Dudrow & Montenie THE SANTA FE EMBALMERS AND UNDERTAKERS. PARLORS: 112 Lincoln Ave.(West sideof Plaza), west wall of wliicli tlie leaders of the re- bellion of 1837 w^ere executed; ttie plaza in the center of the town, around which cluster many memories of the conquest of the land by the hardy Spaniards and of the stirring scenes of the more recent days. The soldier's monument is located in the center of this park and also a mo- nument commemorating the taking pos- session of the city by General Kearney Administration Building Sunmount. as well as a memorial fountain to the late Archbishop J. B. Lamy; the Perez monument marking the spot where Gov- ernor Perez was assassinated; the Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe, with its large and interesting altar piece on canvas, con- taining six pictures of the appearance of the Virgin to Juan Diego, and other paint- ings and wood carvings; monument to CARTWRIGHT-DAVIS CO., Grocers, Bakers, Butchers. HflY, GRAIN, FUOUI^, POTATOES. SANTA FE, N. IVI. THE SANTA FE HARDWARE.^^^ --SUPPLY CO. Dealers in Hardware, Furniture, Queensware, Oils, Glass, Wagons and Wagon Material, Steam and Water Fittings, Black and Giant Pow- ders. First-class Plumbing. West Side of Plaza. T/up£„e No™?; SANTA FE, N. M. Kit Carson in front of tiie Federal build- ing; ttie Rosario chapel, erected on the spot wliere De Vargas made tiis vow be- fore the surrender of the city in 1692; the Masonic hall containing relics and the home of the oldest Masonic lodge in the United States west of the Missouri; the Old Curiosity Shop and museum of J. S. Candelario, in which is a most extensive variety of Indian and Mexican curios; San Francisco Street. the turquoise mines which produce some of the finest gems in the world. The largest and most productive of these mines is owned by Tiffany, the renowned jeweler of New York; the old Exchange hotel, that marks the site of the end of the Santa Fe trail, and which in the early days harbored many of the men famous as makers of history, and where many stirring scenes and incidents peculiar to the old days have taken place. Here the CHflS. WAGNER w FURNITURE CO. ^ Dealer in Furniture, Queensware, Cutlery, Tinware, Stoves and Ranges. Household Goods of all kinds sold on easy payments. We buy and Sell all kinds of second-hand goods UNDERTAKING! EMBALMING Lower San Francisco St.— Tel. No. lo. TheBonTon SHORT-ORDER RESTAURANT The only up-to-date eating house in the city. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. W^e want your trade and will treat you right. Call and be convinced. J. V. C0NW4Y, Prop. l^lltrKrUew^'Me^: Daugtiters of ttie American Revolution are soon to erect a monument in com- memoration of ttie part that ttiis historic building has played in the opening up of the V/estern Empire. Sunmount Tent City, a modern village of tents, where most v/onderful cures of pulmonary and bronchial afflictions are effected; the Governor's Palace, without doubt, the most interesting of all buildings. Ty. •DlO. This is an adobe structure built in 1858. Here continuously, since that time, un- der Spanish, Indian and Mexican rule, the seat of government, for that part of New Spain ceded to the United States in 1848, has been located. This historic building was occupied for many years by the American governors, as their offi- cial abode; and within its walls General Lew Wallace wrote the greater part of Ben Hur while governor of the territory "KERR'S SHOP." The Only Up-to-Date Tonsorial Parlors in the City. Porcelain Bath Tubs. Electric and Other Baths. Agency for the Imperial Laundry, Albuquerque. High Domestic Finish. Satisfaction guar- anteed. C. H. Lauchnor, Agent. Tele- phone, No. 122. Bi$cl)Ofr$* meat « market -^^^ BUTCHER SOUTH SIDE F=>I_/\ZA. DEALER IN All Kinds of Fresh and Salt Meats. Fish, Game, Oysters, Etc., in Season. TEL. NO. 84. ARTHUR BISCHOFF. in 1879 and 1880. Regarding tlie Old Palace, Ex-Governor Prince, in liis His- tory of New Mexico, publistied some ten years ago, can be quoted in all trutb.: "Without disparaging tbe importance of any of tbe most cherisbed bistorical localities of tbe east, it may be truthfully said tbat tbis ancient palace surpasses in bistorical interest and value any otber place or object in tbe United States. It Capitol Bailding. antedates tbe settlement of Jamestown by nine years, and that of Plymouth by twenty-two, and has stood during th6 299 years since its creation, not as a cold rock or monument, with no claim upon the interest of humanity except the bare fact of its continued existence, but as the living center of everything of historic importance in the southwest. Through all that long period, whether under Span- fiscbcr Drug €o., Pioneer Drug Bouse of Santa ?e* « « Prescriptions Our Specialty. OUR MOTTO:— "Not how Cheap, but how Good." RoaaK Supplies. * Canay. * Soda Water. 