HB 1323 IX W Book-Ty- <& PRESENTED BY wsirr/r-cz/ .^yc/yCfyn^i^e- $J A STATISTICAL STUDY OF INFANT MORTALITY EDWARD BUNNELL PHELPS, M.A., F.S.S. Editor, The American Underwriter, of New York City Reprinted from the Quarterly Publications of the American Statistical Association New Series, No. 83 (Vol. XI.), September, 1908 Gift Author A STATISTICAL STUDY OF INFANT MORTALITY Considerably more than a generation ago (in 1865), Dr. Farr brought the subject of Infant Mortality before the [Royal] Statistical Society, and frequently discussed it in his historic contributions to the annual reports of the Registrar-General's office. On December 19, 1893, Dr. Hugh R. Jones read before the Royal Statistical Society an exhaustive paper on "The Perils and Protection of Infant Life," which had the distinction of being the Howard Medal Prize Essay of that year. In the interim of more than forty years since Dr. Farr inaugurated the statistical discussion, so to speak, infant mortality has been a prolific subject in medical works and journals, has received perennial treatment in the reports of practically all bureaus of vital statistics, and the bibliography of the subject even up to ten years ago would constitute quite an impressive library, were all the papers on, and extended references to, this partic- ular phase of human mortality assembled and properly indexed. In a general way, however, it may be said that only within the last few years has the topic been presented in such a light as to attract serious attention at the hands of the public at large, the discussion up to the end of the nineteenth century having practically been restricted to medical men, government officials, and professional statisticians. To be sure, as early as 1876 a Society for Nursing Mothers was established in France, and pro- vision thus made on a small scale for caring for destitute mothers immediately before and after childbirth. The Creches of France and the Krippen of Germany, or day nurseries, in part supported by private charity and in part by State or municipal aid, long since became well-known institutions. For many years both Germany and Switzerland have had laws prohibiting women from working in factories for certain periods before and after confinement, and providing for their partial support during those periods of compulsory idleness; and Section 61 of the Factory and Workshop Act (of 1901) of Great Britain enjoins factory employers from knowingly allowing women to work in their factories within four weeks of childbirth. Furthermore, some fifteen years ago Nathan Straus began the establishment of his milk depots in New York City with a view to supplying pasteurized milk at nominal price for children's use, and since then the plan introduced by Mr. Straus has been copied in various quarters. But all of these institutions of nineteenth-century origin were the outcomes of individual reali- zation of the growing importance of the problem of infant mortality, rather than of a public appreciation of its far-reaching bearing on the future of the race, and their establishment in no way controverts the previous statement that practically only since the dawn of the twentieth century has the subject been so brought forward as to attract serious attention at the hands of the thinking public. The fact that such an era has now arrived is due to a variety of causes. In the first place, even the most pronounced cynic, if he be a well-informed and reasoning person, must admit that the community at large has begun to take more interest than ever before in "how the other half fives." So obvious and indisputable a truth calls for no demonstration, and the grow- ing interest in "how the other half dies" is an inevitable corol- lary of the ascending interest in how the unfortunate or less fortunate section of the community fives. Perhaps this gen- eral development of the humanitarian instinct is primarily responsible for the civilized world's awakening to the appalling conditions of infant mortality. Men are beginning to realize that the caste lines once so rigidly drawn between the various classes are, like most national boundaries in one sense at least, purely imaginary lines, and that the health and welfare of any one section of the community directly concern the health and welfare of the community at large. As Dr. Margaret Alden so well puts it in her very recent work on "Child Life and Labour," in the chapter on infant mortality (p. 16) : "A thorough under- standing of the subject should be the concern of every true citizen for three reasons: 1. Because such a wastage of human life is a loss of the nation's best capital. 2. Because the con- ditions which make for the death of infants, make also for dis- ease. 3. Because this question appeals to us on humanitarian grounds." By way of secondary, indirect, cause for the general dawning interest in the subject, probably the material advance in medi- cal knowledge and in established principles of hygiene and sanitation has played the most important part. As an immedi- ate result of this advance has come the gradual decrease in the general death-rate of recent years in practically all civilized countries, but as Dr. George Reid, Medical Officer to the Staf- fordshire County Council, points out in his contribution to the cyclopedic work on "Dangerous Trades" in the paper on "In- fantile Mortality and Factory Labour" (pp. 84^85) : "Although a steady decline has taken place in the general mortality of the country coincident with, and, no doubt, in the main, consequent upon sanitary progress, it cannot be said that the infant mortal- ity has diminished in like proportion." That fact has been so generally noted, and so repeatedly emphasized, by both physi- cians and statisticians, that it could scarcely have failed to make at least some impression on the public mind. And now that it has been so graphically stated, as, for instance, in H. Llewel- lyn Heath's recent book on "The Infant, the Parent, and the State," small wonder is it that thoughtful