LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Q0D0E33T13H V "-..^^^ *bv" ^°-^^. ^^-n^ • »' «-?) 1*-°' Q* 1 '^'^ "' J ♦ -^^ ^oV" "iy' < ./V ^^0^ ?5°^ January 1 -\ Caviar on Toast .'-A,'"^ Clear Soup ^ cA Broiled Smelts Maitre d 'Hotel Butter Roast Goose, Apple Sauce Mashed Potatoes String Beans Tomato Jelly Mayonnaise .^ Plum Pudding, Wine Sauce Ice Cream January 2 5}?' TOMATO JELLY One can of tomatoes, box of gelatine, slice of onion, sprig of parsley, bay leaf, blade of mace, 3 cloves, 3 peppercorns, teaspoonful of salt. Cook tomatoes with seasoning until tender enough to strain. Soak gelatine about 20 minutes in enough cold water to cover it. Pour strained tomatoes over the gelatine till dissolved. Put in individual moulds or in a ring and set away to cool. Serve on lettuce leaves with mayonnaise dressing. January 3 \ Cream of Badey Soup Boiled Salmon Egg Sauce Broiled Chops Puree of Chestnuts Peas .^ Lettuce Salad Cream Cheese ^ Fruit Salad January 4 CREAM OF BARLEY SOUP Two tablespoonfuls of barley, 1 pint of milk, I pint of white stock, yolks of 2 eggs, salt and pepper to taste. Scald the barley, drain, and cover with fresh boiling water, boil for 3 hours ; strain. Put the milk and stock on to boil, add the barley, salt and pepper. Beat the yolks light, put them in the soup tureen, pour over the boiling soup, and serve. .-^ January 5 Clam Broth Whipped Cream Roast Chicken Boiled Rice Spinacl Salmon Mayonnaise Lemon Meringue Pie January 6 LEMON FILLING FOR PIES Yolks of 3 eggs, yi pound of sugar, white of I egg, juice of 2 lemons, 2 ounces of butter, grated rind of 1 lemon. Beat up eggs, melt butter and sugar together, then add juice and rind, then the eggs. Stir all on fire until as thick as cream. Put in pie crust, make a meringue of the whites, and brown in oven. January 7 Clear Soup Roast Leg of Mutton Currant Jelly Potato Croquettes Carrots Celery Mayonnaise Caramel Custard January 8 CARAMEL CUSTARD Three eggs, 1 pint of milk, 1 teaspoonful of vanilla, I tablespoonful of boiling water, ^ cup of sugar, pinch of salt. Put sugar in an omelet pan, stir until melted and a light brown, then add the boiling water. Pour into half the milk, which has been warmed. Then beat the eggs a little only, add to them the salt and the rest of the milk. Pour all together and bake in a buttered pudding dish in a pan of water until stiff. Turn out when cold, pour a caramel sauce over it, and serve with whipped cream. January 9 Cream of Tomato Soup Oyster Patties Veal Cutlet Mashed Potatoes Spinach Lettuce Salad Cream Cheese Chocolate Souffle January 10 PASTRY One pound of flour, 4 tablespoonfuls of lard, cup of cold water, 8 tablespoonfuls of butter, I teaspoonful of salt. Rub flour, salt and lard together until very fine, then add cold water, mixing with a cold knife. Put lightly on a floured board ; roll out, spread with butter and roll up ; beat, roll out, spread with butter, roll up, and con- tinue until aU the butter is used up. Roll up and put in ice chest. When ready to use, roll out thin, and cut into any shape required. If treated lightly and kept very cold it can not fail. January 11 JuHenne Soup Fillet of Flounders Tomato Sauce Roast Turkey, Cranberry Sauce Rice Croquettes String Beans Lettuce Salad Cheese Brown Betty, Hard Sauce January 12 BROWN BETTY Butter a pudding dish well, then take fine bread crumbs and line the dish well. Cut the apples in thin slices and fill the dish, putting in every once in a while a little butter, sugar and cinnamon. On the top put buttered bread crumbs. Bake from ^ to 1 hour. January 13 Clam Broth Whipped Cream Egg Timbals, Cream Sauce Broiled Squabs Lettuce Salad Chocolate Eclairs January 14 EGG TIMBAL Five eggs, I tablespoonful of flour, I teaspoonful of salt, 1 pint of milk. Beat whites and yolks separately. Boil a lump of butter the size of an egg in nearly all of the milk. Rub the flour and salt smooth in the rest of the milk. Pour all the ingre- dients together in a buttered mould or in small timbal tins. Bake in a moderate oven 1 5 or 20 minutes. January 15 Chicken Soup Broiled Sea Bass Cucumbers Roast Beef Cauliflov^^er Potatoes Celery Mayonnaise Cheese Rice Pudding Strawberry Preserves January 16 SCALLOPED EGGS Chop up (not fine) some hard-boiled eggs. Put in a well-buttered dish a layer of.^egg, salt and pepper, cover with a cream sauce; continue until dish is full; have sauce on top. Sprinkle with bread crumbs, cheese and butter ; brown in oven. January 17 Cream of Oyster Soup Lobster Cutlets, Cardinal Sauce Roast Saddle of Mutton Currant Jelly Peas Potatoes Lettuce Salad Cheese Vanilla Ice Cream, Chocolate Sauce January 18 CHOCOLATE SAUCE One-fourth of a cake of Baker's chocolate, I cup of sugar, ^ cup of milk, 1 tablespoonful of butter, I teaspoonful of vanilla. Put chocolate, sugar and milk on to boil, and stir steadily until all are melted. Add butter, boil 10 minutes, add vanilla, and serve immediately. January 1 9 Scalloped Eggs Chicken a la Maryland Boiled Rice Spinach Raspberry Tarts January 20 CHICKEN A LA MARYLAND Cut the chicken as for fricassee, and skin. Put in a pan, cover with boiling water, and simmer slowly for 20 minutes. Remove from the pan, dry, and season with salt and pepper. Roll in crumbs, then in egg, then in crumbs, and fry in deep fat till brown. Arrange on a platter and pour a white sauce over it. January 21 Puree of Peas Boiled Salmon, Sauce HoUandaise Crown Roast of Lamb Potato Croquettes Peas Lettuce Salad Cheese Chocolate Parfait January 22 SAUCE HOLLANDAISE Half cup of butter, 1 saltspoonful of salt, yolks of 2 eggs, % saltspoonful of cayenne pepper, juice of ^ lemon, ^ cup of boiling water. Rub the butter to a cream in a small bowl with a wooden spoon. Add the yolks one at a time, and beat well ; then add lemon juice, salt and pepper. About five minutes before serv- ing add the boiling water. Place the bowl in a saucepan of boiling water and stir rapidly until it thickens like custard. Pour the sauce around the meat or fish. January 23 Clear Soup Salmon Croquettes, Sauce Tartare Roast Duck, Apple Sauce Mashed Potatoes Peas Cold Tongue Lettuce Salad Cream Puffs, Chocolate Sauce January 24 CREAM PUFFS Boil together % pint of water and ^ of a cup of butter ; while boiling stir in 1 % cups of flour (scant). Let it cool sufficiently not to cook the eggs, 5 of which are to be well beaten and the whole well mixed together ; add also a little salt. Drop on tins, a spoonful in a place, and bake in a hot oven from 20 to 30 minutes. Fill with cream. January 25 Caviar Canape Consomme Broiled Fresh Mackerel Cucumbers Fillet of Beef a Jardiniere Roast Squabs Celery Salad Chocolate Ice Cream January 26 SALTED ALMONDS Shell and blanch I pound of almonds, /. e., drop into a vessel of boiling water to loosen the skin, when, in a few minutes, the almonds can be pushed out white. Dry thoroughly in a towel. Put into a large pan a piece of butter the size of a small chestnut, and when melted turn the almonds into it, stirring rapidly until every nut is shining with butter. Then sprinkle over them a large cooking -spoonful of salt, mixing well. Put the pan in the bottom of the oven and stir every few minutes until the almonds are a light brown. January 27 Tomato Soup Fish Timbal Chops Mashed Potatoes Spinach Roast Chicken Lettuce Salad Apple Fritters January 28 TOMATO SOUP One can of tomatoes, 1 saltspoonful of pepper, 1 tablespoonful of butter, 1 tablespoonful of sugar, 1 tablespoonful of chopped onions, I tablespoonful of chopped parsley, I tablespoonful of cornstarch, 1 saltspoonful of salt, 4 cloves. Put the toma- toes, water, sugar, salt and cloves on to boil in a porcelain stewpan, and, when it bubbles, put in the onion and parsley. Fry 5 minutes, being careful not to burn it. Add the cornstarch, and when well mixed stir it into the tomato. Let simmer 10 minutes. Strain and serve with boiled rice or croutons. January 29 Vermicelli Soup Fried Fish, Sauce Tartare Roast Lamb Currant Jelly Potatoes au Gratin String Beans Vegetable Salad Rice a rimperatrice, Chocolate Sauce January 30 RICE A L'IMPERATRICE Take a scant % cup of rice and put in a double boiler with 1 pint of milk, sugar and a pinch of salt. Let it boil until creamy. When done, add ^ of a box of gelatine soaked in cold water. Put away to cool. When cold, beat hard, and add to it 1 pint of cream whipped. Put in a form to cool. Turn out, decorate with whipped cream, and serve with hot chocolate sauce. January 31 Corn Soup Roast Turkey, Cranberry Sauce Rice Croquettes Stewed Celery Lettuce Salad Cheese Floating Island February 1 CHOCOLATE CAKE Make a rich cup cake and bake in jelly cake tins. Make a filling with % cake of Baker's chocolate put in a saucepan with /^ pint of milk ; let it dissolve on the fire, stirring constantly. When melted, add a pinch of salt, 2 tablespoonfuls of sugar and I teaspoonful of cornstarch dissolved in a little cold milk. Stir until quite thick, then take from the fire and add 1 teaspoonful of molasses and 1 teaspoonful of vanilla. When cold, spread between the layers. ICING One-quarter cake of Baker's chocolate put in a saucepan with I tablespoonful of boiling water. Melt over hot water, then add % cup of confectioner's sugar and spread on top of cake. February 2 Broiled Sardines Egg Vermicelli Beefsteak French Fried Potatoes Cauliflower Cheese Guava Jelly Toasted Crackers Wine Jelly, Whipped Cream February 3 VANILLA JUMBLES One large cup of butter, 2 cups of sugar, 3 eggs, 1 cup of milk, 3 scant cups of flour, 2 teaspoonfuls of vanilla. Mix as for cup cake. Drop by teaspoonfuls on a hot buttered pan, and bake until brown around the edges. February 4 Grape Fruit Consomme au Printemps Fillet of Flounders, Sauce Hollandaise Boiled Turkey, Oyster Sauce Potatoes String Beans Celery Mayonnaise Cafe Mousse February 5 CAFE MOUSSE Four tablespoonfuls of coffee essence, I pint of cream whipped, 3 tablespoonfuls of sugar. Beat cream very stiff, add coffee and sugar. Put in a form, pack in salt and ice, let it stand about 2 hours. Turn out and serve with whipped cream around it. February 6 Cream of Chicken Soup Roast Ribs of Beef Rice Croquettes Spinach Jellied Chicken Lettuce Salad Apple Pie Cream February 7 STUFFED EGGS Hard-boil 6 eggs. Cut in halves lengthwise. Take out the yolks, and mash with 1 tablespoonful of melted butter, ^^ teaspoonful of salt, a dash of cayenne, and 3 tablespoonfuls of finely chopped chicken, ham or tongue. If too dry, add more butter. Return to the whites. Serve with hot cream sauce or on lettuce leaves with mayonnaise dressing. February 8 Julienne Soup Croquettes of Halibut, Sauce Tartare Filet Mignon French Peas Potatoes Tomato and Lettuce Salad Baked Custard February 9 FISH CROQUETTES Take cold boiled fish, mix with a thick cream sauce, let it stand till cold. Make into oblong shapes not too large. Roll first in bread crumbs, then in egg, and then in crumbs. Fry in hot fat to a delicate brown. February 10 Cream of Tomato Soup Roast Leg of Lamb, Currant Jelly Potato Souffle Cauliflower Chicken Croquettes Lettuce Salad Apple Charlotte February 11 POTATO SOUFFLE Two cupfuls of cold mashed potatoes, and stir into it 2 tablespoonfuls of melted butter. Beat to a white cream before adding anything else, then add 2 eggs whipped very light and I teacupful of cream or milk. Salt to taste, beat all well, pour into a deep dish, and bake in a quick oven until brown. February 12 Raw Oysters Chicken Soup Fish Baked in Green Peppers Roast Duck, Apple Sauce Potatoes Stewed Celery Jellied Tongue Lettuce Vanilla Ice Cream, Chocolate Sauce February 13 FISH BAKED IN GREEN PEPPERS Take some cold boiled fish. Mix with a cream sauce, season well, put into the peppers, which have been cut on top and the insides removed. Cover the fish with bread crumbs