230 San Francisco St. Ceo Rerscb,* Ulbolcsalc Dealer in HII Hinds of . . . *6raln, hay, flour and Potatoes. LOWER SAN FRANCISCO STREET. Telephone No. 45, isti, Pueblo, Mexican, or American con- trol, it Has been ttie seat of power and authority, whether the ruler was called viceroy, captain general, political chief, department commander or governor, and whether he presided over a king- dom, a province, a department, or a ter- ritory that has been his official residence. DR. DAVID KNAPP, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE HOURS" 8:00 to 9:30 A. M. 1:00 to 4:00 P. M. TELEPHONE No. 144. DR. C.O.HARRISON, DENTIST. Office over Fischer's Drug Store. THE MOST DIRECT LINE -TO- SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO. Pullman and Tourist Service and Free Reclining Chair Cars on Ail Trains. Santa Fe ALL THE WAY FAST TIME FIRST-GLASS SERVICE For particulars as to rates and general information, address The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Kailwav Co. W. J. Black, G. P. A., Topeka, Kas. H. S. LUTZ, Ag-ent, Santa Fe, N. M. "From liere Onate started in 15S9 on ills adventurous expedition to tlie east- ern plains; here, seven years later, 300 Indians came from far off Quivirato to ask aid in their war with the Axtaos, from here, in 1618, Vicente de Salivar set forth to the Moqui country, only to be turned back by rumors of the giants to be encountered; and from there Penalosa and his brilliant troop started on the 6th Federal Buildirjg. of March, 1662, on their marvelous expe- dition to the Missouri; in one of the strong rooms the commissary general of the inquisition v/as imprisoned a few years later by the same Penalosa, within its walls, fortified as if for a siege, the bravest of the Spaniards were massed in the revolution of 1680; here, on the 19th day of August of that year, was given the order to execute 48 Pueblo prisoners in the plaza which faces the building; here JULIUS MURALTER. ana UP'to-Date Cailoriiid Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed. The Season's Samples Always on Hand. Pressing and Cleaning a SpeciaUy NORTH SIDE OF PLAZA. CHAS.W. DUDROW, Lumber, Sash, Doors. ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL. Cord and Stove Wood, Extra Dry and Cut to Fit Your Stove. Cerrillos and Hagan Coal Delivered to any Part of the City. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. WE HAUL EVERYTHING THAT IS MOVABLE, Telephone ISIo. 3S. but a day later, was ttie sad war council held wtLicti determined on ttie evacuation of ttie city; here was the scene of the triumph of the Pueblo chieftains as they ordered the destruction of the Spanish archives and the church ornaments in one grand conflagration; here De Vargas on September 14, 1692, after the eleven hour combat of the preceding day, gave thanks to the Virgin Mary, to whose aid he attributed his triumphant capture of Tesuque Pueblo, near Santa Fe. the city; here, more than a century later, on March 2, 1807, Lieutenant Pike was brought before Governor Alencaster as an invader of Spanish soil; here in 1822, the Mexican standard, with its eagle and cactus, was raised in token that New- Mexico was no longer a dependency of Spain; from here on the 6th day of Aug- ust, 1837, Governor Perez started to sub- due the insurrection in the north, only to return two days later and to meet his death on the 9th, near Agua Fria; here, on the succeeding day, Jose Gonzales, a SANTA FE Meat and Live Stock Co. Dealers in All Kinds of FRESH TV^EKTS. Salt Fish, Poultry and Game. All Kinds of Vegetables and Fruits in Season. Also DEALERS IN LIVE STOCK -THE— HARDWARE STORE ^ ^ Queensware, House Furnishings, Mining Supplies, Furniture, Tinning and Plumbing. ON THE PLAZA. SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO. PIONEER HARDWARE STORE OF SANTA FE. Pueblo Indian of Taos, was installed as governor of New Mexico, soon after to be executed by order of Armijo; liere, in tb.e principal reception room, on August 12, 1846, Captain Cooke, tlie American envoy, was received by Governor Armijo and sent back w^itli a message of de- fiance; and here, six days