*P$ 6 3 5 PRICE IS CENTS. DE WITT'S ACTING PLAYS. (Number 200.) ESTRANGED. AN OPERETTA, IN ONE ACT. ADAPTED FROM CHARLES SEARS LANCASTER'S COMEDIETTA, " ADVICE TO HUSBANDS," AND THE MUSIC SELECTED FROM THE FINEST MELODIES IN VERDl's CELEBRATED OPERA, "IL TRAVATORE." By ALFRED B. SEDGWICK, Author of " Leap Year," " My Walking Photograph," " The Twin Sisters" " Sold Again and got the Money," " The Queerest Courtship" etc., etc. TO WHICH ARE ADDED, A description of the Costumes— Synopsis of the Piece — Cast ot the Characters — Entrances and Exits— Relative Positions of the Performers on the Stage, and the whole of the Stage Business. ROBERT M. DE WITT, PUBLISHER JVo. 33 Rose Street. NOW •READY, THE TWIN SISTERS. A Comic Operetta, In One Act. By Al- fred B. Sedgwick. Price 15 cents. THE CAPTAIN OF THE WATCH. A Comedietta. In One Act. By J. R. Planche. Price 15 cents. DE WITT'S ACTING PLAYS. Please notice that nearly all the Comedies, Farces and Comediettas in the following hstofD'E, Witt's Acting- Plays" are very suitable for representation in small Amateur Thea- tres and on Parlor Stages, as they need but little extrinsic aid from complicated scenery or expensive costumes. They have attained their deserved popularity by their droll situations, excellent plots, great humor and brilliant dialogues, no less than by the fact that they are the most perfect in every respect of any edition of plays ever p>ublished either in the United States or Europe, whether as regards purity of the text, accuracy and fulness of stage directions and scenery, or elegance of typography and clearness of printing. K *#* In ordering please copy the figures at the commencement of each piece, which indicate the number of the piece in "De Witt's List op Acting Plays." ft^jp Any of the following Plays sent, postage free, on receipt of price — 15 cents each. Address, ROBERT M. DE WITT, JVo. S3 Hose Street, JVew Tor A:. J^~ The figure following the name of the Play denotes the number of Acts. The figures in the columns indicate the number of characters — M. male ; F. female. No. m. 75. Adrienne, drama, 3 acts 7 114. Anything for a Change, comedy, 1 3 167. Apple Blossoms, comedy, 3 acts — 7 93. Area Belle (The), farce, 1 act 3 40. Atchi, comedietta, 1 act 3 89. Aunt Charlotte's Maid, farce. 1 act. . 3 192. Game of Cards (A), comedietta, 1 3 166. Bardell vs. Pickwick, sketch, 1 act. 6 41. Beautiful Forever, farce, 1 act. 2 141. Bells (The), drama, 3 acts 9 67. Birthplace of Podgers, farce, 1 act. . 7 36. Black Sheep, drama, 3 acts 7 160. Blow for Blow, drama, 4 acts 11 70. Bonnie Fish Wife, farce, 1 act 3 179. Breach of Promise,, drama, 2 acts.. 5 25. Broken-Hearted Club, comedietta, 1 4 24. Cabman, No. 93, farce, 1 act 2 1. Caste, comedy, 3 acts 5 69. Caught by the Cuff, farce, 1 act 4 175. Cast upon the World, drama, 5 acts. 10 55. Catharine Howard, historical play, 3 acts 12 80. Charming pair, farce, 1 act 4 65. Checkmate, comedy, 2 acts 6 68. Chevalier de St. George, drama, 3 9 76. Chops of the Channel, farce, 1 act^B 149. Clouds, comedy, 4 acts •.'.• . 8 121. Comical Countess, farce, 1 act. . .... 3 107. Cupboard Love, farce, 1 act. 2 152. Cupid's Eye-Glass, comedy, 1 act... 1 52. Cup of Tea, comedietta, 1 act 3 148. Cut off with a Shilling, comedietta, 1 act 2 113. Cyrill's Success, comedy, 5 acts 10 199. Captain of the Watch (The), come- dietta, 1 act .4 20. Daddy Gray, drama, 3 acts 8 4. Dandelion's Dodges, farce, 1 act /4 22. David Garrick, comedy, 3 acts 8 96. Dearest Mamma, comedietta, 1 act, ''4 16. Dearer than Life, drama, 3 acts 6 58. Deborah (Leah) drama, 3 acts 7 125. Deerfoot, farce, 1 act 5 71. Doing for the Best, drama, 2 acts. . 5 142. Dollars and Cents, comedy, 3 acts. . 9 No. m. p. 21. Dreams, drama, 5 acts 6 3 186. Duchess de la Valliere, play, 5 acts. . 6 4 47. Easy Shaving, farce, 1 act 5 2 13). Everybody's Friend, comedy, 3 acts. 6 5 200. Estranged, an operetta, 1 act 2 1 103. Faust and Marguerite, drama, 3 acts, 9 7 9. Fearful Tragedy in the Seven Dials, interlude, 1 act 4 1 128. Female Detective, drama, 3 acts .... 11 4 101. Fernande, drama, 3 acts 11 10 99. Fifth Wheel, comedy, 3 acts 10 2 145. First Love, comedy, 1 act 4 1 102. Foiled, drama, 4 acts 9 3 88. Founded on Facts, farce, 1 act. ... 4 2 74. Garrick Fever, farce, 1 act 7 4 53. Gertrude's Money Box, farce, 1 act. 4 2 73. Golden Fetter (Fettered), drama, 3 11 4 30. Goose with the Golden Eggs, farce, 1 act 5 3 131. Go to Putney, farce, 1 act 4 3 28. Happy Pair, comedietta, 1 act 1 1 151. Hard Case (A), farce, 1 act 2 8. Henry Dunbar, drama, 4 acts 10 3 180. Henry the Fifth, historical play, 5 38 5 19. He's a Lunatic, farce, 1 act 3 2 60. Hidden Hand, drama, 4 acts 5 5 187. His Own Enemy, farce, 1 act 4 1 174. Home, comedy, 3 acts 4 3 64. Household Fairy, sketch, 1 act 1 1 190. Hunting the Slipper, farce, 1 act 4 1 191. High C, comedietta, 1 act 4 2 197. Hunchback (The), play, 5 acts 14 2 18. If I Had a Thousand a Year, farce, 1 act 4 3 116. I'm Not Mesilf at All, original Irish stew, 1 act 3 2 129. In for a Holiday, farce, 1 act 2 3 159. In the Wrong House, farce, 1 act. . . 4 2 122. Isabella Orsini, drama, 4 acts 11 4 177. I Shall Invite the Major, comedy, 14 1 100. Jack Long, drama, 2 acts ' 9 2 139. Joy is Dangerous, comedy, 2 acts. . . 3 3 17. Kind to a Fault, comedy, 2 acts 6 4 86. Lady of Lyons, play, 5 acts 12 5 72. Lame Excuse, farce, 1 act 4 2 "ESTRANGED." In One Act. ADAPTED FROM CHARLES SEARS LANCASTER'S COMEDIETTA "ADVICE TO HUSBANDS." and the music selected from the finest melodies in verdi's celebrated Opera "II Trovatore," by / ALFRED B. SEDGWICK, Autlior of "Leap Year;" "My Walking Photograph ;" " The Twin Sisters;" "Sold again and got the Money;" " The Queerest Courtship," "Circum. stances alter Cases." &c. &c. TO WHICH ARE ADDED, A DESCRIPTION OF THE COSTUMES — CAST OF THE CHARACTERS— SYNOP- SIS OF THE PIECE— ENTRANCES AND EXITS — RELATIVE POSI- TIONS OF THE PERFORMERS ON THE STAGE, AND THE WHOLE OF THE STAGE BUSINESS. NEW YORK: ROBERT M. DE WITT, PUBLISHER, No. H3 Eose Street. ( BETWEEN DtTANE AND FRANKFORT STREETS.) Copyright, 1876, by Robert M. De Witt. ESTRANGED. » CAST OF CHARACTERS. TS4 3.T General Leslie Frank Trevor (known as Colonel Rashleigh). Mrs. Trevor (General Leslie's daughter) TIME OF REPRESENTATION FIFTY MINUTES. SCENERY. SCENE.