and small piece of butter. Put in oven to brown. February 14 Bisque of Clams Beefsteak Potatoes au Gratin Stewed Tomatoes Lettuce Salad Creema Cheese Balls Chocolate Blanc Mange Whipped Cream February 15 CREAM CHEESE BALLS Take a cream cheese, mix with I green pepper chopped fine, 6 chopped walnuts, salt and pepper to taste. Make like butter balls. Pile in the center of lettuce leaves, and serve with French dressing. February 16 Barley Soup Lobster a la Newburg Roast Turkey, Cranberry Sauce Macaroni au Gratin Spinach Lettuce Salad Coffee Jelly Whipped Cream February 17 EGGS IN ROLLS Take some round bread biscuits, cut the top off and remove the crumb. Butter it well inside and grate cheese in it, then drop in a raw egg, put some butter on top and some grated cheese, a Httle salt. Put into a hot oven until the cheese browns. February 18 Vermicelli Soup Roast Lamb Currant Jelly Potato Souffle Stewed Tomatoes with Rice Turkey Croquettes Lettuce Salad Baked Custard February 19 NUT JUMBLES Half a pound of butter (less yi tablespoonful), yi pound of light brown sugar, ^ pound of flour (less a tablespoonful), 2 eggs beaten together, I small cup of nut meat. Drop off a spoon on buttered pans a little distance apart. A teaspoonful of sherry improves them, or rose water. February 20 Mutton Soup Fried Smelts Maitre d'Hotel Butter Braised Sweetbreads Peas Roast Guinea Fowl Lettuce Salad Orcinge Pudding February 21 ORANGE JELLY Half a box of gelatine, ^ cup of cold water, I cup of boiling water, juice of 1 lemon, I cup of sugar, 1 pint of orange juice. Soak the gelatine in cold water until soft. Add the boiling water, the lemon juice, sugar and orange juice. Stir until the sugar is dissolved, and strain. Serve in orange baskets. February 22 Julienne Soup Boiled Salmon, Sauce Hollandaise Crown Roast Lamb Mashed Potatoes String Beans Celery Mayonnaise Strawberry Tarts February 23 MARSHMALLOW CAKES Make a rich cup cake, bake in square pans about 2 inches deep. When baked, turn out on a cloth to get cool. When cold, cut in squares about 2 inches, which split in half and fill with the following mixture, also spread the top with it and put half a marshmallow on each cake : MARSHMALLOW MIXTURE Half pound of marshmallows, whites of four eggs, 16 small tablespoonfuls of granulated sugar, I tea- spoonful of vanilla. Put the marshmallows in a double boiler, breaking them small. Add to them as little boiling water as possible, simply enough to help them melt to a paste ; stir them frequently. When well melted and smooth, add them gradually to the whites, which have been beaten very light with sugar added to the whites gradually. Also add 1 teaspoonful of vanilla. February 24 Chicken Soup Broiled Oysters Fillet of Beef Mignon, Bearnaise Sauce Stuffed Potatoes Cauliflower Tomato Jelly Mayonnaise Mont Blanc February 25 MONT BLANC Put 1 pound large French chestnuts, pour boiling water on them so as to remove the inside skin. Put on to boil with plenty of boiling water ; add 1 teaspoonful of salt. When tender, remove from the fire and mash with a little cream ; sweeten and flavor with vanilla. Beat up ^ pint of cream and put in the center of the dish. Put the chestnut mixture through a potato ricer and put around the cream. February 26 Chicken Soup Roast Beef Potatoes Spinach Cold Tongue Lettuce Salad Apple Tart, Cream February 27 STUFFED POTATOES Bake some nice-shaped potatoes for about an hour and a half, then cut off the tops and take out the potato without breaking the skin. Mix it in a warm bowl with a little butter, boiled milk, salt, pepper and chopped parsley or celery tops. When they are well mixed, return to their skins and serve. February 28 Puree of Peas Broiled Spanish Mackerel Cucumber Salad Roast Ham Potatoes Spinach Chicken Salad Cream Cheese Frozen Pineapple February 29 PUREE OF PEAS One quart of green peas, I quart of water, I pint of milk, Y?, teaspoonful of salt, % ScJt- spoonful of pepper, Yz teaspoonful of sugar, 1 tablespoonful of butter, 1 tablespoonful of flour. Put the peas into I pint of boiling water and cook until soft. Mash them in the water in which they were boiled and through a strainer, gradually adding a pint of hot water, which will help to separate the pulp from the skins. Put on to boil again. Cook the butter and flour in a small pan, being careful not to let it brown. Stir it into the soup. Add salt, sugar, pepper and the hot milk, using milk enough to make it the consistency you prefer. March 1 Consomme Broiled Chicken Rice Stewed Celery Lettuce Salad Fruit Jelly, Whipped Cream March 2 Cream of Tomato Soup Broiled Chops Braised Carrots Hashed Brown Potatoes Roast Chicken Lettuce Salad Cream Puffs, Chocolate Sauce March 3 CREAM OF TOMATO SOUP Half can of tomatoes, 1 quart of milk, ^A, cup of butter, 1 tablespoonful of corn- starch, I teaspoonful of salt, ^ saltspoonful of pepper. Stew the tomatoes until soft enough to strain easily, boil the milk in a double boiler. Melt I tablespoonful of butter in a saucepan, and when it bubbles add the cornstarch ; add enough hot milk to make the mixture pour easily. Stir it carefully into the rest of the milk and let boil ten minutes. Add the remainder of the butter in small pieces and stir until well mixed. Add salt and pepper and the strained tomatoes. March 4 Clear Soup Scalloped Oysters Roast Duck, Apple Sauce Fried Sweet Potatoes Puree of Peas Lettuce and Tomato Salad Cream Cheese Rice Pudding Strawberry Preserves March 5 GINGERBREAD One cup of brown sugar, 1 cup of butter, 2 cups of molasses, 1 cup of sweet milk, 5 cups of flour, 5 eggs, 2 teaspoonfuls of baking powder, 1 teaspoonful of ginger, 1 teaspoonful of cinnamon, ^ teaspoonful of nutmeg. Beat butter, sugar and molasses together, add yolks and spices, then flour and baking powder, beaten whites, and lastly the milk. March 6 Juhenne Soup Salmon Steak Cucumbers Chicken Pie Potatoes String Beans Lettuce Salad Cheese Apple Fritters, Custard Sauce March 7 YORKSHIRE PUDDING Mix very smooth together I quart of flour and I quart of milk, then add the beaten yolks of four eggs and 1 teaspoonful of salt, and lastly the stiffly beaten whites. Put some drippings in a roasting pan in the oven. When very hot pour in the batter and bake for yi hour. March 8 Raw Clams Cream of Spinach Soup Roast Beef Yorkshire Pudding Boiled Rice Salsify Cakes Cold Asparagus, French Dressing Lemon Meringue Pudding March 9 SOUTHERN BISCUITS Sift 1 pint of flour with 1 teaspoonful of salt and ^ teaspoonful of soda. Rub into flour a lump of butter the size of an egg, then mix with buttermilk or sour milk. Work into soft dough, roll out, cut, and bake in quick oven. March 10 Oyster Soup Roast Lamb Currant Jelly Stuffed Potatoes Peas Cold Tongue Lettuce Salad Caramel Custard March 11 TOMATO SAUCE Half a can of tomatoes, 1 cup of water, 2 cloves, 2 allspice, 2 peppercorns, 2 sprigs of parsley, 1 tablespoonful of chopped onions, 1 tablespoonful of butter, I heaping tablespoonful of cornstarch, ^ tablespoonful of salt, ^ saltspoonful of pepper. Put the tomato, water, spice and parsley on to boil in a granite saucepan ; fry the onion in the butter till brown, add the cornstarch, stir all into the tomato. Simmer 10 minutes, add the salt and pepper and a little cayenne. March 1 2 Vermicelli Soup Veal Cutlet, Tomato Sauce Mashed Potatoes Rice Croquettes Roast Guinea Fowl Lettuce Salad Vanilla Ice Cream, Chocolate Sauce March 13 POTATO CROQUETTES One pint of hot mashed potatoes, I tablespoonful of butter, j^ saltspoonful of salt, Yn teaspoonful of celery salt, a few drops of onion juice, yolk of I egg. Mix all together but the egg, till very light. When slightly cool add the yolk. Rub through a sieve, and add I teaspoonful of chopped parsley. Make into round balls, roll in crumbs, then egg, again in crumbs, fry in smoking hot lard 1 minute. March 14 Macaroni Soup Roast Turkey, Cranberry Sauce Potato Croquettes Asparagus Tips Brown Betty, Hard Sauce March 15 Chicken Soup Lobster Cutlets, Sauce Tartare Roast Saddle of Mutton Currant Jelly Peas Potatoes Tomato Jelly Salad Cheese Cafe Mousse March 16 WHITE VEGETABLE SOUP Two pints of vegetables of all kinds cut up small. Boil them up in 2 quarts of water and a little salt. When boiled, blend 2 tablespoonfuls of flour with a piece of butter the size of an egg, add I pint of cream or 3 pints of milk. Boil all together, and just before serving add the yolks of 2 eggs beaten with a little cream. March 17 White Vegetable Soup Steak Saratoga Potatoes Corn Lettuce Salad Cream Cheese Hot Bread Pudding, Hard Sauce March 18 FRUIT RISSOLES Take some delicate pie crust, roll out thin and even, seeing there are no spots where it will break. Cut it in squares about 5 inches. Place a spoonful of jam in the center and fold them together, wetting the edges with the white of an egg so that they will stick. Fry in boiling hot lard until a delicate brown. Sift powdered sugar over them and serve on a napkin. March 19 Chicken Soup Broiled Chops String Beans Mashed Potatoes Cold Tongue Lettuce Salad Fruit Rissoles March 20 MAPLE SUGAR CAKE Make a rich cup cake and bake in jelly cake tins. When cold, fill with the following mixture : % pound of maple sugar melted with a Uttle boiling water. Let it boil until it strings, then add it slowly to the stiffly beaten whites of 2 eggs. Beat till very stiff. Put between the layers and on top. March 21 Consomme au Printemps Broiled Shad Cucumbers Roast Chicken, Giblet Sauce Creamed Cauliflower Potatoes Waldorf Salad Cheese Crackers Chocolate Ice Cream March 22 TO KEEP CAKE FRESH Put in the cake tin a piece of fresh bread when you put in the cake. When the bread dries, put in a fresh piece. By doing this the cake will keep fresh a long time. March 23 Puree of Peas Croutons Beefsteak Pie Mashed Potatoes Spinach Cold Chicken Lettuce Salad Floating Island March 24 COTTAGE PUDDING One cup of sugar, heaping tablespoonful of butter, 2 eggs, 1 cup of milk, 2 ^ cups of flour, 2 teaspoonfuls of baking powder sifted with the flour. Rub the butter and sugar together, beat in the yolks, add ^ saltspoonful of salt, then the beaten whites, the flour, and lastly the milk. Bake in a buttered dish about ^ hour. March 25 Plain Soup Broiled Mackerel Cucumbers Chicken a la Maryland Peas Potatoes Saute Cottage Pudding March 26 MUFFINS COOKED ON THE GRIDDLE One pint of flour, 1 pint of milk, 1 egg, butter the size of ^ an egg, 1 ^ tea- spoonfuls of baking powder. Bake in muHin rings on not too hot a griddle. March 27 Cream of Celery Soup Boiled Halibut, Egg Sauce Roast Duck, Apple Sauce Mashed Potatoes Beans Cream Puffs March 28 SWEET POTATOES, BAKED Cut in slices not too thick some cold boiled sweet potatoes. Put in a flat buttered dish a layer of potatoes, some butter and a little granulated sugar. Continue until the dish is full, having butter and sugar on top. Put a little water over it (about ^ of a cup), put in oven until brown. March 29 Cheese Souffle Steak Sweet Potatoes, Baked Spinach Lettuce Salad Cheese Vanilla Ice Cream Cut-up Fruit March 30 CHEESE SOUFFLE Two table spoonfuls of butter, I heaping tablespoonful of flour, y^ cup of milk, I cup of grated cheese, 3 eggs, }^ saltspoonful of salt, a speck of cayenne pepper. Put the butter in a saucepan. When hot, add the flour and stir until smooth, not brown, then add the well-beaten yolks of eggs and the cheese. Set away to cool. When cold, add the stiffly beaten whites, turn into a buttered dish and bake from 20 to 30 minutes. Serve immediately. March 31 Vermicelli Soup Roast Lamb, Cranberry Sauce Sweet Potato Croquettes Peas Lettuce Salad Cheese Apple Pie April 1 CORN FRITTERS Grate the corn, and allow 1 ^ eggs to every cupful. I tablespoonful of milk or cream. Beat the eggs well, add the corn by degrees, beating very hard, salt to taste, yi