E 359 , .5 ' •13 /12 / Copy I J SENATE N(.. 5. Papers relating to the Massachusetts Claim, Washington, Dec. 16, 1831. Sir, I sometime since laid before you, for your consid- eration, a document published by the Legislature of Massachusetts, containing an account of the proceed- ings had during the last year with the late Secretary of War, in relation to the adjustment of the claim of that State for reimbursement for military services, under the provisions of an act of Congress passed in May 1830, and also the corresj)ondence between him and the agent of the State. This document shows, that the settlement was arrest- ed for several reasons, the principal of which seems to me to be, because the appropriation was -exhausteJ. Not feeling satisfied, that such was the intention of 1 ^ K^ >? >• )A ^ r r o Congress by tlieir Act, the Executive of Massachusetts hiis instructcil me to eiuiuire of you, wliother the ad- justment cannot be resumed, and the accounts examin- ed, with a view to ascertain the balance, which is due to the Slates of Massachusetts and Maine, upon the principles which have been adopted thus far in the settlement. I do not feel it necessary to go at large into the subject, for my views are fully set forth in the above document, to which I beg leave to refer you. If this proposition meets your approbation, and this course can be pursued, it will give great satisfaction to' the States interested, for they feel solicitous to bring this matter, which has been long outstanding, to a close, and they perceive no course open to thein which promises so much despatch. I have the honor to be, Dear Sir, with great regard, Your Obedient Servant, J. DAVIS. Hon. L. Cass, Secretary of War. .M3MI I '4 4 ^v rs i ?. 3 Department of War, December 19//t, 1831 Sir, I have had the honor to receive your letter of the 16th instant, respecting the claims of the State of Mas- jiichusetts for the services of her militia during the late war. In examining the printed correspondence, I find, that my immediate predecessor proceeded as far in the ad- justment and payment of these claims, as he conceived himself authorized under the act of Congress passed for their settlement. His views of the subject are fully disclosed, and he finally decided, that this de- partment could afford no further relief in the case. Under these circumstances, it would not become me to reopen a matter, which has been thus disposed of This can only be done by an act of Congress. Very respectfully, I am, Sir, Your Most Obed't Serv't, LEW. CASS. Hon. John Davis, House of Representatives. ^'^ >^ l»* x^ w ; Ir \ i IBRftRV OF CONGRESS 011 838 701 B