Class ^S^7 GoBTigiitW. COPVRIGHT DEPOSm Jricr/l-l^C tJco^lyC^/Vi FOUNDER OF THE TOWN OF ROODHOUSE. / HISTORY Greene County ILLINOIS Jits ^ast anlr present, CONTAINING History of the County; Its Cities, Towns, Etc.; A Biographical Directory of its Citizens ; War Record of its Volunteers in THE Late Rebellion ; Portraits of its Early Settlers and Prominent Men; General and Local Statistics; His- tory OF THE Northwest; History of Illinois; Constitution of the United States; Map of Greene County ; Miscellaneous Matters, Etc., Etc. ILLUSTRATED. : • ■ 'o.SkLk c6PYR/G>y^'>' Big Eagle f^.. ILLUSTRATIONS. Page Capt. Jack, the Modoc Chieftain 83 Kinzle House 85 Village Residence 86^ A Representative Pioneer 87 Lincoln Monument, Springfield. 88 A Pioneer School House 89 Farm View in the Winter 90^-1 Spring Scene 91\j Pioneers' First Winter 92 v Apple Harvest 94 , Great Iron Bridge of the C, R. I " P. R.R., crossing the Missis- Hunting Prairie Wolves at an Early Day 1 Starved Rock, on the Illinois River. LaSalle Co., Ill 110« An Early Settlement 116^ Page Chicago in 1833. 133 ~ Old Fort Dearborn, 1830 136\ Present Site Lake Street Bridge, Chicago, 1 833 13a Ruins of Chicago 142> View of the City of Chicago 144- Shabbona 149 Carrollton School Building 341^ Carrollton Gazette Printing Of- fice 368 Carrollton Patriot Printing Of- fice Carrollton Machine Shop and Foundry 371 Loomis * Villinger's Jewelry Store, Carrollton 373 White Hall Register Office 402 PORTRAITS. Page i Page I Page Husted E. M 1474 Price George B 219'^ Roodhouse John Frontispiece Jones John 20]> Robley Richard 165*1 Underwood Angelina 332 Patterson James L 183J CONTENTS. GREENE COUNTY WAR RECORD. Page Infantry. 7th 431 9th (consolidated) 431 12th 431 14th 431 Veteran Battalion, 14th and 15th 433 14th (reorganized) 434 15th " 435 16th 435 1 8th (reorganized) 435 19th 4.35 22d 435 27th 435 28th (consolidated) 435 29th 435 30th 435 32d 435 33d 438 34th 438 38th 438 49th 438 50th 438 Infantry. 53d 439 55th 439 58th 439 59th. 439 61st 441 62d 450 64th 450 66th 450 76th 450 91st 450 97lh 457 101st.. 457 106th 457 113th 457 114th 457 119th 457 122d 457 124th 459 126th 459 127th 459 128th 459 129th 459 Paoe Infantry. 133d 459 144th 461 145th 462 146th 462 149th 462 152d 462 154th 462 Cavalry. 3d (consolidated) 462 6th... 463 7th 463 9th 463 10th 463 11th 463 12th , 463 12th (consolidated) 465 Artillery. 1st 466 2d 466 29th U.S. Colored Infantry 466 First Army Corps 467 DIRECTORIES. Page CarrroUton 469 Greenfield 661 Kane 726 Kockbridge 661 White Hall 524 Wrightsville 661 Town 9 North Range 10 West... 720 " 9 " " 11 " ...726 10 " •' 10 10 " " 11 10 " •' 12 10 " " 13 10 " " 14 11 " ■• 10 ..706 ..508 ..716 Page 11 North Range 11 West. ..629 12 •' 12 •' 12 " 12 " 1 1 I ;:;! ABSTRACT OF 'ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. Page Adoption of Children 160 Bills of Exchange and Promis- sory Notes 151 Conuty Courts 1 55 Conveyances 164 Church Organizations 189 Descent 151 Deeds and Mortgages 157 Drainage 163 Damages from Trespass 169 Definition of Commercial Termsl73 Exemptions from Forced Sale. . . 156 Estrays 157 Pences 168 Forms: Articles of Agreement 175 Bills of Purchase 174 Bills of Sale 176 Forms: Page Bonds 176 Chattel Mortgages 177 Codicil 189 Lease of Farm and B'Idings.l79 Lease of House 180 Landlord's Agreement 180 Notes 174 Notice Tenant to Quit 181 Orders 174 Quit Claim Deed 185 Receipt 174 Real Estate Mortgage to se- cure Payment of Money 181 Release 186 Tenant's Agreement 180 Tenant's Notice to Quit 181 Warranty Deed 1 82 Will 187 Page Game 151 Interest 1 58 Jurisdiction of Courts 154 Limitation of Action 155 Landlord and Tenant 169 Liens 172 Married Women 1.55 Millers 159 Marks and Brands 159 sand Bridges 161 Surveyors and Surveys 160 Suggestions to Persons purchas- ing Books by Subscription 190 Taxes 154 Wills and Estates 152 Weights and Measures 158 Wolf Scalps 164 Page Map of Greene'County front. Constitution of the United Statesl92 Electors of President and Vice- President. 1876 206 Practical Rules for every day use 207 U. S. Government Land Meas- ure 210 MISCELLANEOUS. Page Surveyors Measure 211 How to keep Accounts 211 Interest Table 212 Miscellaneous Table 212 Names of the States of the Union and their Significations 213 Population of the U. S 214 Page Population of Fifty Principal Cities of the U. S 214 Population and Area of the U. S.215 Population of the Principal Countries in the World 215 Population of Illinois 216 Agricultural Productions of Illi- nois by Counties 218 Northwest Territory. Hi m 5 S The Northwest Territory. GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION. When the Northwestern Territory was ceded to the United States by Virginia in 1784, it embraced only the territory lying between the Ohio and the Mississippi Rivers, and north to the northern limits of the United States. It coincided with the area now embraced in the States of Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, and that portion of Minnesota lying on the east side of the Mississippi River. The United States itself at that period extended no farther west than the Mississippi River; but by the purchase of Louisiana in 1803, the western boundary of the United States was extended to the Rocky Mountains and the Northern Pacific Ocean. The new territory thus added to the National domain, and subsequently opened to settlement, has been called the "New Northwest," in contradistinction from the old "Northwestern Territory." In comparison with the old Northwest this is a territory of vast magnitude. It includes an area of 1,887,850 square miles ; being greater in extent than the united areas of all the Middle and Southern States, including Texas. Out of this magnificent territory have been erected eleven sovereign States and eight Territories, with an aggregate popula- tion, at the present time, of 13,000,000 inhabitants, or nearly one third of the entire population of the United States. Its lakes are fresh-water seas, and the larger rivers of the continent flow for a thousand miles through its rich alluvial valleys and far- stretching prairies, more acres of which are arable and productive of the highest percentage of the cereals than of any other area of like extent on the globe. For the last twenty years the increase of population in the North- west has been about as three to one in any other portion of the United States. (19) 20 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. EARLY EXPLORATIONS. In the year 1.541, DeSoto first saw the Great West in the New World. He, however, penetrated no farther north than the 35th parallel of latitude. The expedition resulted in his death and that of more than half his army, the remainder of whom found their way to Cuba, thence to Spain, in a famished and demoralized condition. DeSoto founded no settlements, produced no results, and left no traces, unless it were that he awakened the hostility of the red man against the white man, and disheartened such as might desire to follow up the career of discovery for better purposes. The French nation were eager and ready to seize upon any news from this extensive domain, and were the first to profit by DeSoto's defeat. Yet it was more than a century before any adventurer took advantage of these discoveries. In 1616, four years before the pilgrims " moored their bark on the wild New England shore," Le Caron, a French Franciscan, had pene- trated through the Iroquois and Wyandots (Hurons) to the streams which run into Lake Huron ; and in 1634, two Jesuit missionaries founded the first mission among the lake tribes. It was just one hundred years from the discovery of the Mississippi by DeSoto (1541) until the Canadian envoys met the savage nations of the Northwest at the Falls of St. Mary, below the outlet of Lake Superior. This visit led to no permanent result; yet it was not until 1659 that any of the adventurous fur traders attempted to spend a Winter in the frozen wilds about the great lakes, nor was it until 1660 that a station was established upon their borders by Mesnard, who perished in the woods a few months after. In 1665, Claude Allouez built the earliest lasting habitation of the white man among the Indians of the Northwest. In 1668, Claude Dablon and James Marquette founded the mission of Sault Ste. Marie at the Falls of St. Mary, and two years afterward, Nicholas Perrot, as agent for M. Talon, Governor Gen- eral of Canada, explored Lake Illinois (Michigan) as far south as the present City of Chicago, and invited the Indian nations to meet him at a grand council at Sault Ste. Marie the following Spring, where they were taken under the protection of the king, and formal possession was taken of the Northwest. This same year Marquette established a mission at Point St. Ignatius, where was founded the old town of Michillimackinac. During M. Talon's explorations and Marquette's residence at St. Ignatius, they learned of a great river away to the west, and fancied —as all others did then— that upon its fertile banks whole tribes of God's children resided, to whom the sound of the Gospel had never come. Filled with a wish to go and preach to them, and in compliance with a THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 21 22 THE NORTHWEST TERRITOitY. request of M. Talon, who earnestly desired to extend the domain of his king, and to ascertain whether the river flowed into the Gulf of Mexico or the Pacific Ocean, Marquette with Joliet, as commander of the expe- dition, prepared for the undertaking. On the 13th of May, 1673, the explorers, accompanied by five assist- ant French Canadians, set out from Mackinaw on their daring voyage of discovery. The Indians, who gathered to witness their departure, were astonished at the boldness of the undertaking, and endeavored to dissuade them from their purpose by representing the tribes on the Mississippi as exceedingly savage and cruel, and the river itself as full of all sorts of frightful monsters ready to swallow them and their canoes together. But, nothing daunted by these terrific descriptions, Marquette told them he was willing not only to encounter all the perils of the unknown region they were about to explore, but to lay down his life in a cause in which the salvation of souls was involved ; and having prayed together they separated. Coasting along the northern shore of Lake Michigan, the adventurers entered Green Bay, and passed thence up the Fox River and Lake Winnebago to a village of the Miamis and Kickapoos. Here Mar- quette was delighted to find a beautiful cross planted in the middle of the town ornamented with white skins, red girdles and bows and arrows, which these good people had offered to the Great Manitou, or God, to thank him for the pity he had bestowed on them during the Winter in giving them an abundant " chase." This was the farthest outpost to which Dablon and Allouez had extended their missionary labors the year previous. Here Marquette drank mineral waters and was instructed in the secret of a root which cures the bite of the venomous rattlesnake. He assembled the chiefs and old men of the village, and, pointing to Joliet, said : " My friend is an envoy of France, to discover new coun- tries, and I am an ambassador from God to enlighten them with the truths of the Gosj)el." Two Miami guides were here furnished to conduct* them to the Wisconsin River, and they set out from the Indian village on the 10th of June, amidst a great crowd of natives who had assembled to witness their departure into a region where no white man had ever yet ventured. The guides, having conducted them across the portage, returned. The explorers launched their canoes upon the Wisconsin, which they descended to the Mississippi and proceeded down its unknown waters. What emotions must have swelled their breasts as they struck out into the broadening current and became conscious that they were now upon the bosom of th3 Father of Waters. The mystery was about to be lifted from the long-sought river. The scenery in that locality is beautiful, and on that delightful seventeenth of June must have been clad in all its primeval loveliness as it had been adorned by the hand of THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. Nature. Drifting rapidly, it is said that the bold bluffs on either hand " reminded them of the castled shores of their own beautiful rivers of France." By-and-by, as they drifted along, great herds of buffalo appeared on the banks. On going to the heads of the valley they could see a country of the greatest beauty and fertility, apparently destitute of inhab- itants yet presenting the appearance of extensive manors, under the fas- tidious cultivation of lordly proprietors. THE WILD PRAIRIE. On June 25, they went ashore and found some fresh traces of men upon the sand, and a path which led to the prairie. The men remained in the boat, and Marquette and Joliet followed the path till they discovered a village on the banks of a river, and two other villages on a hill, within a half league of the first, inhabited by Indians. They were received most hospitably by these natives, who had never before seen a white person. After remaining a few days they re-embarked and descended the river to about latitude 33°, where they found a village of the Arkansas, and being satisfied that the river flowed into the Gulf of Mexico, turned their course 24 THE NORTHWEST TERTIITORY. up the river, and ascending the stream to the mouth of the Illinois, rowed up that stream to its source, and procured guides from that point to the lakes. " Nowhere on this journey," says Marquette, " did we see such grounds, meadows, woods, stags, buffaloes, deer, wildcats, bustards, swans, ducks, parroquets, and even beavers, as on the Illinois River." The party, without loss or injury, reached Green Bay in September, and reported their discovery— one of the most important of the age, but of which no record was preserved save Marquette's, Joliet losing his by the upsetting of his canoe on his way to Quebec. Afterward Marquette returned to the Illinois Indians by their request, and ministered to them until 1675. On the 18th of May, in that year, as he was passing the mouth of a stream — going with his boatmen up Lake Michigan — he asked to land at its mouth and celebrate Mass. Leaving his men with the canoe, he retired a short distance and began his devotions. As much time passed and he did not return, his men went in search of him, and found him upon his knees, dead. He had peacefully passed away while at prayer. He was buried at this spot. Charlevoix, who visited the place- fifty years after, found the waters had retreated from the grave, leaving the beloved missionary to repose in peace. The river has since been called Marquette. While Marquette and his companions were pursuing their labors in the West, two men, differing widely from him and each other, were pre- paring to follow in his footsteps and perfect the discoveries so well begun by him. These were Robert de La Salle and Louis Hennepin. After La Salle's return from the discovery of the Ohio River (see the narrative else where),, he established himself again among the French trading posts in Canada. Here he mused long upon the pet project of those ages — a short way to China and the East, and was busily planning an expedition up the great lakes, and so across the continent to the Pacific, when Marquette returned from the Mississippi. At once the vigorous mind of LaSalle received from his and his companions' stories the idea that by fol- lowing the Great River northward, or by turning up some of the numerous western tributaries, the object could easily be gained. He applied to Frontenac, Governor General of Canada, and laid before him the plan, dim but gigantic. Frontenac entered warmly into his plans, and saw that LaSalle's idea to connect the great lakes by a chain of forts with the Gulf of Mexico would bind the country so wonderfully together, give un- measured power to France, and glory to himself, under whose adminis- tration he earnestly hoped all would be realized. LaSalle now repaired to France, laid his plans before the King, who warmly approved of them, and made him a Chevalier. He also receivsd from all the noblemen the warmest wishes for his success. The Ohev- THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 25 alier returned to Canada, and busily entered upon his work. He at once rebuilt Fort Frontenac and constructed the first ship to sail on these fresh-water seas. On the 7th of August, 1679, having been joined by Hennepin, he began his voyage in the Griffin up Lake Erie. He passed over this lake, through the straits beyond, up Lake St. Clair and into Huron. In this lake they encountered heavy storms. They were some time at Michillimackinac, where LaSalle founded a fort, and passed on to Green Bay, the " Bale des Puans " of the French, where he found a large quantity of furs collected for him. He loaded the Griffin with these, and placing her under the care of a pilot and fourteen sailors, LA SALLE LANDING ON THE SHORE OF GREEN BAY. started her on her return voyage. The vessel was never afterward heard of. He remained about these parts until early in the Winter, when, hear- ing nothing from the Griffin, he collected ail the men — thirty working men and three monks — and started again upon his great undertaking. By a short portage they passed to the Illinois or Kankakee, called by the Indians, "Theakeke," ivolf, because of the tribes of Indians called by that name, commonly known as the Mahingans, dwelling there. The French pronounced it Kiakiki, which became corrupted to Kankakee. "Falling down the said river by easy journeys, the better to observe the country," about the last of December they reached a village of the Illi- nois Indians, containing some five hundred cabins, but at that moment 26 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. no inhabitants. The Seur de LaSalle being in want of some breadstufiPs, took advantage of the absence of the Indians to help himself to a suffi- ciency of maize, large quantities of which he found concealed in holes under the wigwams. This village was situated near the present village of Utica in LaSalle County, Illinois. The corn being securely stored, the voyagers again betook themselves to the stream, and toward evening, on the 4th day of January, 1680, they came into a lake which must have been the lake of Peoria. This was called by the Indians Pim-i-te-wi, that is, a place where there are many fat beasts. Here the natives were met with in large numbers, but they were gentle and kind, and having spent some time with them, LaSalle determined to erect another fort in that place, for he had heard rumors that some of the adjoining tribes were trying to disturb the good feeling which existed, and some of his men were disposed to complain, owing to the hardships and perils of the travel. He called this fort " Orevecosur^^ (broken-heart), a name expressive of the very natural sorrow and anxiety which the pretty certain loss of his ship. Griffin, and his consequent impoverishment, the danger of hostility on the part of the Indians, and of mutiny among his own men, might well cause him. His fears were not entirely groundless. At one time poison was placed in his food, but fortunately was discovered. While building this fort, the Winter wore away, the prairies began to look green, and LaSalle, despairing of any reinforcements, concluded to return to Canada, raise new means and new men, and embark anew in the enterprise. For this purpose he made Hennepin the leader of a party to explore the head waters of the Mississippi, and he set out on his jour- ney. This journey was accomplished with the aid of a few persons, and was successfully made, though over an almost unknown route, and in a bad season of the year. He safely reached Canaia, and set out again for the object of his search. Hennepin and his party left Fort Crevecoeur on the last of February, 1680. When LaSalle reached this place on his return expedition, he found the fort entirely deserted, and he was obliged to return again to Canada. He embarked the third time, and succeeded. Seven days after leaving the fort, Hennepin reached the Mississippi, and paddling up the icy stream as best he could, reached no higher than the Wisconsin River by the 11th of April. Here he and his followers were taken prisoners by a band of Northern Indians, who treated them with great kindness. Hen- nepin's comrades were Anthony Auguel and Michael Ako. On this voy- age they found several beautiful lakes, and " saw some charming prairies." Their captors were the Isaute or Sauteurs, Chippewas, a tribe of the Sioux nation, who took them up the river until about the first of May, when they reached some falls, which Hennepin christened Falls of St. Anthony THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 27 in honor of his patron i?aint. Here they took the land, and traveling nearly two hundred miles to the northwest, brought them to their villages. Here they were kept about three months, were treated kindly by their captors, and at the end of that time, were met by a band of Frenchmen, BUFFALO HUNT, headed by one Seur de Luth, who, in pursuit of trade and game, had pene- trated thus far by the route of Lake Superior ; and with these fellow- countrymen Hennepin and his companions were allowed to return to the borders of civilized life in November, 1680, just after LaSalle had returned to the wilderness on his second trip. Hennepin soon after went to France, where he published an account of his adventures. 28 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. The Mississippi was first discovered by De Soto in April, 1541, in his vain endeavor to find gold and precious gems. In the following Spring, De Soto, weary with hope long deferred, and worn out with his wander- ings, he fell a victim to disease, and on the 21st of May died. His followers, reduced by fatigue and disease to less than three hundred men, wandered about the country nearly a year, in the vain endeavor to rescue them- selves by land, and finally constructed seven small vessels, called brigan- tines, in which they embarked, and descending the river, supposing it would lead them to the sea, in July they came to the sea (Gulf of Mexico), and by September reached the Island of Cuba. They were the first to see the great outlet of the Mississippi ; but, being so weary and discouraged, made no attempt to claim the country, and hardly had an intelligent idea of what they had passed through. To La Salle, the intrepid explorer, belongs the honor of giving the first account of the mouths of the river. His great desire was to possess this entire country for his king, and in January, 1682, he and his band of explorers left the shores of Lake Michigan on their third attempt, crossed the portage, passed down the Illinois River, and on the 6th of February, reached the banks of the Mississippi. On the 13tli they commenced their downward course, which they pursued with but one interruption, until upon the 6th of March they dis- covered the three great passages by which the river discharges its waters into the gulf. La Salle thus narrates the event : " We landed on the bank of the most western channel, about three leagues (nine miles) from its mouth. On the seventh, M. de LaSalle went to reconnoiter the shores of the neighboring sea, and M. de Tonti meanwhile examined the great middle channel. They found the main outlets beautiful, large and deep. On the 8th we reascended the river, a little above its confluence with the sea, to find a dry place beyond the reach of inundations. The elevation of the North Pole was here about twenty-seven degrees. Here we prepared a column and a cross, and to the column were affixed the arms of France with this inscription : Louis Le Grand, Roi De France et de Navarre, regne ; Le neuvieme Avril, 1682. The whole party, under arms, chanted the Te Deum, and then, after •a salute and cries of " Vive le Roi" the column was erected by M. de La Salle, who, standing near it, proclaimed in a loud voice the authority of the King of France. LaSalle returned and laid the foundations of the Mis- sissippi settlements in Illinois, thence he proceeded to France, where another expedition was fitted out, of which he was commander, and in two succeeding voyages failed to find the outlet of the river by sailing along the shore of the gulf. On his third voyage he was killed, through the THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 29 treachery of his followers, and the object of his expeditions was not accomplished until 1699, when D'Iberville, under the authority of the crown, discovered, on the second of March, by way of the sea, the mouth of the " Hidden River." This majestic stream was called by the natives ^^ Malbouchia,^' and by the Spaniards, "/a Palissade,^^ from the great TRAPPING. number of trees about its mouth. After traversing the several outlets, and satisfying himself as to its certainty, he erected a fort near its western outlet, and returned to France. An avenue of trade was now opened out which was fully improved. In 1718, New Orleans was laid out and settled by some European colo- nists. In 1762, the colony was made over to Spain, to be regained by France under the consulate of Napoleon. In 1803, it was purchased bj 30 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. the United States for the sum of fifteen million dollars, and the territory of Louisiana and commerce of the MississipiDi River came under the charge of the United States. Although LaSalle's labors ended in defeat and death, he had not worked and suffered in vain. He had thrown open to France and the world an immense and most valuable country ; had established several ports, and laid the foundations of more than one settlement there. " Peoria, Kaskaskia and Cahokia, are to this day monu- ments of LaSalle's labors ; for, though he had founded neither of them (unless Peoria, which was built nearly upon the site of Fort Crevecoeur,) it was by those whom he led into the West that these places were peopled and civilized. He was, if not the discoverer, the first settler of the Mississippi Valley, and as such deserves to be known and honored." The French early improved the opening made for them. Before the year 1698, the Rev. Father Gravier began a mission among the Illinois, and founded Kaskaskia. For some time this was merely a missionary station, where none but natives resided, it being one of three such vil- lages, the other two being Cahokia and Peoria. What is known of these missions is learned from a letter written by Father Gabriel Marest, dated " Aux Cascaskias, autrement dit de Tlmmaculate Conception de la Sainte Vierge, le 9 Novembre, 1712." Soon after the founding of Kaskaskia, the missionary, Pinet, gathered a flock at Cahokia, while Peoria arose near the ruins of Fort Crevecoeur. This must have been about the year 1700. The post at Vincennes on the Oubache river, (pronounced Wa-ba, meaning summer cloud moving swiftly^ was estab- lished in 1702, according to the best authorities.* It is altogether prob- able that on LaSalle's last trip he established the stations at Kaskaskia and Cahokia. In July, 1701, the foundations of Fort Ponchartrain were laid by De la Motte Cadillac on the Detroit River. These sta- tions, with those established further north, were the earliest attempts to occupy the Northwest Territory. At the same time efforts were being made to occupy the Southwest, which finally culminated in the settle- ment and founding of the City of New Orleans by a colony from England in 1718. This was mainly accomplished through the efforts of the famous Mississippi Company, established by the notorious John Law, who so quickly arose into prominence in France, and who with his scheme so quickly and so ignominiously passed away. From the time of the founding of these stations for fifty years the French nation were engrossed with the settlement of the lower Missis- sippi, and the war with the Chicasaws, who had, in revenge for repeated * There is considerable dispute about this date, some asserting if was founded as late as 1743. Wlieu the new court house at Vincennes was erected, all authorities on the subject were carefully examined, and i'/03 fixed upon as the correct date. It was accordingly engraved on the corner-stone of the court house. THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 31 injuries, cut off the entire colony at Natchez. Although the company did little for Louisiana, as the entire West was then called, yet it opened the trade through the Mississippi River, and started the raising of grains indigenous to that climate. Until the year 1750, but little is known of the settlements in the Northwest, as it was not until this time that the attention of the English was called to the occupation of this portion of the New World, which they then supposed they owned, Vivier, a missionary among the Illinois, writing from " Aux Illinois," six leagues from Fort Chartres, June 8, 1750, says: "We have here whites, negroes and Indians, to say nothing of cross-breeds. There are five French villages, and three villages of the natives, within a space of twenty-one leagues situated between the Mississippi and another river called the Karkadaid (Kaskaskias). In the five French villages are, perhaps, eleven hundred whites, three hundred blacks and some sixty red slaves or savages. The three Illinois towns do not contain more than eight hundred souls all told. Most of the French till the soil; they raise wheat, cattle, pigs and horses, and live like princes. Three times as much is produced as can be consumed ; and great quantities of grain and flour are sent to New Orleans." This city was now the seaport town of the Northwest, and save in the extreme northern part, where only furs and copper ore were found, almost all the products of the country found their way to France by the mouth of the Father of Waters. In another letter, dated Novem- ber 7, 1750, this same priest says : " For fifteen leagues above the mouth of the Mississippi one sees no dwellings, the ground being too low to be habitable. Thence to New Orleans, the lands are only partially occupied. New Orleans contains black, white and red, not more, I think, than twelve hundred persons. To this point come all lumber, bricks, salt-beef, tallow, tar, skins and bear's grease ; and above all, pork and flour from the Illinois. These things create some commerce, as forty vessels and more have come hither this year. Above New Orleans, plantations are again met with ; the most considerable is a colony of Germans, some ten leagues up the river. At Point Coupee, thirty -five leagues above the German settlement, is a fort. Along here, within five or six leagues, are not less than sixty habitations. Fifty leagues farther up is the Natchez post, where we have a garrison, who are kept prisoners through fear of the Chickasaws. Here and at Point Coupee, they raise excellent tobacco. Another hundred leagues brings us to the Arkansas, where we have also a fort and a garrison for the benefit of the river traders. * * * From the Arkansas to the Illinois, nearly five hundred leagues, there is not a settlement. There should be, however, a fort at the Oubache (Ohio), the only path by which the English can reach the Mississippi. In the Illinois country are numberless mines, but no one to 82 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. work them as they deserve." Father Marest, writing from tlie post at Vincennes in 181 2, makes the same observation. Vivier also says : " Some individuals dig lead near the surface and supply the Indians and Canada. Two Spaniards now here, who claim to be adepts, say that our mines are like those of Mexico, and that if we would dig deeper, we should find silver under the lead ; and at any rate the lead is excellent. There is also in this country, beyond doubt, copper ore, as from time to time large pieces are found in the streams." HUNTING. At the close of the year 1750, the French occupied, in addition to the lower Mississippi posts and those in Illinois, one at Du Quesne, one at the Maumee in the country of the Miamis, and one at Sandusky in what may be termed the Ohio Valley. In the northern part of the Northwest they had stations at St. Joseph's on the St. Joseph's of Lake Michigan, at Fort Ponchartiain (Detroit), at Michillimackanac or Massillimacanac, Fox River of Green Bay, and at Sault Ste. Marie. The fondest dreams of LaSalle were now fully realized. The French alone were possessors of this vast realm, basing their claim on discovery and settlement. Another nation, however, was now turning its attention to this extensive country, THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 33 and hearing of its wealth, began to lay plans for occupying it and for securing the great profits arising therefrom. The French, however, had another claim to this country, namely, the DISCOVERY OF THE OHIO. This " Beautiful " river was discovered by Robert Cavalier de La- Salle in 1669, four years before the discovery of the Mississippi by Joliet and Marquette. While LaSalle was at his trading post on the St. Lawrence, he found leisure to study nine Indian dialects, the chief of which was the Iroquois. He not only desired to facilitate his intercourse in trade, but he longed to travel and explore the unknown regions of the West. An incident soon occurred which decided him to fit out an exploring expedition. While conversing with some Senecas, he learned of a river called the Ohio, which rose in their country and flowed to the sea, but at such a distance that it required eight months to reach its mouth. In this state- ment the Mississippi and its tributaries were considered as one stream. LaSalle believing, as most of the French at that period did, that the great rivers flowing west emptied into the Sea of California, was anxious to embark in the enterprise of discovering a route across the continent to the commerce of China and Japan. He repaired at once to Quebec to obtain the approval of the Gov- ernor. His eloquent appeal prevailed. The Governor and the Intendant, Talon, issued letters patent authorizing the enterprise, but made no pro- vision to defray the expenses. At this juncture the seminary of St. Sul- pice decided to send out missionaries in connection with the expedition, and LaSalle offering to sell his improvements at LaChine to raise money, the offer was accepted by the Superior, and two thousand eight hundred dollars were raised, with which LaSalle purchased four canoes and the necessary supplies for the outfit. On the 6th of Jaly, 1669, the party, numbering twenty-four persons, embarked in seven canoes on the St. Lawrence ; two additional canoes carried the Indian guides. In three days they were gliding over the bosom of Lake Ontario. Their guides conducted them directly to the Seneca village on the bank of the Genesee, in the vicinity of the present City of Rochester, New York. Here they expected to procure guides to conduct them to the Ohio, but in this they were disappointed. The Indians seemed unfriendly to the enterprise. LaSalle suspected that the Jesuits had prejudiced their minds against his plans. After waiting a month in the hope of gaining their object, they met an Indian 84 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. from the Iroquois colony at the head of Lake Ontario, who assured them that they could there find guides, and offered to conduct them thence. On their way they passed the mouth of the Niagara River, when they heard for the first time the distant thunder of the cataract. Arriving iii(j<4uois cniKj;'. among the Iroquois, they met with a friendly reception, and learned from a Shawanee prisoner that they could leach the Ohio in six weeks. Delighted with the unexpected good fortune, they made ready to resume their journey ; but just as they were about to start they heard of the arrival of two Frenchmen in a neighboring village. One of them proved to be Louis Joliet, afterwards famous as an explorer in the West. He THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 35 had been sent by the Canadian Government to explore the copper mines on Lake Superior, but had failed, and was on his way back to Quebec. He gave the missionaries a map of the country he had explored in the lake region, together with an account of the condition of the Indians in that quarter. This induced the priests to determine on leaving the expedition and going to Lake Superior. LaSalle warned them that the Jesuits were probably occupying that field, and that they would meet with a cold reception. Nevertheless they persisted in their purpose, and after worship on the lake shore, parted from LaSalle. On arriving at Lake Superior, they found, as LaSalle had predicted, the Jesuit Fathers, Marquette and Dablon, occupying the field. These zealous disciples of Loyola informed them that they wanted no assistance from St. Sulpice, nor from those who made him their patron saint ; and thus repulsed, they returned to Montreal the following June without having made a single discovery or converted a single Indian. After parting with the priests, LaSalle went to the chief Iroquois village at Onondaga, where he obtained guides, and passing thence to a tributary of the Ohio south of Lake Erie, he descended the latter as far as the falls at Louisville. Thus was the Ohio discovered by LaSalle, the persevering and successful French explorer of the West, in 1669. The account of the latter part of his journey is found in an anony- mous paper, which purports to have been taken from the lips of LaSalle himself during a subsequent visit to Paris. In a letter written to Count Frontenac in 1667, shortly after the discovery, he himself says that he discovered the Ohio and descended it to the falls. This was regarded as an indisputable fact by the French authorities, who claimed the Ohio Valley upon another ground. When Washington was sent by the colony of Virginia in 1753, to demand of Gordeur de St. Pierre why the French had built a fort on the Monongahela, the haughty commandant at Quebec replied : " We claim the country on the Ohio by virtue of the discoveries of LaSalle, and will not give it up to the English. Our orders are to make prisoners of every Englishman found trading in the Ohio Valley." ENGLISH EXPLORATIONS AND SETTLEMENTS. When the new year of 1750 broke in upon the Father of Waters and the Great Northwest, all was still wild save at the French posts already described. In 1749, when the English first began to think seri- ously about sending men into the West, the greater portion of the States of Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota were yet under the dominion of the red men. The English knew, however, pretty do THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. conclusively of the nature of the wealth of these wilds. As early as 1710, Governor Spotswood, of Virginia, had commenced movements to secure the country west of the Alleghenies to the English crown. In Pennsylvania, Governor Keitli and James Logan, secretary of the prov- ince, from 1719 to 1731, represented to the powers of England the neces- sity of securing the Western lands. Nothing was done, however, by that power save to take some diplomatic steps to secure the claims of Britain to this unexplored wilderness. England had from the outset claimed from the Atlantic to the Pacific, on the ground that the discovery of the seacoast and its possession was a discovery and possession of the country, and, as is well known, her grants to the colonies extended " from sea to sea." This was not all her claim. She had purchased from the Indian tribes large tracts of land. This lat- ter was also a strong argument. As early as 1684, Lord H oward. Gov- ernor of Virginia, held a treaty with the six nations. These were the great Northern Confederacy, and comprised at first the Mohawks, Onei- das, Onondagas, Cayugas, and Senecas. Afterward the Tuscaroras were taken into the confederacy, and it became known as the Six Nations. They came under the protection of the mother country, and again in 1701, they repeated the agreement, and in September, 1726, a formal deed was drawn up and signed by the chiefs. The validity of this claim has often been disputed, but never successfully. In 1744, a purchase was made at Lancaster, Pennsylvania, of certain lands within the " Colony of Virginia," for which the Indians received <£200 in gold and a like sum in goods, with a promise that, as settlements increased, more should be paid. The Commissioners from Virginia were Colonel Thomas Lee and Colonel William Beverly. As settlements extended, the promise of more pay was called to mind, and Mr. Conrad Weiser was sent across the mountains with presents to appease the savages. Col. Lee, and some Virginians accompa- nied him with the intention of sounding the Indians upon their feelings regarding the English. They were not satisfied with their treatment, and plainly told the Commissioners why. The English did not desire the cultivation of the country, but the monopoly of the Indian trade. In 1748, the Ohio Company was formed, and petitioned the king for a grant of land beyond the Alleghenies. This was granted, and the government of Virginia was ordered to grant to them a half million acres, two hun- dred thousand of which were to be located at once. Upon the 12th of June, 1749, 800,000 acres from the line of Canada north and west was made to the Loyal Company, and on the 29th of October, 1751, 100,000 acres were given to the Greenbriar Company. All this time the French were not idle. They saw that, should the British gain a foothold in the West, especially upon the Ohio, they might not only prevent the French THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 37 settling upon it, but in time would come to the lower posts and so gain possession of the whole country. Upon the 10th of May, 1774, Vaud- reuil. Governor of Canada and the French possessions, well knowing the consequences that must arise from allowing the English to build trading- posts in the Northwest, seized some of their frontier posts, and to further secure the claim of the French to the West, he, in 1749, sent Louis Cel- eron with a party of soldiers to plant along the Ohio River, in the mounds and at the mouths of its principal tributaries, plates of lead, on which were inscribed the claims of France. These were heard of in 1752, and within the memory of residents now living along the " Oyo," as the beautiful river was called by the French. One of these plates was found with the inscription partly defaced. It bears date August 16, 1749, and a copy of the inscription with particular account of the discovery of the plate, was sent by DeWitt Clinton to the American Antiquarian Society, among whose journals it may now be found.* These measures did not, however, deter the English from going on with their explorations, and though neither party resorted to arms, yet the conflict was gathering, and it was only a question of time when the storm would burst upon the frontier settlements. In 1750, Christopher Gist was sent by the Ohio Company to examine its lands. He went to a village of the Twigtwees, on the Miami, about one hundred and fifty miles above its mouth. He afterward spoke of it as very populous. From there he went down the Ohio River nearly to the falls at the present City of Louisville, and in November he commenced a survey of the Company's lands. Dur- ing the Winter, General Andrew Lewis performed a similar work for the Greenbriar Company. Meanwhile the French were busy in preparing their forts for defense, and in opening roads, and also sent a small party of soldiers to keep the Ohio clear. This party, having heard of the Eng- lish post on the Miami River, early in 1652, assisted by the Ottawas and Chippewas, attacked it, and, after a severe battle, in which fourteen of the natives were killed and others wounded, captured the garrison. (They were probably garrisoned in a block house). The traders were carried away to Canada, and one account says several were burned. This fort or post was called by the English Pickawillany. A memorial of the king's ministers refers to it as " Pickawillanes, in the center of the terri- tory between the Ohio and the Wabash. The name is probably some variation of Pickaway or Picqua in 1773, written by Rev. David Jones Pickaweke." * The following is a translation of tlie inscription on tlie plate: "In the year 1749. reign of Louis XV., King of France, we, Celeron, commandant of a detachment by 'Monsieur the Marquis of Gallisoniere, com- mander-in-chief of New France, to establish tranquility in certain Indian villages of these cantons, have buried this plate at the confluence of the Toradakoin, this twenty- ninth of July, near the river Ohio, otherwise Beautiful River, as a monument of renewal of possession which we have taken of the said river, and all its tributaries; inasmuch as the preceding Kings of France have enjoyed it, and maintained it by their arms and treaties; especially by those of Ryswick, Utrecht, and Aix La Chapelle." 88 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. This was the first blood shed between tlie French and English, and occurred near the present City of Piqua, Ohio, or at least at a point about forty-seven miles north of Dayton. Each nation became now more inter- ested in the progress of events in the Northwest. The English deter- mined to purchase from the Indians a title to the lands they wished to occupy, and Messrs. Fry (afterward Commander-in-chief over Washing- ton at the commencement of the French War of 1775-1763), Lomax and Patton were sent in the Spring of 1752 to hold a conference with the natives at Logstown to learn what they objected to in the treaty of Lan- caster already noticed, and to settle all difficulties. On the 9th of June, these Commissioners met the red men at Logstown, a little village on the north bank of the Ohio, about seventeen miles below the site of Pitts- burgh. Here had been a trading point for many years, but it was aban- doned by the Indians in 1750. At first the Indians declined to recognize the treaty of Lancaster, but, the Commissioners taking aside Montour, the interpreter, who was a son of the famous Catharine Montour, and a chief among the six nations, induced him to use his influence in their favor. This he did, and upon the 13th of June they all united in signing a deed, confirming the Lancaster treaty in its full extent, consenting to a settlement of the southeast of the Ohio, and guaranteeing that it should not be disturbed by them. These were the means used to obtain the first treaty with the Indians in the Ohio Valley. Meanwhile the powers beyond the sea were trying to out-manceuvre each other, and were professing to be at peace. The English generally outwitted the Indians, and failed in many instances to fulfill their con- tracts. They thereby gained the ill-will of the red men, and further increased the feeling by failing to provide them with arms and ammuni- tion. Said an old chief, at Easton, in 1758 : " The Indians on the Ohio left you because of your own fault. When we heard the French were coming, we asked you for help and arms, but we did not get them. The French came, they treated us kindly, and gained our affections. The Governor of Virginia settled on our lands for his own benefit, and, when we wanted help, forsook us." At the beginning of 1653, the English thought they had secured by title the lands in the West, but the French had quietly gathered cannon and military stores to be in readiness for the expected blow. The Eng- lish made other attempts to ratify these existing treaties, but not until the Summer could the Indians be gathered together to discuss the plans of the French. The}^ had sent messages to the French, warning them away ; but they replied that they intended to complete the chain of forts already begun, and would not abandon the field. Soon after this, no satisfaction beins: obtained from the Ohio regard- THE NORTHWEST TEREITORY. 39 ing the positions and purposes of the French, Governor Dinwiddie of Virginia determined to send to them another messenger and learn from them, if possible, their intentions. For this purpose he selected a young man, a surveyor, who, at the early age of nineteen, had received the rank of major, and who was thoroughly posted regarding frontier life. This personage was no other than the illustrious George Washington, who then held considerable interest in Western lands. He was at this time just twenty-two years of age. Taking Gist as his guide, the two, accompanied by four servitors, set out on their perilous march. They left Will's Creek on the 10th of November, 1753, and on the 22d reached the Monon- gahela, about ten miles above the fork. From there they went to Logstown, where Washington had a long conference with the chiefs of the Six Nations. From them he learned the condition of the French, and also heard of their determination not to come down the river till the fol- lowing Spring. The Indians were non-committal, as they were afraid to turn either way, and, as far as they could, desired to remain neutral. Washington, finding nothing could be done with them, went on to Venango, an old Indian town at the mouth of French Creek. Here the French had a fort, called Fort Machault. Through the rum and flattery of the French, he nearly lost all his Indian followers. Finding nothino- of importance here, he pursued his way amid great privations, and on the 11th of December reached the fort at the head of French Creek. Here he delivered Governor Dinwiddle's letter, received his answer, took his observations, and on the 16th set out upon his return journey with no one but Gist, his guide, and a few Indians who still remained true to him, notwithstanding the endeavors of the French to retain them. Their homeward journey was one of great peril and suffering from the cold, yet they reached home in safety on the 6th of January, 1754. From the letter of St. Pierre, commander of the French fort, sent by Washington to Governor Dinwiddie, it was learned that the French would not give up without a struggle. Active preparations were at once made in all the English colonies for the coming conflict, while the French finished the fort at Venango and strengthened their lines of fortifications, and gathered their forces to be in readiness. The Old Dominion was all alive. Virginia was the center of great activities ; volunteers were called for, and from all the neighboring colonies men rallied to the conflict, and everywhere along the Potomac men were enlisting under the Governor's proclamation — which promised two hundred thousand acres on the Ohio. Along this river they were gathering as far as Will's Creek, and far beyond this point, whither Trent had come for assistance for his little band of forty-one men, who were 40 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. working away in hunger and want, to fortify that point at the fork of the Ohio, to which both parties were looking with deep interest, " The first birds of Spring filled the air with their song ; the swift river* rolled by the Allegheny hillsides, swollen by the melting snows of Spring and the April showers. The leaves were appearing ; a few Indian scouts were seen, but no enemy seemed near at hand ; and all was so quiet, that Frazier, an old Indian scout and trader, who had been left by Trent in command, ventured to his home at the mouth of Turtle Creek, ten miles up the Monongahela. But, though all was so quiet in that wilder- ness, keen eyes had seen the low intrenchment rising at the fork, and swift feet had borne the news of it up the river ; and upon the morning of the 17th of April, Ensign Ward, who then had charge of it, saw upon the Allegheny a sight that made his heart sink — sixty batteaux and three hundred canoes filled with men, and laden deep with cannon and stores. * * * That evening he supped with his captor, Contrecoeur, and the next day he was bowed off by the Frenchman, and with his men and tools, marched up the Monongahela." The French and Indian war had begun. The treaty of Aix la Chapelle, in 1748, had left the boundaries between the French and English possessions unsettled, and the events already narrated show the French were determined to hold the country watered by the Mississippi and its tributaries ; while the English laid claims to the country by virtue of the discoveries of the Cabots, and claimed all the country from New- foundland to Florida, extending from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The first decisive blow had now been struck, and the first attempt of the English, through the Ohio Company, to occupy these lands, had resulted disastrously to them. The French and Indians immediately completed the fortifications begun at the Fork, which they had so easily captured, and when completed gave to the fort the name of DuQuesne. Washing- ton was at Will's Creek when the news of the capture of the fort arrived. He at once departed to recapture it. On his way he entrenched him- self at a place called the " Meadows," where he erected a fort called by him Fort Necessity. From there he surprised and captured a force of French and Indians marching against him, but was soon after attacked in his fort by a much superior force, and was obliged to yield on the morning of July 4th. He was allowed to return to Virginia. The English Government immediately planned four campaigns ; one against Fort DuQuesne ; one against Nova Scotia ; one against Fort Niagara, and one against Crown Point. These occurred during 1755-6, and were not successful in driving the French from their possessions. The expedition against Fort DuQuesne was led by the famous General Braddock, who, refusing to listen to the advice of Washington and those THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 41 acquainted with Indian warfare, suffered such an inglorious defeat. This occurred on the morning of July 9th, and is generally known as the battle of Monongahela, or " Braddock's Defeat." The war continued with various vicissitudes through the years 1756-7 ; when, at the commence- ment of 1758, in accordance with the plans of William Pitt, then Secre- tary of State, afterwards Lord Chatham, active preparations were made to carry on the war. Three expeditions were planned for this year : one, under General Amherst, against Louisburg ; another, under Abercrombie, against Fort Ticonderoga ; and a third, under General Forbes, against Fort DuQuesne. On the 26th of July, Louisburg surrendered after a desperate resistance of more than forty days, and the eastern part of the Canadian possessions fell into the hands of the British. Abercrombie captured Fort Frontenac, and when the expedition against Fort DuQuesne, of which Washington had the active command, arrived there, it was found in flames and deserted. The English at once took possession, rebuilt the fort, and in honor of their illustrious statesman, changed the name to Fort Pitt. The great object of the campaign of 1759, was the reduction of Canada. General Wolfe was to lay siege to Quebec ; Amherst was to reduce Ticonderoga and Crown Point, and General Prideaux was to capture Niagara. This latter place was taken in July, but the gallant Prideaux lost his life in the attempt, Amherst captured Ticonderoga and Crown Point without a blow ; and Wolfe, after making the memor- able ascent to the Plains of Abraham, on September 13th, defeated Montcalm, and on the 18th, the city capitulated. In this engagement Montcolm and Wolfe both lost their lives. De Levi, Montcalm's successor, marched to Sillery, three miles above the city, with the purpose of defeating the English, and there, on the 28th of the following April, was fought one of the bloodiest battles of the French and Indian War. It resulted in the defeat of the French, and the fall of the City of Montreal. The Governor signed a capitulation by which the whole of Canada was surrendered to the English. This practically concluded the war, but it was not until 1763 that the treaties of peace between France and England were signed. This was done on the 10th of February of that year, and under its provisions all the country east of the Mississippi and north of the Iberville River, in Louisiana, were ceded to England. At the same time Spain ceded Florida to Great Britain. On the 13th of September, 1760, Major Robert Rogers was sent from Montreal to take charge of Detroit, the only remaining French post in the territory. He arrived there on the 19th of November, and sum- moned the place to surrender. At first the commander of the post, Beletre. refused, but on the 29th, hearinof of the continued defeat of the 4^ THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. French arms, surrendered. Rogers remained there until December 23d under the personal protection of the celebrated chief, Pontiac, to whom, no doubt, he owed his safety. Pontiac had come here to inquire the purposes of the English in taking possession of the country. He was assured that they came simply to trade with the natives, and did not desire their country. This answer conciliated the savages, and did much to insure the safety of Rogers and his party during their stay, and while on their journey home. Rogers set out for Fort Pitt on December 23, and was just one month on the way. His route was from Detroit to Maumee, thence across the present State of Ohio directly to the fort. This was the com- mon trail of the Indians in their journeys from Sandusky to the fork of the Ohio. It went from Fort Sandusky, where Sandusky City now is, crossed the Huron river, then called Bald Eagle Creek, to " Mohickon John's Town" on Mohickon Creek, the northern branch of White Woman's River, and thence crossed to Beaver's Town, a Delaware town on what is now Sandy Creek. At Beaver's Town were probably one hundred and fifty warriors, and not less than three thousand acres of cleared land. From there the track went up Sandy Creek to and across Big Beaver, and up the Ohio to Logstown, thence on to the fork. The Northwest Territory was nov/ entirely under the English rule. New settlements began to be rapidly made, and the promise of a large trade was speedily manifested. Had the British carried out their promises with the natives none of those savage butcheries would have been perpe- trated, and the country would have been spared their recital. The renowned chief, Pontiac, was one of the leading spirits in these atrocities. We will now pause in our narrative, and notice the leading events in his life. The earliest authentic information regarding this noted Indian chief is learned from an account of an Indian trader named Alexander Henry, who, in the Spring of 1761, penetrated his domains as far as Missillimacnac. Pontiac was then a great friend of the French, but a bitter foe of the English, whom he considered as encroaching on his hunting grounds. Henry was obliged to disguise himself as a Canadian to insure safety, but was discovered by Pontiac, who bitterly reproached him and the English for their attempted subjugation of the West. He declared that no treaty had been made with them ; no presents sent them, and that he would resent any possession of the West by that nation. He was at the time about fifty years of age, tall and dignified, and was civil and military ruler of the Ottawas, Ojibwas and Pottawatamies. The Indians, from Lake Michigan to the borders of North Carolina, were united in this feeling, and at the time of the treaty of Paris, ratified February 10, 1763, a general conspiracy was formed to fall suddenly IHE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. i3 PONTIAC, THE OTTAWA CHIEFTAIN. 44 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. upon the frontier British posts, and with one blow strike every man dead. Pontiac was the marked leader in all this, and was the commander of the Chippewas, Ottawas, Wyandots, Miamis, Shawanese, Delawares and Mingoes, who had, for the time, laid aside their local quarrels to unite in this enterprise. The blow came, as near as can now be ascertained, on May 7, 1768. Nine British posts fell, and the Indians drank, " scooped up in the hollow of joined hands," the blood of many a Briton. Pontiac's immediate field of action was the garrison at Detroit. Here, however, the plans were frustrated by an Indian woman disclosing the plot the evening previous to his arrival. Everything was carried out, however, according to Pontiac's plans until the moment of action, when Major Gladwyn, the commander of the post, stepping to one of the Indian chiefs, suddenly drew aside his blanket and disclosed the concealed musket. Pontiac, though a brave man, turned pale and trembled. He saw his plan was known, and that the garrison were prepared. He endeavored to exculpate himself from any such intentions ; but the guilt was evident, and he and his followers were dismissed with a sever© reprimand, and warned never to again enter the walls of the post. Pontiac at once laid siege to the fort, and until the treaty of peace between the British and the Western Indians, concluded in August, 1764, continued to harass and besiege the fortress. He organized a regular commissariat department, issued bills of credit written out on bark, which, to his credit, it may be stated, were punctually redeemed. At the conclusion of the treaty, in which it seems he took no part, he went further south, living many years among the Illinois. He had given up all hope of saving his country and race. After a time he endeavored to unite the Illinois tribe and those about St. Louis in a war with the whites. His efforts were fruitless, and only ended in a quarrel between himself and some Kaskaskia Indians, one of whom soon afterwards killed him. His death was, however, avenged by the northern Indians, who nearly exterminated the Illinois in the wars which followed. Had it not been for the treachery of a few of his followers, his plan for the extermination of the whites, a masterly one, would undoubtedly have been carried out. It was in the Spring of the year following Rogers' visit that Alex- ander Henry went to Missillimacnac, and everywhere found the strongest feelings against the English, who had not carried out their promises, and were doing nothing to conciliate the natives. Here he met the chief, Pontiac, who, after conveying to him in a speech the idea that their French father would awake soon and utterly destroy his enemies, said : " Englishman, although you have conquered the French, you have not THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 45 yet conquered us ! We are not your slaves ! These lakes, these woods, these mountains, were left us by our ancestors. They are our inheritance, and we will part with them to none. Your nation supposes that we, like the white people, can not live without bread and pork and beef. But you ought to know that He, the Great Spirit and Master of Life, has provided food for us upon these broad lakes and in these mountains." He then spoke of the fact that no treaty had been made with them, no presents sent them, and that he and his people were yet for war. Such were the feelings of the Northwestern Indians immediately after the English took possession of their country. These feelings were no doubt encouraged by the Canadians and French, who hoped that yet the French arms might prevail. The treaty of Paris, however, gave to the English the right to this vast domain, and active preparations were going on to occupy it and enjoy its trade and emoluments. In 1762, France, by a secret treaty, ceded Louisiana to Spain, to pre- vent it falling into the hands of the English, who were becoming masters of the entire West. The next year the treaty of Paris, signed at Fon- tainbleau, gave to the English the domain of the country in question. Twenty years after, by the treaty of peace between the United States and England, that part of Canada lying south and west of the Great Lakes, comprehending a large territory which is the subject of these sketches, was acknowledged to be a portion of the United States ; and twenty years still later, in 1803, Louisiana was ceded by Spain back to France, and by France sold to the United States. In the half century, from the building of the Fort of Crevecoeur by LaSalle, in 1680, up to the erection of Fort Chartres, many French set- tlements had been made in that quarter. These have already been noticed, being those at St. Vincent (Vincennes), Kohokia or Cahokia, Kaskaskia and Prairie du Rocher, on the American Bottom, a large tract of rich alluvial soil in Illinois, on the Mississippi, opposite the site of St. Louis. By the treaty of Paris, the regions east of the Mississippi, including all these and other towns of the Northwest, were given over to England; but they do not appear to have bten taken possession of until 1765, when Captain Stirling, in the name of the Majesty of England, established him- self at Fort Chartres bearing with him the proclamation of General Gage, dated December 30, 1764, which promised religious freedom to all Cath- olics who worshiped here, and a right to leave the country with their effects if they Avished, or to remain with the privileges of Englishmen. It was shortly after the occupancy of the West by the British that the war with Pontiac opened. It is already noticed in the sketch of that chieftain- By it many a Briton lost his life, and many a frontier settle- 46 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. ment in its infancy ceased to exist. This was not ended until the year 1764, when, failing to capture Detroit, Niagara and Fort Pitt, his confed- eracy became disheartened, and, receiving no aid from the French, Pon- tiac abandoned the enterprise and departed to the Illinois, among whom he afterward lost his life. As soon as these difficulties were definitely settled, settlers began rapidly to survey the country and prepare for occupation. During the year 1770, a number of persons from Virginia and other British provinces explored and marked out nearly all the valuable lands on the Mononga- hela and along the banks of the Ohio as far as the Little Kanawha. This was followed by another exploring expedition, in which George Washing- ton was a party. Tlie latter, accompanied by Dr. Craik, Capt. Crawford and others, on the 20th of October, 1770, descended the Ohio from Pitts- burgh to the mouth of the Kanawha ; ascended that stream about fourteen. miles, marked out several large tracts of land, shot several buffalo, which were then abundant in the Ohio Valley, and returned to the fort. Pittsburgh was at this time a trading post, about which was clus- tered a village of some twenty houses, inhabited by Indian traders. This same year, Capt. Pittman visited Kaskaskia and its neighboring villages. He found there about sixty-five resident families, and at Cahokia only forty-five dwellings. At Fort Chartres was another small settlement, and at Detroit the garrison were quite prosperous and strong. For a year or two settlers continued to locate near some of these posts, generally Fort Pitt or Detroit, owing to the fears of the Indians, who still main- tained some feelings of hatred to the English. The trade from the posts was quite good, and from those in Illinois large quantities of pork and flour found their way to the New Orleans market. At this time the policy of the British Government was strongly opposed to the extension of the colonies west. In 1763, the King of England forbade, by royal proclamation, his colonial subjects from making a settlement beyond the sources of the rivers which fall into the Atlantic Ocean. At the instance of the Board of Trade, measures were taken to prevent the settlement without the limits prescribed, and to retain the commerce within easy reach of Great Britain. The commander-in-chief of the king's forces wrote in 1769 : " In the course of a few years necessity will compel the colonists, should they extend their settlements west, to provide manufactures of some kind for themselves, and when all connection upheld by commerce with the mother country ceases, an independency in their government will soon follow." In accordance with this policy. Gov. Gage issued a proclamation in 1772, commanding the inhabitants of Vincennes to abandon their set- tlements and join some of the Eastern English colonies. To this they THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 47 strenuously objected, giving good reasons therefor, and were allowed to remain. The strong opposition to this policy of Great Britain led to its change, and to such a course as to gain the attachment of the French population. In December, 1773, influential citizens of Quebec petitioned the king for an extension of the boundary lines of that province, which was granted, and Parliament passed an act on June 2, 1774, extend- ing the boundary so as to include the territory lying within the present States of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Michigan. In consequence of the liberal policy pursued by the British Govern- ment toward the French settlers in the West, they were disposed to favor that nation in the war which soon followed with the colonies ; but the early alliance between France and America soon brought them to the side of the war for independence. In 1774, Gov. Dunmore, of Virginia, began to encourage emigration to the Western lands. He appointed magistrates at Fort Pitt under the pretense that the fort was under the government of that commonwealth. One of these justices, John Connelly, who possessed a tract of land in the Ohio Valley, gathered a force of men and garrisoned the fort, calling it Fort Dunmore. This and other parties were formed to select sites for settlements, and often came in conflict with the Indians, who yet claimed portions of the valley, and several battles followed. These ended in the famous battle of Kanawha in July, where the Indians were defeated and driven across the Ohio. During the years 1775 and 1776, by the operations of land companies and the perseveranceof individuals, several settlements were firmly estab- lished between the Alleghanies and the Ohio River, and western land speculators were busy in Illinois and on the Wabash. At a council held in Kaskaskia on July 5, 1773, an association of English traders, calling themselves the " Illinois Land Company," obtained from ten chiefs of the Kaskaskia, Cahokia and Peoria tribes two large tracts of land lying on. the east side of the Mississippi River south of the Illinois. In 1775, a mer- chant from the Illinois Country, named Viviat, came to Post Vincennes as the agent of the association called the " Wabash Land Company." On the 8th of October he obtained from eleven Piankeshaw chiefs, a deed for 37,497,600 acres of land. This deed was signed by the grantors, attested by a number of the inhabitants of Vincennes, and afterward recorded in the office of a notary public at Kaskaskia. This and other land com- panies had extensive schemes for the colonization of the West ; but all were frustrated by the breaking out of the Revolution. On the 20th of April, 1780, the two companies named consolidated under the name of the " United Illinois and Wabash Land Company." They afterward made 48 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. strenuous efforts to have these grants sanctioned by Congress, but all signally failed. When the War of the Revolution commenced, Kentucky was an unor- ganized country, though there were several settlements within her borders. In Hutchins' Topography of Virginia, it is stated that at that time " Kaskaskia contained 80 houses, and nearly 1,000 white and black in- habitants — the whites being a little the more numerous. Cahokia con- tains 50 houses and 300 white inhabitants, and 80 negroes. There were east of the Mississippi River, about the year 1771 " — when these observa- tions were made — " 300 white men capable of bearing arms, and 230 negroes." From 1775 until the expedition of Clark, nothing is recorded and nothing known of these settlements, save what is contained in a report made by a committee to Congress in June, 1778. From it the following extract is made : " Near the mouth of the River Kaskaskia, there is a village which appears to have contained nearly eighty families from the beginning of the late revolution. There are twelve families in a small village at la Prairie du Rochers, and near fifty families at the Kahokia Village. There are also four or five families at Fort Chartres and St. Philips, which is five miles further up the river." St. Louis had been settled in February, 1764, and at this time con- tained, including its neighboring towns, over six hundred whites and one hundred and fifty negroes. It must be remembered that all the country west of the Mississippi was now under French rule, and remained so until ceded again to Spain, its original owner, who afterwards sold it and the country including New Orleans to the United States. At Detroit there were, according to Capt. Carver, who was in the Northwest from 1766 to 1768, more than one hundred houses, and the river was settled for more than twenty miles, although poorly cultivated — the people being engaged in the Indian trade. This old town has a history, which we will here relate. It is the oldest town in the Northwest, having been founded by Antoine de Lamotte Cadillac, in 1701. It was laid out in the form of an oblong square, of two acres in length, and an acre and a half in width. As described by A. D. Frazer, who first visited it and became a permanent resident of the place, in 1778, it comprised within its limits that space between Mr. Palmer's store (Conant Block) and Capt. Perkins' house (near the Arsenal building), and extended back as far as the public barn, and was bordered in front by the Detroit River. It was surrounded by oak and cedar pickets, about fifteen feet long, set in the ground, and had four gates — east, west, north and south. Over the first three of these THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 49 gates were block houses provided with four guns apiece, each a six- pounder. Two six-gun batteries were planted fronting the river and in a parallel direction with the block houses. There were four streets running east and west, the main street being twenty feet wide and the rest fifteen feet, while the four streets crossing these at right angles were from ten to fifteen feet in width. At the date spoken of by Mr. Frazer, there was no fort within the enclosure, but a citadel on the ground corresponding to the present northwest corner of Jefferson Avenue and Wayne Street. The citadel was inclosed by pickets, and within it were erected barracks of wood, two stories high, sufiBcient to contain ten officers, and also barracks sufficient to contain four hundred men, and a jDrovision store built of brick. The citadel also contained a hospital and guard-house. The old town of Detroit, in 1778, contained about sixty houses, most of them one story, with a few a story and a half in height. They were all of logs, some hewn and some round. There was one building of splendid appearance, called the " King's Palace," two stories high, which stood near the east gate. It was built for Governor Hamilton, the first governor commissioned by the British. There were two guard-houses, one near the west gate and the other near the Government House. Each of the guards consisted of twenty-four men and a subaltern, who mounted regularly every morning between nine and ten o'clock. Each furnished four sentinels, who were relieved every two hours. There was also an officer of the day, who per- formed strict duty. Each of the gutes was shut regularly at sunset; even wicket gates were shut at nine o'clock, and all the keys were delivered into the hands of the commanding officer. They were opened in the morning at sunrise. No Indian or squaw was permitted to enter town with any weapon, such as a tomahawk or a knife. It was a stand- ing order that the Indians should deliver their arms and instruments of every kind before they were permitted to pass the sentinel, and they were restored to them on their return. No more than twenty-five Indians were allowed to enter the town at any one time, and they were admitted only at the east and west gates. At sundown the drums beat, and all the Indians were required to leave town instantly. There was a council house near the water side for the purpose of holding council with the Indians. The population of the town was about sixty families, in "all about two hundred males and one hundred females. This town was destroyed by fire, all except one dwelling, in 1805. After which the present " new " town was laid out. On the breaking out of the Revolution, the British held every post of importance in the West. Kentucky was formed as a component part of Virginia, and the sturdy pioneers of the West, alive to their interests, 50 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. and recognizing the great benefits of obtaining the control of the trade in this part of the New World, held steadily to their purposes, and those within the commonwealth of Kentucky proceeded to exercise their civil privileges, by electing John Todd and Richard Gallaway» burgesses to represent them in the Assembly of the parent state. Early in September of that year (1777) the first court was held in Harrodsburg, and Col. Bowman, afterwards major, who had arrived in August, was made the commander of a militia organization which had been commenced the March previous. Thus the tree of loyalty was growing. The chief spirit in this far-out colony, who had represented her the year previous east of the mountains, was now meditating a move unequaled in its boldness. He had been watching the movements of the British throughout the Northwest, and understood their whole plan. He/ saw it was through their possession of the posts at Detroit, Vincennes, Kaskaskia, and other places, which would give them constant and easy access to the various Indian tribes in the Northwest, that the British intended to penetrate the country from the north and soutH, ana annihi- late the frontier fortresses. This moving, energetic man was Colonel, afterwards General, George Rogers Clark. He knew the Indians were not unanimously in accord with the English, and he was convinced that, could the British be defeated and expelled from the Northwest, the natives might be easily awed into neutrality ; and by spies sent for the purpose, he satisfied himself that the enterprise against the Illinois settlements might easily succeed. Having convinced himself of the certainty of the project, he repaired to the Capital of Virginia, which place he reached on November 5th. While he was on his way, fortunately, on October 17th, Burgoyne had been defeated, and the spirits of the colonists greatly encouraged thereby. Patrick Henry was Governor of Virginia, and at once entered heartily into Clark's plans. The same plan had before been agitated in the Colonial Assemblies, but there was no one until Clark came who was sufficiently acquainted with the condition of affairs at the scene of action to be able to guide them. Clark, having satisfied the Virginia leaders of the feasibility of his plan, received, on the 2d of January, two sets of instructions — one secret, the other open — the latter authorized him to proceed to enlist seven companies to go to Kentucky, subject to his orders, and to serve three months from their arrival in the West. The secret order authorized him to arm these troops, to procure his powder and lead of General Hand at Pittsburgh, and to proceed at once to subjugate the country. With these instructions Clark repaired to Pittsburgh, choosing rather to raise his men west of the mountains, as he well knew all were needed in the colonies in the conflict there. He sent Col. W. B. Smith to Hol« THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 51 ston for the same purpose, but neither succeeded in raising the required number of men. The settlers in these parts were afraid to leave their own firesides exposed to a vigilant foe, and but few could be induced to join the proposed expedition. With three companies and several private volunteers, Clark at length commenced his descent of the Ohio, which he navigated as far as the Falls, where he took possession of and fortified Corn Island, a small island between the present Cities of Louisville, Kentucky, and New Albany, Indiana. Remains of this fortification may yet be found. At this place he appointed Col. Bowman to meet him with such recruits as had reached Kentucky by the southern route, and as many as could be spared from the station. Here he announced to the men their real destination. Having completed his arrangements, and chosen his party, he left a small garrison upon the island, and on the 24th of June, during a total eclipse of the sun, which to them augured no good, and which fixes beyond dispute the date of starting, he with his chosen band, fell down the river. His plan was to go by water as far as Fort Massac or Massacre, and thence march direct to Kaskaskia. Here he intended to surprise the garrison, and after its capture go to Cahokia, then to Vincennes, and lastly to Detroit. Should he fail, he intended to march directly to the Mississippi River and cross it into the Spanish country. Before his start he received two good items of infor- mation : one that the alliance had been formed between France and the United States ; and the other that the Indians throughout the Illinois country and the inhabitants, at the various frontier posts, had been led to believe by the British that the " Long Knives " or Virginians, were the most fierce, bloodthirsty and cruel savages that ever scalped a foe. With this impression on their minds, Clark saw that proper management would cause them to submit at once from fear, if surprised, and then from grati- tude would become friendly if treated with unexpected leniency. The march to Kaskaskia was accomplished through a hot July sun, and the town reached on the evening of July 4. He captured the fort near the village, and soon after the village itself by surprise, and without the loss of a single man or by killing any of the enemy. After sufficiently working upon the fears of the natives, Clark told them they were at per- fect liberty to worship as they pleased, and to take whichever side of the great conflict they would, also he would protect them from any barbarity from British or Indian foe. This had the desired effect, and the inhab- itants, so unexpectedly and so gratefully surprised by the unlooked for turn of affairs, at once swore allegiance to the American arms, and when Clark desired to go to Cahokia on the 6th of July, they accom- panied him, and through their influence the inhabitants of the place surrendered, and gladly placed themselves under his protection. Thus 62 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. the two important posts in Illinois passed from the hands of the English into the possession of Virginia. In the person of the priest at Kaskaskia, M. Gibault, Clark found a powerful ally and generous friend. Clark saw that, to retain possession of the Northwest and treat successfully with the Indians within its boun- daries, he must establish a government for the colonies he had taken. St. Vincent, the next important post to Detroit, remained yet to be taken before the Mississippi Valley was conquered. M. Gibault told him that he would alone, by persuasion, lead Vincennes to throw off its connection with England. Clark gladly accepted his offer, and on the 14th of July, in company with a fellow-townsman, M. Gibault started on his mission of peace, and on the 1st of August returned with the cheerful intelligence that the post on the " Oubache " had taken the oath of allegiance to the Old Dominion. During this interval, Clark established his courts, placed garrisons at Kaskaskia and Cahokia, successfully re-enlisted his men, sent word to have a fort, which proved the germ of Louisville, erected at the Falls of the Ohio, and dispatched Mr. Rocheblave, who had been commander at Kaskaskia, as a prisoner of war to Richmond. In October the County of Illinois was established by the Legislature of Virginia, John Todd appointed Lieutenant Colonel and Civil Governor, and in November General Clark and his men received the thanks of the Old Dominion through their Legislature. In a speech a few days afterward, Clark made known fully to the natives his plans, and at its close all came forward and swore alle- giance to the Long Knives. While he was doing this Governor Hamilton, having made his various arrangements, had left Detroit and moved down the Wabash to Vincennes intending to operate from that point in reducing the Illinois posts, and then proceed on down to Kentucky and drive the rebels from the West. Gen. Clark had, on the return of M. Gibault, dispatched Captain Helm, of Fauquier County, Virginia, with an attend- ant named Henry, across the Illinois prairies to command the fort. Hamilton knew nothing of the capitulation of the post, and was greatly surprised on his arrival to be confronted by Capt. Helm, who, standing at the entrance of the fort by a loaded cannon ready to fire upon his assail- ants, demanded upon what terms Hamilton demanded possession of the fort. Being granted the rights of a prisoner of war, he surrendered to the British General, who could scarcely believe his eyes when he saw the force in the garrison. Hamilton, not realizing the character of the men with whom he was tjontending, gave up his intended campaign for the Winter, sent his four hundred Indian warriors to prevent troops from coming down the Ohio, THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 53 and to annoy the Americans in all ways, and sat quietly down to pass the Winter. Information of all these proceedings having reached Clark, he saw that immediate and decisive action was necessary, and that unless he captured Hamilton, Hamilton would capture him. Clark received the news on the 29th of January, 1779, and on February 4th, having suffi- ciently garrisoned Kaskaskia and Cahokia, he sent down the Mississippi a " battoe," as Major Bowman writes it, in order to ascend the Ohio and Wabash, and operate with the land forces gathering for the fray. On the next day, Clark, with his little force of one hundred and twenty men, set out for the post, and after incredible hard marching through much mud, the ground being thawed by the incessant spring rains, on the 22d reached the fort, and being joined by his " battoe," at once commenced the attack on the post. The aim of the American back- woodsman was unerring, and on the 24th the garrison surrendered to the intrepid boldness of Clark. The French were treated with great kind- ness, and gladly renewed their allegiance to Virginia. Hamilton was sent as a prisoner to Virginia, where he was kept in close confinement. During his command of the British frontier posts, he had offered prizes to the Indians for all the scalps of Americans they would bring to him, and had earned in consequence thereof the title " Hair-buyer General,'* by which he was ever afterward known. Detroit was now without doubt within easy reach of the enterprising- Virginian, could he but raise the necessary force. Governor Henry being apprised of this, promised him the needed reinforcement, and Clark con- cluded to wait until he could capture and sufficiently garrison the posts. Had Clark failed in this bold undertaking, and Hamilton succeeded in uniting the western Indians for the next Spring's campaign, the West would indeed have been swept from the Mississippi to the Allegheny Mountains, and the great blow struck, which had been contemplated from the commencement, by the British. " But for this small army of dripping, but fearless Virginians, the union of all the tribes from Georgia to Maine against the colonies might have been effected, and the whole current of our history changed." At this time some fears were entertained by the Colonial Govern- ments that the Indians in the North and Northwest were inclining to the British, and under the instructions of Washington, now Commander-in- Chief of the Colonial army, and so bravely fighting for American inde- pendence, armed forces were sent against the Six Nations, and upon the Ohio frontier. Col. Bowman, acting under the same general's orders, marched against Indians within the present limits of that State. These expeditions were in the main successful, and the Indians were compelled to sue for peace. 64 THE NORTHWEST TEUKITORY. During this same year (1779) the famous "Land Laws" of Virginia were passed. The passage of these laws was of more consequence to the pioneers of Kentucky and the Northwest than the gaining of a few Indian, conflicts. These laws confirmed in main all grants made, and guaranteed to all actual settlers their rights and privileges. After providing for the settlers, the laws provided for selling the balance of the public lands at forty cents per acre. To carry the Land Laws into effect, the Legislature sent four Virginians westward to attend to the various claims, over many of which great confusion prevailed concerning their validity. These gentlemen opened their court on October 13, 1779, at St. Asaphs, and continued until April 26, 1780, when they adjourned, having decided three thousand claims. They were succeeded by the surveyor, who came in the person of Mr. George May, and assumed his duties on the 10th day of the month whose name he bore. With the opening of the next year (1780) the troubles concerning the navigation of the Missis- sippi commenced. The Spanish Government exacted such measures in relation to its trade as to cause the overtures made to the United States to be rejected. The American Government considered they had a right to navigate its channel. To enforce their claims, a fort was erected below the mouth of the Ohio on the Kentucky side of the river. The settle- ments in Kentucky were being rapidly filled by emigrants. It was dur- ing this year that the first seminary of learning was established in the West in this young and enterprising Commonwealth. The settlers here did not look upon the building of this fort in a friendly manner, as it aroused the hostility of the Indians. Spain had been friendly to the Colonies during their struggle for independence, and though for a while this friendship appeared in danger from the refusal of the free navigation of the river, yet it was finally settled to the satisfaction of both nations. The Winter of 1779-80 was one of the most miusaally severe ones ever experienced in the West. The Indians always referred to it as the "Great Cold." Numbers of wild animals perished, and not a few pioneers lost their lives. The following Summer a party of Canadians and Indians attacked St. Louis, and attempted to take possession of it in consequence of the friendly disposition of Spain to the revolting colonies. They met with such a determined resistance on the part of the inhabitants, even the women taking part in the battle, that they were compelled to abandon the contest. They also made an attack on the settlements in Kentucky, but, becoming alarmed in some unaccountable manner, they fled the country in great haste. About this time arose the question in the Colonial Congress con- cerning the western lands claimed by Virginia, New York, Massachusetts THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 55 and Connecticut. The agitation concerning this subject finally led New- York, on the 19th of February, 1780, to pass a law giving to the dele- gates of that State in Congress the power to cede her western lands for the benefit of the United States. This law was laid before Congress during the next month, but no steps were taken concerning it until Sep- tember 6th, when a resolution passed that body calling upon the States claiming western lands to release their claims in favor of the whole body. This basis formed the union, and was the first after all of those legislative measures which resulted in the creation of the States of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota. In December of the same year, the plan of conquering Detroit again arose. The conquest might have easily been effected by Clark liad the necessary aid been furnished him. Nothing decisive was done, yet the heads of the Government knew that the safety of the Northwest from British invasion lay in the capture and retention of that important post, the only unconquered one in the territory. Before the close of the year, Kentucky was divided into the Coun- ties of Lincoln, Fayette and Jefferson, and the act establishing the Town of Louisville was passed. This same year is also noted in the annals of American history as the year in which occurred Arnold's treason to the United States. Virginia, in accordance with the resolution of Congress, on the 2d day of January, 1781, agreed to yield her western lands to the United States upon certain conditions, which Congress would not accede to, and the Act of Cession, on the part of the Old Dominion, failed, nor was anything farther done until 1783. During all that time the Colonies were busily engaged in the struggle with the mother country, and in consequence thereof but little heed was given to the western settlements. Upon the 16th of April, 1781, the first birth north of the Ohio River of American parentage occurred, being that of Mary Heckewelder, daughter of the widely known Moravian missionary, whose band of Christian Indians suffered in after years a horrible massacre by the hands of the frontier settlers, who had been exasperated by the murder of several of their neighbors, and in their rage committed, without regard to humanity, a deed which forever afterwards cast a shade of shame upon their lives. For this and kindred outrages on the part of the whites, the Indians committed many deeds of cruelty which darken the years of 1771 and 1772 in the history of the Northwest. During the year 1782 a number of battles among the Indians and frontiersmen occurred, and between the Moravian Indians and the Wyan- dots. In these, horrible acts of cruelty were practised on the captives, many of such dark deeds transpiring under the leadership of the notorious 56 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. frontier outlaw, Simon Girty, whose name, as well as those of his brothers, was a terror to women and children. These occurred chief! j"" in the Ohio valleys. Cotemporary with them were several engagements in Kentucky, in which the famous Daniel Boone engaged, and who, often by his skill and knowledge of Indian warfare, saved the outposts from cruel destruc- INDIANS ATTACKING FKOXTIEllSMKN. tion. By the close of the year victory had perched upon the Americaji banner, and on the 30th of November, provisional articles of peace had been arranged between the Commissioners of England and her uncon- querable colonies. Cornwallis had been defeated on the 19th of October preceding, and the liberty of America was assured. On the 19th of April following, the anniversary of the battle of Lexington, peace was THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 57 proclaimed to the army of the United States, and on the 3d of the next September, the definite treaty which ended our revolutionary struggle was concluded. By the terms of that treaty, the boundaries of the West were as follows : On the north the line was to extend along the center of the Great La,kes ; from the western point of Lake Superior to Long Lake ; thence to the Lake of the Woods ; thence to the head of the Mississippi River; down its center to the 31st parallel of latitude, then on that line east to the head of the Appalachicola River; down its center to its junc- tion with the Flint ; thence straight to the head of St. Mary's River, and thence down along its center to the Atlantic Ocean. Following the cessation of hostilities with England, several posts were still occupied by the British in the North and West. Among these was Detroit, still in the hands of the enemy. Numerous engagements with the Indians throughout Ohio and Indiana occurred, upon whose lands adventurous whites would settle ere the title had been acquired by the proper treaty. To remedy this latter evil. Congress appointed commissioners to treat with the natives and purchase their lands, and prohibited the set- tlement of the territory until this could be done. Before the close of the year another attempt was made to capture Detroit, which was, however, not pushed, and Virginia, no longer feeling the interest in the Northwest she had formerly done, withdrew her troops, having on the 20th of December preceding authorized the whole of her possessions to be deeded to the United States. This was done on the 1st of March following, and the Northwest Territory passed from the control of the Old Dominion. To Gen. Clark and his soldiers, however, she gave a tract of one hundred and fifty thousand acres of land, to be situated any where north of the Ohio wherever they chose to locate them. They selected the region opposite the falls of the Ohio, where is now the dilapidated village of Clarksville, about midway between the Cities of New Albany and Jeffer- sonville, Indiana. While the frontier remained thus, and Gen. Haldimand at Detroit refused to evacuate alleging that he had no orders from his King to do so, settlers were rapidly gathering about the inland forts. In the Spring of 1784, Pittsburgh was regularly laid out, and from the journal of Arthur Lee, who passed through the town soon after on his way to the Indian council at Fort Mcintosh, we suppose it was not very prepossessing in appearance. He says : " Pittsburgh is inhabited almost entirely by Scots and Irish, who live in paltry log houses, and are as dirty as if in the north of Ireland or even Scotland. There is a great deal of trade carried on, the goods being bought at the vast expense of forty-five shillings per pound from Phila- 58 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. delphia and Baltimore. They take in the shops flour, wheat, skins and money. There are in the town four attorneys, two doctors, and not a priest of any persuasion, nor church nor chapel." Kentucky at this time contained thirty thousand inhabitants, and was beginning to discuss measures for a separation from Virginia. A land office was opened at Louisville, and measures were adopted to take defensive precaution against the Indians who were yet, in some instances, incited to deeds of violence by the British. Before the close of this year, 1784, the military claimants of land began to occupy them, although no entries were recorded until 1787. The Indian title to the Northwest was not yet extinguished. They held large tracts of lands, and in order to prevent bloodshed Congress adopted means for treaties with the original owners and provided for the surveys of the lands gained thereby, as well as for those north of the Ohio, now in its possession. On January 31, 1786, a treaty was made with the Wabash Indians. The treaty of Fort Stanwix had been made in 1784. That at Fort Mcintosh in 1785, and through these much land was gained. The Wabash Indians, however, afterward refused to comply with the provisions of the treaty made with them, and in order to compel their adherence to its provisions, force was used. Daring the year 1786, the free navigation of the Mississippi came up in Congress, and caused various discussions, which resulted in no definite action, only serving to excite speculation in regard to the western lands. Congress had promised bounties of land to the soldiers of the Revolution, but owing to the unsettled condition of affairs along the Mississippi respecting its naviga- tion, and the trade of the Northwest, that body had, in 1783, declared its inability to fulfill these promises until a treaty could be concluded between the two Governments. Before the close of the year 1786, how- ever, it was able, through the treaties with the Indians, to allow some grants and the settlement thereon, and on the 14th of September Con- necticut ceded to the General Government the tract of land known as the " Connecticut Reserve," and before the close of the following year a large tract of land north of the Ohio was sold to a company, who at once took measures to settle it. By the provisions of this grant, the company were to pay the United States one dollar per acre, subject to a deduction of one-third for bad lands and other contingencies. They received 750,000 acres, bounded on the south by the Ohio, on the east by the seventh range of townships, on the west by the sixteenth range, and on the north by a line so drawn as to make the grant complete without the reservations. In addition to this. Congress afterward granted 100,000 acres to actual settlers, and 214,285 acres as army bounties under the resolutions of 1789 and 1790. THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 59 While Dr. Cutler, one of the agents of the company, was pressing its claims before Congress, that body was bringing into form an ordinance for the political and social organization of this Territory. When the cession was made by Virginia, in 1784, a plan was offered, but rejected. A motion had been made to strike from the proposed plan the prohibition of slavery, which prevailed. The plan was then discussed and altered, and finally passed unanimously, with the exception of South Carolina. By this proposition, the Territory was to have been divided into states A PRAIRIE STORM. by parallels and meridian lines. This, it was thought, would make ten states, which were to have been named as follows — beginning at the northwest corner and going southwardly : Sylvania, Michigania, Cher- sonesus, Assenisipia, Metropotamia, Illenoia, Saratoga, Washington, Poly- potamia and Pelisipia. There was a more serious objection to this plan than its category of names, — the boundaries. The root of the difficulty was in the resolu- tion of Congress passed in October, 1780, which fixed the boundaries of the ceded lands to be from one hundred to one hundred and fifty miles 60 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. square. These resolutions being presented to the Legislatures of Vir- ginia and Massachusetts, they desired a change, and in July, 1786, the subject was taken up in Congress, and changed to favor a division into not more than five states, and not less than three. This was approved by the State Legislature of Virginia. The subject of the Government was again taken up by Congress in 1786, and discussed throughout that year and until July, 1787, when the famous "Compact of 1787" was passed, and the foundation of the government of the Northwest laid. This com- pact is fully discussed and explained in the history of Illinois in this book, and to it the reader is referred. The passage of this act and the grant to the New England Company was soon followed b}^ an application to the Government by John Cleves Symmes, of New Jersey, for a grant of the land between the Miamis. This gentleman had visited these lands soon after the treaty of 1786, and, being greatly pleased with them, offered similar terms to those given to the New England Company. The petition was referred to the Treasury Board with power to act, and a contract was concluded the following year. During the Autumn the directors of the New England Company were preparing to occupy their grant the following Spring, and upon the 23d of November made arrangements for a party of forty-seven men, under the superintendency of Gen. Rufus Putnam, to set forward. Six boat-builders were to leave at once, and on the first of January the sur- veyors and their assistants, twenty-six in number, were to meet at Hart- ford and proceed on their journey westward ; the remainder to follow as soon as possible. Congress, in the meantime, upon the 8d of October, had ordered seven hundred troops for defense of the western settlers, and to prevent unauthorized intrusions ; and two days later appointed Arthur St. Clair Governor of the Territory of the Northwest. AMERICAN SETTLEMENTS. The civil organization of the Northwest Territory was now com- plete, and notwithstanding the uncertainty of Indian affairs, settlers from the East began to come into the country rapidly. The New England Company sent their men during the Winter of 1787-8 pressing on over the Alleghenies by the old Indian path which had been opened into Braddock's road, and which has since been made a national turnpike from Cumberland westward. Through the weary winter days they toiled on, and by April were all gathered on the Yohiogany, where boats had been built, and at once started for the Muskingum. Here they arrived on the 7th of that month, and unless the Moravian missionaries be regarded as the pioneers of Ohio, this little baud can justly claim that honor. THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 61 Gen. St. Clair, the appointed Governor of the Northwest, not having yet arrived, a set of laws were passed, written out, and published by being nailed to a tree in the embryo town, and Jonathan Meigs appointed to administer them. Washington in writing of this, the first American settlement in the Northwest, said : " No colony in America was ever settled under such favorable auspices as that which has just commenced at Muskingum. Information, property and strength will be its characteristics. I know many of its settlers personally, and there never were men better calcu- lated to promote the welfare of such a community.'* A PIONEER 1)A\K On the 2d of July a meeting of the directors and agents was held on the banks of the Muskingum, " for the purpose of naming the new- born city and its squares." As yet the settlement was known as the "Muskingum," but that was now changed to the name Marietta, in honor of Marie Antoinette. The square upon which the block - houses stood was called '■'Campus Martins ;'' square number 19, '' CapitoUum ^ square number 61, "• Cecilia ^ and the great road through the covert way, " Sacra Via.''' Two days after, an oration was delivered by James M. Varnum, who with S. H. Parsons and John Armstrong had been appointed to the judicial bench of the territory on the 16th of October, 1787. On July 9, Gov. St. Clair arrived, and the colony began to assume form. The act of 1787 provided two district grades of government for the Northwest, 62 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. under the first of which the whole power was invested in the hands of a governor and three district judges. This was immediately formed upon the Governor's arrival, and the first laws of the colony passed on the 25th of July. These provided for the organization of the militia, and on the next day appeared the Governor's proclamation, erecting all that country that had been ceded by the Indians east of the Scioto River into the County of Washington. From that time forward, notwithstanding the doubts yet existing as to the Indians, all Marietta prospered, and on the 2d of September the first court of the territory was held with imposing ceremonies. The emigration westward at this time was very great. The com- mander at Fort Harmer, at the mouth of the Muskingum, reported four thousand five hundred persons as having passed that post between Feb- ruary and June, 1788 — many of whom would have purchased of the "Associates," as the New England Company was called, had they been ready to receive them. On the 26th of November, 1787, Symmes issued a pamphlet stating the terms of his contract and the plan of sale he intended to adopt. In January, 1788, Matthias Denman, of New Jersey, took an active interest in Symmes' purchase, and located among other tracts the sections upon which Cincinnati has been built. Retaining one-third of this locality, he sold the other two-thirds to Robert Patterson and John Filson, and the three, about August, commenced to lay out a town on the spot, which was designated as being opposite Licking River, to the moulh of which they proposed to have a road cut from Lexington. The naming of the town is thus narrated in the "Western Annals " : — " Mr. Filson, who had been a schoolmaster, was appointed to name the town, and, in respect to its situation, and as if with a prophetic perception of the mixed race that were to inhabit it in after days, he named it Losantiville, which, being interpreted, means : ville^ the town ; anti^ against or opposite to ; os, the mouth ; L. of Licking." Meanwhile, in July, Symmes got thirty persons and eight four-horse teams under way for the West. These reached Limestone (now Mays- ville) in September, where were several persons from Redstone. Here Mr. Symmes tried to found a settlement, but the great freshet of 1789 caused the " Point," as it was and is yet called, to be fifteen feet under water, and the settlement to be abandoned. The little band of settlers removed to the mouth of the Miami. Before Symmes and his colony left the " Point," two settlements had been made on his purchase. The first was by Mr. Stiltes, the original projector of the whole plan, who, with a colony of Redstone people, had located at the mouth of the Miami, whither Symmes went with his Maysville colony. Here a clearing had THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 63 been made by the Indians owing to the great fertility of the soil. Mr. Stiltes with his colony came to this place on the 18th of November, 1788, with twenty-six persons, and, building a block-house, prepared to remain through the Winter. They named the settlement Columbia. Here they were kindly treated by the Indians, but suffered greatly from the flood of 1789. On the 4th of March, 1789, the Constitution of the United States went into operation, and on April 30, George Washington was inaug- urated President of the American people, and during the next Summer, an Indian war was commenced by the tribes north of the Ohio. The President at first used pacific means ; but these failing, he sent General Harmer against the hostile tribes. He destroyed several villages, but BREAKING PBAIRIE. was defeated in two battles, near the present City of Fort Wayne, Indiana. From this time till the close of 1795, the principal events were the wars with the various Indian tribes. In 1796, General St. Clair was appointed in command, and marched against the Indians; but while he was encamped on a stream, the St. Mar}', a branch of the Maumee, he was attacked and defeated with the loss of six hundred men. General Wayne was now sent against the savages. In August, 1794, he met them near the rapids of the Maumee, and gained a complete victory. This success, followed by vigorous measures, compelled the Indians to sue for peace, and on the 30th of July, the following year, the treaty of Greenville was signed by the principal chiefs, by which a large tract of country was ceded to the United States. Before proceeding in our narrative, we will pause to notice Fort Washington, erected in the early part of this war on the site of Cincinnati. Nearly all of the great cities of the Northwest, and indeed of the 64 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. whole country, have had their nuclei in those rude pioneer structures, known as forts or stockades. Thus Forts Dearborn, Washington, Pon- chartrain, mark the original sites of the now proud Cities of Chicago, Cincinnati and Detroit. So of most of the flourishing cities east and west of the Mississippi. Fort Washington, erected by Doughty in 1790, was a rude but highly interesting structure. It was composed of a number of strongly-built hewed log cabins. Those designed for soldiers' barracks were a story and a half high, while those composing the officers quarters were more imposing and more conveniently arranged and furnished. The whole were so placed as to form a hollow square, enclosing about an acre of ground, with a block house at each of the four angles. The logs for the construction of this fort were cut from the ground upon which it was erected. It stood between Third and Fourth Streets of the present city (Cincinnati) extending east of Eastern Row, now Broadway, which was then a narrow alley, and the eastern boundary of of the town as it was originally laid out. On the bank of the river, immediately in front of the fort, was an appendage of the fort, called the Artificer's Yard. It contained about two acres of ground, enclosed by small contiguous buildings, occupied by workshops and quarters of laborers. Within this enclosure there was a large two-story frame house, familiarly called the " Yellow House," built for the accommodation of the Quartermaster General. For many years this was the best finished and most commodious edifice in the Queen City. Fort Washington was for some time the headquarters of both the civil and military governments of the Northwestern Territory. Following the consummation of the treaty various gigantic land spec- ulations were entered into by different persons, who hoped to obtain from the Indians in Michigan and northern Indiana, large tracts of lands. These were generally discovered in time to prevent the outrageous schemes from being carried out, and from involving the settlers in war. On October 27, 1795, the treaty between the United States and Spain was signed, whereby the free navigation of the Mississippi was secured. No sooner had the treaty of 1795 been ratified than settlements began to pour rapidly into the West. The great event of the year 1796 was the occupation of that part of the Northwest including Michigan, which was this year, under the provisions of the treaty, evacuated by the British forces. The United States, owing to certain conditions, did not feel justified in addressing the authorities in Canada in relation to Detroit and other frontier posts. When at last the British authorities were called to give them up, they at once complied, and General Wayne, who had done so much to preserve the frontier settlements, and who, before the year's close, sickened and died near Erie, transferred his head- THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 65 quarters to the neighborhood of the lakes, where a county named after him was formed, which included the northwest of Ohio, all of Michigan, and the northeast of Indiana. During this same year settlements were formed at the present City of Chillicothe, along the Miami from Middle- town to Piqua, while in the more distant West, settlers and speculators began to appear in great numbers. In September, the City of Cleveland was laid out, and during the Summer and Autumn, Samuel Jackson and Jonathan Sharpless erected the first manufactory of paper — the " Red- stone Paper Mill" — in the West. St. Louis contained some seventy houses, and Detroit over three hundred, and along the river, contiguous to it, were more than three thousand inhabitants, mostly French Canadians, Indians and half-breeds, scarcely any Americans venturing yet into that part of the Northwest. The election of representatives for the territory had taken place, and on the 4th of February, 1799, they convened at Losantiville — now known as Cincinnati, having been named so by Gov. St. Clair, and considered the capital of the Territory — to nominate persons from whom the members of the Legislature were to be chosen in accordance with a previous ordinance. This nomination being made, the Assembly adjourned until the 16th of the following September. From those named the President selected as members of the council, Henry Vandenburg, of Vincennes, Robert Oliver, of Marietta, James Findlay and Jacob Burnett, of Cincinnati, and David Vance, of Vanceville. On the 16th of September the Territorial Legislature met, and on the 24th the two houses were duly organized, Henry Vandenburg being elected President of the Council. The message of Gov. St. Clair was addressed to the Legislature September 20th, and on October 13th that body elected as a delegate to Congress Gen. Wm. Henry Harrison, who received eleven of the votes cast, being a majority of one over his opponent, Arthur St. Clair, son of Gen. St. Clair. The whole number of acts passed at this session, and approved by the Governor, were thirty-seven — eleven others were passed, but received his veto. The most important of those passed related to the militia, to the administration, and to taxation. On the 19th of December this pro- tracted session of the first Legislature in the West was closed, and on the 30th of December the President nominated Charles Willing Bryd to the office of Secretary of the Territory vice Wm. Henry Harrison, elected to Congress. The Senate confirmed his nomination the next day. 66 THE NOKTHWEST TERRITORY. DIVISION OF THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. The increased emigration to the Northwest, the extent of the domain, and the inconvenient modes of travel, made it very difficult to conduct the ordinary operations of government, and rendered the efficient action of courts almost impossible. To remedy this, it was deemed advisable to divide the territory for civil purposes. Congress, in 1800, appointed a committee to examine the question and report some means for its solution. This committee, on the 3d of March, reported that : "In the three western countries there has been but one court having cognizance of crimes, in five years, and the immunity which offenders experience attracts, as to an asylum, the most vile and abandoned crim- inals, and at the same time deters useful citizens from making settlements in such society. The extreme necessity of judiciary attention and assist- ance is experienced in civil as well as in criminal cases. * * * * Xo minister a remedy to these and other evils, it occurs to this committee that it is expedient that a division of said territory into two distinct and separate governments should be made ; and that such division be made by a line beginning at the mouth of the Great Miami River, running directly north until it intersects the boundary between the United States and Canada." The report was accepted by Congress, and, in accordance with its suggestions, that body passed an Act extinguishing the Northwest Terri- tory, which Act was approved May 7. Among its provisions were these : " That from and after July 4 next, all that part of the Territory of the United States northwest of the Ohio River, which lies to the westward of a line beginning at a point on the Ohio, opposite to the mouth of the Kentucky River, and running thence to Fort Recovery, and thence north until it shall intersect the territorial line between the United States and Canada, shall, for the purpose of temporary government, constitute a separate territory, and be called the Indiana Territory." After providing for the exercise of the civil and criminal powers of the tei^ritories, and other provisions, the Act further provides: " That until it shall otherwise be ordered by the Legislatures of the said Territories, respectively, Chillicothe on the Scioto River shall be the seat of government of the Territory of the United States northwest of the Ohio River ; and that St. Vincennes on the Wabash River shall be the seat of government for the Indiana Territory." Gen. Wm. Henry Harrison was appointed Governor of the Indiana Territory, and entered upon his duties about a year later. Connecticut also about this time released her claims to the reserve, and in March a law THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 67 was passed accepting this cession. Settlements had been made upon thirty -five of the townships in the reserve, mills had been built, and seven hundred miles of road cut in various directions. On the 3d of November the General Assembly met at Chillicothe. Near the close of the year, the first missionary of the Connecticut Reserve came, who found no township containing more than eleven families. It was upon the first of October that the secret treaty had been made between Napoleon and the King of Spain, whereby the latter agreed to cede to France the province of Louisiana. In January, 1802, the Assembly of the Northwestern Territory char- tered the college at Athens. From the earliest dawn of the western colonies, education was promptly provided for, and as early as 1787, newspapers were issued from Pittsburgh and Kentucky, and largely read throughout the frontier settlements. Before the close of this year, the Congress of the United States granted to the citizens of the Northwestern territory the formation of a State government. One of the provisions of the "compact of 1787" provided that whenever the number of inhabit- ants within prescribed limits exceeded 45,000, they should be entitled to a separate government. The prescribed limits of Ohio contained, from a census taken to ascertain the legality of the act, more than that number, and on the 30th of April, 1802, Congress passed the act defining its limits, and on the 29th of November the Constitution of the new State of Ohio, so named from the beautiful river forming its southern boundary, came into existence. The exact limits of Lake Michigan were not then known, but the territory now included within the State of Michigan was wholly within the territory of Indiana. Gen. Harrison, while residing at Vincennes, made several treaties with the Indians, thereby gaining large tracts of lands. The next year is memorable in the history of the West for the purchase of Louisiana from France by the United States for $15,000,000. Thus by a peaceful mode, the domain of the United States was extended over a large tract of country west of the Mississippi, and was for a time under the jurisdiction of the Northwest government, and, as has been mentioned in the early part of this narrative, was called the "New Northwest." The limits of this history will not allow a description of its territory. The same year large grants of land were obtained from the Indians, and the House of Representatives of the new State of Ohio signed a bill respecting the College Township in the district of Cincinnati. Before the close of the year. Gen. Harrison obtained additional grants of lands from the various Indian nations in Indiana and the present limits of Illinois, and on the 18th of August, 1804, completed a treaty at St. Louis, whereby over 51,000,000 acres of lands were obtained from the 68 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. aborigines. Measures were also taken to learn the condition of affaii's in and about Detroit. C Jouett, the Indian agent in Michigan, still a part of Indiana Terri- tory, reported as follows upon the condition of matters at that post : " The Town of Detroit. — The charter, which is for fifteen miles square, was granted in the time of Louis XIV. of France, and is now, from the best information I have been able to get, at Quebec. Of those two hundred and twenty-five acres, only four are occupied by the town and Fort Lenault. The remainder is a common, except twenty-four acres, which were added twenty years ago to a farm belonging to Wm. Macomb. * * * a stockade incloses the town, fort and citadel. The pickets, as well as the public houses, are in a state of gradual decay. The streets are narrow, straight and regular, and intersect each other at right angles. The houses are, for the most part, low and inelegant." During this year, Congress granted a township of land for the sup- port of a college, and began to offer inducements for settlers in these wilds, and the country now comprising the State of Michigan began to fill rapidly with settlers along its southern borders. This same year, also, a law was passed organizing the Southwest Territory, dividing it into two portions, the Territory of New Orleans, which city was made the seat of government, and the District of Louisiana, which was annexed to the domain of Gen. Harrison. On the 11th of January, 1805, the Territory of Michigan was formed, "Wm. Hull was appointed governor, with headquarters at Detroit, the change to take effect on June 30. On the 11th of that month, a fire occurred at Detroit, which destro3^ed almost every building in the place. When the officers of the new territory reached the post, they found it in ruins, and the inhabitants scattered throughout the country. Rebuild- ing, however, soon commenced, and ere long the town contained more houses than before the fire, and many of them much better built. While this was being done, Indiana had passed to the second grade of government, and through her General Assembly had obtained large tracts of land from the Indian tribes. To all this the celebrated Indian, Tecumthe or Tecumseh, vigorously protested, and it was the main cause of his attempts to unite the various Indian tribes in a conflict with the settlers. To obtain a full account of these attempts, the workings of the British, and the signal failure, culminating in the death of Tecumseh at the battle of the Thames, and the close of the war of 1812 in the Northwest, we will step aside in our story, and relate the principal events of his life, and his connection with this conflict. THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY, 6y TECUMSEH, THE SHAWANOE CHIEFTAIK TO THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. TECUMSEH, AND THE WAR OF 1812. This famous Indian chief was born about the year 1768, not far from the site of the present City of Piqua, Ohio. His father, Puckeshinwa, was a member of the Kisopok tribe of the Swanoese nation, and his mother, Methontaske, was a member of the Turtle tribe of the same people. They removed from Florida about the middle of the last century to the birthplace of Tecumseh. In 1774, his father, who had risen to be chief, was slain at the battle of Point Pleasant, and not long after Tecum- seh, by his bravery, became the leader of his tribe. In 1795 he was declared chief, and then lived at Deer Creek, near the site of the present City of Urbana. He remained here about one year, when he returned to Piqua, and in 1798, he went to White River, Indiana. In 1805, he and his brother, Laulewasikan (Open Door), who had announced himself as a prophet, went to a tract of land on the Wabash River, given them by the Pottawatomies and Kickapoos. From this date the chief comes into prominence. He was now about thirty-seven years of age, was five feet and ten inches in height, was stoutly built, and possessed of enormous powers of endurance. His countenance was naturally pleas- ing, and he was, in general, devoid of those savage attributes possessed by most Indians. It is stated he could read and write, and had a confi- dential secretary and adviser, named Billy Caldwell, a half-breed, who afterward became chief of the Pottawatomies. He occupied the first house built on the site of Chicago. At this time, Tecumseh entered upon the great work of his life. He had long objected to the grants of land made by the Indians to the whites, and determined to unite all the Indian tribes into a league, in order that no treaties or grants of land could be made save by the consent of this confederation. He traveled constantly, going from north to south ; from the south to the north, everywhere urging the Indians to this step. He was a matchless orator, and his burning words had their effect. Gen. Harrison, then Governor of Indiana, by watching the move- ments of the Indians, became convinced that a grand conspiracy was forming, and made preparations to defend the settlements. Tecumseh's plan was similar to Pontiac's, elsewhere described, and to the cunning artifice of that chieftain was added his own sagacity. During the year 1809, Tecumseh and the prophet were actively pre- paring for the work. In that year. Gen. Harrison entered into a treaty with the Dela wares, Kickapoos, Pottawatomies, Miamis, Eel River Indians and Weas, in which these tribes ceded to the whites certain lands upon the Wabash, to all of which Tecumseh entered a bitter protest, averring THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 71 as one principal reason that he did not want the Indians to give up any lands north and west of the Ohio River. Tecumseh, in August, 1810, visited the General at Vincennes and held a council relating to the grievances of the Indians. Becoming unduly angry at this conference he was dismissed from the village, and soon after departed to incite the southern Indian tribes to the conflict. Gen. Harrison determined to move upon the chief's headquarters at Tippecanoe, and for this purpose went about sixty-five miles up the Wabash, where he built Fort Harrison. From this place he went to the prophet's town, where he informed the Indians he had no hostile inten- tions, provided they were true to the existing treaties. He encamped near the village early in October, and on the morning of November 7, he was attacked by a large force of the Indians, and the famous battle of Tippecanoe occurred. The Indians were routed and their town broken up. Tecumseh returning not long after, was greatly exasperated at his brother, tlie prophet, even threatening to kill him for rashly precipitating the war, and foiling his (Tecumseh's) plans. Tecumseh sent word to Gen. Harrison that he was now returned from the South, and was ready to visit the President as had at one time previously been proposed. Gen. Harrison informed him he could not go as a chief, which method Tecumseh desii-ed, and the visit was never made. In June of the following year, he visited the Indian agent at Fort Wayne. Here he disavowed any intention to make a war against the United States, and reproached Gen. Harrison for marching against his people. The agent replied to this ; Tecumseh listened with a cold indif- ference, and after making a few general remarks, with a haughty air drew his blanket about him, left the council house, and departed for Fort Mai- den, in Upper Canada, where he joined the British standard. He remained under this Government, doing effective work for the Crown while engaged in the war of 1812 which now opened. He was, however, always humane in his treatment of the prisoners, never allow- ing his warriors to ruthlessly mutilate the bodies of those slain, or wan- tonly murder the captive. In the Summer of 1813, Perry's victory on Lake Erie occurred, and shortly after active preparations were made to capture Maiden. On the 27th of September, the American army, under Gen. Harrison, set sail for the shores of Canada, and in a few hours stood around the ruins of Mai- den, from which the British army, under Proctor, had retreated to Sand- wich, intending to make its way to the heart of Canada by the Valley of the Thames. On the 29th Gen. Harrison was at Sandwich, and Gen. McArthur took possession of Detroit and the territory of Michigan. 72 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. On the 2d of October, the Americans began their pursuit of Proctor, whom they overtook on the 5th, and the battle of the Thames followed. Early in the engagement, Tecumseh who was at the head of the column of Indians was slain, and they, no longer hearing the voice of their chief- tain, fled. The victory was decisive, and practically closed the war in the Northwest. INDIANS ATTACKING A STOCKADiL. Just who killed the great chief has been a matter of much dispute ; but the weight of opinion awards the act to Col. Richard M. Johnson, who fired at him with a pistol, the shot proving fatal. In 1805 occurred Burr's Insurrection. He took possession of a beautiful island in the Ohio, after the killing of Hamilton, and is charged by many with attempting to set up an independent government. His plans were frustrated by the general government, his property confiscated and he was compelled to flee the country for safety. THE NORTHWEST TERBTTORY. 73 In January, 1807, Governor Hull, of Michigan Territory, made a treaty with the Indians, whereby all that peninsula was ceded to the United States. Before the close of the year, a stockade was built about Detroit. It was also during this year that Indiana and Illinois endeavored to obtain the repeal of that section of the compact of 1787, whereby slavery was excluded from the Northwest Territory. These attempts, however, all signally failed. In 1809 it was deemed advisable to divide the Indiana Territory. This was done, and the Territory of Illinois was formed from the western part, the seat of government being fixed at Kaskaskia. The next year, the intentions of Tecumseh manifested themselves in open hostilities, and then began the events already narrated. While this war was in progress, emigration to the West went on with surprising rapidity. In 1811, under Mr. Roosevelt of New York, the first steamboat trip was made on the Ohio, much to the astonishment of the natives, many of whom fled in terror at the appearance of the " monster." It arrived at Louisville on the 10th day of October. At the close of the first week of January, 1812, it arrived at Natchez, after being nearly overwhelmed in the great earthquake which occurred while on its downward trip. The battle of the Thames was fought on October 6, 1813. It effectually closed hostilities in the Northwest, although peace was not fully restored until July 22, 1814, when a treaty was formed at Green- ville, under the direction of General Harrison, between the United States and the Indian tribes, in which it was stipulated that the Indians should cease hostilities against the Americans if the war were continued. Such, happily, was not the case, and on the 24th of December the treaty of Ghent was signed by the representatives of England and the United States. This treaty was followed the next year by treaties with various Indian tribes throughout the West and Northwest, and quiet was again restored in this part of the new world. On the 18th of March, 1816, Pittsburgh was incorporated as a city. It then had a population of 8,000 people, and was already noted for its manufacturing interests. On April 19, Indiana Territory was allowed to form a state government. At that time there were thirteen counties organized, containing about sixty-three thousand inhabitants. The first election of state officers was held in August, when Jonathan Jennings was chosen Governor. The officers were sworn in on November 7, a.nd on December 11, the State was formally admitted into the Union. For some time the seat of government was at Corydon, but a more central location being desirable, the present capital, Indianapolis (City of Indiana), was laid out January 1, 1825. 74 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. On the 28th of December the Bank of Illinois, at Shawneetown, was chartered, with a capital of $300,000. At this period all banks were under the control of the States, and were allowed to establish branches at different convenient points. Until this time Chillicothe and Cincinnati had in turn enjoyed the privileges of being the capital of Ohio. But the rapid settlement of the northern and eastern portions of the State demanded, as in Indiana, a more central location, and before the close of the year, the site of Col- umbus was selected and surveyed as the future capital of the State. Banking had begun in Ohio as early as 1808, when the first bank was chartered at Marietta, but here as elsewhere it did not bring to the state the hoped-for assistance. It and other banks were subsequently unable to redeem their currency, and were obliged to suspend. In 1818, Illinois was made a state, and all the territory north of her northern limits was erected into a separate territory and joined to Mich- igan for judicial purposes. By the following year, navigation of the lakes was increasing with great rapidity and affording an immense source of revenue to the dwellers in the Northwest, but it was not until 1826 that the trade was extended to Lake Michigan, or that steamships began to navigate the bosom of that inland sea. Until the year 1832, the commencement of the Black Hawk War, but few hostilities were experienced with the Indians. Roads were opened, canals were dug, cities were built, common schools were estab- lished, universities were founded, many of which, especially the Michigan University, have achieved a world wide-reputation. The people were becoming wealthy. The domains of the United States had been extended, and had the sons of the forest been treated with honesty and justice, the record of many years would have been that of peace and continuous pros- perity. BLACK HAWK AND THE BLACK HAWK WAR. This conflict, though confined to Illinois, is an important epoch in the Northwestern history, being the last war with the Indians in this part of the United States. Ma-ka-tai-me-she-kia-kiah, or Black Hawk, was born in the principal Sac village, about three miles from the junction of Rock River with the Mississippi, in the year 1767. His father's name was Py-e-sa or Pahaes ; his grandfather's, Na-na-ma-kee, or the Thunderer. Black Hawk early distinguished himself as a warrior, and at the age of fifteen was permitted to paint and was ranked among the braves. About the year 1783, he went on an expedition against the enemies of his nation, the Osages, one THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 76 ,ACK ITAWK, THE SAC CHIEFTAIN. 76 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. of whom he killed and scalped, and for this deed of Indian bravery he was permitted to join in the scalp dance. Three or four years after he, at the head of two hundred braves, went on another expedition against the Osages, to avenge the murder of some women and children belonging to his own tribe. Meeting an equal number of Osage warriors, a fierce battle ensued, in which the latter tribe lost one-half their number. The Sacs lost only about nineteen warriors. He next attacked the Cherokees for a similar cause. In a severe battle with them, near the present City of St. Louis, his father was slain, and Black Hawk, taking possession of the " Medicine Bag," at once announced himself chief of the Sac nation. He had now conquered the Cherokees, and about the year 1800, at the head of five hundred Sacs and Foxes, and a hundred lowas, he waged war against the Osage nation and subdued it. For two years he battled successfully with other Indian tribes, all of whom he conquered. Black Hawk does not at any time seem to have been friendly to the Americans. When on a visit to St. Louis to see his " Spanish Father," he declined to see any of the Americans, alleging, as a reason, he did not want two fathers. The treaty at St. Louis was consummated in 1804. The next year the United States Government erected a fort near the head of the Des Moines Rapids, called Fort Edwards. This seemed to enrage Black Hawk, who at once determined to capture Fort Madison, standing on the west side of the Mississippi above the mouth of the Des Moines River. The fort was garrisoned by about fifty men. Here he was defeated. The difficulties with the British Government arose about this time, and the War of 1812 followed. That government, extending aid to the Western Indians, by giving them arms and ammunition, induced them to remain hostile to the Americans. In August, 1812, Black Hawk, at the head of about five hundred braves, started to join the British forces at Detroit, passing on his way the site of Chicago, where the famous Fort Dearborn Massacre hr>:^ a few days before occurred. Of his connection with the British Urcvernment but little is known. In 1813 he with his little band descended the Mississippi, and attacking some United States troops at Fort Howard was defeated. In the early part of 1815, the Indian tribes west of the Mississippi were notified that peace had been declared between the United States and England, and nearly all hostilities had ceased. Black Hawk did not sign any treaty, however, until May of the following year. He then recog- nized the validity of the treaty at St. Louis in 1804. From the time of signing this treaty in 1816, until the breaking out of the war in 1832, he and his band passed their time in the common pursuits of Indian life. Ten years before the commencement of this war, the Sac and Fox THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 77 Indians were urged to join the lowas on the west banlc of the Father of Waters. All were agreed, save the band known as the British Band, of which Black Hawk was leader. He strenuously objected to the removal, and was induced to comply only after being threatened with the power of the Government. This and various actions on the part of the white set- tlers provoked Black Hawk and his band to attempt the capture of his native village now occupied by the whites. The war followed. He and his actions were undoubtedly misunderstood, and had his wishes been acquiesced in at the beginning of the struggle, much bloodshed would have been prevented. Black Hawk was chief now of the Sac and Fox nations, and a noted warrior. He and his tribe inhabited a village on Rock River, nearly three miles above its confluence with the Mississippi, where the tribe had lived many generations. When that portion of Illinois was reserved to them, they remained in peaceable possession of their reservation, spending their time in the enjoyment of Indian life. The fine situation of their village and the quality of their lands incited the more lawless white settlers, who from time to time began to encroach upon the red men's domain. From one pretext to another, and from one step to another, the crafty white men gained a foothold, until through whisky and artifice they obtained deeds from many of the Indians for their possessions. The Indians were finally induced to cross over the Father of Waters and locate among the lowas. Black Hawk was strenuously opposed to all this, but as the authorities of Illinois and the United States thought this the best move, he was forced to comply. Moreover other tribes joined the whites and urged the removal. Black Hawk would not agree to the terms of the treaty made with his nation for their lands, and as soon as the military, called to enforce his removal, had retired, he returned to the Illinois side of the river. A large force was at once raised and marched against him. On the evening of May 14, 1832, the first engagement occurred between a band from this army and Black Hawk's band, in which the former were defeated. This attack and its result aroused the whites. A large force of men was raised, and Gen. Scott hastened from the seaboard, by way of the lakes, with United States troops and artillery to aid in the subjugation of the Indians. On the 24th of June, Black Hawk, with 200 warriors, was repulsed by Major Demont between Rock River and Galena. The Ameri- can army continued to move up Rock River toward the main body of the Indians, and on the 21st of July came upon Black Hawk and his band, and defeated them near the Blue Mounds. Before this action, Gen. Henry, in command, sent word to the main army by whom he was immediately rejoined, and the v/hole crossed the 78 THE NOKTHWEST TERRITORY. Wisconsin in pursuit of Black Hawk and his band who were fleeing to the Mississippi. The}^ were overtaken on the 2d of August, and in the battle which followed the power of the Indian chief was completely broken. He fled, but was seized by the Winnebagoes and delivered to the whites. On the 21st of September, 1832, Gen. Scott and Gov. Reynolds con- cluded a treaty with the Winnebagoes, Sacs and Foxes by which they ceded to the United States a vast tract of country, and agreed to remain peaceable with the whites. For the faithful performance of the provi- sions of this treaty on the part of the Indians, it was stipulated that Black Hawk, his two sons, the prophet Wabokieshiek, and six other chiefs of the hostile bands should be retained as hostages during the pleasure of the President. They were confined at Fort Barracks and put in irons. The next Spring, by order of the Secretary of War, they were taken to Washington. From there they were removed to Fortress Monroe, "there to remain until the conduct of their nation was such as to justify their being set at liberty." They were retained here until the 4th of June, when the authorities directed them to be taken to the principal cities so that they might see the folly of contending against the white people. Everywhere they were observed by thousands, the name of the old chief being CKtensively known. By the middle of August they reached Fort Armstrong on Rock Island, where Black Hawk was soon after released to go to his countrymen. As he passed the site of his birth- place, now the home of the white man, he was deeply moved. His village where he was born, where he had so happily lived, and where he had hoped to die, was now another's dwelling place, and he was a wanderer. On the next day after his release, he went at once to his tribe and his lodge. His wife was yet living, and with her he passed the remainder of his days. To his credit it may be said that Black Hawk always re- mained true to his wife, and served her with a devotion uncommon among the Indians, living with her upward of forty years. Black Hawk now passed his time hunting and fishing. A deep mel- ancholy had settled over him from which he could not be freed. At all times when he visited the whites he was received with marked atten- tion. He was an honored guest at the old settlers' reunion in Lee County, Illinois, at some of their meetings, and received many tokens of esteem. In September, 1838, while on his way to Rock Island to receive his annuity from the Government, he contracted a severe cold which resulted in a fatal attack of bilious fever which terminated his life on October 3. His faithful wife, who was devotedly attached to him, mourned deeply during his sickness. After his death he was dressed in the uniform pre- sented to him by the President while in Washington. He was buried in a grave six feet in depth, situated upon a beautiful eminence. " The THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 79 body was placed in the middle of the grave, in a sitting posture, upon a seat constructed for the purpose. On his left side, the cane, given him by Henry Clay, was placed upright, with his right hand resting upon it. Many of the old warrior's trophies were placed in the grave, and some Indian garments, together with his favorite weapons." No sooner was the Black Hawk war concluded than settlers began rapidly to pour into the northern parts of Illinois, and into Wisconsin, now free from Indian depredations. Chicago, from a trading post, had grown to a commercial center, and was rapidly coming into prominence. In 1835, the formation of a State Government in Michigan was discussed, but did not take active form until two years later, when the State became a part of the Federal Union. The main attraction to that portion of the Northwest lying west of Lake Michigan, now included in the State of Wisconsin, was its alluvial wealth. Copper ore was found about Lake Superior. For some time this region was attached to Michigan for judiciary purposes, but in 183(5 was made a territory, then including Minnesota and Iowa. The latter State was detached two years later. In 1848, Wisconsin was admitted as a State, Madison being made the capital. We have now traced the various divisions of the Northwest Territory (save a little in Minnesota) from the time it was a unit comprising this vast territory, until circumstances compelled its present division. OTHER INDIAN TROUBLES. Before leaving this part of the narrative, we will narrate briefly the Indian troubles in Minnesota and elsewhere by the Sioux Indians. In August, 1862, the Sioux Indians living on the western borders of Minnesota fell upon the unsuspecting settlers, and in a few hours mas- sacred ten or twelve hundred persons. A distressful panic was the immediate result, fully thirty thousand persons fleeing from their homes to districts supposed to be better protected. The military authorities at once took active measures to punish the savages, and a large number were killed and captured. About a year after, Little Crow, the chief, was killed by a Mr. Lampson near Scattered Lake. Of those captured, thirty were hung at Mankato, and the remainder, through fears of mob violence, were removed to Camp McClellan, on the outskirts of the City of Davenport. It was here that Big Eagle came into prominence and secured his release by the following order : 80 TFTE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. BIG EAGLE. THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 81 *' Special Order, No. 430. "War Department, " Adjutant General's Office, Washington, Dec. 3, 1864. " Big Eagle, an Indian now in confinement at Davenport, Iowa, will, upon the receipt of this order, be immediately released from confine- ment and set at liberty. •' By order of the President of the United States. " Official : '' E. D. TowNSEND, AssH Adft G-en. "■ Capt. James Vanderventer, Com'7/ Sub. Vols. " Through Cora'g Gen'l, Washington, D. C." Another Indian who figures more prominently than Big Eagle, and who was more cowardly in his nature, with his band of Modoc Indians, is noted in the annals of the New Northwest : we refer to Captain Jack. This distinguished Indian, noted for his cowardly murder of Gen. Canby, was a chief of a Modoc tribe of Indians inhabiting the border lands between California and Oregon. This region of country comprises what is known as the " Lava Beds," a tract of land described as utterly impene- trable, save by those savages who had made it their home. The Modocs are known as an exceedingly fierce and treacherous race. They had, according to their own traditions, resided here for many generations, and at one time were exceedingly numerous and powerful. A famine carried off nearly half their numbers, and disease, indolence and the vices of the white man have reduced them to a poor, weak and insignificant tribe. Soon after the settlement of California and Oregon, complaints began to be heard of massacres of emigrant trains passing through the Modoc country. In 18-17, an emigrant train, comprising eighteen souls, was en- tirely destroyed at a place since known as " Bloody Point." These occur- rences caused the United States Government to appoint a peace commission, who, after repeated attempts, in 1864, made a treaty with the Modocs, Snakes and Klamaths, in which it was agreed on their part to remove to a reservation set apart for them in the southern part of Oregon. With the exception of Captain Jack and a band of his followers, who remained at Clear Lake, about six miles from Klamath, all the Indians complied. The Modocs who went to the reservation were under chief Schonchin. Captain Jack remained at the lake without disturbance until 1869, when he was also induced to remove to the reservation. The Modocs and the Klamaths soon became involved in a quarrel, and Captain Jack and his band returned to the Lava Beds. Several attempts were made by the Indian Commissioners to induce them to return to the reservation, and finally becoming involved in a 82 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. difficulty with the commissioner and his military escort, a fight ensued, in which the chief and his hand were routed. They were greatly enraged, and on their retreat, before the day closed, killed eleven inoffensive whites. The nation was aroused and immediate action demanded. A com- mission was at once appointed by the Government to see what could be done. It comprised the following persons : Gen. E. R. S. Canby, Rev. Dr. E. Thomas, a leading Methodist divine of California ; Mr. A. B. Meacham, Judge Rosborough, of California, and a Mr. Dyer, of Oregon. After several interviews, in which the savages were always aggressive, often appearing with scalps in their belts. Bogus Charley came to the commission on the evening of April 10, 1873, and informed them that Capt. Jack and his band would have a " talk " to-morrow at a place near Clear Lake, about three miles distant. Here the Commissioners, accom- panied by Charley, Riddle, the interpreter, and Boston Charley repaired. After the usual greeting the council proceedings commenced. On behalf of the Indians there were present : Capt. Jack, Black Jim, Schnac Nasty Jim, Ellen's Man, and Hooker Jim. They had no guns, but carried pis- tols. After short speeches by Mr. Meacham, Gen. Canby and Dr. Thomas, Chief Schonchin arose to speak. He had scarcely proceeded when, as if by a preconcerted arrangement, Capt. Jack drew his pistol and shot Gen. Canby dead. In less than a minute a dozen shots were fired by the savages, and the massacre completed. Mr. Meacham was shot by Schon- chin, and Dr. Thomas by Boston Charley. Mr. Dyer barely escaped, being fired at twice. Riddle, the interpreter, and his. squaw escaped. The troops rushed to the spot where they found Gen. Canby and Dr. Thomas dead, and Mr. Meacham badly wounded. The savages had escaped to their impenetrable fastnesses and could not be pursued. The whole country was aroused by this brutal massacre ; but it was not until the following May that the murderers were brought to justice. At that time Boston Charley gave himself up, and offered to guide the troops to Capt. Jack's stronghold. This led to the capture of his entire gang, a number of whom were murdered by Oregon volunteers while on their way to trial. The remaining Indians were held as prisoners until July when their trial occurred, which led to the conviction of Capt. Jack, Schonchin, Boston Charley, Hooker Jim, Broncho, alias One-Eyed Jim, and Slotuck, who, were sentenced to be hanged. These sentences were approved by the President, save in the case of Slotuck and Broncho whose sentences were commuted to imprisonment for life. The others were executed at Fort Klamath, October 3, 1873. These closed the Indian troubles for a time in the Northwest, and for several years the borders of civilization remained in peace. They were again involved in a conflict with the savages about the country of the THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 83 CAPTAIN JACK, THE MODOO CHIEFTAIN". ?i4 THF. NORTHWEST TERRITORY. Black Hills, in which war the gallant Gen. Custer lost his hfe. Just now the borders of Oregon and California are again in fear of hostilities ; but as the Government has learned how to deal with the Indians, they will be of short duration. The red man is fast passing away before the march of the white man, and a few more generations will read of the Indians as one of the nations of the past. The Northwest abounds in memorable places. We have generally noticed them in the narrative, but our space forbids their description in detail, save of the most important places. Detroit, Cincinnati, Vincennes, Kaskaskia and their kindred towns have all been described. But ere we leave the narrative we will present our readers with an account of the Kinzie house, the old landmark of Chicago, and the discovery of the source of the Mississippi River, each of which may well find a place in the annals of the Northwest. Mr. John Kinzie, of the Kinzie house, represented in the illustra- tion, established a trading house at Fort Dearborn in 1804. The stockade had been erected the year previous, and named Fort Dearborn in honor of the Secretary of War. It had a block house at each of the two angles, ■on the southern side a sallyport, a covered way on the north side, that led down to the river, for the double purpose of providing means of escape, and of procuring water in the event of a siege. Fort Dearborn stood on the south bank of the Chicago River, about half a mile from its mouth. When Major Whistler built it, his soldiers hauled all the timber, for he had no oxen, and so economically did he work that the fort cost the Government only fifty dollars. For a while the garrison could get no grain, and "Whistler and his men subsisted on acorns. Now Chicago is the greatest grain center in the world. Mr. Kinzie bought the hut of the first settler, Jean Baptiste Point au Sable, on the site of which he erected his mansion. Within an inclosure in front he planted some Lombardy poplars, seen in the engraving, and in the rear he soon had a fine garden and growing orchard. In 1812 the Kinzie house and its surroundings became the theater of stirring events. The garrison of Fort Dearborn consisted of fifty-four men, under the charge of Capt. Nathan Heald, assisted by Lieutenant Lenai T. Helm (son-in-law to Mrs. Kinzie), and Ensign Ronan. The surgeon was Dr. Voorhees. The only residents at the post at that time were the wives of Capt. Heald and Lieutenant Helm and a few of the soldiers, Mr. Kinzie and his family, and a few Canadian voyagers with their wives and children. The soldiers and Mr. Kinzie were on the most friendly terms with the Pottawatomies and the Winnebagoes, the prin- cipal tribes around them, but they could not win them from their attach- ment to the British. THK NOP.THWEST TKTIRITOKY. 85 After the battle of Tippecanoe it was observed that some of the lead- ing chiefs became sullen, for some of their people had perished in that conflict with American troops. One evening in April, 1812, Mr. Kinzie sat playing his violin and his children were dancing to the music, when Mrs. Kinzie came rushing into the house pale with terror, and exclaiming, "• The Indians ! the Indians ! " " What? Where? " eagerly inquired Mr. Kinzie. " Up at Lee's, killing and scalping," answered the frightened mother, who, when the alarm was given, was attending Mrs. Burns, a newly-made mother, living not far off. :fNZlE HOUSJ?. Mr. Kinzie and his family crossed the river in boats, and took refuge in the fort, to which place Mrs. Burns and her infant, not a day old, were conveyed in safety to the shelter of the guns of Fort Dearborn, and the rest of the white inhabitants fled. The Indians were a scalping party of Winnebagoes, who hovered around the fort some days, when the}^ dis- appeared, and for several weeks the inhabitants \vere not disturbed by alarms. Chicago was then so deep in the wilderness, that the news of the declaration of war against Great Britain, made on the 19th of June, 1812, did not reach the commander of the garrison at Fort Dearborn till the 7th of August. Now the fast mail train will carry a man from New York to Chicago in twenty-seven liouvs, and such a declaration might be sent, every word, by the telegi-apli in less than the same number of minutes. THE ITORTHWEST TERRITORY. 87 PRESENT CONDITION OF THE NORTHWEST Preceding- chapters have brought us to the close of the Bkick Hawk war, and we now turn to the contemplation of the growth and j)rosperity of the Northwest under the smile of peace and the blessings of our civili- zation. The pioneers of this region date events back to the deep snow A KKPKKSE^TATIVK I'lONKEK. of 1831, no one arriving here since that date taking first honors. The inciting cause of the immigration which overflowed the prairies early in the '30s was the reports of the marvelous beauty and fertility of the region distributed through the East by those who had participated in the Black Hawk campaign with Gen. Scott. Chicago and Milwaukee then had a few hundred inhabitants, and Gurdon S. Hubbard's trail from the former city to Kaskaskia led almost through a wilderness. Vegetables and clothing were largely distributed through the regions adjoining the THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. lakes by steamers from the Ohio towns. There are men now living in Illinois who came to the state when barely an acre was in cultivation, and a man now prominent in the business circles of Chicago looked over the swampy, cheerless site of that metropolis in 1818 and went south- ward into civilization. Emigrants from Pennsylvania in 1830 left behind *-%is.vNl/\UvA^ I — LINCOLN MONUMENT, SriilNGFIELD, ILLINOIS. them but one small railway in the coal regions, thirty miles in length, and made theii- way to the Northwest mostly with ox teams, finding in Northern Illinois petty settlements scores of miles apart, although the southern portion of the state was fairly dotted with farms. The water courses of the lakes and rivers furnished transportation to the second great army of immigrants, and about 1850 railroads were pushed to that extent that the crisis of 1837 was precipitated upon us. THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 89 from the effects of which the Western country had not fully recovered at the outbreak of the war. Hostilities found the colonists of the prairies fully alive to the demands' of the occasion, and the honor of recruiting [i|,,>V'«|l||jl|^^li^Hl|[M.l, the vast armies of the Union fell largely to Gov. Yates, of Illinois, and Gov. Morton, of Indiana. To recount the share of the glories of the campaign -n-on by our Western troops is a needless task, except to mention the fact that Illinois g^ave co ike nation the President who save4 90 TRE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. it, and sent out at the head of one of its regiments tne general who led 'ts armies to the final victory at Appomattox. The struggle, on the FAKAl VIEW IN WINTER. whole, had a marked effect for the better on the new Northwest, gi nng it an impetus Avhich twenty years of peace Avould not have produced. In a large degree this prosperity was an inflicted one, and with the rest of the Union we have since been compelled to atone therefor by four THK NOKTHWEST TERRITORY. 91 SPRING SCEKE. THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 93 years of depression of values, of scarcity of employment, and loss of fortune. To a less degree, however, than the manufacturing or mining- regions has the West suffered during the prolonged panic now so near its end. Agriculture, still the leading- feature in our industries, has been quite prosperous through all these dark years, and the farmers have cleared away many incumbrances resting over them from the period of fictitious values. The population has steadily increased, the arts and sciences are gaining a stronger foothold, the trade area of the region is becoming daily more extended, and we have been largely exempt from the financial calamities which have nearly wrecked communities on the seaboard dependent wholly on foreign commerce or domestic manufacture. At the present period there are no great schemes broached for the Northwest, no propositions for government subsidies or national works of improvement, but the capital of the world is attracted hither for the purchase of our products or the expansion of our capacity for serving the nation at large. A new era is dawning as to transportation, and we bid fair to deal almost exclusively with the increasing and expanding lines of steel rail running through every few miles of territory on the prairies. The lake marine will no doubt continue to be useful in the warmer season, and to serve as a regulator of freight rates ; but experienced navigators forecast the decay of the system in moving to the seaboard the enormous crops of the West. Within the past five years it has become quite common to see direct shipments to Europe and the West Indies going through from the second-class towns along the Mississippi and Missouri. As to popular education, the standard has of late risen very greatly, and our schools would be creditable to any section of the Union. More and more as the events of the war pass into obscurity will the fate of the Northwest be linked with that of the Southwest, and the next Congressional apportionment will give the valley of the Mississippi absolute control of the legislation of the nation, and do much toward securing the removal of the Federal capitol to'some more central location. Our public men continue to wield the full share of influence pertain- ing to their rank in the national autonomy, and seem not to forget that for the past sixteen years they and their constituents have dictated the principles which should govern the country. In a work like this, destined to lie on the shelves of the library for generations, and not doomed to daily destruction like a newspaper, one can not indulge in the same glowing predictions, the sanguine statements of actualities that fill the columns of ephemeral publications. Time may bring grief to the pet projects of a writer, and explode castles erected on a pedestal of facts. Yet there are unmistakable indications before us of 94 THE NORTHWEST TEKRITORY. 4^ ^~:T^~ i[^- — THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. • 95 the same radical change in our great Northwest which characterizes its history for the past thirty years. Our domain has a sort of natural geographical border, save where it melts away to the southward in the cattle raising districts of the southwest. Our prime interest will for some years doubtless be the growth of the food of the world, in which branch it has already outstripped all competitors, and our great rival in this duty will naturally be the fertile plains of Kansas, Nebraska and Colorado, to say nothing of the new eraj^ire so rapidly growing up in Texas. Over these regions there is a continued progress in agriculture and in railway building, and we must look to our laurels. Intelligent observers of events are fully aware of the strides made in the way of shipments of fresh meats to Europe, many of these ocean cargoes being actually slaughtered in the West and transported on ice to the wharves of the seaboard cities. That this new enterprise will continue there is no reason to doubt. There are in Chicago several factories for the canning of prepared meats for European consumption, and the orders for this class of goods are already immense. English capital is becoming daily more and more dissatisfied with railway loans and investments, and is gradually seeking mammoth outlays in lands and live stock. The stock yards in Chicago, Indianapolis and East St. Louis are yearly increasing their facilities, and their plant steadily grows more valuable. Importations of blooded animals from the pro- gressive countries of Europe are destined to greatly improve the quality of our beef and mutton. Nowhere is there to be seen a more enticing display in this line than at our state and county fairs, and the interest in the matter is on the increase. To attempt to give statistics of our grain production for 1877 would be useless, so far have we surpassed ourselves in the quantity and quality of our product. We are too liable to forget that we are giving the world its first article of necessity — its food supply. An opportunity to learn this fact so it never can be forgotten was afforded at Chicago at the outbreak of the great panic of 1873, wiien Canadian purchasers, fearing the prostration of business mightbring about an anarchical condition of affairs, went to that city with coin in bulk and foreign drafts to secure their supplies in their own currency at first hands. It may be justly claimed by the agricultural community that their combined efforts gave the nation its first impetus toward a restoration of its crippled industries, and their labor brought the gold premium to a lower depth than the government was able to reach by its most intense efforts of legislation and compulsion. The hundreds of millions about to be disbursed for farm products have already, by the anticipation common to all commercial 96 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. nations, set the wheels in motion, iind will relieve ns from the perils so long- shadowing our efforts to return to a healthy tone. Manufacturing has attained in the chief cities a foothold which bids fair to render the Northwest independent of the outside world. Nearly our whole region has a distribution of coal measures which will in time support the manufactures necessary to our comfort and prosperity. As to transportation, the chief factor in the production of all articles excep " food, no section is so magnificently endowed, and our facilities are yearly increasing beyond those of any other region. THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 97 The period from a central point of the war to the outbreak of the panic Avas marked by a tremendous growth in our railway lines, but the depression of the times caused almost a total suspension of operations. Now that prosperity is returning to our stricken country we witness its anticipation by the railroad interest in a series of projects, extensions, and leases which bid fair to largely increase our transportation facilities. The process of foreclosure and sale of incumbered lines is another matter to be considered. In the case of the Illinois Central road, which formerly transferred to other lines at Cairo the vast burden of freight destined for the Gulf region, we now see the incorporation of the tracks connecting through to New Orleans, every mile co-operating in turning toward the northwestern metropolis the weight of the inter-state commerce of a tliousand miles or more of fertile plantations. Three competing routes to Texas have established in Chicago their general freight and passenger agencies. Four or five lines compete for all Pacific freights to a point as as far as the interior of Nebraska. Half a dozen or more splendid bridge structures have been thrown across the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers by the railways. The Chicago and Northwestern line has become an aggre- gation of over two thousand miles of rail, and the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul is its close rival in extent and importance. The three lines running to Cairo via Vincennes form a through route for all traffic with the states to the southward. The chief projects now under discussion are the Chicago and Atlantic, which is to unite with lines now built to Charleston, and the Chicago and Canada Southern, which line will con- nect with all the various branches of that Canadian enterprise. Our latest new road is the Chicago and Lake Huron, formed of three lines, and entering the city from Valparaiso on the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago track. The trunk lines being mainly in operation, the progress made in the way of shortening tracks, making air-line branches, and running extensions does not show to the advantage it deserves, as this process is constantly adding new facilities to the established order of things. The panic reduced the price of steel to a point where the railways could hardly afford to use iron rails, and all our northwestern lines report large relays of Bessemer track. The immense crops now being moved have given a great rise to the value of railway stocks, and their transportation must result in heavy pecuniary advantages. Few are aware of the importance of the wholesale and jobbing trade of Chicago. One leading firm has since the panic sold $24,000,000 of dry goods in one year, and they now expect most confidently to add seventy per cent, to the figures of their last year's business. In boots and shoes and in clothing, twenty or more great firms from the east have placed here their distributing agents or their factories ; and in groceries 98 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. Chicago supplies the entire Northwest at rates presenting advantages over New York. Chicago lias stepped in between New York and the rural banks as a financial center, and scarcely a banking institution in the grain or cattle regions but keeps its reserve funds in the vaults of our commercial insti- tutions. Accumulating here throughout the spring and summer months, they are summoned home at pleasure to move the products of the prairies. This process greatly strengthens the northwest in its financial operations, leaving home capital to supplement local operations on behalf of home interests. It is impossible to forecast the destiny of this grand and growing section of the Union. Figures and predictions made at this date might seem ten years hence so ludicrously small as to excite only derision. ^W; „Cr^W"'^/i-^^' ILLINOIS. Length, 380 miles, mean width about 156 miles. Area, 55,410 square miles, or 35,462,400 acres. Illinois, as regards its surface, constitutes a table-land at a varying elevation ranging between 350 and 800 feet above the sea level ; comp'^sed of extensive and highly fertile prairies and plains. Much of the south (I'^dsion of the State, especially the river-bottoms, are thickly wooded. The prairies, too, have oasis-like clumps of trees scattered here and there at intervals. The chief rivers irrigating the State are the Mississippi — dividing it from Iowa and Missouri — the Ohio (forming its south barrier), the Illinois, Wabash, Kaskaskia, and San- gamon, Avith their numerous affluents. The total extent of navigable streams is calculated at 4,000 miles. Small lakes are scattered over vari- ous parts of the State. Illinois is extremely prolific in minerals, chiefly coal, iron, copper, and zinc ores, sulphur and limestone. The coal-field alone is estimated to absorb a full third of the entire coal-deposit of North America. Climate tolerably equable and healthy ; the mean temperature standing at about 51° Fahrenheit As an agricultural region, Illinois takes a competitive rank with neighboring States, the cereals, fruits, and root- crops yielding plentiful returns ; in fact, as a grain-growing State, Illinois may be deemed, in proportion to her size, to possess a greater area of lands suitable for its production than any other State in the Union. Stock- raising is also largely carried on, while her manufacturing interests in regard of woolen fabrics, etc., are on a very extensive and yearly expand- ing scale. The lines of railroad in the State are among the most exten- sive of the Union. Inland water-carriage is facilitated by a canal connecting the Illinois River with Lake Michigan, and thence with the St. Lawrence and Atlantic. Illinois is divided into 102 counties ; the chief towns being Chicago, Springfield (capital), Alton, Quincy, Peoria, Galena, Bloomington, Rock Island, Vandalia, etc. By the new Consti- tution, established in 1870, the State Legislature consists of 51 Senators, elected for four ^'^ars, and 153 Representatives, for two years ; which numbers were to be decennially increased thereafter to the number of six per every additional half-million of inhabitants. Religious and educational institutions are largely diffused throughout, and are in a very flourishing condition. Illinois has a State Lunatic and a Deaf and Dumb Asylum at Jacksonville ; a State Penitentiar}^ at Joliet ; and a Home for (99) 100 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. Soldiers' Orphans at Normal. On November 30, 1870, the i^iiblic debt of the State was returned at $4,870,937, with a balance of $1,808,838 unprovided for. At the same period the value of assessed and equalized property presented the following totals: assessed, $840,031,703 ; equal- ized $480,664,058. The name of Illinois, through nearly the whole of the eighteenth century, embraced most of the known regions north and west of Ohio. French colonists established themselves in 1673, at Cahokia and Kaskaskia, and the territory of which these settlements formed the nucleus was, in 1763, ceded to Great Britain in conjunction with Canada, and ultimately resigned to the United States in 1787. Illinois entered the Union as a State, December 3, 1818 ; and now sends 19 Representatives to Congress. Population, 2,539,891, in 1870. \\'ESTEKX DWELLIN< THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. lOl INDIANA. The profile of Indiana forms a nearly exact parallelogram, occupy- ing one of the most fertile portions of the great Mississippi Valley. The greater extent of the surface embraced within its limits consists of gentle undulations rising into hilly tracts toward the Ohio bottom. The chief rivers of the State are the Ohio and Wabash, with their numerous affluents. The soil is highly productive of the cereals and grasses — most particularly so in the valleys of the Ohio, Wabash, Whitewater, and White Rivers. The northeast and central portions are well timbered with virgin forests, and the west section is notably rich in coal, constitut- ing an offshoot of the great Illinois carboniferous field. Iron, copper, marble, slate, gypsum, and various clays are also abundant. From an agricultural point of view, the staple products are maize and wheat, with the other cereals in lesser yields ; and besides these, flax, hemp, sorghum, hops, etc., are extensively raised. Indiana is divided into 92 counties, and counts among her principal cities and towns, those of Indianapolis (the capital). Fort Wayne, Evansville, Terre Haute, Madison, Jefferson- ville, Columbus, Vincennes, South Bend, etc. The public institutions of the State are many and various, and on a scale of magnitude and efficiency commensurate with her important political and industrial status. Upward of two thousand miles of railroads permeate the State in all directions, and greatly conduce to the development of her expanding manufacturing interests. Statistics for the fiscal year terminating October 31, 1870, exhibited a total of receipts, $3,896,541 as against dis- bursements, $3,532,406, leaving a balance, $364,135 in favor of the State Treasury. The entire public debt, January 5, 1871, $3,971,000. This State was first settled by Canadian voyageurs in 1702, who erected a fort at Vincennes ; in 1763 it passed into the hands of the English, and was by the latter ceded to the United States in 1783. From 1788 till 1791, an Indian warefare prevailed. In 1800, all the region west and north of Ohio (then formed into a distinct territory) became merged in Indiana. In 1809, the present limits of the State were defined, Michigan and Illinois having previously been withdrawn. In 1811, Indiana was the theater of the Indian War of Tecumseh, ending with the decisive battle of Tippecanoe. In 1816 (December 11), Indiana became enrolled among the States of the American Union. In 1834, the State passed through a monetary crisis owing to its having become mixed up with railroad, t:anal, and other speculations on a gigantic scale, which ended, for the tune being, in a general collapse of public credit, and consequent bank- ruptcy. Since that time, however, the greater number of the public 102 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. works which had brought about that imbroglio — especially the great Wabash and Erie Canal — have been completed, to the great benefit of the State, whose subsequent progress has year by year been marked by rapid strides in the paths of wealth, commerce, and general social and political prosperity. The constitution now in force was adopted in 1851. Population, 1,680,637. IOWA. In shape, Iowa presents an almost perfect parallelogram ; has a length, north to south, of about 300 miles, by a pretty even width of 208 miles, and embraces an area of 55,045 square miles, or 35,228,800 acres. The surface of the State is generally undulating, rising toward the middle into an elevated plateau which forms the " divide " of the Missouri and Mississippi basins. Rolling prairies, especially in the south section, constitute a regnant feature, and the river bottoms, belted with woodlands, present a soil of the richest alluvion. Iowa is well watered ; the principal rivers being the Mississippi and Missouri, which form respectively its east and west limits, and the Cedar, Iowa, and Des Moines, affluents of the first named. Mineralogically, Iowa is important as occupying a section of the great Northwest coal field, to the extent of an area estimated at 25,000 square miles. Lead, copper, zinc, and iron, are also mined in considerable quantities. The soil is well adapted to the production of wheat, maize, and the other cereals ; fruits, vegetables, and esculent roots ; maize, wheat, and oats forming the chief staples. Wine, tobacco, hops, and wax, are other noticeable items of the agricul- tural yield. Cattle-raising, too, is a branch of rural industry largely engaged in. The climate is healthy, although liable to extremes of heat and cold. The annual gross product of the various manufactures carried on in this State approximate, in round numbers, a sum of $20,000,000. Iowa has an immense railroad system, besides over 500 miles of water- communication by means of its navigable rivers. The State is politically ilivided into 99 counties, with the following centers of population : Des Moines (capital), Iowa City (former capital), Dubuque, Davenport, Bur- lington, Council Bluffs, Keokuk, Muscatine, and Cedar Rapids. The State institutions of Iowa — religious, scholastic, and philanthropic — are on a par, as regards number and perfection of organization and operation, with those of her Northwest sister States, and education is especially well cared for, and largely diffused. Iowa formed a portion of the American territorial acquisitions from France, by the so-called Louisiana purchase in 1803, and was politically identified with Louisiana till 1812, THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 103 when it merged into the Missouri Territory; in 1834 it came under the Michigan organization, and, in 1836, under that of Wisconsin. Finally, after being constituted an independent Territory, it became a State of the Union, December 28, 1846. Population in 1860, 674,913 ; in 1870, 1,191,792, and in 1875, 1,353,118. MICHIGAN. United area, 56,243 square miles, or 35,995,520 acres. Extent of the Upper and smaller Peninsula — length, 316 miles; breadth, fluctuating between 36 and 120 miles. The south division is 416 miles long, by from 50 to 300 miles wide. Aggregate lake-shore line, 1,400 miles. The Upper, or North, Peninsula consists chiefly of an elevated plateau, expanding into the Porcupine mountain-system, attaining a maximum height of some 2,000 feet. Its shores along Lake Superior are eminently bold and picturesque, and its area is rich in minerals, its product of copper constituting an important source of industry. Both divisions are heavily wooded, and the South one, in addition, boasts of a deep, rich, loamy soil, throwing up excellent crops of cereals and other agricultural produce. The climate is generally mild and humid, though the Winter colds are severe. The chief staples of farm husbandry include the cereals, grasses, maple sugar, sorghum, tobacco, fruits, and dairy-stuffs. In 1870, the acres of land in farms were : improved, 5,096,939 ; unimproved woodland, 4,080,146 ; other unimproved land, 842,057. The cash value of land was $398,240,578 ; of farming implements and machinery, ^13,711,979. In 1869, there were shipped from the Lake Superior ports, 874,582 tons of iron ore, and 45,762 of smelted pig, along with 14,188 tons of copper (ore and ingot). Coal is another article largely mined. Inland communication is provided for by an admirably organized railroad system, and by the St. Mary's Ship Canal, connecting Lakes Huron and Superior. Michigan is politically divided into 78 counties ; its chief urban centers are Detroit, Lansing (capital), Ann Arbor, Marquette, Bay City, Niles, Ypsilanti, Grand Haven, etc. The Governor of the State is elected biennially. On November 30, 1870, the aggregate bonded debt of Michigan amounted to $2,385,028, and the assessed valuation of land to $266,929,278, representing an estimated cash value of $800,000,000. Education is largely diffused and most excellently conducted and pro- vided for. The State University at Ann Arbor, the colleges of Detroit and Kalamazoo, the Albion Female College, the State Normal School at Ypsilanti, and the State Agricultural College at Lansing, are chief among the academic institutions. Michigan (a term of Chippeway origin, and 104 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. signifying " Great Lake), was discovered and first settled by French Canadians, who, in 1670, founded Detroit, the pioneer of a series of trad- ing-posts on the Indian frontier. During the " Conspiracy of Pontiac," following the French loss of Canada, Michigan became the scene of a sanguinary struggle between the whites and aborigines. In 1796, it became annexed to the United States, which incorporated this region with the Northwest Territory, and then with Indiana Territory, till 1803, when it became territorially independent. Michigan was the theater of warlike operations during the war of 1812 with Great Britain, and in 1819 was authorized to be represented by one delegate in Congress ; in 1837 she was admitted into the Union as a State, and in 1869 ratified the 15th Amendment to the Federal Constitution. Population, 1,184,059. WISCONSIN. It has a mean length of 260 miles, and a maximum breadth of 215. Land area, 53,924 square miles, or 34,511,360 acres. Wisconsin lies at a considerable altitude above sea-level, and consists for the most part of an upland plateau, the surface of which is undulating and very generally diversified. Numerous local eminences called mounds are interspersed over the State, and the Lake Michigan coast-line is in many parts char- acterized by lofty escarped cliffs, even as on the west side the banks of the Mississippi form a series of high and picturesque bluffs. A group of islands known as The Apostles lie off the extreme north point of the State in Lake Superior, and the great estuary of Green Bay, running far inland, gives formation to a long, narrow peninsula between its waters, and those of Lake Michigan. The river-system of Wisconsin has three outlets — those of Lake Superior, Green Bay, and the Mississippi, which latter stream forms the entire southwest frontier, widening at one point into the large watery expanse called Lake Pepin. Lake Superior receives- the St. Louis, Burnt Wood, and Montreal Rivers ; Green Bay, the Menomonee, Peshtigo, Oconto, and Fox; while into the Mississippi empty the St. Croix, Chippewa, Black, Wisconsin, and Rock Rivers. The chief interior lakes are those of Winnebago, Horicon, and Court Oreilles, and smaller sheets of water stud a great part of the surface. The climate is healthful, with cold Winters and brief but very warm^ Summers. Mean annual rainfall 31 inches. The geological system represented by the State, embraces those rocks included between the primary and the Devonian series, the former containing extensive deposits of copper and iron ore. Besides these minerals, lead and zinc are found in great quantities, together with kaolin, plumbago, gypsum,. THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 105 and various clays. Mining, consequently, forms a prominent industry, and one of yearly increasing dimensions. The soil of Wisconsin is of varying quality, but fertile on the whole, and in the north parts of the State heavily timbered. The agricultural yield comprises the cereals, together with flax, hemp, tobacco, pulse, sorgum, and all kinds of vege- tables, and of the hardier fruits. In 1870, the State had a total number of 102,904 farms, occupying 11,715,321 acres, of which 5,899,343 con- sisted of improved land, and 3,437,442 were timbered. Cash value of farms, 1300,414,064 ; of farm implements and machinery, $14,239,364. Total estimated value of all farm products, including betterments and additions to stock, $78,027,032 ; of orchard and dairy stuffs, $1,045,933 ; of lumber, $1,327,618 ; of home manufactures, $338,423 ; of all live-stock» $45,310,882. Number of manufacturing establishments, 7,136, employ- ing 39,055 hands, and turning out productions valued at $85,624,966. The political divisions of the State form 61 counties, and the chief places of wealth, trade, and population, are Madison (the capital), Milwaukee, Fond du Lac, Oshkosh, Prairie du Chien, Janesville, Portage City, Racine, Kenosha, and La Crosse. In 1870, the total assessed valuation reached $333,209,838, as against a true valuation of both real and personal estate aggregating $602,207,329. Treasury receipts during 1870, $886,- 696 ; disbursements, $906,329. Value of church property, $4,749,983. Education is amply provided for. Independently of the State University at Madison, and those of Galesville and of Lawrence at Appleton, and the colleges of Beloit, Racine, and Milton, there are Normal Schools at Platteville and Whitewater. The State is divided into 4,802 common school districts, maintained at a cost, in 1870, of $2,094,160. The chari- table institutions of Wisconsin include a Deaf and Dumb Asylum, an Institute for the Education of the Blind, and a Soldiers' Orphans' School. In January, 1870, the railroad system ramified throughout the State totalized 2,779 miles of track, including several lines far advanced toward completion. Immigration is successfully encouraged by the State author- ities, the larger number of yearly new-comers being of Scandinavian and German origin. The territory now occupied within the limits of the State of Wisconsin was explored by French missionaries and traders in 1639, and it remained under French jurisdiction until 1703, when it became annexed to the British North American possessions. In 1796, it reverted to the United States, the government of which latter admitted it within the limits of the Northwest Territory, and in 1809, attached it to that of Illinois, and to Michigan in 1818. Wisconsin became independ- ently territorially organized in 1836, and became a State of the Union, March 3, 1847. Population in 1870, 1,064,985, of which 2,113 were of the colored race, and 11,521 Indians, 1,206 of the latter being out of tribal relations. 106 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. MINNESOTA. Its length, north to south, embraces an extent of 380 miles ; its breadth one of 250 miles at a maximum. Area, 84,000 square miles, or 54,760,000 acres. The surface of Minnesota, generally speaking, con- sists of a succession of gently undulating plains and prairies, drained by an admirable water-system, and with here and there heavily- timbered bottoms and belts of virgin forest. The soil, corresponding with such a superfices, is exceptionally rich, consisting for the most part of a dark, calcareous sandy drift intermixed with loam. A distinguishing physical feature of this State is its riverine ramifications, expanding in nearly every part of it into almost innumerable lakes — the whole presenting an aggregate of water-power having hardly a rival in the Union. Besides the Mississippi — which here has its rise, and drains a basin of 800 miles of country — the principal streams are the Minnesota (334 miles long), the Red River of the North, the St. Croix, St. Louis, and many others of lesser importance ; the chief lakes are those called Red, Cass, Leech, Mille Lacs, Vermillion, and Winibigosh Quite a concatenation of sheets of water fringe the frontier line where Minnesota joins British America, culminating in the Lake of the Woods. It has been estimated, that of an area of 1,200,000 acres of surface between the St. Croix and Mis- sissippi Rivers, not less than 73,000 acres are of lacustrine formation. In point of minerals, the resources of Minnesota have as yet been very imperfectly developed; iron, copper, coal, lead — all these are known to exist in considerable deposits ; together with salt, limestone, and potter's clay. The agricultural outlook of the State is in a high degree satis- factory ; wheat constitutes the leading cereal in cultivation, with Indian corn and oats in next order. Fruits and vegetables are grown in great plenty and of excellent quality. The lumber resources of Minnesota are important ; the pine forests in the north region alone occupying an area of some 21,000 square miles, which in 1870 produced a return of scaled logs amounting to 313,116,416 feet. The natural industrial advantages possessed by Minnesota are largely improved upon by a railroad system. The political divisions of this State number 78 counties ; of which the chief cities and towns are : St. Paul (the capital), Stillwater, Red Wing, St. Anthony, Fort Snelling, Minneapolis, and Mankato. Minnesota has already assumed an attitude of high importance as a manufacturing State ; this is mainly due to the wonderful command of water-power she pos- sesses, as before spoken of. Besides her timber-trade, the milling of flour, the distillation of whisky, and the tanning of leather, are prominent interests, which, in 1869, gave returns to the amount of $14,831,043. THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 107 Education is notably provided for on a broad and catholic scale, the entire amount expended scholastically during the year 1870 being $857,- 816 ; while on November 30 of the preceding year the permanent school fund stood at 12,476,222. Besides a University and Agricultural College, Normal and Reform Schools flourish, and with these may be mentioned such various philanthropic and religious institutions as befit the needs of an intelligent and prosperous community. The finances of the State for the fiscal year terminating December 1, 1870, exhibited a balance on the right side to the amount of $136,164, being a gain of 144,000 over the previous year's figures. The earliest exploration of Minnesota by the whites was made in 1680 by a French Franciscan, Father Hennepin, who gave the name of St. Antony to the Great Falls on the Upper Missisippi. In 1763, the Treaty of Versailles ceded this region to England. Twenty years later, Minnesota formed part of the Northwest Territory transferred to the United States, and became herself territorialized inde- pendently in 1849. Indian cessions in 1851 enlarged her boundaries, and, May 11, 1857, Minnesota became a unit of the great American federation of States. Population, 439,706. NEBRASKA. Maximum length, 412 miles ; extreme breadth, 208 miles. Area, 75,905 square miles, or 48,636,800 acres. The surface of this State is almost entirely undulating prairie, and forms part of the west slope of the great central basin of the North American Continent. In its west division, near the base of the Rocky Mountains, is a sandy belt of country, irregularly defined. In this part, too, are the " dunes," resem- bling a wavy sea of sandy billows, as well as the Mauvaises Terres, a tract of singular formation, produced by eccentric disintegrations and denuda- tions of the land. The chief rivers are the Missouri, constituting its en- tire east line of demarcation ; the Nebraska or Platte, the Niobrara, the Republican Fork of the Kansas, the Elkhorn, and the Loup Fork of the Platte. The soil is very various, but consisting chiefly of rich, bottomy loam, admirably adapted to the raising of heavy crops of cereals. All the vegetables and fruits of the temperate zone are produced in great size and plenty. For grazing purposes Nebraska is a State exceptionally well fitted, a region of not less than 23,000,000 acres being adaptable to this branch of husbandry. It is believed that the, as yet, comparatively infertile tracts of land found in various parts of the State are susceptible of productivity by means of a properly conducted system of irrigation. Few minerals of moment have so far been found within the limits of 108 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. Nebraska, if we may except important saline deposits at the head of Salt Creek in its southeast section. The State is divided into 57 counties, independent of the Pawnee and Winnebago Indians, and of unorganized territory in the northwest part. The principal towns are Omaha, Lincoln (State capital), Nebraska City, Columbus, Grand Island, etc. In 1870, the total assessed value of property amounted to $53,000,000, being an increase of $11,000,000 over the previous year's returns. The total amount received from the school-fund during the year 1869-70 was $77,999. Education is making great onward strides, the State University and an Agricultural College being far advanced toward completion. In the matter of railroad communication, Nebraska bids fair to soon place herself on a par with her neighbors to the east. Besides being inter- sected by the Union Pacific line, with its off-shoot, the Fremont and Blair, other tracks are in course of rapid construction. Organized by Con- gressional Act into a Territory, May 30, 1854, Nebraska entered the Union as a full State, March 1, 1867. Population, 122,993. 0m-^ HirNTING PRAIRIK WOLVES IX AX EARLY DAV. Early History of Illinois. The name of this beautiful Prairie State is derived from Illim, a Delaware word signifying Superior Men. It has a French termination, and is a symbol of how the two races — the French and the Indians — were intermixed during the early history of the country. The appellation was no doubt well applied to the primitive inhabit- ants of the soil whose prowess in savage warfare long withstood the combined attacks of the fierce Iroquois on the one side, and the no less savage and relentless Sacs and Foxes on the other. The Illinois were once a powerful confederacy, occupying the most beautiful and fertile region in the great Valley of the Mississippi, which their enemies coveted and struggled long and hard to wrest from them. By the fortunes of war they were diminished in numbers, and finally destroyed. " Starved Rock," on the Illinois River, according to tradition, commemorates their last tragedy, where, it is said, the entii'e tribe starved rather than sur- render. EARLY DISCOVERIES. The first European discoveries in Illinois date back over two hun- dred years. They are a part of that movement which, from the begin- ning to the middle of the seventeenth century, brought the French Canadian missionaries and fur traders into the Valley of the Mississippi, and which, at a later period, established the civil and ecclesiastical authority of France from the Gulf of St. Lawrence to the Gulf of Mexico, and from the foot-hills of the Alleghanies to the Rocky Mountains. The great river of the West had been discovered by DeSoto, the Spanish conqueror of Florida, three quarters of a century before the French founded Quebec in 1608, but the Spanish left the country a wil- derness, without further exploration or settlement within its borders, in which condition it remained until the Mississippi was discovered by the agents of the French Canadian government, Jolietand Marquette, in 1673. These renowned explorers were not the first white visitors to Illinois. In 1671 — two years in advance of them — came Nicholas Perrot to Chicago. He had been sent by Talon as an agent of the Canadian government to log 110 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. HI call a great peace convention of Western Indians at Green Bay, prepara- tory to the movement for tlie discovery of the Mississippi. It was deemed a good stroke of policy to secure, as far as possible, the friend- ship and co-operation of the Indians, far and near, before venturing upon an enterprise which their hostility might render disastrous, and which their friendship and assistance would do so much to make successful ; and to this end Perrot was sent to call together in council the tribes throughout the Northwest, and to promise them the commerce and pro- tection of the French government. He accordingly arrived at Green Bay in 1671, and procuring an escort of Pottawattamies, proceeded in a bark canoe upon a visit to the Miamis, at Chicago. Perrot was there- fore the first European to set foot upon the soil of Illinois. Still there were others before Marquette. In 1672, the Jesuit mis- sionaries. Fathers Claude Allouez and Claude Dablon, bore the standard of the Cross from their mission at Green Bay through western Wisconsin and northern Illinois, visiting the Foxes on Fox River, and the Masquo- tines and Kickapoos at the mouth of the Milwaukee. These missionaries penetrated on the route afterwards followed by Marquette as far as the Kickapoo village at the head of Lake Winnebago, where Marquette, in his journey, secured guides across the portage to the Wisconsin. The oft-repeated story of Marquette and Joliet is well known. They were the agents employed by the Canadian government to discover the Mississippi. Marquette was a native of France, born in 1637, a Jesuit priest by education, and a man of simple faith and of great zeal and devotion in extending the Roman Catholic religion among the Indians. Arriving in Canada in 1666, he was sent as a missionary to the far Northwest, and, in 1668, founded a mission at Sault Ste. Marie. The following year he moved to La Pointe, in Lake Superior, where he instructed a branch of the Hurons till 1670, when he removed south, and founded the mission at St. Ignace, on the Straits of Mackinaw. Here he remained, devoting a portion of his time to the study of the Illinois language under a native teacher who had accompanied him to the mission from La Pointe, till he was joined by Joliet in the Spring of 1673. By the way of Green Bay and the Fox and Wisconsin Rivers, they entered the Mississippi, which they explored to the mouth of the Arkansas, and returned by the way of the Illinois and Chicago Rivers to Lake Michigan. On his way up the Illinois, Marquette visited the great village of the Kaskaskias, near what is now Utica, in the county of LaSalle. The following year he returned and established among them the mission of the Immaculate Virgin Mary, which was the first Jesuit mission founded in Illinois and in the Mississippi Valley. The intervening winter he had spent in a hut which his companions erected on the Chicago River, a few leagues from its mouth. The founding of this mission was the last 112 mSTOKl OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. act of Marquette's life. He died in Michigau, on his way back to Green Bay, May 18, 1675. FIRST FRENCH OCCUPATION. The first French occupation of the territory now embraced in Illi- nois was effected by LaSalle in 1680, seven years after the time of Mar- C[uette and Joliet. LaSalle, having constructed a vessel, the " Griffin," above the falls of Niagara, which he sailed to Green Bay, and having passed thence in canoes to the mouth of the St. Joseph River, by which and the Kankakee he reached the Illinois, in January, 1680, erected Fort Crevecoeur, at the lower end of Peoria Lake, where the city of Peoria is now situated. The place where this ancient fort stood may still be seen just below the outlet of Peoria Lake. It was destined, however, to a temporary existence. From this point, LaSalle determined to descend the Mississippi to its mouth, but did not accomplish this purpose till two years later — in 1682. Returning to Fort Frontenac for the purpose of getting materials with which to rig his vessel, he left the fort in charge of Touti, his lieutenant, who during his absence was driven off by the Iro- quois Indians. These savages had made a raid upon the settlement of the Illinois, and had left nothing in their track but ruin and desolation. Mr. Davidson, in his History of Illinois, gives the following graphic account of the picture that met the eyes of LaSalle and his companions on their return : " At the great town of the Illinois they were appalled at the scene which opened to their view. No hunter appeared to break its death-like silence with a salutatory whoop ot welcome. The plain on which the town had stood was now strewn with charred fragments of lodges, which had so recently swarmed with savage life and hilarity. To render more hideous the picture of desolation, large numbers of skulls had been placed on the upper extremities of lodge-poles which had escaped the devouring flames. In the midst of these horrors was the rude fort of the spoilers, rendered frightful by the same ghastly relics. A near approach showed that the graves had been robbed of their bodies, and swarms of buzzards were discovered glutting their loathsome stomachs on the reeking corruption. To complete the work of destruction, the growing corn of the village had been cut down and burned, while the pits containing the products of previous years, had been rifled and their contents scattered with wanton waste. It was evident the suspected blow of the Iroquois had fallen with relentless fury." Tonti had escaped. LaSalle knew not whither. Passing down the lake in search of him and his men, LaSafle discovered that the fort had been destroyed, but the vessel which he had partly constructed was still HlSiOKY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. US on the stocks, and but slightly injured. After further fruitless search, failing to find Tonti, he fastened to a tree a painting representing himself and party sitting in a canoe and bearing a pipe of peace, and to the paint- ing attached a letter addressed to Tonti. Tonti had escaped, and, after untold privations, taken shelter among the Pottawattamies near Green Bay. These were friendly to the French. One of their old chiefs used to say, " There were but three great cap- tains in the world, himself, Tonti and LaSalle." GENIUS OF LaSALLE. We must now return to LaSalle, whose exploits stand out in such bold relief. He was born in Rouen, France, in 1643. His father was wealthy, but he renounced his patrimony on entering a college of the Jesuits, from which he separated and came to Canada a poor man in 1666. The priests of St. Sulpice, among whom he had a brother, were then the proprietors of Montreal, the nucleus of which was a seminary or con- vent founded by that order. The Superior granted to LaSalle a large tract of land at LaChine, where he established himself in the fur trade. He was a man of daring genius, and outstripped all his competitors in exploits of travel and commerce with the Indians. In 1669, he visited the headquarters of the great Iroquois Confederacy, at Onondaga, in the heart of New York, and, obtaining guides, explored the Ohio River to the falls at Louisville. In order to understand the genius of LaSalle, it must be remembered that for many years prior to his time the missionaries and traders were obliged to make their way to the Northwest by the Ottawa River (of Canada) on account of the fierce hostility of the Iroquois along the lower lakes and Niagara River, which entirely closed this latter route to the Upper Lakes. They carried on their commerce chiefly hy canoes, pad- dling them through the Ottawa to Lake Nipissing, carrying them across the portage to French River, and descending that to Lake Huron. This being the route by which they reached the Northwest, accounts for the fact that all the earliest Jesuit missions were established in the neighbor- hood of the Upper Lakes. LaSalle conceived the grand idea of opening the route by Niagara River and the Lower Lakes to Canadian commerce by sail vessels, connecting it with the navigation of the Mississippi, and thus opening a magnificent water communication from the Gulf of St. Lawrence to the Gulf of Mexico. This truly grand and comprehensive purpose seems to have animated him in all his wonderful achievements and the matchless difficulties and hardships he surmounted. As the first step in the accomplishment of this object he established himself on Lake Ontario, and built and garrisoned Fort Frontenac, the site of the present 114 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. rAly of Kingston, Canada. Here lie obtained a grant of land from the French crown and a body of troops by which he beat back the invading Iroquois and cleared the passage to Niagara Falls. Having by this mas- terly stroke made it safe to attempt a hitherto untried expedition, his next step, as we have seen, was to advance to the Falls with all his outfit for building a ship with which to sail the lakes. He was success- ful in this undertaking, though his ultimate purpose was defeated by a strange combination of untoward circumstances. The Jesuits evidently hated LaSalle and plotted against him, because he had abandoned them and co-operated with a rival order. The fur traders were also jealous of his superior success in opening new channels of commerce. At LaChine he had taken the trade of Lake Ontario, which but for his presence there would have gone to Quebec. While they were plodding with their barK canoes through the Ottawa he was constructing sailing vessels to com- mand the trade of the lakes and the Mississippi. These great plans excited the jealousy and envy of the small traders, introduced treason and revolt into the ranks of his own companions, and finally led to the foul assassination by which his great achievements were prematurely ended. In 1682, LaSalle, having completed his vessel at Peoria, descended the Mississippi to its confluence with the Gulf of Mexico. Erecting a standard on which he inscribed the arms of France, he took formal pos- session of the whole valley of the mighty river, in the name of Louis XIV., then reigning, in honor of whom he named the country Louisiana. LaSalle then went to France, was appointed Governor, and returned with a fleet and immigrants, for the purpose of planting a colony in Illi- nois. They arrived in due time in the Gulf of Mexico, but failing to find the mouth of the Mississippi, up which LaSalle intended to sail, his supply ship, with the immigrants, was driven ashore and wrecked on Matagorda Bay. With the fragments of the vessel he constructed a stockade and rude huts on the shore for the protection of the immigrants, calling the post Fort St. Louis. He then made a trip into New Mexico, in search of silver mines, but, meeting with disappointment, returned to find his little colony reduced to forty souls. He then resolved to travel on foot to Illinois, and, starting with his companions, had reached the valley of the Colorado, near the mouth of Trinity river, when he was shot by one of his men. This occurred on the 19th of March, 1687. Dr. J. W. Foster remarks of him : " Thus fell, not far from the banks of the Trinity, Robert Cavalier de la Salle, one of the grandest charac- ters that ever figured in American history — a man capable of originating the vastest schemes, and endowed with a will and a judgment capable of carrying them to successful results. Had ample facilities been placed by the King of France at his disposal, the result of the colonization of this continent might have been far different from what we now behold." HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. 115 EARLY SETTLEMENTS. A temporary settlement was made at Fort St. Louis, or the old Kas- kaskia village, on the Illinois River, in what is now LaSalle County, in 1682. In 1690, this was removed, with the mission connected with it, to Kaskaskia, on the river of that name, emptying into the lower Mississippi in St. Clair County. Cahokia was settled about the same time, or at least, both of these settlememfcs began in the year 1690, though it is now pretty well settled that Cahokia is the older place,. and ranks as the oldest permanent settlement in Illinuib', as well as in the Mississippi Valley. The reason for the removal of the old Kaskaskia settlement and mission, was probably because the dangerous and difficult route by Lake Michigan and the Chicago portage had been almost abandoned, and travelers and traders passed down and up the Mississippi by the Fox and Wisconsin River route. They removed to the vicinity of the Mississippi in order to be in the line of travel from Canada to Louisiana, that is, the lower part of it, for it was all Louisiana then south of the lakes. During the period of French rule in Louisiana, the population prob- ably never exceeded ten thousand, including whites and blacks. Within that portion of it now included in Indiana, trading posts were established at the principal Miami villages which stood on the head waters of the Maumee, the Wea villages situated at Ouiatenon, on the Wabash, and the Piankeshaw villages at Post Vincennes ; all of which were probably visited by French traders and missionaries before the close of the seven- teenth century. In the vast territory claimed by the French, many settlements of considerable importance had sprung up. Biloxi, on Mobile Bay, had been founded by D'Iberville, in 1699 ; Antoine de Lamotte Cadillac had founded Detroit in 1701 ; and New Orleans had been founded by Bien- ville, under the auspices of the Mississippi Company, in 1718. In Illi- nois also, considerable settlements had been made, so that in 1730 they embraced one hundred and forty French families, about six hundred " con- verted Indians," and many traders and voyageurs. In that portion of the country, on the east side of the Mississippi, there were five distinct set- tlements, with their respective villages, viz. : Cahokia, near the mouth of Cahokia Creek and about five miles below the present city of St. Louis ; St. Philip, about forty-five miles below Cahokia, and four miles above Fort Chartres ; Fort Chartres, twelve miles above Kaskaskia ; Kaskaskia, situated on the Kaskaskia River, five miles above its conflu- ence with the Mississippi ; and Prairie du Rocher, near Fort Chartres. To these must be added St. Genevieve and St. Louis, on the west side of the Mississippi. These, with the exception of St. Louis, are among no Hi8TOiiY OF TUK STATK OF IJ^MNOIS. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. 117 the oldest French towns in the Mississippi Valley. Kaskaskia, in its best days, was a town of some two or three thousand inhabitants. After it passed from the crown of France its population for many years did not exceed fifteen hundred. Under British rule, in 1773, the population had decreased to four hundred and fifty. As early as 1721, the Jesuits had established a college and a monastery in Kaskaskia. Fort Chartres was first built under the direction of the Mississippi Company, in 1718, by M. de Boisbraint, a military officer, under command of Bienville. It stood on the east bank of the Mississippi, about eighteen miles below Kaskaskia, and was for some time the headquarters of the military commandants of the district of Illinois. In the Centennial Oration of Dr. Fowler, delivered at Philadelphia, by appointment of Gov. Beveridge, we find some interesting facts with regard to the State of Illinois, which we appropriate in this history : In 1682 Illinois became a possession of the French crown, a depend- ency of Canada, and a part of Louisiana. In 1765 the English flag was run up on old Fort Chartres, and Illinois was counted among the treas- ures of Great Britain. In 1779 it was taken from the English by Col. George Rogers Clark. This man was resolute in nature, wise in council, prudent in policy, bold in action, and heroic in danger. Few men who have figured in the his- tory of America are more deserving than this colonel. Nothing short of first-class ability could have rescued Vincens and all Illinois from the English. And it is not possible to over-estimate the influence of this achievement upon the republic. In 1779 Illinois became a part of Vir- ginia. It was soon known as Illinois County. In 1784 Virginia ceded all this territory to the general government, to be cut into States, to be republican in form, with " the same right of sovereignty, freedom, and independence as the other States." In 1787 it was the object of the wisest and ablest legislation found in any merely human records. No man can study the secret history of THE "COMPACT OF 1787," and not feel that Providence was guiding with sleepless eye these unborn States. The ordinance that on July 13, 1787, finally became the incor- porating act, has a most marvelous history. Jefferson had vainly tried to secure a system of government for the northwestern territory. He was an emancipationist of that day, and favored the exclusion of slavery from the territory Virginia had ceded to the general government ; but the South voted him down as often as it came up. In 1787, as late as July 10, an organizing act without the anti-slavery clause was pending. This concession to the South was expected to carry it. Congress was in 118 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. session in New York City. On July 5, Rev. Dr. Manasseh Cutler, of Massachusetts, came into New York to lobby on the northwestern terri- tory. Everything seemed to fall into his hands. Events were ripe. The state of the public credit, the growing of Southern prejudice, the basis of his mission, his personal character, all combined to complete one of those sudden and marvelous revolutions of public sentiment that once in five or ten centuries are seen to sweep over a country like the breath of the Almighty. Cutler was a graduate of Yale — received his A.M. from Harvard, and his D.D. from Yale. He had studied and taken degrees in the three learned professions, medicine, law, and divinity. He had thus America's best indorsement. He had published a scientific examination of the plants of New England. His name stood second only to that of Franklin as a scientist in America. He was a courtly gentle- man of the old style, a man of commanding presence, and of inviting face. The Southern members said they had never seen such a gentleman in the North. He came representing a company that desired to purchase a tract of land now included in Ohio, for the purpose of planting a colony. It was a speculation. Government money was worth eighteen cents on the dollar. This Massachusetts company had collected enough to pur- chase 1,500,000 acres of land. Other speculators in New York made Dr. Cutler their agent (lobbyist). On the 12th he represented a demand for 5,500,000 acres. This would reduce the national debt. Jefferson and Virginia were regarded as authority concerning the land Virginia had just ceded. Jefferson's policy wanted to provide for the public credit, and this was a good opportunity to do something. Massachusetts then owned the territory of Maine, which she was crowding on the market. She was opposed to opening the northwestern region. This fired the zeal of Virginia. The South caught the inspira- tion, and all exalted Dr. Cutler. The English minister invited him to dine with some of the Southern gentlemen. He was the center of interest. The entire South rallied round him. Massachusetts could not vote against him, because many of the constituents of her members were interested personally in the western speculation. Thus Cutler, making friends with the South, and, doubtless, using all the arts of the lobby, was enabled to command the situation. True to deeper convictions, he dictated one of the most compact and finished documents of wise states- manship that has ever adorned any human law book. He borrowed from Jefferson the term "Articles of Compact," which, preceding the federal constitution, rose into the most sacred character. He then followed very closely the constitution of Massachusetts, adopted three years before. Its most marked points were : 1. The exclusion of slavery from the territory forever. 2. Provision for public schools, giving one township for a seminary, HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. 119 and every section numbered 16 in each township ; that is, one-thirty-sixth of all the land, for public schools. 3. A provision prohibiting the adoption of any constitution or the enactment of any law that should nullify pre-existing contracts. Be it forever remembered that this compact declared that " Religion, morality, and knowledge being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall always be encouraged." Dr. Cutler planted himself on this platform and would not yield. Giving his unqualified declaration that it was that or nothing — that unless they could make the land desirable they did not want it — he took his horse and buggy, and started for the constitutional convention in Phila- delphia. On July 13, 1787, the bill was put upon its passage, and was unanimously adopted, ever}^ Southern member voting for it, and only one man, Mr. Yates, of New York, voting against it. But as the States voted as States, Yates lost his vote, and the compact was put beyond repeal. Thus the great States of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and Wis- consin — a vast empire, the heart of the great valley — were consecrated to freedom, intelligence, and honesty. Thus the great heart of the nation was prepared for a year and a day and an hour. In the light of these eighty- nine years I affirm that this act was the salvation of the republic and the destruction of slavery. Soon the South saw their great blunder, and tried to repeal the compact. In 1803 Congress referred it to a committee of which John Randolph was chairman. He reported that this ordinance was a compact, and opposed repeal. Thus it stood a rock, in the way of the on-rushing sea of slavery. With all this timely aid it was, after all, a most desperate and pro- tracted struggle to keep the soil of Illinois sacred to freedom. It was the natural battle-field for the irrepressible conflict. In the southern end of the State slavery preceded the compact. It existed among the old French settlers, and was hard to eradicate. The southern part of the State was settled from the slave States, and this population brought their laws, customs, and institutions with them. A stream of population from the North poured into the northern part of the State. These sections misunderstood and hated each other perfectly. The Southerners regarded the Yankees as a skinning, tricky, penurious race of peddlers, filling the country with tinware, brass clocks, and wooden nutmegs. The North- erner thought of the Southerner as a lean, lank, lazy creature, burrowing in a hut, and rioting in wiiisky, dirt and ignorance. These causes aided in making the struggle long and bitter. So strong was the sympathy with slavery that, in spite of the ordinance of 1787, and in spite of the deed of cession, it was determined to allow the old French settlers to retain their slaves. Planters from the slave States might bring their 120 HISTOKY OF THE STATE OF .LLLINOIS. slaves, if they would give them a chance to choose freedom or years of service and bondage for their children till they should become thirty years of age. If they chose freedom they must leave the State in sixty days or be sold as fugitives. Servants were whipped for offenses for which white men are fined. Each lash paid forty cents of the fine. A negro ten miles from home without a pass was whipped. These famous laws were imported from the slave States just as they imported laws foi" the inspection of flax and wool when there was neither in the State. These Black Laws are now wiped out. A vigorous effort was made to protect slavery in the State Constitution of 1817. It barely failed. It was renewed in 1825, when a convention was asked to make a new constitution. After a hard fight the convention was defeated. But slaves did not disappear from the census of the State until 1850. There were mobs and murders in the interest of slavery. Lovejoy was added to the list of martyrs — a sort of first-fruits of that long life of immortal heroes who saw freedom as the one supreme desire of their souls, and were so enamored of her that they preferred to die rather than survive her. The population of 12,282 that occupied the territory in A.D. 1800, increased to 45,000 in A.D. 1818, when the State Constitution was adopted, and Illinois took her place in the Union, with a star on the flag and two votes in the Senate. Shadrach Bond was the first Governor, and in his first message he recommended the construction of the Illinois and Michigan Canal. The simple economy in those days is seen in the fact that the entire bill for stationery for the first Legislature was only $13.50. Yet this simple body actually enacted a very superior code. There was no money in the territory before the war of 1812. Deer skins and coon skins were the circulating medium. In 1821, the Legis- lature ordained a State Bank on the credit of the State. It issued notes in the likeness of bank bills. These notes were made a legal tender for every thing, and the bank was ordered to loan to the people |100 on per- sonal security, and more on mortgages. They actually passed a resolu- tion requesting the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States to receive these notes for land. The old French Lieutenant Governor, Col. Menard, put the resolution as follows : " Gentlemen of the Senate : It is moved and seconded dat de notes of dis bank be made land-office money. All in favor of dat motion say aye ; all against it say no. It is decided in de affirmative. Now, gentlemen, I bet you one hundred dollar he never be land-office money ! " Hard sense, like hard money, is always above par. This old Frenchman presents a fine figure up against the dark back- ground of most of his nation. They made no progress. They clung to their earliest and simplest implements. They never wore hats or caps^ HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. 121 They pulled their blankets over their heads in the winter like the Indians, with whom they freely intermingled. Deniagogism had an early development. One John Grammar (only in name), elected to the Territorial and State Legislatures of 1816 and 1836, invented the policy of opposing every new thing, saying, " If it succeeds, no one will ask who voted against it. If it proves a failure, he could quote its record." In sharp contrast with Grammar was the char- acter of D. P. Cook, after whom the county containing 'Chicago was named. Such was his transparent integrity and remarkable ability that his will was almost the law of the State. In Congress, a young man, and from a poor State, he was made Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee. He was pre-eminent for standing by his committee, regard- less of consequences. It was his integrity that elected John Quincy Adams to the Presidency. There were four candidates in 1824, Jackson, Clay, Crawford, and John Quincy Adams. There being no choice by the people, the election was thrown into the House. It was so balanced that it turned on his vote, and that he cast for Adams, electing him ; then went home to face the wrath of the Jackson party in Illinois. It cost him all but character and greatness. It is a suggestive comment on the times, that there was no legal interest till 1830. It often reached 150 per cent., usually 50 per cent. Then it was reduced to 12, and now to 10 per cent. PHYSICAL FEATURES OF THE PRAIRIE STATE. In area the State has 55,410 square miles of territory. It is about 150 miles wide and 400 miles long, stretching in latitude from Maine to North Carolina. It embraces wide variety of climate. It is tempered on the north by the great inland, saltless, tideless sea, which keeps the thermometer from either extreme. Being a table land, from 600 to 1,600 feet above the level of the sea, one is prepared to find on the health maps, prepared by the general government, an almost clean and perfect record. In freedom from fever and malarial diseases and consumptions, the three deadly enemies of the American Saxon, Illinois, as a State, stands without a superior. She furnishes one of the essential conditions of a great people — sound bodies. I suspect that this fact lies back of that old Delaware word, Illini, superior men. The great battles of history that have been determinative of dynas- ties and destinies have been strategical battles, chiefly the question of position. Thermopylae has been the war-cry of freemen for twenty -four centuries. It only tells how much there may be in position. All this advantage belongs to Illinois. It is in the heart of the greatest valley in the world, the vast region between the mountains — a valley that could 122 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. feed mankind for one thousand years. It is well on toward the center of the continent. It is in the great temperate belt, in which have been found nearly all the aggressive civilizations of history. It has sixty-five miles of frontage on the head of the lake. With the Mississippi forming the western and southern boundary, with the Ohio running along the southeastern line, with the Illinois River and Canal dividing the State diagonally from the lake to the Lower Mississippi, and with the Rock and Wabash Rivers furnishing altogether 2,000 miles of water-front, con- necting with, and running through, in all about 12,000 miles of navi- gable water. But this is not all. These waters are made most available by the fact that the lake and the State lie on the ridge running into the great valley from the east. Within cannon-shot of the lake the water runs away from the lake to the Gulf. The lake now empties at both ends, one into the Atlantic and one into the Gulf of Mexico. The lake thus seems to hang over the land. This makes the dockage most serviceable ; there are no steep banks to damage it. Both lake and river are made for use. The climate varies from Portland to Richmond ; it favors every pro- duct of the continent, including the tropics, with less than half a dozen exceptions. It produces every great nutriment of the world except ban- anas and rice. It is hardly too much to say that it is the most productive spot known to civilization. With the soil full of bread and the earth full of minsrals ; with an upper surface of food and an under layer of fuel ; with perfect natural drainage, and abundant springs and streams and navigable rivers ; half way between the forests of the North and the fruits of the South ; within a day's ride of the great deposits of iron, coal, cop- per, lead, and zinc ; containing and controlling the great grain, cattle, pork, and lumber markets of the world, it is not strange that Illinois has the advantage of position. This advantage has been supplemented by the character of the popu- lation. In the early days when Illinois was first admitted to the Union, her population were cliiefly from Kentucky and Virginia. But, in the conflict of ideas concerning slavery, a strong tide of emigration came in from the East, and soon changed this composition. In 1870 her non- native population were from colder soils. New York furnished 133,290 ; Ohio gave 162,623 ; Pennsylvania sent on 98,352; the entire South gave us only 206,734. In all her cities, and in all her German and Scandina- vian and other foreign colonies, Illinois has only about one-fifth of her people of foreign birth. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. 123 PROGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT. One of the greatest elements in the early development of Illinois is ihe Jfllinois and Michigan Canal, connecting the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers with the lakes. It was of the utmost importance to the State. It was recommended by Gov. Bond, the first governor, in his first message. In 1821, the Legislature appropriated 810,000 for surveying the route. Two bright young engineers surveyed it, and estimated the cost at $600,000 or $700,000. It finally cost $8,000,000. In 1825, a law was passed to incorporate the Canal Company, but no stock was sold. In 1826, upon the solicitation of Cook, Congress gave 800,000 acres of land on the line of the work. In 1828, another law — commissioners appointed, and work commenced with new survey and new estimates. In 1834-35, George Farquhar made an able report on the whole matter. This was, doubtless, the ablest report ever made to a western legislature, and it became the model for subsequent reports and action. From this the work went on till it was finished in 1848, It cost the State a large amount of money ; but it gave to the industries of the State an impetus that pushed it up into the first rank of greatness. It was not built as a speculation any more than a doctor is employed on a speculation. But it has paid into the Treasary of the State an average annual net sum of over $111,000. Pending the construction of the canal, the land and town-lot fever broke out in the State, in 1834-35. It took on the malignant type in Chicago, lifting the town up into a city. The disease spread over the entire State and adjoining States. It was epidemic. It cut up men's farms without regard to locality, and Jut up the purses of the purchasers without regard to consequences. It is estimated that building lots enough were sold in Indiana alone to accommodate every citizen then in the United States. Towns and cities were exported to the Eastern market by the ship- load. There was no lack of buyers. Every up-ship came freighted with speculators and their money. This distemper seized upon the Legislature in 1836-37, and left not one to tell the tale. They enacted a system of internal improvement without a parallel in the grandeur of its conception. They ordered the construction of 1,300 miles of railroad, crossing the State in all direc- tions. This was surpassed by the river and canal improvements. There were a few counties not touched by either railroad or river or canal, and those were to be comforted and compensated by the free dis- tribution of $200,000 among them. To inflate this balloon beyond cre- dence it was ordered that work should be commenced on both ejids of 124 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. each of these railroads and rivers, and at each river-crossing, all at the same time. The appropriations for these vast improvements were over 812,000,000, and commissioners were appointed to borrow the money on the credit of the State. Remember that all this was in the early days of raili;oading, when railroads were luxuries ; that the State had whole counties with scarcely a cabin ; and that the population of the State was less than 400,000, and you can form some idea of the vigor with which these brave men undertook the work of making a great State. In the light of history I am compelled to say that this was only a premature throb of the power that actually slumbered in the soil of the State. It was Hercules in the cradle. At this juncture the State Bank loaned its funds largely to Godfrey Oilman & Co., and to other leading houses, for the purpose of drawing trade from St. Louis to Alton. Soon they failed, and took down the bank with them. In 1840, all hope seemed gone. A population of 480,000 were loaded with a debt of $14,000,000. It had only six small cities, really only towns, namely : Chicago, Alton, Springfield, Quincy, Galena, Nauvoo. This debt was to be cared for when there was not a dollar in the treas- ury, and when the State had borrowed itself out of all credit, and when there was not good money enough in the hands of all the people to pay the interest of the debt for a single year. Yet, in the presence of all these difficulties, the young State steadily refused to repudiate. Gov. Ford took hold of the problem and solved it, bringing the State through in triumph. Having touched lightly upon some of the more distinctive points in the history of the development of Illinois, let us next briefly consider the MATERIAL RESOURCES OF THE STATE. It is a garden four hundred miles long and one hundred and fifty miles wide. Its soil is chiefly a black sandy loam, from six inches to sixty feet thick. On the American bottoms it has been cultivated for one hundred and fifty years without renewal. About the old F'rench towns it has yielded corn for a century and a half without rest or help. It produces nearly everything green in the temperate and tropical zones. She leads all other States in the number of acres actually under plow. Her products from 25,000,000 of acres are incalculable. Her mineral wealth is scarcely second to her agricultural power. She has coal, iron, lead, copper, zinc, many varieties of building stone, fire clay, cuma clay, common brick clay, sand of all kinds, gravel, mineral paint — every thing needed for a high civilization. Left to herself, she has the elements of all greatness. The single item of coal is too vast for an appreciative HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. 125 handling in figures. We can handle it in general terms like algebraical signs, but long before we get up into the millions and billions the human mind drops down from comprehension to mere symbolic apprehension. When I tell you that nearly four-fifths of the entire State is under- laid with a deposit of coal more than forty feet thick on the average (now estimated, by recent surveys, at seventy feet thick), you can get some idea of its amount, as you do of the amount of the national debt. There it is ! 41,000 square miles — one vast mine into which you could put any of the States ; in which you could bury scores of European and ancient empires, and have room enough all round to work without know- ing that they had been sepulchered there. Put this vast coal-bed down by the other great coal deposits of the world, and its importance becomes manifest. Great Britain has 12,000 square miles of coal; Spain, 3,000; France, 1,719 ; Belgium, 578 ; Illinois about twice as many square miles as all combined. Virginia has 20,000 .square miles; Pennsylvania, 16,000; Ohio, 12,000. Illinois has 41,000 square miles. One-seventh of all the known coal on this continent is in Illinois. Could we sell the coal in this single State for one-seventh of one ceiit a ton it would pay the national debt. Converted into power, even with the wastage in our common engines, it would do more work than could be done by the entire race, beginning at Adam's wedding and working ten hours a day through all the centuries till the present time, and right on into the future at the same rate for the next 600,000 years. Great Britain uses enough mechanical power to-day to give to each man, woman, and child in the kingdom the help and service of nineteen untiring servants. No wonder she has leisure and luxuries. No wonder the home of the common artisan has in it more luxuries than could be found in the palace of good old King Arthur. Think, if you can conceive of it, of the vast army of servants that slumber in the soil of Illinois, impatiently awaiting the call of Genius to come forth to minister to our comfort. At the present rate of consumption England's coal supply will be exhausted in 250 years. When this is gone she must transfer her dominion either to the Indies, or to British America, which I would not resist ; or to some other people, which I would regret as a loss to civilization. COAL IS KING. At the same rate of consumption (which far exceeds our own) the deposit of coal in Illinois will last 120,000 years. And her kingdom shall be an everlasting kingdom. Let us turn, now from this reserve power to the annual products of 126 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. the State. We shall not be humiliated in this field. Here we strike the secret of our national credit. Nature provides a market in the constant appetite of the race. Men must eat, and if we can furnish the provisions we can command the treasure. All that a man hath will he give for his life. According to the last census Illinois produced 30,000,000 of bushels of wheat. That is more wheat than was raised by any other State in the Union. She raised In 1875, 130,000,000 of bushels of corn — twice as much as any other State, and one-sixth of all the corn raised in the United States. She harvested 2,747,000 tons of hay, nearly one-tenth of all the hay in the Republic. It is not generally appreciated, but it is true, that the hay crop of the country is worth more than the cotton crop. The hay of Illinois equals the cotton of Louisiana. Go to Charleston, S. C, and see them peddling handfuls of hay or grass, almost as a curiosity, as we regard Chinese gods or the cryolite of Greenland ; drink your coffee and condensed milk ; and walk back from the coast for many a league through the sand and burs till you get up into the better atmos- phere of the mountains, without seeing a waving meadow or a grazing herd ; then you will begin to appreciate the meadows of the Prairie State, where the grass often grows sixteen feet high. The value of her farm implements is $211,000,000, and the value of her live stock is only second to the great State of New York. in 1875 she had 25,000,000 hogs, and packed 2,113,845, about one-half of all that were packed in the United States. This is no insignificant item. Pork is a growing demand of the old world. Since the laborers of Europe have gotten a taste of our bacon, and we have learned how to pack it dry in boxes, like dry goods, the world has become the market. The hog is on the march into the future. His nose is ordained to uncover the secrets of dominion, and his feet shall be guided by the star of empire. Illinois marketed $57,000,000 worth of slaughtered animals — more than any other State, and a seventh of all the States. Be patient with me, and pardon my pride, and I will give you a list of some of the things in which Illinois excels all other States. Depth and richness of soil ; per cent, of good ground ; acres of improved land ; large farms — some farms contain from 40,000 to 60,000 acres of cultivated land, 40,000 acres of corn on a single farm ; number of farmers ; amount of wheat, corn, oats and honey produced ; value of ani- mals for slaughter ; number of hogs ; amount of pork ; number of horses — three times as many as Kentucky, the horse State. Illinois excels all other States in miles of railroads and in miles of postal service, and in money orders sold per annum, and in the amount of lumber sold in her markets. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLmOIS. 127 Illinois is only second in many important matters. This sample list comprises a few of the more important : Permanent school fund (good for a young state) ; total income for educational purposes ; number of pub- lishers of books, maps, papers, etc.; value of farm products and imple- ments, and of live stock ; in tons of coal mined. The shipping of Illinois is only second to New York. Out of one port during the business hours of the season of navigation she sends forth a vessel every ten minutes. This does not include canal boats, which go one every five minutes. No wonder she is only second in number of bankers and brokers or in physicians and surgeons. She is third in colleges, teachers and schools ; cattle, lead, hay, flax, sorghum and beeswax. She is fourth in population, ?n children enrolled in public schools, in law schools, in butter, potatoes and carriages. She is fifth in value of real and personal property, in theological seminaries and colleges exclusively for women, in milk sold, and in boots and shoes manufactured, and in book-binding. She is only seventh in the production of wood, while she is the twelfth in area. Surely that is well done for the Prairie State. She now has much more wood and growing timber than she had thirty years ago. A few leading industries will justify emphasis. She manufactures $205,000,000 worth of goods, which places her well up toward New York and Pennsylvania. The number of her manufacturing establishments increased from i860 to 1870, 300 per cent.; capital employed increased 350 per cent., and the amount of product increased 400 per cent. She issued 5,500,000 copies of commercial and financial newspapers — only second to New York. She has 6,759 miles of railroad, thus leading all other States, worth $636,458,000, using 3,245 engines, and 67,712 cars, making a train long enough to cover one-tenth of the entire roads of the State. Her stations are only five miles apart. She carried last year 15,795,000 passen- gers, an average of 36|- miles, or equal to taking her entire population twice across the State. More than two-thirds of her land is within five miles of a railroad, and less than two per cent, is more than fifteen miles away. The State has a large financial interest in the Illinois Central railroad. The road was incorporated in 1850, and the State gave each alternate sec- tion for six miles on each side, and doubled the price of the remaining land, so keeping herself good. The road received 2,595,000 acres of land, and pays to the State one-seventh of the gross receipts. The State receives this year $350,000, and has received in all about $7,000,000. It is practically the people's road, and it has a most able and gentlemanly management. Add to this the annual receipts from the canal, $111,000, and a large per cent, of the State tax is provided for. 128 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, THE RELIGION AND MORALS of the State keep step with her productions and growth. She was born of the missionary spirit. It was a minister who secured for her the ordi- nance of 1787, by which she has been saved from slavery, ignorance, and dishonesty. Rev. Mr. Wiley, pastor of a Scotch congregation in Randolph County, petitioned the Constitutional Convention of 1818 to recognize Jesus Christ as king, and the Scriptures as the only necessary guide and book of law. The convention did not act in the case, and the old Cove- nanters refused to accept citizenship. They never voted until 1824, when the slavery question was submitted to the people; then they all voted against it and cast the determining votes. Coi^cience has predominated whenever a great moral question has been submitted to the people. But little mob violence has ever been felt in the State. In 1817 regulators disposed of a band of horse-thieves that infested the territory. The Mormon indignities finally awoke the same spirit. Alton was also the scene of a pro-slavery mob, in which Lovejoy was added to the list of martyrs. The moral sense of the people makes the law supreme, and gives to the State unruffled peace. With 122,300,000 in church property, and 4,298 church organizations, the State has that divine police, the sleepless patrol of moral ideas, that alone is able to secure perfect safety. Conscience takes the knife from the assassin's hand and the bludgeon from the grasp of the highwayman. We sleep in safety, not because we are behind bolts and bars — these only fence against the innocent ; not because a lone officer drowses on a distant corner of a street; not because a sheriff may call his posse from a remote part of the county ; but because conscience guards the very portals of the air and stirs in the deepest recesses of the public mind. This spirit issues within the State 9,500,000 copies of religious papers annually, and receives still more from without. Thus the crime of the State is only one-fourth that of New York and one-half that of Pennsylvania. Illinois never had but one duel between her own citizens. In Belle- ville, in 1820, Alphonso Stewart and William Bennett arranged to vindi- cate injured honor. The seconds agreed to make it a sham, and. make them shoot blanks. Stewart was in the secret. Bennett mistrusted some- thing, and, unobserved, slipped a bullet into his gun and killed Stewart. He then fled the State. After two years he was caught, tried, convicted, and, in spite of friends and political aid, was hung. This fixed the code of honor on a Christian basis, and terminated its use in Illinois. The early preachers were ignorant men, who were accounted eloquent according to the strength of their voices. But they set the style for all public speakers. Lawyers and political speakers followed this rule. Gov. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. 129 Ford says: "Nevertheless, these first preachers were of incalculable benefit to the country. They inculcated justice and morality. To them are we indebted for the first Christian character of the Protestant portion of the people." In education Illinois surpasses her material resources. The ordinance of 1787 consecrated one thirty-sixth of her soil to common schools, and the law of 1818, the first law that went upon her statutes, gave three per cent, of all the rest to EDUCATION. The old compact secures this interest forever, and by its yoking moralit}^ and intelligence it precludes the legal interference with the Bible in the public schools. With such a start it is natural that we should have 11,050 schools, and that our illiteracy should be less than New York or Pennsylvania, and only about one-half of Massachusetts. We are not to blame for not having more than one-half as many idiots as the great States. These public schools soon made colleges inevitable. The first college, still flourishing, was started in Lebanon in 1828, by the M. E. church, and named after Bishop McKendree. Illinois College, at Jackson- ville, supported by the Presbyterians, followed in 1830. In 1832 the Bap- tists built Shurtleff College, at Alton. Then the Presbyterians built Knox College, at Galesburg, in 1838, and the Episcopalians built Jubilee College, at Peoria, in 1847. After these early years colleges have rained down. A settler could hardly encamp on the prairie but a college would spring up by his wagon. The State now has one very well endowed and equipped university, namely, the Northwestern University, at Evanston, with six colleges, ninety instructors, over 1,000 students, and $1,500,000 endow- ment. Rev. J. M. Peck was the first educated Protestant minister m tne State. He settled at Rock Spring, in St. Clair County, 1820, and left his impress on the State. Before 1837 only party papers were published, but Mr. Peck published a Gazetteer of Illinois. Soon after John Russell, of Bluffdale, published essays and tales showing genius. Judge James Hall published The Illinois Monthly Magazine with great ability, and an annual called The Western Souvenir^ which gave him an enviable fame all over the United States. From these beginnings Illinois has gone on till she has more volumes in public libaaries even than Massachusetts, and of the 44,500,000 volumes in all the public libraries of the United States, she has one-thirteenth. In newspapers she stands fourth. Her increase is marvelous. In 1850 she issued 5,000,000 copies ; in 1860, 27,590,000 ; in 1870, 113,140,000. In 1860 she had eighteen colleges and seminaries ; in 1870 she had eighty. That is a grand advance for the war decade. This brings us to a record unsurpassed in the history of any age, IBO HISTORY OF THE STATE OP ILLINOIS. THE WAR RECORD OF ILLINOIS. I hardly know where to begin, or how to advance, or what to say. 1 can at best give you only a broken synopsis of her deeds, and you must put them in the order of glory for yourself. Her sons have always been foremost on fields of danger. In 1832-33, at the call of Gov. Reynolds, her sons drove Blackhawk over the Mississippi. When the Mexican war came, in May, 1846, 8,370 men offered them- selves when only 3,720 could be accepted. The fields of Buena Vista and Vera Cruz, and the storming of Cerro Gordo, will carry the glory of Illinois soldiers along after the infamy of the cause they served has been forgotten. But it was reserved till our day for her sons to find a field and cause and foemen that could fitly illustrate their spirit and heroism. Illinois put into her own regiments for the United States government 256,000 men, and into the army through other States enough to swell the number to 290,000. This far exceeds all the soldiers of' the federal government in all the war of the revolution. Her total years of service were over 600,000. She enrolled men from eighteen to forty-five years of age when the law of Congress in 1864 — the test time — only asked for those from twent}^ to forty-five. Her enrollment was otherwise excessive. Her people wanted to go, and did not take the pains to correct the enrollment. Thus the basis of fixing the quota was too great, and then the quota itself, at least in the trying time, was far above any other State. Thus the demand on some counties, as Monroe, for example, took every able-bodied man in the county, and then did not have enough to fill the quota. Moreover, Illinois sent 20,844 men for ninety or one hundred days, for whom no credit was asked. When Mr. Lincoln's attention was called to the inequality of the quota compared with other States, he replied, " The country needs the sacrifice. We must put the whip on the free horse." In spite of all these disadvantages Illinois gave to the country 73,000 years of service above all calls. With one-thirteenth of the popu- lation of the loyal States, she sent regularly one-tenth of all the soldiers^ and in the peril of the closing calls, when patriots were few and weary, she then sent one-eighth of all that were called for by her loved and hon- ored son in the white house. Her mothers and daughters went into the fields to raise the grain and keep the children together, while the fathers and older sons went to the harvest fields of the world. I knew a father and four sons who agreed that one of them must stay at home ; and they pulled straws from a stack to see who might go. The father was left. The next day he came into the camp, saying : " Mother says she can get the crops in, and I am going, too." I know large Methodist churches from which every male member went to the army. Do you want to know HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. 131 what these heroes from Illinois did in the field ? Ask any soldier with a good record of his own, who is thus able to judge, and he will tell you that the Illinois men went in to win. It is common history that the greater victories were won in the West. When everything else looked dark Illi- nois was gaining victories all down the river, and dividing the confederacy. Sherman took with him on his great march fortj^-iive regiments of Illinois infantry, three companies of artillery, and one company of cavalry. He could not avoid GOING TO THE SEA. If he had been killed, I doubt not the men would have gone right on. Lincoln answered all rumors of Sherman's defeat with, " It is impossible ; there is a mighty sight of fight in 100,000 Western men." Illinois soldiers brought home 300 battle-flags. The first United States flag that floated over Richmond was an Illinois flag. She sent messengers and nurses to every field and hospital, to care for her sick and wounded sons. She said, " These suffering ones are my sons, and I will care for them." When individuals had given all, then cities and towns came forward with their credit to the extent of many millions, to aid these men and their families. Illinois gave the country the great general of the war — Ulysses S. Grant — since honored with two terms of the Presidency of the United States. One other name from Illinois comes up in all minds, embalmed in all hearts, that must have the supreme place in this story of our glory and of our nation's honor ; that name is Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois. The analysis of Mr. Lincoln's character is difficult on account of its symmetry. In this age we look with admiration at his uncompromising honesty. And well we may, for this saved us. Thousands throughout the length and breadth of our country who knew him only as " Honest Old Abe," voted for him on that account ; and wisely did they choose, for no other man could have carried us through the fearful night of the war. When his plans were too vast for our comprehension, and his faith in the cause too sublime for our participation ; when it was all night about us, and all dread before us, and all sad and desolate behind us ; when not one ray shone upon our cause ; when traitors were haughty and exultant at the South, and fierce and blasphemous at the North ; when the loyal men here seemed almost in the minority ; when the stoutest heart quailed, the bravest cheek paled ; when generals were defeating each other for place, and contractors were leeching out the very heart's blood of the prostrate republic : when every thing else had failed us, we looked at this calm, patient man standing like a rock in the storm, and said : " Mr. Lincoln 132 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. is honest, and we can trust him still." Holding to this single point with the energy of faith and despair we held together, and, under God, he brought us through to victory. His practical wisdom made him the wonder of all lands. With such certainty did Mr. Lincoln follow causes to their ultimate effects, that his foresight of contingencies seemed almost prophetic. He is radiant with all the great virtues, and his memory shall shed a glory upon this age that shall fill the eyes of men as they look into his- tory. Other men have excelled him in some point, but, taken at all points, all in all, he stands head and shoulders above every other man of 6,000 years. An administrator, he saved the nation in the perils of unparalleled civil war. A statesman, he justified his measures by their success. A philanthropist, he gave liberty to one race and salvation to another. A moralist, he bowed from the summit of human power to the foot of the Cross, and became a Christian. A mediator, he exercised mercy under the most absolute abeyance to law. A leader, he was no partisan. A commander, he was untainted with blood. A ruler in desperate times, he was unsullied with crime. A man, he has left no word of passion, no thought of malice, no trick of craft, no act of jealousy, no purpose of selfish ambition. Thus perfected, without a model, and without a peer, he was dropped into these troubled years to adorn and embellish all that is good and all that is great in our humanity, and to present to all coming- time the representative of the divine idea of free government. It is not too much to say that away down in the future, when the republic has fallen from its niche in the wall of time ; when the great war itself shall have faded out in the distance like a mist on the horizon ; when the Anglo-Saxon language shall be spoken only by the tongue of the stranger ; then the generations looking this way shall see the great president as the supreme figure in this vortex of history CHICAGO. It is impossible in our brief space to give more than a meager sketch of such a city as Chicago, which is in itself the greatest marvel of the Prairie State. This mysterious, majestic, mighty city, born first of water, and next of fire ; sown in weakness, and raised in power ; planted among the willows of the marsh, and crowned with the glory of the mountains ; sleeping on the bosom of the prairie, and rocked on the bosom of the sea , the youngest city of the world, and still the eye of the prairie, as Damas- cus, the oldest city of the world, is the eye of the desert. With a com- merce far exceeding that of Corinth on her isthmus, in the highway to the East ; with the defenses of a continent piled around her by the thou- sand miles, making her far safer than Rome on the banks of the Tiber ; HliSTOKY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. 138 j:-34 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. with schools eclipsing- Alexandria and Athens ; with liberties more con- spicuous than those of the old republics ; with a heroism equal to the first Carthage, and with a sanctity scarcely second to that of Jerusalem — set your thoughts on all this, lifted into the eyes of all men by the miracle of its growth, illuminated by the flame of its fall, and transfigured by the divinity of its resurrection, and you will feel, as I do, the utter impossi- bility of compassing this subject as it deserves. Some impression of her importance is received from the shock her burning gave to the civilized world. When the doubt of her calamity was removed, and the horrid fact was accepted, there went a shudder over all cities, and a quiver over all lands. There was scarcely a town in the* civilized world that did not shake on the brink of this opening chasm. The flames of our homes red- dened all skies. The city was set upon a hill, and could not be hid. All eyes were turned upon it. To have struggled and suffered amid the scenes of its fall is as distinguishing as to have fought at Thermopylae, or Salamis, or Hastings, or Waterloo, or Bunker Hill. Its calamity amazed the world, because it was felt to be the common property of mankind. The early history of the city is full of interest, just as the early his- tory of such a man as Washington or Lincoln becomes public property, and is cherished by every patriot. Starting with 560 acres in 1833, it embraced and occupied 23,000 acres in 1869, and, having now a population of more than 500,000, it com- mands general attention. The first settler — Jean Baptiste Pointe au Sable, a mulatto from the West Indies — came and began trade with the Indians in 1796. John Kinzie became his successor in 1804, in which year Fort Dearborn was erected. A mere trading-post was kept here from that time till about the time of the Blackhawk war, in 1832. It was not the city. It was merely a cock crowing at midnight. Th? morning was not yet. In 1833 the set- tlement about the fort was incorporated as a town. The voters were divided on the propriety of such corporation, twelve voting for it and one against it. Four years later it was incorporated as a city, and embraced 560 acres. The produce handled in this city is an indication of its power. Grain and flour were imported from the East till as late as 1837. The first exportation by way of experiment was in 1839. Exports exceeded imports first in 1842. The Board of Trade was organized in 1848, but it was so weak that it needed nursing till 1855. Grain was purchased by the wagon-load in the street. I remember sitting with my father on a load of wheat, in the long HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. 135 line of wagons along Lake street, while the buyers came and untied the bags, and examined the grain, and made their bids. That manner of business had to cease with the day of small things. Now our elevators will hold 15,000,000 bushels of grain. The cash value of the produce handled in a year is $215,000,000, and the produce weighs 7,000,000 tons or 700,000 car loads. This handles thirteen and a half ton each minute, all the year round. One tenth of all the wheat in the United States is handled in Chicago. Even as long ago as 1853 the receipts of grain in Chicago exceeded those of the goodly city of St. Louis, and in 1854 the exports of grain from Chicago exceeded those of New York and doubled those of St. Petersburg, Archangel, or Odessa, the largest grain markets in Europe. The manufacturing interests of the city are not contemptible. In 1873 manufactories employed 45,000 operatives ; in 1876, 60,000. The manufactured product in 1875 was worth $177,000,000. No estimate of the size and power of Chicago would be adequate that did not put large emphasis on the railroads. Before they came thundering along our streets canals were the hope of our country. But who ever thinks now of traveling by canal packets ? In June, 1852, there were only forty miles of railroad connected with the city. The old Galena division of the Northwestern ran out to Elgin. But now, who can count the trains and measure the roads that seek a terminus or connection in this city ? The lake stretches away to the north, gathering in to this center all the harvests that might otherwise pass to the north of us. If you will take a map and look at the adjustment of railroads, you will see, first, that Chicago is the great railroad center of the world, as New York is the commercial city of this continent ; and, second, that the railroad lines form the iron spokes of a great wheel whose hub is this city. The lake furnishes the only break in the spokes, and this seems simply to have pushed a few spokes together on each shore. See the eighteen trunk lines, exclusive of eastern connections. Pass round the circle, and view their numbers and extent. There is the great Northwestern, with all its branches, one branch creeping along the lake shore, and so reaching to the north, into the Lake Superior regions, away to the right, and on to the Northern Pacific on the left, swinging around Green Bay for iron and copper and silver, twelve months in the year, and reaching out for the wealth of the great agricultural belt and isothermal line traversed by the Northern Pacific. Another branch, not so far north, feeling for the heart of the Badger State. Another pushing lower down the Mississippi — all these make many con- nections, and tapping all the vast wheat regions of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, and all the regions this side of sunset. There is that elegant road, the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, running out a goodly number of 136 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. OLD FOET DEARBORN, 1830. 'KK.SKNT 11 Ul J VKJ sii 1.L1 i UUM 1., OUlVuO, IN IboO. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. 137 branches, and reaping the great fields this side of the Missouri River. I can only mention the Chicago, Alton & St. Louis, our Illinois Central, described elsewhere, and the Chicago & Rock Island. Further around we come to the lines connecting us Avith all the eastern cities. The Chicago, Indianapolis & St. Louis, the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago, the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern, and the Michigan Cen- tral and Great Western, give us many highways to the seaboard. Thus we reach the Mississippi at five points, from St. Paul to Cairo and the Gulf itself by two routes. We also reach Cincinnati and Baltimore, and Pitts- burgh and Philadelphia, and New York. North and south run the water courses of the lakes and the rivers, broken just enough at this point to make a pass. Through this, from east to west, run the long lines that stretch from ocean to ocean. This is the neck of the glass, and the golden sands of commerce must pass into our hands. Altogether we have more than 10,000 miles of railroad, directly tributary to this city, seeking to unload their wealth in our coffers. All these roads have come themselves by the infallible instinct of capital. Not a dollar was ever given by the city to secure one of them, and only a small per cent, of stock taken originally by her citizens, and that taken simply as an investment. Coming in the natural order of events, they will not be easily diverted. There is still another showing to all this. The connection between New York and San Francisco is by the middle route. This passes inevit- ably through Chicago. St. Louis wants the Southern Pacific or Kansas Pacific, and pushes it out through Denver, and so on up to Cheyenne. But before the road is fairly under way, the Chicago roads shove out to Kansas City, making even the Kansas Pacific a feeder, and actually leav- ing St. Louis out in the cold. It is not too much to expect that Dakota, Montana, and Washington Territory will find their great market in Chi- cago. But these are not all. Perhaps I had better notice here the ten or fifteen new roads that have just entered, or are just entering, our city. Their names are all that is necessary to give. Chicago & St. Paul, look- ing up the Red River country to the British possessions ; the Chicago, Atlantic & Pacific ; the Chicago, Decatur & State Line ; the Baltimore & Ohio; the Chicago, Danville & Vincennes; the Chicago & LaSalle Rail- road ; the Chicago, Pittsburgh & Cincinnati ; the Chicago and Canada Southern ; the Chicago and IlHnois River Railroad. These, with their connections, and with the new connections of the old roads, already in process of erection, give to Chicago not less than 10,000 miles of new tributaries from the richest land on the continent. Thus there will be added to the reserve power, to the capital within reach of this city, not less than $1,000,000,000. 138 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. Add to all this transporting power the ships that sail one every nine minutes of the business hours of the season of navigation ; add, also, the canal boats that leave one every five minutes during the same time — and you will see something of the business of the city. THE COMMERCE OF THIS CITY has been leaping along to keep pace with the growth of the country around us. In 1852, our commerce reached the hopeful sum of 120,000,000. In 1870 it reached 1400,000,000. In 1871 it was pushed up above $450,000,000. And in 1875 it touched nearly double that. One-half of our imported goods come directly to Chicago. Grain enough is exported directly from our docks to the old world to employ a semi-weekly line of steamers of 3,000 tons capacity. This branch is not likely to be greatly developed. Even after the great Welland Canal is completed we shall have only fourteen feet of water. The great ocean vessels will continue to control the trade. The banking capital of Chicago is $24,431,000. Total exchange in 1875, $659,000,000. Her wholesale business in 1875 was $294,000,000. The rate of taxes is less than in any other great city. The schools of Chicago are unsurpassed in America. Out of a popu- lation of 300,000 there were only 186 persons between the ages of six and twenty-one unable to read. This is the best known record. In 1831 the mail system was condensed into a half-breed, who went on foot to Niles, Mich., once in two weeks, and brought back what papers and news he could find. As late as 1846 there was often only one mail a week. A post-office was established in Chicago in 1833, and the post- master nailed up old boot-legs on one side of his shop to serve as boxes for the nabobs and literary men. It is an interesting fact in the growth of the young city that in the active life of the business men of that day the mail matter has grown to a daily average of over 6,500 pounds. It speaks equally well for the intelligence of the people and the commercial importance of the place, that the mail matter distributed to the territory immediately tributary to Chicago is seven times greater than that distributed to the territory immediately tributary to St. Louis. The improvements that have characterized the cit}^ are as startling as the city itself. In 1831, Mark Beaubien established a ferry over the river, and put himself under bonds to carry all the citizens free for the privilege of charging strangers. Now there are twenty-four large bridges and two tunnels. In 1833 the government expended $30,000 on the harbor. Then commenced that series of manoeuvers with the river that has made it one I HISTOKY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. Ibti of the world's curiosities. It used to wind around in the lower end of the town, and make its way rippling over the sand into the lake at the foot of Madison street. They took it up and put it down where it now is. It was a narrow stream, so narrow that even moderately small crafts had to go up through the willows and cat's tails to the point near Lake street bridge, and back up one of the branches to get room, enough in which to turn around. In 1844 the quagmires in the streets were first pontooned by plank roads, which acted in wet weather as public squirt-guns. Keeping you out of the mud, they compromised by squirting the mud over you. The wooden-block pavements came to Chicago in 1857. In 1840 water was delivered by peddlers in carts or by hand. Then a twenty-five horse- power engine pushed it through hollow or bored logs along the streets till 1854, when it was introduced into the houses by new works. The first fire-engine was used in 1835, and the first steam fire-engine in 1859. Gas was utilized for lighting the city in 1850. The Young Men's Chris- tian Association was organized in 1858, and horse railroads carried them to their work in 1859. The museum was opened in 1863. The alarm telegraph adopted in 1864. The opera-house built in 1865. The city grew from 560 acres in 1833 to 23,000 in 1869. In 1834, the taxes amounted to $48.90, and the trustees of the town borrowed $60 more for opening and improving streets. In 1835, the legislature authorized a loan of $2,000, and the treasurer and street commissioners resigned rather than plunge the town into such a gulf. Now the city embraces 36 square miles of territory, and has 30 miles of water front, besides the outside harbor of refuge, of 400 acres, inclosed by a crib sea-wall. One-third of the city has been raised up an average of eight feet, giving good pitch to the 263 miles of sewerage. The water of the city is above all competition. It is received through two tunnels extending to a crib in the lake two miles from shore. The closest analy- sis fails to detect any impurities, and, received 35 feet below the surface, it is always clear and cold. The first tunnel is five feet two inches in diameter and two miles long, and can deliver 50,000,000 of gallons per day. The second tunnel is seven feet in diameter and six miles long, running four miles under the city, and can deliver 100,000,000 of gal- lons per day. This water is distributed through 410 miles of water- mains. The three grand engineering exploits of the city are : First, lifting the city up on jack-screws, whole squares at a time, without interrupting the business, thus giving us good drainage ; second, running the tunnels under the lake, giving us the best water in the world ; and third, the turning the current of the river in its own channel, delivering us from the old abominations, and making decency possible. They redound about 140 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. equally to the credit of the engineering, to the energy of the people, and to the health of the city. That which really constitutes the city, its indescribable spirit, its soul, the way it lights up in every feature in the hour of action, has not been touched. In meeting strangers, one is often surprised how some homely women marry so well. Their forms are bad, their gait uneven and awk- ward, their complexion is dull, their features are misshapen and mismatch- ed, and when we see them there is no beauty that we should desire them. But when once they are aroused on some subject, they put on new pro- portions. They light up into great power. The real person comes out from its unseemly ambush, and captures us at will. They have power. They have ability to cause things to come to pass. We no longer wonder why they are in such high demand. So it is with our city. There is no grand scenery except the two seas, one of water, the other of prairie. Nevertheless, there is a spirit about it, a push, a breadth, a power, that soon makes it a place never to be forsaken. One soon ceases to believe in impossibilities. Balaams are the only prophets that are disappointed. The bottom that has been on the point of falling out has been there so long that it has grown fast. It can not fall out. It has all the capital of the world itching to get inside the corporation. The two great laws that govern the growth and size of cities are, first, the amount of territory for which they are the distributing and receiving points ; second, the number of medium or moderate dealers that do this distributing. Monopolists build up themselves, not the cities. They neither eat, wear, nor live in proportion to their business. Both these laws help Chicago. The tide of trade is eastward — not up or down the map, but across the map. The lake runs up a wingdam for 500 miles to gather in the business. Commerce can not ferry up there for seven months in the year, and the facilities for seven months can do the work for twelve. Then the great region west of us is nearly all good, productive land. Dropping south into the trail of St. Louis, you fall into vast deserts and rocky dis- tricts, useful in holding the world together. St. Louis and Cincinnati, instead of rivaling and hurting Chicago, are her greatest sureties of dominion. They are far enough away to give sea-room, — farther off than Paris is from London, — and yet they are near enough to prevent the springing up of any other great city between them. St. Louis will be helped by the opening of the Mississippi, but also hurt. That will put New Orleans on her feet, and with a railroad running over into Texas and so West, she will tap the streams that now crawl up the Texas and Missouri road. The current is East, not North, and a sea- port at New Orleans can not permanently help St. Louis. Chicago is in the field almost alone, to handle the wealth of one- HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. 141 fourth of the territory of this great republic. This strip of seacoast divides its margins between Portland, Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Savannah, or some other great port to be created for the South in the next decade. But Chicago has a dozen empires casting their treasures into her lap. On a bed of coal that can run all the machinery of the world for 500 centuries ; in a garden that can feed the race by the thousand years; at the head of the lakes that give her a temperature as a summer resort equaled by no great city in the land ; with a climate that insures the health of her citizens ; surrounded by all the great deposits of natural wealth in mines aud forests and herds, Chicago is the wonder of to-day, and will be the city of the future. MASSACRE AT FORT DEARBORN. During the war of 1812, Fort Dearborn became the theater of stirring events. The garrison consisted of fifty-four men under command of Captain Nathan Heald, assisted by Lieutenant Helm (son-in-law of Mrs. Kinzie) and Ensign Ronan. Dr. Voorhees was surgeon. The only resi- dents at the post at that time were the wives of Captain Heald and Lieu- tenant Helm, and a few of the soldiers, Mr. Kinzie and his family, and a few Canadian voyageurs, with their wives and children. The soldiers and Mr. Kinzie were on most friendly terms with the Pottawattamies and Winnebagos, the principal tribes around them, but they could not win them from their attachment to the British. One evening in April, 1812, Mr. Kinzie sat playing on his violin and his children were dancing to the music, when Mrs. Kinzie came rushing into the house, pale with terror, and exclaiming : " The Indians ! the Indians!" "What? Where?" eagerly inquired Mr. Kinzie. "Up at Lee's, killing and scalping," answered the frightened mother, who, when the alarm was given, was attending Mrs, Barnes (just confined) living not far off. Mr. Kinzie and his family crossed the river and took refuge in the fort, to which place Mrs. Barnes and her infant not a day old were safely conveyed. The rest of the inhabitants took shelter in the fort. This alarm was caused by a scalping party of Winnebagos, who hovered about the fort several days, when they disappeared, and for several weeks the inhabitants were undisturbed. On the 7th of August, 1812, General Hull, at Detroit, sent orders ta Captain Heald to evacuate Fort Dearborn, and to distribute all the United States property to the Indians in the neighborhood — a most insane order. The Pottawattamie chief, Avho brought the dispatch, had more wisdom than the commanding general. He advised Captain Heald not to make the distribution. Said he : " Leave the fort and stores as they are, and let the Indians make distribution for themselves ; and while they are engaged in the business, the white people may escape to Fort Wayne." HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. 143 Captain Heald held a council with the Indians on the afternoon of the 12th, in which his officers refused to join, for they had been informed that treachery was designed — that the Indians intended to murder the white people in the council, and then destroy those in the fort. Captain Heald, however, took the precaution to open a port-hole displaying a cannon pointing directly upon the council, and by that means saved his life. Mr. Kinzie, who knew the Indians well, begged Captain Heald not to confide in their promises, nor distribute the arras and munitions among them, for it would only put power into their hands to destroy the whites. Acting upon this advice, Heald resolved to withhold the munitions of war ; and on the night of the 13th, after the distribution of the other property had been made, the powder, ball and liquors were thrown into the river, the muskets broken up and destroyed. Black Partridge, a friendly chief, came to Captain Heald, and said : " Linden birds have been singing in my ears to-day: be careful on the march you are going to take." On that dark night vigilant Indians had crept near the fort and discovered the destruction of their promised booty going on within. The next morning the powder was seen floating on the surface of the river. The savages were exasperated and made loud com- plaints and threats. On the following day when preparations were making to leave the fort, and all the inmates were deeply impressed with a sense of impend- ing danger, Capt. Wells, an uncle of Mrs. Heald, was discovered upon the Indian trail among the sand-hills on the borders of the lake, not far distant, with a band of mounted Miamis, of whose tribe he was chief, having been adopted by the famous Miami warrior. Little Turtle. When news of Hull's surrender reached Fort Wayne, he had started with this force to assist Heald in defending Fort Dearborn. He was too late. Every means for its defense had been destroyed the night before, and arrangements were made for leaving the fort on the morning of the 15th. It was a warm bright morning in the middle of August. Indications were positive that the savages intended to murder the white people ; and when they moved out of the southern gate of the fort, the march was like a funeral procession. The band, feeling the solemnity of the occa- sion, struck up the Dead March in Saul. Capt. Wells, who had blackened his face with gun-powder in token of his fate, took the lead with his band of Miamis, followed by Capt. Heald, with his wife by his side on horseback. Mr. Kinzie hoped by his personal influence to avert the impending blow, and therefore accompanied them, leaving his family in a boat in charge of a friendly Indian, to be taken to his trading station at the site of Niles, Michigan, in the event ot his death. 