/ *ii^;- -•-.< •ic <^ W"* ''jStf^Ji,'. ^-r^ ,> >-.5^Xl,< COLTON'S TRAVELER AND TOURIST'S Houtc-Book THROUGH THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE CANADAS: CONTAIM.N-a THE ROUTES AND DISTANCES ON THE GREAT LINES OF TRAVEL, BY RAILROADi=!, STAGE-ROADS, CANALS, LAKES AND RIVERS, ACCOMPANIED WITH A LARGE AND ACCURATE MAP. 19613 NEW YORK: PUBLISHED BY J. H.^COLTON & CO., No. 1:2 WII,LIAM STRKET. 1854. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1850, By J. H. COLTON, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. INDEX TO THE ROUTES NEW ENGLAND, THE MIDDLE STATES, AND THE CANADAS. No. of Route. Albany, N. Y., to Bennington, Vt 167 to Bision.Mass 16C to Buffalo, N. Y 179 to Cooperstown 169 to Luke Georje 17-1 to Montreal, C. E 176 to MciitrKal, C. E 177 to PittsfielU.Mass 165 to Rutland, Vt 168 to Saratog-a Spring's 173 to Sara;og-u Spring-s 174 to Unadiila 170 to Whitphall 173 Allyn's Point, Ct., to Worcester 140 Amsterdam, N. Y., to Sageville 184 Auburn, N. Y., to Cortland 212 to 0-wego 213 Aug'usia, Me., to Anson 16 toBan>ror 20 to Belfast 18 toBetliel 14 to Fryeliurg 13 to Phillips 15 to Quebec 17 toSuuih Pans 12 to Tliornanon 19 Baltimore, Md., to Annapolis 300 to Carlisle 305 to Lancaster 306 to Norfolk 307 to Philadelphia 297 to Pliiladelphia 298 to Puishur? 302 to Piilsbury 303 to Waslungion 299 to Wheeliii? 301 to While Sulphur Spa 304 to Winchester 301 Banofor, Me., lo Brownsville 24 ■ to Castine 26 — — to East Machias 28 to Ellsworth 27 — to Greenville 23 No. ot Route. Bang'or, Mc, to Houlton 25 lo Norridg-ewock.. 93 Batavia, N. Y., to Lockport 207 Bath, Me., to Baiiofor 21 Bath, N. Y., to Geneva 194 to Rochester 195 Bellows Falls, Vc, to Arling-ton 72 Bennington, Vt., to Charlestown 71 Bethel, Vt., to Charlestown 69 Binshamlon, N. Y., to Ulica 188 Boston, Mass., to Albany 83 to Blackstone 88 to Cohassel 92 to Concord 78 to Concord 79 to Fitchburg- 82 to Gloncosler 93 to Lawrence 76 to Lowell 77 to New Bedford 89 to New York 84 to Nev/ York 85 to New York 86 U, New York 87 to Plymouth 91 Lv, Portland , 74 to Portland 75 to Sandwich 90 to Wluteiiounlains SO tn Wliiie Mountains 51 Bratileboro', Vi., to Albany 73 to Derby Line 70 Bridgeport, Ct., to Albany 144 to Winsted 145 Buffalo, N. Y., to Albany 208 to Batavia '. 200 to Chicago 201 to Erie 201 to Niagara Falls 202 to Ogdensburg 205 to Queenston, C. W 803 toYoun^siown 202 Burlington, Vt., to Boston £3 to Boston SI Tl INDEX TO TDE ROUTES. No. of Route. Bur'ring'ton, Vt., to BoBton 54 ■■ to Derby Line 56 to Phillipsburg 55 Canandaisrua, N. Y., to BataTJa 21 1 Catskill, N. Y., to Canajoharie 171 to Uiiaililla 172 Chambershurg-, Pa., to Wlieeling 287 Cherry Valley, N. Y.,to Syracuie 185 Concord, N. H., to Boston 32 to Boston 33 to CharleilowD 41 10 ClaremoDt 40 to Dover 36 to Haverhill 38 to Keene 42 to Monipelier 39 to Portsmouth 34 to Portsmouth 35 to Stewartstown 43 to Wolfboro' 37 Conway, N. H., to Littleton 45 Cooperstown, N. Y., to Ithaca 185 to Ithaca 187 to UnaUiUa 187 East Haddnm, Ct., to Norwich 142 East Machias, Me., to Lubec 29 to Calais 30 Easton, Pa., to Bingbamton 271 to Harrisburg 274 to Port Jervis 270 to PottsviUe 272 to Trenton 273 Elkton, Md.. to Snow Hill 308 Ellicottsville.N. Y., to Rochester 196 Fall River, R. I., to Newport 127 Fiichburg, Mass., to Bellows Falls 102 to Brattleboro' 100 to Greenfield 101 Genesee, N. Y., to Buffalo 199 to Canandaigua 198 Georgetown, Del., to Cape Charles. ..295 to Princess Anne 296 Great Falls, N. H., to Conway 46 Greenfield, Mass., to North Adams.. .108 Harrisburg, Pa., to Baltimore 275 ^^ to Hagerstown 276 - to Northumberland 277 Uarirnrd, Ct., to Boston 130 to Canaan 136 - to New Haven 131 to New Haven 129 to New London 132 10 New London 133 to New York 129 to Norwich 134 to Wesifield 138 Haverhill, Mass., to Newburyporl. . ..1 1 1 Hudson, N. Y., to Great Barrington. . 162 to New Lebanon Spa 164 to WesiStockbridge 163 Ithaca, N. Y., to Auburn. -— to Ujruellsrille No. of Route. ...190 Ithaca, N. Y., to Syracuse to Uiica l»» to Waterloo 192 Lancaster, P«., to Reading 878 Lowell, Mass., to Lawrence 9S Middlebury, Vt., to Trov 64 Middletown, Ct., to Saybrook 139 Montpelier, Vt., to Derby 59 to Haverhill 58 to Middlebury 61 to Norwich 57 to St. Alban's 60 Montreal, C. E., to Augusta. 234 to Boston 233 to New York 232 to Quebec 230 to Quebec 831 Nashua, N. H., to Brattleboro' 43 to Charlestown 47 Newark, N. J., to Dover 240 New Bedford, Mass., to Edgartown. ..114 to Nantucket 115 to Providence 116 New Brunswick, N. J., to Lambert- Tille 249 to Long Branch 243 Newburg, N. Y., to Chester 183 New Haven, Ct., to Farmington 137 to New London 138 to New York 128 New London, Ct., to Palmer 141 Newton, N. J., to Easion 241 New York to Albany 157 to Albany 156 to Albany 158 to Albany 159 to J to Boston 147 to Boston 148 to Boston 149 to Boston 150 toBullalo 181 to Burtalo 182 to Dunkirk 180 to Easton '....836 to Easton 237 to Greenport ISl toMiUord 238 to Paierson 235 to Philadelphia 158 to Pliiladelphia 153 to Pliiladelphia 154 to Somerville 237 to Suffern's 235 toTioy 156 to Washington 155 Northampton, Mass., to Pillcfield. . ..109 North Aiuiover, Mass., to Newbury- porl 110 Northumberland, Pa., to Honesdale.. .882 Ogdensburg, N. Y., n Plattsburg 223 to Rouse's Point 824 Olean, N. Y., to Genesee 197 Oswego, N. Y., to Rochester 8U INDEX TO THE RO.UTES. Vll No. of Rome. .... 215 CHwe^o, N. Y., to Rome. . Patprson. N. J., to Milford 239 riiiladelpliia. Pa., lo Absecum 250 to Baliimore 257 . — to Bakiiiiore 258 to Berwick 280 to Bn.Ijreioii 253 to Cape May 251 to Kastoii 265 to Ene 286 to Harrisburg- 2t)U 10 Ml. Holley 248 to Nazareth 264 to New York 254 to New York 2.S5 to New York 256 to Pittsburg 261 toPutsburg- 262 to Pittsburg' 203 to Port Deposit 281 10 Potisville 206 to Srtlem 262 to Tiickenoii 249 to VVashiiisioii 259 Pituburir, Pa., to Baltimore Sy.'i — to Cleveland 290 — 10 Kne 2y2 to Merr.er 291 — to Sieubeuville 289 to VVIieeling- 2^i8 Pilisfield, Mass., lo New York 106 lo Nuilh Adams 105 Port Jervis, N. Y., to Owego 284 Portland, Me., to Augusta 9 to Augusta 10 to Bath H to Boston 1 to Boston 2 to Conway 3 to Eastport 31 to Montreal 7 to Pans 5 10 South Paris 6 to Waierlord 4 to WaterviUe 8 to While Mountains 49 PoUbvilie, Pa., 10 Connn-r 267 Poughkeep-'ie, N. Y., lo New Millord.lOO -"to Wesi Cornwall 161 Providence, K. 1., lo Boston 117 lo Fail River 123 10 Hartlord 120 loKiM-sion 124 to New London 125 to Newport 122 loS(oniu-ion 121 to Thompson 126 lo Willinianlic 119 to Worcester US Rochester, N. Y., to Iflckport. , to Lockport to Niagara Falls to Weedsport Rome, N. Y., to Cape Vincent. to Oo^densburff to Sackeit's Harbor Rutland, Vi., to Albany lo Bethel to North Adams 67 Salem, Mass., to Lawrence 94 Sandwich, Mass., to Provincetown.. .112 to Wood's Hole 113 South Deerfield, Mass., to Adams 107 Snringfield, Mass., to Braltleboro' 103 -i- to New Haven 104 to New York 104 Syracuse, N. Y'., to Auburn 217 to Oswego 216 to Waiertown 218 Toronto, 0. W. , to Amherslburg 227 to Buffalo 225 to Montreal 228 to Montreal 229 to Niagara Falls 225 to Niagara Falls 225 Towando, Pa., to Erie 285 Trenton, N. J., to Belvidere 244 to New York 245 to Philadelphia 216 to Philadelphia 247 Troy, N. Y., to Whitehall 175 Utica, N. Y., to Sackett's Harbor. . ..219 Vergennes, Vt., to Whitehall 65 Washington, D. C, to Annapolis 310 to Gettysburg 303 to Hancock 311 to Ridge 312 Wells' River, Vt., to Danville 63 to Derby Line 62 West Lebanon, N. H., to Lancaster. . 44 Whitehall, N. Y., to Rouse's Point. . .178 Wilkesbarre, Pa., to Elinira 2b3 Wiliiamsport, Pa., to Elmira 268 to Hollidaysburg 269 Willimantic, Cl., to Plymouth 143 Wilmington, Del., to Georgetown 294 Worcester, Mass., to Filchburg 99 to Lowell 97 to Nashua 36 to Providence S8 York, Pa., to York Sulphur Spa 279 INDKX TO THE ROUTES. SOUTH ATLANTIC STATES. No. of Rome. Alextndrio, Va., to Winchester 320 Apulachicoia, Fa., to Coliimbua 423 Athens, Ga., to Clayton 412 to Dahloiie^a.". 413 All.-xtila, Ga., to Chattanooga 390 to Montg'omerv 410 Aii'usta, G«.,to Allieni 3»8 to Ailania 396 10 Charleston 397 lo ClarkfviUe 399 Au^r'Jsu, S. C, to Gillisoiiville 373 10 Grrenville 380 Aiijfu»ia, Ga., to Miiled^eville 41,'0 Charleston, S. C.,to Augusta 369 to Cannilen 373 to Columbia 373 to Uarliii^ion 3!SI 10 Georgetown 3,-<2 10 Savannah 370 to Savannah 371 Co.umbi.i, S. C, to Aug'usia 374 :o Fayetieville 375 10 Ruihen'ordion 377 to Salisbury 376 10 Warm Springs 378 Columbus, Ga., lo Atlanta 407 loUntfin -106 to RossviUe 4't8 CoviMjfion, Ga., lo Newna 411 Dal.lonega, Ga.. to Dalton 414 Darien, Ga., to Baitibrid^e 395 Edeiiton, N. C, lo Norfolk 357 Farmville, Va., to Greensboro' 333 Fayettenlle. N. C, to Charlotte 349 to Cheraw 34« to Marion 347 to Raleigh 352 lo Salisbury 350 to Warsaw'. 351 Fmcastle, Va., to Cumberland Gap. . .341 Georgetown, S. C, to Cheraw 3«I4 10 Suinterville 3-5 lo Wilmington 383 Greensboro', Ga., to Aoheville 415 Greensboi o', N. C, to Halifax 3G5 lo Wyiheville 366 GntCii, Ga., 10 Montgomery 409 Halifax, N. C, to Plymouth 358 Kanawha, Va., to Point Pleasant 340 Lewisbnr?, Va., to Guyandotte 337 to Newbern 338 Lviictibnr?, Va., to Greensboro' .335 - to Kn.xville 331 - • 10 Lewi»bur«r 330 Mucou, Ga., to Athenii 404 No. of Route. Macon, Ga., to Atlanta 389 to Chaltanoog'a 40J to Columbus 405 to Darien 402 Milled^eville, Ga., to Macon 401 Newbern, N. C, to Norfolk 356 Norfolk, Va., to Weldon 332 Petersburg, Va., toCiiy Point 331 to Lynchburjf 329 loSi.flblk 330 Raleigh, N. C, lo Beaufort 355 to Salisbury 359 to Salisbury 360 10 Wdshington 353 to Washiiigion 354 Richmond, Va., to Gurdoiisville 324 10 Hampton 327 lo Lyncliburg 32S 10 Norfolk 328 to Tappabannock 336 St. Augustine, Fa., to Darien 416 lo Tallahassee 418 to Tampa B.i/ 417 Salem, N. C, to Kiioxville 367 loRaleig-h .368 Salisbury, N. C, lo Ashviile 361 lo Cheraw 364 to Warm Springs 3rt2 to YoikviUe 363 Savannah, Ga., to Augusta 3al lo Columbus 393 10 Macon .',88 to Milledgeville 392 to St. Augustine 394 Slaunioii, Va., to Knoxvilie 339 Tallahassee, Fa., to Alligator 419 to Baiiiliriiige 421 to Mobile 422 10 Si. Mark's 420 Washington, D. C, to Lynchburg 319 to Norfolk 318 to Parker.burg 911! to Staunton 314 to Virginia Springs 31$ lo Wheeling 116 to Wilmington 317 Wilmington, N. C.,to Chai lesion >4i lo Fayettevilie 345 lo Newbern 344 to Norfolk 343 to Washington 342 Winchester, Va., lo Hancock 321 10 Harper's Ferry 323 lo Siaunlon 321 Yorkville, S. C, to Abbeville 386 to Caradeu W INDEX TO THE ROUTES. SOUTH- WESTERN STATES. No. of Route. Arltadelphia, Ark., to New Orleans.. .488 Austin, Tex., to Corpus Christi 508 to Maiagforda 505 to Matamoras 506 to Natchitoches 504 toPres. del Rio Grande 507 Batesville, Arlc., to Memphis 486 to Memphis 487 Boston, Tex., to Austin 512 Columbus, Miss., to Memphis... 475 Florence, Ala.j to Rome. .;.« 454 Galveston, Tex., to Austin 503 to Huntsville 498 to Matag'orda 500 to Matao-orda 501 to New Orleans 497 - to Port Liavacca 502 to Wasliiii^ton 499 Gunter's Landing, Ala., to Jasper 465 Houston, Tex., to Goliad 509 Jackson, Miss., to Columbus 472 toDe Kalb 471 to Grand Gulf 469 • — to Natchez ^70 tc. Vicksburg- 4n8 to Yazoo City 473 KnoxTille, Tenn., to Ashville 4^2 — to Blountsville 437 to Cumberland Gap 440 to Raleigh 411 lo Savannah 443 to .Sulphur Spa 436 to Warm Spring's 442 Little Rock, Ark., to Boston 480 to Fort Gibson 478 10 Fort Gibson 479 to Fort Towson 481 to Hot Sprmgs 483 to Memphis 484 to Moniu-omery's Point 477 to New Orleans 476 loSt. Louis 485 No. of Route. Little Rock, Ark., to Shrcreport 482 Matafforda, Tex., to Washington 510 Mobile, Ala., to Columbus 450 to Montgomery 446 to Moiiti-omery 447 to New Orleans 451 to Selma 449 — — to Tuscaloosa 448 Montgomery, Ala., to Atlanta 452 to Atlanta 453 to Columbus, Ga 458 to Columbus, Miss 454 to Rome 457 to Tuscaloosa 455 to Tuscaloosa 456 Nacogdoches, Tex., to Boston 511 Nashville, Tenn., to Charleston 439 to Columbus 429 to Hickman 423 to Hiilly Springs 426 to Huntsville 431 to Huntsville 432 to Jackson 427 to Knoxville 435 10 McMinnsville 433 to Memphis 424 to Memphis 425 to Savannah 4.38 to Sparta 434 to Tuscumbia 430 New Orleans, La., to Cincinnati 492 to Fort Gibson 495 t* Galveston 490 fo Pittsburg 493 to St. Louis 491 to Slireveport 494 St. Francisville, La., to Natchez 496 Selma, Ala., to Huntsville 459 Sparta, Tenn., lo HuiitiviUe 444 to Monticello 445 Tuscaloosa, Ala., to Columbns 460 to Courtland 462 to Florence 463 to Huntsville 461 Tuscumbia, Ala., to Columbus 467 to Huntsville 466 Vicksburg, Miss., to Memphis 474 NORTH- WESTERN STATES. No. of Route. Adrian, Mich., to Toledo 571 to Ypsilanti 572 Ashtabula, Ohio, to Wellsville 543 Battlecrcek, Mich., to Grand Rapids..58l Blooroiugton, la., to La Fayette 616 No. of Route. Bowlin? Green, Ky., to Columbus 681 to'Glasgow 680 Brookville, la., to Cambridge 608 Bucvrus, O., to Mansfield 552 Buffalo, N. Y., to New York 557 Burlington, Iowa, to Fort dcsMoines.. 708 INDEX TO THE ROUTES. Burlitig-ton, Towa, to Muscatine. No. of Jloute. .645 Cairo, III., to St. Louit Chiea«ro, 111., to Buffalo 660 Ill Of troll 659 to Dixon 664 to Galena 661 to Milwaukee 662 10 Oiiawa 6o3 Chilicoilip, O , to Marietta 541 to May»ville 542 to Poiiu I'leasai.l 540 Ciiiciniidii, O., to Cliilicothe 523 10 Columbue 527 to Dayton 521 to Dayioii 522 to Ettiun £25 to liiiliaiKipolii , 516 to New Orleans 515 to Piiisburj 513 I to Piiisbuff 518 to Si. LouiB 514 to St. Louis 617 ! to Samliikky City 520 I to Sidney 526 to Wlieeling: 511» to Zaiie»ville 524 Cleveland, O., to Buflalo 54S to Biillalo £4y to Piitsbufff 547 to Toledo .550 to W;,rrei. 551 to Wheeling ..S46 Columbus, O., to Cleveland 5S3 I to Indianapolis 529 j to Lancaster .^34 I to Lower Sandusky 5.t0 , lo Poruuiijtitli 532 i • ioS.,iidu»ky Ciiy 531 10 Wheeling 528 ; Council Bludii to Great Sail Lake City. 733 j Davenport, Iowa, to Du Buque 711 j to Du Buque 712 j Delroii, Micli., to Buffalo iho lo Ciiica^o 587 to Fort W.lknis - .^88 ' to Liwisiiiu' 563 lo Laii. iiio- 564 to New Buffalo .....661 to Poiitiac 56fi to Port Huron 565 to S.iginaw 567 to Toledo 562 Dixon, 111., to Beluii 665 Dunkirk, N. y., to New York 558 Edinbur?, la., to Rushville 613 bvuiisviUe, la., to Terre Haute 618 Fort Leavenworth to San Die?o 730 Kort Madl^on, Iowa, to Farininglon...707 Port Wayne, la., to Cincinnati 622 Franklori, Ky., to Ciucilmau 677 to Madison 678 Glasgow, Mo., lo Fort Leavenworth.. 701 to llauuibal 7U2 No. of Route. Grand Haven, Mich., to Milwai.kse.. .589 Hopkinsville. Ky., to Nasliville 681 to Paducab 68$ Independence, Mo., to Oregon City.. 739 Ill Sacramenlo Ciiy 731 Iiidianano'is, la., to Ciuciuiia'.L 591 to Cincinnati 593 to Columbus 607 to Covingion 60J to Vredonia 596 to Greenville 606 loLa Kayelte 60J to La Fayelie W4 to Louisville 594. to Madison 59J > to Montezuma 600 to Nilei. 606 to St. Louis 598 to Terre Haute 597 to Wasliiii^ton 596 to Wil)iam»port 601 Iowa Citv, Iowa, to Keokuck 704 to Muscatine 706 Jackson, Mich., to Jonesville 578 to Toledo 577 JanexviUe, Wis., to Fond du Lac 725 Jaiiesville, Wis., to Galena 726 Jeticrson Cilv, Mo., to Cape Girardeau 700 to Fori'Lea/enworth 6i*8 ; to Fort Siniih 699 10 Independence 697 Ka!atiia7.oo, Mich., to Mottville 583 to Si. Jo.eph 584 to Saugaiuck 683 Keokuck, Iowa, to Burlington 706 Lancaster, O., to Mount Vernon 539 Lansing-, Mich., to Dexter 574 to Grand Haven 573 lo Juckson 576 to Ponliac ' 575 La Pone, la., to Juliet 633 Lawieiiceburg, Ja., to Madison 609 Lexiii^ioii, Ky., to Cincinnati 679 to Kjioxville C7S to Maysville ti73 lo Nashville 676 to Owiii'fsville 674 LogHiisport, la., to Toledo 621 Louisville, Ky., loCaiio 667 lo Cincinnaii 666 to Harrodsburg 6C9 — r- to Lexington 671 to Nashville 668 lo Orleans 613 toShawiieeiown 670 to Viiicennei 611 Madison, Wis., to Galena 71J to Green Bay 716 Madison, la., to Indianapolis 614 to Loiiisviae 610 Madison, Wis., to Milwaukee 71S INDEX TO THE ROUTES. XI No. of Rome. Madison, Wis., to Rockford ?14 Madison, ja., to Teire Hame 61 S Mar..mec, Mo., lo Spriiifrtield 703 Marshall, Mich., to Ceiitreville SiO to Cold water 579 MichifTRii Ci;y, la., to Indianapolis. . .521 MilAaul.ee, VV'is., to Chicago 717 loFonddu Lac 720 to Jsiiesvijle 718 to Shelioypaii 721 lo .Slieljovsan 722 to Whiie'Waier ;iy Monroe, Mich., to Aim Arbor S70 to Ciucag-o 569 Mount Cannel, 1;!., to Fairfield ^iSvl Moiiili 01 VValjash River lo La Fayette C! 7 Muscatine, lowa, to Davenport 710 NewBnIialo, Mirh., to Cb!C.\sro 590 Niles, MiCh , 10 St. Joseph. ..'. 585 Ottawa, 111., to Si. Charles 658 Paducah, Kv., to Floreii-e 686 Painesville, O., lo Braver 545 to Canion 544 Paris, Kv., to Cinciimali 679 Peoria, Ml., to Albany C54 . to Bmlin^ton G5.j to Cliicapo 655 to Covin o-ton fi52 Peru, III,, to Galena 657 to Si. Louis 656 Pittsbur^r, Pa., to P lul.adelphia 560 Pontiac, Mich., to Owasso 566 Quincy, III., to Galena 651 to Jacksonville 647 to Keokuck 650 to Kiioxville 649 to Peoria 648 Racine, Wis., to Janesville 723 Russellville, Ky., to Clarksville 683 to Na>hville 6b2 St. Louis, Mo., to Council Bluffs 69C li> Falls of Si. Anthony 689 :i Fori Leavenworth.' 694 No. of Route. St Loiiis, Mn.,10 Jacksonville 646 toJeffer.-on Ciiv 695 to Jetieison City 696 to Keokuck...; 691 lo Little Rock G9S to N<:\v Madriil 693 to New OrleaiLs 688 St. Paul, Min., to Falls ofSl.Aiitlionv 729 to New Orleans .'.728 Salem, III., loCarmi 640 to Chester 641 Sandusky Citv, O., to Beaver 554 10 Bulla lo 556 to Cliicatco 555 toCmcinnati , 553 Shawnet-'own, III., to Cape Giraidpau.642 to St. Louis 643 to Vaudalia 644 Sheb vgaii. Wis., lo Neenah 727 Smithlaiid, Ky., ly Nastiville 687 Soiuhpori, Wis., to Beloit.. 724 Springtieid, 111., to Buiiinyioii 631 toCl.icaaro 633 to Cincinnati 625 10 Covington 634 to Goiconila 626 to Keokuck 630 to Lewistuwn 632 . to Naples 628 to dunicy 629 to St. Louis 627 Terre Haute, la , to Crawfordsville. . .620 to Logansport 619 Vincennes, la., to Allen 637 lo Ctiicago... 638 to St. Louis 535 lo Shawneetown 635 Wheetin», Va., to Baltimore 559 to New York 559 to Philadelphia 559 Woosur, O., to Warren 533 Zanesville, O., 10 .Marietta S36 to Maysvjlle s3S le Wuoster 437 13 THE PRINCIPAL TRAVELING ROUTES THROUGH NEW ENGLAND, THE MIDDLE STATES, AND THE OANADAS. MAINE. (1) Portland to Boston. Via Portland^ Saco, and Ports- mouth R. R. To Scarborough 6 Saco 7 13 Kennebiink 9 22 Wells 6 28 North Berwick 5 33 South Berwick* 5 38 EUott 7 45 Eastern R. R. PoRTSMOUTHf 6 51 Greenland 5 56 North Hampton 2 58 Hampton 3 61 HamptonFalls 2 63 Seabrook 2 65 East Salisbury^ 4 69 Newburyport 2 71 Rowley 5 76 Ipswich 4 80 Wenham 5 85 Beverly 4 89 Salem§ 2 91 Lynn 5 96 West Lynn 2 98 North Chelsea 3 101 Boston 4 105 * Boston and Maine R. R. inter- sects here. t Portsmouth and Concord R. R. intersects here. X Briinch to Amesbury Mills 3 miles. § Essex Co. Pv. R. to Lawrence 22 miles. (2) Portland to Boston. To N. Berwick, (See No. 1) 33 JunctJoa 4 37 Boston and Maine R. R. South Berwick 1 38 Salmon Falls, N, H. 1 39 Somersworlh* 1 40 DovERf 3 43 Madbiuy 4 47 Durham 2 49 New Market 5 54 South New ftfcrket 3 57 Exeter....!^ 4 61 East Kingston 5 66 Newton 4 70 Plaistow 3 73 Haverhill, Mass 5 78 Bradford 1 79 NorthAndover 4 83 Lawrence 2 85 Andover 3 88 Balardvale 2 90 Wilmington 6 96 Reading 3 99 South Reading 2 101 Stoneham 2 103 Melrose 1 104 Maiden 2 106 SomervUIe 3 109 Boston 2 111 • Gt. Falls and Conway R. R. t Cocheco R.R. to Meredith 45 m. (3) Portland to Conway, N. H. To Sacarappa 6 Gorham 4 10 WestGorham 3 13 Standish 4 17 EastBaldwin 8 25 West Baldwin 6 31 Hiram 3 3-1 Brownfield 6 40 Fryeburgh 8 48 Centre Conway, N. H. 4 52 Conway 4 56 2 14 ROUTES IN MAINE. (4) Portland to Waterford. To South VViudhain 10 U'iM(ih:un 4 14 North Windham 3 17 R.'iymond 5 2-2 Naplt'S 8 UO Hridi(eton 6 38 North Hridgeton 3 41 Harrison 4 45 Boulh Waterford 2 47 Waterford 1 48 (")) Portland to Paris. (Stage.) To Stevens' Plains 3 f;r:iv 13 10 \\\st C. loucester 7 23 Poland 6 29 Oxford 8 37 Norway 6 43 South Paris 2 4.) Paris .^-^ 3 48 (fi) Portland to Montreal. .Atlniitic and St. Laicrence R. R. To Falmouth 5 Cuinljerhiiid 4 9 VariiU'Uth 2 11 Junction 1 12 i North Yarmouth 3 15 ! WfbbL-r's 4 19 i Now <^ loucester , . . . 3 22 CobhV Urid^e 2 24 | Danville JiuicUon 3 27 i Eni|)ire Koad I 28 j Hotel Koad* 4 32 | Mechanics' Fails 4 36 i Oxiord' 4 40 I North Oxford 5 45. South Paris 2 47 ; North Paris 8 55 IJrv.uii s l'i>nd 7 62 Locke's Mills 3 05^ Hethki 5 70i West Bethel 4 74 Giluad 6 80 Shelhurne 6 86 Goriiain 5 91 lierlin Falls 6 97 Milan. 7 1*14 Wt-iMikn 6 lloj 5?tark ■ 5 115 Ntriiifor(l 8 180, Iil(H.nili.ld 7 137 j lirunswick 3 140' Wen'ook 3 148 l^lIl^ Portland to Watervillk. ^^ndrosconrgin and Kennebec R. R. To Danville, (see 6) 27 Ix-wieton Falls 6 33 Greene 8 41 Monmouth 7 48 Winthrop 8 56 Ueadlkld •••■. 4 60 Helc'rade 7 67 West Waterville 5 72 W^tkrvillk 10 82 (9) Portland to Auoista. .^iidroscogffin and Kennebec R. R. To Read held, (see 8) 60 Af OLSTA, (Stage) 10 70 (10) Portland to Auoi-STA. .Atlantic and St. Lawrence R. R. To Fidmouth 5 Cumherland 4 9 Yiirmouth 2 11 Yarmouth Junction 1 12 Kennebec and Portland R. R. Freeporl 5 17 iMerri man's Road 5 22 Brunswick 4 26 Bowdoinham 9 35 Richmond 7 42 Gardiner 11 53 Hallowell 5 58 AvausTA 2 60 ROUTES IN MAINE. 15 (11) Portland to Bath. To Brunswick, (see 10) 26 Harding's Statiou 4 30 Bath 5 35 (12) Augusta to South Paris. To Hallowell Cross Roads • • 4 East VVimhrop 2 6 Wintbrop 4 10 Wiiyne 5 15 North Leeds 4 19 North Turner -Bridge 3 22 NurthTuraer 4 26 South Hartford 2 28 Buckfield 5 33 West Buckfield 4 .37 Paris 4 41 South Paris 3 44 (13) Augusta to Fryeburo. To South Paris, (see 12) ■ ... 44 Norway 2 46 Watertord 9 55 South VVaterforrt 1 56 Sweden 5 61 I-ovell 4 65 Fryeburg Centre 4 69 Frveburg 5 74 (14) Augusta to Bethel. To Hallowell Cross Roads • • 4 East Winthrop 2 6 Winthrop 4 10 Wayne 5 15 East Livermore 7 2J North Livermore 4 26 Canton 4 30 Dixfield 9 39 Mexico 5 44 East Rumford 3 47 Rumford 7 54 North Bethel 3 57 East Bethel 4 61 Bethel 4 65 (15) Augusta to Phillips. To Hallowell Cross Roads- • 4 East Reiwlfield 4 8 Readfield 4 12 Mount Vernon 5 17 Mt. Vernon Village 3 20 Vienna 6 26 Farmington Falls 4 30 Farmington 5 .35 Strong 11 46 Avon 3 49 Phillips 6 55 (16) Augusta to Anson. To Sidney 9 Waierville 9 18 Fairfield 4 22 Bloomfield 10 32 Skowhegan ...2 34 NoRRIDGEWOCK 5 39 Madison 8 47 Anson 4 51 (17) Augusta to Quebec. To Anson,(see 16) 51 Embden 5 56 Solon 3 59 Bingham 5 64 Moscow 12 76 Ciuritunk 6 82 Tiie Forks 9 91 Jackman's 19 110 Moose River 10 120 State Line 20 140 St. Charles, (Canada East). .26 166 ' St. Francis 8 174 St. Joseph 16 190 St. Mai-y 12 202 Quebec 33 235 (18) Augusta to Belfast. To South Vassalboro' 9 South China 5 14 Palermo 5 19 North Palermo 4 23 Montville 5 28 North Searsmont 3 31 North Belmont 6 37 Belmont 2 39 Belfast 6 45 (19) Augusta to Thomaston. To Windsor 10 Cooper's Mills 4 14 West Jefferson • 4 18 Jeflf'ei-son 4 22 Waldoboro' 9 31 Warren 7 33 Thomaston 6 44 (20) Augusta to Bangor. To Brown's Comers 6 Vassalboro' 5 11 East Vassalboro' 4 15 China 6 21 Albion 5 28 16 ROUTES IN MAINE. Unity 8 34 Troy 5 39 Dixinont 4 43 Newburg 8 51 Hampden 11 62 Banqor 6 68 (21) Bath to Bangor. To Woolwich 3 VViscasset 8 11 Sheepscot Br 5 16 Newcastle 5 21 Nobleboro' 2 23 Waldoboro' 8 31 Warren 7 38 Thomaston 6 44 East Thomastnn 4 48 West Camden 2 50 Camden 7 57 LinculuviUe 7 64 Norlhport 5 C9 Belfast 7 76 Swanville 7 83 North Seai-sport 3 86 Frankfort Mills 9 95 Frankfort 2 97 North Frankfort 3 100 Hampden 3 103 Bangor 6 109 (22) Bangor to Norridqkwock. To Hermon 9 Carmel 5 14 Etna 3 17 Newport 7 24 Palmyra - 5 29 Pittsfield 6 35 Canaan 7 42 Skowhearan 9 51 NORRIDGEVVOCK 5 56 (23) Bangor to Greenville. On Moosehcad Lake, To South Dutlon 9 Levant 3 12 EastCorinth 8 20 West Charleston 5 25 South Dover 6 31 Dover 5 36 Foxcroft 1 37 Sangerville 8 45 Guilford 2 47 Abbot 4 51 Monson 7 58 Shirley 7 65 Grkcnville 7 i2 (24) Banoor to Brownsvillb. To Levant 12 EastCoriiith 8 20 Charleston 6 26' South Atkmson 8 34 Atkinson 7 41 ik Sebec 2 43 Williamsburg 3 46 Brownsville 2 48 (25) Bangor to Houlton. Bangor and Piscataquis R. R. To Steam Mill Turnout .... 4 Half Way Station 2 6 Uj)per Stillwater 3 9 Old Town 3 12 Stage. Milford 1 13 Sunkhaze 3 16 Greenbush 6 22 Olamon 7 29 Passadumkeag 2 31 South Lincohi 11 42 Lincoln 6 48 Lincoln Centre 2 50 North Lincoln 3 53 Mattawamkeag 8 61 South Moluncas 10 71 Haynesville 19 90 Linnseus 20 110 Houlton G 116 (26) Banqor to Castine. To Brewer 1 Brewer Village 2 3 Orrington 4 7 South Orrington 3 10 North Bucksport 5 15 Bucksport 4 19 Orland 3 22 North Castine U 33 Castine 3 3t Kiininey .3 Wentworth 5 Warren 4 Havekihll 11 R. (39) Co.N'CORD to INIONTPELIKR, Vx. Fia J\rorthern R. R. To West Concord 3 Fishersvilie 4 Boscawen 3 North Boscawen 4 fVankiin* 5 Eiist Andover 6 Potter Place 5 West Andover 3 U.iubury 6 (•:ratton'. 5 Canaan 8 F.nfield 7 Last Lebanon 2 Lebanon 4 Wi. St Lebanon 4 Virmunt Central R. R. While River Junction 1 Wii ile liiver Village 2 West Ilartlbrd r> Sharon 6 South Udvalton 4 Royalton 3 Bethel 5 95 Randolph 7 102 Braintree 6 108 Roxbury 8 116 Northtieid 7 123 MONTPELIER 10 133 * Branch to Bristol 13—32. (40) Concord to Claremont. To West Concord, ria R. R. 3 Mast Yard 5 8 Contoocook Village 3 11 Warner 7 18 Bradford 3 21 Newbury 5 26 Newport 10 36 Claremont 10 46 (41) Concord to Claremont. To West Concord 3 Mast Yard 5 8 Contoocook Village 3 11 West Hopkinton 3 14 Henniker 5 19 West Henniker 1 20 Hillsboro' Bridge 5 25 ataa-e. Hillsboro' •••• 2 27 Washington 9 36 1 -empster 8 44 Unity 5 49 Claremont 8 57 (42) Concord to Keene. To Hillsboro' Br., (see 41). .25 atag-e. Hillsboro' 2 27 Stoddard 9 36 Sullivan ••••.. 8 44 Kkkne 6 50 (43) Concord to Stewartstowh. To Plymouth, (see 38) 49 Campton 8 57 Thornton 5 62 Woodstock 6 68 Lincoln 9 77 Franconia 9 86 Littleton 8 94 Pingreville 5 99 Dalton 7 106' J^uncaster 7 113 Northumberland 6 119 Stratford 9 1-28 Columbia 10 LIS Colebrook 9 147 Stewartstown 8 155 ROUTES IN NEW HAMPSHIRE. 19 (44) \Vk3T Lebanon to Lancas- TKR. To Hanover 4 Lyme 10 14 Oifoid 7 21 Piermont 5 2G Havorhill 5 31 North Haverhm 4 35 Bath 9 44 Lisbon 6 50 Littleton 10 60 Piii'^^reviJle 5 65 Dalton 7 72 Lancaster 7 79 (45) Conway to Littleton. To North Conway 3 Lower Bartlett 3 6 IJarlitU 6 12 M t. {,i;t\v(orcl House 9 21 Willey Mouse 6 27 Notrh House 4 31 Mt. Washington House.... 2 33 Betiilehem 12 45 Littleton 6 51 (4G) Great Falls to Conway. To Rochester 10 ChesnutHill 9 19 Milton 2 21 Union , 7 28 Waketield 5 33 Ossipee 10 43 Centre Ossipee 5 48 West Ossipee 6 54 Eaton 9 63 Conway 6 69 (47) Nashua to Cuarlestown. ToMilford 11 EMst Wilton 5 16 South Lvndeboro' 3 19 Greenfield 7 26 Hancock 6 32 Stoddard 10 42 Marlow 8 50 Alsfead 7 57 P;ipcr Mill Village 4 61 Lnngdon 2 63 Charlkstown 7 70 (48) Nashua to Brattleboro', Vt. ToMilford 11 East Wiltou 5 16 Wilton 2 18 Peterboro' 12 30 Dublin 6 3G Marlboro' 8 44 Keene 5 49 Chesterfield Factory 8 57 Chesterfield 3 (>0 Brattleboro' 8 68 (49) Portland to White Moun- tains. To Conway, (see 3) 46 North Conway 3 49 Lower Baitlett 3 52 Bartlett 6 58 Mt. Crawford House 9 67 Willey House 6 73 Notch House 4 77 Mt. Washington House 2 79 Mt. Washington 9 83 (50) Boston to W^hite JIoun- TAINS. Via Dover, To Lawrence, (see 76) . - . . 26 Dover 42 6S Cochcco R. R. Gonic 8 76 Rochester 2 73 Walker's Crossing 4 82 Farmington 4 86 New Durham 4 90 Downings 1 91 Alton Bay n OG Steamboat on Wivni'piseogec Lake. Centre Hiu-bor 22 118 StfKTC. Moultonboro' 5 123 Sandwich 3 126 South Tamwoilh 7 133 Tamworth 2 135 Eaton 7 142 Conway 6 148 White MouNTAiNs,(see 45)33 181 (51) Boston to White Moun- tains. Via Concord. To Concord 73 Meredith Village, (see 38).. 37 110 St age. Ceiitre Harbor 4 114 Conway 30 144 White MouNTAiNS,(8ee 45)33 177 20 ROUTES IN VEr.MONT. VERMONT. (52) BlRLINOTON to BoSTOIf. Via Vermont Central R. R. To Winooski 3 Essex 4 7 Williston 4 11 Richmond 5 Ifi Bolton 7 23 A\ iiterbury 6 29 Middlesex 5 34 MOSTPKLIEE 6 4{) Norlhticld 10 50 ^ Roxbuiy 7 57 Braintive 12 69 Riii.dolph 2 71 Bethel 7 78 Royalton 5 83 Poulh Royalton 2 85 Shiiron 5 90 West Hartford 5 95 VVi.ile River Village 6 101 WliiUi River Junction 2 103 Coiiwjrd 70 173 Lowell 47 220 Boston 2G 246 (53) BlRLINGTON to BoSTON. To White River Junction, (see 52) 103 North Jlariland 6 109 HarUaiid 4 113 Windsor 4 117 Sullivan R. R. Olaretnont 8 125 North Charlestown 5 130 ChMrlestown 5 135 Potith ( harlestown 4 139 Bellows Falls I 143 S. Ashbiinihani, (see 102) . .54 197 FlTCllDlRO 11 208 Boston, (see 82) 50 258 (54) BlRLINOTON to SoSTOS. P'ia Rutland and Burlimrton R. R. To t^helburn 6 Charlotte 5 11 Ferrisbiirg 4 15 Vertrc»nne3 6 21 ^ New Haven 5 26 Middlebury 7 33 Messer's 8 41 Whiting 3 44 Brandon 6 50 Pittsford 8 58 Rutland 9 67 Clarendon 3 70 Cuitinirsville 7 77 Mount Holly 8 85 Ludlow 7 9S Proctorsville 3 95 Dullonsville 2 97 Gasisetl's 5 102 Chester 4 106 Bartonville 4 110 Rockinfjham 4 114 Bellows Falls 6 120 * South Ashburnhain 54 174 FiTCIIBURG 11 185 Boston, (see 82) 50 235 (55) Burlington to Montukal. Vid Vermont Central Ji. li. To "Winooski 7 Essex Junction 4 11 Colchester 4 15 Milton 7 22 Georgia 4 2i) St. Albans 9 85 ' S wanton 9 4-1 AlburgSpr 7 51 Alburg 2 M West Alburg 4 .51 Rouse's Point 1 as Champlain ufc St. Lawrence I'. li. Lacollo 6 (14 Stott's 5 69 Grande Ligne G 75 St. Johns 6 bl Lfti-adu 7 SS La Prairie Sta 7 95 St. Lambert lol Ferry. Montreal 1 1*^2 (57) MONTPKLIER to NoRWirH. To Barre 7 Washington 8 15 Chelsea 9 24 Strafford 10 34 South Strafli>rd 2 36 Norwich 10 46 (53) Montpelier to Haverhill. To Barre 7 Orange 7 14 West Topsham 5 19 EastCorinth 4 23 Bradford Centre 3 26 Bradford C 32 Havkruill 4 30 ROUTES IN VERMONT. 21 (59) MONTPELIER to DeRBY LiNE. Via Danville. To East Moiitpelier' 6 Plainlifld 3 9 Marslirteld 6 15 Cabot 5 20 Danville 10 30 North Danville 4 34 Whwlock 9 43 Sheffield 2 45 Barton .10 55 Brownington 7 62 Derby 9 71 Derby I.iNE 3 74 (GO) MONTPELIER to St. ALBANS. To Worcester 8 Elmore 12 20 Morristown 6 2G Hyde Park 5 31 Johnson 5 36 Waterville 7 43 Bakersrteki 6 49 EastFairfield 3 52 Fairfleld 4 56 St. Albans 7 63 (61) MONTPELIERtoMlDDLEBCRY. To Middlesex 6 Moretown 7 13 Waitsfield 6 19 Warren 6 25 Greenville 10 35 Hancock 4 39 Ripton 12 51 East Middlebury 3 54 MiDDLEBURY "b 59 (62) Wells River to Derby L. To Mcln Ice's Falls 8 Barnet 3 11 Pa.<«umpsic 7 18 St. Johnsbury 4 22 St. Johnsbury Centre 3 25 Lyndon 5 30 LyndonCentre 2 32 Sutton T 39 Barton 11 50 Brownington 7 57 Derby 9 60 DerbyLink 3 69 (63) Wells River to Danville. ToRyegate 5 Peacham 9 14 Danvillk 6 20 (64) Middlebury to Trcy, N. Y. To Cornwall 4 Whiting 6 10 Sudbiu-y 6 16 Htibbf-rdton 6 22 Castleton 9 31 Poultney 7 38 Granville 10 48 Hebron 9 57 Salem 8 65 Jackson 6 7i Cambridge 6 77 Buskirk's Bridge • • 5 82 Prospect Hill 5 87 Lansiugbmg 14 101 Troy 4 105 (65) Vergennes to Whiteiiall. To Addison 6 Bridport 8 14 Jrhoreham 6 20 Orwell 6 'J6 Benson 6 32 West Haven 6 38 Whitehall 8 46 (66) Ruti.axd to Albany. N. Y. Vi(t Western Veryaont li. R. To Clarendon (i Wallingford ;! 9 S. Waflingford 4 13 Dauby 5 IS North Dorset 4 '_':i East Dorset -S -.'5 Manchester fi 3i"» Sunderland (i :fi) Arlington 8 oU Shaftsbury 5 44 S. Shaftsbnry 5 49 North Benninston 2 51 To Albany, (see 1 67) 3S 89 (67) Rutland to N. Adams, Mass. Clarendon 6 Wallingford 3 9 Danby 9 18 EastDorset 8 26 Factory Point 5 31 Manchester 2 33 Sunderland 3 36 Arlington 3 39 Shaftsbury 8 47 South Sh aftsbury 3 50 Bennington 4 54 Pownall 9 63 VV'illlamstown 5 68 North Adams 5 73 22 ROUTES IN VERMONT MASSACHUSETTS. (68) Rutland to Bkthkl. ToPilUflelcl 15 Stockbridyc. 4 19 Gajsville 3 2vi Bkthkl 5 '27 (G9> Bethel to Charlestow.n, N.IJ. To Barnard 8 Woodstock 9 17 South Woodstock 4 21 Ro;idiiis 6 27 Felchville 3 30 Ui)perFall3 4 3-J PerKiiisville 3 37 North tJpringfleld 2 39 Spriugtk'ld ... 4 43 CUARLE.STOWN 6 49 (70) Brattleboro' to Derby L. Stage. To Chesterfield 8 Westmoreland 6 14 Cheshire R. R. Walpole 6 20 Bellows Falls 4 24 Suidoan R. R. South Charlestowu 4 28 Charlostowu 4 32 North Charlestown 5 37 Claremout 5 42 Windsor 8 50 yiriHont and Central R. R. Hartliuid 4 54 North Hartland 4 58 While River Junction 6 64 Connecticut and Passumpsic R. R. Norwich 5 69 Pompanoosuc 5 74 Thetlord 5 79 North Thetlord •• 2 81 Fairlt-e 5 86 Bradtord 7 93 Newbury 7 100 Wells River 4 104 Stasrr. Dkrbv Line, (see 62) 69 173 (71) Bennington to Charles- town, N. H. South Shaltsbury ■ . 4 Shafisbury 3 7 Arlinijtun 8 15 Sunderland 3 18 Mauubest^r >.. 