— A parlor in the house of General Leslie. Time. The present day. 1st Entrance Door Door 1st Entrance XL COSTUMES. General Leslie. Military undress. Frank Trevor. Dark blue or black frock coat. White vest and black trowser's. Mrs. Trevor. White muslin high dress, mantle and simple bonnet. SYNOPSIS. Frank Trevor, has married Alice the only daughter of General Leslie, some seven years before the scene opens. Alter six months of happy wedded life, he is inveigled into a duel, by a false friend, who secretly loves nis wife, and who hoping to get rid of him, has been spreading false reports against her name. Believing that he has killed his man, he is advised by this same friend to leave his home. He does so, and under an assumed uame enters the army, where he achieves rank and fdrtuue in the service of his country. He returns home, but time and service have so changed him in appearance, that he is unrecognized even by his wife, whom he accidentally saves from the savage attack of a Tramp. He learns from her father that she has been ever true to him and that she regrets his cruel treatment as much as the old gentle- man condemns. Finding that she is likely to be persuaded into a marriage that is repugnant to her, he concludes to woo her again under his assumed name, and of course, succeeds. The story afford an interesting vehicle for the introduction of some of the finest music in Verdi's " II Trovatore,'' which has been judiciously selected and arranged by Mr. A. B. Sedgwick. NOTE.— The orchestral parts of the music of u The Twin Sisters, ' arranged by A. B. Sedgwick, for first and second violins, viola (ad lib.), basso, flute, clarionet, cornet, and trombone, can be obtained from Robert M. De Witt, Publisher, No. 33 Rose Street, New York. Price $9.00. *** The orchestration of this music is arranged so closely- as to be played effect tively with only five instruments. i i ESTRANGED." SCENE. — A drawing room. Door in flat c. with French window look- ing on lawn. (Practicable. ) Table with books, flowers, &c, and two handsome chairs, l. 2c? entrance. The same, with slight alteration, r. 3d entrance. Sofa l. c. Hurried music for curtain. A pistol shot is heard without, as curtain rises. TSo. 1 .— Curtain. Allegro Agitato. Music till Mrs. Trevob, is well on the stage and seated. Mrs. Trevor, runs in as if in terror, through door c. and sinks on a chair r. Mrs. T. — Oh, that dreadful pistol. The report still rings in my ears. The knell of one life -perhaps that of my preserver. To be even the innocent cause of harming* a fellow creature, is in itself a dreadful thought. And yet — how opportunely he came to my assistance. To think that I should be attacked by footpads — and so near home too. Had it not been for the sudden appearance and protection of that stranger I scarcely know what might have occurred ! However, I was able to save the little sum I was earning to my poor pensioners. Alas—it is these little acts of charity which alone assist me to linger through a life that otherwise would be insupportable. ( She rises.) Oh ! my beloved husband — cruelly as you have treated me— I never can forget thy memory. (Mrs. Trevor, sings.) Mo. 3. Aria. — Mrs. Trevor. 9ile£g3Et 3^: m f — i -^i-gtf ESTRANGED. 3 *-v— fc H-*- -b- -#-i-#- -n-*- Dear - est, tho' lost to my sight ev - er more, n p con espress. W P~^~ , ■ f -> Still i-6-fi H P\-= H fN- yd ^ & in my heart thy dear U £ face I a-dore ! tr ft \-jh$ -— ■»-- - — __! — p_ -J — : \m -= 1 k> ■ * * n -id : ■# 3 I 1 ^ H M w -p* -H ■ ^R |2L ^ -1 *-*— ^-*-* «-#- ^ * n. +•-, 0~J— ^^: S-m—0- E > — Ne'er . . do I rest but thy vis - age re-turns, Thv i: -(_*- =?: : "«*^P — 9 :*±— z:£ EF^rh-£zjfc£Sp 0—-—& 1 — ~n fe — r- -y 1^ ?-9 vis age re - turns. . .With long pent up ait - guish my — : N~ /IN ^j=±£ co//a i>oce. -9- m f?s -9 1 s F- 9*=&&=m ± -9 _ —9 — ^ F 9 _r_ F =z: : — 0-1 — i — # 9-\ — <--9- H ■#-l — i — "Nt 1 9-T-i — "■"•^ — • ESTRANGED. ~V -e-i-0- « -y-^- -0 -i — mem - o - ry burns, Ne'er do I rest, but thy *=± . - — 5*-- *-- ^ — t— **» — \~ V 5§ ^_r 1 vis - aire re - turns ! Sad ly in-deed but. -*-#- 7~f- ^ .0 « »^*_i» »* — «-:-|-« : *-• *1 ■ Jzcz^^zzz^gzi^z r~ h 1— r-y-n While beats my heart in si a 3 -#- »-5 — s- -#— H- EEffi 9#=M =zrir==J±Sz=S — *f f £- F _ _ ,&.&. .0..SL -^0 s 0_0 it* fi & w_ _««*_«_«_« C# * » 0_ JZ-Z # _L__' # _fc_£fii -9.-^:0 0- — 1—1 — I — 1 — I ' — ! — •■ — f— M — * ESTBANGED. "m *. -*— -a-*- but yet it is there, Tis '— U- ev-er there! while beats my g =>4M ; -#-p=^- 5= ■C-3-fi^— ^*- -*— b -0-. $-9 -0-m r #-**- y K: rt—4$*—w&Z—&Z -i s-i — I i~-H~H — I— H4- #0— a-g-fir -» tf> — *—W—W- -g 2 ■fi-18 — — »-#— 1 — *-» — i — » •- .^_p-p ^_w__ „-| — 1 , , — , ^ 1 1- 'Tis there ! 'Tis there ! Ev - er heart in sad des-pair, =!zEt^?fii4£Efie ^ - I — , — n 2 -I — r- ai t itrxri J , , 1 i W- 1 ~^- f^-r^pr p^ ^ there . Clarinet Solo. fT\ *=** -0-9 — **-#- *i^*^-'-f^^ 9 : < _ »_ *- i "ft-^t -^-v— v- «»- Yes! ev- er there! m -~\- &- "9r9 9 9'9~9~9^ji ^ -W9-9- ~9~9-0-9"9* '& 'remoloso. j , cr> -&- -I— II ESTRANGED. I Mrs. T.— But who is tli is approaching? Ah ! my preserver! Enter Colonel Rashleigh, from the lawn, c. d. l. h. Thank Heaven, he is safe ! Col. R.— (l.) Pardon, madame, this unmannerly intrusion. I did not perceive you until so near the house that I feared my retiring- would create suspicion and surprise. I followed solely for your protection; say thai my object is accomplished, and I will at once withdraw. Mrs. T -(r.) Nay. sir, my heart is too full for adequate thanks. Pray stay, my father's coining— he would not be happy without pressing the hand of his child's preserver. {Going r. h.) Col. R. — Thanks are superfluous for an act that carries its own re- ward. But you wish it, and I obey. Mrs. T. — {Aside.) His voice seems like a memory of other days. — (Aloud.) Excuse me. sir, I -pray, sir. be seated. (Colonel Rashleigh advances, and appears to recognize Mrs. Trevor, who courtesies and exit. r. h. 1 e.) Col. R. Powers of mercy, it is she ! Yes— I cannot be mistaken. The same enchanting harmony of form and feature— the same intense brilliancy of eye — the same beauty of expression! It is she— it is my wife! (Becovei'ing his emotion.) Shall I stay to be her spoil ? Shall years of disgrace and mental suffering be burned away by a single glance of an inconstant woman ? No— we have met for the last time ! (He quits the room hastily, c. d. ; returns, and pauses on the threshold.) Yet, stay. (Advances slowly.) She appeared not to recognize me; she could not do so, and meet my injured gaze ! She is little changed ; but time and climate have done their work on me. I should like to know if she is happj', and to look once more upon features that have been to me, for so many years, as a beautiful and melancholy dream ! No. 3. Aria. — Colonel Rashleigh. Andante assai sostenuto. fP -Jul ^>* £3?-p j«_l« ! ' b i k=i I. b ! b b k^ m &feS=3=r--5± te£ * .* -4-3 -3 iZ * z^ki-zz -H 4 ^-1 — - "1—1 F"ln ~ -"I — ! "1 1 5 — ! H ^mmmmi ESTRANGED. !