4fo7 ^ 5 "WiLW? OlVXCXX/wO . VtrvwwwXAjiU/ CfL CtrvTjLc^ . CtO-i-trc' lass. booK fc.U7 PRESENT):!) HY CEREMONIES IN CELEBRATION OF THE ONE HUNDREDTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE BIRTH OF ROBERT E. LEE. UNDER THE AUSPICES :0F THE: CONFEDERATE ORGANIZATIONS :0F: : .,, NEW ORLEANS. ^^^^ "^ .L^Ws i.Jift. 9 f 1907 1. JANUARY 19, 1907. 12:00 M. — SALUTE of Nineteen Guns at the Head of Canal Street, by WASHINGTON AETILLERY. 12:00 M. — Music at tl.e :Mo:iument. The children of the Public Schools will be assembled at the monument and the BEAUREGAED CADETS will act as Guard of Honor. — R — 2:30 P. M. — MILITARY PARADE. Grand Marshal, COL. T. W. GASTLEMAN, ADJUTANT GENERAL AND CHIEF OF STAFF, LOUISIANA DIVISION, U. C. V. FIEST BRIGADE, L. S. N. G., BRIGADIER-GENERAL W. D. GAR- DINER, Commanding. NAVAL BRIGADE, CAPTAIN J. W. BOSTICK, L. N. M., Com- manding. COLLEGE AND SCHOOL CADETS. MAJOR A. F. W. McMANUS, U. S. A., Commanding. JESUIT COLLEGE CADET CORPS, DYER'S UNIVERSITY SCHOOL CADETS, ST. ALPHONSUS CADETS, FERRELL'S SCHOOL CADETS, RUGBY ACADEMY CADETS. BATTALION WASHINGTON ARTILLERY, MOUNTED BATTERY, CAPT. T. McC. HYMAN, Commanding. CONFEDERATE VETERAN CAMPS. NO. 1, ARMY OF Vii^GINIA. NO. 2, ARMY OF TENNESSEE. NO. 9, CAVALRY CAMP. NO. 15, WASHINGTON ARTILLERY. NO. 16, HENRY ST. PAUL. CAMP BEAUREGARD NO. 130, U. S. C. V. In Carriages. VETERANS FROM THE SOLDIERS' HOME. MEMBERS LOUISIANA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. ORATOR AND CHAPLAINS. — 4 — EXERCISES AT THE MONUMENT AFTER ARRIVAL OF PARADE. 3:00 P. M. INVOCATION— EEV. A. GOEDON BAKEWELL, CHAPLAIN Army of Northern Virgiuia, U. C. V. Camp No. 1. Music— "DIXIE." "HOW FIEM A FOUNDATION YE SAINTS OF THE LOED," by Chorus. EEADING OF GENEEAL LEE'S FAEEWELL ADDEESS by COM- EADE J. ZACH. SPEAEING, of CAMP BEAUEEGAED, NO. 130, U. S. C. V. "FOE ALL THE SAINTS WHO FEOM THEIE LABOES EEST, by Choriis. Address— HON. CHAS. E. FENNEE, OF FENNEE 'S BATTEEY, C. S. A. Music— "THE BONNIE BLUE FLAG." "THE SWOED OF EOBEET E. LEE., by GEOEGE LE BON, for- merly of Eobert E. Lee School. BENEDICTION— HIS GEACE, AECHBISHOP JOSEPH H. BLENK. Music-' ' AMEEICA. ' ' — 5 — EXERCISES AT THE ATHENAEUM, 8 P. M. INVOCATION— REV. J. W. CALDWELL, JE., CHAPLAIN OF CAMP BEAUREGA'RD NO. 130, IT. S. C. V. Vocal Mnsie by the Polyhymnia Circle, under the direction of MRS. THERESA CANNON BUCKLEY. Song— " VIRGINIA. " The roses bloom nowhere so white As in Virginia, The sunshine nowhere shines so bright As in ATrginia. The birds sing nowhere qnite so sweet, And nowhere hearts so lightly beat, For heaven and earth both seem to meet Down in Virginia. The days are never quite so long As in Virginia ; Nor quite so filled with happy song, As in Virginia. And when my time has come to die, Oh! take me back and let me lie, Close where the James goes rolling by Down in Virginia. There is no other land so fair. As old Virginia, So full of song, so free from care, As old Virginia, And I am sure that happy land, The Lord prepared for mortal man, Is built exactly on the plan. Of old Virginia. Introduction of Presiding officer, GENERAL STEPHEN D. LEE, COM- MANDER-IN-CHIEF UNITED CONFEDERATE VETERANS, who will be escorted to the chair by a COMMITTEE OF VETERANS who sur- rendered and were paroled at APPOMATTOX. — 6 — THE r.IFF. OF ROBERT E. LEE. i^aiviWIQn*^ Born January 19, 1807. Preparation for West Point Military Academy, 1824. Appointed to United States Military Academy by Preeiden't Andrew Jackson, 1825. Graduated in Corps of Engineers, United States Military Academy, July 4, 1829. Married at Arlington to Mary A. E. Custis, June 31, 1831. In charge of Corps of Engineers working on improvements of Mississippi Kiver, 1835. Captain United States Army, Corps of Engineers, 1838. In charge of defenses. New York harbor, 1845. Mexican War, 1846. Brevet Major, Battle of Cerro Gordo, April 18, 1847. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel, Battles of Cherubusco and Contreras, August 20. 1847. Brevet Colonel, Battle of Chapultepec, September 13, 1847. Superintendent United States Military Academy at West Point, September 1, 1852. Lieutenant-Colonel United States Army, Second Cavalry, March 3, 1855. At New Orleans, February 14, 1860. Colonel United States Army, February, 1861. Resigned from United States Army, April 20, 1861. General, Virginia State Troops, 1861. General in the Confederate States Army, 1862. Military adviser of the President, March, 1862. Commander-in-Ch'ef of all the Confederate forces, February 9, 1865. Surrendered at Appomattox, April 9, 1865. • Farewell address, April 10, 1865. Indicted for treason, June, 1865. President, Washington University, October 2, 1865. Died October 12, 1870. ' ' The earth that bears him dead, Bears not alive so true a gentleman. ' ■ — 3 GENERAL LEE, Before the War. FRANK L. RICHARDSON, President, Army of Tennessee. FOR ALL THE SAINTS WHO FROM THEIR LABORS REST. For all the saints who from their labors rest, Who Thee by faith before the world confesse-l Thy name, O Jesus, be forever blest. Hallelujrih! Thou wast their Rock, their Fortress, and their Might, Thou, Lord, their Captain in the well-fought fight ; Thou in the darkness drear their one true light. Hallelujah ! O may Thy soldiers, faithful, true, and bold, Fight as the saints who nobly fought of old, Aud win with them the victor 's crown of gold. Hallelujah ! And when the strife is fierce, the warfare long, Steals on the ear the distant triumph-song. And hearts are brave again and arms are strong. Hallelujah! LORD WOLSELEY'S TRIBUTE TO LEE. To be read by MISS LELIA LEE RIDDELL, of the Junior Confederate Memorial Association. ' ' I have met many of the great men of my time, but Lee alone impressed me with the feeling that I was in the presence of a man who was cast in a grander mold and made of different and finer metal than all other men. He is stamped upon my m.emory as a being apart and superior to all others in every way, a man with whom none I ever knew, and very few of whom I have read, are worthy to be classed. ' ' GENERAL LEE, During the War. MR. E. HOWARD McCALEB, Army of Northern Virginia. BENJAMIN HILL'S TRIBUTE TO GEN. LEE. To be read by COMRADE FOWLER, of the Sohliers ' Home. ' ' He was a foe withont hate, a friend without treachery, a soldier without cruelty, a victor without oppression, and a victim without murmuring. He was a Christion without hypocrisy, and a man without guile. He was a Caesar without his ambition, Frederick without his tyranny. Napoleon without his selfishness, and Washington without his reward. ' ' GENERAL LEE, At the Close of the War. JUDGE THOMAS C. W. ELLIS, Army of Tennessee. FAREWELL ADDRESS OF GENERAL ROBERT E. LEE TO THE ARMY OF NORTHERN VIRGINIA. To be read by W. J. Behan, who, as Lieutenant of the Fourth Company, Washington Artillery, surrendered and was paroled at Appomattox, and to be read from the copy of the address given to him at the time. HEADQUARTEES ARMY OF NORTHERN VIRGINIA. April 10, 1865. (General Order No. 9.) After four years of arduous service, marked by unsurpassed courage and fortitude, the A'rmy of Northern Virginia has been compelled to yield to