3 21 Factory Point 2 23 VViudhall 4 27 I'tru 5 32 Landsi,'rove 3 35 l^jiidouderry 2 37" Siinonsville 7 44 Cluster 6 50 SpnnKfield 8 58 Charlestown 6 64 (72) Bellows F's. to Arlington. To Canibridgoport 3 Sax ton's River — 3 6 Athens 5 11 Townsend 8 19 West Townscnd 5 24 North Wardsboro' 5 29 West Wardsboro' 4 33 Stratton 4 37 Sundt-rland Jl 48 Arlington 4 52 (73) Brattleboro' to Albany, N. y. To ^Vest Brattleboro' 2 Marlboro' 7 9 Wilmington 9 18 Searsbiu-y 5 23 Woodlbrd 14 37 Bennington 4 41 IloDsick* 7 48 Potter Hill 5 53 Pittstown 4 57 Rayinertown 4 61 Troy 9 70 Albany G 76 ♦ North Hoosick 5—53. MASSACHUSETTS. (74) Boston to Portland. Fia Eastern R. R. To Portland, (see 1) 106 (75) Boston to Portland. V/a Boston and Maine R. R. To Portland, (see 2) HI (76) Boston to Lawrexi-b. Boston and Maine R. R. ToSomerviUe 2 Maiden* 3 5 Melrose 2 7 Stoneham 1 8 Greenwood 1 9 South Reading 1 10 Reading 2 12 ROtJTES IN MASSACHUSETTS. 23 WilrainGrton 3 15 Ballardvale 6 21 Andover 2 23 JiAWRENCE 3 26 * Bniuch to Bedford 2—7. (77) Boston to Lowell. To East Cambridge 1 Sonierville 2 3 Medtbrd 2 5 South \ Voburn* 3 8 Woburu...,. 2 10 Wilmington 5 15 Biilcrica and Tewksbury ... 4 19 Billerica Mills 3 22 Lowell 4 26 * Br. to Wobum Centre 2—10. OS) Boston to Concord, N. H. Via Lawrence, (see 33) (79; Boston to Concord, N. II. Via Lowell, (see 32> 75 (30) Boston to White Mts. Via Dover, (see 50) 181 (81) Boston to White Mts. Via Concord, N. H. (see 51) 177 (82) Boston to Fitchburg. Fitchhurg R. R. To Somerville 3 West Cambridge* 3 6 Waltham 4 10 Stonv Brook 2 12 Weston 1 13 Lincoln 4 17 Concord 3 20 South Acton 5 25 West Acton 2 27 Littleton 4 31 Grotont 4 35 Shirley 5 40 Lunenburg 2 42 Leominster 4 46 FlTCHBtTRQ 4 50 Branch to Watertown 5 miles. * Branch to Lexington 6 — 12. t Branch to Chelmsford 13—48. (83) Boston to Albany. Boston and Worcester R.R. To Brighton 5 Newton Comer 2 7 Newtonville 1 8 WestNewton* 1 9 Grantville 5 14 West Needham 1 15 Natickt 3 18 FraminghamJ 4 22 Ashland 2 24 Southboro' 4 28 Wustboro' 4 32 Grafton§ 6 38 Worcester 6 44 IVesterh R. R. Clappville 9 53 Charlton. 4 57 Spencer 5 62 East Brookfleld 2 64 St)uth Brookfleld 3 67 West Brookfleld 2 69 Warren 4 73 Palmer 10 83 Wilbraham 92 Springfield ••-6 98 West Springfield 2 100 Westfield 8 108 Russell 8 116 Chester Village 3 119 Chester Factory 7 126 Becket Station •• 9 135 Washington 3 138 Hinsdale 5 143 Dalton 3 146 PiTTSFlELD 5 151 Shaker Village 3 154 Richmond 5 159 State Line 3 102 .Albany and JV. Stockhridgc R. R. Canaan 5 167 East Chatham 5 172 Chatham Four Comers ..•• 5 177 Chatham Centre 4 181 Kinderhook 3 184 Schodack 8 192 Greenbiish 7 199 Albany 1 200 • Br. to Newton Low. Falls 1-10. t Br. to Saxonville 4—22. X Br. to MilCord 12—34. § Br. to Millbury 4—42, (84) Boston to New York. To i^pringfield, (see 83) • -98 JV. Haven., Hartford^ and Sprirtg- fic/d R. R. Long Meadi^w 4 102 Thoinpsonville ••• 4 106 Warehouse Point 3 109 Windsor Locks 2 111 Windsor 6 117 24 ROUTES IN MASSACHUSETTS. Hartford 7 124 New Britain 8 IJy Berlin 3 13o Meriden 7 142 WiUliii^rord b 148 North Haven 5 1^3 New Haven* 7 IbO JW«7 rorA- and Kew Haven R. R. Milford 10 I'O Stratford 4 174 Bridgeport "l I'J^ Fairfield 5 183 Somhport 1 J^^ Westport 4 1^8 Norwalk 4 92 Darien 3 19a Stamford 5 2(0 Greenwich ^ 20o ^^'f!^':::::::::::::::1^9 Mamaroneck 4 213 NewRochelle 4 21/ Williams Bridge 6 223 32d street. New York 1 1 234 NkwYork 2 230 ♦ Steamboat to N. York 80-240. (85) Boston to New York. Via Korwich. To Worcester, (see 83) . • • 44 JV'orwich and Worcester R. R. Junction 1 45 Auburn 3 4S Oxford ' 55 North Village 4 o9 Webster \ »" Wilson 3 6.J Fisherville } »j Mason's * ^i Thompson - »' Pomfret 3 ^U Daysville ^ i^ Danielsonville 3 /tf Ceniral ViUaye ^ 84 riainfleld 3 87 JeweltCity 6 93 Greeneville 9 1« Norwich-. •• 1 {03 Allan's Point* ^ 110 Steamboat. New liONDON • 8 118 New York 12o 243 • Stenmboal— To Ureei.port, N. Y., 32-142. New York, (see 151,) 9G-238. (86) Boston to New York. Boston and Providence R. R. ToRoxbur>- 2 Jamaica Plain 2 4 Rjadville 5 9 Canton 5 14 Pharon 4 18 FoxBORo' 4 22 Mansfield 2 24 Tobey'8 2 26 Atlleboro' 5 31 Dodgeville 1 f^ Pawtucket " 39 Providence 4 43 Stonington R. R. Junction 4 47 Warwick 7 54 Greenwich •, 3 5( Wickford 6 63 Kincrston 7 JO Carolina " iQ Richmond Switch 3 <9 Charleston 4 83 Westerly 5 ^ Stonington a ^^ Steamboat. NewYork 125 218 (87) Boston to New York. Fia Fall River. To Dorchester 4 Quincy 4 a ! •''* Steamboat. Newport ;19 ^3 New York l"^ -"*° (88) Boston to Blackstone, J\rorfolk Co. R. R. To Dcdham 10 Ellis' Stallion South Dedliam Bridgewater Titicut Middleboro' Haskin's — Myrick's — Assonet 3 13 1 14 ROUTES IN MASSACHUSETTS. 25 Durfee's 1 15 Plyrapton 2 17 Wulpole 1 18 Cainpbeirs Pond 3 21 North Wrentham 2 23 City Mills 2 25 Franklin 2 27 Belliii-hara 3 30 Mill River 3 33 Blackstone 2 35 (89) Boston to New Bedford. Boston and Providence R, R. ToKoxluiry 2 Jainaicii Plain 2 4 Readville 5 9 Canton 5 14 Shtu-on 4 18 FoxBORo' 4 22 Mansfield 2 24 Taunton Branch R. R. Norton 4 28 Crane 3 31 Taunton 4 35 Jfcw Bedford and Taunton R. R. Myrick's 6 41 New Bedford 14 55 (99) Boston to Sandwich. To Middleboro', (see 87). . .35 Cape Cod Branch R. R. Rock Station 5 40 Soutli Middleboro' 3 43 West Wareham 4 47 South Wareham 1 48 Wareham 2 50 Asfawam 2 52 Cohasset Narrows 2 54 Monument 2 56 North Sandwich 3 59 West Sandwich 1 60 Sandwich 2 62 (91) Boston to Plymouth. To Crescent Avenue 2 Porchester 2 4 Neponset 1 5 Squantiim 1 6 Quincy 2 8 Braintree 2 10 South Braintree 1 11 South Weymouth 4 15 North AUiui,'tou 3 18 Abington 1 19 South Abington 2 21 North Hanson 2 23 Hanson 2 25 Halifax 3 28 Plympton 2 30 Kingston 3 33 Plymouth • 4 37 (92) Boston to Cohasset. To Braintree, (see 91) 10 East Braintree 1 11 Weymouth 1 12 North Weymouth 2 14 East Weymouth 1 15 Hingham 2 17 Nantasket 2 19 Cohasset 3 22 (93) Boston to Gloucester. Eastern R. R. To North Chelsea 4 Lynn 5 9 Swamscot 2 11 Salem 3 14 Beverly 2 16 Manchester 9 25 Gloucester 5 30 (94) Salem to Lawrence. Fia Essex R. R. To South Dan vers 2 North Danvers 3 5 Middleton 5 10 North Andover 10 20 Sutton's Mills 1 21 Lawrence 1 22 (95) Lowell to Lawrence. To Tewksbiu-y Centre 6 Shed's Ciossing 2 8 Lawrence 5 13- (96) Worcester to Nashua, N.H. Worcester and Ji^ashua R. R, To West Boylston 9 Oakdale 1 10 Sterling 2 12 Clintonville 4 IG New Boston 2 18 Lancaster 1 19 Still River 4 23 Harvard 2 25 Ciroton Jimction 3 28 Groton Centre 3 31 Popperell 5 36 Hoili3,N. H 3 39 Nashua 6 45- 3 26 ROUTES IN MASSACHUSETTS. (97) Worcester to Lowell. To Grotoii Junction, (see 96) 28 atony Brook R. R. Forge ViUiiye 6 34 Westlord 4 38 Factory Village 2 40 Chelmsrord 1 41 LoVuLL 4 45 (98) Worcester to Providence. To Blickstorie 25 Providence, (see 118) 18 43 (99) Worcester to Fitchbcro. To West Boylston 9 Oakdale 1 10 St«'rlin-< Junction 2 12 Sterling 2 14 Leominster ._ 7 21 FlTtilBUKG 6 27 (100) Fitchburo to Brattle- BORO', Vt. Vermont and Massachusetts R. R. To West Fitchburg 2 Westminster 3 5 Ashbiunham 6 11 Gardnt-r 4 15 'Dadmiinville 4 19 Baldwinville 2 21 Royalston 6 27 Athol 6 33 Orange 4 37 Wendall 3 40 Erving 2 42 Montague 6 48 ' North field Farms 3 51 Northtield 6 57 South Vernon 2 59 Vernon 5 64 Brattleboro' 5 69 (101) FlTCHBURQ to GrkENFIELD. To Montague, (see 100) ... .48 Greenfield 7 55 (102) Fitchburo to Bellows Falls, Vt. Via Cheshire R. R. To Ashburniiam, (see 100). 11 North Asliburnham 4 15 Winchendon 4 19 FitzwillJam, N. H 9 28 Troy 5 ,?3 Marlboro' 4 37 Kken-k 6 43 East Westmoreland 8 51 Westmoreland 4 55 Walijole 6 61 Bellows Falls, Vt 4 65 (103) SpRiNoriELD to Brattle- boro', Vt. Connecticut River R. R. ToCabotville* 3 Willimansett 3 6 Ireland 2 8 Smith's Ferry 5 13 Northampton 4 17 Hatfield 4 21 Whately 5 26 Soiuh Deerfield 2 28 Deertield 5 33 (Jreeufield 3 36 Bernardston 7 43 Soyth Vernon, Vt 7 50 Vernon 5 55 Brattleboro' 5 60 • Br. to Chicopee FaUs 3—5. (104) Springfield to New Havkk, Conn., and New York. Fia JVew Haven, Hartford, and Sprin^rfidd R. R. To Long Meadow 4 Thompsonville 4 8 Warehouse Point 3 11 Windsor Locks 2 13 Windsor 6 19 Hartford 7 26 Wethersfield 5 31 New Britain 3 34 Berlin* 3 37 Meriden 7 44 Wallingford 6 50 North Haven 5 55 New HAVENt 7 62 Steamboat. New York 80 142 + N. York and N. Ilavon R.R.— New Y'ork, (see 128.) 7t>-i:!8. * Branch to Middlelown ID m. (105) P1TT8FIELD to N. Adams. To Packard's 3 East Lanesboro' 3 6 Cheshire 3 9 Cheshire Harbor 2 11 Maple Grove 2 13 South Adams 1 14 North Adams 6 90 ROUTES IN MASSACnUSETTS. 27 (106) PiTTSFIELD to NkW YoRK. Stockbridgc and Pittsjicld R. R. To Lonox 8 Le« 3 11 St8ell 3 9 North Kalmonth 4 13 West Falmouth 4 17 Fahno'.ilh 4 21 Wood's Hole 4 25 (114) N. Bedford to Edgartown. To Wood's Hole 30 Holmes' tiole 8 38 Edgartown 13 51 (115) N. Bedford to Nantucket. Wood's Hole 30 Nantucket 36 66 (116; N. Bedford to Providenck. To North Dartmouth 3 Westport 5 8 Fall River 8 16 Swanzey 4 20 North Swanzey 5 25 South Seekonk 3 28 Providence, R. 1. 6 34 28 ROUTES IN RHODE ISLAND. RHODE ISLAND. (117) Providence to Boston. Boston and Providence R. R. To Pawtucket 4 PodKeville 7 11 Attloboro' 1 12 Tobpy's 5 17 Mansfield 2 19 FoxnoRo' 2 21 Sharon 4 25 Canton 4 29 Readyille 5 34 Jamaica Plain 5 39 Roxbury 2 41 Boston 2 43 (118) Providence to Worcester. Providence and Worcester R. R. To Pawtucket 5 Valley FaUa 1 6 Lonsdale 1 7 Ashton 3 10 Albion 1. 11 Manville 1 12 Hamlet 3 15 Wounsocket 1 16 Walertbrd ) o iq Blackstone \ ^ ^^ Millville 2 20 Uxbridge 5 25 WHiilias 2 27 Nurthbridge 4 31 Farnum'a 2 33 Grafton 1 34 Button 1 35 j Millb.iry 2 37 j Grand Junction 5 42 Worcester 1 43 (119) Providence to Willi^an- TIC. Via Plainfield, To South Scituate 11 Mount Vernon 6 17 Rice City 2 19 Sterlini?, Conn 5 24 Plainfield 4 28 Canterbury 4 32 Westminster 3 35 Scoll;uKi 3 38 Windham 4 42 WlLLlMANTIC 3 45 (120) Providence to IlARTroRi*, Conn. Via West Killingly. To North Scituate 10 South Foster 6 16 South Killingly 8 24 West Killingly 3 27 Brooklyn 4 31 Howard's Valley 6 37 Windham 7 44 WlLLlMANTIC 3 47 Hartford, Providence, and Fishkill R.R. South Coventry 4 51 Andover 4 55 Bolton 4 59 Vernon 4 63 Union Village 4 67 East Hartford 8 75 Hartford 2 77 (121) Providence to Stonington and New York. Via Stonington R. R. To Junction ". 4 \Varwick 7 11 (Greenwich 3 14 Wickford 6 20 Kingston 7 27 Carolina 6 33 Richmond 3 36 Charleston 4 40 Westerly 5 45 Stonington 5 50 Steamboat, New York 125 175 (122) Providence to Newport. To Barrington g AVarren 6 14 Bristol 4 18 Portsmouth 6 24 Newport 9 33 (123) Providence to Fall RivKR. To South Sekonk 6 North Swanzoy 3 9 Swanzey '. 5 14 Fall River 4 18 (124) Providence to Kingston. To Piwtuxet 5 Warwick 6 11 East Greenwich 3 14 Wickford 8 22 Kingston 10 32 ROUTES IN CONNECTICUT. 29 (125) Providence to N. London. To-xVatick 9 Ceii.reviUe 2 11 Coveauy 2 KJ W'c's! iji-eeiiwich 5 18 Pi.ic Hill 4 i>2 BiMud's Iron Works G 2d JJo;>!viinoii 6 34 Ni)!Ui .- lonington, Couu 6 40 Mi:>iic 6 40 O.iure (..roton 3 49 Gioiua 4 53 Nku' LONDON I 54 (12o> Providence to Thompson, Conn. To Fruit Hill 4 GrcvuviUe 5 9 Chi'packet 7 16 TuoMP.soN 11 27 (1^:7; Fall River to Newport. To Tivoton 6 Portsmoulh 3 9 New POUT 9 18 CONNECTICUT. (12g) New Haven to New York. Kew York and JVew Haven R. R. ToMiltord 10 StniUord 4 14 Bridgeport 4 18 Fainicld 5 23 So ;ilip()rt 1 24 W rttpurt 4 28 Na.-.valk 4 32 D.iii'ii 3 33 SUniiwrd 5 40 GrDOiiwich 5 45 PortChester 2 47 Bye 2 49 IMaiiiiironeck 4 53 New Uochelle 4 57 Wi.'liains' Bridge G 63 32d s:icet, N. Y 11 74 New VoRK 2 7G (IJU) Hartford to New York. JVew Haoctv, Hartford, and Spring- field R. R. To Wethersfleld 5 New IJrittiin 3 8 Berlin* 3 11 Meriden 7 18 Walluj-ford 6 24 North Haven 5 29 New HAVENf 7 3t' New York, (see 128) 7G Hi IStenmbudt. t To New York 80— 11(5. * Brunch to xMiddleiown 10 m. (130) Hartford to Boston. To Windsor 7 Windsor Locks G 13 Warehouse Point 2 15 Thoinpsonville 3 18 Springkield 8 2C Boston, (,see 83) 98 124 (131) Hartford to New Haven. Stage. To Wethersfield 4 Rocky HUl 3 7 Upper Middletown 5 12 Middletown 2 14 Durham 7 21 Norlhford 7 28 Fairhaven 10 38 New Haven 2 40 (132) Hartford to New London. R. R. via IVillimaiitic. To East Hartlord 2 Union Village 8 10 Vernon 4 14 Bolton 2 IG Andover 6 22 South C(jventry 5 27 WiLLiM antic 3 30 Spoffordsville 3 33 Lebanon Crossings 5 38 Morse's Mills 2 40' Yantic 1 41 Norwich Plains 1 42 Norwich 2 44 Uncasville 7 51 New London 7 58 (133) Hartford to New London. To East Hartford 1 Glastonbury 5 6 Marlboro' 10 16 Colchester 8 24 Salem G .30 Chesterfield G 36 New London 8 44 (134) Hartford to Norwich. To East Hartford 1 Manchester 9 10 3* 30 ROUTES IN CONNECTICUT, Bolton 4 14 Andover 5 19 Columbia 4 23 Liberty Hill 4 27 Lebiuioii 3 30 Frauklin 7 37 Norwichtown 3 40 Norwich 2 42 (135) Hartford to Westfield. To Bloomtield 6 TariQViile 5 11 Granby 4 15 South wick, Mass. 7 22 Westfield 5 27 (136) Hartford to Canaan. To West Hartford 3 Avon 7 10 Canton 3 13 CoUinsville 2 15 New Hartford 6 21 Wuichester 6 27 Norfolk 10 37 Canaan 6 43 (137) N. Haven to Farmington. Conn. Canal R. R. To Hamden Plains 4 Centreville 3 7 Mount Carinul 2 9 Cheshire 7 16 Hitchcock's >- 4 20 South ington Corners 2 22 SoulhiMKlon 1 23 Plaiuville* 5 28 *'ar.minoton 3 31 Avon 6 37 Wealo-ue 3 40 Simsbury 2 42 Taritfvilie 3 45 • Branch to CoUinsville 11.. 39 (133) New Haven to N. London. 2^. Hdifn and K London R. R. I'o Fair Haven 2 East Haven 1 8 Plantsville 2 5 Branford 3 8 Stonv Creek 3 11 Quiiiora 5 16 East Kiver 1 17 MadiM.ii 3 20 Clinton 3 28 AVest Unmk 5 28 Saybrook 9, , 48 Niantic :> 46 Waterford 2 4S New London 2 50 (139) Allyn's PT.to Worce Norwich Greeneville Jt'wett City Plaiiitield Central Village Danielsonville Daysville Poml'ret Thonpson IMiUSon's Fisherville Wilson's Webster North Village Oxford Auburn Gnuid J unction Worcester 1 51 4 55 (140) New London to Palmer. JVew London^ IVillimaiitic, and Palmer R. R. To Uncasville 7 Norwich 7 Norwich Plains 2 Yantic 1 Morse's Mills 1 Lebanon Crossintcs 2 Ppoffordsvilie 5 WiLLlMANTIC 3 Coventry 5 Mansneld 3 Tolland (i Stafford... 3 Monwm 7 Palmer 4 (141) East Haddam to Norwich. To Mechimicsville 3 Westchester 4 7 Colchester 5 12 Bozrahvillp 7 19 Hozrah 2 21 Norwichtown 4 25 Norwich '-^ '-i7 ROUTES IN CONNECTICUT NEW YORK. 31 (142) WiLUMANTic to Bristol, To Font h Coventry 3 Andover 3 6 Bolton 3 9 Vernon G 15 Manclu'Ster 4 19 East Hartford 10 29 Hartford 2 31 Newington 8 39 New Britain 3 42 Plainville 3 4-, Forest ville 3 49 Bristol 3 51 (143) Bridgeport to Albany. Via Huusatonic R. R. ToSt<>pnuy 10 Botsiord 5 15 Newtown 4 19 Huwlev ville 4 23 Brooklleld 6 29 New Milford 6 35 Gay lord '8 Bridge 7 42 Kent 6 48 Cornwall Bridge 9 57 West Cornwall 4 61 Falls Village 6 67 Canaan 6 73 Sheffield 6 79 Barringlon 6 85 Van Deusenville 2 87 West Stockbridge 8 95 State Line 3 98 Western R. R. Canaan 5 103 East Chatham 5 108 Chatliinn Tour Corners — 5 113 Chatham Centre 4 117 KinderlHiok 3 120 Schodack 8 128 Albany 8 136 (144) Bridgeport to Winsted. J^iugatuck R. R. To Stratford 4 Junction 1 5 Derby 9 14 Ansonia 2 16 Humplireysville 4 20 Nacgati I K 7 27 Waterbiiry 5 32 Waterville 3 35 I Plyinonth 7 42 ' Camp's Mills 5 47 I Litchfield Station 2 49 Wolcottville 3 52 I Burrvillo 5 .57 I Winsted 5 02 ! (145) Noravalk to Danbury. To Wilton (via K. E.) 7 Rid-erteld 5 12 I)a>buky 12 24 NEW YORK. (146) New York to Boston. JWm York and JVcw Haven R. R. 32d street. New York 2 Williams' Bridge 11 13 New Rochelle 6 19 Mamaroneck 4 23 Kye 4 07 Port Chester 2 29 (Greenwich 2 31 Stamford 5 36 Dirien 5 41 Norwaik 3 44 Westport 4 43 Southport 4 52 Fairfield l 53 Bridgeport 5 58 Stratford 4 62 Milford 4 G6 New Haven IQ 76 JV. Haven, Hartford, and Sprinir- Jield R. R. . North Haven 7 83 WaUingford 5 fcS Merideh 6 94 Berlin 7 loi New Britain 3 104 Hartford 8 112 Windsor 7 119 Windsor Locks 6 125 Warehouse Point 2 127 Thompsonville 3 130 Springfield 8 138 fVcstem R. R. Wilhraham 6 144 Palmer 9 153 Warren 10 163 West Brookfleld 4 167 South Brookfleld 2 169 Kast Brookfleld 3 172 Spencer 2 174 Charlton 5 179 32 ROUTES IN NEW YORK. Clappville 4 183 V\'oKnLSTKR 9 19i! lioston and IVurcester R. R. finiiton 6 198 'V\ fsthoro' 6 'J04 Soiiihboro' 4 208 A>lilarid 4 212 rr.imiiiirham 2 214 N:aick 4 218 \'. est Needham 3 221 Gniitviile 1 222 W'. s;, Newton 5 227 NiwtoDville 1 228 >.'''>v toil Corner 1 229 Hi .ri.U.n 2 231 IJo.-rns 5 23G U IT; New York to Boston. Steamboat. To Nkw London 125 AilYir.s Point 8 133 jVurwich and Worcester R. H. Norwich 7 140 Grt^tiiviile 1 141 Jrwett City 9 150 riainlield 6 1.5t> Ci.iral Village 3 159 D mif Isoiiville G 1(55 DaysviUe 3 168 Pomfret 5 173 Tln)m|)son 3 170 JMasmi's 2 178 Fisl.-rville 1 179 Wilson 1 180 Wi-lj3UT 3 183 North Village 1 184 Oxroni 4 188 Aubiirn 7 195 Jiinciion 3 198 WOIU ESTER... 1 199 Graflou fi 205 Wcsiboro' 6 211 SoiitlibMo' 4 215 Aslihui.l 4 219 Franiiii-ham 2 221 Niitick 4 225 West Neoiihani 3 228 (.rantville 1 229 VVi:.-l Nt'wton 5 234 >.'t'\vtonviHe 1 235 Nivvion Corner 1 2;Hi Hri;rliton 2 238 Boston 5 243 (148) New York to Boston. To Stoninoton, (Steamioat).. 125 Stonineton R. R. Westerly 5 130 Charleston 5 135 Richmond Switch 4 139 Carolina 3 142 Kingston 6 148 Wicklord 7 155 (ownwich 6 161 Warwick '. 3 164 Junction 7 171 Providence 4 175 Boston and Providence R. R. Pawtucket 4 179 Dodgfville 7 186 .^ttieboro' 1 187 Tobey's 5 192 MansfiHd 2 194 Foxboro' 2 196 Sharon 4 200 Canton 4 204 Readville 5 209 Jamaica Plain 5 214 Roxbiiry 2 216 Boston 2 218 (1 19) New York to Boston. Steamboat. To Newport ITiS F.^LL River 19 184 Fall River R. R. Miller's 3 187 Assonet 6 193 Myrick's 3 196 HiLskin's 5 201 Middleboro' 2 208 Titicnt 4 207 Bridge-water 4 211 East and West Bridgewater 2 213 Keith's Furnace 1 214 PiainviUe 1 215 North Bridgewater 3 218 Eiist ^^toughton 3 221 Randolph 2 223 South Braintree 4 227 Quincy 3 230 Dorchester 4 234 Boston 4 238 (l.")0) New York to Boston. LovfT Island II. H. To Greenport (see 151) 96 Steamboat. Allyn's Point 32 128 Railroad. Boston, (see 147) 110 238 ROUTES IN NEW YORK. 33 (151) Nkw York to Greenport. To Brooklyn 1 Lun^ Mand R. R. Bedford 2 3 East New York 3 6 Union Course 3 9 VVoodville 1 10 Jamaica 2 12 Bru8hville 3 15 Hyde Park 3 18 Hempstead Branch* 3 21 Carl Place 2 23 VVestbiiry 1 24 HlcksviUe 3 27 Farmingdale 6 33 Deer Park 6 39 Thompson 3 42 Suffolk Station 3 45 Lake Road 5 50 Medford 6 5G Yapharik 5 61 St. George's Manor 6 67 Riverhead 8 75 Jamesport 5 80 Maltetucfc 4 84 Cutchogue 3 87 Hermitage 4 91 Southold 1 92 Greenport 4 96 * Branch to Hempstead 2^—23 i. (152) N, York to Philadelphia. Steamboat. To Jersey City 1 wVew Jersey R. R. Newark 8 9 Elizabethtown 5 14 Rahway 6 20 Freeman's "^ 27 New Brunswick 5 32 ;V. Brunswick and Trenton R. R. Kingston 13 43 Princeton 4 49 Trestos 10 59 Morrisville, Pa. 1 00 Philadelphia and Tr»nton R. R. Bristol 9 60 Andalusia 4 73 Coriiwoll's 2 75 Tacony 5 80 Philadelphia Depot 7 H7 Philadklphia Exchange . 2 89 (153) N. York to Philadelphia. Steamboat. To South Amboy 28 Camden and Amloy R. R. South River 5 33 Spotswood 5 38 West's 4 42 Prospect Plains 3 45 Hightitown 4 49 Centreville 4 53 Newtown , 3 56 Sand Hills 2 58 BORDENTOWN 5 (33 Kincora 4 67 Burlington 4 71 Rancocas River 6 77 Palmyra 5 82 Camden 7 89 Steamboat. Philadelphia 1 90 (154) N. York to Philadelphia. To Trenton, (see 152) 59 Bordentown 7 66 Philadelphia, (see 153,) .-27 93 (155) N. Y. to Washington, D. C. To Philadelphia, (see 152). .89 Baltimore, (see 257) 97 186 Washington, (see 299) • . . . 40 226 (156) New York to Troy. Stenmboat. To Manhattanville 8 * Fort Lee 1 9 Fort Washington 2 11 Yonkers 6 17 Hastings 3 20 Dobb'sFerry 2 22 *Piermont 2 24 Tarrytowu 3 27 *Nyack 2 29 Sing Sing 4 33 *Haverstraw 3 36 Verplank's Point 5 41 ♦Caldwell's 3 44 Peekskill 2 46 Anthony's Nose 1 47 ♦West Point 5 52 Cold Spring 1 53 ♦Cornwall 4 57 Fish kill Landing 4 CI ♦Newburo New Hamburg 6 67 ♦Milton .* 3 70 Poi'ohkeepsie 4 74 ♦New Paltz 1 75 HydePark 5 80 34 ROUTES IN KEW YORK. Staatsburg 3 83 Rhint'beck Landing 7 DO • Kingston Landing 1 91 Barrylown 4 95 •Saiigerties 6 101 ♦Catskill 10 HI HiDsoN 5 116 • Alliens Coluinbiaville 4 liiO *C(..\*tckie 4 124 Kiiiderhouk Landing 3 1^*7 • New B^^ltimore 4 131 Schodack 2 133 Coevman'a 1 134 CaslJetun 3 137 Overslauj^h 5 14iJ •Albany 3 115 Greeiibush Troy 6 151 Those marked thus ( * ) are on the west aide of the river. (157) Nkw York to Albany. ^Tcw York and Harlem R. R. To3-'d street 3 Yorkville 3 C Harkm 2 8 Alolisville 2 10 Morrisania 1 11 Fordhatn 2 13 Williams' Bridge 1 14 Junction 1 15 Hum's Bridge 2 17 UnderhiU's 2 19 Tuckahoe 1 20 Hart's Comers 4 24 White Plains 2 26 Davis' Brook 3 29 Unioiiville 3 32 Pleasiintville 2 34 Chape(|iia 2 36 New Castle 4 40 Bi'dlord 2 42 Whitlocksville 3 45 Golding's Bridge 2 47 Purdv's 2 49 Croton Falls 2 51 SoulhtMSt 4 55 Towners -. 4 59 Palter^^on 4 03 PawliiiKsville 4 C7 Sovilh Dnvcr 6 73 Dover Plains 7 80 Araenia - 8 88 Millerlon -8 96 Boston Corners 7 103 Hillsdale 9 112 Copoke 3 115 Ghent 13 128 Chatham 4 Corners 2 ItlU Albany (see 166) 23 153 (158) New York to Albany. Hudson River R. R. To31st8treet 3 Manhultanville 5 8 Spuytendevil Creek 5 13 Voiikers 4 17 Hastini^'S 4 21 Doblts' Ferry 1 23 Dearman 2 24 Tarry town 3 27 SiNo Sing 6 33 Croton 3 36 Peekskill 7 43 Garrison 8 51 Cold Spring 3 54 Fishkill Landing 6 60 Carthage 4 64 New H amburg 2 66 Barnegat 3 69 PoiGIiKKEPSlE 6 75 Hyde Park 6 81 t^tiialsburg 4 to Khinebeck 6 91 Red Hook 6 97 lpj)er Red Hook 3 100 Cierniont 5 105 Livingston 5 110 Hudson 6 116 Stockport 4 120 Sluyvesant 6 126 Schodack 7 133 Custleton 3 136 Greenbush 8 144 Albany 1 1-15 Troy •••• 150 (159) New York to Albany, Via J{ousatonic R. R. To Bridgepca-t, (see 146) . . .58 Stepney 10 68 BoUslord 5 73 Newtown 4 77 Hawleyville 4 81 Brookfleld 6 87 ROUTES IN NEW YORK. 35 Ncvy Miirord 6 03 G ivlord's Bridore 7 100 K 42 Richmond ville 5 47 East Worcester • 6 53 Worcester • 4 57 Schenevus 5 62 Maryland 4 66 Colliersviile 7 73 Oneonta 6 79 Otego 9 88 Creeksville 6 94 Unadilla 4 98 (171) C.VTSK1LL to CaNAJOHARIK. To Leeds 4 Cairo 6 10 Acra 3 13 Winansville 4 17 Durham 6 ^ Preston Hollow 4 27 LivingstonviUe 4 31 J'ranklinton 3 34 Middleburg 6 40 Schoharie 5 45 Central Bridge 5 50 Sloansville 3 53 Charleston Four Corners • • . 5 58 Root 5 63 Spraker's Basin 4 6< Canajoharie 3 70 (172) Catskill to Unadilla. ToLeeds 4 Cairo 6 10 Acra 3 13 South Durham 3 IB Union. 6 22 Windham Centre 2 24 Windham 3 27 Asliland - 29 Pntteville » 3o Mooi-sville 4 39 Stamford 8 47 Hobart 4 51 I South Kortright * 55 ROUTES IN NEW YORK. 37 Bloomnlle 5 60 Dklhi-"- 7 67 West Meredith 7 74 Groton 2 *i6 Fraiikliii 5 81 Sidney 10 91 Unadilla 1 92 (173) Albany to Saratoga Springs aud Whitehall. Mohaick and Hudson R. R. To Schenectady 16 Haratoga and Schenectady R. R. Rexford Fiats 4 20 Burnt Hilld 4 24 Biiliston Centre 4 28 Ballston 3 31 Saratoga Springs 7 38 Saratuira and fVashington R. R. Gaiise voort's 10 48 Fori Edward 7 55 Dunham's Basin 3 58 Fort Ann 9 67 CoiQSKjck's Landing 5 72 Whitehall 6 78 (174) Albany to Saratoga Springs and Lake Gkorgk. ToTjoy 6 Reits.-itifaer and Saratoga R. R. WaterCurd 4 10 Mechanicsville 8 18 Ballston Spa 13 31 Saratoga Spa 7 38 Saratoga and fVashington R. R. Gansevoori's 10 48 Fort Edward 7 55 Stage. Sandy HiU 2 57 Glenn's Falls 3 60 Caldwell 9 69 (175> Troy to Whitehall. Stage. To LansinG;burj^ 4 Scbagticoke 10 14 Easton 7 21 Nortli Easton 3 24 Greenwich 5 29 South Aryyle 7 36 Argyle 4 40 NoilL Artryle 4 44 South Hariford 5 49 Hartlbrd 2 51 North Granville 9 60 Whitehall 8 68 (176) Albany to Montreal, C. E. Summer route. To Saratoga Springs 38 Whi«ehall, (see 173) 40 78 Steamboat on Lake Champlain. Ticonderoga 24 102 Crown Point 10 112 Port Henry lo 122 West Port 11 133 Essex 12 145 Biuiington, Vt 15 1 60 Port Kent, N. Y 10 170 Plattsburg 14 184 Rouee's Point .26 210 Isle aux Noix 11 221 St. John's, C. E 14 235 Bail road. La Prairie Sta 14 249 St. Lambert 6 255 Montreal 1 256 (177) Albany to Montreal. Via Wkitehdll 1 Wami)Hville 3 124 Can .^lola 3 127 Cliilien.mgo 133 M.iiiliiis 4 137 SvRAdSK 10 147 JiHbtim and Syracuse R. R. GedtU-s 2 149 Cainilius 6 155 Elbnd-e 8 103 S^kaneatcles Junction 1 104 Seiimt 4 l()8 AiBiRN 5 173 Auburnand Rochester R. R. CavuH'a Bridge 10 183 iriclieca Falls 5 188 Waterloo 4 192 Geneva . 7 199 Oak's Corners 5 204 East V'ieuna 3 207 West Vienna 1 208 Clil'ton Springs 3 211 Miorl's Mills 5 216 Chapinsville 3 219 Can:uidaigua 3 222 Victor 9 231 PilUslord 12 243 Brighton 4 247 Rochester 4 251 Tonawanda R. R. " lurch ville... 14 265 1 iJergen 4 269 ' Bvroa 7 276 Batavia 7 283 Alexander 8 291 Attka -. 3 294 Jittica and Buffalo R. R. Darien 6 300 Alden 5 305 Lancaster 10 315 Buffalo 10 323 (180) New York to Dunkirk. Steamboat. To Pierraont, (pier) 24 J^'cic York and Erie R. R. Piermout, (town) 1 25 Blativeltville 4 29 Cliirksiown 4 33 Si)rlug Valley 2 35 IMonsey 2 37 Sufferns 5 42 Ramapo Works 2 44 Sloaisburg 1 45 M oinoe Works 6 51 Wilkes' 3 54 Turner's ..3 57 Monroe 3 60 Oxlord 2 63 Chester* 3 65 ( • oshen 5 70 New Hampton 4 74 Middletown 3 77 Howell's 3 80 CUisville 5 85 ShinHolIow 7 92 Port Jek\is 6 98 Stairway Brook 9 107 Pond Lddy . Barry ville.... l.ackawaxen Must Hojie... Narrowsburg- 2 109 7 116 4 120 6 126 6 132 • Branch to Newburg, (see 183.) ROUTES IN NEW YORK. S9 Cohecton 8 140 Calicoun 5 115 Hnnkins 7 15-2 Etiiiiiuiuk 11 W.i StcK-kport G 101) Cheliocton 4 173 Duposil 13 18(5 G»iir Summit 8 194 LiUK'shoro' & '2i)-2 Great Bi?nd 9 211 Windsor 9 '2-20 Bl.Nrt HAMTON 5 2-23 tlaioii 9 234 C:mipville 6 240 0\vi:«o 7 247 Tiou:i Centre 6 253 Pmltliboro' 4 257 Barton 2 259 Factorwille 7 266 Chfinung 4 270 Weilsbui-g 6 276 Elmira 7 283 Biff Flnts 9 29-2 Ensi Painted Post 4 296 CoRNiNa 3 299 Painted Post 2 301 Coopfr's 4 305 Camiibelltown 6 311 Mud Creek 5 316 Bath 6 322 Kenned vsville 4 326 Goff's Mills 5 331 Howard 3 334 HORNKLLSVILLE 9 343 Almond 5 348 Baker's Bridge 4 3.52 Andover 8 360 Genesee 9 369 Scio 4 373 Phillipsville 4 377 Belvidere 3 3H(i Friendship 5 385 Cuba 9 394 Hinsdale 5 399 Olean 7 406 Alleghany 4 410 Nine Mile Creek 4 414 Great Valley 8 422 Little Valley 11 433 Albion 6 439 Dayton 9 448 Perrysbursh 3 451 Smiib'8 iVlUis 7 4.58 Forestville 4 462 J)UNK1RK 8 470 (181) Nkw York to Bltfalo. R. 287 288 296 302 305 311 310 320 323 327 331 334 339 343 351 880 423 454 ria J\rew York and Erie R. To Elmira, (see 186) 283 Junction 4 Ho.seheads 1 Millport 8 H avana 6 Jefferson 3 Rock Sli eani 6 ritarkey 5 lleuirtHls 4 .Milo Centre 3 Penn Van 4 Benton 4 IJellona 3 Gorhara 5 (lopewell 4 Canandaigua 8 KocHESTEii, (see 170) '29 Attica 43 Buffalo :^>1 (181i) Nkw York to Bi'ffalo. Via Otcego and Jtluicn. To Owego (see ISU) '247 Cdyuga a)td Susquehanna R. B. South Candor 5 "262 Candor 5-257 Wilseyville 4 '261 Pussleys 5 '266 Ithaca 13 279 SU'itmboat 0)1 Cayuga L>ik^, Cay uga . • o7 316 Bl'ffalo, (see 179) ...... .142 458 (IS'2) Ni:w YoKK to Buffalo. Via Buffalo and A". Y. L'i/;/ Ji. R. To IIoknellsville, (180). .343 Uurns 9 362 Whitney's Val!ev. . . .'. 4 866 , Nunila ' 11 367 I'orta-e 6 873 Castile 4 377 Gainesville 4 381 Warsaw 6 337 Middlebury 5 392 Linden •• 4 396 Attica 7 403 Darien City 5 403 Darien 2 410 Alden 5 415 Town Line 5 420 Lanc;ister 5 425 Buffalo 10 435 6* 40 ROUTES IN NEW YORK. (183) Newburo to Chester. J^ewburg Branch R. R. Van's 6 Salisbury 4 IC Wa-sliinj^onville 2 U Craitrville 5 17 Chestkr 2 IE (184) Amsterdam to Sagevillk. To Pprth 6 VaU's Mills 3 J Broaaalbin 1 ^^ UnionMills 4 |- Northunipton 5 1*. Osborne's Bridge 6 2; NORTIIVILLE 3 -( (185) Cherry Val, to Syracuse. To East Springfield Sprini^field Warren Richfield Winfield Bridgewater Sangertield Madison Monisville Nelson Cazenovia Oran Manliiis Fnyetteville Dow i it 3 Syracuse 5 7 (ifeC) COOPERSTOWN to ItIIACA. To Oaksville 5 Burlington West Burlington EdmesUin 3 Columbus 9 Sherburne 6 Smyrna * Otselic 11 De Ruyter 9 Cuyler ^ Truxton ° Homer 10 Corti.andt - McLean » Dryden ^ Varna (187)Cooperstown to UsADILtA and Ithaca. To Flarvvick Seminary 4 Milford -4 8 Milford Centre 6 14 Colliersville 4 18 Oneonta 6 24 Otego 9 33 Unadilla 10 43 SidneyPlains 5 48 Bainbridge 5 53 Coventry ville 7 60 3 63 3 72 8 80 3 83 3 86 8 94 6 100 Coventry Greene Geneganslet Whitney's Point Lisle Centre Lisle Richland Caroline Slatersville 3 103 Ithaca 9 112 (188) Binghaktos to Utica. To Chenango Forks U Greene 7 18 Oxford 14 32 Norwich 8 40 North Norwich 6 46 Sherburne 5 51 Earlville 5 56 Haniiltou 6 62 ISlndison J 69 Waterville Paris New Hartford Utica 6 84 Ithaca 4 102 (189) Ithaca to Utica. , To Varna 4 Dryden 8 McLean 4 Cortlandt 6 Homer r; Truxton •••• lO Ciivler 8 De"Kiivter 4 New Woodstock ' Erieville • ^ Eat(m ' Madison Jj Waterville ■' Paris !? New Hartford I Utica 12 16 22 24 34 42 46 53 58 7 65 6 71 9 80 6 86 6 92 4 96 ROUTES IN NEW YORK. 41 (lOO) ITHA.CA to Syracuse. To Varaa 4 Drvden 8 12 Moi.eaii 4 1(> Corllandl 6 -2-2 Hv,i(ier 2 24 lAiia: York 4 28 Pivijie 3 :U T.a.y 5 3G Tu.;y V:iliey 4 41) c\uai!f :j 4:{ OiiJiKi i^a Hoilow 8 51 Syrxccsk 4 55 (l'Jl> ItSaca to Auburn. To Soiitli Limsiiig 8 Lii.li .wviUe 2 10 i-.aiisiij>,^viile 3 13 Five Cijiinsrs 3 16 Kiii^'*s ferry 5 21 Ledyard 2 23 Pop! ir Ridge 3 2li Sherwood's Comers 2 28 Scipioviile 1 29 Tlu! Miaare 3 32 Fieiiiiii-c 3 35 Aris. KN 4 39 (li;»-2) Ithaca to Waterloo. To Jacksonville • 8 Tru.n.uisljurg 3 11 Covort 3 14 Farmer 4 18 Lndi 5 23 Ovid 5 28 Romulus 6 34 Varick •••• 3 37 Wesi Fayette 4 41 VVatkrloo 6 47 (193) Ithaca to Hornkllsvillk. ToEiiflield 6 Mecldeiiburg 6 12 Reynoidsville 4 Iti Burdetle 6 22 Jetferson 5 27 Redd.ug 3 30 Pino Grove 4 34 Tyrone 4 38 Urb.iuna 9 47 Bath 8 55 Kermed vaville 4 59 Goff'3 ■fills 5 04 Howard 3 G7 UORNKLLSVILLE 10 77 (194) Bath toGKNEVA. ' To Urbarina 8 Wayne ■•• 9 17 Har''in^tou li 23 Pknn Van 9 32 Benton 8 40 Geneva 8 48 (195) Corning to Bataa'ia. Buffalo, Corning, and JV^. Y. R. R, To Painted Post 2 Coopers Plains 2 4 Campbell 5 9 Bath 11 20 Kennedy villc 4 24 Avoca 4 28 Wallace's 3 81 Liberty 5 m Wayland 10 4C Spring Water 6 52 Conesus 5 57 (196) Elmcottvillk to Rochks- TKR. To Franklinville 13 Farmersville 5 18 Rushlord 7 25 Centreville 7 32 Pike 8 40 Kast Pike 4 44 Castile 4 48 Perry 6 54 Moscow 7 Gl (iENESEO 6 G7 South Avon G 73 Avon 2 75 West Rush 5 80 Rush 3 83 Henrietta 5 88 Rochester 7 95 (197) <3lEAN to GKNEdliO. To Hinsdale G Cuba ~ 13 Friendship 8 21 llobbieville 5 20 An<^elica 5 31 Allen 6 37 Grove 6 43 Nunda 8 51 Oakland 3 54 4* 42 ROUTES IN NEW YORK. Brookes' Grove 5 59 Mouut Morris 7 C6 GENtSEO 6 7'-' (198; Gknksko to Canandaioua. To Lakevillo 6 Livonia 4 10 Richinond MUls 4 14 Allen's .Mills 3 17 Bristol 5 2-2 Canandaioua 9 31 (199; Geneseo to Buffalo. To Moscow 6 Perry 7. 13 Perry Centre 2 15 Warsaw 8 23 OranL?eville 6 29 Johns^uuburg 4 33 Shekluu 4 37 Wales 7 44 Willink. 6 50 East Hamburg G 56 Buffalo 12 6d (200) BrFFALo to Batavia, To Willianrisville 10 Clarence 8 18 Newslead 4 22 Pembroke 4 26 East Pern broke 6 32 BATAV.IA 7 39 (201) Buffalo to Ekib, Pa. Biifalo and State Line JR. R. To RodiTors Road 10 IS Mile Creek 5 1.^ Evans Center 7 22 Latcran-e T 29 Silver t reek 2 31 DUNKlltK 10 41 Centerviile... 10 51 Westville. 6 57 Quinev. 8 ioriivia 7 ; I^ocke 3 i Summer Hill 6 S Homer 8 ', Cortlandt 2 ; (213) Auburn to OswKao. Toijieunet 5 ^^■L■ed^;j)o^t 3 Calo 8 Cato Four Corners 2 Ira 4 Hannibal 8 Kinney's Corners 3 Oswego 8 CiU) Oswego to Rochester. To North Sterling 12 Lillle Sodus 3 Red Creek 6 VVoicolt 5 Huron 5 Alton G Sodis 4 Williamson 5 Ontario 5 Websler 9 Ro(:Ht;.sTER 13 (•21.5) OswEoo to Rome. To Scriha 4 Rome 10 64 (216) Syracuse to Oswkgo. Fia Oswego and Syracnse R. R. To Baldwinsville 12 l^amsoii's 5 17 rtilton 7 04 Oswego 11 35 (2ri7) Syracuse to Auburn. To Geddes 2 illus 6 8 4 12 New Haven. C!l Marcellus.. Skaneateles Auburn 7 §5 (218) Syracuse to Watertowm. To Salina 2 Cicero 8 10 Brewerton 4 14 Central Square 3 17 Hastings 6 23 Colosse 3 26 Union Square 3 29 Richland ." 8 37 Sandy Creek c 43 Mansville 5 43 Piei repont Manor 2 50 Adams .\ 5 55 Adams Centre 3 58 Appling 4 62 Watertovvn G 68 (219) Utica to Sackett's Harbor- To South Trenton 9 Trenton* - . 4 13 Renisen 4 17 A kler Creek 5 22 Booneville {» 31 Leyden tj 37 Tuiin 5 42 Houseville 4 4(5 Martin.sburg ..4 50 1-owville 3 .53 Slowe's Square 3 56 Denmark 6 62 6 10 [ Champion 6 ROUTES IN NEW YORK. 45 Rutland .,... 6 74 VVatertown •••• 6 80 Brownville 4 84 Sackett's Harbor ... 