$ ; 3P ! mt -t—*&0- e t , i ,^ ^u-^-^— £ g -fcH"- Fate hath wove its web a - round me ! :2:5= ffiESffi^ -a-fl- *-« i -9-gj-ii-y-i! -ij -?-«- ai-9-gi . ^zz •S--S- -*•-*■ -9—9- -9-4" -9— 9- m^ I w^ -*—?i0-* 4/ V--T- -# L s Ban - ished thoughts again surround me ! Or why lin - ger -b-fc ri — ^-=2z^3^=5z^=5: -0--tf- -9-9- 9 9 a 0- 9-0- ~d~9~ 77 fcti .a — ^ — — 0-P-0 -H 1 1 [ ' V— E— -y— ; -In- here Midst doubt of love and fear, To view \0--9r-9r -9r-9r * 9 £~jL — 'AZjSl -«■-«- -^-#- -f-v- -§-*• §#3=3 H^fcp -£*• ■*- :2: ^: _tf_«E -•"S- ->H4- -V-V- fl:—- j — ?-* — 9— 0- V- past,To viewapast,Icanne'erre - gain To view a past. ££ ~ -9-4—^9-9 — coto voce. 9 9- -9 9- -9 9- -vxi 1 , 7 V^t+-' — — H-F-l -j HllS ~9 e 9 w ~ 9 9 9°~ -0-0-0—0-0-0 "*-*— _i 0j0.—Mj0.-.m ; .|_ f-f-W-f-W-*- ■ tremoloso. 9 0- -#_L *# j: ^ £J> ESTRANGED. teEEi: -0 0- V-- 1 -&5tvi -0-0-0 -v-v- I items' I can ne'er re-gain, Why linger here midst doubt and f -0 9—0-0 J0- ' J -©-I -I — \ ■0-0 - -0 -- 0- ■ &- ■&-_ .u vzy ■&- ** fear, To view a part I can ne'er re - gain . iS!=! Gen. L. — (Without, r. h.) Leave the house unthanked ! Were there no other way of detaining him, I'd knock the geuerous rascal down ! Col. R. — Her father's voice ! He was no party to her guilt. He left England immediately after our marriage. Enter General Leslie, k. h. 1 e. Gen. L. — (Speaking as lie enters.) Where is this modest youth ? Heyday ! I thought to find a stripling, not a hero ! Are you the pre- server of my poor girl ? Col. R. — (Formally.) Opportunity, sir, has happily thrown me into so enviable a position. Gen. L.— A brother soldier, and fear to face a volley of gratitude from an old man and a lovely woman ! You have laid us under a debt beyond our means to pay — do not make us feel bankrupt by refusing the small instalment of our thanks. Your hand, young man. Accept the blurt" but deep acknowledgment of one who never littered a sentiment he did not feel. (Shakes Colonel Rasi-ileigh warmly by the hand.) If you knew my daughter— her gentleness — her tenderness— her charity— her piety — you would think her a being rather sent to teach than to suffer, and wonder how a stony-hearted, doating old father could have his child saved from death, and press the hand of her preserver without a tremor or a tear! I'm as hard-hearted as an old gun flint! (Wipes his eyes.) Col. R.— I once knew such a being — I once -(Turns aside to hide his emotion.) I cannot speak of her! His words bring back so strong a tide of memory that my very thoughts almost choke me. 10 ESTKANGED. Gen. L. — You are moved— ill — nay, nay, no disguise, man. (Again putting his handkerchief to his eyes.) The strongest of us may have our hearts unstrung by the excitement of a moment. Your struggle, too— perhaps you are hurt? Col. R. - No— not hurt. I am, by nature, light of spirit, which a recent affair has clouded. I am now en route to a distant part of the country. Excuse my tarrying longer. I feel that the delay of a single hour may change the complexion of a life. Gen. L.— How? Not stay to witness the result of your morning's work ? The eye that you have brightened — the cheek that you have tinted — egad, the escape of my dear daughter, makes me talk to you as freely as ff you were my son.— (Aside.) I wish he were; for he's a line fellow, and that's the truth on't. Col. R. -{Aside.) Shall I at once declare myself ? Gen. L. — (Aside.) He seems in grief: perhaps for the loss of some relative. Col. R.— (Aside.) Should she be again married! O, that thought is insupportable!— (Aloud.) Sir, you may deem the question I am about to ask strange -impertinent— but I have a strong, and uncontrollable motive for asking it. Has your daughter (Pauses.) Gen. L.— Speak on, sir. I admire frankness. Col. R. — (After a struggle") Has your daughter — a husband? Gen. L. — (Seriously.) She has not, sir. Col. R.— Nor never had one? Gen. L. — (Warmly.) Never! Col. R. - Never? Gen. L. — What are the duties of a husband? To love and cherish the gentle object confided to him— to nurture and direct her opening mind, to watch over and protect her name and fame ; and, should calumny assail, to stifle its very breath ere it grew into the form of words ! No, no — she never had a husband. Col. R. — You speak with deep meaning, and raise an inexpressible interest. Dare I ask Gen. L. — I have nothing to disguise. There was one who professed to love her. Col. R. — (Aside.) Professed! Gen. L. — He seemed a line, noble, generous fellow, just such another as yourself. {Observing him minutely.) Your name, young man? Col. R. — Rashleigh — Colonel Rashleigh. Gen. L. — You have done well, sir, for your country in the West. I have heard your name associated with deeds of greatness. (With emotion.) You resemble Frank Trevor so much, that you might pass for his elder brother. Col. R. — (Aside.) He forgets the effect of seven years. Gen. L. — (Recovering himself .) Six months after their marriage, affairs of importance drew him to town, and then — suffice it— we never saw him more! Col. R.— Nor heard from him ? Gen. L.— (Struggling with his feelings.) Why should I conceal it? lie was a scoundrel ! Col. R — A scoundrel! Gen. L. — Ay. sir — a scoundrel ! Col. R.— (Aside.) Could I have been deceived? Alas! no. De Yere fell beneath my pistol, avowing his treachery ! Gen. L. — One letter reached us containing charges against his spotless wi-fe that he lacked courage to utter. Col. R. - (Hastily.) Was there no excuse— no palliative? Might he not be the dupe of a designing knave ? ESTRANGED. 11 Gen. L.— He fled the test of scrutiny. Col. R. — {Eagerly, and much impassioned.) And the charge was false ? ( General Leslie makes a movement towards Colonel Rash- leigh, stops, and 'partly recovers himself .) Gen. L. — (With great determination.) Young man, did not an hour since make 1113' life a debt to you— for mine is wrapped in hers— another hour would, perhaps, end fatally to one or both of us ! Col. R. — Forgive my anxiety. Nothing was more distant from my thought than to make a charge a father should blush to hear. Your threat, general, was premature. Gen, L. — (Endeavoring to speak with composure. ) To doubt honor is to wound it. Shall I not avenge myself on the traducer of my child ? You are too young— too inexperienced to know the refined torture that a chance word' may inflict upon a parent's heart. Col. R. — (Aside.) I will not— cannot longer delay the avowal.— {To General Leslie.) I dared to breathe a thought in his defence, knowing that that man— that he himself is Gen. L.— Dead! Col. R.— Dead? Gen. L. -I knew what you were about to urge. {Reflects Jor a mo- ment.) He died— and not by my hand— that is my reproach ! Col. R. — And she- his wife — his widow I Did she, too, cherish a bitter feeling against him ? Gen. h.