people of all classes are beginning to realize that it is high time some united action were taken with a view to devising remedies for so anomalous a situation. Mr. Heath's indirect indictment of the previous apathy on 4 the subject, on the first page of his book, is put in this blunt way: "In the year 1904, England lost 137,392 of her children before they had reached the short span of twelve months of life. The deaths of these infants constituted 25 per cent, of all the deaths in England and Wales during the year we are consider- ing. Geneva has kept registers of births, marriages, and deaths since 1549. In the sixteenth century their infant deaths con- stituted 25.9 per cent, of their total deaths at all ages." In other words, as Mr. Heath thus makes clear, despite all the hygienic and sanitary progress of modern times, and despite the marked decline in the general death-rate, the ratio of infant mortality to total mortality remains practically the same in England and Wales to-day as it was in Geneva nearly three hundred and fifty years ago; and, it might be added, present conditions in the United States are only slightly better, the ratio of infant deaths to deaths at all ages in the registration States of this country in the last census year, as is shown in one of the tables accompanying this paper, having been no less than 20.06 per cent, as compared with Geneva's percentage of 25.9 more than three centuries ago. The general tendencies in the direction of an increased public interest in the subject of infant mortality, above briefly outlined, of course have been materially supplemented and intelligently directed by the more or less frequent contributions to the discus- sion of Dr. Farr, Dr. Bertillon, Dr. Newsholme, Sir John Simon, Dr. Greenhow, Dr. Reid, Dr. Newman, and other statisticians and physicians; and so it happens that in the last three years no less than five congresses have been held in various European countries with a view to grappling seriously with the problems of infant mortality. The first of the five in question was an International Congress on the Functions of Infants' Milk Depots, which was held in Paris in October, 1905. The mayor of Huddersfield, the chairman of the Health Committee of Glasgow, and various other representatives from Great Britain attended the congress, and as the immediate result of their attendance a National Conference on Infantile Mortality was held at Westminster, on June 13-14, 1906. A complete steno- graphic report of the proceedings of that conference has been published (London, 1906), and the demand for copies from all parts of the world was so unexpectedly large that the first edition of 3,000 copies was speedily exhausted, and a second edition made necessary. In the preface to the second edition the Executive Commit- tee thus summarizes the former apathy and the present general interest in infant mortality above alluded to: "The Conference of 1906 was the first attempt to bring before the public one of the most important of the many aspects of the social problem of physical and social degeneration. Prior to the Conference the problem of the appalling death-rate of infants under one year attracted only the attention of medical men — and merely a small proportion of that profession — and of a few philan- thropists and social reformers, and the Executive Committee, who organized the Conference of 1906, hardly ventured to hope that their efforts would result in one of the most successful conferences, from a public health and social reform point of view, which has been held in this country." The conference was held in the rooms of the Westminster City Council, under the patronage of their Majesties King Edward VII. and Queen Alexandra. The Right Hon. John Burns, M.P., president of the Local Government Board, presided; and the chairman and vice- chairman, respectively, were Alderman Evan Spicer, M.P., chairman of the London County Council, and the Hon. Lord Provost of Glasgow, William Bilsland, Esq. The Lord Mayors of Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds, York, and Belfast, the Lord Provosts of Glasgow, Edinburgh, and Aberdeen, various other governmental officials, and some of the foremost medical officials of Great Britain served as vice-presidents of the con- ference, and the enlistment of these notables gave a decided impetus to the new movement. A second National Con- ference on Infantile Mortality, with an even more distinguished list of vice-presidents and delegates, was held at Westminster, March 23, 24, 25, 1908, and, largely as a result of the previous conference, the Notification of Births Act of 1907 was adopted by Parliament. A complete report of the proceedings and papers of the second conference was also published (London, 1908). Practically simultaneous with the first National Conference at Westminster, an exposition was held at Berlin for the pur- pose of inaugurating a comprehensive study of all the various phases of the infant mortality problem, and some idea of the scope of its work may be gained from the mere announcement that the exposition was continued for nearly three weeks. In its issue of Oct. 13, 1906, Charities and the Commons presents a summary of the work of the exposition, in part as follows: "Accompanying the exhibits were exhaustive explanatory leaflets and monographs by the most celebrated specialists, and a catalogue containing every possible and minute detail to instruct and enlighten. A bare outline even of the rich mass of material presented would go far beyond the limits of our space, and give subjects for numbers of articles. The striking feature of the exhibit is the increasing solicitude of governments to concern themselves in questions affecting the well-being and happiness of people, and the rapidly increasing co-ordination between private, or voluntary, and civic and national, or au- thoritative, reforms. The conditions of infant mortality in the German Empire have for a long time and with reason been the cause of grave anxiety to German