overwhelming numbers and resources. I need not tell the brave survivors of so many hard-fought battles, who have remained steadfast to the last, that I have consented to the result from no Mstrust of them. But, feeling that valor and devotion could accomplish nothing that could compensate for the loss that must have attended the continuance of the contest, I determined to avoid the useless sacrifice of those whose past services have endeared them to their countrymen. By the terms of the agreement, officers and men can return to their homes, and rernain until exchanged. You will take with you the satisfaction that proceeds from the consciousness of duty faithfully performed; and I earnestly pray that a merciful God will extend to you his blessing and protection. With an increasing admiration of your constancy and devotion to your country, and a grateful remembrance of your kind and generous con- siderations for myself, I bid you all an affectionate farewell. R. E. LEE, General. — 6 GENERAL LEE, After the War — As an Educator. THOMAS J. KEENAN, Alumnus of Washington University, Class of j 873. Tribute of EEV. DE. J. W. JONES, who was General Lee's Chaplain at Washington University. To be read by COMEADE A. ESTOPINAL, JE., of Camp Beauregard No. 130, U. S. C. V. "A man whose strength was the might of gentleness and self-command. A modest, God-loving gentleman, a firm, staunch patriot and intrepid soldier, a brilliant commander, a magnanimous foe, a thorough scholar, a useful and honored citizen, Eobert Edward Lee's place is at the head of the great men of recorded time. ' ' We cannot have too many biographies of him, we cannot raise too many monuments to him, we cannot see his gentle face too often. Noble, just and generous, tender, strong and loving, he is venerated and loved throughout the world. ' ' GENERAL LEE, As a Man. HIS GEACE, ARCHBISHOP JOS. H. BLENK. HOW FIRM A FOUNDATION, YE SAINTS OF THE LORD. How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord, Is laid for your faith in His excellent word! . What more can He say than to you He hath said, To you who for refuge to Jesus nave fled? • ' Fear not, I am with thee ; oh. be not dismayed. For I am thy Uod, aud will still give thee aid; I'll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand, Upheld by my gracious, omnipotent hand. "When through the deep waters I call thee to go, The rivers of sorrow shall not overflow, For I will be with thee, thy trials to bless, And sanctify thee thy deepest distress. ' ' Wlien through fiery trials thy pathway shall lie, My grace, all-sufl&cient, shall be thy supply; The flames shall not hurt thee; I only design Thy dross to consume, and thy gold to refine." TRIBUTE OF GENERAL FRANCIS T. NICHOLLS TO GENERAL ROBERT E. LEE. "In every relation of life he played his part well, meeting misfor- tune with the same serene dignity that in earlier times he had accepted honors. His virtues were only surpassed by his valor, his greatness by his modesty, and so transcendent were his qualities of mind and heart that even before the dark clouds of war had blown away the nation had begun to appreciate Robert E. Lee and to claim him as its own. Happy the country that produces such a man; happy the youth who have in him an example of all a Christian and a gentleman should be." "DUTY IS THE SUBLIMEST WORD IN THE ENGLISH LAN- GUAGE," MISS JULIA ELSNER ROGERS, CHAPTER 72, U. D. C. PRESENTATION OF CROSSES OF HONOR, BY CHAPTER 72, U. D. C, AND FITZHUGH LEE CHAPTER, U. D. C. "THE BIRTH OF GENERAL LEE," composed by MISS MYRTILLA E. GIVEN, CHAPTER NO. 