later, General Kearney took possession of ttie city and Tent Cottage Sunmount. slept, after liis long, weary watcb., on tlie carpeted eartben- floor of tb.e palace." Tbe old cburcb of San Miguel, noted for its antiquity, is situated in tbe oldest part of tbe city, called by tlie Spaniards "Analco." Tbe walls are massively built of adoDe, and tbe roof was constructed of strong vigas supported by carved tim- bers at eacb. end. Tbis cburcb dates from tbe earliest occupation, and bas long f j-urnisfiing Goods, Cfofliing, ^cits, ^fioes. Re i asfi M)tore, JULIUS H. GERDES. A. F. SPIEGELBERG, 226 San Francisco St., South Side Plaza. INDIAN AND MEXICAN WARES AND CURIOS, Blankets, Baskets, Pottery, Rag, Wax, Feather and Linen Drawn Work, Opals, Tur- quoises, Garnets and other Gems. SPECIALTY: To Have the Best of Everything in the Line. been held in special veneration. In the Pueblo revolution of 1680 it -was, to a great extent, destroyed, though the walls remained standing. Immediately after the reconquest of De Vargas the church was repaired and the entire building was completed in 1710 as appears from the inscription still plainly visible on the great square vigas near the door, which reads: H. B. CARTWRIGHT S GRD., Wholesale Grocers Grain, Flour and Potatoes, Stationary, Patent Medicines, and Grocers' Supplies. PROMPT AHENTION GIVEN MAIL ORDERS. Santa F"e, - - rMev\/ IVIexioo. Santa f e Cemrah Railu^ay CHICAGO, EL PASO, DENVER, Salt Lake City. THE SHORT LINE OF NEW MEXICO. NEW EQUIPMENT PROMPT SERVICE For Freight and Passenger Rates and other information regarding the Santa Fe Central and the country through which it operates, call on or address SANTA FE CENTRAL RAILWAY CO., Santa Fe, New Mexico. "El Ssnor Marques de la Penuela liizo esta fabrica. El Alferes Real Don Agustin Flores Vergara su criado ano de 1710." "Ttie Marquis de la Penuela, erected tills building. Ttie Royal Ensign Don Agustin Flores Vergara liis servant. The year 1710." Among other paintings in this church are the one of St. Michael and the Dragon and of the Annunciation. New Mexican Indians. The oldest house in the city -which is reputed to date back beyond the time of the Spanish conquest and thus to be the "Oldest House in the United States," is situated just north of the church of San Miguel. This building until recently was two stories in height, the second story being Established 1856. I ncorporated 1903. ^ SELIGMAN BROS. CO., (aGneral Mercl7ar\dise, CARPETS, RUGS, SHOES, HATS. NA/holssalo and Retail p. 0. Box 219. Thone 36. ,! SANTA FE. N. M. I Jacob Weltmer, BOOKS, STATIONERY, PERIODICALS, AND DAILY PAPERS CANDY AND OIGARS Views of Historic Points In Santa Fe 208 San Francisco Street. SIGN OF THE BIG BOOK. very low, and tlie floor between ttie up- per and lower rooms, being of adobe. Some years ago the upper story of ttie easterly portion fell, and quite recently the spirit of destruction which, is fast ruining our most interesting historical landmarks, caused the second story of the remainder to be removed. The first story, however, remains as it has been for centuries, and there seems no reason Governor's Palace, to doubt that it is the most ancient build- ing, continuously inhabited, in the entire United States. The Cathedral of San Francisco de Assisi is a modern building not yet com- pleted in accordance with its design, but has been used for worship during the past twenty years. It was built over the former adobe parish church under the auspices of the venerated Bishop Lamy. There are many fine paintings and beau- Gold's Old Curiosity $bop. Established iS59. Tnaian and mexican (Curios, free IHuseMm. mexican Drawn Olork a specialty. The largest and best stock of Indian Baskets, Blankets, Pottery, Etc., in the country. Don't fail to call and see us when in the city. Send for a Catalogue. 311-317 San Trancisco $t, Cor. Burro Hllcy. Santa fz, new mexico. ADOLPH SELIGMAN, Dry Goods, Clothing, Notions, Fancy Goods, Boots and Shoes Bottom Prices on Euerything. 220 San Francisco Street. RICHARD B. HANNA, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Telephone 71. 