social and political scien- tists, since statistics have been showing that, of the 2,000,000 infants born annually, 400,000, or one-fifth, do not survive the first year of existence. This disquieting fact has given rise to the founding of an institute, where, as a central point for the whole empire, the subject of infant mortality, its direct and accessory causes, will be studied with a seriousness worthy of the subject, and with all the co-ordinated thoroughness and science known to the German municipality and the German medical profession. From the side of medicine is to be given the fullest inquiry into physiological, and from the municipality into social, contributing causes." In September, 1907, an international conference on the sub- ject was held at Brussels, under the name of the Second Inter- national Congress of Gouttes de Lait, and it was decided that its scope should be extended, and that the next congress should be termed the International Congress for the Protection of Infant Life. Were any further evidence of the increasing interest in the subject necessary, it possibly might be supplied by citing the fact that the subject selected by the Council of the Royal Statistical Society for essays in competition for the Howard Medal in 1908-09 is: "A Statistical Study of In- fantile Mortality in Great Britain and Ireland, and of its Causes." Even this brief summation of recent movements — move- ments international, governmental, and statistical — in the direction of trying to discover some means of coping with the substantially stable death-rate among young children the world around, makes it evident, it seems to the writer, that the subject of infant mortality has at last begun to impress its importance upon the thinking element of the civilized world, and will unquestionably receive more and more attention in the next few years. In view of that fact a review of the sub- ject from an up-to-date statistical stand-point may not be inop- portune. As above noted, the compilation of vital statistics in Geneva dates back to 1549, and it might almost be said that from that time down to date there have been more or less com- plete compilations of the statistics of infant mortality. In England local statistics on those lines are practically co-ex- istent with the Registrar-General's office, the Massachusetts statistics of infant mortality for an even half-century are pre- sented in a table accompanying this paper, and about eighteen years ago Dr. Jacques Bertillon prepared for the Encyclo- pedic d'Hygiene et de Medecine Publique a compilation of infant mortality statistics for the various countries of Europe, dating back as far as 1862 in one case. The annual reports of the Registrar-General's office contain abstracts of the infant mortality rates of all the leading coun- tries of the world, substantially down to date, and Dr. George Newman's recent work on " Infant Mortality — A Social Prob- lem," contains a mass of statistical information reprinted from various sources. The Tenth, Eleventh, and Twelfth Census 8 Reports, and the three subsequent Special Reports of the Census Office inaugurating the prospective annual reports of mortality statistics of this country, present a great array of information — such as it is — regarding deaths of children under the ages of 1 and 5 in the United States, and the reports of all the countries and States having bureaus of vital statistics also contain more or less data along these lines. Consequently, there has been no lack of infant mortality statistics for the last fifty years and more, but, so far as the writer is aware, there has been no previous accumulation of this widely scattered information in such a way as to permit of any reasonably accurate, up-to-date, international comparisons of the mortality among infants. As subsequently noted, the statistics of the United States at large are wofully defective, and in the case of nearly all the registration States the margin of error is unques- tionably a wide one, but by means of various methods of com- parison an effort has been made to reduce the statistics of this country to a fairly accurate basis, and it is hoped that a work- able plan of contrasting the infant mortality rates of the United States and other countries has been found. Unless otherwise specified, the term " infant mortality rate," wherever used in this paper, is to be construed as invariably referring to the rate of deaths under 1 year per 1,000 births — still-births excluded. The table of Dr. Bertillon, above mentioned, is generally recognized as the earliest fairly accurate summary of the infant death-rate in Europe, and perhaps may best serve as the start- ing-point of this statistical review of the subject. Under the heading of "Tableau LXXXIII, Mortalite de a 5 ans dans les principaux pays de l'Europe," it appears in Bertillon's chapter on " Demographie " in the Encyclopedic d'Hygiene (vol. i, p. 254), and, rearranged so as to present the various European countries in the order of their several death-rates under age 1, is as herewith reproduced. In its original form the table presents the supposed figures of the late '70's for Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Vermont, which are omitted in the appended transposed reprint. TABLE I. Mortality from to 1 and to 5 Years in the Principal Countries of Europe Prior to 1883, according to the Bertillon Table. Countries. Period of Observation. Of 1,000 Born Alive, Died under 1 Year. Of 1,000 Born Alive, Died under 5 Years. Ireland Norway Scotland . . . . ' . Sweden Denmark .... Greece Belgium England and Wales Portugal Finland France The Netherlands . Switzerland . . . Prussia Italy Alsace-Lorraine . . Croatia Roumania .... Austria Baden Russia in Europe . Saxony Bavaria Wiirtemberg . . . 