tablespoonful of butter to every cup of corn. Stir in the milk and add just enough flour to hold them together, about yi tablespoonful to every egg. Fry in hot lard. Add a little more flour or milk if needed. April 2 Chicken Gumbo Soup Fish in Entree Dishes Chicken Fricassee Boiled Rice Corn Fritters Stewed Tomatoes Fruit Salad April 3 MOCK CRAB SANDWICHES Four tablespoonfuls of grated cheese, 3 tablespoonfuls of butter, 2 teaspoonfuls of anchovy sauce, ^ teaspoonful of dry mustard, a little salt, a good sprinkling of cayenne. Mix all together and spread thin on slices of bread. April 4 Consomme Royal Crown Roast Lamb Mashed Potatoes Macaroni au Gratin Chicken Croquettes Salad Asparagus Tips Raspberry Tarts April 5 SAUCE SABAYOU Beat until very light the yolks of 3 eggs with 3 tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar. Add by degrees a large glass of white wine. Place this in a double boiler, stir hard until it comes to a boil and is very light. Serve. April 6 Cream of Chicken Soup Roast Beef String Beans Roast Potatoes Endive Salad Boiled Suet Pudding Sauce Sabayou il 7 BOILED SUET PUDDING One cup of chopped suet, 1 cup of molasses, I cup of seeded raisins, 1 cup of milk, 3 cups of flour, butter the size of an egg, 1 teaspoonful of soda, I teaspoonful of cloves, 1 teaspoonful of cinnamon. Boil in a form ^ hour. April 8 Clam Soup Veal Cutlet, Cream Sauce Spinach Mashed Potatoes Cold Tongue Celery Salad Rice Pudding Preserves April 9 CHOCOLATE BAVARIAN CREAM Half a box of gelatine, 1 cup of milk scalded, 1 cup of powdered sugar, 1 tea- spoonful of vanilla, Y^ cake of Baker's chocolate dissolved in a little milk, 1 pint of cream whipped. Soak the gelatine in enough cold water to cover it. Scald the milk and pour over the soaked gelatine. Stir until dissolved, whip the cream, add sugar when the gelatine mixture begins to thicken, stir the cream in lightly, add vanilla, and put away to cool in a mould wet with cold water. Turn out and serve with whipped cream. April 10 Canapes of Sardines Consomme Roast Capon *eas New Potatoes Fresh Tomato Salad Chocolate Bavarian Cream April 1 1 HAMBURG CREAM Five eggs, ^ pound sifted sugar, 2 lemons. Beat the yolks with the juice and grated rind of the lemons, also the sugar. Put it on the fire and let it come to the boil. Then add lastly the whites of the eggs beaten very stiff. Stir all well together, take immediately off the fire and put in glasses. April 12 Broiled Sardines on Toast Lamb Chops *eas Potatoes Creamed Lettuce Salad Cheese Hamburg Cream April 1 3 FRENCH HASH One pound of meat cut in dice, I tablespoonful of chopped onion, 1 table- spoonful of chopped parsley, 1 tablespoonful of butter, I tablespoonful of flour, 1 wineglassful of white wine, 1 tablespoonful of lemon juice, yolks of 2 eggs. Fry onion and parsley in butter until a delicate brown. Moisten with >^ pint of stock, add flour, then meat, pepper and salt. After removing from fire add yolks, lemon juice and wine. April 14 Grape Fruit Vermicelli Soup Roast Spring Lamb, Mint Sauce String Beans Potatoes Tomato Salad Cream Cheese Balls Coffee Ice Cream April 15 Chicken Soup Steak Fried Egg Plant French Fried Potatoes Jellied Chicken Lettuce Salad Fruit Salad April 16 BLACK BEAN SOUP Wash and pick over 1 pint of black beans. Put in saucepan with 2 quarts of water (cold), I onion, 2 cloves, pinch of marjoram, a little thyme, 2 sprigs of parsley. Simmer slowly till the beans can be rubbed through a sieve. Add 1 quart of strong beef stock. Boil all together I hour. Put in each plate, before putting in the soup, some slices of hard-boiled egg and lemon. April 17 Black Bean Soup Broiled Shad, Roe Sauce Chicken Pie Spinach Potatoes Blanc Mange, Custard Sauce April 18 ROE SAUCE Boil the roe until soft, then mash, being careful there is no skin with it. Then stir it into a rich cream sauce. Serve it with broiled or baked shad. April 19 Vermicelli Soup Baked Blue Fish, Sauce HoUandaise Fillet of Beef Roast a Jardiniere Tomatoes Stuffed with Celery Cream Puffs, Hot Chocolate Sauce April 20 SALMON LOAF One pound of salmon or any other kind of cold fish. Chop up fine and mix with Yi cup of bread crumbs, yolks of 4 well-beaten eggs, chopped parsley, salt and pepper, lastly the beaten whites. Bake in a well-buttered bread tin for about ^ hour. Serve with a cream sauce. April 21 Cream Pea Soup Salmon Loaf, Cream Sauce Broiled Chicken Peas Potatoes Strawberries Cream April 22 CRUSTADES Take a cube of bread, each side being 4 inches. Cut out the inside, leaving a shell Yt, inch thick. Butter well on all sides. Put in oven until a delicate brown. April 23 Chicken Soup Boned Shoulder of Mutton, Stuffed Currant Jelly String Beans Potatoes Lettuce Salad Wine Jelly, Whipped Cream April 24 CHOCOLATE CAKE WITH ICING Part 1 One cup of brown sugar, Yz cup of butter, Yz cup of milk, 3 yolks and 1 white of egg beaten very light together, 2 cups of flour sifted, 3 teaspoonfuls of baking powder, I teaspoonful of vanilla. Stir this into Part 2. Part 2 One cup of brown sugar, 1 cup of grated chocolate, ^ cup of milk. Let dissolve on stove, but not boil ; stir occasionally. ICING One and one-half cups of sugar, ^ cup of water. Boil until it threads, then add slowly to the stiffly beaten whites of 3 eggs. Beat all together until cool. Flavor with vanilla. Spread between and on top of the layers. Make three layers. April 25 Consomme a la Reine Broiled Shad Cucumbers Roast Chicken, Cranberry Sauce Rice and Tomatoes Mashed Potatoes Chicory Salad Cheese Vanilla Ice Cream Strawberries April 26 Lobster Cutlets, Anchovy Sauce Creamed Chicken in Rice String Beans Cold Asparagus, French Dressing Rice a rimperatrice, Chocolate Sauce April 27 HOW TO CLEAR SOUP To 2 quarts of stock add ^ pound of lean beef chopped fine. Stir until it comes to the boil. Draw from the fire and simmer gently for 30 minutes, then strain twice through a fine cloth. April 28 Cream of Barley Soup Beef Pie Peas Potatoes Roast Guinea Fowl Lettuce Stewed Rhubarb, Custard Sauce April 29 CHOCOLATE PUDDING Four tablespoonfuls of cornstarch, I quart of milk, ^ cake of Baker's chocolate, 1 Yz cups of sugar, yolks of 3 eggs. Break the chocolate in the milk, place on the fire and heat to boiling. Then remove from the fire and add sugar and cornstarch mixed with yolks, and keep stirring until thick. Remove from fire, add vanilla, and pour in baking dish. Use whites for meringue. Put in oven until light brown. To be eaten cold. April 30 Chicken Soup Baked Blue Fish, Sauce HoUandaise Veal Cutlet Spinach New Potatoes Tomato Salad Cream Cheese Chocolate Pudding, Foamy Sauce May 1 FOAMY SAUCE Quarter cup of butter, % cup of powdered sugar, whites of 2 eggs, I gill of boiling water, 1 gill of sherry. Beat butter and sugar together until very light. Add the beaten whites of 2 eggs, beat all hard. Add 1 gill of sherry, and lastly 1 gill of boiling water. Serve immediately. May 2 Bisque of Clam Roast Lamb Currant Jelly Young Beets Potatoes Asparagus, Sauce HoUandaise Omelet Souffle and Jam May 3 BISQUE OF CLAM One dozen clams not opened, ^ pint of boiling water, 1 pint of boiling milk, 1 tablespoonful of butter, 1 tablespoonful of flour, pepper and a pinch of cayenne. Take the clams and scrub the shells. Put them in a pot with the boiling water. The shells will open soon. Remove the clams. Press in a lemon-squeezer so that the juice will go into the liquor of the clams (first, of course, having removed the shells). Mix butter and flour together, and add by degrees the boiling milk. When thick add it to the clam juice, season, and just before serving add the beaten yolks of 2 eggs. May 4 Clear Soup Filet Soles, Sauce Tartare Lamb Chops Mashed Potatoes Chicken Croquettes Lettuce Salad Strawberry Shortcake eas May 5 Julienne Soup Roast Beef Stuffed Peppers Rice Pudding Strawberry Jam Cream Potatoes May 6 STUFFED PEPPERS Six green peppers, I onion finely chopped, 2 tablespoonfuls of butter, 4 table- spoonfuls of chopped mushrooms, yd cup of brown sauce, 7 tablespoonfuls of bread crumbs. Cook onion in butter 3 minutes, add mushrooms and then brown sauce and bread crumbs. Cool the mixture. Sprinkle the pepper with salt after scooping out the center. Fill with mixture, cover with buttered bread crumbs, and bake 1 minutes. Serve on toast. May 7 Raw Clams Vermicelli Soup Shad Roe Croquettes Cucumbers Filet Mignon Mushrooms String Beans New Potatoes Broiled Chicken Tomato Salad Vanilla Ice Cream Strawberries May 8 SHAD ROE CROQUETTES Boil a pair of roes until tender, mix with a rich cream sauce. Set aside to cool. Make into balls, roll in crumbs, then in egg and then in crumbs. Fry in hot lard until a nice brown. May 9 Puree of Peas Croutons Steak Maitre d'Hotel Butter Spaghetti au Gratin New Carrots Cold Tongue Lettuce Salad Cafe Mousse May 10 CHOCOLATE SOUFFLE Half pint of milk, 2 ounces of Baker's chocolate, 3 tablespoonfuls of sugar, 1 table- spoonful of butter, 2 tablespoonfuls of flour, 4 eggs. Put the milk in a double boiler and place on the fire. Beat the butter to a soft cream, and beat the flour into it. Gradually pour the hot milk on this, stirring all the time. Return to the fire and cook 6 minutes. Put the chocolate, sugar and 2 tablespoonfuls of water in a small pan over a hot fire, stir until smooth. Stir this into the mixture in the double boiler. Take from the fire and add yolks of the eggs well beaten, then set away to cool. When cool, add the whites of the eggs beaten to a stiff froth. Pour the batter into a well-buttered dish that will hold a quart, and cook in a moderate oven for 20 minutes. May 11 Cream of Asparagus Soup Broiled Fresh Mackerel, Maitre d'Hotel Butter Chicken Fricassee Boiled Rice Stewed Tomatoes Potatoes Chocolate Souffle Cream May 12 BOILED RICE Wash the rice thoroughly. Take four times as much water as rice, add salt to it, let the water boil hard, then put in the rice and let it boil from 15 to 20 minutes, stirring occasionally with a fork, never with a spoon. Take the rice off and strain every bit of water from it. Then let it steam so that each grain is soft and separate. The grains must not be broken and not boiled too much, or it becomes indigestible. May 13 Iced Strawberries Clam Bouillon Whipped Cream Eggs in Tomatoes, Cream Sauce Fried Chicken Peas Potatoes Cold Asparagus, French Dressing Apricot Ice, Whipped Cream May 14 EGGS IN TOMATOES Take good-sized raw tomatoes. Cut out enough center to make a hole large enough to hold a raw egg. Put butter on top, and cheese if liked. Put in oven and cook until eggs are set. Cover each tomato with a rich cream sauce. May 15 Cream of Celery Soup Salmon Steaks, Sauce Tartare Roast Duck, Apple Sauce String Beans Potatoes Tomato Mayonnaise Cream Cheese Crackers Rhubarb Shortcake May 16 SPONGE CAKE Ten eggs, the weight of the eggs in sugar, half their weight in flour, 2 lemons (the juice of one and rind of both). Mix the yolks and sugar together until very light, then add the lemon, then the whites, which have been beaten to a very stiff froth. Lastly add the flour, which has been sifted twice. Do not beat after the flour has been added. May 17 Grape Fruit Clear Soup Broiled Shad Cucumbers Fillet of Veal Young Beets New Potatoes Asparagus, Sauce Hollandaise Strawberries Cream May 18 RHUBARB FOOL One bunch of rhubarb, ]/> pound of sugar, 1 gill of water. Cut off the roots and leaves of the rhubarb, wipe each stick with a damp cloth, and cut into pieces about 2 inches long. Put the rhubarb in a pan with the sugar and boil gently. When soft, rub through a sieve. Then add to the custard, which is made with 3 eggs, 1 pint of milk, 3 tablespoonfuls of sugar, 1 teaspoonful of vanilla. May 19 Cream of Asparagus Soup Crown Roast of Lamb Spinach Potato Croquettes Cold Chicken Lettuce Salad, Mayonnaise Dressing