144 HISTOKY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOlfcl. aisiH HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. 145 The procession moved slowly along the lake shore till they reached the sand-hills between the prairie and the beach, when the Pottawattamie escort, under the leadership of Blackbird, filed to the right, placing those hills between them and the white people. Wells, with his Miamis, had kept in the advance. They suddenly came rushing back. Wells exclaim- ing, " They are about to attack us ; form instantly." These words were quickly followed by a storm of bullets, which came whistling over the little hills which the treacherous savages had made the covert for their murderous attack. The white troops charged upon the Indians, drove them back to the prairie, and then the battle was waged between fifty- four soldiers, twelve civilians and three or four women (the cowardly Miamis having fled at the outset) against five hundred Indian warriors. The white people, hopeless, resolved to sell their lives as dearly as possible. Ensign Ronan wielded his weapon vigorously, even after falling upon his knees weak from the loss of blood. Capt. Wells, who was by the side of his niece, Mrs. Heald, when the conflict began, behaved with the greatest coolness and courage. He said to her, " We have not the slightest chance for life. We must part to meet no more in this world. God bless 3^ou." And then he dashed forward. Seeing a young warrior, painted like a demon, climb into a wagon in which were twelve children, and tomahawk them all, he cried out, unmindful of his personal danger, " If that is your game, butchering women and children, I will kill too." He spurred his horse towards the Indian camp, where they had left their squaws and papooses, hotly pursued by swift-footed young warriors, who sent bullets whistling after him. One of these killed his horse and wounded him severely in the leg. With a yell the young braves rushed to make him their prisoner and reserve him for torture. He resolved not to be made a captive, and by the use of the most provoking epithets tried to induce them to kill him instantly. He called a fiery young chief a sqicmv, when the enraged warrior killed Wells instantly with his tomahawk, jumped upon his body, cut out his heart, and ate a portion of the warm morsel with savage delight ! In this fearful combat women bore a conspicuous part. Mrs. Heald was an excellent equestrian and an expert in the use of the rifle. She fought the savages bravely, receiving several severe wounds. Though faint from the loss of blood, she managed to keep her saddle. A savage raised his tomahawk to kill her, when she looked him full in the face, and with a sweet smile and in a gentle voice said, in his own language, " Surely you will not kill a squaw ! " The arm of the savage fell, and the life of the heroic woman was saved. Mrs. Helm, the step-daughter of Mr. Kinzie, had an encounter with a stout Indian, who attempted to tomahawk her. Springing to one side, she received the glancing blow on her shoulder, and at the same instant 146 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. seized the savage round the neck with her arms and endeavored to get hold of his scalping knife, which hung in a sheath at his breast. While she was thus struggling she was dragged from her antagonist by another powerful Indian, who bore her, in spite of her struggles, to the margin of the lake and plunged her in. To her astonishment she was held by him so that she would not drown, and she soon perceived that she was in the hands of the friendly Black Partridge, who had saved her life. The wife of Sergeant Holt, a large and powerful woman, behaved as bravely as an Amazon. She rode a line, high-spirited horse, which the Indians coveted, and several of them attacked her with the butts of their guns, for the purpose of dismounting her ; but she used the sword which she had snatched from her disabled husband so skillfully that she foiled them ; and, suddenly wheeling her horse, she dashed over the prairie, followed by the savages shouting, " The brave woman ! the brave woman ! Don't hurt her ! " They finally overtook her, and while she was fighting them in front, a powerful savage came up behind her, seized her by the neck and dragged her to the ground. Horse and woman were made captives. Mrs. Holt was a long time a captive among the Indians, but was afterwards ransomed. In this sharp conflict two-thirds of the white people were slain and wounded, and all their horses, baggage and provision were lost. Only twenty-eight straggling men now remained to fight five hundred Indians rendered furious b}^ the sight of blood. They succeeded in breaking through the ranks of the murderers and gaining a slight eminence on the prairie near the Oak Woods. The Indians did not pursue, but gathered on their flanks, while the chiefs held a consultation on the sand-hills, and showed signs of willingness to parley. It would have been madness on the part of the whites to renew the fight ; and so Capt. Heald went for- ward and met Blackbird on the open prairie, where terms of surrender were soon agreed upon. It was arranged that the white people should give up their arms to Blackbird, and that the survivors should become prisoners of war, to be exchanged for ransoms as soon as practicable. With this understanding captives and captors started for the Indian camp near the fort, to which Mrs. Helm had been taken bleeding and suffering hy Black Partridge, and had met her step-father and learned that her husband was safe. A new scene of horror was now opened at the Indian camp. The wounded, not being included in the terms of surrender, as it was inter- preted by the Indians, and the British general. Proctor, having offered a liberal bounty for American scalps, delivered at Maiden, nearly all the wounded men were killed and scalped, and the price of the trophies was afterwards paid by the British government. iTv'^*' '«• ROODHOUSE. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. 149 SHABBONA. This celebrated Indian chief, whose portrait appears in this work, deserves more than a passing notice. Although Shabbona was not so con- spicuous as Tecumseh or Black Hawk, yet in point of merit he was superior to either of them. Shabbona was born at an Indian village on the Kankakee River, now in Will County, about the year 1775. While young he was made chief of the band, and went to Shabbona Grove, now DeKalb County, where they were found in the early settlement of the county. In t]i3 war of 1812 Shabbona with his warriors icined Tecumseh. was 150 HISTOUY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. aid to that great chief, und stood by liis side when he fell at the battle of the Tliames. At the time of the Winnebago war, in 1827, he visited almost every village among the Pottawatomies, and by his persuasive arguments prevented them from taking part in the war. B}^ request of the citizens of Chicago, Shabbona, accompanied by Billy Caldwell (Sauganash), visited Big Foot's village at Geneva Lake, in order to pacify the warriors, as fears were entertained that they were about to raise the tomahawk against the whites. Here Shabbona was taken prisoner by Big Foot, and his life threatened, but on the following day was set at libert3\ From that time the Indians (through reproach) styled liim " the white man's friend," and many times his life was endangered. Before the Black Hawk Avar, Shabbona met in council at two differ- ent times, and by his influence prevented his people from taking jjart with the Sacs and Foxes. After the death of Black Partridge and Senachwine, no chief among the Pottawatomies exerted so much influence as Shabbona. Black Hawk, aware of this influence, visited him at two different times, in order to enlist him in his cause, but was unsuccessfid. While Black Hawk was a prisoner at Jefferson Barracks, he said, had it not been for Shabbona the whole Pottawatomie nation would have joined his standard, and he could have continued the war for years. To Shabbona many of the early settlers of Illinois owe the pres- ervation of their lives, for it is a well-known fact, had he not notified the people of their danger, a large portion of them would have fallen victims to the tomahawk of savages. By saving the lives of whites he endangered his own, for the Sacs and Foxes threatened to kill him, and made two attempts to execute their threats. They killed Pypeogee, his son, and Pyps, his nephew, and hunted him down as though he was a wild beast. Shabbona had a reservation of two sections of land at his Grove, but by leaving it and going west for a short time, the Government declared the reservation forfeited, and sold it the same as other vacant land. On Shabbona's return, and finding his possessions gone, he was very sad and broken down inspirit, and left the Grove for ever. The citizens of Ottawa raised money and bought him a tract of land on the Illinois River, above Seneca, in Grundy County, on which they built a house, and supplied him with means to live on. He lived here until his death, which occurred on the 17th of July, 1859, in the eighty-fourth year of his age, and was buried with great pomj) in the cemetery at Morris. His squaw, Pokanoka, was drowned in Mazen Creek, Grundy County, on the 30th of November, 1864, and was buried by his side. In 1861 subscriptions were taken up in many of the river towns, to erect a monument over the remains of Shabbona, but the war breaking out, the enterprise was abandoned. Only a plain marble slab marks the resting-place of this friend of the white man. Abstract of Illinois State Laws. BILLS OF EXCHANGE AND PROMISSORY NOTES. No promissory note, cheek, draft, bill of exchange, order, or note, negO' tiable inst7'ument payable at sight, or on demand, or on presentment, shall be entitled to days of grace. All other bills of exchange, drafts or notes are entitled to three days of grace. All the above mentioned paper falling due on Sunday, New Years'' Bay, the Fourth of July, Christmas, or any day appointed or recommended by the President of the United States or the Governor of the State as a day of fast or thanksgiving, shall be deemed as due on the day previous, and should two or more of these days come together, then such instrument shall be treated as due on the day previous to the first of said days. No defense can be made against a negotiable instrument (^assigned before due') in the hands of the assignee without notice, except fraud was used in obtaining the same. To hold an indorser, due diligence must be used by suit, in collecting of the maker, unless suit would have been unavailing. Notes payable to person named or to order, in order to absolutely transfer title, must be indorsed by the payee. Notes payable to bearer may be transferred by delivery, and when so payable every indorser thereon is held as a guarantor of payment unless otherwise expressed. In computing interest or discount on negotiable instruments, a month shall be considered a calendar month or twelfth of a year, and for less than a month, a day shall be figured a thirtieth part of a month. Notes only bear interest when so expressed, but after due they draw the legal interest, even if not stated. INTEREST. The legal rate of interest is six per cent. Parties may agree in writ- ing on a rate not exceeding ten per cent. If a rate of interest greater than ten per cent, is contracted for, it works a forfeiture of the whole of said interest, and only the principal can be recovered. DESCENT. When 710 will is made, the property of a deceased person is distrib- uted as follows : 152 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. First. To his or her children and their descendants in equal parts ; the descendants of the deceased child or grandchild taking the share of their deceased parents in equal parts among them. Second. Where there is no child, nor descendant of such child, and no widow or surviving husband, then to the parents, brothers and sisters of the deceased, and their descendants, in equal parts, the surviving parent, if either be dead, taking a double portion ; and if there is no parent living, then to the brothers and sisters of the intestate and their descendants. Third. When there is a widow or surviving husband, and no child or children, or descendants of the same, then one-half of the real estate and the whole of the personal estate shall descend to such widow or surviving husband, absolutely, and the other half of the real estate shall descend as in other cases where there is no child or children or descendants of the same. Fourth. When there is a widow or surviving husband and also a child or children, or descendants of the latter, then one third of all the personal estate to the widoiv or surviving husband absolutely. Fifth. If there is no child, parent, brother or sister, or descendants of either of them, and no widow or surviving husband, then in equal parts to the next of kin to the intestate in equal degree. Collaterals shall not be represented except with the descendants of brothers and sisters of the intestate, and there shall be no distinction betiveen kindred of the whole and the half blood. Sixth. If any intestate leaves a ividoiv or surviving husband and no kindred, then to such widoiv or surviving husband ; and if there is no such widow or surviving husband, it shall escheat to and vest in the county where the same, or the greater portion thereof, is situated. WILLS AND ESTATES OF DECEASED PERSONS. JVo exact for7n of words are necessar}^ in order to make a will good at law. Every male person of the age of twenty-one years, and evevy feinale of the age of eighteen years, of sound 7nind and memory, can make a valid will ; it must be in writing, signed by the testator or by some one in his or her presence and by his or her direction, and attested by two or more credible witnesses. Care should be taken that the witnesses are not inter- ested in the will. Persons knowing themselves to have been named in the will or appointed executor, must within thirty days of the death of deceased cause the will to be proved and recorded in the proper county, or present it, and refuse to accept ; on failure to do so are liable to forfeit the sum of twenty dollars per month. Inventory to be made by executor or administrator within three months from date of letters testamentary or ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 153 of administration. Executors' and administrators' compensation not to exceed six per cent, on amount of personal estate, and three per cent, on money realized from real estate, with such additional allowance as shall be reasonable for extra services. Appraisers' compensation $2 pel day. Notice requiring all claims to be presented against the estate shall b^ given by the executor or administrator within six months of being quali- fied. Any person having a claim and not presenting it at the time fixed by said notice is required to have summons issued notifying the executor or administrator of his having filed his claim in court ; in such cases the costs have to be paid by the claimant. Claims should be filed within two years from the time administration is granted on an estate, as after that time they axe forever harred^ unless other estate is found that was not in- ventoried. Married women, infants, persons insane, imprisoned or without the United States, in the employment of the United States, or of this State, have two gears after their disabilities are removed to file claims. Claims are classified and p>aid out of the estate in the following manner: First. Funeral expenses. Second. The widow's award, if there is a widow ; or children if there are children, and no widow. Third. Expenses attending the last illness, not including- physician's bill. Fourth. Debts due the common school or totvnship fund . Fifth. All expenses of proving the will and taking out letters testa- mentary or administration, and settlement of the estate, and the physi- cian s hill in the last illness of deceased. Sixth. Where the deceased has received money in trust for any pur- pose, his executor or administrator shall pay out of his estate the amount received and not accounted for. Seventh. All other debts and demands of whatsoever kind, without regard to quality or dignity, which shall be exhibited to the court within two years from the granting of letters. Award to Widow and Children, exclusive of debts and legacies or be- quests, except funeral expenses : First. The family pictures and wearing apparel, jewels and ornaments of herself and minor children. Second. School hooks and the family library of the value of $100. Third. One sewing machine. Fourth. Necessary beds, bedsteads and bedding for herself and family. Fifth. The stoves and pipe used in the family, with the necessary cooking utensils, or in case they have none, $50 in money. Sixth. Household and kitchen furniture to the value of |100. Seventh. One milch cow and calf for every four members of her family. 164 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. Eighth. Two sheep for each member of her family, and the fleeces taken from the same, and one horse, saddle and bridle. Ninth. Provisions for herself and family for one year. Tenth. Food for the stock above specified for six months. Eleventh. Fuel for herself and family for three months. Twelfth. One hundred dollars worth of other property suited to her condition in life, to be selected by the ividow. The ividoiv if she elects may have in lieu of the said award, the same personal property or money in place thereof as is or may be exeynpt from execution or attachment against tlie head of a family. TAXES. The owners of real and personal property, on the first day of May in each year, are liable for the taxes thereon. Assessments should be completed before the fourth Monday in June, at which time the town board of review meets to examine assessments, hear objections.^ and make such changes as ought to be made. The county board have also power to correct or change assessments. The tax books are placed in the hands of the town collector on or before the tenth day of December, who retains them until the tenth day of March following, when he is required to return them to the county treasurer, who then collects all delinquent taxes. No costs accrue on real estate taxes till advertised, which takes place the first day of April, when three weeks' notice is required before judg- ment. Cost of advertising, twenty cents each tract of land, and ten cents each lot. Judgment is usually obtained at May term of County Court. Costs six cents each tract of land, and five cents each lot. Sale takes place in June. Costs in addition to those before mentioned, twenty-eight cents each tract of land, and twenty-seven cents each town lot. Real estate sold for taxes may be redeemed any time before the expi- ration of two years from the date of sale, by payment to the County Clerk of the amount for which it was sold and twenty-five per cent, thereon if redeemed within six months, fifty per cent, if between six and twelve months, if between twelve and eighteen months seventy-five per cent., and if between eighteen months and two years one hundred per cent., and in addition, all subsequent taxes paid by the purchaser, with ten per cent, interest thereon, also one dollar each tract if notice is given by the purchaser of the sale, and a fee of twenty-five cents to the clerk for his certificate. JURISDICTION OF COURTS. Justices have jurisdiction in all civil cases on contracts for the recovery of moneys for damages for injury to real property, or taking, detaining, or ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 155 injuring personal property ; for rent; for all cases to recover damages done real or personal property by railroad companies, in actions of replevin, and in actions for damages for fraud in the sale, purchase, or exchange of per- sonal property, when the amount claimed as due is not over $200. They have also jurisdiction in all cases for violation of the ordinances of cities, towns or villages. A justice of the peace may orally order an officer or a private person to arrest any one committing or attempting to commit a criminal offense. He also upon complaint can issue his warrant for the arrest of any person accused of having committed a crime, and have him brought before him for examination. COUNTY COURTS Have jurisdiction in all matters of probate (except in counties having a population of one hundred thousand or over), settlement of estates of deceased perso7is, appointment of guardians and conservators, and settle- ment of their accounts ; all matters relating to apprentices ; proceedings for the collection of taxes and assessments, and in proceedings of executors^ administrators, guardians and conservators for the sale of real estate. In law cases they have concurrent jurisdiction with Circuit Courts in all cases where justices of the peace now have, or hereafter may have, jurisdiction when the amount claimed shall not exceed $1,000, and in all criminal offenses where the punishment is not imprisonment in the peni- tentiary, or death, and in all cases of appeals from justices of the peace and police magistrates; excepting when the county judge is sitting as a justice of the peace. Circuit Courts have unlimited jurisdiction. LIMITATION OF ACTION. Accounts jive years. Notes and written contracts ten years. Judg- ments twenty years. Partial payments or new promise in writing, within or after said period, will revive the debt. Absence from the State deducted, and when the cause of action is barred by the law of another State, it has the same effect here. Slander and libel, one year. Personal injuries, two years. To recover land or make entry thereon, tiventy years. Action to foreclose mortgage or trust deed, or make a sale, ivithin ten years. All persons in possession of land, and paying taxes for seven consecu- tive years, with color of title, and all persons paying taxes for seven con- secutive years, with color of title, on vacant land, shall be held to be the legal owners to the extent of their 'paper title. MARRIED WOMEN May sue and be sued. Husband and wife not liable for each other'' s debts, either before or after marriage, but both are liable for expenses and edu- cation of the family. 156 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. She may contract the same as if unmarried^ except that in a partner- ship business she can not, without consent of her husband, unless he has abandoned or deserted her, or is idiotic or insane, or confined in peniten- tiary ; she is entitled and can recover her own earnings, but neither hus- band nor wife is entitled to compensation for any services rendered for the other. At the death of the husband, in addition to widow's award, a married woman has a dower interest (one-third) in all real estate owned by her husband after their marriage, and which has not been released by her, and the husband has the same interest in the real estate of the wife at her death. EXEMPTIONS FROM FORCED SALE. Home worth $1,000, and the following Personal Projjerty : Lot of ground and buildings thereon, occupied as a residence by the debtor, being a house- holder and having a family, to the value of $1,000. Exemption continues after the death of the householder for the benefit of widow and family, some one of them occupying the homestead until youngest child shall become twenty-one years of age, and until death of widoiv. There is no exemption from sale for taxes, assessments, debt or liability incurred for the purchase or improvemeiit of said homestead. No release or waiver of exemption is valid, unless in writing, and subscribed by such householder and wife (if he have one), and acknowledged as conveyances of real estate are required to be acknowledged. The following articles of personal property owned by the debtor, are exempt from execution, writ of attachment, and distress for rent : The necessary ivearing apparel. Bibles, school books and family pictures of every person ; and, 2d, one hundred dollars worth of other property to be selected by the debtor, and, in addition, when the debtor is the head of a family and resides with the same, three hundred dollars worth of other property to be selected by the debtor ; provided that such selection and exemption shall not be made by the debtor or allowed to him or her from any money, salary or wages due him or her from any person or persons or corporations whatever. When the head of a farail}^ shall die, desert or not reside with the same, the family shall be entitled to and receive all the benefit and priv- ileges which are by this act conferred upon the head of a family residing with the same. No personal property is exempt from execution when judgment is obtained for the wages of laborers or servants. Wages of a laborer who is the head of a family can not be garnisheed, except the sum due him be in excess of $25. ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 157 DEEDS AND MORTGAGES. To be valid there must be a valid consideration. Special care should be taken to have them signed, sealed, delivered, and properl}^ acknowl- edged, with the proper seal attached. Witnesses are not required. The acknowledgement must be made in this state, before Master in Gliancery, Notary Public, United States Commissioner^ Circuit or County Clerk., Justice of Peace., or any Court of Record having a seal., or any Judge., Justice., or Clerk of any such Court. When taken before a Notary, Public, or United States Commissioner., the same shall be attested by his official seal., when taken before a Court or the CZerAr thereof, the same shall be attested by the seal of such Court., and when taken before a Justice of the Peace resid- ing out of the county where the real estate to be conveyed lies, there shall be added a certificate of the County Clerk under his seal of office, that he was a Justice of the Peace in the county at the time of taking the same. A deed is good without such certificace attached, but can not be used in evidence unless such a certificate is produced or other competent evidence introduced. Acknowledgements made out of the state must either be executed according to the laws of this state, or there should be attached a certificate that it is in conformity with the laws of the state or country where executed. Where this is not done the same may be proved by any other legal way. Acknowledgments where the Homestead rights are to be waived must state as follows : " Including the release and waiver of the right of homestead." Notaries Public can take acknowledgements any where in the state. Sheriffs., if authorized by the mortgagor of real or personal property in his mortgage, may sell the property mortgaged. In the case of the death of grantor or holder of the equity of redemp- tion of real estate mortgaged, or conveyed by deed of trust where equity of redemption is waived, and it contains power of sale, must be foreclosed in the same manner as a common mortgage in court. ESTRAYS. HorseSy mules, asses, neat cattle, stvine, sheep, or goats found straying at any time during the year, in counties where such animals are not allowed to run at large, or between the last day of October and the 15th day of April in other counties, the oivner thereof being unknown, may be taken up as estrays. No person not a householder in the county where estray is found can lawfully take up an estray, and then only upon or about his farm or place of residence. Estrays should not be used before advertised, except animals giving milk, which may be milked for their benefit. 158 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. Notices must be posted up within five (5) days in three (3) of the most public places in the town or precinct in which estray was found, giv- ing the residence of the taker up, and a particular description of the estray, its age, color, and marks natural and artificial, and stating before what justice of the peace in such town or precinct, and at what time, not less than ten (10) nor more than fifteen (15) days from the time of post- ing such notices, he will apply to have the estray appraised. A copy of such notice should be filed by the taker up with the totvn clerks whose duty it is to enter the same at large, in a hook kept by him for that purpose. If the owner of estray shall not have appeared and proved ownership, and taken the same away, first paying the taker up his reasonable charges for taking up, keeping, and advertising the same, the taker up shall appear before the justice of the peace mentioned in above mentioned notice, and make an affidavit as required by law. As the affidavit has to be made before the justice, and all other steps as to appraisement, etc., are before him, who is familiar therewith, they are therefore omitted here. Any person taking up an estray at any other place than about or upon his farm or residence, or without complying with the law, shall forfeit and pay a fine of ten dollars with costs. Ordinary diligence is required in taking care of estrays, but in case they die or get away the taker is not liable for the same. GAME. It is unlawful for any person to kill, or attempt to kill or destroy, in any manner, any prairie hen or chicken or woodcock between the 15th day of January and the 1st day of September ; or any deer, fawn, wild-turkey, partridge or pheasant between the 1st day of February and the 1st day of October ; or any quail between the 1st day of February and 1st day of November ; or any wild goose, duck, snipe, brant or other water fowl between the 1st day of May and 15th day of August in each year. Penalty : Fine not less than $5 nor more than $25, for each bird or animal, and costs of suit, and stand committed to county jail until fine is paid, but not exceeding ten days. It is unlawful to hunt with gun, dog or net within the inclosed grounds or lands of another without permission. Penalty: Fine not less than $3 nor more than $100, to be paid into school fund. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Whenever any of the following articles shall be contracted for, or sold or delivered, and no special contract or agreement shall be made to the contrary, the weight per bushel shall be as follows, to-wit : ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 159 Pounds. Pounds. Stone Coal, - 80 Buckwheat, - - 52 Unslaeked Lime, - 80 Coarse Salt, - 50 Corn in tlie ear, - 70 Barley, - - - - 48 Wheat, - 60 Corn Meal, - 48 Irish Potatoes, - 60 Castor Beans, - 46 White Beans, - - 60 Timothy Seed, - - 45 Clover Seed, - - 60 Hemp Seed, - - 44 Onions, _ = _ - 57 Malt, - - - - - 38 Shelled Corn, - 56 Dried Peaches, - 33 Rye, - - - - - 56 Oats, - - - - - 32 Flax Seed, - - 56 Dried Apples, - 24 Sweet Potatoes, - - 55 Bran, - - - - - 20 Turnips, - 55 Blue Grass Seed, - - 14 Fine Salt, - - 55 Hair (plastering). 8 Penalty for giving less than the above standard is double the amount of property wrongfully not given, and ten dollars addition thereto. MILLERS. The owner or occupant of every public grist mill in this state shall grind all grain brought to his mill in its turn. The toll for both 8team and water mills, is, for grinding and bolting wheats rye^ or other grain, one eighth part; for grinding Indian corn, oats, harley and buckwheat not required to be bolted, one seventh part; for grinding malt, and chopping all kinds of grain, one eighth part. It is the duty of every miller when his mill is in repair, to aid and assist in loading and imloading all grain brought to him to be ground, and he is also required to keep an accurate half bushel measure, and an accurate set of toll dishes or scales for weighing the grain. The penalty for neglect or refusal to comply with the law is $5, to the use of any person to sue for the same, to be recovered before any justice of the peace of the county where penalty is incurred. Millers are accountable for the safe keeping of all grain left in his mill for the purpose of being ground, with bags or casks containing same (except it results from unavoidable accidents), provided that such bags or casks are distinctlv marked with the initial letters of the owner's name. MARKS AND BRANDS. Owners of cattle, horses, hogs, sheep or goats may have one earmark and one brand, but which shall be different from his neighbor's, and may be recorded by the county clerk of the county in which such property is kept. The/ee for such record is fifteen cents. The record of such shall be open to examination free of charge. In cases of disputes as to marks or brands-, such record is vrima facie evidence. Owners of cattle, horses, hogs, sheep or goats that may have been branded by the former owner^ 160 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. may be re-branded in presence of one or more of his neighbors, Avho shall certify to the facts of the marking or branding being done, when done, and in what brand or mark they were re-branded or re-marked, which certificate may also be recorded as before stated. ADOPTION OF CHILDREN. Children may be adopted by any resident of this state, by filing a petition in the Circuit or County Court of the county in which he resides, asking leave to do so, and if desired may ask that the name of the child be changed. Such petition, if made by a person having a husband or wife, will not be granted, unless the husband or wife joins therein, as the adoption must be by them jointly. The 2)etition shall state name, sex, and age of the child, and the new name, if it is desired to change the name. Also the name and residence of the parents of the child, if known, and of the guardian, if any, and whether the parents or guardians consent to the adoption. The court must find, before granting decree, that the parents of the ■child, or the survivors of them, have deserted his or her family or such child for one year next preceding the application, or if neither are living, the guardian ; if no guardian, the next of kin in this state capable of giving consent, has had notice of the presentation of the petition and consents to such adoption. If the child is of the age of fourteen years or upwards, the adoption can not be made without its consent. SURVEYORS AND SURVEYS. There is in every county elected a surveyor known as county sur- veyor, who has power to appoint deputies, for whose official acts he is responsible. It is the duty of the county surveyor, either by himself or his deputy, to make all swrvg?/sthat he may be called upon to make within his county as soon as may be after application is made. The necessary chainmen and other assistance must be employed by the person requiring the same to be done, and to be by him paid, unless otherwise agreed ; but the chainmen must be disinterested persons and approved by the surveyor and sworn by him to measure justly and impartially. The County Board in each county is required by law to provide a copy of the United States field notes and plats of their surveys of the lands in the county to be kept in the recorder's office subject to examination by the public, and the county surveyor is required to make his surveys in conformity to said notes, plats and the laws of the United States gov- erning such matters. The surveyor is also required to keep a reijord of all surveys made by him, which shall be subject to inspection by any one interested, and shall be delivered up to his successor in office, A ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 161 certified copy of the said surveyor's record shall be prima facie evidence of its contents. The fees of county surveyors are six dollars per day. The county surveyor is also ex officio inspector of mines, and as such, assisted by some practical miner selected by him, shall once each year inspect all the mines in the county, for which they shall each receive such compensa- tion as may be fixed by the County Board, not exceeding $5 a day, to be paid out of the county treasury. ROADS AND BRIDGES. Where practicable from the nature of the ground, persons traveling in any kind of vehicle, must turyi to the right of the center of the road, so as to permit each carriage to pass without interfering with each other. The penalty fbr a violation of this provision is $5 for every offense, to be recovered by the party injured; but to recover, there must have occurred some injury to person or property resulting from the violation. The owners of any carriage traveling upon any road in this State for the conveyance of passengers who shall employ or continue in his employment as driver any person who is addicted to drunkenness, or the excessive use of spiritous liquors, after he has had notice of the same, shall forfeit, at the rate of $5 per day, and if any driver while actually engaged in driving any such carriage, shall be guilty of intoxication to such a degree as to endanger the safety of passengers, it shall be the duty of the owner, on receiving written notice of the fact, signed by one of the passengers, and certified by him on oath, forthwith to discharge such driver. If such owner shall have such driver in his employ within three months after such notice, he is liable for |5 per day for the time he shall keep said driver in his employment after receiving such notice. Persons driving any carriage on any public highway are prohibited from running their horses upon any occasion under a penalty of a fine not exceeding $10, or imprisonment not exceeding sixty days, at the discre- tion of the court. Horses attached to any carriage used to convey passen- gers for hire must be properly hitched or the lines placed in the hands of some other person before the driver leaves them for any purpose. For violation of this provision each driver shall forfeit twenty dollars, to be recovered by action, to be commenced within six months. It is under- stood by the term carriage herein to mean any carriage or vehicle used for the transportation of passengers or goods or either of them. The commissioners of highways in the different tov/ns have the care and superintendence of highways and bridges therein. They have all the powers necessary to lay out, vacate, regulate and repair all roads* build and repair bridges. In addition to the above, it is their duty to trrect and keep in repair at the forks or crossing-place of the most 162 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. important roads post and gnide boards with plain inscriptions, giving directions and distances to the most noted phices to which such road may lead ; also to make provisions to prevent thistles, burdock, and cockle burrs, mustard, yellow dock, Indian mallow and jimson weed from seeding, and to extirpate the same as far as practicable, and to prevent all rank growth of vegetation on the public highways so far as the same may obstruct public travel, and it is in their discretion to erect watering places for public use for watering teams at such ^^oints as may be deemed advisable. The Commissioners, on or before the 1st day of May of each year, shall make out and deliver to their treasurer a list of all able-bodied men in their town, excepting paupers, idiots, lunatics, and such others as are exempt by law, and assess against each the sum of two dollars as a poll tax for highway purposes. Within thirty days after such list is delivered they shall cause a written or printed notice to be given to each person so assessed, notifying him of the time when and place where such tax must be paid, or its equivalent in labor performed ; they may contract with persons owing such poll tax to perform a certain amount of labor on any road or bridge in payment of the same, and if such tax is not paid nor labor performed by the first Monday of July of such year, or within ten days after notice is given after that time, they shall bring suit therefor against such person before a justice of the peace, who shall hear and determine the case according to law for the offense complained of, and shall forthwith issue an execution, directed to any constable of the county where the delinquent shall reside, who shall forthwith collect the moneys therein mentioned. The Commissioners of Highways of each town shall annually ascer- tain, as near as practicable, how much money must be raised by tax on real and personal property for the making and repairing of roads, only, to any amount they may deem necessar}^ not exceeding forty cents on each one hundred dollai's' worth, as valued on the assessment roll of the previous year. The tax so levied on property lying within an incorporated village, town or city, shall be paid over to the corporate authorities of such town, village or city. Commissioners shall receive $1.50 for each day neces- sarily employed in the discharge of their duty. Overseers. At the first meeting the Commissioners shall choose one of their number to act General Overseer of Highways in their township, whose duty it shall be to take charge of and safely keep all tools, imple- ments and machinery belonging to said town, and shall, by the direction of the Board, have general supervision of all roads and bridges in their town. ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. l^'^ As all township and county officers are familiar with their duties, it is only intended to give the points of the law that the public should be familiar with. The manner of laying out, altering or vacating roads, etc., will not be here stated, as it would require more space than is contem- plated in a work of this kind. It is sufficient to state that, the first step is by petition, addressed to the Commissioners, setting out what is prayed for, giving the names of the owners of lands if known, if not known so state, over which the road is to pass, giving the general course, its place of beginning, and where it terminates. It requires not less than twelve freeholders residing within three miles of the road who shall sign the petition. Public roads must not be less than fift}^ feet wide, nor more than sixty feet wide. Roads not exceeding two miles in length, if peti- tioned for, may be laid out, not less than forty feet. Private roads for private and public use, may be laid out of the width of three rods, on petition of the person directly interested ; the damage occasioned thereby shall be paid by the premises benefited thereby, and before the road is opened. If not opened in two years, the order shall be considered rescinded. Commissioners in their discretion may permit persons who live on or have private roads, to work out their road tax thereon. Public roads must be opened in five days from date of filing order of location, or be deemed vacated. DRAINAGE. Whenever one or more owners or occupants of land desire to construct I drain or ditch across the land of others for agricultural^ sanitary or mining purposes^ the proceedings are as follows : File a petition in the Circuit or County Court of the county in which the proposed ditch or drain is to be constructed, setting forth the neces- sity for the same, with a description of its proposed starting point, route and terminus, and if it shall be necessary for the drainage of the land or coal mines or for sanitary purposes, that a drain, ditch, levee or similar work be constructed, a description of the same. It shall also set forth the names of all persons owning the land over which such drain or ditch shall be constructed, or if unknown stating that fact. No private property shall be taken or damaged for the purpose of constructing a ditch, drain or levee, without compensation, if claimed by the owner, the same to be ascertained by a jury ; but if the construction of such ditch, drain or levee shall be a benefit to the owner, the same shall be a set off against such compensation. If the proceedings seek to affect the property of a minor, lunatic or married woman, the guardian, conservator or husband of the same shall be made party defendant. The petition may be amended and parties made defendants at any time when it is necessary to a fair trial. 164 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. When the petition is presented to the judge, he shall note therein when he will hear the same, and order the issuance of summonses aad the publication of notice to each non-resident or unknown defendant. The petition may be heard by such judge in vacation as well as in term time. Upon the trial, the jury shall ascertain the just compensation to each owner of the property sought to be damaged by the construction of such ditch, drain or levee, and truly report the same. As it is only contemplated in a work of this kind to give an abstract of the laws, and as the parties who have in charge the execution of the further proceedings are likely to be familiar with the requirements of the statute, the necessary details are not here inserted. WOLF SCALPS. . The County Board of any county in this State may hereafter alluw such bounty on wolf scalps as the board may deem reasonable. Any person claiming a bounty shall produce the scalp or scalps with the ears thereon, within sixty days after the wolf or wolves shall have been caught, to the Clerk of the County Board, who shall administer to said person the following oath or affirmation, to-wit: "You do solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be), that the scalp or scalps here pro- duced by you was taken from a wolf or wolves killed and first captured by yourself within the limits of this county, and within the sixty days last past." CONVEYANCES. When the reversion expectant on a lease of any tenements or here- ditaments of any tenure shall be surrendered or merged, the estate which shall for the time being confer as against the tenant under the same lease the next vested right to the same tenements or hereditaments, shall, to the extent and for the purpose of preserving such incidents to and obli- gations on the same reversion, as but for the surrender or merger thereof, would have subsisted, be deemed the reversion expectant on the same lease. PAUPERS. Every poor person who shall be unable to earn a livelihood in conse- quence ot any bodily infirmity, idiocy, lunacy or unavoidable cause, shall be supported by the father, grand-father, mother, grand-mother, children, grand-children, brothers or sisters of such poor person, if they or either of them be of sufficient ability ; but if any of such dependent class shall have become so from intemperance or other bad conduct, they shall not be entitled to support from any relation except parent or child. ^^-^ fZut^ BLUFFDALE. ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 167 The children shall first be called on to support their parents, if they are able ; but if not, the parents of such poor person shall then be called on, if of sufficient ability ; and if there be no parents or children able, then the brothers and sisters of such dependent person shall be called upon ; and if there be no brothers or sisters of sufficient ability, the grand-children of such person shall next be called on ; and if they are not able, then the grand-parents. Married females, while their husbands live, shall not be liable to contribute for the support of their poor relations except out of their separate property. It is the duty of the state's (county) attorney, to make complaint to the County Court of his county against all the relatives of such paupers in this state liable to his support and prosecute the same. In case the state's attorney neglects, or refuses, to complain in such cases, then it is the duty of the overseer of the poor to do so. The person called upon to contribute shall have at least ten days' notice of such application by summons. The court has the power to determine the kind of support, depending upon the circumstances of the parties, and may also order two or more of the different degrees to main- tain such poor person, and prescribe the proportion of each, according to their ability. The court may specify the time for which the relative shall contribute — in fact has control over the entire subject matter, with power to enforce its orders. Every county (except those in which the poor are supported by the towns, and in such cases the towns are liable) is required to relieve and support all poor and indigent persons lawfully resident therein. Residence means the actual residence of the party, or the place where he was employed ; or in case he was in no employment, then it shall be the place where he made his home. When any person becomes chargeable as a pauper in any county or town who did not reside at the commencement of six months immediately preceding his becoming so, but did at that time reside in some other county or town in this state, then the county or town, as the case may be, becomes liable for the expense of taking care of such person until removed, and it is the duty of the overseer to notify the proper authorities of the fact. If any person shall bring and leave any pauper in any county in this state where such pauper had no legal residence, knowing him to be such, he is liable to a fine of $100. In counties under township organization, the supervisors in each town are ex-officio overseers of the poor. The overseers of the poor act under the directions of the County Board in taking care of the poor and granting of temporary relief; also, providing for non-resident persons not paupers who may be taken sick and not able to pay their way, and in case of death cause such person to be decently buried. The residence of the inmates of poorhouses and other charitable institutions for voting purposes is their former place of abode. 168 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. FENCES. In counties under township organization, the toivn assessor and com- missioner of highways are the fence-viewers in their respective towns. In other counties the County Board appoints three in each precinct annu- ally. A laivful fence is four and one-half feet high, in good repair, con- sisting of rails, timber, boards, stone, hedges, or whatever the fence- viewers of the town or precinct where the same shall lie, shall consider equivalent thereto, but in counties under township organization the annual town meeting may establish any other kind of fence as such, or the County Board in other counties may do the same. Division fences shall be made and maintained in just proportion by the adjoining owners, except when the owner shall choose to let his land lie open, but after a division fence is built by agreement or otherwise, neither party can remove his part of such fence so long as he may crop or use such land for farm purposes, or without giving the other party one year's notice in writing of his intention to remove his portion. When any person shall enclose his land upon the enclosure of another, he shall refund the owner of the adjoining lands a just pro- portion of the value at that time of such fence. The value of fence and the just proportion to be paid or built and maintained by each is to be ascertained by two fence-viewers in the town or precinct. Such fence- viewers have power to settle all disputes between different owners as to fences built or to be built, as well as to repairs to be made. Each party chooses one of the viewers, but if the other party neglects, after eight days' notice in writing, to make his choice, then the other party may select both. It is sufficient to notify the tenant or party in possession, when the owner is not a resident of the town or precinct. The two fence-viewers chosen, after viewing the premises, shall hear the state- ments of the parties , in case they can't agree, they shall select another fence-viewer to act with them, and the decision of any two of them is final. The decision must be reduced to writing, and should plainly set out description of fence and all matters settled by them, and must be filed in the office of the town clerk in counties under township organiza- tion, and in other counties with the county clerk. Where any person is liable to contribute to the erection or the repairing of a division fence, neglects or refuses so to do, the party injured, after giving sixt}^ days notice in writing Avhen a fence is to be erected, or ten days when it is only repairs, may proceed to have the work done at the expense of the party whose duty it is to do it, to be recovered from him with costs of suit, and the party so neglecting shall also be liable to the party injured for all damages accruing from such neglect or refusal, to be determined by any two fence-viewers selected as before provided, the appraisement to be reduced to writing and signed. ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 169 Where a person shall conclude to remove his part of a division fence, and let his land lie open, and having given the year's notice required, the adjoining owner may cause the value of said fence to be ascertained bv fence-Yi^wers as before provided, and on payment or tender of the amount of such valuation to the owner, it shall prevent the removal. A party removing a division fence without notice is liable for the damages accruing thereby. Where a fence has been built on the land of another through mis- take, the owner may enter upon such premises and remove his fence and material Avithin oix months after the division line has been ascertained. Where the material to build such a fence has been taken from the land on which it was built, then before it can be removed, the person claiming must first pay for such material to the owner of the land from which it was taken, nor shall i:iuch a fence be removed at a time when the removal will throw open or expose the crops of the other party ; a reasonable time must be given beyond the .six months to remove crops. The compensation <)f fence-viewers is one dollar and fifty cents a day each, to be paid in the first instance by the party calling them, but in the end all expenses, including amount charged by the fence-viewers, must be paid equally by the parties, except in cases where a party neglects or refuses to make or maintain a just proportion of a division fence, when the party in default shall pay them. DAMAGES FROM TRESPASS. Where stock of any kind breaks into any person's enclosure, the fence being good and sufficient, the owner is liable for the damage done ; but where the damage is done by stock running at large, contrary to law, the owner is liable where th-jre is not such a fence. Where stock is found trespassing on the enclosure of another as aforesaid, the owner oi occupier of the premises may take possession of such stock and keep the same until damages, with reasonable charges for keeping and feeding and all costs of suit, are paid. Any person taking or rescuing such stock so held without his consent, shall be liable to a fine of not less than three nor more than five dollars for each animal rescued, to be recovered by suit before a justice of the peace for the use of the school fund. Within twenty-four hours after taking such animal into his possession, the per- son taking it up must give notice of the fact to the owner, if known, or if unknown, notices must be posted in some public place near the premises. LANDLORD AND TENANT. The owner of lands, or his legal representatives, can sue for and recover rent therefor, in any of the following cases : First. When rent is due and in arrears on a lease for life or lives. 170 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. Second. When lands are held and occupied by any person without any special agreement for rent. Third. When possession is obtained under an agreement, written or verbal, for the purchase of the premises and before deed given, the right to possession is terminated by forfeiture on con-compliance with the agreement, and possession is wrongfully refused or neglected to be given upon demand made in writing by the party entitled thereto. Provided that all payments made by the vendee or his representatives or assigns, may be set off against the rent. Fourth. When land has been sold upon a judgment or a decree of court, when the party to such judgment or decree, or person holding under him, wrongfully refuses, or neglects, to surrender possession of the same, after demand in writing by the person entitled to the possession. Fifth. When the lands have been sold upon a mortgage or trust deed, and the mortgagor or grantor or person holding under him, wrong- fully refuses or neglects to surrender possession of the same, after demand in writing by the person entitled to the possession. If any tenant, or any person who shall come into possession from or under or by collusion with such tenant, shall willfully hold over any lands, etc., after the expiration the term of their lease, and after demand made in writing for the possession thereof, is liable to pay double rent. A tenancy from year to year requires sixty days notice in writing, to termi- nate the same at the end of the year ; such notice can be given at any time within four months preceding the last sixty days of the year. A tenancy by the month, or less than a year, where the tenant holds over without any special agreement, the landlord may terminate the tenancy, by thirty days notice in writing. When rent is due, the landlord may serve a notice upon the tenant, stating that unless the rent is paid within not less than five days, his lease will be terminated ; if the rent is not paid, the landlord may consider the lease ended. When default is made in any of the terms of a lease, it shall not be necessary to give more than ten days notice to quit or of the termination of such tenancy ; and the same may be terminated on giving such notice to quit, at any time after such default in any of the terms of such lease ; which notice may be substantially in the following form, viz: To , You are hereb}^ notified that, in consequence of your default in (^here insert the character of the default), of the premises now occupied by you, being etc. (here describe the premises), I have elected to deter- mine your lease, and you are hereby notified to quit and deliver up pos- session of the same to me within ten days of this date (dated, etc.) The above to be signed by the lessor or his agent, and no other notice ^ or demand of possession or termination of such tenancy is necessar3\ Demand may be made, or notice served, by delivering a written or ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 171 printed, or partly either, copy thereof to the tenant, or leaving the same with some person above the age of twelve years residing on or in posses- sion of the premises ; and in case no one is in the actual possession of the said premises, then by posting the same on the premises. When the tenancy is for a certain time, and the term expires by the terms of the lease, the tenant is then bound to surrender possession, and no notice to quit or demand of possession is necessarj^ Distress for rent. — In all cases of distress for rent, the landlord, by himself, his agent or attorney, may seize for rent any personal property of his tenant that may be found in the county where the tenant resides ; the property of any other person, even if found on the premises, is not liable. An inventory of the property levied upon, with a statement of the amount of rent claimed, should be at once filed with some justice of the peace, if not over $200 ; and if above that sum, with the clerk of a court of record of competent jurisdiction. Property may be released, by the party executing a satisfactory bond for double the amount. The landlord may distrain for rent, any time within six months after the expiration of the term of the lease,. or when terminated. In all cases where the premises rented shall be sub-let, or the lease assigned, the landlord shall have the same right to enforce lien against such lessee or assignee, that he has against the tenant to whom the pre- mises were rented. When a tenant abandons or removes from the premises or any part thereof, the landlord, or his agent or attorney, may seize upon any grain or other crops grown or growing upon the premises, or part thereof so abandoned, whether the rent is due or not. If such grain, or other crops, or any part thereof, is not fully grown or matured, the landlord, or his agent or attorney, shall cause the same to be properly cultivated, harvested or gathered, and may sell the same, and from the proceeds pay all his labor, expenses and rent. The tenant may, before the sale of such pro- perty, redeem the same by tendering the rent and reasonable compensation for work done, or he may replevy the same. Exemption. — The same articles of personal property which are bylaw exempt from execution, except the crops as above stated, is also exempt from distress for rent. If any tenant is about to or shall permit or attempt to sell and remove from the premises, without the consent of his landlord, such portion of the crops raised thereon as will endanger the lien of the land- lord upon such crops, for the rent, it shall be lawful for the landlord to distress before rent is due. 172 ABSTIIACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. LIENS. Any person who shall by contract^ express or implied, or partly both, with the owner of any lot or tract of land, furnish labor or material, or services as an architect or superintendent, in building, altering, repairing or ornamenting any house or other building or appurtenance thereto on such lot, or upon any street or alley, and connected with such improve- ments, shall have a lien upon the whole of such lot or tract of land, and upon such house or building and appurtenances, for the amount due to him for such labor, material or services. If the contract is expressed^ a,xi(\. the time for the completion of the work is beyond three years from the com- mencement thereof ; or, if the time of payment is beyond one year from the time stipulated for the completion of the work, then no lien exists. If the contract is implied^ then no lien exists, unless the work be done or material is furnished within one year from the commencement of the work or delivery of the materials. As between different creditors having liens, no preference is given to the one whose contract was first made ; but each shares pro-rata. Incumbrances existing on the lot or tract of the land at the time the contract is made, do not operate on the improvements, and are only preferred to the extent of the value of the land at the time of making the contract. The above lien can not be enforced unless suit is comme7iced within six moriths after the last payment for labor or materials shall have become due and payable. Sub-contractors, mechanics, workmen and other persons furnishing any material, or performing any labor for a contractor as before specified, have a lien to the extent of the amount due the contractor at the time the following notice is served upon the owner of the land who mnde the contract: To , You are hereby notified, that I have been employed by (here state whether to labor or furnish material, and substantially the nature of the demand) upon your (here state in general terms description and situation of building), and that I shall hold the (building, or as the case may be), and your interest in the ground, liable for the amount that may (is or may become) due me on account thereof. Signature, Date, If there is a contract in writing between contractor and sub-contractor, a copy of it should be served with above notice, and said notice must be served within forty days from the completion of such sub-contract, if there is one ; if not, then from the time payment should have been made to the person performing the labor or furnishing the material. If the owner is not a resident of the county, or can not be found therein, then the above notice must be filed with the clerk of the Circuit Court, with his fee, fifty cents, and a copy of said notice must be published in a newspaper pub- lished in the county, for four successive weeks. ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 173 When the owner or agent is notified as above, he can retain any money due the contractor sufficient to pay such claim ; if more than one claim, and not enough to pay all, they are to be paid pro rata. The owner has the right to demand in writing, a statement of the contractor, of what he owes for labor, etc., from time to time as the work progresses, and on his failure to comply, forfeits to the owner |50 for every offense. The liens referred to cover any and all estates, whether in fee for life, for years, or any other interest which the owner may have. To enforce the lien of sub-contractors^ suit must be commenced within three months from the time of the performance of the sub-contract, or during the work or furnishing materials. Hotels inn and hoarding-house keepers, have a lien upon the baggage and other valuables of their guests or boarders, brought into such hotel, inn or boarding-house, by their guests or boarders, for the proper charges due from such guests or boarders for their accommodation, board and lodgings, and such extras as are furnished at their request. Stable-keepers and other persons have a lien upon the horses, car- riages and harness kept by them, for the proper charges due for the keep- ing thereof and expenses bestowed thereon at the request of the owner or the person having the possession of the same. Agisters (persons who take care of cattle belonging to others), and persons keeping, yarding, feeding or pasturing domestic animals, shall have a lien upon the animals agistered, kept, yarded or fed, for the proper charges due for such service. All persons who may furnish any railroad corporation in this state with fuel, ties, material, supplies or any other article or thing necessary for the construction, maintenance, operation or repair of its road by con- tract, or may perform work or labor on the same, is entitled to be paid as part of the current expenses of the road, and have a lien upon all its pro- perty. Sub-contractors or laborers have also a lien. The conditions and limitations both as to contractors and sub-contractors, are about the same as herein stated as to general liens. DEFINITION OF COMMERCIAL TERMS. 'S means dollars, being a contraction of U. S., which was formerly placed before any denomination of money, and meant, as it means now, United States Currency. £j means pounds, English money. @ stands for at or to. Ife ior pound, and bbl. for barrel; "^ ior per or hi/ the. Thus, Butter sells at 20@;30c ^ lb, and Flour at |8@12 f bbl. fo for per cent and # for number. May 1. — Wheat sells at $1.20(5)1.25, "seller June." Seller June 174 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. means that the person who sells the wheat has the privilege of delivering it at any time during the month of June. Selling short, is contracting to deliver a certain amount of grain or stock, at a fixed price, within a certain length of time, when the seller has not the stock on hand. It is for the interest of the person selling " short," to depress the market as much as possible, in order that he may buy and fill his contract at a profit. Hence the " shorts " are termed " bears." Buying long, is to contract to purchase a certain amount of grain or shares of stock at a fixed price, deliverable within a stipulated time, expecting to make a profit by the rise of prices. The "longs" are termed "bulls," as it is for their interest to "operate " so as to "toss" the prices upward as much as possible. NOTES. Form of note is legal, worded in the simplest way, so that the amount and time of payment are mentioned. 1100. Chicago, 111., Sept. 15, 1876. Sixty days from date I promise to pay to E. F. Brown, or order, One Hundred dollars, for value received. L. D. LowEY. A note to be payable in any thing else than money needs only the facts substituted for money in the above form. ORDERS. Orders should be worded simply, thus : Mr. F, H. Coats: Chicago, Sept. 15, 1876. Please pay to H. Birdsall, Twenty-five dollars, and charge to F. D. Silva. RECESPTS. Receipts should always state when received and what for, thus : $100. Chicago, Sept. 15, 1876. Received of J. W. Davis, One Hundred dollars, for services rendered in grading his lot in Fort Madison, on account. Thomas Brady. If receipt is in full it should be so stated. BILLS OF PURCHASE. W. N. Mason, Salem, Illinois, Sept. 15, 1876. Bought of A. A. Graham. 4 Bushels of Seed Wheat^ at $1.50 - - - ' - 16.00 2 Seamless Sacks " .^O - - .60 Received payment, $6. GO A. A. Graham. ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 176 ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT. An agreement is where one party promises to another to do a certain thing in a certain time for a stipulated sum. Good business men always reduce an agreement to writing, which nearly always saves misunder- standings and trouble. No particular form is necessary, but the facts must be clearly and explicitly stated, and there must, to make it valid, be a reasonable consideration. GENERAL FORM OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement, made the Second day of October, 1876, between John Jones, of Aurora, County of Kane, State of Illinois, of the first part, and Thomas Whiteside, of the same place, of the second part — WITNESSETH, that the said John Jones, in consideration of the agree- ment of the party of the second part, hereinafter contained, contracts and agrees to and with the said Thomas Whiteside, that he will deliver, in good and marketable condition, at the Village of Batavia, 111., during the month of November, of this year, One Hundred Tons of Prairie Hay, in the following lots, and at the following specified times ; namely, twenty- five tons by the seventh of November, twenty-five tons additional by the fourteenth of the month, twenty-five tons more by the twenty -first, and the entire one hundred tons to be all delivered by the thirtieth of November. And the said Thomas Whiteside, in consideration of the prompt fulfillment of this contract, on the part of the party of the first part, contracts to and agrees with the said John Jones, to pay for said hay five dollars per ton, for each ton as soon as delivered. In case of failure of agreement by either of the parties hereto, it is hereby stipulated and agreed that the party so failing shall pay to the other, One Hundred Dollars, as fixed and settled damages. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands the day and year first above written. John Jones, Thomas Whiteside. AGREEMENT WITH CLERK FOR SERVICES. This Agreement, made the first day of May, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six, between Reuben Stone, of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, party of the first part, and George Barclay, of Englewood, County of Cook, State of Illinois, party of the second part — WITNESSETH, that Said George Barclay agrees faithfully and dili- gently to work as clerk and salesman for the said Reuben Stone, for and during the space of one year from the date hereof, should both live such length of time, without absenting himself from his occupation; X76 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. during which time he, the said Barclay, in the store of said Stone, of Chicago, will carefully and honestly attend, doing and performing all duties as clerk and salesman aforesaid, in accordance and in all respects as directed and desired by the said Stone. In consideration of which services, so to be rendered by the said Barclay, the said Stone agrees to pay to said Barclay the annual sum of one thousand dollars, payable in twelve equal monthly payments, each upon the last day of each month ; provided that all dues for days of absence from business by said Barclay, shall be deducted from the sum otherwise by the agreement due and payable by the said Stone to the said Barclay. Witness our hands. Reuben Stone. George Barclay. BILLS OF SALE. A bill of sale is a written agreement to another party, for a consider- ation to convey his right and interest in the personal property. The purchaser must take actual possession of the property. Juries have power to determine upon the fairness or unfairness of a bill of sale. COMMON FORM OF BILL OF SALE. Know all Men by this instrument, that I, Louis Clay, of Princeton, Illinois, of the first part, for and in consideration of Five Hundred and Ten dollars, to me paid by John Floyd, of the same place, of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have sold, and by this instrument do convey unto the said Floyd, party of the second part, his executors, administrators, and assigns, my undivided half of ten acres of corn, now growing on the farm of Thomas Tyrrell, in the town above mentioned ; one pair of horses, sixteen sheep, and five cows, belonging to me, and in my possession at the farm aforesaid ; to have and to hold the same unto the party of the second part, his executors and assigns, forever. And I do, for myself and legal representatives, agree with the said party of the second part, and his legal representatives, to warrant and defend the sale of the afore-mentioned property and chattels unto the said party of the second part, and his legal representatives, against all and every person whatsoever. In witness whereof, I have hereunto affixed my hand, this tenth day of October, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six. Louis Clay. BONDS. A bond is a written admission on the part of the maker in which h© pledges a certain sum to another, at a certain time. ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 177 COMMON FORM OF BOND. Know all Men by this instrument, that I, George Edgerton, of Watseka, Iroquois Count}^ State of Illinois, am firmly bound unto Peter Kirchoff,.of the place aforesaid, in the sum of five hundred dollars, to be paid to the said Peter Kirchoff, or his legal representatives ; to which payment, to be made, I bind myself, or my legal representatives, by this instrument. Sealed with my seal, and dated this second day of November, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. The condition of this bond is such that if I, George Edgerton, my heirs, administrators, or executors, shall promptly pay the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars in three equal annual payments from the date hereof, with annual interest, then the above obligation to be of no effect; otherwise to be in full force and valid. Sealed and delivered in presence of George Edgerton. [l.s.] William Turner. CHATTEL MORTGAGES. A chattel mortgage is a mortgage on personal property for payment of a certain sum of money, to hold the property against debts of other creditors. The mortgage must describe the property, and must be acknowledged before a justice of the peace in the township or precinct where the mortgagee resides, and entered upon his docket, and must be recorded in the recorder's office of the county. GENERAL FORM OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE. This Indenture, made and entered into tliis first day of January^ in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five, between Theodore Lottinville, of the town of Geneseo in the County of Henry, and State of Illinois, party of the first part, and Paul Henshaw, of the same town, county, and State, party of the second part. Witnesseth, that the said party of the first part, for and in consider- ation of the sum of one thousand dollars, in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant, sell, convey, and confirm unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns forever, all and singular the following described goods and chattels, to wit : Two three-year old roan-colored horses, one Burdett organ. No. 987» one Brussels carpet, 15x20 feet in size, one marble-top center table, one Home Comfort cooking stove. No. 8, one black walnut bureau with mirror attached, one set of parlor chairs (six in number), upholstered in green rep, with lounge corresponding with same in style and color of upholstery, now in possession of said Lottinville, at No. 4 Prairie Ave., Geneseo, 111. ; 178 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. Together with all and singular, the appurtenances thereunto loelong- ing, or in any wise appertaining ; to have and to hold the above described goods and chattels, unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, forever. Provided, always, and these presents are upon this express condition, that if the said Theodore Lottinville, his heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, shall, on or before the first day of January, A.D., one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six, pay, or cause to be paid, to the said Paul Ranslow, or his lawful attorney or attorneys, heirs, executors, adminis- trators, or assigns, the sum of One Thousand dollars, together with the interest that may accrue thereon, at the rate of ten per cent, per annum, from the first day of January, A.D. one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five, until paid, according to the tenor of one promissory note bearing even date herewith for the payment of said sum of money, that then and from thenceforth, these presents, and everything herein con- tained, shall cease, and be null and void, anything herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding. Provided, also, that the said Theodore Lottinville may retain the possession of and have the use of said goods and chattels until tlie day of payment aforesaid ; and also, at his own expense, shall keep said goods and chattels; and also at the expiration of said time of payment, if said sum of money, together with the interest as aforesaid, shall not be paid, shall deliver up said goods and chattels, in good condition, to said Paul Ranslow, or his heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns. And provided, also, that if default in payment as aforesaid, by said party of the first part, shall be made, or if said party of the second part shall at any time before said promissory note becomes due, feel himself unsafe or insecure, that then the said party of the second part, or his attorney, agent, assigns, or heirs, executors, or administrators, shall have the right to take possession of said goods and chattels, wherever they may or can be found, and sell the same at public or private sale, to the highest bidder for cash in hand, after giving ten days' notice of the time and place of said sale, together with a description of the goods and chat- tels to be sold, by at least four advertisements, posted up in public places in the vicinity where said sale is to take place, and proceed to make the sum of money and interest promised as aforesaid, together with all reason- able costs, charges, and expenses in so doing ; and if there shall be any overplus, shall pay the same without delay to the said party of the first part, or his legal representatives. In testimony whereof, the said party of the first part has hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal, the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Theodore Lottinville. [l.s.] Samuel J, Tilden. ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 179 LEASE OF FARM AND BUILDINGS THEREON. This Indenture, made this second day of June, 1875, between David Patton of the Town of Bisbee, State of Illinois, of the first part, and John Doyle of the same place, of the second part, Witnesseth, that the said David Patton, for and in consideration of the covenants hereinafter mentioned and reserved, on the part of the said John Doyle, his executors, administrators, and assigns, to be paid, kept, and performed, hath let, and by these presents doth grant, demise, and let, unto the said John Doyle, his executors, administrators, and assigns, all that parcel of land situate in Bisbee aforesaid, bounded and described as follows, to wit : \^Here describe the land.~\ Together with all the appurtenances appertaining thereto. To have and to hold the said premises, with appurtenances thereto belonging, unto the said Doyle, his executors, administrators, and assigns, for the term of five years, from the first day of October next following, at a yearly rent of Six Hundred dollars, to be paid in equal payments, semi-annually, as long as said buildings are in good tenantable condition. And the said Doyle, by these presents, covenants and agrees to pay all taxes and assessments, and keep in repair all hedges, ditches, rail, and other fences ; (the said David Patton, his heirs, assigns and administra- tors, to furnish all timber, brick, tile, and other materials necessary for such repairs.) Said Doyle further covenants and agrees to apply to said land, in a farmer-like manner, all manure and compost accumulating upon said farm, and cultivate all the arable land in a husbandlike manner, accord- ing to the usual custom among farmers in the neighborhood ; he also agrees to trim the hedges at a seasonable time, preventing injury from cattle to such hedges, and to all fruit and other trees on the said premises. That he will seed down with clover and timothy seed twenty acres yearly of arable land, ploughing the same number of acres each Spring of land now in grass, and hitherto unbroken. It is further agreed, that if the said Doyle shall fail to perform the whole or any one of the above mentioned covenants, then and in that case the said David Patton may declare this lease terminated, by giving three months' notice of the same, prior to the first of October .of any year, and may distrain any part of the stock, goods, or chattels, or other property in possession of said Doyle, for sufficient to compensate for the non-performance of the above written covenants, the same to be deter- mined, and amounts so to be paid to be determined, by three arbitrators, chosen as follows; Each of the parties to this instrument to choose one, 180 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. and the two so chosen to select a third ; the decision of said arbitrators to be final. In witness whereof, we have hereto set our hands and seals. Signed, sealed, and delivered in presence of David Patton. [l.s.] James Waldron. John Doyle. [l.s.] FORM OF LEASE OF A HOUSE. This Instrument, made the first day of October, 1875, witnesseth that Amos Griest of Yorkville, County of Kendall, State of Illinois, hath rented from Aaron Young of Logansport aforesaid, the dwelling and lot No. 13 Ohio Street, situated in said City of Yorkville, for five years from the above date, at the yearly rental of Three Hundred dollars, pay- able monthly, on the first day of each month, in advance, at the residence of said Aaron Young. At the expiration of said above mentioned terra, the said Griest agrees to give the said Young peaceable possession of the said dwelling, in as good condition as when taken, ordinary wear and casualties excepted. In witness whereof, we place our hands and seals the day and year aforesaid. Signed, sealed and delivered Amos Griest. [l.s.] in presence of NiCKOLAS SCHUTZ, AARON YoUNG. [L.S.] Notary Public. LANDLORD'S AGREEMENT. This certifies that I have let and rented, this first day of January, 1876, unto Jacob Schmidt, my house and lot, No. 15 Erie Street, in the City of Chicago, State of Illinois, and its appurtenances ; he to have the free and uninterrupted occupation thereof for one year from this date, at the yearly rental of Two Hundred dollars, to be paid monthly in advance ; rent to cease if destroyed by fire, or otherwise made untenantable. Peter Funk. TENANT'S AGREEMENT. This certifies that I have hired and taken from Peter Funk, his house and lot. No. 15 Erie Street, in the City of Chicago, State of Illi- nois, with appurtenances thereto belonging, for one year, to commence this day, at a yearly rental of Two Hundred dollars, to be paid monthly in advance ; unless said house becomes untenantable from fire or other causes, in which case rent ceases ; and I further agree to give and yield said premises one year from this first day of January 1876, in as good condition as now, ordinary wear and damage by the elements excepted. Given under my hand this day. Jacob Schmidt. ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 181 NOTICE TO QUIT. To F. W. Arlen, Sir : Please observe that the term of one year, for which the house and land, situated at No. 6 Indiana Street, and now occupied by you, were rented to you, expired on the first day of October, 1875, and as I desire to repossess said premises, you are hereby requested and required to vacate the same. Respectfullv Yours, P. T. Barnum. Lincoln, ]Seb., October 4, 1875. TENANT'S NOTICE OF LEAVING. Dear Sir: The premises I now occupy as your tenant, at No. 6 Indiana Street, I shall vacate on the first day of November, 1875. You will please take notice accordingly. Dated this tenth day of October, 1875. F. W. Arlen. To P. T. Barnum, Esq. REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE TO SECURE PAYMENT OF MONEY. This Indenture, made this sixteenth day of May, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two, between William Stocker, of Peoria, County of Peoria, and State of Illinois, and 011a, his wife, party of the first part, and Edward Singer, party of the second part. Whereas, the said party of the first part is justly indebted to the said party of the second part, in the sum of Two Thousand dollars, secured to be paid by two certain promissory notes (bearing even date herewith) the one due and payable at the Second National Bank in Peoria, Illinois, with interest, on the sixteenth day of May, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three ; the other due and payable at the Second National Bank at Peoria, 111., with interest, on the sixteenth day of May, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four. Now, therefore, this indenture witnesseth, that the said party of the first part, for the better securing the payment of the money aforesaid, with interest thereon, according to the tenor and effect of the said two promissory notes above mentioned ; and, also in consideration of the fur- ther sum of one dollar to them in hand paid by the said party of the sec- ond part, at the delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained, sold, and conveyed, and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell, and convey, unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, forever, all that certain parcel of land, situate, etc. \_Descrihing the premises.'] To have and to hold the same, together with all and singular the Tenements, Hereditaments, Privileges and Appurtenances thereunto 182 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. belonging or in any wise appertaining. And also, all the estate, interest, and claim whatsoever, in law as well as in equity which the party of the first part have in and to the premises hereby conveyed unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, and to their only proper use, benefit and behoof. And the said William Stocker, and 011a, his wife, party of the first part, hereby expressly waive, relinquish, release, and convey unto the said party of the second part, his heirs, executors* administrators, and assigns, all right, title, claim, interest, and benefit whatever, in and to the above described premises, and each and every part thereof, which is given by or results from all laws of this state per- taining to the exemption of homesteads. Provided always, and these presents are upon this express condition, that if the said party of the first part, their heirs, executors, or adminis- trators, shall well and truly pay, or cause to be paid, to the said party of the second part, his heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, the afore- said sums of money, with such interest thereon, at the time and in the manner specified iu the above mentioned promissory notes, according to the true intent and meaning thereof, then in that case, these presents and every thing herein expressed, shall be absolutely null and void. In witness whereof, the said part}^ of the first part hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of James Whitehead, William Stockek. [l.s.] Fred. Samuels. Olla Stocker. [l.s.] WARRANTY DEED WITH COVENANTS. This Indenture, made this sixth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two, between Henry Best of Lawrence, County of Lawrence, State of Illinois, and Belle, his wife, of the first part, and Charles Pearson of the same place, of the second part, Witnesseth, that the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of Six Thousand dollars in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained, and sold, and by these presents do grant, bargain, and sell, unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, all the fol- lowing described lot, piece, or parcel of land, situated in the City of Law- rence, in the County of Lawrence, and State of Illinois, to wit : [^Here describe the property.'] Together with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof; and all the estate, rignt, title, interest, claim, and demand whatsoever, of the said party of the nrst part, either in law or equity, of, in, and to tht» ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 185 above bargained premises, with the hereditaments and appurtenances. To have and to hold the said premises above bargained and described, with the appurtenances, unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, forever. And the said Henry Best, and Belle, his wife, par- ties of the first part, hereby expressly waive, release, and relinquish unto the said party of the second part, his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, all right, title, claim, interest, and benefit whatever, in and to the above described premises, and each and every part thereof, which is given by or results from all laws of this state pertaining to the exemption of homesteads. And the said Henry Best, and Belle, his wife, party of the first part, for themselves and their heirs, executors, and administrators, do covenant, grant, bargain, and agree, to and with the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, that at the time of the ensealing and delivery of these presents they were well seized of the premises above conveyed, as of a good, sure, perfect, absolute, and indefeasible estate of inheritance in law, and in fee simple, and have good right, full power, and lawful authority to grant, bargain, sell, and convey the same, in manner and form aforesaid, and that the same are free and clear from all former and other grants, bargains, sales, liens, taxes, assessments, and encumbrances of what kind or nature soever ; and the above bargained premises in the quiet and peaceable possession of the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, against all and every person or persons lawfully claiming or to claim the whole or any part thereof, the said party of the first part shall and will warrant and forever defend. In testimony whereof, the said parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Henry Best, [l.s.] Jerry Linklatek. Belle Best. [l.s.] QUIT-CLAIM DEED. This Indenture, made the eighth day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four, between David Tour, of Piano, County of Kendall, State of Illinois, party of the first part, and Larry O'Brien, of the same place, party of the second part, Witnesseth, that the said party of the first part, for and in considera- tion of Nine Hundred dollars in hand paid by the said party of the sec- ond part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and the said party of the second part forever released and discharged therefrom, has remised, released, sold, conveyed, and quit-claimed, and by these presents does remise, release, sell, convey, and quit-claim, unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, forever, all the right, title, interest, 186 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. claim, and demand, which the said party of the first part has in and to the following described lot, piece, or parcel of land, to wit : {^Here describe the land.'] To have and to hold the same, together witli all and singular the appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging, or in any wise there- unto appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest, and claim whatever, of the said party of the first part, either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit, and behoof of the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns forever. In witness whereof the said party of the first part hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year above written. Signed, sealed and delivered David Tour, [l.s.] in presence of Thomas Ashley. The above forms of Deeds and Mortgage are such as have heretofore been generally used, but the following are much shorter, and are made equally valid by the laws of this state. WARRANTY DEED. The grantor (here insert name or names and place of residence), for and in consideration of (here insert consideration) in hand paid, conveys and warrants to (here insert the grantee's name or names) the following described real estate (here insert description), situated in the County of in the State of Illinois. Dated this day of A. D. 18 . QUIT CLAIM DEED. The grantor (here insert grantor's name or names and place of resi- dence), for the consideration of (here insert consideration) convey and quit-claim to (here insert grantee's name or names) all interest in the following described real estate (here insert description), situated in the County of in the State of Illinois. Dated this day of A. D. 18 . MORTGAGE. Tlie mortgagor (here insert name or names) mortgages and warrants to (here insert name or names of mortgagee or mortgagees), to secure the payment of (here recite the nature and amount of indebtedness, showing when due and the rate of interest, and whether secured by note or other- wise), the following described real estate (here insert description thereof), situated in the County of in the State of Illinois. Dated this day of A. D. 18 . RELEASE. Know all Men by these presents, that I, Peter Ahlund, of Chicago, of the County of Cook, and State of Illinois, for and in consideration of One dollar, to me in hand paid, and for other good and valuable considera- ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 187 tions, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed, do hereby grant, bargain, remise, convey, release, and quit-cLaim unto Joseph Carlin of Chicago, of the County of Cook, and State of Illinois, all the right, title, interest, claim, or demand whatsoever, I may have acquired in, through, or by a certain Indenture or Mortgage Deed, bearing date the second day of Jan- uary, A. D. 1871, and recorded in the Recorder's office of said county, in book A of Deeds, page 46, to the premises therein described, and which said Deed was made to secure one certain promissory note, bearing even date with said deed, for the sum of Three Hundred dollars. Witness my hand and seal, this second day of November, A. D. 1874. Peter Ahlund. [l.s.] State of Illinois, ) Cook County. \ ' I, George Saxton, a Notary Public in and for said county, in the state aforesaid, do hereby certify that Peter Ahlund, personally known to me as the same person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing Release, appeared before me this day in [ "^svfi!^^ ] person, and acknowledged that he signed, sealed, and delivered the said instrument of writing as his free aad voluntary act, for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Giv^n under my hand and seal, this second day of November, A. D. 1874. George Saxton, N. P. GENERAL FOlriVI OF WILL FOR REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY. I, Charles Mansfield, of the Town of Salem, County of Jackson, State of Illinois, being aware of the uncertainty of life, and in failing health, but of sound mind and memory, do make and declare this to be my last will and testament, in manner following, to wit: First. I give, devise and bequeath unto my oldest son, Sidney H. Mansfield, the sum of Two Thousand Dollars, cf bank stock, now in the Third National Bank of Cincinnati, Ohio, and the farm owned by myself in the Town of Buskirk, consisting of one hundred jind sixty acres, with all the houses, tenements, and improvements thereunto belonging ; to have and to hold unto ray said son, his heirs and assign^, forever. Second. I give, devise and bequeath to each of my daughters, Anna Louise Mansfield and Ida Clara Mansfield, each Two Thousand dollars in bank stock, in the Third National Bank of Cincinnati, Ohio, and also each one quarter section of land, owned by myself, situated in the Town of Lake, Illinois, and recorded in my name in the Recorder's officvj in the county where such land is located. The north one hundred and sixty acres of said half section is devised to mv eldest dauG:hter, Anna Louise. 188 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. Third. I give, devise and bequeath to my son, Franlc Alfred Mans- field, Five shares of Railroad stock in the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and my one hundred and sixty acres of land and saw mill thereon, situ- ated in Manistee, Michigan, with all the improvements and appurtenances thereunto belonging, which said real estate is recorded in my name in the county where situated. Fourth. I give to my wife, Victoria Elizabeth Mansfield, all my household furniture, goods, chattels, and personal property, about my home, not hitherto disposed of, including Eight Thousand dollars of bank stock in the Third National Bank of Cincinnati, Ohio, Fifteen shares in the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and the free and unrestricted use, pos- session, and benefit of the home farm, so long as she may live, in lieu of dower, to which she is entitled by law ; said farm being my present place of residence. Fifth. I bequeath to my invalid father, Elijah H. Mansfield, the income from rents of my store building at 145 Jackson Street, Chicago, Illinois, during the term of his natural life. Said building and land there- with to revert to my said sons and daughters in equal proportion, upon the demise of my said father. Sixth. It is also my will and desire that, at the death of my wife, Victoria Elizabeth Mansfield, or at any time when she may arrange to relinquish her life interest in the above mentioned homestead, the same may revert to my above named children, or to the lawful heirs of each. And lastly. I nominate and appoint as executors of this my last will and testament, my wife, Victoria Elizabeth Mansfield, and my eldest son, Sidney H. Mansfield. I further direct that my debts and necessary funeral expenses shad be paid from moneys now on deposit in the Savings Bank of Salem, the residue of such moneys to revert to my wife, Victoria Elizabeth Mansfield, for her use forever. In witness whereof, I, Charles Mansfield, to this my last will and testament, have hereunto set my hand and seal, this fourth day of April, eighteen hundred and seventy-two. Signed, sealed, and declared by Charles Mansfield, as and for his last will and testament, in the presence of us, who, at his request, and in his presence, and in the presence of each other, have sub- scribed our names hereunto as witnesses thereof. Peter A. Schenck, Sycamore, Ills. Frank E. Dent, Salem, Ills. Charles Mansfield, [l.s.] Charles Mansfield, [l.s.] ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 189 CODICIL. Whereas I, Charles Mansfield, did, on the fourth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two, make my last will and testa- ment, I do now, by this writing, add this codicil to my said will, to be taken as a part thereof. Whereas, by the dispensation of Providence, my daughter, Anna Louise, has deceased November fifth, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, and whereas, a son has been born to me, which son is now christened Richard Albert Mansfield, I give and bequeath unto him my gold watch, and all right, interest, and title in lands and bank stock and chattels bequeathed to my deceased daughter, Anna Louise, in the body of this will. In witness whereof, I hereunto place my hand and seal, this tenth day of March, eighteen hundred and seventy-five. Signed, sealed, published, and declared to^ us by the testator, Charles Mansfield, as and for a codicil to be annexed to his last will and testament. And we, at his request, and in his presence, and in the presence of each other, have sub- scribed our names as witnesses thereto, at the date hereof. Frank E. Dent, Salem, Lis. John C. Shay, Salem, Lis. CHURCH ORGANIZATIONS May be legally made by electing or appointing^ according to the or customs of the body of which it is a part, at any meeting held for that purpose, two or more of its members as trustees, wardens or vestrymen, and may adopt a corporate name. The chairman or secretary of such meeting shall, as soon as possible, make and file in the office of the recorder of deeds of the county, an affidavit substantially in the following form : State of L^linois, Count3\ I, , do solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be), that at a meeting of the members of the (here insert the name of the church, society or congregation as known before organization), held at (here insert place of meeting), in the County of , and State of LHnois, on the day of ^ , A.D. 18—, for that purpose, the fol- lowing persons were elected (or appointed) [here insert their na7nes'] trustees, wardens, vestrymen, (or officers by whatever name they may choose to adopt, with powers similar to trustees) according to the rules and usages of sueb (church, society or congregation), and said 190 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. adopted as its corporate name (here insert name), and at said meeting this affiant acted as (chairman or secretary, as the case may be). Subscribed and sworn to before me, this day of , A.D. 18-^. Name of Affiant" which affidavit must be recorded by the recorder, and shall be, or a certi- fied copy made by the recorder, received as evidence of such an incorpo- ration. No certificate of election after the first need he filed for record. The term of office of tlie trustees and the general government of the society can be determined by the rules or by-laws adopted. Failure to elect trustees at the time provided does not work a dissolution, but the old trustees hold over. A trustee or trustees may be removed, in the same manner by the society as elections are held by a meeting called for that purpose. The property of the society vests in the corporation. The corporation may hold, or acquire by purchase or otherwise, land not exceeding ten acres, for the purpose of the society. The trustees have the care, custody and control of the property of the corporation, and can, when directed by the society, erect houses or improvements, and repair and alter the same, and may also when so directed by the society, mortgage, encumber, sell and convey any real or personal estate belonging to the corporation, and make all proper contracts in the name of such corporation. But the}^ are prohibited by law from encumbering or inter- fering with any property so as to destroy the effect of any gift, grant, devise or bequest to the corporation ; but such gifts, grants, devises or bequests, must in all cases be used so as to carr}^ out the object intended by the persons making the same. Existing societies may organize in the manner herein set forth, and have all the advantages thereof. SUGGESTIONS TO THOSE PURCHASING BOOKS BY SUBSCRIPTION. The business of publishing books by subscription having so often been brought into disrepute by agents making representations and declarations not authorized by the publisher ; in order to prevent that as much as possi- ble, and that there may be more general knowledge of the relation such agents bear to their principal, and the law governing such cases, the fol- lowing statement is made : A' subscription is in the nature of a contract of mutual promises, by which the subscriber agrees to pay a certain sum for the work described ; the consideratio7i is concurrent that the publisher shall publish the book named, and deliver the same, for which the subscriber is to pay the price named. The nature and character of the work is described in the prospectus and by the sample shown. These should be carefully examined before sub- scribing, as they are the basis and consideration of the promise to pay, ABSTRACT OF Il^LINOIS STATE LAWS. and not the too often exaggerated statements of the agent, who is merely employed to solicit subscriptions, for which he is usually paid a commission for each subscriber, and has no authority to change or alter the conditions upon which the subscriptions are authorized to be made by the publisher. Should the agent assume to agree to make the subscription conditional or modify or change the agreement of the publisher, as set out by prospectus and sample, in order to bi^id the principal, the subscriber should see that such conditions or changes are stated over or in connection with his signa- ture, so that the publisher may have notice of the same. All persons making contracts in reference to matters of this kind, or any other business, should remember that the laiv as to written contracts is, that they can not be varied, altered or rescinded verbally, but if done at all, must be done in luriting. It is therefore important that all persons contem- plating subscribing should distinctly understand that all talk before or after the subscription is made, is not admissible as evidence, and is no part of the contract. Persons employed to solicit subscriptions are known to the trade as canvassers. They are agents appointed to do a particular business in a prescribed mode, and have no authority to do it in any other way to the prejudice of their principal, nor can they bind their principal in any other matter. They can not collect money, or agree that payment may be made in anything else but money. They can not extend the time of payment beyond the time of delivery, nor bind their principal for the payment of expenses incurred in their buisness. It would save a great deal of trouble, and often serious loss, if persons, before signing their names to any subscription book, or any written instru- ment, would examine carefully what it is ; if they can not read themselves, should call on some one disinterested who can. 192 CONSTITUTION OiF THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND ITS AMENDMENTS. We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, iyisure dofnestic tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. Article I. Section 1. All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. Sec. 2. The House of Representatives shall be composed of mem- bers chosen every second year by the people of the several states, and the ' lectors in each state shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State Legislature. No person shall be a representative who shall not have attained to the age of twenty-five years, and been seven years a citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an inhabitant of that state in which he shall be chosen. Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the sev- eral states which may be included within this Union, according to their respective numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole number of free persons, including those bound to service for a term of years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three-fifths of all other persons. The actual enumeration shall be made within three years after the first meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subse- quent term of ten years, in such manner as they shall by law direct. The number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty thousand, but each state shall have at least one Representative ; and until such enumeration shall be made the State of New Hampshire shall be entitled to choose three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode Island and Providence Plan- tations one, Connecticut five, New York six, New Jersey four, Pennsylva- nia eight, Delaware one, Maryland six, Virginia ten. North Carolina five, and Georgia three. When vacancies happen in the representation from any state, the Executive authority thereof shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies. The House of Representatives shall choose their Speaker and other officers, and shall have the sole power of impeachment. Sec. 3. The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each state, chosen by the Legislature thereof for six years ; and each Senator shall have one vote. Immediately after they shall be assembled in consequence of the first election, they shall be divided as equally as may be into three classes. The seats of the Senators of the first class shall be vacated at the expira- AND ITS AMENDMENTS. 19t5 tion of the second year, of the second class at the expiration of the fourth year, and of the third class at the expiration of the sixth year, so that one-third may be chosen every second year; and if vacancies happen by resignation or otherwise, during the recess of the Legislature of any state, the Executive thereof may make temporary appointments until the next meeting of the Legislature, which shall then fill such vacancies. No person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the age of thirty years and been nine j^ears a citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an inhabitant of that state for which he shall be chosen. The Vice-President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no vote unless they be equally divided. The Senate shall choose their other officers, and also a President joro tempore, in the absence of the Vice-President, or when he shall exercise the office of President of the United States. The Senate shall have the sole power to try all impeachments. When sitting for that purpose they shall be on oath or affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried the Chief Justice shall preside. And no person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two-thirds of the members present. Judgment, in cases of impeachment, shall not extend further than to removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States ; but the party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to indictment, trial, judgment, and punishment according to law. Sec. 4. The times, places and manner of holding elections for Sen- ators and Representatives shall be prescribed in each state by the Legis- lature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by law make or alter such regulations, except as to the places of choosing Senators. The Congress shall assemble at least once in every year, and such meeting shall be on the first Monday in December, unless they shall by law appoint a different day. Sec. 5. Each house shall be the judge of the election, returns, and qualifications of its own members, and a majority of each shall constitute a quorum to do business ; but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized to compel the attendance of absent members in such manner and under such penalties as each house may provide. Each house may determine the rules of its proceedings, punish its members for disorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence of two-thirds, expel a member. Each house shall keep a journal of its proceedings, and from time to time publish the same, excepting such parts as may, in their judgment, require secrecy ; and the yeas and nays of the members of either house on any question shall, at the desire of one-fifth of those present, be entered on the journal. Neither house, during the session of Congress, shall, without the consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other place than that in which the two houses shall be sitting. Sec. 6. The Senators and Representatives shall receive a compen- sation for their services, to be ascertained by law, and paid out of the treasury of the United States. They shall in ail cases, except treason, 194 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES felony, and l)reach of the peace, be privileged from arrest during their attendance at the session of their respective houses, and in going to and returning from the same ; and for any speech or debate in either house they shall not be questioned in any other place. No Senator or Representative shall, during the time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil office under the authority of the United States, which shall have been created, or the emoluments whereof shall have been increased during such time ; and no person holding any office under the United States, shall be a member of either house during his continuance in office. Sec. 7. All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives ; but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments as on other bills. Every bill Avhich shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it becomes a law, be presented to the President - the United States ; if he approve he shall sign it ; but if not he shall return it, with his objections, to that house in which it shall have origi- nated, who shall enter the objections at large on their journal, and proceed to reconsider it. If, after such reconsideration two-thirds of that house shall agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, together with the objec- tions, to the other house, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if approved by two-thirds of that house, it shall become a law. But in all such cases the votes of both houses shall be determined by j eas and nays, and the names of the persons voting for and against the bill shall be entered on the journal of each house respectively. If any bill shall not be returned by the President within ten days (Sundays excepted), after it shall have been presented to him, the same shall be a law, in like manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress, by their adjournment, prevent its return, in which case it shall not be a law. Every order, resolution, or vote to which the concurrence of the Senate and House of Representatives may be necessary (except on a question of adjournment), shall be presented to the President of the United States, and before the same shall take effect shall be approved by him, or, being disapproved by him, shall be re-passed by two-thirds of the Senate and House of Representatives, according to the rules and lim- itations prescribed in the case of a bill. Sec. 8. The Congress shall have power — To lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts, and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United utates ; but all duties, imposts, and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States ; To borrow money on the credit of the United States ; To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several Str.tes, and with the Indian tribes ; To establish a uniform rule of naturalization, and uniform laws on the subject of bankruptcies throughout the United States ; •To coin money, reguhite the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures ; To provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the United States; To establish post offices and post roads ; AND ITS AMENDMENTS. 195 To promote the progress of sciences and useful arts, by securing, for ^'.mited times, to authors and inventors, the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries ; To constitute tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court ; To define and punish piracies and felonies committed on the high seas, and oiTenses against the law of nations ; To declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water ; To raise and support armies, but no appropriation of money to that use shall be for a longer term than two years ; To provide and maintain a navy ; To make rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces ; To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insurrections, and repel invasions ; To provide for organizing, arming and disciplining the militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States, reserving to the states respectively the appointment of the officers, and the authority of training the militia according to the disci- pline prescribed by Congress ; To exercise legislation in all cases whatsoever over such district (not exceeding ten miles square) as may, by cession of particular states, and the acceptance of Congress, become the seat of the government of the United States, and to exercise like authority over all places purchased by the consent of the Legislature of the state in which the same shall be, for the erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dock yards, and other needful buildings ; and To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the government of the United States, or in any depart- ment or officer thereof. Sec. 9. The migration or importation of such persons as any of the states now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a tax or duty may be imposed on such importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each person. The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it. No bill of attainder or ex post facto law shall be passed. No capitation or other direct tax shall be laid, unless in proportion to the census or enumeration hereinbefore directed to be taken. No tax or duty shall be laid on articles exported from any state. No preference shall be given by any regulation of commerce or rev- enue to the ports of one state over those of another; nor shall vessels bound to or from one state be obliged to enter, clear, or pay duties in another. No money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law; and a regular statement and account of the receipts and expeditures of all public money shall be published from time to time. 196 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States : and no person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state. Sec. 10. No state shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or confeder- ation ; grant letters of marque and reprisal ; coin money ; emit bills of credit ; make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts ; pass any bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law impairing the obligation of contracts, or grant any title of nobility. No state shall, without the consent of the Congress, lay any imposts or duties on imports or exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing its inspection laws, and the net produce of all duties and imposts laid by any state on imports or exports, shall be for the use of the Treasury of the United States ; and all such laws shall be subject to the revision and control of the Congress. No state shall, without the consent of Congress, lay any duty on tonnage, keep troops or ships of war in time of peace, enter into any agreement or compact with another state, or with a foreign power, or engage in war, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent danger as will not admit of delay. Article II. Section 1. The Executive power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his office during the term of four years, and, together with the Vice-President chosen for the same term, be elected as follows : Each state shall appoint, in such manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a number of Electors, equal to the whole number of Senators and Representatives to which the state may be entitled in the Congress; but no Senator or Representative, or person holding an office of trust or profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector. [ * The Electors shall meet in their respective states, and vote by ballot for two persons, of whom one at least shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves. And they shall make a list of all the persons voted for, and of the number of votes for each ; which list they shall sign and certify, and transmit, sealed, to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate. The Pres- ident of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives, open all the certificates, and the votes shall then be counted. The person having the greatest number of votes shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed ; and if there be more than one who have such majority, and have an equal number of votes, then the House of Representatives shall immediately choose by ballot one of them for President ; and if no person have a ma- jority, then from the five highest on the list the said House shall in like manner choose the President. But in choosing the President, the vote shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote ; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. In every case, after the choice of the President, *This clause between .brackets has been superseded and annulled by the Twelfth.amendment, AND ITS AMENDMENTS. 197 the person having the greatest number of votes of the Electors shall be the Vice-President. But if there should remain two or more who have equal votes, the Senate shall choose from them by ballot the Vice-Presi- dent.] The Congress may determine the time of choosing the Electors, and the day on which they shall give their votes ; which day shall be the same throughout the United States. No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President ; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained the age of thirty-five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the United States. In case of the removal of the President from office, or of his death, resignation, or inability to discharge the powers and duties of the said office, the same shall devolve on the Vice-Pnesident, and the Congress may by law provide for the case of removal, death, resignation, or inabil- ity, both of the President and Vice-President, declaring what officer shall then act as President, and such officer shall act accordingly, until the dis- ability be removed, or a President shall be elected. The President shall, at stated times, receive for his services a com- pensation which shall neither be increased nor diminished during the period for which he shall have been elected, and he shall not receive within that period any other emolument from the United States or any of them. Before he enters on the execution of his office, he shall take the fol- lowing oath or affirmation : " I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States." Sec. 2. The President shall be commander in chief of the army and navy of the United States, and of the militia of the several states, when called into the actual service of the United States; he may require the opinion, in writing, of the principal officer in each of the executive departments, upon any subject relating to the duties of their respective offices, and he shall have powe]- to grant reprieves and pardon for offenses against the United States, except in cases of impeachment. He shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties, provided two-thirds of the Senators present con- cur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the advice of the Senate, shall appoint ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, judges of the Supreme Court, and all other officers of the United States whose appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by law ; but the Congress may by law vest the appointment of such inferior officers as they think proper in the President alone, in the courts of law, or in the heads of departments. The President shall have power to fill up all vacancies that may happen during the recess of the Senate, by granting commissions which shall expire at the end of their next session. Sec. 3. He shall from time to time give to the Congress information of the state of the Union, and recommend to their consideration such mea- sures as he shall judge necessary and expedient ; he may on extraordinary 198 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES occasions convene both houses, or either of them, and in case of disagree- ment between them, with respect to the time of adjournment, he ma}? adjourn them to such time as he shall think proper ; he shall receive ambassadors and other public ministers ; he shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed, and shall commission all the officers of the United States. Sec. 4. The President, Vice-President, and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and con- viction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors. Article III. Section I. The judicial power of the United States shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The Judges, both of the Supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during good behavior, and shall, at stated times, receive for their services a compensation, which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office. Sec. 2. The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under this Constitution, the laws of the United States, and treaties made, or which shall be made, under their authority ; to all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers, and consuls ; to all cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction ; to controversies to which the United States shall be a party ; to controversies between two or more states ; between a state and citizens of another state ; between citizens of differ- ent states ; between citizens of the same state claiming lands under grants of different states, and between a state or the citizens thereof, and foreign states, citizens, or subjects. In all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers, and consuls, and those in which a state shall be a party, the Supreme Court shall have original jurisdiction. In all the other cases before mentioned, the Supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, with such exceptions and under such regulations as the Congress shall make. The trial of all crimes, except in cases of impeachment, shall be bj? jury ; and such trial shall be held in the state where the said crimes shall have been committed ; but when not committed within any state, the trial shall be at such place or places as the Congress may by law have directed. Sec. 3. Treason against the United States shall consist only in levy- ing war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the tes- timony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court. The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture, except during the life of the person attainted. Article IV. Section 1. Full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state. And AND ITS AMENDMENTS. 199 the Congress may, by general laws, prescribe the manner in which such acts, records, and proceedings shall be proved, and the effect thereof. Sec. 2. The citizens of each state shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of citizens in the several states. A person charged in any state witli treason, felony, or other crime, who shall flee from justice and be found in another state, shall, on demand of the executive authority of the state from which he fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the state having jurisdict'on of the crime. No person held to service or labor in one state, under the laws thereof escaping into another, shall, in consequence of any law or regulation therein, be discharged from such service or labor, but shall be delivered up on the claim of the party to whom sUch service or labor may be due. Sec. 3. New states may be admitted by the Congress into this Union ; but no new state shall be formed or erected within the jurisdiction of any other state ; nor any state be formed by the junction of two or more states, or parts of states, without the consent of the Legislatures of the states concerned, as well as of the Congress. The Congress shall have power to dispose of and make all needful rules and regulations respecting the territory' or other property belonging to the United States ; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to prejudice any claims of the United States or of any particular state. Sec. 4, The United States shall guarantee to every state in this Union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion, and on application of the Legislature, or of the Execu- tive (when the Legislature can not be convened), against domestic vio- lence. Article V. The Congress, whenever two-thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the ap- plication of the Legislatures of two-thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes as part of this Constitution, when rati- fied by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by con- ventions in three-fourths thereof, as the one or the otlier mode of ratifi- cation may be proposed by the Congress. Provided that no amendment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth- section of the first article ; and that no state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate. Article VI. All debts contracted and engagements entered into before the adop- tion of this Constitution shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution as under the Confederation. This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof, and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land ; and the Judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding. The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the mem- 200 CONSTITUTION OP THE UNITED STATES bers of the several state Legislatures, and all executive and judicial offi- cers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation to support this Constitution ; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States. Article VII. The ratification of the Conventions of nine states shall be sufficient for the establishment of this Constitution between the states so ratifying the same. Done in convention by the unanimous consent of the states present, the seventeenth day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven, and of the independence of the United States of America the twelfth. In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names. GEO. WASHINGTON, President and Deputy from Virginia. New Hampshire. John Langdon, Nicholas Gilman. Massachusetts. Nathaniel Gorham, RuFus King. Connecticut. Wm. Sam'l Johnson, Roger Sherman. Delaware. Geo. Read, John Dickinson, Jaco. Broom, Gunning Bedford, Jr., Richard Bassett. Maryland. James M' Henry, Danl. Carroll, Dan. of St. Thos. Jenifer. New Yorh, Alexander Hamilton. New Jersey. WiL. Livingston, Wm. Paterson, David Brearley, JoNA. Dayton. Virginia. John Blair, James Madison, Jr. North Carolina. Wm. Blount, Hu. Williamson, Rich'd Dobbs Spaight. Pennsylvania. B. Franklin, RoBT. Morris, Thos. Fitzsimons, James Wilson, Thos. Mifflin, Geo. Clymer, Jared Ingersoll, Gouv. Morris. South Carolina. J. Rutledge, Charles Pinckney, Chas. Cotesworth Pinckney, Pierce Butler. Georgia. William Few, Abr. Baldwin. WILLIAM JACKSON, Secretary. Tun, ^0 SHERIFF OF GREENE CO r)/ie^ AND ITS AMENDMENTS. Articles in Addition to and Amendatory of the Constitution OP the United States op America. Proposed hy Congress and ratified hy the Legislatures of the several states^ pursuant to the fifth article of the original Constitution. Article I. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment cf religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press ; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Article II. A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Article III. No soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any house without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war but in a manner to be pre- scribed by law. Article IV. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be vio- lated ; and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized. Article V. No person shall be held to answer for a capital or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia when in actual service in time of war or public danger ; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb ; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation. Article VI. In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation ; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor ; and to have, the assistance of counsel for his defense. Article VII. In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact 204 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES tried by a jury shall be otherwise re-examined in any court of the United States than according to the rules of the common law. Article VIII. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. Article IX. The enumeration, in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. Article X. The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people. Article XI. The judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by citizens of another state, or by citizens or sub- jects of any foreign state. Article XII. The Electors shall meet iu their respective states and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves ; they shall name in their ballots the person to be voted for as president, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as Vice-President, and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President, and of all persons voted for as Vice- President, and of the number of votes for each, which list they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate. The President of the Senate shall, in presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates, and the votes shall then be counted. The person having the greatest number of votes for President shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed ; and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest number not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by States, the representation from each state having one vote; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two- thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. And if the House of Representatives shall not choose a Presi- dent whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next following, then the Vice-President shall act as President, as in the case of the death or other constitutional disability of the President. The person having the greatest number of votes as Vice- President, shall be the Vice-President, if such number be the majority of the whole number of electors appointed, and if no person have a major- AND ITS AMENDMENTS. 205 ity, then from the two highest numbers on the list, the Senate shall choose the Vice-President ; a quorum for the purpose shall consist of two-thirds of the whole number of Senators, and a majority of the whole number shall be necessary to a choice. But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States. Article XIII. Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime, whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their juris- diction. Sec. 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appro- priate legislation. Article XIV. Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States, and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law, nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. Sec. 2. Representatives shall be appointed among the several states according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of per- sons in each state, excluding Indians not taxed ; but when the right to vote at any election for the choice of Electors for President and Vice- President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the execu- tive and judicial officers of a state, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such state, being twenty-one years of age and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged except for participation in rebellion or other crimes, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the num- ber of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such state. Sec. 3. No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or Elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previ- ously taken an oath as a Member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state Legislature, or as an execu- tive or judicial officer of any state to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress mav by a vote of two-thirds of each house, remove such disability. Sec. 4. The validity of the public debt of the United States author- ized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and boun- ties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be ques- tioned. But neither the United States nor any state shall pay any debt or obligation incurred in the aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any loss or emancipation of any slave, but such debts, obligations, and claims shall be held illegral and void. 206 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. Sec. 5. The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this act. Article XV. Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States, or by any state, on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. Sec. 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appro- priate legislation. ELECTORS OF PRESIDENT AND VICE-PRESIDENT. November 7, 1876. COUNTIES. m 11 go c o II < COUNTIES. ■d • 1^ c 11 < nn 1520 1965 1209 i! 1416 1329 4ii 1145 if 2129 2715 970 US? 1601 966 4187 703 1695 1996 627 li 4177 3768 2040 6308 1280 1142 Is 1618 3103 rsi 1541 1407 1413 1 466 2265 2421 742 1302 4669 1140 3160 1142 1433 4207 611 2578 2071 41 17 3550 4554 2952 IttI 1115 2209 ii 1245 4665 B 3055 1043 2it? 1410 3912 2069 1140 ii 978 4372 650 ?9^?? 1570 1297 IP 4505 1733 2134 4730 2444 793 2811 1874 4410 1657 1428 1651 i^^4^ 1673 1921 1 1316 4040 1552 II 1804 1269 3553 ii 2155 3031 936 irA 1751 2066 2131 1170 2II IK 86 20 347 34 518 10 '? •z 28 104 95 48 117 35 "16 3 Alexander Loeaii Bond 17 43 183 145 '■■hi 74 604 lU 112 132 102 s 65 746 94 25 161 61 43 2^^ 391 .11 108 770 ■■■2 1 2 i .... "lO "2 "ii ■■■3 ■'i J "3 3 ■■'8 "i "9 -4 Macon: :::::::::: ::: Macoupin 1 '"3 ■■■8 ■"i Calhoun Marshall.. Mason . 1 Carroll . . Christian McHeiiry Henry Tazewell Union 2 0, Jefferson 1346 2907 1367 6277 1198 3087 1667 893 2850 'm fe1f7 6001 1329 2080 647 -140 172 26 '■l2 2 :::: ■■'2 ■3 '■■5 2 "i 1 15 "6 Wahash Jersey Warren 1 Jo Daviess .. White.:::::::::::::::;::: Kendall Will Knox Williamson ... Lake 9 La Salle Woodford 4 Total 275958 257099 130 Practical Rules for Every Day Use. Hoiv to find the gain or loss per cent, ivhen the cost and selling price are given. Rule. — Find the difference between the cost and selling price, which will be the gain or loss. Annex two ciphers to the gain or loss, and divide it by the cost price ; the result will be the gain or loss per cent. How to change gold into currency. Rule. — Multiply the given sum of gold by the price of gold. Hoiv to change currency into gold. Divide the amount in currency by the price of gold. How to find each partner's share of the gain or loss in a copartnership business. Rule. — Divide the whole gain or loss by the entire stock, the quo- tient will be the gain or loss per cent. Multiply each partner's stock by this per cent., the result will be each one's share of the gain or loss. How to find gross and net weight and price of hogs. A short and simple method for finding the net weight., or price of hogs., when the gross weight or price is given, and vice versa. Note.— It is generally assumed that tlie gross weight of Hogs diminished liy 1-5 or 20 per cent, of itself gives tlie net weiglit, and the net weight increased by K or 25 per cent, of itself equals the srross weight. To find the net weight or gross price. Multiply the given number by .8 (tenths.) To find the gross weight or net price. Divide the given number by .8 (tenths.) How to find the capacity of a granary, bin, or wagon-bed. Rule. — Multiply (by short method) the number of cubic feet by 6308, and point off one decimal place — the result will be the correct answer in bushels and tenths of a bushel. For 07ily an approximate answer, multiply the cubic feet by 8, and point off one decimal place. How to find the contents of a corn-crib. Rule. — Multiply the number of cubic feet by 54, short method, or (207) 208 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. by 4i ordinary method, and point off one decimal place — the result wili be the answer in bushels. NOTK.— In estimating corn in the ear, the quality and the time it lias been cribbed must l)e taken Into consideration, since corn will shrinl< considerably during the Winter and Spring. This rule generally hoId& good for corn measured at the time it is cribbed, provided It is sound and clean. How to find the contents of a cistern or tank. Rule. — Multiply the square of the mean diameter by the depth (all in feet) and this product by 5681 (short method), and point off one decimal place — the result will be the contents in barrels of 31 i gallons. How to find the contents of a barrel or cask. Rule. — Under the square of the mean diameter, write the length (all in inches) in reversed order, so that its units will fall under the tens ; multiply by short method, and this product again by 430 ; point off one decimal place, and the result will be the answer in wine gallons. Hoiv to measure hoards. Rule. — Multiply the length (in feet) by the width (in inches) and divide the product by 12 — the result will be the contents in square feet. Hoiv to measure scantlings^ joists, planks, sills, etc. Rule. — Multiply the width, the thickness, and the length together (the width and thickness in inches, and the length in feet), and divide the product by 12 — the result will be square feet. How to find the mimher of acres in a body of land. Rule. — Multiply the length by the width (in rods), and divide the product by 160 (carrying the division to 2 decimal places if there is a remainder) ; the result will be the answer in acres and hundredths. When the opposite sides of a piece of land are of unequal length, add them together and take one-half for the mean length or width. How to find the number of square yards in a floor or ivall. Rule. — Multiply the length by the width or height (in feet), and divide the product by 9, the result will be square yards. Hoiv to find the number of bricks required in a building. Rule. — Multiply the number of cubic feet by 22J. The number of cubic feet is found by multiplying the length, height and thickness (in feet) together. Bricks are usually made 8 inches long, 4 inches wide, and two inches thick ; hence, it requires 27 bricks to make a cubic foot without mortar, but it is generally assumed that the mortar fills 1-6 of the space. Hoiv to find the number of shingles required in a roof Rule. — Multiply the number of square feet in the roof by 8, if the shingles are exposed 4^ inches, or by 7 1-5 if exposed 5 inches. To find the number of square feet, multiply the length of the roof by twice the lens^th of the rafters. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. 209 To find the length of the rafters, at one-fourth jDitch, multiply the width of the building by .56 (hundredths) ; at one-third pitch, by .6 (tenths) ; at two-fifths pitch, by .64 (hundredths) ; at one-half pitch, by .71 (hundredths). This gives the length of the rafters from the apex to the end of the wall, and whatever they are to project must be taken into consideration. Note.— By K or >^ pitch is meant that the apex or comb of the roof is to be Ji or M the width of the building Iiigrher than the walls or base of the rafters. How to reckon the cost of hay. Rule. — Multiply the number of pounds by half the price per ton, and remove the decimal point three places to the left. How to measure grain. Rule. — Level the grain ; ascertain the space it occupies in cubic feet ; multiply the number of cubic feet by 8, and point off one place to the left. Note.— Exactness requires the addition to every three hundred bushels of one extra bushel. The foregoing rule may be used for finding the number of gallons, by multiplying the number of bushels by 8. If the corn in the box is in the ear, divide the answer by 2, to find the number of bushels of shelled corn, because it requires 2 bushels of eai corn to make 1 of shelled corn. Rapid rules for measuring land tvithout instruments. In measuring land, the first thing to ascertain is the contents of any given plot in square yards ; then, given the number of yards, find out the number of rods and acres. The most ancient and simplest measure of distance is a step. Now, , an ordinary-sized man can train himself to cover one yard at a stride, on the average, with sufficient accuracy for ordinary purposes. To make use of this means of measuring distances, it is essential to walk in a straight line ; to do this, fix the eye on two objects in a line straight ahead, one comparatively near, the other remote ; and, in walk- ing, keep these objects constantly in line. Farmers and others hy adopting the following simple and ingenious con- trivance., may ahoays carry ivith them the scale to construct a correct yard measure. Take a foot rule, and commencing at the base of the little finger of the left hand, mark the quarters of the foot on the outer borders of the left arm, pricking in the marks with indelible ink. To find hoiv many rods in length ivill make an acre, the width being given. Rule. — Divide 160 by the width, and the quotient will be the answer. 210 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. How to find the number of acres in any plot of land, the number of rods being given. Rule. — Divide the number of rods by 8, multiply the quotient by 5, and remove the decimal point two places to the left. The diameter being given, to find the circumference. Rule. — Multiply the diameter by 3 1-7. How to fiyid the diameter, tvhen the circumference is given. Rule. — Divide the circumference by 3 1-7. To find how many solid feet a round stick of timber of the same thick- ness throughout will contain when squared. Rule. — Square half the diameter in inches, multiply by 2, multiply by the length in feet, and divide the product b}^ 144. Greneral rule for measuring timber, to find the solid contents in feet. Rule. — Multiply the depth in inches by the breadth in inches, and then multiply by the length in feet, and divide by 144. To find the number of feet of timber in trees ivith the bark on. Rule. — Multiply the square of one-fifth of the circumference in inches, by twice the length, in feet, and divide by !".44. Deduct 1-10 to 1-15 according to the thickness of the bark. Howard' s new rule for computing interest. Rule. — The reciprocal of the rate is the time for which the interest on any sum of money will be shown by simply removing the decimal point two places to the left ; for ten times that time, remove the point one place to the left; for 1-10 of the same time, remove the point three places to the left. Increase or diminish the results to suit the time given. Note.— The reciprocal of tlie rate is found by inverting tlie rate ; tlius 3 per cent, per mouth, in- verted, becomes >^ of a month, or 10 days. When the rate is expressed by one figure, always write it thus : 3-1, three ones. Rule for converting English into American currency. Multiply the pounds, with the shillings and pence stated in decimals, by 400 plus the premium in fourths, and divide the product by 90. U. S. GOVERNMENT LAND MEASURE. A township — 36 sections each a mile square. A section — 640 acres. A quarter section, half a mile square — 160 acres. An eighth section, half a mile long, north and south, and a quarter of a mile wide — 80 acres. A sixteenth section, a quarter of a mile square — 40 acres. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. 211 The sections are all numbered 1 to 36, commencing at the north-east corner. The sections are divided into quarters, which are named by the cardinal points. The quarters are divided in the same way. The de- scription of a forty acre lot would read : The south half of the west half of the south-west quarter of section 1 in township 24, north of range 7 west, or as the case might be ; and sometimes will fall short and sometimes overrun the number of acres it is supposed to contain. The nautical mile is 795 4-5 feet longer than the common mile. SURVEYORS' MEASURE. 7 92-100 inches make 1 link. 25 links " 1 rod. 4rods " 1 chain. 80 chains " 1 mile. Note. — A chain is 100 links, equal to 4 rods or 66 feet. Shoemakers formerly used a subdivision of the inch called a barley- corn ; three of which made an inch. Horses are measured directly over the fore feet, and the standard of measure is four inches — called a hand. In Biblical and other old measurements, the term span is sometimes used, which is a lei'.gth of nine inches. The sacred cubit of the Jews was 24.024 inches in length. The common cubit of the Jews was 21.704 inches in length. A pace is equal to a 3-ard or 36 inches. A fathom is equal to 6 feet. A league is three miles, but its length is variable, for it is strictly speaking a nautical term, and should be three geographical miles, equal to 3.45 statute miles, but when used on land, three statute miles are said to be a league. In cloth measure an aune is equal to li yards, or 45 inches. An Amsterdam ell is equal to 26.796 inches. A Trieste ell is equal to 25.284 inches. A Brabant ell is equal to 27.116 inches. HOW TO KEEP ACCOUNTS. Every farmer and mechanic, whether he does much or little business, should keep a record of his transactions in a clear and systematic man- ner. For the benefit of those who have not had the opportunity of ac- quiring a primary knowledge of the principles of book-keeping, we here present a simple form of keeping accounts which is easily comprehended, and well adapted to record the business transactions of farmers, mechanics and laborers. 212 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. 1875. A. li. JACKSON. Dr. Cr. Jan. 10 " 17 Feb. 4 4 March 8 8 " 13 " 27 April 9 9 May G 24 July To 7 bushels Wheat at ^1.25 By shoeing span of Horses To 14 bushels Oats .at $ .45 To 5 lbs. Butter at .25 By new Harrow By sharpeniiiiT 2 Plows. By new Double-Tree To Cow and Calf To half ton of Hay By Cash By repairing Corn-Planter To one Sow with Pigs By Cash, to balance account $s 75 82 G 30 1 25 18 2 48 00 G 25 25 ^4 17 50 35 188 05 1 $88 00 40 25 1875. CASS A MASON. Dr Cr, March 21 " 21 " 23 1 1 June 19 " 26 10 29 Aug. 12 12 1 May July Sept. By 3 days' labor - at 11.25 To 2 Shoats at 3.00 To 18 bushels Corn. at .45 By 1 month's Labor To Cash By 8 days' Mowing at $1.50 To 50 lbs. Flour To 27 lbs. Meat at S .10 By 9 days' Harvesting.. at 2.00 By 6 days' Labor at 1.50 To Cash To Cash to balance account S3 $G 00 8 10 25 10 00 12 2 75 2 70 18 9 20 00 18 20 167 75 167 INTEREST TABLE. A Simple Kulk .T ANV GIVKX PKIi CkNT. for ANY Multiply the prmcipal (amount of money at interest) liy tlie time reduced to days; then divide this product by th€guotient obtained by dividing 360 (the number of days in the interest year) by the per cent, of interest, and the quotient f)ius obtained will be the required interest. ILLUSTRATION. Solution. Require the interest of $463.50 for one month and eighteen days at 6lier cent. An $462.50 Interest montli is 30 days; one month and eighteen days equal 48 days. S4bi.50 multi- .48 plied l)y .48 gives $222 0000; 360 divided by 6 (the per cent, of interest) gives 60. and „.,„„„^ «222.0000dividedby 60 will give you the exact interest, wIjk:} V^ *:i-70. If rli^. nue of ,?'X?>n" interest in the above example were 12 per cent., we would divide the $222.0000 by 30 6)360 \ 185000 (because 360 divided by 12 gives 30); if 4 per cent., we would divide by 90; if 8 per ^^ cent,, by 45: and in like manner for any otber per cent, 60/$222.0000(S.l ,0 MISCELLANEOUS TABLE. 12 units, or things, 1 Dozen, I 196 pound.s, 1 Barrel of Flonr. 24 sheets of paper. 1 Quire. 12 dozen. 1 Gross, 200 pounds, 1 Barrel of Pork, 20 quires paper 1 Ream. , ,,, „^ 20 things, 1 Score. 56 pounds. 1 Firkin of Butter, 4 ft. wide, 4 ft. high, and 8 ft. long, 1 C.rd Wood. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. 213 NAMES OF THE STATES OF THE UNION, AND THEIR SIGNIFICATIONS, Virginia. — The oldest of the States, was so called in honor of Queen Elizabeth, the "Virgin Queen," in whose reign Sir Walter Raleigh made his first attempt to colonize that region. Florida. — Ponce de Leon landed on the coast of Florida on Easter Sunda}', and called the country in commemoration of the day, which was the Pasqua Florida of the Spaniards, or " Feast of Flowers." Louisiana Avas called after Louis the Fourteenth, who at one time owned that section of the country. Alabama was so named by the Indians, and signifies " Here we Rest." Mississippi is likewise an Indian name, meaning " Long River," Arkansas, from Kansas, the Indian word for " smoky water." Its prefix was really arc, the French word for " bow." The Carolinas were originally one tract, and were called "Carolana," after Charles the Ninth of France. Creorgia owes its name to George the Second of England, who first established a colony there in 1732. Tennessee is the Indian name for the " River of the Bend," i. e., the Mississippi which forms its western boundar3^ Kentucky is the Indian name for " at the head of the river." Ohio means "• beautiful ; " loiva, " drowsy ones ; " 3Iinnesota, " cloudy water," and Wisconsi^i, " wild-rushing channel." Illinois is derived from the Indian word illirii, men, and the French suffix ols, together signifying "tribe of men." Michigan was called by the name given the \2i\e, fish-iveir, which was so styled from its fancied resemblance to a fish trap. Missouri is from the Indian word " muddy," which more properly applies to the river that flows through it. Oregon owes its Indian name also to its principal river. Cortes named California. Massachusetts \Q the Indian for " The country around the great hills." Connecticut, from the Indian Quon-ch-ta-Cut, signifying " Long River." Maryland, after Henrietta Maria, Queen of Charles the First, of England. New York was named by the Duke of York. Penyisyhania means " Penn's woods," and was so called after William Penn, its orignal owner. 214 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. Delaware after Lord De La Ware. New Jersey, so called in honor of Sir George Carteret, who was Governor of the Island of Jersey, in the British Channel. Maine was called after the province of Maine in France, in compli- ment of Queen Henrietta of England, who owned that province. Vermont, from the French word Vert Mont, signifying Green Mountain. Neiv Hampshire, from Hampshire county in England. It was formerly called Laconia. The little State of Rhode Island owes its name to the Island of Rhodes in the Mediterranean, which domain it is said to greatly resemble. Texas is the American word for the Mexican name by which all that section of the country was called before it was ceded to the United States. POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES. States and Territories. Total Population. ana qqo 484 471 Calif i^rnia 560 247 537,454 125,015 187,748 1.184;i09 Illinois 2,539,891 Indiana 1,680,637 1,191,792 Kansas 364:399 1,.321,011 . 726,915 jyiaine 626,915 780 894 Micliigan 1,184,059 439,706 Mississippi 827,922 1,721,295 122,993 318.300 906 096 New York 4 382.759 1071361 2:665:260 Pennsylvania Rhode Island 3,521,791 217 353 705 606 1,258:520 330.551 Virginia 1,225,163 442.014 1,054,670 . . 9 658 39,864 14 181 District of Columbia ... Idaho 131.700 14,999 86 786 23 955 Wyoming 9,118 442,730 Total United States 38,555,983 POPULATION OF FIFTY PRINCIPAL CITIES. New York, N. Y Philadelphia, Pa.... Brooklyn, N. Y ,St. Louis, Mo Chicago, 111 Baltimore, Md Boston, Mass Cincinnati, Ohio New Orleans, La. .. San Francisco, Cal.. Butfalo, N. Y Washington, D. C... Newark, N.J Louisville, Ky Cleveland, Ohio Pittsburg, Pa Jersey City, N. J ... Detroit, Mich. Milwaukee, Wis Albany, N. Y Providence, R. I Rochester, N. Y Allegheny, Pa Richmond, Va New Haven, Conn.. Charleston, S. C Indianapolis, Ind... Troy, N. Y Syracuse, N. Y Worcester, Mass Lowell, Mass Memphis, Tenn Cambridge, Mass... Hartford, Conn Scranton, Pa Reading, Pa , Paterson, N.J Kansas City, Mo.... Mobile, Ala Toledo, Ohio Portland, Me Columbus, Ohio Wilmington, Del... Dayton, Ohio Lawrence, Mass Utica, N. Y Charlestown, Mass Savannah, Ga Lvnn. Mass Fall River, Mass... 942,292 674,022 396,099 310,864 298.977 267,354 250,526 216,239 191,418 149,473 117,714 109,199 105,059 100,753 92,829 86,076 82,546 79,577 71,440 69,422 68,904 62,386 53.180 51.038 50,840 48,956 48,244 46,465 43,051 41,105 40,928 40.226 39.634 37,180 35,092 33,930 33.579 32,260 32,0.34 31,584 31,413 31,274 30.841 30,473 28,921 28,804 28,323 28,235 28,233 26,766 MISCELLANEOUS INFOKMATION. 21u POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES. States and Territories. Area in square Miles. Population. 1872. States and Tbreitories. Area in square Miles. Population. Miles R. R. 1872. 1870. 1875. 1870. 1875. States. 52; 198 2,120 59,268 58,000 55,410 37,600 41,346 31,776 56,451 83,531 M 9,280 8.320 ill! 996,992 484,471 560,247 537,454 1,184,109 2,539,891 1,680,637 1,191.792 364,399 1,321,011 726,915 626,915 780,894 1,457,351 1,184,059 ' 123,' 993 42,491 4,382,7,59 1,071,361 2,665.260 90,923 higan tak 1,013 466 3 529 States. Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina... 46,000 1,306 29,385 45,600 237.504 10212 40,904 23,000 53,924 3,521,791 217,353 70.5,606 1,258,520 1,225; 163 442,014 1,054,670 5,113 iilfil 135 1,520 p-lorida Vermont 675. Georeria.. . Virginia "l,'236,729 1,490 liniois West Virginia Wisconsin Total States Territories. Arizona 1,725 owa 1,3.50,544 528,349 "85 7; 039 3,160 IS 1,606 ?|| 593 J 90 Mi Kansas 1,950,171 113,916 104,500 147,490 60 69.944 93.107 38,113,253 9,658 39,864 14,181 86! 786 59,587 Kentucky Louisiana Maryland ^li;i 39'!65,45b 58,912 120,343 187.196 141,228 80,749 228,132 49,572 88,996 311,517 28,117 140,954 265,904 322,510 .ill 94,147 ■ 156.517 57,820 240,120 312,182 164.004 330,829 533! 724 205,259 231.059 257,032 1661057 209,453 25,151 261,635 230,566 494,978 134,173 222.809 92,810 276,682 29:3,450 144,220 9:3,754 2ir7r5 37,271 140,764 75,079 1.55.214 72,309 421,748 96,195 85,331 310:179 1:38,129 231,117 254,857 229,126 75,8:32 360,251 54,063 266.187 177 592 289.809 419,442 128,448 241.373 22.5,504 112,576 17.761 MiU 35.491 41,866 63.443 29,793 33,493 16.789 19.803 102,201 80612 48:868 45,214 19.635 78.350 t?:8l 29,548 11,897 17,243 66,803 57:585 56.330 93,460 2,996 123:823 68,750 93,242 6,256 9:3,878 43,385 44,771 34.705 12,620 22,478 87,642 67,023 82.076 34,646 10,978 14,244 41,566 21,072 48,117 iro^ 12,462 17,394 18:i53 81,224 :3?:l^^ 33,396 52,547 4b:36b 34,931 45,977 83,369 47.804 60,217 24,783 4:3,643 48.666 12:516 17,184 162,274 50,618 31,239 70,39:3 51,085 62,477 44,633 Il:l?i 76,591 4:3.167 45,268 83 606 §.UI 27.294 55,852 146,794 78:i67 21.823 24,261 116.949 37,238 25,217 19,370 16,191 368,625 599 117,502 221,298 260 127,054 12:3,091 154,485 4,904 ^^l:Ii^ 190 11,695 65,461 693 247,360 122,703 19.5,716 "■IS 111.324 223,930 8:3,093 \":i 232,75(1 32,306 ''in 10,480 329.036 'Hll 480 1,249 'Hi 2,193 264,134 2.260 1,339 40,96;^ 196,613 861,39b '''^&. 90(1 125,628 72,316 ^'''270 10,955 45,793 6^?:?11? 744.891 357.523 196,436 350,446 39,762 ^•°f5:tM 44.922 1,031,022 8:3.011 247 658 20,989 3i:r7'i' 4,742 ^i:??l 45,752 10,722 I:i? 1,619 8,825 20,171 14:798 21,018 11 540 9,017 7,532 37,508 528 19,759 n:m .5.195 131,711 515; 415 4,9:3(' 11.672 133,5:33 865 96,430 35.76t 23,25!) 524 9,16.'. 5,93'! ■" 7.'i85 2,46b 23:618 12,935 5.16: 11:3.547 48:3(Jb 1:121 14,82t 26,16: 37,232 29,22:: 2.404 3.68!^ 1-4,517 36,135 49,182 544 52,401 29.264 39.824 4,28:i 40.77b 1,42,T 3,29b 5.53r 6,67(' 157,504 »?:§?; 9.24b 25,303 2,:309 22:; 7.707 3.23.'-) 3.401 20.oo;i 1,452,905 244,220 1,064,052 466,98c 3,0:30:404 234,041 1,:367 965 1,146.980 3,924.720 '•mm 1.019,994 813.257 2,13:3.111 570,427 1.023:849 1.311,635 1,680,225 331,981 2,107,615 352.371 620,247 962,525 565,671 653.209 1,508,763 509,491 1,051.313 295,971 735,25-^ 1,510.401 2,541,68:1 799,81(' 611,951 461,345 887,981 519,120 674,33:: 637,39^ 681,267 2,708,3H 517.35:: 3,077,02b 656,36: 1,656.97b 1,182,69( 4,221, 64( 2,214,46b 1,051,544 2.127,.54fl 1.034,057 1,182,90:^ 2, 64 8, 72 1 13:3.12b 1.362,49( 1,145.005 :3.723 37V 1,97:3,881 2, 05 4. 96', 543.71b 1,. 527,89b 3,198,835 1.753 141 1,787,06 b 969.224 384.44 b 1.029.725 1,399,188 31.5,958 195:735 334,25!< 510. 08( 482.594 1,459,65:: 53i:51t 4, 388. 76::' 440.975 752.771 2.082.578 1.149 878 1.42:3.121 1.615,679 2,062,053 679.753 'iTsil 1,179,291 870,521 2,162,943 1.131,458 655,710 1,237.406 2,154.185 Bond 1,915 2,658 25.608 15,803 2,754 nst f§:S?l 5,420 5,225 8,722 3,274 17,:337 27,185 5,604 6,551 17,6:33 7,316 3.851 14.282 26,206 16.786 6:3,976 86,710 4:076 2,565 29,653 4,505 107 14.243 31.459 1,;363 45.779 25,155 24,399 tin 7,409 ?::Ui 13.675 4;i42 2,97« 31,013 30 14,035 57,998 49,087 13,952 1:376 13,112 14,913 13,897 9,302 465,236 75 418,073 12,165 102:577 18,360 Boone ... . 579,127 Bureau 987,426 Calhoun 26231 Carroll 775:10a 168.784 Cass 721.375 Christian ..■....■■.'.' 383.821 212.628 Clay 60 550 398,059 106,096 13.283 Coles Cook 315.954 1,584,225 136 255 171880 DeKalb DeWitt 1,087:074 216,756 Douglas 225,074 DuPage ^^{{•^?? Ell wards 129 152 ^fy'^t'e""-:::::-:. 42,57i 365 193,669 386,073 497,395 154,589 222,426 Fulton 261,390 Grundy.., 21,700 129 181,378 161,112 462,379 57,160 890 269.332 Hancock 579,599 Hardin ienderson 26,991 229,286 668,367 roquois. , .. Jackson 430,746 149,931 Jefferson.. Jersey JoDaviess. Johnson Kane 149.214 874.016 74,525 785.608 ■■282,758 188,826 10:3.466 2^?;?6^^ 168,914 271,181 Kankakee 772:408 Knox 787:952 Lake 699,069 LaSalle 1,509,642 Lawrence Lee ^^^ 450.79:3 120,206 198,056 55.239 550 ■166:129 73,261 ■■273,871 401,790 211,801 2ll:m LivuiGTSton 659,300 Logan^„?..-v.v.v.::::- Macon Macoupin Madisoi; Marion Marshall 490,225 454.648 459,417 475,252 272,660 22:097 McDonough 280,717 McHenry 910,397 McLean 911:127 23.5.091 Mercer 452.889 152:251 Montgomery 59 497,038 92,361 668,424 198,724 26:3992 Peoria 334,892 338,760 '''l^ 1:30,610 Pike 161,419 Pone 67,886 16,511 Putnam 4.174 1.170 2 025 20,755 809 19,932 21,294 1,610 9,314 2,783 2,016 13,701 14,846 5,:300 31,122 14,583 1,931 10,486 37.310 15,237 23,135 ''ill 86,519 414,487 204 634 Kock Island 243,541 200 89,304 56,221 15,5ig 124.630 2.550 527,394 1:32,417 ■""44:8'd6 ■■■■l86;296 276,575 Saline 69,793 Sangamon 397,718 119.359 Scott.... ;:;;:: :;.■.■.■.■.■::: 266.105 452,015 930 lint 1,008 135.362 52,476 ■■■■72:212 2,576 8,665 31.6,58 8,030 6.228 137.985 30.426 13.463 Shelby 637.812 Stark 316.726 St. Clair Stephenson Tazewell 1,562 621 2.118 72.410 672,486 i,i^^ 170,787 2.468 108.307 476,851 960.620 50,5.841 124,473 Vermilion 436,051 Wabash 110,79* Warren 60 1: 054 533.398 Washington 266 404,482 White 119 653 Whitesiiles.... 457.455 195.286 17(i 178:i39 880:838 Will 1,868.682 Williamson ^SrT::::::::;:::- 868:903 744,581 GEORGE B. PRICE, Carrollton. HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. GEOGRAPHY, TOPOGRAPHY, AND GEOLOGY. The Illinois River, with its tributaries, drains nearly one-third of the State of Illinois. It is one of the most important affluents of the Missis- sippi and flows from the northeast to the southwest fully across the State, draining about an equal amount of territory on either side. Its valley consists of long arms of beautiful, dry, rolling, fertile prairie, alternating with similar, though narrower, lines of wooded land so distributed as to be convenient to any part of the surrounding country. The latter is as rolling and healthful as the former, and, on every section of either, living water may be readily found. This mighty river is the central water line of the great upper valley of the Mississippi, and has cut into the crust of the earth a deeper groove than any other branch of the Father of Waters. For this reason the Illinois is the last river to freeze in the early winter and the first to thaw in the spring, among all the streams in the same latitude. The depth of its channel accounts for the total absence of extensive swamps and morasses along its borders. The southern portion of the Illinois valley, east of the river, was known by the Indians as the Sangamo country — "a land where there is much plenty" — a term very appropriately applied to the region, by the Pottawatomies. .In the midst of this charming, rich, and healthful vale, about twenty miles above the mouth of the river, lies Greene County. It is bounded on the north by Scott and Morgan Counties, on the east by Macoupin County, on the south by Jersey County, and on the west by the Illinois River, beyond which lie the Counties of Pike and Calhoun. It contains seven fractional and fourteen full townshii)s — equivalent to about sixteen full townships — or more accurately five hundred and seventy-six square miles, and comprises the following voting precincts : Carrollton, Greenfield, White Hall, Bluffdale, Northwestern, Wrights- ville, Roodhouse, Kane, Rockbridge, Walkerville, Woodville, Mt. Airy, and Fayette. It is well supplied with water and timber having, in addition to the river which forms its western boundary, Apple and Macoupin Creeks, which, with their tributaries traverse the county from east to west. Fine springs are abundant along the river blufts and throughout the limestone region generally, and good wells can usually be obtained on the uplands at depths varying from twenty to forty feet. Several mineral springs, in which sulphur chiefly predominates, are to be found in various parts of the county and have been resorted to by many for medicinal purposes, with the best of results. The precinct of Mineral 222 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. Springs, ill the iiortlieni part of the county, received its name from fountains of tliis sort which at one time attracted a great deal of atten- tion. They are situated on the west half of the northwest quarter of section 22, township 12, range 11, and were discovered soon after the first settlement of the county, by a party who were following an Indian trail. Shortly after, in 1825. Governor Reynolds and a gentleman named Cook, of Springfield, entered the land, believing that the presence of the springs would make the property valuable. For many years people, suffering with various diseases, resorted thither from all parts of the adjacent country to obtain the benefit of the waters and, in many cases, received immediate relief. Sometimes from two hundred to three hundred and fifty would be camped near the Springs at one time. In October, 1852, the property was purchased by B. G. Hopkins, having previously been OAvned b}- Samuel Hopkins, Abraham Easton and others, who built a large hotel the same year. The main building was forty feet long by about thirty feet wide, with a commodious ell in the rear and a wing forty feet long on either side of the main building, giving a total front of one hundred and twenty feet. From this time the Springs were very popular. Often more persons applied for board than could be accomo- dated at the hotel and the neighboring dwellings were frequently filled. Later the property came into the possession of B. McGlothlen, under whose management the Springs began to lose their popularity. In 1862, while the hotel was occupied by Mr. McGlothlen and owned by C. G. Simonds, it was burned to the ground. The waters of the Springs undoubtedly have a pronounced medicinal effect. They are described as being " strongly diuretic, rather more than slightly cathartic and diaplioretic, a good tonic and appetizer." Dropsy, rheumatism, kidney com- plaints, dyspepsia, and sore eyes are prominent among the ailments they have been known to cure. Just northeast of Greenfield are the Green- field Springs, which are impregnated with iron, magnesia, calcium, and other ingredients. For debilitated persons they act as a tonic, and assist nature in its work of rejuvenating the sj^stem. Many stories are told of the successful use of the waters, by persons who came a long distance, suffering with rheumatism, white swellings, fever sores, etc. Many who have visited Saratoga and the Sulphur Springs, of Virginia, consider the Greenfield Springs their equal in every regard. An effort was at one time made to establish a watering place here but without success. The town is a. pleasant one, the scenery delightful, the railroad facilities excellent and the enterprize may yet be revived. Some three or four miles northeast of CarroUton, on land now owned by Malachi Carmod}^ there is another natural font of healing, and Mr. Parham Thaxton well remembers when as many as fifty people habitually congregated there on Sunday and spent the day in drinking the waters, and in quiet repose, in the immediate neighborhood. A similar spring, on the farm of Mr. Thos. Luneen, southeast of CarroUton, just beyond the limits of the city, was much resorted to in years past, and at other points they may be found. The county has an abundant supply of timber conveniently located. The following list of the indigenous trees and shrubs of the county is the result of years of observation and study by Dr. Daniel Bowman, an old settler of this county and one of the most skillful jDractical botanists in the State. With the exception of a single shrub growing along the HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 223 bluffs, which Dr. Bowman has never seen in bloom, the list is believed to be complete : BOTANIC NAMES. ,■ COMMON NAMES. Clematis Viiginiana Virgins Bower. Uvaria Trilabia ..Pawpaw. Menispermum Canadensis. Moon Seed. Xanthoxylum AmericanumPrickly Ash. PteleaTrifolea Wafer Ash. Rhus Glabra Smooth Sumac. Rhus Toxicodendron.. Poison Ivy. Rhus Aromatica Sweet Sumac. Tilia Americana Linden Tree Vitis Cardifolia Winter Grape. Vitis Etivalis Blue Grape. Vitis Riparia Frost Grape. Ampelopsis Quinquefolia. . Woodbine. Acer Rubrum Red Maple. Acer Dasycarpum.. Silver Maple. Acer Saccharinum Sugar Tree. Negundium Americanum.Boxelder. ^sculus Glabra Buckeye. Staphylea Trifolia Bladder Nut. Celastrus Scandens Staff Tree. Euonymus Atropurpureum, Spindle Tree. Euonymus Americanus. ..Burning Bush Ceanothus Americanus Red Root. Cercis Canadensis Judas Tree. Gymnocladus Canadensis.CoHee Tree. Gleditschia Triacanthus Honey Locust. Amorpha Canescens Indigo Bush. Cerasus Serotina Wild Cherry. Cerasus Virginiana Choke Cherry. Prunus Americanus Wild Plum. Spiraea Opulifolia Nme Bark. Crataegus Coccince White Thorn. Crataegus Cru^sgall^. Cock-spur Thorn. CratKgus Tomentosa. Black Thorn. Pyrus Coronaria Crab Apple. Amelanchier Canadensis. .Shadberry. Rosa Setigera. Prairie Rose. Rosa Lucida W^ild Rose. Rosa Carolina Swamp Rose. Rubus Vilosus Blackberry. Rubus Canadensis. Low Blackben-y. Rubus Strigosus Dewberry. Rubus Occidentalis Wild Raspberry. Ribes Rotundifolium Gooseberry. Hydrangea Arborescens Wild Hydrangea. Cornus Stolonifera White Dogwood. Cornus Sericea Red Osier. Cornus Florida Flowering Dogwood Lonicera Flava YellowHoneysuckle BOTANIC NAMES. COMMON NAMES. Symphoricarpus Vulgaris.. Corn Bush. .Sambucus Canadensis Common Elder. Viburnum Prunifolium Black Haw. Cephalanthus Occidentalis, Button Bush. Diospyros Virginiana Persimmon. Tecoma Radicans Trumpet Flower. Fraxinus Americana White Ash. Fraxinus Undrangulata..Blue Ash. Aristolocia Sipho Dutchman's Pipe. Benzoin Odoriferum Spice Wood. Sassafras Officinale Sassafras. Ulmus Americana ..White Elm. Ulmus Fulva Slippery Elm. Celtis Occidentalis Hackberry. Juglans Cinerea White Walnut. Juglans Nigra Black Walnut. Carya Alba Shag Bark Hickory. Carya Sulcata Shellbark Hickory. Carya Oliveaformis. Pecan nut. Carya Tomentosa Thick-shelled-nut. Carya Porcina ..Pig-nut. Carya Amara Bitter-nut. Prinos Ambiguus Win terberry. Morus Rubra Mulberry. Plantanus Occidentalis Sycamore. Quercus Alba White Oak. Quercus Macrocarpa Over Cup. Quercus Obtusiloba Post Oak. Quercus Bicolor Swamp Oak. Quercus Casfanea Chestnut Oak, Quercus Tmbricaria Shingle Oak. Quercus Nigra Black Jack. Quercus Tinctoria Black Oak. Quercus Rubra Red Oak. Quercus Palustris Pin Oak. Corylus Americanus H azel. Carpiiuis Americanus Water Beech. Ostrya Virginica Iron Wood. Salix Tristis ..Gray Willow. Salix Humilis Sage Willow. Salix Eriocephala Creek Willow. Salix Sericea Swamp Willow. Betula Nigra Red Birch. Populus Tremuloides Aspen. Populus Angulata Cotton Wood. Juneperus Virginiana Red Cedar. SmilaxRotundifolia Bramble. Smilax Quadrucularis Greenbriar. Myrica Gale Sweet Gale. The surface of the country is generally rolling, and the western por- tion, in the vicinity of the river bluffs, is quite broken and hilly, the val- leys of the small streams being excavated to the depth of from one to two hundred feet below the general level of the uplands. In the central and eastern portions of the county, the depressions of the valleys are consid- erably less, seldom exceeding fifty or sixty feet below the general level. In the northern part of the county is what is known as tiie " Grand Pass." It is a narrow channel, connecting a chain of small lakes below the bluffs and near the river. It is said by some to derive its name from the fact that the water which usually flows south from one lake into the other, in 224 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. times of high water, reverses its direction and runs backward into the lake from which it came. It was for many years an important feature of the landscape for the reason that here only could a passage be had beyond the lakes. For this purpose a rough stone causeway was built which was much used when Bridgeport, just west of the lakes, was one of the lead- ing commercial points ijti the region. The bluff lands are well adapted to the cultivation of fruits, as well as wheat and other cereals, and the timber soil when cleared is as fertile as that of the prairies. The latter are gener- ally small and are covered with the deep black loam so characteristic of the prairies of central and northern Illinois, and their productive .qualities are not surpassed by those of any other portion of the State. As an agricultural region this county ranks among, the best, and taking into the account its proximity to the great rivers, its railroad facilities and its varied and rich mineral resources, it must commend itself at once to those seeking a home in this State as one of the most attractive and promising locations to be found. The broken lands in the vicinity of the river bluffs are well adapted to grape culture, and, in the hands of skillful vine- growers, could be made to yield a more liberal return for the labor required to cultivate them than can be obtained from the richest prairie lands in the county, planted with the common cereals grown in this climate. There is much beneath these fertile prairies to enlist the thoughtful consideration of geologists. In various places in the county, at the depth of from thirty to forty feet, has been found a black earth, similar to the prairie soil, in which large trees have been imbedded. In sinking deeper the well, on the northeast corner of the square in the city of Carrollton, at the depth of forty feet, was found a large pine tree. The late William Costley, in digging a well at his place of residence, a mile or so south of Macoupin Creek, discovered, at the depth of thirty feet, a mass of rock which had evidently been a wall, against which was a collection of drift- wood. The stone taken from the well had been dressed, and bore plainly the marks of a mason's hammer. The late Mr. Samuel Thomas in deep- ening a well, from which, for fifty years he had been using water, struck a quantity of periwinkle shells, amongst which were found the jaw teeth of some extinct animal, larger than those of our domestic animals, a por- tion of which were petrified. These discoveries afford much food for reflection. The following geological sketch of the county is taken mainly from the report of the State survey by Prof. A. H. Worthen, assisted by Messrs. Henry Engleman, H. C. Freeman and H. M. Bannister: GENERAL GEOLOGY OF THE COUNTY. The geological features of this county are by no means so varied as those presented in the adjoining county of Jersey, for the reason that the disturbing influences that have elevated the Devonian and Silurian beds above the surface, in that county, did not extend into this, and conse- quently we find no beds exposed here below the lower carboniferous limestones. The following vertical section of the several formations in the county will illustrate their general thickness and relative position : Quaternary deposits, Alluvium, Loess and Drift lOO to I20 feet. Coal Measures -- 150 to 160 " St. Louis Limestone 8 to 40 " HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 225 Keokuk Limestone loo to 125 feet. Burlington Limestone 120 to 150 " Kinderhook Group (partial exposure) 50 to 60 " Alluvium. — The principal alluvial deposits in this county are thoise forming the bottom lands on the Illinois River, comprising a belt from tliree to five miles in width, and extending the whole length of the county from north to south. These lands are exceedingly fertile, and are amongst the most valuable and productive farming lands in the county. The greater portion of these bottom lands are prairie, sufficiently elevated to be susceptible of cultivation and exceedingly productive. Adjacent to the river bluffs they are elevated entirely above high-water mark, and are not subject to overflow from the annual river floods. Belts of heavy timber occupy some portions of these bottom lands, and skirt the small streams by which they are intersected. Loess. — This formation is usually confined to the vicinity of the river bluffs, which it caps to the depth of from forty to sixty feet, and gives origin to the bald, grassy knol3S which form so notable a feature in the topography of the bluffs, both on the Illinois and the Mississippi. It is largely composed of beds of marly sand, which sustain a thick growth of wild grass, and occasionally a stunted growth of oak. It is unconform- able to the drift clays below it, and presents its greatest thickness imme- diately at the river bluffs, growing thinner towards the highlands of the adjacent region. It has been formed in the quiet waters of the lakes which once occupied the present valleys of the Illinois and the Missis- sippi Rivers. These marly beds of Loess form an admirable sub-soil, being sufficiently porous to allow a thorough drainage ; and, where they underlie a gently rolling or tolerably level surface, they form a quick, warm and very productive soil. Drift. — Some few sections of drift may be seen in the bluffs of Bear Creek, below Blanchard's coal bank, of forty to fifty-two feet in thick- ness. The lower part is composed of bluish-colored clays, with small pebbles, and the upper part of the common reddish-brown clay, so gen- erally characteristic of this formation. Large boulders of metamorphic rocks are not so abundant in the drift of this region as in many other portions of the State ; but a few are found of moderate size, composed of greenstone, porphyry, and granite, giving unmistakable evidence of their northern origin. Specimens of drifted copper and galena are, also, occasionally found in the clay and gravel beds of this region, which cover the whole surface of the county, except the valleys of the streams. These have been transported also from the north — the copper from Lake Supe- rior, and the galena from the lead region of northern Illinois or Wiscon- sin, and Avere transported at the same period and by the same agency that brought the boulders of metamorphic rock. Coal Pleasures. — The Coal Measures of this county comprise about a hundred and fifty feet in thickness of sandstones, shales and thin bands of limestone, including three seams of coal, and comprise all the strata from the horizon of coal No. 6 to the base of the measures, as they are developed in this portion of the State. The subjoined general section, compiled from many local sections in various parts of the county, will show their general thickness and relative position : 226 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. Compact Brown Limestone 2 to 4 feet. Bituminous Shale..- i foot. Coal No. 6 __. 6 fett. Shaly Clay and Nodular Limestone 3 to 4 Shale... 15 to 20 Bituminous Shale.. 2 to 3 Coal No. 5 2 to 3 Arenaceous Shale and Sandstone 25 to 30 Bituminous Shale, passing to Coal No. 3? 2 to 3 " Sandstone and Shale 40 to 50 " Coal — Tulison's and Nettle's Coal No. i 2 to 3 " Nodular Steel gray Limestone, sometimes replaced with fire- clay, as at Tulison's. . 4 to 6 Shale and Sandstone, passing locally into Conglomerate 15 to 20 " 153 feet. The only outcrop of the Belleville or No. 6 coal, that is found in this county, is on the northeast quarter of section 36, township 10, range 10, just on the county-line between Greene and Macoupin, in the bluff of Hodges' Creek. This bank was owned and worked in 1864 by Thomas Rice, and the seam is here very variable in its thickness, ranging from four to seven feet. The upper part of the seam is considerabl}^ mixed with sul- phuret of iron, and is only fit for steam purposes ; but the middle and lower portions afford a good smith's coal. The seam at this locality dips to the eastward ; and this may probably be considered as its most westerly out- crop. There are only a few inches of shaly clay separating the seam from the nodular argillaceous limestone below, exliibiting here the phenom- enon of a heavy seam of coal directly enclosed between beds of marine limestone. The nodular limestone below the coal abounds in fossils at this locality, among which a massive coral, the Chaetetes milliporaceous, is most conspicuous. This coral is generally hemispherical in form, and often attains a diameter of six to twelve inches. The limestone also con- tains many univalve shells belonging to the genera Naticopsis, Pleuroto- maria, Loxonema, etc. The limestone which forms the roof of the coal is a compact bluish- gray rock, Avhich weathers, on exposure, to a rusty-brown color, and con- tains Productus longispinus, Spirifer lineatus, Fusulina, and joints of Crinoidea. Below this coal there is another seam that outcrops on the creek in this vicinity. It has not yet been worked to any extent ; and no good exposure of it is to be seen, but it is reported to be about two feet in thickness. It is, undoubtedly, the equivalent of coal No. 5, of the gen- eral section, and the Howlett coal near Springfield, but is much thinner here than the seam above it. Bassett's coal, on the southwest quarter of section 27, township 10, range 11, is about eighteen inches in thickness; and the coal is overlaid, first by three or four feet of bituminous shale, and this by a septarian limestone, four feet or more in thickness. The coal is underlaid by a blue clay shale, from four to six feet thick, and this by a brown sandy shale, passing into sandstone, which outcrops down the creek for a distance of half a mile or more, and shows a thickness altogether of twenty-five or thirty feet. This seam probably overlies the coal at Tulison's, on Wolf River, as well as that on Birch Creek; but that point could not be positively determined. It is probable that it represents Coal No. 2 of the general section. ^.The coal in the seam HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 227 appears to be of good quality ; but it is too thin to be profitably mined at the present time. At many points there is a heavy bed of sandstone intervening between this seam and the coal on Brush Creek ; and a similar bed, though perhaps a higher one in the series, is well exposed in the bluffs of Macoupin Creek, at Rockbridge. The exposure here is from thirty-five to forty feet in thickness, the lower part consisting of blue sandy sliales, which are overlaid by a massive brown sandstone, pass- ing upward into a brown sandy shale. The sandstone is partly concre- tionary in structure, tlie concretions being quite hard and forming a dura- ble building sione. On Birch Creek a similar sandstone is well exposed, overlying Coal-seam No. 1 with a thickness of twenty-five to thirty feet. Nettle's coal-bank is on the northeast quarter of section 25, town- ship 12, range 11, about eight miles northeast of White Hall. The coal averages about three feet in thickness, and is overlaid by from three to five feet of bituminous shale, which forms a good roof to the coal. Above the shale there is a bed of massive sandstone, twenty feet or more in thickness, similar to that at Rockbridge. Under the coal, there is a bed of shalv clay, not more than a foot or two in thickness, which rests upon a hard steel-gray nodular limestone about four feet thick. These beds outcrop along the creek for a distance of about three miles above Nettle's place, the fall of the creek being just about equal to the dip of the coal, and in the same direction, which is to the southeast. On Wolf Run, about a mile and a half east of White Hall, a seam of coal outcrops along the creek for a distance of a mile or more, and has been opened at several points. It is from two feet to two and a half in thickness, and is a clear, bright coal, breaking in regularly shaped blocks, and quite free from sulphuret of iron. It is overlaid by about two feet of bituminous shale, which passes upward into a blue clay shale, which is overlaid by sandstone. Below the coal there is an excellent bed of fire-clay, from eight to ten feet thick. The upper openings on this creek are on the lands lately owned by David Rankin, and the lower one on the lands of Isaac Tulison. On the southeast quarter of section 36, township 11, range 12, about four miles northeast of CarroUton, a coal seam has been opened on the west fork of Whitaker's Creek, which, with the associated rocks, forms the following section : f Brown Sandy Shale lo to 12 feet. I Bituminous Shale 2 Coal Measures. -( Coal -. i^" I Shaly Coal, passing downward into a sandy (^ Conglomerate lO to 15 " Band of Iron Ore -- i>^" Hydraulic Limestone 4 to 6 Keokuk Limestone.- 15 to 20 " The beds above the bands of iron ore in this section belong to the Coal Measures, and those below to the Lower Carboniferous limestone. It will be observed, in this section, that the St. Louis limestone, upon which the Coal Measures usually rest in this county, is not represented, unless it be by the bed of hydraulic limestone. The Keokuk limestone is well marked, representing the usual characteristics that distinguish it at other localities. The iron ore above the hydraulic limestone is an earthy-brown hematite of good quality. This coal seam is only about 228 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. eighteen inches in thickness. This coal has been opened on the east fofk of Whitaker's Creek ; and also on Bear's Creek, on Mrs. Blanchard's place, about a mile and a half above the mouth of the creek.. Blanch- ard's coal bank is on the northwest quarter of section 14, township 11, range 11. The coal varies in thickness from two to three feet, and is overlaid by bituminous shale, and massive sandstone. This seam appeared to be the same as Nettle's coal, on Birch Creek. A mile and a half beluw Blanchard's, the St. Louis limestone is to be seen on the bluffs of the creek ; but the intervening beds between the coal and the limestone are not exposed. In sinking the well for the steam mill in Carrollton, a thin seam of coal, about six inches thick, was passed through at a depth of about seventy feet below the surface. Although the Coal Measures underlie nearly all of the eastern half of the county, they com- prise only the horizon of the lower coal seam, over a considerable portion of this area; and, along the extreme western borders of the coal field, even this is too thin at many localities to be worked to advantage, and the eastern range of townships must be mainly relied on for a supply of coal. The measures in this county comprise the whole range of the pro- ductive Coal Measures, as they are developed in this portion of the State ; but the two principal coals, Nos. 5 and 6, only extend a little over the eastern line of the county, and consequently underlie but a very small area in this county, while the lower part of the measures, which underlie all the eastern portion of the county, only have two of the four lower seams developed, and these range in thickness from eighteen to thirty- six inches. The seam at Nettle's mine, on Brush Creek, and at Blanch- ard's, on Bear Creek, are probably the same as the Exeter coal, in Scott County, and Tulison's bank, two miles northeast of White Hall, maybe referred to the same horizon. Burrow's coal probably holds a higher position, and perhaps represents either No. 2 or 3 of the general section of the Coal Measures in central and northern Illinois. St. Louis Limestone. — This formation is quite variable in this county, both as regards its thickness and its lithological characters. On Link's Branch, south of Carrollton, and about a half mile east of the State road from Carrollton to Jerseyville, a fine quarry has been opened in this lime- stone on the lands of Mr. Joseph Stohr, and leased by Mr. Michael Shal- lue. The thickness of the rock at these quarries is about fifteen feet; and the lower ten is a heavy-bedded magnesian limestone, some of the layers being from two to three feet thick. The prevailing colors are light yellowish-gray and brown ; and these colors often replace each other in the same stratum. The rock- is even-textured, free from chert or other siliceous material, and dresses easily ; and these quarries afford most of the cut stone used at (Carrollton. The lowest strata at these quarries appears to be hj^draulic limestone, and is about eighteen inches thick. At the crossing of the State road, a half mile further up the creek, the rock is not so even-textured, some of the strata being too hard to dress readily, and others too soft to stand exposure to the atmosphere. The whole thickness of the beds exposed, from the State road to Stohr's quarries, may be estimated from twenty-five to thirty feet. In the upper part of this group, near the State road, there is also another stratum of what appeared to be a hydraulic limestone, about two feet thick. On the road from Carrollton to Turpin's mill, this limestone is found out- HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 229 cropping in the beds of the small creeks that empty into the Macoupin. Tarpin's mill is on section 16, township 9, range 11, and the St. Louis limestone is found well exposed on a small branch about a quarter of a mile west of the mill. The lower part of the bed, as it appears at this locality, is a brown arenaceous limestone, while the upper is of a gray and mottled color, and sufficiently pure to be burned for lime, though not a very good material for that purpose. The entire thickness of the beds exposed here is only about fifteen feet. At Thompson 's mill, on the northeast quarter of section 10, township 11, range 11, there is an exposure of about twelve feet of this formation. The up- per four feet is a brown magnesian limestone, and the lower eight feet, an earthy, grayish-brown hydraulic limestone, exactly resembling in appearance the hydraulic layers of this formation at other localities. This is the thickest bed of this kind of rock found in the county ; and, if it should prove on trial to be as good a hydraulic rock as its appearance would indicate, it will become valuable for the manufacture of cement. It is no doubt the equivalent of the hydraulic limestone noticed at the coal mine on the west fork of Whitaker's Creek, and is here nearly twice as thick as at that locality. Fossils are quite scarce in this formation, at nearly every locality examined in this county. Some interesting forms of Bryozoa were obtained at the quarries on Link's Branch, and a fine spec- imen of Conularia, probably C. Verneuiliana, is in the possession of Dr. Farley, of Jersey ville, that was found at this locality. Keokuk Limestoyie. — This formation, with the overlying St. Louis limestone, occupies a belt immediately beyond the western borders of the Coal Measures, and intervening between them and the Burlington lime- stone in the vicinity of the river bluffs. This belt is from three to four miles in width ; and the Keokuk limestone, which forms the greatest portion of it, outcrops on the tributaries of Macoupin and Apple Creeks, and on the last named creek itself, a half mile below the bridge, on the main road from Carrollton to A¥hite Hall. On the small creek a half mile south of White Hall, the upper part of the Keokuk limestone is found outcropping for a distance of a mile and a half or more on either side of the creek. The rock is here a thin-bedded, cherty, gray limestone, with thin partings of calcareo - argillaceous shale. It seldom affords strata more than six inches thick, and is therefore not a desirable building stone, except for light walls. It affords some characteristic fossils at this locality, among wliich are Archimedes Owenana, Platyceras equi- latera, Agaricocrinus Americanus, Productus punctatus, Spirifer cus- pidatus, and S. Keokuk. The fossils of this formation are not so numer- ous or so well preserved at the localities examined in this county, as they are in the same beds in Jersey County. On the west fork of Whitaker's Creek, these same beds are exposed, between the coal bank and the mouth of the creek, and afford the same varieties of fossils obtained in the vicinity of White Hall. On Apple Creek, a short distance below the bridge on the Carrollton and White Hall road, the lower beds of this limestone are exposed, affording layers from twelve to eighteen inches thick. No point was found in the county where the whole of tliis formation could be seen in a single section; and, for a general description of its characteristic features, as well as the determination of its thickness, it is necessary to rely upon the results of local examinations of such portions of the forma- 230 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. tion as could be found exposed in different parts of the county. Its thickness has been estimated approximately, at one hundred to one hundred and twenty-five feet ; but it may be somewhat greater even than that. Burlington Limestone. — The outcrop of this formation is confined to the western part of the county. It forms the main portion of the river bluffs throughout the whole extent of the county, from north to south, and extends eastw:trd from the bluffs, forming a belt from three to four miles in width. At the south line of the county, where Macoupin Creek intersects the river bluffs, the lower part of this limestone, about seventy feet in thickness, forms the upper part of the bluff, and is underlaid by fifty-four feet of the ash-colored shaly limestones of the Kinderhook group. From this point to the north line of the count}^ this limestone is seen in a continuous exposure, except where intersected by the valleys of the small streams ; and it often presents mural cliffs of limestone along the face of the bluffs, from seventy-five to a hundred feet in height. At James J. Eldred's place the limestone measures a hundred feet in thickness, above the road at the foot of the bluff, and is capped by a mound of Loess sixty feet high ; and the bluffs very generally cul- minate in this vicinity in bald knobs, covered only with grass, giving a very picturesque outline to the landscape. The limestone at Eldred's place is a light-gray crinoidal rock, in quite regular beds, with compar- atively but little cherty material, and forms an excellent building stone, which is extensively used not only at this locality, but by wealthy farmers occupying the bottom lands at the foot of these bluffs throughout the county, for dwellings and barns, and also for fences. About half a mile below the county line, between Greene and Scott, the limestone bluffs are about one hundred feet high, and are capped with forty feet of Loess. At this point there is a bench of brown limestone, projecting a few feet beyond the face of the bluff, and only a few feet above the base, that is covered with rude figures, cut upon the surface of the limestone by some of the aboriginal inhabitants of this country. Among these figures are the outlines of a human foot, and also that of a bear, several that were evidently designed to represent the tracks of birds, and others that do not appear to represent any natural object, but seem rather designed to record, in hieroglyphics, some historic or mythological events. These figures were cut upon the surface of the stone with some hard instrument, to the depth of perhaps one sixteenth of an inch. The surface of the stone on which they were engraved, has been worn almost as smooth as glass, probably by the tread of human feet. The bluffs of the Illinois and the adjacent bottoms appear to have been favorite re- sorts of some of the primeval races; and their rude antiquities, con- sisting of stone axes and knives, discs, flint arrow-heads, and an instru- ment resembling a mason's plummet, made apparently from the compact iron ore of the Iron Mountain in Missouri, are quite common to the counties of Greene, Jersey and Calhoun. Fossils are not very numerous in the Burlington limestone, at the localities examined in this county, but the following species were obtained : Spirifer Grimesi, S. Forbesii, Athyris incrassata, A. lamellosa, Productus punctatus, and Actino- crinus concinnus. KinderJiook Grroup. — The upper half of this formation, including a HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY, 231 thickness of about fifty feet, may be seen at the point when the Macou- pin intersects the river bluffs. So far as could be seen, it consisted of ash-colored shales and shaly limestone, and afforded no fossils at this locality. Above this point, its outcrop along the bluff is hidden by the talus from the overlying beds. ECONOMICAL GEOLOGY. Coal. — About one-third of the entire surface of tlie county is under- laid by the Coal Measures ; and they include the horizon of three or four coal-seams, though but two of these appear to be mined at the present time to any considerable extent. The upper one is the No. 6, or Belle- ville seam, which is only found along the east line of the county on Hodges' Creek. It underlies a very limited area in this county ; and the exposures above named are probably nearly or quite on the western limit of its outcrop. Its line of outcrop indicates that it might be found on Apple Creek, in the vicinity of Athens. It is far the thickest and most valuable seam of coal that is developed in this part of the State, though at points further north the coal immediately below it (No. 5) is equally well developed, and attains an average thickness of about six feet. The lower two seams are comparatively thin, and nowhere exceed about three feet where they have been examined in tliis county. No. 6 varies in thickness in this county from four -to seven feet ; while the lower seams, of which there are three, vary in thickness from one and a half to three feet. The two lower seams will probably be found to underlie nearly all the eastern portion of the county; and they will afford an abundant supply of coal for home consumption. The seam that out- crops on Birch Creek is probably the same as that on Tulison's land near White Hall ; and it may be mined at almost any point in the eastern part of the county, at a depth varying from fifty to one hundred and fifty feet below the surface. Where it is desirable to mine it at a point where it does not outcrop at the surface, a boring should be first made to ascertain the thickness of the coal and its depth below the surface ; and, when these points are determined, an exact calculation can be made of the ex- pense of opening tlie mine, and the amount of coal it will afford to a given area. The expense of boring ought not to exceed two dollars a foot for the first one hundred and fifty feet. On Wolf Run and Birch Creek, where the lower seam is exposed, it will average two feet and a half in thickness, and will yield two and a half million tons of coal to the square mile. It is the same as the Exeter coal, in Scott county ; and the coal it affords is better than the average quality, being quite as free from sulphuret of iron, in this county, as the No. 6, or Belleville coal. The seam at Bassett's, on the southwest quarter of section 27, township 10, range 11, appears to be of a local character, and can not be relied on as a productive bed, over a large area of surface. Clays. — The best clay for the potter's use, and for fire-brick, is the bed under the coal seam on Wolf Run. At some points the clay is from eight to ten feet thick, and outcrops at the surface, at many localities, from one and a half to three miles from White Hall. The thickness of this bed, and its proximity to the railroad, make this one of the most valuable deposits of potter's clay known in the State ; and the near prox- imity of excellent coal, which may often be mined in the same drift with 232 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. the clay, makes this one of the most desirable points for the manufacture of fire-brick or pottery, on a large scale, that can be found in the State. At Blanchard's mine no exposure of the clay under the coal is to be seen, and on Birch Creek the coal seam is underlaid by limestone, below which the beds were not seen ; but in the vicinity of Winchester, and at some other localities in Scott County, the limestone below this coal is under- laid by a thick bed of nearly white clay, almost exactly like that east of White Hall ; and it is quite probable a similar clay may be found under- lying the limestone on Birch Creek. Hydraulic Limestone. — The St. Louis limestone affords some layers that seem to possess hydraulic properties, at several localities in this county, though they are generally rather too thin to be of much value at the present time. The thickest bed seen in the county is at Thompson's mill, on Apple Creek, where it is about eight feet in thickness. This locality would afford a sufficient amount of material to justify the erec- tion of a cement mill at this point, should the rock prove, on trial, to be as well adapted to this purpose as its appearance would indicate. Iron Ore. — On the west fork of Whitaker's Creek, there is a seam of iron ore, underlying the coal at that locality, about eighteen iuches in thickness. Tlie ore is a hematite of a dark, brick-red color, and appears to be of a good quality. Coal and limestone, for reducing it to metallic iron, are abundant in the vicinity of tlie ore. Limestone for Lime. — The best material for this purpose that has been met with in this count}^ is that afforded by the light-gray, semi- crystalline beds of tlie Burlington limestone, along the river bluffs. Some of these are a nearly pure carbonate of lime, and are not surpassed for this purpose by any limestone in the county. The lower part of the Keokuk limestone, as it appears below the bridge on Apple Creek, will afford a very good limestone for this purpose ; but the St. Louis group, which usually affords the purest limestone of all, affords no material adapted to this purpose at any of the localities examined in this county. Building Stone. — All the principal limestone formations in this county afford good building stone for ordinary purposes ; and some of them afford a superior article, suitable for cut-stone work and ornamental architecture. The most abundant supply, as well as the finest material of this kind, will be furnished by the Burlington limestone, which out- crops in the vicinity of the river bluffs. The rock is tolerably even-bed- ded, in strata var3'ing from six inches to two feet in thickness, and can be very easily and cheaply quarried, so that it is now used, not only for all the ordinary purposes for which building stone is required, but also for fencing the farms along the foot of the bluffs. Several elegant farm-houses have already been built in this county froui this material ; and, as the wealth of the country increases, something like a correct taste in architecture will obtain among the people, and a desire for more substantial and elegant buildings will be the result. This will give increased value to our supplies of fine building stone ; and quarries that are now reckoned of little value to the owners will eventually become sources of wealth to an extent that can not at present be realized. The St. Louis limestone will perhaps rank next in value for supply- ing the wants of the citizens of this county with good building stone. The quarries on Link's Branch, near Carrollton, are capable of supplying HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 233 the wants of that town, and the surrounding country. The rock obtained at this locality, is a yellowish gray, or brown, magnesian limestone, soft enough to be cut with facility, when freshly quarried, and make a fine building stone, either for cut-work or for heavy walls. Some of the beds are thick enough to furnish dimension-stone of a large size. This bed will furnish a good material for heavy walls, at every locality where we saw it exposed in this county. The Keokuk limestone will also furnish a very good building stone, wherever the lower part of the bed is found exposed. This portion of the bed affords layers of light, bluish-gray, compact, limestone, from six inches to a foot in thickness, that may be used for all the ordinary purposes for which material of this kind is required. In the upper part of the bed the layers are thin and cherty. The sandstone overlying the coal-seam on Birch Creek, has all the characteristics of a reliable building stone. It is a massive micaceous sandstone, containing considerable ferruginous matter, withstands atmos- pheric influences well, and forms a bold mural wall along the bluffs of the creek, from fifteen to twenty feet in hight. It will furnish an abundant supply of building stone for this part of the county. On Bear Creek, the sandstone is more unevenly bedded, and somewhat unevenly textured, some portions of it showing a disposition to crumble on exposure to the atmosphere. If quarried for building stone, when it presents this appear- ance, it should be selected with care ; and the soft portions of the rock should be rejected. In a word, this county has an abundant supply of building stone, not only for the use of the inhabitants within its borders, but also a large surplus for the supply of other portions of the State. / INTRODUCTORY HISTORY. Probably not the least interesting portion of the history of Greene County would be that which pertains to the lives and fortunes, the civil- ization and the language of that wonderful race which peopled these prairies, and dwelt in the bluffs of the Illinois, so long ago that no trace is left, save the few time-worn relics, found in caves and scattered all over the great West. In their manner of living and the knowledge of mechanical arts, they were as much superior to the Indians as the period of their existence was more remote. Abundant evidence that a portion of this mysterious people once made Greene County their home is readily obtained, but their origin, their history, and their identity are wrapt in doubt seemingly impenetrable. So far as history knows, the original human inhabitants . of the re- gion, now called Greene County, Illinois, were the American Indians. Over these fragrant prairies the Kickapoos and Pottawotamies hunted and fought, with no dream, that Europeans would ever drive them from their heritage. The French were the first white people who made explorations here. Very soon after the beginning of the Seventeenth Century, before the colonization of Virginia, subjects of France had made explorations and a permanent settlement in Canada. Thence the zeal of the French Jesuits lead them to push westward and southward, until, about 1660, they reached the northern part of Illinois, by way of the lakes. One of the most noted 234 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. of these religious enthusiasts was Jacques Marquette, who, with Louis Joliet and five other Frenchmen, made extensive explorations in this State. In 167:^, these men floated down the Wisconsin River to the Mississippi, and thence were borne by the Father of Waters, as far south as the latitude of Memphis. Here they turned the stem of their boat against the stream and began to row northward. Just above where Alton is now situated, they left the Mississippi and thrust their bark into the untried waters of the Illinois. Up this stream they slowly rowed, taking careful note of the country, its animals and productions. They made frequent landings, both for the purposes of exploration and to preach to the Indians, whose curiosity was aroused by the appearance of the strangers. It is very likely that these were the first white man who ever beheld any portion of the territory now known as Greene County. So much were they struck with the beauty and richness of the country through which they passed, and so glowing was their report of their travels, that, for some years, their description was regarded, in France, as a fable or a dream, rather than an account of realities. About six years later another Frenchman, Hennepin, floated down the river, and was followed, in 1682, by LaSalle. These explorers claimed the whole country for France, and, at this time, Greene County was a dependency of the French Crown and a part of that vast undetermined region known as Louisiana. Frenchmen also came into the State by way of New Orleans and the Mississippi River, and thus reached it, from both the north and south, at nearly the same time. In the north, settlements were made at Peoria and in the south, on the American Bottom at Cahokia, Kaskaskia, Fort Chartres, Prairie du Rocher and other points, of which the latter was nearest Greene Count3^ Meantime the English had made settlements in Virginia, Massachu- setts, and at various points between, and the King of England claimed, by virtue of these all the country west as far as the Pacific. Soon after the year 1700, the English began to penetrate into this wilderness, and it became evident that a conflict between their claims and those of the French, to this Garden of the World, was inevitable. But it was not the richness of the soil that attracted these earliest pioneers. The conversion of the savages and the profits of barter with them, were the two motives which drew hither the advance guard of European civiliza- tion. Trading posts were established at various points, but no land was broken, no grain harvested. The French, in the character of missionaries, were most successful in winning the affections of the Indians, and hence profited by their assistance during the war which followed. The struggle was a long and bitter one, but the battle of Quebec, in 1759, finally decided that America should be controlled by English, not French, influences. And so, a few years after, the great West was ceded to England, and Greene County became a possession of Geqrge III. This region was at this time the scene of much bloodshed. Not only were there frequent turmoils between the Indians and the white settlers, but wars between the various tribes were of almost constant occurrence. The Kickapoos and the Pottawotamies could never live in peace together, and Greene County very probably was the field of many a battle between them. HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 235 As a result of the war of the revolution, this whole land became independent of the English crown. During this struggle, Col. George Rogers Clark was sent by Patrick Henr}^ Governor of Virginia, to secure this portion of the country for the Americans. He dropped down the Ohio and marched up through the State, in 1779, with 150 men, and, with the utmost skill and bravery, gained possession of the region almost without bloodshed. Tluis Greene County became part and parcel of the great State of Virginia. In 1782, Virginia ceded the territory, west of the Alleghanies and north of the Ohio, to the United States, and it was then known as Illinois County, Virginia. Five years later, by the famous "• compact of 1787," the region, west of the Alle- ghanies and north of the Ohio, was erected into " The Northwest Territory." From this, in 1800, the territory of Ohio was cut off, and, in 1805, the remaining portion, including the present State of Illinois, was named Indiana Territory. Four years later (1809), Congress declared that that portion of Indiana Territorj^ lying west of the Wabash River, including what is now Wisconsin and a part of Minne- sota, should constitute a separate commonwealth to be called Illinois. In 1790 St. Clair County was organized and included all that portion of the present State south of the Little Mackinaw Creek, near Peoria. The county seat was at Cahokia. Five years later Randolph County was taken from St. Clair on the south, and, in 1812, Madison County was organized. At this time Madison County stretched to Chicago on the north, and its sheriff would have found it difficult to have visited every portion of his bailiwick, for the collection of taxes. Greene County was organized in 1821, and included the present counties of Jersey, Macoupin, (jreene, Morgan, and Scott. Thus the territory, now known as Greene County, Illinois, has, in in turn, been one of the haunts of the pre-historic races, the hunting ground of the red man, the possession of the French crown, a part of Louisiana, a dependency of England, a portion of Illinois County, Virginia, a part of the great Nortliwest Territory. Then it was included in St. Clair County, in the Territory of Indiana, then Madison County, Illinois, and finally Greene County. EARLIEST SETTLEMENTS. At the beginning of the war of 1812, the aspect of affairs v/as far from hopeful to the isolated dwellers in the Territory of Illinois. Immi- gration had expanded the settlements and scattered them over a wide territory, but they were very weak. Along the western border of the Wabash River a few improvements had been made and a number of set- tlements existed in southern Illinois, but the Wood River, near Alton, was the northern frontier. There was a little hamlet at Chicago and a few French villages in the northern part of the State, but altogether the whole Territory contained but twelve thousand people. Under the influence of the alarm occasioned by the prospect of an Indian war, the prices of guns, rifles, and powder had risen wonderfully, so that a good rifle sold for fifty dollars, a sum equal in value to four times that amount 236 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. at the present time. The people were all poor and almost entirely with- out forts or other protection, and under the circumstances, a war with the Indians was dreaded as a terrible calamity. The English had stirred up the Indians to the most bitter hatred against the American settlers, and Tecumseh and the Prophet had sworn to drive every pale face beyond the Ohio River. An earthquake's shock was felt the December previous, and to add to all the direful portents, a comet, which was deemed a cer- tain precursor of disaster, appeared in the sky. The government was petitioned to send a body of soldiers for the defense of the colonists, but in the weak condition of the national resources, the request could not be granted. Compelled to defend themselves, the Rangers, a body of volunteer mounted soldiers, were organized in 1811 in Goshen settlement. General Howard was the commander of the organization and Colonel Judy, of Madison County, was at the head of one of the companies. One of their camps was at Fort Russell, one and a half miles from Edwardsville, Madison County. For several years these brave, determined men rode over the bare and silent prairies for hundreds of miles, now chasing a squad of fleeing^ savages, now hurrying to the defense of a threatened settlement. They were almost constantly in the saddle, rarely slept under a roof, were independent of civilization for food or comforts, and exercised almost superhuman vigilance in keeping the red men at bay. They were familiar with every feature of Indian warfare, and their deeds of daring and endurance have been made the theme of many a thrilling poem or romantic tale. Among the narratives of the daring and hardi- hood of these men, current among the old settlers of the county, is the following: In August, 1814, Tom Higgins, a native of Kentucky, was one of a party of twelve men under the command of Lieutenant Journey, who were posted near this region. Early one morning, as the party started out across the prairie, and were crossing a small ridge, which was covered with a hazel thicket, they fell into an ambuscade of the Indians, who rose suddenly around them, to the number of seventy or eighty, and fired. Four of the Rangers were killed, among whom was Lieutenant Journey. One other fell badly wounded, and the rest fled, except Higgins. It was an unusually sultry morning. The day was just dawning. A heavy dew had fallen the preceding night. The air was still and humid, and the smoke from the guns hung in a cloud over the spot. Under the cover of this veil, Higgins' surviving companions had escaped, supposing all who were left were dead, or that, at all events, it would be rashness to attempt to rescue them from so overwhelming a force. Higgins' horse having been shot, he dismounted, but finding the wound had not greatly disabled the animal, he continued to hold the bridle, feeling confident of being able to make his retreat. Seing a small elm tree near, he hurried toward this, intending to shoot from its cover. At this moment the cloud of smoke partially arose, disclosing to his view a number of Indians, one of whom he shot. Still concealed from view, Higgins reloaded his gun and turned to fly, when a low voice near hailed him with, " Tom, you won't leave me ? " On looking around, he discovered one of his companions named Burgess, who was lying wounded on the ground, and he replied in- stantly, " No, I'll not leave you. Come along, and I'll take care of you."^ HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTV. 237 " I can't come," replied Burgess, "my leg is smashed all to pieces." Higgins sprang from his saddle, and, picking up his friend, whose ankle bone was broken, lifted him on the horse, telling him to fly. But the horse, taking fright, at this instant, darted off, leaving Higgins with his wounded comrade, on foot. Still the cool bravery of the former was sufficient for every emergency, and, placing Burgess down gently, he told him, "Now, my good fellow, you must hop off on three legs, while I stay between you and the Indians," instructing him at the same time to get into the highest grass, and crawl as close to the ground as possible. Instead of following himself in the same direction, the gallant Higgins took another direction, in order to withdraw the attention of the enemy from the wounded man. As he left the thicket, he observed a large Indian near him, and two others, on the other side, between him and the fort. Tom coolly surveyed his foes and saw it was necessary to act the general. Having an enemy on each flank, he determined to separate them and fight them singly. He bounded toward a ravine not far off, the largest Indian following him closely. Higgins turned several times to fire, but the red man danced about so wildly that it was impossible to get a sure aim. The other two were closing upon him and he found that unless he could dispose of the first he would be overpowered. He, therefore, baited, resolved to receive a fire. The Indian, a few paces distant, raised his rifle. Higgins watched his adversary's eye and, just as he thought his finger pressed the trigger, he suddenly jumped to one side. He received the ball in his thigh and fell, but rose again and ran. The largest Indian, sure of his prey, loaded again, and with the two others pursued. They soon came upon Higgins and fired, three balls taking effect in his body. He now fell and rose several times, and the Indians, throwing away their guns, advanced upon him with spears and knives. He kept them at bay with his gun, and finally shot one of them dead. With four bullets in his body and an empty gun, two Indians before him, and a whole tribe but a few rods off, almost any other man would have despaired. Not so with Higgins. He readily saw that the twO' surviving Indians lacked courage and, facing them, began to load his- rifle. The}^ raised a whoop and rushed upon him. A fierce and bloody conflict ensued. The Indians stabbed Higgins in many places, but it happened, fortunately, that the shafts of their spears were thin poles, rigged hastily for the occasion, which bent whenever the point struck a rib or encountered one of Higgins' tough muscles. From this cause, and by reason of his great agility, he received no deep wounds, although his whole front was covered with gashes. At last one of them threw his tomahawbso that it sunk deep in Higgins' cheek, severed his ear, laid bare his skull to the back of his head, and stretched him on the ground. The Indians rushed on, but Tom kept them off with his feet and hands, until he managed to regain his feet. Then, clubbing his rifle, he rushed upon his nearest foe, dashed his brains out, and broke the stock of his gun. The other Indian now came manfully to the fight. Uttering a fearful yell, he rushed on, determined to stab his enemy. The Indian, unwounded, was by far the most powerful man, but the moral courage of our hero prevailed, and the savage, unable to bear the fierce glance of his untamed eye, began to retreat slowly toward the place where he B 238 HLSTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. had dropped his rifle. Tom knew that if the Indian recovered his g"un, his own case was hopeless, and, throwing away his rifle barrel, he drew his hunting knife and rushed in upon him. A desperate strife ensued, and several deep gashes were inflicted, but the Indian succeeded in casting Higgins from him and ran to the spot where he had thrown down his gun, while Tom searclied for the rifle of the other savage. Thus the two, both bleeding and out of breath, were searching for arms with which to renew the conflict. By this time the smoke that lay between the combatants and the main body of the Indians had passed away, and a numljer of the latter, having passed the hazel thicket, were in full view. It seemed, therefore, as if nothing could save our lieroic ranger. But relief was at hand. The little garrison at the station, six or seven in number, had witnessed the whole of this unparalleled combat and, at last, jumping upon their horses, rushed at full gallop toward the scene of the conflict. The Indians in the thicket had just discovered Tom, and were rushing down toward him with savage yells. His friends were spurring their horses to reach him first. Higgins exhausted from loss of blood iiad fallen aud fainted, wliile his adversary, too intent on his prey to observe anything else, was looking for a rifle. The rangers reached the battle-ground first. One of them tendered Tom a rifle, but he was past shooting. His friends lifted him up, threw him across a horse, before one of the party, and turned to retreat just as the Indians came up. They made good their escape, and the Indians retired. After being carried into the station he remained insensible for some days, and his life was preserved with difficulty by his friends. They extracted all the bullets but two, which remained in his thigh. One of these gave him a great deal of pain, although the flesh was healed. At .length he heard that a physician had settled within a day's ride of him, whom he went to see. The surgeon was willing to extract the ball but asked the sum of fifty dollars for the operation. This Tom flatly refused to give, as it was more than half a year's pension. As he rode home, he turned the matter over in his mind, and determined upon a cheaper plan. The exercise of riding had so chafed the part that when he arrived home, the ball, which could not usually be felt, was plainly perceptible. With the assistance of his wife, he deliberately laid open his thigh with a razor, until the edge of the blade touched the bullet. Then, thrusting in his finger, " flirted it out," as he termed it, "• without costing a cent." Although rough, warlike men, these Rangers did not fight from the love of bloodshed, or from a distaste for the quiet of a settled life. As they rushed over the State, they kept their eyes open for eligible points for making new settlements. The attractions of Greene County, the beauty and richness of its prairies, the extent of its wooded lands, the clearness of its streams were first brought to the attention of those at a distance through the agency of these men. Among the members of the band who were so pleased with the soil and topographical features of this country as to make it their home in later years, were John W. Huitt, Samuel Thomas, Orman Beeman, Thomas McDow, Hiram Huitt, John Greene, William Greene, Thomas Carlin, Jacob Linder, John Johnson, Martin Wood, Young Wood, Davis Carter and Wiley Greene. They reported to others the attractions of the region near the Ma- HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 239 coupin and Apple Creeks, and, soon after the close of the war, settlers be- gan to come in quite rapidly. Of all the Illinois Rangers, only the ven- erable John W. Huitt, of this county, remains. Alexander Mills, of Morgan County, and Orman Beeman and Thomas McDow, of this county, were among the last to pass away. For many years this portion of the State of Illinois communicated with the outer world almost entirely by means of the older settlements in the south. Until after the close of the war of 1812, Wood River was the northern frontier, and no settlers had ventured to build cabins so far north as the region whose history we are considering. On this account we naturally look to the southern part of the county for the earliest set- tlements. The first pioneers who left the Wood River neighborhood, with the daring purpose of making a home farther north, halted and built their cabins at the first point they found conveniently near to wood and water. In choosing the spot for a home the pioneer sought first water, second timber, and lastly deemed it desirable that he be situated on the edge of a prairie that he might be spared as much as possible the labor of clearing. The two first mentioned features were essential, the last desir- able. The magnificent prairie now embraced in Jersey County, and thickly dotted with palatial farm residences, tempted no immigrant, and even twenty years later it was the universal opinion that prairie land, not immediately in the shadow of a forest, could never be inhabited. Hence it was that the earliest settlements in this region were made south of the Macoupin, near the wooded lands which skirt that stream. The date of the first permanent settlement within the present con- fines of Greene County it is almost impossible to learn, nor is it less difficult to ascertain who was the leader of the advance guard of civilization. The fact that as early as 1815 or 1816, a number of families had established themselves immediately south of the Macoupin, has been repeatedly stated but it has heretofore been supposed that they all returned to the older settlements south, at the request of Governor Edwards, just previous to the treaty of Edwardsville, in 1818. It has been supposed and stated that no permanent settlement was made in the county before the Autumn of 1818, but this the writer has reason to believe is incorrect. In the Autumn of 1815, Daniel Allen, with his three sons, Daniel, Jr., John and James, and James and Paul Harriford, brothers, all from Tennessee, came north of the Wood River settlement and built cabins on the south bank of the Macoupin Creek, opposite the mouth of Taylor's Creek. Their improvements were made within the original confines of Greene County, but just south of the present Greene County line. So far as can be discovered, they were the pioneers of this whole region. The nearest neighbors were more than twenty miles south of them, and north of their humble home the unoccupied prairie stretched for scores of miles away. The war with England had come to an end but the year before, and the country which they had invaded was still in the possession of the Kickapoos. During 1816 these earliest settlers raised a crop of corn and were quite happy in their new home. Daring the latter part of this year Daniel Allen, Sr., with his sons Daniel and James, moved about six miles west and established themselves on the land in township 9, range 12, south of the residence of General Jacob Fry, now occupied by 240 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. his grandson, E. W. Allen. His son, John Allen, at the same time, made the improvements in township 9, range 11, which he afterward sold to William L. Greene. The Aliens thus became, so far as we can learn, the first settlers within the present limits of Greene County. The Harrifords removed to Chariton County, Mo.,- but the Aliens settled here per- manently. These facts have come to the knowledge of the writer from the lips of Hon. John W. Huitt, who, two years later, married Miss Rosanna Harriford, the daughter of James Harriford, above referred to. Mr. Huitt, although more than four score years of age, is a gentleman of exceptionally clear head and accurate, retentive memory, and his state- ment of the facts would seem to be indisputable. But the Aliens did not long remain alone. The same year that they removed to their second location, Thomas Daniels, of Georgia, built a cabin on the farm now owned by Freeman Means. The next year, 1817, Mr. Daniels' son. Walker Daniels, also came into the county, and chose for his home the land now owned by Rowland Huitt, a short distance east of the Allen improvements. In the " Atlas Map of Greene County," it is recorded that, in June 1817, James H. Whiteside and David Stock- ton came into the county and established themselves south of the creek, but no confirmation of this statement has been found. The following conclusions can hence be safely arrived at : 1. Permanent settlements were made south of the Macoupin Creek, within the original limits of Greene County, as early as 1815 ; the first settlers, of whom we have any knowledge, being Daniel Allen, Daniel Allen, Jr., John Allen, James Allen, James Harriford and Paul Harriford. 2. Improvements were made within the present boundaries of Greene County as early as 1816, and the pioneers, so far as is now known, were Daniel Allen and his sons, above mentioned. 3. The dates here given can be relied upon as accurate, but we have no proof that the county did not contain white inhabitants at an earlier day. I have been thus careful to state these facts clearly and positively because they have been doubted in the past, and very little light has heretofore been shed on the question: Who first settled Greene County? All this region of country was, at that time, in the possession of the Indians, and the real tide of immigration did not commence to flow until after the treaty of Edwardsville, which was signed July 30, 1818 (author- ities differ as to the date). At this time, " Auguste Chouteau and Ben- jamin Stephenson, on the part of the United States, bought, of the Kickapoo Indians, ten million acres of land lying between the Illinois River, on the north-west, the Kaskaskia, on the south-east, the Kankakee, on the north-east, and the Mississippi River on the south-west. This purchase comprised the whole of Central Illinois, and threw that land open to settlement and survey." Almost immediately immigrants began to pour in, and the fertile acres were soon taken possession of by the representatives of civilization. Among those who came into the county, at this time, was John W. Huitt, who still lives at Carrollton, and is believed to be the last of the Rangers. Mr. Huitt was born in Georgia, Nov. 15, 1793. When he was eleven years old his parents removed to Illinois, and settled, in 1804, in the Goshen settlement. At the beginning of the war of 1812, Mr. Huitt enlisted in Captain Judy's company of HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 241 Rangers, and proved himself one of the most skillful and daring Indian fighters in the command. June 13, 1818, he was married to MissRosanna Harriford, of Chariton County, Mo., and in the August following, in company with his brother, Hiram Huitt, Thomas Carlin and Samuel Thomas, made an exploring tour over the country north of the Wood River settlement, to choose a new home. All of the party were very much pleased with the country about the Macoupin. Messrs. Carlin and Thomas selected sites north of the creek, but the Huitts chose a location south of the stream, near the mouth of Phil's Creek, which was for a number of years included in Greene County, although it is now a part of Jersey County. The consideration which led them to prefer land south of the Macoupin, was the fact that that stream was almost always very high, and it was impossible to cross, except by the aid of a canoe. This inconvenient barrier the}^ were unwilling to place between them- selves and the " Old settlement." Mr. Huitt returned for his bride, and, in October of that year, he established his home on the land he had selected. Here he remained for five years, removing in 1823 to the farm east of Carrollton still owned by him. Mr. Huitt states, that when he arrived, Philemon Higgins, from whom Phil's Creek was named, resided on the bank of that stream. By the year 1819 the little settlement south of the Macoupin had become quite populous. Mrs. Matilda Greene, mother of Esquire William L. Greene, came to the settlement during that year. Among those who preceded her, she mentions, beside those whose names have already been given, Benjamin Allen, Wm. Costley, and Robert Means, of Georgia; John Greene, Wiley Greene, Davis Carter and Joseph Piggott, of Kentucky. A settlement was made, considerably further south, on the Piasa in 1819, and, about the same time, John G. Lofton, John D. Gillham, Joseph White, Orman Beeman, Alfred Hinton, John R. Black, settled in the southern part of the county. Mrs. Matilda Greene was born in Ten- nessee, in 1800, and was married to William Greene, in 1817. Mr. Greene was a very prominent man in the early history of the county, both on account of his physical prowess and by reason of his natural abilities. Probably the first dwelling house north of the Macoupin Creek, was built by Samuel Thomas, in August, 1818, on the farm south-west of Carrollton, now occupied by his sons. Mr. Thomas was born in South Carolina in 1794. His father was a sturdy, rugged farmer, and the young man Avas educated in all the arts of pioneer life. His parents removed to Kentucky in 1802, and in 1813, his father having in the meantime died, Mr. Thomas with two brothers-in- law came to Illinois, and settled in the forks of the Wood River, in Madison County. The trip was made on horseback, the company camp- ing at night with the sky for a roof over their heads. They crossed the Ohio River at Golconda, and found that nearly all the cabins between that place and Turkey Hill settlement had been vacated by their owners from fear of the Indians, who were then waging a war of extermination against the whites. The party from Kentucky were not to be frightened at trifles, but pushed vigorously forward toward their destination. When he set out on the journey, Mr. Thomas had but one dollar and six and a quarter cents in money, but, as soon as he arrived at the settlement, he purchased on credit from his brother-in-law a rifle, in order that he niight 242 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. equip himself for joining- the Rangers. As a member of tliis body of vigihmt cavalry-men Mr. Thomas did efficient service. He was by nature a brave man, and delighted in an adventurous life. He vras very fond of a hunt, whether the, prey was a deer or a red man. In the early part of the year 1814, he joined Captain Judy's company, and afterward became a member of Captain Whitesides' famous band of Rangers. He served through the war and was present at the treaty at Portage du Sioux, when Governor Clark presented a flag to each of the Indian chiefs. During his service as a Ranger, Mr. Thomas had frequent opportunities to observe the fertility of the soil and the beauty of the landscape near the Macoupin. Afterward, with a few others, he i^assed over this country again, going as a guard, with four liundred cattle, which were being taken to the regular troops stationed near the present site of Warsaw, not far from Quincy, in this State. On the return trip the}'^ met the first party of government surveyors, who were crossing the Mississippi River near the mouth of the Illinois. The Indians destroyed the stakes driven ])y the sur- veyors, and Mr. Thomas was one of a company of soldiers called upon by the Governor to drive the Indians away. During these trips Mr. Thomas passed repeatedly over the ground where Jacksonville is now situated. In July, 1814, occurred the Wood River massacre, when one of Mr. Thomas's sisters and six children were cruelly tomahawked by the savages. On his return to the Wood River settlement from the Indian warfare, Mr. Thomas planted a crop of corn, and soon after, in 1816, married Miss Elizabeth Isley. It was during this year that Mr. Thomas first visited Greene County, with a view to making it his home. He cut and stacked a quantity of hay on the land on wliich he subsequently settled, and made other preparations for residence there. He then returned to his family in the Wood River settlement, and, during his absence,, the Indians destroyed all the results of his labor north of the Macoupin. For two years the young couple lived in the cabin which Mr. Thomas had built, and, at the end of that time, he had seventeen acres cleared and under cultivation. During these years Mr. Thomas tiurned his natural mechanical genius to a good account in making looms for the people of that region. The beauty and richness of the lands beyond the Macoupin were constantly in his mind, and his earnings, in this way, were carefully saved and devoted to purchasing the first eighty acres of land Mr. Thomas ever owned in this county. At last, his earnest desire to push still further forward in the vanguard of civilization, could be no longer restrained, and, in the Summer of 1818, he sold his cabin and improvements for one hundred dollars, and prepared to emigrate to the new lands, from which the Indians had just been driven. With him came Thomas Carlin and John W. Huitt, each in search of a suitable tract of land on which to settle. These three men all became prominent citizens of Greene County, and occupy an important place in its history. Tiiey are spoken of elsewhere. It was in the month of August, and the prairies were fragrant and beautiful. Just before they arrived at the Macoupin — or Maquapin (white potatoe) as the Indians named it, and it was for a long time called — near the present town of Kane, they found one or two cabins occupied by adventurous settlers, but did not stop here. Crossing the creelc and the bottom lands, Mr. Thomas ascended the bluffs, passed on HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 243 through the timber and selected a spot for a home about three miles from the stream, on section 33, township 10-12. A beautiful grove and a clear spring of water were among the attractions that fixed his choice. Here Mr. Thomas killed a deer, cut a bee-tree and engraved his name on the bark of a monarch of the forest, to indicate that the land was claimed. He also built a cabin, made some other preparations, and returned for his wife and household goods. With these loaded upon an ox cart he arrived at his new home on the ninth day of November, 1818, and thus became the first settler in Greene County north of Macoupin Creek. With him, to assist him in crossing the creek and in other ways, came Rowell Hunnicut, now a resident of Walkerville. Mr. Thomas's nearest neighbors were the dwellers south of the creek, but north, east and west of him in a circuit of from fifteen to fifty miles, the prairies were solitary and trackless. The only link that con- nected him with civilization was a " blind path " that " meandered among the trees and over the prairies back to ' the settlement ' on Indian Creek, or Wood River." Afterward a " three-notch road " appeared, and proved a surer guide. It was several years after Mr. Thomas arrived at his new home, before he became the owner of a wagon, the first which he possessed being made for him by the late Captain Richard Robley. Thomas Carlin pushed further north, inclining a little more to the east, and chose for his home a fine piece of land, including that on which the city of Carrollton was afterward built. His cabin he erected in the southern portion of the present corporation, and occupied it late in 1818, or the Spring of 1819. In October, 1818, Michael Headrick (father of Anderson Headrick, coroner of the county), Jacob Headrick, his brother, Abram Bush and Abram Sells, his son-in-law, and Jacob Redden arrived. They were originally from Kentucky but had been temporary residents of Indiana, and had spent some time at the Wood River settlement. They reached a spot about one-half mile west of the present residence of David Wright, Esq., near Carrollton, the tenth of the month. Here they raised two crops, when they discovered that they were on the six- teenth section, which was devoted to the school fund. Mr. Michael Headrick accordingly moved, in 1821, to the farm north of Carrollton, now owned by Absalom Bradley, Esq., which he entered at the land sale. Mr. Redden went north to Morgan County. At the first election ever held in the county the house of Abram Sells was used for the polls ; this was in November, 1820, when James Monroe was re-elected President of the United States. Soon, other daring pioneers were attracted by the fertile prairies between the two creeks. James Caldwell and Thomas Crane arrived, and built and occupied cabins before Winter, in township 10, range 11, east of Carrollton. Calvin Tunnell commenced an improvement at the same time, but was prevented by illness from occupying it until February of the next year. Luther Tunnell also came about this time, and it was probably in this 3^ear that H. P. Clendenen settled in the southwestern part of the county. In the year 1819, the population of the county was very much increased by immigration. F. M. Bell made a settlement in township 10, range 12 ; Michael Waltrip built a cabin on section 17, and Joel Johnson 244 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. on section 21, of township 11, range 11. It was in 1819 that the earliest improvements were made north of Apple Creek. The first men attracted by the beauty and fertility of the location were Thomas Allen, Thomas Rattan, James Henderson, and Levi Reader, who, in the Spring of that year, formed a settlement, just north of Apple Creek and east of the road from Carrollton to White Hall, except a portion of Thomas Rattan's improvement, which lay west of the road, the place being known at present as the Roodhouse farm. Of these, James Henderson is commonly believed to have been the pioneer. He plunged into the woods before the ax or the plow had ever entered them, marking his path by blazes on the trees. The stream, now called Seminary Creek, was originally named for him. In order to encourage labor, several, possibly all, of the settlers united and opened a large farm, all in one enclosure, of which each cultivated a part, with the understanding that the labor should be restored in improving their separate claims, by the person to whom this farm should fall, when the land was surveyed and brought into market. In the Autumn of the same year, the settlement was increased in number by Zachariah Allen, John Allen, Isaac Hill, and probably others. Soon a school was organized in the new settlement, and instructed by one Wm. Welch. Thus did the little neighborhood take time by the fore- lock, by giving the cause of education an early start in the wild woods. But those acquainted with the men mentioned above will not be sur- prised at the interest they manifested in reference to that subject, even at that earl}^ day. It is upon the efforts of such men that the cause principally rests for its support. It is a cause they were known to cherish as of the greatest importance to their posterity and their country. The first named (Thomas Allen) was a large man, very corpulent, weighing about two hundred and fifty pounds. He was good-humored and jolly, especially in the society of little romping girls and boys, of whose attentions he was very fond, as most men are who are too fleshy to keep pace with other men. He settled at the place well known as "Allen's Mill" (now Bell's), of which he was the proprietor. At that early day, the people very severely felt the need of a mill in their own neighborhood, as they frequently were compelled to go within four miles of St. Louis for their grinding, and wait a day or two for their turn before they could return; and when Mr. Allen proposed erecting his mill, they gladly left their work at home, and went to assist him, working faithfully until the mill was completed. But it had scarcely begun to supply meal and flour for the settlers, until a flood raised the stream and cut a channel round the abutment, leaving the mill dry. In this emergency, the settlers turned out with alacrity, bringing their teams and tools, and labored faithfully until the breach, being filled with logs, brush, straw, clay, sand, stone, and whatever could be had to answer the purpose, was so effectually repaired as to withstand the floods ever after- ward. But even here their labors did not cease, for another freshet in the stream made an excavation under the mill-house, to the depth of fifteen or twenty feet, which again rendered the mill useless. But once more the men, with their spades, mattocks, axes, wagons, and teams, assembled, and, with stone, straw, and timber, repaired the damages. It was then that they began to enjoy the fruits of their labors. The mill did a splendid business for those days, and became one of the greatest HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 245 conveniences the settlers had in the whole country, and the proprietor, grateful for the kind assistance his neighbors had given him in a time of need, ground their grain for many years free of all charge. He was growing somewhat old, and experienced a great difficulty in breathing, attributed to obesity, that was supposed to have caused his death, which occurred about the year 1833. It was in 1819 that Benjamin Drummond came from Madison County, to the northern part of this county, near where Roodhouse is now sit- uated. Dr. Thaxton, Jesse Allen, Jesse Morrow, William Waltrip, Wil- liam Thaxton, Larkin Thaxton, and others, are also set down as arriving during 1819. This was really the first year during which immigration was at all brisk. The country was rapidly filling up and the red man was almost entirely banished, and rapid growth and improvement were the order of the day. The winter of 1819 and '20 proved to be an unusually severe one. The long grass of the prairies had been destroyed by fires lighted by the Indians or hunters, and much of the undergrowth in the woods was killed by the same element. Before the close of the winter, the pro- visions gathered by them for their stock, from places where it had escaped the ravages of the fire, gave out and they were compelled to cut down trees, from the boughs of which the cattle and horses could procure a scanty supply of food. Many of these wandered away and were lost, while some of them died from the effects of cold and hunger. The sup- ply of food for themselves and families proved to be sufficient, yet their suffering from the cold was often intense. Mr. Seymour Kellogg, who lived in the Mauvaisterre settlement, in his search for some of his stock, one bitterly cold night, lost his way and saved his life only by walking vigorously between two trees standing several rods apart. He did not dare to leave this track during the night for fear of being irrecoverably lost. He did not know how far he was from either his own or his brother's cabin. On the appearance of daylight, he found himself about two miles from the latter place, to which he immediately repaired. His feet were badly frozen during the night, making him a cripple for several months. Notwithstanding these hardships, the residents of the county were not discouraged, but went to work in the Spring with renewed vigor. We hear of very large accessions to the population of the county, in 1820, and important strides were made forward. Immigrants poured in from nearly every direction, and almost every township in the county contained one or more families before the close of the year. Among those whom we find recorded as arriving during this year are Jacob Bowman, Martin Bowman, Silas Eldred and Mrs. Ruth Eldred, south and west of Carroll- ton ; John Greene and James Whitlock, near Kane ; John Lorton, Robert Lorton, Thomas Lorton and Isaac Hill, in the northern part of the county : Ransom and Jesse Flatt, near the Illinois River ; Zachariah Allen, James Allen, and David Battle, west of Wrightsville ; Isaac Nor- ton, south of White Hall ; Charles Kitchen, Lewis Roberts and John Thompson, near Roodhouse ; David and James Pinkerton, on the prairie named after them ; William J. Brown, east of Carrollton ; Benjamin Taylor and Isaac Taylor, on the prairie near Rockbridge. " Old Benny Taylor," as he was called, was the first settler on Tay- lor's prairie. Soon after him came Isaac Taylor with his two sons 246 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. John and Ambrose. Isaac Tajdor was born in 1760. At the age of sixteen he entered the service of his conntry in her struggles for liberty. He came from Kentucky to Illinois and made two crops in Mad- ison County before coming to Taylor's prairie. In this year John and James Beeman came to township 11, range 14, and built a rough saw mill near the present site of Seeley's mill, on Apple Creek. With this they sawed out lumber Avhich they used the same year in the cionstruction of a grist mill. Mr. Vines Hicks, it was said, was fearful the land sales would occur before he could obtain the money to purchase his land, and that some one else would become its owner and de- prive him of his improvements. He, therefore, selected for his home a poor, flinty point of the Macoupin bluff, where he felt perfectly secure in the possession of a place so very poor that no other man could be found to want it. But better things were in store for Mr. Hicks than he an- ticipated, for in spite of the sterility of the soil, and the discouragements incident to the settlement of a new country, he soon found himself too well off to live on so poor a place himself. He therefore deserted it and purchased a tract of valuable prairie and timber along the north side of Apple Creek prairie, where he soon accumulated property and mone}^ enough to supply all reasonable wants. Robert Whitaker made a home on the " Andy Johnson farm," during this year, and from him Whit- aker's Creek, the stream flowing from the praii'ie, a few miles west of Greenfield, into Apple Creek, just above Bell's mills, was named. The land sale of January, 1821, at Edwardsville, was one of the most important events of those days. Before the sale the purchasers had made an agreement between themselves that they would not bid for the land previously selected by another. By this means all collision was usually avoided, and the settlers obtained the land at the lowest possible government price. The land was sold in lots of not less than eighty acres each, and no bid was received for a less sum than one hundred dollars for each eighty acres. By means of this understanding among themselves, nearly all the land was purchased at this price. It, liowever, happened that Mr. Eldred and Robert Hobson each claimed to have been the first to choose a very fine piece of land near the present resi- dence of C. H. Eldred, Esq. The Eldreds came here in 1820, from New York State. They had an abundance of mone3% so much that it is related that their saddle-bags of gold and silver were so heavy that it required two men to carry them into the land office at Edwardsville. Mr. Eldred and Mr. Hobson did not succeed in coming to an agree- ment before that piece was sold, and the result was a contest. One of them made the usual bid of one hundred dollars for the first eighty acres, whereupon the other promptly added five dollars to the bid. Neither of the contestants was restrained by the lack of money, and the bidding continued quite spiritedly until Mr. Eldred became the purchaser of the piece at $150. As soon as the tract was sold to him, the latter remarked to Mr. Hobson, " I have plenty of money to continue this thing, and if you buy any land at this sale I will see that you pay one hundred and fifty dollars per eighty for it." Friends, however, interfered, and Mr. Eldred agreed to a compromise, provided that Mr. Hobson would pay to him the extra -$50 he had given for the land already purchased. This was agreed to and all went on smoothly. The only other contest of which we have HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 247 mention is that in reference to the site of Mount Pleasant, mentioned elsewhere. Judge Alfred Hinton, Avho came to this count}^ in 1820, says the surve^^ors pronounced this section the finest in Illinois. Great excitement existed at the sale, on account of the attendance of parties to prevent bids on the settled lands. If there had been any one present to do so they would, very probably, have been mobbed. As an incident showing in what light a thief was viewed in those days. Judge Hinton told of a man who stole a pair of saddle bags at the sale. As soon as the theft was discovered, diligent search was made for the guilty party by all who had horses, notwithstanding the saddle bags contained nothing but a dirt}'' shirt and a few other articles of little value. A justice of the peace was applied to, who issued his warrant, in the name of the United States, commanding any constable, sheriff, or officer of the United States to make legal service and due return to him, or any other justice of the peace, in the United States, of the body of the within named, dead or alive. It was a lucky thing for the culprit that he rode a better horse th^n his pursuers, backed by such a document. During this year Jacob Fry became a permanent resident of the county. He was born in Fayette County, Kentucky, September 20, 1799. While quite a young man he came to Edwardsville, and in the Autumn of 1819, made a trip into this county with the intention of meeting General Rector at the mouth of Apple Creek. In this he was disappointed, and after remaining in the vicinity a short time, he returned to Alton, where he went to work as a carpenter for Mr. West, and hewed the timber for the first mill built there. While temporarily sta}^- ing near CarroUton, in 1819, General Fry is said to have made from wood split from a walnut tree, the first coffin ever constructed in the county. About the beginning of the year 1821, when CarroUton was about to be surveyed, he returned to section 16, township 10, range 12. Governor Carlin offered to give him a lot if he would build upon it, which he accepted. He cut the timber, split the boards, and built a house, which stood for fifty-seven years. For a long time it formed a part of the ell of the St. James Hotel, and was burned when that block was consumed, in the Spring of 1878. Before General Fry had finished his building, he stopped to assist Thomas Rattan in the construction of a log house at the northeast corner of the Square, on the lot on which Marmon's Building now stands. This was the first building completed in Carroll- ton, and General Fry's was the second. After the organization of the county. General Fry at once became a prominent man. He was a member of the first grand jury ; then he was deputy sheriff in 1822. In 1828 he was chosen sheriff, and held the office for ten years. In May, 1826, he was married to Miss Emily Turney, daughter of General James Turney, Attorney General of the State. General Fry served during the Black Hawk war as colonel, and at its close was elected Major General of the militia. In 1837 he was appointed commissioner of the Illinois and Michigan Canal, and in 1850 collector of customs at Chicago. During the rebellion he commanded a regiment, which did valiant service at Shiloh. The privations and hardships which he suffered during the war brought on disease, as a result of which he is almost totally blind. General Fry now lives with his family on his farm, south of the Macoupin, and enjoys the affection, esteem, and honor of every one who knows him. 248 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. David Pierson arrived at the new settlement in 1821, from the State of New York. He lived for several years upon his farm, north of Carrollton. Afterward he ens^aged in mercantile pursuits in Carrollton, finally establishing Pierson's Exchange Bank, which was for many years the only bank in the county. He has been prominently connected with the Carrollton Baptist Church, from its origin, and in his various capacities as farmer, merchant, millowner, or banker has been a valuable friend to hundreds, and in public or private life the influence of his abilities and means has always been felt for good. Richard Robley was another of the prominent men of the county, who arrived at this time. He was born in Swansey, New Hampshire, May 12, 1791. When he was 17 years of age, he became an "orphan, dependent upon his own exertions for a livelihood. About this time he removed to Vermont, and here met, and was married to. Miss Desire Griswold, the ceremony taking place at Vergennes, August 11, 1814. The young couple remained in Vermont for six years. In 1820 Mr. Robley became infected with the Western fever, and, bidding farewell, to family friends, started with his wife for the wilds of Missouri. Here they remained but a short time, and in 1821 Mr. Robley built a flat boat with his own hands, and on this he ascended the Illinois River, with his family and goods, landing in the western part of the county. He settled on the land now occupied by his sons, Messrs. Charles, Vilroy and George Robley. Nearly forty years ago Captain Robley was married to the lady who survives him. He died January 3, 1879, of heart disease. He was a man highly esteemed and respected in the community, a good •citizen and a kind neighbor. It was also in 1821 that the first settlements were made in township 11, range 13, in the northwestern part of the county, by John Powell and Davis Carter. ORGANIZATION OF THE COUNTY. This section of country was now so rapidly filling up, and the annoy- ance of going thirty miles to the county seat, at Edwardsville, for the transaction of business, was so seriously and increasingly felt, that during the year 1820, a project for the organization of a new county, with the seat of government somewhere between the two creeks, was much discussed at shooting matches, horse races, hunting frolics, house raisings, husking bees, and wherever else two or more of the early landholders happened to meet. Every new resident who bought land here increased the feeling of the necessity for such an action of the Legislature, and, as the year wore toward its close, the formation of the county had become comparatively certain. The matter was brought to the attention of the Legislature, which convened at Vandalia in the Winter of 1820-21. At this time Sliadrach Bond was Governor, having been chosen in 1818 for four years. Elias K. Kane was Secretary of State, John Thomas, State Treasurer, John McLean, for whom McLean County was named. Speaker of the House, James Leinen, Jr., Speaker of the Senate, and Thomas Reynolds, Clerk of the House. In January, 1821, the following bill was HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 249 introduced in the House. It was enrolled January 18th and approved January 20, 1821 : An Act Establishing the County of Greene. "Section 1. Be it enacted by the people of the State of Illinois represented in the General Assembly, that all that tract of country within the following boundaries, to-wit : Beginning at the southeast corner of township No. 7 north, in range No. 10, west of the third principal meridian ; thence north between ranges 9 and 10 to the northeast corner of township 12 north; thence west along the line between townships 12 and 13 to the middle of the Illinois River; thence down said river to its junction with the Mississippi River : thence down the middle of the Mis- sissippi River to a point parallel with the southwest corner of township No. 6 north, in range 10 west; thence north with the range line between 10 and 11 to the township line between 6 and 7 ; thence east with said township line to the place of beginning, shall constitute a separate county to be called Greene. "Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, that for the purpose of establishing the seat of justice for said county, the following persons shall be commis- sioners, to-wit: Thomas Rattan, John Allen, Esq., Thomas Carlin, John Green, and John Huitt, Sr.; and the said commissioners, or a majority of them, shall, at some convenient time, between the passage of this act and the first day of March next, meet at the house of Isaac Pruitt, in said county, and proceed to fix the permanent seat of justice of said county, and give the same some appropriate name ; provided the owner or owners of the land whereon said seat of justice is about to be fixed give to the county commissioners of the county a good deed of conveyance, in fee simple, for not less than twenty acres of land, for the use of the county. If the owner or owners of said land refuse or neglect to give the same, then to fix the seat of justice on the next suitable place where the said owner or owners will give the quantity of land aforesaid, and in all cases the said commissioners shall take into consideration the situation and geography of the country, and the future population of the county, to have the same as near the centre of the county as practicable. " Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, that the said commissioners, or a majority of them, shall make a report of their proceedings to the next county commissioner's court of the county, and have the same recorded on tlie records of said county. " Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, that all that tract of country within the following boundaries, to-wit: Beginning at the southwest corner of township 7, north of range 9, west of the third principal meridian ; thence east to the southeast corner of township 7, north in range 6 west; thence north to the northeast corner of township 12 north; thence west to the northwest corner of township 12 in range 7" west; thence along the prairie between the waters of Sangamon and Mauvaisterre to the head of Balance Creek; thence down said creek to the Illinois River; thence down the said river to the northwest corner of said county, shall be attached to said county, and shall constitute and be a part of said county for all purposes, until otherwise disposed of by the General Assembly of this State. " Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, that said county, and the attached 250 HISTORY OF GREENE COCrNTY. part of the same, be and compose a part of the first judicial circuit of this State, and the inhabitants of the same shall be entitled to all the privileges of other counties of this State. "Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, that the commissioners appointed to perform the services required by this act shall be allowed, out of the county funds, dollars for each day's lal)or and attendance in perform- ing said services. " John McLean, "Approved by the '"'• Speaker of the House of Mepresentatives. " Council of Revision " James Lemen, Jr., " 20th Jaii'y, 1821. " Speaker of the Senate, "Shadrach Bond." It will be seen that the limits of Greene County were made to include the territory now known as Greene and Jersey Counties, while to this was temporarily attached what afterward became Macoupin, Scott, and Morgan Counties. The county was named in honor of General Nathaniel Greene, the Revolutionary hero. Meanwhile, as soon as the discussion concerning the organization of a county was initiated, quick-witted land owners began to lay plans for securing the county seat on or near their property. Prominent among the locations spoken of for the seat of government was Mount Pleasant, the first town laid out in the county. Mr. W. A. Tuunell, in an article in the Carrollton Press, published in 1860, says of the natural beauties of the place : " It was located on a beautiful mound in the midst of as fine a country as ever occupied a place on the map of the globe, in the prairie, just where a cool, shady grove or point of timber had found its way up the east side, nearly to its summit. From this elevated spot the eye delighted to range over the surrounding prairie to the north, the west, and the south, where the sides of the mound sloped gracefully down to the horizon, or to the dark groves of tall trees waving in the soft breeze, and enlivened by the twittering notes of the countless merry little birds. The deep, cool shade afforded a delicious retreat to the wearied huntsman as he reposed on the moss- covered logs beneath their dark green foliage. These gentle slopes shone in the bright sunshine, beneath a clear, blue sky, like some enchanted spot, clothed in all the gaudy colors of the rainbow. It is probable that the sun in all his wanderings has seldom shone on a lovelier spot of earth since the day on which the flaming sword was placed at the gates of Eden. This mound, at present deprived of every vestige of its primitive beauty except its elevation, is situated perhaps a mile and a half west, and a mile south from Carrollton. The public lands of this district, if my informa- tion is correct, were offered for sale in the month of January, 1820.* This desirable spot, of which we have been speaking, had attracted the atten- tion of more than one person who had an eye for the beautiful in nature, and when the settlers all met at Edwardsville to purchase their lands more than one felt a sensation of uneasiness growing out of apprehen- sions that some more fortunate person than himself would become the purchaser of the mound. The principal contestants, however, were John Evans and Robert Hobson, tlie former an immigrant from Ireland, and the latter from England, both reported to be men of wealth. A compro- mise was, however, effected between the two, by which Mr. Hobson paid * ISiil is the correct date. HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 251 Mr. Evans fifty dollars, and became the purchaser of the property with- out an opposing bid. He immediately marked out a town on the spot, and called it ' Mount Pleasant,' erected a dwelling and store house, opened a stock of goods suitable to the demands of the country, offered inducements to others to make their homes in the new town, and in gen- eral, manifested a commendable degree of energy, enterprise, and busi- ness talent. The first persons who accepted the invitation to settle in the place were Ansel Hubbard, a blacksmith ; Elijah Woodman, also a blacksmith ; and Oliver Bangs, whose occupation I have forgotten. When Greene County was about being organized, the people and friends of Mount Pleasant made a strong effort to procure the county seat at that place, which, however, failed, as I have previously stated. Mr. Hobson died about that time, and the little place that had shown such fair prom- ise of becoming a respectable inland town, fell into a decline from which it never recovered." Another point which was deemed by some an eligible site for the seat of justice was a wooded mound on what is now called the "Boston Farm," a mile or more southeast of the Court House. It \tas urged in its favor that it was nearer the centre of county than its competitors, but the fact that it was covered with timber was deemed an insuperable objection. But the man who held in his hands the key to the situation was Thomas Carlin. Thomas Carlin was born near Shelbyville, Ky., in 1786. His parents were genuine Kentuckians, and their son was brought up to love adventure ancl inured to all the hardships of a backwoodsman's life. In IbOo the family removed to Missouri, and the next year the young man's father died. Mr. Carlin served as a Ranger during the war, and was among the first to settle in Greene County, north of the Macoupin Creek, his improvements being made just south of the present site of Carrollton. His mother, a very worthy woman, his stepfather, Mr. Savage, and his two brothers, James and William Carlin, came with him. The latter was the father of General William Passamore Carlin, of the United States Army, and of Thomas J. Carlin, ex-Circuit Clerk of Greene County. All these gentlemen have held important official positions in the county. In 1814 Thos. Carlin owned a ferry across the Mississippi River, near where Edwardsville Junction is now situated, and while living there he married Miss Rebecca Huitt, sister of John W. Huitt, spoken of else- where. Mr. Carlin was a man of medium height, not heavily built, but possessed of a pair of powerful shoulders. His hair and full beard were sandy and his cheery face was always florid and full of blood. He was a man of iron nerve, much natural shrewdness and skill in dealing with his fellow men, admired and regarded as a friend by every one. He was from the first, and for many years, perhaps the most popular man in the region, and was universally regarded as a natural leader. His honesty is spoken of as beyond reproach, and when he was Register of Lands, at Quincy, his square dealing with the government was repeatedly remarked. While he held this office he frequently drove a team of two heavy horses before a wagon-load of gold and silver (the proceeds of the land sales) through the lonely regions between Quincy and Carrollton, often in the night, entirely alone and unattended. He did not know what fear meant. 252 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. He was elected first Sheriff of tlie county, lield various other local offices, was chosen State Senator, and finally, in 1838, was called to the Guber- natorial chair. He died February 14, 1852, at his home in Carrollton, on the land which he had entered more than thirty years before. In a struggle with such a man for the location of the county seat, Robert Hobson suffered from every disadvantage. He had money, but in every other regard his cause was very weak. He was an immigrant fresh from England, and that was sufficient to win for him the dislike of all native Americans. The war with England had ended but a few years before, and hatred for Britain and the British still rankled in the hearts of all the sons of Revolutionary fathers. The situation of Mount Pleasant was a beautiful one, but had its site been doubly enchanting, and had it possessed every advantage over the rival location, Thomas Carlin's per- sonal popularity would have carried everything before it. Few natives would have courted a struggle with him, but a foreigner, and particularly an Englishman, could hope for nothing but defeat. But besides this it was urged against Mount Pleasant that, although its site was beautiful, the mound on which it was proposed to build the town was far too small to furnish eligible building lots for the capital of a great county. More- over, Mount Pleasant was some distance west of a direct road from Alton to Jacksonville, and from the centre of the county. Few then, except the circle of personal friends with which Mr. Hobson was surrounded, had any doubt what would be the decision of the Commissioners, ap- pointed by the Legislature to locate the seat of justice. The first movement that was made toward perfecting the organiza- tion of the county was the meeting of the Commissioners appointed by the General Assembly to select a place for the county seat. These gentle- men assembled at the residence of Isaac Pruitt, one of the most substan- tial members of the settlement. He had entered land a few miles west of Carrollton, and built a cabin very near the present position of the- David Black residence. Thence, after some preliminaries, they rode to the land of Thomas Carlin. The commission was a representative body. Thomas Rattan hadl been a pioneer all his life, and was an excellent business man and money maker. He was reared on Rattan's prairie, in Madison Count}^, whither his parents had came among the earliest settlers. Here he entered land, but soon left it, and for some time owned and managed a ferry at Carlisle,. where he was very successful in ^ financial point of view. Subsequently he sold his land in Madison County, and made a settlement in Greene County, north of Apple Creek, as has been previously mentioned. Here Cyrus Tolman and Chas. Gregory, afterwarcl opulent farmers, were in his employ. Mr. Rattan, soon after the organization of the county, moved to Carrollton and kept the first hotel there. He was short and heavy, but a thorough man of business. John Allen was from Kentucky, and was a. cousin of Zachariah Allen, mentioned elsewhere. John Greene was a brother of William Greene, and father of Singleton F. Greene, afterward sheriff of the county, and the oldest native of Greene County now living. He was tall and spare. John Huitt, Sr., was the father of John W. Huitt, and had followed his son to this county. He was a Georgian, and an upright man of good mind. Thomas Carlin was also one of the commissioners, but as he was interested in the result he refused to act in. HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 253 the matter. After some consultation, it became evident that the com- missioners were unanimous in their opinion that the Court House should be built on the land of Mr. Carlin. They were standing near the east side of the present square when they reached that decision. Whereupon John Allen paced fifty yards to the west, drove a stake, and said, " Here let the Court House be built." And so it was decided. The town was immediately laid out, and named in honor of Charles Carroll, of Carroll- ton, Maryland. Up to the time that the decision of the Commissioners was made known not a house was built at Carrollton. Thomas Carlin's residence was about half a mile south of the Square, Michael Headrick lived a mile or more west, and others lived at similar distances. Immediately after their conclusion was made known houses began to be put up. Thomas Rattan appears to be entitled to the honor of completing the first build- ing in the new town. It was a log structure and stood at the northwest corner of the Square on the lot now occupied by W. P. Marmon's block. The second building was Jacob Fry's residence. John W. Skidmore very soon erected a building east of the Square. The first brick building put up in the new town stood on the east side of the Square just north of the alley. The first frame house in Carrollton is said to have been a dwelling house, erected on the east side of the Square by Cyrus Tolman and Charles Gregory. The town was surveyed in the Autumn of 1821 by Gershom Flagg, of Madison County, father of Hon. W. C. Flagg, the eminent agriculturist. February 6, 1821, an act of the legislature was approved, providing: " That on the first Monday of April next an election shall be opened and held at the places designated for holding the courts of the several coun- ties formed during the present session of the General Assembly, at which time there shall be elected in each of the new counties, one Sheriff, one Coroner, and three County Commissioners." The next evidence of the practical organization of the county was a session of the Circuit Court. The county was attached to the First Judicial circuit, and on the 26th day of April, 1821, the first term of the court was held by John Reynolds, one of the judges of the Supreme Court of the State, and who afterward became Governor. No suits were on the docket, and nothing was transacted except to organize a grand jury, who retired and afterwards brought in two indictments for misdemeanors. The officers of the court were Samuel Lee, the clerk, and Thomas Carlin^ sheriff. The following named persons were sworn as grand jurors, viz.: John Finley (foreman), Martin Wood, Thomas Gilleland, Nathaniel Wass, Cyrus Tolman, Isaac Pruitt, James McFadden, John Morfoot, Walter McFarland, Hugh Jackson, Jacob Fry, Charles Gregory, Willis Webb, William Costly, Christian Link, John Costley, William Webb and Phillip Fry. Of that" number Colonel Fry alone survives. The descendants of many of them are names to be found among the most respectable citizens of the county. The court met in a small building on the west side of the Square. As there was no jury-room the grand jury met on the prairie for consultation and discussion. Gen. Jacob Fry acted as constable. For the first ten years afterward, the court was presided over in the order here stated, by John Reynolds, Joseph Phillips, Thomas Reynolds, (afterward Governor of the State of Missouri,) John York Sawyer, and C 254 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. Samuel D. Lockwood. Stephen T. Logan succeeded Judge Lockwood, in 1835 ; William Brown succeeded Judge Logan in 1836 ; Jesse B. Thomas succeeded Judge Brown in 1837, and William Thomas succeeded Judge Jesse B. Thomas in 1838. Afterward by a reorganization of the judiciary of the State by the Legislature of 1841, Judge Thomas and the other circuit judges were legislated out of office, and circuit court duties were assigned to the Judges of the Supreme Court. Judge Lockwood returned to the circuit, and continued to hold courts until the first elec- tion for circuit judges, under the constitution of 1848, when David M. Woodson was elected to the office, in September of that year. Judge Woodson's services in this capacity were so eminently satisfactory that he was re-elected twice, serving for eighteen consecutive years and declin- ing a re-election in 1865. Charles D. Hodges was chosen his successor, and six years later C3a-us Epler was elected to the position, which he still holds. The General Assembly of 1877 passed a law providing for reducing the number of circuits in the State one half and electing a new judge in each circuit. At the election in the Seventh Judicial circuit, August 6th, for the choice of the additional judge, Albert G. Burr was selected. The terms of all the circuit judges expire June, 1879. Accordingly an election was held at the time designated, the polls being in Thomas Rattan's building, on the northeast corner of the Square. Thomas Carlin was chosen Sheriff, Jacob Wagoner, Coroner, and Sey- mour Kellogg, John Allen and Jehu Brown, County Commissioners. On the first day of May the County Commissioners held their first meeting in the building of Thomas Rattan. The full board was pres- ent, Seymour Kellogg, from the Mauvaisterre settlement, Jehu Brown, from the southern part of the county, and John Allen, from the center. Seymour Kellogg was an Eastern man and had been a Colonel in the war of 1812. In the Summer of 1818, with hjs brother Elisha Kel- logg and Ambrose Collins, he had started for the famous Sangamo country. They came by wagons to the Ohio River. Here they embarked on flatboats and floated down the noble stream as far as Shawneetown, where they disembarked and pushed on to Carmi. As it was late in the season, they remained here during the Winter, and the next Summer pro- ceeded to Edwardsville, then a prominent western town. Mr. Collins was taken sick and was unable to go farther. His son Charles, however, proceeded with the Kelloggs. They passed the Wood River settlements, crossed the Macoupin, forded Apple Creek, and continued their northern course beyond tlie frontier until they finally reached the head of the Mauvaisterre Creek. Here they settled in the Fall of 1819, and thus be- came the pioneers of Morgan County, although the}^ belonged for several years to Greene County, and hence it was that Seymour Kellogg was one of the first Commissioners of Greene County. They built rail-pen cabins, which were afterward burned down by a prairie fire. Seymour Kellogg was a well-educated man and was universally respected by those who knew him. Jehu Brown was a Tennessean. He was a spare man of medium height, and and seems to have been looked up to by every one as a man of distinguished probity and ability. His descendants still live west of Jersej^ville, in what was formerly a part of Greene County. John Allen was generally known as " 'Squire Allen; " he was a son HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 255 of Thomas Allen, proprietor of one of the first mills ever built in the county, and was conceded by every one to be an upright and honorable man, just in all his dealings and perfectly reliable in everj^ sense of the word. He was conservative in politics, and few men have ever passed through the fiery ordeal of a heated canvass more smoothly, and with as little offense to opponents as 'Squire Allen. He filled many important offlces ; was a member of each of the Houses of the General Assembly of the State, where he served for many years receiving the general approbation of his constituents. He died about the year 1842. The following is a copy of the record of the first meeting of the Commissioners' Court of Greene County : " Be it remembered that the County of Greene having been estab- lished by an act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, and John Allen, Jehu Brown and Seymour Kellogg, having been duly elected County Commissioners for said county, and having taken the several oaths required by law before Samuel Lee, Jr., Clerk of the Circuit Court of said county. Wherefore, a special term of the County Commissioners' Court for the County of Greene is begun, and held at Carrollton, the seat of justice for said county, on the first day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty-one. Present, John Allen, ^ Jehu Brown, y Commissioners. Seymour Kellogg, J " Samuel Lee, Jr., being appointed Clerk of the Court, took, in open court, an oath to support the Constitution of the United States, and of the State of Illinois, and the following oath of office to-wit : ' I, Samuel Lee, Jr., being apppointed Clerk of the County Commissioners' Court of the County of Greene, do solemnly swear that I will truly and faithfully enter and record all the orders, judgments, and proceedings of the said Court, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties of my said office according to the best of my ability and understanding, according to law ; ' and also took the oath required by an act entitled ' An act to suppress dueling.' " And thereupon the said Lee delivered to the Court his bond, with Jacob Linder and Thomas Rattan his securities for the faithful perform- ance of the duties of his office, which bond is approved of by the Court. " On application of John Wilkins, it is ordered that license be granted him to keep a tavern at his place of residence, on the Piasa Creek, in said county, upon his entering into bond with Samuel White, his security, in the sum of one hundred dollars, conditioned as the law directs, and paying a tax of five dollars for the use of the county and the Clerk's fees. (Bond entered into and tax paid the Clerk in Court.) " On application of Thomas Rattan, ordered that license be granted him to keep a tavern in the town of Carrollton, upon entering into bond, as the law directs, with Alfred S. Harbin, his security, in the sum of one hundred dollars, and paying a tax of seven dollars for the use of county and Clerk's fees. " It is ordered by the Court that the following rates for tavern keepers of the county be and the same are hereby allowed and estab- lished, to wit : 256 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. For each meal of victuals.