59th Congress, ) HOUSE OF REPKESENTATIVES. \ Document M Sessw7i. \ ] No. 714. RELIEF FOR SAN FRANCISCO. MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, SUBMITTING A LETTER OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR, WITH ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTS, INCLUDING A FORM OF A RESOLUTION SUGGESTED FOR PASSAGE BY THE CONGRESS. April 21, 1906. — Read; referred to the Committee on Appropriations and, ordered to be printed. To the Senate and House of Representatives : I submit herewith a letter of the Secretary' of War, with accom- pan3'ing documents, including- a form of a resolution sugg-ested for passage l)y the Congress. This lettei" refers to the appalling catastrophe which has befallen San Francisco and neighl)oring cities, a catastrophe more appalling than any othei' of the kind that has befallen any portion of our coun- try- during its history. I am sure that there is need on my part of no more than a suggestion to the Congress in order that this resolution may l>e at once passed, but 1 urge that instead of appropriating a fur- ther sum of $1,000,000, as recommended Ijy the Secretary of War, the appropriation ))e for a million and a half dollars. The supplies already delivered or en route for San Francisco approximate in value a million and a half dollars, which is more tiian we have the authority in law as 3'et to purchase. I do not think it safe for us to reckon upon the ne^d of spending less than a million in addition. Large sums are being raised by pri^'ate subscription in this country, and very generous offers have been made to assist us by individuals of other countries, which requests, however, I have refused, as in my judgment there is no need of any assistance from outside our own Iwrders — this refusal, of course, in no way lessening our deep appreciation of the kindly sym- pathy which has prompted such offers. The detailed account of the action of the War Department is contained in the appendices to the letter of the Secretary of War. At the moment our concern is purely with meeting the terrible emergency of the moment. 2 - ' RELIEE' FOR SAN FRANCISCO. Later I shall communieate with you as to the g-enerous part which I am sure the National Government will take in meeting the more per- manent needs of the situation, including, of course, rebuilding the great governmental structures which have been destrojed. 1 hope that the action above requested can be taken to-da}'. Theodore Roosevelt. The White House, Apr// 21, 1906. / u^^ U { j^ ^ '' *^' — s ^ { " War Department, ; ■ Wa.^/u»(//or>^ April 21, 1906. My Dear Mr. President: The situation in San Francisco is such as to require an additional appropriation from Congress to meet the necessities of the people of that stricken citv who are immediatel}" in need of shelter and food. The War Department has rendered all the assistance possible, beginning its orders as soon as the tirst telegram was received from General Funston, about midnight of the 18th instant. Indeed a telegram was sent by Assistant Secretaiy Oliver to General Funston immediately upon the receipt of the new^s of the earthquake on the morning of the 18th, directing him to render all assistance possible. From the night of the 18th of April all the available stores of the Army of three departments have been used for relief purposes, assuming that the action of this Department would be ratitied by Congress in accordance with precedents in similar cases. The memorandum of the General Statf, which accompanies this letter, shows the telegrams received from General Funston, which gradually developed the extent of the terrible disaster and increased the amount of supplies of ever}' kind needed. All subsistence and quartermaster's supplies and all medical stores of every kind which were in the military depots in San Francisco were destroyed, except the local supplies fot the troops stationed at the post of the Presidio at San Francisco. Accordingl}-, everything had to be ordered from a distance. There are now on the wav, by special express trains, from every available and convenient point where they were stored, 900,000 rations, which means the rations for *JO0,0t»0 soldiers for one day. The value of these rations is estimated by the Commissary-General to be $198,000. Two hundred thousand of these rations have probably reached San Francisco this morning, in charge of commissary officers. The Quartermaster's Department have expressed by special train wall tents, conical tents, hospital tents, and storage tents for the shelter of 100,000 people; 100,000 blankets, 7,500 mattresses, 11,500 bed sacks, ^nd 8,000 cots, part of which have already reached San Francisco from the immediate vicinity, and all of which are hastening to the city by special trains, which have been given precedence over passenger trains. The quartermasters supplies alread}^ delivered in San Francisco or en route b}' special express trains in charge of competent military quartermasters amount in value to $1,031,734.40. The Medical Bureau of this Department has sent live carloads of medical supplies from St. Louis by express in charge of competent med- ical officers and hospital stewards. The estimated value of these medical supplies is $50,000. JUL 10 1906 D. ot D, RP:LIEF for SAN FRANnSCO. ' 3 It is Cistimatod that the cost of transpoi'tiitioii for all these supplies uniounts to If^l, ")(),( >()(), so that the cost of tliat which has already been done in the matter of reli(»t" for San Fi'ancisco is ij^l,-l-2*J,T3-l-.-lr«). On the ll*th C'ongress passed the tollowino" resolution: Resolred, That the Secretary of War h hereby authorized and directed to procure, in open market or otherwise, sul)Histence and quartermaster's sui)plies, in addition to such supplies belonging to the niiUtary estabHshment anV it fititlier resolved, That the Sct-retary of the Treasury, the Secretary of the Navy, and Secretary of Connnerce and Lal>or are hereby directed to cooperate with the Secretary of War in extending relief and assistance to these stricken people herein referred to, to the extent of the use of the naval vessels, revenue cutters, and other vessels, and Government supplies under their control on the Pacific coast. Be it further resolred, That to enable the Secretary of AVar to execute the provisions of this joint resolution, there is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treas- ury not otherwise apjiropriated, the sum of one million dollars, to be expended under the direction and under the discretion of the Secretary of W;ir. On the 20th. at my suo-oestion, the resolution was amended so as to include medical supplies, as follo\vs: Besolred, That the appropriation of one million dollars, made by joint resolution approved the nineteenth instant, entitled "Joint resolution