1865-83 1866-82 1865-81 1866-82 1870-82 1878-82 1867-83 1866-82 1862 1878-80 1875-82 1878-81 1869-80 1874^82 1872-83 1872-81 1874^-82 1875-82 1866-83 1866-83 1867-78 1865-70 1866-83 1871-81 95.9 104.9 122.0 131.9 137.5 137.7 148.2 149.2 150.0 164.9 166.2 193.2 195.2 207.8 209.7 212.7 234.0 250.0 255.3 261.7 266.8 270.0 308.4 312.5 164.6 179.1 230.9 222.5 204.9 264.5 253.2 249.3 251.1 266.3 316.2 378.5 298.0 423.8 339 6 389.9 346.9 422.9 373.5 393.2 397.1 The totals are not given with the tabulation as presented by Bertillon, but, dividing the total of 4,685.7 deaths under age 1 for 24 countries and the total of 6,366.0 deaths under age 5 for 21 countries, it appears that the averages for the European countries in the period stated were 195.2 for deaths under age 1 and 303.1 for deaths under age 5. In a general way, such were the infant death-rates of Europe a generation ago, if the returns on which Bertillon's table was based were correct. The question which naturally follows a study of them is: How have the infant death-rates of the intervening years compared with those of from thirty to forty years ago, in view of all the humanitarian, hygienic, and medical developments of this latter period ? In the main, the conditions favorable to 10 better health, and a reduced death-rate, have materially im- proved. Has there been a corresponding improvement in the general health of infants, and a corresponding decrease in the death-rate of the little ones? Only the official vital sta- tistics of the various countries can answer those questions, and, as the following tables will demonstrate, the answer is a sadly disappointing one. The first attempt of any importance to assemble information on these lines, subsequent to the preparation in 1890 of the Bertillon table above reproduced, was made by Dr. Julius Eross, and its results embodied in a paper presented before the Section for Children-Hygiene of the International Congresses for Hygiene and Demography at Budapest in 1894, under the title of "Ueber die Sterblichkeitsverhaltnisse der Neugeborenen und Sauglinge." The text and tables of Dr. Eross's paper were subsequently published in the Zeitschrift fur Hygiene und Infec- tionskrankheiten, the important work periodically published at Leipzig under the editorial direction of Dr. Robert Koch and Dr. C. Fliigge, and the statistics therein presented form a con- necting link, as it were, between those of the Bertillon table and the infant mortality figures up to 1905 especially compiled by the writer for this paper, and presented in subsequent tables. The statistical data of Dr. Eross's paper as published in the Zeitschrift (vol. xix, pp. 371-392) begin with Table I (p. 372), showing the " Infant Mortality of 0-1 Year at Rate of the Living Born and the Total Mortality in Thirteen European States," which, we are informed, was compiled from the various statis- tical year books. Translating its percentage ratios into rates per 1,000, for the sake of conformity with all the other tabula- tions of this paper, and taking the liberty of substituting in the list of countries for the name of Sweden that of Norway, which investigation of the official figures for both countries proves to have been the country with which the figures given for Sweden were identified, the table is as follows: — 11 TABLE II. Bihths, Deaths under Age 1, Total Deaths, and Infant Mortality Rates per 1,000 Births and per 1,000 Total Deaths, Still-births excluded, in Thirteen of the Principal European Countries, according to Dr. Eross's Table. Countries and Periods. Number of Living Births. Died under 1 Year. Rate per 1,000 Births. Total Mortality. Rate of Deaths under 1 per 1,000 Total Deaths. Ireland 1884-88 Norway 1881-90 Scotland 1885-90 England (and Wales) 1885-91 Belgium 1881-91 France 1885-90 „ „ , ( 1880-82 1 HoUand J 1885-90 i Italy 1884-91 Prussia 1886-92 Hungary 1884-87 Austria 1886-87 Saxony 1886-92 Bavaria 1879-88 570,710 600,489 745,986 6,234,373 1,940,197 5,337,880 1,332,266 8,980,579 7,681,839 2,641,797 1,765,541 987,248 2,014,195 54,049 58,471 89,858 900,310 309,766 882,909 239,466 1,727,067 1,594,039 560,220 435,763 277,857 579,203 94 97 120 144 159 165 179 192 207 212 246 281 287 439,635 331,209 446,179 3,770,281 1,325,696 5,049,223 817,216 6,420,910 4,622,216 1,912,419 1,350,760 639,208 1,535,781 123 176 213 238 233 174 293 268 344 292 322 434 376 Totals 40,833,100 7,708,978 183 28,660,733 269 The periods of observation whose returns are presented in the above table in all cases overlap on the period with which the subsequent table for the last twenty-five years deals, and no detailed analysis of the tabulation of Dr. Eross is necessary at this point, as its lessons are brought out with intensified force in the later table. That is to say, in this case, as in all cases, the greater includes the less. It may, however, be remarked, en 'passant, that all the countries included in the above table were also named in the Bertillon table, with the single exception of Hungary, and that the average infant mor- tality rate per 1,000 living births in those twelve countries in the period covered by Bertillon's table was 186, as compared with 187 in the period with which Dr. Eross dealt. This startling inflexibility of infant mortality rates, when measured by broad averages of either countries or periods, is discussed at some length on subsequent pages of this paper. 12 o < 2 ^ 1 O So fc 00 ft DQ o pj H W . «£§ * s 3 £ 5 o ■< b w tf P 2 ° P g p? S H £ a s < 3 J? ph h 3 5 « E hP . 02 H s s § g w o w 8 H O O £ < rt p <2 rt O 3 Ph J fx, ^ » 5 3 e ^ p ^ - K H p3 ^ «2 g W H P r Q W fe & H fc - w Ph ■- 30 •3°. fl 0, o o . °.a r-I.O a3 2 a So fs so _ o +2 ^ P ft o o . tH 2 n'-g 0,3 2 ft J3 O ■efc So t, ~£ in 1° ^ 7! P a o o . °a r-lO l " 1 ^ ft3 « ft j3 O t^ So -I.J3 P ft 31.2 99 30.8 96 30.2 98 30.2 96 28.6 81 30.2 04 23.9 94 22.8 95 23.0 102 23.3 106 23.2 98 23.2 99 29.4 116 28.8 105 27.5 103 26.9 101 26.1 92* 27.7 104* 37.0 81 36.1 95 37.7 140 41.3 143 40.9 145* 38.6 120* 33.3 117 31.4 121 30.5 126 30.0 129 28.9 120 30.8 123 32.4 134 31.5 137 30.4 139 30.0 132 29.0 119 30.7 132 35.5 162 34.5 144 31.8 145 32.6 139 31.4 131 33.2 144 England and Wales, 33.5 139 31.4 145 30.5 151 29.3 156 28.1 138 30.6 146 Switzerland .... 