Rhubarb Fool May 20 FISH TIMBAL Pound in a mortar 1 pound of fish. Add to it the unbeaten yolks of 4 eggs (cook separately as for sauce), 2 tablespoonfuls of butter, 2 tablespoonfuls of flour and Yi pint of milk. Let it get cold, then add to the fish. Also add 1 cup of cream, salt and pepper to taste, the unbeaten whites of 4 eggs. Beat all together until light. Fill buttered mould and cook 20 minutes in pan of hot water. May 21 Julienne Soup Fish Timbal, Cream Sauce Roast Chicken, Bread Sauce String Beans Stuffed Potatoes Asparagus, Melted Butter Chocolate Blanc Mange, Whipped Cream May 22 COFFEE CUSTARD Put 1 pint of milk on to boil in a double boiler. When at the boiling point, add the beaten yolks of 3 eggs, 1 tablespoonful of sugar and a pinch of salt. Stir until it thickens, being careful not to let it curdle. Remove from the fire and add 2 tablespoonfuls of coffee essence. Put away to get cold. When ready to serve, decorate the top with whipped cream. May 23 Bisque of Lobster Soup Broiled Blue Fish Cucumbers Spring Lamb, Mint Sauce Stuffed Tomatoes Potato Balls Jellied Tongue Lettuce Salad Strawberry Ice Cream May 24 BISQUE OF LOBSTER SOUP One hen lobster, 1 quart of veal stock, % tablespoonful of butter, K tablespoonful of flour, season with salt, black pepper and cayenne. Boil the lobster and open. Cut the meat into dice. Bruise the shells and small claws and add them to the stock. Simmer 30 minutes. Pound and mix the spawn if any, the fat and 2 tablespoonfuls of the meat, part of the coral, the butter and flour until reduced to a pulp. Strain the stock and add gradually to the pulp, stirring all the whOe. Add the seasoning, return it to the fire, add the lobster meat and the remainder of the coral rubbed fine, and serve immediately. May 25 Mutton Broth with Barley Roast Beef Potatoes Stewed Celery Vegetable Salad Cheese Crackers Macedoine of Fruit May 26 MACEDOINE OF FRUIT Half box of gelatine, Yz cup of cold water, 1 % cups of boiling water, juice of a lemon, 1 cup of sugar, 1 cup of sherry. Soak the gelatine in cold water till soft, add boiling water, lemon juice, sugar and wine. Stir well and strain through a fine cloth into a bowl, set on ice. When a coating is formed, pour a little into a mould and begin putting in fruit — sliced banana, candied cherries, figs, oranges and almonds cut in thin strips, arranged prettily. Add jelly carefully, a spoonful at a time. Set away to harden, then add fruit and jelly until the mould is full. When firm, turn out. Garnish wnth whipped cream and candied cherries. May 27 Chicken Soup Baked Blue Fish Cucumbers Lamb Chops Potatoes au Gratin Young Carrots Tarts with Fresh Strawberries Cream May 28 CHEESE RAMAKINS Boil together 1 cup of milk and 1 cup of bread crumbs. Add 1 tablespoonful of butter, 1 teaspoonful of salt, 1 saltspoonful of black pepper, pinch of cayenne, 4 tablespoonfuls of grated cheese, and the beaten yolks of 4 eggs. Lastly stir in the stiffly beaten whites, and bake for 1 5 minutes. May 29 Cheese Ramakins Shad Roe Croquettes Peas Cold Chicken Tomato Salad Apricot Ice Whipped Cream May 30 APRICOT ICE One quart can of apricots, 1 lemon, Y^ pound of sugar, 1 quart of water. Boil sugar and water together for 5 minutes. Press apricots through a sieve, add them to the syrup, add lemon juice, and when cold freeze the sauce as in cream. Put in a mould, pack in salt and ice, turn out, and serve with whipped cream. May 31 Vermicelli Soup Filet Soles, Sauce Mousseline Roast Chicken String Beans Rice Croquettes Cold Asparagus, French Dressing Vanilla Ice Cream Strawberries June 1 SAUCE MOUSSELINE Three yolks of eggs, a little thick cream, 1 tablespoonful of butter and the juice of a lemon. Beat the yolks and cream together until very light. Boil slowly until it thickens, then add the butter little by little, season with salt and pepper and the juice of a lemon. Beat light with a fork and serve. June 2 Cream of Asparagus Soup Roast Veal Potatoes Spinach Lettuce Salad Cheese Stewed Rhubarb, Custard Sauce June 3 STFIAWBERRY ICE CREAM One pint of cream, 1 pint of milk, I quart of strawberries, scant cup of sugar. Put half the sugar with the milk and cream and scald it, set aside to cool. Pick over the berries, and if sandy wash them. Add remainder of the sugar to the berries. Mash and stand aside while cream is cooling. Add to the crecmfi and freeze. June 4 Clam Soup Broiled Shad, Roe Sauce Fried Chicken Peas Potatoes Strawberry Ice Cream June 5 SARDINES ON THE CHAFING DISH One box of sardines, 2 hard-boiled eggs, 1 cup of cream, butter the size of an egg, 2 tablespoonfuls of bread crumbs, salt and pepper to taste. Skin, bone and wash sardines, chop eggs very fine. Put butter and cream in saucepan. When hot, add salt and pepper and bread crumbs. When thickened a little, add eggs, then sardines. Stir thoroughly until creamy. Serve on toast. June 6 Julienne Soup Salmon Croquettes, Sauce Tartare Fillet of Beef Mushrooms Potato Croquettes String Beans Tomato Mayonnaise Cheese Crackers Strawberries Cream June 7 CARAMEL CREAM Half box of gelatine, 1 pound of sugar, 1 pint of water, whites of 6 eggs. Soak the gelatine in a little water for 2 hours. Caramel the sugar with 3 tablespoonfuls of water. Let it stand on the stove without stirring until brown, but not burned. Heat the rest of the water, pour over the dissolved gelatine, and pour into the hot caramel, stirring thoroughly until all is well mixed. Let it cool while beating the eggs. Beat the whole mixture for nearly half an hour, or until it is well mixed. Pour into a mould which has been previously dipped into cold water. Set on ice to cool. Serve with whipped cream. June 8 Chicken Soup Roast Lamb Currant Jelly Macaroni au Gratin Carrots Asparagus, Sauce Mousseline Caramel Cream June 9 LEMON WAFERS One large cup of butter, 2 cups of sugar, 3 eggs, 1 cup of milk, 3 scant cups of flour, rind of 1 lemon, juice of 2. Mix as for any other cake. Drop by tea- spoonfuls on a hot buttered pan and bake until brown around the edges. June 10 Raw Clams Clear Soup Jellied Salmon Mayonnaise Roast Spring Lamb, Mint Sauce Peas Potato Croquettes Broiled Squabs Tomato Salad Strawberry Ice Cream June 11 COFFEE BAVARIAN CREAM Half box of gelatine, 1 cup of scalded milk, I cup of powdered sugar, % tea- spoonful of vanilla, 3 tablespoonfuls of coffee essence, I pint of cream whipped. Soak the gelatine in enough cold water to cover it. Scald the milk and pour over the soaked gelatine. Stir till dissolved. Whip the cream. Add sugar. When the gelatine mixture begins to thicken, stir in the cream lightly. Add vanilla and put into a mould, put away to cool. Turn out, garnish with whipped cream. June 12 Puree of Peas Baked Blue Fish, Sauce Hollandaise Roast Guinea Fowl Potatoes Stuffed Tomatoes Coffee Bavarian Cream June 13 STRAWBERRY SAUCE Two cups of powdered sugar sifted, /^ cup of butter, 1 quart of ripe strawberries, I gill of cream whipped, juice of ^ a lemon. Cap and wash the strawberries a few at a time, and do not let them be in the water more than a minute ; drain well, and mash the berries. Strain through a cheesecloth. Cream the butter and sugar well together, add the whipped cream, and gradually add the juice of the benies, then the lemon juice. Beat until well mixed and very smooth, then set on ice for an hour or two. June 14 Grape Fruit in Glasses Egg Timbals, Tomato Sauce Broiled Chicken Lettuce Salad Vanilla Ice Cream Strawberries June 15 STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE Make a cup cake and bake in layers. Take ^ of a box of strawberries, cap and mash with a % cup of sugar. Put between the layers of the cake. Whip yi pint of cream, sweeten and flavor with vanilla. Put on top of the cake and decorate with the remaining berries. June 16 White Vegetable Soup Roast Ribs of Beef Boiled Rice String Beans Cold Asparagus, French Dressing Strawberry Shortcake June 17 CHICKEN TERRAPIN Boil a chicken with the giblets. When tender, set aside on dish to cool, then cut the fowl and giblets into small pieces Y^ inch square. Put all into a stewpan with cayenne pepper and salt, 2 blades of mace, 3 hard-boiled eggs chopped fine, I teacup of broth the chicken was boiled in, 1 coffee cup of rich cream, % pound of butter with a heaping spoonful of flour mixed in it. Set on the range. Simmer for about ten minutes, or until the meat is hot. Then add a teacup of madeira or sherry. June 18 Cream of Barley Soup Crown Roast of Lamb Peas French Fried Potatoes Cold Tongue Tomato Salad Coffee Custard June 19 COLD FISH, JELLIED Take any cold boiled fish, put it into a bowl in as large a piece as possible, wet with cold water, and pour over it the jelly mixture made as follows : 1 pint of vinegar, I pint of the water in which the fish was boiled, a few whole peppers, cloves, allspice ; soak /^ box of gelatine in a little cold water for 1 hour, then pour over it the boiling mixture ; strain and pour it over the fish. When cold, turn out on a flat dish, decorate with parsley and hard-boiled egg, and serve with mayonnaise dressing. June 20 Jellied Bouillon Eggs in Tomatoes Spring Duck, Apple Sauce String Beans Mashed Potatoes Cold Asparagus, French Dressing Meringues June 21 VANILLA ICE CREAM Four cups of cream, 2 cups of milk, 1 cup of sugar, dash of salt, 1 tablespoonful of vanilla. Scald milk and cream after adding sugar. Beat till cold, add flavoring, and freeze. June 22 Raw Clams Cream of Asparagus Soup Forequarter of Lamb, Mint Sauce New Beets New Potatoes Lettuce Salad Cheese Crackers Vanilla Ice Cream Strawberries June 23 LOBSTER A LA NEWBURG Cut a cold boiled lobster in small pieces. Put in a pan with a little chopped parsley, onion juice, I teaspoonful of salt, and I tablespoonful of butter. Heat through, then add 1 cup of sherry, simmer for 10 minutes, add the beaten yolks of 3 eggs and 1 cup of cream. Stir hard until it thickens. Serve immediately. June 24 Clear Soup Lobster a la Newburg Roast Chicken Potato Croquettes Carrots Cold Asparagus, French Dressing Wine Jelly, Whipped Cream June 25 CHOCOLATE MOUSSE One quart of cream whipped to a stiff froth, % cake of Baker's chocolate, 3 tablespoonfuls of sugar dissolved in I of boiling water and 3 tablespoonfuls of cream. Add I cupful of powdered sugar to the beaten cream. Pour the chocolate in a thin stream into the cream, stir gently until well mixed. Put it in a mould, pack in salt and ice, and let it stand for 3 or 4 hours. June 26 Cream of Tomato Soup Filet Mignon, Mushroom Sauce String Beans Potatoes Jellied Tongue Lettuce Salad Chocolate Mousse June 27 SOUFFLE DE VOLAILLE Chop some white meat of the chicken with a little onion very fine, and add enough drawn butter sauce to make it thin. When cold, add the yolk of an egg, then beat the white to a froth and add it to the mixture. Run it through a fine sieve. Bake in entree dishes and serve immediately. June 28 Grape Fruit Scrambled Eggs in Pastry Baskets Fish Croquettes, Sauce Hollandciise Chicken Volaille Peas Mashed Potatoes Tomato Mayonnaise Cheese Crackers Ice Cream Maraschino Figs June 29 PLAIN CAKE Half cup of butter, 1 cup of sugar, 2 cups of flour, 2 eggs (whites and yolks separately), 1 cup of milk, 2 teaspoonfuls of baking powder. June 30 Julienne Soup Striped Bass Cucumbers Sweetbread Patties Saddle of Spring Lamb, Jellied Mint Sauce Wax Beans Rice Croquettes Pineapple Salad Strawberry Ice Cream July 1 ICED CHOCOLATE Make a very rich and thick chocolate that it may not become too diluted, put it aside to get very cold. Fill the glasses with ice, pour in the cold chocolate, and cover with whipped cream. July 2 Chicken Soup Sweetbread Patties Green Peas Chops Mashed Potatoes Spinach Charlotte Russe July 3 ASPARAGUS SOUP One can or 1 bunch of asparagus, 1 tablespoonful of butter, 1 teaspoonful of salt, 