for the relief of sufferers from earthquake and conflagration on the Pacitic coast," shall be availai)le, under the discretion of the Secretary of AVar, to procure medical supplies, in addition to such sup))lies belonging to the Military I<]stablishment, and issue the same in like manner as the subsistence and quarterinaster's supplies specifically nientioneil in the joint resolution aforesaid. I have the honor to recommend that Congress be requested to appropriate $1,000,000 more, in order to meet the cost already incurred over and above the $1,000,000 appropriated, and to enable the War Department to ptirchase such additional supplies as may be needed for the purpose. The present resolution authorizes the expenditure of money for the relief of San Francisco. The supplies which have l^een sent have been taken out of the Regidar Army depots, and were necessary for the support and use of the Army. I respectfully sugo-est, therefore, that in the next resolution, which 1 hope Congress ma^^ pass, specific authority be given to the Secretary of War to use both the $1,000,000 already appropriated and the amount which may be a]>propriated in the recommended resolution either to purchase supplies for the relief of San Francisco or to replace by purchase the supplies taken from the Regular Army stores for such relief purposes. I inclose the form of resolution which will accomplish the result sought. I attach the memorandum of the Chief of Stall', the report of the Quartermaster-General, and the report of the Commissary-General, with their accompanying telegraUiS and estimates. I also attach a memorandum from the Surgeon-General as to his operations and needs. The loss of the valuable sul)sistence, quartermaster's and medical stores assembled in the depot at San Francisco, for use at the Pacitic posts and in the Philippines, will require a ver}' considerable deficiency estimate, in order that they, in addition to the stores now being used for the relief of San Francisco, may be replaced. 4 RELIEF FOR SAN FRANCISCO. The loss may be approximated as follows: Commissary stores $150, 000 Quartermaster's stores 2, 941, 472 Medical stores 357, 391 Total 3, 448, 863 I shall submit estimates for these at a later date. Ver}- respectfully, yours, Wm. H. Taft, Secretary of War. The President. Resolred, That one million dollars, in addition to the one million dollars already provided in joint resolution of April nineteenth, as amended by the resolution of April twentieth, for the relief of persons suffering as the result of the earthquake occurring April eighteenth, in California, is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to l)e expended under the direction and discretion of tlie Secretary of War, and authority is herelty specifically given to the Secretary of War to use these appropriations, amounting in all to two million dollars, not only to buy additional supplies which may be needed for the relief of the suf- ferers, as directed in said resolutions of April nineteenth and April twentieth, but also for the purpose of replacing, by purchase, such subsistence, quartermaster's, and medical supplies as may have been furnished by the Secretary of War for such relief from the stores on hand for the use of the Armv. [For the Secretary of War: Memorandum of information refeived and orders given touching relief worli in San Francisco.] War Derartment, Office of the Chief of Staff, Washi/u/ton, April ^i, 1906. Shortly after midnight on the night of April 18-19, a message just received from General Funston by the Secretary of War, concerning supplies needed by the destitute and homeless in San Francisco, was repeated to me by telephone, with instructions from the Secretary to proceed at once to m^' office for conference regarding measures for relief. Other messages were almost immediaetl}^ received, and after they were read to the Secretary I received instructions to proceed, with the Quartermaster-General and the Cotnmissar^'-General, to give the necessaiy orders to forward supplies at the earliest practicable moment to General Funston. The Quartermaster-General and the Commissary-General were both called to the telegraph office. The transactions b^^ the Quartermaster-General and the Conuuissary- General for the next two days pursuant to these instructions, will be found in their memorandum reports, together with copies of all tele- graphic messages sent and received by them in this connection. All other telegrams sent by the War Department concerning relief sup- plies will be found attached hereto. Respectfully submitted. J. F. Bell, Brigadier- General.^ Chief of Staf. RELIEF FOR SAN FRANCISCO. 5 No. 1. San Fran'CI8Co, Cal., April 18, 1906. (Received 11.40 p. m.) The Secretary of War, Washington: We need thousands of tents and all rations that can be sent. Business portion of city destroyed and about 100,000 people homeless. Fire still raging; troops all on duty assisting police. Loss of life probably 1,000. Best part of resident district not yet burned. FUNSTON. No. 2. Oakland Pier, Cal., April IS. (Received 2.50 a. m. 19th.) Military Secketary, Washington: We are doing all possible to aid residents of San Francisco in present terrible calamity. Many thousands homeless. I shall do everything in my power to render assistance, and trust to AVar Department to authorize any action I may have to take. Army casualties will be reported later. All important papers saved. We need tents and rations for 20,000 people. Funston. No. Washington, D. C, April 19, 1906. (Sent at 4 a. m. ) General Funston, San Fi^andsco, Cal.: Your dispatch calling for tents and rations for 20,000 ])eople received. Have directed sending of 200,000 rations from Vancouver Barracks, nearest available point. Will give orders concerning tents immediately, and advise you within an hour. Do you need more troops? Of course, do everything possible to assist in keeping order, in saving life and property, and in relieving hunger by use of troops, material, and supplies under your orders. House passed enabling resolution to-day and Senate will to-morrow. All railway and telegraphic facilities surrounding San Francisco reported badly damaged and demoralized. Officers will accompany supplies where necessary, in order to insure as prompt forwarding and delivery as possible, with orders to keep in touch with you when practicalile. Taft, Secretary of War. No. 4. Washington, D. C, April 19, 1906. (Sent at 4.55 a. m.) General Funston, San Francisco: All available hospital, wall, and conical wail tents will be sent at once by express from ^"ancouver, Douglas, Logan, Russell, San Antonio, Monterey, Snelling, and Sheridan. Remainder will be sent from Philadelphia depot. Little definite informa- tion thus far received as to limits of burned districts or conditions. Wire