28.6 171 27.5 159 27.7 155 28.5 143 28.1 134 28.1 153 Belgium 31.1 156 29.5 163 29.2 164 28.9 158 27.7 148 29.3 158 46.3 157 43.7 158 43.3 172 40.0 159 38.8 149 42.4 159 24.7 167 23.1 166 22.3 171 22.0 159 21.3 139 22.7 160 The Netherlands . . 34.8 181 33.6 175 32.8 165 32.1 151 31.6 136 33.0 162 38.0 175 37.5 175 36.1 185 34.0 168 32.6 168 35.6 175* 36.4 193 36.0 186* 35.3 185 34.3 185 35.3 173 35.5 185* 37.4 207 37.3 208 37.0 205 36.5 201 34.9 190 36.6 202 Roumania .... 41.8 182 40.9 195 41.0 220 40.2 216* 39.4 203 40.7 203* 38.2 223 37.8 223 37.5 223 37.3 226 35.6 213* 37.3 223* 44.4 226 43.5 226 41.7 250 39.4 219 37.2 212 41.2 226* Russia in Europe 49.1 271 48.2 264 48.2 276 49.3 261 48.6 268 48.6* 268* Averages for Europe, 35.3 163 34.3 162 33.7 169 33.3 162 32.4 153 33.8 162 New Zealand . . . 36.3 90 31.2 84 27.7 87 25.7 80 26.6 75 29.5 83 34.5 109 34.6 103 32.7 94 28.2 98 29.0 90 31.9 99 South Australia . . 38.5 101 34.7 105 32.0 99 27.0 112 24.5 87 31.3 101* Queensland .... 36.5 136 37.4 119 34.1 103 29.2 104 26.7 95 32.8 111 New South Wales . 37.7 124 36.4 115 32.9 111 28.0 113 26.7 97 32.3 112 Victoria 30.8 122 32.7 131 31.0 111 26.2 111 24.9 96 29.1 114 Western Australia . 34.5 135 37.0 123 31.4 130 27.9 160 30.3 126 32.2 135* Averages for Austral- 35.5 117 34.9 111 31.7 105 27.5 111 27.0 95 31.3 108 Japan 26.0 104 28.5 116 28.6 147 31.1 153 31.8 154 29.2 135 28.6 158 30.2 158 31.7 169 37.1 168 38.6 171 33.2 165 37.6 158 36.7 170 38.4 171 38.9 175 39.0 174 38.1 169 Chili 39.4 314 35.2 264 37.2 336 34.1 333 35.2 332* 36.2 314* Averages for Coun- tries Named . . . 32.9 184 32.7 177 34.0 206 35.3 207 36.2 208 34.2 196 Recapitulation. Australasia .... Other Lands . . . 35.3 35.5 32.9 35.1 163 117 184 34.3 34.9 32.7 162 111 177 33.7 31.7 34.0 169 105 206 33.3 27.5 35.3 162 111 207 32.4 27.0 36.2 153 95 208 33.8 31.3 34.2 162 108 196 fGrand Averages 155 34.2 152 33.3 159 32.2 157 31.6 147 33.3 154 * Returns for one or more years wanting, and averages have been calculated on basis of returns for other years of period in question. t Computed by division of totals for all countries represented in table by number of countries in question. Italicized figures represent estimates for periods for which no returns were available, estimate in each case being average of actual returns for balance of entire twenty-five year period. 15 So far as the writer is aware, the preceding table is the first detailed comparison ever compiled of the birth-rates and infan- tile death-rates of the leading countries of the world by five- year periods for an entire quarter of a century, and the con- tinuity of comparisons sheds considerable light on many mooted questions which have been raised in the protracted discussion of infant mortality. Unfortunately, in a few cases returns were wanting, and in order to round out the averages for the periods and countries in question it was necessary to substitute estimates for actual returns. As stated in the ap- pended foot-note, however, all estimates for five-year periods were based on the averages of returns for the balance of the twenty-five year period, and the margin of error, therefore, is probably so slight as to make no material difference in the general showing. The first and all-important point to be noted in the tabula- tion is the uniformity of the infantile death-rate for the world at large for the last quarter of a century, and its comparatively slight fluctuations by five-year periods in particular countries or sections of the world. Thus it will be noted, in the thirty- one widely remote countries for which returns are presented, in 1881-85 the rate of infant deaths per 1,000 births was 155, and in the period terminating twenty years later was practically identical, then standing at 154. As is shown by a subsequent table herein presented, the apparent infantile death-rate in this country in the States recognized as registration States at the time of the Twelfth Census was 144.7 in 1900 and 162.6 in 1890, thus averaging 153.7; and, as is demonstrated by another table showing the annual infant mortality rates in Massachusetts from 1856 to 1905, the average infant death- rate under age 1 per 1,000 living births in that Commonwealth for the last fifty years has been 152.4. Succinctly stated, the infantile death-rates for these various sections and periods were as follows: — 16 TABLE IV. The Uniformity of the Infantile Death-rate in All Sections of the World in Recent Years. Sections. Periods of Observation. Deaths under Age 1 per 1,000 Births. 31 Countries of Europe, Australasia, and other lands Registration States of the United States in 1900 . 1881-1905 *1890 and 1900 1856-1905 154 153.7 152.4 * Census years ending May 31. In view of the many material changes in the living habits and industrial conditions of the world's population in the last generation, the great advance in medical knowledge, and the marked decrease in the general death-rate, the practical uni- formity of the infantile death-rate the world around is simply astounding. On the face of the above showing it apparently has a regularity in keeping with that of the American Experi- ence Table of mortality; and, bearing in mind the point noted in H. Llewellyn Heath's book,— namely, that in the sixteenth century the infant deaths constituted 25.9 per cent, of all the deaths at Geneva and in 1904 were 25 per cent, of all the deaths in England and Wales,— there is an almost weird suggestion of the pitiless inflexibility of Fate in the death-rate of infants. Of course there are wide variations in the infant death-rates of individual communities, but, as the tables herewith presented will show, the fluctuations in long-established and stable com- munities would seem to be comparatively slight, and, as has apparently been demonstrated by the preceding tables, when a really broad average has been attained the change in the infantile death-rate of the world at large in a long stretch of years apparently is almost infinitesimal. In most, if not all, countries — and certainly in