15 Catron Bik. tiful stained glass windows in tlie struc- ture; beliind tlie altar is a rictily carved and painted reredos, erected by Governor del Valle and tiis wife in 1761. Also be- hind tlie altar of tliis cathedral are pre- served many fine old paintings and ricli vestments. Tliere are buried tlie remains of two Franciscan Friars, wtLO were murdered by Indians as attested by ttie Old Wagon 1682. inscription upon a beam set into tlie massive v/all. Old Fort Marcy is situated on a liigli. iiill northeast of the plaza, and the view from the summit is admired by every visitor. Historically it is a place of great interest. A moment's notice will show- its commanding military position, and that the army in possession of the hill controlled this city. In the old wars this was a scene of many a warlike encamp- ment. When General Kearney came in GEORGE ANTON, Salt and Fresh Fish, Poultry, Eggs, Butter. 256 San Francisco Street. Santa Fe New Mexican. New Mexican Review, El Nuevo Mexicano. Primers, Binaers , . Blank Book makers CHARLES M. STAUFFFR, SANTA FF N M BUSINESS MANAGER. OMl>l 1 rt 1 L, 1>. lYl. 1846, one of the first matters undertaken after the occupation of Santa Fe, on A.ugust 18, was ttie erection of a fortress to command the city. The site was na- turally chosen. It was built by details of volunteers who complained grievously of having to do this laborious work, when they had simply entered the army to fight. The fort was large enough to contain a thousand troops and mount many cannon. From the summit of Mount Baldy, near Santa Fe, the surface of the country pre- sents a magnificent panorama cf moun- tains, mesas and valleys, with numerous 11. \j, I UW iZi^ manufacturer of "MEXICAN FILIGREE JEWELRY Great Variety of Designs in Brooches, Grape Ring-s, Link CujfF Buttons, Scarf Pins, Puzzle Rings, Bar Pins, Waist Pin Sets, Lockets, etc. MAIL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. Visitors are cordially invited to visit our workshop to see filigree work in the process of manufacture. 247 San Francisco St., Santa Fe, N. M. CHAS. HASPELMATH. DEALER IN Boots and Shoes Leather and Findings Opposite Claire Hotel. Queen Quality Shoes and Krippendorf and Dittmann Shoes for Women. 1 Nelson & Sons' and Douglas Shoes for Men. Agency for Globe Iron Roofing and Corrugating Co. Steel and Galvanized Roofing and Siding. streams of water rustling d.O"wn tdgb. mountain stLOulders, over precipices and boulders, into deep and narrow gorges and widening valleys, flastdng in ttie sunligM like ribbons of silver, in ttieir hurried and heedless race to the Rio Grande on the west, and -with the lofty mountain peaks of southern and north- ern Ne^w Mexico s"wimming in the blue air of the dreamy distance. The main "■PB* Oldest Chvircti in U. S. mge of the Rockies, or the Sangre de %-. ^isto range on the east, and the Valles * id Jemez mountains beyond the Rio ande on the west, shelter this favored locality from violent -winds and render the climate remarkably mild and equ- able considering that the altitude is about 7,000 feet above sea level. Doubtless this circumstance, together with the fertility of the soil, excellence of the water, and many other marked manifestations, THE OLD CURIO STORE 301=303 San Francisco Street. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN GENUINE Tnaian and mexican Goods £^^^^^ MADE BY Chimayo, Navajo, Apache, Comanche. Navajoe, Taos, Picoris, San Juan, Santa Clara, San Ildefonso. Pojoaque, Nambe, Tesuque, Cochiti, Santo Domingo, San Felipe, Santa Ana, Sandia, Jemez, Zia,' Isleta, Laguna, Acoma, Zuni. DEFIES COMPETITION IN QUALITY AND PRICE n?As the city of Santa Fe is surrounded by Indian vil- lages, 1 have better opportunities to have a larger variety of their products. All are welcome to my store to see for themselves that I have the largest collection of curiosities in the United States. SEND FOR PRICES. J. S. CANDELARIO, SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO. prompted tlie intrepid Spanisti explorers to locate a permanent colony and mis- sion at Santa Fe. Ttie wisdom of this selection has been abundantly demon- strated during nearly four centuries that have since melted into the past. The distinguished and lamented Arch- bishop Lamy, wh.o was a prominent Altar, Old Church factor in the progress of the southwest, introduced the culture of choice fruits, flowers and vegetables into Santa Fe about fifty years ago. The good man lived long enough to witness the com- plete success of his experiment -and per- sonally taste the rare flavor of its luscious results. It was soon found that the most VISIT THE MILLINERY PARLORS OF Mesdames Hall and Pauls, FOR THE Latest Styles in Millinery. A full and complete line of fancy Neck- wear, Veilings, Laces and Ribbons. We are also exclusive agents for the Franco- American Hygienic Company^s Toilet requisites. DR. C. N. LORD, Dentist, V