details as comprehensively as possible. Taft, Secretanj of War. No. 5. Washington, D. C, April 19, 1906. Commanding General, Department op Columbia, Vancoxiver Barrncks, Wash.: Secretary of War directs you have commissary, Vancouver Barracks, send 200,000 rations to depot commissary, San Francisco; also all available hospital, wall, and conical wall tents to depot quartermaster, with least delay possible, by quickest practicable route, either by water or rail. All railroad and telegraph facilities sur- rounding San Francisco reported badly damaged and demoralized. Have an officer accompany these stores, with view to seeing that they are forwarded and delivered promptly as possible, and instruct him to keep in touch, by wire, with Genieral Funston when practicable. Acknowledge receipt and report action. Bell, Chief of Staf. 6 BELIEF FOR SAN FRANCISCO. No. 6. Vancouver Barracks, Wash., April 19, 1906. Chief of Staff, War Department, WasJiington: Just received your telegram of this date. Orders have been issued accordingly. Chief commissary now in Portland purchasing rations. Will report results in accord- ance with instructions received last night from division commander. The com- manding officers of all posts in this department outside of Alaska have been ordered to ship all available tentage and all rations in excess of twenty days' allowance by quickest route, whether by rail or steamer, to San Francisco. Williams, Brigadier-General, Commanding. 8.55 p. m. No. 7. Vancouver Barracks, Wash., April 19, 1906. Chief of Staff, War DejKuiment, Waaliingfoh, I). ('.: With reference to your telegram 18th regarding shipment all available tentage at Vancouver with ofticer to San Francisco, orders have been given and prompt action taken. Williams, Brigadier- General, Commanding. 3.56 p. m. No. 8. Washington, D. C, April 19, 1906. (Sent at 6.45 a. m. Commanding General, Department of Dakota, St. Paul, Minn.: Ship by express to depot quartermaster, San Francisco, all wall, conical, and hos- pital tents, complete, that are now at Fort Snelling. Send competent officer with shipment to see to prompt delivery at San Francisco. ^~j By order of the Secretarv of War: Bell, Chief of Staf. Note. — Similar telegrams also sent affecting Fort Sheridan, Fort D. A. Russell, Fort Sam Houston, Vancouver, Monterey. No. 9. [Memorandum.] War Department, Office of the Chief of Staff, Wasliington, April 19, 1906. Captain Ross, of the Revenue-Cutter Service, called and offered the services of certain vessels in the Revenue Service for use in transporting tents, commissary sup- plies, etc., provided by the Army, to the destitute and homeless sufferers of the earthquake at San Franciscb. The following vessels were mentioned: The Perry, at Astoria, Oreg. ; displacement about 500 or 600 tons (a seagoing vessel, which can go to Vancouver Barracks, Portland, Seattle, Tacoma, etc., at once). The McCullough, at San Francisco; displacement about 1,200 tons (a seagoing vessel of considerably greater capacity than the Perrg; can reach Portland in about two and a half days, making round trip to San Francisco in five days, exclusive of time required for loading. This vessel can go anj' where desired). The Hartley, the Golden Gate — two tugs, which can be utilized for transporting supplies from the Presidio to San Francisco. They are now in San Francisco Harbor. At the suggestion of the Chief of Staff Captain Ross said he would communicate with the master of the Perrg, directing him to at once proceed to Vancouver Barracks and report to the commanding general, Department of the Columbia, for the purpose of transporting War Department supplies from that post and Portland to San Fran- cisco, provided the railroads are not open in time to admit of supplies being sent to San Francisco quicker by rail than by water. KKLTKF FOR SAN FRANCISCO. 7 No. 10. April 19, 1906. Captain Ross, Revenue-Cutter Service, telephoned to the Chief of Staff that he had just sent the following telegrams: Treasury Department, ]\'a.shington, D. C. Ca])tain Tuttle, Revenue Cutter Perry, Astoria, Oreg.: Proceed at once with Perry to Vancouver Barracks. Rei)ort conunanding general to transport at once sup]ilies San Francisco, if required. Carry out instructions of coni- nianiling general, and keep this Department advised. Taylor, Assista at Secretary. No. 11. Treasury Department, Waf^Jimgton, D. C. Captain Hamlet, Rerenue Cutter Cheth, Oakland, Cal.: Direct all officers and men and McCullough, Hartley, and Golden Gate to assist C4eneral Funston in every respect. You are directed to take charge revenue-cutter forces. Keep this Department advised. This telegram authority. Taylor, As-ttstant Secretary. No. 12. San Francisco, Cal., April 19, 1906. Military Secretary, Tro.s7((/(.r/^o«, D. C: Your four dispatches received. Have already filed several for you. Impossible now to inform you as to full extent of disaster. City practically destroyed. Troops have been aiding police patrolling and maintaining order. ^Martial law has not been declared. Working in conjunctidii with civil authorities. Have not interferred with sending of any dispatches. You can not send too many tents fir rations. About 200,000 people homeless. Food very scarce. Provision houses all destroyed. All (Tovernment buildings in city gone. 9.11 a. m. No. 13. FUNSTON. Washington, D. C, April 19, 1906. General Funston, San Francisco, Cal.: Reference your telegram this date, Secretary of War directs me to inform you Quartermaster-CTeneral has been directed to forward to San Francisco all available canvas now in possession of Army. Connnissary-General has lieen directed to send from neai'est shipping points two hundred thousand additional rations. Admiral McCalla, ^Slare Island, will be instructed to confer with you and turn over any food supplies that can be spared from stores at Mare Island; also to furnish any available canvas suitable for making improvised shelter. J. F. Bell, Chief of Staff . No. 14. San Francisco, Cal., April 19, 1906. The Military Secretary, Washingto)i, D. ('.: Latest report regarding railroad communications as follows: Ferry building and wharves to the north of Market street intact and out danger. Ferries running regu- larly to Sausalito, Tiburon, and Oakland. Railroad officials have established office in ferry l)uilding. Trains now running regularly, via Stockton, to the East and North. Report is that regular train service will be kept up. Large number of people leaving by ferries. Fire situation progressing same as reported in telegram of 10.30. Funston, Commanding. 4.19 p. m. O RELIEF FOR SAN FRANCISCO. No. 15. Fort Mason, Cal., April 19-20, 1906. The Military Secretary, Washington. Fire entirely out of control and now at Octavia street. As previously reported, practically the whole city will be destroyed. Have ordeied all availaljle troops from Vancouver Barracks to report as soon as possible. Conditions as yet are quiet, and civil authorities, assisted by the military authorities, are making every po.'