—(3luch moved.) We will not speak of her. Change of scene was resorted to— there was a blank in her life, and she has never uttered his name ! (Looking off l. 1st entrance.) But see ! my messenger has returned. I sent him to a neighboring magistrate with information of the attack in which you were a conspicuous actor. A few moments, and I will return. {Crosses, l. h.) Your hand once more. We shall not be worse friends for you having defended the dead and I the living ! [Exit, l. h. 1 E.] Col. R.— Well may they say that life is a melancholy jest. Here am I, a dead man and a confirmed scoundrel — compelled by circumstances to hear all sorts of charges, to endure all sorts of hard names, and to rind that my sole redeeming act is an unsuccessful effort at a postmortem de- fence. After all, I feel my heart most wonderfully lightened. The thought of my wife's truth comes like a rainbow to wrecked hope ! Still are there many clouds to dissipate. What course shall I take ? What if I begin afresh — once more turn lover, and try to win the heart I owned ! What if I be successful t Humph ! the result is mortifying: at best, I triumph over my former self — so, in either case, one of us must be cast into the shade ! Well, self-victory is the hardest to attain— so say the wise ones. Be it my lot to make the attempt. Be-enier General Leslie, l. h. 1 e. Gen. L.— I am once more at your service, and hope our momentary difference will not prevent a friendship commenced under circumstances so deeply interesting. Col. R.— My dear general, reflection has so increased my interest in your family, that I have resolved on a few days' stay in the village to give me an opportunity of proving my respect and esteem. Gen. L. — You are a man after my own heart— ever ready for action, yet never bearing malice. A flash— a burst — and then as cool as a gun barrel. Col. R. — I will just step to my hotel Gen. L.— You are in it. This house is your hotel, and I the ready host i Determined not to lose you, I took upon myself to send for your baggage. Come, sit down. —{They sit.) Being particularly anxious to introduce you to an agreeable acquaintance 12 ESTRANGED. Col. R.— You mean your daughter, I presume ? Gen. L. — 0, no — a gentleman. Col. R.— Indeed!— {Aside.) I'm growing fidgety already. — (Aloud.) An acquaintance, may I ask, or friend ? Gen. L.— The latter: I may say a relative. Col. R. — {Aside.) That's an equivocal animal. — (Aloud.) Not a cousin, I hope ? Gen. L. — O, no — a son-in-law. Col. R. — A what? Gen. L. — A son-in-law. Col. R. — I beg pardon.— Have you another daughter? Gen. L. — You saved my only child. Col. R. — (Aside.) 0, I am on the rack ! — {Aloud.) I understood you she was a widow ? Gen. L. — Ay— was. Col. R.— And is she not? Gen. L. — And is for the present. I call him son-in-law. The bond of affection wants but a word to make it perfect. Col. R.— (Bitterly.) True — words are wax, and change their form at pleasure. Is it with your consent ? Gen. L. — Undoubtedly. Col. R. — (Aside.) She has not suffered as I have suffered, else could she never give her heart again. " Frailty, thy name is woman !" Gen. L. — He will have to thank you for the brightest earthly gift a man can receive— a good wife ! Col. R. — (Aside.) Curse his thanks ! Gen. L. — What a gratification must such a thought afford you. .Col. R.— Overwhelming [—(Aside.) Have I found a lost gem to see it worn by another ? I'll die first! Gen. L. — You are grave. Do you disapprove of second marriages ? Col. R. — If a woman can love twice, it is well. Gen. L. — She was but eighteen when she sacrificed herself— at five and twenty she may have learned wisdom. Col. R. — (Aside.) Perhaps this is a marriage of compulsion— there is yet hope. — (Aloud.) Is your daughter left to follow the stream of her affections ? Gen. L. — Heaven forbid that I should tamper with things so sacred ! I am growing old, and must anticipate that my child will soon be deprived of her only" earthly protector: enough that the dutiful girl entered into my views, and fixed this day for her decision. Col. R. — And that decision is Gen. L. — Wholly unknown to me. Col. R. — (Aside.) I breathe again ! My mind's made up. I'll enter the lists against him. — (Aloud.). When is the vital decision to be given? Gen. L. — (Looking at Ms watch.) In an hour from this time. Col. R.— One hour!— (Aside.) The fate of an empire has been decided in less time ! Gen. L. — My consent is given; and the bridegroom, that is to be, confidently awaits her compliance. Col. R. — (Rises. — Aside.) So, then, it seems I am to make lovo. to my own wife, with only an hour to do it in, and the odds against me ! — (Aloud.) General, what class of beings are we most apt to love ? Gen. L. — Those for whom we have suffered, or who have received our protection. Col. R. — You speak my own thoughts. Gen. L.— Well, and what follows? Col. R.— This simple answer. I have protected your daughter, there- fore 1 love her ! ESTRANGED. 13 Gen. L. — The deuce you do ! Col. R. — Aye, sir— love her deeply, madly, devotedly: lovelier as if she were my wile I— -(Aside, ) That's an unfortunate simile ! Gen. L. — I'm thunderstruck! Col. R. — In plain terms, general, I at once declare myself your daughter's suitor, and shall devote the coming hour to the advancement of my suit. Gen. L.— You take me by surprise. What shall I say to her old lover? Col. R. — Leave that to me. I will settle with him in any case. Gen. L. — Consider my honor Col. R. — Shall I not consider my own? I have taken a prize. — Shall I yield her tamely? No, general; the arm that fought for her can and will do so again, if occasion need it. Grant my request, and, upon the honor of a soldier, the instant the dial hand points to the moment of decision, I will quit this roof forever, save at the desire of your own child. Gen. L. — Humph! I like your spirit — I like yourself. But Alice is not the girl to be lightly won. You shall have the opportunity you ask for. I will in no wise seek to influence my daughter, but simply bring her here.