- $ .25 For lodging in a bed per night 12^ For keeping a horse with corn or oats and hay or fodder per night, or twelve hours -37/4 For keeping a horse without hay or fodder per night, or twelve hours -^^H For each feed for a horse -12^ For French brandy or wine per half pint .50 For gin or rum per half pint 25 For apple brandy, peach brandy, cherry bounce or cordial per ^ pint l83^ For whisky per ^ pint •I2_5^ " The Commissioners who were appointed by an act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois to fix the permanent seat of justice for Greene County, returned into Court their report together with the deed in said report mentioned, which were received and approved of by the Court, whereupon it is ordered that the said deed be filed and that the said report be spread upon the records of this Court, and which is in the words and figures following to wit : Be it known that we, Thomas Car- lin, Thomas Rattan, John Allen, John Green, and John Huitt, sr., Com- missioners appointed to fix the permanent seat of justice for Greene County, by an act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, en- titled ' An act establishing the County of Greene,' have met at the house of Isaac Pruitt, as required in said act, and after examining the most eligible situation in said county, giving due weight and atten- tion to the considerations set forth and required in said act as to the present and future population, situation, geography, etc., of the county, are of the opinion that a point eighty-eight poles south from the northeast corner of section No. twenty-two, in township No. ten north in range No. twelve, west of the third principal meridian, is the most suitable place for the said seat of justice, and accor- dingly and in pursuance of said act, have fixed the permanent seat of jus- tice for the said County of Greene, at the point or place above described, the same being on the line between section No. twenty-two and section No. twenty-three. Thomas Carlin, the owner of the said land whereon the said seat of justice is fixed, having executed a deed to the County Com- missioners of the County, as required in said act, for twenty-two acres and three-fourths of an acre of land, which is bounded as follows, to-wit : Beginning eighty-eight poles south of the north-east corner of section No. twenty-two above described, thence running east ten poles, thence north ten poles, thence west ninety poles, thence south forty-three poles, thence east eighty poles, to the line between sections twenty-two and twenty-three, thence north twenty-three poles, thence east ten poles, thence north to the first corner mentioned after the place of begin- ning, and have given to the said seat of justice the name of Carrollton. All of which is resj)ectfully submitted to the County Commissioners of said county at their next term. Given our hands this 20th day of Feb- ruary, in the year 1821. John Allen, Thomas Rattan, Thomas Carlin, John Green, John Huitt, " Ordered that the Clerk be authorized to procure two official seals, one for the Circuit Court and one for the County Commissioners' Court of Greene County. HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 257 " Ordered that the twenty lots owned by the county in the town of Carrollton be offered for sale on the 12th day of June next, at a credit of six and twelve months. And it is further ordered that a notice of such sale be inserted in the Edwardsville Spectator for four weeks suc- cessively. " Ordered that the Clerk be authorized to procure one quire of blanks for the use of the Court. " Ordered that Seymour Kellogg be recommended to the Governor •of this State as a suitable person to fill the office of Justice of the Peace. " Ordered that the Court be adjourned until Court in course." John Allen, Jehu Brown, Seymour Kellogg. John Wilkins, who was licensed to keep a tavern on the Piasa was very well known in Jersey County, even at a recent date. His house was situated about one mile south of Delhi. He was the father-in-law of Perley Silloway, one of the early Sheriffs of Jersey County. The regular June term of the Commissioners' Court was held June 4th, all the Commissioners being present. The county was, at this time, divided into nine military, or as they were called, company districts, and elections were ordered in each district for military officers. The following were appointed to superintend the election : In District 1 — John D. Gillham, John Waddle, Samuel Kinkaid. District 2 — Gorham Patterson, William Adair, Nathaniel Rowden. District 3 — John Greene, Walker Daniels, Harrison Higgins. District 4 — Joel Meacham, James Caldwell, Absalom Clark. District 5 — John Dunn, Young Wood, Philip Fry. District 6 — James McNeary, Alvin Coe, William Potts. District 7 — Samuel Scott, Benjamin Buchanan, Peter Shepard. District 8 — Moses Nash, Thomas Arnet, Elisha Kellogg. District 9 — Jedediah Webster, Samuel Atchison, Joseph Smith. Those familiar with the names will readily see that the numbering of the districts began in the southern portion of the county. District 1, was near the Madison County line : district 3, near Kane ; district 5, about Carrollton ; districts 8 and 9 in Morgan County, and so on. The Court during the remainder of the year was mainly occupied in appointing constables, appointing road viewers, and acting on their reports, etc. During this year action was taken with reference to main roads from Carrollton north, south, west, and southwest, besides other less important highways. The road most traveled then was that which led from Carrollton to Alton. Starting from the southwest part of town, it led west to the site of Mount Pleasant, thence south by east past the improvement of Samuel Thomas to the ford of the Macoupin, about one hundred yards west of the present bridge, and so on southward. North of Mount Pleasant, or the Mound, as it is now known, the road led to the Mauvaisterre settlement, by Avay of the present farms of L. S. Eldred, Esq., David Wright, Absalom Bradley, and so on. The reason for this route was threefold: it followed a ridge of the prairie ; it avoided timber considerably, and, most important of all, it led by a number of fine springs, which were an essential of good camping places. During this Summer the first court house was built. It was a frame 258 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. structure, situated on the west side of the Square, next north of the present location of J. T. Cameron's harness shop. It was erected at a total cost of about $700. It stood with its side to the street, and could not have presented a very handsome appearance. In later years, it was turned around, cut in two, and used for store rooms. The jail was built early the next year, John Dee and Henry T. Garden being the con- tractors. It stood on the lot now owned by J. E. Furgeson, Esq., west of the old court house. It was built of heavy logs. The door was very heavy and thickly studded with large nails. The proposals for bids which were made December 20, 1821, provided that the size should be twenty- two feet by twelve feet. That it should be one story high, have two floors, and a partition in the middle. The logs were required to be of white oak, ten inches thick, the roof was to be shingled, and the windows protected by iron bars. Its cost was $240. A stray pen of posts and rails was erected about the same time for $19, by Baynard White. At this time there was no taxable real estate in the county. It had just been sold by the Government, and the conditions under which it was purchased expressly provided that it should be free from taxation for five j^ears. The revenue required for county purposes was therefore derived exclifsively from personal property, the tax for years never exceeding one-half of one per cent, on the valuation, from fines, and from licenses to tavern-keepers, ferrymen, and peddlers. In December, 1821, we find recorded the following action of the Commissioners concerning ferries. At that time licenses were granted to John Evans to operate "the ferry commonly known as Simons' ferr3^" This was across the Illinois River, near the mouth of the Macoupin. It landed its passengers on the other side at a point near where Hardin is now situated. John Evans was also licensed to manage Jacoway's ferry across the Illinois River. This was near the present location of Grafton. Permission was granted to Lewis Williams and his brother, David Will- iams, to carry passengers, etc., across Macoupin Creek, where the bridge south of Carrollton is now situated, and Isaac N. Piggott received license to run a ferry across the Mississippi (Maasippi they called it then), at a point between Grafton and Alton. The Commissioners fixed the rates to be charged at these ferries as follows : Carriage drawn by more than four oxen or horses, inckiding team $i 25 Carriage drawn by four oxen or horses — I 00 Carriage drawn by less than four and more than one ox or horse.. 75 Carriage drawn by one horse 5° Man and horse 25 Footman I2j4 Led horse.. ..: 06X Cattle, each 06X Sheep, each 02 Hogs, each - - - 02 In 1821 occurred the first marriage in the county. The contracting parties were David Hodge and Miss Louisa Wentsworth, the ceremony being performed by John Allen, J. P., May 6, 1821. Mr. Hodge was very well known in the county ; for a long time he kept a store on Apple Creek prairie. In October of the same year we find recorded the marriage of Miss Mourning Finley to David Miller, the famous Aaron Smith being the HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 259 officiating clergyman. Miss Finley was the adopted child of John Finley, spoken of elsewhere. He found her, an infant, on his doorstep one morning, and as the child looked sorrowful and sad, he named the foundling "Mourning" Finley. The first deed recorded in the books of the county is a mortgage, dated May 12, 1821, in which Richard Wilhelm conveys to Elizabeth Leamon the east half of the northwest quarter of section 24, T. 7. R. 7, to secure the payment of |100. The land is now included in Jersey County. The first deed to land in the present limits of Greene County is that whereby, in 1822, Robert Hobson sells to Elijah Woodman the land on which Mount Pleasant was to have been built. TWO EPISODES OF 1821. During the early Summer of 1821, the whole county was stirred with feeling by a protracted search for a lost child. The following very graphic and very accurate account of the thrilling incident is from the pen of W. A. Tunnell, Esq., of whom mention has elsewhere been made. It will serve two valuable purposes, in giving a very complete, vivid, and accurate account of the whole affair and at the same time in painting a striking and correct picture of life and the condition of the county about the time of its organization. The late Mrs. Alfred Hinton was visiting her cousins, the children of James Pruitt. She and one of the elder girls started out to the woods in search of "greens" for dinner, when little Matilda, without their knowledge, followed, and unable to keep near them, became bewildered and lost. She was found very near the spot where English's mill is now located. The lost child is still living in the person of Mrs. Hiram Parr, who resides about three miles west of White Hall, in this county. Mr. Anderson Headrick well remembers that a religious meeting at his father's house was broken up by the announcement that the child was lost. Judge Alfred Hinton was one of the company who started from Madison County to aid in the search. But read the affecting tale as it fell from the facile pen of Mr. Tunnell : " Early in the Spring of 1820, one Major Pruitt erected his log cabin in the edge of Apple Creek prairie, three miles northwest of where Bell's mill now stands. He was one of a numerous family of that name, who had previously settled in Madison, and a portion of whom had come to Greene when it had been explored and its fertile lands, its beautiful prairies, and its shady groves began to attract attention. The country was at that time but sparsely settled, a few hardy pioneers had scattered themselves over a large extent of territory, isolated from the more pop- ulous distiicts, and with brave hearts and strong arms, engaged like a band of brothers, in a common cause against the dangers and distresses incident to their exposed condition. The savage still lingered on the hunting ground of his fathers; his wigwam sent up its blue smoke among the tall trees on the banks of the Illinois ; his footprints had scarcely faded from about the doors of the white man's cabin. The forests teemed with venomous serpents and ferocious beasts. It was only 260 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. during the previous year that the sound of the white man's rifle first broke the silence of the primeval forest. The hillsides and little valleys reaching from the prairie down toward the southwest where the ravines fell into Apple Creek were clothed with a luxurious growth of vegeta- tion, so rich and dense that with its accumulated weight it sank down into a tangled and confused mass of briers, thorns, nettles, grape vines, pea vines, and every imaginable kind of vine or shrub bearing fruits, flowers, or thorns. But "there were few evils which our fathers were unable to turn to some good account, and they found something for which to be thankful, even in those dark brambles, from which they obtained many valuable substitutes for those vegetables usually grown in our kitclien gardens, and feasted on their simple dish of salads, plucked from the dark, cool shades of the forest, with as sweet a relish as ever an epicurean partook of his dainties from beyond the sea, pouring out their souls in thanks to God for so bountifully supplying them with a provision so nicely adapted to their wants. " Major Pruitt was the father of several children, of whom Matilda was the youngest. She was a bright-eyed little girl of scarce three sum- mers ; the very center around which clustered the fondest affections and the liveliest sympathies of the family circle. When with blooming cheek and laughing eye she played and prattled around the hearthstone of the humble cabin, all eyes were turned to catch the fascinating smile that dimpled on the cheek of childish innocence. But when the hand of sickness seized her delicate frame, a heavy gloom hung over the anx- ious household and a deep stillness pervaded the lonely cabin. Oft in the late hours of the night, her aching head reclined on the patient arm of the kind father, as with slow and silent steps he paced the dimly-lighted cabin, while the weary mother 'caught her short half-hour of rest.' Oft had the anxious parents sat for weary hours beside her bed, watching her fitful slumbers, and administering the cooling draughts of water, or the remedy that was expected to return their darling child to health and cheerfulness. These alternations of sickness and health touched every sympathetic chord vibrating in the hearts of the fond parents and their dutiful children, and to them there was no object in the world so dear and so essential to their happiness as their dear little daughter and sister. It was on a Monday, about the middle of May, while Mrs. Pruitt was prostrated on a bed of sickness, and the duties of the household devolved on her daughters, that one of them, accompanied by a cousin near the same age, left their carding and spinning and went into the woods, to procure from the rich vegetation, materials for the coming din- ner. The sun shone brightly from the clear blue sky, the earth was richly arrayed in her dark robes of green, fairly bespangled with bright and beautiful flowers. The sparkling dew, the balmy air, the waving groves, the babbling brooks that danced with joy along their way, the gentle slopes — moss-grown or carpeted with new grown grass — all con- tributed to make up a picture, at once so lovely and so enchanting that our young friends unconsciously lingered in the cool shade, enjoying the grateful breeze that played beneath the outspreading branches and listen- ing to the melodies of the happy birds, until the morning was far advanced and the sun now approaching the meridian, admonislied them that their presence was needed at the house. When dinner was announced the HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 261 family drew around the table, but the place of Matilda was vacant. ' Where is Matilda? " was asked and repeated several times, but no one could answer. Mrs. Pruitt called to her husV)and and said : ' When the girls went into the woods this morning, Matilda cried to go with them, and I told her to go out to where you were shearing sheep and stay with jou till they came back.' ' Then I fear she is lost,' replied the father, * for I have iiot seen her.' ' Matilda is lost,' cried the children, and in a moment all was excitement. The family were soon running hither and thither, as if scarcely knowing what they did. The name of Matilda soon resounded through the forest, but no voice responded. The dark woods were to them silent as the shades of death. The playful breeze brought upon its soft bosom no tiny voice to gladden the troubled heart, or relieve the bitter anguish of the bereaved parents. When death has done its work and torn the tender infant from its mother's arms, she calmly gives herself to grief and seeks relief in tears; many comforts press their suits, and consolation finds its way* into her heart. But from the agony of the parents, produced by this awful shock, there was no escape ; their suspense was more terrible than death itself. Visions of poisonous serpents, prowling wolves and screaming panthers stole across their minds, and in imagination they beheld the great black bear already winding his leisure way across the hill in the direction of the wander- ing child. No time must be lost — every moment the child was wandering farther from home, and the difficulty of finding her increased. Runners were at once dispatched to differents parts of the neighborhood for assist- ance, and soon the whole settlement was on the qui vive. Before night, many men, armed with guns, and carrying trumpets or horns, came gal- loping into the woods and engaged in the search. They pressed on vig- orously to recover the child, if possible, before the close of day. Appre- hensions that she must suifer the horrors of the night, unrescued, in that dark wilderness of danger, pressed heavily on their minds, and grated on their nerves, stimulating them to increased exertion. There were no privations they would not suffer, no obstacles they would not oppose, and no efforts they would not make to restore her to her parents before the coming darkness placed it out of their power. But the evening sun still glided down the eastern sky ; his last rays lingered for a moment on the distant hills, then vanished and left the world in night. With blaz- ing faggots to dispel the darkness, they urged their toilsome way through the dense foliage, as if determined to take no rest, and spare no effort until the object of their search should be accomplished. Hunger and fatigue pressed their calls in vain, those strong limbs, inured to toil, and those stout hearts, accustomed to self-support, flagged not, but gathered new strength from each opposing obstacle. During that long night those torches lighted every hill; the savage beasts, amazed, forsook their revels and crept to some securer spot ; the timid bird, affrighted, twittered from its perch to some more distant place, and the voice of man, before un- heard among these rugged hills, now echoed down the narrow vales, inspiring strength and courage to pursue the search. Down the deep valleys, and up the steep hillsides, through the entangled brush-wood-— with anxious hearts and unabated strength, they urged their way until the morning's glimmering light arose and ushered in the day. Then, at the sound of a trumpet, came men from all the woods around, in tat- 262 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. tered garments drenched with dew, to take the first refreshment since the search began. They spent an hour rehearsing what was past, and planning for the future, then mounting their faithful steeds, urged them once more into the thorny brushwood, or, on foot, pressed through the thickest brambles. " During the night men had been dispatched to Madison County for further aid, and instructed to rouse the settlers on their way. No sooner was the intelligence received that their aid was wanted than these men leaped from their beds, snatched their rifles, mounted their horses and galloped off to assist in the search. As they arrived and mingled with those already on the ground, the growing numbers swelled the long extending line, which, taking in a wide range, increased the chances of success. The sad news spread as if by magic, and men came pouring in from many miles away. The woods were closely scanned in every direc- tion, no spot of ground was left unsearched, and when the day had gone, and left no tidings of the lost child, it was a matter of the gravest sur- prise that she had not been found. But the search did not close with the day ; after taking refreshments, the labors of the previous night were repeated, its cares, its anxieties and its disappointments again experienced^ and men toiled long and patiently till the morning came. With the morning came a host of friends from Madison County. They were greeted with a wild shout of joy. It was the first time since the sun shone on this fair land that the voices of so many white men had echoed through the wild woods of Greene County. And never did men enter more fully into all the feelings or sympathize more heartily with their bereaved friends. They banished all care of home, of their business and of their families, and entered upon the search with all the zeal and deter- mination that could have been expected of men whose lives depended on their efforts. " The day soon became dark and dreary. The north wind moaned through the swaying trees. A murky darkness hung over the forest and deadened its echoes. No sound was heard save the voices of men, the sighing of the wind, or the rustling of the branches. Distant objects, were unseen, or fell upon the eye in undistinguishable confusion, and the line defining the horizon was shut out from view. A cold, gloomy vapor shrouded the groves, and men drew their thick coats around them and quickened their step, the better to resist the chilling blast. It may be imagined, then, with what anxiety they sought the tender child, then roaming in some unknown part of the forest, clad only in a thin " slip " of check cotton, worn as a protection against the heat that prevailed when she was lost, when now the piercing winds caused the teeth to chatter, though wrapped in jeans or blankets. They labored most assid- uously during the day ; many became weary and discouraged with the length and fruitlessness of the search, and almost despaired of its suc- cessful termination. But the report of a rifle came feebly up through the dark vapors from a ravine below, bringing the welcome news that some traces of the missing child were discovered. Her footprints appeared neatly pressed in the loose sand, where she had walked along the dry bed of the stream. Men gathered round and examined them with the most interest, and, with shouts of joy, rushed through the woods in every direc- tion, elated with the hope of finding her before night. The same little HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 263 tracks were soon afterward found in various places, where fallen trees had been consumed by fire, leaving a soft bed of ashes, in which she had delighted to walk, as there were no briers or thorns to wound her feet. These discoveries so animated those in search of her that they forgot the fatigues they had undergone, and leaped for joy ; everywhere they were seen moving on with life and spirit, galloping over the hills, or groping through masses of grape vines, until with painful forebodings they discov- ered that in several places the little footprints were accompanied by those of a bear. Apprehensions were now felt that she had been destroyed, but the search was continued with unabated vigor until near night, when some one in the company had the good fortune to kill the bear. A postmortem examination relieved all apprehensions and quieted all fears entertained on his account. " During the night the dark clouds moved away, and the morning came bright and beautiful as ever dawned on those green hills. A flood of mellow light came down among the branches, and dispelled the vapors of the previous day. Sweet strains of music floated on the passing breeze that played among the trembling leaves. The face of nature glowed in smiles of radiance and • serenity unusual for the season, and even on those grave countenances, marked by the lines of care and anxiety, in- duced by the labors of a three days' search, there shone a brighter ray of hope and a smile of satisfaction at the prospect of success. Whilst all were assembled on that morning. Major Pruitt stood among them, bearing on his countenance traces of the deepest sorrow. He had spoken but sel- dom, and those few words bore evident marks of mental suffering. His friends gathered around him to offer consolation, and learn his wishes in regard to the plans of the day. He stepped upon a fallen tree, and in a sad but firm voice, addressed them substantially as follows : ' My neigh- bors and friends : No event in my humble life ever placed me under so great and lasting obligations to others as the present. The deep and abiding interest you have manifested in my present unhappy condition, and the tender sympathy shown towards my lost child, impress them- selves upon my heart too deeply to be ever effaced by the hand of time. I return you my heartfelt thanks for the kind assistance, and the gener- ous sympathy you have so freely extended to me during the last few days of sorrow and bereavement. The alacrity with which you flew to my aid, and the untiring energy and perseverance with which you have pros- ecuted this prolonged and laborious search have cheered me through the darkest hours of bitterness, and enabled me to endure the most painful suspense and the deepest sorrow. Happy would I be if I could dispense with your aid now. This day will probably crown our efforts with suc- cess ; then with what joy will your wives and children, who in their lonely cabins have so long and anxiously wished your return, greet you when you meet them at the door and tell them the poor little wanderer is found at last. Your wives will shed tears of joy, and your children will clap their little hands and shout " I'm glad, O, I'm glad ! " ' As he brought his brawny hands together, tears gushed from the eyes of those standing around, and for a few moments all were silent. The search was renewed with all the spirit and eagerness manifested on the day of its commencement. There were many noble men engaged in that search — old settlers of prominence and respectability, whose influence was pow- 264 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. erfully felt by the younger and less considerate, who sometimes ventured to express their opinion that all chances of finding the child were hope- less, and the search must of necessity be abandoned. Nor is it wonderful they should entertain such sentiments, as their impatience increased un- der the labors and hardships that accumulated from day to day. Prom- inent among- the friends of Major Pruitt was one Walter McFarland. He had taken a deep interest in everything relating to the search from its commencement, and from what we can learn of him, he was a man of energy and determination not easily discouraged by adverse circum- stances, nor diverted from any object he had set his heart upon. He was always consulted when any plan of operation was being discussed, and his advice was received with much respect. He manifested a con- siderable amount of shrewdness in all that related to frontier life, and frequently pushed his researches far in advance of his comrades, roaming the wild woods alone. Thus it was on Thursday morning, the morning of the fourth day of the search. Mr. McFarland found himself alone in a beautiful grove of giant oaks overshadowing the bluffs of Apple Creek, in the neighborhood of Beeman's old mill. The deep shade of the thick grove had kept the earth destitute of vegetation ; it was carpeted only with a light covering of short grass. He looked around him, admiring the beauty and seclusion of the place. It was indeed a lovely spot, cool and shady, fanned by a gratefid breeze, and enlivened with the notes of countless little birds. 'Just such a spot,' thought he, ' as I would like to find Matilda in, and why may I not find her here ? She has wandered through briers and thorns, her feet are lacerated and give her pain at every step. She is exhausted, and would love such a place as this, in which to lie down and go to sleep. We have searched the woods thus far and have not found her, she must be somewhere in this shady grove.' And as he thus mused, a presentiment came over him that she was near. His step quickened, he went peering about in every direction as if in a state of excitement, occasionally listening attentively to catch any sounds that might come from the woods around ; suddenly his pulse became quick, perspiration ran from his brow, his heart beat audibly, a trepida- tion came over him, and he sat down and buried his face in his hands for a few moments. ' Well, this is singular,' said he. ' It is strange. What can cause it ? It certainly means something.' After becoming some- what calm he proceeded to the foot of the l)luff, and upon examining a small pond in the creek bottom, discovered where, in the soft earth, a little child had lain down to drink from the pond. There were the prints of her toes in the mud, and her finger marks in the edge of the water which was yet turbid, showing that she could not be far away. He stood as if confined to the spot, and closely gazed in every direction, but was unable to discover the child. ' Well, I felt a presentiment she was in that lovely grove.' said he, 'and now it is certain that she is somewhere near, I have" a proof that I was right in thinking she was near. Why should it be so ? I can not tell, but if that presentiment means anything, she is in that grove, and I need go no where else to look.' Thus reason- ing, he turned back, and passing a little to the right of where he came down, proceeded nearly to the summit of the bluff, when his attention was arrested by the rustling in the leaves, and a little squirrel ran chat- tering high up the stem of a magnificent oak, and disappeared among its HISTORY OF GKEENE COUNTY. 265 thick foliage. He walked 'round the tree, peering through its thick branches, to catch a glimpse of the squirrel which still evaded his sight. It occurred to him that he had seldom seen so grand a tree. Its great size, its immense height, the great spread of its branches, and the beauti- ful symmetry of its shape, at once marked it as the ' King of the forest.' His e3^es ran along down the large and tapering trunk to the ground. He started with silent wonder ; his rifle dropped from his hand ; there, wrapped in sleep, and motionless as if in death, lay the lost child. " No language can describe the joy he felt at finding her still alive. He raised her softly in his arms and called her name. She started, stared wildly and strangely around, and drew to him as if for protection. Presently she looked imploringly in his face, while large tear-drops gathered in her eyes, and said: 'I want to go to my mother.' The touch- ing appeal melted the strong man to tears, and when he had fully dis- covered the extent of her wretched condition, his heart overflowed with sympathy. Her scanty clothing was torn in tatters, her neck and shoulders blistered with the heat of the sun, her feet and ankles lacerated and swollen, and her flesh everywhere pierced with briers and thorns that still remained sticking in the wounds. She had subsisted alone on green leaves of the wild sorrel. Mr. McFarland gave her part of a biscuit, which she instantly devoured, and pleaded for more. He soon recollected that there were others in the wood, to whom the child was dear, and who would greatly rejoice to see her. He therefore discharged his gun twice in quick succession. As the last report rang through the forest, and, reverberating among the hills, died away in the distance, there came back the wild shouts of a hundred voices, and a response of a hundred guns, and soon a hundred horsemen came dashing over the hills, leaping logs and ditches, waving their hats, and shouting in a frenzy of enthusi- asm. Such a scene as followed utterly baffles all powers of description ; it was a scene of the most tumultuous joy. Men sent up shout after shout, threw up their hats, clapped their hands, leaped, laughed, and cried at the same time. Those who had dismounted soon sprang again to their saddles, and, with Major Pruitt at their head, carrying the child in his arms, galloped off to the house of the sick mother, still filling the woods with their joyful shouts. She was in transports of joy, and, while the family were gathered around the little girl in the cabin, the men outside rode round the house, firing guns, shouting, laughing, and talking. Those who were present declare that they had never heard so many guns fired, or so much shouting, on any other occasion. After the tumult of joy had partially abated, provisions were brought out, and the friends of the good old Major partook of a comfortable dinner, and departed for their homes. How many anxious mothers came from the doors of their lonely cabins, to inquire of the passers-by if the lost child had been found, and thanked God for the good news, we can not now tell, but we are sure that they were not few. By this time it was known in St. Clair County that the child was lost, and Gen. Samuel Whitesides hastily col- lected a company of men, and hurried on to assist them in finding her. They met their Madison County friends, from whom they learned that she was recovered, and they all returned to their homes, spreading the glad tidings to all the settlers on their way, by shouting and firing their guns. Mrs. Pruitt was a woman of a frail constitution and feeble health, 266 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. and such was the shock upon her tender frame, that during the time her child was lost, she never closed her eyes in sleep, or took a morsel of food. She lingered for a short period, but her days were soon numbered, and she sank into her grave. Her husband, though possessing a powerful constitution and uninterrupted health, quailed for a time beneath the weight of this severe stroke of affliction, refusing consolation, refresh- ment, or sleep, till he saw his little daughter placed safely under his own roof. He lived esteemed and respected for many years, and died at a good old age." During the early history of the county, the pioneers had the utmost confidence in one another. Nearly 'every one had more or less money with him, to be used in purchasing lands, and many were possessed of several thousands of dollars. This was all in gold and silver, and although very heavy and inconvenient to handle, the absence of banks made it necessary to keep it at hand. Children played with the silver pieces on the cabin floors. The money was kept in saddle bags, boxes, sacks, and in any other convenient receptacle. Very little effort was made to con- ceal it, and it was secured by no heavy iron bars or wakeful guards. For several years this mutual confidence was not abused, but in 1821, a little later than the incident above related, a violent robbery took place in the southern part of the county. In the southwest corner of Lofton's prairie there lived a family named Dixon, considerably advanced in years. They were English people, and were believed to have a large sum of money in their possession. One night a number of men came to the lonely house of the worthy old couple and with threats and manifesta- tions of violence commanded Mr. Dixon to deliver his money. The old man had no alternative but obedience, and the robbers escaped with $1,200. An alarm was at once raised and a company, headed by Judge John G. Lofton, started in pursuit. Mr. Dixon recognized two of the party as Robert Sinclair and Wm. B. Whitesides. The latter was a very prominent man in Madison County, having served as its sheriff, and the former was also a citizen of that region. They were overtaken near Alton, and Whitesides and Sinclair were brought to Carrollton for triaL Sinclair was found guilty and sentenced to State prison. Either while out on bail, or when in charge of the sheriff (individuals differ on this point), he managed to slip away and reach a very fast race horse which was in readiness for him near the present David Black farm. Mounting this, lie sped away to the southwest, with the sheriff in hot pursuit. But the superior blood of his steed gave him the advantage, and he made good his escape. He was afterward heard of in Arkansas, where he rose to some distinction and became a member of the Territorial legislature. The celebrated Thos. H. Benton, then a rising young lawyer, appeared for the people in this case. The people's witnesses were, Wm. Dixon, John G. Lofton, James Barnes, Thomas G. Lofton, Wm. Davidson, Ezekiel Gillham, John Finley, Wm. Prickard, Henry Hopkinson, Charles Gear and Joab White. Whitesides also escaped the just punishment of his crime. On the jury which tried him was a strong friend of his, Charles Kitchen, who, it is said, hung the jury. This caused delay, which Whitesides contrived to prolong by the depar- ture and death of witnesses, until finally the decease of Mr. Dixon left the State without testimony, and the case was dropped. This robbery HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 267 created a profound sensation throughout this part of the State, and it was still a matter of common talk ten years later. THE SILVER MINE EXCITEMENT. At a very early period in the history of the eastern part of Greene County, there was one James Rawlings, who settled in the edge of the timber, on the south side of Taylor's Prairie, and about a half mile north of the present postoffice, known as Rockbridge. About the year 1826 it was whispered around the neighborhood, among a circle of confidential friends, that a few miles farther up the Macoupin Creek there was a place that bore the appearance of an ancient silver mine of very respectable richness. A number of pits from which mineral had been dug, and large mounds of earth formed of the clay from the pits, were said to be visible. Moreover it was understood that some person had actually discovered a furnace at which the silver had been separated from the ore ; while others pretended to have seen specimens of considerable richness, picked up on the hillsides near the old mine, and it was represented that the hills and points throughout the neighborhood bore unmistakable evidences of rich deposits of silver. No man was perhaps more deeply interested with the recitals of these stories than Mr, James Rawlings, and visions of wealth occupied his midnight dreams, and haunted his waking hours. Whether reposing quietly by his own fireside, or driving the plow, or chasing the wild deer over the plain, it was all the same to him, his active imagina- tion constantly held up to his view untold mines of wealth, lying just beneath the surface, inviting the diligent, the energetic, and the enter- prising, who are ever awake to their own interest, to dig them out and fill their coffers. He was one of those who believe there is a crisis in the affairs of men which, when taken in its ebb, leads on to inevitable suc- cess, and a silent monitor within his breast seemed to say, " Seize, then, the golden moment ere it flies." It is very natural that any good, kind- hearted man, about to become the possessor of a fortune so ample as to insure him an independence for a life-time, and afford not only all the luxuries his wishes might require, but untold sums besides, should desire to make his nearest relatives and favorite friends happy participants of his good fortune. This desire, so characteristic of a good heart, induced Mr. Rawlings to communicate, in a letter to his father, the venerable Mr. Roderick Rawlings, a pious minister of the gospel, residing some five miles north of the present town of White Hall, the particulars of the important discovery which was about to be made, in which he expressed his sanguine belief that a little labor and expense of exploration, and purchase of the land on which mineral deposits might be found, would be rewarded by a fortune sufficient to make life easy ever afterwards. He closed by affectionately inviting his beloved father to co-operate with him in securing the prize, and participate in its enjoyments. Upon receiving the letter, the good old man very sagely took the subject under consideration. He meditated upon it during the night, consulted "the old lady " in the morning, and at last arrived at the conclusion that it was best to proceed in the matter with great circumspection ; it should be 268 HISTOltY OF GREENE COUNTY. kept as a iDrofound secret, at least for the present. But after further reflection, he was convinced of the wisdom of confiding the whole sub- ject to two or three confidential friends, whose services would be valua- ble in assisting- himself and his son to make the discovery of the precise spot where the mineral was situated, the proper numbers of the land to which it belonged, and to test any mineral that might be found, in order to ascertain whether it was valuable or base metal. There was no man within the entire circle of his acquaintance in whom he could more implicitly confide, and who was better qualified to distinguish between real silver ore and other combinations of mineral substances, than John Allen, Esq. He had pored over many volumes of geology, mineralogy, metallurgy, etc. Ke also possessed a retentive memory, a quick discern- ment, and a great amount of patience and perseverance in his investiga- tions of scientific subjects, and withal was a man of good sound sense, unerring judgment, and great prudence in all his undertakings. The elder Mr. Rawlings determined to lay the matter before him, without reserve, for his consideration and approval, and endeavor to secure his services in maturing his plans and testing tlie minerals that might be found on arriving at the premises. Mr. Allen did not enter into the enterprise with as much assurance of success as his elderly friend, but expressed his willingness to be one of the company and lend the expedition any service in his power. He rationally concluded that if the enterprise proved a failure, the loss attending the exploration would be but trifling, and in case of its ultimate success it might prove profitable to all parties. John Allen was, as I have stated in a previous article, a son of Thos. Allen, of Allen's Mill, and Thomas was a brother of Zachariah Allen. Now, the family of Zachariah Allen was so numerous (consisting, besides his wife and four daughters, of seventeen sons and himself), and had been so instructed in their training, that among them might be found a man fitted for almost any purpose desired. Mr. Rawlings was on good terms with the family, and they were esteemed relatives of his friend and present adviser ; therefore it was determined to direct their attention toward that family for further assistance. But upon visiting them they found them busily engaged in their young corn, running near a dozen plows and an equal number of hoes. This was deemed a discouraging circumstance, for it seemed very rational to conclude that men so busily engaged, and so pleasantly and profitably employed, would not very readily forsake their work to engage in an enterprise which was at best only an experiment. But soon it was discovered that one of the younger sons, named George, was not just then engaged in the crop. In fact, he was the very one of the large family best suited for their purposes. From childhood he had manifested a fondness for study ; he had read many scientific works on various subjects, and for the last year or two, whilst engaged in teaching school in the neigborhood, had fre- quently improved his leisure hours in the practice of surveying. With his compass, and some of the larger pupils to carry the chain, he had marked out on a small scale whole States and Territories, establishing base lines and meridians, and finishing with the subdivisions of townships, sections, etc., making the proper entries in his books with as much care and precision as if he were a Surveyor General in the employ of the HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. -269 General Government. Being then a young man, of active imagination, easily inflamed with a love of whatever was new and romantic, and view- ing the proposed expedition in tlie light of a very pleasant recreation, in whicli lie would be afforded an opportunity of exercising his skill at surve3Mng, of which he was at that time very fond, he was easily pre- vailed upon to unite with his reverend friend, Mr. Rawlings, and his esteemed cousin, 'Squire Allen, in their search for the hidden treasure. The coraj)any was now complete, notwithstanding the fact that tlie services of some person skilled in searching for ores were as indispensable as those of a surveyor or metalluigist, tiie company was alread}^ in tlie possession of such an individual in the person of the venerable Mr. llawlings. He had already acquired an enviable reputation as one par- ticularly skilled in the art of pointing out the precise spot where water might be obtained by digging, and he unhesitatingl}^ declared his readi- ness to detect the presence of mineral deposits Aviili equal facility. For this purpose he supi)lied himself with a brass "rod," being a piece of brass Avire three feet in length, Avhich, being wound once round a stick in the middle, formed an eye or loop the size of the stick; tlie ends crossed each other at the loop, and extended out an angle of forty or forty-five degrees. A small buckskin sack was tied by a string to the loop, after the stick had been removed, and was filled with some mys- terious substance supposed to possess the power over silver ores that the magnet does over steel. The manner of using this instrument will be described hereafter. It has perhaps but seldom occurred that so much has been accom- plished in a single day towards organizing a company for an object of sa much moment to those concerned. Tlie comprehensive ability displayedl by tlie Rev. Mr. Rawlings in his selection of men so eminently fitted for their respective duties, reflects much credit on his discrimina-- tion. But the primitive simplicity of his metliod of detecting the presence of valuable ores outstrips even science itself, in bring- ing to view the treasure sought, before she could get her boots on for the- expeditiou. The little company felt such a lively interest in the result, of this novel expedition, which was to be undertaken very early on the- succeeding morning, that they reluctantly separated for the night, withi mutual ininnctions and promises to keep their designs a profound secret.. Scarcely had the faint glow of the morning t\viliglit arisen beyond the; Eastern hills, when our eager little company of adventurers have shaken oil" the unconscious slumbers of the night, and sallied forth to breathe the morning air, and complete their ])re[)arations for the coming adventure. The household were also busy with tlieir ample preparations for an early breakfast. No time was to be lost, for at the hour of sunrise, the parties were to be on the ground, ready for a start. We deem it unnecessary to dwell on the minutia of the morning's preparation. Those who have witnessed such scenes can readily apprehend the hurry and confusion with which those hasly prei)arations were performed, where all man- ifested a deep interest in tlie enter[irise, and the parties were so eager to be promptly on the ground at the appointed time. Along the lowlands, the rich mass of vegetation was still dripping with the morning dew, and the light floating v.ipors forming themselves in sinuous clouds, hov- ering over the winding liLtle streams, shutting out the light that shot D. 270 HISTORY OF GIIEENE COUNTY. across them from tlic opposite hills, when our gallant little company, now increased in number to some six or seven persons, drew up their reins on the north bank of Apjde Creek, reconnoitered the ford for a moment, and plunged boldly in, and emerged on the opposite bank, "• It is very well," observed 'Squire Allen, *•' tliat our young surveyor had filled his portman- teau so liberally, for if its ends had not stood out prett}- nearly in a horizon- tal line, heM a got his instruments wet." "And lost his books, also," suggested Mr. Roderick Rawlings. "■ But, worse than all, he'd a spoiled his dinner," said a third. "No doubt, gentlemen, you think I'm poorly mounted," retorted George, " but soon we will be among the thick brush and grape-vines, when you will discover that I can easily pass through, while you will be compelled to walk and lead your horses." " We do not think you are very badly mounted," replied Mr. Rawlings, "but we do think the surveyor and chief engineer of so respectable a company as ours, ought to ride a large horse to support the dignity of his office." "As to that," replied the surveyor, " many great men have been content to go on foot, and some have rode donkeys, Avhile others very finely mounted have never become famous in any respect. I have observed that men of very refined taste in regard to riding fine horses seldom rise above the dignity of a country parson in these backwoods." A loud burst of laughter followed this sally, in which the whole party joined most heartily, but it was observed that the Rev. Mr. Rawlings was not so far carried away by this cachination as to lose the power of speech, and sagely remarked, after the mirth had partially subsided, that it was " a happy circumstance that a man might be sharp enough to make an ex- cellent surveyor, even though he should never rise to the dignity of a parson." Thus did our happy company make the Avild woods glad with their merry laugh, as they passed along near the borders of the bottom land that "stretched away to the eastward, until crossing Whittaker Creek, where they ascended to the hilltops, to contend with the " thick brush and grape-vines," to which the young surveyor had alluded, when, to their increased merriment, thc}^ saw his prediction verified by the simul- taneous dismounting of about one-half the company. Sometimes on horseback and sometimes on foot, they groped along for three or four miles, which brought a handsome little prairie to view. " Do you know what prairie this is, 'Squire?" asked John Allen. "The Waltrips, Thaxtons and Starkies live just along there," he continued, pointing out the direction with his hand. " I think some of the Waltrips lived on our side of Apple Creek one winter," said George. " Yes," replied the 'Squire, "old Billy Waltrip, and old Billy Thaxton and his son Larkin, spent the winter of '19 and '20 in a camp quite near my house, and moved over here in the Spring." " I should have been pleased," said George, "to have passed nearer their houses, to see what kind of improve- ments they have." " We thought it best to keep at a distance, lest our apjiearance should alarm the women and children," replied the 'Squire. " Seeing such a compau}', armed and equipped, they might conclude there were Indians in tlie neighborhood." The truth is that the leaders of our little company were so circum- spect in planning their movements that they had purposely avoided the settlement, lest the imposing appearance they made should induce a HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 271 belief on the part of tlie settlers that they were out on some improper business. They seemed fearful their designs would be understood by some one who might throw obstacles in the way of their success; they chose, tlierefore, to follow the skirt of timber along the south side of Bear Creek, toward the east, rather than strike boldly across the prairie, through the settlement, toward the point of their destination. However, they gradually directed their course more to the soutii, as they proceeded, until at length they found themselves on the summit of the highlands dividing the waters of Apple Creek from those of Macoupin. They involuntarily reined up their liorses, as the far-reaching prairie — running back to the horizon — fell on their vision from the southwest, and in silent wonder gazed upon the beauty and grandeur of the scene. To the north the narrow strip of timber along Bear Creek, appeared like a mere hedge-row, dividing String Prairie from another i)rairie, which reached back far enough, apparently, to support Apple Creek tim- ber, which, like a long line of blue clouds lying along the horizon, put an end to the view in tliat direction. To the east there was no limit to tlie range of vision but the horizon, though in that direction a herd of half a dozen nimble deer went leaping across the prairie, with that freedom which they derived from the consciousness of perfect security whilst taking their daily exercise. A long line of beautiful green timber, gently waving in the western breeze, stretched from a point two miles south of them away to the eastward as far as the eye could reach. There was a peculiar richness in the appearance of the dark green foliage, probably produced by the reflection of the sun's rays from the upper branches of the timber, contrasting finely with the dark shaded recesses below. Our company proceeded, leaning to the southeast, as if to enter the timber one or two miles above the point to the south. "I think I see a cabin in that timber," observed one of the company; "'Squire Allen, do you know whether that timber has any settlers in it?" " I take that to be Kinkaid's Point," said Mr. Allen; "I have been told that some of the Kinkaids settled somewhere in this part of the county about five years ago this Spring. I know 'Squire Kinkaid and Captain Kinkaid very well, but I have never been at their house. The point where they live is called Kinkaid's Point, and I think that is the place." '"It appears strange to me," observed one, as they came near the timber, "that there is not a string of settlements all along the edge of this timber. If this is Kinkaid's Point, old Fighting Jack's horsemill is somewhere near, and people coming to the mill and seeing such a beautiful country unoccupied would make it known to others if they did not want a place themselves." " That is all very true, but men are too scarce yet to settle all the pretty places," remarked the 'Squire, "but there is probably already a consid- erable settlement in this timber. Somewhere to the east, I think, you would find another settlement not more than three or four miles fiom this. The s[)ace between will soon be filled up, and there will be a line of settlements all along the edge of the timber." "The man that bought old Jimmy Purnell, I believe, lives in Kinkaid's Point," remarked one. "I heard them saying in town the other day that old Jimmy had run off, and after a day or two returned, and told tlie man he lived with that he had been three miles up the point to the east, laying out a towji, that it was the prettiest place for a town in the whole country. He said there 272 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. was a nice little stream nmning along the east side of it, and wlien he brouglit his lots into market the people would desert CarroUton and Mount Pleasant to buy lots and settle in his toAvn. He told Sam, I believe that's what he called his master's name" — "Samms," suggested 'Squire Allen. '"Perhaps that is the name," rejoined the other, "any- way he told liim if he wouldn't be angry at him forgoing off, he would give him a corner lot for a grocery, '"Poor Jimmy," exclaimed Mr.' John Allen, " the last time I saw him he had a great gash cut in his head where somebody Jiad struck him with the handle of an old iron shovel, for merely coming into his house one cold night just before bed time. Every winter I tliink of Jimmy Purnell, and expect ever}' time a cold spell comes to hear of his being frozen to death." " You arouse my sympathies," said Mr. Rawlings. " Pray, how did it come that he was sold? I had not heaid of that." " Don't yon know him ?" said "Squire Allen. " No, I never saw him, but I think I have heard of him ; isn't he a crazy man?" asked the other. "Yes, he labors under an aberration of mind, at times, and is perliaps never entirely sane, yet he is a man who seems to have been well educated, and is very shrewd and ready in answering questions, and sometimes appears very rational in conversa- tion. He has lived about from house to house, for three or four years, upon the bounty of the settlers, and, though not generally troublesome, some have abused him, and not long since the county took him in charge, and hired him out to Mr. Samms. The people frequently gave "him clothes and sometimes money, but he never kept any clothing only what he had on, and the money he would give to the first boy he found. I hope he will find a good home with Mr. Samms, and be well taken care of." The foregoing conversation closed as the party drew up their reins on the bank of the deep and narrow ravine, which served to convey the water that accumulated on the prairie during the rainy season, through Kinkaid's Point down to Taylor's Creek, some five miles farther to the south. Along the steep banks of the ravine might occasionally be found a little spring, issuing from the black mould that covered the surface of the narrow bottom to the depth of four or five feet. Our party was not long in searching out one of these springs in the midst of a grove of wide- spreading walnuts, where they spiead their saddle blankets on the stunted growth of vegetation beneath the tiiick shade, and taking from their portmanteaus a small supply of shelled corn and oats, fed their horses, using the blankets for a manger. Then seating themselves on the ground, they took their dinner in the simple and primeval style of the genuine backwoodsman. During dinner conversation flowed freely around the little circle, each relating in his turn the incidents of his past experience in hunting excursions and camp life. It was a subject the old settlers loved to dwell upon, to the recital of which they listened with undivided attention. When dinner was over and an hour had been spent in resting their horses, they again mounted and proceedeil in a lively mood to make their way over hills and ravines, through brush and bram- bles, frequently interwoven with grape vines. The sun had already passed the meridian, and would soon be declining in the west; the whole party seemed to feel some aiipreheusion that night would be upon them before they had reached the point of their destination. However, keep- HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 273 ing their spirits up, they pressed forward througli all opposing- obstacles, as if determined to make the best of the time allotted them. So Avild was the appearance of the woods around them, so like an uninhabited wilderness, that our party despaired of seeing any indication of the hab- itation of man. For tiiem there was nothing inviting in those sharp ridges, steep hill-sides, and the numerous narrow and deeply-cut ravines that so frequently interrupted them in their march. They were, therefore, ex- ceedingly anxious to escape from these annoyances by getting out on the prairie again. But at the very time when least expecting it, the sharp bark of a dog fell on their ears. At the same time, Mr. Rawlings was observed to turn his horse's head to the right about, with the exclamation, " There's a house ! halt a minute, gentlemen," he continued, " we must scatter out a little in passing this house ; let only two go together, and afterwards two more, until we shall meet over at the point beyond the cabin. If we all go in company the people will think some very impoi-tant movement is on foot, and they Avill arouse the whole neighborhood ; whereas bypassing only two at a time we will get through Avithout exciting suspicion." This mode of passing the house of Thomas Finley required a greater length of time than was desirable, for after passing the house a small prairie — per- haps a mile in width — must be crossed, and wlien two of the company had started across it, so fearful were the others of showing themselves in all their force, that the starting of the next couple was delayed until the first had passed out of sight. But at length they had again assembled on the south side of the prairie, only to plunge again into the forest, where after slowly working their way for two or three hours over every variety of uneven ground, crossing Taylor's Creek and a great number of smaller streams, they found themselves at length entering the north side of another prairie, at the south side of which appeared a long string of timber reaching far to the east, and a short distance to the west seem- ing to unite with that from which they had emerged. As the beautiful little prairie, almost as even as a floor, and adorned with millions of small opening flowers just bursting into life from among the rich growing herbage with all the richness and freshness of Spring, opened out befoi'e them, exclamations of surprise and admiration were heard from each member of the party as they continued to gaze around them. It was indeed a lovely sight, very unlike any they had witnessed on the more undulating prairies farther to the north. The sun was descending low in the west, shedding a flood of glow- ing light along the groves to the south and east, the tall tree-tops waving in the evening breeze, and the deep dark shadows below, presented a most beautiful variety of light and shade ; and an impressive silence like the stillness of midnight prevailed, except as the merry lark, perched on the waving top of some tall flower-stalk, poured forth her song for a moment, and flitted away to another perch more remote from the intruder. As they proceeded, iMr. Rawlings recognized the spot they had been admiring as Ta3-lor's Prairie, and rising in his stirrups and passing his hand along in the direction of the long line of timber in the foreground, he said : " Gentlemen, I think we are drawing near the end of our day's journey. That thick timber running along there is the Macoupin tim- ber, and this -is Taylor's Prairie. Just over there in that point is where 274 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. Jimmy lives. We will reach there by sunset. I tliink we will stay with him to-night, and make all necessary preparations for an early start in the morning. I am anxious to see what Avill come of this singular adven- ture." "Yes," re[)lied 'Squire Allen, "It would be pleasant to know that we were on the road to a splendid fortune ; but if our explorations should prove a signal faihire, and thus expose us to the ridicule of our friends, I am not in a liurry to find it out ; notwithstanding it miglit be pleasant enough for one who has the faculty of enjoj-ing it, to engage in a hearty laugh now and then, even if it be at his own expense. But as we are fully equipped with every thing necessary for camping out, I shall prefer spending the niglit in the camp. It is entirely unnecessary to trouble our friends with keeping us when we are so well prepared to keep ourselves." "That is very true," rejoined the other; "we will camp then, somewhere near, and Jimmy can come to our camp and spend ; two or three hours after night ; we will get what information we can from him, and make arrangements for to-morrow. I liope we will get an early start in the morning, for I want to make as satisfactory a survey-' of the mineral region to-morrow as i)0ssible, and if Ave get a late stai-t we may have to spend a day longer on the ground in consequence of it." As Mr. Rawlings finished speaking, a dull, low sound fell upon their ears, much resembling the low tones of distant thunder. At this time our two friends between whom the above conversation was passing, Avere riding beside each other, and Mr. Rawlings perceiving — as he thought — that Mr. Allen was deceived in reference to the sound, said, " 'Squire, I supposed jou weve more familiar with that kind of thunder than you seem to be. You may depend upon it there is no rain there." "But the reign of industry," replied Mr. Allen, "the kind of reign that produces both food and clothing, and what is better than all, it is a reign of our own making." " It is surprising what a train of reflections may be produced in the head of philosopliic men by the hum of a spinning wheel," replied the surveyor, " but great minds often perceive great effects proceeding from very small causes." " If George will show us the silver mine to-monow," replied Mr. Allen, " we will be prepared to admit the justness of his remarks." The laughter that followed these sallies had scarcely subsided when the party halted in front of the rickety fence that enclosed the cabin of Mr. James Rawlings, and jNIrs. James Rawlings answered the summons of her father-in-law by appearing at the door. After mutual inquiries concei'ning the health of tlie respective families, the Rev. Mr. Rawlings learned from his industrious daugliter-in-law that his son was not at hand, but would return some time during the evening. Upon receiving this intelligence, it was decided to proceed half a mile further and camp near the Macoupin Creek. " Tell James to come down to our camp when he comes home," said Mr. Rawlings to Mrs. James Rawlings, as he raised his rein to ride off, while she resumed her spinning. Proceeding to tl;je creek, the party erected their tent, and, after taking their supper, lay down on their blankets to await the arrival of Mr. James Rawlings, but as tlie time passed away and he did not appear, the elder Mr. Rawlings, accompanied by 'Squire Allen, set out to visit the house, and finding him then at home, they proceeded immediately to discuss their plan of operations for tlie morrow, and receiving assurances HISTORY OF GIIEENE COUNTY. 275 from tlie youngest Mr. Rawlings, that lie would be prompt at tlieir camp at sunrise iu the morning, to accompany them on the expedition, they returned to their camp, and soon the whole party were buried in sleep. But whether it was that calm, qniet, and gentle sleep that wraps the soul in deep unconsciousness of all events transpiring in the outer world, or that wakeful, restless, dreamy, fitful slumber fraught with trouble, dreads and doubts, dangers and perplexities, that lifts the sleeper up the winding way that leads to some high, cragged peak, or from some giddy height impels him down the unfathomed depth of some profound abyss, let those decide who have roamed abroad in search of treasure. Very early on the next morning the inmates of the camp were astir, feeding their horses, pre[)aring breakfast, and packing up their equipage, ready to be off as soon as Mr. James Rawlings should make his appear- ance. As the first rays of the sun peered through the thick forest that lined the banks of the stream, they stood in front of the camp fire, bridle in hand, ready to mount and pursue their journey at a moment's notice. And as he crept higher up in the eastern sky, and sent down his glowing rays to wipe away the heavy dew-drops from the grass and the wild flowers, many anxious glances were cast along the nari'ow path that led to the house of Mr. Rawlings, but he came not. The morning was wasting away, the sun rising higher up in his course, and the air growing warmer around them ; the dew had fled from tlie rich foliage, and the lark commenced her song for the day, but still Mr. Rawlings did not appear. By this time the impatience of the party had reached its culminating point, and several voices at once exclaimed, " Let us be off: it's useless to stay here and await the motions of Jim Rawlings,'"' and, reining up their horses, they prepared to ride off. '' Gentlemen," cried Rev. Mr. Rawlings, "if you can have patience to wait only a few minutes longer, I will ride out that way a short distance and see if he is coming ; " and, putting his horse into a gallop, he was soon out of sight. On and on he went, unwilling to turn back. He constantly applied his heels to his horse's sides, endeavoring to increase his speed, until he reached the house of his son, and to his surprise and even astonishment, found him quietly sitting astride of a shaving-horse, putting a piece of hickory into the shape of a yoke for one of his horses. " Why, James, what are you doing there ? " cried he, "we have been waiting these three hours for you at the creek, looking for you every moment. The bo3^s were just going to leave you, and I begged them to wait till I could come and see what j-ou are about. Come now, don't spend another moment; be on 3'our horse in an instant or they will be gone." " I can't go just yet," replied the other, rather sheepishl}'- ; "a gentleman is to be here in a few minutes with whom I have some l)usi- ness that must be attended to without delay; it will, however, detain me but a short time. Tell the boys that I will meet them at Coop's Creek by noon, and if they can't wait they can go on up there." After receiving instructions from his son as to how they should find the way to Coop's Creek, the reverend gentleman hurried back to com- municate the result of his hasty visit to his son's house. The party was in motion immediately, with Mr. Rawlings and 'Squire Allen at its head. Their route lay along the Macoupin bluffs. A string of lakes and 276 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. marshes stretched along their way on the left, and beyond them arose the heav}^ timber bordering on the Macoupin Creek. Coop's Creek is a small stream rising fifteen or twenty miles back in the country, and flow- ing in a northwesterly direction, empties its waters into the Macoupin on the south side, just before that stream crosses the line now separating the counties of Greene and Macoupin. Just at the point where it issues through the Macoupin bluffs, stands a wall of perpendicular rock, quite conspicuous to persons within the range of vision from that place. It was at this cliff where Mr. James Rawlings proposed to meet the parties at noon. The distance being found less than was anticipated, they ariived at the spot before 11 o'clock, dismounted, fed their horses, and, while some prepared dinner, others explored the country in the immediate vicinity to ascertain whether anything indicative of the existence of silver could be found. Along the banks of the stream were found gneissoid stones, mica, slate, etc., in considerable abundance, together with other stones not common in the country. These our party took for favorable indications of :Something richer, and after dinner made a more thorough examination of the premises. Mr. Rawlings drew the nn^stic rod from his cajiacious saddle-bags, and, climbing to the top of the cliff, proceeded to satisfy him- self in regard to the existence of silver ore at that point, which he con- sidered the most favorable for m.aking observations. The manner of using the rod was something like the following: Taking the ends between the thuml) and linger, and turning the bow down horizontally forward, he walked slowly and carefully forward, observing the leathern sack at the bow or loop as an angler would watch the cork on his fishing tackle to see when it was drawn down by the fish on his hook. Mr. Rawlings knew, or at least thought, that whenever he passed over a spot where silver was deposited, its attraction for the contents of his buckskin sack would bring it suddenh^ down towards the earth, and show as clearly as anything could just where the precious metal was to be found. After having perambulated that elevated position for some time with only partial success, he descended to the plain, and examined in like manner the debris along the foot of the bluffs, as also some other points putting into the Macoupin bottom, but received no very satisfactory assurances that anything like silver existed in the neighborhood. Not yet discour- aged, our little company again mounted their horses and struck boldly across the Macoupin bottom. Mr. James Rawlings had not yet joined them, nor did they expect or desire him to do so. In truth, his character for veracity seemed to have suffered with some members of the company, and they did not desire to see him during the expedition. After crossing to the north side of the Macoupin they directed their course down its northern bank, soon arriving at the furnace and all the evidences of mining operations mentioned by the young Mr. Rawlings in his letter to his father. There were several mounds of earth over- grown Avith briers, young cottonwood and sycamore, and at their base were the pits from which they had been taken. Immediately on the banks of the creek stood the dilapidated furnace, with coals, ashes, and lumps of mineral lying aroui.d. They were not only surprised, but greatly pleased to find the representations of the younger Rawlings, in HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 277 his letter to his father, correct.. His inexplicable conduct in the morning had thrown a shadow of doubt over their minds, and they had viewed his assertions in reference to the silver mine Avith distrust ; but now the evidence was before them that he had adhered to the truth without exaggeration. But still his conduct was as much a mystery as ever. After having written to his father and induced him to take so much trouble to come from home to examine the spot, Avliy did he not accom- pany the party? This was a mystery which none could solve. No doubts were now entertained of the existence of some kind of minerals about these ancient mines. Many specimens were to be found of good size and apparent ricliness lying around on the surface, and the truthful brass rod of the Rev. Mr. Rawlings, clearly indicated that below the surface large quantities might be found by digging. For some reasons, unknown to the writer at this day, no analysis was made to test the value of the mineral found ; nor were the services of the surve3^or called into requisi- tion at that time. The party were probably satisfied with their discovery without pushing their investigations further. The day was fast hasten- ing away, and they manifested a wish to return home, and were soon on their way. On their return, they seemed quite as desirous of passing the settlements unobserved as on their journey out. They arrived in the vicinity of their respective residences late in the afternoon of the follow- ing day, and scattering out in different directions, rode slily along the by-ways, behind the farms, and entered their cabins under the shade of The men composing this company were blessed witli good conversa- tional powers ; they were remarkable for sociability and the easy manner in which they entertained their friends, and possessed a freedom of speech that at all times made them pleasant and communicative companions, but it is a remarkable fact that they always showed a disinclination to dwell upon the subject of their visit to the silver mine ; when that subject was introduced in their presence, they instantly became taciturn, and seemed to know less about it than any one else. They showed a desire to the last to keep the matter a secret, in which they partially succeeded, for, notwithstanding the fact that thirty-four years have passed away since that day, this expedition has been known to but a very few persons. It has afforded us material for a long story, which we hope will repay the reader for perusing it. It is no high-wrought work of the imagination, no fancy sketch, and if it possesses not the interest of a highly-finished romance, it yet lias the merit of being true in every important particular. EVENTS BEFORE THE DEEP SNOW. During 1821, the first settlement was made at Kinkaid's Point, wliich was for a long time a landmark in the county. The point was an angle of timbered land, projecting into the prairie, which was so situated that it could readily be seen many miles away. Before roads were laid out or fences built the pioneers, in going from the Macoupin to the INIauvais- terre, would steer first for Kinkaid's Point, then for a similar landmark farther on, and so on. The first settler at this point was Andrew Kinkaid. 278 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. He was followed very sliortly by his son, William Kinkaid, who was well known in the county as Esquire Kinkaid. Martin Burt also erected a cabin at about the same time. Two or three years later James Kinkaid, anotlier son of the original settler, arrived. Every one knew him " with his blue hunting shirt fringed with red and encircled by a belt, to wliich a sword was suspended, and wearing a tall hat witli a feather." As he commanded a company he was a prominent figure at the musters at Carrol Hon. Very soon after Kinkaid's Point was settled, John Finley, better known, however, as " Fighting Jack," erected a horse mill south of the pres- ent site of Greenfield. Although very loosely constructed, it was a great convenience for the dwellers for many miles around. Men and boys visited this mill from beyond Carroll ton, riding on their sacks of corn and leading horses enough to turn the mill. Strange as it may seem, this mill was supplied with neither wheel nor cog. At an elevation of six feet from the ground, a number of arms were passed horizontally through the driving shaft. They were of equal length, and their outer ends were deeply notched for the reception of a rawhide band twisted like a rope. This was passed around the end of the arms or spokes, resting in the notches, and thence to the " trundle," being crossed, however, between the latter and the driving wheel, to prevent slipping. To the same shaft that carried the arms was attached a long lever, to which the horse or horses were fastened. This was all the gearing belonging to the mill, and from its great simplicity it was easily repaired Avhen out of order. A few hickory withes usually secured any part that needed attention. John Finley and his son Thomas afterward entered the site of the Rock- bridge Mills. The old gentleman settled on the bluff south of the creek, and his son made a home in Taylor's Prairie, just north of Rockbridge. June 10, 1822, the following persons, then living in Cumberland, in the north of England, left their homes for the far off West: James Hobson, Elizabeth Hobson, Peter Hobson, John Hobson, Thomas Hobson, Mary Hobson, Robert Hobson, Jane Hobson, sister of the foi'mer, John Hobson, Margaret Black, John Black, David Black, Wm. Black, Thomas Black, Elizabeth Black (mother of Dr. Hobson, of this city), John Armstrong, Isaac Richardson, Chas. F. Hobson, Ruth Richardson, Jeremiah Richardson, Elizabeth Richardson, and Geo. Baty. In about two weeks they took shipping at Liverpool, and after a perilous voyage of forty-seven days, landed in New York City. From there they pro- ceeded in wagons to this county, where the}^ safely arrived, after the lapse of about four months, making the entire period, from the time of leaving home, six months. These all settled near Carrollton. Of this pioneer band the following are still living: Peter, Thomas, Robert, and John Hobson, Mrs. Elizabeth Hobson (formerly Elizabeth Black), and William and Thomas Black, making the entire number of this company, now living, seven. Thomas Black, one of the survivors, who is quite extensively known throughout the county, has lived in the house he now occupies, fifty-two years, and it is still a good, commodious, and comfort- able dwelling. Those who remain of this company of old settlers all live in and near Carrollton, except John Hobson, who now resides in New Orleans. For sevei-al years the survivors have been in the habit of meet- ing at the residence of one of their number, having a dinner in keeping niSTOKY OF GREENE COUNTY. 279 with the occasion, and spending- the dny in talking over the past, and reconnting the events and memories of former years. The Last meeting- was held at the residence of Dr. E. B. Hobson, in this city. Concerning the settlements east of Carrollton soon after the organi- zation of the county, Mr. Tunnell says, in an article in the Carrollton Press, 1860: " The first improvement east of Carrollton was made in 1818 or 1819 by Martin Wood, who is now living near Athens, in this county. It is now the residence of Mr. Curtius, a farm well known by every man in the country about CarroUon. Young Wood was a brother of Martin. By an unfortunate accident, while young, he was severely burned, disfiguring his face and disabling his hands to such a degree as to render them useless but for the skill acquired by long practice in using them, and which enabled him to Avrite quite legibly and, indeed, to attend to most kinds of business with a readiness and dispatch really surprising. He was for a long time sheriff of Greene County, and occupied at an early day rather a prominent position in politics. He died many j-ears ago. His cabin was on the place known as the Turpin Fai-m, and stood just where Mr. Turpin's house now stands. Passing from thence east- ward and northward over a piece of verj^ muddy land to the place now occupied by Mr. Hinton, you would find the cabins of John Dunn and Davidson James. To reach the next cabin you would travel eastward as far as the next sixteenth section, perhaps four or five miles, to where John Cooper had settled, about the spot where Father Boyd resided a few years ago. The John W. Huitt place was settled by Thomas Finley, who was well known by the early settlei's. He afterward resided many years near Greenfield, and removed from there to Texas. Messrs. Headd and Broghton improved the land now occupied by Mr. Ballinger, near Dover. One Mr. Blaney soon became its occupant, however, but before he had moved into the cabin, after Headd and Broghton had left it, one Levi Reynolds took shelter under its roof, and remaining there alone for a time, took provisions and water, and probably whisky, to the corps of surveyors engaged in the neighborhood." In 1822 occurred the most remarkable election of which we have any record in this region. It was the first election for senator and repre- sentative in the General Assembly since the organization of the county. This senatorial district then consisted of Greene and Pike Counties, the latter then including "all the military district lying between the Illinois River and the Mississippi, from the mouth of the former to the north line of the State. Thomas Carlin and Rev. Isaac N. Piggott were the opposing candidates. The late Judge D. M. Woodson, in his Centennial address, said of them : " Carlin was a man of great nerve and energy and undaunted courage. His personal popularity was great, for he had been reared niniongst the pioneers of Illinois, had served as a Ranger and shared with them their hardships and perils. Piggott was at that time a Meth- odist preacher.. He possessed strong native talent, was a forcible speaker, also personally popular and a formidable opponent." Mr. Piggott's house was south of the Macoupin, a short distance west of Kane. The canvass was prosecuted with the utmost vigor, for each candidate was aware that he was contesting with a foeman worthy of his steel. Each was aspiring and ambitious, and neither was at all oblivious of the honor of being elected the first leaislator from the district. The candidates and 280 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. their friends labored diligently Avith all the arts then knmvn to politics. Mr. Piqgott made frequent speeches to the citizens of the district and both traveled all over the region, shook hands with every one and made as much use as possible of the influence of their friends. The result of the election was so much in doubt that each claimed to be the successful candidate, and in some way each of them secured a certificate. With these they presented themselves at the senate and claimed seats. That body promptly decided that there had been no election, and sent the contestants back to fight their battle over again. Excitement was now at a fever heat, and probably a more heated, earnest canvass in so thinl}'- populated a district was never before known. The result was a clear victory for ]\Ir. Carlin, and from the Legislature he stepped, some years later, into the governor's mansion. Mr. Piggott died in 1874, eighty-two years of age. From that time Greene County has been represented in the senate by John Allen, Thomas Rattan, James Turney, Franklin Witt, Manoah Bostick, Alfred W. Cavarly, Linus E. Worcester, and Charles D. Hodges, all residents of Greene, besides by others who resided in adjacent coun- ties. The several rejiresentatives from the county have been Thomas Rattan, John Allen, Franklin Witt, Samuel C. Pierce, William Goode, Charles Gregory, Lewis W. Link, Dr. Cyrus A. Davis, William Lane, alias William Mitchell, Calvin Tunnell, Revelle W. English, David M. Woodson, Alfred W. Cavarly, Joshua C. Winters, Alfred Hinton, Josiah Caswell, William P. Witt, Charles D. Hodges, Alexander Witt, Alex- ander King, Benjamin Baldwin, Giles H. Turner, James H. Pursley, Nathaniel M. Perry, Henry C. Withers, Thomas H. Boyd, Jerome B. Nulton, Lucien King, and Frank M. Bridges. The earliest settlers found on the banks of the Macoupin a large tribe of Indians, who remained for some time, taking advantage of the immense quantity of game which abounded in this region. They were fi'iendly to the whites, and were frequently to be seen at their cabins to the terror of the feminine portion of the families. Indians in greater or less numbers were frequent visitors of the county for several years, but were never in any way hostile to the settlers. Many of the pioneers, however, retained their feeling of hate for the savages, aroused during the war, and the determination to kill the first one of them who was met alone, was often expressed. The Indians were not, however, on the best terms Avith each other, but they usually refrained from any outbreak of personal violence. If a white man passed near one of them in the woods, the Indian often seemed desirous of avoiding a meeting, but if the parties happened to be proceeding in such directions as to render such a meeting inevitable, the red man would walk briskh^ up. to the white man and, taking his hand in both of his own, shake it cordially, calling him " Good man, good man ; " " Me Pottawatomie Indian " (or Kickapoo, as the case might be), "Me good Indian; Kickapoo no good Indian, Kickapoo steal white man's hogs." In fact both the tiibes annoyed the settlers by killing their hogs. About this time a band of Indians camped on the Macoupin, in the east part of the county. They had with them their squaws, and came for the purpose of securing some of the game with which that region abounded. They had not been long in camp before some of their HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 281 enemies near Carrollton determined that they should be driven away. The dwellers in the country had no objection to the presence of the red men, but as others were determined to eject them, they concluded to accompany the expedition. Gen. Fiy led the company, and amonc.- those from the country Avere John W. Huitt, the two Taylors, and Messrs. Alexander and Foster. Arrived at the Indian camp they found it entirely deserted by the braves, who were all absent in pursuit of deer or turkey or other game. The wigwams, the fii-e, and the squaws, with tlieir pappooses, were alone to be found. In order to call in tlie busy hunters, and, at the same time, to occupy the time the party set up a mark and began firing at it with their rifles. The quick, repeated reports produced the desired effect, for the terrified savages soon came rushing in, panting and covered with pers- piration and expecting to find their wives and children brutally massacred. They were much delighted to discover that they were unduly frightened, and, awaiting the arrival of the chief, entered into a friendly contest in markmanship with the pale-faces. The keen eye and steady nerve of the Indians gave them the victory and they did not hesitate to manifest their satisfaction at such result by loud and boistei'ous rejoicing. At last the chief arrived and to him the white men kindly but firmly communi- cated their desire that he and his people should quit the county. They asked the privilege of remaining until the sun should pass over tlieir heads three times which being granted, they promised to go, and in the course of two or three days had disappeared. This was about the last appearance of Indians in this county, though an occasional wanderer was seen even down to a quite recent period. On the way home from this expedition the party came upon a dressed deer and a number of skins belonging to the savages, and a few proposed that they appropriate them ; but the sense of honor of the majority ruled and the flesh and pelts were left undisturbed. Soon night overtook the party ; those from town Avere anxious to push on, but Mr. Huitt and his friends concluded to camp till morning. They passed a very comfortable night and reached home during the next morning, feeling fresh and Avell, while those who had pushed on walked until nearly daybreak before reaching their own roofs. Possibly some reader may be surprised to know that negro slaves were owned in this county during the first years after its organization, yet such is the fact. Early in the history of the count}' a man named Pullam came to Illinois from Kentucky. He settled on the Barr place^ a short distance west of the property now owned by David Wriglit ; he brought with him about twent}' negroes. After remaining here some time and learning that the laws of the State did not permit the owning of slaves, he sold out. Baynam AVhite bought his improvements and lie sold to one Pepperdine. Mr. Pullam took all his negroes south with him except one, " Old Strap," and he remained lieie for several 3'ears. During the latter part of his life he was an expense to the county, and this explains the following entry in the records of the Commissioners' Court which has been a puzzle to many : " Ordered, that Robert B. Scott be allowed four dollars for keeping 'Old Strap.'" Thomas Rattan also brought negroes to this county with him. On arriving upon free soil he set them at liberty", but he was so kind a master that they preferred to remain with him. Mr. Rattan was emphatically a man of business and 282 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. always carried on a great deal of work. He hence had a large niimher of negroes in his family nearly all the time. They ate at the same table with himself, his family, and his guests, the colored part of the house being ])laced on one side of the table and the white folks on the other side. The last evidence that we have of the possession of slaves is found in the records of the deeds in the office of the recorder. In them we find mention of the following deeds : one dated December 7, 1885, by which James H. Cravens and wife deed to James G. Berry, John H. Marmon, and John C. Beriy, in consideration of the sum of $]00, the following property : " A negro boy slave called and known by the name of Jonathan, about fifteen years of age, of a light complexion, about five feet four inches high ; also a negro woman, Tener, about eighteen years of age, of a dark complexion ; also Tener's child, named Margaret, about two years old, of a light complexion, and all other increase which said negro woman Tener may have from and after this date ; said negroes are at this time in the State of Kentucky in the possession of Lewis Grimes." On September 18, 1848, we find recorded a bill of sale, where- by, for the sum of $1,100, Larkin Rattan conveys to Thomas Rattan " one equal and undivided half of all my right, title, and interest in the following slaves, to-wit : Charlotte, aged forty-three years ; Bill, aged fourteen years ; Mary, aged twelve years ; George, aged about eleven years ; Louisiana, aged about eight years ; Gunn Iowa, aged about five years, and another slave boy, name unknown, aged about two j-ears." In this connection it may be interesting to notice how the name " Nigger Lick " happened to be applied to a stream in the eastern part of the county. It is said that a company of negro slaves fleeing from their masters camped on the bank of this stream. They were followed and tracked to their hiding place. At their camp the pursuers found a negro woman lying by the fire whose smoke had guided them to her. By means of threats they prevailed upon her to point out the location where the rest of the runaways could be found. Proceeding in the direction she indicated they soon came upon the negroes near a bold, gushing spring that came up through a fissure in a solid sandstone just large enough to admit a man's hand. A basin holding some ten gallons had been excavated from the top of the rock either by the water or by arti- ficial means. The water rises in the center of this basin, and running over the sides, flows off in a brisk current. Close by the stream was a salt deposit, Avhere the deer often I'esorted, drawn by the saline taste. This fact, with the incident above related, gave to the stream the name of " Nigger Lick," which it has since borne. During the early history of the county there stood in the Court House park three whipping posts, and we hear of these being used as an instrument of punishment several times. Two of these posts wei-e sit- uated near the northeast coriier of the yard and one in the southwest corner. Among the culprits who received coi'poral punishment while closely embracing one of these posts was Thomas Anderson, who had been convicted of stealing a horse. As he was brought out upon the square a crowd of men and boys gathered ai'ound, and a large company of ladies assembled on the second story piazza of a house situated very near where j\L-s. Keach's residence now stands. Sheriff Young Wood had charge of the prisoner, assisted by his deputy, Jacob Fry. The con- HISTORY OF GREENE COUKTY. 283 vict Avas commanded to remove his sliirt, and tlien his hands were drawn up as high as possible and fastened to the top of the j^ost and liis feet to the bottom. Tlien as he buried his face between liis upstretched arms the Siieriff coolly grasped a heavy rawhide with his distorted l)and and com- menced slowly to lay the heavy blows upon the bare shoulders of the sufferer. The deputy mentioned stood by and called out as each blow was given, " one," "• two," " three," etc., until fifty long heavy welts were traced upon the culprit's back, horizontally and verticall}^ checking his flesh into squares like those of a chess board. After the punisliment was over the victim declared to the bystanders that his keenest suffering arose from his knowledge of the fact that ladies' eyes witnessed his dis- grace. In January, 1823, Morgan County was organized, thus cutting off the northern portion of the territory attached to Greene County. At the time of its organization, Morgan County included Scott and Cass Coun- ties, but these were soon cut off. In 1829 the territory now constituting Macoupin County was sep- arated from Greene County, and by act of General Assembly erected into a separate organization. The attention of the Commissioners' Court was maiidy taken up in those days in the care of the poor, the laying out of roads and in other county improvements. The first court house was not finished until 1824, and March 27, 1830, the contract for the erection of the present edifice was let. The proceedings of the commissioners give in full the bond entered into by Thomas Rattan for the erection of the building for the sum of $7,000, to be paid in yearly installments of $1,000 eacli. The edifice was to be forty-four feet wide by forty-six feet long, and to be built of durable materials. The contract did not provide for dressing the stone used in the foundation and the citizens of CarroUton raised the neces- sary amount by voluntary contributions. It was furnished with five outside doors, three on the east and one each on the north and south sides. These doors were double and the windows were all supplied with blinds. The interior arrangement of the edifice was far different from that which now prevails. The first floor contained one large court room and two small offices. The court room was entered by the middle east door, or by either the north or the south door. The floor was of brick except that of the bar, which was of wood and considerably elevated. This impor- tant part of the court room was situated in the western part of the room and towering above it was the judge's bench. Opening out of the court room and also communicating with the outside by doors on the east, in the northeast and southeast corners of the building, were the offices of the circuit and the county clerk. Although small, these rooms were ample for the purpose and were sometimes found large enough to contain the bed of the clerk, who made the department at once ])is office and bed chamber. Up stairs there was one long room used by the grand jury and as a public hall for all kinds of traveling shows, lectures, ••' the-ay-ters," " Avax figgers," etc. There were also two rooms above for the accommo- dation of the petit juries. The arrangement of tiie building was at once convenient and economical. The edifice, when finislied in 1832, was the pride of the county audit was universally admitted at the time, to be the finest court house in the State. But of late it has become a disgrace 284 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. to the county, and is still suffered to remain, although it may at any time fall in upon the heads of those who inhabit it. Thomas Rattan, the builder of the court house, was one of the most active, energetic men of business ever in the county. He was constantly active and pushing forward some enterprise. He is believed to have con- tributed more to the material improvement of the count}^ than any of his cotemporaries. He first lived north of Apple Creek. When the county was established he removed to Carrollton and kept the first hotel in the town. He was soon found on his farm again, north of Apple Creek, where he erected an ox mill, which was a great convenience to many. During this time he was elected a member of the legislature. He re- turned to Carrollton and was repeatedly sent to the General Assembly of the State. Beside the court house he built the bridge across the Macoupin Creek, erected the mill afterwards known as Turpin's mill, constructed a fine brick dwelling on the premises, and talked of spending the remainder of his days there, but he had soon sold the mill and was again in Carrollton, keeping the brick tavern on the southeast corner of the Square. He afterward built the mill now known as Erisman's mill, and finally removed to Texas. He died in the Lone Star State, Novem- ber 11, 1854. From the following order, passed June 9, 1824, an idea may be formed of the amount of taxes compared Avith the revenue of the present day : " Ordered that Jacob Linder, treasurer of this county, be allowed sixty- eight dollars for sessing the tax for the present year." The first statement of the financial condition of the county was made in December, 1825, by Young Wood, sheriff. It deals with figures ridic- ulously small, when compared with those of the present day. The fol- lowing is the report, in full, as it stands upon the records : Amount of County tax for 1824. $561 43 J^ Amount of delinquent tax for 1824 16 50 Tax collected for the year $544 93'A Tax for 1825 555 25 Fines assessed by the Circuit Court during the year 1825 - - 290 00 Fmes assessed and paid in by Justices of the Peace for 1825 goo Amount of Sheriffs debits $1,399 ^^'A Orders paid _ -$787 59 Sheriffs commissions on the tax of 1824 and 1S25, at -j/z percent 82 51^ Totalcredit 870 io)4 Due the county.. $529 oS)i( Amount of orders on treasury up to the first day of this term, estimat- ing specie claims at double their amount in State paper 619 39X The entire revenue of the county (including the tax on real estate which had been entered five years) for the year 18H0, was $1,840.47 ; in 1840, it was !|8,G41.58; in 1850, $15,034.78; in 1860, $48,299.02; in 1870, $98,410.94. During the early history of the county the Illinois River was of im- mense value as a means of communication with the outside world* HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 285 Farmers built flat boats and floated their produce and stock to St. Louis, or sometimes to a more southerly market. Canoes and keel boats coming up the river brought many of the conveniences and luxuries which could not be procured in other ways. In 1826, the first steamboat passed up the river, and then the stream became still more valuable to the county. The population had, in the mean time, been increasing, and large quanti- ties of merchandise from the markets were demanded. These nearly all were brought up by river and distributed by wagons over the county. At one time the construction of a plank or stone road from the river to Carrollton, was much talked of, and later, a railroad from Greenfield to the Illinois was proposed, but neither plan has j^et been carried out. In 1826, the first settlements were made in the region in the eastern part of the county, known as String Prairie, or the vicinity of the Rubi- con. The Rubicon is quite a small stream, rising near the Macoupin County line, flowing to the southwest and emptying into Taylor's Creek. It is so small a stream that until quite recently it had been nameless, when during a very wet season its volume was so much increased, that some enthusiastic dweller on its banks gave it the classic name it bears. String Prairie is separated from the Rubicon by a narrow strip of wood- ed land, and stretches thence for miles away to the north and west. The first recorded settlers in this region, were Isaac Wood, Alfred Wood, David Miller, Wm. Finley, and Thomas Finley. Their nearest neighbors were then at Kinkaid's Point. The next year Jeremiah Hand came among them, but for some time afterward few accessions to their number arrived. The timber along the stream was not heavy, and on this account many thought that the region could never support more than a very sparse population. In 1829, however, several new inhabitants arrived, among whom may be mentioned Jacob Young, Ichabod Valentine, How- ard Finle3^ and James Cannedy. The last mentioned made his home north- east of where Greenfield now stands, the others settled southeast of the Rubicon. On the opposite side of the stream, near its mouth, during the same year, James H. Weisner, Wiley Wylder, Joel Grizzle and Herod Grizzle made improvements. In 1830, the settlement was still further increased in number Ijy the arrival of William Askins at the head of the Rubicon, and between that stream and Taylor's Creek, William Handlin and Elisha Shelton. At the same time John Cannedy, Stephen Coonrod, Thomas Coonrod, Lewis Shearman and two Starlins, came on to String Prairie. Eri, David, and Joel Edwards settled in the same neighborhood about the same time. The descendants of these men still live in this vicinity, and are among the most substantial citizens of the county. From this time the settlement of that portion of the county was very rapid. Two or three years later Greenfield was laid out by George W. Allen, Esq., and, surrounded as it was by some of the finest farming lands in the State, it had a healthy and rapid growth. Further west on the prairie, in 1828, Wm. Grimes and Alexander and Benoni Banning erected their cabins. The next year Ellis and John Davidson, Henry Norris, and George Wright, made improvements. Henry Norris settled on the place now known as the '' Brushy Tavern," some three or four miles north of Greenfield's present location, and Mr. Wright at White Oak Spring. The first settler at " Nigger Lick Spring" was Thomas Sharp, who E 286 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. came there about 1827. The property on which he settled has chang^ed hands very frequently, and was at one time owned by John Waller. Dr. Throcmorton made improvements about the same time on property after- ward owned by John Parks. During the first year of the county's Iiistory the polls for that precinct were established at the house of John Parks. Hiram Drake, William Smith, Thomas Vandaveer, B. T. Scott, Absalom Fair, Moses Chenny, Howard Fiidey, and Fayette Brown, settled between Nigger Lick and Bear Creek near this time. Edward Prather sdso came about this time, buying out a man named Carroll, who had been living in the region for many years. Davidson James, who settled on the Hinton farm east of Carrollton some years before, and afterward at Kin- Icaid's Point, now became one of the early settlers in this region as were, also, Silas Drum and Eli Butcher. THE DEEP SNOW AND OTHER EVENTS. In the latter part of November, 1830, snow commenced to fall and continued with short intervals until January, 1831. As one snow fell upon another, and was driven before the cold wind, it soon accumulated in many places to a depth of from seven to twelve feet, and whole fields were covered with a white mantle five or six feet thick. Fences and small buildings were entirely hidden, windows were darkened, and great •distress was caused to the inhabitants, as well as to stock and game. In the heavy timber where there were no drifts the snow was said to average three feet in depth. The sun would occasionally melt the top of the :snow, and then a cold night would freeze it into an almost impenetrable crust. For years before, the weather had been very mild until after Christmas; sometimes continuing all winter so warm that the cattle would ibrowse and feed with but very little care from man. Many farmers had not gathei-ed their corn, and were compelled to go to the field and dig •down beneath four or five feet of snow to secure the grain to preserve the lives of their families or cattle. Being unable to go to mill, a great (deal of corn was broken in a wooden mortar, so that it could be eaten. Many suffered from lack of clothing, and from the airy construction of their cabins, as this was to the most their first intimation that they were living in a region where extreme cold weather was possible. The deer iind other game suffered very severely. Prairie chickens and rabbits Avere very easily caught, and the deer in running over the snow would often cut through the crust and be unable to extricate themselves. They were then an easy prey to mankind, or the wolves. This "deep snow" is one of the events most vividly impressed upon the memory of the "old set- tler," and it is used as a base line from which to calculate time in both directions. Only those who came to the county "before the deep snow" are deemed genuine " old settlers," although this rule is not very rigidly enforced. Many interesting incidents of this year are related. Mr. Tunnell states tiiat in October, 1830, Elisha Cheney and his wife lay sick at a house near Mr. George Wriglit's residence at " White Oak Springs," •east of Carrollton. Mr. Wright and Mr. Norris sat up with them in turns every night until February, when Mrs. Cheney died. The snow HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 287 had already lain on the ground for over two months, and as the winter was excessively cold, the task of wading two or three miles frequently at night, and sitting up all night with the sick, could not have been a pleas- ant one. About the time of the lady's death, a rain fell which filled the ravines and rendered the snow soft and yielding. It was then that Mr. Wright set out very early to obtain lumber with which to build a coffin for the deceased. But to travel a few miles required a great deal of time, and after a laborious day's tramp he returned home without having accomplished his errand. He and Mr. Norris then cut two boards from a log with a whip saw, when night compelled them to retire. Hearing that Dr. Throcmorton had commenced building a house at a place called Mt. Airy, two or three miles distant, Mr. Wright set out early the next morning with the hope of getting some lumber from him. Although the soft snow was deep and heavy, and the low grounds covered with water in many jjlaces to the depth of three feet, he made the best of present troubles and pushed boldly on. He succeeded in obtaining only a portion of the lumber necessary, and completed the coffin with a board ripped from the bottom of a wagon bed. The next day Mr. Wright conveyed the corpse to the burying ground in a wagon drawn by oxen wading "up to their bellies in snow,'' and, though the distance was not great, the day was consumed in going and coming. He and his friend Norris continued to wait on the sick man until "plow time," when he had so far convalesced as to dispense with their services. Similar tales are told in every neighborhood, and the memory of the "deep snow" is very faithfully preserved. Until the latter part of February, when the snow went off with a great freshet, the ground was not seen. The Summer which followed was a very wet one and at its close, on the 12th of September, came a hard frost biting the corn in the field, and rendering it valueless for bread or seed. The succeeding Winter was a ver}^ severe one, and in the Spring following seed corn was a scarce article. It was at this time that southern Illinois received the name of "Egypt," because the people of the northern counties had to go into the south part of the State for corn. Greene County had been in existence ten years before a murder oc- curred within her borders. In September, 1831, the first human life was violently taken since the organization of the county. There was in those days, on the Macoupin, a distillery, where those who loved the fruit of the still were in the habit of gathering and indulging their appetites. Among these frequenters of the place was John Lofton, who was the father of a very bright little boy, named Samuel. One Saturda}^ the dis- tiller sent this boy on horseback to Mill's store on the Mississippi River, to collect about fifteen dollars due him. The boy started off with per- mission to stay over night with some friends at Gillham's Mound if he wished. He was successful in prosecuting his business, and started home with the money. As he was passing Carroll's tanyard he was accosted by an old acquaintance, an Irishman, known as James Sullivan, though Patrick Cavanaugh was afterwards learned to be his true name. Cava- naugh was a man about forty years of age, who had been working for various persons in the southern part of the county. He asked the boy to allow him to ride with him on the horse. To this the lad consented, and 288 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. lifting himself out of the saddle, took the place behind in order that he might give Cavanaugh the easier seat. As they rode along, Samuel re- lated, the day's experiences and displayed the money which he had col- lected. After a time Cavanaugh turned the horse off the road into a wood. The boy objected, to this, and became somewhat frightened, but Cavanaugh proceeded until he reached a secluded spot, whereupon, dis- mounting and picking up a club, he knocked the little fellow senseless. After Cavanaugh had possessed himself of the money the boy showed signs of returning consciousness, upon which his brutal assailant com- pleted his work and murdered him. He then turned the horse loose, and fled the country. Young Lofton's parents were not uneasy about his failure to return until Wednesday or Thursday of the next week. Search was then instituted, and on the latter day the vultures guided them to the spot where his body lay. On Friday a coroner's inquest was held by Coronor P. N. Rampey. The horrible brutality of the outrage cast a gloom over the whole county, and a large reward was offered for the ap- prehension of the murderer. The next Spring a citizen of the county took some produce to New Orleans in a flat boat. In that city he saw Cavanaugh, and recognized him. He enticed him into a saloon, and when they were about to drink, proposed as a health, " Here's hoping we shall meet in Greene County, Illinois." These words almost paralj^zed the murderer, and he dropped the glass from his hands. He was promptly arrested, secured and taken to Greene County. The case against him was so clear, and he was so completely without money and friends, that he was promptly convicted and sentenced to be hung. He subsequently made a full and circumstantial confession. The gallows for his execution consisted merely of a frame supporting the beam from which the noose was suspended. It was erected about a mile northwest of Carrollton, on an elevation of land now belonging to David Wright, Esq. On the day appointed for the execution, an immense concourse of people gathered at the county seat. Every one within a range of twenty or thirty miles who could possibly leave home was present, and the roads were thronged. Cavanaugh was placed in a wagon seated upon his coffin, and surrounded by a guard appointed for the occasion, of whom Judge Alfred Hinton, still living, was one. Before they had proceeded far the prisoner signified a desire to walk, which was granted. At the gallows the ceremonies were brief. Jacob Fry, Sheriff, had charge of the execution, and a Catholic priest offered the condemned man the consolations of religion. He was placed in a wagon immediately under the beam, the noose ad- justed, and the wagon driven from under him. The body was afterwards cut down and buried under an oak tree in the corner of the field, where the bones lie to-day. Just about the time the execution was consum- mated a remarkably heav}^ rain storm set in, and there were, doubtless, in Carrollton that day more wet people than at any one time before or since. The ladies of the aristocracy of those days wore immense paper bonnets of various hues and plentifully adorned with ribbons. The effect of the rain upon these was magical and they were soon ruined. The worthy dames were obliged to cast them aside, and the roads leading to Carroll- ton were thickly strewn with the wrecks of paper bonnets, which did not disappear for many days. The call for troops for the Black Hawk War had been issued but a short time previously, and the regiment of which HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 289 Sheriff (now General) Fry was Colonel, had marched toward the seat of war several days before the execution. As soon as that ceremony was over the colonel hurried to Carrollton, buckled on his sword, and mount- ing his steed hastened forward to overtake his command. It is related that some years after these events a traveling expounder of the science of phrenology stopped at Carrollton to give lectures and delineations of character. George Wright, Esq., anxious to test the professor's skill, dug into the grave of Cavanaugh, and taking up his skull, presented it to the phrenologist. He examined it carefully, and proceeded to describe the man of wliose frame it once formed a part, as a person of intellectual habits, gentle temper, very kind hearted, very just, etc., etc. When told that the skull was taken from the grave of a confessed murderer the de- lineator collapsed, and lectured no more at Carrollton. Concerning Greene County's part in the Black Hawk War, I can not do better than to take the following from the Centennial Address of the late Hon. D. M. Woodson, as published in the Carrollton Patriot: "Whenever the government has demanded of its citizens military- service, the people of Greene have always responded with alacrity. In 1831, when volunteers were called for to repel the invasion of Black Hawk and to protect the nortliwest portion of the State, Greene was amongst the first to answer. Three companies were raised, commanded by Capt. Jacob Fry, Capt. Thomas Carlin, and Capt. Samuel C. Pearce. They marched and rendezvoused at Beardstown, and Captain Fry having been promoted to the office of Major, John Lorton was elected to fill his place. The forces were marched to Rock Island, but the Indians having escaped across the Mississippi, and their services being no longer needed, they were discharged. The following year the services of the people were again required to repel a second invasion of Black Hawk, and a company was raised commanded by Capt. Samuel Smith, Enoch Baccus, First Lieutenant, and Samuel Bowman, Second Lieutenant. Col. Jacob Fry commanded a regiment of which the company formed a part. Col. Fry bore a conspicuous part in that enterprise, and is honorably mentioned in the written history of the Black Hawk War, as it is called. At the battle of ' Bad Axe,' when Black Hawk was captured. Lieutenant Bow- man lost his life, having been shot by an Indian, who in turn was shot by John Link, another Greene County volunteer." A census taken in 1830 showed that the county contained 7,674 inhabitants, and during the ten succeeding years, although Jersey County was in the meantime cut off, the population of Greene County increased to 11,951, and Jersey County contained 4,515 people. The Macoupin Creek bridge was built in 1831-2, the Apple Creek bridge having been constructed some time previously. During the same year a new jail was built by William Meldrum, who took the con- tract for $3,560. Among the orders of this year we find one directing that the school fund be loaned for "25 per cent, annual interest and no more." In or about 1828 one Mr. Courtney and his son, Robinson Courtney, settled places just north of where Fayette now stands, and one Ezekiel Good improved a place one or two miles to the west, about the borders of Taylor's Creek timber. It is the place since occupied by William Ed- monson. And in different parts of the neighborhood the following 290 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. named persons located and commenced improving their farms during the same year : John Lewis, Obadiali Lee, Joseph Van Meter and his father, Richard J. Keel and Richard R. Keel. Amasa Van Meter was once well known about Carrollton ; he owned a mill on the Macoupin south of Carrollton for several years, and struggled severely with adverse circum- stances. He was a poor man and unable to put and keep his mill in good repair, so that it became a burden rather than a benefit to him. He was highly esteemed for his uprightness and unflinching honesty. After struggling through a few years of hardship at tlie mill, he accidentally slipped off a wagon load of hay or grain; his pitchfork had fallen down before him, and stood with the handle on the ground, and the tines point- ing upward as it leaned against the hay. As Mr. Van Meter was sliding down, a tine of the fork entered his leg, and, passing along up the bone, made a wound that rendered him a cripple for life. He kept his bed for several months, and upon recovering sufficiently to attend to business, he disposed of the mill, and in the year 1828 settled in Taylor's Prairie. A little farther down the prairie, toward the Taylor Settlement, Henry Etter and Peter Etter, Reuben Odle, Samuel Judy, and William Swinney located their farms, and settled in the neighborhood the year above named. William Swinney was a blacksmith, and erected a shop just at the edge of Taylor's Creek timber. He came from the State of Tennessee, and was a reckless, unprincipled fellow. He and Peter Etter had exchanged horses, and soon after they met^t the Macoupin, where Rock- bridge is now situated, and while engaged in a conversation about their horses, Etter said to him that the horse he (Etter) had got of him was older than Swinney had represented him to be ; whereupon Swinney flew into a passion, and when Etter was riding past his blacksmith shop soon afterward Swinney shot him and made his escape. Etter was killed and the other was never apprehended. About the year 1834 Mr. James Rives moved into the neighborhood where Rivesdale was soon after located, and Manoah Bostick, William Blair, James Metcalf, and others settled in about where Fayette is sit- uated. They all purchased large tracts of land and immediately took steps for improvement. Mr. Bostick enclosed an immense field and era- ployed William Handlin to break two hundred acres, at the rate of one dollar per acre. LLmdlin went to work with two plows that opened each a furrow of eighteen inches in width, and to which were attached four yoke of oxen, and during the season he broke one hundred and forty acres, for which Mr. Bostick paid him one hundred and forty dollars, with which Mr. Handlin purchased a tract of land in the neighborhood, and became a settler for a short time. He improved as many places probably, in Greene and Macoupin Counties, as any other man. He settled at an early day near Carrollton, and moved nearly every year from place to place, still working eastward, until he got over into the county of Ma- coupin, and died on a farm he had improved a short distance from Sum- merville. About 1833 a man named Leonard settled on what is now known as the Jerseyville Prairie. He was regarded as very daring to under- take to make a home so far away from the timber, and almost every one predicted that that portion of the county would never be occupied, except as grazing ground for cattle. The most valuable land in Jersey County is now situated on that prairie. HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 291 In 1833 the county suffered from Asiatic cholera so severely that in the space of a few weeks there were about fifty deaths from this disease. Of these thirty-two died in Carrollton, two or three along the Illinois River, a few at White Hall, and others in other parts of the county. Business was almost entirely suspended in various towns, and grass grew in the busiest streets in the county. Many of the inhabitants of the county were panic-stricken, and would not leave their houses for fear of suffering from the infection. Fifty deaths may seem a small number to produce so much commotion, but it should be remembered that there were, at that time, less than eight thousand people in the whole county, from Alton to Roodhouse. The Fall of 1836, is made memorable by the event known as the " sudden freeze." This was occasioned by a remarkable current of cold air passing from the northwest to the southeast, directly over Greene County. Its width extended over the entire central portion of the State. Its velocity was, as near as can now be determinecl, about thirty miles per hour. It was felt in Jacksonville about noon, and was in Lebanon, Ohio, just above Cincinnati, at nine o'clock that evening. Mr. Wash- ington Crowder, a resident of Sangamon County, was married on the 21st of December, 1836, and distinctly remembers going for his license the day before. This event fixes the date beyond a doubt. He was on his way to Springfield on the afternoon of the 20th, and when a few- miles below the city had a fair view of the landscape for several miles in every direction. He saw in the northwest a heavy, black cloud rapidly approaching him, accompanied by a terrific, deep, bellowing sound. Closing the umbrella he was carrying over him to protect himself from the falling rain, he was in the act of drawing his reins taut, when the wave came over him. At that instant the snow and slush under his horse's feet turned to ice, while his coat, wet with the rain, became in- stantly as stiff as a board. He went on to Springfield, where he found his clothing frozen to the saddle, and being unable to dismount was com- pelled to call an assistant, who carried man and saddle to the fire to thaw them apart. He obtained his license, returned the same day, and was married the next. The wave passed over Greene County between one and two o'clock, and came so suddenly that chickens and small animals were frozen in their tracks. Several inches of snow had fallen a short time before and on that day it was quite warm, with light, spring-like showers, and the whole earth was covered with slush and water. The change was so sudden and the wind so strong that the water in the ponds in the road froze in waves, sharp-edged and pointed, as the gale had blown it. One old settler remembers the day as warm and showery daring the forenoon. Near two o'clock in the afternoon it grew dark, as if a rain storm was coming, and, in an instant, the strong wind, with the icy blast, came and all was frozen. Hurrying around to save some stock that he was fattening, he was able to get a part of it under shelter, but most of the animals suffered severely. The creek was about bank full of water, and, as his horses, wagons, etc., were on the north side, and his house on the south side, he was anxious to get all near the house, that he might take better care of them. The next morning early, with his brother and some other help, he went to the creek to get the animals across, but, the 292 HISTOUY OF GREENE COUNTY. horses not being shod, and the ice smooth, they cut the ice in pieces to get a track wide enough for the wagon, and with poles pushed it to one side and then drove through the water. The ice had frozen in the short time between two o'clock, p. m., and nine o'clock the next morning, fully, six inches thick. He also found raccoons, opossums, and other animals frozen to death. Walking across the logs they were suddenly chilled and, falling off, they were unable to move again. Travel was almost entirely suspended, and the whole county bore the appearance of a vast field of ice. When it was absolutely essential to venture out, the unshod horses were unable to make any progress and very little use was made of them. This remarkable event fixes the date of many occurrences in the history of the county. It is yet vividly remem- bered by the residents of that date who relate many interesting reminis- cences concerning it. The original townships, as given in the county records, are Otter Creek, Maquapin, Centre, Apple Creek, Diamond Grove, and Mauvais- terre. Of these two are now in Jersey County, two in Greene, and two in Morgan. In 1832 the precincts were quite differently named. Ma- quapin, Otter Creek, and Apple Creek remain, but we have in addition Eastern, Carrollton, Piasa, and Mount Airy. The following table of election returns, taken from the records, will show tlie vote of the county and its precincts in 1838. It seems that in the Fall of 1838, by a clerical error in the return of votes to the Secretary of State, the number of votes cast for Stephen A. Douglas, for representative in Congress, was incorrectly stated, whereupon the "Little Giant" appeared before the County Commissioners and asked that a correct return be made. The court therefore ordered the clerk to make return to the Secretary of State, as follows : PPFPivPTc: S.ephenA. John T. John lKh,CKNL,lb. Douglas. Stevens. Stevens. Mt. Airy 85 36 .... .. Jerseyville _. 80 85 Richwoods 74 47 Camden 25 74 Wilmington - 70 13 Piasa 36 59 Eastern 84 -- 45 Apple Creek — 95 48 Lorton's Prairie... 186 135 .. Kane 40 46 Otter Creek 4 .... 42 -- Bluffdale 12 63 .. Carrollton 568 254 67 Total 1359 902 112 It will be seen that at this time Carrollton contained more than one- third of the population of the county. About this time a wave of financial excitement seemed to flow over the whole west. A desire for enlargement, improvement, rapid growth, sudden money making took possession of the people and showed itself in various ways, most of which resulted disastrously. The first indica- tion that this affliction had reached Greene County was the rage for lay- ing out towns, which manifested itself about the year 1836. Every- HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 293 where, along the river and highways, and even in remote, out-of-the-way places, towns were laid out and beautifully executed plats were drawn and printed, and adorned the walls of public buildings, while posters and handbills were freely circulated announcing frequent sales of corner lots, and setting forth the great inducements offered by the location for the in- vestment of money. Each of these paper towns aspired at no distant day to become a city or place of commercial importance. In each lot was hidden a wealth to the purchaser, which was sure to develop itself in time. There are to be found on the records of the county forty-two town plats. Among the projected towns which have not yet reached the height of their projectors' ambition may be mentioned Randolph, Hart- ford, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Teneriffe, Salisbury, Delaware, Concord, Norwalk, Columbiana, Rivesville, Centerville, Bloomfield, Homer, Ship- ping Point, Albany. The State banks issued floods of paper, prices rose enormously and speculation was rife. Men of foresight kept out of debt, but soon, when the collapse came, those who had invested heavily in corner lots were ruined and in their fall carried down many a worthy man's earthly all. In 1838 the county received a great accession to its treasury. The legislature of the State, in 1837, passed an act to inaugurate the most gigantic system of internal improvement that the most visionary enthu- siast could conceive of. By that act, entitled " An act to establish and maintain a general system of internal improvement," in force February 27, 1837, before the population of the State amounted to one million in- habitants, there was appropriated '$10,300,000 to improve rivers and build railroads, f 100,000 was to improve the Great Wabash River; -f 100,000 the Illinois River; -$100,000 the Rock River; $50,000 the Kaskaskia River, and $50,000 the Little Wabash River. There was appropriated to improve the great mail route between St. Louis and Vincennes, $250,000. To build a railroad from Cairo to the terminus of the Michigan Canal, $3,800,000. For a railroad from Alton to Mt. Carmel and to Equality, in Gallatin County, $1,600,000. To the Northern Cross Railroad from Quincy to the Indiana State line, $1,800,000. For a railroad from Peoria to Warsaw, $700,000. For a branch of the Central Railroad, $600,000. For a railroad from Alton to the Central Railroad, $600,000. For a rail- road from Belleville to- Mt. Carmel, $150,000, and for a railroad from Bloomington, McLean County, to Mackinaw, $350,000. All that large amount was borrowed on the credit of the State. It was doubtless sup- posed that the representatives in the legislature from those sections of the State in which the vastamount of money wasto be appropriated, would, of course, not oppose the measure ; but from those counties lying outside of the line of the contemplated railroads it was feared that there might be sufficient opposition to defeat the scheme. Hence it was proposed, no doubt with a view of quieting opposition, to donate a certain amount of money in cash to tliose counties. In other words, to bribe the members to support it. Accordingly the act in one of its sections made this pro- vision : " There shall be appropriated the sum of $200,000 of the first money that sliall be obtained under the provisions of this act to be drawn by the several counties in a ratable proportion as to the last census made, through which there is no railroad or canal to be made at the expense or cost of the State of Illinois, which said money shall be expended in the 294 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. improvement of roads, constructing bridges and other works.*' The rep- resentatives from Greene County were F'ranklin Witt, Cyrus A. Davis and Revelle W. English. Tiie bribe could not seduce them from the path of duty. They voted against the bill, as did the senators, Gen. James Turney and John Allen. The sum of $30,250 was Greene County's por- tion of the $200,000. The Commissioners' Court, through agents ap- pointed for that purpose, loaned the mone}^ out in violation of the law. With a portion of it, however, the bridges spanning Apple and Macoupin Creeks were built. Another portion was appropriated towards improv- ing the roads from Carrollton and White Hall to the mouth of Apple Creek, by tlirowing up embankments through the river bottom and bridg- ing lakes, scarcely a vestige of which work is now to be seen. A portion in less amounts was appropriated to build small bridges, another portion went in the shape of agents' commissions, and still another portion was never collected. The Macoupin and Apple Creek bridges, which are still in use, were about the only permanent benefit the county received from the fund. It was another manifestation of the same spirit that originated the movement which brought about the division of the county. Jersey ville was a new town, and those interested in her prosperity thought that nothing would do more to give an upward impulse to the price of lots than the location of a court house in that village. If a new county were formed from the southern half of Greene County, Jerseyville would be- come the county seat, and hence rapidly grow. It is also said that some points north of Carrollton favored the movement in the hope that the county seat of Greene County might thereby be moved. To these argu- ments was added the more substantial and cogent reason that the county was too large for convenience or effective organization. An effort was made to divide the county in 1836, but although the bill passed the Gen- eral Assembly, it was rejected by the people. In 1838 it was again brought up, and an act dividing the county was passed by the legislature and submitted to the people. The northern and southern portions of the county voted for the division, but the central district was opposed to the measure. The vote taken August 5, 1839, stood as follows : For erection of Jersey Counly -I239 Against erection of Jersey Counly 714 Majority for . 525 During the year 1837, Nathaniel Graves, a jjrominent citizen of Pike County, committed a deliberate murder. He was arrested and brought before the Circuit Court in that county. The case was brought by change of venue from that county to Greene County, where the trial took place before Judge Jesse B. Thomas, in June, 1838. The case was one of the most important that had engaged the attention of the court for many years, and Stephen A. Douglas, Thomas H. Benton, and other dis- tinguished advocates were employed upon it. Every device known to law was employed to clear the prisoner, but without avail, and he was sentenced to be hanged on Wednesday, October 3, 1838. The prisoner was remanded to jail, and to all appearances devoted himself to making preparations for death. The jail then in use by tlie county was the plain HIS'JORY OF GKEENE COUNTY. 295 structure now used by the city of Carrollton for a city prison, and it was considered quite secure. The time wore on until the Sunday before the day appointed for the execution. Graves was visited by his brother and other friends, and appeared resigned to death. At night he divided what money he had among the guards, saying he would have no more use for it. The next morning Graves and a young man named Thurston, who had been serving out a jail sentence, were gone ; a small hole had been dug through the floor under the wall and so out. But it was very small, and many who saw it felt confident that no man ever crawled through it. It was quite generally suspected that money was used with some one to assist him to escape. Graves was never recaptured, and so effected a most remarkable escape from the gallows. Thurston afterward returned, and related the adventures of himself and Graves in making their escape from the county ; but he would never tell by what means they made their exit from the jail. Graves was afterward heard of in Mississippi, where he is believed to have died but a few years ago. In 1837, or 1838, Amos H. Squires was appointed treasurer of the county. He had occupied positions of trust before, and was regarded by every one as one of the most upright and substantial men of the county. Two or three years after his appointment, having about 83,000 in his hands, he absconded, and for a year or more could not be found. At last he was apprehended for trial, and in the April term, 1844, the county brought an action for debt against him and his bondsmen, Alfred Hin- ton, John W. Scott, Wylie Wilder, William Rainey, and Young Wood. The suit was successful, and the county obtained a verdict of $3,038.48. A new trial was granted, and the case was taken to Jersey County. The final result was that by means of some technicality, Squiies escaped pun- ishment, and the county pocketed the loss. THE MEXICAN WAR. When the Mexican War broke out in 1846, Greene County promptly answered the call for volunteers. Monday, June 22, the Carrollton Guards, composed of eighty-one men, set out for Alton, in wagons fur- nished by the citizens of the county. They bore with them a handsome flag j)resented by the ladies of Carrollton, William Sharon making the presentation speech and S. S. Chester responding in behalf of the com- pany. The men went into camp at Alton, where they were joined by a company from Morgan County, under Gen. John J. Hardin, and by other companies from other directions. While at Alton both of these commands became part of the 1st Illinois Regiment. Gen. John J. Hardin was chosen Colonel. Of the Carrollton Guards, Col. Jacob Fry was elected Captain, Maj. W. C. Rainey, First Lieutenant, Col. J. C. Winters, Second Lieutenant, and S. S. Chester, Third Lieutenant. On Sunday, the 19th of July, the regiment embarked for Memphis, and thence went on to Montezuma. The company went through the war in Mexico and rendered valiant service in the battle of Buena Vista, in which the gallant General Hardin was killed. His death was very deeply regretted wherever he was known. 296 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. At tlie April term of the Circuit Court of Greene County, resolutions M^ere passed expressing the regret of the bar at the loss of Col. Hardin, and their appreciation of his abilities and admirable qualities. The attorneys present at this term of court were D. M. Woodson, D. A. Smith, C. H. Goodricli, Wm. P. Chesnnt, Richard Yates, H. Dusenbury, A. W. Cavarly, Wm. Sharon, W. K. Titcomb, T. Barlow, Wm. Thomas, J. A. Chesnut, C. D. Hodges, R. L. Doyle, Wm. Bosbyshill, Giles H. Turner, John H. Burruss and J. M. Tillett. When it became known that more troops were needed, Greene Count}^ promptly responded, and in July, 1847, a second company, commanded by Capt. John Bristow, uncle of an ex-Secretary of the Treasury of the United States of the same family name, started for the seat of war. The members of this company came mostly from the northern part of the count}^ Capt. Bristow was soon obliged to return on account of ill health, but both the Greene County companies did good service during the war. For a number of years the survivors of these commands liave been in the habit of meeting annually for the purpose of reviving old memories and perpetuating old fellowships. The last meeting of the Mexican Veterans' Association was held at White Hall, Septemi3er 25, 1878. Col. J. C. Winters acted as president and E. A. Giller as secretary. There were present sixteen survivors of the Mexican war and also three survivors of the Black Hawk war. Speeches were made bv Messrs. W. B. Ferguson, Jesse Sims, J. L. Stoddard, C. C. Eaton, W^. B. Harper, Col. J. C. Winters and E. A. Giller, of the Mexican veterans, and by R. D. Gill and C. J. Whitesides, veterans of the Black Hawk war. The death of Archibald Overby, a Mexican veteran who had passed away during the year, was mentioned, and appropriate resolutions were passed in view of that event. Tlie meeting then adjourned for a year. As illustrating the unyielding patriotism of the great mass of the citizens of the county at that time, the following, which appeared in the first number of the Carrollton Gazette^ June 26, 1846, is reprinted: " Whereas, David Hartwell did, a few days since, make certain re- marks relative to the Mexican war, the purport of which was that he de- sired the success of the Mexicans over the Americans ; Now these are to certify that the citizens of Carrollton will not permit the said David Hart- well to live among them unless he will, publicly, retract all offensive language used in the premises, ask the pardon of the community, and promise hereafter to demean himself in a more orderly and gentlemanly manner. " Many Citizens. " Carrollton, June 22, 1846. " Gentlemen : I will humbly comply with the above requirements of yours, stated in the article above, to which your names are attached, and will freely and gladly retract all the wrong that has proceeded from me. I ask the pardon of each and every person or citizen, whose feelings have been hurt by me, and I will promise, in future, to live in a manner as orderly and gentlemanly as my humble knowledge of good breeding will enable me to do. David Hartwell." The first newspaper established in Greene County was The Back- woodsman. Its publication was begun in 1837, at Grafton, and Paris HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 297 Mason was its publisher and John Russell, of Bluffdale, its editor. In this paper appeared many of the verses and essays which have given Mr. Russell such a reputation as a writer. After the organization of Jersey County The Backwoodsman was removed to Jersey ville, where it was pub- lished by A. S. Tilden, afterward by Fletcher & Parenteau. During the management of the latter gentlemen the office burned down, and Ed- ward F. Fletcher removed to Carrollton, where he commenced the publi- cation of the first paper in the present limits of Greene County. This was the People s Advocate. It was printed in a brick building on the south side of the Square, now the property of George Wright, Esq. The Carrollton Gazette., the next venture of the sort, was established in June, 1846, by G. B. Price, by which gentleman and his sons its publica- tion has ever since been continued. In 1847 occurred the Constitutional Convention which gave to the State the " constitution of '47." To this convention Greene County sent as delegates, D. M. Woodson, Franklin Witt and L. E. Worcester. Messrs. Witt and Worcester are still living. Judge Woodson was gathered to his fathers in 1877. While attending the convention at Springfield Judge Woodson kept the people of the county informed as to the important transactions of the body by frequent letters, which were published in the Carrollton Gazette. About this time the county was very much excited by the rapid rise and growth of the " Sons of Temperance," and " Cadets of Tem- perance," secret societies composed largely of young persons. This is the first temperance revival of which we have any record in the county, and although it promised much and did accomplish some good, it wa& short lived. The first fair ever held in Greene County occurred in the Fall of 1839. The place selected was the pasture now owned by George Wright, Esq., just north of his residence in Carrollton. Here a small collection of huge vegetables, some specimens of grain and fruits, and a very respectable show of stock was gathered and enclosed in a ring of rope. There was no entrance fee and one day was sufficient for award- ing all the premiums. Those who were present who felt able to do so were expected to contribute one dollar each toward the expenses of the occasion. At the same time a ladies'. department was arranged in the grand jury room of the court house. Here bedquilts and the niceties of cookery and needle craft were displayed, admired and criticised. The only facts we have been able to learn as to the premium list are that Mrs. Brace (mother of J. E. Brace, Esq.,) was awarded the first premium for best specimen of home made flannel, and that George L. Burruss, Esq. took the first and J. B. Eldred, Esq., the second premium for boar pigs. Stephen Spencer was one of the committee on fine wool sheep and John W. Huitt one of the judges on horses. The next year a similar display was made and a large attendance secured, but after that no fairs were held in the county until the organization of the Association in 1854. The charter of the Jacksonville & Carrollton Railroad was granted in 1851, but the first effort to raise money for its construction was during the next year. At a meeting of the commissioners of the road, held in Jacksonville Monday, September 13, 1852, Hon. D. M. Woodson in the chair, it was " resolved that books for the subscription of the capital 298 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. stock be opened from and after the fifteenth day of September, 1852, at Carrollton, under the control and direction of A. W. Cavarly, C. D. Hodges, and F. P. Vedder, at such time as they may deem proper. At White Hall under the control and direction of L. E. Worcester, Asbury Davis, and Emanuel Metcalf, at such time as they may deem proper. At Kane under the control and direction of Z. H. Adams and N. M. Perry, at such time as they may deem proper. At Jerseyville under the control and direction of A. B. Morean, C. H. Knapp, and J. Ploughman, at such time as they may deem proper. At Alton under the control and direc- tion of George T. Brown, Edward Keating, and Levi Davis, at such time as they may deem proper. At Manchester under the control and direc- tion of Jas. Clinton, W. S. Andrews, and A. Hicks, at such time as tliey ma}- deem proper. At Jacksonville under the control and direction of D. A. Smith, J. J. Cassell, and W. B. Warren, at such time as they may deem proper." The corporators of the road were D. M. Woodson, Philip Coffman, D. A. Smith, A. W. Cavarly, Alex. B. Morean, Wm. B. Warren, A. C. Dixon, S. M. Prosser, Murray McConnell, W. S. Hurst, Joe Dunlap, and Edward Keating. In December, 1853, they announced that, as the pro- vision of the charter, requiring the subscription of $100,000, had been complied with, a meeting of the stockholders would be held at Carrollton on the 27th of that month, for the pui'pose of organization. At this time the following directors were chosen : James Berdan, Simeon Ross, D. M. Woodson, A. B. Morean, George T. Brown. Hon. D. M. Woodson was elected President. At this time there was a great deal of enthusiasm for the road, and one paper announced its belief that cars would be run- ning from Carrollton to Alton in eighteen months. It was nearer eighteen years before the prediction was realized. Meetings were held in the various towns, and a surveyor, Josiah T.'Hunt, was at once set at work on the route, and finished his survey by June, 1854. Some difficulty soon ensued as to the terminus of the road. Alton Cit}" subscribed ;|100,000, on condition that the terminus should be in that city. Afterward the company saw the value of an outlet to St. Louis, and decided to extend the line to that city. The rivalry between St. Louis and Alton was then very bitter, and the latter city at once withdrew its subscription. For several years the struggle to raise money enough to warrant the directors in contracting the road continued. Appeals through the press, personal solicitations, public meetings, and every means was tried, but still the Avork dragged. Year after year passed by, until the patience of the ])eo- ple was nearly exhaused. When the collection of the amounts subscribed was begun there was more delay and difficulty. Work was finally com- menced at Jacksonville, in 1858, and in 1860 cars were running as far south as Manchester. Two years more were occupied in building it to White Hall, and by this time the war so engrossed the attention and energy of the county that the connection with the main line, at Godfrey, was not made until 1865. Meantime the name of the road had been changed to the St. Louis, Jacksonville & Chicago Railroad, and it was shortly leased by the Chicago & Alton road, which thereby obtained its much coveted direct communication with St. Louis. The movement which resulted in building the railroad running from Rock Island to St. Louis, now known as the St. Louis branch of the HISTORY OF GREENE COUKTY. 299 Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, began as early as 1858. The eastern part of the county was thoroughly aroused on the subject, and money was freely subscribed. The influence of the points interested was sufficiently great to secure the voting of $50,000 to the road by the county, and this with amounts otherwise raised secured the road. White Hall contributed $10,000 and obtained the crossing ; Greenfield paid $15,000, and other parts of the county lesser sums. A portion of the road was at once built, but soon the lack of funds caused a halt. In 1868 a new charter was obtained, and from this time the work of con- struction was pushed vigorously forward, until in 1871 it was completed. This road has contributed very considerably to the prosperity of White Hall, has greatly aided Greenfield, and may be said to have created Wrightsville and Rockbridge. A cross road from Greenfield to Carroll- ton and thence to the Illinois River is now greatly needed. Such a line could be very cheaply constructed and its completion only a question of time. In March, 1555, it is recorded that the county was out of debt, but it did not remain in this condition for any great length of time. Within a very few years Greene County had voluntarily placed upon its shoulders a debt of $200,000. The first quarter of this was a subscription of $50,000 in aid of the Jacksonville, Alton & St. Louis Railroad ; the second $50,000 was voted to the Rockford, Rock Island & St. Louis road, and during the rebellion $100,000 was expended in hiring substitutes for such of the citizens of the count}^ as might be drafted for service in the army. The first was paid in March, 1875, the third in four installments, of which the last was paid in 1870, and the second is still due, and pay- able in 1880. From 1850 to 1855 or 1856 Abraham Lincoln, Richard Yates, and Stephen A. Douglas, as well as many other men who afterward occupied very prominent positions in the nation's history, were frequent visitors to this county. They often appeared, in their professional capacity, during the sessions of the Circuit Court, and in time of political excitement made many open air speeches, at various points in the county. Many of our old citizens were intimately acquainted with these statesmen. In May, 1855, some skillful burglars entered the office of the county clerk, and, by the use of powder, succeeded in forcing open the safe. They escaped with $11,300 and were never apprehended. During this year the county became heir to a singular propert3\ Dr. Titus Cornwell, at one time a resident of the county, had removed to New York, and there died. When his will was opened it was found that the doctor had devised four fifths of all his property in Illinois — estimated at from seven to ten thousand dollars — to Greene County, Illinois, to be used in this way : The property was to form a fund to be invested, the interest of which the testator directed should be used in the purchase of physiolog- ical and hygienic books, to be freely distributed among the public schools of the county. The other fifth of his Illinois property he divided between two medical institutions. I can not find that the Greene County schools ever received any benefit from this fund, although Dr. Cornwell especially directed that the income of the fund should be devoted to the specified use "for one hundred years at least." The population of the county during this year is given as about 14,000. 300 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. In 18G2, when President Lincoln called for additional troops to aid in suppressing the rebellion in the South, Greene County answered with her usual promptness. Col. Jacob Fry's experiences and skill as a leader was again called into use and he was commissioned a Colonel, and author- ized to raise a regiment to rendezvous' at CarroUton. Three companies offered themselves and were accepted ; the first, Company A, was com- manded by Captain Annon P. Ohr, who had been editing the CarroUton Press; the second. Company B, was headed by Captain Martin Mann, and the third. Company G, was led by Captain (afterwards Colonel) Jerome B. Milton. The remainder of the regiment came from other counties. The regiment was mustered into service in 1862, and for some months remained in camp at the Fair Grounds, just east of CarroUton. Soon, however, the orders came to march to the front, where the Greene County boys did noble service for the old flag. Conpany A, out of respect for the Hon. D. M. Woodson, called themselves the " Woodson Guards," in recognition of which honor Judge Woodson presented them with a handsome flag, which they bore through the war. The whole number of soldiers in the Sixty-First Regiment Illinois Volunteers, from Greene County, at its organization, was three hundred and sixty-six, of whom eighty died while in service or were slain in battle. The whole number of men who served in the Union Army, from Greene County, was 1,371. Of these 87 were in the 12th Illinois Cavalry, 84 in the 14th Illinois Infantry, 99 in the 32d, 352 in the 91st, 72 in the 122d, 74 in the 133d, 47 in the 144th, 108 in the 59th, and 84 in the 1st Missouri Cav- alry. Of these 17 per cent., or 195, died from disease or were killed during the war. For farther particulars see war record, farther on. STATISTICS. The census reports indicate that the number of inhabitants in the county increased more rapidly between the years 1830 and 1840 than between either of the other periods. When the census of 1830 was taken, which amounted to 7,074, Jersey County was still attached to Greene ; but in 1840, with Jersey detached, the population of the county amounted to 11,951, Jersey at the same time having 4,515 inhabitants. The population of Greene, between the years 1830 and 1840, must have increased at least 115 per cent. In 1850 the population of the county was 12,429, being an increase from 1840 of 20 per cent. In 1860 it amounted to 16,093, being an increase from 1850 of 30 per cent., and in 1870 it was 20,270, an increase from 1860 of 26 per cent. In 1876 the county contained 3,850 taxpayers. The comparative slowness of the increase of late years is attributable, perhaps, to two causes. In the first place, when the county was first settled, Illinois was on the western frontier, and very few emigrants pushed farther on toward the setting sun. Now, not only emigrants from the East pass by the comparative!}^ old regions of Illinois, for the new lands beyond, but many of the residents of Greene County every year follow the tide of emigration and the star of empire westward. Still farther, it is to be considered that Greene County was very largely settled by persons of HISTOnY OF GREENE COUNTY. 301 wealth, who purchased large tracts of land, These still remain in the family of the original purchaser, and the county contains comparatively few small farms. But this state of affairs is rapidly changing. Death and other fortuitous circumstances are causing the division of many large estates, and there will then be room for many more small farmers. There are very few counties in the State of more wealth in proportion to the number of inhabitants it contains. According to the census report of 1870, the value of all farm productions in the county amounted to 12,507,350, of course a very low estimate. The value of the farms in in the county was then stated to be $11,007,884. The same report gives the following figures: Acres of improved land, 175,408, woodland, 93,242, other unimproved land, 26,653. Of winter wheat there were raised 577,400 bushels, of rye, 415 bushels, of Indian corn, 1,051,313 bushels, oats, 64,029. The following figures taken from the Assessor's books for 1878, show approximately the present worth of the county, although such estimates are always verj^ largely below the truth : Horses, 7,362, valued at 8238,405 ; cattle, 19,289, valued at |244,- 710 ; mules and asses, 1,487, valued at $54,485 ; sheep, 8,543, valued at $11,340; hogs, 27,928, valued at $37,645; steam engines, including boilers, 29, valued at $850 ; fire and burglar safes, 11, valued at $2,310; billiard, j)igeon-hole, etc. tables, 6, valued at $185 ; carriages and wagons, 2,410, valued at $56,430; watches and clocks, 887, value, $3,815 ; sewing and knitting machines, 993, value, $11,460 ; pianos, 137, value, $9,890 ; melodeons and organs, 142, value, $3,955 ; total value enumerated property, $684,480. Merchandise, $130,580 ; material and man- ufactured articles, $5,325 ; manufactured tools, implements and machinery, $8,420 ; gold and silver plate and plated ware, $6,500 ; dia- monds and jewelry, $4,000; money of banks, bankers, brokers, etc. $40,435; credits of the same, $15,335 ; moneys of other than bankers, etc., $210,545; credits of same, $152, 19-'^ ; bonds and stocks, $5,700 ; agricultural imple- ments, $3,941 ; property of corporations not enumerated, $3,000 ; prop- erty of saloons and eating houses, $3,500 ; household and office property, $77,730; investments in real estate and improvements thereon, $6,905 ; all other property, $2,680 ; total value of unenumerated property, $696,- 900 ; total value of personal property, $1,381,380. Improved lands, 265,776 acres, value, $4,306,525 ; average value per acre, $16.20 ; unim- proved lands, 77,421 acres, value $266,020 ; average value per acre, $3.44; total lands, 343,197, value, $4,572,545, average value per acre, $13.32; No. of improved lots, 2,094, value, $644,730 ; average value per lot, $307,89 ; unimproved lots, 1,315, value, $28,230 ; average value per lot, $21.47; town and city lots, 3,409, value, $672,960; average value per lot, $197.41 ; total value of personal property, lands and lots, $6,626,885. Acres in cultivation, etc., in 1877 : wheat, 52,957 ; corn, 75,789 ; oats, 4,754; meadows, 19,514 ; other field products, 2,056; acres inclosed pas- ture, 69,097 ; acres in orchard, 3,571 ; acres in woodland, 113,927. Total value of all railroad property assessed in Greene County, $6,628,185 ; assessed value of railroad property in Greene County for 1878 : Chicago & Alton, No. of miles, 38 ; St. Louis, R. I. & Chicago, 23. Assessed value, excluding buildings, C. & A., $240,795 ; St. L., R. I. & C, $53,- 625 ; value of buildings on right of way, C. & A., $1,804 ; St. L., R. I. & F 302 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. !$14,67-1: ; total assess- 1306,087 : St. L.$72.- C.,-fl,107; rollinjT stock, C. & A., 853,584; St. L. ment b}^ State Board of Equalization, C. & A., 847. Equalized value of all railroad property in the county, C. & C, 307,847 ; St. L., $73,322. The report of the State Auditor gives the following table of local indebtedness in Greene County : TOWNSHIPS. AND RANGES. Equalized val. uation of all property as- sessed for the year 1877 ill City,,village and incorp d town indebt- edness, July 1,1878. School district i ndeb ted- ness, July i, 1878. J, i M„- $ 7.067,358 817,367 516.421 292,129 411,771 405,746 335,545 384,740 378,927 1,189,914 676,449 889,476 134.76S 296,056 150,594 187,455 $ 50,000 $""3^558 $ 3- 500 $ 50,000 Town 9 & 10, N. R. lo W 7,058 9 " II w 250 1,250 1,500 ^2 " 600 600 9 " I2W 30,000 30,000 12 W 12 " I2W 8 & 9 " 13 & 14 w lo " 13 & 14 w ir " 13 & 14 w 12 " 13&14W 10,000 6,500 16,500 925 925 Total $ 50,000 $ 13,808 $ 42.775 $106,583 A LIST OF THE COUNTY OFFICERS OF GREENE COUNTY, From the Date of its Organization in 1821, to 1879, Furnished by Geo. H. Harlow, Secretary op^ vState. DATE of commission. February 12, 1821 April 14, 1821, July 2, August 11, " June 27, 1822, August 22, " September 5, 1822 January 13, 1823, February 17, " May 7, " September 2, 1824 December 30, " OFFICE. County Judge, Sheriff, . . Coroner, . . Surveyor, Recorder, . . County Judge, County Judge, Sheriff, . . Coroner, Recorder, County Judge, Surveyor. Coroner, . . Sheriff, . . NAMES. John G. Lofton. Thomas Carlin. Jacob Waggoner. Robert Avery. John G. Lofton. A. Bowman. Abraham Bowman. Young Wood. Christian Link. Samuel Lee, Jr. Alfred M. Cavarly. Robert Avery. Christian Link. Youncr Wood. HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 503 DATE OF COMMISSION. January 6, 1825, . - 18, - a (i ti September 25, 1826, December 5, " March 29, 1827, . October 13, " December 14, 1827, September 11, 1828, January 28, 1829, February 17, 1830, August 30, September 28, " January " 1831, February 10, 1831, September 5, 1832, August 16, 1834, January 24, 1835, February 12, " August 13, " - 18, 1836, September 11, 1837, October 17, " August 24, 1838 August 17, 1839, " 1840, 7, 1841, 8, 1842, 25, 1843, " 26, 1844, " 27, " September 3, " May 21, 1845, August 27, 1846, Surveyor, .... Public Administrator, County Judge, . Coroner, .... Sheriff, .... County Judge, . . Surveyor, Public Administrator, Sheriff, .... Coroner, .... Survey 01, . . . Public Administrator, Recorder, . . . Coroner, .... Sheriff, .... Recorder, .... Recorder, . . . Public Administrator, Sheriff, .... Coroner, .... Coroner, .... Sheriff, Surveyor, . . . County Judge, . . Recorder, Surveyor, .... Sheriff, .... Coroner, .... County Judge, . . Sheriff, Survevor, Sheriff, . Coroner, . County Judge, Recorder, Surveyor, Sheriff, . Coroner, Recorder, Sheriff, . Coroner, . County Judge, Recorder, Surveyor, Coroner, . Coroner, Sheriff, . Public Administrator, Sheriff, .... Coroner, .... William Scott. John Allen. Alfred M. Cavarly. Christian Link. Young Wood. John Brown. Robert Avery. Samuel C. Pierce. Jacob Fry. ^ Peter Fronk. Samuel Smith. Samuel C. Pierce. William B. Whittaker. Philip N. Rampy. Jacob Fry. i/ John W. Skidmore, John Evans. William Carlin. Jacob Fry. -^ John N. Whitlock. John Whitlock. Jacob Fry. -^' Job Collins. Lewis W Link. David Pierson. Job Collins. Jacob Fry. -^ James G. Berry. David Meade Woodson. Young Wood. J. M. Hurd. John D. Fry. - John N. Whitlock. Calvin Tunnell. Charles Lancaster. C. C. Dodge. Hugh Jackson. John N. Whitlock. John D. Fry. ^^ Hugh Jackson. James Hopkins. Mathias S. Link. John D. Fry. -- Christopher C. Dodge. John N. Whitlock. John N. Whitlock. Hugh Jackson. John S. Fry. ^ Hugh Jackson. Richard Ellis. 304 HISTORY OP GREENE COUNTY. DATE OF COMMISSION. August 27, 1846, January 4, 1847, . August 9, " " 18, " " 17,1848, . " 23 " November 13, 1849, it u u Elected Sept. 4, 1848, November 20, 1850, 10, 1851, 23, 1852, (( u November 13, 1874, 14, 1855, 17, 1856, 1857, Appointed by the Court November 30, 1858, . March 2, 1859, . ' . November 18, 1859, . Recorder, Public Administrator, Recorder, Surveyor, . County Judge, . . Slieriff, .... Coroner, .... County Judge, Clerk County Court Surveyor, . . . Coroner, . . . Clerk Circuit Court, Sheriff, .... Coroner, . . . Surveyor, Sheriff, .... Coroner, .... Clerk Circuit Court, County Judge, . . County Justice, . County Justice, County Clerk, County Surveyor, . School Commissioner Sheriff, .* . . . Coroner, . . . Surveyor, . . . Circuit Clerk, Sheriff", .... Coroner, . . . County Judge, "' Justice, . " Clerk, . " Surveyor, . . , County Treasurer, . School Commissionei November 15, 1860, . 14, 1861, Sheriff, .... Coroner, . . . County Judge, " Justice, . Surveyor, . County Treasurer, School Commissioner Circuit Clerk, . . Sheriff, . . . Coroner, . . . County Judge, Abram Spencer. John S. Fry. -^ Abraham Spencer. William H. Ellis. Mathias S. Link. Zachariah A. Morrow. James Medford. Mathias S. Link. Francis P. Vedder. William H. Ellis. R. R. Nichols. William Carlin. William Halbut. Marshall Dulaney. Samuel Heaton. Zachariah A. Morrow. Marshall Dulaney. Abram Spencer. Charles D. Hodges. L, E. Worcester. Thos. I. Short. F. P. Vedder. S. Heaton. Jos. Pierson. Hugh Jackson. Marshall Dulany. Samuel Heaton. Abraham Spencer. Lemuel J. Potterson. Marshall Dulany. Charles D. Hodges. Linus E. Worcester. Thomas J. Short. Francis P. Vedder. Henry Bonfoy. William L. Green. Joseph Pierson. James B. Samuel. Jordan Lark in. Anderson Headrick. Thomas H. Boyd. Levi T. Whiteside. Henry Bonfoy. William L. Green. Stephen F. Corrington. James S. Vedder. Jacob Bowman. Anderson Headrick. Jehosaphat E. Bridges. Thomas H. Boyd. HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 305 DATE OF COMMISSION. November 14, 1861, December 6, " November 13, 1862, 20, 1863, December 8, 1864, November 17, 1865, 12, 1866, 20, 1867, 17, 1868, December 2, 1869, 3, 1870, November 16, 1871, 20, 1872, March 21, 1873, . November 17, 1873, January " 1874, November 21, 1874, 27, " ' August 21, " . November 26, 1875, OFFICE. " Clerk, . Surveyor, . . County Justice, Sheriff, . . . Coroner, . . Surveyor, . . School Commissioner County Treasurer, . Circuit Clerk, . Sheriff, .... County Judge, Surveyor, . . County Clerk, " Judge, . . Coroner, Sheriff, .... Surveyor, . . . Circuit Clerk, . . Sheriff, .... Coroner, .... County Judge, . . Associate Justice, County Clerk, " Treasurer, . Surveyor, . . Supt. of Schools, . Sheriff, .... Coroner, .... County Treasurer, Surveyor, .... Circuit Clerk, . . Sheriff, .... State's Attorney, . Supt. of Schools, . County Judge, " Clerk, . . " Treasurer, Supt. of Schools, . County Commissioner Sheriff, Coroner, .... State's Attorney, County Treasurer, . County Commissioner, "William A. Davis. Henry Bonfoy. John Rugle. Robert Green. William L. Green. John D. Jack. Parham Thraxton. L. M. Dyer. Stephen F. Corrington. Nathaniel J. Andrews. Thomas J. Carlin. George W. Coonrod. Thomas H. Boyd. Samuel Heaton. George W. Davis. Alfred Hinton. Thomas Wright. S. Foster Green. Jay C. White. Thomas J. Carlin. James S. Yedder. Henry Nash. John Rugle. F. M. Fishback. J. H. Rives. Geo. W. Davis. N. J. Andrews. J. C. White. C. A. Worley. Francis M. Bell. Henry P. Nash. A. M. Browning. J. C. White. Thomas J. Carlin. N. J. Andrews. John J. Fitzsimmons. John Johns. Linus E. Worcester. Leander R. Lakin. Joseph Rickart. Mrs. Catherine Hopkins. Curtis W. Brace. Joseph F. Ballinger. Wm. H. Barrow. John H. Green. Frank M. Bridges. Henry P. Nash. Henry C. Withers. Richard H. Short. William B. Robinson. 306 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. DATE OF COMMISSION. November 26, 1875, November 27, 1876, 29, " . December 1, " . u 12, - 1, 1877, December 1, 1877, November 25, 1878, December 2, 1878, County Commissioner, Surveyor, .... State's Attorney, . Sheriff, Coroner, .... County Commissioner, Circuit Clerk, . . County Judge, " Clerk, . . " Treasurer, . Supt. of Schools, . County Commissioner, Sheriff, Coroner. George H. Amos. Jay C. White. James R. Ward. John Jones. Anderson Headrick. William M. Morrow. James H. Short. Linus E. Worcester. Leander R. Lakin. William D. Gullett. David F. King. Singleton F. Green. William M. Mayberry. John Jones. Anderson Headrick. VARIOUS INSTITUTIONS, ORGANIZATIONS, ETC. The Baptists in Greene County. The following very clear historical sketch of the Baptists of Greene Count}^ was written especially for this work l)y Rev. B. B. Hamilton, of White Hall, whose studies and abilities eminently fit him for such a task : The Baptists of Greene County have always stood in the front rank of religious organizations. They were among the earliest settlers, and were generally followed by ministers of their own body, who gathered the scattered members, and organized churches as interest or convenience seemed to require. The first church was organized in Carrollton, by Elder William Jones, of Madison County, very soon after the location of the county seat at that place (in 1821). Of this body the late Governor Carlin was at one time a member ; and their first meeting house was a log cabin which stood not very far from the residence of Dr. J. F. Simpson. In the round of years this body migrated eastward, and is now known as the Providence Church. It was originally one of the hyper-Calvinistic anti- Mission Churches. With this church Sears Crane united when he came to Illinois in 1822, and by it he was at a later period ordained as a gospel minister. The first ordained Baptist minister to settle in Greene County, so far as I can learn, Avas Aaron Smith, who made his home a little north- west of the present site of White Hall, and gathered a church known as the Apple Creek Church. The date of that organization is not known, but it must have been in 1822, or very early 1823. For as early as April, 1823, Aaron Smith appeared as a messenger from the Apple Creek Church at the organization of the Diamond Grove Church, in Morgan County. A meeting house was built not far from where William Carr's shop now stands, in White Hall. This was a frame building, and Judge Hinton tells that when it was raised, and Col. Gregory, Benjamin Smith, Judge HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 307 Cyrus Tolman and himself had mounted the corners, the bottle was passed around, and Judge Tolman christened the new house " Aaron's Delight." Whether the name was ominous of evil or not, the church, through the misconduct of Charles Kitchens, one of its ministers, and the removal of Aaron Smith to Texas, was divided and destroj^ed. The meeting house became the property of Dr. Hudson, and is now the residence of William A. Porter. Before the breaking up of this church an " Arm," as it was called, had been gathered west of Roodhouse, and this " Arm " ultimately be- came a church, connected at first with the Apple Creek Association, afterward with the Concord, and by a recent removal of its meeting house, is now located at Barrow Station, near the northern line of Greene County. John Record and Allen Murray have been for the last thirty years the principal ministers. Record died near Winchester several years since. The next church in the order of time was constituted at the house of Jehu Brown, in what is now Jersey County. It was composed of seven members, among whom were Mrs. Brown, Major and Amy Dod- son. This body was known as the Macoupin Church, and belonged to the Friends to Humanity. Elder John Clark was, for nearly ten 3^ears, its principal minister. Major Dodson, and his sons Elijah, Fletcher and Ezekiel, were at various times connected with this church and officiated as ministers. In 1834, Elder Moses Lemen came from Monroe County and settled near Kane, and held the pastorship of this church for more than ten years. In 1838 a meeting house was begun at Homer (old Kane) and completed in the following year. In 1843 Joel Terry removed from St. Clair County to Kane, and was the minister of this church, with occasional intervals of rest, for nearly twenty years, or up to the time of his death. During this time there had been ordained Thomas A. Morton, Ezekiel Dodson, and Henry W. Manning. At a later period a new house was built at the station, which is now occupied by the Kane Church. This is the oldest missionary church in the l)ounds of Greene County, having been organized in November, 1823. It has not as large a mem- bership as it had forty years ago. For some two or three years I can not find that any addition was made to the number of churches. But in October, 1826, David R. Chance gathered the Henderson's Creek Church with seven members, and Aaron Hicks and Chauncey Lee were the first baptized into its member- ship. This is now known as the White Hall Church. Its present meet- ing house was erected in 1838, and is now the oldest meeting house in use as such in the county. Its ministers have been Elijah Dodson, Alvin Bailey, Calvin Gi'eenleaf, William Kinner, Joel Sweet, W. H. Biiggs, H. T. Chilton and B. B. Hamilton, beside others who have officiated as occasional and stated supplies. It was on this ground that the North District, afterward Carrollton Association, was organized in 1827, the change of name occurring in 1854. Here, too, in 1834, the Illinois Baptist Convention, since changed to the General Association, was organized. Before the constitution of the present Carrollton Baptist Church, Sears Crane and his wife, Anna, were members of this church. Although it has occupied a very prominent place among the churches of the county, it has never had a very large 308 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. or permanent prosperity. Its membership has been small and has never at any time been in proportion to the population by which it was sur- ronnded. On the -ioth of February, 1827, at the house of Judge John G. Lof- ton, was constituted the Salem Baptist Church, with sixteen members. But as this was wholly in what is now Jerse}^ County, I shall not trace its history or its fortunes. In April, 1827, was constituted the Carrollton Church, by Elijah Dodson, John Clark and the Lemen Brothers. The particulars oi this meeting are given by Dr. J. M. Peck, in his life of Father Clark, as he w^as familiarly called, by the pioneers in this part of Illinois. The min- isters of this church have been Sears Crane, who was one of its first members, Elijah Dodson, Alvin Bailey, J. N. Tolman, W. F. Boyakin, J. Buckley, D. D., Niles Kinne, W. D. Clark, R. F. Parshall, J. C. Bon- ham and John E. Roberts, besides occasional and stated supplies. It has always occupied a very prominent position among the Baptist churches of Greene county, and has been on the whole a prosperous body, reaching at one time a membership of over three hundred, and securing the services of some of the ablest ministers in this section of the State. Next to Carrollton stands the Hickory Grove, having the largest membership of any church in the county ; but the date of its organiza- tion is not now at hand. It has made fewer changes in its pastorate, in the last thirty years than any church in this county. Two ministers have broken the bread of life in that time — Harrison Witt, who died twenty- five years ago, and Samuel B. Culp, who has been its pastor ever since. Of course other ministers have preached here, but those named were the pastors during all that time, and their success has been without a parallel among the surrounding churches. In 1832 Jacob Bower gathered a church near where Woodville now is. Of this church Mashek Browning was clerk, and afterward became a preacher and was ordained ; but in consequence of some misunderstanding in regard to this matter, and also in regard to membership in the Blue River Association, the Mt. Gilead Church was divided, the party working with Browning going to the Apple Creek Association, and the party adher- ing to Jacob Bower remaining in the Blue River Association. These churches still remain in the same neighborhood, and both retain the same name. At some periods they have both been nearly extinct and at other times have flourished exceedingly. Several attempts have been made to bring them together, and although the original parties have nearl}^ all died or moved away, the survivors can not be reconciled. At this time the two churches do not number one hundred members. It was with the Woodville body that the meeting of the Apple Creek Association occurred in which Harrison Witt, M. Browning, and J. V. Rhoads took the side of missionary effort, and John Record and Stephen Coonrod took the Antinomian side of the controversy, and this led to the formation of the Concord Association ; while the Apple Creek body began to approximate more nearly to the Missionary, a point not reached however for several years. The Sangamon Association was formed in 1823 — the ApjDle Creek was formed in 1830 from the Sangamon, and both bodies were Anti- Mission. The latter covered the territory embraced in the Counties of HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTV. 309 Greene, Macoupin, Madison. Bond and St. Clair. The Concord Associa- tion had three churches in Greene County, Hopewell on the west side of Apple Creek, now extinct ; Union, now located at Barrow, and one near Greenfield, over which Stephen Coonrod presided for many years. At "Wilmington was a church connected with the Apple Creek Association, and to this came Jordan Whitesides, and became its pastor. Under his preaching the church grew strong, but in later years the pastor become a Universalist, the church was somewhat weakened, other ministers were brought in, and ultimately a division ensued. The stronger party fol- lowed the lead of Henry L. Johnson into the Sandy Creek Association, while the minority adhered to the Apple Creek Association, but ultimately disbanded and reorganized at Barrow Station, leaving the other party in possession of the meeting house and territory. The date of the organization of the church at Bluffdale is not remem- bered, probably about 1832. To this church belonged John Russell, LL.D., celebrated in literature as the author of the " Worm of the Still," and several enjoyable volumes, David Woolley, and J. C. Harvey — the latter an ordained minister. This church was always small, and in prog- ress of time by deaths and removals, became extinct. Mrs. John Russell is at this time the only survivor of the original body. The Martins Prairie Church was organized in the Summer of 1842 by Joel Sweet, Thomas Taylor, Jacob Bower. Its meeting house was built in 1859, is situated five miles east of Roodhouse. Here Elijah Dodson, Joel Terry, H. T. Chilton, J. M. Wells, Wilson, T. N. Marsh and others have preached. With possibly a single exception, they have never had the services of a resident minister. Rev. J. B. Van preached in that church and resided in that neighborhood for a few months. This church numbers about eighty, and is under the pastoral care of Rev. George Robertson, who was ordained by that church in the Summer of 1878. The Richwoods Church is situated directly east of the last — is a strong body — as it was when I first met its people, was then belonging to the Macoupin Association, but of late years has been the largest church in the Western Association. Here resides Elder F. W. Hicks, who has been for many years a member of this body — a prosperous preacher, and a thoroughly good man. The year in which this church was organized is not known to the writer hereof. And the same remark is true of the church at Athensville, where C. A. Worley preached acceptably for so many years, and where the "ban- ner "' is now held up by John Johnson. This church numbers about sixty. Like the two preceding, it is in the midst of a farming community, depends very largely on the ^ once-a-month " method of supply. The same remark might be made of nearly all the Baptist Churches away from the towns and business centers in this county. Their zeal has a good deal of the spasmodic element in it, and is followed by seasons of coldness and spiritual death until the next revival season is enjoyed. South of this is a church on Bean Creek which has been in existence twenty years, organized by the Johnson Brothers, and has always been connected with the Sandy Creek Association. This too, is a country church, and keeps up its visibility by " once-a-month " preaching, by which it has been able to exercise a wholesome influence on the minds and morals of the community. 310 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. It may be desirable to remark that no one thin^^ has done so much to improve the graces and working power of these churches as the Sunday school. Of course, with many of them, the Sunday school is only a Sum- mer institution, but as the years go by it is found to be a necessity to continue these schools through the entire year, thus making, without specially designing it, a necessity for holding weekly meeetings. To tlieir credit be it said, that nearly all the churches sustain a Sunday school, excepting of course the small churches of the Concord Association, and they will most likely disappear in a few 3^ears, owing to the progress of events, and the increasing light of the times. South of this comes Greenfield with a meeting house belonging to a small church of the Concord Association now almost extinct. Since the death of Stephen Conrood this body has had very irregular meet- ings, and their house has been occupied for the last few years by a church organized here, connected with the Sandy Creek Association, by Wm. M. Rhoads and John Bush. This latter body, though recently organized, has attained a fair degree of prosperity. There was another church here, organized in 1851 by H. T. Chilton and others, connected with the CarroUton Association. This church united with the Cumberland Presbyterians in building a meeting house, which for some time was occupied jointly, but gradually both bodies failed, and the building was sold to the Town and occupied as a Town Hall. Here the CarroUton Association met in 1853. The membership of this church was always small, and death and removals scattered the few who remained. East of this, at Fayette, is a small church connected with the Macou- pin Association, Avith a very comfortable frame meeting house, built very largely through tlie aid given by C. A. Worley, who was for several years pastor of this body. The church is not in a very flourishing condition. We do not know who is the present pastor. Situated in a decaying town, where the business life has been drawn toward the railroad stations, it could not be expected to prosper or enjoy a large share of attention, drawn from the surrounding world. Southwest of Fayette is a small church in the Cannedy settlement belonging to the Sandy Creek Association. This is a recent organization, comparativel}^ and being situated nearly midway between Greenfield and Rockbridge, can not, in the nature of things, ever become a large church. At Rockbridge, under the leadership of Wm. M. Rhoads and John Bush, has been gathered a highly prosperous church. A good meeting house has been built, and every effort is well sustained, and the spiritual interest is constantly increasing. West of this was a church known in early days as Taylor's Creek — afterward as New Hope — having sometimes nearly a hundred members, and then disappearing for a season. It is to be found in the minutes of the Apple Creek Association in 1874, and is not to be found in 1878 — probably its surviving members have gone into the Rockbridge and Providence Churches of the Sandy Creek Association. West of Providence and south of CarroUton is the New Bethel Church with eighty-nine members. This church was originally gathered by Elder Elliott, but during the late war it died, and was revived again in 1873 in a series of meetings held by John Costley, who reorganized the church and has been its pastor ever since. HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 311 Southwest of this across the Macoupin is the New Doughas Church, numbering probably more than twenty members. Elder Crawford is the ordained minister. South and west of Woodville is the Rough Edge Church, belonging to the Western Association, and north of this last a church called Nebo, while north of Woodville is the Pacific Union — a church belonging to Macoupin Association, and this completes the circle of Baptist Churches in Greene County. The minutes of four Associations are before me, and with such cor- rections as I know to be proper, present the following summary : Carrollton Association, 6 Churches, 479 Members. Apple Creek " 6 " 426 Sandy Creek " 10 " 753 Macoupin " 4 " 198 " Total, - - - - 26 churches, 1,856 members. If to these churches we add three churches of the Western and two of the Concord Associations, we shall have an aggregate of thirty- one churches, and a membership exceeding two thousand. These churches have nineteen houses of worship, with sittings for four thousand people, one sixth of the population of Greene County, allowing that to be at this time 24,000, and this is doubtless a very low estimate. Nearly all the meeting houses are plain frame buildings, made for use rather than ornament, situated in the midst of farming communities, many of them supplied by farmer preachers — men of sterling worth — who not only preach, but practice what they preach, making themselves " examples to the flock." Among these ministers are quite a number who have received but little culture from the schools, j^et are strong in their common sense grasp of the doctiines of the gospel, and who are quite as apt in their application of those truths to the consciences of men as they are at wringing from the soil the support they fail to receive from the churches. Still, with all these drawbacks, there has been an advance all "along the line" in the last ten years. This should be apparent when it is considered that in proportion to the population, no county in the State will present so strong a showing of Baptists, while on the other hand, no two thousand Baptists can be found in the State who do so little for home and foreign missions, or indeed for any other benevolent work, and yet are so thoroughly active in working in their own localities. Time will work some radical changes among the Baptists of Greene County, compelling them to unite their scattered forces, by consolidating churches now occupying the same terri- tory. Take for example Barrow, with three churches in a village of perhaps not more than one hundred souls. If these three churches were united it would be possible to support a pastor all the time, and secure a degree of spiritual growth absolutely impossible in the present condition of things. There are four churches in the vicinity of Woodville that would be much more efficient if they were all happily blended in one church. And this would secure greater economy and efficiency at the same time. What is true in regard to these points is equally true in regard to others which we have not time to bring before the readers of this sketch. 312 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. Imperfect as this sketch is, it is submitted to our friends in the hope that it may lead to a more careful preservation of such material as may be required by those who shall write the history of the denomination in the future. The Old Settlers Association. In the issue of the Carrollton Gazette^ for September 30, 1871, the^ following invitation was published : "Old Settlers' Meeting. — As the matter has been so often spoken of in the papers, and by a large number of the old settlers of Greene County, and it would seem appropriate that such a meeting should be held on my farm, a cordial invitation is hereby extended to all citizens who were residents of the county before the 'deep snow,' to assemble in the grove one quarter of a mile south of my residence (it being on the south end of the first eighty acres of land settled in this county), on Saturday, October 21, 1871," at ten o'clock A. M. The object of the meeting will be to organize an ' Old Settlers' Association ' for Greene County, and to listen to addresses appropriate for the occasion. Should the weather prove unfavorable for an out-door meeting at the time, I am requested to say that the meeting will be held at the court house, in Carrollton, instead of the grove on my premises. As this matter has now been so generally agreed upon by our old citizens, it is expected that a large and interesting meeting will be held, and that all will give special heed to this first meeting of the old settlers. Respectfully, "Samuel Thomas." The 21st of October was a bright, pleasant dajs and about one hundred and fifty old settlers, together with a large concourse of younger persons, assembled in the beautiful Thomas Grove, southwest of Carroll- ton. This wood is located on the south end of the first eighty acres of land entered by Mr. Thomas in 1818, and selected as a squatter's claim some time previous. At about eleven o'clock the Carrollton Cornet Band played an old time selection, and the company was called to order by David Pierson, Esq. Col. Jacob Bowman was chosen chairman, and on taking the chair, invited Rev. C. J. Gardiner to offer prayer. " This venerable and reverend gentleman kneeled upon the grass and leaves in front of the speaker's stand, and, while the many aged heads were bowed, a solemnity was manifested befitting the occasion, and words appropriately impressive were uttered, invoking the blessing of God upon those whose lives had been so long spared in his mercy, and beseeching a continuance of divine favor. The chair then suggested that the appointment of a committee on permanent organization would be in order. Whereupon Messrs. David Pierson, Thomas Black, C. J. Gardiner, Jordan Howard, and T. J. Short were chosen. On motion, Hon. D. M. Woodson, Judge A. Hinton, Peter Hobson, Isham Linder, and Martin Bowman were selected as a committee on resolutions. At this point, the chairman, than whom thei'e is none more skilled in the management of a dinner party, remarked that the committees would need some little time in which to prepare their reports — that the good wives and daughters were present with bountifully ladened baskets — that the hour had arrived and the tables would be spread upon the green, and, while the band struck up another good old tune, the meeting adjourned for dinner." The HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 313 dinner was bountiful in quantity, dainty in preparation, and the best in qualit3% and was thoroughly enjoyed by all. After an intermission of an hour, the band rendered another selection, whereupon Col. Bowman called the meeting to order, and asked for the report of the committee on permanent organization. David Pierson, Esq., chairman, presented the following : Your committee would respectfully recommend — 1. That a society be formed to be denominated "Old Settlers' Society of Greene County." 2. That the officers consist of a President, ten Vice Presidents, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. 3. That the following persons be chosen as such officers : Piesideiit, Capt. Richard Robley, of Bluffdale ; Vice Presidents, Samuel Thomas, Judge Alfred Hinton, Gen. Jacob Fry, Maj. J. C. C. Parks, Anthony Potts, Peter Hobson, Martin Bowman, Rev. C. J. Gardiner, Judge Thomas J. Short, David Pierson; Secretary, H. L. Clay; Treasurer, Col. Jacob Bowman. Remarks, consisting, in the main, of interesting personal reminiscences, by Samuel Thomas, Judge Alfred Hinton, Maj. J. C. C, Parks, Gen. Jacob Fry, Hon. D. M. Woodson, and others, followed, and occupied the time until quite late. In the course of some general remarks, by Judge Isham Linder, Judge Hinton, Thomas Black, Jonas Ward, David Pierson, and others, it was ascertained that Mr. Marvel Morris and Judge Linder had been residents of the State longer than any one else present, the former for sixty-two and the latter for sixty-one years. Capt Richard Robley was the oldest man present, he having been born in 1790. On the eleventh of November, at a meeting held in the court house at Carrollton, as per the resolution passed at the first meeting, Messrs. D. M. Woodson, Isham Linder, Dr. J. B. Samuel, Alfred Hinton, and T. W. Vigus were appointed a committee to draft a constitution and by-laws for the organization. The meeting then adjourned to meet to hear the report of this committee January 8, 1872, at which time the following constitution was adopted: Constitution. "The subscribers, pioneers and early residents of Illinois, acknowl- edging their obligations to Almighty God for his long-continued good in the preservation of their lives, and for the numberless blessings bestowed upon this county and its inhabitants, and being desirous for the promotion of social intercourse, by meeting together at convenient periods, to com- pare notes and preserve and perpetuate the remembrance of interesting facts in the early history and settlement of our State, and of Greene County particularly, have formed themselves into a society, to be known and designated as the ' Greene County Old Settlers' Association,' and for the purpose of furthering the objects of such association, do adopt and subscribe the following : "Article I. — This society shall be called the 'Greene County Old Settlers' Association,' and shall consist, "''First — Of all persons, who, at any time prior to the year 1830, were residents of Illinois, and such persons, upon signing the constitution, shall be designated as Senior members. " Second — All persons, residents of Illinois, who shall have resided in the County of Greene since 1845. Such persons, upon signing the consti- 314 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. tution, shall be designated as Junior members. The rights, privileges, and immunities of the Senior and Junior classes shall be held in common, without distinction or preference. " Third — Honorary members, who may be received by vote at any regular meeting of the association. "Art. II. — The officers of the association shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, and Treasurer, to be chosen annually, and whose duties are indicated by their titles. Also one Vice-President in each precinct in the county, whose duty it shall be to aid the other officers of the association in obtaining historical incidents, biographical sketches, and statistical information of our pioneer history, and also to ascertain, and report to the Secretary from time to time, all the deaths or removals from the county of members of the association, that may occur in their several precincts during the year. " Art. III. — This association shall hold its annual meeting at some convenient place in the county, to be selected by the President of the association, on the last Wednesday of August in each year. The Presi- dent ard Secretary shall have power to call special meetings of the association. "Art. IV. — Every member of the association, on signing the con- stitution, shall furnish the Secretary, either orally or in writing, a state- ment, giving the time and place of his birth, the year in which he became a resident of Illinois and of Greene County, and shall pay to the Treasurer the sum of fifty cents, and annually thereafter the sum of fifty cents, Avhich shall constitute membership for himself and wife. The money thus paid shall be used to defray the contingent expenses of the association, and for no other purpose. "Art. V. — The Treasurer shall report, at each annual meeting, a statement of all receipts and expenditures, and no moneys shall be paid out by him, except by vote of the association, or by the unanimous con- sent of the President, Vice-President, and Secretary, who are hereby constituted the executive committee of the association. " Art. VI. — The association, by a vote of a majority present at a regular meeting, may expel any member for habitual intoxication or grossly immoral conduct. " Art. VII. — It shall be the duty of each member of the association, as far as may be, to furnish, in a form suitable for preservation, such facts and incidents of his early life, and in relation to the first settlement of the county, as he may deem of sufficient interest to be preserved ; and the Secretary shall preserve them in such form as he may deem proper. " Art. VIII. — The Secretary shall keep a book, to be called the ' Old Settlers' Record,' in which he shall enter this constitution, and the proceedings of each meeting of the association ; he shall also keep a register of the names of the different members, the place of their birth, the year they became residents of Illinois, as far as he can ascertain the same, and at each annual meeting he shall read the names of those who have died, or who have removed from the county during the year. " Art. IX. — This constitution may be amended at any regular meeting of the association. A vote of two thirds of the members present at such meeting shall be required in favor of the amendment." The election which followed resulted in the choice of the following HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 315 officers: President, Samuel Thomas; Vice-President, Alfred Hinton ; Secretary, H. L. Olay; Assistant Secretary, Dr. C. Armstrong; Treasurer, Jordan Howard ; Precinct Vice-Presidents, John W. Hnitt, Carrollton ; James W. Gregory, White Hall; Isham Linder, Greenfield; N. M. Perry, Kane; John Roodhouse, Roodhouse ; Martin Thorpe, Fayette; Richard Robley, Bluffdale; George L. Burruss, Eastern; Jesse C. Parks, Mt. Airy; L. J. Patterson, Northwestern ; Perry McConathy, Mineral Springs ; Perrj' Clendennen, Woodville ; Michael Kinser, Walkerville ; Michael Waltrip, New Providence. The second regular meeting of the association was held on the Fair Grounds, and was addressed by Hon. D. M. Woodson, Mr. Dennis Davis, of Missouri, Judge Cyrus Tolman, and others. In 1873 addresses were made by Rev. H. A. Guild, Col. J. C. Winters, Everett Griswold, and others. The meeting in 1874 was one of the most interesting in the history of the association. The gathering was the largest of the kind ever held in the county. Dr. S. H. Culver, of White Hall, Dr. B. C. Wood, of Carrollton, Hon. Newton Cloud, of Morgan County, and Hon. D. M. Woodson, of Carrollton, made addresses. Music was furnished by a volunteer choir. The death of Samuel Thomas, Heman Goodrich, Titus Vigus, Jesse C. C. Parks, and Everett Griswold was spoken of and appropriate resolutions passed. In 1875 about 3,500 persons attended the annual meeting at the Fair Grounds. Hon. W. C. Flagg, of Madison County, Rev. B. B. Hamilton, of White Hall, and Hon. eloseph Morton, of Morgan County, were the speakers of the day. The death of Dr. J. B. Samuel was reported. We make the following extract from the minutes of tlie Secretary: "The special committee appointed for the purpose reported the names of the following persons present who were seventy years of age and over: ^'•Ninety and over. — Edward Flatt, 96; Squire Kinkaid, 90; Mrs. Medusa Piper, 90. " Eighty and over. — Capt. Richard Robley, 84 ; Benj. Drummond, 83 ; John W. Huitt, 84; John Painter, 82; Cyrus Tolman, 81 ; Mrs. Dr. B. C. Wood, 80 ; Daniel Kirby, 80. '-''Seventy and over. — Capt. Wm. B. Pegram, 79; Amos McPheron, 79; John Wagoner, 79; Dr. B. C. Wood, 78; Mrs. Capt. W. B. Pegram, 77; Anthony P. Potts, 76; Mrs. Julia Brace, 76 ; Andrew Kelly, 76; Jonas Ward, 75; Capt. E. L. Cooper, 75; Joseph Morton, 75; Alfred Hinton, 75; Gen. Jacob Fry, 75; Nathaniel Miner, 74; Wm. Kennedy, 74; R. R. Nichols, 74; Christopher Dodgson, 73; Isham Linder, 73; Abraham Bowman, 73; J. H. Weisner, 72; Martin Bowman, 71; William Thomason, 71; John V. Dee, 71; Philip Gore, 70; Newton Cloud, 70 ; David Pierson, 70 ; Mrs. Matilda Robley, L. D. Morris, Mrs. Gen. Fry, Daniel Nail, J. E. Cooper, Enos Grandy, Wm. Parker, Wm. B. Pankey, Archibald Lee, Dr. G. B. Mason, John Benear, Rev. G. W. Reynolds, George Liles, Edward Prather, Maria Prather, Andrew Pinker- ton, Eliza Nutting, Naomi Edwards, Benj. Smith, and Mrs. E. M. Smith. * * * Edward Flatt, 96, was the oldest man present and is probably the oldest man in Greene County. Mrs. Scates, of Carrollton, is reported at 114 years of age, and is likely the oldest person in the State." In 1876 the annual address was delivered by Rev. B. B. Hamilton, 316 HISTOKY OF GREENE COUNTY. of White Hall. On this occasion a handsome bouquet was presented to the venerable John W. Huitt, on behalf of a lady present, in honor of the fact that he was the first man to settle in Greene County now living. Rev. Mr. Hamilton also favored the association with an address on the occasion of its sixth annual reunion, in 1877. On this occasion the death of the following old settlers was noticed : Anthony Potts, aged 78 years ; Edward Flatt, 89; David M. Woodson, 71 ; Wm. C. Rainey, 79; William Webb, 85 ; Mrs. David Wooley, 81 ; Mrs. Mary Ann Waltrip, 52 ; Mrs. Elizabeth Pinckard, 80, and James Hall. Major N. M. Knapp, of Winchester, addressed the society in 1878. The obituary record for the year included the names of Mrs. Eliza Vosseller, aged 69; Mrs. Sarah Gregory, 45; J. W. Gregory, 49; Joseph Cox, 77; Mrs. Sarah Crist, 56; Sarah Waltrip, 72; Wm. Griffin, 73. Since the death of Samuel Thomas, Judge Alfred Hinton has held the office of President of the association. Dr. C. Armstrong, H. L. Clay, and Ed. Miner have been the only Secretaries. The Old Settlers' meet- ings are, to a large portion of the better class of citizens of the county, one of the most interesting occasions of the year. Next to the fair, nothing draws together a larger number of the substantial people of the county, and the exercises do much to remind the rising generation of the hardships their parents suffered and of the gratitude and honor due the aged. The following list of those who came to this county very early is not offered as being complete or nearly so. Neither do the dates profess absolute accuracy. They are simply some of the names I have come across with the dates I have found attached to them. List of Early Settlers in Greene County. NAMES. Aultrim, Joseph Allen, William Allen, John.. Allen, Thomas Armstrong, John Allen, Zachariah Allen, Elizabeth Allen, Benny Was born in South Carolina in 1792. Allen, Geo. W Askins, Mrs. Margaret.. Allen, W. S. G Andrew, Jacob Andrews, Wm. W Allen, James-- _- Andrews, N.J ; Armstrong, C, M.D Ashlock,W. M Admire, Thos. S... Allen, Alonzo Anderson, Thos. K Amos, Mary T Amos, J. H YEAR. ^833 1819 1819 1823 1832 1819 1819 1818 1832 1834 1837 ^835 1835 1835 1836 1849 1828 1839 1837 1839 1830 1839 NAMES. YEAR. Allen, Jesse 1819 Allen, E. W 1832 Banning, Alexander 1828 Banning, Benoni 1828 Blaney, 1821 Brown, W. J 1820 Brown, John 1828 Brown, J. C 1823 Brown, P. M 1830 Brown, Fayette 182S Barr, Rev. Hugh-- 1835 Butcher, Elihu 1829 Bostic, Manoah 1834 Blair, Wm 1834 Burgess, Mr 1835 Booker, R. M 1835 Brush, Lucretia -. .. 1823 Bedel, Lavinia.. 1823 Boring, H 1829 Bell, Francis 1819 Booth, John 1835 Brace, J. E 182S HISTOKY OF GREENE COUNTY. 317 NAMES. YEAR. Brazzleton, - 182 1 Burt, Martin 1821 Bell, F. M .- 1819 Benear, J. L .-. 1835 Boggess, Madison 1825 Bains, Sol. 181 9 Bowman, Jacob 1820 Bosnian, |os 1820 Back, Wm 1822 Black, D.-.. 1822 Black, T 1822 Bowman, A 1820 Bowman, Martin 1820 Brace, T. W 1828 Brace, C. W 1828 Bangs, Oliver 1820 Broadmarkle, J. B. 1839 Bowman, Daniel 1831 Burroughs, Wm. P 1831 Batty, Wm j 836 Broadmarkle, Henry 1839 Benear, Wm. H... 1834 Bradshaw, John 1830 Bradshaw, Perry 1830 Berry, Wm. T 1835 Bushnell, L. S. 1838 Black, Caroline 1821 Black, Henry. 1835 Black, John W 1831 Black, Mahala.- 1834 Black, Martha E 1835 Black, Wm. A... 1835 Brace, Mrs. Mary 1833 Bridges, F. M 1834 Bradley, Absalom 1837 Bowman, Mrs. Harriet 1S22 Bowman, Mary. 1833 Bowman, Emily 1837 Bowman, Samuel 1842 Ballinger, J. F 1839 Bu truss, Geo. L 1835 Burruss, J. C 1847 Brown, Basil _ 1839 Beebe, A 1836 Bechdoldr, Henry 1 838 Barnett, Geo 1837 Bradshaw, Wm. M 1830 Brannan, Thos 1831 Bridges, J. E 1832 Barrow, Alfred 1834 Beebe, Milo 1836 Bishop, James 1830 Brown, P. A. 1839 Burroughs, D. W 1837 G NAMES. YEAR, Boring, N. A 1839 Brown, R. W 1838 Brown, Mrs. Louisa 1836 Castleberry, John 1825 Courtney, Mr 1828 Courtney, Robinson . 1828 Gulp, Samuel.. 1835 Cannedy, James 1829 Chambers, Mr 1831 Cooper, Dr. M. A 1834 Caldwell, W. J... 1834 Coonrood, G. W 1829 Cooper, Eli 1835 Clendenen, H. P.. 1819 Coonrood, Stephen 1 829 Culter, Wm 1827 Crane, Wm 1822 Cannedy, John 1830 Gushing, Sam'l D ^833 Caldwell, Jas 1818 Crane, Thos 1818 Cheek, Willis 1821 Cooper, John 1821 Chenney, Elisha 1830 Carroll, Mr 1822- Chenney, Moses 1828 Coonrood, Thos 1830 Costly, Mrs. Elizabeth 1825 Coates, L 1 834 CoUister, G. W.. 1836 Chinn, Wm. D... 1825 Coates, John S 1837 Carter, L. E 1820 Carter, Mrs. Sarah 1827 Clark, J. C 1833 Coonrood, Jefferson 1829 Corrington, N. W 1833 Cory, O. P 1833 Carr, Joseph L 1834 Christy, Geo 1839 Cannedy, W. H - 1829 Culver, B.G... 1831 Cato,W. M 1835 Carrice, Silas 1828 Crabtree, B. 1831 Crist, David. 1833 Cameron, S. P 1836 Cannedy, Houston J 836 Cannedy, Geo. W 1829 Cannedy, Asa J 1829 Cannedy. A. J 1838 Collins, W. M 1831 Cooper, W. T 1836 318 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. NAMES. YEAR. Colin, Thos., Gov 1819 Carlin, Gen. Wm. P., U.S. A 1829 Corrington, S. F 1857 Carlin, Thos. J - 1827 Clough, John.. 1850 Cameron, Jos. T. 1838 Cunningham, A. M 1841 Curtis, Luman ..^ 1 840 Drummond, B . 1819 Drake, Ben 1830 Drake, H.... 1828 Doyle, T 1830 Davis, Thos 1834 Dulaney, M 1830 Dodgson, Christopher . 1821 Dennis, Mr 1835 Dee, John V 182 1 Davis, Dr. C. A 1832 Dryd-n, W. S. M 1833 Doyle, John, Sen 1829 Drum, John. 1821 Davidson, Elis 1829 Davidson, Jno 1829 Davidson Mrs 1 834 Drum, Silas- 1829 Doyle, Robt. L 1842 Doyle, John, Jr 1834 Doyle, Thos 1830 Davis, Geo. W 1839 Davis, W. R 1835 Dodgson, Mrs. Jane . 1828 Dowdall, H. E 1830 Davis, Arthur 1837 Dayton, Harvey — 1833 Davidson, A. J 1832 Davis, Asbury.. 1837 Dovel,J. M - 1829 Driver, Greene 1832 Drum, Wm . 1825 Drum, Miles 1833 Dowdall, James — 1831 Dixon, H. J 1829 Dixon, Hiram 1835 Evans, John 1820 Evans, John, Jr 1821 Edwards, Eri.. 1821 Edwards, David... 1 1821 Edwards, Joel.. 182 1 Eldred, Silas 1820 Eldred, Mrs. Ruth 1820 Eldred, Elon A 1842 Eldred, L. E 1828 NAMES. YEAR. Eldred, Chas. H 1836 Eldred, Elon 1821 Eldred, Ward.. i8eo Eldred, J. B 1821 Eldred, Wm 1821 Etter, Henry 1828 Etter, Peter 1828 English, W. C 1829 Eldred, J J 1829 Evans, Geo. L 1 83 1 Edwards, E. J. 1836 Ellis, Wm. H._ 1838 Edwards, O L 1829 P^nslow, J. B 1 83 1 Edwards, B. F... 1836 Enslow, T. J 1837 Eldred, Jehoshaphat 1837 Flatt, Ed - 1 83 1 Floyd, John 1830 Fry, Gen. Jacob 1818 Finley, Thomas 1821 Finley, John 1821 Fair, Absalom 1828 Finley, Howard 1828 Finley, William 1835 Felter, Peter 1834 Was born in New York State, Oct 19, 1819. Furgeson,J. E 1837 Fry, Julia .-- 1834 Fuller, Gilbert .• 1840 Flatt, Jesse. -. 1820 Flatt, Ranson 1820 Flatt, J - 1820 Finley, Alson 1823 Field, A. J. R... 1832 Fry, James 1 843 Flatt, Clarissa Clark 1827 Floyd, Mrs. Mary 1820 Friend, C 1830 Felter, Wm. W 1836 Fry, James B. (U. S. Army) 1827 Gard, Rev... 1821 Grimes, Wm.. 1828 Gerish, Joseph 1831 Griffin, Wm 1820 Goodrich, Heman 1818 Griswold, A... 1820 Gardiner, C. J., Sr 1821 Goode, Ezekiel 1828 Grizzle, Joel 1829 Grizzle, Herod 1829 Griswold, Edwin 1830 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 319 NAMES. YEAR. Goode, Wm. B.. 1829 Griffith,Silas D.... 1837 Gamble, John 1829 Guthrie, Milton.. 1832 Guthrie, Catharine H 1832 Guthrie, Julia E 1834 Guthrie, James N 1836 Guthrie, John W 1838 Gullett, Wm. D 1851 Griffin, Thorrit 1 835 Geery, Abram 1838 Gropp, S.--.- 1838 Gregory, J. W _ 1829 Gregory, A. B 1829 Grisvvold, H. A 1 829 Griswold, L. P.. 1833 Greene, S. F 1820 Gardiner, J. B 1824 Gardiner, S. G __ 1820 Grandy, Enos 1833 Greene, J. R 1822 Gardiner, C. J.,Jr 1833 Herrick, Rev. Henry 1830 Hinton, J. H 1835 Hardcastle, W. C 1824 Heater, Sol - 1820 Hardcastle, John 1824 Higbee, Samuel 1835 Hank Thomas - 1818 Hill, R. B.. 1835 Headrick, Anderson 18 18 Headrick, Michael 1818 Howard, Jordan 1826 Hutchins, Gideon 1831 Hicks, Vine.- 1820 Henderson, James -.. 1819 Hand, Jeremiah.. 1827 Hopping, Abigail T 1831 Hodges, Chas. D 1833 Hinton, Abner 1818 Huitt, John W... 1823 Hobson, Robert 1822 Hobson, Thomas 1822 Hobson, Richard 1820 Hubbard, Ansell.. 1820 Hill, Isaac 1819 Headd, Mr 1821 Handlin, Wm 1830 Hobson, Peter. 1822 Hodges, Edmund 1844 Was born in Texas in 1820. Hartsook, Joseph 1837 Hardtner, Dr. John.. 1820 NAMES. YEAR. Hobson, P. J -. 1825 Hobson, Mrs. Mary.. 1829 Huitt, W. L 1831 Huitt, J.J 1833 Hinton, J. M 1835 Hinton, A. C... 1835 Halbirt, W. L... 1838 Halbert, A. F 1829 Halbert, H. C..._ 1835 Hudson, W. H 1838 Hudson, David B 1828 Hart, Aaron 1824 Husted, E. M 1836 Hardwick, Geo. W 1830 Herring, Abram.. 1832 Husted, E. A 1836 Hahn, David 1829 Hicks, Mrs. Lorena 1831 Hicks, C. -. 1825 Henderson, S. M 1826 Hopper, John S. C 1837 Hinton, Alfred 1819 Hodges, E. M 1826 Hutchins, Elkanah 1831 Huitt, R. B 1823 Irwin, James 1832 Jackson, Mr 1832 Jayen, Henry 1835 Johnson, Joel. i8i8 Jackson, Shade 1820 Jackson, Robert 1820 Judy, Samuel 1828 Johnson, Ewin 1834 Jereney, Rev. Elisha Jackson, Amos J 1829 Jackson, L. J 1829 Johnson, David 1835 Jackson, Amos 1832 Johnson, A. J. 1826 Johnson, T. M 1839 Jones, John 1839 Johnesee, S. W 1837 King, J. H... 1830 King, Lucien 1839 Keller, John G 1828 King, John 1821 King, Ben.. 1835 Kendall, Nat 1831 Kinkaid, Wm 1818 Kelly, Andrew 1829 Kinkaid, James 1823 320 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. NAMES. YEAR. King, Alexander 1821 Kinkaid, Andrew 182 1 Keel, Richard T 1828 Keel, Richard R -- 1828 Kinkaid, W. L 1834 Keach, John R 1 833 Kergher, C 1846 Kaser, John 1845 Kaser, Lucy 1839 Kelly, J. C 1829 King, Jas. G... - 1821 Kinser, Wm 1827 Kinser, Michael 1835 Kelly, M.F.. ..- 1839 King, Chas.. .- 1842 Lakin, Alex 1827 Lewis, Wm _ 1831 Logan, Alex... 1835 Lee, Adam.. -- 1835 Lakin, Jordan .. 1827 Linder, Isham, Sr 1821 Lee, Obadiah 1828 Lee, Morris 1831 Lynn, A. W 1835 Linder, J 1821 Lee, Samuel 1820 Lewis, John - 1828 -Link, Christian 1823 Leonard, Cornelia H 1 83 1 Lippincott, Rev. Thos 1832 Lorton, Robt 18 18 Lee, Eli - 1829 Lorton, Robt 1822 Lorton, H. U 1826 Long, John.. 1829 Lakin, L. R 1847 Lemen, Elizabeth. 1835 Linder, John M. 1835 Linder, Isham, Jr 1837 Landiss, Wm. H 1827 Lisles,A. H.,. 1837 Linder, Johnson 1827 McCracken, W. A _ 1840 Martin Josiah... 1828 Mayberry, Wm. M. — 1837 Meek, J. M 1823 McNail, Jno. A 1827 McBride,S.T -. 1823 Mitchell, J. G 1838 Morrow, M 1838 Morton, Mr 1832 Metcalf, Jas — 1834 NAMES. YEAR. Morfoot, D 1 82 1 Morfoot, J. F 1821 McPheron, Amos 1830 Morrow, T. A 1828 Marmon, J. H 1835 Morris, M 1826 Marmon, Wm. ,. 1832 Miller, David 1826 Morrow, Wm 1823 Morrow, Jesse 1819 Mitchell, N. L. -. 1835 Mitchell, A. K 1835 Miller, Francis 1822 McAdaras, L i836' Mason, Josiah 1831 Miller, James 1826 McConathy, Perry 1839 Martin, Saml 1828 McCracken, Mrs. M 1837 Melvin, T. E 1830- McCauts, C. H 1823 Mclntyre, Thos. A 1834 Morris, Maroel 1829 Martin, James 1828 Norton, E. A - 1823 Norris, Henry 1829 Norton, Lucius S 1843 Nulton, Col. J. B.... 1841 Nettles, Wm 1840 Nash, H. P 1838 Overby, L 1829 Osborn, B. F 1 830 Odel, Reuben 1828 Odd, Wm... 1825 Ogle, Josiah.. 1831 Odom, Wm. W 1835 Ozbun, B. F - 1834 Parker, Jesse - 1826 Pankey, W. B 1820 Pinkerton, Andrew — 1820 Pere, Hiram 1829 Potts, Wm 1822 Pinkerton, David 1820 Pinkerton, Jas 1820 Purnell, Jimmy 1820 Piper, Thos 1828 Pegram, W. B 1835 Pegram, G... 1835 Painter, Fannie _ 1823 Portwood, Page — 1828 Potts, Anthony 1821 Pierson, David 1821 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 321 NAMES. YEAR. Pigott, Rev. Joseph 1820 Pigott, Rev. Isaac N 1820 Peck, Rev. J. M 1820 Prather, Edward 1828 Prentiss, Amos 1832 Page, Elizabeth.- 1831 Page, Reuben, 183 1 Piper, J. W 1837 Powell, J. G. F 1839 Pegram, Alvan 1839 Pegram, W. H 1836 Pruitt, Wm... 1830 Pinkerton, Jas. H... 1822 Pinkerton, W. R 1827 Pinkerton, J. G 1830 Prather, Wm . 1825 Parks, Major J. C. C 1826 Parker, H. L 1836 Pope, J. L 1835 Parker, Wm. P 1835 Perry, Col. N. M 1836 Perry, A. T 1836 Perry, J. M... 1837 Parker, Thos. L. 1837 Pope, Saml 1835 Quigley Chas 1826 Rives, Rev. J 1834 Rainey, Major 1831 Reno, Aaron 1828 Roberts, Joseph 1834 Rattan, Thos... 1819 Reader, Levi . 1819 Robinson, Alexander .. 1832 Robley, R 1821 Rives, J. H _ 1834 Roodhouse, John 1830 Roodhouse, Benj.?. . 1830 Roodhouse, Peter 1 830 Reynolds, Levi 182 1 Rawlings, Jas -- 1826 Rawlings, Rev. Rhoderic. 1825 Ruyle, John _.. 1829 Risby 1831 Rafferty John C... 1835 Rafferty, Wm. M 1836 Robinson, R. G 1837 Russell, S. G 1828 Russell, John 1828 Russell, Laura Ann 1821 Robinson, Wm. B 1837 Reynolds, Rev. G. W 1836 Rhobards, Jesse.. 1834 NAMES. YEAR. Robley, Vilroy 1827 Robley, Mrs. C 1833 Robley, Charles 1822 Robley, George B 1821 Roodhouse, J. D 1831 Rawlings, John T 1836 Ridings, Jesse 1835 Reeve, J. B 1834 Reynolds, Joseph C 1829 Reynolds, W. C- 1831 Rountree, V. K 1831 Scoggins, J. H ^838 Stout, Martin 1832 Scoggings, C. J 1828 Stringer, Wm.. 1835 Stone, James 1827 Short, Cyntha A 1832 Short, J. H... 1839 Scroggs, Mr 1829 Shepherd, Orphy 1832 Stephens, Moses Swinney, Wm.. 1828 Sample, Mr. 1835 Spruance, Saml... 1835 ShuU, Alfred L 1 833 Shelton, Elisha 1830 Stubblefield, H. L 1830 Stoddard, J. L... 1830 Seeley, A. S 1822 Smith, Ben _ 1818 Samuels, Dr 1832 Stubblefield, F. L.... 1827 Smitherman, L. T 1832 Stevens, Ruleff 1823 Smith, Rev. Aaron Skidmore, John 1821 Samms, Davidson 1821 Sharp, Thos Smith, Wm 1828 Scott, B. T... 1828 Stringer, W. W. 1835 Was born in Kentucky, April 6, 1807. Stevens, Clark 1828 Sheffield, G. W. T... 1830 Scandarett, Chas. L. Jr 1838 Stubblefield, G. A 1825 Stubblefield, Jas. H 1825 Stout, John 1826 Strang, Wm. H 1839 Simpson, J.F 1834 Scandarett, W. T 1836 Sanders, C. H. 1836 Spencer, John 1837 322 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. NAMES. YEAR. Sweetin, Wm. L 1839 Spencer, Henry R 1 833 Short, Wm 1831 Seeley, R. G 1836 Seeley, Anthony S 1823 Smith, Benj 1821 Short, Wm. S 1832 Short, R. A - 1 835 Short, F. L 1837 Strickland, J. N -- 1829 Scott, Benj _ 1832 Short, T. T - 1829 Smith, J. P. - - - - - 1834 Stephens, C 1 829 Thompson, D. A... 1833 Tunison, Hy. Sr 1835 Tunison, Jacob 1835 Thomas, J.I - - 1 8 1 8 Teaney, Dan 1835 Thomas, Sam,._ 1818 Tunison, H 1835 Tunnell, Luther 1818 Tunnell, Colin 1819 Tunnell, Calvin . . 1818 Thaxton, Billy 1820 Throcmorton, Dr 1829 Taylor, Isaac 1820 Taylor, John 1820 Taylor, Ambrose 1820 Teagarden, Henry 182 1 Tucker, John A -. 1843 ^Yas born in Claiborne Co., East Tennessee, July 22, 1820. Turner, Miriam Thaxton, Doctor 1819 Thomas, Mary A 1819 Thomas, Nancy 1821 Thomas Eliza J 1823 Thomas, Elizabeth A 1825 Thomas, Lewis H 1827 Thomas, S. R.. 1829 Thomas, Gilla Ann 1831 Thomas, Matilda A 1833 Thomas, Catharine M 1838 Thomas, Wm. D .. 1835 Thomas, Mrs. Elizabeth 1818 Thomas, Mrs. Ann 1821 Taylor, Hubbard 1835 Taylor, Geo 1837 Tunison, Isaac C. . . - . 1 838 Taylor, John A 1822 Thompson, James 1825 Twitchell, J. S 1837 NAMES. Tolman, W. O Trimble, Harvey Thomasson, Wm Underwood, Wm... Vigus, T. W Vandeveer, T Vanmeter, Jas Vanmeter, Amasa... Valentine, Ichabod. Vanarsdale, Peter... Valentine, James... Vangiezen, James.. . Vinyard, G. W Varble, C. H Varble, Nancy J Varble James Vandeveer, Wm Vensel, Joseph Wooley, N. C Weisner, J. PI Wood, Dr. B. C Walthrop, Wm. G.. Whiteside, L. F Whitlock, J. C Whitlock. R. C Waller, John H Wright David ....... Woodson, D. M Walthrop, M ., Whitlock, J. M , Worcester, L. E Ward, Jonas Wright, George Wooley E... Woodman, Elijah . . . Welch, Whittaker, Robt Wright, John Weaver, Greene Wood, Isaac. Wood, Alfred Wiggins, Sandy Wylder, Wiley Willard, Julius A Williams, David J... Wright, A. J Wright, Thos Williams, G. L Williams, John G... Winn, Geo. W Ward, John P HISTORY .OF GREENE COUNTY. 323 NAMES. YEAR. Ward. Mrs. Hester 1827 Wood, A. B... 1831 Witt, Dicy... 183 1 Waltrip, James 1828 Wyatt, J. W 1824 Walker, Jas. F 1838 Wood, Sarah 1 830 Whiteman, Maria J 1827 Wood, James A 1835 Wells, Wm. D... 1834 Wells, Mrs. Sarah 1830 Wylder, Samuel 1 830 NAMES. YEAR. Waller, John H 1833 Waggoner, John 1S39 Washburn, J. M. P 1836 Williams, John T 1836 Whitlock, Tarlton 1829 Witt, Randolph 1829 White, Balaam 1833 White, Ira 1837 Ware, James 1829 Young, Jacob. 1829 Yates, Wm 1842 The Agricultural and Mechanical Association. The Greene County Agricultural and Mechanical Association was instituted April 15, 1854. Its first officers were Luman Curtius, President ; J. C. Winters, Vice-President ; A. W. Bridges, Treasurer, and F. P. Vedder, Secretary. The following were chosen members of the General Committee: From Carrollton Precinct, Samuel Thomas and Jacob Bowman ; White Hall Precinct, L. E. Worcester, B. Baldwin ; Northwestern Precinct, L. J. Patterson, A. J. Whiteside; Walkerville Precinct, A. Sweeten, Michael Kinser; Bluffdale Precinct, William Halbert, J. W. Calvin ; Woodville, T. W. Vigus, W. L. Greene ; Kane Precinct, Samuel Longstreet, David Thompson; Eastern Precinct, J. H. Van Arsdale, Geo. L. BurrUss; Greenfield Precinct, W. H. Ellis, I, R. Ostrom ; Fayette Precinct, John Rives, Martin Thorpe ; Athensville Precinct, Thomas J. Short, Benjamin King ; Mineral Spring Precinct, Perry McConathy, James D. Martin. For the County, Elon Eldred and Wm. Black. The first fair was held October 12, 1854, on the farm of J. E. Brace, Esq., just northwest of the town of Carrollton. This fair seems to have been in every way a brilliant success, and some said, as has been remarked more recently of other displays, that the show of fast and fine horses was superior to that at the State fair. The following complete list of premiums will prove very interesting, as nearly all the names of the suc- cessful competitors will be recognized as belonging to promiijent citizens of the present day : Class I. — Cattle. To Jeremiah Turpin, best bull, Film ore, 3 years old, 1st premium, silver cup. and diploma. Anthony Potts, 2d best bull, 4 years old, 2d premium, silver cup. Eri Edwards, best bull, 2 years old, 1st premium, silver cup and diploma. James J. Eldred, 2d best bull, 2 years old, 2d premium, silver cup. Silas Eldred, best bull, 1 year old, 1st premium, $4 and diploma. Henry Tunison, 2d best bull, 1 year old, 2d premium, $4. Jonas Ward, best cow, 6 years old, 1st premium, silver cup and diploma. ^Jeremiah Turpin, 2d best cow, 4 years old, 2d premium, silver cup. James W. Gregory, best heifer, 2 years old, 1st premium, silver cup and diploma. S24 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. Elon Eldred, 2d best heifer, 2 years old, 2d premium, silver cup. Elijah Dee, best heifer, 1 year old, 1st premium, $4 and diploma. Eri Edwards, 2d best heifer, 1 year old, 2d premium, $-1. Elon Eldred, best bull calf, 1st premium, $o. R. N. Neece, 2d best bull calf, 2d premium, $2. J. Turpin, best heifer calf, premium $o. Elon Eldred, 2d best heifer calf, $2. James J. Eldred, best working oxen, diploma. Elijah Dee, best fat heifer, diploma. Class II. — Horses and Mules. E. H. Chorn, best stallion, 8 years old, 1st premium, silver cup and diploma. Wm. Crane, 2d best stallion, 7 years old, 2d premium, silver cup. J. H. Waller, best brood mare, 9 years old, diploma. Michael Kinser, best stallion, 3 years old, 1st premium, silver cup and diploma. Anthony Potts, best stallion, 2 3'ears old, 1st premium, silver cup and diploma. Wm. O. Greaves, 2d best stallion, 2 years old, 2d premium, $3. Anthony Potts, best stallion, 1 year old, 1st premium, 14. A. Minsterman, 2d best stallion, 1 year old, 2d premium, $2. J. P. Henderson, best filly, 3 years old, 1st premium, silver cup and diploma. Jeremiah Turpin, 2d best filly, 3 years old, 2d premium, $4. Daniel Morfoot, best filly, 2 years old, 1st premium, silver cup. Peter M. Brown, 2d best filly, 2 years old, "2d premium, $3. Milton Williams, best filly, 1 year old, 1st premium, $4. Lemuel Jackson, 2d best filly, 1 year old, 2d premium, $2. Benj. Roodhouse, best draught horse, 5 years old, premium $4. Same, best gelding, 7 years old, premium $4. J. E. Brace, best single mare, 4 years old, premium $4. A. S. Seely, best matched horses, 6 years old, premium $4. Felix Morris, best saddle horse, gaited, 5 years old, premium $4. Peter Roodhouse, best single horse in harness, 4 years old, premium $4. Henry Spencer, best sucking colt, 1st premium, silver cup. William Black, 2d best sucking colt, 2d premium, $4. E. B. Eldred, 3d best sucking colt, 3d premium, $3. L. H. Thomas, best jack, 3 years old, premium silver cup and diploma. Geo. L. Burruss, best jack, 2 years old, premium |4. Same, best jack, 1 year old, diploma. Hiram Keach, best jennett, 3 years old, diploma. Same, best jennett, 2 years old, diploma. L. H. Thomas, best jennett, 1 year old, diploma. Wm. Cannedy, best pair mules, 2 years old, $4. E. W. Johnson, best single mule, $2. Class III. — No. 1. Sheep. Jas. W. Gregory, best fine buck, premium f2 and diploma. Same, best fine ewe, premium $2. Jeremiah Turpin, best coarse buck, premium $2 and diploma. Same, best coarse ewe, premium ^2. HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 325 iVo. 2. Sivine. French N. Hazle, best boar 1^ year old, 1st premium, $2 and diploma. Wm. Black, 2d best boar, 1 year old, 2d premium, $2. Elon Eldred, best breeding sow, 1 year old, premium $2 and diploma. Same, 2d best breeding sow, 2 years old, 2d premium, 82, Same, best lot pigs, 6 months old, Is^t premium, f 8. J. E. Brace, 2d best lot pigs, 6 months old, premium $2. Samuel Longstreet, best pair pigs, 6 months old, premium diploma. Class IV.— iVo. 1. Poultry. J. E. Brace, best pair chickens, premium -Si and diploma. No. 2. Cheese and Butter. Jas. J. Eldred, best cheese, premium !|3 and diploma. David Black, best lot butter, made in June, premium $2 and diploma. Alfred Hubbard, best lot butter, made any time, premium $2 and diploma. Jas. B. Samuel, 2d best lot butter, made any time, 2d premium, 82. David Black, 3d best lot butter, made any time, 3d premium, $1. Class V. — G-rain, Vegetables., and Fruits. No. 1. Samuel Longstreet, best sample pure white corn, diploma. Jesse Ridings, best lot yellow corn, premium -f 1. Samuel Longstreet, best half-barrel j^ellow corn, diploma. David Black, best bushel Timothy seed, premium $1 Samuel Thomas, best bushel clover seed, premium $1. David Black, best sample white wheat, diploma. Same, best sample red wheat, 81. Price Lovelace, best sample flour corn, 81. No.± Fruit. Samuel Longstreet, best winter apples, 1st premium, 81.25. Jas. D. Martin, 2d best winter apples, 2d premium, 75 cents. Jacob Bowman, best fall apples, premium diploma. No. 3. Vegetables. Drury Overbey, best lot white turnips, diploma. Samuel Longstreet, best lot sweet potatoes, 50 cents. Class VI. — Household Manufactures, Boots and Shoes. No. 1 Mrs. John J. Thomas, best ten yards woolen flannel, premium 50 cents. Mrs. William Potts, best double carpet coverlet, 1st premium, 81 and diploma. Mrs. Benj. Baldwin, 2d best double carpet coverlet, 2d premium, 81. Mrs. J. Thomas, best single carpet coverlet, premium 50 cents. Mrs. E. Morfoot, best pair woolen knit stockings, 1st premium, 81 and diploma. Mrs. John T. Williams, 2d best pair woolen knit stockings, 2d premium, 50 cents. 826 HISTORY OF greenp: county. No. 2. Frederick Cook, best pair boots, diploma. Class VII. Benj. Roodhouse, best carriage, diploma. John Long, best bedstead, diploma. Class VIII. — Articles not Enumerated. Dr. John Hardtner, best set teeth, diploma. Mrs. Luman Curtius, best jar preserved peaches, diploma. Joseph Coats, best barrel flour, diploma. Misses Pierson, best embroidery, diploma. Same, best crab apple jelly, diploma. Mrs. J. B. Eldred, best single coverlet, premium $1, Mrs. David Dodgson, best quilt, $1. Samuel Longstreet, best cherry wine, diploma. Our Agricultural Society now numbers over two hundred and thirty members, and is rapidly increasing in numbers and interest. We shall largely extend our list of premiums for the next year, especially for the ladies. N. B. All the above premiums will be paid in silverware, or agri- cultural books, on the first Monday of December next, at the annual meeting of the Society, to be holden at the Court House in Carrollton, at which time officers are to be elected for the ensuing year, and transact such other business as shall be considered necessary. A general attendance is most earnestly solicited. Luman Cuktius, President., F. P. Vedder, Secretary. Since the organization of the Association the various Presidents have been David M. Woodson, George L. Burruss, Joseph Ballinger, who held the position from 1858 to 1865 inclusive, Jacob Bowman, who presided for five years, B. F. Baldwin, E. M. Husted, L. S. Eldred. Benjamin Roodhouse, who was president for two years, and George W. Davis, vrho is now (1879) serving his second term. The Secretaries have been F. P. Vedder, L. S. Norton, Dr. C. Armstrong, L. F. Wheeler, Henry Bonfoy, George W. Davis, Isaac Powell, W. W. Beaty, N. J. Andrews. George W. Davis held the offices ten years, W. W. Beaty three years,, and Dr. Armstrong, Henry Bonfoy and N. J. Andrews, each two years. A. W. Bridges, Jordan Howard, J. E. Brace, W. L. Greene, Robert Pierson, N. J. Andrews, D. D. Pierson, each have held the office of Treasurer, J. E. Brace for ten years, and several of the otliers for more than one year. The second fair was held on tlie grounds which the one hundred and sixty stockholders had purchased, south of the village of Carrollton, near the present site of the public school building. This was securely fenced and supplied with stalls and other conveniences, and served the purposes for which it was designed, until becoming too small, in 1860, the present large and beautiful park owned by the Association was bought, and the improvements moved thither. The first financial statement of the con- dition of the Association on the records is found in the year 1856. It is HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 327 as follows: Receipts from fair, $950.15; paid for premiums, $500.00 ; expenses, $45.95; total, $545.95 ; balance on hand, $404.20. During the early fairs the premiums consisted almost entirely of silverware, and we frequently find in the Treasurer's report a list of silverware left on hand after the premiums had all been paid, and in one instance a valued officer is voted a five dollar cup as a mark of appreciation of his faithfulness. During successive years the receipts were as follows : 1857, $1,338.15; 1858, $1,615.34; 1859, $1,882.85; 1860, $2,025.82; and so on, the expenses increasing in the same or a greater ratio. In 1866, the present commodious amphitheater was built. In 1872, the name of the Association was changed to " Greene County Agricultural Board." During the war, and for some time after, the fairs did not pay expenses, and the result was that in 1874, the Board found itself saddled with a debt of over $6,000. In order that this might be paid off and the prosperity of the fairs insured, in the Autumn of that year a resolution was passed to form a new corporation, and D. M. Woodson, J. W. Gregory, G. L. Burruss, J. H. Rives, S. F. Greene, L. F. Wheeler, and John Kaser, were appointed incorporators. License was issued February 27, 1875» authorizing G. W. Davis, J. F. Ballinger. L. S. Eldred, G. L. Burruss, N. J. Andrews, J. H. Rives, and George W. Witt, as commissioners to open books of subscription to the capital stock of the Greene County Agricul- tural and Mechanical Association. The following persons at once subscribed for the number of shares set opposite their names, at fifty dollars per share, and a charter was issued by the Secretary of State, bearing date March 26, 1875 : NAMES. SHARES. J. E. Ferguson.. i S. F. Greene 2 Sharon Bros 2 Benjamin Roodhouse i William M. Maberry. 2 McFarland & Robinson i J. E. Brace i L. F. Wheeler i T. W. Brace i J. T. Cameron i Jno. I. Thomas 2 B B. Bartholomew ...... 2 J. B. Eldred 2 J.S.Hunt I E. A. Eldred 1 J. K. Farrelly 1 John Kaser 2 Wright & Laning i Peter Hobson.. i Geo. W. Davis i J. Eldred 2 N. J. Andrews 2 Vilroy Robley.. i Daniel Morfoot-- i R. C. Bradley 2 F. M. FishbaMc 2 NAMES. SHARES- William Black 2 H. C. Withers..... i Thos. Black i Jas. Cullimore i \V. D. Thomas 2 David Wright. i C. H. Eldred 2 Pierson's Bank 3 L.S.Eldred 2 W. W. Beaty..-.. i Thomas E. Evans. 2 Samuel Bowman i A. J. Tunnell i J. H. Rives 2 D. M.Woodson 2 Geo. L. Burruss 2 Thos. J. Carlin - i Geo. Meister. i John C. Burruss i Harry Burruss. r Luraan Curtius . i J. F. Ballenger 2 B. F. Baldwin 2 L. S. Bushnell... r W.B.Robinson- 2 W. W. Ashlock.. 2 S28 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. NAMES. SHARES. | NAMES. SHARES. Geo. Ashlock i | John Rhodes 2 J. W. Gregory 2 | J. D. Tunison A.B.Gregory 2 ^" "^ Peter Roodhouse 2 Henry 'J'unison .... i E. V. Baldwin 2 J.H.Baldwin 2 John North . i Jos. Rickart 2 Jesse Riding i C. J. McCollister& M. North i Edgar Griswold _ i J ames Morrow i J. H. Stubblefield 2 E. A. Giller 2 C. VV. Brace 2 These subscriptions readily raised the six thousand dollars required, and the old indebtedness was paid off. The capital stock was afterward increased |2,000, bringing it to |8,000, the greater part of which was soon subscribed. The new society took possession of the property of the old, and a more prosperous era began. The recent fairs of the Association have been in an eminent degree successful, and a very bright future seems to be before the Association. Geo. Tunison . L. P. Griswold Geo. W. Witt A. J. Rives Willis Brooks Martin Thorpe Keeley & Davis.. . , E. M. Husted Jesse Robards Winn & Bros Jacob Bowman. .. Wm. Eglehoff A. M. Cunningham, CARROLLTON. CarroUton, the county seat of Greene County, is one of the wealth- iest and most flourishing towns in Central Illinois. The circumstances attending its origin have been already stated. Probably the first settler within what are now the corporation limits was Governor Thomas Carlin, who camped under a large tree near the present residence of Mrs. Wil- liam Carlin, and chose the prairie on which he then stood as his home. This was in 1818, and during the latter part of that year, or early the next, Mr. Carlin, with his mother and step-father, came north of the Macoupin and built a cabin in the southern part of the present town. There were then but a very few cabins north of the creek, probably not over half a dozen or a dozen. Samuel Thomas had made an improvement in a beautiful grove near the site of the present Thomas homestead. Michael Headrick, Abram Sells, and one or two others, had built cabins near the present residence of David Wright, Esq., and there were a few log huts a short distance east. Very early in 1821, occurred the land sale at Edwardsville, when this territory came into the possession of the settlers. Immediately thereafter the county was organized, the seat of justice established on the land of Mr. Carlin, and the name of CarroUton given to it. Settlers at once came in very rapidly. General Jacob Fry built a cabin near the former site of the St. James Hotel. Thomas Rat- tan erected a log structure on the lot now occupied by Marmon's building, on the northeast corner of the Square, where for a long time he kept a tavern. A more modern building succeeded this, also used as an inn, and for a long time known as the " Jack Traveler." Samuel Lee, the first HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 329 County Clerk, built a temporary clerk's office on the west side of the Square, and this was soon followed by the first Court House. The early county buildings have been described in the history of the county. The first frame bnildinir in the town was probably a dwelling house on the east side of the Square, built by Cyrus Tolman and Charles Greg'ory, both afterward very prominent men in the county. The first brick edifice in the town was also said to have been erected on the east side, near the present location of ('harles Weimer's tobacco store. For a year or twa the little town grew steadily. The county was then a large one, and the transaction of county business made quite a number of buildings and people a necessity at the county seat. William A. Tunnell writes as fol- lows of the town when it was only a year or two old : "The land upon which Carrollton is situated belonged to the Hon, Thomas Carlin. Concerning the beauty of the spot before the hand of man had changed its appearance I am not prepared to speak, but freely express the opinion that it would have suffered in a comparison with Mount Pleasant. When I first saw the place it contained a few small houses, the first of wliich was probably built by the Hon. Thomas Rattan for a tavern. It stood north of the east side of the Square, and was erected not far from the year 1821. How long this building occupied tliat spot, or whether it was- the same that was afterward called the ' Old Jack Traveler,' or ' Jack Tavern,' I am not prepared to decide, but since the days of the 'Old Jack Traveler' another building has occupied the spot and passed away, to- make room for one which will probably continue there for many years. A little farther west, perhaps half way along the north side of the Square, stood a neat little frame with a porch or portico in front, which was, at an early day, the residence and office of Samuel Lee, Esq., Clerk of the Circuit and County Courts, County Recorder, Justice of the Peace» etc., etc., a man very much esteemed. He died some thirty-five years aga (in 1825), and was the first, or about the first, person interred in the Carrollton burying ground. On the Avest side of the Square, very near tlie residence of D)-. Hardtner, stood the Court House, a long two-story building, with one end to the Square. There was nothing very attractive about its appearance. It was simply a ])lain wooden building, rather dingy in appearance. West of the Court House, occupying the ground now used for the same purpose, stood the little hewed log jail, in which prisoners were kept by the aid of a guaid or suffered to escape, as seemed most conducive to tlie general welfare. On the south side of the Square was the residence and store of John Evans, Jr. Further east, across the next street, stood a small frame, which was used for some kind of traffic, the exact nature of which I have forgotten ; and just east of it was the residence of Jacob Fiy, Esq., well and favorably known in the annals of Greene County, as an efficient, intelligent and faithful officer and good citizen. On the east side of the Square, at the north end, was the store of John Skidmoie, an active, restless little man, who was everywhere, knew everybod}^ and kept himself not oidy busy, but always in a hurry. His storehouse was a small IVanie building, that occupied the spot for sev- eral years. Skidmore, or ' Skid,' as he was familiarl}^ called, kept a small stock of inferior goods, such as all merchants kept at that day, and such as the necessities of the people compelled them to buy, including an as- sortment of pure liquors, to render the stock complete. 330 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. "I think it was at 'Skid's' store where the inimitable Willis Clieek was said to have treated his friends and himself through the long hours of one whole night, paying for the liquor with a raccoon skin, which, as often as 'Skid' threw it behind the door and went to draw the whisky from a barrel, would mysteriously resume its place in Willis' pouch, where it remained snugly until another drink was wanted. Just across the street from Skidmore's, about where the public well is situated, was the whipping-post, where those covetous individuals who took clandestine possession of other people's property, received from the hands of the Sheriff the panacea applied in those days for the healing of such moral distempers. The patient's hands were confined to the top and his feet to the bottom of the post with ropes, the shoulders denuded and a ' deter- mination to the surface ' — as the doctors express it — induced by an appli- cation of rawhide or hickory. To witness such an operation is revolting to the finer feelings of humanity. Imagine a man thus pinioned hand and foot, striving to bury his face between his extended arms, his shoul- ders laid bare to the lash. The Sheriff coolly takes up a long ' cowhide,' as hard as a ribbed and twisted iron wire, raises it above his head and brings it down upon the poor fellow's bare shoulders, as an assistant standing by, deliberately calls out ' one ! ' The operation is repeated in the coolest, most formal manner, at intervals of about one second — the assistant continuing to call at each blow, ' two,' ' three,' etc., up to fifteen or twenty, according to the sentence of the court. All this time a circle of eager men and boys are crowding as near as possible, pulling each other back, to see him writhe and endeavor to free himself from the torture." It is also related of the Willis Cheek spoken of in this extract that he once went to Mr. Skidmore and asked to be trusted for a small quan- tity of powder and shot which he wished to ■ purchase. This accommo- dation the merchant refused, and Willis went away quite angry. As he passed out, however, he managed to purloin a coon skin lying behind the door. After several hours he returned and asked Mr. Skidmore if he would buy a coon skin. An affirmative answer was quickly given, and the impecunious hunter received his ammunition. As he made his exit he turned and tauntingly shouted at the merchant, " Refuse to trust me again, will you? I just got that skin from liehind your door," The residence of Samuel Lee spoken of by Mr. Tunnell, became in after years a very famous house. It was used for dwelling, drug store, harness shop, and for othei- purposes, and was altered and repaired times without number. In 1877, it was torn down to make room for the Rus- sell building, on which occasion the Carroll ton Patriot contained the following in relation to it : " The old building, which this week has been demolished to make room for the erection of the Sol. Russell block, was one of the most ancient in the city, and was in many respects historical. It, or portions of it, have been standing considerably over half a century. John Dee, Esq., came to this country in 1821. He spent the first winter under the bluffs, and in 1822 came to this place. Isham Linder, Sr., and John Huitt were also here at that time. When Mr. Dee arrived here, to the best of his recollection, part of the old buildiug was up, and occupied by- John W. Skidmore. Skidmore was the first merchant who ever sold ffoods HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 331 in Carrollton. His store was a little building on Sharon's corner. With Skidmore was boarding Samuel Lee, who afterward married Skidmore's sister-in-law, and occupied the same house. Mr. Lee built an addition to the house, which is probably the main part of that destroyed this week ; this was built in 1825, or 1826. 'Squire Lee, as he was called, was a very important personage. He was the first Recorder, Circuit Clerk, and County Clerk the county ever had. He filled these offices, and perhaps others, at one and the same time. He began the building of the struct- ure which is now Judge Hodges' elegant mansion. He died in 1829. Soon after the house was occupied by Climpson (or possibly Clements). He had the contract for carrying the mail from St. Louis to this place, and ran a stage coach. His wife died in 1832, of cholera. She was the first victim, in this region, of that scourge, which ravaged with dreadful effect the next Summer. Some time after this, the house was occupied by Wm. E. Ryan, who kept a boarding house. The building for a long time had a very sinister reputation, and was known as the haunted house. Mysterious voices, unearthly quakings and portentous appearances, seemed to the citizens of that day to make it certain beyond a doubt that unhappy spirits reigned supreme Avithin its walls. Family after family moved bravely into the house, only to depart very suddenly, and not at all bravely, soon after. At one time Hiram Keach, Ike Warmoth (father of the ex-Governor of Louisiana), and Josephus Huitt, three of the pluckiest young men in the settlement, undertook to defy the ghostly visitants. They entered the building, and boldly called upon the spirits to show themselves, but were soon ignominously put to flight by the supernatural rumblings and quakings which followed. The fact that a large tree whose branches rested on the roof, grew beside the house, is believed to explain the phenomena." The following relation from Dr. John Headrick, of Winfield, Kansas, will be read with a great deal of interest. Dr. Headrick is very familiar with the early history of this city : The Haunted House. "Cities, once proud and populous, have now disappeared, and with them the haunted house, which was, in many respects, historical. J. W. Skidmore was the first merchant who ever sold goods in Carrollton. His store was a little building on Sharon's corner. With Skidmore was boarding Samuel Lee, who afterward married Miss Faust, Skidmore's sister-in-law. She, after Lee's death, married General Edward Baker, who was killed at the battle of Ball's Bluff during the rebellion. Skid- more built the haunted house on the north side of the Square. Lee afterward lived in it, and built an addition to it. The original building contained two rooms — one occupied by the famil}-, and the other used as a kitchen. Lee's addition was built in 1825, or 1826. It was placed in front of the old part, and contained a parlor and bedroom, with a door leading from the bedroom through the middle room into the kitchen. " Lee was an important personage. He was the first Recorder, Cir- cuit Clerk, County Clerk, and Justice of the Peace the county ever had. He began the building of the structure which is now the residence of Judge Hodges; Moses Stevens Avas the architect who finished it in 1830 or 1832. Mr. Clements was the first occupant of the haunted house, after Mrs. Lee removed to her new home. His wife died of cholera in 332 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. the Fall of 1832, and was the first victim of the scourge that ravaged the county the next Summer. Tlie house was never occupied by Ryan for a boarding-house. General James Turney lived in the house for some time, and he and his brave family withstood the mysterious voices and unearthly quakings without finding out whence they came. Mrs. Clorinda Rattan, the daughter of Thomas Rattan, was one of the watchers for the night at the death of the GeneraFs child. The corpse was laid in the bedroom. During the night the watchers heard a noise. Fearing a cat, they hastened to the corpse, and were astonished to see the appari- tion of a child flit across the room and apparently escape through a pane of glass. Standing in the door of the bedroom, the supernatural rum- blings could be heard, first in the distance, but always settling down and terminating in the northeast corner of the bedroom. It is very difficult to describe a noise with pen or pencil. The following will, however, give some idea of these mysterious sounds : sit yourself on a chair upon a carpeted floor; take off your boot; raise your foot and let it fall lightly, your heel striking the floor. Repeat, making a little more noise, and again, with still more violence. Wait five or ten seconds, and repeat again. Three knocks, or thumps (using the phrase of Dr. Cowden), constituted the noise universally heard when standing in the door of the bedroom. The first appearance ever witnessed was a small child, which was seen to make its exit through an auger hole in the kitchen door. Dr. Cowden was a horse trader. He was a brave man; he feared neither ghosts, man, nor that which passed into the swine which ran down the mountain. While he occupied the house, his wife one night awakened him and said she could not sleep for the noise. He cried out, ' Let the d — d tiling thump!' Instantly a light as bright as the noonday sun shone out over them, and illumined a square of the ceiling as large as the bed. The room beyond was black as night. He never cursed it again. The fact that many and large trees, whose branches rested on the liouse, stood near, does not explain the phenomena. General James Turney, Captain Noah Fry, Lindsay H. English, with others, cut away all the branches near the house, removed the hog pen, and nailed fast all the loose boards ; but without effect on the noises. Hiram Keach, Ike Warmoth, Joseph Iluitt and many others, who were noted men in their day, watched for years to find a cause. Tliere are but few men who now live that know the cause to which these strange phenomena were attributed. Perhaps none except myself. If so, it will never be known. That unhappy spirits reigned within the walls of the haunted house is beyond a doubt. J. HEADRICK. " We give the above from the pen of a gentleman well known in this County, on the authority of its writer. It is an interesting narrative." In 1826 Judge Wm. Thomas came through this region on his way from Kentucky to Jacksonville. He afterward published in the Jackson- ville Journal the following account of that part of his trip which lay through this County : "•From Alton I came to CarroUton, taking breakfast at John Williams'. From CarroUton I came to Jacksonville, taking dinner at Judge Mark's, now ^Llnchester, then called 'Burnt Haystacks.' I reached Jacksonville on the 12th of October, about eight o'clock at night. ANGELINA UNDERWOOD CARROLLTON. HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 333 I put up at David Tefft's, who occupied a double frame one story building as a tavern on the east side of the Square, where I remained about a week, when, through the influence of Dr. Ero Chandler, I obtained boarding with Mr. Henry Robley, a farmer and blacksmith, over a mile east of the court house, and entirely out of town. From Carrollton to Edwardsville via Belleville, the country was beautiful, the land apparently rich, but thinly settled, with but few good houses or improved farms. From Edwardsville to Alton the road passed over a wooded and broken country, thin land, and but few farms. From Alton to Carrollton after passing Piasa Creek, and getting on the prairie, the country was level, though sufficiently undulating for agricultural purposes. To Macoupin Creek and from there to Carrollton the road passes over a timbered and poor country, with but two or three small farms and one small brick house. Between Carrollton and Apple Creek the timber, undergrowth, and vegetation indicated deep, rich soil, equal to any that I had ever seen. At Carrollton I put up at a tavern kept by Mr. Harrison, south of the Square, in a small story and a half building. I went to a grocery store to purchase some cigars, when I found twenty or thirty men, (whom, I was told, were called Macoupinites,) drinking, carousing, cursing, swear- ing, singing obscene songs, and telling stories on each other. They were enjoying themselves to the fullest. One of them, who appeared to be sober and quiet, after asking me where I was from and where I was going, said, 'you are too smart-looking to be in this crowd, and I advise you to leave before the boys notice you ; they are a wild set.' I thanked him for his advice and returned to the tavern. '' This sober man I met some twenty years afterward at Springfield as a member of the Legislature, suffering under a violent attack of con gestive fever, of which he died. I sent after and procured a doctor fo him and wrote his will. " A few days before I reached Carrollton, there had been a general or regimental muster, at which all the militia of the county were required to attend for purposes of drill or training, and this had brought together the Macoupinites and others of like character. Many of them remained in Carrollton during the night after the muster, and not being able or willing to procure quarters in houses, spent the night in drinking, carous- ing, singing, fighting, and in mischief. They caught one man (Mike Dodd,) cut off a part of one of his ears, and nailed it on the door of the blacksmith shop, where it still remained. They shaved the mane and tail of Mr. Carroll's fine saddle horse, one of the best and finest-looking horses that I ever saw ; they changed signs from house to house, removed gates, pulled down fences, and removed buckets from wells." Three years later, Pres. J. M. Sturtevant, of Illinois College, passed through the town, and says of it that it was a cluster of log houses. The first church erected in Carrollton was used b}^ the Baptist denomination. It stood a little out of town at that day, to the south- east. The pastor of this church for several years was one Aaron Smith, mentioned elsewhere, a Revolutionary pensioner. He was shot at Eutaw Springs, crawled into a clump of bushes, lay three days in a helpless condition, and was found by means of the flies that hovered around him. He resided a mile and a half southwest from Carrollton for a few years, and afterward moved north of Apple Creek. After some time, H 334 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. with his aged wife who had been blind for several years, he went to Arkansas, where they both died at a good old age. Wliile the materials for the building of the Court House in Carroll- ton were lying scattered around, and just before the building was erected, the celebrated Lorenzo Dow visited the place, and preached to the people two or three nights. Soon it became noised abroad that he was preaching in town, and on one dark, drizzling day the people came pouring in from the country, on foot, on horseback, and in wagons to hear him, as it was understood he had an appointment for that day, which, however, proved to be incorrect. But, unwilling to be disappointed in their expectation of hearing him, they besieged him with such pressing importunities that he consented to preach if they would procure a house for the occasion. The brick house on the north side of the public square, at the west cor- ner, was then erected and roofed, the carpenters were engaged in finish- ing the inside work, when a committee waited upon them, and prevailed on them to move their work-benches and tools, clear up the shavings, and put the house in order for the occasion. It was, however, insufficient to afford room for as many as wished to hear the preacher. One who was present thus describes the scene : " Dow, who had stopped at a tavern some distance south of the east side of the Square, started to walk to the place designated, accompanied by some thirty or forty persons, men, women, boys and girls. His form was bent, and he walked with a staff, his long hair, parted at the top of the head, hung down his back to the waist, his long beard hung down his bosom ; his step was slow and somewhat feeble, and his countenance grave and mys- terious. On arriving at the south side of the Square a slight sprinkle of rain began to fall, and fears were probably entertained that seats would be difficult to obtain at the house where the sermon was to be delivered, and the men and boys of the little company ran to the house to obtain seats, in advance of the crowd, leaving the good old man almost deserted, to find his way the best he could. He moved slowly along, as if uncon- scious of the rain, and the movement-^ of those whose curiosity had in- duced them to accompany him, but to desert him, until arriving at the point near the middle of the Square, where the materials for the Court House were collected. Then mounting ' a shingle block,' with the re- mark, ' It is written, the first shall be last, and the last first,' he com- menced preaching. Those who had reached the house were not able, at first, to account for the strange turn matters had taken, and when, at length, they began to understand that Dow was actually engaged in his sermon, they ran out of the house, and made such a rush for the Court House yard as could be equaled only by a drove of wild cattle; some were swearing, but the majority laughing, and making demonstrations of merriment. The discourse continued about an hour. It was exceedingly concise and pointed; in grammatical construction it was singularly pure, and admitted of no misconstruction. Utterly devoid of any attempt at ornament, it was yet strong and forcible, and seemed to flow as smoothly and easily as the ideas passed through the brain, without the least effort of the organs of speech. It was simply thinking aloud, and in a manner so simple, and chaste, and beautiful, as to reach the understanding of the meanest capacity. What the subject was I have entirely forgotten. I was captivated by the artless beauty of his language, which, if my judg- HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 335 ment was then correct, contrasted very favorably with his written produc- tions which I have since read. But, being at that day very young, it is probable that I appreciated those things too highl3\ But first impressions effect much in biasing the judgment in after years, and it is difficult for me, after a lapse of more than thirty years, to think of Lorenzo Dow's discourse on that day at Carrollton as being anything less than the most beautiful I ever heard." The history of Carrollton is for several years almost identical with that of the county, and will be found in the county history proper. In 1832, the new town was very seriously afflicted with cholera. A stage line was running to St. Louis at that time, and there was also frequent communication with the city by means of the boats on the Illinois River. By these means the germs of the disease were imported into the town, and although it contained but 300 inhabitants, more than 30 died from the scourge. Nearly ever}^ adult in the village was either ill or fully occupied in the care of the sick. Business was neglected. Those who lived in the country were in constant fear lest they might be stricken down with the plague, and hardly dared venture outside of ther doors. Grass grew in the streets of Carrollton, and the town wore a funereal aspect. It was in this year that Hon. D. M. Woodson arrived in the town. He says that there were then residing in the place four lawyers, General James Turney, afterward Attorney Genei'al of the State, the father of Mrs. Col. Fry, Judge Alfred W. Cavarly, Edward D. Baker, who subsequently became General Baker, the hero of Ball's Bluff, and Charles D. Hodges, afterward Circuit Judge, State Senator, etc., and still living and practicing his profession in the town. Judge Cavarly then ranked with General Turney as one of the ablest lawyers in the State. He was for some time a member of the State Legislature, and was one of the leading men of that body. Of physicians there were Dr. James B. Samuel, who lived a spotless life, respected by all, and died only a few years ago. Dr. O. B. Heaton, a man of considerable worth, and Dr. B. C. Wood, who many years ago retired from practice to enter the sacred desk, and who still remains waiting for the summons to enter into his rest. Rev. Thos. Lippincott was one of the early Presbyterian ministers. He was a very able man, and the father of General Charles Lippincott, ex- Auditor of the State. In 1842 the town, contained sufficient business to warrant the publication of a paper, which was begun that year. A copy of one of the earliest issues of this sheet, the People's Advocate, is still preserved, and from it we can learn something as to the business of the town. The paper contains almost nothing in the way of news, gossip or comment of a local a[)plication, but in its advertising columns is found the following names: S. R. Perry and William Perry were blacksmiths, John Headrick kept a general store and advertised quite freely. Dr. J. French Simpson kept a drug store, A. W. Cavarly and D. M. Woodson were attorne^^s, Hiram Reach was a hai'ness maker, R. Pecare owned a drug and grocery store, and John Evans advertised his steam mill. Mr. Evans' mill was situated south of the village near the site of the old wooden mill. Immediately south of it was one otlier grist mill, but both have since been desLro^'ed, as has also the woolen factory, which afterward took their places. Ten years later, and there is evidence of a very marked improvement. During 1852, Dr. John Headrick built a 336 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. capacious brick hotel on the we«t side of the Square, the building now- owned b}^ J. T. Cameron. George Wright, Esq., erected a substantial two- story brick building on the north side of the Square. Carrollton contained four hotels. C. D. Hodges (afterward Judge) had become partner of D. M. Woodson, R. L. Doyle was a practicing attorney, C. M. Smith sold dry goods ; Reno, Dodge & Simpson were druggists, Mrs. A. J. James, milliner: George W. Williams, blacksmith ; David Hartwell, contractor and builder, and John Wright, tailor. James Reno, who during this year was a partner of Dr. J. F. Simpson was the father of Lieutenant Marcus Reno, who was so prominently before the public in connection with the engagement with the Indians in which General Custer lost his life. The next year, John Fitch, of Vermont, began the publication of a paper, The Greene County Banner^ in the town. It was Democratic in politics, and quite successful for a few years, but it eventually died. During this year Carrollton first received the benefits of the telegraph. A wire was put ujd about this time between Alton and Jacksonville. Mr. Fitch was an operator, and the citizens of the town subscribed the money necessary to purchase instruments, etc., to make a connection with the line. A few years after, Mr. Fitch went away and took with him the instruments. Subsequently the wire was broken or taken down, and the town was not magnetically connected with the world until after the opening of the C. & A. Railroad. In the issue of the Carrollton G-azette for October 18, 1851, we find the following statement of the condition of the town at that time : " Carrollton has not over eight hundred inhabitants, and there are four churches, and besides these, there are five ministers living in the town, and men of no ordinary abilities. Each of these denominations has regular meetings every Sabbath. So much for the moral character of Carrollton. In regard to her literary character, we can boast of three excellent schools, all in successful operation, and a large academy now in progress of building, soon to be completed. We have also two printing offices, both doing a smashing business ; also, a telegraph office, doing a fine business. We have eight dry goods stores, two drug and fancy stores, one family grocery, one bakery, three taverns, and one private boarding house ; one tin and stove store, three boot and shoe makers, six blacksmith and wagon shops, two gunsmiths, two jewelers, two house and sign painters, two saddle and harness makers, two lumber yards, and twelve carpenters ; one hat store ; two carding machines, one propelled by steam, with saw attached; one cooper shop, foui) tailor shops, and one clothing store ; a large number of stone and brick masons, brick makers and plasterers, four lawyers and the district judge; two cabinet shops, eight doctors, one dentist (and a good one at that) ; a Masonic lodge building owned by the fraternity; a Sons of Temperance hall, a fine brick building, owned by the Order, and one hundred and fifty Sons of Temperance, and the Grand Scribe, a section of the Cadets of Tem- perance, numbering between forty and fifty, and no groggeries ; a first- class brass band, and a regular set of amateurs." Before a grist mill was built within the limits of the town, the inhabitants went to Beman's mill, on Apple Creek, or to what is now Erisman's mill, near the Macoupin, for their flour. Probably the first mill built in Carrollton was Smith's mill, which stood south of the HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY, 337 location of the woolen mills. Soon after, John Evans built another steam mill very near. Both were burned. Mr. Evans' mill was destroyed in 1847, when the loss was estimated at $20,000, with an insurance of $10,000. In 1853, Germaine & Wright erected the capacious mill now owned by David Pierson, Esq. In 1854, an open market house stood in the Court House Park, just south of the Court House, and was a great convenience to the town. A census taken in 1855 showed that the town contained 549 males, 540 females — total, 1,089. The value of manufactured articles is given at $60,000. The city now contains about 3,000 inhabitants, and its size is constantly increasing. In 1830, P. N. Rampey was post master, and the office was kept in the Court House. He was followed by Charles Lancaster, who afterward was sent to the penitentiary. The next incumbent was James Reno, who, as druggist, landlord, post master, etc., occupied a very prominent position in the town for many years. Next came Alfred Hinton, who served for several years, and after him Robert F. Clark received the ap- pointment. Mr. Clark did not care to fill the position and resigned with- in a week. This was in April, 1852. Richard B. Hill was appointed, and fulfilled the duties of the office until July, 1853, when he was suc- ceeded by Ralph W. Kay. In December, 1854, Marshall Dulaney received the appointment, and held the office for seven years. His successors have been T. D. Price, S. P. Ohr, James Cox, F. B. Roberts, George W. Wil- liams, who was postmaster for 13 years, until February, 1879, when he was succeeded by Charles Lynn, the present incumbent. Carrollton was incorporated as a town at an early date, which I have not succeeded in ascertaining. Early in 1847, this cliarter was repealed and the town re-incorporated in 1849. In 1848, the officers of the Board were, Chester Gajdord, President, and Giles H. Turner, Clerk. July 6, 1849, an election was held, which resulted in the choice of the following officers : President, C. A. Davis ; Trustees, Jordan Howard, A. W. Lynn, C. P. Heaton. Alfred Hinton, and J. E. Walker, each received 29 votes, and therefore neither was chosen. A new election was ordered, at which Alfred Hinton received a clear majority, and was declared the fifth Trustee, F. P. Vedder was made Clerk, Z. A. Morrow, Constable, Chester Gay lord, David Pierson and V. F. Williams, Assessors, and John Hardtner, Supervisor. The officers for succeeding years were as fol- lows : 1850 — President^ C, A. Davis. Trustees, Jordan Howard, A. W. Lynn, Alfred Hinton, J. E. Walker. Clerk, F. P. Vedder. Constable^ Z. A. Morrow, 1851 — President, Cliester Gaylord. Trustees, Wm. P. Marmon, Clark M. Smith, Richard B. Hill, John C. Miller. Clerk, F. P. Vedder. Constable, Z. A. Morrow. 1852 — President, J. K. Sharon. Trustees, Z. A. Morrow, William Winn, Lyman F. Wheeler, R. F. Clark. Clerk, F. P. Vedder. Constable, J. N. Tunstall. In August L. F. Wheeler resigned, and his place was filled by V. F. Williams. In January, 1853, Z. A. Morrow resigned, and Paul AVriglit was chosen in his stead. 1853 — President, Wm. P. Barr. Trustees, David Pierson, Clinton 338 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. Armstrong, Jacob Headlie, and Jordan Howard. Clerk, F. P. Vedder. Constable, Zachariali A. Morrow. 1854 — President, Wm. P. Barr. Trustees, David Pierson, Clinton Armstrong, Jacob Headlie, and Jordan Howard. Clei'h F. P. Vedder. Constable, Z. A. Morrow. 1855 — Presidetit, Martin Bowman. Trustees, Charles B. Hubbell, John Long, James F. Simpson, and Wm. Winn. Clerk, F. P. Vedder. Town Constable, Z. A. Morrow. 1856 — President, Martin Bowman. Trustees, John Long, Wm. Winn, Jordan Howard, and Lyman F. Wheeler. Clerk, F. P. Vedder. Town Constable, Augustus C. Pegram, in October Samuel Smith, in April Wm. M. Neece. 1S51— President, Wm. P. Barr. Trustees, Joel G. Reed, Paul Wright, John Kaser, and John Cullimore. Clerk, F. P. Vedder. Constable, Ly- man F. Wheeler. ISSS— President, Titus W. Vigus. Trustees, Robert F. Clark, David Pierson, Lyman F. Wheeler, and John M. Woodson. Clerk, John M. Woodson. Constable, John C. Carlin. 1859 — President, Hiram Keach. Trustees, Alexander W. Lynn, George B. Price, Martin Bowman, and Francis P. Vedder. Clerk, F. P. Vedder. Constable, Joseph S. Hackney. 1860 — President, Z. A. Morrow. Trustees, C. P. Clemmons, Alex- ander Bowman, Conrad Kergher, and Wm. A. Davis. Clerk, Wm. A. Davis. Constable, F. B. Roberts. 1861 — President, Woodson Cocke. Trustees, William Withers, J. C. Kelly, John Rainey, and Wm. R. Davis. Clerk, Henry C. Withers. Constable, J. C. Hackney. 1862 — President, Woodson Cocke. Trustees, Thomas H. Boyd, James Legg, Valentine Villinger, and William Withers. Clerk, Henry C. Withers. From this date until 1867, when Carrollton was incorporated as a city, the records can not be found. Since the city organization the fol- ing have been the officers : 1867 — Ifayor, William L. Greene. C^erA;, Asa Potter. Aldermen: 1st ward, James P. Morrow ; 2d ward, Joseph K. Sharon ; 3d ward, John R. Crandall ; 4tli ward, Richard C. Robinson. 1868 — Mayor, William L. Greene. Clerk. George W. Davis. Alder- men: 1st ward, Joseph T. Cameron; 2d ward, Henry L. Johnson; 3d ward, Frederick Schaffer ; 4th ward, Thomas Scott, Jr. 1869 — Mayor, William L. Greene. Clerk, George W. Davis. Alder- men: 1st ward, Joseph T. Cameron (held over) ; id ward, Adam Gimmy ; 3d ward, Joel G. Reed ; 4th ward, Thomas Scott, Jr. 1870 — Mayor, Andrew M. Cunningham. Clerk, Stephen F. Cor- rington. Aldermen: 1st ward, Thomas S. Moore; 2d ward, John Rainey ; 3d ward, Frederick Schaffer ; 4th ward, George L. Williams. 1871 — Mayor, Andrew M. Cunningham. Clerk, Stephen F. Cor- lington. Aldermen: 1st ward, Henry C. Sieverling (resigned Aug. 14,. 1871); 2d ward, John Rainey ; 3d ward, Frederick Schaffer (held over), resigned Aug. 14, 1871; 4th ward, George L. Williams; 1st ward (to fill vacancy), John G. Williams, elected Sept. 13, 1871 ; 3d ward (to fill vacancy), William Scruby, elected Sept. 13, 1871. HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 339 1%12— Mayor, Robert H. Davis. Cleric, Stephen F. Corrington. Aldermen: 1st ward, Robert Pierson ; 2d ward, Albert G. Burr; 3d ward, Jay C. White ; 4th ward, George L. Williams. 1873 — Mayor, Jolm Clough. ' Clerk, Stephen F. (3orrington. Aldermen : 1st ward, David Pierson ; 2d ward, James M. Davis, M. D. ; 3d ward, George Baltz ; 4th ward, John Long. 1874 — Mayor, William R. Davis. Clerk, Stephen F. Corrington. Aldermen: 1st ward, James E. Furgeson ; 2d ward, Thomas Hussey ; 3d ward, Thomas Scruby ; 4th ward, Clinton Armstrong, M. D. 1875 — Mayor, Thomas Scott, Jr. Clerk, Stephen F. Corrington. Aldermen: 1st ward, Robert S.Evans; 2d ward, Jacob S. Hunt; 3d ward, Joseph Ober ; 4th ward. Dr. Edward B. Hobson. 1876 — Mayor, John Clough. Clerk, Stephen F. Corrington. Aldermen : 1st ward, J. E. Eldred ; 2d ward. Dr. James M. Davis ; 3d ward, Fred Schaffer ; 4th ward, N. J. Andrews. 1877 — Mayor, R. H. Davis. Clerk, Stephen F. Corrington. Alder- men : 1st ward, J. E. Furgeson; 2d ward, Wm. M. Fry; 3d ward, Geo. Baltz; 4th ward. Dr. E. B. Hobson. \m9>— Mayor, L. F. Wheeler. Clerk, Stephen F. Corrington. Aldermen : 1st ward, James I. Johnson ; 2d ward, W. W. Samuel ; 3d ward, George Baltz ; 4th ward, Isham Linder, Jr. In 1862 a fine brick building was erected in the southern part of the city and fitted with steam power and ample machinery for the purpose of manufacturing woolen goods. For several years it was successfully oper- ated, and the reputation of the goods from the Carrollton woolen mills was wide spread and excellent. But in 1871 the building mysteriously caught fire and was destroyed, occasioning a very heavy loss to the com- pan}^ and an almost irreparable loss to the city. The Carrollton cemetery is one of the most beautiful to be found in this part of the State. It is ornamented with trees and shrubs and is well taken care of. A number of elegant and costly monuments add to its beauty and preserve the memory of the departed. The following is a list of the deceased soldiers whose bodies lie buried in its consecrated soil : Of the War of 1812.- — Samuel Thomas, Joel Johnson, Rev. Isaac Land is. Of the Black Hawk War : — James Williams, William Ray, Christo- pher Dodgson,Wm. Carlin, M. J. Lyman. Of the Mexican War: — Capt. Noah Fry, 1st Lieut. Wm. C. Rainey, A. McDaniels, 2d Lieut. S. S. Chester, Larkin Gilleland. Of the Rehcllion .•— Melford Ray, Capt. Clifford, Mark Sandford, Sergt. F. B. Roberts, Michael Scott, George W. Scott, F. P. Vedder, Munroe Perry. Carrollton Public Schools. It is impossible to determine who was the first school master in Car- rollton or where his school was located. " Past is all his fame. The very spot Where once he triumphed, is forgot." The old brick building now standing at the south-west corner of the Public Square was used for a long time for school purposes. The first public school in Carrollton was opened in the Fall of 1850 in what now 340 HISTORY OF GREEN P: COUNTY. forms the north wing- of the old school house. The teacher was a Mr. Bartle, now a Presbyterian minister. Mr. Bartle's strong anti-slavery views got him into trouble, and led to his discharge. In the Fall of 1851 the school opened in cliarge of Prof. John Russell, assisted by Mr. Henry Bonfoy, with Miss E. J. Gunning in charge of the female department. That the notion of a free school at that time was by no means that of a school for primary instruction appears from the following standing adver- tisement in the Carrollton Gazette during that Fall and Winter: "CARROLLTON SCHOOLS. *' John Russell, A.M., Principal. Henry Bonfoy, Assistant. The directors of this institution are happy to announce to the citizens of school district No. 2, and to the public generally, that they have so far completed their arrangements as to be able to accommodate at least 200 pupils, and that the school will be open for their reception in January next. " They would also state that they are just finishing a very extensive building, which for commodious and comf()rtal)le arrangements will vie with au}^ of a similar character in the western country. " They have secured the services of Prof. John Russell as principal, and of Henry Bonfoy as assistant teacher. Of the former it is unnecessary to speak, as the reputation of Prof. Russell, both as an accomplished scholar and successful teacher is known and acknowledged, not only in this community, but throughout the South and West. And to the citizens of the immediate vicinity the superior qualifications of Mr. Bonfoy as an instructor of youth are equally well known and appreciated. " From a knowledge of the principles upon which these gentlemen will conduct the school, the directors think they may assure the public that the instruction imparted will be thorough and practical in its nature. "■The followiug constitutes a list of the branches which will be taught and the amount of tuition charged therefor per quarter: "Orthography, Reading, Writing, .... 11.00 ^ Arithmetic, English Grammar, Geography, History of the U. S., 2.00 " Natural Philosophy, Political Economy, Chem- istry, Geology, Algebra, Rhetoric, Physiology, etc., 3.00 " Latin, Greek, French, Geometry, Surveying, 4.00 " To secure admission, tuition must invariably be paid in advance. Patrons residing in the district will receive the benefit of the school fund. " A competent female teacher will be engaged for the ensuing year. " Applications to be made to the undersigned. " Z. A. Morrow, J " C. A. Davis, > Directors.'^ " Carrollton, Dec. 13, 1851. " L. W. Link, ) The new school building referred to in the above was completed and dedicated on the third of January 1852. The old school room formed an ell on the south side of the new front, which consisted of two rooms on the ground floor and one above. 342 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. The CaiTollton Gazette of Jan. 10, 1852, contains the following account of the " Dedication " : " On Saturday night last, our splendid public school edifice was dedicated. A very large audience was in attendance and listened to the performance Avith evident gratification. " The Carrollton Brass Band performed, and it is needless to say, in good style. The band have spared no pains to render themselves first-rate performers, and richly merit the high reputation the}' sustain both at home and abroad. Besides this, a gentleman and lady who came to town for the purpose of giving concerts, sang and performed on this occasion. " An address was delivered by Judge Woodson, which held the atten- tion of the audience enchained. If sound principles and enlightened views, combined with elegant language and impressive style of speaking, entitle any one to the claims of eloquence, the address on that occasion may be termed eloquent. " We hesitate not to say that every citizen present looked around him with profound gratification that our town can boast of such a structure, devoted to the cause of education." The school continued in charge of Prof. Russell during the remain- der of that year, when he was succeeded by Henry Bonfoy. It does not appear that at this time there existed what we now call a graded school. The plan seemed to be modeled after the old academy system, with a female department, but those who lived within the district received the benefit of tiie school fund. The tax books show that it was not until the year 1855 that the school tax was regularly levied. In that year, Mr. David G. Peabody was employed as principal with a salary of six hun- dred dollars. He organized the school upon the graded basis, and the enrollment for this year was two hundred and twenty. He was assisted by his sister. Miss H. G. Peabody. Was re-employed, and served six months of the following year. In 1855, assistant teachers were paid $300 a year ; in 1856, $350 a year; and in 1857 they received $400 per annum. In the Fall of 1857, Charles K. Gilchrist was employed and served two years. He is now -Judge Gilchrist, of Utah. From this time on there was a change of principals nearly every year, no one serving longer than two years. Dr. Bulkley, now of Shurt- leff College, taught a very large and well advanced high school for two winters. He had three assistants, and received a salary of $650. The names of Alfred Harvey, for the past eiglit years Superintendent of Schools at Paris, Edgar Co., 111., and President for the ensuing year of the Illinois State Teachers' Association ; of Francis W. Parker, now Superintendent of Schools at Quincy, Mass., and of many others, dear to the memory of those who profited by their instruction, proves that the schools were, some of the time at least, in earnest and capable hands. But it was impossible to have a systematic organization when the prin- cipal and most of the assistant teachers were changed every year. At last the school building became inadequate to the wants of the people, and, after a vast amount of discussion, it was voted to build a new school house. The Board of Directors, George W. Davis, Thomas Boyd, and Rev. E. L. Craig, pushed the matter forward with vigor, and during the Summer and Fall of 1870 the elegant and commodious school building was erected, which now forms the most striking object in the HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 343 town to the eye of the passing traveler. The building is of brick, faced with stone, three stories in height with a basement. The upper story is a Mansard, and the whole is set off by a square tower which rises from the center of the building in front, eighty feet from the ground. It is finished inside with alternate walnut and ash panels, oak floors, hard-finish walls, is well provided with blackboards, and is seated with Andrews' latest stjde of school desks. The original cost of the building, including the furnace, was $44,000. Here then was a new departure. Now, for the first time in the history of the Carrollton schools, was it possible to organize a thoroughly graded school. The crowded condition of the old schools, with only three rooms, made any scientific classification impossible. The Directors were ably seconded by the Principal, Mr. Joseph Dobbin, then serving his second year. In the first week of January, 1871, Mr. Dobbin transferred the pupils to the new building and proceeded to organize and grade the school. To do this with a school of several hundred children is a very difficult task. That Mr. Dobbin succeeded in bringing order out of chaos there is no question. He was ably assisted in the high school by Miss S. Alice Judd, now teacher of German in the Decatur, 111., High School, and in the lower grades by Miss Mary Pike, now principal of the Fourth Ward School in the city of Bloomington ; by Miss Anna Pike ; Miss Delia Schenck, now Mrs. Charles Smith, of Kansas; Miss H. G. Peabody, and Miss Nannie Price. The school was under rigid discipline, and by the end of the year was in fine working order. What had before been done in a disconnected and aimless kind of a way, particularly in high school studies, he system- atized. A course of study was marked out, and a strict record was kept of each pupil's advancement. Mr. Dobbin resigned at the close of the year, and Mr. W. H. Wilson was elected to succeed him. He was a gen- tleman of fine attainments, but his stay was so short that he did little more than make a beginning. When, in the Fall of 1872, the High School was organized, under charge of Mr. E. A. Doolittle, very few of the old pupils entered school, so that it was necessary to begin at the foundation again. Mr. Doolittle was assisted in the High School by Miss Hattie E. Dunn, for the past five years Principal of the High School in the city of Bloomington, 111. Miss Dunn was a graduate of the State Normal, and had taught with distinguished success in the high schools of Bloomington and Springfield, 111., before coming to Car- rollton. Finding that the High School was composed of young men and women whose intelligence demanded instruction of a higher grade than arithmetic and geography, a course of study was gradually developed, covering four years, although at first only two years of the course were "c^presented by classes. This course of study has been adhered to ever since, and with the close of the year 1879, five classes, including thirty- four young ladies and gentlemen, will have completed it. High School Course of Study — First Year — First Term : Reading, Arithmetic, Grammar, United States History, Latin or German. Second Term : Reading, Arithmetic, Grammar, United States History, Latin or German. Third Term : Reading, Arithmetic, Grammar, Constitution, Latin or German. Second Year — First Term : Algebra, Analysis, Physical Geography, 344 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. History, Latin or German. Second Term : Algebra, Composition, Phys- ical Geography and Physiology, History, Latin or German. Third Term: Algebra, Composition, Physiology, History, Latin or German. Third Year — First Term : Algebra, Geometry, Natural Philosophy, Latin or German. Second Term : Algebra, Geometry, Natural Philoso- phy and Botany, Latin or German. Third Term : Arithmetic, Rhetoric, Botany, Latin or German. Fourth Year — First Terra : English Literature, Zoology, Chemistry, Latin or German. Second Term : English Literature, Zoology, Chem- istry and Astronomy, Latin or German. Third Term : Elocution, Civil Government, Astronomy, Latin or German. In this course of stud}^ the Latin and German are optional, and those who take the languages omit equivalent English studies. Graduates of High School — Class of 1875: Lizzie J. Andrews, Ger- man and Latin ; Maria F. Hazle, German and Latin; Laura Hazle, Ger- man and Latin ; Mollie G. Jackson, English. Class of 1876 : Hattie B. Bonfoy, Latin ; Henry B. Bull, English ; Rosa M. Corrington, German and English ; Mary H. Clark, English ; Annie Marie Davis, Latin ; Jen- nie May Simpson, English. Class of 1877 : Nellie E. Bonfoy, German and English ; Addie M. Black, English ; Fannie J. Eldred, English, Hat- tie H. Jackson, German and English; James F. Lavery, English; Sarah F. Stanley, German and English. Class of 1878: Clara Belle Abrams, Ger- man and English ; Ada Halbert, English ; Harry R. Heaton, German and Latin ; Flora Belle Kennedy, English ; Laura Belle McPheron, English ; Henry T. Rain'fey, English ; Bertha Vivell, German and Latin ; Calvin White, English ; Mollie J. Williams, German and Latin. Class of 1879 : Mattie Andrews, German and Latin ; Julia Brace, English ; Ella Davis, German and Latin ; Cornelia Davis, German and Latin ; Ethel Fales, German and Latin ; Lou Robinson, English ; Mamie Smith, Latin ; Delia Sutton, English ; Nannie Wright, English. Total number of graduates, 34. At the present writing, Mr. Doolittle is in charge of the school, hav- ing, with the expiration of the present term, served seven years. During this time he has been very ably assisted both in the High School and in the lower departments, while the Board of Education have done every- thing in their power to raise the standard of the school. During the year ending in June, 1873, Miss Hattie E. Dunn assisted in the High School, a graduate of the Illinois State Normal School. Since that time the position has been filled by the following gentlemen and ladies : 1873-74 — Thomas Worthington, A. B., Cornell University, New York. 1874-75 — Herbert T. Root, A. B., Princeton College, New Jersey. 