l^ ^„fin^iuvH^VJ>I^-fr::--^:■^ Manhattan Island Befoke the Dutoj THE CITY HISTORY CLUB OF NEW YORK, 23 West 44th Street. RepridULed b\ peimissi n f r ni ^\ ilson Menioml Hist r\ £\ « \ Century History Company THE CITY HISTORY CLUB OF >EW YORK, is West Mth btreet. The PlR( HASE OF ]\L\\HATT\N IbLA^D THE CITY HISTORY CLl B OF NEW YORK, 23 West ■)4th Street. reduced by permit New \ork t, P THE CIT\ HISTORY CUB OF NEW YORK, 23 West 44th Street. i fli i i] D s-^ , rr.; i, The Stadt Huys, UUU THE CITY HISTORY CLUB OF NEW YORK, S3 West 44th Street. Reproduced by per THE CITY HISTORl CLUB OF >E\\ YORK, i.i West 44th btreet. fel^%#*=€l' Broad Street, 1663. Reproduced by permission from Todd's "The Story of the City of New York" G. P. Putnam's Sons. THE CITY HISTORY CLUB OF NEW YORK, 33 West 44th Street. The Fobt In Kieft's Day. THE CITY HISTORY (LIB OF NEW YORK, 83 West 44th street. Reproduced by pern FuiiTON Ferry, 1746. THE CITY HISTORY CLl B OF NEW YORK. 'ii West 44t.h Street. Ihe V\n Cobtlaudt Mwsion \.i KiN( siiim i Repro iuced by permission from Wilson s Mem i il II t \ 1 N w ^ i Century History t ni| ir THE CIT\ HISTOR\ CLl B (»t NItt \(>RK, 23 West 44th Street. The Battery ajjd Bottling Gkeen During the Revolution. Reproduced by permis: THE CITY HISTORY CLUB OF NEW YORK. 23 West 44th Street. ExpiiOiT OF Makinus Willett. Reproduced by permission from Wilson's "Memorial History of New Yo THE CITY HISTORY CLUB OF NEW YORK, 23 West 44th Street. Roger Morris Hoise (The Ji'MEl Mansion), HepriKlia-eJ by permission from Todd's " The Story of New York " : G. P. Putnam's i THE CITY HISTORY CLUB OF NEW YORK, 2(i West 44th Street. Captain Nathan Hale. THE CITY HISTORY CLUB OF NEW YORK. 23 West 44th Street. Phovost Prison, City Hall Pahk (Pkesent Hall of Eeiokds). Reproduced by permission from " Historic New York ": f!. P. I'utnam's Sons. THE CITY HISTORV CLIB OF NEW YOUK. 23 West 44th Street. QJJJf III Fr\in(es r\^EK\ from Tils G.P. Putna The St IN Ill's Sons. THE CITY HISTORY ( LI H OF NEW YOHK. 23 West 44th Street. Pbocession in Honok op the Federal CoNSTiTriios- Reproduced by P^'^^ssU.f.o^^n^ ^o™, Hi.tory of Kew Vo.k ■: The 19 THE tITY HISTORY CLUB OF NEW YORK. 23 West 44th Street. HAMILTON s Home 1S04 Repi hIiu ed b> peui THE CITY HISTORY CLUB OF NEW YORK. SI) West nth Street. Fedekal Hall. THE CITY HISTORY CLUB OF NEW YORK, aj West 44th Street. ^- THE CITY HISTORY CLUB OF NEW YORK. 23 West 4-lth Street. i 1 ! '4' 1 "^

v York - TI.e Century History Company. ■ h . i iie THE CITV HISTORY CLUB OF NEW VOKK, ~'3 W"st 4Jth Street, Tile ■ ' Dee.u^nought. " Reproduced by perinission from Todd's " Tbe Story of New York "; G. P. Putnam' THE CITY HISTORY CLUB OF NEW YORK, S3 West «th Street. Washington Irving. Reproduced by permission from Todd's "Trie Storv of New Yor U. P. Putnam's Sous. THE CITY HISTORY ('LIB OF NKW Y(H{K. ■^V West 44tli street. Three City Seals. Reproduced by permission from " Historic New York ": Ci. P. Futn THE CITY HISTOKY CLUB OF NEW YOKK, 23 West 44th Street. f!; ^ j '-'m^'^H^H i : ^ J - ^ 5 I 3 S © „ School for Children of the Burgher Class. Reproduced by permission from " Historic New York '': G. P. Putnam's Sons 34 THE CITY HISTORY CLUB OF NEW YORK. 23 West 44th Street. Leisleb's House and the Foht. Reproduced by permission from A. E. Costello's "Our Fiiemoi THE CITY HISTORY CLUB OF NEW YORK, 23 West 44th Street. Leislek"s Rebellion. THE CITY HISTORY CLUB OF NEW YORK, 23 West 44th Street. liw:wf^^«^™"-"ii jw^Tn^i''iiiii prinliici'.l bv iifriiii^MMn tic.iii l.uiiirs ■'History of New- York" A. S. Hiun.'s \ Co. THE CITY HISTORY ( LI B OF NKW YORK, ^jm7T^ I I!*'"'": '"ifl:1faflIlEs:::!i!!i^ 1 ,1^^^ THE CITY HISTORY CLUB OF NEW YORK. 23 West Mth Street. LJkll.man on RouNiis. Reproduced by permission from A. E. Uostello's " Our Police Protectors." THE CITY HISTORY CLUB OF NEW YORK, 23 West 44th Street. Tka Water Pdmp. Reproduced by permission from A. E. Costello's " Our Firemen.' THE CITY HISTORY CLUB OF NEW YORK, 33 West 44th Street. Bull's Hkad Tavi:i;n-. Keproduced by permission from A. E. Costellos " Our Firemen.' THE CITY HISTORY CLDB OF NEW YORK, 23 West 44th Street. Canal Stkeet, 1812. Reproduced by permission from A. E. Costello's " Our Firemen.' THE CITY HISTORY CLUB OF NEW YORK, 33 West +lth Street. Dkatt Riots of 1863. Repnxluceil by permission from A. E. Costello's "Our Police Pr THE CITY HISTORY CLUB OF NEW VOKK •23 West 44th Street. Latstsence's Medal. THE CITY HISTORY CLUB OF NEW YORK, 23 West 44th Street. |l Hi t 11 If I N^nPy LIBRPRY OF CONGRESS ffim 014 108 667 4 i