— (Grosses, r.) You are a courageous fellow. I have myself clone a daring act or two since I entered the service, and I suppose all brave spirits are of one family. (Chuckling.) Attempt to win a girl in an hour, from a suitor of seven years' standing ! A bold, conceited, impudent, noble-hearted coxcomb ! {Exit, r. h. 1 e. ] Col. R. — What if she loves this man ? Shall I step between to rob her of the happiness she sought in vain with me? Will it not be more kind, more generous, more honorable, to retreat? She believes me dead; and shall 1 not be amply repaid in seeing her smile upon one she loves ? No — curse me if I shall? I will employ the few remaining minutes in urging my, I fear, hopeless suit. 0, that I could dream for the next half hour ! I would give five years of my life to have it over ! [Exit Col. R. Door in flat c. ] Re-enter Mrs. Trevor, r. h. 1 e. Mrs. T. — Gone! and without seeing me? It is well. Why be surprised that he feels no interest in me? Why regret it, since I must not feel in- terest in him ? And yet he saved my life. ( Crosses and sits on sofa l. h.) What is the gilt worth ? (Bests her head upon her hand in reverie.) This day completes my five and twentieth year, and puis its seal upon the seventh of my loneliness ! This day, too, must I confirm or destroy the strongest hope of a dear and indulgent parent. (Pauses.) It is not for us to judge, although it is hard to bear a decree that checks the current of youthful feeling, and sobers a joyous girl into a bereaved matron ! Re-enter General Leslie, r. h. 1 e. Gen. L.— I have just sent for you, my dear Alice, and am glad to find you here. Our guest— Colonel Rashleigh, is desirous of an interview. Mrs. T. — With me? For what purpose ? I mean — when? Gen. L.— Immediately. Mrs. T.— Not before Captain Thornton's visit? Gen. L. — He is still in the house, and made that a point. Mrs. T. — How strange ! Have you explained to him my exact position V Gen. L. — Yes— without mentioning the captain's name. I am confident that Colonel Rashleigh is a man of honor: the rest I leave wholly to that excellent monitor— your own heart. (General Leslie, sings.) 14 ESTEANGED. !IN"o. 4=. Aria. — General Leslie. Larghetto cantabile. ±. ^ — - -K— •- -9- /TN Why that tear that comes un - rEEfcEE §ife lip^i :^ — -1 1 dz: - r~r~r"t~r~r *_£^ — 1 — : — p_ . _ *_£_!_ -L-C- p — » "I — 1 — i — i — r -*l- * \0— p- v-t z± -P- -* — * — i — Vi3HH -b— bid- den? Think, oh my daughter, There's hap-pi-ness in -B?-*- * j «-• — -J 5 store Bit - ter mem * *- 'ries yet may pass a - ~N- ^E=J?zzl ±-± -H-« -i— *- 9fa±? -I i #H h -P-i 1 h- ! #-i P P— 1 -1 I I I 1 ! I L ! - #-?-*-« # ^-5w-^ >— ^ -y- -I ; ! £S* *— H way :dz Bet-ter days may e - ven come to us once -N — N-# 0-j- -0—0^=^0-^- 0-0- :_^ £Z£ _^-i ^— 9 — T-~ ~r-rn — ttt: # - 1 1-0— r# i S^ -ft ESTRANGED. 15 ik .;-£-? -0—Sf- =fc H #- -# 1- more ! . . . . Why that tear that . , __j_3--* — J — j j comes un « &H — ! — 0— 9 -0—t- jfc±= - ' -^=- fe=F t — n ■•-#-,■ 1 -J— rsq — 9 ' .0 — I -^»— y- bid - den, Think! oh! think! there's hap-pi-ness in fal _L *— V ^ --I- j« con esprcss. J*._ a- '_ !_~ -: £-1 — #- life ..*. r^JU^ -i — *-i»*' t-h#- ~j— : — I — l * » i W~~ ■f% i- * wm^ eves ^^ store Bit - tei ^z: ~N- ^-4-^-0^-d^- * rr\ Bit - ter mem - 'ries yet may pass a a— J3±^g j, ■ - [-= [7, -j ,_± 'gfcl UfaNis I ' hi! ifEE£ I P fe=s-^ -*— V- *# ** :#=**- 3 WaV . S: K Bet - ter days ma> come to us once more! -^ — ^— ?lf- ^_-i ^ — i- ipiizv:;^;^ — 1* -'-"I zitt*- M' mi — . #_• -I— I !— I— j .— . 1 1 1 1 — # »4l •I 1 'J 16 ESTRANGED. i ^-Ni 9 ' m—\ — fc^-i Oh! to think of what you've suffered! Pain to nie^ it e'er will , I ,S ' _] K-Ki— i 1 ^-»~^ H — i- — IV-N-i nrb—V—rtd 9 ' ^ S g m- "ft S— *-I 0—*- 1st (ime. i2#=?-I-*=S~^ — f— -fo r brin or ! For while you brave and patient bear it, Thoughts of 1 9*- J 2 — —#-•—£*-»-• — r"fe-»zzrrzrzc_±3: P— p= — P— i •— N £ — -* — -*— » : — jV: f-lr— ^r -b— ^-t j— zT7_^z:gzziig: you my heart will wring » bear it, Thoughts of you .... my zk=i— £= iltE=ta W-f- S— 3-s — S 3 P-iSl-i lt-0 ^i^ ' — ! — r— _ff_»- 0-0-0-g-g-g — ^ [Exit, General Leslie. 1 e. r. h.] ESTRANGED, 17 Mrs. T. — (Sits on r. h.) This is a trial I little anticipated, and less desired. It calls up too many recollections of scenes now past recurrence. (Leans her head upon her hand, absorbed in thought.) Re-enter Colonel Eashleigh, l. h. 1 e. Col. R. — (Looking at Mrs. Trevor, unobserved.) What a sweet picture ! I could fancy, for the moment, that years were annihilated, and I stood in doubt before her once again a lover. What have I to answer for? This is no time for self-reproach. I must strain every thought to the attainment of the one absorbing object. (Advances.) Madam! — {Aside.) I would give my commission to know the occupant of her thoughts! — {Aloud.) Madam ! Mrs. T. — Sir ! (Rises.) Pardon me — I did not observe your presence. Col. R. — It is I who should apologize for an unannounced intrusion. I wished, madam, to see you — alone; and having a few words to say, and but few moments to shape them in, I thought our introduction of the morning, however informal, would plead an excuse. ' Mrs. T. — That circumstance alone induced my consent to an interview at the present moment. Col. R. — And— as moments— as — as moments are precious Pray, madam, be seated. (Harids Mrs. Trevor a chair; she motions for him to be seated also.) As I said, madam, moments being precious— I (Aside. ) She is a lovely creature. — (Aloud. ) I— I— (half aside, ) haven't a word to say for myself 1 Mrs. T. — I am all attention. Col. R. —At the moment of my life when I would give gems for words — — The fact is, madam, try me upon any other subject, and I can dis- course most eloquently ; but now— the truth is, that with those two lustrous eyes looking into my very soul, I can only, without the aid of ornament, in the plainest terms, repeat the avowal. Mrs. T. — (Smiling.) You have made none yet. Col. R.— Then, madam, take the will for the deed; for if ever a man admired, loved, honored, reverenced, idolized a woman, he had but a faint notion of the overwhelming thrall which a single glance has wound around one who has not words to express a twentieth part the extent of his bondage ! Mrs. T. — Your dumb eloquence has speedily found a tongue. The nature of our introduction alike excuses your hasty protestation, and my not unwilling attention to an avowal which would otherwise be as ill judged as immature. You may think I speak too calmly upon a subject so vital to the interests of those who discuss it; but, unhappily, I have already once Enough, sir, that— that — [Aside)— keep from my heart! —(aloud) — that duty has defined a course which inclination dares not swerve from ! Col. R.--I feel that I have deserved this by speaking hastily — perhaps with levity; but if the offer of a life's devotion Mrs. T. — Proceed no farther: pray do not — you embarrass me. Col. R. — Promise me but one thing — that you will not give my rival a decisive answer. Promise this, and Mrs. T. — 1 cannot— I must not ! Col. R. — Say but that I may revert to the subject Mrs. T. -Colonel Rashleigh— to you I owe the life that I would rather part from than tamper with the love you have generously proffered. Col. R. — (Mournfully.) You reject me, then? Mrs. T.