1 pint of stock, I tablespoonful of flour, 1 teaspoonful of sugar, }i onion, I pint of milk, ^ pint of cream, }i teaspoonful of pepper. Remove the heads of the asparagus, cut the ends in small pieces, cook them in a pint of stock 1 5 minutes. Cook onion in butter 1 minutes, add flour ; cook 1 minute, add to stock, also salt, pepper and sugar. Cook 1 minutes, strain, return to pot, add milk, cream and tips. Cook 1 minutes and serve. July 4 Iced Grape Fruit in Glasses Vermicelli Soup Jellied Salmon, Mayonnaise Crown Roast of Lamb, Mint Sauce Peas Potatoes Tomato Salad Cream Cheese Balls Vanilla Ice Cream Strawberries July 5 STRAWBERRY MOUSSE One quart of cream, % pint of strawberry juice, sugar to taste. Whip the cream to a stiff froth, then add by degrees the powdered sugar and strawberry juice. Turn it into an ice cream mould, press the lid down tightly. Pack in salt and ice and let it stand for 3 hours. Decorate with fresh fruit and whipped cream. July 6 PATE DE FOIS GRAS SANDWICHES Half pint of cream, whipped. Add to it by degrees a pinch of cayenne pepper and a little salt. When well mixed, put into finger rolls which have been split in half and the crumb taken out. Wrap in a damp cloth for a little while before serving. July 7 Raw Clams Tomato Bisque Roast Beef Rice Croquettes Carrots Lettuce Salad Cheese Rhubarb Shortcake July 8 BAKED HALIBUT Fry an onion in plenty of butter for 5 minutes. Take ]/>, can of tomatoes, add them to the onion, and let them cook for 5 minutes longer ; add as much water as you have mixture. When it comes to the boil set aside. Put the fish in a well-buttered pan with butter and salt. Let it cook for 10 minutes. Pour the entire sauce over the fish and cook until done. July 9 Asparagus Soup Veal Cutlet, Tomato Sauce Peas Boiled Rice Broiled Chicken Tomato Salad Cream Puffs, Hot Chocolate Sauce July 10 PRUNE WHIP Soak 1 cup of prunes in warm water and stew until tender, rub through a sieve. To 1 cup of the sifted prunes add ^ cup of sugar and yi cup of hot water in which is dissolved ^2 box of gelatine. When beginning to stiffen, whip it into the well- beaten whites of 3 eggs and set away to cool. Serve with boiled custard. July 11 Okra Soup Broiled Blue Fish, Maitre d'Hotel Butter Chicken Fricassee Boiled Rice String Beans Prune Whip July 12 Jellied Bouillon Egg Timbal, Tomato Sauce Broiled Chicken Lettuce Salad Raspberries and Cream July 13 FRUIT SALAD Half dozen oranges, ^ dozen bananas, 5^ dozen peaches, 1 pineapple. Pare the fruit and cut it in small pieces, putting in a layer of fruit and one of sugcur until all is used, then pour over all 1 pint of sherry wine. Put in freezer and leave from 3 to 4 hours, or until thoroughly chilled. This is very pretty served in baskets made of orange skins. July 14 Clear Soup Salmon Croquettes, Sauce Tartare Chops Peas Saratoga Potatoes Cold Tongue Tomato Salad Fruit Salad July 15 VEGETABLE SALAD IN ASPIC Take a round mould with a hole in the center. Wet it with cold water, put in a little aspic jelly before it stiffens, leave it to get cold. When it begins to stiffen, put in alternately a pile of peas, chopped carrots and potatoes, or any other vegetable which is preferred, then cover with more aspic. When perfectly stiff, turn out on lettuce leaves and fill the center with mayonnaise dressing. July 16 Cream of Barley Soup Roast Chicken Mashed Potatoes String Beans Vegetable Salad in Aspic Chocolate Ice Cream July 17 FRENCH OMELET Open the eggs (allowing 2 to each person) into a bowl. Mix well, but do not beat ; add salt and pepper and 1 teaspoonful of boiling water to each egg. Stir hard in adding the boiling water. Turn it into a hot pan in which has been melted % pound of butter. Stir until it begins to thicken, then leave a minute to set, fold over each end carefully and turn out. July 18 Cream of Pea Soup Timbal of Halibut, Sauce Hollandaise Steak French Fried Potatoes Carrots Chicken Rissoles Lettuce Salad Stewed Rhubarb Custard July 19 VELVET CREAM Half box of gelatine, I ^ pints of cream, 1 ^^ cups of sugar, 1 ^ cups of sherry wine, 1 lemon (grated rind and juice). Soak the gelatine in the wine, add the lemon and sugar, and beat all together till the gelatine is dissolved, then drain and set away to cool. When nearly cold and beginning to stiffen, add it to the beaten cream. Beat all together and set away to cool. Turn out and serve with whipped cream. July 20 Bisque of Clam Roast Lamb, Mint Sauce Roasted Potatoes Spinach Jellied Tongue Tomato Salad Velvet Cream Raspberries July 21 FROZEN RICE Take a scant % cup of rice, put it in a double boiler with 1 pint of milk, sugar and a pinch of salt, and let it boil until creamy. When done, add 1 tablespoonful of vanilla, 1 % pints cream, whipped. Mix well, put in a covered mould, and pack in salt and ice. Let it stand for 3 hours. Turn out and serve with fresh fruit and cream. July 22 Cold Bouillon Fish Souffle Roast Fillet of Veal Potato Croquettes Peas Pineapple Salad Frozen Rice Preserves July 23 PINEAPPLE SALAD One pineapple. Cut off the top neatly, remove the fruit and the hard stem. Mix the fruit with pulp of 1 grape fruit, 1 apple chopped fine, and some white grapes which have been cut in half, stoned and peeled. Dress with French dressing or mayonnaise dressing. Return to the pineapple, which place on lettuce leaves and serve. July 24 Julienne Soup Lobster Cutlets, Sauce Tartare Fillet of Beef au Jardiniere Vegetable Salad Cafe Mousse July 25 ORANGE FILLING FOR CAKE The rind of 1 and juice of 4 oranges. Put it on to boil. When it boils, add I cup of sugar. Boil till it froths, then add it slowly to the beaten whites of 2 eggs. Put this between the layers of some rich cup cake, reserving enough for the top, to which is added some confectioner's sugar, enough to make it rather stiff, so it will spread easily but not run. July 26 Tomato Okra Soup Cheese Souffle Roast Chicken Potato Straws Spinach Tomato Jelly with Celery Mayonnaise Dressing Vanilla Ice Cream Raspberries July 27 ICED TEA Make 1 quart of English breakfast lea fairly strong (4 leaspoonfuls is about right). Do not let it steep more than 10 minutes. Strain, and add to it 1 bottle of ginger ale, juice of 1 lemon and sugar to taste. Let it get very cold, then serve in glasses filled with chopped ice and add a slice of lemon. July 28 Raw^ Clams Clear Soup Boiled Salmon Cucumbers Sw^eetbreads in Pastry Cups Filet Mignon, Mushrooms Peas Potato Balls Squabs Celery Salad Raspberry Mousse Whipped Cream July 29 ORANGEADE Use the peel and juice of 4 oranges, the juice and peel of 1 lemon, 1 cup of pineapple pulp, I cup of red banana. Add sugar to taste, and 1 quart of water. Serve in glasses filled with cracked ice. July 30 Cream of Spinach Soup Lamb Cutlets String Beans Potatoes Jellied Chicken Lettuce Salad Macedoine of Fruit July 31 COTTAGE PUDDING WITH FRUIT Make a cottage pudding and bake in a ring. Turn out and fill the center with berries or cut-up fruit. Decorate the top and serve whipped cream around it. August 1 Vermicelli Soup Chicken Timbal, Cream Sauce Roast Beef Potatoes Spinach Lettuce Salad Cheese Cottage Pudding Raspberries August 2 SUMMER PUDDING Take a round or long loaf of bread, cut off the crusts, put in a mould or bowl the size and shape of the loaf, then cut out the inside crumb, leaving a shell about half an inch thick. Take I quart of huckleberries and cook with plenty of sugar till there is a quantity of juice, then pour into the center of the bread and pour the juice all around it. Let it stand until all the juice is absorbed. Turn out and serve with custard sauce. August 3 Tomato Soup, Croutons Fish Croquettes, Sauce Mouseline Roast Duck, Apple Sauce Egg Plant Potatoes Summer Pudding, Custard Sauce August 4 EGGS AND SPINACH Make a puree of spinach and put in the bottom of a flat, buttered dish. Open raw eggs on top of it, cover with a rich cream sauce, cover with grated cheese and buttered bread crumbs, and put in a hot oven to brown. August 5 Iced Bouillon Eggs and Spinach Fried Chicken, Cream Sauce Corn Fritters Peas Tomato Mayonnaise Meringues August 6 Iced Fruit in Glasses Bisque of Clams Roast Lamb, Mint Sauce Roast Potatoes Stuffed Tomatoes Salad Cheese Apricot Ice August 7 RASPBERRY BAVARIAN CREAM Soften ^ package of gelatine in ^ cup of raspberry juice and dissolve over hot water. Add the juice of ^ lemon, 1 cupful of raspberry juice and yd cupful of sugar. Stir over ice water, and when it begins to set, fold in I y^, cupfuls of stiffly whipped cream. Pour into a mould. When cold, serve surrounded with whipped cream. August 8 Chicken Soup Broiled Mackerel Cucumbers Roast Veal Potatoes au Gratin Lima Beans Vegetable Salad Raspberry Bavarian Cream August 9 CORN BREAD One pint of Indian meal, I pint of flour, 3 eggs (whiles and yolks beaten separately), I tablespoonful of butter, 1 teaspoonful of salt, 3 tablespoonfuls of sugar, 3 teaspoonfuls of baking powder. Bake J^ hour in shallow pans. August 10 Julienne Soup Pickled Salmon, Jellied Mayonnaise Chops, Tomato Sauce Corn Potatoes Cold Tongue Celery Salad Macedoine of Fruit August 11 FISH, CREAMED Two cups of cold fish picked in pieces. Put 2 tablespoonfuls of butter in a saucepan. When melted, add 1 cup of milk. Cook till smooth, then add I tea- spoonful of onion juice, 1 teaspoonful of chopped parsley, ^ teaspoonful of salt, dash of cayenne, 2 tablespoonfuls of white wine, and 1 of lemon juice. Boil, add yolk of 1 egg beaten with ^ cup of hot cream or milk, and add fish. Fill entree dishes, cover with browned crumbs, and serve very hot. August 12 Cold Consomme Sweetbreads a la Creme in Pastry Baskets Fillet of Beef a Jardiniere Tomato Mayonnaise Vanilla' Ice Cream Fruit Salad August 13 SAVOY POTATOES Wash and peel six potatoes. Cut in thin slices. Put a layer in a dish, sprinkle with salt and pepper and grated cheese, then put in another layer of potatoes, more cheese, etc., and continue until the dish is full. Cover with milk and put in the oven, covered, for ^ an hour, then remove the cover and brown. August 14 Puree of Peas Fillet of Flounders, Sauce Sabayou Roast Chicken Rice Croquettes Carrots Stuffed Peppers Caramel Custard August 15 VEAL PIE Cut a leg of veal in small pieces, roll them in flour, first sprinkling them with salt and pepper. Fill the pie dish, and then put some pieces of butter on the veal. Fill the dish with cold water, cover with a light pie crust, and bake in a brisk oven. August 16 White Vegetable Soup Soft- Shell Crabs, Sauce Tartare Veal Pie Potatoes Spinach Lettuce Salad Cheese Rice Puddling Cut-up Peaches August 17 ALMOND SAND -CAKES Three-fourths of a cup of butter scant, creamed with 1 full cup of sugar, 1 egg and I extra yolk. Beat thoroughly, add 1 ^ cups of flour and ^ teaspoonful cin- namon. Roll very thin and cut in heeirts and diamonds. Brush top with white of an egg beaten slightly. Put a blanched almond cut in strips in each corner. Brush again with egg, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon. Bake in a quick oven. August 18 Raw Clams Vermicelli Soup Timbal of Fish, Cream Sauce Roast Lamb, Mint Sauce Fried Tomatoes Potatoes Squabs Lettuce Salad Peach Ice Cream August 19 EGG BISCUITS One quart of flour, 2 teaspoonfuls of baking powder, 2 teaspoonfuls of sugar, 1 teaspoonful of salt, 3 eggs, 2 tablespoonfuls of butter, 1 cup of milk. Sift flour, baking powder and salt together, chop the butter in. Beat the egg thoroughly and add the milk to it. Make a hole in the center of the flour and pour the liquid in the dough. It should be soft ; if necessary, add more milk. Turn out and roll quickly, cut in rounds, and bake 1 5 minutes in a hot oven. August 20 Cream of Barley Soup Roast Beet Souffle Potatoes Lima Beans Corn on Cob Lemon Meringue Pie August 21 CHEESE STRAWS Roll a puff paste