8 92 * Trenton Falls 2 miles. (220) Rome to Cape Vincent. To Stokes 8 West Branch 5 13 Ava 4 17 WestLeyden 5 22 ConstableviUe 6 28 Turin 5 33 Houseville 4 37 Martinsbiirg 4 41 Lowville 3 44 Stowe's Square 3 47 Denmark 6 53 Champion 6 59 Rutland 6 65 Watertovvn 6 71 Brownville 4 75 Dexter 3 78 Limerick 1 79 Chaumont 6 85 Three Mile Bay 3 88 Cape Vincent 8 96 (221) Rome to Ogdensburg. To Denmark, (see 220) — 53 Carthage 6 59 Wilna 5 64 Antwerp 12 76 Somerville 7 83 Gouverneur 5 88 Richville 7 95 DeKalb 8 l(i3 Heuvelton 8 111 Ogdensburg 7 118 (221i) Rome to Watertown. Rome and Watertown R. R. To Pine 6 McConnellsviUe 7 13 Camden 5 18 West Camden 5 23 Williamstown 5 28 Kasoag 3 31 Sand Banks 6 37 Richland 5 42 Pierrepont 12 54 Adams 5 59 Watertown 13 72 (222) Rome toSACKETT's Harbor. To Lee 7 Taberg 4 11 Florence 9 20 Redfield 10 30 Loraine 18 48 Adams 5 53 North Adams 7 60 Sackett's Harbor 5 65 (223) Ogdensburg to Platts- BURQ. To Flackville 8 Canton 10 18 Potsdam 11 2Q Malone 37 66 Chateaugay 12 78 Wrightsville 8 86 Ellenburg 5 'bl Farrel Place 15 106 Plattsburg 12 118 (224) Ogdensburg to Rouse's Pt. Via A^orthern R. R. To Lisbon 9 Madrid 8 17 Potsdam 8 25 Stockholm 3 28 Brasher's Falls 7 35 Lawrence 6 41 Moira 6 47 Brush's Mills 3 49 Bangor 6 55 Malone 6 61 Buike 8 69 Chateaugay 4 Ellenburg 16 Chazy 6 CcnlreviUe 8 103 Mooers 3 106 Champlain 8 114 I Rouse's Point 4 118 73 95 46 ROUTES IN CANADA. Lyiii;? immediately on the northern borders of the Union, and itiliab- itf ' by the s:\me race, the Canadas are so intimately connected with our CDiumerce and travel, that a work of this kind would not be conij)lete wiUioiil containing the routes connecting the chief marts of both. The greiii highway of intercourse is the St. Lawrence and its niimtioiis afilut-nt^. In many cases the navigation of these has been improved by m(;a:is of canals and locks, so that where rapids formerly interrupted the sailing of vessels no such obstacle is now a hindrance. In the uitrriur, conni'Ciinii; with the ports of the great water communication, st-versU railrunds have been built, and the system of post-roads is excellent. The titcililies thus afforded, and which are constantly being incretifced by lU'W enterprises, must contribute much to a closer connvction, and to (lie most vital interests of commerce. The insertion of the follow- ing routes, therefore, will no doubt be convenient to those travelij, on business or pleasure. ROUTES IN CANADA. 43 (225) Toronto to Niagara. Falls and Blffalo. Steamboat. To Niagara 36 Queeuston 7 Railroad. Drurainondsville fi Ni.KQARA Falls I Chippewa 3 Steamboat. BurfALo 20 (,22<)) Toronto to Niagara Stage, To Cooksville 16 Trafalgar 7 Palermo 7 Hamilton 17 Pt'.ny Creek 6 Bf'amsvilie 16 Jordim 7 Bt. Catharines* 8 73 Queenston 15 99 Niagara 7 106 • Niagara 13—37. (227) Toronto to Amhkrstburo. To Hamilton, (see 226) 47 Ancaster 7 54 Brantford 17 71 Burford 10 81 Woodstock 17 98 Oxford 10 108 London 22 130 Westminster 6 136 Delaware 6 142 Ekfrid 11 153 Mosa 12 165 Tliamesvillo i;> 180 Chatham 15 195 Windsor 52 247 Sandwich 2 249 Amiiicrstburo 15 264 ROUTES IN CANADA. 47 (228) Toronto to Montreal. Steamboat. To Coburg 80 Kinjfstoii 105 185 Brocksville 55 240 Ogdeiisburff 13 253 Corijwall 60 313 Liichine 62 375 Montreal 9 384 (229) Toronto to Montreal. ToScarbro 11 Pickering 11 22 Ddriiiii-ton 20 42 Cl.iike 10 .52 Port Hope 11 r)3 Cobiirg 7 70 Colborne 15 So Briubton 8 93 River Trent 10 103 Belleville 12 115 Napjiiice 25 140 Mill Creek 12 152 Kingston 13 105 Ganaiioque 20 185 Youge 23 208 Brockville ^ 9 217 Maitland (5 223 Prescott 7 2,30 Matilda 15 245 West William?bm-g 8 2.53 East Williamsburg 8 261 Dickinson's Landing 9 270 Cornwall II 281 Coteau Landing 34 315 Cedars 10 325 Lachine 28 353 Montreal 9 362 (230) Montreal to Quebec. Steamboat. To Varennes 15 Winiam Henrv 35 .50 St. Francis .. .■ 32 82 TbreeRivers 8 90 St.. Antie 25 115 Richelieu Rapids 20 135 Cap Sant^ 15 l.iO Point an Trembles 10 100 Cape Rouge 13 173 QUEBEC 8 181 (231) Montreal to Quebec. Stage. To Apertigny 18 LaValtrie H 32 B'^'ithier 18 50 Maskinonge 16 66 R. du Loup 8 74 Yamachiche 5 79 Three Rivers 17 !t6 Chumplain 1.1 luD Biitiscan Bridge 10 | ! 9 St. Amie : 8 l-i7 Crondines 9 i;',(5 Descbambault 6 142 PortNeuf 6 143 Cap Sant 287 Pouirhkeepsie — 41 323 Nk.wYork 75 403 ,(233) Montreal to Boston. To St. John's, (see 55) 21 Rouse's Point, N. Y. 23 44 Burlinston. Vt. 5S 102 Uutland, (see 54) 67 169 Fitchburg 118 287 Boston 50 331 (234) Quebec to Augusta. To St. Mary 33 St. Joseph 12 45 St. Francis 16 61 St. Charles 8 69 StateLine, Me 26 95 Moose River 20 115 Jackman's 10 125 The Fork's 19 144 Carritunk 9 1.53 INIoscow 6 1.59 Bingham 12 171 Solon 5 176 Erabden 3 179 Anson 5 184 Norridgewock 12 196 Bloomfield 7 203 Water\iUe 14 217 Augusta 18 235 48 R0X7TES IN NEW JERSEr. NE"W JERSEY. 0H5; New York to Paterson and Sukfern's. Paterson and Hudson River R. R. To Jersey City 1 Seacauciis 4 5 Boiling Spring 4 It Pas.'^iiic Bridge 2 U Aquackanonk 1 12 Ackennan's 1 13 Paterson 4 17 Paterson and Ramapo R. R, River Road 2 19 Rock Road 2 21 Godwinville 1 22 Hohokus 2 24 Allendale 2 2(5 Ramsey's 2 28 Wanmaker's 3 31 Suffern's ■••• 1 32 (236) New York to Easton, Pa. yia Morristown. To Jersey City 1 Newark 8 9 Morris and Essex R. R. Oran'^e 5 14 Millville 6 20 Summit 3 23 Chatham 3 2G Madison 2 28 Morristown 5 33 Stage. Mendham 7 40 Chester 6 4(5 Germm Valley 4 50 Schoolky's Mountain 2 52 PletLsant Grove...j 3 55 AndiTSun 5 GO Manstield 2 G2 New Vill!i-e 6 66 StewartsvUle 2 70 Easton 6 7(5 (237) New York to Easton, Pa. Via Somerville. To Jersey City* 1 Newark 8 9 Elizabelhtown 5 14 Central R. R. Cranesville 5 19 Westfleld 2 21 Feltville 2 23 Scotch Plains 1 24 Plainfleld 2 20 Now Market 3 29 Hound Hrook 4 33 Somerville 5 38 North Brmich 4 42 VVhitellouse 5 47 Stage. liCbanou 5 52 Clinton 3 55 PerryviJle 3 58 Bethlehem 3 61 Hloomsburg 4 65 SiillValley 3 68 Easton, Pa 4 72 * Steamboat to Elizabethport 15 miles. Elizabelhtown 2 — 17. (238) New York to Milford,Pa. To Morristown, (see 236). • .33 Suckasunny 10 43 Stanhope 5 48 Lockwood 2 50 Andover 4 54 Newton 6 60 LaFavette 5 65 Augus'ta 3 68 Branchville ••■. * 2 70 Tattle's Comer 5 75 Hainsville 5 80 Mont;igue 4 84 Milford,Pa 2 86 (239) Paterson to Milford, Pa. To Pompton 9 New Foimdland 9 18 Stockholm 4 22 Hamburg 9 31 Deckertowu 5 36 Libertyville 3 39 Montiigue 12 51 Milford,Pa 2 53 (240) Newark to Dover. To Bloomfield 5 West Bloomlield 2 7 Caldwell 3 10 Pine Brook 4 14 Piu^ippany 4 18 DennviUe 4 22 Rockaway 1 23 Dover 2 25 (241) Newton to Easton, Pa. To Freedom 4 Cratilude 3 7 Johudonburg 5 12 ROUTES IN NEW JERSEY. 49 Hope 6 18 Sarepta-.t 5 23 Belvidere 4 27 Rocksburgh 4 31 Harmony 2 33 Easton 6 39 (5M2) Nkw Brunswick to Lam- BERTSVILLE. ' To Six Mile Run 6 Rocky Hill... 6 12 Blaweiibiug 4 16 Hopewell 4 20 Woodsville 4 24 Lambertsville G 30 QM3) New Brunswick to Long Branch. To South River 5 Old Bridge 2 7 Middlelown Point 9 IG Key Port 2 13 Middletown 5 23 RedBauk 5 28 Shrewsbuiy 2 30 Eatontou 1 31 Long Branch — 3 34 (244) Trenton to Belvidere. To Penniiiirton 8 Woodsville 5 13 Ringoe's G 19 Flemington 6 25 Quakertowa G 31 PiUstown 2 33 Sidney 2 35 Clinton 2 37 Clarksville 5 42 New Hampton 2 44 Mansfield 3 47 Oxford Furnace 3 50 Belvidere 5 55 (245) Trenton to New York. Railroad. To New York, (see 254) 59 (246) Trenton to Philadelphia. Via Bristol, Pa. To Philadelphia, {see 2o4) 30 (247) Trenton to Philadelphia. Fia Burlington. ToBordeutowo 7 Philadelphia, (see 256) 27 34 (348) Philadelphia to Mt.'Hollt. To Camden 1 Moorestown 9 10 Runcocus 6 16 Mount Holly 4 20 (249) Philadelphia to Tucker- ton. To Camden 1 Moorestown 9 10 Marlton 2 12 Medlord 5 17 Atsion 12 29 Sooy's Inn 10 .39 Bass River Hotel 8 47 Tuckerton 5 52 (250) Philadelphia to Absecum. To Camden 1 Haddonfield... 6 7 Long-a-coming 9 16 Winslow 10 26 May's Landing 19 45 Bargaintown 14 59 Smith's Landing 3 G2 Absecum 4 Go (251) Philadelphia to Cape Mat. To Camden 1 Woodbury 8 b Carpenter's Landing 3 12 Classboro' 7 19 Malaga 8 27 Millville 12 39 Port Elizabeth « 45 1-eesburg 5 50 Dennis Creek ...^ 7 57 Goshen 4 61 Cape May C. H 4 G5 Fishing Creek 5 70 Cold Sprmg 8 78. Capo Island 2 80* (252) Philadelphia to Salem. To Camden 1 VVeslville 4 5 Woodbury 4 9 Clarksboro' 4 13 Sweedsboro' G 19 Sculltown 4 23 Sharpstown 4 27 Woodstown 7 34 Salem 4 3S 5 50 ROUTES IN PENNSYLVANIA. (253) Philadelphia, to Bridgbtos. To Camden 1 Weslville 4 5 Woodbury 4 9 Carpenter's Landing 3 12 Mullico Hill 5 17 Pitt's (irove 9 26 Di-erHeld "• p Bridqetos fi 39 PENNSYLVANIA. (2.') I ) Philadelpuia to Npw York. Fkiladcphia and Trenton R. R. To rhiludclphia Depot 2 Tacoiiy 7 9 Cornwell's.... 5 14 Anhiliisia 2 16 \ Bristol 4 20 Morrisville 9 29 J^r-w Brunswick and Trenton R.R. Trkntos 1 30 Princeton 10 40 Kini^ston 4 44 Dean's Pond 4 48 New Brunswick 9 57 JVew Jersey R. R. Freeman's 5 62 Rahway 7 69 Elizabethtown 6 75 Newark 5 HO Jersey City 8 88 Steamboat. New York 1 89 (255) Philadelphia to N. York. Steamboat. To Camden 1 Cimdrn and ^^mboy R. R. Brick Station Hofise 5 6 Palmyra 2 \i Rancocus River 5 1 .i Biirliii,'ton 6 19 Kincora 4 23 BORPKNTOWN 4 27 Saud Hills 5 32 Newtown • 2 34 Cenlrevillo 3 37 Hightstown 4 41 Prospect Plains 4 45 West's :i 48 Ppotswood - • 4 52 South River 5 .57 South Araboy 5 62 Steamboat. New York 28 90 (256) Philadelphia to N, York. To Bordentown, (see 255) . . .27 Trenton 7 34 New York, (see 254) 59 93 (257) PaiLADELPaiAtoBALTlMOKB, Philadelphia, IVilmington^ and Bal- timore R. R. To Gray's Ferry 3 Lazaretto 7 10 • Chester 4 14 i Marcus' Hook 3 17 Naaman's Creek 2 19 Wilmington 8 27 Newport 4 31 Stanton 2 33 Newark 6 39 Eiklon 6 45 North East 6 51 Ciiarlestown 3 54 Cecil • 5 59 Havre De Grace 1 60 Hall's Cross Roads 5 65 Perryman's 4 69 Gunpowder 8 77 Harewood 3 80 Chase's 1 81 Steramer's Run 6 i87 Canton 7 94 Baltimore 3 97 (258) Philadelphia to Baltimorb. Steamboat. ToFortMifllin 9 Lazaretto 5 14 Chester 4 18 Marcus' Hook 4 22 New Castle 13 35 .V( w Castle and Frenchtown R. R, French town 16 51 Steamboat. Turkey Point 15 68 P,u)l's Island 21 87 i North Poiut 15 102 Fort McHenry 10 112 Baltimore 3 115 (259) Philadelphia to Washino- TON, D. C. To Baltimore, (see 257) .... 97 Washington, (see 29'J; 40 137 ROUTES IN PENNSYLVANIA. 51 (260) Philadelphia, to Harris- BFRO. Columbia and Philadelphia R. R. To Head of iDcliued Plane. . 4 White Hall 7 11 Morgan's Corner 3 14 Reesville 5 19 Westchester Turnout* 2 21 Paoli 3 24 Whileland 6 30 Downhigtown 4 34 Coatesville 7 41 Parke.sl>urg 5 40 PenuingdmvllJe 3 49 The (^.ip 4 53 Kinzie's 3 5fi Paradise 4 GO .Enterprise .' 3 63 Lancaster 7 70 Harrisburg and Lancaster R. R. Landisville 7 77 Mount Joy 5 82 Elizabethtown G 8tr Conewa^o Creek 4 92 Middl.town 5 97 High Spire 3 100 Harris'bi'rg 7 107 • Branch to Westchester 10—31. (261) Philadelphia to Pittsbirg. Via Harrisburff and Hollidays- burfr. To Harrisbiirg, (see 260> ..107 Central R. R. Rockville 6 113 Cove . 5 118 Duncannon 4 V22 Aqueduct 3 125 Bailey's 5 130 Newport 4 134 Millerstown 6 140 Tuscorora 7 147 Perrvville 6 153 Miffilntown 3 156 Lewiston 12 168 Anderson's 7 175 McVeytown 5 180 Hamilton 10 190 Mt. Union 3 193 Mill Creek 6 199 Huntingdon 5 204 Petersburg 7 211 {?pruce Creek 6 '217 Tyrone 7 224 Fostoria 6 230 Altona 8 238 Hollidaysburg G 244 Jlllcfrhany Portage R. R. PlaneNo. 9 4 2-18 PlaneNo.8 2 250 Summit 4 254 PlaneNo.4 3 257 PlaneNo.2 3 260 Jefferson 4 264 Half-way House 4 263 Viaduct 3 271 Tunnel 3 274 Pennsylvania R. R. Conemaugh 2 276 Johnstown 2 278 Ninevah 10 283 New Florence 5 293 Lockport 5 298 Itolivar 2 300 Blairsvillo Junction 5 305 Hill ijide 4 309 Derry 5 314 Latrobe 6 320 Turnpike 2 322 Turtle Creek 26 348 VVilkinsonburg 5 353 Liberty 5 353 Pittsburg 5 363 (262) Philadelphia to Hagers- TowN, iMd. To Harrisburg (see 260). . .107 Cumberland Valley R. R. Bridgeport 5 112 iMechanicsburg .» 3 115 Carlisle 10 1-J5 Newville 12 137 Shippeiisburg ..._. 10 147 Green Village 6 153 Chambersburg ... 4 157 Franklin R. R. Green Castle 11 168 Hagerstown, Md 22 190 (263) PhILADELP. toCHAMBERSBO. Columbia R. R. To Lancaster, (see 260) ... -70 Diilersville 1 71 Hempfleld 3 74 Mount Pleasant 4 78 Columbia 4 82 52 ROUTES IN PENNSYLVANIA. Wrightsville 1 83 York and Wrightsville R. R. Hoover's 6 89 York 6 95 Stage. Farmer's 9 104 Abbottstowa 5 109 New Oxlord 4 113 Gettysburg 10 1:23 Cashtuwii 8 131 Fayetlfville 9 140 Chambkrsbitrq 7 147 (264) Philadelphia to Nazareth. To Rising Sim 4 Germautown 3 7 Chesnut HUl 3 10 White Marsh 3 13 Upper Dublin 2 15 Montgomeryville 6 21 Line Lexington 5 26 Bunker Hill 9 35 Quakertowu 3 38 Coopersburg G 44 Bethlehem 9 53 Hecktown 6 59 Nazareth.: 4 63 (265; Philadelphia to Easton. TollisingSun 4 MilesU)wn 3 7 Jenkintuwn 4 11 AbiuKton 1 12 Willow Grove 2 14 Horssham 3 17 Warrington 5 22 Doylestown 3 25 Dauboro' 3 28 Plumsteadville 2 30 Ottsville 8 38 Buckaville 3 41 Reiglesville 4 45 Baubsville - 6 51 Easton 4 53 (266) Philadelphia to Potts- VILLE. Philadelphia^ Readings and Potts- villc R. R. To Inclined Plane 5 Maiiavunk 2 7 {Spring -Mill 5 12 Nurri.-^town 5 17 Valley Forgo 6 23 PlKjeiiixville 4 27 Royer'a i'ord 4 3J Pottstown 9 40 Douglassville 4 44 Baumstown 5 49 Reading 9 58 Althouse'a 8 66 Mohrsville 2 68 Hamburg 7 75 Port Clinton 3 78 Scotchman's Locks 5 83 Orwig6burg 3 86 Schuylkill Haven 3 89 POTTSVILLE 4 98 (267) POTTSVILLE to CoRNINO,N.Y. Fountain Spring 12 BuarGap 12 24 Paxinos 5 29 Sunbury 12 41 Northumberland 1 42 Chillisquaque 8 50 Milton 4 54 McEwensville 4 58 Muncy 10 68 Monture-sville .10 78 Williamsport 4 82 fVilliamsport and Elmira R. R. TroutRun 15 97 Ralston 10 107 Stage. Blossburg 15 122 Coming and Blosshurg R. R. Covington 5 127 Mansfield 5 132 Tioga 8 140 Lawreuceville 7 147 Lindleytown, N. Y 3 150 Erwin CeuUe 3 153 Corning 9 162 (268) Williamsport to EtMiRA. H'iiliam.ywrt and Elmira R. R. To Trout Run 15 Ralston 10 25 Stage. Canton 20 45 Alba 4 49 Troy 6 55 Columbia Cross Roads. — 4 59 South Creek 10 69 Southport, N. Y 8 77 Elmira 2 79 (269) Williamsport to Holli- DATSBURQ. To Linden 9 Jersey Shore 6 15 ROUTES IN PENNSYLVANIA. 53 WestBranch 5 20 Dunusburg 6 2ti Lock Haven 2 28 Mill Hall 3 31 Lamar 5 3G Hubleisburg 8 44 Bellefonte 4 48 Buflalo Kuu 6 54 Hall Muon 8 62 Warrior's Mark 10 72 Binningl) am 5 77 Union Furnace 4 81 Water Street 3 84 HOLLIDAYSBURO 19 103 (270) Easton to Port Jervis. To M artin's Cieek 8 Richmond 5 13 Mount i'.fth el 4 17 Slatei'ord 2 19 Dulotsburg 5 24 Experiraenl M ills 1 25 Stroutlsbursh 4 29 Craig's M eadow 5 34 Coolbaugh's 4 38 Bushkill 4 42 Delaware 6 48 Dinginan's Feri7 6 54 Miltord 7 61 Port Jervis 8 69 (271) Easton to Binghamton. ToNazaretli 8 Jacubsburg 3 11 WindGap 4 15 Sharer's 7 22 Moimt Pocono 8 30 Stoddarlsville 12 42 BearCretk 8 50 WlLKESBARRK 10 60 Kingston 1 CI Wyoming 4 65 Exeler 9 74 North Moreland 6 80 Eaton 6 86 Tunkhannock 2 88 Lynn 11 99 Springville 4 103 Dimock 4 107 Montrose 7 114 Law sv ills Centre 9 123 BlNGHAMTON, N. Y 12 135 (272) Easton to Pottsvillz. To Hecktown 6 Bath 4 10 Pet«rsville 5 15 Cherry ville 4 19 Lehigh Cap 5 24 Parrvsville 5 29 LehiglUon 3 32 RIacch Chunk 4 36 yummit Hill 8 44 Tamaqua 5 49 Blyllie 4 53 Middleport 4 57 Port Carbon 6 63 Potts viLLE 2 65 (273) Easton to Trentox, N. J. To RaubsviUe 6 Reiglesville 4 10 Upper Black Eddy 5 15 Erwinna 2 17 Point Pleasant 6 23 Lumberviile 2 25 New Hope 7 32 Browiisburg 4 36 Taylorsviile 2 38 Yardley ville 4 42 Trenton, N.J. 3 45 (274) Easton to Harrisbiro. To Butztov/n 9 Freemani^burg 2 11 Bethlehem 4 15 Allentown 6 21 Trexlcrtown 8 29 Kutztown 10 39 Maiden Creek 9 48 Rkauing 8 56 Sinking Spring 5 61 VVomelsdorf 9 70 Myerstown 7 77 Lebanon 7 84 Annville 5 89 Palmyra 5 94 Iluminellstown 5 99 Harrisuirg 9 108 (275) Harrisburq to Baltimore. Bnlthiwre and Susquehanna R. R. To Bridgeport tJoidsboro York 25 Cladlelter's 10 35 Pmv.ser's 1 M Stn.sbiu-g 8 44 Summit 2 46 I Parkton 8 54 I Monkton 5 59 64 ROUTES IN PENNSYLVANIA. Phoenix Factory 5 64 Ashland Furnace 2 66 Cockeysville 1 67 New Texas 2 69 Relay House 6 75 Baltimore 7 82 (276) Harrisbcro to Haoers- TOVVN, Md. Via Oettysburff. To Shiremanton 4 Shepherdstown 5 9 Dillsbur? 4 13 York Sulphur Springs 8 21 Heidlersburg 4 25 Gettysburg 10 35 Fairfield 6 43 Fountain Dale 4 47 Waynesboro' 10 57 Leitersburg, Md 5 62 Hagerstown 6 68 (277) Harrisburg to Northum- berland. To Dauphin 8 Benvenue 7 15 New Buffalo 4 19 Montgomery's Ferry 5 24 Liverpool 5 29 McKee's Half Falls 12 41 Chapmnn 2 43 Selin's Grove 9 52 Shamokin Dam 4 56 Sunbury 2 58 NORTUITMBERLAND 1 59 (278) Lancaster to Reading. ToNeffsville 4 Litiz 4 8 Ephratah 8 16 Reanistown 4 20 Adarastown 5 2.> Reading 9 34 (279) York to York Sulphur Si'RINGS. To East Berlin 12 York Sulphur Springs... 8 20 (280) Philadklphia to Berwick. Vm Allentnwn. To Coopersburg, (see 264). .44 AlU'iitown 8 ,'")2 North Whitehall 8 60 Lehish (iap 10 70 Parrysville 5 75 Lehitjhton 3 78 Mauch Chunk 4 82 Lausanne 8 90 Beaver Meadows 3 93 Hazleton 4 97 Conyni»hani 6 103 Nescopec 10 113 Berwick 1 114 (281) Philadelphia to Port De- posit, Md. To Kingsessing 4 Darby 2 6 Gibbons' Tavern 3 9 Nether Providence 2 11 Lima 2 13 Joy Mills 3 16 Coiicordville 2 18 Chadd's Ford 4 22 Hamorton 2 24 Kennett's Square 3 27 Avon Dale 4 31 Wfst(;rove 3 34 Now London Cross Roads. . 5 39 Brick Meeting House, Md. . 8 47 Farmin^ton 4 51 Port Deposit 6 57 (282) Northumberland lo Honb8> DALE. To Danville 12 Catawissa 10 22 Bloomsburg 3 25 Espy 3 28 Berwick 10 38 Beach Grove 6 44 Shickshinny 10 54 Niinticoke - 5 59 Wilkesbarre 8 67 Plainsville 5 72 Pittston Ferry 4 76 Lackawanna 4 80 Hyde Park 4 84 Providence 3 87 Blakely 3 90 Carbondale 6 '96 VVaymart. 6 102 HONESDALE 10 112 (283) Wilkesbarre to Elmira, N. Y. To Kingston I v Wyoming 4 5 Exeter 9 14 North Moreland 6 20 Eaton 6 26 ROUTES IN PENNSYLVANIA. 55 Tunkhannock 2 28 SterlintcviUe 10 38 Bniintreu 4 42 PkiniRi'a Eddy 3 4'> Wyahmin.s: 8 53 Ruiinerfield Creek 6 5'J Ptjuidini,' Stone 3 G2 Wvsox • '...:. 4 66 Towanda 2 68 Biu-liutcton 10 78 EaslSinilhfield 7 85 North Smithfield 2 87 Kidgebury 8 95 VVellsburg, N. Y.- . ■ 5 100 Elmira 5 105 (284) Port Jervis to Owego, N.Y. To Milford 8 Dailin;,^sviUe 12 20 Taftoii 10 30 HoxEsnALE 9 39 Promptou 5 44 Wayniart^ 6 50 Carbondale 6 56 Diindaff 8 64 Lenox 8 72 Brooklvn 9 81 Montro'se •• 7 88 Forest Lake 6 94 Friendsville 6 100 VVarrenham 8 108 OWEGO 9 117 (285) TovvANDA to Erie. To Ruilincrton 10 West B urlington 4 14 Troy 6 20 Svlvania 5 25 Sullivan 6 31 Covinu:lou 8 39 Charleston 8 47 Wkli.sboro' 3 50 Pine Creek 12 62 Pike Mills 14 76 Sweden 12 88 Lymansville 4 92 OOIDKRSPORT 3 95 Roulette 9 104 Port AlleGThany 5 109 Smithport.... 12 121 LaFavclte 12 133 Kenjua 16 149 Warren 13 102 Irvine 7 lon Youngs ville 3 172 SpringCreek 14 186 Cook 8 194 Union Mills 8 202 Waterlord 8 210 Erie 14 224 (286) Philadelphia to Erie. To Lewistown, (see 261) . .168 Reedsville 5 173 Valley 4 177 Potter'sMill 7 184 Old Fort 4 188 Bellefonte 9 197 Milesburg 2 199 Pl) ilhpsburg 26 225 Clearfield Bridge 15 240 Curwinsville 5 245 Luthersbiu-g 13 258 Brookville 23 281 Corsica 6 287 Strattonsville 7 294 Clarion 4 298 Shi j)penville 4 302 Cranberry 19 321 Franklin 3 324 Canal 8 332 Sugar Creek 4 '536 Meadville 12 348 Woodcock 9 357 Rockdale 3 360 Waterford 10 370 Erie 14 384 (287) Chambersbtjrg to Wheel- ing, Va. To Bedford, (see 262) 56 White Horse 23 79 Somerset 14 93 Donegal 18 111 Mount Pleasant 10 121 McKean's Old Stand 5 126 West Newton 7 133 Gamble's 4 137 Monongahe'a City 3 140 Duiuiingsville 10 150 Washington 10 160 Claysville---- 10 i7C West Alexander 7 177 Triadelphia, Va 4 181 Wheeling 10 191 (288) Pittsburg to Wheelinq,Va. To Herriottsville 10 Cannonsburg 8 18 Washington 7 25 Wheeling, (see 287) 31 56 56 ROUTES IN PENNSYLVAXIA. (389) PiTTSBURa to Stkubkn- VILLK, O. To Fayette ... 13 North Suir 6 19 Buviu:,'ton 3 2-2 Floreijoe 4 -26 Pans 5 31 Holliday's Cove, Va. 4 35 Stki'uksville, O. .' 3 38 (290) Pittsburg IoClkveland, O. To Allei^hany 1 Sewickly Bottom 14 15 Et'onoiny 3 18 Frecduui 7 '25 Beaver 3 28 Darlin^cton 12 40 Enon Valley 4 44 Petersbur^,'0 6 50 New Middletown 4 54 Poland 5 59 Boardinan 3 62 Caiitieid 6 68 Ellsworth 6 74 Frederick 6 80 Palmyra 5 85 Edinburg 5 90 Ravknna. 6 96 Franklin Mills 6 102 Stow 4 106 Hudson 6 112 Twinsbarg 5 117 Bedf'onl 7 124 Newburg 6 130 Clevkland 6 136 (291) PiTTSBURo/o MeRCKR. Via Beaver. To Beaver, (see 290) 28 Fallston 2 30 Britrhton 2 32 Irish Ripple 10 42 MoMiil Jackson 2 44 Crob.s Cm 5 49 New Caritle 5 34 New Rtvilord 10 04 PuliLski 4 68 New Wilmington 6 74 Mekckr 7 81 (292) Pittsburg to Erie, To Alleghany 1 J$akfr.-i()wn 16 17 Glade Mills 6 23 Buller 9 3'2 Forest 12 44 Slippery Rock 4 49 Norih Liberty 4 52 >: ERt ER 12 64 Culberison's js 79 -Meadville 15 94 Woodcock 9 103 Rockdale 3 1% Waterl'ord 10 116 I^i'-iE 14 130 (293) Pittsburg to Baltimork. Steamboat. To McKeesport 16 Elizabethtown 8 24 -Monongahela City 9 33 Belvernon 12 45 Brownsville 12 57 Stage. Uniontown 12 69 Fanuiu^'ion 13 82 !:?oinerlieid 8 90 Addison 5 95 (Jranusville, Md 13 108 Shade MiU 9 117 I Frostburg 4 121 Cumberland 10 131 Baltimore, and Ohio R. R. Pattei-son's Creek 8 139 Little Cacapon Creek 13 152 Paw Paw Tunnel 4 156 Doe Gully Tunnel .12 168 Great Cacapon Creek 9 177 Hancock 9 186 Walnut Bend 5 191 Back Creek Viaduct 7 198 Hedgesville Depot 4 202 Martinsburg 7 209 Kerneysville 8 217 Duilield's 5 222 Harper's Ferry 6 228 Knoxville 3 231 Berlin 3 234 Point of Rocks 6 240 Krederk.k 8 248 Monocacy Bridge 3 251 Ijanisville 5 256 Monrovia 4 260 Mount Airy 6 266 Woodbine 6 272 Sykesville 6 278 iMarriottsville 3 281 Elvsviilc 8 289 Kliicott's Mills 6 295 Ilchester 2 297 Relay House 4 301 Baltimore 9 310 ROUTES IN DELAWARE MARYLAND. 57 DELA-WARB. (294) Wilmington to George- town. To New Castle 5 SaiiU George's 10 15 McDonouffh 3 18 Cautwell's Bridge 4 22 Black Bird 6 28 Smyrna 6 34 Dover 12 46 Camden 3 49 Canterbury 5 54 Fredrica 5 59 Milford 8 67 Milton 12 79 Georgetown 8 87 (295) Georgetown to Cape Charles, Va. ToMillsboro' 8 Dogsboru' 5 13 St. Martin's, Md. 10 23 Berlin 8 31 Newark 8 39 Snow HUl 8 47 Sandy Hill. 9 56 Horntown, Va G 62 Accoman 7 69 Modestlown 9 78 AccoMAcC. H 10 88 Onancock 8 96 Pungoteugue 4 100 Bellehaven 6 106 Franktown 7 113 Eastville 12 125 Capeville 12 137 (296) Georgetown to Princess Anne. To Concord 12 Laurel 6 18 Salisbury, Md 15 33 Forktown 4 37 Princess Anne 11 48 MARYLAND. (297) Baltimore to Philadel- phia. Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore R. R. To Canton 3 Stemmer's Run 7 10 Chase's 6 16 Hurewood 1 17 Gunpowder 3 20 Ferryman's 8 28 Hall's Cross Roads 4 32 Havre de Grace 5 37 Cecil 1 38 Charlestown 5 43 North East 3 4G Elktown 6 52 Newark 6 58 Stanton 6 64 Newport 2 66 Wilmington 4 70 Naaman's Creek 8 78 Marcus' Hook 2 80 Chester 3 83 Lazaretto 4 87 Gray'sFerry 7 94 Philadelphia 3 97 (298) Baltimore to Philadel- phia. Steamboat. To Fort McHenry 3 NorthPoint 10 13 Pool's Island 15 28 Turkey Point 21 40 Frenchtow n 15 64 J^ew Castle and Frenchtown R. R. Newcastle 16 80 Steamboat. Marcus' Hook 13 93 Chester 4 97 Lazaretto 4 101 ForlMifHin 5 lOG Philadelphia 9 115 (299) Baltimore to Washington, D. C. Baltimore and Ohio R. R. To Relay House 9 IVashinffton Branch R. R. Elkridge Landing 1 10 Jessup's Cut 5 15 Annapolis Junction 3 18 Savage Factory 2 20 Laurel P'actory 1 21 White Oak Bottom 4 25 Beltsville 3 28 Paint Branch 2 30 Biadensburg 3 33 Washikgton 7 40 (300) Baltimore to Annapolis. » Railroad. To Relay House 9 Elkridge Landing 1 10 58 ROUTES IN MARYLAND. Jessup's Cut 5 15 Annapolis Junction 3 18 ratiixi'nt Forge 4 22 MilltTsville 6 28 An.vapolis 11 39 (301) Baltimore to Wheeling, Baltimore a«d 0/iio R. To Rt'Iuy House Avaion Ilcliu.ster .', Ellicoti's Mills Elysville Putney's Bridge , VVood:lt< )Cl{ Marriottsville Sykesville Hood's Mills Woodbine Mount Airy Monrovia Ijam: 58 Paperiown 8 6t) Carhslk "2 (300) Baltimore to Lancaster, Pa. Baltimore and Susqiiehanvah R.R. To VVoodberry 3 Mi.-:vale 1 4 Wasiiiiv^on Factoiy 2 t) Rel:iy house 1 ~ Bvdtrs Lane 3 10 Ti"m;.Mi ini 2 12 Clark's Station 2 14 Coektvsville 1 15 Ashland 1 jtJ W'tslirmnn's Mills 2 18 Love's Station 3 21 Monkton Mills 2 23 Whitehall ,• 4 27 Parkton 2 20 Freeland's 5 34 Summit 2 36 York and Maryland Line R. R. Strasburg 2 38 Heathcote's 4 42 Smys('r's » 5 47 <^lalieller's 2 49 Tunnel 1 ^^ York 7 57 Wrightsville and York H. R. Heastoii's Mills Wrightsville Columbia ' CMumhia R. R. M(mnl Pleasant Hemptield Dillersville Lancaster 4 75 (307) Baltimore to Norfolk, Vjl. Steamboat. To Fort McHeniy 3 North Point 10 13 Sandv Point 14 27 Thomas Point 10 37 ld Point Comloit 45 179 Norfolk, Va 15 194 (308) Elkton to Snow Hill. To Warwick Head of Sassafras Georgetown Cross Rouds- • . Chestertown Churfch Hill Centreviile Wye Mills Easton Trapjje Cambridge Hicksbnrg Big Mills Vienna Barren Creek Springs Ssdifbury Snow Hill 18 2:} 39 45 54 62 76 85 7 92 8 100 6 106 4 110 5 115 11 126 20 146 60 ROUTES IN MARYLAND. (309) Washington to Gkttys- BORG, Pa. To Georgetown 2 Tennally Town 2 4 Fockville 11 15 Middle Brook 10 25 Clarksburg 3 28 Uyatlstown 4 32 Urbanna 4 36 Frederick 7 43 Utica Mills 8 51 Creagerstown 4 55 Gracehara 3 58 Einmittsburg 7 65 Green Mount, Pa 5 70 Gettysburg 5 75 (310) Washington to Annapolis. Long Old Fields 9 Upper Marlboro' 8 17 Queen Anne 9 20 Davidsonville 4 30 Annapolib 9 39 (31 1) Washington to UancocK. To Frederick, (see 309) 43 Middlutown 8 51 Boousburo' 8 59 Funkslown 8 67 Hagerstown 2 69 Clear Spring 11 80 Park Head 8 88 Hancock 7 95 (312) Washington to Ridgk. To Palmer's Tavern 10 Piscataway (J 16 Pleasant Hill 10 26 PortTobacco 6 32 AUen's Fresh 9 41 Newport 3 44 Cliaplico 8 52 Saint X!l«nienl's Bay 6 58 Leonardtown 6 64 Great Mills 12 76 Saint Inegoea 6 82 RiDO« 3 87 61 ROUTES IN THE SOUTHERN ATLANTIC STATES. VIRGINIA. (313) Washington to Parkers- burg. To Georgetown, D. C 2 Prospect Hill, Va, 10 12 Dranosville 9 21 Belmont 8 29 Leesburg G 35 Hamilton 6 41 Puree U's Store 4 45 Snickersville 8 53 Snicker'a Ferry 6 59 Berryville 4 63 WiNCHKSTER 12 75 Back Creek Valley 13 88 CaponBridge 8 96 Hanging Rock 5 101 ROMNEY 16 117 Bmliiigton 10 127 Ridgeville 5 132 Claysvillc 6 138 Hoysburg 14 152 Glade Valley 9 161 German Settlement 6 167 Evansville 24 191 ThreeForks 7 198 Prunlvtown 8 206 Bridgeport 10 216 Clarksburg 6 222 New Salem 14 236 West Union 16 252 Pennsboro' 12 264 Schmnla 21 285 Parkkrsburq 20 305 (314) Washington to Staunton. Fia Culpepcr C. U. To Alexandria 7 Fairl'iix Court House 14 21 Centreville 7 28 Groveton 7 35 Buckland 7 42 New Baltimore 3 45 Warrenton »• • 6 51 Warrenton Springs • . . 5 56 Jeffersonton.... 5 61 Rixeyville 6 67 Culpeper Court House ..... 9 76 Col vin's Tavern 4 80 LocustDale 8 88 Orange Court House 8 96 Gordonsville 8 104 Everittsville 15 119 Charlottesville .i 6 125 Hardin's Tavern 8 133 Yancey's Mills 8 141 Brookville 4 145 Waynesboro' 7 152 Fishersville 5 1.57 Staunton 6 163 (315) Washington to the Vir- ginia Springs. Steamboat. To Alexandria 7 l^'ort Washington, Md 7 14 Mount Vernon 2 16 Crane Island 6 22 Sandy Point 12 34 Aquia Creek Landing 10 44 Railroad. Fredericksburg 14 58 Stan-e. Chancellorsville 10 68 Wilderness 5 73 Locust Grove 5 78 Verdiersville 6 84 Orange Court House 12 96 Gordonsville 8 104 Everittsville 15 119 Charlottesville 6 125 Hardin's Tavern 8 133 Yancey's Mills 8 141 Brookville 4 145. Waynesboro' 7 152 Fishersville 5 157 Staunton 6 1()3 Buffalo Gap 13 176 Deerfield 15 191 ClOverdale Hotel 9 200 Green Valley 7 207 6 62 ROUTES IN VIRGINIA-. Warm Springs or Bath C.H. 14 221 Hot Springs 5 "2^26 Morris Hill 14 240 Calla^haii's 8 248 WiiiTK SllphurSprinq8* 14 2f)2 Lewisburght 9 271 Bm-e SiLPHiR Springs... 13 284 • Sweut Springs . . 17—279. t Second Creek.. 13—282. Union 9-291. Salt Sclpiur Spa 3—294. Indian Creek 9—303. Reo SiLPHi'R Spa 8—311. (316) AVashington to Frederick. Stage. Georgetown 2 Tenniillv Town 2 4 Rockville 11 15 Middle Brook 10 25 Ciarlisburg 3 28 Hynttstown 4 82 Urbanna 4 36 Frkueuick 7 48 (316.\) Richmond to Stattnton. Virginia Central R. R. To Storrs 6 Crensiiaws 1 7 Atlevs 2 9 Peake's 6 15 Hanover C. H ....3 1^ Wyckliam's 9 27 Junction 3 30 Andersons 3 33 Noel's 2 35 Hewletts 5 40 Beaverdam ... 5 45 Biiinpass 5 50 Frederick's Hall 6 50 Tollersvilie 6 62 Louisa C. H. 5 67 Treviilians 9 76 Gordon.sville 5 SI Lindsay s Turnout 2 S3 Keswick 7 90 Bliadwell 3 9Z Charlottes viLu: 4 97 University — 1 98 "Woodvllle. 6 104 MechunVs Eiver 8 107 (317) RiniMoxn to Keesevillr. Rich/ii'ind and Danville R. R. To Rohios 10 Coalfield 3 13 Tomahawk 4 17 Po wliattan 5 22 Mattoax- 5 27 Scott's Shop 6 38 Amelia C. H. 3 36 Wyanoke 7 48 Jenninss Ordinary 7 50 Ilaytokah .... 4 54 Liberty Church .... 5 59 Melilierrin 6 65 Keeseville •• S 73 (ol7i) "Washington to Wilming- ton, N. C. Steamboat. To Alexandria 7 Tort Washington, Md. 7 14 Mount Vernon 2 16 Crane Island 6 22 Sandy Point 12 34 Aquia Creek Landing 10 44 Richmond^ Fredericksburg; and Potomac R. R. FREDERirKSDlRG 14 58 G urnev's Depot 12 70 j Milford Depot 11 81 RutherGlen 10 91 I Jimction, (Louisa R. R.) . . . 6 97 I Taylorsville 2 99 i Hiuigary Station 13 112 RUIIMOND 8 120 I RichTn-rfiid and Petersburg R. R. ' Maiicliester 2 122 I CloverHill 11 133 ' Port Walthall 3 136 I Pktkusbi'uq 6 142 I PcttT.tburnr and Roanoke R. R. I Stony Creek Warehouse . . .21 163 I Jarrelt's 9 172 Hicksford 10 182 I Pleasant Hill, N. C. 11 193 I C;areysburg 6 199 i Weldon 5 204 ! TVi'minrrton and fVeldon R. R. \ Halifax..". 7 211 Enfield 11 222 BatHeborough H 233 I Rocky Mountain 8 241 I Joyuer'» 9 250 ROUTES IN VIRGINIA. 63 Tossnot 7 S'lT Black Creek 6 2t)3 Nahimtu 7 270 Goldsborough 11 '281 Dudley 9 2!)() Faisou's 12 302 VVai-saw 8 310 Strickland's 8 318 Teuchy's 10 328 South Washington 9 337 Bergaw 7 344 Rocky Point 8 352 Wilmington 14 3GG (319; Washington to Norfolk. Steamboat. To Alexandria 7 FoK Washington, Md 7 14 Mount Vernon, Va 2 16 Crane Island 6 22 Sandy Point 12 34 Aquia Ci-eek Landing 10 44 Boyd's Hole 10 54 Matthias Point 8 62 Cedar Point, Md. 7 69 Swan Point 4 73 Piney Point 25 98 Point Lookout 13 111 Smith's Point, Va. 12 123 Windmill Point, mouth of Rappahannock River 22 145 Point no Point 15 160 New Point Comfort 7 167 Back River Point 12 179 Old Point Comfort 11 190 Norfolk • 15 205 (319) Washington to Lykch- BURG. To Charlottesville, (see 315) 125 Garland's 14 139 Covesville 7 146 Lovin^ston 15 161 Rose Mills 9 170 New Glasgow 5 175 Amherst Court House 5 180 Lynchburg 15 195 (320) Alexandria to Winches- ter. To Fairfax Court House 14 Chantilly 6 20 Pleasant Valley 4 24 I Areola 5 29 Aldie 6 35 Middleburg 5 40 Upperville 8 48 Paris 4 52 Berry's Ferry 5 57 Millvvood 2 59 Winchester U 'JO (321) Winchester to Hancock. To WhitehaU 8 Oakland 19 27 Berkley Springs 10 37 Hancock, Md 6 43 (322) Winchester to Staunton. Newtown Stephensburg ... 8 Middletown 5 13 Strasburg 5 18 Tom's Brook 6 24 Woodstock 6 30 Edinburg 5 35 Red Banks 4 39 Mount Jackson 4 43 New ^ arket 7 50 Spartapolis 8 58 Harrisonburg 11 69 Mount Crawford 8 77 >'ouiit Sidney B 83 Staunton 11 94 (323) Winchester to Harper's Ferry. WincRester and Potomac R. R. To Stephenson's Depot — 5 Summit Point 10 15 Charlestown 7 22 Halltown -. . 4 26 Harper's Ferry 6 32 (324) Richmond to Gordonsville. Richmond, Fredericksburg, and Potomac R. R. To Huniiarv Station 8 Taylorsville 13 21 Junction 2 23 Louisa R. R. Beaver Dam Depot 13 36 Frederickshall 12 48 Tolcrsville 6 54 Louisa Com-t House 6 60 Gordonsville 14 74 (325) Richmond to Lynchburg. To Manchester 2 CoalMines 13 15 Halisborough 3 18 64 ROUTES IN VIRGINIA. Flat Rock 8 96 Scoit^vUle 7 33 Miicon 7 40 Ballsville 8 48 Cumberland Court House . . 9 57 LaiiLjhonie's Tavern 5 62 Rrtinea 8 70 Fiiriuville 5 75 Prospect .10 85 VVullcer's Church 6 91 Clover Hill 7 98 i^poiit Spring 8 106 Concord 3 109 Lynchburg 14 123 (326) Richmond to Tajppahannock. ToOldChiu-ch 15 Aylett3. 13 28 Fleetwood Academy 8 36 Miller's Tavern 4 40 Tapi'ahannock 10 50 (.327) Richmond to Hampton. To Frazier's Tavern 17 Nev^ Kent Court House • ... 13 30 HarhamsviUe 10 40 Bunit Ordinary 8 48 Williamsburg 12 60 YORKTOWN 12 72 Hallway House 12 84 Hampton 12 96 (328) Richmond to Norfolk. Steamboat. To Warwick 7 City Point 40 47 Graysville 5 52 Williamsburg Landing 30 82 Biirwell's Bay. 13 95 Norfolk 30 125 (329) Petersburg to Lynchburg. South Side R. R. To Sutherland's ....10 Ford's 10 20 Wilson's 8 2S Wellville 8 31 Blacks and Whites 6 37 Nottoway 0. H.... 6 4-3 Burkville 9 f<2 Rice's 10 62 Farinville 6 68 Prospect 10 78 Clover Hill ....13 91 Spout Spring 8 99 Concord 3 102 Lyncubueq 14 116 (330) Petersburg to Suffolk. To Prince George's C. H.. . . 7 Garryaville 10 17 Cabin Point 9 26 Surry Court House 12 38 BaconCastle 8 46 Burwell's Bay 6 52 Smithfield 6 .58 Chuckatuck 10 68 Suffolk 10 78 (331) Petersburg to City Point. By Railroad 12 (332) Norfolk to Wkldon, N. C. Portsmouth and Roanoke R. R. To Portsmouth 1 Sujffolk Court House 17 18 Carrsville 14 32 Franklin 5 37 Newson's Depot 12 49 Bovkin's Depot 5 54 MaVgarettsville, N. C. 9 63 Careysburg 12 75 Weldon 5 aO (333) FARMVILLEtoGRBKNSBORO', N. C. To Prince Edward C. H. . . . 