nearly all the States of the United States— there are more or less serious defects in the registration of vital statistics, especially in the recording of births. That subject has been so thoroughly 17 threshed out as to call for no comment here. But, to a certain extent, the defects of one country's registration system would be offset by the comparative perfection of that in force in some other country, in a tabulation of world-wide scope, and in the case of the twoscore countries and States dealt with in the last table it is not improbable that the percentage of error is sub- stantially uniform. Even were the inquiry restricted to the two English-speaking sections whose registration systems are generally regarded as freest from defects— to wit, England and Wales on one side of the Atlantic and the State of Massa- chusetts on this side of the water— the variations in their infant mortality rates in the last twenty-five years and the averages for the entire period differ but slightly, the infant death-rates in England and Wales for the five latest five-year periods hav- ing been in the order of 139, 145, 151, 156, and 138, and those of Massachusetts for the same periods having been 160, 161, 161, 153, and 138. The widest range of five-year variation in the case of England and Wales was 18 per 1,000 births, and that in the case of Massachusetts 23 per 1,000 births. Their respective averages for the twenty-five year period were 146 and 154. In the tabulation of infant mortality in the principal countries of Europe compiled and published in 1890 by Dr. Bertillon and reproduced in transposed form on a previous page of this paper, the latest date of observation was the year 1883,— that is to say, twenty-five years ago,— and some of the figures dated back to 1862. In those days the registration of vital statistics in many— if not most— of the countries of Europe was far less advanced than it has become of late years, and, taking into account the well-known fact that approximate completeness in the registration of deaths almost inevitably precedes that of registration of births, it might naturally be assumed that the apparent rates of infant deaths to births would have been much larger in the case of the records of 1862-1883 than in those of 1881-1905, the divisor in the pre- vious calculation presumably having been much farther re- moved from the correct figure. As to how well founded that 18 assumption proves, the following comparison of the death- rates in the Bertillon table and that compiled by the writer of this paper will indicate. Some considerable apparent decreases in the infant mortality rates of certain countries are to be noted in the following table, table v. A Comparison op the Infant Mortality in the Principal, Countries op Europe in the Last Twenty-five Years with the Earlier Periods Named in Bertillon's Table and the Decrease or Increase and Relative Rank in the Case op Each of the Countries. Infant Mortality in Periods Named. Deaths per 1,000 Births, Decrease or Rank in Order of Lowest Infant Mortality. Period of Observa- tion. Deaths per 1,000 Births. 1881- 1905. Increase. Early Period. Later Period. 1865-83 95.9 99 3.1* 1 2 1866-82 104.9 94 10.9 2 1 1865-81 122.0 123 1.0* 3 4 1866-82 131.9 104 27.9 4 3 1870-82 137.5 132 5.5 5 5 1867-83 148.2 158 9.8* 6 9 England and Wales . 1866-82 149.2 146 3.2 7 7 1878-80 164.9 144 20.9 8 6 France 1875-82 166.2 160 6.2 9 10 The Netherlands . . 1878-81 193.2 162 31.2 10 11 1869-80 195.2 153 42.2 11 8 1874-82 207.8 202 5.8 12 13 Italy 1872-83 209.7 175 34.7 13 12 1875-82 250.0 203 47.0 14 14 1866-83 255.3 223 32.3 15 15 Russia in Europe . . 1867-78 266.8 268 1.2* 16 16 174.9 159.1 15.8 * Increase. and on the face of the returns it would seem that those coun- tries were to be congratulated on having somehow succeeded in devising ways and means of reducing this phase of the mortality problem in which the vast majority of countries have notably failed, whether through lack of serious attention to the subject or for other reasons. But is such the case? Let 19 us go behind the returns, locate the countries which have scored the largest apparent decreases, and consider for a moment whether those countries might naturally be expected to be found in the forefront of the movement for the reduction of infant mortality. Of the sixteen countries named in the table, eight show an apparent annual decrease of more than 10 deaths per 1,000 births since the early 80's, the decrease ranging from 10.9 in the case of Norway up to the remarkable figure of 47 in the case of Roumania, and the other countries in the order of the largest seeming decrease being Switzerland, Italy, Austria, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Finland. And yet none of these countries has ever attained any particular prominence in the cru- sade for the protection of children's lives. Austria is the only one of the eight which could be even seriously considered as among the great European powers, and, as will be noted, none of the indisputably first-class powers appears in the list. In England, France, and Prussia the decrease in the death-rate was merely nominal, and, as the registration systems of those countries would probably be regarded as superior to that in any of the eight countries which have scored the apparent large decreases in the infant death-rate, it would seem not only pos- sible, but extremely probable, that the decrease in the last-named countries was more apparent than real — in other words, was a decrease in figures only, very likely due to the material increase in the registration of births and the consequent decrease in the ratio of deaths under age 1 to births. In England, France, and Prussia the registration of births was probably much more complete thirty or forty years ago than in most of the smaller countries of Europe, and, if such was the case, there naturally would be much less fluctuation in the mortality rates in the case of those leading countries. Therein probably lies the ex- planation of most of