I« F 127 .S2 S24 Copy 1 LIST OF MEMBERS OF ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY SOCIETY OF NEW YORK CITY ^^VxrWVt. "^^ \X-\ \-i;i7 Note : The within list is by no means complete or accurate. It has been compiled from all the avail- able data of the Society. It includes the names of many who are now deceased where our records fail to disclose the fact of death. In many instances, the addresses have changed. A roster of members may be made reasonably ac- curate only by the combined efforts of all with whom we are able to make contact. The committee has given days and nights to the preparation of this proposed list, and has incurred the expense of having twelve hundred copies printed and distributed. Won't you please give at least one hour of your time in making corrections and additions? As we desire to prepare a complete list of our deceased members, please put a cross mark before such, add- ing the approximate date of the death of the member. Do not hesitate to add names of potential members even if unable to give the exact addresses — the com- mittee will locate them if possible. The time is short. Please DO IT NOW. COMMITTEE. .s Abel, Ethel, 28 Carl Ave.. Yonkers, N. Y. Abell, Sydney C. Watertown, N. Y. Abbott. Vasco P. (Mrs.). Gouverneur, N. Y. Adams. Donald C. 130 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, N. Y. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon, 20 East 18th St.. Brooklyn. N. Y. Adsit, Noble H. (Dr.). Succansunna, N. J. .Adsit, Harry B., Saylesville. R. I. Agnew, Misses Bertha and Florence, 83 No. Walnut St.. East Orange, N. J. Akin, James F.. 306 Ford St.. Ogdensburg, N. Y. Akin, Miss Mai-y M.. 1230 Amsterdam Ave.. New York City. Albers, Elizabeth (Miss), 204 Clinton Ave.. Jersey City, N. J. Aldous. Miss Lulu L.. 548 Myrtle Ave., Woodb ridge, N. J. Aldridge, Dorothy, 331 Adelphi St., Brooklyn. N. Y. Aldridge. Eleanor M.. 331 Adelphi St.. Brooklyn, N. Y. Alexander, Clark, 118 Mt. Joy St., New Rochelle, N. Y. Alexander, Edward, 653 St. Johns PI., Brooklyn, N. Y. Allan, Mansfield (Mrs.). 106 Fort Greene PI.. Brooklyn. N. Y. Allan, Evelyn W. (Mrs.), 205 Park PI., Brooklyn. N. Y. Allen, Dora S., 622 W. 114th St., New York City. Allen. Ethel Mary (Mrs.), 604 W. 112th St., New York City. Allen. Harold. 24 A Garden PI.. Brooklyn, N. Y. Allen. James W., National City Bank, New York City. Allen. Mildred S. (Miss), Sea Cliff, L. I. Allen, Philip (Mr. and Mrs.). 38 Spooner St., Floral Park, N. Y. Allen, Robert L., 206 Richard Ave., Glendale, L. I. Allison. J. Wesley (Col.), Morrisburg, Ontario. Canada. Alverson. Carl (Prin.). 417 Tuttle St., Syracuse, N. Y. Amory. John J., 1991 Sedgwick Ave.. New York City. Anabel. Miss Alice. 260 Gregory Ave., Passaic, N. J. Anderson, Marion (Miss), 140 W. 79th St., New York City. Andrews, Alfred M., Babylon, L. I. Andrews, Avery D. (Gen.), 65 Broadway, New York City. Angel, Merton, 52 Prospect St., White Plains, N. Y. Appleton, C. W., 120 Broadway, New York City. Arbuckle, Maclyn, The Lambs, 130 W. 44th St.. New York City. Armstrong, George H. (Mr. and Mrs.), 3 W. 8th St., New York City. Arnold, Delia D. (Miss), Katonah, N. Y. Arnold, William G., Katonah, N. Y. Atwood, L. R. (Dr.), 