thin, sprinkle well with grated cheese and a little cayenne pepper, fold, roll out, and repeat the process. Let it stand in a cold place for a time, then roll extremely thin, cut into strips about % inch wide and 3 inches long. Take up carefully with a knife and lay on a flat pan. Bake in a slow oven to a delicate brown. August 22 Grape Fruit Clear Soup Cheese Souffle Veal Cutlets Peas Potatoes Tomato Jelly Salad Cheese Hamburg Cream August 23 Timbal of Eggs, Tomato Sauce Fried Chicken Corn Fritters Lima Beans Lettuce Salad Cheese Straws Peach Shortcake August 24 ORANGE CHARLOTTE One-third of a box of gelatine, Yi cup of cold water, Yz cup of boiling water, I cup of sugar, I cup of orange juice and pulp, juice of I lemon, whites of 3 eggs. Line a mould with orange sections. Soak the gelatine in cold water until soft. Add boiling water, sugar and lemon juice. When sugar is dissolved, strain. Add orange juice and pulp with a little grated rind. Cool in a pan of ice. When it begins to set, beat till light. Have the whites of the eggs beaten stiff ; add to the mixture and beat until stiff enough to drop. Pour into a mould wet with cold water. Set on ice to stiffen. Turn out and serve with whipped creaim. August 25 Tomato Soup, Croutons Filet Mignon Mushrooms Potato Croquettes Peas Cold Meat Salad Orange Charlotte August 26 EGG SALAD Six cold hard-boiled eggs. Mash the yolks with }4, tablespoonful of melted butter and % cup of chopped chicken. Make it into balls. Pile in the center of a bed of lettuce leaves. Pour over them a French dressing, and garnish with the whites cut in rings. August 27 Chicken Okra Soup Baked Blue Fish, Sauce Mousseline Beefsteak Potato Straws Succotash Jellied Chicken Tomato Salad Cream Blanc Mange August 28 LITTLE FAVORITES One full cup of butter, 2 cups of sugar, 3 cups of sifted flour, 1 cup of milk, whites of 3 eggs, yolks of 5 eggs, I cup of currants, 1 teaspoonful of lemon extract, 2 teaspoonfuls of baking powder. Mix as for cup cake, and bake in small pans. Elat fresh. August 29 Clear Soup Boiled Salmon, Egg Sauce Roast Duck, Apple Sauce Potatoes String Beans Corn on Cob Charlotte Russe August 30 FISH SOUFFLE One tablespoonful of butter, I tablespoonful of flour, I tablespoonful of chopped parsley, I cup of milk, I cup of cold fish, ^^ teaspoonful of salt, 3 eggs. Make a white sauce of the butter, flour and milk. Add seasoning, remove from the fire, add yolks and fish. Put over the fire for a few minutes, stirring constantly. Set away to get cold. When ready to serve, add well-beaten whites. Bake in hot oven 20 minutes. Serve at once. August 31 Cream of Tomato Soup Boiled Halibut Cucumbers Chops Potatoes Lima Beans Chicken Croquettes Lettuce Salad Cut-up Peaches Custard Sauce September 1 HOT CHOCOLATE PUDDING Beat 2 tablespoonfuls of butter, the yolks of 2 eggs and 1 cup of sugar till light, then add 2 ounces of chocolate, melted. Beat again, and add 1 gill of milk and I ^ cups of sifted flour. Beat until smooth, then add the well-beaten whites and I heaping teaspoonful of baking powder. Bake in a moderate oven about 40 minutes. Serve with a hot liquid sauce. September 2 Julienne Soup Roast Lamb Stuffed Tomatoes Peas Rissoles Lettuce Salad Hot Chocolate Pudding, Foamy Sauce September 3 PRUNE JELLY Wash % pound prunes carefully before cooking. Put them in a porcelain kettle with water enough to cover them. Boil, closely covered, for 1 minutes, then add 1 tablespoonful of sugar to every pint of prunes and stew for 1 5 minutes longer ; take out the prunes, cut them in halves, remove the stones, and put the prunes in a mould wet with cold water. Put the juice back on the fire, add the juice of /^ a lemon, Yt. pint of claret and % pound of sugar, let it boil up, then add it to ^ box of Cox's gelatine dissolved in Yt, pint of cold water. Strain and pour over the prunes. Turn out when cold, and serve with whipped cream. September 4 Clam Soup Fish Croquettes, Sauce Tartare Sweetbread Pates Steak Potatoes au Gratin Corn Prune Jelly Vanilla Mousse September 5 RICE MUFFINS Two and one-fourth cups of flour, ?/( cup of hot cooked rice, 5 teaspoonfuls of baking powder, 2 tablespoonfuls of sugar, 1 cup of milk, I egg, 2 tablespoonfuls of melted butter, I cup of milk, ^ teaspoonful of salt. Mix sifted flour, sugar, salt and baking powder together. Add half the milk, the eggs well beaten, and remainder of milk mixed with rice. Beat thoroughly, then add butter. Bake in gem pans 20 minutes. September 6 Consomme Boiled Salmon Trout, Sauce Hollandaise Crown Roast of Lamb Potatoes Peas Broiled Chicken Tomato Salad Peach Ice Cream September 7 BAKING POWDER BISCUITS One pint of flour, 1 tablespoonful of butter, ^ teaspoonful of salt, 2 teaspoonfuls of baking powder, 1 cup of milk. Sift the flour, salt and baking powder, add the butter and chop into small pieces with a knife. Add milk gradually, to mix a soft dough. Turn onto a floured board, roll out lightly }^ inch thick, cut into small rounds. Place on a buttered pan close together. Brush the tops with melted butter and bake in a hot oven 15 to 20 minutes. September 8 Cream of Spinach Soup Roast Beef Rice and Tomatoes String Beans Lettuce Salad Cream Cheese Balls Summer Pudding September 9 PEACH PICKLES Seven pounds of peaches, 4 pounds of white sugar, 1 pint of strong vinegar, mace, cinnamon, cloves to taste. Boil all together slowly until the fruit commences to crack, when remove the mixture and boil the fruit until well done. Then add the fruit again to become thoroughly hot, when put in jars and seal well. September 10 Grape Fruit in Glasses Clear Soup Fillet of Flounder, Tomato Sauce Saddle of Lamb Currant Jelly Peas Franconia Potatoes Sweetbread Croquettes Lettuce Salad Vanilla Ice Cream Cut-up Peaches September 11 ORANGE FRAPPE One cup of sugar, 2 cups of water. Boil 5 minutes. Add I cup of orange juice and % c"P of lemon juice. Beat till cold, then add the whites of 3 eggs beaten very stiff. Freeze till soft. Serve in glasses. September 12 Cream of Oyster Soup Broiled Mushrooms Roast Chicken Boiled Rice Lima Beans Cold Tongue Salad Orange Frappe September 13 WAFFLES One and one-half pints of flour, 1 teaspoonful of salt, I tablespoonful of sugar, 2 teaspoonfuls of baking powder, I tablespoonful of butter (melted), 2 eggs, butter, and milk to make thin batter. Lastly add whites of eggs and baking powder. Use enough milk so batter will run easily and limpid from mouth of pitcher. September 14 Plain Soup Fish Souffle, Tomato Sauce Beefsteak Potatoes au Gratin Spinach Chicken Croquettes Lettuce Salad Peach Shortcake September 15 PRUNE SOUFFLE One pound of prunes, 1 small cup of sugar, whites of 6 eggs. Stew the prunes until very soft, strain, then pass through the colander. Beat the eggs to a very stiff froth, and add gradually the sugar and the prunes. Bake 20 minutes or Y^ hour. Serve immediately with a custard made with the yolks. September 16 Cream of Tomato Soup Sweetbread Patties Roast Lamb, Mint Sauce Fried Tomatoes Creamed Potatoes Celery Mayonnaise Cream Cheese Prune Souffle, Custard Sauce September 17 MAITRE D'HOTEL BUTTER Quarter cup of butter, % teaspoonful of salt, % saltspoonful of pepper, 1 tablespoonful of chopped parsley, 1 tablespoonful of lemon juice. Rub the butter to a cream, add salt, pepper, parsley, and lemon juice, beat hard. September 18 Raw Clams Green Pea Soup Boiled Halibut, Egg Sauce Crown Roast Mashed Potatoes Carrots Fried Eggplant Lemon Meringue Pie September 19 CHOCOLATE COOKIES Whites of 6 eggs, ^ pound of granulated sugar, Yi pound of sweet vanilla chocolate grated, 5 ounces of flour. Beat the eggs, add the sugar and chocolate, and lastly the flour. Drop by spoonfuls on buttered tins, and bake in a moderate oven. September 20 Clam Broth Whipped Cream Egg Timbal, Tomato Sauce Roast Chicken Peas Corn Flitters Tomatoes Stuffed with Celery Peach Ice Cream September 21 TOMATOES STUFFED WITH CELERY Take some small round tomatoes, peel and scoop out the center, being careful not to break the outside shell. Fill with chopped celery mixed with a rich mayonnaise dressing. Serve on lettuce leaves. September 22 Chicken Soup Broiled Mushrooms on Toast Roast Duck, Apple Sauce Lima Beans Potato Croquettes Cold Tongue Waldorf Salad Cream Puiffs, Chocolate Sauce September 23 CORN PUDDING One quart of milk, 5 eggs, 2 tablespoonfuls of melted butter, 1 tablespoonful of white sugar, 1 dozen ears of corn. Grate the corn from the cob, beat the whites and yolks of the eggs separately. Put the com and yolks together, stir hard, and add the butter, then the milk gradually, beating all the while, next the sugar and a Httle salt, lastly the whites. Bake slowly at first, covering the dish for an hour. Remove the cover and brown finely. September 24 Musk Melons Julienne Soup Halibut Steak, Sauce Hollandaise Roast Beef Potatoes Savoy Corn Pudding Celery and Green Pea Salad Apple Pie Cream September 25 CELERY AND GREEN PEA SALAD One head celery cut in dice, 1 can French peas, French dressing. Wash, scrape and cut celery in dice, drain the peas, and put lettuce on a round, flat dish. Arrange in the center the peas, putting the celery around for a border. Pour over all the French dressing. Septeixiber 26 Grape Fruit in Glasses Julienne Soup Boiled Salmon, Sauce Mousseline Chicken Timbal, Tomato Sauce Fillet of Beef a Jardiniere Tomato Jelly with Celery Mayonnaise Peach Ice Cream September 27 CORN SOUP Boil down 1 can of corn in 1 pint of water and rub through the colander. Add to it 1 pint of milk which has been thickened with 1 tablespoonful of butter mixed with 1 tablespoonful of cornstarch. Boil up and serve. Any kind of fresh vegetable soup may be made in this way. September 28 Com Soup Salmon Croquettes, Sauce Tartare Lamb Cutlets Stewed Tomatoes Riced Potatoes Lettuce Cheese Chocolate Souffle September 29 QUEEN OF PUDDINGS One pint of bread crumbs, 1 quart of milk, 1 cup of sugar, 4 yolks of eggs, 1 grated lemon or essence of lemon, butter the size of an egg. Whip the whites of the eggs with I teacup of powdered sugar and a little lemon. Spread over the pudding, when nearly cold, a layer of apple, grape or any jelly ; then pile on the beaten froth and brown in the oven. To be eaten with cream when cold. One hour will bcike the pudding. September 30 Chicken Soup Roast Lamb, Currant Jelly Rice Croquettes Lima Beans Chicken Rissoles Lettuce Salad Wine Jelly, Whipped Cream October 1 CHICKEN TIMBAL^ Remove the white meat from a large, tender chicken. Scrape with a knife and remove the fiber, then pound in a mortar. After pounding a few minutes, add the unbeaten white of 1 egg and pound until thoroughly broken, then rub through a sieve. Put in a bowl, stand on ice, and stir in gradually from ^ to 1 cup of cream. Add % teaspoonful of salt, dash of cayenne, mace and pepper. Try by poaching a little in hot water for a few minutes. It should be firm but tender. Cook in a buttered timbal mould set in a pan of hot water in a slow oven for 1 5 minutes. October 2 Grape Fruit in Glasses Green Turtle Soup Boiled Salmon Cucumbers Chicken Timbals, Mushrooms Saddle of Mutton Currant Jelly Rice Croquettes Spinach Celery and Pineapple Salad Peach Ice Cream October 3 STUFFED BEET SALAD Boil fresh red beets until tender, take off the skins while hot. Let them get very cold, then cut off the tops and scoop out the insides, taking care not to break the outside. Cut a small piece off the bottom, so they will stand. Fill with chopped celery mixed with a mayonnaise dressing, or any other kind of vegetable salad. October 4 Oxtail Soup Sweetbread in Crustades Peas Roast Ham Spinach Tomato Mayonnaise Caramel Custard October 5 ANGEL CAKE The whites of 1 eggs beaten to a froth only. Add to them 1 scant teaspoonful cream of tartar and a pinch of salt. Beat until very