the apparent large decreases in the last twenty-five years. In default of positive evidence it would be absurd to believe that the little country of Roumania, with its limited resources, had succeeded in effecting a reduction of its infant death-rate 20 by nearly 20 per cent, in the last twenty-five years, and thereby materially distanced every other country in the world. Further- more, as shown in Table III, the record of its infant death- rates by five-year periods proves that the rate has been almost continuously in the ascendant for that same period. The British Registrar-General's office was unable to obtain any infantile death-rates from Austria up to 1896, or from Italy up to 1891, and in those obtained since those dates there is no sign of any sharp decline. Norway, Sweden, Finland, the Netherlands, and Switzerland have apparently shown material decreases in the infant death-rate in most of the five-year periods of the last quarter of a century, but improved registration of births prob- ably accounts for that fact in most, if not all, of those cases, and it would therefore seem that the pronounced differences in some cases between the death-rates of the old-time Bertillon table and the up-to-date table presented in connection with this study are unworthy of any serious attention. In the face of the surprising uniformity of the mortality rate in question in the world at large, and especially in countries having thoroughly established registration systems, only the most ir- refutable evidence will convince any student of infant mor- tality of a permanent reduction in the infant death-rate in any country up to this time. In so far as the infantile death-rate in the United States as a whole — either now or at any previous time — is concerned, there are absolutely no authentic data. In his contribution to the Eleventh Census Report on Vital and Social Statistics, published in 1896, Dr. Billings accounted for that fact by au- thoritatively stating (Part I, p. 21) that "we have no fully com- plete and accurate registration of births in any part of the United States. The most accurate registration is probably in Massachusetts, in which it is estimated that the deficiency is not greater than 2 per cent." Again, in Volume III of the Twelfth Census Reports (Vital Statistics, Part I, p. xlix) the late William A. King, Chief Statistician for Vital Statistics, commenced his discussion of births with the admission that "the data relating to births are the most incomplete and unsatis- 21 factory of any treated in this report. Were it not considered desirable to give such results as bear upon the question for the information of students of the statistics, the subject might be dismissed with the statement that they are entirely inadequate to determine, directly, the general birth-rate of the country, or, what is of equal practical importance, the relative birth-rate of different classes of population. A number of the States and cities have laws requiring the registration of births, but it is doubtful if there is a single place in which births are registered as fully as deaths." DIAGRAM II.— THE INFANT MORTALITY RATES OF ENGLAND AND WALES, PRUSSIA, FRANCE, AND THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS BY FIVE-YEAR PERIODS FROM 1881 TO 1905, ON THE BASIS OF DEATHS UNDER 1 YEAR PER 1,000 BIRTHS, STILL-BIRTHS EXCLUDED. I So g oo H - W s . £ o cdix -w<< co * § •* » fl) CD cd a OS'S iZ OJO o "■go's Q, cST) cS O CD C d > 8> CD O 6fo d"^ o ^ |oO d t,_ >-' O CD a CD r-4 ' U • * 3 fe £^ 0) to"o d CD CD «o Q^.2 «jo CDO Registration States of 1900 .... 17,064,329 241,146 14.1 14,169,658 208,504 14.7 11,765,518 155,194 13.2 Connecticut . . . District of Columbia, Maine 888,646 273,960 680,963 2,744,854 2,366,821 403,540 1,840,098 7,109,373 419,188 336,886 12,321 5,058 10,202 39,002 27,002 6,016 25,443 104,776 6,322 5,004 13.9 18.5 15.0 14.2 11.4 14.9 13.8 14.7 15.1 14.9 731,789 225,925 649,928 2,195,900 2,044,935 370,183 1,412,846 5,872,876 338,616 326,660 11,519 4,067 8,850 34,310 19,451 5,793 21,516 92,629 5,744 4,625 15.7 18.0 13.6 15.6 9.5 15.6 15.2 15.8 17.0 14.2 609,821 173,000 636,124 1,745,498 1,594,352 340,850 1,102,924 4,967,024 270,399 325,526 7,590 2,909 8,472 25,861 15,400 4,914 14,138 67,818 3,796 4,296 12.4 16.8 13 3 Massachusetts Michigan .... 14.8 9 7 New Hampshire New Jersey . . . New York . . . Rhode Island . . Vermont . . . 14.4 12.8 13.7 14.0 13.2 37 In so far as the mortality reports of the Tenth, Eleventh, and Twelfth Censuses contribute any really material data to the records of infant mortality in the last three census years in the States recognized as registration States in 1900, the preceding table practically rounds out the information therein obtainable, and it might now seem to be in order to make a comparison of the infant death-rates in the several registration States as measured by the standards of the various tables which have been presented. By so doing, at least an approximate idea of the actual relative rank of the States in question in point of their respective infant death-rates may be obtained, and, pos- sibly, some information of working value be contributed to the rapidly growing bibliography of the subject. Perhaps the shortest and most effective means of reaching this end will be that of assembling at close contact the infant death-rates of each State according to the various standards of calculation em- ployed in the preceding tables, and attaching in each case the numeral showing the relative rank of the State in question from that point of view. In compact form here are the results of an inquiry shaped on those lines, eliminating the District of Columbia for reasons previously explained: — TABLE XIII. A Comparison op the Infant Mortality Rates— and Their Complement, the Death-rate at All Ages over 1 Year— in 1900, 1890, and 1880 in the Registration States op 1900, and the Rela- tive Rank op Each op the Nine States in the Order op Those Death-rates. Death-rate under 1 Yeai per 1,000 Death-rate under 1 Year per 1,000 of Births. that Age living at End of Census Year. States. 