7 Midway Inn 8 15 Roanoke Bridge 6 21 Ch arlotte Court House 7 23 Midland 10 38 Mount Laurel 7 45 Halifax Court House 12 57 Bloomsburg • 13 70 Cuiniingham's Store, N.C... 13 83 Milton 10 93 Yanceyville 13 100 Slades 9 115 Lenox Castle 7 122 High Rock 3 125 Monlicello 8 133 Greensboro' 13 146 (334) Lynchburg to Knoxville. Virginia and Term. R. R. Halsey's 5 Clay's Crossing 3 8 Forest Depot 2 10 Poindexter's 3 13 Goodc's. 3 16 Lowry's Crossing 3 19 Liberty 6 25 Oakniulga 4 29 ROUTES IN VIRGINIA. 65 Li.sLon 3 8'2 Bulord's Gap 5 ^7 Flake's 5 42 Bonsiick's 5 47 BiiC Lick G 5>! Salem 7 GO Clii'istiansburg 25 S5 Newhern 20 lii5 Wvtheville 2S 1:33 Miirion 27 160 Glade Spring 18 178 Abingdon 11 189 Sapling Grove 13 202 Blointsville, Tenn. 9 211 Etlcu's Ridge 9 220 Kiiii^'sport G 22G Nt-w Canton 9 235 Lvou's Store 7 242 YoIIow Store 3 245 Roi^ersville 8 253 Red Bridge 10 2()3 Rocky Spring 7 270 Bean's Station 4 274 Riilledge 9 2H3 Blair's Cross Roads 14 297 Acaderaia 9 306 K.NOXVILLK 10 31G (335) Lynchburg IoGreensboro', N.C. To Campbell Court House. .12 Yciluw Branch 5 17 Castle Craig 5 22 Ward's Bridge 5 27 Chalk Level 13 40 Robertson's Store 5 45 Pittsylvania Coui-t House... 7 52 Danville 20 72 Graves, N.C. 9 81 Rawlinirsburg 8 89 Reid:^ville 9 98 Troublesome 4 102 Wolkroelon 4 lOG Hillsdale 5 111 Martinsville 6 117 Greensboro' 7 124 (33G) Lyncuburg to Lewisburg. To New London 11 Otter Bridge 7 18 Liberty. 8 26 Li-bon 8 34 Blue Ridge 8 42 Fin CASTLE 14 56 Craig's Creek 10 66 Middle Mountain 10 76 Pott'sCreek 4 80 Sweet Springs 4 84 White Sulphcr Springs .17 101 Lewisblrg 9 110 (337) Lewisburg to Guyandotte. To Clintonville 10 Seweli's Mountain 19 29 Locust Lane 10 33 Mountain Cove 9 48 Gauley's Bridge 14 (rJ Loop Creek 5 67 Paint Creek 10 77 Kanawiia Saline 16 93 Kanawha Court House .-6 99 Coalsmouth 12 111 Mount Salem 9 1-20 Long Level 6 126 Cabell Court House 12 138 Guyandotte 7 146 (338) Lewisburg to Newbern. To Second Creek 10 Union 9 19 Salt Sulphur Springs 3 22 Indian Creek 9 31 Red Sulphur Springs 8 39 Peterslown 9 48 Giles Court House 9 57 Poplar Hill 10 C7 Newbern 12 79 (339) Staunton to Knoxville, Tenn. To Greenville 12 Steel's Tavern 6 18 Fairfield 6 24 Timber Ridge 6 30 Lexinc;ton 5 33 Fancy Hil! 8 43 Nati'ral Bridge 7 50 Paltonsburg 10 60 FiNfASTLE 12 72 Amsterdam 6 78 Cloverdale 3 81 Big Lick 9 90 Salem, (see 334) 5 95 Christiansburg 25 120 Wytheville 48 168 Abinu'ilon .55 223 Blountsville 22 245 Knoxville 105 350 6* 66 ROUTES IN VIRGINIA NORTH CAROLINA. (340) Kanawha, to Pt. Pleasant. To Mouth of PocotaligO".16 Walnut Grove 4 20 Ri'dhuuso Shoals G 2G Bullalo 6 32 Ail)uckle 7 39 Point Pleasant 16 55 (341) FiNCASTLE to Cumberland Gap. To New Castle 17 Sinkin- Creek 12 29 Newport 18 47 Giles Court House 13 60 E:ist River 16 76 Bi!,'Sprinor 12 88 Blue iStone 15 103 Tazewell Court House 14 117 Maiden Spring 11 128 Hortou's Valley 14 142 Elk Garden U V>^ Lebanon 9 162 DickinsoMville 11 173 Osborne's Ford 14 187 Clinch River 9 196 \ P.^iullelon 11 207 Stock Creek 5 212 Powell's Mountain 10 222 Joju-sville 14 236 Rose Hill 18 234 VValnulHill 8 262 Clmbkrland Gap, Ky. 9 271 NORTH CAROLINA. (342; Wilmington to Washing- ton, D. C. Wilmivgton and Wddon R. R. To Rocky Point 14 Ber-aw 8 22 Soutli Wasiiington 7 29 Teachv's 9 38 Slricki;md'8 10 48 Warsaw 8 56 Faison's 8 64 Dudley 12 7G (ioldsborough 9 8a N.hunla 11 96 Black Creek 7 103 T-.ssuott 6 109 Joyi.er's 7 lit; Ro.ky Mount 9 125 Battleborough 8 133 Entleld 11 1-1^ Halifax 11 155 Weldon 7 1G2 Petersburg and Roanohe R. R. Gareysbur;,' 5 167 Pleasant Hill 6 173 Hickslord, Va. 11 184 Jurrett's 10 194 Stony Creek Warehouse ... 9 203 Petersburg 21 224 Richmond and Petersburg R. R, Port Walthall 6 230 Clover Hill 3 233 Manchester 11 244 Richmond 2 246 Riclimund, Fredericksburg, and Potomac R. R. Hungary Station 8 254 Tavlorsville 13 267 Jdnctiou (Louisa R. R.)- •• • 2 269 Ruiher Glen 6 275 Millord Depot 10 285 Gurney's Depot 11 296 FllEDKRICKSBlRO 12 308 Aquia Creek Landing 14 322 Steamboat. Sandy Point 10 332 Crane Island 12 344 Mount Vernon 6 350 Fort Washington, Md. ..4. 2 352 Alexandria, Va 7 359 Washington City 7 366 (343) Wilmington to Norfolk, Va. Via Wilmington and Raleigh R.R. To Gareysburg, (see 342). .167 Portsmouth, and Roanoke R. R. MaruaretsviUe 12 179 Boykins, Vu. 9 188 Newson's Depot 5 193 Franklin 12 205 Carrsville 5 210 Suffolk Court House 14 t:H Portsmouth 17 241 Norfolk 1242 (344) Wilmington to Newbern. To Strickland's, (see 342). • .48 mtage, Kenansville 10 58 Hallsville t^ 66 Richland 20 fCi Marketplace 9 'J5 Trenton 10 IDS Newbkrn 20 125 ROUTES IN NORTJI CAROLINA. 67 (345) WiLMiNSTON to Charles- ton, S. C. Stcnmbuat. To Smith ville 30 Charleston HO 170 (346) Wilmington to Fayette- VILLE. To Robinson's 16 VVestbrook 15 31 ElizabellUown 17 48 Prospect Hull 17 65 Fayetteville ". .21 86 (347) Fayetteville to Marion Court House, S. C. To Little Rock 6 St. Paul's 9 15 Lumberton 16 31 Leesville 11 42 Gaddysville 10 52 Marion C. H. ^ 23 75 (348) Fayetteville to Cheraw, S.C. To Dijvis' Springs 14 Rmdallsviile 12 26 Montpelier 6 32 LaurelHjAl 8 40 Bri-htsvffle, S. C 18 58 Cueraw. 12 70 (349) Fayetteville to Char- lotte. To Davis' Springs 14 RaiKlallsville 12 26 Mohtpelier 6 32 Rockingbam 25 57 Tiiidalsville 11 68 Lilesvillc 5 73 Wadesboro' 5 78 Lanesboro' 13 &1 Jeiikin's Store 13 104 Cobiini's Store 9 113 Onvillo 5 118 |Pli ax well's Store 5 123 Charlotte 7 130 (350) FAYETTEV^LLE tO SALISBURY. To Peari:>on's Mills 14 Johnson ville 9 23 Carthage 16 39 Peels' 12 51 Caledonia 6 57 Sugg's Bridge 6 63 Hill's Store 15 78 Mount Lebanon 8 86 Healing Springs 8 94 Salisbury 18 112 (351) Fayetteville to Warhavv. To O wensville 20 Clinton 15 .?5 Springvale 8 4:1 Warsaw, (on railroad) . • . . 6 49 (352) Fayetteville to Raleigh. To Averysborough 25 Middle Creek 23 48 Raleigh 12 60 (353) Raleigh to Washington, D C. Raleigh and Gaston R. R. To Neuse 9 Forestville 6 15 Franklinton 11 26 Staunton 11 37 Henderson 7 44 Ridgewny 13 57 Macon Depot 10 67 LiUleton 11 78 Gaston 9 87 Greenville R. R. Rnland's, Va. 10 97 Hicksford's 11 108 Washington, (see 342)... 182 290 (354) Raleigh to Washington, N. C F'ia Rocky Mount. To Eagle Rock 12 Wakefield 8 20 Stnnho)>e 13 33 Nashville 12 45 Rocky Mount (on railroad) . 10 61 Tarboro' 17 78 Sparta 8 86 Falkland 8 94 Greenville 9 103 Pactolus 13 116 Washington 13 129 (355) Raleigh to Beaufokt. Via IVnyncsboro'' and JS'cwbirn. To (iulley*s Store 9 Smilhfield 18 27 Boon Hill 10 37 Waynesborough 14 51 Goldsboro' (on railroad) 1 52 Mosely Hall 11 63 Kuiston 16 79 es ROUTES IN NORTH CAROLINA. Trenton 20 105 Polloksville 1-2 117 * Newbkrn 8 1J5 Cravensnlle 17 14:2 Bbalfort 31 173 (3;>G) Newbern to Norfolk, Va. fia PnjmoiUk and Edcnton, To .Swill Creek Bridge 17 VVajshisgton 18 35 Piyinoiilh ■•••.. ...13 70 Edi-iitoii, (^by steamboat) . . .20 1)0 Heraurd 12 102 WoodviUe 11 113 Eliz.ibetii City 10 12;} New Lebanon 12 135 De.p Creek 25 1(30 Norfolk 10 170 (357> Edenton to Norfolk, Va. Fia Currituck C. H. To Hertford 12 Woodvilie ....11 23 Elizabeth City 10 33 Camden 5 38 Shilori 6 44 Indiantown 6 .'iO Currituck Court House 10 CO N. \V. River Bridge, Va • • .15 75 Great Bridge 14 80 Norfolk 10 99 (358) Halifax to Plymouth. Via fVilliaiiiston. Tof^coUand Neck 22 PaliMvra 7 29 RouiH.ke 5 34 Hamilton 8 12 Williamston 13 55 Gardner's Bridge 11 6G Plymouth 11 77 (359) Raleioh to Salisbury. yia Oreensboru''. Moiin::sville 20 CliajK-l Hill 8 28 HiiUborough 12 40 M .sou's Uall 9 49 Haw River 11 GO Albright's 60 An.inauce 6 72 Greensboro' 13 85 Jamestown II 9(j BnimmeH's 10 HK5 Rich Fork 112 Lexington 8 120 Salisbury 17 137 (360) Raleioh to Salcsbfrt, Via Ashbaro'. ToGrove 20 Hackney's Cross Roads 7 27 PiUsborough 8 35 Si. Lawrence 12 47 Parley's Mills 10 57 Ashboro' 10 73 Carraway 9 82 Spencer 8 90 Coilon Grove 11 101 Salisbury 16 117 (361> Salisbury to Asuvillk. Via Lincolnton. To Miranda 14 Mount Mourne 12 26 BealUe'sFord 8 .34 Catawba Springs 4 38 Vesuvius Euinace 4 42 Lincolnton 10 52 VVilsonville 13 65 Garner's Ford 7 72 R utherlbrd ton 23 95 Fairview 29 124 Ashville 12 136 (362) Salisbury to Warm Springs. Via Morirantown and .Ashville. To Cowansville T. . 16 Stalesville 11 27 PoplarGrove 9 36 Newton 5 41 Chestnut Oak 11 52 Drowning Creek 11 63 MORGANTOWN 15 78 Marion Court House 26 104 Old Fort 10 114 Swannano 12 126 Ashville 13 139 Lapland 20 159 Warm Springs 17 176 (363) Salisbury to Yorkvillk, S.C. _^ To Concord 20 ^ Harrisburg 12 32 Charlotte 7 39 White Hall 8 47 Ranaleburg 8 55 YOHKVILK, S.C 17 72 (364) Salisbury to Chkraw, S.C. To Rockville 15 Kendall's Store 10 25 Albemarle 3 28 ROUTES IN N. CAROLINA S. CAROLINA. 69 Norwood 12 40 Cellar Hill 5 45 Beverly 6 51 VVadesboro' i> 57 Morven 10 G"" Sneedsboro' 4 71 Cheraw, S. C 10 81 (365) Greensboro' to Halifax, Va. Monticello 13 High Rock 8 21 Lenox Castle 3 24 Blade's 7 31 Yanceyville 9 40 Milton 13 53 Cunninc^ham's 10 63 Bioomsburg 9 72 Halifax 13 85 (366) Greensboro' to Wytue- VILLE, Va. To New Garden 6 Friendship 3 9 Kernersviile 7 16 Salem 11 27 Old Town 6 33 Bethania 3 36 Little Yadkin 9 45 Olive Mount 6 51 Tilmont 6 57 Mount Airy 11 68 Good Spur, Va 22 90 HUlsville 8 98 Jackson's Ferrj- 9 107 WVTIIEVILLE 13 120 (367) Salem to Knoxville, TeJjn. To Panther Creek U Huntsvilte 10 21 Hamplonville 18 39 Chapell's Cross Roads 6 45 Dennyville 5 50 Wilkesboro' 16 66 Reddy's River 13 79 Jefferson 17 96 9cnh Fork 12 108 Taylorsville, Tenn 14 122 Moore's Iron Works 9 131 Du'Jrger's Feriy 9 140 Elizabeth town 13 153 Jonesb«ro' 18 171 Leesburg 5 176 Rheaiown 10 186 Henderson's Mills 4 1 90 Greenville 6 196 Gustavus ...13 209 Check's Cross Roads. ...... .14 223 Morristown 6 229 Panther Springs 5 234 Mossy Creek 8 242 New Market 4 2-16 Strawberry Plains j> 2.'),) Knoxville 10 '.i7 1 (368) Salem to Raleiou. To Kernersviile M Friendship 7 1.'^ New Gaiden 3 "il Greensboro' • <> 27 Allemance I'-i ■■') Albright's • 6 ^6 Haw River <• ''2 Mason's Hall 11 6;i Hillsboro' 9 72 Chapel Hill..... 12 84 Moringsville H V.2 Raleigh 2i> 112 SOUTH CAROLINA. (369) Charleston to Augista, Ga. Via South Carolina R. li. ToSineath's 13 Ladson's 5 18 Summerville 4 22 Inabnet's .9 31 Ross's 6 37 St. George's 11 48 Branch ville 14 62 Edisto Turnout 1 66 Midway 6 72 Graham's 9 81 Blackville 9 90 Williston 9 99 Windsor 8 107 Johnson's H !'••> Aiken 5 120 Marsh's 8 128 Hamburg 8 136 Augusta, Ga. 1 l^H (370) Charleston to Savannah. Steamboat. To Sullivan's Island 6 North Edisto River 28 34 St. Helena Sound 15 49 Port Royal EnlrcUice 20 69 Savannah River 20 89 Savannah IB 107 70 ROUTES IN SOrXH CAROLINA. (371) Charlestok to Savannah. To Jacksonboro' 32 Ashepo Ferry 9 41 BUift House 9 .SO Cv)lliii9 Cross Roads 10 60 Pocutaligo 4 04 Gillisonville 5 G9 (Jr.itminsville 10 79 Perrysburg 15 94 Savannah, Ga 18 112 (373) Charleston to Camden. To C.imden Junction, (see 373) 106 Camden Branch R. R. Camdkn 44 150 (373) CUARLKSTOS tO Coi-l'MBIA. yia South Carolina R. R. To Siue;itli's 13 Ladson's 5 18 Suininorville 4 22 Inabiiei's 9 31 Ross's 6 37 St. Gi-ortte's 11 48 Branch ville 14 62 Columbia and BranchoiUe R, R. OraiiLceburg 18 80 Semwrson's (5 8(5 LewisviUe 5 91 Fort Motte 8 99 Camden Junction 7 100 Gadsden .■) Ill Hopkins 8 119 Woodlands 5 12-1 Columbia .5 129 (374) Columbia to Augusta, Ga. To Lexini>ton Court House. 12 T.eesvdle 18 30 Ridw 10 40 Edtcefield Court House 17 .'57 Hamburff 18 7.5 AuousTA 1 76 (375) Columbia to Favettevillk, N.C. ' To Camden 33 ^ Tiller's Ferry 2.j .58 Cheraw 34 92 Bri'-rhtsvillo 12 104 Lrfim-el riill, N. C. 18 122 Monipelier 8 I3t) RandallsvLike (i 136 Davis' Springs 12 148 Favettevillk 14 162 (376) Columbia to Salisbury, N.C. To Cookham 20 Winsboro' 9 29 Yousjuesvillo 12 41 Blackstock's 5 46 Chester Court House 11 57 Bratlonsville 12 69 Guthriesville 3 72 YORKVILLE 7 79 Uinaleburg 17 96 White llaU 8 104 Cnarlotte 8 112 Harrisbur? 7 119 Concord 12 131 Salisbury 20 151 (377) Columbia to Ruthkrford- TON, N. C. To Cedar Creek 12 Thompson's 12 24 Mc.Meekiu's 4 23 Monticello 3 31 Glympville ,. 6 37 iMaybintown 5 42 Goshen Hill 8 50 Beaverdam 5 55 ITiiionville 12 67 B.)-ansvilIf 11 78 (ilenn Sprins^s 5 83 PPAHTANSBURQ 12 95 Dimaicus 9 104 Buck Creek 7 111 Island Ford, N. C 6 117 RUTIIERFORDTON 15 132 (378) Columbia to Warm Springs, N.C. Via Oreenville. To OakviHe 13 Pomaria 13 26 Newberr\' C!ourt House 16 42 Pagesville 9' 51 Huntsville 7 58 Holland's . 5 63 Lauren's Court House 9 72 GreenwoiKl 11 83 Fountain Inn 9 92 «rkenvilleC. H 15 107 Traveller's Rest 10 117 Orleans 8 125 >'erriltsville 5 130 Flat Rock, N.C 13 143 Hexidersouville 7 150 ROUTES IN SOUTH CAROLINA GEORGIA. 71 Mud Creek 5 155 Limestone 5 IGO Ash viLLE 10 170 Warm Springs 37 207 (379) Augusta, Ga.. to Gillison- VILLE. To Silverton, S. C 17 Four Mile Branch • • • • • 9 26 Speedwell G 32 Lower Three Runs 10 42 Erwinton U 53 King Creek 6 59 Robertsville. 28 87 GiLLlSONVILLE 12 99 (380) Augusta, Ga., to Green- VILLE. To Hamburg 1 Edtfefield 18 19 D'.iiitoiisville 9 28 Loiiijmire's 9 37 WinUT Seat 5 42 Fraziersville 9 51 Abbeville Court House .... 9 60 Tern pie of Health 10 70 Varennes 10 80 Anderson Court House 5 85 Steel's 9 94 Pondleton 7 101 Double Branches 8 109 Pickensville 8 117 Gree.nville 13 130 (381) Charleston to Darlington Court House. To PineTille 51 Kingstree 23 74 CamV Bridge 13 87 Effingham 13 100 Darlington, C.H 20 120 (382) Charleston to George- town. To Georgetown 60 (383) Georgetown to Wilming- ton, N. C. To Buoksville 35 Conwayboro' 9 44 Little River 28 72 Shallotte, N. C. 22 94 Smithsville 21 115 Wilmington 30 115 (384) Georgetown to Chkraw. To China Grovo 24 Lvnch's Creek 19 43 Jeffrey's Creek 23 66 Mars' Bluff 7 73 Darlington C. H 13 86 Society Hill 15 101 Cheraw 15 116 (385) Georgetown to Sumter- ville. To China Grove 24 Indian Town 13 37 Kingsiree 13 50 Salem 14 64 Bradleyville 14 78 Sumterville 10 88 (386) YoRKviLLE to Abbeville. Tu Blairsville 10 Pinckneyville 10 20 Decatur 9 29 Unionville 7 36 CedarGrove 6 42 Cross Keys 6 48 Huntington 8 56 Lauren's Court House 12 08 Waterloo 11 79 Stony Point 5 84 Dead Fall 7 91 Abbeville 10 101 (387) YoRKviLLE to Camdkn. To Ebenezerville - 13 Coates' Tavern 8 21 Landsford 10 31 C:!tawba 12 43 Long Street 3 46 Dry Creek 4 50 Russell Place 8 58 Liberty Hill 8 66 Red Hill 6 72 Camden 16 88 GEORGIA. (388) Savannah to Macon. Central Railroad- To Eden Depot 20 Reform 10 30 Armenia 16 40 Halcycindale 4 50 Scarborough 20 70 Millen.... 10 80 Midville 10 90 72 ROUTES IN GEORGIA. Holcomb 10 100 Davisborough 22 12-2 Teuviile 14 136 Oconee 11 147 Emmetl 5 152 Gorjlon 18 170 Laiksville 10 ISO Macon )l 191 (389) SIacon to Atlanta. Macon and Western R. R. To Howard's 6 Pratlsville 11 17 Forsyth 7 24 Collier's 6 30 Goggau's 5 35 Bariiesville 5 4!> Milner's 7 47 Griffin 11 58 Fosterville 15 73 Joiiesboro' 7 80 Tucker's Cabin 7 87 PoolesvJlle 3 90 Atlanta 11 101 (390) Atlanta to Chattanooga. Western and Atlantic R. R. To Boltonville 8 Marietta 12 20 Acworth 15 35 Allatooiia 5 40 Cartei-sville 10 50 Hamilton 5 55 KiiiKSton 5 CO Aduirsville 10 70 Oothcaloga 9 79 Oostanaula 5 84 Dalton 15 99 Tunnel 7 106 Ringold 7 113 Tennessee Line 7 120 Chattanooga IG 136 (391) Savannah to Augusta. To Millon, (see-SSS) 80 Au(/it.stti and Waynesboro It. It. Lumpkins 10 90 Tiiomas 5 95 Waynesboro 6 101 AUOCBTA 30 131 (392) Savannah to Milledok- VILLK. To Emmett 152 Sta^e. MiLLKUOBVILLK 22 17-1 (393) Savannah to Columbui. To Macon, (see 388) 191 Columbus, (see 405) 94 285 (394) Savannah to St. Augustinx, Fa. To Old Court House 17 Eiceboro' 17 34 South Newport 9 43 Darien 19 62 Bethel 18 80 WaJ^lesvilIe 12 92 Langsburg 7 99 Jeflersonton 18 117 St. Mary's 22 139 Kirklaud 20 159 Jacksonville 30 189 St. Augustine 40 229 (395) Darien to Baixbridoe. To Bethel 18 Waynesville 12 30 Waresboro' 55 85 AUapaha 48 133 Troupville 22 155 Sharp's Store 12 167 Okapilco 10 177 Thomasvillc 26 203 Cairo 22 225 Bainbridge 20 245 (396) Augusta to Atlanta. Oeorgia R. R. To Belair 10 Berzelia 11 21 Lombardy 8 29 Thompson 9 38 Camac 9 47 Double Wells 5 52 Cumming ...«• ••• 5 57 Crawlordsville.* 8 65 Jeffersor Elall 6 71 Union Point 5 76 Greensboro' 7 83 Buclihead 13 96 Madison 8 104 Rutledge 8 112 Social Circle 8 120 Covington 10 130 Conyer's U 141 Lithonia 6 147 Stone Mountain 8 155 Docatiu- 10 165 Atlanta 6 171 ROUTES IN GEORGIA. 73 (397) Auou?TA to Charleston, S.C. To Hamburg 1 Mai-sh's 8 9 Aiken 8 17 Johnson's 5 22 Windsor 8 30 Willislon 8 38 Blackville 9 47 Graham'a 9 56 Medway 9 65 Edisto Turaont 6 71 Brancliville 4 75 St. George's 14 89 Ross's U 100 Inabnet's 6 106 Sunimerville 9 115 Ladson's 4 119 Sineath's 5 124 Charleston 13 137 (308) Augusta to Athens. To Union Point, (see 396) . .76 Mhtns Branch R. R. Woodville 5 81 B;iirdsto\vn 3 84 Maxey's 4 88 Salmonville 5 93 Lexin^ou Depot 5 98 Athens 18 116 (399) Augusta to Clarksvillk. To Darby's 12 CulbreatVs 10 22 Eubank's 6 28 Douljle l^ninches 3 31 Liucohiton 10 41 Goshen 6 47 Petersburg 8 55 Cook's Law Office 14 69 Elbertcn 9 78 EagleGrove 19 97 Bowersville 12 109 Fairviow. 5 114 Carnesville <, 6 120 Bancroft 7 127 Clarksville 20 147 (400) Augusta to Millkdqe- 4 VILLE. To Camac, (see 396) 47 VVarrentuu 4 51 Mayfield 10 61 Sparta 12 73 Devereaux's Store 8 81 MxlLkdgeville 15 06 (401) Milledgbvillk to Macok. To Wallace 16 Macon 15 3J (402) Macon to Darien. To Rutland 6 Websterville 5 11 Busbay ville 6 17 Perry 12 29 Hayneville 10 39 Hawkinsville 12 .51 Copeland 26 77 Temperance 8 *5 Jacksonville 15 100 Lumber City 23 123 Boxville 6 129 Colquit 7 136 Perry's Mills 11 147 Surrency 16 163 Fort Barrington 45 208 Darien 12 220 (403) Macon to Chattahoochke. South Western R. E. Echecounee 12 Mule Croek 8 20 Fort Valley S 2S Marshalville 7 35. Marthasville 7 42 Montezuma 6 48 Oglethorpe 2 50 Americus 23 74 Starkville 25 99 Palmyra 12 HI Albany 5 116 Newton 25 141 Bainbridge 38 179 Chattahoochee 25 204 (404) Macon to Athens. ToClinton 15 Blountsville 10 25 Clopton's Mills 7 32 t^tanlordsville 5 37 Ealonton 11 48 Madison 20 68 Salem 10 78 Farmington 5 83 Watkinsville 7 90 Athens 7 97 (405) Macon to Columbus. To Warrior .11 Echoconna 3 14 Knoxville 11 25 Francisville 6 31 7 74 ROUTES IN GEORGIA. Union 7 38 Da vision 12 50 T;iH>olton 12 Ellerslie 16 78 CkiLPMBLS 16 94 (400) Ck)i,CMBU8 to Griffin. To fI;irrison 9 • CHliwba 6 15 Hamirton 7 22 KhiTsGap 8 30 Willie j^ulphur Springs... • 6 36 Farm'-i-svillo 5 41 fJrei'iiville 6 47 Te<;H 14 61 Krin 4 65 Bh.'int Mourne 11 76 Griffin 8 84 (407) CoLUMBrs to Atlanta. ToRHerslio 16 Waverly Hall 7 23 Biiiij" Springs 3 26 Belleviie 7 33 Pleasant Hill 5 38 Double Bridges 5 43 Tiioinaston 10 53 Union Hill 11 64 Barnesville 7 71 Mean and ffestcm R. B. Mihier's 7 78 Griffin • 11 89 Fo:ifervil!e 15 104 Jonesboro' 7 111 Tucker's Cabin 7 118 PooU-sville 3 121 Atlanta 11 132 (408) COLUMBI'S to ROSSVILLE. To Harrison 9 Catawba 6 15 Hamilton 7 22 Cochran's Cross Roads 5 27 G.rlisle 5 32 Cam- Point 4 36 La fJRANGE 8 44 Corinth 15 59 Willow Grove 6 65 Nk-.vnan 9 74 Lodi 9 83 Rotberwood 4 87 Carrollton 12 99 Tallapoosa 20 119 Cedaitown 16 135 I Coiutesy.- 13 143 I KoMK 10 158 62 I Dirttown 16 174 78 I Summerville 8 182 Islandtown 5 187 Lh Kavette 17 204 Rock Spring 8 212 RossviLLE 13 225 (409) Atlanta to MoNTOOMjEMt. j Fia La Oravge R. R. I To Junction (S .Fairburn I'i 18 I Palmetto 7 25 I Newnan 15 40 ' Hogausville 19 59 La Grangk 13 72 LongCan^e 10 82 West Toint 5 87 J\Jovt(Tomery and West Point R. R. Opelica 21 108 Auburn 7 115 LoachapoKa 7 122 Notasulga 5 127 Chehaw 8 135 Franklin 7 142 iMo.NTGOMERY 33 175 (410) Griffin to Montgomery. To Mount Mourne 8 Greenville £9 37 Mouiilville 10 47 La Grange 9 56 Long Cane 10 66 West Point 5 71 Montgomery, (sec 409) . . .97 168 (411) Covington to Newnaw. To Oak Hill 11 McDonough 12 23 Foslerville 11 34 Fayetleville 9 43 Kidron 11 54 Nevvnan 12 66 (412) Athens to Clayton. To Dnnielsville 20 Madison Springs 6 28 Carnesville 12 .38 Bancroft 7 45 Clarksville 20 65 Clayton 19 84 ROUTES IN GEORGIA FLORIDA. 75 (413) Athens to Dahlonko.v. To Jefferson 17 Cunningham's Store 9 2f) Gainesville 14 40 Lucksville 6 40 New Bridge V2 58 Auj'aria 4 02 Rahlonega 5 07 (414) Dahloneoa to Dalton, To Atnicolola ,. .16 Prince Edward • • • 12 28 Ellijay 11 39 Cooaawattee 10 55 Spring Place 10 05 Dalton 8 73 (415) Greensboro' to Abbeville, S.C. ToWoodville 8 Woodstock a 10 Wasliingtoa 15 31 Danbury 10 41 Petersburg 13 54 Calhoun's Mills, S. C. 8 02 Lebanon G OS Abbevilie 74 FLORIDA. (416) St. Augustine to Darien, Ga. To Jacksonville 40 Kirkliind 30 70 St. Marv's,Ga. 20 90 Jeffei-soliton 22 112 Lanfj:sburg ...18 130 Waynesville 7 137 Bethel 12 149 Darien 18 107 (417) St. Augustine to Tamta Bay. To Fort Peyton 9 Pilaika 20 29 Orange Springs 20 49 Fort King 25 74 Loni; t^wamp 15 ^9 Okfihnmpka 18 107 Fort Dade 40 147 Fort Foster 20 1()7 Tampa 21 188 (418) St. Auottstine to Talla- hassee. ToPicolata 18 t. arey's Ferry 23 41 Fort Hr.rlee 25 66 New nansville 21 87 Eilisvilie 17 104 Alligator ...18 122 Little River P. O. 15 137 Lower Mineral Springs .... 14 151 Columbus 17 108 Madison Court House 13 181 Talola 7 188 Fort Hamilton 10 198 Marion 22 220 Lipona 10 230 Tallahassee 14 244 (419) Tallahassee to Alligator. Via Monticdlo. To Miccosukee 20 MONTICELLO 18 38 Cherry Lake 30 68 Woodland 10 78 Benton 84 Jasper 10 100 White Springs 17 117 Alligator 15 132 (420) Tallahassee to St. Marks. To St. Marks 22 (421) Tallahassee to Bain- bridge, Ga. To Salubrity 12 Quincy 12 24 Bainbridge 24 48 (422) Tallahassee to Mobile, Ala. To Salubrity 12 Quincy 12 24 Chattahoochee 21 45 Marianna 31 76 Webbville 10 86 Campbellton 13 09 Geneva 24 123 Almirante 53 176 Milton 45 221 Floridatown 9 230 Pensacola 14 244 Blakely 58 302 Mobile 14 31G ■rt ROl'TES IN FLORIDA. (423) APPA.LACH1C0LA lO CoLUM- Bt'a, Ga. Steamboat. To Fort Gadsden • •• • 24 lola 28 32 Blouiitstown 40 92 Och*ee 15 107 CUATTAHOOCUEE 16 123 Brown's Ferry 30 15S VVoodville, Ala. 18 171 Columbia 10 187 Fort Gaines, Ga. 33 222 Eufaula, Ala. 30 252 Koanoke, Ga 'Z\ 275 Fort Mitchell, Ala. 48 323 Columbus, Ga 13 336 77 ROUTES IN THE SOUTH-WESTERN STATES. TENNESSEE. (424) Nashville to Memphis. Via Huntingdon. To Chesnut Grove 18 CharioUo 22 40 Williamsville 10 50 Wuvtrk-y 12 62 Revnoldsbiirg 9 71 Camden 10 81 Sandy Bridge 8 89 HUNTINGDON 12 101 South CarroU 16 117 SjMinij; Creek 8 125 Jackson 13 138 Medon 12 150 Bolivar 10 Kit) Middloburg 7 173 Ni'W Castle 5 178 SOMERVILLE 11 189 Wliite f'.all 5 194 Oakland 5 199 Hickory- Withe 4 203 Morning Pun 8 211 Green Bottom 6 217 Raleigh 7 224 Memphis 10 234 (425) Nashville to Memphis. Via Purdy. To Good Spring 13 Franklin 5 18 White House 6 24 Sprinu'Hill 7 31 Con MBIA 12 43 Mount Pleasant H 54 Henry 18 72 North Bend 5 77 Waynesboro' 17 94 Smith's Fork 15 109 Savannah 16 125 AdamsviUe 8 133 PCRDY 9 142 RoseCreek 10 152 Cralnsville 7 159 Bolivar ■•.. 15 174 Middieburg 7 181 Newcastle 5 19 Somerville 11 191 Memphis, (see 424) 45 242 (426) Nashville to Holly Springs, Ala. To Bolivar, (see 424) lliG Van Buren 10 176 La Grange 13 1H9 Lamar, Miss 10 199 Hudsonville 6 205 Holly Springs 8 213 (427) Nashville to Jackson. To Good Spring 13 Franklin 5 18 Leiper's Fork 10 28 LickCreek 25 53 Centreville 9 62 Beaver Dam Spring 7 09 Pleasautville 12 81 Perryville 26 107 Decatmville 8 115 Lexington 14 129 Juno 12 141 Cotton Grove 8 149 Jackson 8 157 (428) Nashville to Hickman, Ky. To Reynoldsbui'g, (see 424) 71 Sandy Hill 18 89 Paris 12 101 Mount Holyoke 8 109 Irvine's Store 9 J 18 Dresden 7 125 Old Hickory 12 137 Totten's Wells 6 143 Hickman 18 161 (429) Nashville to Columbi:s,Ky. To Paris, (see 428) .-101 Barren Hill 9 110 Boydsville 9 119 Dukedom 10 129 Feliciana, Ky. * 6 135 Clinton 16 151 Columbus 12 163 7* 78 ROUTES IN TENNESSEE. (430) Nashville to Tuscumbia, Ala. To Columbia, (see 425)... -43 Mount Pleiisaiit 11 54 Lawrenceburg 23 77 Clierry G rove, Ala 23 100 Florence 15 115 TUSCUMBIA 5 120 (431) Nashville to Hu.ntsville, Ala. F'ia Columbia. To Columbia, (see 425) .... 43 Poplar Ridge 12 55 Lyanville 6 61 Pulaski 14 75 Elkton 1 16 91 White Hill 10 101 Madison Cross Roads 6 107 HUNTSVILLE 15 122 (432) Nashville to Huntsvillk, Ala. Via Murfrecshoro'. To Mount View 12 Stewardsboro' 8 20 MURFREESBORO' 14 34 Fosterviile 12 4G Shelbyviile 13 59 Rich Valley 5 64 Fayetteville 20 84 Hazel Green. Ala 16 100 Meridian ville 6 106 Hdntsville 8 114 (433) Nashville to McMinns- ville. To Mo^int View 12 Stewardsboro' 8 20 MURFRKKSBORO' 14 34 Readvville 13 47 Woodbury 7 54 Clermont ., 10 64 McMinnsville 11 75 (434) Nashville to Sparta. Via Gallatin. To Pleasant HiU 7 Hendersonville - 9 16 Gallatin 10 26 Hartsville 20 46 Dixon's Spring 6 52 Carthage 10 62 Pokin 16 78 > Double Springs 8 86 Newark 12 96 Sparta 10 108 (435) Nashville to Knoxville. To Green IIUl 12 Cedar Grove 7 19 Lebanon 11 30 Three Forks 13 43 Alexandria 5 48 Liberty 9 57 Sligo 16 73 Sparta 16 83 Bon Air Springs 13 102 Crossville 20 122 Belleville 12 134 Post Oak Springs 5 139 Kingston 7 146 Wood's HiU 18 164 Campbell's Station 8 172 Knoxvillk 15 187 (436) Knoxville to Sulphur Springs, Va. To Academia 10 Blain's Cross Roads 9 19 Spring House 7 26 Riitledge 7 33 Bean's Station. 10 43 Rocky Spring 4 47 Red Bridge 7 54 Rogcrsville 10 64 Lyons' Store 12 76 New Canton 6 82 Kingsport 9 91 PMen's Ridge 6 97 Hloi'ntsville 9 106 Sjpling Grove 9 115 Abingdon 13 128 Gliide Spring II 139 Seven Mile Ford 11 150 Marion C, ]',G Pleasant Hill 11 1()7 Rural Retreat 7 174 Wytbeville 9 183 Draper's Valley Iri 201 Newbern ,. 10 211 Poplar Hill 12 2^23 G iles a)urt House 10 233 Peterstown 9 212 Red Sulphur Springs 9 251 Indian Creek 8 259 Salt Sulphur Springs 9 268 Union 3 271 Second Creek 9 2b0 ROUTES IN TENNESSEE. 79 Lhwisburg 10 290 Whitk tSuLPuuR Springs . 9 299 (437) Knoxville to Blounts- VILLE. F'ia RusselMlle. To Straw beriy Plains 16 New Miirkt't •> 9 25 Mossy Creek 4 29 Panther Springs 8 37 Morristown 6 43 RrSSELLVlLLE 5 48 Bay Mount l4 62 Greenville 13 75 Hendei-son's Mills 6 81 Rheatown 4 85 Leesburg 10 95 JONKSBORO' 5 100 Hilton 10 no Blountsville 7 117 (438) Nashville to Savannah, G a. Nashrille and Chattanooga E. R. To Antiodi 10 Smyrna 11 21 Murfroesboro 11 32 Christiana 9 41 Fostervillo 4 45 Bell Buckle 5 50 Wartnce 5 55 Normandy 8 Tullahonia 7 70 Allisonia 7 77 Decherd 7 84 Cowan 5 89 Tantallon 7 96 Anderson 9 105 Stevenson 10 115 Shell Mound 15 130 Station 10 140 Chattanooga — 11 151 WcHtern, and Atlantic R. R. Tennes^^ee Line — 16 167 DaltoM.... 21 iss Kingston 39 227 Atla nta Ori 2S7 Miicon and Western R. R. East Point Junction 6 293 Griffin 37 330 Forsvth 34 364 Macon 24 3S8 Central R. R. Gordon 15 403 Millen 96 499 Bavannau 80 579 (438i) Dalton to Knoxville, East Tennessee & Georgia R. R, Varneirs 9 Red Clay 6 15 Blue Spring 9 24 Cleveland 4 28 Charleston 12 40 Riceville 7 47 Athens 8 55 Mouse Creek 6 61 Sweetwater.. 8 69 Philadelphia 7 76 Loudon 6 82 (439) Nashville to Charleston, S.C. To Atlanta, (see 438) 274 Oeorgia R. R. Decatur 6 280 Stone Mountain 10 290 Lithonia 8 296 Conyer's • 6 304 Covington 11 315 SocialCircle 10 325 Ruiledge 8 333 Madison 8 341 Buckhead 8 349 Greensboro' 13 362 Union Point 7 3(iO Jeflferson Hall 5 374 Cniwfordsville 6 380 Cumming 8 388 Double Wells 5 393 Camac 5 398 Thompson 9 407 Lombardy 9 416 Berzelia 8 424 Belair H 4U5 AUGTSTA 10 445 Charleston, (see 397) • • .137 582 (440) Knoxville to Cumberland Gap. To Wilson's 10 Clinton 6 16 80 ROUTES IN TENNESSEE ALABAMA. R088 7 23 Jucksonboro' 13 36 Finciistle 12 48 Speedw**ll 6 54 Oidtown 12 (36 Cumberland Gap 10 76 (441; Knoxville to Raleigh, N.C. To Jone^borough, (see 437)100 i:i:z,a>,'Uitown lt» 118 I).u--iM's i'Vrry .\ 9 127 -Moore's Frou Works 13 Ui) Tiivlorsvillii 9 149 Nuitli Fork, N.C 14 UJ3 Jetlersou 12 175 Reddy's River 17 192 AVilkesboro' 13 205 Denriyville 16 221 CI I ivpoll's Cross Roads 5 226 Haniptonvilie 6 232 Hunlsville 18 250 Panther Creek 10 260 Salkm 11 271 Kernersville 11 282 Friendship 7 289 Grkknsboko' 9 298 Allemance 13 311 AlbriKlu's 6 317 Haw River 6 323 Mason's Hall 11 :^34 Hillsboru' 9 343 Chapel Flill 12 355 Morin^^s ville 8 363 Raleigh 20 383 (442)Knox viLLE to Warm Pprinos and AsHviLLK, N. C. To McclUenburg 5 Dandrid^'e 30 35 Oak Grove 8 43 Newport 10 53 Warm !^i)rinQCS 27 8(1 I.aplund 17 97 AsnviLLE 20 117 (443; Knoxville to Savannah. To Marvsville 16 Four M i le Branch 22 38 ^liidisouville 8 46 Atiteiis 15 61 -Mamiia 10 71 C;dl; 'lui 5 76 CU-vdami 12 88 Si:ue Line 20 108 Cobiillah Springs, Ga. 3 111 Spring Place 12 123 Dalton 9 132 Atlanta, (see 438) 99 231 Mtcon, (see 369) lOi 332 Savannah, (see 388) 191 523 (444) Sparta to Huntsville, Ala. To Rock Island 13 N.cMinnviUe 13 26 Hickory Creek 13 39 llillsboro 9 48 Klk River 9 57 Winchester 9 66 Salem 10 76 New Market, Ala. 18 94 Huntsville 19 113 (445) Sparta to Monticello, Ky. To Falling Water 10 White Plains 10 20 Oak Hill 14 34 Livin£?3ton 5 39 Monroe 6 45 Olvmpus 8 53 Albany, Ky. 11 64 Nevvberry 11 75 Monticello.. 9 84 ALABAMA. (446) Mobile to Montgomery, Steamboat. To Fort St. Philip .... ••••.21 Jombij^bee River 23 44 Tail's Landinj,' M 74 .James' Landin? 10 84 French's Landing 6 90 Oliver's Ferry 9 99 Gosport 8 107 Ciairborne 7 114 Hell's Landing 21 135 Black Hlutr Landing 20 155 Upper Peach Tree Landing 13 168 Prairie Bluff 12 180 Cmton 10 190 Portland 21 211 Cahaba 2:1 234 Selma Hi 250 Benton 28 278 M iller's Feny J 4 292 Vernon 9 301 Lowndesport 9 310 Washington 10 320 MONTOOUKRY 12 332 ROUTES IN ALABAMA. 81 (447) Mobile to Montgomery. Stage. ToBIakely 14 Stocktou 16 30 Mt. Pletisant 35 65 Clairbome 18 83 MoiiroeviUo 13 % Biirntcom hi 108 Activity 18 l'J6 Greenville 27 153 Kirkville 11 164 Sandy Ridge 5 169 Hickory Grove 5 174 PintLala 10 184 Montgomery 13 197 (448) Mobile to Tuscaloosa. To Mount Vernon 33 New Wakefield 20 53 St. Stephen's 15 68 Coffeeville 17 85 Pineville 22 107 Nanatalia 10 117 Montpelier 9 126 Linden 11 137 Spring Hill 9 146 Demopolis 7 1 53 Macon 8 161 Greensboro' 16 177 Havanna 15 192 Carthage 9 201 Tuscaloosa 17 218 (449) Mobile to Selma. ToBIakely 14 Stockton 16 30 Tensaw 15 45 Mount Pleasant 21 66 Clairbome 18 84 Bell's Landing 21 105 Black's Bluff 8 113 Camden 9 122 / Canton 6 128 Prairie Bluff 6 134 Cambridge 10 144 Cahaba 14 158 Selma 9 167 (450) Mobile to Columbus, Miss. Steamboat, To Fort St. Philip 21 Mouth of Tombigbee River 23 44 Craw lord's Landing 24 68 Jackson 20 88 St. Stephen's 8 96 Cofifeeville 24 120 Wood's Bluff 20 140 Nanafalia Bluff 31 171 Muscow 35 206 Demopolis 14 220 Mouth of Black Warrior or Tuscaloosa Rivor 2 222 Jones's Bluff 42 264 GainesviUe 18 282 Jamestown 12 294 Vienna 12 306 Fairfield 15 321 PickensvUle 18 339 Nashville 9 348 CoLU.MBua 22 37t> (451) Mobile to Citronelle. Mobile and Ohio B. R. Mauvila 13 Citronelle 20 33 (4.52) Montgomery to Atlanta. Montgomery and IVcst Point li. li. To Franklin 33 Chehavv 7 40 Notasulga 8 48 Loachapoka 5 53 Auburn 7 60 Opelica 7 67 West Point 21 88 La Grange 15 103 Hogansville 13 116 Newnan 19 135 Palmetto 15 150 Fairburn 7 157 Atlanta 18 175 (453) Montgomery to Atlanta. Via Oriffin. To West Point, (sec 452). . .97 Jjong Cane, (stage) 5 102 La Grange 10 112 Mountville 9 121 Greenville 10 131 Texas 14 145 82 ROUTES IN ALABAMA. Erin 4 149 Mount Moume 11 160 Griffin 8 168 M%ron and Western R. R . Fosti-rvillo 15 183 JoMvsboro' 7 I'M) Tuckcr'H Ciibin 7 197 PoolL'sville 3 200 Arf.ANTA 11 2IJ (.454J Montgomery to Columbus, Aliss. To r.owiu)eaboro' 23 Church Hill 9 32 Benlon 4 36 Selma 16 52 Hamburg 19 71 Marion 7 76 Greensboro' ^ • . . . 18 96 Hollow Square 13 109 Eut.tw 13 122 Clinton 7 129 Pl.-;!8ant Ridge 8 137 Vienna 14 151 Hope 8 159 Pickcnsville 12 171 Lacy's Hills 9 180 Columbus, Miss 14 194 (455) montqomery to tusca- LOOSA. f^ia Selma. To Greensboro', (see 454) . .96 Havanna 15 111 Carthage 9 120 Tuscaloosa 17 137 (456) MONTGOMKRY tO TUSCA- I.OOSA. Via Maplcsvillc. To WetHmpka 15 Hartwood 10 25 ChivMuil Creek 17 42 Maplesville 18 60 Randolph 10 70 ContreviUe 14 84 Pcottsville 8 92 Mars a 98 Trion 11 109 Tuscaloosa 13 122 ; (457) MoNTGOMKRY tO ROMK, Ga. To Wotumpka 15 \ Rockford 24 39' Hanover 17 56: Sylacauga 6 62 Weewokaville 10 72 Ahirdisville 8 80 Talladega 5 85 Kelly's Springs 6 91 Fife 6 97 Blue Eye 9 106 Alexandria 9 115 Jacksonville 9 134 Griffin's Creek 6 130 Ladiga 7 137 Spring Garden 9 146 State Line, Ga 7 153 Cave Spring 5 158 Venn's Valley G 164 RoMK 12 176 (458) Montgomery to (;olumbus, Ga. To Mount Meigs 14 C.ibahatchie 8 22 Cross Keys 10 32 TMskeuree iO 42 Society Hill 17 59 Cr iwJbrd 16 75 Girnrd il 86 Columbus 1 87 M59) Selma to Huntsvillk. To Pleasant Valley 5 VVuodlawn 8 13 Plantersville 7 20 Maplesville 15 35 Moiitevallo 23 58 Bridgeton 14 72 ErvTON 15 87 Oregon 7 94 Mount Pinson 7 101 Village f^prings 8 109 Hloiuitsville 28 137 Oleander 25 162 MountHill 6 168 Lacy's Springs 5 173 Whitesburg 4 177 Huntsville 10 187 (460) Tuscaloosa to Columuus, Miss. ToNorthport 1 Sipsev Turnpike 12 13 Gordo 13 26 Reform 6 32 Antioch 6 38 Providence 6 4* Columbus 17 61 ROUTES IN ALABAMA MISSISSIPPI. 