125 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn, N. Y. Aubiey, Alfred J., 307 Adams St.. Brooklyn. N, Y. Austin, Chellis A., 59 Broad St., New York City. Austin, Cleland (Mr. and Mrs.), 242 Ivy Court, Orange, N. J, Averill, Charles (Mrs.), 26 E. 129th St., New York City. Babcock, Morris, Glen Ridge. N. J., Equitable Life Ass. Soc, 41 W. 42d St., New York City. Babcock, Carolina, 324 Irving Ave., Port Chester. N. Y. Bacheller, Irving (Mr. and Mrs.), Winter Park. Fla. Bacon, E. C. (Mrs.), c/o Earle C. Bacon, 26 Cortland St., New York City. Bacon, James (Mrs.), 115 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, N. Y. Bailey, Esther S. (Mrs.). 44 7th Ave.. Brooklyn, N. Y. Bailey. Mrs. Marion P.. Marion Court. Harrison, N. Y. Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Miller, 101 Elm Ave.. Mount Vernon. N. Y. Bailey. Mr. and Mi-s. Orrin, 22 North Oakland Ave., Ventnor, N. J. Baker, H. Warren, 65 Carnegie Ave., East Orange, N. J. Baker. Edward M.. Glen Ridge. N. J. Baker. William R.. Kings Park, N. Y. Baker. Roj' George. 526 W. 151st St.. New York City. Banford, Miss Marion. Public Schools. Poi-t Washington. N. Y. Bannon, Frank H. (Mr. and Mrs.). 2 Hicks PL. Flushing. N. Y. Barbour. Miss Marjorie, c/o Brentano & Co., Fifth Ave. and 27th St., New York City. Barbridge, Mrs. William. 238 West 106th St., New York City. Barnes, Eugenia H., 285 Eastern Parkway^ Brooklyn, N. Y. Barnett, Edward L. (Dr.), 149 Lexington Ave., New York City. Barnett, M. G. (Mr. and Mrs.), Potsdam, N. Y. Barney, Clyde (Dr.), Physicians Bldg., Syracuse, N. Y. Barnhart, Myrtle H. (Mrs.), 63 St. Andrews PI., Yonkers, N. Y. Barnum, H. Ware, 31 St. James Ave., Boston, Mass. Barrett, Mrs. Reginald, 1208 Bergen St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Barron, W. D., Peoples Bank Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. Bartow, Theodosia, 104 N. Maple Ave., Ridgewood, N. J. Batchelor, Benjamin, 15 Washburn St., Boonton, N. J. Baulch, H. P. (Mr. and Mrs.), 148 Parkside Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Baxter, Alden (Mrs.), 305 Ocean Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Beach, W. F. (Mr. and Mrs.), 372 Parker Ave., Newark, N. J. Beardslee, Katherine D., 11 Claremont Ave., White Plains, N. Y. Beardslee, Lisle R. (Mr. and Mrs.), 217 Prospect Ave., Cranford, N. J. Beardslee, R. W., 26 Broadway, New York City. Beaks, C. H. C, 303 E. 12th St., New York City. Beebe, Charles, Union Talc Co., 147 Nassau St., New York City. Beder, Amin G., 37 W. 57th St., New York City. Belgarde, Arthur, c/o John C. Clark & Co., 206 East 40th St., New York City. Bell, C. O. R. (Mr. and Mrs.), Ogdensburg, N. Y. Benkam, Stanley E., Greenwich, Conn. Bennett, Mrs, Edward R., 49 Hillcrest Rd., Caldwell, N. J. Bennett, Eva L., * 435 W. 119th St., New York City. Benson, Charles F., 8644 111st St., Richmond Hill, N. Y. Benson, S. A., 90 W. Broadway, New York City. Bentley, George, 221 Eckford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Benton, Charles A., Room 2733 Grand Central Terminal, New York City. Bergau, Bessie Yarden, 3524 Hull Ave., New York City. Best. Fred W. (Dr.), Port Jervis, N. Y. Best, Oscar S., Mount