— (After a moments hesitation, with deep determination. ) I do! 18 ESTKANGED. Col. R.— (Rising.) Then there remains but little peace for me on earth ! I have suffered years of misery only to be succeeded by others of still deeper agony ! But know, madam, that he whom you have sacrificed to a rival Mrs. T. — (Rising.) A rival? (With pride.) You have none! Col. R.— How ! Mrs. T.— I said my duty forbade it. I have been a wife ! Col. R.— (Impressively.) The grave absolves all ties. Mrs. T. — Do we owe no duty to the dead 't None to their memory? Col. J&.— (Delightedly.) You abjure, then, all ties ? Mrs. T.— Give me a moment to collect myself, and you shall see my heart. (Sits and weeps. ) Col. R. — {Resuming his seat.) 0, madam, I have been premature — rash— a fool : forgive me — forgive me ! Mrs. T.— (Collecting herself.) You have earned a right to my con- fidence, and shall share it. You see before you one who yet young hi years is old in grief. Before my eighteenth year I became a wife ; and although my fate was linked to one scarcely three years my senior, I looked up to him as a being alone of his kind — the one star before which all others faded; and, in the fulness of my joy, I felt that for me, at least, earth had its Eden ! Col. R.— (Aside.) How the very depth of her love chides me ! Mrs. T.— Six months passed thus: hours to those that followed ! I cannot speak in detail. We parted ! The moment for his return arrived, and brought with it,— not himself — not a missive of affection to tell of his delay, — but a cruel and cold-hearted letter, which spoke of things that thought itself should blush to meditate. I perused it once— the shock struck home; and then— for many, many weeks— I was the only one who felt not that the sun of my happiness had set forever ! Col. R. —Your feelings were overwrought, You do not — do not mean that 1 cannot bear even the asking ! Mrs. T. --(Rising.) Yes- I was mad! (Colonel Rashleigh starts tip ; Mrs. Trevor pauses, seemingly unconscious of his p>resence ; abstractedly.) Look yonder, where a little mound of earth shows fresh with flowers. They may tell me it is his grave— but no— I never wept over — never saw the turf that keeps him from me. My hand never planted those sweet remembrances of young affection — and who else is there in the world that loves him well enough? His grave? No; it is the spot where first his words taught me how bright a thing is the twining of two souls ! And then the ivy clings about the tall tree in memory of it ! Methinks I hear the organ's pealing note— his voice, too ! And then the holy man who pronounced the vows that affection leaps to echo! He joined us in the name of Him who knows our inmost thoughts! (Pauses.) The tie is indissoluble, and yet they would tear me from his very memory ! But they shall not— they shall not ! Col. R. — (Much moved.) Calm yourself, madam: there are none to harm you here. Mrs. T — (Partially recovering.) That voice speaks like old memories ; and, hearing it, I could weep till my heart burst ! (Crosses to l., presses her eyes, looks up, and endeavors to rouse herself.) I have been weep- ing! A veil is before my eyes, and thought is benumbed! (Turns to Colonel Rashleigh.) Ah! I remember — I was speaking Col. R. — When you are more composed. Mrs. T.— No - hear me on. {Sits, l.) I feel that I can bear it, and something whispers that you should know all. (Pauses.) Four years elapsed, during which time I clung to a hope never to be realized. He came not! Then was the fatal blow struck— he died, and I became a ESTRANGED. 19 widow. 0, the desolation of that word ! The utter loneliness of a heart without a kindred stem to cling to! Col. R. - {Aside.) And this is the being I have suspected! (Anxiously.) Had he still lived— still loved Mrs. T.— He love? Can the ruthless rending of the holiest tie be called by such a word ? He never loved ! Col. R. — Madam, it is hard to judge the absent — difficult to guess emotions we do not witness; but, if ever wife was beloved, you were by my Mend, Frank Trevor. Mrs. T. — (Bises, hurriedly.) "Who utters that name? Col. R. — (Risiiig.) Colonel Rashleigh — his fellow soldier ! Mrs. T. — (With emotion.) His fellow soldier ! You can, then, speak of him ? Col. R. — I can. Of his truth — his sufferings; but your excited feel- ings . Mrs. T.— O, no. I am calm now; and, although he is dead, you are the first who has spoken of him in tones of gentleness. Col. R.— You were in his memory in the time of peril— in the hour of sickness. Even when writhing under the anguish of a desperate wound, he clasped, blood-dyed as it was, the miniature you placed within his bosom, and prayed' but for sight to gaze upon it to the last ! Mrs. T. — You saw this— and avouch it? (Anxiously.) He spoke of me — his wife ? Col. R.— O, madam, he loved Mrs. T. — (Mournfully.) And left me? Col. R.— Listen. Shortly after Frank Trevor arrived in London, a dear friend— who must himself have been deceived— reported the fatal untruth that made the too credulous husband resolve to confront the wife he supposed had betrayed him; but, as he stepped into the carriage, the very man report associated with your name crossed him. An instant challenge was given, and his opponent fell ! Your husband, feeling that his hearth was desecrated, travelled to the East, under an assumed name, and sought to obtain in the grave the peace his home denied him ! Mrs. T.— All this was kept from me— or never known. Who could dare to circulate a calumny so bitter ? Col. R. — Your husband sought not to learn, for he suspected no one. That his motives might not be misconstrued, he left his fortune, with a slight reservation, in your fathers hands. Knowing the fancied sting that urged him to the fatal course, do you still reproach him ? Mrs.^T. — I never reproached him— I felt his act too deeply! What! Deem impure the soul to which his had clung, under the high sanction of Heaven itself, upon the poor word of a vain boaster ? and without one question? Had the whole world rung with his errors, I would have sacrificed my life rather than condemn him unheard ! Col. R.— (Bitterly.) And he could wrong a nature like this ? O, fool —0 villain! Mrs. T. —Peace ! You forget to whom — of whom you speak ! ( With deep emotion.) He was my husband: he is dead! (Crosses, r.) Col. R. — (After a pause, sinks upon his knees.) Alice! Mrs. T. — AVhose voice is that? Hush! Answer me not— the air is dense and hot ; and a word may press too heavily on reason ! I feel more than hope dares confess— more than thought can compass and retain faculty. One question, and all is over ! (Slowly draws a minia- ture from her bosom, and tremulously shows it to Colonel Rashleigh.) Is that your "ift? Col. R.