-sible effort to control the situation, which is fully as well (sic) as could be expected under the circumstances. The weather continues fine and for the present no great suffering from the cold is anticipated. My telegram to ^Monterey ordering troops up from there not delivered. Can you not communicate with them from Washington, and order to report as soon as possible? All the cavalry wanted and two battalions of infantry, with all available rations. FuNSTON, (hmmanding. No. 16. VVashincwon, April 20, 1906, Commanding Officer, Presidio of Monterey, Montcrfy, Cctl.: Following telegram received from General Funston: "My telegram to Monterey, ordering troops up from there, not delivered. Can you not communicate with them from Washington, and order to report as soon as possible? All the cavalry wanted and two battalions of infantry, with all available rations. ' ' Has this telegram been received? Answer immediately. Ainswohth, Military Secretary. No. 17. Presidio, Monterey, Cai.., April 20, 1906. (Via Salina, Cal.) Military Secretary, Washington, D. C: Dispatch repeated by you received by naval torjaedo boat this morning; immediate action is being taken to comply therewith. Garrad, Commanding. No. 18. San Francisco, Cal., April 19, 1906. The Military Secretary, Washinyton, D. C: Fire crossed Van Ness avenue to west at 3.30 p. m. Almost certain now that entire city will be distroyed. Have ordered troops from Monterey and everything is going as well as could be expected. On account of confusion it has been impos- sible to locate individuals inquired for, but attention will be given to that matter as practicable. Funston, Commanding. No. 19. Oakland, Cal., April 19, 1906. Military Secretary, Washington, D. C: Burned district now approximately as follows: From water front up Broadway to INlason street, thence south to California street, thence west to Jones, thence diagonally to Van Ness and Golden Gate avenue. All this line now actively l)urning. Fire on following line practically out: From Van Ness west on Golden Gate avenue to Fillmore, thence south to Market, thence on irregular line to Valencia and Twenty-sixth, thence irregular line east to bay. Indications are that active fire line will advance west to Van Ness and north to Union and ^Montgomery avenue. About 300,000 peojjle homeless. Everything quiet. Troops cooperating with police. Famine seems inevitable. All large supply stores burned. Most energetic efforts from outside only can prevent frightful suffer- ing. Weather now fine, and it is expected to remain so. I request that everything possible be done in the way of food supplies, tentage, and blankets. No more troops needed at present. Funston, Commanding. RELIEF FOR SAN FRANCISCO. No. 20. Ferry Slip, Nan Francixro, Cnl., April 19, 1906. The Military Secretary, Washmr/ton, I). C: Official report at these headquarters this date states that the siibtreasiiry is entirely destroyed by tire, with the exception of the vaults, which contain all cash on hand. Suitable guards have been ordere. C: Fire situation at 7 o'clock this morning better. The fire has been stopped practi- cally at Franklin street. Hose now being stretched from Franklin and Broadway toward Russian Hill, al>out Union and Leavenworth, and from there irregularly toward Telegraph Hill. It is hoped to stop the tire on that line; south of Market fire has passed to west of Dolores street, but north of Market entire line under con- trol from about Fillmore and Market on irregular line to Van Ness and Broadway. That region of city west of this line and north of Market will probably be saved. Weather continues fine. Supplies arriving; situation appears a little better than was anticipated at mid- night; will keep you advised of progress. Funston, Commanding. No. 25. San Francisco, Cal., April 20, 1906. Military Secretary, Waakinglon, D. C: 9 a. m. Reference to water supply can now report as follows: Springvalley water people state that they will be able to deliver to th^^^iO i-lCJCO cc o CO I> »O000C00C^t-t-*Oi COOOOOOCD'XiO'XJTT*'^ "TjiXi 'sOCOCOCOi— it t*t--l>C^C^ OOiOiOlCOOlOC-l 00X'G0C0C0C0O3iiOt-^^t^ CO CO CO i -^ Tt T-i rH I-, ooo cctriioaicoco oai rHOOTpi>t-^ O^KNt^CN I> rH i-H C^ (N (N inC^-^COO i-l3>I>O00OOO WOOt'-X'^CMCOO' Ol CO Oi Oi fH CO (M X lO O^ ' Tf COOOiC - '- - — ■ - >COC^I>"XrH3:iXCO'— ICCC^ CD^U^ ^-^iC -^ o o:or-0'^o^ l-^ X 1-1 rT< ri i-l iC Xi OlO COC^ CO TtCOf-l to ^-{Oi c^ CO o xt-- .-IOTt yr CO c^j c O C^l CO l>rt ■*!> ^'> ! & -^ ; M ^' Ph -<- '^^ *- »-. +J O O ■ 1 ^■^^rir,^' KOT -^ o ; « n ^ ■- — — S; Cj X O r^ Ci „__ ■£ s « 0) " . 0) 14 RELIEF FOR SAN FRANCISCO. 51j a .Wh 03 "OC^'-r c^ C3 ^ « c^ m l-H lO "^ -^ ■^ 011^ CO .-1 d to C^ oi M =0-0^,0 Ti< ^ ocas !OiCt~ t-Ml-H =^ 00-* ■M ■g^rt Oi CC P o3 f^^- 0.0 s "■'- f^jS-a ■S^^- COQOt- CO r-. 05 £ If l^ «J ■g CO ^;^ Cf f=H OS i 00 0^ 35 -t-t • O) ^ OS c i:- a^ ^ .. c2^'S?^ For San Hou; ton, "?* CO __ p- OOl P u fe c ^-5 rSP./ ;i S :o -1- l^ OsO l^'gd ^ -^^ ^o«^ to to 35 'O t. ^ -j< too tot-- CO 0^ ^S to -^ OS CI 5;^^ : 03 3 oj >omg 23^^ • GO i-H to ■ -'|l •"* 1 , to CO tH '• 1^^ CO to 1 ^g- _a "S OJ ti^ [3 0^ -^ ; ^ aoj" - r- *^ a <; §§ta • n C1.0 -^ -2 - a =^ ^ .S a«- cs c "3 2 CO 1 KELIKF FOR SAN FKANCIHCO. 15 [Mi'inoranduni for the Cliicl' of SlalT. 1 War Dki'autment, Office of the QrARTEUMASTFK-GENKiJAr., WdsJihujton, April .in, lUiHj. I send herewith ofHcial copies of tch'^rains sent and received i-ela- tive to shipment of quartermaster's siip[)lies from various depots to San Francisco, in pursuance to your instructions. As stated in my memorandum of y(>sterday, tlie conunandino- gen- erals and all the departments involved have been instructed to have all wall tents, conical wall tents, and hospital tents, at the following- posts sent to San Fi'aiicisco at once l\v express: Vancouver liarracks, Foi't Logan, Fort Sam Houston, Fort Snelling, Fort Riley, Fort Doug- las, Fort 1). A. Russell, Presidio of Monterey, Fort Sheridan, Fort Leavenworth. Li ever}' case the quartermasters and other otiicers involved have acknowledged receipt of the orders for shipment, and have either stated that the supplies had left or would l)e shipped within a few hours. As a matter of fact, most of it is on its way to San Francisco at the present time, by express. Railroads are cooperating with the departments in expediting the shipment of this property, having given the supply trains right of way over all passengei' and other trains. Instructions have just l)een sent to the depot quartermaster, St. Louis, to ship r»y expiess all common, conical, and hospital tents with