Kisco, N. Y. Beswick, James Everett, 273 St. Marks PI., New Brighton, S. I.. N. Y. Biche, C. F.. Floi-ence Ave., Irvington, N. J. Bird, Charles W., 68-50 Burn St.. Forrest Hills, N. Y. Bissel, Carrie, 2595 Hudson Blvd., Jersey City, N. J. Black, Alexander (Mr. and Mrs.), 235 E. 45th St., New York City. Black, Carl (Mr. and Mrs.), c/o Am. Can, 230 Park Ave., New York City. Blackman, Judson, 65 South East Ave., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Black, Malcolm S. (Mr. and Mrs.), 151 Central Ave., Orange, N. J. Blanchard, Bessie M., 3079 Fulton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Blanchai-d, Linn R., University Library, Princeton, N. J. Bliss, Barbara A., 60 New York Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Blood, Ernest A., Passaic, N. J. Blood, Sadie L., 332 McDonough St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Booth, Frank (Mrs.), 135 S. 11th St., Mount Vernon, N. Y. Borbridge, W. R. (Mr. and Mrs.), 238 W. 106th St., New York City. Boscoe, Victor, Newburgh, N. Y. Bouchey, Irene, c/o Schanack, 492 9th Ave., New York City. Boulch, H. P. (Mr. and Mrs.), 148 Parkside Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Bourney, C. A. (Rev.), Mt. Kisco, N. Y. Bowen, Arthur N. (Mrs.), 5th St., Bayside, N. Y. Bowers, C. E., 149 Fulton St., New York City. Bowman, Earl A., 410 Broadway, New York City. Boyle, Julia A., 123 Hampton St., Elmhurst, N. Y. Brainerd, Helen C, 79 Washington PI., New York City. Brant, Mr. and Mrs. Chester, Nutley, N. J. Brash, W. W. (Dr.), 33 W. 42nd St., New York City. Brasie, I. G. (Dr.). Newburgh, N. Y. Braxmar, Charles G. (Mrs.). 235 W. 75th St., New York City. Breining, J. M. (Mrs.), Sewaren, N. J. Brewer, Ernest J., 6735 Ridge Blvd., Brooklyn, N. Y. Bridges. H. W. (Hon.), 19 Prospect Park, New Dorp, S. I. Briggs, Eva A., , . -kt xr 295 Washington Ave.. Brooklyn, N. Y. Brink. Charles G. (Dr. and Mrs.), 600 W. 111th St., New York City. Brooks, John Irving, 7 Montague Terrace, Brooklyn, N. Y. Brown, Stanley M., 53-40 Media St., Philadelphia, Pa. Brown. Charles E.. xt t 33 or 172 Oakwood Ave.. Hudson Heights, N. J. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. D. W., 221 Harrison Ave., Hasbrouck Heights, N. J. Brown, Miss Evelyn S., Hotel Shelton. New York City. Brown, Floyd S. (Mr. and Mrs.). 38-14 Second St., Bayside. L. I., N. Y. Brown. Forrest U. (Dr.). 268 Park Ave., Rutherford, N. J. Brown, Melford (Rev.), 133 Glen Cove, Mount Vernon, N. Y. Brown, G., 9 Terrace Ave., Jamaica, N. Y. Brown, Mrs. Ralph P., 370 Mamaroneck Ave., White Plains, N, Y. Brown, George N., 30 Church St.. New York City (Room 525). Brown. P. H. (Mrs.), 385 Clinton Ave.. Brooklyn. N. Y. Brownell. Hollis (Mr. and Mrs.), Potsdam, N. Y. Brownell, L. J. (Mr. and Mrs.), Potsdam. N. Y. Browning, John Scott. 260 Fourth Ave., New York City. Bryant, Frank L. (Mr. and Mrs.), 466 E. 17th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Bryant, Howard, 41 Mitchell PI., White Plains, N. Y. Buck, Lynn H., Larchmont. N. Y. Bugbee. Harriet C. 400 W. 118th St., New York City. Burdick, Albert. Stone House Mansion, Stonehouse, N. Y. Burdick, Leslie W., Fidelity Mutual L. I. Co.. 233 Broadway, New York City. Burke, Hugh