— It is! Mrs. T.— ( Uttering a half-suppressed cry.) My husband! {Falls upon his neck. ) 20 ESTBANGED. :Vo. 5. Duett. — Mrs. Trevor, and Colonel Rashleigh. Allegro. P^-~-_£ £(g #_ r#— £•-# 7-r-^ -P- lie 5LTrt2zEH^33±=5zE^: -J— ^ — 10 — Mrs. Trevor. P 9 : 2==3z~±g: -t=^--- a &- A maid N — &- -V -Ni :?z7rqi«±:£5: lTs /Ts *j -9r-Oi-9r-9r-9r-9rSr f "*"• r* 1 999 9-M' 9 P~T ?'» " ZZCZ9Z9 9Z9Z&10 9 -• - en — ^5- 4.-4. 9 9 9 9 9- 9-9 9-9 9-9-9 t zr tf- 9^ -<5*- 6?- T~ : 'i — J^=±Z W— y— U -&- m loved ! And was be-loved in turn ! . -r& 9 — 5 — -z — T-'u t- -fi- O- — *-» 9-* 99 ■m~r J ~m 9'-*-9—9'—9\—9\--\- 1 -e~«-*-e-*-«-*— Z9Z9Z9Z9Z9Z9 9 "# -J g-0-g — g — g — j H By if V#*- : _£2. -u) — L— ! — him to whom She save her hand to §: ji i I i I i — ^W^9^9^'9_ & 9^9^9 9 ' -* : — 9-9-9— & 9 G 9 -9-9-0—9-9-9 9- -J9~i~r f 5"fel£ 0-9-9 JF- 0-0.^0-^— 0-0.-0- -<0- w* ESTRANGED. 21 - — --\J— :_j — __: hap - py months , passxl -&- :w=*f*zz .p=±:fcd 3= • ^.4*--^--9--*~'9—0- -. I III ■9^9-^9-^9-^9-^0- 1 -9r-0r-Or-0r-Or-Qr-0r 1 e 0_it '0 ~ v w ~~p sn ! 9\~9\~9. 9~9~9~&~ 9 9~m 0~9~w~ w- ^' ZZil*~* rf| --<-< -0-9-0 9-0-9-9 —#-#-#-# #-«-# izzzs: * -9~ *9— *— *— « ~9~ ' 9~0~~0 — J — g " -^ i - -*- -9-9-9-9 9-9-9- &- ^=F - ness destroyed — Her 1ms band. . fled! *-=- ■#-*- -r-r- V— 6 #- tit: -# a. §t *-*-/M— WZ?.p-0- Poco agitato. JLJLJL JLJLJLJL -I — I — I _£?_ *=■ Ah ! then each clear do - mes - tic W±l ava !z m scene she j_ ^=^ ~ Z0-0-0- — 0~ 0~0- T 9-9-9 0-0 -0- j— ■ i Sj9Z9Z9ZZZ9Z9~^9r §>= 22 ESTRANGED. :c viewed . - V^~ f ^~ /rs Mrs. Trevor. (TTiey a#am embrace.) 3*# they would meet a gain! Colonel Rashleigh. I ztr IK Carv'd is her name in ft. , K £3E=^=^E3 Poco meno. i s=t#e=t *— *— .*— 2 ■v- ~p: g=fc ma-ny a spi ■> cy grove ! . . In ma ny a plain 24 ESTRANGED. ife f-s- — N _^_j_i — - ing wide ! Where dusky youths in # 1— -— h>~ L U~ « — - bright ca - pri -cious ! Thus we'll pass the time a - way ! The 8va- time a - way ! The time a - way 8va+ i -0-P0-0-0-0 ■WWW* WW -W-M-W 0-0-* WW* www 0-0-0 0-0- ^ n 1^8 QUICK CURTAIN. Position of the characters at the tall of O-cLzrtstim... Colonel Rashleigh. Mrs. Trevor. General Leslie. r. H. c. L. H. STAGE DIRECTIONS. b. means Right of Stage, facing the Audience; l. Left; c. Centre; r. c. Right of Centre; l. c. Left of Centre, d. f. Door in the Flat or Scene running across the back of the Stage; c. d. f. Centre Door in the Flat; r. d. f. Right Door in the - Flat; l. d. f. Left Door in the Flat; b. d. Right Door; l. d. Left Door; 1 e. First Entrance; 2 e. Second Entrance; v. e. Upper Entrance; 1, 2 or 3 g. First, Second or Third Grooves. B. B. C. C. L. C. L. JS®* The reader is supposed to be upon the stage, facing the audience. DE WITT'S ACTING PLAYS (Continued). No. M.,F. 144. Lancashire Lass, melodrama, 5 acts.12 3 34. Larkins' Love Letters, farce, 1 act . . 3 2 137. L' Article 47, drama, 3 acts 11 5 111. Liar (The), comedy, 2 acts 7 2 119. Life Chase, drama, 5 acts 14 5 165. Living Statue (The), farce, 1 act 3 2 48. Little Annie's Birthday, farce, 1 act. 2 4 32. Little Eebel, farce, 1 act 4 3 164. Little Kuby, drama, 3 acts 6 6 109. Locked In, comedietta, 1 act 2 2 85. Locked In with a Lady, sketch, 1 act. 1 1 87. Locked Out, comic scene 1 2 143. Lodgers and Dodgers, farce, 1 act.. 4 2 189. Leap Year, musical duality, 1 act. . . 1 1 163. Marcoretti, drama, 3 acts 10 3 154. Maria and Magdalena, play, 4 acts . 8 6 63. Marriage at Any Price, farce, 1 act. 5 3 39. Master Jones' Birthday, farce, 1 act. 4 2 7. Maud's Peril, drama, 4 acts 5 3 49. Midnight Watch, drama, 1 act 8 2 15. Milky White, drama, 2 acts 4 2 46. Miriam's Crime, drama, 3 acts 5 2 51. Model of a Wife, farce, 1 act 3 2 184. Money, comedy, 5 acts 17 3 108. Mr. Scroggins, farce, 1 act 3 3 188. Mr. X., farce, 1 act 3 3 169. My Uncle's Suit, farce, 1 act 4 1 130. My Wife's Diary, farce, 1 act 3 1 92. My Wife's Out, farce, 1 act 2 2 193. My Walking Photograph, musical duality, 1 act 1 1 140. Never Reckon Your Chickens, etc., farce, 1 act 3 4 115. New Men and Old Acres, comedy, 3 8 5 2. Nobody's Child, drama, 3 acts 8 3 57. Noemie, drama, 2 acts 4 4 104. No Name, drama, 5 acts 7. 5 112. Not a Bit Jealous, farce, 1 act 3 3 185. Not So Bad as We Seem, play, 5 acts. 14 3 84. Not Guilty, drama, 4 acts 10 6 117. Not Such a Fool as He Looks, drama, 3 acts 5 4 171. Nothing Like Paste, farce, 1 act 3 1 14. No Thoroughfare, drama, 5 acts and prologue 13 6 173. Off the Stage, comedietta, 1 act 3 3 176. On Bread and Water, farce, 1 act. . . 1 2 90. Only a Halfpenny, farce, 1 act 2 2 170. Only Somebody, farce, 1 act 4 2 33. One too Many for Him, farce, 1 act. 2 3 3. £100,000, comedy, 3 acts '. . . 8 4 97. Orange Blossoms, comedietta, 1 act. 3 3 66. Orange Girl, drama, in prologue and 3 acts 18 4 172. Ours, comedy, 3 acts 6 3 94. Our Clerks, farce, 1 act 7 5 45. Our Domestics, comedy farce, 2 acts 6 6 155. Our Heroes, military play, 5 acts. . .24 5 178. Out at Sea, drama in prologue and 4 acts 16 5 147. Overland Route, comedy, 3 acts 11 5 156. Peace at Any Price, farce, 1 act 1 1 82. Peep o' Day, drama, 4 acts 12 4 127. Peggy Green, farce, 1 act 3 10 23. Petticoat Parliament, extravaganza, in one act 15 24 62. Photographic Fix, farce, 1 act 3 2 A COMPLETE No. M. F. 61. Plot and Passion, drama, 3 acts 7 2 138. Poll and Partner Joe, burlesque, 1 act 10 3 110. Poppleton's Predicaments, farce, 13 6 50. Porter's Knot, drama, 2 acts 8 2 59. Post Boy, drama, 2 acts 5 3 95. Pretty Horse-Breaker, farce, 1 act . . 3 10 181 and 182. Queen Mary, drama, 4 acts.38 8 157. Quite at Home, comedietta, 1 act. . . 5 2 196. Queerest Courtship (The), comic op eretta, 1 act 1 1 132. Race for a Dinner, farce, 1 act 10 183. Richelieu, play, 5 acts ..16 2 38. Rightful Heir, drama, 5 acts 10 2 77. Roll of the Drum, drama, 3 acts 8 4 13. Ruy Bias, drama, 4 acts 12 4 194. Rum, drama, 3 acts 7 4 195. Rosemi Shell, travesty, 1 act, 4 scenes 6 3 158. School, comedy, 4 acts 6 6 79. Sheep in Wolf's Clothing, drama, 17 5 37. Silent Protector, farce, 1 act 3 2 35. Silent Woman, farce, 1 act 2 1 43. Sisterly Service, comedietta, 1 act. . 7 2 6. Six Months Ago, comedietta, 1 act. 2 1 10. Snapping Turtles, duologue, 1 act. . 1 1 26. Society, comedy, 3 acts 16 5 78. Special Performances, farce, 1 act.. 7 3 31. Taming a Tiger, farce, 1 act 3 '2 1 150. Tell-Tale Heart, comedietta, 1 act . . 1 120. Tempest in a Teapot, comedy, 1 act. 2 146. There's no Smoke Without Fire, comedietta, 1 act 83. Thrice Married, personation piece, lact 6 42. Time and the Hour, drama, 3 acts . . 