necessary poles, tripods, etc.. on hand at that depot, from those set aside for relief of Hood sutierei's, to San Francisco. This OfKce is in receipt of a telegram from (xovernor Mead, of Wash- ington, stating that he had l)etween 800 and contents available, which he could ship to San Francisco. Request has been sent to Governor Mead that he ship these tents, consigned to depot (juartermaster, San Francisco, ])y first steamer. Respectfully sul)mitted. C. F. Humphrey, QiiarteriiKister Oeneral^^ U. S. Arnuj. TELEGRAMS SENT. Washington, D. C, Ajyril 19, 1906. Commanding General Department of California, San Francisco, Cal.: Ship by express to depot (jiiartermaster, Sau Francisco, all wall, conical, and hos- pital tents, complete, that are now at IMonterey. By order of the Secretary of War: Humphrey, Quartermaster-General. Washington, I). C, Aiiril 19, 1906. Depot Quartermaster, San Francisco: Telegraphic instructions given to commanding general Department of Missouri and commanding general Department Colorado to ship by express to depot quar- termaster, San Francisco, all wall, conical, and hospital tents, complete, at Forts Douglas, Logan, Leavenworth, and' Riley. Humphrey, (^uarter)naster- General. 16 RELIEF FOR SAN FRANCISCO. Washington, D. C, April 19, 1906. Depot Quartermaster, San Francisco: Following tentage ordered to you: From Philadelphia, 3,425 conical tents, with poles and tripods, and 10,169 joints pipe. From (Jmaha, 5,297 joints pipe and 3,500stove8. From Chicago, 170,000 tent pins. From St. Louis, 1,824 joints pipe. Humphrey, (iaartermaster-General. Washington, I). C, April 19, 19(16. Commanding General, Department of California, San Francisco: Am shipping blankets, mattresses, Vjed sacks, and additional tentage, which, with that ordered this morning, should accommodate 100,000 people. Can you use paulins? Humphrey, Quartermaster- General. Washington, D. C, April 19, 1906. Depot Quartermaster, San Francisco: In addition to tentage ordered to you fiom Philadelphia, Omaha, Chicago, St. Louis, and Forts Douglas, Logan, Leavenworth, and Riley, as advised in my two dispatches this morning, following additional tentage will be sent you by express: From Jeffer- sonville, 271 common tents, drab; 373 common tents, white; 6 hospital tents, drab; 2 hospital tents, khaki; 7,000 small tent pins; 12 hospital tent flies, white. From Philadelphia, 26 storage tent flies, 312 sets storage tent poles, 13 hospital tent flies, drab. From Omaha, 24 hosiiital tent flies, khaki. From Chicago, 312 storage tents. From St. Louis, 29 storage tents, 31 hospital tents, drab; 138 hospital tents, khaki; 11 white common tents, 231 drab common tents, 19,000 large and 32,000 small tent pins, 4 drab hospital tent flies, 124 hospital tent flies, khaki; 200 sets hospital tent poles, 900 sets connnon tent poles. From New York, 211 storage tent flies. Humphrey, (Quartermaster- General. Washington, .l])ril 19, 1906. General Funston, San Francisco: Have ordered Capt. Jesse M. Baker to accompany train load of rations and tentage to 'Frisco and report in person to you. He has had large experience in distribution of supplies, Johnstown flood, and think he will be useful for you. By order of the Secretary of War: H UMPHREY, Quartermaster- General. Washington, April 19, 1906. Depot Quartermaster, Fliiladel])Jria: Ship by express at once to depot quartermaster, San Francisco, following tentage: One thousand nine hundred ninety-three common drab; 499 conical improved khaki, with poles; 13 regulation conical white, with poles; 124 hospital regulation drab; 873 hospital regulation, khaki; 61 hospital flies, drab; 936 hospital flies, khaki; 34 improved hospital tents khaki, with poles; 25 improved hospital flies, khaki; 23 storage tents; 23 sets storage-tent poles; 6 regulation wall, drab, with poles; 2,455 regulation wall tents khaki, witli poles; 304 regulation wall flies, dral); 2,157 regulation wall flies, khaki; 1,760 imjiroved wall tents with poles; 1,760 wall flies; 329 .sets conical tent poles, extra; 23,400 tent pins, large; 19,600 tent pins, small; 512 tent stoves; 4,310 joints stovepipe. Also 18,777 olive-drab blankets, 8,174 Hght-weight blankets, 7,478 mat- tresses, 11,400 bed sacks, 4,029 mattress covers. Acknowledge receipt. Report when shipment complete. Follow through by wire, and report arrival. Humphrey, Quartermaster-General. Washington, Apiil 19, 1906. Depot Quartermaster, Philadelphia, Fa.: Ship by express at once to depot quartermaster, San Francisco, 3,425 regulation conical tents, complete. Acknowledge receipt. Report when shipment complete. H UMPHREY, Qu ariermaster- General. Washington, April 19, 1906. Depot Quartermaster, FhilaJelphia: Ship by express at once to depot quartermaster, San Francisco, all Gold Medal cots on hand at your depot. Acknowledge recept. Report number shipped and when shipment completed. Follow tlirough by wire and report arrival. H UMPHREY, Quarter master-Gerieral. KELIKK FOR SAN FKANCISCO. 17 \Vas[tiN(;ton, A/>rl/ 19, 190'!. OEPtrr QiAHTEUMAsi'iCK, J'liilad(i/)liiot Quartermaster, P]iiliidelj)liia: Two messages sent yon regarding tentage. Matter thoroughly nnderstood in this othce. Carry ont yoni' orders with all dispatch. H I'.M I'HRKY, (jatirtcriiKi^lcr-deneraL \VASHl.\-(iTON, Ai)nl J9, 1906. II. K. Holler, P}iUniernl. WASHiNciTON, April 19, 1906. Colonel Pope, Depot Qniirtermnster, Pliiludi'lpliia, P<(.: Please ascertain and let me know if supplies ordered from yi^ur depot to San Fran- cisco will be sent out in solid train; and if not, in what manner they will be sent. H UMPHREY, Quarter master-General. Washington, April 19, 1906. Depot Quartermaster, *S'/. Louis: Ship by express at once to the depot (juartermaster, San Francisco, 29 storage tents; 31 hospital tents, drab; 138 hospital tents, khaki; 11 white common tents; 231 drab conniion tents; 19,000 large and 32,000 small tent pins; 4 hospital-tent flies, drab; 12-1 hospital-tent flies, khaki; 200 sets hospital-tent poles; 900 sets common tentpoles. Acknowledge receipt. Report when shipment complete. FoUowthrough by wire and report arrival. C. F. Humphrey, Quartermasier-(reiieral. Washin(;ton, April 19, 1906. Depot Quarter.vlvster, St. Louis: Ship by express at once to depot quartermaster, San Francisco, 2 common tents, khaki, with poles; 23 storage tent flies; 1,993 sets common tent poles; 1,293 sets hos- pital poles; 21 sets conical wall tent poles; 31 hospital tents, drab; 138 hospital tents, khaki; 34 Munsons' hospital tents; 11 Munsons' hospital flies; 350 tent stoves; 612 light-weight blankets; 4,800 mattresses; 983 bed sacks; 4,926 mattress covers. Acknowledge recei})t. Report when shipment complete. Follow through by wire and rejiort arrival. H UM PHREY, QiiarterDuister- General. Washington, April 19, 1906. Depot Quartermaster, (SV. Louis: Ship bj' express at once to depot quartermaster, San Francisco, all gold-medal cots on hand at your depot. Acknowledge receipt. Report number shipped and when shipment completed. Follow through by wire and report arrival. Humphrey, Quartermaster-ileneral. H. Doc. 714, 59-1 -2 18 RPZLIKF FOR SAN FKAXCISCO. Washin(;tox, April 19, Utna. Depot Qlwrtek.mastkk, St. Louix: Ship by express at oiic-e to depot quartermaster, San FraiK'i.