stiff. Add y^, teaspoonful of bitter almonds, I ^ cups of granulated sugar. Do not beat. Add I teaspoonful of vanilla with the sugar. Lastly fold in lightly 1 cup of well-sifted flour. Bake in tins not greased for ^ hour in a slow oven. Stand the tins upside down on rests until the cake drops out. October 6 Tomato Cream Soup Boiled Striped Bass, Cucumber and Tomato Sauce Crown Roast of Lamb String Beans Potatoes Romaine Salad Cream Cheese Balls Apple Pie Cream October 7 WALDORF SALAD Cut apples and celery into thin strips % inch wide, I inch long. Mix them with mayonnaise dressing. Serve on lettuce leaves and garnish with hard- boiled egg and curled celery. October 8 Julienne Soup Broiled Mackerel Roast Beef Yorkshire Pudding Stewed Celery Rice Croquettes Salad Rice a rimperatrice, Chocolate Sauce October 9 FRENCH ICE CREAM One quart of milk, scalded. Pour slowly over the beaten yolks of 8 eggs, I % cups of sugar, a dash of salt. Put in a double boiler and cook until it coats the spoon, stirring all the time. Remove from the fire, add whites beaten stiff, and 1 tablespoonful vanilla. Beat until cold, add 1 cup whipped cream, and freeze. October 10 Raw Oysters Consomme Brook Pike Cucumbers Filet Mignon Mushrooms Peas Mashed Potatoes Squabs Celery Mayonnaise French Ice Cream Fruit Salad October 11 MACARONI WITH TOMATO SAUCE Break the macaroni into pieces I inch long. Have I cupful before cooking. Put into boiling water with Yz tablespoonful of salt, and cook 30 minutes. When done, drain through a colander and mix with sauce. Half a can of tomatoes, sprig of parsley, 1 bay leaf, 1 blade of mace, slice of onion, 2 cloves, 2 peppercorns, /^ teaspoonful of salt. Cook 1 minutes. Put 1 tablespoonful of butter into a saucepan. When melted, add I tablespoonful of flour. When smooth, stir into the tomato. Cook till thick. Strain, and mix with macaroni. October 12 Black Bean Soup Creamed Oysters Roast Leg of Lamb Potato Croquettes Macaroni and Tomatoes Lettuce Salad Cheese Straws Brown Betty, Hard Sauce October 13 GRAHAM PUFFS One pint of milk, K pint of flour sifted, Yo, pint of graham flour sifted, 3 eggs, I table- spoonful of sugar, 1 teaspoonful of salt, 1 tablespoonful of melted butter. Beat the yolks and whites together until as light as possible, add the milk, sugar and salt, and pour Y^ of the mixture upon the graham flour and flour. Beat until smooth and light, then add the remainder of the mixture. Add the melted butter, beating the batter vigorously. Butter the pans, fill them with mixture, and bake I hour. October 14 Cream of Barley Soup Boiled Halibut, Egg Sauce Veal Cutlet Lima Beans Potato Balls Cold Tongue Celery Salad Meringues with Ice Cream October 15 BAKED SWEETBREADS Lay the sweetbreads in cold water and let stand for 1 hour. Put in a saucepan, cover with boiling water, with 1 teaspoonful of salt. Cook slowly 20 minutes. Take out and throw into cold water. When cool, remove all the strings and membrane. Dust with salt and pepper and roll in flour. Lard the tops. Put in a pan, and cover with 2 tablespoonfuls of butter cut in strips and ^ cup of stock. Baste frequently. Bake y^ hour. Serve with mushroom sauce. October 16 Clear Soup Baked Sweetbreads, Mushroom Sauce Steak Corn Fritters French Fried Potatoes Tomato Salad Cheese Macedoine of Fruit Cream October 17 MUSHROOM SAUCE One tablespoonful of butter melted, I tablespoonful of flour, 1 cup of brown stock, ^ teaspoonful of salt, dash of pepper, ^ can of mushrooms or 12 fresh ones. Melt butter, mix in flour, then add the stock. Stir till smooth, add salt and pepper and the mushrooms. Cook for a few minutes. The mushrooms must be cooked till tender first. October 1 8 Clam Broth Whipped Cream Egg Vermicelli in Crustades Grouse String Beans Cauliflower Salad Cream Puffs, Fruit Sauce October 19 CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM Two cups of cream, 2 cups of milk, 1 scant cup of granulated sugar, 1 tea- spoonful of vanilla, 3 bars of Maillard's chocolate. Scald milk and cream, add sugar and stir till dissolved. Melt chocolate, add it and vanilla, and freeze. Baker's chocolate may be used, but I cup of sugar and 1 teaspoonful of vanilla must be added. October 20 Cream of Celery Soup Lobster Cutlets, Anchovy Sauce Fillet of Beef a Jardiniere Tomato and Celery Mayonnaise Chocolate Ice Cream October 21 GRAPE FRUIT SALAD Cut two grape fruit in pieces, mix with a cup of English walnuts. Serve on lettuce, and garnish with white grapes and pour over a French dressing. October 22 Chicken Soup Salmon Steak Cucumber and Tomato Salad Roast Duck, Apple Sauce Mashed Potatoes Peas Grape Fruit Salad Prune Jelly Whipped Cream October 23 PARKER HOUSE ROLLS Three and one-half cups of sifted flour, 1 cup of scalded milk, 1 tablespoonful of butter, yT, tablespoonful of sugar, /^ tablespoonful of salt, % yeast cake. Scald milk, add salt and sugar. Dissolve yeast in }{ cup of lukewarm water, add to milk when lukewarm. Cut butter into flour. Make a hole in the center and pour in the liquid. Set in a warm place to rise. Stir down. Turn out and knead, let rise to double its size. Roll out /^ inch thick, cut in rounds, fold over, put in buttered pan. Let rise again. Bake 20 minutes in hot oven. October 24 Grape Fruit Lobster Bisque Soup Fillet of Flounders, Tomato Sauce Stuffed Mushrooms Saddle of Mutton Currant Jelly Potato Croquettes Peas Boned Turkey Tomato Jelly with Celery Mayonnaise Nesselrode Pudding October 25 CUCUMBER JELLY SALAD Two cucumbers, peel and cut in slices. Add 1 slice of onion, yi teaspoonful of salt, dash of pepper and 1 pint of cold water. Let boil, simmer till soft. Add 1 tablespoonful of gelatine dissolved in warm water. Strain, line a mould with cucumbers cut in slices. Turn in the jelly. When firm and cold, serve in bed of lettuce with French dressing. October 26 Cream of Tomato Soup Oyster Fritters Cucumbers Beefsteak Potatoes Creamed Eggplant Romaine Salad Cream Cheese Balls Peach Pie Cream October 27 Julienne Soup Boiled Halibut Cucumber Jelly Salad Beefsteak Savoy Potatoes String Beans Lettuce Salad Cheese Straws Queen of Puddings October 28 CHEESE CROQUETTES One cup of American cheese cut in dice, 1 tablespoonful of Parmesan. Cook 3 tablespoonfuls of butter and 4 tablespoonfuls of flour till thick. Add ^ cup of milk, ^ teaspoonful of salt, dash of cayenne, y^ teaspoonful of mustard, and cheese. When melted, add the yolks of 2 eggs. Put away to cool. Make into oblong pieces, roll in crumbs, then in egg, and then in crumbs. Fry in lard. October 29 Cream of Tomato Soup Fish Souffle Roast Lamb Currant Jelly Mashed Potatoes Corn Fritters Cheese Croquettes Lettuce Salad Hamburg Cream October 30 LOBSTER FARCI Meat from 3 lobsters, yolks of 3 hard-boiled eggs, 1 tablespoonful of chopped parsley, dash of nutmeg, yi cup of buttered crumbs, ^ teaspoonful of salt, 2 dashes of pepper. Rub yolks to a paste and add to the finely chopped lobster, then add 1 ^ cups of white sauce, salt, pepper and parsley. Fill lobster shells, spread with buttered crumbs on top, and bake in oven till brown, about 10 minutes. October 31 Raw Clams Consomme Lobster Farci Roast Chicken Boiled Rice Spinach Celery Mayonnaise Coffee Mousse November 1 ANCHOVY EGGS Boil hard the eggs. When cold, cut the eggs in half lengthwise, take out the yolks, press them through a sieve. To every egg add 1 teaspoonful of anchovy paste, 1 teaspoonful of cream, cayenne, salt, pepper and a small piece of butter. Beat all together. Fill each white with the mixture. Serve cold on water cress or hot with a cream sauce. November 2 Bouillon in Cups Anchovy Eggs French Chops Mashed Potatoes Fried Tomatoes Pineapple Salad Meringues November 3 MORS D'CEUVRE One hard-boiled egg. Mince it very fine, add a little salt and a very little fine parsley (mince all very fine). Have ready some nice rounds of toast, and spread some butter and a little anchovy on the rounds of toast. Put the minced egg on the toast and serve very hot. November 4 Cream of Pea Soup Broiled Mackerel Cucumber and Tomato Salad Roast Veal Mashed Potatoes Eggplant Cheese Crackers Cottage Pudding with Fruit November 5 POP- OVERS One queut of flour, 1 quart of milk, 2 eggs, a little butter and salt. Mix flour and milk together till very smooth. Beat up the eggs and mix all together, add salt and a little butter. The pans must be well buttered and hot before putting in the mixture. Bake in a hot oven. The pans must be filled three-quarters full. November 6 Clear Soup Baked Blue Fish, Sauce Hollandaise Veal Cutlet Baked Hominy Creamed Cauliflower Celery Mayonnaise Lemon Meringue Pie November 7 BAKED HOMINY One tablespoonful of butter, 2 tablespoonfuls of flour, 1 cup of milk, 1 cup of cold boiled hominy, 2 eggs, salt to taste. Melt butter and stir in flour, add milk, and stir until smooth and thick. Add the beaten yolks of 2 eggs. Heat through, then put away to get cold. When ready to use, beat very hard and fold in lightly the beaten whites of the eggs. Put in a buttered dish and bake for ^ hour. Serve immediately. November 8 Scrambled Eggs in Crustades Fried Chicken Peas Stuffed Potatoes Grape Fruit Salad Cream Puffs, Hot Chocolate Sauce November 9 BEARNAISE SAUCE Put into a small flat pan 4 tables(>oon(uls of vinegar, 1 teaspoonful of onion juice, chopped parsley, a little pepper and salt. Simmer to half the amount. Take from the fire. Add the yolks of 3 eggs beaten, stirring over the fire until it thickens. Remove again and add I % tablespoonfuls of butter cut in small pieces. Stir again over a slow fire. Withdrav/ and add the same quantity of butter. Serve immediately. November 1 Oyster Soup Chicken Patties Boiled Fresh Tongue, Beamaise Sauce Spinach Mashed Potatoes Romaine Salad Cheese Hot Chocolate Pudding, Foamy Sauce November 1 1 WELSH RAREBIT One pound of fresh American cheese. Break in small pieces and put in a pan over hot water with 1 tablespoonful of butter until it melts. Add condiments (salt, pepper, cayenne and Worcestershire sauce), moisten with beer (about % bottle). Stir till it thickens, and serve immediately on rounds of toast. November 12 Chicken Soup Striped Bass, Sauce Hollandaise Crown Roast of Lamb Spinach Potato Souffle Tomato Salad Cheese Coffee Custard November 13 A CHOCOLATE DESSERT Seven eggs, 7 tablespoonfuls of sugar, % cake of chocolate dissolved in % cup of boiling w^ater, ]i box of Cooper's gelatine dissolved in )4. cup of boiling whaler. Beat yolks and sugar until very light, add chocolate and gelatine, beat hard, then fold in the whites beaten very stiff. Put in a mould wet with cold water. Turn out and serve with whipped cream. November 1 4 Grape Fruit Julienne Soup Fillet of Flounders, Sauce Tartare Roast Turkey Stuffed with Chestnuts, Cranberry Sauce Rice Croquettes String Beans Tomato and Celery Salad Chocolate Dessert November 1 5 STEWED KIDNEYS Cut a nice fresh ox kidney into slices, each being about the size of a crown piece, but double the thickness. Put % pound of butter into a stew pan upon the fire. When very hot put in the kidney, stirring with a wooden spoon 3 minutes over a brisk fire. Then add for each pound of kidney /2 tablespoonful of flour, ]/2 teaspoonful of salt, a little pepper, and moisten with a gill of water. Half a glass of sherry improves it. Add a little browning if handy, and let simmer gently for 5 minutes. If too thick, add a little more water. Serve immediately. November 1 6 Stewed Kidney with Scrambled Eggs Chicken Timbal Peas Lettuce Cheese Ice Cream November 17 OMELETTE SOUFFLE Six eggs, 3 tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar, juice and rind of 1 lemon. Beat yollts, sugar and lemon until very light, add to it carefully the stiffly beaten whites. Put it into a buttered pudding dish and bake in a hot oven until brown. November 1 8 Com Soup