1875-76 — John Worthington, A. B., Cornell University, New York. 1876-78 — Miss Lillian E. DeGarmo, State Normal University. 1878-79— Miss Flora Fuller, State Normal University. In 1876 a board of education, consisting of six members, was elected instead of the old board of three directors. The following is a list of the members since its organization : Ex-memhers : — C. Armstrong, M.D., term expired 1877 ; C. Kergher, term expired 1877 ; J. C. White, term expired 1878 ; Geo. L. Williams, term expired 1878. HISTOEY OF GEEENE COUNTY. 345 Present members: — A. G. Burr, term expires 1879; S. A. Vedder^ term expires 1879 ; J. P. Morrow, term expires 1880 ; E. B. Hobson, term expires 1880 ; Liiman Curtius, term expires 1881 ; A. M. Cunning- ham, term expires 1881. Officers of tlie Board : — Hon. A. G. Burr, president ; S. F. Corring- ton, M.A., secretary. Striding Committees, 1878-9: — J. P. Morrow, A. M. Cunningham, School House, etc. ; E. B. Hobson, S. A. Vedder, Visitation, etc. ; A. G. Burr, Luman Curtius, Finance. The following is a list of the teachers employed at the present time : LENGTH OF WHERE EDUCATED. SERVICE. 111. State Norma] 7 years. " " I year. Vermont 14 years. St. Louis Normal I year. Monticello. i year. Almira College I year. South. 111. Normal School 3 years. New York 7 years. NAMES. SALARY. Mr. E. A. Doolittle $1200 Miss Flora Fuller _ 5CO Miss H.G. Peabody 500 Miss R. E. Harris 450 Miss Emma Tunnell . 450 Mrs. Emily Doolittle 4^0 Miss Mollie E. Payne 450 Miss A. M. Fenner 500 The statistical report for the year beginning September 3, 1877, and closing June 6, 1878, was as follows : Statistics. — No census has been taken since October, 1875. Popula- tion of school district, estimated 2,500; number of males under twenty- one, 549 ; number of females under twentj^-one, 528 ; total number of children, 1,087; number of males between six and twenty-one, 325; number of females between six and twenty-one, 843; total number between six and twenty-one, 668 ; total number of different pupils enrolled, 503; greatest enrollment in any month, 410; least enrollment in any month, 350 ; average monthl}'- enrollment, 374 ; average daily attendance, 331 ; percentage of attendance upon average enrollment, 88^. Summary of the entire School. — High School Department: males^ 35; females, 46 — total, 81. Grammar Department: males, 81 ; females, 46 — total, 127. Intermediate Department: males, 71; females, 62 — total, 133., Primary Department: males, 75; females, 86 — total, 162. Total number enrolled : males, 263; females, 240 — total, 503. TABLE SHOWING COMPARATIVE STATEMENT FOR SIX YEARS: Whole number of pupils enrolled Greatest enrollment in any month . Least enrollment in aiy month Average monthly enrollment Average daily attendance Percentage of attendance « Number of tardinesses ... Average number enrolled for each grade. Average daily attendance for each grade. '72-'3- ■73-4 '74-'5- •75-6. •76-7 428 448 459 492 417 371 362 309 399 323 3' '5 2S7 313 309 277 337 342 355 370 314 278 302 312 302 267 82 88 88 80 Si 1604 931 1330 1672 1273 48 49 51 46 39 40 43 45 3« 32 503 410 350 374 331 53-5 47 Table showing the cost of tuition per pupil for the current year, ending June 6, 1878: Salaries of teachers from September, 1877, to June, 1878, 14,265.00 ; cost per pupil on the whole number' enrolled, $8.47; cost per pupil on the average enrollment, $11.40 ; cost per pupil on the daily attendance, $12.88. 346 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. Cost of Tuition in High School. — Deducting one third of the Prin- cipal's salary for other duties, and $260 received for tuition, the total cost for instruction in this grade for the year is |1,080. Total number enrolled, 81 ; average number enrolled, 70 ; average daily attendance, 65. Cost per pupil on whole number enrolled, $13.33 ; cost per pupil on average enrollment, $15.43 ; cost per pupil on average daily attendance, $16.51. Expenditures for the year ending June G, 1878. — Teachers' salaries, $4,265; janitor, $315; clerk, $50 — total salaries, $4,630. Incidentals, $187.50; insurance, five years, $218.67; fuel, $171.76; repairs, $142.60; printing, $28. Total running expenses, $5,378.53. • Besides this was paid on April 1, 1878, the second payment, upon the bonded debt, $5,000 ; interest upon bonded debt, $3,730.70 ; treasurer's commissions, $213.62— total paid upon indebtedness, $8,943.62. Total expenditures, $14,322.15. On the 1st of April, 1879, will be made the third payment upon the bonded debt, leaving the debt of the district $25,000. This is to be extinguished in five annual payments. Terms of Tuition. — Non-resident pupils are required to present to the Principal, upon entering school, a receipt for the tuition of that terra, signed by the Secretary of the Board. The rates of tuition are as follows: For the Fall term, 15 weeks — High School, $10 ; lower grades, $8. For the Winter term, 12 weeks: High School, $7.50 ; lower grades, $3. For the Spring term, 12 weeks : High School, $7.50; lower grades, $6. Total for the year : High School, $25 ; lower grades, $20. School Cabinet of Natural History. — During the past two or three years, Mr. Doolittle has been engaged in collecting and arranging a museum of natural history. Mr. Forbes, Curator of the State Museum, contributed some valuable alcoholic specimens, and also a number of bird skins and a fine assortment of insects. A large number of Indian relics and of minerals liave been contributed by various parties. On Thanks- giving Night, 1878, the young people of the town, with the teachers and pupils, gave an entertainment, with the proceeds of which were pur- chased a fine collection of mounted birds and animals, over one hundred in number, prepared by Mr. Merrill, of Winchester, 111. To this Mr. Doolittle has added a number of birds and bird-skins for class use. The whole collection is arranged in handsome cases, in an unoccupied room on the first floor of the building. The birds and insects are all natives of Greene Count}^ and represent nearly every family. Catalogue of the School Cabinet of Natural History : BIRDS. ORDER PASSERES. LATIN NAME. ENGLISH NAME. Turdus Migratorius, Robin Harporhynchus Rufus, Brown Thrush SialiaSialis Blue Bird Parus Montanus,-Mountain Chickadee Parus Atricapillus, Black- capped Chickadee Sitta Carolinensis, White-bellied Nuthatch LATIN NAME. ENGLISH NAME. Eremophila Alpestris,.. Horned Lark, 5 ? * Protonotaria Citrea, . . Prothonotary Warbler Deudroeca Coronata, Yellow- rumped Warbler Pyranga Rubra, --Scarlet Tanager, 3 ? Vireo Olivaceus, Red-eyed Vireo Collurio Ludovicianus, White- rumped Shrike *Male and female. HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 347 Latin Name. English Name. Coturniculus Passerimus, Yellow- winged Sparrow Spizella Monticola, True Sparrow Spizella Pusilla, Field Sparrow Spizella Socialis, Chippy Sparrow Zonotrichia Albicollis, White- throated Sparrow Euspiza Americana,. .Black-throated Bunting Goniaphea Ludoviciana, Rose- breasted Grosbeak Cardinalis Virginianus, Cardinal Grosbeak Junco Hyemalis, Snow Bird Pipilo Erythropthalmus, Marsh Robin $ Galeoscoptes Carolinensis, Cat Bird, $ ? Chrysomitris Tristis, Goldfinch Quiscalus Purpureas,. .Crow-Black- bird, 5 ? Agelaeus Phoeniceus, ..Red-winged Blackbird, 3 ? Icterus Baltimore, Baltimore Oriole Sturnella Magna, Meadow Lark Cyanospiza Cyanea, Indigo Bird Molothrus Ater, Cow Bird Cyanurus Cristatus, Blue Jay Corvus Americanus, Crow Tyrannus Carolinensis, King Bird Myiarchus Crinitus,. .Great-crested Fly-catcher LophophanesBicolor. Tufted Titmouse ORDER PICARIAE. Chordeiles Virginianus,.. Night Hawk Chaetura Pelagica, Chimney Swift Trochilus Colubris, Humming Bird Colaptes Auratus, Yellow Hammer Melanerpes Erythrocephalus,. .Red- headed Woodpecker Picus Pubescens, _ . Downy Woodpecker Picus Villosus, Hairy Woodpecker Hylotomus Pileatus, . Pileated Wood- pecker Ceryle Alcyon, Belted Kingfisher Coccygus Americanus . . Yellow-billed Cuckoo ORDER RAPTORES. Nyctea Scandiaca, Snowy Owl Otus Vulgaris. Var. Wilsonianus,. . Long-eared Owl Scops Asio,.- ...Screech Owl Aquila Chrysaetus, Grey Eagle Pandion Haliaetus, Osprey Latin Name. English Name. Nauclerus Furcatus, . . Swallow-tailed Kite Accipiter Cooperi, Cooper's Hawk Buteo Borealis, Red-tailed Hawk Archibuteo Lagopus, Black Hawk FalcoColumbarius, Pigeon Hawk Falco Sparverius, Sparrow Hawk ORDER LIMICOLAE Tringa Maculata, . . Pectoral Sandpiper Gallinago Wilsoni, Wilson's Snipe Philolula Minor,. American Woodcock Totanus Solitarius, Solitary Tatler Limosa Hudsonica, Godwit Aegialitis Vociferus, Kildeer Plover Tringa Maculata, Jack Snipe ORDER GALLINAE. Pavo Cristatus, Peacock CupidoniaCupido, Prairie Chicken, 5 ? Bonasa Umbellus, .. Pheasant, $ ? Ortyx Virginianus, Quail ORDER LAMELLIROSTRES. Cygnus Americanus, -.American Swan Anas Boschas, Mallard Duck, 5 $ Dafila Acuta, Sprig-tail Duck, $ Querquedula Discors, ..Blue-winged Teal, $ ? Nettion Carolinensis,. Green-winged Teal, 3 ? Spatula Clypeata, Spoon-billed Duck, $ ? Aix Sponza, Wood Duck, 3 ? Bucephala Clangula, . . Golden-eyed Duck, $ Lophodytes Cucullatus, Hooded Merganser, $ Mergus Merganser, Fish Duck, 3 Bucephala Albeola, Butter-ball Duck, 3 ? .Cinnamon Duck, 3 ORDER HERODIONES. Botaurus Mugitans, Bittern Herodias Egretta, White Heron Nyctherodius Violaceus,.. .Yellow- crowned Night Heron Nyctiardea Grisea, ..Black-crowned Night Heron Butorides Virescens, Green Heron ORDER ALECTORIDiE. Rallus Virginianus, Virginia Rail Porzana Carolina,.. Carolina Rail, ? 3 Rallus Longirostris, Clapper Rail 348 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. Latin Name. English Name. Porphyris Martinica, Gallinule ORDER LONGIPENNES. Larus Delawarensis,. .Ring-billed Gull ORDER PYGOPODES. Colymbus Torquatus, Great Northern Loon Podilymbus Podiceps, Diedapper, or Grebe MAMMALIA. Lynx Rufus, American Wild Cat Putorus Ermineus, ..Common Weasel Putorius Lutreolus, Common Mink Cariacus Virginianus,.- Antlers of Virginia Deer Vespertilio Subulatus,. Little Brown Bat Scalops Aquaticus, Common Mole Sciuropterus Volans,.. Flying Squirrel Sciurus Cinereus, Fox Squirrel Lepus Sylvaticus, Gray Rabbit Bos Americanus, .Buffalo Calf REPTILES. Tropidonotus Grahami, . . Graham's Snake Eutaenia Sirtalis,.. Common Garter Snake Liopeltis Vernalis, Green Snake Eumeces Fasciatus, ..Blue-tailed Lizard Sceloporus Undulatus, . Swift Ophibolus Doliatus, Milk Snake Bascanium Constrictor, ..Black Snake Heterodon Platyrhinus, . . Spreading Adder BATRACHIANS. Bufo Lentiginosus, American Toad Hyla Versicolor, Tree Toad Chorophilus Triseriatus, Tree Frog Amblistoma Tigrinum, . . Tiger Sala- mander Sperlerpes Longicaudus,.Cave Sala- mander FISHES. Esox Salmoneus, Little Pickerel Luxilus Cornutus, Silverside Catostomus Commersonii, Sucker DorysomaCepedianum,- Hickory Shad Semotilus Corporalis, ..Common Chub Amiurus Catus, Cat Fish Pomotis Auritus, Sun Fish INSECTS. SUB-ORDER HYMENOPTERA. Latin Name. English Name. Bombus Pennsylvanicus,Z>^^. ] Bumble B. /irginicus, Fad f Bees Pohstes ) ^ -.^r T5 ,- ^ TT ■ u-T r --Common Wasps Pohstes Variabilis ) ^ Vespa Maculata, Z Paper Wasp Ichneumon. Cimbex Saw-Fly SUB-ORDER LEPIDOPTERA. Danais Archippus, Cram. Archippus Butterfly Colias Caesonia,6'/(7//.. Yellow Butterfly Colias Philodice, Godart Yellow Butterfly Catocala Paleogama, Grote. Macrosila Carolina,. Tobacco-worm Moth Deilephila Lineata, /^a^.. .Morning Sphinx Agrotis Telifera, Z^^?;-;-.. .Cut-Worm Moth Limochores Cernes, B. 6^ Z. Papilio Turnus,Z/««..Turnus Butterfly Homoptera Edusa, Dr. Homoptera Lunata, Dr. Drasteria Erectha, Guen. Leucania Extrania, 6^/^^«.. . Army Worm Moth Hsematopsis Grataria, Fab. Mamistra Trifolii, Z"jr/. Eustrolia Carneola, Guen. Limenitis Ursula, Fab. Platysamia Cecropia, Z. . . American Silkworm Moth Argynnis Aphrodite, Fabr...K^\\xo- dite Butterfly Grapta Interrogationis, Doubl. Vanessa Antiopa, Linn Vanessa Butterfly Dryocampa Imperialis, Harr.-.lm- perial Moth SUB-ORDER DIPTERA. Trupanea Vertebrata, Say. Musca Vomitoria, Linn. Meat Fly Musca Domestica, Linn.. Common House Fly Tabanus Lineola, Fa/ir Lined Horse Fly Crane Fly. SUB-ORDER COLEOPTERA. Cincindelidae, or Tiger-Beetle Family. Cincindela 12-Guttata, Deg. HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 349 Latin Name. English Name. Carabidae, or Predaceotis Ground Beetle Fa?nily. Harpalus Pennsylvanicus, Deg. H. Caliginosus, Fab. Scarites Subterraneus, Fab. Evarthrus Colussus, Lee. Dytiscidae, or Water Beetle Family. Coptotomus Interrogatus, Fab. Acilius Ornaticollis, Aube. Gyrinidae, or Whirligig Beetle Family. Gyrinus Picipes, Aube. Dineutus Assimilus, Aube. Hydroplnlidae or Water Beetles. Hydrophilus Triangularis, Say. \Silphidae or Carrion Beetle Family. Silpha Lapponica, Hbst. S. Truncata, Say. Necrophorus Marginatus, Fab. Dermestidae ot Skin Beetle Family. Dermestes Lardarius, Z.. Bacon Beetle Eurotylidae. Megalodacne Fasciata, Fab. Cyrtotriplax Unicolor, Say. Lucanidae or Horn-Bug Family. Passalus Cornutus, Fab. Lucanus Elaphus. Lucanus Dama Stag Beetle Scarabaeidae or Scarabaeian Family. Canthon Laevis, Dr. Tumble Bug Phanaeus Carnifex, L. Bolbocerus Farctus, Fab. Ligyrus Relictus, Say. Euryomia Sepulchralis, Fab. Pelidnota Punctata, Z. Testegoptera Lanceolata, Say. Anomala Binotata, Gyll. Cotalpa Lanigera, Z. Goldsmith Beetle Trox. Geotrupes, .Earth-Boring Beetle BuprestidcE or Bitprestian Family. Chrysobothris Femorata, Lee. Acm^dera Puchella, LLbst. Elateiidce or Spring Beetle Family. Melanotus Communis, GyH. Alaus Oculatus, Z. Melanactes Piceus, L>eg. Lampyridce or Fire Fly Family. Photuris Pennsylvanica, Deg. Telef>ho7'idcB. Chauliognathus Pennsylvanicus, Deg. Cerambycidce or Capricorn Beetle Family. Clytus Robiniae, Forst Locust Tree Borer I Latin Name. English Name. Orthosoma Brunneum, F'orst. Tetraopes Tetraophthalmus, Forst. Typocerus Velutinus, Oliv. Ckrysomelidce or Chrysomela Family. Chrysomela Multipunctata, Say. C. Exclamationis, Fab. Chrysochus Auratus, Fab. Lachnosterna Fusca, Froch. Diabrotica Vittatta, Fab. . . Striped Squash Bug D. Longicornis, Say. Doryphora lo-Lineata, Say Colo- rado Potato Beetle Cassida Aurichalcea, Fab. . .Helmet Beetle Tenebricnida or Meal WormFamily. Nyctobates Pennsylvanica, Deg. Eleodes Obsoleta, Say. Meloida or Blistering Beetle Fa?nily. Macrobasis Segmentata, Say. M. Immaculata, Say. Epicauta Pennsylvanica, Z>^^o-.. Black Potato Bug Curculionidae or Weevil Family. Ithycerus Noveboracensis, Forst. Sphenophorus Cariosus, Oliv. Ohryastes Vittatus, Say. Coccinellidae or Lady Bug Family. C. Novemnotata, LLarr. SUB-ORDER HEMIPTERA. Zaitha Fuminea, Say Scorpion Bug Euschistus Serva, Say. ._. Doctor Bug Anasa Tristis, Deg. Squash Bug Notonecta Undulata, ■5'(?>'.. Water Boatman Ceresa Bubalus, Fab. .Buffalo Tree- hopper Phymata Erosa, Fab. Calocorus Rapidus, Say Plant Bug Stictocephala Inermis, Fab. Brachytropis Calcarata, Fab. Ischnodemus Falicus, Say. Enchenopa Binotata, Say. Lygus Lineolaiis, Beauv Plant Bug Cicada Caniculari3,Zrarr. Male ) «" Female \ J:^^ " " Chrysalis ) ^^ Cosmopepla Carnifex, Fab. SUB-ORDER ORTHOPTERA. CEcanthus Niveus, Serv. White Cricket Phaneroptera Curvicauda, Burnt. Katy-Did 350 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. Latin Name. English Name. Cyrtophyllus Concavus, Scudd. Katy-Did Oedipoda Carolina, ^^/-z'.. Quaker Grasshopper O. Squalls, Uhler. O. Phaenicoptera, Germ. Tomonotus Xantoptherus. Caloptenus Femur-Rubrum, Burm. Pezotettix. SUB-ORDER NEUROPTERA. Libellula Semifasciata, Dragon Fly L. Trimaculata, De G. Aeschna, Dragon Fly Corydalis Cornuta, Linn. CRUSTACEA. ORDER DECAPODA. Sub-Order Brachyura. Gelasimus Pugnax, Sm. .Fiddler Crab Cancer Irrorratus, Say Rock Crab Carcinus Granulatus, Say. Grum Crab.? Sub-Order Anomoui'a. Hippa Talpoida, Say Sand Bug Eupagurus Longicarpus, Say. Hermit Crab E. Pubescens, Kroy.Hairy Hermit Crab Sub-Order Macroura. Cambarus Immunis, Hag River Crawfish, 6 Cambarus Immunis, Hag River Crawfish, $ C. Acutus, Gir. - -. 5 C. Gracilis, ^//«^/)'.. .-. 3 ? Hippolyte Spina, Sow. Palaemonetes Vulgaris, .Sa^y. .Com- mon Prawn Palaemon Ohionis, Sm. ..Fresh Water Shrimp Crangon Boreas, Phipps. ORDER TETRADECAPODA. Sub-Order Amphipoda. Gammarus Ornatus, Edw. Caprella Robusta, St. ORDER ENTOMOSTRACA. Sub-Order Cirripedia. Lepas Fascicularis, El. &= Sol. Goose Barnacle Balanus, Sp. Acorn Barnacle Trilobite. Stib -Order Trilobita. MOLLUSKS. ORDER GASTEROPODA. Latin Name. English Name. Buccinum Undatum, L Whelk Dentalium Striolatum, 6"/. .Tooth Shell Acmaea Testudinalis, .^///.f//.. .Limpet ORDER LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. Astarte Undata. ORDER BRACHIOPODA. Terebratula Septentrionalis, Couth. Lamp Shells ORDER TUNICATA. Ascidea Callosa, St. Sea Squirt Cynthia Pyriformis, Eath...'&ea. Peach Boltenia Rubra, St. RADIATES. ORDER HOLOTHURIOIDEA. PentactaFrondosa,yrt^^'-.Sea Cucumber ORDER ECHINOIDEA. Strongylocentrotos Droebachiensis, Muell Green Sea Urchin Ditto, without the animal. Ditto, without the spines. Echinarachnius Parma, 6^/-(?y. . Cake- Urchin ORDER ASTERIOIDEA. Asterias Vulgarias, St.., Purple Star- Fish ORDER OPHIURIDIA. Ophiopholis Aculeata, Z... Brittle Star Astrophyton Agassizii, 6"/. -Basket Fish ORDER HYDROIDEA. Parypha Crocea, Aq. ..Hydroid Polyp Pocillopora Caespitosa, Z>a«c?, . Aca- lephian Coral ORDER ACTINARIA. Metridium Marginatum, Ed7ei...Se^ Anemone ORDER MADREPORARIA. Madrepora Prolifera,. Madrepore Coral Dendrophyllia, Red Coral HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 351 The Churches. The Presbyterian Church — From a sermon preached July, 1876, by Rev. S. H. Hyde. At the beginning of the nineteenth century the place we now occupy was uninhabited by man. It was the hunting ground of the aborigines of the country. A few years later there might have been found, at wide intervals in the edges of the timber, the log cabins of the hardy pioneers of civilization. Then followed a few others, whd located at wide distances on the prairie. In 1818, when the State was admitted to the Union, the settlers in this region were few and widely scattered. When the land sales took place in 1820 and '21 a great tide of immigration poured in, and the cabins of the settlers began to dot the prairie in every direction. In 1821 Mr. Carlin, afterward first Governor of the State, offered this plat of ground as the county seat of Greene County, and his offer was accepted and the new town named Carrollton. To meet the necessities of the county busi- ness a court house was soon erected, which is described as being a mere shell of a thing. But the demands of the newly settled country called as loudly for the church as for the state, and here in this newly built Court House Avas organized the First Presbyterian Church of Greene County, as it was called. It appears that on the last day of April, 1823, the Rev. Oren Catlin and the Rev, Daniel G. Sprague met at the house of Mr. Zechariah Allen several persons who desired to be organized as a Presbyterian church. After two such meetings of conference upon this subject all those inter- ested met with these ministers at the Court House in Carrollton, May 4, 1823. There, after religious solemnities, the}" presented the following modest and dignified avowal of their purpose saying, " In order to enjoy the benefits of the ordinances of religion and means of grace, to main- tain divine and public worship, live more to the glory of God and to pro- mote each other's growth in grace and spiritual comfort, we the under- signed mutually unite together in church relation and covenant, known by the name of the First Presbyterian Church in Greene County." A solemn covenant was added and signed by Zechariah Allen, Elizabeth Allen, Ruleff Stevens, Elizabeth Stevens, Anthony Potts, John Allen, Polly Allen, Thos. Allen, Margery Allen, William Morrow, Jean Morrow, John Dee, Frances Bell, Elizabeth Bell, William Allen, Sally Allen, Christian Link, Fanny Painter, Lucretia Brush, Lavinia Bedel, and Lucy Thomas. To serve as ruling elders in this church Messrs. Zechariah Allen, Ruleff Stevens, Anthony Potts and John Allen were chosen and duly set apart to the duties of this office. Thus organized this cliurch became an active center of religious light and life among the people. By its elevating and holy purpose, by its living faith, by its fellowship in Christian work and worship, by its ordinances of divine service, it entered into the forces that were giving form, feature and spirit to the growing community. It was the leaven cast into the gathering mass of humanity, and of humanity struggling with the hard problems of a new and wild country. As a matter of course its own being and prosperity were involved in those struggles. The church took share with all other things in the privations of the situ- 352 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. ation. It went long without a shelter that could be called its own. Min- isters were few and itinerating. Regular Sabbath services were not practicable, yet the church held on its way, having services as frequently as circumstances would permit, sometimes here in the Court House or in the old blacksmith shop near the north-west corner of the village, some- times north of Apple Creek, where a large part of the members resided, and where in 1827 a sacramental meeting was held at which there were additions to the membership. Thus the church went on undisturbed by any remarkable event for a period of eight years. In addition to the ministers instrumental in its organization it was served occasionally dur- ing this time by Rev. John Brich, Rev. John M. Ellis, Rev. Mr. Hawley, Rev. Henry Herrick and Rev. Solomon Hardy. In the year 1831 a change took place. Population had increased, Carrollton had become more im- portant as a social and business center, while it would seem that owing to the preponderance of members north of Apple Creek that region was made rather the center of the operations of the church. In these cir- cumstances the desire arose among those residing in Carrollton for a separate organization here that would more intimately care for the wants of this field. Accordingly at a meeting of the Presbytery of Illinois held in this place in July 23, 1831, a petition for such organization was pre- sented to that body signed by Anthony Potts, Joseph Gerrish, Elizabeth Gerrish, Cornelia H. Leonard, Elizabeth Page, Abigail T. Hopping, Miriam Turner, Sarah Lee, Reuben Page, Morris Lee, Julius A. Willard and Almyra C. Willard, which upon full and fair consideration was granted, and these persons were duly organized under the name of the Carrollton Presbyterian Church. At the same time a form of admission, consisting of an address, confession of faith and covenant, was adopted of a very thorough going character. Those uniting to form this church were evidently firm believers in full and clearly defined statements of doctrine in harmony with the Westminster confession and of positive cov- enant obligations according to the Form of Government and Book of Discipline as adopted by the Presbyterian Church in the United States. In one particular they went be3'0nd most church covenants, that I have seen, for they incorporated in theirs a pledge of total abstinence from all intoxicating liquors as beverages, showing themselves to have been quite in advance of their times on this subject. As Ruling Elders they chose Messrs. Julius A. Willard, Joseph Gerrish and Anthony Potts. This organization was effected under the ministry of Rev. Henry Herrick. The records immediately subsequent show that the work of the church was carried forward with order and energ3\ Notable among the things resolved on was the commemoration of the Lord's Supper monthly, to be preceded always by two evening meetings, a regular monthly meeting of the session, and the propound- ing of candidates for membership from the pulpit two weeks previous to communion. In May, 1832, Rev. Elisha Jenney took Rev. Mr. Herrick's place as stated supply of the pulpit, preaching and doing the work of a pastor until July. In that month as the record states " a protracted meeting was appointed to commence on the 18th, which continued by the assistance of Rev. Thomas Lippincott, through Sabbath the 29th, a term of eleven days, and the Lord was pleased to bless this special means- HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 353 of grace to the salvation of some souls, it is hoped about fifty." At the close of this meeting Rev. Thos. Lippincott, upon invitation, became the stated supply of the church, and there seems to have been reason for great encouragement. The church was greatly revived ; very consider- able accessions were made to their membership so that they were in a fine condition to extend their influence. Under this impulse they had procured a lot and were hoping to build a house of worship on it the following Spring. But their prosperity was the signal for stirring up €vil influences against them. Let me give you their own statement of the facts in a letter addressed to the Rev. Absalom Peters, secretary of the American Home Missionary Society. The}^ say " we engaged Mr. Lippincott to supply us, hoping we should be able to furnish much of his support, but party influence crept in and, aided by strong prejudice against Eastern emigrants (of whom the church was then largely com- posed), and against Presbyterianism, drew away many to the Baptist and Campbellite churches, and some who had pledged their word to assist liberally in supporting Mr. Lippincott." This earnest and hopeful church found it difficult to make the desired progress in the midst of these adverse influences. The purpose to build a house of worship could not get itself fulfilled at the time hoped, and was postponed several years. The church went on, however, doing their best, worshiping in what is called the old blacksmith shop, near the northwest corner of the Square, sustaining their Sabbath schools and their meetings, and receiving at successive seasons of communion valuable accessions to their number ; the whole number so received from the organization in 1831 to the close of Mr. Lippincott's labors in the Spring of 1835, was sixty-eight, of whom thirty-one were received upon certificate and thirty-seven upon the profession of their faith. Early in 1834 ten persons were dismissed from the church in order that they might organize a Presbyterian Church in South Greene, now Jersey County. One Elder, Mr. Gerrish, went with them ; another Elder, Mr. Willard, removed to Alton. These re- movals weakened the church no little, especially in view of the severe losses suffered the previous year from the ravages of the cholera, and they were followed by the removal of the two remaining Elders. Happily the organization was preserved and the elderships filled by the election and ordination of Samuel D. Cushing, Alfred L. Shull, and John Evans. After the departure of Rev. Thos. Lippincott in the Spring of 1835, Rev. Hugh Barr accepted an invitation to become the stated supply of the church. His labors extended over a period of ten years, and like those of his predecessors, they were made arduous by the oppositions of prejudice and party spirit ; by the heterogeneous and unmalleable charac- ter of the population, by the spread of deism in certain quarters of the community, and by that supreme devotion to temporal interests too com- mon in a country to which the ]3eople have come to better their earthly fortunes. He preached not only here at stated times but in all the region round about as opportunity was afforded, with free will rendering service to many a destitute flock out on the prairies. In 1837, assisted by Dr. Gideon Blackburn in conjunction with the Baptist Church, a protracted meeting was held in the Baptist Meeting House, which resulted in the accession of eleven souls to the church. 854 HISTORY OF GREENE COCTNTY. But, sad to saj, the harmony of the co-operating denominations was broken, and we find this church going by itself to worship in a small brick building on the southwest corner of the Square. About this time Elders ShuU and Gushing having removed, Mr. J. H. Hinton and Mr. Peter Vanarsdale were chosen and inducted into the eldership. And not long after the purpose to erect a house of worship was revived and the work having been determined upon Mr. J. H. Hinton Mr. Peter Vanarsdale and Mr. George Wright were appointed a building com- mittee. They took the work in hand. Though times were hard, and money scarce, and subscriptions were paid in work and wood and farm produce and live stock, they found in Messrs. Lynn and Wright con- tractors, who would receive such pay and so the work was carried through successfull}^ at a cost of about $2,600 and they were thus en- abled to dedicate to God, free of debt, a very commodious house of wor- ship. Early in 1842, Rev. Mr. Barr, assisted by Rev. Dr. James Gallaher, conducted a protracted meeting, at which time the Holy Spirit was poured out in a remarkable manner. The whole community is said to have been deeply moved ; as one result there was an accession of some fifty persons to the church on the profession of their faith. At this time Mr. Wm. Yates, Lucius Norton and Robert L. Doyle were chosen to the eldership of the church. Some three years after this in 1845, Rev. Mr. Barr concluded his labors with the church, leaving them with a very comfortable house of worship and increased in number by the addition of 103 communicants, 39 by certificate from the other churches and 64 on the profession of their faith. -Strange to say the following six years mark a i:)eriod of apath}^ and partial disorganization. But ten persons were received into the membership, much of the time they were without the regular preaching of the word, having been supplied only about two years by Rev. James Dunn. By reason of death and removals the elder- ship became vacant, an attempt appears to have been made to change the polity of the church and make it Congregational ; much disorder and lack of discipline and dissatisfaction ensued, wasting the vital forces of the church and dishonoring the Lord. At last it was deemed necessary to invoke the aid of the Presbytery and accordingly the Presbytery of Illinois convened in this place Feb. 25, 1850, and re-organized the church throughout, enrolling those only who chose freely to subscribe the cove- nant anew and act in harmony with the Presbyterian faith and order. Thus the church was started again with thirty-one enrolled communi- cants. Messrs. Alexander W. Lynn, Robert F. Clark, C. Armstrong, M. D. and J. H. Wilson, were chosen and ordained Elders, Rev. E. Jenney supplied the pulpit for one year, during which time nine persons were added to the church. He was succeeded by Rev. J. G. Rankin, wlio ministered unto the church in faithfulness and acceptability for the following ten years. These were years of quiet, well ordered and patient work, blessed in 1854 and 1857 with gracious revivals and awakenings, in which the church was built up in spirit and in numbers, receiving 61 additional members, rising to the position of self support and independence not hitherto fully realized. They even undertook something additional to their ordinary church work. Feeling the need of better educational facilities than were then HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 355 afforded in this place, and realizing, according to all the traditions of this church, that sound learning is the handmaid of religion, under the lead- ership of Rev. Mr. Rankin, their minister, the}^ projected, and with the aid of a number of benevolent persons not members of this church, they erected the adjacent academy building, at an expense of over $2,800, making it the property of the church, and placing it under the control and management of a board of directors, consisting of the trustees of the church and three persons, chosen by the subscribers to the building, of which board the minister in charge is understood to be ex-ofificio chair- man. It was during the ministry of Mr. Rankin, also, that a parsonage was purchased, valued at |1,000. Altogether those ten years were fruitful of increased strength and courage. They testify richly of the presence and blessing of God. A little before Mr. Rankin departed, Mr. A. C. Hin- ton was chosen and ordained an elder in the church, and not long there- after Rev. Morgan L. Wood became the stated supply, and minis- tered unto them in all holy things until the Summer of 1864. The times were peculiarly trying. The whole country was struggling in the throes of a mighty civil war. Rebellion had risen with portentous power, and threatened the destruction of the Union and the overthrow of free government. All the people were agitated and excited, and spirit of strife was high and bitter. In the midst of these scenes there were conversions and additions to the church to the number of nineteen. Rev. Mr. Wood having been compelled to desist from preaching by the failure of his voice, you extended a call to your present pastor, S. H. Hyde, and he entered upon the work of his ministry among you Novem- ber 13, 1864. At the very beginning of our work together, the need of a new house of worship was confessed, but war prices ruled in labor and material, and the undertaking was postponed. In 1866 it was felt that we could delay no longer, and the initial steps were entered upon. The chief labor in soliciting subscriptions devolved by common consent on Elder Robert Clark, of blessed memory, and many of you know with what signal success he prosecuted it. George Wright, C. Armstrong, M.D., and Lyman Wheeler were appointed building committee, and the contract was let to Engleman Gatchell. As a happy result this pleasant and beautiful house in which we are now gathered, was erected and furnished at a cost of 811,000, and, unincumbered by debt, joyfully dedicated on the 18th of March, 1868, to the worship of the Triune Je- hovah. Nor is this all. They have added improvements to the parson- age to the value of $1,500, during this pastorate, thas evincing their care for the Lord's servants, and further proving their devotion to his cause. This gives us the sum total of the property set apart and held sacred to the work and worship of God by the church not less than $16,000. In 1869 we were signally blest. The spirit was poured out abund- antly. All the churches shared in the baptism. The whole community was solemnized and moved. So great was the work that we called Rev. Dr. G. S. King and Rev. W. L. Tarbet to our aid, for whose timely and efficient labors we can never cease to be grateful. As the immediate fruit of the awakening, forty-three persons made profession of faith, and united with the church, at one communion. On subsequent occasions others were added. During the entire eleven years there have been re- 356 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. ceived to the communion of the church one hundred and twenty-six per- sons, of whom forty-six were received upon certificate and eighty upon the profession of their faith. But time forbids me to enlarge. Yet suffer a single remark to explain the fact that the church, Avhile receiving con- tinual accessions, has yet remained comparatively small in numbers. The church has been from the first continually depleted by the migratory hab- its of the people. Four hundred and eight persons have been received into this church since 1831. Forty of these have died here, while two hundred and eight3^-one have sought other places of residence, leaving but eightv-seven communicants on the ground. In 1870, A. H. Smith, M.D., and G. W. Davis were added to the eldership, Mr. A. Lynn having resigned. A most important department of our church work has not passed in review for want of suitable knowl- edge of the facts of its history — the Sabbath school. But I am able to state that this grand agency for good has from the very first been main- tained in connection with the church as an indispensable auxiliary, as indeed an essential part of its being and well being, and among those who have had charge of the work as superintendents are known to have been Mr. Geo. Wright, Mr. A. H. Hinton, Rev. J. G. Rankin, Rev. M. L. Wood, Mr. A. C. Hinton, Mr. G. W. Davis, and the present pastor. A church holding as this does that the children of believers in a very true sense belong to her can not fail to provide for their religious instruction without the violation of solemn covenant obligations. It were well if we were more thoroughly alive to this work. The Baptist Church. — From a sermon preached April 29, 1877, by Rev. Dr. J. Bulkley. Fifty years ago, in the village of Carrollton, 111., then a little insignificant village, six persons looking out upon the future of this great valley, believed that loyalty to Christ demanded that they organize a church founded alone upon the Word of God — their rule of faith and discipline, the scriptures of the Old and New Testament. Hence we have this record: "At a meeting held at the house of Justus Rider, in the town of Carrollton, preparatory to the constitution of a church on the 28th day day of April, 1827, we, whose names are hereunto subscribed, agree to be constituted into a church, founded on the scrip- tures of the Old and New Testaments, believing these to contain sufficient rules of church faith and practice, and to be known b}' the name of the Baptist Church of Christ in Carrollton." This document has subscribed to it the following names : Sears Crane (then a Baptist minister), Anna Crane, his wife, Abraham Bowman, Mary Bowman, his wife, Mrs. Eliza- beth Rider and Miss Phebe Harris — six — two men and four women. Some of these had been previously excluded from an Anti-mission Baptist Church near Carrollton for holding and advocating missionary views. Let me pause a moment and look at our surroundings. The population of the United States was about 12,000,000. Illinois at the last census in 1820 had 5,520, and in 1830, 157,445 inhabitants. All north of this point was a desolate wilderness. Only nine years before had settlements been made north of the Macoupin. The capital of the State was at Vandalia, and remained there till 1839, twelve years later. The Indians were numerous and troublesome farther nortli,and these hostilities to the settlers culmin- ated in the Black Hawk. War in 1832, five years after the church was organized. Peoria was unsettled by Americans, till two years later, 1823 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 357 {^See Reynolds' Life and Times, page 235). Greene County was formed in 1821, six years before. Sangamon, in 1823, four years before. Adams, Oalhoun, Fulton, Hancock, Henry, Knox, McDonough, Mercer, Peoria, Schuyler, and Warren in 1824 and 1825, north and west of the Illinois River, but the population was very sparse. In fact, Henry, Mercer, and Peoria were established by law, but not organized until the inhabitants reached a certain number. Chicago and St. Louis were insignificant villages. In fact Chicago only existed as Fort Dearborn. The town itself was not organized till August, 1833, six years after, when the number of voters was twenty-eight, and St. Louis contained 6,000 or 7,000 inhabitants. Two years before, in 1825, the first passenger railroad in the world was opened. The Baptists of Illinois, were the first protestants of any denomina- tion to enter the field, beginning their labors with the Rev. James Smith, a, Baptist minister from Kentucky, who in 1787 visited the sparse settle- , ments in what is now Monroe County. The first Baptist Church was ■constituted at New Design, Monroe County, by Rev. David Badgley, May 28, 1796, of 28 members. The first association was formed in 1807, tlie Illinois Union of 5 churches, 4 ministers, 62 members. In 1809, the controversy on the slavery question produced a division. The Lemens and their associates withdrew and formed a separate organization. They took the name of " Baptized Churches of Christ, Friends to Humanity." With this body the Carrollton Church subsequently united, I have a cop}^ of their minutes for 1827. They then had three associa- tions, two in Illinois the South District, and the North District, and one in Missouri. In 1829, they report 488 members in Illinois, and 104 in Missouri, and 23 preachers in Illinois. They were the only body of real Missionary Baptists in the State of Illinois, although the Illinois Association in 1818 introduced and approved of foreign and domestic missions, and an organization for missions and edu- cational purposes was. recommended for spreading the gospel and pro- moting common schools in the western parts of America both among the Whites and Indians. But I must not stop longer here. In 1829, the North District Association, held its session at Henderson's Creek, now White Hall. Elijah Dodson preached the opening sermon, John G. Lofton, was chosen ]\Ioderator and Aaron Hicks, Clerk. This church reported 8 members. I now return to my narrative. The minutes of the second meeting of this church to which is attached the name of Gorham Holmes, as Clerk, pro-tem, are a sample of brevity^ and are almost in the exact words of the minutes of more subsequent meetings " Fourth Saturday in May, 1827, Church met and after worship proceeded to business: 1st, Chose Bro. Crane, Moderator ; 2nd, The brethren all in peace ; 3rd, Bro. Bow- man, chosen Clerk. Dismissed by prayer " The next record is the Fourth Saturday in March, 1828 — " Church met — all in peace, Bro. Elijah Dodson presented iiis letter, also letter of Sister Dodson and were re- ceived into full fellowship, church dismissed by praj^er." Fourth Saturday in June, 1830, "Church met — all in peace, Bro. Elijah Dodson requested letters of dismission for himself and Sister Dodson, which were granted accordingly — Dismissed by prayer." The next record is in August, 1831. The next record is in July, 1832. You 358 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. can readily see from the extreme meagerness of the minutes how exceed- ing difdcult, nay, how necessarily impossible it must be to obtain any- thing like a correct knowledge of the history of the church at this early day. Approximation is all that you ought to expect. Let us mention then the officers of the church with their term of service : 1st Pastors Elijah Dodson, from March, 1828, if not from the very organization of the church, till June, 1830. Different supplies till May, 1834. Alvin Bailey, from May, 1834, to March, 1840, nearly six years ; except from January, 1836, to July, 1836, when Amos Dodge seems to have supplied the church. Supplies till Sept. 25, 1840, Wm. H. Briggs supply from Sept. 25, 1840, to Jan. 1. 1841, one half the time, a little over three months ; Jacob Bower, one-fourth of the time, from March, 1841, to Nov., 1841, eight months. Elijah Dodson, March, 1842 to March, 1843, one year, one-fourth of the time. Wm. H. Briggs, June, 1843 to July, 1845, two years ; Porter Clay, Aug., 1845 to 1846, one year ; J.N. Tolman, Jan., 1847 to March, 1851, four years ; W. F. Bovakin, Aug., 1850 to Aug., 1852; E. J. Palmer, supply till March, 1853 ;" A. Baily,\March, 1853 to March, 1855, two years ; J. Bulkley, Sept., 1855 to April, 1864, eight and one-half years ; N. Kinne, June, 1864 to Feb., 1866 ; James M. Stiffler and others supply till Jan., 1868, nearly two years ; W. D. Clark, Jan., 1868 to Jan., 1870, two years ; R. F. Parshall, April, 1870 to Oct., 1871, one and a half years; H. A. Guild, called June, 1872, resigned, Feb., 1874; J. C. Bonham, Oct., 1875 to April, 1876; Elijah Dodson and Alvin Bailey have each been twice pastor. The shortest pastorate was that of J. C. Bonham, six months. The longest, J. Bulkley, eight and one-half years. Whole number of pastors, fifteen. Average length of pastorates, a frac- tion over two and one-half years. Clerks. — A. Bowman, May, 1827, to June, 1834, seven years; Justus Rider, June, 1834, to Feb., 1840, six years ; J. O. Graves, March, 1840, to Feb., 1853, thirteen years; T. G. Shannon, Feb., 1853, to March, 1856, three years; Martin Bowman, March, 1856, to Aug., 1857, one year; J. F. Simpson, Aug., 1857, to April, 1868, eleven years; S. J. Piatt, Aug., 1858, to March, 1869, seven months; Henry Smitli, Oct., 1869, to March, 1871, re-elected for three years ; Hannah G. Peabody, July, 1873, to Oct., 1875, two years and three months; David Pierson, Oct., 1875, present incumbent. Deacons. — A. Bowman and J. Rider, elected in June, 1834 ; D. Pierson, elected July, 1846; R. Hobson, elected Nov., 1847; May, 1848, A. Bowman and J. O. Graves resigned ; June, 1848, A. Bowman and J. O. Graves re-elected and Warren Fales elected ; W. Fales and R. Hobson were ordained by Rev. J. N. Tolman, Saturday before fourth Sabbath of July, 1848 ; Thos. Hobson elected Feb., 1853, and in March following ordained by Rev. A. Baily ; Nov., 1853, R. B. Hill and Z. A. Morrow elected at church meeting and ordained Sunday following; Aug. 23, 1862, Thos. Black elected ; Jan., 1869, R. Hobson, having returned to Carrollton, requested to resume the duties of deacon. March 5, 1871, by vote of the church, all church offices were vacated. March 6, 1871, A. D. Bull was elected deacon for one year; J. C. White for two years; J. Tunstall for three years; J. S. Vedder for four years; Robert Pierson for five years; Thomas Hobson for six years ; B'rederick Schaffer for seven years. April 10, 1871, these deacons, except Robert Pierson, who declined to serve, HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 359 were installed, R. F. Parshall, pastor, B. B. Hamilton, W. D. Clark, D. S. Starr and C. A. Worley officiating. Feb. 24, 1872, J. S. Vedder resigned ; March, 1872, A. D. Bull's term of office expired by liraitive- ness ; Aug. 24, 1872, A. D. Bull was re-elected for seven years, and R. G. Robinson elected to fill a vacancy, made, I presume, by the resignation of Frederick Schaffer ; March 7, 1874, a vacancy was disclosed, by the refusal of A. D. Bull to serve, other vacancies had occurred, and the following were elected : R. Hobson, Z. A. Morrow, W. B. Robinson, J. C. White; at this time, March 7, 1874, the Board of Deacons consisted of Thomas Hobson, Robert Hobson, Thomas Black, Frederick Schaffer, J. C. White, Z. A. Morrow, and Wm. B. Robinson , Thomas Black's term expired and he was re-elected. Trustees. — The first trustees, as far as I can ascertain, were elected in Jan., 1837, to serve one year until their successors were elected. J. O. Graves, J. Rider, and David Pierson were chosen ; they served ten years. March, 1847, J. E. Walker, D. Piei'son, and Robert Hobson were chosen ; Nov., 1853, R. Hobson and J. E. Walker resigned ; Thomas Hobson and Z. A. Morrow were elected in their stead. It is eighteen years before another election is recorded. March 6, 1871, D. Pierson, Thomas Hobson, Z. A. Morrow, W. W. Beaty, and J. S. Vedder were elected for three years; March 7, 1874, John Long, R. G. Robinson, Z. A. Morrow, Geo. W. Rumrili, and J. C. Tunnell for three years. May 20, 1874, the trustees borrowed 11,000 at ten per cent for one year, and gave a mortgage or deed of trust on the church propei-ty. March 7, 1877, Thomas Black, R. G. Robinson, Robert Pierson, Wm. G. Robinson, and Henry Smith were elected for three years. Treasurers — J. O. Graves, elected near 1839, three years ; D. Pier- son, elected near 1842, twenty-nine years ; James Cullimore, elected near 1871, six years. Salaries Paid to Pastors — It may not be uninteresting to note the progress in this direction. In 1838, A. Bailey was paid at the rate of $200 a year for one-half his time, with a pledge that the church would pay him t^500 for his entire time in 1839. David Pierson and George Pe- gram were appointed to raise the money. For 1839, paid him -$250 for one-half of his time. In July, 1844, William H. Briggs Avas offered $100 for one-quarter of his time one year, provided he would live in Carrollton and take one-half of it in produce. I think he must have refused the offer, because two weeks later the church agreed to raise a " reasotiable portion for his support" — I quote from the record — and he accepted. In 1845, Porter Clay agreed to preach one-quarter of his time Saturday and Sunday, and an additional one-quarter Sunday, if the church would clothe him and defray his expenses. In December he announced his inten- tion to give his entire time to Carrollton and vicinity. He was a brother of the statesman, Henry Clay. In 1847, J. N. Tolman was given $200 and board. The money to be paid as fast as collected from subscriptions. In 1849, the finance committee reported that for the previous eighteen months they had paid Brother Tolman $219.14; voted to add $200 within six months. In December, 1849, the church agreed to pay him $250 sal- ary for his entire time, salary to be paid in quarterlv installments, and $50 more if possible. July, 1850, W. T. Boyakin, $400 ; October, 1852, Alvin Bailey, $500 ; April, 1855, J. Bulkley, $600, subsequent raised to 360 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. September, 1866, ao-reed to pay Rev. Stiffler, for supply, $600; Sep- tember, 1867, offered O. B. Stone $1,800, offer decline.d ; January, 1868, W. D. Clark, $1,500; January, 1872, H. A. Guild, $1,500 and expenses of moving ; June, 1875, J. C. Bonham, $2,000. Since that time they have been supplied by John E. Roberts, for which they pay at the rate of $520 per year. We pass now to review the several pastorates, and note results. In March, 1828, Rev. Elijah Dodson and wife joined by letter, the first re- corded addition to the church. There is no record irom this date till June, 1830, when E. Dodson and wife were dismissed. Hence I conclude that this was a pastorate of two years. From this time till May, 1834, the beginning of Rev. A. Rally's pastorate, there is no record of pastoral service. A large amount of labor, however, must have been performed, because the church enjoyed a good degree of spiritual prosperity. Dur- ing this period the following persons were received into the church : August, 1831, Wm. H. Rider, by letter; August. 1832, Hannah Crane, by letter; same date received for baptism, Wm. Vauglin, Mary Vaughn, Sarepta Crane, Maria Crane, Margaret Kinney and Rebecca Johnson — 6 ; Sept., 1832, Justus Rider, Peter M. Brown, Crissa Cornelius, Cynthia Cor- nelius, and Zoe Rowland were received~for baptism — 5; Oct., 1832, David Pierson, Eliza J. Pierson and Clarinda Pierson (Collins), were received for baptism — 3; Dec, 1832, Jas. Bowman, Jacob Bowman, Aseneth Brown and Hannah Link were received. In 1833, Mary Bowman by experience, having been previously baptized, March, 1833, Michael Bowser, Mary Vinby, diaries and Frances McFadden ; hence the six oldest members of the church now belonging to it are David Pierson, Eliza Pierson, Clarinda Pierson Collins, Jacob Bowman, Aseneth i5rown and Frances McFadden. Brothers and sisters, honor them, they will not remain with you long. Alvin Baily's pastorate. May, 1831 to March, 1840, whole number bap- tized, 58 ; among these perhaps I may name Judge A. W. Caverly, Edmund D. Sweet, Gilbert Sweet, Alexander B. Marian, Geo. Pegram, A. Hubbard, Maria H. Hill, who gave her experience at the water and others ; whole number received by letter, 23, including Rev. A. Baily a,nd wife, Heman Goodrich, Rev. Amos Dodge and wife, J. O. Graves and wife, Chas. Scandrett and wife, N. M. Perrv, wife and daughter. Dr. Sage and wife, Mrs. Courtney Hill : whole number received by experi- ence having been previously baptized, 7 ; dismissed by letters, 11, in- cluding Rev. Amos Dodge and wife, Wm. H. Rider ; whole number ex- cluded, 5, including one twice ; restored, 1. The whole number had there been no deaths during these years, ought to be at the close of Bro. Baily's administration, March, 1840, 106 ; instead of that the minutes of the Association, Sept. 6, 1839, show only 85. The period of greatest prosperity was during the year 1837 and 1838, immediately after Carrollton had been terribly scourged by cholera — when there were 39 received by baptism and a large number by letter. The year of greatest declension was 1839 ; a considerable portion of the year was given to discipline, and hence not a baptism is recorded. At the close of the year 1839 the minutes of the Association show the member- ship to be 85, including two ordained ministers, Alvin Bailey and Sears Crane, and two licentiates, Chas. Scandrett and James Osgood. In the Summer of 1837 the cholera raged fearfully in Carrollton. HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 361 This was followed by the extensive revival of 1838, one of the most precious in the entire history of the churcli. The pastor was aided in the work by Rev. Joel Sweet and Rev. Moses Lemen. W. H. Briggs and interregnum, from March, 1840, to March, 1841. Joined by letter, 3; restored, 1; dismissed, 4; excluded, 1. Jacob Bower, to November, 1841 ; 3, dismissed. Elijah Dodson's pastorate one year, to March, 1843 : Dismissed, 3; received by letter, 4; received by experience, 1, Mr. Hubbard, from the Presbj^terian ; restored, 1. Wm. H. Briggs' pastorate two years, from June, 1843, to June, 1845 : baptisms, 4; received by letter, 2 ; excluded, 3 ; dismissed 3. July following two were received by letter, which brings us to the Association in 1845 — the statistics of the church as gathered from the minutes of the Association are as follows : Five received by letter and 4 dismissed ; whole number, 85 ; no increase in six years. Porter Clay, August, 1845 to 1846: received by letter, 2, including Porter Clay ; dismissed, 3; excluded for long absence, 22 ; whole number, 62. J. N. Tolman, January, 1847 to March, 1851, four years : received by baptism, 7, including Albert Crane, Mary and Sarah Pierson ; by letter, 7, including J. N. Tolman, the pastor; by experience and former baptism, 2, including John Russell ; dismissed, 9, including N. M. Perry and family; excluded, 6 ; restored,' 5. Died on November, 1850, Bro. Tolman, the only death recorded or mentioned in the body of the minutes. Whole number reported to the Association in September previous, 61. In March, 1851, when Bro. Tolman left, the whole number was 59, three less than when he began his pastorate. W. F. Boyakin, August, 1851 to August, 1852, one year, between the resignation of Bro. TolAan and the settlement of Bro. Boyakin in the Spring of 1851, a protracted meeting was held from March 6 to March 22, conducted by Justus Bulkley, resulting in the baptism of seven, including R. B. Hill, subsequently one of the deacons, and the restoration of one, Alex. Hoard. During the Summer 5 were dismissed, 3 baptized, and 3, including W. F. Boyakin, joined by letter, making the number at the beginning of his pastorate 67. In January, 1852, at a prayer meeting, after general discussion of the subject, it was decided to hold a protracted meeting. A committee was appointed to secure ministerial aid for the pastor. This committee con- sisted of R. B. Hill, J. O. Graves, and D. Pierson. Bros. Terrj^ Morton, Chilton, and J. Teasdale, labored with the pastor. Bro. Teasdale spent two weeks. About this time Bro. Teasdale left, J. Bulkley came to the aid of the pastor. The pastor was soon taken with something like inflammatory sore eyes, and for five weeks was confined to his room, leaving all responsibility of conducting the meeting entirely in the hands of J. Bulkley. The revival was most extensive and precious. As the result of it, forty-nine were added b}^ baptism, including Z. A. Morrow, wife and children, Joseph Pierson, T. G. Shannon, Jane Simpson, T. Hob- son and wife. Nine were added by letter, two restored, nine added by experience and formal baptism, including J. F. Simpson, making the additions during the pastorate of Bro. Boyakin, seventy-two ; dismissed, three. Hence the church, from the Association in September, 1851, to the Association in 1852, increased from 64 to 129. E. J. Palmer supplied the church from August, 1852, to March, 1853. Baptized, one ; dismissed, eleven ; leaving the number at the commencement of A. Baily's pastorate, March, 1853, 119. Alvin Baily, March, 1853, 362 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. to March, 1855. A very good degree of religious prosperity was enjoyed during his pastorate. A very interesting series of religious meetings resulted in a large ingathering. During his pastorate, nine were received by letter, twenty-eight by baptism, three by restoration, three by experience and formal baptism ; nineteen were dismissed, includ- ing R. Hobson and wife, Alex. Hoard and wife ; J. E. Walker and wife, who removed to Virden, 111.; and thirteen were excluded ; three had died. Between this and tlie following September, fifteen were dismissed by letter and joined by letter, leaving the number, September, 1855, 121. Rev. Justus Bulkley, Sept., 1855, to Sept., 1864, eight and a half years. During his pastorate several revivals were enjoyed, which increased very considerably the strength of the church. Whole number of baptisms, 139 ; received by letter, thirtj^-three ; by experience and for- mer baptism, fourteen ; restored, four; excluded, seventeen ; died, twelve ; dismissed by letter, forty ; whole number of members in the church at his resignation, 233, a gain of 112. During these seasons of revival the pastor was aided by D. W. French, B. B. Hamilton, Joel Terry, H. T. Chilton, Niles Kinne, L. C. Carr, and others. Niles Kinne, June, 1864, to February, 1866, one and two third years. Received by baptism, four ; by letter, thirteen ; dismissed by letter, twenty-one; excluded, twelve; died, twelve ; to Association, three more dismissed, leaving the number at the Association reduced from 233 to 196. James and William Stiffler, and others, till January, 1868, nearly two years. Three were a^ed by baptism, seven by letter, one by experience and former baptism, twelve were dismissed, leaving the membership 195. I ought to say here, that in different interregnums Joel Terry, B. B. Hamilton, and H. T. Chilton frequently supplied. W. D. Clark, January, 1868, to January, 1870, two _7ears. During the pastorate of Bro. Clark the church enjoyed unusual spiritual pros- perity. The church increased from 195 to 264. Received by baptism, sixty-nine ; by letter, thirteen ; by experience and former baptism, three ; by restoration, four ; dismissed, twenty-five ; excluded, four ; died, four ; whole number, 264. R. F. Parshall, April, 1870, to Oct. 1871, one and a half years. During the pastorate of Bro. Parshall another very extensive and precious revival increased the membership from 264 to 317. Fifty-one were added by baptism ; eleven by letter, including his own family ; four by experience and former baptism, two died, leaving the number as before stated, 317. H. A. Guild, called in June, 1872, resigned February, 1874. Between the pastorates of R. F. Parshall and H. A. Guild seventeen were dis- missed by letter, leaving the number at the beginning of Bro. Guild's pastorate, 300. During his pastorate sixteen were added by baptism, one by experience and former baptism, thirty-two were dismissed, and five had died, leaving the number 280, while the minutes of the Associa- tion show but 235. I can only account for the large discrepancy by supposing a revision of names, and the erasure of a large number. The church was without a pastor until October, 1875. In June, 1874, the list of members was revised and further reduced to 232. Since that time, including the pastorate of J. C. Bonham for six months from HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 363 October, 1875, to April, 1876, seven joined by letter; nineteen dismissed by letter, four of the number registered June 28, 1874 ; one dead, leaving the present membership about 216. Rev. J. E. Roberts, son-in-law of Dr. J. Bulkley, was installed pastor of the church in the Summer of 1878, and is the present incumbent. Up to September, 1874, the entire additions to the church, as gotten from the minutes of the Association, are as follows: By baptism, 498; by letter, 164 ; restored, 27 ; by experience and former baptism, 27 ; total, 716. Dimminution by exclusion, 101 ; by death, 52 ; by dismissal, 257 ; total, 410. You see by these statistics, that of all baptised, one in five have been excluded, and of the whole number received, from all sources, one in seven. The exclusions are just about double the deaths. Benevolence of the Church. — The church from the very first arraigned herself on the side of active beneficence. She has given her sympathies, praj^ers, co-operative and financial support to all the denom- inational benevolent organizations of the day and the age. Resolution after resolution has been passed, advising these benevolent organizations, or rather, vote after vote in some shape sanctioning them. During all the anti-mission discussion and excitement of former days, I have yet to learn that in a single instance, did ever a delegate from this church to the Association, by word or vote or sympathy, oppose our appropriate benevolent Church work in Sunday Schools, Bible and tract societies, home and foreign missions, and ministerial education. As a sample, I may refer to the years 1856 and 1857. In the former year, in addition to giving her pastor a good support (I know because I speak from experi- ence), she paid for benevolent outside work, $173.60, and in 185 (", -1477.10. In the year 1857, the Carrollton Association, as shown by the report of the treasurer, in addition to pastoral support, raised and paid out 82,459.34. She has ever given earnest and unwavering support to min- isterial education and to Shurtleff College. She has deeply sympathized with our young men, who, amid great discouragements, are pursuing a course of study for the pulpit. She fully believes that our ministry to influence the popular mind must be cultivated, disciplined, trained; hence, she has ever been more than willing that they should very early in their course of study stand in this desk, and, as well as they were able, hold forth the word of life, and she has prayed for them. When, a few years since, an effort was made to endow the chair of church his- tory in Shurtleff College, three of her members gave $1,000 each, one gave $500, and others carried the entire amount up to $4,100, and all felt the better for it. Greenville and Chicago Universities have not been forgotten in her benefactions. Houses of Worship. — In May, 1834, the church first held meetings in their new house of worship. In January, 1835, the church met in the brick meeting room. In March, 1852, during the administration of W. F. Boyakin, a com- mittee, consisting of A. W. Cavarly, Thomas Hobson, John Headrick, and Messrs. Alfred Hinton and Francis P. Vedder, was appointed to in- quire into the expediency of erecting a new house of worship. In April, 24th, they submitted a report, through Judge Cavarly, chairman, recom- mending that the church be built of brick and rock, with a basement story— the building to be QQ by 42, and, with lot, to cost $5,000. To 364 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. carry out the purposes contemplated in the report, a building committee was appointed, consisting of David Pierson, Thomas Hobson, John Headrick, A. W. Cavarly, and Z. A. Morrow. In time the committee reported $2,700 raised and the rock and brick contracted for. In July, 1852, the trustees were instructed to sell to the highest bidder the south side of the lot, purchased for the site of the house, subsequently sold to Lyman Wheeler for $501. The old church was also sold to advantage, to P. M. Brown for $410. It subsequently passed into the hands of the Cumberland Presbyterians. The new house was dedicated Jan. 6, 1856, D. P. French preaching the sermon. In March, 1857, the church passed the following resolution : Whereas, the church has been dedicated to the worship of God, there- fore, be it resolved that it can not be used for any other purpose without violating the covenant made at the dedication. I am afraid it has some- times been used for other purposes. I see to-day families occuping the same pews they occupied in 1857, tweny years ago and I presume they will occupy them till they are borne to the city of the dead. Ministers. — Twenty ordained and four licensed ministers have at dif- ferent times made their homes in this church : S. Crane, Elijah Dodson, A. Bailv, Amos Dodge, Wm. H. Briggs, Porter Clay, J. N. Tolman, W. I. Boyakin, J. C. Harney, J. Bulkley, R. C. Vinle, R. S. Cole, Niles Kinne, Z. Whitney, T. C. Elliott, W. D. Clark, Wm. B. Hill, R. F. Parshall, H. A. Guild, J. C. Bonham. The four licentiates were Charles Scandrett, J. Osgood, John Russell and J. B. Jackson. This church has sent forth three young men into the ministry ; J. B. Jackson, Daniel Wise and J. B. English. Persons first received for baptism, and by letter, excepting Elijah Dodson and wife, who joined by letter in March, 1828, Wm. H. Rider, was the first person that joined by letter in August, 1831, Hannah Crane the second, August, 1832. By baptism, Wm. and Mary Vaughn, Serepta Crane, Morris Crane, Margaret Kinney, Rebecca Johnson, August, 1 Cornet ; Elmer Middleton, B5 Cornet ; Charles King, B6 Cornet ; E. P. Metcalf, E6 Alto ; M. D. Powell, E6 Alto ; Ebert Metcalf, B5 Tenor ; Elmer Rives, B6 Tenor ; William Kincaid, Baritone ; A. J. Dixon, E/^ Bass ; Robert Storer, Drum and Cymbals. From the time of organization the band has been under instruction of E. M. Middleton, rendering classical music of difficult grade. WHITE HALL. White Hall, one' of the most flourishing towns in Southern Illinois, whose tile, sewer pipe and pottery finds its way all over the Union, was founded by David Barrow, on the 12th day of January, 1832, The town plat, which was recorded March 9, 1832, in the presence of J. J. Cavell, a justice of the peace, reveals the fact that White Hall was laid out on the southeast corner of section 35, in township 12, north of range 12 west. The plat was surveyed by Jeremiah Smith, Deputy Surveyor of Greene County, and contained forty-eight lots and four streets, known as West street. East street. Main street, and Church street. There have since been the following additions to the town, viz: L. E. Worcester's first and second additions in 1860 and 1863 respectively; I.D. Vedder's addition in 1864; Bates' in 1873; A. F. Vedder's in 1873; Ayers' first, second and third additions. Culver's, Israel's, Milne's, Davis and Carr's first and second, and Drummond's. HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 397 The first settlements in township 12, r. 12, in which White Hall is sit- uated, were probably made about the year 1820. About that time came Charles Kitchen, afterward a Baptist minister, Lewis Roberts, John Thompson, and others. The next year we hear of the arrival of Absa- lom Frames and William Hudson. In 1830, David Barrow, who laid out the town of White Hall two years later, built a brick residence, which stood but a short distance from the present location of the house of W. B. Thaxton, Esq. The widow HoUiday, who came from Virginia, was one of the first j)ioneers, and oc- cupied a log cabin on the site of Hon. L. T. Whiteside's residence. As early as 1831, James Allen and Beverly Holliday were living on the present site of White Hall, the former of whom was the proprietor of a tavern, which was the only public house between Carrollton and Jack- sonville, except one near Manchester, or Burnt Ha}' Stack Spring, as it was called in those days. Mr. Holliday lived south of James Allen, in a small log cabin. He was the first post master and first merchant, and his dwelling was his place of business. It is related of him that he carried the mail in his hat, and when asked for letters would quietly doff his chapeau^ and from its cavernous depths draw forth the musty looking missive desired. The mail route ran from Jacksonville to Alton, and thence to Springfield, and was known as the Springfield and St. Louis stage route. Mr. Holli- day was also a mill owner, having erected, in 1833, a carding mill, which was first run by foot power, steam being subsequently introduced. Near the same time Elijah Lot, the first magistrate, occupied the building now inhabited by Dr. Steere. He was the second post master of the neigh- borhood, and was an important man in the settlement. A short time later David Hodge, who had for some time kept a small store, the first between Carrollton and Jacksonville, on Apple Creek prairie, some two miles west, moved his building into the new settlement- He took into partnership with him his sons, and so Hodge & Sons became the second merchants in White Hall. Mr. Hodge is described as a pro- gressive business man, who took a deep interest in everything affecting the public. His store was a small frame structure. He was the first man married in the county, so far as can be learned from the records. The next accession to the business firms of the place was Joshua Simonds, and after him came the firm of Jarboe & Hodge, who failed in business after three or four years. This firm rented the first roomy store room ever built in the town. The first commodious residence in said to have been erected by Nathan Kendall. Mr. Kendall owned a grist and saw mill some miles east of town. As early as 1834, William Holliday, a native of Kentucky, was prac- ticing medicine in the new town. He was the first physician who resided within its limits. A few years later Dr. S. H. Culver, who still resides in White Hall, began to minister to the diseased. In 1835, Samuel Higbee came to White Hall and opened a wagon shop. The next year he entered into partnership with William Carr, who did the iron work, while Mr. Higbee continued to shape the wooden portion of the wagons manufactured by the firm. Vincent Higbee, also a wagon maker, came from Kentucky not far from this time, but did not work at his trade. He opened a hotel, and prospered. Calvin Hagar, a native of Vermont, settled about the year 1835, and 398 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. built a small business house, where he dealt in dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes. His store was just north of the old Baptist Church, on the lot now occupied by Mytinger & Husted's building. Asbury Davis, who has since been prominently identified with the town as a mercliant, was then a clerk for Mr. Hagar. When the latter died his industrious and aspiring clerk succeeded to the business. He soon built up a good trade, displaying rare tact and ability as a merchant. From the statement of Wm. Cotter who settled in White Hall in 1832, and who is now living in the house built by him in 1835, I learn that as early as 1835, Michael Baker built a kiln and burnt stoneware in this vicinity. He was in business several years, and moved to Scott County, where he died. Among other old merchants of the town were Hogan & Goodcup, in business in 1836. Ayers & Hogan in 1837. Josephus Akins, and Black- well & Halliday, at an earlier date. White Hall was incorporated by act of legislature as a town in 1836. Among the officers then elected, Archibald Clark and Chester Swallow are remembered. The town then contained less than fifty voters. In 1838, a new charter was obtained with larger grants, and in 1869 the legislature adopted the charter under which the town government now exists. At that time Samuel Higbee was elected President, and P. Brantzel, W. B. Harper, S. Villinger, J. Smith, and G. S. Vosseller were chosen Trustees. For many years there has been a constant warfare in the town between the friends of license and those opposed to the legalized sale of intoxicating drinks. At present the latter are in the ascendency, and the present town board is strongly temperance, and consists of Presi- dent J. S. Judd, Trustees, Gilbert S. Vosseller, Milton C. Purdy, Joseph Rickart, Daniel Culbertson, and John T. McGuire. In 1836, L. E. Worcester, afterward county judge and member of the State Senate, arrived from Vermont. He taught school for a while at Grafton, on the Mississippi River, and afterward near White Hall. He also acted as clerk and salesman for Chester Swallow, at that time a prominent citizen of the place, who also emigrated from Vermont. Aaron Reno also kept a dry goods store on Main Street, which was destroyed by fire in after years. He was a man of excellent judgment, and was one of the leading merchants of the town for many years. 'Squire Archie, who never occupied an official position, but acquired that title in some unknown way, was another prominent figure of the past. He was a farmer, and lived in what is now Potts' addition to White Hall. He is supposed to have been the only owner of a cotton gin in this section of the State. Among the clergymen of those days was the Rev. George Henderson, who was from Pennsylvania. His wife was a daughter of Gov. Hazlitt of that State. Mr. Henderson was a thorough going, wide-awake man, .and held many religious meetings among the early settlers ; Dr. Culver also frequently preached during those early days when the churches were built of logs and the pews of puncheons. Aaron Smith was another very noted pioneer preacher — one of the first to break the Bread of Life in the county. Fuller notice of Ijjm will be found in the chapter on the Baptists of the county. It is related that about 1840, when the Mormons had srained consid- HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 399 erable strength in Illinois and Missouri, and before they had been driven from the State, a disciple of that faith held forth in the first school house erected, in the western portion of the town. Quite a large congregation had gathered to listen to his platitudes, but he failed to interest his audi- tors. Young Jackson, afterward Dr. Jackson, a well known physician, and Samuel Higbee undertook to arouse some enthusiasm. They accord- ingly set up the cry of fire and started for the door with the congrega- tion at their heels, followed by the minister, who, discovering the alarm to be false, resumed his discourse. Soon the alarm of fire was again heard, but the preacher now comprehending the joke refused to be alarmed, whereat the young disturbers of the peace sang out, " Here he is !" '' Catch him !" " Don't let him go !" " Let me at him !" etc., until, thoroughly frightened, the apostle of the new religion fled precipitously. He was last seen making his way across the prairie to a more hospitable community. The first school house was erected on what is now Carrollton street, .and the first teacher, in the recollection of Mr. Asbury Davis, was a Mr. Barton. About this time also the Methodists partially erected a frame building for religious purposes. This was never finished and afterward served as a dwelling. It was at one time used as a school house. The first lawyer in the town was D. Lambert, who came from Jack- sonville. Henry Fitch, a native of New York, now residing in California, and one of the projectors of the Union Pacific Railroad, kept a small store in the new town. He subsequently sold out to Dr. Drish, who was for a long time identified with the interests of White Hall. Goodcup & Mallard were also engaged in business here before 1840. A man named Hale opened the first harness shop, near where now stands the Masonic Hall. He transacted a moderate business for several years. Before 1840 the town contained from 30 to 45 buildings, mostly frame, and some 300 inhabitants. Its growth was very rapid, and the place had acquired considerable commercial importance as a village as early as 1837. The wagon manufactories of which, as we have seen, Messrs. Carr & Higbee were the pioneers, considerably contributed to this end. Ross B. Hughes formerly kept the hotel now owned and occupied by Mrs. Mary Amos, and known as the White Hall House. John Munger was proprietor of a livery stable in the building erected by Judd Perry and now occupied by Grimes & Powell. Near where Wm. McAvoy now lives stood a two story frame build- ing, built by members of the Methodist Church, and originally intended for a seminary, but afterward consecrated to religious worship. Smith & Kendall built a grist-mill, about 1856. It is still standing and is occupied by Welch & Ruckel. This firm have thoroughly re- paired and refitted it, introduced new machinery of their own invention, and manufacture a grade of flour which is equal to the best. They are doing a large business. Bates & Halliday afterward constructed a grist- mill, which was destroyed by fire about 1861, and never rebuilt. Colonel Charles Gregory built the first saw-mill and Bates & Daggett operated it. Late in 1871 the town was visited by a very severe conflagration, which swept away the greater part of the most valuable buildings in the 400 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. place. The following are among the merchants who were in business then and suffered loss : Asbury Davis, S. D. Chapin, D. Hackney, James Israel, George B. Danforth, and others. Since the fire substantial struc- tures have been erected by Brantzell Bros., E. C. Clement, A. D. Chapin^ Aaron F. Vedder, D. Hackney, Bridges & Worcester, James Israel, John Spangenberg, George B. Danforth, Lewis Oswald. After the fire, David Pierson, Esq., of Carrollton, erected the building now occupied by North, Wales & Co., and known as the People's Bank. A stock company, consisting of L. E. Worcester, Simeon Ross, and others, erected the handsome structure known as Union Hall. This is one of the finest buildings in the county, and is admirably fitted up with seats, commodious stage, etc., for the purposes of an opera house. White Hall now contains about 1,800 inhabitants, and is one of the most active and prosperous towns in the State. There are eight physi- cians, Doctors L. A. Brewster, S. H. Culver, A. W. Foreman, H. W. Chapman, H. B. Shirley, A. Bowman, E. Thomas Moore, and James F. Potts ; one dentist, T. W. Prichett ; two attorneys, Mark Meyerstein and Freeman E. Huddle. Churches. The Baptist Church. — As early as 1823, religious services were held in private houses near the present site of White Hall, Aaron Smith, Charles Kitchen, Gorham Holmes, and John Davidson, and other Baptist ministers officiating. h\ October, 1826, David R. Chance was a preacher in this region, and his successors were Alvin Bailey, Calvin Greenleaf, Joel Sweet, W. H. Briggs, H. T. Chilton, and B. B. Hamilton, who has been pastor of the White Hall church for the past twenty years. In 1827, the Carrollton Baptist Association was organized near the present town of White Hall. The old records of the White Hall Baptist Church show that it was organized on the 7th of October, 1826, by Rev. David Chance, with the following as its first members: Samuel Rogers, Eliza- betli Lee, Sally Hicks, Abigail Daggett, Abraham James, Polly Rogers, and Abigail Lee. At this time the following persons were baptised and united with the church : Chauncey Lee, Aaron Hicks, and Christian Harper. The present church was built in 1838, at at a cost of $1,500. The organization now contains fifty members. Presbyterian. — The Presbyterians for many years held religious services in the old Baptist Church, and were organized as a religious body as early as 1829. They united with the Baptists in the erection of an edifice, and held joint services in it for a number of years. In 1870 the church was reorganized, and during the year ground was broken for the building of the present commodious house of worship. The early ministers of this body can not all be remembered, but the statement is made by James Cochran that Rev. George C. Woods and Rev. H. Barr frequently preached to the church. The Rev. P. S. Van Nest has been the pastor for a number of years, but he resigned the position in March, 1879, and the church is at present without a head. The present member- ship of the church numbers forty. The Sunday School contains 120 pupils, James Cochran, Superintendent. The church property is valued at $10,000, the seating capacity of the building, 300. W. W. Arnold, James Cochran, and S. S. Arnold, were the prime movers in the church organization. HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 401 Methodists. — The Methodists were a powerful denomination in this region, as early in 1831, although their services were held almost exclu- sively in private houses or in the open air. In 1832, a meeting house was erected on Apple Creek Prairie. It was a small frame building and one of the first erected by this denomination in the county. In 1835, this religious body constructed a frame church on what is now Carrollton Street and for a time the Rev. Van Cleve acted as preacher. The mem- bers were some twenty-five in number. In after years Dr. S. H. Culver officiated as a local preacher. This building was sold for school purposes in 1840, and some thirty years ago a large frame edifice was erected. Here the congregation worshiped until the completion of the magnificent brick structure on Main Street in 1872. This church has a seating capa- city of 400 and cost originally 125,000. Its present estimated value is about $15,000. M. W. Everhart was stationed here in 1877 and still re- mains. The present membership of the church is 100 and the Sunday School contains 150 pupils. The stewards are : Peter Roodhouse, P. J. Bates, J. H. Stubblefield, J. N. King, A. M. Henderson, Geo. P. Whar- ton and H. Black. Frank Peter is assistant superintendent of the Sun- day School. Free Methodists. — The Free Methodists built a small church in 1875, on Bridgeport Street, now valued at $1,000. Rev. Mr. Manley was the first preacher and Rev. J. G. Templeton is the present minister. The church has but a small membership but is wide awake and flourishing. Schools. The White Hall Public School building was erected in 1867, at a cost of 122,000. In point of architectural appearance it does not rank with some others, but as a solid, substantial structure, it has no superior. The building is heated and ventilated on scientific principles. The grades are primary, intermediate, grammar and high school. School Trustees, T. 12, R. 12— G. S. Vosseller, L. J. Patterson, Thomas M. Johnson. Treasurer, L. E. Worcester. Directors White Hall, A. W. Foreman, I. D. Vedder, L. A. Brewster. Teachers White Hall Schools, J. L. Shearer, principal, Mary Smith, Mrs. T. F. Ladd, Dora B. Foreman, Ada Vedder, Sarah Craig, Fannie Adams and Minnie Vedder. Janitor, E. K. Shirley. In connection with the school there is a well organized lyceum which meets each alternate Thursday night. Total number of pupils enrolled, 390. Fire Department. As early as 1868 a fire department was organized and consisted of a hook and ladder company. In 1878 the company was reorganized, with twenty members, and is now managed b}- the following officers : L. H. Wagoner, Foreman ; D. Boone, Assistant Foreman ; Charles McRea, 2d Assistant Foreman ; D. Vorhees, Secretary ; T. O'Gorman, Financial Secretary ; Isaac Powell, Treasurer. The company has a hook and lad- der truck, buckets and Babcock hose engine. The Library. The White Hall Library Association was organized in January, 1876, by public subscription, and the following officers chosen : Rev. Hugh Lamont, President : Dr. A. W. Foreman and E. J. Pearce, Vice-Presidents; 402 HISTORY OP GREENE COUNTY. Dr. T. W. Prichett, Secretary ; Isaac Powell, Treasurer ; George R. Adams, Librarian and J. S. Judd, J. E. Welch, Geo. Hill and George B. Danforth, Directors. The library contains some 625 volumes of standard works. The present officers are B. B. Hamilton, President ; T. W. Prichett, Secretary, F. E. Huddle, Librarian ; A. J. Culver, J. S. Judd, J. E. Welch and F. F. Worcester, Directors. The Press. The White Hall Register is published weekly, on Saturday. It was established in 1869 by S. W. Davis, who came from Chicago and conduct- OWNED BY HeNKY JoHNSON, AND OCCUI'IED 1!Y THK "WlIITE HaLL REGISTER." ed it for one year. The office was then leased by Charles H. Johnson, who came on as foreman with Davis, and afterward purchased and en- larged the paper. " It is a bold, independent, and trenchant sheet, eagerly sought after by friends and foes for what it is either hopedfor feared to contain." In 1878 the office was purchased by Henry Johnson of Carrollton, who had been for some time its editor. Several local edi- tions of the Register are published, called respectively, the Roodhouse /Signal, Kane Express and Greenfield Locomotive. The WJiite Hall Republican was established in February, 1877, by Pearce & Clapp (E. J. Pearce and C. L. Clapp). It is Republican in politics, high in its moral tone, bristling with business, has a keen scent for news, and claims to represent the best people in the field which it oc- cupies. In circulation it has grown beyond the most sanguine expecta- tions of its founders, and is almost universally taken in White Hall, be- sides having a large subscription list throughout this and adjoining counties. This firm also began the publication of the Scott County Arrow in September, 1878. This sheet though young is rapidly growing and may already be pronounced a success. HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 403 E. J. Pearce, the editor of the Republican^ was born in Crawford County, Pennsylvania, October 6, 1839. He worked on a farm until he was nineteen years of age, going to school occasionally in the winter, paying for his board by "doing chores." Much, however, of his educa- tion was obtained without instruction. He commenced teaching school in Mercer County, Pennsylvania, in 1858 ; went to West Virginia in 1859, taught seven months and came to White Hall in 1860. Here he taught until August, 1861, when he enlisted in Co. G, 91st Illinois, as a private. He was appointed 1st sergeant and afterwards was promoted to 2nd Lieutenant, 1st Lieutenant and Captain. He served eight months as Assistant Provost Marshal at Vicksburg, as acting Assistant Adjutant General of Brigade during the Mobile campaign, 1865, was mustered out July, 1865, returned home and resumed teaching. In 1868 he was ap- pointed Assistant Assessor of the Internal Revenue, and held other rev- enue offices until he resigned at Peoria, 1876. He again taught until, in July, 1877, he joined with C. L. Clapp in the publication of the White Hall Republican. In September, 1878, the same firm began to issue the Scott County Arrow, of both which papers Capt. Pearce acts as editor. He is a member of the Republican State Central Committee, and of its executive committee. Capt. Pearce married Maggie A. Carr at White Hall in 1869. The Cemetery. On the 16th of February, 1865, Simeon Ross, I. D. Vedder, J. B. Gregory, B. G. Culver and L. E. Worcester were constituted a body cor- porate and politic by the name and style of the White Hall Cemetery Association. They selected the present appropriate location for the Cemetery, laid out the grounds and have ornamented them very consider- ably. The Cemetery contains a number of very handsome monuments and is a credit to the place. The present officers of the Association are Simeon Ross, President; G. S. Vosseller,' Secretary ; Joseph Rickart, A. B. Gregory, L. E. Worcester, Directors. Societies. The town contains the following voluntary organizations for mutual benefit, other than religious bodies. White Hall Lodge, No. 80, A. F. ^ A. Masons, was organized in 1852. The Lodge meets monthly on Saturday on or before the full moon in each month. The organization now contains 140 members Avith the following officers: T. A. Smith, W. M.; I. W. Bernthesel, S. W.; J. H. Winters, J. W.; T. W. Prichett, Secretary; I. Powell, Treasurer. Benevolent Lodge, No. 227, i. 0. 0. F., was organized in October, 1859, with the following charter members, John W. Adgate, Peter Parker, Daniel C. Banta, Thomas Lakin and Joseph C. Coch. The officers were Peter Parker, N. G.; Thomas Lakin, Treasurer ; John W. Adgate, R. S.; Daniel C. Banta V. G. Joseph C. Coch, P. G. The lodge meets every Monday evening. It contains 72 members with the following officers: Geo. Dawson, N. G.; William Harper, V. G.; M. M. Pittinger, R. S.; T. A. Smith, P. S.; J. D Adams, Treasurer. Orpheus Lodge, No. 1431, Knights of Honor, was instituted March 5, 1879, with twenty-seven charter members. The officers are F. E. Huddle, P. D. and Representative; Dr. A. W. Foreman, D.; John Cul- 404 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. bertson, V.D. ; E. L. Brown, A. D. ; Geo. W. Trask, C. ; J. E. Welch, R. ; A. F. Vedder, F. R. : W. C. Baker, T. ; C. W. Henry, G. ; R. B. Winn, Gn. ; E. L. Simons, S. ; F. E. Huddle, G. W. Trask and Samuel Culbertson, Trustees. Royal Purple Temperance Society^ organized December 24, 1877, by E. H. Campbell. Enrolled, 1,200. President, L. A. Brewster ; Secre- tar}', M. H. Cronk. Meets at Baptist Church, each Tuesday evening. Temperance supper held February 12, 13 and 14, netted -1350.00. Business Interests. By far the most important business interest of White Hall is her manufacture of and trade in the drain tile, fire brick, sewer pipe, terra cotta ware and other forms of clay. For much of the following ex- hibit of this and other interests of the place I am indebted to the very correct and full description of the town contained in the White Hall Repuhlican of January 4, 1879, and prepared by its able editor, Capt. E. J. Pearce : Their proximity to two great railroad lines crossing each other at White Hall, and their superiority to all others known in this country or in Europe, as shown by the analysis further on, render the fire clay de- posits of this neighborhood a source of wealth, the extent of which is limited only by manufacturing facilities. The deposit nearest to town is owned by Chapin Bros., and is located three-fourths of a mile east of the corporation line. Other deposits belong to A. D. Ruckel, Culbertson & Smith, Felix Brown, and to the White Hall Fire Clay Works, who own an extensive and exceedingly valuable tract of clay and coal land. M. C. Purdy owns the first clay bank ever opened here. White Hall is rap- idly taking the lead, in the manufacture of stoneware, drain tile, sewer pipe, fire brick and terra cotta ware, and these industries must continue to grow and prosper. No other place in the Union can compete with the quality of clay found here. It is nature's product, and nature has bounteously endowed this neighborhood both in the quantity and quality of the product. Starting in 18(13 with one small hand-power factory, there are now in town two steam-power and one hand-power potteries, one hand-power terra cotta factory, one steam-power tile factory, one hand-power tile factory, one steam-power tile and brick factory, and one steam-power tile, brick, sewer pipe and roofing tile factory. This latter, in the perfection of its machinery, is said to be the model of its kind in the United States. The tile, sewer pipe and stoneware made at White Hall are so greatly superior to those manufactured of other clay that dealers who know anything about the White Hall wares will purchase no other, hence our manufacturers ship to all points in the West, from Texas to Minnesota. The following analysis of the White Hall fire clay, made by Dr. Weis, of St. Louis, compared with those of the best known fire clays of Europe and this country, show the White Hall clays first in point of freedom from all deleterious ingredients : Stourbridge, Eng. — Silica, 67.34; alumina, 21.01; protoxide of iron, 2.03 ; alkalies, 1.38 ; water 8.24; 100; percentage of impurities in clay, 3.41. Garnkirk, Scotland — Silica, 53.3 ; alumina, 43.6 ; lime, .6 ; protoxide HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 405 of iron, 1.8 ; protoxide of manganese, .6; 100 ; percentage of impurities in clay, 3.00. Woodbridge, New Jersey — Silica, -44.125 ; alumina, 54.375 ; protoxide of iron, 1.500; 100; percentage of impurities in clay, 1.50. French— Silica, 67.000; alumina, 29.700; lime .900; protoxide of iron, 1.400 ; protoxide of manganese, 1.000; 100 ; percentage impurities in clay, 3.30. White Hall— Silica, 57.90 ; alumina, 31.25 ; protoxide of iron, .25 ; protoxide of manganese, .60; water, 10.00; 100; percentage of impuri- ties in clay, .85, showing that this clay is the purest known. Cheltenham, Mo.— "Silica, 63.75; alumina, 25.00; lime, .25 ; protox- ide of iron, 1.25 ; protoxide of manganese, 1.25 ; water, 8.50; 100 ; per- centage of impurities, 2.75. The White Hall Fire Clay Works manufacture sewer pipe, drain tile, fire brick, roofing tile, etc. They employ about eighty men in their different departments. They made and sold during the year 1878, about 5000 tons of finished wares. Their clay and coal banks, taken together, are probably the best in the United States. The clays are of two dis- tinct kinds, the fire clay which underlies the coal, and is a very superior material for fire brick, but is not suitable, and is not used for pipe or tile, and potter's clay or pipe clay which is adapted, not only to the making of drain pipes of all kinds, but for pottery-ware and every variety of terra cotta work. The products of the White Hall Fire Clay Works are recognized as the standard of quality wherever known, and it is the pur- pose of the company to maintain and increase their good reputation. They employ twenty-five teams, use 3,000 tons of coal annually, valued at 16,000, and ship 400 car loads of clay products. Estimated value, $60,000. Augustus Pierce & Co. (Aug. Pierce, F. I. Vedder), also own steam power tile works. The business was carried on in 1878 by senior partner alone. Mr. Pierce built in 1863 the first potter shop ever erected in White Hall — and the entire clay business here has grown out of that small beginning. Mr. Pierce had been working at Winchester, in Scott County, as a journeyman. During the war, prices for pottery- ware ranged exceedingly high, and accordingly Mr. Pierce determined to establish himself in the business in some other locality. He had been told that farmers living east of White Hall chinked their cabins with clay. He made a prospecting trip into Greene County, and, at various points, un- earthed small quantities of clay. This was taken to Winchester and tested and proved to be a very superior potter's clay. During this year Mr. Pierce, with the aid of B. G. Culver, erected suitable works near the railroad, and for some four years the firm manufactured stoneware exclusively. About twelve years ago D. Culbertson became a partner in the concern, and they purchased a hand machine with which they made about 50,000 feet the first year. How rapidly the business has grown since then ! This firm made in 1878, 450,000 feet of tile, valued at about 17,000 ; used 500 cords of wood, valued at $1,500, and 2,000 bushels of coal. They employ seven workmen and five teams. Culbertson & Smith's (D. Culbertson, T. A. Smith), steam power factory is located between the C. & A. and C. B. & Q. railroads north of Lincoln Street. The partnership was formed 1875. Feet of tile sold 406 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 1878, 560,000 ; brick sold 1878, 200,000 ; tons of clay used, 2,400 ; tons of clay shipped, 1,360 ; value of clay shipped, $1,000 ; value of all clay products, $16,000 ; wood used, 1000 cords, value $3,000 ; coal used, value $500 ; average number of men employed, 35 ; average number of teams employed, 10. They ship to various points in Illinois, Missouri and Kansas. The factory was run to its full capacity during the year, and all products sold. The senior partner was connected with the first intro- duction of the tile business here. This firm expect to largely increase their manufacturing facilities this year. The value of tile made, in 1878, by John King was $6,500. He used $1,000 worth of wood, and employed four hands and four teams. Potteries. — Since Augustus Pierce established the first stoneware fac- tory in White Hall in 1863, many others have come into existence. In 1865, John Ebey built a small frame building for the manufacture of stoneware on the present site of the establishment owned by George Hill. After four or five years, Mr. Ebe}^ was succeeded by Hubbs & Moon. Subsequently Mr. Moon retired, and later Mr. Hubbs formed a partnership with N. H. Huggins. In October, 1874, George Hill bought the property and built the building he now occupies on Bridgeport and Worcester streets. In 186^5, F. C. Garbitt built a pottery north of the C. & A. Railroad depot. He was followed by Messrs. Brown, Cogdell & Sax, until finally the factory fell into the hands of M. C. Purdy and A. D. Ruckle, who were possessed of considerable means, and soon began to manufac- ture stoneware on a large scale. They used horse-power at first, but afterward put in a steam engine. The following is a summary of the potteries now in operation in White Hall : George Hill, steam power, and new machinery added in 1878. Suc- ceeded W. W. Hubbs 1874. Product, 1878, 250,000 gallons; value, $20,000. Wood used, 800 cords valued at $2,400. Hands employed, twenty-three ; teams, four. Intends to enlarge and build another kiln, 1879. M. C. Purdy, steam power pottery. Gallons of ware made, 1878, 250,000. Wood used, 500 cords ; value, $1,500. Clay used, 1,000 tons; clay shipped (potter's clay), 350 tons ; value, $1,000. Men employed, twenty-five ; teams, three. Ships potter's clay to Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Sells ware in Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, Kansas, and Texas. Sent 75,000 gallons to Iowa, 1878. Estimated value of clay and clay products, $21,000. Owns sixty acres of the best clay land. D. C. Banta, commenced October 1, 1878; succeeded L. C. Murphy. Product during year: Stoneware, 50,000 gallons, valued at $2,500. Wood used, 200 cords ; value, $600. Hands, three ; teams, one. Teter, O'Gorman & Co. own a manufactory of terra cotta ware. They commenced business in 1878, and employ five hands and six teams. They made in 1878, 40,000 pieces, valued at $4,000. A."D. Ruckel own twelve and three eighths acres of excellent clay land, and shipped 3,000 tons of tile clay in 1878, worth $2,500. Banks. — The town contains two banks, which furnish all the con- veniences in that direction required. People's Bank. — Peter Roodhouse, president; Ed. North, cashier ; H. W. Roodhouse, assistant cashier; Jno. North, C. E.Wales, Edward Gris- HISTORY or GREENE COUNTY. 407 wold, Peter Roodhoiise, Ed. North, directors. Established January, 1877. Does a general banking business. Represents $300,000. Capital paid up, $50,000. White Hall Banking Association. — Commenced business January 1, 1877. Hon. L. E. Worcester, president ; Isaac Powell, cashier ; Richard Worcester, assistant cashier ; James Dowdall, A. S. Seeley, L. E. Carter, directors. Capital represented, -1300,000. Transacts a general banking business. The facilities for handling and grading grain in White Hall are very good. H. M. Hunt & Co. (H. M. Hunt, Ellis Briggs) formed a partner- ship in 1876. They own steam power elevators at White Hall and Winchester, and warehouses at Roodhouse, Wrights, Alsey, and Drake. Amount of grain handled by this firm in 1878 is half a million bushels. They shipped from White Hall 100,000 bushels. "Welch & Ruckel are proprietors of the White Hall Mills, partnership formed 1878. Flour made during the year, 12,000 barrels ; bushels of corn ground, 3,000. They have a very large local trade. Well supplied with middlings purifier and other modern machinery. They are also les- sees of the Israel Elevator, from which they have shipped some 10,000 bushels of wheat. The town contains, besides these, an iron foundry and machine shop, three wagon factories, one marble-yard, one cigar factory, one mattress factory, one washing machine factory, one bakery ; thirteen dry goods, grocery, drug, or liardware stores ; two jewelry stores, two lumber yards, two dealers in implements, two tailors, three boot and shoe makers, two harness makers, one flour and feed store, two blacksmiths, three live stock dealers, two milliners, one dressmaker, two barbers, two butchers, one furniture dealer, one photographer, two hotels, two nurs- eries, two insurance agents, etc., etc. ROODHOUSE. The history of Roodhouse is brief but brilliant. In 1819 or 1820, J. Henderson, who was the pioneer in the northern part of the county, is supposed to have been one of the first to explore the vicinity of Rood- house. The first settlements in the township were made some years previous to 1830. In 1832 White Hall was laid out, and this town was for man}^ years the trading point for the dwellers in the region where Roodhouse is now situated. The vicinity was one of the most fertile in the county, the surface of the prairie was rolling and healthful, and the inhabitants were intelligent, industrious, and energetic, and contributed very largely to the growth of the town of White Hall. When the Jack- sonville branch of the Chicago & Alton Railroad was extended as far as White Hall, in 1862, a small depot was built, around which Roodhouse afterward grew up. John T. Rawlings, who took a prominent part in building up the town, thought there should be a depot near its present location, and, after some trouble, succeeded in obtaining the permission of the railroad company to erect a building on its land. George Wilde- bon was the carpenter. In this, the first depot, James Armstrong served as agent and telegraph operator, furnishing his own instruments. The trains stopped only when flagged. Mr. Armstrong also conducted a 408 HISTORY OP GREENE COUNTY. small trade in lumber, tinware, and family supplies. Subsequently, citi- zens of the place being in danger of losing the telegraph office, built a depot, which was afterward used as a school house, and now serves as a dwelling house. One of the jSrst residences erected in the town was put up by Adam Shearer, who was also the first blacksmith of the town. He sold liquors at his residence for some time. Soon after James Thomp- son obtained a barrel or two of sugar and some coffee, with which he opened a grocery store, in an old log hut. He afterward sold out and butchered a few beeves. The laying out of a town was already talked of, and some surveys made, but nothing definite was as yet done. A meeting was held about this time, in Rawlings' warehouse, to consider the propriety of building a church or lecture room. A small school house, or public building, was erected in consequence. A Sunday school was at once organized, the teachers and superintendent coming from White Hall. Among those who settled in the village daring its infancy, the following may be mention€d: Charles Adler, now deceased, built a small edifice in which he kept a boot and shoe shop. Simmons & Thompson erected a storehouse and transacted a general merchandising business. Each member of this firm built a comfortable residence. Adam Shearer built an addition to his house, in which he sold groceries. Mr. Shearer was also the postmaster for some time. John and William Sitton also arrived and built residences. They were both contractors and carpenters and put up a number of buildings. John B. Mcintosh was the first tailor in the town. He purchased the school house and moved his family into it. When the Peter Thompson property was burned down, Norman Lange bought the site and built upon it. John T. Rawlings was the second postmaster, and was at the same time proprietor of a prosperous general business. In April, 1866, John Roodhouse, the original owner of the land upon which the greater part of the little settlement was built, laid out the town named for him. The original plat contained forty lots 66x130 feet, and 75x150 feet. Additions have since been made to the town as follows: John Roodhouse, three ; William Cobb, three ; Cobb & Mitchell, one ; J. C. Cobb, two ; P. J. Sharp, one ; L. E. Worcester, two. Its growth for a number of years was very slow. White Hall was but four miles dis- tant on the south, and Manchester equally near on the north, and l^eing much older towns had every advantage. Still, new comers continued to be attracted to the young village. Dr. D. B. Moore opened the first drug store. Harmon Wales kept the first hotel, in a building which now con- stitutes a part of the Metropolitan Hotel, Wm. Smith, proprietor. The Kirkland House was put up soon after, just opposite the depot, by Da- vid Kirkland. This building was burned in 1877, whereupon Mr. Kirk- land at once erected the commodious and substantial brick structure which now occupies the site. Beside those mentioned Humphrey Armstrong, Frank Armstrong, Charles Savage, William Lorton, John Cole, Mrs. Martha Wallace, L. E. Cobb, William H. Barrow, Adam Chapman, Thomas McMahon, James Long, Hoff Bi-idges, and Dr. Beach were early settlers. In 1871, the Louisiana branch of the Chicago & Alton Railroad, which was built to connect the Jacksonville branch with Louisiana, and HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 409 SO furnish an outlet to the far west, was approaching completion, and the question where a connection should be made with the Jacksonville branch must be settled. A strong influence with the officers of the road was brought to bear in favor of Jacksonville as the place for the junction. White Hall, however, was nearer the natural point, and since she had secured the crossing of the Chicago & Alton with the Rock Island road, now began to consider herself foreordained for a railroad center. Mean- while some of the more enterprising spirits at Roodhouse conceived the idea that it would be a very nice thing if the junction could be secured for that town. The leading men of White Hall laughed at their pre- sumption, and ridiculed the idea of an effort to build up a town out on the prairie. They considered it a foregone conclusion that White Hall was to swallow up all the surrounding villages, and laughed at the idea of little Roodhouse overcoming the wealth and influence of White Hall. But at a point then known as Dutch Mills, a few miles west of White Hall, the work came to a stand still until the location of the junction should be decided. The matter was earnestly discussed by leading men of the new town, and finally a letter was sent to T. B. Blackstone, pres- ident of the road, asking what would be required to secure the junction at Roodhouse, and signed by John Roodhouse, John T. Rawlings, J. M. Armstrong, and Simmons & Thompson. The following reply in sub- stance was received : "John Roodhouse and others — Gentleme^i : I have received your letter of the , and carefully considered its contents, and ordered a survey to be made of the route which you have mentioned, and if found as favorable as you seem to think, I will then give what information you desire. Respectfully yours, T. B. Blackstone." As soon as the survey commenced White Hall became alarmed, and sent a delegation to Chicago to turn the current in her favor. Meantime a meeting was held in Mr. Rawlings' store at Roodhouse, and a committee consisting of John Roodhouse, John T. Rawlings, and E. M. Husted, was appointed to go to Chicago to see President Blackstone. In order to hasten their arrival they took a hand-car as far as Jacksonville, that they might catch an early train from that city. Here they were met by the assurance that White Hall had secured the prize, but determined never- theless to hasten on to Chicago in the hope it was not too late. An interview with President Blackstone developed the cheering fact that if the citizens of Roodhouse would secure for the road the right of way from the Illinois River to that town and deed to the company ten acres for depot grounds, within a week the junction would be made at that point. On the return of these gentlemen a subscription paper to secure funds for, purchasing the right of wa}^ was at once drawn up. Messrs. Roodhouse, Cobb, and J. T. Rawlings, each subscribed $1,000. Messrs. Simmons, Husted, Armstrong, and P. A. Rawlings each $500, G. W. Thompson, $250, and others like sums. Many persons of very small property gave liberally, and the result was that the road was secured. E. M. Husted was President and Treasurer of the committee to secure the right of way, and conducted this part of the enterprise with great skill. As soon as the connection between the two branches of the road was made the town improved very rapidly. The railroad company built a large and handsome depot, and in many ways contributed to the growth 410 HISTORY OF greenp: county. of the place. Very soon Roodhouse was made the terminus of the Mis- souri division, and the round-house and repair shop located here. These have brought a large amount of business and population to the town, so that its growth has been very rapid. The following description of the railroad grounds is taken from the Roodhouse Revieiv : " There are all told, including repair tracks, about twenty-five switches within the corporate limits of the village, all of which are necessary to operate and facilitate the movements of trains. There is scarcely a silent moment, night or day, as the average number of trains (including freight and stock trains, all of which are made up at this point), is about twenty-five every twenty-four hours. This immense amount of train business is under the superintendence of Mr. T. R. Saltar, the station agent, who is also yard-master, with Lew McClure and Barney Greene as assistants, under whose able and efficient management this seemingly complicated business works with the regularity of clock-work, without a hitch or jar, and trains are always dispatched to their destination promptly on time. Engine No. 124, called the 'Pony,' is constantly on duty, day and night, as switch engine. Her fires have hardly been extinguished for nearly two years. She is under the control of Charlie McCabe during the day, and Wilson Jones at night, and is never idle to exceed an hour at a time. Mr. Slocum has control of the round-house and motive power. He recently succeeded Mr. C. A. Swan, Sr., and comes highly recom- mended as a polite and affable gentleman as well as a skillful mechanic. Every engine before it leaves the round-house is subjected to a rigid scrutiny by him and his assistants, and if the smallest defect exists, it is detected and remedied at once. " The repair shops, situated near the round-house, where all defect- ive cars passing through are repaired, are under the control of Mr. Frank Shield, an experienced mechanic. He also has charge of the wrecking- car, with which he responds promptly day or night when a wreck occurs on his division of the road. He is assisted in his duties by Benj. Rush- worth, John Harney, and James Graham. " While on the subject of the railroad, before closing we will add that Roodhouse contains the only round-house and repair shops between Bloomington and Louisiana, Mo., that its location at the junction of the Louisiana branch makes all the appliances that the company has at this place a necessity, and that when the Louisiana branch is extended to Kansas City, Roodhouse will then necessarily become a much more im- portant point to the company than it now is. It occupies a position exactly central between Chicago and Kansas City, the two termini of the road, and will of course become the end of runs, and will occupy a similar relation to the western branch that Bloomington on the' main line does to the Jacksonville branch, which there forms a junction with the main line running from St. Louis to Chicago. The St. Louis branch of the C. B. & Q. passes one mile west of Roodhouse, crossing the Jackson- ville branch of the C. & A. a short distance north of White Hall. There isaswitchand shute on the C. B. & Q. one mile west of Roodhouse, thus securing to stock shippers, lumber dealers and merchants competing rates at all times to both Chicago and St. Louis." Soon after Roodhouse received these railroad advantages, the HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 411 town was incorporated under the State law. The first trustees were John Roodhouse, John T. Rawlings, Dr. D. B. Moore, and David Kirk- land. Mr. Roodhouse was elected President and Mr. Rawlings Clerk. In February, 1876, the town organization was repealed and a village organization substituted. The officers of the board, during 1875, were A. M. Dill, President, John Dacy, Clerk. In 1876, the first year of village organization, the officers were as follows : President, E. H. Sawyer. Trustees, John A. Taylor, A. M. Dill, Matt. Sterritt, Fred Hudson, John A. Towner. Clerk, James F. Walker. Magistrate, George W. Thompson. Street Commissioner ^ James N. Sawyer. Constable, Thomas Jones. Attorney, D. C. Mclver. The present village officers are President, D. T. Foster. Trustees, Ellis Briggs, John A. Taylor, Matt. Sterritt, Peter Dunbar, Fred Hudson. Magistrate, G. W. Thompson. Clerk, Thomas R. Saltar. Constables, William T. Sitton, Thomas James. Among those who have occupied prominent positions in the business of the town, since the completion of the Louisiana branch of the rail- road, may be mentioned the following : B. Nathan erected a store building in 1874, in which he sold notions, stationery, etc., for several years. N. H. Clark built a restaurant, which he has operated for some time. Messrs. Freeto & Bullard were at the head of an active tinware and stove busi- ness for several years. Sawyer & Drennan were for several years in the first rank as merchants. They sold dry goods in one building and groceries in another. In 1871 Armstrong & George formed a partner- ship and dealt in hardware, groceries, and lumber. In 1874 the firm gave place to Armstrong & Sharp, which added a stock of dry goods to the already large establishment, and a little later opened the first bank the village ever contained. In 1876 this firm dissolved, and divided the business between the partners. James Armstrong took the lumber and building material, selling also wagons, etc. In Feb., 1879, he sold out to Bundy & Worcester. George Armstrong became proprietor of the grocery, queensware, and hardware department, and P. J. Sharp assumed control of the stock of dry goods. Gillham & Brother built a good business house in 1875, occupied it for a short time, and sold out to Haggard & Lowder. Subsequently Haggard sold out to Bradshaw, and the firm became Bradshaw & Lowder, and as such sold groceries until a recent date. In 1874, Mr. Watt, of Winchester, opened a furniture store, but he sold out to Ed. Sawyer, who still transacts a grocery business. In 1875, Briggs & Titus erected a fine flouring mill, with elevator attached, and for some time did a very large business. November 29, 1877, the building and its contents were entirely consumed by fire, inflicting a very severe loss upon its owners and upon the town. The loss was $20,000; insurance, $2,000. In 1878, Mr. Briggs, of this firm, erected a building to be used as an elevator, and connected it by means of an electric telephone with his warehouse in White Hall, four miles away. He now handles large quantities of grain. (See White Hall.) In 1876, Sawyer & Drennan built a fine business block, and soon after Peter Dunbar followed their example. James Walker owned the first brick kiln, which is now operated by W. T. Lowr3\ Wm. Cutler was the first to establish a foundry in the town, which he still owns. 412 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. Roodhouse has had a number of newspapers, but only one strictly home paper remains. The first venture of this kind was an edition of the White Hall Register^ called the Roodhouse Signal, which was printed at White Hall. A similar edition of the Carrollton Gazette soon followed, called the Roodhouse Headlight. Its publication was discontinued about two years ago. Not long after, W. T. Lakin began the publication of the Roodhouse Independent in the town. This venture was not well sus- tained, and the paper was soon removed to White Hall, where it became the Greene County Democrat, and, in other hands, prospered for a time. In October, 1877, D. C. Mclver and his son began, in a very small way, the publication of the Roodhouse Review. Since that time the paper has grown until now it is, with one exception, as large as any paper in the county, and seems to enjoy the confidence of the community. In De- cember, 1877, J. S. Harper brought a new newspaper outfit to the town, and established Harper s Weekly Herald, a temperance paper, which throve for a short time, but in about six months died. The office was taken to Jerseyville, where it is used in the publication of the Jerseyville Exanmier. In 1876, the railroad company decided to stop all trains at Roodhouse, for meals or lunch. Accordingly, they built, adjoining the depot, a large and convenient eating house, which was leased by Captain D. T. Foster, of Bloomington. Captain Foster gives the table and the comfort of his guests his personal attention, and his eating house is equal to the best on any railroad. The Roodhouse Bank was organized in October, 1877, and the com- pany at once erected the handsome brick building which they now occu- py. The officers of the bank are E. M. Husted, President; George W. Armstrong and W. H. Barrow, Directors ; T. L. Smith, Cashier. The bank does a safe business, and has the confidence of the entire commu- nity. The first school house in Roodhouse was the building first used as a depot. The first building erected especially for school purposes is now occupied as a residence by Wm. Jones, baggage master. The present brick school house was built in 1877. It is one of the finest edifices for the purpose in this section of country. The ground plan is 42^ by 43^ feet, basement story 8 feet, first story 11 feet, second story 12 feet, man- sard story about 10 feet. There are two rooms besides halls and waiting rooms on each floor. The roof is covered with tin except the sides of the mansard, which are covered with slate. The whole is surmounted with an attractive tower in which the bell is hung. The workmanship is good, and the material, consisting principally of stone and brick, first class. The site is a beautiful one. in the northwest part of town, and consists of about two acres of ground, which slopes gradually from the building in every direction, except toward the east. The sewage is admirably arranged, the accumulation of water around the building being fully guarded against. The board of directors, composed of E. M. Husted, W. H. Barrow, and W. Lorton, chose Mr. Husted to superintend the work, and he succeeded in erecting a building of which Roodhouse ma}^ well be proud. There are three entrances with wide doors. The furnaces used were made by the Ruttan Heating and Ventilating Company. The partition between the rooms on the second floor consists of wide doors, which by means of HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 413 weights can be raised, thus making but one room of both, a matter which will be very convenient, when public examinations are held. The build- ing cost f 5,180. The total expenditures, including grounds, was f 6,000. J. F. Walker was the contractor, Fred Husted did the mason and brick work and plastering, Sam. Stone the painting, and Freeto & Bullard the tin work. The plans were drawn by S. Pfiefenberger, of Alton. Lydia Swallow was the first teacher. N. M. McCullough was the first principal after the school was graded. The present teachers are H. M. Anderson, Principal, assisted by Misses Anna Lemon, Hale and Beene Rushworth. Total enrollment 254. Average attendance, February, 1879, 222. The lawyers of the town are J. L. Patterson and D. C. Mclver. They have a large and increasing practice. Roodhouse contains four church organizations. The Methodist, Rev. A. Orr, pastor; the Cumberland Presbyterian, Rev. John Jolly, pastor, and the Congregational, Rev. D. K. Shields, pastor, and a Cath- olic Church. The secret societies are the following: Knights of Pythias, organized October 8, 1877; present officers, D. C. Mclver, C. C; E. M. Husted, Jr., K. of R. and S.; membership, 35. Ancient Order of United Workmen, organized June 30, 1870; present officers, S. L. Strang, P. M. W.; T. R. Saltar, Recorder. Roodhouse Union Sunday school was organized in 1867, b}^ J. C. Tunison, Superintendent. The first Summer the sessions were held in a private school room, with scholars from around the country, as there was no town at this time. The school room changed hands, and the school was moved to J. T. Rawling's hall, during the Fall of 1868. After two years in the hall, on the completion of a new school house, the Sunday school was continued through the first Winter session by such workers as Mrs. Wm. Thaxton, Mrs. John Roodhouse, Mrs. E. M. Husted, and others as teachers, and J. J. Short as Assistant Superintendent, as Mr. Tunison was away much of the time. Finally the school was re-organized. J. M. Armstrong was elected Superintendent and J. J. Short, Assistant. For four 3'ears no special changes were made, except the school increased in numbers, and a church organization began to form in connection with the school. Mrs. J. P. Drennan moved from Alton, in the meantime, and took an active interest. With J. T. Rawlings, John Roodhouse, E. M. Husted, James Vangiesen, and J. M. Armstrong to move in the matter, the Union church was built, which was the first in the place. A new organ and a map were bought, and the school increased to 150 scholars. The library consists of 400 volumes, and flOO is annually expended in increasing it. At the election of officers, in 1873, C. L. Savage was chosen Superin- tendent, J. M. Armstrong, Assistant, W. W. Buckmaster, Secretary, and W. W. Jones, Librarian. These officers held their positions for two years. In 1875, Mr. Savage resigned, and J. M. Armstrong was chosen in his stead, and continues to occupy the position. During this year the Congregational church was built, dividing the school and church, taking away forty scholars. J. P. Drennan was elected Superintendent, and W. Buckmaster, Secretary of the new school. It is now in a very flourishing condition, with C. D. Strang, Superintendent, and Perry Sitton, Secretary. The rapid and immediate further growth of the town seems assured. At this date (April, 1879) the extension of the Missouri branch of the N 414 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. road to Kansas City, is just about to be opened, and a large increase of business over the road is confidently expected. The railroad company have prospected for water here, and, finding an abundance, it is con- fidently expected that the stock yards will soon be located here. It is also believed that Roodhouse will be made the end of passenger runs, and these advantages can not fail to build up a thriving town. No place in the county has brighter prospects. KANE. There have been in the history of the county two places about a mile apart, having the name of Kane. One of these. Old Kane (or Homer as it was formerly called) is situated in Township 9, Range 12, and the other, New Kane, is in Township 9, Range 11. As a preliminary to a sketch of New Kane which is at present the center of trade and activity, some notice of the old town should be given. The first settlements ever made in Greene County were probably in Township 9, Range 12. Here it was that Daniel Allen and his sons Daniel, Jr. and James made improvements in 1816, having spent the previous Winter on the Macoupin opposite the mouth of Taylor's Creek, in what is now Jersey County. They were followed not long after by R. B. Huitt, Rev. C. J. Gardiner and John King. Shortly before the year 1830, came Gen. Jacob Fry and James Stone. In 1836, a man by the name of Stedman, Alexander Smith, Jacob Backus, Enoch Backus, Col. N. M. Perry and others resided near Section 36, on which Old Kane is situated. They were a long distance from any market, Jerseyville on the south and Carrollton on the north were their nearest towns and each was seven or eioht miles away. There was a beautiful location for a village on Section 36 and the propriety of establishing a new town was often discussed. Col. N. M. Perry, now deceased, was prominent in these deliberations, as were also Z. H. Adams and a Mr. Brainerd. Col. Perry was the first to settle in the town and he sold the first lot. Z. H. Adams built the first store, where he sold drugs, groceries, calicoes and all the misellaneous merchandise necessary in a new country. Col. Perry erected the second store building in the now rapidly growing village. He was a gentleman of great activity and occupied a very prominent place in the histor}^ of the county. He sold goods in this town for some time and quite successfully until the panic forced him to retire from business for a time. He subsequently resumed business and continued as a merchant in the place for about thirt}^ years. Very soon a dwelling house was built by Samuel Pope and he erected the first blacksmith shop. In 1838, the Baptists began the erection of a church in the town, which was completed soon after. It is still standing, one of the old landmarks of the county. The Methodists erected a building later. Although surrounded by some of the richest farming lands in the State, there were few natural advantages to assist the town to a rapid growth. In the Spring of 1856, a company was formed consisting of Col. N. M. Perry, Guy C. Richards, W. O. Tohnan, A. W. Tolman and Willis Barrow for the purpose of erecting a flouring mill. Myron Cory was the superintendent and builder, and the edifice was ready for occupancy in the Autumn. Subsequently Col. Perry became sole proprietor and later HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 415 he sold out to Z. Titus. The present proprietor is Jefferson Bolt. The town contains about fifty inhabitants. In 1854, when Josiah T. Hunt with Mr. Ollendorf his assistant was making the preliminary survey for the railroad, now known as the Jacksonville branch of the Chicago and Alton, it was earnestly hoped by the citizens of Kane that the road might pass through that town. The engineer made every effort to find a feasible route by which this could be accomplished, but when he made his report at the completion of his work he stated that he regretted exceedingly that it was impracticable. Three lines were run, but the nearest of them left Kane a half mile to the west and the route finally adopted was still further distant. The road was opened from White Hall to Godfrey, January 1, 1865, and in November of that year, Tobias Holliday, who owned a tract of land on the railroad, laid out a town on the east side of the road which was known until the establishment of the post office as Hollidaysburg. Subsequently Holliday's addition west of the track was annexed and became the busi- ness center of the town. Some time after the town was laid out Thomas Boyd, a leading citi- zen of CarroUton, of considerable wealth, purchased a tract of land near the town which he divided into lots and sold. This is now known as Boyd's addition to Kane, and a large number of residences have been built upon it. Elder Joel Terry, on his decease, devised to his family a farm of 160 acres, part of which lay within the corporation limits of Kane. A part of this tract sold at public sale in behalf of the heirs was subsequently laid off in lots, and formed that part of the town known as Terry's addition. The place soon adopted the name of its older neigh- bor, and became known as Kane, or to distinguish it from the original bearer of that name. New Kane. John Green was one of the first settlers in the young village. J. B. Enslow, who had been a farmer in Montgomery County, built the first store, in which he opened a stock of groceries. Not long after, Samuel Gardiner, who is the present postmaster, moved from the old to the new town. He was a harness maker, and followed his calling for some time. He afterward embarked in trade, and has sold dry goods and groceries for many years. He moved a building which he owned in Old Kane to the new town, in which he has ever since sold goods and handled the mail of the little city. John I^litch was the first blacksmith in New Kane, and Dr. P. Fenity was the first physician. Dr. Fenity had practiced some six years in the old town, where he had secured a lucrative business. He has proved a very valuable man to the town and has contributed lib- erally of his means to further the best interests of the place. None have taken a deeper interest in the intellectual and moral concerns of the community. Shortly after the new town was laid out Peter and W. M. Felter added materially to the appearance of the place by the erection of a large brick building, since used as a dry goods and grocery store, and now occupied by Dr Albro Allen. Kane now began to feel her import- ance. The old town sank into insignificance, and, having vanquished that rival, the new town began to reach out for the trade which had hitherto gone to Jerseyville and CarroUton. Kane became an important shipping point, and grain, cattle and hogs poured in from all parts of the surround- ing county. As the town grew in importance the necessity of a suitable 416 HISTORY OF GEEENE COUNTY. house for the promotion of education became apparent, and the motion to build was carried with scarcely a dissenting vote. The present build- ing has undergone some changes since its erection, and will compare favorably with any other school building in the count3^ The first teacher in Kane was E. H. Remick, whose services were so highly ap- preciated that he was retained in the position for four years. His succes- sors have been Rev. H. J. Spears, William Terry, Ward Coombs, James- W. Dewel, J. G. Haiiey, John Worthington, Mr. Allen and Miss Alice Bridges. The first religious services were held in Felter's Hall, but not long after the formation of the town a subscription paper was circulated to secure funds for the erection of a church. The response was liberal and prompt. The building was erected in 1866 especially for the Methodists, but was called a Union Church, and was used by various denominations. Among the preachers wlio have presided over this flock have been Rev. Messrs. Walker, Hoyt, H. J. Spears, Stubblefield, Dewes, Cline, Delicate,. Sly, Fobs, Greenlow,Westze, Tomes and N. E. Harmon, who has displayed remarkable ability as a revivalist. In 1867 and 1868 John E. Van Pelt, a brilliant but erratic man, built a very large and complete flouring mill, just east of the railroad, at a cost of $32,000, $10,000 of which was subscribed by the citizens of the place. The mill did a very large business for a time and Mr. Van Pelt seemed to be coining money. In time, however, he became in- volved and the mill was sold under a deed of trust. In March, 1869, Johnson & Howe assumed control of the institution. Afterward Z. M. Titus rented the mill and transacted a good business. His successors were L. H. Turner, E. C. Leigh and others. In 1873 or 1874 Dr. Casey of Jerseyville and E. C. Leigh organized a. bank, with a paid in capital of $5,000, in the building owned by W. W. Felter. The firm subsequently erected an edifice solely for their own use, in which they carried on business until their failure in 1878. Not long after S. F'. Green, a prominent farmer of the vicinity, and Enoch Littlefield established a bank under the firm name of Littlefield, Green & Co. This institution does a large and increasing business, and through the unquestioned integrity of the partners enjoys the confidence of the community. Messrs. David A. Thompson and T. J. Enslow are largely engaged in stock shipping, and Jos. Wendt deals in grain. W. P. Parker is the only merchant doing an exclusive grocery busi- ness, although J. B. & S. F. Gardiner and Wm. B. Enslow carry a stock of such goods. Messrs. John Greene & Co. do a very extensive business in dry goods, and have demonstrated their business ability by the erection of their present very large and commodious building. Messrs. Gardiner also handle dry goods. There are two drug stores in the town, one under the control of Mr. Remicke, and the other owned by Wm. B. Enslow. Cyrus Morris keeps an assortment of saddlery and hardware: There are two hotels, known as the Kane House and the Astor House, and C. N. Adams keeps a boarding house. There are besides in the town, one meat market, one barber shop, two millinery establishments, a lumber yard with a small printing office attached, one notion and cigar store, four blacksmith shops, two livery stables. HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 417 The town contains five physicians, Doctors P. Fenity, O. K. Rey- nolds, I. S. Hughes, W. L. Burnett, and Albro B. Allen. Joseph S. Carr is the only attorney, and Donald Carmichael and J. B. Enslow officiate as justices of the peace. Kane was incorporated as a town in 1867. The Town Board now •consists of Dr. P. Fenity, E. C. Leigh, John T. Williams. There are in Kane lodges belonging to the Masonic, Odd Fellows, and Knights of Honor organizations. The following sketch of the Masonic Lodge was kindly furnished us by Dr. P. Fenity : King Solomon's Lodge, No. 197, was instituted at the meeting of the Grand Lodge in 1854, and commenced work under dispensation. George W. Cory was appointed W. M.; Augustine T. Perry, S. W.; James W. Allen, J. W.; Cyrus R. Lake, Treas.; A. H. Smith, Sec. A new dispensation was granted by the Grand Lodge in 1855, and the same •officers were continued till the meeting of the Grand Lodge in 1856, when that body granted them a charter. On. the 12th of November, J. B. Samuel, acting as Grand Master, installed the officers of the lodge under the charter, viz., George W. Cory, W. M.; A. T. Perry, S. W.; J. W. Allen, J. W.; Cyrus R. Lake, Treas.; A. H. Smith, Sec; S. G. Gardinei, S. D.; J. B. White, J. D.; E. I. Lovell, Tyler. The present •officers are George W. Witt, W. M.; Samuel E. Brown, S. W.; Joseph Dressell, J. W.; Lucien King, Treas.; Augustin T. Perry, Sec. King Solomon's Lodge moved from Old Kane to New Kane, and oc- cupied the upper story of Felter's brick hall, February 26, 1870. In 1875, the members with unanimity agreed to build a new hall, which they should own and occupy, and which should be free to them and to all those who should come after them through all coming time ; and on the 6th of January, 1876, dedicated it to God and the Brotherhood, according to the solemn and impressive rites of the order, free of debt, at a cost of fl,500. Mutual Lodge, No. 430, of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, was instituted on the 5th of July, 1870. George S. Miles became Past •Grand Master by special authority, and subsequently Col. Joseph S. Carr was elected Noble Grand of the new lodge, with S. S. Torrey, V. G., M. M. Johnson Secretary, R. N. McCIure, Treasurer. Since its organization sixty-two members have been admitted into the brotherhood. The meet- ings of the lodge are held weekly, and the organization is in a flourishing condition. The present officers are: Joseph S. Carr, N. G.; Charles S. Smith, V. G.; O. P. Cory, Sec; W. W. Felter, Treas. Evergreen Lodge, No. 1,344, Knights of Honor, was organized Jan- uary 25, 1879, with the following officers : Joseph S. Carr, D.; Donald Carmichael, V. D.; C. E. Neeley, A. D.; Dr. I. S. Hughes, P. D.; A. W. Felter, R.; C. M. Carr, F. R.; W. B. Parker, P.; N. E. Harmon, C; Horace Lobb, S.; W. Hastings, Gn.; E. C. Leigh, G. There are twenty charter members, and the lodge bids fair to attain a rapid and healthy growth. Kane contains two churches, of the Methodist and Baptist denomi- nations respectively. The Baptist Church is presided over by the Rev- B. B. Hamilton, of White Hall. Dr. Bulkley, and teachers and gradu- ates of Shurtleff College have been its previous ministers. Rev. N. E. Harmon is the pastor of the Methodist Church. 418 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. The Town of Kane was incorporated April 5, 1869. Members of first Council were : James B. Gardiner, Samuel G. Gardiner, John B. Enslow, Henry D. Field (who was also President of Council). Clerk, Jos. S. Carr ; Treasurer, J. H. Felter ; Police Magistrate, W. W. Felter ; Constable, Philo Adams. The present town officers are : James B. Gardiner (President), Lemuel M. Ohaver, John T. Williams, Peter Fenity, Edward C. Leigh. Clerk, A. W. Felter ; Treasurer, E. Little- field ; Police Magistrate, Donald Carmichael ; Town Constable, Andrew Giles. ROCKBRIDGE. The town of Rockbridge is situated in the southeast part of the county, on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, in what has long -been known as Taylor's Prairie, having derived the name from John and Ambrose Taylor, who with Benjamin Allen settled here in the year 1819. They were the first white men who settled north of the Macoupin Creek in this part of the county. The first building that was put up was the mill on the creek, now known as the Rockbridge Mills. This was built about the year 1826 by John Hardcastle and Moses Stephens, and was run by water power. These parties sold out to a Mr. Tegard, he to Mr. Andrews, and in the year 1836 it came into the possession of John Barnett. In the year 1840, Mr. Barnett sold to George D. Randle, who improved it considerably. It was also under his influence in the year 1849, that a post-office was established here and called Rockbridge. Mr. Randle, who was postmaster, kept the office in his residence, a hewed log house, which still stands on the hill near the mill, a relic of the town in its infancy. The following persons have been postmaster since that time : William Gage, W. H. Summers, J. H. Vallentine, and M. R. Blodgett, who is the present incumbent. The mill was bought by William Gage, G. T. W. Sheffield and I. R. Ostrom, about the year 1853. It was this party who put in steam power and otherwise improved the mill. Mr. Gage also built a store house about this time, into which the post-office was removed. With these changes a lively business commenced at the town of Rockbridge. The mill was in various hands for the next twenty 3^ears, with G. T. W. Sheffield principal owner. When Isaac Bruner came into possession he also made large improvements, and is now doing a lively business with both grist and saw mill. W. H. Summers was successor to Gage & Sheffield in the mercantile business. Afterward came Vallentine Bros., Vallentine & Bowman, and Vallentine & Son. During the years from 1855 to 1865, there were a few houses built a half mile west on the prairie, and some business transacted. This neighborhood was familiarly known as Dublin. In the year 1870, the Rockford, Rock Island & St. Louis Railroad was constructed, and in the Spring of 1871 a town was laid out on the railroad a half mile northwest from the old site, by Sheffield and Hudson. This town the railroad company named Sheffield in honor of G. T. W. Sheffield, which name it retained until the railroad came into the hands of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Company, who changed the name again to Rockbridge, the name of the post-office never having been altered. HISTORY OF GREENE COTJNTY. 419 Three additions have been made to the town since its first laying out, by L. F. Williams, James Vallentine, and Isaac Briiner, respectively. At this date, 1879, there are nine business houses in the town, as follows: J. H. & J. M. Vallentine, M. R. Blodgett and Kinder & Rives, general merchandise; J. Keeley & Co., drugs; William M. Rhoads, groceries; John Barnett, harness ; C. H. Weaver, furniture ; Miss Nannie Clark, milliner ; Philip Jacobi, blacksmith and agricultural implements ; A. Tendic, boots and shoes ; also Wiley More, blacksmith shop ; Nathan Dawson, blacksmith shop ; Peter Achenbach, butcher shop ; D. R. Col- man, "City Mills;" J. M. Vallentine, dealer in grain and lumber. There is one school building, forty feet square, two stories high ; two churches. Baptist and Catholic; two halls, the Masonic and the Town Hall. There are four religious organizations — Baptist, Presbyterian, Methodist, and Catholic. The Baptist Church was organized about 1837, and was composed of members from the Providence Church. Elder Jacob Rhodes, Haycraft, Sturdivalt, took part in the organization exercises. The church was then called the Taylor's Creek United Baptist Church. About 1842 there occurred a division in the church. Some of the members objected to receiving Mrs. Hubbard, a preacher of some notoriety, into membership, as she had been baptized in the Mission Bap- tist Church. In consequence of this a respectable number of members organized a new body, known as the Apple Creek Association of the United Baptist Church, in connection with which in 1856, the New Salem Church of Rockbridge was organized. With few exceptions, the church has remained the same, though now known as the Baptist Church of Sheffield, Rev. John Bush, pastor. The Presbyterian Church was organ- ized by members of the Walnut Grove Church. Rev. J. R. Armstrong is pastor. The elders of the Presbyterian Church are J. H. Van Arsdale, R. T. Dawson, and G. M. Kinder. The Methodist Church was organized, by removal from Webster School-house, in 1872. The present preacher is Rev. J. W. Helmick ; class leader, B. F. Wiley ; steward, C. S. Scandrett, Jr. The Catholic Church was organized in 1865. The rector in charge is Rev. Father J. D. Metzler. There are three societies, Masonic, Knights of Honor, and Temperance. Officers of Sheffield Lodge, No. 678, A. F. & A. M., at Rockbridge : A. E. Miller, W. M. ; Colin Keating, S. W. ; G. D. Hudson, J. W. ; Hirum Dixon, Treas. ; Albert Bowman, Sec. ; James Dowdall„S. Deacon ; Jacob Kelley, J. D. ; J. M. Clarke, Ty. ; William Turner, Chap. ^ C. H. Weaver, and Wesly McPherson. The Masonic Lodge was constituted 1871. Charter members: W. M. Rhoades, W. M^; Albert Bowman, S. W. ; G. D. Hudson, J. W. ; A. E. Miller, James^-Vallentine, Thomas Lawrance, Daniel Bowman, Jessee Robards, John Donnell, J. H. Rives, Hirum Dixon, Isaac Vanmeter, Colin Keating, Vilas Dodge, John Taylor, B. F. Edwards. The officers of the Knights of Honor Lodge, instituted 1878, are W. L. Spear, D. ; J. H. Vallentine, V. D. ; M. R. Blodgett, A. D. : H. C. Dawson, R.; W. B. Abrams, F. R. ; George M. Kinder, T. ; D. R. Col- man, C. ; W. J. Moore, G. ; R. T. Dawson, Gn. ; Geo. Tate, S. The Masonic Lodge was instituted in 1871, and has for its officers: A. E. Miller, W. M. ; Colin Keating, S. W. ; Geo. D. Hudson, J. W. ; Hiram Dixon, T. ; Albert Bowman, Sec'y. ; J. M. Clark, Tyler. 420 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. The school is now under the chargre of Benj. Wiley and Miss Hattie Van Arsdale. The Rockbridge Band is a musical organization which owns a fine set of instruments and a handsome band wagon. Its members are : Geo. D. Hudson, J. H. Vallentine, John Russell, Franklin Taylor, John Williams, J. M. Vallentine, Philip Jacobi, J. M. Clark, John Milnes, Kennett Williams. Dr. A, E. Miller and Dr. E. Wilson are the physicians. William M. Rhoads, Baptist minister ; W. L. Spear, notary public ; Edward Wooldridge, constable ; G. B. Craine, R. T. Dawson, and C. H. Weaver, carpenters and builders ; Robt. Leton, plasterer and mason. This town is not incorporated. Its population at this time is 200. It is well known for the energy of its business men, who claim that there is a greater amount of business dene at this place in proportion to its size, than at any other town in the county. WILMINGTON. Wilmington is situated in Township 12, Range 12, in Northwestern Precinct, in the northwestern portion of the county, and was laid out in 1836, on the 18tli day of May, by Lucius S. Norton, Thomas Groce, Thomas Hanks, Young, Henderson, Lane, and Higbee. It is six miles from the Illinois River and one and a half miles north of Drake Station, on the Louisiana branch of the C.& A.R.R. John Coates (the father of eight sons and two daughters, all of whom still live in the county, except Chester, who resides in Scott County), was among the early settlers in this section, and was one of the largest money lenders in the country. He was killed in 1874, by being knocked from the railroad track by an engine. In 1837 the Baptist Church consisted of John Davidson, James McBride, Mashack Browning, William Wells, Jane Wells, William Short, Sylvania Carriger, and Joshua Marsh. Rev. Charles Kitchens was pastor, and served in that capacity for several years, preaching frequently in the private residence of Thomas Groce, which stood on the spot now owned and occupied by Dr. G. W. Burns. Gorden Swanson raised the first field of corn, and that without a fence, that was grown in this vicinity. Ezekiel Marsh and Dr. Joe Garrison were the first school teachers in the town, Garrison teaching and practicing medicine alternately. John Coates, above mentioned, was the first to sell dry goods, groceries, etc. After a season Mr. Coates sold to Isham Cranfil, who, in connection with his store, did an extensive business in packing beef and pork, paying for beef $1.50 and for pork 11.25 to $1.75 per hundred. He also bought grain, all of which he had transported to Alton in wagons. Cranfil sold to L. D. Morris, and afterwards removed to Portland, Oregon, where he still lives. About the same time, 1836, Peter Gibbon established a tannery in the south part of town, where he did a remunerative business, shipping his leather to St. Louis, Missouri. He employed several hands, and, for that day, made business lively. During the same period, Wickliff Post ran a blacksmith shop, and continued in business for several years. Ira Clark was another of the business men of that period ; he managed a grocery store in a building which still stands, and HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 421 was erected by Leonard Carriger and Thomas Groce. Mr. Morris, above mentioned, did no business, but sold property to L. J. Patterson. In 1849 Dr. Gosnold lived and practiced here. At this time Delaha sold goods for a short season, then removed. Charles Wiggins ran a cooper shop from about 1847 to 1849, since which time nothing in that line has been done here. Wm. Flemmings preceded Wiggins in the cooper busi- ness. We must not forget to mention "The Rising Sun," which was the name of the first tavern, and the inscription, we are informed, was printed with pokeberry juice. A good -sized and noisy bell swung above the building, and many were the pleasant evenings spent by the sturdy pioneers, listening to the funny tales told by the jolly landlord, Thomas Groce. Rev. Slocum H. Culver worked at the cooper's trade, three miles southwest, and frequently filled the rude pulpit, in this village, on Sun- days. Thomas Groce, who owned a large tract of land, including that on which the village stands, sold the tract to George W. Collister and L. T. Whitesides. Mr. Collister still owns the land he then bought. White- sides sold to John Hicks, who still owns it. The town lots owned by Groce were bouglit by Dr. Charles Hardt, who practiced medicine here for several years with good success. Dr. Hardt sold to Dr. Burns and others, and removed to southwestern Missouri, where he now resides. G. W. ColJister is one of our oldest citizens, and in consequence of his skill in veterinary surgery, is frequently dubbed doctor. This gentleman was also a blacksmith, and plied his vocation from 1840 to 1852, since which time his first son, Alfred B. Collister, has done tlie principal part of the work turned off at his shop. In 1847 A. J. Whitesides put up a wagon shop, and did a paying business for some time, then took C. C. Eaton in as a partner, and continued in the same business till 1859, when White- sides & Eaton put up a steam saw mill, with stationary boiler. This greatly facilitated the erection of buildings, and gave home improvements a new send off. This mill was finally sold to a party who took it to Glasgow, where it now is. The next saw mill was put up by George W. Crayne, who, after a number of years, sold to John Taggart, who subse- quently removed the mill to Pike County. About the year 1853 Dr. Lucian Higbee located here ; had an extensive practice for several years, and was finally drowned in attempting to cross Hurricane Creek, during a freshet, near Schutz' Mills. In addition to the blacksmiths already mentioned, may be added the names of James Buck, Hiram Williams, A. L. Steelman, James Ashlock, Jack Adkins, Loot Wells, Geo. Amos, Hank Saunders, A. B. Collister, William and Thomas Taylor, and J. Madison Linder. Taylor Bros, began in 1878, and are still at work here. Mr. Linder began in 1867, more than twelve years ago ; has done an immense business, has a new and roomy shop at the present writing (1879), and is known as an excellent smith. Milton Watt, a most excellent wagon and buggy maker, located here in 1877, remained one season, did considerable work, and then removed to Carrollton. In remote ages, saloon keepers flourished here, but lately, finding that their customers had forsaken them, they departed, and to-day w^e have a quiet, sober, orderly village, with a large per cent, of the inhabitants sporting the "blue" and "purple." The doctors who have resided and practiced here at different periods are: Messrs. Cruse, Knott, Bowles, Torn, 422 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. Darley, Morrison, Carter, Linfoot, Burns, and Arnold. G. W. Burns came from Pennsylvania, and located here about 1868, and still resides and practices here. Dr. J. Arnold, a native Illinoisan, and a young man of considerable abilit}^ as a physician, came to this place in the Fall of 1876, and still remains. It has frequently been said of him, by the older physicians, that he is unusually bright and well posted, for one of his age. Ministers of the gospel have been Rev. Messrs. A. J. Whitesides, Culp, Henry 1^. Johnson, who, by the way, lives in Morgan County, but has preached at this point quite regularly for the past twenty-five years, Goldsby, Waddle, Curry, Haley, Isham Roberts, and Alexander. Jus- tices of the Peace : Cranfil, Carriger, Little, A. J. Whitesides, L. J. Patterson, who has also been associate justice, and high sheriff, still lives here, and is justice of the peace at present writing, George Cranfil, L. T. Whitesides, Josiah Jones, John Jones (present sheriff), C. C. Eaton, and W. C. Dandy ; the latter gentleman is also justice of the peace at this writing. Lawyers : The first one was James M. Riggs, who now resides three miles east, and is an excellent scholar, speaking several languages flu- ently, and is an able man in every way; John B. Henderson, present judge of Scott County; J. L. Patterson, now located in Roodhouse, and doing a flourishing business, and Thomas Henshaw, who studied and graduated under the tutorage of Knapp &, Riggs, of Winchester, prac- ticed here a few months, and located in Carrollton ; he is now a meml)er of the firm of Meyerstein & Henshaw, White Hall, and bids fair to rise to a station among the first of his profession. In addition to the school teachers mentioned above, we can name Esq. Heaton, Colby Young, J. M. Riggs, Price Lovelace, Irvin Wells, Capt. W. H. Ellis, Bristow, Hen- derson, Lemons, Jones, A. Thomas, J. L. Patterson, Thomas Henshaw, Miss Lucy M. Burr (daughter of Judge A. G. Burr), Miss Lelia J. Hal- birt. Park W. Jackson, and T. J. Albert. The latter began here in Octo- ber, 1870, and has taught, every Winter, in the village since, besides teaching four Spring and Summer terms, making nine years in all, at one place, and is still teaching the town school, at present Avriting, 1879. The Methodists have an organization numbering some fifteen or twenty members, and the Baptists, who hold meetings regularly, have a membership of near three hundred. The church house is very large, ca- pable of accommodating four or five hundred persons, and frequently a greater number crowds in during a revival. The school building was erected in 1873, is furnished with forty patent seats, capable of seating eighty pupils ; has abundance of blackboard room, well lighted, vestibule in front end, furnished with hat hooks, shelves, etc. The yard is beauti- fully adorned, and shaded with a grove of thrifty maples, planted l)y W. B. Coates, who, at the time was, and still is, director of the school. Our people are, and have ever been, remarkable for the interest manifested in the educational welfare of the youths of the district. As a rule, they have aimed to supply the best talent, regardless of expense. The sched- ules for the past several years have contained from seventy to eighty-five names, and at present writing the school is in a flourishing condition. As stated above, we find it impossible to name, consecutively, the links which formed the business of this village, hence we shall content our- selves with giving it as we get it. In 1855, J. R. Pruitt and L. T. White- sides were the business men of the place. In 1856, Lee Coates and his HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 423 father, John Coates, engaged in the mercantile business, and for four or five years had a good trade. In 1857, W. B. Coates succeeded his father, John Coates, became a partner with his brother Lee, thus forming a strong and prosperous firm, which continued till 1861, when they dis- solved, and Lee continued some time alone, dealing heavily in grain, barge building with L. E. Carter, at Grand Pass, etc. About this time, W. B. Coates did considerable business as a stock and grain dealer, till in the Spring of ISG-l, W. B. Coates went to Montana gold mines, where he re- mained four years, bringing back a handsome sum of money. October 1, 1869, W. B. Coates embarked in mercantile enterprise, which he has constantly and vigorously pursued till the present writing, when, as an evidence of his success, we find him carrying a stock of goods estimated at $5,000. As a matter of business and accommodation, it has been his practice to buy everything that farmers and others had to sell, from a pound of butter to 20,000 bushels of wheat. Of all men who ever gave customers time and credit for goods, it is but just to say that W. B. Coates is the most lenient. About 1857, Morris & Simons sold goods here for a short period, and were succeeded by Beal Cotter, in 1859. In 1860, Aaron Reno & Brother succeeded J. R. Pruitt. In 1865, Elihu Yates and James Wilkinson embarked in the dry goods and gro- cery business, but not succeeding well, soon retired. About 1866, J. R. Pruitt and Philemon Reno formed a dry goods firm, and after a short time retired. Edward S. Houghton, also, dealt in boots, shoes, etc., for a short time. About the same time Jones, Patterson & Howard formed a copartnership, and sold an immense amount of goods, continuing some three or four years. In 1869, Philemon Reno dealt in groceries alone. About 1873, Isaac Lowenstein went into the grocery and notion business, and, succeeding in that, bought a corner lot and put up a spacious and modern building, over which Eagle Hall is situated. In this building he sold various lines of goods. He was succeeded by B. F. & G. W. Car- riger. They were succeeded by Gurley & Doyle, who still occupy and do business in the same house. Jacob Anthony sold goods here for a sea- son, and was succeeded by Napoleon Gormley. John House, plasterer, stone and brick mason, has lived here some twenty-eight years. Adam House, carpenter, has been residing here near twenty-three years. John Ricks, carpenter, has been here several years. These three mechanics do all the work in their line in the neighborhood. One of the most interesting and important features in the way of public entertainment, instruction, etc., is the Wilmington Literary and Polemic Society, organized some fifteen years ago, and is still in active operation, holding public debates once a week, when essays, select read- ing, dialogues, vocal music, general debate and impromptus, and the read- ing of Polemic Journal^ edited by T. J. Albert, are the order of each meeting. Speakers at present are : Dr. J. Arnold, J. W. Beal, L. J. Patterson, James Code, C. C. Eaton, A. Thomas, and T. J. Albert. Of- cers : President, Esqr. Wm. C. Dandy; Vice President, T. J. Albert ; Secretary, J. Harvey Powell ; Assistant Secretary, Creighton A. Hen- shaw ; Treasurer, J. W. Beal ; Sergeant-at-Arms, L. J. Patterson ; Ed- itor, T. J. Albert. The meetings are held in Eagle Hall, and much ben- efit has been derived by each active member. The " temperance wave" struck this place in the Spring of 1878, and an organization of more than 424 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. two hundred was formed. The town was incorporated in 1869, under the State law, and was organized under the vilhige act in 1875. Town Council are : President, George W. Collister ; Clerk, Dr. J. Arnold ; Treasurer, W. B. Coates ; J. Madison Linder, John House, C. C. Eaton, L. J. Patterson, Thomas Marsh, and A. Thomas being members. Our village is surrounded by a beautiful scope of country, with an exceedingly fertile soil, enterprising farmers, stock raisers, etc.; and being situated within easy reach of the railroad, and not far from the river, and consid- ering the facts that we have a daily mail, that old buildings are being- replaced by new and better ones, we see nothing to prevent it from, some day, becoming a town of commercial and manufacturing importance. BLUFFDALE. Bluffdale, in Greene County, Illinois, received its name from the late John Russell, one of its earliest settlers. It was the third post office established in the county. Carrollton with Skidmore, postmaster, was the first and White Hall with Holiday as postmaster, was the second, then came Bluffdale, with John Russell for postmaster, who gave it its present poetic name. This commission bears date November 2, 1829, and is signed by W. T. Barry, postmaster-general, and has been held continuously by father and son up to the present date. The topography of this quaint little region, presents, more than any other place that I have seen, a union of all that is most striking and peculiar in western landscape. Almost overhanging the homes of the settlers are the bluffs, in manj^ places a solid perpendicular wall of Bur- lington limestone, rising sometimes to the height of two hundred feet. Im- mediately back of this wall and not unfrequently at its very brink, rises a series of conical hills from one to two hundred feet higher. During the Summer season, these cones are crowned to their very summit with the very richest verdure, presenting a fine contrast with the brown, rugged cliffs below. At Cavendish, in the County of Windsor, on the 31st day of July, 1793, was born John Russell, Jr., son of John and Lucretia (Preston) Russell. His father was an old-fashioned Baptist preacher ; severely Cal- vinistic in his belief and puritanical in practice. His mother was revered for her piety and good works. He had one brother older than himself and one younger, also three sisters, and was the survivor of them all ex- cept one. His parents were in moderate pecuniary circumstances and could give none of their children any educational advantages, except those that were afforded by the common schools. John, however, had a thirst for learning which could not be assuaged by any scanty draughts of the Pierian spring, and not only without the encouragement, but contrary to the advice and wishes of his father, he entered Middle- bury College, March 25, 1814. He had already commenced authorship as a means of procuring tlie needful funds. His first literary venture was " The Authentic History of the Vermont State Prison," a duodec- imo volume of ninety-one pages, now exceedingly rare. In the preHra- inary " Apology," he says : " It was not the unpardonable vanity of becoming an author^ but necessity^ the mother of invention, that produced the present work." The only motive for writing tlie " History of Vermont HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 425 Prison " was the aid that the sale of the copyright would afford the author in obtaining a collegiate education. This little volume was pub- lished at Windsor, in 1812, by Preston Merrifield, with whom he had formerly served an apprenticeship to the business of book-binding. Dur- ing the interval between the junior and senior terms he taught school at Vergennes, Vt., and while there made a profession of religion by uniting with the Baptist Church. Upon his return to college he found himself the only Baptist student connected with the institution. He was gradu- ated in 1818, and soon after went to Mcintosh County, Ga., where he taught school. On the 25th day of October, of that year, he married at Whitewater, Ind., Laura Ann Spencer, daughter of Capt. Gideon Spencer of Vergennes, Vt. In 1819 he removed to Missouri, then a territory, and taught a family school in " Bonhommie Bottom " five years. While living at that place, he wrote for the Missourian, a local paper at St. Charles, Mo., an anonymous article entitled " The Venomous Worm." It resembled Franklin's writings in pithiness, pungency and brevity, and immediately attracted almost universal attention. It went the rounds of the press, not only in America but also in Europe, where it was trans- lated and published in several languages. When Pierpont, the poet, compiled his " National Reader," this article was introduced as one of the lessons. It also found a place in McGuffey's series of readers. By all these means it obtained a very extensive circulation, and exerted a powerful influence upon public opinion. After closing his engagement at Bonhommie Bottom, he taught a year in St. Louis, then a little French town. He taught a high school in Vandalia, Ills., and two years in Alton Seminary, now Shurtleff College. In 1828 he became the proprietor of a romantic situation in Greene Co., Ills., including a perpendicular bluff of limestone several hundred feet high, commanding an extensive prospect up and down the Illinois river. To these premises he gave the name of Bluffdale, and here was his home for the rest of his life, though he was absent sometimes for long spaces of time, while employed in teaching. He received license as a preacher of the gospel from a Baptist Church at Bluffdale, Feb. 6, 1833, but great natural timidity and excessive sensitiveness prevented him from preach- ing, except occasionally, and he never received ordination. He was principal of Spring Hill Academy, in the parish of East Feliciana, La., eight years, during which time he was Superintendant of Public Schools in the parish. On his return liome in the Summer of 1843, he found the little church to which he belonged sadly scattered by the introduction of Universalism. To remedy this state of things, he prepared and preached a sermon entitled " The Serpent Uncoiled," which was printed and achieved a large degree of popularity. He wrote for the press with un- wearied assiduity during the last twenty-five years of his life. For two years, 1838 and 1839, he was editor of the Backwoodsman, published at Grafton, Ills, (then in Greene Co.), and in 1841 and 1842 he edited the Advertiser at Louisville, Ky. After he ceased to be an editor he was an incessant contributor. As a writer his language was chaste and classical ; his style clear, concise and vigorous, and sometimes highly ornate. His mind was naturally inventive and fertile ; his taste pure and exact ; his thoughts always appropriate and frequently striking. There was almost no style of writing that he did not attempt, or attempting he did not 426 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. adorn. He was a profound mathematician, and an accomplished linguist, reading with fluency Latin, Greek, Spanish, German and Italian. In 1862 he received the degree of Doctor of Laws from the University of Chicago. Among the most popular of his many writings are " The Piasa," " The Specter Hunter," " Little Granite," " Cahokia," " Claudine Lavalle," "The Mormoness," "Alice Wade," "Lame Isaac," and "The Drama of Human Life." His intercourse with the world was marked by the most childlike gentleness. His simple reliance upon Providence, his unshaken faith in the power and efficacy of prayer, marked with a ray of divine light his pathway down the rugged ways of life. The poor and unfortunate, whatever might be their character, he never turned empty from his door away. He was generous almost to a fault, impov- erishing himself that he might cast plenty into the laps of those beloved. Putting implicit confidence in the integrity of mankind, he was over- reached in almost every pecuniar}^ transaction, as careless of worldly wealth as be was grasping after the wealth of science. Few men have been more ardently devoted to the good of the whole human family, more earnestly striving for the liberty and education of all that bear the image of God. He died Jan. 21, 1865, aged nearly seventy years, and lies buried at the foot of the tall bluffs, in full view of his old home. FAYETTE. The proprietors of Fayette were Manoah Bostick, James Metcalf and William Blair. Mr. Metcalf 's land lay along the county line, as did Mr. Bostick's, just south of the former, and Mr. Blair's lay west of Mr. Metcalf 'sand north of Mr. Bostick's, so that the two tracts of Messrs. Blair and Metcalf joined along the north side of Mr. Bostick's. The town was located at this point, Mr. Bostick furnishing the ground for one-half and each of the others one-fourth of the town ; several build- ings were soon erected in the town of Fayette, among which were three brick buildings, of which Mr. Bostick and Mr. Metcalf each built one for a store, and Mr. Hall one for a dwelling. Two stores were soon put in operation in the place under the style of " Metcalf & Woodson," and " Blair & Brother." One of the principal streets of the town passed along the dividing line between the land of Mr. Blair and Mr. Metcalf; it was soon lined on both sides with small frame houses, and the place be- gan to look quite town-like. On the very day that the proprietor of Rivesville applied to a machinist for a carding machine to be erected at Rivesville, the machinist also received an order from one of the propri- etors of Fayette for a carding machine to be put up in that place, in which the applicant stated that he wanted the first one that went from the shop. These men were all very highly esteemed by those who knew them, and were among the first men in point of reputation in our county. Mr. Metcalf eventually left the county and resided at or near Alton. Mr. Rives removed to Greenfield, where he was well and favorably known by nearly every person in the eastern part of Greene County. Mr. Bostick has been dead many years. During his residence in Fayette he displayed a great amount of business talent, gained the esteem of a large portion of the community, served the people of our county in the State Senate, much to their satisfaction, and died much lamented. HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 427 Fayette now contains three stores. Archibald Lee deals in drugs and a general variety of goods. He formerly lived in Greenfield. John Teaney is postmaster, preacher and dealer in general merchandise. R. W. Carr also sells drugs. There are also two blacksmith shops. The church building is occupied by both the Baptist and the Christian de- nominations. WRIGHTSVILLE. Wrightsville, a small town on the C. B. & Q. R. R., was laid out June 18, 1872, by A. J. Wright. Mr. Wright for some years almost con- stituted the town. He built the first residence and first warehouse, started the first lumber yard, was the first postmaster, first justice of the peace and notary public. The first lot was sold in March, 1873, for $60. Mr. Wright has donated building sites to several parties. He was ap- pointed the first railroad agent, in 1872. The first blacksmith shop was built by William Ickes, which he occupied for a year and a half; H. C. Stout was the first carpenter, A. L. Brannan the first wagon maker, Dr. John Harris was the first physician, and he was also a clergyman of the Christian denomination. Kissinger Bros, first shipped hogs and grain. The first marriage was that of George W. Rhodes to Jane Davidson, and the first birth was a son to Mr. and Mrs. Mansfield. The vicinity is particularly noted for the extra quality of its wheat, of which 40,000 bushels are annually shipped from Wrightsville depot. ATHENSVILLE. Sometime previous to 1830, a man named Scroggs from Morgan County came into this county and settled very near wliere Athensville was afterward located. Others made improvements east of Athensville about 1831 or 1832, among whom was Mr. Rigsby. He took possession of a place which had previously been occupied by Sandy Wiggins. It was about a mile east of the present town. John Ruyle settled two miles east of this place about 1831, and near him was a man named Jackson. Orphy Shepherd made his home a mile northeast, and Mr. Morton settled about the same distance west of Athensville. Not far from his cabin were the improvements of Mr. Musgrove and Alexander Robinson. Just north was Benoni Banning, who had made an earlier settlement near Hickory Grove. The first building in Athensville was probably erected in 1832 or 1833, by Greene Weaver. Mr. Weaver had been sent from Carrollton by John Evans with a stock of goods, which he first undertook to sell at Mt. Airy. This stock he brought to Athensville with him, at the date above mentioned. After a time Mr. John Armstrong, from near Carroll- ton became the proprietor, in part at least, and continued the business for several years. Hon. Alexander King was for several years a partner of Mr. Armstrong and continued with him until the death of the latter some fifteen years since. Mr. Armstrong was an Englishman by birth, but emigrated to this county during the early history of Greene County. He was well acquainted with the early settlers and few men have been more generally esteemed by those around them than John Armstrong. The town of Athensville was laid out by Greene Weaver in October, 1834. 428 HISTORY OF GKEENE COUNTY. The Christian denomination erected a church at an early day, in which Mr. Weaver, who was a minister of that denomination, took an active part. It was used for many years, but when the school house was erected the old church was abandoned. The Baptists now hold meetings in the hall over. The people of that part of Greene County are more inclined to agri- cultural pursuits than to town building, and for that reason Athensville has not grown to the dimensions of some other towns in the county. Nevertheless it is a place of same business. There are three stores in the town. John English sells dry goods, etc., and Chas. Mason and W. D. Hardcastle keep a general stock. There are besides three blacksmiths and one shoemaker. Tilmon S. Patterson is the postmaster and has acted in that capacity for some years. Rev. John Johnson is the Baptist minister. BARROW. Barrow is a small village of about one hundred inhabitants, situ- ated on the St. Louis branch of the C. B. & Q. railroad in the northern part of Greene County. The place was originally laid out by Robert Thompson in 1869, as a result of a contract, whereby, the railroad com- pany built a side track at this point and agreed to maintain it in return for the right of way freely granted through Mr. Thompson's land. The next year the first dwelling and first blacksmith shop were built by James Ashlock. John Williams erected the first store building and the resi- dents in the vicinity, put up a depot costing about $500. In 1871, Mr. Thompson sold out his farm and his entire interest in the town to Mr. Alfred Barrow, by whom it was again laid out, platted, and for whom it was named. Mr. Barrow donated one acre of land for stock- pens and two acres for other depot grounds. Very soon Mr. Barrow erected a fine residence in the town for himself and several smaller buildings for rent. The people united in the erection of a neat and com- modious church which is used by the Methodists and by two Baptist Churches. There is also a good church building about half a mile south of the village. It was during 1871, that the first warehouse was erected by Smith, Edwards & Barrow. The growth of the town has been very slow, although the richness of the soil about it is a guarantee of steady increase ; sevent}^ thousand bushels of wheat have been shipped from Barrow during one season. The village now contains about twenty-five dwellings, one church, one town hall a first class building, one saw and grist mill, one elevator, one blacksmith and wagon shop, two stores, one boot and shoe shop, one tile factory, one boarding house, etc. Only one or two deaths have occurred in the town during its existence. NEW PROVIDENCE, New Providence, a small place located near the center of Greene County, was laid off May 5, 1867, by F. M. Bell, John Bell and Jesse S. Allen. The place is often spoken of as Belltown, from the name of one of its most enterprising citizens, through whose influence a new name was uiven it, and is an old landmark. It was a center of trade HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 429 forty years ago, and was at one time a very ambitious village. Messrs. F. M. and John Bell were originally farmers, but subsequently became owners of the grist and saw mill built by Thos. Allen very early in the history of the county. F. M. Bell was afterward sheriff of the county, and Bell Brothers built the new mill. They were succeeded by Jesse Allen, and later F. M. Bell and H. Tunison owned the establish- ment. The present proprietor is Mr. Thomas Johnson. Mr. Finis Bell owns the only saw mill in the place. The first store in the place was probably built by the late B. F. Baldwin, who sold goods here until he removed to White Hall. The postoffice was also in the building and Mr. Baldwin was the first post- master. When the C. & A. road was opened the postoffice was removed to Berdan. The first church of which we have mention was a frame structure, erected for the Presbyterians. The first pastor of this organi- zation was Rev. H. Knowles. Rev. R. M. Smith is the present incumbent. P. R. McFarland is the blacksmith of the village. New Providence con- tains probably nearly one hundred inhabitants, who are distinguished for their sobriety, industry and respect for religion. WALKERVILLE. Walkerville is a small village, of about one hundred inhabitants, situ- ated in Township 11, Range 13. It was laid out by John Walker, who was one of the early settlers of the county, and who conceived the idea and founded the town in 1835. He was the first to settle in the new village. 'Squire Vinyard erected one of the first residences in the place, Jason C. Lewis built the first store, where he subsequently dealt in dry goods and groceries. He was appointed the first postmaster. 'Squire Vinyard also sold goods, and afterward was placed in charge of the postoffice. He sold out his goods toKinser & Brantlett, who became bankrupt and do not now live in the place. Their successor was Ezra Swank, who now keeps a small store and is the postmaster. 'Squire Vinyard also presides over a stock of goods ; and John Painter is the justice of the peace. No church building has been erected, but religious services are often held in the scliool house. The school building was erected in 1858 or 1859 by Newton Cox. Andrew Kelly built the first blacksmith shop and worked in the village for a number of years. He was succeeded by his son, Doctor Kelly, and the present proprietor is William Brubaker. Walkerville was once a flourishing village, and built up rapidly, but like many towns not on a railroad was forced into a decline. WOODVILLE. Woodville a small village, situated in the southwestern part of the county, was platted as a village on the 10th of October, 1835, by Amon Wood, Seanright Wood and others. Mr. Poindexter built the first frame building and opened a small store for the sale of whiskey, which flowed perhaps more abundantly than at the present day. Not long thereafter George Rice opened a general merchandise store and con- ducted a prosperous business ; his successors were Allen Wood and John Bronough. Shortly afier the town was laid off, Esquire Wood O 430 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. erected a two-story frame building for use as a store, but it was never used as such and it is now the property of Dr. M. F. Kelley. About 1837, Russell Rice erected a small building which was used as a grocery. Benjamin Powell built the fourth primitive establishment — a log cabin. Henry C. Sieverling was the first blacksmith of the town, and afterwards came Andrew Kelley and Thomas Lyle, who built the second shop of the kind, and is still a resident of the place. Although the town never boasted a drug store, Allen Wood was to some extent a dispenser of drugs in this locality. Edward Pegram in 1877, built a substantial brick build- ing, where he transacts a successful business in groceries. In 1870, Dr. Bruner became a resident of the main village. In 1875, he built a hand- some residence east of E. Pegram's store. Several attempts have been made to establish a post office at Wood- ville. Some twenty years ago, while William L. Greene officiated as justice of the peace, William Scott, through the united efforts of Messrs. Greene, Harvey Trimble and others, was employed for a short time to carry the mail, making one trip per week to CarroUton ; but this was dis- continued. Woodville has grown slowly and contains about thirty in- habitants. BERDAN. Berdan, a small town on the Chicago and Alton Railroad, was laid out by Kellogg, Olmstead, and Worcester, in September, 1865. It was named for Judge James Berdan, of Jacksonville, who occupied a promi- nent position in connection with the railroad. The place now contains about fifteen houses, and within its limits and in the immediate vicinity are the homes of an upright and enterprising class of people. George Sleight is postmaster and railroad agent; Joseph Blackshaw is deputy postmaster and merchant ; Miss Mattie Lynn is the teacher ; Rev. R. M. Smith is pastor of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. COLUMBIANA. Columbiana, a landing place on the Illinois River, was laid out as a town in September, 1835, by Solomon Bushnell. A. J. Stone owns a warehouse and small store. There are a few houses in the immediate vicinity, but no post-office. The place was once quite important, when a large portion of all the goods brought into the county came by the river. Little business is now done here, save the shipping of grain and cattle from the western part of the county. JALAPPA. The village of Jalappa is situated in Township 9, Range 11, and contains about thirty inhabitants. It was originally laid out in August, 1867, by Fred Sunkel & Bi-o. This village contains a very fine grist mill owned by Enoch Littlefield and under the superintendence of J. T. Briggs. The only blacksmith shop is owned and occupied by Matthew McGlasson the pioneer smith. J. G. Gardiner sells groceries in the only store in the place. There was formerly a post office at this place but it has been removed. GEEENE COUNTY WAR RECORD. ABBREVIATIONS Adj Adjutant Art Artillery Col Colonel Cap t Captai n Corp Corporal Cav Cavalry disch discharged e enlisted . ex expired hon honorably Inf Infantry Inv Invalid kid killed Lieut Lieutenant ni.o mustered out mustered date of mus er pris prisoner pro promoted des deserted Regt Regiment rank date of rank re-eni re-enlisted Sergt Sergeant transf transferred vet veteran SEVENTH INFANTRY. COMPANY F. PRIVATE. White John, e. July 25, '61 NINTH (Consolidat d.) INFANTRY. COMPANY G. PRIVATE. O'Rieley Thos. e. Feb. g, '64, m. o. July 9/65 TWELFTH INFANTRY. COMPANY A. PRIVATE. Jackson Henry, e. Aug. i, '61, died July 30,'62 FOURTEENTH INFANTRY. Adj. Robert P. McKnight, rank Jan, 20, '62, pro. by the Prest. COMPANY B. RECUUIT. Whittemore A. T. e. Sep. 17, '62, died Oct. 10,' 63 COMPANY D. Capt. Thomas J. Bryant, rank May 3, '61, resigned Oct. 5, '62 Capt. James E. Williams, rank Oct. 5, '62, pro. 1st Tenn. Artillery May 29, '63 Capt. Carlos C. Cox, rank May 29, '63. See Co. D. Vet. Battalion First Lieut. Robt. P. McKnight, rank May 3, '61, pro. Adjutant First Lieut. James E. Williams, rank Jan. 20, '62, pro. First Lieut. Carlos C. Cox, rank Oct. 5, '62, pro. First Lieut. Thos. A. Weisner, rank Feb. 26, '64. See Co. F, Vet. Battalion Second Lieut, James E. Williams, rank May 3, '61, pro. Second Lieut. Carlos C. Cox, rank Jan. 20, '62, pro. First Sergt. Carlos C. Cox, e. May 25, '61, pro. Second Lieut. Sergt. William R. Love, e. May 25, '61, disch. Jan. 29, '62, disability Sergt. Richard D. Bibb, e. May 25, '61 Corp. Thomas A. Weisner, e. May 25, '61, re-enl. as vet. Corp. Reuben E. Weisner, e. May 25, '61, died Apr. 21, '62, wounds Corp. John H. Hogan, e. May 25, '61 Corp. Robert Jarvis, e. May 25, '61 Corp. Joseph C. Carroll, e. May 25, '61, re- enl. as vet. Corp. Thomas A. Millhouse, e. May 25, '6r, disch. June 20, '62, disab. Corp. William H. Wilson, e. May 25, '61, disch. June 28, '62, wounds PRIVATES. Altune James W. e. May 25, '61, re-enl. as vet. Bowman Jacob, e. May 25, '61, died Jan, 4- '63 Clark William L. e. May 25, '61 Cash Cornelius B. e. May 25, '61, des. July 20, '62 Cunningham John, e. May 25, '61, disch. July ig, '62, wounds 432 GREENE COUNTY WAR RECORD. Culbertson Samuel, e. May 25, '61, disch. May 13, '62, disab. Dunn John, e. May 25, '61, corp. kid. at Shiloh April 6, '62 Davidson George H. e. May 25, '61, died April 17, '62, wounds Dennis Jasper, e. May 25, '61, disch. Nov. 29, '62, disab. Davidson William H. e. May 25, '61, kid. at Shiloh April 6, '62 Farmer Almarine, e. May 25, '61, re-enl. as vet. Kelly James, e. May 25, '61, died May 14, '62, wounds Lakin William A. e. May 25, '61, re-enl. as vet. Lynch Michael, e. May 25, '61 Montgomery Joseph N. e. May 25, '61 Mytinger Benj. F. e. May 25, '61, kid. Shiloh April 6, '62 Mytinger Francis M. e. May 25, '6r, disch. April 21, '62, disab. McDonald George, e. May 25, '61, re-enl. as vet. Melton Isaac N. e. May 25, '61, re-enl, as vet. Monder Samuel, e. May 25, '61 Neice James, e. May 25, '61, re-enl, as vet. Neice Ellis, e. May 25, '61, re-enl. as vet. Patterson Thomas, e. May 25, '61 Reynolds Elijah S. e. May 25, '61, disch. Jan. I, '62, disab. Rouen Michael, e. May 25, '61, disch.Oct. 20, '63, for promotion Short Thomas J. e. May 25, '61, re-enl. as vet. Scott Cornelius, e. May 25, '61 Wilder George B. e. May 25, '61, disch.March 28, '63, disab. Wylder Bluford, e. May 25, '61, re-enl. as vet. Wylder Robert, e. May 25, '61 Walker Robert, e. May 25, '61, pro. Sergt. disch. June 20, '62 Yeoman Charles, e. May 22, '61, disch. Aug. 29, '62, disab. VETERANS. Altune James, e. Jan. 5, '64. See Co. D.Vet. Battalion Baker David, e. Jan. 5, '64. See Co. D. Vet. Battalion Baring James M. e. Jan. 5, '64. See Co. D. Vet. Battalion Brown Chas. e. Jan. i, '64. See Co. D. Vet, Battalion Burton Isaac P. e. Jan. 5, '64. See Co. D. Vet. Battalion Farmer Almarine, e. Jan 5, '64. See Co. D. Vet. Battalion Melton IsaacN.e. Jan. i,'64. See Co. D.Vet. Battalion Neice Ellis C. e. Dec. I4,'63. See Co. D. Vet. Battalion Neice James, e. Jan. 5, '64. See Co. D. Vet. Battalion Weisner Thomas A. e. Jan. i, '64, pro. First Lieut. RECRUITS. Bachus Henry E. e. June i, '61 Baker David, e. June i, '61, re-enl. as vet. Baring James M. e. June i, '61, re-enl. as vet. Brown Charles, e. June i, '61, re-enl. as vet. Bell John L. e. June i, '61 Cox Daniel M. e. Sept. 9, '61. Sec Co. D. Vet. Battalion Cox Henry C. e. Jan. 23, '64. See Co. D. Vet. Battalion Conley John, e. March 31, '64. See Co. D. Vet. Battalion Carroll Eugene L. e. March 30, '64. See Co. D. Vet. Battalion Cannon Patrick, e. March 26, '64. See Co. D. Vet. Battalion Cannedy James H. e. March 31, '64. See Co. D. Vet. Battalion Durham John, e. March 31, '64. See Co. D. Vet. Battalion Evans James J. e. March 28, '64. See Co. D. Vet. Battalion Griswold John, e. March 30, '64. See Co. D, Vet. Battalion Heiner John, e. June i, '61 Halbert Wm. L. e. Sep. 11, '62, re-enl. as vet. Hardin Roswell, e. March 27, '64. See Co. D. Vet. Battalion Hill James L. e. March 31, '64. See Co. D. Vet. Battalion Henderson James W. e. March 28, '64. See Co. D. Vet. Battalion Jeffries John, e. June i, '61 Mytinger John A. e. Jan. 13, '62, died Feb. 17, '62 Neice W. F. e. Feb. 22, '64. See Co. A.Vet. Battalion Pitman Samuel, e. March 31, '64. See Co.A. Vet. Battalion Pitman John H. e. March 26, '64. See Co. A» Vet. Battalion GREENE COUNTY WAR RECORD. 433 Pinegar James P. e. March 31, '64. See Co. A. Vet. Battalion Taylor Chas D. e. March 27, '64. See Co.D. Vet. Battalion Worcester Alfred J. e. June i, '61 Watson Walter O. e. Sept. 11, '62, See Co. D. Vet. Battalion Wylder Geo. B. e. March 21, '64. See Co. D. Vet. Battalion COMPANY F. PRIVATES. Court Charles, e. May 25, '61 Wilson William, e. May 25, '61 RECRUITS. Dawson William H. e. June 4, '61, died March 25, '62 Elson William H. e. Jan. i, '62. See Co. D. Vet. Battalion Werts Seymour, e. Aug 10, '61. See Co. B. Vet. Battalion COMPANY H. RECRUIT. Wright Christopher C. e, Aug. ■!, '61. See Co. A, Vet. Battalion COMPANY K. PRIVATE. Wells Lorenzo A. e. Jan. 5, '64. See Co. F. Vet. Battalion RECRUITS. Close Wm. D. e. Sept. il, '62. See Co. F. Vet. Battalion Eldred Julius, e. Sept. 11, '62. See Co. F. Vet. Battalion VETERAN BATTALION FOURTEENTH AND FIFTEENTH INFANTRY. Major Carlos C. Cox, rank Aug. i, '64, transf. as Major 14th Inf. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICER. Com. Sergt. Isaac Melton, e. Jan. i, '64, transf. as Com. Sergt. to N. C. S. 14th Illinois as revived COMPANY A. PRIVATE. Kilpatrick John A. e. Sept. 11, '62. See Co. A. 14th, 111. as revived COMPANY B. PRIVATES. Thompson Geo. W. e. Aug. io,'6i. See Co. B. 15th Illinois, as revived Wirts Seymour S. e. Aug. 10, '61. See Co.B. 15th Illinois, as revived COMPANY D. Capt. Carlos C. Cox, rank May 29, '63, pro. Major Sergt. Joseph C. Carroll, e. Dec. 12, '63. See Co. D. 14 Illinois, as revived Sergt. David Baker, e. Jan. 5, '64. See Co. D. 14th Illinois, as revived Corp. Isaac N. Melton, e. Jan. i, '64. See Co. D. 14th Illinois, as revived Corp. Charles Brown, e. Jan. 5, '64. See Co. D. 14th Illinois, as revived Corp. Walter O. Watson, e. Sept. ii,'62. See Co. D. 14th Illinois, as revived Corp. James M. Baring, e. Jan. 5, '64. See Co. D. 14th Illinois, as revived Musician Isaac P. Barton, e. Jan. 5, '64. See Co. D. 14th Illinois, as revived Altune James, e. Jan. 5, '64. See Co. D.i4th Illinois, as revived Carroll Eugene e. March 30, '64. See Co. D. 14th Illinois, as revived Cannedy James H. e. March 31, '64. See Co. D. 14th Illinois, as revived Cannon Patrick, e. March 26, '64. See Co. D. 14th Illinois, as revived Conley John, e. March 31, '64. See Co. D. 14th Illinois, as revived Cox Daniel M. e. Sept. 9, '61. See Co. D. 14th Illinois, as revived Cox Henry C. e. Jan. 23, '64. See Co. D. 14th Illinois, as revived Dunham John, e. March 31, '64. See Co.D. 14th Illinois, as revived Evans James J. e. March 28, '64. See Co.D. 14th Illinois, as revived Elson William H. e. Jan. i, '62. See Co. D. 14th Illinois, as revived Farmer Almerine, e. Jan. 5, '64. See Co. D. 14th Illinois, as revived Griswold A. e. March 26, '64. See Co. D. 14th Illinois, as revived Harden Roswell, e, March 27, '64. See Co.D. 14th Illinois, as revived Halbert William L. e. Sept. 11, '62. See Co. D. 14th Illinois, as revived Henderson James W. e. March 28, '64. See Co. D. 14th Illinois, as revived Hill James S. e. March 31, '64. See Co. D. 14th Illinois, as revived Neice James, e. Jan. 5, '64. See Co. D. 14th Illinois, as revived Neice Ellis C. e. Dec. 12, '63. See Co. D. 14th Illinois, as revived Neice William, e. March 21, 64. See Co. D. 14th Illinois, as revived 434 GREENE COUNTY WAR RECORD. Pitman Samuel, e. March 31, '64. See Co. D. 14th Illinois, as revived Pitman John H, e. March 26, '64. See Co. D. 14th Illinois, as revived Pinegar James P. e. March 31, '64. See Co. D. 14th Illinois, as revived Taylor Charles D. e. March 27, '64. See Co. D. 14th Illinois, as revived Wylder Geo: B. e. March 31, '64. See Co. D. 14th Illinois, as revived COMPANY F. Capt. Thomas A. Weisner, rank July 20, '64, transf. 14th Illinois Inf. First Lieut. Thomas A. Weisner, rank Feb. 26, '64, pro. Corp. William D. Close, e. Sept. 11, '62. See Co. F. 14th Illinois, as revived Corp. Julius Eldred, e. Sept. 11, '62. See Co. F. 14th Illinois, as revived PRIVATE. Wells Alonzo, e. Jan. 5, '64. See Co. F. 14th Illinois, as revived. FOURTEENTH (Re-organized) INFANTRY. Major Carlos C. Cox, rank Aug. i, '64, m. o. Sept. 16, '65 NON-COMMISSIONED STAFF. Com. Sergt. Isaac Melton, e. Jan. i, '64, vet. m. o. Sept. 16, '65 COMPANY A. PRIVATE. Kilpatrick John A. e. Sept. 11, '62, m, o. June I, '65 COMPANY D, Sergt. Joseph C. Carroll, e. Dec. 14, '63, m. o. May 30, '65 Sergt. David Baker, e. Jan. 5, '64, vet. died April 18, '65 Corp. Isaac N. Melton, e. Jan. i, '64, transf. N. C. S. Com. Sergt. Corp. Charles Brown, e. Jan. i, '64, vet. m. o. July 25, '65 Corp. Walter^O. Watson, e. Sept. 11, '62, m.o. May 30, '65 Corp. James M. Baring, e. Jan. 5, '64, m. o. May 30, '65 Musician Isaac P. Burton, e. Jan. 5, '64, m. o. May 30, '65' PRIVATES. Altune James M. e. Jan. 5, '64, vet. m.o. Sept. 16, '65 Carroll Eugene, e. March 30, '64. m. o. May 30, '65 Cannedy James H. e. March 3i,'64,m. o. May 30, '65 Cannon Patrick, e. March 26, '64, recruit, supposed m. o. Conly John, e. March 31, '64, m. o. May 30, '65 Cox Daniel M. e. Sept. 9, '61, m. o. Sept. 13, '65 Cox Henry C. e. Jan. 23, '64, m. o. June 17, '65 Dunham John, e. March 31, '64, m. o. May 30, '65 Evans James J. e. March 28, '64, absent with- out leave Elson Wm. H. e. Jan. i,'62, transf. ist Mo. Light Art. Farmer Almerine, e. Jan. 5, '64, m. o. May 30, '65 Griswold John, e. March 30, '64, m. o. May 30, '65 Hardin Roswell, e. March 27, '64, m. o. June 17/65 Halbert Wm. L. e. Sept. 11, '62, m. o. July 22, '65 Henderson James W. e. March 28, '64, m. o. May 30, '65 Hill James S. e. March 31, '64, vet. died Nov. 30, '64 Neece James, e. Jan. 5, '64, m. o. May 30, '65 Neice Ellis C. e. Dec. I4,'63, m. o. June 17, '65 Neice William, e. Feb. 22, '64, m. o. May 30, '65 Pitman Samuel, e. March 31, '64, recruit, m. o. May 12, '65 Pitman John H. e. March 26, '64, m. o. May 30, '65 Pinegar James P. e. March 31, '64, recruit, died May, 25, '64 Taylor Chas. D. e. March 27, '64, m. o. May 30, '65 Wykler Geo. B. e. March 31, '64, m. o. May 30, '65 COMPANY F. Capt. Thomas A. Weisner, rank July 20, '64, hon. disch. as First Lieut. May 15, '65 Corp. Wm. D. Close, e. Sept. 11, '62, recruit, pro. Sergt. Corp. Julius Eldred, e. Sept. 11, '62, m. o Aug. I, '65 PRIVATE. Wells Lorenzo, e. Jan. 5, '64, vet. m. o. July 31, '65 GREENE COUNTY WAR RECORD. 435 FIFTEENTH (Re-organized) INFANTRY. COMPANY B. PRIVATES. Thompson Geo. W. e. Aug. ic, '6i, m.o.Sept. 8, '64 Wirts Seymour S. e. Aug. 10, '61, m. o. Sept. 8, '64 SIXTEENTH INFANTRY. COMPANY C. RECRUITS. Kemmis Sam'l, e. Feb. 4, '65, m. o. July 8/65 Proude Mathew, e. Feb. 4, '65, m. o. July 8,'65 COMPANY E. RECRUIT. Davenport Thos, e. Feb. 4, '65, transf. from loist 111. m. o. July 8, '65 EIGHTEENTH (Re-organized) INFANTRY. COMPANY D. Corp. J. W. Bleakley, e. March 7, '65, m. o. June II, '65 COMPANY K. PRIVATE. Bonswell Gallant A. e. March 11, '65, m. o. Dec. 16, '65 COMPANY G. Second Lieut. Edward M. Bates, rank Sept. 21, '65, m. o. Sergt. Dec. 16, '65 First Sergt. Edwin M. Bates, e. Feb. 27, '65, m. o. Dec. 16, '65 Sergt. William Peter, e. Feb. 22, '65, m. o. Dec. 16, '65 Corp. Charles S. Cotter, e. Feb. 22, '65, m. o. as private Dec. 16, '65 Corp. Thomas Watson, e. Feb. 22, '65, m. o. Dec. 16, '65 Musician Francis V. Close, e. Feb. 22, '65, m. o. May 23, '65 PRIVATES. Biehin Francis, e. Feb. 27, '65, m. o. Dec. 16, '65 Ely Chas. B. e. Feb. 22, '65, m. o. Dec. i6,'65 Ryan John, e. Jan. 30, '65, des. March 20,'65 Wells Henry, e. Feb. 27, '65, m. o. Dec.16,'65 NINETEENTH INFANTRY. RECRUIT UNASSIGNED. Walbery Bernard, e. Feb. 22, '65 TWENTY-SECOND INFANTRY. NON-COMMISSIONED STAFF. Q. M. Sergt. David C. Barrow, e. June 25, '61, m. o. July 7, '64 COMPANY B. PRIVATE. Barrow David C. e. June 25, '61, pro. Q. M. Sergt. TWENTY-SEVENTH INFANTRY. COMPANY K. VETERAN. O'Riely Thomas, e. Jan i, '64, tranf. Co. G. gth 111. Inf. as consolidated TWENTY-EIGHTH (Conso'idated) INFAN- TRY. COMPANY A. RECRUIT. Rodgers Alfred, e. Feb. 14, '65, m. o. Feb. 14, '66 COMPANY C. RECRUIT. Allen Isaac, e. Jan. 30, '65, m. o. Jan. 30, '66 COMPANY D. RECRUIT. Wright Benj. F. e. Jan. 18, '65, m. o. Aug. i, '65 COMPANY E. RECRUIT. Branon Patrick, e. Feb. i, '62 COMPANY K. PRIVATE. Quackenbush James, e. March 18, '65, des. April I, '65 TWENTY-NINTH INFANTRY. COMPANY K. RECRUIT. Foils Frank, e. Feb. 3, '65, m. o. Nov. 6, '65 THIRTIETH INFANTRY. COMPANY I. PRIVATE. Drake Sam'l, e. Aug. 20, '6 1, disch. Jan. '65 THIRTY-SECOND INFANTRY. Col. Geo. H. English, rank Dec. 30, '64, m.o. as Lieut. Col. Sept. 16, '65 Lieut, Col. Geo. H. English, rank Aug. 14, '63, pro. . Major Geo. H. English, rank April i2,'62,pro. First Asst. Surgeon Jno. J. Gilmer, rank Jan. 5, '64, m. o. Second Asst. Surgeon, April 12, '65, term ex. Second Asst. Sugeon Jno. J. Gilmer, rank Sept. 16, '62, pro. NON-COMMISSIONED STAFF. Com. Sergt. Jno. E. Barnard, e. Jan. 2, '64, m. o. Sept. 16, '65 436 GREENE COUNTY WAR RECORD. COMPANY A. PRIVATE. Scott Edward D. e. Aug. 27, '61, des. June 25, '65 DRAFTED AND SUB. RECRUITS. Bachus Chas. T. e. Sept. 30, '64, disch. May 16, '65, disab. Gerry John, e. Sept. 30, '64, m. o. June 3, '65 Melville Henry, e. Sept. 30, '64, m. o. June 3. '65 Sessler M. J. M. e. Sept. 30, '64, m. o. Aug. ii> '65 Turk Louis H. e. Sept. 30, '64, m. o. June 3. '65 COMPANY B. DRAFTED AND SUB. RECRUITS. Brewer Jno. B. e. Sept. 30, '64, m. o. June 3. '65 Galbraith James M. Jr. e. Oct. 24, '64, m. o. Sept. 16, '65 Stewart Russell J. e.'Sept. 30, '64, m.o. June 3. '65 COMPANY C. VETERANS. Osburn Alfred J. e. Jan. 2, '64, m. o. Aug. 8, '65 Ruslien Robt. A. e. Jan. 2, '64, m. o. Sept. 16, '65 COMPANY D. Capt. Geo. H. English, rank Sept. 6, '61, pro. Major Capt. Dan'l Mcl-ennan, tank April 16, '62, resigned Sept. 27, '64 Capt. Jefferson Dunn, rank Sept. 27, '64, m. o. Sept. 16, '65 First Lieut. Daniel McLennan, rank Sept. 6, '61, pro. First Lieut. Thomas A. Smith, rank April 8, '62, resigned Oct. 15. '64 P'irst Lieut. Francis M. Walton, rank May 26, '65, m. o. Sept. 16, '65 Second Lieut. Sampson S. Patterson, rank Sept. I, '62, com. canceled Second Lieut. Jefferson Dunn, rank Sept, i, '62, pro. Second Lieut. James Gibbons, rank Jan. i,'65, m. o. Sept. 16, '65 Sergt. Thomas A. Smith, e. Aug. 29, '61, pro. First Lieut. Sergt. Josephus Moore, e. Aug. 29, '61, disch. July 31, '62 Sergt. Robert A. Smith, e. Aug. 29, '61, disch. Sept. 6, '64, term ex. Sergt. Sampson S. Patterson, e. Aug. 29, '61, disch. Sept. 6, '64, term ex. Corp. Jno. A. Reeves, e. Aug. 29, '61, kid. Shiloh April 6, '62 Corp. Richard Tyas, e. Aug. 29, '61, disch. Sept. 6, '64, term ex. Corp. Dwight Reynolds, e. Aug. 29, '61, re-enl. as vet. Corp. Jno. E. Barnard, e. Aug. 29, '61, re-enl. as vet. Corp. Richard A. Hall, e Aug. 29, '61, re-enl. as vet. Corp. Alfred J. Wilder, e. Aug. 29.'6i, transf. 6th Miss. Inf. for pro. Musician Frederick Dick, e. Aug. 29, '6r, re- enl. as vet. Musician Frank Sackston, e. Aug. 29, '61, disch. Sept. 6, '64, term ex. PRIVATES. Allen Francis M. e. Aug. 29, '61, re-enl. as vet. Barnette Thomas, e. Aug. 29, '61, disch. Sept. 6, '64, term ex. Boring Henry C. e. Aug. 29, '6r, disch. Sept. 3, '62, disab. Brasher Samuel, e. Aug. 29, '61, kid. Shiloh April 6, '62 Boring Charles W. e. Aug. 29, '61, re-enl. as vet. Bagwell Thomas, e. Aug. 29, '61, des. Aug. ir, '62 Black James, e. Aug. 29, '61, des. Oct. 4,'6i Brown John, e. Aug. 29, '61, re-enl. as vet. Carlton Richard J. e. Aug. 29, '61, re-enl. as vet. Cooper Jno. M. e. Aug. 29, '61, disch. April 30, '62 Carroll Charles, e. Aug. 29, '61, re-enl. as vet. Clardy Jno. e. Aug. 29, '61, died Memphis July 31, '62 Cole James N. e. Aug. 29, '61, disch. April 30, '63 Calaway DeWitt C. e. Aug. 29, '61, re-enl. as vet. Crane Geo. B. e. Aug. 29, '61, transf. Inv. Corps Sept. 15, '63 , Dunn Jefferson, e. Aug. 29, '61, pro. Second Lieut. Edwards Samuel D. e. Aug. 29, '61, des. March 4, '62 Gibbins James, e. Aug. 29, '61, re-enl. as vet. Gearheart Jno. M. e. Aug. 29, '61, m.o. June 3. '65 GREENE COUNTY WAR RECORD. 437 Heaton Wm. e. Aug. 29, '61, disch. Sept. 6, '64, term ex. Hill Andrew J. e. Aug. 29, '61, died Oct. 5, '62, wounds Jordan Jonathan, e. Aug. 29, '61, died Pitts- burg Landing March 25, '62 Jackson Willis, e. Aug. 29, '61, transf. Inv. Corps Sept. 15, '63 Jackson Daniel S. e. Aug. 29, '61, disch. Sept. 6, '64, term ex. Jackson Job M, e. Aug. 29, '6r, disch. Sept. 6, '64, term. ex. Keating Edward, e. Aug. 29, '61, kid. Shiloh April 6, '62 Lynch Chas. e. Aug. 29, '61, died Oct. 5, '62, wounds Lewis Augustus, e. Aug. 29, '61, disch. Sept. 6, '64, term ex. Lenard John, e. Aug. 29, '61, disch. Oct. 16, '62. disab. Lee Peter, e. Aug. 29, '61, re-enl. as vet. Melvin William H. e. Aug. 29, '61, died Mem- phis Aug. 4, '62 Melton Thos. J. e. Aug. 29, '61, re-enl. as vet. McNeil William, e. Aug. 29, '61, re-enl. as vet. Mefford John, e. Aug. 29, '61, re-enl. as vet. McBride Jno G. e. Aug. 29, '6r, kid. Shiloh, April 6, '62 Norris Jno. J. e. Aug. 29, '61, disch. April 28, '62 Oar John, e. Nov.20, '61, re-enl. as vet. Piper Wm. B. e. Aug. 29, '61, re-enl. as vet. Robbins M. H. e. Aug. 29, '61, re-enl. as vet. Raney Geo. M. e. Aug. 29, '61, disch. March 4. '63 Stringer Levi, e. Aug. 29, '61, re-enl. as vet. Spradley Newton, e. Aug. 29, '61, died at home Sept. 8, '63 Sanders James M. e. Aug. 29, '61, disch. Oct. 26, '62, disab. Thomas Chas. R. B. e. Aug. 29, '6r, re-enl. as vet. Taylor James H. e. Aug. 29, '61, m. o. June 5/65 Temple Samuel S. e. Aug. 29, '61, disch. Sept. 6, '64 Vanmeter Joseph, e. Aug. 29, '61, disch. Feb. 3. '62 Wylder Geo. W. e. Aug. 29, '61, re-enl. as vet. Walton Francis M. e. Aug. 29, '61, re-enl. as vet. VETERANS. Allen Francis M. e. Jan. 2, '64, m. o, Sept. 16, '65 as Sergt. Brown John, e. Jan. 2, '64, m. o. July 12, '65 Boring Chas. W. e. Jan. 2, '64, disch. July i,'65 Barnard Jno. E. e. Jan. 2, '64, pro. Com. Sergt. Callaway DeWitt C. e. Jan. 2, '64, died Louis- ville, Feb. 25, '65 Carroll Chas. L. e. Jan. 2,'64, des. July 22,'65 Dick Frederick, e. Jan. 2, 64. m. o. Sept. 16, '65 Gibbons James, e. Jan. 2, '64, pro. Second Lieut, from. Sergt. Hall Richard A. e. Jan. 2,'64, transf. ist Miss. H. A. A. D. Lee Peter, e. Feb. 29, '64, m. o. Sept. 16, '65 McNeil Wm. e. Jan. 2, '64, m. o. Sept. 16, '65 Mifford John, e. Jan, 2, '64, des. dishon. disch. Sept. 16, '65 Melton Thos. J. e. Jan. 2, '64, m. o. Sept. 16, '65 as Corp. Pickett Wm. T. e. Jan. 2, '64, m. o. Sept. 16, '65 Piper Wm. B. e. Jan. 2, '64, m. o. Sept. i6,'65 Rives Stephen, e. Jan. 2, '64, des. June 26, '65 Robbins M. H. e. Jan. 2, '64, m. o, Sept. 16. '65 as Sergt. Reynolds Dwight, e. Jan. 2, '64, m. o. Sept. 16, -65 Stringer Levi, e. Jan. 2, '64, m.o. Sept. i6,'65 Thomas Chas. R. B. e. Jan. 2, '64, m. o. Sept. 16, '65 as Corp. Walton Francis M. e. Jan. 2, '64, pro. First Lieut. Wylder Geo. W. e. Jan. 2, '64, m. o. Sept. 16, '65 as Corp. RECRUITS. Barnett Henry R. e. April 27, '64, m. o. Sept. 16, '65 as Sergt. Caapen William P. e. April 27, '64 m. o. Sept. 16, '65 Carlton Richard J. re-enl. as vet. Clarry Edward, kid. at Shiloh April 6, '62 Smith Greenville T. e. Aug. i, '62, m.o. June 25, '65 as Sergt. COMPANY E. First Lieut. Jno. P. Campbell, rank Sept. 29, '62, pro. Second Lieut. Jno W. Lee, rank Sept. 29. '62, kid. July 7, '64 Sergt. J. G. Gilmer, e. Sept. 4,'6i, disch. Sept. 4, '62, disab. Corp. Martin Hughes, e. Sept. 4,'6i, wounded Shiloh, died April 20, '62 Corp. Anderson Reaughr, e. Sept. 4, '61, re- enl. as vet. 438 GREENE COUNTY WAR RECORD. PRIVATES. Allen William, e. Sept. 4. '61, kid. Shiloh April 6, '62 Allen Vinton, e. Sept. 4, '61, re-enl. as vet. Atwood Charles, e. Sept. 4, '61, re-enl. as vet. Barrett Elisha, e. Sept. 4, '61, re-enl. as vet. Boling Michael, e. Nov. I, '61, des. June 21, '65 Carroll Patrick, e. Sept. 4, '61, disch. June 25, '62, disab. Cather Robert, e. Sept. 4, '61, re-enl. as vet. Cather Wesley, e. Sept. 4, '61, disch. Aug. 30, '62, disab. Huffman Henry, e. Sept. 4, '61, re-enl. as vet. Hedrick John B. e. Sept. 4, '61, re-enl. as vet. Holmes Isa I. e. Sept. 4, '61, re-enl. as vet. Lee Jno. W. e. Sept. 4,'6i, pro. Second Lieut. Moore Morris W. e. Sept. 4, '61, des. Aug. 18, '62 Robinet Jno. R. e. Sept. 4, '61, disch. Aug. 20, '62, disab. Reedy Daniel, e. Sept. 4, '61, re-enl. as vet. Wills Thos. F. e. Sept. 4, '61, m. o. Jan. 7, '65, term ex. Williams Edward, e. Sept. 4, '61, re-enl. as vet. Watson James, e. Sept. 4,'6i, des. Sept. 21, '62 Watts Theo. N. e. Sept. 4, '61, m. o. June 3, '65, term ex. Woodman Edwin, e. Nov. I, '61, re-enl. as vet. VETERANS. Allen Vinton, e. Jan. 2, '64, m. o. Sept. 16, '65 Atwood Charles, e. Jan. 2, '64, absent sick, m. o. of Regt. Barrett Elisha, e. Jan. 2, '64, died Marietta, Ga. Aug. 7, '64 Cather Robert, e. Jan. 2,'64, m. o. Sept. i6,'65 Huffman Henry, e. Jan. 2, '64, m. o. Sept. 16, '65 Headrick Jno. B. e. Jan. 2, '64, m. o. Sept. 16, '65 Holmes Isaac, e. Jan. 2, '64, m. o. Sept. 16, '65 Reedy Daniel, e. Jan. 2,'64, des. April 26, '64 Woodman E. A. e. Jan. 2, '64, m. o. Sept. 16, '65 RECRUIT. Roberts Thomas W. e. Feb. 21, '64, m. o. Sept. lb, '65 THIRTY-THIRD INFANTRY. COMPANY L». PRIVATES. Boring Wm. H. e. Aug. 16, '61, re-enl. as vet. Campbell Anthony, e. Aug. l6,'6i, disch. Nov. 5, '61, disab. Campbell Samuel, e. Aug. 16, '61, disch. Nov. 21, '61, disab. VETERAN. Boring Wm. H. e. Jan. i, '64, disch. Feb. I, '65, disab. COMPANY H. RECRUIT. Risley Milton, e. March 8, '62, died Pochan- tos, Ark. May 22, '62 COMPANY I. VETERAN. Wood Enos W. e. Jan. i, '64 THIRTY-FOURTH INFANTRY. COMPANY B. DRAFTED AND SUBSTITUTE RECRUIT. Collins Dennis, e. March 22, '64, m. o. July 12, '65 COMPANY G, PRIVATES. Davenport Percy A. e. Aug. 10, '61, kid. Shi- loh, April 7, '62 Middleton Thos. T. e. Aug. 10, '61 DRAFTED AND SUBSTITUTE RECRUIT. Alexander Samuel, e. March 28, '65, m. o. July 12, '65 UNASSIGNED RECRUIT. Callon James, e. March 23, '65 THIRTY-EIGHTH INFANTRY. Colonel William P. Carlin, rank Aug. 15, '61, pro. Brig. Gen. March 11, '63 COMPANY A. Capt. Walter E. Carlin, rank Oct. 25, '62, com. returned May 6, '63 First Lieut. Walter E. Carlin, rank April i8, '62, resigned March 21, '64 Second Lieut. Walter E. Carlin, rank Aug. 15, '61, pro. FORTY-NINTH INFANTRY. UNASSIGNED RECRUIT. Jeffrey Chambers, e. March 3, '65, died Camp Butler, March 29, '65 FIFTIETH INFANTRY. C03IPANY C. PRIVATES. Carrico Morris M. e. Sept. 15, '61, died Louis- ville, March 26, '62 Cooper Henry C. e. Sept. 16, '61, re-enl. as vet. GREENE COUNTY WAR RECORD. 439 FIFTY-THIRD INFANTRY. COMPANY B. PRIVATE. Kenneth Fred. A. e. Oct. 28, '61, disch. Oct. 18, '62, disab. FIFTY-FIFTH INFANTRY. COMPANY A. Corp. Myron Wheeler, e. Aug. 5, '61, disch. Dec. 25, '65 PRIVATES. Hendryx L. P. e. Aug. 5, '61, died St. Louis, April 17, '63 Hendryx T. e. Oct. 14, '61. des. Wheeler Wm. e. Oct. 7, '61. des. Wheeler Allen, e. Aug. 18, '61, m. o. Oct. 31, '64 COMPANY G. PRIVATE. Wheeler Joseph, e. Jan. 23, '64, Corpl. des. June 30, '64 FIFTY-EIGHTH INFANTRY. COMPANY B. RECRUIT. Winslow Mandeville, e. Dec. 2g, '63, transf. Co. B, consol. COMPANY B,— (Consolidated.) PRIVATE. Winslow Mandeville, m, o. April i, '66 FIFTY-NINTH INFANTRY. Lieut. Col. Joshua C. Winters, rank Jan. 23, '63, resigned Nov. 12, '63 Major Joshua C. Winters, rank March i, '62, pro. COMPANY E. RECRUITS. Edwards Presley, disch. Aug. '62, disab. Jackson Francis M. kid. Perryville, Oct.8,'62 Ponell Hiram P. m. o. Dec. 8, '65 Welsh James, died Dec. 10, '63, wounds COMPANY G. Capt. Joshua C. Winters, rank Aug. 7, '61, pro. Major Capt. Joseph S. Hackney, rank April I, '62, resigned Jan. 27, '63 Capt. Horace W. Starkey, rank Jan. 28, '63, resigned Sept. g, '63 Capt. Sol. S. Burrows, rank Sept. 9, '63, m, o. Jan. 29, '65 First Lieut. Joseph S. Hackney, rank Aug. 7, '61, pro. First Lieut. Horace W. Starkey, rank April I, '62, pro. First Lieut. Hiram Wendt, rank Sept. 9, '63, term ex. May i, '65 First Lieut. Sol. S. Burrows, rank July 30,'63, pro. Second Lieut. Thomas B. Johnson, rank April I, '62, resigned Oct. 6, '63, Inv. Corps Second Lieut. Marion H. Walker, rank Dec. 8, '65, m. o. Sergt. Dec. 8, '65 First Sergt. Horace W. Starkey, e. Aug. 4,'6l, pro. Second Lieut. First Sergt. Sol. S. Burrows, pro. First Lieut. Sergt. Daniel Potter, e. Aug. 4, '61, private, disch. Feb. 24, '64 for disab. Sergt. Wm. W. Oaks, e. Aug. 4, '61, re-enl. as vet. Sergt. Wm. R. March, e. Aug. 4, '61, First Sergt. kid. at Chaplin Hills, Oct. 8, '62 Sergt. Phil. V. Adine, e. Aug. 4, '61, disch. July 20, '62, disab. Corp. James Cade, e. Aug. 4,'6i,kld. Chaplin Hills, Ky. Oct 8, '62 Corp. James H. Day, e. Aug. 4, '61, disch. Feb. 15, '63, disab. Corp. Wm. Hines, e. Aug. 4, '61, re-enl. as vet. Corp. Holder Grace, e. Aug. 4, '6r, reduced, m. o. Sept. 17, '64 Corp. Chas. H. Cudman, e. Aug. 4, '61, kid. Pea Ridge, March 8, '62 Corp. Henry Griffin, e. Aug. 4, '61, re-enl. as vet. Corp. fohn C. Wells, e. Aug. 4, '61, re-enl. as vet. Corp. Aaron S. Davis, e. Aug. 4, '61, re-enl. as vet. Musician Geo. R. Strickland, e. Aug.4,'61, re- enl. as vet. Musician Simon Ross, e. Aug. 4, '61, re-enl. as vet. Admire James, e. Aug. 4, '61, re-enl. as vet. Adnar Andy, e. Aug. 4, '61, m. o. Sept. 17, '64 Beiterman Henry, e. Aug. 4, '61, m. o. Sept. 17, '64 Bee Daniel, e. Aug. 4, '61, re-enl. as vet. Barber Alfred C. e, Aug. 4, '61, Sergt. kid. Stone River Dec. 31, '62 Burrows Sol. S. e. Aug. 5, '61, pro. Sergt. First Sergt. First Lieut. Blackburn Calvin, e. Aug. 4, '61, died Otter- ville. Mo. Jan. 20, '62 Barton Andrew, e. Aug. 4, '61, disch. Jan. 26, '62, disab. 440 GREENE COUNTY WAR RECORD. Bills George, e. Aug. 4, '61, died Louisville Nov. 12, '62 Cornelius Willis A. e. Aug. 4, '61, re-enl. as vet. Cummins Wm. e. Aug. 4, '61, re-enl. as vet. Cummins Reuben A. e. Aug. 4, '61, Corp.kld. Stone River, Dec. 31, '62 Cather James, e, Aug. 4, '61, m.o. Sept. 17, '64 Dodson Charles, e. Aug. 4, '61, re-enl. as vet. Dawson George, e. Aug. 4, '61, transf. Miss. M. Brig. Feb. 11, '63 Davis Wm. P. e. Aug. 4, '61, m. o. Sept. 17, '64 Emley Isaac, e. Aug. 4, '61, re-enl. as vet. Edwards John, e. Aug. 4, '61, disch. Dec. 20, '62, disab. Flora Jno. D. e. Aug. 4, '61, des. Oct. 24, '62 Gilbert John, e. Aug. 4,'6i, Corp. transf. Inv. corps Sept. 20, '63 Gering Joseph, e. Aug. 4, '61, kid. Chaplin Hill, Oct. 8, '62 Gibson James, e. Aug. 4, '61, transf. Miss. M. Brig. Feb. 11, '63 Garrison Joseph, e. Aug. 4, '61, died Linn Creek, Mo. March, 15, '62 Henson William, e. Aug. 4, '61, re-enl. as vet. Hargin Michael, e. Aug. 4, '61, disch. April 13, '63, disab. Henson John, e. Aug. 4, '61, died St. Louis, April, 2, '62 Hankins Admo, e. Aug. 4,'6i, died Syracuse, Mo. Dec. 20, '61 Hankins Wm. e. Aug. 4, '61, m. o. Sept. 17, '64 Hankins Frank, e. Aug. 4, '61, died Ozark Mts. Nov. 16, '61 Tre Engle Hart, e. Aug. 4, '61, disch. Jan. 16, '63, disab. Tsoon Richard, e. Aug. 4, '61, disch. Dec. 12, '61, disab. Keim William, e. Aug. 4,'6i, m. o. Oct. 6,'64 Lyman Robert, e. Aug. 4, 61, re-enl. as vet. Milehouser R. e. Aug. 4, '61, disch. March 9, '63, wounds McLemmin W. F. e. Aug. 4, '61, re-enl. as vet. Medford James, e. Aug. 4, '61, kid. Lookout Mt. Nov. 20, '63 Patterson Robt. e. Aug. 4, '61, transf. Miss. M. Brig. Feb. ii, '63 Ralliff Jno. e. Aug. 4, '61, re-enl. as vet. Reed James, e. Aug. 4, '61, re-enl. as vet. Robertson Joseph E. e. Aug. 4,'6i, transf. ist 111. Art. May 16, '62 Swan Mathew, e. Aug. 4, '61, re-enl. as vet. Suttles Jesse, e. Aug. 4, '61, re-enl. as vet. Silkwood Wm. e. Aug. 4, '61, disch. April 23, '63, disab. Simpson John, e. Aug. 4, '61, re-enl. as vet. Thomas John, e. Aug. 4, '61, re-enl. as vet. Walker Marion, e. Aug. 4, '61, re-enl. as vet. Wendt Hiram, e. Aug. 4,'6i, pro. Sergt. First Sergt. First Lieut. VETERANS. Admire Jno. A. e. Nov. 22, '63, m. o. Dec. 8, '65, Sergt. Cornelius W. A. e. Jan. i, '64, m. o. Dec. 8, •65 Davis Aaron S. e. Nov. 22, '63, disch. April 3, '65, Sergt. disab. Dodson Chas. e. Jan. i, '64, m. o. Dec. 8, '65, as Corp. Fegar Joseph, e. Nov. 22, '63, des. Dec. 14, '64 Griffin Henry, e. Jan. 15, '64, died at home Feb. 8, '65 Henson Wm. e. Nov. 22, '63, des July 12, '65 Hines Wm. e. Nov. 22, '63, Sergt, drowned Feb. 7, '64 Lyman Rob't, e. Jan. i, '64, m. o. Dec. 8, '65 Lowrance Geo. W. e. Jan. i, '64. m. o. Dec. 8, '65 McLemmin W. F. e. Jan. 15, '64, m. o. Dec. 8, '65 as Sergt. Oaks Wm. W. e. Nov. 22/63, disch. Nov. 10, '65 as Sergt. disab. Powell M. A. e. Jan. 25, '64, des. July 11, '65 Ratclifif John, e. Jan. i, '64, des. July 16, '65 Ross Simeon, e. Jan. i, '64, absent sick at m. o. of Regt. Simpson Jno. e. Nov. 22, 63, Corp. des. June 15. '65 Suttles Jesse, e. Jan. i, '64, des. July 11, '65 Strickland Geo. R. e. Jan. i, '64, m. o. Dec. 8, '65 Simpson James, e. Jan. i, '64, transf. Eng. corps Aug. 24, '64 Walker Marion H. e. Jan. i, '64, m. o. Dec. 8, '65, as First Sergt. Com. Second Lieut. but not mustered Wells Jno. C. e. Nov. 22,63, m. o. Dec. 8, '65, as Corp. RECRUITS. Admire Wm. P. disch. Dec. 26' 62, wounds Buck Joseph, disch. Jan. 10, '62, disab. Bain Elam, m. o. June 14, '65 Champlin Jno. R. e. Feb. 7, '64, died April 4, '64 Davis James, des. July 23, '63 GREENE COUNTY WAR RECORD. Denham Obdiah, m. o. June 14, '65, as Sergt. Denham Woodson, m. o. June 14, '65 Edwards Isom, disch. April 23, '63, disab. Fuller Alfred, transf, Miss. M. Brig. Feb. 11, '63 Fields Harrison L. m. o. June 14, '65 Ford Thomas, m. o. June 14, '65 Fegar Joseph, re-enl, as vet. Henson Elijah, m. o. June 14, '65 Henson Sol. disch. April 3, '63, disab. Honeycutt H. disch. April 24, '62, disab. Herron Wm. L. e. Feb. 7, '65, m. o. Sept. 21, '65 Keim Wm. died Nashville Nov. 22, '63 Kendall Frank, disch. Feb. 14, '63, disab. Martin Chas. e. March 15, '64, m. o. Dec. 8, '65 McClenning H. J. m. o. June 14, '65 Myers Francis M. e. March 24,'64, m. o. Aug. 7. '65 McDonald Wm. transf. Miss. M. Brig. Feb. II. '63 McClenning James, disch. Oct. 8, '61, disab. McClenning Sam'l, disch. July 15, '62, disab. Mahlone James, disch. Dec. 12, '62, disab. May Davidson, m. o. June 14, '65 Pow^ell M. A. re-enl. as vet. Fruit Abram, m. o. June 14, '65 Ratcliff Benj. B. disch. Jan. 12, '62, disab. Silkwood S. B. m. o. June 14, '65 Silkwood James, m. o. June 14, '65 Silkwood Wm. e. March 14, '64, absent sick at m. o. of Regt. Simpson James, re-enl. as vet. Turner Sam'l, e. April i, 65, des. June i, '65 Winters Francis M. disch. April 3, '63, disab. Winters Solon W. m. o. June 14, '65 Walker Zach T. e. Feb. 7, '65, des. July 10, '65 Walker Jno. W. e. Feb. 7, '65, m. o. Sept. 20, '65 Hankins Wm. e. Jan. 30, '65, m. o. Dec. 8, '65 Powell James, e. Jan. 30, '65, m. o. Dec. 8, '65 Powell W. A. e. Jan. 30, '65, m. o. Sept.27,'65 Powell W. E. e. Jan. 30, '65, m. o. Dec. 8, '65 COMPANY K. DRAFTED AND SUB. RECRUITS. Dickerson Luther, e. Sept. 22, '64, m.o. March 3. '65 Downs Jacob, e. Sept. 22, '64, m. o. June 14, '65 Looker William, e, Sept.22,'64, died at Green- ville, Ala. April 17, '65 Reynolds Thos. F. e. Sept. 22, '64, m.o. June 14, '65 Wells Phillip, e. Feb. 23, '64 SIXTY-FIRST INFANTRY. HISTORY. The Sixty-first Infantry Illinois Volunteers was organized at Carrollton, Illinois, by Col- onel Jacob Fry. Three full companies were mustered Feb. 5, 1862. Feb. 2ist, the regi- ment beini^ still incomplete, moved to Benton Barracks, Mo. Here a sufficient number of recruits joined to make nine full companies. March 26, 1862, embarked for Pittsburg Landing. On arriving, Maich 30th, were assigned to Brigade of Colonel Madison Mil- ler, Eighteenth Missouri, Division of Briga- dier General B. M. Prentiss. April 6th, 400 men were formed into line, in time to receive the first assault of the enemy, and stood their ground for an hour and a quarter, and until every other regiment in the division had given way, and were then ordered to fall back. Upon retiring from this position, the regiment was complimented, by General Prentiss for its gallant stand. It was then ordered to sup- port a battery of the First Missouri Artillery^ and at i o'clock p. m. ordered to the support of General Hurlbut — coming to his support at a very critical moment, and maintaining his line until relieved by a fresh regiment, and when its ammunition was entirely exhausted, when the second line was broken, the regi- ment retired in good order, and took up a position supporting the siege guns. April 7th was in reserve. Loss 80, killed wounded, and missing, including three com- missioned officers. April i8th, was assigned to First Brigade. Third Division, Colonel L. F. Ross, Seven- teenth iriinois, commanding brigade. April 28th, Major Ohr took command of the regiment. Colonel Fry being absent. May 2d, Brigadier General John A. Logan took command of the Division, and was succeeded May 6th, by Brigadier General Judah. June 6th, moved to Bethel, Tennessee, Colonel Haynie, 48th Illinois, taking command of brigade. l6th, moved to Jackson. 17th, was in Ross' Brigade, of Logan's (First) Division, and moved to Bolivar, Tenn. Sept. i6th, 1862, moved via Jackson and Corinth, to Brovvnville, Miss., on Memphis & Corinth railroad. 442 GREENE COUNTY WAR RECORD. Returned to Bolivar after the battle of luka, September 25th. Oct. loth, Brigadier General M. Brayman was assigned to the brigade, and Colonel Fry to command of post, at Trenton, where, on the 20th of December, he was taken prisoner by General Forrest, and paroled. The brigade remained at Bolivar, General Brayman commanding post. Dec. 18, 1862, 240 men of the regiment proceeded by rail to Jackson, and, moving out on the Lexing- ton road, under command of Colonel Engle- man, with Forty-third Illinois and a detach- ment of cavalry, took position at Salem Center, and, on the morning of the 19th, repulsed the enemy under Forrest, with three pieces of artillery, and, on receiving reinforce- ments from General Sullivan, pursued the enemy some distance, after which returned to Bolivar. May 31, the regiment, being in the Sixteenth Army Corps, moved via rail to Memphis, and embarked for Vicksburg, June 3. Arrived at Chickasaw Bayou, June 4~; accompanied expedition up Yazoo River, landing at Satartia ; moved four miles out to Mechanicsburg, capturing some prisoners. 6th, moved to Haines Bluff. June 20, moved to Snyder's Bluff. Lieutenant-Colonel Fry having resigned. Major Ohr was promoted Lieutenant-Colonel. July 17, 1863, moved to Black River Bridge; 22d, returned to Snyder's Bluff; on 27th, moved to Helena, Arkansas. Aug. 13, in Major-General Steele's army. Colonel McLain, Forty-third Indiana, commanding division, and Colonel Graves, Twelfth Michigan, commanding brigade. Moved, via Clarendon, Duvall's Bluff, and Brownsville, to Little Rock, skirmishing some with the enemy after leaving Brownsville, and arriving at Little Rock, September 10. Remained at Little Rock. March 20, 1864, Company K joined the regiment, from Camp Butler, Illinois. Regiment mustered out September 8, 1865, at Nashville, Tennessee, and arrived at Camp Butler, Illinois, for final payment and discharge, September 12, 1865. SIXTY-FIRST INFANTRY. Col. Jacob Fry, rank Nov. i, '61, resigned May 14, '63, as Lieut.-Col. Major Daniel S. Keeley, rank July 26,'65, m.o. Sept. 8, '65 Adj. Francis M. Mytinger, rank July 31, '65, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 Quartermaster Francis P. Vedder, rank Feb. 5, '62, absent without leave, dismissed May 21, '62, loss pay Quartermaster William M. Potts, rank Jan. I, '63, m. o. April 14, '65, term ex. Chaplain Benj. B. Hamilton, rank Oct. 30, '62, resigned March 3, '65 NON-COMMISSIONED STAFF. Sergt. -Major Chas. H. Ayres, pro. First Lieut. Co. A Sergl.-Major Wm. Caldwell, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 Commissary Sergt. Wm. H. Bonfoy, pro. Second Lieut. Co. E Commissary Sergt. Thos. F. Pierce, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 Hospital Steward Henry M. Morrison, m. o. Feb. 13, '65 COMPANY A. Capt. Wm. H. Armstrong, rank July 11, '65, resigned as First Lieut. July 15, '65 Capt. Green P. Hanks, rank Aug. 2, '65, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 First Lieut. David G. Culver, rank Feb. 5, '62, kid. Shiloh, April 6, '62 First Lieut. Wm. M. Potts, rank Feb. 15, '65, pro. Quartermaster First Lieut. Wm. H. Armstrong, rank May I, '63, pro. First Lieut. Chas. H. Ayres, rank Aug. 2, '65, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 Second Lieut. Wm. H. Armstrong, rank Feb. 5, '62, pro. Second Lieut. Wm. J. Allen, rank Aug. 2, '65, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 First Sergt. Marshall Potts, e. Dec. 7, '61, pro. First Lieut. Sergt. Saml. F. Winters, e. Oct. 28, '61, disch. Feb. II, '63, disability Sergt. Thos. J. Warren, e. Oct. 28, '61, pro. First Lieut. Co. D Sergt. Henry M. Morrison, e. Dec. 21, '61, pro. Hospital Steward Sergt. Jno. B. Dodgson, e. Nov. 5, '61, disch. June 15, '62, disability Corp, Jno. Dinwiddle, e. Oct. 25, '61, private, died Memphis, Oct. i8, '63 Corp. Benj. F. Higbee, e. Oct. 25, '61, died Helena, Aug. 18, '63 Corp. Wm. H. Garrison, e. Nov. 18, '61, re-enl. as vet. Corp. Thornton T. Crabtree, e. Oct. 25, '61. private, absent sick at m. o. of Regt. Corp. Edw. Worthington, e. Nov. 4, '61, m. o. Feb. 7, '65, as Sergt. GREENE COUNTY WAR RECORD. 443 Corp. Allen W. Jackson, e. Oct. 28, '61, re- enl. as vet. Corp. Tyler B. Cochran, e. Nov. 29, '61, died St. Louis, May 22, '62 Musician Morton Campbell, e. Dec. 9, '61, died St. Louis, Oct. 16, '63 Musician Nelson J. Polaski, e. Jan. 3, '62, re- enl. as vet. PRIVATES. Ayres Chas. H. e. Oct. 25, '61, re-enl. as vet. Allen Runy, e. Dec. 27, '61, re-enl. as vet. Ashlock John N. e. Jan. 27, '62, re-enl. as vet. wounded Ballard Nelson L. e. Dec. 9, '61, re-enl. as vet. Blankfield Jas. e. Dec. 18, '61, re-enl. as vet. Crow Stephen, e. Jan. 30, '62, disch. Oct. 19, '63, disab. Clariday William, e. Jan. 29, '62, died Quincy, June 22, '62 Cookson John, e. Oct. 25, '61, wounded Shi- loh, disch. Feb. 6, '63, disab. Engle Wm. e. Dec. 6, '61, re-enl. as vet. Engle Geo. M. D. e. Dec. 21, '61, m. o. Feb. 7. '65 Edwards Thos. e. Feb. 3, '62, died Pittsburg Landing Francis William, e. Feb. 7, '62, died Memphis, Sept. 13, '63 Griswold George, e. Dec. 12, '61, disch. Oct. 8, '62, disab. Garrison Gregory, e. Jan. 2, '62, kid. Shiloh, April 6, '62 Holland John, e. Feb. 5, '62, died St. Louis, March 25, '62 Harrison John S. e. Nov. 5. '61, re-enl. as vet. Hager Edw. L. e. Nov. 13, '61, died May 30, '62, wounds Humphrey James M. e. Nov. 18, '61, re-enl. as vet. Huffman Wm. e. Dec. 16, '61, re-enl. as vet. Hanks Green P. e. Dec. 28, '6r, re-enl. as vet. Holland Wm. D. e. Feb. I, '62, re-enl. as vet. Jewell Charles, e. Oct. 25, '61, re-enl. as vet. Jones R. e. Dec. 21, '61, kid. Shiloh, April 6,'62 Lockhart Samuel, e. Dec. 17, '61, disch. Aug. 7, '62, disab. Long Israel, e. Dec. 27, '61, disch. June 21, '62, disab. Lister Isaiah F. e. Jan. 8, '62, disch. July 23, '62, disab. Long Franklin, e. Jan. 16, '62, m. o. Feb. 7, '65 Mullins John, e. Nov. 5, '61, died Snyder's Bluff, Miss. June 28, '63 Marshall Jno. e. Oct. 28, '61, re-enl. as vet. Malone K. H. e. Dec. 17, '61, disch. Moore Wm. e. Dec. 10, '61, re-enl. as vet. Mason Geo. W. e. Nov. 2, '61, re-enl. as vet. Nichols John, e. Dec. 9, '61, m. o. Feb. 7, '65 Overberry Zadoc, e. Nov. 2, '61, des. Feb. 20, '63 Pruitt Richard, e. Dec. 30, '61, re-enl. as vet. Pierce Thos. F. e. Dec. 30, '61, re-enl. as vet. wounded Polaskin William A. e. Feb. 4, '62, m.o. Feb. 7. '65 Romines John, e. Oct. 25, '61, re-enl. as vet. Reamer Squire, e. Oct. 25, '61, re-enl. as vet. Robbins James A. e. Oct. 31, '61, transf. V. R. C. May 15, "64 Rogers John K. e. Jan. 2, '62, disch. Sept. 4, '62, disab. Reeday Jno. H. e. Jan. 15, '62, m. o. Feb. 7, '65 Rigg Samuel J. e. Feb. 3, '62, re-enl. as vet. Starkey Leonard M. e. Jan. 20, '62, re-enl. as vet. wounded Swaggerty Jas. M. e. Nov. 29, '61, re-enl. as vet. wounded Spalding Lucius C. e. Dec. 9, '61, disch. Jan. 8, '63, wounds Sallow Jacob, e. Dec. 27, '61, died Pittsburg Landing Wells David W. e. Oct. 25, '61, died Pittsburg Landing, April i, '62 Walker De.inis R. e. Oct. 28, '61, disch. May 27, '62, disab. Woods John, e. Oct. 30, '61, died St. Louis, April 10, '62 Williams Isaac, e. Nov. 29, '61, re-enl. as vet. Warner Samuel A, e. Dec. 2, '61; disch. Nov. 8, '62, disab. Welch Dennis, e. Dec. 13, '6r, died Corinth, Nov. I, '62 Williams Jas. N. e. Jan. 3, '62, dishon. disch. Feb. 17, '64 VETERANS. Ayres Charles H. e. Jan. 5, '64, pro. Sergt. Major Allen Runy, e. Jan. 5, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 Ashlock John A. e. March l, '64, m. o. Aug. 15, '65, was pris. Allen Reuben, e. Jan. 5, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65, as Corp. Blankfield James, e. Jan. 5, '64, disch. March 18, '65, wounds Ballard Nelson L. e. Jan. 5, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65, as Corp. Campbell A. e. Jan. 5, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 Engle Wm. e. Jan. 5, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 444 GREENE COUNTY WAR RECORD. Fears Sylvester J. e. Jan. 5, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65, as Corp. Garrison William H. e. Jan. 5, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 Hanks Green P. e. Jan. 5, '64, pro. First Sergt. then Capt. Huffman Wm. e. Jan. 5, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65, Sergt. Harrison John S. e. Jan. 5, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65, First Sergt. Holland William D. e, Jan. 5, '64, m.o. Sept. 8, '65 Humphrey James M. e. Jan. 5, '64, m. o. July 13, '65, as Corp. Jewell Charles, e. Jan. 5, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65, as Sergt. Moore William, e. Jan. 5, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 Mason Geo. W. e. Jan. 5, '64, m. o. July 13, '65, was pris. Marshall John, e. Jan. 5, '64, m. o. June 28, '65, was pris. Pierce Thomas F. e. March i, '64, pro. Com. Sergt. Pruitt Richard, e. Feb. i, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 Polaski Nelson J. e. Feb. i, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 Reamer Squire, e. Feb. i, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65, as Corp, Riggs Samuel J. e. March i, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65, Sergt. Romines John, e. Feb. i, '64, m. o. June 28, '65, was pris. Siples Josiah, e. March i, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65, as Sergt. Starkey Leonard M. e. Feb. i, '64, m. o. June 28, '65, was pris. Williams Isaac, e. March i, '65, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 RECRUITS. Allen John, e. Feb. 10, '62, died St. Louis, May 22, '62 Allen Reuben, e. Feb. 10, '62, re-enl. as vet. Brown Henry, e. Jan. 30, '65, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 Bonas William L. e. Dec. 11, '63, des. March 4. '65 Campbell A. e. Feb. 22, '62, re-enl. as vet. Clark Wm. m. o. Sept. 8, '65 Fears S. J. e. Feb. 24, '62, re-enl. as vet. Fettigg Alvis, e. March 25, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 Freeman Geo. H. e. Dec. 20, '63, m.o. Sept. 8, '65, as Corp. Gates Samuel, e. Jan. 2, '64, died Little Rock, Sept. 16, '64 Green Leonard, e. Jan. 2, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 Howard Elisha, e. March 21, '64, died Duvall Bluff, Dec. 20, '64 Hutchison William, e. Jan. 2, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 Hastings James W. e. Jan. 2, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 Jones Francis M. e. Dec. 21, '63, m. o, Sept. 8, '65 Kesinger Reuben, e, Jan. 30, '65, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 Lee Elisha W. e. Feb. 7, '62, died Quincy, May 24, '62 Marshall John S. e. Nov. 11, '63, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 Pinkerton W. H. e. Nov. 26, '63, died Little Rock, Feb. 24, '64 Ryno Geo. W. e. Jan. 18, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 Siples Josiah, e. Feb. 20, '62, re-enl. as vet. Swainey Wm. e. Jan, 2, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 Stockman Henry, e. Jan. 2, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 Taylor Hugh R. e. Jan. 2, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 Vinson Thos. W. m. o. Sept. 8, '65 Warrimack Riley, e. Dec. 11, '63. m. o. Sept. 8, '65 Warren Robt. e. Jan. 2, '64, m. o. Sept. 8,'65 COMPANY B. Capt. Martin J. Mann, rank Feb. 5, '62, re- signed April 3, '63 Capt. Samuel T. Carrico, rank May i, '63,. resigned May 29, '65 Capt. Alfred D. Nash, rank July 13, "65, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 First Lieut. George Chism, rank Feb. 5, '62, resigned Oct. 16, '62 First Lieut. Samuel T. Carrico, rank Oct. i6, '62, pro. Second Lieut. Samuel T. Carrico, rank Feb. 5, '62, pro Second Lieut. Charles W. Mann, rank Oct. 16, '62, dishon. dismissed May 26, '63 PRIVATES. Adams Jas. D. e. Nov. 3, '61, re-enl. as vet. Byrand Geo. C. e. Nov. 15, '61, re-enl. as vet. Bradley John A. e. Nov. 3, '61, m. o. Feb. 7, '65, Corp. Bartlett Lewis, e. Nov. 3, '61, died St. Louis, March 25, '62 Bowers Jacob, e. Dec. 3, '61, re-enl. as vet. Benner John S. e. Dec. 5, '61, disch. July 7, '62, disab. GREENE COUNTY WAR RECORD. 445 Bush Conrad, e. Dec. 5, '61, died Carrollton, Feb. 23, '62 Billbrook Wm. T. e, Jan. 7, '62, disch. May 10, '62, disab. Breine Joseph, e. Feb. 3, '62, died Duvall Bluff, Oct. 5, '63 Crane Robt. H. e. Nov. 3, '61, des. Dec. 26, '62 Clark Richard L. e. Nov. 3, '61, died White- hall, May 20, '62 Copley John, e. Dec. 28, '61, disch. June 19, '62, wounds Clark James H. e. Jan. 7, '62, disch. July 9, '62, disab. Clark Elijah J. e. Jan. 7, '62, died Savannah, Tenn. April 20, '62 Campbell Wm. R. e. Jan. 18, '62, re-enl. as vet. Covier Paul, e. Jan. 23, '62, re-enl. as vet. Donnelly James, e. Oct. 28, '61, kid. himself accidentally at Bolivar, Tenn. Oct. 21, '62 Devault Isaac C. e. Nov. 3, '61. re-enl. as vet. Donnally John, e. Dec. 18, '61, kid. Gregory's Landing, Sept. 5, '64 English Warren, e. Nov. 7, '61, disch. Nov. 8, '62, as Sergt. disab. Elmore Wm. e. Nov. 3, '61, disch. Dec. 16, '63, wounds. Elmore Ralph, e. Nov. 3, '61, re-enl. as vet. England James, e. Dec. 9, '61, disch. July 22, '62, disab. Gamble Martin V. e. Feb. 7, '62, died St. Louis Guthery George, e. Feb. 3. '62, m. o. Feb. 7,'65 Gunn Geo. S. e. Nov. 2, '61, re-enl. as vet. Gamble Aaron C. e. Nov. 3, '6i, disch. Oct. 2, '62, as Sergt. disab. Green Jacob, e. Dec. 27, '61, re-enl. as vet. Hill Jacob M. e. Feb. I, '62. des. Oct. 10, '62 Hilderbrandt J. e. Nov. 18, '61, transf. V. R. C. Sept. 3, '63 Hill Phillip K. e. Dec. 19, '61, des. May 10, '64, second desertion Irvin Charles, e. Nov. 20, '61, m. o. Feb. 7. '65 Johnson Alex. T. e. Nov. 3, '61, disch. Dec. 10, '62, disability Johnson John S. e. Dec. 3, '61, transf. V. R. C. Sept. 3, '63 Jones John, e. Dec. 14, '6r, m. o. Feb. 7, '65 Jowidan Wm. T. e. Jan. I, '62, disch. May 7, '62, disability Johnson Alex. e. Feb. r, '62, died Hender- son, Ky. June 7, '62 King Wm. B., e. Nov. 18, 'Ci, re-enl. as vet. Keayton John, e. Nov, 20, '61. re-enl. as vet. Kennedy T. W. e. Oct. 4, 'bi, disch. April 25, '62, disability P Kuhn Henry, e. Nov. 30, '61, re-enl. as vet. Kirkwood Geo. T. e. Feb. 4, '62, dropped as des. Jan. 10, '64 Lawhouse Jno. V. e. Oct. 21, '61, died Du- vall's Bluff, Aug. 31, '63 Laubscher Jacob, e. Nov. 30, '61, re-enl. as vet. Lorance Jene W. e. Dec. 2, '61, re-enl. as vet. Matheny Jno. R. e. Oct. 18, '6r, re-enl. as vet. Martin Thos. E. e. Oct, 17, '61, disch. Aug. 2, '62, disability Mann Chas. W. e. Nov. 3, '61, pro. First Sergt. and Second Lieut. Marsh John, e. Dec. 2, '61, re-enl. as vet. Musselman J. e. Dec. 28, '61, m. o. Feb. 7, '65 Marsh Geo. W. e. Jan. 4, '62, re-enl. as vet. Maier John, e. Jan. 20, '62, m. o. Feb. 7, '65 McClimans J. D. e. Dec. 16, '61, died White- hall, May 15, '62 Nelson Jno. F. e. Dec. Ii, '61, disch. Aug. 8, '62, disability Ott John, e. Nov. 16, '61, mortally wounded Shiloh, April 6, '62 Pope Wm. M. e. Oct. 28, '61, died St. Louis Aug. 8, '62 Perry Commodore R. e. Nov. 9, '61, disch. Oct. 25, '63, disability Pennington E. e. Dec. 31, '61, died in Mo. Sept. 6, '62 Rains Thos. B. e. Nov. 3, '61, disch. Sept. 16, '62, disability Rogers Wm. e. Nov. 3, '6r, re-enl. as vet. Reno James, e. Nov. 16, '61, died Bolivar, Tenn. May 13, '62 Reyno Geo. W. e. Jan. 20, '62, disch. Sept. i8, '62, disability Siller Louis, e. Nov. 30, '61, re-enl. as vet. Smith Henry, e. Dec. 14, '61, died St. Louis, Feb. 27, '62 Stuber Joseph, e. Dec. 17, '61, died May 10, '62 Stailey Jno. W^ e. Jan. 4. '62, re-enl. as vet. Stine Tilford T. e. Feb. 4, '62, disch. Oct. 2, '62, disability Taylor H. W. e. Dec. 9, '61, disch. July 22, '62, disability Thompson Saml. D. e. Jan. 4, '62, died St. Louis, May 12, '62, wounds Whitesides Wm. J. e. Dec. 24, '61, disch. Nov, 8, '62. disab. Wear Pleasant M. e. Dec. 24, '6r, re-enl. as vet. Whitiside Rich. F. e. Jan. 9, '62, 1st Sergt. transf. V. R. C. Sept. 3, '63 446 GREENE COUNTY WAR RECORD. Ward Jasper N. e. Jan. 9, '62, re-enl. as vet. VETERANS. Adams James D. e. Feb. i, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 Bowers Jacob, e. Feb. i, '64, des. April 26, •64 Bryan George C. e. Feb. i, '64, m. o. June 28, '65, was prisoner Campbell Wm. R. e. Feb. i, '64, absent sick at m. o. of Regt. Covier Paul, e. Feb. i, '64, des. Sept, 26,'64 Elkinton J. H. e. Feb. 29, '64, m. o. July 15, '65, was prisoner Elmore Ralph, e. Feb. i, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 Goodpasture D. J. e. Feb. 29, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65, as Corp. Green Jacob, e. Jan. 4, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 Gunn George S. e. Feb. i, '64, disch. June 26, '65, Sergt. disab. King Wm. B. e. Jan. 4, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65, as Sergt. Keayton John, e. Jan. 4, '64, des. Oct. 18, '64 Kuhn Henry, e. Feb. i, '64, des. Sept. 26, '64 Laubscher Jacob, e. Feb. i, '64, died Frank- lin, Tenn. May 29, '65 Lorance Jesse W. e. Feb. i, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 Devault Isaac C. e. Feb. i, '64, m. o. July 15, '65, 1st Sergt. and prisoner March Geo. W. e. Jan. 4, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 March John L. e. Feb. i, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 Matheny John R. e. Feb. i, '64. m. o. Sept. 8, '65 Nash Alfred D. e. Feb. 29, '64, pro. Captain July 27, '65 Rogers Wm. e. Jan. 4, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65, Corp. Siller Louis, e. Feb. i, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 Stailey Jno. W. e. Jan. 4, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 Wear Pleasant M. e. Feb. i, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65, Corp. Ward Jasper N. e. Feb. i, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65, Corp. RECRUITS. Clark James, e. Feb. 15, '62, disch. Aug. 21, '62, disab. Elkinton J. H. e. Feb. 21, '62, re-enl. as vet. Goodpasture D. J. e. Feb. 18, '62, re-enl. as vet. McMillan Isaac, e. Feb. 17, '62, died St. Louis, May 10, '62 Nash Alfred D. e. Feb. 26, '62, re-enl. as vet. Rodgers James, e. Feb. 10, '65, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 Smith James, e. Nov. 23, '63, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 Stubblefield F. e. Nov. 11, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 Thaxton Parm, e. Nov. 16, '63, vet. recruit, m. o. Sept. 8, '65, Corp. Trimble B. e. Feb. 1 1, '65, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 Ward W. F. e. Feb. 6, '62, re-enl. as vet. Ward F. M. e. Nov. 11, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 Whiteside J. H. e. Nov. 11, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, •65 COMPANY C. PRIVATES. Margerum George W. e. Nov. 7, '61, Corp. wounded Shiloh, never heard from since Shepherd John D. e. Nov. 7, '61, died May 3, '62 Mytinger Francis M. e. Jan. 4, '64, pro. Adj. Aug. 6, '65 Williams Plenry W. e. Feb. 7, '65, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 COMPANY D. Capt. Daniel S. Keeley, rank April 3, '63, pro. Major First Lieut. Daniel S. Keeley, rank March 7, '62, pro. PRIVATES. Fillay I-ester B. e. Jan. 3, '62, disch. May 2, '64, disab, Hagen Thomas, e. Dec. 21, '61, died Jan. 27, '64 Keeley Daniel S. e. Jan. 13, '62, pro. First Lieut. Pitchford E. e. Jan. 7, '62, des, Dec. 19, '62, in action, returned afterward Potter Phillip, e. Jan. 20, '62, re-enl. as vet. VETERANS. Jones James W. e. Feb. 24, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65, as Sergt. Noe Benj. e. Feb. 24, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 Potter Phillip, e. Feb. i,'64, died Dec. S, '64, wounds RECRUITS. Curry Wm. e. Feb. 23, '62, disch. Dec. 16, '62, disab. Jones James W. e. Feb. 10, '62, re-enl. as vet. McGrath Owen, e, Feb. 10, '62, m. o. March 22, '65 Mills Pendleton D. e. Feb. 6, '62, disch. May 29, '62, disab. Mayhall James H. e. Nov. 23, '63, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 Noe Benj. e. Feb. 10, '62, re-enl. as vet. GREENE COUNTY WAR RECORD. 447 Powell William, e. Feb. 20, '62, disch. June 10, '63, disab. Rowden G. W. e. Feb. 6, '62, dropped as des. Aug. 18, '62 Seago J. W. e. Jan. 17, '62, died St. Louis, May 24, '62 COMPANY E. Capt. Henry W. Manning, rank March 7, '62, m. o. March 26, '64, drunkenness First Lieut. Henry W. Manning, rank Feb. 5, '62, pro. First Lieut. Luther Grundy, rank March 26, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 Second Lieut. James D. Ballow, rank March 7, '62, died Second Lieut. Luther Grundy, rank March i, '63, pro. Second Lieut. Wm. H. Bonfoy, rank July 31, '65, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 PRIVATES. Atkins Leven, e, Nov. 2, '61, m. o. Feb. 7, '65 Adams John Q. e. Dec. 7, '61, m. o. Feb. 7, '65, as Sergt. Bonfoy Wm. H. e. Nov. 2, '61, pro. Com. Sergt. Ballow Jas. e. Dec. 7, '61, pro. Second Lieut. Boyle George, e. Dec. 7, '6r, re-enl. as vet. Bronson Abram C. e. Dec. 9, '61, disch. May 22, '62, disab. Baird Wm. S. e. Dec. 28, '61, m. o. Feb. 7, '65 Brown Stephen A. e. Jan. 18, '62, died Little Rock, Feb. 24, '64 Caldwell Wm. e. Nov. 2, '61, re-enl. as vet. Clark Wm. B. e. Dec. 7, '61, re-enl. as vet. Cooke Phillip R. e. Dec. 27, '61, disch. Jan. 28, "63, disab. Cooke Mordecai, e. Jan. 17, '62, m. o. Feb. 7, '65, as Sergt. Corey Marshall S. e. Dec. 27, '61, kid. Shiloh, April 6, '62 Dujan John W. e. Nov. 2, '61, re-enl. as vet. Estes Harrison, e. Jan. 2, '62, dishon. disch. Nov. 25. '65 Foulbeauf F. J. e. Nov. 2,'6i, re-enl. as vet. Forbush Thomas M. e, Dec. 8, '61, disch. June 27, '62, disab. Grundy Luther, e. Nov. 2, '61, pro. Second Lieut. Gentry James A. e. Jan. 17, '62, re-enl. as vet. Hayes James, e. Dec. 20, '61, wounded Shiloh, disch. April 6, '63, disab. Hart Wm. H. e. Dec. 28, '61, re-enl. as vet. Hughes Seth Sam'l, e. Jan. 2, '62, disch. June 25, '62, disab. Howard Wm. Z. e. Jan. 2, '62, re-enl. as vet. Irvin Clifford, e. Dec. 26, '61, died Aug. 24, '63 Keller Frank, e. Nov. 18, '61, died Jefferson Barracks Aug. 14, '63 Lowndes John, e. Nov. 9, '61, re-enl. as vet. Miller James, e. Nov. 6, '61, re-enl. as vet. Moore Peter, e. Jan. 27, '62, m. o. Feb. 7, '65 Newhamor Newman, e. Dec. 24, '61, re-enl. as vet. Potts William, e. Jan. 21, '62, disch. Nov. 23, '62, disab. Simon Stone, e. Nov. 2, '61, m. o. Feb. 7, '65 Seward Robt. e. Nov. 9, '61, re-enl. as vet. Scoggins Geo. e. Nov. 20, '61, m. o. Feb. 7, '65 Snow Thos. M. e. Dec. 24, '61, re-enl. as vet. Seward Geo. e. Jan. 6, '62, m. o. Feb. 7, '65 Snow Ludwell, e. Jan. 8, '62, died Bolivar, Tenn. May 16, '62 Smith Ira H. e. Jan. 7, '62, m. o. Feb. 7, '65, as Corp. Talbott Amos, e. Dec. 7, '61, died St. Louis, June 25, '62 Thompson Thomas J. e. Jan. 20, '62, missing since battle Shiloh Vernon William, e. Dec. 8, '61, disch. Nov. 23, '62, disab. Walker Wm. R. e. Jan. 18, '62, re-enl. as vet. Winckler John W. e. Jan 29, '62, m, o. Feb. 7, '65 Whitesides Joel, e. Feb. 4, '62, discharged for wounds at Shiloh VETERANS. Boyle Geo. e. Feb. 29, '64, des. Sept. 26, '64 Caldwell William, e. Feb. 29, '64, pro. Sergt.- Major Clark Wm. B. e. Feb. 29, '64, died Annapolis paroled pris. June 11, '65 Dugan John W. e. Feb. 29, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 as First Sergt. Foulbeauf F. J. e. Feb. 29, '64, m. o. July 13, '65, pris. war Gentry James H. e. Feb. 29, '64, Corp. died Little Rock, May 21, '64 Howard Wm. L. e. Feb. 29, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 as Sergt. Lowndes John, e. Feb. 29, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 Miller James, e. Feb. 29, '64, m. o. June 28, '65, pris. war Newman Wesley, e. Feb. 29, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 Seward Robert, e. Feb. 29, '64, died Ander- sonville, April 15, '65 Snow Thos. M. e, Feb, 29, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, •65 448 GREENE COUNTY WAR RECORD. Stone Geo. L. e. Feb. 29, '64, m. o. July 13, '65 Walker Wm. R. e. Jan. 5, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 as Sergt. RECRUITS. Carey Lawrence, e. Feb. 24, '62, disch. July 3, '62, disab. Davis Zach. G. e. March 5, '62, transf. 14th Illinois Inf. April 24, '62, informally disch. Hunt Wm. J. e. Feb. 26, '62, des. March 10/62 Milner Jno. e. March 5/62, des. Oct. 10, '62 McGee Z. T. e. Feb. 24, '62, des. March 21, '62 Smith Wm. B. e. Feb. 19, '62, m. o. March 22, '65 Weisner L. D. e. Feb. 26, '62, m. o. March 22, '65 COMPANY F. First Lieut. Nelson A. Corrington, rank Oct. 29, '64, resigned Aug. 5, '65 Second Lieut. Elijah B. Corrington, rank April 2, '63, kid. Dec. 4, '64 PRIVATES. Corrington Nelson A. e. Feb. 5, '62, re-enl. as vet. Corrington Elijah B. e. Feb. 5, '62, pro. First Sergt. and Second Lieut. Corrington Isaac N. e. Feb. 5, '62, disch. Aug. 13, '62, disab. VETERANS. Corrington Nelson A. e. Feb. g, '64, pro. First Sergt. and First Lieut. Ruark Jas. H. e. Feb. 29, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 RECRUITS. Bartlett Nimrod. e. Feb. 10, '62, disch. Nov. 9, '63, disab. Gilson Dan'l H. e. Jan. 30, '65. m. o. Sept. 8, '65 McKinney M. D. e. Nov. 7, '6r, des. May 29, '62 Ruark Jas. H. e. Feb. to, '62, re-enl. as vet. Sturman Charles H. e. Nov. 28, '63, died Du- vall Bluff, July 18, '64 COMPANY G. First Lieut. Wm. B. Taylor, rank March 7, '62, resigned Sept. 3, '62 First Lieut. Thomas II. Dayton, rank May 5. '65, pro. Capt. Co. 11. First Lieut. Presley T. Rice, rank Aug. 2r, '65, m. o. Second Lieut. Sept. 8, '65 Second Lieut. Jacob L. Marshall, rank March 7, '62, dismissed April 13, '63 Second Lieut. Thomas II. Dayton, rank June I, '63, pro. Second Lieut. Tresley T. Rice, rank July 11. '65, pro. PRIVATES. Abney James, e. Oct. 29, '61, accidentally kid. Dec. 14. '62 Al)ney Joseph, e. Nov. 9, '61, disch. Nov. 7, '62, Corp. disab. Austin Rollin S. e. Dec. 4, '61, disch. at Cin- cinnati, Ohio Brooks William L. e. Dec, 3, '61, Corp. died Milliken's Bend, July 29, '63 Carpenter Reuben E. e. Oct. 29, '61, re-enl. as vet. Cummings Andrew, e. Nov. 5, '61, died Jack- son, Tenn. July i, '62 Cummings N. J. e Dec. 5, '61, died Keokuk, wounds received at Shiloh Cummings J. C. e. Dec. 9, '61, kid. at Shiloh April 6, '62 Clark Eiias, e. Dec, 11, '61, m. o. Feb. 7, '65 Cockrell Nathan, e, Dec. 20, '61, re-enl. as vet. Cape John, e. Jan. 31, '61, reported died Sept. 20. '62, pris. at Macon, Ga. Dayton Wm. S. e. Oct. 29, '61, m. o. Feb. 7, '65 Davis Haston, e. Nov. 5, '61, re-enl. as vet. Dayton Thos. H. e. Oct. 29, '61, pro. Sergt. and Second Lieut. Eppler Geo. e. Dec. 9, '61, re-enl. as vet. Franby Henry, e. Nov. 9, '61, m. o. March 24, '65 Fleak John D. e. Nov. 9, '6r, died Jefferson Barracks, Nov. 16, '63 Fields Robert II. e. Feb. 4, '62, reported as des. Aug. 18, '62 Gounds Joseph, e. Oct. 29, '6r, re-enl. as vet Gaffney Thos. J. e. Oct. 29, '61, disch. Sept. 24, '62, disai). Giber.-on H. e. Dec. 13, '61, re-enl. as vet. Ilenson Samuel jr. e, Jan. 20, '62, Corp. died Evansville, Jan. 14, '63 llust Keller, e. Oct. 29/61. Sergt. trans. Inv. Cor])s, Sejit. i, '63 Ilainiiin Jno. W. e. Oct. 29, '61, musician, died St. Louis, May 14, '62 Ilari;ett Thos. e. Nov. 11, '61, re-enl. as vet. Ilandashelt James N. e. Jan. 6, '62, died pris. war Harmon George A. e. Oct. 29, '61, m. o. Feb. 7. "65 Johnnessee Sam. M. e. Oct. 29, '61, m. o. Feb. 7. '65 Jones Kobcrt II. e. Oct. 29, '61, i-e-enl. as vet. Kimball Jesse, e. Oct. 22, '61, disch. Oct. I. '62, disab. GREENE COUNTY WAR RECORD. 449 Lachmund Chris, e. Dec. 14, '61, re-enl. as vet. Lenow George, e. Dec. 31, '61, reported des. Aug. 18/62 M rshall J. L. e. Oct. 29, '61, pro. Second Lieut. McCalla Wm. M. e. Oct. 29, '61, disch. Aug. 6, '62, disab. Milson Adam S. e. Dec. 2, '61, m. o. Feb. 7, '65 Miller Thos. J. e. Dec. 3, '61, disch. military prison Alton, ex. of service Mattison James F. e. Dec. 13, '61, died St. Louis, May 5, '62 Owens Robert, e. Nov. 5, '61, died O'Keefe Patrick, e. Nov. 11, '61, disch. Feb. II, '63, disab. Rayfield Isaac, e. Nov. 9. '6r, disch. Feb. 11, '63, disab. Rayfield Wm. e. Dec. 13, '61, re-enl. as vet. Reynolds John L. e. Oct. 29, '61, died Jack- son, Tenn. July i, '62 Rice Presley T. e. Nov. 4, '61, rc-enl. as vet. Rice Joseph P. e. Nov. 4, '61, Sergt. died Pitts- burg Landing, April 6, '62 Rigsby Nathaniel L. e. Nov. 20, '61, re-enl. as vet. Richardson Henry, e. Dec. 2, '61, Corp. des. April 14, '62 Robinett James L. e. Dec. 11, '61, kid. Shiloh, April 6, '62 Sanders Simon M. e. Nov. 19, '61, disch. March 11, '63, disab. Scroggins Wm. H. e. Nov. i, '61, re-enl. as vet. Simms Jno. F. e. Dec. 2, '61, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 Smith David E. e. Oct. 29, '6i, des. Dec. 27,'62 Stout Elisha, e. Nov. 9, '61, kid. Jackson, Tenn. Dec. 19, '62 Stephenson Leroy, e. Dec. 6, '62, re-enl. as vet. Stewart Jno. D. e. Oct. 29, '61, re-enl. as vet. Stone Daniel E. e. Oct. 29, '61, died St. Louis June I, '62 Taylor Wm. B. e. Oct. 19, '61, pro. First Lieut. Tally Wm. J. e. Oct. 19, '61, re-enl. as vet. Townsend Reuben, e. Nov. 9, '61, died St. Louis July 18, '62 Thomasson A. J. e. Nov. 20, '61, m. o. Feb. 17. '65 Taylor Jubba, e. Oct. 29, '61, m. o. Feb. 7. '65 Varble Phillip, e. Dec. 3, '61, re-enl. as vet. VETERANS. Briscoe Aaron, e. Feb. 26, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65, as Sergt. Clendenin Oscar, e. Feb. 26, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65, as Sergt. Crotchet Perry, e. Feb. 26, '64, drowned in Cumberland River, Nov. 25, '64 Carpenter Reuben, e. Feb. i, '64, died of wounds received Dec. 7, '64 Cockrell Nathan, e. Feb. i, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 Davis Haston, e. Feb. i, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 Eppler George, e. Feb. i, '64, disch. July 13. '65 Gound Joseph, e. Feb. I, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 Giberson H. e. Feb. i, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 Hargett Thos. e. Feb. i, '64, m. o. Sept. 8,'65 Jones Robt. H. e. Feb. 1, '64, m. o. July 13, '65, prisoner of war Lachmund Chris, e. Jan. 5, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 Rigsby Nath'l, e. Jan. 5, '64, died of wounds reed. Dec. 15, '64 Rayfield Wm. e. Feb. I, '64, died of wounds reed. Dec. 15, '64 Rice Presley T. e. Feb. I, '64, pro. Second Lieut. Scroggins Geo. A. e. Feb. i, '64, m. o, July 15, '65, as Corpl.; was pris. Steward John D. e. Feb. i, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 Scroggins W. H. e. Feb. i, '64, disch. March 22, '65 Tally Wm. J. e. Feb. i, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 Varble Phillip, e. Feb. i, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 RECRUITS. Alexander Sam'l, e. Feb. 7, '62, disch. Nov. 26, '62 Barlow Geo. e. Feb. 24, '62, des. Jan. 24, '63 Bucknell Jno. e. Feb. 20, '62, reported des. Aug. 18, '62 Clendenin Oscar, e. Feb. 25, '62, re-enl. as vet. Crotchett Perry, e. Feb. 16, '62, re-enl. as vet. Jones Price M. e. Feb. 20, '62, disch. Dec. 20, '62, disability McGovern James E. e. Dec. 13, '61, m. o. March 22, '65, as Sergt. Thomasson James A. e. Feb. 17, '62, reported des. Aug. 18, '62 Trimble N. B. e. Feb. 25, '62, disch. June 28, '65 Trimble B. T. e. Feb. 22, '62, disch. Sept. 12, '62 Tully John, e. Oct. 17, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 Warren Geo. W. e. Feb. II, '65, m. o. July 20, '65 450 GREENE COUNTY WAR RECORD. COMPANY H. Capt. Thos. H. Dayton, rank Aug. 2, '65, m. o. Sept. 8, '65 PRIVATES. Miles John T. e. Mch. i, '62, des. Aug. 18, '62 Roberts F. B. e. Nov. 2, '61, re-enl. as vet. VETERAN. Roberts F. B. e. Jan. 24, '64, m. o. June 28, '65, prisoner of war. RECRUIT. Eldred Sam'l D. e. Sept. i, '62, transf. V. R. C. Jan. 18, '65 COMPANY I. PRIVATES. Hester Thos. W. e. Feb. 22, '62, died Pike Co. Dec. 21, '63 Lytle James F. e. Feb. 22, '62, died Benton Barracks, Mch. 23, '62 Murray Thos. J. e. Mch i, '62, died Jefferson Barracks, May 24, '62 Smith Seth B. e. Feb. 25, '61, died Jefferson Barracks, July 13, '62 Thaxton Farm, e. Feb. 7, '62, disch. Feb. 11, '63, disability. Tucker John W. e. Feb. 25, '62, re-enl. as vet. VETERAN. Tucker John W. e. Mch. i, '64, m. o. Sept. 8, '65, Corp. RECRUITS. Aber Franz, e. Mch. 14, '62, re-enl. as vet. Caldwell Pat. e. Feb. 15, '62, m. o. Mch. 24. '65 McGaughnay C. e. Mch. 15, '62, m. o. Mch. 17. '65 Miller Jno. e. Mch. 28, '62, reported des. Aug, 18, '62 Rider Nich. e. Mch. 2, '62, m. o. Mch. 24, '65 Thompson P. B. e. Mch. i, '62, pro. Sergt. dishon. disch. as private Sept. 6, '63, G.C.M. COMPANY K, UNASSIGNED RECRUITS. Carrico Sam'l A. e. Mch. 30, '65, m. o. June 3. '65 O'Keefe Patrick, e. Mch. 15, '64, vet. recruit rejected. Potter Chas. e. Jan. 2, '64 Vogels Anthony, e. Jan. 28, '64 SIXTY-SECOND INFANTRY. COMPANY C. RECRUIT. Martin David S. e. Feb. 14, '65, transf. Co. C as consolidated COMPANY C. (Consolidated.) PRIVATE. Martin David S. m. o. Feb. i, '66 SIXTY-FOURTH INFANTRY. COMPANY C. RECRUITS. Ingland James, e. Dec. i, '63, m. o. June 27, '65 Moore Geo. F. e. Nov. 27, '63, died Fort Schuyler, Jan. 31, '65 SIXTY-SIXTH INFANTRY. COMPANY A. PRIVATE. Edwards Wm. e. Sept. 12, '61, re-enl. as vet. VETERANS. Edwards Wm. e. Dec. 24, '64, m. o. July 7, '65 Mullen Owen, e. Dec. 24, '64, m. o. July 7,'65 SEVENTY-SIXTH INFANTRY. UNASSIGNED RECRUIT. Baker Wm. NINETY-FIRST INFANTRY. Chaplain, Jno. C. Sargent, rank Oct. 4, '62 resigned May il, '64 NON-COMMISSIONED STAFF. Musician, Geo. S. Gosnell, m. o. July 12, '65 COMPANY G. Capt. Ebenezer J. Pearce, rank Jan. 29, '65, m. o. July 12, '65 First Lieut. Jno. C. Sargeant, rank Sept. 8, '62, pro. Chaplain First Lieut. Isaac N. Oaks, rank Oct. 25, '62, hon. disch. Nov. 12, '63 First Lieut. Ebenezer J. Pearce, rank Nov. 12, '63, pro. Second Lieut. Isaac. N. Oaks, rank Oct. 4, '62, pro. Second Lieut. Ebenezer J. Pearce, rank Oct. 25, '62, pro. First Sergt. E. J. Pearce, e. Aug. 6, '62, pro. Second Lieut. Sergt. Isaac N. Oaks, e. Aug. 12, '62, pro. Second Lieut. Corp. James Allen, c. Aug. 7, '62, m. o. July 12, '65, Sergt. Corp. Jno. H. Seeley, e. Aug. 13, '62, m. o. July 12, '65, Sergt. Corp. Thos. L. Pankey, e. Aug. 11, '62, died Carrollton Jan. 16, '64 Corp. Jno. C. Gillespie, e. Aug. 11, '62, died Whitehall Oct. 22, '62 GREENE COUNTY WAR RECORD. 451 PRIVATES. Askins James B. e. Aug. ii, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 Ambrose Joseph, e. Aug. 13, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 Benear Jno. H. e. Aug. 11, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 Blair Wm. e. Aug. 11, '62, m. o. July 12, '65' prisoner Beathard Jno. e. Aug. 13, '62, disch. May 4, '63, disability Bighani Francis M. e. Aug. 13, '62, died Car- rollton Nov. 14, '63 Bandy James L. e. Aug. 13, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 ColeChas. P. e. Aug. 6, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 Crabtree John, e. Aug. 11, '62, des. July 9, '63 Dougherty John T. e. Aug. 11, '62, m, o. July 12, '65 Davidson James F. e. Aug, 26, '62 m. o. July 12, '65 Eggert Ernest, e. Aug. 10, '62, disch. April 25, '64, disability Edwards Alexander, e. Aug. 11, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 Edwards John, e. Aug. 6,'62, m. o. July I2,'65 Holt Robert, e. Aug. 7, '62, absent sick at m. o. Regt. Linderman David, e. Aug. 7, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 Lakin Austin J. e. Aug. 11, '62, disch. Oct. 14, '63 Lee George A. e. Aug. 11, '62, died Browns- ville, Tex,, Dec, 16, '63 Meek R. B. e. Aug. 11, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 Milnes Joseph, e. Aug. 11, '62, m. o. June 3. '65 McBride S. B. e. Aug. 13, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 McMahan N. J. e. Aug. 13, '62, m. o. July 12, '65, Corp. McCabe Thos. e. Aug. 13, '62, des. Dec. 30, '62 McMahan G. W. e. Aug. 9, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 Neely Chesly, e. Aug. 13, '62, transf. Co. C, 28th 111. Inf. Ogle Elisha, e. Aug. ii, '62, m. o. June 3, '65 Pritchett Thos. W. e. Aug. 11, '62, m. o. July 12, '65, Corp. Pinkerton W. M. H. e. Aug. 14, '62, died New Orleans Sept. 24, '63 Rens William, e. Aug, 9, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 Smith J. M. e. Aug. 11, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 Shumway A. A. e. Aug. 13, '62, died Carroll- ton, La. Oct. 3, '63 Thaxton W. W. e. Aug. 12, '62, disch. Aug. 6, '64, disability Tetterton Jesse, e. Aug. 9, '62, died Carroll- ton, La., Nov. 18, '63 Tetterton J. C. e. Aug, 11, '62, disch. Oct. 7, '64, disability Thaxton R. M. e. Aug. I2,'62,des. Dec. 30,'62 Vinyard Rowell, e. Aug. 11, '62, died Browns- ville. Tex. Nov. 28, '63 RECRUITS. Davidson Isaac, e. March 7, '65, transf. Co. K, 28th 111. Inf. Ferguson Wm. C. e. March 7, '65, transf. Co. K, 28th 111. Inf. Kirkpatrick F. M. e. March 7, '65, transf. Co. K, 28th 111.. Inf. McElroy Patrick, e. March 7, '65, iransf. Co. K, 28th 111. Inf. Maberry Elisha, e. March 7, '65, transf. Co. K, 28th 111. Inf. Steannett N. H. e. March 7, '65, transf. Co. K, 28th 111. Inf. COMPANY H. Capt. Jordan Lakin, rank Sept. 8, '62, dis- missed March i, '63 Capt. Joseph A. Wells, rank Aug. 16, '64, m. o. July 12, '65 First Lieut. James Coates, rank Sept. 8, '62, resigned Oct. 23, '63 First Lieut. Joseph A. Wells, rank Oct. 23, '63, pro. First Lieut. Massy Cox, rank Aug. 16, '64. m. o. July 12, '65. Second Lieut. John Jones, rank Sept. 8, '62, resigned Sept. 16, '63 Second Lieut. Wm. A. Wells, rank July 12, '65, m. o. July 12, '65, Sergt. First Sergt. Joseph A. Wells, e. Aug. 10, '62, pro. First Lieut. Sergt. Anderson Wells, e. Aug. 14, '62, m. o. July 12, '65, private Sergt. Wm. Wilkerson, e. Aug. 22, '62, des. April 30, '63 Sergt. William F. Wood, e. Aug. 10, '62, died Jan. 13, '63, wounds Sergt. William H. Hall, e. Aug. 12, '62, des. April 9, '63 Corp. Massy Cox, e. Aug. 11, '62, pro. Sergt. First Sergt. First Lieut. Corp. Francis M. Gurley, e. Aug. 10, '62, des. March 4, '63 452 GREENE COUNTY WAR RECORD. Corp. Riley C. Lovlace, e. Aug. lo, '62, des. March 4, '63 Corp. Robert Henry, e. Aug. 22, '62, disch. Jan. 14, '64, disab. Corp. John W. Jones, e. Aug. ro, '62, absent sick at m. o. of Regt. Corp. George Garrison, e. Aug. 13, '62, m. o. July 12, '65, Sergt. Corp. Peter Smith, e. Aug. 8, '62, m. o. July 12, '65, private Corp. Francis M. Smith, e. Aug. 15, '62, re- duced, des. July 8, '63 Musician Edw. E. Almon, e. Aug. 15, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 PRIVATES. Bandy Ilenry, e. Aug. 13, '62, died Browns- ville, Tex. May 31, '64 Bandy Newman, e. Aug. 13, '62, transf. Co. C. 2Sth 111. Inf. Berline Andrew, e. Aug. 13, '62, died Carroll- ton, La. Aug. 13, '63 Beverly James M. e. Aug. 14, '62, Corp. absent sick m. o. Regt. Brentley Henry, e. Aug. 13, '62, des. Jan. 10, '63- Beaman Samuel S. e. Aug. 13, '62, des. Jan. 10, '63 Brant George, e. Aug. 13, '62, disch. Feb. 16, '65, disab. Brown Felix, e. Aug. 13, '62, m. o. Jan. 26, '65 Boyd Robt, e. Aug. 22, '62, des. June 24, '63 Carter And. J. e. Aug. 13, '62, m. o. July I2,'65 Cumby Alex. e. Aug. 13, '62, disch. May 20, '64, disab. Cunningham George W. e. Aug. 13, '62, m. o. July 12, '65, Corp. Conner James, e. Aug. 15, '62, died Bowling Green, Dec. 30, '62 Cole Davis G. e. Aug. 13, '62, des. June 6, '65 Criswell John, e. Aug. 13, '62, m. o. July 12, '65, Sergt. Deshazer Lewis, e. Aug. 13, '62, disch. Aug. 29, '63, disab. Deeds James, e. Aug. 15, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 Dorman Mathew, e. Aug. 13, '62, m. o. July 12, '65, Corp. Dagley William, e. Aug. 14, '62, transf. Co. G. 28th 111. Inf. Dagley Elias, e. Aug. 14, '62, transf. Co. G 28th 111. Inf Edwards James M. e. Aug. 10, '62, disch. Feb. 2, '65, disab. Edwards Edw. E, e. Aug. 14, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 Edwards Wm. H. e. Aug. II, '62, died Brazos Santiago, Nov. 18, 64 Edwards Geo. W. e. Aug. 11, '62, transf. Co. D. 28th 111. Inf. Fry Geo. II. e. Aug. 15, '62, des. March 4, '63 Geis Peter, e. Aug. 8, '62, m. o. July 12, '65, Serge. Gaskill James, e. Aug. 15, '62, disch. Oct. 29, '64, disab. Gardenshire James, e. Aug. 15, '62, transf. Co. D. 2Sth 111. Inf. Grimes Pleasant, e. Aug. 22, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 Garrison Geo. W. e. Aug. 15, '62, m. o. July 12, '65, Sergt. Henson James R. e. Aug. 10, '62, died New Albany, Oct. 20, '62 Henson Isaac, e. Aug. 10, '62, kid. Elizabeth- town, Ky. Dec. 27, '62 - Henson Robert F. e. Aug. 10, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 Hughes Benj. S. e. Aug. 22, '62, des. Oct. 1/62 Hamilton Riley, e. Aug. 22, '62, died Cairo, Sept. 25, '63 Hogan Jasper N. e. Aug. 22, '62, m. o. July ^2, '65 Hazelwood William L. e. Aug. 15, '62, died Brownsville, Tex. July 8, '64 Hazelwood George T. e. Aug. 20, '62, died Brownsville, Tex. May 4, '64 Hazelwood M. D. e. Aug. 15, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 Hiet Stephen, e. Aug. 8, '62, disch. May 24, '65, disab. Hancock John, e. Aug 2, '62, transf. Co. K. 28th 111. Inf. Sept. ] I, '62 Johnson John, e. Aug. 15, '62, des. March 10, '63 Link Jas. e. Aug. 15, '62, died New Orleans, Nov. 19, '63 Lewis James C. e. Aug. 15, '62, died Browns- ville, Tex. June 22, '64 Morrison Jas. e. Aug. 12, '62, des. April 4, '63 Martin Geo. e. Aug. 12, '62, transf. Co. C, 28th 111. Inf. Martin Benj. e. Aug. 12, '62, died Browns- ville, Tex., Jan. 5, '64 Martin Reuben, e. Aug. 20, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 Moore Sylvester, e. Aug. 13, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 Moore Jeremiah, e. Aug. 13, '62, absent sick m, o. Regt. Marsh Daniel, e. Aug. 8, '62, m. o. July 2, '65 GREENE COUNTY WAR RECORD. 453 Ogle Benj. e. Aug. 15, '62, died Brownsville, Tex., May 6, '64 Prior Squire R. e. Aug. 15, '62, transf. Co. E, 28th 111. Inf. Pointer Meredith, e. Aug. 15, '62, m. o. July 12, '65, Corp. Perine Jno. A. e. Aug. 15, '62, des. Oct. i, '62 Rexroot W. G. e. Aug. 15, '62, des. Jan. io,'63 Rains John, e. Aug. 8, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 Shinwault Jacob, e. Aug. 10, '62, m, o. June 5/65 Skinner Snively E. e. Aug. 15, '62, absent sick m, o. Regt. Sikes James, e. Aug. 8, '62, des. July 8, '63 Scott Jno. W. e. Aug. 12, '62, died Jan. 10, '63, wounds Scott William, e. Aug. 12, '62, died New Orleans, Feb. 10, '65 Wells Jno. C. e. Aug. 22, '62, died Benton Barracks, July g, '63 Wells Wm. L. e. Aug. 8, '62, m. o. July 12, '65, 1st Sergt., com, 2d Lieut, not m. Wiggins Wm. H. e. Aug. 13, '62, transf. V. R. C. m. o. July 18, '65 Wood Henry E. e. Aug. 13, "62, transf. Co. C, 2Sth 111. Inf. RECRUITS. Brissay James, e. March 28, '65, transf. Co. E, 28th 111. Inf. Crane Wm. e. Jan. 30, '65, transf. Co. E, 28th 111. Inf. Cunningham W. R. disch. Sept. 8, '62 Evermont Nicholas, Corp. des. Jan. 10, '63 Gorings John, e. Jan. 31, '65, transf. Co. G, 28th 111. Inf. Hazelwood J. R. e. Jan. 31, '65, transf. Co. E, 28th 111. Inf. Hazelwood Wm. e. Jan. 31, '65, transf. Co. G, 28th 111. Inf. Hicks Saml. F. M. des. Jan. 10, '63 Hitch Wm, P. m. o. July 12, '65 Martin Edw. disch. March 7, '64, disability Pickett John, m. o. July 12, '65 Strickland W. F. died Carrollton, Oct. 4, '62 Vinyard Joseph, transf. Co. G, 28th 111. Inf. Vinyard Jno. R. e. Jan. 31, '65, transf. Co. G, 28th 111. Inf. COMPANY I. Capt. Slocum H. Culver, rank Sept. 8, '62, resigned March 10, '63 Capt. Robert Dennis, rank March 10, '63, m. o. July 12, '65 First Lieut. Robert Dennis, rank Sept, 8, '62, pro. First. Lieut. Theo. P. Hackney, rank March 10, '63, resigned Aug, 11, '63 First Lieut. John S. Judd, rank Aug. 11, '63, hon. disch. Jan. 19, '65 First Lieut. Saml. Martin, rank Jan 19, '65, m. o, July 12, '65 Second Lieut. Theo. P. Hackney, rank Sept. 8, '62, pro. Second Lieut. Thos. M.Wallace, rank March 10, '63, resigned Sept. ig, '63 Second Lieut. Warren T. Monroe, rank July 12, '65, m. o. Sergt. July 12, '65 First. Sergt. Thos. M. Wallace, e. Aug, 8, '62, pro. Second Lieut. Sergt. John S. Judd, e. Aug. i, '62, pro. First Lieut. Sergt. Saml. Martin, e. Aug. 8, '62, pro. First Lieut. Sergt. W. T. Monroe, e. Aug. 8, '62, m. o. July 12, '65, com. Second Lieut., not mus. Sergt. Wesley C. Peter, e. Aug. i, '62, died Memphis, Aug. 21, '63 Corp. Wm. B. Shanklin, e. Aug. 6, '62, m. o. July 12, '65, Sergt. Corp. Thos A. Bell, e. Aug. 8, '62, m. o. July 12, '65, Sergt. Corp. Wm, P. Smith, e. Aug. 7, '62, m. o. July 12, '65, Sergt. Corp. Levi Fuller, e. Aug. 8, '62, transf. V. R. C. Aug. 10, '64 Corp. Aaron O. Vossler, e. Aug. 8, '62, m. o. July 12, '65, Sergt. Corp, John R. Toneroy, e. Aug. 11, '62, disch March 24, '63 Corp. Wm. Hawk, e. Aug. 7, '62, m. o. July 12, '65, private Corp. Wm. L. Lawrance, e. Aug. 5, '62, ab- sent sick m. o. Regt. Musician Joseph Seavey, e. Aug. 2, '62, disch. March 14, '63 PRIVATES. Armstrong Amasa, e. Aug. 5, '62, died Car- rollton. La., Oct. 5, '63 Armstrong Finsa, e. Aug. 9, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 Armstrong Geo. e. Aug. 9,'62, m.o. July I2,'6s Allen Daniel, e. Aug. 6, '62, absent sick m. o. Regt. Allen Joseph, e. Aug. 6, disch. Feb. 8, '65 Allen James M. e. Aug. 6, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 Allen Wm. P. e. Aug. 6, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 Adams Rollin J. e. Aug. 6, '62, disch. March 29, '63 Adams Geo. R. e. Aug. 8, '62, m.o. July 12, '65 454 GEEENE COUNTY WAR RECORD. Andrews Stephen, e. Aug. ii, '62, m. o. May 13. '65 Bates Wesley R. e. Aug. i, '62, disch. Nov. 30, '62 Boggus W. H. e. Aug. 7, '62, m. o. July 12. '65 Bell Jno. J. e. Aug. 7, '62, Corp. absent sick m. o. Regt. Brantzel Phillip, e. Aug. 8, '62, m.o. July 12, '65 Brown Chas. e. Aug. 8, '62, des. Jan. 10, '63 Baker James C. e. Aug. 8, '62, died at home April 27, '63 Bacon Silas H. e. Aug. 8. '62, m.o. July 12, '65 Ballard Wm. P. e. Aug. 8,'62, m.o. July 12,'65 Baker Calvin N. e. Aug. 9,'62, m.o. July I2,'65 Barnett Isaac, e. Aug. 11, '62, transf. Co. C, 23th 111. Inf. Benear Peter R. e. Aug. 28, '62, m.o. July 12, '65 Beatheard Wm. e. Aug. 11, '62, died Eliza- bethtown, Ky., Dec. 17, '62 Conway Alfred, e. Aug. 7, '62, disch. Jan. 6,'64 Cullimore James, e. Aug. 8, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 Cullimore Wm. A. e. Aug. 12, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 Coleman Jacob H. e. Aug. g, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 Craig Manland, e. Aug. 23, '62, m.o. July 12, '65 Campbell James W. e . Aug. 2, '62, m. o. July 12 '65, Corp. Dodsworth Ralph, e. Aug. 2, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 l>inwiddie Geo. W. e. Aug. 12, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 Dinwiddie Benj. F. e. Aug. 9, '62, died Brownsville, Tex., July 17, '64 Delany Gilbert J. e. Aug. 11, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 Fisher Isaac R. e. Aug. 6, '62, transf. Co. C, 28th 111. Inf. Fridley Wm. H. e. Aug. 7, '62, m.o. July 12, '65 Gasnell Geo. S. e Aug. 14, '62, pro. prin. mu- sician Gropp Sebastian, e. Aug. 8, '62. m. o. July 12. '65 Grimes Wm. B. e. Aug. 9, '62, m.o. July 12, '65 Guthrey Joshua R. e. Aug. 23, '62, m, o. Jul)' 12, '65 Heaton Mark, e. Aug. 6,'62, m. o. July 12, '65 Holliday Chas. e Aug. 8,' 62, m. o. July 12, '65 Hubbard Alvin B. e. Aug. 22, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 Hasso Chas. e. Aug. i, '62, des. Jan. 10, '63 Kelly Wm. e. Aug. 8, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 Lewis Henry C. e. Aug. 7, '62, died Shep- pardsville, Ky., Dec. 13, '62 Lewis James F. e. Aug. g,'62, m.o. July I2,'65 Lodge James, e. Aug. 9, '62, m. o. July I2,'65 Lorton Ilarvey'N. e. Aug. 18, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 May John, e. Aug. xi, '62, transf. 28th 111. Inf. Martin James, e. Aug. 2, '62, killed Eliza- bethtown, Ky., Dec. 27, '62 Martin Thos. J. e. Aug. 8, '62, died Cairo, Sept. 25, '63 Moore Uriah, e. Aug. 7, '62, died Browns- ville, Tex., April 8, '64 Moore Silas D. e. Aug. 9, '62, m.o. July I2,'65 McDonald Andrew, e Aug. 9, '62, m. o. July 22, '65, prisoner McConathy Jno. M. e. Aug. 23, '62, m. o. June 12, '65 Monroe Jno. R. e. Aug. 11, '62, transf. V. R. C. March 15, '64 Neece Jno. B. e. Aug. 7, '62, disch. April 11, •63 Neece Alf. N. e. Aug. 7, '62, m. o. July I2,'65 Osborne Wm. e. Aug. 5, '62, absent sick at m. o. of Regt. Oswald Lewis, e. Aug. 11, '62, disch. March, •64 Pinkerton Foster, e. Aug. 7, '62. m.o. July 12, '65, as Corp. Reamer Phil. e. Aug. 2, '62, m. o. July I2,'65 Robertson Geo. e. Aug. 6, '62, m. o. July 12, '65, as Corp. Rodgers Benj. e. Aug. 8, '62, disch. March 23, '63 Rody Lawrence, e. Aug. 4, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 Russell James M. e. Aug. 10, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 Stark W. A. e. Aug. 9, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 Stark Joseph E. e. Aug. — ,*62, m. o. July 12, •65 Shanklin P. G. e. Aug. 7, '62, m. o. July 12, '65, as Corp. Stout Jno. C. e. Aug. 7, '62, disch. Feb. 7, '64 Stout Henry C. e. Aug. 7, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 Stout Danl. H. e. Aug. 16, '62, m. o. July 12, •64 Spangenburg Isaiah, e. Aug. 11, '62, m.o. July 12. '65 Thurman Jno. N. e. Aug. 7, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 Tucker Wm. J. e. Aug. 23, '62, disch. June 16, '64 GREENE COUNTY WAR RECORD. 455 Vreeland \Vm. B. e. Aug. 7, '62, disch. June 25. '65 Vossler Jno. P. e. Aug. 8,'62, m.o. July I2,'65 Winn Geo. W. e. Aug. g, '62, absent sick at m. o. of Regt. Wells Wm. G. e. Aug. 7, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 Williams Geo. L. e. Aug. 9,'62 m. o. July 12, '65, as Corp. Worcester Willis P. e. Aug. 8, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 Waltrip Bird, e. Aug. 7, '62, des. Jan. 10, '63 RECRUITS. Baker Chas. B. transf. Co. I. 28th 111. Inf. Baker Wm. C. e. Jan. 31, '65, transf. Co. I. 28th 111. Inf. Barron Reuben, e. Jan. 31, '65, transf. Co. G. 28th 111. Inf. Barnett Joseph, m. o. July 12, '65 Farnahan Jno. R. e. Jan. 30, '64, m. o. May 31. '65 Goodall Wm. e. Nov. 23, '63, transf. Co. K. 28th III. Inf. Hampton Jacob, e. Jan. 30, '65, transf. Co. F. 28th 111. Inf. Hefferman Jno. e. Jan. 30, '65, transf. Co. F. 28th 111. Inf McCollister M. W. e. Feb.3,'64, transf. Co. B. 28th 111. Inf. Smith David L. e. Nov. lo, '63, transf, Co. K. 28th III. Inf. Shanklin Jno. S. e. Feb. 20, '64, transf Co. G. 28th 111. Inf Teter Wm. e. Jan. 30,'65, transf Co.G. 28th 111. Inf Tuft Thomas, e. Jan. 30, '65, tranf. Co. G. 28th 111. Inf Vanderheyden W. J. e. March 15, '64, died Brownsville, Tex. May 23, '64 Weaver Wm. disch. Oct. 31, '62 COMPANY K. Capt. John Parks, rank May II, '64, m. o. July 12, '65 First Lieut. Jno. F. Collins, rank Sept. 8, '62, resigned Sept. 12, '63 First Lieut. John Parks, rank Sept. 12, '63, pro. First Lieut. James W. Walker, rank May 11, '64, m. o. July 12, '65 Second Lieut. Alex S. Denton, rank Sept. 8, '62, resigned May 4, '63 Second Lieut. John Kidd, rank May 4, '63, hon. disch. Oct. 27, '63 Second Lieut. James W. Walker, rank Dec, I, '63, pro. Second Lieut. Geo. H. Robinson, rank July 12, '65, m. o. Sergt. July 12, '65 Sergt. Jno. W. Kidd, e. Aug. 7, '62, pro. Sec- ond Lieut. Sergt. John Parks, e. Aug. 7, '62, pro. First Lieut. Sergt. James W. Walker, e. Aug. 7, '62, pro. Second Lieut. Corp. Chas. H. Wilhite, e. Aug. 11, '62, First Sergt, died New Orleans April 28, '63, of wounds Corp. Wm. Derose, e. Aug. 14, '62, m. o. as Sergt. July 12, '65 Corp. Frank P. Hudson, e. Aug. 14, '62, kid. Spanish Fort, March 27, '65 Corp. Geo. H. Robinson, e. Aug. 13, '62, m. o. July 12, '65, as First Sergt. Com. Sec- ond Lieut but not mustered Corp. Henry Caswell, e. Aug. 8, '62, m. o. July 12, '65, as Sergt. Corp. Wm. L. Kincaid, e. Aug. 12, '62, m. o. July 12, '65, as Sergt. Corp. James A. Piper, e Aug. 7, '62, m. o. July 12, '65, as Sergt. Corp. David S. Wilson, e. Aug. 7, '62, m. o. July 12, '65, as private Musician Wm. G. Secor, e. Aug. 7, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 Bufifaloe Bryant, e. Aug. 11, '62, died Browns- ville, Tex. June 10, '64 Bower Leonard, e. Aug. 11, '62, m.o. July 12, '65 Bradley Edgar M. e. Aug. 7, '62, died Cairo Feb. 18, '63 Bowman Sam'l J. e. Aug. 13, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 Barnard Anderson, e. Aug. 13, '62, m.o. July 12, '65, as wagoner Cameron Francis M. e. Aug. 7, '62, kid. Eliza- bethtown Dec. 27, '62 Craw Edmund, e. Aug. 13, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 Coonrod Henry L. e. Aug.13,'62, died Browns- ville, Tex. April 3, '64 Corrington James B. e. Aug. 15, '62, died Brownsville, Tex. March 6, '64 Crouch Sanford, e. Aug. 13, '62, died Green- field Jan. 18, '63 Drake Wm. H. e. Aug. 7, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 456 GREENE COUNTY WAR RECORD. Dryden Joshua G. e. Aug. 7, '62, disch. Sept. 20, '64 Dryden Jno. C. e. Aug. 7, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 Dryden James P. B. e. Aug. 15, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 DeWitt Dan'l G. e. Aug. 14, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 as Corp. Dickerman Major W. e. Aug. 14, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 Elkinton Jno. W. e. Aug. 9, 62, died Browns- ville, Tex. Jan. 24, '64 Erthal Jasper, e. Aug. 21, '62, died Vicksburg Aug. 4, '63 French Alf. L. e. Aug. 7, '62, disch. Jan. 6/64, disab. Fesler Nath. e. Aug. 15, '62, died Brazos, Santiago, Oct. 30, '64 Grizzle Benj. e. Aug. 9, '62, absent sick at m. o. of Regt. Gill Richard L. e. Aug. 7, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 Hogan James, e. Aug. 11, '62, m. o. July 12, ■65 Hall George, e. Aug. 9, '62, m. o. June i6,'65 Henson A. F. e. Aug. 13, '62, disch April 11, '63 Henderson David B. e. Aug. 20,'62, m. o. July 12, '65 as Corp. Howard Columbus, e. Aug. 9, '62, died Browns- ville, Tex. Dec. 23, '63 Juda Stephen D. e. Aug. T2, '62, absent sick at m. o. of Regt. Keef Anderson, e. Aug. 8, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 Kirby John, e. Aug. II, '62, died New Or- leans Aug. 27, '63 Kelly Joshua, e. Aug. I5,'62, m. o. July 12, '65 Louragain Wm. e. Aug. 13, '62, m. o. July 12. '65 Lawrence Thos. e. Aug. 14, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 Lewis Armsted, e. Aug. 13, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 Maxfield Wm. H. e. Aug. 7, '62, disch. April 12, '63, disab. Moore Wiley S. e. Aug. 9, '62 m. o. July 12, 65, as Corp. Meng Jno. C. e. Aug. 11, '62, m. o. July 12, •65 Martin Jno. W. e. Aug. 7, '62, died St. Louis July 21, '64 Million L. B. e. Aug. 7, '62, kid. Green Co. Feb. 2, '65 Mason Geo. E. e. Aug. 13, '62, m. o. June 20, '65 Miller Joseph, e. Aug. 15, '62, m. o. July 12, •65 Nix David L. e. Aug. 11, '62, absent sick at m. o. of Regt. Phillips Henry W. e. Aug. 9, '62, disch. March 13, '63, disab. Pridgen Wiley E. e. Aug. 11, '62, m. o. April 12, '65, as Corp. Plogger Thos. M. C. e. Aug. 8, '62, m. o. April 12, '65 Parks James L. e. Aug. 15, '62, drowned Feb. 25. '64 Piper Benj. F. e. Aug. 9, '62, m. o. July I2,*65 Piper Sam'l, e. Aug. 11, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 Rafferty Jno. C. e. Aug. 13, '62, disch. Oct. 10, '63, disab. Rafferty Thos. A. e. Aug. 13, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 Rafferty Wm. H. e. Aug. 7, '62, disch. Nov. 16, '62, disab. Raney Wm. C, e. Aug. 7,'62, died Nov. 20,'64 Saxton Wm. T. e. Aug. 7, '62, disch. April 21 '64, disab. Sturman James, e. Aug. 7,'62, disch. May 21, '64, disab. Shelt Jacob, e. Aug. 9, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 Slaughter Jno. T. e. Aug. 9, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 Speelman Jno. e. Aug. 11, '62, m. o. July 12, Scott Wyatt, e. Aug. 12, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 Short Elijah B. e. Aug. 13, '62, ni. o. July 12, '65, as Corp. Slrawn R. B. e. Aug. 13, '62, died Browns- ville, Tex. Nov. iS, '63 Shlosser Geo. e. Aug. 12, '63, died Dover, 111. March 9, '64 Thorp Wm. H. e. Aug. 7, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 Taylor Wm. L e. Aug. 9, '62, m. o. July 12, •65 Taylor Sam'l, e. Aug. 9, '62, m. o. July I2,'65 Tanner James, e. Aug. II, '62, m. o. July 12, •65 Thomas Aug. F. e. Aug. 7, '62, m. o. July 12, '65, as Corp. Vancel Frank, e. Aug. 7. '62, m.o. July 12, •65 Weisner Geo. C. e. Aug. 7, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 Wilhite Rich E. e. Aug. 11, '62. died. Nov. 19, '64 GREENE COUNTY WAR REBORD. 45T Winters Jacob, e. Aug. 14, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 Walton Joseph R. e. Aug. 15, '62, m. o. July 12, '65 Yarnell Henry I. e. Aug. 7, '62, m. o. July 12, '65, as Corp. RECRUITS. Burk David W. e. April 5, '64, m, o. July 12, •65 Cranfield Jno. H. e. April 5, '64, transf. Co.K. 28th 111. Inf. Hancock John, m. o. May 29 '65 Rich Jonathan M. e. Jan. 4, '64, transf. Co. G. 28ih 111. Inf. UNASSIGNED RECRUITS. Baker Azariah, e. Feb. 11, '64, disch. July 11, •64 Cade Perry, e. Jan. 22, '64 Vinyard Jno. R. e. Feb. 11, '64 Webb Wm. e. Jan. 30, '65, m. o. May 23, '65 NINETY-SEVENTH INFANTRY. COMPANY G. Sergt. James E. Hobson, e. Aug. 13, '62, m.o. July 29, '65 ONE HUNDRED AND FIRST INFANTRY. COMPANY F. PRIVATES. Heywood Wm. e. Aug. 10, '62, m. o. June 7, '65. as Corp. Webb James vS. e. Aug. 15, '62, died Bridge- port, Ala. Feb. 8, '64 Wallace W. J. e. Aug.13,'62, absent wounded m. o. of Regt. RECRUIT. Davenport Thos. e. Feb. 7, '65, transf. Co. E. 16th 111. Inf. COMPANY I. PRIVATES. Martin Benj. F. e. Aug. i,'62, ni. o. June 7, '65 Marshall James, e. Aug. 7, '62, m. o. June 7, '65 Neighbors Sam'l, e. Aug. 2, '62, died Mem- phis Jan. 15, '63 Neighbors Wm. T. e. Aug. 7, '62, disch. March 30, '63, disab. Shaw Thomas, e. Aug. i, '62, disch. March 26, '63, disab. UNASSIGNED RECRUITS. Benton Thos. B. e. Jan. 29, '64 Rugle Jeremiah, e. Jan. 29, '64 ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTH INFANTRY. COMPANY F. RECRUIT. Ewing Sidney, e. Feb. 14, '65, m. o. July 12, '65 ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTEENTH IN- FANTRY. COMPANY F. RECRUIT. Gearhart Levi, e. Nov. 28, '63, died at Ander- sonville Pris. Oct. i, '64 ONE HUNDRED AND FOURTEENTH IN- FANTRY. COMPANY C. RECRUIT. Blackledge W. J. e. Jan. 18, '65, transf. 58th 111. Inf. ONE HUNDRED AND NINETEENTH IN- FANTRY. COMPANY G. RECRUITS. Perry Erastus, e. Feb. 3, '65, m. o. Aug. 26, '65 Stuart David, e. Feb. 3, '65, m. o. Aug. 26. '65 Vance LaFayette, e. Feb. 3,'65, m.o. Aug. 26, •65 ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-SECOND INFANTRY. NON-COMMISSIONED STAFF. Q. M. Sergt. Chas. H. Mervine, reduced to^ ranks Co. C. June 26. '64 COMPANY B. Corp. Geo. W. Castlcbtrry, e. Aug. 13, '62, m. o. July 22, '65, as private, pris. war PRIVATES. Castleberry Franklin, e. Aug. 13, '62, m. o. July 14, '65. piis. Hicks Thos. B. e. Aug. 13, '62, dropped Jan. II, '63, unfit for service Wilkinson Hugh H. e. Aug. 13, '62, m.o. July 15. '65 Walker Nath'l, e. Aug. 13, '62, m. o. July 15, '65 COMPANY C. Capt. Lucian King, rank Sept. 4, '62, hon. disch. May 15, '65 Capt. Jacob L. Pope, rank July 14, '65. m. o. as First Lieut. July 15 '65 First Lieut. Jacob L. Pope, rank Sept. 4, '62, pro. Sergt. Clayton Gaskill, e. Aug. 15. '62, des. Feb. iS,'63 458 GREENE COUNTY WAR RECORD. Sergt. James W. Waddell, e. Aug. 15/62, died Andersonville pris. Aug. 25, '64, Grave No. 6767 Sergt. Gentry Scroggins, e. Aug.15, '62, absent sick at m. o. of Regt. Corp. Chas. E. Mervine, e. Aug. 15, '62, m. o. July 15, '65, private Corp. Caleb W. Adams, e. Aug. 15, '62, m. o. July 15, '65, private Corp. James D. Woolsey, e. Aug. 15, '62, m. o. July 15, '65, as private. Corp. Geo. Stokes, e. Aug. 15, '65. m. o. July 15, '65, as private. Corp. Wm. B. Swain, e. Aug. 15, '62, m. o. July 15, '65, as Sergt. Corp. Edw. R. King, e. Aug. 15, '62, m. o. June 9, '65 Corp. Boswell Brown, e. Aug 15, '62, des.Nov. 26, '62 Musician James A. Adams, e. Aug. 15, '62, taken pris. Dec. 20, '62, never reported after exch. Musician Christ'n E. Berry, e. Aug. I5,'62, m. o. July 15, '65, as private PRIVATES. Allen Elisha W. e. Aug. 15, '62, disch. Sept. 5, '62 Antrobos James, e. Aug. 15, '62, m. o. July 15, •65 Adams Joseph A. e. Aug. 15, '62, m. o. July 15. '65 Baugh Oliver H. e. Aug. 15, '62, m. o. July 15. '65 Brown Rich, e. Aug. 15, '62, transf. 33d III. Inf. Bullis Ezra W. e. Aug. 15, '62, died Carlin- ville May 12, '63 Bridges Green W. e. Aug. 15, '62, transf. 33d 111. Inf. Berry Jno. C. e. Aug. 15, '62, m. o. July 15, '65 Curry Clellen W. e. Aug. 15, '62, m. o. July 15. '65 Curry James T. e. Aug. 15, '62, disch. April 12, '63, disab. Cook Henry P. e. Aug. 15, '62, m. o. July 15, '65 Coon Israel, e. Aug. 15, '62, disch. Jan. 8,'63, disab. Dodson James T. e. Aug. 15, '62, disch. April 14, '65, disab. Estus Jno. R. e. Aug. 15, '62, m. o. July I5,'65 Estus Wm. T. e. Aug. 15, '62, m. o. July 15, '65 Gambol Jno. H. e. Aug. 15, '62, disch. Jan. 8, '63, disab. Greenfield Jno. e. Aug. 15, '62, disch. March 6, '65, disab. Holmes Chas. A. e. Aug. 15, '62, Sergt. com. Capt. 8th U. S. Colored Art. July 25, '64 Haven Benj. F. e. Aug. 15, '62, transf. V. R. C. Sept. 30, '64 Harris Joseph A. e. Aug. 15. '62, m. o. July 15. '65 Hays William, e. Aug. 15, '62, transf. 33d. III. Inf. Hagon Arthur, e. Aug. 15, '62, m. o. July I5,'65 Irwin Jno. L. e. Aug. 15, '62, m. o. July I5,'65 Kelly Garrett, e. Aug. 15, '62, disch. April 7, '63, wounds King Martin, e. Aug. 15, '62, taken pris. Dec. 20, '62; never reported after exch. Lovelace James E. e. Aug. 15, '62, m. o. July 15. '65 Lovell Harris B. e. Aug. 15, '62, m. o. July 15, '65 Luckey Josiah G. e. Aug. 15, '62, m. o. July 15/65 Mervine Chas. H. e. Aug. 15, '62, disch. March 14, '65, disab. McCow Chas. e. Aug. 15, '62, died Benton Barracks, April 26, '63 Massy Samuel, e. Aug. I5,'62, des. Nov. 26,'62 Miller Perry, e. Aug. 15, '62, kid. Blakely, Ala., April g, '65 Magee Thos. e.'Aug. 15, '62, wounded Dec. 31, '62; transf. to In v. Corps McRabney Jno. e. Aug. 15, '62. m. o. July 15, '65 Oakley Jno. e. Aug. 15, '62, m. o. July 15, '65 Pope Samuel, e. Aug. 15, '62, m. o. May 16, '65 Platto Lewis, e. Aug. 15, '62, absent sick m. o. of Regt. Page Alex, e. Aug. 15, '62, died Corinth, Miss. July 27, '63 Rutherford W. A. e. Aug. 15, '62, m. o. July 15- '65 Rutherford Joseph, e. Aug. 15, '62, m. o. July 15/65 Race Edward, e. Aug. 15, '62, m. o. July 15, 65, Corp. Stiles Wm. F. e. Aug. 15, '62, des. Nov. I9,'62 Utt James, e. Aug. 15, '62, m. o. July 15, •65 Woolsey George, e. Aug. 15, '62, absent sick, m. o. of Regt. Wagstaf Geo. W. e. Aug. 15, '62, m. o. July 15/65 Wright Western, e. Aug. 15, '62, des. Nov. 26, '62 GREENE COUNTY WAR RECORD. 459 COMPANY G. PRIVATE. Clark Francis H. e. Aug. 15, '62, disch. April 21, '63, disab. COMPANY K. PRIVATES. Drish W. H. H. e. Aug. 9,'62, m. o. July 15/65 Gersten Geo. e. Aug. g, '62, transf. Co. C Warren Henry, e. Aug. g, '62, transf. Co. C ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FOURTH INFANTRY. COMPANY C. PRIVATES. Norris Wm. F. e. Aug. 14, '62, m. o. Aug. 15, '65, Corp. Vanasdall J, M. e. Aug. 14, '62, transf. V. R. C. Oct. 23, '63 Cornell A, J. e. March i, '64, transf. 33d 111. Inf. ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-SIXTH INFANTRY. UNASSIGNED RECRUIT. Wright Benj. F. e, Jan. 18, '65 ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-SEVENTH INFANTRY. COMPANY D. PRIVATES. Gage Thos. W. e. Aug. 13, '62, disch. April 28, '63, wounds. Sarsfield M. e. Aug. 13, '62, m. o. May 31, '65 Phinney Jno. W. e. Aug. 13, '62, died Aug. 13. '63 Pope Chester I. e. Aug. 13, '62, transf. V. R. C. Jan. 15, '64 Tinsman Jno. e. Aug. 13, '62, detached at m. o. of Regt. Train Edwin L. e. Aug. I3,'62, died Chicago, Oct. 31, '62 ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-EIGHTH INFANTRY. COMPANY I. Sergt. J. T. Blunt, e. Dec. g, '62 PRIVATES. Alexander Jno. e. Sept. 15, '62 Aullspaugh R. B. e. Dec.5,'62. See Co. F gth 111. Inf. Hunter Joseph, e. Nov. 2i,'62. See Co. C gth 111. Inf. Kimball Jesse, e. Dec. g, '62 Moore Robert e. Nov. I, '62, transf. Co. F gth 111. Inf. Wroughton Daniel, e. Nov. 13, '62 ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY- NINTH INFANTRY. C03IPANY H. Corp. Lorenz J. Miller, e. Aug. gt'62, reduced to ranks at own request, m. o. June 8, '65 PRIVATE. GoUer Phillip, e. Aug. g, '62, died Chatta- nooga, July 3, '64 ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-THIRD INFANTRY. COMPANY B. PRIVATES. Kindel Frank, e. May 2, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 Pierce Joseph, e. May 2, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 COMPANY C. Capt. Walton M. Collins, rank May 31, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 First Lieut. Wnv H. Carroll, rank May 31, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 Second Lieut. Martin A. Patterson, rank May 31, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 Sergt. Wm. T. Piper, e. May 9, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 Sergt. Geo. W. Rives, e. May g, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 Sergt. Edw. B. Smith, e. May g, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 Corp. Saml. M. Withite, e. May g, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 Corp. Geo. W. Piper, e. May g, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 Corp. Wm. R. Chany, e. May g, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 Corp. Henry A. Barnett, e. May g, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 Corp. Geo. W. Jones, e. May g, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 Corp. Wm. A. Viney, e. May g, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 Corp. John Hand, e. May g, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 PRIVATES. Barton James F. e. May g, '64, m. o. Sept. 24. '64 Bacon John N. e. May g, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 Barnett Francis N. e. May g, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 Barrow Jno. T. e. May g, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 Cole Geo. e. May 9, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 Coonrod Jno. A. e. May g, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 460 GREENE COUNTY WAR RECORD. Crow \V. I. e. May g, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 Crow Benj. F. e. May 9, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 Cooley Thos. C. e. May 9, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 Cushing A. W. e. May 20, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 Calhoun Jno. W. e. May 20, '64, m. o. Sept. 24. '64 Dunn Francis M. e. May 7, '64, died Rock Island, July 26, '64 Griswold Fred. A. e. May 9, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, -64 Hurd Timothy, e. May 9, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 Henderson J. W. e. May g, '64, m. o. Sept. 24. '64 Jackson Adam, e. May 9, '64, m. o. Sept. 24. '64 March Daniel, e. May 9, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 Melton David W. e. May g, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 Maxfield James K. e. May 9, '64, m. o. Sept. 24. '64 Mason Wm. M. e. May 9, '64, died Rock Island, Aug. 20, '64 Peck Francis M. e. May 9, '64, m. o. Sept. 24. '64 Piper Robt. A. e. May 9, '64, m. o. Sept. 24- '64 Palmer Geo. W. e. May 9, '64, m. o. Sept 24. '64 Ruark Josiah P. e. May 9, '64, m. o. Sept. 24. '64 Rouen John, e. May g, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 Reeve Wm. J. e. May 9, '64, m. o .Sept. 24, '64 Sherman Edmund, e. May 9, '64, m. o. Sept. 24. '64 Slaughter Wm. J. e. May 9, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64, Corp. Shipley Jno. T. e. May g, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 Scott John H. e. May g, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 Scott Benj. F. e. May g, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 Smith Saml. H. e. May g, '64, m. o. Sept. 24. '64 Smith James A. e. May g, '64, m. o. Sept, 24. '64 Smith Nathan M. e. May g, '64, m. o. Sept. 24. '64 Sanders Jno. F. e. May g, '64, m. o. Sept. 24. '64 Whitman James II. e. May g, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 Walton Isaac, e. May 9, '64, m.o. Sept. 24, '64 Wright Marion, e. May 9, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 COMPANY F. PRIVATE. Simpson James, e. May 12, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 COMPANY G. First Lieut. Jno. H. Valentine, rank May 2i, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 Sergt. Thos. B. Robinson, e. May 14, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 Corp. David W. Campbell, e. May 12, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 Corp. Ebert A. Shannon, e. May 12, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 PRIVATES. Armstrong Hardin, e. May 12, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 Bowman Lucius, e. May 12, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 Brown George, e. May 18, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 Draper Thomas, e. May 12, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 Dohan Jacob, e. May 12, '64, m. o. Sept 24. '64 Fletcher Edw. C. e. May 12, '64, m, o. Sept. 24, '64 Freer Moses, e. May 12, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 Gilliland Jno. L. e. May 12, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 Hardin Isaac, e. May 12, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 HuUer Joseph H. e. May 12, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 Henry George, e. May 12, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 Honer Wm. E. e. May 12, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 Jewell Robert, e. May 12, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 Kinby James M. e. May 12, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 Naunon Daniel, e. May 12, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 Norman John L. e. May 12, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 Nizner Wm. R. e. May 12, '64, died Rock Island, July 24, '64 Rysby William, e. May 12, '64, m. o. Sept. 24. '64 Smiih Robt. Y. e. May 12, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 GREENE COUNTY WAR RECORD. 461 Smith Rufus, e. May I2, '64, m. o. Sept, 24, '64 Witt Franklin, e. May 12, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 Witt George, e. May 12, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 Washburn James K. e. May 12, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 COMPANY H, Sergt. Malcom Tunstall, e. May 12, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 PRIVATE. Molair Francis, e. May 12, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 COMPANY K. PRIVATES. Pettejohn Lawson, e. May 25, '64, m. o. Sept. 24. '64 Patterson Wm. M. e. May 25, '64, m. o. Sept. 24, '64 ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FOURTH INFANTRY. COMPANY B. PRIVATES. Cry Wm. L. e. Sept, 3, '64, m. o. July 14, '65 Harris Zack, T. e. Aug, 22, '64, m. o. July 14. '65 RECRUIT. Hogan Timothy, e. Oct. 13, '64, m. o. July 14. '65 COMPANY I>. PRIVATE. Fuller Seth, e. Sept. i, '64, m. o. July 14, '65 COMPANY E. Second Lieut. Geo. B. Sargent, rank Sept. 10, '64, resigned June 30, '65 PRIVATES. Ashford Isaac M. e. Aug. 20, '64, m. o. July 14. '65 Benton Chas. F. e. Sept. 2, '64, m. o. July 14. '65 Brooks Joseph, e. Aug. 29, '64, Corp. died Greene Co. Jan. 25, '65 Blalock R ich. e. Sept. 3. '64, m. o. June 23, '65 Coyl Wm. F. e. Sept. 5, '64, m. o. July 14, '65, Sergt. Carrigo Wm. H. e. Sept. 5, '64, m. o. July 14, '65, Corp. Cummings James, e. Sept. 3, '64, m. o. July 14. '65 Cummings Asa J. e. Aug. 25, '64, m. o. July 14. '65 Dullany Wm. II. e. Sept. 2, '64, m. o. July 14. 'f)5 Day Henj. F. e. Sept. i, '64, m. o. July 14, '65, Corp. Q Gilliland Saml. F. e. Sept. 2, '64, disch. Jan. 29, '65, as Corpl. for disability Hendrickson James O. e. Sept. 2, '64, m. o. July 14, "65 Harrigan Michael, e. Sept. 5, '64, m. o. July 14/65 Hazel Cyrus, e. Sept. 2, '64, des. Dec. 25, '64 Johnson David A. e. Sept. 2, '64, m. o. July 14/65 Ladd John B. e. Sept. 2, '64, des. June 29, '65 Marshall Benj. F. e. Aug. 25, '64, m. o. July 14, '65 Martin Wm. E. e. Sept. 3, '64, des. Oct. I, '64 Perry James, e. Sept. I, '64. m. o. July 14, '65 Peny Robert O. e. Sept. 5, '64, m. o. July 14, '65 Rutherford Andw. J. e. Aug. 22, '64, m. o. July 14, '65 Sego Jasper M. e. Aug, 29, '64, m, o. July 14. '65 Sargeant Geo, B, e, Aug, 25, '64, pro. Second Lieut, Taylor James A. e. Sept. I, '64, des. March 1/65 Taylor Benj. T. e. Sept. 5, '64, m. o. June 14, '65, Sergt. White James, e. Aug. 22. '64, died St. Louis, Feb. 16, '65 Williams Lewis R. e. Sept. 3, '64, m. o. July 14. '65 RECRUITS. Allen Benton, e. Oct. 27, '64, m. o. July 14, '63 Crossetl James R. e. Oct. 15, '64, m. o. May 25/65 Gilliland Larkin W. e. Oct. 3, '64, m. o. July 14, '65 Hazel Samuel, e. Nov. i, '64, m. o. July 14, '65 Jackson Hampton, e, Oct, 27, '64, m, o. July 14, '65 Roberts Francis, e, Oct. I2, '64, m. o. July 14. '65 Short Joshua M. e. Oct, 6. '64, m, o, July 14. '65 Wheeler Harry G, e, Oct, 13, '64, m, o. July 14, '65, Corp. Williams James R. e. Oct, 3, '64, m. o, July 14/65 COMPANY F. PRIVATE, Holmes Andw. J. e. Sept. 15, '64, m. o. July 14, '65 COMPANY G. PRIVATES. Adams Edward, e. Sept, 16, '64, transf, to 12 1st Ohio Inf. as des. from that Regt. 462 GREENE COUNTY WAR RECORD. Adams William, e. Sept. i6, '64, transf. to I2ist Ohio Inf. as des. from that Regt. Dewes Chas. e. Sept. 10, '64, m. o. July 14, '65 Hicks John W. e. Sept. 10, '64, m. o. July 14, '65 Kinser Jas. e. Sept. 15, '64, m. o. July 14, '65 Stevenson William, e. Sept. 15, '64, m. o. July 14. '65 COMPANY H. PRIVATES. Cannedy Martin, e. Oct. 4, '64, drafted not mustered Meister George, e. Sept. 27, '64, m. o. July 14. '65 Odel Jackson, e. Sept. 15, '64, m. o. July 14, '65 RECRUITS. Ambrose Moriis, e. Oct. 10, '64, m. o. July 14. '65 COMPANY I. PRIVATE. Braenninger M. e. Oct. i,'64, m. o. May 25,'65 RECRUIT. Adams Jno. R. m. o. July 14, '65, Corp. COMPANY K. PRIVATE. Ash Wm. K. e. Nov. 15, '64, m. o. July 14, '65 UNASSIGNED RECRUITS. Dorris Wm. e. Feb. 3, '65 Haney Geo. e. Feb. 3, '65 King John, e. Feb. 3, '65 Stephens John, e. Feb. 3, '65 ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIFTH INFANTRY. COMPANY C. PRIVATE. Metcalf Hiram B. e. May 7, '64, m. o. Sept. 23, '64 ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-SIXTH INFANTRY. COMPANY D. PRIVATES. Kilmer Elias H. e. Sept. 5, '64, m. o. July 8, '65 Sutton Edw. L. e. Sept. 8, '64, disch. June 2, '65, disab. ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-NINTH INFANTRY. COMPANY G. PRIVATE. White Alonzo, e. Feb. 7, '65, m. o. Jan. 27, '66 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-SECOND INFANTRY. COMPANY D. PRIVATES. Baird Jas. e. Feb. 10, '65, m. o. Sept. 11, '65 Johnson John, e. Feb. 10, '65, absent sick at m. o. of Regt. Taylor Robert W. e. Feb. 10, '65, m. o. Sept. II. '65 Ballard J. C. e. Feb. 16, '65, m. o. Sept. 18, '65 Hilley Newton, e. Feb. 16, '65, m. o. Sept. 18, '65 COMPANY E, PRIVATE. Schraag George, e. Feb. 10, '65, m. o. Sept. II, '65 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-FOURTH INFANTRY. COMPANY G. PRIVATES. Dailey John S. e. Feb. 10, '65, des. Feb. 25,'65 Leonard Wm. E. e. Feb. 10, '65, m. o. Sept. 18, '65 COMPANY K. PRIVATES. Draper Thos. e. Feb. 14, '65, m. o. Sept. 18, '65 Hunter Wm. G. e. Feb. 9, '65, m. o. Sept. 18, '65 Hunter Wm. e. Feb. 9, '65, died Camp Butler, Feb. 20, '65 Hardin Isaac, e. Feb. 4, '65, m. o. Sept. l8,'65 Lawrence John, e. Feb. 15, '65, died Murfrees- boro, Tenn. March 14, '65 Mitchell Harvey, e. Feb. 9, '65, m. o. Sept. 18, '65, Corp. THIRD ^Consolidated) CAVALRY. COMPANY B. RECRUIT. Jones John, e. Feb. 7, '65, m. o. Oct. 10, '65 COMPANY G. PRIVATES. Brown Wm. F. e. Feb. 11, '65, m. o. Oct. 10, '65 Cline Thos. K. e. Feb. 4, '65, m. o. Oct. 10, '65 Guinn Wm. e. Feb. 9, '65, m. o. Oct. 10, '65 Grigg Wm. D. e. Feb. 4, '65, m. o. Oct. 10, '65 Hobson Horatio, e. Feb. 11, '65, disch. June 9, '65, disab. Painter Francis M. e. Feb. 11, '65, m. o. Oct. 10, '65 Robb Hickman N. e. Feb. 4, '65, m. o. Oct. 10, '65 GREENE COUNTY WAR RECORD. 463 Root David H. e. Feb. 11/65, m.o. Oct. 10/65 Wood John S. e. Feb. 10, '65, m. o. Oct. 10, '65 COMPANY H. PRIVATES. Beck Benj. F. e. Feb. 11, '65, m. o. Oct. io,'65 Miller Wm. e. Feb. 11, '65, m. o. Oct. 10, '65 Root Thos. B. e. Feb. 11, '65, m. o. Oct. io,'65 SIXTH CAVALRY. COMPANY C. First Lieut. Wm. P. Rigg, rank Nov. 5, '65, m. o. Nov. 5, '65 Second Lieut. Wm. P. Rigg, rank April 25, '65, pro. First Sergt. David K. Spencer, e. Sept. 3, '61 Corp. Wm. Rigg, e. Sept. 3, '61, re-enl. as vet. PRIVATES. Craig Andw. J. e. Sept. 3, '61 Holladay Geo. W. e. Sept. 3, '61, pro. Sergt-- Major McDonald J. N. e. Sept. 3, '61, m. o. Dec. 12, •64 VETERAN. Rigg William, e. March i, '64, pro. Sergt. and Second Lieut. COMPANY H. VETERAN AND RECRUIT. Mitchell Thos. J. e. Feb. 3, '65, des. March 26, '65 COMPANY L. RECRUITS. Forrester Robert E. e. March 18, '64, m. o. Nov. 5, '65 Mytinger A. e. March 16, '64, des. July 19, '65 Spencer David R. e. Jan. 27, '64, disch. May 20, '65, Corp. UNASSIGNED RECRUITS. AUred John M. e. Feb. 14, '65, disch. Feb. 28, '65 Burns John, e. Jan. 30, '65 Brown Henry, e. Feb. 15, '64 Mackey John, e. Jan. 30, '65 Martin James N. e. Jan. 5, '64 Spencer David R. e. SEVENTH CAVALRY. COMPANY E. PRIVATES. Myers Henry, e. Jan. 19, '65, never reported to Co. NINTH CAVALRY. UNASSIGNED RECRUITS. Shepard Peter, e. April 14. '65 Smith James, e. April 14, '65 TENTH CAVALRY. COMPANY B. PRIVATES. Hill Paul H. e. Sept. 20, '61, m. o. Dec. 30/64 Hill Chris. C. e. Jan. i, '62, disch. July 15, '64 Hill Andw. S. e. Sept. 6, '62, transf. Co. B. re- organized COMPANY B. (Reorganized.) PRIVATE. Hill Andw. S. m. o. June 5, '65 COMPANY G. PRIVATE. McCarty Edw. e. Sept. 25, '61, disch. Aug. 11, '63, disab, COMPANY H. RECRUITS. Merriman A. J. e. Jan. 4, '64, transf. to Co. H. as re-organized Malone K. H. e. Dec. 30, '63, transf. to Co. H. as re-organized Malone W. W. e. Dec. 30, '63, transf. to Co. H. as re-organized COMPANY H. (Ke-organized.) PRIVATES. Merriman A. J. m. o. Sept. 11, '65 Malone K. H. m. o. Nov. 22, "65 Malone Wm. des. March 17, '65 COMPANY M. RECRUIT. Toller Benj. F. e. March i, '63, transf. to Co. C. as re-organized UNASSIGNED RECRUIT. Patten Delos, e. Feb. 9, '64 ELEVENTH CAVALRY. COMPANY A. RECRUITS. Hesse Wm. e. Jan. 26, '65, m. o. Sept. 30, '65 Lappe Henry, e. Jan. 25, '65, m. o. Sept. 30, '65 Uthe John, e. Jan. 25, '65, m. o. Sept. 30, '65 Voland Wm. e. Jan. 25, '65, m. o. July 29, '65 UNASSIGNED RECRUIT. Hornback George, e. Jan. 25, '65, m. o. Sept. 26, '65 TWELFTH CAVALRY. COMPANY A. PRIVATES. Duncan James F. e. Oct. 7, '61, transf. Co. F Gear Shubael, e. Oct. 7, '61, transf. Co. F Maher Patrick, e. Oct. 7, '61, transf. Co. F Sparks Jno. R. e. Jan. i, '62, transf. Co. F Skaggs Thos. e. Oct. 7, '61, transf. Co. F 464 GREENE COUNTY WAR RECORD. COMPANY F. Capt. Ephraim M. Gilmore, rank Dec. 31, '61, resigned June 28, '62 Capt. Ilenly L. Reans, rank June 28, '62, re- signed Jan. 2, '64 Capt. Jacks in Drennan, rank Jan. 2, '64, term expired Feb. 27, '65 First Lieut. Henly L. Reans, rank Dec. 31, '61, pro. First Lieut. Jackson Drennan, rank June 28, '62, pro. First Lieut. James M. Matlock, rank Jan. 2, '64, died Feb. g, '64 Second Lieut. Dennis Palmer, rank Dec. 31, '61, resigned May 27, '62 Second Lieut. Jackson Drennan, rank May 27, '62, pro. Second Lieut. James M. Matlock, rank Jan. 28, '62. pro. Second Lieut. Jasper Johnson, rank Feb. 21, '64, term expired March 2, '65 First Sergt. Jackson Drennan, e. Oct. 7, '61, pro. Seconil Lieut. Quartermaster Sergt. N. B. Kemper, e. Oct. 7, '61, died Culpepper, Va. Sept. 14, '63, wounds Sergt. James M. Matlock, e. Oct. 7, '6t, pro. Second Lieut. Sergt. Henry M. George, e. Oct. 7, '61, re-enl. as vet. Sergt. Samuel Spradley, e. Oct. 7, '62 Sergt. B. C. W. VVooldridge, e. Oct. 7, '6r, re- enl. as vet. Corp. Robt. E. Forrester, e. Oct. 7, '61, transf. Inv. Corp-; July 15, '63 Corp. Thomas J. Kemper, e. Oct. 7, '61, died Nov. 8, '63 Corp. John M. Goodpasten, e. Oct. 7, '61, re- enl. as vet. Corp. Joseph L. Abbott, e. Oct. 7, '61 Corp. Jesse Goodpasten, e, Oct. 7, '61 Corp. Samuel Montgomery, e. Oct. 7, '61 Bugler Joseph K. Simpson, e. Oct. 7, '61, died Harper's Ferry, Sept. 20, '62, vi^ounds Bugler Asa Grizzle, e. Ocl. 7, '61, re-enl. as vet. Saddler Abiam Belknap, e. Oct. 7, '61, disch. Oct. 23, '62, disab. Wagoner Arch. G. Kinkhead, e. Oct. 7, '6r, disch. Sei)t. i, '62, di>ab. PKIVATFS. Allen Winihrop G. e. Oct. 7, '61 Barrow William H. e. Oct. 7, "Ci, disch. Feb. 27. -63 Bartley David, e. Oct. 7, '61, transf. Co. C, 32d Illinois Inf. Brunson Nathan S. e. Oct. 7, "61, disch. Oct, 23, '62, disab. Clark Wm. W. e. Oct. 7, '6r Caton Phillip, e. Oct. 7, 61, died Camp But- ler, April, '62 Coonrad Geo. D. P. e. Oct. 7, '61, re-enl. as vet. Duncan James F. e. Oct. 7, '61, re-enl. as vet. Edwards Oscar B. e. Oct. 7, '61, disch. Dec. 20, '62 Evans Thomas, e. Oct. 7, '61, disch. March 3, '62 Farmer Wm. P. e. Oct. 7, '61 Goodwin Wilber F. e. Oct. 7, '61, re-enl. as vet. Garrat Saml. S. e. Oct. 7, '61 Hartwell Arthur C. e. Oct. 7, '61, re-enl. as vet. Johnson Jasper, e. Oct. 7, '61, pro. Sergt. and Second Lieut. Ketchum Leonard, e. Oct. 7, '6r, re-enl. as vet. Linder Isham, e. Oct. 7, '61 Mullen Joseph B. e. Oct. 7, '61, disch. June 2g, '64, disability Mitchel Newton L. e. Oct. 7, '61, re-enl. as vet. Maxfield Richard, e. Oct. 7, '61, re-enl. as vet. Maher Patrick, e. Oct. 7, '6r, re-enl. as vet. Morris William, e. Oct. 7, '6r, disch. April i, '62, disability McCann Joseph, e. Oct. 7, '61, re-enl. as vet. Pitchford Grannis, e. Oct. 7, '61 Simmons Daniel A. e. Oct. 7, '61, disch. May 25, '62 Skaggs Thos. e. Oct. 7, '61 Silby Albertus, e. Oct. 7, '6r, died Quincy, Feb. 23, '62 Woolbridge E. L. e. Oct. 7, '61 Werny Joseph, e. Oct. 7, *6l Wilkinson Wm. e. Oct. 7, '61, des. June 15, '62 Woods William, e. Oct. 7, '61, died Camp Butler, Feb. :6, "62 Wall John, e. Oct. 7, '61, re-enl. as vet. Yost Abram S. e. Oct. 7, '61, des. Jan. 22, '63 VETERANS. Coonrad Geo. D. P. e. Nov. 10, '63, transf. Co. ¥, consolidated Duncan James F. e. Nov. 10, '63, transf. Co. F, consolidated Goodpasture J. M, e. Nov. 10, '63, tranf. Co. G, consolidated GREENE COUNTY WAR RECORD. 465 Grizzle Asa, e. Nov. lo, '63, transf. Co. F, consolidated Goodwin Wilber F. e. Nov. 10, '63, transf. Co. G, consolidated Maher Patrick, e Nov. 10, '63, transf. Co. F, consolidated McCann Joseph, e. Nov. 10, '63, transf. Co. F, consolidated Maxfield Rich. e. Nov. 10, '63, transf. Co. F, consolidated Mitchell N. L. e. Nov. 10, '63, transf. Co. F, consolidated Wooldridge B. C. W. e. Nov. 10, '63, transf. Co. F. consolidated Wallis Rich. e. Nov. 10, '63, transf. Co. G, consolidated Wall John, e. Nov. 10, '63, transf. Co. F, con- solidated RECRUITS. Brown Danl. H. e. Dec. 30, '63 Byxbe Benj. B. e. Dec. 26, '63, transf. Co. F, consolidated Byxbe Joseph, e. Dec. 26, '63, transf. Co. F, consolidated Byxbe Wm. R. e. Dec. 26, '63, transf. Co. F, consolidated Barrow James H. e. Dec. 30, '63, transf. Co. F, consolidated Cameron James M. e. Dec. 30, '63, transf. Co. G, consolidated Challacombe W. B. e. Dec. 30, '63, transf. Co. F, consolidated Davis Jesse, e. Dec. 24, '63, transf. Co. F, consolidated Easley Clayburne, e. Dec. 21, '63, died St. Louis, Feb. 24, '64 Gifford Geo. L. e. Dec. 19, '63, tranf. Co. F, consolidated Gordon Abram, e. Dec. 15, '63, transf. Co. F, consolidated Grizzle James M. e. April i, '62, transf. Co. F, consolidated Hill John M. e. Dec. 16, '63, transf. Co. F, consolidated Hill Richard, e. Dec. 19, '63, transf. Co. F, consolidated Haynes Moses, e. Dec. 30, '63, transf. Co. F, consolidated Haynes Abner, e. Dec. 30, '63, transf. Co. F, consolidated Hayward Cyrus, e. Dec. 30, '63, transf. Co. F, consolidated Hand William, e. Dec. 30, '63, transf. Co. G, consolidated Ketchum David, e. Dec. 30. '63, transf. Co. F, consolidated Mitchell Wm. T. e. Dec. 30, '63, died St. Louis, April 26, '64 Manley Jno. "VV. e. Dec. 30, '63, transf. Co. F, consolidated Odle Isaac, e. Dec. 30, '63, transf. Co. F, con- solidated Pitchford Wm. H. e. Dec. 26, '63, transf. Co. H, consolidated Patton Jno. R. e. Dec. 30, '63, transf. Co. F, consolidated Roach Wm. L. e. Dec. 30, '63, transf. Co. F, consolidated Rhoades L H. e. Dec. 21, '63, transf Co. H, consolidated Rhoades Jno. H. e. Dec. 20, '63, transf. Co. F, consolidated Rhoades Albert E. e. Dec. 20, '63, transf. Co. H, consolidated Rogers John, e. Dec. 20, '63, died Napoleon- ville. La. July 18, '64 Scott James, e. Jan. i, '62, disch. Oct. 23, '62 Sherman Enoch M. e. Dec. 10, '63, transf. Co. F. consolidated Spurlock Wm. C. e. Dec. 15, '63, transf. Co. F, consolidated Samples Geo. W. e. Dec. 23, '63, transf. Co. F, consolidated Skaggs Hardin, e. Dec. 20, '63, transf. Co. F, consolidated Skaggs Chas. e. Dec. 26, '63, transf. Co. F, consolidated Wilson Wm. H. e. Dec. 15, '63, transf. Co. F, consolidated Hebern Chas. e. Dec. 30, '63, not assigned TWELFTH (Consolidated) CAVALRY. COMPANY D. First Lieut. Patrick Maher, rank Jan. 29, '66, m. o. May 29, '66 Second Lieut. Patrick Maher, rank May 10, '65, pro. COMPANY F. Second Lieut. Allen C. Hartwell, rank May 10, '65, m. o. May 29, '66 Com. Sergt. Leonard Ketchum, m. o. to date, Feb. 24, '66, First Sergt. Sergt. A. C. Hartwell, pro. Second Lieut. Sergt. James F. Duncan, m. o. May 29, '66, First Sergt. Corp. Patrick Maher, disch. May 20, '65, for pro. See Second Lieut. Co. D 466 GREENE COUNTY WAR RECORD. Blacksmith B. C. W. Wooldridge, m. o. May 29, '66 PRIVATES. Bixbe Benj. B. m. o. May 28, '65 Bixbe Joseph, m. o. May 29, '66, on furlough Bixbe Wm. R. m. o. May 29, '66, on furlough Barrow Jas. H. m. o. May 29, '66, on furlough Coonrad Geo. D. T. disch. Oct. 27, '65, dis- ability Challacombe W. B. m. o. Jan. 30, '66 Davis Jesse, m. o. May 29, '66 Grizzle Jas. M. disch. April i, '65, term ex. Grizzle Asa, committed suicide, March 30, '66 Gifford Geo. L. m. o. March 28. '66 Gordon Abram, m. o. March 28, '66 Hill Jno. M. m. o. May 29, '66, Corp. Hill Richard, m. o. Oct. 22, '65 Haynes Moses, m. o. May 29, '66, Sergt. Haynes Abner, m. o. May 29, '66 Hayward Cyrus W. m. o. May 29, '66 Ketchum David, died Summerville, 111. Dec. 1/65 McCann Joseph, m. o. May 29, '66, Corp. Manly Jno, W. m. o. May 29, '66, Sergt. Maxfield Rich, disch. April 3, '65, Supn'y Corp, Mitchell Newton L. disch. April 3, '65, Supn'y Sergt. Odell Isaac, m. o. May 29, '66 Patton John R. m. o. May 29, '66 Roach Wm. m. o. May 29, '66 Rhoades John H. m. o. May 29, '66, Corp. Skaggs Hardin, m. o. to date Feb. 27, '66 Skaggs Charles, m. o. May 28, '65 Sherman Enoch M. m. o. May 29, '66, Corp. Spurlock Wm. C. m. o. May 28, '65 Samples Geo. W, m. o. Feb. 27, '66 Wilson W. H. disch. April 3, '65, Supn'y Corp. Wall John, m. o. May 29, '66 RECRUITS. Cameron James M. m. o. July 17, '65 Hand Wm. m. o. May 29, '66 Hebern Chas. m. o. May 29, '66 COMPANY G. PRIVATES. Cameron James M. transf. Co. F Goodpasture John M. transf. Co. II Goodwin Wilbur F. transf. Co. D, des. July 20, '65 Hand Wm. transf. Co. F Wallis Rich, transf. Co. D, m. o. May 29, '66 COMPANY H. PRIVATES. Goodpasture Jno. M. des. July 30, '65 Pitchford Wm. m. o. June 7, '65 Rhoades Isaac H. des. July 20, '65 Rhoades Albert E. m. o. May 30, '65 FIRST ARTILLERY. BATTERY B. RECRUIT. Baxter Barnett, e. June 6, '64, des. June 9, '64 SECOND ARTILLERY. BATTERY A. PRIVATES. Phincorson C. Robertson J. E. e. March 28, '64, m. o. July 27, '65 BATTERY B. VETERAN. Keramer John, e. Feb. 12, '64, m. o. July 15, '65, Artificer RECRUIT. Keramer John, e. May 25, '61, re-enl. as vet. BATTERY £. PRIVATE. Herrman Gotlieb, e. Aug. 14, '61, m. o. Aug. 18, '64, term expired BATTERY F. PRIVATE. Dorries Fred. e. Feb. 22, '65, m. o. July 27, '65 BATTERY K. Sergt. Frank Schrackner, e. Oct. 15, '61, m. o. Dec. 30, '64, private TWENTY- NINTH U. S. COLORED INFAN- TRY. COMPANY A. RECRUITS. Dorsey Thos. e. Jan. 30, '65, m. o. Nov. 6, '65 Smith Thos. e. Feb. 14, '65, m. o. Nov. 6, '65 COMPANY B. RECRUIT. North Albert, e. Feb. 11, '65, m. o. Nov. 6, '65 COMPANY D. RECRUITS. Mahue Oliver, e. Feb. i, '65, died New Or- leans, June 30, '65 Pendegrass Samuel, e. Feb. i, '65, m. o. Nov. 6, '65 COMPANY E. RECRUIT. Bradley James, e. Feb. 6, '65, m. o. Nov. 6, '65 COMPANY F. RECRUIT. Pendegrass Jas. e. Feb. i,'65, m. o. Nov. 6, '65 GBEENE COUNTY WAK RECORD. 467 COMPANY G. PRIVATE. Mayfield Robert, e. Jan. 27, '65, m. o. Nov. 6, '65 COMPANY K. PRIVATE. Fisher Chas. e. Feb. 13, '65, des. April 10, '65 UNASSIGNED RECRUIT. Allen James, e. Feb. 13, '65 FIRST ARMY CORPS. COMPANY NO. 1. (Assigned to Co. A. Second Regt. U. S. Vet. Vol.) PRIVATE. Evans William, e. Feb. i, '65, m. o. Jan. 31/66 (Assigned to Co. H, Second Regt. U. S. Vet. Vol.) PRIVATE. Owen Nathl. e. Feb. 22, '65, m. o. Feb. 22, '66 (Assigned to Co. B, Fourth Regt. U. S. Vet. Vol.) PRIVATE. Shannon Thos. e. Feb. 24, '65 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY. ABBREVIATIONS. Co county. Col - Colonel. C. B. & Q. Chicago, Builington and Quincy Railroad. C. & A. R.R Chicago and Alton Railroad. Ill Illinois. I. V. A Illinois Volunteer Artillery. I. V. C Illinois Volunteer Cavalry. I. V. I ..Illinois Volunteer Infantry. N north, ne northeast. nw... northwest. P.O. -- .-Post office. Rev Reverend. se southeast. sw. - .southwest. Sec Section. St. Street. W west. Carrollton City. TOWN lo, NORTH RANGE 12, WEST. A BERNETHY JOHN, tinsmith Abrams Thomas, painter Adams William R. shoemaker Andrews Benjamin, clerk ANDREWS N. J. Ex-Sheriff of Car- rollton. Mr. Andrews was born Sumner Co., Kentucky, in 1830; he was but five years old when his mother, Mary P. An- drews, set out in company with friends for Illinois. His father. Baker Andrews, a man of wealth and position in his native place, died in Kentucky. To the care of his wife he left a family of six children ; Mrs. Andrews became a resident of Car- rollton in 1835, where Nathaniel J. An- drews, from whom this sketch is obtained, grew to manhood ; receiving a liberal edu- cation, he ventured forth as a farmer, which he has followed very successfully many years of his life. In i860 he was elected Assessor and County Treasurer, a position he filled 10 the satisfaction of all for a period of ten years. With Jas. S. Vedder, Mr. Andrews became identified in the grocery trade, doing a prosperous business for one year, when Mr. Andrews dispo.sed of his interest to Mr. Vedder. The follow- ing year he was elected Sheriff of the county, holding this responsible position two years. Since his retirement from offi- cial duties, Mr. Andrews has turned his attention to his farm, comprising 300 acres of choice land. In 1852 he was married to Miss Elizabeth Jones, a daughter of Dr. Jones, of Greene County. Of eleven chil- dren born of this marriage, nine are living: Catherine, Benjamin B., Lizzie, John B., Mattie V., Mary H., Nathaniel L., Lela Belle, and Beatrice. Mr. Andrews is a true lover of nature, who loves to roam the fields in quest of game or watch the streams in quest of wild fowl ; this passion for nature has made him an extensive trav- eler over a great portion of the West ; he it was who, in company with Col. Jacob Bowman, laid out the town knows as Brown's Grove, Pawnee County, Kansas ARMSTRONG DR. C. physician and surgeon, r. Maple av. and W. 7th st., office N. Main St., Carrollton, 111, Clin- ton Armstrong is a native of Rogersyille. East Tenn., where he was born on the lOth 470 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. of March, 1823. Tracing back the gene- alogy of the Armstrong family we find that Joseph Rogers, who was the father of the mother of our subject, was the founder of the town of Rogersville ; he was born in the county of Tyrone, in the north of Ireland; in 1786, while yet in the flush of early manhood, he crossed the ocean for the New World ; after a voyage of some weeks' duration he landed at Norfolk, Va., and eventually made his way to Tennessee, where he was destined to bear a prominent part in the mercantile world ; we have only space to say that he platted the town of Rogersville the year of his arrival, after- ward became one of the most prominent merchants of his day. having intercourse with some of the leading men of his time ; he died at Rogersville, where his ashes now repose, in 1S33. William Armstrong, the grandfather of the subject of this biography, was born in Augusta Co., Va., in 1758 ; he was of Scotch Irish origin, and early turned his attention to farming and became a leading man in his profession ; during its early settlement he moved to Tennessee, where he married Miss Eliz- abeth Galbreith, by whom he had eight children, of whom Clinton Armstrong, whose career we now follow, was the third son. He was born in Tennessee on the lOth of March, 1793, lived in Tennessee until 1845, when he moved to St. Louis, where he died in 1853, a merchant and farmer of prominence. Dr. C, Armstrong, of Carrollton, was born in Hawkins Co., Tenn., town of Rogersville, on the loth of March, 1823 ; lived here until 1844, when he located at St. Louis, stud- ied medicine three years, and grad- uated from the Medical Department of the University of Missouri, known at this early date, 1847, as the McDowell School. Dur- this year in Tennessee he was married to Miss Mar ha Lynn, a daughter of Wm. Lynn, of Kingsport. Of this marriage four children were born, all living, whose names are William, Clinton, Lucy and Mary. Residing in St. Louis five years, in 1849 he came to Carrollton, where he has since resided, securing in his profession a large and lucrative practice. Dr. Armstrong is one of our most liberal citizens, secretary of the Old Settlers' Association and takes a deep interest in educational matters. Mrs. Armstrong died April, 1872, and lies at rest in Oak Ridge cemetery. Mo. Oct. 30, 1878, Dr. Armstrong was married to Miss Lottie E. Hayden, a daughter of David Hayden.lateof California, and grand- daughter of General Eaton, who entered the United States service during the Rev- olutionary struggle, gaining fame and wealth, and was afterward Counsul at Tunis. When the late Civil War was in progress Dr. C. Armstrong served two years, doing noble work as an acting assist- ant surgeon of the 6ist 111., from Greene County, and was an eye witness of the siege and capture of Vicksburg Arcadia Flouiing Mills, W. M. Fry, prop. Armstrong C. Jr. bookkeeper Armstrong W. L. bookkeeper Greene Co. National Bank Ash Albert, hostler Ashlock Cassius, retired farmer r) AILEY ANN MRS. Ballow Charles, job foreman Patriot office Hallow James B. laborer Ballow Priscilla Mrs. Ballow William, teamster Baltz George, wagon maker Barker Joseph, plasterer Beaty W. W. real estate and insurance agent Bellas Hugh, carpenter Bellas Mrs. boarding house Bellas Thomas R. carpenter Benson William, wagon maker Black Simeon, tinsmith Bonfoy Mrs. H. Booth Edward, teacher BOWMAIS" M. resides in Carrollton; one of the first settlers within the borders of Greene County ; was born in Virginia ; he was in his 15th year when his parents moved to Illinois, settling four miles south- west of Carrollton, Greene County, in 1820. The subject of this sketch received the usual pioneer education ; for a number of years he worked on the old homestead. In 1830 he was married to Miss Harriet Cristy, a sister of the late Hon. Andrew Cristy, who ranked among the wealthier citizens of St. Louis. Digressing a little from the subject in hand, it may be here stated that for many years the hardy pio- neer roughed it in the little log cabin. The CAEROLLTON CITY. 471 table, constructed of puncheon, fairly groaned each day beneath the weight of venson and wild turkey, brought down by the unerring aim of the backwoodsman. M. Bowman, whose name heads this sketch is an unassuming Christian gentleman, well and favorably known in this county. The marriage of Mr. Bowman to Miss Cristy was blessed with eight children : Mary, Elizabeth, Emily, Anna, Kate, Alvin C, Francis and Lucy. Mrs. Bowman not living Bowman N. E. carpenter Bowman Jacob, blacksmith BOYD THOMAS H. retired mer- chant ; was born at Alexandria, Virginia, in 1817 ; his father, John Boyd, was a saddler and harness maker by trade, who married Miss Mary Kirk, a native of Phil- adelphia, Penn. In an early day they moved to Washington City, where they passed the remainder of life. Thomas was but 10 when he accompanied an emigrant to Illinois; this was in 1834. At 25 he entered into the mercantile business at Columbiana, Greene County, where he started a small store, and became a dealer in cord-wood and also a successful grain shipper. He transacted a good business here until 1856. About this time he mar- ried Mary Ann Ellis, a native of North Carolina, by whom he had six children ; three are living : Oily A., Carrie and Thomas. In 1859 Mr. Boyd was elected Probate Judge ; faithfully discharging the manifold duties of this office he received a re-election. In 1872 he was elected by a large majority to the State Legislature, serving four sessions. When his term of office expired he settled down to quiet life, so consistent with his abunbant means Boggess Henry, teamster Brace Dr. J. retired Brace Jehoshaphat E. farmer Brecht J. E., M.D. dentist Brennan C. Mrs. Breidenbaugh Louis, butcher Bridges Thomas B. compositor Patriot office Bridges Frank B. compositor Patriot office Brown Thomas, hostler Bull A. D. dentist Burney Mrs. Burr A. G. Hon. circuit judge Burruss F. C. Mrs. BURRUSS J. C. the enterprising pro- prietor of the Carrollton Machine Shops and Foundry, was born in 1847, near the present city of Carrollton, in Greene Coun- ty, upon the old farm homestead of his parents, George L. and Maria Burruss. Geo. L. Burruss is the well-known stock dealer. The subject of our sketch passed his early years upon the farm. In 1869 Mr. J. C. Burruss traveled for the well-known house of J. Sedgbeer, dealer in feed grind- ers, continuing in his employ for a period of one year ; he now became employed upon the farm of his father, sinking an artesian well, getting no supply of water at a depth of a thousand feet. In 1872 Mr. B. married Miss Kate Beaty, daughter of D. E. Beaty, of Jersey County. In 1875 he was employed by the Illinois State Farmers Association as State contract agent, and, during the Winter of 1S77, purchased the frame building owned by Winn Bros., and used as a machine shop, which was destroyed by fire six weeks after its pur- chase. By no means discouraged however by his misfortune, in 1877 Mr. Burruss erected the substantial building now owned and occupied by him for the transaction of a machine shop, foundry, blacksmithing.and machinery business. All varieties of farm machinery, from the most noted establish- ments are handled ; and here is also manu- factured to order a very superior wagon, made in a more workman-like manner than those generally in use. See business card elsewhere Bushnell L. S. lumber dealer Butler Thomas, laborer /^AIN CONRAD, laborer — Cain Thomas, carpenter CAMERON J. T. saddler and harness maker, west side of Square, Carrollton, Illinois. The above named gentleman, who is well and favorably known to the business community here, is worthy of more than a passing notice; the pioneer in the harness trade of Greene County, he began his busi- ness career at the early age of 18, in the City of Carrollton, having become reg- ularly apprenticed to the trade of a har- ness maker at an early age; born in Tenn- essee in 1832; at five, his parents became residents of Greene County. Since this 472 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. period of time he has lived here continu- ously, and has been known here as a busi- ness man from his i8ih year. Commenc- ing his business career with no capital, save willing hands and an energy that carried him in after years through many discourage- ments, he went steadily forward to a suc- cessful business career, transacting for many years a successful business both at CarroUton and Greenfield. In 1873 the store building owned by him was destroyed by fire, and shortly afterward Mr. Cameron bought the edifice where he now transacts a large and constantly in- creasing trade. In conclusion, we would say, give Mr. Cameron your patronage and secure good work at living prices. With the exception of alderman, Mr. Cameron has managed to keep clear of office. See business card elsewhere Cannole Bridget Mrs. Cannole John, laborer Cape Anne Mrs. Carlin Mrs. CARLIN THOMAS J. Circuit Clerk for many years ; is a native of Greene County ; born at Carroliton December 13, 1827, and is the eldest child of William and Mary Carlin. Will- iam Carlin was a brother of Governor Car- lin, of Illinois, and a native of Fredericks- burgh, Va.; born May 31, 1804. Mrs Car- lin was born July 3, 1805, in Halifax County, Va., and at the age of 13 her parents moved to Kentucky. Mr. Carlin removed with his parents when quite young to the then Territory of Illinois, and settled on Wood River, in Madison County. At that place they resided several years. During the Autumn of 1820, William Car- lin became a citizen of Greene County, and purchased a tract of land now in the cor- poration of Carroliton. On the 6th of De- cember, 1826, he was married to Miss Mary Goode. Politically his views coincided with those of the Democratic party, of vv^hich, in Greene County, he was a prom- inent member, and such confidence did they repose in his ability and honor that they elected him to the office of County Clerk and retained him in that position 17 years, when he resigned and moved to his farm, eigat miles west of Carroliton. . Two years later, while on his way to New Orleans with stock, he was nominated by the Democrats and elected in December, 1849, entering upon his official duties at Carroliton. He passed away on the 20th of April, 1S50, No man perhaps in the county was more universally liked than he, and his death was universally regretted by a large circle of acquaintances. His widow is still liv- ing, a resident of Carroliton. Thomas J. Carlin, while a boy, attended the common schools of Greene County. Shortly after the death of his father, he was appointed by Judge Woodson Circuit Clerk, to fill the unexpired term of his father. When the duties of this office came to a close he was appointed Deputy Sheriff under Will- iam Halbrit, and acted in that capacity two years. He married Miss Jane Kelly, a daughter of Andrew Kelly, of Carroliton, by whom he has three children. Their eldest daughter, Louisa, is the wife of William L. Robards. After the expiration of his term as Deputy Sheriff, Mr. Carlin settled on the old homestead, and soon after purchased a portion of the estate. In November, 1864, he was elected to the office of Circuit Clerk, and by re-election officiated in this capacity until December, 1876. Since this date he has followed agricultural pursuits. Viewing his past life, that has been characterized by ability in office and a spirit of generosity, few have contributed more toward the prosperity of the county than Thomas J. Carlin Carmody Conner, grocer Carmody John, laborer Carmody Mrs. Carmody Patrick, laborer Carrahar M. A. Mrs. boarding house Carraher Thomas, brick molder CARROL.LTON BANK, Benj. Roodhouse, pres; J. M. Roodhouse, cashier; E. B. Hobson, asst. cashier Carroliton Gazette, Price & Son, publishers Carroliton Mills, D. Pierson, prop. CARROLLTON PATRIOT PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, Clem- ent L. Clapp, proprietor. Publishes the Carroliton Patriot, Clement L. Clapp, editor and proprietor; the White Hall Republican, Pearce & Clapp, proprietors ; the Scott County Arrow, Pearce & Clapp, proprietors. Mr. Clapp, the proprietor of this flourishing printing establishment, was CARllOLLTON CITY. 473 born in Ohio in 1852, spent his boyhood in Connecticut ; removed to Iowa, where he graduated from College in 1871. Taught three years, spent two years at Yale College as a post graduate student, was for two years a member of the edito- rial staff of the New Haven Conn., daily yournal and Courier^ was for one year a tutor in Illinois College, Jacksonville, and in 1875 bought the Cariolllon Patriot. This establishment employs eight men and its four presses are constantly in motion, turning out commercial printing, legal printing, pamphlets, etc., for a wide sec- tion of country. Its customers are scat- tered from Jacksonville to Alton, on the C. & A. R.R., and from Winchester to Medora on the C. B. & Q. R.R. There is no country office in central Illinois that executes a greater variety or amount of printing CARKOLL.TON TILE WORKS, near the C. & A. passenger depot, was con- structed last Spring by that enterprising gentleman, W. L. Barnett, whose genial face, for the past ten years, has been fre- quently seen at the window of the C. & A. passenger depot, at CarroUton, where he officiates as agent and telegraph operator. To his practical mind it became evident that what the farmers of Illinois were in need of was more tile and less wet land. With his usual zeal he set to work, and the result is, that we to-day have tile works that will bear comparison with any other similar establishment. The clay used is of a very superior quality, and thoroughly ground before entering into the manufac- ture of tiling. This tile is manufactured from three to eight inches, is of very supe- rior quality, and finds a ready sale. Mr. Barnett, senior member of this firm, was born in Indiana, November 11, 1846. When but eleven years old his parents moved to Mattoon, 111., where young Bar- nett received a liberal education ; attaining ' the age of fifteen he entered the employ of the Terre Haute R.R. Co., becoming a tel- egraph operator in the city of Mattoon, III. When the Jacksonville division of the .St. L.,J.& C.Ry. was constructed, he went to Murrayville, Morgan county. 111., wher,; he officiated in his former capacity, and was probably the first operator on that line ; proceeding from here to Jacksonville, thence to Mason City, remaining here thir- teen months ; he came to CarroUton. At Mattoon Mr. Barnett was married to Miss Amelia Allen, daughter of H. A. Allen, of Mattoon, now of Geneva Lake, Wis. Caswell J. dyer Clapp Clement L. editor and pub. Patriot Clark Charles, laborer CLARK JOSEPH A. farmer and stock raiser, res. Second st., CarroUton ; farm property situated in township 9, range 13, and {ownship 8, range 13, and consist- ing of 720 acres. Joseph A. Clark is a native of Iowa, was born in 1839, the second child of Joshua and Paulina Clark, whose maiden name was Hoffman. The family moved from Iowa when our subject was a child, and settled on land at a point familiarly known as the Bluffs, where the head of the family followed agricultural pursuits, until his entree into the hotel business at Carroll- ton. He officiated in this capacity for six years, when he again took up the life of a farmer, and here young Clark passed his early years, and first embarked in business on Macoupin Creek; at a point now kn wn as Clark's Landing ; here he kept a groce- ry, and attended to the duties pertaining to his farm, and also rafted logs down the river to St. Louis and Alton, during the greater part of ten years. Mr. Clark ener- getically pursued the calling of rafting logs down the river, and on which transaction he realized a handsome ]3rofit, and in due time he accumulated a handsome property, and now owns as above staled, 720 acres. In Fuldom, Jersey Co., Mr. Clark trans- acted a general merchan Use business, and held the position of postmaster when he moved to CarroUto.i, where he purchased a residence and town property. In iS6r. Mr. C. was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth Fulks, a daughter of John Fulks, by whom he has six cliildren : Clara B.> M.iry, Jennie, Cyrilda. Rosa and Zana Clark Rev. Robt. pastor M.E. Church CLE3IMONS 1>R. 0. P. physician and surgeon, for the ]iast iweniy years in practice at CarroUton. was born in David- son Co., North Carolina. Januarv, 1S17; at twen y-one he bccimc a residen' of Louis- ville, Ky., wliere he entere 1 the medical university, remaining inree year.s, gradual- 474 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. ing as an M.D. in 1848. It may be here stated, that Dr. C. is, in every sense of the word, a self-made man, whose studies in the medical profession were made under difficulties that many would have given way under, and never have risen to any worthy position in life. From this institu- tion he graduated with high honors. In 1841 he took up the practice of medicine. For eighteen years, he was a resident of Pike Co., 111., where he obtained a large and lucrative practice. In 1858 the Doctor moved to Carrollton, where his skill as a physician soon becoming known, he secured a very liberal patronage. In 1862 he erected the large brick building east of court-house, where, from "62 un il '76, he transacted a large drug business. In ad- dition to this Dr. Clemmons owns some four or five other substantial dwellings in the city, and a country property, consisting of 227 acres of land, within a short dis- tance of the city. In Nebraska he also owns two sections of valuable land. For three terms has been alderman of Carroll- ton. In 1 85 1 he was married to Miss Matilda Thomas, daughter of the Hon. Samuel Thomas, by whom he has four children : Emma, who married Dr. Lind- say, of Carrollton ; Thomas, a farmer ; Charles, a graduate of St. Louis Medical College, and Eliza, now attending Godfrey College, at Monticello 111. Clothier Thomas, carpenter CLOUGH JOHN, farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 23, P.O. Carrollton. The whole-souled gentleman, whose name ap- pears at the head of this biography, is a native of Yorkshire, England, where he was born on the eighth day of October, 1821 ; the youngest child of Robert and Elizabeth Clough. The days of his child- hood and early youth were spent upon European shores, where he followed agri- cultural pursuits and received a liberal education in the subscription schools of his native place. In 1850 he crossed the Atlantic for the new world ; landing in New York City on the 5th of April of the year above given. Remaining in New York but a short time he came direct to the West, locating at Carrollton where he subsequently found employment as a butcher, and for twenty years was asso- ciated in business with W. O. Greaves, whose biography appears elsewhere, in a city meat market at Carrollton. Some eight years since Mr. Clough retired from the above business, turning his attention to farming, and now resides at his farm residence in Township 10, R. 12. In 1855 Mr. Clough was married to Miss Emma Greaves, a daughter of W. O. and Harriet Greaves. Seven children were born of this marriage, four of whom are living, and whose names are in order of birth, John, Robert, George, and Hattie. Mr. Clough has been twice mayor of Carrollton, and was first elected to this prominent position in 1873, and subsequently received a re- election to the same office in 1875 Cohen William, stone mason Colby Sophronia Coke Woodson, magistrate Coleman L. G. prop. Coleman House CONSOLE ANTHONY, Deputy County Clerk, r cor. W. gth st. and Maple Av. Anthony Connole is a native of County Clare, Ireland. Born July 3d, 1842, crossing the Atlantic in his 17th year he landed in the city of New Orleans ; from the " Crescent City " he made his way to Carrollton, where he first worked as a farm-hand for David Black and attended school during the winter, having previously received a liberal education in his native land. When the war broke out Mr. Con- nole enlisted in Co. F., ist Mo. Cav., and subsequently re-enlisted as a veteran in Co. A.. 53d 111. Infantry ; detailed as a sergeant, he became a participant in many noted battles ; honorably discharged when the war closed, he proceeded to Kentucky where he became employed as clerk for a railroad contractor ; afterwards proceeding to Springfield, he officiated as clerk for the U.S. Marshal; from here he went to Berdan, in Greene County, where he entered into the mercantile business, and was elected justice of the peace, and during the present year was appointed deputy clerk under the Hon. L. R. Lakin, County Clerk. In 1869 Mr. Connole was married to Miss Mary Markham, by whom he has five children Corrington S. F. Master in Chancery and Public Administrator CROW DR. J. T. physician and sur- CARROLLTON CITY. 475 geon. The above gentleman was born in Pike County, Mo., on the 14th of April, 1827, where he remained until he had at- tained his 17th year, date 1846, when he proceeded to Danville, Kentucky, where he entered upon a literary course of study, graduating with the honorary degree of Bachelor of Arts, with Dr. Geo. B. Wilcox, who was among the first families of Vir- ginia, an eminent surgeon and a participant during his younger days, in the war of 181 2. After remaining with Dr. "Wilcox for a period of one year, the youthful student attended a course of lectures at the medical department of the St. Louis University, now the St. Louis Medical College. Graduating at this school in 1854, he first entered upon the practice of his profession in Scotland Co., Mo. ; while here he mar- ried, in 1855, Miss Martha E. Gorin, a daughter of H. M. Gorin, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Decatur, Macon Co., for many years. In 1862 Dr. Crow became a resident of Greene County ; the following year proceeding to Quincy, where he re- sided one year ; then to Carrollton, and thence to the -golden shores of the Pacific coast in 1865 ; here, for a short time, practicing as a physician, when he again turned his footsteps towards Illinois, loca- ting in due time at Carrollton, where he has since became a permanent resident; where his skill as a physician is recognized and where he has a large and constantly growing practice. Of the marriage above referred to seven children were born, two only of whom are living, Charles C. and Albert S. CULIilMORE JAMES, retired hard- ware merchant. For a number of years transacted a successful business under the firm name of Cullimore Brothers. Was born in the city of Baltimore in 1842, where he resided until his parents re- moved to Greene County, in 1851 ; in the city of Carrollton passed his early years and became apprenticed to the trade of a carriage-maker and subsequently that of a tinsmith. A tinner when the war came on, he enlisted in Co. I, gist Illinois Infantry for three years ; served and became a participant in the battle of Elizabethtown and others of less note. When the war closed Mr. C. returned to Carrollton, where he, shortly after, formed a co-partnership business with his brother, John W. Culli- more, in the hardware, tin store and furni- ture trade. Both were men of enterprise and soon established a good trade ; con- tinuing in business for a period of ten years ; at the expiration of this time the firm was dissolved by mutual consent. In 1874 Mr. Cullimore was united in marriage to Miss Alice E. Black, a daughter of William Black, by whom he has two chil- dren ; Eddie and Gracie. Mr. Cullimore, Sen., first settled in Greene Co. in 1847 Cunningham A. M. farmer TRAGUS JANE MRS. Daiger Patrick, wagon maker Davis Anna Mrs. Davis Edgar, clerk Davis Frank, clerk Davis George W. grocer DAVIS JAMES M. prominent among the leading physicians of Greene County; was born in Boyle County, Ky., in 1828. His father, Cyrus A. Davis, was a prominent physician in Kentucky, who there married Miss Anna R. Montague, by whom he had eleven children, and of whom James was the fourth. He was in his fourth year when his parents settled at Carrollton, Greene County, III., then a village com- posed of a few rough stores and dwellings. Purchasing a farm, the head of the family followed agricultural pursuits, when he moved to Carrollton and began the prac- tice of his profession. At first he gained but little practice, but as the town grew quite rapidly, his practice increased in proportion to the growth. Above the average in education and natural intel- ligence, in 1836 he received the nomination and was elected to the House of Repre- sentatives. When the Legislature was in session at Vandalia, then the capital of the State, Dr. Davis bade his family fare- well and set out on horseback to attend to his new duties. On reaching the scene of his labors he remained until his term ex- pired, when he once more entered upon the duties of his profession at Carrollton, and where he held many responsible of- fices. He died in 1852, universally regret- ted for his sterling qualities. At the early age of 19, James M. Davis began the 476 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. study of medicine under his father. At the end of one year of unremitting study, he proceeded to St. Louis, where he at- tended the medical department of the Missouri State University, graduating as an M. D. March, 1852. Digressing a little it will be well to state that at 17 Dr, Davis entered the Mexican war, enlist- ing in Co. H, 2d Reg. Kentucky In- fan'.ry; honorably discharged on account of general disability, he resumed his studies. Dr. Davis, now a prominent physician of CarroUton, has held numerous responsible positions, but a short time ago becoming the regular Republican nominee for State Senator. In 1857 Dr. Davis was married to Sarah A. Vedder, a daughter of E. P. Vedder, by whom he has five chil- dren; Francis A., Edgar L., Nellie, Nettie, and Belle DAVIS K. H. grain dealer, near C.& A. passenger depot, Carroliton, 111.; successor of Davis & Nelton; began in the grain trade in 1868. The present large building for the storage of grain was erected in 1S67. Here are stored thousands of bushels of grain, ready for transportation to points north and south. Mr. Davis, who is sole proprietor of this extensive establishment, was born in Kentucky. His father is Dr. C. A. Davis. R. H. Davis moved to St. Louis, Mo., in an early day, entering into a successful grain trade. In 1867 he came to Carroliton, Greene Co., his former home, and in company with his brother entered upon a successful business career as a grain buyer. In 1^72 he was elected Mayor of Carroliton. On retirement from office he attended quietly to his large interests in the grain trade, until called upon again to serve as Mayor in 1877, receiving a large major- ity of the votes cast. Mr. Davis was mar- ried to Miss Cornelia Newson, of Peters- burg, Virginia, by whom he lias four children: Anna, Daisy, Lizzie, and Robbie. In IS72 Mrs. Davis was laid at rest in the Cemetery of Carroliton Day Arthur, laborer Day Harrison, clerk Day Henry, laborer Day Martha Mrs. DeHolt George, barber DEK JOHN V. retired farmer, a resident of Carroliton, and one whose name will go down to posterity as one of the pioneers of the Northwest; was born in Vermont Feb. 15, 1S04, the filth child of John and Elizabeth Dee. who died during the early infancy of the subject of this sketch. During the Summer of 1821, John Dee and John, Jr., father and son, settled in Greene County, within eight miles of what is now Carroliton. Wil 1 game of every description, peculiar to the Northwest, abounded, and here and there nestling among the tall native grass might have been seen the frontiersman's cabin. The father entered 160 acres of land, but tilled the soil but little, as he was a carpenter by oc- cupation ; a man who knew no idleness, he became moderately successful in life. He died in 1858. John, Jr., grew to manhood in Greene County, having for his associates some of the best men who trod the prairies of Illinois. When the first war with Black- hawk occurred, in 1830, he enlisted in Cap- tain Fry's company. Mr. Dee recollects well the signing of the treaty of peace at the old fort on Rock Island. But little more remains to be told ; but to such men as John Dee, who pave the way for a high grade of civilization, we owe our national prosperity. From boyhood to manhood, from middle age to old age, Mr. Dee has followed farming with a success, brought about by no lucky accident, but by system- atic and well laid plans. For the past few years, a resident of Carroliton, he lives in the enjoyment of the comforts of our mod- ern day. In 1814 Mr. Dee was witness, among others, of the passage on the Ohio River of tlie first steamboat Derr Margaret Mrs. Devine C. S. cigars and tobacco Devine C. S. Mrs. milliner Dick John Y. carpenter Dixon A. M. carpenter DODGSON CHRISTOPHER, who bore no secondary part in the growth and development of the flourishing County of Greene, was a native of Yorkshire^ England, and was born in 1S02. In his 18th year, date 1820, he looked about him for a new field of labor, and accord- ingly embarked on board a sailing vessel for America, landing in the Cily of Bal- timore, thence to Madison County, 111., where he first worked as a farmhand. Two CARKOLLTON CITY. 4T7 years later, he became a resident of Greene County, locating near the present City of Carrollton, on the farm now owned by Benjamin Roodhouse. As this date, 1822, was an early one even the history of the great Northwest, we here append a few facts relative to an early settlement in a new country. There was but one building then in Carrollton, a rough dwelling com- posed of logs, which was used as an inn, and known as the Jack Traveler. It stood for many years on the site now covered by the dry goods establishment of McFarland & Weagley. On the old farm homestead of his parents, John and Elizabeth Dodg- son, our subject passed his earlier years, and subsequently became a distiller. In 1843 he united his fortunes to Miss Mary Morfoot, a daughter of John and Elizabeth Morfoot. During this term of years Mr. Dodgson had become exceedingly prosper- ous, and began to take a leading position as an agriculturist, having purchased the property formerly owned by John Dodg- son, his father. He continued on the home place many years, and some 13 years ago moved to Carrollton, where he built one of the most substantial and handsome residences that the city affords; and here, while enjoying the fruits of his early labors, he passed quietly away to that world of spirits to which we all are tend- ing, on the 4th of April, 1878. None of his great success in life was due to accident or fortunate circumstances, but lay in his own indomitable will and an energy that never flagged. And to such men, who made a home in the wilderness, do we owe the comforts that we to-day enjoy. Mrs. Dodgson, from whom this narrative is ob- tained, resides on the home property, in Carrollton, is a native of England; born in 18 10, the second child of John Morfoot, whose name is mentioned elsewhere, who settled in Greene County in 1820, who was the first among the early settlers who were attacked by the cholera then prevalent, arid died some 45 years ago DoolittJe Edwin A. principal public schools Doyle Christopher, horsedealer Doughty A. H. shoemaker Dougherty John, laborer Drennan John, molder Drum Eugene, printer R Dulaney M. magistrate Dulaney William, laborer "P DMONDS E. farmer Edwards Oscar B. pump agent Edwards Sarah Mrs. Egelhoff William, carriage mnfr, Eldred J. T. livery ELDKED L. S. merchant, firm of Eldred & Hardcastle, Sec. 21, P.O. Carrollton. Mr. Eldred is the third child of Elon and Jane Eldred, of whom a full ac- count is given elsewhere in the histori- cal portion of this volume. The subject of this sketch, who is well and favor- ably known in Greene County, was born in April, 1834, on the old homestead of his parents, within the borders of Greene County. Growing to manhood when times were very different to what they are at the present time, he obtained a hardy vigor that led to a future success. In 1855 he was united in marriage to Miss Ellen Cav- anaugh, a daughter of Dr. T. H. Cavan- augh, who held the position of colonel in the late war, by whom he had ten children : Carrie R., Faiinie J., Belle M., Edward, Louise, Julia, Elon, Charles H., David P., and Philo C. and Albert G., deceased. At the present writing, Mr. E. resides in town- ship 10, range 12. In 1S74 Mr. Eldred served in the capacity of president of the agricultural board. During Black Hawk's raid on the white settlers Elon Eldred took an active part ; and also witnessed many stirring events in his sojourn in California as a gold miner ELDKED SILAS. In noting the life history of men and early times in Greene County, none are more worthy of note than Silas Eldred, whose daring nature inured him to the stirring scenes of Western life. He was a native of New York Slate. Of his parents but little can now be learned, save that they moved to Greene County in an early day, probably about the year 1820. Amid pioneer asso- ciations young Silas passed his boyhood, and grew to vigorous manhood. He proved a sterling actor in the battle of life, and was destined to play no secondary part in the growth and development of Greene Coun- ty. When Black Hawk made war on the while settlers, in 1832, he joined the 478 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. forces that were organized to protect the frontier. Many anecdotes are told of Silas Eldred; one will be worthy of espec- ial notice here, to show the daring nature of the man; on one occasion a man by the name of Roveley, a high tempered and somewhat quarrelsome man, drew a bead upon him with a shot gun, the old veteran silently advanced and wrenched the gun from the hands of the bully, completely sub- duing him. He became a farmer of promi- nence in Greene, and passed away in 1873, at the village of Roodhouse. The survivors of the family are seven children : Elisha, who married Carrie Taylor; Mary, who married James Wood; Jehosaphat, who married Carrie Eldred ; Ward, who married Lottie Lane; Silas, jr., who mar- ried Miss Augusta Trimble, a daughter of Harvey Trimble, one of the first settlers of Greene County; Lucy, who married first Archie Anderson afterward Rice Trimble, and on his decease Presley Rice; William, who married Margaret Kelley; Calvin and Rufus not living Eldred & Furgeson, livery stable ELDRED & HARDCASTLE, dealers in hardware, furniture, stoves and tinware, n.e. cor. Square, the only house carrying this line of goods, and one of the best and favorably known houses in Greene Co. The present members of the firm are Messrs. L. S. Eldred and O. B. Hardcastle. Of the former gentleman notice will be given elsewhere ; of the lat- ter it may be said, that he is a native of Carlinville, Macoupin Co., born in 1S53, ■where he grew to manhood. Obtaining a liberal education at Chillicothe, Ohio, one year later, he embarked in the above business Ellis L.A.Mrs. ENGLISH JAMES W., prominent among the attorneys of Greene County ; was born in Mason County, Va., March 11, 1829. His father, Nathaniel English, was a prominent physician, who married Miss Hannah Worth, a daughter of John Worth, a scout during the war of 1812. James was but eight years old when his parents moved from West Virginia to St. Louis, from which point they made their way to Jacksonville, Morgan County, 111., in 1836. In 1844 Mr. English entered upon a class- | ical course of study at the Illinois College, graduating with honor in 1848. He now took up the study of law in the office of Richard Yates, afterward Governor of Il- linois, and William Brown ; in 1850 he was admitted to practice as an attorney in the State of Illinois ; in i860, the Federal Courts ; and the Supreme Court of the United States in 1873. For five years" the young but able attorney struggled for a foothold among such legal lights as Mur- ray McConnell, and others. In 1856 he came to CarroUton, where his ability was soon recognized and the following year he was elected to fill the responsible position of State's attorney. He served in this capacity in an able manner until i860, en- tering upon his law studies with renewed zeal. In 1871 he moved to Leavenworth, Kansas, remaining a number of years. On being apprised of the mortal illness of his old friend and colleague. Judge Woodson, of CarroUton, and at the solicitation of his many friends in this enterprising town, he decided to return here. He has practiced for a period of eighteen years, and his course has been marked by no ordinary ability. Mr. English married Miss Eliza Stryker, a daughter of Henry Stryker, formerly a merchant, of Jacksonville, Oct. 6, 1852. Mrs. English is also a sister of Henry Stryker, Jr. attorney at Jackson- ville. There are six children: Julia, Clara L., Charlotte, Nathaniel and Henry; Maria not living ENGLISH WARREN, auctioneer, residence Locust street, CarroUton. War- ren English is a native of Greene County, born at the city of CarroUton, on the 7th of August, 1840. Tracing back the gen- ealogy of this family we find that L. H. English, the father of our subject, was a native of Kentucky and early in life he followed farming, although subsequent years developed an aptitude for any pur- suit he might follow. When a young man, prior to his majority, he wended his way to the southern portion of Illinois, and landed in Greene County, as near as can now be ascertained, in 1822. We can not, owing to limited space, follow his eventful life in Greene County, where he was des- tined to take a prominent part in the ad- ministration of its municipal affairs. He CARROLLTON CITY. 479 probably worked as a farm hand on his first entree into Illinois, and subsequently he developed both energy and skill as a trader and auctioneer. As a trader he was unsurpassed, and as a skillful auc- tioneer he is well remembered by the early inhabitants of CarroUton. The first office he ever held in Greene County was that of a district constable. When the Black Hawk war broke out he was serving in the capacity of a deputy sheriff, but with the pa- triotism born of frontier life he joined forces for the subjugation of the Indians. After the war he erected a substantial building in CarroUton and became the successful pro- prietor of the Greene County House. For the greater portion of his life he lived in CarroUton, although for some cause he once moved down on the Hurr'cane, where his property was washed away by floods. Returning to CarroUton, his restless, am- bitious nature led him into many business speculations, although his chief ability lay in his skill as an auctioneer. His first wife, Miss Arabel Turney, a daughter of General Turney, was born in Tennessee, and was united in marriage to Mr. English in 1828 at CarroUton. Mr. English subsequently married, on the decease of his first wife in 1870 to Mrs. Emily Brunk, with whom he now resides in affluent circumstances at Springfield, 111. Eleven children were born of the first marriage : Turney, Whar- ton, Josephine, Warren, Marion, John B., Rush, Elisha, Belle and Lindsay, twins, and Sarah. One chUd of the second mar- riage, Thomas. Of Warren we have only space to say that he passed his boyhood in Greene County, received a liberal educa- tion and subsequently turned his attention to the life of a horseman. In 1867 he was united in marriage to Tempie J. Melton, a daughter of W. J. Melton, a native of Greene County, by whom he has four chil- dren : Arabel, Pape, Julia and Turney. Mr. English is the owner of 160 acres of valuable land, and is said to be the best auctioneer in Greene County Evans James Evans George, farmer EVANS THOMAS E. Deputy Sheriff of Greene County, was born on the old farm homestead of his parents, William and Eliza E. Evans, near the city of Car- roUton, in 1843. Growing to manhood upon the farm he followed agricultural pursuits until 1869, when he proceeded to CarroUton, where he entered the banking establishment of John Long & Co., where he remained a short time, when he resumed operations on the farm, until his departure for St. Louis, where he became bookkeeper in a sale and commission house. Dec. 1873, Mr. Evans was appointed Dep- uty Clerk under the Hon. L. R. Lakin, in the city of CarroUton. It is well known to the citizens here that no one perhaps in Greene County bears a better reputation than Mr. Evans, as a bookkeeper or expert in accounts, and accordingly, when Mr. Jones entered upon his official duties as Sheriff he appointed Mr. Evans his deputy, who has since officiated in this capacity to the satisfaction of all honest men. Fur- ther notice will be given in the historical portion of this volume ■pAIRCLOTH THOMAS, laborer Fanning Patrick, laborer Farrow W. B. G. farmer Fasnacht James Lunt, harness maker Ferguson J. E. livery Fields Harry, baggage master C.&A.R.R Fields Harry, foreman CarroUton Tile Works Fiester John, carpenter Fish Joseph, teamster Fishback Henry, clerk with Sharon Bros. Fitzpatrick Thomas, police Foley Mrs. Foley Charles, laborer Forban John, laborer Frank Thomas, blacksmith Fry WiUiam M. Capt. prop. Arcadia Mills Fuller Austin, blacksmith Fuller Orrin, carpenter /^ AMBLE E. H. constable ^-^ Gardner John C. F. lawyer Garrett Samuel, painter Gillespie Andrew, farmer GILLESPIE DANIEL H, proprie- tor CarroUton Saw Mills ; for a period of seventeen years, the above named gentle- man has transacted a successful saw-milling business at various points in Greene County. For the past three years has been the suc- cessful proprietor of the above named works, within the corporation of CarroUton, where 480 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. having all modern facilities he is fully pre- pared to meet all demands that may be made upon him. This mill, in all probabil- ity, is better adapted and has better facilities for sawing than any mill of a similar charac- ter in Greene County, and the large and con- stantly increasing trade has been brought about through the energy and reliability of its successful proprietor, who was born in Brown County, Ohio, July 26, 1826, where he grew to manhood, and in the ad- joining county of Adams was united in marriage in 1849 to Miss Ann Hoop. In 1856 Mr. G. became a resident of Greene County, where he has since turned his at- tention to the above business Gillespie Samuel, retired farmer Gilliland Larkin, painter Gillingham Charles H. stock dealer GILSON EDWARD P. attorney and counsellor at law, is a native of Macoupin County, 111., born in 1853, the oldest son of James W. and Marion Gilson. James Gilson was a grain merchant at Brighton, where the subject of our notice passed his early years. Receiving his preliminary education in the district schools of his na- tive place, at an early age he entered Black- burn University, where he entered upon a course of classical .studies, graduating from this well known institution of learning in 1875 ; he now proceeded to Chicago, HI., where he entered the law office of the Honorable Judge Lyman Trumbull, with all the energies of his nature bent upon ac- quiring a full knowledge of the law. At the expiration of two years he was ad- mitted to practice in all the United States Su- [ preme Courts at Mount Vernon, HI. For the past year Mr. Gilson has been a resident of CarrolUon, where among his many skillfnl competitors he makes a very fair showing indeed, and we heartily wish him success in the profession for which he seems pecu- liarly fitted GIMMY ADAM. Deceased, who dur- ing his life was a prominent farmer within the borders of Greene County, was born in the kingdom of Bavaria, Germany, Aug. 25, 1S22. But little of his early life can now be learned, and accor-lingly we enter into a short description rel.'^li\e to liis ca- reer in America; during llie \\ inter of 18-iS he worked at his trade, that of a shoe- maker, at Cleveland, Ohio. Remaining one year at this city we next find him a res- ident of St. Louis, where he worked at his trade until his location in CarrolUon, where he entered into partnership business with a brother, Frederick Gimmy. For that period of time the firm transacted a suc- cessful business. Dissolving partnership in 1853, Mr. Gimmy next turned his attention to farming, continuing in this vocation un- til resuming business in 1859 at CarrolUon, where he conducted a successful mer- chandise until his decease, which occurred during the Spring of 1877, when all that was mortal of Adam Gimmy was laid at rest in the beautiful cemetery of Carroll- ton, a handsome monument marking the spot. The survivors of the family are Mrs. Gimmy, Adam, Mary B., Lewis F. and George. Adam, from whom this narration is obtained, embarked in his present busi- ness of grocer four years prior to the death of his father, and a more live, energetic business man it would be a hard matter to find ; his stock of goods, always of the best, are bought low for cash, which customers will do well to note. See business card elsewhere Gleason Thomas, laborer Gordon Enoch, laborer Gordon Martha Mrs. Gottgetrue Abraham, peddler Graves W. L. Mrs. dressmaker Green Alfred, laborer Green George, laborer Green Hannah Miss, dressmaker Green Nancy, Mrs. Green Reuben, clothing merchant Green Samuel, teamster GREENE COUNTY NATIONAL BANK, John I. Thompson, Pres.; D. D. Pierson, Vice Pres.; Robert Pierson, Cash.; Oman Pierson, Acting Cash. Greene Frank, clerk Greene Singleton F. County Commissioner, residence Kane Green & Prindihle, clothing Greshan John, blacksmith Gutlirilnule A. peddler (iuthrie P.ridget Mrs. Guthrie Daniel, hostler TTALL JULIA E. Mrs. Harden Lucy Mrs. CARROLLTON CITY. 481 Harney Mrs. milliner Hartwick Alfred, butcher Hazle Samuel, constable Headrick Titus, police Hillig Hermann, barber Henshaw Thomas, attorney Hensler Harriet Mrs. HENSLER LEWIS, manufacturer and dealer in Wagons, Buggies, Plows and Farming Machinery. All kinds of repair work promptly attended to. The subject of this sketch is a native of Indiana ; born on the 1st of May, 1850 ; fifth child of John and Harriet Hensler, natives of Ger- many and the State of Indiana respectively. Young Hensler grew up in Indiana, where he became apprenticed to the trade of a blacksmith and wagon-maker. On com- pleting his trade Mr. H. proceeded to St. Louis, where he worked nearly a year ; finding times hard in St. Louis, he now directed his footsteps to Carrollton, Illi- nois, where he embarked in the same call- ing, and through his superiority as a work- man, soon began to build up a large trade, and now transacts a large and constantly increasing business. He was united in marriage to Miss Lucy Howard, of Greene Hensler John, blacksmith Hensler Michael Hensler Mrs. Hill Alfred, painter Hill John, painter Hill Mrs. Hinton Ann Mrs. HINTOX HOUSE, sw cor. Square, Carrollton, Illinois, L. N. Jackson, propri- etor , J. H. Jackson, clerk ; sample rooms on first floor HOBSON EDWARD B. asst. cash- ier, Carrollton bank. Mr. Hobson was born in 1843, on the old farm homestead of his father. Dr. John Hobson, situated near Carrollton. At the age of six his parents located near Alton, where farm property was purchased. Here a residence was made from 1849 until 1855, when the fam- ily settled near the village of Buckin, on the Grafton road, where farm property was purchased. Here were passed the last days of Dr. John Hobson, a most worthy gentleman of wealth, whose memory is cherished by many residents of Greene County. The family now consisted of Mrs, Hobson and Edward, an only child. Mrs. H. having relatives at Carrollton, now de- cided to make her home there, where she now resides. Edward received his prelim- inary education at Carrollton, which was afterward brought to completion at Shurt- leff College, situated at Upper Alton. In 1864, he began the study of medicine under Dr. Armstrong, of Carrollton, in 1867 graduating from Rush Medical College, Chicago. Returning to Carrollton, he en- tered into the drug business with A. H. Donahue. Two years later the firm dis- posed of their interest to Fry & Armstrong. Dr. Hobson now turned his attention to farming, in Montgomery county, where he owns 1,000 acres, a magnificent property. In 1S6S, he was united in marriage to Miss Emma Elliott, daughter of Robert Elliot ; there are two children : Mary E. and Adele W. During the present year Mr. Hobson became identified with the Carrollton bank, one of the safest institutions in this county HOBSON ROBERT, who took a leading position among the merchants of Carrollcon, was born in Cumberland Co,, England ,May 1st, 1814. Passing by the ear- ly years of his life, spent in Great Britain, we follow his fortunes in the new world. It was during the year 1822, that his parents crossed the Atlantic for America, settling in Greene County, near the present city of Carrollton, where Mr. Hobson passed the days of his childhood — early youth, and grew to manhood, and where he followed agricultural pursuits until 1853, when he entered into a general merchandising busi- ness, continuing here two years. He then disposing of his stock, turned his attention to the vocation that had been his from boy- hood. In 1874, became extensively en- gaged as a stock dealer and shipper, and during the Autumn of 1875, becoming engaged in the stove line of trade, forming a co-partnership business with O. B. Hard- castle, which was dissolved Feb. i, 1879 Hodges Bros, grocers Hodges B. C. grocer Hodges Charles D. Hon. lawyer Hodges Charles H. grocer Hogan John, laborer Holshouser N. C. engineer Hussey's ware- house 482 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. Holland G. P. dry goods merchant Hough Thomas, miller HOAVARD JORDAN, farmer and stock raiser. Sec. lo, P.O. Carrollton. Among the early pioneers of Greene Co. whose hospitality invited and whose gener- osity partakes of the good old pioneer days of long ago we mention the name of Jordan Howard ; a native of New York State, born in the year 1808 ; he there passed his earlier years. At sixteen he accompanied his pa- rents, Sylvester and Lydia Howard, to the broad prairies of southern Illinois. The family settled permanently in Morgan Co. on a farm. Jordan, from whom this sketch is obtained, settled in Greene County as early as 1826, a period of time when scarcely a cabin stood between Carrollton and Jack- sonville ; on what is now comprised in the city of Carrollton there stood an old frame building erected for a tannery, and here the youth became instructed in the myster- ies of the trade. Remaining for a num- ber of years in this capacity he eventually became a clerk for David Pierson, the well known ex-banker, with him in after years transacting a successful mercantile busi- ness. During this time, in 1842, he was united in marriage to Miss Eveline Ryder, a daughter of John Ryder, one of the oldest settlers of Greene County, a native of New York. Two children blessed this union : Charles, who died in early infancy, and Mary, who married Thomas D. Price, the popular editor of the Carrollton Gazette. Since his retirement from mercantile pur- suits Mr. Howard has devoted his time and attention to farming, owning 140 acres in one of the best townships of Greene County. Here he quietly rests from his labors, on the well cultivated farm, where he will no doubt spend the remainder of his days. September, 1857, Mrs. Howard, a most estimable lady, passed to that world of spirits to which we all are tending Howard Sylvester Howard William L. painter Hubbard Harriet Mrs. nurse Hughes James, laborer HUITT JOHN W. one of the first pioneers within the borders of Greene, is a native of North Carolina, born about the year 1798. His father, John Huitt, a na- tive of Virginia, moved to North Carolina some time after the war of the revolution, where he married Miss Lizzie Radcliff, by whom he had, at the time of his emigra- tion to Illinois, eight children. They set- thed in that portion of the northwest now recognized as Madison county. 111., as early as 1804. Think of it, gentle reader, and let your imagination carry you back to a time when the North American Indians' mocca- sined feet trod the tall prairie grass where you now behold those evidences of civiliza- tion, flourishing cities, towns and villages. St. Louis itself, that magnificent city, on the Father of Waters, a mere trading post, where the daring trapper exchanged his furs to the wily trader, for tobacco, whisky, and in some rare instances, money. In this primitive wilderness the family of Huitts, a hardy, adventurous race, settled down for an existence among the wolves and Indians. A cabin was rented, and the following year one erected. Here the hardy pioneer swung his ax among the timber, or broke prairie for many a year. John Huitt, jr., and now the oldest settler living in Greene county, grew up among pioneer associations, his education necessa- rily limited, as the principal studies were a Dillworth spelling book and the New Testament. At the early age of 18, he was united in marriage to Miss Rosanna Hare- ford, a daughter of James Hareford, of Kentucky. In iSiS he moved to what is now Greene Co., where he made a claim, and when land came into market, pur- chased it. In the latter years of life Mr. H. became a large property owner. Mr. H., in his eighty-third year, once walked from the town of Kane, to his old home- stead near Carrollton. There are few at his age who still have the old-time vigor of youth. Of this marriage there were 13 children, 9 of whom are living : Rowland, Sarah, Nancy, William, Louisa, Katy, Re- becca, Jonathan and Fanny HUNT J. S. livery and boarding stable, S. Main st., Carrollton, 111. Over twenty years ago Mr, Hunt commenced a livery business at Carrollton. He was born in the State of New Jersey in 1S27. His father, Theodore Hunt, was a farmer in good circumstances, and on the farm young Hunt put in his idle time. He received a liberal education, and at twenty-one, left CARROLLTON CITY. 483 the parental roof and worked for neighbor- ing farmers. At twenty-five he made his way to Ohio, thence to Iowa, thence to Jersey County, 111., where he worked at carpenter work. Making his way toVirden, he there opened a livery and transacted a successful business, for a short time, when he moved to Carrollton, where he opened a livery on State St., meeting with success from 1856 until i860 ; he then purchased the lot where his handsome, substantial stable now rears its front, said to be one of the best in the State. Prior to this he erected a frame building that was destroyed by fire March i, 187S, In 1857, Mr. Hunt married Miss Harriet Hartwick, a daugh- ter of John Hartwick ; four children living: Nellie, Clara, Mattie and Jacob. In 1862, Mr. H. crossed the prairies for California. His present partner, Mr. J. I. Johnson, was born at Alton, Sinclair county, 111., Octo- ber, 1854. When four years old, his par- ents, James and Zella, moved to Greene county, settling on a farm, where they passed the remainder of life. Young John- son was then thirteen ; he received his education at Blackburn College, Alton HUSSEY & CO., proprietors Carroll- ton elevator, This building was erected eleven years ago, by Simeon and Thomas C. Hussey, they continuing a successful business in the grain trade until the de- cease of the elder brother, which occurred in 1872. During this year, John Long, the well-known banker of Carrollton, became an active partner in this important enter- prise. This elevator, perhaps the largest in the county, has a storage capacity of 20,000 bushels of grain, and a large trade is transacted. Mr. Hussey, a patron of this work, was born in Ohio, in 1841, a resident until 1861. During this year he came to Carrollton, where he ran a steam thresher, in connection with bis brother, Simeon, mentioned above. This was, in all probability, the first steam thresher op- erated in the county. For two years the brothers transacted a successful business as proprietors of a sawmill. In 1868, Thom- as C. Hussey was married to Miss J. San- derson, a daughter of Joel and Olive Sanderson, a native of Ohio, where the marriage ceremony took place Hurlbut W. W. printer Hyde Rev. S. H. pastor Presbyterian Church Hunt & Johnson, livery stable TACKSOX AMOS, blacksmith, car- J riage and wagon manufacturer, Carroll- ton, 111. The above named gentleman is a native of Greene County, born in the year 1832, the youngest of a family of six chil- dren. Working on the old farm home- stead until his eighteenth year, he then be- came apprenticed to the trade of a black- smith and wagon maker at Greenfield. Onr serving his time he proceeded toCarroUton^ where he worked as journeyman for a short time, and nine years ago embarked in his present enterprise and here has secured a fair share of public patronage through superior workmanship and reliability. In 1853 Mr. J. was united in marriage to Elizabeth D. Jackson, daughter of A. J. Jackson Jackson Greene, plasterer Jackson H. V. manager Hinton House Jacobs John, peddler Jeffries T. G. carpenter Johns Alexander, miller Johnson Edward D. clerk Johnson Henry, lawyer Johnson James I. livery stable Johnson William L. grocer Johnson & Son, grocers Johnston H. L. procer JONES JOHN. Among the officers of Greene County none are more worthy special notice than our worthy Sheriff, John Jones, a life long resident of Greene County. He was born on the old home- stead of his parents, Josiah and Elizabeth Jones, in 1839. The early years of his life were spent upon the farm situated near Wilmington, where he obtained a lib- eral education in the district schools of his native place, afterwards attending, a graded school'situated in the city of Jacksonville. Proceeding to Chicago, he there entered upon a course of classical studies. In the counties of Morgan and Sangamon Mr. Jones for some time followed the vocation of a school teacher. In 1865 he united his fortunes to Miss Minerva E. Patterson, a a daughter of Lemuel J. Patterson, by whom he has five children : Minnie F., Norman L., Lucy M., Howard and Cora M. In 1866 Mr. Jones entered into a co- 484 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. partnership business with L. J. Patterson and James Howard for the transaction of a general merchandise business, the firm name being Jones, Patterson & Co. In 1871 the firm dissolved by mutual consent, the senior member retiring to his farm, there following the duties pertaining to this independent calling until his appoint- ment as County Superintendent of Schools and deputy sheriff. In the separate capac- ities he proved equal to the duties incum- bent thereto, serving two years as deputy sheriff under N. J. Andrews and two years under F. M. Bridges. In 1876 his ability was recognized and he became the pop- ular candidate on the Democratic ticket for the responsible position of sheriff. He was elected by the largest majority ever polled for the sheriff's position, and during the present year, by the earnest wish of his many friends here, he accepted the nom- ination again to serve in this capacity, be- ing again elected and further notice will be given in the general history of this volume TT^ALAHEB MICHAEL, restau- rant, tobaccos, cigars, etc., etc., south side Square. The subject of our notice, who ranks among the more successful business men of Carrollton ; is a native of County Clare, Ireland, and was born in 1845. He was the third child of a family of thirteen children. He was yet a child when his parents, Pat- rick and Margaret, whose maiden name was Doolan, concluded to better their for- tunes in a land devoted to freedom, and accordingly the year 1854 found the family, consisting of father, mother and six children embarked on a sailing vessel for America. Before proceeding further in our narrative we here append a short description of the head of the family, who first represented the name in America. He wal born in the County of Clare, Ireland ; during his early years following agricultural pursuits, and during the prime of life was united in the bonds of matrimony to Miss- Margaret Doolan, and shortly after sailing for Amer- ica. We now follow the fortunes of the family in America, more particularly the subject of our notice, who, on arriving in Greene County, in the vicinity of Carroll- ton, first turned his attention to farming, being quite successful and the owner of valuable farm property. In his twentieth year Mr. K. was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth Feely, a native of Ireland, by whom he has eight children. Four years ago Mr. Keleher embarked in busi- ness in Carrollton. In conclusion we may safely slate that Mr. K. has become more than ordinarily successful in life, owning valuable city property. Like all of his race his liberality and enterprise in all things worthy is well known Kalaher Patrick, retired farmer Kalaher Patrick, jr. farmer Kalkhoff Otto, machinist Kannst Noah, laborer Keach C. Mrs. Keach J. R. farmer KEELEY JESSE, retired farmer, Carrollton, 111. Born within thirty-five miles of Philadelphia, May 20, 1808. His father, Coonrad Keeley, married Miss Anna M. Essick, by whom he had nine children ; Jesse was the fifth. When seven years of age his parents moved to Somerset, Pa. When Jesse was thirteen he moved to Westmoreland, Pa., where he hired out as a barkeeper, remaining five years. Re- moving to Somerset he was apprenticed to a blacksmith; on account of his employer's drunken habits he did not remain long be- fore he proceeded to Bedford, Pa., where he served his apprenticeship under Daniel Shuck, whom he remembers witli feelings of gratitude to this day. He was married April 17,1832, to Miss Mary C. Whit- taker. In 1836 Mr. Keeley located at Alton, Madison County, remaining one year ; he then moved to Scarritt's Prairie ; here he opened shop. He remained here two years, and then moved to String Prairie, near Dover, between Carrollton and Greenfield and while residing here his wife died, Sept. ii, 1842, leaving to the care of her husband three children : Daniel S. (a major during the late war), Cyrus H. and Charles W. Jan. 24, 1843, Mr. Keeley was married to Cecilia Curry, by whom he had ten children, three living, Jesse Jr., Jacob and Nancy E. Mr. Keeley took up his residence at Greenfield, where his wife died Oct. lO, 1870. November i, 1876, Mr. Keeley was married to Mrs. Violetta E. Goodrich, daughter of Ansil Hubbard and CARROLLTON CITY. 485 relict of Heman Goodrich. We have thus related in a brief manner the life career of one who has won his way to a competence through his own exertions Keeley & Davis, grocers Kelley Charles W. grocer Kelly Walter, millwright KENNEDY CALVIN, retired sales- man ; residence Maple avenue. Mr. Ken- nedyis anative of Madison County, born in 1853. Receiving a liberal education he first embarked in business at Hardin, Cal- houn County, 111., where he clerked for S. G. Lewis, late attorney, for many years at Carrollton. Remaining three years where he had part interest, he located at Carroll- ton, where he officiated as clerk for Oman Pierson, afterwards with Wright & Laning in the capacity of clerk, and on leaving the employ of this firm he embarked in the clothing trade with a winter stock, tran- sacting a successful business until the de- struction of the building by fire. Mr. K. is known here as an energetic business man Kennedy Mrs. Kennett William C. KERGHER CONRAD, dealer in furniture, mirrors, caskets, coffins ; south side Public Square, Carrollton, 111. The above named gentleman, one of the most enterprising business men within the bor- ders of Greene County, is a native of Ger- many, born Sept. 7, 1826. In his twentieth year he determined to make America his future home, and accordingly, without en- tering into particulars relative to the voy- age, the year 1846 found our youthful em- igrant a resident of Greene County, with a capital of fifty cents in money, but strong will and energy. He found times some- what out of joint, and accordingly, although a cabinet maker by trade, hired out as car- penter. About 185 1 Mr. K. rented the building owned by John Long, and began the manufacture of furniture. To use his own language Mr. K. had for the first few years a hard row to travel, entering into direct competition with others who had both capital and a trade established, but he eventually won the day, as his superior work .soon found its way into the homes of many of the best families, and now, after * many years of stubborn toil and manly grit is the owner of the largest, most commo- dious and solidly built building in Greene County, in which he keeps constantly on hand an elegant assortment of furniture, unequaled for durability and style in the west, and parties contemplating purchasing will do well to bear this in mind, and in- stead of going to St. Louis to please re- member that home industry is worthy of patronage ; that all is not gold that glit- ters ; and that the latest styles of furniture can be purchased as cheaply here as else- where Kergher Frank, clerk Killarney John, laborer Killarney Patrick, mail carrier Killeen Patrick, laborer KING- D. F. County Superintendent of Public Instruction, is a native of Texas; born in 1853. He was the third child of a family of seven children. Of his parents we enter into a short description : The head of the family, Alexander King, is a native of Greene County, Illinois ; for a number of years he became well known as a merchant at Athensville, this county, and in 1S59 became a member of the State Legislature, serving through one session. Since his retirement from office, he has followed merchandising and farming, own- ing some 500 acres in Greene County; for the past fourteen years he has turned his attention strictly to agricultural pursuits, where he takes a leading position as an agriculturist. In his twenty-second year he was united in marriage to Miss Mary Waggoner, of Greene. As further notice will be given relative to the seven mem- bers of this family, we now follow the for- tunes of him whose name stands at the head of this sketch. Receiving a prelim- inary education at Athensville and Waver- ley, in Morgan County, he proceeded to Blackburn University, in Macoupin County, and thence to the Iowa Wesleyan Uni- versity, where he entered upon a course of classical studies. During the Autumn of 1874, Mr. King was united in marriage to Miss Nancy E. Morrow, a daughter of Jesse Morrow, by whom he has two children, Jesse A. and John B. Nov., 1877, Mr. King was elected to the responsible position of County School Superintendent, filling office to the general satisfaction of all 486 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. T ADD JOHN, moulder Ladd Wm. carpenter Lafarre George, works in tile factory LAKIN I^EANDEK R. County Clerk. Among the more prominent citizens of Greene County, who are worthy of more than a passing notice, we mention the name of Leander R. Lakin, an old resident of Greene County, who was elected to the above responsible position Nov. 6, 1873, officiating in this capacity up to the present time, to the general satisfaction of all. Nov. 28, 1873, Mr. Lakin united his for- tunes to Miss Nettie S. Brace, a daughter of Jesse and Emily, whose maiden name was Sayles. There were born of this mar- riage two children, Leila E., deceased, and Jessie. Prior to entering upon the duties of Clerk of the County, Mr. Lakin took a leading position as an agriculturist, owning the homestead property of his parents, consisting of 286 acres of land, situated in one of the best townships of Greene County. This sketch would be incomplete were we to omit to mention Jordan Lakin, many years ago Sheriff of Greene County. He was born in the State of Ohio in 1817 ; in 1827 he made his way to Greene County, 111., where he afterward took a leading position; it was during his pioneer days that he was united in marriage to Miss Eliza A. Myers, by whom he had nine chil- dren, the subject of our sketch being the youngest son. Passing by those pioneer days, fraught with no ordinary interest, owing to limited space, we may state that the head of the family was far above the average in ability and force of character. During the late Civil War he organized Co. H., 91st 111. Infantry, proceeding to the front with the rank of Captain ; resigning his commission before the close of the Rebellion, he returned to Greene County, where he became a successful farmer. He passed away August 29, l86g, and was laid at rest in the Hopewell Cemetery, a hand- some monument marking the spot. His wife had preceded him to that World of Spirits many years prior, dying in i860. As an instance of the pluck and energy displayed by him whose name heads this narrative — during the earlier years of his manhood, he gave proof of an ability far beyond his years. His father, fully realiz- ing that his days upon earth were num- bered, gave the entire charge of his property into the keeping of his youngest son, believing that by so doing the property that he had battled for so many years would be equitably divided among his family, through the ability of the son. These expectations were fully realized ; one by one, the heirs received their just portion of a valuable estate; and to-day Leander Lakin, one of the best men and ablest financiers of Greene County, re- mains owner of the homestead property, through his ability as a farmer, stock buyer, and manager, and a more live, energetic, or generous citizen than Mr. L. does not dwell within the borders of Greene. Further notice will be given elsewhere in this volume Lakin L. R. & Co. meat market Lane W. F. book-keeper Largdon George, laborer LANGDON WM. O. physician and surgeon, east side Square, Carrollton. Dr. Langdon, who is recognized as a skill- ful physician of Carrollton, was born in Kentucky in 1848. While a youth, his father. Dr. William S. Langdon, moved to Nashville, Tennessee, where he practiced as a physician for many years. When the war broke out, he entered the Confederate service, continuing in this capacity until the close of the Rebellion, when he moved to St. Louis, Mo., where the subject of this notice entered upon a course of study, preparatory to becoming an M. D. His preceptor was Dr. A. Hammer, a noted physician and surgeon and professor of Humboldt College, where he attended his first course of medical lectures. Graduating from the Missouri Medical College in 1870, shortly after he moved to Jersey County, where he practiced for a period of eight years. At first, practice came slowly, many of his competitors having large ex- perience in the medical profession; how- ever, in the course of time, his ability in the profession he had adopted became apparent, and he soon had a large and lucrative practice. At Delhi, Jersey County, he was united in marriage to Miss Caro- line Early, a daughter of Mrs. S. A. Lurton, one of the first settlers of Jersey County. December, 1S76, Mrs. Langdon was laid CARROLLTON CITY. 48T at rest, within the borders of Jersey County, leaving to the care of her husband two children, Sarah A. and Susan Y. Laning T. P. dry goods Laning T. R. clothing Lang George, laborer Lavery James, clothing Lavery John, clerk Lavery William, notary public Lee Adam, retired farmer Legg Mrs. LEVY SAMUEL, manufacturer and dealer in clothing, east side Square, Car- roUton. Among the more successful mer- chants of Greene County we mention with more than ordinary notice the name of Samuel Levy, a native of Poland. He was born in 1841; the early years of his life were spent in Poland, where he re- ceived a liberal education, and at the early age of fifteen proceeding to England, where he became employed as a traveling salesman; remaining in this capacity three years, he crossed the ocean for America, landing in New York City, remaining in the State of New York, following the pre- carious occupation of traveling salesman. Becoming somewhat tired of the East, he now wended his way to Texas, where he opened a general merchandise store, trans- acting a successful business until the break- ing out of the rebellion, when he was compelled to enter the Rebel service, mak- ing trips into old Mexico; and taking up his residence in Texas, he made his way to New York City, and thence to Chicago, where he opened a clothing store, on Clark Street, where he became moderately suc- cessful. In 1866 he sought a new field of labor, at Carrollton, Illinois, and removing his stock from the City by the Lake, rented the building owned by Adam Gimmy. Mr. Levy did not at once spring into asucce$s- ful business career, but step by step his success was assured. It should be stated that he entered into a co-partnership with H. Levy, a former partner. Owing to his constantly increasing trade, Mr. L. was compelled to enlarge his facilities for busi- ness, and accordingly purchased and en- larged the building he now occupies. It is needless to add, as the fact is well known here, that Mr. Levy carries a larger line of goods than any other similar establishment in Greene County, and a more live, ener- getic, capable business man than Mr. L. it would be a hard matter to find. In the short space of twelve years he has built up a trade unequaled in the mercantile line west of New York. A word to the wise is sufficient; all's not gold that glitters; and instead of going to St. Louis, parties will do well to examine his styles and prices Lewis Fanny Mrs. dressmaker Lincoln William, painter Linder Isham, retired farmer Linder Isham, jr. stock dealer Lindsay J. C. physician Long Charles D. clerk Long's Bank Long & Go's. Bank, John, Long, pres; J. C. Wallford, cashier Long John, pres. Long & Go's. Bank Loomis L. W. jeweler Loomis & Villinger, jewelers Lorel Marcus, horses Lovett Richard, carpenter Lovett Thomas, carpenter LUNNEE:N" THOMAS, is a native of the County of Clare, Ireland, and was born in 1843, he was the youngest of a family of four children. At the early age of twelve, in company with relatives, he determined to seek a home in the New World, and ac- cordingly embarked on board the good ship Ironsides that sailed from Liverpool in 1858, landing at the City of New Or- leans, after a voyage of some weeks. After witnessing the sights and scenes of the Crescent City he took passage up the Father of Waters to Cairo, 111., from here voyaging on the Illinois River until he reached Columbiana, Greene County, and from this point wended his way to Carroll- ton, III., where he became employed for several years as a farm hand, teaming, etc. Embarking in the saloon business and subsequently in the grocery business, to follow the career of Mr. Lunneen step by step would be superfluous, as he is well and favorably known to the business commun- ity here. In conclusion we may state that few have succeeded better in life than Mr. L. who came to Carrollton minus capital save health and energy; to-day he is the owner of 276 acres in this township and valuable property in the city of Carrollton. At present is engaged as tobacconist and confectioner. See business card elsewhere 488 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. Luthy Charles, clerk Lynn Charles, postmaster Lynn Alexander, farmer Lynn Henry, cooper Lynn James, clerk Lynn John, laborer Lynn Luther, clerk Lynn Mary Mrs. Lynn William B. lawyer Lyons John, section hand Lyons Patrick, section foreman ]\/rcFARLAND & WEAGLEY, dry "'■*-*■ goods Macnamara Florence, laborer Marmon George W. engraver Marmon James, pump manufr. Marmon William P. retired farmer Maroney John Mayberry William M. County Commissioner, r. Woodville McAninch Charles McAninch Jesse McAninch Samuel, clerk McCurley Addie Mrs. McDonald James, laborer McDonald Jeremiah, laborer McFALL DR. A. C. office cor. W. 5th and Main sts., Carrollton. Dr. A. C. McFall, one of Greene County's most skill- ful physicians, is a native of Trumbull Co., Ohio, and the fifth child of Henry and Mary McFall, who emigrated to Wisconsin during the tenth year of the subject of this sketch, where, in after years, he attended the Plattville academy, where he received a liberal education ; from this institution -of learning he directed his footsteps to the great metropolitan city of New York, where he began the study of phrenology under Fowler & Wells, and afterward became a graduate of the Phrenological Institute of Fowler & Wells, and became a successful lecturer on Phrenology for a period of four years, and througji well- directed energy and keen business tact in speculative matters he accumulated con- siderable wealth ; he now determined to adopt the medical profession for a life work, and proceeding to New York City lie entered the oftice of Dr. George M. Guernsey, the celebrated female physician, and subsequently attended medical lectures in Cleveland, Ohio, and afterward at the city of Chicago he attended lectures and received private and public instruction under the instructions of Prof. Ludlam, now professor of Hahnemann Medical College, where he has been for many years a lecturer on diseases of women and is the author of the well-known work in relation thereto. In closing this biography it may be said of Dr. McFall that he is not only a genial gentleman, but a well read and skillful member of the medical profession, and in the treatment of female complaints ranks second to none. Through adverse speculations and failures of parties formerly occupying positions of wealth. Dr. McFall, in common with so many of our more energetic men who have maintained a proud struggle for wealth, found his gains swept away, as it were, in an instant. He came to Carrollton in 1876, where he has succeeded in building up a large and lucrative practice, and where he enjoys the respect and confidence of his many friends and patrons McFall Mrs. milliner McFarland Leroy, dry goods merchant McGowan James, constable McGovvan Thomas, constable McMahon James, speculator McMahon John, saloon McMahon Martin, restaurant McMahanny John, tinner McTigue Michael, laborer Merry Robert, gardener Merton Peter, carpenter MILNES JOSEPH, stock buyer and shipper ; r S. Main St. Joseph Milnes is a native of Yorkshire, England, and was born in 1841 ; he was in his sixth year when his parents crossed the ocean, eventually locat- ing north of the present city of Carrollton, on farm property, where our subject re- mained until attaining his majority, the Rebellion then breaking out he enlisted in Co. G. 91st 111. Inft. for three years service. When the war closed Mr. M. returned to Greene Co. where he followed agricultural pursuits on his farm east of Berdan until embarking in his present occupation of stock buyer and shipper. In addition to this branch of business Mr. M. is at the present writing a member of the firm of Lakin & Co. MINER EDWARD, Deputy County CARKOLLTON CITY. 489 Clerk, Carrollton, III. The subject of our notice is a native of Jerseyville, Jersey Co., 111. born in 1835 ; he was the oldest of a family of seven children ; some history will here be found necessary of the parents. Nathaniel Miner, the head of the family, was a native of Vermont, born in 1801, a resident of Vermont many years. In an early day he moved to the West, locating in Greene County in 1834, that part afterwards a part of Jersey County ; he married at White Hall, Miss Louisa Jackson. As he is still a resident of Jerseyville engaged in agriculture, we now follow the fortunes of the gentleman who heads this sketch; who grew to manhood in Jersey County, where he received a very liberal education ; on attaining his majority he proceeded to Carlinville, Macoupin County, where he entered into a mercantile business ; this not proving remunerative, at the expiration of two years he abandoned this calling and turned his attention to farming, following this occupation for some time ; he again re- turned to Jerseyville where he assumed the editorial dutiesof the Jersey vil'e Republican, as local editor he conducted this enterprise with marked ability. During the Spring of 1874 Mr. Miner concluded to cast his lot among the people of Carrollton and took possession of the Carrollton Palriot,\\.% form- er proprietor having signally failed to bring the paper up to any thing like a general cir- culation. To the trying task of resuscitat- ing this waning sheet Mr. M bent all the energies of his nature ; that he succeeded admirajjly is well known to the people of the county. As further notice in reference to Mr. Miner's editorial duties we now state that he disposed of his interest to Mr. C. L. Clapp, the present proprietor of this live western paper. During the year '77, when Mr. L. K. Lakiii was re-elected Clerk of the County Mr. Miner became his able deputy. In 1S61 he united his fortunes to Miss Ella VanArsdale, a daughter of W. II. VanArsdale, by whom he has four children : James E., Nettie S., Willie and Lucy Mines Henry, clerk Moultrip Mrs. Moulirip Julia, dressmaker Moody John, wagon maker Moore E. R. marble and stone cutter Moore Jacob, brick mason Moore M. S. Mrs. Moore T. S. bricklayer and contractor Morgan William, cutter with Samuel Levy MORRIS LORENZO D. retired farmer, residence Carrollton ; was born in Virginia in 1805 ; growing to manhood on the old homestead, he received a liberal education; in 1826 he worked in the lead mines of Galena; in 1831 he became a permanent resident of Greene County ; November 3d of same year, he .was united in marriage to Miss Mary Witt, a daughter of Ely Witt, one of the earliest settlers of Greene County, Mr. Morris had pur- chased a tract of 80 acres, on which he built a log cabin. This 80 is now included in the magnificent property of Mr. Morris compri-ing 500 acres. Mrs. Morris was born in East Tennessee, March 28,1812, and departed this life March 28, 1842, leaving to the care of her husband four children, John, George, Martha G. and Ely. Dec. 21, 1842, Mr. Morris was married to Miss Mahala Conlee, by whom he had 12 chil- dren, five living: Wellington, James, Ed- ward S., Henrietta, and Mary E. Mrs. Morris was born November 23, 1823, and died in 1872. July 21, 1873, Mr. Morris was united in marriage to Mrs. Sarah Ann Witt, relict of Harrison Witt, and daughter of Nathaniel Scroggins. We now draw to a close in this brief outline of a life not devoid of interest. We have endeavored to show what energy, pluck and enterprise can accomplish. Mr. Morris haswitnes-ed many vast changes in the West, and now, after many years of usefulness, has retired from active labor Morrow J. P. & Co. hardware Morrow William M. county commissioner, r. T. 12. R. 10 Mulbetry Martha Mrs. Murry Jdes, farmer and carpenter Myers Anna Mrs. AJAGLE JOHN, laborer Nagle 'lliomas, laborer Newbold William H. H. drayman Newsani John, laborer Nichols M. T. cabinet maker and gunsmith Nichols R. R. janitor Nichols Alonzo, lal)orer NULTON COL. J. B. retired grain buyer, is a native of Washington County, 490 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. Ohio; born in 1835. Of his parents it will be well to enter into a short descrip- tion : Jacob Nulton, the father of our sub- ject, was born in Pennsylvania, where he followed agricultural pursuits. In an early day he moved to Ohio, where he also engaged in farming, and while here a resi- dent, formed the acquaintance of and mar- ried Miss Parmelia Cheedle, by whom he had II children, of whom Col. N. was the youngest, whose fortunes we now follow. In early life he followed agricultural pur- suits, while a resident of Greene County, the family having emigrated here in 1843. When the war of the Rebellion came on. Col. Nulton disposed of his farm property, and was commissioned by Gov. Richard Yates Captain of Co. G, 6ist Illinois Infan- try. Marching from Illinois into Missouri, a temporary halt was made at St. Louis, from which city the company proceeded to Pittsburg Landing ; assigned to Gen. Pren- tice's division ; this company was the first under fire from the enemy. Col. Nulton became the participant in many important battles, and received the promotion of Major after the engagement of Little Rock, and when the noted battle of Murphrees- boro drew to a close, through meritorious conduct. Col. Nulton was promoted Colonel of the 6ist regiment, succeeding Col. Jacob Fry, mustered out. At the close of the war he returned to Greene County, locat- ing at CarroUton, where he received the appointment of Deputy Revenue Assessor. Serving in this capacity two years, he en- tered into partnership with R. H. Davis, in the transaction of a grain business, con- trolling a larger trade than any other similar firm in the county. During this time, date 1872, Col. N. was elected to the House of Representatives, 39th District, serving one term. On his return from the Legislature he again entered the grain trade, but dis- continued this in 1875. September, 1871, he was united in marriage to Miss Henri- etta Sieverling a daughter of H. C. Sieverl- ing, whose biography appears elsewhere, Of this marriage two children were born, Guy, deceased, and Nettie /^CCIDENTAL HOTEL, J. F.Simpson, prop. Orr Byron W. local editor CarroUton Patriot OKK WILLIAM L. abstract expert, residence North Main Street, east of Square. W. L. Orr is a native of Washington County, Pa., and was born in 1832. In an early day he moved to Wheeling, West Virginia, where our subject passed his early years, and received a liberal edu- cation, by diligent study in the public schools. On leaving the school room he looked about him for a profession or trade that would prove a source of income. Pro- ceeding to Sligo, in his native State of Pennsylvania, he became apprenticed to the trade of machinist and engineer. For this vocation he developed an aptitude that marked his entire subsequent career ; as a mechanic earning the reputation of acquiring a better knowledge of mechanics than the general run of aspirants, and on serving his apprenticeship secured employ- ment as engineer on the steamer Josephine, plying between Pittsburg and Cincinnati. For nine years his home was on the Missis- sippi River, where he served through all the grades of engineering, to a high position. On quitting the river packets he made his way to St. Louis, where he became em- ployed in various establishments, subse- quently proceeding to Beardstown and Alton. While quietly pursuing his voca- tion here the war of the Rebellion came on, when he took an active part in the trans- ferring of arms to the State Arsenal at Springfield ; afterwards tendering his ser- vices to the Navy Department, he was assigned to duty as a commissioned engi- neer on board the gunboats Tyler and Pitts- burg. Remaining in the service of Uncle Sam until 1866, he returned to Alton, where he remained until his removal to Carroll- ton, in 1867, where he engaged, first as clerk, and subsequently embarked in the mercantile business. As a Mason Mr. Orr takes a leading position, ranking as an officer in the Grand Chapter. He is well known for his kindly disposition, liberality, and his temperate habits of life tend to a hearty vigor that has made him a great lover of field sports, in which he has developed a skill that has made his name a familiar one in Southern Illinois Osborne D. D. commercial traveler OSBORNE M. L. MRS. Among the many enterprises that have sprung into ex- CARROLLTON CITY. 491 istence in the city of Cairollton, is the New York Store, conducted by Mrs. M. L. Os- borne ; but a few months ago Mrs. Osborne became established in business here, but during this brief time has built a large and constantly increasing trade in millin- ery and fancy goods, ribbons, flowers, feathers, gloves, ladies' furnishing goods, etc., etc. ; west of Square. A notable fea- ture of this already well and favorably known establishment is the five cent de- partment, where a variety of articles are retailed for the small sum of five cents that anywhere else would be retailed for from 25 cents to one dollar. A visit to Mrs. Osborne's will well repay the customer, who can not complain of either styles or prices. See business card elsewhere pANKEY WILLIAM, retired farmer Patterson A. L. janitor Patterson William, laborer Pent William, laborer Perry Mary Mrs. Peters Michael, blacksmith Pickett William T. news foreman Patriot office PIEKSON DAVID, the pioneer bank- er, was born in Cazenovia, Madison Co., N. Y., July g, 1806, and when young received the rudiments of a common school education, but at the age of thirteen re- moved with his parents, Josiah and Naomi Pierson, to the then far West, arriving at St. Louis on the 3d of June, 1820, and after a short sojourn there moved across into Illinois, near Collinsville, in Madison County. In 1821 his father, Josiah Pier- son, died of bilious fever, after an illness of only five days, leaving his widow and a family of five children, three sons and two daughters, in a strange land and among strangers, in rather destitute circumstances; but that God who cares for the widow and the fatherless watched over them, and they found kind, sympathizing friends among those with whom their lot had been cast. After the death of Mr. Pierson the family removed into Greene County, locating two and one half miles north of CarroUton, about the close of the year 1821. In the Spring of 1822 the subject of this sketch was taken sick with chills and fever, which finally terminated in a rheumatic affection and lasted, with more or less severity, for over three years; yet he continued to do such labor as he was alile, in clearing up and im- proving the farm on which they resided, until his health became firm and he was able to do a large amount of labor. In the Spring of 1827, after having got a portion of the farm into a good state of cultivation, he rented it out and went with others to the lead mines near Galena, and engaged in mining, but re- turned to the farm in the Fall of 1828, living with his mother on the farm until her death, which occurred in September, 1829, and on the 25th day of August, 1830, was married to Miss Eliza Jane Norton (daughter of David Norton, an early settler of Illinois, from Herkimer Co., N. Y.), who has con- tinued the faithful, trusting partner of his joys and sorrows for almost fifty years. Mr. Pierson continued to reside on his farm until the beginning of 1834, when he sold his farm and moved into the village (now City of CarroUton) and commenced merchandising, with a capital of less than $2,000. coming into competition with sev- eral experienced merchants, some of whom were worth more than ten times as much as he was, and all of them failed during the hard times from 1838 to 1843, which were the times that tried men's souls as well as their purses. One other firm, that commenced business some two years later than Mr. Pierson (also without a large capital), and himself being the only mer- chants in the place that went through the great revulsion, that broke ninety per cent of the merchants and nearly all of the State banks in the United States, unscathed — thus illustrating the value of integrity of character. Mr. Pierson has always held that death was preferable to dishonor ; has always had decided opinions on all ques- tions where morals was concerned, and been outspoken in their defense. In pol- itics he was from early youth a Clay Whig, advocating protection to the laborer, me- chanic and manufacturer ; after the dis- ruption of the Whig party he became a Republican, and acted with the Union party during the war of the Rebellion. After the return of prosperity to the coun- try, dating with the high tariff of 1843, Mr. Pierson extended his business operations largely, purchasing hogs, cattle, and grain, 492 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. somelimes on a larj^e scale; was from 1S4S to 1854 the owner of the capital and the leading member in the firm of Mark Pier- son & Co. of Alton, who, in addition to a large dry goods trade, did a large business in the purchase and shipment of grain. About the commencement of the year 1854, Mr. Pierson, having an eye on the banking business, closed his connection with the firm of Mark Pierson & Co , and com- menced doing a banking business in con- nection with the dry goods trade. In 1855 his banking business had increased so much that he had procured a new safe, happily just before the night of the third of April, 1855, when a gang of robbers from Cal- houn Co. broke into the store, probably hoping to obtain a large amount of gold belonging to the sheriff of the county; but fortunately they were not able to force the safe, and escaped with only about $280, which they found in the desk. Mr. Pier- son, after a cai-eful examination of all the facts and circumstances, raised a company of ten men of his true and tried friends, crossed over into Calhoun, and captured the whole gang, five in number, all of which were finally convicted and landed in the penitentiary. It was said by the State's Attorney that he manifested a large amount of skill, not only in capturing the robbers, but in getting them convicted. Mr. Pier- son continued his dry goods business, and his miscellaneous trading until the first of January, 1858, when he disposed of the dry goods, and turned his attention exclu- sively to banking, and in 1859 erected the large and commodious house, which has been occupied by the bank up to the pres- ent lime ; in iS6o, having got established in his new and commodious quarters, he advertised his business more largely, and in 1S61, no'twilhstanding nearly every bank in the State failed, he daily received the depo- sits of merchants and others, carrying his customers safely through the critical period without the loss to them of a single dollar, although at the end of the year the hun- dreds of thousands of dollars received on deposit, would not have been worth fifty cents to the dollar to the depositors had they kept tlteir own money ; and while all, or nearly all, the individual bankers in the country paid off their depositors at a dis- count, he continued to pay dollar for dollar, and as the broken bank money disappeared and national bank and treasury notes came into use, confidence succeeded the gloom and depression that had overspread the land, his business increased largely, having the confidence of not only the community in which he had so long resided, but that of the merchants and bankers in the neigh- boring cities, as well as that of the Treas- urer of the United States ; was appointed special agent for the sale of United States bonds during the time the Government was borrowing money to crush out the rebellion; and while many, who sympathized with the South, opposed and ridiculed the idea of loaning money to the Government to "co- erce our Southern brethren," Mr. Pierson succeeded in selling about six hundred thousand dollars in bonds of the different issues, to the citizens of the county, which speaks volumes in his favor, when the large opposition element in the county is taken into view. He was collector of internal revenue for several years, and paid more taxes for the poor than his profits from the office. Remembering the time, when a penniless boy, he worked for one and a half bushels of corn per day, when 20 cents per bushel was the highest price that could be got in trade or store goods for it, and com- mon calico was 37J^ cents, and thin domes- tic 25 cents per yard, salt $2 50 per bushel, sugar 20 cents, and coffee 50 cents per pound, and remembering how long and pa- tiently he had to work before getting a start, he has ever been the friend and helper of the industrious poor. In 1862, Mr. Pierson purchased the Carrollton flouring mill, which he ran with great success for some years, clearing over $22,000 in less than four years; but others (liearing probably of his success) built mills in the city and county, until the competition became so great that nearly every miller in the county, except him, failed, some of them for a large amount. He still owns the mill, which has been quite successful for the last few years. 1 1 is flour ranks first in market. In 1862-3 he aided in building a woolen factory, which was destroyed by fire (the work of incendiaries), in the Fall of 1872, causing a loss to Mr. Pierson of over $25,000. In May. 1830, CARROLLTON CITY. 493 Mr. Pieison organized the first total ab- stinence society (so far as known) in the State of Illinois, with only thirteen mem- bers, which prospered amidst the most bit- ter opposition for over ten years, having over six hundred members, when the " Washingtonians " came into the field and took the place of the first organization. In 1832, Mr. Pierson and wife became mem- bers of the Baptist church, and he has rarely been absent from his seat at any of its regular meetings, either on the Sabbath or week days, for nearly forty-seven years, and has always been foremost in his con- tributions for the support of the minister and other church expenses ; and for many years was superintendent of the Sabbath school, and always a constant laborer, and has had the pleasure of seeing near one hundred of the scholars connected with the school make a profession of religion, and some of them have become eminent divines. During his superintendance of the school he made it a point to be punctual in his attendance, and more than five years have elapsed without his missing a single Sun- day. When the church was weak, he bore the largest share of the expenses of keep- it up himself; has been noted for his gen- erous and liberal impulses; has contributed liberally for benevolent enterprises or those of amoral or religious character. He aided liberally in the establishment of the Lang- ston school at Holly Springs, Mississippi, for educating the freed men in that State, and in 1872 met, in the National Republi- can Convention that met in Philadelphia, three freed men who were slaves until freed by the Emancipation Proclamation of the President, and when freed did not know a letter in the alphabet, but after had ac- quired a good, solid, practical education ; and one of them, James Hill has since been Secretary of State in Mississippi, be- ing elected by both parties, and by both whites and blacks. Over 2,000 scholars have been educated at that school, which is still prosperous. In early life Mr. Pier- son resolved so to live that no man could truthfully complain of any act of his ; and that he would never stoop to contradict a slanders, to which resolves he has adhered through life. In a long life of extensive business transaction, and as president of a bank, doing the largest business of any in the county, it would be indeed a miracle if some offences were not given ; and yet he is assured of the respect and confidence of the good men that know him best. And now, taking into view the poor pioneer boy, shivering with chills and fever, in the rough log cabin, partaking of the humble fare of the backwoodsman more than fifty- five years ago, and what he accomplished in life, it can but raise in the estimation of all good men the straightforward principle that has actuated his career as a business man through life. Mr. Pierson's strong traits of character are a steady perseverance in business, honesty of purpose, will and energy in carrying out his aims, generous and liberal in his impulses, always sympa- thizing with those in trouble, and often making large sacrifices to aid others, in trouble. Such in brief is the narrative of the life and career of one of the oldest citizens of Greene County. By his genial and kind manner he has won the respect and esteem of those who have acted with him in the growth and development of the county for over fifty years. He is osten- sibly a self-made man, and needs no eulogy at our hands, as the work of his life speaks more eloquently for itself Pierson David D. Pierson Oman, asst. cashier Greene Co. Nat. Bank Pierson Robert, cashier Greene Co. Bank Pinkerton Nancy Mrs. Pinkerton Thomas, engineer Arcadia mills. Powell John G. clerk Prant Frank, clerk PRANT H. A. grocer and tobacconist, north side of Square, Carrollton, Illinois. H. A. Prant is a native of Germany, and was born in 1S37 ; at an early nge lie de- veloped marked energy of character and accordingly at the age of twelve yeari he embarked on board a sailing vessel bound for New Orleans. On arriving here, the yellow fever then prevailing, made it in- cumbent upon the authorities of the city to prevent the departure of any and all pas- sengers, and accordingly the subject of our notice remained there until the quarantine was removed, when he made his way to Memphis, Tenn. Having learned the trade of a tobacconist in Germany he now worked 494 GREEXE COUNTY DIRECTORY. at his trade for a number of years. On leaving Memphis he proceeded to St. Louis where he worked as a journeyman and sub- sequently as foreman for a manufacturing firm. While a resident here he was united in marriage to Miss Theresa Groffe, a daughter of John Groffe, of Prussia. On leaving St. Louis he went to work at Jack- sonville, Morgan County, where he was foreman for a tobacco firm four years, when he took his line of departure for Jersey ville, Jersey County, 111., where he embarked in business for himself ; for a period of three years here he prospered, until his property was destroyed by fire in 1S63 ; about 1865 he located at Carrollton, where he at first ventured in the tobacco trade, subsequently adding a stock of groceries. By strict at- tention to business and honorable dealing he now has a large and increasing trade. See business card elsewhere Price G. B. associate editor Carrollton Gazette Price H. M. clerk Price & Son, job printers and pub. Carrollton Gazette Price T. D. editor Gazette PKINDEBLE & GREEN, dealers in clothing and gent's furnishing goods, hats, caps, boots, shoes, trunks, valises, etc., also merchant tailors, Carrollton, Illinois. The above named enterprising firm became established in business one year age for the transaction of a clothing business, and during this short time have built up a repu- tation for honesty in their dealings that has brought success. The senior member, Mr, ■Green, is a native of Germany ; at the early age of 17 he left Germany for England, where he transacted a successful business in the city of Birmingham; in 1859 he crossed the Atlantic for America ; transact- ing business for some time in Texas ; on arriving in Carrollton he entered into the present business with Samuel Levy. J. P. Prindeble, the junior member of this firm, was born in Missouri, in 1854, and became a resident of Greene County, where he grew up on the old farm homestead of his parents, Patrick and Mary Prindeble. John con- tinued agricultural pursuits until entering into a co-partnership business with Mr. Green. Further notice will be given in the other department of this work PRINDEBLE PATRICK, farmer and stock raiser, r Maple Av. Patrick Prindeble is a native of Ireland and was born in 1818. Growing to manhood in Ire- land he followed farming for many years, and at the age of 35, having met with many reverses of fortune, he concluded to better his condition in America. Landing in New York, he remained here a short time, when he made his way to Albany, thence to Troy. It should be stated that Mr. Prindeble was twice married in Ireland ; his first wife was Miss Bridget Kelly, by whom he had two children ; this lady died in Ireland. His second wife was Miss Mary Caton, by whom he had ten children. Twenty-five years ago Mr. Prindeble located in Greene County where he purchased farm property, and here his second wife died, in 1877. During the present year our subject was united in marriage to Mrs. Ellen Devier, whose maiden name was Danworth. Mr. Prinde- ble h:is been a very successful farmer and is the owner of 300 acres of valuable land. Prouse John, laborer Purl Charles, farmer Purl M. L. Mrs. Purl Thomas, farmer. Sec. 22, P.O. Carrollton Purl T. C. farmer Q UINN THOMAS, farm hand TD AINEY JOHN, real estate dealer, Carrollton, Illinois, was born in Lexing- ton, Ken., July 15, 1825 ; his father, Wm. C. Rainey, a native of Penn. emigrated to Kentucky in an early day, where he married at Lexington Miss Susan Clay, by whom he had eight children ; John, the second child, a patron of this work, grew to manhood in Carrollton, where he received a liberal edu- cation ; September g, 1859, ^^ ^^^ united in marriage to Miss Kate Thomas, young- est daughter of the late Hon. Samuel Thomas, whose name is mentioned in the historical portion of this volume. There are three children : Henry Thos., a gradu- ate of the high school of Carrollton and a promising student of the Knox College of Galesburg, Illinois ; the younger members of the family are William C. and Susie E. Mr. Rainey owns a valuable city property at Carrollton and a farm of 226 acres three miles from the city limits. For the space CARROLLTON CITY. 495 of two years he held the position of alder- man of Carrolton Rahm Robert, tailor Rattan Richard, horse trainer Ray Eliza Miss, milliner Ray Elizabeth Mrs. Reanier Squire, carpenter Reed J. G. & Son, lumber dealers Reed Mark, lumber dealer Rexroat John, laborer Rexroat Samuel, laborer Rensis Floris, artist RICE S. A. photographer, r West Third St., is a native of Pennsylvania, born Sep- tember 13, 1839. When quite young his parents moved to Louisiana, Mo., where the head of the family followed the occupation of a cabinet maker, and of him we make mention as far as our limited space will permit ; he was a native of Philadelphia, Pa. and there married Miss Margaret Clifford; he received a liberal education, and de- veloped a decided taste in mechanics, and on his removal to Louisiana became the in- ventor of a valuable gas retort and other patents of note. When the war broke out he received his commission as Captain of State Militia under command of Major General Henderson ; he is still living, a resident of Louisiana. The subject of our notice passed his early years in Louisiana, proceeding to Chicago he there entered the photographic establishment of C. Shaw, a leading photographer. Remaining here for some time, he proceeded to Sterling, Illinois, where he opened a gallery, conducting a successful business here for two years when he again moved to Louisiana, Mo., where he established a reputation for workmanship that gained for him a large share of public patronage ; locating at Perry, Pike County, Illinois, he was united in marriage to Miss Mamie Hovey, a daughter of Sylvester Hovey, by whom he has one child, Everet In 1874 Mr. R. concluded to embark in business as a traveling photographer, and two years ago located at Carrollton, where he is already well known as a reliable and skillful workman Richardson F. traveling agent Roberts F. M. deputy circuit clerk ROBERTS J. E. pastor First Baptist Church, Carrollton, Illinois, is a native of the State of Ohio, and was born in 1853. In Michigan, where his parents, William S. (a Baptist) and Henrietta E. afterwards re- moved, he passed the early years of his life. Receiving a preliminary education in the district schools of his native place, in his 17th year, for the purpose of acquiring a liberal education he proceeded to Alton, where he entered Shurtleff College ; after two years spent in the preparatory, the next four years were occupied in classic studies ; at the expiration of this time two years were spent in the theological department. Graduating from this noted place of learn- ing June, 1878, he became ordained to the ministry and during the Autumn of the present year entered upon the pastorate of the first Baptist church of this city. In September, 1878, Mr. Roberts was united in marriage to Miss Frances L. Bulkley, a daughter of Dr. J. Bulkley, D.D., of Alton Robbins Lafayette F. clerk ROBERTS & LAVERY. Among the notable features of inventions, we mention the manifest improvements that Messrs. F. M. Roberts and William Lavery have made in the recording of abstracts of title. For years the above mentioned par- ties have worked faithfully and pa- tiently to bring before the property owners of Greene County a form of abstract that for simplicity and reliability in the way of finding with little loss of time all abstracts of title made, remains unexcelled. In the past agricultural men are well aware of the difficulties that have been met with in searching the records in order to trace to a definite source the changes that have transpired incidental to sales of real es- tate. All have now an opportunity of ac- quiring a valuable fund of information at slight cost Rohls Valentine, tailor Roodhouse Benj. pres. Carrollton Bank Roodhouse J. M. cashier Carrollton Bank Root Herbert T. lawyer ROOT & aARJ>NER, lawyers. Among the law firms of Carrollton who have but lately entered upon a professional career here, we mention the law firm of Messrs. Root & Gardner, who occupy an office over the drug store of S. A. Vedder. The senior member, Mr. H. T. Root, is a gentleman of scholarly attainments and genial manners. He was born in the 496 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. State of Michigan, November 5, 1853. At an early age his parents moved to New York State, where he remained until he had attained his 14th year, when he di- rected his footsteps to Illinois. At Shurtleff College, Madison County, he took a pre- paratory course; in 1S72 proceeding to Princeton, New Jersey, he there entered the noted Princeton College, taking a classical course of study, and two years after graduating, having conferred upon him the degree of A. B., taking the degree of A. M. three years later; entering upon a course of study at the Columbia Law Institute, graduating from this famous seat of learning with the honorary title of L. L. B.; admitted to the bar in the City of New York, June i, 1877, Mr. Root entered the law office of Thomas C. Pinckney as partner, continuing with this well known attorney until his decease, which occurred during the Winter of 1877. Digressing a little from the direct line of narrative, for one year Mr. Root taught in the High School of Carrollton, thereby gaining an extensive acquaintance here, and in his profession as attorney will no doubt reach a success in a profession open to all who have the necessary ability. Of Mr. Gard- ner it may be said, that he is a native of Nantucket, Mass.; born January 31, 1S56. Receiving his preliminary education at Boston, in 1875, attending Columbia Col- lege Law School, becoming a graduate in 1877, he was admitted to practice in all the Supreme Courts, practicing in New York for a period of 18 months. In conclusion, we wish the new law firm a hearty success in th«ir practice at Carroll- ton ROSE C. C. boot and shoe maker, west side Square, Carrollton, 111. Charles C. Rose is a native of Germany; born in 1840, and was but five years of age when his parents crossed the Atlantic for Amer- ica, locating in the west at Cape Girar- deau, Mo. At the early age of 16, pos- sessed of an adventurous disposition, the subject of our sketch departed from the parental roof for Pike County, 111., where he became apprenticed to the trade of a shoemalR. J. F. proprietor Oc- cidental Hotel, S. Main St., CarroUton, 111. Dr. J. F. Simpson is a native of Virginia ; born in Rapahannock Co., Oct. 10, 18 14. CARROLLTON CITY. 499 His father was Hendley Simpson, who was born in Loudoun Co., Virginia, growing to fnanhood with wealth and a position in so- ciety second to none. He married in Cul- pepper Co., Miss Elizabeth Farrow, a daughter of John and Margaret Farrow. James, whose fortunes we now follow, passed his early years in Virginia, where he entered upon the study of materia medica. In 1835, his parents moved from Virginia to the central part of Illinois, Macoupin Co., Medora, where he completed his med- ical studies under Dr. Farrow. In due course of time he became a practicing phy- sician. In 1837, he moved to Carrollton, where he opened up a general merchandise store, where he continued several years. In 1840, he purchased the drug store of Buel G. Wheeler, and for eight years con- ducted a successful drug trade. Dispos- ing of his interest, be now turned his at- tention to the practice of his profession. Since this date his honorable career here, where he has practiced as a physician for a period of thirty-five years, is well known. He has always been a warm advocate of temperance, and his unselfish devotion to the poor and oppressed, have made him an honored name. For twenty years he has been identified as an ofificer of the county's poor. In 1S72, his name was put forward for the ofiice of Penitentiary Com., on the Prohibition ticket ; in 1874, he became the nominee for State Treasurer, and in 1876, his name was put forward for Gover- nor of the State ; a member of the Sons of Temperance, in i860, he held, during one term, the position of Grand Worthy Patri- arch of the division. As proprietor of the Occidental Hotel, of this city, his urbane manners and well known energy have brought him the patronage of the commer- cial and business public, who appreciate the kind attention vouchsafed by the Dr. and his excellent lady Simpson Lionel D. book-keeper Sloan David, veterinary surgeon Smith A. H. physician Smith E. & Co. druggists Smith Gregory R. druggist Smith Henry, druggist and bookseller Smith John, clerk Smith John, shoemaker Smith Milby, insurance agent SMITH, MOORE & CO. dealers in boots and shoes, ne cor. Square, Carrollton, 111. Of Messrs. Smith, Moore & Co, who con- trol one of the largest establishment of its kind in the West, we mention, with more than ordinary notice : In 1872, Samuel O^ Smith and Harry S. Moore opened up shop, so to speak, in their present quarters,, at first in an humble way, compared to- their present extensive business. On enter- ing this large establishment, one beholds an array of fine boots and shoes, that for quality, durability and style to suit the most fastidious, are unequaled in the West, or indeed, anywhere else. Three superior workmen are kept in constant employ- making boots and shoes, from strictly French stock, which are sold at surpris- ingly low rates, considering the material of which they are composed. In addition to their boot and shoe department the firm are prepared to meet all demands of trade in their furnishing department, and parties contemplating purchasing will do well to remember that all's not gold that glitters, and instead of a trip to St. Louis in the purchase of goods, one and all will find that they can d9 equally as well at home Smith Mrs. carpet weaver Smith Rose Mrs. Smith Stephen, hostler STEELE JOSEPH, proprietor Head- rick House, Carrollton. The subject of this sketch was born in Balman Co., Ohio, on the nth of December, 1821. When he was four years old his parents, Joseph and Nancy Steele, moved to Muskingum Co., Ohio, where our subject grew to manhood, and where he was united in marriage to Miss Ann Puff, of Ohio, a daughter of Henry and Sophia Puff, of Maryland, Alleghany Co., by whom he has four chil- dren, William R., Jacob H.,Reasoner, and Sophia D. Mr. Steele followed farming until his location in Greene County in 1852, and first followed farming in Tp. 10, R. 12. Two years ago Mr. Steele came to Carrollton where he has established for the past two years a first-class boarding house, where permanent or transient boarders will find a satisfactory table and neat, clean, comfortable beds, opposite the Methodist Church, southeast of the Square ; also stable accommodations and feed for horses 600 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. Stewart Robert, watchman National Bank Stone James W. painter Stone Joseph, miller Stubblefield Rev. D. H., M. E. minister Summers Henry, barber Sutton Willis, cooper HTANDY W. S. photographer, Car- rollton, was born in the State of Kentucky, December, 1843. During the same month and year, his parents, Willis and Martha H. Tandy, emigrated from the State of Kentucky to southern Illi- nois, settling in the vicinity of Jackson- ville, on farm property. Jacksonville was then but a village, where the grandfa- ther of the subject of this sketch owned a large tract of land, extending from what is now College Hill to the Mauvaisterre. On the old homestead young Tandy passed the days of his youth, until the death of his father, when he became apprenticed to the trade of a carpenter, and becoming in due course of time a journeyman workman. During the war in 1862, Mr. Tandy turned his attention to photography, in the city of Jacksonville, where he conducted a success- ful business, with a younger brother, until his location at Carrollton in 1865, where he has since resided, and where his skill as a photographer is well known. May 5, 1859, Mr. Tandy was united in marriage to Miss Eliza J. Johnson, by whom he had three children : Ella, Ida A., and Mattie. Mrs. Tandy passed away in the year 1870. In 1872, Mr. Tandy was united in marriage to Miss Julia Freer, by whom he has three children : Maud, Lulu, and W. Scott Tatman M. A. carpenter Tapp Newton, grocer Tasker John, butcher Taylor Benjamin, laborer Taylor Thomas, painter Teason Henry, carpenter Tendick Jacob, shoemaker Thomas Franklin, carriage trimmer Thompson George, clerk Thompson James, carpenter Travis J. W. physician Tully M. F. painter Tunnell Allen M. clerk Tunnell John, laborer TURXEll 1>R. W. D. physician and surgeon, Carrollton, was born in London, England, June 21, 1843 ; left an orphan at five, when eight years old he was placed in charge of a family, who crossed the Atlantic for America. In due course of time the little waif became a resident of Pike Co., 111., where he received a liberal education. When the war broke out he enlisted in Co. E, 50th 111. Inf., becoming a participant in the following battles : Pitts- burg Landing, where he received a severe scalp wound, Corinth, siege of Atlanta, and bstttle of Nashville, etc., etc.; elected First Lieutenant by a large majority, owing to his youth he did not accept ; afterward he received the appointment and served as Sergeant Major. Honorably discharged, he returned to Pike County, where he began the study of medicine, under G. C. Pitzer, now Professor American Medical College and editor American Medical Jour- nal, St. Louis ; remaining one year he then attended three courses of study at the Cincinnati, Ohio, Eclectic College, and two clinical courses at Commercial Hospital ; on leaving the college he went to Waynes- ville, Dewitt Co., Ill, where he obtained a large practice. In 1871 he came to Car- rollton, where he has a large and constantly growing practice; Oct. 1st, 1868 he was united in marriage to Miss S. J. Peebles ; two children, Walter P. and Frank r T NDERWOOD Angeline, spring bed manufacturer UNDERWOOD J. H. book -seller and dealer in stationery, picture frames and miscellaneous articles, west side Square, Carrollton. Mr. Underwood was born in Harrison Co., Kentucky, July 31, 1825 ; he was but eight years of age when his parents immigrated to the West, settling in Sangamon Co., 111., in 1833, where the subject of our sketch passed the days of his youth and grew to manhood. Receiving a liberal education in Schuyler Co., he was united in marriage to Miss Ellen Smith, a daughter of James Smith, by whom he has seven children. For one year Mr. Under- wood became a resident of Mt. Sterling, Brown Co., where he taught the public school of this enterprising town ; in 1862 he moved to Jacksonville, Morgan Co., where he became engaged in the drug business for a period of three years, when CARROLLTON CITY. 501 he moved to CarroUton, where he began, in a small way, the business mentioned above ; slowly but sure'y, however, success attended his energetic efforts, and to-day he has the only regular establishment of its kind on a permanent basis in Greene Co., and a look through his well-stocked store, by those intending to purchase, will well repay the visit \ UNDERWOOD WILLIAM, man- ufacturer and dealer in the cehbrated Underwood Spring Mattress, is a native of Harrison Co., Kentucky, born in 1826, where he remained a resident until he arrived at the age of thirteen years, when he accompanied his parents, Francis and Margaret Underwood, to Greene Co., date 1839, and locating near Woodville, where our subject was early instructed in the rudiments of hard work upon the farm homestead, receiving his education prin- cipally during the winter season. April nth, 1850, when the California excitement ran high, he crossed the plains for Placer- ville, arriving Aug. 31, 1850, where he entered upon the rough life of a miner, but at this critical period he was taken ill, and his success as a miner was in conse- quence seriously impaired. Remaining four years on the Pacific coast, on the i6th of March, 1854, he again became a resi- dent of Greene Co., going back to the old homestead farm. The following year, Oct. 22d, he united his fortunes to Miss Ange- line Varble, a daughter of Henry and Sarah Varble. Of this lady, who subse- quently became the inventor of the above mentioned mattress — a Spring Dress Pil- low and Clod Pulverizer, of which a descrip- tion is given elsewhere — it may be said that she is a native of Greene Co., born March 26, 1838; she early manifested a taste for mechanics, that marked a success- ful era of invention in after yeais. And now, as our narrative draws to a close, we may here state that Mr. Underwood be- came a farmer of prominence in Greene Co., who met with misfortune through the liberality that was an inherent part of his nature. Three years ago he moved to CarroUton, where for a period of time he entered into the grocery trade, embarking in above business but a short time ago. In this success is not far distant when the merits of important inventions are readily recognized. There were born of the mar- riage above referred to seven children ; Edward B., deceased, Robert, Alice C, Eunice, Mary, Ida, Amy J. and William A., deceased T VALENTINE George R. machinist Vaughn Michael Vaughn Dennis, clerk V^edder Isaac N. druggist . Vedder S. A. druggist Vedder Orange T. clerk Vigus Charles, farm hand Vigus Cyrus, constable Vigus William, farm hand Villinger B. jeweler VIVELL FRANK, baker, confection- er, and dealer in fancy groceries and notions, CarroUton, 111. Among the live business men who have contributed very much toward the present prosperous con- dition of Greene Co., the above enterpris- ing gentleman is worthy of more than a passing notice. Frank Vivell is a native of Baden, Germany, born in 1830 ; passing his earlier years in his native land, where he early learned the trade of a baker; attaining his majority he concluded to better his fortunes in the New World, and accordingly he embarked on board a sail- ing-vessel in 1852; after a tedious voyage of some weeks duration he landed in the great metropolitan city of New York. Remaining but a short time, viewing the sights and scenes of the city, he made his way to Philadelphia, and taking passage on the Erie Canal in a crowded canal-boat to Pittsburg, for he was then in very strait- ened circumstances. During the passage by canal-boat the cholera became a sweep- ing epidemic ; of twenty-eight passengers twenty-five died from cholera. At Canal- ton, Indiana, he was detained a short time, and now determined to make his way to St. Louis. A little incident here is worthy of note : taking passage on a mail boat down the "Father of Waters" for St. Louis, it touched at various points ; at one of them our subject jumped off and laid in a small supply of provisions; hastening to the wharf, he was just in time to see the vessel gliding away for St. Louis. Dis- couraged he sat down and awaited the 502 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. arrival of another boat. A stern-wheeler hove in sight ; having no money, he how- ever stepped on board and was soon on his way down the river ; but here com- menced an act of cruelty unparalleled ; he was given instiuctions to attend to the pump until relieved ; taking his statipn here, morning fled away and no breakfast, noon and no dinner, night and no supper; he began to feel rather lonesome. A clerk on board being a German, he now made a bolt for the cabin to procure something to eat, but was dragged back by the mate, suffer- ing untold misfortunes. He determined when the vessel touched at St. Louis to make his escape, and accordingly jumped from the vessel when it landed and made his way into the city, in a ridiculous fash- ion. In St. Louis he became fourth cook and bootblack at the American hotel. Here a laughable episode occurred • a drunken man sauntered in for the purpose of handing Mr. Vivell his whip; he made several staggering attempts to do so. It occurred to our subject, who understood little English, that to suffer innumerable misfortunes on his passage down the river and now to be horse-whipped, to use his own language, was " too thin." His whole nature rose up in rebellion against this outrage, and making one desperate spring for his victim, subjected him to a pommel- ing that he remembered for many a day. Owing to limited space we cannot follow step by step, as we would wish to, many interesting passages in the life of Mr. Vivell. At Jacksonville and other points he worked as pastry cook. In May, 1856, he made his way to Carrollton, where he entered into bus ness as baker and con- fectioner, and dealer in fancy groceries. Through indomitable energy he soon en- tered upon a prosperous career, and now to-day, after many years of hardship and self-denial, he has built up a trade une- qualed in the West ; the owner of mag- nificent property in Carrollton, and the finest residence in Greene Co. And in conclusion we may safely state that a more live, energetic man than Mr. V. it would be a hard matter to find Vivell Frank, jr. clerk Vivell Ferdinand, laborer ^ITALKER D. A. Mrs. ^* Walker John, laborer Walker John R. butcher \VAK1> J. R., State's attorney, west side Square, Carrollton, 111. James R.Ward, is a native of Illinois, born m Madison County. At the early age of thirteen he began a course of higher classical studies, and also at sixteen he began a course of law studies under many leading attorneys, prominent among them being Phileman Bliss, formerly Chief Justice of the Su- preme Court of Missouri, where the sub- ject of our notice was admitted to the bar at St. Louis by the Supreme Court of Mis- souri ; licensed to practice in the courts of Illinois June 5, 1874, by the State Supreme Court ; was elected State's attorney in 1876 by over 1,600 m.ajority over his opponent ; has acquired a large and profitable law practice under serious difficulties, and is a very able lawyer Ward Thomas, carpenter Warren Frank, carpenter Watt H. R. wagon maker Watt Milton, wagon maker Watt & Seeley, carriage manufacturers Weagley Charles H. meichant Weimer Charles, cigar-manufacturer Weimer Urban, cigar maker Welchlin George, tailor Wenrick John, barber WHEELER L. F., the present Mayor of the flourishing city of Carrollton, is a native of Westfield, Hampden County, Mass.; born in 1818, the fifth of a family of seven children. The days of his early youth were spent upon the old farm home- stead. At seventeen, so to speak, he branched out, and thenceforward relied upon his own resources. Entering the em- ploy of a company who had numerous agents to transact their business, that of selling silverware, jewelry, etc., in the State of New York, Mr. W. first began operations and continued them in the State of Ohio, remaining one year, and the following year, 1838, concluded to cast his fortunes in the far west, and accordingly made his way to Greene County, where he first turned his at- tention to farming, continuing in this capacity several years. In 1846 he pro- ceeded to Alton, where he entered a small store for the transaction of a general mer- CARROLLTON CITY. .50S chandising business ; here he remained for a period of five years, gaining an ex- tensive trade. In 185 1 he moved to Car- roUton, his old home, where he entered into a general merchandising business with William P. Barr. The new firm conducted a successful business for a term of four years, when the firm dissolved partnership by mutual consent, Mr. Wheeler now branching off into the lumber trade, and here also he continued a prosperous busi- ness until the close of the rebellion, when on account of ill health he was compelled to relinquish all active business. In 1867 he was elected Police Magistrate, acting in this capacity two years. In 1878 Mr. Wheeler was requested by his many friends in the city of Carrollton to allow his name to be used in connection with the mayor- alty, it being well known that he was a strict advocate of temperance. Although he had many difficulties to contend against. King Alcohol holding full power for many a year, he was elected by a large ma- jority, when we take into consideration the fact that never before perhaps had a strictly temperance candidate been elected. In 1850 Mr. W. was married to Miss Mary L. Eldred, a daughter of Elon Eldred, by whom he had three children : Adah, Mari- etta and Elon E. White Jay C. county surveyor White William, surveyor Wildner Christopher, tailor Williams George, Captain Carrollton Guards Williams Mary Mrs. Williams Mary Ann Mrs. Williams James, laborer Williams John G. collector Williams Thomas, carpenter Winn D. mill hand WITHERS HOIST. HENRY C, attorney at law, Carrollton, was born in Girard County, Ky., on the loth of Jan- uary, 1839. His father, William Withers, was the son of Abijsh Withers, whose father, William Withers, removed from Virginia to Kentucky at an early period, where the family thereafter resided. His parental ancestry were originally natives of England and Scotland ; came to Amer- ica and settled in Virginia prior to the revolution. His mother, Elizabeth Withers, was the daughter of the Hon. Horatio Bruce, a distinguished politician of the Democratic party of Kentucky, and Eliza- beth Beasely of Ohio. Mr. Bruce was one of the first men of Kentucky of any prom- inence to advocate a repeal of the laws imprisoning for debt, and it was mainly through his influence and exertion while a member of the legislature that it was suc- cessfully accomplished. He was born in Virginia and at an early age moved to Kentucky. His father, John Bruce, and eight sons, older brothers of Horatio, served through the war for independence under General Washington, and also served during the war of 1812. He was a cousin of Henry Clay, and an uncle of the present Judge Horatio W. Bruce, of Louis- ville, Ky. The Bruces are of Scotch origin and claim kinship to King Robert, the founder of the Stuart dynasty. His grandfather Bruce had eight brothers who were lawyers, four of whom were legislators and some of them especially distinguished, and admiration for his character influenced more than any other, our subject to choose the profession of the law. In 1846 his parents left Kentucky and settled in Greene County. There he attended the common school during the winter months only, working on the farm the remainder of the year. But so great was his zeal and ambi- tion that his progress in learning was equal to that of his classmates who attended throughout the entire year. At seventeen he entered the Berean College, at Jackson- ville, 111., at which he commenced a classi- cal course of study. After two years he became proficient in the Greek, Latin and German languages and mathematics. Lack of means on the part of his parents made a further prosecution of the collegiate course impossible. He subsequently taught a common school near Alexander Station, Morgan County. In the Summer of 1858 he worked as a farm laborer in Greene County, making a full hand at all kinds of farm work during the season. The follow- ing winter he began the study of law under Hon. James W. English at Carrollton, where he permanently settled in 1867. He formed a copartnership with Hon. David M. Woodson, deceased, who for sixteen years served in the capacity of Circuit Judge. In 1S60 he became an active sup- 504 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. porter of Stephen A. Douglas for the Pres- idency, and acquired, during that cam- paign, some reputation as a speaker. In 1865-6 he edited in an able manner the Carrollton Democrat. In 1872 he was a delegate to the Baltimore Convention and indorsed the platform there made in 1866. At the age of twenty-seven he was elected to the House of Representatives from Greene County, and in Aug. 1874, was elected as an independent candidate to the ofHce of State's attorney, March 18, 1863, he was married to Fanny, only daughter of the late David M. Woodson, one of the most upright men that founded a home within the borders of Greene County. Two sons were born of this marriage : Meade W. and William H. WOOD BLATCHLEY C. REV., M. D. Carrollton. Blatchley Wood is a native of Truedell County, North Carolina; was born on the 5th of November, 1797, and is the eldest son of Miller Wood and Malinda M. Campbell, the former a na- tive of Long Island, N. Y., and the latter of Culpepper County, Va. The family was first represented in America by his paternal grandfather and brothers, who emigrated from England about 1690, and settled on what is called Wood's Neck, on Long Island. About the same time Dr. Ebenezer Blatchley, one of his paternal great-grand- fathers, emigrated from Scotland and set- tled in the same place. He was a Presby- terian, and left his native land that he might enjoy civil and religious liberty, a motive which prompted Adam Campbell, also the maternal grandfather of our subject, who settled in Culpepper County, Va., and there married Elizabeth Morgan, and reared a large family. While the subject of our notice was yet an infant his parents moved to Warren County, Ky., where his father was for many years a planter, in good circumstances. He was a man of ex- cellent character, upright and true, and used every means for the moral develop- ment of his family. Blatchley passed his early life in agricultural pursuits, and im- bibed there those habits of industry and frugality that have marked his entire sub- sequent career. His educational advantages however, were meager, there being few schools in Kentucky at that time ; but being an apt and careful student, he availed himself of every opportunity of acquiring knowledge, and thus, largely by his own private study, gained a good English edu- cation. His life has always been pure and exemplary. In his own words : '" I do not recollect of ever swearing an oath in my life, yet conscious of the prevalence of passion from my earliest recollection, of a heart disposed to wickedness, so that, not- withstanding the restraint by which I was kept within the bounds of respectable morality, my heart was not right in the sight of God." In 1817 he united with the M. E. Church, having been baptised in in- fancy ; his mind was directed toward the ministry. Following the promptings of duty he began preparing for his work, and was greatly aided in his studies by both Presbyterian and Methodist ministers. After learning the Hebrew alphabet from the Ii6th psalm, he was compelled to await further progress in the study until he could procure a book. He read theology under the direction of Rev. John K. Daly, of Marion County, Ky., and in September, 1822, was ordained to the ministry, and during the next nine years preached in Kentucky and Tennessee,traveling over ten large counties in his circuit, many of his stations being from ten to twenty miles apart. Owing to the scarcity of physicians and the great suffering which he encoun- tered in his travels, it occurred to him that to combine the practice of medicine with his ministerial duties would be to greatly enhance his power for good. Accordingly he began the study of medicine under the direction of Dr. J. E. Cook, of Kentucky, and later studied with Dr. J. Brady, of Tennessee, and in 1829 began his practice, prescrii)ing for the sick whenever he found time, in his circuit. In 1834 he removed to Greene County, 111., where for fourteen years he was engaged in the practice of his profession, and at the expiration of that time, resumed the ministry, in which he continued until 1S78. when he was placed upon the superanuated list. In all he has devoted over twenty years to the practice of medicine, and thirty years to the minis- try. He has preached in Jersey, Morgan, Madison, Bond, Montgomery and other counties, and has at different times been OAEROLLTON CITY, 505 pastor at Jacksonville, Alton, Greenfield, Hillsboro, Exeter, Manchester, and Car- roUton. Though not a classical scholar. Dr. Wood gained a good knowledge of the Hebrew language. As a preacher he was clear and logical; large-hearted and self-denying, his humanity was touched with sympathy for all. He was married, in 1822, in Pulaski County, Ky., to Miss Nancy McCaw, daughter of David Mc- Caw, a native of Ireland. Dr. Wood is a man of decided principles and a true friend of progress, and has ever given to temper- ance and education a hearty support. His life has been one of loyalty to noble pur- poses, and now, as his record approaches its close, and he nears the morning land, its gray light beams upon his pathway, betokening to him the happy dawn of a new and brighter day Woolford }.C. cashier, Long & Co. Bank Wooster B. F. painter Worcester L. E. Hon. county judge, r. White Hall WRIGHT GEO. retired merchant, Carrollton, Greene County, 111., was born at Yorkshire, England, in 180S ; bound seven years to the trade of a carpenter; before his time expired he purchased his indentures. At 21 he had acquired a lib- eral education, and now turned his atten- tion to the New World. Crossing the ocean in a sailing vessel, date 1S30, he landed in New York, where he remained but a short time, when he made his way to Greene County, 111., where he first worked at his trade and farming. In 1S36 he made his way to Carrollton, where he began life as a merchant on a very small scale indeed. For a period of twenty years Mr. Wright, who was slowly climbing to a front position as a merchant, bought his goods in St. Louis. Year by year he went steadily forward to a successful mercantile career. Hisindomi- table will, great industry and honesty brought its i-eward, and the statement is to-day given, on good authority, that George Wright was the most successful dry goods merchant in Greene County. Mr. Wright has been twice married. In 1844 he was united in marriage to Miss Anna Turnstall, a daughter of John Turn- stall, ex-mayor of Louisville, Ky. Mrs. Wright died in 1S56. There were four child en born of this marriage ; three are living: Warrick, Harry and Lenette; Jan- uarj', 1S60, Mr. Wright was married to Mrs. Lallimer, a sister of his former wife, by whom he has two children : Sidney and Arthur. Mr. Wright was a participant in the Black Hawk war WKIGHT H. W. dealer in boots, shoes, hats, caps, and gents' furnishing goods, north side Square, Carrollton, 111. For the past eight years Mr. Wright has been well and favorably known to the business community here. In the different departments are found a very superior arti- cle of goods, bought in the cities of Chicago and St. Louis, and many points in the East- ern States noted for their superior line of goods. Purchases made mostly for cash and rent low, enal)les Mr. Wright to com- pete with any and all similar establish- ments, and parties desirous of purchasing will do well to call and examine styles and prices before purchasing elsewhere. See business card elsewhere Wright John, retired CARROLLTOiV BUSINESS CARDS. ARMSTRONG C. DR. physician and surgeon, office north hide Square, Car- rollton, 111. BARNETT W. Tu. tile manufacturer, Carrollton Tile Works, near depot BOYD THOMAS, attorney at law, northeast corner Square BURRISS J. C. machinist and dealer in agricultural implements, southwest cor- ner Square, Carrollton, 111. CAMERON J. T. harness maker, west side Squ.nre. Carrollton, 111. When in want of good harness, don't fail to call on this old and reliaL-Ie house CARROLLTON GAZETTE, Price & Si)n, pul)li>hv:rs CARROLLTON PATRIOT, Clem- cnt L Llnpp. ]nil)iisher CARROLLTON TILE WORKS, manuiaciurcrs of drain tile, fire brick, 506 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. flower bed border, etc., Carrollton, 111. W. L. Barnett, Sec'y ; W. C. Lee, traveling ."salesman CLAPP CLEMENT L. newspaper, book, and job printer, publisher Carrollton Patriot, Whitehall Republican, and Scott County Arrow CLEMMONS J. C. physician and sur- geon, Carrollton, 111. CONNOLE ANTHONY, deputy county clerk, office Court House CROW DR. J. T. physician and sur- geon, office Depot street, Carrollton, 111. DAVIS JAMES M., M. D. No. 2, north side Square, Carrollton, 111. DAVIS R. H. dealer in grain, office nr. R.R. depot. Carrollton, 111. ENGLISH J. W. attorney and coun- sellor at law, north side Square, Carroll- ton, 111. ENGLISH WARREN, auctioneer; will levy sales on reasonable terms, and guarantees satisfaction ; residence. Locust street, Carrollton. P. O. address, Carroll- ton. Refers by permission to John Sny- der, Geo. L. Burrus, Charles H. Eldred, Geo. W. Davis ERISMAN G. H. milk dealer; cus- tomers supplied with the genuine article at reasonable rates EVANS T. E. deputy sheriff, office Court House GILLESPIE D. H. proprietor of saw mills south of Carrollton ; executes all orders promptly. GILSON E. P. attorney and counsellor at law, collections promptly attended to, north side Square, Carrollton, 111. GIMME Y ADAM, grocer; a large stock of goods always on hand, bought for cash, and sold at the lowest prices. GRAVES JAMES M. painter and grainer ; address, Carrollton, 111. GREAVES W. O. agent for the Con- federate Cross Roads paper ; address, Car- rollton, 111. GREENE & PRINDEBLE, manu- facturers and dealers in gents' clothing, east side Square, Carrollton, 111. Parties contemplating ordering suits will do well to give this reliable house a call, as Messrs. Greene & Prindeble always give their pat- rons fits in clothes HENSLER LOUIS, blacksmith and wagon manufacturer, west side Square, Carrollton, 111. All orders promptly at- tended to, and executed in a workmanlike manner HINTON HOUSE, southwest corner of the Square, Carrollton, 111. L.N.Jack- son, proprietor; J. Plinton Jackson, clerk. Sample rooms on the first floor. HOBSON R. & CO. dealers in hard- ware and cutlery, north side Square, Car- rollton, 111. HUNT J. JOHNSON, livery stable, east of Square, Carrollton, 111. HUSSEY & CO. dealers in all kinds of grain, corn meal, and coal, Carrollton Ele- vator, Carrollton, 111. JACKSON AMOS, blacksmith and wagon maker, Carrollton, 111. Mr. Jackson is a first-class workman, and worthy of patronage JOHNSON H. editor Gazette, north side Square, Carrollton, 111. JONES JOHN, sheriff- of Greene Co.. office Court House, Carrollton KEELEY & DAVIS, grocers, west side Square, Carrollton, 111. KEHLER 3IICHAEL, dealer in gro- ceries, cigars, tobaccos, etc., etc., south Main street, Carrollton, 111. KERGHER CONRAD, undertaker and dealer in furniture, mirrors, carpets, etc., south side of Square, Carrollton, 111. KING D. F. county school superinten- dent, west side Square, Carrollton, Illinois LAKIN L. R. & CO. proprietors meat market, east side Square, Carrollton, 111. LUNGDON W. O. physician and sur- geon, office northeast corner Square, Car- rollton, 111. LEVY S AMUEI;, tailor and manufac- turer and dealer in fine ready made cloth- ing, east side Square, Carrollton, 111. LUNNEEN THOMAS, dealer in confectionery and cigars, east side Square, Carrollton, 111. MILNS JOSEPH, butcher and trader, North Main st. Carrollton MINER EDWARD, deputy county clerk, office Court House CAREOLLTON CITY. 507 MORROW J. P. & CO. dealers in haidware, farm implements and seeds.north- ea-t corner Public Square, Carrollton. 111. ORB WI-LLiIAM L,. abstract expert, Carrollton, 111. OSBORN M. L. MRS. New York store, millinery, ribbons, fancy goods, etc. PIERSON D. proprietor of Carrollton and Flora Mills, one block north of Public Square. Best brands of flour manufactured and sold at wholesale and retail PRANT H. A. dealer in groceries and provisions, cigars and tobacco, country produce, etc.. North Main st., Carrollton, 111. PRICE & SON, publishers Carrollton Gazette, newspaper, book and job printers RAIIVEY JOHN, dealer in real estate, Carrollton, 111. RICE S. A. photographic artist, work executed in a workmanlike manner. West 6th St., Carrollton ROBERTS & LA VERY, inventors of an improved abstract title book, whereby the section of land can be determined in a few moments, and the question of title readily ascertained, office Court House, Car- rollton, 111. ROOT & GARDNER, lawyers, collections promptly attended to, office North Main St., Carrollton, 111. ROSE C. C. boot and shoe maker, south side Square, Carrollton, 111, Mr. Rose is a first-class workman, and perfectly reliable RUMRILL GEO. & SON, manu- facturers and dealers in wagons, carriages, farm machinery and implements. Repair- ing a specialty SCOTT THOMAS, Jr. manufacturer and dealer in stoves and tinware, east side Square, Carrollton, 111. Mr. Scott is sole manufacturer of the celebrated Scott heat- ing stove, and bears the reputation of being one of the most reliable dealers in the West SCRUBY THOMAS, meat market, south side Square, Carrollton, 111. SHARON BROTHERS, dry goods merchants, east side Square, Carrollton, 111. SHORT J. H. circuit clerk, office Court House, Carrollton SIEVERLING H. C. manufacturer of and dealer in wagons, plows, cultivators, and agricultural implements; also inventor and manufacturer of patent clevis attach- ment, Carrollton, 111. SIMPSON DR. J. F. proprietor Oc- cidental hotel, extensive sample rooms for commercial travelers, South Main St., Car- rollton, 111. SMITH, MOORE & CO. dealers in boots and shoes, northeast corner Square, Carrollton, 111. TANDY W. S. photographer, east side Square, Carrollton, 111. Mr. Tandy is a skillful artist, and a visit to his gallery will convince the most skeptical TURNER WILLIAM D. physician and surgeon, north side Square, Carrollton, 111. UNDERWOOD ANGELINE, whose portrait appears in this work. On the 26th of December, 1876, Mrs. Under- wood patented a spring pillow, known as the Underwood, that meets the unqualified indorsement of leading physicians and scientific men and is recommended by all. Mrs. Underwood is also the inventor of the already famous spring mattress that has met with such a cordial reception by the public. We are informed that this ingenious lady will shortly put upon the market further inventions of equal merit UNDERWOOD J. H. bookseller and dealer in stationery, picture frames and miscellaneous articles, west side Square, Carrollton UNDERWOOD WILLIAM, man- ufacturer and dealer in the celebrated Un- derwood spring mattress, Carrollton, 111. VIVELL FRANK, baker and confec- tioner, east side Square, Carrollton, 111. WITHERS HENRY, attorney and counsellor at law, west side Square, Car- rollton, 111. WARD JAMES R. attorney and counsellor at law, west side Square, Car- rollton, 111. Township io, North Range 12, West. A DCOCK G. L. renter, Sec. 30, P.O. Carrollton Agee Jacob, renter, Sec. 10, P.O. Carrollton Agee Wm. renter, Sec. 10, P.O. Carrollton Allen Vinton, farm hand. Sec. 29, P.O. Car- rollton Ashlock Daniel, renter. Sec. 4, P.O. Carroll- ton "D AKER IGNATZ, farmer. Sec. 10, P.O. ^ Carrollton Baker Lewis, renter. Sec. 10, P.O. Carrollton Baker Oswald, renter, Sec. 10, P.O.Carrollton Baker Reinhardt, farm hand, P.O. Carrollton Ballard Ebbert, farm hand, Sec. 4, P.O. Car- rollton BEEBE SAMUEL L. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 21, P.O. Carrollton. Sam- uel Beebe is a native of Greene Co. born May II, 1831, the third child of Seldon and Fidelia Beebe. As Seldon Beebe was a cotemporary settler, with such early pio- neers as Samuel Thomas, John Huitt, and others, a short description of him will be of interest to those who knew him in the days of log cabins and unbroken prairie. He was a native of Pennsylvania, and first sought a home in Greene County, as early as 1818. becoming permanently located two years later. Of his early life here, but little can be learned. He necessarily endured many privations, as did all who sought a home in Illinois, when many weary miles were trav- eled to a horse mill, or the long journey made to St. Louis or Edwardsville, then the largest cities. In 1853, Mr. Beebe was laid at rest amid the scenes of his labors, a representative pioneer, who helped very materially toward the prosperous condi- tion of this county, His wife was Miss Fidelia Bushnell, a worthy wife and moth- er, who died in iS63. The survivors of the family are four : Cai-oline, Sarah, Mar- cus and Samuel L., from whom this narra- tive is obtained. Nov. 31, 1S57, he was united in marriage to Eunice Sprague, a daughter of Ephraim and Harriet Sprague, by whom he has three children : Hattie F., Martha A. and Henry Y. Passing beyond the earlier years of Mr. Beebe, we arrive at the present year ; the owner of a valuable farm in Christian County, also in Greene, on which he has lately erected a beautiful farm residence. He is among our most substantial agriculturists Beeman Decatur, Sec. 7, P.O. Carrollton Beeman Samuel, renter, Sec. 7, P.O. Car- rollton BILLINGS W. H. farmer. Sec. 33, P.O. Carrollton BLACK JOHN W. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 30, P.O. Carrollton. The above named gentleman comes of a numerous and respected family, who sought a home in Greene County nearly sixty years ago, when few were inhabitants of the county, save the daring adventurer or trapper. John was the oldest of a family of eight children, four of whom died in early infan- cy ; three now living : John, Catherine and Alice, of whom due notice will be given in this volume. The father of the subject of our sketch, William Black, was a native of England, who there followed farming un- til attaining his i6ih year, when he accom- panied his parents to America, eventually finding a home in Greene County, not far distant from the flourishing city of Carroll- ton. Mr. Black became a very prosperous farmer, is still living, as is also his wife. John W., from whom this narrative is ob- tained, grew to manhood in Greene Co., where he was born Feb., 1S31. He re- ceived a liberal education for the time in which he lived ; in his twenty-fourth year, in 1855, he was united in marriage to Miss Delilah Early, daughter of Benjamin Early, by whom he had five children: Mary, who married John T. Hobson ; William A., Alice C, Laura, and Henry. Mrs. Black TOWN 10, NORTH RANGE 12, WEST. 509 died in 1S76, and was laid at rest in the beautiful cemetery of Carrollton, a hand- some and worthy monument marking the spot. In conclusion, it may be said that Mr. Black is among the older residents born in Greene County, and ranks among our most successful farmers Black Mahala Mrs. Sec. 21, P.O. Carrollton Black Thomas, farmer, Sec. 21, P.O. Carroll- ton BOERLIN HENRY, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 20, P.O. Carrollton. The above named gentleman is a native of Switzerland, born in 1843. At an early age he became a ribbon weaver, following this vocation until his emigration to Ameri- ca in 1857, in company with our honored fellow-citizen, John Kaser;hemadehisway to Greene County, where he has since re- sided, following agricultural pursuits, and where he was united in marriage to Miss Mary Walter, a daughter of Henry and Mary, whose maiden name was Campbell ; two children were born of this marriage: Jacob and John. Six years ago Mr. B. rented the extensive farm owned by Leon- ard Eldred, where he resides at the pres- ent writing. In his native land he served three years as a soldier BOWMAN JACOB, agriculturist, and for many years prominent as such in Greene County; is a native of Ohio, and became a cotemporary settler with Samuel Thomas and others identified with the growth and prosperity of Greene County ; and long before a railroad I'an through the State of Illinois he became largely engaged as a stock buyer and shipper ; in his twenty- seventh year he was married to Miss Letitia Fr.y, a daughter of John Fry, and niece of General Jacob Fry, one of the most up- right and honorable men in Uncle Sam's * dominions. Passing briefly by the pioneer days of Jacob Bowman, spent upon the un- broken prairies of Illinois, where he roughed it in common with his neighbors, often proceeding to Alton where he await- ed his time in the grinding of grist. In subsequent years he became more than or- dinarily successful as a farmer, and held numerous offices of trust and responsibili- ty, in i860 becoming the popular sheriff of Greene County ; for the past three years Mr. B. has been a resident of Kansas. Of T the marriage above mentioned seven child- ren were born : Samuel, who married Miss Rosalie Curtius ; George, John, who mar- ried Miss Angeline Black, a daughter of David Black ; Julia, who married Thomas E. Evans ; Catherine, who married E. M. Prindle ; Rosie, who married W. H. Fry ; and Alice BOWMAN JOHN, farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 30, P.O. Carrollton ]5race Alva O. farmer. Sec. 22, P.O. Carroll- ton BRACE THADDEUS W. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 22, P.O. Carrollton ; among the wealthier agriculturists of Greene County, who have borne an active part in the stirring scenes of Western life^ when to be a farmer or pioneer meant to do without the luxuries of life, and to be fitted to endure the many privations incidental ta a Western settlement. Mr. Brace is a na- tive of the State of New York, born in 1820. In 1828, Leonard Brace, the head of the family, a native of New York State, who married Miss Julia Eldred, determin- ed to cast his fortunes in the far west ;. hearing many glowing accounts of Illinois, of its fertility and resources, he set out for his future home, where the family were to- play an important part in the growth and development of Greene County. Floating down the Monongahela River, the little party of emigrants landed at Pittsburgh ; from this smoky city, taking passage down the Ohio to a point not learned, they eventually, by taking passage on the Mis- sissippi and Illinois Rivers, arrived at their future home in Greene County. During the Summer, before the family were fairly settled on the broad prairies of Illinois, the husband and father passed to that bourne from whence no traveler ever returns. Mrs. Brace found herself at this period the possessor of 200 acres, costing $r, 000, paid for, in quarters. The family, then consist- ing of four children, were enabled to some extent to carry on the farm. Mrs. Brace is still living, a true type of the Western women whose noble traits of character have found a worthy notice by the more fa- mous poetical and prose writers. Thad- deus, whose fortunes we now follow, well remembers the early pioneers and their simple mode of living, when all were on 510 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. an equal footing, and linsey wolsey the order of the day. January 12, 1852, he was united in marriage to Miss Mary Robley, a daughter of Richard Robley, who settled in Greene County as early as 1821. By this marriage three children were born: Alva O., Ella, and Clara. Owing to limited space in this large volume, we are necessarily obliged to be somewhat brief in these our records for futurity. Mr. Brace may truly said to be a representative farmer, who has watched the growth of this county from its earliest date to its present greatness BRADLEY ABSALOM, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 9, P.O. Carrollton. Al- though not among the early settlers of Greene County is worthy of more than a passing notice in this volume ; he was born in Sumner Co., Tennessee, on the loth of November, 1816; the oldest son of John and Elizabeth Bradley, whose maiden name was Goostree. Remaining a resi- dent of Tennessee until attaining his ma- jority, he then embarked on a prairie schooner for the fertile prairies of Illinois. He was then married, having united his fortunes to Miss Mary Maybery, a daugh- ter of James Maybery, a native of North Carolina. Without entering into particu- lars as to the trip made over a boundless waste of prairie, we note the arrival of the family in Greene County in 1837, locating two miles west of Carrollton, on the farm now owned by Mrs. David Black. In order to show the daring, nature of the pioneer, on his arrival in Greene County he had but seventy-five cents in money wherewith to commence the battle of life ; he first worked for ten dollars a month and subse- quently split rails, thereby emulating the example of Honest Old Abe. In 1849 he made his first purchase of land in Greene County, consisting of 40 acres which he subsequently sold and purchased 100; since this time Mr. Bradley has added largely to his property now owning 340 acres of land unequaled in this township. For a period of forty-one years Mr. Bradley has been a resident of this county, and during this time has witnessed many stirring events incident to a western life. In 1845 Mrs. Bradley, who had shared the dangers of a western trip, passed to that world of spirits | to which we all are tending, leaving to the care of her husband three children, Reuben, Jonathan, and Mary. October 19, 1846, Mr. Bradley united his fortunes to Miss Mir^da Mabery, a daughter of Sander Maybery, of Tennessee, by whom he had ten children, seven of whom are living, Zachariah Taylor, Laura Ann, Alice C, Dora E., Eliza F., Maggie E. and Robert E. Further notice will be found in the old settlers record of this volume Bridges Cassias, farmer, Sec. 16, P.O. Car- rollton BRIDGES F. M. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 10, P.O. Carrollton, The sub- ject of this sketch may be truly said to be one of the old settlers of Greene County. Born on the old homestead of his parents, A. W. and Dorlesca Bridges, who were natives of North Carolina and Connecticut respectively. Mrs. Bridges, in all proba- bility, settled in Greene County as early as 1821, and the following year her future husband, for she was then unmarried. As they have long since been gathered to a home not made with hands, their busy eventful life ended forever, we deem it proper to state that like nearly all pioneers on becoming housekeepers, they found themselves in poor circumstances, com- pared to our present mode of living ; still, compared with pioneer days, they were well to do. The youthful couple working early and late soon became, not only good livers, but very comfortably situated in life, who merited the respect of their pioneer friends, who, like themselves, dared the privations of Western life and founded homes in the timber belts or prairie long before Lo was driven to the Pacific ; at an advanced age the old folks passed away amid the scenes of their labors. Of Frank, whose name heads this sketch, it may be said that, in early youth, he followed farming, above the average in point of intelligence ; after taking a course of study at Shurtleff College, he proceeded to Memphis, Mo., where he entered into the mercantile business. Becoming very suc- cessful, his sales footing up to $100,000 a year, in one day sales footing up to the magnificent sum of $1,000 ; while here he married Miss Malena Hudnall, a daughter of Dr. M. L. Hudnall ; by this lady he TOWN 10, NORTH RANGE 12, WEST. 511 has three children, Archibald, Helen, and Jessie ; three children deceased whose names were Edgar, Nellie, and Ruth. During the Rebellion he traversed the plains for California, thence to Mexico, and thence to South America, and thence to New York ; from the latter city pro- ceeding to St. Louis. On becoming once more a resident of Greene County he pur- chased the property that he now owns, consisting of 225 acres in one of the best townships of Greene County. From 1874 to 1876 Mr. Bridges was our popular sheriff, being elected by a moderate ma- , jority ; a candidate on the Democratic I ticket with the Hon. Judge Hodges, they were the only ones obtaining their respect- ive offices. During the present year he became the regular nominee of the Demo- cratic party for the lower House of Repre- sentatives, becoming elected by a large majority Bridges Oman, farmer, Sec. 16, P.O. Carroll- ton BROWN I. T. '.farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 4, P.O. Carrollton. The subject of this sketch, who is well and favorably known for his success as an agriculturist and honorable business man, was born in Greene County in 1846, the fifth child of John and Mary Brown, who dwelt in the confines of Greene County when scarcely a cabin broke the monotony of a broad expanse of prairie. Isaac, from whom this sketch is obtained, became early inured to the hard work that ever attends an early settlement v\ a new country, receiving a liberal education ; in his twtnty-third year he was united in marriage to Miss Alice Jackson, a daughter of William and Nancy ; the marriage of Mr. Brown to Miss Jackson was blessed with three chil- dren, Arthur, deceased, and Allie and Eddie living BROWN JOHN, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 4, P.O. Carrollton. Mr. Brown not only takes a leading position as an agriculturist but ranks among our wealthy pioneers; he was born in Indiana on the 1st of May, 1814. In early infancy his father departed to that bourne from whence no traveler ever returns ; disheartened, the mother and her children removed to Kentucky where many years of her life were spent. During the year 1828, when Illinois was a far western point, Mrs. Brown, in order to give her children a start in the world, migrated to Greene County settling on the farm now owned by the subject of this sketch ; here this energetic lady settled down to the hard task of making a com- fortable home. Mrs. Brown was a native of North Carolina. A most kindly woman of large loving sympa- thies and kindly disposition, she merited the respect of her pioneer neighbors. John grew to maturity a hardy youth, possessed of more than ordinary energy ; a hard worker he pushed forward, hope- fully looking forward to a bright future. In his twenty-second year he was united in marriage to Miss Mary Landis, a daughter of Isaac Landis ; he was then the owner of 240 acres of improved lands, these com- prised part of the property he now owns. In those primitive days his grist, brought to horse or water mill for grinding necessitated a considerable waste of time. The habits of the pioneer and his family were extremely simple. The neighbors, oftentimes many miles away, when they met at a raising or meeting a friendly greeting was always in order. We now turn to the subject under consideration ; step by step John accrued property and wealth as the county grew older and became more densely populated. A representative of the early pioneer and of the farmer of to-day ; he is the owner of 920 acres of valuable land in one of the best townships in the County of Morgan. Of this marriage eight children were born, Frances, Esther A., John L., Jane, Taylor. Mary, and Alice Burns Wm. farm hand. Sec. 21, P.O. Carroll- ton Byland Gottlieb, i-enter, vSec. ig, P.O. Car- rollton Byland John, farm hand. Sec. 19, P.O. Car- rollton /^AMPBELL CHARLES, renter. Sec, 26, ^ P.O. Carrollton CAMPBELL DAVID, deceased, who during his life was a farmer within the borders of Greene County ; was born in Tennessee where he followed farming, and here married Miss Edna Taylor, a daughter of Elijah Taylor. When the war came on, 512 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. sorely against his will, Mr. Campbell was conscripted in the service of the South ; obtaining his release he made his way to Greene County, settling in Carrollton, remaining a short time when he became a farmer. He died in 1871, and was laid at rest in the beautiful cemetery of Carroll- ton. Mrs. Campbell, who resides in Greene County, was born in Tennessee in 1826. Of this marriage ten children were born, five of whom are living, Sarah J., Steven O., Charles, Frank, and Wylie who are residents of Greene County CAMPBELL MRS. EDNA, Sec. 26, P.O. Carrollton Campbell Thomas, farm hand, Sec. 19, P.O. Carrollton Carmody Malachi, farmer, Sec. i, P.O. Car- rollton Carter Charles, farmer, P.O. Carrollton Carter J. C. farmer, Sec. 3, P.O. Carrollton Carter James W. renter, Sec. 3, P.O. Carroll- ton CARTER JAMES W. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. i, P.O. Carrollton. James W. Carter is a native of Kentucky, where he was born on the 25lh of April, 1854. His father, John C. Carter, was born in Kentucky ; there followed farming and married, shortly after attaining his major- ity. Miss Jane T. Stanton, of Kentucky, who bore him nine children, Charles F., James W., from whom our sketch is ob- tained, Joseph S., John C, David C, George A., Doctor F., Mary E., and Harry L. Some twenty years ago the family moved to Greene County, 111., where the head of the family is now a prosperous farmer, and where our subject grew to manhood and received a liberal education. In 1876 he was united in marria;^e to Miss Mattie King, a daughter of John and Charlotte King ; one child blessed this union, William, born in 1S78. Mr. Carter is the owner of 160 acres of valuable land, and ranks among our more substantial farmers Carter Joseph, renter. Sec. 3, P.O. Carrollton Cato Clarence, farm hand. Sec. 20, P.O. Car- rollton Clauder George, farm hand. Sec. 20, P.O. Carrollton Clark William, renter. Sec. 27, P.O. Carroll- ton Clemmons 'J'homas B. farm and stock raiser. Sec. 33, P.O. Carrollton Coats Clinton, farmer andstock raiser, Sec. 6, P.O. Carrollton Cobb J. M. farmer. Sec. 9, P.O. Carrollton Cook George W. renter, Sec. 24, P.O. Car- rollton Crawford George, farm hand. Sec. 16, P.O. Carrollton CUNNINGHAM A. M. farmer, Sec. 26 ; P.O. Carrollton. The above named gentleman, although not ranked among the early residents of this county, is worthy of more than a passing notice. He was born in Marion County, Ky., April 16, 1820. Eight children of this family grew to ma- turity, of whom we here append the names : Isabella, Cassandra, William, Richard, Samuel, Andrew, and Ellen. The head of this family, Robert Cunningham, was a native of Pennsylvania. When six years old his parents moved to Kentucky, where he grew to manhood, and married Miss Nancy Beall, a daughter of Richard Beall, of Kentucky. Robert Cunningham was a tanner in Kentucky, where he passed the remainder of life, September, 1856. In 1831, Cassandra Cunningham, wife of Geo. Wright, came to Greene County ; seven years later, A. M. Cunningham made a visit, and in 184 1 became a permanent resident, entering land on what was called String Prairie, eleven miles northeast of Carrollton, where he broke prairie and cleared the timber for a home, and built a cabin ; two years later, he married Miss Henrietta Greer, by whom he had eight children, three of whom are living: James M., Nancy J., and Mary E. He first purchased a tract of 200 acres, and from this estate now comes a tract of over 600 acres of well improved land. Mr. Cunningham has been twice mayor of Car- rollton, for many years ju'-tice of the peace, and held the position of school treasurer sixteen years Cunningham J. M. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 26. P.O. Carrollton CURTIUS L. S. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 24, P.O. Carrollton. Luman Curtius, who ranks among the more prominent farmers of Greene County, was born in Duchess County, N. Y., on the l8th of May, 1S08. Tracing back the genealogy TOWN 10, NORTH RANGE 12, WEST. 513 of the family to the extent that our limited space will allow, we find that Nathaniel Curtius, father of him whose name heads this sketch, was a native of Connecticut, a farmer by occupation ; moving to New York State, he there formed the acquaint- ance of and married Miss Mary Stoddard, by whom he had twelve children, of whom Luman S. Curtius was the tenth child. The old folks, after a life of activity and use- fulness, passed to a home not made with hands, in the State of New York ; Mrs. C. died in Greene County. Young Luman remained on a farm until he had arrived at the age of sixteen years, when he moved to New York City, where he became liber- ally educated, and for some time served as writer and collector for Andrew Williams, the well-known Member of Congress, who fitted out the first steamship for California commerce. In 1833, Mr. Curtius made his way to Chicago, then a resort of fur traders and trappers from the East ; the dread disease cholera had advanced to the West ; among hundreds of others, the sub- ject of our notice was attacked. Shortly after his recovery he proceeded South to New Orleans, where he went for the pur- pose of embarking in business; finding trade at a stand still, his liberal education enabled him to reach a high position as a teacher in the Cuvilier College, his powers as a linguist enabling him to secure a com- fortable salary. Misfortune, they say, never comes singly ; no sooner had Mr. Curtius fairly recovered from the effects of the cholera when he was attacked with that Southern malady, yellow fever. His strong constitution enabled him to recover from this often fatal disease. Entering upon the eventful career of a speculator, he became more than ordinarily successful, handling principally grain and hay, Western pro- duce generally, Having accumulated a fortune in 1840, he determined to make the West his future home, and accordingly made his way to Greene County, 111., where he purchased 620 acres of valuable land, near the city of Carrollton. While here a resident he formed the acquaintance of and married an estimable lady. Miss Ellen Beebe, a daughter of Judge Beebe, of Elkhart, Indiana, who built the first house in Elkhart. Of this marriage nine children were born, two of whom died in early infancy ; seven are living : Mary, Rosala, Ellen, Luman B., Augustus, Hen- ry, and Caroline. During the year 1870, Mrs. Curtius was laid at rest in the ceme- tery of Carrollton, a worthy monument marking the spot. In 1872, Mr. Curtius united his fortunes to Miss Mary K. Snede- ker, of Jerseyville, a daughter of Isaac Snedeker, of Trenton, N. J. In 1868, Mr. Curtius began the erection of his present magnificent farm residence, unequaled within the borders of Greene County ; further notice will be given in the historical portion of this volume Curtius Luman B. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 24, P.O. Carrollton "pvELNOTTE J. E. farmer and stock ^ raiser. Sec. i, P.O. Berdan. Mr. Del- notteisa nativeof New Jersey, born in 1843. Motherless at the youthful age of twelve, and his father dying during his seventeenth year, and thus thrown upon his own re- sources at a time when others of like age had the comforts of a home, his was a hard lot for many years. Digressing a little from the subject in hand, John Delnotte, the father, was born in Mercer County, Ky., on the i6th of May, 1809; on attain- ing his majority he for a short time be- came a resident of Indiana, finding a lo- cation in Greene County as early as 1832; afterward a resident of Christian County, he there passed the remainder of his life in 1863 ; his wife, whose maiden name was Curry, a most estimable lady, departed this life in 1856. John, who heads this notice, passed his boyhood in Greene County, fol- lowing agricultural pursuits ; in 1870 he was united in marriage to Miss Martha E. Pinkerton, a daughter of James M. Pink- erton, by whom he has two children : James M., and Wm. E. DODGSON DAVID, farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 4, P.O. Carrollton. The above named gentleman, whose life career in Greene County has been more than ordin- arily successful, is the oldest now living of a family of twelve children. The head of the family, Peter Dodgson, was a native of Yorkshire, England, who departed from the scenes of childhood in his fourteenth year for the broad shores of the New World. 514 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. In Greene County, where the family locat- ed, he grew to maturity ; of more than or- dinary promise, indeed of marked ability, and of deep religious convictions, he ac- complished much good in the long busy life allotted to him, a cotemporary with such talented men as Peter Cartwright, and others. Like them he became noted for his earnest Christian piety, kindly disposi- tion, and native talent. His wife was Miss Jane Brown, a most estimable lady, of ex- cellent Christian character and kindness of heart, who is still living, a resident of township 10, range 12 ; her husband long since passed away to a home not made with hands; all that is mortal now rests in Hopewell Cemetery, a handsome and worthy monument marking the spot. David Dodgson inherited the hardy vigor of his ancestors, and grew up a stout, healthy youth; at twenty-three, in 1854, he united his fortunes to Miss Sarah Chinn, by whom he had seven children ; five liv- ing, whose names are : Leonard P., Alice J., Wm. P., Carrie B., Edgar D ; deceased, Laura A., and Sarah C. On the 29th of March, 1872, Mrs. Dodgson departed this life, finding a last resting place in the ceme- tery of Hopewell ; August 31, 1877, he was united in marriage to Mrs. Elizabeth Goode, relict of George Goode, and a daughter of Ezekiel Edwards ; as more than a passing notice is given of Mr. Dodgson in the general history of this work, in closing this brief statement it may be said that it very rarely happens that even among our Illinois farmers few develop the surprising energy of him who heads this sketch, and whose success in life is rarely equaled ; the owner of nearly 500 acres, he takes rank as a leading agricul- turist Dodgson O. farmer. Sec. 4, P.O. Carrollton Dulan Michael, renter. Sec. 27, P.O. Carroll- ton DUNFORO JAMES, farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 5, P.O. Carrollton. James Dunford is a gentleman of Celtic origin, born in the County of Limerick, Ireland, in 1S28 ; he was the second of a family of fifteen children. The head of the family, Patrick Dunford, married in Ireland Miss Mary Fitzgerald, who was the mother of the fifteen children mentioned above. James remained a resident of Ireland until his twenty-fifth year, when he crossed the Father o'f Waters for America. Landing in the City of New York November 26, 1853, almost penniless, but possessed ot the natural ability of his race, he looked about him for the means of a livelihood. From the great Metropolitan city he made his way to Kentucky, where he became em- ployed for a short time on the Big Sandy Railroad ; thence to Virginia, where he en- tered the employ of a railroad company there ; in 1856, he located in Calhoun and Greene Counties ; two years later, while a resident of Chicago, he was united in mar- riage to Miss Hannah White, by whom he has eight children, six girls and two sons. After his marriage he rented property for a number of years, when he purchased the property now owned by him, consisting of 250 acres, in township 10, range 12. Thus, by industry, the emigrant of long years ago has acquired a competence. Like nearly all of his race, his generosity and kindness of heart is unbounded Dunford John, farmer. Sec. 5, P.O. Carroll- ton Dunfrey John P. renter. Sec. 10, P.O. Car- rollton Dunn Minas, farm hand, P.O. Carrollton Dunsvvorth John P. renter. Sec. 10, P.O. Car- rollton Dunsworth Michael, farm hand. Sec. 10, P.O. Carrollton TTj'ARL BOOKER, renter, Sec. 8, P.O. ^ Carrollton Early Asbury, renter, Sec. 18, P.O. Car/oUton EDMONDS THOMAS W. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 23, P.O. Carrollton. Mr. Edmonds is a native of Urbana, Cham- paign County, Ohio ; born on the I2th of April, 181 1 ; he was not five years of age when his parents, Sanford and Elizabeth Edmonds, moved to Kentucky, there re- maining four years, when they returned to Ohio, where Thomas became apprenticed to the trade of a cabinet maker ; serving his apprenticeship he became a skillful workman, and was soon transacting a suc- cessful business as pi-oprietor of an estab- lishment of his own. While a resident of Cleremont, Ohio, he united his fortunes to Miss Sarah Wood, on the 17th of January. TOWN 10, NORTH RANGE 12, WEST. 515 1832. Shortly after his marriage Mr. Ed- monds turned his attention to the buying and shipping of horses to the city of New Orleans. On one occasion, having dis- posed of a drove at a handsome profit, ex- changing paper currency for silver, the steamer McFarland, on board of which he was a passenger, was run into by the Danube ; the loss of life was great, and during the struggle for life the money here- tofore mentioned sunk beneath the waters of the Mississippi ; fortunately Mr. E reached the shore in safety, during the dead hours of night, the circumstances surrounding the accident for many years remaining vividly impressed upon his memory. Mov- ing to Indiana in 1840, Mr. E. turned his attention principally to his trade, that of cabinet making, although the Father of Waters still had its allurements, and he afterwards made other voyages to New Or- leans. In 1862 Mr. Edmonds determined to make Greene County his future home, and accordingly, accompanied by his fam- ily, located in township 10, range 13, where a farm of 320 acres were purchased, and here he transacted a successful agricultural business until his removal to Carrollton, during the Spring of 1874. The total farm property of Mr. E. comprises 400 acres, and he ranks among the most suc- cessful farmers of Greene County. In 1842 he was deputy sheriff of Shelby County, Ind. The marriage above referred to was blessed with five children : Orange W., Thomas E., Francis C, Joseph S. and Mary E., deceased. Note the Anglo-Saxon Edmunds is interpreted defender of prop- erty. Observing, however, so great apti- tude for mechanics in our family that even those farmers who have not learned a trade are accustomed to do much of their own carpenter work, I deduce the name Ed- munds from the Latin ed niundus, which signifies master builder. Let every man so honorably entitled, build well and surely Egleson James, renter. Sec. 35, P.O. Carroll- ton ELDKED EI.ISHA, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 32, P.O. Carrollton. The above named gentleman is a native of Greene County ; born during the eventful year that ushered in the deep snow, so vividly impressed upon the memory of the older inhabitants of Greene County. Pass- ing by the early years of Mr. Eldred, spent upon the home farm in Illinois, when the mining excitement transpired, being of an exceedingly adventurous disposition, while yet a youth, he determined to seek his fortune on the golden shores of the Pacific coast. Proceeding to New Orleans, the youthful explorer there shipped on board a steamer, which was subsequently wrecked off the coast of Panama. After many vexatious delays the youth reached Cali- fornia, where he turned his attention to mining. Remaining two years he returned to Greene County, where he remained until i860, following farming, when his restless disposition again took him to Cali- fornia, this time the trip being made by wagon. Reaching the State in due time he turned his attention to various occupations. Remaining five years, he again set his face toward his old home in Illinois, set- tling down to the quiet life of a farmer, in Greene County. He married, in 1866, Miss Carrie Taylor, a daughter of George Taylor, by whom he has one child : Charles H. Mr. Eldred is the owner of 117 acres of valuble land, and no more live or ener- getic man dwells within the borders of Greene County ELDRED EliON, deceased, who took a leading position among the wealthy farmers of Greene County, was born in Connecticut, in 1802. In an early day his parents moved to Herkimer County, New York, where Elori grew to manhood. About the year 1820 glowing accounts of the West reached his ears, and accordingly thither he directed his footsteps. Pleased at the prospect, he returned again to the East, where he united his fortunes to Miss Jane Stuart, and shortly thereafter he re- turned to Illinois, and settled at Edwards- ville, Madison County, and shortly after located in Greene County, on the farm now owned by Frank M. Bridges, representa- tive. When the family became fairly located in Greene County, a cabin com- posed of hewn logs was erected ; it was some eighteen feet square ; this was the main structure. In after years other build- ings composed of logs but of smaller di- mensions, were erected for the accommo- dation of hands, Mr. E. becoming largely 516 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. engaged in the manufacture of castor oil. This cabin consisted of one room, for all intents and purposes ; still, overhead was a garret, where the narrator of this sketch, Charles H. Eldred, when the shade of night drew around, climbed to his bunk beneath the rafters, ofttimes lying awake listening to the melodious concerts of nu- merous packs of wolves. After a long life of usefulness, while Elon Eldred, who had journeyed to a farm owned by him in Mont- gomery County, was on his return trip and near Girard, in Macoupin County, he was taken suddenly ill, and expired very sud- denly. There thus passed away a man who was as remarkable in his sphere of life as Washington or Lincoln were in theirs. The owner of over 5000 acres in the State of Illinois, he had reaped the reward of the diligent. Of this marriage six children were born: William, deceased; Louisa, who married L. F. Wheeler, present mayor of Carrollton ; Lucius, who married Miss Ellen Cavenaugh, of Jacksonville ; Charles H., who married Adela Avery, in i860, by whom he had one child, Dudley. Mrs. Charles Eldred died in 1S64. Julia, who married Robert Pierson, the well known banker of Carrollton ; and Jane who resides with her brother Charles H. in his elegant mansion east of Carrollton. It will be well to note the fact, in connection with this history, that Mrs. Elon Eldred was among the pioneer school teachers of Greene County, who merited the respect of her pupils, many of whom bear a promi- nent part in the annals of the State and county, among whom we mention David Pierson, Esq. ELDRED ELON A. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 20, P.O. Carrollton Eldred John L. farmer. Sec. 26, P.O. Carroll- ton ELDRED RUTH D. MRS. Sec. 20, P.O. Carrollton ELORED WILLIAM, deceased, many years ago was one of the most prom- inent farmers within the bounds of Greene County. He was born in Litchfield County, Connecticut, Nov. 18, 1791. He was in his fifteenth year when he accom- panied his parents to New York State where many years of his life were spent. While here a resident, a farmer by occupa- tion, he formed the acquaintance of and married Miss Ruth Brace, May 2d, 1816, a daughter of Jeduthun Brace, who is well remembered by the older residents of Greene County. During the year 1820, when but a few hardy spirits had made their way to the fertile prairies of the boundless west, Mr. E., then in the flush of early manhood, and possessed of energy and ambition far above the average, gath- ered together his personal property and accompanied by his family and relatives, set out in a covered wagon across the na- tive prairie grass, where a few short years before the red man of the forest, made famous by Cooper, had woed his dusky mate or joined in the exciting sport of bringing to bay the American bison or buffalo. Leaving the wagon they floated down the Ohio River in a flatboat. The trip of the emigrants occupied some weeks. On the way cattle were purchased among the small colony. A fanning mill owned by Jehoshaphat Eldred, a novelty in its way, on its introduction among the first pioneers of Greene County, created con- siderable sensation. Neighbors, in place of having their wheat threshed by means of horses tramping over it in their usual primitive fashion, brought it to this wonder- ful mill, which met with unusual commen- dation and admiration. The cabin entered by William Eldred was of the usual order with the single exception that it consisted of hewed logs. Here the family lived for a period of twelve years, witnessing the growth of Carrollton from a trading point, consisting of one store under the supervision of John Skidmore, who came from the east. This place became quite a town during the term of years that are above mentioned. Those pioneer days were fraught with no ordinary interest. The husband frequently went many miles to a horse mill to lay in a supply of provisions for his large family. On one occasion, having raised an abundant crop of wheat, the grain being unusually full, it it was ground for family consumption. Through some malarial influence, perhaps, it served as a strong emetic, none of the family being able to partake of it ; nor could stock be induced to touch it. This remarkable phenomenon has never been TOWN 10, NORTH RANGE 12, WEST. 517 explained satisfactorily to old residents, who well remember the circumstance. William Eldred was far above the aver- age in ability, and became a wealthy farmer mainly through well-directed efforts. He passed to the world of spirits on the 28th of July, 1855, and was laid at rest in the CarroUton cemetery, a worthy monument marking the spot. Mrs. Eldred, from whom this sketch is obtained, is now upwards of eighty years of age, a true type of the western woman who dared the dangers incident to a western life. The homestead property comprises many hun- dred acres. Of the marriage twelve chil- dren were born, eight of whom are living : Jeduthun, Leonard E., Elon A., Elmina A., Fidelia A., Ruthalia A., Amelia S., H. Loomis. Mr. Eldred was one of the jurors in the first trial of a criminal nature in CarroUton. Was buried by Masonic orders ELLISON TIMOTHY, farmer, Sec. 4, P. O. CarroUton. Mr. E. was born in Yorkshire, England, May 17, 1818 ; came from England to America in 1840 ; set- tled in Greene County shortly after his arrival, near CarroUton ; owns 280 acres of land. Married Mary Dodgson, a daughter of William Dodgson, by whom he has three children : William, Helen and John. An active church member ; a mem- ber of the Methodist Church for a period of thirtv-six years ERISMAN CHRISTOPHER, farmer and stock-raiser, Sec. 16, P.O. Car- roUton. The subject of this sketch was born in Adams County, Pennsylvania, in 1828. In his tenth year his parents moved to Ohio, where he grew to manhood, fol- lowing agricultural pursuits. When the war came on he enlisted in the 14th Illinois Infantry for three years service, or during the war. Proceeding to the front he was engaged in the battles of Pittsburg Land- ing, Corinth, Vicksburgh, Champion Hill, Little Hatchie, etc., etc. When his term of service expired he re-enlisted, thereby becoming one of the veterans of the 14th Illinois. Previous to the war, in 1852, he was united in marriage to Miss Irene El- more, a daughter of Robert Elmore. For some years Mr. E. was a resident of Menard County, Illinois. During the Autumn of 1865 he moved to Greene, settled at Car- roUton, secured employment in the woolen mill owned by Pierson & Hartley, and six years ago entered the employ of David Wright. Of the marriage mentioned above six children were born, five are living : Mina J., Richard Y., John D., Catherine L. deceased, Robert A. and Christopher H. T7AIR RICHARD, renter. Sec. 8, P.O. CarroUton Fondern Cass, renter, Sec. 24. P.O. CarroU- ton FuUerton Mrs. A. Sec 30, P. O. CarroUton r^ ADWOOD ANDREW, farm hand. Sec. ^-^ 4. P.O. CarroUton Gadwood John, farm hand, Sec. 4, P.O. Car- roUton Gleason Thomas, farm hand. Sec. 10, P.O, CarroUton Graham George T. renter. Sec. 8, P.O. Car- roUton GRAVES JAMES M. painter, Sec. 4. P.O. CarroUton. Mr. Graves was born in Missouri, on the 24th of February, 1844. Here many years of his life were spent, where he was apprenticed to the trade of a painter at the early age of fourteen. When the war came on he enlisted in Com- pany B, Provisional Regiment, remain- ing three years in the service of Uncle Sam. He followed his vocation of painter in Missouri until 1868, when he moved to Il- linois, locating at CarroUton, Greene County. Here he formed the acquaint- ance of and married Miss Mary E. Thorp, a daughter of WiUiam Thorp, of Ohio. Of this marriage two children were born : William P. and Rufus M. Since his res- idence here Mr. Graves has followed the occupation of painting, and is well and favorably known. See business card else- where GREAVES WILLIAM O. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 27, P. O. CarroUton. Although not among the older residents of Greene County, Mr. Greaves is worthy of more than a passing notice. He was born in Yorkshire, England, in 1808. Growing to manhood in England, he became a butcher, followed this occupation many years, opening a shop and becoming quite successful. On the glh day of January, 518 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. 1S32, he was united in marriage to Miss Harriet Emmerson, by whom he had four children: Eliza, born June 6, 1843, died August 24, 1851 ; Emma, born October 18, 1835 ; Mary J., born January 5, 1847, and William H., born February 9, 1853, and died November 21, 1867. In 1841 Mr. Greaves landed in America, and settled in Greene, a man of no ordinary industry. In Carrollton and vicinity he followed the calling of butcher for a number of years. Mr. Greaves is now the owner of 160 acres of valuable land near Carrollton. Further notice will be given in another department of this work Greene James, renter, Sec. 21, P.O. Carroll- ton TT AMILTON MRS. farm hand. Sec. 21, ■*^ P.O. Carrollton HARDCASTLE JOHN C. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 26, P.O. Carrollton. The above named gentleman is a native of Greene County, born in 1831, in the city of Carrollton, the oldest son of William C. and Lavina Hardcastle, maiden name Crane. Raised a farmer's boy he developed a hardy energy that counted in after years. Receiving a liberal education, in maturer years he became an extensive buyer and shipper of cattle, becoming more than ordi- narily successful. March 4 he was united in marriage to Miss M. E. Kile, by whom he had one child, Nellie. Mr. Hardcastle is the owner of 200 acres of valuable land in this township and a successful farmer Higgins George, farm hand, Sec. ig, P.O. Carrollton Hobson John T. renter, P.O. Carrllton HOBSOX PETER, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 29, P.O. Carrollton. Mr. Hob- son is a descendant of the foremost families of England, and one of the oldest settlers ' within the borders of Greene County. He was born in Cumberland County, England, on the 29th day of December, 1804. He was in his eighteenth year when his pa- rents, whose names are elsewhere recorded, settled in Greene County, on land previously purchased from the United States govern- ment. On the homestead property young Hobson worked from the time his head reached the plow handles. His pioneer days, spent in the usual fashion, were fraught with an interest of no ordinary nature; attending quietly to the duties of a farm, uncultivated with the exception of a small tract. A few short years before the red men had been as the leaves of the forest, but were compelled to go still farther west- ward, as the encroachments of the white man entered the domain where they had hunted from their earliest childhood. Mr. Hobson from a youth, was possessed of a wonderful energy, working with unflagging zeal. The old adage that in eternal vigi- lance is the secret of success, has proven a true one in this case. After many years of economy and self-denial he is to-day a wealthy farmer, owning 534 acres of land in Montgomery and Greene Counties. At the age of forty-five, in 1848, he was united in marriage to Mary Chron, by whom he had seven children, two of whom died in early infancy ; five are living : Thomas, Robert, George, Charles and William. But a short time ago Mr. Hobson, whose wonderful vitality rendered him a hard worker, was unfortunately paralyzed, a source of regret to his many friends, who know him for his personal integrity and kindness of heart. Hobson Peter J. farmer. Sec. 29, P.O. Carroll- ton HOBSON THOMAS, farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 29, P.O. Carrollton. One of the most energetic and wealthy citizens of Greene County is Thomas Hobson, a native of Cumberland County, England. In 1809, in his thirteenth year his parents, James and Elizabeth Hobson, whose maiden name was Goldsmith, a descendant of one of the best families of England, crossed the Atlantic. During the Autumn of 1822, land having been previously purchased, the little party of emigrants settled down to farm life in Greene County. On their ar- rival the family, consisting of the husband, wife and sixchildren: Peter, John, Thomas, Robert, Mary and Jane; the homestead comprised 320 acres, was unbroken save three acres, on which was erected a small cabin comprised of logs ; the neighbors of those days were few, but generous to a fault, and all were on an equal footing as regards finances or nearly so. During the first winter the family endured many hard- ships ; of wheat they had none and conse- TOWN 10, NORTH RANGE 12, WEST. 519 quently no flour, during the first cold winter mainly subsisting on corn bread or what was more familiarly known as corn dodgers. Years afterwards St. Louis became the trading point for supplies. In 1839 James Hobson departed to a home not made with hands. A true type of the hardy Briton, of an extremely energetic disposition, he accumulated wealth for the period of time in which he lived, erecting during the days of his earlier manhood the substantial brick building where the subject of this sketch now resides. Three years after the death of this pioneer the wife and mother, a most estimable lady, also passed away ; Thomas was' then in his thirty-third year, married, having united his fortunes to Catherine Choran, by whom he had two children, now living, James and John. Mrs. Hobson died March 6, 1854, and was laid at rest in the Mount Pleasant cemetery, a worthy monument marking the spot. March 11, 1858, Mr. Hobson was married to Miss Elizabeth Ann Tribble, by whom he had two children, not living, whose names were Elizabeth G. and Mary O. The career of Mr. Hobson on our Illinois prairies has been fraught with no ordinany interest. He is to-day a representative of his class and the owner of nearly 1200 acres of land ; thus through great industry ' the pioneer boy who had in his early days scarcely clothing or shoes has reaped the reward of the diligent HOLBERT AMOS, renter, Sec. 7, P.O. Carrollton. The above named gentle- man was born in Greene County, January 12, 1842, where from boyhood to manhood he has followed agricultural pursuits. At the present writing a resident of township 10, range 12. John W. Holbert, the head of the family, died in 1872. Mrs. Holbert is still living, residing with the subject of this sketch. There were nine children born of this marriage Huggins Robert, renter, Sec. 26, P.O. Car- rollton Hunt James, farmer. Sec. 20, P.O. Carrollton Hunt Theodore, farmer, Sec. 24, P.O. Carroll- ton Hutchins Horace, renter. Sec. 27, P.O. Car- rollton JACOBS JOHN, renter, Sec. 24, P.O. Car- rollton T7-AHALER PATRICK, renter. Sec. 3, -•^ P.O. Carrollton KASER JOHN", farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 19, P.O. Carrollton. The above named gentleman, although not ranking as an early settler, takes a leading position as an agri- culturist; is a native of Switzerland; he was born in the year 18 19. When quite young he became apprenticed to the trade of ribbon making, a trade not common here ; in Switzerland many of the inhabitants were engaged in its manufacture ; Mr. Kaser entered upon this important branch of manufacturing at fifteen; continuing in this employment until arriving at his twenty- fifth year, when he concluded to cast his fortunes in America. With all his years of hard laboi-, comparatively speaking, he was penniless on arrival here. Landing in the City of New Orleans on the 7th of May ; on the 15th of the same month the steamer on board which he was a passenger landed in the City of St. Louis. While here he learned that a colonization scheme, pro- jected in his native land, for the foundation of homes in America, had fallen through. As the customs of Switzerland diff"er ma- terially from ours it was supposed by many of the inhabitants that 160 acres of our Illinois prairie could comfortably support at least 500 persons. Many of those who had built this airy castle realized the im- possibility of the scheme on their arrival here, as fever and ague was abundant, and quinine comparatively unknown. From St. Louis Mr. Kaser made his way to Greene County, where he first entered the employ of Luman Curtius ; for him he worked fourteen years ; during this time, in i849j ^""^ ^^s united in marriage to Miss Lucy Curtius, a sister of his employer. Shortly after his marriage Mr. Kaser purchased a tract of land comprising 200 acres in T. 10 R. Ii ; here he remained five years,, when he dis- posed of his property and moved to Car- rollton. In 1857 he purchased 200 acres wiiere he now lives, moving from Carroll- ton to his farm in 1861. Since this period he has accumulated a large landed property, owning 480 acres. In 1875 Mrs. Kaser was laid at rest in the beautiful cemetery at Carrollton, a handsome monument marking the spot. In 1876 Mr. K. was united in marriage to Miss Caroline Pren- 520 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. tice, a daughter of Rev. Amos Prentice. For the past six years Mr. Kaser has filled the office of Township Trustee. One specialty that Mr. Kaser has in connection with farming is worthy of note and perhaps unparalleled in Greene Co, This year he offers for sale over three hundred bushels of clover seed of a very superior quality. When the Carrollton Bank was organized in 1877, his personal integrity was recog- nized and accordingly he became a stock holder and the vice-president of one of the soundest banking institutions in the West. In 1867 Mr. K., accompanied by his wife made a tour of Europe, visiting the City of London, Paris Exhibition, and enjoying the magnificent scenery of his native place. Mrs. Kaser is a distant relative of George D. Prentice who was for many years editor of the Louisville yournal Kelley Thos. A. renter, Sec. 3, P.O. Carrollton T ACHMUND HENRY, renter. Sec. 27, ^ P.O. Carrollton Lemas John, renter, P.O. Carrolllon Lemas T. renter, P.O. Carrollton Linker Charles, renter, Sec. 26, P.O. Carroll- ton IV/TAPPIS WM. renter, Sec. 27, P.O. Car- ^^^ rollton McADAMS SAMUEL, farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 6, P.O. Carrollton. Mr. McAdams was born near the town of Troy, Madison Co., on the 9th of January, 1833, the fourth child of a family of ten children; during his fourth year his parents, William J. and Rebecca Ann McAdams, moved to Greene Co., locating on the farm now owned by Samuel, from whom this sketch is obtained. As our space is somewhat limited and confined principally to the nar- rator, the statement is given that the head of the family, after many years of useful- ness, found a last resting place here ; his wife, whose life has been prolonged through a long series of years, is a resident of town- ship 10, range 12 — a living witness, so to speak, of the stirring scenes transpiring in western life on the prairies of Greene Co. ■ or among the timber. Young Samuel fol- lowed the plow or swung the ax for many a year during the early settlement of Greene; at twenty-five, in the year 1857, he was united in marriage to Miss Sarah L. Kil- patrick, who departed this life six yeai-s later; three children were born : James B., Millie, and Sarah, deceased. In 1865, Mr. M. united his fortunes to Miss Barbara Duggan; of this marriage seven children were born, six of whom are living : Noah, Hattie, Jennette, William, deceased, Char- ley, Isaac T., and Ida. Mr. McAdams is the owner of over 200 acres of valuable land in this township. Further notice is given elsewhere in the general history of this work. Holds office of supervisor McCabe Patrick, farmhand, Sec. 36, P.O. Car- rollton McDonough James, farmer, Sec. 26, P.O. Car- rollton McMahon Chas. farmhand. Sec. 26, P.O. Car- rollton McNerney Thos. renter. Sec. 3, P.O. Car- rollton McPheron Jas. A. nursery. Sec. 26, P.O. Car- rollton 3IORFOOT JOHN F. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 3, P.O. Carrollton. The subject of this sketch is not only among the earlier settlers of Greene Co., but takes rank as one of its wealthier residents ; a native of England ; he was born in 1818 ; two years later his parents, John and Eliza- beth, crossed the Atlantic for America, remaining during the Winter at East. St. Louis; the following year locating in Greene Co., on the farm now owned by the subject of this sketch ; it was during the year 1832 that the head of this exceedingly prosperous family was laid at rest in Greene Co.; his wife, who survived him many years, died in 1874, a notable type of the pioneer woman who worked with unremitting energy toward the general prosperity of the family. John, who heads this sketch, had but little on attaining his majority ; had but scanty capital, but he set resolutely to work to acquire wealth and position; how well he has succeeded in life is well known to his many friends in this com- munity ; in connection with other near relatives he is the owner of a vast tract of land and a handsome farm residence, a monument as it were to the industrious habits of this prominent family Morrison James, farm hand. Sec. 29, P.O. Carrollton TOWN 10, NORTH KANGE 12, WEST. 521 Mundall James, renter, Sec. 32, P.O. Carroll- ton Myers Christopher, farm hand, Sec. 29, P.O. CarrolUon o TTO CHARLES, farm hand, P.O. Car- rolUon OWENS B. W. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 15, P.O. Carrollton; the above named gentleman was born in the State of Ten- nessee, January 21, 1844; left an orphan at the early age of six years, adopted by his grandfather, who came west in 1854, set-' tling in Greene County, where the youth grew to mature years. In 1867 he was united in marriage to Miss Mary Cavan- augh, a daughter of Dr. T. H. Cavanaugh, a prominent physician of this State, and father of T. H. Cavanaugh. Secretary of the * State of Kansas; by this lady he had six children, four of whom are living : Charles, Nettie, Benjamin, and William "pEARCE OSCAR, renter. Sec. 31, P.O. -*■ Carrollton Perrine Mrs. Lettie, Sec. 35, P.O. Carrollton Pilkington Jas. H. renter, Sec. 4, P.O. Car- rollton Pollard Isaac, renter, Sec. 6, P.O. Carrollton Porterfield Robert, farm hand. Sec. 6, P.O. Carrollton "P AINES W. A. farmer, Sec. 8, P.O. Car- ■^ ronton Ranes Mary Mrs. Sec. 8, P.O. Carrollton Raner John, renter. Sec. 8, P.O. Carrollton Richardson Jas. L. farm hand, P.O. Carrollton Robinson Michael, farm hand, Sec. 10, P.O. Carrollton Roth Lawrence, farm hand, Sec. 29, P.O. Carrollton Ruff John, renter. Sec. 4, P.O. Carrollton CCHAFER PERRY, farmer and stock *^ raiser. Sec. 23, P.O. Carrollton Schafer Rosswell, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 23, P.O. Carrollton Schnelt Henry, farmer. Sec. 30, P.O. Carroll- ton Schnelt John, farmer, Sec. 30, P.O. Carroll- ton Schnelt Lucas, farmer, Sec. 30, P.O. Carroll- ton Scott George, farm hand. Sec 19, P.O. Carroll- ton Sheppers Herman, farm hand, Sec, 33, P.O. Carrollton Simpson Donald, renter, Sec. 17, P.O. Car- rollton Sleight William C. farmer, Sec. 26, P.O. Car- rollton Sloan Samuel, renter, Sec. 24, P.O. Carroll- ton Smith C. H. renter, Sec. 8, P.O. Carrollton Sorell Alfred, farm hand. Sec. 30, P.O. Car- rollton Stewart Peter, farm hand, Sec. 29, P.O. Car- rollton Suda Lewis, renter, Sec. 35, P.O. Carrollton ^HOMAS JOHN I. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 33, Tp, 10, R. 12. Mr. Thomas was born in Madison County. 111., March 15, 1818. During the Autumn of this year, his father, the late Honorable Samuel Thomas, settled on the western prairies of Illinois, that portion now com- prised in Greene, locating three miles from the present city of Carrollton. John Thomas, who heads this sketch, relates that, at this early day, within 600 yards of his father's cabin, he at one time counted twenty-six deer. Bears were also frequently seen. Deer abounded, while wild cats and panthers were frequently seen. One incident here, as related by Mr. Thomas, is worthy of remark. Close to the Mississippi, on the margin of a small stream in Pike County, there stood an old mill, used by the early settlers for pound- ing grain; it was made in a similar manner to the mills in use, with the exception that a large wheel, revolving through the water, kept, the mortar in motion, rapidly or otherwise owing to the rising or lowering of the tide. One day, at low tide, an opossum, discovering no one near, made his way to mill, discovered the corn or other grain, and, heedless of danger, pro- ceeded to help himself. While doing so the mortar, slowly descending, snuffed out the life of the poor 'possum, the inan- imate remains being found by the pioneers shortly after. John I. Thomas received his education in a log cabin, where greased paper was in use for window glass, and a large fire-place occupied one end of the cabin. Mr. Thomas has followed farming from boyhood up to the present time, and 522 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. now takes rank among the leading farmers of the Northwest. But those early days of log cabins, of the many happy days of pioneer life, are vividly impressed upon his memory. His wonderful success in life is due to untiring efforts in the agricultural walks of life. In 1840 he was united in marriage to Miss Ann Corn, by whom he had five children, four living: Elmira, Alice, Samuel, and Lenora. Mr. Thomas owns over a thousand acres of as good land as lies in the State of Illinois. During the present year he was elected to fill the re- sponsible position of president of the Car- roUton Banking Institution, one of the soundest organizations in the West THOMAS WILLIAM D. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 29, P.O. Carrollton. The subject of this sketch, it may be truly said, is one of the old settlers of Greene, the fourth son of Samuel Thomas, the first settler north of Macoupin Creek, and one of the most prominent farmers of Greene County, whose loss was deeply deplored by a host of friends who knew him as a generous, whole-souled citizen and a prosperous farmer. William grew to manhood in Greene County; received a liberal education in the district schools of his native place and the higher graded schools of Carrollton. In i860 Mr. Thomas was married to Miss Mary J. Rainey, a daughter of Major Rainey, by whom ' he has eight children : Frederick W., Leslie C, Charles R., Harry S., Jane E., Mary S., Lewis H., and John H. Mr. Thomas is the owner of 760 acres of land in one of the best townships in Greene County. It would perhaps be superfluous here to state that he ranks among the leading agriculturists of this prosperous county Tunnell A. J. farmer. Sec. 27, P.O. Carroll- ton ^7IGUS CHARLES, farm hand, P.O. Car- * rollton VIGUS JAMES W. in his time a somewhat prominent farmer and mer- chant of Greene County, was born in Fredericksburg, Virginia. But little is known of his early history or to a date prior to his removal to Greene County. Becoming a resident of this county in 1840, he first entered into a general mer- chandise business in connection with his father, Pettis W. Successful in this call- ing, for his honesty was never brought into question. On abandoning the mercantile business he purchased valuable farm prop- erty, where he passed the remainder of life, finding a last resting place in the Steth Cemetery, a handsome and worthy monument marking the spot. Mrs. V. is still livin:^, a resident of Carrollton, a native of Greene County. Of this mar- , riage five children were born : George W., Paul W. (deceased), Josephine, who mar- ried Christopher Doyle, of St, Louis, and Hattie E. and Titus E. VyALLACE THOMAS, farm hand. Sec. *^ 19, P.O. Carrollton WARD JOIfAS. Nearly sixty years ago, when not a railroad ran through the State and not a steamboat plowed the waters of the far west, Jonas Ward, who is well remembered by the older residents of Greene County, accompanied his par- ents, Richard and Elizabeth Ward, in the year 1S21, to the then far western State of Illinois. This trip to the west was made principally down the Ohio, on a flat boat. The other emigrants forming the party were the Morfoot family. The Wards reaching the Mississippi, they crossed the river on the ice. The winter and spring proving unusually serene, making their way over the vast tract known as the American Bottom, the Ward family located on the farm now owned by Charles Ward. Here the family raised their first crop in Illinois. In Greene County were passed the last days of Richard and Elizabeth Ward. Of Jonas, whose fortunes we now follow, it may be said that he, from his earliest years, followed agricultural pursuits from a period of time when the reap hook was the instrument principally in use up to the time when reapers, mowers, and other modern instruments came into general use. There are many interesting passages in the life career of Jonas Ward, could they now be brought to mind. Carrollton was not then laid out for even a hamlet, but one log cabin marking the spot. Flouring mills unknown, he frequently found occasion to go to St. Louis or Alton TOWN 10, NORTH RANGE 12, WEST. 523 to lay in his supply of family provisions. As the years rolled by, however, a different state of affairs became manifest, and Mr. Ward was soon on the high road to pros- perity. The date of his marriage probably occurred in 1828, to Miss Hester Fry, by whom he had four children : John, who married Miss Emma Davis; Julia, who married Captain William Fry; Alice (de- ceased), and Richard E., from whom this sketch is obtained. After a long life of usefulness, distinguished by no ordinary energy, the head of the family, an affec- tionate husband and father, after a life of al- most unexampled activity, passed to his re- ward on the 13th of November, 1877. Mrs. Ward is still living, a resident of Greene County, a most estimable lady, who con- tributed very materially toward her hus- band's prosperity. Richard, who owns the home place, consisting of 240 acres, in- cluding the substantial farm residence, married Miss Elizabeth G. Hobson, a daugh- ter of Thomas Hobson, one of the most prominent farmers of Greene County. One child born of this marriage, Alice WARREN HARRY, broom maker and farmer, Sec. 30, P.O. CarroUton. The whole-souled gentlemen, whose name heads this sketch, is a native of Cazenovia, Madison County, New York; born in the year 1808. In his seventeenth year, he departed from the parental roof, wending his way to the sunny south. After a life of travel, he settled in Allegheny County, Maryland, where he united his fortunes to Miss Rebecca Moore, a daughter of James Moore, of Cumberland, Maryland. Mr. Warren was married in 1836. Of an ex- ceedingly adventurous disposition, he trav- eled extensively through Canada and other points. In 1830, when the mining excite- ment ran high, he crossed the plains for California, where he resided for a period of two years, following the occupation of miner, in which calling he became mod- erately successful. He now concluded to return to the scenes of his early youth, and accordingly embarked on board the steamer Golden Gate, a passenger on board while the furious storm raged on the gulf, an ac- count of which appeared in many of the widely circulated newspapers of that date. Arriving in Maryland, he remained but a short time, when his restless disposition caused him to locate in Greene County, where he has since resided on a beautiful farm of 80 acres, and where he now de- votes the waning years of an eventful life to the making of brooms. No man to-day in the great west is better known for his kindness of heart and hospitality than the subject of this notice, whose habits of life are marked by simplicity and temperance. In i860 he became identified with the Bap- tist Church, a member of which denomina- tion he has since been, and also occupies a position of importance in the fellowship of Odd Fellows. One circumstance in the life career of Mr. Warren is worthy of note. A parchment now in his possession, and signed and sealed by Samuel Hunt- ington, president of the Congress of 1779, appoints his father, Adrial Warren, as a lieutenant of a Massachusetts Company, in the Continental War. He subsequently attained the rank of captain Worhley Samuel, farmer. Sec. 17, P.O. Car- roUton West Wm. farm hand. Sec. 20, P.O. Carroll- ton White Samuel, renter, P.O. CarroUton Widowson J. M. farmhand. Sec. 27, P.O. Car- roUton WRIGHT WARRICK T. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 24, P.O. CarroUton. The above named gentleman is a native of Greene County, born in 1846 ; oldest son of George Wright, the first merchant in the city of CarroUton , from boyhood to man- hood Mr. Wright has followed agricultural pursuits, owning 300 acres, formerly the property of Jerry Tripp Wyrth Frederick, farm hand, Sec. 29, P.O. CarroUton BUSINESS CAKD. GRAVES JAMES M. painter; aU work warranted ; Sec. 4, P.O. CarroUton KASER JOHN, dealer in clover seed, Sec. 19, P.O. CarroUton White Hall Directory, town 12, north range 12, west. A BRAHAMS L. merchant Adams E. R. stone mason Adams G. R. Mrs. dressmaker Adams G. R. scrolls, brackets, etc. Adams John B. carpenter Adams R. J. carpenter Allen Jessie Mrs. Amos George H. live stock AMOS JOHN, deceased, was born in the State of Maryland in i8i6. While quite young he became apprenticed to the trade of a cabinet maker. At the age of eighteen he moved to the west, locating in the vicinity of White Hall, where he first worked at the cabinet business, and subse- quently became a stock buyer and shipper. In 1S46 he was united in marriage to Mrs. Mary T. Bishop. In 1S38 he abandoned agricultural pursuits, and locating in White Hall, he purchased the property owned by a party by the name of Merritts. This comprises part of the hotel property now owned by Mrs. Mary Amos, an addition to the present hotel having been built in 1857. Mr. Amos died in 1862, leaving his family very comfoitably situated in life. The members of the family, then as now, consisting of James, from whom this sketch is obtained, a stock dealer in Greene County, who married Miss Delilah Dallas, by whom he has four children, Maud, Lewis, Cora and infant child ; and Mar- garet R. Amos, who married Aaron Vos- seler, a merchant of White Hall ; Mary J., who married Herbert McFarland, a black- smith and wagonmaker, at Milton, Pike County, and Winfield T., a resident of White Hall. Mrs. Amos is a native of North Carolina, born in 1821, one of the earlier settlers of Greene, who crossed the prairie for southern Illinois as early as 1830, and for the past sixteen years has been identified with the hotel business of White Hall. The house familiarly known as the Amos House is well and favorably known to the traveling public, who appre- ciate the comforts there obtainable. See business card elsewhere Amos Mary Mrs. White Hall House Andrews , laborer Andrews Cynthia, Mrs. Anderson John, laborer Arnold Mrs. Arnold W.W. business manager White Hall fire clay works Avers Henry Ayers Mary Mrs. "D ANTY D. C. retired merchant Barnes , farmer Baker W. C. live stock dealer Bates E. M. laborer BATES PETER J. retired farmer. Peter J. Bates is a native of New York State, where he was born in 1S13, and is the youngest son of Peter and Elizabeth Bates. On the old farm homestead our subject worked almost from the time his head reached the plow handles until attain- ing his twenty-fifth year, when he crossed the plains for southern Illinois, settling in Greene County some eight miles south- west of White Hall, where he secured em- ployment in the White Hall Steam Mill, used principally as a saw mill, although in connection crude machinery was in use for the grinding of grist. During this time Mr. Bates was the owner of farm property and afterwards turned his attention to agri- cultural pursuits, during the war becom- ing the proprietor of a hotel. May 7, 1839, h^ w^s married to Miss Rebecca Rumrill, a daughter of John Rumiill, a native of Germany, Of this marriage five children were born, Mary E. de- ceased, Wesley B., Cornelia C, Geo. B. WHITE HALL. 525 deceased, and Lewis O. Two years ago Mr. Bates erected his present residence and established what is now the well-known Bates' Nursery. Mrs. Bates died on the 24th of March, 1875 ; for many years Mrs. Bates was prominently identified with the M. E. church, and her untimely death was deeply deplored by a large circle of ac- quaintances BERNTHISTLE I. W. retired farmer, residence East Bridgeport street. White Hall. The subject of our notice was born in Pennsylvania, Perry County, Nov. 9, 1827. He was but four years of age when his parents, Jacob and Jane Bernthistle, moved to Wood County, Ohio, where farm property was purchased, and here were spent upon the farm homestead the earlier years of L W. Bernthistle. In 1849 he crossed the plains for the golden shores of the Pacific coast, where, on his arrival, he turned his attention to mining, and unlike many he succeeded in securing a goodly share of the shining metal. After two years of hardships among the mines of California, Mr. B. concluded to again return to his old home in Ohio, where he was shortly after united in marriage to Ann E. Burkhardt, a daughter of Henry and Elizabeth Burkhardt. Four years later he crossed the Ohio for southern Illi- nois, settling near the Illinois River, on the property now owned by him, and consisting of 532 acres. Here, however, he first worked as a farm hand, and subsequently achieved the success met with in after life through no ordinary energy. In i8t)8 he moved to White Hall, where he purchased the buildings and ground owned by David Potter, and for some years conducted a successful business as a contractor in meats, supplying the south branch of the C. & A. R. R. Although now retired from life, energy is still a distinguishing trait in the character of our subject BERTHLETT WILLIAM, cabinet maker. White Hall, 111. Mr. B. has been a resident of Greene County nearly half a century. He ^vas born in Ohio in 1813, where he became apprenticed to his trade, eventually becoming a skillful journeyman workman. In 1833 he moved to Green- field Greene County, 111. It then contain- ed six houses. He now set resolutely to U work in this primitive wilderness, where in after years he erected some of the finest dwellings. He was married to Miss Eliz- abeth Rugle, of Tennessee. During the war he bought eighty acres of valuable land at Berdan. He transacted a very suc- cessful hotel business. During the present year he came to White Hall, where he opened the popular hotel known as the Denver House, where prices are in keep- ing with the times. Mr. Berthlett was a participant in the Black Hawk war. Berthlett Mrs. Denver House Black , nursery Boggers John, laborer Boone David J. tile maker Booehm John, shoemaker BOWMAN DR. A. a leading physi- cian of White Hall, was born in Pennsyl- vania, in 1817, youngest son of John and Sarah, who crossed the ocean from Europe in an early day, locating in Pennsylvania^ where young Bowman received a liberal education. Shortly after the death of his father, which occurred in 1839, Dr. Bow- man moved to Cincinnati, Ohio, where he began the study of medicine and grad- uated from the State Eclectic Institute. From Cincinnati, Dr. B. came to Bond County, 111., where he practiced as a phy- sician four years. He then made his way to Greene County, practiced as a physician eleven years in Carrollton, and for a num- ber of years has had a large practice at White Hall. A professional gentleman of twenty-five years standing, he has gained an enviable reputation as a skillful physician and honorable man. In 1850 he was married to Miss Elizabeth D. Johnson, in Bond County, 111. There were six children born of this marriage : Mary C., Sarah A., John C, George, Heltie and Alexander. March 3, 1865, Mrs. Bowman died and was laid to rest in the beautiful resting place of the dead near White Hall. In 1871 Dr. Bow- man united his fortunes to Mrs. Dallas, a daughter of Jacob Rickart, and sister of tlie Hon. Joseph Rickart, who owns one of the best farms in Greene County Brantzel Micliael, hardware and tinware Brantzel Bros, hardware and tinware Brantzel P. hardware and tinware Brewster L. A. physician Brooks James, drayman 626 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. Brown Leroy, laborer Burbridge John, laborer BURKHARI>T CHRISTO- PHER J., meat: market, south Main street, White Hall. The above named gentle- man is a native of the State of Ohio, born in 1828, where he passed his early years and learned the occupation of a butcher, in due time branching out in business by the opening of a market in Tontogana, Wood County, Ohio, where he conducted a successful trade until his location in Greene County in 1870, where he purchased the farm formerly owned by S. E. Carter of, Sand Ridge. Prior to this, in 1868, Mr. B. was married to Miss Sarah Cunning, who died in T864. By this lady he has two children : J. L. and Ernest C. In 1868 Mr. Burkhardt was married to Miss Mary Shan- non, in Greene County. Mr. B. followed ag- ricultural pursuits until embarking in his present calling during the present year /^ARR SUSAN Mrs. ^ Carr William, blacksmith Carter J. B. Mrs. dressmaker Carter Wesley, laborer Chalk Mrs. Chapin Seneca D. postmaster Chapin Wesley C. grocer Chapman H. W. physician Clark Peyton, laborer Clark Samuel Clark Terence, laborer Clement E. G. butcher Clement & Worcester, butchers Cochran James, dry goods COTTER. WILLIAM, marble agent. r cor. Bridgeport and South Main St., White Hall. Wm. Cotter, the oldest set- tler now living in White Hall, was born in the State of Tennessee, in 1812, where he passed his earlier years upon the old farm homestead of his parents, William and Anna Cotter, who concluded to emigrate to the West in 1827, locating east of White Hall, in Greene County, near Apple Creek, in 1827, where our subject received a good common school education in the primitive log cabin of the period. July, 1837, Mr. Cotter was united in marriage to Miss Mary Dennis, a daughter of Mathew Q. Dennis, by whom he has eight children, whose names are here appended: Mary F., Charles S., Laura, Warren A., Martha A., Lettie L., Dennis B., and Lulu. For a number of years Mr. Cotter followed the calling of a butcher, and in 1836 entered into the mercantile business, and on retirement from this was elected constable of the town, holding this position for a period of twelve years. In 1850 he crossed the plains for California, where he roughed it among the mines for two years, when he again sought his old home in White Hall, where he has since been identified with the business interests of the place, and for the past seven years in the employ of H. Watson, the only marble manufacturer in the city Cotts Richard, laborer Couchman William, marble cutter Craig C. A. Rev. Cramer Christopher, tailor Crawford B. F. carpenter Crawford Henry, laborer Cropsey J. F.. C.B.& O. agent Cronk M. H. potter Crumm L. Miss, dressmaker Culbertson David, tile manufacturer Culbertson John, carpenter Culbertson Samuel, works tile factory Culbertson & Smith, tile mnfrs. Culver A. J. undertaker CULVER DR. S. H. for many years a resident of Greene County, was born in Rhode Island, September 26, 1803. His father was David Culver, who was born in the State of Rhode Island in 1758. He was the commander of a vessel during the Revolutionary War; a noted man in his day, who was as well known for his bravery as for his true nobil- ity of character. He held many offices of inportance. In his day an extensive busi- ness was done in clam fishery. His son, while engaged in this peculiar calling, had waded far beyond his depth ; discovering his peril, his father immediately went to the rescue. He was a very powerful man and an excellent swimmer, but both father and son sank never to rise again, and two more victims were added to the long list of those who had perished beneath the broad waters of the Atlantic. The second wife of David Culver was Miss Mary Hill, of Rhode Island. Of nine children born of this marriage, S. II. Culver was the young- est. When but 18 years old, September, WHITE HALL. 527 1821, he was married to Miss Polly Madi- son. Shortly after this important event he moved to Rochester, New York, where he began the study of medicine, under Dr. Smith. In 1823 he joined the M. E. Church, and was licensed to preach the Gospel. In 1831 Dr. Culver came to Greene County, locating west of White Hall, where, with but little exception. Dr. C. has been a resident ever since. For 55 years he has been a minister of the Gospel, and and an experienced physician. Dr. Culver is a prominent man in our county, who has gained prominence and wealth through industry, economy, and judgment. Of eleven children born of this marriage, but two are living, Alonzo J. and Buell G. Culver S. H. furniture Curran Michael, laborer D AGLEY WILLIAM, blacksmith Danforth J. B. traveling agent Davis A. retired merchant Davis Mrs. Davis Thomas, laborer Dawson George, painter Dawson James, painter Decker Susan Mrs. weaver Desilva Manuel, engineer Devitt David, laborer Dillon Margaret Mrs. laundress Dodgson James, boarding house Dossel George, carpenter DOSSEL GEOKGE. Among our German citizens few won their way into popular favor more than George Dossel ; he was a native of Germany, born June 2, 1821 ; in 1848 he stepped on board a sail- ing vessel bound for America, landing in New Orleans. In 1852 he made his way to Greene County. He was a plasterer and stone mason by trade ; working at this vocation until 1861. In 1862 he entered into the business of a confectioner which he continued up to the time of his decease, ■ which occurred April 13, 1869. The busi- ness successfully begun by the father has now fallen to the oldest son George, a pa- tron of this work, who inherits from his father a business tact and decision of char- acter that makes him a successful business man. Of this family there are four chil- dren : George, Louisa, John, and Charles. Mr. Dossel was twice married ; his first wife was Miss Margaret Betts, the mar- riage ceremony taking place in the city of New Orleans, La. ; their union was blessed with one child, George, previously men- tioned. In 1856 he was married to Miss Catharine Shraum, by whom he had three children : Louisa, John, and Charles Doty John, farmer Drummond Benjamin Dubbins George, laborer Dugan Catherine Mrs. Dulanty William, mason Dunn James, sec. foremau Dunwoody Mrs. Dwyer Daniel, laborer Dwyer Frank, night watch "P AGLE , cigar maker ■^ Ebberhard M. W. Rev. Methodist Ebey John, potter England Robert, laborer Ested William, butcher Evans George, plasterer "PANNING RICHARD, works tile fac- ■*■ tory Fay Michael, laborer Finley , laborer Flynn Michael, laborer Foreman A. W. physician Frame Robert, laborer Frost S. M. plasterer Fuller William, blacksmith /^AINES MRS. ^^ Gaines Riley, laborer GARDINER & SHEPPARD, contractors and builders, have been estab- lished in businsss but one year, and have gained an enviable reputation for work- manship and honesty and reliability. John Sheppard, of this enterprising firm, was born in Yorkshire, England, in 1833. Received a liberal educa- tion; at nine he became employed in a pottery, working nine years; he became a skillful workman. Leaving England, he emigrated to America, locating at Jersey- ville, Jersey County, he worked as a car- penter, having a natural inclination for this calling; starting in 1856 he won his way rapidly into public favor. He it was who drew the plans and built some of the best stores and dwellings at Jerseyville, White Hall, and Roodhouse. His partner, 628 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. George Gardiner, was born at Somerset- shire, England, in 1848; came to America in 1870; served apprenticeship in England Gardner George, carpenter Garren John, laborer Garthwart L. L. gardener Geehan Thomas, laborer • Geery A. Mrs. milliner Goheen Joseph, printer Gonell Frank, potter Goodall Jasper, laborer Gorman Bridget Mrs. Gorman Timothy, laborer Gosnell Mrs. Grant Elijah W. bricklayer Grant Thomas J. bricklayer Greaves James, laborer GRIMES W. B. proprietor White Hall livery, cor. Main and Bridgeport Sts., was born in Pike County, 111., in 1836. He was the third child of John and Mary Ann Grimes, natives of Illinois. John Grimes was a well known, wealthy farmer. He died in 1872; his wife was laid at rest some years before. There were born of this marriage seven children. At the age of tv/enty W. B. Grimes entered the service of the United States, enlisting in Company I, gist 111. Inf.; engaged in many important battles. He was honorably discharged. In 1865 he returned to Greene County, and became a farmer until 1870, when he be- came engaged in his present calling. A short time ago he purchased the livery of Samuel Potts; these in connection with his old establishment are unequaled in Greene County. His present partner, Ike Powell, is a well known business man of this place. In 1866 Mr. Grimes was married to Miss Elizabeth Baston, a daughter of Charles and Nancy Baston, of Tazewell County, Illinois Grimes & Purdy, dry goods and notions Grisvvold Edgar, capitalist Griswold Sylvester Grubb Charles T_T ACKNEY T. P. town supervisor Hackney J. S. police Hamilton B. B. Rev. HANDLER CHARLES, cooper, op- posite fire clay works. White Hall, Illinois. Mr. Handler was born at Lubbenan, Ger- many, in 1840. At the age of 19 he mi- grated to America ; landing in New Orleans he there became employed in a cooper shop as a journeyman workman, having acquired the trade at an early age. When the war came on he was stationed at Franklin, La. In those secession days able bodied men found in the State were subject to draft, or forced into the rebel army. Mr. H. suc- ceeded in making his escape from Johnny Reb, making his way to New Orleans, thence to Brashear City, where he was captured in 1862 and sent, with others, to Eagle Pass where he was given six hours notice to leave the Confederate States ; he in consequence made his way to Mata- moras, Mexico, thence to Brownsville, Texas, and other points and once again to New Orleans, from here up the Mississippi to St. Louis, and thence to Alton, where he enlisted in Co. N, 7th 111. Cavalry for three years service. A participant in the battle of Nashville. Honorably discharged when the war closed, he returned to Alton, in 1867 he came to White Hall. Four years ago he built and entered into active busi- ness for himself. In 1866 he was married to Miss Mary Smith, by whom he has four children : Charles, William, Fred, and Al- bert. Mrs. Handler died June 20, 1877; the following July Mr. H. was married to Ellinor Heck of Alton ; one child, Katy Handler John, cooper Han ley James, farmer Harlow William, precinct constable and mar- ble agent Harper W. B. carpenter Harrison Ambrose, teamster Harrison William, harness maker Hatcher Mrs. laundress Hayes Mrs. Heater Solomon, farmer Heater William, farmer HENLEY JAMES T. farmer, res. White Hall. James Henley is a native of Virginia, born in Albemarle Co., in 1833. Fourth child of .^amuel and Frances Daves, who moved to St. Louis in an ea ly day. Samuel Henley was a miller by occupation, and now secured employment of Cathcart & Walsh, proprietors of the first steam flour- ing mill in the city ; for them hewoiked for a series of years, and then moved to St. Charles County, Missouri, and thence to St. Louis County, Missouri, where he pur- WHITE HALL. 529 chased a farm of i6o acres and also pur- chased a farm in Montgomery County. At the present writing he is a resident of Mis- souri, where his liberal education fits him for many important public offices. James, from whom this sketch is obtained, grew to maturity in Missouri. A captain of State militia when the war came on ; during its progress he moved to Greene Co., 111., pur- chasing 80 acres of land, from this small acreage came his large estate now consist- ing of 560 acres. Mr. Henley also owns valuable town property. Three years ago he was president of the town board of White Hall. Mr. H. is a gentleman uni- versally respected in this community. His wife was Miss Julia Hume, of St. Louis Co., Mo., a daughter of Stanton and Sarah Beckenridge, by whom he has had three children : Fanny D., Cora M., and Sallie B. Henry James, teamster Henry William, laborer Hickson Robert, farmer Hidden , engineer Higbee Eliza Mrs. Higbee J. E. boarding house HIGBEE SUSAN:^AH MRS., a resident of Greene Co. for a period of time extending over forty years, is a native of Virginia, born Nov. 22d, 1789. In an early day her parents moved to Kentucky, where she spent many years of life, and where she married in 1808, Vincent Higbee. The family removal to the West was made in 1836, and a location made in Greene Co., near the town of White Hall. Vincent Higbee was a carriage and wagon manu- facturer in White Hall for many years, where he passed the remainder of his life. He died January 11, 1871, aged 84 years. He was well and favorably known to early residents here : for a period of time extend- ing over thirty years he was the successful proprietor of the White Hall House, the first inn or tavern in the present flourishing little town. Mrs. Higbee, widow of Vin- cent Higbee, who is now in her 89th year, •a resident of White Hall, is the mother of many who bear an honored name in Greene County, who have tended in many ways toward the material prosperity of the county HIIiLi GEORGE, manufacturer and dealer in pottery and stoneware. East Bridgeport Street, White Hall. George Hill is a native of England, born in Brigh- ton, Sussex County, in 1836. At the early age of 18 he crossed the ocean ; arriving in New York City he subsequently made his way to Albany, where he became appren- ticed to an architect and builder ; on com- pleting his trade he went to Gloversville, where he married Miss Sarah Ricks, a daughter of Joseph Ricks, of McHenry County, Illinois. Taking up his residence once more at Albany, he became actively employed at his calling until 1852, when he moved to Fort Plain, where he erected many notable buildings, for by this time he had gained an extensive reputation as an architect and builder. During the war he was a soldier in Co. H, loth N. Y. Zouaves. In 1866 he setteled in White Hall, Greene County, and it was not long before his talents and energy as a contractor and builder became manifest and he soon re- ceived orders from wealthy parties con- templating building. He it was who be- came the architect and builder of some of the more noted business blocks and private residences of White Hall, Roodhouse, Greenfield and other points. In 1873, ow- ing to ill health, he abandoned this calling, in which he won the admiration of many, and the following year purchased the pot- tery of W. W. Hubbs ; in this, owing to liberalty, honesty and industry he transacts a very large trade, having all modern facil- ities for the transaction of business Hill J. J. jeweler and watch maker Hocking J. L. police Hogg William, laborer Houck John, butcher Hubbard William, milkman HUBBS W. W., formerly proprietor of the Ebey pottery, was born in Pennsyl- vania in 1830. His father, Jesse Hubbs, is a native of Pennsylvania ; he there mar- ried Miss Ann Wilson, by whom he had eight children, of whom Wm. was the youngest. He received a liberal education at Bloomsburg, on the banks of the Susque- hanna River. He became apprenticed to the pottery trade ; he was then 16 years old ; at 20 he was a journeyman workman, in his 22dyearhe located at Ripley, Brown County, Illinois. Working as a journey- man a short time in a pottery he concluded to branch out for himself and became a 530 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. manufacturer of stoneware and stone pumps. Moving to Frederick, Schuyler County, Illinois, he there constructed a building for the manufacture of pottery. At Frederick he was married, in i860, to Miss Mary Ann Miller, a daughter of Joseph Miller, of Brown County. During the Spring of 1865 Mrs. Huhbs died and was laid at rest in the village cemetery, here also lie buried the two little ones born of this marriage. Moving to Southwest Missouri, Mr. H. purchased a large tract of land con- taining extensive deposits of lead ; part of this tract is still owned by him ; also the owner of a pottery here ; he disposed of it and came to "White Hall, where he pur- chased the Ebey pottery, entering into partnership with David Boone and S. V. Moore ; alter some years purchasing their interests ; he became a very successful merchant. October ir, 1868, he was united in marriage to Mrs. Ellen H. Given, relifct of John T. Given, and daughter of John L. Harper, of Kentucky. Two children : Julia E. and Mary Ann ; Gertrude, deceased ; one child living by first marriage : John W. HUDDLE F. E., a rising attorney of Greene County, was born at Tiffin, Seneca County, Ohio, March 6, 1856. His father was Benjamiu Huddle, a carpenter and joiner by occupation, who married in Ohio, Miss Rachel Kagy, by whom he had nine children, F. E. being the oldest. When four years old his parents moved to Marion County, Illinois, where a purchase of land was made. On the old homestead young Huddle remained until he had attained his l6th year, when he received full permission from his father to go forth in the world. On leaving the parental roof he had fifty dollars in money. Proceeding to Tiffin, Ohio, he entered the Heidleberg College, where he worked for his board and tuition, remaining one year. In the meantime he received the news of a serious accident that had befallen his father ; he returned home, where he obtained a position as clerk in a dry good store, afterwards becoming a school teacher he took up the study of law; the dream of the farmer boy was to become a successful lawyer, and he accordingly ap- plied himself with diligence. June 8, 1877, at the June Term of the Supreme Court he was admitted to the bar, at Mount Vernon, Illinois. Locating at White Hall in July, he entered upon a very successful practice, but 22 years of age, his pluck and thorough knowledge of the law predict a bright success in the near future. Mr. Huddle married Ida B. Lester of Marion County ; one child, Edwin B. Huggins N. potter Hull Mary Mrs. seamstress Hunt H. M. grain dealer Husted Oscar G. grocer Hutchinson David, machinery agent ISRAEL CHARLES W. druggist Israel J. N. saloon Israel James JAMES JOSHUA, carpenter Johnson Thos. M. potter JOHNSON HENRY, publisher White Hall A\\i,r/s/e>- JUDD J. S., agent at White Hall, 111., for the Neosha Valley Lands of Kansas, was born at Potosi, Wisconsin, in 1836. His father was Corbin C. Judd, of whom we here extend a short notice ; he was born near Cincinnati, in 1800. In his younger days he was a school teacher, in after years a minister of the Gospel. In 1818 he mar- ried Miss Nancy Lakin, of Ohio; shortly afterwards he moved to Mechanicsburg, Sangamon County, Illinois. Remaining several years, he taught school ; from here he went to Wisconsin, thence to Iowa. In 1847 he located near White Hall, Greene County ; in the Autumn of 1847 he enlisted for the Mexican War in Captain Little's Mexican Dragoons ; he died at Pueblo, Mexico, through exposure. Mr. Judd was a brave soldier ; a non-commissioned of- ficer. The family then consisted of wife and seven children, of whom J. S. was the fifth child. A stout healthy boy of twelve, barefooted generally, and working for six dollars per month ; at 16 his mother died. He now worked steadily for neighboring farmers, his highest pay being twenty dol- lars per month, but by economy he saved some money. At 21 he came to White Hall and engaged as a clerk to Reno & Barrow, who were doing a business of $40,000 a year. One year later he entered into partnership with S. H. Culver & Co., firm name Judd, Culver & Co. At the end WHITE HALL. 531 of three years, after a successful business, he entered into partnership with A. Barrow. In i86o his health gave way through over- work, and he accordingly made a trip to the Rocky Mountains. In 1862 he entered the service of Uncle Sam, enlisting in Co. I, gist 111, Inft. ; he was appointed 2d Ser- geant, but was shortly piomoted to 1st Lieutenant. When the war closed he re- turned to White Hall, opening the first exclusively grocery and provision store in the town. For seven years he conducted a very successful business, when he sold to Myntinger & Baker. For the past three years Mr. Judd has been agent for Kansas lands. For description see business di- rectory. January 3, 1867, Mr. Judd was married to Miss M. J. Culver, a daughter of Dr. Culver, who died at White Hall, in 1869. On January 20, 1870, Mr. Judd married Miss L. A. McCollister, by whom he has three children : Norman, Herman and Corbin. Mr. J. is a strict advocate of temperance TT'EEL.EY H. C. the only photograph ■'^ artist in White Hall, was born in Penn- sylvania, in 1844; reared amid the rugged mountains of this grand old State, until his sixth year, his parents then moved to Ohio, where the head of the family became a merchant ; at the end of three years he moved to Indiana, where he entered into the dry goods business, at Bluffton, con- ducting a successful trade. With his father young Keeley clerked for three years. He was 17 when the war came on, and accord- ingly enlisted as a drummer boy. His regi- ment was known as the 12th Indiana; the regiment was soon on the march to the front, Mr. Keeley serving in the capacity of drum major ; he was with Sherman in his famous march to the sea ; also in the Poto- mac campaign. After the war closed he traveled extensively over the United States. At Winchester, Scott County, 111., he first learned photography. Coming to White Hall, June, 1871, he opened a photograph gallery ; a skillful workman, he secured a large patronage. In 1872 Mr. Keeley was married to Miss Belle Woods, of Winches- ter; has two children KELLEY JOHN D. contractor and builder. Mr. Kelley was born in Ohio, in 1834 ; when but five years of age his par- ents moved to Illinois, and located in Coles County ; here the head of the family set- tled on land which he brought to a high state of cultivation ; after a successful bat- tle with the world he passed peacefully away to a home not made with hands. There thus passed away another old land- mark, who paved the way, in a measure, for the comforts we now enjoy. John was the second child of a family of seven chil- dren. Growing to manhood in Coles County, he received a liberal education ; at 17 he became apprenticed to the trade of a carpenter and joiner, serving three years. One year from this time he went to Lafay- ette, Ind., where he worked at his trade. Removing to Charlestown, Coles County, he became a successful contractor and builder. When the war came on he en- listed in company C, 54th 111. Inf., for three • years' service, or during the war ; honora- ably discharged in 1865, he moved to Adams County, and thence to White Hall, where he is largely engaged as a contractor and builder. Mr. K. is far above the average workman, a man of energy and decision of character. Parties contemplat- ing building will do well to take note of this. In i86t Mr. Kelley was married to Miss Arila Mariefield, a native of Illinois ; there are five children : Nicholas, Mary, John, Joshua and Lizzie M. King John, tile mnfr. Kinney Thomas, boarding house T AAS CHRISTOPHER, cigar -*-^ manufacturer. Main St., White Hall, 111. Mr.L. was born in Germany,in 1836; in 1863 he concluded to cast his fortunes in America; from New York city he made his way to Chicago, where he learned the trade of a cooper ; from this enterprising young city he made his way to Burlington, Iowa ; re- maining 18 months he returned to Illinois, and located at Monmouth, Warren County, where he followed farming, and had a good trade in garden produce. Locating at White Hall he opened a store on Main Street, where he may now be found, deal- ing in a very superior brand of cigars. Mr. L. was married to Miss Rosa Schueler, by whom he has four children ; three liv- ing : Anna, Otto and Charles 532 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. Laclcl T. F. saleman co-operative store Ladd T. F. Mrs. teacher LAKIN ALEXANDER, one of the first settlers within the borders of Greene County, was born in Brown County, Ohio. October 22, 1812. During the Autumn of 1825 his parents, Thomas and Margaret Lakin, came to Illinois, first locating near Springfield, Sangamon County ; two years later the family moved to Greene County, near Carrollton, a small place of a few cabins, graced by one store, where good whisky, dry goods and provisions were kept. On the broad western prairies, unbroken except in rare instances, Thomas Lakin started in life as a pioneer, building a log cabin and living for many a year the rough life of a frontiersman ; he died in 1841 ; Mrs. Lakin died in 1854. Alexander grew to manhood in Greene County, re- ceiving a pioneer boy's education, sitting on rough slab seats, greased paper being in use in lieu of window panes. In 1834 Mr. Lakin was married to Miss Marie Lakin, a daughter of William Lakin. There were born of this marriage seven children, five of whom are living : Mar- garet A., who married James M. Orton ; F.lizabeth J., who married Robert Walker ; Amanda, who married Lewis McClure ; William T., who married Addie Roe, and Charles, who married Miss Minnie Baumann. Benjamin, who married Miss Sarah Ballard, of Greene County, died February 14, 1874. Sarah E. died in early infancy. For the past nine years Mr.Lakin has lived in White Hall; at present en- gaged in the flour and feed trade. When in need of anything in his line don't fail to give Uncle Alex a call Lakin Charles, drayman liAKIN W. T. real estate agent for lands of the Burlington and Mo. River R. R. and Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, for the Counties of Greene, Scott, Morgan, Calhoun, etc., etc. William T. Lakin is a native of Greene County ; born near the city of Carrollton, on the old homestead of his parents, Alexander and Maria Lakin. Elsewhere a biographical sketch will be found of the older members of this family, and we now enter upon a short description of the subject of this sketch. From his [ earliest years he liecame identified with the farming interest, and during the winter season applied himself diligently to his studies, and received a liberal education, as the reward of well directed energy. At the early age of sixteen he became ap- prenticed to the trade of a harness maker, with N. Williams, of White Hall. Con- tinuing in this capacity two years, he be- came a baggage master on the St. L., J. & C. R.R. In 1866, prior to its lease to the C. &. A., while officiating in this capacity, on the 5th day of November of the year above mentioned, while endeavoring to board a train, he was thrown from the car to the rail and so seriously injured by the moving train as to necessitate the amputa- tion of part of one hand and leg. On his recovery from his almost fatal accident he turned his attention to telegraphing, and for a period verging on nine years was em- ployed on various railroads throughout the union. In 1875 he became a resident of the live town of White Hall, where he embarked in business and established the Greene County Democrat, and succeeded in building up a live paper and receiving a liberal share of the public patronage. We can not, owing to limited space, follow Mr. L. in his enterprising career as editor and correspondent, where he displayed marked ability. For the past two years he has transacted a successful business as land agent, through energy, integrity and hon- esty. In 1871, at Greenfield, Mr. L. was married to Miss Addie Roe, a daughter of George Roe. of Wheeling, West Va., by whom he has two children : George A. and Leni Leoti Lange A. F. furniture dealer Lanrig Charles, boarding house Lass Otto, cigar manufacturer Lee William C. traveling agent Lill George H. proprietor Transit House Lilley George, potter Lillie David, teamster Liming Holmes, constable Lowenstein H. dry goods Lyons Nicholas, section foreman Lytle Josiah, clerk lyr AHL GEORGE, baker ^^ Marsh W. A. plasterer May Newton, teamster McAvoy William, stone mason WHITE HALL. 533 McCANN THOMAS, blacksmith and dealer in agricultural implements, hitching grounds White Hall, 111. ; was born in Canada West, March, 1843. At twenty-one he emigrated to Greene County, locating at White Hall ; he had learned the trade of blacksmithing in Canada ; in 1 870 he bought out a party by the name of Fuller, and started in for business, at first in a small way, but soon his skill as a workman became known and orders for work began to come in rapidly. Perceiving the trou- ble that farmers here were frequently put to in the purchase of first-class agricultural ' machinery, he became local agent for all leading farm machinery, Studebaker wagons, etc., etc. In addition to this Mr. McCann himself makes wagons and plows to order, and, in fact, does a general black- smithing business; horseshoeing a specialty. In i865he was married to Miss JuliaE. Potts, a daughter of Dr. Potts ; there are two children McCollister Jemima Mrs. McGinnis Thomas, teamster McGUIRE JOHN T. superintendent White Hall fire clay works. White Hall McRea Charles, laborer Meyerstein Mark, attorney at law Meytinger F. M. grocer Millen William, carpenter Monahan John, tile layer Morgan Logan, laborer Morgan W. L. wagon makers Morgan Minnie Mrs. dressmaker Moore Thomas E. physician MORL.AND H. J. retired merchant. The subject of our notice, although now retired from active business, was formerly an extensive merchant of White Hall, and as such is worthy of more than a passing notice. Henry J. Morland was born in Tennessee, in 1S16. He was quite young when he moved with a family to Louisville, Ky., where he passed the days of his early youth, becoming regularly apprenticed to the trade of a carpenter; for some time he worked as a journeyman on the comple- tion of this vocation. Removing to St. Louis, Mo., he followed the same calling, until his removal to Booneville, Mo., in 1840, where he united his fortunes to Miss Martha A. Ferguson, a daughter of Benja- min Ferguson, of Maryland. In 1843 Mr. M. proceeded to Greene County, locating at White Hall, where for a number of years he worked as his trade. In 1849 he crossed the plains for California. At a place called Bidwell's Bar, on Feather River, he became a dealer in provisions and breadstuffs. In 1852 he took passage on board a steamer bound for New Orleans, reaching the Crescent City in due time. From here he made his way to Mason County, thence to White Ha!l, where, shortly afterward, he embarked in the mer- cantile business. As a merchant he be- came more than ordinarily successful, and now rests in affluence from his labors, at his home in White Hall Morrisey Mrs. Morse H. C. potter Munger John, city marshal MURPHY L. C. manufacturer of stone ware for the past six years, at White Hall. Was born at Utica, New York State, July 12, 1846. When but four years old his parents moved to Chicago, and from there to Sheffield, Bureau County. The Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Road had then been completed but one year, and but very little improvements had taken place in the coun- ty. The family afterward moved to Galva, Henry County, where he died. In his six- teenth year, the subject of this sketch was attending the High School at Gales- burg; this was in i860; one year later he enlisted as a soldier in Co. H,65th 111. Inf.; he remained with the regiment three years, and became a sergeant-major ; captured at Harper's Ferry ; he was sent to Chicago, thence to East Tennessee ; a participant in the siege of Knoxville ; with Sherman from Kingston to beyond Atlanta ; en- gaged in nearly all the principal battles of the war ; honorably discharged in 1865 ; he returned to Galva, where he became a railroad contractor ; in 1873 he came to White Hall as a permanent resident, enter- ing into the manufacture of pottery ware with Charles B. Ebey, afterward admitting as a partner E. M. Bates, who retired two years ago, September, 1872. Mr. Murphy was married to Miss Anna Ebey ; three children — Harry, Nettie, and Gertrude MYTINGER & HUSTED, dealers in drugs, groceries, etc., etc. The above enterprising firm began business last 534 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. Spring, and have already built up an im- portant trade. The senior member, F. M. Mytinger, was born December 31, 1841, oldest son of John and Lucretia Mytinger. At an early age he became a resident of Greene County, where he com- pleted his education ; for seven years he served as clerk for the old established house of Dr. J. N. Israel ; on leaving his old employer, he entered into a copartner- ship business with L. Oswald, remaining some five years. His next partner was Mr. O. J. Husted, a native of this county, and a live, wide-awake man. Mr. Mytinger was married to Miss Elizabeth A.yres, a daughter of Daniel Ayres, of Morgan County ; six children were born of this marriage : Nora D., Katy L., Frances E., Albertus E., Frederick A., and Gracie. Mr. M. entered the service of the U. S. May, i86r, en- listing in Co. D, 14th 111. Infantry, and be- came engaged in many battles ; honor- ably discharged from this company on ac- count of ill health ; he afterward enlisted in Co. C, 6ist 111. Infantry, and toward the close of the Rebellion ranked as adjutant of the regiment through meritorious con- duct ■jSJANLY CYRUS, teamster Neece Robert, laborer Needham Daniel, laborer NESBIT ARCHIBALD, bakery and grocery. Main street. White Hall, 111. Mr. Nesbitcameto White Hall but a short time ago, but in that time has built up a large trade through his known skill and indus- try. He was born in the north of Ireland, April, 1835. The reader would, no doubt, from this statement, come to the conclusion that he was of Celtic origin. This is not the case, however, as his father was a Scotchman, while his mother was an Eng- lish lady. After this necessary description, we now take up the thread of our dis- course. At a youthful age young Nesbit left the home of his forefathers, and crossing the Atlantic landed in New York City, where he became apprenticed to the trade of a baker ; he became a journeyman work- man, and at the end of eight years moved to Litchfield Hill, Conn., where he took charge of a cracker bakery. From this point he went to Chicago, becoming fore- man in a similar establishment. Going to Bloomington, he again superintended a large establishment ; he then bought out a man by the name of Harvey, who owned a bakery, and for two years met with flatter- ing success. This was destroyed in the big fire that devastated Bloomington, and he accordingly moved to Atlanta, Logan County, 111.; in 1862 he went to Oregon, thence to California ; stopping but a short time, came East to New York, thence to Monmouth, 111. Ten years ago he came to White Hall, where he has a large run of custom in a first-class bakery. July 16, 1856, Mr. Nesbit was married to Miss Anna Andrews, a native of Norway Newton Bros, painters North E. cashier Peoples Bank North John, tile manufacturer Nowak John, shoemaker Q 'GORMAN TIMOTHY, of the firm of Teter, O'Gorman & Co. mnfrs. and dealers in flower pots, vases, hanging baskets, and all kinds of terra cotta ware. The subject of this biography was born at Springfield, Illinois. Sept. 2, 1854. Mr. O'Gorman settled in White Hall in i860, where he learned the trade of a potter, first working as a journeyman for John N. Ebey, one of the pioneers in the stone ware and pottery business. Mr. O'Gorman is a practical workman, understands every detail of his business, and lately entering into a co-partnership business with Mr. Teter. the above firm (Messrs. Teter & O'Gorman, successors to Wilcox, Teter & Co.), are now prepared to do as good work in their line as can be obtained anywhere O'Neal Maria Mrs. O'Rourke Bernard, laborer Orton Mrs. boarding-house OSWALD & COMPANY, dealers in groceries, drugs, hardware, queensware, etc. Mr. Oswald is one of the shrewd, honorable businessmen of White Hall, and in connection with his enterprising partner, Mr. Loehnstein, transacts a large business. Mr. Oswald was born in Germany, in 1839 > at sixteen years of age he emigrated to America ; from the city of New York he made his way to Pennsylvania, and with light capital and an enterprise far beyond his years, he began the selling of'goods WHITE HALL. 535 from house to house. From Pennsylvania he made his way to Illinois, locating near Peoria, taking up his old occupation ; mak- ing considerable money for a time, he be- came a farmer ; in 1862 he enlisted in Co. I, 91st 111. Infantry, and became a partici- pant in many important engagements ; honorably discharged on the close of the war, he returned to Greene County ; in i860 he was united in marriage to Miss Mary Jane Moore, a daughter of Wm. Moore, by whom he had eight children, four of whom arc living: William, Her- man, Lena, and Ettie. Mrs. Oswald died during the present year; an estimable lady, her death was universally regretted by all who knew her. Ten years ago Mr. Oswald came to White Hall ; he had but small capital, but he had pluck and energy, per- severance and honesty of purpose ; these traits of character have carried him suc- cessfully through life ■pEARCE E. J. editor Republican Pennell T. Mrs. dressmaker Peoples Bank, Peter Roodhouse, pres. ; E. North, cash. Perkins W. clerk Peters F. G. clerk P. O. PIERCE AUGUSTUS, manufacturer and dealer in tile and stoneware, pottery east of C, B. & Q. R. R. tracks. Mr. Pierce is the pioneer in the pottery trade of Greene County, having established the first pottery works in the present live town of White Hall; his experience here as a busi- ness man, his reliability in all business transactions, is too well known to need mention, and it is only sufiiicient to relate that his present success as a manufacturer of pottery ware is due to splendid work- manship and unflagging zeal. Augustus Pierce is a native of Wayne County, Ohio, born in 1828, where he grew to manhood and learned the trade of a potter ; com- mencing at the early age of 16, he soon be- came an adept at his trade. While resid- ing in this county he was married to Miss Margaret T. Routson, by whom he has two children, J. M. and Ada ; in 1854, Mr. Pierce moved to Michigan, where he be- came employed as foreman in a pottery, and also shared in the proceeds of the establishment. During the .Spring of 1858, he moved to Greene County, first settling <^n the farm property owned by Stewart Seeley, afterward removing to White Hall where he has since been identified in the growth and prosperity of the town Pierce Israel, mail carrier Pittenger Michael, terra cotta manufacturer Post L. J. live stock dealer Potts J. F. physician Potts Henry, wagon maker Potts William, wagon maker Potzell John, cooper Powell Isaac, cashier White Hall Bank Pritchett T. W. dentist Pritchard W. H. bricklayer Pulaski Nelson, laborer Purcell Mrs. PURDY M. C. The pottery known as the Purdy, situated near the C. & A. R. R.. White Hall, III., was built about the year 1868, by a man named Gorbet, or Garbet. For some reason he failed, and the proper- ty was purchased by James Gregory. This he disposed of to M. C. Purdy, who enter- ed into a copartnership business with Ab- ner D. Ruckle ; with Mr. Ruckle he con- tinued in business some years, when he purchased his interest, and is now sole pro- prietor ; employs twenty men manufactur- ing stone ware exclusively ; here may be found innumerable pots and jugs, manufac- tured from a good grade of clay, and made in a workmanlike manner. Mr. Purdy was born at Summit County, Ohio, in 1833; he received a liberal education, and there married Miss Sarah Jane Hall, of Ohio, by whom he had two children, Addie J., and Dwight. For a period of thirty-seven years Mr. Purdy was a resident of Ohio ; apprenticed to the trade of a potter, he became a skilled workman ; on coming West, he settled at White Hall. Mr. Purdy is one of our most public-spirited men Pyle Mary D. painter retired farmer /^UIGLEY CHARLES G. "D EAMER KATE Mrs. Reamer William, teamster Rector Mrs. Reynolds , laborer Richert Charles, barber KICKART JOSEPH, farmer, White 536 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. Hall. The subject of this sketch is the seventh child of a family of eleven chil. dren. His father was Joseph Rickart, a Virginian by birth, born at Abington about 1785 ; he located at Cincinnati, when the entire village could have been purchased for a small sum ; moving to Hamilton, O., he followed farming and carpenter work, and is said to have been a very enterpris- ing man; he married at or near Hamilton, Miss Delila Crooks. Building a large tannery, Mr. Rickart soon had it in run- ning operation ; this was an extensive ■establishment, and a large trade was done. In 1839 Mr. R., who was then quite wealthy, moved to Illinois, locating at Greene County, and purchasing the farm of Z. Allen ; on this farm he passed the re- mainder of life, January, 1844. Mrs. Rickart died in 1847, ^ ^^e type of those noble women who dared the dangers of Western life. On the death of the father, the entire property reverted to the wife and children. A few years ago Joseph Rickart run the entire farm, consisting of 400 acres. No better evidence can be shown of the business capacity of Mr. R. than to state that he now owns 560 acres of as good land as can be found any where in America ; 100 acres lies in the corporation of White Hall. With the exception of the hard times of 1857, Mr. R.'s career through life has been one of continued prosperity. Lately he erected a handsome residence near the town of White Hall. In 1873 he was assessor and treasurer of the county. "When the Louisiana Branch of the C. & A. R. R. was contemplated, Mr. R. was among the first in favor of locating the road here. He was married to Miss Mary E. Baskin, a daugliter of Charles E. Baskin ; there were born of this marriage eight children, seven of whom are living : David, who owns a valuable farm property in Kansas, Addie, Ella, Minnie, Joseph, Curtis, and Leroy Riddel John, painter Rix Edward, potter Rose J. H. boot and shoe maker Rose Newton, painter Ross , laborer Ross L. farmer Ross Samuel, laborer Rodell John, painter Rose Henry, shoemaker Ruckle R. B. miller C AXE WILLIAM, potter Schuler Otto, barber Scott James, laborer Scott Wyatt, laborer Sebeck Frank, tailor Secor George, agt. C. R. & Q. R.R., St. Div. Senger Conrad, blacksmith Shaw William, night watch Shearer J. L. principal White Hall school Shenkle Frank, potter SHEPPARD JOHN, architect, con- tractor and builder. See Gardner & Shep- pard Shirley E. K. janitor White Hall school Shirley H. B. physician Shirley Mrs. boarding house Silkwood Samuel, laborer Simmons , laborer Singleton John, laborer Skillenger Wm. laborer Smith James, contractor Smith James, laborer Smith Thomas A. tile manufacturer Spangenburg John, harness maker Steere Dr. dentist Steere S. B. agt. Steere S. M. Mrs. milliner Strang Elizabeth Mrs. Stanton Rushton, laborer Sullivan Mary, laundress Sweeting Frank, foreman Purdy's pottery Sykes William, laborer Symons Mrs. -yEAL CHARLES, potter ^ Templeton J. G. Rev. Terhune R. painter TETER, O'GORMAN & CO. manu- facturers and dealers in flower pots, vases, terra cotta ware. The above named firm became established in business June, 1878, but are rapidly taking a leading position in the manufacturing of this ware. Fine skilled workmen are employed by the firm, who turn out a vast array of flower pots and vases daily, of very superior mater- ial and finish. Its present proprietors are Messrs. T. O'Gorman, William Teter, and Henry Hubbard. Mr. Teter, from whom this sketch is obtained, was born in Ross County, Ohio, in 1834. When fifteen years WHITE HALL. 537 old he moved to White Hall, where he settled down to farm life. In 1864 he enlisted in the 91st Reg. 111. Inf. Re- maining in the service one year, he was honorably discharged; a participant in the battles of Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, and engagements of smaller note. In 1855 Mr. Teter was married to Miss Susannah Pinkerton, a daughter of James E. Pinkerton. Of nine children born of this marriage, five are living : Mary, Ellen, Eva, Alice, and William THAXT0:N" LAKKIN, nearly sixty years ago, came to the State of Illinois, ac- companied by wife and five small children. He was a Virginian by birth, who moved to Breckenridge Co., Ky., in the early settle- ment of that State, and there married Miss Catherine Dudley. Glowing reports of the fertility of Illinois, reached him, and ac- cordingly he determined to emigrate, and after many weeks of travel, located near Edvvardsville, Madison County. From this point, in 1820, the family settled three miles southeast of White Hall, near Apple Creek. In this primitive wilderness of prairie, Wm. B. Thaxton was born, Aug. 9, 1820, and here were passed many years of his life. When twelve years of age, his father died ; at fourteen he ventured forth on his own resources, hiring out to a man by the name of English, to work by the month, he re- mained five years, working through the summer months for twenty-five cents per day. During the Winter he was contented to work for his board. Going to Chester- field, Macoupin County, he worked for a farmer of considerable enterprise, who kept a small store. While here Mr. Thaxton frequently made trips to Alton and St Louis, and showed considerable skill in the purchase of butter and eggs, etc. Leaving the employ of this man, he became employed in a saw-mill on Apple Creek. The following Spring he worked for Col. Gregory at ten dollars per month, for ten years ; he then rented prop- erty, and from the profits of this procured a sufficient start to purchase eighty acres of land. Years have passed since then, and Mr. Thaxton is now a prominent man of Greene County, a wealthy citizen, due to the vigor, energy and pluck displayed dur- ing his younger days. He has been twice i married : first to Miss Helen M. McGoffey, Nov. 25, 1852, who, seven years later, passed to a home not made with hands. She was the mother of three children, the oldest and only one living, Mrs. Ella Jane Morrow, wife of John A. Morrow ; resides near Roodhouse. Jan. i, i860, Mr. T. was married to Mrs. Damon Griswold, whose maiden name was Swallow, a model lady, who is a worthy helpmate of a noble husband and father. Mr. Thaxton owns a magnificent residence at White Hall, also one on his splendid farm near Roodhouse Thaxton W. B. farmer Thurman James, laborer Todd Arthur, laborer Transit House, George Lill, proprietor TRASK GEO. W. lumber dealer, whose yards are located near the C.B.