>j(0, 1,S24 joints stove- pipe. Acknowledge receipt. Report when shipment complete. Follow through by wire and report arrival. Humphrey, (^uiirteriiiuster-aein'i-al. WASHiN(iToN, April 19, 1906. Depot Quartermaster, Ji'ffcrsoirviUe: Ship by express at once to depot quartermaster, San Francisco, 68 sets wall-tent poles; 9 regulation conical tents, tlrab; 5 regulation conical, khaki; 7 regulation coni- cal, white; 6 regulation hospital, drab; 2 regulation hospital, khaki; 2o regulation hos- pital, white; 2 regulation wall, khaki; 2 regulation wall files, drab; 4,086 tent pins, large; 22,462 tent pins, small; 60,557 light-weight blankets; 47 mattresses; 1,426 beil sacks. Acknowledge receipt. Report when shipment complete. Follow through by wire and report arrival. Humphrey, (^uartennaxter-d'eiieral. Washin(;tox, April 19, 1900. Depot Quarter.mastek, Jcferxonril.lf: Ship by exjiress at once to the depot quartermaster, San Francisco, 271 common tents, drab; 373 common tents, white; 6 hospital tents, drab; 2 hospital tents, khaki; 7,000 small tent pins; 12 hospital tent files, white. Acknowledge I'eceipt. Re])ort when shipment complete. Follow through by wire and report arrival. C. F. Humphrey, (^n(irter)iviiress at once to the depot quartermaster, San Francisco, 312 storage tents. Acki)owledge receipt. Report when shipment complete. Follow through by wire and report arrival. Humphrey, Qii(irteriiia.<rt arrival. Humphrey, Qitartynnai^ter- General. KKLIKF FOR SAN FRANCISCO. 19 Washington, Ajiril 19, 1906. Commanding CiKNEKAi,, Dior aktmeni' of tiik Lakes, Cliic(((/(i, III.: Reference your telegram this afternoon, Secretary War directs \-ou send l)y Cap- tain Hutton the 312 storage tents referred to by you. McCain, MHItarij Secretary. Note.— Copy made from original tiletl by Colonel McCain in telegraph office at 9.50 p. m., April l(), ]90(). Tiiree liundred and twelve storage tents had already been ordered shipped, being in the Chicago depot. Washington. April 19, 1906. Commanding General, Department Missouri, Omaha, Nehr.: Ship bv express to depot r/7 19, 1906. Chief Quartermaster, Omaha: Ship by express at once to depot quartermaster, San Francisco, 849 wall tent pins, 51 mattresses, 283 bed sacks. Acknowledge receipt. Report when shipment com- plete. Follow through by wire and report arrival. Humphrey, Quartermaster- (ieneral. Washincjton, April 19, 1906. Commanding General, Department of Colorado, Denver, Colo. : Ship by express to depot quartermaster, San Francisco, all wall, conical, and hos- pital tents complete at Forts Douglas and Logan. Send competent officers with ship- ment to see that prompt delivery is made at San Francisco. By order of the Secretary of War: Humphrey, Quarter maxter-i.reneral. Washington, April 19, 1906. Commanding General, Department of Texas, San Antonio, Tex.: Ship by express to depot quartermaster, San Francisco, all wall, conical, and hos- pital tents complete that are now at Fort Sam Houston. Send competent officer with shipment to see to prompt delivery at San Francisco. By order of the Secretary of War: Humphrey, Qnarterinaxter-General. 20 RELIEF FOR SAN FRANCISCO. Washington, Ajiril 19, 1906. Commanding Gkneral, Department ok Dakota, St. Paul, Minn.: Ship by express to depot quartermaster, San Francisco, all wall, conical, and hospital tents complete that are now at Fort Snelling. Send (■ompetent othcer with shipment to see to prompt delivery at San Francisco. By order of the Secretary of War: Humphrey, Quartermaster-General. Washington, April 19, 1906. Commanding (teneral. Department ok Columbia, Vaiiconrer Barracks, Wai^Jt.: Ship by express to depot quartermaster, San Francisco, all wall, conical, and hospital tents complete now at Vancouver. Acknowledge receipt. Send competent officer with shipment to see to prompt delivery at San Francisco. By order of the Secretary of War: H UM I'H KEY, Quartermaster- General. Washington, April 19, 1906. Depot Quartermaster, Boston: Ship by express at once to depot quartermaster, San Francisco, 6,567 olive drab blankets and 213 mattresses. Acknowledge receipt. Report when shipment com- plete. Follow through by wire and report arrival. Humphrey, Quartennaster-General. Washington, April 19, 1906. Capt. Jesse M. Baker, Portlanii, Oreij.: (jro with train to San Francisco and report to (General Funston, who has been advised. Will secure orders to-morrow. By order of the Secretary of War. Humphrey, Quartermaster- General. Washington, April 19, 1906. Governor ok Nebraska, Lincoln, Nehr.: By authority of Secretary of War, you will ship by express to the depot quarter- master at San Francisco all tents and blankets now in liands of Nebraska National Guard. C. F. Humphrey, Quartermaster-General. Washington, April 19, 1906. Gen. F. D. Grant, Commandin'!, Gorernors Island, N. Y.: Your telegram to Military Secretary referred to me. Have shipped from general depots and larger posts in the West tentage for 100,000 people. Will of course draw on New York if more tentage is required after having taken what can be supplied from other jioints. Much of the tentage above referred to is now en route to San Francisco. Humphrey, Quartermaster-General. Washington, April 19, 1906. Commandin(;-General, Department Calipoknia, San Francisco, Cal.: Am sending by express to depot quartermaster, San Francisco, from Jeffersonville depot 50 paulins, 18 by 30, and 300 paulins, 12 by 16; from New York depot 600 paulins, 18 by 30, and 300 paulins, 12 by 16. C. F. Humphrey, Quartermaster-General. Washington, April 20, 1906. Chief Quartermaster, Department California, San Francisco: Wire number of each kind of tents and parts thereof shipped from INIonterey to depot quartermaster, San Francisco, under instructions of 19th instant. Humphrey, Quartermaster-General. RELIEF FOR, SAN FRANCISCO. 