7 27. Time and Tide, drama, 3 acts and prologue 7 133. Timothy to the Rescue, farce, 1 act. 4 153. 'Tis Better to Live than to Die, farce, 1 act. . . , 2 134. Tompkins the Troubadour, farce, 1 3 29. Turning the Tables, farce, 1 act — 5 168. Tweedie's Rights, comedy, 2 acts.. 4 126. Twice Killed, farce, 1 act 6 56. Two Gay Deceivers, farce, 1 act 3 123. Two Polts, farce, 1 act 4 198. Twin Sisters (The), comic operetta, lact 3 162. Uncle's Will, comedietta, 1 act 2 106. Up for the Cattle Show, farce, 1 act. 6 81. Vandyke Brown, farce, 1 act 3 124. Volunteer Review, farce, 1 act 6 91. Walpole, comedy, 3 acts 7 118. Wanted, a Young Lady, farce, 1 act. 3 44. War to the Knife, comedy, 3 acts. . . 5 1 2 6 1 7 3 5 2 1 2 3 2 3 105. 98. 12. 5. 136. 161. 11. 54. Which of the Two? comedietta, lact 2 10 Who is Who? farce, 1 act 3 Widow Hunt, comedy, 3 acts 4 William Tell with a Vengeance, burlesque Woman in Red, drama, 3 acts and prologue 6 Woman's Vows and Mason's Oaths, 4 acts 10 Woodcock's Little Game, farce, 2 4 Young Collegian (Cantab.), farce, 1 3 2 4 8 2 DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE of DE WITT'S ACTING PLAYS AND PE WITT'S ETHIOPIAN AND COMIC DRAMAS , containing Plot, Costume, Scenery, Time of Representation and every other information, mailed free and post paid. Address, BOBERT M. DE WITT, 33 Rose Street, New York. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 6 • DE WITT'S ETHIOPIAN & C01L»J5ii9L» Nothing so thorough and complete in the way of Ethiopian and Comic Dramas has ever been printed as those that appear in the following list. Not only are the plots excellent, the characters droll, the incidents funny, the language humorous, but all the situations, by-play, positions, pantomimic business, scenery and tricks are so plainly set down, and clearly ex- plained, that the merest novice could put any of them on the stage. Included in this catalogue are all the most laughable and effective pieces of their class ever produced. *** In ordering, please copy the figures at the commencement of each play, which indicate the number of the piece in " De Witt's Ethiopian and Comic Drama." &T Any of the following Plays sent, postage free, on receipt of price— IB Cents Each. Address, ROBERT M. DE WITT, JVo. 33 Itose Street, JVew York, j^~ The figure following the name of the Play denotes the number of Scenes, figures in the columns indicate the number of characters.— M. male; F. female. *** Female characters are generally assumed by males in these plays. The No. 73. 6. 10. 11. 24. 40. 42. 43. 78. 79. 89. 35. 41. 12. 50. 53. 63. 64. 95. 4. 52. 67. 98. 25. 51. 88. 17. 31. 20. 58. 70. 77. 82. 83. 86. 3. 23. 48. 61. 68. 71. 33. 94. 1. 18. 36. 37. 60. 90. 8. 19. M. F. African Bos, burlesque, 2 scenes. . . 5 Black Chap from Whitechapel, 1 s. 4 Black Chemist, sketch, 1 scene 3 Black Ey'd William, 2 scenes 4 1 Bruised and Cured, sketch, 1 scene. 2 Big Mistake, sketch, 1 sceue 4 Bad Whiskey, sketch, 1 scene 2 1 Baby Elephant, sketch, 2 scenes. . . 7 1 Bogus Indian, sketch, 4 scenes 5 2 Barney's Courtship, Irish, 1 scene. 1 1 Bogus Talking Machine, Dutch 4 Coal Heavers' Revenge, 1 scene.. 6 Cremation, sketch, 2 scenes 8 1 Daguerreotypes, sketch, 1 scene — 3 Draft (The), sketch, 1 act, 2 scenes. 6 Damon and Pythias, 2 scenes 5 Darkey's Stratagem, sketch, 1 act. . 3 Dutchman's Ghost, sketch, 1 scene. 4 Dutch Justice, sketch, 1 scene 11 Eh ? What is it ? sketch, 1 scene. . . 4 Excise Trials, sketch, 1 scene 10 Editor's Troubles, farce, in 1 scene. . 6 Elopement (The), farce, 2 scenes. . . 4 Fellow That Looks Like Me, Is.... 2 Fisherman's Luck, sketch, 1 scene. 2 First Night, Dutch sketch, 4 scenes 4 Ghost (The), sketch, 1 scene 2 Glycerine Oil, sketch, 2 scenes 3 Going for the Cup, interlude, 1 scene 4 Ghost in a Pawnshop, 1 scene 4 Guide to the Stage, sketch, 1 scene. 3 Getting Square on Call Boy, 1 scene 3 Good Night's Rest, sketch, 1 scene 3 German Emigrant, sketch, 1 scene. 3 Gripsack, sketch, 1 scene 3 Hemmed In, sketch, 1 scene 3 Hard Times, extravaganza, 1 scene. 5 High Jack, the Heeler, 1 scene.. 6 Happy Couple, sketch, 1 scene 2 Hippotheatron, sketch, 1 scene 9 In and Out, sketch, 1 scene 2 Jealous Husband, sketch, 1 scene . 2 Julius the Snoozer, 3 scenes 7 Last of the Mohicans, 1 scene.... 3 Live Injun, sketch, 4 scenes 4 Laughing Gas, sketch, 1 scene 6 Lucky Job, farce, 2 scenes 3 Lost Will, sketch, 1 scene 4 Lunatic (The), sketch, 1 scene 3 Mutton Trial, sketch, 2 scenes 4 Malicious Trespass, sketch, 1 scene. 3 No. 44. 96. 101. 49. 22. 27. 30. 76. 9. 57. 65. 66. 87. 91. 92. 14. 26. 45. 55. 81. 7. 13. 15. 80. 84. 21. 16. 38. 46. 56. 59. 69. 72. 74. 100. 102. 5. 2. 34. 47. 54. 28. 62. 29. 32. 39. 75. 93. 97. 99. 85. Musical Servant, sketch, 1 scene.. Midnight Intruder (The), 1 scene. M. . 3 . 6 Molly Moriarty, Irish, 1 scene 1 Night in a Strange Hotel, 1 scene. ... 2 Obeying Orders, sketch, 1 scene... 2 100th Night of Hamlet, 1 scene 7 One Night in a Bar Room, 1 scene 7 One, Two, Three, sketch, 1 scene. . 7 Policy Players, sketch, 1 scene 7 Pompey's Patients, 2 scenes <> Porter's Troubles, sketch, 1 scene.. 6 Port Wine vs. Jealousy, 1 scene.. 2 Pete the Peddlar, sketch, 1 scene.. 2 Painter's Apprentice (The), 1 scene 5 Polar Bear (The,) farce, 1 scene — 5 Recruiting Office, sketch, 2 scenes. 5 Rival Tenants, sketch, 1 scene 4 Remittance from Home, 1 scene ... 6 Rigging a Purchase, 1 scene 2 Rival Artists, sketch, 1 scene 3 Stupid Servant, sketch, 1 scene 2 Streets of New York, sketch, 1 scene 6 Sam's Courtship, farce, 1 scene — 2 Scenes on the Mississippi, 2 scenes. 6 Serenade (The), sketch, 2 scenes. . . 7 Scampini, pantomime, 2 scenes — 6 Storming the Fort, sketch, 1 scene. 5 Siamese Twins, sketch, 2 scenes. . . 5 Slippery Day, sketch, 1 scene 6 Stage Struck Couple (The), 1 scene. 2 Sausage Makers (The), sketch, 2 s.. 5 Squire for a Day, sketch, 1 scene. . . 5 Stranger (The), sketch, 1 scene. ... 1 SleepWalker (The), sketch, 2 scenes 3 Three Chiefs (The), sketch, 2 scenes 6 Three, A. M., sketch, 1 scene 3 Two Black Roses (The), sketch. ... 4 Tricks, sketch, 2 scenes 5 Three Strings to One Bow, 1 scene. 4 Take It, Don't Take It, sketch, 1 s. 2 Them Papers, sketch, 1 scene 3 Uncle Eph's Dream, sketch, 2s.. Vinegar Bitters, sketch, one scene Who Died First, sketch, 1 scene. . Wake up, William Henry, 1 scene. Wanted, a Nurse, sketch, 1 scene. Weston the Walkist, Dutch 1 scene 7 What Shall I Take ? sketch, 2 scenes 8 Who's the Actor ? farce, 1 scene. . . 4 Wrong Woman in the Right Place 3 Young Scamp (The), sketch, 1 scene 3 \ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Q 017 400 185 6 # Hollinger Corp. pH 8.5