& Q. R.R., became a resident of White Hall but a little over a year ago, entering into the above business, where he takes the leading position in the lumber trade, and has shown himself to be not only a man of generous impulses and height of character, but a re- liable business man ; born at Paterson, N.. J., Sept. 30, 1834. When quite small, his parents moved to New Orleans, remaining there four years, and then moved to Louis- ville, Ky., where the head of the family be- came a cigar-maker ; moving to Missouri,, thence to California, from whose golden shores he went to Cuba, where he died. Geo. W. Trask, in early life, became a R. R. contractor, in which he accumulated wealth, and a large experience, which have paved the way for his present success in life. He afterwards became a stock buyer and trader, in Kansas. Sept. 16, i860, he was united in marriage to Julia A. Greene, of Macoupin Co.; two children were born of this marriage, not living. In i86g, Mrs. Trask died ; during the Autumn of 1871, Mr. Trask was married to Miss Mary L. Terry, of Greene County ; one child : Har- ry E. When the war came on Mr. Trask enlisted in Co. A., 97th 111. Inft.; was pro- moted 1st sergeant for meritorious conduct; battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Jackson, Carthage, Grand Gulf, Fort Gib- son, and many others V ANDAM CHARLE.S, bookkeeper Vannest P. S. Rev. 538 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. Vasseller, Cochran & Co. dry goods VEDDER A. F. dealer in drugs, hard- ware, farming implements, paints, oil stuffs and dyes. Main st.. White Hall, Ills., for the past eighteen years a merchant of White Hall, and during this time has carried on a very successful business. He first be- came a partner of Judge Worcester ; the firm became widely known. On the retire- ment of Mr. W., he entered into partner- ship with a younger brother, Mr. F. I. Vedder, continuing together three years. His next partner was Mr. A. D. Rucker. Mr. Vedder was born in New York, in 1835, receiving a liberal education. In his 19th year he came West, locating at White Hall, where he first became a clerk with Davis & Veddef ; since this time his move- ments and enterprise are so well known as to need no further mention. In 1861, he was married to Miss Virginia Drish, a daughter of Dr. Drish, of White Hall ; two children were born of this marriage: Alice, not living, and Linnie. In 1865, Mrs. Vedder died, and was laid at rest in the . beautiful cemetery at White Hall. In 1867, Mr. Vedder married Miss Nellie Bullock, by whom he has one child, Florence. Mr. V. is a member of the town board of White Hall Vedder F. D. constable VEDDER ISAAC D. retired mer- chant and acting notary piiblic of White Hall. Mr. Vedder was born in Onondaga Co., N. Y. State, June 5, 1820. At nine- teen he set out for Illinois, locating at White Hall, Greene Co., 111. He first worked in a small grocery store kept by a man by the name of Lawson. Richard W. Young was then U. S. Land Commis- sioner ; by him Mr. Vedder was tendered a clerkship. Proceeding to Washington, he entered upon the duties of his office. While there he formed the acquaintance of and married Miss iSarah E. Prettyman, Feb. 15, 1849. Shortly after this import- ant event Mr. Vedder returned to White Hall. He now opened a dry goods store, admitting as partner Asbury Davis. Both were young men of sagacity and business tact, and immediately entered upon a suc- cessful business career. In 1857, the firm dissolved partnership, the store being con- tinued by Mr. Davis for a short time, when Mr. V. again became a partner, and con- tinued so until 1864, when he again retired* In 1869, he bought out the wagon shop of L. E. Worcester ; this proved an unfortu- nate speculation. Mr. Vedder is a gentle- man of education and culture, whose im- pulses are generous to a fault Vermillion Joseph, butcher Vermillion Richard, butcher Villinger &. Higbee, watchmakers Villinger S. watchmaker Vingard George Volforth , harnessmaker Vorhees D. S. works tile factory Vorhees John S. carpenter Vosseller G. S. dry goods Al rAGGONER L. H. foreman Hook and ^^ Ladder Co. WALKER J. F. mnfr. Ladies' Friend Washing Machine. James F. Walker was born in Greene County, Sept. 16, 1838, oldest son of L. W. and Hester Walker. L. W. Walker was born in West Virginia, and came to Greene County at the age of twenty, and in connection with John Baker and James built the first grist and saw mill on Hurricane Creek. About 1837 he was married to Miss Hester Garri- son, of Kentucky. Eventually L. W. Walker became a farmer of considerable prominence. He died at Roodhouse, in 1875, and was laid at rest in the Jones Cemetery. Mr. Walker was twice mar- ried. Hester Walker died in 1863, and in 1866 Mr. Walker was married to Miss Lydia Jane Dossie, who died many years ago. James Walker grew up in Greene County, and enlisted August, 1S62, in Co. F, loist 111. Inf., three years' service; cor- poral during the war; evinced no ordinary daring as a soldier, and was engaged in the most important battles of the war, as Mission Ridge, Lookout Mountain — both engagements, — etc., etc.. Peach Tree Creek, Dallas, Atlanta, and witnessed the sur- render of Johnston, in North Carolina. When the war closed Mr. W. settled in Morgan County, where he followed farm- ing. In i86t he was married to Miss E. Devault, a daughter of John and Elizabeth Devault. In after years Mr. W. became largely engaged as a contractor and build- er, and erected many of the best residences WHITE HALL. 539 and stone buildings in Roodhouse, as Kirkland Hotel and school house. Mr. W. began the manufacture of the Ladies' Friend Washer but a year ago, and sold during 1878 300 washers — and a constant demand Warner Emeline "WATSOX H. who is the proprietor of the only marble works in the town of White Hall,was born in Kentucky. During his childhood his mother died, and in an early day his father moved to Illinois, lo- cating in Morgan County, He was a tan- ner by occupation, and probably built the first tannery on Indian Creek. His first wife was Mary Johnson ; they were mar- ried in Kentucky ; nine children were born of this marriage, Henry being the sixth child. He was seven years of age when his father again married. By the second mar- riage he had five children ; moving to Greene County, he lived a number of years and then moved to Missouri, where he died. Henry passed his boyhood near Jackson- ville, Morgan Co. In 1842, he moved to White Hall, where he first learned the trade of a mason. In 1851, he started his pres- ent business. On entering the estab- lishment one beholds a large variety of tombstones, and monuments composed of only the best marble. In 1846 Mr. Watson enlisted for service in the Mexican war, and became a participant in the famous battle of Buena Vista. In i860, he was married to Miss Mary Miller, by whom he has two children WEITZEL CHRISTOPHER, merchant tailor, and dealer in ready-made clothing, hats, caps, etc. Mr. Weitzel lo- cated at White Hall in 1866, and opened a tailoring establishment, on Main st. In- vesting a small capital of $500 in a stock of goods at St. Louis, he returned to White Hall, where he was soon busily engaged se- curing a large patronage. Through his skill as a workman and honest dealing, he is to-day one of our most enterprising men and always gives the boys fits when in need of clothes. He was born at Hesse- Darmstadt, Germany, in 1837 ; emigrated to America in 1852, and located at Darke Co., Ohio, where he became apprenticed to tailoring. When the war came on he enlisted in Co. B, 68th Regt. 111. Volun- teers ; honorably discharged October, 1862* at Alton. He retuined to his old employ, ers at Decatur, and worked at his trade for a number of years, and then proceeding to Kansas, from which State he shortly after returning to Decatui", and thence to White Hall, where he was found guilty of selling first-class goods and doing first-class tailor- ing, and it was accordingly resolved by the good people of White Hall and vicinity, that so long as he continued in his present course he should be sustained WELCH J. E. miller, and inventor of the already famous True Grit Furrow Finisher, for polishing furrows in mill- stones. Price $3.00, including an extra block. Mr. Welch is also the inventor of an improved Wheat Heater. J. E. Welch is one of our progressive citizens. He was born in the Old Dominion, Faurquier County, on the 12th of Oct., 1842. At the early age of seventeen his parents emi- grated to Missouri, where the head of the family, R. B. Welch, followed milling for a short time, when he moved to Jackson- ville, Morgan County. He remained in Jacksonville some five years, when became to White Hall, where he now resides with the subject of this biography, who early developed an uncommon ability as a miller. During the war Mr. Welch re- sided in Kentucky, where he taught a select school. When the war closed he moved to Jacksonville and embarked in the milling business with his father, R. B. Welch, and here he acquired that experi- ence that has made of him not only a suc- cessful inventor, but one of the best millers in this or any other State. For many years Mr. Welch has been identified with the milling interests of White Hall, and, although meeting with some reverses, is now doing a very successful business in co-partnership with A. D. Ruckle. The firm of Welch & Ruckle are the sole man- ufacturers of the celebrated brand -of Elite flour so widely known in all portions of Illinois, making annual shipments of 5,000 barrels of this choice article Welch S. I. miller WELCH & RUCKLE, millers and grain dealers. The above named gentle- men entered into a co-partnership business the present year. They manufacture a 540 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. very superior grade of flour, and are large shippers of wheat and corn. Mr. Welch is a gentleman of large experience in the milling business. This live firm have the largest elevator in the county, and transact a very large business. The senior member is a native of Virginia, who came to White Hall a few years ago, entering into the milling business. Mr. Ruckle, the junior partner, was born in Pennsylvania in 1835. He received a liberal education in his na- tive State ; worked as a journeyman ma- chinist ; regularly apprenticed to the trade. W^hen the war came on he enlisted in the 8th Ohio Vol. Inft., as first sergeant ; hon- orably discharged in 1864. He returned to Ohio, where he married Miss H. E. Adams. In 186S, Mr. Ruckle located at White Hall, where he first entered into the pottery bus- iness, and entering into successful competi- tion with competing firms. Disposing of his interest, he entered into his present occu- pation. Mr. R. is a young man who keeps pace with the improvements of the county. He has one child, Carroll A., born at White Hall, 111. Wells Henry, carpenter Westinige Joseph, laborer Wethinige Charles, farmer WHAKTON GEORGE, blacksmith " and machinist, Main Street, White Hall, 111. Mr. Wharton was born in Penn- sylvania. At sixteen he made his way to Trenton, New Jersey, where he became apprenticed to the trade of a blacksmith, serving five years. He now proceeded to Jerseyville, Jersey County, 111., where he opened up shop and for a while done a general blacksmithing business, and then opened a machine shop, manufacturing largely the Haines Headers. From 1841 to 1872 Mr. W. remained a resident of Jersey, and then went to Belleville, Illinois, where he became foreman in a drill shop. Remaining two years, he took up his line of departure for White Hall, where he is now doing a large business, and is said to be one of the best blacksmiths in the country. Mr. Wharton is the inventor and proprietor of the celebrated gang plow Queen of the West, and the iron beam draft plow King of Trash. Mr. Wharton has always taken a deep interest in temperance and fought the whisky traffic at a time when it was used by nearly all White Alfred, carpenter White Hall Banking Association, Hon. L. E. Worcester, pres; Isaac Powell, cash; W. P. Worcester asst. cashier White Hall Co-operative Association, T. J. Baldwin, pres.; E. A. Gillen, sec; L. P. Griswold, manager; T. F. Ladd, salesman WHITE HALL FIRE CLAY WORKS, manufacturers of drain tile for farm drainage, also road culvert pipe, vit- rified, glazed sewer pipe, fire brick, and roofing tile (Merrill's patent). In company with Mr. E. H. Smith, the genial president of the company, the writer made a careful survey of the extensive works. There are few but what have heard of the White Hall Fire Clay Works, and yet few realize the immense quantities of tile manufact- ured by this famous company. Their tile is all steam pressed, giving great density, smoothness, and strength to the pipe, thereby thoroughly burning the tile through and through, not a thin shell on the out- side burned and the inside raw and un- burned clay. In these days of general business depression, it will be well for the farmer to examine tile closely before pur- chasing. Remember it costs just as much to lay worthless tile in the ground as the best. Many tile are made from limed clay, that bears a striking resemblance to potter's clay, that produces a very superior article. The White Hall clay is acknowledged by all to be the best in the State, from which the company have manufactured for the past ten years, and during that time there have been sold, from this place, nearly two thousand miles of drainage tile, not a foot of which has ever been rejected. The company own very extensive clay and coal mines, mine their own clay and coal, and employ only the most experienced men in all departments. All railroads centering at this point have side tracks on the ground. It will thus be readily seen that nothing is left undone by the company to insure the manufacture of the best tile, as cheap as can be made from good potter's clay. Messrs. E. II. Smith and W. W. Arnold are energetic, honorable, business men, with whom it is a pleasure to deal with. We understand that Simeon Ross, one of WHITE HALL. 541 Greene County's most opulent farmers, has a controlling interest in the firm White Hall House, Mrs. Mary Amos, prop. WHITE HALL RECISTEK, Henry Johnson, editor and proprietor WHITE HALL REPUBLICAN, E. J. Pearce, editor Whitesides Levi, retired farmer Wigginton W. H. painter Winn Bros. & Co. foundry and machine shop WINN GEO. W. settled in Greene Co. in 1829; was born in Indiana, in 1827. Two years later his parents moved to Illinois, locating near Carrollton, a hamlet containing but a few straggling log cabins and a primitive store, kept by one John Evans; contents same as pertained to those outposts of civilization. Pork then brought $r.50 per hundred, wheat 37^ cents per bushel, and other things in proportion. The land where the pioneers settled was unbroken, requiring the muscle of the head of the family to subdue. Here he lived for many a year, in a simple manner, his wants few because easily satisfied. He died in 1861, his wife dying in 1855. Of this family there are now living six chil- dren; the eldest, George W., from whom this sketch is obtained, grew to manhood in this county. His education was derived sitting on oakvvood slab seats, from a Webster's spelling book principally. These were the days of hard times, although wheat frequently glutted the market. White bread or biscuit was seldom eaten, perhaps once a week, on Sunday. Young Winn became apprenticed to the trade of a blacksmith, and became a superior work- man. When the war of the rebellion came on, he enlisted in Co. I, 91st 111. Inf. and served as general wardmaster. While in the army two little children of Mr, Winn died. The bereaved mother, now left entirely alone, decided to enter the service of U. S. for the relief of our noble boys in blue. For nineteen months she ministered to the sick and the dying with a solicitude that gained for her the esteem of all. The heroine of the hospital wards at St. Louis, and the wife of G. W. Winn, was Mary C. Loggers, a daughter of Madison Boggers, who settled in Greene County in 1S28, a wagon maker by trade, I who fought in the Black Hawk war. V There are five children : John, William, Elmer, Mary E., and Julia Ann. In con- clusion it may be stated Mr. Winn's life has been a success, owning a large brick, machine and blacksmith shop at White Hall. He also owns valuable property in the town and also at Carrollton. What is somewhat remarkable, Mr. W. has never uttered an oath, never drank any liquor, nor used tobacco Winn R. B. machinist Winn W. A. machinist Wise C. works tile factory WISE DANIEL, dealer in dry goods and general notions. Main Street, White Hall, 111. Mr. Wise became a resident of White Hall twelve years ago, and first started in business with Dr. Stout; the firm name becoming Stout & Wise. The new- firm transacted a drug and grocery busi- ness, and became quite successful. After one year Mr. W. retired and entered the employ of Bridges & Worcester, and af- terward A. Davis & Co. In 1873 Mr. Wise located on Main Street, where he rented the building he now occupies, and where he transacts a good business and a growing one. It would perhaps be su- perfluous to state that Mr. Wise is a strictly honorable business man. He was born near Jacksonville, Morgan County; re- ceived a preliminary education at home, afterward attending the Shurtleff College, situated at Upper Alton. When the war came on he enlisted in the I22d III. Inf., for three years, holding the responsible position of hospital steward. He was engaged in many important engagements; honorably discharged in 1865. After the war he located at his old home at Virden, Macoupin County, and from Virden came to White Hall. Mrs. Wise's grandfather was a native of Germany Wood John II. sewing machine agent Worcester A. J. butcher Worcester Alfred, carpenter Worcester F. E. lumber merchant Worcester L. E. Hon. WORCESTER L. E. & CO. dealers in lumber, lath, shingles, sash, doors, blinds, etc., etc. This firm became established in business four years ago. It was begun in a small way by the Honora- ble Judge Worcester, who commenced o4J GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. over twenty years ago. Since this date the business has been a growing one. The average sales now amount to $40,000 per annum. Over a million feet of lumber were sold last year. The junior member of this firm, Mr. F. E. Worcester, is a young man of an energetic disposition, that, taken in connection with his business qualities, pave the way for future success. He was born at West Windsor, Vermont, August 22, 1847. In his eighteenth year he located at White Hall. Learning the trade of carpenter, he became a very good workman, and continued in this business until he entered into partnership with Judge Worcester. February, 1872, he was married to Miss Amanda White, a daugh- ter of Alfred White, of Greene County; one child, Alfred, born at White Hall, February 6, 1873 Worcester Wentworth, retired druggist Wright L. C. drayman WHITE HALL BUSINESS CARDS. ARNOLD & McGUIRE, inventors of car for drying drain tile, patented Sept. 3, 1878 ; used in all the factories here and is being introduced wherever tile is made. The convention at Indianapolis declared it to be the best known method of drying tile AMOS HOUSE, White Hall, 111. A first-class hotel. Terms reasonable BATES W. P. & CO. nurserymen, propagators of choice varieties of fruit and ornamental trees, evergreens, roses, flower- ing shrubs, etc. Small fruits a specialty. BOWMAN A., M. D. White Hall BURKHARDT CHRISTO- PHER J. meat market. Keeps constantly on hand choice meats, pork, veal, etc., which he sells at reasonable prices COTTER WILLIAM, marble agent. White Hall CULVER S. H. cabinet maker, furni- ture dealer, undertaker, etc., east side North Main Street, White Hall, 111. DOSSEL GEORGE, confectioner. Established 1863. Sales during 1878, 10,000 lbs. candy, and trade increasing. White Hall GARDINER & SHEPPARD, conti actors and builders, White Hall GRIMES WILLIAM B. propiietor White Hall Livery Stables GRIMES & PURDY MES- DAMES, dealers in fancy goods, laces, fancy notions, ties, hosiery, etc. We cor- dially invite the ladies to call and inspect our stock. Any article in our line, not in stock, will be furnished on a few hours no- tice. White Hall, 111. HANDLER CHARLES, cooper, White Hall HILL GEORGE, manufacturer of and dealer in all kinds of stoneware, flower pots, and vases. White Hall, 111. HUDDLE F. E. attorney and coun- selor at law. White Hall. Collections promptly attended to JUDD J. S. agent at White Hall for the Neosha Valley lands of Kansas KEELY H. C. photographic artist, White Hall KEELEY JOHN D. contractor and builder, White Hall LAASS CHRISTOPH, manufacturer of cigars, and dealer in tobacco, cigars, pipes, and smokers' articles. Best brands of chewing tobaccos constantly on hand. White Hall LAKIN ALEXANDER, dealer in flour and feed. White Hall LAKIN CHARLES. Baggage taken to all parts of the city promptly and at low- rates WHITE HALL. 543 LAKIN W. T. land agent, White Hall. Agent for B. cSj M. R.R and C. B. & Q.R.R. For the following territory : Greene, Scott, Morgan, Jersey and Calhoun McCANN THOMAS, blacksmith and dealer in agricultural implements. White Hnll McGUIKE JOHN T. superintendent White Hall Fire Clay works. White Hall MORLAND H. J. police magistrate MUKPHY Li. C. manufacturer of and wholesale dealer in extra fine stoneware, fruit cans, flower pots, vases, and every- thing in the stoneware line. White Hall MYTINGER & HUSTED, dealers in drugs, groceries, etc. White Hall. Gen. agts. Great Western Powder Co. NESBIT ARCHIBALD, baker and grocer. Main street, White Hall OSWALD & CO. dealers in groceries, drugs, hardware, queensware, etc. PEARCE E. J. real estate and insur- ance agent ; represents the leading Insur- ance Co's. PIERCE AUGUSTUS, manufac- turer and dealer in tile and stoneware. Pot- tery east of C. B. & Q. R. R. PURDY M. C. proprietor of the Purdy pottery. Manufacturer of stoneware ex- clusively SHEPPARD JOHN", architect, con- tractor, and builder, White Hall TETER, O'GORMAN & CO. White Hall. Tile mnfrs. and dealers in vases, flower pots, etc. Call and see best specimens of ornamental work on vases in Greene County. TRANSIT HOUSE,White Hall, offers superior accommodations to the traveling public TRASK GEORGE W. lumber dealer. Yard located near C. B. & Q. R. R., White Hall TEDDER A. F. dealer in drugs, hard- ware, farming implements, paints, oils and dye stuffs, White Hall VEDDER ISAAC D. notary public, White Hall WALKER JAMES F. manufac- turer and dealer in the celebrated Ladies Friend Washer WATSON H. marble cutter and dealer in monuments, tombstones, etc. Orna- mental work promptly executed. White Hall WEITZEL CHRIS, merchant tailor, and dealer in clothing, gents' furnishing goods, hats, caps, notions etc. Agent for the Singer sewing machine, White Hall WELCH & RUCKLE, millers and grain dealers. White Hall flouring mill, White Hall WHARTON GEORGE, blacksmith- ing and general repairing of machinery. Inventor and manufacturer of the Gang plow, Queen of the West, and the iron beam bottom draft plow. King of Trash, While Hall WHITE HALL BANKING AS- SOCIATION. Hon. E. L. Wentworth, President ; Isaac Powell, Cashier ; W. P. Worcester, Assistant Cashier. Directors : James McDowall, A. S. Seely and L. E. Carter. A general banking business transacted. Office hours 8 }4 o'clock a, m. to 4 o'clock p. m. Whitehall WHITE HALL FIRE CLAY WORKS, manufacturers of vitrified, salt glazed sewer pipes and well curbing ; drain tile, fire brick, roofing tile, paving brick, etc.. White Hall WHITE HALL REGISTER, Henry Johnson, editor and proprietor WHITE HALL REPUBLICAN, E.J. Pearce, editor ; Pearce & Clapp, props. WILCOX W. H. & CO. manufac- turers of and dealers in flower pots and vases ; hanging baskets, and all kinds of terra cotta ware, White Hall WINN BROS, machine and blacksmith shop. White Hall. Repairing promptly at- tended to WISE DANIEL, dealer in dry goods and notions WORCESTER L. E. & CO. dealers in lumber, salt, lime, etc., near the C. & A. depot 544 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. To Millers and Mill Owners.— In presenting the We'ch Heater to the milling public, I would sny that after years of study and ex- perimenting, I believe I have perfected a machine for heating wheat thoroughly and evenly. From its peculiar construction, it is readily seen that it is an impossibility for a grain of wheat to pass through with- out its coming in contact with both coil and cone, and the notches on the cone cause the wheat to turn over. The wheat enters the machine through one opening. It passes down, spreading over the cone, passing through a series of holes, and is caught in hopper " E " and led to the buhrs. I claim that every grain of wheat must be evenly healed in passing through the ma- chine ; that it is simple and easily man- aged. They are guaranteed to give per- fect satisfaction. Sent on thirty days' trial to responsible parties. Price, $60. Address J. E. Welch, White Hall, 111. True Grit" is a handy little tool consisting of a base made of a specie of Kaolin, or White Potter's Clay, obtained in the State of Illinois, with which is thoroughly incor- porated a fine grade of Corundum, or Em- ery. The base is securely cemented into a cast iron handle, of convenient shape for the hand, and is easily worked. After the furrow is picked, take a sponge or rag saturated with water, wet the furrow repeatedly as it is being operated upon. The result is a nice, smooth furrow, not a polished, glossy furrow, but a furrow with a smooth face, that still retains all the grit of a first-class hone. The tool will pay for itself at one dressing. Its durability is astonishing. After a miller once uses it he will never be without it. Satisfaction guaranteed or money re- funded. Address J. E. Welch, White Hall, Illinois Township 12, North Range 12, West. A KERS JOHN, farmer, P.O. Barrow "^^ Station AKERS JOSEPH, farmer and stock raiser. Sec. i, P.O. Barrow. Mr. Akers was born in Scott County, Illinois, in 1846. On attaining his majority he was united in marriage to Miss Mary A., daughter of James Thompson, who settled in Greene County when scarcely a cabin broke the monotony of our western prairies. Shortly after his marriage Mr. Akers moved to Greene County, near Barrow, where he at first rented the farm he now owns, com- prising 200 acres. This property has been acquired within the last ten years by the exercise of economy, judgment and hard work. A better showing for a young man has not been equalled in this county. Mr. Akers is a native of Greene County, born in 184S ALBERT T. J. Principal Wilmington School. Mr. Albert was born in Carroll- ton, Greene County, III., in 1842. On at- taining his twentieth year his parents, John and Nancy D. Albert, moved to Milton, Pike County. From Milton the family moved to Pearl Prairie ; here the head of the family continued to farm it until his de- cease, which occurred during the Spring of 1877. He was seventy-seven years of age when his death occurred. During his life he was noted for his energy and enterprise. In 1868 T. J. Albert purchased a farm in Missouri, consisting of 130 acres. His preliminary education was received in the ■district schools. On obtaining his major- ity he taught the village school at Pearl, Pike County ; he also taught school near Mexico, Missouri, and now during eleven years, to his credit oe it said, he has taught but two schools ; eight of these years, or part of them, were spent in the Wilming- ton school house, not a similar instance being known in the county. He was a student of Gem City College, of Quincy, and also attended three terms at Milton Normal School. In 1876, in connection with John M. Ferris, he began the publi- cation of the Greene County Democrat, whose columns always teemed with well written articles ; and the common sense article that appeared in its columns on the celebration of our one hundredth anniver- sary will not soon be forgotten. When the war broke out Mr. Albert enlisted at Mil- ton, Pike County, in Company I, 99th Illinois Infantry. He was then in his nineteenth year, and was engaged in the following battles : Port Gibson, Jackson, Champion Hills, Black River, Vicksburg, Fort Blakely and many others Allen Isaac P., farmer. Sec. 12, P.O. Breese Allen William, farmer, P.O. Roodhouse Ambrose William, farmer. Sec. 3, P.O. Bar- row AMOS GEORGE H. farmer, stock raiser and shipper. Sec. 26, P.O. White Hall. George H. Amos was born in Maryland, July 8, 1826. He was in his twelfth year when his parents moved to Virginia ; remaining one year the family moved to Pennsylvania. At fourteen young Amos concluded to go it on his own hook, and accordingly made his way to Illinois. Locating in Greene County he secured em- ployment on a farm and afterwards worked in the cabinet shop of his brother. At seventeen he was apprenticed to the trade of a blacksmith. Serving his time he opened a shop on Main street, and con- tinued in business several years. While here he married Miss Levina Barrow. For a short time Mr. Amos became a resident of Iowa. In 1854, long before the Union Pacific was thought of, Mr. Amos made his way across the continent to California; by way of speculation, driving some fifty head of cattle, which upon arriving in Cal- 546 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. ifornia, near Sacramento, he disposed of for a fair profit. When he made the re- turn trip, on a sailing vessel, he purchased a farm of i6o acres in Piatt County. He disposed of this for a stock of goods, and accordingly opened a general merchandise store at White Hall, where he sold goods for a few months. He now became a trader, and during the war speculated largely in horses, and here procured his first start in life. In order to show his enterprising dis- position Mr. Amos gathered together a large flock of turkeys, which he drove to the Illinois River and shipped them to New Orleans, making a fair profit on his venture. At another time he made a sim- ilar venture, his shipping point being St. Louis. In all probability he was the first one engaged in this venture in Greene County. The life career of Mr. Amos has been fraught with interest. Early learning to rely on his own resources he to-day is the owner of 570 acres of valuable land. His keen judgment and extraordinary en- ergy have brought about the wealth he to- day enjoys. The marriage of Mr. A. was to Miss Barrow, and was blessed with eleven children : Ruth M., William T., George H., Joseph B., and Charles R. ; not living : John L., Elizabeth L., James L., Addie, Mary and Alfred. Three years ago Mr. Amos was elected County Com- missioner. He is an extensive grain buyer Arnold Dr. J. Wilmington, P.O. Breese ASHLEY A. J. tile manufacturer, Bar- row. The above named gentleman, who in connection with Mr. Bruce has shown considerable enterprise in the erection of tile works, at Barrow, was born in Ken- tucky, January, 1S43. He was but eight years of age when his parents moved to Illinois, where he has now resided nineteen years. When the war came on he enlisted in Company F, 6lst Illinois Infantry, for one year's service. When the war closed he returned to Illinois, located at Winches- ter, Scott County, and worked as a carpen- ter. From this point he moved to Barrow in 1871; pursuing the carpenter business he was largely patronized and erected some of the most substantial dwellings in the neigh- borhood. In 1868 he was married to Miss Sarah A. Campbell, by whom he had four children, three living : John B., Bertha M. and Caroline ASHLEY JAMES M. carpenter and joiner, for the past six years a resident of Barrow, was born in Casey County, Ken- tucky, September 29, 1834. In 1851 he accompanied his parents to McLean Co., 111., then a small village, with no railroad facilities. Here the family remained a short time, when they moved to Pike County. James shortly after removed to Kentucky, where he learned the trade of a carpenter and joiner. This occupation he follows at the present writing and receives a large share of public patronage, as his skill as a workman is well known. In the State of Tennessee in i860 he was united in marriage to Miss Nancy Hubble, who passed away in the year 1868, leaving to the care of her husband four children : Alonzo, Mary E., Eva B. and James L. July 28, 1869, Mr. Ashley was married to Miss Anna Summers, of Winchester, Scott County, by whom he has three children : Tessie, Earnest G. and Myrtle. Mr. A. owns two lots at Barrow, a commodious frame building, and is one of our most pub- lic spirited citizens. It is the intention of Mr. A. to open a first-class boarding house at Barrow, shortly, and parties looking for the comforts of a home will do well to note this fact Ashlock Henry, laborer, Wilmington, P.O. Breese ASHLOCK JAMES, who was the first blacksmith to locate at Barrow, and who has built one of the best shops in the county, was born in Anderson County, Tennessee, November 23, 1830. He was the fifth child of William and Re- becca Ashlock. In his eighteenth year he accompanied his parents to Greene County, Illinois, where a settlement was made four miles east of Carrollton, where the father followed the calling of a cooper. James proceeded to Scott County, some years after his parents located in Greene County, where he served his time to a blacksmith. Returning to his old home in Greene County he opened a blacksmith shop, trans- acting business some three years, and dur- ing this time married Miss Sylvania Bre- den. Moving to Wilmington Mr. Ashlock carried on blacksmithing successfully for a TOWN 12, NORTH RANGE 12, WEST. 54T period of eleven years. Moving from Wilmington to what is now the town of Barrow, Mr. A. erected the first building and became the first resident of the live little town, and has watched with proud satisfaction its upward growth. In addi- tion to general blacksmithing Mr. Ashlock does a large horse shoeing business, and is known as a superior workman in wood. He has five children ; Rosetta, Cyrina C, Sarah L., Wilburn W. and Emma R. Ashlock William, laborer, Wilmington, P.O. Breese ATKINS JOSEPH J. blacksmith, Sec. 31. P. O. White Hall. Mr. A. was born in Virginia, November 25, 1823, the second son of Nathaniel and Nancy Atkins. who passed the remainder of life in Pike County, Missouri, Joseph J. became a skillful blacksmith, and in Ashley, Pike County, Missouri, he followed his vocation some four years. Here he married Martha J. Gourley. Locating at Carrollton. in Greene County, about 1835, he remained some two years, working at his trade, when he moved to Wilmington, opened a shop and conducted a successful business for five years. He then went to Carroll- ton, working for John C. Kelley six years and a half; was also employed by Winn Bros., who now do business at White Hall. Mr. A. is one of the most skillful mechanics in Greene County, and it is said repaired the first agricultural machinery in this county. Mr. A. owns 160 acres of land, has one child, Montgomery. Mr. A. is now blacksmith for Stewart Seeley Atkins Montgomery, cigar maker, Seeley Place, P.O. White Hall TDAIRD ISAAC N. renter. Sec. 15, P.O. Barrow Baird J. P. farmer, P.O. Barrow Baird Samuel, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 9, P.O. Barrow Baird Zebulon, farmer. Sec. 15, P.O. Barrow Baldwin L. S. farmer, Sec. 14, P.O. White Hall BALLARD A. J. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 21, P.O. White Hall. Mr. Bal- lard was born in Rutherford County, Ten- nessee, March 2q, 1828 ; third child of Avery and Anna R Ballard, whose maiden name was Wallace. Avery Ballard moved from North Carolina to Tennessee in his twentieth year, and there married the lady above mentioned. In 1831, accompanied by his wife and four children, he set out for Illinois in a two-wheeled ox cart. The trip occupied some four weeks, and when he landed in Illinois he had but twenty five cents in money. 'He settled on the farm now owned by Chester Crabtree, entering 160 acres of land from the government ; also purchased forty acres from Andrew Bingham, and after many years he became a prosperous farmer. He was treacher- ously assassinated on the i6th of April, 1870. This unprovoked murder made a deep impression on the community, who thoroughly respected Mr. Ballard, as he was an extremely law-abiding citizen and it was not supposed that he had an enemy in the world. Mrs. Ballard is still living. Andrew, from whom this sketch is ob- tained, married in his twenty-first year Miss Martha Smith, a daughter of David Smith, by whom he had eight children, seven of whom are living : Mary, who re- sides in Missouri, Sherry, Frances, Emily, Melissa, William, Henry, and Mattie. Mr. Ballard is the owner of 100 acres — 80 acres prairie and 20 timber BIGHAM ELY T. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 31, P.O. White Hall. Mr. Bigham was born in Greene County, May 1843. Youngest child of Eli and Mary Bigham, who were among the early set- tlers of this county. The head of the fam- ily passed away some twenty-six years ago. Mrs. Bigham is still living, residing in Greene County. Ely. who heads this sketch, received but a common school ed- ucation, as his time was almost wholly oc- cupied on the farm from the time he could reach the plow handles. In 1865 he was married to Miss Jemima A. Seeley, a daughter of the Hon. Stewart Se :ley, by whom he has five children : Ida M., Eva S., Herman C. and Roy Porter Ballard John, renter. Sec. 26, P.O. White Hall Ballard Wesley, renter. Hank's Station, P.O. Breese Bandy E. M. farmer, P.O. Roodhouse Bandy Jas. L. farmer. Sec. 15, P.O. Rood- house Bandy Marion, farmer. Sec. 16, P.O. Rood- house 548 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. Barber William, farm hand, P.O. White Hall Barnes Robert, renter, P.O. Roodhouse Barnhard L. farmer, P.O. White Hall BARROW A., farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 27, P.O. White Hall. A. Barrow was in his eighth year when his parents, James and Lucy Barrow, settled in Greene County, on the farm property now owned by him. James Barrow was a native of North Caro- lina, who moved to Kentucky in an early day, where he married. When the family Janded in Greene County, Carrollton was but a village, where but a few rough dwell- ings were seen. While yet a boy A. H. Barrow witnessed the hanging of Cavan- ■augh near the present farm-residence of C. F. Bruce ; the prisoner confined in an old jail that looked even worse than the present stone structure, was led forth to execution while the rain poured in torrents. This affair creating a great sensation at the time, owing to the circumstances surrounding it. Mr. Barrow well remembers the marching through White Hall of the volunteers for the Black Hawk War. In his thirtieth year he was married to Miss Polly Ann Childers, by whom he had three children : Pleasant M., James H. and Susan J. Mrs. Barrow died in 1870. October 19, 1875, Mr. Barrow was married to Miss Delilah Heaton, whose father was county surveyor. Mr. Barrow is a very successful farmer, owning 200 acres BARROW ALFREO H., farmer and founder of the live little shipping town of Barrow, was born in the old homestead of his father, Joseph Barrow, in 1834. He [ received a common school education ; in 1862 he was united in marriage to Miss Matilda Shaw, a daughter of David Shaw, of Greene County. Mr. Barrow has one adopted child, Gracie. He has met with more than ordinary success as a farmer. A few words in reference to the history of Barrow Station ; in 1871 the property ad- joining the town was owned by Mr. Barrow. The consideration of his sale of land to the railroad company was in this wise : the company were to have the right of way through his farm ; he to donate three acres of land for depot, stock yards, etc. ; this offer from the railroad was responded to by Mr. Barrow who is ever alive to all things pertaining to the public good ; owing to his enterprise the railroad was soon in run- ning operation, and the result is another thriving town has sprung up in Greene Co., in which dwells an industrious people. Mr. Barrow at one time owned the greater por- tion of the town, and assisted in building the greater portion of the town. Close to this enterprising town he owns 300 acres of valuable land ; for ten years he was a mer- chant at White Hall ; also in the mercantile business at Manchester, Scott Co. During the war he bought government horses and mules, having as a partner George H. Amos Barrow James H. farmer, Sec. 27, P.O. White Hall BARROW JOSEPH, deceased, who is well remembered for his many gener- ous qualities by the early settlers of Greene County, was born in Tennessee, and emi- grated to Illinois in 1S18, becoming co- temporary with such early settlers as the Huitts, Thomases and others. The Bar- row family, who afterwards became among the wealthier farmers of Greene County, settled on the prairie near what is now White Hall, and were, in all probability, the original settlers of the town. Joseph Bar- row was married in 1825 to Miss Elizabeth Taylor. But little is known of the early history of Joseph Barrow. He was a very industrious man, and became a prominent farmer. Wm. H. Barrow, from whom this sketch is obtained, resides on the original homestead, settled on over half a century ago ; he necessarily lived the frugal life of the pioneer for many years, and step by step arose to a prominent position ; a farmer, he now owns over looo acres of land, on which he erected some years ago a handsome farm residence, in Township 12, Range 12 ; in his twenty-fifth year he was married to Miss Mary J. Bingham, a daugh- ter of Elisha Bingham ; in 1857 he was a partner in a grocery store at White Hall, as this was the year of the panic it proved a very hard blow to him in his business transactions, but his unswerving integrity and strict honesty carried him safely through. This strict sense of honor laid the founda- tion for his present success in life ; at one time Mr. Barrow held the position cf county commissioner. There were five children born of this marriage: Addie, Joseph, Wil- TOWN 12, NORTH RANGE 12, WEST. 549 liam, Nettie and Alfred ; the three children first mentioned are not living Barrow Monroe, renter, Sec. 29, P.O. White Hall BARROW TILE FACTORY, Barrow, Greene County. Messrs Ashley & Bruce, proprietors. The above named en- terprising gentlemen entered upon the tran- saction of the above important business one year ago ; they are doing a thriving busi- ness, manufacturing a very superior article, from 3 inch tiling to 8 inch ; these tile are manufactured from a very superior quality of clay, and give the best of satisfaction wherever introduced ; the factory is the only one at Barrow ; employs from six to eight men, and from four to eight thousand tile of the different sizes, ai-e shipped daily ; a good showing indeed for the enterprising firm. Mr. C. F. Bruce, from whom this sketch is obtained, was born in New Hamp- shire, March, 1830; in his twenty-fourth year he went to Vermont, also to Mass- achusetts, and shortly afterwards wended his way to Illinois ; locating at Scott Co. in 1856, where in connection with others he entered into the saw milling business, he also farmed for a considerable time on the Big Sandy ; four years ago he became a resident of Barrow, where he built the elevator now owned by J. Israel of White Hall ; he next built a grist mill, now owned by Whittaker & Kigg ; In 1857 he was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth Hood, by whom he has two children : Eva E. and Minnie M. Bateman Alfred, farmer. Sec. 25, P.O. White Hall Beal John, school teacher, P.O. White Hall Berry William, renter, .Sec. 12, P.O. Barrow Brewster Lewis C. farm hand, P.O. White Hall Brown Aaron F. farmer. Sec. 12, P.O. Breese Brown D. A. Mrs. farming, Sec. 31, P.O Schutz Mill Brown Elias, carpenter. Hank's Station, P.O. Breese Brown Felix, coal miner, P.O. Roodhouse Brown James, renter, P.O. Breese Brown John A. renter. Sec. 6, P.O. Breese Bruce C. F. prop, tile factory, Barrow BURNS Dr. GEORGE W., for ten years a resident of Wilmington, was born in Mercer County, Pennsylvania ; his father was Thomas H. Burns, a native of Pennsyl- vania; there married Miss Sarah Duff; of eight children born of this marriage Dr. Burns was the second child ; his prelimi- nary education was received in the district schools of his native place ; for some time he became a school teacher, and then entered the Lebanon Academy, where he became versed in the higher classical studies ; prior to the war he studied medicine under Doctor T. H. Fulton ; when the call came for 600,000 more troops, the young student enlisted in Company A, 139th Penn. Vols., in the service of Uncle Sam ; during the war he was wounded at the second battle of Fredericksburg; transferred to the Army Medical Corps as an assistant to some of the most eminent army surgeons, he gained an experience that has helped materially to make of him a skillful physician and surgeon ; he was among those detailed to bury the dead after the famous battle of Bull Run ; among the more famous battles participated in by Dr. Burns were Antietam and Fredericksburg, where the regiment was seven days under fire ; while on duty at Armory Square Hospital he was the student of Professor G. K. Smith, of the Long Island College Hospital ; when the war closed he returned to Pennsylvania, where he studied medicine under Dr. White of Harlemsburg ; proceeding to Philadel- phia, he attended the medical college there for two terms pursuing the higher medical studies ; in 1868 he moved to Wilmington, Greene County, where his skill as a physi- cian is well known ; in 1872 he returned to Pennsylvania, where he was united in mar- riage to Miss Helen M. Black, a daughter of A. H. P. Black ; returning to Wilming- ton, he resumed his practice and now ranks among the leading men of the town Bushnell Walter, farmer and teamster. Bar- row Byram Daniel, farm hand, P.O. White Hall r^ADE ISAAC, farm hand, P.O. Breese ^-^ Cade James, renter, P.O. Breese Campbell John, boarding house, Barrow Carnger B. F. clerk, Wilmington, P.O. Breese CARRIGER NICHOLAS, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 12, P.O. Breese. Mr. Carriger was born in Lincoln County, Tenn. Nov. 16, 1828. He was two years old when 650 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. his parents, Leonard and SylvaniaCarriger, en:iigrated from Tennessee to Illinois ; set- tling on the property now owned by Nich- olas ; the old folks, after many years of hard toil among the pioneers of long ago, were laid at rest beneath the prairies of Greene County that they loved so well. Nicholas was the third child born of this marriage ; his schooling was obtained where the studies were limited to a spelling book or a testament. November 8, i860, he was married to Miss 1 ,ouisa Breden ; of ten children born of this marriage the following are living : Sylvania E., George F., Orlena C, Henry McLean, Charles Perry, and Florence E. Carter A. J. farm hand, P.O. Roodhouse Carter John, renter, P.O. Roodhouse Ciscoe Charles, laborer, Wilmington, P.O. Breese Coats L. retired merchant, Wilmington, P.O. Breese COATES W. B. dealer in dry goods, boots, shoes, hardware, groceries, drugs, etc., etc., Wilmington, Greene Co., 111. Mr. Coates was born in South Carolina, Octo- ber 1835 ; the following year his parents moved to Illinois, locating at Wilmington, in Greene County ; here the head of the family erected the building now owned and occupied by George W. McCoUister; shortly after this he moved down on the bluffs, and purchased the grist mill then owned by David Hodges ; he transacted a successful business until 1844, when he leased it for twenty-five years to Lemuel Patterson George Sholts, and A. S. Seeley. Mr. Coates died many years ago ; he was the father of ten children, of whom W. B. was the fourth ; he first worked for neighboring farmers ; for four years he worked in the mines of Montana ; on his return to Wil- mington he entered into the mercantile business, purchasing the building he now occupies, one of the most substantial in Wilmington ; here he has held forth many a year, meeting with a large patronage due his honesty and square dealing. He was married in 1859 to Miss Elizabeth Watt, a daughter of Miner Watt, an old settler of Greene County. Mr. Coates has seven children : Peroria, Denver, Mary, Martha, Lillie, Tilden, and infant child Cochran J. R. plasterer, Barrow Cochran Robert, farm hand, Barrow COL LISTER GEORGE W. farm- er. Sec. 18, P.O. Breese. Mr. Collister is an early settler of this county, and was born in Vermont, November 6, 1818; in company with the Hon. Judge Worces- ter, of White Hall, he set out by way of the Lake Erie Canal and Ohio River for Illinois ; in due time the two emigrants arrived at White Hall when it contained a few scattered houses. Mr. Worcester be- came a school teacher. Mr. Collister worked at his trade, that of a blacksmith, for three years, proprietor of a shop : he now moved on Apple Creek, between Wil- mington and White Hall, where he opened a blacksmith shop ; during this time, date 1839, he was married to Miss Maria John- son, a native of Vermont ; for many years he worked as a blacksmith, and in 1852 set out for the golden shores of the Pacific, where he remained five years among the gold mines, becoming moderately success- ful; in 1S57, returning to Illinois, he set- tled down to the sweet life of a farmer, having purchased 130 acres prior to his journey to the Pacific ; for forty-two years, with the exception of his short residence on the Pacific coast, Mr. Collister has made his home here ; for thirty-six years he has been a resident of Wilmingto 1, and is the oldest settler now living within its limits; the marriage of Mr. Collister was blessed with six children, five of whom are living : Alfred, George, Lucy, Julia, and Mellisa ; Mr. C. owns a valuable town property Compton William, farmer. Sec. 6, P.O. Breese Cotter Henry, laborer, Barrow Crabtree Chester, farmer. Sec. 22, P.O. White Hall Crumbey W. T. grain dealer, Barrow Station CUNNINGHAM GEORGE M. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 17, P.O. Breese. Mr. Cunningham is the youngest son of Joel and Theresa Cunningham, who came to Greene County in an earl day, settling near White Hall. Joel Cunning- ham was a farmer by occupation, f illowing this calling successfully until his decease, which occurred during the Autumn of 1873; he was at one time a large property owner; a trip to California proved peculiarly dis- astrous. Among the pioneers of Greene TOWN 12, NORTH KANGE 12, WEST. 551 County he was known as Uncle Joel, who respected him for his personal worth; to his wife he left the care of five children. George grew to manhood in Greene Co.; in 1874 he was united in marriage to Sarah Virginia Davison, by whom he has two children : Lenora and Arrinea "pvAWSON JAMES A. employed Pierce ^-^ tile factory, White Hall DAWS0:N- NATHAN P, farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 25, P.O. White Hall ; the subject of this sketch was born in the State of Maryland, in the year 1817 ; he was in his twenty-fourth year when he left the scenes of his youth for the boundless West; this date, 1841, was an early date in the history of Illinois, whither he directed his footsteps, but locating at Missouri, where he married Miss Ruth Amos in the month of December, 1842, making his way to White Hall and remaining one year; he then went to Manchester, in Scott ; for many years Mr. Dawson has lived near White Hall, where he owns 42 acres of land well cultivated, which he offers for sale at low rates ; of the marriage referred to ten children were born, eight of whom are living: Mary M., George F., Matilda, Amelia M., James A., Charles W., Thomas A., and Rutha B. DIXON WILLiIAM, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 24, P.O. White Hall. William Dixon was born in the north of Ireland, about 1826, where he followed the occupa- tion of farming from boyhood to manhood; at twenty-six he crossed the Atlantic for America, landing in New Orleans City in 1849; he now proceeded to Ohio, where he was married to Miss Sarah Ann Dodsworth; leaving Ohio in 1850, he settled in Greene Co., near White Hall, where he worked as a farm hand three months ; he then rented property and finally became enabled to purchase; he now owns 225 acres; this farm, for its size, is one of the best in the county, containing no waste land. Mr. D. has become a successful farmer through in- defatigable industry ; he has a family of six children : Emma, Mary, Charley, Nellie, Carrie, and Robert DODGSON WILLIAM, deceased, was born in England, in i8o6; in his sev- enteenth year he accompanied his parents to America ; after a long voyage the little party of emigrants landed in New York City, thence to the broad prairies of Illi- nois, and located near Carrollton, in Greene County ; in his twentieth year he married Miss Brown, of Greene County, by whom he had eight children, five are living ; shortly after his marriage, Mr. D., a very energetic man, purchased an 80 acre tract of land, and for a number of years was well and favorably known as the Carrollton butcher. Mr. and Mrs. Dodgson have long since passed away ; his second wife was Miss Sarah Garrison, by whom he had seven children : Maria, Eliza, William, Alice, Carrie, Charles, and George not living ; Mr. Dodgson owned at the time of his death 350 acres of valuable land, part of which lies in the corporation of White Hall ; he was held in high esteem by all Dodsworth Thomas, farm hand, P.O. White Hall Doyle John, merchant, Barrow Doyle L. F. grocer and druggist, Wilmington, P.O. Breese DUNN G. V. boot and shoemaker, Bar- row Station. Mr. Dunn has been estab- lished in business in Barrow for the past six years, where, and in the surrounding country he has the reputation of being both a rapid and skillful workman ; he was born in Upper Canada, near Toronto, February, 1839 ; he was but twelve when his parents emigrated to Ohio, locating at Cleveland, where the head of the family followed shoe- making some six years, when he m.oved to Kentucky, and thence to Indiana, where young Dunn grew up, completing the trade of a shoemaker ; when the war broke out he enlisted in Co. K, 8ist Indiana Infantry, shortly after going to the front, where he became engaged in the following battles : Atlanta, Chickamauga, Franklin, Lookout Mountain, and many others famous in his- tory ; on the close of the war he was hon- orably discharged and returned to Indiana, where he married Miss Margaret A. Hol- lingsworth ; in 1S67 he moved to the south- ern portion of Illinois ; one year later he moved to Kane, Greene Co., subsequently at Roodhouse, and thence to Barrow. Mr. Dunn has three children, Charles R., Geo. v., and Ira E. Dyer William, renter, P.O. Breese 552 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. Dyer Margaret Mrs. renter. Sec. 30, P.O. White Hall Tip ATO^ C. C. farmer and stock raiser, resides in Wilmington. Mr. Eaton was born in Lincoln Co.,Tenn., July 6, 1823, the third child of Jonathan and Mary Eaton. C. C. Eaton, better known as 'Squire Eaton to the early settlers of Greene Coun- ty, grew to manhood in Tennessee, where he followed the occupation of ablacksmith. When war was declared with Mexico, he enlisted in Col. Campbell's regiment and served Uncle Sam one year, under the com- mand of Gens. Scott and Taylor. He be- came engaged in the famous battles of Monterey, Cerro Gordo, and Vera Cruz ; honorably discharged in the city of New Orleans. During the Spring of 1S47, he returned to Tennessee, working at his trade until 1849, when he moved to Illinois, lo- cating near Wilmington, Greene County. In 1850 he went to California; remaining but a short time, he returned to Wilming- ton, where in connection with A. J. White- sides he ran a saw mill two years, when he turned his attention to farming. His first purchase of land was made in 1853, and consisted of 80 acres. For four years Mr. Eaton held the position of justice of the peace. He is one of those whose good judgment make the successful farmer ; his sympathies are large, and his impulses gen- erous. In Tennessee he married Miss Martha McSain Edwards George, renter, P.O. Barrow Edwards G. W. farmer, P.O. Barrow EDWARDS ISHAM, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 10, P.O. Barrow. Isham Edwards is among the first settlers of Greene County, and was born in Virginia Nov. 26, 1800. He was seven years of age when his parents moved to Logan County, Ky., where he arrived at maturity and married, April lO, 1823, Miss Sarah Day, by whom he had four children. Prior to his departure for the West, in 1828, when after some weeks of westward travel, he located north of Apple Creek prairie, near White Hall, Greene County, where he rented land some six years, from Vinas Hicks and others, when he entered from the government and purchased some 600 acres of land. In 1859 he disposed of this property, and moved on to the farm he now owns, comprising no acres. After many years of hardship and self-denial that we of to-day know little of, Mr. E. has re- tired from the active duties pertaining to the farm. To such early pioneers we are indebted to our present prosperity in no small degree. In 1862, Mrs. Edwards found a last resting place in Greene Coun- ty. This marriage was blessed with six- teen children, six only of whom are living; all married and residents of this State. During the Autumn of 1862, Mr. Edwards married Mrs. Elizabeth Jones, a daughter of Joseph Thomas, who during the Black Hawk War contributed liberally of his mean= toward its prosecution. The pres- ent wife of Mr. Edwards was born in 1817 EDWARDS T. G. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. I, P.O. Barrow. T. G. Ed- wards is the oldest son now living of Isham and Sarah Edwards. He was born in Kentucky, on the 29th day of August, 1828. It was during this year that the family migrated to Greene County, where the subject of this sketch arrived at ma- turity. Attending a log cabin school prior to manhood, he perused the few simple studies then in use, on benches constituted of slabs, the other furniture of the room being of a similar nature. In his twentieth year he was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth Smith, a daughter of David Smith. This marriage was blessed with ten children ; only three are now living: Henrietta, Octavia, and Emma. In l86g Mrs. E. departed this life ; during this year Mr. E. was married to Miss Serena Ann Moore, of Manchester, Scott County, by whom he has four children : MaryE., Fan- nie B., Minnie, and Gracie. Mr. E. began life without a dollar, and all that he has is due to his pluck and energy, and prominent traits of his character. He owns 248 acres of valuable land ; always taking an interest in educational matters; for eighteen years he has been school director T7IELDER Benjamin, laborer, P.O. Breese Floyd James, farm hand, P.O. Breese Ford S. H. farmer, Sec. 16, P.O. Breese FORD THOMAS R. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 16, P.O. Roodhouse. Thomas Ford was born in West Tennessee, Decern- TOWN 12, NORTH RANGE 12, WEST. 553 ber, 1842 ; youngest son of John and Viola Ford ; receiving a subscription school education at such odd times as the work of the farm would permit. When the war came on he enlisted in Co. I, 12th Tennessee Infantry, for one year's service ; engaged in following battles : Pittsburgh Landing, Perryville, Stone River, Chicka- mauga, Resakia, Kenesaw Mountain, At- lanta, etc., etc. Returning to Tennessee when the war closed, he remained two years and then came to Scott Co., 111., where he married Miss Mary E. Roberts, by whom he has five children, Rosa H., Nettie Ann, Laura V., Fannie J., and Lillie Belle. For the past four years a resident of Greene County ; Mr. Ford owns 80 acres ; at times folloxs teaching FORD WILLIAM F. who settled in Greene County in 1835, was the second child of James and Jane Ford, and was born in Tennessee in 1821 ; he was but seven years of age wlien his parents moved to Bond Co. ; this was in 182S. After the location of the family in Greene County, they first farmed it on the Grand Pass and afterwards on the Sand Ridge. James Ford became a successful farmer and trader ; in 1844 he met with great misfor- tune through the overflow of the river, that carried away a great deal of his personal property, and likewise damaged a great deal of his land ; he died about 1863. William early became noted for his indus- try ; on attaining his majority he was mar- ried to Miss Lucinda Drummond, a daughter of Benjamin. The first crop of small grain raised by Mr. Ford, was swept away by the flood mentioned. After many years of hard toil Mr. Ford has amassed a competence ; he r.ow owns of valuable land over 500 acres ; he is among our most enterprising citizens who are pro- gressive and liberal. Mr. Ford has a family of eiglit children whose names are, Sarah J., James S., Cynthia C, William Perry, Eliza Eldorado, Benjamin F., Mary Ida. Mrs. P'ord has one daughter by a former marriage, Paulina FRY GEORGE, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 22, P.O. White Hall. Among the early settlers of Greene County c.ime the subject of this sketch ; a native of North Carolina, he was born in iSoo, where he resided until 1S36. In his twenty- second year he was united in marriage to Miss Anna Crouse, by whom he had two children, Alvina and Anna E. Four years after her marriage, Mrs. Fry was laid at rest. In 1830 Mr. Fry was united in mar- riage to Miss Nellie Crouse, a sister of his former wife, by whom he had six children, John W., Christian S., Margaret M., Andrew F., George H., and Delphi E. Mr. F. came to Greene County in 1844 ; locating near White Hall, where he pur- chased a tract of 106 acres, the property he now owns ; even at this date, Mr. F. relates, that he could go from Carrollton to Jacksonville, in Morgan Co., without hindrance across the tall prairie grass. His land, purchased on time, required all the energies of his nature to pay for. Many years ago the second wife of Mr. Fry passed away to a home not made with hands. In 1S62 he was married to Mrs. Emma Townsend, relict of Andrew J. Townsend, and a daughter of Jac b Dods- man, who was once a well to do planter in the South /^ AMBLE JOHN C. section hand C. &A. ^^ R.R., P.O. Breese Grainer Jas. renter. Sec. 6, P.O. Breese Garrett John W. farm hand, P.O. Barrow Gibbey James, farmer. Sec. 30, P.O. Breese Gibler Samuel, renter, P.O. White Hall Giller Marcus R. farmer. Sec. 14, P.O. Rood- house Gilson Daniel, constable, Wilmington, P.O. Breese Graves Charles O. farm hand, P.O. White Hall Greenwood James, renter, P.O. Barrow GRIMES JOHN, deceased, for many years a farmer in Greene County ; was born in Kentucky, July 21, 1815. In a very early day he wended his way to the West, first settling in Jersey County where he remained a short time, when he moved to Greene County, locating on what is now known as Lorton's prairie, where he erect- ed a small rough log cabin ; living in this rude affair until he located near White Hall on the farm property now owned by Mrs. Grimes ; this land was bought at a low ]->rice, as the means of the pioneer were limited. Here he worked and pros- 554 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. pered for many a year, acquiring a property of some 200 acres. Mr. Grimes departed this life January 28, 1872, Mr. Grimes was first married to Miss Mary Ann Potts in 1836, by whom he had seven children, Ellen M , Margaret J., William B., Julius F., Sarah Ann, Anna A., Elam A. and Mary E. His second wife Sarah Webb, is a daughter of James Rawlins and relict of John Webb ; children by second mar- riage are Charles, Julia ¥., Dora B., Jennie S., and John R. Mrs. Grimes is the owner of a large estate in Greene County Groce William, farmer, Sec. 9, P.O. Barrow Gurley F. M. drugs and groceries, Wilming- ton, P.O. Breese Gurley Hugh, farmer, Wilmington, P.O. Breese TTAHN BENJAMIN, farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 8, P.O. Breese. For nearly half a century Mr. H. has lived in Greene County ; born in the county in 1833, he grew to manhood on the old homestead of his parents, David and Mary Hahn ; he received but little education, as the principal studies were then a speller and the New Testament. In his twenty- second year he was united in marriage to Miss Matilda Wells, a daughter of John Wells of North Carolina ; about this time Mr. Hahn was worth but little ; he first rented property, and after a time became able fo buy 120 acres at $18 per acre, add- ing to this year by year ; he now owns 398 acres, nearly all under cultivation. There are eight children, John, Anderson, Lewis, Ellis, David, William, Mary F., and Ma- tilda E. HAHN DAVID, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 31, P.O. White Hall. Mr. H. was born in Missouri, 1810. Came to Greene County 1829 ; owns 200 acres. First wife. Miss Mary Hubbard ; second wife, Miss Keziah Seeley Hahn John, farmer, P.O. Breese HAHN WILLIAM, farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 31, P.O. Schutz Mill. Mr. Hahn is a son of David and Mary Hahn ; he was born in 1835 ; his preliminary edu- cation was received in the log cabin of the period, the studies consisting of spelling, reading, writing, etc.; he, for the most part, attended school during the winter, for during the summer season he found em- ployment on the farm. On attaining his majority he was married to Miss Mary Gurley, a daughter of Hester Gurley, by whom he had seven children, five living, George W., Charles E., Virginia B., Minnie V., and Hattie L. Mrs. Hahn passed to her reward September 29, 1876, Mr. Hahn is the owner of 113 acres Hall George, farm hand, P.O. Breese Hanks John, farmer, Sec. 2, P.O. Barrow Hanks John, farmer, Sec. 11, P.O.Barrow HANKS THOMAS, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 32, P.O. White Hall. The above named gentleman, representative pioneer and founder of Hanks' Station, was born in North Carolina in 1793 ; on his westward trip he first settled at Cape Girardeau, Mo. Remaining one year he then proceeded to Alton, Madison County, Illinois, with Joshua Hanks, a brother. He remained at Alton one year and moved to Greene County in 1818. When it is remembered that steam or sail boats were the only means of transportation on water, and the stage or wagon by land, some idea of the daring nature of the youthful pio- neer may be realized. On his arrival in the County of Greene, Carrollton was being staked out as a town. He left the old homestead, in North Carolina, with barely sufficient to pay the expenses of a horse-back journey to Illinois, and accord- ingly his first start in life was procured by the splitting of rails for three shillings per hundred. The first few hundred dollars of Mr. Hanks were obtained slowly but surely, and in time he became enabled to purchase 80 acres of land, part of the property he now owns. Early in his career he became largely interested in the raising of hogs, thereby realizing a handsome profit, and he now added 40 acres more to the estate. Some six years ago he was instrumental in the laying out of the vil- lage of Drake, heretofore known as Hanks Station, contributing liberally of his means. Mr. Hanks is now upward of eighty-five, still vigorous, whose memory is unimpaired. Now the owner of 500 acres and the village of Drake. He has indeed been prosperous Harvey A. laborer, Barrow Hatten , R.R. agent, Barrow Plawkins John, farm hand, P.O. White Hall TOWN 12, NORTH RANGE 12, WEST. 556 HAYS DR. J. B. for the past two years a resident physician of Barrow, was born in Indiana in 1845 ; he there studied medi- cine under those skillful practitioners, Dr. W. H. Price and A. W. Porter, for three years, afterward attending the American Medical College situated at St. Louis, and under the management of Dr. George C. Pitzer ; at Cincinnati he also attended the Eclectic Medical Institute. In Indiana, where he became a practicing physician, he became well and favorably known for his skill in materia medica. In 1868 he was united in marriage to Miss Rebecca Crane, a daughter of W. T. Crane, of Indiana ; there was one child born of this marriage, Geo. W. In 1861 Dr. Hays enlisted in Co. A., 53d Indiana Volunteers, serving fourteen months ; he was engaged during this time in the following battles : Avers- borough, Bentonville, and others ; honor- ably discharged when the war closed, he returned to Indiana. It should be stated Dr. Hays twice enlisted in the service of Uncle Sam, and, between enlistment, served as sutler's clerk, 2d Battalion, Pio- neer Brigade HICKS CALVIN, farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 22, P.O. White Hall. Mr. Hicks was born in Greene County. September 10, 1827, on the old homestead of his father, Vinas Hicks. He was the fourth child, and while a youth attended school in a log cabin, presided over by Jessie Smith ; the building, long since gone to decay, stood on the farm now owned by Thomas Hanks. In his twenty-first year he married Miss Catherine Martin, a daughter of Reuben Martin, of Tennessee. From his father Mr. Hicks came into possession of a 40 acre tract, and now set up housekeeping in the usual primitive fashion, the family dinner being prepared by means of skillets or pots suspended in the broad old fash- ioned fireplace. Years have gone by since then, but the stirring scenes of western life make a vivid impression on the minds of those who struggled for a scanty liveli- hood on our western prairies. The large tract of land now owned by Mr. Hicks, consisting of 300 acres, is one of the most valuable farms in this county. One child, Marcus L., who was born in Greene Coun- ty, October 3, 1855 Hicks Isham. renter, P.O. White Hall Hicks William H. farmer, P.O. White Hall Hitch William, farm hand, P.O. Breese Sta. HOETZ JOHN, farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 3, P.O. Barrow. Mr. Hoetz was born near Chattanooga, Tenn., Octo- ber 13, 1824; the oldest son of David and Hannah Hoetz ; he was but six years of age when his parents moved to Illinois, set- tling near Winchester, Scott County, in 1831, prior to the deep snow. During this Winter the family, exposed to the rude blasts of winter through the chinks of their cabin, suffered at times terribly ; when the Spring came the thaw that ensued caused the water to rise rapidly, carrying with ter- rific force the personal effects of the early settlers, in many instances washing the land and rendering it comparatively useless in Scott County. After many years of hardships, the old folks found a last rest- ing place within its borders. John, whose name appears at the top of this sketch, moved to Greene County, thirteen years ago. In 1851 he was married to Miss Sarah Ann Hayney, by whom he had eight children, four of whom are living : David M., Stephen A., Ephraim and Jasper. Sev- en years ago Mrs. Hoetz was laid at rest in the beautiful cemetery near Barrow. Sep- tember 3, 1872, Mr. Hoetz was married to Miss Mary E. Young, a daughter of Sand- ford Young, of Scott County HOGG- DANIEL, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 34, P.O. White Hall. The above named gentlemen, one of the most enterprising men in Greene County, was born in Hamilton County, Illinois, August, 1823. His father was Samuel Hogg, who was born in Illinois, and here married Miss Jane Gore, by whom he had nine children. Daniel, the second child, was but an in- fant when his parents located in the south- ern portion of lUinois. Samuel Hogg died some two years ago, in Madison County ; his wife, who is still living, resides at Col- linsville. Daniel has followed farming from boyhood. In 1846 he was married to Miss Mary E. James, a daughter of Gilbert James, of Missouri ; married at St. Louis, the youthful couple proceeded from there to Madison County. For many years Mr. H. has been a resident of Greene County, where he owns go acres. There were six 556 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. children born of this marriage: Charles, William, Clara, Luella, Jessie and Frankie Holloway Thomas, section foreman Hanks Station, P.O. Breese Hosick Lewis, thresher and teamster, Barrow House Adam, carpenter, Wilmington, P.O. Breese HOUSE JOHN, farmer and stock raiser, P.O. Breese. Mr. House was born at Hcssen, Germany, December 2, 1827 ; when quite young he became apprenticed to the trade of a plasterer and stone mason. He became a skillful workman, and in his twenty-third year, 1849, emigrated to America. He immediately made his way to Pennsylvania, thence to St. Louis ; re- maining three years, working at his trade, he then made his way to Wilmington, Greene County, where he worked at his trade many years. While here he united his fortunes to Miss Sarah Granfield, by whom he has four children: Mary S., Laura, Adelia and John E. For twenty years Mr. House has been a farmer, owning 35 acres; he also rents. He is a member of the town board Howard Alexander, farmer. Sec. 7, P.O. Breese Howard Benjamin F., renter, P.O. Breese HOWARD JOHN, farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 22. P.O. White Hall. Mr. Howard became a resident of Greene County in 1836, and was born in Ford County, Tenn., February 23, 1S19; he was the fourth child of Henry and Charlotte Thompson, whose maiden name was Bal- lard, John was in his sixteenth year when he accompanied his parents to Greene County, locating east of what is now the flourishing town of White Hall. In his twenty-fifth year he married Miss Margery Ann Bell, a daughter of Francis Bell. At this time he had little save some small per- sonal property. Twelve years from this time he purchased 100 acres from his fath- er; disposing of this he purchased part of the property which he now owns, which consists of 195 acres. Mr. H. also owns property in the corporation of White Hall, Mr. Howard has by his first wife, who died in 1S57, three children : Frances M., Wil- liam II. and John A. In 1859 Mr. How- ard was married to Miss Martha C. King, a daughter of Samuel King, by whom he has, now living, Thomas, Edgar and Her bert. Mrs. H. died in 1869. In 1870 Mr. Howard was married to Miss Harriet C. Smith, by whom he has one child, Catherine Howard William, laborer, Wilmington, P. O. Breese Hultz William, farm hand, P.O. White Hall Huston John, farm hand, P.O. Roodhouse Hutchinson Harvey, renter, P.O. Roodhouse ISRAEL FRANKLIN, engineer, Sec. 21, -*■ P.O. White Hall JAMES JOSEPH, farm hand, P.O. Breese James Lem, renter, P.O. Breese JOHNSON JOHN P. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 16, P.O. Roodhouse. Mr. Johnson is the oldest son, now living, of Henry and Nancy Johnson, who settled in Illinois in an early day, locating in Mor- gan County, where the old folks now reside, and where Henry Johnson is well known as an able minister of the gospel. Nearly all his life young Johnson has followed farming. Durmg the present year he was married to Mrs. Cordelia Day, a daughter of W. F. Ford and widow of Nimrod L. Day, who died four years ago, from the effect of a gun shot wound received by ac- cident. By her first husband Mrs. Johnson has two children, Nancy L.and Minnie L.; through him she also became heir to a val- uable farm, consisting of 120 acres Johnson Riley, renter. Sec. 19, P.O. Breese JOHNSON THOMAS M. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 10, P. O. Barrow. Mr. Johnson was born in Cumberland County, Kentucky, December 5, 1S23. He was in his fourth year when his parents set out for the State of Missouri, settling in Brown County, where the family remained some two years, and then moved to Greene County, in 1829. Thomas, from whom this sketch is obtained, relates that at this early stage of the county's progress deer were very numerous, and venison was frequently found on the family table. The father of Thomas has long since been gathered to his fathers. He was a most worthy man and a noble type of the western pioneer. His wife, who shared the privations of western life, still survives. There were many Indians still in Greene TOWN 12, NORTH EANGE 12, WEST. 55T ' County, and when Thomas was a boy he became a frequent visitor of their camps. He was fourteen when he first attended school in a log cabin, where the studies consisted of spelling, reading, writing, and arithmetic. It has often fell to his lot to put in his time at a rough horse mill, com- mon enough in early days. In his twenty- fourth year he was married to Miss Eliza- beth Webb, a daughter of William Webb, by whom he had six children, two living. Mrs. Johnson died in 1859. In 1S60 Mr. Johnson was married to Mrs. Lucinda Bradshaw, a daughter of Thomas Lorton and relict of Vance Bradshaw. Of this marriage seven children were born, six living. Mr. Johnson is a prosperous farmer, owning 159 acres of valuable land Johnson W. L. farmer, P.O. Roodhouse Jones David, renter, P.O. Hreese Jones Josiali G. farm hand, P.O. Breese Jones Robert, R.R. employee, Barrow T/'EMP JAMES F. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 16, P.O. Roodhouse. Mr. Kemp was born in Tennessee, January 10, 1S25. He was the second child of Mur- phy and Anna Kemp. He was two years old when his mother died, and in 1829 or 1S30, his father, accompanied by a small family of children, among whom was James, set out for Illinois, locating four miles northwest of Winchester, in Scott County, where a crop was raised and a cabin rented, in which to live. Murphy Kemp proved a good farmer and a success- ful trader. He passed away some six years ago. He was twice married; his second wife dying some years prior to her husband. Young Kemp received a good common school education. When the Mexican War broke out, in 1846, he en- listed in Co. H, 1st Reg. 111. Vol., and be- came engaged in the famous battle of Buena Vista. On being honorably dis- charged from the service, he returned to Scott County, and the following year was married to Samantha Jobanion, a daugh- ter of Garrett and Maiilia Jobanion; shortly after he purchased farm properly and also had an interest in a saw mill. Mr. K. has bought and sold a great deal of farm property, and now owns 120 acres in Greene. There were eight children born W of this marriage; seven are living: Martha A., Mary E., John W., Emily E., Margaret A., Edgar L., Sarah E. Kesler John, renter, Sec. 26, P.O. White Hall Kilburn W. A. renter, P.O. Breese King F. E. school teacher, Sec. 34, P.O. White Hall KING JOSEPH N. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 34, P.O. White Hall. Mr. King was born in Greene Co., in 1830; his father, a native of England, crossed the At- lantic in an early day, and after remaining a short time in the East, made his way to Greene County, 111., where he turned his attention to farming and stock raising ; in 1823 he was married to Miss Sarah Lind- say ; in a rough log cabin, where the pioneer housewife wove and spun for the children, many happy years were passed away among a people whose generosity was unbounded, who frequently assisted each other in the erection of a cabin, where the best of humor prevailed ; many years have gone by since this [doneer was wont to attend the rude horse mill, or make long trips by w.Tgon to procure the necessaries of life for his family. The parents of Joseph have long since passed to a home not made with hands. In giving due notice of Joseph King, it may be said that from his earlier years he has followed farming ; receiving a lil^ernl edu- cation in the district schools, and with an ambition to acquire greater knowledge, he attended the McKendrick College, situated near St. Louis, here pursuing the higher English studies; in his twentieth year he was united in marriage to Mrs. Elizabeth Morrow, daughter of James Rawlings, and relict of Samuel Morrow ; in the counties of Piatt and Greene Mr. King owns 31S acres, and is among the more substantial farmers of Greene County ; Mrs. King is the owner of 130 acres; of nine children born of this marriage, seven are living, whose names are: Frances E, Maiy E., Mary L., Sarah R., Albert H., Frederick C, and Rachel E. T AWRENCE JESSIE, farm hand, Sec. ^-^ 14, P.O. Roodhouse Lawrence I., farm hand, P.O. Barrow Station LINDER J AS. M. for the past eleven years blacksmith at Wilmington, wa> born 558 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. in Greene County, September, 1836; James was the oldest son of Joseph and Matilda Linder. In early life he became appren- ticed to the trade of a blacksmith, first with Price, Rabb iic Co., afterwards with Carr & Higbee ; in 1862 he was married to Miss J. J. McLain ; during the Spring of 1864 he emigrated to Montana Territory, where he secured employment in the mines, re- maining three years; he returned to Greene County, locating at Wilmington; he opened a blacksmith shop near his present large one ; here he has lived up to the present writing, is a skilled workman, and receives plenty to do ; he is a member of the town board, and well known for his generosity and enterprise Long L. A. renter, P.O. Barrow TV /r ANLY G. W. school teacher. Barrow Manning Benjamin, farm hand, P.O. Roodhouse Marsh Daniel, book agent, Wilmington, P.0_ Breese Marsh J. B. farmer, P.O. Roodhouse Marsh Marion Francis, renter. Sec. 21, P.O. White Hall Marsh Thomas, renter, Wilmington, P.O. Breese Martin Charles, farmer, P.O. Roodhouse Martin C. R. farmer, P.O. Barrow Martin Reuben G. school teacher, Hanks Station, P.O. Breese Masters Elizabeth Mrs. renter, P.O. White Hall Matthews George, renter, P.O. White Hall McCoUister A. B. blacksmith, Wilmington, P.O. Breese McCONNELL ANDREW L. farmer. Sec. 29, P.O. White Hall. Mr. Mc- Connell was born in Ohio Co., Va., June 13, 1830, fifth child of Samuel and Olivia McConnell, natives of Virginia and there married, a farmer by occupation ; he died in Virginia in his twenty-third year ; the subject of this sketch came west and lo- cated in Scott County, where he first worked by the month in a flour mill, receiving as pay $25 per month, high wages for that day; in 1855 Mr. McConnell was married to Miss Elizabeth Armstrong, daughter of Geo. Armstrong, a Kentuckian ; one child Wrn of this marriage died in 1857; March 22, 1859, Mrs. McConnell was also laid to rest ; June '27, i860, Mr. M. was married to Mrs. Elizabeth Roberts, relict of Joshua Roberts and daughter of Vinas Hicks ; there were born of this marriage eight chil- dren, six are living : Mary E., Elizabeth T., George G., Thomas J., Samuel N., and John L.; Mr. McConnell is one of our live, ener- getic men, who make the farm a success ; he owns a nice property of 90 acres in town- ship 12, range 12, one of the finest farms for its size in this township; for nine years school director McNait John A. farmer, Sec. 9, P.O. Barrow Merrick Daniel, renter, P.O. Roodhouse Montgomery Mat. farm hand, P.O. White Hall MURRAY A. W. REV. farmer and pastor M. E. Church of Barrow, was born in Monroe Co., 111., March, 1821 ; while still a youth, his mother died ; at seven- teen, he concluded to go it on his own hook, so to speak, and accordingly made his way to Greene Co., locating near what is now the flourishing town of Roodhouse, pro- curing board with Thos. Thompson ; for some time he worked as a farm hand ; Jan- uary, 1842, he was married to Miss Amelia Watson, a daughter of James and Eliza- beth Watson ; for a period of years he rented land, and then entered 80 acres, Mrs. Murray died in 1857, the family, on the decease of the mother, consisting of four children: Thomas J., Elizabeth, James, and George ; in 1858, Mr. Murray was united in marriage to Miss Delila Thomp- son, a daughter of Thomas Thompson, of this county ; there were two children born of this marriage : Elihu W., and Mason L.; after a residence of thirty-five years in Greene County, moved to Macoupin Co., where he owns 8 acres of land ; for many years he has been pastor of the M. E. Church of Barrow N ILES A. L. renter, Sec. 30, P.O. White Hall pATTERSON GEORGE B. farmer. Sec. -^ 19, P.O. Breese Patterson Joseph W. farmer. Sec. 19, P.O. Breese PATTERSON L.. J. was born in St. Louis Co., Mo., June 19, i8i6; resided till the Fall of 1843 ; married Miss A. E. TOWN 12, NORTH RANGE 12, WEST. 559 Hume; moved to Greene Co., 111., 1844, and in company with A. S. Seeley and George Schulz leased of John Coates the David Hodges mill on Hurricane Creek, and started a steam distillery, the first in the county, and a great novelty at the time ; bought thousands of bushels of corn at 10 cents per bu.; ran it till the Spring of 1849, and sold out his interest to Geo. Schutz ; moved to Wilmington and engaged in the mercantile business ; was elected justice of the peace that Fall, served six years, and in 1856 was elected sheriff; served two years, living in Carrollton ; 185S had to discharge one of the most disagreeable tasks, that of hanging Hall and Goffner, for the killing of Curren Hinton ; he then moved to his farm near Wilmington ; in 1862 was appointed government inspector, and in the Fall of 1864 was elected one of the county judges of Greene County for four years: in i860 was appointed post- master at Breese, in Greene County ; held the office ever siuce. Has a family of four boys and three girls, all living in the county and doing well Patterson Stanton, farmer. Sec. 19, P.O. Breese Pepperdine Percilla Mrs. renter, P.O. White Hall PETER JOHN S. farmer and stock raiser. Sec, 34, P.O. White Hall. Mr. Peter has been a resident of Greene County forty-one years ; he was the youngest son of John and Sarah Peter, and accompanied them to Madison Co., 111., near Monticello in 1829, where the family remained two years, and then moved to Greene County, locating on the farm now owned by the subject of this sketch, who received a good common school education, partly under the instructions of L. E. Worcester; in his twenty-fifth year he was married to Miss Susan Culver, a daughter of S. H. Culver ; by his father he was deeded an 80 acre tract of prairie and 30 of timber ; this he disposed of to Anthony Potts; several years after purchasing the valuable tract he now owns ; Mr. Peter once owned a thousand acres in Montgomery County. Feb. I, 1863, Mrs. Peter departed this life. to the care of the husband nine children were left, six now living ; in 1866 Mr. Pe- ter was married to Mrs. Mary Smith, a daughter of Andrew Finley and relict of Jesse Smith, of Upper Alton ; Mrs. Peter is the mother of two children by first mar- riage ; the farm property now comprises 140 acres, considerable having been sold ; in 1840 Mr. Peter made the brick and helped to build his present residence PORTER WILLIAM A. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 26, P.O. White Hall. Mr. Porter was born in New Jersey, Feb. 14, 1822 ; he was the oldest of a family of seven children ; at the early age of four- teen he became apprenticed to the trade of a stone mason and plasterer ; on complet- ing his trade, for a while he worked at White Hall, and then proceeding to Jack- sonville, Morgan County ; he there became employed on the State insane asylum, fe- male seminary, and many other buildings of note ; removing to Greene County, he was married to Miss Rachel Ann Auten in 1850; iti 1846, when war was declared be- tween Mexico and the United States, he enlisted as a soldier in Capt. Fry's com- pany at Carrollton, a participant in the famous battle of Buena Vista ; honorably discharged the following year, he returned to Greene County, working at his trade at White Hall, until his location above ; on returning from the war, he made his way to Tazewell County, where he entered 160 acres by means of a land warrant for ser- vices rendered during the war ; he also bought an 80 acre tract, remaining a resi- dent of Tazewell County seventeen years, following the occupation of farming success- fully ; in 1867, removing to Greene County, he purchased a tract of valuable land near White Hall ; at the present writing owns 240 acres, 160 lying within the corporation of White Hall POTTS ELAM A. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 29, P.O. White Hall. Among the farmers of Greene County Mr. Potts takes a leading position ; he is the oldest son of William and Margaret Potts. Wil- liam Potts was a native of England, who crossed the Atlantic in an early day ; he became a resident of Ohio, where he mar- ried in 1S20; when Illinois was so deep in the wilderness that Chicago was unheard of, and the moccasined foot of the North American Indian tiod with independent step the broad unbroken prairies, this fam- 660 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. ily of pioneers made their way to Greene County mostly by river, on a keel boat, settling near what is now Carrollton ; land was entered from the government, and soon there nestled amid the tall prairie grass the pioneer's log cabin, where many happy years were spent ; Wm. Potts became a successful farmer, who passed away in 1862; Mrs. Potts died in 1871. Elam received a liberal education, and in 1846 was united In marriage to Miss Mary Ann Culver, a daughter of Dr. S. H. Culver ; for several years he rented property until able to pur- chase ; he now owns 330 acres, unparalleled in the West, on which he has erected a handsome farm residence ; in 1867 Mrs. Potts died, leaving to the care of her hus- band two children, William H., and Julius E.; the same year Mr. Potts was married to • Miss Naomi Zillinger, by whom he has two children : Clarence E.. and Maud E. POWELL CHARLES M. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 31, P.O. White Hall. Mr. Powell was born in Madison County, Illinois, December 29, 1S35. His father was James Powell, a native of Kentucky, who emigrated to Greene County in an early day, where he was united in marriage to Miss Harriet Silkwood. He passed away when Charles was but twelve years of age, and but little can now be gleaned relative to his life career in Illinois. Mrs. Powell survived her husband many years. Charles, from whom this sketch is ob- tained, grew to manhood in Greene Co., plenty of hard work falling to his lot, as his parents' circumstances were limited, and this deprived him of educational ad- vantages. In i860 he was united in mar- riage to Miss Catherine Pear, who was born in Greene County. One child, Lorenzo, born of this marriage. Mr. Powell procured his first start in life in the following manner : In an early day, over- flowed land on the bottoms was owned by speculators, who were often absent for years. On this land Mr. Powell raised some abundant crops, and made consider- able improvements by means of fencing. In a short time so great was his industry that he was enabled to purciiase an eighty acre tract of land. He now owns 247 acrc>, which is nearly all under culti- vation. Although quite a young man Mr. Powell is among our most substantial farmers, whose energetic nature has con- duced very materially toward his present prosperous condition Powell J. H. clerk, Wilmington, P.O. Rreese Pruitt William, renter, Wilmington, P.O. Breese Pryor William, farm hand, P.O. Roodhouse R ALSTON J. F. farmer, P.O. Roodhouse KALSTON WILLIAM A. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. i, P.O. Barrow. Was born in Greene County, Illinois, in 1S42, oldest son of James B. and Ramy Ralston, natives of Kentucky and Illinois. James Ralston settled in Greene County in 1830, remaining a resident over forty years. On his first arrival he was in very moderate circumstances. Having no tiam with which to properly cultivate the soil to pro- vide for his family he has often gone to a horse mill many miles distant with a sack of corn thrown over his shoulder, and here he would patiently await his turn, sometimes a day, or perhaps two. Pie acquired a large estate in this county, comprising 444: acres and was one of the best men here. For the past fourteen years he has been a resident of Christian County, where he owns a farm property of 160 acres, and is also the proprietor of a liveiy stable at lUiopolis. William was early \ ut to work, almost from the time his head reached the plow handles. In November, 1S50, he was united in marringe to Mi>s Sarah Jane Martin, a daughter of Charles R. Martin, of Greene County. He first rented jnop- erty until such time ns he was enabled to purchase, and is now the owner of 120 ecres of well-improved land. Has four children: Rebecca, Edward P., Dora E. and llayden F. Reardon Thomas, farm hand, P.O. B.arrow Reeve Spencer, works C.&A.R.R. Hanks Station, P.O. Breese Reno Leonard, laborer, Wilmington, P.O. Breese Reno P. Wilmington, P.O. Breese Richmond J. J harness and saddle maker^ Wilmington, P.O. Breese Ricks John, carpenter, Wilmington, P.O. Breese RIGGS J. M. farmer and s'ock raiser. TOWN 12, NORTH RANGE 12, WEST. 561 Sec. 8, P.O. Breese. Among the early settlers and educated men 'of Greene County, we mention the name of James M. Riggs. He was born in Virginia in 1812, and was but a lad when his parents moved to Ohio. In his eighteenth year he at- tended the Ohio University, obtaining a a classical education and graduating with high honors in 1826. For one season the also attended Kenyon College. The young student determined to adopt the profession of an attorney, and accordingly entered the law ofiSce of Judge Swan, of Columbus, Ohio, With him he remained for a considerable length of time, when he studied under the Hon. Samuel D. King, of Newark, and also attended a course of law lectures for the benefit of law students. Gaining admission to the bar in 1837, he practiced a short time in Ohio, when he ■came west and located in CarroUton, where for a short time the young attorney taught school, and then entered actively upon the practice of his profession with Judge Cav- alry. For many years the struggle among the legal fraternity was an uphill one, as settlers were few, and most cases were for assault and battery. As emigration came westward, however, the county settled up rapidly and the prospects of the young ' attorney began to brighten. In 1842 he purchased 320 acres of land, on which he erected a saw-mill. This proved a failure. Mr. R. is an able lawyer, having for his- sociates at the bar Judge Hodges, Judge Woodson and others. Gained a fair start in life in 1858. He was united in marriage to Miss Martha J. Carriger ; of this mar- riage two children were born, Florence and infant child ; not living. Mr. R. is a fine linguist and a gentleman far above the average in ability, whose impulses are most generous Riggs G. proprietor saw mill, Barrow Rimleigh W. T. works tile factory, Bar- row ROBERTS ISHAM, farmer and stock raiser, P.O. White Hall. Mr. Rob- erts was born in Greene Counry in 1841. His parents were Lewis and Rebecca Rob- erts. Of Lewis Roberts it may be said that he was a native of North Carolina, born in 1797. In early youth he became a resident of Kentucky, where he was united in marriage to Miss Rebecca Day. In 1S20 he set out from Kentucky to Illi- nois in a covered wagon. Then, in his. twenty-second year, he was possessed of great powers of endurance. He first worked by day's labor, receiving therefor thesum of twenty-five cents per day. Saving what he could from his small earnings he entered land from the government, after- wards making a purchase of the farm property of Charles Kitchen. This old pioneer and Mr. Roberts made the first improvement, it is said, in township 12, range 12. Ke became a well to do farmer, acquiring a property of some 600 acres. Isham received his preliminary education in a log cabin, which afterwards gave place to a small frame dwelling. December 11, 1S60 he was united in marriage to Miss Artimesia Baird, a daughter of Zebulon Baird, of Scott County. There were born of this marriage seven children, five now living: Lucy J., Marietta, Margaret E., Norman J., Louisa G. and infant child. Mr. Roberts is the owner of 138 acres of valuable land. In 1868 he was ordained a Baptist minister, and now takes charge of the following churches : Richmond, and Pleasant Dale in Greene, and Glasgow and Mauvaisterre in Scott County ROPER WILLIAM, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 6, P.O. Breese. Mr. Roper, who for the past twenty years has been a resident of Greene County, was born at Manchester, England in 1822. His father, John Roper, was a machinist by trade, and to him young Roper was reg- ularly apprenticed. Completing his ap- prenticeship he worked some time as a journeyman, and on the decease of his father became proprietor of his shops. In 1844 he married Miss Mary Ann Sherwin, a daughter of William Sherwin, of Derby, England. In 1849 William de- termined to emigrate to America. On two occasions he was nearly shipwrecked. Landed in New York City, and from here he made his way to Scott County, thence to St. Louis, where he worked in the Western Foundry for seven years. He then went to Springfield, from Springfield to Jacksonville, and thence to Greene County, where he now owns a farm of forty acres. He has four children living: 562 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. John, William, George and Catherine, who married Charles Clough Rudel John, renter, P.O. Breese CCOTT GEORGE, renter, P O. Breese Seeley Frank, farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 31, P.O. White Hall SEELEY A. STEWART, farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 30, P.O. White Hall, one of the most prominent farmers of Greene County, whose generous nature makes him universally respected, was born at St. Louis, Missouri, December 27, 1812. He was left an orphan at the early age of eleven years, and thus early thrown on his own resources, he made his way to Illinois, locating in Greene County ia 1823, near his present magnificent property. For a boy he developed an energy of character that accounts for his success iu life. He first hired out as a farm hand. In his twenty- first yeir he was married to Miss Laney Hodges, a daughter of Samuel Hodges. About this time Mr. Seeley had for capital a wife, energy and perseverance. But in a short time he was enabled to purchase eighty acres of land. To break the stub- born soil he first used a Bull plow, subse- quently a Carey, Borshire and Diamond. The young man worked hard, living in a simple way, his home being a rough cabin, where venison frequently graced the table. Often he would go miles to a horse mill to procure a little meal to supply the family larder. Mrs. Seeley relates that prairie chicken were so numerous that they were a burden. At this date, to use the language of Judge Seeley, Carrollton was but a hamlet, where some half dozen stores and dwellings went to make up the place, and here the early settler was wont to lay in his provisions. As years went by the orphan boy of former years began to ac- cumulate property, and soon took a leading position as a farmer. He to-day owns over 2,000 acres of land, in township 12, range 12, township 12, range 13, and township II, range 13. The success of the pioneer boy was something wonderful. For four- teen years Mr. Seeley was county com- missioner, and for a number of years justice of the peace. Of ten children born of this marriage, what is somewhat re- markable, all are living : Rufus G., Louisa, John, William, Ann, George, Frank, Amer- icus, Anthony, Emma, and Ada Seeley George F. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 32, P.O. White Hall Seeley John H. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 31, P.O. White Hall SEELEY RUFUS G. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 21, P.O. White Hall. R. G. Seeley was born on the homestead of his parents, A. Stewart Seeley and Laney, in 1836. His preliminary education was received in the log cabin of by-gone days, where the seats were constructed of slabs, the writing desks of the same material. The first teacher of Mr. Seeley was Col. Richard Johnson, who was liberally edu- cated for the period of time in which he lived. On leaving the school room young Seeley's time was fully occupied on the farm. In his twenty-second year he was united in marriage to Miss Louisa Bigham. His first purchase of land consisted of ninety-five acres. Adding to this yearly he now owns 240. Mr. Seeley has three children : Nora Jane, Maud and Eda B. Seeley William, farmer, Wilmington, P.O. Breese Short Patrick, farm hand, P.O. Roodhouse Sievers Frank, R.R. hand, Barrow SMITH DAVID, deceased, once a prosperous farmer of Greene County, was born in North Carolina, where he grew to manhood. Received a common school ed- ucation. He early learned to rely upon himself, and on coming westward he first settled at Cape Girardeau, Missouri. The journey west was made in a covered wagon, which slowly wound its way over the tall prairie grass; on crossing small streams, it became necessary to transfer the household goods to boats, which on crossing were again placed in the wagon and travel re- sumed. For a period of fifteen years or more Mr. Smith remained a resident of Missouri, locating in Greene County in 1838. Purchasing 160 acres near White Hall and Wilmington, he settled down to farm life in Greene County. While here his wife died. His second wife was Mrs. New- ton, by whom he had four children. This lady departed this life in 1866. In 1871 he married Mrs. Serena Manuel, a daugh- ter of Cumberland James and relict of Thompson Manuel, who died many years TOWN 12, NOUTH RANGE 12, WEST. 563 ago. ^Mr. Smith died in 1S75. He was a man of extraordinary energy, and this, added to great steadiness of purpose, made his life a success Smith John, farmer, P.O. Roodhouse Smith John E. renter, P.O. Breese SMITH JOHN" R. farmer and stock raiser, P.O. Roodhouse. Mr. Smith was born in Scott County, 111., Jan. 8, 1843, oldest son of J. R. Smith, a native of Tennessee, who accompanied his parents to Illinois, when eight years of age; employed first as a farm hand, he afterward became apprenticed to the trade of a blacksmith. He was married to Miss Jane Six, by whom he had five children. Mrs. Smith died many years ago. His second wife was Miss Patsey Ann Overton. Mr. S. is still living, a resident of Scott County. John R., in 1873, was married to Miss Alice Cline, daughter of John and Julia Cline; one child, Birdie SMITH ROBERT, farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 29, P.O. While Hall. The above named gentleman was born in Greene County, March 24, 1839. Receiv- ing a common school education, for a num- ber of years he worked on the old home- stead. In his twenty-third year he was united in marriage to Miss Margaret Ballard, a daughter of Avery Ballard, a native of Tennessee and an early resident of Greene County, of whom an account is given elsewhere. Of this marriage four children were born, three living : Eva A., Ida M., Minnie O., and Charles O. (de- ceased). Mr. Smith is the owner of 128 acres prairie and timber, situated in Tp. 12, R. 12, and is one of the most industrious farmers in the county Smith Thomas, renter. Sec. 34, P.O. White Hall Smith Thomas B. farm hand, P.O. White Hall Smith W. J. renter, Sec. 6, P.O. Breese Smith W. S. laborer, Barrow Smith , foreman C.B.(S: Q R.R. Barrow Smock J. B. farmer, P.O. Roodhouse Spalding William A. farm hand, P.O. White Hall SPERRY CHARLES W. farmer. Sec. 33, P.O. White Hall. Mr. Sperry was born in Greene County, June, 1841. ^ He was the fourth child of M. C. P. and Hannah Hodges. Of the head of this family it may be said that he became one of the first settlers of Greene County, and put in many a hard day's work within its. borders. Locating near Kane, his land was entered from the Government, on which he built a log cabin. When Black Hawk made war on the few daring settlers of Illinois he volunteered as a soldier. After the war he returned to his pioneer home. He passed away during the Autumn of 1S65. Mrs. Sperry died dur- ing the early infancy of him whose fortunes we now follow. In 1862 he enlisted in Company G, I22d 111. Inf., organized in Macoupin County. He became engaged in the following battles : Parker's Cross Roads, Tupello, Town Creek, Nashville,. Fort Blakely, etc., etc. When the war closed he returned to Jersey County, 111., where he married Miss Rachel E. Marshall. Remaining in Jersey County two years he then moved to Sangamon County, remain- ing one year, and also was a resident of Montgomery County. There are three children : Walter O., Emma J., and Lucy A. STEELMAN A. L. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 9, P.O. Bairow. Mr. Steel- man is one of the leading farmers of Greene County, and was born in Surrey County, North Carolina, April 19, 1824, He was the second child of James and Catherine Steelman, who emigrated to Illinois from Tennessee in 1851. It should be stated, however, that Ashley Steelman became a resident of Greene County prior to this settling, in 1843. He was then married, his family consisting of a wife and one child, his capital thirty-five cents. Renting a house in Wilmington, he now looked about him for work. Becoming employed as a farm hand, working at the rate of $10 per month, for the late Judge Woodson, he worked one year; when war was declared between Mexico and the United States he enlisted in Company D, 2d 111. Reg. as 3d sergeant, and was after- ward elected by the company orderly sergeant, serving under General Scott ; mustered out of Uncle Sam's service at Alton, Illinois. He was married, on his return home, to Martha J. Ford, a daughter of James Ford. In 1851 or 1852 Mr. 564 GREENE COUNTY DIREUTORY. Steelman entered 80 acres of land, which is comprised in the property he now owns, and 40 acres north of this. From this small acreage came an estate of over 500 acres. In conclusion, it may be stated, Mr. Steelman's success in life is due to no lucky chance, but to solid hard work, uniting energy and honesty. His marriage took place in 1849 Steelman Alfred, renter, P.O. Barrow Steelman Andrew J. renter, P.O. Barrow Stevenson , laborer Wilmington, P.O. Breese Straight Perry, renter, P.O. White Hall Strait Thomas, farm hand, P.O. Roodhouse 'pANNER JAMES, renter, P.O. White -*■ Hall TAYLOR BURGESS, deceased, was a successful farmer in Greene County. He was married, in 1844, to Miss Martha Record. Of this marriage three children were born, two are living : Lucy J- and William P. Mrs. Taylor owns 120 acres of valuable land. As a matter of history, Mrs. Taylor's father was a soldier in the Black Hawk War. Samuel Baird, a patron of this work, was born in Scott County, in 1829, third child of Zebulon and Belinda Baird. He was but seven when his par- ents moved to Greene County, near Bar- row. Receiving a district school educa- tion, at twenty-one he was married to Miss Lucy J. Taylor, a daughter of Burgess Taylor. Five children blessed this mar- riage: Martha S., John B., James Z., j^lonzo C, and William O. Taylor Thomas, blacksmith, Wilmington, P. O. Breese Taylor William, blacksmith, Wilmington, P. O. Breese Teeples James, renter, P.O. White Hall Thaxton W. B. farmer. P.O. White Hall THOMAS A. PROF, insurance agent, liberal lecturer and public reader, was born in Mead Co., Kentucky, on the 6th of April, 1826; the second child of Benja- min and Hepsibah Thomas. At the age of two years his parents emigrated from Kentucky and settled at the Saline Salt Works, Gallatin Co., Illinois ; it was here our subject passed his boyhood upon a farm, where it was frequently his lot to plow all day with a yoke of unruly steers. During the winter season he acquired a liberal education in the common rough, round log cabin school house. When war was declared between the U. S. Govern- ment and Mexico, Mr. Thomas, then in the flush of early manhood, enlisted in the 14th U.S. Infantry Regt. at Shawneetown, Gallatin Co., 111., under the command of Col. Truesdell. On reaching the scene of carnage he afterwards became a partici- pant in those battles so famous in history as Cherubusco, Molino del Rey, and Chep- ultepec. When the war closed he returned to Illinois and settled in Brown County, afterwards proceeding to Pike County, he became a teacher of district schools ; locat- ing in Scott County during the Spring of 1849. On the fifth of October, 1851, he was united in marriage to Miss Ellen Anderson, a daughter of Andrew Ander- son, of Delaware. March, 1856, Mr. Thomas became a resident of Greene County, locating at the village of Wil- mington, where he was destined to play a prominent part in its growth and develop- ment, and for the long period of time in which he has lived here he has proved him- self a wide-awake business man, and has gained considerable local celebrity as a public reader and lecturer. The marriage of Mr. Thomas to Miss Anderson was blessed with five children, two of whom are living, whose names in order of birth are : George and Charles ; children not living : Eugene, Josephine, and Julia Thomas Henry, laborer, Wilmington, P.O. Breese Thompson I. C. farmer. Sec. 11, P.O. Barrow Thompson Thomas, farmer. Sec. 12, P.O. Barrow Thompson W. A. merchant and grain dealer, Barrow Thompson & Doyle, merchants, Barrow u NDERWOOD MR. tailor, Wilmington, P.O. Breese V AN METER JAMES, farm hand, P.O. White Hall W AI>E WILLIAM A. farmer and stock raiser in the pioneer days of Greene County, who has long since been gathered to his fathers, was born at Lan- cashire, England, in 1820. At the early TOWN 12, NORTH KANGE 12, WEST. 565 age I f eleven, he departed from England for America. He first stopped at Phila- delphia, and afterward became a resident of New Jersey, where he learned the trade ot a shoemaker. About this time glowing accounts reached him of the fertile prairies of Illinois, and accordingly the youth di- rected his footsteps westward, and first set- tled, on arrival in Illinois, in Sinclair County, near Belleville, where he worked at his trade some two years, when he accom- panied his parents to Pike County, settling near (iriggsville, where he married Miss Mary Ann King. After his marriage he lived one year near Florence, where he owned a farm. In 1850 he moved to Greene County, where his health became so poor that he gradually sank and passed peacefully away, in 1858. To the care of his wife he left one child, Samuel W., who resides on the old homestead, who during the present year united his fortunes to Miss Hattie Smith, a daughter of Mrs. Peters. Mrs. Wade, who is an excellent Christian lady, resides in Tp. 12, R. 12, where she owns a valuable farm property, in the neighborhood of 300 acres. She was born July 24, 1824, in Greene County Wadkins A. farmer, P.O. Barrow Station Wales Charles, renter, P.O. Roodhouse Walk John, farmer, P.O. Breese Wallace John, renter, Sec. 6, P.O. Breese WELLS ROBERT, deceased, a farmer during his life, and who settled within the borders of Greene County in 1830, and who was well and favorably known to the early settlers of this county, was born in Tennessee, January 16, 1803, and there married Miss Emma Jones, Dec. 24, 1826. Mrs. Wells was born January 14, 181 1, and died in 1S75. Mr. Wells died many years prior, Oct. 3, 1853. There are three children : William G., Robert C. and Mary A. Warner Charles, renter, P.O. Roodhouse Walkins Aaron, farmer. Sec. 4, P.O. Breese Welch Thomas, farm hand. P.O. White Hall Welch William, farmer, P.O. Roodhouse Wells John, farmer. Sec. 6, P.O. Breese Wells William, farm hand, P.O. Breese WHITTAKER & RIGG, proprie- tors Barrow flouring mills, Barrow Station. Messrs Whittaker & Rigg became estab- lished in the above business during the present year, purchasing the property formerly owned by Chas. F. Bruce. The new firm, composed of young men of enter- prise and energy, are determined to manu- facture only a superior grade of flour, and thereby hope to gain a liberal patronage. In conclusion we heartily recommend them to the citizens of Greene County, who are not slow to bestow patronage where worthy Whittaker Cyrille, flouring mill, Barrow Whittaker Samuel, proprietor flouring mill, Barrow Wilkinson Ira, farm hand, P.O. Barrow WILKINSON GEORGE, the late, who deserves more than a passing notice due his kindly nature and generous disposi- tion, was born in Kentucky ; emigration was moving rapidly westward, and he de- termined to carve out a fortune upon the pi-airies of Illinois, and accordingly, after many weeks of travel, settled in what is known as the Sand Ridge, Greene County, where he followed farming up to the time of his decease, which occurred in 1852. To the care of his wife, whose maiden name was Lusetta Martin, he left a family of three children : James, Midas E. and George, Mrs. W. is a native of Tennessee ; born August 5, 1S29, and was married to George Wilkinson in 1846. Mrs. Wilkinson relates that when she began housekeeping her hus- band was very poor, and for several years it was an up hill struggle for an existence. Mr. W. survived his trip but five years ; his wife, thus left in moderate circumstances, was materially aided by her children who, though young, were industrious. James, the elder, developed an energy of charac- ter that has made him a successul farmer, and he has helped very materially to bring the home farm to its present state of culti- vation ; it comprises 360 acres, and is owned jointly by Mrs. Wilkinson and old- est son; the substantial farm residence was erected in 1865. The statement should have been made that Mr. Wilkinson died near North Platte River, on his way to Oregon WILKINSON JAMES, farmer and stock raiser, P.O. Breese. Mr. Wilkinson was born in Kentucky, June 11, 1831 ; in early infancy his parents, William F, and Jane Wilkinson, settled in Greene County, 111. Mr. Wilkinson was a carpenter by 566 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. trade, who worked at this calling and that of farming many years. In 1858 he moved to Piatt County, 111., where he now re- sides, retired from active life ; Mrs. Wilk- inson passed away during the Spring of 1877. James, whose name heads this sketch, grew to manhood in Greene County, where the greater portion of his life has been spent, as a farmer. For two years he made his home in California. November 23, 1853, he was married to Miss Mary .Allen, a daughter of Isaac and Elizabeth Allen. This marriage was blessed with seven chil- dren : Elaine W., William Ira, America T., George A., Lewis C, Effie L., and Louisa J., deceased "WILKINSON WM. J. farmer and stock raiser, P.O. Breese. Mr. Wilkinson is among our most substantial farmers ; he was born in Casey County, Ky., February 25, 1828 ; he was but three years old when his parents moved to Scott County, III., and shortly afterward to Greene, where a cabin was first rented. Mr. W. says that at this time wild game was very plenty and fre- quently graced the table of the pioneer, for, like nearly all Kentuckians, the head of the family was an excellent shot, and became a frequent participant in that inter- esting sport called a deer drive. Passing his boyhood among the sturdy veterans of the prairie, many of whom are gathered to their fathers, young Wilkinson attained a vigorous energy that few possess. From 1849 until i860 he rented property. At twenty-two he married Miss Elizabeth Jane Lovelace. When the war came on he en- listed in the 91st Regiment 111. Vol. ; he served one year in the service of Uncle Sam ; after his return from the army he went to California, where he remained nearly four years. Mr. W. owns, to-day, 301 acres of choice land, on which he has lately erected a handsome farm residence ; he has only one child, Laurett, who resides at home Williams Benjamin, farmer. Sec. 10, P.O. Barrow Williams Geo P. renter. Sec. 3, P.O. Barrow Williams James, renter. Sec. 3, P.O. Barrow Williams William, brakeman C.B.& Q.R.R. Barrow Winters Joshua, jr. school teacher, boards A. J. Ballard, Sec. 21, P.O. White Hall BUSINESS CARDS. ALBERT T. J. school teacher, Wil- mington AMOS GEORGE H. stock buyer and trader, Tp. 12, R. 12 ASHLEY & BRUCE, tile mnfrs. Bar- row. We would respectfully call your at- tention to our superior drain tile. Our clay is procured at the same bank from which the White Hall tile is made, and is in every respect, equal to the best manu- factured there. Our machinery is new and of the improved pattern; By using steam power, we are enabled to work clay much stiffer and therefore make much better tile than can be made by horse-power. Our tile are also burned in a regular potters kiln, and, like stoneware, burned to a stone body impervious to water, therefore can not be affected by frost. In selecting tile, see that they are smooth inside. Tile that are rough inside will gather dirt, roots and other particles that will finally stop your drain. Buy none but those manufac- tured from fire clay. By using these pre- cautions and having your ditching done by an experienced workman, your ditch will not trouble you nor your successors ASHLOCK JAMES, blacksmith and wood-worker, Barrow Station BURNS G. W. physician and surgeon, Wilmington COATES W. B. dealer in dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes, hats, caps, etc., Wilmington COLLISTER G. W. machinist and blacksmith, Wilmington HAYS J. B. physician and surgeon, Barrow LINDER J. M. blacksmithing and wood work, Wilmington PATTERSON L. J. station agent, Drake Station, Carrollton SEELEY A. S. will attend to the threshing of grain throughout Greene Co. every Fall WHITTAKER & RIGG, millers, Barrow. Custom work promptly attended to ROODHOUSE DiRFXTORY. A KERS JOHN, plasterer, Roodhouse "^^ Allred Marion, plasterer, Roodhouse ARMSTRONG FRANK P., timber contractor C. & A. R.R., Roodhouse, was born in Maine, March, 1840. Becoming of age, he left the scenes of his youth for Illinois, and locating at Brown County, where he first worked by the month, after- wards he became very successful as a con- tractor on the C. & A. R.R., and one among the contractors for the woodwork entering into the construction of the Louisiana bridge; from Bloomington to Alton, con- tracted for and built the fencing for the C. & A. R.R. In 1873 he was united in mar- riage to Miss Annie Ross, of White Hall, a daughter of Simeon and Eveline Ross. We have thus given in brief a sketch of one whose life has been marked by decision of character and honesty of purpose and be- nevolence ARMSTRONG GEO. W., dealer in groceries, queensware, hardware, wooden ware, willow ware, glassware, etc., etc. The above named gentleman was born in Maine in the year 1843. He is the young- est son of John and Isabella Armstrong, natives of Boyhill, Ireland. John A. mar- ried, in the beautiful isle of the sea, Miss Atwell. Crossing the broad waters of the Atlantic in 1820, after a long, tedious voy- age, the youthful couple set foot in Mass., where the husband procured employment in a tannery, at which vocation he served his time in Boston — the date is not known — from Boston to Maine, where following this some years he turned his attention to farming, an uphill business, although a large family contributed toward the family maintenance. In reference to the children it may be said that Humphrey W. is timber agent on the C. & A. R.R., and resides at Minneapolis, Minnesota ; here also is the home of John A., who is an extensive wood and coal dealer ; Robert, who follows farm- ing, resides in North Missouri ; Sarah E. is not living ; Frank A., R.R. contractor, re- sides in Roodhouse; George W., from whom this sketch is obtained, first settled on arriving in Illinois in Brown County, there and in Menard and Greene, in con- junction with his brothers, he became a R.R. contractor, and by skillful management laid the foundation for his successful career of to-day. Mr. Armstrong was united in mar- riage to Mary L. Sharp, a daughter of Peter L. Sharp, of Dubuque, Iowa. This mar- riage was blessed with three children : Katy, Georgia and Albert A. For the past seven years Mr. Armstrong has been a resi- dent of Roodhouse ; for the past four in the business mentioned ; in the venture he has been very successful, due to his efl'orts to please and unswerving honesty ; the last mentioned article, if so it may be called, is the true secret of Mr, Armstrong's suc- cess, and the boy who entered Illinois years ago poor as the poorest of Illinois youths, has won his way in the world through merit, hard work and integrity ARMSTRONG JAMES M. lumber dealer. Oldest child of E. T. and Isabella Armstrong. E. T. Armstrong, the head of the family, was born in Madison County, Illinois, and in the year 1818, during his boyhood, he accompanied his parents to Sangamon County, Illinois, and afterwards to Pike. In 1852 E. T. Armstrong moved to Oregon, where he now resides, a well to do citizen of that State. J. M. Armstrong, from whom this sketch is obtained, did not accompany his parents to Oregon. From the age of sixteen to twenty-one he taught school, and then made his way to Chicago where he entered Eastman's College, se- curing a classical education ; he also be- came a telegraph operator, serving after- wards in this capacity on the Wabash R.R., also ticket agent and operator on the Jack- sonville Division of the C. & A. R.R. In 568 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. 1868 Mr. Armstrong came to Roodhouse, and the statement is made on good authority that he was the first telegraph operator here. He afterwards entered into business with Geo. Armstrong and P. J. Sharp. This house transacted a dry goods, grocery and lumber trade. This firm dissolved partnership by mutual consent, Mr. J. M. Armstrong tak- ing the lumber department, made the first shipment of lumber for Roodhouse. At Winchester, in Scott County, he married, in May, 1862, Miss Anna M. Reed, a daughter of John M. Reed, of Morgan Co. One child, Mattie Belle. Mr. A. is a strict advocate of temperance Armstrong Mrs. weaver, Roodhouse Auberer Carl, baker, Roodhouse T) AINE D. section foreman C. & A. R.R. Roodhouse Bank of Roodhouse, E. M. Husted, pres.; T. L. Smith, cash. Bames Robert, laborer, Roodhouse BARRETT AVILLIAM. The above named gentleman, who came to Roodhouse one year ago and opened a first class tailor- ing establishment, was born in Dublin City, Ireland, in 1823. In 1847 he emigrated to America, landing in New York City, he re- mained there many years of his life, and there learned the trade of tailoring, becom- ing a very superior workman. To the city of Richmond, Virginia, he Directed his foot- steps, before the war, where he began busi- ness, and was very successful. Remaining during the stormy scenes of the Rebellion, in 1869 he made his way to Philadelphia, thence to New York City, thence to Illinois. Mr. Barrett married in Ohio. From past experience in the leading houses in Ohio and Illinois he is prepared to do first class work at as low prices as first class work can be done. Give him a call Becratt E. fireman C.& A. R.R. Roodhouse Berkal Joseph, shoemaker, Roodhouse Birge R. J. engineer switch engine. Rood- house Bixby Richard, engineer, Roodhouse Bolan Patrick, car repairer, Roodhouse Brace J. C. Roodhouse Bridge James, laborer, Roodhouse Briggs Ellis, of the firm of H. M. Hunt & Co., grain and commission, Roodhouse Brooks W. H. barber BROWN ANDREW, retired farmer, for the past four years a resident of Rood- house, was born in Frederick County, Vir- ginia, near Winchester, October 24, 1S20. His father, Leroy Brown, was a native of Virginia, who there married Margaret Hut- ton ; there were three children born of this marriage, of whom Andrew was the oldest. When seventeen he left Virginia for Ohio • in company with his parents. They set- tled in Ross County, where the head of the family followed shoemaking. Leaving Ohio in 1849, the family came to Illinois, settling in Morgan County on a farm. In 1853 Andrew was united in marriage to Miss Sarah Jane Burcher, a daugliter of Clark Burcher. He now set himself reso- lutely to work, and soon became enabled to buy 160 acres of good land near White Hall, in Greene County, and followed agri- cultural pursuits successfully many years, and only abandoned it on account of ill health, produced by overwrjrk. Selling his property, he moved to Roodhouse, where he now lives and where his wife has opened, to meet the wants of the enterprising peo- ple of Roodhouse, a first class millinery es- tablishment. Five children born of this marriage : Jackson, Phoebe and Margaret living ; John and Henry deceased Brown A. Mrs. milliner and dressmaker Brown John, blacksmith, Roodhouse BUIiLARD J. B. During the Summer of 1873 Mr. Bullard made his first entree into Roodhouse, and entered into partner- ship with Mr. A. E. Freeto, of Dupage County, Illinois, for the transaction of a general hardware business. They entered at once upon a successful career, as the town built up rapidly, with a good class of citizens. November 5, 1877, on the retire- ment of Mr. Freeto as a partner, Mr. Bul- lard took entire charge and now transacts a large and constantly increating business, both in hardware and tinware. Mr. B. was born in Sangamon County, January 20, 1854. His father, John Bullard, one of the first settlers of Sangamon County, came west in very moderate circumstances, mak- ing his trip over the western prairies on horseback. But little improvements were then manifest in Illinois, and money was generally an unknown quantity. In Illinois the wants of Mr. Bullard were few and ROODHOUSE. 569 simple. An energetic man, he worked during the pioneer days of Sangamon Co. as a rail splitter at forty cents per hundred. He became a prominent farmer of this county, and died in i860. His wife was Miss Sarah Follis. The marriage took place in Kentucky. Of eleven children born of this marriage, the subject of this sketch was the tenth. He received a liberal , education, and at an early day became ap- prenticed to the trade of a tinner ; becom- ing a skillful workman. In 1878 he was united in marriage to Miss Josie Dugger, of Macoupin County, Illinois Bundy E. S. lumber, Roodhouse Bush George, laborer, Roodhouse i^AREY LAWRENCE, Roodhouse ^-^ Carmine Nelson, laborer, Roodhouse Casey James, engineer, Roodhouse Casey John, telegraph operator, Roodhouse Champion G. W. laborer, Roodhouse CHAPMAN ADAM, retired farmer, Roodhouse, Illinois. The above named gentleman was the youngest son of Luke and Grace Chapmnn, natives of Yorkshire, England, who crossed the Atlantic about the year 1S20. The family then consisted of Sarah, Benjamin and William. A set- tlement was made in Virginia, where Luke, Hannah and Adam were barn. Adam, born in 1833, was but six years of age when his mother moved to Illinois; his father having died during his third year. On ar- rival in Illinois the little party of emigrants first settled in Scott County, remaining one year, and then moving to Greene County. Adam lived with his mother during her life. He became a resident of Pittsfield, Pike County, two years. A hard working farmer, owning a good property, he became truly successful. Moving to Roodhouse on ac. count of impaired health, he invested in valuable town property. Mr. Chapman was married to Laura B. Pea, a daughter of Ezekiel and E. M. Pea ; one child, Edward, born in Greene County. Christian Whitman, butcher, Roodhouse Clark Nicholas H. restaurant, Roodhouse Clarke H. A. physician, Roodhouse Clary J. M. night police C. & A. R.R. Rood- house COBB L. E. retired farmer. I,. E. Gobi) was born in Burke Co., N. C, Feb. 24, 1810. At the youthful age of nineteen, he set out for the State of Indiana, on foot. The distance, 500 miles was made on foot not over a broad level prairie, like many who settled in the West in an early day, but on his way, which comprised consider- able of the distance, he crossed the range of mountains known as the Blue Ridge, in North Carolina, and Clinch and Cumber- land. This long distance was traversed in twelve days, giving the reader some idea of the strength of character and in- domitable will of the hardy pioneers, who will soon be known only in history. Arriv- ing in Indiana, Mr. Cobb secured employ- ment in a tannery, also worked as farm hand; first entered Illinois in 1832; worked for a blacksmith two weeks, receiving five dollars therefor ; his bed at night, a punch- eon floor ; his covering, deer skins; a life made up of variety surely. Becoming proprietor of a small tannery, he earned his first $100, and purchased eighty acres in Macoupin Co. In Morgan County, he married Miss Mary Crum, daughter of Mathais Crum, a native of Virginia. In 1S52, he disposed of his property there and came to Greene Co., where he bought a valuable tract of land, part of which now lies in the corporation of Roodhouse. There are seven children : Joseph, William, John, James, Mary, Margaret and Fanny. On closing this sketch, it is due Mr. Cobb, to state that he has won his way to a leading position through merit Cobbs Willis, laborer, Roodhouse Cochran John, fireman C.& A. R.R. Rood- house Coke S. R. carpenter, Roodhouse Cole John, painter, Roodhouse Coles ]ohn, flour and feed, Roodhouse Cone G. W. eng. C.& A.R.R. Roodhouse Cooksy James, teamster, Roodhouse Corrington M. R. Roodhouse Cradock T. employee C.& A.R.R. Roodhous* Curlier Edward, laborer, Roodhouse Cutler Wdliam, founder, Roodhouse ■pvARLING CHARLES, brickmaker, ^-^ Roodhouse Day Mrs. Roodhouse Derrick John, teamster, Roodhouse Dill Charles, fireman C.& A.R.R. Roodhouse Dolan Charles, saloon, Roodhouse 570 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. Dolan William, eng. C.& A.R.R. Roodhouse DKENNAN" J. P. ex-merchant, and prominent among the citizens of Rood- house; was born at Kenton, Ohio, on the 15th of Sept., 1S15. Mr. D. grew to man- hood in Ohio, and there received a liberal education. When the war broke out, he was living at Mansfield, Ohio, and enlisted in Co. F., 82d Ohio. Was Captain, As- sistant Quartermaster in field until 1864, and took charge of clothing, camp and gen- eral equipage until 1865. Since his loca- tion at Roodhouse, Mr. Drennan has proved himself not only a capable busi- ness man but one whose integrity is un- questioned. He has always taken a deep interest in church matters and the advance- ment of education Dugger Mrs. Roodhouse Dunbar Peter, grocer, Roodhouse pBBERT WILLIAM, blacksmith and machinist. The above named gen- tleman was born in Madison County, 111., in 1852 ; his father, John Ebbert, was a native of Germany, who married in Madi- son Co., 111., Martha Springman, a native of Germany. William is the oldest child of this family. Growing to manhood in Madison County, he became apprenticed to the trade of a blacksmith and machin- ist, and became a skilled workman in both branches. From Madison County Mr. Ebbert came to Greene, where he first worked for Robert Stewart. He then en- gaged in the machinery business, for him- self; for a short time he worked at Alton, and then returned to Roodhouse, where he erected the building he now occupies, and where he is prepared at all times to do first- class work at low prices. Mr. E. is a mar- ried man ; there are two children : Nettie and Mattie ■piSK GEO. W. dealer in hides, pelts, etc. etc. Roodhouse Flatan Lewis, merchant, Roodhouse FOSTER D. T. CAPTAIN, who has been proprietor of the popular resort, known as the Railroad Eating House, for the past three years in Roodhouse, was born in Washington Co., Vt., July 22, 1840 ; parents were, Elisha and Louisa Foster, natives of Vermont and New Hampshire. The father passed the re- mainder of his life in Indiana ; his wife died in Vermont, during the Summer of same year. Captain Foster remained in Vermont until his majority. As this date was the breaking out of the rebellion he enlisted in Co. D, Vermont Vol., as private* and arose to the rank of captain, being at first color-bearer, sergeant and first lieuten- ant ; a participant in many battles, where he gained an enviable reputation for bra- very on the field ; honorably dischared June 29, 1S65. He married in Blooming- ton, where he moved after the close of the war. Miss Lavilla VValtham, a native of Vermont ; one child blessed this union, named Myra. Was a member of the po- lice force at Bloomington ; afterward Cap- tain Foster came to Roodhouse, where he has gained a host of friends, who know him for a gentleman of culture and honor Frazier D. W. boots and shoes FREETO A. E. watch-maker and U.S. express agt., Roodhouse, 111. Mr. Freeto was born in Dupage Co., 111., in 1852. His father, William Freeto, was a native of New Hampshire, who moved to Illinois in an early day ; a tinner by occupation ; he settled at Danby, now known as Prospect Park, where he died in i860. The wife, a true type of those noble western women who shared the hardships of pioneer life in the West, with her husband, is now a resi- dent of Sangamon County. A. E. Freeto, whose name heads this sketch, learned the trade of tinner, at Lemont, 111., where he also clerked for J. A. Fisk & Co., hardware dealers, remaining eight years. He moved to Mechanicsburg, Sangamon Co., where he entered into a co-partnership with his brothers, J. H. and Geo. W. Freeto, firm name, J. H. Freeto & Bros. Here he re- mained for a period of two years, when he came to Roodhouse, where he became for some time, a partner of J. B. BuUard, in the hardware trade. At the present writ- ing holds the position above stated Frost Charles, Roodhouse /^ILLEM WILLIAM, livery, Rood- O house Good M. S. clothing, hats, caps, etc. etc., Roodhouse Gordy James, carpenter, Roodhouse ROOUHOUSE. 571 Graham James, car repairer, Roodhouse Grant T. J. bricklayer, Roodhouse Gray William, dealer in flour and provisions, Roodhouse Green Barney, yard master, C. & A.R.R. Roodhouse TTAMMOND WILLIAM H, stock buy- er, Roodhouse Hardcastle Mrs. Roodhouse Harney John, car repairer, Roodhouse Hatfield A. painter, Roodhouse Hatfield J. J. carpenter, Roodhouse Hinkel J. oculist, Roodhouse Holmes J. J. laborer, Roodhouse Hosman J, W. druggist, Roodhouse Hudson Berry, bricklayer, Roodhouse Hudson Fredrick, bricklayer, Roodhouse Hudson Sarah Mrs. Roodhouse Hueberger Joseph, barber, Roodhouse HUNT H. M. & CO. grain and com- mission. Firm composed of H. M. Hunt and Ellis Briggs ; copartnership formed in 1875. Handle grain at the following points in Greene County : White Hall, Roodhouse, Drake Station, Schultz Mills, and Wrightsville, also at Winchester and Alsey, Scott County, and M array ville, Morgan County. During the year 1878 this firm bought and shipped over seven hundred cars of wheat. They have the confidence of the entire community, and have unlimited facilities for buying and shipping grain. Their two mam elevators are located at White Hall and Winchester. A large portion of their trade consists in supplying mills, but in the heaviest part of the season they are heavy shippers to all the large markets in the country. This is one of the most reliable grain firms in the State, and two more reliable and energetic men can not be found in Greene County HUSTED E. M. farmer and banker. Was born in Addison County, Vermont, near the city of Vergennes, September 9, 1830. His father, Lyman Husted, was born in Vermont where he married Miss Maria Dennison ; there were four children born of this marriage of whom E. M. Husted was the third. In 1836 the family arrived in Illinois, where, six weeks later, the head of the family died." The subject of this sketch early turned his attention to farming, and his systematic method of con- ducting business has made him a leading farmer of Greene County. In 1850 he purchased the property where he now re- sides. Mr. Husted, we believe, was the first to introduce drain tile in this section of country, and now has his entire farm, where necessary, drain-tiled. Mr. Husted is one of the most public-spirited men of Roodhouse and has held many important positions, as president Roodhouse Bank, justice of the peace, president Agricultural Society, etc. December 1850, he was married to Miss Harriet Swallow, by whom he had two children, Effie C. and Edgar. Mrs. Husted died March 23, 1864, and the following year witnessed the nuptials of E. M. Husted to Miss A. C. Bannister, of Vermont T SOM WILLIAM, laborer, Roodhouse T ORAEH J. W. merchant, Roodhouse JACKSON WM. B. grocer and res- taurant, w R.R. Roodhouse, 111. Mr. Jackson was born in the State of Tenessee, July 18, 1842. His father was a very pros- perous planter in the South until the war came on, when he met with many misfor- tunes incident to a time of war. Enlisting in Co. G, loth Tenn. Cavalry, he was killed in battle near Knoxville. Wm. B. enlisted in the 26th Tenn. Inft. for twelve months, or during the war, and served in the capacity of third lieutenant, engaged in many important battles, as Murphrysboro, Chickamauga, etc., etc.; honorably dis- charged when the war closed, he returned to East Tennessee, thence to Middle Ten- nessee, and then to Illinois, locating near Roodhouse, in 1873, where he became em- ployed on a farm. In 1875, he came to Roodhouse, entering into the above busi- ness, and meeting with good success, Mr. Jackson is a genial, kind-hearted man, who merits and receives a fair share of public patronage. In 1876, he was mar- ried to Miss Emma Sawyer, a daughter of Nathan Sawyer, a native of New York Jackson William, justice of peace Johnson A. asst. yard master, C.& A.R.R. Roodhouse Jones W. W. baggage master C. & A. R.R. Roodhouse 572 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. Jones W. T. watchmaker, Roodhouse Jones Wilson, switcli engineer, Roodhouse K IMBROUGH -, laborer, Roodhouse KIRKLAXD D. proprietor of the popular hotel known as the Kirkland, was born in Scotland, Feb. 2, 1S26. For eigh- teen years a resident of Scotland. At an early age he became apprenticed to ihe trade of a c.Tbinet maker. In 1S44 he crosse I the ocean, landing at Quebec. From the Dominion of Canada hz made his way to New York ; thence to McIIenry County, Illinois, and began life as a railroad employe on the old Galena Division, afterwards con- solidated and known as the North Western ; remaining some five years, and during this time was united in marriage to Miss Nancy Dacy. For thirty years Mr. K. has of- ficiated in railroad matters as contractor, conductor and foreman. Shortly after the commencement of l\oodhouse Mr. Kirk- land began the erection of a large liotel. This on completion was known as the Kirk- land House. The little town grew rapidly and he accordingly built several . ther sub- stantial buildings to be used as stores. These were swept away by fire Sept. 4, 1876, a hard blow to the enterprising proprietor, who using his means in a bbeial manner, contributed toward the prosj^erity of the town. The following monih, nothing daunted by this calamity, Mr. Kiikland re- built on the ashes of his former building a handsome biildingon East Railroad Street, now known as the Kiikland Hotrl, said to be the best in Greene County. See busi- ness card elsewhere. Of seven children born of his marriage, three are living: Robert M., Isnbel and John. Mr. K. was the successor of John Roodhouse as presi- dent of the tow n board KIRKLAND HOTEL, D. Kirkland, prop., Roodhouse KNIGHT F. L., city butcher. Mr. Knight was born in Manchester, New llampshiie, in 1846. His jiarenis were A. S. and Luvia C, natives of Massachusetts and Vermont. In an early d.ry the family moved to New Hampshire, where the hus- band secured work on thr city police force ; from here the family went to Vermont, where young Knight received his education. In his nineteenth year he removed to Newr Hampshire, where three years of his life were passed in a butchering establishment as an apprentice. Moving to Illinois nine years ago ; he first located at Manchester, Greene County ; in White Hall, where he afterwards moved, he entered into partner- ship with E C.Clement as butchers; this was a decided success ; two years later he moved to Greenfield, following the same occupation with fl.ittering success. Now a resident of Roodhouse, engaged in the same calling, he transacts a large and con- stantly growing business. In White Hall Mr. Knight married Miss Anna Langdon of Manchester, who departed this life the following year and was laid to rest in Man- chester Knight Frederick, butcher, Roodhouse T AKIN THOMAS, agent C. B.& Q. R.R. Roodhouse Lawless Thomas, carpenter, Roodhouse r.awson William, laborer, Roodhouse Leighton Frederick, clerk, Roodhouse Lennon Patrick, saloon, Roodhouse Les-em L. clothier, Roodhouse LORTON WM. M., Roodhouse. Mr. Lorton is one of those rare people who elicit our warmest sympathies ; penetrating into what was a vast wilderness of prairie, so to speak, he became one among the first resi- dents of Greene County. He was born in Cumberland County, Kentucky, April, 1S17. Two years later the Lorton family traversed the praiiies for the West, arriving indue course of time. When scarcely a cabin re- lieved the monotony of a broad expanse of prairie the family first settled in Bond Co., Illinois. Years have flown by since then, and Illinois is celebrated for its fertility of soil, and its grain trade, for its beautiful dwellings, churi-hes and schools; in it we see the guiding hand of the pioneer. Many Indians then crowded the frontier, and there were but few neighbors. Building a cabin, Robert Lorton set to work in a resolute manner to gain a livelihood. Remaining until 1S24; that year found the party en route for Greene County, where the noble and aged pioneer died in his S7th year; he merited the resjiect of all having the jileasure of his acquaintance. The spot known as Lorton's I'lairic w-s named after ROODHOUSE. 573 an uncle of Wm. M. who is now in his 6 1st year. Amid pioneer associations in this county he grew up, and received a liberal education. In his 25th year he married Miss Agnes Brauym, by whom he had eight children. Mrs. L. died in 1872. The fol- fowing year he married Mrs. Lincoln, relict of Jarvis Lincoln, a relative of Abraham Lincoln. Mr. L. is an extensive farmer, a resident of Roodhouse Lovell Joseph, farmer, Roodhouse liOWRY WILLIAM T., the only manufacturer of brick in the town of Rood- house. He became a permanent resident in 1877. Purchasing valuable land in the corporation of Roodhouse two presses or germs were soon in running operation and competition began with the surrounding country. Through large experience among the leading brickmakers of the country Mr. L. had acquired a skill as a maker of brick that soon became appreciated by the public at large. He manufactures some 5,000 brick per day, of a very superior quality, the supply not being equal to the demand, the new and commodious public school, re- quiring a large number, also Peter Dun- bar's and many others. At Jacksonville, Morgan County Mr. L. manufactured the brick for the poor house and many other buildings of note. He was born in Mount Vernon, Illinois, Dec. 11, 1S33 ; appren- ticed to trade in 1843 ; married in Jackson- ville Lorena Pankey, of Illinois; there are three children : Mary E., Minnesota and Virginia. Mr. Lowry purchased some 200 acres of valuable land in Greene County in 1865 lyrARKET V. The above named gentleman, although established in business at Roodhouse but a short time has already secured a large share of public patronage, his prices low as the lowest, and work always first class. When in town don't forget to call ; get your measure taken and get fits, good fits, and a perfect fit. Mr. Market was born in Switzeiland in 1840; in his seventeenth year he emigrated to America ; from New York City he went to Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Cinncinati and St. Louis ; in the latter city was in business some fourteen years as a boot and shoe manufacturer; there married Miss Victoria X Stokker, a native of Germany. Three chil- dren blessed this union : Carroll, Edward and Victoria Martin Joseph, laborer, Roodhouse McCabe Charles, fireman C. & A. R.R. Rood- house McClure Lewis, assistant yard master, Rood- house McCoullogh Nathaniel, school teacher, Rood- house McCune Thomas, physician and surgeon, Roodhouse McEUEN DR. T., a rising physician of Greene County, was born in Missouri, Oct. 30, 1832. Oliver McEuen, the father, was born in Pittsburgh, Pe. He was mar- ried to Miss Jane Hayes ; by this lady he had twelve children ; Thomas, the seventh child, whose footsteps we now follow, be- came liberally educated, and when quite a youth turned his attention to the study of medicine, as a student under his father and likewise Dr. Thomas Lewis of Union, Mo He graduated from St. Louis Medical Col- lege. Taking up his residence in Pike County at Milton, he began practice as a physician. He had been a hard working student and in consequence his professional skill was recognised and he secured a large practice. In Milton he married Miss Phoebe Baker; has two children : Olive L. and Mattie B. Mrs. McEuen died in 1867. In White Hall Dr. McEuen married Mrs. R.N. Hemming, relict of Henry Hemming. In Roodhouse Dr. McEuen has a large and lucrative practice, due to his untiring eff"orts and professional skill. Was post surgeon during the war McGee Luther, laborer, Roodhouse McKiver Charles, attorney, Roodhouse Mclver W. T. publisher of the Roodhouse Kevie'M McSweeney M. supervisor C. & A. R.R. Roodhouse McWithy , laborer, Roodhouse Merricks William, laborer, Roodhouse METROPOLITAN HOTEL, Wm. Scott, proprietor, Roodhouse Mitchell Geo. laborer, Roodhouse MOLLOY C, saloon. East Railroad Street, Roodhouse. Mr. Molloy is a na- tive of Kings County, Ireland ; born in the year 1S34 ; his father was a farmer in good circumstances and in the little Green isle 574 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. by the seashore young Molloy spent a number of years, working on the old home- stead. In his eighteenth year he embarked on board a sailing vessel bound for America; landing in New York City, he then made his way to New Jersey, thence to Kentucky. During the year 1870 Mr. Molloy came to Roodhouse ; it was then a very small hamlet. His enterprise and forethought led him to build the first dwelling house in the town limits. As one of the earliest residents of Roodhouse due notice will be given of Mr. Molloy in the general history of this volume. In 1S61 he was united in marriage to Miss J. Maguire, by whom he had three children : Charles F., now attend- ing college, M. J. and Mary L. Moony Robert, wagon maker, Roodhouse Moore D.B. drugs and medicines, Roodhouse Morgan Mrs. Roodhouse Morrow William, drayman, Roodhouse /^RR ANDERSON Reverend, Rood- ^^ house Overby James, barber, Roodhouse pATTEKSON J. L., attorney and counselor at law. The subject of this sketch is the second child of Lemuel J. and Anna E. Patterson, who deserve more than a passing notice. Settling in this county as early as 1844 ; the head of the family was born in St. Louis County, Missouri, he there married the lady referred to above. He became in after years a prominent man in this county. Of seven children born of this marriage all are residents of Greene County, of whom due notice will be given- J. L. was born August 29, 1846, in St. Louis County, Missouri. In early child- hood his parents moved to Greene County, where he became liberally educated, apply- ing himself vigorously to his studies and became a school teacher. In his eighteenth year he became a law stulent, studying under judges of Carrollton. Remaining five years, he became admitted to the bar in 1870. Previous to this he married Miss Mary Willmington, a daughter of Edwin Willniington, a native of England. Mr. Patterson became a successful lawyer, and an able one. A life-long resident of Greene County, he has held many important posi- tions ; deputy assessor nine years. In 1876 was chairman Democratic Congressional Convention. For the past year a resident of the live town of Roodhouse, where he receives, due his ability, a large share of public patronage there. Two children : Buell and Harry Patterson Niel, Roodhouse Peel David, carpenter, Roodhouse Pennell William, teamster, Roodhouse PERLE Y HENRY P. engineer C. & A. R. R. for the past eleven years ; was born at Waterville, Maine, in 1841 ; at four- teen he entered the employ of the Andros- coggin and Kennebec R. W. Co. .afterward known as the Maine Central, remaining there through the years '59, '60 and '61 ; during the Spring of 1861 he enlisted in Company G, 3d Maine Infantry, under the command of Col. O. O. Howard; a partici- pant in the famous battle of Bull Run ; he served three months and received an honorable discharge from the service ; he returned to Maine, where he again entered the employ of the Maine Central as a locomotive fireman on the Kennebec Road and became a very skillful engineer. In 1867 Mr. Perley came west and entered the employ of the St. Louis, Jacksonville & Chicago Railroad, afterward leased to the C. & A. R. R. On this road Mr. Per- ley was freight engineer one year. In 1868 he took uphis residence at Mason City, Ma- son Co., 111.; in 1S71 moved to Jacksonville, where he run passenger engine No. 42 ; in 1872 he was running a passenger between Alton and Jacksonville ; moving to Rood- house, then just beginning to come into prominence, Mr. Perley shortly after built a substantial dwelling. He is well known for his generosity and is a very superior mechanic. April 24, 1863, he was united in marriage to Ann E. Morrill, of Maine, There are five children : John M., George P., Henry W., Anna R. and Francis C. As a railroad engineer Mr. Perley has been the actor of many stirring scenes, although owing to his skill as an engineer but very , slight accidents have occurred on his route. Mr. Perley owns 80 acres of land in Kansas Pinkerton W. H. engineer, Roodhouse Pruett William, teamster, Roodhouse R ADCLIFF JOHN, laborer, Roodhouse Rafferty Jas. retired farmer, Roodhouse ROODHOUSE. 575 Randall , carpenter, Roodhouse Redmond John, Roodhouse Reid Samuel D. clerk, Roodhouse Richardson William, butcher, Roodhouse Rinnaker Fred, agent for nursery, Roodhouse Roodhouse Bank, E. M. Husted, President ; T. L-. Smith, Cashier KOODHOUSE JOHN, farmer, stock raiser, and founder of the live, go-ahead town of Roodhouse, was born in Yorkshire, England, February 1825 ; he was the sec- ond child of a family of five children, born of a second marriage. It was during the earlier years of his childhood that his parents embarked on board a sailing ves- sel for the great Eldorada of the world — America. Landing in the city of New York the family made their way princi- pally by way of the Erie Canal to St. Louis ; from the latter city proceeding to Greene County shortly before the deep snow set in. During the early years of settlement, when the nearest neighbors were many miles away, horse mills the fashion and railroads unknown in the State, and but few in the East, the pioneers found the road to prosperity rather a rough tone. However, there came an era of pros- perity to all of the family when Illinois be- came one of the most prosperous States in this great congress of States, peopled by the sturdy yeomanry from the south, the east, and by a people across the waters who had looked upon America with open- eyed wonder at the rapid strides of the en- terprising inhabitants. Owing to our limited space, and to the prominence of him whose name heads this sketch, we here append a short biography of his youth, spent among pioneer associates, many of whom are now prominent in the affairs of the State and County. Developing more than ordinary energy and business capacity, he made his way rapidlv upward. At twenty-five he united his fortunes to Miss Sarah E. Baker, a daughter of Cuthbert Baker. With but small capital he became enabled to purchase 240 acres in Tazewell County, taking up his residence there for years. He then moved to Greene Co., where he has since resided. On this property is now laid out the flourishing town of Rood- house, where years prior John Roodhouse had turned many a furrow. From him we glean the following in reference to the Louisiana Branch. We are all perfectly aware of the network of railroads that traverse the State of Illinois. Among the more important we find the C. & A. R.,R. rapidly taking a leading place. For many years branches from the main line have been found necessary to be laid to accom- modate the increased passenger traffic, and for the transportation of freight. In our municipal history will be found a fuller de- scription of the branch road that, passing through Roodhouse and taking its way to St. Louis, is given here. To the citizens of White Hall it is generally known that a proposition for the right of way of the road and $5,000 in money was made and not being readily responded to was re- ferred to the citizens of Roodhouse, among whom were John Roodhouse, E. M. Husted, George Thompson, S. L. Simmons, John ¥. Rawlings, William Cobb and others, and through their liberality and enterprise the road was secured. No sooner had the road got fairly under way than the little town began to thrive. Stores were erected and the place soon became peopled by live western men who have made it one of the busiest towns on the C. & A. R. R. It will compare favorably with any town of similar size in the State. Mr. Roodhouse is a large property owner and a whole- souled gentleman. Of his marriage seven children were born : John L., Edwin P., Laura L.. Mary M., Eveline J., Franklin S. and William Roodhouse Review, W. T. Mclver, publisher Ross Henry, laborer, Roodhouse Rouan J. laborer, Roodhouse Rushwort Benjamin, car-repairer C. & A. R. R. Roodhouse RUYLiE ROBERT N. blacksmith and wagonmaker, Morris street. Rood- house ; general blacksmithing, repairing, jobbing horseshoeing a specialty. Mr. Ruyle was born in Greene County, Illi- nois, in 1847. His father, Alfred Ruyle, now a resident of Kansas ; was born in Nash- ville, Tennessee, in 1801 ; he there mar- ried Sarah Ann Bleckston ; the youthful couple became residents of Greene County in an early day. Robert, who heads this sketch, was the youngest of a family of ten children. Near Athensville, this county, 576 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. Robert passed his youthful clays, and was apprenticed to the trade of a black- smith and wagon maker, and became a skillful workman. In iS6i he entered the army, enlisting in Company C, Fifth Reg- iment, of Missouri Volunteers; he was then but fifteen years of age; remaining eighteen months he was engaged in many severe skirmishes. Alfred Ruyle was a Captain during the rebellion, and what is somewhat remarkable seven of his boys were also in the service. Robert returned to Greene County March 19, 1S67. He was united in marriage to Sarah A. Ranee ; one child, Julia, was born in 1S72 UUYLK & BROWN, blacksmiths O ALTAR T. R. agent and yard-master C. '^ & A. R. R. Roodhouse Sargeant Henry, shoemaker, Roodhouse Savage Mrs. Roodhouse Savage Carl, clerk, Roodhouse Sawyer E. H. groceries and hardware, Rood- house Sawyer George N. postmaster and insurance agent, Roodhouse SAWYER JAMES A. livery, Jack- son street, Roodhouse, first street west of new Kirkland Hotel. Mr. S. was born in Steuben County, New York, in 1845. In his fifteenth yearhe accompanied his parents to Illinois, locating in Madison County. Dilring the Spring of 1870 Mr. Sawyer came to Roodhouse, where he first worked for John Roodhouse as a farm hand. Mr. R. was then the proprietor of the livery that Mr. Sawyer now owns. In 1873 the . purchase was effected. Since this date Mr. Sawyer has bought largely, both of horses and the latest style of vehicles, which com- mercial travellers will do well to note. Special attention given to transient stock. Passengers conveyed to all parts of the county day or night. Mr. S. married Miss Laura Strate, of Roodhouse ; children, Ilatiie, deceased, and Edna SCOTT WILLIAM, proprietor Metro- politan Hotel, Roodhouse, 111. The above named gentlerran was born in Highland County, Ohio, in 1824. When three years of age his father died ; at nine his mother moved to Shelby County, Indiana, remain- ing but five years, and at the expiration of which time returned to Ohio. William, who heads this sketcli, was the youngest of this family. Mrs. Scott was a very indus- trious woman, who was left in moderate circumstances; on the death of her hus- band she struggled hard for herself and boy, who, when old enough, attended ta the duties of the small farm. In his twenty-second year he was united in mar- riage to Miss Mahala Good, a daughter of Joseph and Mary Good, natives of Vir- ginia and Pennsylvania. For some years after his marriage Mr. Scott followed farm- ing. When the war broke out he entered the 100 day service, and was elected First Lieutenant of the company ; honorably- discharged at the expiration of ten days, as the company was organized as a relief corps for Cincinnati. Proceeding to Den- nison, near Cincinnati, he became a sutler; from this point he came west and settled in Milton, Pike County, and became a stock buyer and grocer. In 1S75 he came to Roodhouse, and renting the large estab- lishment owned by Humphrey Armstrong opened the first class hotel above men- tioned. Mr. S. has nine children : Sarah,. Daniel, George, James H., L. D., Lorenzo,. Charles F., William and Emma A. Seaver James, telegiaph repairer, C. & A. R. R. Roodhouse Sharp P. J. dry goods, boots and shoes, etc. Roodhouse SHIELD FRANCIS W. foreman car repairs C. &A.R.W., Roodhouse. Mr. Shield was born in Scotland, April 29,. 1829; his father was by trade a carpenter and joiner ; with him young Shield was early instructed in the rudiments of car- penter work. On attaining his majority he emigrated to America ; working his way to Chicago, where he completed his trade, vvorl oldest son of J. C. and Mary Ann Simmons, who were born in Illinois. Mr. Simmons was raised in the counties of Randolph, Monroe, and Sinclair. For the past eighteen years he has been a resident of Greene County, fol- lowing the occupation of farming, owning 100 acres brought to a high state of culti- vation, through the remarkable energy dis played by him. In 1874, he was married to Miss Maggie, a daughter of James Buckey, a prominent farmer of this town- ship, whose sketch will be found elsewhere. One child born of this marriage, James Edwin, on the I2th day of Dec, 1875 596 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. SMEAD CHARLES K. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 24, P.O. Manchester, Scott Co., 111. Mr. Smead is a native of Vermont, born Aug. 30, 1826, and at the age of eleven accompanied his parents to ■Greene County, 111., locating near White Hall, on Apple Creek prairie, where the head of the family followed farming up to the time of his decease; which occurreci in 1840. One year prior to this the pioneer wife passed to a home not made with hands. Charles was then in his 14th year, and went to live with a neighboring farmer. He was to remain until his majority ; he, however, remained but five years, as his employer gave him no advantages in the way of an education, to which his ambitious nature aspired. Proceeding to Jacksonville, Mor- gan County, he prccured employment of Thomas Wiswall, where he received the advantages of a good common school edu- cation. Returning to Greene County, he entered the employ of Erastus Eldred, be- coming busily employed on the farm dur- ing the summer, in the winter season attending school. In 1848, he proceeded to what is now the township 12 of range 10, where he taught school two years. In 1851, he married Miss Sarah G. Alverson, a daughter of Benjamin Alverson, by whom he had two children : Darius C. and Bark- ley. In 1854, Mrs. Smead was laid at rest in the county of Jersey. May 23. 1855, Mr. S. was married to Mrs. Mary Stowell, by whom he has three children : Laura, Herbert, and Edgar F. Mr. Smead is one of our most enterprising farmers, owning 140 acres Smith Archibald, renter. Sec. 31, P.O. Rood- house Smith Frank, farmer. Sec. 11, P.O. Rood- house Smith Geo. farmer. Sec. 12, P.O. Manchester, Scott Co. Smith Henry, farmer, P.O. Manchester, Scott Co. Smith Hugh, farmer, Sec. 21, P.O. Rood- house Smith Josiah, farmer, Sec. 29, P.O. White Hall Smith Marion, farmer. Sec. 12, P.O.Manches- ter, Scott Co. Smith Mary Mrs. Sec. 12, P.O. Manchester, Scott Co. SMITH WILLIAM R. minister of the gospel, and farmer, P.O. White Hall, is a native of Macoupin County, born in 1842, where he grew to maturity, early be- coming inured to the hard work of a farm- er. His father had died previous to his tenth year, and from this period to man- hood he helped very materially toward the family maintenence. When his mother again married he moved to Greene County, where he married Miss Henrietta Jane Dunham, a daughter of Wm. Dunham, by whom he has five children : Mary E., Wm. A., Sarah A., Rena B. and Martha Jane. Four years ago Mr. Smith became a con- vert to religion, and two years ago was or- dained a Baptist minister of the United Persuasion, and licensed to preach in this circuit Smith William, renter, Sec. i, P.O. White Hall Smock L. farm hand, P.O. Roodhouse Smock W. renter. Sec. 6, P.O. Roodhouse Sorrells Thomas, renter, Sec. I2, P.O. Man- chester, Scott Co. SPENCER JOHN, farmer and stock raiser, P.O. Manchester, Scott Co. Among the leading farmers of Greene County, we mention, with more than ordinary notice* the energetic gentleman, whose name heads this sketch. Mr. Spencer is a native of Greene Co., born in 1837. At an early age his parents moved to Morgan County, where our subject passed his earliest years, following agricultural pursuits, and early developed that energy of character that paved the way for future success. During the Spring of 1S58, Mr. Spencer was united in marriage to Miss Margaret Ann Banes, a daughter of Solomon and Caroline S. Banes, by whom he had eight children, six of whom are living and whose names are in order of birth : Franklin P., Mary J., Debby A., Charlotte, Nancy E., and Jen- nie. For over three years, to the satisfac- tion of all, Mr. Spencer has held the office of township trustee. His success in life is due to his own indomitable will and force of character. In the township 12, range II, he is the owner of 400 acres of valuable land, and a more live, capable farmer it would be a hard matter to find. Where necessary, in the way of public improve- ments or co-operation in church matters, TOWN 12, NORTH RANGE 11, WEST. 597 Mr. Spencer has always born a helping hand Spencer Willis Major, renter, Sec. I2, P.O. Roodhouse STATTS JAMES V. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 2i, P.O. White Hall. Mr. Statts is a native of New Jersey, born in 1822, and was in his 15th year when he accompanied his parents, Peter and Cathe- rine Statts, to Greene Co., the family set- tling five miles north of White Hall. Peter Statts was the possessor of but little of this world's goods, but he had a strong will and physical endurance that few, if any, ex- celled ; a successful farmer ; he passed away seven years ago, after a long life of usefulness and honor, at the ripe age of 88 years. His wife, whose maiden name was Voorhees, departed this life twelve years prior to her husband, and thus slowly the pioneers of long ago, whose generosity and kindness of heart have been sung by poets, and whose praises have been well written by American prose writers, are passing away. James grew up on the old home- stead, received a good common school edu- cation. At twenty-five he was united in marriage to Miss Mary Wyatt, a daughter of William Wyatt, deceased, once a promi- nent farmer, and well remembered by early settlers of Greene and Morgan Counties. There are seven children : Tobias, Peter, Abraham, Martha J., Sarah, Augusta, and Jessie. Like his worthy father, Mr. S. has acquired property through indefatigable effort, the homestead comprising two hun- dred acres, is among the best in the, county Stevenson William J. farm hand, P.O. Rood- house Stewart Jas. M. renter. Sec. 29, P.O. White Hall Stone J. H. farmer, P.O. Manchester Stone Jas. N. farmer, Sec. 12, P.O. Manches- ter, Scott Co. STONE N. M. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 29, P.O. Roodhouse. Mr. Stone is a native of Tennessee ; born in 1830 ; the third child of Micajah and Matilda Stone, who emigrated to Greene County in 1836, where land was settled upon. The head of the family passed away during the early infancy of the subject of this sketch, who it then became incumbent upon to con- tribute toward the family support. When the war broke out with Mexico he enlisted in Co. C, 1st Reg. 111. Volunteers ; a participant in the famous battle of Buena Vista. He was an intimate friend of that daring ofilicer. Col. J. J. Hardin. When the war closed he returned to Greene Co., renting farm property until such time as he became enabled to purchase. In 1848 he was united in marriage to Miss Eliza Hicks, a daughter of Vinas Hicks, by whom he had eleven children, eight of whom are living, whose names we here append : William A., Robert, James, Angeline, Winnie C, and Jessie B. Mr. Stone is the owner of 80 acres of valuable land Stone William A. farmer and stock raiser, P.O. Roodhouse Stoats Peter, farmer, Sec. 21, P.O. White Hall Strait John, farmer. Sec. 22, P.O. Roodhouse STRANG B. D. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 33, P.O. White Hall. The subject of this sketch, who has been more than ordinarily successful as a farmer, was born in Greene County in 1839; his boy- hood was passed on the old homestead of his parents, Benjamin and Martha Strang ; his father passed away in 1843. December, 1863, the subject of this sketch was united in marriage to Miss Louisa Crist, a daugh- ter of David Crist, whose biographical sketch appears elsewhere, by whom he had one child, Benjamin F., who died in early infancy. Mrs. Strang died in 1864 ; three years later Mr. Strang was married to Miss Minnie Bean, a daughter of Fred- erick Bean, one of the earliest settlers of Scott Co., and a native of Kentucky ; of five children born of this marriage, four are living : Leslie H., Frederick, Martha A., and Walter Benjamin. In connection with C. F. Strang, a brother, he owns 1400 acres in the counties of Scott and Greene ; an achievement surely for two young men who are still in the prime of life Stuart Albert, farmer. Sec. 20, P.O.. Rood- house Stubblefield Cal. renter, Sec. 3, P.O. Man- chester, Scott Co. Stubblefield Easely. farmer and early pioneer of Greene Co., Sec. 2, P.O. Manchester, Scott Co. 598 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. Stubblefield William, renter, P.O. White Hall SULLIVAN ELIZABETH, Sec. 14. P.O. Roodhouse SULLIVAN W. A. deceased, was born in the State of Indiana, Jefferson Co., May 30, 1833 ; in his fifth year his parents settled near CarroUton, Greene County ; here he shared the hardships of pioneer life. In his twenty-fifth year, March, 1858, he was married to Miss Elizabeth Heaton, a daughter of Samuel Heaton, who became well known as a surveyor during the early history of Greene County. Mr. Sullivan was a gentleman of liberal education, teaching school for a number of years in Greene County ; while yet in the prime of life he was stricken down, and now quietly rests amid the scenes of his labors ; to the care of his wife he left two children : Orrie, who married John Martin, and William.who resides on the homestead. Mrs. Sullivan is a native of Greene County, born in 1837 ; a lady of liberal education and the owner of 60 acres of land in Tp. 12, R. II ^AVLOR J. W. farmer, P.O. Roodhouse TAYLOR PRESTON, farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 10, P.O.. Roodhouse. Preston Taylor, who ranks among the whole-souled farmers of Greene County, was born within its borders July, 1830 ; his associates, the pioneer boys, like them he acquired a hardy vigor that laid the founda- tion for his present success. On attaining his majority in 185 1 he was united in mar- riage to Miss Roxanna Thompson, a daughter of Thomas Thompson, who ranks among the first settlers of Greene County. After many years of labor Mr. Taylor finds himself the owner of 200 acres of valuable land in Tp. 12, R. 11, on which he erected, eight years ago, a handsome farm residence. With the same bustle and activity that marked his youth he now attends to his farm duties, and where he will, undoubt- edly, pass down the stream of time to that great unknown to which we all are drifting Thaxton W. W. renter, Sec. 33, P.O. White Hall THOMPSON GEO. W. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 29, P.O. Roodhouse, is a native of Logan County, Illinois, where he was born in 1853 ; his father, John Thompson, whose ancestry are traced back to Ireland, followed farming from his earliest years, and where the subject of this sketch spent his boyhood on the farm home- stead ; for the past four years he has been a resident of Greene County ; Mr. Thomp- son is a gentleman of genial manners, a warm friend, and a liberal citizen Thompson Wm. farmer. Sec. 15, P.O. Rood- house Thompson W. A. postmaster, Barrow Station Tribble J. B. coal miner, P.O. Roodhouse Tucker Hicks, renter, P.O. Roodhouse Tucker Jas. coal miner, Sec. 24, P.O. Rood- house Tucker W. A. coal miner. Sec. 24, P.O. Roodhouse Tucker W. J. coal miner, Sec. 24, P.O. Rood- house ATANGIESEN JAMES, farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 8, P.O. Roodhouse. For a period of thirty years the above named gentleman has been a resident of Greene County, where he is well known for his kindly disposition and success as a farmer ; he was born in Somerset County, New Jersey, in 1822 ; the youngest of a family of ten children. In his fifteenth year he accompanied his parents to Greene County. The year 1838, although not an early one' in the history of the county, it had yet to witness many changes ; as deer still roamed at will and wild fowl were abun- dant, being frequently found on the table of the backwoodsman ; the family first settled on the Sand Ridge, being the third in that neighborhood ; here were passed the last days of the head of the family, Cornelius Vangiesen, who died at the advanced age of seventy-seven years. James, then in his twenty-second year, was in limited circumstances ; his first purchase on the Sand Ridge consisted of 160 acres ; here he resided fourteen years, and, during this time, united his fortunes to Miss Elizabeth Hudson, a daughter of the late William Hudson, by whom he had five children, William, Mary Jane, Minnie Belle, an infant child, and Dora, the only surviving child. In 1852 Mr. V. moved to his present farm, consisting of 220 acres TOWN 12, NORTH RANGE 11, WEST. 599 VAN TUYLE ROBERT, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 32, P.O. Manchester, Scott Co., III. Robert Van Tuyle was born in Somerset Co., New Jersey, on the 26th of November, 1832 ; he was in his fourth year when his parents, Otto and Charlotte Van Tuyle, immigrated to Illinois, settling in Greene County. Remaining during the winter northeast of White Hall, thence to Manchester prairie ; remaining until 1851, when a location was made on the prop- erty now owned by Robert ; on this prop- erty were passed the last days of Otto Van Tuyle, who became an exceedingly pros- perous farmer through industry, whose worth was appreciated by the early resi- dents of Scott and Greene Counties ; he passed away to that world of spirits to ■which we all are hastening, on the 3d of June, 1852. Mrs. Van Tuyle who is still living, a most estimable lady, is a resident of Jacksonville, Morgan County. Robert, from whom this sketch is obtained, has followed farming from boyhood ; on the 3d of May, 1859, he was united in mar- riage to Miss Margaret A. Clark, a daugh- ter of E. J. Clark, a successful farmer of Scott County, an earnest minister of the gospel and president of the Manchester Bank of Scott County ; three children born of this marriage, Frederick, a student of the Commercial College of Jacksonville, and Edward and Lottie. Mr. Van Tuyle, from a small beginning, has become a suc- cessful farmer, owning 460 acres ; in ad- dition to farming Mr. V. is also extensively engaged as a stock buyer and shipper ; one of the most popular men of Scott County, he there holds the position of bank director, and was lately nominated for pro- bate judge Vaughn Thos. renter. Sec. 16, P.O. Rood- house Vermillion Chas. renter. Sec, 31, P.O. White Hall Vermillion Henry, renter. Sec. 31, P.O. White Hall VERMILLION THOMAS, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 31, P.O.White Hall. Mr. Vermillion is a native of Virginia, born in 1822 ; sixth child of Charles and Nancy Vermillion. At the early age of sixteen Thomas made his way to Greene County, locating near present farm resi- I dence of James Rawlings; remaining three years he returned to Virginia, and while here a resident was united in marriage to Miss Catharine Carr. Sixteen years later ! he again set out for Illinois, locating first I in VI arshall County, he proceeded to Deca- tur, in Macon County, and thence to J Greene, where he has since resided ; own- ing 44 acres. Having thirteen years ex- perience in the manufacture of sorghum molasses every autumn finds him busily- engaged in the manufacture of a superior grade of this article that finds ready sale owing to its superior quality. Of seven children born of this marriage five are living, Henry R., Charles, Frank B., Althea, and Ferrell VLIET WILLIAM S. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 22, P.O. Roodhouse. The above named gentleman is a native of New Jersey; born in 1825, eldest son of Simon J. and Elizabeth Vliet. In the small but enterprising State of New Jersey^ Young Vliet passed his early years, upon the old farm homestead. At twenty-five he was united in marriage to Miss Dorotha Thorp, a daughter of John Thorp, a suc- cessful farmer. In 1853 Mr. Vliet made his way to Illinois, where he first located in Marshall County, and became a dealer in grain. In 1864 he moved to Greene County, where he has since followed farm- ing, owning 86 acres in one of the best townships in Greene County. Although not among the older residents, Mr. V. is- well and favorably known in this county. Of this marriage nine children were born, three of whom are living : Helen Jo- sephine, Charley, and May. Mrs. Vliet departed this life on the 14th of June, 1877 Vy^I^SW^^I^TH ISAAC, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 5, P.O. Man- chester, Scott County, 111. Mr. Wads- worth was born in Greene County. Nov., 1843. He was in his eighth year when his parents, Joseph and Gertrude Wadsworth^ moved to Montgomery County, where the subject of this sketch grew to maturity. When the war came on he enlisted in Company I, 53d 111. Reg., for three years*^ service. Returning to Montgomery County, when the war closed, he remained until 1870, when he moved to Greene County, 600 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTOEY. where he has since resided, owning So acres of valuable land WALKEK A:^DREW, deceased, who is well remembered by early settlers of Greene County, was born in Virginia, Feb. i6, 1808. He grew to manhood in the famous old State of Virginia, a farmer by occu|)ation. On the 13th day of Sept., 1833, he was married to Miss Charlotte Litner. In 1837 he concluded to follow the fortunes of the early settlers of Illinois, and accordingly, after many weeks of travel over the prairie, he settled in Greene County, where, as soon as able, h.i pur- chased a tract of 40 acres, part of the farm property now owned by Mrs. Walker, from whom this sketch is obtained. On the de- cease of the husband, the family comprised five children: Malcina, who married Thomas Fisher; James A., who married Huldah Longworth; Mary, who married Nelson Ballard; ZacharyT., who married Miss Sal- lie Robinson ; George B., resides at home TVALKEK E. S. (the late), who was a farmer and skillful physician of Greene County, was born in Virginia ; in early youth he acquired many advantages in an educational point of view, which fitted him in after years for the medical profession ; in Greene County he united his fortunes to Miss Mary Jane Mar, by whom he had nine children ; for many years he was a practic- ing physician in Greene and adjoining •counties ; he passed away during the year i860; of O. W. Walker it may be said, that his boyhood was passed on a farm ; at twenty he was married to Miss Margaret Barrett, a daughter of John Barrett, by whom he had five children, three living : Cora O., Otis S., and infant child ; Mr. Walker owns 120 acres Walker William, P.O. White Hall Wells Levi, renter. Sec. 30, P.O. White Hall WHITFIELD THOMAS J, farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 10, P.O. Roodhouse. Mr.W. is a nativeof Tennessee; born July 24, 1854, oldest son of Thomas Whitfield, who di;d during his early childhood, and Martha C, who during the rebellion concluded to locate in the North, and on arrival near Cairo sickened and died. Thomas, then in his tenth year, went to live with a farmer, working for an exceedingly hard and grasping man. Arriving in Greene County, he worked for Alonzo Allen eight years. During this time, 1874, he was united in marriage to Miss Delilah Taylor, a daughter of Preston Taylor, by whom he has one child, Charles A. WILLIAMS GEORGE W. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 32, P.O. White Hall. Mr. Williams, although not among the earliest settlers of Greene County, is worthy of more than a passing notice. He was born in Virginia, Sept. 5, 1816. He was the fifth child of a family of thir- teen children. His parents were John and Elizabeth Williams, who died in Virginia. George left Virginia, in 1846, for Illinois, locating, on arrival, near White Hall, where he purchased what is now known as the Adams Farm. This he bought on time from David Barrow. A natural mechanici at this time he devoted considerable time to blacksmithing. In 1847 he was married to Miss Sarah J. Williams, a daughter of the late Lewis Williams, by whom he had one child. In 1848 Mrs. W., departing this life, was laid at rest in the Carrollton Cemetery. On the 4th of April, 1S49, Mr. Williams was married to Miss Tabitha J. Pankey, a daughter of William B. Pankey, by whom he has seven children : Mary A., Edward, John J., Virginia, William B., Emma, and Holmes. Mr. Williams is a kind hearted man and a substantial citizen, owning 200 acres in valuable town prop- erty, at White Hall, and a farm of lOO acres in Kansas Williams John J. farmer. Sec. 32, P.O. White Hall Windsor Henry, farmer. Sec. 12, P.O. Man- chester, Scott Co. Winters B. G. farmer. Sec. 32, P.O. White Hall WINTERS J. C. COL. a leading agriculturist of Greene County and one of its most prominent citizens, is a native of Sinclair County, 111.; born in 1816. Passing briefly by the earlier years of his life, spent upon the old farm homestead, we arrive at the year 1846, when war was declared between Mexico and the United States Government, with a zeal consistent with his early years, he enlisted as a pri- vate in Company C, 1st Reg. 111. Vol., under the command of Col. J. J. Hardin. Proceeding to the front, ranking as a 2d TOWN 12, NORTH RANGE 11, WEST. 601 Lieutenant, he became engaged in the bat- tle, so famous in history, and known as Duena Vista. Sharing the privations in- cident to a soldier's life thirteen months, he was honorably discharged, at Camargo, and returned to Greene County, where he had moved to from Morgan. While quietly pursuing his vocation of farmer, the re- bellion coming on, and realizing the danger to the old flag that had proudly waved over many a battle field years prior, lie quickly organized a company and proceeded to Missouri. Although he first ranked as captain, through meritorious conduct he became the popular colonel of the Sglh 111. Entering for three years' service, when his term expired, owing to ill health, he re- signed his commission, retiring from the stirring scenes of war to the quiet pursuits of agriculture. In 1850, while a member of the legislature, he became known among the members who voted in favor of the Illinois Central R.R., then seeking to ex- tend its lines to Chicago. Since his retire- ment from the legislature, the name of Colonel Winters has been frequently men- tioned in connection with responsible offices, but he has invariably declined them all, preferring to attend to the duties of his farm, comprising 317 acres in Tp. 12, R. II. Like our late martyred President, Mr. Winters, ihirty-eight years ago, split rails for a livelihood, and to-day can point with pride to a success achieved by no ordinary energy. Mr. Winters was married to Miss Cynthia Cochran, a most estimable lady, by whom he has seven children : Frank, Samuel, Lafayette, Solon, Joshua, Jo- sephine, and Byron Winters John, school teacher. Sec. 35, P.O. White Hall Winters Williim, renter, Sec. 33, P.O. White Hall WISE LEWIS N. school teacher, Sec. 23. P.O. White Hall. Mr. Wise is a native of Greene County, born Dec. 15, 1S36. the youngest of a family of nine children. The early years of his life were passed ujion a farm. Early evincing a ta^te for knowledge he applied himself assiduously to his studies and acquired a liberal education. At nineteen he entered Shurileft' College; remaining one year, he became versed in the higher English studies. Attaining his majority, he determined to adopt teaching as a profession, and for a period of seven years was a teacher of a district school. During this time he united his fortunes to Miss Rebecca Jones, a daughter of David B. Jones. For a period of sixteen years he has taught school in Greene County and, his attainments being far above the average, he gives general satisfaction. In his twenty- fourth year he was elected justice of the peace and township treasurer. In 1869 he made his way to Kansas, where with his- family he settled iu Montgomery County. At Independence he conducted a success- ful merchandise business, but in the midst, of prosperity his devoted wife sickened and died. Insheartened at the death of her who had shared his fortunes, he returned to Greene County, where he is the owner of 40 acres of valuable land, but still con- tinues his old vocation t J. W. farmer. Sec. 32, P.O. White Hall WYATT THOMAS, farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 30, P.O. White Hall. Mr. Wyatt was born in Madison County, III., July 5, 1819. Me was but a child when his parents settled in Morgan County, and accompanied them to Greene County, set- tling on the Lorton Prairie, where land was entered from the government. William Wyatt was an exceedingly prosperous farmer for the period of lime in which he lived. He passed away thirty-five years ago, Mrr» W., surviving her husband many years, was also laid at rest in Greene County. Thomas, from whom this sketch is obtained, well remembers many of the older pioneers who have been gathered to a home above. At his father's house the North American Tn- smoked in stolid silence the pipe of peace and then strode sullenly away across the trackless prairie. The education of the youth was dciived in a log cabin not far from his present residence. In his twenlieth year he was united iu marriage to Miss Nancy Denham, a daughter of Willis Denham, by whom he had ten chil- dren : William, John, Daviil, Thomas, Oby, Aaron, ula, Mary, and Addie. Mr. ^Vyatt owns So acres Wyait William, renter, P.O. Whi(e Hall AV YXX JOHX, farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 12, P.O. Manchester, Scott County, 602 GKEENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. 111. John Wynn is a native of Ireland, born in the county of Roscommon, in 1847. During his early infancy his father passed to that bourne from whence no traveler ever returns. The youth, in 185^, became a passenger on board a sailing vessel and crossing the Atlantic in it, reached, in due time. New York City, where he remained a short time, when he wended his way to Morgan County, and, entering the employ of James Strawn, twelve years ago, became a resident of GreeneCounty, where,in i873,he married Miss Margaret Collins, a daughter of Thomas Collins. Three children were born of this marriage : Michael, May, and Margaretta. Like nearly all of his race, liberality is a distinguishing trait of Mr. Wynn's character BUSINESS CARDS. ALLEN CHAS. E., M. D. proprietor Mineral Springs, three miles east of Rood- house. The above Springs contain, from actual analysis, the properties whence we maintain the vigor of youth AMOS GEORGE H. stock dealer, township 12, range 11 CRIST C. J. justice of the peace, township 12, range il DAVIS ARTHUR, fruit grower. Mr. Davis has one of the best orchards in Greene County, situated in township 12, range 11 VERMILLION THOMAS, manu- facturer and dealer in sorghum molasses, township 12, range il _ Township 12, North Range 10, West. A RMSTRONG H. MRS. widow T. H. -^^ Sec. 29, P.O. Athensville Ash Jesse, farmer, Sec. lo, P.O. Athensville Ash S. M. farmer, Sec. 3, P.O. Murrayville, Morgan Co. TDARBER JAMES, farmer, Sec. 7, P.O. Murrayville, Morgan Co. Barnard Mittie Mrs. wid. J. T. Sec. 29. P.O. Athensville Barnard Thomas, druggist and general store- keeper, Athensville Barnett Fred, farmer. Sec. 19, P.O. Athens- ville Barnett John, farmer. Sec. 31, P.O. Athens- ville Barrow James, renter, Sec. 14, P.O. Athens- ville Barrow Levi, lab. Sec. 20, P.O. Athensville BELL JOHN, farmer, Sec. 22, P.O. Athensville, born in Yorkshire, Eng.,Sept. 10, 1837 ; came to this country in 1854, and lived with his uncle, Mr. Thomas Bell, of Morgan County, who emigrated to this country many years ago, and still resides in Morgan Co. Mr. Bell married Dec. 22, 1861, to Elizabeth Gordon, born in Cana- da, July 17, 1834. Shortly after their mar- riage Mr. and Mrs. Bell removed to Greene Co., where a family of five children have been born, viz.: Lizzie, born Oct. 16, 1862; Richard T., Nov. 11, 1864; Frederick H., Dec. 13, 1867; John F., July 7, 1869, and George T., Sept. 4, 1871. Mr. Bell has been a farmer all his life. Owns seventy acres, well improved Black R. farmer, Sec. 7, P.O. Murrayville, Morgan Co. Blake David F. farmer. Sec. 18, P.O. Rood- house * Blake John M. farmer. Sec. 17, P.O. Rood- house Brock Joel, renter. Sec. 16, P.O. Athensville Brown General, lab. Sec. 31, P.O. Athens- ville Burrell Edward, farmer. Sec. 5, P.O. Mur- rayville, Morgan Co. /^ARVETH BROS. James H. and George ^ P. farmers. Sec. 34, P.O. Athensville Castleberry John, farmer. Sec. 19, P.O. Ath- ensville Cawdle James, renter. Sec. i, P.O. Murray- ville, Morgan Co. Chaudoin Andrew, farmer, Sec. 36, P.O. Ath- ensville Church W. E. photographer, Athensville Colclaugh Geo. W. farmer, Sec. 20, P.O. Ath- ensville Converse A. farmer. Sec. 35, P.O. Athens- ville Cox Henry D, lab. Sec. 26, P.O. Athensville Crane Geo. W. farmer. Sec. 17, P.O. Athens- ville Curlismyer Joseph, Sec. 4, P.O. Murrayville, Morgan Co. "pvANN JAMES, renter. Sec. 27, P.O. -*-^ Athensville DANROW JAMES, farmer. Sec. 27, P.O. Athensville, born in Ireland, March 20, 185 1; came to this country in 1869, and settled in Greene Co.; married Dec. 22, 1873, to Sarah E., daughter of Ely and Mary Bathel, Greene Co., born March 20, 1S53 ; one child has been born of this union, Richard G., April 9, 1875. Mr. Danrow, since coming to this country, has devoted his industries solely to agricultural pursuits. Farm consists of 100 acres Davidson Hezekiah, lab. Athensville Delany Geo. H. renter, Sec. 26, P.O. Athens- ville Delany Robt. renter. Sec. 14, P.O. Athens- ville DELL GIL. H. renter. Sec. 13, P.O. Athensville, son of Matthew Dill, who was born in Alabama, Feb.i, 1811, and came to this State, settling in Greene Co. in 1857 ; married to Martha Hazelton, of Kentucky, 604 GREEXE COUNTY DIRECTORY. who was born April 19, 1S19. Six sons and four daughters were born of this union, of which Gil. H. is the sixth child, and was born in Kentucky, May 16, 1849, where he lived until his parents moved here. Mar- ried Dec. 26, 1875, to Caroline Smith, Greene Co., born Aug. 10, 1S53. Two children have blessed this union : Matt H. born Feb. 3, 1S77, and Carrie M., born March 7, 1878. Mr. Dell has devoted his industries exclusively to farming. Rents 90 acres Denison John, lab. Sec. 20, P.O. Athensville De Shazo Charles, farmer, Sec. 10, P.O. Mur- rayville, Morgan Co. Dooty James, farmer, Sec. 6, P.O. Murray- ville, Morgan Co. Downs Helen, wid. Andrew, Sec. 18, P.O. Roodhouse Downs Zacariah, farmer, Sec. iS, P.O. Rood- house Dryden J. !">. farmer. Sec. 17, P.O. Rood- house Dyer John, renter. Sec. 21, P.O. Athensville Dyer Wm. L. lab. Sec. 20, P.O. Athensville ■pARLY MICHAEL, renter, Sec. 12.P.O. "^ Scottsville, Macoupin Co. Edwaids John L. blacksmith, Athensville Edwards Michael, farmer, Sec. 25, P.O. Ath- ensville Ellet Wm. farmer, Sec. 19, P.O. Athensville Elmore Wm. renter, Sec. 27, P.O. Athens- ville English John H. dry goods and groceries, Athensville ■pANNING BENJAMIN, farmer. Sec. 1, P.O. Scottsville, Macoupin Co. Fanning George, renter. Sec. 12, P.O. Mur- rayville, Morgan Co. FARLOW JAME.S, farmer, Sec. 34, P.O. Athensville. Born in Ireland, came to this country in 1819. landing in New York; came to Illinois in 1852, and to Greene County about fourteen years ago. Married September 14, 1S54, to Lucinda Johnson, of .Macoupin County; this union has bien blessed by three children, viz: Lucinda E., born Oct. r6, 1855, now the wife of G. Egglcron of Morgan C!o., Michael J., horn Dec. 9, 1S56, and James P. born April 14, 1S59. now in Kansas. Since his mariiat'e Mr. Farlow has devoted his in- dustries to agricultural pursuits ; he bought his present homestead, consisting of 80 acres, about five vears ago FAULKNER H. T., farmer. Sec. 23, P.O. Alliensville. Born in Kentucky Dec. 12, 1828, and came to this State and county about 1848; was married Ai^g. 11, 1852 to Jennie R. Moore, of Greene County, born Sept. 12, 1833 ; iJiis union was blessed by three children, viz. : Sophie E., born June 20, 1853, Jennie 15., born Aug. 17, 1855, and Andrew J., born May 16, T857. Mrs. Faulkner died Aug. 19, 1863 ; Mr. Faulkner was married again Oct. 19, 1864, to Mar- garet M. Vedder, of Pike Co., born May 14, 1837 ; four children have been born of this union, viz.: Florence C, born Oct. 16, 1866, died Aug. 16, 1867, Mary R., born Nov. 19, 1868, Cornelia J, born June it, 1871, and Edward A , born INLirch 15, 1S73. Mr. Faulkner has devoted his industries solely to agricultural pursuits; homestead con- sists of 80 acres Ferguerson J. T. farmer, Sec. 35, P.O. Athens- ville Ferguson James A. renter. Sec. 30, P.O. Athensville Fergu.son W. C. blacksmith, Athensville Fester Francis M. farmer. Sec. 33, P.O. Athens- ville Few Robert, farmer, Sec. 10, P.O. Athensville Filzsimmons James, farmer, Sec. 5, P.O. Athensville Floro Wm. renter. Sec. 4, P.O. Athensville Florence James, Sec. c6, P.O. Athensville Flynn Michael, farmer. Sec. 34, P.O. Athens- ville /^ILMORE C. N. farmer. Sec. 10, P.O. ^ Athensville Gilmore Carrell, farmer. Sec. 18, P.O. Rood- house Gil more John, farmer, Sec. 22, P.O Athens- ville Gilmore John 1\L farmer. Sec. 10, P.O. Athens- ville Gilmore W. P. farmer and stock dealer. Sec. 10, P.O. Murrayville, Morgan Co. Glover John, farmer. Sec. I, P.O. ^lurrayville, Morgan Co. GOODING CHARLES, farmer. Sec. 15. P.O. Athensville. Son of M. S. Good- ing, who was born in North Carolina, July 22, 1791 ; married in Kentucky to Eva TOWN 12, NORTH EANGE 10, WEST. 605 Dunlap, and settled in this county about 1825, and died in 1834, leaving five young children to be provided for by their mother, who, by great perseverance succeeded in her labor of love, and died in July, 1854. Charles Gooding was born Feb. 10, 1834; married April 13, 1853, to Maria, daughter of Theo. and Ellen Stafford, of Morgan Co., born Nov. 14, 1825 ; this union has been blessed by four children, viz : Ellen M., born July i, 1854, Milton S,, born Dec. 9, 1856, Henry E., born Feb. 9, 1858, and Charles A., born Aug. 9, 1861. Mr. Good- ing has devoted his industries solely to agricultural pursuits ; homestead consists of 180 acres Goucher Albert, farmer. Sec. 6, P.O. Murray- ville, Morgan Co. Goucher Wiley, renter, Sec. 6, P.O. Murray- ville, Morgan Co. Greenwood Isaac, renter. Sec. 3, P.O. Murray- ville, Morgan Co. Grider M. F. farmer, Sec. 14, P.O. Athensville Grigsby Henry, renter. Sec. 11, P.O. Murray- ville, Morgan Co. Gunn Joseph D. farmer, Sec. 18, P.O. Rood- house T_T ALE JOHN CALVIN, renter, Sec. 23, ■*~^ P.O. Athensville HANLEY JOHN C, farmer. Sec. 24. P.O. Athensville. Born in Tennessee, July 12, 1844, and came to this State with his parents when seven years of age, and settled in Macoupin Co. ; married Nov. 14, 1866, to Minnie Hilyer, of Scott County, born April 13, 1848 ; this lady died shortly after marriage, June 22, 1867 ; Mr. Hanley mar- ried again, March 31, 1869, to Alice, daugh- ter of Oliver and Martha Springer, of Greene County, born May 20, 1848 ; this union has been blessed by one child, John O., born July 19, 1873. Mr. Hanley took up his residence in this county in 1868 ; has made farming his occupation ; homestead con- sists of 40 acres Harrison George W. farmer. Sec. 30, P.O. Athensville Harrison William, renter, Sec.26, P.O.Athens- viUe HASTINGS PETER, renter. Sec. 21, P.O. Athensville ; born in Kentucky, Jan. 15, 1819; came to this State in 1834, and has lived in this county four years ; mar- Z ried Feb. 4, 1846, to Mary Ruggles, of Tennessee, born Nov. 11, 1823 ; this union has been blessed by seven children, only two however of whom are living, viz : Clara, born June 9, 1850, and Louisa born Aug. 5, 1852. Mr. Hastings enlisted in August, 1861, in the loth Mo. V. I., and served at Vicksburg, Champion Hills, Raymond, Corinth and Chattanooga, was mustered out at St. iLouis, Sept. 1864, after three years very active and arduous service. Mr. Hastings followed the occupation of black- smith for many years, but since his return from the war has devoted his industries to farming HATL.ER F. M., renter, Sec. 32, P.O. Athensville. Born in Barren County, Ky., Feb. 28, 1833, and removed to Sangamon County, Illinois, with his parents in March, 1834. His parents were both stricken with fever shortly after arriving there, and died in June of that year, leaving the infant son, the subject of our sketch, an orphan in a new settlement. He was the youngest of three children thus left without a parent ; he was raised by his uncle, John M. Hatler, who had lately settled in Greene County, where they have lived ever since. Mr. Hatler was married March 9, 1854, to Sarah C. Overby, a daughter of Andrew and Rachel Overby, of Greene County, born Sept. 10, 1837 ; this union has been blessed by five children, three of whom are living, viz. : James W„ born May 11, 1856, Albert M., born May 21, 1861, and John Alonzo, born ^Dec. 13, 1867. Mr. Hatler has de- voted his industries solely to agricultural pursuits ; rents 300 acres Heaton Mark, farmer. Sec. 18, P.O. Rood- house Heywood Wm. farmer. Sec. 9, P.O. Athens- ville Hicks George, farmer. Sec. 13, P.O. Athens- ville Hicks Joel, renter, Sec. 13, P.O. Athensville Hicks Nancy Mrs. wid. J. W. Sec. 13, P.O. Athensville Hicks Samuel, renter. Sec. 13, P.O, Athens- ville Hicks W. E. farmer, Sec. 17, P.O. Roodhouse Hoots Henry, farmer, Sec. 23, P.O. Athens- ville HOPKINS NANCY MRS., wid. Geo. H. Sec. 29, P.O. Athensville. Geo. 606 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. H. Hopkins was born in Kentucky in 1796, and came to this State when a young man ; he was one of the earliest settlers of Morgan County where he entered land, but removed to Greene County shortly after, and bought and entered land in this town- ship ; was married in 1825 to Mary Ann Arnold of Tennessee, born in 1807 ; this union was blessed by nine children, five of whom are living, viz.: Abraham, John, Ellen, Mary Ann and Austin. Mr. Hop- kins after a long life of toil and industry devoted to the improvement of his land, died Oct. 14, 1866, at the age of 70 years. Mrs. Hopkins still resides at the homestead, which consists of 120 acres, the original tract having been divided at Mr. Hopkins' death Hopper Calvin P. farmer, Sec. 36, P.O. Ath- ensville Hopper J. Sidney, renter, Sec. 2, P.O. Mur- rayville, Morgan Co. Hubbell Joshua, farmer, Sec. 8, P.O. Murray- ville, Morgan Co. JACKSON DAVID, farmer, Sec. 24, P.O. Athensville Jackson Job, renter. Sec. 24, P.O. Athens- ville Jackson Sarah B. wid E. R., Sec. 24, P.O. Athensville Jackson Simeon, farmer. Sec. 24, P.O. Ath- ensville Jackson Wm. B. farmer and tile maker. Sec. 26, P.O. Athensville Jackson Wm. J. renter. Sec. 12, P.O. Scotts- ville, Macoupin Co. JAMISON BENJAMIN, farmer, Sec. 15, P.O. Athensville. Born in Ten- nessee, March 6, 1815, and came to this State with parents when about eight years of age. He is thus one of the early set- tlers, and closely identified with this coun- ty's growth. Married in 1843, to Sarah Wardwell, of Kentucky, born June 27, 1823. Three children were born of this union, viz. : William, Caroline, now wife of Jas. Corcoran, Morgan County, and Samuel. Mrs. Jamison died Dec. 17, 1866. Mr. J. has passed his whole life at the plow. His son, Samuel, was married Nov. 14, 1873, to Clarissa Haws, Macoupin County, and resides with his father at the home- stead, comprising 80 acres Johnson Solomon, renter. Sec. 12, P.O. Scotts- ville, Macoupin Co. Jones Oliver, laborer, Sec. 27, P.O. Athens- ville TT^ING ALEXANDER, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 26, P.O. Athensville. Born in Indiana, Jan. 18, 1820, and was brought to this county by his parents at the early age of one year, and has resided here ever since, thus having grown up as it were with the county, and one whose in- terests are closely identified with its im- provements. Married Oct. 30, 1845, to Mary, daughter of William and Sarah Waggoner, born in Kentucky, Sept. 17, 1825. This union has been blessed by seven children, of whom only four are liv- ing, viz.: David F., born Jan. 7. 1853, "ow County Superintendent of schools; Stephen A. Douglas, born Aug. 14, 1855 ; Sarah M., born April 28, 1858, now wife of George Wood, Greene County ; and Samuel T., born June 11, 1864. Mr, King was elected constable of Carrollton in 1844, justice of peace in 1852, and representative to State Legislature in 1858, fulfilling the duties of each with entire satisfaction to his constit- uents, and honor to himself. He was for many years a prominent business man of Athensville, being the leading dry goods merchant, but retired about eight years ago, since which time he has devoted his industries to agricultural pursuits. His farm consists of 455 acres, about 300 of which is under cultivation King David F., Co. Supt. Schools, Athens- ville King Stephen A. Douglas, farmer, Sec. 26, P.O. Athensville T ABBEE E. A. farmer, Sec. 30, P.O. ■^ Athensville Lewis Archibald H. farmer. Sec. 25, P.O. Athensville Lindsey W. K. physician. Sec. 27, P.O. Ath- ensville lyrABERRY BROTHERS, ■'■*-*■ WILLIAM W. AND L. C. farm- ers. Sec. 27, P.O. Athensville. Sons of Randolph J. Maberry, who was born in Tennessee, June 18, 1827, and came to this State with his parents at an early age, and TOWN 12, NORTH RANGE 10, WEST. 607 were among the earliest settlers, having ar- rived prior to the deep snow, settling with- in the confines of Greene County. He was married to Agnes E. Ferguson, of which union four children were born ; the two elder ones died, and the two surviving ones are the subjects of this sketch. Mr. Ma- berry devoted his industries to farming, but died Feb. 3, 1859, while yet in early man- hood. Mrs. Maberry, mother of the broth- ers Maberry, died May 16, 1872. Wm. W. Maberry was born May 28, 1853 ; married Dec. 24, 1876, to Virginia A., daughter of George H. and Sarah E. Finley, Morgan County, born Sept. 12, 1858. This union has been blessed by one child, born Oct. 7, 1877, and died Nov. 22, 1877. L. C. Ma- berry was born Sept. 23, 1855, and is un- married. The brothers devote their indus- tries to farming, stock raising and dealing, and are worthy successors of the name, which is a prominent one in the early his- tory of Greene County Maberry John, farmer, Sec. 33, P.O. Athens- ville Maberry Wm. G. farmer, Sec. 33, P.O. Ath- ensville Macauley Wm. school teacher, Athensville MASON JOHN, farmer. Sec. 33. P-O. Athensville. Born in Kentucky, May 18, 1812; removed to this State and settled in Greene County in 1830. Married in Ken- tucky, Jan. I, 1830, to Rebecca Moss, born in Tennessee, in 1813. This union has been blessed by four sons and five daugh- ters, six of whom are living. Mr. Mason enlisted in 1846 in the ist Reg. 111. Vol., and served in the Mexican War, returning home in 1847, since which time he has de- voted his industries solely to agricultural pursuits. Farm comprises 120 acres, high- ly improved. McBride S. B. renter. Sec. 22, P.O. Athens- ville McCarty , farmer. Sec. 33, P.O. Athens- ville Mccracken W. H. renter, Sec. 35, P.O. Athensville. Son of Alex McCracken, who came from Pennsylvania in the early history of this county, and died April 6, 1866. W. H. McCracken was born in Greene County Oct. 3, 1848 ; married Feb. 13, 1870, to Josephine Sharp, of Macoupin County, born Aug. Ii, 1849. Four chil- dren has blessed this union, viz. : Millie J., born Jan. 12, 1871 ; Charles E., Jan. 11, 1872; Sophie A., Sept. 13, 1874; MaryE,, March 27, 1876, died Dec. 18, 1877 ; and George H., Dec. 7, 1877. Mr. McCracken enlisted in Co. B, lOth I. V. I., and served in Missouri ; was discharged the same year ; re-enlisted in Co. G, 38th I. V. I., and served under Gen. Thomas in the de- partment of the Cumberland, participating in the battles of Franklin, Nashville, etc., and discharged March 20, i866. Since Mr. McC.'s return home, he has devoted his industries to agricultural pursuits ; rents 160 acres, showing evidences of thrif- ty husbandry on every hand McElroy Patrick, farmer. Sec. 34, P.O. Ath- ensville Mcpherson james, farmer, sec. 34, P.O. Athensville. Son of Patrick Mc- Pherson, who was born in Ireland, and came to this country when a young man, landing in New Orleans, but came direct to this country about forty years ago and en- gaged in farming, and continued to reside in this county until his death, which occur- red June 17, 1877. He was married to Johanna Driscoll, born in Ireland by which union nine children were born, of which James, the subject of this sketch, was the second son, and was born May 14, 1847 ; married Sept. 19, 1869, to Catherine Cra- ven, born in Greene County June 7, 1848. This union has been blessed by four chil- dren, two only of whom are living, viz. : James P., born Nov. 2, 1870, and Julia C, born Aug. 13, 1874. Mr. McPherson has resided in this county all his life, and de- voted himself solely to farming ; homestead consists of forty acres McVay John, farmer. Sec. 33, P.O. Athens- ville McVay Thomas, fanner, Sec. 24, P.O. Ath- ensville Metcener Casper, boot and shoemaker, Ath- ensville Miller Celia, wid. William, Sec. 16, P.O. Ath- ensville Mitchell J. G. farmer, Sec. 11, P.O. Murray- ville, Morgan Co. Mitchell Nancy, wid. Fielding, Sec. 27, P.O. Athensville Morrow Geo. W. (Morrow Bros.) miller, Alh- ensville 608 GKEENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. Morrow James, farmer, Sec. 17, P.O. Athens- villa MORROW JESSE, retired miller, Sec. 26, P.O. Athensville. Born in North Caro- lina Aug. 4, 1812, and removed to this State in the Fall of 1819, settling within the limits afterward contained in Greene County; he may thus be regarded as one of the earliest settlers, and one closely identi- fied with this county's growth and develop- ment ; married Nov. 19, 1836, to Margerie, daughter of 'Squire Allen, of Greene County, born Dec. 17, 1817. This union was blessed by two children, viz. : Mar- shall, born April 28, 1838, and Martha Jane, born June 28, 1840, died Aug. 5, 1864. Mrs. Morrow died Aug. 6, 1842. Mr. M. married again Nov. 19, 1845, to Elvira, daughter of Charles and Marj' Bradshaw, Greene County, born Feb. 22, 1821. By this union eleven children were born, seven of whom are living, viz. : Alex R., born Aug. 27, 1846; George W., Feb. 9, 1851; Sarah Ann, Nov. 14, 1852; Nan- cy E., Nov. 10, 1854 ; John B., July 26, 1856; Zac. D., Sept. 15, 1838; and Oliver A., April 29, 1863. Their mother died March 5, 1866. Mr. M. married his third wife Dec. 27, 1868, Miss Nancy Nettles, Greene County, born Dec. 7, 1828. Mr. Morrow, during the greater part of his active life, has been engaged in the milling business, having first bought the old Ruyle mill nearly forty years ago ; he has been retired from active business about ten years. He held various positions of trust, such as county treasurer, superintendent, justice of the peace, etc., etc., ever dis- charging his duties satisfactorily and with honor. Mr. M. recalls with vivid recollec- tions many incidents of early settlers' life, having come here when this country was the hunting grounds of the Indians. He is now spending his declining years in ease, surrounded by his numerous family Morrow John B. miller (Morrow Bros.), Athensville MORROW MARSHALL W. (Mor- row Bros.), miller, Athensville, eldest son of Jesse Morrow, born Greene County, April 28, 1838; married Nov. 2, 1865, to Elizabeth E., daughter of Benjamin and Lucinda Scott, Greene Co., born Feb. 22, 1839. This union has been blessed by one child, viz.: Benjamin F., born Feb. 22, 1869. Mr. Morrow commenced business as miller about twenty years ago, on Apple Creek, but in 1862 he went to California, and operated a quartz mill in Nevada for about two years ; he then returned to this county and, in company with his brother, built a grist mill at Athensville. This en- terprise has proved very successful, fast gaining patronage from a large area of sur- rounding country, due to the skill, perse- verance, and integrity of its management. In 1S69 this mill was destroyed by fire, was rebuilt on the same site on a larger scale the following year, containing all the mod- ern improvements and appliances essential to a first-class mill. On their commence- ment of business the brothers had but little capital, and assumed considerable indebt- edness, but by untiring industry and hon- esty in their dealings, they have surmounted all obstacles, and are now in possession of a fair allowance of this world's goods, with an increasing patronage and reputation Morrow Wm. M. farmer, Sec. 29, P.O. Athens- ville Morrow Zac. D. boots and shoes and varie- ties, postmaster, Athensville Mullens Thomas, blacksmith, Athensville Mutaker John, lab. Sec. 20, P.O. Athensville XTEECE C. W. renter. Sec. 29, P.O. ■'■^ Athensville Neece W. H. renter, Sec. 24, P.O. Athensville Neighbors John, farmer. Sec. 4, P.O. Murray- ville, Morgan Co. Nicholls John, farmer, Sec. 12, P.O. Murray- ville, Morgan Co. Nichols James F. lab. Sec. 36, P.O. Athens- ville NIXON SIMON, farmer, Sec. 32, P.O. Athensville ; born in North Carolina, June I, 1817, and came to this State when only seventeen years old ; married July 4, 1838, to Lucy Jane, daughter of John and Lucy Patten, born Kentucky, Oct. 9, 1819; this union has been blessed by seven children, four of whom are living, viz. : John, born Aug. 29, 1839 ; Sallie J., Aug. 8, 1841 ; Samuel, Feb. 18, 1845, and Daniel S., Jan. 29, 1848. Mr. Nixon's father entered and bought land on their first arrival here, all of which is still in possession of the family. Mr. N. has been a farmer all his life, and TOWN 12, NOKTH BANGE 10, WEST. 609 has assisted by his labor and industry in the improvements of Greene Co. Home- stead consists of i8o acres NOKRIS EDWIN, farmer, Sec. 2i, P. O. Athensville ; born in Greene Co., within half a mile of his present residence ; son of Wm. Norris, who was born in Tennes- see, and was one of the earliest settlers of this State; he died in 1848; Mr. Norris married Jan. 8, 1858, to Priscella Flem- ming, of Greene County, born Sept. 25, 1840; this union has been blessed by eight children, six of whom are living, viz.: Ma- rion, Jan. 3, 1859; Deborah, Jan. i, 1866; Mary Ann, Dec. 15, 1867 ; Emma J., Feb. 13, 1872 ; Fannie F., Nov. 13, 1874, and Lizzie, Jan. 12, 1876. Mr. N. enlisted Aug. 1862, in Co. G, io2d I. V. I., and served in the Department of the Gulf, par- ticipating in the battles of Parker's Cross Roads, Nashville, Fort Blakely, etc., etc., and was mustered out at close of war. Since his return home Mr. N. has devoted his industries to agricultural pursuits ; homestead consists of 100 acres /^VERBY F. M. farmer, Sec. 21, P.O. ^-^ Athensville Overby Julia Mrs. widow W. R. Sec. 28, P.O. Athensville Overby Z. renter. Sec. 27, P.O. Athensville pATTERSON S. S. farmer. Sec. 28, P.O. Athensville PATTERSON T. S. farmer, Sec. 26, P.O. Athensville ; born Madison Co., Ky., March 25, 1812 ; removed to this State in 1832, and settled in this county in Spring of 1836, where he has resided ever since; married Oct. 19, 1837, to Mary Wood, of Carrollton ; this union was blessed by eight sons and seven daughters, eleven of whom are living. Mrs. Patterson died Sept. 9. 1868, aged forty-eight years. Mr. P. mar- ried again Aug. 20, 1872, to Sarah Jane Florence, born Jacksonville, Morgan Co., Sept. 23, 1838 ; two children have been born of this union, viz. : Perry Florence, July 9, 1874, and Laura Almeda, Oct. 7, 1876. Mr. Patterson has been a prominent business man in Athensville ; he kept the leading grocery and general store lor twenty years, was justice of the peace and post- master for many years, and has always been a zealous Republican ; he retired from ac- tive business about two years ago, and now devotes his attention to the direction of af- fairs on his farm, which consists of 283 acres Pennell J. G. farmer, Sec. 3, P.O. Murrayville, Morgan Co. PEPPERDINE BROTHERS. John and M. T. Sewer pipe, drain tile, and fire brick, factory Sec. 26, P.O. Athens- ville. John Pepperdine was born Aug. 2, 1849, at White Hall; married Oct. 11, 1871, to Miss Anna Athey, of Pittsfield, Pike Co.; this union has been blessed by four children, viz.: Lawrence C, Henry D., Earl and Pearl (twins). M. T. Pepperdine was born at Exeter, Scott Co., July 18, 1850 ; married Nov. 18, 1877, to Mollie E., daughter of William and Louisa Ballard, Greene Co. Pepperdine Bros, are engaged in the manufacture of drain tile and fire brick ; they have all the facilities and prac- tical knowledge necessary to ensure the production of a very superior article ; they guarantee their tiles to be made of the best material ; a full stock in all varieties and sizes constantly on hand and for sale at the lowest possible rates Prayther Edward, farmer. Sec. 31, P.O. Athensville Prayther Thos. F. farmer, Sec. 31, P.O. Athensville Prayther Wm. A. farmer, Sec. 31. P.O. Athens- ville Preston J. W. farmer, Sec. 8, P.O. Murray- ville, Morgan Co. -p AFFERTY WM. H. farmer. Sec. 34, -•^ P.O. Athensville Reeves James, farmer. Sec. 26, P.O. Athens- ville Reeves John T. farmer, Sec. 26, P.O. Athens- ville Reeves M. Mrs. wid. Joel, Sec. 26, P.O. Athensville Rimbey Wm. renter, Sec. 4, P.O. Murray- ville, Morgan Co. Ring John P. renter, Sec. 7, P.O. Murrayville, Morgan Co. Rodgers R. Mrs. wid. John, Sec. 33, P.O. Athensville Rogers George W. carpenter and builder, Sec. 33, P.O. Athensville Ruyle W. B. farmer. Sec. 16, P.O. Athensville 610 GREENE COUNTY DIBECTORY. Ruyle Washington, farmer, Sec. i6, P.O. Athensville C ANDERS BEN", farmer, Sec. 14, P.O. Athensville ; born in North Carolina, Sept. 30, 1803 ; came to Morgan Co. in this State 1827, and removed to Greene County 1831 ; married in Kentucky, June, 1826, to Elizabeth Strong, born Kentucky, April, 1805, and died March 6, 1872. Mr. San- ders married May 20, 1876, Mattie Brink- ley, born Dec. 30, 1833, and widow of the late Thomas Brinkley, of Greene Co. Sanson Fred, renter. Sec. 29, P.O. Athens- ville SCHEPPE JOHN, farmer, Sec. 24, P.O. Athensville, son of August Scheppe, who was born in Tennessee, March 22, 1801, and came to this State and settled in Morgan County, prior to the deep snow. John Scheppe was born in Morgan County Nov. 2, 1833 ; married May 12, i860, to Mary Ann Fayette, daughter of L. A. and Lucy Fayette, of Sangamon Co., born July 6, 1838. This union has been blessed by six children, viz.: William, born March 21, 1861 ; Hessing A., Jan. 4, 1863 ; Mary B., April 24, 1869; Samuel A., Jan. 21, 1871 ; Walter H., Feb. 5, 1872, and Isaac T., March 19, 1876. Mr. Scheppe, purchased the land where they now reside, in 1857. He has devoted his industries solely to farming. Homestead consists of sixty-five acres SCOTT FREDERICK, farmer, Sec. 28, P.O. Athensville, born in this township May 10, 1845. Mr. S.'s parents were among the earliest settlers of this county, having come here from Tennessee prior to the deep snow. Married April 14, 1866, to Emma L., daughter of Henry and Emma Hastings, Greene Co. Three sons have blessed this union, two of whom are living, viz: Fred. H., born Sept. 14, 1867, and Henry W., born Nov. 17, 1869. Farm comprises So acres beautifully located and well improved Sharp Nimrod, farmer, Sec. 13, P.O. Athens- ville Sharp Wm. A. farmer. Sec. 34, P.O. Athens- ville SHAW W. A. renter. Sec. 34, P.O. Ath- ensville, born Pike County, Aug. 19, 1832 ; settled in Greene County 1850. Married Oct. 18, 1851, to Eliza, daughter of John and Louisa Bently, born Oct. 18, 1830. This union has been blessed by three chil- dren, viz.: Thomas G., born Nov. 11, 1852; Walter C, born Oct. 4, 1854, and Henry J., born Feb. I, 1857. Mr. Shaw's occupa- tion has always been farming; rents no acres Sheppard John V. renter, Sec. 21, P.O. Ath- ensville Sheppard L. W. farmer. Sec. 14, P.O. Ath- ensville Sheppard S. farmer. Sec. 21, P.O. Athens- ville Sheppard Theo. farmer, Sec. 23, P.O. Athens* ville Shores John, wagon maker and blacksmith. Sec. 29, P.O. Athensville Simmons Alfred B. farmer, Sec. 14, P.O. Ath- ensville SIMPSON" ALFRED, farmer, Sec. 16, P.O. Athensville, born in Sangamon Co., 111., March i, 1850, and has lived in Greene County since six years of age. His grand- father was one of the earliest settlers of the State, and came from Vermont. Alfred is the third child of a family of eight; was married Feb. 13, 1873, to Lydia J., daugh- ter of Zac and Matilda Bean, born Greene Co., April 7, 1854. This union has been blessed by one child, Mary M., born Oct. 27, 1874. Mr. Simpson has devoted his industries solely to agricultural pursuits ; homestead consists of 116 acres Sink G. W. renter. Sec. 9, P.O. Roodhouse Sink J. F. farmer. Sec. 16, P.O. Athensville Smith Daniel, farmer. Sec. 26, P.O. Athens- ville Smith John, school teacher, Sec. 10, P.O. Athensville Smith Robert, farmer. Sec. 25, P.O. Athens- ville Sorrels Thomas, renter, Sec. 8, P.O. Athens- ville Spencer Elizabeth, wid, W. F. Sec. 15, P.O. Athensville Spencer Henry, farmer. Sec. 30, P.O. Ath- ensville Spencer Samuel, renter. Sec. 2, P.O. Murray- ville, Morgan Co. Spencer Thomas, renter, Sec. 2, P.O. Murray- ville, Morgan Co. Spotts Charles, farmer. Sec. 3, P.O. Murray- ville, Morgan Co. TOWN 12, NORTH RANGE 10, WEST. 611 Spotts John, farmer, Sec. 3, P.O. Murrayville, Morgan Co. Stamer Mrs. wid. W. F. Sec. 12, P.O. Scotts- ville, Macoupin Co. Stannaford Isham, renter. Sec. 21, P.O. Ath- ensville Stillwell D. renter, Sec. 14, P.O. Athensville Stillwell J. T. farmer. Sec. 23, P.O. Athens- ville STOCKWELL. DANIEL, farmer, Sec. 22, P.O. Athensville, born in Tennes- see, Aug. II, 1840; came to this State when an infant, with his parents, who set- tled in Macoupin Co. Married June 28, 1867, to Esther Wright, daughter of Thos. and Nancy Wright, born in Morgan Co. in 1843. This union has been blessed by five children, viz.: Esther S.,born June 20, 1868; Lucy J., May 12, 1869 ; John T., April 3^ 1871 ; Frederick, Oct. 7, 1872, and Nancy C, March 6, 1875. Mr. Stockwell has de- voted his industries solely to agricultural pursuits ; farm consists of 60 acres STOCKWELL R. M. farmer, Sec. 29, P.O. Athensville, born in Tennessee, Sept. 26, 1841, and was brought to this State when . only three years of age ; has resided in Ma- coupin Co. until four years ago, when he purchased his present homestead. Married Nov. 9, 1864, to Mary Ann, daughter of Thomas and Emily Spring, Macoupin Co., born March 26, 1843. This union has been blessed by three children, viz.: Wm« R., born Sept. 29, 1867 ; Lemuel M., Oct. 21, 1868 ; and Emma A., born Dec. 2, 1871. Mr. Stockwell has devoted his industries solely to agricultural pursuits ; homestead consists of 80 acres Stoddard J. L. wagon maker, Athensville Story A. J. farmer. Sec. 27, P. O. Athens- ville Story Henry, farmer. Sec. 5, P.O. Murrayville. Morgan Co. Strawn Sallie Mrs. Athensville T URNER T. C. farmer, Sec. 24, P.O. Athensville WANDAVEER J. D. farm hand. Sec. 32, ^ P.O. Athensville Vandaveer R. Mrs. wid. E. T. Sec. 32, P.O. Athensville Virden Charles, farmer, Sec. 36, P.O. Ath- ensville AITADDELL JAMES, renter. Sec. 24,P.O ^ * Athensville WAINWRIGHT RICHARD, painter, Athensville, born in Kentucky, Oct. 5, 1849 ; removed to this county in 1872 ; married March 14, 1876, to Alice, daughter of Thomas and Rebecca Stiles, Morgan Co., born June 19, 1851. Mr Wainwright carries on the business of house and sign painter. His long and thorough experience in the business guarantees to his patrons good work at reasonable rates WARD JAMES, farmer, Sec. 16, P.O. Athensville, son of Thomas Ward, who was born in Virginia, Jan. 20, 1811, and came to this State in 1839, and settled in Greene Co., where he still resides. James Ward was born May 6, 1840 ; married Feb. 29, 1865, to Letitia Hood, Greene Co., born April 13, 1842. Mrs. Ward died May 3, 1866, leaving one daughter, who also died the same month. Mr. Ward married again Nov. 5, 1871, to Emma Russell, Greene Co., born March 31, 1844. This union has been blessed by two children : Thomas J., born Sept. 16, 1872, and Emma A., born Oct. II, 1875. Mr. Ward enlisted Sept., 1861, in Co. D, 32d I. V. I., and served on the Mississippi, participating in the battles of Shiloh and Vicksburg, and with Sherman's famous march to the sea ; was mustered out Sept., 1864. Since his return home, Mr. Ward has given his attention solely to farming. Homestead consists of 125 acres WATERS DR. J. E., physician and surgeon. Sec. 26, P.O. Athensville. Born in Morgan County, June 25, 1829; mar- ried March 11, 1850, to Miss Ann Dawson, of Delaware ; this union has been blessed by five children, only one of whom how- ever is living, viz. : James M., bom July 4, 1852. Dr. Waters is a graduate of the St. Louis Medical College, in the class of 1862, and has attended several courses of lectures at Chicago, St. Louis and Louisville ; he has lived at Athensville since i860, and enjoys a wide reputation both as a physician and a gentleman throughout the country Waters J. M. carpenter and builder, Athens- ville Wayman James, renter, Sec. 25, P.O. Athens- ville Webb George, laborer, Athensville Wells John, laborer, Sec. 33, P.O. Athensville 612 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. Westrope James, farmer, Sec. 6, P.O. Murray- ville, Morgan County Westrope Richard, farmer, Sec, 6, P.O. Mur- rayville, Morgan County Whitlock John, farmer. Sec. 3, P.O. Murray- ville, Scott County Whitlock Tarlton, farmer. Sec. 6, P.O. Athensville Whitlock William, farmer, Sec. II, P.O. Mur- rayville, Morgan County Wilcox F. M. farmer. Sec. 20, P.O. Athens- ville WILDER THOMAS T., farmer. Sec. 24, P.O. Athensville. Born Feb. 20, 1834, near the spot where he now resides ; mar- ried Dec. II, 1856, to Rebecca, daughter of William and Rachel Brandon, of Kentucky, born Jan. 12, 1836 ; this union was blessed by seven children, only one of whom is now living, viz. : Frank G., born Dec. i. 1863. Mrs. Wilder died Feb. 19, 1877, of con- sumption, and was buried at Prairie Ceme- tery. Mr. Wilder has experienced sad bereavement in his family, having buried his wife and six children within a period of sixteen years. Mr. Wilder's occupation has been that of farming all his life ; home- stead consists of 100 acres Wilder M. E. laborer, Athensville Wilson Thomas, farmer. Sec. i, P.O. Murray- ville, Morgan Co. Wood Eliza W. wid. J. P. Sec. 27, P.O. Athensville Wood Elvis, farmer, Sec. 22, P.O. Athensville Wood George A. farmer, Sec. 21, P.O. Athens- ville Wood Sampson, farmer, Sec. 28, P.O. Athens- ville Wood Thomas T. farmer. Sec, 21, P.O. Athens- ville Wyatt Robt. painter, Athensville Y'OUNGER THOMAS, renter and hog breeder. Sec. 27, P.O. Athensville. Born in Morgan Co., Sept. 16, 1848, removed to Greene County at an early age with his parents ; married May 4, 1870, to Hattie M. Rowe, born in Greene County Nov. 22, 1847 ; two children have blessed this union, Hattie E., born Feb. 9, 1872, and Wm. T., born May 13, 1874. Mr. Younger gives his special attention to the raising of hogs, chiefly of the Berkshire variety, in which he is quite extensively and successfully en- gaged ; rents 140 acres, which bears testi- mony of his industry on every hand ATHENSVILLE BUSINESS CARDS. PEPPERDINE BROS. AND MORROW, manufacturers of drain tiling, sewer pipe and fire brick. Tiling of all varieties and sizes, made of the best ma- terial, constantly on hand, at the lowest possible prices. Orders solicited. P.O. Athensville WATERS J. E., physician and sur- geon. Athensville WAINRIGHT RICHARD, house and sign painter. From his long experi- ence in business he guarantees good work at reasonable prices Town 12, North Range 13, West. A SH WILLIAM R. renter, Sec. 28, P.O. -^ Breese ATCHISON EDWARD L. farmer, sec. 22, P.O. Schutz Mill, was bom in Belleville, St. Clair Co., 111., Aug. 30, 1854. His father was born in St. Clair Co., 111., Aug. 21, 1830, died Feb. 21, 1861. His mother, Sarah H. Atchison, was born in Todd Co., Ky., Aug. 15, 1830, and came to this county in 1855, and is now living with her son Edward. He was married, April 4, 1874, to Mary J. Fox, daughter of John Q. and Artie Fox ; she was born in Pike Co., 111., Jan. 2, 1855. They have two children : Zuma I., born Jan. 8, 1875, and Donald R., born Aug. 25, 1877. He has one brother and one sister living in this county. He is living on the home farm of sixty acres, two shares of which belong to him. The Perkin's Cave, a very noted cave, is located on this land. "DASS AMOS E. farmer. Sec. 29. P.O. -^ White Hall Baxter Wm. F. Sec. 13, P.O. Breese Bess J. W. laborer, Sec. 12, P.O. Breese Bishop Henry C. watchman, r. Sec. 25, P.O. Schutz Mill Bishop James, farmer. Sec. 14, P.O. Breese Bounds Isaac W. renter, Sec. 22, P.O. Breese Boyer Henry, farmer. Sec. 8, P.O. Bedford, Pike Co., 111. Butt Simeon, lab. Sec. 25, P.O. Schutz Mill Bratten Andrew, renter, Sec. 14, P.O. Breese /^ARRIGER GEORGE W. farm- — er, Sec. 13, P.O. Breese, was born Jan. 12, 1850. in Lincoln Co., Tenn. His father died at the age of fifty years; his mother is still living in Tenn. He was mar- ried Feb. 13, 1873, to Nonie Coates, daugh- ter of Lee and Emeline Coates. She was born Feb. 19, 1857. They have two chil- dren living and one deceased : Archie W. was born Sept. 3, 1875; Clyde T., born Jan. 24, 1877; Orie L , born July 25, 1874, died Sept. 19, 1874. He is living just west of thi town of Breese Carter George W. renter Tp. 12, R. 14, e.s. Illinois River, P.O. White Hall Carter John, renter, Sec. 30, P.O. White Hall Carter Lorenzo E. farmer. Sec. 13, P.O. White Hall Clark L. C. farmer, .Sec. i, P.O. Breese Coates James, farmer. Sec. 25, P.O. Breese Coates Jasper, farmhand. Sec. 16, P.O. Breese Coates J. S. farmer. Sec. 23, P.O. Breese COATES MARCUS, farmer, Sec. 35, P.O. Schutz Mill, was born in this county Dec. 14, 1852. He was married July 8, 1871, to Christina Schutz, daughter of Matthew Schutz ; she was born Nov. 4, 1852. He owns forty acres of land, valued at $500, and cultivates two hundred acres belonging to his father-in-law. His father was born in South Carolina, and was killed by a train on the Chicago & Alton R.R. three years since ; he was about eighty years of age Coates Milton, farmer, Sec. 25, P.O. Schutz Mill Cotter John, farmer. Sec. 13, P.O. Breese Cotter Thomas A. farmer. Sec. i, P.O. Breese Cox Wm. laborer. Sec. 20, P.O. Breese Cunningham Geo. W. farmer, Sec. i, P.O. Breese ■pvAGLEY JOSEPH, farm hand, Sec. 17, -^ P.O. White Hall Dawdy A. J. farmer. Sec. 2, P.O. Breese DAWDY JASPER N^. farmer. Sec. 12, P.O. Breese, was born in Scott Co., 111., March 4, 1855. He came to this county with his parents in 1858. His parents are both living ; his father was born in this county April 8, 1829 ; his mother was born in Calhoun Co., Ill, Feb. 18, 1831. He was married April 8, 1874, to Florinda Farmer, daughter of William and Anna J. 614 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. Farmer; she was born in Gibson Co., Ind., Aug. 5, 1858. They have two children : Albert Elmer, born in this county Feb. 15, 1875 ; Denver Loyd, born in this county March 5, 1878. He has one sister and six brothers living ; he has a young man living with him by the name of Francis M, Crane, born March 11, i860. He is living on h s mother-in-law's farm, northwest of of the town of Breese Dawdy Jessie, farmer, Sec. 11, P.O. Breese Dawdy Wm. C. farmer. Sec. 13, P.O. Breese DEEDS LA FAYETTE, farmer. Sec. 26, P.O. Schutz Mill, was born in the State of Virginia, Feb. 14, 1846. His father died in this county at about iifty-seven years of age ; his mother also died in this county at about sixty years of age. He was married Oct. 3, 1867, to Lucinda Wells, daughter of Philip and Sarah A. Wells; she was born Feb. 17, 1849. They have five children : John H., born July 19, 1869; Elvira E., born March 29, 1870; Cordelia A., born Dec. 20, 1872 ; Carrie E., born Sept. 20, 1873 ; George E., born Jan. 26, 1876. He owns eighty-three acres of improved land west of Schutz Mill DOSSETT MRS. SARAH E. widow of Wm. H. Dossett, Sec. 35, P.O. Schutz Mill, was born in Lincoln Co., Tenn., Oct. 6, 1830. She was married twice : first June 26, 185 1, to Joseph Sheff, and April i, 1869, to Wm. H. Dossett, who died June 2, 1876. She has four chil- dren living : George A. Sheff, born Nov. 12, 1854 ; Rufus Sheff, born Jan. 12, 1857; Joseph H. Sheff, born March 24, 1862 ; William W. Sheff, born April 21, 1866. William T. Sheff (deceased), born Nov. 5, 1852 ; Catharine Sheff. born Feb. 3, 1859, died April 23, 1859. She has twenty acres of land about a mile east of Happyville on the C. & A. R.R. Her father was born in Georgia in 1799, and died in Scott Co., 111., March 15, 1873. She has one grand- daughter, Mary Francis Sheff, born June 26, 1877 DOSSETT THOMAS, farmer. Sec. 34, P.O. White Hall, was born in Hopkins Co., Ky., May 11, 1824. He came to this county in 1842 with his father, who was born in North Carolina 1790, and died in this county in 1843 ; his mother was born in Virginia in 1799, and now lives with him. He has been married three times — first, Dec. 4, 1845, to Lydia Naylon, who was born in Jersey Co., 111., Nov. 4, 1823, and died May 8, 1861. By this marriage they had nine children : Margaret E., born Aug. 12, 1847, died Oct. 24, 1875 ; James W., born Aug. 12, 1850, died Jan. 20, 1874 ; Catharine, born Sept. 25, 1852, died June 14, 1877; Martha, born March 7, 1857 ; others died young. Married second time Jan. 23, 1862, to Mary McClenning, who died in 1863 ; she had one child, which died small. Married third time Sept. 20, 1863, to Elizabeth McClenning, born in this county Oct. 12, 1844. By this marriage they had four children, but only two are living ; Nancy V., born Sept. 8, 1872, and Thomas F., born Dec. 21, 1875. He has been living during the last four years south of Happyville, on forty acres of land, to which he has a tax title DYER WM. J. farmer. Sec. I, P.O. Glasgow, Scott Co., was born in Granger Co., East Tenn., Nov. 2, 1820. He came to Morgan Co., 111., in 1862, where he lived seven years ; he then moved to this county, where he lived six years, and then moved to Scott County and again moved to this county in 1874, and has resided here ever since. His father was born in Virginia Sept 29, 1786, and died in Cass Co., 111., Feb. 23, 1873 ; his mother was born in Tennessee and died there about twenty-five years ago. He was married in Tennessee June 15, 1843, to Amanda Gibson, daughter of Dennis and Priscilla Gibson ; she was born in Jefferson Co., Tenn., Feb. 27, 1825. They have ten children : Theresa C, born Jan. 8, 1845, she was married to George Warden Jan. 16, 1866; Artie L., born March 22, 1847, she was married to Thomas J. Summers Dec. 29, 1864; Parlee, born Nov. 14, 1849, in Granger Co., Tenn., she was married to John C. Langford, Aug. 4, 1866; Eliza Adeline Texann Josephine, born in Jeffer- son Co., Tenn., Feb. 4, 1852, was married to John A. Summers Nov. 28, 1867 ; Mary E., born in Morgan Co., 111., July 14, 1854, was married to James Garrett April g, 1872; Amanda A., born in Morgan Co., Nov. 28, 1856, was married to James Brown Dec. 28, 1876 ; Wm. H., born in Scott Co., 111., Jan. 28, i860; James H., TOWN 12, NORTH RANGE 13, WEST. 615 born in Scott Co., Oct. 4, 1862 ; John G., born in Scott Co., Jan. 16, 1865; George Oscar, born in this county Sept. 29, i86g. He has five sisters living : one in Morgan Co. 111., two in Cass Co., one in E. Tenn. and one in Kansas. Mrs. Dyer's mother was born in Jefferson Co., Tenn., Aug. 25, iSio, and died in Oswego, Kan., Sept. 28, 1872. She was married twice; first to Dennis Gibson and second to W. S. Dyer, father of Wm. J. Dyer "PADES NATHANIEL, ditcher, Sec. 12, -*-' P.O. Glasgow, Scott Co. England Reuben, laborer, Sec. 27, P.O. Schutz Mill Ennis James, laborer, r Sec. 36, P.O. Schutz Mill Erickson Louis, farmer, Sec. 34, P.O. Schutz Mill pARMER JOHN P. Sec. 12, P.O. Breese, was born in Indiana, Dec. 13, 1853. He came to this county with his parents in March, 1863. His father, Wil- liam Farmer was born in Tennessee, March 11, 1822, and died in the late war, in which he enlisted Dec. 23, 1863, and died April 3, 1864 ; he belonged to the 5th 111. Cavalry. His mother, with whom he lives, was born in Gibson Co., Ind., Aug. 22, 1825. His grandfather, J. R. Field, born Jan. 23, 1803, is still living in this county. He has one brother living, Wil- liam, born April 21, 1863, and four sisters, namely: Emeline, born Nov. 8, 1843, she was married to James M. Beverly April iq, 1866 ; Nancy Caroline, born June 27, 1846, died July 31, 1877 ; Joseph Riley, his brother deceased, was born Nov. 23, 1848, died Sept. 10, 1858; Elizabeth J., born Dec. 13, 1850, and twin sisters, Sarah L. and Florinda, born Aug. 5, 1858. Flo- rinda was married to J. N. Dawdy April 5, 1874; Elizabeth J. was married to Francis M. Pryor, June 8, 1865. His grand-mother, Mrs. Field, was born in Kentucky, and died Dec. 15, 1853; his mother, Mrs. Anna J. Farmer, and heirs have 201 acres of improved land, valued at fifty dollars per acre, about one and a half miles north- west of the town of Breese Ferguson Wm. B. renter, Sec. 30, P.O. Breese FIELD JAMES J. one of the most prominent farmers of Greene County, was a resident of Indiana at twenty-five, and for a time worked in the Shackleford Salt Works ; here he displayed great courage in punishing the most noted bully of the place. Moving to Alton he remained nearly two years and then moved to Greene County, and was then worth two horses, four wagons, and seventy-two dol- lars in money. His first purchase was 80 acres. By the display of no ordinary energy he is to-day the owner of over 2,000 acres in this county Fielding Fielder, farmer, Sec. 2, P.O. Glas- gow, Scott Co. Ford E. N. farmer. Sec. 27, P.O. White Hall FORD JOHN D. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 28, P.O. White Hall, was born in this county Dec. 26, 1837. He has been married twice: first, in Aug., 1863, to Lucinda J. Radcliff, who died Nov. 19, 1875 ; they had four children by this mar- riage, but only one is living, John R., born July 6, 1867. Married second time, March 19, 1876, to Eliza Cordelia Clark, born in this county in 1857; he has one child by last marriage which is yet very young. He lives on Schutz Heirs' farm on Long Lake, at the crossing of the C. & A. R.R. Fox John Q. farmer Sec. 34, P.O. Schutz Mill Friend Cornelius, farmer. Sec. 8, P.O. Bed- ford, Pike Co., 111. GARRISON GEORGE, farmer. Sec. 27, P.O. White Hall GILSON HENRY D. farmer. Sec. 23, P.O. Breese, was born in Grafton, Windham Co., Vermont, Sept. 23, 1825. He came to Bridgeport Nov. 11, 1848. He was married twice ; first in Vermont, July 5, 1845, to Calista M. McCollister, daughter of Reuben and Lucy McCollister, West Windsor, Ver.; she was born Sept. 16, 1825. They had eight children : Dan- iel H., born in Vermont, May i, 1847 ; Arthur E., born in Vermont in 1849 ; Charles A., born in Breese, Aug. 13, 1850; Mason E., born June 15, 1855, in Scott Co.; Donna M„ born in Scott Co. in 1857, died in Fall of 1861 ; Isaac H., born in Scott Co., deceased ; Luman R., deceased. Married second time Nov. 3, 1871, to Elizabeth A. Davis, of this county. By 616 GKEENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. this marriage he had three children, but only one is living, A. Burr, born Dec. 21, 1875. He has forty acres of land, on which he has lived since 1861 ; he is also occupied in moving buildings, and has moved over three hundred buildings and can furnish numerous references. He has an old shotgun, made by Robins, Kendell & Lawrence Windsor, Vermont, in 1847, which is six and a half feet long and is quite a curiosity GoUyer Henry, farmer. Sec. 19, P.O. White Hall Gollyer Wm. renter, Sec. 19, P.O. White Hall Guise Peter, farmer. Sec. 14, P.O. Breese TT ATCHER P. E. farm laborer, Sec. 17, -*^ P.O. White Hall Hazelwood Jacob T. laborer, Happyville, P.O. Schutz Mill Hazelwood Martin, laborer, Happyville, P.O. Schutz Mill Heberling John, renter, Sec. 33, P.O. White Hall Heberling Wm. D. carpenter, Sec. 33, P.O. White Hall Hitch S. renter. Sec. 24, P.O. Breese Hoots Levi, renter, Sec. 2, P.O. Breese Hoots Washington, renter. Sec. 2, P.O. Breese Houghton Arthur, farmer. Sec. 14, P.O. Breese Hubbard L. T. farmer. Sec. 31, P.O. Breese Hubbs James P. farm hand, Sec. 16, P.O. Breese Hubbs John, farmer. Sec. 16, P.O. BreeSfe Hunnicutt James, renter, P.O. Pearl Station, Pike Co. Hunnicutt Thomas P. farmer. Sec. 31, P.O. White Hall TRYING WM. laborer, Sec. 23, P.O. Breese JACKSON WM. C. farmer. Sec. 14, P.O. Breese James L. B. & Bro. renters. Sec. i, P.O. Breese Johnson Addison, renter. Sec. 16, P.O. Breese Johnson D. renter. Sec. 16, P.O. Breese Johnson J. renter. Sec. 16, P.O. Breese Johnson Peter, farmer, Sec. 22, P.O. Breese JOHNSOIf H. H. farmer, Sec. 23, P.O. Breese, was born Aug. 18, 1838. He was married March 27, 1859, '° Jane Gibson, daughter of James Gibson ; she was born Nov. 15, 1838. They have one child, deceased, born April 8, i860. He has an adopted son, William Williams, age, four- teen years. He is living on his brother's farm Johnson William, renter. Sec. 35, P.O. Schutz Mill Jones CuUen, laborer. Sec. 23, P.O. Breese Jones Wm. farmer. Sec. 29, P.O. White Hall TT'EE ANDREW, laborer, Sec. 14, P.O. -'^ Breese Kerns William, Sec. 27, P.O. Breese Kessinger Reuben, laborer. Sec. 12, P.O. Breese Keys James B. renter. Sec. 23, P.O. Breese Knox Thomas, farmer. Sec. 17, P.O. White Hall Koppe August, renter. Sec. 26, P.O. Schutz Mill T AWSON GEORGE, farmer, Sec. ■^ 26, P.O. Schutz Mill, was born in Scott Co., 111.. March 4, 1841. He was married Aug. 17, 1865, to Nancy J. Cox, daughter of John Cox ; she was born in the State of Kentucky. They have two children : Robert, born July 7, 1866 ; Edwin, born Feb. 15, 1868. His parents are both dead: his father, Sevier Lawson, died May, 1878, at sixty-eight years of age, and his mother died while he was yet young. He owns forty acres of land northwest of Schutz Mill, on which he resides Lawson Jefferson, farmer. Sec. 25, P.O. Schutz Mill Little Cyrus, renter. Sec. 25, P.O. Pearl Sta- tion, Pike Co. Little Thomas A., farmer. Sec. 31, P.O. White Hall Lovelace Amos, laborer. Sec. i, P.O. Breese Lovelace James, farmer. Sec. I, P.O. Breese Lovelace L. B. farmer. Sec. i, P.O. Breese •jy/r ANGER ANDREW, farmer and black- ^^^ smith. Sec. 36, P.O. White Hall Martin Andrew J. farmer, Sec. 34, P.O. Breese Manger Andrew M. farm hand, Sec. 36, P.O. White Hall Martin Charles F. renter. Sec. 32, P.O. Schutz Mill TOWN 12, NORTH RANGE 13, WEST. 617 Martin George W. farmer, Sec. 22, P.O. Breese Martin G. F. farmer, Sec. I2, P.O. Breese Martin Martha Mrs. farmer, Sec. 17, P.O. Breese Marsh Thomas, Sec. 24, P.O. Breese McClelan Charles, laborer, Sec. 3, P.O. Breese McGILL JAMES, farmer, Sec. 32, P.O. White Hall. Was born in Ireland in 1836. He was married Sept. 17, 1867, to Miss Nancy Heading, born Oct. 7, 1846. They have four children : Charles E., born March I, 1868 ; Minnie E., born Jan. 28, 1871 ; Mary A., born Sept. 28, 1873; Sarah J., born Feb. 5, 1876. He came to this coun- try while quite young ; has been twice back to the old country to see his relations. He is renting and living on land on south side of Long Lake, south of C. & A. R. R. He has traveled very extensively over the United States, having been in almost every State of the Union Mitchell A. B. farmer. Sec. 20, P.O. White Hall Mitchell Lafayette, farmer, Sec. 16, P.O. Breese Moon Isaac, renter, Sec. 14, P.O. Breese Moore A. farmer. Sec. 13, P.O. Breese Moore G. W. laborer. Sec. 23, P.O. Breese N ELL JAMES B. renter, Sec. Breese P.O. /^DEM LEONARD, renter. Sec. 24, P.O. ^-^ Breese Odem William, farmer, Sec, 24, P.O. Breese Orr Thomas H. renter. Sec. 9, P.O. Breese ORR WM. D. farmer. Sec. 17, P.O. Breese, and Bedford, Pike Co., 111. He was born in Ohio, Oct. 17, 1835. He came to Pike County, 111., with his parents in the Fall of 1839, and to this county in 1867. His father was born in Pennsylvania in 1806, and is living in Pike Co., 111. His mother was born in Ohio in 1821, and is also living. He was married Feb. 7, 1861, to Mary E. Hubbs, daughter of Simeon E. and Hannah Hubbs, of Pike Co., 111. She was born in Pike Co., 111., April 14, 1843. They have five children living, and five de- ceased : Hannah A., born Oct. 2, 1861 ; James E., born Feb. 16, 1863, died Septem- ber, 1870 ; Florence J., born Feb. Ii, 1866 ; I William H., born Aug. 26, 1867 ; Leonard D., born July 19, 1873 ; Clifford J., born I September, 1875, died September, 1876 ; I Amos Sylvester, born Dec. 13, 1877. Mrs. Orr's father was bom in New Jersey, May 17, 1793, died in Pike Co., 111., September, 1871. Her mother was also born in New Jersey, Nov. i, 1799, and died in Pike Co., 111., July 10, 1851. Mr. Orr owns 80 acres land in Sec. 9, and rents 130 acres in Sec. 17 pARR JOHN, farmer. Sec. 36, P.O. White -^ Hall Parson John, laborer. Sec. 34, P.O. Schutz Mill Parsons W. C. fence builder. Sec. 12, P.O. Breese Perigo James F. renter. Sec. 13, P.O. Breese Pickett Robert, renter. Sec. 34, P.O. Breese POWELL ROBERT, farmer. Sec. 35, P.O. White Hall. Was born in this coun- ty Oct. 22, 1854. He was married August 8, 1 871, to Miss Jennie Overturf, daughter of Andrew Overturf. She was born in the State of Pennsylvania, June 8, 1854. His father, William Powell, was born in this county, and died in January, 1865, at the age of about thirty years. Mr. Powell owns 36 acres of valuable and well improved land. They have three children : Lily G., born July 6, 1872; Mattie L., born August 10, 1875 ; Robert, born Oct. 21, 1877 Powell Wm. E. renter. Sec. 30, P.O. Breese Prewit Wm. renter, Sec. 13, P.O. Breese PRYOR FRANCIS M. farmer, Sec. 12, P.O. Breese. Was born in Scott Co., 111., March 24, 1844. He came to this county with his parents, William and Rachel Pryor, while quite young. His father died in this county about twenty years ago, at the age of about 55 years. His mother also died in this county about thirteen years ago, aged about 63 years. He was married June 8, 1865, to Elizabeth J. Farmer, daughter of William and Anna J. Farmer. She was born in Gibson Co., Ind., Dec. 13, 1850. They have three children living and one deceased : Mary, born Oct. i, 1866 ; Charles Francis, born Sept. 27, 1868 ; Nettie Caroline, born March 12, 1870, died May 15, 1870; John Philip, bom Sept. 8, 1874. He is living on 618 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. his mother-in-law's farm, one and one-half miles north of the town of Breese Pryor James, laborer. Sec. 23, P.O. Breese ■p AABE FREDERICK, farmer. Sec. 25, ■'^ P.O. Schutz Mill Raabe Frederick A. renter, Sec. 25, P.O. Schutz Mill Riley John, laborer. Sec. 25, P.O. Schutz Mill Riman J. E. renter, Sec. i, P.O. Glasgow, Scott Co. Roberts Henry C. farmer. Sec. 17, P.O. White Hall CCHUTZ ANDREW, engineer. Sec. 25, »^ P.O. Schutz Mill Schutz George, farmer, Sec. 25, P.O. Schutz Mill Schutz George T. laborer. Sec. 25, P.O. Schutz Mill Schutz John, proprietor Schutz Mills, Sec. 25, P.O. Schutz Mill Schutz Matthews, merchant, Schutz Mills, Sec. 25, P.O. Schutz Mill Schmitt Peter, farmer. Sec. 25, P.O. Schutz Mill Seely Americus, farmer. Sec. 36, P.O. White Hall Sharp J. N. renter. Sec. 12, P.O. Breese Sheff Joseph, renter. Sec. 36, P.O. Schutz Mill Sheff Riley, renter. Sec. 36, P.O. Schutz Mill Sheff Rufus, renter. Sec. 33, P.O. Schutz Mill SHINNAULT JACOB, farmer. Sec. 27, P.O. Breese. Was born in this county July 14, 1845. His father and mother were born in Tennessee, and came to this coun- ty about fifty years ago. He was married June 10, 1868, to Mary Martin, daughter of Charles and Nancy Martin. She was born in this county May 10, 1848. They have five children: Lucy, born Oct. 12, 1868; William I., born March 15, 1871; Sarah E., born Dec. 19, 1872 ; Mattie B., born Dec. 9, 1877 ; Mary E., born July 25, 1875. He- has 40 acres of land, on which he has lived seven years Silkwood Henry, renter. Sec. 32, P.O. Schutz Mill Smith Wm. S. tarmer. Sec. 2, P.O. Glasgow, Scott Co. Snow Martin, renter, Sec. 5, P.O. Bedford, Pike Co., 111. Sullivan Adam, renter. Sec. 35, P.O. Schutz Mill Suttles Louis, renter. Sec. 5, P.O. Bedford, Pike Co. T^AYLOR NATHANIEL, farmer. Sec. -*■ 24, P.O. Breese Townsend Isaac, farm hand. Sec. I, P.O. Breese Vy'ATT JAMES, farm hand, Sec. 2, P.O. ** Breese Watt John, renter, Sec. 3, P.O. Breese WELLS JOHN A. farmer. Sec. 26, P.O. Breese. Was born in this county Sept. 17, 1849. He was married Oct. 17, 1872, to Phoebe J. Hubbard, daughter ot H. T. and Elizabeth Hubbard. She was born in this county Jan. 17, 1847. They have one child, Warren Virgil, born Sept. 20, 1875. He is living on his father's land, two miles southwest of Breese Wells J. L. farmer, Sec. 23, P.O. Breese WELLS WM. r>. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 23, P.O. Breese. Was born in North Carolina, Rowan Co., Dec. 13, 1824. Came to this county in 1834, with his par- ents. His father was born in North Caro- lina in 1800, died in 1871. His mother was born in North Carolina, and died in this county, January, 1856. He was mar- ried Sept. 23, 1847, to Martena E.Ford, daughter of James and Jane Ford. She was born in Rutherford County, Tenn., Sept. 4, 1827. They have seven living children: John A., born Sept. 17, 1849; James L., born Aug. 14, 1851 ; William W., born Aug. 6, 1856; Sarah J., born Sept. 7, i860; Jefferson D., born Feb. 28, 1863 ; Elizabeth M., born Oct. 14, 1865 ; Addison I., born Aug. 31, 1869; Leonidas D., born Aug. 9, 1858, died Jan. 9, 1862 ; Mary A., born January, 1868, died April 15, 1868. Mr. Wells has over thirteen hundred acres of land. The home farm is well improved, having a large dwelling and barn, and is nicely located. Has lived on this farm since 1843 ; his father died on this place. He has one sister living in Newton County, Mo., born February, 1827. She is married to James E. Neece Wells Wm. W. farmer. Sec. 23, P.O. Breese Wheeler Arthur, farm hand, Seo. 12, P.O. Breese TOWN 12, NORTH RANGE 13, WEST. 619 Wilkinson Elam, renter, Sec. 23, P.O. Breese Wilkinson Harden, renter, Sec. 2, P.O. Breese Willmington Sidney H. farmer, Sec. 13, P.O. Breese WILTSHIRE JAMES, farmer, Sec. 34, P.O. White Hall. Was born in Eng- land, Nov. 7, 1837. He came to this coun- try, landing in New York City, May 27, 1867, and to this county in 1872. His father and mother both died in England. He was married in England, Oct. 7, 1866, to Mary A. S. Matthews, daughter of Phillip and Matilda S. Matthews. She was born in England, June 7, 1844. They have two children : George Phillip, born May 7, 1873 ; Willie James, born in this county. May 3, 1878 Winningham C. C. farmer. Sec. 7, P.O. Bed- ford, Pike Co., 111. Wirt Casper, farmer. Sec. 35, P.O. Schutz Mill Wolff Philip, farmer. Sec. 36, P.O. Schutz Mill Township ii, North Range io, West. A LGER E. farmer, Sec. 20, P.O. Green- | J^ field Alger James, farmer, Sec. 20, P.O.Greenfield Alger Lorin, farmer, Sec. 27, P.O. Greenfield ALLEN JAS. M. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 32, P.O. Greenfield, 111. Was born in Greene County in 1831. His father, William Allen, was born in North Carolina in 1798; emigrated to Greene County, 111., in 1818 ; was one among the oldest settlers of that county ; entered 80 acres of land from the Government in 1824, and commenced as a farmer on the unbrok- en soil of Greene County. Was married to Mary Pincerton, who was born in Virginia in 1798. He died in Greene County, 1814, at the age of eighty-two. His wife died in 1863, at the age of seventy-one. The sub- ject of this sketch was married in 1855, to Louisa M. Strickland, who was born in Greene County, 111., in 1831. Have twelve children: Laura E., Mary A., Frank, John, Fannie J., William G., Ida E., Lillia A., Carrie P., Anna M., deceased ; Nellie K., deceased; Mattie B. Mr. Allen owns 154 acres of land ANDREWS LEWIS, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 35, P.O. Greenfield. Was born in Butler County, Pa., Sept. 28, 1823. His father, I. Andrews, was born in Penn- sylvania in 1798; and married in 1811 to Elizabeth Johns, who was born in Penn- sylvania in 1799 ; emigrated to Illinois in 1835. The party started down the Ohio River on the Wanoacatt. During the night the hands were intoxicated, and ran the boat at a terrible rate ; the shaft of the fly wheel broke and went tearing through the wheel-house, causing the boat to leak. Another boat came to the rescue, landing them at Cincinnati, Ohio. They then took passage on the General Pike to Louisville, Ky. ; changed to the Citizen, and came to Shawneetown, 111., staying there a few days, but found it to be unhealthy there ; loaded up their wagons and went to the bluffs, near Edwardsville ; out of money and provisions. Mr. Upton Smith gave them meat and potatoes, for which he took his pay in work. Staying there for awhile, moved to Rockbridge and bought a mill, running it a short time ; exchanged it for a farm of 160 acres, near Walnut Grove, liv- ing there for sixteen years ; sold the farm and moved to Greenfield, living there one year; broke up housekeeping and went to live with his oldest son, where he died in 1870. Mr. Lewis Andrews was married in 1852, to Mrs. L. Saterlee, who was born April 5, 1830; have six children, three liv- ing : Leu S., Feba A., Ruber B. Mr. An- drews owns 120 acres of land Armstrong John, farmer. Sec. 2, P.O. Green- field Arnold Joseph, farmer. Sec 36, P.O. Green- field Arnold William, farmer. Sec. 11, P.O. Green- field 73 AKER WILLIAM P. farmer. Sec. 19, ^ P.O. Greenfield Beeman William, farmer. Sec. 8, P.O. Green- field Bilderback H., farmer. Sec. 2, P.O. Green- field Borrow John, farmer, Sec. 16, P.O. Green- field Brown George K., farmer, Sec. 36, P.O. Greenfield Button Oscar, farmer, Sec. 16, P.O. Green- field Bryan Charley, farmer, Sec. 5, P.O. Green- field pAMERON GEORGE W. retired — farmer, living on Sec. 17, P.O. Green^ field. Was born in Tennessee, Smith County, November, 1819. Emigrated to Illinois in 1836, landing at the Macoupin Creek, Dec. 3o, the day of the sudden TOWN 11, NORTH RANGE 10, WEST. 621 change ; crossing on the first bridge that was made across the Macoupin, before it was quite finished traveling some three miles on Dec. 20, and stopped before the sudden change came on them. Cattle froze to death during that terrible storm. The family came west of Greenfield before they settled. The father of the subject of this sketch was in the Mexican War, and died there during that war. His son that heads this sketch, was married Feb. 27, 1851, to Mary Moore, who was born Nov. 12, 1825, and died Nov. 7, 1871. Mr. Cameron was married again in 1872, to Martha E. Overby, who was born in 1835 ; have one child by last marriage, Florence CARSON" JOHN, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 31, P.O.Greenfield. Was born in Ireland in 1815 ; was married in 1840 to Florence Stone, who was born in Ireland Feb. 14, 1819; have eight children living: Eliza, born Dec. 21, 1842 ; Ann, Dec. 23, 1844; Francis, Jan. 12, 1847; Mathew, April, 1849; Mary J., April, 1852 ; Sarah, June 10, 1855; Ida, Nov. 10, 1859; John, March 12, 1862. The first four children were born in Ireland. Mr. Carson emi- grated from Ireland to Vermont in 1858, living there till i860, then came to Greene County, 111., and rented land from Robert A. Harden, remaining on his land as a renter for ten years, then bought the land he now lives on, which consists of 240 acres Chaney C. farmer, Sec. i8, P.O. Greenfield Chaney C. Mrs. Sec. 17, P.O. Greenfield Glowers George, farmer. Sec. 34, P.O. Green- field Coats F. M. farmer. Sec. 30, P.O. Green- field Coats G. W. farmer. Sec. 30, P.O. Greenfield Coats S. P. farmer. Sec. 24, P.O. Greenfield Cole Stephen, farmer, Sec. 27, P.O. Green- field Converse Eugene, farmer. Sec. 14, P.O. Greenfield CONVERSE URIAH, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 14, P.O. Greenfield. Was born in Vermont, Dec. 24, 1824. His father, Alfred Converse, was married in Vermont, to Betsy Gary, who was a native of Vermont ; seven children, five living. The subject of this sketch is the fifth child ; was twenty-one years of age when became A2 to Greene County, 111. ; entered 40 acres of land from the Government and commenced life on the unbroken soil of Greene County as a farmer. As he accumulated, bought land till he now owns 420 acres, which has been made by hard labor and economy. Married twice : first in 1848, to Miss Sarah E. Gary, who was born July 15, 1829, died May 30, 1852, leaving two children. Flora A., and Harriet E. ; married second time Sept. 20, 1855, to Minerva Standefer, who was born Jan. 15, 1835, in Marion County, Tenn. ; came to Illinois in 1851 ; five chil- dren by this marriage : Otis E., Fannie D., Henry, Jane, Truman U. Corrington N. W. farmer. Sec. 11, P.O. Greenfield Corrington W. C. farmer, Sec. 11, P.O. Greenfield Crawford Daniel, farmer, Sec. 12, P.O. Green- field CROUCH ELBERT, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 25, P.O. Greenfield. Was born in Washington County, East Tennessee, in 1815 ; came to Greene County in 1843 ; married in 1843, to Mary Melon, who was born in Tennessee in 1825, and died in 1865 ; was married second time, June 7, 1868, to Mrs. Amanda J. Comes, who was born in 1844 ; has one child by her first husband, Edna A. Comes. Mr. Crouch has two children by his first marriage : John L., and Dicy E., deceased. Has been to Tennessee three times ; came to lUinois the first time by wagon ; owns 226 acres of land, which he has made by his own exer- tions Cummings James, farmer, Sec. 21, P.O. Greenfield Curmutt J. W. farmer. Sec. 15, P.O. Green- field ■pvICKERMAN MAJOR W. farmer, Sec. ^ 16, P.O. Greenfield DOYL.L. ELI AS, farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 30, P.O. Wrightsville, 111. Was born 1842, in Greene County, 111. ; mar- ried in 1874, to Miss Dica Johnson, who was born in Greene County in 1S40 ; have one child, born Oct. 8, 1S77, and died June 9, 1878. Mr. Doyll owns 192 acres of well improved land, which he has made by his own exertions Drake Carter, farmer. Sec. 4, P.O. Greenfield 622 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. Drake Benjamin, retired farmer, Sec. 34, P.O. Greenfield Drake R. F. farmer. Sec. 9, P.O. Greenfield Drum William, farmer, Sec. 29, P.O. Green- field ■pDWARDS DAVID, farmer, Sec. i,P.O. •^ Greenfield Edwards D. H. Mrs. farmer. Sec. 28, P.O. Greenfield Edwards G. H. farmer. Sec. 27, P.O. Green- field Edwards O. L. farmer, Sec. 33, P.O. Green- field Elms Jesse, farmer, Sec. 3, P.O. Greenfield 17 AIR JAMES, farmer and stock ^ Kaiser, Sec. 8, P.O. Greenfield, 111. Was born Nov. 22, 1823, in Kentucky ; came to Illinois in 1849, o" horseback, and with but money enough to pay his traveling ex- penses ; went to farming with his uncle, Absalom Fair, till he was married Dec. i, 1853, to Lorinda P. Rafferty, who was born March 8, 1836, and died Oct. 19, 1864, leaving a family of five children : Aman- da H., born March 26, 1855 ; William E., born March 25, 1857 ; Mary C., born May 6, i860 ; Sina E., born April 29, 1S62 ; Thomas A., born Aug. i, 1864. The sub- ject of this sketch is the fourth child of Aaron B. Fair, who was born Jan. 19, 1792, and died March 10, 1867 ; was mar- ried to Leah Smith, who was born Feb. 23, 1793, and died March 2, 1872 Farrelly G. W. farmer. Sec. 21, P.O. Green- field Farme C. H. farmer, Sec. 22, P.O. Green- t§ field Fitzjarrell Gary, farmer. Sec. 16, P.O. Green- field Fitzjarrell Edgar, farmer. Sec. 16, P.O. Green- field Fitzjarrell Levi, farmer, Sec. 16, P.O. Green- field FITZJARRELL ROBERT, farm- er and stock raiser, Sec. 16, P.O. Green- field. Was born in 1S23, in Ohio ; came to Greene County, 111., with his father, Eli Fitzjarrell, in 1830, who was born in the State of Delaware in 1788, and reared in New Jersey; was married in 1812 to Tabitha Kelsey, who was born in New Jersey in 1793. The family emigrated to Ohio in 1814, living there for fifteen years: then moved to Greene County, 111., in 1830, the year of the deep snow, and saw some of the privations of that winter among the old settlers of Greene County ; entered 280 acres of land near Rock Bridge, Medora, in Jersey County. Eli Fitzjarrell died Dec. 20, 1855 ; his wife died Oct. 1857. The subject of this sketch was married Aug. 19, 1847, to Susanah Jolly, who was born March ir, 1827. Have four children: Edgar, born April 12, 1852 ; Carrie, Jan. 28, 1855; Levi, Jan 6, 1857; Francis E., Feb. 6, 1859. Mr. Fitzjarrell owns 120 acres of land, which he has made by his own e.xertions. His grandfather, Ambrose Fitzjarrell, was born March 10, 1753 ; was married to Deborah Barrot, who was born in 1757 FORD JOHN, farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 36, P.O. Greenfield, was born in Greene Co., 111., Oct. 26, 1845 ; married Aug. 26, 1875, to Ellen L. Anderson, who was born March 18, 1855 in Greene Co.; have one child, Arthur S., b rn Oct. 5, 1876 FORD THOMAS, farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 32, P.O. Greenfield, was born in Yorkshire, England, in 1819; emigrated to New York in 1842, and remained there, working for seven dollars a month till the Spring of 1843; then went to Jacksonville, Morgan Co., 111., and worked for one hun- dred dollars per year ; was married in Mor- gan Co. in 1845, to Elizabeth Ilembrough, who was born in England, and emi- grated to America with her parents when she was six years of age ; have seven children living : John S., Thomas T., George B., Richard R., Francis A., William J., and Eddie F. When Mr. Ford came to America, he had the sum of $500 to start in life with ; has worked hard during his life, and he now stands with the leading farmers of Greene County; owns 846 acres of land ; has followed the occupation of a farmer all his life FORD THOMAS T. farmer and stock raiser. See. 35, P O. Greenfield, born in Greene Co., Ill,, in 1847; is the son of Thomas and Elizabeth Ford; was married 1876 to Eliza O. Richardson, who was born in Morgan Co., 111., in 1854, is the daugh- ter of William and Ann Richardson, of TOWN 11, NORTH RANGE 10, WEST. 623 Jacksonville, Morgan Co.; have one child, William A., born Dec. i8, 1877 FOSTER A. L. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 15, P.O. Greenfield, was born in 1852, in Greene Co , 111., is the son of A. M. Fos- ter, who is a native of Kentucky ; came to Greene County in 1836 ; was »married in Morgan County, in 1849, to Mary Larri- more, who is a native of Kentucky ; Mr. Foster is a large land owner, in Greene County 910 acres, and in Morgan County 240 acres, and town property in Jackson- ville, where he now lives. His son, the subject of this sketch, was married in 1872, to Mary Morison, who was born in 1853 in Scott Co., 111., is the daughter of Richard Morison, of Jacksonville ; have three chil- dren, Fanny L., Harry R., Jennie K. Mr. Foster received his education at the Illi- nois College of Jacksonville, Morgan Co. French J. farmer. Sec. 24, P.O. Greenfield Furgerson D. A. farmer. Sec. 25, P.O. Green- field GIBBENS JAMES, farmer. Sec. 6, P.O. Greenfield Godfrey Henry, farmer. Sec. 26, P.O. Green- field Green M. M. farmer. Sec. 21, P.O. Green- field TTALL AMON, farmer. Sec. 26, P.O. ^^ Greenfield HALLi JOHN, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 3, P.O. Greenfield, was born in Greene County, in 1843 ; the father, Nathaniel Hall, came to Greene County in 1831, as near as can be ascertained, and entered 300 acres of land from the Government, which land was left to his children. The subject of this sketch owns 142 acres of the land his father entered ; was married 1867, to Amanda Vallard, who was born in Greene County in 1S50 ; have five children : Mil- ton, born June II, 1868; Lillian, March 17, 1871 ; Lulia, March 20, 1873; Ada, June 17. 1875 ; Fred, Nov. 12, 1877 Hall Joseph, farmer, Sec. 26, P.O. Greenfield Hamilton H. B. farmer. Sec. 25, P.O. Green- field HARDEN R. H. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 22, P.O. Greenfield, was bom in Ohio, in 1846; his father, Robert A. Harden, was a native of Ireland, came to America when he was nineteen years of age, was married to Lucinda Lane ; he owned several hundred acres of land at his death. The subject of this sketch was mar- ried in 1874, to Lucy Lane, who was born in Texas ; have one child, Robert, born in 1877. Mr. Harden owns 140 acres of well improved land Harper Charles C. farmer. Sec. 6, P.O. Green- field Harper James H. farmer, Sec. 6, P.O. Green- field Harper John, farmer. Sec. 5, P.O. Green- field JACKSON HUGH, fa J Greenfield rmer. Sec. 17, P.O. Jackson Robert, farmer. Sec. 27, P.O. Green- field Jackson William, farmer. Sec. 36, P.O. Green- field Johnson Francis, farmer, Sec. 19, P.O. Green- field Jones J. W. farmer. Sec. 18, P.O. Greenfield TT'EENER PHILIP, farmer. Sec. 11, P.O. -*^ Greenfield KING- AQUILiA, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 14, P.O. Greenfield, was born in Kentucky, March 14, 1825 ; emigrated from Kentucky with his father, A. King, sr., to Missouri in 1835, who was a native of Georgia, living in Missouri for twenty years, then came to Illinois in 1S55 ; was married, in 1805, to Pamelia Gatewood, who was a native of Georgia, and died in Missouri in 1850; the father died in Illi- nois in 1870. The subject of this sketch was married, in 1861, to Miss P. T. Lari- more, who was a native of Morgan Co., 111.; have three children by this marriage : Austin, Mary (deceased), Emory (deceased); wife died 1867. Mr. King married again in 1873, to Mrs. Mary Hodge, who was born in GreeDC County, May 4, 1838 ; two children by this marriage : Thomas R., Charles A. Mr. King owns 160 acres of land, has followed farming all his life, ex- cept one year, when he was in the lumber business in Greenfield ^ King Charles H. farmer. Sec. 21, P.O. Green- field Kruney C. M. farmer, Sec. 23, P.O. Green- field 624 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. LACKEY N. G. farmer, Sec. 36 P.O. Greenfield Linder Johnson, farmer, Sec. i, P.O. Green- field Lorten J. P. farmer, Sec. 8, P.O. Greenfield MAPES HARRIS, farmer, Sec. 26, P.O. Greenfield Marrow Alec, farmer, Sec. 3, P.O. Greenfield Mason Elizabeth Mrs. farmer. Sec 17, P.O. Greenfield Massey Isaac, farmer, Sec. 16, P.O. Greenfield Matterson A, farmer, Sec. 23, P.O. Greenfield Matterson Charles, farmer, Sec. 23, P.O. Greenfield McCann S. P. farmer. Sec. 5, P.O. Greenfield McCarty Edward, farmer, Sec. 4, P.O. Green- field McGovern Robert, farmer, Sec. 29, P.O. Greenfield Mcllheran H. L. farmer. Sec. 10, P.O. Green- field Melvin Sylvester, farmer. Sec. 26, P.O. Greenfield Miller John A. farmer, Sec. 19, P.O. Green- field Miller M. farmer, Sec. 22, P.O. Greenfield Miller William D. farmer, Sec. 19, P.O. Greenfield MILLION MARCUS W. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 15, P.O. Greenfield, 111., was born in Stafford County, Vermont, in 1817; his father, Elijah Million, was a na- tive of Vermont, living there till 1823, then moved to Kentucky, remaining there till 1S30, then came to Illinois ; was married in Vermont to Elizabeth Jemison ; was in the Black Hawk War in 1832 ; was a car- penter by trade, but followed the occupa- tion of a farmer most of his life ; died in Greene County in 1875, his wife dying a few days previous to his death. The sub- ject of this sketch was thirteen years of age when he came to Illinois ; was married at the age of twenty-four, in 1842, to Miss Mary Drum, who was born March, 1817, in Madison County, 111.; by this union eleven children, six living : Larenia, Hes- ter A., Emma, Tempy, Eliza, Eleanor, and five dead : Lucean, Mary, Eliza, and two infants. Mr. Million's farm consists of 200 acres of well improved land, which he has made by his own exertions Mitchell J. C. farmer, Sec. 31, P.O. Greenfield TVr ORRIS WILLIAM F. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 2, P.O. Green- field, was born in 1842, in Greene Co., 111.; is the son of Alexander Norris, who was born in Indiana, in 1820, came to Illinois in an early day, was married twice, first in 1841, to Rachel Noble, who was born in 1820, and died in 1854; Mr. Norris mar- ried again, in 1859, to Mary Pickard ; four children by his first marriage, and two by his last. The subject of this sketch is the son of the first marriage ; was married in 1867 to Nancy E. Bilderback, who was born in Blunt Co., East Tennessee ; have six children : Olivia (deceased), Ada, New- ton, Luther, Minnie, and Marshall. Mr, Norris owns 80 acres of land ; was in the late rebellion ; enlisted Aug. 14th, as pri- vate in Co. C, 124th 111. Infantry, was in the battle of Port Gibson, Champion Hills, Jackson, and siege of Vicksburg ; mustered out Aug. 19, 1865, at Camp Douglas, Chi- cago Northen C. farmer, Sec. 29, P.O. Greenfield OVERBY ALFRED M. farmer, Sec. 17, P.O. Greenfif>ld OVERBY DRURY, farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 8, P.O. Greenfield, born Aug. 31, 1814; his father, Nicholas Overby, was born March 2, 1776, in Virginia; was mar- ried to Elizabeth McKiney, a native of North Carolina ; the family lived in Ten- nessee till December, 1829, then emigrated to Illinois, and stopped in Sangamon Co., near Springfield, and rented land ; made a crop the Summer before the deep snow ; was in the war of ibi2; was at New Orleans at the time of the battle there, but was sick at the time, and did not partici- pate in the battle ; died in Illinois, Sep- tember 6, 1857, at the age of eighty-two; his wife died in 1841 in Greene County. The subject of this sketch was married Dec. 24, 1835, to Sallie Scott, the daughter of Welcome and Elizabeth Scott, was born March 22, 1815 ; have nine children, seven living: Louisa J., born Oct. 7, 1836; Mar- tha L., born June 8, 1838 ; Julia A., born July 5, 1840 ; Mississippi, born April 8, 1843 ; Elizabeth V., born Dec. 7, 1845, died Oct. 5, 1865 ; Louisiana, born April 17, 1848 ; Henry E., born Dec. 3, 1853 ; Lenda J., born Aug. 3, 1856 ; William T., TOWN 11, NORTH RANGE 10, WEST. 625 born Dec. 25, i860. Mr. Overby, at the age of twenty, entered land from the Govern- ment, entering 40 acres at a time, till he accumulated 140 acres, which he still owns Overby E. J. farmer, Sec. 17, P.O. Green- field Overby J. M. farmer, Sec. 29, P.O. Green- field Overby T. H. farmer, Sec. 17, P.O. Green- field OVERBY WILLIAM A. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 21, P.O. Greenfield, was born in Tennessee, in 1844; came to Illinois in 1855; was married in 1870 to Miss Gilley C. Drum, who was born in Greene County, in 1853. They have four children, two living : Etsle, born Jan. 15, 1874, Leroy, born Feb. 23, 1878, and two dead : Pearly, born Feb. 8, 1872, and in- fant, born July 6, 1876. The father of the subject of this sketch, William Overby, was a native of Tennessee; was married to Maria Surles, also a native of Tennessee. The family came to Alton, Illinois, in 1855, and the father died a short time after landing, and the widowed mother was leit with a family of five children, the oldest one being twelve years of age. She died in Dewitt County, 111., in 1874 Overby William J. carpenter. Sec. 17, P.O. Greenfield Owens T. farmer. Sec. 18, P.O. Greenfield pARKS JOHN CAPT. farmer and school teacher, Sec. lo, P.O. Green- field, is the son of J. C. C. Parks, who was born in Tennessee, in 1802; was married, Oct. 22, 1833, to Minerva Yarnell, who was born in 1804. They came to Greene County, 111., a few days after their mar- riage, and entered land from the govern- ment, and had accumulated, at his death, 646 acres ; died March 4, 1874. His land was left to George and John Parks. The mother lives at the age of seventy- four, and is living with her sons. John was in the late rebellion; enlisted Aug. 7, 1862, as private, and was elected sergeant and filled all the promotions of that office, ex- cept the fifth, then was commissioned as first lieutenant, filling that office a short time, then was commissioned as captain, which he filled till his discharge, which was July 28, 1865; participated in several bat- tles. George Parks was married, in 1871, to Sarah J. Mason; have three children : Elmer W., Lulia E., Victor A. Parkes Robert, farmer. Sec. 27, P.O. Green- field Pettit Anthony, farmer. Sec. 23, P.O. Green- field Pointer John, farmer. Sec. 34, P. O. Green- field Prather Edward, farmer. Sec. 6, P.O. Green- field Prather Doc, farmer. Sec. 5, P. O. Green- field Prather James, farmer. Sec. 6, P. O. Green- field PRATHER JOHN, farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 6, P.O. Greenfield, was born Aug. 3, 1820, was married, in 1853, to Sarah Morrow, who was born, in 1825, in North Carolina, have three children : Ed- ward, born May 29, 1854; James, born Oct. 28, 1856; Ann M., born Nov. 11, 1858. The subject of this sketch is the oldest son of Edward Prather, who is one of the old- est settlers of Greene County, 111.; was born in Kentucky, Aug. 3, 1795, and at the age of twenty-one left Kentucky on horse- back, in 1816, for the unbroken soil of Illinois, and worked by the month on a farm; staid in Illinois for two years, then went back to Kentucky and bought sev- enty-five head of cattle and brought them to Illinois to pasture, and about half of them died. He sold what was left near Alton, which was but a village then; then went back to Kentucky and was married, Oct. 18, 1819, to Maria Harrison, who was born April 26, 1802. They started for Illi- nois a short time after they were married; farmed in the American Bottom for a short time, then moved to Carrollton, in 1824, and leased land from Governor Carlin, staying there six years; then entered 160 acres from the government, where he now lives, at the age of eighty-three years. His wife died Nov. 13, 1878, at the age of sev- enty-four Prather W. A. farmer. Sec. 5, P.O. Greenfield Prewett S. farmer. Sec. 18, P.O.Greenfield Probst M. farmer, Sec. 20, P.O. Greenfield ■p ANGE A. C. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 27, P.O. Greenfield, was born in Tennessee, in 1826; married twice. 626 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. First in 1848, to Catherine Miller, who was born in Tennessee, in 1826; have twelve children by this marriage: Mary, Isaac M., John G., Martin K., William H., Solo- mon F., Julia, James M., Oscar E., Louis, Charley A., and Frank. The first wife died in 1869, in Greene County; married second time in 1874, to Rebecca Sullivan, who was born in Tennessee, in 1845; have one child by this marriage, Ada L. Mr. Range emigrated from Tennessee to Illi- nois in 1858; remained till 1865, then moved to Kansas, and remained but a short time, when he returned to Illinois, where he has remained; owns 56 acres of land Reckxrode Cyrus, farmer, Sec. 4, P.O. Ath- ensville REFFETY T. B. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 7, P.O. Greenfield, was born January 6, 1812, in Kentucky; emigrated from there to Illinois in the Fall of 1830, with his father, Richard Reftety, who was a native of Kentucky; was marj^ied to Miss Sarah Candle, who was a native of Ken- tucky. The family came to Macoupin and settled near Palmyra, staying there one season, and then moved to Greene County and entered 120 acres of land. Livingthere for about eight years, they then moved to Pike County, where the father died, in 1845. His wife died in Greene County. The subject of this sketch was seventeen years of age when he came to Illinois, living one year with his father, then started in life for himself; was married in Morgan County, in 1833, to Miss Mary Wriston, who was born TDec. 24, 1815, in North Carolina; is the daughter of Bazil and Nancy Wriston, who emigrated from Tennessee to Illinois in 1830. Mr. Reffety has reared ten children: William H., Lorinda P. (deceased), Aman- da H., Lucretia A. Annie E., Mary M., Emerine M., Nancy M., Thomas J., and a grandson, Thomas A. Mr. Reffety entered 40 acres of land at one time and 80 at another; still owns the same land Rives H. J. farmer, Sec. 33, P.O. Greenfield Roach William, farmer. Sec. 21, P.O. Green- field Robb John, farmer. Sec. 10, P.O.Greenfield RoUan Lewis, farmer. Sec. 3, P.O. Greenfield Rudolph; Charles, farmer. Sec. 30, P. O. Greenfield' CACKEY GEORGE W. farmer. Sec. 36, •^ P.O. Greenfield Sanders James M. farmer. Sec. 6, P. O. Greenfield SCOTT BENJAMIN, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 9, P.O. Greenfield, was born 1813, in Virginia. His father, Wel- come Scott, a native of Virginia, was married in Kentucky to Elizabeth Allen, who was a native of Kentucky, and de- serves more than a passing notice, for her husband died when they had a family of four children, and Benjamin, the oldest, was but four years of age. She reared her family on a farm in Kentucky till Benja- min was eighteen years of age, then they emigrated to Illinois in 1830; came in a one-horse wagon, and when filled with their beds and wearing apparel, there was but room for one to ride. One of her daughters rode and the rest of them walked. They were twenty-one days on the road coming 500 miles. Benjamin rented land near Winchesterj and farmed for two years, then entered 80 acres of land from the government, m Greene County, where he now lives, and has owned 2,600 acres of land at one time, but now owns 536 acres, and is one among the best stock farmers in Greene County; has four living springs on his farm. He was in the Black Hawk War of 1830-31, where he made part of his money to enter land with; was married Oct., 1834, to Luciiida Ruyle, who was born in 1818, in Illinois; have nine children : James (deceased), Elizabeth M., Edward, Sallie J. (deceased), Louisa F., Polly, William T., and Anna, all of whom are married Scott W. T. farmer. Sec. 9, P.O. Greenfield Scott Z. farmer, Sec. 4, P.O. Greenfield Shannon William, farmer, Sec. 2, P.O.Green- field Shinpaugh J. farmer, Sec. 24, P.O. Greenfield Shinpaugh L. B. farmer. Sec. 34, P.O. Green- field Short Charity A. Mrs. farmer, Sec. 7, P. O. Wrightsville Short E. B. farmer, Sec. 7, P.O. Greenfield SHORT J. M. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 18, P.O. Wrightsville, is the son of Thomas and Catherine Short; was born Oct. 12, 1839, and married Oct. 6, 1864, to Ann M. Furgerson, the daughter of James TOWN 11, NORTH RANGE 10, WEST. 627 and Elizabeth Furgerson; was born Oct.. 1 1, 1 841; have seven children living: George L., Delia, Dora, Charley J. (deceased), Francis M., Maggie, Lewis H. Mr. Short has lived in Greene County all his life, except nine years, which he spent in Christian County; has farmed all his life, and now owns 200 acres of land Short John W. carp. Sec. 18, P.O. Greenfield Short L. R. farmer, Sec. 7, P.O. Greenfield Short Lawrence F. farmer, Sec. 5, P.O. Green- field SHORT R. A. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 18, P.O. Greenfield, was born Dec. 13. 1835, in Greene County; was married Sept. 7, 1859, to Emily J. Chaney, who was born April 11, l84i,in Mason County, 111., the daughter of William and Mary Chaney; have six children : Catherine B., born March 15, 1862; John B.. born Oct. 8, 1864; William S., born Dec. 8, I867; in- fant son (deceased); Thomas J., born Oct. 23, 1871; Samuel S., born April 4, 1873. The subject of this sketch is the eighth child of Thomas J. and Catherine Short; has followed the occupation of a farmer in the summer and has taught school for eighteen winters; has been esquire for a number of years, and has united twenty- two of his scholars in marriage; was elected County Treasurer of Greene County in 1875-6, and owns 261 acres of land Short Samuel, farmer, Sec. 5, P.O. Greenfield SHORT WILLIAM S. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 7, P.O. Greenfield, was born Sept. 16, 1832. His father, Thomas J. Short, was born Sept. 27, 1805, in Tennessee; was married to Catherine Overby, who was born in 1807. They em- igrated to Greene County, 111., in 1829, and rented land of Mr. Hubbard; re- mained there for five years, then borrowed money from Samuel Thomas to enter 80 acres of land, paying 25 per cent, for said money, and cut cord wood at twenty- five cents per cord to pay said interest. As he accumulated wealth he entered land, and bought from others, till he owned 1,000 acres at his death, which was valued at $35,000. He died in 1876, at the age of seventy. His wife died in 1849, ^' t^^e age of forty-three. Having sixteen children by his first marriage, was married the sec- ond time to Rebecca Whittle; have two children by this marriage. The subject of this sketch is the sixth child; was married 1854 to Elizabeth M., who was born in 1830, in South Carolina; have thirteen children : Amanda E., Rosa A., Louis S., Martha J. Thomas J., Eliza B., infant son, Dickey, Elizabeth M., William S., Catherine, Sam- uel J., Mary A., and adopted son, James H. Mr. Short owns 357 acres of land Simms George, farmer, Sec. 18, P.O. Green- field Smith Charles, farmer, Sec. 36, P.O. Green- field Smith E. farmer. Sec. i, P.O. Greenfield SMITH ERVIlSr B. farmer and stock raiser, Sec 8, P.O. Greenfield, was born in 1853, in Greene County. His father, W. W. Smith, was born in 1825, in Indiana, and came to Greene County in 1832, and died Nov. 30, 1877; owned 240 acres of land at his denth; was married twice; first, in 1852, to Mary A. Short, who was born in 1830; had four children by this marriage : Ervin, Henry, Elizabeth, and Amanda; married the second time to Lettence Whit- lock, who was born in 1838 SMITH J. P. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. I, P.O. Greenfield, was born in Greene County August 29, 1834; was married in 1853 to Martha A. Smith, who was born February 8, 1834; is the daughter of James and Peninah H, Smith; have five children, four living: Virginia A., James E., Caro- line E., Robert L., and Albert E., deceased. Mr. Smith owns 211 acres of land, all fenced, which he has made by his own ex- ertions. His father, Daniel Smith, was married to Lucy A. Pace, and they emi- grated to Greene County in 1834, and en- tered land from the government, to the amount of 160 acres Smith John M. farmer, Sec. 4, P.O. Greenfield Smith R. A. farmer, Sec. 15, P.O. Greenfield SMITH STEPHEN, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 6, P.O. Greenfield, was born May 22, 1809, in Vermont. His father, John M. Smith, was born in 1781, in Virginia, and was married to Rachel Pack wood, who was born in 1781. They emigrated to Kentucky in 1810, and re- mained there till 1840, then emigrated to Greene County, 111. He died in 1858, in Greene County, and his wife died in 1836, in Kentucky. The subject of this sketch 628 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTOKY. was twenty-eight years of age when he came to Greene County; was married in Kentucky, Sept. 13, 1836, to Sallie M. Pace, who was born Feb. 22, 1816; have nine children : Thomas A., born Dec. 8, 1837; Greensville Z., born Aug. 31, 1839, died April 7, 1866; Nacy, born Feb. 26, 1842; Edward, born July 11, 1844; James T., born July 30, 1847; William, born March 28, 1 850; John C., born Feb. 24, 1853; George W., born Nov. 13, 1855; Martha B., born July ics i860. Mr. Smith came to Illinois with a borrowed team and wagon, and all he brought with him was his '^bed clothes and wearing apparel and cooking utensils, and with money enough to buy 106 acres of the unbroken soil of Greene County, and now owns 175 acres Smith W. H. farmer. Sec. 28, P.O. Greenfield Smith W. H. farmer. Sec. 9, P.O. Greenfield Sperry David, farmer, Sec. 14, P.O. Green- field Strawmat John, farmer. Sec. 22, P.O. Green- field Strawmat John L. farmer. Sec. 8, P.O. Green- field Stone Taylor, farmer, ^Sec. 13, P.O. Green- field Sullivan Hardin, Sec. 20, P.O. Greenfield T^AYLOR JOHN F. farmer Sec. 3, P.O. Greenfield WANDAVEER A. farmer, Sec. 4, P. O. ^ Greenfield Vandaveer Israel, farmer, Sec. 4, P.O. Athens- ville Vandeveer Thomas, farmer, Sec. i, P. O. Greenfield Vy ALLER J. W. farmer. Sec. 12, P. O. ** Greenfield Waller John H. farmer, Sec. 12, P. O. Green- field, WALTON FRANCIS M. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 17, P.O. Greenfield, was born in 1843, in Greene County. His father, William Walton, was married to Martha Scott, in 1834; have seven chil- dren, four of whom are living; came to Illinois in 1831, and followed the occupa- tion of a farmer, and by falling from a hay stack in 1848, received injuries from which he died in a few days, leaving five children for the widow to rear, which was quite a task, for they were all small and could not help to support the family. She still lives, at the age of sixty-seven, with her son, the subject of this sketch, who was married April 22, 1866, to Mary M. Rafferty, who was born in 1848, in Greene County; have six children: Martha L., Mary S., Viola, William T., Edith, and Hattie M. Mr. Walton was in the late rebellion. Enlisted Aug. 28, 1861, in 32d Reg. 111. Vol., in Co. D, as a private; was appointed first cor- poral Aug. 19, 1862, and promoted to fifth sergeant Dec. 29, 1862, and fourth ser- geant June 13, 1863; was discharged Jan. I, 1864; re-enlisted Jan. 2, 1864, as first sergeant; was commissioned as first lieutenant May 26, 1865, which office he filled till he was discharged, at Springfield, Illinois, Sept. 30, 1865; participated in several battles; was at the siege of Vicks- burg and Corinth Wilder J. M. farmer. Sec. 23, P.O. Greenfield Wilhite Frank, farmer. Sec. 3, P.O. Greenfield Wilhite J. H. farmer. Sec. 3, P.O. Greenfield Wilhite S. farmer. Sec. 23, P.O. Greenfield Wilkinson Thompson, farmer, Sec. i, P. O. Greenfield Williams W. W. farmer. Sec. 24, P.O. Green- field Woodward Henry, farmer. Sec. 24, P. O. Greenfield -yOUNG W. H. farmer. Sec. 27, P. O. Greenfield yiNC R. C, farmer, Sec. 16, P.O. Green- ^ field OWNSHIP I I N ORTH R ANGE I I w EST. A LDERSON REUBEN, renter, Sec. I2, -^^ P.O. Greenfield Ames Van, renter, Sec. 35, P.O. Wrightsville r) AKER G. W. farm hand, Sec. 27, P. O. ^ Wrightsville BALDES JOHN, farmer, Sec. i, P.O. Wrightsville, was born in Prussia, Nov. i, 1825; came to this country in 1857, where he remained until he accumulated means to purchase the land he now owns. Was married in 1865. to Miss Regina Taffrey. They have had five children ; Joseph, born Nov. I, 1867; John B., born March 19, 1869; Kathrina, born Feb. 14, 1871; Peter, born Sept. il, 1873; Anna M., born Aug. 20, 1878. He is a member of the Catholic Church, and says he has always voted the Democratic ticket. He owns 40 acres of land BAIiLARD LOUIS J. farmer, Sec 7, P.O. White Hall, was born in Lincoln County, N. C. Oct. 4, 1800, the sixth child of ten children of Wiley and Nancy Ballard, who were of English descent. At the age of ten years the subject of this sketch moved to Tennessee, and in July 22, 1824, he married Miss Rutha Pace. In 1829 they removed to this county, where they have since remained. They have had born unto them twelve children, five of whom are living : William P., born Dec. 17, 1831; Wiley, born Dec. 27, 1833; Sarah, born March 28, 1842; Louis N., born March 30, 1844; Joseph C, born April 15, 1848. Mr. Ballard and wife are members of the M. E. Church since 1838, and have en- deavored to live a life that may be emulated by the younger. He has not been eager after this world's goods, being content to live a quiet and retired life, satisfied with a living, and to lay up treasure where " moth and rust doth not corrupt," rather than this world's goods, which perish with using. Has not paid much attention to politics; is identified with the Democratic party BARNETT HENRY A. farmer. Sec. 14, P.O. Wrightsville, was born June i, 1843, on the identical section he now lives upon. Nov. 2, 1865, he married Miss Mary E. Wood; they have had nine children, of whom six are now living: Charles S., Henry I., Susan H,, Mary E., Luella A., and George A. Mr. Barnett was a member of the 133d Reg. 111. State Vol., in which he en- listed in 1864, in the 100 day service. He is Republican in sentiment and cast his first vote for " Honest Old Abe." Has a good farm Ballard Nelson, farmer, Sec. 23, P. O. Wrightsville Ballard W. M. farmer, Sec. 23, P.O. Wrights- ville Barnard J. H. laborer. Sec. 23, P.O. Wrights- ville Barnett Isaac, farmer, Sec. 11, P.O. White Hall Barnett Isaac M. farmer. Sec. II, P. O. Wrightsville Barnett Henry A. farmer, Sec. 14, P. O. Wrightsville Barnett W. G. Sec. i, P.O. Greenfield Bartlett Marion, renter, Sec. 10, P.O.Wrights- ville Batty James R. farm hand. Sec. 15, P. O. Wrightsville BEASON AV. S. farmer. Sec. 13, P. O, Wrightsville, was born in this county, Nov. 4, 1847; was the ninth child of ten chil- dren of David and Mary Beason, who were early settlers, the former a native of North Carolina and the latter Tennessee. In 1873 Mr. Beason was married to Miss Julia Can- nedy, born in this county; from this alliance they have had three children: Guynn, born Jan. 17, 1873; Bruce, May 4, 1875; Samuel L., March 29, 1876. Mr. Beason lost his wife Feb. 27, 1878. Since then his mother has been keeping house for him. 630 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. He is Democratic and a staunch advocate of Jacksonian principles. Mr. Beason owns i6o acres of land, and hopes to be- come one of the opulent men in his town- ship Bell Charles T. farm hand, Sec. 8, P.O. White Hall Bell F. M. farmer. Sec. 22, P.O. Wrightsville BELL MAKTIN L. farmer. Sec. 5, P. O. White Hall, was born in this county Dec. 8, 1844 ; was the third child of four children of Zachariah and Susanna Bell, who were early settlers. In the early part of Luther's life he was engaged as engineer and general worker about a mill ; went to California, remained two years, then re- turned to this State, and on Oct. 22, 1S65, abandoned the life of a bachelor and mar- ried Harriet C. Lorton, who was born on the section that they now are living on. They have had four children, viz.: Carrie E., born Nov. 13, 1869 ; Robert E., born July 10, 1S71 ; Mattie H„ born Nov. 5, 1874; Clinton L., born Aug. 14, 1877. Mr. Bell now owns fifty acres of land in this town- ship, which he intends building upon in the Spring; he has also an interest in some Nebraska land Bembrock \Vm. H. Sec. i, P.O. Wrightsville Benear J. H. farmer. Sec. 7, P.O. White Hall Benear J. S. farmer, Sec. 7, P.O. White Hall Benear T. E. farmer. Sec. 7, P.O. White Hall Benear Wm. H. farmer, Sec. 8, P.O. White Hall Bennett W. G. renter. Sec. i, P.O. Wrights- ville Berean Peter R. farmer. Sec. 7, P.O. White Hall Bethard J., P.M., Sec. 23, P.O. Wrightsville Bethard James C. merchant. Sec. 23, P.O. Wrightsville Bethard John, farmer. Sec. 12, P.O. Wrights- ville Bethard Thomas, retired, Sec. 23, P.O. Wrights- ville Boehm John, shoemaker, Wrightsville BRADSHAW MRS. MARY A, farming. Sec. 4, P.O. While Hall, was born Jan., 1804, in South Carolina, and at an early age her parents moved to Tennes- see, where she became acquainted with and married her husband, Charles Bradshaw. In the year 1S28 they came to Morgan Co., where they remained two years, and then moved to the place she now lives upon. They have had sixteen children, nine boys and seven girls, of whom seven are now living, viz.: William M., John, Perry, Fran- cis M., Nancy, Mary, and Lucinda, all. of whom are now married and settled, except Francis M., who lives with his mother on the farm. Mrs. Bradshaw is a member of the Christian Church. She owns 320 acres of land BRADSHAW PERRY, farmer. Sec. 3, P.O. White Hall, was born in White Co., Tenn., May 17, 1828. His family were natives of North Carolina, and were among the early settlers of this county. The subject of this sketch was first married to Phebe Wise, by which union they had four children,allof whom are now numbered among the dead. His second marriage was with Elizabeth J. Wells. March, i860, a native of this county. They have had nine children ; eight of them are now liv- ing, viz.: Laura J., Oliver P., Albert J., Charles F., Louis A., John A., Shannon O., and Miner Douglass. Mr. Bradshaw has 373 acres of land, upon which he now resides. Mr. B. is a man of retiring habits, has had no aspirations after office, but in sentiment is Republican, and is a member of the Christian Church, and is endeavoring to live a life that is in harmony with the prin- ciples he professes Brannen A. L. smith and wagon maker, Wrightsville Brannan Mrs. Elizabeth, at home. Sec. 23, P.O. Wrightsville Brannan James L. renter. Sec. 23, P.O. Wrightsville Brenner Joseph M. renter. Sec. 35, P.O. Wrightsville Broadmarkle M. H. farmer. Sec. 20, P.O. Berdan Brown Albert, tanner, Sec. 16, P.O Wrights- ville Burke Michael, renter, Sec. 16, P.O. Wrights- ville CAGE A. M. laborer, Sec. 23, P.O. Wrights- ville Cane Thomas, farmer. Sec. 10, P.O. Wrights- ville Carmody John, farmer. Sec. 19, P.O. Berdan Carmody Michael, laborer. Sec. 19, P.O. Ber- dan TOWN 11, NORTH RANGE 11, WEST. 631 Carmody Pat, farmer, Sec. ig, P.O. Berdan Carmody Thomas, renter. Sec. 31, P.O. Ber- dan Casey Hannah, renter, Sec. 27, P.O. Wrights- ville Casey Thomas, renter, Sec. 19, P.O. Berdan Clarida John, farmer. Sec. 36, P.O. Grc^T^f < 1 ' Close R. M. farmer, Sec. 5, P.O. Wh u i. ..i Coates Susan M. Sec. 27, P.O. Wrightsville COOPER MRS. MARGARET C. farming, Sec. 22, P.O. Wrightsville, was born in this county, Aug. 1 1, 1837, is the daughter of Joel and Nancy Johnson. Her mother's maiden name was Banning. Mrs. Cooper's father was a native of this State, and was identified with its interests up to the time of his death, which occurred in 1872. Mrs. Cooper remained with her parents until her nineteenth year, when she was united in marriage to W. T. Cooper, a son of E. L. Cooper, an old settler and resident of this county ; their marriage took place April 27, 1856. After their marriage he located on the land now occupied by Mrs. Cooper, and farming was his occupation during the time he lived ; on July 19, 1875, he fell a victim to that terrible malady, consump- tion ; was a man that was highly esteemed in the circle of his acquaintances ; during his life was a consistent member of the U. Baptist Church, of which Mrs. Cooper is also a member. .Seven children have been born to them : Owen, born June 26, 1857, died Aug. 26, 1878 ; Rosie Jane, born April 15, i860; George E., born March 29, 1864 ; William E., born March 26, 1866; Martha A., born April 17, 1868; Minnie L., born June 5, 1872 ; Mary, born May 10, 1875. Since the death of her husband, Mrs. Cooper has continued the farm enterprise, and still keeps her family together, and gives the management of the farm her own supervision Cooper M. C. renter. See. 21, P.O. Wrights- ville Cox Milburn, renter. Sec. 33, P.O. Wrights- ville Cunningham A. farmer, Sec. 15, P.O. Wrights- ville Cunningham George, at home, P.O. Wrights- ville CUNXI:N'GHAM R. L. farmer. Sec. 22, P.O. Wrightsville, is a son of Samuel Cun- ningham, of this Township, Sec. 36, who is well known in the county. Robert L. first drew breath in Kentucky, Oct. I, 1851, and eame to this State with his parents wlien a babe, and remained with his parents up to the time he matured. Jan. 11, 1877, was married to Mary Jane Jones, born Oct. 3, t"-?. daughter of Enoch Jones of this c Linty. After their marriage he located on the land he now occupies, and began farming, and has since continued. Has one child, Mary Ellen, born Dec, 1877. His wife is a member of the regular Bap- tist Church. He cast his first vote for U. S. Grant. Has 120 acres of land, 80 of which are in cultivation CUNNINGHAM SAMUEL Mc. farmer. Sec. 36, P.O. Greenfield. The subject of this sketch was born in Marion Co., Ky., Feb. 16, 1818 ; was son of Robert and Nancy Cunningham, the former a native of Pennsylvania and the latter of Kentucky. Mr. Cunningham came to this county in 1853, and has since been a resi- dent of this county. Was married, Dec, 1850, to Emeline E. Cooper, daughter of E. L. Cooper, who came to this county in 1836. From this union they have had nine children : Richard, born Dec. 3, 1855, died Oct. 3, 1855 ; William B., born March 4, 1854, died Jan. 20, 1865 ; Belle, born March 19, 1864, died Jan. 18, 1868 ; Mary E., born Nov. 19, 1866, died Feb. 27, 1868; Robert L., born Oct. r, 1851; Henry, Sept. 7,1857; Geo. W., Oct. 10, 1859; Lewis, Jan. 13, 1862; Ann Jane, Feb. 28, 1869. Mr. Cunningham is engaged in farming pursuits ; has 660 acres of excellent land, under the best of cultiva- tion. Mr. Cunningham has been in poor health for several years past, and has not the emjoyment he desires ; has accumu- lated wealth, and is reckoned among the solid men of the county ; has long been a member of the C. P. Church, and has lived a life consistent with his profession, and has established a name and a reputation of which those who succeed him may justly be proud Cunningham Henry, at home. Sec. 36, P.O. Greenfield CUNNINGHAM W. D. farmer, Sec. 13, P.O. Wrightsville, was born in this county, Aug. 16, 1840, was the fourth child of ten children of Richard and Mary Cunningham, early settlers of this county. 632 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. In September, 1866, was married to Emma Coates. They have had six children, of whom four are now living, viz.: Luman, Ora, Theodore, and Lee. Mr. C. moved to this place in 1873, and now owns 160 acres of land. He is a member of the U. Bap- tist Church, and is a good citizen and an upright man T^AMM MRS. SARAH, Sec. 31, P.O. Berdan, was born in Alton, Sept. 16, 1847, is the fifth child of Elias and Sarah Meister. On Dec. 7, 1865, was married to John Damm,who was a native of this county. As a result of this union, they have had four children, viz.: Sarah Jane, born Sept. 8, 1S66 ; John, Oct. 30, 1867 ; Annie, Oct. 7, 1869; Dealer, June 22, 1871. Mrs. Damm is now a widow, her husband having met with a tragical death at his own hands, July 2, 187S. She resides at present with her parents, having rented her farm, con- sisting of g4 acres, which she intends keeping for the benefit of herself and child- ren, that they may be educated and fitted for the coming duties of life Darke Ben. farmer. Sec. 12, P.O. Wrightsville Davidson Isaac, farmer. Sec. 21, P.O. Wrights- ville Davidson James, renter, Sec. 27, P.O. Wrights- ville Davidson J. E. farmer, Sec. 21, P.O. Wrights- ville Davidson J. L. farm hand. Sec. 21, P.O. Wrightsville Davidson Willis, laborer, Sec. 21, P.O. Wrightsville Davis Clayton, renter, Sec. 34, P.O. Wrights- ville Davis James E. renter. Sec. 4, P.O. White Hall Davis Maria Mrs. farmer. Sec. 4, P.O. White Hall DAVIS OSCAR, farmer, Sec. 4, P.O. White Hall, was born in this county, Oct. 13, 1847. Was married April 8, 1869, to Mrs. Virginia Beam, born in King George Co., Va., and raised in St. Louis Co., Mo., at which place they were married, and moved to White Hall, where they remained until Dec. 5, 1877, at which time they moved to the premises they now own. They have had four children, three of whom are living, viz.: Frank Stewart, Grace Amanda, and Vernon Lee. Mr. Davis owns about 60 acres of land, and hopes by patient industry and rigid economy to ac- quire a competency, and to leave after him a name and character that shall be worthy of their imitation Dodson James, farmer, Sec. 16, P.O. White Hall Dorsey Patrick, renter, Sec. 12, P.O. Wrights- ville Doyle Jasper, Sec. 25, P.O. Wrightsville Doyle John, farmer, Sec. 25, P.O. Wrights- ville Doyle John, Jr. farmer. Sec. 22, P.O. Wrights- ville "pARLY THOMAS, renter. Sec. 33, P.O. -*-^ Wrightsville Ellis Charles, farm hand, Sec. 4, P.O. White Hall Ellis Charles S. farmer. Sec. 4, P.O. White Hall Emerson T. G. teacher, Wrightsville Eyer Charles & Bro. distillers. Sec. 18, P.O. Berdan pEATHERSON THOMAS, far- mer. Sec, 12, P.O. Wrightsville, was born in England, Jan. i, 1835, came to New York in the Spring of 1852, and to this county in 1858, and located on the section he now resides on. Was married Feb. 12, 1861, to Elizabeth Barnett, who is a native of this county. From this union they have three children : Wm. H., born in 1862,; Nancy Jane, born in 1863; Dora E., born in 1868. Mr. Featherson owns 151 acres of land; is a member of the Republican party Ferguson Catharine, P.O. Greenfield Ferguson E. B. renter, sec. i, P.O. Wrights- ville Ferguson Thos. renter, sec. i, P.O. Wrights- ville Ferguson Tiiomas S. farmer, Sec. i, P.O. Wrightsville Ferguson Walker, renter. Sec. i, P.O. Green- field Felinger Joseph, farmer, Sec. 19, P.O. Berdan Fetters Simon, laborer. Sec. 23, P.O. Wrights- ville Flaherty John, renter, Sec. 26, P.O. Wrights- ville Flowers John W. renter. Sec. 27, P.O. Wrights- ville TOWN 11, NORTH RANGE ll, WEST. 633 r^ ADWELL MOSES, farmer, Sec. 20,P.O. ^ Berdan Gardiner James, wagon maker, Wrightsville Gardiner Joseph, blacksmith, Wrightsville Gardiner Wm. blacksmith, Wrightsville Garrison William A. Sec. 7, P.O. White Hall Goodall John, wagon maker, Wrightsville Goodall Robt. farmer. Sec. 16, P.O.Wrights- ville Goodall Wm. laborer. Sec. 23, P.O. Wrights- ville Goode George, farmer, Sec. 20, P.O. Berdan Goode John L. farmer, Sec. 22, P.O. Wrights- ville GOODE W. B. farmer. Sec. 29, P.O. Ber- dan ; was born in Christian County, Ken- tucky, Sept. 16, 1827 ; was the fourth son of W. H. and Gensey Goode, the former a native of Virginia, and the latter of Ten- nessee. They came to this county in 1829, which was at that time almost a wilderness. The subject of this sketch was about one- and-a-half years old when he came to this county ; has since been a resident, and ex- pects to spend the remainder of his days on the farm he now resides upon. In August 22, 1S45, was married to Eliza Ann David- son, by whom he had eight children ; five are now living : Ginsey Ann, born June il, 1846 ; Emeline, born Jan. 28, 1848, An- geline, born Jan. 28, 1848, twins; Melissa Jane, born Oct. 4, 1849 ; John^L. born July 25, 1351. Mr. Goode was married the sec- ond time to Elizabeth Walker, a native of this county, by whom he has nine children, but two are now living, viz : Alzina, born Jan. 5, 1865 ; Alvin, born April 20, 1872. Mr. Goode owns 365 acres of land; has an interest in 160 acres not yet divided. Mr. Goode has acquired what he has by close attention to business, rigid economy, and patient industry; commenced with the traditionary mould-board plow and the hand sickle, and thus moved along with the pass- ing years, and is now in the fruition of his early and sanguine anticipations Griffin Geo. M. farmer. Sec. 28, P.O. Wrights- ville Griffin Jeff, renter, Sec. 33, P.O. Wrightsville Griffin Joseph M. farmer, Sec. 23. P. O. Wrightsville Griffin Wm. Jr. farmer. Sec. 34, P.O. Wrights- ville Guthrie James L. farmer. Sec. 3, P.O. Wrights- ville Guthrie Jesse, farm hand. Sec. 35, P. O. Wrightsville Guthrie Thos. farm hand, Sec. 4, P.O. White Hall Guthrie Wm. farm hand, Sec. 29, P.O. Ber- dan TJ ARPER JAMES, renter. Sec. 12, P.O. ■*^ Wrightsville Halps Joe, renter, Sec. 34, P.O. Wrightsville Haskins Wm. renter. Sec. 27, P.O. Wrights- ville HENDERSON JOSEPH, farmer, Sec. 7, P. O.White Hall, was born May 26, 1813, in Ohio ; ab an early age he came to this county where he has since resided ; was married at the age of 29 years to Mary Ann Stout, with whom he lived until her death, which occurred in 1876. They never had any children, Mr. Henderson has 100 acres of land, upon which he now resides. Politically he is Republican. He is a con- sistent member of the C. Presbyterian Church, and has always been esteemed as an honest and conscientious man, upright in his dealings, and generous to a fault Houck John, farm hand. Sec. 27, P.O. Wrights- ville Hubbard H. F. farmer, Sec. 5, P.O. White Hall Hudson Isaac M. farmer, Sec. 11, P. O. Wrightsville Hutchinson Marion, renter, Sec. 31, P.O. Ber- dan T CKES W. D. farmer, Sec. 14, P.O. Wrights- ■*■ ville Isaacs James F. farmer. Sec. 22, P.O. Wrights- ville Isaacs William, farm hand. Sec. 35, P.O. Wrightsville T ACKSON JOHN H. renter, Seo. 22, P.O. J Wrightsville Jennings Henry, renter, Sec. 25, P.O. Wrights- ville Johnson David, farmer, Sec. 35, P.O. Wrights- ville Johnson John, Sec. 25, P.O. Wrightsville Johnson Mrs. Rebecca, Sec. 28, P.O. Wrights- ville Jones Alexander, laborer, Wrightsville 634 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. Jones Alexander, renter, Sec. lO, P.O. Wrights- ville Jones E. H. renter, Sec. i6, P.O. Wrights- ville Jones Jessie, farm hand, Sec. 4, P.O White Hall TT'EI^NEDY MILES, Sec. 29, P.O. Berdan, was born in Hamilton County, Ohio, Oct. 30, 1844, and in Feb. 1866, came to Brown County, remaining one year ; then came to this county in the Spring of 1868. In Sept. 1861, he enlisted in the United States service, 33d regiment of Ohio Vol- unteer Infantry, where he remained nearly four years, until the close of the war, when he received an honorable discharge. Mr. Kennedy was engaged in several of the most hotly contested battles that occurred during the war — Chicamauga, Mission Ridge, Atlanta, Stone River, Peach Tree Creek, and all of the battles that occurred during that memorable Atlanta campaign. Mr. Kennedy is now married to Laura An- drews, daughter of Stephen and Lucretia Andrews ; the above marriage occurred Sept. 6, 1877. Mr. Kennedy is engaged in farming pursuits, and is a young man de- serving of success Keohm Adam, farmer, Sec. 35, P.O. Wrights- ville Keohm Philip, Sec. 35, P.O. Wrightsville KESSINGEK DANIEL, farmer. Sec. 27, P.O. Wrightsville. Among the old set- tlers of this township is Daniel Kessinger, who is a native of Hart County, Kentucky, born Nov. 13, 1811 ; was next the youngest of a family of seven children by his father's first wife. Jacob and Rebecca, the parents of Daniel, are natives of the same county and State. Daniel's mother's name, prior / to her marriage, was Clendennen. The advantages Daniel had, when young, for schooling were unfavorable indeed, and what he did receive was in those rude log structures of the time. At the age of 19 he made a trip to Tazewell'County, on horse- back, staid eleven months, and i-eturned to Kentucky, where he remained about thir- teen years. In March 7, 1832, married Rachel McCombs, of Byron County, Ken- tucky, near Mammoth Cave. She was born Oct. 24, 1813. By this marriage they have had twelve children, nine of them living : William, Porterfield F., James C, Wood- ford T., Charles A., and the girls are : Per- lina E., Sarah F., Prudy Jane and Louretta, all of them married and well settled in life, and every member from the parents down belong to the U. Baptist Church. Nov., ^847, Mr. Kessinger, wife and six children emigrated to this State with an ox team and located in this county; first be- gan renting, which he followed for seven years, then bought 120 acres of land where he now resides. His wife has for the last fifteen years served in the capacity of mid- wife, and has been very successful. Mr. Kessinger has not been a man that was eager after this world's goods, but has been reasonably content with a good living and a sufficient competency for his old age. Has taken but little interest in political matters, but is a staunch Democrat ; in short, there is no man in the township more highly respected than he is, being re- ligiously honest, and conscientiously just. He has raised a family of children who are an honor to him and to the community in which they reside. His wife has been a member of the U. Baptist Church for near half a century Kessinger J. C. farmer. Sec. 21, P.O. Wrights- ville KESSINGER WILLIAM, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 27, P.O. Wrightsville; was born in Baron County, Kentucky, April II, 1834 ; is the first child of nine children of Daniel and Rachel Kessinger, who were also born in Kentucky. In 1847 they moved to this county and have since been identified with the interests of the county. In Jan. i, 1856, was married to Cassandria Davidson, daughter of John Davidson ; they have had seven children, viz.: Ettna J, born Dec.3,1858, died Feb. 1875; Laura, born Feb. 16, 1859; John L. born Jan. 4, 1857 ; Rachel, born Aug. 8, 1863, lived 9 months and 8 days ; Louisa, born Jan. 31, 1864; Thomas A. born Aug. 22, 1S67 ; infant died March 29, 1S64. Mr. Kessinger has 540 acres of land, has the best of buildings and farm improvements, the best in the township and but few better in the county. Mr. Kessinger for several years past has been engaged in shipping stock and grain in connection with his farming, and has been successful in his operations ; is a safe TOWN 11, NORTH RANGE ll, WEST. 635 dealer, buying and selling on the market. Mr. Kessinger is known as an upright and conscientious man in his dealings, a good neighbor, and worthy citizen, and now ranks among the wealthy and opulent far- mers in the county Kessinger Wood, farmer, Sec 2i,P.0.Wrights- ville Kirk James S. laborer. Sec. 9, P.O. White Hall Klat Andy, farm hand, Sec. 35, P.O. Wrights- ville T AWLER THOS. farmer, P.O. Wrights- ^ ville Lee J. P. renter, Sec. 32, P.O. Carrollton liEE MILES W. farmer, Sec. 32. P.O. Carrollton ; born in Anderson County, North Carolina, Feb. 12, 1812, and in Dec. 3, 1833, he came to this State, stopping awhile on his way at Tennessee. In the Spring of 1834, landed in Madison County this State, at which place he remained about thirteen years. In the Spring of 1847 went to Drew County, Arkansas, where he remained four years ; then returned to Mad- ison County in 1852 and staid five years, and in the Spring of 1857 came to this county and settled on Sec. 32, where he has since remained. Was first married in Ten- nessee, to Nancy Floyd, Feb. 9, 1834 ; had three children : William H. born July 29, 1835 ; Joseph T. born May 15, 1839 ; James P. born April 28, 1842. Married the sec- ond time to Martha Randall, Jan. 8, 1846, by whom he had one child, which died be- fore christening. Mr. Lee has 200 acres of land, and is spending the eve of his life in peace and tranquility, having seen much of this country in his time, and accumulated what he now has by honest industry and frugality ; has long been a member of the U. Baptist Church, and expects to die in the hope of a glorious 'mmortality Lester William, renter. Sec. 29, P.O. Wrights- ville Lorton Allen A, farmer. Sec. 9, P.O. White Hall Lorton David H. farmer, Sec. 8, P.O. White Hall Lorton Harvey M. farmer, Sec. 8, P O. White Hall Lorton Harvey N. farmer. Sec. 8, P.O. White Hall LORTOIS' ROBERT, farmer. Sec. 8, P.O. White Hall, was born in Cumberland County, Ky., Sept. 15, 1817; went to Bond County, 111., in 1818, where he re- mained four years, when he came to this township and married Jane Stubblefield, Nov. 14, 1844 ; with whom he lived until his death, which occurred Oct. 3, 1875. They have had six children, of whom five are now living, viz : Harriet C, born July 28, 1847; Hester A., born July 28, 1847— twins ; Martha E., born April. 25, 1849; Albert H., born Sept. 30, 1852 ; David H., born Feb. 5, 1857. Since Mr. Lorton's demise his widow has remained upon the farm, in company with her son David and daughter Hester. Mr. Lorton was, during his life, a very consistent member of the M. E. Church, was a zealous and enthusiastic worker in the Sunday-school cause ; he died lamented by all who knew him, hav- ing filled several offices of trust in the church to their satisfaction and with credit to himself. Politically he was identified with the Republican party TWTATHEWS M. renter, Sec.i8, P.O. Ber- ^*-*- dan Mattes Conrad, renter, Sec 33, P.O. Wrights- ville Mayberry E. H. farmer, Sec. 11, P.O. Wrights- ville Mayberry J. M. farmer, Sec. 11, P. O. Wrightsville McClellan Hugh, Sec. 36, P.O. Greenfield McGowan W. A. teacher. Sec. 33, P. O. Wrightsville McMAHON 1>AN"IEL, saloon, Wrightsville. Born in Tipperary County, Ireland, Oct. 20, 1852 ; His father's name was Cornelius, and his mother's maiden name, Bridget Flemming. His father be- ing in humble circumstances, Daniel was not sent to school ; at the age of 15, he left the parental roof, to shape out his own fortune — began working for the farmers, at which he continued until he attained his 19th year, when he became satisfied that America would afford him better opportu- nities than the Emerald Isle, so, on April 14, 1871, he embarked for this country, landing in New York ten days afterward, stopped a short time in the city, then vis- ited several Eastern cities ; came to this 636 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. State and visited his uncle, John McMahon, at White Hall ; worked by the month for Adam Keohm and Thomas English, and Mr. Datty, on Apple Creek, two years ; rented land on Mrs. Ryan's place, and sub- sequent to this he engaged to clerk for John English, at Wrightsville, at which he con- tinued until he embarked in the business which he is now engaged. Has recently built him a very substantial brick building. Is unmarried, and is a sound Democrat McNAMARA ANTONY, farmer, Sec. 20, P.O, Berdan, was born in Mayo County, Ireland, March 15, 1816. Came to Charleston, S. C, and has been in vari- ous localities from the time he first came, up to the date of his settlement upon the sec- tion on which he now resides ; was engaged during the several years in railroading, be- ing employed as foreman on different roads. In the year 1859, he located on the tract of land he now owns, and has, since that time, been identified with the interests of the county. On Nov. 15, 1855, was married to Elizabeth McFadden, by which marriage they have one child, William, born Dec. 7, 1857, in Batt County, Ky. Mr. McNamara owns 137 acres of land, which he has earned by " hard knocks," and expects to spend his days there, and enjoy the fruits of his past labors in peace and quietness McNamara Thomas, farmer, Sec. 28, P. O. Wrightsville McNamara William, farmer, Sec. 35, P. O. Wrightsville MEISTER DANIEJL, farmer, Sec. 31, P.O. Berdan. Born in Germany in 1835; came to this country at an early age ; since been a resident of the county. In 1861 he en- listed in the ist Missouri cavalry, Co. F, and participated in several hard fought bat- tles. Pea Ridge, Corinth, Murfreesboro, and others during the Atlanta campaign ; received several wounds as an evidence of his bravery and fidelity as a soldier, having lost one finger, and was shot in the leg; was in the service three years, and served his country faithfully, and received an hon- orable discharge. In June 25, 1871, was married to Ann Spare, had three children, but one now living, Sarah, born Aug. lO, 1873 ; now lives with her grand-parents, Elias and Sarah Meister. Was married second time on Easter day, 1874, to Meinn Anderson ; have had two children, but one now living, Jacob, born Nov. 12, 1874. Mr. Meister has 40 acres of land, and is comfortably situated in life MEISTER ELIAS, farmer, Sec. 29. P. O. Berdan, was born July 20, 1813, near Spaer, Rhine Falls, Germany; was married at the age of 23, to Sarah B. Bauman, born March 31, 1814. They have had six chil- dren, four boys and two girls, viz : John, born Sept. 8, 1837 ; Daniel, born Sept. 8, 1837 — twins ; George, born March 27, 1839 ; Jacob, born May 13, 18*^0; Sarah B., born Sept. 16, 1847; Elizabeth, born Jan. 3, 1853. Mr. Meister emigrated to this country in 1847, came to Alton first, remained one year, then came to this county, where he rented land for a term of years, and accu- mulated money to buy 320 acres, upon which he now lives ; has raised a family that are an honor to him, being reckoned among the reliable men of the country, and excellent farmers. Mr. Meister and wife are now living in the enjoyment of their health, and have their children set- tled about them. John, being a bachelor, remains with his parents, and has charge of the farm MEISTER GEORGE, farmer. Sec. 31, P.O. Berdan. Born in Germany, March 27, 1839. At an early age he emigrated to this State, in company with his parents, and since 1872 has lived on the place he now occupies. In 1864 was mustered into the United States service, in Co. H, 144th Regiment 111. S. V., where he served his country until mustered out in 1865. In July 6, 1874, was married to Josephine Darr, a native of this State, born Feb. 24, 1850, and have had three children, viz : Hattie E., born June 6, 1S73 ; Elias. born Sept. 7, 1875 ; George, born Nov. 11, 1876. Mr. Meister has a farm of 80 acres, which, though small, is a model for neatness and order ; and what may be said of him as re- gards his ability to conduct a farm, may be said of all the family of Meisters, who are truly model farmers, MEISTER JACOB, farmer, Sec. 29, P.O. Berdan, was born in Germany, May 13, 1840, and while quite young he emi- grated to this country with his parents, and has since been a resident of the county, for about 31 years. In Jan. 23, 1877, he was TOWN 11, NORTH RANGE 11, WEST. 637 married to Miss Louisa Schutz, born July 29, 1854, at Schutz's Mills. They have had two children, one of whom is now liv- ing, Lena, born Oct. 5, 1878. Mr. Meis- ter is now engaged in farming pursuits, is settled on the home farm, and hopes, by rigid economy and patient industry to ac- quire a competence for himself and family, and leave behind him a character worthy of the emulation of his posterity Miller Patrick, laborer. Sec. 4, P.O. White Hall Miller W. F. grain dealer, Wrightsville Mitchell John, farmer. Sec. 23, P.O. Wrights- ville Moore Thomas, farmer, Sec. 15, P.O. Wrights- ville Morgan James J. laborer, Sec. 8, P.O. Wrights- ville ■\T ELSON HOWARD, laborer, Sec 4, P. ■'■^ O. Wrightsville PEMBROKE DAVID, farmer, Sec. 12, P. ^ O. White Hall Palmer George, farmer, P.O. Wrightsville Prather James, renter, Sec. i, P.O. Green- field Pratt Anderson, renter, Sec. 15, P.O. Wrights- ville "DAFFERTY JOHNC. Sec. 11, P. O. -^ Wrightsville Rafferty William M. farmer, Sec. 12, P.O. Wrightsville Rainge John, farmer, P.O. Wrightsville Reavis J. F. farmer. Sec. 3, P.O. White Hall Rliodes Frank, laborer, Sec. 23, P.O. Wrights- ville Rhoads John F. farm hand, Sec. 22, P.O. Wrightsville Rhoads Joseph C. Wrightsville Rhoads G. W. farmer. Sec. 21, P.O. Wrights- ville RHODES WILLIAM V. constable. Sec. 21, P.O. Wrightsville. The subject of this sketch was born in Bedford County, Pa., Sept. 14, 1846. His father's name was Joseph, and his mother's maiden name was Ellen Jakes. They are of German descent. At the age of 17 ran away from home and enlisted in the army, but, under age, he was released and returned to his parents. In August, 1865, he, in company with his parents, emigrated to this county, B2 first locating near Carrollton. Since his arrival here has been engaged in agricul- tural pursuits. June 5, 1873, formed a matrimonial alliance with Mary E. Batty, born in this county April 7, 1854 ; she is a daughter of William Batty, of this town- ship. Two children are the result of this union, Joseph C, born July 12, 1874, Wm. O., born Feb. 13, 1876. March, 1877, moved to Wrightsville, where he has since remained; was elected constable of the precinct same year, and has since served in that capacity with credit to himself and to the satisfaction of the people. He is an efficient officer, and does not shrink from danger when he has an official duty to per- form, being brave and fearless ; a striking proof of his executive ability was mani- fested in the capture and arrest of Dr. C. E. McAuliffe, who had shot his man, and retreating to a house, barricated himself against the pursuing throng, whom he kept at bay for several hours, when Mr. Rhodes arrived with a warrant and broke down the door, rushed in, captured the prisoner, when it was known that he was armed with a double-barrelled shot gun. The crowd was disbanded, but while on his road to the county jail, at night, was over- powered by a posse of fifty men, who seized the prisoner and hung him to a tree Ross William, farmer. Sec. 7, P.O. White Hall C HAFFER HENRY, renter. Sec. 33, P.O. ♦^ Wrightsville Short James, laborer. Sec. 5, P.O. White Hall Smith Amos, renter. Sec. 32, P.O. Carrollton Smith C. H. laborer. Sec. 23, P.O. Wrights- ville Smith Daniel, renter, Sec. 35, P.O. Carroll- ton Smith Joseph, renter. Sec. 32, P.O. Carroll- ton Smith Mrs. renter, Sec. 32, P.O. Carrollton Smith Samuel, Sec. 11, P.O. Wrightsville Smith William, Sec. 13, P.O. Wrightsville Smith William H. farm hand. Sec. 25, P.O. Wrightsville Springate farmer, Sec. 21, P.O. Wrights- ville Staats Abram, farmer, Sec. 3, P.O. White Hall 638 GREENE COITNTY DIRECTORY. STINNETT JAMES H. farmer, Sec. I, P.O. Wrightsville, was born in this coun- ty, May 10, 1835 ; was the second son of David and Margarina Stinnett, who were natives of Kentucky. Mr. Stin- nett was married Oct. 9, 1856, to Miss Ma- ry J. Ferguson. They have had six chil- dren, Eunice E., Pleasant M., James A., Charles H., William T. and Bertha Ann, all of whom are now living. Mr. Stinnett has 120 acres of land, and knows very well how he got it — as the good Master said we should obtain our bread — " by the sweat of his brow." Mr. Stinnett is of Democratic principles, and holds to those principles very tenaciously Stoat John, farmer. Sec. 18, P.O. White Hall Stocks Zeno, teacher, Sec. 29, P.O. Berdan Stone Josiah, renter. Sec. 7, P.O. White Hall Stone Joseph, farmer. Sec. 3, P.O. Wrights- ville Stout Daniel, carpenter. Sec. 23, P.O.Wright.'-- ville Stout John H. farmer. Sec. 7. P-0. White Hall STOUT H. C. carpenter, Wrightsville. The subject of these lines is a native of Greenfield. Greene Co.. born May 16, 1836. Is the son of Dr. J. M. Stout, who was born and raised in Ohio. The Stout family are of German descent. Mr. Stout's mother's name was Lodicy Drum, daughter of John Drum, who was an old pioneer of this county. Mr. Stout's father resides in Kansas since 1870. At the age of twenty- four Mr. Stout left the parental roof, and, at this time, concluded that to be success- ful he must first secure nature's great help- meet — a wife ; and solicited and won the hand of Lauretta Thaxton, daughter of Dr. Clay Thaxton ; their marriage being celebrated August, i860 ; had three chil- dren, but one now living, Florence, born May, 1868. Sept. 2, 1862. Mr. S. enlisted in Co. I, 91st Regt. Ills. Vol. Infantry, and served his country faithfully until the close of the war ; mustered out at Mobile. Was once taken prisoner by John Morgan but was released four months afterwards. During the time he was in service engaged in nearly all the engagements the regiment participated in. Since his return has been engaged at his trade, that ot a carpenter and joiner ; is a good workman and does satisfactory work. Is a man of quiet and retiring habits and an excellent citizen STRANG ALEXANDER D. faim- er, Sec. 5, P.O. White Hall. Mr. Strang was born March 19, 1835 ; son of Solomon and Elizabeth Strang, who were early set- tlers, Solomon having, in an early day, worked in the lead mines at Galena, where he earned the money which gave him a start in this county, and was afterward sue- 1 cessful. He died Sept. 6, 1848. Alexan- der D., the subject of this sketch, was first married Jan. 15, 1856, to Olive Wood, had one son, William S., who now lives with his father. Mr. Strang was married the second time Dec. 29, 1869, to Rebecca Waghorn. They have three children, viz : Lizzie R., born Sept. 2, 1871 ; Mary J., born Jan. 2, 1875 ; Thomas A., born Feb. 2, 1878. Mr. Strang is a member of White Hall Lodge, No. 80, of A. F. and A. M. Cares but little about political matters, but votes the RepubHcan ticket. Mr. Strang and brother own 682 >^ acres of land, 272 in Sec. 5, 240 in Sec. 4, balance in 9 and 10. They are men of energy ; upright and excellent citizens Strang William H. farmer, Sec. 4, P.O. White Hall Stubblefield George A. farmer. Sec. 8, P.O. White Hall Stubblefield James H. farmer, Sec. 6, P.O. White Hall Sullivan James, teacher. Sec. 28, P.O. Wrightsville T^AFFNER JOHN, farmer. Sec. 11, P.O. -*■ Wrightsville TAFFNER JOHN B. farmer, Sec. 11, P.O. Wrightsville, was born in Prussia in 1852 ; at an early age his parents emi- grated to St. Louis, about the year iS64,and in 1865 came to this State. He is the son of John and Anna Taffner, who came to this country about fourteen years ago. On March 2, 1878, John B. was married to Mar- garet L. Caine. He owns 50 acres of land. He is a member of the Catholic Church, and is a Democrat Taffner John P. farmer. Sec. 11, P.O. Wrights- ville TAYIiOR ALONZO P. farmer, Sec. 9, P.O. White Hall, was born March 19, TOWN 11, NORTH RANGE 11, "WEST. 639 1853, is a native of this county ; is a son of Joseph and Rebecca Taylor, who were natives of Kentucky, and came to this county at an early day. Alonzo was united in matrimony Dec. 26, 1872, to Lizzie Davis, daughter of J. W. Davis ; as a result of this marriage they have now two children, viz.: Warren, born Aug. 9, 1873; Nora, born July 11, 1875. Mr. Taylor owns 80 acres of land, and although young, he has had considerable experience with the world, and expects, if spared, to grow up to be one of the wealthy, and to rank among the most respected of his township THAXTON CLAY DR. farmer. Sec. 28, P.O. Wrightsville, was born near Richmond, Va., Aug. 5, 1799, was the "seventh son " of William and Mary Thax- ton. William having served seven years in the Revolutionary War. In 18 19 the subject of this sketch came to this county, at which time it was but a wilderness. In- dians roamed across the prairies, and it was in the days of horse mills and " hominy mortars," the nearest mill at that time, being at Alton. Large game, such as bears, pan- thers, elk, wolves and deer in countless numbers could be seen almost at any time. Chills and fevers were among the indispen- sables at this time, and it is related that there was scarcely a house during these times but what some members of the family would be down with the " ager," and in many instances, all of them — none being left to care for the sick. People speak of hard times now, but they are nothing in comparison to the times in which those early pioneers lived, and the trials which they passed through would daunt and dis- hearten the hearts of the most hardy at the present time had they to pass through such scenes as related by those hardy pioneers, who opened up the country, and prepared the way for the present generation. The subject of this sketch was married Nov. 9, 1827, to Caroline Whitaker, who was born March i, t8ii, was the daughter of Robert and Anna Whitaker, from this union they had eleven children, have raised nine : Sarah Ann, born Jan. I, 1829; Martha Jane, born Dec, 29, 1830 ; Robt. M., born July 9, 1835; Elizabeth, born Oct. 11, 1839; Lauretta, born January 27, 1842; William, M. born May 2, 1844 ; John Francis, born Aug. 20, 1847 ;| Joseph H. born Jan. 4, 1850. Mr. Thaxton and wife have divided up their land among their children, have reserved 80 acres for himself and wife, which they are now located upon. John and Joseph are still single, and live with their parents. Mr. Thaxton and wife are consistent members of the United Baptist Church, have been members of that body during the last forty years. They are in unusual good health for people of their years ; are sprightly, and seem to be in the full possession of their mental as well as physical faculties, to an extent that gives promise of several years yet; they are ready to go, and are like shocks of corn ripe for their Master's use, and when He calls they are ready to enter into the joys prepared for His people before the founda- tion of the world THAXTON PARHAM, farmer. Sec. 31, P.O. Carrollton. Mr. Thaxton first saw the light of day Jan. 8, 1826, on a spot of ground on the land he now occupies, and which is now used as a cornfield, and off of it grew corn, which took the blue ribbon at the Greene County Fair this year ; so much for association. Mr. Thaxton was the seventh child of Larkin and Catherine Thaxton, the former a native of Virginia and the latter of Scotland. The subject of this sketch had but few educational advan- tages, for while in his minority there was not, he relates a regularly organized district in the county, and what education he did get was by walking several miles to the rude structures incident to those pioneer days. Mr. Thaxton learned the trade of an operative mason, and worked at it for a number of years in Virden and various other localities. In Jan. 27, 1858, he con- cluded that he had lived a bachelor suf- ficiently long, and solicited the hand of Anna Drum, and as a result of the alliance have had four children : Florence, born Dec. 26, 1859; Luella, born March 7, 1861 ; Jennette, born July 5, 1868 ; Clif- ford born Nov. 25, 1869. Mr. Thaxton is a man whose honesty and integrity are un- questioned ; has held office of Coroner and Township Trustee to the satisfaction of the people Thaxton Perry, farmer, Sec. 28, P.O. Wrights- ville. 640 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. Thaxton Thomas, renter, Sec. 28, P.O. Wrightsville. TippsJ. M. farmer, Sec. 7, P.O. White Hall Tipps Wm. renter, Sec. 19, P.O. White Hall Turney P. farmer, Sec. 30. P.O. Berdan u TLEY MARTIN, laborer, Sec. 12, P.O. Wrightsville A yANDEVEER JOSIAH. farmer. Sec. 11, ^ P.O. Wrightsville "\ 1 rALKER BROS, brickmakers. Sec. 23, ^* P.O. Wrightsville Walker J. W. farmer. Sec. 29, P.O. Berdan Walker Mac, brickmaker, Wrightsville WALKER MARY MRS. farming. Sec. 29, P.O. Berdan. Born it^ Brecken- ridge County, Ky., Sept. 12, 181 1, was the daughter of William and Elizabeth Walker, who were natives of Virginia. At an early age she moved to this county with her parents. At the age of 19 she was married to Robert Walker, born March 31,1811; had twelve children : Elizabeth, born July 4i 1833 ; Lucinda, born Aug. i, 1835 ; Eliza, born Jan. 20, 1838 ; James, born April 12, 1840; Robert, born July 24, 1842 ; Mary Ann, born Feb. 8, 1845 ; William G., born Feb. 14, 1847 ; Martha Jane, born Oct, 12, 1849; Sarah E., bom July 3 r, 1853. The above are now living. Mrs. W. lost her husband Oct. 10, 1868, and still remains on the farm, consisting of 160 acres, which she is still farming. All of her children are married and doing for themselves, ex- cept three boys, who remain with her at home Walker Wm. farmer, Sec. 29, P.O. Berdan WALKER WILLIAM J. farmer, Sec. I, P.O. Greenfield, was born in this county in 1843. Was married in 1S68 to Susan Barnett, who was also a native of this county. They have eight children, four are now living : Mahalia A., Mary Olive, Adda B., and Eddie M. In 1862, Mr. Walker enlisted in the loist Regt. 111. State Vols, where he served his country faithfully until the close of the war. In 1860 he went to Missouri and returned in 1872 ; has since been a resident of this section Walton Isaac, farmer. Sec, i, P.O. Wrights- ville Waltrip Luke, farmer. Sec. 28, P.O. Wrights- ville Waltrip Michael, retired, Sec. 28, PO. Wrights- ville WALTRIP W. D. farmer. Sec. 29, P.O. Berdan, was born in this county April 10, 1846, the seventh child of Michael and Alcey Waltrip, who were early pioneers in this county. Apil 10, 1866, was united in marriage to Ginsa Goode, daughter of W. B. Goode, whose sketch appears in this work. From this union they have one child, Norman, born Jan. 20, 1867. Mr. Waltrip owns 140 acres of land, which he has ac- quired by his own industry and economy, and knows very well how he came by every dollar in his possession, and hopes by a continuation of the practice of the princi- ciples that have hitherto governed him, to become one of the most opulent and well- to-do farmers in his township. Is a con- sistent member of the United Baptist Church Waltrip M. H. renter. Sec. 28, P.O. Wrights- ville Webb Daniel, farmer. Sec. 23, P.O. Wrights- ville Webb Maria Mrs. at home. Sec. 23, P.O. Wrightsville Webb William, farm hand. Sec. 4, P.O. White Hall Welch James, laborer, Sec. 15, P.O. Wrights- ville WOOD JAMES A. farmer. Sec. 30, P.O. Berdan, was born Nov. i, 1833, in St. Lawrence County, Mo., son of George and Sarah M. Wood, the former a native of Pennsylvania and the latter of Kentucky. When quite young he came to this county. In Dec. iS, 1S56, was married to Sarah Ann Pinkerton, a native of this county, by whom he has had nine children, viz. : George A., born Jan. 11, 1858; Isaac L., born Sept. II, 1859; Sarah E., born Aug. 19, 1861 ; Minnie J., born June 13 1863 ; Henry R., born Feb. 20, 1865 ; Lotty A., born May 22. 1867 ; John G., born Sept. 9, 1869; Willie O., born Nov. 5, 1872 ; Mar- tha M., born Nov. 4, 1874. Mr. Wood has 200 acres of land, which is well improved, and upon which he intends to spend the remainder of his days in peace and quiet- ness, and to hand down to his posterity a name'and charactuer unsullied WRIGHT ANDREW J. general store, Sec. 23, P.O. Wrightsville. The TOWN 11, NORTH RANGE 11, WEST. 641 subject of this sketch is the founder of the town of Wrightsville, which was laid out July, 1872, and upon the land he owned. Mr. Wright is the son of Thomas Wright, a native of South Carolina, who was twice married, first to Elizabeth Bell, by whom he had eight children, two of whom are now living : George M., now 80 years of age, and Elizabeth, now Mrs. Funkhouser. Was married the second time to Mary Cole, by whom he had four children : Andrew J., Thomas, Robert N., and Nancy, now dead. The subject of this sketch was born Aug. 29, in town 10, range 11. Mr. Wright's father entered the land on which Thomas now resides, Sec. 35. Andrew J, has been twice married, first to Lucinda Cunning- ham, eldest daughter of R. B. Cunningham, from this alliance they had three children : Mary N., born Feb. 8, 1857 ; James W., born Aug. 2, 1858 ; Richard D., born Oct. 30, i860. Mary was married March 8, 1877, to Geo. A. Palmer, who are now located in this township. James and Rich- ard are now at home with their father, car- rying on the store and attending to the railroad office and the business of the sta- tion. Mr. Wright having been in poor health for several years past, has sold the greater part of his land, and is now engaged in mercantile pursuits, having a general store, keeping in his line nearly everything required by the farmers, and at prices to suit the times. Mr. Wright is a man of retiring nature ; has never been an aspirant after office, yet has held several offices of trust at the urgent request of the people ; has officiated as township treasurer, jus- tice of the peace, postmaster, and railroad agent. Mr. Wright's early advantages for obtaining an education were very meagre indeed — being reduced to a practical one, and by the aid of the " tallow dip." Yet notwithstanding these unpropitious sur- roundings of his youth, he has attained success, and for himself a name and charac- ter for honesty and uprightness that is worthy of the imitation of those who will succeed him Wright Douglas, clerk, Wrightsville Wright J. W. R.R. agent. Sec. 23, P.O. Wrightsville WRIGHT THOMAS, farmer. Sec. 35, P.O. Wrightsville, was born on the very spot he now lives upon, Dec. 27, 1836 ; was the second child of Thomas and Mary Wright, the former a native of North Car- olina and the latter of Kentucky, who came to this county in the Spring of 1833. The subject of this sketch was married to Ange- line Goode, daughter of W. B. Goode, Feb. 25, 1869, as a result of this alliance they have had two children : William M., born Jan, 23, 1870; George W., born July 8, 1875. Mr. Wright has 440 acres of land which he is farming, and is of a retiring nature; has held the office of coroner and constable during the past, but has never desired political honors, but is noted for his powerful and retentive memory ; can re- member almost entire speeches made by orators, and it is related of him that he remembered certain portions of a speech made by a prominent man in the county twenty years ago, and reiterated it, much the discomforture of the speaker, who sup- posed it had been buried in the debris of the past Wright W. farmer. Sec. 35, P.O. Wrightsville Wright W. J., R.R. agent, Wrightsville Wylder William, laborer. Sec. 14, P.O. Wrightsville BUSINESS CARDS. BRANNAIS" A. L. wagon maker and smith. Sec. 23, Wrightsville McMAHON DANIEL, saloon with pool tables, Wrightsville STOUT J. H. contractor and builder, Wrightsville WRIGHT A. J. general store; dry goods, clothing, groceries, boots and shoes. I at bottom prices, Wrightsville Town ii, North Range 12, West. ADAMS E. R. farmer, Sec. 2, P.O. White Hall AlJIiEN F. H. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 3, P.O. White Hall ; born in Greene Co., 111., in 1836; was married, April 8, 1867, to Mrs. S. S. Pankey, the widow of Thomas L. Pankey. She was born Jan. 16, 1836, having two children by first marriage : Napoleon B., born July 13, 1861 ; William T., born Nov. 24, 1862 ; had two children by second marriage : Mattie May, born May 9, 1870 ; Jessie B., born April 22, 1873. Mr. Allen lives on the old home- stead of his grandfather, Zachariah Allen, which he bought from the government in 1819 ; the farm contains 100 acres Allen I. farmer. Sec, 18, P.O. White Hall AUdridge William, farmer, Sec. 8, P.O. White Hall Anderson J. B. Mrs. Berdan Andrews L. Mrs. Berdan Armstrong William, laborer, Berdan r)AlN C. Miss, farmer. Sec. 23. P.O.White •^ Hall Baines C. farmer. Sec. 23. P.O. White Hall BAKER J. S. farmer. Sec. 15, P.O. White Hall, was born Feb. 11, 1846, in Scott Co., 111.; was married to Sarah F. Lakin, daughter of Thomas Lakin, who was born, June 9, 1845, in Greene Co., 111.; have three children : Carlos E., born July 2, 1868, died June 20, 1870; Sarah E., born Jan. 20, 1871 ; George E., born April 24, 1876 BAKER W. C. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 9, P.O. White Hall. The subject of this sketch was born Aug. 18, 1848, in Scott Co., 111.; was married, Oct. 6, 1870, to Alice Griswold, daughter of Damon Gris- wold ; she was born Aug. 12, 1849; have four children : Mabel, born June 30, 1871 ; Fred, born July i, 1873 ; Edgar, born May 27, 1875 ; Charles, born Aug. 8, 1877, died Dec. 29, 1877. The father of Mr. Baker was born, Feb. 2, x8o2, in Kentucky, died, June 6, 1863, in Greene Co., 111.; was mar- ried twice: first, April 13, 1820, to Sallie McCarty, who died Aug. 12, 1852 ; was married second, Sept. 8, 1835, to Elizabeth Ecton, who died Aug. 31, 1855 ; by the two marriages, fourteen children. The subject of this sketch was last child of the second marriage ; participated in the late rebellion; enlisted in 1864. and was honorably discharged in 1865 ; he was in the battles that were fought around Mobile, which lasted for three weeks ; has followed the occupation of farming all his life, and now owns about 200 acres of land BALDWIN E. V. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 20, P.O. White Hall ; born in Ohio, 1827 ; came to Greene Co., 111., in 1848, when he was twenty-one years of age ; was married in 1850 to Mary Pankey, a native of Greene Co., born in 1835 ; have no children. Mr. Baldwin came to Greene Co. with a willing hand and a stout heart, and has accumulated 400 acres of farming land, which is under good cultiva- tion, and has one of the finest barns in Greene Co.; can feed fifty head of stock under shelter, has running water through his barn yard all the year BALDWIN F. M. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 17, P.O. White Hall. Born in Warren County, Ohio, 1831 ; came to Greene County, 111., with his father, Ben- jamin Baldwin, who was born in Virginia, 1792 ; was married in Warren County, Ohio, about 1814, to Martha Varner, who was born 1796, in Hamilton County, O., near Newtown ; lives at the age of 82 years. Her husband, B. Baldwin, died- Feb., 1865, in White Hall. He was an in- dustrious and enterprising man, had the respect of all who knew him. Was elected to the legislature of Ohio in 1829, serving two terms, and elected in Illinois to the same office in i860; served one term. TOWN 11, NORTH RA.NGE 12, WEST. 643 Was in the War of 1812. Started in life without any means only a set of shoema- ker's tools. Had accumulated some wealth in Ohio before he came to Greene County, in 1847; came prospecting in that year and bought 320 acres of land ; returned to Ohio and disposed of what property he could ; returned to Greene County in 1849; bought 760 acres, returned again to Ohio and brought his family to Greene County in 1850. Bought 320 acres more land, disposed of his homestead in Ohio, bought more land in Greene County, and kept buy- ing, till he owned in all during his life 3,020 acres, which he gave to his children as they became of age. The subject of this sketch was married April 5th, 1855, to Mary A. Bowman, who was born in Logan County, 111., Dec. II, 1832; have nine children; five living : Etna, born March 29, 1856 ; married to Damon Griswold. Mattie, born March 31, 1858 ; married to Marcus North. Twins — Minnie and Fannie — born May 7, i860. Fannie died Sept. 9. 1862. Eddie, born April 6, 1862 ; died Nov. 18, 1875. Harry, born Dec. 5, 1863. Elias, born May 15, 1865; died Sept. 2, 1876. Aggie, born June 18, 1867. Emery, born March 28, 1867 ; died Aug. 18, 1869. Mr. Baldwin has followed milling part of his life, but is now farming ; has a fine orchard of choice fruits; owns 120 acres of land BALDWIN GEORGE E. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 21, P.O. White Hall, was born Dec. 25, 1849, in Ohio. Came to Greene County, 111., in 1850. Was married to Theresa Kendall, daughter of Nathaniel Kendall, Dec. 27, 1870. She was born Oct. 24, i85i,in Greene County. Have four children : Marilla, born Nov_ 14, 1871; deceased. Artemus W., born Nov. 7, 1872. Benjamin F., born Jan. 3, 1875. Peter, born Jan. 6, 1877. Mr. Baldwin lives on the estate of his father, B. F. Baldwin, and has one of the best stock farms in Greene County. On one part of the estate there is a spring of living water, which is one of the finest in Greene County BALDWIN HANNAH MRS. Sec. 21, P.O. White Hall. Born in 1834. B. F. Baldwin, deceased, the husband of the subject of this sketch, was born in Warren County, Ohio, in 1821. Came to Greene County March, 1850; was married to Han- nah Sever Oct. 15, 1840, and died Feb. 5, 1875 ; have seven children : Louis S., Martha M., deceased ; Mary A., George E., Alice C, John A., Alva C. Mrs. Bald- win lives on the estate of her late husband, with her three sons, which consists of 2,000 acres of land, shipping about one thousand head of cattle from the farm every year. Has one of the finest stock farms in Greene County BALDWIN JANE M. MRS. Sec. 16, P.O. White Hall. J. W. Baldwin, de- ceased, was born Nov. 10, 1836, died Oct. 3, 1873. Was married to Miss Jane M. Headrick, daughter of John Headrick, of Carrollton, Oct. 31, 1866. Have four chil- dren : Franklin C, born Feb. 18, 1867; Hattie O., born Sept. 28, 1869; Albert R., born Dec. 16, 1870; Mary, born Dec. 3, 1872. Mrs. Baldwin owns 240 acres of land Baldwin J. B. farmer, Sec. 16, P.O. White Hall BALDWIN THOMAS J. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 9, P.O. White Hall, was born Oct. 6, 1833, in Warren County, O. Came to Greene County Nov. 10, 1850, at the age of 17. Followed the occupation of a farmer all his life, and owns 240 acres of fine farming land, which he inherited from his father. Was married to Margaret F. Headrick June 28, 1864, who was the daughter of John Headrick, Carrollton. Have six children : Edward V., born May 10, 1865 ; Amy A., born July 8, 1866 ; Ina E., born Dec. 20, 1868 ; David M., born April 8, 1873; Alice A., born July 8, 1875 BALLOW G. A. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 30, P.O. White Hall, was born Dec. 10, 1826, in Virginia. Came to Greene County, 111., July, 1845. Was married Dec. 24, 1848, to Margaret North, the daughter of W. H. North, who was born in Sept. 1828 ; had eight children, two of which are dead : Burley E., born Sept. 2, 1850; Laura, born July 6, 1853, died July 7, 1863; Charles J., born Jan. 14, 1855; Lizzie M., born Jan. 20, 1857; Sarah E., born Dec. 10, 1859; Emily J., born August 10, 1862 ; Catharine B., born Jan. 31, 1865, James H.,born July 4, 1869, died Dec. 12. 1874. The father and mother of Mr. Bal- low died in Virginia when he was very 644 GREENE COUNTY DIEECTOBY. small. He came to Greene County, 111., when he was 19 year.s of age, and started in life as a farmer, and owns 50 acres of well improved land Bauman A. L. farmer, Sec. 20, P. O. White Hall BLACKSHAW J. merchant and dep- uty postmaster of Berdan, was born Jan. 10, 1831, in England. Came to St. Louis. Mo., in 1849, with his father, Edward Blackshaw, who was born in 1797, and died in St. Louis with the cholera six weeks af- ter arriving there, at the age of 52. Was married about 1819, to Rebecca Dayball, who was born in 1799, i" England, having twelve children. The subject of this sketch is the sixth child; was 18 years of age when he came to this country; he followed the occupation of teaching school for twelve years ; for six years he held the po- sition of city weigher of St. Louis. Came to Berdan, Greene County, in 1867, went to clerking in the store he now occupies. Was married twice, the first in 1852, to Rebecca Dayball, who was born Oct. 1828 ; have seven children, three of whom are living, Sarah, Henry and William. Married sec- ond time March, 1873, to Mary M. Strain, of Missouri, who was born in 1843, having three children, two now living, James E. and Mary F. Bell F. E. engineer at saw mill, New Provi- dence, P.O. Berdan Bell John A. laborer, New Providence, P.O. Berdan Benner George, farmer. Sec. 6, P.O. White Hall Berghain Emma Mrs. farmer. Sec. i, P. O. White Hall Berrowes A. farmer, Sec. 35, P.O. Berdan. Boehm Robert, farmer. Sec. 20, P.O. White Hall Bond Julia Mrs. farmer. Sec. 20, P.O. White Hall Brock Joseph, farmer. Sec. 35, P.O. Berdan /^AMPELL OLIVER, farmer. Sec. 31, ^ P.O. Carrollton Carmody M. F. laborer, Berdan Carmody P. M. laborer, Berdan CHINNWM. D. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 36, P. O. Berdan, was born Sept. 22, 1825, in Tennessee; married Jan. 30, 1855, to Mary Ann Dodson, who was bom in 1837, having one child, Charles M., born June 12, 1858, who died Feb. 20, 1859. After death of his first wife was married to Abiah Dodson Sept. 19, 1865; she died Sept. II, 1878. By this maniage two chil- dren, George W., born June 25, 1866, and Christopher D., born May 17, 1870. The father of the subject of this sketch, James Chinn, born July 22, 1794, died Jan. 17, 1853; married Nov. 4, 1821, to Miss Sallie Williams, who was born Feb. 9, 1805; had ten children ; emigrated from North Caro- lina to Greene County, 111., in 1829, and entered 120 acres of land from the govern- ment. The subject of this sketch, at the age of twenty-one, started in life with a horse, which he sold for $75, and loaned . $25 of the money to the man who bought the horse, then took his note for $100. He then bought an interest in a threshing ma- chine, which he run for a number of years. He now owns 487 acres of land Chism John, farmer. Sec. 29, P. O. White Hall Chroud J. W. farmer. Sec. 28, P. O. White Hall Cinamon Thomas, farmer, Sec. 12, P. O. White Hall Clark Samuel, laborer, New Providence, P.O. Berdan Cobb Wm. farmer. Sec. 30, and miller at Sealy's mill, P.O. White Hall Cole J. W. farmer. Sec. 25, P.O. Berdan Collins B. W. farmer. Sec. 7, P.O. White Hall Cook Frederic, farmer. Sec. 25, P.O. Berdan Corger P. farmer, Sec. 29, P.O. White Hall Crane William, farmer. Sec. 30, P.O. Berdan Crane Wm. D. farmer. Sec. 30, P.O. White Hall Crum J. farmer. Sec. 13, P.O. Berdan T^AYTON L. V. farmer, Sec. 8, P.O. ^-^ White Hall Dayton Lewis, laborer, Berdan. DELEHANTY WILLIAM, stone mason. Sec. 2, P.O. White Hall, was born in Ireland in 1813. Came to Rochester, N. y. in 1844, staying two years in Cana- da. Married twice, first, in 1848, to Miss Mary Savage, who was born in Ireland in 1827. Came to America in 1840. Have two children by this marriage, Ellen and Hannah. The first wife died in 1855, in TOWN 11, NORTH RANGE 12, WEST. 645 Livingston County, N. Y.; married again in i860, to Miss Catharine Meagher; have one child by her first marriage, Catharine Meagher. Mr. Delehanty owns 14 acres of land in the suburbs of White Hall. Came to Greene County in 1858 Deshazer Lewis, laborer. New Providence, P. O. Berdan Dewyre Daniel, laborer, Berdan Dewyer Thomas, laborer, Berdan Dodgson Jane Mrs. farmer. Sec. 34, P.O. Carrollton Dodgson Orien, farmer, Sec. 33, P.O. Car- rollton Dodson Sarah Mrs. P.O. White Hall DRIVER GREENE, Sr. farmer and stock raiser, Sec, 35, P.O. Berdan; born in 1809, in North Carolina; was married twice, first to Margaret G. Hazlewood, Aug. 25, 1835, who was born Oct. 21, 1816, died March 17, 1849; ^^^ six children : Lillias A., born July 28, 1836, deceased; William A., born May 13, 1838; infant child, born Oct. 22, 1840, deceased, Plesant, born May 17, 1842; Robert P., born March 12, 1844, Greene, born Feb. 3, 1847. Married the second time to Polly Ridings, a native of North Carolina, who died Nov. 10, 1872, at the age of fifty-one. Mr. Driver came to Greene County, 111., in 1830, and la- bored by the day, farming and helped to make the brick for the court house at Carrollton; followed the occupation of a farmer most of his life, and now owns 275 acres of land. His two sons are connected with him in running the farm Driver W. farmer. Sec. 19, P.O. White Hall "PDWARDS GEORGE, farmer. Sec. 22, ■^ P.O. Berdan Edwards Mary E. Mrs. farmer. Sec. 34, P.O. Berdan Edwards Robert, farmer. Sec. 21, P.O. Ber- dan Edwards Sylvester, farmer, Sec. 27, P.O. Ber- dan ELLINGSWORTH WILLIAM, farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 31, P.O. Car- rollton, was born in England, in 1828; mar- ried in 1848, to Mary Turner, and came to America in 1857, to Bate County, and lived there till 1878, then came to Greene County; has followed the occupation of a farmer all his life; is now a large renter from Charles Eldred, renting some 200 acres; is a hard working and industrious man; has six children : Eliza, Emma E., Melia, Lena, Hattie, and Frank "PANNING THOMAS, farmer. Sec. 31. ^ P.O. Walkerville FESLER J. H. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 7, P.O. White Hall, was born in Indi- ana, in 1842. His father, Henry Fesler, was born in Kentucky, in 1803, emigrated to Pike County, 111., in 1849; was married in Indiana in 1829, to Miss Elizabeth Chandler, who was born in Kentucky, in 1809; have ten children, six living. The subject of this sketch was six years of age when he came to Illinois; was married in Pike County, in 1863, to Miss Mary E. Patten, who was born in Pike County, in 1845; have five children : James E., de- ceased, Elizabeth, Charles M., John H., and Freddie. Mr. Fesler, when married, began farming and dealing in stock, which he followed till 1865; merchandising in Griggsville one year, butchering and stock dealing till 1867; farming one season, then moved to Greene County; farming a short time, removed to Pike County; bought a farm; staying one year, sold his farm, moved to Missouri, buying a farm; re- mained there five years; removed to Pike County, staying a short time, and removed to Greene County, where he still resides, farming Flanigan James, farmer. Sec. 2, P.O. White Hall Frazier James, farmer, Sec. 18, P. O. White Hall French G. N. farmer. Sec. 25, P.O. Berdan GEGES J. E. farmer. Sec. 6, P. O. White Hall Geiger P. farmer. Sec. 29, P.O. Berdan Giles B. laborer, Berdan Giller E. A. farmer. Sec. 4, P.O. White Hall Gonder J. R. farmer. Sec. 18, P.O. White Hall Good William H. farmer. Sec. 22, P.O. Ber- dan GREGORY A, B. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 11, P.O. White Hall, was born in Greene County, Illinois, 1839, is the son of Chas. Gregory, who was born May 28, 1797, in Connecticut, and died May 6, 1845, in 646 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. Greene County ; emigrated to Ohio with his father when small, living there till i8l8, then started for the far West to seek his fortune with the old pioneers of Illinois ; came down the Ohio in a canoe with a young man by the name of Elom Brown, landing at Shawneetown, Illinois, and walked from there to Wood River, near Alton ; when he landed there had the small sum of fifty cents; staid in Illinois one year, made enough money to buy a horse and pay his expenses back to Ohio, where he staid a short time and returned to Mad- ison County, Illinois, living there and in Missouri till 1821, then entered land in Greene County, improved it, and married in 1825, to Elizabeth Woodman, who was born March 20, 1804, in Vermont ; have six children — one living. Mr. Gregory was in the Black Hawk war of 1831-2 ; acted as State Treasurer in an early day ; was a member of the Legislature, and Colonel of State Militia in 1844. Three of his chil- dren grew to manhood : Byron L. born Aug. 2, 1827, educated himself for a lawyer and practiced in Winchester, Ills., died Aug. 8, 1855 ; James N. born July 29, 1829, was married Feb. 14, 1856, to Sarah E. Pierson, who was born in Greene County ; have three children : Mary E. Lenora I. Eugenia L. J. N. Gregory was a farmer and stock dealer; was a prominent man, and had the respect of all who knew him. The wife died Feb. i, 1878, and Mr. Greg- ory survived but one day, dying with the heart disease Feb. 3d GRISWOLD EDGAR, farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 9, P.O. White Hall, was born in Vermont, 1820, came to Greene County, Illinois, with his father, David E. Griswold, in 1831, when the country was but thinly settled ; followed the occupation of a farmer; has dealt in stock to a large extent, and now owns a fine farm which is well improved, which contains 264 acres, and one farm in Christian County, of 560 acres ; was married March 12, 1840, to Lucia North, a native of Greene County, born 1822, have eleven children : Perry D. born April 14, 1841 ; Seth, born Jan. 16, 1843 ; Chester S. born Dec. 22, 1844, de- ceased ; Mary E. born Aug. 17, 1847 ; Silvy J. born Jan. 19, 1850; Martha H. born Sept. 10, 1852, deceased ; Damon A. born Oct. 31, 1855 ; Lydia, born May 7,1858, de- ceased ; Caroline, born Oct. 16, 1859; George A. born Aug. 15, 1863, deceased ; Edward A. born June 26, 1866. GRISWOLD U. A. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 5, P.O. White Hall, born Dec. 29, 1828; was married Jan. 14, 1863, to Sallie E. Baker, who was born in 1836, in Kentucky, the daughter of C. B. Baker ; have five children : George C. born Nov. 6, 1863 ; Mary E. born July 20, 1865 ; Elmer E. born Feb. 4, 1867 ; Louis M. born Sept. 6, 1868 ; Albert H. born July 25, 1874. The father of Mr. Griswold, Harry Gris- wold, was born Jan 9, 1790, in Vermont ; came to Illinois in 1820 with but one hun- dred dollars, with which he bought land from the government, and as he accumula- ted money bought more land, and at the time of his death he owned a large tract of land. Was married Oct. 5, 1826, to Ma- ria Post, who was born Jan. i, 1804; have eight children, five of whom are liv- ing. The subject of this sketch lives on the homestead of his father and owns 335 acres of land, all of which his father en- tered from the government Griswold L. P. farmer. Sec. 5, P.O. White Hall Griswold William, laborer Berdan Gross John, farmer, Sec. 24, P.O. White Hall Guthrie J. C. laborer, Berdan TT AGERTY JOHN, laborer, Berdan -•^ Hall Alonzo, farmer. Sec. Ii, P.O. White Hall Hamten John, laborer, New Providence, P.O. Berdan Harman Joseph, farmer, Sec. 30, P.O. White Hall Haughmann B. Mrs. farmer. Sec. 30, P.O. Walkerville Hawkins Mary E. Mrs. Sec. 8, P.O. White Hall Heberling Richard, farmer. Sec. 21, P.O. White Hall HENDERSON S. M. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 12, P.O. White Hall, his father, James Henderson, was born in Hunterdon County, New Jersey, March 9, 1783; at the age of 21, in 1804, emigrated to Virginia, residing there two years, then went to Ohio, when, near West Fall, was united in mar- riage to Mary White, who was born Oct. TOWN 11, NORTH RANGE 12, WEST. 647 25. 1787, near old Fort Pittsburg, Pa.; in May, 1818, in connection with his brother- in-law, Levi Beeder and family, embarked on a keel boat at the mouth of the Sciota, descending the Ohio to its mouth, then cordeling the boat up the Mississippi, via St. Louis, landing at the mouth of Wood River, in June, made their home on the hills of the Piasas, that season ; in August of that year, in company with a few others, made a tour of in.spection of the fertile lands northward, of which they heard such glow- ing descriptions. Crossing Apple Creek the first day, camped on the bank of a small stream which bore his name for a number of years, and upon which he laid the first claim north of Apple Creek, and in 1819 they reached their wilderness home, although privations and hardships ended not for many years. Not having cotton nor flax they resorted to the nettle for lint, from which they made clothing. The nearest postoffice for many years was Alton. In Aug. 1819, thinking that a little wheat flour would be well to intersperse with turkey, venison and hominy, Mr. Henderson went with cart and oxen to St. Charles, Mo., to obtain some. He was absent three weeks; during that absence the following episode occurred : a former acquaintance was visit- ing them as usual, accompanied by the back- woodsman's friend, the rifle ; himself must take his own true gun, the friend promised to stay with the lone family — the oldest child not eleven years of age. One night as the family lay in the new camp, without a door or shutter, the screams of a huge panther woke them as he came leaping on the bran- ches of the lately fallen trees near the hut. The cautious mother called, " Aaron, do you hear that?" "Yes." " Well, what is it ?" " It's a painter, and don't make any noise or it will come into the camp and kill us all." " If I get you the gun can't you shoot?" "No; be still." "Well, if it comes in I will have you killed first." She got up and made a trick of bark and clap- boards and moved it up and down till the shocking blood-sucker retiied. That same Autumn their infant daughter Mary died; this was the first death in the settlement. They lived to rear ten children, nine of whom are still living. James Henderson was noted for his strong love for morality and temperance ; was an energetic man, and had the interest of schools at heart as much as any one in the neighborhood. Mrs. Henderson was a 'woman of strong mind, was sympathetic to the afflicted. Her mother's maiden name was McGhee, whose father and two brothers were in the Revolutionary war, one of them seven years, and composed one of Gen. Washing- ton's body-guard, and rendered important service at the battle of Brandywine Hilworth William, farmer. Sec. 32, P.O. Car- rollton Henson Henry, farmer. Sec. 29, P.O. White Hall Holt Robert, farmer, Sec. 6, P.O.White Hall Hommon William, farmer. Sec. 25, P.O. Ber- dan Hubbard William, farmer. Sec. 7, P.O. White Hall Hutchins C. S. farmer, Sec. 25, P.O. Berdan T EFFEKS JAMES, farmer and stock J raiser. Sec. 4, P.O. White Hall, born in New York State, in 1835, came to Illinois with his father, Abraham Jefi"ers, who was a native of New York ; was married twice, first to Mary Park, who died 1845, in Clark County, 111.; married the second time to Mrs. Nancy J. Hamilton. He died in Clark County, 1850. The subject of this sketch was six years of age when he came to Clark County, 111., living there till the late Rebellion and enlisted at Galesburg, in Co. E, 17th Illinois Regiment, in 1861, for three years, as private, participating in the battles at Frederickstown, Mo.; Fort Donaldson, Tenn.; Shiloh and Corinth; taken prisoner at Holly Springs, exchanged and sent to Vicksburg, Miss.; his time be- ing out, was honorably discharged in 1864. Married twice ; first time 1856, to Miss C. Varyan, two children, Molly, deceased, and Mattie. Married again June 6, 1877, to Mrs. Carrie Bloomfield Johnson A. Z. farmer. Sec. ig, P.O. White Hall Johnson John, miller. New Providence, P.O. Berdan Johnson Thomas, farmer. Sec. 23, P.O.White Hall Johnson Thomas, miller, New Providence, P.O. Berdan Jones William, farmer. Sec. 31, P.O. Blufi"dale 648 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. TT'EEFE MILES, farmer, Sec. 20, P.O. -*^ Berdan Keller. V. farmer. Sec. 30, P.O. Walkerville KENDALiL N. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. II, P.O. White Hall, was born June 19, 1815, in the State of Maine; was mar- ried to Minerva Smith, Oct. 13, 1842, who was born Dec. 10, 1824. in Greene County, 111.; have twelve children : Marilla E. born July 30, 1843 ; Francis, born Jan. 25,1846 ; Sarah O, born Feb. 12, 1848 ; Cornelia A. born Sept. 17, 1849; Theresa A, born Oct. 24. 1851 ; Ira H. born March 18, 1854; Ida E. born March 20, 1858 ; Allen S. born March 27, 1859 ; May B. born May 11, i860, deceased ; Mary, born Dec. 31, 1862 ; Bentley, born Feb. i8, 1866 ; Normal, born Feb. 16, 1869. The father of the subject of this sketch was a native of Maine ; came to Illinois in 1831 ; was married to Sarah McLain, a native of Maine, having five children. The subject of this sketch is the fourth child, and owns 220 acres of fine farming land, and is one of the lead- ing farmers of Greene County Kessi, J. G. farmer. Sec. 8, P.O. White Hall Keys Henry, laborer, Berdan T AKIN JANE Mrs. Berdan Lee John, farmer. Sec. 34, P.O. Berdan Leonard John, laborer, Berdan Leydon Patrick, section boss C. & A. R.R., Berdan Liels Noah, laborer, Berdan Lyn Wesley, laborer. New Providence, P.O. Berdan ■]\/r ALY FRANK, laborer, Berdan -'■*-*- Manly J. G. farmer. Sec. 7, P.O. White Hall Mann Frank, farmer. Sec. 22, P.O. Berdan Matterson Alfred, farmer, Sec. 30, P.O. White Hall Matterson F. farmer. Sec. 30, P.O. White Hall McFarland x\nn Mrs. Berdan McFarland R. blacksmith. New Providence, P.O. Berdan McFarlin B. laborer. New Providence. P.O. Berdan McFarlin Cyrus, laborer, P.O. White Hall McCollister C. J. farmer, Sec. 10, P.O. White Hall MEEK MRS. JANE, Sec. 34. P-O. CarroUton, was married to John M. Meek April 6, 1849, who was born Nov. 23, 1823, in Greene Co., 111., died July 19, 1876, leaving nine children, all of whom are liv- ing, six boys and three girls : James W., born Jan. 19, 1850; John H., born June 2, 1852 ; Anna E., born Sept. 2, 1854 ; Thos. M., born March 14, 1857 ; Robert M., born May II, 1859; Rufus H., born Oct. 4, 1861 ; Benjamin F., born Aug. 17, 1864; S. J., born Feb. 23, 1867; Caroline H., born Feb. 23, 1869. Mrs. Meek owns 240 acres of land ; it is cultivated by her sons Miller Stanley, farmer, Sec. 25, P.O. Berdan Mills David, farmer, .Sec. 23, P.O. White Hall Mills Michael, farmer. Sec. 25, P.O. Berdan Morrow Benjamin, farmer, Sec. 14, P.O. White Hall Murray John, farmer. Sec. 7, P.O. White Hall AJASH DENNIS, farmer. Sec. 30, P.O. ^^ White Hall Nash George, farmer. Sec. 17, P.O. White Hall Nash Henry, farmer, Sec. 20, P.O. White Hall Nash James, farmer. Sec. 20, P.O. White Hall Nolan John, farmer. Sec. 31, P.O. CarroUton NORTH MARCUS, farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 8, P.O. White Hall, was born Nov. I. 1854, in Greene Co., 111.; was mar- ried to Martha Baldwin, daughter of F. M. Baldwin, April 18, 1876, who was born March 31, 1858; have one child, Walter F., born May 21, 1877. The father of the subject of this sketch was born, 1825, in Greene Co., 111., and died Nov. 24, 1854; was married to Elizabeth Wales in 1850, as near as can be ascertained, who was born in 1832, in Vermont. Mr. North owns 175 acres of fine farming land Norton E. farmer. Sec. 27, P.O. Berdan /^GLE JAMES, wagon maker, New Pro- ^-^ vidence, P.O. Berdan Ogle Josiah, farmer. Sec. 35, P.O. Berdan pAINTER DAVID, farmer. Sec. 19, P.O. -^ White Hall Painter George, farmer. Sec. 29. P.O. White Hall Painter John, farmer, Sec. 19, P.O. White Hall TOWN 11, NORTH RANGE 12, WEST. 649 Painter John, farmer, Sec. 29, P.O. White Hall Painter Samuel, farmer. Sec. 30, P.O. White Hall PINKERTON ANDREW, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 25, P.O. Berdan, born Dec. 31, 1799, in Kentucky, is one of the oldest settlers of Greene Co.; came in 1820, when he was twenty-one years old, and, like all of those industrious pioneers, has accumulated 200 acres of fine farming land, the most of which he bought from the government, and cleared it by his own industry, and has seen some of the hard- ships of pioneer life ; was married to Ellen Johnson in 1825, in Kentucky. She was born in Kentucky in 1805. Have seven children, four of which are living : Mary J., born June 7, 1826 ; Catherine R., deceased, born Oct, 17, 1827 ; James G., born June 6, 1830; Isaac J., deceased, born May ir, 1832 ; Carrie A., born Nov. 26, 1836 ; Dicy A., deceased, born March 17, 1839 ; Eliza E., born Aug. 21 1844 Pinkerton F. M. farmer, Sec. 13, P.O. Berdan PINKERTON J. G. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 36, P.O. Berdan, was born, 1830, in Greene Co., 111.; was married to Martha M. Waltrip in 1853, who was born, 1837, in Greene Co., 111.; has four children : Abi- gail, deceased, born May 7, 1855, was mar- ried to John L. Good ; Sophia, born Feb. II, 1858 ; Cordelia, born Sept. 10, 1863 ; Henry C, born Sept. 10, 1869. The sub- ject of this sketch owns 240 acres of fine farming land, which is under good cultiva- tion and well improved Pinkerton J. K. farmer, Sec. 25, P.O. Berdan Pinkerton John F. F. laborer, New Provi- dence, P.O. Berdan PINKERTON ROBERT B. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 36, P.O. Berdan, born Dec. 10, 1848, in Warren Co., 111.; was married to Naomi Andrews, April 14, 1873, who was born Jan. 10, 1850; have three children : Sarah M., born Nov. 6, 1874 ; James F., born Dec. 20, 1875 ! Gracy B., born Sept. 2, 1877. The father of the sub- ject of this sketch was born Sept. i, 1797, in Rock Bridge, Ver. ; he was married twice ; the first to Hannah C. Marshall, March 18, 1819 ; had eleven children by that marriage ; after the death of his first wife he was married to Mrs. S. M. Speaks, in 1847; have two children by that mar- riage. Mr. Pinkerton owns 163J acres of fine farming land Pinkerton Thomas, laborer. New Providence, P.O. Berdan Pinkerton W. R. farmer. Sec. 5, P.O. Berdan Potts W. M. farmer. Sec. 3 QUIGLEY CHARLES, farmer. Sec. 2, P.O. White Hall QUIGLEY RIEL, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 18, P.O. White Hall, was born in Greene Co., 111., July 3, 1832 ; was mar- ried Nov. 6, 1862, to Susan Painter, who was born in Ohio in 1829, and is the daughter of John Painter, Sr. The father of the subject of this sketch, Samuel Quigley, was born in Ohio, Oct. 10, 1796, and deserves more than a passing notice, for he came to Greene Co., 111., in 1808, when but few white men trod the soil of Greene Co.; was at St. Louis when it was called by the name of Vincands, and was held by the French at that time; was in the War of 1812 ; entered 80 acres of land from the govern- ment, and farmed most of his life, but was a shoemaker by trade ■p AINS GEORGE, farmer, Sec. 18, P.O. -*^ White Hall Rexrode M. P. farmer. Sec. 34, P.O. Athens Rexrode Nancy Mrs. farmer. Sec. 34, P.O. Berdan Redmond R. C. farmer. Sec. 3, P.O. White Hall Reed Charles, farmer. Sec. Ii, P.O. White Hall RIDINGS JESSE, farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 15, P.O. White Hall. The father of the subject of this sketch was a native of North Carolina; born Oct. 27, 1795 ; married Susanna Chinn, a native of North Carolina, on July 9, 1818, who died July I, 1843 , he came to Greene Co. in 1835 ; had a family of nine children. Jesse Ridings, the fifth child, was born in 1824, and was married to Maria Close, Feb. 17, 1870 ; she was born in Greene Co. in 1841 ; have three children : Thomas C, born Nov. 18, 1873 ; Mary E., born June 7, 1875 ; Kate, born March 3, 1877. Mr. Ridings came to Greene Co. when he was eleven years of age, with his father, and followed the occupation of a farmer all his 650 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. life, and now owns 430 acres of fine farm- ing land, well improved and well stocked Ridings P. farmer, Sec. 26, P.O. Berdan Ridings William, farmer. Sec. 22, P.O.White Hall Riley C. R. farmer, Sec. 21, P.O. White Hall ROODHOUSE PETER, farmer, Sec. 14, P.O. White Hall. Benjamin and Jane Roodhouse, father and mother of the subject of this sketch, emigrated to Greene Co., 111., from Yorkshire, Eng., in Dec, 1830, and bought the farm that Peter now lives on, which contains 500 acres ; had an ox-mill and distillery on the place at that time, but the distillery never was run after he bought the farm ; there were nine children in his family, four by the name of Woods, and five by the name of Rood- house ; was married twice. Benjamin Roodhouse died Aug. 3, 1831 ; Jane, his wife, died i860 ; she deserves more than a passing notice, for she was left to rear a large family of children, without a helping hand ; was an energetic woman, and loved by all who knew her ; all of her boys are farmers. Mr. Peter Roodhouse was mar- ried twice; first, March 26, 1856,10 Miss Mary E. Autin, who was born 1836, and died May 9, 1857, and had one child, Harry W.. born Jan. 14, 1857 ; the second time to Mrs. Harriet Dewit, who had one child, Minnie Dewit, and by second marriage, Benjamin Thomas Roodhouse. Jane Rood- house, the sister of Peter, lives with him ; they have never been parted Settles E. farmer, Sec. 7, P.O. White Hall Shelton O. S. laborer, Berdan Silkwood James, farmer, Sec. 7, P. O. White Hall SMITH BENJAMIN, farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 12, P.O. White Hall. The subject of this sketch deserves more than a passing notice, as he is one among the oldest settlers of Greene County; was born Sept. 25, 1799, in Connecticut; came to Alton, 111., in 1818, when there was but two families in that place; is a carpenter by trade, and built the first house in that village; started from Connecticut in 1816, came to New York State and lived for one season, then to Fort George, Canada, where he stopped for some time, then a party of them came down the Ohio, on a flat boat, to New Albany, there left their boat and walked across the country to Alton. Was married to Miss M. E. Beacon, in 1820, who was born March 17, 1799, in Massa- chusetts; have nine children, six of whom are dead: Carrie A., born March 20, 1823; Minerva, born Dec. 1824; Harvey A., June 10, 1830; Theresa O., born Nov. i, 1832; Angeline M., born April 9, 1835; Ira, born Nov. 26, 1838; entered land from the gov- ernment in 1825, and owns 480 acres Slight George, R.R. agent, Berdan Smith A. farmer. Sec. 22, P.O. Berdan SMITH HARVEY A. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 2, P.O. White Hall, is the son of Benjamin Smith, one of the oldest settlers of Greene County. The subject of this sketch was born in 1830, in Greene County; was married to Eliza Kistler, who was born in 1831, in Madison County; have nine children : Addie M., born Jan. 12, 1853; William H., born Sept. 21, 1854; Anna B., born Oct. i, 1856; Ben- jamin E., born Dec.25. 1858; Carrie H., born March 16, 1S60; Selinda V., born Dec. 14. 1862; Zella v., born April 24, 1867; Frank C, born Dec. i, 1868; Lela, born April 16, 1876, deceased. Mr. Smith has followed the occupation of a farmer most of his life. He furnished 40,000 ties and posts for the C.B.& Q.R.R. Co. Smith William, farmer. Sec. 11, P.O. White Hall 'T'ANKERSLEY WM. farmer. Sec. 12, P. ^ O. White Hall Taylor J. E. farmer. Sec. 7, P.O. White Hall Thaxton B. farmer, Sec. 25, P.O. Berdan Tunison G. C. farmer. Sec. 15 Tunison Henry, farmer. Sec. 15, P.O. White Hall TUNISON J. E. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 5, P.O. White Hall, was born in Greene County, in 1846; was married the first time to Minerva Baker, Dec. 24, 1867, a native of Kentucky, and died Oct. 26, 1869; was married the second time, Sept. 14, 1871, to Mary H. Ledford, who was born in 1849; have four children: Julia E., born March 16, 1873, deceased; William H., born July 14, 1874, deceased; George E., born Oct. i, 1876, deceased; Minnie M., born 1878. The homestead con- tains 200 acres of well improved land, and is well stocked with fine breeds of cattle TOWN 11, NORTH RANGE 12, WEST. 651 Tunison J. D. farmer, Sec. ii, P.O.White Hall Turney P. farmer, Sec. 36, P.O. Berdan VANDERHEYDEN C. farmer. Sec. 21, P.O. White Hall AITARD J. N. farmer, Sec. 29, P.O. Walk- ** erville Williams J. A. laborer, Berdan Williamson W. H. farmer, Sec. i, P.O.White Hall WOODS ISAAC, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 26, P.O. White Hall, was born in 1836, in Greene County; was married in 1858, to Martha Baker, born in 1842; have four children: Olive, Oscar, John, and William. The father of the subject of this sketch was born in 1812, and died in 1876; was married to Matilda Wright, who died in 1843; afterward married to Jennette Hues, having fourteen children, five by the first marriage and nine by the last mar- riage, seven of whom are living. The sub- ject of this sketch is the son of the first mar- riage Worcester F. A. farmer. Sec. 4, P. O. White Hall Township ii, North Range 13, West. A LLEN ROBERT, renter, P.O. White Hall Ashlock J. C. farmer, Sec. 25, P.O. White Hall "DAIRAM BENJAMIN, farmer, Sec. 21, ^ P.O. White Hall Bairam Marshall, farmer, P.O. White Hall Ballard Jesse, farmer. Sec. 24, P. O. White Hall Barber Isaac, renter, P.O. White Hall Barnhart J. V. farmer, P.O. White Hall BARTON ISAAC, farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 21, was born in Lancaster Township, Lancaster County, Pa., on the 28th of April, 1817. He was the fifth child of Thomas and Phoebe Ann Barton, both natives of England, who voyaged to America in an early day, settling in Penn- sylvania, where he followed farming, and where he was married on the 2d of May, 1839, to Miss Mary Chamberlain, of Little York, who died on the 25th of April, 1848. When war was declared between Mexico and the United States Government, Isaac Barton enlisted in Co. I, ist Regular Inf., and participated in the Battles of Palo Alto, Resaca, Monterey, Vera Cruz, Cerro Cordo, Penale Pass, Cherubusco, Molino Del Rey, and was also at the siege of Mex- ico. On leaving Pennsylvania, in 1858, he proceeded to Iowa, where he remained two years, when he came to Greene County. In 1859, during the Pike's Peak excitement, he made an overland trip, and remained through one Summer in Colorado. Return- ing to Greene County, he was married to Mrs. Ann J. Carter, on the ist day of Jan., i860. Mrs. Barton is a daughter of Stephen and Mary Spencer. They have two chil- dren, Elisha T, and Eva Ann Banner William M. farmer, P.O. White Hall Bowman William E. farmer, P. O. White Hall Brant W. E. farmer, P.O. White Hall BRIDGEWATER ELISHA, farm- er and stock raiser, Sec. 16, P.O. Wrights- ville, was born in the town of St. Marys in Hancock County, 111., on the 26th day of August, 1839. Fifth child of William Bridgewater, a native Kentuckian, born in 1802, a blacksmith by occupation, who mar- ried in Kentucky Miss Nancy Pasley ; in 1827 or 1828 he moved to Morgan County, where he entered land from the government; subsequently removed to Hancock County, where he followed blacksmi thing for several years, when he moved to Scott County and thence to Greene County, where he settled upon sec. 16, in township 11, range 13, where he died. Mrs. Bridgewater is still living, a resident of this township. Elisha, from whom this narrative is obtained, passed his boyhood in Scott County, and removed to Greene County in 1863, where he was married to Miss Sylvia J. Boyrun in 1S65, a daughter of Benjamin J. Boyrun, whose ancestry settled in Greene County a full half century ago. In March, 1868, Mr. Bridgewater came into possession of 120 acres of land, part of which was settled by Davis Carter in 1821, and entered from the government by Joseph Harris in 1S32. Mr. Bridgewater has always taken a deep inter- est in county affairs, and at one time offi- ciated as township constable and school trustee, holding this position at the present writing. There were born of the marriage two children : Addie M. and Benjamin F. Bridgewater E. J. farmer, Sec. 20, P.O. White Hall Bridges O. F. farmhand. Sec. 21, P.O. White Hall Buck J. M. farmer, P.O. White Hall /^ADE JAMES R. farmer and stock ^ raiser. Sec. 9, P.O. White Hall. The above named gentleman is a native of Greene County, where he was born on the the 16th of January, 1841, oldest son and TOWN 11, NORTH RANGE 13, WEST. 653 third child of Thomas and Tabitha Cade. Thomas Cade became a resident of Greene County during his childhood, as did also the lady who was destined to become his future wife. There were born of this union twelve children, seven of whom are living, whose biography we are necessarily com- pelled to omit owing to limited space. Mrs. Cade died in 1862, on the 1 8th of Novem- ber ; the remains now repose in the Dodson Cemetery of Carrollton. Thomas Cade is now a resident of Kansas, where he is en- gaged in farming. James, from whom our narrative is obtained, passed his early years upon a farm, and indeed, has always, it might be proper to state, been identified with agricultural pursuits. On the 7th of April, 1864, Mr. Cade was united in marriage to Miss Catherine Hunnicutt, a daughter of Rowell Hunnicutt. Mr. C. is the owner of 60 acres of valuable land, brought to a high state of cultivation through great industry and energy. Receiving an unusually lib- eral education, he became more than ordin- arily proficient as a marksman, gaining considerable notoriety as such Carr Merrill, farmer, P.O. White Hall Carr William, renter, P.O. White Hall Carter John, farmer, Sec. 19, P.O. Carrollton Chapman Douglas, renter, P.O. White Hall Chapman J. W. farmer, P.O. White Hall Clark Isaiah, renter, P.O. White Hall COLLINS J. R. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 15, P.O. White Hall. The subject of this biography is a native of Hampshire County, Va., where he was born in the year 1810. He was the second of a family of nine children. At the- age of eight years his parents, Jacob and Sarah Collins emi- grated to Ohio, settling in Guernsey County, where the subject of this sketch learned the trade of a carpenter and joiner. In 1832, on the 1 2th of January, he was united in marriage to Miss Lucinda Jackson, a daughter of Jacob and Margaret Jackson, by whom he had ten children, eight of whom are living : Margaret Jane, O. J., E. S., J. M., A. A. and M. F. During the Au- tumn of 1856, Mr. Collins emigrated with his family to the West, and located in Greene County, where he bought a tract of land consisting of 240 acres. Since this date he has followed farming successfully, and now resides in township il, range 13, C2 where he lives in comfortable circumstances, and enjoys the respect and confidence of community in which he lives Cox Benjamin, renter, P.O. White Hall COX «T. IS", farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 15, P.O. White Hall. Mr. Cox is a native of Ohio, where he was born on the 25th of January, 1832, and where he passed the days of his childhood and early youth upon the old farm homestead, acquiring a good common school education. Remaining in Ohio until 1852, he then emigrated to the West, settling in the vicinity of Walkers- ville, Galena County, during the Spring of that year ; and the following year, in the month of July, he was united in marriage to Miss Sarah Jane Collins, a daughter of Josiah Collins, deceased, by whom he has five children : Mary E., Ira E , Freddie W., Rosa Ann, and Major. Mr. Cox ranks among the more prosperous farmers of this township, owning 263 acres of valuable land, and few are better known for liberality and enterprise Cox Jacob D. farmer, P.O. White Hall Cox Joseph, farmer, P.O. White Hall T^UGDELL JOSEPH, farmer, Sec. 4, P.O. -^-^ White Hall Dyinger John, renter, P.O. White Hall T7ABURN GEORGE, farmer, P.O. White ^ Hall Field H. L. farmer, Sec. 25, P.O. White Hall Fillager W. farmer, P.O. White Hall r^ ILLINGHAM B. farmer, Sec. 22, P.O. White Hall Graham William, farmer, P.O. White Hall TTASSELTON GEORGE, farmer. Sec. ■*-■■ 22, P.O. White Hall Hazlewood Jacob, renter, P.O. White Hall Hazlewood John, renter. Sec. 2, P.O. White Hall Hazlewood Luke, renter, P.O. White Hall Hazlewood Mary Mrs. P.O. White Hall Hazlewood William W. renter, Sec. 2, P.O. White Hall HEXSON ELIJAH, farmer and stock rai>er. Sec. 9. P.O. White Hall. Elijah Henson was born in Greene County on the I2th of August. 1847. While still a youth he accompanied his father Solomon Hen- 654 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. son to Pike's Peak, and in subsequent years traveled extensively. When the war broke out he enlisted in Co. G., 59th 111. Inf. for three years or during the war, and became a participant in many hard-fought battles, as Nashville (both engagements), Lookout Mountain, Mission Ridge, Buzzard Roost, Pilot Knob, Poplar Bluff, Perrysville, siege of Atlanta, and other engagements of note; wounded at Poplar Bluff, Perryville, Look- out Mountain, and Nashville. When the war closed he returned to Greene County. On the 8th of August, 1865, he was married to Miss Angeline Smiley, a daughter of Aaron and Nancy Smiley. There were born of this marriage eight children, of whom three are living : Rhoda E., Eliza- beth, and King Solomon. Mr. H. is the owner of 20 acres in this township Henson E, renter. Sec. 9. P.O. White Hall Henson Solomon, farmer. Sec. g, P.O. White Hall Henson William, renter, Sec. 9, P.O. White Hall Hill John R. farm hand, P.O. White Hall Hisket C. farmer. Sec. 11, P.O. White Hall HoffmanB.farmer, Sec. 24, P.O.White Hall Holmes John, renter, P.O. White Hall Holmes Thomas, renter, Sec. 1, P.O. White Hall Hubbard L. renter, P.O. White Hall HudspethA. farmer. Sec. I. P.O. White Hall Hudspeth Stewart, renter, P.O. White Hall Hudson Drury, farmer, Sec. 24, P.O. White Hall. Hunnicutt George P. farmer. Sec. 20, P. O. White Hall. HUNNICUTT H. T. farmer, Sec. 17. P.O. Walkerville, was born in Greene County in 1834, married Miss Sarah Butler, and on her decease, E. Purnell, his present wife. Of the first marriage four children, were born, Oscar, Mary, William and Julia. Mr. H. owns 160 acres HUNNICUTT KOWELL, farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 16, P.O.White Hall. Few in western life have endured more of its trials and its hardships, than the whole- souled gentleman whose name heads this sketch. Rowell Hunnicutt is a native of South Carolina, where he was born on the fifteenth of June, 1807. Of the parents we have only space to say, that his father, Hartwell T. Hunnicutt, was born in South Carolina in 1781, and a millwright by occu- pation, and he married in South Carolina Miss Margaret Cunningham, who bore him fifteen children, fourteen of whom grew to mature years. He left the South for the far west Dec. 25, 1816, and after a most harass- ing journey overland in a covered wagon, he first landed at the mouth of Wood River, a short distance below the city of Alton, in Madison County. He remained here some four years, when he set out for Greene County, where he settled on the first of May, 1820, in what is familiarly known as the Bluff Region, where he remained until his removal to township 11, range 13, where he became a school teacher, the first who taught in this part of the county. He was a self-made man, and displayed consider- able ability for the period of time in which he lived. He died in 1832, after a long life of usefulness and honor, and his ashes repose within the borders of Greene County. Mrs. H. survived her husband some eight years, and was laid to rest in theHunnicutt cemetery. Rowell, passing his boyhood in Greene County, grew to a vigorous man- hood among tiie pioneers of the west, and there learned that sturdy spirit of self-reli- ance that led to successful results in subse- quent years. He acquired a good common school education solelyby individual efforts, and became familiar with mathematics by means of problems worked in the ashes in a broad open fireplace, under the instruc- tion of William Craten, In 1826 Mr. H. made his way to Galena, where he went for the purpose of seeking employment in the lead mines. The season had been unusu- ally wet, and accordingly he voyaged down the Mississippi on a flatboat to New Or- leans, where he became employed on the wharf, where vessels were moored and where freight was unloaded at all hours of the day and night. From the Crescent City he took passage on the steamer Lib- erator for St. Louis, the scene of many a stir- ring event in early western days, and where our subject for a period of three years had officiated as the commander of a small keel boat, which he would load with honey, bees- wax, deer hides and furs, such as coonskins, mink and otter, and from the mouth of Ap- ple Creek, where the town of Newport now stands, he would ply the little craft to St. TOWN 11, NORTH KANGE 13, WEST. 655 Louis, where he would lay in a supply of dry goods, groceries and whisky, the latter a highly prized article, for the return voyage. From St. Louis he returned to Greene County, where he married on ihe 14th of Feb- ruary, 1827, Miss Mary Pruitt, a daughter of James Pruitt, who settled in Greene County in 1820. After his marriage he built a common round log cabin and fol- lowed farming to a limited extent. When the Blackhawk war broke out he volun- teered as a soldier, under the command of Captain Fay, and witnessed the skirmish at the mouth of Bad Ax Creek, and was also an eye-witness of the peace treaty subse- quently made at Rock Island. When the Indian troubles no longer agitated the Northwest he returned to his home, and there followed farming until 1834, when he moved north. He settled at Peru, where he purchased property at the land sale, and built the first house in the village for L. D. Brewster, and while residing here he had the pleasure of seeing the Hall girls, who, captured by the Indians in 1832, had but a short time previous to Mr. H.'s arrival been released from captivity. This event occa- sioned considerable excitement at the time, and we find frequent mention made of this incident iu early histories of Illinois and the Northwest. In 1836 he returned to Greene County, where he resided until 1856, when he moved to Calhoun County, where he established a ferry and a commission busi- ness, and also transacted a remunerative business in the shipment of wood to St. Louis. After a successful business extend- ing over ten years, he became a forwarding and commission merchant at the town of Newport. During the Spring of i860 he plunged still farther westward, and eventu- ally landed in Nevada, where he established a quartz mill in connection with Lewis W. Sink and a party by the name of Lorelen, given name unknown. In what is now Nevada City our subject built the first cabin. While the new firm were transacting a most successful business, with twelve stamps in running operation, the war broke out, and with its attendant consequences shattered the hopes of its enterprising projectors. Mr. Hunnicutt once again turned his face toward his old home in Greene County, where he now resides in comfortable cir- cumstances, on a farm of eighty acres, after a life fraught with interest and very unusual activity. Mrs. Hunnicutt died on the first of April, 1877, and was laid at rest within a short distance of the home that knew her presence for so many years. There were born of this marriage ten children, nine of whom are living : Jane, who married Geo. Hostelton ; Hartwell S., who married S?.rah Butler, and on her decease was married to Elizabeth Purnell ; Catherine, who married James Cade ; Julia Ann, who married Shan- non E. Collins ; Diana, who married Joshua T. Crow ; George, who married Miss Emma Young, and Laura, who married Abraham Young. In the above sketch of Rowell Hunnicutt, we have mentioned his trip to Galena in search of employment, and it will be well to mention in this connection, that the date given, 1826, offered no railroad facilities, and accordingly Mr. Hunnicutt, starting from the mouth of Apple Creek, where the village of Newport now stands, in company, with Davis Carter, William Beman, John Beman, Jonathan Hill and John Daniel, voyaged down the Illinois to its mouth on the Mississippi, when the little party of explorers paddled up the Father of Waters to what is now Quincy, by canoe. Here they remained for a short time, and camped out on the site of what is now the city of Quincy, then not platted as a town, and even unknown as a village, for it contained but one log cabin partially built. Resuming their voyage, at the end of thirty-four days from their original start- ing point, this band of enterprising pioneers landed in Galena, a small hamlet contain- ing one grocery store, one double log cabin used as a tavern, and a blacksmith's shop Jaquies G. W. farmer, P.O. White Hall TT'ELLER JACOB, farmer. Sec. 25, P.O. -*^ White Hall Keach H. farmer. Sec. 19, P.O. White Hall Kinser Mrs. J. M. P.O. White Hall T AWSON S. farmer. Sec. 24, P.O. White ^ Hall LEONARD SAMUEL B. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 9, P. O. Whitehall. Samuel Leonard was born in Tuscarawas County, Ohio, on the ilth of September, 183S, the fifth child of Jeremiah and Jane 656 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. Leonard ; at the age of seven years, his parents moved to Guernsey Co., where the family remained until 1851, vifhen they moved still farther westward, locating in Jersey Co. three miles northwest of Jersey- ville, on rented property. One year later, the head of the family passed away to that world of Spirits to which we all are tend- ing, finding a last resting place in Jer- sey Co.; to the care of his wife who died in 1870, he left a large family of seven children : Hiram, who married Miss Amanda Powell ; Thomas, who was killed in the battle during the late Rebellion ; Mar- garet J, who married Dr. E. A. Casey of Jerseyville ; Lee K, who died in 1847; Mary Ann, who married Martin Pruitt ; John L., and Caroline, who married Albert Taxboy ; Mattie, deceased, who died in 1866; Samuel passed his youth in Jersey county, where he followed agricultural pursuits until the war broke out, when he enlisted in Co. F. 14th Ill.Lif. at Jerseyville, for three years ; a participant in the battles of Shiloh, Hatchie, Mississippi, siege of Vicksburg, Jackson, etc. When the war closed he returned to Jersey Co., where he followed farming, until his location in Greene Co., in 1871. The year of his mar- riage to Miss Henrietta Deeds, a daughter of Henry and Sarah Jane Deeds. Mr. L. now resides in Tp. II, R. 13, where he is the owner of forty acres, and ranks among our most industrious citizens. Of this mar- riage five children were born, three of whom are living, and whose names are in order of birth, Clara B. Jennette and Samuel B. LIKELY SAMUEL C. Sr., farmer, and stock raiser. Sec. 10. P. O. White Hall. Samuel C. Likely is a native of Pennsyl- vania, born on the 7th of April, 1808. Third child of Wm. and Agnes Likely, whose maiden name was Taylor. The days of his youth were spent upon the old farm homestead, and at seventeen he became apprenticed to the trade of blacksmithing, and subsequently became a journeymen workman, and applied himself diligently to to his calling. On the nth of April, 1836, he was united in marriage by the Rev. Mr. Marshall, to Miss Rachel Clark, a daughter of Alexander Clark, a native of Pennsylvania During the year mentioned, Mr. L. con- cluded to cast his fortunes in the West, and accordingly removed to Griggsville, Pike Co., 111., where he followed his vocation until 1849. ^Irs. Likely did not long sur- vive her journey to Illinois and passed away some three years from the date of the fam- ily's location at Griggsville. On the 2nd of January, 1845, he was united in mar- riage to Miss Catherine T. Pastors, a daugh- ter of Wesley and Mary Pastors, who were natives of Baltimore, Maryland, and Jeffer- son, Ohio. In 1849, Ml" L. made an over- land trip to Oregon, in search of the shin- ing metal, and subsequently made his way to the Pacific Slope. Landing at San Fran- cisco when it consisted principally of the long wharf and a few scattered buildings erected after the Spanish mode, he found the few inhabitants stirred to an intense pitch of excitement, as the State had then gained its admission into the Union. Re- mained in Oregon and California some two years where he conducted the blacksmith shop for Messrs. Slofoot & Pierce, receiving one-half the earnings of the establishment.. At the expiration of this time, he shipped on board the ocean steamer Northerner, at San Francisco. After the usual voyage the vessel landed at Chagres where the passen- gers were transferred to the U. S. mail steamer Georgia, which conveyed them to the city of Havanna, where during this time it will be borne in mind that Lopez had created considerable disturbance, and the Spanish Government, on the alert for the Fillibusters, captured both crew and passen- gers, imprisoning them for a short time,. but by the intercession of the American Consul, the Americans were released. Re- turning eventually to Griggsville, 111., he resided until his removal to Greene Co., in 1852, when he purchased the farm proper- ty owned by Jos. Phillips, which consisted of 360 acres, and now comprising 240 acres of valuable land. Mr. L. ranks among our most progressive liberal farmers, and few are better known for their liberality and kindly acts. Of the second marriage ten children were born, of whom only three are living : Samuel C, William W., and Luther M. (Note.) One incident in the voyage of the Northerner is worthy of note : As the vessel plowed its way over the waters, a sudden squall struck the vessel with force and the good ship careening, carried the TOWN 11, NORTH RANGE 13, WEST. 657 yard-arms far into the water, and created considerable alarm among its passengers Likely W. W. farmer, P.O. White Hall Linfoot Henry, school teacher, P.O. White Hall ■]\/r ANGER ANDREW, farmer and and blacksmith. Andrew Manger is a native of Germany, where he was born on the igth of March, 1833. At an early age he became apprenticed to the trade of a blacksmith, in due course of time becom- ing a skillful journeyman workman. In 1854 he crossed the Atlantic for the new world, and after the usual voyage landed in the City of New York, where he remained but a short time, when he directed his foot- steps to Illinois, and first located at LaSalle, La Salle Co., subsequently making his home at Peoria, and other points. In 1856, he came to Greene Co., where he first worked as a journeyman, and afterward as proprietor of a shop. In 1857, he was married to Miss Nancy Wood, by whom he had four children. Mrs. M. died in 1864, and was laid at rest in Greene Co. The following year Mr. Manger was married to Mrs. Emily Martin, by whom he has five children. Mr. Manger is the owner of eighty-nine acres of land in this township, and is well known as a skillful workman Manly Thomas, renter, P.O. White Hall Maupin Mrs. Sec. 15, P.O. White Plall McAdams America, farmer, Sec. 23, P.O. White Hall McAdams J. G. farmer, Sec. 23, P.O. White Hall McLellan N. renter, P.O. White Hall McLellan Thomas, renter, P.O. White Hall Morrison H. farmer, P.O. White Hall Mountz Lawrence, farmer. Sec. 25, P.O White Hall NEECE ALFRED, renter, P.O. White Hall Neece WiUiam, renter, P.O. White Hall Neeley Wm. G. renter, P.O, White Hall "DAINE GEORGE, farm hand, P.O. ^ White Hall Painter John Jr. farmer, Sec. 23, P.O. White H£-ll Pastures Mrs. C, P.O. White Hall Pie Mrs. Sarah, P.O. White Hall PRICE HENRY, farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 14, P.O. White Hall. Henry Price is a native of Germany, where he was born on the 4th of July, 1821. In early life he became employed as a farm hand, and spent the usual six years in the Ger- man army. Emigrating to America in 1848, after the usual voyage, he landed at New Orleans, thence to St. Louis, where he resided four years, and where he was married to Miss Mary Suitts. In 1852 he emigrated to Iowa. Remaining but a short time he returned to St. Louis, where he found employment in a large manufac- turing establishment. During the year mentioned above Mr. Price located in Greene County, where he met with many discouragements but ultimately triumphed, through the well-known industry peculiar to all of his race, and at the present writ- ing is the owner of 240 acres situated with- in the borders of Greene County, where he now lives in the enjoyment of honestly ac- quired wealth. Nine children blessed this union, eight of whom are living and whose names are, in order of birth, John H., H. C, Conrad, Dora, Frank, Willie, Mary, George and Albert Price John C. farmer. Sec. 14, P.O. White Hall Pruitt A. farmer. Sec. 2, P. O. White Hall Pruitt Robert, farmer. Sec. 25, P.O. White Hall "p OBERTSON ROBERT, farmer. Sec. 22 -^ P.O. White Hall Rodgers James, farm hand, P.O. White Hall Rollins Harry, farmer. Sec. 23, P.O. White Hall Rome W. D. farmer. Sec. 25, P.O. White Hall Rowell Robert, renter. Sec. 2. P.O. White Hall CCHIERER NICHOLAS, farmer. Sec. 2, •^ P.O. White Hall Scritchfield George W. farmer, P.O. White Hall Scritchfield William, farmer, Sec. 9. P.O. White Hall Schurz Mat, farmer Sec. 2, P.O. White Hall SEELY AMERICUS, farmer and stock raiser, P.O. White Hall. The sub- ject of this biography is the fifth child of 658 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. Hon. Judge Stewart Seely, and was born on the farm homestead in Greene County, the gth of November, 1849. March 15. 1877, he was united in marriage, at Warrensburg, Johnson County, Mo., to Miss Dora Shackleford, a daughter of Benjamin F. Shackleford of Kentucky and Mary Frances Shackleford of Tennessee. One child, Claude E., blessed this union, born on the 4th of February, 1878. Mr. Seely is the owner of 160 acres of valuable land, and is an honorable man and a pro- gressive, wide-awake farmer Semon John, farmer. Sec. 2, P.O. White Hall Sheff Joseph, renter, P.O. White Hall Sheff Riley, renter, P.O. White Hall Silkwood Mrs. Cynthia, Sec. 4, P.O. White Hall Silkwood Obadiah, renter, P.O. White Hall Strawmuth Martin, farm hand, P.O. White Hall Summers Nicholas, renter, P.O. White Hall SUTTLES DAVID, farmer. Sec. 29, P.O. White Hall Suttles Ephraim, farmer, P.O. White Hall SUTTLES JESSE, Sec. 10, P. O. Walkerville, was born in Greene County, Jan. 28, 1837. His father was John Suttles, who was born in 1810 and came with his father's family to Illinois, in 1821, settling in Madis,on County. In 1831 he moved to Greene County, and in 1835 married Mrs. Elizabeth Powell. By this marriage five chil- dren, of whom two are living: Jesse, whose name heads this sketch, and William, who also lives in Greene County, Sarah J., Su- sannah, and Lucinda, deceased. In 1863 Jesse married Letitia, daughter of Ashley and Eliza McClellan of Greene County, who are since deceased. The father of Mr. S. died in 1863 ; his mother in 1849. Four children living : William A., born Dec. 26, 1867; Eliza J., born Aug. 2, 1869; Mary C, born Dec. 28, 1871 ; John H., born May 2, 1874; George L., born Oct. 15, 1865, died Dec. 24, 1S65 ; James A., born Dec. 21, 1871, died in Oct., 1872 Suttles John C. farmer, Sec. 14, P.O. White Hall Suttles L. R. farmer, P.O. White Hall Suttles W. J. farmer, P.O. White Hall Sweetin W. L. farmer. Sec. 20, P.O. White Hall T^HOMAS JOHNH. farmer and stock ^ raiser. Sec. 3, P.O. White Hall. The gen- ial and liberal gentleman whose name heads this biogra])hy is a native of Germany, where he was born on the 25th of April, 1835. In early youth he became appren- ticed to the trade of a weaver, and at 17 concluded to cast his fortunes in America, and accordingly during the Autumn of 1852 he embarked on board the sailing vessel Georgia at Liverpool ; shipwrecked off the coast of Long Island Sound ; after the usual delay incident to a shipwreck our subject landed in New York City. Until the Spring opened he lay ill at the hospital at Ward's Island, and on recovering re- mained in New York City a short time. He afterwards hired as a farm hand. Leaving Albany in the Winter of 1854 Mr. Thomas directed his footsteps westward, and first located in what is now termed East St. Louis. When the Spring opened he sought employment on the Mississippi, as a fire- man on the Adriatic, one of the largest boats on the river. In 1856 Mr. Thomas located permanently in Greene county, in Tp. II, R. 13, where he first worked for George Schutz. In 1858 he united his for- tunes to Miss Nancy Paire, a daughter of Hiram Paire, one of the first settlers of Greene County. Mr. Thomas possessed no capital at this date, financially speaking, but he had an unlimited fund of energy that laid the foundation for the success that greeted his efforts in after years. Step by step he accumulated his present farm property of 240 acres of well-cultivated land, which will compare favorably with other tracts of similar size in Greene County. Mr. Thomas has never aspired to office, yet has ever taken a deep interest in the advancement of education. Of the marriage, ten children, four only of whom are living and whose names in order of birth are Sophia Jane, John H., Martha A., and Ortey M. Thomas Theodore, blacksmith, P.O. White Hall Tolbert J. renter. Sec. 2, P.O. White Hall Trippen Peter, farmer, P.O. White Hall V INYARD J. W. farmer, Sec. 24, P.O. White Hall TOWN 11, NORTH RANGE 13, WEST. 659 Vinyard George W. farmer, Sec. 22, P.O. White Hall VyALKER JEPTHA, farmer, Sec. 22, P. ^^ O. White Hall WELLS JOHN C. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. lo, P.O. White Hall. The above named gentleman was born in Greene Co. on the 7th of August, 1841, the oldest son of John C. and Hannah Wells, who were natives of Tennessee and Illinois, respectively. As the head of the family became a contemporary settler with many who first founded homes in the West, we shall here append more than a passing description. The exact date of his arrival can not now be ascertained, but sufficient is known for the statement to be made that the county bore but little existence of civilization when he first set foot in the southern portion of Illinois, where he was destined to witness many stirring events in the pioneer days of Greene Co. On attain- ing his majority he proceeded to Alton, in Madison Co., where he became identified with the butchering business, remaining some six years. While a resident of Alton, a party by the name of Lovejoy introduced one of the first printing presses in Alton, and probably published the first Abolition sheet in Illinois ; this attempt aroused the ill will of many, among whom was Mr. Wells, who, in company with others, bore a hand in the destruction of the press. On his return to Greene Co. he was united in marriage to Miss Hannah Garrison, a daughter of Jesse B. Garrison, of Ken- tucky. Not long after his marriage, Mr. Wells emigrated to Jeff'erson Co., where he purchased a farm of 80 acres. Three years later he concluded to push farther west- ward, and accordingly set out for Iowa. On reaching Scott Co., the partner of his joys and sorrows was taken suddenly ill ; the disease, in the nature of paralysis, proved fatal, a sad calamity to the enter- prising pioneer, who found his plans mate- rially changed, and accordingly he now located in Scott Co. In 1853 he once again became a resident of Greene Co., where he purchased 80 acres in township II, range 13, where in subsequent years he became a successful farmer and trader. When the war broke out he enlisted in Co. H.gist Illinois Infantry, and proceeded to the front from White Hall. He became a participant in many important battles noted in history. After the exchange of prison- ers, and while encamped at the city of St. Louis, he was taken suddenly ill, and died in Uncle Sam's service, July 10, 1863. The remains subsequently found a last resting place in Greene Co. Mrs. Wells survived her husband but two years, dying April 10, 1865, and her ashes now repose in the family cemetery. The survivors of the family are four : George W., Lucinda, Mahuldah, and John C, whose career we now follow. Passing his early years upon the farm homestead, when the war broke out he enlisted in Co. G, 9th Missouri Infantry, in 1862. Through changes made in the regiment it became the 59th Illinois. Serving for four and a half years, a veteran toward the close of the Rebellion, he be- came a participant in the battles of Stone River, Chickamauga, Chattanooga, Wild Cat Mountain, Lookout Mountain, Missouri Ridge, Ringgold, Rocky Faced Ridge, Re- saca, Cassville, Dallas, Kenesaw Mountain, Marietta, Atlanta, Lovejoy Station, Frank- lin, Nashville, Overton Hills, etc. When the war closed. Mr. W. returned to Greene Co., where he married, in 1866, Miss Sarah E. Vinyard, a daughter of Joseph Vinyard, by which marriage he has five children Elmer V., John C, Jennie S., Sarah E., Rosa H., and David C, deceased. Mr. Wells is the owner of 80 acres of valuable land in this township WELLS SAMUEL, farmer and stock raiser. Sec. II, P.O. White Hall. Mr. Wells was born in Christian Co., Ky., Sept. 13, 1809; his parents moved to Nashville, Tenn., when he was but a small child, and here were passed the days of his youth. In Nov., 1829, his father removed with his family to Illinois, who first settled in Ham- ilton Co., near McLeansborough. Here Samuel became acquainted with Miss Mary Smith, to whom he was married Dec. 23, 1830. By this marriage four children, of whom one is now living, William L., who lives in the Cherokee Nation. In 1834, Mr. Wells removed to Wayne Co., fifteen miles north of Fairfield. After residing here for two years he again moved, and located in Greene Co., about half a mile 660 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. north of the place on which he lives. On the i8th day of March, 1836, he had the misfortune to lose his helpmate ; and in June, 1837, he married Miss Mary Powers, daughter of Joseph and Mary Powers, who were among the early settlers of Greene Co. Six children blessed this union, only one of whom is living : Joseph A., born March 28, 1838, married Miss Matilda Wood in i860, and is now a resident of Erie, Kan. On tlie nth day of August, 1849, Samuel was again parted from his companion by the hand of death. March 6, 185 1, he again launched on the sea of matrimony, with Miss Sarah Sullivan. Ten children by this union, two living : Malvina F., who married Joseph Vinyard, now a resident of Denton Co., Texas ; and David W., who was born Aug. 11, 1856, and now lives with his father on the old homestead. On the 1st of Nov., 1865, Mrs. Wells was called from hence, leaving Mr. W. a wid- ower for the third time. On Feb. 5, 1868, he married Mrs. Esther Meley, who is now living. Mr. Wells relates that during his stay in Wayne Co. he did not see a single piece of wheat sown or raised, and nothing for bread but corn meal, and that from frost-bitten corn. While living in Wayne Co. he lost two children by milk sickness, which caused him to leave the county at the time he left. Seven families moved together, to escape the terrible ravages of this deadly plague. From his experience with the disease, Mr. W. gives much useful and practical information as how to pre- vent and cure this malady. He states that upon his arrival in Greene Co. there were not more than a dozen houses in the town- ship where he settled ; and where the present city of White Hall now stands, at that time was a collection of log houses, probably a dozen in number, and one store kept in a log cabin. He arrived in Greene Co., pos- sessed of two ponies, $45 in money, and a few of the necessary implements of house- keeping. In the years 1837-39 ^^ followed the occupation of buying poultry through the country, and taking it to market in St. Louis ; he by this means cleared enough to buy 40 acres of land. But going security for friends, he lost his little all, and was obliged to make a new start. In 1S45 he again commenced his former business, buy- ing produce for the St. Louis market. This pursuit he followed fifteen years, thereby amassing enough money to purchase the 80 acres of land on which his residence stands, although during the time he suffered from ill health incessantly, and met with misfortunes which would have disheartened a man who had not an indomitable will and energy. He states that during his farming he has lost what would have easily made 40,000 bushels of wheat by the dry freeze, and over sixty head of horses, yet, despite all these trials, difficulties, and misfortunes, he has accumulated about 500 acres of land by his own individual efforts. In 1842 he became identified with the United Baptist Church, and is well known in the commun- ity for his piety and strict temperance prin- ciples White L. H. farmer. Sec, 20, P.O. Carrollton White Samuel, renter, P.O. White Hall Whitesides Mrs. L. Sec. 20, P.O. Carrollton Williams Frank, renter. Sec. 10, P.O. White Hall Wilson Francis, farmer, P.O. White Hall A/'OUNG J. T. farmer. Sec. 20, P.O.White ^ Hall Young Stephen, farmer. Sec. 21, P.O. White Hall BUSINESS CARD. THOMAS JOHN H. blacksmith and horseshoer ; custom work promptly at- tended to ; shop on farm, in Township 1 1 Range 13 Town io, North Range id, West. A BRAMS WILLIAM, clerk, Sec. 34, P.O. -^^ Rockbridge Achenbach Fred, farmer. Sec. 29, P.O. Rock- bridge ACHENBACH PETER, farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 30, P.O. Rockbridge. The history of Greene County would be ren- dered incomplete without the sketch of Peter Achenbach, whose successful career has justly entitled him to a place in the front rank of self-made men, and whose success and present surroundings are due to his energy, industry and business tact. He was born in Appelsheim Kreise Worms, Hesse Darmstadt, Nov. 1 1, 1825; his father's name was Frederic, and his mother's name was Mary Schwarz. At the age of ig he left the parental roof and hired out for three years, to one man, at $22 (of our money) per year. In Sept. 1848, he em- barked for this country with a man by the name of Rothgeber, they came direct to this county. Peter first hired out to Wm. Hardcastle at $115 per year; worked the second year for Rothgeber, for which he received $120 ; he then bought him a cheap team and began farming for himself, first renting one year of Rothgeber, then six years on Sec. 7, on the Harden estate. Feb. 2, 185 1, he was married to Mrs. Mag- gie Dohm, relict of Jacob Dohm. Three children have blessed this union : Freder- ick, born Oct. 28, 1851 ; Mary, born Sept. 15, 1853; Bena, born Feb. 8, 1855. In 1858 Mr. Achenbach bought 160 acres of land, where he now resides, costing him $3,350. Phillip Keohm was the former owner. He has since remained on the same land, but has added to it until he now has 1,340 acres of choice land and all under the very best cultivation and im- provements. Mr. Achenbach, a few years ago, built him one of the finest barns in the county, which was destroyed by fire including nineteen head of fat steers ; was insured in the London Imperial, by B. B. Bartholomew. The loss was not total, as he received the amount of his policy. Mr. Achenbach has for several years been engaged in stock raising, and his efforts in that direction have been characterized by the same degree of success that has at- tended all the enterprises in which he has been engaged. In short, he is a man far above the average, having a remarkable memory, and evinces great sagacity in busi- ness matters, and one whose honesty and integrity are unquestioned. Such is, in brief, the sketch of one of Greene County's self-made men Adams J. M. blacksmith, Greenfield Alexander C. W. railroad agt. Sec. 34, P.O. Rockbridge Allen Mrs. C. Greenfield Allen L. P. merchant, Greenfield Andrews Jacob, farmer. Sec. 2, P.O. Green- field ARDI:N"GER J. W. flouring mlll, Greenfield, was born in Washington Coun- ty, Indiana, Jan. i, 1838 ; was the son of Charles and Jane Ardinger, who were both of German descent. Mr. Ardinger is a knight of the pick ; his father before him being an old-time miller and is now run- ning a large flouring mill in Williamsport, Maryland. In the early part of the life of J, W. he remained with his father until he obtained his majority, when he then set out for himself in Baltimore, where he remained three years until the outbreak of the war. when he enlisted in the first Maryland Cav- alry, and remained three years and three months, with Col. Wetsky, Banks' Divis- ion ; during which time the regiment was engaged in doing scouting and skirmishing duty, yet were engaged in several engage- ments during the war, Anteitam, Gettys- burg and others. Mr. Ardinger was mar- ried Nov. 10, 1859, to Susan Ellen Albert, daughter of George Albert ; by this mar- 662 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. riage they had nine children, seven of whom are now living.viz : Mary, William, George, Susan, Fannie, Charles, Winnie. In Aug. 1864, Mr. Ardinger moved to this State ; he has made several changes; went first to Springfield, where he remained for eighteen months ; from there to Logan County, Mt. Pulaski, where he remained at his business for a term of seven years, when he moved to Carlinville, remained one year, then went to Girard, where he remained until Feb. 1S76, then came to Greenfield and since remained. First he was in partner- ship with Haven and French, and the next year he purchased one-half of the mill and has since retained it. When Mr. Ardinger came here the mill was very badly out of repair, and as a result, the trade was very poor, but since the present management the mill has been thoroughly repaired be- ing now in first-class order, and by doing first-class work, and square dealing with the people, he has now built up a fine trade, and now have all they can do, and from the known ability of the proprietors, success will attend their further efforts Ash J. B. teamster, Greenfield "DAKER JOHN, renter. Sec. 28, P.O. Rock- bridge Barnett Harrison, retired. Sec. 34, P.O. Rock- bridge Barnett H. Jr. farmer. Sec. 33, P.O. Rock- bridge Barret Jeff, laborer, Sec. 34, P.O. Rockbridge Barret John, harness shop. Sec. 34, P.O. Rockbridge BARTHOLOMEW B. B. hotel and livery, P. O. Greenfield. " Bart." as he is familiarly known, was born in Copporel Green, Essex County. England, Dec. 1826; was the son of Charles and Hannah B. whose maiden name was Bradbrook. At the age of eleven years he came to this country, arriving at Buffalo, N. Y., where he learned the trade of carpenter and joiner, and after his trade was completed he worked at journey work up to the time he was married, which occurred Feb. 10, 1853. His wife's maiden name was Mary Hassett, who lived at Lancaster, ten miles east of Buffalo. By this marriage they have had two children : Charles, born April II, 1855, died Jan. 9, 1S57 ; Mary E. born in Davenport, Iowa, May 23, 1858, now the wife of H. P. Dix, of St. Louis, Mo. After Bart's, marriage he had charge of the repairs on the New York Central Railroad for two years and nine months ; then came west to Davenport, Iowa, where he remained imtil May, 1859, when he came to this county and located at Carroll- ton, where he engaged at his trade as builder and contractor, in which he was en- gaged for about ten years ; was engaged on some of the public works in the county, and as contractor and builder he was a suc- cess ; he being a good workman and a man of great energy he always pushed a job through with dispatch when he undertook it ; hence he was always in demand and always had all the work he could command. He engaged in this business up to the time of the war, when he was engaged for about one-and-a-half years in selling goods, and was considered a fine salesman, and at this business proved himself a success. He then engaged in real estate and insurance business in which he was connected for six years, then sold out, and in Dec. 1875, moved to Greenfield and bought out the Secor heirs and fitted up and run the first hotel that has ever been conducted on the t^tte system. He has a livery in connection with his business, and his house is the pop- ular resort for all the commercial men who stop in the town, as his fame as a hotel man is well known and the traveling men are well aware when they turn in with "Bart." that the best of fare and the cleanest of beds are awaiting them. Dur- ing Bart's, sojourn in CarroUton he was owner of the famous trotter, of Greene County, "Honest John"; he has had a good deal of experience with horseflesh, and there are few men who think more of a good horse than Bart. On Feb. the 11, 1878, Bart, and wife celebrated their silver wedding, which was the grandest affair that has taken place in the town for many years ; the guests were numerous and the presents various and elegant. During the last twenty years Bart, has been the leading auctioneer of the county. In conclusion, there are but few men who have more am- bition and energy than he, and whenever his attention is directed towards any enter- prise, success is inevitable. Such is but in TOWN 10, NORTH RANGE 10, WEST. 663 brief the sketch of B. B. Bartholomew — " Mine host of ' Bart's.' hotel." BASSHAM B. U. hotel and livery, Greenfield, was born in Jackson County, Tennessee, Nov. 4, 1842, son of Merideth A. Bassham ; his mother's name was Eliza- beth A. Fox prior to her marriage, and a native of Tennessee. His father was born in the " Old Dominion," and emigrated to Tennessee at an early day and became a well-to-do farmer ; but in consequence of his inability to say " No," went security to such an extent that he became embar- rassed and lost nearly every thing he had, and to better his fortune emigrated to this ,State, first locating in Madison Coun- ty ; remained two years, then moved to Jersey, where he farmed about ten years ; then went to Macoupin County, where he bought him a farm and lived eight years ; then sold out and moved to Green- field, bought the farm now owned by Smith Lemasters, where he lived until he died, which occurred April 2, 1875. Ben- jamin remained under the parental roof until April, 1865, when he married Louisa V. McBride, a native of this county, had four children : John H., born Jan. 12, 1866 ; Eva May, born May i, 1868 ; Altha Ann, born Sept. 14, 1B70; Laura E., born Feb. I, 1873. After his marriage, farmed six years on the McBride property, of which he had a lease. Nov. 12, 1864, moved to Greenfield, where his wife died March 11, 1874. After coming to town was engaged in teaming, which business not being satis- factory, abandoned it and bought out the livery stable owned by Joseph Carter, Nov. 12, 1874. Two years later built the hotel building he now occupies, and has since been running it in connection with his liv- ery. June 26, 1876, was married to Eliza- beth J. Crauch, born in Washington, Ten- nessee, May II, 1841. No issue. Bassham John, teamster, Greenfield Batchelder W. P. att'y-at-law. Sec. 33, P.O. Rockbridge Bauer Phillip, shoemaker, Greenfield Belknap A. retired, Greenfield Belknap E. A. merchant, Greenfield Bell Joseph, mechanic, Sec. 13, P. O. Fayette Berger Hugh, blacksmith. Sec. 33, P.O. Rock- bridge Berger John, engineer, Sec. 33, P.O. Rock- bridge Bernes Peter, farmer. Sec. 18, P.O. Green- field Bilderbach J. N. retired, Greenfield Birdwell James, laborer, Sec. 13, P.O.Fayette Bishop George, laborer. Sec. 33, P.O. Rock- bridge Bishop Levi, laborer. Sec. 30, P.O. Rock- bridge Bishop Preston, laborer, Sec. 33, P.O. Rock- bridge Bernes Wm. renter, Sec. 12, P.O. Fayette BIRD BARNEY, farmer. Sec! 7, P.O. Greenfield, is among the prominent repre- sentatives that have crossed the briny deep from Erin's Green Isle, and cast his lot among the Greene Countians. He is a son of Owen and Rose Bird, and dates his birth in the year 1833, in Monahan County, Ireland. His father died in the old coun- try. His mother came to this country sub- sequently, and died in 1868. Barney came to this country at the age of sixteen, land- ing in New Orleans, remained a short time, then went to St. Louis, where he engaged to learn the trade of ship carpenter, at which he continued about one year and-a- half; then went to learn the trade of boiler making, at which he continued about the same length of time, when the business not suiting him went to steamboating, at which he continued for three years ; then went to Iowa, where he remained three years ; was engaged in farming while there; then returned to St. Louis, where he en- gaged in steamboating again, at which he continued until the breaking out of the war, and left just in time on the last boats before the blockade was raised ; went North, and stopped at St. Louis ; and in April, 1861, was united in marriage to Ro- sanna Gillick, born in Caven County, Ire- land, Dec. 23, 1832 ; they were married by Father Wheeler. By the marriage they have had seven children, but six now living : Jennie, born Oct. 22, 1862; Katie, born Aug. II, 1865; Mary, born May i, 1867; Florence, born Oct. 19, 1S68; Ellen, born July 8, 1870; Barney, born July 17, 1873. After his marriage went to Carrollton, where he engaged for Isham Linder, at $10 per month, boarding himself. Among the last men he worked for was Judge Woodson. 664 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. He then engaged in farming for himself, renting land of Robt. Harden, at which he continued about ten years ; then bought forty acres of land, which he sold after- wards and bought another forty of the same man. In the year 1S75, he moved to the place he now resides upon, and has since been renting land on the Edmondson estate, and in the Spring intends moving to his own land in Sec. 7. Mr. Bird is a man of industrious habits and of great energy, and is self-made, and has earned a reputation for candor and uprightness, and is highly esteemed in the community in which he re- sides. Is Democratic in sentiment BLODGETT M. R. drygoods and gro- ceries, Rockbridge, is a native of New England, born Feb, 11, 1832, in Grafton County, New Hampshire; he is the sev- enth child of a family of seventeen chil- dren ; his father being twice married, the second time to the mother of M. R., whose maiden name was Mary Utley ; his father's name was Darius ; both of them were born in Connecticut, and M. R. was raised up under the influence of that Puritanical re- gion, and it may be said of him that he was very dutiful, and though remaining at home until he was several years past his majority he never left home (before 21) without ob- taining permission, and never after-wards without first indicating his intention. Worked for his father by the month, one year and lost but half a day in that time. Subsequent to this, taught school at $17 per month and boarded 'round. Was en- gaged in the mercantile business in Ver- mont before coming West. In 1856, emi- grated to this State, first located at Brighton, where he clerked for Shipman one year, then returned to his native State, returning after the war to Brighton, then clerked for Greer. Sept. 20, 1867, he moved to Rock- bridge and engaged in the mercantile busi- ness, in which he has since continued ; keeps a general stock. Is now postmaster, which office he has filled for five years ; was also postmaster at Brighton. In Feb. 1858, was united in marriage to Parmelia Woods; two children have blessed their union, but one now living : Edna Belle, born Sept. 16, i860. Mr. Blodgett is a member of the Knights of Honor, Golden Rule Lodge No. 1017 Bolton E. S. trader, Greenfield Boring Chas. blacksmith, Greenfield Bostick Capt. farmer. Sec. 13, P.O. Fayette Boston Chas. carpenter, Greenfield Boston H. B. carpenter, Greenfield Boston I. P. constable, Greenfield Bower Jacob, nurseryman. Sec. 4, P.O. Green- field BORING JOHN M. carpenter, Sec. 4, P.O. Greenfield, was born in Washing- ton County, Tennessee, March 5, 1824, the sixth child of Hezekiah and Mary A. Bor- ing, the latter's family name was Meldin. The former was born in Baltimore County, Maryland. The Boiing family trace their ancestry to the Isle of Breton, to the Mc- Donald family of Tory fame. Hezekiah, the father of John M., was born Feb. 22, 1789, and is still living and has celebrated his ninetieth birthday. Emigrated to Ten- nessee, 1798, and to this State in Nov. 1829, and located one-and-a-half miles south of White Hall, on Apple Creek Prairie, re- maining two years there, located perma- nently in township 10, range li, three miles northeast of Greenfield, where he entered land and has since remained. John M. re- mained at home until he attained his twenty- second year, then learned the carpenter's trade, under Speaks & Wooley ; learned in the meantime the cabinet and furniture business. These trades completed, he be- gan for himself, and worked at his trade for about six years. Nov. 24, 1853, formed a matrimonial alliance with Mary A. Bailey, born in Shelby County, Kentucky, Jan. 12, 1830 ; nine children have been born to them, eight of whom are now living, viz.: Ara, Mary M., William A., Ellen, Louis, Blanche, Frank and Florence. After his marriage he moved to Macoupin County, where he remained about twenty years, during which time was engaged at his trade as contractor and builder. In 1865.6 built the public school building at Carlin- ville, where he then resided, which enter- prise proved a very serious one to him. After he had contracted for the same and begun operations, material took a rapid rise, and the result was he lost by the ope- ration $10,000 and one year's work. This was a severe loss to him, having to sell his fine residence in order to fill his contract. In 1872, moved to Greenfield, where he TOWN 10, NORTH RANGE 10, WEST. 665 has since remained and engaged at his trade. Is a member of the M. E. Church, and Republican in principle BOWMAN ABRAHAM, farmer, Sec. 19, P.O. Greenfield, is a brother of Dr. Bowman, whose sketch appears elsewhere ; he was born in Bourbon County, Ky., Sept. 20, 1820; he is a son of George and Mar- garet Bowman. During Abraham's youth he attended school but about four months in all, his schooling being principally in the school of experience, having more of a practical knowledge than a theoretical one. He remained with his parents until he was 36 years of age, during which time he was engaged in agricultural ))ursuits with the exception of two years, when he was en- gaged with his brother Joseph in the mill- ing business, which mill was the property of their father. In March, 1857, he came to this State, and located the land he now occupies, and in the Spring of 1858 got possession of the same, and has since farmed ; being a bachelor, he boarded in the meantime with a neighbor for sev- eral years ; this getting rather too monoto- nous, he concluded that it was not good for man to be alone, so on Feb. 2, 1865, he was united in wedlock to Mary J. Barrett, daughter of Abner Barrett. They have had three children, but one now living — Harriet Ellis, born Oct. 19, 1865 ; one pair twins were born them, but they died soon afterward. Mr. Bowman was a member of the Whig party, but since has been an ad- herent of the Republican faith; he has never sought office ; he is highly respected in the community BOAVMAN ALBERT, farmer and stock raiser, town 10, range lO, P. O. Rock- bridge, was born in Greene County, July 18, 1841 ; his father, Dr. Daniel Bowman, was born in Bourbon County, Ky., emi- grated to Butler County, Ohio, where he married Catharine Meneely, and in an ear- ly day they removed to this county. Albert Bowman, the subject of this sketch, was raised on a farm, and received his educa- tion at the common schools of the country. In the Fall of 1861, at the age of 20, he enlisted in Co. F, ist Mo. V. C, for three years' service ; he participated in the vari- ous actions in which the company were en- gaged ; he received an honorable discharge in the Fall of 1S64, and returned to Greene County; he commenced farming and deal- ing in live stock, which he followed for the next two years, when he went into mercan- tile business at Rockbridge. This he fol- lowed for two years, when he again com- menced farming and dealing in stock, which he has followed to the present time. March 28, 1867, he was married to Miss Ellen J. Vallentine, whose parents were James and Martha A. Vallentine, natives of Massachusetts and Kentucky. From this union they have five children living ; one has died in infancy: Lucie M., born March II, 1868; Lillian M., born Aug. 27, 1870; Clyde A., born Jan. 25, 1874; Hairy V., born Sept. 5, 1876; Lynn D., born Oct. ig. 1878. Ellen J. his wife, was born in Greene County, Nov. 25, 1844; finished her education at Monticello Seminary in 1863. She became a member of the Pres- byterian church in early life BOWMAN DANIEL, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 30, P.O. Rockbridge, is a native of Bourbon County, Ky., born July 21, 1811 ; is the fifth child of a family of eleven children born of George and Mar- garet B.; her maiden name was Smock. At an early age removed with his family to Ohio, locating in Warren County; his fath- er was a farmer, and raised his boys in the same line. Daniel's entire school term can be summed up in the space of six months, and what education he now has has been acquired by burning the midnight oil, and in the active practice of business life; after he became of age made a trip to this coun- ty, the Spring of the "deep snow," remain- ing until the Fall, when he took the chills, and returned to Ohio; was married in Ohio Sept. 15, 1839, to Catharine Meneely, by whom he had eight children, but three are now living: Joanna, born March 22, 1839; Albert, born July 18, 1841 ; Lucius, born Dec. 6, 1844. After his marriage, was en- gaged in a paper mill during the day, and at night employed his time in studying ; having a desire to study medicine he be- gan with Dr. Drake, who gave him all the assistance in his power; remained with him until he completed his course, and then attended lectures. In the year 1836, he removed to this county, first located west of Carrollton, where he raised two crops, 666 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. then moved to the section he now lives on, first bought 80 acres of land, and has since added to the same until he now has 320 acres, which he has since farmed ; has practiced medicine since his arrival, but of late years has declined riding except in special cases ; has been engaged for several years past in stock raising in conjunction with his farming. The Doctor lost his first wife April 23, 1838 ; married the second time to Hester Ann Meisner, had four chil- dren, three now living : Mary V., born March i, 1852, died Dec. 20, 1874; Julia E., born May 29, 1855; Lincoln, born March II, i860; Virgil R., born Jan. 13, 1864. The Doctor has been long and fa- vorably known in this county, as one of the staunch men of his township; is a man of excellent information, has written a treatise on botany, and has given the matter a deal of study; is a man of strong will power, and has a high regard for his word, and is among that class whose honor stands first, — policy afterward. Is a member of Shef- field Lodge A. F. and A. M., No. 178 Boyd J. B. druggist, Greenfield Broadmarkle J. B. hardware, Greenfield Brooks John, renter, Sec. 21, P. O. Green- field Brooks William farmer. Sec. 2, P. O. Fay- ette Brown J. C. teamster, Greenfield Brown T. C. grocer, Greenfield Buchanan E. H. printer, Greenfield. Buchanan J. W. printer, Greenfield BURGHARDT H. O. barber, Green- field, was born in Great Barrington, Mass., * August 9, 1833; is the son of H. O. and Altha Burghardt; her maiden name was Berry. There were ten children in the family, of whom H. O. was the fifth. The subject of these lines had the usual school advantages afforded in that locality; re- mained at home until he was nineteen years of age, when he left home and went to learn the trade he has since followed; after he had completed his trade he changed his base to western New York, a place called Angelica, where he remained about sixteen years ; from here he went to Cuba> Alleghany County, continuing there two years; then came to this State, at Jackson- ville, where he staid two years, then went to White Hall, and from there located in Greenfield, where he has since remained and followed his trade up to the present time ; has by close attention to his business acquired sufficient means to secure him a good home and property; has a good busi- ness. Oct. 3, 1863, was married to Mary Levy, born in Lowell, Mass., Feb. 17, 1838; they have had one child, William, born in Nunda, N. Y., Aug. 8, 1855, now in Texas ; has obtained sufficient education to enable him to command $85 per month as a teacher. Mr. Burghardt cast his first vote for Fremont, and since been Republi- can in sentiment ; is a member of the Mis- sionary Baptist Church ; his wife is an Episcopalian BURROUGHS W. P. retired farmer, Greenfield, was born in Addison County, Vt., Nov. 10, 1810, in the city of Vergen- nes ; was the son of Richard and Sarah, whose maiden name was Brown ; his par- ents were of English descent. The father of the subject of this sketch was a graduate of Dartmouth College, and was a distinguished scholar; taught navigation, surveying, and the languages as a specialty; quite a num- ber of men in this country were students of his, and it is said that at one time there were eight men in Congress whom he had taught their ABC; he had, at the time of his death, a work occupying twenty quires of paper, which contained subject matter which, had he lived to complete, would have been of great service to the scientific world ; he died Sept. 22, 1865. The sub- ject of this sketch, during his early life, was employed on the farm while his father was engaged in teaching. At the age of 21 he came to this State, making the entire trip in a wagon, from Vermont ; he returned the same way he came, and on Oct. 14, 1832, was married to Abigal M. Griswold, born Augusts, 1812; was the daughter of David E. Griswold. Mr. Burroughs and wife made the trip from Vermont to this State in a wagon, during which trip she was not inside ot a house. When Mr. Bur- roughs and wife first settled they stopped on Apple Creek Prairie, and rented land; in the Spring of 1834 they moved to town 10, range II, where they entered some land and bought what they could, and remained upon this land until 1869, when they moved to Greenfield, and are now enjoying the TOWN 10, NORTH RANGE 10, WEST. 667 fruits of their labor, and are very comforta- bly situated ; they have had eight children, but two are now living — David, born Aug. 14, 1837, in Vermont, and Lydia, born Aug. II, 1856, now the wife of Smith Joyne. Mrs. Burroughs is a member of the Presbyterian Chureh. Mr. Burroughs has long been identified with the interests of the county, is a member of Hugh de Payne Commandery. In conclusion, it is but justice to say of him that he is well deserv- ing of the high esteem with which he is held by the community in which he re- sides /^AFFREY M. engineer, Greenfield — Calloway John, clerk, Greenfield Calta C. G. grocer, Greenfield Cameron Charles E. harness maker, Green- field Cameron E. E. harness maker, Greenfield CAMERON S. P. harness maker, Greenfield. Born in Warren County^ Tenn., Dec. 27, 1830; son of Joseph Came- ron, of Scotch descent. At the age of six years came to this State, and he well re- members the time, for it was at the time of the "sudden change ;" they had arrived at a point near Greenfield on the eve of that event, and on account of the frozen condi- tion of the country, they were detained about six weeks before they could complete their journey. Their first settlement was ■ made in town ii, range II, where they continued five years, during which time they were engaged in agricultural pursuits. His father selling out in 1843, he moved to upper Alton, and he and Joseph were apprenticed to learn the harness maker's trade with Charles McFadden, of Carroll- ton, and at the age of 17, when he had completed his trade, he set up for himself in Greenfield, in 1849, in which he has since continued. In May, 11, 1851, he was married to Mary Kincaid, born Feb. 14, 1835, daughter of William Kincaid ; seven children have blessed this union, viz: Belle, born Feb. 24, 1852; Kate, born Feb. 23, 1858; Edward, born Aug li, 1859; Charles, born Feb. 3, 1861 ; William, born Aug. 5, 1862 ; Judson, born Aug. 6. 1867; Essie, born Jan. 19, 1878. Mr. Cameron has grown up in the town and established a good business, and has the respect of all who know him ; has attended strictly to his own business, and, which is always the case in such instances, success is generally the outgrowth of that course of procedure. Mr. Cameron is a man of retiring habits ; never been engaged in public life; is a member of the Missionary Baptist Church Cambell James, farmer. Sec. 5, P.O. Green- field Cannedy Asa, trader, Sec. 4, P. O. Green- field CANNED Y, J. J. farmer, Sec. 13, P. O. Fayette, a native of Greene County, born Dec. 15 1847 ; is a son of Andrew J. Cannedy, born May 13, 1825; he was a na- tive of Warren County, Tenn.; his wife's maiden name was Vylotte Dixon, born Sept. 3, 1830. Andy J. came to this State about the year 1838, and settled near Shef- field, Greene County. Jefferson, whose name heads this sketch, was married Dec. 31, 1865, to Rachel L. Russell, who was born March 6, 1844; she is a daughter of William Russell ; by this mar- riage they have had five children, but three of whom are now living : Cloyde M., born March 28, 1867; William A., born Aug. 29, 1871; Joseph D., born Oct. 9, 1876, died Sept. 3, 1877; John C, born Sept. 15, 1877. Their marriage took place in Buchanan County, Mo.; in 1866 came to this county; remained until the Fall of 1870, then went to Delta County, Texas, staid until 1878; during his sojourn in that locality he was engaged in farming ; freighted some, and saw much of the country, and thinks that it is a very desirable country to live in, and contemplates returning in 1879 to settle for life Cannedy M, V. farmer. Sec, 21, P.O. Green- field Cannedy W. farmer. Sec. 21, P.O. Fayette CANNEDY STEPHEN D. farmer, Sec. 21, P.O. Greenfield. The subject of this sketch is a son of one of the oldest settlers in this township, and but few in the county can date their coming to an earlier time than he ; first made the trip on foot from Tennessee, his only compan- ion his trusty rifle ; he came out to take a view of the country, and, liking it, re- turned as he came, and brought his family out in an ox-cart, bringing therein what few articles of furniture they had, the fam- GKEENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. ily walking, his wife carrying a child in her arms. He made one or two trips back to Tennessee in the same manner before he finally located; he made a selection of land on the spot where Greenfield now stands, and erected the first cabin thereon ; land not being in market at that time he disposed of his claim, and after his return from Tennessee settled on the place now owned by Anson Miller, three miles south of Griswold, where he remained about forty years; he died Jan. i8, 1870. The subject of this sketch was born in DeKalb County, Tenn., and came to this country with his parents, being three years of age at this time; remained with his parents un- til he had attained his twenty-second year, when he set out for himself, working among the farmers, and at whatever em- ployment that came to hand ; May 10, 1851, was married to Nancy Spradley, daughter of Bryant Spradley. She was born August, 1828; they have had five children, but two are now living : Harriet, born Oct. 10, 1852 : Helen, born Feb. 23, i860. Mr. Cannedy, after his marriage, made very many changes ; lived rather of a migratory Hfe, first settling on the place he now lives, then went to Greenfield, staid one year ; was there engaged in the manu- facture of brick, then to the homestead, re- mained about ten years ; then to Fayette, staid ten years, back again to the old home- stead, then to Texas, staid ten months, back again to Greenfield, then back to the place first settled ; has since remained. While at Fayette was engaged in wagon- making, and served as justice of the peace ; has been occupied in running circular saw- mills considerable of the time ; thinks he will go to Texas again ; he and his family are members of the United Brethren Church CANNADY WM. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 14, P.O. Fayette ; was born in Bedford Co., Virginia, March 20, 1801 ; was the first of a family of six children born of George and Christina Cannady, whose maiden name was Warner. She was of Dutch descent ; while her husband is of the Anglo Saxon stock. In his youth he had little or no opportunities for securing an education. At the age of fifteen he moved with his father and family to Ken- tucky, where they remained about thirty years. They settled in Nelson County, and during this time William was engaged with his father on the farm. In 1845, the fami- ly emigrated to this State, and located in Carrollton, where they remained three years, during which time he was engaged in teaming ; hauling from the river, Alton and St. Louis. Then engaged in farming at Kane ; where they rented land for nine years. In the year 1849, he was married to Narcissa Vaughn, by whom he had six children : Julia, born in 1848 ; Lucy, born in 1850; William born in 1852 ; Sarah L., born in 1854 ; Martha, born in 1856; Efifie, born in 1857. William died Jan. 21, 1876. Mr. Cannady buried his wife Jan 10, 1866. In the winter of 185S, he moved to the sec- tion he now lives on, and bought four hun- dred acres of land, which he has since farmed. In the Spring of 1869, Feb. 16, he was married to Mrs. Narcissus Dennis, rel- ict of Harvey Dennis ; they have had no children. Mrs. Cannady has four children living, all of whom are now married and settled. She had one son, Charles Stead- man, who died in the United States service at Murfreesboro Hospital, of typhoid fever. Mr. Cannady is now in his seventy-seventh year, and has a remarkable degree of health for one of his age. He has been long and favorably known in the community in which he resides Cantrall David, renter. Sec 23, P.O. Green- field Canirall J. B. section boss, Greenfield Carr D. H. harness maker, Greenfield CARR R. W. drugs and groceries. Sec. 13, P.O. Fayette. The subject of this sketch is a grandson of James Carr, who was one of the early pioneers of Morgan County, who made the first purchase of land on which Jacksonville now stands ; he was Gen. Jackson's cook during the war of 1812, and was at all the battles that took place during that time ; remembers very distinctly of seeing Gen. Packenham fall from his horse. Upon his return from the war he settled in Macoupin County; this hardy pioneer and notable character died in the Fall of 1874, in his 79th year. R. W., who heads this page, is a son of Archi- bald and Mary Carr, who was born in Ten- nessee, and came to this State at an early TOWN 10, NORTH RANGE 10, WEST. 669 age, and settled in the vicinity of Carroll- ton, and subsequently in Macoupin Coun- ty, where R. W. was born, which was at a point two miles east of Fayette ; his ances- tors were among the most wealthy and in- fluential citizens of their time, and trace their antecedents to the land of the immor- tal Bruce and Buriis ; R. W. had excellent advantages for obtaining an education, which he improved, and in addition to those afforded at the common district school, he attended the Blackburn Univer- sity four years, taking the scientific and classical course; in the winter of 1871, Jan. 29, he was united in marriage to Mary Kennedy, daughter of Jackson Kennedy. Three children have blessed this union : Lindell L., born Feb., 1872 ; Ollie, born Oct. 12, 1874; Herman, born Feb. 5, 1876; Lindell died Feb. 4, 1874. After his mar- riage he moved to the farm where he re- mained three years, then moved to Carroll- ton, where he staid one year; was engaged in painting ; then returned to the farm, where he remained until the Spring of 1878 ; then he began business in Fayette, and has since continued at the above named business. Is a member of the M. E. Church Carroll James, laborer, Greenfield Carter T. B. wagon maker, Greenfield Caswell V. salesman, Greenfield Caswell James, sexton, Greenfield Champion Edwd. laborer. Sec. 13, P.O. Fay- ette Charleston Thomas, farmer, Sec. 21, P.O. Greenfield Clark Isaac, renter. Sec. i, P.O. Greenfield Clark Nannie Miss, millinery, Sec. 34, P.O. Rockbridge CLARK JOHN M. mechanic. Sec. 32, P.O. Rockbridge, was born in Rockbridge County, Va., Aug. 4, 1846, is the son of Samuel and Ann Clark, her maiden name was Reynolds. At the age of 14 he moved to Green County, Ohio, with his parents. August, 1862, enlisted in the 5th Ohio Cav., Co. C, Gov. Todd's Independent Scouts ; remained about one year, and when they were disbanded re-enlisted in the 60th Ohio Vol., Co. C. This regiment was unfortunate, being severely cut to pieces. The Colonel in one instance led the regiment into the very face of a divis- D2 ion of Lee's army, and thirty-three out of his company were buried in one grave at Spottsylvania, andoutof 102 men in his com- pany only nine of them returned unscathed, of which John was one of the number. He was at the battle of the Wilderness, Nye River, Bethesda Church, North Anna River, Spottsylvania, and Cold Harbor, where he was taken prisoner, and served ahout seven months in several prisons. Belle Isle, Libby, Milan, and Andersonville. During the time he was at Milan he escaped, but was pursued by blood hounds and captured, having to climb a tree to escape being torn to pieces. During the time he was with the regiment he had some very narrow escapes ; had at one time twenty-three bullet holes through his overcoat, but came out without a scratch. When he came out of Ander- sonville prison he weighed but seventy-five pounds, and when he went home his mother did not recognize him. He received his discharge Aug. 6, 1865, and after the war came to this county ; hired out to Charles Scandredt, jr. ; worked for him three years on a farm ; married Jennie Howard, born Jan. ig, 1851 ; had five children: Charles W., born Feb. 6, 1870; Magnolia, born Oct. 19, 1872 ; Elizabeth O., born Nov. 21, 1874; John S., born Dec. 12, 1876 ; Roy E., born Feb. 17, 1878. He has learned the wagon maker and carpenter's trade ; is proprietor of a steam thresher, which he has been run- ning for ten years ; is a member of Shef- field Lodge No. 678, A. F. and A. M. ; cast his first vote for U. S. Grant Clevinger George, carpenter, Greenfield Coling Wm. laborer, Sec. 34, P.O. Rock- bridge COLLTIVS J. F. merchant, Greenfield. Among the "young settlers" of this town- ship who are self-made and have attained success under discouraging circumstances, is the party whose name heads this sketch. John is a native born Greene Countian ; first saw the light of day in town 10, range II, May 17, 1833 ; is the youngest of a fam- ily of four children, born of John W. and Miriam C, her maiden name was Piper, her people being natives of Kentucky, while the Collins family are of Maryland. John left home at the age of 17, and struck out for himself, having but a dilapidated suij of jeans, a home-made shirt, and not a '670 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. copper in his pocket, yet he had willing hands and a determination to make some- thing out of himself, these constituted his stock-in-trade ; worked the first year on a farm; then went to learn the trade of a blacksmith with Cress & Barnett ; worked the first two years at 12^ cents per day, and the third year at 25 cents per day, then worked the next year for them as jour- neyman ; then associated with John Broad- markle in the blacksmithing business, which partnership lasted two years ; then associated with Jonathan Adams in same business until 1862, when he enlisted in the 91st Regt., Co. K, and was commissioned as 1st Lieut., remaining with the regiment eighteen months, when he was discharged at New Orleans on account of disability. In 1864 went into the mercantile business with Edward Wooley, associating with him three years ; subsequent to this went into business with Ben. Allen in the mule trade ; then bought out the interest of JamesWooley in the drug business. In 1867, went into business with G. W. T. Sheffield, carrying a full line of goods ; this was carried on suc- cessfully until 1875, Then associated with " Jap."Johnson on west side Square, selling goods; in 1877 boughc out Johnson's in- terest, and has since continued at the same business ; keeps dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes. Mr. Collins is known as an upright man, and conscientious in his deal- ings, and has been successful in business operations. Is a member of the Greenfield Lodge, A. F. and A. M., No. 129, also of the I. O. O. F. Was rocked in the cradle of " Whigism," and died the hardest death of any man in the county (politically). Sept. 20, 1855, married Annie Mason, born May 4, 1837, she is a daughter of Dr. George Mason, town 10, range li. Eight children have been born them, but four now living, viz. : Dr. Franklin, born April I, 1866; Minnie H. born Dec. 26, 1869; John Mason, born Nov. 2g, 1872 ; David Lynn, born March 26. 1875 COLLINS W. M. fanner, Sec. I, P.O. Greenfield, was born in Bourbon County, Ky., March 2, 1831. He was the second child of six children of John and Miriam Collins, whose maiden name was Piper. John was born in Maryland, and his wife a native of Kentucky, they are of Danish and Irish descent. The subject of this sketch came to this county at an early age, and with his parents settled north of Greenfield. During the time he remained at home was occupied in duties pertaining to the farm, and attended school but very little. At the age of 19 he took the " gold fever," went to California, where he engaged in mining, in which he was successful, but his health failing him, was compelled to return home after one year's experience in the gold " diggings." He was married to Nancy Ruark, which event occurred in March, 1852, she was born in Kentucky, Jan. 26, 1835. Thirteen children have been the result of this union, nine of whom are now living: Lorenzo C, born July 21, 1853; James S., born Oct. 28, 1856 ; Miriam L., born April 5, i860 ; Charles E., born April 9, 1862; Richard Y., born Feb. 2, 1864; Walter E., born Feb. 21, 1868; Willie E., born April 27, 1870 ; Nancy J., born Oct. 6, 1874; Rosa B., born Oct. 15, 1878. Upon his return from California he bought 120 acres of land in town li, range lO. In 1855 sold out and bought 216 acres of land on the section he now lives, and has since added to it until he now owns 406 acres. In 1864, enlisted in the U. S. service; had been previous to this captain of a company of militia, which company (nearly all) went with him, and were incorporated in the 103d Regt. 111. State Vol. He was anxious to join the service in the outbreak of the war, but the illness of his wife prevented, but finally went out in the 100 day service, in which he served as captain. Mr. Collins is a member of the M. E. Church, and has been since his sixteenth year. Is also a member of Fayette Lodge of A. F. and A. M., No. 107. He is a man that stands high in the estimation of his neighbors, and whose honesty and integrity are unques- tioned COLMAN I>AVrD K. miller. Sec. 34, P.O. Rockbridge. David is a son of Jeremiah Colman, born in Vincennes, Ind.; married Alvira Robinson ; in tracing back their ancestry we find that they are of Eng- lish and Irish descent. David's education, that he obtained in the common schools, ended with his fourteenth year; he then went to learn the printer's art, but on ac- count of ill health was compelled to aban- TOWN 10, NORTH RANGE 10, WEST. 671 don it. His father, Jeremiah, being a miller by occupation, he concluded to follow in the line of his father's footsteps, and began at Brighton, where remained two years. In Oct. g, iS6i, he formed a matrimonial al- liance with Sarah Kellogg, she was born March 28, 1842. They have had seven children: Daniel K., born Nov. 19, 1862; May, born Sept. 1866; Leona, Oct. 9, 1869. David R. was born in Jefferson County, N. Y., Sept. 27, 1837, he is the eighth child of a family of thirteen children. Aug. 15, 1862, he enlisted in the U. S. service, 38th Regt. of 111. State Vol., Co. I, ■where he remained until the close of the war, during which time he was engaged in all the battles in which the regiment par- ticipated. Upon his return he went to Brighton, wliere he resumed his trade, and continued until 1869, when he went to the Rockbridge Mill, and there engaged with Mr. Sheffield, running the mill for a share of the profits. He remained there four years and a half, then returned to Brighton, remained one year, then went to Fayette June 15, 1B75, where he run that mill for a time, then bought it, and moved the same to this place, and has since been running the same, and is making a success ; came here without a dollar, and is now doing a good business; has a saw mill in connec- tion with his flouring mill, and between the two he has all that he can do. His ability as an excellent miller, and his square dealing, has been recognized, and he is now on the road to wealth. He is a member of the Baptist Church, also a member of the Knights of Honor, Golden Rule Lodge, No. 1017 Connelly John, farmer. Sec. 35, P.O. Rock- bridge Connelly Thomas, farmer. Sec. 25, P.O. Fay- ette Coonrod C. W. police magistrate, Greenfield Coonrod Jeff", retired, Greenfield Coonrod Park, renter, P.O. Rockbridge Coonrod Rebecca, Sec. 28, P.O. Greenfield Coonrod Thomas, renter, Sec. 21, P.O. Rock- bridge Cooper E. L. retired, Greenfield Cooper John M. druggist, Greenfield Crane Elias, renter. Sec. 20, P.O. Greenfield CRAXE GEORGE B. contractor and builder, Sec. 34, P.O. Rockbridge. The subject of this sketch was born in Grant County, Wis., Aug. 28, 1844, is the eldest of a family of two children, born of Harvey Crane and Sidney Bowman, his wife. He was II months old when he came to this county with his parents, who located on String Prairie. He had the usual common school advantages. His father being a car- penter, he learned the trade of him, assisting him during the Summer and attending school during the Winter, and at the age of seventeen had the trade completed. Sept. 23, 1861, enlisted in 32d Regt. 111. State Vol., Co. D. ; remained in that regi- ment until November, 1864, when he was transferred to the 4th Veteran Reserve Corps ; had while in the 32d Regt., from exposure, impaired his health to such an extent as to render him unfit for active service, hence the transfer to Reserve Corps. Participated in the battles of Pitts- burg Landing, Siege of Vicksburg, and Jackson, Miss.; received an honorable dis- charge Sept. 6, 1S64. Upon his return home resumed his trade with his father ; made a trip to Montgomery County, re- mained about eight months, returning home worked at his trade about Greenfield. June 26, 1S66, married Sarah J. Wetsel, of Rock Island, born in Beaver County, Pa., April 13, 1845; but one child living, Frank E., born March 3, 1867. August, 1870, moved to Rockbridge, and has since been engaged at his trade as contractor and builder. Re- publican in sentiment CRANE HARVEY, retired. Sec. 34, P.O. Rockbridge, was born in Claremont County, Ohio, July 14, 1810, was the second child of a family of ten children, born of Luther and Hannah Crane, her maiden name being Chalmers, his parents are of Welch descent. Harvey left the parental roof at the age of 17, and went to learn the carpenter's trade, which he completed at the time he attained his majority, when he embarked for the West, and landed at Car- rollton, this State, where he engaged at his trade, at which he continued there, for six years; subsequent to this made several changes, first to Ottawa, Pike County, then to Plattesville, Wis., where he remained four years ; and in the year 1845 came to String Prairie, where he remained until he came to tlie town of Rockbridge. In Oct. 672 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. 5, 1843, he married Lucinda Bowman, sis- ter of Daniel Bowman, of tiiis township. They have had four children, but two are now living : George B. was born Aug. 28, 1844; Elias was born May 17, 1848; Joshua was born March n, 1850, and died Decem- ber, 1871. In March, 1877, he moved to the town of Rockbridge, and has since re- mained. Mr. Crane has been engaged in farming for several years past, his boys at- tending to the farm while he continued at at his trade. Mrs. Crane was born Sept. 10, 1815, and died Dec. 28, 1878, since which time he lias lived at his home and taking his meals with his son, who is living near. Mr. Crane was an old line Whig, and cast his first vote for Henry Clay; has since the dawn of the Republican party voted the straight ticket. Mr. Crane is now retired from business, and is now enjoying the fruits of his past labors in peace and tranquility Crane Wm. farm hand, Sec 31, P.O. Green- field CRESS HENRY, farmer, Sec. 4 P.O. Greenfield, is a son of John and Nancy Cress, her maiden name was Broadmarkle. Both of John's parents were in the Hessian army, and fought against the Colonists ; the British had induced them to believe that the Americans " were a set of canni- bals," but after they saw for themselves and understood the situation, that Wash- ington was fighting for liberty, after the battle of Preston, N. J., they abandoned the Hessians and joined his standard. Henry, the subject of these lines, was born in Alleghany County, Md., Feb. 18, 1820. His parents dying when he was young, he was placed under the fostering care of his grandmother. At the age of 13, went to learn the blacksmith's trade. In 1842 came West, first stopping at White Hall, re- mained there until 1846, when he came to Greenfield, which was then in its infancy; worked for Euen Johnson, staid with him until he built the shop now run by J. Broadmarkle, and set up business for him- self, and continued at it for fifteen years ; he then abandoned the anvil and forge and moved to the east side of town and began farming, and has since remained. Has 353 acres of land and 160 in Montgomery County. Dec, 30, 1851, was united in mar- riage to Nancy E. Benear, daughter of John S. Benear, she was born in Ohio, Dec. 16, 1827. Si.K children have crowned this union, but four now living : William, born Aug. 16, 1855; Joseph, born March 14, 1848 ; Everett, born Sept. 4, i860 ; Norvel, born Oct. 25, 1867. Mr. Cress is a self-made man ; been a hard worker and good manager ; cast his first vote for James K. Polk ;, was always a Democrat until the war, since been Repub- lican ; is a member of the I. O. O. F., Greenfield Lodge, No. 195 Cress Henry, farmer. Sec. 3, P.O. Greenfield Cress Wm. miller, Greenfield Crouch J. J. trader, Greenfield T^ALBY J. F. trader, Greenfield Davis Allen, renter, Sec. 11, P.O. Green- field Davis Elias, renter, Sec. II, P.O. Greenfield Davis George, farmer. Sec. 12, P.O. Fayette Davidson M. Mrs. Greenfield Davidson Wm. blacksmith, Greenfield Dawson Clinton, clerk. Sec. 35, P.O. Rock- bridge Dawson Napoleon, carpenter, Sec. 34, P.O. Rockbridge DAWSON" NATHAN, blacksmith,. Sec. 33, P.O. Rockbridge, born in the " Old Dominion," Morgan County, Virginia, March II, 1820, he is a son of Mary and Henry Dawson, his father is of English de- scent, Nathan's mother was of German, Nathan's father was a tailor, but carried on farming at the same time. Nathan, after he became of age, began for himself, engaging in farming. At the age of 22 he married a lady by the name of Speelman, her Chris- tian name being Seventh Ann, being that number in numerical order of her family, whose name was Ann, hence the title ; their marriage took place Feb, 14, 1844. They have had eleven children, all of whom are now living : Richard, Peter E., Emily F., Cora B., Mary J., Napoleon, Henry C, Nancy J., Jefferson D., Taxana L., two of the above are still back in the State of Vir- ginia. After he married he farmed it for three years, then engaged in the millwright business until 1869, when he emigrated to this State, and settled at Fayette, where he engaged in the same business ; remained there five years, then came to Medora^ TOWN 10, NORTH RANGE 10, WEST. 673 where he staid a short time, then came to the town of Rockbridge, where he has since remained, and been engaged in the above named business. He is Democratic, and of the staunchest kind. Mr. Dawson is constructing an invention for cutting hedges by horse-power. He is a member of the Knights of Pythias I>AWSO]S" R. T. carpenter, P.O.Rock- bridge. Richard was born in the " Old Dominion," February 1st, 1844, "was the son of Nathan and Seventh Ann Dawson, she receiving this cognomen from the fact that she was the seventh daughter, all of whom had Ann attached to their names, hence the appellation, "Seventh Ann." In Au- gust, 1861, Richard went into the Confede- rate service, during his sixteenth year, en- listed in the Sgth Regiment Va. Infantry. In August '62, the following year, was taken prisoneit- by the 54th Penn. Reg't com- manded by Col. Campbell and was released by order of Secretary Cameron. He then returned home and engaged at his trade, which he followed until April, '65, when he took a trip to this State, remaining about three months, returned and resumed his trade. On December 8th, 1868, was mar- ried to Rebecca B. Casler, born January 10, 1851. By this union had five children, four of whom are now living: William Ross, born July 19, 1870 ; Peter L., born August 4, 1872 ; Ota B., born April 19, 1874 ; Grace D. born March 16, 1876 ; Lil- lie May, born April 5, 1878. In 1869 he removed to this State and locate i in Fayette, where he remained two years, then came to Rockbridge, and has since been engaged at his trade ; is a good workman, and gets all he can do. He is a member of the Presbyterian Church, and of the Knights of Honor, Golden Rule Lodge No. 1017 DAY WILLIAM C. physician, Green- field. Among the prominent practitioners of materia medica in this county is W. C. Day, who was born in Arkansas, June 24, 1837 ; is the eldest of a family of two chil- den born of Preston J. and Agnes Day. When about three years old removed with his parents to Springfield, Missouri, where his father built the first cabin in the town, where he remained several years, then moved into a mountainous district, at which place the advantages afforded to the " young idea" were not at all flattering. He sub- sequently attended the High School at Leb- anon, remaining there until graduation. At the age of twenty, he having a desire to become a disciple of Esculapius, entered the St. Louis Medical Cotlege, graduating in 1861. June 20, 1862, enlisted in the Missouri State Militia, 14th Regiment, re- maining in the same until March 3d, 1863, when he received his commission as Assist- ant Surgeon of the 4th Missouri Cavalry, re- maining until May 20, '65. After his re- turn he located in Palmyra, Illinois, in the practice of his profession. February 20, 1866, married Lettie AUmard, born in Del- aware County, Pa., 1846. Four children have crowned this union : Louis R., born Decembers, 1866; James A., born October 29, 1869; Anna A., born February 12, 1872; Gertrude L., born January 4, 1875. On March 9, 1871, took the ad eundem de- gree in the St. Louis Medical College ; May I, 1874, came to Greenfield and enga- ged in the practice of medicine ; June, 1877, associated with him Dr. Martin, under the firm name of Day & Martin. The doctor's efforts as a practitioner have been crowned with success, and his ability is recognized as among the first in the county. Is not a member of any church organization ; is a member of Greenfield Lodge A.F. & A.M. No. 129 DECKER EDWIIf B. mechanic, Sec. 34, P.O. Rockbridge, was born in Claremont County, Ohio, June 15, 1823, third child of a family of six children born of James D. and Eliza Decker. The former was a i.a- tive of Dusseldorf, Prussia, came to Penn- sylvania in 1806. His wife was born in North Carolina. They were married in Petersburg, Ky. ; was in the war of 1812 ; was at Dudley's defeat at Fort Meiggs. The subject of this sketch emigrated to this State in the Fall of 1S35, and located with his parents six miles south-west of Carroll- ton, where his father had made a purchase of some land, which was farmed by the boys, their father being a tailor. Edwin left the parental roof at the age of eighteen and wf nt to learn the wagon maker's trade, completing it, learned the carpenter's trade, which he followed for about fourteen years. January 8, 1846, was united in marriage to Julia A. Hazelwood ; had one child, John, 674 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. who died at Little Rock, Mo. ; was a mem- ber of the nth Missouri Cavalry ; first wife died in April, '47 ; was married the second time, April 4, 1849, to Elizabeth J. Ballard, born in Knox County, Tenn., September 25, 1833 ; had ten children, eight living : Irene, ' born July 3, 1853 ; Alfred, born February 29, 1856 ; Belle, born November I, 1858 ; Laura, born December 2, i860 ; Thomas H., born February 15, 1863 ; Del- lie, Allie, twins, born November 21, 1868 ; Mary J., born September 11, 1872. No- vember, 1873, moved to Rockbridge, and has since been engaged at his trade ; is an inventive genius ; has lately gotten up an equalizer for a three horse doubletree which is pronounced a success. Democratic in sentiment Dennis Albert, farmer. Sec. 26, P.O. Green- field Dixon A. J. clerk, Greenfield Dixon Samuel, nurseryman, Greenfield Dox Robert, farmer. Sec. 36, P.O. Rock- bridge Dougherty C. H„ laborer. Sec. 13, P.O. Fay- ette DOHM JACOBjfarmer and stock-raiser. Sec. 17, P.O. Greenfield. Jacob is the sole survivor of a family of three children, born of Jacob and Margaret Dohm, who were natives of Hesse Darmstadt. Jacob the subject of this sketch, is a native of Greene County, and was born August 29, 1841, in town 10, range 10. His parents came to this country in the year 1836. Plis father died about six years afterward. His mother remained a widow several years, and is now the wife of Peter Acherbach. After the death of his father he remained with his mother up to the time of her marriage with Mr. Acherbach. He then hired to his step- father, by the month, worked two years, then enlisted in the lOO days service, in the 133d Regiment Illinois State Volunteers, remained out five months. Returning from service, farmed one year on his own account, then hired to John Hardcastle for one sea- son, then farmed again for himself; then was united in marriage to Anna M. L. Brendle. She was born October 29, 1839, is a daughter of Louis Brendle, of Polk County, Iowa. Their marriage took place November 15, 1866. Six children have blessed this alliance; four are now living. viz: Maggie, born September 11,1867; Anna, born August 23, 1871 ; Fred, born May 13, 1873 ; Mary, born October4, 1877. After their marriage removed to Macoupin County and remained until December 31, 1867, when he removed to the place he now occupies. The place when he came was nearly all in timber and underbrush, and an old log cabin was all the improve- ments. He has cleared the place up, and now has 180 acres of excellent land which he has since farmed , is engaged also in trading to some extent, and his actions and dealings are characterized by a disposition on his part to deal justly and squarely by all those with whom he has business rela- tions DOYLE THOMAS CAPT. tailor, was born November 2, 1837, in Tullow, County Carlow, Ireland, and was married June 9, 1856, to Mary E. Findlay. He emigrated to the United States in August, 1856, landing in New York City, where he remained until the outbreak of the Mormon war, when he joined the regular army, Co. "D," 1st Regiment U.S.A. After the Mor- mon difficulty he was engaged in the Utah campaign, and also with the Cheyenne In- dians in 1858. He was then ordered to re- inforce Major Van Dorn who was engaged fighting the Comanche Indians in 1859, ^'^- ring which time he was in several engage- ments with this tribe. In the Summer of 1S60 made another expedition against the Kiavvas, and participated in the battle, Aug. 16 i860, which resulted in a victory over the tribe. The Presidential election occurred about this time, causing trouble in the border States, the command he belonged . to was ordered to Fort Smith, Ark., remaining there until April, 1861 Here, he says, was the most trying time of his whole life. Every commissioned officer in his company " went over to the South," and joined the C.S.A, army, and he was strongly solicited to go also, being tendered a commission, and other inducements which were very enticing, but he spurned them all and remained loyal to the flag of his adopted country. Subsequent to this was engaged in the battle of Wilson's Creek, where 6.- 500 of them were for seven hours pitted against 35,000 — -where Gen. Lyon fell. Mr. D. was at this time a bearer of dispatches. TOWN 10, NOilTH KANGE 10, WEST. 675 and after crossing the enemy's lines five times, he was taken prisoner. After his exchange he was promoted to 1st Lieuten. ant, and served as RattaUon Adjutant, ist Missouri Cavalry, M.S.M. In the Fall of 1S62 was promoted to 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant of same regiment. In 1864 he veteraned in the 13th Missouri Cavalry, and in January, 1865, was promoted to Captain of same company and regiment. After the close of the war, went with his regiment to open the Santa Fe route across the Plains, and was finally mustered out of service, Jan. 12, 1866, having a military experience of nine years. He went out as a common sol- dier, and served his country faithfully and well, and the Union had no braver defend- er of her national honor. His fine and soldierly bearing, coupled with his execu- tive ability, secured him many prominent staff appointments during his term of ser- vice. He served as Assistant Adjutant General, also Assistant Inspector General on General Sanborn's staff, which he filled up to the time he was mustered out. Upon his return home to the quiet walks of life, he served some time as a member of the Metropolitan Police in St. Louis. January I, 1867, moved to Carlinville, where he re- sumed his trade ; remained there until Au. gust 7, 1877, when he came to Greenfield, and has since remained. Is superintend- ent of the cutting department in the Star Clothing House, and is an A. No. i artist as knight of the tape and shears. During his army life he acquired an appetite for the ardent, and it was feared for some time by his friends that he would become a hope- less sot, but before the temperance wave swept across our land he rallied and threw the monster from him, and has since been a staunch advocate of the temperance order, and has, by his example and his speeches on the rostrum, done much good for the cause ; has spoken in all the surrounding towns in the adjoining counties, and through the columns of the Gazette held a spirited debate with his minister. Father Sauer, on the subject of temperance, and the palm of victory was universally accorded by the people to Captain Doyle. Mr. D. has had eight childien, four of whom are living : John W., born in Warrensburg, Mo., Nov. 27, 1863; M. Alice, born in St. Louis, Mo., January 6, 1866; Cornelius, born in Carlinville, 111., December 11, 1871 ; Joseph H., born in Carlinville, 111., April 27- 1875 Drake Hiram, retired, Greenfield Drake J. A. pump dealer, Greenfield Drake John, teamster, Greenfield Drennan Jack, tinner, Greenfield Drum Miles, merchant, Greenfield Dryden J. C, drayman, Greenfield Dryden W. S. M., retired, Greenfield Durham John, teamster, Greenfield -rpCKMAN GEORGE, farmhand. Sec. 24, '^ P.O. Greenfield EDMONDSON MANFORD, farm- er. Sec. 15. P.O. Fayette, is a son of W. F. and Harriet Edmondson ; her maiden name was Hand. Mr. Edmondson is a native of Kentucky, and emigrated to this State many years ago, and was among the number who with stout hands and willing hearts, did their part in bringing this country to the condition it now is. Upon his first arrival here he located near CarroUton, where he remained a few years, then moved and set- tled upon the land now occupied by Man- ford, where he lived until the year 1868, when he moved to Cass County. Missouri, where he has since remained. Mrs. E., his wife, died May i, 1877. The subject of this sketch remained under the paternal roof up to the time of his father's removal to Missouri, and accompanied him to his new home, and assisted his father in the duties pertaining to the farm, until May 14, 1875, when he returned to this county, and was married to Alice Grove, a native of Virginia. Returning with his wife to Mis- souri, remained about two years, and then returned to Fayette, in this county. His health being poor, he has since made this his home, and rents his farm, the proceeds of the same being amply sufficient to main- tain him, and a margin besides. His wife's mother resides with him. They have no issue Edwards Charles, lumber, Greenfield Egler M. renter. Sec. 22, P.O. Greenfield Eidleman John, renter, P.O. Fayette Elkington Joe, renter, Sec. 33, P.O. Rock- bridge Elkinton Thomas, renter, Sec. 26, P.O.Green- field 676 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. Emery George, farm hand, Sec. 34, P. O. Rockbridge Ennis W. P. clothier, Greenfield Entrecan J. H. carpenter, Greenfield EWALD JOHX, station agent C.B.& Q. R. R. Greenfield. One of the most reliable and efficient agents in the employ of the C.B.e^ Q.R.R. is Mr. Ewald, who has been a railroad man over twenty-five years, and served in various capacities, from a common laborer to some of the most responsible positions connected with the road, and from his long experience and known integrity has acquired a reputation among railroad officials that will always se- cure him as good a situation as lies in their province to grant. He was born in Prus- sia, Oct. 13, 1827; his parents, John and Martha E., never came to this country, but in Aug., 1847, John, Jr., set sail for Amer- ica, and, after a voyage of nine weeks, landed in New York. First went to Mil- waukee, then to Detroit, where he first be- gan work on the railroad, where he re- mained three years; then went to New Buffalo, where he had charge of a gang of men on the Michigan Central; laid track from Aurora to Mendota; Dec. 22, 1S54, went to Detroit, where he married Eliza- beth Werner, born Dec. 26, 1843, in Can- ada, opposite Detroit. After their marriage, moved to Piano, where he obtained a situa- tion as station agent. While here his wife lost her health, and he returned to Detroit and went into business with his father-in law, who was a brewer, where he remained two years. Then went to Bushnell, and re- sumed railroading again, where he remained fifteen years; was at Astoria one year, and in April, 1872, came to Greenfield, and has since remained in charge of the office and station at this place. Two of his sons as- sist him in the office, Willie and John; one is night and the other day operator, Mr. Ewald attending to the office and express business. Mr. E. has six children living, four boys and two girls: George, born Sept. 13, 1858; Willie, born Oct. 16, 1861; John, born Nov. 13, 1863; Albert, born Dec. 16, 1865; Annie, born April i, 1867, and Minnie, born Sept. 14, 1872. Mr. and Mrs. E. are members of the M. E. Church. Mr. E. is a member of Greenfield Lodge, A. F. and A. M., No. 129 Ewing J. W. merchant, Greenfield Ewing Thomas, laborer, Sec. 34, P,0. Rock- bridge T^AITH G. W. plasterer, Greenfield Farthing , salesman. Sec. 34, P.O- Rockbridge Finch Thomas, physician, Greenfield Finley B. W. grocer, Greenfield Finley M. clerk, Greenfield Finley W. L. grocer, Greenfield Fishburn Jacob, retired, Greenfield Fisher R. C. drayman, Greenfield Fisher Theodore, farm hand. Sec. 20, P. O. Greenfield Fulmer John, laborer, Greenfield /^AITHER , agent. Greenfield ^''^ Gibson Wm. renter. Sec. 30, P. O. Rockbridge Gill R. D. laborer, Greenfield Gilliland R. painter, Greenfield Goodpasture Daniel, laborer. Sec, 24, P. O. Rockbridge GRAY J. HOWARD, druggist, Greenfield. The subject of this sketch first beheld the light of day in Halifax County, N. C, on Christmas day, 1828. Is the son of J. J. Gray; his mother's maiden name was Lizzie Hubbard. They are of Scotch and Dutch descent. At an early day the family emigrated to this State, and bought a farm near Greenfield, in Macoupin County, where the father of J. Howard still resides; he is now seventy-five years of age; has in his time officiated in different pastorates, being a regularly or- dained minister of the Presbyterian faith. In 1837, he went to Monmouth, where he accepted a call, and supplied that pulpit until his failing health compelled him to return home. In the early part of J. Howard's life, he received his education at a private school, in which he had all the advantages in the way of the courses, that is now taught in our colleges, he having taken a classical course. In Oct. 9, 1855, he was united in marriage to Sarah Allen, daughter of George W. Allen, who is an old and well known resident in this county, and is the original proprietor of the town. Mrs. Gray was born in this county, Aug. 14, 1831. No issue. While they have never had any children of their own, yet TOWN 10, NORTH RANGE 10, WEST. 677 they have always had in their family more or less children who have been unfortunate in losing their parents, and were left with- out 'a home, yet Mr. Gray and wife have taken care of them as if they were their own offspring, and have lavished the same kindness and good counsel upon them as if they were really their own. Mr. Gray, like all men who appreciate their wives, is justly proud of his, and twenty-three years of married life has not been sufficient to make him regret the choice he made, and thinks, if he had it to do over, he would choose as before. Many people are " mar- ried," yet not mated. In the year 1857 Mr. Gray embarked in the business in which he is now engaged, and it is said " if any man in the town has a gilt-edge credit, J. How- ard Gray has," and he is of the few, who began business at the time he did, that have sustained themselves, and made their business a steady growth and the enterprise a financial success. Mr. Gray has been a member of the M. E. Church for the last thirty years, and is also a Royal Arch Ma- son, and is a man that has preserved un- sullied the family prestige, and is well deserving of the high character that he sustains in the circle of his acquaintances, and in the community in which he resides Green Jacob, laborer, Greenfield Green M. laborer, Greenfield GREE]S"E W. E. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 31, P.O. Rockbridge, is a na- tive of this county; born May 25, 1824. His father's name was John and his moth- er's Mary, of the Mairs family, who were the parents of five children, of whom W. E. was the fifth in order. They came to this State as early as 1818, located near Kane, entered land, and lived on the same until their death. The subject of this sketch had very limited advantages, so far as education was concerned, but learned to read and write, and got some little idea of figures, but his education has been more of a practical nature. He remained at home until he attained his twenty-sixth year; at this time he was united in marriage to Eliza J. Enslow, born June 29, 1833. She was a daughter of Worthington Enslow, of this county. After his marriage, he rented land of his father, up to the year 1854, when they moved to some land that Mrs. Greene had inherited from the estate, where they continued about two years, then re- turned to the land they had formerly occu- pied, of the Greene estate, remaining there until the year i860. Then going back again to the Enslow land, where they built them a hewed log house; continued here twelve years, and in the Spring of 1872 they moved to the place they now reside; this farm is known as the Witt estate. They are now located for life, and have, after their many changes and good manage- ment, accumulated until they now own 880 acres of land, which is well improved. Mr. Greene has always been an adherent to the principles of Democracy. They have had nine children, seven of whom are now liv- ing: Trinity Ann, born Oct. 23, 1852; Evans N., born March 7, 1854; John G., Oct. 9, 1855; Julia E., born Oct. 16, 1856; George N., born Jan. 13, 1859; James F., born April 30, i860; David R., born Nov. 9, 1868 Greer Robert, Greenfield Greer Wm. grain dealer, Greenfield Grells Mrs. farmer. Sec. 11, P.O. Fayette Griswold Albert, Greenfield Griswold Arthur, Greenfield Griswold Edward, retired, Greenfield Grozzle Eveline, Sec. 28, P.O. Greenfield T T ALL E. Mrs. renter, Sec. 9, P.O. Green- ■*^ field Hand William, farmer, Sec. 13, P.O. Fayette Harder Isaac, renter. Sec. 33, P.O. Rockbridge Harder Ross. lab. Sec. 34, P.O. Rockbridge Hartsook Jac. retired, Greenfield Hartsook T. Greenfield Harvey E. M. musician Greenfield HASSETT W. H. lumber, Greenfield. William is a native of Erie County, N. Y., born July 17, 1838, son of J. G. and Eliza- beth Hassett. His mother's name was Yost, and a native of Pennsylvania, her husband of New York, both sides of the family be- ing of German descent. Received but the advantages afforded by the common dis- trict school. Left the parental roof at the age of eighteen anil began for himself, having previously learned the carpenter trade. First worked in company with R. B. Bartholemew, his brother-in-law, on the New York Central R.R. Remained in the employ of the company about six years. In 678 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. the Spring of 1866 he came west, and en- gaged in the lumber business; first bought out the interest of Reed & Vedder, at Car- rollton. remained there three years; sold out and moved to Jerseyville, and engaged in the same business until 1873, when he moved to Moberly, Missouri, where he stayed three years; engaged in the lumber trade; Feb., 1S76, sold out and came to Greenfield, where he has since remained. Sold out his interest in the lumber business to Charles Edwards, July, 1S77. Mr. Hassett, having been in poor health for several years, is contemplating a removal to a latitude more congenial. Feb. 27, he formed a matrimonial alliance with Eliza J. Beckham, born Aug. 27, 1844, in Lancaster, Erie County, Pa. Three chil- dren have been born to them : George N., born in Jerseyville, Dec. 26, 1869; Nye P. born in Lancaster, Pa., Aug. 5. 1871, and Edith Male, born in Moberly, Mo., May 16, 1874. Mr. H. is a member of Green- field Lodge, A. F. and A. M., No. 129, also a Royal Arch. Mr. Hassett's father died Jan. 12, 1S73; mother, Jan. II, 1864 HAVEN WM. H., editor Greenfield Argus. William H. is of Yankee birth, being born in close proximity to the Green Mountains, Addison County, Vermont ; first saw the light of day in the year 1831, and in the year 1843 he emigrated to this State in company with his father, mother, brother and sister. Upon his first arrival he was engaged on a farm, at which he worked until 1849, then entered the store of R. M. Booker of the town of Greenfield, where he was employed as clerk ; contin- ued at this about one year. Subsequent to this he began teaching school, which he continued up to the time he married, whicli event occurred Oct. 27, 1853, to Anna Kemper, born Dec. 25, 1833, in Kentucky. They have now three children living, V. H. Haven, born Nov., 1S61, Leon Haven, born Nov. 1866 and W. Oilman Haven, born Feb., 1873. After his marriage he resumed teaching and continued until the breaking out of the war, when he entered the army in Aug., 1S61, and remained until its close, and received his discharge in 1865. Was with Sherman through all his campaigns. After his return from the war, engaged in agricultural pursuits up to 1S70, when he engaged in the grain and milling business at Greenfield. This enterprise was an un- fortunate one for him as it turned, as he lost all he had. Subsequent to this he was engaged as solicitor and local correspond- ent for the White Hall Register; until March, 1878, when he started the Green- field Argus, and is now running the same with success. He is Republican in senti- ment and has been since the war. Mr. Haven is also engaged much of his time as an auctioneer ; has quite a reputation as such, having calls in adjoining counties, which he fills with credit to himself and satisfaction to his patrons. Mr. Haven, though having been unfortunate in his business when he first came here, yet he is a man possessed of much energy and "pluck," and, as his ability is unquestioned and he is possessed of much goodness of heart and lots of friends, we predict for him a successful finale Hayes Hugh, farmer. Sec. 11, P.O. Fayette Hayes Mike, farmer, Sec. 11, P.O. Fayette Heiner John, grocer, Greenfield Helmick J. W. minister, Greenfield Hillis David, renter. Sec. 7, P.O. Greenfield Hines Abner, renter. Sec. 36, P.O. Rock- bridge Hobson Peter, furniture, Greenfield Holmes Hardin, farmer, Sec. 34, P.O. Rock- bridge Howard Charles, renter, Sec. 35, P.O. Green- field Howard Henry, farm hand. Sec. 27, P.O. Rockbridge Howard James, farm hand, Sec. 31, P.O. Rockbridge HOWARD ELIZABETH J. MRS. farming, Sec. 25, P.O. Rockbridge. Mrs. Howard is a native of Clarraount Co., Ohio ; her maiden name was Shipman ; there were but three children in the family, she being the youngest ; her mother's maiden name was Winn, with whom she moved to this State, settling below Carroll- ton. Mrs. Howard was born June 15, 1824^ and when she came to this State she was but six years of age. May 24, 1840, she was united in marriage to Elijah Howard, a native of Kentucky, born Sept. 27, 1816, went to Missouri during his sixth year, and at the age of nineteen came to this State and settled near Mrs. Howard, when they TOWN 10, NORTH RANGE 10, WEST. 679 became acquainted, and in May, 1S40, they were married ; had eleven children : Cath- erine, born March 4, 1841 ; Columbus M., born March 2, 1843 ; Hester Ann, born May 8, 1845 ; Charles S., born Aug. ri, 1848 ; Emma J., born Jan. 19, 1851 ; John H., born Jan. 4, 1853 ; Samuel L., born July 19, 1855 ; James A., born July I, 1857 ; Margaret A., born April il, 1859; Mary L., born May 31, 1861 ; Hattie, born May 12, 1863. All of the above named are living except Columbus M., who died in the U. S. service, Co. K, 91st Regiment I.V. The year following, Mr. Howard, her husband, enlisted in Co. A, 32d Regiment, for three years ; died Dec. i, 1863, of acute rheumatism. Mrs. H. has since maintained and kept the family together, notwithstand- ing she has but a few acres of land ; and at the death of her husband she was urged to bind the children out and find them homes elsewhere, yet she refused to do so, saying that so long as she had a crumb of bread they should share it with her, and that her family should not be divided. And she set to work with a good will; has wove, spun, and sewed, and by frugal management kept them together, and without assistance from any other source ; and her family owe her a debt of gratitude for the zeal and interest she has manifested in their behalf Howard Sam, farm hand, Sec, 27, P.O. Rockbridge HUDSON GEORGE D. farmer, Sec. 34, Rockbridge, is the tenth of a family of twelve children ; born in this county, township 10, range 10, Aug. 14, 1844, His father, Peter B., is an old set- tler, he having, with Mary, his wife, whose maiden name was Settle, come to this county at an early period of the county's' history. George D.'s acquaint- ance with academic halls and college walls was principally from the outside ! At the age of twenty-two he embarked for himself and began farming. Nov. 4, 1869, he was married to Nora Keating, born June g, 1849 Have now three children : Effie, born May 21, 1871; Georgia, born Jan. 14, 1874; Freddie, born March 11, 1877. Before his marriage, he rented land, but, subsequent to his marriage, moved to Sec. 34, Tp. 10, and bought 80 acres, and has since added to it until he now owns 560 acres, which he is getting well improved, and is at the pre- sent time investing a good deal of money in the way of tileing for and draining the same. Mr. Hudson has been a candidate for the office of Sheriff of the county ; but as the county is strongly Democratic, and there having been less than a dozen men of the Republican faith elected to office in the county since 1840, an aspirant of the Re. publipan faitii for political honors stands in the minority, with but little hope of his election. Mr. Hudson is a zealous advo- cate of the temperance cause ; is also musically inclined, and a lover of the har- mony of sound ; is now leader of the Rockbridge Cornet Band ; is a member of the CarroUton Chapter, and of Sheffield Lodge A. F. and A. M., No. 687 HURD TIMOTHY, Sec. 27, P.O. Rockbridge, was born in Bledsoe County, Middle Tennessee, Dec. 25, 1831. There were five children in his father's family, of whom he was the second in order. His father's name was Vernon Hurd ; his mo- ther's was Rebecca Maguire. When Tim- othy was quite young he moved with his parents to Cooper County, Mo. Timothy left the parental roof at the age of thirteen ; his mother died and his father broke up housekeeping, and Tim had to "root" for himself. Crossed the plains during his fourteenth year ; drifted about a good deal ; he never attended school a day in his life. At the age of twenty-two he was married to Martha Vandaveer, who is a native of Kentucky, and was born Jan. 5, 1832. After marriage, they made a trip to Texas in a wagon, making it in six weeks and three days ; remained there two years, got dissatisfied, and returned to Cooper County, Mo. Remained there until the breaking out of the war, when he loaded up his family, iti April, and came to Illinois, reaching Taylor's Creek during harvest. He had used up all his provisions, and his money about gone, he could go no farther. He pitched his tent, or camped out, on the ground now owned by Norton Saunders, and worked out at whatever he could get to do. About a week before Christmas he got his family in a house. He worked until he got enough to buy him a team, and he "cropped " for three years, one year for Mr. Ballard and two for Mr. Thorpe. In 680 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. the Spring of 1S64 he enlisted in the 133rd I.V., and went out in the loo-day service ; was gone nearly six months before he returned. The next year, went to Fayette, where he rented the land now owned by Thos. Brooks ; stayed there two years. Then bought 40 acres of land of Mr. Thorpe ; paid for the greater part of it by formerly owned by F. A. Woodman. He has since farmed it, and in connection with this he runs a steam thresher, of which he is sole proprietor. He is of the Republican faith, but takes little interest in politics, voting for men rather than party Lutz Henry, renter, Sec. 20, P.O. Rockbridge Lynch Oscar, laborer. Sec. 13, P.O. Fayette 1\/rADDE]V JOSEPH, harness maker, Greenfield, was born in Bir- mingham, Eng., Oct. 26, 1844; two years later, emigrated to this country with James and Susan Madden, his parents, landing in New Orleans, where they remained about one year ; then to St. Louis, where they located permanently. The first work he remembers doing was driving cart at six dollars per month. In 1859, went to learn the harness maker's trade with J. B. Sickles; remained with him until completed. We next find him in Cincinnati in Aug., 1861, remaining there until June, 1863. Then went to Nashville, and was in the employ of the government, continuing until July, 1865. Returning to St. Louis, associated in the harness business with C. C. and H. M. Long ; subsequently sold his interest to Burns, Degnar & Dunn ; then returned to the old firm of J. B. Sickles, remaining until April, 1866 ; then went to St. Charles, remaining a short time ; then returning to St. Louis, remaining until Sept. 1866, when he went to Carrollton, 111., and worked for Lawrence Retzer until Nov.; came to Green- field, and worked for T. W. Wilson nearly three years. Was united in marriage, Oct. 26, 1870, to A. J. Wylder, born July, 1845 ; she is a daughter of W. H. Wylder; had one child, Henry T., born Oct. 2, 1870. Same year engaged in business for himself, on southwest corner of Square, and hassince remained ; began first in a small way, doing his own work ; has now a good business, and keeps two hands constantly employed. Is the owner of Nellie Madden, the trotter Maddy Green, farmer, Sec. 16, P.O. Green- field Magill Wm. miller, Greenfield MALOY JOHN, engineer, Sec. 33, P-O. Rockbridge. John is a native of the Emer- ald Isle, born in Gahvay County, Jan. 6, 1840 ; son of Patrick and Hanora M.; Patrick is a well-to-do farmer, and is still living in his native country. John came to this country during his fourteenth year ; he having had for some time previous a long- ing desire to come to this country, but his father did every thing to dissuade him from it, and would not consent to his coming > but John secretly resolved in his mind that, the first opportunity which presented itself, he would turn his back upon the home of his father ; so, on pretense of going to the Fair, and there finding a friend about to take shipping for America, he embarked with him, and in due time arrived in New York. He first went to Pennsylvania, and hired out at six dollars per month, remain- ing there one year. He having a cousin in this county, and learning his address, came out here, and worked for several men in the locality, first hiring to Jeff Dixon for one year ; then to W. P. Witt ; then to James Vallentine, with whom he remained nine years in all. He being an expert hand, his services were always in demand. Worked two years for James Vanarsdale; worked one year in Morgan County. In 1866, went to Brighton, remaining about one year. Jan. 2, 1866, was married at Alton, by Father Mangan, to Julia Crowley. The same year he moved to " Dublin," where he farmed three years on some land that he owned. During the Winter was engineer at the Rockbridge Mills. In the Fall of 1870 he moved to Rockbridge, and worked on the section, in the employ of the Rock- ford Road, two years. During the war he was in Captain Mulligan's company for four months ; was at the battle of Lexing- ton ; was taken prisoner by Price, and afterward parolled. Is a member of the Catholic Church, and " votes for men, not party." During the last six years has been in charge of the tank and pumping works, running the engine, and is deemed by the company a trusty and efficient man. He has never yet been discharged from any service in which he has been engaged. Has six children now living : Michael H., born Jan. 3, 1867; Mary E., John H., William A., Charles F., and Thomas P. Manning D. laborer. Sec. 34, P.O. Rockbridge TOWN 10, NORTH RANGE 10, WEST. 685 MARTIN" HENKY F. physician, Greenfield. Among the "young settlers" of the county that have chosen a profes- sion, particularly in the line of fiiateria medica, there are none whose future is more promising than the party whose name heads this sketch. Having already passed to graduation, and having four years of prac- tice, the success attending the same fore- shadows a prosperous career. Was born in Brighton, Macoupin County, June 22, 1852 ; son of Henry F. and Helen Martin, whose family name was Moore, and is a native of New Hampshire, while her husband came came from Rhode Island. Henry, having the usual advantages afforded him, receiv- ing his education in the common schools, and last at Blackburn University, he then decided to become a disciple of Esculapius, and to this end, at the age of twenty-two, entered the St. Louis Medical College, where he remained until graduation ; after which he located at Athensville, April, 1876, and first began the practice of medi- cine, remaining there until April the fol- lowing year, when he was induced to locate in Greenfield, and in June, 1877, associated with Dr. W. C. Day, under the firm name of Day & Martin, and is now in the active practice of his profession. May 24, 1877, was united in marriage to Harriet L. Met- calf, born in Macoupin County, March 12, 1853 ; she is a daughter of J. L. and Eliza- beth Metcalf ; one child has blessed this union, Mabel, born April 8, 1878. Is a member of the Knights of Honor, Green- field, No. 1300 Matlock Thos. renter, Sec. 6, P.O. Greenfield McCants Wm. thresher, Greenfield McChesney George, farmer. Sec. 8, P.O. Greenfield McDonnell Arthur, laborer, Sec. 33, P.O. Greenfield McMICHAEL J. H. carpenter. Sec. 12, P.O. Fayette, was born in Walton County, Ga., Feb. 10, 1834 ; was the young- est child of a family of eight children born of William and Lucy M. The former was born in Virginia, and the latter in Georgia. At the age of seventeen he was apprenticed to learn the carriage maker's trade, which he completed at the time he was of age. On Dec. 24, 1857, he was married to M. B. Miller, daughter of Oliver Miller. They E2 have had five children : William O., born in Jacksonville, Ala., April ig, i860; John H., born at Cross Plains, Ala., April 16, 1862 ; Carrie M., born at Carlinville, 111., June 3, 1863 ; Mary A., born at Athens- ville, 111., Jan. II. 1866; Emma M., born at Fayette, III, Jan. 21, 1877. In the Fall of 1864, Mr. McMichael loaded up all of his personal effects, which consisted of a feather bed, on an old wagon, and drove to Rome. Ga., where he took the train for this State. The war going on at the time, all of his property was destroyed, and he was left without any thing. Gen. Sherman once pitched his tent on his place, making it headquarters for a time. Upon his ar- rival in this State, he first located in Ma- coupin, then in Athensville, and finally in Fayette, where he has since remained. Mr McMichael's father served in the War o 1812. The subject of this sketch has for several years past worked at the carpenter trade. He now has a good home and plea- sant family about him. and is highly re- spected in the community in which he resides McPherron Ed. jeweller, Greenfield McQUERREY JOHN, farmer. Sec. g-15, P.O. Greenfield, was born in Garrett County, Ky., June 28, 1841 ; born of Jo- seph and Rachel McQuerrey; had very poor advantages in his youth. At the age of sixteen he ran away from home in com pany with William Stanton, of Carrollton and came to this county on foot ; was at one time four days on the road and had but one meal in the time, and from Alton to Carrollton without anything to eat ; he remained there two years ; helped to burn the brick now in Pierson's bank building ; returned to Kentucky a short time before the breaking out of the war ; though of Southern birth, yet he was loyal to the Union cause, and at the outbreak of the war enlisted in the Home Guards, and was in the twelve month's service, and was on duty at Cumberland Gap; then went into the 7th Volunteer Cavalry, and served un- til the close of the war, and was in all the battles that the regiment participated in, and was always at the front; had two broth- ers in service with him ; all were fortunate and returned home in possession of life and limb; in the Fall of 1866, he returned to ^86 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. this county, and began work in good earn- est ; on Dec. 29, 1866, he was married to Sarah J. Cooley, born in Kentucky, Aug. 5,1851. They have five children : Oscar, born Aug. 11, 1868 ; Avery, born Feb. 7, 1870; Effie, born Oct. 21. 1871 ; Neice, born April 17, 1874; Golden, born Feb. 21, 1876. When he began renting, had nothing but his team and willing hands ; soon bought 22 acres of land ; two years afterward bought 40 more ; subsequently bought 80 acres of Wm. Cannedy, then 40 acres of S. Lemasters, and March 2, 1877, bought the Jackson farm, Sec. 9, and now has 309 acres of land in all. This he has attained by his own industry and good management McVey , renter, Sec. 20, P.O. Greenfield Melon Frank, wagon maker, Greenfield Menely J. B. farmer. Sec. 5, P. O. Green- field Meng Charles, grocer, Greenfield Metcalf E. P. merchant, Greenfield Metcalf G. B. grocer, Greenfield Metcalf R. L. grocer, Greenfield MILLER ADAM E. M. D., P. O. Rockbridge, was born in Cherokee Coun- ty, Ala., Dec. 11, 1844; is the seventh child of a family of fourteen children ; born of Oliver and Rebecca Miller. They emi- grated to this State in 1857, and located in Perry County; the Doctor received the ru- diments of his education at the district school, then attended Shurtleft" College two years, taking the scientific and select course; he having a desire to study medi- cine attended Rush Medical College until graduation, which dates Feb. 3, 1866; he then came to Sheffield, where he engaged in the practice of medicine, and has since continued. In 1875, he built a fine store building and started in the dry goods busi- ness, in connection with J. Keeley, which enterprise is a success ; the Doctor has a good practice, and is making a success. In May 16, 1876, was married to Geneve Lud- wig, who was born in Fremont, Ohio, Feb. 15. 1853; they have had two children, but one now living — Neva, born June 24, 1878. The Doctor is Democratic in sentiment, and of the staunchest kind ; he is now W. M. of Sheffield Lodge A. F. and A. M., No. 678 MILLER ANSO]^^, farmer. Sec. 21, P. O. Greenfield. Mr. Miller moved to this State as early as 1818, in company with his parents, who came from Kentucky when Anson was about four years of age, he be- ing born March 10, 1814; they located at Kincaid's Point, town 10, range 10; during his youth he thinks he attended the first school that was taught in this township; did not attend but about two years, all put together; after he was grown he contracted with John W. Hewitt three years, and in consideration of these services he was to receive two months' schooling, his clothes, and $100 in money, which contract was fully complied with by both parties. Mr. Miller was married Jan. 7, 1841, to Rebec- ca Mitchell ; had one child, but died soon, his wife dying Sept. 9, 1S43. He was mar- ried the second time to Mrs. Mary Allen, born Jan. 22, 1845, in Madison County. Mrs. Miller had five children by her first husband : Sarah C, born Dec. 10, 1847, since the wife of Elias Crane, died in Feb- ruary, 1875; Andrew M., born May I, 1849; now in Kansas. In the year 1871, Mr. and Mrs. Miller moved to Kansas ; re- mained three years, and then returned; they are not satisfied, and will probably return as soon as circumstances will per- mit ; they are now living at their home, three miles south of Greenfield. Mr. Mil- ler and wife are members of the United Brethren Church. Mr. M. is very retiring in his nature, and has never sought pub- licity ; has been long known by the people of this community, and respected by all who have known him Miller Frank, retired, Greenfield Miller Green, renter. Sec. 10, P. O. Green- field MILLER JAMES N. M. D. Sec. 13. P.O. Fayette. The Doctor was born in Galesville, Cherokee County, Ala., May 17, 1 841 ; he was the fifth child of a family of ten children, born of Oliver and Rebecca Miller; they were natives of Tennessee; the former was born in 1 8 10, and the latter two years later. In the Spring of 1858, the family moved to Perry County, this State, remaining there until the year 1862, when they moved to Macoupin County, and there lived until he died, which oc- curred Feb. 22, 1873; he was an old-time Mason, and was buried at Carlinville with TOWN 10, NORTH RANGE 10, WEST. 687 Masonic honors ; his wife is still living, and is with her son, Adam, who resides at Sheffield, this county. The Doctor, James N., after leaving the district school, attend- ed the IMcKendree College, and, having a desire to fit himself for the practice of med- icine, entered Rush Medical College, where he remained until graduation. In 1862, he went to Camp Butler, and was appointed as 1st Assistant Surgeon; receiving his com- mission as such, soon started South, and was assigned to the Gulf Department, 13th Army Corps ; was mustered out July 4, 1865, and returned home to Macoupin County. On Feb. 3, was married to Eliza Edmondson, daughter of William F. Ed- mondson, now residing in Missouri. Eliza was born Nov. 8, 1848 ; four children have blessed their union : John C, born March 16, 1S68, died Nov. 23, 1870; William O., born Sept. 13, 1870; Adam E., born Sept. 14, 1874, died Aug. 24, 1877; James E., born Sept. 27, 1878. Oct. 8, 1865, the Doc- tor moved to Fayette, and engaged in the practice of medicine, which he has since continued, and is successful, and has a good practice ; and his ability as a practi- tioner is unquestioned, and he possesses all those characteristics that pertain to a true and cultured gentleman, and has the confi- dence and esteem of the community in which he resides MILLER JOHN G. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 12, P. O. Fayette, is a brother of James N., and son of Oliver and Re- becca Miller ; John was born in Cherokee County, Ala., Dec. 11, 1843; his parents emigrated to Perry County, this State, and finally located in Macoupin; he was four- teen years of age when his parents moved to this State, he remaining with them until he attained his twenty-second year ; his ad- vantages as regards education were very limited indeed, his education being of a practical nature ; attended a nine months, term at Alton ; was married Feb. 15. 1866^ to Emily P. Pervis ; but little is known of her ancestry, she being an orphan; she dates her birth Jan. 26, 1846. They have had five children ; four are living : Adam O., born Jan. 5, 1867; John C, born Dec. I5> 1869; Rebecca A., born May 14, 1873; James M., Sept., 1876. After his marriage he located in Macoupin County; remained four years, moved to Greene, staid two years, then returned to Macoupin, was there one year, then back again to Greene, where he has since continued ; he is now engaged in farming and trading in stock for the last twelve years, beginning with $35; he not only has retained it, but added largely to it, being a successful business man, and is one of those men that is square in his dealing, and is above a mean act. He is a member of Fayette Lodge, 107, A. F. and A. M. Miller Jasper, laborer, Greenfield Miller, Joe, barber, Greenfield Mills John, farmer, P.O. Rockbridge Mitchell Andy K., farmer. Sec. 7, P.O. Green- field Mitchell James, farmer, Sec. 6, P. O. Green- field Mitchell Newton, farmer. Sec. 7, P. O. Green- field Mitchell Newton L., farmer, Sec. 6, P.O. Greenfield Mohrman J. H., tailor, Greenfield MONTGOMERY ANDREW,farm- er. Sec. 33, P.O. Rockbridge, was born Oct 8, 1816, in Antrim County, on "Erin's Green Isle," son of Andrew and Rosine Montgomery ; her maiden name was Kel- ley, both of whom died when he was quite young. June 14, 183 1, he, in company with his grandparents, set sail for America in a sailing vessel, which trip occupied thirteen weeks and three days, landing at St. Andrews, thence they went to Pitts- burg, where he remained six years. At the age of fourteen was apprenticed to leain the shoemaker's trade; after its completion worked in Cincinnati, Louisville, Rising Sun, and various other places; in 1841 went to Indianapolis and worked as jour- neyman for Adam Knodle twenty-two years; May 12, 1847, enlisted in Company D, 4th Indiana Regiment, under Col. Gor- man, and went to the Mexican war; re- ceived his discharge in July, 1848 ; after which he returned to Indianapolis and re- sumed his trade ; Oct., 1849, was married to Mary Ann Keller, born in the city of Westhaven, Hesse Darmstadt, Oct. 18, 1818, who emigrated to this country in 1839. She is a sister of Mr. Peter Achenbach, of this township. After their marriage re- mained in Indianapolis ; Mr. Montgomery 688 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. and wife being very frugal and industrious, bought them a home, which they brought to such a state of improvement that when they concluded to come here to this State it brought them the nice sum of $14,000. September, 1876, came to Rockbridge and bought the property they now occupy, which they have built up and improved to its present condition. They have no chil- dren, but have raised a niece of Mrs. Montgomery's, Maggie, who lives with them; she was born while crossing the ocean, Sept. 18, 1861. Mr. Montgomery is a man that attends to his own affairs; very quiet and retiring in his nature, and a good citi- zen, and highly respected in the com- munity Montgomery H. H. teacher, Greenfield Montgomery Wm. physician, Greenfield Mook Phillip, druggist, Greenfield MOOKE J. R. blacksmith, Sec. 12, P.O. Fayette, was born in Lincoln County, North Carolina, March 27, 1827 ; was the son of Alexander and Ann Moore, her maiden name was Ryan. The former is of Eng- lish, and the latter of German extraction. They are native born Carolinians, and are still living. J. R. was raised as a farmer. His father was a soldier in the war of 18 12, is now a pensioner. At the age of twenty- one, J. R. started out for himself, learning the trade of a carriage-smith ; worked at several places : Lincoln, Yorkville, Shelby- ville and in South Carolina,Cherokee Coun- ty, Alabama, and various localities. In April, 1855, was married to Lucian Miller, daughter of Oliver Miller ; she was born Nov, 3, 1835. They have had five children, three ot whom are living : Rosa B., born April 19, 1857; Anna L., born Aug. 23, 1863; Josephine R., born March II, 1869. After his marriage worked at his trade at Galesville, Ala., for eight years. A short time before the war he made a trip to Perry County, remained a short time, returned and moved his family in the Fall of 1864 to Perry County, where he remained twelve years. In May lo, 1S77, moved to Fay- ette, Greene County, where he has since lived, and is now engaged in general smith work. Is a member of the U. Baptist Church, and is striving to live a Christian life. Is also a member of Lamaroa Lodge 207, A. F. and A. M. During his short sojourn here he has established himself in business, and is esteemed by all who know him MOOKE W. J. blacksmith, Sec. 30, P.O. Rockbridge. Mr. Moore was born north of Greenfield, June 14, 1835 ; is the third child of a family of eight children, born of Langston and Sarah Moore ; her name was Melton before being married. They came from Tennessee in 1831. She was born in North Carolina, and husband in Virginia. W. J. remained with his par- ents until he was twenty-three years of age, being engaged in the meantime with his father in farming pursuits, and attending the common district school. At the age of twenty-three he started out on his own ac- count ; first began farming, which he con- tinued for two years, during which time he was married to Susan J. Dixon, born June 16, 1840. She is a daughter of Solomon Dixon, of eastern nativity. Their mar- riage was celebrated Nov. 26, 1S58 ; six children have been born unto them, but three are now living: Andrew W.; born May 12, i860; Elsie Loreine, born Dec. 15, 1870; Clyde, born May 19, 1876. Aug. 6, 1862, he enlisted in the 91st Regt. 111. State Vols., Co. K, where he remained until the expiration of the war, when he received his discharge July 28, 1865. Upon his return home he began working at his trade, which he had previously learned before his entry in the army. He was five years in Macou- pin County, then came to Rockbridge and has since continued at the same ; has a healthy trade ; is a member of the Knights of Honor, Lodge 1017 Myers H. C. drayman, Greenfield "\J EAL W. H. harness maker, Greenfield Nelson & Achenbach, butchers. Sec. 34, P.O. Rockbridge Nix Luther, renter. Sec. 33, P.O. Rockbridge Nix Nancy Mrs. Sec. 34, P.O. Rockbridge Norton Robt. renter, Sec. i, P.O. Greenfield /^'BRIEN RICHARD, ^^ field , teacher, Green- Ostrom J. R. merchant, Greenfield pEUTER MIKE, farmer, Sec. 8, P. O. Greenfield PEUTER PETER, farmer. Sec. 17, TOWN 10, NORTH RANGE 10, WEST. 689 P.O. Greenfield, is a native of County Clare, Ireland, was born 1813, of a family of nine children, born of John and Ann P. Peter remained with his parents until he was thirty years of age, the custom in that coun- try being quite different than here, they generally remain at home until they marry, then they are free. He married Susan Cherry, born March 4, 1820 ; they have had eleven children, eight of them now liv- ing : Pat. born Jan. 29, *i848 ; John, born Aug. 10, 1849 ; Ann, born Nov. 2, 1852 ; Michael, born Dec. 10, 1854 ; Kate, born Aug. 10, 1856 ; James, born Aug. i, 1862 ; Thomas, born Sept. 10, 1864 ; Mary, born June II, 1S67. In 1857, he emigrated to this country, landed at Quebec, came to Buffalo by the lake route ; began working on the railroad with his shovel,, and with it he has dug out for himself a good farm. He has worked on several of the largest roads in the United States, and has been very successful in retaining what he has earned; though it came slowly, yet he plodded on, and with the assistance of his frugal wife, they have now 160 acres of good land, and are comfortably situated in life. Was formerly Democratic, but has recently espoused the Republican prin- ciples, yet he is very liberal, takes but little interest in any election, save that of Presidential Phillips Lewis, painter, Greenfield Piper B. F. grocer, Greenfield Piper G. W. teacher, Greenfield Piper John W. tinner, Greenfield PLOGGER T. M. farmer, Sec. 28, P.O. Rockbridge. The subject of this sketch is a native of the "Old Dominion," born in Rockbridge County, July 19, 1832 ; his father's name was John, and his mother's maiden name was Martha Morris. He was the sixth in order of a family of eleven. The force of circumstances were such as to require his services at home during the time he should have been at school, and as a result his education was limited. He re- mained at home until his twenty-fourth year, at that time he resolved that he would try his fortune in the 'West, and arrived at Rockbridge Sept. 28, 1857. First hired out to Henry Rainey, and worked about until the year i860, when he farmed on his own account for two years. In Aug. 1862, he enlisted in the 91st Regt. of Illinois State Vols., Co. H, where he served until the close of the war, receiving an honora- ble discharge. During his term of service he was, in company with his regiment, taken prisoner, and paroled and sent to Benton Barracks ; during this time he went home, and while there was united in in matrimony to Mary E. Coonrod, daught- er of John and Nancy Coonrod; their marriage was celebrated May 14, 1863. June the f6th, he was exchanged and returned to his regiment. Upon his re- turn from service he bought land of the Coonrod heirs and has since continued at farming, and has now bought out the en- tire heirs of the estate. Mr. P. lost his wife in Oct. 1872, leaving him three child- ren : Martha V., born Feb. 1867 ; John H., born Aug. 1869; Chas. F., born Aug. 1871. Sept. 1875, he was married the second time, to Sarah Crawford, they have had one child named Lincoln, born April 2, 1876. Mr. P. is a member of the M. E. Church Pointer James W. at home, Sec. 16, P.O. Greenfield POINTER MARTHA MRS. farm- ing. Sec. 16, P.O. Greenfield, was born in Garrett County, Kentucky, May 13, 1834, maiden name was Simms, daughter of Jas. and Mary Simms. At the time and place of Mrs. Pointer's early girlhood she had no advantages that enabled her to secure any thing of an education. In the Winter of 1853, she was united in marriage to James Pointer, a native of Kentucky. They have had seven children, six of them now living, viz.: Robert J., born March 24, 1854; James W., born March 24, 1856 ; Mary S., born Oct. 30, i860; Mason, born Feb. 13, 1864; Carrie, born Nov. 13, 1869; Arthur, born Aug. 31, 1871. Oct. 24, 1S66, the family came to this county and engaged in farming. Sept. 4, 1874, she lost her hus- band and has since remained a widow, and with the assistance of her- boys she is en- gaged in farming and endeavoring to keep her family together, which she has suc- ceeded in doing up to the present. Mr. Pointer, before his death, was a member of the Baptist Church, also a member of the Masonic order, Greenfield Lodge, No. I2g Pointer Robt., renter. Sec. 19, P.O. Green- field 690 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. Powell Clarence, dentist, Greenfield Powell Earl, millinery, Greenfield Powell H. dentist, Greenfield Powell M. D. clerk, Greenfield Q UAST FRED, blacksmith, Greenfield Quage G, W. miller, Greenfield "D ENO A. C. trader, Greenfield ■*-^ Rhodes W. M. minister, Sec. 34, P.O Rockbridge RHODES JOHN", farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 19, P O. Carrollton, was born in Yorkshire, England, Sept. 20, 1824, is the second child of a family of four children, his father's name was Joseph and his moth- er's maiden name was Maria Cay. May 16, 1831, he emigrated to this country with his parents ; first landed in Morgan County, remaining there till the Spring of 1838, when his father moved to the place now occupied by the subject of these lines. Mr. Rhodes, during his youth, had the usual log cabin course, and there learned the funda- mental principles of a business education, which he has since brought into requisition in the application and performance of busi- ness details. John's father was a farmer, and he concluded that he would follow his footsteps, and remained on the farm with his parents up to the time he was 25 years of age, at which time there was a division of the estate, and he remained on the home- stead. In his 28th year formed a matrimo- nial alliance with Annis Wright, born Nov. 7, 1831, sister of George Wright, of Car- rollton. This marriage was celebrated June 15, 1852. Three children have blessed this union, but one now living, one dying in infancy : Anna, born March 29, 1853, married J. Meade Vallentine, now dead. Ida M., born October, 1854, married Robt. G. Hills, who died March 31, 1876. Since his death she has resided with her parents. At the time Mr. Rhodes came to this county it was but thinly settled ; log cabins were the order ; wild game in abundance ; the people at those times were noted for their kindness and hospitality — now those cab- ins have given place to the modern struc- tures of to-day, and though "fine," they are in too many instances devoid of that milk of human kindness which were so characteristic of those pioneer dwellings of that day. Mr. Rhodes has now 700 acres of well improved land ; has always confined himself to agricultural pursuits, and his efforts in that direction have been crowned with success ; has been long and favorably known in the county as a man of quiet and retiring manner, and among the best citizens in the county. Was formerly a member of the Whig party, but since its dissolution been a member of the Repub- lican party. Mr. Rhodes' wife and daughter are members of the M. E. Church Richard Lewis, painter, Greenfield Rider James W. carpenter, Greenfield Rives S. T. commission merchant, Greenfield Rives J. H. farmer. Sec. 24, P.O. Greenfield ROACH J. F. deputy postmaster, Green- field, was born in Jefferson County, K y., June 23, 1817, was the son of John and Mar- garet Roach, whose maiden name was Barr. The Roaches are of French and the Barrs of Irish extraction. J. F. had but meager advantages for obtaining an education. At the age of ig he came to this State in com- pany with his parents, in the year 1836, and located in Macoupin County. Was married in February, 1840, to Mary Ann Hall, daughter of Jacob and Lucy Hall. Mrs. Roach was born Nov. 16, 1823, in Paris, Ky. Thirteen children have blessed Jhis union : David A., Mary A., William, John, Lucy, Margaret E., Elizabeth, Alma, Julia, Jacob H., Joseph B., Elmer E. The subject of this sketch remained with his parents after his marriage, and cared for them until their death. In Aug. 10, 1862, Mr. Roach enlisted in the I22d Regt. 111. State Vol., and remained until the close of the war, when he received an honorable discharge. Mr. Roach was a good soldier, and was promoted from private to orderly sergeant, then to a ]i>;utenancy. He was engaged in several of the hard-fought bat- ttles of the war ; his first engagement was Parker's Cross Roads, Nashville, and Tupelo, and all the engagements the regi- ment participated in up to the Spring of 1865, when he was taken sick and went home on a furlough to recuperate. During his sojourn in the service he had by exposure injured his health to such an extent that for three years after his return home he was totally incapacitated for business of any kind TOWN 10, NORTH RANGE 10, WEST. 691 Rollins A. D. photographer, Greenfield RUSSELL, J. BL.AIN, wagon maker, Sec. 30, P.O. Rockbridge, was born in Greene Co., Pa., Oct. 17, 1832, was the first son of a family of seven children, born of Henry and Jane Russell, they are of Irish descent on the side of the Blains, and on the Russell side of the Anglo Saxon. His parents dying when he was quite young, he was thrown upon his own resources, and up to the time he became 21 years was en- gaged at farming and doing such work as he could obtain. He then bid adieu to the " Keystone " State and came West, and was first engaged at work on the Great Western Railroad as section hand, at which he con- tinued until 1865, when he left Oakley, where he was then living, moved to Cerro Gordo, remained there until 1870, during which time he was engaged at wagon mak- ing and carpentering, when in August, 1876, he came to Greene County, and in March, 1877, came to Rockbridge, and be- gan the business in which he is now engaged. Mr. Russell had six brothers who were in the service, one of them was in the C. S. service. March 22, 1855, was married to Sarah A. Erars, born June, 1833. They have had six children, but one now living, Norton, born April 12, 1858. His wife died Sept. 22, 1872, since which time he has remained single C A:N"0ERS NORTON, farmer and stock raiser, P.O. Greenfield. Among the "young settlers " of this county there are none whose present prospects are more flattering and who have a better "start" in life, and with judicious manage- ment and opportunities well improved, can become one of the most opulent agricul- turists in the county. Having about 1,000 acres of land and the very best of improve- ments, and being a young man and in good health — all these aids present a phalanx of strength that will, if rightly utilized, make " circumstances" bend to his opportunities. Such are the conditions and surroundings of Norton Sanders, born in Jersey County, Sept. 5, 1849, son of Ben. Sanders, who is a native of Maryland, and came to this State at an early day, and by shrewd man- agement and the exercise of business tact, accumulated property, has since retired and resides with his son at Kemper. Nov. 30, 1871, Norton was married to Joanna Lan- diss, daughter of Wm. Landiss, of this county. They have three children : George, Nyda, and Olla. Norton while in the prosecution of his farm duties is always ready to embark on a hunt, of which he is a dear lover, and in this capacity has his chief enjoyment Sanders B. teamster. Sec. 13, P.O. Fayette Sample James, plasterer, Greenfield Saxton Ed. farmer. Sec, i, P.O. Greenfield Saxton F. A. farmer, Greenfield Saxton Wm. retired, Greenfield Saylor A. laborer, Greenfield Saylor Ed, laborer, Greenfield Saylor Joe. blacksmith, Greenfield Saylor W. A. druggist, Greenfield SCANDRETT CHARLES S. Jr. farmer. Sec. 27, P.O. Rockbridge, was born in the City of Worcester, England, Aug. 16, 1827. He is the eldest of a family of nine children, born of Charles S. and Eliza S. Papps, who was born in 1804, and the former one year later. The farnily emi- grated to this country in June, 1836, and first settled in Edwardsville, where Charles S., the elder, was engaged in the land office as clerk. In 1878 he moved with the family to Carrollton, where he was en- gaged as a clerk in the recorder's office, was also engaged in teaching for some time, he having a good education, which combined with his business tact, made him a very desirable, and some times almost an indispensable aid ; his duties he always per- formed to the satisfaction of those inter- ested and with credit to himself. In the year 1841, he moved about two miles north- east of Carrollton, remained one year, then moved three miles east, remaining two years, then five miles southeast of Carroll- ton, where he bought land, and has since owned it. Since the death of his wife he has lived among his children, and is still at work at the desk, posting and keeping books for several firms in the county, mak- ing his home now mostly at his son Chas. S., Jr. The subject of this sketch remained under the parental roof until his twenty- second year, his educational advantages being quite limited indeed, graduated, as he says, " in long division." The first year after he attained his majority rented a piece of land on his father's tract. Oct. 16, 1849, 692 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. he hired out to work for James Vallentine, where he continued four years without any intermission. In 1853, went to Brighton, where he engaged in the employ of N. Hume, who was then engaged in the light- ning rod business, remained with him about sixteen months. Nov. 26, 1853, was mar- ried to Sarah E. Dix, by whom he had seven children, viz.: Charles H., born March 5, 1855; Lucy M., born Oct. 20, 1856; William H., born Oct. 16, 1S58; Laura A., born Nov. 17, 1S61 ; David G., born April 21, 1864 ; Elias B., born Jan 8, 1S67; Harriet E., born April 25, 1869, and died Nov. I, 1875. Mrs. Scandrett died March 7, 1873. In April 30. 1874, he was married the second time to Dillie Irwine, born July 24, 1840, by this union they have had one child named Blanche, born July 20, 1876. After his first marriage he settled on "String Prairie," where he remained until the Spring of 1861, when he moved to section 27, one and a half miles northeast of Rockbridge, where he bought land and has since added to it until he now owns 260 acres; he has recently built him a fine residence, which, taken in connection with the beautiful surroundings, he has one of the finest locations in the township. Not- withstanding his meager advantages that surrounded him during the early part of his life, yet he has, by patient industry and rigid economy, acquired a competence ; has been a great reader, being a subscriber to about seven papers and magazines, and but few men are better posted on the news and events of the past ihan he. He is now turning his entire attention to agricultural pursuits and the breeding of the celebrated stock of Norman horses. Mr. S. and wife are both members of the M. E. Church Scandrett Charles L. Sr., bookkeeper, Sec. 34 P.O. Rockbridge Scott James, farmer. Sec. 10, P.O. Fayette Scroggins John, teamster, Greenfield Scroggins J. P. teamster, Greenfield Scroggins H. W. laborer, Greenfield Secor W. G. grocer, Greenfield Seigel O. L. restaurant, Greenfield Shane James, renter, Sec. 14, P.O. Fayette Sheffield G. T. W. binker, Greenfield Sheffield J. R. banker, Greenfield Shields James, carpenter, Greenfield SHORT J. A. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 12, P.O. Fayette. Had the reader of this sketch been on the road leading from Summerton, Tenn., to Carrollton, 111., in the Fall of 1829, he might have seen a rudely made wagon in which were densely packed a few household goods, and a goodly num- ber of children. The remaining ones who were larger, were Wending their way on foot following up an old dun cow who was also a member of the party. As this pro- cession filed past, a close observer might have seen 'peeping out from beneath the curtains a countenance that would to-day be recognized as Alex. Short, Such it was, and was then in company with his parents who were emigrating to this country, and located at Woodman's Mound, where they remained about five years ; then moved to township 11, R. 10, north of Greenfield, where his father spent the remainder of his days except three years, which he spent in Greenfield. He died Aug. 1876. The subject of this sketch had but meager advantages for schooling, his father being poor at that time, and having a large family to support, a large share of this responsibility fell upon J. A., and he was compelled to remain at home and assist in the home duties. At the age of twenty however, his father had now become in a manner forehanded, and J. A., embarked for himself. Began by renting land of his father, which he worked for three years; then bought 80 acres in Town 11, Sec. 12, and afterward added to it 80 more with a land warrant which he obtained by trading a horse ; afterward entered another 40 under the "bit" act; he kept this land seven years and sold the 160 acres for $1,500 ; then moved east about two miles and bought 120 acres ; staid six years, and hav- ing an opportunity to better himself, sold out at an advance and then moved to the Gil- bert Edward's farm, one and three-quarter miles north of Greenfield, where he bought 200 acres, costing $4,000; kept the farm three years, and disposed of it for $8,000 ; while on this farm cleared $5,000, including $1,000 made on a crop of wheat one year. After selling out, went to northeast part of Christian County ; where he bought 280 acres for $6,500; remained three years; then rented out his farm for $800 per year, and moved to Greenfield ; subsequently to TOWN 10, NORTH RANGE 10, WEST. this he traded his farm in Christian Co., for the one he now owns, paying $2,250 in ad- dition ;has now 275 acres of excellent land^ highly improved, has built him an excellent house recently, and his building and every thing about him indicate the thrift and enterprise of the owner ; he being as near a model farmer as the country produces. Been a man of energy and industrious habits, and a believer in the motto that " God helps those that help themselves." Mr. Short has been a member of the Bap- tist church for many years ; is also a zealous member of the Masonic order. Greenfield Lodge No. 129, A. F. & A. M. Mr. Short was fifst married Dec. 25, 1846, to Charity Cheaney ; had eight children, four now liv- ing : Emily Jane, born Nov. Ii, 1847 ; John W., born June 13, 1855 ; George M., April 17, 1858 ; Martha L., April 13, 1861. His wife died Oct. 9, 1869. The following year married Tabitha Starks ; she died Jan. 27, 1873, leaving one child: Virgil Alex., born Dec. 31, 1871. Was last married to Miss M. J. Barton, daughter of Isaac and Charity Barton, of Greenfield ; born Sept. 10, 1837. They have two children : Wm. Leslie born Aug. 31, 1S74 Short Alex, farmer, Sec. 12, P.O. Fayette Short Geo. farmer. Sec. 12, P.O. Fayette Simmons C. H. lumber, Greenfield Simmons R. lumber, Greenfield Skaggs Thomas, farmer. Sec. 24, P. O. Fay- ette Smith A. G. retired, Greenfield Smith Barney, renter, P.O. Fayette Smith James, farmer. Sec. 12, P.O. Fayette Smith L. N. carpenter, Greenfield Smith M. retired, Sec. 21, P.O. Greenfield Southworth O. R. tobacconist, Greenfield SPEAR WILLIAM L. teacher. Sec. 33,P.O. Rockbridge. Among the successful teachers of this county, is the party whose name heads this sketch. Was born in Ran- dolph County, TIL, Sept. 27, 1843 ; son of Lewis P., and Loureine Spear, whose mai- den name was Stowe. The former is a na- tive of Ashland County, Ohio, and the lat- ter from Alabama. When quite young Wm. L., moved with his parents to Alton, where they remained until 1857, when they moved to Town 9, Range 11. Aug. 3, 1862, en- listed in the 122 Regt. Ills. Vols., Co. C; re- mained with them until the close of the war; was in the battles of Parkers-Cross-Roads, Paducah, Nashville, Siege of Mobile ; re- ceived an honorable discharge Aug. 3, 1865 ; upon his return, went to Macoupin Co., where he was engaged in teaching a short time. In 1867, came to this county, and has since continued teaching. April 7, 1870, was united in matrimony to Fannie Dews ; born Aug. 11, 1844 ; by this union they have had three children : Harry L., born Feb. 10, 1872 ; Loureine C, born Oct. 19, 1874 ; William F.. born Nov. 5, 1876. Has twice been elected justice of the peace. Was commissioned as notary public, Jan. 25, 1874 ; has since been re- appointed, and now fills said office. Is a zealous worker in the Red Ribbon move- ment. Has studied law, and expects to be admitted to the bar soon. Is a member of Golden Rule Lodge, No. 1017 ; also Fay- ette Lodge, No. 107, A. F. & A. M. Re- publican in sentiment Speker Henry, laborer, Sec. 13, P.O. Fayette Spenser M. F. mail-carrier, Greenfield Stansbury J. L. brick-layer, Greenfield Stark B. laborer, Greenfield Stock E. J. carpenter, Greenfield Stock F. J. retired, Greenfield Stock F. J. Jr., carpenter, Greenfield Stock Wm. carpenter, Greenfield Stover J. W. butcher, Greenfield Stubblefield Harvey, farmer. Sec. 5, P.O. Greenfield Stubblefield H. L. farmer. Sec. 5, P.O. Green- field Stubblefield M. M. Sec. 5, P.O. Greenfield Sudduth R. D. cooper, Greenfield Sumner , machinist, Sec. 34, P.O. Rock- bridge Sutton J. carriage painter, Greenfield Sutton O. F. laborer, Greenfield Sweeney J. S. student, Greenfield T^ANNER WOODSON, wagon mkr.. Sec. -'■ 13, P.O. Fayette TAYLOR B. F. farmer. Sec. 33, P.O. Rockbridge. The subject of this sketch, now resides on the above named section ; was born on the identical spot where he now lives. The record he gives as to the time of his arrival on this stage of action, is dated July 7, 1850. His parents are natives of the " Blue Grass" country, Kentucky, and came to this State and 694 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. county as early as 1826, and were among the early pioneers in this country, and there being two or three of the name settling there at the time, gave the name which it now bears, Taylor's Prairie. Log cabins were the only houses when they settled here, and they were very scarce at that. Corn bread, hominy and hog, was the daily bill of fare. His father died in March, 1864, and left a clear record behind, and well worthy of the example of those who succeed him ; he was a member of the old Baptist Church many years befo' e his death. Ben- jamin F., is now owner of the farm former- ly owned by his father ; having bought out the heirs. His sister Hannah L., is keep- ing house for him TAYLOR CANDIS E. MRS. farm- ing. Sec. 33, P.O. Rockbridge. Is a native of this county, and a daughter of Franklin and Hannah Barrett ; her parents were na- tive born Kentuckians, coming here at an early period of the county's history. In the year 1850, on Easter Sunday, she was married to Ambrose Taylor ; after their marriage they settled near the place Mrs. Taylor now lives, and engaged in farming, which he carried on up to the time of his death. Several years before his demise he was employed in the store of Messrs. Val- lentine — his boys carrying on the farm in the meantime. During his life time, was a consistent member of the regular Baptist church ; was clerk of the official board of same for sixteen years ; was also a member the Masonic order, "Sheffield Lodge No. 687. His death occurred in April 1876. They have had ten children, four of whom are now living : John F., born Aug. 28, 1S55 ; Stephen A. D., born Dec. 25, 1857 ; Olive A., born March 20, 1S65 ; Henry O., born Aug 10, 1S68 ; Albert F., born Jan., 10, 1871. Stephen died Tan. I, 1878. A short time previous to his death sickness, made a profession of religion, and was admitted into the church. Since the death of her husband, Mrs. Taylor has carried on the farm with the assistance of John F., who remains at home with his mother. John F., is a member of the Rockbridge Brass Band Taylor Isaac, renter, Sec. 26, P. O. Green- field Taylor Mrs. Sec. 7, P.O. Greenfield Taylor John F. farmer. Sec. 33, P.O. Rock- bridge Taylor Nancy Mrs. Sec. 34, P.O. Rockbridge Taylor Stephen, farmer. Sec. 33, P.O. Rock- bridge TENDICK ARNOLD, boots and shoes. Sec. 33, P.O. Rockbridge, was born in Rhine Province, Sept. 26, 1S47, is the third of a family of seven children born of Peter and Margaret Tendick ; her family name was Brookhouse. At the age of fifteen, he went to work on a farm for one year; was then apprenticed to learn the shoemaker's trade, at which he continued for three years. After he completed his trade, he went into the Prussian army, cavalry department ; was in the service two years and a half. After liis return home, he went to work at his trade, doing journey work the most of the time, until the Spring of 1870, when he emigrated to this country. Sailed on the Weiser, of the Bremen line; term of voyage fifteen days. Came to Jacksonville, 111., where he worked for his uncle, Godfrey Tendick, of that place, for one year ; then went to St. Louis, where he remained six months ; then to Pittsfield, Pike County, where he engaged in business for himself, remaining there until July, 1875 ; then re- moved to Rockbridge and engaged in busi- ness; manufactures and keeps on hand ready made goods in his line, and is doing a good business ; was married Aug. 12, 1874, to Elizabeth Jacobi, sister of Phillip Jacobi. She was born April 14, 1854. They have had three children, Anna M., born Sept. 14, 1875 ; Mattie Lou, born Feb. 18, 1877 Tenny J. W. store. Sec. 13, P.O. Fayette THORPE J. MARTIN, farmer and stock-raiser, Sec. 24, P.O. Greenfield. Promi- nent among the representatives of this township who are self-made, and have worked their way up to wealth through their own industry and individual exertions, is Mr. Thorpe, who was born in Drax, Yorkshire, England, Nov. 23, 1814. His father, William, was twice married ; the second time to Ann Petly, who gave birth to J. Martin ; his parents dying when he was quite young, and by their demise, he was thus left alone. At the age of 14, he embarked for America in company with Adam Allin- son, now of Morgan County, and upon TOWN 10, NORTH RANGE 10, WEST. 695 their arrival, located west of Jacksonville, Martin remaining with Mr. Allison until he became of age, in consideration of the amount of his passage money and a horse, saddle, and bridle ; then hired to Mr. Allin- son two years — first year, $io per month; second year, $12}4 per month. February, 1843, was united in marriage to Anna Hembrough ; one child, William H., born July 3, 1844, now in Missouri. Subsequent to this marriage, rented for two years of Mr. Allinson, then moved to Apple Creek Prairie, near White Hall ; expected to re- main here for good, but after contracting for some land, the trade not being consum- mated, he then moved to the place he now owns in 1846. His wife dying in 1845, he was united in marriage to Mrs. L. N. Bibb February, 1846. Five children have blessed this union. James H., born July 9, 1848 ; Benjamin F., born April 30, 1850 ; Mary A., born February, 1852 ; Sarah Allinson, born Oct. 1854 ; Maria Otis, born Feb. 10, 1856. After his location, he first bought 120 acres, and began work with a right good will. He has since added to it until he now has 600 acres of choice land ; also 440 acres in Cass County, Mo. ; has been a man of great energy, and possessing, in a large degree, that ingredient so essential to success — " pluck !" — has been a tireless worker, and always considered his word as valid as his note ; has been engaged in stock-trading for several years past, and in this capacity been of much service to the county. His early education and associa- tion with a class of people whose honesty and integrity were unquestioned, has caused him to rely too much confidence in some who have taken advantage of this trust, and in consequence, he has become temporarily embarrassed ; but not to an extent as to deprive any of his creditors of their just dues, having property enough, if disposed of at anything near its value to liqui- date all his indebtedness, and then leave him a competence. There is no man in the county whose commercial honesty stands higher, or is more highly respected. Himself and wife are members of the M. E. Church. Republican in sentiment Thuet G. farm hand. Sec. 24, P.O. Greenfield Travis , physician, Greenfield Tucker John, renter. Sec. II, P.O. Fayette Tunnell N. druggist, Greenfield Turner W. V. stock-dealer, Greenfield TYAS RICHARD, blacksmith, Green- field, born in Halifax, Yorkshire, Jan. g, 1840, son of James and Mary Tyas, whose family name was Riley. Parents dying, he was under the care of relatives; left school when eight years of age, and went to learn the blacksmith trade with his uncle. In the Spring of i860 emigrated to this State, and after stopping with his uncle in San- gamon County one year, came to Greenfield, and soon after enlisted in Co. D, 30th Regt. I. V. Infantry; and after three years and two months faithful service in behalf of his country, received an honorable discharge, and returned to peaceful pursuits, working at his trade for Broadmarkle and others ; then went to Waverly, Morgan County, where he engaged in business for himself for six years. In 1872 sold out, and made a trip to England. Upon his return to Greenfield, went into partnership with Charles Boring, a comrade in the service, in 1875, bought his partner out, and has since been conducting the business himself. The worst thing that can be said of Richard is, that he is a bachelor ! WALLENTINE JAMES, farmer, * Sec. 31, P.O. Rockbridge. Were it possi- ble for the reader to take a retrospective view of the locality and its surroundings, of the place now occupied by its present owners, during the first few years of its occupancy, could have seen a little, low log cabin with " cat-and-clay chimney," and split boards for a roof, which was held to its place by being weighted down with poles. Parlor, sitting, dining, and bed-room up stairs, and cellar, hall, pantry, and wardrobe, being embraced in one room. Its owner having just returned from atrip to St. Louis, took a load of wheat and pork thither, for the wheat he got 33 cents per bushel, and $1.25 per one hundred lbs. for the pork, taking scrip in payment ; and, as we take a peep inside this structure through a crevice in the logs, we see the fair matron plying industriously at her wheel, while just across on the other side of the fire- place, sits her husband on his bench, mak- ing a pair of shoes for a neighbor; and, as he is stitching and pegging away, he is 696 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. sending up a harmonious bass to " home, sweet home," which his wife has " struck up," while John and Edward S. are stretched out on the puncheon floor- regaling themselves with a chunk of corn bread, this being the regular article of diet, wheat bread the exception. This is no overdrawn picture, it was but the true state of things as they existed, when Mr. and Mrs. Vallentine began life, yet from these iinpropitious and unfavorable surroundings have, by economy and industry, attained their present condition, as we find them to- day. Mr. Vallentine was born in Dover, New Hampshire, Sept. ii, 1812, was a son of John Vallentine and Anna Plant. At an early age James moved with his parents to Taunton, Mass., where they continued up to the year 1837,' when they moved to Gfeene County in this State, first settling in Carrollton. On September 11, 1838, was united in marriage to Martha A. Van- arsdale, born June 24, 1818, in Mercer Co., Kentucky. Left Carrollton in 1840 and moved on the place he now lives, having loaned a party $500, which he could not pay, he took the forty acres in lieu of the money, and began farming. He being raised up a mechanic, this new vocation was very distasteful to him, yet he plodded on and having in the person of his wife a very efficient helpmeet, he was double- handed. They remained at this place about eight years, when at this time there was a piece of land that he desired, but not having the money, he, to pay for it, traded his horses and implements for the land, and returned to Carrollton and resumed his trade, where he continued two years, then returned to his farm and began again, and has since continued farming, yet during the time of driving stock to St. Louis, has traded quite extensively in that line. Subsequent to this he engaged in the commercial busi- ness at Rockbridge, where he built the storehouse now occupied by J. M. & J. H. Vallentine. He continued in busi- ness there for about eight years, when he sold out his interest to its present occupants, and he is still carrying on his farm, but con- siders himself partially retired. Having di- vided up his property among his children, is not attempting to do much business, be- ing more interested in their success than of his own at the present. Mr. and Mrs. Val- lentine and daughter are members of the Presbyterian church. He is also a member of Sheffield Lodge A. F. & A. M., No. 687. Mr. and Mrs. Vallentine have had eight children, but five are now living: John H., born December 7, 1840; Edward S., born January 29, 1S43 ; Ellen J., born Novem- ber 25, 1844 ; J. Meade, born August 7, 1849; Cora B., born April 3, 1857. Ed- ward S. is now settled in Christian County in this State, Ellen J. is now the wife of A. Bowman, Cora B. is at home. VALLENTINE J. H. dry goods and groceries, and general store, Rockbridge. John Henry first saw the light of day, in town 10, range 10, December 7, 1840 ; is is the first child in a family of five children born of James and Martha Ann Vallentine, her maiden name was Vanarsdale ; both of the above named families are favorably known in the county. The subject of this sketch had excellent educational advantages which were improved. In 1862 he embark- ed in business for himself, first engaging in agricultural pursuits, at which he continued two years. During this time he was in command of the Yates Guard, a company of militia that was in organization since the outbreak of the war, a portion of which company went with him into the one hun- dred days service, joining the 133d Regi- ment, J. Henry receiving a commission as 1st Lieutenant. Upon his return from ser- vice he embarked in the mercantile busi- ness with his brother, Edward S.Vallentine, October 24, 1864, which partnership con- tinued until the Spring of 1867. He then associated with Albert Bowman, hisbrother- in-lavv, they doing business together until 1869, when he bought his partner out, and his father, James Vallentine, became one of the firm, and remained with him until 1876, when Joseph Mead bought his father's in- terest, and the firm is now known as J H. & J. M. Vallentine. They have one of the largest and best arranged business houses in the county, being 75x25 feet, main build- ing two stories high, having a cellar under the entire portion, and attached to the main building in the rear, is an agricultural room, one story and a half high, 32x22 feet. They carry a large stock of goods, having every thing that is needed: dry goods, groceries, TOWN 10, NORTH RANGE 10, WEST. 691 clothing, boots and shoes, stoves, hardware, and fancy goods, and are doing a thriving business. On June the 20th he was united in marriage to Susan B. Ryan, daughter of W. E. Ryan ; she was born November 15. 1S44. They have been blessed with five children, three of whom are now living: James W., Birdie M. Claudie M., Edward M., Lucy W. B. Mr. John H. is a member of the Masonic Order, Sheffield Lodge, No. 6S7, also of the Knights of Honor, Golden Rule Lodge No. 1017. From the present outlook we predict for him a bright and successful career, and he will no doubt become one of the most opulent commer- cial men in the county VALIiENTINE J.M. grain and lumber Sec. 34, P.O. Rockbridge. Joseph Mead, is a son of James Vallentine, a well-known self-made man of this county. Joseph first beheld the light of day in T 10, R 10. His educational advantages were good ; aside from the common schools he attended the high school at Carrollton; and the Iowa State University. Having an inclination to study materia medica, entered Rush Medi- cal College, with the intention of taking a thorough course, but only attended one year, when in consequence of ill health was compelled to relinquish his studies for a time, to return home and recuperate ; but was restrained from following out the bent of his inclination, as his father's health not being good, and having at the time a large amount of business on hand, he importuned Joseph to engage with him in business, and on July 25, 1870, began business with Jas, Vallentine & Co,, dealers in general mer- chandise, grain and lumber; firm composed of James, John H., George R. and J. M. Vallentine, he continuing with them un- til November i, 1871, at which time he withdrew from the partnership, and taking the grain and lumber business as his, then associated himself with another brother, E. S. Vallentine adding the stock trade also. This partnership was of short duration, terminating in April, 1872, by the with- drawal of E. S. Vallentine. The grain business, also the lumber, has since been controlled by him alone. July i, 1876, he bought his father's interest in firm of James Vallentine & Co., and the business has since been conducted under the firm name of J. M. & J. H. Vallentine, each be- ing equal partner. March 2, 1871, he formed a matrimonial alliance with Anna Rhodes, born March 26, 1852. She was a daughter of John Rhodes, an old resident of the county. Their association together was short, though very happy, as they had congenial temperaments and were " mated " as well as married; but Joseph was caused to "pass under the rod." Death, the grim monster, Aug. 14, 1873, invaded his happy home and bore off, on his icy bosom, his first born, named Rhodes, and, not being content with this invasion, Aug. 11, 1874, returned and bore away to the Spirit land his wife, Anna, thus leaving his home des- olate indeed. After her death he continued keeping house until 1877, and has since been boarding with Wm. Rhodes. Mr. J. M. is now doing business in the first house building that was erected in the town. He is doing a good business, and well deserv- ing of the high regard and esteem with which he is viewed in the community in which he resides VANABSDALE J. H. farmer, Sec. 31, P.O. Rockbridge, was a native born Kentuckian, having first beheld the light of day in Mercer County, June 28, 1816. His father, Peter, married Miss Charity De- merce, both of them being of Dutch de- scent. The father of J. H. being a man who believed that slavery was morally wrong, and advocating this idea, with a fervency characteristic of the man, his ideas were not entertained by those people as being orthodox, and Peter, like the Pil- grim Fathers, emigrated to a clime more congenial to his conceptions of right, where he could exercise his opinions and princi- ples untrammeled by that sectional or par- tisan feeling so rife in that locality, and in the year 1836 moved to Carrollton, where he remained about two years, when he re- moved to the country, as he had become unpopular on account of his (what was then styled) "Abolition" principles. He never lived to see the triumph of the principles which he advocated so zealously, but his children have witnessed with pride the final victory of the tenets to which he adhered, and which have now become gov- ernmentally the chief corner stone. After J. H. had arrived at his twenty-first year, GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. he engaged for himself at farming pursuits, at which he continued up to the date of his marriage, which occurred Dec. 9, 1839, to Susan Demere, by whom he had two chil- dren : Alfred H., who is now in Colorado, and James, who died in the service. Mr. V. lost his wife in 1854; was married sec- ond time to Mrs. Sarah S. Batchelder, by whom he has five children : Sue -F., born April 28, 1S56; Hattie E., born March 29, 1858; Harry P., born March 29, 1858, twins; Allie J., born July 11, 1859; Ernest S., born Sept. 29, 1862, all of whom are now at home. Miss Sue is music teacher and Hattie teacher in the public school. Mr. Van. was elected justice of the peace, in 1849, which office he continued to hold by re-election until the year 1862, when, he was appointed U. S. district assessor internal revenue depart- ment for the county, and in 1867 re- ceived an appointment as a member of the board of equalization for this Congress- ional district. Mr. Vanarsdale has always been an uncompromising temperance man, and politically is of his father's belief, and says he voted the anti-slavery ticket when there was not another voter to bear him company; voted for Martin Van Buren in 1836. He and family are mem- bers of the Presbyterian Church. Still engaged in agricultural pursuits; has been school director twenty-five years Vanarsdale Lewis, clerk. Sec. 30, P.O. Rock- bridge Vanmeter Amanda Mrs. Sec. 33, P.O. Rock- bridge Vanmeter Mrs. farming. Sec. 35, P.O. Green- field VAUGHN JOHN, farmer. Sec. 24, P. O. Fayette, was born in Sangamon County, 111., Feb. 2, 1834. His father, Harberd, is a native of Virginia; his mother's maiden name was Jane Young, and claims a birth- place in the same State as her husband. They lived but a few years after their ar- rival in Sangamon County, and at the age of seven years he was left an orphan, and had to battle alone in life, without a father's aid or a mother's counsel. At an early age he went to live with a man in Mason County, by the name of Harder, who agreed to give him good advantages in school and clothe him, and at his majority to present him with a good horse and equipments in consideration for the ser- vices he would render. The result was he got about six months' schooling in all, and on his departure received $1 95, and the horse and bridle and saddle he never got. He then came to this county, worked a while for his brother gratis, then hired by the month at low wages, working for Mr. Eldred, then David Wright and C. N. Brace. In the Fall of 1S56, Oct. 16, was married to Catherine E. Hill, born in Tennessee, Jan. i, 1835. They have had eight children, but four now living: Mag- gie, born Sept. 12, 1864; Edie, May 7, 1869; Ella, Sept. 15, 1871, and Ota, July 3, 1878. After his marriage, rented land of Mr. Brace, for three years, then moved to Fayette, and rented land of Mr. Bostick two years, and subsequently bought the land he now occupies, and im- proved it, and though a small farm, yet it is sufficient for him. He owes no man a dollar, and will hand down to his children a name and character for honesty and in- tegrity that none can gainsay or disapprove Valmer Louis, shoemaker, Greenfield Voyles C. H. cooper, Greenfield Voyles Eli, laborer, Greenfield ^^ITAGGONER FRED, farmer, P. O. ^^ Greenfield Waggoner John, farmer. Sec. 20, P.O. Green- field Wahl John, furniture, Greenfield. Waelden L. F. minister, Greenfield. Walker RicJmrd, renter Sec. 2, P. O. Green- field. WARD W. M. attorney at law. The sub- ject of this sketch is a son of Jesse and Ma- ry Ward. The former a native of Ken- tucky, and the latter of Virginia. The father of W. M. was a farmer by occupa- tion and was among the first settlers in Jer- sey. W. M. was born in Jersey Co. Dec. 24, 1838, and attended the common school until he was eighteen years of age. He then took a trip to the Rocky Mountains, where he spent eight years in various occupations. Was first engaged in mining, then was in the Attorney General's ofiice, and was out on an expedition after the Red men and followed them into their mountain fastness and had some practical experience in Indi- an fighting. And during his stay in the TOWN 10, NORTH RANGE 10, WEST. 699 West he had a varied and checkered expe- rience. In the Winter of 1867 he returned to Brighton, Macoupin Co. and soon after he entered the office of Asa Potter and en- gaged in the study of law, in which he con- tinued for about three years. On July 26, 1870, he concluded that the life of a bach- elor was getting too monotonous and he wooed and won the hand of Louisa Pros- ser, and their marriage was duly celebra- ted on the above date. By this union they have had three children of whom two are now living. Louisa M, born Sept. 8. 