21 Washington, April :iO, 1906. Depot (,2iartek.ma.ster, San Fv<(ucisco: Governor of Nebraska has shipped to yon l)y ex))ress all tents and blankets now in hands of Nebraska National (xnard. H UMPHKEY, Quartcrmastcr-d'oieiril. Washinoton, April 20, 1906. Depot Quartermaster, Sun Francisco: Governor of Washington will ship to yon by steamer between three and four hun- dred tents. Humphrey, (Quarter inaMer- General. Washington, . Ipn7 20, 1906. Depot Quartermaster, Pliilndclpliia: The tentage received into stock April I, and referred to in your telej^honic message just received, will not be shipped to San Francisco for the present. ('. F. Humphrey, Qunrterniaster-d'eneral. WASHiN(iTON, April 20, 1900. Depot Quartermaster, Philadclphiu, Pa.: All tentage of Army now en route to San Francisco. Conti'actors have l)een urged to hasten (leliveries of duck. Report what material you have on hand and how many tentmakers at work. Push manufacture of tents. What tents due to be manufactured on authorizations already given. Humphrey, Qiarrti'vinattter-Geiieral. Washington, April 20, 1906, Depot Quartermaster, *S'/. Louis: Ship by express, at once, to depot quartermaster, San Francisco, all white common; drab, khaki, and white conical; dral), khaki, and wliite hospital tents and tlies, with necessarv poles and tripods, to be taken from those set aside for issue to flood suf- ferers. Send all such as are serviceable and tit for use. Acknowledge receipt. Fol- low through by wire and report arrival. Report number of each kind shipped and when shipment is complete. Humphrey, (lua rlcrmader-General . Washington, April 20, 1906. Depot Quartermaster, Jetf'ersonvilh' , Ind.: Ship by express, immediately, to depot quartermaster, San Francisco, 50 paulins, 18 by 30, and oOO paulins, 12 by 16. Acknowledge receipt. Report shipment by wire. C. F. Humphrey, QnartermaMer-General. AVashington, April 20, 1906. Depot Quartermaster, New York: Ship by express, immediately, to depot quartermaster, San Francisco, 600 paulins, 18 by 30, and 300 paulins, 12 Ijy 16. Acknowledge receipt. Re{)ort shipment by wire. C. F. Humphrey, QvartermaMer-General. Washington, April 20, 1906. Chief Quartermaster, Department Lakes, Ghirago: Wire number of each kind of tents and parts thereof shipjjed from Fort Sheridan to the depot quartermaster, San Francisco, under instructions of the 19th instant. C. F. Humphrey, Qitarterniasfer-Genrral. Washington, April 20, 1906. Chief Quartermaster, Chicago: Reference your telegram this date, ship no further storage tents to San Francisco in addition to the 312 ordered sent l)y this office on the 19th instant until further advised. C. F. Humphrey, (/uarterniaMer-Geiwral. 22 RELIEF FOR SAN FRANCISCO. Washington, April 20, 1906. Chief Quartermaster, Department of Missouri, Omaha, Nehr.: Wire number of each kind of tents and parts thereof shipped from Forts Russell, Leavenworth, and Riley to depot quartermaster, San Francisco, under instructions of 19th instant, specifying quantity sent from each of the posts named. Humphrey, Quartennaster- General. Washington, Ajml 20, 1906. Chief Quartermaster, Department of Colorado, Denver: Wire number of each kind of tents and parts thereof shipped from Forts Douglas and Logan to depot quartermaster, San Francisco, under instructions of the 19th instant, specifying quantity sent from each of the posts named. C. F. Humphrey, Quarterinaster-General. WashiN(;ton, April 20, 1906. Chief Quartermaster, Department of Texas, San Antonio, Tex.: Wire number of each kind of tents and parts thereof 8hi])ped from Fort Sam Houston to depot quartermaster, San Francisco, under instructions of 19th instant. Humphrey , Quartermaster- General. Washington, D. C, April W, 1906. Chief Quartermaster, Department Columbia, Vancouver Barraclcx, Wash. : Wire number of each kind of tents and parts thereof shipped from Vancouver Barracks under instructions of 19th instant. C. F. Humphrey, Quarter mast er-General. Washington, April 20, 1906. Governor of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr.: Wire number of each kind of tent and parts thereof, and blankets shipped by you to depot quartermaster, San Francisco, under authority 19th instant. Humphrey, Quartermaster- General. Washington, April 20, 1906. Governor Mead, Olympia, Wash.: Referencfe your telegram 19th instant, ship all available tents by steamer, consigned to depot quartermaster, San Francisco. Please wire number and kind transferred. Humphrey, Quartermaster-General. TELEGRAMS RECEIVED. San Francisco, Cal., April 18, 1906. Quartermaster-General, Washington, D. C: Terrible earthquake at 5.15 this morning. Buildings on tire all over lower part of city. No water. Mission street quartermaster and commissary depots burned to the ground. Office building and storehouse, ;^6 Montgomery street, now on fire; small hope of saving. No fire at vlock; pulled Buford out in stream. Saved most of records and sent to Presidio. Devol, < Quartermaster. 10.15 a. m. Philadelphia, Pa., April 19, 1906. Quartermaster-General, Washington, D. C: Telegram received. Am sending tent stovepipe by express, as it is understood that it is to go with the tents. Pope, Depot Quartermaster. 2.09 p. 111. RELIEF BOK SAN FKANCTSCO. 23 CniCAco, Ii,i,., April 19, 1906. QrARTEKMASTEK-GKNKHAI;, ]Vas]li)H/toi) , 1). C: Union and Sontliern Pacitic officials report trains runninij; to Oakland. Santa Fe officials report trains runninfi to Point Riclimond, Cal., and that slips on San Fran- cisco side are all burned down, making it impracticable for ferryboats to land. They state they ai'e [nittiuiz l)arfres on the )-oute for transfer of freight and passengers. Robinson, Chief Qiutrtermaster. 2.'.V2 p. ni. St. J.ouis, Mo., Ajirll 19, 1906. Qi'ARTRRM aster-General, Wadiingtou: Telegram this date directing shipment stovepipe to San Frant'isco received. Ship- ments complete, goes forward to-night. Von Schrader, (^nartcrinaxter. 2.36 p. m. Omaha, Nebr., April 19, 1906. QUARTERMASTEU-CiENEKAL, ]Vnshi)){lton, D. C: Southern Pacitic Railroad reports to Union Pacitic officials here that their line is open for l)usiness to Oakland, Gal. Ferry between there and San Francisco doing only a limited business; no report from line between Oakland antl San Francisco, but line understood to l)e l)adly embarrassed. Reference your telegram this date. Zalinski, Chief (Junrterniaiiter. 4.41 p. m. Governors Island, X. Y., Ajjril 19, 1906. The -Militarv Secretary, War Department, Washington, D. C: Referring to the calamity in San Francisco, there is on hand in this dei)artment, ready for immediate shipment in case desired 1,257 common tents, 1,001 conical tents, 577 wall tents, 1H2 hospital tents, 5,432 cots, and 1,060 tent stoves. F. D. (jRANT, Coinnmnding. 4.47 p. m. New York, A/iril 19, 1906. QiARTERM aster-General, WasJiingtun: Telegram directing express shipment to San Francisco 21 1 storage-tent Hies received. All will go by Wells- Fargo express 8. .30 to-night. Miller, Depot Quartermaster. 5.17 p. m. Chicago, III., A]>ril 19, 1906. Quartermaster-( General, WasJdngton, D. C: Acknowledging receipt of your two telegrams to-day relative to storage tents, tent pins, and stovepipe, entire consignment will be shipped from here this evening and early morning to express. Will follow by wire and report delivery. Robinson, Chief Quartermaster. 