83 (4fil) TlSCALOOSA to HtTNTSVlLLE. To l\IcMath's 32 Joiifsboro' 11 43 Elyton 13 5(5 Hunts viLLE, (see 45&) — 100 15(5 (46-') Tuscaloosa to Courtland. ToNorthport 1 Nortli RiviT 10 11 Nfw ! ixiiiKtOQ 14 "2') Sli.mcid (5 31 Eldri(l.rt' 25 5(5 Th(.rn Hill ^ ~S Kiiilock 7 85 €;in)i) t^|)riiig 14 99 Moulloi) 10 li'9 Coir iLAND 13 1'2'2 (4C3) Tl'scaloosa to Florence. ToNorthport 1 North River 10 11 New Lexington 14 25 Favelte Court House 16 41 Palo 7 48 Hughes' Mill 14 62 Pikeville 6 68 Toll (.'ate : 10 78 Rus^ellville 35 113 Tuscumbia 18 131 Florence 5 136 (464) Florence to Rome, Ga. To .Masonville 10 Rogersville 12 22 Athens 23 45 ShoaUbrd 12 .57 HrNTsviLLE 13 70 Berkh-v 12 82 New Flope 10 92 Cottdiiville 7 99 Claysville 6 105 Cunter's Landing 2 107 Fall River 6 113 Van Buien 18 131 Blue Pond 18 149 Cedar Bluff 11 1(50 Missionary Station, Ga. ....16 17(5 Coosa 7 183 Rome 6 189 (•165) Gutter's Landing to Jas- per, Tenn. ToClaysvllle 2 Dodsonvllle 15 17 BeUelonte 18 35 Bolivar -...16 51 Rocky Spring 6 57 Battle Creek, Tenn 5 62 Jasper C 68 (466) Tuscumbia to Hpntsville, Tusaimbia and Decatur R. U. To liCighton {! Courtland 13 24 Hillsboro' 9 33 Trinity ....•••• 5 38 Decatur 5 43 MooresvUIe, (stage) 7 50 Saunders 10 (50 Huntsville ..14 74 (467) Tuscumbia to ConMBirs, Miss. To Russellvilla 18 Toll Gate 35 .53 Millville 12 65 Quincy, Miss. 17 82 Athens 7 89 Aberdeen 7 96 Barton 15 111 Columbus 12 123 MISSISSIPPI. (468) Jackson to Vicksburo. Vickshurg and Jackson U. K, To Clinton 10 Bolton's Depot 9 19 Midway 4 23 Edwards' Depot 5 28 Big Black River 6 34 Bovina 2 36 Montalban 4 40 Vicksburo 6 4(» (469) Jackson to Grand Gulf. To Clinton 10 Raymond 8 13 Auburn 13 ' 31 Cayuga 5 30 Rocky Springs 8 44 W illow Springs 8 .52 Grand Gulf 11 63 (470) Jackson to Natchez. To Newtown 10 Line Store 12 22 Gallatin 18 40 Hargrave 15 55 UuionChurch 9 64 84 ROUTES IN MISSISSIPPI — ARKANSAS. Malcomb 14 78 Hamb'irsr 10 88 Washington 10 98 Natchkz 6 104 (471) Jackson to Dk Kalb. To Brandon, {via R. R.).^.U Greenbush, (st^lre^ 17 30 HULsboro' ...,.,...18 48 County Line 12 60 Union 15 75 Herbert 11 86 DeKalb 20 106 (472) Jackson to Columbus. To Midway 12 Canton 13 25 Sharon 10 35 Pleasant Grove 9 44 Thomastown J 3 57 Kosciusko 15 72 liouisville 36 108 Yiinuk-y 14 122 Choctaw Agency 12 134 Columbus 24 158 (473) Jackson to Yazoo City. To Midway 12 Canton 13 2.> Benton 24 49 YazooCitv 10 59 (474) VicKSBURQ to Mkmpbis, Tknn. ToCardiflF 10 Milldale 5 15 Claiborneville 13 28 Saiartia 5 33 Lincoln 12 45 Benton 10 55 Lexington 27 82 Black Hawk 15 97 Carrollton 10 113 Greniula 23 136 Oakachickama 13 149 Cofifeeville 5 154 Sevier 15 169 Oxford 16 185 Abervillc 14 199 Walerford 10 209 Holly Springs 9 218 North Mount Pleasant 15 23.{ Nonconiier, Tenn. 15 248 GiTiiKUitown H 2:)9 Mkmpuis 15 274 (475) Columbus to ^IempbisiTknk. To Barton 12 Aberdeen 15 27 Prairie Moimt 30 57 Pontotoc 15 72 Holly Springs 56 128 Memphis, (see 474) 56 18^ ARKANSAS. (476) Little Rock to New Or- leans. Steamboat. To Pine Bluffs 90 New Gascony 25 115 Uichland 6 121 Nickatoo 15 136 Arkansas Post 55 191 Wellington 30 221 Napoleon 30 251 New Orleans, (see 491)..620 871 (477) LiTTLK Rock to Mont- gomery's Point. To Grand Prairie 35 Reagan's Bluff 33 68 Steamboat. Montgomery's Point. ...140 203 (478) Little Rock to Fort Gib- son. Steamboat. To Lewisburg 60 U.irdanelle 42 102 ij^cotia 13 115 Spadra Bluff' 17 132 .Morrisons Bluff 6 138 Ozark 25 163 Van Buren 58 221 Fort Smith 8 229 Fort Coffee, I. T 17 246 Canadian River 45 291 Fort Gibson 40 331 (479) Little Rock to Fort Gib- son. Stage. To Lewisburg 55 Hiirri&uie 14 69 (Jalley Creek 8 77 Norristown 7 84 D vight 9 93 Scotia 6 99 Pittsburg 9 108 Clarksville 7 115 ROUTES IN ARKANSAS. .66 Horsehead 11126 Ozark 17 143 Pleasant Hill 12 155 Van Bareu 24 179 Fort {^MiTii 7 lb6 Kidion 25 211 Fort Gibson 36 247 (480) Little Rock to Boston, Tex. To Collegeville 15 Benton 10 25 FairPlay 12 37 Rockport 8 45 Raymond 30 75 Antoine 20 95 Washington 29 124 Fulton 14 138 Boston 50 188 (481) Littls Rock to Fort Tow- son, Ind. Ter. To Washini^ton, (see 480). 124 Columbus 9 133 Saline 10 143 Brownstown 5 148 Paraclifla 12 160 Ultima Thule 25 185 Eagletown 10 195 Fort Towson 45 240 (482) Little Rock to Shrkve- POKT, La. To Washington, (see 480) .124 Spring Hill 15 l59 Lewisville 16 155 Walnut Hill 26 181 Shreveport 89 270 (483) Little Rock to Hot f^PRINGS. To Collegeville 15 Benton 10 25 Fair Play 12 37 Hot Springs 18 55 (484) Little Rock to Memphis, Tenn. To Grand Prairie 35 Reagan's Bluff 33 68 Clarendon , 5 73 Oakland 35 108 St. Francis 25 133 Green Plains 19 152 Marion 16 168 Mkuphis, Tenn 10 178 (485) Little Rock to St. Louif. Mo. To Oakland Grove 30 Searcy Court House 25 55 RockPoint 32 87 Batesville U 98 Reed's Creek 24 122 Smilhville 12 134 Jackson 14 148 Pocahontas 15 103 Fourche Dumas 8 171 Hick'sFerry 15 186 Cane Creek, Mo 32 218 Greenville 18 23G Fredericktown 35 271 Mine La Motte 12 283 Farmington 5 288 Iron Mountain 14 302 Caledonia 10 312 Potosi 12 324 Old Mines 7 331 Glenfinlay 10 341 HiUsboro' 10 351 Heiculaneum 11 362 Sulphur Springs 9 371 Oakville 8 379 Jeflferson Barracks 5 384 Carondelet 4 388 St. Lovis 5 393 (4S6) Batesville to Memphi8. To Sulphur Rock 10 Elizabeth 18 28 St. Francis 55 83 Green Plains 19 102 Marion 16 118 Memphis, Tenn. 10 128 (487) Batesville to Memphis, Steamboat. To Pleasant Island 35 Elizabeth 13 48 Clarendon 210 258 Reagan's Bluflf 3 266 White River 140 406 Delta, Miss 66 472 Helena, Ark. 10 482 Sterling, Ark 10 492 Commerce, Miss 45 .537 Memphis, Tenn 27 564 (488) Arkadelpuia to New Or- leans. Steamboat. Manchester 11 DaJlasport Id 29 8 86 ROUTES IN LOUISIANA. Camden 65 94 CharapiiJjnole 3-2 126 Benson's Landing 6 134 Burk's Liindiiig 12 14C Monroe, La 12.j 271 Trimly 105 436 Month Red River 120 556 New Orlkans 236 792 LOUISIANA, (489) Nkw Orlkans to Mobile. To Lnkeport, (on LakePont- charirain) 5 Stramboat. Point aiix Hirbes 15 20 Fori Cu(Hiilles 7 27 Lake Bon,'ne 10 37 Grand Isbnd 9 46 West Marianne 9 55 East Marianne 5 60 Cat Island 11 71 Missis8ij)|)i City 11 82 Deer Island 5 87 Pascairoula, Mis3 23 1 10 Cedar Point, Ala 26 i:J6 Mobile 30 166 (490} New Orleans to Galves- ton, Texas. To Battle Ground 6 Entclish Turn 6 12 Fori St. Leon 5 17 Poverty Point 18 35 Fort Si. Pliilip 37 72 Fort Jackson, (opposite) . . . Bouth East Pass 23 95 Bftlize 10 105 Galveston 345 450 (491) New Orleans to St. Louis, Mo. Steamboat. To La Fayette, La. 2 Carrrolltoii. La 4 6 Red Church, La 20 20 Jefferson College, La. 38 64 Donaldsonvilie, La 19 83 Plaqueniine, La 34 117 Baton RoLOE,La. 23 140 Port 1 1 uflson , La 25 165 St. Francisville, La 11 176 Point Coupee, (opposite). • . Red River Island, La. 60 2,36 Fort Adams, Miss 11 247 I Homochitta River, Miss. ..10 Ellis Clifls, Miss 26 I Natchez, Miss 18 I Rodney, Miss 31 I Briiinsbur}?, Miss 10 I <;kAND Gulf, Miss. 10 I Cirtha'j;e, La 27 Wanvnton, Miss 19 Vi( KSBL-RQ, Miss 10 Yiizoo River, Mis:i. 12 Providence, La. 61 Princeton, Miss '29 Columbia, Ark 45 Hoiivar Court House, Wiss.53 Napole(>n.(in(»uth of Arkan- s;is River,) Ark. 12 Mont;,'oinery's Point, Ark. 20 Victoria, Miss. 1 Di'ltn, Miss. ..65 Helena, Ark 10 Sterling:, Ark., (mouth i» St. Francis River) 10 Peyton, Miss 12 Commerce, Ark 33 Memi'his. Tenn 27 Greenock, Ark. 34 Randolph, Tenn.,(moulh of Hatchie River) 33 Fulton, Tenn. 11 Osceola, Ark. 10 Ash port, Tenn 12 Obion River, Tenn. 8 Liltlo Prairie, Mo 29 New Madrid, Mo 30 Hickman, Ky 42 Columbus, Ky 15 Cairo, III., (mouth of the Ohio River) 18 Commerce, Mo 28 Cape Girardeau, Mo. 12 H.iinbridsire, Mo 12 Chester, III. -.45 St. Genevieve, Mo 16 Selma, Mo 25 Herculaneum, Mo 4 Harrisoaville, III 2 Jefferson Barracks, Mo. ... 19 St. Louis, Mo 9 301 332 342 353 379 :^ 408 420 481 510 555 610 641 706 716 726 738 771 798 876 906 935 965 1007 1022 1040 1068 1080 1092 1137 1153 1178 1182 1184 1203 1212 (492) N. Orleans to (Tincin.nati, O, Stramboat. To Cairo, at the month of Ohio River, (sec 491) .1040 Trinity, III 5 1045 Caledonia, IIL 9 1054 ROUTES IN LOUISIANA. 87 fort Massac, 111 24 1078 Belt,'rado, 111 3 1081 Paducah, Ky., (mouth of Tennesseo River) 6 1087 Smithlaud, Ky., (mouth of Cumberland River) 15 1102 Golcoiida, 111 18 1 120 Elizabfthtown, 111. 12 1132 Cave in Hock, 111 7 1139 Caseyville, Ky. 13 ll.'.i Shawiieetown, 111 9 1 161 Raieidi, Ky 5 IKitJ Wabash River 6 1172 Uniontown, Ky 5 1177 Mount Vernon, la 15 1192 Henderson ville, Ky. 26 1218 EVANSVILLE, U. 10 1228 Green River, Ky. 8 1236 Newburg,la 1242 Enterprise, la 15 1257 Owensbursr, Ky 6 1263 Rock port, la I 1272. Lewisport, Ky 12 1284 Troy, la 6 1290 Ciu-melton. la. 6 1290 Cloversport, Ky 13 1309 Rome, la. ) .^ ,.,g Stevensport, Ky. \ ^" ^"^'^ Concordia, Ky 11 1330 Alton, la 10 1340 Fredonia, la. 13 13.53 Leavensworth, la 4 13.")7 Amsterdam, la. 8 1.365 Northampton, la. 3 1368 Mauckport, la 7 1375 Brandenbins, Ky 1 1376 West Point,^ Ky. 17 1393 Portland, Ky. ' ) 90 1413 New Albany, la. i "^^ ^^'"* Shippinssport, Ky. 1 1414 Louisville, Ky 2 1416 Jeffersonville, Ky 1 1417 Utica,Ia 8 1425 Westport. Ky 16 1441 New London, la. 15 1456 Madison, Ia. 9 1465 Mouth of Kentucky River 12 1477 Vevav, la. 10 1487 Warsaw, Ky. 10 1497 Patriot, la 10 l.'-)07 Hamilton. Ky. 2 1.509 RisinsfSiin, la. 11 1520 Belleview, Ky 3 1.523 Aurora, la. 6 1.529 Lawrenceburg, la 5 1534 Great Miami River, O. — 2 1536 North Bend, O. 4 1540 Cincinnati, O ...16 1.556 Newport and Covington opposite. (493) N. Orleans to Pittsburg. To Cincinnati, (see 492). 1.5.56 Pittsburg, (see 513)... -497 2053 (494) New Orleans to Shrevk- PORT. ^ tram boat. To Mouth of Red River, (8ec491> 236 Washita River .35 271 Alexandria 70 340 Natchitoches 80 420 Shreveport 85 505 (495) New Orleans to Fort Gii son, Ind.Tkr. Steamboat. To Napolefjn, at mouth of Arkansas Riv., (acv: 491)620 IMontKomery'B Point 20 640 Arkansas 40 680 Now Gascony 70 756 Pine Bluffs 25 781 Little Rock 90 871 Lewisburg 60 931 Dardauelle 42 973 Scotia 13 986 Spadra Bluff 17 1003 Morrison's Bluff 6 1009 Ozark 25 H)34 Van Buren 58 1092 Fort Smith 8 1100 Fort Coffee, LT. 17 1117 Canadian River 45 1 162 Fort Gibson 40 1202 (496) St. Francisville to Nat- chez, Miss. West Feliciana R. R. To Laurel HiU 13 Woodville 11 24 Stage. Cold Spring 16 40 Natchez 20 60 88 ROUTES IN TEXAS. TEXAS. (497) Galveston to New Or- leans. To New Orleans, (see 490) 450 (498) Galveston to Huntsvillk. Steamhuat. To Dollar Point 15 Davis Point 5 20 New Washington 14 34 San Jacinio 10 44 Houston 37 81 Stage. CS-press Grove 22 103 Sprins Creek 13 1 IG Montgomery 22 138 Huntsvillk 28 166 (499 1 Galveston to Washington. To Houston, (see 498) 81 Eden 24 105 Rock Island 29 134 Wasuinoton 12 146 (500) Galveston to Matagorda. To Liverpool 36- Columbia 25 61 Brazoria 9 70 CcdarLake 10 80 Caney 9 89 Matagorda 22 111 (501) Galveston to Matagorda. To San Louis 28 Velasco 14 42 Matagorda 50 92 (502) Galveston to Port La- VACCA. Steamboat. To mouth of Bnizos River. .58 Saluria 80 138 Indianola 15 153 Port Lav AccA 7 160 (503) Galveston to Austin. To Houston, (see 498) 81 Richmond 28 109 Columbus 50 159 LaUransre 30 189 Cunnin<;ham'a P. 22 211 Bastrop 13 -24 Webber's Prairie 17 241 Austin City 15 256 (504) Austin to Natchitochx^j To Webber's Prairie 15 Bastrop 17 33, Cunningham's P. 13 45 La Grange 22 67 Rutersville 5 73 Round Top 12 84 Montville 9 93 Independence 19 112 Washington 12 124 Anderson -17 141 Hmitsville 33 176 Cincinnati 14 190 Crockett ■•.. 30 230 Lockranzy 38 258 Douglass 12 270 Nacogdoches 15 285 Melrose 11 296 Flounioy'e 11 307 San Augustine 12 Sift Longwood 10 32ft Milam 8 337 Sabinetown 12 349- Fort Jessup, La 30 379, Natchitoches 25 401 (505) Austin to Matagorda. To La Grange, (see 504) . . .67 Columbus 30 97 Eagle Lake 15 lia Egj'pt 16 128 Wharton 14 142 Prestoa 8 150 Caney 23 173 Matagorda 22 195 (506) Austin to Matamoras. ToLockhart 28 Gonzales 36 64 Goliad 65 129 Refugio 30 159 San Patrico 50 209- Brownsville, (on the ) Rio Grande,) and > .... 160 36ft Matamoras ) (507) Austin to Presidio del Rio Grande. San Marcos 28 New Braumfels 20 48 San Antonio :« 80 Casln>ville 30 110 Vandenb;irg 13 123, Rio Frio 40 163 - ROUTES IN TEXAS. Nueces River 25 188 Rio Grande ■ 70 '258 (508) Austin to Corpus Christi. To J>an Patrico, (see 506). .209 Coiii'is Christi 30 239 (509) Houston to Goliad. To Ricliinoud 28 Efrvpl 32 GO TcAaiui 45 105 Vicioriu 30 135 Goliad 27 162 (510) iMataoorda to Washing- ton. To Biazoiia 41 Coliiiiibia 9 50 Bic li«ek 20 70 Richinund 15 85 San lulipe 35 120 Belleville 20 140 Travis 7 147 Chapel Hill 11 158 Wasuin«ton 12 170 (511) Nacogdoches to Boston. To Heudereon 13 Marshall 45 88 Jefferson ..'. 16 104 Daingerfield 35 139 Boston 35 174 (512) Boston to Austin. To DeKalb 14 Savannah 17 31 Clarksville 12 43 Blossom Prairie 20 63 Tarrant 28 91 Kaufman Court House — 64 155 Buffiiio 36 191 Corsicana 30 121 Richland Crossing 8 129 Tewockony Springs 20 149 Springfield 12 161 Falls of Brazos 45 206 Georgetown eS 274 Austin City 42 316 8* 90 ROUTES IN THE NORTH-WESTERN STATES. OHIO. (513) Cincinnati to Pittsburg. Steamboat. Columbia, 5 Little Miami River, 2 7 New Richmond, 12 19 Point Pleasant, O. 5 24 Moscow, 4 28 Mechanicsburg, Ky 7 35 AuorsTA, Ky 7 42 Higginsj)orti 4 40 Ripiev, O. 6 52 Charleston, Ky. 2 54 Maysville, Ky. ) g «.q Aberdeen, O. \ " ''^ Manchester, 12 74 Concord, Ky. 7 81 Rome, 5 86 Vanceburg, Ky. 7 93 Rockville, O. 4 97 PoR TSMOi TH. O., (mouth of Scioto River) 16 113 Greei.upsbnrg, Ky. 22 135 Haiiiring Rock, O. 6 141 Catlct:sburir, Va. 14 1.55 Barlinglon, O. 4 159 Proctors ville, O. ) a ir,7 Guvandotte, Va. ) ^ ^"' Miflersport, 13 180 Gallipdlis, 24 204 Point Plensant, Va., (mouth of Great Kanawha River) 4 208 Co.Hlport, O. i ,.T oon Sheffle!d.(Xi ^^ "'" Pomerov, O. 1221 Lelartsville, O. 15 236 Ravenswood, Va. 22 2.58 Hockingsnort, O. 21 279 Blennerhassett's Island 11 290 Bclpre. O. ) „ qqo Parkersburg. Va. i ■"■ " "^^ Marietta, O., (mouth of Muskinirura River) 13 305 Newport, O 17 322 Sisterville, Va. 25 347 ! Elizabeth town, Va. 37 384 VVhkeling, Va. ) -.n oq~ Bridgeport, O. J ^"* "^^^ Warreuton, 9 406 Wellsburg, Va 8 414 Steubenviile, 7 421 Wellsville, O, 20 441 Liverpool, 4 445 Georgetown, Pa. 4 449 Beaver,Pa. 14 463 Freedom. Pa. 5 468 Economy, Pa 6 474 Middlelciwn, Pa 12 486 PiTTSBLRo, Pa 11 497 (514) Cincinnati to St. Louis. To North Bend, 16 Great Miami River, 4 2 Lawrenceburg, la 2 2 Auroni, la. 5 2 Belleview, Ky 6 3 Rising Sun, la Hamilton, Ky Patriot, la Warsaw, Ky. Vevav, la. Mouth of Kentucky Riv.,Ky MxmsoN, Ia New London, la. Westport, Ky. Utica, la. Jefferson ville, Ky. LocisviLi.K, Ky. Shippingsport, Ky. New All)imy, la. ) Portland. Ky. \ West Point, Ky Brandenburg, Ky Mauckport, la. Northampton, la. Amsterdam, la I H^avensworth, la. Fredonio, la Alton, la Concordia, Ky 11 47 2 49 10 59 10 69 10 79 12 91 9 lOO 15 115 16 131 8 139 1 140 2 142 1 143 20 163 17 180 1 181 7 188 3 191 8 199 4 203 13 216 IJU 228 ROUTES IN OHIO. 91 StevenBport, Ky. ) 1 1 oqt Rome. la. \ " ~'*^ Cloveis()Oit, Ky 10 247 Carmelton, la. 13 260 Troy, la. 6 2(50 Lewisport, Ky. 6 272 Rockport. la 12 284 Owcnsburg, Ky. 9 293 Enterprise, la. 6 299 Newbnrg, la. 15 314 Green River, Ky 6 320 Evans viLLE, la 8 328 HendersonviUe, Ky 10 338 Mount Vernon, la 26 3(i4 Uniontown, Ky 15 379 Wabiish River 5 384 Riilei^h, Ky. 6 390 Shawneetown, HI. 5 395 Casey ville, Ky. 9 404 Cave in Rock, 111 13 417 Elizahelhtown, 111 7 424 Gplconda, III. 12 436 Smithliind. Ky., (mouth of Cumberland River) 18 454 Paducah, Ky., (mouth of Tennt)S.see River) 15 469 Belgrade, 111. 6 475 Fort Wassac, 111. 3 478 Caledonia, 111 24 502 Trinity, 111. 9 511 Cairo, III., (mouth of Ohio River) 5 516 Commerce, Mo. 28 544 Cape Girardeau, Mo 12 556 Bainbridffe, Mo 12 568 Chester, 111. 45 613 St. Genevieve, Mo. 16 629 Selm!i,Mo. 25 6.54 Hercuhuieum, Mo 4 6.'>8 Harrisonville, 111. 2 660 Jefferson -Barracks, Mo 19 679 St. Louis, Mo. 9 688 (515) Cincinnati to N. Orleans. To Cairo, (mouth of Ohio Rivor.^ [see 514[ 516 New Orleans 1040 1.556 (516) CiNciNN-vTi to Indianapolis. To Cheviot 7 Miami 6 13 Clark's Store 4 17 Harrison 4 21 New Trenton, la 6 27 CedarGrove 5 32 Brookville B 40 Metamora 7 47 Laurel 5 .52 Andersonville G 58 New tJalem 4 62 Rushville 7 69 Beech Grove 7 76 Morristown 7 83 Kinder 6 89 Sugar Creek 5 94 Indianai'OLIs 15 109 (517) Cincinnati to St. Louis. Stage. To Indianapolis, (see 516). 109 St. Loris, (see 599) 239 348 (518) Cincinnati to Pittsburg. Staffe via Steubenville. To Columbus, (see 527) ... 127 Zanesville, (see 528) 56 183 Cambrid.se, (see 528) 24 207 Winchester 9 216 Antrim 5 221 Londonderry 3 224 Smyrna 4 228 Moorefield 4 232 Cadiz 13 245 Greene 8 253 Bluomingdale 3 2.56 Wintersville 10 266 Steubenville 5 271 Holliday's Cove 3 274 Paris 4 278 Florence 5 283 Bavinpton 4 287 North Star 3 290 Fayelte 6 296 Pittsburg 13 309 (519) Cincinnati to Wheeling, Va. Stag-e. To Columbus, (see 527). . .127 Wheeling, Va., (see 528) 130 257 (520) Cincinnati to Sandusky City. Little Miami R. R. To Columbia 5 Plainville 4 9 MilCord 5 14 Germany 2 16 Polktown 2 13 Loveiand'd 2 20 92 ROUTES IN OHIO. Foster's fi DtHTfldd 4 Morruw 5 Fori .Ancient 4 Fret-port 3 Wiiyriesville 5 Claysville 4 Spring Valley 7 Xeuia 7 Yellow Springs 10 SPRINOFIELD 10 Jilid nicer and Lake Erie R. Urb:in:i 14 West I.iberty 10 Be! leforitaine 8 Jliintjsville 7 Ricliiiincl 3 Bill Centre 2 Kenton 12 Paterson U Cary J3 Ore,'on 5 Tiffin 11 Republic 9 Lodi 5 Bellevue 9 SANorsKY City 15 (521) Cincinnati to Dayton. Via Lebanon. ToRoadinf? ,10 Sh.ironvllle 3 Pisi,Mh 5 Mason 6 Lebanon 8 Rid,'eville 7 Centreville 6 Dayton 9 (522) Cincinnati to Dayton. Via Franklin. ToReadinsr 10 Sharoiiviile 3 West t'hesti;? 5 Bethany 4 Monroe 4 Franklin 10 Mianiisbiiri? w . . 6 Alexandei-avilie 4 Dayton 20 no 35 39 ■VZ 47 51 58 65 75 85 R. 99 109 117 124 127 129 141 152 1U5 170 161 190 195 204 219 13 18 22 20 30 42 40 54 (523) Cincinnati to Ciiilmcothe. To Fullon 4 Plainville 4 8 Millord 5 13 Perrin'a Mills 5 18 Miuathon g 37 I Fayetteville 8 35 Allensbiirg 8 43 , Ilillsboro' .10 53 !■ R.iiiisljiiro' 10 G3 I Bainbridu'e 8 71 ' Boiniieville n 82 ClULLROTilE 13 95 I (524) Cincinnati to Zanesvill*. I To Walnut Hills 3 I Pleasant Ridge 5 8 Montijomery 5 13 I Twenty Mile Stand • • .' 7 20 Hopkiusville 4 24 Morrow 3 27 Rochester 4 31 Clirksville 7 38 Wilmington 10 48 Sabino 10 58 W;Lshlnq:tou Court House . .12 70 New Holland ♦• 10 80 Williamsport 8 88 Cirileville 9 97 Amanda 12 109 Lancaster 9 118 Rushville 9 127 t^onierset 8 135 Fultonham 10 145 Putnam ..10 155 Zanksvillk 1 156 (525) Cincinnati to Eaton. ToCarlhnge 6 Si)riii.th 5 52 Hartville ..6 .58 Cantos 11 69 (545) Painesvii,i,e to Pittsburo, Pa. To Concord 4 Chardon 7 J^ Clariuon 5 16 Burton 4 20 Parkman 9 29 Nelson 4 33 Windham 4 37 Bracevillo 5 42 Warren 7 49 Niles 6 55 Girard ; . 5 60 Youngstown 4 64 Poland 6 70 Beaver, (see 547) 31 101 Pittsburg 28 129 (546) Cleveland to Wheeling, Va. Via Woostcr. To Ohio City 1 Brooklyn 3 4 Parma 3 7 Strongs ville 8 15 Brimswick 6 21 Rledina 8 29 Guiliord 9 38 Old Hickory 4 42 W(!OSTER 10 52 A|)ple Creek 6 58 IVioiint Eaton 9 67 Deardoflf's Mills 9 76 Strasburg 3 79 Canal Dover 5 84 New Philadelphia 3 87 Uhricksville 9 96 Deersville 11 107 Ciidiz 12 119 Short Creek 6 125 Harrisville 3 128 Mount Pleawant 5 133 Coleraiiie 5 138 Martin's Foiry 5 ll3 WUEELING, Va 1 144 547; Cleveland to Wellsvillk. Cleveland and Pittsburjr R. R. To Newburgh 8 Gravel Bank Bedford ... Macedonia Hudson Earlville ■•• 6 14 6 20 6 26 6 32 6$ ROUTES IN OHIO. Ravenna 6 33 1 Rootsiown 5 43 Atwater 6 49 Lima 4 53, Alliance 5 5ti| Winchester 5 63| Moultrie 3 UO' Bayard 3 G9 Rochester 1 70 Hanover 5 75 Brush Run 6 81 Saliaeviile 5 8(5 Steubonville Road 5 91 Hammonds 3 94 Yellow C'r 3 97 Wellsvillb 2 99 ^548) Cleveland to Buffalo, N. Y. CIci-eland and Erie B. R. To Euclid 9 Wickliffe 5 U Wiiloughby 4 IS Mentor 5 23 Painesville 6 29 Perry 6 85 Madison 5 40 Union ville 2 42 Geneva 8 45 Saybrook 5 50 Ashtabula 4 54 Kinspville 6 60 Conneaut 8 6H Spvinsfield 7 75 Girard 5 SO Fairvicw 5 85 Swanvillo 3 88 Erie 7 95 Erie and ^'^oiih Bast R. R. Harbor Creek 7 102 North East 8 HO State Line 4 114 Bufalo and State Line R. R. Qulncv 4 lis Westticld 8 120 Centorville 6 132 DrNKiKK 10 142 Silver Creek 10 152 Lagrrange — 2 154 Evans Center 7 IGl 18 Mile Creek 7 IfiS Rodsers Road 5 173 Buffalo 10 183 (549) Cleveland to Buffalo, N.Y. Steamboat. ToFairport 30 Ashtabula 33 63 Conneaut 14 77 Krie, Pa 30 107 Dunkirk, N. Y 48 155 Buffalo 43 198 (550) Cleveland to Toledo. To Ohio City 1 Rockport 7 8 Dover 5 13 North Ridge ville 7 20 Elyria 4 24 Amherst 8 32 Heiu-ietta 3 35 Birmingham 3 38 Florence 3 41 IJerlinville 4 43 Mihui 8 53 Nurwalk 4 57 Monroesville 4 61 Four Comers. 3 64 Lyme 3 67 Bellcvue 3 70 Green Creek 10 80 Lower Sandusky 8 88 Black Swamp 8 96 Woodville 7 103 Stony Ridsre 7 110 Perrysburt,' 9 119 MaumeeCity 1 120 Toledo 10 130 (551) Cleveland To Warren. To Warrensville 8 Barry 5 13 Chiigrin Falls 7 20 Bridge Creek 7 27 Auburn 3 30 Welshfield 3 ,33 Parkman 4 37 Nelson 4 41 Garrettsville 3 44 Windham 3 47 Braceville 5 52 Warren 7 59 (552) BucYRUB to Mansfield. To Gallon 11 Riblett'a 5 16 Ontario 4 20 Mansfield 7 27 ROUTES IN OHIO. 97 (553) Sandusky to Cincinnati. Mad River and Lake Erie R. R, To Bellevue 15 Lodi 9 24 Republic 5 29 Tiffin' 9 38 Oregon 11 49 Cary 5 54 Paterson 13 67 Kenton 11 78 Bell Centre 12 90 Richland 2 92 Huntsville 3 95 Beliefontaine 7 102 We^t Liberty -f 8 110 Urbana 10 120 SPRINGhELD 14 134 Little jMiami R. R. Yellow Springs 10 144 Xenia 10 154 Spring Valley :'••• 7 161 Claysville 7 168 Waynesville 4 172 Freeport 5 177 Fort Ancient 3 180 Morrow 4 184 Deerfield •• 5 189 Foster's ,4 193 Loveland's 6 199 Polktown 2 201 Germany 2 203 Milford 2 205 Plainvilie 5 210 Columbia 4 214 Cincinnati 5 219 (554) Sandusky to Newark. Mansfield and Sandusky R. R. ToLadd's 8 Monroe ville 8 16 Pontiac 4 20 Havana 4 24 Centreville 4 28 New Haven 6 34 Plymouth ,2 36 Shelby* 9 45 Spring Mill 6 51 MANSFi?:LDt 5 56 Columbus and Lake Erie R. R. Lexington 9 65 Belville 5 70 Independence.... 6 76 I Ankeneytown 5 81 Fredericton 5 86 Mount Vernon 6 92 i Hunt's 6 98 ! (iambier 3 101 Utica 4 105 St. Louisville 4 109 Newton 3 112 Newark 5 117 * Connects with the Cin. Cleve- land and Col. R. R. To Columbus, (see 531,) 73 miles. , Cleveland, (see 53:{,) 67 miles. : \ Ohio and Penn. to cross here. (555) Sandusky to Chicago, III, To Amherstburg, C. W.. . -52 Detroit, Mich 20 72 \ Fort Gratiot 70 142 Point au Barques 85 227 Thunder Bay 70 297 Presque Island 80 377 Mackinaw 65 442 Beaver Islands • 50 492 Manitou Islands • 45 537 Milwaukee, Wis 150 687 Racine 25 712 South port 13 725 Chicago 57 782 (556) Sandusky to Buffalo, N. Y. To Huron 14 Cleveland 45 59 Fairport 30 89 Ashtabula 33 122 Conneaut 14 136 Erie, Pa 30 166 Dunkirk, N.Y ^....48 214 Buffalo 43 257 (557) Buffalo, N.Y. to N. York. Attica and Buffalo R. R. To Lancaster 10 Alden 10 20 Darien 5 25 Attica 6 31 Tonawanda R, R. Alexander 3 34 Batavia 8 42 Byron 7 49 Bergen 7 .56 Churchville 4 60 Rochester 14 74 98 ROUTES IN OHIO. .Unburn and Rochester R. R. Briu'hton ■* "^ ?illsiord......< 4 8-2 Victor i2 94 Canajidaii^ua 9 lt'3 Cliapinsville 3 100 Fhorfs MilU 3 H19 C'lil'tou Springs • 5 114 West Vienna 3 117 E;ist. Vienna 1 H^ Oak'ls Corners 3 Ivil Geneva 5 126 Waterloo 7 133 Seut'c;! Falls •* 137 Cay i;^a Bridge 5 14-- AlTBIRS 10 15- jiabarn and Syracuse R. R. Sennet 5 157 1 (558) DcNKiRK, N. Y., to N. YoHK. I Fin jVno York and Erie R. R. To Fort'Stville-- Smith's Mills ■•• Perrysburgh Daylon Albion Little Vallej-. - Great Valley ..•• Nine Mile Creek Alleghany 4 I Mean V Hinsdale Cuba Friendship • Belvidere -• Phillipsvilie Scio Skaneateles Junction 4 161 (;^.nesee 4 t:0 Bristol, la '' 137 Elkhart U 148 Mishawaka 9 157 SoiTii HendJ: 4 llil Terre Coupee i* 170 LaPortk 18 188 HolinesviUe 9 197 Calumet 9 206 liailv Town 8 '2(i9 Millers 8 '217 Ainsworth 17 '2:U Chicago 1-2 246 (570) Monroe to Ann Arbor. To East Kaisinville 9 North Raisin ville 3 12 London 3 15 Mihm 4 19 Yuik 4 ',>:< Saline G 'JU Ludi • 3 S-2 Ann Arbor ',\S (571) Adrian to Toledo, O. Krie and Kalamazoo R. Ji. To Palmyra ti Blissfield 4 10 Ottawa Lake 8 18 Fvlvnnia 3 "21 Toledo 12 'S.\ (57-2) Adrian to Ypsilasti. To Raisin 4 Tecmnseh 6 10 Clinton 5 15 Benton 7 22 Saline 5 27 Pitlsfield 5 :W Ypsii-anti 5 37 (573 1 Lansing to Grand Haven. To Delia 6 Eaale 7 13 Pr.rtland 10 23 Maple 5 28 Lyons 5 33 loMA 7 40 Avon 10 .W Flat River 7 57 Ada 8 65 Grand Rapids 10 75 Grandville 7 82 Tallmadw 10 92 Crockery Creek 8 1 DO Grand Havkn 9 109 (574) Lansing to Dexter. To Delhi CenU-e 7 Alaiedon 4 11 Mason 4 15 Ins(ham 9 24 Stockbridge 9 33 Unadilla 6 39 Dexter 13 52 (575) Lansing to Pontiac. To Williamstown 7 Phelpstowu 7 14 Conway 9 23 Ckidar G 29 IIOWELL 7 36 Osceola Centre 5 41 Hartland 5 46 Mi-hliind 7 53 Miltord 4 57 Comnierce 6 63 Waierlord Centre 5 68 PosTiAC 5 73 (576) Lansing to Jackson. To Dulhi Centre .... 7 Alaiedon 5 12 Mason 4 16 Eden 6 21 Aiirelins 5 26 West Rives 5 31 Jackson 9 40 (577) Jackson to Toledo, O. To Michigan Centre 5 Nai^leon 6 11 Norvell 4 15 Elha 3 18 M anchester 4 22 (;iinlon 7 29 Tecumseh 5 34 Raisin 6 40 Adrian 4 44 Erie and Kalamazoo H. Ji. Toledo, (see 571) 33 77 (578) Jackson to Jonesville. To S|.ring Arbor 10 Concord 4 14 ScipioaMitre 9 23 Jonesville 4 27 ROUTES IN MICHIGAN INDIANA. 103 (579) MARSHALU.tO COLDWATER. ToTekonsha 13 Ginnd 5 18 CkjLDWATER 6 24 (5S0) Marshall to Centreville. To Tekonsha 13 Burlin<,'toii 5 18 Union City 4 2-2. Sherwood 7 ~9 Fort Pleasant 7 30 Nottoway 6 43 Centreville 5 47 (58J) Battle Creek to Grand Rapids. To Bedford 6 Johnstown 6 12 Hastings 12 24 Grand Rapids 32 56 (582) Kalamazoo to M«ottville. To Schoolcraft -14 Fiowerfield 5 19 Three Rivers •■.'• 8 27 Constantine 9 36 Mottvjlle 6 42 (583) Kalamazoo to Saugatuck. To Cooper 6 Plainwell 5 11 Otsego 4 15 Allegan 11 20 Maniius 10 36 Saugatlck 14 50 (584) Kalamazoo to St. Joseph. To Paw Paw Station 18 Paw Paw 4 22 Hamilton Ij 33 Keelersville 4 37 Bainl.ridge 7 44 St. Joseph 12 56 (585) Nilks to St. Joseph. To Berrien Springs 10 St.- Joseph 15 25 (586) Detroit to Buffalo, N. Y. Stenmhoat. To Ainherstburg, C. W 20 Sandusky, O. 52 72 Huron 14 8fi Cleveland 45 131 Fail-port. 30 101 Ashtabula 33 194 Conneaut 14 208 Erie, Pa 30 238 Dunkirk, N.Y 48 286 Buffalo 43 329 (587) Detroit to Chicago, III. Steamboat. Fort Gratiot 70 Point au Barques 85 1.^5 Thunder Bay 70 225 Presque Isle 80 305 Mackinaw 05 370 Beaver Islands 50 420 Manitou Islands 45 465 JliLWAUKEE, Wis 150 615 Racine 25 640 Sonthport 13 653 Chicago 57 710 (588) Detroit to Fort Wilkins. (On lyake Superior.) "'. Steamboat. To Fort Gvatiot 70 Point au Barques 85 J 55 Thunder Bay 70 225 Presque Isle 80 305 Sault St. Marie 100 405 While Fish Point 40 445 Hurricane River 40 485 Pict ured Rocks 35 520 Fort Wilkins and Copper Harbor...... 120 640 (589) Grand H.wen to Milwau- kee. Steamboat. To Milwaukee 90 (590) New Buffalo to Chicago. Steamboat. Michigan City, la. 10 City West 13 23 Chicago, III 33 50 INDIANA. (591) Indianapolis to Cincinnati, Ohio. Via RushvUle. To Sugar Creek 15 Kinder ." 5 20 Moi-ristown 6 26 Beech Grove 7 33 RushviUe 7 40 104 ROUTES IN INDIANA. New Siilem 7 47 i (594) Indiaxapolis to Locisvillb. AnchTSuiivillo 4 51 |ToEdinburg,(see593). ..-80 Me.uimora 5 Bmukville 7 69 Jfiffei-sonville JR. Ji. CVdai- (.-rove 8 77 Taylorsville 5 85 N<-\v Tieulon 5 b-2 Columbus 6 41 Harnsun.0 6 88 Bannerville 7 4S Clatli's Sloro... 4 9'- Jonesville. 4 9li 8 51 Mi'""' "t :-!'\ Rockford 5 66 <^'»'V't>t 1U-. Farniin^ton 6 62 Cincinnati 7 109 L^ngdons 4 66 Baker's Mill 4 TO (592) Indianapolis to Cincinnati. Center Switch 4 74 ^ ' jVienna 6 80 iHenryville. 8 83 ! Memphis 4 92 20 Sellersburg 6 98 26 Jefferso'nville. 9 107 34 , Louisville 1 108 37 Via Shelbyville. To Pleasaiitview 14 Braridywiiie 6 Shklbyville 6 Cuuirs Creek B Sl.omer 3 Crfeiisburg ...10 47 Napoleon '12 59 Delaware 6 65 North Moi^an 5 70 Maiichfsiti'r 7 77 ; To Bridgeport 9 Lasvrknckburo 10 87ipiainfield 5 Elizabelhlown, 6 93 . Cantorsbiirg 3 CUves 3 96 , North Belleville 2 Dry Ridge 5 101 Claysville 2 (595) Indianapolib to Tbeek Haute. Terre Haute and Richmond R. R. Cheviot 4 105 Cincinnati 7 112 (593) Indianapolis to Madison. Madison and Indianapolis R. R. To Soulhport 6 Green wood Franklin Amity EJinburu Taylorsville... Con MIU 3 Jtliz-abelhlown Scipio 4 10 10 20 Qtieensville ^ 58 6 64 2 66 Vernon Bitler's Switch . . Ch.impioii's Mill D.ipont Big Creek Middlefork Wort Madison ^ 14 IT » 21 Morristown 4 , 25 Crittenden 2 2T Coatsville 2 29 Fillmore 4 3-3 Giveneastle 6 89 Hendricks 5 44 Reel's Mill 4 48 Croy's C^eek 4 52 Brazil 5 5T Highland 4 61 Clovcrland 2 63 Woods Mills 2 65 Terre Haute 8 T3 (596) New Albany to Juliet. New Albany and Salem R. R. „„ To Bennetsville 10 70 i New Providence 9 19 72 I Pekin 5 24 2 74 ' Harristown 6 30 2 76 I Salem 5 35 4 HO Buena Vista 10 45 Orleans 12 5T Juliet.... 8 65 ROUTES IN INDIANA. 105 (598) iNDiANxrois to St. Louis, Mo. To Terre Haute, (see 597) . .75 Livini;ston, 111. 13 88 Marsliiill 4 92 Martinsville 12 104 Casev 6 110 (JiWnup 10 120 Woodbury 7 127 Tentopolis 10 137 Evvingtoa 9 146 Freemanton 5 151 Howard's Point 9 160 Oumbtrland 7 167 Vandalia 6 173 Mulberry Grove 9 182 Greenville .^ 8 190 Hickory Grove • • 9 199 Hi^'hlaud 14 213 Troy 6 219 CoUiusville 6 225 St. Louis, Mo 15 240 (599) Indianapolis to Spring- field, III. To Terre Haute, (see 597) 75 Elbridge,Ill 10 85 Paris 10 95 Grandview 12 107 Hitesville 6 113 Charleston ,....12 125 Bethsaida 8 133 Paradise- 7 140 Cochnui's Grove 8 148 Shelbyville .12 160 Taviorsville 35 195 Ro'Aiester 16 211 Springfield 9 220 (600) Indianapolis to Montezuma. To Hampton 12 Danville 8 20 New Winchester 7 27 New Maysville 5 .32 Bainbridgo 6 38 Portland Mills 14 52 Rockville 13 65 Montezuma -10 75 (601) Indianapolis to Covington. To Clermont 8 Brownsburg 6 14 Jamestown 14 28 Kew Ross 7 35 Crawfordsvillk 10 45 Waynetowu 10 55 HlUsboro' 6 61 Coles' Creek 5 (i6 Covington 8 74 (602) Indianapolis to Williams- port. To Crawfordsville, (pee 001 ) 45 Pleasant Hill 13 58 Newtown 5 63 Rob Roy »>9 Attica 4 73 W^ILLIAMSPOKT 2 75 (603) Indianapolis to La Fay- ette. To Crawfordsville, (see 601) 45 Romney 15 :;0 La Fayette 11 71 (604) Indianapolis to La Fay- ette. ToPiketon 9 Royalton 5 14 Thornleyville 5 19 Lebanon 6 25 Thornton 10 35 Franklbrt 12 47 Jeflerson 4 51 Praiiieville 6 57 Monroe 5 62 Wyandotte 5 67 Dayton 5 72 La Fayette 7 79 (605) Indianapolis to Niles,Mich. To Augusta 9 Eagle Village 6 15 Northfield 5 20 Kirk's Cross Roads 12 32 Michigantown. 10 42 Middletork 6 48 Burlington 5 53 Carroll 10 63 Looansport 8 71 Metea 12 83 Rochester. II 94 Sidney 13 107 Plymouth 10 117 South Bend 24 141 Bertrand, Mich. 8 149 NiLBS 4 153 1U6 ROUTES IN fSDIAN'A. (606) Indianapolis to Green- ville, O. To Allisonville U N()l)!esville 11 22 Str.iwlown 7 29 Aiul(:r,su!i 17 40 CIk sterlk'ld 5 51 Vi.rktown 6 57 Miincielown 8 05 Siiiillitk-ld 7 72 Wimlsur 78 .Vacksville 4 8-2 Winchester 6 88 Riiiuiolph 7 95 D.i:k,toL'isviLLE, Ky., to Or- lkans. To Jeffersonville, la 1 i Hamburg 8 9 IJinneltsVille 8 17 New Providence 5 22 Pekin 3 25 Salem ■••. 11 36 Claysvillo. 12 48 Orleans 10 58 (613) Edinbitrg to Rushvillk. To Shelby ville 17 Little Blue River 7 24 Manilla .^ 6 30 RtlSHVILLK 8 36 (614) Madison to Indianapolis. M.idison and Indianapolis R. R. To Wert 6 MiddlcAirk 4 1» I BigCreek 2 18 ROUTES IN INDIANA. JOT Diipont 2 14 Champion's Mill 2 IG Butler's Switch 4 20 Veriiun 2 22 Qiieensville 6 28 Scipio 3 31 Elizabi'thtown 7 38 COLIMBUS 7 45 Tayiorsville 6 51 Ediriburg 5 5G Amitv 5 ul Franklin 5 06 (Greenwood 10 76 Southport 4 fcO Indianapolis G 80 (G15) Madison to Tkrre Haute. To Columbus, (see 614) .... 45 Ull'vre 8 53 Nasliville 12 65 Unions ille 10 75 Rloomington 8 H3 Whitchiill 7 90 Spencer 8 98 Vandalia 9 107 Bowling Green 8 115 Clui.stie's Prairie ..10 125 Tkrrk Haute 14 139 (616) Bloo.hinoton to L\ Fay- ette. To Ellittsville '• . 7 Mount Tabor 6 13 Gospurt 3 16 Mill Grove 9 25 ClPiver D.lc 5 30 Putiiamville 7 37 Groencastle 5 42 Finca^t'e 12 54 Purkersburg 7 61 Crawfordsville .13 74 Romuev 15 89 La Fayette 11 100 (617) Mouth of Wabash River to La Fayette. Steamboat. To New Harmony . — 52 M ount Carmel '. 