1872 ; Jessie W, born Oct 20, 1876. From the time he left the office of Asa Potter, 1872, he went into the employ of the Rockford and Rock Island R. R. company as a ma- chinist, where he remainedabout one year; he then moved his family to Greene Co., and engaged in the milling business, which he followed until 1875, at which time he sold out his interest and located in Green- field. On May 10, 1875, he received an ap- pointment as postmaster, and on June 5, got his commission. In 1876 received ap- pointment as notary, was admitted to the bar Jan. 1877, and has since been engaged in the practice of law WEAVEK CHARLES H. furni- ture. Sec. 34, P.O. Rockbridge, was born in Jefferson Co. New York, Sept. 13, 1842. He is the eighth child of a family of thir- teen children, born of Anthony and Mary Ann Weaver ; her maiden name was Schoul- tice ; his family is of German and French descent. Charles H. was thrown on his own resources at the age of fourteen years, and worked at such work as he could obtain for about five years, when he went to learn the trade of a carpenter. In 1862, having an inclination to try his fortunes in the west, started out, landing at Medora, Macoupin Co. remaining but a short time; then he went to Walnut Grove ; was there taken sick with lung fever where he came very near " passing over." After his recov- ery, he returned to Medora and engaged in the carpenter's trade. From here he went to John C. Daniel's, then to String Prairie ; after making several changes, he finally came to the town of Rockbridge, where he engaged at his trade, he having been engaged in building nearly all the houses in the town. In July, 1875, he went into business for himself, engaged in the furniture business. He lived a bach- elor until Feb. 15, 1875, when he married Cecelia S. King ; had two children viz : Charles A. born Oct. 22, 1873, Harald K. born March 28, 1876. The first house built in Chicago, was erected by the first cousin of Anthony Weaver. Chas. H. is a member of Sheffield Lodge, A. F. and A. M. No. 687 Weisner George C. laborer, Greenfield. WEIS:PfER J. HARVEY, retired farmer. " Uncle Harvey," as he is famil- iarily known, was born in Surry County, North Carolina, near the Yadkin River, Jan. 10, 1803, was the son of John and Margaret Weisner, who were natives of that State ; they are of German and Irish descent. During his fourteenth year he moved to Smith Co. , Tennessee, during which time he was engaged in agricultural pursuits, in the interest of his father. Feb. 20 1827, he was united in marriage to Martha Evans, by whom he had twelve children, one daughter and eleven sons ; six of these entered the U. S. service, but three return- ing ; Elizabeth, his only daughter, married W. Elkinton, and is now a resident of Kan- sas. In the year 1829 Mr. W. moved to this State, and located in this county, and stopped in the city when there was but one cabin in the town. He now owns 250 acres of land. When he emigrated to this coun- ty, he came with his wife and children in an old ox cart, arriving here with 75 cents in money, had to go to Carrollton for his mail, 25 cents being the price paid for the delivery of letters at that time. When he first came here, he worked at any- thing he could get to do, in order to main- tain his family, going many times miles from home to get something to do that would bring him something that would go towards making a living ; he would have to return home every night, as the safety of his family depended upon it ; after sev- eral years of hard labor and rigid economy, he accumulated enough to buy him a bar- shire plow with wooden mould-board, and with the assistance of the oxen, that had been his companions from Tennessee, he began farming for himself, by renting a small patch of ground, and in this way he managed to save enough after a time, to se- 700 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. cure forty acres of land, and he relates that after this purchase, " he felt rich, "as he then had a home and could work for himself. Mr. Weisner's wife died on April 27, 1877. She died in the triumphs of the faith ; she was a very devoted woman to her religion and family. Mr. Weisner was married the second time to Mrs. Martha Holtsclaw, of Mt. Sterling, Brown Co., this State ; this marriage occurred in 1877. Mrs. Weisner is an inestimable lady and their relations are of the most amicable and affectionate charac- ter, they are perfectly devoted to eacli oth- er and are truly ;«a/^^ as well as married. Mr. Weisner has been a member of the M. E. Church for about sixty years and has lived a consistent life ; is a zealous member of the Masonic order, attending the meet- ings regularly ; he is a member of Green- field Lodge No. 77. Mr. Weisner has been long and favorably known in this county, and has been identified with its interests throughout the past, and is now retired from active life and is spending the eve of his days in quiet, and in the enjoyment of a remarkable degree of health, for one of his age, and is highly esteemed by all who know him, as a worthy, conscientious man, and upright citizen, and well deserving of the high esteem with which he is viewed in the community where he resides Weldon Thomas, constable, Greenfield Wilhite W. T. merchant, Greenfield Wells D. nurseryman, Greenfield Wermer Adam, farm hand, Sec, 2g, P. O. Rockbridge Wheatley Wm. janitor school building, Green- field Whetstone John. lab. Sec. 13, P.O. Fayette Wilder B. renter. Sec. 28, P.O. Greenfield Wilder G. B. laborer, Greenfield Wilder Moses, farmer. Sec. 21, P.O. Green- field WILDER K. E. retired. Greenfield. Prominent among the solid men of this township, is the name of Richard Everett Wilder, the seventh son of the late Rev. John Wilder of Attleborough, Mass., born there September 14, 1810. Losing his mother in infancy, his early training in all its parts, social, moral, educational and re- ligious, devolved mainly upon his surviving parent. Under the influences that pre- vailed at that time, in New England, he i passed into manhood having imbibed the sturdy principles of our Puritanic fore- fathers. At this age, while his brothers chose, some the profession of law, others that of divinity, he early decided to make teaching a life-time profession. Accord- ingly he applied. to the first Teachers' Sem- inary ever established in the country, at Andover, Mass., presided over by that dis- tingished friend of popular education, the late Rev. Samuel M. Hall, author of that popular treatise, " Lectures on School Teaching." Completing his literary edu- cation at this institution, he spent some years in the practice of his chosen profes- sion, in the vicinity of Boston. Though successful in his early efforts in this direc- tion there, he determined to select a wider field of usefulness. Accordingly, in 1834, he emigrated to Kentucky, where he found his anticipations abundantly realized. Here, in what is generally known as the Ashland District around Lexington, he continued to instruct, having in charge for many years a Female Seminary at Nicholasville. In 1845 he was united in marriage with Miss Ann Terrell, eldest daughter of the late Colonel Henry T. Terrell, of Garland Co., Kentucky. After prosecuting his profes- sion for some twenty years in Kentucky, and being desirous of ridding himself and family of that baneful influence of the pe- culiar institution prevalent there, emigrated to Illinois with his little family in 1852, stopping for a short time at Jacksonville and vicinity, till the completion of the Seminary at Greenfield, and in the Fall of 1852 moved to the above place and took charge of the same. Over this he presided until the introduction of the public school system, when he retired, yet teaching at in- tervals until 1867, when he erected what is known as the "Greenfield Academy," a private institution, which he has conducted ever since, which has enjoyed a good de- gree of prosperity nearly all the time, hav- ing numbered in the course of fifty sessions over six hundred students. During his whole professional career, he has instructed his hundreds and even thousands of students, some of whom have been mem- bers of Congress and of the State legisla- lature, and distinguished divines, lawyers, judges and generals in our army, besides TOWN 10, NORTH RANGE 10, WEST. 701 the many who have adorned the private walks of life. In 1859, i" the organization of the Presbyterian church in Greenfield, he was chosen a ruling elder, which posi- tion he still holds, having many times rep- resented his church constituency in all the higher courts, including the General As- sembly of the Presbyterian Church of the United States. In 1862 his first wife died, leaving three children, two of whom, Ann Esther and Fannie Everett still survive. In 1867 was married to Mrs. Lucy Trum- bull. At present, 1879, he has somewhat retired to the shades of private life, though still engaged in the educational, benevolent and religious enterprises of the day Wiles Richard, farmer. Sec. 2, P.O. Fayette Wiley B. teacher. Sec. 34, P.O. Rockbridge WILHITE W. THOMAS, dry goods, and general store, Greenfield. The subject of this sketch first saw the light of day in Oldham County, Ky., Feb. 27, 1836; was the son of Thomas and Martha Wilhite, who vi^ere of German descent. His early advantages for obtaining an educa- tion were fair, considering the times and his surroundings. His father died when ^William was but an infant, and he was then at the mercies of a step-father. Be- fore he arrived at his majority he made two trips to this State before he finally settled here, these trips being made in the years 1855-56. After coming out the last time, he formed a matrimonial alliance with Elizabeth Hockensmith, which was celebrated May 2, 1856. Elizabeth was a daughter of Andrew Hockensmith; she was born Jan. 22, 1838. From this union they have had eight children, five of whom are now living: Nora B., born June 20, i860; Howard A., born Sept. 16, 1865; Ernest, born April 24, 1869; Claude, born April 27, 1876; Rena Ethel, born April 14, 1878. After his marriage he bought a farm near Scottsville, Macoupin Co., where he engaged in farming pursuits for eight years; his health becoming impaired, he moved to Greenfield until he recuperated his health, and then went out east of town, where he farmed for three years; he does not consider his first attempt at farming a success, according to his own judgment, having begun the business without any knowledge, he had to get the experience F2 first; but he considers his second attempt more of a success, as he made money from the first until he abandoned it. He then went to Greenfield, and embarked in the mercantile business, and has since been loyal to it, and his efforts have been attended with gratifying results. From his modest beginning he has now got the largest and best arranged storehouse in town, and the largest, choicest, and most valuable stock. He is dealing in dry goods, notions, boots and shoes, and, in fact, has a general store, and selling at prices to suit the times. Mr. Wilhite has, by strict at- tention to his business and studying the wants and needs of his customers, and square dealing built up a trade and a repu- tation which has crowned his efforts with marked success. Mr. Wilhite is a man that is very resolute in anything which he un- dertakes, and once he "puts his hand to the plow, he never turns back," until he ac- complishes what he undertakes. He is a man that has never sought office, has been content to attend to his own business; is not a member of any church; is a member of the I. O. O. F., and is known in the community as a reliable man and worthy citizen Williams Milton, retired, Greenfield Williams N. at home, Greenfield Wilson D. S. retired, Greenfield WILSON EBERLE, M. D. Sec. 34, P.O. Rockbridge. The Doctor was born in Girard County, Kentucky, Jan. 22, 1839 > is the fifth child of a family of eight child- ren, born of Horatio and Thursa Wilson, her maiden name was Lair. In addition to the common school education, he attended the academy three years at Houstinville ; subsequent to this he taught several terms of school. The war breaking out he en- listed in the 19th Kentucky State Vols., Federal army, Dec. 21, 1861, was mustered out Jan. 27, 1865. He entered as private, was promoted to the non-commission staff as Q. M. Sergeant, next to 2d Lieut, and subsequently to ist Lieut. He was engaged in all the battles that the regi- ment participated in. At the battle of Mansfield, during Banks' celebrated Red River expedition, he was taken prisoner in connection with eight companies of the regiment, when he was taken to Texas and 702 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. confined at Fort Tyler.remained six months, then was exchanged and returned to his regiment. In 1865, upon his return, he began the study of medicine under P. W. Logan, who had been a surgeon of some prominence in the service ; he continued with him for a term of three years, during which time he attended all the lectures in- cident to the regular course, at Bellevue, and received his graduation at Brooklyn, N. Y. Subsequent to this he stopped awhile at Cincinnati, not yet knowing where he would locate. In the Fall of 1867, he moved to Fayette, where he lo- cated and practiced until the Fall of 1872, then moved to Rockbridge, where he has since been engaged in the practice of materia medica. The Doctor is Demo- cratic in sentiment, is a member of the Knights of Honor. Was married to Lucy A. Cannedy, daughter of W. Cannedy ; their marriage was celebrated Sept. 11, 1868; they have three children : John C, born Aug. 21, i86g; Orville W., born April 21, 1873 ; Sue v., born Jan. 22, 1876. Mrs. Wilson was born March 13, 185 1. The Doctor has a good practice ; is a zealous advocate of the temperance cause Wilson Joe, shoemaker, Greenfield Wilson M. H. groceries, Sec. 13, P.O. Fay- ette Witt Elizabeth Mrs. Sec. 34, P. O. Rock- bridge Womack W. T. photographer, Greenfield WOODCOCK JAMES K. merchant, Greenfield. Among the rising young men of this township, who are now located in business, there are none who are more de- serving than J. R. Woodcock, born in Adanis County, this State, Sept. 9, 1852. His father's name was Joseph, and his mother's maiden name was Jane Triplett. His parents dying when he was quite young, he was thus thrown upon his own resour- ces. After the death of his parents, went to Missouri, remaining a short time and since 1864 has been a resident of the town of Greenfield. Lived with his uncle, Jas. Rives, several years, receiving his educa- tion in the Greenfield High School. In the Spring of 1872 went with W. T. Wil- hite as clerk, and remained with him until Jan. 1879. Oct. 16, 1877, was one of the most eventful periods of his life, and one that will not soon be forgotten by him, or the parties concerned ; this was the date of his union with Miss Anna Hobbs, daughter of the Rev. J. C. H. Hobbs, which was one of the most romantic and exciting times occurring in the history of the town, too well known to require mention here. J. R. and wife are both members of the M. E. Church at this place, both of them being zealous workers in the Sunday School, of which the former is an able and efficient Superintendent. Feb. 1879, associated with E. P. Metcalf in the drygoods busi- ness under the firm name of Metcalf & Woodcock; they have started out on the cash system and are doing a good business, are both young men, and are justly enti- tled to a liberal share of the public patron- age Wooley Edward, notary public, Greenfield WOODMAN NELSON, farmer. Sec. 18, P.O. Greenfield, is a representative of Addison County, Vermont, made his debut in the year 1815, July 12. Elijah and Catharine, his parents, emigrating to this State during his sixth year, and located be- low CarroUton about the year 1821, when the house's, log cabins, were like angel's visits, few and far between. The day his father arrived there, Nelson recounts that a company of men had just returned from an expedition against the Indians, who had been marauding in that locality. Nel- son remained at home until he married. During his boyhood he attended the log structures of that day, sitting upon a slab and studying by the aid of such few rays of light as could be emitted through the greased paper window panes of that primi- tive university. Dec. 1837, was wedded to Zerelda Boyle ; they had nine children : James, Elijah Charles, Return, George, Georgia A., Josephine, Orlean and Martha. After his marriage he moved to Taylor's Prairie, remained several years, then to a place near Jackson's Mills, then to Jersey County, then came to the place he now lives. Then went to Montgomery County and bought a farm, remained eight years, then came to the place he now lives. Was married the second time to Temper- ance Spradley, June 5, 1862. She was born Aug. 7, 1826, had three children: William B., born Aug. 21, 1863 ; Oscar E., TOWN 10, NORTH RANGE 10, WEST. 703 born Dec. l6, 1865 ; Albert G., born June 30, 1868. During the early part of Mr. Woodman's life he was considered an ex- cellent rider and rode in a great many races, and was generally successful ; rode the last race during his forty-second year. Now a member of the Baptist Church. Wooldridge E. D. blacksmith, Sec. 34, P.O. Rockbridge "WOOLEY N. C. dealer in hardware, was born in Hartford, Washington County, New York, July 20, 1820, was the son of David and Laura Wooley, whose maiden name was Hodge. The Wooleys are of English descent. In Feb. 1822, the sub- ject of this sketch, in company with his parents, emigrated to this country, went in a sleigh to Olean Point, where they ex- changed their sleigh for a wagon, and there built two boats and then loaded their wagon and horses thereon and in company with three or four families, they sailed down the river in their craft, and landed at Shawneetown, Ills., where they sold their boats, and stopped in Hamilton County. The father of this sketch not finding this locality congenial to his tastes he left his family and went up to Morgan County, where he partially contracted for a piece of land, but the trade falling through with he turned his attention to the millwright business, that being his trade ; was engaged in building bridges and horse-mills, con- tinued at this business until the Fall of 1822, when he moved his family west of White Hall, where he cropped awhile, then finally bought and settled upon a piece of land — 80 acres. There is quite an inter- esting circumstance connected with the purchase of that land that will be of inter- est to the patrons of this work. (See the history of Bluffdale Precinct.) The subject of this sketch remained at home until he attained his majority, attended school and worked at home, and with his father, at his trade which he had learned. In his school days he had very good advantages — also that immediate neighborhood — for his teacher was Prof. Russell, who is the author of that piece entitled, '' The worm of the still." Could speak sixteen languages. This educational prodigy lived in that locality and his influence was felt in the community, and the children were well instructed, and all those who were so fortunate as to be pupils of his were truly favored. Mr. Wooley came to Greenfield in 1845, and entered into partnership with his brother-in-law in the carpenter and furniture business, which compact lasted until 1850. On Jan. 25, 1848, he was married to Sarah Speaks, sister of William Speaks, Jr.; by this union they had two children : Blanche and Lillie May, both of whom are now living with their parents. In 1850 he embarked in the business in which he is now engaged. Mr. Wooley has always lived a retired life, has never sought or wanted office, be- ing content to attend to his own affairs and let those who have inclinations in that di- rection enjoy them. Mr. Wooley has done a deal of trading in real estate and has never bought or traded any property upon which there was a mortgage, or vendor's lien, at the time of trading it ; neither has he ever given a mortgage or a deed of trust upon any of his property during his life- time. He has an excellent storeroom and has studied the wants and wishes of his customers, and by square dealing has built up a flourishing trade, and has by his genial and social nature made many warm friends Wooley E. D. carpenter, Greenfield Wooley F. E. painter, Greenfield Wright Jack, farmer. Sec. 18, P.O. Green- field Wylder Frank, farmer. Sec. 9, P.O. Green- field WYIiDEK W. H. farmer. Sec. 4, P.O. Greenfield. The above is a native of Smith County, now DeKalb, Tennessee, born Feb. 22, 1822, is the son of Moses J. Wyl- der ; there were eight children in the fam- ily, W. H. being the third. Moses J. was born in Nash County, South Carolina, and at the age of sixteen enlisted in the Revo- lutionary war, was at the battle of Eutaw Springs and witnessed the fall of Baron DeKalb. In 1819 left North Carolina and moved to Tennessee, where W. H. was born. Moses J. is the father of George B. Wylder, of Greenfield, who was born when his father was eighty years old. W. H. moved to this State with his parents when he was but eight years of age. and several families, among whom was J. H. Weisner, all of whom returned again to Tennessee 704 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. except Mr. Weisner. In 1841 W. H. re- turned to this State and when he arrived in this county had one side of leather and three "long bits" in money — 37^ cents. Nov. 30, 1842, married Charity Finley, daughter of Thomas Finley, had eight children, five of whom are now living: Josephine, now wife of Joe Madden ; Wil- liam W., near Rockbridge ; Francis M., farming near his father; Charlotte, now the wife of Wm. Neal ; John Wesley, now at home. In the Spring of 1S43, he opened up a tannery less than half a mile from the southern limits of Greenfield, this he con- ducted successfully for about five years and then turned his attention to farming. First bought 150 acres and has been add- ing to the same until he now owns 520 acres of land, besides several houses and lots in Greenfield. His wife died March 10,1872. Was married second time Oct. 10, 1873, to Mrs. Mary J. Brown, relict of Jerome Brown, born Dec. 22, 1834 ; but one child by this marriage, now dead. Mr. Wylder had but very limited advantages for ob- taining an education, his first wife taught him to read ; three months was all the schooling he ever got, but hi; is now a man of good information, and is a thinker, and accepts no man's theories without first giving it due examination. Is a member of the I. O. O. F., Greenfield Lodge, No. 195. Democratic in sentiment WYLDER W. W. farmer, Sec. 22, P. O. Rockbridge, was born in Tp. 10, R. 10, Sec. 8, March 16, 1848; is a son of Wm. Wylder. His mother was a Finley, and a native of Greene County, and his father of Tennessee; he came to this county in the year 1830. The subject of this sketch re- mained at home until he attained his twenty-third year; two years previous he was united in marriage to Tempy Moore, born June 7, 1847; she is a daughter of Langston Moore, the marriage being cele- brated June 24, 1869. As a result of this union, they have five children : Berdelia^ born May 18, 1870; Sallie, born May 19,. 1872; Pete, born Dec. 10, 1873; Cora M., born April 14, 1876; William, born Sept. 7, 1S78. After his marriage he remained on the farm with his father for two years. Since that time has been residing on the farm he now occupies. Is Democratic in principle GREENFIELD BUSINESS CARDS. AKDINGER J. W. merchant and cus- tom milling, bran and ship stuff, constantly on hand, Greenfield BARTHOLOMEW B. B. hotel and livery, best kept house in the county, Green- field BASSAHAM HOUSE, near depot, best hotel in the city, newly refurnished, good livery and feed stables, Greenfield BURGH ARDT H. O. barber and hair dresser, Greenfield CAMERON S. I*, north side Square, Greenfield, dealer in harness and saddlery, also dealer in horses, roadsters and all work COLLINS J. F. west side Square, Green- field, dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes, hats and caps, notions, etc DAY W. C. physician and surgeon, Green- field DOYLE THOMAS CAPT. mer- chant tailor, Greenfield GRAY J. HOWARD, north side Square, Greenfield, drugs, wholesale and re- tail, perfumery, toilet and fancy goods, books, stationery, room papers, paints, oil, varnishes, notions, etc. physician's prescrip- tions carefully compounded, warranted pure and of the best quality HAVENS W. H. editor of Greenfield Argus, job printing, bills and posters HUTCHINSON J. W. general bank- ing business, Greenfield KINCAID M. A. grocer, Greenfield KINDER & RIVES, merchants, Greenfield, keep a general assortment of groceries, dry goods, boot and shoes, hats and caps, notions, seeds, etc, at prices to suit the times TOWN 10, NORTH RANGE 10, WEST. 705 Kl^UDSEN T. IS", boot and shoe maker, Greenfield MADDEN JOE, harness and saddlery shop, work done promptly and to order, sat- isfaction guaranteed, Greenfield METCALF & WOODCOCK, deal- ers in staple and fancy dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes, hats, notions etc, Green- field; call and see them TYAS RICHARD, blacksmithing and jobvvork done to order, Greenfield WARD WILLIAM M. attorney at law and notary public, Greenfield WILHITE W. T. east side Square, Greenfield, dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes, also hats, caps and ^notions, and at bed rock prices WOOLEY :Nr. C. south side Square, Greenfield, dealer in general hardware, ag- ricultural implements, yankee notions, gar- den and field seeds KOCKBRIDGE BUSINESS CARDS. BLODGETT M. R. dry goods and groceries, clothing, boots and shoes, queens- and hardware, drugs and notions, Rock- bridge CLARK J. M. steam thresher and wood sawing, Rockbridge COLMAN D. R. merchant and custom milling, also sawing by the m or on shares, Rockbridge CRANE G-EORGE B. contractor and builder. Rockbridge DAWSON NATHAN, wagon making and blacksmithing, Rockbridge DAWSON R. T. contractor and builder; transient boarding, Rockbridge DECKER E. B. wagon maker and car- penter; boarding, Rockbridge JACOBI PHILLIP, blacksmithing and farm machinery, Rockbridge J. KEELEY. DR. A. E. MILLER. J". KEELEY & CO. drugs and chemi- cals, perfumery and fancy toilet articles, pure wines and liquors for medical pur- poses, physician's prescriptions carefully and accurately compounded, Rockbridge MILLER DR. A. E. physician and surgeon, Rockbridge MOORE W. J. blacksmithing and gen- eral repairing, Rockbridge RUSSELL J. BLAIN, wagon and car- riage maker, repairing promptly done, Rockbridge SPEAR W. L. notary public, Rock- bridge TENDICK ARNOLD, boot and shoe shop, dealer in ready-made goods in his line, repairing neatly done, and at short notice, Rockbridge VALLENTINE J. H. & J. M. dry goods and clothing, boots and shoes, gro- ceries and hardware, agricultural imple- ments and all kinds of merchandise. Rock- bridge VALLENTINE J. M. grain and lum- ber, salt, lime, hair and plaster, Rockbridge WEAVER CHARLES H. carpenter and joiner, also furniture and undertaking, Rockbridge WILSON EBERLE, physician and surgeon, Rockbridge FAYETTE BUSINESS CARDS. CARR ROBERT AV. dry goods and groceries; also drugs, Fayette McMICHAEL joiner, Fayette J. H. carpenter and MILLER DR. J. N. practicing physi- cian, drugs and medicines, Fayette MILLER JOHN G. stock trader, Fay- ettee MOORE JOHN R. blacksmithing and general repair work, Fayette Township io, North Range ii. West. A DMIRE J. H. farmer, Sec. 33, P.O. r^. Carrollton Allman John, renter, Sec. 7, P. O. Carroll- ton Anderson James, farm hand. Sec. 15, P. O. Carrollton Armstrong Alex. C. Sec. 30, P.O. Carrollton Armstrong Clinton, farmer, Sec. 29, P.O. Carrollton Armstrong Dorcas Mrs. farming, P.O. Car- rollton Armstrong Hardin, renter. Sec. 27, P.O. Carrollton Armstrong James, Sec. 2g, P.O. Carrollton Armstrong Jasper, farmer. Sec. 29, P.O. Car- rollton Armstrong J. W. farmer, Sec. 29, P.O. Car- rollton Armstrong J. Mrs. farming, Sec. 27, P.O. Car- rollton Armstrong Lincoln, farmer. Sec. 27, P.O. Carrollton Armstrong William, farmer, Sec. 30, P.O. Carrollton Ashford Daniel, renter. Sec. 32, P.O. Car- rollton Ashford Hiram, farmer. Sec. 32, P.O. Car- rollton Ashlock J. T. renter, Sec. 32, P.O. Carroll- ton Ashlock Sarah Mrs. farming. Sec. 22, P.O. Carrollton Ashlock Wm. E. renter. Sec. 30, P.O. Car- rollton ASHLOCK WILLIAM M. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 21, P.O. Carrollton. One of the most successful and prominent men in this township, is Wm. Ashlock ; born Nov. 12, 1821, in Anderson County, Tennessee. In his eighth year emigrated to this State in company with his parents in wagon ; he remembers it very distinctly, as he walked the greater part of the way, ar- riving in this county Nov. 28 ; locating on what is now known as the Tunnell farm ; remained about two years ; after leaving this place, bought out a pre-emptor's claim on Sec. 31, and when the land came into market entered 80 acres of land, moved on the same and lived upon it until he died, which occurred in 1862. William had but the meager advantages afforded by that early time in log cabins at subscription rates. He left the parental roof at the age of twtnty-three.when he formed a matrimon- ial alliance with Nancy Gough,born in Ohio, Sept. 1825 ; their marriage occurred Feb. 4, 1844. They have had twelve children, but ten living, viz : George K., William H., Mary P., Margaret L., Martha V.. Min- erva M., Harvey H., Julia H., Henry C, and Lucy E. Mr. Ashlock has been en- gaged in agricultural pursuits since he be- gan business for himself; has traded in stock considerably, during the time there were no railroads, drove a great many hogs to St. Louis. Has bred and raised a good deal of fine stock ; is a great lover of a good horse — his partiality leading in the di- rection of thorough-bred running stock, of the Lexington blood. Is the owner of the noted "Cape Race." Mr. Ashlock is the owner of goo acres of good land ; has been successful in his business operations, and though attentive to his business affairs, yet there is no man in the county that enjoys his wealth better than he, and nothing short of a business engagement will prevent him from joining in a big hunt, a race or chase, of which he is always a jovial and congen- ial companion. Is a zealous advocate of the principles of Freemasonry, being a member of the Carrollton Lodge, and Chap- ter also of Hugh DePayne Commandery Atchinson Tobias, renter, Sec. 26, P.O. Car- rollton B ADMAN GEORGE, laborer, Sec. 9, P. O. Carrollton Baker M., farmer. Sec. 4, P.O. Carrollton TOWN 10, NORTH RANGE 11, WEST. 707 Ball John, renter, Sec. 6, P.O. Carrollton Ballard Henry, renter, Sec. 4, P.O. Carrollton Bandy C. renter, P.O. Carrollton Beard Guy, renter, P.O. Carrollton Beaity Amos, renter, Sec. 10, P.O. Carrollton BERMIS PHILLIP, farmer, Sec. 13, P.O. Greenfield. Was born in Flomborn Chris Alzei, Hesse Darmstadt, July 28, 1830 ; is the son of Peter and Margaret Bermis, whose maiden name was Helf. In the year 1851, he emigrated to this country in com- pany with his parents, locating in New York, June 20, same ytar, and located in this county, and on the same land now oc- cupied by the party whose name heads this sketch, who remained at home until he at- tained his thirty-third year, when he was united in marriage to Susan Laher, sister of John Laher, which took place April 6, 1863 ; she was born in same locality as her husband, and dates her birth Feb. 17, 1834 ; they have had eight children, five of whom are now living: Peter, born March 15, 1866 ; Phillip, born Aug. 2, 1867 ; Fred, born Oct. 14, 1872 ; Ann M., born Jan. 25, 1874; Louis, born Sept. 28, 1877. The year after his marriage, his father died. His mother still resides on the homestead now owned by Phillip, which he has farmed since his marriage. Mr. Bermis has 240 acres of land in this county, and no in Christian Co. Bird Edward, farm hand, Sec. 9, P.O. Car- rollton Bodie John, farm hand, Sec. 21, P.O. Car- rollton Bozett Adam, renter, Sec. 9, P.O. Carrollton Bowers Frank, farm hand, P.O. Greenfield BOWMAN ALVIN C. farmer, Sec. 26, P.O. Carrollton. Is a son of Martin and Hannah Bowman, of this county. Alvin was born Jan. 2, 1840; there were eight children of the family entire, he be- ing the fifth in order. During his boyhood he attended school the greater portion of the time. In his twentieth year he was in the employ of his uncle Jacob Bowman, then sheriff of this county, remaining in service two years as his deputy. Aug. 14, 1862, became matrimonially allied to Helen Davis, born Feb. 25, 1842; five children have crowned this union, viz : Jennie L., born July i, 1863 ; Mary V., born Oct. 4, 1866; Andrew C, born March 17, i86g ; John C, born April 23, 1872 ; Martin Lee born Aug, 4, 1874. Immediately following his marriage, engaged in farming pursuits, and has since continued at the same. His mother died Nov. 5, 1876; his father is still living, and resides in Carrollton. Mr. and Mrs. Bowman, are both members of the Presbyterian church. Cast his first vote for Douglas, and is still an adherent to the principles maintained by that illustrious personage Brown John, renter. Sec. 7, P.O. Carrollton BROWX PETER A. farmer. Sec. 19, P.O. Carrollton. Is a son of Peter M., and Aseneth B., whose family name was Crane. Peter M., was born in Cumberland County, Virginia, in the year i8o6, and his wife is a native of Ohio, and dates her birth Dec. 23, 181 1. They are of Scotch and Welsh ex- traction ; the former came to this State in April 1830, and was first engaged in a me- chanical pursuit, being a worker in wood ; afterward was engaged in mercantile busi- ness in Carrollton, and subsequently enter- ed land, began farming, and has since re- mained on same land and confined himself to that business the greater part of the time ; has traded a good deal in stock with success ; is still living, having just past his seventy-second birthday. The subject of this sketch was born Aug. 15, 1839 '. ^^- mained with his father until he attained his twenty-eighth year, then he abandoned his bachelor life, and obtained the hand of Leonora Robinson in marriage ; she was born Feb. 4, 1847, is a daughter of T. C. Robinson of this township ; after their marriage, which took place Feb. 4, 1868, they moved six miles northeast of Green- field, where he engaged in farming and stock trading, at which he continued until 1878, when they moved to the place he now occupies ; having recently bought him a farm in this neighborhood, Sec. 18, which he intends occupying in the Spring. Has four lovely children • Walter, born Nov. II, 1868; Mamie born Oct. 3, 1871 ; Har- ry, born July 5, 1874; Hallie, born Feb. 3, 1873. Is liberal minded politically, votes for men rather than party Brown Peter M. farmer. Sec. 19, P.O. Car- rollton Burruss A. L. farmer. Sec. 19, P.O. Carroll- ton 708 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. Burruss Geo. L. farmer, Sec. ig, P.O. Car- roUton Burruss Henry, farmer, P.O. Carrollton Burroughs S. H. retired. Sec. ii, P.O. Carroll- ton /^AIN HENRY, Sec. 5, P.O. Carrollton ^ Cain J. H. renter, Sec. 5, P.O. Carrollton CAMBELL D. W. farmer. Sec. 23, P.O. Carrollton. Is a native of Knox County, Tenn., born May 13, 1838; son of John S. and Nancy C, whose maiden name was Smith, a native of Tennessee ; the former of Virginia. David had the advantages of a liberal education. Remained with his parents until he attained his twenty-second year, at this time was attending the Ewing and Jefferson College, when the war breaking out the institution closed. Had previously made a trip to this State, and intended to return upon his graduation, which in con- sequence of the college closing, was not permitted to do, and in 1861, bade adieu the scenes of his childhood, and came to Illinois, landing in this county, first stopp- ed at Jesse Roberts remained there three years, working for him in the meantime, and teaching some. May, 1864, enlisted in the one-hundred day service in Co. G. 111. State Vols. Upon his return engaged in farming ; went to McDonough County, staid one year; returning married Miss Serepta Hardcastle, a native of this county, born Oct. II, 1836, daughter of Wm. Hardcastle, their marriage took place Oct. 17, 1866; after which returned to McDonough, re- mained one year, then returned to this county, locating on Sec. 13, and which he farmed eight years ; sold his farm and bought 160 acres on Sec. 23, where he has since remained. Has four children : Ed- gar, born Sept. 12, 1867; Daisy, born Nov. 5, 1869 ; Maude, born April 5, 1871 ; infant born August 9, 1877. Mr. C, is a member of Presbyterian church, also a member of Carrollton Lodge No. 70, A. F. & A. M. Cambrink Wm. farmer. Sec. ig, P.O. Carroll- ton Cannedy Logan, renter, Sec. 32, P.O. Car- rollton Carnes Charles, farm hand, Sec. 26, P.O. Car- rollton Carter J. H. renter, Sec. 34, P.O. Carrollton I Catton Patrick, retired. Sec. 36, P.O. Rock- bridge Christ Wm. renter. Sec. 35, P.O. Rockbridge Clarke Edgar, farm hand. Sec. 17, P.O. Car- rollton Chowder Peter, farm hand, Sec. 13, P.O. Greenfield Conton Mrs. Sec. 11, P.O. Greenfield Crane Oscar, Sec. 18, P.O. Carrollton CRANE MERCY J. MRS. Sec. i8,P. O. Carrollton. The subject of this sketch first saw the light of day on the hills of New Hampshire, in Hillsboro County, March 19, 1831. Her parents names were Oliver and Sophronia Colby ; her mother's maiden name was Howlet. Mrs. Crane emigrated to this county with her parents when she was very young, being about four years of age; they first stopped a while at Carroll- ton, then her father bought a place now owned by Mr. Ashlock, remaining there un- til the year 1848, when he sold out, went to Macoupin County, remaining there until his death, which occurred in 1850. Sept. 30, 1847, Mercy J., was united in marriage to Wm. Crane ; boru in Ohio. After their marriage, moved to the place now occupied by Mrs. Crane. There are nine children living: Alvin, Anna, Mary, Charles, Oscar, Judson, Meade, Lillian and Hattie. Mrs. Crane lost her husband March 2, 1872. She has since remained a widow, and still carries on her farm. She has 580 acres of land. Mrs. Crane is a member of the M. E. Church Critchfield F. J. farm hand, Sec. 8, P.O. Car- rollton Cronin Mike, renter. Sec. 10, P.O. Carrollton Curtin Patrick, renter. Sec. 11, P.O. Carroll- ton Curtius Peter, farmer, Sec. 8, P.O. Carroll- ton ■p^AHM D. farmer, Sec. 11, P.O. Carroll- ^ ton Dahm D. jr. farmer. Sec. 11. P.O. Carrollton DAMM CHRISTIAN, farmer. Sec. 9, P.O. Carrollton, is a native of this county, born Jan. 21, 1844; is a son of Deiter and Bena D., who were born in Mozenheim, Canton Osthoven, Hesse-Darmstadt; they emigrated to this country in 1838. Deiter first worked out by the month for Thomas Black, near Carrollton. Subsequent to this TOWN 10, NORTH RANGE 11, WEST. 709 rented land of L. Curtis, and after several years of hard labor, saved money enough to make a purchase of the land he now resides upon — Sec. ii. Town lo, range ii. There are four children — Christian, Kate, Deiter, and Bena. Christian, the subject of this sketch, remained at home until he attained his majority ; April I2, 1865, was united in marriage to Margaret Rathgeber, born in Ipplesheim, Chris Wurms, Hesse- Darmstadt. She came with her parents to this country in 1848. After their marriage, he engaged in farming on his father's place, remaining there five years. In 1869, he bought 120 acres, where he now resides, it being the Adam Rathgeber farm ; since which time he has been engaged in agri- cultural pursuits. They have three chil- dren — two boys and one girl — Katie, born June 8, 1866 ; Christian, born Nov. 6, 1869 ; Phillip, born Nov. 23, 1872. Mr. Damm is a man of industrious habits, and has a keen eye to business affairs ; and he is also one of the most highly respected citizens of the neighborhood Dixon Eliza Mrs. farming. Sec. 35, P.O. Rockbridge Dixon Hardin, farm hand. Sec. 35, P.O. Rockbridge Dixon Hiram, farmer, Sec. 35, P.O. Rock- bridge Donahue Thomas, renter, P.O. Carrollton. Driver P. farmer, Sec. 10, P.O. Carrollton -pDWARDS JOHN, farm hand, Sec. 6, ^ P.O. Carrollton Evans Robert, farmer, Sec. 9, P.O. Carrotl- ton ■p ARLLY J. K. P. farmer. Sec. 4, P.O. -*■ Carrollton. Prominent among the success- ful "young settlers" of this township is Polk Farlly, who was born in Frederick County, Va., Oct. 4. 1844 ; is the third child of a family of eight children born of Hugh P. and Elizabeth Farlly ; her maiden name was Brewster. The Farllys are descendents of the Emerald Isle, and the Brewsters of the " Faderland." At the age of twelve years, J. K. P. emigrated to this county, locating east of Carrollton ; his father died one year subsequent ; the care of the family then was thrown upon him, who, with the assistanc'e of his mother, maintained and kept the family together until they were self-supporting. After he attained his ma- jority, set out for himself, and the first en- terprise engaged in was to buy a steam thresher, in company with B. B. Bartholo- mew, being among the first that was run in this country ; this partnership lasted two years, then he bought his partner's in- terest, then run it one year ; afterwards associated with one of his brothers, which partnership lasted four years. During all this time he was engaged in farming on rented land in different localities in the county. Feb. 17, 1870, married Etna V. Linder, daughter of Isham Linder. She died Jan. 29, 1871, leaving no issue. Feb. 20, 1873, was again married to Nancy Jane Cunningham, born Aug. 25, 1852. She is a daughter of Andrew Cunningham ; had three children, Robert H., born May 15, 1874, died Sept. 24, 1875 ; James W., born May 17, 1876; George W., born Oct. 10, 1875. In March, 1874, moved to the place he now owns; has now 240 acres of excel- lent land under good cultivation, having quite recently built his residence and several other buildings, which, with the general appearance of the place and surroundings, give striking evidence of the energy, thrift, and enterprise of the owner. Few young men are more favorably situated than he, and bids fair to become one of the wealthiest agriculturists in the township, of his time. Is Democratic in sentiment Fisher Charles, farmer, Sec. 5, P.O. Carroll- ton Fillmore R. B. hovse-trainer, Sec. 21, P.O. Carrollton Freer Aaron, farmer. Sec. 36, P.O. Rock- bridge Freer Moses, farmer, Sec. 36, P.O. Rockbridge Fuller G. farmer. Sec. 18, P.O. Carrollton r^ EEISER JACOB, renter, Sec. 33, P.O. ^-^ Carrollton Givens Robert, farm hand, Sec. 10, P.O. Car- rollton Glasgow Andy, laborer. Sec. 28, P.O. Car- rollton. Graham George, farmer, Sec. 20, P.O. Car- rollton Graham G. G. farmer, Sec. 19, P.O. Carroll- ton Greene Asher, farmer, P.O. Carrollton 710 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. Green Mrs. farming, P.O. Carrollton. Greene Wallace, renter. Sec. 8, P.O. Carroll- ton H ANDLIN JOHN, farm hand. Sec. 5, P.O. Carrollton Hankins A. farmer, Sec. 26. P.O. Carrollton Hankins Daniel, renter. Sec. 26, P.O. Car- rollton Hankins James, farmer, Sec. 27, P.O. Car- rollton Hankins William, renter, Sec. 27, P.O. Car- rollton Hanlin John, farm hand, Sec. 5, P.O. Car- rollton Hardcastle Robert, farmer. Sec. 2, P.O. Car- rollton Harden William, renter. Sec. 13, P.O. Green- field Holmes Christopher, farmer, P.O. Carrollton Hargiss Daniel, renter, Sec. 24, P.O. Car- rollton Hargiss Thad. renter, Sec. 24, P.O. Carroll- ton Hargiss Thomas, renter. Sec. 24, P.O. Car- rollton Henderson Abe, farmer, Sec. 29, P.O. Car- rollton Hendrickson John, farmer. Sec. 29, P.O. Car- rollton Hill Edgar, farm hand, Sec. 15, P.O. Carroll- ton Hogan John F. farm hand. Sec, 3. P.O. Car- rollton Hudson Peter D. retired, Sec. 26, P.O. Car- rollton Hudson William, farmer, Sec. 26, P.O. Car- rollton Huitt Jonathan, farmer, Sec. 9, P.O. Carroll- ton T RVINE WILLIAM, farmer, Sec. 33, P.O. ■^ Carrollton T OHNSON A. J. farmer, Sec. 3, P.O. J Carrollton. There is not a man in this township born at the time he was, that is yet living on the same spot where born. He first came into existence Nov. 30, 1826, torn of John and Mary J. ; her maiden name was Maines. His father was a native of North Carolina, born March, 1792, and his mother is a native of Georgia, whose birth occurred the same year of her hus- band, July 27, 1792. She came to this State in the year 1S08, when it was a wil- derness ; her husband came at the begin- ning of the war of 1812; their marriage occurring that year, nine children were the result of this marriage, seven of whom lived to be grown, A. J. being the youngest ; but two are now living, A. J. and his younger sister. After the marriage he located near Edwardsville, where he en- gaged in farming ; was during the time engaged in the " ranging service," being in pursuit of the Indians. In 1821, he en- tered the land on which A. J. resides, and on which he was born and is now living. The subject of this sketch was united in marriage June 11, 1857, to Catherine Huitt, born in this county May 17, 1837. She is a daughter of John Huitt. They have had seven children : Perlina E., Edna J., Mary A., Andrew J., William T., Joel, and Sa- brilla. He has 150 acres of land. Him- self, wife and three girls are members of the Baptist Church Johnson George, farmer, P.O. Carrollton Johnson William, farmer, Sec 3, P.O. W^rights- ville Johnson W. W. farmer, Sec. 3, P.O. Wrights- T^ELLEY ANDREW, retired, Sec. 17, -'^ P.O. Carrollton Kelley J. C. farmer, Sec. 17, P.O. Carrollton Kelley Luther C. at home. Sec. 17, P.O. Car- rollton Kelley Patrick, farmer. Sec. 7, P.O. Carroll- ton Kelley Silas, renter, See. 7, P.O. Carrollton Kirback Frank, renter. Sec. 7, P.O. Carroll- ton Kirback Jonas, farmer, Sec. 8, P.O. Carroll- ton King James, farmer, Sec. 16, P.O. Carrollton King Joshua, at home, Sec. 17, P.O. Car- rollton KING NATHAN A. farmer. Sec. 8, P. O. Carrollton. The subject of this sketch is a native of Yorkshire, England, born March 18, 1S29; was the son of Thomas and Lydia King ; her family name was Asbury. At the age of thirteen he emigrated to this country, in company with his parents, locating west of Carrollton ; his father died in December, 1862. Na- TOWN 10, NORTH RANGE 11, WEST. 711 than's father being blind, the care of the family devolved upon him, and, as a re- sult, his education during his youth was entirelyjneglected, and what education he now has was gotten by individual effort and hard study since he matured. Nov. lo, 1852, married Eugenia Griffin, daugh- ter of Thomas G.; had three children, Anna D., born Aug. 3, 1853; William T., born May 6, 1855; Nathan A., born Aug. 19, 1857. After Mr. King's *marriage he rented land until 1867, when he purchased land, Has been a member of the U. B. Church King Thomas, farmer. Sec. 17, P.O. Carroll- ton King W. T. farmer, Sec. 8, P. O. Carrollton T ANDISS ISAAC, farmer, Sec. 17, P.O. "^ Carrollton liANDISS WILLIAM H. farmer. Sec. 17, P.O. Carrollton. The subject of this sketch was born in Bedford County, Tenn., March 19, 1812; was the son of Isaac and Esther Landiss ; her maiden name was King ; there were nine children of the family, William being the eldest ; at an early age his parents removed to Indi- ana — it was then a wilderness ; his educa- tional advantages were very poor indeed ; his father first located in Crawford County, where he first opened a store there, and was doing well, when he was robbed by a band of organized robbers ; went then to Wash- ington County, where he was compelled to resort to manual labor to obtain a living ; In the year 1827 he emigrated to this State, and located in this county, and on the very same land now occupied by William ; first located land, 80 acres, by borrowing the money, paying 25 per cent, interest ; was engaged in teaching for three or four years, then turned his attention to farming, which he followed until he moved to Carrollton, where he remained until his death, which occurred in T857, he being 79 years old ; he had during his life been engaged as minister on local work, being a Methodist in belief The subject of this sketch re- mained under the parental roof until he attained his 26th year ; during this time learned the carpenter's trade; in May, 1838, was married to Serepta Crane; she died sixteen months afterward, leaving no issue ; moved to Macoupin County after his marriage, where he engaged in the man- ufacture of cabinet ware ; remained there about two years ; was married second time to Jane McEuen ; she was born in St. John's, N. B.; her father was a "Briton," and was a Secretary of the Navy Depart- ment in revolutionary tim*. Their mar- riage was celebrated June 14, 1840; she died fourteen months afterward ; was mar- ried the third time to Mary Alverson, na- tive of Kentucky; they have had nine chil- dren : Sereptha J., now the wife of James Seely; Catharine S., now the wife of James Fuller ; Joanna, now the wife of Nort- Sanders ; Frances, now the wife of James Smith ; Isaac, now at home ; Ella, now at home ; Minnie, now at home ; Effie, now at home ; William, now at home Leedy Phillip, renter, Sec. 13, P. O. Green- field Leedy John, renter, Sec. 11, P. O. Green- field Leister William, renter. Sec. 6, P.O. Carroll- ton Linder Uen, farmer. Sec. 10, P.O. Carrollton Lood James, renter, Sec. 34, P.O. Carrollton Lood John, renter, Sec. 16, P.O. Carrollton Lovell Andy, renter, Sec. 7, P. O. Carrollton Lowe William, farmer, Sec. 6, P. O. Carroll- ton Lutz William, farm hand, Sec. 6, P.O. Car- rollton TUT ASON G. E. farmer, Sec. 24, P.O. Car- ^^^ ronton Mason George B. farmer. Sec. 24, P.O. Car- rollton Manz Henry, farmer, Sec. 30, P. O. Carroll- ton Mason Josiah, farmer. Sec. 35, P. O. Carroll- ton McMahon Pat. farmer. Sec. 5, P. O. Carroll- ton McMahon Patrick, farmer. Sec. 8, P. O. Carrollton McMahon William, Sec. 8, P. O. Carrollton McPHERRO:N' AMOS, farmer, Sec. 26, P.O. Carrollton. Among those who are identified with the interests of the county, there are none in this township, coming at the time he did, that are now living on the same ground they entered. He came to this State in the year 1828, and bought a 712 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. man's claim, and when the land came in market he entered it, and has since re- mained on it. He was born in Knox County, Tenn., Sept. 22, 1796; there were thirteen children in the family, born of Sam- uel and Elizabeth McPherron, who were natives of Virginia. At tiie age of 23 he •was married to Hettie Morris ; their mar- riage was celebrated in September, 1S19; remained at home with his father a short time, then moved to Clinch River ; re- mained there seven years, then made the trip in a wagon to this country. They have had ten children, six of them now living : Samuel, William, James, Henry, Hester Ann, and Eliza Adaline. William and Henry are in Texas, Samuel in Missouri, James near CarroUton ; the two girls are in Macoupin County. Dec. 20, 1842, he lost his wife, and in August, 1843, was married to Mrs. Elizabeth Meldrum ; by this mar- riage they have had two children : Marga- ret, born July 13, 1844, now the wife of James Hawkins ; Charles W., born July 31, 1846, now living on the farm. Amos McPherron is now 82 years of age, and is remarkably well preserved, and enjoys good health, and seems likely to live many years yet ; has been a long-life Democrat ; has been a member of the M. E. Church for over sixty years ; has never taken any active part in politics but "votes straight." In brief, Mr. McPherron is one of the old- est, and there are none either young or old who are more highly respected than he ; has long been identified with the interests of the county, and well deserving; of the esteem with which he is held McPherron C. W. farmer, Sec. 26, P.O. Car- roUton Meldrum Wm. renter, Sec. 21, P.O. Carrolton Mitchell George, Sec. 7, P.O. CarroUton MITCHELL W. M. farmer. Sec. 7, P.O. CarroUton. The subject of this sketch is a native of Nottinghamshire, England, born Dec. 12, 1824. He was the eldest of a family of seven children born of Wm. and Mary M.; her maiden name was Math- ews. At the age of 13 he was thrown upon his own resources, and as a result he was deprived of any educational advantages. He began work at first among the farmers, at which he continued until the year 1849, when he was united in marriage to Ann Piatt, born April 27, 1822 ; their marriage was celebrated May 16, 1849. They have had eight children, but three now living : George, born 1850; Mary E., born Sept. 5, 1852, now the wife of George Dodson ; Hattie, born May 24, 1857, now the wife of Samuel T. Slone ; George was born in England, the remaining ones in this country. April 24, 1850, he bid adieu to his native shore and sailed for this country, arriving in New York just one month later. Upon his arrival to this State he began work with a resolution that he would have a home some day ; he first worked out by the month, at which he continued some time ; then he rented land several years, and by hard work and economy he finally accumu- lated enough to buy him 120 acres of land, which he now owns, and has since been en- gaged in farming pursuits. He has now excellent buildings, and is in easy circum- stances, having acquired it all by his own industry and the assistance of his faithful wife Morris , renter, P.O. CarroUton Murphy James, renter, Sec. 36, P.O. Carroll- ton Murphy P. farmer. Sec. 34, P.O. CarroUton pERINE J.H. farmer. Sec. 30, P.O. Car- •^ ronton Perrine Saml. renter. Sec. 27, P.O. CarroUton Perkins John, farm hand. Sec. 26, P.O. Car- roUton Peter Robt. W. teacher, Sec. 27, P.O. Car- roUton Peters John, renter. Sec. 11, P.O. Greenfield Profitt Hiram, renter, P.O. CarroUton Propst James, renter, Sec. 31, P.O. CarroUton Probst Wm. renter, Sec. 31, P.O. CarroUton T3 ATHGEBER ADAM farmer. Sec. 9, -*^ P.O. CarroUton Rathgeber George, farmer. Sec. 9, P.O. Car- roUton Reynolds Geo. farmer, Sec. 18, P.O. CarroUton Roberts Jesse, farmer, Sec. 25, P.O. Rock- bridge Robinson George, farmer, Sec. 11, P.O. Car- roUton Robinson James, farmer. Sec. 5, P.O. Car- roUton ROBINSON T. C. farmer, P.O. Car- roUton, first beheld the light March 12, TOWN 10, NORTH RANGE 11, WEST. 713 l8i6, in Talbert County, Md., is the son of Thomas and Mary R., whose family name was Catnip. Thomas, after completing his schooling, the text books being Pike's arith- metic, Webster's speller, and the Testa- ment, these constituted his curriculum ; at the age of ig, he and his brother John came West, the trip occupying one month, at that time there was but one railroad leading west, it being the Baltimore and Ohio, hav- ing its terminus at Frederick, there being but one engine, and at the time they came over the road it was laid up for repairs, and horses were substituted for locomotive power. Eleven miles of the road being an incline plane, the cars ran by their own momentum. After leaving the railroad the boys walked across the mountains and then took passage on a boat to Columbiana. From here they traveled on foot to Macoupin County, where they hired out by the month to work on a farm. Went South and win- tered. In the Spring went North to Alton, where they remained two years. Then came to this county and located near the place he now lives, where he rented land one season, then bought 8o acres. May 23, 1837, was united in marriage to Eliza Biscoe, who was also a native of Maryland, came to this State when quite young, she is a daughter of Thomas Biscoe. Eight children now living, viz. : Mary, George, Thomas, James, Eliza J., William J., Le- nora, Julia A., Florence Ella, and Laura Emma. After their marriage moved in a log cabin, and though they lived in a prim- itive manner, yet looked forward to the day when they would have better, and are to-day enjoying the fruits of their labor and the reward for their former privations. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson are both members of the M. E. Church RUSSELL J. M. farmer. Sec. 29, P.O. CarroUton, is a native of Greene County, Pa., his parents, Henry and Jane Russell, dying during his early youth, he was thus thrown out upon the cold world to battle alone. He was born Feb. 20, 1840. His mother's maiden name was Blain. When quite young was bound out to a man by the name of Bain, who agreed to send him to school three months during the year, which part of the contract was not filled to the letter, and as a result J. M. left him at the age of 17, and set out for himself. In the Spring of 1851 he emi- grated West with Bain, and after leaving him attended school a sufficient length of time to enable him to acquire a knowledge of the branches required to be taught, and then embarked as a teacher; taught one Winter term, and at the outbreak of the war was among the first to respond to the call for three months men. Enlisting in Co. I, nth 111. State Vol., and at the ex- piration of his term of enlistment returned home, taught one term, then enlisted in Co. I, 91st Regt. for three years, and remained with his regiment until the close of the war, during which time he was never absent from his company, with the exception of five months, when he was on parole, hav- ing been taken prisoner at Elizabethtown, Ky. Upon his return from service he re- sumed teaching, and continued at the same for three years ; was then married to Lucy Hardcastle, daughter of John Hardcastle. She was born in this county April 20, 1843, their marriage took place Feb. 20, 1S68. Had six children : Francis W., John H., Robt. L., James B., Jane M., Thomas H. After his marriage he removed to Kansas, where he staid about six years. About this time the grasshoppers invested the country, and Mr. Russell returned March, 1875, and moved to the farm he now owns, and has since remained. He is a member of Car- roUton Lodge, A. F. and A. M., and Car- roUton Chapter Ryan John, renter. Sec. 16, P.O. CarroUton Ryan Wm. renter, Sec. 16, P.O. CarroUton C ANDERS EDWIN, renter. Sec. 9, P.O. "^ CarroUton SECOR E. J. farmer and stock raiser, CarroUton, is a son of Joshua and Tryphe- nia Secor, whose maiden name was Raynor» a native of Morristown, N. J. Joshua, the father of E. J. is a near descendent of a family who were compelled to leave their native country on account of religious per- secution, and coming here, settled in the wilderness of New York, and named the place New Rochelle, in memory of the place they had been driven, and around which clustered memories not soon to be forgotten. Joshua was born in Westchester County, N. Y., in 1782, learned the trade 714 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. of a cabinet maker, was a fine mechanic and an inventive genius ; afterwards constructed in Illinois the first saw mill ever run in the State by wind as the propelling power. Was married in 1810; at that time he be- longed to a " Union " that encouraged a " strike," and to become isolated from it, he not being in sympathy with it, went to Charlestown, S.C.and remained one Win- ter ; returning, he went to Greene County, Pa., where he lived eighteen years, and in May, 1833, having a desire to try his for- tunes in the West, emigrated to this county, and settled in town 10, range 11, section 24. Log cabins were like " angel's visits," few and far between; they camped at first, their covered wagon in which they came being their place of abode until circum- stances afforded them better. First bought 240 acres in the prairie and 80 in the timber; the people ridiculed his idea of buying prairie land, they at that time deeming only the timber land of any value, but the sequel proved the wisdom of his selection. His father lived until he attained his gad year. E. J. remained with his parents un- til his 22d year, then returned East to attend to some business pertaining to the estate; staid one Winter; made a second trip in 1841, and while there married his wife, Elizabeth' A. Lockwood, of Belmont, Ohio, daughter of Judge L., a prominent jurist of that locality; she was born July, 1818. Upon their arrival West he bought the land he now owns, and has since lived there, and is about the only one in the town- ship, with one exception, who is now living on the land purchased at the time. July 17, 1870, Mr. Secor's house was burned to the ground, a large portion of the contents were consumed — fire accidental. The fam- ily then moved in a house built for a tenant, and the 17th of July the same year, it was struck by lightning, killing his son Edward instantly; the entire contents were burned this time, leaving the family houseless in a drenching rain in their night clothes. Mr. and Mrs. Secor have now five children: Rebecca, now the wife of Geo. Robinson, now of Kansas; Eliza, now the wife of President Davis of McLeansboro College, this State ; Luther, now practicing law in St. Louis; Ben. L. and Arthur at home. Mr. and Mrs. S. are both members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church; he is of Republican faith, but is not much interested in politics Shaffer Henry, renter. Sec. 13, P.O. Green- field Sheridan Thomas, farmer, Sec. 5, P.O. Car- rollton Shetterley M. renter. Sec. 18, P.O. Carrollton Shetterley M. farmer. Sec. 30, P.O. Carrollton Singleton Robb, renter, Sec. 8, P.O. Carroll- ton Slaughter Eugene, farm hand. Sec. 16, P.O. Carrollton SLONE ASA, county farm. Sec. 7, P. O. Carrollton. Prominent among the rep- sentatives of this county who hail from the State of North Carolina is Mr. Slone, who was born in Chatham County, N. C, Oct. 17, 1825. His father's name was Matthew, and his mother's name was Chloe Hews, both of them natives of same State. In the Fall of 1833 the family emigrated to this State in a wagon, locating at Carrollton, remained about eight years, then removed to Macoupin County, where they remained until the death of the head of the family, which oc- curred in 1845. The subject of this sketch assisted in maintaining the family after the death of his father, and was thus deprived of all educational advantages. At an early age worked out on a farm until nearly grown, when he went to learn the black- smith's trade at which he continued up to the time of the outbreak of the Mexican war, when he enlisted in Co. " C " 1st Regiment, commanded by John Hardin, remained out two years, then returned to Carrollton and resumed his trade, hiring out to his former employer, staid with him seven years ; then set up in same business by himself in Carrollton, con- tinuing at same for eighteen years. July 6, 1848, was married to Ann M. Caldwell, born Sept. 3, 1830. In 1865 he abandoned the anvil and forge,- and engaged in farm- ing ; first made a commencement on Macoupin Creek, bought him 300 acres of land, farmed about three years, then sold out and rented land until March, 1873, when he moved to the county farm which he has since run with credit to himself and the satisfaction of all concerned. Mr. Slone has six children : Margaret, born TOWN 10, NORTH RANGE 11, WEST. 715 May 20, 1849; William, born July 10, 1852; Samuel T., born April 17, 1857 ; Robert A., born Feb. 11, i860; John C, Nov. 27, 1863 ; Mary C, April 5, 1856 ; Maud A., Nov. 7, 1869. Margaret died Nov. 20, 1869 Slone Samuel F. farmer, Sec. 7, P.O. Carroll- ton Slone Wm. M. farmer. Sec. 7, P. O. Carroll- ton Smith Abner, farmer, P. O. Carrollton Smiths J. M. & R. W. farmers, Sec. 35, P. O. Carrollton Smith Robert, renter. Sec. 34, P. O. Carroll- ton Smith Rufus, renter. Sec. 5, P. O. Carrollton Spears Thomas, renter. Sec. 18, P. O. Car- rollton Standefer Douglass, renter. Sec. 28, P. O. Carrollton Standefer E. H. farm hand, Sec. 26, P. O. Carrollton Steele M. farmer, Sec. 34, P. O. Carrollton Stout J. H, farmer. Sec. 24, P. O. Carrollton Strode James E. farmer. Sec. 3, P. O. Car- rollton Strode Jesse N. farmer. Sec. 3, P. O. Carroll- ton nrURNER WM. farmer, Sec. 25, P. O. -*■ Rockbridge Tutterow Alvin C. at home, Sec. 27, P.O. Carrollton TUTTEROW BALSAR, farmer. Sec. 27, P.O. Carrollton, is a native of Knox County,Tenn., was born Sept. 23,1820, son of Jacob and Susan T. ; her maiden name was Probst. There were five children in the family, Balsar being the eldest. His father dying at the time when his parental aid was the most needed, the care of the family from that time devolved upon him and his mother, and he was thus deprived of the privilege of attending school. Remained with his mother until he attained his 27th year, when he was united in marriage to Carolme Gowan ; they had four children, namely, Arthama Ann, Orpha C, John P., Battle and Willie A. Moved to this State in October, 185 1, and first located one mile and a quarter south of Carrollton, where he began renting land, which he continued for about nine years, until the year 1857, when he bought eighty acres ot land. His wife died the same year ; was married the second time to Celia E. Pinker- ton, March, 1S58. She was born May 16, 1832. They have three children — Alva C, Rhoda J., and Lavina C. Member of the M. E. Church, is a strong advocate of temperance principles ; was formerly a member of the Whig party Tutterow J. P. farmer, Sec. 27, P.O. Carroll- ton Vy ALKER A. renter, Sec. 35, P. O. Car- * * rollton Waltrip , farmer. Sec. 3, P. O. Carrollton Warr»n Al. farm hand, Sec. 21, P.O. Carroll ton Whitlock Page, farmer, Sec. 36, P. O. Rock- bridge Whitlock M. Mrs. retired. Sec. 36, P. O. Rockbridge Winters William, farmer. Sec. 32, P. O. Car- rollton Witt Daniel, farmer. Sec. 3, P. O. Wrights- ville Woke Peter, renter. Sec. 4, P. O. Carrollton Woods Richard, renter, P. O. Carrollton Watt Jeremiah, renter. Sec. 8, P. O. Carroll- ton Township io, North Range 13, West, A DCOCK GEORGE, farmer, Sec. 39, P. O. CarroUton BANDY A. L. farmer. Sec. 25, P.O. Car- roUton BANDY HORATIO, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 25, P. O. CarroUton, was born in Greene County, Jan. g, 183 1 ; is the son of Elihu and Elizabeth Bandy, who came to Greene County in an early day, and entered the land where Rood- house now stands, living there for several years till 1833, sold the land and entered southwest of CarroUton, where he still re- sides ; was in the war of 1812. The subject of this sketch was educated at the old style log school house ; was married March 25, 1858, to Miss Malinda Ray, who was born March 7, 1836, in Missouri, she is the daughter of Asa and Rhoda Ray. Mr. Bandy's family consists of ten children, all of whom are living : Martha E., born Dec. 30, 1858 ; Carolina M., May 23, 1861; Asa E., Dec, 30, 1862; Mahulda C, Feb. 6, 1865 ; Horatio T., Nov. 16, 1866 ; John W., Sept. 28, 1868 ; James M., Sept. 22, 1870; Edgar S., Feb. 17, 1873; Frances M., Feb. 17, 1875; Wade T., Nov. 11, 1877. Mr. Bandy started in life with no means, is a hard working man, and has ac- cumulated 165 acres of land BANDY THOS. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 25. P. O. CarroUton, was born in Greene County, lU., 1828, on the land that is now Roodhouse, and which was owned by his father E. Bandy at that time, who is one of the oldest settlers of Greene County. The subject of this sketch was educated in subscription schools, the first school he attended was a log structure with a dirt floor, and the old time fire- place, and the seats were rude benches made of slabs with no support for the back ; being reared in an early day, he has seen some of the privations of the earlier settlers of Greene County ; was married in 1856 to Julia A. Looper, who was born in 1832 in Greene County, she is the daughter of David and Nancy Looper. Their union was blessed with ten chil- dren, seven living : Arthur L., Alice E., Robert C, Emma A., and (twins) Thomas M. and Julia A., and James E. Mr. Bandy owns 195 acres Barnes L. farmer. Sec. 22, P. O. CarroUton Bechdoldt George, farmer. Sec. 28, P. O. CarroUton Bechdoldt George, farmer, Sec. 22, P. O. CarroUton Bechdoldt Henry, farmer. Sec. 28, P. O. Car- roUton Bechdoldt J. P. farmer. Sec. 28, P. O. CarroU- ton Beebe A. farmer, Sec. 27, P. O. CarroUton Beener Scott, farmer. Sec. 4, P. O. Bluffdale Blount John, farmer. Sec. 35, P. O. CarroU- ton Booth Charles F. farmer. Sec. 24, P. O. Car- roUton Booth John H. farmer. Sec. 24, P. O. CarroU- ton Borman R. farmer, Sec. 14, P. O. CarroUton Bradley Henry, farmer. Sec. 35, P. O. Car- roUton BRADLEY R. C. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 35, P.O. CarroUton, was born in Tennessee in 1818. He was bound out in his native State to E. Barnard, and lived with him till he was eighteen years of age, which was in 1836 ; he then left his native place for the far West, drove an ox team through for a son of the man he was bound to, landing in Greene County in the Fall of 1836, with the small sum of twenty-five cents. Commeneed working by the month for Thomas Black, on a farm, for eight dollars per month, working five months; then worked for Samuel Thomas in a dis- tillery six weeks, then worked for Thos. Hob- son off and on for several years,going to New TOWN 10, NORTH RANGE 13, WEST. 717 Orleans in the winter on rafts of cypress logs. Then went to renting land which he kept up till 1850; he then bought 120 acres; as he accumulated bought more land, till he now owns in Greene County 444 acres, in Macoupin and Sangamon 250, and Bates County, Missouri, 230 acres ; in all, 934 acres. He has run a threshing machine since 1845, and a saw mill since 1852 He was married December 21st, 1843, to Eliza- beth Hall, whose parents' names were Thomas and Mary, who came into Greene County in 1818, among the oldest settlers of the county. Mr. Bradley's family con- sisted of ten children, eight living : Mary E. James B., Clarissa H., deceased, Thomas A., Jeannette Z., Reuben H., Charles D., Joseph L., George J. and one infant not named Bradley Thomas, farmer. Sec. 35. P.O. Car- roUton Brisco John, renter. Sec. 35, P.O. Carrollton Bristol Alvin, farmer, Sec. 26, P.O. Carroll- ton Britchly A. farmer. Sec 21, P.O. Carrollton Brown H. farmer, Sec. 9, P.O. Bluffdale Brown J. renter, Sec. 9, P.O. Bluffdale Brown P. renter, Sec. 9, P.O. Bluffdale Brown William, farmer, Sec. 9, P.O. Bluffdale Bushnell B. Mrs. Sec. 32, P.O. Carrollton Bushnell D. S. farmer. Sec. 33, P.O. Carroll- ton Bushnell S. farmer. Sec. 33, P.O. Carrollton Bushnell T. C. farmer. Sec. 32, P.O. Carroll- ton Bushnell W. R. farmer, Sec. 32, P.O. Carroll- ton CAMERER J. farmer. Sec. 12, P.O. Car. rollton Carpenter James, farmer. Sec. 32. P.O. Car- rollton Carpenter M. farmer, Sec. 32, P.O. Carroll- ton Carpenter S. farmer. Sec. 32, P.O. Carroll- ton Carrico Silas, farmer. Sec. 2, P.O. Carrollton Crane James J. renter, Sec. 35, P.O. Carroll, ton Cummings Henry, renter. Sec. 39, P.O. Car- rollton •pwARR WILLIAM, farmer. Sec. 23, P.O. Carrollton G2 T7VINS GEORGE, farmer. Sec. 34, P.O. -L^ Carrollton npATT W. renter. Sec. 20, P.O. Carrollton -*- Fillinger N. renter. Sec. 34, P.O. Carroll- ton Flatt C. farmer. Sec. 33, P.O. Carrollton Flatt David, farmer. Sec. 33, P O. Carrollton Flatt John, farmer. Sec. 20, P.O. Carrollton Flatt W. farmer. Sec. 33, P.O. Carrollton Flatt William, farmer, Sec. 23, P.O. Carroll- ton /^ AMBLE JOHN, farmer, .Sec. 12, P.O. ^^ Carrollton Garelts George, renter. Sec. 29, P.O. Carroll- ton Garrison Thomas, farm hand. Sec, 14, P.O. Carrollton Gaser J. farmer. Sec. 21, P.O. Carrollton Gerr Coonrod, wagon maker, P.O. Woodville Gilbert Elizabeth Mrs. Sec. 10, P.O. Carroll- ton Gill B. farmer. Sec. 36, P.O. Carrollton Goans W. L. farm hand. Sec. 32, P.O. Carroll- ton Graham S. O. farmer, Sec. 14, P.O. Carroll- ton Graves Mac, renter. Sec. 10, P.O. Carrollton TTALBIRT CARRIE Mrs. Sec. i, P.O. '-'■ Carrollton Halbirt H. C. farmer Sec. i, P.O. Carrollton Halbirt W. renter, Sec. 27, P.O. Carrollton Halbirt W. L. farmer. Sec. 12, P.O. Carroll- ton Hall James, farmer, P.O. Woodville Harley John, renter. Sec. 34, P.O. Woodville Harlow D. farmer. Sec. 28, P.O. Carrollton Harper William, renter. Sec. 33, P.O. Car- rollton T^AFFER F. A. farmer. Sec. 34, P.O. Car- -•^ rollton Kelly Richard S. school teacher, P.O. Car- rollton King Stephen, farmer, Sec. 34, P.O. Carroll- ton T AWSON JAMES, farmer. Sec. 14, P.O. ^ Carrollton Lembke D. farmer, Sec. 11, P.O. Carrollton Lockmond H. C. farmer, Sec. 33, P.O. Car- rollton 718 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. Low William P. farmer, Sec. 24, P.O. Car- rollton TyrAYBERRY JAMES V. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 36, P.O. Car- 1-ollton, was born Feb. 14, 1831; is the son of Wm. B. and Martha Mayberry, who came from Tennessee, in 1837. James was six years of age when he came to Greene County; has followed the occupation of a farmer all his life, and owns 1,300 acres of land; was married in 1859, to Elizabeth Clark, who was a native of Kentucky, but reared in Greene County; her father came from Kentucky in 1844, to Greene County, bought land and lived there for a number of years, then moved to Macoupin County, living there one year, then returned to Greene County, where the father died, in 1852. The mother still lives at the age of 79 Mahalond Adam, renter, Sec. 20, P. O. Car- roUton March John, renter. Sec. 10, P.O. Carrollton March R. renter, Sec. 10, P.O. Carrollton Mathis Frederick, renter. Sec. i. P. O. Car- rollton McAdams Joseph, farmer, Sec. i. P.O. Car- rollton McGhee John, renter. Sec. 23, P. O. Carroll- ton Millede M. L. merchant. Sec. 21, P. O. Car- rollton PATTERSON H. farmer, Sec. 22, P. O. Carrollton Patterson Wm. farmer, Sec. 22, P.O. Carroll- ton Patterson Wm. farmer, Sec. 14, P.O. Carroll- ton Pegram Alvin, farmer. Sec. 13, P. O. Carroll- ton Pegram Nathaniel, farmer. Sec. 14, P.O. Car- rollton Peters George, farmer. Sec. 17, P.O. Carroll- ton Poleman J. P. farmer. Sec. 22, P. O. Carroll- ton Powell John, shoemaker, Woodville Pravvzer J. B. farmer, Sec. 12, P.O. Carrollton Price Thomas, renter, Sec. 20, P. O. Carroll- ton REED WM. farmer. Sec. 22, P.O. Carroll- ton Robley A. farmer. Sec. 9, P.O. Carrollton Robley Charles, farmer. Sec. 9, P. O. Carroll- ton Robley C. A. farmer. Sec. 9, P. O. Carrollton Robley E. V. farmer. Sec. 9, P.O. Carrollton Robley V. farmer, Sec. 9, P.O. Carrollton Rowe H. H, farmer. Sec. 26, P. O. Carrollton Rotgines John, farmer, Sec. 34, P.O. Carroll- ton CCHMIDT C. farmer, Sec. 21, P.O. Car. •^ roUton Shea P. farm hand. Sec. 25, P.O. Carrollton Short John, farmer, Sec. 27, P.O. Carrollton Short John M. farmer. Sec. 33. P.O. Carroll- ton Smith Charles, farmer. Sec. ir, P. O. Carroll- ton Smith Isaac, farmer. Sec. 11, P.O. Carrollton Smith J. farmer. Sec. 21, P.O. Carrollton Snelton Benjamin, farmer. Sec. 24, P.O. Car- rollton Snyder John, farmer. Sec. 23, P.O. Carrollton Stone John Mrs. Sec. 27, P.O. Carrollton Swires Wm. renter, Sec. 34, P.O. Carrollton n^AYLOR DOW, renter. Sec. 26, P. O. Carrollton Taylor G. W. farmer. Sec. 12, P. O. Carroll- ton Taylor H. farmer, Sec. 13, P.O. Carrollton Taylor James K. carpenter. Sec. 13, P. O. Carrollton Taylor John, farmer, Sec. 4, P.O. Carrollton Terness Charley, renter, Sec. 22, P.O. Carroll- ton TiUery T. farmer, Sec. 26, P.O. Carrollton Thompson George, carpenter, P.O. Carrollton Trusty Ellen Mrs. Sec. 22, P.O. Carrollton ATANHORN J. farmer, Sec. 11, P.O. Car- ^ rollton Vanipool Alfred, farmer. Sec. 14, P. O. Car- rollton VyALTRIP JAMES, farmer. Sec. i, P.O. Carrollton Wincell S. H. farmer. Sec. 32, P. O. Carroll- Wing Wm. farm hand. Sec. 36, P.O. Carroll- ton Wommick J. R. farmer. Sec. 27, P. O. Car- rollton Warfield John, renter. Sec. 15, P. O. Carroll- ton Township io, North Range 14, West. /^UNNINGHAM DAVID, renter, Colum- ^-^ biana T OGAN J. B. commission merchant, Co- "^ lumbiana M IDDAUGH B. F. fisherman, Columbi- ana OTONE A. J. commission merchant, Co- himbiana Strater W. R. renter, Sec. 24, P. O. Columbi- ana T W OTZELL V. fisherman, Columbiana ORDENSKEY MARY Mrs. mer- chant, Columbiana Township 9, North Range 10, West. A LLEN BEIN-JAMIN, farmer and ■^^stock raiser, Sec. 5, P. O. Rockbridge. Years ago, when the emigrant wagons lined the banks of the Macoupin, Benjamin Allen, then in the flush of early manhood, became an inhabitant of Illinois; when Chicago was so deep in the wilderness that the news of Indian outbreaks on our western frontiers did not reach the adventurous men com- prising its inhabitants, for many weeks; St. Louis itself, now one of the wealthiest cities in the Union, a mere trading point for the Hudson Bay Fur Co., and oth- ers who, plunging into the wilds of the far west, hunted the fresh water streams for mink, otter and other fur bearing animals; but to the subject under consideration. Benjamin Allen was born in South Caroli- na, in 1792. In an early day he made his way to Kentucky where he subsequently married Miss Susan Taylor, and shortly after this important event, he made his way to Monroe Co., Illinois, two years later re- moving to Madison Co., thence to Greene Co., where he bought an improved claim ; for a considerable length of time his only neighbor was John Taylor, who has long since been gathered to his fathers; in those days, wolves abounded, and deer and tur- key in great numbers, sometimes formed a delicious repast for the vigorous backwoods- man ; many a time he found it necessary to make a journey of thirty or forty miles, and there patiently await the grinding of his grist. Years have flown since then, and Mr. Allen has long since reaped the benefit of his early labors in the far west. To follow step by step his career on the prairies, where he followed the plow, or swinging his ax among the timber, or assisted in the raising of a cabin, would perhaps be super- fluous, as so many of the trials endured in frontier life are found in our general history. His wife, whose maiden name was Susan Taylor, departed this life in i860, and was laid at rest in the Rockbridge Cemetery; the children born of this marriage now liv- ing, are John, who married Miss Amanda Huff; Margaret, who married Jefferson Dix- on, and Mary, who married Anson Miller. In the war of 1812, Mr. A. became an ac- tive participant, and few indeed have wit- nessed a more eventful, progressive life than the aged veteran from whom this nar- rative is obtained Allen John, farmer, Sec. 5, P.O. Rockbridge ALLEN AVILLIAM A. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 5, P.O. Rockbridge. The above named gentleman is a native of Ran- dolph Co., 111. where he was born June 29, 1840. Oldest son of William Allen and Mar- tha, whose maiden name was Chestnut. Wil- liam Allen the head of the family, was a na- tive of Scotland; in 182 1 he crossed the ocean. For some years he resided in Indiana, where he followed the lifeof a boatman and where he married the lady above mentioned, on March 29, 183S; one year later he moved to Randolph Co., where the family were residents until 1848, when a removal was made to Greene Co., where Mr. Allen died on the 4th of June, 1874, finding a last rest- ing place in the Cemetery known as the Witt. Mrs. Allen survives her husband and is a resident of this township. Wil- liam jr. was married to Miss Lessa M- Jackson, a daughter of Lemuel Jackson, an old settler of this county, in 1866. Of this marriage two children were born ; William L. deceased, and Mary Ida. Mr. Allen is the owner of 160 acres of valuable land in this township, and the only office he has ever had or aspired to, is that of constable of his native place T30WERS JOHN, farmer. Sec. 7, P. O. Rockbridge. Bowers Joseph, farm hand, P.O. Rockbridge Burger Hugh, blacksmith. Sec. 4, P.O. Rock- bridge TOWN 9, NORTH RANGE 10, WEST. 721 Burger John, renter Sec. 4, P.O. Rockbridge /^ANNEDY JAMES F. renter, P.O. Rock- ^ bridge Cannedy Thomas, renter Sec. 9, P.O. Rock- bridge CANNEOY WILLIAM H. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 5, P.O. Rockbridge. When the long lines of emigrant trains dotted the prairies between the States of Tennessee and Illinois, and many sought the new Eldorado, extending from St. Louis to Chicago, among the number whose while-capped wagons were drawn slowly across the native prairie grass, we mention with more than a passing notice, James Cannedy, father of the honored gentleman whose name stands at the top of this sketch. He was born in South Carolina, March 20, 1790, removing to Tennessee when that State had witnessed few im- provements. He was there married to Miss Eliza Grizzle. In the war of 1S12 he took an active part, and after its close be- gan the life of a saddler, and subsequently became an exceedingly prosperous farmer. In the commencement of this narrative, we have made mention of his emigration to the West, this was in 1829, when mar- velous reports began to be spread abroad, of Illinois. The family then comprised husband, wife and eight children. A first stopping place was made in Jefferson County, but not long afterward he moved to that portion of Greene County now set apart and known asT. 11, R. 10. He built a cabin of the usual description and became in after years a moderately successful far- mer ; he was commissioned a captain of a military company during the Black Hawk war, but was not called upon to partici- pate, owing to the rebellion coming sud- denly to a close. He died on the 15th of January, 1872, finding a last resting place in Greene County ; his wife had preceded him to that bourne from whence no traveler ever returns, Aug. 10, 1867. William, whose energetic career in Illinois is worthy of more than a passing notice, grew up amid the pioneer boys of Greene County, many of whom bear a "prominent part in the prosperity of Southern Illinois. He received a liberal education by dint of hard study during his youth and early man- hood. The 5th of March, 1855, he was married to Miss Mahala Allen, a daughter of Nathan Allan of Kentucky ; he now taught school for a number of years. Reg- ularly and prior to this he had taught young scholars, many who are now gray haired men, and residents of the county. Dur- ing the Autumn of 1858, he was elected to the office of justice of the peace ; in those days the press of business incumbent upon the office proved so great that it interfered materially with his school duties, and since this date, until very recently, be has at- tended to the duties of his farm and been the recipient of other township offices. In the capacity of justice, through his knowledge of the law, he acquired a pro- ficiency that has never been equalled in this county. In religious matters he has taken a deep interest for many years, con- tributing financially and otherwise toward their support, and now, after a long and eventful life, he is the possessor of 151^ acres of valuable land, which wilj compare favorably with any other farm of its size in the State and county, on which he erected some years ago a handsome farm residence. Of the marriage above mentioned nine children were born, all of whom are living: Jas. F., Louisa, Mary Ann, Melinda C, Sarah M., Thos. J., John W., Cora J. I., Martha E. Before bringing this sketch to a close it will be well to make a note of the fact that few have the confidence of the people to such an extent as Mr. C, who has officiated as township school trustee and treasurer many years and is at present notary public CLARK ROBERT H. farmer and thresher. Sec. 4, P.O. Rockbridge. The subject of our sketch was born in Virginia, Oct. 10, 1826, where he grew to manhood, receiving such education as time and op- portunity offered. Attaining his majority he voyaged down the Ohio River to Cin- cinnati, and from this point proceeded to St. Louis, Mo., and thence to Greene County, where he entered the employ of Samuel Judy, as a farm hand. Several months had elapsed when he returned to Virginia, and there united his fortunes on the 20th of Sept., 1S58, to Miss Isabel Vest. He now moved to Ohio where he remained a resident four years ; at the end 722 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. of this time he again became a resident of Greene County, where he entered the ser- vice of his old employer, continuing with him until his decease, which occurred one year later. From this time onward his en- ergy and will carried him successfully for- ward. For many years he has ran a horse- power, and latterly a steam thresher, and in this vocation has met with flattering suc- cess. Of the marriage above referred to eight children were born : America, Lin- coln, James, John, Phoebe, Nellie, Frank, and Clifton COX WILLIAM, farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 8, P.O. Rockbridge. The sub- ject of our notice is the fourth child of David and Emma Cox. David was a na- tive Pennsylvanian, born in iSio, a farmer by occupation, who there married Emma Dawson, in 1832, a daughter of Wm. Daw- son, a farmer of the neighborhood. He moved from his native State of Pennsylva- nia in the year 1840, settling in Greene County, where he first rented farm prop- erty, but subsequently became the owner of real estate. Digressing a little from the subject in hand : Mrs. Cox died during the early infancy of our narrator. Mr. Cox is still living and resides in this township. William, whose career we now follow, was born in Greene County, March 14, 1840, following agricultural pursuits from his earliest years. On Jan. 23, 1862, he was married to Miss Mary Ann Stringer, a daughter of William Stringer, one of the pioneers of Greene County, by whom he has one child, Lucy R. Mrs. C. died on the nth day of May, 1872, and on the 3d day of May, 1S74, Mr. Cox was married to Mrs. Mary C. Tucker, a daughter of James Whitlock, and relict of Francis Tucker, by whom he has one child, John A. Mr. C. has become exceedingly pros- perous in his vocation by well directed en- ergy and force of character. At the pres- ent writing he is the owner of 171 acres of valuable land in this township ■pvELANEY BARNEY, farmer, Sec. 4, P.O. Rockbridge DIXON HENRY JEFFERSON, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 4, P.O. Rock- bridge, although not among the earliest pi- oneers of Greene County, is worthy of more than a passing notice. He was born in McLean County, East Tennessee, on the 1st day of October, 1823, the second child of Solomon and Sarah Dixon ; he passed the days of his youth on the old farm homestead, where he acquired that knowledge of agriculture that led to suc- cessful results, when he subsequently be- came an Illinois farmer ; he was but seven years of age when the family removed to this State ; on the 20th of December, 1829, this overland route to the West was made in what is familiarly called a prairie schoon- er, or covered wagon ; on their settlement, near what is now Fayette, on farm proper- ty, where a log cabin, composed of round logs, was soon in process of erection and completion ; not long after the family set- tlement, the deep snow ushered in a mon- otonous winter for the new comers ; this event, well remembered by many who have grown to an advanced age, of the pioneers of Greene County, caused much suffering and hardships; the snow accumulating to a depth of from three to five feet, caused many wild animals to perish, causing a scarcity of game in subsequent years ; the old folks have long since been gathered to their fathers, after an eventful life in South- ern Illinois. Jefferson, from whom this narrative is obtained, grew up amid pio- neer associations, and received his prelim- inary education in a log school-house, with a fire-place as large as a modern bed-room, and the hard beaten earth answered the place of flooring ; in 1848, he was married to Miss Margaret Allen, a daughter of Benjamin Allen, one of the first pioneers within the borders of Greene County. He now turned his attention to blacksmithing and wagon making, continuing in this vo- cation for a period of twenty-five years, thereby gaining his first start in life; his first purchase of farm property was made in 1849, ^nd consisted of 20 acres ; since this date he has added materially to his posses- sions, and now owns 100 acres in this town- ship of valuable land ; of the marriage above referred to six children were born, four of whom are living : Sarah J., who married Isaac Hardin ; Clark, Albert and Benjamin F.; John H. and infant child, deceased Dixon Henry, renter. Sec. 5, P.O. Rockbridge TOWN 9, NORTH RANGE 10, WEST. 723 DOWDALL JAMES, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 7, P.O. Rockbridge. For nearly one hundred years tiie tide of emigra- tion flowed steadily westward, and among the many who became residents of this county in an early day, few have displayed more of the characteristic energy of the pioneer than James Dowdall, born in the year 1826* in Jennings County, Indiana. He was the child of John and Elizabeth Dowdall who removed from Indiana, set- tling in Greene County in 1831, at a time when Illinois had witnessed few improve- ments of a substantial nature. John Dow- dall was a native Virginian, raised in Ken- tucky. He was married while on a visit to Indiana, to Miss Elizabeth English, a daughter of Elisha English, of Kentucky. Having now followed the fortunes of this enterprising band of emigrants to Greene County, where many of them were destined to play a prominent part in the growth and development of this portion of Illinois, owing to limited space the statement is here given, that for the period of time in which he lived, John Dowdall was a suc- cessful agriculturist, who displayed marked energy that led to successful results. He died October 27, 1865, and was laid at rest in the beautiful cemetery of CarroUton. Mrs. D. passed away in 1848. James, from whom this narrative is obtained, who ranks among the more opulent farmers of Greene County, passed his early years in humble circumstances. In 1850 he was united in marriage to Miss Mary Stevens, a daughter of John Stevens, of Virginia. To use his own language, Mr. Dowdall was then worth about fioo, and procured his first start in life through diligence and strict attention to business, and the same energy that characterized his boyhood, laid the foundation of his present fortune. The owner of over 1000 acres of valuable land in the counties of Macoupin, Jersey, Mont- gomery and Greene, he enjoys the confi- dence of his many friends in this county. His hospitality is unbounded, and his na- ture genial and liberal. Of the marriage above referred to, ten children were born, of whom nine are living: John H., Joseph L., Ann E., Sarah W., William E., Anabel, Mary O., Martie O., Lucy M., James W., deceased Dowdall Joseph L. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 17, P.O. Rockbridge ■pDWARDS H. S. renter. Sec. 5, P.O. ^ Rockbridge Edwards Scott H. farm hand. Sec. 4, P.O. Rockbridge T7REER ABRAHAM, farmer. Sec. 5 P.O. r Rockbridge TT UFF JAMES,farmer, Sec. 5, P O. Rock- -»■ -*• bridge HUFF JOHN", farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 8, P.O. Rockbridge. The above named gentleman is a native of Greene County, where he was born in 1833, fourth child of John and Anna Huff. John was a Virginian by birth, who there married Miss Anna Cox, of Virginia, a relative of the late Gene- ral Hancock. Long before a railroad run through the State, and scarcely a steam- boat plowed our western waters, John Huff made his way to the then far western State of Illinois, locating in Greene County, where he subsequently became a successful agriculturist. He passed away in Septem- ber, 1873 ; Mrs. H. died in 1862 ; the sur- vivors of the family are eight. John passed his early years upon the old farm home- stead, and received a liberal education. In 1854 he was united in marriage to Miss Catherine Cox, a daughter of David Cox, of Pennsylvania. Like many of the more opulent farmers of this county, the secret of Mr. Huff's success lay in his ability to work persistently and energetically. He is to-day the owner of 160 acres of valuable land in this township T RVING DAVID school teacher. Sec. 8, P. -»- O. Rockbridge Irwin David, renter. Sec. 18, P.O. Rockbridge Irwin James F. school teacher LIVINGSTON LUTHER, farmer. Sec. ^ 8, P.O. Rockbridge PRUITT ANDERSON, renter. Sec. 8, P. O. Rockbridge Pruitt William, farmer. Sec. 5, P.O. Rock- bridge ry INGEL GEO. E. farmer and stock -^^ raiser. Sec. 10, P.O.Kane. The above named gentleman is a native of Germany, 724 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. where he was born in the year 1840, fourth child of John and Mary Ann Ringel. John Ringel was a farmer and miller by occupa- tion, who is described as a man of energetic disposition and business capacity. He died many years ago, in his native land ; Mrs. R. is still living. Young Ringel, at the youth- ful age of thirteen, severed the ties that bound him to the old country, and became a passenger on board a sailing vessel bound for America. Landing in New York, he remained in the metropolitan city work- ing at such odd jobs as he could. Remov- ing to Pennsylvania he there secured em- ployment in a bakery ; thence to Philadel- phia and thence to Baltimore and Norfolk, Virginia, where he worked as a journeyman. He then proceeded to Portsmouth. A resi- dent of Charleston, South Carolina, when the war broke out, he was compelled to en- ter the Confederate service, where he served three years. Taking French leave from the boys in gray, he eventually made his way to New York State where he became a farmer, and where he married, December 3d, 1865, Miss Agnes Bush, a daughter of Michael Bush. In 1868 he made his way to Greene County, where he has since been identified with the farming interest, and where his liberality and kindness of heart, gain for him the friendship of all CIMON VALENTINE, farmer, Sec. 21, "-^ P.O. Rockbridge SMITH JACOB, farmer, Sec. 5, P.O. Rockbridge. Jacob Smith is a native of Greene County, born in 1828 ; tracing back this family we find that the grand- father of our subject Nicholas Cris, who was a native of France ; like all of his race, of an adventurous disposition, he made his way to America, and settled in Greene County, as early as 1823, and here our subject was born in 1828 ; when the war came on he enlisted in Co. A, 6ist 111. Inf., and proceeding to the front, became a participant in the Battles of Pittsburg Landing, Corinth, Mission Ridge, Vicks- burg, Pea Ridge, etc., etc.; at Shiloh he received a severe wound that caused the loss of one eye. Since the war he has lived in Jersey County and Greene County, where at one time in his agricultural career he became exceedingly prosperous. In 1856 he was married to Miss Phoebe Fleming, a daughter of John and Hannah Fleming ; thirteen children blessed their union, one only surviving : Hannah, who resides at Jerseyville. Mrs. Smith died Feb. 21, 1871, was laid at rest in the Jerseyville Cemetery Speers Geo. renter, Sec. 4, P.O. Rockbridge Spikm- Martin, farm hand. Sec. 4, P.O. Rock- bridge STRINGER WILLIAM M. farmer and stock raiser, who takes a leading posi- tion among the more prominent settlers of Greene County ; is a native of Kentucky, where he was born April 6, in the year 1807 ; but little can now be gleaned, relative to the ancestry of Mr. Stringer; his father died during his sixth year, his mother Elizabeth Stringer was laid at rest many -years after, within the borders of Greene County. While Illinois was still a territory, probably about the year 181 7, young Stringer an adventurous youth, directed his footsteps westward in company with his uncle, and first landed in Madison County, where he remained six years, employed as a farm hand ; his mother had married the second time, and while a resident here, he received the news of his foster father's decease, and accord- ingly went back to his old home in Ken- tucky, where he took charge of the home farm; it was during this time that he united his fortunes to Miss Elizabeth Jo>lyn, a daughter of Elindor Joslyn, of Kentucky ; the year 1829, found this family en route for the West, where a settlement was made in what is now Scott County, then desig- nated as Morgan, close to the city of Win- chester then but a hamlet ; he remained until 1833, the date of his removal to Greene County, he found the country but little improved, comparatively few were here to improve it, the native prairie grass at times growing to a height of from three to five feet. He had entered his first land 40 acres in 1834, on which he built the usual rough cabin, where he lived the frugal life of the pioneer for many years, while his children grew up around him and became valuable assistants in bringing the farm to a proper state of cultivation. We can not describe in detail the hardships endured by Mr. Stringer, and perhaps it is only TOWN 9, NORTH RANGE 10, WEST. 725 necessary to state that his present good fortune was secured by no lucky chance or event, but by persistent energy; of his marriage, eight children were born only two of whom are living : Leroy and Levi, the latter enlisted at the breaking out of the war, in the U. S. Service, and serving through the Rebellion, received his com- mission as Lieutenant q^ATE GEORGE, farmer and stock raiser. Sec. g, P.O. Rockbridge. George Tate is a native of England, where he was born August, 1830, and there followed ag- ricultural pursuits until his emigration to America, which occurred on the 12th of November, 185 1. Landing in the City of New York, he eventually made his way to Albany, thence to Rochester, thence to Buffalo, where for a period of time he fol- lowed boating. Plying his vocation for years on the broad waters of the Missis- sippi, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, and Lake Ontario, at the expiration of this time he wended his way to Greene County, where he subsequently married Miss Phoebe Ann Wolsey, a daughter of Amos Wolsey. Since his arrival here, Mr. T. has been quite successful as an agriculturist, and has now been a resident of the county for a period of twenty years TAYLOR JOHN, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 8, P.O. Rockbridge. To some extent we trace back the ancestry of John Taylor. Ambrose Taylor, his father, was a native Kentuckian, where he was born as near as can be ascertained, in 1800. It must have been that he was of an extremely adventurous disposition, for in the year 1819 he wended his way across the prairies to the southern portion of Illinois. He set- tled at Madison County, 111., finding em- ployment in breaking the prairie soil ; but little land being then under cultivation. The following year we find him en route for Greene County, whei-e he was destined to become a successful agriculturist. Here he formed the acquaintance of and married in 1822, Miss Nancy Courtney, a daughter of Wm. Courtney, whose ancestry were Irish ; in what is now town lo, range 10, he built a two-story hewed log cabin, a novelty in its day, and one of the best and most substan- tial buildings erected in Greene County. We naturally suppose that he lived the frugal life of the pioneer for many years, his en- ergetic struggles carried the day in after life, and he became not only a well-to-do farmer, but one who merited the respect of his many friends in this section ; he died at the age age of 60 years, and was laid at rest on the broad prairies where so many years of his life were passed. Mrs. Taylor survived her husband eighteen years, de- parting this life at an advanced age. John, from whom this sketch was obtained, grew to mature years, blessed with a hardy vigor and energy, from his earliest years sharing in the hard work of the farm. In 1846 he was married to Miss Mary Jane Dixon, a daughter of Jefferson Dixon, by whom he had eight children, four of whom are living : Allen, Henry J., Jas. F., and Ida J. Mrs. Taylor departed this life on the 22d of March, 1874, and on the 17th of August, 1876, he was married to Mrs. Mahuldah Livingston, a daughter of James Manis, an early settler of this county. John Taylor is the owner of 373 acres of valuable land, and takes a leading position as a farmer and stock raiser Taylor J. H. renter Sec. 4, P.O. Rockbridge TUCKER r>AVID M. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 18, P.O. Rockbridge. David Tucker was born in Tennessee in 1833, In an early day his parents moved to the West, locating in Greene County, where the youthful years of our subject were spent upon the farm homestead. In 1855 he was married to Miss Rhoda Whit- lock, a daughter of Henry and Hannah Whitlock, by whom he has five children living: Henry B., Thomas A., Sarah S., Melvina J., and Bertha B. Like nearly all of those whose boyhood was passed amid the scenes of western life, David Tucker found a hard row to hoe formany years. He now resides in comfortable circum- stances in township 9, range lO, the owner of 80 acres of valuable land. The only office he has ever held or aspired to he holds at present, that of constable of this precinct AiyATSON ROBERT, renter, Sec. 7, P.O. Rockbridge Whitlock P., renter. Sec. 5, P.O. Rockbridge Witt Frank, farmer. Sec. 4, P.O. Rockbridge Witt John, farmer. Sec. 4, P.O. Rockbridge Township 9, North Range ii, West. ADAMS C. N. livery and feed stable, Kane Adams Clark, renter. Sec. 4, P.O. Carroll ton Adams Joel, thresher, Kane ADAMS JOSEPH, thresher and farmer, residence Kane. The above named gen- tleman is a native of Onondaga County, N. Y., born in 1841 ; three years later his parents, George W. and Bathsheba Adams, emigrated to the West, locating in Greene County, near the present town of New Kane, on a farm, and here, amid the asso- ciations of pioneer life, young Adams passed his boyhood, receiving a liberal edu- cation in the district schools ; while at work upon the farm, the war broke out, and accordingly, the youth, fired with that zeal which appears to be a peculiar character- istic of western people, enlisted in Co. C, I22d Regt. 111. Infantry, serving three years. He became a participant in numer- ous battles noted in history. He was hon- orably discharged at Springfield, 111., when the war closed. He returned to Greene County, where he subsequently married, in i86g, Mrs. Laura Froment, a daughter of Matthew Duty, by whom he has five chil- dren : Harry L., Gracie F., Herbert L., Royal J., and Blanche. Ever since the town of New Kane was platted, Mr. A. has taken up his residence here, in former years holding the position of constable ; Mr. Adams is well and favorably known to many of the residents of Greene County, having a large trade as a grain thresher in this section Adams M. carpenter, Kane Adams iX. L. livery and boarding-house, Kane Adams Philo, carpenter, Kane Adams William, laborer, Jalappa Alabaugh S. A. farmer. Sec. 4, P.O. Carroll- ton Allen Albro, physician, Kane ASHFORD GEORGE, farmer and stock-raiser. Sec. 4, P.O. Carrollton, is a native of Frederick County, Va., where he was born in the year 1820; was the oldest child of John and Lydia Ashford. John Ashford is also a Virginian, where he re- sided many years, and married Miss Lydia Clevinger. In 1827, the family moved to Ohio, where they settled upon a farm. In 1844, wending their way still farther west- ward to Illinois, they purchased a farm in Greene County, where the head of the family died one year later. Mrs. Ashford is still living. George, from whom this sketch is obtained, since the family removed west, has followed agricultural pursuits. In 1842, he was united in marriage to Miss Margaret Murphy, a daughter of Isaac Murphy, a native of Ohio. Eleven chil- dren were born of this marriage, nine of whom are living. Mr. Ashford is among our most successful agriculturists Ashford George W. farm hand, Sec. 18, P.O. Kane Ashlock Jesse, farmer. Sec. 17, P.O. Kane Ashlock Nancy Mrs. Sec. 17, P.O. Kane Astor House, A. Giles, prop. Kane AULABAUGH SAMUEL A. farmer and stock-raiser. Sec. 4, P.O. Carrollton. The subject of our sketch was born in what is now termed West Virginia, on the second day of November, 1833, the seventh child of Jacob and Elizabeth Aulabaugh. In the old Dominion State young Samuel attained his 17th year, when his pa- rents emigrated to the West, located in Greene County, on the farm now owned by Samuel Aulabaugh, who has, since this date resided in Greene County ; in 1864 he was united in marriage to Miss Eliza Ann Hankins, a daughter of Alexander Hankins, by whom he has six children : Sarah M., John C. Walter L., Mary E., Ida M., and Lottie H. Mr. Aulabaugh owns a valuable tract of land comprising 129 acres, ac- quired by energy and industry. Jacob TOWN 9, NORTH RANGE 11, WEST. 727 Aulabaughand Elizabeth Robinson, daugh- ter of Abraham and Rebecca Robinson, were married Aug. 26, 1819. "I was born in Morgan County, Va., on the loth of January, 1797. My father, born in Mary- land, was of German origin ; and my mother, who traced her ancestry to Germany, was born in Pennsylvania. I was but a child when my father died, and to the care of my mother were left a family of five children, four boys and one girl. Not being in easy circumstances, my mother labored hard for two years to provide for her family, and then received a proposal of marriage from R. Buck, a native Irishman, a good man in many respects, although at times he displayed an ungovernable temper. The learning of the family was the Bible ; the family library was Banyan's Pilgrim's Pro- gress, the Saint's Rest, one or more books of sermons, one volume of Whitfield's works, and a work on Predestination. Both my foster father and my mother were diligent Bible readers, and I believe both were blessed with a good knowledge of the old and new Testaments. In my sixteenth year I left the home of my youth and proceeded to Boonesborough, Maryland, where my sister and several of my uncles lived. The war of 1812, had already commenced and intemperance and vice of every kind was prevalent, and indeed it was considered genteel to swear, drink, gamble and dance. I soon discovered that I needed now more than ever the advice and instructions of my parents, but happily for me, I had been taught to read the sacred volume, and the truths it contained made a vivid impression upon me. I hired out by the month and my duties were to drive team from Wil- liamsport to Baltimore ; wages were low, but by economy, I kept myself decently clothed. I made an attempt to apprentice myself to the blacksmith trade, but failed in accomplishing my object. My next ven- ture was to hire to a mason, where I re- mained until enlisting as a soldier from the vicinity of Bladensburgh, under the com- mand of Gen. Winter ; the British had marched to Bladensburgh ; Winder collect- ed his forces and joined by Commodore Barney and the Baltimore volunteers, pro- ceeded to Bladensburgh, and on the 24th of August, 1 8 14, at 2 o'clock in the after- noon, a general engagement took place ; it lasted but a short time, when the American troops gave way in disorder, the order of retreat was to Montgomery Court House, but a large portion of the soldiers never halted at the court house, and the retreat was characterized by extreme disorder." The above is a copy of an article written many years ago by the father of the subject of this sketch "n AYLESS W. J. school teacher, Kane Bolt Jefferson, proprietor Kane mills, Kane BRACE CURTIS W. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 28, P.O. New Kane. Curtis W. Brace, one of the most success- ful agriculturists of Greene County, is a native of New York State ; born in 1825 ; three years later the family settled in Greene County. Like nearly all early residents, the present success of Mr. Brace is due his perseverance, integrity, strict sense of jus- tice and energy of character. In 1855, he married Miss Catherine Black, a daughter of William Black, who emigrated from England in an early day, to Greene Coun- ty, where he met with flattering success as an agriculturist. Mr. Brace is the owner of 700 acres of land, said to be for its size, the best in Greene County. It is needless to add he ranks among our most substantial farmers. The marriage of Mr. Brace, to Miss Black, was blessed with one child, deceased Bridges Sylvester, stock shipper, Kane Briggs J. T. miller, Jalappa BROOKS JAMES E. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 23, P.O. Kane. The above named gentleman is a native of England ; born in Lancashire, March 18, 1828 ; he had attained his eleventh year, when his parents William and Mary Ann Brooks, determined to emigrate to Ameri- ca. Landing in New York City, the fami- ly took up their residence in the State of New Jersey, where they remained a short time, when they removed to Rhode Island, and three years later, in 1844, the head of the family set his face toward the far west, in search of a home. He landed at Alton, Madison County, in this State ; from there making his way to Greene County, where he purchased his first farm in Illinois. In 728 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. 1845, came the remainder of the family, consisting of Mrs. Brooks, and seven chil- dren, of whom the subject of this sketch was the fourth child. On the old home- stead property he passed his boyhood, and here united his fortunes, in 1853, to Miss Anna Davis, a daughter of James Davis, a native of North Carolina. Like many who followed agriculture in an early day, Mr. Brooks met with many discouragements. Purchasing 40 acres, now owned by Robert Brooks, in 1852, subsequently purchasing a part of his present farm in 1854 ; since this date Mr. Brooks has added to his pos- sessions, and now owns, through indomita- ble will and industry, 180 acres of valuable land in this township, and a beautiful farm residence. It is needless to add that Mr. Brooks ranks among our most substantial farmers. Of the marriage above referred to, eight children were born, living: Mary Ann E., Harriet E., Clara J., Geo. H., Sarah B., Chas. W., Anna L.; deceased, Kate Brooks Michael, farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 9, P.O. Carrollton BROWN GEORGE, agriculturist. The growth and development of the pros- perous county of Greene, is largely due to that restless energetic people known as Kentuckians ; among this people Geoi-ge Brown was born in 1801. While a youth he wended his way to Franklin County, Mo., where at the early age of nineteen, he was married to Miss Elizabeth Antrobus, and the following year hearing many glow- ing accounts of the fertility of Illinois, he made his way thither, where he found but {ew inhabitants, as but few then had the hardihood to venture to the wilds of Illinois, save a few daring spirits in search of new scenes and incidents. Building a cabin near the present Munday estate, he prepar- ed to battle for an existence in Illinois, at a time when such kindred spirits as Samuel Thomas, Peter Cartwright and others were among the principal settlers. We cannot owing to limited space, follow in detail the progress of Mr. Brown in his career in Southern Illinois. Many years after his marriage, about the year 1847, Mrs. Brown died, leaving to the care of her husband, ten children. Mr. Brown survived his wife many years, passing to a home not made with hands in 1872. One thing in the life history of Mr. B. is some- what remarkable, living in an age when horse racing, drinking and carousing was the order of the day, he held himself aloof from the prevalent vices of the times, and was much respected for his Christian char- acter ; and when the gray light of morning beamed upon his pathway, beckoning him onward to a brighter and better land, he obeyed the summons of the Great Un- known with true Christian fortitude. Rich- ard W. Brown, from whom this sketch is obtained, grew to manhood in Greene Co., following farming from his earliest years. In 1862 he enlisted in the I22d 111. Infantry under the command of Captain King. Pro- ceeding to the front he became engaged in many important battles as Parker's Cross Roads, Paducah, Nashville, Mobile, etc. Honorably discharged at the close of the Rebellion, he returned to Greene County, where he was at one time the owner of 290 aci-es of valuable land. January 25th 1865, he was married to Miss Elizabeth Witt, a daughter of Franklin and Melinda Witt, of whom notice will be found in another department of this work. Of this marriage five children were born, of whom four are livmg ; Mary E., John F., Henry and Ida M. BROWN" SAMUEL E. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 10, P.O. Carrollton. Sam- uel E. Brown is a native of Greene Co. Born in 1841, he is the oldest son now liv- ing, of Elijah and Mary E. Brown. Elijah Brown died during the early infancy of the subject of this sketch; it is supposed he was a native of Georgia. He married his first wife, Miss Polly White, November, ist, 1827, in Missouri, and not many years after occurred the death of this lady. His sec- ond wife. Miss Belinda Stevens, was a na- tive of Missouri ; of this marriage three children were born, none of whom survived. He married his third wife. Miss Mary E. Scoggins, in Greene County, where he re- moved in an early day ; the marriage oc- curred on the 1st of March, 1837. His wife was a native of Kentucky, and was born on the iSth of January, 1S18 ; seven children were productive of this union, of whom four survive. Samuel, from whom this narrative is obtained, passed his boy- TOWN 9, NORTH RA.NGE 11, WEST. 729 hood and grew to manhood in Greene Co., and from his earliest years has followed agricultural pursuits. In 1864 he was uni- ted in marriage to Miss Nancy M. Kirby, a daughter of Daniel and Polly Kirby ; of this marriage five children were born : Edward B., George. G., Abraham J., Anna E. and Nina M. Mr. Brown is the owner of 240 acres of valuable land, and takes a leading position as a grain thresher and far- mer in this section Bunnell J. boots and shoes, Kane Burch Elijah, renter, P.O. Kane Burch Mrs, Kane BUR:N"ETT dr. W. L, physician and surgeon. The above named gentleman is a native of Indiana,' born in 1842. In an early day his parents, James E. Burnett and Martha, who were natives of Kentucky, moved to the State of Wisconsin. The head of the family was a gentleman of fine educational abilities and great force of character. In Wisconsin he became large- ly interested in mining, and subsequently in Iowa. In 1852, moving to Alton, 111., he became a professor of book-keeping ; many of the more noted western scholars acquiring their learning through his in- structions ; in 1856, the death of his wife occurred, who was the mother of our sub- ject, she was laid at rest in the city of Alton. Subsequently James Burnett moved to Mis- souri, where he was stricken with paraly- sis, and there were passed the remainder of his days. W. L. Burnett received his education principally at Shurtleff College. When the war broke out, he enlisted in Company F. 27th III. Infantry; during the war, he became a participant in numerous noted battles, receiving a severe wound, he lay in the army hospital three months ; subsequently he was promoted to an order- ly sergeant. When the war closed he be- came a resident of Arkansas, where he en- gaged in the mercantile business until 1866, when he became a resident of Jerseyville, Jersey Co., where he took up the study of medicine, under Dr. T. O. Hamilton; in 1869 graduating from the St. Louis Med- ical College, and for several years practiced his profession in the town of Fidelity, Jer- sey Co., thence to the town of New Kane, where he has gained a good practice through his genial manners and knowledge of materia medica. In 1869, he was mar- ried to Miss Emeline Smith, by whom he had four children, three of whom are now living ; Irene, Cora L. and Charles Bushrod Mary Mrs. Sec. 15, P. O. Kane /^ARRICO JOHN C, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 4, P.O. Kane. Few com- menced life under more discouragements than the whole-souled gentleman whose name heads this sketch. He was the eighth of a family of fourteen children, and was born in St. Louis Co., Missouri, February 28, 18 19. His father, Dennis Carrico, was a native of Frederick County, Mary- land. At an early age he became appren- ticed to the trade of a wheelwright, and subsequently became a skillful journeyman workman ; attaining his majority, he set out for Pennsylvania, where he worked as a journeyman, and here formed the ac- quaintance of and married Miss Jane Clark, in 1813 ; in order to better his con- dition in life, he determined to adopt the West as his future home, and accordingly made his way to Kentucky, where he en- gaged in his occupation as wheelwright. It was during the year 1813, that he be- came a resident of St. Louis Co., Mo., ; at a period of time, when the entire commerce of the city of St. Louis scarcely footed up to the insignificant sum of $100,000. Hearing many glowing accounts of the fertility of Illinois, thither he directed his footsteps, and landed in that portion of Southern Illinois, then known as Greene County, since set apart and forming a por- tion of Jersey County ; he necessarily lived a life of frugality for many a year, until such time as emigration flowed rapidly westward, although in after years he be- came moderately successful as an agricul- turist, and became extensively known as a surveyor ; his long and useful life ended in 1850, and his ashes repose in the Thomp- son cemetery, in Greene County. Mrs. Carrico passed to that world of spirits to which we are all traveling, in 1834, and the survivors of the family, few in number, now reside in different parts of the Union. John, from whom this sketch is obtained, grew to manhood in the West ; received a common school education, and subsequent- ly entered upon a course of study in the 730 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. East. In 1839, he was married to Miss Minnie Ann VanMeter, a daughter of Amasa and Elizabeth VanMeter ; he now set up housekeeping on $4.50; went to the enormous expense of purchasing a skillet and plain table, and began life in earnest, and mapped out his future success; by well directed energy, is the owner of 315 acres of land in one of the best counties in the Union, enjoying the respect and confidence of his neighbors; for eight years he has been honored with the position of justice of the peace ; of the marriage eight chil- dren were born Carmichael Donald, justice of the peace^ Kane CARR JOSEPH S. attorney and coun- sellor at law, is a native of Missouri; born in 1832 ; he was the oldest of a family of four children ; his father, John H. Carr, was a native of Kentucky, who developed a surprising energy, that carried him for- ward to a successful mercantile career in the mature years of manhood; although during his early years he practiced as an attorney, through natural ability and edu- cation he became a remarkably successful trader, and became exceedingly wealthy; he was assassinated at the city hall, in the city of St. Louis, which sad event was cur- rently reported in the newspapers of that date; at one period of his life he was robbed of $40,000 by the Indians belong- ing to the Comanche tribe, suffering untold hardships on the confines of a desert. Col. Carr, who heads this sketch, received his collegiate education at the old college in St. Charles, Mo.; after completing his studies he made a trip to California, where trouble arising with the Indians he enlist- ed, and was made ist lieutenant of Co. F, of the 1st Bat. of Cal. Vols.; after the war he engaged in mercantile pursuits, in which he continued two years ; returning home on the lOth of May, 1859, he was married to Miss Ann Georgia Logan, a daughter of James and Elizabeth P. Logan ; they have had a family of eleven children, of whom eight are living. In i860. Col. Carr was admitted to the bar, in Anderson County, Mo., and in 1869 was admitted to practice by the Supreme Court of Illinois; a mem- ber of the State Guards when the war broke out, he received orders to report to Gen. Price ; reported at the general headquar- ters, near Lexington, about five days be- fore the battle in which he took an active part, and was one of the officers appointed to receive the surrender of arms ; he par- ticipated in many important battles fought in the West ; at Vicksburg he tendered his resignation to Jefferson Davis ; in 1864 he became a resident of Kane, Greene Coun- ty, where he has gained a large practice as an attorney Carr Wm. laborer, Jalappa Carter William, renter, Sec. 6, P. O. Carroll- ton Casey Wm. R.R. laborer, Kane CHAMBERS JOSEPH, stone ma- son, res. Kane. Joseph Chambers is a na- tive of the State of Ohio ; born in 1817; he was the fourth child of Joseph and Elizabeth Chambers, natives of Ireland, who settled in Ohio in 1812. Here our subject passed his early years, and became apprenticed to the trade of a stone mason, in due process of time becoming a skillful journeyman workman; in his 20th year, 1839, h^ w^s united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth Welch, a daughter of Robert Welch, a native Irishman ; of this mar- riage ten children were born, of whom nine are living. When war was declared between Mexico and the United States he enlisted in the 2d Ohio Regiment, and shortly after proceeded to the front, where he was destined to take an active part in the famous battles of Buena Vista, Cerro Gordo, Monterey, and others of note; dur- ing the last year of his service, for merito- rious conduct, he was promoted a first lieu- tenant ; when the war closed he returned to Ohio, where he followed the occupation of stone mason and farming. The second wife of Mr. Chambers was Miis Jane Ha- ney, a daughter of Isaac Robbins, by whom he has one child ; in 1862 he moved to Indiana, from this point wending his way to Greene Co. in 1869, where he has since resided, a well respected citizen of the place, few being better known for their generosity and energy CHRISTY GEORGE, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 29, P.O. Kane. George Christy is a native of Greene County, born in 1839; the youngest son of John C. and Elizabeth Christy. John C. Christy was a TOWN 9, NORTH RANGE 11, WEST. 731 native of Ohio, born in i8oi ; in an early day he moved to Lawrence County, 111., and subsequently to Greene, where he married Miss Elizabeth Dennison, and af- ter his settlement in Greene he followed agricultural pursuits until his death, which occurred about the year 1845. Mr. Christy was a brother of the widely known mil- lionaire of St. Louis, Andrew Christy, whose generosity on the close of a wonder- fully eventful life laid the prosperity of many who bear the name. George, from his earliest years, has followed agricultural pursuits, and to-day ranks among the wealthier farmers of this section Clampitt F. M., farmer. Sec. 5, P.O. Rock- bridge Cole Wesley, farm hand. Sec. 21, P.O. Kane Collenbarger Moses, mill owner. Sec. 13, P.O. Rockbridge Connole James, renter, Sec. 5, P.O. Carroll- ton CORY O. P. contractor and builder ; one of the older residents of Greene County, is a native of Addison County, Vermont ; born in 1824. He was the fourth child of Zophar and Alice Cory. When our subject had attained his eighth year his parents de- termined to locate in the West, and ac- cordingly made their way to that part then known as Greene County, but which now comprises the county of Jersey. Residing here three years, the family now moved to Greenfield, where our subject learned his present trade under the instructions of his father, and there gained a knowledge of his present calling that has made him a skillful workman. Here he married, in 1851, Miss Isabel Morfoot, the owner of farm property. He now followed agricul- tural pursuits until i860, since this date devoting his time to the trade of a carpen- ter. In 1852, he became a resident of Macoupin County, and it was here that many years were spent in farming. When the present town of New Kane came into existence Mr. Cory was among the first ones to remove here, and during the Spring of 1865 erected the second residence in the place, his present home. We shall have occasion to refer to Mr. Cory in the gen- eral history of this volume ; of the marriage above referred to, seven children were born, of whom six are living : William, Effie, Clara, Fanny, Sallie and Rose. In conclusion it may be said that Mr. Cory is one of our most public spirited citizens whose liberality crops out, so to speak, when public occasion requires it of him Cozzens George, miller, Kane Crone James, livery, Kane Cross John, barber, Kane D ANBURY RICHARD, laborer, Kane DA:N"IEL JAMES, farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 18, P.O. Kane. James Daniel is a native of Greene County, where he was born in the year 1824. The oldest son of Nathan Daniel and Louisa. Nathan Daniel was a native of Kentucky, and was but a young man when he emigrated to the west and settled in Greene, where he became a contemporary with some of the earliest settlers, the date of arrival in all probabili- ty being 1818 or '19. Here he married Miss Louisa Allen, a daughter of Daniel Allen, a well remembered citizen of the county. This marriage was blessed with five children, of whom as stated, James was the elder, and who has followed farming from his earliest years. In 1846 he was united in marriage to Miss Mary Ann Scoggins, a daughter of Franklin Scog- gins, by whom he had six children, five of whom are living. Mrs. Daniel died on Feb- ruary 8, 1 869, and was laid at rest in Kane Cemetery. In 1875 he was united in marriage to Mrs. Elizabeth Jane Mun- dy, relict of Thomas Mundy, and a daughter of Jackson Wright, who was an early settler of Greene County, and a native of South Carolina. Thomas Mundy was born in Tennessee, and be- came a successful agriculturist. He died in September, 1866. He was the father of eight children, of whom five are living : George B., John O., Madison O., Thomas W. and William C. The estate comprises 126 acres, and is, for its size, one of the most valuable tracts of land in this town- ship Davis Amos, farmer. Sec. 9, P.O. Kane Davis Cyrus, renter. Sec. g, P.O. Kane Davis George S., farmer, Sec. 9, P.O. Kane Davis Harvey, laborer, Kane Davis James, laborer, Kane Davis S., renter, Sec. 5, P.O. Carrollton 732 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. 1)1X0^ ALMA, farmer and stock rais- er, Sec. II, P.O. Kane. Alma Dixon was born in Greene County, in 1852 ; his parents were John and Eliza Dixon. In 1873 our subject was married to Miss Anna Terpenning, a daughter of Jesse Terpen- ning, by whom he has three children, Char- lotte, Eliza M. and Edward. Mr. Dixon is a thorough going farmer, and the owner of 36 acres Dixon Randall, renter, Sec. 16. P.O. Rock- bridge DKESSEL JOSEPH, farmer and thresher. Sec. 31, P.O. Kane. In this brief biographical sketch we trace back to some extent the ancestry of our subject. His father was a native German, born at Baden ; by trade he was a stone mason, and to some extent followed agricultural pursuits. Pie married in hi? native land a German lady, unfortunately the maiden name is not re- membered. In 1S54 or '55 the family crossed the Atlantic, landing in New Or- leans after the usual voyage on board a sail- ing vessel. From the Crescent City the family voyaged up the Mississippi to St. Louis, where they fell victims to that dread- ful scourge, the cholera. Young Dressel thus thrown upon his own resources at the early age of eight, he secured such employ- ment as his early years would warrant ; two years later becoming a resident of Greene County, where he worked as a farm hand for many years. In 1865 he was united in marriage to Minerva Hudson, a daughter of John H. Hudson, by whom he has five children, Mattie, Jessie, Freddie, John and Hattie. It was during this year that Mr. D. realized the fact that the old horse power mode of threshing was entirely too slow a method for this progressive age, and ac- cordingly purchased perhaps the first steam thresher in the bounds of Greene County; the venture involving considerable outlay, was a success from the start, and at the present writing Mr. Dressel, in connection with Mr. R. H. McGee, Geo. Cory, John Flemming and Samuel Rum, is the owner of four steam threshers, transacting a large business in the counties of Greene and Jersey Dulaney B. farmer. Sec. 4, P. O. Rockbridge P'DWARDS B. F. farmer. Sec. i, P. O. -*— ' Rockbridge Elston Levi, farmer, Sec. 13, P. O. Rock- bridge English W. C. farmer. Sec. 9, P. O. Carroll- ton ENSLOW JOHN B. justice of the peace. The above named gentleman is a native of Ohio, born in 1829 ; he was but two years of age when his parents, Abraham and Julia Ensjow, emigrated westward to Greene County, locating on farm property north of the village designated Old Kane; the head of the family subsequently pur- chased farm property of John Henry. Mr. Enslow became a prosperous farmer, own- ing 360 acres of valuable land at the time of his decease, which occurred in 1872 ; he was well and favorably known to many citizens of Greene, who were cognizant of his honorable business career. Mrs, Enslow is still living, and resides at Kane. John, from whom this sketch is obtained, grew to manhood in Greene County, and received a liberal education; for the greater portion of his time, Mr. Enslow has fol- lowed agricultural pursuits. In 1851, he became a resident of Macoupin County, where he remained until 1857, when he became a resident of Montgomery County, and in 1865 moved to Old Kane, remain- ing but a short time, he invested consider- able means in the erection of the first store house in New Kane, and for a number of years continued a successful business until his retirement a short time ao;o. Nov,, 1877, Mr. Enslow was elected justice of the peaceof this precinct. In 1853, Mr. Enslow was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth Collins, a daughter of Enos Collins of Scioto County, Ohio, by whom he had eight children, three only are living Enslow John H. confectionery, Kane Enslow Juliett Mrs. Kane Enslow William B. druggist, Kane Enslow Wm. M. grocer, Kane Esbey Robert H. blacksmith, Kane Estis W. W. sundries, Kane T^ELTER A. W. lumber, hardware and drain tile, Kane Felter W. W. Kane TOWN 9, NORTH RANGE 11, WEST. 733 "FENITY P. physician and surgeon, resi- dence Kane. Dr. Fenity is the oldest practicing physician of the enterprising town of New Kane ; he is a native of Roscommon, Ireland, where he was born in the year 1827; he is the oldest son of John and Margaret Fenity, whose maiden name was McDonald ; this family crossed the ocean during the Spring of 1840 ; in Canada our subject received his preliminary education, and also at Oberlin, Ohio, and became an apt scholar in the Knox College, and during the Spring of 1859 he became a graduate of the St. Louis Medical College; although he had owing to the rules of the establishment, practiced as a physician in 1857, a resident of the town designated as Old Kane, as early as 1855. Two years later he was united in marriage to Miss Helena E. Cory, a daughter of Rev. David Cory, whose ancestry are traced back to the May Flower. Four children are living, born of this marriage: Frank C, Edward W. Frederick H. and Clara. Dr. Fenity enjoys a large practice here, due to his many years of experience, and bears the reputation of a skillful prac- titioner Freeh Frank, farmer. Sec. 16, P. O. Kane FKECH JACOB, boot and shoe maker, P. O. Kane. Jacob Freeh is a native of Germany, born in 1837 ; at the early age of fourteen, he embarked on board a sailing vessel and crossed the Atlan- tic for America; landing in the city of New Orleans, he remained a short time when he took passage on a steamer bound for St. Louis, where he became the apprentice of a shoemaker, becoming a skillful journey- man workman, in after years he conducted a business on his own responsibility. Formed the acquaintance of, and married Miss Catherine Rettig in 1867. Mr. Freeh moved with his family to Illinois, locating in the village of Jalappa, where he became employed three years in the grist mill of Lewis Sundle ; at the expiration of this time opening a shoe shop, where he re- mained until his location on his farm con- sisting of 115 acres of valuable land. When the war broke out Mr. Freeh en- listened in Battery C, 1st 111. Reg., and proceeded from Ottawa to the scene of warfare, and became a participant ^in H2 many important battles, among them Resaca, Atlanta, Buzzard Roost, Dalton, etc., etc.; when the war closed he was honorably discharged at Springfield, 111. Freer Elias, farmer and stock raiser. Sec. i, P.O. Rockbridge Freer Ely, farmer. Sec. I, P.O. Rockbridge Freer John, renter. Sec. 10. P.O. Kane Freer John T. renter, Sec. i, P.O.Rockbridge Freer Jonathan, renter, .Sec. 12, P.O. Rock- bridge Freer Moses, farmer. Sec. 7, P.O. Rockbridge FROST JOHN H. farmer and stock . raiser, Sec. 28, P.O. Kane. The above named gentleman is a native of Jersey County, born in 1841, the oldest son of William H. and Rebecca Frost. The days of his youth were spent upon the old farm homestead, where he early became inured to the hard work pertaining to the farm. In 1859 he was united in marriage to Miss Mary L. Tollman a daughter of Cyrus Tollman, one of the first settlers of Greene County. In 1862 Mr. Frost, who was then extensively engaged as a stock dealer, crossed the Plains with horses, by way of speculation, for the Pacific coast, which he sold at a fair profit. In 1865 he concluded to return to the scenes of his early youth, and accordingly settled on his return in Jersey County, and subsequently in Clay, settling in Greene County during the Au- tumn of 1874, upon the Tollman estate, the owner of 267 acres in Clay County. Of the marriage above referred to seven children were born, five of whom are living, and whose names are William, Rebecca, Eliza- beth, Charles H. and James G. /^ALLAGHER C. cooper, P.O. Kane Gardiner J. C. grocer, P.O. Jalappa GARDINER J. B. farmer and stock raiser. Sec 13, P.O. Kane, son of Christo- pher J. Gardiner, the pioneer minister of Greene County, who was born in Prince William County, Virginia, on the lOth day day of June, 1798, where he resided with his brother-in-law, William Evans, till his sixteenth year, his parents having died in his early infancy. 1 1 was during the Spring of 1814 he emigrated to Kentucky, and lo- cated in the town of Hopkinsville, where he made a profession of religion, and uni- ted with the Methodist Church, of which Y34 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. during life he was an active member. In July, 1818, he removed to St. Louis, where he established a tan-yard, the second one in the then village of St. Louis, which he continued to operate until the Fall of the next year, and in December, 1819, located in Greene County, where he was destined to play so important a part as a successful agriculturist and minister of the Gospel. Selecting land near Rivesville, he began the improvement of his farm. On the 14th of December, 1823, he was married to Miss Margaret Mains, a daughter of Robert Mains, who was one of the early pioneers of Illinois. By that union Mr. Gardiner had six sons, five of whom are yet living : The eldest, James B., is a merchant at Kane ; the second, William P., many years ago, crossed the Plains for California, and has never been heard from ; Samuel G., postmaster and merchant at Kane ; Joshua A. Gardiner is a resident of Texas ; Chris- topher J. Gardiner, who resides on the old homestead property; L. D. Gardiner is a resident of Christian County. On the loth of October, 1835, occurred the death of Mrs. Gardiner, and on the 26th of March, 1837, Mr. Gardiner was married to Sarah Arrowspiger, by whom he had three chil- dren. Mrs. Gardiner's demise occurred on the 5th day of June, 1844, and on the 20th of August, 1845, Mr. Gardiner was united in wedlock with Elizabeth Burch. This marriage was blessed with one child. Chris- topher J. Gardiner, Jr., from whom this sketch is obtained, was born in Greene County, February 24, 1833, where he has followed the occupation of a farmer from his earliest years. In March, 1874, he was married to Miss Matilda Witt, a daughter of William P. Witt, who bore a prominent part in the growth and development of Greene County. Three children were born of this marriage, two of whom are living : Lena W. and Hally. Christopher J. Gar- diner is one of the most successful agricul- turists in Greene County, and the owner of 460 acres of valuable land. At the present writing he holds the position of township trustee and justice of the peace Gardiner Mrs. E. Kane Gardiner L. G. nurseryman, P.O. Kane Gardiner & Bro. groceries and dry goods, Kane Gardiner's. F. postmaster and grocer, Kane Gates Hastings, blacksmith, Kane Gavin Hugh, laborer, Kane Gavin Michael, laborer, Kane Gavin Patrick, renter. Sec. 18, P.O. Kane GILES AXDREW, proprietor Astor House and constable of the town of Kane, is a native of Ireland, born in Dublin County in 1836. At the age of twelve his parents concluded to better their fortunes in the new world, and accordingly the year 1849 found them passengers on board a sailing vessel. They landed in due time in New York City, eventually settling upon a farm in the State of New York, and there passed the remainder of life. Our subject wended his way west in 1848, locating in Jersey County, where he secured employ- ment upon a farm. Here he married Miss Mary Sweeney, a daughter of Michael Sweeney, one of the first native Irishmen in the county. Four children were born of this marriage: William, John, James and Peter. In 1863 Mr. Giles enlisted in Co. G, 14th 111., a non-commissioned color sergeant. He served honorably through the war and became a participant in numer- ous battles, as Belmont, Shiloh, VicUsburg, and others, noted in history. When the war closed he returned to Jersey County, where he remained until 1867, when he moved to New Kane, where he became the proprietor of ahotel, transacting a success- • ful business. Mr. Giles is the owner of town property here, and a worthy citizen of the town Gimmy Frederick, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 10, P.O. Kane GIMMY JOHN, farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 10, P.O. Kane. John Gim- my is a native of Germany, born in 1836, oldest son of Frederick and Margaret. In 1850 this family crossed the ocean for America, landing in the city of New Orleans; from the Crescent City making their way to the city of St. Louis, where they remain- ed one month when they removed to Greene County on the second of January, 185 1, where the members of the family still re- side. John, from whom this sketch is ob- tained, has through unremitting industry, acquired a large estate, comprising 289 acres. In January, 1869, Mr. Gimmy was married to Catherine Weaver, of Germany, TOWN 9, NORTH RANGE 11, WEST. 735 by whom he has three children : Frederick, Henry and John. Greene John, farmer. Sec. 5, P.O. Rockbridge Greene John, merchant, Kane OREENE JOHN H. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 16, P.O., Kane. John Greene is a native of this county, born in 1847, and is the oldest son of Foster Greene, one of the wealthy agriculturists of this section, and the first white child born south of the Macoupin Creek, whose biography appears elsewhere. Amid the surroundings of pio- neer life young Greene grew to manhood, and attained a vigor which laid the foun- dation of future success. In 1S68 he was united in marriage to Miss Maria Pope, a daughter of the late Samuel Pope, one of the early settlers and prominent men here in official life. Mr. Greene has held but one office, that of commissioner of the county, in which capacity he gave general satisfaction, and upon retirement from of- fice settled upon his farm, comprising 432 acres of valuable land. He ranks among the more successful farmers of this county. Of this marriage four children were born, three of whom are living : Gustin, Lela and Frank GREENE S. F. who bore a prominent part in the growth and development of the flourishing county o{ Greene, is a native of the county, born in 1820, and is in all probability the first white child born south of the Macoupin Creek. Of his parents it will be well to enter into a short description : John Greene, the head of the family, was a cotemporary settler with Samuel Thomas and John Huitt, having settled south of the Macoupin Creek in 1819. He was a native of Kentucky, and is described as a man of ge- nial manners, and whose hospitality was unbounded. Such was the confidence re- posed in his honor and integrity, that in 1838 or 40, when the legislature convened in Vandalia, he served one term as a mem- ber, receiving a re-election two years la- ter. His wife was Miss Nancy Mains, of Georgia. The marriage occurred in Madi- son County, but as nothing has been retained in writing by the surviving members of the family, the date cannot be ascertained. Both husband and wife have long since passed away, and the survivors of the family are now six sons and one daughter. The subject of our sketch, whose life his- tory is here appended, is the second child born of this marriage. Growing to man- hood upon the old farm homestead, he received such education as the facilities of a log cabin offered. In 1846, November 5th, he was united in marriage to Miss Polly Witt, a daughter of Franklin Witt, by whom he had one child, John H. Mrs. Greene departed this life September nth, 1850, and two years later Mr. Greene was married to Miss Eliza J, Witt, a cousin of his first wife, and the daughter of William P. Witt by whom he has six children : Wil- liam R., Hattie L., Robert W., Mary E., Justina and Walter B. During the Autumn of 1866 Mr. Greene received the nomina- tion and was elected sheriff of this county, and serving one term gave general satisfac- tion to the law-abiding portion of the com- munity, and in 1877 he was elected county commissioner by a large majority Ranking among the prominent farmersof the west, Mr. Greene is the owner of 706 acres of val- uable land, and holds a controlling interest in the private banking institution known as Littlefield & Greene's GREENE & SMITH, dealers in dry goods, clothing, boots, shoes, hats, caps, etc. The above enterprising firm was or- ganized as John Greene & Co., subsequently the above firm came' into existence, who started comparatively in a small way com- pared to their present extensive business. The senior member of this, by far the larg- est house in the town of Kane, was born in this county in 1847, and grew to maturity on the old farm homestead of his father, Nelson Greene, receiving a liberal education in the district schools of his native place. The first venture in business was made with Mr. N. M. Perry, in the town designated as Old Kane, where a general merchandise business was done. Subse- quently Mr. Greene purchased the interest of Mr. Perry, and conducted a successful business at Old Kane, until his removal to the present town. His business career in this place is too well known to be repeated here. In 1870 he was united in marriage to Miss Emma Perry, a daughter of N. M. Perry, deceased, by whom he had three children, two of whom are living, Mabel and Morrison 736 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. Grizzel C. C. farmer, Sec. i, P.O. Rock- bridge TT ARMON W. E. minister M. E. Church Harrigan Michael, farmer, Sec. 9, P. O. Carrollton Hastings Wm. blacksmith, Kane Hearity Michael, farmer and stock raiser, P. O. Carrollton Hennigin Edward, laborer, Kane Hicks Phillip, renter, P. O. Rockbridge Hill Byron, farm hand. Sec. i, P.O. Rock- bridge Hinkle Michael, meat market, Kane Hinkle Simon & Co. meat market, Kane HIJfTON^ HON. JUDGE AL- FRED, is a native of the State of Ma- ryland; born the 15th of February, iSoo; he was the second child of James and Cath- erine Hiinton, the former a native Virgin- ian, the latter a native of Maryland. In an early day this family, then consisting of husband, wife and two children, Alfred and Charlotte, located in Western Virginia, at a place called Wellsburg, and four years after moved to Delaware County, Ohio; subsequently the family removed to Ghent, Gallatin County, Ky., where the death of James Hinton occurred. Mrs. Hinton out- lived all of her children with the exception of the subject of this notice, finding a last resting place in the city of Carrollton, at the advanced age of 80 years. Judge Hin- ton, quite early in life, commenced the trade of a carpenter, and in the Autumn of i8ig, came to Edwardsville, Illinois, and^hree years later became a resident of Greene County; in 1822, he entered a tract of land on Apple Creek Prairie, three miles west of the flourishing town of White Hall ; in March, the same year, he married Miss Lucretia Pruitt, a daughter of William and Sarah Pruitt, and immedi- ately after his marriage built a cabin and began the improvement of his land ; eleven children were born of this marriage, of whom only five are living, who are married and settled in life ; in 1835, Mr. Hinton was elected justice of the peace, and by re-election held the office twelve years ; during the Autumn of 1842 or 1843, he was elected a member of the legislature from Greene County; wishing to advance his chil iren in educational matters he now took up his residence at Carrollton, where he was shortly after appointed postmaster, retaining the office nine years ; in 1846, Judge Hinton was nominated again for the legislature ; was again elected, serving through one session; one incident in the life career of Mr. Hinton is worthy of note; in 1831-32, he superintended the erection of the present court house, in con- nection with Moses Stephens ; in 1865, he was elected judge of the County of Greene, filling the office to the general satisfaction of all ; in 1832, Judge Hinton and wife became members of the Christian Church, at Carrollton, where, for many years, he has been an elder in the church, officiating in this capacity now. Democratic in his views, his first vote was cast for John Quincy Adams, in 1824; for sixteen years Mr. Hinton conducted a successful busi- ness as proprietor of the old Mansion House, at Carrollton, now designated by the name of the Hinton House. Mrs. Hinton passed away on the i8th of Febru- ^ary, 1869, and in March, 1870, Judge Hin- ton was married to Mrs. Amy Holliday, of Kane, where he resides at the present writing Hopper H. H. horse trainer and teacher. Sec. 9, P.O. Rockbridge HUGHES DR. I. S. physician and surgeon, Kane, 111. The above named gentleman is a native of Illinois ; born in 1844; his parents, William S. and Maria Hughes, whose maiden name was Sim- mons, concluded to better their fortunes in the West, and accordingly located in Ran- dolph County, about 1830 ; not long after their emigration West the parents of Dr. Hughes passed to that bourne from whence no traveller ever returns ; thrown upon his own resources to battle with the world, the youth proceeded to St. Clair County, where he first worked as a farm hand, re- ceived the advantages of a common school education ; in i860, he wended his way to St. Louis, Mo., where he began the study of medicine under John D. Hodgen ; an ardent student, possessed of an ambition beyond many who were more fortunately situated in life, he applied himself dili- gently to the prosecution of his studies ; in 1862, he enlisted in Co. I, 117th 111. In- fantry; his advance in his medical studies TOWN 9, NORTH RANGE 11, WEST. 737 were so rapid that from his first enlistment until the close of the rebellion he served in the medical department, where he gained a knowledge of materia medica that paved the way for future success ; when the war closed he completed his studies at St. Louis, graduating from St. Louis Medical College in 1872, but prior to this date, owing to the rules of the establishment, he had practiced three years as a physician. Digressing a little from the subject in hand, shortly after the rebellion Dr. Hughes sought a new field of labor in Col- orado, where he entered upon the mercan- tile business, under the firm name of Sick- or & Co., a military clothing firm during the war. Returning to St. Louis in 1871-2, he practiced as a physician, while attend- ing medical lectures, thence to Brighton, and thence to Kane in February, 1875, where he has gained a large practice among the prosperous people of Kane. Nov. 27, 1878, Dr. Hughes was married, at Spring- field, to Miss Mary E. Freeman, a daugh- ter of Abraham Freeman, one of the ear- lier settlers of Springfield Hunnell David, tailor, Kane Hupps Oliver, renter. Sec. 7, P.O. Kane Hussey Peter, farm hand. Sec. 4, P.O. Car- rollton T RVING GEORGE, school teacher, Kane Irwin E. Mrs. Kane Irwin Jabez, farmer, Kane JENNINGS MICHAEL, renter. Sec. 3, J P.O. Carrollton Jerome Frank, laborer, Kane "L^ANE HOTEL, J. C. Mulberry propri- etor, Kane Kane Mills, Jefferson Bolt, proprietor, Kane Kelley Michael, renter. Sec. 12, P.O. Rock- bridge KINO LUCIAN CAPT, who takes a leading position among the agriculturists of Greene County, is a native of the State of New York ; born in the year 1817 ; the seventh of a family of nine children. The earlier years of life were spent upon the old farm homestead, where he attained a hardy vigor that contributed very materially toward his present prosperous condition in life. In 1842 he made his way to Cleveland, O., where he became employed as a clerk for an older brother ; one year later finding the clerk's position too irksome, and the life of a boatman more congenial to his tastes, he took charge of a boat owned by his broth- er, and used for the transportation of pas- sengers,freight and merchandise; continuing in this capacity one year, he now wended his way to Southern Illinois, locating in Greene County, where he first secured em- ployment as a farm hand ; his total pos- sessions then footing up to the sum of thirty-five dollars ; during this time he uni- ted his fortunes to Miss Almira Lemon, a daughter of Elder Moses Lemon, a pioneer minister of Greene County. James Lemon, who was the father of the Rev. gentleman above mentioned, was one of the first few white settlers in the State, having settled in Monroe County prior to 1800, a period of time when the North American Indians were as leaves of the forest ; when old Fort Dearborn marked the site of the present flourishing city of Chicago, and the entire commerce of the then trading point of St. Louis reached the hopeful sum of some $20,000. Pursuing the thread of our discourse, for many years Captain King roughed it, so to speak, until such time as emigration poured into State and county. Owing to limited space in our volume, we cannot follow him step by step in his wes- tern career on an Illinois prairie. When the war broke out, then in his forty-sixth year, he became a zealous advocate of the Union cause, organizing Co. C. I22d 111. Vol., John J. Rinnaker commander of the regiment. With the rank of a captain, Mr. King proceeded to the front, where he became a participant in many important battles noted in history,among them Parker's Cross Roads, Town Creek, Paducah, Tupolo, Nashville, etc. Honorably discharged on the 8th of May, 1865 ; he returned to Greene County, where he has since devoted his time to farming. In 1876, by the unanimous wish of the people. Captain King allowed his name to be put forward as a candidate for the State Legislature, and received the election from this 39th district by an overwhelming majority. Of the marriage above referred to, seven children were born, of whom five are living : Hat- tie E., who married J. J. Armstrong, and 738 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. on his death married Henry L. Parker, of Kane ; Matie L., who married T. Jones, resident of Tp. 9, R. 11 ; Martha E., who married Charles E. Neeley, station agent of Kane ; Adele and Sadie B., who reside on the farm homestead ; this property con- sists of 260 acres of land brought to a high state of cultivation Knight A. H. blacksmith T AIRD HENRY, laborer, Kane ■^ Leigh E. C. retired banker, Kane Leigh M. M. retired merchant, Kane LITTLEFIELD EXOCH, banker, was born at Auburn, Maine, in 1832. Ear- ly in life he left home and traveled exten- sively until the mature years of manhood, when, in 1858, he settled in Greene County, where he has since been prominently identi- fied with the county interests. The first five years of his residence were devoted to teaching district schools, photography, farm- ing and land trading. He is now owner and principal operator of the Jalappa mills, one of the first flouring mills erected in Greene County, which Mr. L. re-model- ed a short time ago, fitted with modern machinery, and will now compare favora- bly with any in the county, and no better grade of flour is obtainable. Four years ago the subject of this biography, instituted the Littlefield and Greene Bank at Kane, which has been eminently successful. Mr. L., was first married to Lucy Greene, who died in 1873. His present wife was Susie E. Hartley, of Paris, 111. Mr. Littlefield came to Greene County an out-spoken ab- olitionist, but smce the triumph of the prin- ciples of that party, he has been very inde- pendent in politics, in temperance a radical prohibitionist, in religion a strong Spiritual- ist Littlefield Enoch, banker, Kane Littlefield E. Mrs. milliner, Kane Littlefield, Greene & Co. bankers, Kane Lobb Horace, blacksmith, Kane LONG ISRAEL, farmer and stock- raiser. Sec. 13, P.O. Rockbridge. Israel Long is a native of Greene County, born in 1839, second child of Edward and Pris- cilla Long, who settled in Greene County some forty years ago. Israel grew to man- hood in Greene County, and early became inured to the hard work of the farm. When the war came on he enlisted in Co. A, 6ist 111. Vols., under the command of Capt. Orr ; was in the service some seven months ; he became a participant in the famous bat- tle of Shiloh. He was honorably dis- charged from the service at St. Louis, on the 2 1st of July, 1862, and then returned to Greene County. Some years after the war closed he resided in Jersey County and followed agricultural pursuits, until his re- moval again to Greene County in 1877. In 1864, he was united in marriage to Miss Harriet Tucker, a daughter of Pleasant Tucker, by whom he has three children : Freeman, Laura B., and Jesse W. Mr. Long ranks among our most successful farmers ; the owner of 200 acres of valu- able land in the counties of Jersey and Greene. The children deceased are Church- man, Lula, and George LONG SQUIRE, farmer and stock- raiser. Sec. 14, P.O. Rockbridge. The father of our subject was Edward Long, a native Kentuckian, who was there married to Miss Priscella Smith. The exact date of his settlement in Greene County can not now be ascertained ; but in all proba- bility he became a cotemporary with many of the early settlers of Greene County. Squire Long was the sixth child, born of the above-mentioned marriage on the 17th of May, 1846. In 1869, he was married to Miss Ellen Murry, a daughter of McWright Murry, a native Kentuckian, by whom he has two children, Oscar and Emma. Mr. Long is the owner of ninety acres of well improved real estate Loy Drew, renter, Sec. 10, P.O. Kane IX/r ALLEY OWEN, farm hand, Sec. 9, -'■*-»■ P.O. Carrollton Marshall Benjamin, farmer, P.O. Kane MASON ABIGAIL MRS. widow of William Mason, deceased, is a native of Greene County, born in 1823. Of her parentage it will be well to enter into more than a passing description. Her father, Capt. James Whitlock, was a native Vir- ginian, born in i8oo. It must have been that he was of an extremely adventurous disposition, for at the youthful age of eigh- teen we find him traversing the prairies of the far West. After some weeks of travel, he landed in Greene County, where he was TOWN 9, NOHTH RANGE 11, WEST. 739 destined to play so prominent a part in tlie boundless West, a cotemporary settler with Samuel Thomas, John Huitt, and others. Ilis struggle for an existence in the West, met with the many discouragements that confronted the early discoverers of the far West. For many years prior to the Black Hawk war, he held a position as a military officer, and when Black Hawk made war on the white settlers, he was appointed or elected a captain of militia. After the war closed, he returned to his farm in Greene County. A most successful agriculturist, he accumulated a large property in Greene County. For eighteen years he held the position of constable. He died of cholera at San Jose, Mo., on his way to the gold mines of California. Taking up the thread of our discourse, Abigail Whitlock, mar- ried in 1839 John C. Richey, a native of Greene County, a mason by trade, who died in 1848. Of this marriage, three children were born : James M., Susie Ann, and Juliette. In 1850, Mrs. Richey was mar- ried to William Mason, a native of Ohio, who came to Greene County in an early day — about 1827. He was well remem- bered by early residents here, who remember him as a man of fine military attainments, and a successful farmer. He died in 1870, leaving to the care of his wife three chil- dren : Jane, Elon E., and Jennette, de- ceased Massey John, wagonmaker, Kane May Benjamin F. farmer, Sec. 13, P.O. Rock- bridge Mays Gardiner, farmer. Sec. 16, P.O. Kane McKABNEY JAMES, farmer and stock-raiser. Sec. 17, P.O. Kane. Mr. McKabney is a native of Ireland, born in 1820. In his native land he followed agricultural pursuits, and on attaining his 25th year, he united his fortunes to Miss Mary Forsythe. It was during the year 1850, that Mr. McKabney crossed the Atlantic for the New World, landing in Philadelphia on the 15th day of April, 1850. Remaining some five years, he re- moved with his family to the West, locat- ing, after some time spent in traveling, in Greene County, where he first worked by the month for Samuel Armstrong. The following year he rented property, and con- tinued to do so for a period of twelve years, when he purchased the property he now owns, consisting of 120 acres of valuable land. During the Summer of 1876, Mrs. McKabney was laid at rest in the cemetery designated as Kane, leaving to the care of her husband two children, Rebecca and Samuel McCIiURE ROBERT N^. black-^ smith, Sec. 29, P.O. Kane. Robert N. Mc- Clure is a native of Missouri, born at St. Louis County in 1843, youngest son of Jas. and Lydia McClure, natives of North Car- olina and Virginia respectively. Robert was quite young when his parents settled in Jersey County, this State, where he be- came apprenticed to the trade of a black- smith ; becoming in due time a workman. On the I2th of December, 1867, he was married to Miss Catherine Haynes, a daughter of Adam Haynes, by whom he has two children : James and Anna. In 1867 he moved to Greene County, where he has since resided, and where he transacts a good business at his trade McDaniels James, farmer. Sec. 14, P.O. Kane McDonald Catherine, Sec. 16, P.O. Kane McGLASHAN MATTHEW, black- smith and wagon maker, residence Jalappa. Matthew McGlashan is a native of Ohio, and was born in 1822; the second child of James and Phoebe McGlashan. He passed many years of his life upon a farm, although the head of the family was by trade a carder and weaver. On attaining his majority, the subject of our notice be- came apprenticed to the trade of a black- smith and wagon maker. Becoming a ' journeyman workman, he became a resi- dent of various points in the Union, even- tually settling in what is now the village of Jalappa, where he was the first permanent settler; he was afterward married to Miss Emily Irwin, a daughter of Isaac and Rachel Irwin. Mr. McGlashan concluding to make of Jalappa a permanent abiding place, erected the blacksmith shop where he now holds forth, and here he has ham- mered away, while emigration has tended westward, and added materially toward his present prosperity. Of this marriage twelve children were born, five of whom are liv- ing : Clarissa L., Jas. F., Wm. L., Cora M., and Geo. VV. Milliner Isaac, farmer, Sec. 19, P.O. Kane 740 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTOflY. Miner Hugh, blacksmith, Jalappa Minter Anna Mrs. Rane Morris Abner, renter, Sec. i6, P.O. Rock- bridge Morris C. harness maker, Kane Montgomery Samuel, farm hand, Sec. 21, P.O. Kane Mulberry J. C. prop. Kane Hotel, Kane Mulberry J. W. clerk, Kane Murphy Patrick, farmer, Sec. 5, P.O. Carroll- ton "M-EELEY C. E. R.R. and U. S. express agent, Kane Nichols Sarah Mrs. widow, Jalappa /^HARER L. M. carpenter, Kane ^■^^ Oharer O. L. carpenter and builder, Kane Osborn Jamison, laborer, Kane OSBORN K. M. farmer and merchant. Robert Osborn, the only merchant in the township 9, range 11, is a native of Kentucky, and was born in 1S31, where he grew to manhood, early becoming inured to farm work. In 1849 he was married in Tennessee to Miss Eliza Clemmons, who was born in Kentucky. When the war came on he entered the service of the U. S., enlisting in the 22d Kentucky Regt. for three years service. A captain of State militia during the war, he officiated in various capacities, as orderly sergeant and deputy U. S. marshal ; was engaged in various battles ; taken prisoner on several occasions ; at one time captured by guer- rillas, he was sentenced to be shot, but escaped through the intervention of U. S. officers. March, 1864, his family had be- come residents of Indiana, owing to the troublesome times, and there, after the war, Mr. O. himself resided for a period of eighteen months ; from Indiana removed to Macoupin County, 111., where he remained one year, when he moved to Greene County, locating in town 9, range II, where he transacts a good business as a grocer, and engages somewhat in agricultural pursuits. Of the marriage above referred to, six chil- dren were born : Martha, Sarah, Wm. B., Mary Ann, U. S. Grant, and Radford N. Osborn Radford, renter, Sec. i, P.O. Rock- bridge Osburn D. Mrs. Kane pARKER H. L. farmer, Kane Parker W. B. & Co. grocers, Kane PARKER W. B. dealer in groceries, queensware, glassware, woodenware, etc. William B. Parker, from whom this sketch is obtained, is the leading grocer of Kane. As related elswhere, this place was platted and founded as a town in 1865. Mr. Parker has transacted business only for the short space of two years, but during this time has built up, through his business tact and hon- orable dealing, a successful trade. Mr Parker is the only son of William P. Parker, deceased, a native of West Virginia, where he was born March 31, 1799. ^^ ^^^ re- moval to Pennsylvania, having arrived at mature years, he was married to Miss Maria Backman ; in 1848 he purchased property in Greene County, where some years later he settled upon a farm some four miles northwest of Kane, where he has since followed farming, and has also been extensively engaged as a stock raiser, ranking among the more prosperous farm- ers of Greene County. He is the owner of 473 acres of land that will compare favor- ably with any in the west. The subject of this sketch was born in Greene County in 1850, but passed his early years in Pennsyl- vania; in i860, becoming a resident of Greene, where he received a liberal educa- tion ; while the war was in progress he de- voted his time to farming, his first business venture being made at Kane. Mr. Parker is married, having united his fortunes to Miss Fannie Tolman Perrine Charles, renter. Sec. 3, P.O. Carroll- ton Plato Lewis, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 10, P.O. Kane "DEINECKE W. C. druggist, Main street, Kane, 111. The above named gen- tleman has been established in business here but a short time, but has already suc- ceeded in building up a large trade in Kane and surrounding country. Mr. Reinecke is a native of Germany ; born in 1853, where he passed his early years, and there obtained a liberal education, in the Uni- versity of Goettingen. In the land of his birth he obtained a large knowledge of the drug trade, for some years officiating as clerk. In 1870, Mr. R. crossed the At- TOWN 9, NORTH RANGE 11, WEST. 741 lantic for America, and first located at Quincy, in this State, where he became em- ployed by the di-ug firm of Brink, Keen- man & Co., and subsequently salesman in a notion house. Proceeding from Quincy to Pittsfield, Pike County, he there formed the acquaintance of and married Miss Amelia Siegle. Removing to Quincy from this point he eventually made his vvfay to Kane, during the present year, where his affable manners gain him many friends. See business card elsewhere Reno Aaron, farm hand, Sec. i8, P.O. Kane Reno Frank, farmer, Sec. i8, P.O. Kane Reynolds James, renter, Sec. 6, P.O. Carroll- ton Reynolds Joseph, renter, Sec. 6, P.O. Carroll- ton REYTiOLDS DR. OLIVER K. physician and surgeon ; residence, Kane. Dr. Reynolds is among the older practicing physicians of Kane ; he was born in Bel- mont County, Ohio, March I2, 1833, grow- ing to manhood in Ohio. He received his preliminary education in the district schools of his native place, and also in a private academy, situated at Mt. Pleasant, Ohio, under the instruction of Prof. Jenkin, At Meadville, Pa., he attended the Literary College. Having arrived at mature years, he determined to adopt the medical pro- fession, and accordingly proceeded to Wheeling, Va., where he studied medicine under Dr. Wm. Bates, a noted physician, obtaining a good general knowledge of medicine. His parents having moved to Illinois, he shortly afterwai-d, at St. Louis, graduated from the Missouri Medical Col- lege. During the latter part of i860 Dr. Reynolds entered the United States service, having passed three examining committees^ known as the Military Examining Board of Chicago, State Board of Kentucky, and one United States Board of Examiners. During his term of four years in the army, at different periods, he had full charge and control of nine military hospitals. Hold- ing full rank as surgeon two years, and balance of term doing duty as such, he was honorably discharged. When the war clos- ed he settled at Kane, where he has proved himself not only a generous, public spirited citizen, but one who enjoys a large practice through his ability in a profession that he has followed successfully twenty-three years. Dr. R. was first married to Miss Angeline McConica, of Mt. Gilead, Ohio, by whom he had one daughter, Evangeline, who is married, and resides at St. Louis ; Mrs. Reynolds died in 1856. On August 3, 1872, Dr. R. was married to Miss Eugenie F. Perry, a daughter of Col. N. M. Perry, by whom he has four children : Charles, Sherman, Edith and Florence RICHARDS GUY C. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 36, P.O. Kane. Guy Richards, who ranks among the more opu- lent farmers of Jersey County, was born in Broome County, in the State of New York, on the 2d day of November, 1820. Daniel Richards, father of our subject, was a na- tive of Connecticut. Subsequently, in ma- ture years, he moved to Massachusetts, where he formed the acquaintance of and married Miss Ruth Ticknor, a relative of the well known publisher of that name. Of this marriage seventeen children were born, thirteen of whom grew to maturity. We have only space to follow in detail the life career of the subject of this sketch. He was in his fourth year when his parents em- igrated to the west, settling in Morgan County, near the present city of Jackson- ville, where the head of the family became moderately successful. About the year 1837, he moved to Greene County, where he resided for a number of years, and sub- sequently died in Morgan County. Guy passed his boyhood in Morgan County, and accompanied the old folks to Greene, where he became employed upon the old home- stead for a number of years. In 1843, he was united in marriage to Miss Hannah Pope, a daughter of Samuel Pope, of Ohio. Like nearly all who began life in an early day in the west, Mr. Richards was poor, but he displayed rare energy and soon began to prosper, and at this writing is the ower of some 600 acres in the counties of Greene and Jersey, and also in Harrison County, Missouri, and Sedgwick County, Kansas. Of the marriage above referred to, six children were born, all of whom are living, and whose names are Mary, Eras- tus P., Christopher G., Jacob L., Hannah, and George M. Richmond John, farm hand. Sec. 10, P. O. Kane 742 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. Rigsby James, farmer, Sec. 13, P. O. Rock- bridge Rigsby W. farmer, Sec. 13, P.O. Rockbridge Rohacek John, Kane CCOGGINS CHILTON, farmer. Sec. 19, ^ P.O. Kane Scoggins George, renter, P.O. Kane SCOGGINS GEORGE W. deceased. Many of our southern counties are dense- ly populated by that energetic race of peo- ple known as Kentuckians. Greene, no ways backward in this respect, was once the abiding place of George W. Scoggins ; he came to Greene County in his youth, and became a cotemporary with many who now bear a prominent part in county affairs ; in 1849, he was married to Miss Margaret Daniels, by whom he had two children, of whom George was the younger. Mr. S. passed off the stage of action many years ago, and eighteen years ago witnessed the decease of his wife. Chilton, the only sur- vivor of the family, was born Dec. 24, 1851, in Greene County, where he has prin- cipally been a resident from his earliest years ; he is the owner of 40 acres of valu- able land in this township SMITH C. S. dry goods merchant, Kane, 111. The above named gentleman was born in Greene in 1846; oldest son of Dr. A. H. Smith, the well known physician and druggist of Carrollton; he passed his early years in Carrollton, where he re- ceived a liberal education ; for a short time he became employed as a clerk; during the Autumn of 1870, locating at New Kane, where he entered into a copartnership busi- ness with John Greene. Both members were men of enterprise and sagacity, and their business soon became a large and growing one ; the new firm sold goods for a period of two years in a large brick building owned by A. Felter ; owing to in- creasing business, and desiring a better lo- cation, they decided to erect their present building, by far the best store house in the town, where a business is transacted that will compare favorably with any similar establishment in Kane. In September, 1875, Mr. Smith was united in marriage to Miss Jennie Hobson, a daughter of Robert Hobson. One child boin of this, Florence Smith Samuel, farmer. Sec. 11, P. O. Carroll- ton Smithson R. optician, Kane Snow J. laborer, Kane Snyder & Cone, painters, Kane Spears George, renter, Sec. 4, P. O. Rock- bridge STEVENS CLARKE, farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 9, P.O. Carrollton. It was a full half century ago that Clarke Stevens made his advent in this portion of Illinois, then at the age of six years ; his father was John Stevens, a Virginian by birth, who removed to Kentucky in an early day, and there married Miss Elizabeth Terry, who was born in Virginia; lived in the States of Ohio and Tennessee and subse- quently removed to Missoui-i, where he followed farming until his removal to Illi- nois, in 1828, near Otterville, in what is now comprised in that portion set apart and known as Jersey County ; for the most part the Illinois prairie was unbroken, and for many years the family roughed it among those hardy men who ventured to Illinois, when to be a settler was to realize untold hardships ; amid pioneer surround- ings young Stevens passed his boyhood, and grew to a vigorous manhood, attaining the same energy that characterized the people among whom he moved ; in 1841, he was united in marriage to Miss Mildred Ann Cooper, a daughter of E. S. Cooper ; by this marriage they had thirteen children — nine of whom are living. Mrs. Stevens died on the 24th of January, 1877, and the November following Mr. Stevens was mar- ried to Mrs. Elizabeth Buck, a daughter of Jacob Alabaugh, and relict of Wm. Buck, of Virginia. After many years Mr. Ste- vens has become the owner of a valuable tract of land in this township Stevens R. farmer. Sec. 9, P.O. Carrollton Stewart John T. farm hand. Sec. 5, P.O. Car- rollton Stone John, renter, Jalappa Stone Peter, wagon maker, Jalappa Stringer Levi, farmer. Sec. 9, P. O. Rock- bridge Strode Silas, retired farmer, Kane Sullivan Jerry, laborer, Kane HTEEL NICHOLAS, farmer. Sec. 10, P.O. ■*■ Kane TOWN 9, NORTH EANGE 11, WEST. 743 TERPENING JOHN, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 2, P.O. Kane. John Ter- pening is a native of Ulster County, in the State of New York, and was born in 1817; was the third child of David and Hannah Terpening in New York State ; his time was principally spent in agricultural pur- suits, and while here a resident he united his fortunes to Miss Mahala Roe, a daugh- ter of John S. Roe, a native of New York State, by whom he had nine children, sev- en of whom are living ; Simon, Hannah E., Sarah M., Rachel, Ellen and Jerusha, and Uriah D. Mrs. T. died in New York State in 1865, and the following Spring Mr. Terpening emigrated West, and lo- cated in Greene County, where he first worked as a farm hand ; in 1S73, he was married to Mrs. Julian Terpening, relict of Jesse Terpening, and a daughter of Joseph Stevens. Mrs. Terpening is a native of Ohio. The estate comprises 40 acres Thomas Allen, laborer, Kane THOMPSON DAVID A. is a gen- tleman of rare energy, and comes from a numerous and respected family. He was born in 1847, on the old farm homestead of his parents, near the village of Old Kane, where he passed his early years; from his father, who became an exceedingly pros- perous farmer, he inherited that force of character that laid the foundation for his present success. In September, 1869, he was married to Miss Margaret Race, who who was born in Virginia, and who died in 1871, leaving to the care of her husband one child, Charles. On the igth of Feb- ruary, 1873, Mr. Thompson was mar- ried to Miss Sarah Race, a sister of his former wife; five children blessed this union, two of whom are living, Georgie and Susan S. Mr. Thompson is the owner of 160 acres of land, town property in New Kane, and is extensively engaged in stock shipping Thompson & Enslow stock shippers, Kane TOL.MAN W. O. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 28, P.O. Kane. W. O. Tolman ranks among the wealthier earlier residents of Greene County, is a native of White Hall, born in 1829 ; of his parents it will be well to extend more than a passing no- tice. Cyrus Tolman was a native of Mass- achusetts, born in 1796. Wending his way westward as early as 1817, and proceeded to Utica in the State of Indiana ; one year later, although comparatively without means, he landed at Edwardsville, in this State, and first secured employment in help- ing toward the survey of the town of Gib- raltar. In 1821 he entered a piece of land near the present town of White Hall. In connection with Carl Gregory he erected the first two frame blocks in Greene County. Jan. 30, 1828, he was married to Miss Polly Eldred, a daughter of Jehosophat El- dred and Polly. In 1830 he was elected assessor and treasurer of Greene and Ma- coupin Counties, receiving for his services $75. A short time after he was elected judge of Greene County, and in 1840 moved to Jerseyville, where, during the Fall of the year he was elected to fill the same ofiice. As a farmer, Judge Tolman was more than ordinarily successful, few -of the old settlers having come to the State under more trying circumstances. Mrs. Tolman passed away in Oct. 17, i860. Mr. T. was laid at rest two years ago, after a long life fraught no ordinary interest. The subject of this notice, whose name heads this sketch, is the third child born of this marriage. Like nearly all who grew up in the West, he at- tained the usual primitive education in the old familiar log cabin. In 1857 he was married to Miss Eliza Pope, a daughter of Samuel and Mary Pope. Mr. Tolman started in life under many discouragements; the prairie everywhere remained unbroken, but as the years flew onward, his industry paved the way to success. At the present writing he is the owner of 210 acres of val- uable land, and a farm residence that will compare very favorably with any in the county. Of nine children born of the above marriage, all are living : Fanny, Emma, Polly, Anna, and Chloe, Cyrus, William, Curtis, and Elon Tucker Charles, farmer, Sec. 12, P.O. Rock- bridge Tucker David M. farmer. Sec. 12, P.O. Rock- bridge Tucker Henry B. farmer, P.O. Rockbridge TUCKER JOHN A. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. i, P.O. Rockbridge. John A. Tucker is a native of Clayburn County, East Tenn., where he was born July 22, 1820, third child of Obadiah and Elizabeth 744 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. Tucker, whose maiden name was James. In the famous old State of Tennessee, those who bore the name, so far as we have any knowledge followed agricultural pursuits. Obadiah Tucker was a renter of land in his native State, and consequently living in moderate circemstances; to better his con- dition in life he concluded to cast his fortunes in the West, and accordingly, the year 1843 found him en route for the fertile prairies of Illinois, where he settled in due time in Greene County. He never became opulent as many have in Greene County, but he became moderately successful through well directed energy, and an honesty of purpose that never wavered. He died in 1850, and thus there passed to a home not made with hands, another pioneer who helped to pave the way for the prosperity that we of to-day enjoy ; many of us scarcely realizing the hardships undergone by the people of the South and East, whose restless ambition have carried them ever onward. Mrs. T. died many years prior to her husband, finding a last resting place in the Witt Cemetery. John was in his 23d year when the family arrived in Greene County, and the head of a family, hav- ing united his fortunes to Miss Rachel Graves, a daughter of Henry Graves, in Tennessee; to use his own language, his cap- ital, financially speaking, consisted of sev- enty-five cents, and for many years he held his own remarkably well. His first purchase of property was made in 1861, and con- sisted of ten acres, known as Bottom Prai- rie. Since this date he has gone steadily . forward to a successful career, and from the little patch of ground has come an es- tate of over 300 acres, acquired by the same energy of character that distinguished Obadiah Tucker and his estimable wife- Of eleven childien that blessed the union of Mr. Tucker and Miss Graves, six only are living: Martha E., James H., Nancy C, Eva E., Jacob M., and Samuel O. Tucker James F. farmer, Sec. 13, P.O. Rock- bridge Tucker J. H. farmer. Sec. 12, P.O. Rockbridge Tucker Pleasant, farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 13, P.O. Rockbridge V ARBLE JOHN" H. farmer and blacksmith, Sec. 15. P.O. Kane. John Varble is a native of Greene County, born in 1847. His father, William Varble was a native Kentuckian, he was quite young when he emigrated and located in Greene County, where he married Rebecca Jane Reynolds, by whom he had eleven children, three of whom are living, whose names are : William, Henry, John, and Joseph D. John became apprenticed to the trade of a blacksmith, in due time becoming a skill- ful workman. In 1872, he was married to Mrs. Sarah J. Hodgson, a daughter of R. M. Osborn and relict of Benj. Hodgson, by whom he has four children : Robert J., Wm. J., Eliza R., and Louise M. VyADE R. C. laborer, Kane Waggoner Lafayette, renter, Sec. 3, P.O. Carrollton WAGGONER JOHN, farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 9, P.O. Carrollton. It was nearly half a century ago that John Waggoner, then poor and unknown, be- came a resident of Greene County ; he was born in Montgomery County, Va., Nov. 18, 1796, the oldest son of David and Mary Waggoner. In the Old Dominion State our subject passed his boyhood and early youth, earning small wages as a farm hand. At the early age of 18 he was married to Mary Lockhart, a daughter of Wm. Lock- hart, whose occupation can not be learned. Four years from this date he moved to Kentucky, where he followed farming until his emigration to Illinois and location in Greene County in 1830 ; he was then in limited circumstances, but shortly after his settlement here, through the kindness of friends, he was enabled to enter 80 acres, on which he secured his first start in life. Year by year emigration flowed, and it was not long before the youthful aspirant for agricultural honors began to see his way clear to a more prosperous condition than he had heretofore enjoyed. In 1852 Mrs. W. was laid at rest within the borders of Greene County, leaving to the care of her husband seven children : Mary Ann, Wm., John D., Daniel, Adam, Joseph, and Lafayette. In 1855 Mr. Waggoner united his fortunes to Mary Jane Alabaugh, a daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth Alabaugh, by whom he had seven children, five of whom are living : Sarah E., Maria E., TOWN 9, NORTH RANGE 11, WEST. 745 George R., Fanny and Frank. Mrs. Wag- goner died in 1873, ^^'^ was laid at rest in the Cemetery of Providence. In drawing this sketch to a close it may be truthfully said that few if any ever entered Illinois under more discouragements than the sub- ject of this sketch, who, by unremitting energy has achieved his present success, and from the little patch of ground entered nearly half a century ago, he has gathered together an estate of over 500 acres of val- uable land, and ranks among the more opulent farmers of this section Waggoner William, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 3, P.O. Kane Ward James, renter, P.O. Kane Washburn J. M. farmer, Sec. I, P.O. Rock- bridge Wayham Henry, renter, Sec. 4, P.O. Carroll- ton WAYHAM JOHN C. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 4, P. O. CarroUton. John C. Wayham is a native of Philadelphia, where he was born on the ist day of June, 1820 ; we can not trace back the genealogy of this family, further than to state that the parents of John died during his seventh year, and thus early thrown upon his own resources, he was taken in charge and finally bound to a farmer by the name of Edward Browning; remaining seven years, engaged in the duties appertaining to a farm hand enduring many hardships, he made his escape from a cruel task master, and on the loth of March, 1833, he made his way to Kentucky where he worked for a man by the name of Soper, a cattle trader, for a period of two years ; the year of his settlement in Kentucky he made his way to South Carolina in charge of stock, and thereby gained knowledge of the world that proved useful in after years of nature manhood ; on leaving the employ of James Soper, possessed of an adventurous disposition, he now concluded to go it on his own hook, and for six years became an expert rider for a master who followed horse racing for a livelihood; becoming tired of the excitements attending upon this kind of a life, he now settled down in Old Kentucky where he secured em- ployment from a man by the name of Cook. In 1841 he united his fortunes to Miss Louisiana Carter, a daughter of Wm. Carter, a native of Virginia. Principally engaged as a farmer during the Summer months, during the Fall he became a drover. In 1850 he concluded to follow the star of empire westward and accord- ingly m a covered wagon, after the usual trip he landed in Greene County, where he rented land of William Borrow, and erect- ing a cabin, begun the clearing away of timber, often prolonging the hours of labor until nearly midnight; remaining here for a period of five years, he moved to the farm of John Caldwell, where he rented thirteen years. Hi? first purchase of land was made in 1863, and consisted of 230 acres of valuable land, and now commenced that hard labor that has contributed very much toward his present prosperity and has made him one of the most successful agriculturists in Greene County; few in- deed commenced the battle of life under more discouragements than the subject of this sketch, whose sole capital on arrival in Illinois, financially speaking, consisted of eleven dollars. Of this marriage twelve children were born, of whom ten are liv- ing ; Mary, John R., Fanny, Henry, Hugh, Katy, Lucy, Frank, Thomas and Jacquet W. The estate comprises 485 acres Wayham John R. renter. Sec. 4, P. O. Car- roUton Weir M. E. Mrs. milliner, Kane Weir Dr. Kane Wendt Joseph, grain dealer, Kane Wentford Willard, butcher, Kane White Augustus, renter, P. O. Kane Whiilock George, farm hand. Sec. I, P. O. Rockbridge Whitlock Isaac, renter. Sec. i, P. O. Rock- bridge Whitlock Jerry M. farmer. Sec. 9, P. O. Rockbridge Whitlock Marion, farmer, Sec. 9, P.O. Rock- bridge Whitlock Riley, farm hand. Sec. 16, P. O. Kane Whitlock William, farmer, Sec. 9, P. O. Rockbridge • WILLIAMS JOHN T. farmer. Sec. 30. Mr. Williams was born in Virginia in 1811. In his twenty-fourth year he went to Ohio; in those days railroads were com- paratively unknown, steamboats were a novelty on our western waters, and this 746 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. journey to Ohio was an extremely difficult task, over the Alleghany and other moun- tain ranges ; trudging along on foot over the rough uneven paths, he at length halted at Urbana, Ohio, from this point he pro- ceeded to Indianapolis, Ind. Mr. W. had learned the trade of a blacksmith, but not liking this for a life occupation, he hired out as a rough carpenter; this seems to have been his true vocation, for he made a very good workman, and finished some of the finer work on the residence of Governor Nobles; from here he went to Madison, Ohio, and thence Madison, Tenn., thence to Nashville, and thence to St. Louis; here he worked as a carpenter and sold lumber. Making his way to Carroll- ton, this county, where he married Miss Margaret Williams, by whom he had nine children, four of whom are living. From Carrollton he settled near Kane, and is now one of our most successful farmers, owning iioo acres in some of the best precincts of Greene County WILLIAMS WILLIAM P. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 6, town 8, range 12, Jersey County, P. O. Kane. Prominent among the agriculturists of Jersey County we mention with more than ordinary notice the whole souled gentleman whose name heads this sketch ; he was born in Bote- tourt County, Virginia, on the 30th of July, 1823, the ninth of a family of thirteen children, and what is somewhat remark- able, eleven are still living, now aged men and women. The head of this family was John Williams, a native of Virginia, where he followed agriculture and blacksmithing. He was married in Virginia to Miss Elizabeth Rock. He died at an advanced age, and his ashes repose in the old Dominion State. Mrs. Williams survived her husband some six years, and was laid at rest amid the scenes of many years of hardships. William, from whom our sketch is obtained, passed his boyhood in Virginia where he received a liberal education; some thirty years ago, Mr. W. became a resident of Greene County, where he taught school for a short time, and on the 28th of Aug., 185 1, he was united in marriage to Miss Rachel Jane English, a daughter of Thos. English who settled in Greene County during the Autumn of 1835; after a resi- dence of five years in Greene County, Mr. W. moved to Jersey County where he soon moved to the front rank as an agricul- turist ; as his successful and honorable career, in this indepentent calling is so well known, it is perhaps only necessary to state that he is the owner of 580 acres of valuable land, and a more thorough going, energetic farmer, it would be a hard mat- ter to find ; of the marriage, five children were born, Mary.whodied in 1852, an infant child; Thomas F., Louan and Martha Kyle. Mr. Williams has always taken a deep interest in educational matters, and for several years has officiated as a school director Winters John, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 15, P.O. Kane Witt John P. renter. Sec. 2, P.O.Rockbridge WOLSEY AMOS, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 7, P.O. Kane. Amos Wolsey is a native of Greene Co., born in 1844; third child of Amos and Eunice Wolsey, who settled in Greene County, about the year 1854, where young Amos grew to manhood. October, 1871, he was united in marriage to Miss Alice Farmer, a daugh- ter of Ely Farmer. Of this marriage three children were born : Steven, Eliza and John WOLSEY SIMEON L. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 8, P. O. Kane. The above named gentleman is a native of Jer- sey County, born in 1845, where he passed the days of his childhood, early youth and grew to manhood, becoming early inured to the quiet but independent life of a far- mer. During the Autumn of 1872, Mr. W. was united in marriage to Miss Keturah Snell, a daughter of Dr. Asa Snell. There were born of this marriage three children : Rosa, Agnes and Simeon W. In 1875 Mr. Wolsey moved to Greene County, where he has since been identified with agricultur- al interests, owning 100 acres in T.g, R. 11 Wood J. renter. Sec. 12, P. O. Rockbridge Wood Mrs. Kane Woods Austin, farm hand. Sec. 13, P.O. Rock- bridge Woolridge B. C. farmer, Jalappa Woolsey Amos H. farmer, P.O. Kane Y OHNCKE HENRY, wagon maker, P.O. Kane TOWN 9, NORTH RANGE 11, WEST. 747 KANE BUSINESS CARDS. ADAMS JOSEPH, farmer and thresh- er, Kane BURNETT W. L. physician and sur- geon, Kane CARR JOSEPH S. attorney and coun- selor at law, Kane CHAMBERS JOSEPH, stone ma- son, Kane CORY O. P. contractor and builder, Kane ENSLOW JOHN B. justice of the peace, Kane FENITY P. physician and surgeon, Kane GILES ANDREW, proprietor of the Astor House, and constable of the town of Kane GREENE & SMITH, dealers in dry goods, notions, clothing, boots and shoes, hats, caps, etc., corner of Main and Depot Streets, Kane HUGHES I. S. physician and surgeon, Kane LITTLEFIELD & GREEN, bank- ers, Kane McCLURE ROBERT N. black- smith, Sec. 29, P. O. Kane McGLASHAN MATTHEW, black- smith and wagon maker, Jalappa OSBORN R. M. merchant, Town, 9, R. II. PARKER & CO., dealers in groceries, queensware, glassware, notions, tobacco and fancy confectionery, Kane REINECKE W. C. dealer in drugs, medicines, chemicals, brushes and toilet articles, Kane REYNOLDS O. K. physician and sur- geon, Kane SMITH C. S. dry goods merchant, Kane THOMPSON & ENSLOW, stock shippers, Kane VARBLE JOHN H. blacksmith, Sec. 15, P.O. Kane JERSEYVILLE BUSINESS CARD. RICHARDS & FIELDS, wholesale and retail dealers in staple and fancy gro- ceries, provisions, queensware, glassware, lamps, etc., west side South State street, Jerseyville, 111. Choice teas a specialty. Only first class goods in stock; canned fruit, confectionery, notions, etc. George C. Rich- ards and Henry C. Field. Township 9, North Range 12, West. A DMAYER SAMUEL, farmer, Sec. 8, -^^ P.O. Carrollton Allen Elisha, farmer. Sec. 36, P.O. Kane Allen V. renter, Sec. 9, P.O. Carrollton ANDERSON JOHN D. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 21, P.O. Kane. John. D. Anderson is a native of Ireland, where he was born in the year 1846 ; fourth child of William and Mary Ann Anderson. The days of his childhood were spent in Ireland, where he received a common school educa- tion. At the age of twenty, to better his fortunes, he crossed the ocean for America, arriving in New York city, on the 24th of February, 1866 ; from the great metropoli- tan city, he wended his way to Greene County, where he has since been identified vi'ith the farming interest. In 187 1, he was married to Miss Mary Williams, a daugh- ter of John S. Williams, by whom he has two children : John and Margaret. Mr. A. ranks among our most successful agricul- turists ; owning 220 acres of valuable land in this township, and like nearly all of his race, his is a generous nature Anderson John S. farm hand. Sec. 21, P.O. Carrollton Annderson Samuel V. farmer. Sec. 21, P.O. Carrollton Angle David, farmer, Sec. 7, P.O. Carroll- ton Ashford Hiram, farm hand, P.O. Carrollton Ashlock William, renter, Sec. 14, P.O. Kane Austin Mitchel, renter. Sec. 3, P.O. Carroll- ton "DALLAU NOAH, farm hand. Sec. 36, ^ P.O. Kane Barrett John W. renter, Sec. 18, P.O. Car- rollton Baugh Wm. H. farmhand, Sec. 8, P.O. Car- rollton Baumgartner Jacob, renter, Sec. 27, P.O. Kane Bolt Jefferson, miller, P.O. Kane Borer G. farmer. Sec. 32, P.O. Kane Bradley Rube, renter, P.O. Carrollton Bray Lenley, renter. Sec. 33, P.O. Kane Bridges Burton, renter, Sec. 27, P.O. Kane Bridges James, renter. Sec. 26, P.O. Kane Britton Nancy Mrs. Sec. 26, P.O. Kane Brockus John, old Kane, P.O. Kane Brooks Jas. W. laborer, old Kane, P.O. Kane Brooks Perry, farm hand. Sec. 33, P.O. Kane BROOKS TVILLiIS, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 8, P.O. Carrollton. Willis Brooks is a native of Greene County, and was born near the city of Carrollton, on the i8th of July, 1830 ; the third child of Henry and Elizabeth Brooks; the former was born in the old Dominion State, and the latter in Kentucky. Henry Brooks was a farmer from his earliest years, and married in Kentucky ; the date of his com- ing to Greene County cannot now be as- certained, but in all probability he became a cotemporary with many of the early set- tlers ; during the latter years of his life he became moderately successful as an agri- culturist, and died in Kansas, where he afterwards removed, and where his wife also passed the remainder of her days. Willis whose name heads this sketch, grew to manhood in Greene County. During his boyhood, he worked as a farm hand, and from the wages thus obtained, he re- ceived a liberal education in the district schools in his native place. In 1851, he was united in marriage to Miss Cassa A. Thomasson, a daughter of Spencer Thom- asson, by whom he has seven children : Virginia A., born Jan. 24, 1861 ; Nancy E., born Dec. 14, 1862 ; William Preston, March 31, 1864 ; Fanny E., June 10, 1867 ; Josephine, Oct. 24, 1869 BROWN LOUISA MRS. Sec. 18, P.O. Carrollton. The above named lady, by whom this narrative is kindly furnished, is the oldest daughter of James Ware, one TOWN 9, NORTH RANGE 12, WEST. 749 of the original pioneers of Greene County, and relict of William Brown, deceased, who became a prominent agriculturist of Greene County, and who was in all proba- bilities born in the county, as his parents Jackson and Elizabeth Brown, settled in Illinois when it bore little evidence of civi- lization. From his boyhood young Brown be- came identified with the farming interest and upon the old farm homestead ; he de- veloped an energy of character that led to successful results in subsequent years, although it must have been that educational advantages were limited, still he received a good common school education. Aug. 7, 1859, he was united in marriage to Miss Louisa Ware, whose name heads this bio- graphy. Of this marriage four children were born : Martha A., Mary S , Cora A., and William. After a long and honorable career William Brown was laid at rest in the Mount Gilead Cemetery, a handsome monument marking the spot. Mr. Brown died in affluent circumstances ; his estate comprising 240 acres, will compare favor- ably with any of like number in the county. The handsome farm residence was erected during the Autumn of 1867 Brown Samuel, farm hand, P.O. Kane BKOWNING JOHN P. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 6, P. O. CarroUton. John P. Browning was born in Greene, on the 29th of March, 1833. His father was Meshac Browning, a native of Kentucky, and there married Miss Maxie Wood ; in 1831, during the Autumn of the year, he wended his way to Greene County, and first settled in CarroUton, where he found employment at his trade that of a brick- mason ; subsequently he became a farmer, and gained some distinction as a minister of the Baptist Denomination, and as the gray light of morning beamed upon his pathway beckoning him onward to that brighter and better land, he quietly awaited the summons to a home not made with hands; to the care of his wife he left a family of nine children, of whom our sub- ject was the third child. In 1864, he was married to Miss Ellen Trimble, a daughter of Harvey Trimble, by whom he has six : children : Henry O., Mettie A., Pleasant H., Thomas O., Dean and Norman. Mr. Browning is the owner of 77 acres, and a I2 consistent member of the Baptist Church Browning William, renter. Sec. g, P.O. Car- roUton BRUNER A. J. DR. physician and surgeon. The above named gentleman is a native of Tennessee, where he was born in the year 1835, the fourth child of Daniel and Marena Bruner. Daniel Bruner was a farmer in limited circumstances. Hav- ing married in Tennessee Miss Marena McCoblum, he worked early and late, but never became more than ordinarily success- ful. He passed away in Tennessee, and not many years after his wife was laid at rest in the village cemetery. Our subject received a preliminary education in the district schools of his native place. Re- moving to Kentucky, he entered upon a literary course of study at the Hiawatha College. Proceeding to Keokuk, Iowa, he entered the College of Physicians, graduat- ing from this institution with honor on the 17th of February, 1875, and since this date has secured a large practice in Greene County ; a resident near Woodville, where he has become the owner of a valuable property. In 1869 he was married to Mrs. Mary A. Slater, a daughter of Richard and Sarah J. Spalding Burch David, farm hand, P.O. Kane Burch Elijah, renter. Sec. 13, P.O.Kane Burch Terry, renter. Sec. 27, P.O. Kane Burgess William, renter. Sec. 35, P.O. Kane Burlison David, farmer. Sec. 27, P.O. Kane Bushel George, farmer. Sec. 17, P.O. Car- roUton CAMPBELL DANIEL, school-teacher Sec. 16, P.O. CarroUton Campbell Daniel, farmer, Sec. 10, P.O. Car- roUton Carman William, farm hand, Sec. 24, P.O. Kane Carmine Samuel, laborer, P.O. Kane Carmine Thomas, laborer. Sec. 36, P.O. Kane CARRICO LAFAYETTE T. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 33, P.O. Kane. La- fayette Carrico was born in Jersey County in 1843, and is the oldest child of John C. and Winnie Ann Carrico. In entering into a description of life and times in Greene County, and of the men who are actors therein, of those born in the State, it can only be said of those who followed 750 GREENE COUNTY DmECTORY. agriculture for a livelihood, that little of the hardships of frontier life fell to their lot, and necessarily some of our sketches occupy more space than others. Lafayette Carrico passed his boyhood upon a farm, and received the usual district school edu- cation. In 1864, he was married to Miss Rosann Shanks, by whom he had two chil- dren : Clara, born in 1868, and Anna, born Dec. 8, 1864, died Jan. 13, 1866. Mr. Carrico is the owner of 100 acres of land, and is a thorough-going, successful farmer Carrico Marion, renter, P.O. Kane CarstensC. farmer. Sec. 17, P.O. Carrollton Clark Alfred, farmer, Sec. 9, P.O. Carrollton CLARK ESTHER MRS. relict of Israel Clark, Sec. 9, P.O. Carrollton. In tracing tlie life history of families, we neces- sarily follow the varying fortunes of the head of the family. Israel Clark was a native of Ohio, where he was born in 1814. Early in life he became apprentieed to the trade of a carpenter, continuing in this occupation after his marriage, which oc- curred on the 3d of October, 1839, to Miss Esther Demeen, in Ohio. In 1848, Israel Clark moved to Greene County, where he purchased a farm of 160 acres, east of Car- rollton, and subsequently became the owner of 250 acres. In 1864, he purchased the property known as the Clark estate, con- sisting ac one time of 240 acres ; at present comprising 160 acres. In 1868, Mr. Clark was laid at rest in the beautiful cemetery south of the city of Carrollton. The sur- vivors of the family are Mrs. Clark, who was born in Butler County, O., and seven children : John, Susan, Isaac, William, Alfred, Jennie L., and Charles /^LARK JOHN, farmer. Sec. 9, P.O. Car- ^-^ rollton Clark William B. farmer. Sec. 9, P. O. Car- rollton CLOSE LUCINDA MRS. Sec. 17, P. O. Carrollton. Mrs. Close is a native of Kentucky, where she was born in 1811, and accompanied her parents Samuel and Elizabeth Martin in the year 1827 to Greene County Close Newton, renter, Sec. 35, P. O. Kane Cockrell George C. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 36, P.O. Kane Cockrell Bysha, renter. Sec. 35, P. O. Kane Coonts Jefferson, farmer and stock raiser, Sec 34, P. O. Kane Craven James, farm hand, Sec. 6, P. O. Car- rollton Crawford I, D. minister of the Gospel, Sec. 34, P. O. Kane Crone David, farmer. Sec. 34, P.O. Kane Cummings Hezekiah, renter, Sec. 21, P. O. Carrollton TRAVIS SAMUEL, farm hand. Sec. 2, P. -^ O. Carrollton Diamond William, renter. Sec. 34, P.O. Kane DODSON JAMES T. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 27, P.O. Kane. Tracing back to some extent, the early history of the Dodson family, we find that the grand- father of our subject, Major Dodson, was a native of Virginia, and a farmer and hat- ter by occupation ; but little can be gleaned relative to him ; early in life, he learned to rely upon Him who maketh all things well, and in the maturer years of manhood, the pioneer minister. Father Clark, frequently made a stopping point at his cabin, and other pioneer ministers of note. He mar- ried Miss Amy Alderson, of Fairfax Coun- ty, Virginia, by whom he had a family of thirteen children ; Ely was a successful physician; Elijah, the second child, became a prominent minister; Enoch became a successful practicing physician; Ezekiel also turned his attention to the ministerial pro- fession; Levy, entered the Mexican service of 1846, and was killed in action while a soldier under General Taylor, while Thom- as, the father of him whose name heads this column, became a school teacher, and owing to limited space we now follow his fortunes to Greene County, where he be- came a resident in 18^.0. He was a pio- neer of considerable learning for the period of time in which he lived, devoting much of his time to school teaching arid farming; he became a consistent member of the Metho- dist Church, and was identified with many public orders, as the Sons of Temperance, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and Masonic. He was married to Miss Sarah Taylor, a daughter of Tubba Taylor, who became one of the pioneers of Greene Co., and probably established the first black- smith shop in this portion of the West. Going back to the thread of our narrative, TOWN 9, NORTH RANGE 12, WEST. 751 I] this marriage occurred in 1833, and was blessed with three children. The eventful life of Thomas Dodson ended on the 25th of November, 1855, and he was laid at rest in the cemetery of old Kane, and where the ashes of his wife now repose, Mrs. D. having passed away, August 21, 1878. James T. passed his boyhood in Greene County, upon the old farm homestead. When the war broke out, he enlisted in Company C, I22d 111. Infantry, for three years service, as private. Subsequently he entered the Provost Marshal's office, assum- ing the duties of deputy, afterwards in the service of the Treasury Department in Ken- tucky, and received an appointment in the Quarter Master General's office in the city of Washington. Since the war he has resided in Greene County, where he married Miss Addie Petit, in 1867 ; this lady is a daugh- ter of Dr. A. S. Petit and Julia, and niece of the late Gov. Reynolds. Of this mar- riage, three children were born : Ella, Charles and Harriet. Mr. D. is the owner of 160 acres jointly with others, and is now a resident of township 9, range 12 Doxie Mary Mrs. Sec. 18, P.O. Carrollton ■pNGLISH WHARTON F. trader, res. -*-' old Kane, P.O. Kane Enslow Jerome, farmer, Sec. 24, P.O. Kane ERISMAN JACOB, proprietor of the United States Flouring Mills, originally an old landmark on the banks of the Macou- pin, but rebuilt in 1865. Jacob Erisman was born in the year 1833 ; he had attained his fourth year when his parents, Christo- pher and Catherine Erisman, emigrated to Ohio, where young Erisman grew to matu- rity, and became apprenticed to the trade of a miller, and subsequently became a journeyman workman, and in 1859, he was united in marriage to Miss Rachel Crom- well. In 1865 he came to Greene County, where he has principally resided, and where ht has for the past ten years assumed the proprietorship of the mills above mentioned, which are fitted up with all modern ma- chinery, and where he is fully prepared to do custom work ; owing to his superior brand of flour, Mr. Erisman receives many orders in Greene and adjoining counties. Mr. E. is a shrewd business man, and what is still better, a liberal whole-souled gen- tleman, whose enterprise crops out on many occasions. Mr. E. has but one child, Katy A. now living. Mary F. the youngest child, died on the 22d of February, 1878. Note. — The U. S. Mills are owned jointly by Mu. E., Mrs. Charlotte King and heirs FJELTER PETER, farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 28, P.O.Kane, who ranks among the more prominent citizens of Greene County, was born in the State of New York, October 19th, 1819. In his fifteenth year his parents emigrated to the west and settled in Greene County, not far distant from the village of Kane. During his youth our subject proceeded to Carrollton, where he became apprenticed to the trade of a tailor, subsequently completing his trade in the city of St. Louis. Removing to Jersey County he engaged in boating, merchan- dising and farming, and there developed that force of character that laid the found- ation for future success. In 1844 he was uni- ted in marriage to Miss Harriet Brambetta, a daughter of Elkanah Brambetta. Here were passed many years of his life, the lat- ter were principally passed in farming. In 1866 he became a resident of Greene County, where he has since resided. After a life of almost unexampled activity, he has now reached that pinnacle of success open to all who display the same amount of energy that has marked Mr. Felter's career from boyhood. In the counties of Jersey and Greene he is the owner of some five hun- dred acres of valuable land, and also a val- uable tract in Kansas, There were born of this marriage thirteen children, ten of whom are living : George, Josepiiine, Frank L., Mary, Cornelia, Flora, Delia, William, Blanche and Charles Finney John, engineer, residence old Kane, P.O. Kane Fesler Thomas, engineer, residence old Kane, P.O. Kane Frances Julius, farm hand, .Sec. 36, P.O. Kane FRY GE:N^ERAL JACOB, farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 24, P.O. Kane. As the career of General Fry is well known to the citizens of the State of Illinois and of Greene County, where he has borne so prominent a part, we will enter into no de- tails, but merely relate facts, hoping thus to 752 GEEENE COUNTY DIRECTOEY. perpetuate the memory of one whose ability became recognized in the stirring scenes of western life. General Fry was born in Fayette County, Kentucky, on the 20th day of September, 1799. His father was Earn- hardt Fry, a revolutionary soldier, and a na- tive of Maryland. He was of German ori- gin, a farmer by occupation, and served five years in the continental war. He was mar- ried to a Miss Swigart, who bore him six chil- dren, of whom the subject of this sketch was the youngest. In his own language : " I ac- quired a round log-cabin education." In his youth he worked at the carpenter tiade. At the early age of twenty he became a resident of Greene County, his total possessions foot- ing up to thirty-seven and a-half cents. He it was who built the first house in Carrollton. On the 25th of May, 1826, he was married at Carrollton, to Miss Emily Turney, a daughter of the late General James Tur- ney, formerly of Tennessee. At the first County Court ever held in Greene County he was appointed constable and subse- quently became deputy sheriff. Holding this position six years, he became sheriff of the county, and his efficiency was so appar- ent, that for five terms of two years dura- tion, he held the position to the general satisfaction of all. In 1831 occurred the Black Hawk war, and Governor Reynolds, with his usual promptness, ordered out a brigade of mounted volunteers to the dis- puted territory, to repel the Indians. In this brigade Colonel Fry received the ap- pointment of Lieutenant Colonel, in the regiment of which Henry was Colonel. This body of troops soon received march- ing orders, and subsequently were disband- ed at Rock Island. In 1832, Colonel Fry was again called upon to take the field, and commanded a regiment of Gen- eral Samuel Whiteside's brigade. The army was soon in motion, and proceeded to within a short distance of Rock Island, and up the river to Dixon where they en- camped for several days, thence to Ottawa, where the troops were disbanded ; and now, at the request of the Governor, he raised one regiment of the disbanded troops for twenty days service, to guard the fron- tier. At the expiration of this time the vol- unteers forming this regiment were dis- banded. Colonel Fry proceeded to La- Salle, where he was elected colonel of a regiment of new levies, and subsequently formed a part of General Henry's brigade. Shortly after the regiment received march- ing orders, their first objective point be- ing Mud Lake, near Rock River, whence they joined the regular troops under Gen- eral Atkinson. Provisions were now scarce, and Henry was ordered by his superior officer to Fort Winnebago to get rations and return. Obtaining their supplies, the troops, after consultation between General Henry and Colonel Fry, hearing of the close proximity of the Indians, moved up the river, where they found trace of the marauders. On pursuing the trail they overtook the enemy at the Wisconsin Riv- er, where a sharp conflict of short dura- tion took place, and late in the afternoon the enemy escaped across the river. The following morning General Atkinson came up with the main body, and joining Gen- eral Henry's forces, were soon in hot pur- suit of the enemy, bringing them to bay below the mouth of Bad Ax Creek. This fight ended the Black Hawk war, and for a time the Indian troubles in the northwest. Colonel Fry then took charge of the brigade and proceeded to Dixon, where they were mustered out of the service, to follow more peaceful pursuits. He was soon after made Brigadier General and subsequently Major General of the militia of Illinois. He was elected by the State legislature, during the sessions of 1836-7, as acting canal commis- sioner, and accordingly removed to Lock- TOWN 9, NORTH RANGE 12, WEST. 753 port during the winter of 1837. He served until 1846 — a period of nine years, in this capacity, displaying marked ability. Re- maining in Lockport, he entered upon a mercantile career, and in 1850 organized a party for the gold mines of California, and after an overland trip of some months dura- tion, starting from Lockport on the first of April, he reached Sacramento on the second day of August. He was destined to remain for a period of three years, entering into mercantile pursuits, and turning his atten- tion to mining, he became quite successful. His experience of former years had enabled him to grasp many difficult State problems, and on the golden coast he displayed an ex- ecutive capacity that caused him to be- come the nominee of the Democratic party for the State Senate, receiving the election by an overwhelming majority. Serving in this honorable body through one session he then returned to Illinois, locating at Ottawa. By James Buchanan, and through the direct influence of his old friend. Judge Douglas, he received the appointment of the respon- sible position of collector of customs, at Chicago, and received, while the holder of this important position, the first unbroken cargo that entered that port. The tide in governmental affairs now began to turn, and the political excitement in many in- stances ran high ; General Fry was out- spoken in favor of his old friend, Stephen A. Douglas, then a member of the United States Senate, and was accordingly super- seded by a more pliable successor. This removal as stated by the Secretary of the Treasury, to General Fry, in conversation at the city of Washington, was caused solely through his friendship for and warm ad- miration of the Little Giant. Event- ually he returned to his old home in Greene County, where he was quietly pursuing the duties appertaining to his farm, when the war of rebellion came. He was well ad- vanced in years, but he had a reverence for the old flag that had floated over many a bat- tle field in the revolutionary struggle, and now when the tramp of armed feet resound- ed through many of our cities and towns, through the solicitation of Governor Yates, he organized the 6ist Regiment of Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and received from him the appointment of Colonel. Proceed- ing to the front from Carrollton, he bore a prominent part in the rebellion, where he became a participant in many important battles, especially that of Pittsburgh Landing. Resigning his commission through disability, since the war he has resided at his beautiful farm residence. For twelve years he has been deprived of sight through the exposures of war, but through well-directed efforts the declining years of his life are blessed with plenty, and no one in State or county evinces a more liberal disposition toward all things worthy, than the honored gentleman whose name heads this sketch. General Fiy is the owner of 640 acres. His marriage to Miss Turney was blessed with five children : James, a graduate of West Point, holds the position of Adjutant General in the regular army ; Sarah, now the wife of Douglas Fry, a wealthy Californian ; William M., a captain in the late war, and proprietor of the Arcadia Mills at Carroll- ton ; Edward M., a broker at San Fran- cisco, and Julia, A., now the wife of George W, Ware, a merchant andbanker of Jersey- ville /^ARR JOHN, renter. Sec. 33, P. O. ^ Kane Gernigin Jesse, farmer, Sec. 20, P.O. Kane Gernigin William, renter. Sec. 28, P. O. Kane Gilliland Samuel A. renter, Sec. 26, P. O. Kane Givens Henry, farm hand. Sec. 24, P. O. Kane Gorham John G. farmer. Sec. 35, P. O. Kane Grandstaff William, renter. Sec. 32, P. O. Kane GREENE NELSON, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 24, P. O. Kane. Time has wrought many changes in the great and growing West, and few have been more stir- ring actors on the scene of action than the Greene family. Foremost among the lead- ing spirits of pioneer days, we mention 754 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. with more than a passing notice, William Greene, father of our subject ; he was born in the State of Kentucky, of an extremely daring disposition ; in his youth he wended his way to the State of Illinois, settling in Bond Co., thence to Madison Co., at a time when few then traversed Illinois, save the harbingers of advancing civilization, the hunters and trappers, who ever move on- ward at the advance of civilization. We do not know the motive that inspired Wil- liam Greene to become a resident of this State at this early date, and eventually a leader among men, whose daring nature overcame all obstacles ; doubtless the West, where game abounded in the forest, and the finny tribe that swam our Western waters, had claims for him ; his martial spirit made him a leader among men, and shortly after his arrival in the West, we findhim a soldier among other troops for the protection of the frontier ; he was destined to witness many stirring events during these Indian expeditions; in 1819, he be- came a resident of Greene County, where he was destined to play so prominent a part, and where himself, John Greene and Thomas Carlin were instructed as to the laying out of the county seat ; as we have seen, he was a man of no ordinary courage, and evinced so much reckless daring as the leader of parties known as the Macoupinites, equally as daring as himself, that when it became necessary for the erection of a court house in Carrollton, in after years, it is safe to assume that he bore no secondary part in the payment of money toward its erection. In early days, Carrollton was a central point for the mili- tia drills, over which Mr. Greene was the presiding officer; in many ways he will long be remembered as one who helped materially toward making Greene County, named in honor of William and John Greene, one of the most flourishing coun- ties in the State ; he died in 1828 ; his esti- mable wife, who bore him five children, is still living, a resident of this township, a lady of sturdy independence and will, that distinguished many of the pioneer women, who spent no time in idleness. Nelson was the fourth child, and as our narrative is obtained from him, we here append a short biography. He was born in Greene County, in the year 1822, and grew up a stout, vigorous boy, early becoming inured to the hard work of a farm, and receiving such education as he obtained in a subscrip- tion school; in 1847, he was married to Elizabeth Ann Gano, a daughter of John S. Gano, a Virginian ; in his own language — " I borrowed the clothes which I wore to the marriage," and subsequently borrowed many of the household utensils that formed the simple furniture of his cabin ; but he worked hard, and this paved the way for future success ; he is the owner of 120 acres of land in one of the best townships of Greene County ; is a whole-souled, lib- eral gentleman, and enjoys the confidence of his many friends ; he was twice elected justice of the peace, serving eight years, and has probably married more happy couples than any other man in the county. Mr. G. is the father of eight children : John, Emily, Mary, Sarah, Lucy, Herschel, Robert and Clarence TT ALBERT MARY E. Sec. 7, P.O. Car- ■*^ ronton Hartwick James, farmer. Sec. 7, P.O. Carroll- ton Hartwick S. W. farmer. Sec. 7, P.O. Carroll- ton Harwood Delilah Mrs. Sec. 8, P. O. Carroll- ton Hawk James, renter, Sec. II, P. O. Carroll- ton Hefifron Patrick, renter. Sec. 15, P.O. Kane HERON ALEXANDER F. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 20, P.O. Carrollton HEROX AUGUSTUS CONK- LilN, farmer and stock raiser, Sec, 20, P. O. Carrollton. The subject of this biog- raphy was born in Erie County, Penn., May 14, 1819. Augustus was the oldest of a family of nine children ; his father was Robert Evans Heron ; he was a mer- chant in affluent circumstances ; possessed of an ability that led to successful results, and amassed considerable property in mer- cantile pursuits ; he died at Louisville, Ky., where he afterward removed. Augus- tus passed his early boyhood in Pennsylva- nia, where he received a liberal education ; in 1S32, possessed of that adventurous dis- position characteristic of Young America, he departed from the parental roof and TOWN 9, NORTH RANGE 12, WEST. 755 made his way to Missouri, where he sought employment on the broad waters of the Mississippi as a cabin boy, plying between the cities of Memphis, New Orleans, Nat- chez, and other points ; he soon became a valuable assistant, and, in process of time, a second steward ; displaying marked abil- ity, he became steward on board the George Collier, Natchez, Belle Creole, Eclipse and Imperial ; in this capacity he gave such general satisfaction that few gained more reputation as an honorable man and one more skilled in his profession than he; one incident in his career is worthy of note, as a steward his ability was unquestioned, yet it would necessarily be strange if some un- pleasantness in connection with his posi- tion did not occur. On one occasion, an employee of the boat, who could not stand prosperity or good living, made a jesting remark in reference to the corn bread, a staple article on all packets many years ago. Mr. Heron was notified of the con- versation, and made his way to the cabin, •'Jim," said he, to the surly boarder, "what is the matter with that corn bread ?" A satis- factory answer not being forthcoming, he remarked, wi h that sarcasm peculiar to many who pass their lives on our Western waters : "Jim, that ain't the kind of corn bread you and I were used to when we came in from our fishing excursions, and your aged mother, with alt due care and re- gard for our comfort, gathered together her baking material, and transferring it to the smoothing board, set it to bake from the large open fireplace." Jim made his exit amid the jeers of the passengers. While employed on the river Mr. Heron was mar- ried in the Crescent City, to Miss Martha A. Brant, by whom he had two children, Helen and an infant child. When that dread scourge of yellow fever became prevalent in New Orleans, Mrs. Heron became a vic- tim to the yellow monster, whose bronzed breath carried death and desolation to many a saddened household. In i86i, he married his second wife, Mrs. Rachel Burkett, by whom he had two children, Alex. F. and Aug. C; in 1864, the yellow fever again prevailed to an alarming ex- tent, and Mr. Heron was soon again called upon to perform the last sad rites for his second wife, who was laid at rest in the city of New Orleans during the year made memorable by the advent of the bronzed visitor. For a number of years Mr. Heron conducted a successful business in a bakery establishment of his own, on Choupetoulas street ; for nearly twenty-five years he re- mained a resident of this Southern city; in 1849, ^e made a visit to Greene County, 111., when he purchased 160 acres of land in this township, and five years ago he be- came a permanent resident, where he now owns 188 acres of valuable land, and ranks among the more honorable farmers in Greene County HERON A. C. farmer, Sec. 18, P.O. Car- roUton. A. C. Heron is a native of New Orleans, where he was born Sept. 26, 1848; in 1864, his parents moved to Greene County, where our subject grew to man- hood, and received a liberal education ; in 1871, he was married to Miss Delilah Clark, by whom he had one child, deceased. Mrs. Heron died in 1874, and, in 1877, Mr. Heron united his fortunes to Miss Lu- cinda Lancaster, by whom he has two chil- dren, Edward P. and Robert L. Hill Samuel, painter, P.O. Carrollton Hinson Albert, renter, Sec. 28, P.O. Kane Hoogland William, farm hand, Sec. 18, P.O. Carrollton HODGES WILLIAM, farmer and stock raiser, residence old Kane. William Hodges is a native of Jersey County, and born in 1850, a son of Edward Hodges, deceased, who was a native of Texas, born in 1820, who became a resident of Illinois some 35 years ago, locating in Jersey County, where he was maiTied to Miss Nancy Davis, who was born in Jersey County; twenty-five years ago the family moved to Greene County, where Edward Hodges became a successful agriculturist through the display of that energy inseparable from success. After a life of very unusual activity he was laid at rest in Greene County. The surviv- ors of the family are Mrs. Hodges and eight children, of whom the subject of this sketch is the fourth child. In 1877 he was united in marriage to Miss Lucy Smith, of Jersey County, by whom he has one child, Harry HOLMES ISAAC, renter, Sec. 21, P.O. Kane. The above named gentleman is a na- tive of Greene County, where he was born 756 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. on the 13th of September, 1833; oldest son of William and Elizabeth Holmes. Isaac grew up in Greene County; received a com- mon school education, and became em- ployed in farming from his earliest years. In 1865 he 'vas united in marriage to Miss "Martha Duggan, a daughter of George and Elizabeth Duggan. Of this marriage two children were born : Charles and William. At the second call for volunteers, on the 4th day of September, 1863, Mr. Holmes en- listed in Co. E, 32d Regt. 111. Inft., and became engaged in the following battles : Shiloh, Corinth, Hatchie River, Vicksburg, Grand Gulf, Champion Hills, Kenesaw Mountains, Atlanta, Savannah, Raleigh, and Bentonville. Re-enlisting in this com- pany, he remained four years in the service of the U. S. government. He was honor- ably discharged on the i6th of September, 1865 Huitt John W. jr. farmer. Sec. 25, P.O. Kane Huitt RoUand B. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 25, P.O. Kane Hulan S. H. farm hand, P.O. Carrollton Hunt Milton, farmer. Sec, 32, P.O. Kane Hunt William, farmer, Sec. 28, P.O. Kane HUPP OLIVER PEKRY, black smith and horse-shoer, is a native of Vir- ginia, where he was born in the year 1S33, and resided in the Old Dominion State for many a year, and where he became ap- prenticed to the trade of a blacksmith at an early age. Residing in Virginia when the war broke out, he joined the Southern forces under Early, and was subsequently transferred to the brigade under command of Stonewall Jackson. Since the war he has resided in Kane, Greene County, in the latter he was united in marriage to Miss Mary Ashlock, daughter of Jesse Ashlock, by whom he had one child, not living. See business card elsewhere HUTCHENS BRASWELL. De- ceased was born in Greene County, July 8, 1832, and was the second child of Elkanah and Frances Hutchens. Elsewhere will be found a biographical sketch of Elkanah Hutchens, and we now follow the fortunes of Braswell Hutchens in Greene County, ■where he followed principally the occupa- tion of a farmer, although early in life he became apprenticed to the trade of a black- smith, which he abandoned two years after becoming a journeyman workman. Decem- ber, 1852, he was nnited in marriage to Miss Caroline Landon, a daughter of Ed- mund and Julia Landon, whose maiden name was Reynolds. Of this marriage eleven children were born: Horace,Elkanah, Mary, Lucius, Julius, Jasper, Julia, Augus- tus, Maria, Gilbert, Helen, and infant child. Mr. Hutchens passed away in 1878, and was laid at rest in the Hutchens Cemetery HUTCHENS ELKANAH, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 8, P.O. Carrollton. Our biographical sketch would be incom- plete were we to omit to mention the whole-souled gentleman whose name ap- pears at the head of this sketch. Many who sought homes upon the boundless prairies or among the timber belts of Southern Illi- nois, were natives of the Sunny South, and among this hardy people we class Elkanah Hutchens one of the veteran pioneers of Greene County. He was born in North Carolina in 1803, where he passed the days of his childhood, early youth and to grew manhood, receiving such education as a log cabin afforded. From youth he followed agriculture, and married in North Carolina Miss Frankie Pilcher, a daughter of James Pilcher. In 1829, when many favorable reports were spread abroad about Illinois and its prosperity, Elkanah Hutchens deter- mined to make this new Eldorado his future home, and accf)rdingly made his way over- land in a pioneer schooner, or covered wagon ; after a monotonous journey, occu- pying some weeks, he landed in Morgan County on the 7th of May, 1829, near the City of Winchester, in Scott County, and here he entered land from the government, and remained until 1 831, when he crossed over to Greene County, and settled in town 9, range 12, the property he now owns, consisting of 160 acres. A cabin had been erected on the land, and here the emigrants made their home for several yeai's. As many anecdotes and incidents of pioneer life find their way in our general history, and as Mr. Hutchens' life in Greene County was the common lot of all, it only remains for us to say that step by step Mr. Hutchens arose to a condition of independence. He is now the owner of 160 acres of valuable land, and has the respect and confidence of neighbors and friends in Greene County TOWN 9, NOllTH RANGE 12, WEST. 757 HUTCHENS ELKANAHD. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 7, P.O. CarroUton. Many of those comfortably situated in the agricultural walks of life were born in Greene County, and grew to the mature years of manhood surrounded by pioneer influences. Among this class we mention the subject of this sketch with more than a passing notice. He was born in the year 1845. From his earliest years followed farming. November, 187 1, he was united in marriage to Miss Sarah Bell, who bore him one child, Clara Belle, who died in infancy. Mrs. Hutchens died in 1874, and was laid at rest in the Providence Ceme- tery. In 1876, Mr. Hutchens was united in marriage to Miss Lucy J. Anderson, a daughter of Samuel and Purnell Anderson, by whom he has one child, Eva. Mr. H. is the owner of 480 acres of valuable land, and a valuable property in CarroUton. As a farmer he has become exceedingly pros- perous. For a number of years he seved in the capacity of a school teacher, and evinced considerable ability in this pro- fession Hutchens Ellis, farmer, Sec. 8, P.O. CarroUton Hutchens Gideon, farmer, Sec. 7, P.O. Car- roUton Hutchens Horace, farmer. Sec. g, P. O. CarroUton TRWIN JABEZ, renter, Sec. 26, P.O. -*■ Kane JOHNSON ELVA, renter, Sec. 33, P.O. Kane Johnson John, renter, P.O. CarroUton TT'EIS HIRAM, renter, P.O. CarroUton ■^^ KeUer WiUiam, farmer, Sec. 34, P.O. Kane Kelly J. renter. Sec. 4, P.O. CarroUton King H. J. renter. Sec. 11, P.O. CarroUton King John Mrs. Sec. 11, P.O. CarroUton King Thomas, farmer, Sec. 11, P.O. CarroUton Kinred Grant, renter. Sec. 8, P. O. CarroUton T ANCASTER CHARLES, renter. Sec. ^ 9, P.O. CarroUton Lockman Henry, renter, P.O. CarroUton Lozier Jacob, farmer, Sec. 28, P. O. Kane ly/rcDANIELS LAFAYETTE, farm -'■*-*■ hand. Sec. 16, P. O, Kane Martin Eliza Mrs. Sec. 8, P. O. CarroUton MARTIN JAMES, agriculturist, was born in Kentucky on the 14th of June, 1814; during his youth he became appren- ticed to the trade of a bricklayer, and worked for many years as a journeyman workman. In 1828 occurred the family removal to Greene County, where James Martin during the year 1833 turned his attention to the trade of a bricklayer, although subsequent years developed and aptitude for farming, and accordingly a purchase of property was made; with the exception of a short residence in Kansas, the greater portion of his days were spent in Greene County. In 1848 he was married to Miss Eliza Harwood, a daughter of Albert G. Harwood of Greene County; of this marriage ten children were born, two sons and eight daughters, all of whom are yet living. This sketch would be incom- plete were we to omit to mention Mr. Martin's adherence to the union cause dur- ing the stirring scenes of war, when to a union man in many portions of Southern Illinois brought down the hatred and enmity of many known as bushwhackers; neces- sarily his early life was marked by poverty, but he was endowed with an unlimited stock of commendable energy which made him successful in his various enterprises; after an energetic and honorable career, both as an agriculturist and mechanic, he died at his farm residence in township 9, range 12, of lung fever, and his ashes now repose in the Mount Gilead Cemetery; the estate comprises 200 acres, a valuable tract of land pleasantly situated Martin John, farmer, Sec. 7, P. O. CarroU- ton MARTIN NEWTON, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 7, P. O. CarroUton. The father of our subject was Samuel Martin, who was of Welch origin; but little per- taining to his early life can now be gleaned; it is supposed that he was a native of Ohio, and afterward moved to Kentucky, where he followed farming to some extent, al- though by trade he was a cooper; it was here that he formed the acquaintance of, and married Miss Elizabeth Guntermon; from Kentucky Samuel Martin moved to Indiana, where he remained a short time, when he moved to Greene County, the date of his arrival is not known, but it was 758 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. probably a very early day, as Jersey County still formed a portion of Greene County, and in the vicinity of the bluffs, where he settled, it was but thinly populated, scarce- ly a cabin dotting the surface of the prairie for many miles; he became moderately successful in life, and died at an advanced age in Greene County in 1844. Mrs. ■ Martin survived her husband some thirty years, and her ashes repose in the Hutch- ens Cemetery. The survivors of this family are ten, of whom our subject is the seventh child, who was born in Jersey County in 1827. October 3. 1848, he was united in marriage to Miss Jane Thomasson, a daughter of William and Sarah Thomasson; by whom he had six- teen children, eleven of whom are living : William E., George O., John W., Samuel P., Stephen Douglas, Eudora A., Mary A., Jacob E., Frank, Elizabeth E. and Virginia A. After a long an honorable career Mr. Martin has become comfortably situated in life, and resides on his farm of 200 acres of valuable land situated in town- ship 9, range 12 Martin Samuel, renter, Sec. 18, P. O. Car- rollton Martin Samuel C. farmer. Sec. 8, P. O. Car- roll ton McCarty John, renter, Sec. 34, P. O. Kane McDernott Nelson, farm hand, P. O. Kane Morgan Alfred, renter. Sec. 25, P. O. Kane Morris Clinton, farmer. Sec. 26, P. O. Kane Morris Christopher, renter, Sec. 32, P. O. Kane MORRIS MARIA MRS. Sec. 26, P.O. Kane. Mrs. Morris is a native of Illinois, born at Rock Island in 1836; her parents Medad and Amelia Lyman were, years prior to this, residents of Greene County, and the year 1839 found them again resi- dents of the place; we have only space to say that the lady above mentioned was married to Isaac Oliver; he was a native of Ohio; this marriage occurring in Scott County. Mr. Oliver was a wagonmaker by occupation, and while engaged in this vocation the war broke out, enlisting at the first call for volunteers, he remained until the close of the rebellion; the life of a soldier had undermined his health, and shortly after the war closed he passed quietly away finding a last resting place in Macoupin County. Of the marriage six children were born, one of whom, Mary, is the only one living at this date ; in 1 868 Mrs. M. was married to James Redding, a native of Michigan, who died in 1871 ; in 1872, Mrs. M. was united in marriage to Marvel Morris a native of Tennessee, who became a resident of Greene County, locating west of Kane in 1829, and in 1834 located on the farm property, now owned by Mrs. Morris; he passed away to that world of spirits to which we all are tending, February, 1876, leaving to care of his wife two children. Freeman and Rosa M. The estate comprises 160 acres, Mrs. Morris is the owner of 120 Morris Robert, farmer, Sec. 26, P. O. Kane Morrison James, renter. Sec. 9, P. O. Car- rollton "IVr ORRIS ANDREW, farmer, Sec. 27, -'■^ P. O. Kane Norton Isaac, renter, P.O. Kane /^WENS THOMAS, renter, P. O. Kane ^^^ Ozbun Bartholomew, farmer. Sec 10, P. O. Carrollton Ozbun B. F. farmer, Sec. 10, P. O. Carroll- ton Ozbun Daniel, farmer, Sec. 3. P. O. Carroll- ton Ozbun Jesse, renter. Sec. 10, P. O. Carroll- ton Ozbun John R. renter, Sec. 3, P. O. Carroll- ton Ozbun Robert, farm hand, Sec. 10, P. O. Carrollton pAGE WILLIAM, renter. Sec. 27, P. O. -^ Kane Paine Robert, farm hand. Sec. 8, P. O, Car- rollton ' PARKER THOMAS S. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 14, P. O. Kane. Thomas S. Parker one of those whole souled gentle- man, with whom it is a pleasure to meet, was born in Hampshire County, West Virginia, on the 28th of February, 1837; his father Jacob W. Parker was also a Virginian, a weaver by trade, he is de- scribed as a man extremely fond of traversing the forest in search of game; it is quite probable that he heard many glowing accounts of the West. Illinois was TOWN 9, NORTH RANGE 12, WEST. 759 then settling up quite rapidly and thither the Virginian directed his footsteps during the Autumn of 1837; from Wheeling, Va., he embarked with his family on board a steamboat, and floated down the Ohio to its confluence with the Mississippi River, from the city of St. Louis his course lay up the Illinois River, and eventually he made his way to Greene County; he now found himself the possessor of some $5 in money, and realized that he had a large family of children that were to be clothed and provided for with the necessaries of life; he now set to work with a will and became moderately successful in life; living at a time when land rose rapidly in value he never attained that wealth that fell to the lot of many who studied the financial ques- tion more closely; he died at an advanced age, and his ashes repose in the cemeteiy situated in township 9, range 12. Mrs. Parker departed this life many years prior to her husband. Henry L. Parker, a prominent farmer of Greene County, and Thomas, from whom this sketch is obtained, are the only survivors of the family; as we have seen Thomas was quite young when his parents moved to Greene County, and here the youth grew to manhood, obtaining a liberal education in districts schools, he applied himself in subsequent years to the manifold duties appertaining to the farm; at the present writing he is the owner of 385 acres of valuable land in this town- ship; March, 1878, he was united in marriage to Miss Lydia Gilliland, a daughter of Robert Gilliland, one of the older residents of the county Pegram E. P., merchant, Woodville Perkins Richard, farm hand, P.O. Kane PERKY AUGUSTIX T. farmer and and stock raiser. Sec. 36, P.O. Kane. Au- gustin Perry takes a leading position among the wealthy men of Greene County ; he was born in Christian County, Kentucky, on the 23d of December, 1829 His father, familiarly known as Col. N. M. Perry, to the residents of Greene County, where he removed in 1836, was a native of Orange County, Virginia, born November 30, 1806, and is the sixth of eight children of James and Ann Perry, who were of English de- scent. Passing briefly by the early years of James Perry, spent amid pioneer asso- ciations, we arrive at the year of 1776, when it became necessary for America to throw off" the yoke of British tyranny. In that struggle for liberty, James Perry took an active part, and became a participant in many of the more noted battles of the Continental war. Honorably discharged at its close, he returned to the pursuits of husbandry. He was among the leading planters in the county in which he resided ; he died in Virginia, in 1815, and three years later, in 1818, Mrs. Perry removed with her children to Christian County, Kentucky ; her death occurred at the residence of her son, Colonel Perry, Greene County, Illinois, on the 7th of October, 1853. Colonel Perry's father having died during his early years, he was measurably thrown upon his own resources. His early culture was pur- sued in the schools of Kentucky, and by assiduous industry, he was enabled to attain to a thorough knowledge of the solid branches of an English education. Urbane in his manners, he evinced a determined spirit of perseverance, which enabled him to successfully grapple with the practical concerns of life. Completing his educa- tion, he was employed to teach a select school, at Nashville, Tennessee. During the Winter of 1828, he was married to Miss Frances A. Tandy, a daughter of Henry Tandy, of Virginia. Shortly after his marriage, he turned his attention to farm- ing, in Kentucky. Four children were born of this marriage. After a sojourn of a few years in Kentucky, he sought broader fields, eventually landing in Greene County. In 1836, he located in the village of Kane, where he destined to play so prominent a part in the developement of the county ; in I S3 7, he engaged in merchandising and farming until 1872. In 1855, he became a partner in a firm to build a steam grist mill, subsequently becoming its sole owner. In 1837 occurred the death of the partner of his youth, a sad stroke to the enterprising pio- neer. In 1840, he was united in marriage to Miss Eliza Hill, daughter of the Rev. William Hill, of Virginia. They had five children, all of whom are living, and all comfortably situated in life. For many years he was a member of the Baptist Church, and an exemplary and honorable member. He was a fair type of the polish- 760 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. ed Kentuckian, and in ihe acquisition of his property the most honorable integrity marked his course among the more opulent farmers. His was a generous and liberal na- ture. In July, 1861, death again invaded his home, and Colonel Perry was called upon to perform the last sad rites for his second wife. In the Fall of 1864, he was nomi- nated and elected, as the candidate of the Democratic party, to a seat in the Illinois Legislature. On the 2d day of October, 1872, he was married to his present wife, Mary, daughter of Martin Bowman, Esq., of Carrollton. October 5, 1875, witnessed the death of Col. Nathaniel Perry, of paral- ysis, after a life of almost unexampled activity and very unusual success in accom- plishing the worldly objects of which he aimed. Through his well directed energy all of his children are well provided for, our subject ranking among the wealthier agriculturists of Greene County, owning the homestead property ; he is also the pos- sessor of some 800 acres of valuable land. At one time in his career his name was put forward for county commissioner ; having no ambition, however, in that direction, he declined the office, subsequently filled by John H.Greene Pointer John, renter. Sec. 22, P.O. Kane Pointer Wm. renter. Sec. 18, P.O. Carrollton Pope Geddes, farmer. Sec. 26, P.O. Kane Pope James O., carpenter. Sec. 17, P.O. Car- rollton Pope John, farmer, Sec. 2, P.O. Kane Pope Revel, farmer, Sec. 26, P.O. Kane POPE SAMUEL, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 26, P.O. Kane. Samuel Pope is a native of Somerset County, New Jer- sey, where he was born on the i6th of July, 1832. Three years later his parents, Samuel and Mary Pope, emigrated to the west, and located at the town of old Kane. His family were the only residents of the place save a man by the name of Adams, who kept a small store and postoffice. The head of the family was born in New Jersey, and early in life became apprenticed to the trade of a blacksmith. He married in New Jersey Mary Geddes ; in the town of old Kane found employment as a blacksmith ; made money rapidly, and subsequently became a prosperous farmer, owning some hundreds of acres. In those days consid- erable emigration poured into the State, Samuel Pope was possessed of a good deal of enterprise, and accordingly built the hotel that swings the huge sign, S. Pope, tavern ; the scene of many gatherings of pioneers, trappers, or adventurers. Mr. Pope on the 20th of April, 1846, was laid at rest not far distant from the scenes of his eventful life. Mrs. Pope survived her husband many years, departing this life in 1872. Samuel J. R. Pope, from whom this narrative is obtained, passed his boyhood in Greene County ; followed agriculture from his earliest years. When the war broke out he enlisted in Co. C, I22d 111. Vols., for three years' service, and became a participant in the battles of Tupolo and Paducah, and others of note. Honor- ably discharged after the close of the re- bellion he returned to Greene County, where he has since been identified with the farming interest, and where he married Miss Elizabeth English, a daughter of Thomas English, a native of Kentucky, by whom he has four children : Geddes, Revel, William J., and Mary. The estate com- prises 200 acres of valuable land Prough John H. farm hand, Sec. 14, P.O. Kane ■D ANES D. Sec. 36, P.O. Kane Ranes Mrs. farming. Sec. 36, P.O. Kane Ranes Richard, renter, P.O. Kane Reidling C. renter, Sec. 14, P.O. Kane Reynolds Jesse, renter, P.O. Carrollton REYNOLDS JOSEPH, farmer and stock-raiser, Sec. 7, P.O. Carrollton. Joseph Reynolds was born in Roan County, Tenn., in 1825, second child of John H. Reynolds, who was a native Virginian, born in Wash- ington County in 1804. In his 19th year he was married to Miss Catherine Klepper. During the Winter of 1829, John Reynolds settled in Greene County, where he erected a cabin, and remained until Spring, on the property now owned by C. Kelley; locating one mile south of Greenfield, he there purchased a tract of forty acres. One in- cident in the life of Mr. R. is worthy of note, as an incident of frontier life. When he landed in Greene County, he was the possessor of $125, two horses, and a wagon. One horse and the wagon were sacrificed for the forty acres mentioned. He now TOWN 9, NORTH RANGE 12, WEST. 761 purchased a couple of wild, young steers, which he broke to plow. He was now in want of a wagon or cart, and proceeding to the timber he constructed a wagon in a rather primitive manner, the wheels of which were solid, being constructed after the manner of a Chinese cart ; while he still remained on his little farm, a number of new settlers. Dr. Culver, the Heatons, and others, settled in his neighborhood, and for some time he done a thriving busi- ness at his calling. In time he became enabled to purchase considerable more land, and became exceedingly prosperous for the period of time in which he lived. He died on the farm homstead, where he afterwards removed, in township g, range 12, in 1859. The survivors of this family are five in number. Joseph, whose name heads this biography, grew to vigorous manhood upon the farm homestead. In 185 1, he was married to Miss Elizabeth Hall, a daughter of Thomas Hall, by whom he has six children living : Oscar P., May, Samuel, George, William, and Jennie; Marie, not living. Mr. Reynolds is the owner of eighty acres of land, a thorough- going farmer, and a liberal citizen Reynolds John, renter. Sec. 14, P.O. Kane Reynoles W. C. farmer. Sec. 17, P.O. Car- roUton Rice Charles, miller. Sec. 11, P.O. Carrollton Richey William, farmer. Sec. 33, P.O. Kane Roberts John R. farmer. Sec. 8, P.O. Car- rollton Roberts Josiah, farmer, Sec. 8, P.O. Carroll- ton Robinson Wilson, renter, Sec. 11, P.O. Kane Ross James, cooper, old Kane, P.O. Kane Rountree V. K, farmer. Sec. 31, P.O. Kane C AMUELS JOHN, renter, P.O. Carroll- '^ ton Schueler Nancy Mrs. Sec. 32, P.O. Kane Schueler Sarah Mrs. Sec. 32, P.O. Kane Scoggins C. J. farmer and stock raiser. Sec, 8, P.O. Carrollton Scoggins George L. renter. Sec. 2, P.O. Car- rollton SCOGGINS J. H. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. ]8, P.O. Carrollton. Was born in Greene County, on the 15th of Nov. 1838 ; only son of C. J. Scoggins, who ranks among the early settlers of Greene County, where he was born, and where he married Miss Mahala Brown, a daughter of John Brown ; two children blessed this union : Elizabeth, who mar- ried John Short, died on the eighth of May, 1859, and was laid at rest in the Hutchens Cemetery ; John, from whom our narrative is obtained, grew to manhood in Greene County. In 1859, he was married to Miss Nancy E. Thomasson, a daughter of Spencer and Polly Thomasson ;by whom he has eight children : Mary, who married Jacob Varble; Perry C, Hester E., John R., Alice M., Sarah E., Sophia E., and Joseph S. Mr. C, is the owner of 80 acres, and a wide-awake progressive farmer Scoggins R. H. renter, P.O. Kane Shank Charles, farmer. Sec. 33, P.O. Kane Shank Henry, cooper, old Kane, P.O. Kane Shank James, farmer, Sec. 27, P.O. Kane Shank Jane Mrs. Sec. 34, P.O. Kane SHORT JAMES, agriculturist, was a native of Kentucky, where he was born in 1809. But little pertaining to his early life can now be gleaned. Raised upon a farm, where he toiled early and late, his life the every day routine of the farm, he obtain- ed bub a limited education, such as the common schools of the day afforded. He married in 1830, Miss Eliza Self, and one year later, during the Autumn, he made his way to Greene County, and settled on the property now known as the Steve Taylor place. Financially, none were in a worse predicament than he, but he had an unlim- ited stock of energy to draw from, and it was not long before his prospects began to brighten, and the purchase of farm prop- erty feasible. The following Spring from the date of his arrival, Mrs. Short sickened and died, leaving to his care one child, Eliza Jane. His second wife was Miss Millie Stone, a daughter of Thomas Stone ; by whom he had five children : John, William, Henry, Ann and George. In 1844, occurred the death of his second wife, and during the Winter of this year, Mr. Short was married to Mrs. Cynthia Rice, relict of Wm. R. Rice, and a daugh- ter of Haman and Sarah Wood. Of this marriage five children were born : Benj. F., Perry, Joseph, Mary and Jasper. After a life of almost unexampled and very unusual activity, Mr. Short died suddenly 762 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. at his home, July 8, 1871. He had become an opulent farmer, had added largely year by year to his possessions, and owned at the time of his death, some 400 acres of valuable land Short Franklin, renter. Sec. 6, P.O. Carroll- ton Short Joseph, farmer, Sec. 6, P.O. Carroll- ton Short Perry, renter. Sec. 7, P.O. Carrollton Simonds John R. farmer, Sec. 20, P.O. Kane Simonds O. L. farmer, Sec. 20, P.O. Kane Sisney R. N. farm hand, Sec. 18, P.O. Car- rollton SNELSON JOSEPH, renter, Sec. 36, P.O. Kane. In relating the life history of Joseph Snelson, it will be well to enter in- to as full a description as possible of the ancestry of our subject. His grandfather, L. L. Snelson, was a native of Pennsyl- vania, of German origin ; a farmer during the early years of his life. He married in Pennsylvania, Miss Mary McLoughlin. In 1S20, he moved to Bond County, Illinois, where he became a prominent stock dealer and farmer ; afterwards a resident of Mis- souri, where he was elected to the House of Representatives; he died in Missouri in 1858, after a long, honorable and energetic life. To the care of his wife he left a large family of nine children, although fourteen were born of the marriage. John C. Snel- ton was the second child ; who passed his boyhood in Bond County, where he married Miss Ann Craig, of Bond, a daughter of Andrew Craig, of Alabama, who emigrat- ed to the West in an early day. John Snelton became a prosperous farmer, who died in Missouri, where he afterwards re- moved. None of his success was due to chance, or what is called good fortune, but was the result of wise forethought, and prudent management. He left to the care of his wife, who died in 1865, a family of twelve children, of whom the subject of this sketch was the third child, who passed the greater portion of his life in Missouri, removing to Greene County in 1873, where he has since followed farming. He was married in 1876, to Miss Susan White, a daughter of James and Mary White Stamps Samuel, renter, P.O. Kane Stamps Thomas, renter, P.O. Kane STANTON W. H. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 2, P.O. Carrollton. William Stanton is a native of Garrett County, Ky,, where he was born on the 27th of September, 1839; the youngest son of Reuben and Cynthia Stanton ; he spent the days of his boyhood upon the old farm homestead ; in his eighteenth year he made his way to Greene County, where he has since been identified with agricultural pursuits, and where he married, in 1863, Miss Susan A. Gaffney, a daughter of Jas. Gaffney, of Kentucky; of this marriage six children were born : John, James, Wil- liam, Samuel, Jennie, and Claude J.; Mr. Stanton ranks among our more energetic farmers, and through indomitable will has succeeded well in the battle of life, and is the owner, at the present writing, of 130 acres in township 9, range 12 Stinnett Reuben, farmer, Sec. 7, P.O. Carroll- ton Stoeckel Daniel, renter, Sec. 35, P. O. Kane STONE JAMES, farmer and stock raiser, .Sec. 6, P.O, Carrollton. James Stone is a native of Greene County, where he was born in 1826 ; son of John and Anna Stone, who become cotemporary with the early settlers of Greene County, the date of their arrival being sometime between the years 1818 and 1820. Many of our readers will, no doubt, look for some notice of John Stone in these columns, and I will here append a short notice of him. He was born in North Carolina, it is sup- posed, and during the early settlement moved to Tennessee, and probably married there, although nothing definite can now be obtained ; from Tennessee he eventu- ally made his way to Greene County, 111., at the date given above, where he had, so to speak, a hard row to hoe; but he subsequently became successful in life, and died in October, 1853, having acquired a comfortable competence ; his wife sur- vived him many years, and died in 1873 ; eleven children blessed this union, of whom James, the third, passed his early life upon the old farm homestead, and re- ceived a common school education ; in 1858, he was united in marriage to Miss Mary A. Allen, a daughter of William Allen, an early settler of Greene County; of this marriage seven children were born, of whom six are living : Viola, Luela, TOWN 9, NORTH RANGE 12, WEST. 763 Orville, Marietta, Ozias and Charles O. Mr. Stone is the owner of 173 acres of valua- ble land, and is a thorough-going, reliable farmer. Mrs. Stone died on the 6th of January, 1 878 STONE MARTIN, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 17, P.O. Carrollton. Martin Stone was born in Greene County, April 10, 1832; second child of William and Lu- cinda Stone, who accompanied their par- ents to Greene County in an early day; among the associations of pioneer life young Stone passed his boyhood, and grew to a vigorous manhood; Feb. 13, 1856, he was united in marriage to Miss Amanda Pond, by whom he had seven children, six of whom are living: Herbert, Alvin, Frank, Nellie A., Josephine and Laura L. Mr. Stone is the owner of 80 acres, and is a thorough-going, prosperous farmer Streetmaker Edward, renter, Sec. 27, P.O. Kane Sturmon William, renter. Sec. 2, P. O. Car- rollton nPALLY WILLIAM, renter, P. O. Carroll- -*■ ton Terrell James, laborer, P.O. Kane Terrell Margaret Mrs. Rivesville Thomas Samuel, farmer, P.O. Carrollton THOMASSON JOHN, farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 18, P.O. Carrollton. The above named gentleman is a native of Greene County, wher^ he was born in 1833; second child of William and Sarah Thom- asson ; his boyhood was spent amid pio- neer associations, and from early to mature years he has followed agricultural pursuits; when the war broke out he became en- rolled in Uncle Sam's troops, and remain- ing a short time, he subsequently returned to the duties of the farm ; in 1868, he was married to Miss Sarah C. Varble, a daugh- ter of George Varble, by whom he has five children : S. Pasey Elizabeth, Sophia J., George T., John N., and infant child. Mr. Thomasson is the owner of 120 acres, and is a thorough-going, hard working farmer Thomason William, farmer. Sec, 7, P.O. Car- rollton TRIMBL.E HARVEY, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 6, P. O. Carrollton. Not many of the veteran pioneers of Greene County are left to tell the story of frontier hardships, but among those whose settle- ment in Greene County occurred in an early day, we mention with more than ordinary notice the name of Harvey Trimble, born in Nicholasville, Kentucky, on the 17th of November, 1810. His father John Trimble a native Virginian who moved to Kentucky in an early day, from his earliest years he followed agricultural pursuits; he married in Kentucky Miss Polly Guy also of Virginia, of this marriage eleven children were born, of whom our subject was the fifth, and of whom we have only space to say that he grew up amid pioneer associa- tions. In 1832 he moved to Missouri, and thence to Greene County in 1834 as a permanent resident, but the year 1833 had witnessed his marriage in Greene County to Miss Margaret A. Rice, a daughter of Jefferson and Nancy Rice. In his own language there was plenty of hard work to be done and he had little capital, but strong will and some little energy, and he now set resolutely to work to obtain a liveli- hood in Illinois; for several years he lived in a rough round log cabin, and necessarily lived an economical life; the regular bill of fare, except on Sunday, was principally corn dodgers or corn bread ; when Sunday came, warm biscuit, a rare treat for old and young ; oftimes it happened when the wheat became more generally grown young Trimble put in considerable time hanging to the end of a sheet, and kept in rapid motion for the purpose of winnowing or separating wheat from chaff ; to be more particular, two men holding a sheet kept it in rapid motion while a third held aloft an old sieve, the contents of which were chaff and wheat violently shaken in the hands of the operative, in its fall the sheet kept in constant motion served as a separa- tor of the chaff from the grain; in after years horse mills came into vogue for the grinding of grain and vast numbers con- gregated awaiting their turn, and enjoying themselves meanwhile; we have related the above in order to show what industry and economy will accomplish from poverty. Mr. T. has become comfortably situ- ated in life, and is now the owner of 240 acres of valuable farm property; elsewhere we have spoken of Mr. Trimble's marriage, his wife Miss Margaret H. Rice, was born 764 GHEENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. in Kentucky; of this marriage twelve children were born, of whom eight are living : Georgianna, Jane, Aggie, Napo- leon Bonaparte, Susan, Ellen, Lafayette and Augusta; deceased, John R., Jefferson R., Thomas P. and James H. (twins). For ten years Mr. T. worked as a tanner at which he served four years apprentice- ship TRIMBLE N. B. farm hand. Sec. I, P.O. Carrollton Tyler John, renter, Sec. 32, P. O. Kane U PDIKE J. W. farmer, Sec. 27, P. O. Kane WARBLE GEORG-E, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 17, P. O. Carrollton. George Varble was born in Oldham County, Kentucky, on the 15th of March, 1S22. His father George Varble was a native of North Carolina, by occupation an agri- culturist; in an early day he became a resident of Kentucky, and there formed the acquaintance of, and married Miss Sarah Cravens, a daughter of Annan Cravens and Abigail Plathaway; by whom he had nine children; John, who died in infancy; Charles, who grew to maturity, moved to Greene County, where he died ; William, who died in Jersey County, Illinois; Bourbon, who died in Kentucky; Lewis, who also passed the remainder of life in Kentucky ; Anderson, who also lies at rest in the same cemetery; Elizabeth, who died in Greene County ; Melinda A., who was laid at rest in Greene County, and George, the last of his race, who became a resident of Greene County ; permanently located during the Spring of 1849; prior to his arrival Mr. V. had purchased a tract of land comprising 280 acres, on which he now bent all the energies of his nature to bring to a proper degree of cultivation. March, 1843, in Kentucky, Mr. Varble was married to Miss Hannah Admayer, a daughter of Henry, who died on the 28th of September, 1878, and was laid at rest in the Hutchens Cemetery; to the care of her husband she left a family of six chil- dren ; Nancy Jane, who married John Barrett and resides in Greene County; Sarah, who married John Thomasson ; Elizabeth, who married James Pope; George S., who married Miss Martha Heron; James B., who married Louisa Stone; Lafayette and James A. who reside on the old homestead. George Varble is well known in Greene County as an hon- est upright citizen and of generous im- pulses, that a detailed statement of his life would be superfluous, and it is only sufificient to say that he has become an exceedingly prosperous farmer, the owner of 355 acres of valuable land in Greene County, and merits the respect and confidence of his many friends Varble James B. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 17, P. O. Carrollton Varble Samuel, renter. Sec. 10, P. O. Carroll- ton VyARE JAMES, renter, Sec. 18, P. O. Carrollton Ware John, farmer. Sec. 18, P.O. Carrollton Ware J. L. farmer, Sec. 18, P.O. Carrollton Ware William, farmer, Sec. 18, P.O. Carroll- ton West C. farmer. Sec. 33, P.O. Kane Weller George, farmer. Sec. 35. P.O. Kane Weller Gottlieb, farmer and stock raiser Sec. 35, P.O. Kane White Baalam, farmer. Sec. 35, P.O. Kane Wellhausen Fritz, renter, P.O. Kane WHITE IRA, farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 35, P.O. Kane. The above named gen- tleman was born in Greene County, Febru- ary 24, 1837, on the old homestead of his pa- rents Jesse and Tabitha White, whose maid- en name was Carrico. As Jesse White rank- ed among the more prominent farmers and early residents of Greene County, we here append more than a passing notice. Pie was born in Madison County, 111., in 1807 and was, in all probability, one of the first white children born in the State. We can not enter, owing to limited space, into de- tails of his career from boyhood to man- hood. Necessarily his boyhood's days were spent amid pioneer associations. Very few then dwelt in Illinois save wandering par- ties in search of new scenes and incidents. It was during his early years that he moved to Greene County, where he subsequently became so successful in life. At an early age, 1827, he was united in marriage to Tabitha Carrico. For many years after his marriage he worked as a blacksmith and TOWN 9, NORTH RANGE 12, WEST. 765 wagon maker, probably becoming the manu- facturer of more wagons than any other one mechanic in Greene County. At one time he was a large property owner, and died February 14, 1872, leaving a large property to his pioneer wife, who is still living, a resident of this township. Ira, from whom this sketch is obtained, grew up a vigorous youth, with a fondness for field sports that made him a skillful marksman in after years. In 1858, he was married to Miss Fan- ny Close, a daughter of William Close a native of Wayne County, Illinois, by whom he had two children, Jesse and Oscar, de- ceased. Mrs. White died in 1869, and was laid at rest in the Thompson cemetery. In 1870 Mr. White was united in marriage to Miss Eliza Close, a sister of his former wife, by whom he has one child, Thirsa. Mr. White is the owner of 135 acres of val- uable land, in township 9, range 12. Few are better lovers of nature than he, and few are better known for generous acts WILLIAMS DAVID J. farmer and strock raiser, Sec. 24, P.O. Kane. In en- tering into a description of men and early times in Illinois, it will be well to give a description of the ancestry of many of those whose names head our biographical sketch- es. The father of our subject, David Wil- liams, was a native of Virginia, and removed to Ohio in an early day, where he married Miss Sarah McKinsey. Eventually he made his way to Missouri and thence to Illinois, settling in Greene County, that part now known as township 9, range 12, in 1821, where he erected a cabin and be- gan to make other preparations incident to pioneer life. A blacksmith by trade, he never turned his attention to it in Illinois, but followed agriculture, and became mod- erately successful in this vocation. Of the first marriage three children were born : Matilda, Lewis and John. Lewis, the only survivor, resides at Rockbridge. The sec- ond wife of Mr. Williams was Miss Marga- ret Stout, a daughter of John Stout, of Vir- ginia, who was of German origin. There were born of the second marriage, three children : Clarissa, who married Joshua Clark, and subsequently, on his decease, married lAaron Flatt ; Sarah Ann, deceased, who married Ambrose Griswold and David J., who was destined to become K2 one of the most successful agriculturists in Greene County, where he was born, in the year 1829, and where he grew to manhood, surrounded by such influences as have made many of our more opulent western men. In 1856 he was united in marriage to Miss Adeline Witt, a daughter of Franklin Witt, a prominent farmer of Greene County. At this date he was more comfortably situated in life than many, and now set about adding to his possessions; how he has succeeded is well known to the residents of this county.and it would perhaps be superfluous to follow his career in Greene County, step by step. He is the owner of nearly 1,000 acres of valuable land, but his habits of life, marked by extreme simplicity, leave no room for the extravagance or pomp of fashion that follows this nineteenth cen- tury. Of this marriage eight children were born, of whom five are living : Emma, George C, Lewis F., William H., and Walter S. Williams Marion, renter, Sec. 35, P.O. Kane Wilson Thomas, farm hand, Sec. 27, P.O. Kane WITT GEORGE W. farmer, stock raiser and trader. Among the more pros- perous farmers of Greene County, the name of George W. Witt is worthy of more than a passing notice. Many of the old pioneers who yet remain among us, remember with warm admiration, Franklin Witt, a leader among men in earlier times, and who after- ward became noted in the annals of the State and the nation. He was a native of Tennessee, where he was born in the year 1804. His paients gained a livelihood by the products of the farm, and in 1814, to better their finances, perhaps, moved west- ward and settled in Polk County, in the ex- treme southern portion of Illinois. We have only space to say that Franklin Witt passed his boyhood among pioneer associa- tions ; imbibed there that spirit of self-re- liance that led to successful results. He married in his nineteenth year Miss Me- linda Perry, a daughter of Captain Frank- lin Perry. In 1826 he sought broader fields, and packing his household goods upon the two horses he owned, after some days spent in travel he landed in Greene County with scarcely a dollar. He now began in an humble way to gain a footing in Illinois, Y66 GREENE COUNTY DIRECTORY. at a time when horse-mills were the fashion, and rough round log cabins the only habi- tations in the pioneer settlements. His was an energetic nature, and he accumula- ted property rapidly. In subsequent years he became a justice of the peace, and about 1835 he became the regular nominee of the Democratic party, and received the elec- tion of legislator, serving through this session. Probably no man in his day swer- ved the popular heart more than he, and on three subsequent occasions he received the election to represent this county in the Legislature, and presided as a member when Springfield became the capital. As a rep- resentative he had proved so efficient that he now received the nomination for State Senator. Serving through one session and receiving a re-election he was a member of that body when he died at his home in Greene County in 1846. For that time and day he was a wealthy man, owning the mill property and some two thousand acres of land. To the care of his wife he left a family of four children : Ellinor, who mar- ried Harrison Reno, and on his decease, became the wife of William Elmore ; Ade- line, who married David J.Williams ; Eliz- abeth, who married Richard Brown, and George W., who heads this sketch, who was married in 1866 to Miss Eliza Moore, a daughter of Carter Moore, by whom he has one child, Toinette. Mrs. Witt died in 1873, and the following year Mr. Witt was united in marriage to Miss Maggie Gardiner, a daughter of the late Rev. C. J. Gardiner, of whom mention is made else- where. Of this marriage three children were born, two of whom are living : Fred- die T. and an infant child. For eight years Mr. Witt presided as a justice of the peace, and two years ago was a candidate for sheriff. He is the owner of some 600 acres of valuable land, ranks among our more opulent farmers, and has, in all prob- ability, the finest farm residence in Greene County WITT RANDOLPH, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 10, P.O. Carrollton. Ran- dolph Witt, a well-known resident and early settler of Greene County, is a native of Jefferson County, Tenn., where he was born on the 3d of Dec, 1 8 10, third child of Ely and Nancy Witt. He raised a family of twelve children, two having died before arriving at mature years. It was during the year 1829 that the Witt family took up the line of departure for the West, landing in Greene County on the 6th of December of this year. Ely Witt rented the first year of his settlement. Randolph well remembers the deep snow, and relates that it began falling toward the latter part of December, and continued to do so at intervals during the Winter, at the time the weather continued mild, causing a crust to form on the top of the snow, causing many wild animals to perish, and so emboldened did they become that it was no uncommon occuricnce for the early set- tler to frequently find them at the thresh- old of his cabin. Ely Witt died during the Autumn of 1851, and nine years later his wife was laid at rest amid the scenes of her early labors. Randolph received a round log cabin education, and early learned the energetic ways of his ancestry. On the i8th of August, 1836, he was married to Miss Polly Tunnell, oldest daughter now living of the late Hon. Calvin Tunnell, one of the best men who bore a prominent part in the development of Greene County. Mr. Witt, in his own language, put in many years of his time in a log cabin, a rough box taking the place of a table the first Winter. He is now one of the leading ag- riculturists and the owner of 790 acres of valuable land in the counties of Montgom- ery, Macoupin, and Greene. Not only does Mr. Witt rank among our more opulent farmers, but his kindness of heart and gen- erosity is unbounded. Of the marriage four children were born : Andrew J., Will- iam T., Jane E., and Elzina Witt William, farmer, Sec. 10, P.O. Carrollton Wolsey Daniel, renter. Sec. 11, P.O. Kane WOOD GEORG-E T. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 10, P.O. Carrollton. The above named gentleman is the second child of Allen B. and Tryphena Wood. Allen B. Wood was a native of Kentucky, and early becam identified in agricultural pur- suits. He accompanied his parents to Greene County in an early day, the exact date can not now be ascertained, where many of the name in subsequent years bore a prominent part in the growth and development of the county. Alien B. Wood TOWN 9, NORTH RANGE 12, WEST. 767 became more fortunately situated in life than many in the West in an early day, although for some little time he worked as a farm hand. In 1S50 he was united in marriage to Miss Tryphena Mulberry, by whom he had eight children, four of whom are living: John P., Addie, George, and Judy Ethel. Not long after his marriage, Mr. W. embarked in the grocery and dry goods trade in a small building in what is familiarly known as Upper Woodville, com- mencing his business on a light capital, save wit and energy, he sprang at once into a successful business career, and in after years became the owner of valuable farm property. He died during the Autumn of 1873, after a long and eventful life, and was laid at rest in the Maberry Cemetery. Mrs. Wood, who was born in Kentucky on the 26th of August, 1827, passed away March 18, 1871. As some notice of the sur- vivors of the family will be given, we enter into a short description of George Wood. He was born in Greene County in 1833 ; received a liberal education. From his earliest years he has followed farming, and latterly has become somewhat extensively engaged as a stock buyer and dealer. In October, 1874, he was united in marriage to Miss Mary Robinson, a daughter of Nathaniel Robinson, of Kentucky. Two children blessed this union : Allen E., de- ceased, and Claudius E. Mr. W. is the owner of 40 acres of valuable land in town 9, range 12 Woods Daniel, renter. Sec. 14, P.O. Kane Woods Henry, farm hand, P.O. Kane Town 9, North Range 13, West. A DMIRE JOHN, farmer Sec. ri, P.O. CarroUton Admire John jr., farmer. Sec. ii, P.O. Cai'- rollton Admire Henry C. farmer, Sec. ii, P.O. Car- roUton Admire William, renter, Sec. II, P.O. Car- roUton Allen A. renter. Sec. i6, P.O. CarroUton Ambrose D. J. farmer. Sec. 27, P.O. CarroU- ton Anderson E. renter, Sec. 31, P.O. CarroUton Anderson James, farmer, Sec. 36, P.O. Field- en, Jersey County Anderson Thomas K. farmer. Sec. i, P.O. Fielden, Jersey County Armstrong Henry, farmer, Sec. 9, P.O. Car- roUt "DRANNON JASPER, farmer, Sec. 11, -^ P.O. CarroUton Borman J. farmer, Sec. 32, P.O. CarroUton BUCK FRED Li. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 36, P.O. Fielden, Jersey County, was born in Hanover, Germany, 1822, liv- ing in his mother country till he was 15 years of age, which was in 1837; at so young an age he was determined to go West, where there was a better chance for a young man. Getting permission of his parents, he came across the ocean, landing at Baltimore, and made his way to St- Louis, and hired as waiter boy in the Mis- souri hotel, remaining for six months; the man he hired to ran off and did not pay him. He was left with nothing ; some one steaUng his shoes and coat. He then worked for twenty-five cents per hour on the water docks till he had money enough to buy a pair of shoes. He then received the position of cabin boy on a steamboat ; followed the river for nine years as cabin boy and second cook. Leav- ing the river he engaged in keeping a saloon in partnership with another man ; sold out in a short time, and clerked in the saloon, and working in a distillery, which he followed for four years. He then, in 1850, went with a party to California, going by overland route, which took them one one hundred and forty days. When he ar- rived at his destination he had the small sum of fifty cents ; having no rations, and meals were one dollar, three of them to- gether bought one pound of cheese for one dollar and ten cents, and one loaf of bread for fifty cents ; that was the way he got his first meal in California. He sold one of his shirts to get some money to buy provis- ions. His partner had an old pick and spade to go to work with, and a friend that came over with him bought him a rocker to clean the gold. They made one thousand dollars in the next five months. Staying in California for two years, he returned to St. Louis with $1,400, and clerked with the same man that he did before, staying two years. Then bought land in Jersey County and farmed. Sold out and bought in Greene County, where he now lives, farm contains 345 acres, he purchased in 1865. He was married in 1856 to Caroline Horseman, who was born in 1835. Their union was blessed| with sixteen children, eight of which are living : Matilda, Rich- ard, Nettie, Seagle, Henry, Frederic, Lula, and Mary /^AMPBELL R. farmer. Sec. 31, P.O. ^^ CarroUton Campbell R. renter. Sec. 32. P.O. CarroUton Christian C. farmer, Sec. 25, P.O. CarroUton Clark George, farmer. Sec. 16, P.O. CarroUton CLENDENEN H. P. farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 21, P. O. CarroUton, is one among the oldest settlers now living in Greene County ; was born in Bourbon Co., Kentucky, Oct. 12, i8t2 ; he was the son of George W. and Mary Clendenen, de- ceased, who emigrated from Kentucky to TOWN 9, NORTH RANGE 13, WEST. 769 St. Charles County, Missouri, in 1817, liv- ing there till 1820, then moved to Greene County, Ills., where they entered a small tract of land ; they lived in the county for a number of years and passed from this world to a better, leaving many friends to mourn their death. Their son, who heads this sketch, was but eight years of age when he came to Greene County, in 1820, and received his preliminary education in the old-time log school house, with punch- eon floor and slab benches, with the door swinging too and fro on wooden hinges ; he commenced life by working on a farm for eight and nine dollars per month till he accumulated enough money to enter 320 acres of land from the government, which was in 1835, and owns the same land now that he entered ; as he accumulated, bought land till he now owns 1,700 acres, which lays in the Illinois Bottom ; he followed flat-boating in his younger days, making his own boats and filling them with produce that he raised on his farm, making from one to three trips a year, for fourteen years, and can tell some of those old flat-boat stories when steamboats and railroads were comparatively few. He worked hard in his younger days, starting with nothing but a determined will, to make something in the world for himself. Was married in 1843, to Mariah Clark, who was born in Greene County, in 1832, was the daughter of Absalom and Lydia Clark, who emi- grated from Ohio in 1815 to the American Bottom, and to Greene County in 1817. Mr. Clendenen's union was blessed with six children, three living : Mary, married to Robert King ; Orson, married to Ella Flatt, and Jennie, married James Ellis. Mrs. C. died in 1863, at the age of 37 Clenn Samuel, farm renter. Sec. 16, P.O.Car- rollton Clendenen O. farmer, Sec. 21, P.O. Carroll- ton Cummings Marion, farmer. Sec. 15, P.O. Car- roll ton Cummings Nelson, farmer, Sec. 14, P.O. Car- roll ton Cummings Williams, farmer, Sec. 15, P.O. Carrollton Tr\AVIDSON A. J. farmer. Sec. 15, P.O. Carrollton Davidson K. farmer. Sec. 22, P.O. Carrollton Davidson M. farmer. Sec. 22, P.O. Carrollton Davidson William, farm renter. Sec. 28, P.O. Carrollton "PLLIS JAMES, farmer. Sec. 21, P.O. Car- ^-^ ronton "pRY N. farmer. Sec. 31, P.O. Carrollton Fry U. farm renter. Sec. 24, P.O. Car- rollton Fry Martha Mrs. farmer, Sec. I2, P.O. Car- rollton r^ASn GEORGE, farm renter. Sec. 24, ^-^ P.O. Carrollton Gillelen Ann L. Mrs. farmer. Sec. 23, P.O. Carrollton Goedda L. Mrs. farmer, Sec. i, P.O. Fielden, Jersey County Goedda Mary Mrs. farmer. Sec. 22, P.O. Car- rollton TT ARDWICK G. W. farmer. Sec. 10, P.O. Carrollton Hardwick George, farm renter, P.O. Carroll- ton Heron A. farmer. Sec. 24, P.O. Carrollton Heron James A. farmer. Sec. 24, P.O. Car- rollton HERON J. G. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 24, P.O. Carrollton, was born in Erie County, Pennsylvania, in 1827, living in his native State till 1830, then moved with his parents to Louisville, Kentucky, where he was reared, living there till he was 14 years of age, which was in 1841 ; hearing of this fine country he was determined to try his fortune in Illinois. Came on horse- back, with another young man, landing in Macoupin County, Illinois, and hired out on a farm for $10 per month, remaining there till the Mexican war, when he en- listed as private in what was called the First Illinois Regiment, in Company I, re- maining in the service for eighteen months, was honorably discharged in July, 1849, and in August received his warrant for 160 acres of land, which he laid in Macoupin county. Was married in 1849, to Martha Clark, who was born in Owens County, Kentucky, in 1833 ; she came to Illinois in 1844, with her parents ; their union was blessed with ten children ; Mary E., de- 770 GREENE COUNTY UIKEOTORY. ceased ; James A., Sarah E., Martha G., Ada I., Henry I., Gorden F., Julia R., Agnes L., Carroll C. Mr. Heron remained in Macoupin County till 1850, then moved to Greene County, where he has remained and owns eighty acres of land Houdashelt H. M. farmer, Sec. 22, P.O. Car- rollton JONES J. farm renter. Sec. 28, P.O. Car- rollton TT'ELLY JAMES, farm hand, Sec. 21, P.O. Carrollton King Robert, farm renter, Sec. 17, P.O. Car- rollton Kenekgal Anton, farmer, Sec. 25, P.O. Car- rollton KING CHARLES, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 2, P.O. Carrollton, was born in Sheffield, England, in 1821, living in his mother country till 1842, he then left his native home for this western country with his parents, landing in New Orleans, came up the Mississippi River to St. Louis, then made their way to Greene County. His father, Thomas King, bought forty acres of land and farmed till his death in 1862. His wife, Lydia, died in 1863. The sub- ject of this sketch was a cutler by trade, ^ which he learned in his native home, from his father, but has not worked at his trade since he came to America only to handle the knives and forks that he now has, from the horns of a deer killed in Greene Coun- ty. He was married in 1845, to Nancy Crotchett, who was born in Pope County, Illinois, 1830; her parents were among the old settlers of Illinois. Mr. King's family was blessed with six children, four living: Martha E., born Nov. 13, 1846 ; William A., born Feb. i, 1849, deceased; Paulina, born Feb. 14, 1851 ; Mary L., born May 15, 1853 ; Lydia A., born Aug. 5, 1856 ; Esther, born May 12, i860, deceased. Mr. King owns 520 acres of land IV/rcCORMIC A. farmer, P.O. Carrollton McCormic E. farmer, Sec. 26, P.O. Carrollton McCormic George, farmer, P.O. Carrollton McLangin H. farmer, Sec. 15, P. O. Carroll- ton MABEARRY WILLIAM M. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. I, P.O. Car- rollton, was bum in Sumner County, Tenn., in 1833; is the son of William B. and Martha Mabearry, who were natives of Tennessee, living there till 1837, when they emigrated to Greene County; the family had no means and hired a wagon to bring them, not having one of their own ; the father rented land till 1846, then bought 160 acres, and as he accumulated means bought more land, till at his death, in 1858, he owned 320 acres. His wife still lives, at the age of 68, on the old home- stead. The subject of this sketch was married in 1856, to Georgianna E. Trim- ble, who was born in Pike County, Mo., in 1834, but reared in Greene County; their union was blessed with five children : El- vira, who married J. P. Wood ; Agnes, William A., Susan M., and George A. Mr. Mabearry owns 350 acres; has followed the occupation of a farmer all his life ; has been township treasurer eight years ; was elected to the office of county commis- sioner at the last election in 1878, which he still fills Miller Jackson, farmer. Sec. 13, PO. Carroll- ton Miller John, farmer, Sec. 13, P. O. Carroll- ton Miller L. farmer. Sec. 13, PO. Carrollton Miller Thomas, farm renter, Sec. 24, P.O. Carrollton Muligan R. farmer, Sec. 26, P.O. Carrollton Murphy L. farmer, Sec. 16, P.O. Carrollton "p ICKER G. farmer. Sec. 25, P.O. Car- ■^ ronton Rice John, farmer. Sec. 27, P.O. Carrollton Robinson Wilson, renter, P.O. Kane Rountree Anna Mrs. farmer. Sec. 25, P.O. Carrollton C AGER H. farm renter, Sec. 28, P.O. Car- •^ rollton Sellhorse H. farmer. Sec. 22, P. O. Carroll- ton Sherfy A. farm renter. Sec. 31, P. O. Carroll- ton Sheuten J. farmer. Sec. 16, P.O. Carrollton Shilt Frank, farmer. Sec. 16, P. O. Carroll- ton Short G. M. farmer. Sec. i, P.O. Carrollton Smith M. farm renter. Sec. 12, P.O. Carroll- ton TOWN 9, NORTH RANGE 13, WEST. 771 Starman George, farm renter, Sec. 12, P.O. Carrollton Stevans R. farm renter. Sec. 12, P. O. Car- rollton 'yRIMBLE N. B. farm renter. Sec. i, P. ^ O. Carrollton WARBLE C. H. farmer. Sec, 2, P.O. Car- rollton Varble H. farmer, P.O. Carrollton Varble J. farm renter. Sec. 16, P.O Carroll- ton Varble John D. farmer, Sec. 23, P.O. Carroll- ton Varble P. farmer, Sec. 11, P.O. Carrollton Varble W. farmer. Sec. 3, P.O. Carrollton Vandersand W. farmer, Sec. 24, P.O. Carroll- ton WITASCHEK ANDREW, farm- er and stock raiser. Sec. I, P.O. Car- rollton, was born in Prussia, Germany, in 1815, living in his mother country till 1850, then came to America, and made his way to Greene County, 111.; having but small means he rented land for ten years , then, in 1868, bought 80 acres, and as he accu- mulated, bought land till he now owns 200 acres ; his farm is well improved and well stocked ; he was married in 1856, to Mrs. Christine Grollmas, who has two children by her first marriage, Joseph and Amy; one by her last union, John