72, U. D. C. Recited by MISS JESSIE THARP, of the LADIES' CONFEDERATE MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION. "DIXIE, By MISS MOLLIE C. BLANCHARD, assisted by MISS T. HUNZEL- MAN, MISS M. PEYRAT, MISS C. COE, MISS E. ROHRBACHER, MISS L. PINSKI, MISS E. MOHR, MISS CORALIE RENAUD, MISS A. NORES, MISS C. L. NICK, MISS A. LEGENDRE AND MISS C. ROUSSEL. (The audience is requested to join in the last chorus, as follows:) ' ' I -wish I was in Dixie, Hooray! Hooray! In Dixie land, I '11 take my stand, To live and die in Dixie land, Look away! Look away! Look away ! down south in Dixie. ' ' BENEDICTION— REV. BEVERLEY WARNER. "GOD BE WITH YOU TILL WE MEET AGAIN." Music— "AMERICA. COMMITTEE IN CHARGE. W. 0. HART, Camp Beauregard No. 130, Unitctl Sons of Confederate Veterans, Chairnian. FROM LADIES' CONFEDERATE MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION. -Miss L). ^L L. II(idgson,Mrs. H. C. Maekie, Miss Angela Lobrano, Mrs. Benjamin Ory, Miss Kate Eastman, Miss M. E. Blakely. Miss Jess'e Tliarp, FROM LADIES' CONFEDERATE MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION. Mrs. Charles Zapata, Miss Estelle M. Hodgson, Miss Liilah Scott, Miss -Coralie Eenaud, Mrs. W. J. Behan, Mrs. J. Y. Gilmore, Mrs. S. Turner, Mrs. .T. E. Foiiriiier. Miss Andrea Frederichs, Miss Lelia Lee Riddell. 9, U. C. V. Gen. J. B. Levert. Miss Phala Shaw, Miss Lillian Norvell Mrs. A. H. Eiddcll, FROM CAMP NO Dr. G. H. Tiehenor, M. L. Costley, S. S. Prentiss, Capt. James Dinkins, FROM NEW ORLEANS CHAPTER NO. 72, U. D. C. Mrs. G. H. Tiehenor, Mrs. D. A. S. Vaught, Mrs. Geo. B. Dermody, Mrs. Theo. McGinnis, Miss Kate T. Childress, Mrs. James Dinkins, Mrs. Alden MeLellan, Mij-s Julia E. Rogers, Mrs. Panl Israel. Mrs. C. M. Daigle, Mrs. M. Gosselin, Miss M. E. Given, Miss D. Gautreaux, Miss M. E. Blanchard, V. FROM FITZHUGH LEE CHAPTER, LA. DIVISION, U. D. C. Mrs. J. P. Smith, Miss Belle Van Horn, Mrs. E. C. Longmire. Miss Sallie M. Owen, Mrs. H. H. Marks, FROM JEFFERSON DAVIS MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION. Mrs. T. H. Marsh, Mrs. M. A. Forwood, Mrs. W. J. Hammond, Mrs. W. J. Carnahan, Mrs. D. R. Graham, Mrs. J. F. Spearing. FROM ARMY OF NORTHERN VIRGINIA, CAMP NO. 1, U. C. V TTarrv H Mnrks, Chnvlos Smith, Tlinmas Hisgins, J. J. Cumpsten, E. F. Kohnke, Fred A. Ober. FROM WASHINGTON ARTILLERY CAMP NO. 15, U. C Col. A. P. Blakely, Jno. W. Watson, Frank Lobrano, Gen. W. .J. i_.ehaii, Jno. Hohnes, Sumpter Turner. FROM LOUISIANA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Scott McGehee, Gen. W. G. Vincent, FROM ARMY OF TENNESSEE, CAMP NO. 2, U. C. V John W. Carnahan, Peter C. Gaffney, Charles Santana, Gen. John Glynn, Jr., J. William Noyes Judge F. A. Monroe, Alden MeLellan, Dudley Selph, Col. James D. Hill Judge R. T. Beauregard, George H. Lord, Nicholas Cuny, John K. Renaud, Peter Ehzajdi, Adam Wagatha, FROM HENRY ST. PAUL CAMP, U. C. V * ■ General A. B. Booth. Col. B. F. Eshleman, Thos. B. McPeake, Robert E. Craig, Gen. J. A. Chalaron. John R. Juden, E. D. Scriven, Dr. Frank J. Chalaron, Paul DeVerges, J. Paul Haller, Jr., Gen. A. Estopinal. GEN. J. A. PRUDHOMME, Commander-in-Chief, Louisiana Division, U. C. V. COL, T. W. CAS'iLEMA-N, Adjutant-General and Chief of Siatf, Louisiana Division, U. C. V. GEN. W. E. ]\IICKLE, Adjutant-General and Chief of Staff, U. C. V. Association. FROM CAMP BEAUREGARD NO. 130, U. S. C. V. R. F. Green, Gordon S. Le\7, E. M. LeBreton, J. Y. Sanders, C. J. Estopinal, J. M. Augustin, W. McL. Fayssoux, G. K. Renaud, A. A. Bursley. Judge John St. Paul, C. J. Chapotin, W. H. MeLellan. ,^