45 97 ViNCENNES 35 132 Kussellville 13 145 Palestine 18 163 Merom 5 108 HutsonviUe 8 17G York 8 184 Darwin 11 195 Tekrk IIautk 25 220 Clinton 16 236 Montezuma 11 i»47 Newport Landing 7 254 Perryville 13 272 Covington 8 280 Baltimore 3 283 P.rtland 8 291 VVilliamaport 5 296 LaGranso 14 310 La Fayette 13 323 (618) EvANsvii.r.E to Terrk Haute. To Sandersville 10 Princeton 20 30 Paloka 4 34 ViNCENNES 20 .54 West Union 15 69 Cariisle 8 77 Merom 12 89 Greysville 5 94 Fiirman's Creek. 5 99 Prairie Creek 8 107 Prairieton 7 114 Terre Hattte 9 123 (619) Terre Haute to Logans- I'ORT. ToNuraa 8 Clinton 7 15 Hi<,'l)land JO 25 Newport 6 31 Euiiene 7 38 Perryville 7 45 Covington 7 52 Portland 8 60 Rob Roy 5 65 Attica 4 69 Shawnee Prairie 5 74 VVest Point 8 82 La Fayette 11 93 A mericus 11 1 04 Delphi 7 111 Lockport 9 120 LOOANSPORT 12 132 (620) Terre Haute to Craw- fordsville. To RoseviUe 15 Rockville 9 24 Bruin's Cross Rouds 8 32 Waveland 6 38 CRAWFORDbVILLE 14 55 108 ROUTES IN INDIANA ILLINOIS. (621) L00A.NSP0RT to Toledo, O. To Lewiaburg 9 Peru 9 18 Wabash 15 33 LaGro 6 39 Huntington 13 5-3 Aboite" 16 68 Fort Wayne 12 8(J New Haven 17 97 Antwerp, 7 10-1 Jiinclion 14 118 Dkfiance 10 126 Milldale 4 13:2 Florida 5 137 Napoleon 8 145 Damjiscus 8 153 Providence 6 159 Waterviiie 12 171 Mauniee City 5 171) Toledo 9^185 (622) Fort Wayne to Cincinnati, Ohio. To Poughkeepsie 12 Decatur 12 24 Limber Lost 12 36 Bear Creek 9 45 Jay 8 53 Deerfield 12 65 Winchester '. . 7 72 Lynn 11 83 New Garden 6 89 Chester 5 94 Richmond 5 99 Abington 9 lOd Brownsville 6 114 Liberty 5 119 Duulapsville 5 124 Fairfield 6 130 Brookville 7 137 Cedar (^nne 8 145 New Trent i)n 5 150 Harrison, (). 6 150 Clark's .St Levvistown 5 60 (633) Springfield to Chicago^ To Twelve Mills • 8 Middletown .12 20' Delavan 9 29 Dillon 23 .j2 Tremont 5 57 Groveland 6 63 Peoria 6 f.9 Chicago, (see 655) 165 234 (634) Springfield to Covin&ton, Ia. To Mechanicsburg 15 Decatur 24 39 Cerro Gordo 15 54 Monticello 10 64 NorthBeud 13 77 Urbanna 9 ^.HJ Homer 14 100 Danville 20 120 Covington 15 135 (635) Vincennes, Ia., to Shawnee TOWN. To St, Francisville 10 Armstrong Mount Carmel . . Grays ville Phillipstown Carmi 9 64 Emma 6 72. New Haven 6 78 Shawnektown 17 95 9 19 9 28 18 46 9 55 (636) Vincennes to St. Louis, To Lawrenceville 9 Prairietoa 10 Ohiey .,., 13 Maysville '.v 16 Xenia 16 Frederickstown 9 Salem 9 Carlyle 24 Shoal Creek ; 9 Aviston .' 6 Lebanon 11 Rock Spring 4 Belleville 9 French Village 8 10 Mo. 19 32 48 64 73 82 JOG 115 121 132 136 145 153 110 ROUTES IN ILLINOIS. Wiggins' Ferry 5 158 i Steel's Mill 9 65 Bt.Loiis,Mo 1 159 CiiESTKR 13 7g (637) Vi.NCE\NEs lo Alton. To Girlvle, (see 636) 106 Shoal CroHk 9 115 Hitrhland 8 123 Marine Settlement 12 135 Ed w.':rdsville 13 148 Ui)per Allen 12 160 Alton , 2 162 rtl38) ViNCKjJNEs to Chicago. To Russellville 10 Palosline 15 25 Muisoiiville 8 33 York 5 38 Durwin 9 47 MiirshaU 10 57 Piiris 16 73 Bloomfield 13 86 UnUn Farm 10 96 Georgetown 5 101 Danville 10 111 North Fork 15 126 Milford 23 149 Middloport 11 160 Bulbonia's Grove 28 188 Rockville .- 6 194 Wilmington 12 206 Reed's Grove 7 213 Jack.son Creek 4 217 JoLiET 7 224 Lockport 6 230 Des Plains .-. 9 239 Summit 10 249 CuitAGO 13 262 (639) Mt. Carmel to Fairfield. To Albion 18 Wabash 9 27 Fairfield 9 36 (640) Salem to Carmi. To Hickory HUl 18 Fairfield ..'... 21 39 Burnt Prairie 11 50 Carmi v.l3 63 (641) Salem to Chester. To Mount Zion 8 Walnut Hill 5 13 Nashville 19 32 Elkhorn 7 39 SparU 17 56 (642) Shawneetown to Cafe Girardeau, Mo. To Bay 7 I Mount Airy 8 15 I Vienna 32 47 j Jl on nt Pleasant 10 57 j Jonebboro' 12 69 I O'diir Creek Landing 18 87 Cape Girardeau 6 93 (643 1 Shawneetown to St. Lodis. To Equality 14 Ralei-b 12 26 Gallaiin .• 6 32 Benton 20 52 Mount Hawkins 20 72 Nashville 22 94 Akau 14 108 Mascoutah 15 123 Belleville 10 133 French Villacre 8 141 Wigqins' Ferry 5 146 St. Louis 1 147 (644) Shawneetown to Vandalia. To Duncantown 23 McLeansboro' 16 39 Moore's Prairie 13 52 Mount Vernon 14 66 Jordan's Prairie 9 75 Salem 14 89 Foster's 12 101 Vandalia 13 114 (645) CAiRo to St. Louis. Mill Creek 14 Jonesboro' 20 34 Urbane 12 46 Murpheysboro' 13 h9 Jones' Creek 20 79 ChesU^r 8 87 Kaskaskia 7 94 Prairie De Roche 14 108 Waterloo 21 129 Columbia 8 IST St.Louis 15 15S (646) St. Louis, Mo., to Jackson- ville. To Alton 24 Godfrey 7 31 Delphi 6 37 ROUTES IN ILLINOIS. Ill lereeyville 8 45 Kane 5 50 CarroUton .-..8 5B Whitehall 10 68 Manchester 8 76 Jacksonvillb 17 93 (C47) QuiNCY to Jacksonville. To Columbus 15 Camp Point 6 21 Clayton 6 27 Mount Sterling 12 39 Vei>a.lles 9 48 Meredosia 7 55 Bethel 8 63 Jacksonville-, 12 75 (648) QuiNCY to Pkoria. f^ia Jiushville. To Columbus 15 Camp Point * G 21 Clayton 6 27 Mount Sterling 12 39 Ripley 9 48 Rt'snviLLE 9 57 Astoria 14 71 Vermont 5 76 Otto 7 83 Lewiatown 8 91 Jackson Grove 7 98 I Canton 7 105 I FarmingtOQ 10 115 Trivoli ." 7 122 Pkoria 18 140 (649) QuiNCY to Knoiville. To MemloQ 14 Woodville 10 24 ChUi 3 27 Carthage 14 41 Fouutiiin Green 11 52 Macomb 17 69 Drowning Fork 5 74 Woiidstock 14 88 St. Augustine 3 91 Harllord 7 98 Knoxvillk 9 107 (650) QuincY to Kkokuck, Iowa. To Ursa 10 Lima 8 18 Green Plains 8 26 Warsaw 6 32 K«ojtucK 4 36 (651) QuiNCY to Gaiena. To Macomb, (see 649) 69 Swim Creek 1(5 85 Moninoath 18 103 Spring Grove 7 110 North Henderson 6 UG Pope Creek G 122 Farlow's Grove 8 l.TO Pre-emption 5 135 C;uudeu*3 Mills 10 145 Rock Island 3 148 Moline 5 153 Hampton 7 iOO Port Byron 1 1G7 Cordova '5 172 Albany 11 183 Fulton 7 190 Savanna IG 206 Hanover 14 220 Galkna 15 235 (652) Peoria to Covington, Ia. ToGroveland 8 Tremont — G 14 Mackinaw 7 21 Sttml's Grove 5 26 Wilksboro' 5 31 Bloomington li) 41 Le Roy IG 57 S:\i)ta Anna 10 67 Mahomet 14 81 Urbana 13 94 Homer 14 108 Danville 20 128 Covington 15 143 (653) Pkoria to Burlington, Iowa. To Kickapoo .11 Robin's Nest 3 14 Brimfield 5 19 Fn;nch Creek G 25 Knoxville 18 43 (i;desbiing 5 48 Cold Hrook 10 .'58 Monmouth G 64 Oquawka 18 82 Burlington IG 98 (654) Peoria to Alhany. To Mount Hawley 10 Wyoming 19 29 T(mlon G 35 Wetliei-sfleld 11 46 Burua 17 63 112 ROUTES IN ILLINOIS. Geneseo 6 69 Crnndeirs Ferry 15 84 Albany 12 96 (655) Pkoria to Chicago. ToChilicothe 18 !,:icori 14 32 Henry 5 37 Hfniieptn 13 50 Granville 4 54 Pki:u 10 64 f'tlawa 15 79 MiirsoiUes 8 87 Morris 18 105 Dresden 9 114 Ch'tiuiKhan 6 120 -loutr 7 127 Lm-ki)ort 6 133 in's Plains 9 142 CiucAGO 23 165 (i\oG) Peru to St. Louis, Mo. Steamboat. To flennepiu 17 '.acnn 18 35 Chilicothe 11 46 Uome 2 48 i'EoaiA 16 64 l\'kin.J- 9 73 Liverpool 25 98 .liivimna 9 107 Beanlstown 32 139 L.i Grange 8 147 MiTf dosia 8 155 N:.p!es 7 162 Florence 10 172 Moatezuma 5 177 Bridwport 6 183 Newport 9 192 Gillord 18 210 Mouth of Illinois River .... 16 226 (;raaon 2 228 Alton 18 246 Misr^oviri River 3 249 .-T. Louis 18 267 (637) PcRU to Galena. ToLaMoille 18 Dixon 25 43 Bullalo Grove 12 55 Elkhorn Grove 8 63 Rock Creek 5 68 Mount Cm-roll ■ • • 12 80 Elizabeth 22 102 Galkna 15 117 (658) Ottawa to St. Charl«i. To Dayton 4 Northville 16 20 Penfield 9 29 Bristol 5 34 Oswego 5 39 Aurora 7 46 Batavia 6 52 St. Charles 4 56 (659) Chicago to Detroit, Micu. * Steamboat. To Michigan C^ty, la. 40 New Buffalo, Mich. 10 50 Central Railroad. Buchanan 21 71 Niles 6 77 Dowagiac 11 >"8 Decatur 12 100 Paw Paw Station 8 108 Kalamazoo 16 I24 Comstock 4 128 Galesburg 4 132 Charleston 4 136 Battle Creek 10 146 Ceresco 8 154 Marshall 5 159 Marengo 6 165 Albion 7 172 Gidley's Station 11 183 Barry 5 188 Jackson 5 193 Leoni , 7 200 Grass Lake 3 203 Francisco villo 3 206 Davison's 6 212 Dexter » 221 Scio 2 223 Delhi 2 225 Ann Arbor 6 $31 Geddes' Mills 4 235 Ypsilanti 4 239 Wayne 12 251 Dearboniville 7 238 DeVroit 10 268 (660) Chicago to Buffalo, N. Y. Steamboat, To Southport, Wis 57 Racine 13 70 Milwaukee 25 95 Maiiitou Islands, Mich. ...150 245 Beaver Ishinds 45 290 Mackinaw 50 340 Presquelsle 65 4U5 ROUTES IN ILLINOIS KENTUCKY. 113 Thunder nay 80 485 Point uu Hiu-ques 70 I'ort (Jratiol 85 Oktroit 70 Amherslburs:, C. W, 20 Sandusky, Ohio 52 Huron 14 Clkvkland — 45 Fairport 30 Ashtabula 33 tWjuueaui 1 } Duukirk, N. Y. Buffalo .30 640 i 710 730 7di 796 841 1 871 : 904 918 948 got) 1039 ...48 ....43 (6C1) Chicago to Galena. Ckicago and Galena R, R. To Noycsville 10 Cotlaj^o Hill 7 17 UabaKrk's Grovo 4 21 Vvheatland 4 25 Junction 5 30 St. Charles Branch 5 35 Eloin 7 4-2 G-ilberts ... 8 50 Huntley 5 55 Union 7 62 Marengo 4 66 GHrden Prairie 6 72 Belviderp. 6 78 Cberrv Valley 6 84 itoCKKOKD. 8 92 Stage. V.loas;uit Hill 6 171 Nashville 7 178 ■* Slaramoth Cave 7—100. '669) Louisville to Harrods- BURO. To PnowHill 11 Mount VViishington 11 22 High Grove 6 28 Bardstown 11 39 Frt'dorickstown 8 47 Springfield 9 56 Potlsville 10 66 Penyvilie .' 10 76 IIarkodsburo 10 86 (670) Louisville to Shawnik- TowN, III. ToSalina 11 Westpoint 10 21 Garm-ttsville 8 29 Br;uidenburg 11 40 Oliflon Mills 14 54 llardinsburg 10 64 Cloverport 11 75 Hawesville 9 84 Yelvington , • . .16 100 Owensboro' 10 110 Hebbardsville 12 122 Henderson 17 139 Smith's Mills 12 151 Morganfield 12 163 Raleigh 9 172 Shawneetown, III 5 177 <671) Louisville to Lexington. Louisville and Frankfort R. R. To Williamson 14 LaOrange 12 26 j Walnut Grove 6 32 i Emlninoe 7 39 Btdlevue 2 41 I Christianburg 8 49 Frankfort 16 65 Lexington and Frankfort R. H. Midway 14 79 Lexington 14 93 (672) Lexington to Cincinnati, O. To Georgetown 12 Little Eagle 15 27 Ray's Fork 6 33 Williamslown 14 47 Dry Ridge 4 51 Crittenden 7 5d Walton 7 6J Florence 9 74 Dry Creek 3 77 Covington 6 83 Cincinnati 1 84 (673) Lexington to Mavsville. To Moreland 8 Paris 7 15 Millersburg..... 8 23 Forest Retreat 6 29 Lower Blue Lick 8 37 Oak Woods 6 43 May's Lick 6 49 Wiishington 8 57 Mavsville 4 61 (674) LkXINGTON toOwiNGSVILLE. ToChildsburg 8 Colbvville 7 15 Winchester 5 20 Mount Sterling 15 35 OWINGSVILLE 15 50 (675) Lexington to Knoxvillk, Tenn. To Nichohisville 12 Boon's Knob • 7 19 Bryantsville "^ 5 24 Danvillo 10 34 Stanford 11 45 Walnut Flat 6 51 Crab Orchard 4 55 Mount Vernon 13 68 London 19 87 Lynn Camp 13 100 Barboursville 12 112 Cumberland Ford 10 128 Yellow Creek 8 136 Cumberland Gap 7 143 Tazewell, Tenn. 12 !."i5 Sycamore 5 160 ROXJTES IN KENTUCKY. 115 ThomHill 7 167 Bean's Station 4 171 RuUedge 10 181 Spring' House 7 188 Blain's Cross Roads 7 195 Acadcmia •... 9 204 Knoxville 10 214 (676) Lexington to Nashville, Tenn. To Pekin 12 Shawnee Run , 12 24 Harrodsbi'rq .... •••••••• 7 31 Perryville 10 41 Lebanon 18 59 Haysville ,6 65 Campbellsville 12 77 Greensburg 12 89 Monroe 12 101 Blue Springs 10 111 Glasgow 13 124 Cedar Spring 12 136 Scoltsville ."". 13 149 Gallatin 33 182 Hendtrsonville 10 192 Pleasant Hill 9 201 Nashville 7 208 (677) Frankfort to Cincinnati. To Forks of Elkhorn 4 Cave Spring 4 8 Great Crossings 7 15 Georgetown 3 18 Cincinnati, (see 672) 72 90 (678) Frankfort to Madison, Ia. To Consolation 10 Christiauburg 5 15 PleixsureVille 7 22 New Ciistle 6 28 Campbellsburg 10 38 Bedturd 6 44 Milton 11 55 Madison, Ia I 56 (679) Paris to Cincinnati. To Ruddles Mills 6 Cynthinna 8 14 Clavsviile 12 26 Havilandsville 5 31 Falmouth 9 40 FlowerCreek 8 48 Grant's Lick 10 58 Alexandria 7 65 Cold Spring 6 71 Newport 7 78 Cincinnati 1 79 (680) Bowling Green to Glas- gow. To Smith's Grove 14 Merry Oaks 7 21 Glasgow 10 31 (681) Bowling Green to Colum- bus. To South Union 14 Allison 7 21 Russellville 7 28 Elkton 15 43 Fairview 9 52 Hopkinsville 11 63 Belleview 11 74 Cadiz 10 84 Canton 7 91 Aurora 10 lOl Wadesboro' 12 113 ♦Mayfield 20 133 Fancy Farm 10 143 Milburn 11 154 Columbus 8 162 (682) Russellville to Nashville, Tenn. To Adairsville 10 Springtitld, Tenn 15 25 Nashville 25 50 (683) Russellville to Clarks- viLLK, Tenn. ToAIlensville 14 lladensville 4 18 Minor's Nursery, Tenn 6 24 Clarksville 12 30 (684) Hopkinsville to Nashville, Tenn. To Oak Grove 14 New Providence 10 24 Clarksville 2 26 Fredonia 1 1 37 Thomasville 4 41 Fiser's Cross Roads 8 49 Nashville 22 71 (685) Hopkinsville to Paducah. ToOakland 12 Princeton 14 26 Eddyville 12 .38 Smithland 25 63 Paducah 18 81 116 ROUTES IN KENTUCKY MIsfeoiXRI. (686) Padlcah (mouth of Tennes- see River) to FLoiiKNtK, Ala.. Stcajiiboat. To 'innoJdsbuig, Teun. .-105 Pirryville 50 155 Carroilsville iiO 175 S.ivaniuih 35 i.'10 Flokk.nck 64 iI74 (687) Smithland (mouth of Cum- btrlaud River) to Nasuvillk. Stcainbuat. ToEddyville 33 Canton 25 58 Tobacco Port, Tenn 14 72 Dover •• ...12 84 Palnivra 26 lib Ciarksville 11 121 Nasuville • 03 184 MISSOURI. (688) St. Louis to New Orleans. Steamboat. Jefllrson Barracks, Mo 9 Harrison ville, Hi.. 19 28 Hercul.meum, Alo 2 30 Selma. ^^\o. 4 34 St. GeiPvi-ve, Mo 25 59 Clie-sttT, LI 16 75 Baiubridi,'e, .Mo 45 120 Cape (Jirardoaa, Mo 12 l:i2 Commerce, Mo - 12 144 Cairo, 111, (mouth of Ohio River) .^28 172 Columbus, Ky 18 190 HicI-; man, Ky 15 205 New .^!adrid, Mo.. .. • • •• • . .42 247 Little Prairie, Mo, 30 277 Obion River, Tenn 29 306 Ashport,Tenu 8 314 Osceola, Ark. 12 320 Fulton, Tenn 10 336 RujKlolph, Tenn., (mouth of Uatchie River) 11 347 Gre«ui»ck, Ark. 33 3K) Memphis, Tenn. IM 414 Commerce, Ark 27 441 IVytoii, Miss. 33 474 Sii-rlin;,', .Ark., (mouth of St. 1-r.iUcis River) 12 486 Hklkna, Auk. 10 4% Delta, Mi.ss. 10 506 Victoria, Miss 65 571 Montgomery's Point, Ark.. 1 572 Napoleon, Ark., (mouth of Arkansas River) 20 592 Bolivar tJourt House, Miss. 12 00 1 Columbia, Ark. 53 657 Princeton, Miss. 45 702 Providence, La. 29 731 Yazoo River, Wise 61 792 VicKSBL'RQ, Miss 12 804 VVarreniou, Miaa 10 814 Carthage, La. 19 833 Grand Gilf, Miss. 27 860 Bruiiisburj?, Miss. 10 870 Rodney, Miss. 10 880 Natch 1^, Miss 31 911 Ellie Clitfs, Miss, 18 929 Homochilla River, Miss. . .20 955 Fort .\dnms, Miys. 10 965 Ived River Island, La 11 976 Point Coupee, La. i nn m-vi tst. Francisville, La. p ' •'^ ^^"^ Port Hudson 11 1047 Baton Rouge, La 25 1072 llaquemine, La. • •■ .23 1095 D(maldsonville, La 34 1129 Jetferson College, La. 19 1148 Red Church, La 38 1185 CarroUton, La. 30 1206 La Fayette, La. 4 12J0 New Orleans, La 2 1212 (689) St. Louis to Falls of St, Anthony. Steamboat, To Missouri River 18 Alton, lU..... 3 Gndton, 111. • 18 Illinois Rivei', 111 2 Gilead, 111. 32 Hamburg, HI.... • 10 Clarksviile, Mo 13 l^uisiana. Mo 11 Hannibid, Mo 25 QnNCY, 111. 18 La (Jrange, Mo 10 Tully, Mo. 7 Des Moines River j Keokuck, Iowa - 4 Montrose, Iowa ^ ,c> Nuuvoo, lU. ) * Madison, Iowa ,,, . 10 Burlington, Iowa 20 Oquawka, HI 17 New Boston, HI 19 ROUTES IN MISSOURI. 117 Iowa River, Iowa 1 2C7 MuscafinS, Iowa 25 292 Fairport, Iowa 7 299 AIulalusiJ^ 111 10 309 Rock Island, 111. ) ^ o oig Davenport, Iowa \ Hampton, III 11 329 Parkhurst, Iowa 8 337 •Albany, lU 19 356 i.yons, Iowa 9 365 Charleston, Iowa 15 380 Savannah, 111 2 382 Belleview, Iowa 19 401 Fever River, 111., (to Galena 6 miles) 7 408 Dubuque, Iowa 20 428 Peru, Iowa 8 436 Cassville, Wis 23 459 Gottenburg, Iowa 6 465 Wisconsin River 20 485 Fort Crawford 2 487 Prairie du Chien 2 489 Upper Iowa River 38 527 Bad Axe River 12 539 Root Kiver 23 562 Black River 12 574 Chippewa River 68 642 Maiden's Rock > nr cr-r Lake Pepin \ ^o 667 St. Croix River 35 702 St. Paul 26 728 Mendota i _ _„, FortSnellingi ^ ^-^"^ St. Anthony 7 740 (690) St. Louis to Council Bluffs. Hl^ Steamboat. To mouth of Missouri River 18 St. Charles 24 42 Missouriton 21 63 Newport 26 89 GriswoldCity 8 97 Hermann 16 113 Portland 17 130 Cote Sans Dessein 20 150 Jefferson City 10 160 Marion 17 177 Nashville 10 187 Rocheport ]3 200 Boonville 11 211 Arrow Rock 15 226 Glasgow 12 238 Chariton 3 241 Grand River 20 261 Reedsburg 23 284 Lexington 27 311 Camden 17 328 Sibley 16 344 Livingston 17 361 Kansas River 20 381 Parksviile 8 389 Platte River 2 391 Fort Leavenworth 20 411 Weston 7 418 St. Joseph 60 478 Noddaway River 14 492 Wolf River 16 508 Great Nemahaw River 18 526 Nishnebotna River 25 551 Little Nemahaw River 12 563 Platte River 70 633 Bellevue Trading House ... 12 645 Council Bluffs 40 685 (691) St. Loms to Keokuck, Iowa. To Waltonham 9 Feefee 6 15 St. Charles 5 20 WeUsburg 16 36 Flint HUl 7 43 Troy 10 53 Auburn 12 65 Prairieviile ...AO 75 Bowling Green 10 85 Frankfort 14 99 New London 8 107 Hannibal 8 115 Palmyra 13 128 La Grange 20 148 Telly 7 155 Alexandria 20 175 Keokuck, Iowa 4 179 (692) St. Louis to Little Rock, Ark. Carondelet 5 Jefferson Barracks 4 9 OakviUe 5 14 Sulphur Springs 8 22 Herculaneum 9 31 Hillsboro' 11 42 Glenfinlay . 10 52 Old Mines 10 62 Potosi 7 69 Caledonia 12 81 Iron Mountain 10 91 Fnrmington • . . 14 105 MineLaMotte 5 110 Fredericktown 12 122 Greenville 35 157 118 ROt'TES IN MISSOrUl. Cane Creek 18 175 Hicks' Ferry, Ark 3'i 207 Fourche Dumas .15 SKiJ Pocahoatas 8 230 Jackson 15 45 Smithville ;. . 14 259 Reed'a Creek 12 271 BaU»3ville 24 25)5 R()ck Point ...n :^06 Scare V Court Houso .... 32 338 Oakliuid (irove 25 363 LittlkRock ..30 393 (693) St. Lons to New Madrid. To CarondBlet 5 JefiFL-rson Hiuracks 4 9 OakviUe 5 14 Sulpliur Springs ..8 22 Clifton... ..'..'.. 5 27 Herculaneum •,•..... 4 31 Selma 8 39 Rush Tower ...8 47 St. (Jonovieve -. . .14 61 St. Mary's Landing 12 73 Perrvville 12 85 Apple Creek -12 97 Jackson 16 113 Cape Girardeau 11 124 Benton ...16 140 Pleasant Plains 10 150 Ogdin 8 l.-iS Nkw. Madrid 23 181 (694) St. Louis to Fort Lkaven- WORTU. To Waltonham 9 Feefee. 6 15 St. Charles 5 20 CottleviUe 12 32 Nay lor's Store-... 3 35 Hickory Grove 13 48 Wnrrenton 10 58 High Mill 9 67 Danville ' 18 85 Williamsburg .......... . . . 10 95 Jones' Tan Yard • .... 7 102 Fulton .;... 8 110 Millersburg *. . . 12 122 Columbia .......;........ 12 134 Rocheport w..l3 147 Fayette ..........15 162 Glasgow •••• 11 173 Fort Lkavehworth, (see 70l> 149 322 (095) St. Louis to JKrrKftsoH City. Via St. Charles.' To Fulton, (see 094) 110 New Bloomfluld 11 121 Hibeniia 10 131 Jefferson City 1 132 (696) St. Lons to Jefferson City. Via JilU Sterling. To Rock Hill 8 Manchester 11 19 Fox Creek 14 33 Union -,... 22 .55 Adainsburg 23 78 Mount Sterling 14 92 Lynn 16 108 Lisle 8 116 Jefferson City 10 126 (697) Jefferson City to Indk- PE.NDENCE. To Marion 15 Moniteau 5 20 Midway. 9 29 Clark's Fork 6 35 Boonkville 10 45 LaMine 10 55 Arrow Rock 12 67 Miushnll 15-82 MoimtHope 25 '107 Dover 7 114 Lexington 11 125 Wellington 12 137 Fort Osaue 16 153 Independence 12 165 (698) Jefferson City to Fort Leavenworth. To Booneville, (see 697) 45 Franklin .- 4 49 Fiiyetto 10 59 Glasgow 11 70 J'oRT Leavenworth, (sec 7ill).... 149 219 (699) Jeptersoti City to Fort Smith, All K. To HiKh Point 15 Versailles... 25 40 Cole C;unp ..24 64 Warsaw 16 80 Rocky Ridge 13 93 Judah'8 Gap ... > 8 lOl .ROUTES IN MISSOURI IOWA. 119 Elklon 9 110 Bolivai' 18 I-'8 Ricliland 18 14(5 FVRINGFIKLD 12 \'iB Cr.iiie Creek 27 185 McDonald 16 2(11 Wiiwhlxuini's Prairie 17 218 Bfiitonville, Ark 22 240 Fayi-IteviUe 28 268 Bt).>iisl)oro' 18 286 Kvansvillc .i 11 2<)7 Ni'.tural Dam 12 3(l9 Van Buren--- 14 :VJ3 FoKT Smith 7 330 (700) Jeffkrson City to Cape Girardeau. To Westphalia. 9 Mavais 17 26 Kiiidei-hook 10 36 Spanish Prairie 12 48 Maramec 15 63 Su-eiville 12 75 Oi^nge 12 87 Harmony 15 102 Caledonia 15 117 Iron Mountain 10 127 Farminvfton 14 141 Mine LaMotte.... 5 146 Fredericktown J2 ^58 Pnton ..V......S4 W2 Jackion '. .i.//.. . .14 1% Cap^^irardeau 11 207 (70IVGLASGOW to Fort Leavkn- ^ WORTH. To Kevtesville 18 ' Brmi^'wick 11 29 Pi.'asM ill Park 10 39 Df.witt 6 45 Carrollton. 7 52 Round C> rove 13 65 Richmond 14 79 Orab Orchard 9 88 I.iherty 20 108 Barry 10 118 Platte City 15 133 Weston 9 142 Fort Leavenworth 7 149 (702) Glasgow to Hannibal. To Roanoke 12 WountAiry ' 6 18 Huntsville 6 24 MUton 12 36 Madison 7 43 Paris 12 55 .Somerset 12 67 Sharpsburg 7 74 Hydesbui^' 14 83 Hannibal ■ •'■ 9 97 (703) Maramec to SpRiNoriBLD. To Little Prairie 10 Little Piney .'/. 20 30 PineBlutf 8 38 Waynesville 12 50 Belteionte II 61 Oakland 13 74 Cave Spring 12 86 Woodbury 16 102 PleasiOit Prairie 12 114 Walnut Forest 13 127 Springkield 8 135 IOWA. (704) Iowa City to Keokuck. To Washington 30 Fairfield 26 50 Keosaucjua 24 80 Bt'iitonsport 10 90 Farminglon 8 98 KeokccK". 32 130 (705) Iowa City to Muscatinb. To West Liberty 14 Overman's Ferry 10 24 Muscatine ..• • U 35 (706) Keokuck to BcRLiNGTON. To Montrose 12 Fort Madison 12 24 A ugusta 11 35 Burlington 10 45 (707) Fort Mapison to Farmino- To West Point 10 TuscJirora 8 18 Farminoton .........11 29 (708) Bublington to Fort Dks Moines. ro Hartford 18 Mount Pleasant 9 27 Rome 8 35 Fairfield 16 51 nttumwa •... 25 76 EddyViUe .......:........ 16 92 120 ROUTES IN lOWl. WISCONSIN. 5 2S Oskaloosa 13 105 ; Imion Red Rock 29 134 \ Osborn. •• 5 ZI Fort Dks Moines 31105 Warren (709) BCRLINGTON tO MUSCATINK. To Yellow Springs 15 Linton 9 24 Wapello 1 31 Grandview 9 40 Muscatine 14 54 (710) Muscatine to Davenport. To Fairport 7 West Buffiilo 11 lo Rockingham 8 26 Davenport 4 30 (711) Davenport to Dobuque. To Dewitt 19 Janesvillo 1* Rock Valley 7 Beloit 6 Rocktou 3 Roscoe 4 Harlem 4 ROCKFORD 7 Maquoketa 22 41 Andrew 7 48 LaMotte 14 62 Dubuque 12 '4 (712) Davenport to Dubuque. To Berlin 16 Princeton Camanche Lyons Elk River Bellevue Tete des Motte Dubuque 30 40 50 1 74 ' 84 ' 90 (715) Madison to Milwaukee. Cottage Grove 8 Deerfield 8 19 Lake Mills, i 9 2o Aztalan 3 28 Watertown 10 3d Ixonia 8 46 Summit 8 54 Delafield * 58 Howard 7 65 Waukesha 3 b« Brooktield :••• 5 73 Wawalosa 6 '9 Milwaukee •> 04 (716) Madison to Green Bay. To Windsor H Lowville 14 25 42 59 WISCONSIN. (713) Madison to Galena, III. To Middleton 8 Blue Mound 14 22 !!.".'.*.'.!'.! 9 40 Ridgeway Dodgeville Mineral Point 8 48 Belmont 13 01 PlalteviUe 7 bri Benton 1- ^'j Hazel Green 5 ^5 Galkna,Ill 11 90 (714) Madison to Rockford, III. To Fitchburg Eutlaud 17 Wyocena Fort Winnebago.- Rock Hill Kitiu'slon '-■ Grand Prairie 4 Tichora 5 Green Lake Rosendalc Fond du Lac Taycheda Calumet Village • • • Pequol Stock l)rid . 1054 Weber River Ford 40 1094 Summit of Mountain 23 1117 Gr6at Salt Lake City 18 1 135 Maiy's River 315 1450 The Sink 274 1724 Truckee Lake 134 1858 Johnson's HI 1969 Sacramento City 35 2004 (732) Independence to Oregon City, Oregon. To the crossing of Kansas River 90 Platte River *. . .220 310 Crossing of Buffalo Creek .25 335 Good Spring 61 396 GooseCreek 51 447 LoneTree 34 481 Chimney Rock 74 555 Scott'sBluff 22 577 Raw Hide Creek 36 613 Fort Laramie 12 625 Warm Springs 14 639 Horse Shoe Creek 29 668 La Boute River 18 686 DecrCreek 37 723 Upper Platte ferry and ford 29 752 Sweet Water River 50 802 Independence Rock 1 803 South Pass 101 904 Green River 62 %G Fort Bridger 55 1021 Bear River ., 33 1054 Beer Springs 95 1149 Fort Hall .55 1204 American Falls 22 1226 Fishing Falls 125 135b I .ewis River Crossing- .... 40 1391 Fort Boisse 130 1521 Burnt River 72 1(503 Grand Rondo 68 1671 Fort Walla WaUa 95 1766 UmatillaJi River 25 1791 John Day's River 70 1861 Fall3 River 20 1881 124 ROUTES TO OREGON AND CALIFORNIA. The Dalles 20 1901 Cascades 40 1941 Fort Vancouver 53 1994 OrkgonCity 30 2024 (733) CouNcii. Bluffs to the Gt. Salt Lake City. To Elkhorn River 27 Platte River 12 39 Loup Fork 47 86 BeaverRiver 18 104 Old Pawnee Village 11 115 Upper Ford of Loup Fork 19 134 Main Plalte River 32 166 Wood River 3 169 Deep Dry- Creek 43 212 Crossint,' of Buffalo Creek . . 20 232 Bear River, (see (732) . . .719 951 Weber River Ford 40 991 Summit of Mountain 23 1014 Grkat Salt Lake City. -18 1032 125 THE PRINCIPAL CANALS UNITED STATES MAINE. CUMBERLAND AND OXFORD CANAL. From Portland to Sebago Pond 20i Sebago Pond to Long Pond, A"ia Songo River Improve- ment 30 50i NEW HAMPSHIRE. Canal around Bow Falls, (Merri- mac River) ^ mile Around Amoskeag Falls ... 1 " '• HooksetFaUs 1-6" " SeaweH's Falls i " " Union Falls 9 " VERMONT. There are three short canals in Ver- mont, overcoming obstructions in Connecticut river, viz. : Aroimd Wliite River Falls ^ mile. « Bellows Falls i " " Waterquechy Falls ^ " MASSACHUSETTS. MIDDLESEX CANAL. Charles River, opposite Bos- ton, to Sojnerviile 2 MedJord 5 7 Wolmrn 4 11 Wilmington 5 1(5 Billerica 6 22 Middlesex, on the Merrimac River 5 27 rAWrUCKET CANAL. Lowell to Chelmslbrd. .. . IJ miles. BLACKSTONE CANAL. Worcester to Providence, (not now in use) 45 miles. HAMPSHIRE AND H.UIPDEN CANAL. Northampton to Connecticut Line, (not now in use) 22 miles. MONTAGUE FALLS CANAL. Around Falls in Comiccticut Riv- er Smiles. SOUTH H.VDLEY CANAL. Around the Falls at South Had- ley 2 miles. RHODE ISLAND. BLACKSTONE CANAL. From Providence to Worcester, (not now in a?e) 45 miles. CONNECTICUT. ENFIELD CANAL. Around Falls in Connecticut Riv- er 5A miles. FARMINGTON CANAL. New Haven to Massachusetts etato Line, (partly filled in). .5t) miles. NEW YORK. ERIE CANAL. From Albany to West Troy 7 Junction Cham plain Canal. . 2 9 Cohoes 1 10 Lower Aqueduct • • 3 13 -'ll-:f 126 PRINCIPAL CANALS Upper Aqueduct 13 26 SCUESKCTADY 4 30 Rotterdam 9 39 Philips' Locks 5 44 Amsiordam ) ^ .- Port Jackson i ** *' Schoharie Creek 5 52 FULTONVILLK 5 57 Spraker's Basin 9 6G Canajoharie 3 69 Fort Plain 3 72 Diefendorl's Landing 3 75 St. Johnsville 2 77 East Canada Creek 4 81 Indian Castle 2 83 Fink's Ferry 3 86 LiTTLK Falls 2 88 Herkimer ) „ o^ Mohawk \ ' ''^ Frankfort 6 101 Uric A, Junction of Chenan- ffo CaniU 9 110 York Mills 3 113 Whitesboro' 1 114 Oriskany 3 117 Newviile 6 123 Rome, Junction of Black River Canal 2 125 Wood Creek Aqueduct .... 2 127 Haw lev's Basin 2 129 New London 3 132 Stacy's Basin 2 134 Hiijgins', Junction of Oneida Lake Canal 2 136 Dunharton 1 137 Oneida Creek ) . ,,, Diuhamville S Lenox Basin 3 144 Canastota 2 146 New Boston 4 150 Chittenjuigo 3 153 Kirkville 5 158 Manlius 4 162 Limestone Feeder 1 163 Orvi lie Feeder 2 165 Lodi • 5 170 Syracusb, Junction of Os- wego Canal 1 171 Geddos 2 173 Belisle 4 1'77 Camillus 2 179 Canton 5 184 Jordan 6 190 Weedsport 6 196 Port ByroD" 3 199 Montezuma, Junct. of Cay- uga and Seneca Canal — 6 205 Clyde 11 216 Lock Berlin 5 221 Lyons 4 225 LockviUe 6 231 Newark 1 2.32 Port Gibson 3 235 Palmyra 5 240 Macedonville 4 244 VVayneport 3 247 Fairport 5 252 Bushnell's Baain 4 256 Cartersville 2 258 Pittslord 1 259 Biilin^hast's Basin 4 263 Rochester, Junct. of Gene- see Valley Canal 6 269 Brockway's 10 279 Spencer's Basin 2 281 Adams' Basin 3 284 Brockport 5 289 HoUey 5 294 Hulberton 4 298 Hindsburg 2 300 Albion 4 304 Eagle Harbor 3 307 Knowlesville 4 311 Medina 4 315 Shelby's Basin 3 318 Middleport 3 321 Gosport 5 326 LocKPORT 7 333 Pendleton 7 340 Tonawanda 12 352 Lower Black Rock 8 360 Black Rock 1 361 Buffalo 3 364 CHAMPLAIN CANAL Connects Erie Canal with Lako Champlaia, Albany to Junction 9 VVaterford 3 12 Mechanicsville 8 20 Stillwater Village 4 24 Bleecker's Basin 2 26 Van Duzen's Landing 7 33 Schuylerville 3 36 Saratoga Bridge 2 38 Fort Miller 3 41 Fort Edward 8 49 Gleiui's Falls Feeder 2 51 Smith's Basin 6 57 Fort Ann 4 61 IN THE UNITED STATES. 127 Corastock's Landing 4 65 Whitehall 8 73 CHENANGO CANAL Connects the Mohawk and Sus- quehannah Rivers. Utica lo Clinton 9 Deansville 5 14 Oiiskany Falls 5 19 Uoiicksville 5 24 Puck's Basin 2 26 Hamilton 4 30 Lebanon Factory 2 32 Earlville 4 36 Sherburne 5 41 North Norwich 4 45 Norwich 6 51 Oxford 9 GO Hayner's Mill 10 70 Green 4 74 Chenans:o Forks 8 82 Port Crane 7 89 Bl.NGlIA.MTON 8 97 BLACK RIVER CANAL Exteiius from Rome to the high lulls on Black River, and together with the river improvement, is 77^ miles. With a feeder from Black River to B'bonville - 10 miles. ONEIDA LAKE CANAL Extends from Higgins to Oneida Lake 8 miles. OSWEGO CANAL Connects the Erie Canal at Syra- cuse, with Lake Ontario at Os- wego. Syr ACusK to Salina 2 Liverpool 3 .5 New Bridge 8 13 P,^i(Enix 4 17 Sweet's Lock 3 20 Fulton 7 27 Tiffany's Landing 8 35 OsvvKGO 3 38 CAYUGA AND SENECA CANAL Elxtends from Montezuma on the Erie Canal To Seneca River 5 Seneca Falls 5 10 Chamberlain's Mills 2 12 Waterloo 2 14 Teal'a • 5 19 Gknk VA 2 21 CROOKED LAKE CANAL. Dresden to Mallory's 3 Andrews and Ways 2 a Pknn Yan — 2 7 Crooked Lake 1 8 GENESEE VALLEY CANAL Will extend from Rochester on the Erie Canal, to Olean on the Al- leghany River. Rochester to Tone's Basin 8 Scottsville 4 12 Sackett's Basin 10 22 Fowierville 2 24 Barclay's Mill 2 26 Spencer's Basin 4 30 Tracy's Basin 2 32 Cuyler 1 33 Genesee Dam 3 36 Mount Morris 1 37 Shaker's Settlement 4 41 Fitzhugh's Basin 2 43 Sherwood's Landing 4 47 McN air's Landing 2 49 Dansville 3 52 CHEMUNG CANAL Extends from Knoxville to Seneca Lake. Seneca Lake to Havana ... 4 Millport 6 10 Fairp;.rt 7 17 Elinira 6 23 Knoxville 10 33 With a feeder from near Corning to Fairport 16 miigs. DELAWARE AND HUDSON CANAL Connects the Hudson River with the Delaware River ,'svme 4 jo Biu-ryviUe 4 7J Delaware Dam _•••:• Pennsylvania Division Mouth of Lackawaxen Rowland ville Blue Eddy : Jones' Kilt Newcastle IlONESDA-LE Rocky Hill. A Kin'^ston William:?burg Trenton — Bordentown 4 83 NEW JERSEY. MORRIS CANAL Connects the water.-* of Ihe Hudson and Delaware Rivers. Jersey City to Newark • • .10 lUoomfield Paterson Littie FhHs Beavertown Montville Uooriton • Jlockaway Dover Diakesville I'leder hum Hopatcong Lake Stanhope Saxon's Fnlls Uncketlslown Audersontown Port Colden Washington New Village Greenwich PhiHpstown EA.STOS, Pa. 3 31 2 23 3 26 11 37 , G 43 A navigable feeder extends from Trenton to Siixlonsville on the Delaware. U^ngth . • .23 miles. PENNSYLVANIA. PENNSVLVAMA CANAL MAIN DIVISION Connects the Susquehanna with the Alleghany and Ohio Rivers. Columbia to Marietta 3 Bainbridge ^ ' Falmouth •* \i Middletown \ ^, High Spire -^ f: Harrisbiro Blue Mountain Gap 5 31 7 17 8 25 ."S 30 fi 3f) 4 40 o 42 7 4!) 4 r)3 7 CO 3 63 2 05 5 70 4 74 7 81 3 84 5 89 4 m . o'j . 2 101 1 10-: DELAWARE AND EARITAN CANAL Connects the Delaware with the Raritan River. New Brunswick to Bound Brook ' .., Millstone '4 {- Gricgstown ' ^'' 34 41 51 59 61 71 75 14 89 .14 103 .29 132 . 7 139 . 7 146 . 2 148 .11 159 .10 169 .. 3 172 Ji.R. ..IL 183 Wilmore 12 195 hummer HiU 3 198 Johnstown 10 -U» Western Division Canal. Laurel Hill Gap G 21 4 I>ockporl... 10 224 8 237 16 253 12 265 10 275 Freeport 5 280 !^l'"rpsburg 12 3^ PlTTSBWRG * ^^ Dauphin • •• •' Duncan's Island ' Newport 1'' Millerstown « Thompsontowu ^ Mexico ' MilUintown J\ Lewistown Wnynesburg Huntingdon Peter-burg Alexandria Water t^treet Yellow Springs Fraiikstown IIOLUDAYSBURQ JlHiirhanij and Partag Summit Chesnut Hill • Blairsville •■• Saltzburg — Wsu-rentowu Leechburg-- IN THE UNITED STATES. 129 SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION DiverRes from the main or central line at Duncan's Island, 15 miles above Ilarrisburg. Duncan's Island to Liver- pool 15 West Mahantango Creek • • fi 21 Selin's Grove 12 33 Northumberland 7 40 NORTH BRANCH DIVISION Extends from Northumberland in- to the anthracite coal region of Pennsylvania. Northumberland to Dan- ville 12 Centreville 20 32 Berwick 7 39 WiLKESBARRK 23 62 Lackawanna 11 73 Tunkhannock 23 96 AVyalusing 28 124 WEST BRANCH DIVISION Extends from Northumberland in- to the bituminous coal region of Pennsylvania. Northumberland to Mil- ton 11 Muncy 13 24 Williamsport .13 37 Linden 8 45 Jersey Shore 8 53 Dunnsburg 14 67 Farrandsville 8 75 DELAWARE DIVISION Extends from Bristol to the Lehigh Canal at Easton. Bristol to Morrisville 9 New Hope 17 26 Lumberville 7 33 Monroe 16 49 Easton 11 60 BEAVER AND ERIE CANAL Extends from Reaver on the Ohio River to Lake Erie. Beaver to Moravia 19 Newcastle 5 24 Clarksville 29 53 (ireenvilie Ui 69 French Creek Feeder* 19 88 Couneautville 10 98 Lockport 16 114 Giraid 5 119 Erie 17 136 * French Creek Feeder 45 niilcs. SCHUYLKILL NAVIGATION CANAL Connects the aqthracite coal region with Fhiladeii)hia. Falrmount Dam, Philadel- phia, to the Falls 4 Norristown 12 16 Phoenixville 12 28 Pottstown 15 43 Reading 21 64 Mohrsville 12 76 Hamburg 11 87 Port Clinton 4 91 Schuylkill Haven 11 102 Pottsville 4 1(J6 PortCarbon 2 108 LEHIGH NAVIGATION COMPANY Extends from Easton along the banks of the Lehigh River to Stoddartsville. Easton to Bethlehem 12 Allentown 5 17 Lockport Basin 14 31 Mauch Chunk 15 40 Penn Haven 7 53 Rockport 8 61 White Haven* 9 70 Falls at Stoddartsville 14 84 * A raihoad extends henco to VVilkesbarre 20 miles. UNION CANAL Extends from Reading on the Schuylkill River, to Middletowo on the Susquehanna. From the commencement of the Canal to Reading 4 Bernvilie 15 19 Stouchestown K 31 Lebanon 13 44 Swatiira Aqueduct 10 .54 Middlktown 28 82 130 PRINCIPAL CANALS SUSQUEHANNA OE TIDE-WATEE CANAL Extends from Wrightsville, oppo- silo Colmnbiii, on the Susque- hanua, aloiiy the western bank of that river to Havre de Grace, Mar) liiud. Length 45 miics. DELAWARE. CUESAPEAKJ3 AND DELAWARE CANAL gxtends from Delaware City on the ■ Delawaie River, to Back Creek, Md. Length 14 miles: MARYLAND. CHESAPE-VKE AND OHIO CANAL. This canal will ultimately be ex- tended from Cumberland to Pitts- burg, on the Ohio, 150 miles tar- ther. Alexandria to Georgetown- 7^ Seneca Creek 2-J j 30 Jiouocacy Creek '-iO 50 Berlin 14 64 Harper's Ferry 7 71 WUIiam^port 40 111 Clear^pring 11 122 Himcock 21 143 Cdmckrland 48 191 VIRGINLA.. JAMES KIVER CANAL Extends along the bank of the James River from Richmond to Lyiichburg. Richmond to Dover Mills. . .20 Columbia 30 50 Scott's Ferry •'^3 73 Warri-n 79 Wariuiuster 12 91 Lyncubi:rq 55 146 DISMAL SVTAMP CANAL Extends from Deep Creek to Joyce's Creek, a branch of Pas- quouink River, which flows into Albemarle Sound, N. Carolina. Length • • 23 miles. NORTH CAROLINA- WELDON CANAL Extends ajound the F'alls of the Roanoke, from Weldon to IMake- ly 12 miles. CLUBFOOT AND HARLAN CANAL, ) From Clubfoot Creek, a tributary of the Neuse River, to llailan Creek, which empties into tlie Atlantic near Beaufort. • H miles. SOUTH CAROLINA SANTEE CANAL Connects the Santee River with Charleston Harbor 22 miles. WJNYAW CAN.VL Extends from Winyaw Bay to Kinlock Creek, a branch of San- tee River. Length ■•■■Ih m iles. The navigation of the Cutawba River has been improved by five short ctmuls, with an aggregate length of lU miles. GEORGIA. SAVANNAH AND OGEEl'llCE CANAL Extends from Savannah to tha Ogeechee R. {C/osed.) 16 miles. BRUNSWICK CANAL Extends from Altamaha to Bruns- wick. Length 12 miles. ALABAMA MUSCLE SHOALS CANAL Extends from Florence along the north bank of the Tennessee River 35] miles. It is desiime^ to overcome the obsU-uction caused by the Muscle Shoals. HUNTSVILLE CANAL Extends from Huutsville to Triania on the Teimeto&ee iliv- .16 miiea. IN THE UNITED STATES. 