Chicken a la Terrapin Chops Mashed Potatoes Cauliflower Grape Fruit Salad Omelette Souffle November 1 9 RISSOLES Cut a piece of light, thin pastry 5 inches square. Put in the center 2 tablespoonfuls of any kind of mince, sweetbreads or oysters. Wet the edges with the white of an egg, fold the pastry over, press firmly together, and bake in a hot oven. November 20 Black Bean Soup Roast Beef Yorkshire Pudding Savoy Potatoes Spinach Rissoles Lettuce Salad Apple Charlotte November 21 CHICKEN AND HAM TIMBALS Make a mixture for chicken timbal. Fix some ham in the same way. Butter a timbal tin the shape of a ham. Put in first the chicken mixture, then the ham. Cook the same way as for chicken timbal. Turn out, and put a piece of paper fluted on the end where the bone should be. November 22 Consomme Fish Croquettes, Sauce Tartare Filet Mignon, Mushroom Sauce Potato Balls String Beans Chicken and Ham Timbal Lettuce Salad VaniHa Ice Cream, Chocolate Sauce November 23 EGGS AU GRATIN Boil the eggs hard, cut in halves, take out the yolks and mix with grated cheese. Return this to the whites, put in deep dish, pour over them the follow- ing sauce : Put in a granite saucepan I tablespoonful of butter, ^ pound of fresh American cheese ; stir till melted, then add J^ pint of warmed milk ; stir hard. When smooth and thick, pour over the eggs. Put in oven and brown. Serve immediately. November 24 Tomato Soup with Rice Boiled Halibut, Egg Sauce Roast Mutton Currant Jelly Baked Hominy Carrots Tomato Jelly Mayonnaise Baked Apples Custard November 25 CIDER JELLY One box of gelatine soaked 2 hours in a pint of cold water. Add 1 pint of sugar, the juice and rind of 2 lemons, 1 quart of boiling water. Stir until the gelatine is dissolved, then add 1 pint of cider. Strain through a flannel jelly-bag. This makes two quart forms. November 26 Puree of Pea Soup Boiled Ham Spinach Broiled Chicken Lettuce Potatoes Riced Cider Jelly Whipped Cream November 27 EGG VERMICELLI Boil 3 eggs 20 minutes. Separate the yolks and chop the whites fine. Toast 4 slices of bread ; cut half into small squares and half into points or triangles. Make 1 cup of thin white sauce with 1 cup of cream or milk, ! teaspoonful of butter, I heaping teaspoonful of flour, Yz teaspoonful of salt, >^ teaspoonful of pepper. Stir the whites into the sauce, and when hot pour it over the toast. Rub the yolks through a fine strainer over the whole, and garnish with a border of toast points and a bit of parsley in the center. November 28 Egg Vermicelli in Crustades Lamb Chops Mashed Potatoes Peas Grape Fruit Salad Coffee Bavarian Cream November 29 COFFEE LAYER CAKE Make a rich cup cake, bake in layers and spread with the following mixture : 2 tablespoonfuls of butter rubbed to a cream, add to it I cup of fine brown sugar ; beat hard. Flavor wi'ai 2 tablespoonfuls of coffee essence. Lastly add 1 tablespoonful of whipped cream. If too soft, add more sugar before adding the cream. November 30 Clear Soup Fish Souffle, Tomato Sauce Roast Beef Macaroni au Gratin Cauliflower Lettuce Cheese Pumpkin Pie December 1 PLUM PUDDING MADE OF CARROTS One pound of mashed carrots or potatoes (carrots are best), 1 pound of beef suet chopped fine, 1 pound of flour mixed with molasses, 1 pound of dried currants, 1 leaspoonful of ground cloves, 1 teaspoonful of ground cinnamon, I teaspoonful of ground allspice, 1 teaspoonful of ground nutmeg. Boil 3 J/2 hours. December 2 Cream of Barley Soup Sweetbreads on Toast, Mushroom Sauce Mutton Cutlets Rice Croquettes Peas Tomato Salad Cheese Apple Turnovers Cream December 3 OLD MAID'S CAKE One pound of salt pork chopped fine, 1 pound of raisins, 1 pound of currants, /^ pound of citron, 1 quart of flour, 1 pint of brown sugar, 1 pint of boiling water, Y^ pint of molasses, 2 teaspoonfuls of nutmeg, I leaspoonful of mace, 2 teaspoonfuls of cloves, 2 teaspoonfuls of cinnamon, grated rind of I lemon, 1 tablespoonful of soda dissolved in boiling water or 3 tea- spoonfuls of baking powder. Pour water on pork, stir until melted, pass through colander ; add sugar, molasses, spice and half the flour, reserving Yz pint to mix with the fruit ; then add soda and the rest of the flour and fruit. Put in buttered pans lined with paper. Bake Y\ hour, then try with a broom-straw ; if done, the straw will be dry. This quantity makes 2 cakes. December 4 Oyster Soup Lobster Cutlets, Sauce Tartare Boiled Tongue Spinach Cold Turkey Celery Mayonnaise Chocolate Mousse December 5 MERINGUES Take 6 eggs, beat them to a stiff froth, add a teaspoonful of vanilla fliavoring, stir lightly in some powdered sugar. Then butter a sheet of paper, lay it on the meringue board, and with a tablespoon put on your meringues. Dust some sugar over each, put in oven and brown well. Then take them in your hand and scoop out each one. What you empty out answers to form the next batch, and so on. Eleven ounces of sugar to 6 eggs makes all, including the dusting on the meringues, etc. December 6 Eggs in Rolls Roast Chicken Boiled Rice Spinach Lettuce Salad Cream Cheese Meringues December 7 TOMATOES STUFFED WITH CRAB MEAT Take small round tomatoes, peel them and lay them on ice. Scoop out the insides and fill with crab meat mixed with mayonnaise dressing. Serve on lettuce leaves as an hors d'oeuvres. ecember 8 Tomatoes Stuffed with Crab Meat Green Turtle Soup Sweetbreads, Mushroom Sauce Saddle of Mutton Currant Jelly Potato Croquettes String Beans Boned Squabs Celery Mayonnaise Ice Cream Served with Fruit Salad December 9 BOSTON COOKIES One cup of butter, I Y2 cups of sugar, 2 eggs, I teaspoonful of soda (scant), 1 /3 table- spoonfuls of hot water, lYx cups of flour, 72 teaspoonful of salt, 1 tablespoonful of cinnamon, 1 nutmeg, 1 cup of chopped walnuts, Y^ cup of currants, J'2 cup of seeded raisins. Cream the butter ; add sugar gradually, and eggs well beaten, half the flour mixed and sifted, with salt and cinnamon, then nut meats, fruit and remaining flour, 1 wine-glass of sherry. Drop by spoonfuls one inch apart on a buttered sheet and bake in moderate oven. December 1 Tomato Soup Creamed Fish Roast Capon Spinach Potatoes au Gratin Endive Salad Cheese Balls Omelette Souffle, Fruit Sauce December 1 1 SNOW PUDDING Half box of Cox's gelatine, I pint of cold water. Soak until it is dissolved ; pour on 1 pint of boiling water, juice of 3 lemons, sugar to taste. When thoroughly cold, beat it up to a white froth, then add whites of 4 eggs well beaten. Beat all together till quite stiff. Put in moulds wet with cold water and set on ice to stiffen. Turn out and serve with a boiled custard made from the yolks. December 1 2 Cream of Corn Soup Smelts Maitre d'Hotel Butter Steak Saratoga Potatoes Cauliflower Tomato Salad Snow Pudding December 13 WALNUT FUDGE Two pounds of light brown sugar, ^ cup of butter, good 5'^ cup of milk, y^ teaspoonful of salt, I teaspoonful of vanilla, I pound of walnuts shelled and chopped. Boil hard 10 minutes, add vanilla and beat until it thickens, add walnuts, put in buttered tins, score with knife. December 1 4 Grape Fruit Chicken and Clam Broth Whipped Cream Filet Mignons, Mushroom Sauce Tomatoes Filled with Celery Chocolate Mousse December 1 5 GRAPE FRUIT SALAD Cut up grape fruit, oranges, bananas and peanuts, mix with the following dressing, return to the grape fruit shells, and serve on lettuce leaves. Dressing : Yolks of 2 eggs, salt, pepper, mustard, 3 tablespoonfuls of vinegar ; cook until thick, then add 1 cup of whipped cream just before serving. December 16 Caviar Mushroom Soup Lobster Croquettes, Sauce Hollandciise Green Peppers Stuffed with Sweetbreads Turkey, Cranberry Sauce String Beans Potatoes Creamed Grape Fruit Salad Nesselrode Pudding December 1 7 MOLASSES CAKE Half cup of butter, }4 cup of brown sugar, ^ cup of molasses, 2 teaspoonfuls of cinnamon, ^ teaspoonful of cloves, }4 nutmeg grated, y^ teaspoonful of ginger, pinch of salt, 2 cups of flour, 1 cup of strong cold coffee in which dissolve I full teaspoonful of soda, 2 well-beaten eggs. Beat whites and yolks separately. Bake in shallow pans about 40 or 45 minutes. December 1 8 Clear Soup Boiled Halibut, Egg Sauce Roast Lamb Currant Jelly Sweet Potato Croquettes Beets Lettuce Salad Cheese Whipped Cream in Baskets of Cake Hot Chocolate Sauce December 19 EGG CUTLETS Six hard-boiled eggs, chopped. Mix with 1 cup of rich cream sauce. Let it stand till cold. Shape like cutlets, roll in bread crumbs, then in egg, and again in crumbs. Fry in hot lard till a nice brown. When ready to serve, put a piece of parsley where the bone should be. December 20 Egg Cutlets, Cream Sauce Roast Duck, Apple Sauce Cauliflower au Gratin Mashed Potatoes Cold Fillet Lettuce Salad Tarts Cream December 21 CHICKEN CROQUETTES Half pound of the while meat of a chicken chopped very fine. Season with Y^ tea- spoonful of salt, y^ teaspoonful of celery salt, ^ saltspoonful of cayenne pepper, saltspocnful of white pepper, a few drops of onion juice, 1 teaspoonful of chopped parsley, 1 teaspoonful of lemon juice, 1 pint of very thick cream sauce. Mix the sauce with the chicken, using only enough to make it as soft as can be handled. Spread on shallow plate to get cold. Shape into rolls. Roll in bread crumbs, then egg, and lastly in bread crumbs. Fry 1 minute in smoking hot fat. December 22 Oyster Soup Fish Souffle Roast Veal Peas Potato Savoy Chicken Croquettes Lettuce Salad Apple Dumplings, Hard Sauce December 23 Eggs au Gratin Veal Loaf, Tomato Sauce Baked Hominy Tomato Jelly Salad Baked Apples Cream December 24 CHOCOLATE CARAMELS One cup of sugar, 1 cup of grated chocolate, 1 cup of molasses, ^ cup of milk, Yz cup of butter. Boil 20 minutes, stirring all the time. Pour in buttered tins. When cool, score with a knife. December 25 Raw Oysters JuHenne Soup Striped Bass, Sauce Hollandaise Potato Balls Roast Turkey stuffed with Chestnuts French Peas Cranberry Jelly Redhead Duck Fried Hominy Sweetbread Salad Plum Pudding Ice Cream December 26 WHITE FRUIT CAKE One cup of sugar, ^ cup of butter, whites of 4 eggs, ^ cup of milk, 2 cups of flour, I Yz teaspoonfuls of baking powder, 1 teaspoonful of vanilla, 2 ounces of shelled walnuts, 2 ounces of shelled pecans, y^ pound of figs, ^ pound of dates, 5^ pound of citron, %. pound of currants (chopped). Bake in slow oven %^ hour. December 2,7 Pea Soup Roast Beef Boiled Rice Spinach Cheese Croquettes Lettuce Salad Lady Locks December 28 APPLE CHARLOTTE Cook, stirring constantly, apples pared and sliced, in butter, until they are soft and dry. Add sugar, 2 tablespoonfuls. Line a mould with sippets of bread an inch wide dipped in melted butter, overlapping each other. Arrange pieces of bread similarly in the bottom of the mould. Turn in the apple and cover with buttered bread. Bake for 5^ hour in a hot oven. Serve with hot custard sauce. December 29 Bisque of Clam Broiled Smelts, Sauce Tartare Roast Chicken, Cranberry Sauce Cauliflower Potato Straws Celery Salad Apple Charlotte, Custard Sauce December 30 CHEESE ECLAIRS Fill eclair shells with a cheese mixture, grate cheese on top, and put in oven for 1 minute to melt the grated cheese. CHEESE MIXTURE Half tablespoonful of butter, % pound of fresh American cheese, % tablespoonful of flour, Yi pint of milk, salt, pepper and cayenne. Put butter in a granite saucepan, add cheese, stir till melted. Add warm milk, then the flour, which has been rubbed smooth in a little cold milk, then the spices. December 31 Cream of Asparagus Soup Scalloped Oysters Roast Lamb Currant Jelly Rice Croquettes Carrots Cheese Eclairs Lettuce Apple Pie Cream Copyright 1912, by Margaret Frances Tomes. 5? 88' v4 ''^^^0 OCT 23 1912 H .Va\ ^^^^^^ .^^\ \/ ,^^ ^^^^^^ /I M ' .0 '^^ , % "*' A^ " *>*oV^' '^•o^ 14* -v * •55jiA\n'^*' Ta •%.^' .•J^^ CKMAN |±| DERY INC. |S| ^ OCT 88 1^ N. MANCHESTER,