1900. 1890. 1880. 1900. 1890. 1880. Rate. Rank. Rate. Rank. Rate. Rank. Rate. Rank. Rate. Rank. Rate. Rank. Connecticut . . . 142.5 6 147.8 6 100.3 5 156.8 6 162.0 6 107.7 5 Maine 132.2 7 95.6 8 67.8 9 144.1 7 100.7 8 71.2 9 Massachusetts . . 160.0 2 182.6 3 142.5 1 177.8 2 204.3 3 156.7 1 Michigan .... 111.7 9 89.9 9 82.7 7 121.3 9 95.3 9 87.9 7 New Hampshire . 156.0 3 153.7 5 89.8 6 172.0 3 167.5 5 95.9 6 New Jersey . . . 151.4 4 190.9 2 138.3 2 167.3 4 216.2 2 152.4 2 New York .... 145.4 5 180.5 4 131.2 3 159.8 5 201.7 4 143.6 3 Rhode Island . . 177.0 1 192.7 1 107.7 4 197.9 1 216.3 1 115.9 4 Vermont .... 111.9 8 103.3 7 81.9 8 122.1 8 110.4 7 87.4 8 38 TABLE XIII— Continued. Death-rate under 1 Year per 1,000 Death-rate for All Ages over 1 Year per 1 ,000 Deaths at All Ages. of Those Ages Living at End of Census Year. States. 1900. 1890. 1880. 1900. 1890. 1880. Rate. Rank. Rate. Rank. Rate. Rank. Rate. Rank. Rate. Rank. Rate. Rank. Connecticut . . . 201.1 4 169.1 6 154.5 6 13.9 7 15.7 3 12.4 8 160.2 8 112.7 9 97.2 9 15.0 2 13.6 8 13.3 5 Massachusetts . . 216.1 3 204.0 4 185.5 4 14.2 6 15.6 4— 14.8 1 Michigan .... 195.7 5— 193.5 5 195.6 3 11.4 9 9.5 9 9.7 9 New Hampshire . 187.0 7 155.0 7 107.0 8 14.9 3— 15.6 4— 14.4 2 New Jersey . . . 222.7 2 243.8 1 233.0 1 13.8 8 15.2 6 12.8 7 New York . . . 195.7 5— 213.9 2 196.9 2 14.7 5 15.8 2 13.7 4 Rhode Island . . 226.8 1 206.0 3 157.7 5 15.1 1 17.0 1 14.0 3 Vermont .... 141.5 9 120.9 8 120.9 7 14.9 3— 14.2 7 13.2 6 A somewhat noticeable feature of this tabulation of compari- sons is the fact that, materially differing though the infant death-rates of any particular State do in any one census year as measured by the ratios to births and to living population at the age of 1 at the end of the census year, in every case the relative rank of the State as determined by the two standards remains the same in all three census years. For instance, Massachusetts ranked first in 1880, third in 1890, and second in 1900 in point of both death-rates to births and to living population under age 1 at the end of the census year; New Jersey ranked second in both 1880 and 1890, and fourth in 1900, by both measurements, and so on. In a general way, it might be expected that there probably would be no radical shift in the ranking of the States from census to census in point of either the number of births or the population under age 1 at the end of the census years, but the coincidence of each State's ranking remaining the same in any census year, whether measured by the rate of infant deaths to births or to surviving infants under age 1 at the end of the census year, is at least passing strange, taking into account the habitual and historic inaccuracy in the reporting of living infants under age 1. Of course, if the infant migration and emigration in a census 39 year were disregarded, if the infant deaths during the census year were restricted to babies born during the year, and if census returns were complete and absolutely accurate, the number living under age 1 at the end of the year would be the exact complement of the number dying during the year. But the infant migration and emigration cannot be disregarded. A minor but considerable percentage of the infant deaths in any year are those of babies born in the later months of the previous year; and the returns for births, deaths, and living population by ages — especially for population under age 1 — are, and always have been, notoriously incomplete and inaccurate. Hence the absolute uniformity of the ranking of each State in the last three censuses, whether measured by its infant mortality rate to births or to living population under age 1, is at least worthy of note. Unfortunately, the figures of most of the registration States, so far as the infant death-rate to births is concerned, have been open to the suspicion of too glaring inaccuracies — at least up to a very recent period — to warrant any attempt to make com- parison between them and those of the European countries with long-established registration systems. But the census returns for these States in 1880, 1890, and 1900, herewith presented for what they are worth, are none the less worthy of a careful study from various view-points by those interested in the subject of infant mortality. In this paper the writer has aimed to supplement the work of the numerous medical experts, who have long been probing the puzzling problems of infant mortality, by bringing to- gether from various sources and presenting in compact form the most reliable statistical information now obtainable which would warrant some definite conclusions as to the rise or fall of the infant mortality rate in recent years throughout the world, and the apparent present tendencies of the infant death- rate. It has seemed possible that the presentation of specific information on these lines might provide sound foundations, in the way of authoritative facts and figures of international scope, for the widely extended movement now being earnestly 40 made for the reduction of the infant death-rate. If so, the purpose of this paper will have been served, and possibly in a later paper the writer may present some of the mass of data as to the fundamental causes for the abnormally heavy infant mortality in certain sections — and especially in certain factory towns — which have accumulated in his hands, but have been foreign to the purposes of this preliminary and purely statis- tical study of the far-reaching subject which is just beginning in these twentieth-century days to make its real importance felt. In the consideration of it, and of the almost innumerable problems involved in it, not only the prospective population, but the general welfare, of the entire civilized world are deeply concerned. As Dr. Alden has so gravely remarked, "A thor- ough understanding of the subject should be the concern of every true citizen." MM* £6 WW LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 825 384 3