131 LOUISIANA. ORLEANS BANK CANAL Extends from New Orleaus to Lake Poutchartvuin. Length, 4|- miles. BARATARIA CANAL Extends from the Mississippi River opposite New Orleans to Dayou Terre Bonne, and consists of 2t) miles of canal and 2a miles of lake and steam navigation. LAKE VER.ET CANAL Extends from Napoleonville on La Fourclie Bayou to Lake Veret. Length 8 miles. KENTUCKY. LOUISVILLE AND PORTLAND This canal is constructed around the Rapids in the Ohio River, and is sufficiently capacious to admit the passage of the largest steamboats, which can only pass the Rapids during the high floods. It is 50 feet wide and 10 feet deep. Length 2^ miles. The navigation of the Kentucky, Lickincr, Green, and Barren Riv- ers, has been greatly improved by the construction oVdams and locks in them. OHIO. "^ OHIO CANAL Coimects the Ohio River with Lake Erie. Cleveland to Ralhbun's Lock 5 Mill Creek 4 9 Tinker's Creek 4 13 Pinery Feeder 4 17 Boston 4 21 Peninsula .< 3 24 Niles 6 30 Old Portage 2 32 North Akron 5 37 South Akron 1 38 New Portage G 44 ^Volf Creek Lock 3 47 Clinton 5 52 Fulton 4 56 VVeUmau's Mills 5 61 Massidon 4 C5 Navarre and Betnlehem — 6 7i Bolivar 9 80 Zoar 3 83 Jennings' Bridge 3 8G Dover 7 93 Lockport 4 97 Newcastle 2 99 Trenton 4 103 Gnadcnhutten 5 108 Port Washington 4 112 Nowcomerstowu 6 118 Evansburg 4 122 Lewisville 10 132 Roscoe 3 135 Adums'MiU 10 145 Webbsport 4 149 Hartford's 3 152 Frazersburg 3 155 Nashport 6 161 Licking Dam 5 106 Lickingtown 4 170 Newark G 176 Granville Feeder 5 181 Hebron 4 1^5 Licking Summit 4 189 Millcrsport 2 191 Baltimore 5 196 Havensport 6 202 Carroll 2 204 Lockville 2 206 Waterloo 3 209 Rayneysport 5 214 Lockbounie 7 221 Holmes' Landing 3 224 Mil![)ort and Bloomfield ... 4 228 Circleville 8 236 Westlall 5 241 Yellowbud 5 246 Deer Creek 4 250 Andersouville 2 252 Clinton Mills 4 256 Chilicothe 2 2.58 Tomlinson's G 264 ?tony Creek 3 267 Head of Big Bottom 2 269 Sharonville 7 276 Waverly 4 280 Trimble's Bridge 3 283 Jasper 3 286 132 PRINCIPAL CANALS Howard's Lock 5 291 Cultiir's Slalion ■> ^-^ Brush Creek 7 301 PORTSMOUTU JW W'ALHONDING CANAL Extends along the valley of the Walhonding River, from Roscoe on the Ohio Cunal to Rochester. Ro-icoE to Crooked Run Rridge 2 W;\lhonding Dam 4 " Warsaw 2 Hodiord Bridije « DarUnu's Bridge 1 Gamble's Lock 1 Butler's Lower Crossing ... 1 Buikr's Upper Crossing ... 2 Walhonding, ^town) 3 Gamble's Saw Mill 1 Cummings' Bridge ^ ^l MohiCiin Dam... ^ -•* ROCUKSTER 2 25 Davton 8 65 Tippecanoe i«> ou Troy 1 ^ Piqua 9 w Loramie's Feeder 3 99 Lockport 3 102 Newport 12 1 J Berlin • ^ 119 Minster 3 122 Bremen 3 1.5 St. Mary's Feeder 6 1 Jl St.Mary'3 2 133 Deep Cut. 13 146 Junction* -^^ ^"^ • See Wabash and Erie Canal, la. WARREN COUNTY CANAL Extends from Lebanon to the at Middletown. 19 miles. 5 27 1 28 5 33 1 34 2 36 5 41 3 44 5 49 2 51 5 50 HOCKING CANAL Extends from the Ohio Canal along the left bank of the Ilockmg River to Athens. Carroll to Lancjtster 9 Reams' Mill 5 14 Rush Creek 2 lb Green's Mill o Hocking Falls Logan Wright's Paltonsville Seven Mile Run Nelson ville Monday Creek Chauiicey Wolfs Athens MIAMI CANAL AND EXTENSION Extends from Cincinnati on the Ohio, to Junction with the Wa- bash and Erie Canal. Cincinnati to Lockland Hamilton Side Cut M»ddleto^^^l Franklin Miamisbiirg Cai rolUon Alexandersville • 12 16 28 13 41 6 47 6 53 3 56 1 57 Miami Canal Length SIDNEY FEEDER Extends from Port Jefferson to the Miami HKtension Canal at Lock- port. Length 13 miles. ST. maey's feeder Extends from Celina to the Miami Extension Canal at St. Mary's. Length 11 miles. MUSKINGL-M IMPROVEMENT Extends from the Ohio Canal at Dresden along the valley of the Muskingum to its mouth. Dresden to Simm's Creek . 6 Zanesville -10 16 TaylorsviUe and Duncans Fixlls 10 26 Rokeby and Eagleport 10 36 McConnellsviUe and Malta . 7 Windsor 1^ Luke's Chute 5 Beverly and Waterford .... 10 Lowell 11 DevoU's ' Marietta and Hamar • . • • 5 SANDY AND BEAVER CANAL (Mahonina^) Extends from the Ohio Canal at Bolivar, along the valleys of the Sandv and Beaver Creeks to the OhioRiver. Length ..86 miles. IN THE UNITED STATES. 133 INDIANA. WABASn AND ERIE CANAL. Ohio Division. Manhattan to Toledo 4 Port Miami 8 12 Waumee City 1 13 VVatervme....i 5 18 Otst'go 7 25 Provideucc... 5 30 Damascus 6 36 Napoleon 8 44 Florida 8 52 Independence ■ 5 57 Defiance 4 61 Junction of Miami Exten- sion Canal 9 70 Reservoir 11 81 Antwerp 3 84 State Line 4 88 Indiaiia Division, Indiana City 3 91 Fairport 2 93 Lewiston 3 96 Fort Wayne 12 108 Aboit6 •••• 11 119 Huntington 16 135 Utica 9 144 Lagro 5 149 Wabash 6 155 Peru 15 170 Lewisbiu-g 8 178 Logansport 8 186 Amsterdam 9 195 Lockport 6 201 Carrollton 6 207 Delphi .■ 5 212 Americus 8 220 La Fayette 10 230 Lodi or Coal Creek 51 281 Terre Haute 36 317 Point Commerce* 42 359 Newburg 17 376 Pigeon Dam 72 448 EVANSVILLE 19 467 * This canal ia now open to Point Commerce. "-.VHITEWATEE CANAL. This cajial extends from Cambridge on tho National Road to the Ohio River. Lawrenceburq to Hard- ingsburg Elizabethtown 6 Han-ison 8 14 NewTrenton 6 20 Brookville 11 31 Laurel City 14 45 Connersville 11 56 Cambridge 12 68 ILLINOIS. ILLINOIS AND SnCHIGAN CANAL Extends from Lake Michigan to Peru on tho Illinois River, there- by opening a water communica- tion between the Lake and Mis- sissippi River. Chicago to Canalport 4 Summit 8 12 DesPlaines 10 22 Athens 4 26 Lockport 6 32 Joliet 6 38 Dupage 10 48 Dresden 4 52 Morrisiana 9 61 Clarkson 4 65 Mai-seiUes 12 77 Ottawa 8 85 Utica 9 94 LaSaUe 4 98 Peru 2 100 12 134 TABLE OP UNITED STATES AND POREIQN MONEYS. UNITED STATES MONEYS. Finenesi, 000 • "Tooo • freight. Valu€. GOLD.— Washington , EaMe 1 Eaa-le i " ., Ifiuple " .. Dollar " .. BILVER.-Dollar tVttV- i Dollar " .. I Dollar " .. Dime " .. iDime " .. COPPER.-Cent i Cent .516 ^raini SO dollars .258 " 10 ♦• .129 " 5 •• . &I.5 " 2} •• . 25.8 " 1 " pure 412. S " .100 cent!. 206.25 " 50 " 103.125" 41.25 " 20.625 " 25 •• 10 " 5 " 168 " 10 mills.! ....... lumm^, 84 " Accounts are kept in dollars, ($,) cenl3, (c.) and mills, (m.) The Spanish silrer dollar and its parts, ( l-2s., l-4ths, l-8ihs, and l-16ihs;) and also those ol Mexico and tb« South American republics, circulate ai the same values as ihe U. S. dollarand ilsparts. The g-old of Spain, Mexico, and the South American repul.lics has a legal value of 89.9 cents per dwt. In retail trade the dollar is variously divided in dillerent states: in New York it is divided into shilling-s=12J cenis, and sixpences=6i cents; in New En^fland into shillings also, but the shilling there is 16 2-3 cents, and the New Vork ■biOingf (which corresponds with the Spanisn eighth) is 9 pence, and so in proportion. In the Southern Stales the Spanish eighth is called a bit, and the sixteenth a Jip ot picayune, und are taken as 10 and 5 cents. The "reatest bulk of the circulating me- dium in the United Stales consists of notes of a ilollar and upwards, issued by bankl incorporated under the sanction of the individual states. FOREIGN MONEYS, And their equivalents in United States' currency. Oold Coins. «1 British Sovereiofn " Guinea 5 00 fTCnch Napoleon 3 83 " Louis d'or 4 50 Spanish Doubloon IS 93 " " Patriot 15 00 Portuguese Dobraon 34 00 " Crown 5 80 HoUand Ducat 2 26 .Austrian Ducat 2 28^ Prussian 10 Thalers .. . Cologne Ducat Danish Ducat " Frederick d'or. Frank/ort Ducat Geneva Pistole (old). .. . " " (new)... Russian Ruble Italian Pistole 87 82 2 241 8 25 , 3 90 2 25 3 95} 3 40i 3 90 . 3 as Silver Coins. Sritith Crown $1 15 " Shilling 23 " Sixpence 11 FrencAFranc 18] Spanish Dollar 1 03 " Pistareen: head 18— cross. 16 Portuguese Criisado 50 lustrum Rix Dollar (1800) 999 " ■ " (Hun^'ary).. J 01 J " Florin 48i BavarianKix Dollar 97 Brunswick " 1 OOj Danish " {Schleswic,&.c.) 1 06 " Specie Dollar 105 Swedish " 1 06 Swt*« Ecu or " 1 Oli Pound currency of British prorinces Bremen 4SgT0ies.... ) RixDollar Hamburg " Hanoverian " (constitution).. Holland Florin Belgic " (1790) " (1816) " Franc Prussian Rix Dollar(currcncy).. . " " (convention). Thaler....; Russian Ruble Saxony Rix Doliar(convention}... " " '•(Leipsic) Sicilian Scudo Ameriea= 84. 1 08 40 1 01} 69| 73 I 001 69 97J •Thealloy, silver and copper— the silver not to exceed one half, t The alloy ii copper. I The miii is an imaginary coin, bciof the iOOOih part of a dollar. 1 CATALOGUE or MAPS, CHARTS, BOOKS, ETC., PUBLISHED BT J. 11. COLTON & CO., NO. 17-2 WILHA.M-STUKKT, CORX^U OF BEKKMAN Illustrated and Embellished Steel-Plate MAP OF THE WORLD, On Mercator's Projection, cx]iibitin» th« recent Arctic and Atitavctsc Discoveries and Exploration!^, &:c. &:c. 6 !«heet.s. Size, 80 by 60 iuclies. Price, mounted, $10 OQ. This spbndi'j and highly-finished map is the largest and most acciu-ate work of the kind tiver published.-- It t'xhibits a lull resume ol' all goo- graphical knowled'je, and shows at one view, not only the world as it now ia, in all its iiaiural and i)olitic;d relations, but also the pro'j:ress of discovery from the earliest ages, in its corapilution, every facility has beem-reiidered by the liberality of our own government in furnisliing published and private maps and documents; and also by the govern- ments of Euroj/e, especially those of France and England, whose rich stores of geographical works have elicited much, that until the present publicjition luis been as a sealed letter, Aj a work of art, it excels all its predecessors, and is as ornamental as, useful. It is beautifully colored, and mouiitcd iu the handsomest style, MAP OF THE WORLD, On mercTtor-s Projection, exliibitinjj the recent Arctic and Antarctic Discoverici^ and Explorations, &:c. *SfC. 3 sheets. !?^ize, 44 by 36 incbes. Price, mounted, 1^3 00. ■ This work is reduced from the large maj), aneiit coast.>« : (>oiii]>ileil from the late.st aa> tkoritics. 1 Kheet. Size, :5*^ by *25 inohen. Price, mounted, SI 50 ; in casacs, $0 75. MAP OF SOUTH AMERICA, Carefully compiled from the latest mapsi nnd charts and other geographical publicatioiiH. v! ^shectM. Size, 44 by 31 inches. Price, mounted, S4 00. This is Ihe largest and best map of Soutii Am(!rica ever issued in this coiuilry, and the only one available lor couimercial purposes. It is also on excellent school map. Compiled from the latest authorities, and nccompanied vrith statistical tables of the area, population, &;c., of the several states. 1 sheet. Size, IVZ by ^15 inches. Price, mounted, $1 50. MAP OF EUROPE, Carefully compiled from the latest maps and charts^ and other ideographical publications. 4 sheets. Size, 5S by 44 inches. Price, mounted, §5 00. The best map of Europe extant, exliibiting the topography and polit- ical condition of that continent with great accuracy, u is an excellent map lor schools as well ad I'or the merchant's ottice. MAP OF EUROPE, Compiled from the latest authorities, »S:c., with statis- tical tables exhibiting the area, pojMilation, form of government, religion, Jtc, of each state. 1 sheet. Size, 32 by 25 inches. Price, mouiited, §1 50. MAP OF ASIA, Carefully compiled from the latest maps and chartSi and other geographical publications. 4 slieets. Size, 5S by 44 inches. Price, mounted, §5 00. This map is the largest and most accurate ever issued in America, taifi coBtains all the most recent delerminjttions in Hriii>-li India, &.& MAPS, CHARTS, BOOKS, ETC, It is indispensably necessary to mprchanis tnulintc with Chln;i, India, &c.., and must be esijfcially valuable at tho prosenl time, when our con- nection with tiiose a>uiitries la daily becoaiiug mure intimate. Nor is it less vafuable for seiuiaaries of Icaruins^. MAP OF ASIA, CompilfMl from the incst recent niitliorities, to^^ether >Tith stiitistien^l tables of the area, popiilntion, i&c>) of each state. 1 sheet. !i*izc, 3'-i by 25 vnrhes. Price, inouiitcd, $1 SO* MAP OF AFRICA, Carefully compiled from the latest maps and charts^ and other#{ie4»^raphical piiI>Iications. 4 sheets. Size, 58 by 44 inches. Price, mounted, §5 00. The lan^pt and most accurate map of Africa ever published m the United States. It exhibits the most recent discoveries of travellers — the new pulilical divisions on the nortli and west coastc and in South- ern Africa, &.C., &.c. As an office or sciiool map it has no superior. MAP OF AFRICA, Compiled from tlie latest authorities, and accompanied •with statistical tables of the area, populalion, tScc., of each state. 1 sheet. Size, 3'2 by '25 inches. Price, mounted, $1 SO MAP OF THE UNITED STATES, THE BRITISH PROYIXCES, IIEXICO, AND THE WEST INDIES. Showing tho countiT from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean. 4 sheets. Size, 62 by 55 inches. Price, So 00. Extraordinary erertions have been employed to make this mrij) perfect- ly reliable ;ui oiSii-es; all raiIroa'ora[iliical and- 'politinal. it is entitled to the very hijjhesl iiraise. The map is six feet by seven, firojected on a scale of tuoniy-lour uiiles to the iuch ; showing, with the \ituiosl accuracy, not only the general, hut ininiite lealurcs o|' the whole Country Kvery state, coutn'v, and towiisliii). withm our uliole broail ter- ritory, is desi^uated by boundary lines — the courses of rivers and streains, canals, railroads, stage and post roads, tlie position of cities, towns, vil- lages and hamlets, lakes and mountains, are laid down — every county being colored separately. The meridian and township lines of the Unitetf States survev's, and indeed all the topoa:raphicHl minuli.e ever found on' maps, is here dis[)Uiyed. So far as the ornamental portion of this great work is coa- cerned, we repeal that it is su|)(!rior to auy thing we liave seen. It is lulendidly bordered by scroll-work, and by the iiii roduclinn, at proper places, of tourteen ol the most important cities of the Uniied Slates; among which, New York and New Orleans are most conspicuous, and upon a larger scale. Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Waslungton, and Charleston, are verv accurately represented, and beautifully engraved, as is the case with all the rest, Cincinnati, Limisville, St. Louis, Stc, &,c. These vi(;ws, it seems to us, are worth half the price of the whole W(u-k, as specimens of our rapid improvement in the arts. However, it is to the utihtartan portion of the map, that we wish oarticuhirly to call the atten- tion of the public. In this respect, it is invaluable." New York Courier and Enquirer. "This noble map is six feet by seven, projected on a scale of twenty-foilr miles to the inch, and is certified on the map by Mr. Steiger. the principal Clerk of Surveys at Washington, that it embraces all survey's made by the United Slates, from the Atlantic ocean to the American Desert, or to the. 32d degree of west longitude. It would seem to be authority on all boi^n- darv (juestions, from national to township lines. This map is [larticularly valiiable for its correctness in regard to the Western and Southern States and Tern ories. The Ijase, meridian, and lownslnp lines of the United States suiveys are given; and those owning lands in any part of our country, witli the map before them, may put iheir linger iifioh any section, and see the streains, lakes, swamps, itc., pitrtrayed from actual survey. In addition to the United Stales, the maj) contains a representation of the Canadas, and North and ('entral America, a desirable improvement upon the shadowy outlines heretofore given. The countries set ;ipart by the United States for the use of ihe duferent Indian tribes, and tlieir names, d.re also given. As a work of art, this map is ungiiesiionaljly a liigh achievement. It is wholly eiiirravtid on steel, is splendidly bordered by scroll-work, with the introductiim, at pidi)er places, of viguet'cs of citie" among which Now Orleans and New York are most c Hi.soicuous. and embraces a Dae view of our National and State emblems." New Orleans Commercial Bulletin 6 PUBLISHED BY J. H. COLTON. MAP OF THE UINiTED STATES, THE BRITISH PROVINCES. IfKXICO. THE WEST INDIES, AND CENTfiAL AMERICA. WITH PARTS OF ^'EW GRENADA AND VENE/TELA. Exhibitiii<; the country from the Atlantic to the Tncillc, aud from 5U^ N. lat. to the Isthmus of rnunma and the Oroiittco river. '2 .>»h«'et!x. Size, -15 by ;}6 inches. Price, mounted, §2 50; in case?*, $1 50. The vast extent of country en.bniocd in this map, and ihn importance of UielerrilDries portrayed, rt^nder it one of the most usofui to ilie mer- chant und all others counectcd with or interested in the onwiird pro- gress of tll^• Un'led Suites. It is peculi;irly adapted to the present times, showiu:,', u:j it does, the whole spheru of American steam navigation oiy both sides of the couLinent, and givinij; the bt-st delineations extant of our new territories on the Pacific. All the railroatls and canals ;u-e laid down with accuracy. There is also appemled to the map a diatjram of the Atlantic ocean, in reference to steam communication between Eu- rope and America; and adetai'.etl plan of the Isthmus of Panama, show- ing the several lines of inler-oceiuiic iutercourso. The map is eni,'raved jn steel ajid highly embellished. THE STATE OF ARKANSAS. COTTON'S NEW TOWNSHIP MAP OF ARKANSAS. Compiled fro.n the United States Surveys, nnd other au- thentic sources. IJy M. F. Shall. Size, 30 by 35 inches. Price, 'nonntedjSft^ 00; poclict, $1 00. This is the best map of this state published— its correctness being; cer- tified t'v vaii'ius •roverumont and sla'c- elTinevs. MAP OF THE STATE OF INEW YORK, WITH PARTS OF THE ADJACENT COUNTRY, Emhracini: plans of the principal cities nnd some of the larger villages. By David II. llurr. <> sheets. Size, 60 hy 50 inches. Price, mounted, So 00. This IS the lartrest and best map of the state in the market, and ex- hibits arcuralely all the county and townshij) lines; all internal im- prove inents. and the position of cities, villaws, &.e. A new edition, pml»mcin!< all the alterations made by the stale lei^'isl.iture, is is-siied as jiifly ad (Kissible after the close of each session .-uinually, so that the puhiir may rely on its completeness at the date of issue. 1* MAPS, CHARTS, BOOKS, ETC. 7 MAP OF THE STATES OF I\EW ENGLAND AND N. YORK, With parts of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, the Canadas, &r., shuwiDg the railroads, canals, and !stage-road<4, with diKtances from place to plare. 1 sheet. !Size, 30 by 23 inches. Price, mounted, §11 '25, This is un exceed i ugly minute and coiTect map, having been compiled with great care and a strict adherence to actual suj-vey. MAP OF THE COUNTRY 33 MILES AROUND THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Qonipiled from the maps of the United States' Coast Survey and other authorities. 1 sheet. Size, 29 by 26 inches. Price, mounted, $1 50; in cases, $0 75« MAP OF LONG ISLAND, ^ith the environs of the city of New York and the southern part of Connecticut. By J. Calvin Smith. 4 sheets. Size, 60 by 42 inches. Price, mounted, $1 00. TRAVELER'S MAP OF LONG ISLAND.. Price, in cases, $0 38. A neat pocket map for duck-shooters and other sportsmen. MAP OF THE CITY AND COUNTY OF NEW YORK, Brooklyn, Williamsburg, Jersey City, and the adjaceni waters. 3 sheets. ,Sizc, 56 by 32 inches. Price, mounted, ^3 00. Tlie Commiesioners' Siu-vey is the basis of this map. The improve- ments have been accurately laid down: and to make the wuik more valuable, maps of the vicinity of New York, of the lluds^on river, and of the cities of IJoston and I'hiladclphia, have been appenth. i. No exertion has been spared to keep the w^rk up with the progress of the city and neighborhood. The exceedingly low price at which it i^ i«ioD«d ought tt secur} to it a large circulation. PUBLISHED BY J. H. COllON MAP OF THE CITY OF MEW YORK, ToB<'llier wicli HiooUlyii, U illiniMshiir*;, (irocnpolnt, Jer^i-y <'ity, iiohokni, iVc, exiiihitiiis; n plan of the pori oJ N«'w Vjirk, with its. i^iand!!*, haiiiibniik.s, rocks, nnti the eioiiiuiin$;n in iV-et. 1 .sli«>et. .Size, '.i'i by 26 iiiclies*. ri'ice, iiioiiiiied, §1 50; in cases, $0 50. MAP OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. As conMoIidntcd by nii net of the E><';;iMlntiire of the Staio of yvw Voe-k, made fioiii siciiinl Niii-Trya — the fni'iii-liiieM :ih«1 iiitiiK'M of oi-isfiiinl ovticrM be> ing acruvalely drawn fr<>iai llie Olticial iTIap;* of the Couiuii»8toucrsi. 4 NheelM. .Size, 4'^ by 5C iuches. Price, mounted, $5 00. SECTIONAL MAP OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, Compiled from rlie United States' surveys. Also exhibit- in^ the internal improTcnients ; distances between towns, villa;;es, nnd post-n(Hces ; outlines of prairies, woodlands, marshes, and lands donated by the (gene- ral (Government for the purposes of internal improve- ments. Ity J. M. Peck, loliu Dlessen^er, and A. J. Mathewson. 2 sheets. Size, 43 by li'i inches. Price, mounted, S'2 50; in cases, §1 50. The largest, most iiccuruie, mid unly reliable 4uup ul lUiuuis extant. MAP OF THE STATE OF IINDIANA, Compiled from the United States' Surveys by S. D, Kiuj^. Exhibiting:; the sections and fractional sections, situation and boundaries of counties, the location of cities, viil!i;;es, and pnst-oliices — canals, railroads, and other internal improvements, cVc., «iL'c. G sheets. Size, 6« by 4^ inches. Price,; mounted, f<6 00. Till- only liir;,'e iind accunite mnp of Indiana ever issuid. and one Uial evi-ry land-»)wi^r aiu^ fpecuial ing the township lines of the United States' Surveys, location of cities, towns, villages, pcst-hamlcts— canals, railroads, and stage-roads. By J. Calvin Smith. 1 sheet. Size, 2S by 24 inches. Price, mounted, $1 25, MAP OF KENTUCKY AND TENNESSEE; Exhibiting the railroads, post roads, &c, 1 sheet. Size 25 by 17 inches. Price, mounted, Si .25: and in cases, $0.50. 10 PUBLISHED BY J. H. fOLTON. STREAM OF TIME, Or Chart of Universal History. From the original Ger- man of Strauens. Revised and continued by R. S, Fisher, M, D. Size, 43 by 32 inches. Price, mounted, $3 00. An invaluable companion to every student of History. MAP OF THE CITY AF^D COUINTY OF ^'EW YORK. With parts of ISrooklyn, Willianishur^th an«J CJreen Point, and of Jersey City, Hohoken, cVci <'ont]>iIed from the latest Surveys, &:c. 1 Sheet. Size 3*i by viO inches. l*rice, mounted, SI 50; incases, Js>0 30. Tliis map cxbibits that portion of tlie citv below STt-li street on a large ami nniturm scale: the portion nortii of that street is exiiibited on a smaller scale, but is distinct and complete, being engraved on steel. The ward lines, fire limits, Sec, are laid down with accuracy «nd in every respect the map is well suited either for the office or pocket PORTRAITS OF THE PRESIDEINTS, And Declaration of Independence. 1 sheet. Size, 42 by 31 inches. Price, mounted, §1 50. I\EW MAP OF CEMTRAL AMERICA, ^ From the most recent and authentic sources ; showing the lines of communication between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. One sheet. Price, in cases, $0 50* MOUNTAINS AND RIVERS. A combined view of the principal monntnins and vivei*8 in the world, with tables showing; their rel.-Uive hci{$ht« and lengths.^ 1 sheet. Size, 3*2 by 25 inches. Price, mounted, $1 50. A CHART OF NATIONAL FLAGS, Each represented in its appropriate colors. 1 sheet* Si7e, 28 by 22 inches. Price, mounted, $1 50. MAPS, CHARTS, BOOKS, ETC., 11 AN ILLUSTRATED MAP OF HUMAN LIFE, Deduced fi-om passages of Sacred Writ. 1 sheet. Size* "25 by 20 incbes. Price, mounted, $0 73« MAP OF PALESTINE, From the latest authorities: chiefly from the maps and drnwi!;£j«* of Kobinsou & Smith, ivith corrections and additions furni.sited by the Rev. I>r. E. I^obinsou, and >vith plans of Jerusalem and of tlie jonrneyin£;s of the Israelites. 4 sheets. Size, SO by 62 inches. Price, mounted, $6 00. Tbi3 liirge and elegant map of the Holy Land is intended (or the Siul- rtay-school and Lectiire-rooiu. It i8 boldly executed, and lettered in larye lyi)e, which may he read at a great distance. Both the ancient and modern names ol places are given. MAP OF PALESTINE, From the latest authorities: chiefly from the maps and drawings of liobinson & Smith, with corrections and additions furnished by the Rev. Dr. £. Robinson. 2 sheets. Size, 43 by 32 Indies. Price, mounted, §2 50. This map is elegantly engraved on steel, and is peculiarly adapted to family use and the use of theolcjgical students. It cont^iins" every place noicd on the larger map, the only difference being in the scale on which it is drawn. VViiile the large map is well suited lor a scliool or lectme- room, this is more convenient for family use and priviite study. Phuia of tlerusalem and the vicinity of Jerusalem are attached. The religious and secular press throughout the country has expressed a decided preference for this map of Professor Robinson over lUl others that have ever been issued. MAP OF EGYPT, The Peninsula of I>Iount Sinai, Arabia Petrsca, tvith the soutliern part of Palestine. Compiled from the latest authorities. Showing the journeyings of the children of Israel from Egypt to the Holy liand. 1 sheet. Size, 32 by 25 inches. Price, mounted, $1 50* Au excellent aid to the Bible student. 12 PUBLISHED BY J. H. COLTON INEW TESTAMENT MAP. A map of the countries iiicntioncil in the "Sew Testament and of the travels of the Apostles— with nneient and mod- em naniC!!), from the most authentic sources. 1 sheet. Size, 3'^ by 23 inches. Trice, mounted, $1 25* "Its 8ize, finish, distinctness, fullness, and accuracy, make it very ele- gant and uselul. Sabbath-school UmcIkts and private Christians, as well as theological students, may esteem aiid use it with great advau- lage. * * * 1 own and value." Samuel H. Cot, D. D. " On a scale neither too large to be unwieldy, nor yet too small to be accurate, it presents at a single view, wiih great distinctness, the scenes of the striking events of the New Testann>nt, and cannot fail to give to those events a greater clearness, and by presenting so plainly their lo- calities to throw over them new interest. ***** Jt seems to have beeu drawn in accordance with the best authorities." Erskine Mason, D. D. " Valuable for accuracy, beauty, and cheapness. Having both the ancient and modern names of places, and being of portable size, it would appear happily adapted for the use of Sabbath-school teachers." William R. Williams, D. D. " I have been much pleased with the a[)parent accuracy, t^A the beautiful execution of a map of the countries mentioned in the New Testament, published by Mr. Colton, and think it adai)ti'(l to be useful.'* Stephen H. Tyng, D.D. GUIDE-BOOK THROUGH THE UNITED STATES, &c. Travelers' and Tourists' CJnide-Book throuj;!i the United States of America and tlie Canadas. Containing the routes and distances on all the great lines of travel by railroads, canals, stage-roads, and steamboats, togeth> er ^vitli descriptions of the several states, and the principal cities, towns, and villages, in eacli— accom- panied with a large and accurate map. Price, $1.00. ROUTE-BOOK' THROUGH THE UNITED 'STATES, 8*lat(ire, passed lUarch 25, lS-53» Compiled by William 31. Edd y. State Surveyor General. 2 Sheets. Size 53 by 46 inches. Price, mounted, S5 00 ; in cases, $3 00. ATJTnoiuTiES.— The coast line frora San Dieso to Oregon and the Harbors, Bays and Islands, are from data furnished from the U. S Coast Survey Office at Washington, and includes the work of 1852. The Salinas and Tulare Valleys, tlie northern portion of tlip State embraced in part of Siskiyou and Shasta counties, the Colorado River, and that portion of Oregon shown on t!ie map, are from Survej^s and Eeconnoissances of the U. 8. Topogi-aphical Engineers. The counties of Mendocino, Trinity, and Klamath, are from the map of George Gibbs, Esq. The country from the P.acific to the Gila, is from the map of the Bouudarj- Commissioners. The remaining portion of the State is from maps and sketches made by the Surveyor General, County and other surveyors, and from astronomical observations under the superintendeiice of the Surveyor General, and verifications from the ^ S. Land Surveys. The Mono country is from a sketcli made by the discoverers, Lieuta. T. Moore and N. H. McLean, U. S. Army. WM. .M. EDDY, State Surveyor General. Sam I'bancisco, March 31st. 1S53. NEBRASKA AND KANSAS. IVe^v ninp of IVebiaxkii niid liaiisns, exhibiting the routes, scttieuiciits, etc. 1 Hhoet. Price, $;0 3S; in cases, $0 50. 14 PUBLI8HED BY J. H. COLTON. THE WESTERN TOURIST, And Eini$;vant'ei Guide thvosi^li the stn^Ct^ of Ohio, Mich* isnn, Iiidiniin, Illiuol*), .llissourf, Iowa, ami Wiscon- sin, and the teiTitories of Minesota, I^Iiissoiiri, and >'ebraska, being an accurate and concise description of ench state and territory ; and containing the routes and distances on the great lines of travel— accompanied •with a large and minute map, exhibiting the township lines ot the United States' surveys, the boundaries of counties, and the position of cities, villages, and set- tleiuents, tScc, Price, $0 75« THE BOOK OF THE WORLD; Being an account of all Republics, Empires, Kingdoms, and Nations, in reference to their geography, statistics, commerce, t&'c., together with a brief historical outline of their rise, progress, and present condition, t&c., &C. By Richard S. Fisher, M. U. In two volumes, pp. 63'.^ 7'/^7« i^lllustrated with maps and charts.) Price, $5 00. A CHRONOLOGICAL VIEW OF THE WORLD, Exhibiting the leading events of I'niversal History; the origin and progress of the arts and sciences, Jtc. j collected chiefly from the article "Chronology" in the new Edinburgh Encyclopedia, edited by Sir David Brewster, LL. D., F. R. .S., «fcc. ; with an enlarged view of important events, particularly in regard to American History, and a continuatiou to the present time, by Daniel Haskell, A. 31., American Editor of McCulloch's Liiiversal Gazetteer, »v York and the Territories de- pendinjgf thereon in America, Chancellor and Vice- Admiral of the Same, this Plan of the City of New York and its Environs, Snrveyed and Laid Down, is Most Humbly Dedicated by His Excellen«y's Most Obed. Humble Servant, B. RATZER, Liieutt in His Majesty's 60th or Royal American Regt* 3 sheets. Size, 44 by 40 inches. Price, mounted, S5 00* The value of the above map in le?al cases is sufficiently attested by the the fact that the subscription list comprises the names of all the most euvinent surveyors and lawyers in the cities of New York and Brooklyn. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. ilAP OF THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, Compiled from Railroad, Coast, and State Surveys. By G. E. Walker and J. Johnson, Civil Engineers. 