5.47 p. m. St. Louis, Mo., April 19, 1906. Quartermaster-General, Washington, D. C: Your telegram this date, directing shipment certain tentage to San Francisco by express, received. Von Schrader, ( Quartermaster. 5.51 p. m. St. Louis, Mo., April 19, 1906. Quartermaster-General, Wasliington, D. C: Stovepipe ordered to San Francisco shipped via Wells-Fargo Express to-night, ref- erence your wire this date. VoN Schrader, Quartermaster. 6.04 p. m. Philadelphia, Pa., April 19, 1906. Quartermaster-General, Washington, D. C: Reference your telegram this date. Supplies for San Francisco will be sent out in two solid trains, one via Adams Express, the other via United States Express. Pope. Depot Qnaiiermaster. 6.3S p. m. 24 RELIEF FOR SAN FRANCISCO. Chicago, III., April 19, 190(1. MiijTARY Secretary, Army, Wasliington, D. C: Captain Hutton, Twenty-seventh Infantry, leaves Fort Sheridan to-morrow night for San Francisco, taking 47 wall tents, 144 conical tents, and 17 hospital tents. If the 312 storage tents reported to-day available in this city desired, can go same shipment. Carter, Coiinnaiidirig. 6.47 p. m. Omaha, Nebr., April 19, 1906. Quartermaster-General, Wa.^liivgtoii, I). C: Shipment conical tent stoves and pipe and hospital tent Hies directed in your tele- grams to-day, loaded in three Ijaggage cars, left here 5.20 p. m. by Pacific Express running as first section Union Pacific passenger train No. 3. Should reach San Francisco Sunday noon. Will follow l)y wire and report arrival to your office as soon as known. Depot quartermaster San Francisco notified of this shipment with numbers and initials of cars used. ' Zalixski, Chief QiKtrtenna.^ter. 10.50 p. m. St. Paul, Mixx., April 19, 1906. Military Secrp^tarv, War DejKuirnmt, Wi(.'editiously by fast fi'eight; will reach San Francisco on seventh day from shipment, by express; sixty hours passenger service. West, Co)ini)lf;mr;/. By direction of the Secretary, connnunicated through the Chief of Stall', additional shipment of 200, 000 rations was ordered from Port- land, as per the following telegram: D.wis, Corinnissury, Vdvroaver Barracks, Wasli.: Following telegram sent you last night: "Purchase 200,000 rations and ship imme- diately to depot commissary, San Francisco. Greatest urgency. Have stores rushed forward without delay. Acknowledge receipt and state when and how shipment will be made." 26 RELIEF FOR SAN FRANCISCO. Add 200,000 rations to above order. Call on CTeary for any yjortion of these stores you require. In connection with this revenue cutter Perry, Captain Tutle, will report to department commander transport rations to Frisco unless same can be more expe- ditiously forwarded by rail. What additional number of rations can you obtain in Portland? Answer. Sharpe, (.'o)niiiissari/-General. The subjoined is his repl}': Received telegram 18th midnight. Am shipping this afternoon 200,000 rations special train. Railroad promises to deliver early Saturday morning. Will ship 200,000 rations, order of 19th, special train to-inorrovv. Can purchase ample supplies here, Seattle, and Tacoma, but will have to improvise rations, as some articles can not be supplied at short notice. Railroad at present offers more expeditious way of sending than revenue cutter. Am gathering, on request of General Funston, all rations that can be spared from posts, all to be shipped to-day. Davis, CoriDiilssari/. And the depot commissary at San Francisco was advised as follows: By instructions Secretary of War 400,000 rations ordered shi|)ped you by Davis, Vancouver, for issue to destitutes under instructions General Funston. Your wire received. Sh ARPE, Co)ii til issary- General. On the 19th the purchasing commissary at Seattle was teleo-raphed as follows: What number of rations can you obtain for immediate delivery in Seattle and Tacoma? Can you have same ship|ied exjieditiously to San Francisco? If so, by what means? Answer. Sh ARPE, 0»n III i.'<-mrii- (leneral. To which the following reply was received: Can supply from here and vicinity 300,000 partial rations immediately. Quick transportation assured. If ordered to purchase, recjuest authority to substitute for components not furnished. ( 7 E A R Y , Coiiim /.s'-svY ry . At 11 p. m. on the 19th 1 was instructed ))y the Secretary of War personally to ship 300,000 rations from Seattle, and sent the following telegram : Geary, Cominisaary, Seattle, Wadi.: Secretary of War directs purchase and immediate shipment of 800,000 partial rations. You are authorized to make substitutions. Invoice to depot commis.sary, Frisco. Acknowledge and give date shipment and probable date arrival Frisco. Sua rpe, Com rn issary- General. And the purchasing commissary at Vancouver was advised as follows: Geary ordered ship .'lOOjOOO rations from Seattle. See that shipment is exjjedited from Portland. Sharpe, Commissar y-- ment, with invoices and bills of lading, twenty times annual allowance post of 1,000, paragrajihs 246 to 258, inclusive. Use your discreti(jn as to what furniture and other nonexpendaljle articles you will include. Be prepared also to ship one or two field hospitals and several regimental hospitals. You are authorized to employ tempo- rarily such additional laborers as may be necessary. Acknowledge receipt. O'Reilly, Surgeon-General. [Telegram.] War Depart.ment, Office of the Strgeon-Genekal, Washington, April 19, 1.906. Lient, Col. Louis W. Crampton, Deputg Surgeon-General U. S. Army, Medical Supply Depot, 204-208 South Eighth street, St. Louis, Mo. The Secretary of War has authorized shipment of five carloads medical supplies by exjjress. Assistant Surgeon Powell and detachment Hospital Corps will report to you to accompanj' it. Have them assist in loading, so as to be familiar with location of articles. Ship one field hospital, three regimental hospitals, and other supplies, a« per telegram this morning. Add .sufficient to make up five cars. Authority granted to purchase articles not on hand. O' Reilly, Surgeon-General. RELIKK FOR SAN FKANCISOO. 31 ['ruk'Kniin.] St. r>()ris, ^Fi)., April 19, IDOd. SuHClCON-dlOXKK \I. I'mTKI) StaTE.S AkMY, Waxfi'nigtoii, I>. ('. Ti4('>^raiii reL-cixed. ^Vill "jo to work at oiux' for licld aiul rcLiiiiicntal liospital. Have all the rliestt^ and bedding, but no containern for the nuHlieine. Authority reciuested to purchase article^; not on hand. Chami'tox, fji('i(teii(()tt-( 'oloiit'l. Wak Department, OfKICE of THB: SrUCiEON-GENEUAL, W(ixhiii(/to)i, April 19, I'.iUn. Sik; 1 have the honor to recoruinend that First Lieut. William A. Powell, assistant surgeon, now at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., be detailed as acting quartermaster, and with a sergeant and two privates, (irst class, or privates, Hospital Corps, to be selecteDi,it\rv Secketakv ok the Awmv. K. M. O'Reii.lv, S)ir