4 sheets. Size, 73 by 57 inches. Price, mounted, SlO 00. This map has been compiled under the authority of the Legislature of the State of South Carolina, and is the only map of the State which, for accuracy of delineation and minutise of detail, can claim to be reliable. It embraces all the surveys made by or under authority of the local ffovernriient, the surveys of the most eminent civil en'jrineers in the ser- vice of the several railroad companies, and the results of the United States' Coast Survey; and for the authenticity of its material, and the general correctness of its topoarraphical illustrations, the reputation of two of the most widely known and esteenj^d engineers of the State is responsible. Such guarantees for the perfection of a s*ate map were never before afforded to the public The maj), in point of miuutenpss, stands un- equalled: it exhibits the linns of all existing n'ilroads. all railroads in progress, and those also which Src projected, the whole system of post and district roads, and all .other internal improvements ; the situation of cities, towns, villages, post-offices, and the ijreat multiplicity of other objects nsually found on the best and most elaborate maps ; and in point of execu- tion. Its artis'ical merits are such as to challenire the admiration of all whose opinion is worth recordin?. Thelars:e scale adopted by the authors, the distinctness with which its erreat natural features are depicted, and the truthfulness of its g:ef)^raphical cimtext, adapt it peculiarly to the wants of all in'erested in commerce, internal trade, and general busi- ness within the Stare; and to surveyors and engineers it must supply much that is new, important, and valuable to facilitate fhftir laliovs in the field as well as in the office. No resident, indeed, at all iiiten.'Sted in the pro!?ress of the State, can well do without this map. which so faithfully reflects the actual condition of the country with which he is identified. I 16 PUBLISHED BY J. H. COLT|OK, COLTON'S OUTLINE MAPS, ADAPTED TO THE USE OF PRIMARY, GRAMMAR, AND HIGH SCHOOLS. This new and valuable Series of Outline Maps comprises — A Map of the "World, in two hemispheres, each 80 inches in diameter, and separately mounted. A Map of the United States, 80 by 62 inches. A Map of Europe, 80 by 62 inchefe, on the same plan witli that of the United States, will complete the series, THE MAPS OF THE WORLD* Are nearly quadruple the size of any others now in use, and exhibit Ihe different portions of the Enrth's s\u-face in bold and vivid out- line, which makes them sufficiently distinct to be plainly seen and studied from the mo!, and iiiittct-l.niivoiiM iiiror- iiiiili<»ti. Ky I-. dill II lid h\ I<«m', Civil Kiij^ineer. 4> Nhcclet. ^ix4-, 7ti by 48 i>cli«'M. Price, uioiintrd, $6 00. This is the larjrfst and most dt'tailed map of the pro9[)orons State of K'l. lucky (Vi-r piil)lisl)(:-(l. ami tin- pnidiiciion of one ol the most ac- t•olllpli^h^ d civd t-nariut'tTs of tin- I'mon. It conlainx Ih'- minute topog- ra|»hy of ih<- S:at.- ; iht- looaimn of all c-iiies. towns. -vjilaiTis. and post- ofii-es: till' niilr.ijid.s and oih.r lines of travel, with ilie di.siances between placi-s: the Ixiuiidaneii of couniies: geologieal diagrams, eltvations, eic, and »latmtieal taldes of aiiricuHiire, population, etc. It is peeuiiarly adapted to the purpuses of all inleresied'in the actual coiiiiiti"ii of ilif State. Its internal iinprovenienis and geiieraJ comli- tion; and as an accurate and reliable map has no competitor. MAP OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA, Compiled fioiu official and aiitlieiitic Moiirrc«. By Will. a. ISoiiJier, Civil linjjiii«>«'r. ] nlK-et. .^ize, 3<> by 10 iiieheN. frice, in cnneM, $Ci 75. This map is a reduction of the lar^e mnp of rr<>or!ria by fhe same author, an-l contain.-* .-ill the pi-cniiar f.-itur-s — detail,' aC'-uracy, and beauty — <>f ih'- original. Komls o( all descrnMons. the pro|)«r loeatiou of lowiiv, (he comity lines, iiicludiuir tliosr- nf the thirt'-en new coun- ties erect.'. I in 1S.'"4. are laid down T an; to|y;ellier ^viiti a l:iri:e pinii of the tCl:i4k .^iea and . uniibiaii I'roviiieeM. gl Mlieei. Kixe, .'iO bv 'Jl iii-Tnrkif.h war. It conrains a lar<:e aiiiouiil ■.! iiifiirination, i'.ml will !).■ fouM.I belter aiiapt« ita i-jx-cial object than any other that hits hc.ii publirtbed. MAPS, CHARTS, BOOKS, ETC. 19 MAP OF THE WESTERN STATES; Viz., Ohio, Indinnn, (Yliclii^^aii, IlliiioiH, Kentiirky, IXisa goiiri, lo%vn, siii!s; the liiioM of tbe counties; tbe general greo{;:^!iphy of the connlry; tbe i'ailroaernian iiiinuzrrntion is chieliy directed. It contniiis an excellent township map. Price, bound, $0.75; iu covers, $0.50. MAP OF THE PROVINCES OF NEW BRUNSWICK, NOVA SCOTIA, AND NEWFOUNDLAND, And parts of the country adjacent thereto. 1 sheet. Size, 18 by 13 inches. rrice> in cases, $0 3St PUBLISHED BT J. II. COLTON. 21 A STATISTICAL ACCOUNT OF AMERICA; Bcinsf a dewcriptioii of tlie jjco^p-apliy, reMoiirces, indus- try , iiiettUutioiM, ami other iiiierestH pertiuniii^; to the seversii ^ovei'auieut..0«. This elaborate work represents, in the tanjrible form of tisrures and lie- Bcriptions, all tlie preat interests which make and distinguish nalions. It comprises amonsr its subjects the f^eo^rapliy.geolopy. and natural resources of all the countrieSs of North and South America, and lull statisticjil details of the population, industry, and fceueral condition of each. It is a work ■which everv Ameri<^an needs— suiKciently detailed in all its departments for the utilitarian, and in its style and general character not too elaborate for tlie college or school lil)rary. By tlie student it may be used as a sequel to his ereoRraphical studies? and it is perhaps surpassed by no other vork in its ruiaptation for the family circle, as it combines with its subjects much strikinij and instrurtivo information respectinir the ori?:inal inhabitants, the antii[uities, and curiosities of the continents to which its descriptions specially refer. Nn oix*>, indeed, wlio is possessed of tlie maps of America, oushi to be without this work, which so lucidly fills up the outlines they depict. THE NATIONS OF THE WORLD; Being; a general description of all natiouM and countiies, their geosfi'aphy, resources, inrlnstryj and institntions ; together with a brief history of their lise, progress, and present condition. By llichard S. Fisher, i>I. I)., author of the •' Book of the World," and other statistical works. (Not yet complete.) ti vols. Svo. pp. 400, 41G. Price, bound, $3.50. This IS a work of universal utility, and, from its accuracy of detail, must become a standard in geographical literature. It contains a full resume of aU the great interests of nations, and describes, in ccmcise langnase, the distinguishing features of the families of mankind, their origin, languages, customs, religions, pursuits, and characters. The vast amount of statis- tical information it contains has been derived from the most recent and authentic sources — principally from official documents referring to the year 1800, and hence, from the uniformity of the statistical series used in Its compilation, comparison is more easy, and the results more lucidly por- trayed. As a text-book for colleges and' high schools, or as a work of "refer- ence in public and private libraries, it is invaluable, and in many respects its sui)eriority as a " book for the people" generally is too apparent to be mistaken. It is in fact a companion to the Map of the World. It describes where the map detnarks, and makes apparent to the mind what the latter only typifies to the eye. IINDIANA; Its geography, statisticis, institutions, county topogi'aphy, &c.: compiled from official an«l other authentic sources. By Kichard S. Fisher, .>!. D., author of the " Book of the World," and other stntislical works. With n sectional mapof the State. 1 vol. Tinio. pp. 1*28. Price, Sii.OO. 22 PUBLISHED DV J. H. COLTON. MAP OF THE SOUTHERN STATES Viz., I>Inryl:iiid, Vir^nia, North l^arnlinn, .South Carolina, Georj^i.i, Florida, Alabama,. >Iic«e«i.«tNiii|>i, iw>iiiniai)a,Tex- HN, Arkanna^^, AliH.souri, TtMincHetf^e, ami lieiitiirky ; ron- Ntriicit'd (Voin authentic materials. 4 MheetM. .Size,G4bj' 43 inches. Price, mounted and colored, f^G.OO. This map is engraved on steel. It is undonhleillv the bust and ni.>si elaborate tnap of the southern section of the Uniteif States, ajiil exliiluts with arcuracy all the civil and political divisions ; the lines of railroads, and other works of internal improvement; the United States snn'eys in the land slates, and a grreat mass of other iulormatioa. Such a work tlie South has lonK wanted. TOWNSHIP MAP OF THE STAIE OF MAINE, Exhibitinji; the railroad.s.and other internal improvements* 2 ."ihiM'ts. Size, l;j by ;{7 inclie«4. Price, colored in tovriis, $3; in counties, $t2 50 in caMem, $ 1 50* Thisspiendid mapisen^aved on steel, colored haiidsomelv,a!id ioomiitul IB the best style It is the larsjest Hnil most complete mau Of the .>;ia:t: it represents that has hitherto been published, and exhibits distinctly ail the civil divisions, internal iniprovements, Stc, with ^eat accuracv and con- ciseness III Its compilation the .-issistance of officers of the United State* Coast Survey has contributed much to the value of its represeutation of the seaboard districts. GUIDE-BOOK TimorGU THE NEW ENTtL.VND and )[TDT)LE st.\tes. Traveler>s ahd Tonri.st'H Guide^Book through th© Neir Ens^land and .>Iiddle States, and the Canada.s. Con- taining the route.H and distance!^ on all the great lines of travel, by railroad!^, canaliD, Htni;e-roadM,and Nteani« boatn, loKether ^vith deMcription.s of the several ^^tates) and the principal cities, to\vn»i, and villageN in each- accompanied with a large and accurate map. Price, $0.75. MAP OF THE UNITED STATES, The Canndan, &c., Nhowins; the railroads, canals, and fita;i;e>ri. Price, in vn.sea, $0.ti3< MAPS, CHARTS, BOOKS, ETC. 23 STATISTICAL MAP OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, Coiiipri^iinj; nil the principal stntistic^i of each county — agricultural, manufacturing, coinniercial, A:c. IJy R. 8. Fii^her, 31. D., author of the *< Book of the Worhl," &C. 1 sheet. Size, 3'-i by 2(» inches. Price, §0 25. Useful to all classes of our citizens, and indispensable fur the inforni.i- tiou of panics enj^aged in the cunslriiclion of railroads arid other inU'rn:J Improvements, specuhitors in land, and jjersons designing to setllein any part of the Stale. All the material interests of the country are plainly indicated iu figures on the face of the map, or iu the tables which iw compauy it. HORN'S OVERLAND GUIDE FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS TO CALIFORNIA. Containing a Table of Distances, and showing all the rivers, lakes, springs, mountains, camping places, and other prominent objects; with remarks on the country, roads, timbers, grasses, &;c., &c. Accompanied by a Map. Price, $0 50. CORDOVA'S MAP OF TEXAS, Compiled from ne\v and original surveys, 4 sheets* Size, 36 by 34 inches. Price, mounted, $5 GO ; in cases, $3 00. This is the only reliable map of Texas, and being on a large scale, exhibits minutely and \yilh disliiictness thematural features of the State and its several political divisions. The following government officers certify to its accuracy and completeness. " We hdve no hiigitation in .saying that no map conld surpass this in accuracy and fidelity." David S. Kaitman, Thos. J. Rusk, S. Pii.sBi'RV, Sam. Houston. " I certify to the correctness of this map, it being the only one extan that is truly correct." John C. Hays. Bcsidea his own publication ft, J. H. 0. has constantly on hand a large assortment of Atlases and Foreign Maps. Moulding in all its forms carefully executed for the trade public institutions^ dx. 24 A NEW AND COMPLETE STATISTICAL AND GENERAL GAZETTEER OF THE UNITED STATES OP AMERICA, FOUNDKD ON AND COMPII.KD FROM Official Federal and State Returns, and the Census of 1850 BY RICHARD SWAINSON FISHER, M.D., Author ol" the "Book of the World;" "Progress of the U. States,' a "Statistical Account of America," etc., etc. ; also, literary editor of " Colton's American Atlas," and editor of the " American Itailway Guide." TuK " Statistical Gazetteer" describes and sums up all the prominent and material interests that make and distinguish the sev- eral political and civil divisions of the country ; the physical peculi arities, the mineral and other resources, the capacities for agriculture, manufactures, commerce, and other industrial pursuits, and the pres- ent condition of each section, in accordance with the ascertaininente of the Seventh Census, taken in 1850, and other federal and state ro- lurns. Great attention has also been paid to works of internal im- provement. In compiling this work, two extremes, noticeable in Gazetteers hitherto published, have been carefully avoided : the one of which has been to give a mere catalogue of names ; and the other, to select for aescription only such places as, by their historical greatness, their extensive manufactures, or other, special interests, have gained a notorious position. This Gazetteer notices each state, county, city, village, and natural object, at such proportional length as its import- ance demands, and in that terse and judiciously compressed style so desirable in books of this description, excluding all irrelevant detail, and dwelling only on the most prominent and interesting features. It thus commends itself to all classes, occupying, as it does, a posi- tion between the ahstriise and popular, retaining the precision of tho one, without its detail, and the interest of the other, without ita vagaries. It is an eminently practical work, and to the commercial man, the travtfler, and statist, must be, an indispensable companion. The work is published in one volume, royal oaavo, containing about 000 pages, and is strongly bound in leather. Price Three Dollars and a half. 25 AMERICAN STATISTICAL ANNUAL POR THE YEAR 1854. - COMPILED FROM TIIK MOST AUTHENTIC 80X7ECE8 BY RICHARD S. FISHER, ^l D., AND CHARLES COLRY, A. M. The " American Statistical Annual " is a work in which are embodied the detailed statistics of all American States, and a snnimarv of those of Europe, Asia, Africa and Australasia. The Statistics represent the condi- tion of all tiie interests of nations and countries accordimr to the latest official returns, chierty those made since 1850. The work is divided inte four parts. Part F/rs/— contains the Census Statistics of the United States and of the States severally, and the reports of the departments of the govern- ments of eacli, with abstracts of -state constitutions and of executive mes- sages ; and auLiin? a niultiplicitv of other matters of interest will be found a correct list of colonial and constitutional governors, the statistics of asylums for the deaf and dumb, blind, and insane; sciiool statistics; the financial condition of states ; statistics of navis^ation and couimerce, domestic andToreifi^ii ; accurate lists of railways, canals, tele;jraphs. etc. ; statistics of collefires, universities, theological schools, metiical schools, law schools, and scienlilic schools ; and statistical informal ion relative to every interest of the states desc-ribed. This division imieed contains a faithful review of the present condition of the Union and its component States. Part Second — is devoted to the States of Central and South America, and contains the latest statistics relative to their conditi(m. In its compila- tion the assistance of the ministers c»f the several states resident tU Wash- ington has been sought, and thus entire accuracy has been attained. No part of Amerira lias hitiierto bueii so little known in this country as these states, and hence the information collected from such sources will be pe- culiarly valual)le Part'Tkinl — describes Colonial America, and contain* a vast fund of authentic infi)rmalii)n relative to the Russian, Danish, British, Dutch, French. S[)anisli and Sweilisli possessions, never before pulilished. The late censu.=! of the British Colonies are ciiief features in this part of the work, and for these and many other valuable documents the authors are greatly ind(?!)ted to the ijuvernors of the several dependencies. The Dutch and Danish censuses are also given. Part FonrtJi — contains extensive statistics of trans-Atlantic States in tabular, form chieily respecting the extent, population, finances, armed force, military ami naval, merchant marine, railways, etc., of each. The conciseness of these statistics, which are all of tiie latest dates, makes them of gre;if value for ready reference. So extensive a work on statistics has never before been attempted ; nor has such a variety of interests ever been brought together. The merchant, the scholar, the minister of the gospel, the physician, and indeed every class of society will find in it something of importance relative to his indi- vidual profession The economist will appreciate it tis a book of facts, and •refer to it in his arguments against the sophist; and to no (dass of per- sons can it ha of more value than to editors of newspapers, whose atten- tion is frequently too closely ccmfined to matters which preclude the pos- sibility of research for a wanted fact, but which the inde.x of this volume will readily discover. The work Is hands(miely printed, in fine type, and contains as mucb mattei as three ordinary volumes ottlie same size Price, $1.50 bound half cloth, leather baih. 26 GEOGRAPHY AND HISTORY COMBINED In 1 vol., 4to, with 80 Maps and 200 Engravings, Entitird COMPREHENSIVE GEOGliAPIIY AND HISTORY, Ancient anTj i^oUcrn. BY S. G. GOODRICH, AUTOOK OF PA.RLr.Y'8 TALES AND PICTORIAL niSTOKOBB. Tins work contains 272 quarto piiffos, equal t(i 1,000 common l2mo pagrea It is the nidsl complete anil c(iniiin;tieii.sive work for the daily use ofFami lies. Merchants, Editors of |ia|'er.s. Lawyers, Fnsiniasters, Emifrrants, &c. that has ever appeared It conialcis the Oenirraphy and History of every country, includinj? the new census of the l.'niit^d Stales ; it gives the sit nation and nopulation of over 5.(i(i(' cities, towjis. and villages ; the mate- rials are all arranged in the most convenient nrder. and a coinous index serves as a guide to the history and ceoiriaiihy of the most remarkahle places in the world. This work has received the highest commendation at the hands of scientific men in America and Euro|)e. (Price, hall i bound $2 00, cloth gilt §3 00, njorocco S:i M) From the Washimitnu Rrpuhlic. May 5. 1853. "This work belonsrs to the uMlitari:in class, and will doubtless lake a i permanent place in the higher schodls. aiul in reading families generally. It is much more e.xtensive th;iii ordinary school treatises, as it in<:indea< some 270 quarto pages crowded with niaiter. and containing as much as? two common 8vo. volumes. It is also illustrated with numerous engrav- ings on wood, and, what is more important, with 80 maps, plaus ot cities, &c. " It Miiiy be a question whether it is best to study history with geogra- phy, at the outset ; but in a more advanced stage of study, there can be no doubt that it is desirable at least to review geotirrapliy in immediate connection with history. This work is prt[>ared with this view, and its introduction into the higher seminaries will (irove a great advantage to education. " But, after all. the work strikes us as likely to be most useful in fami- lies, and to general readers, inasmuch as it lurnishes a very full outline Of geosrrapliy and history, with desfriptioiis of country, so cleiir ami dis- tinct as to divest both of these suliiects of the mists which usually attend them in the mind. They are rarely studied from the beginning in a proper manner, and heiu^e there are certain hiliyrinths into wliich almost every one habitually strays in »p| rnuclum; them In the present work, by a systematic arransrement, Jin.l especially by the use of iiumeroua maps, ancient and modern, placed in iiiimediaie contiguity with the text the various topics are presented in a manner so lucid as not only to pre vent new errors and correct old ones, Init al tlie same tune to render sub- jects interesting which might otherwise be unattractive. •' Beside all this, for s-eiieral reference the work in lueslion is exceed- ingly cinivenicnt, ;iuIexicOj Central America, the West indies, and South America: constructed from olUciai surveys and other authentic materials. The " Atiiericaii Atlas" contains separate maps of every state and coon try of North and South America, and tlie West Indies, enfrraved in the most elaborate style, and colored so as to distinguish readily the civil and political divisions of each. The work embraces about 5> maps in imperial folio, and each map is accompanied with a letier-press descripticm of the country it may represent; e.vhibitingr, in a condensed form, all its gneat interests, indvi'stries, and institutions. Price, $15 'UO; or without letter-press, $12.30. ATLAS OF THE WORLD, niastrating Physical and Political (»eo£!;raphy: constructed from official surveys and other authentic materials. The " Atlas of the World" contains all the maps and letter-press comprised in the American Atlas, with the addition of between 50 and 60 maps and descriptions of tlie several countries of Europe, A.sia. Africa, and Oceanica, and. in every respect, is frot ii[) in the same soleudid stvle, and with the' same retrani to authenticity and correctness. Price, $24.00; or without letter-press, $20.00, The maps contained in the above elaborate works have been drawn under the superintendence of an accurate and a(H!()inplished s^eoarrapher. and con- tain, besides the usual geographical outlines, true representations of all works of internal improvement, the lines of public surveys, and a great mass of other valuable iiUormation. The descri[)tive portions of the work are written by DR. R. S. Fi.sher. author of the " Book of the World." and other statistical works. These descriptions embrace all the geographical, geological, and statistical infor- mation iucidtMil to the countries to which they refer; and also an outline of their institutions, pojitical, religious, and intellectual. In the compila- tion of this, as in all other departments of the works, the most recent and authentic materials have been used, and the whole forms a convenient and reliable source of iitformation touching the siibjecls treated of. Works such as the above have loag been demanded by the enlightened portion of the .\merican public. For many years extraordinary advances nave been made in geograpliical science; discoveries of the highest im- portance have ')een ellected ; regions before comparatively unknown have been explored, and their physical characteristics ascertained with greater or less minuteness; and on every side man has been actively engaged in acquiring information, whereby to extend the sphere of civilization and commerce. None of the important facts developed by these movements are to be found in the old atlases, and hence the necessity for entirely new works, embracing all the results that have been obtained from the sources indicated. The atlases above named supplv this necessity, and in their maps and descriptions the world, as kmnvn at the present time, is rep- resented with faithfulness and accuraf:y ; and the vast amount of informa- tion collected by explorers, travelers, and others, existing until now in forms accessible onlv to the few, are incorporated into these paues. Every effort h;is been used by the publisher to furnish to the world works that shall be creditable alike to the genius, learning, and mechanical skill of America, and superior in every respect to any like productions of the press, either of this country or fiurope. Their utility is not limited to any class, but IS co-extensive with tJie sphere of civilized humanity. 18 28 LIST OF MAPS CONTAINED IN COLTOW'S ATLAS OF THE WORLD. vignette Title. Hctshts of Mountains. Lensths of Kivers. ( Cuuiparutlve sizu of Laken. \ " " iHlnnds. Physical Maps of the World. (2 Maps.) 9. World on Mercator's Projection. (Voiibh) World, Kastern Hemisi)here. " Western " Northern KeKlons. Southern Regions. No.tli Ainerioa. Hritiah Possessions In N. America. New Hninswick, Nova Scotia, and Newfounilland. Lower Oiiiiafla and New Brunswick. Upper Canada. 20. United States. (Double.) Maine. New Hampshire. Vermont. Mn8.sachU80tts and Bhode Island. City of Boston. Connecticut. New York. 29. N. York i adjacent cities. (Double.) New Jersey. Pennsylvania. City of Philadelphia. Delaware and .Maryland. City of Baltimore. Cities of Washington and George- town. VIrphiia. North Carolina. South Carolina. f City of Cliarleaton. \ City of Savannah. Georgia. Floilda. Alnhama. Mississippi. Louisiana. City of New Orleans. Texa.t. Arkiiiis»s. Keiituckv and Tennessee. Ohio. . f City of Louisville. 1 City of Cincinnati. Indiana. MicJiU'nn. N. Mlclilifan and Lake Sni)erlor. Uliiiois. 5.5. City of Chicago. . City of St. Lonfs. 56. Missouri, 67. Iowa. 58. Wisconsin. 59. Minnesota. 60. Nebraska Territory, etc. 61. Utah and New Mexico. 62. Califoinia. 63. Oregon and Washington. 64. Mexico. 6.'>. Central America. CG. West IntUes. 67. South America. 65. New Granada, Venezuela, and Kcuador. 69. Pern and Bolivia. 70. Brazil and Guayana. 71. Cliili .ind Arg.ntiiie Bepubllc, Uni- guay and Paraguay. 72. Pataiconia. 73. Europe. 71, 75. Kiijil.ind. (DouUi.)^ 76. Vicinity of Loudou. 77. Scotland. 7s. Ireland. 79. France. 80. Vicinity of Paris. 8L Spain and Portugal. 82. >lullan(l and Belgium. 83. Uet.niaik. 84. Germany, No. 1, 85. Germany, No. 2. 86. Ocrmanv, No. 3. 87. Italy i North). 88. Italy (South). 89. Switzeriand. 90. Norway and Sweden. 91. Knssia. 92. Prussia, 83. Austria. 94. 'I'uikey in Europe. 95. Gietceaud the Ionian Island!. 96. Asia. 97. Tuikey in Asia. 9-. Palc.'^liiie. 99. Ail-,'hHiiistan, Belochistan, Tsrtary, Arabia, etc. 100. Chin.i. 101. Japan. 102. India. 103. Kast Indies, Birma^, Slam, ete. 104. Australia. 105. Islands of the PaclBo Ocean. 106. Africa, N. K. sheet. 107. Africa, N. W. sheet. lOH. Afuca. Southem. miole nimiber of Maps, 173, on 108 sheef^. 29 TO TEACHERS A^^D SCHOOL COMMITTEES. COLTON AND FITCH'S AMERICAIT SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY. Now in Press. J. H. C<)lton & Co. iinnomice to the pulilic that they have in press a new system of Geo^rapliy tor Conimon Schools ami Academies, wliich they desiifn to issue tlurinir tlie i)resent year, (18.W). The wide spread demand for a new sdiool sreos^rapiiy, and tlie convic- tion in their minds that u srreat improvement on those ill general use is needed and attainahle, have iudur.ed tlie publishers to undertake the en- terprise, and tliey are resolved that no pains or expense shall be spared m makin? a first-rate work. Previously to uiidertakin? the task of preparing a new school geogra- phy, the author (Mr. George W. Fitch) communicated with a great number of experienced teachers respecting the defects of our present books, and the manner in w^lich the subject should be treated in order to meet their Jipprohatiim. Profiting by the suggestions thus obtained, as well as by his own experience in teaching, he has sought to make the work eminently ijractical, and to adapt it especially for use in the school- room. It has been a leading idea with the author, to give particular promi- nence to the facts of Physical Geography, and to arrange them in such a way that the learner may see the relations they bear to each other,and to the industrial affairs of maid«ind. Great advancement has b(!en made in this department of geograpnical science durin? the past few years, and the author is not aware that the facts relating thereto, with appropriate illustrations, have ever been systematically embodied in an American school-book, adapted to the comprehension of the great mass of scholars in our Common Schools and Academies. The author trusts that his mode of treating this branch of the subject will meet the approbation of all intelligent teachers. The work is to be entirely new, with new maps and pictorial illustra- tions throuirhout. The maps will be nearly two inches longer and wider than those of any existinar school-atlas, thus alTording space for an en- larged scale, so essential ft)r the proper delineation of small and populous States They will represent the njost recent surveys and explorations, and will exhiint the physical and political divisions of the globe according to the most recent information. t^' The Publishers express the hope that Tcacliers and School Committees who contemphite adopting a new school geotfi'aphy, will await the appearance of this work before making their selection. 30 Jitst puliUfiJicd, in 1 Vol., Srn, pp. 500. Price $2 00. NA MOTU; OR, REEF ROVINGS L\ THE SOUTH SEAS ILLUSTKAT>3> Wmi TWO MAPS AND TWELVE ENGRAV1XG3. Thia work is a narrativt- of the adventures of its author, cliiefly in the Paeifie, diiriiis a perioii ot five years, and contains sncii ohservationa an<) refleclion.* as the social anf the Marquesas ity l>u Pi tit Thouars in 1842: of the occupation of the OeorL'ian, (Jamiii- r, Paniote-j», .md VVallia Islands, and also ot the seizure of N.-w C;ilfd..nia In 1858. It more particularly noticur8e with other uatioiis and fi.reisrners. and more especially wiih ilie Kn<.di.sh mission •'inc*' ih.- d.lhronitnent of Queen Pomare in 1-48 li cmpares the present and form«r nsources of those islatids. and notices their coinnur<'ial decline s^iiice the establish- ment of thr I'roii'cioraie. The thirl ch.ipier. on *'.\mcricnn Whaling Inti-res's in the P.aciflc," contains moj^i VMluable statistics ntihai jrrc:it and inter sting branch of commerce. It dcucnb's iIm; cruisiue grounds and mo.le oi catching whales, and ably (rcjitsofihe cony twelve elegant end highiy artistic engraviners taken f^oin original draw- intrs by llie anilior. The piilili'^li'rs have determined to leave nolhin? undone on their Earl to render tiie work one of the most desirable of the kind ever pub- shed. 31 PROaRIJSS OF THE UNITED STATES, GEOGRAPHICAL, STATISTICAL, AND HISTORICAL, BY RICHARD S. FISHER, M.D.. Author of the " I'.ook of the World," the '• Statistical GiizPtteer of the Uniti'eing continued at periods varying from two to ten years. These show the proirress of the United States from the first years of their aggregate existence, and, in connection with the aimual returns publishi'd liy the S'ate and General governments, are the ground-work of the statistical portion of the present work. The " Progress of the United States,"' however, is not confined alone to a statistical analysis of the development of the country. In its paces will he found a complete description of its geography, both in relation U) the States severally, and also to the Union. "The general history of the rise of the colon'ies. their strugsrles in the cause of liberty, iheir transformation into iu'lependent government?, and their onward pro- pres-*, are alsosuinm^-d up. and their present relative condition and po- sition in the Union fully illu.strated. The subjects more particularly noticed are the mining, agriculture, commerce, and geiieral industry of the State.*, their institutions of learning and education, their religious and moral institutions, and, in fact, all the great interests which make and distin<:ui;,h their .social, industrial, ai\d political existence. Such are the various subj.cls tr^atene more useful to the'inquiring citizen. Without enter- ing into mmuie and controverted details, which would extend his work to niany volumes, the author has endeavored to exhibit clearly and truthfully the history of events, their results, and the high destiny that awaits the future of a country already distinsuished among nations for its enlightened civilization, and the 8U"cessful achievemenr of a posi- tion second to that of no other nation of ancient or mo(iern times. In One Foi, Royal Qvo,pp. AZI, with Illustrations. Price $2 50. INDEX TO CATALOGUE. America. North iiiul rjoutli ... Aintricaii Atlas American School Geopriiphy. Aiiierii-a. South (2 sizes) Anit'fican Statistical Annual.. An)erioaii States (Stat. Aco< Arkansas Asia ^2 sizes) Alabama Pa^e 19 Nebraska and Kansas.... Pftge 13 Africa (2 sizes) 4l New i'.nir.swi.ls lO. 20 America. Central 6, 10 New England 7, 18 Ameri«-a. N. 19 Lake Superior 19 Lone Island (2 sizrs) 7 Louisiana 19 Maine ;.... 19, 22 Mary land 19 M:\8.sachusi-lis 7, 13. 17. 19 Mexico 4, 6, 19 Michigan 9 Michitran, Norih IP Michig:.n. South 19 Minnesota 14, 19 Mississippi. 19 Missouri 17, 19 Mountains and Kivers 10 Na ,Moiu : or, Keef Kovings. . . 30 >iatiouul Flags 10 Soiuh Carolina 15, 19 Southern Sfat^^s 22 Stream of Time (Strauss) 10 TennesstM) 9, 19 Texas 19. 23 Unit«?d Slates, etc (2 sizes). .. 4. 6 United Stales and Canada " 5 Unite«' LIBRARY