^la aK. / "SFraternalism, ^qA^ ^/g 9 \918 MARCUS W. DAVIS SAN ANTONIO. TEXAS Hsy^ .15 33 O^e jFlag, JF^raternalism, an6 t^eTf^ulure — BY — MARCUS W. DAVIS SAN ANTONIO. TEXAS OLD GLORY is now unfurled to the war breezes of an infuriated militarism, backed by an unconscionable despotism. The titanic war effort of the champions of world safety has called to the leadership of our nation's flag our best man-power and the coordi- nation and active operation of all of our human institutions. The fraternal society, so to speak, which goes over the top, in this world crisis, will live after the silence of guns and during the reign of world peace. Such fraternal orders will survive after Prussian greed and brutality have been banished from the face of the earth, but that fraternal order which fails to follow the leadership of our imperial and immortal flag in this world contest for the supremacy of right will wither and die. The call of our nation, in this perilous hour, is not confined alone to the soldier boy, but to every civic, religious, and fraternal institution of the land. The day of heroic effort and abso^ lute sacrifice has dawned with the war clouds of terror hovering over our nation's destiny, and all organized fraternalism must willingly and generously respond to the nation's needs with the same eagnerness and willingness with which our brave boys have gone to battle against the war lords of degenerated Prussia. After the roar of destructive cannon fire is silenced upon the bloody battlefields of Europe, after the shrill and shriek of death dealing war engines are hushed and the peace loving nations of the world have sung the last sad mournful requiem over the lonely graves of their departed dead, and after our brave soldiers return to their homes to take up life's battle anew, then v/e will have new ideals, new hopes, new patiotism, new civic, industrial, political and social conditions, and this fraternal order must take a new place in the lives and affairs of men. Then it will be that every patriot will fully realize that every thread, every star and every bar of Old Glory symbolizes sovereignty, power, and universal safety for the liberty loving peoples of this and other nations. Patriotic devotion to our flag means more today and will mean more in the years to come than ever before in the history of this country, and we, as an indissoluble brother- hood of patriotic fraternalists, should arise and put on our full armor of strength to the end that we may show to the world that we are and will be an important factor in making the world a safe place in which to live. We sometimes hear the skulking slacker and the over-zealous pacifist utter unpatriotic words of criticism, but I say to you in a spirit of char- ity that this is no time nor place for adverse criticism of our naton's leaders, though they may have made mistakes. The ringing words of the immortal poet should be rewritten with patrotic fervor upon the hearts of every fra- teranalist. "Stand thou by thy country's quarrel. Be that quarrel what it may; He shall wear the greenest laurels, Who shall greatest zeal display." The double standard of loyalty is an insult to Old Glory and a menace to our high ideals. One God, one flag, and eternal truth, one and in- separable, should be the program of every American patriot. To us every thread of our flag is pure gold and every star upon it a diamond. The destiny of our nation and the universal safety of right living peoples of other nations is wrapped with- in the imperishable folds of our beloved flag. My brothers, follow its leadership at home and abroad, worship at its shrine, let the symbolic meaning of the stars and stripes stir your fra- ternal patriotism as never before, to the end that this fraternal brotherhood may, in this su- preme test hour, awake to the awful responsi- bility that now rests upon fraternalism as a living, vitalizing, and active force in the allied purpose to crush militarism and secure the per- manent safety of the righteous peoples of the earth. At the conclusion of every destructive war comes the readjustment and rebuilding of deso- lated and ruined human institutions, and as a consequence calls out, in bold relief, the strength or weakness of all fraternal orders. As the symbolisms of this order are the sym- bolisms of our nation, this fraternity, in this crisis, should deliver to the world the full fru- ition of the hopes of its founders. By reason of the great struggle between the Huns and the Allies, fraternalism has been brought closer to our government and its people than ever before in the history of the world, and they have now come to fully realize the importance of organ- ized fraternalism as a factor in the defense of liberty and in the establishment and perpetua- tion of world peace. This is our war for uni- versal democracy, the survival of right living and the safety of all peoples, and if this order is but a camp follower, and Prussianism, which is synonimous with hell on earth, shall dominate the world, your charity-hands will fall, para- lyzed, beside your bodies, and your organiza- tion for the material and social uplift of your brotherhood will be compelled to yield up its power to the war lords of a nation devoid of principle, and the one who has shown that it has forgotten God. Unless we as a brotherhood follow the leadership of our flag, our master will be a nation whose god is deception, and whose hope is to cast us into the caldron of withering Hun oppression. Our governmental structure not only rests upon the individual lives of our people, but also upon the religious, industrial, social, political and fraternal institutions of our country, and a material part of the weight of the war burden falls directly upon this order. My brothers, in the name of hum.anity and for the sake of our personal and national safety, let us, as an organ- ized band of liberty loving patriots, stand against the invasion of our inalienable and Gocf given rights. At this time while every man is' being subjected to the crucial and supreme test as ta his loyalty to the nation's banner let us stand as firm as the granite mountain and truly carry our load of responsibility as our brave boys are carrying it in the face of death- dealing missies upon the blood bathed battle fields of benighted Europe. The American Eagle, the flag and national patriotic expressions run throughout our rit- ualistic work and in times of peace as well as in war we are truly the great patriotic fraternal order. When the reign of terror shall cease, and when the world, so to speak, shall be recast, by our loyalty to Old Glory in this world strug- gle, we will take our place as one of the essen- tial and enduring istitutions of a new world. In my feeble way, I have, so to speak, turned back the veil hanging between the present and the future, and with a feint prophetic vision I have given you what I see. More wonderful are the beautiful words of our nation's poet: "And I dip't into the future, far as human eye could see, Saw a vision of the world and all the wonder that would be, Heard the heavens fill with shouting, as there rained a ghastly dew, From the nation's airy navies, grappling in the central blue." I have said that after this world clash, we will have a new world, and that all mankind, including fraternal orders, must adapt them- selves to new conditions, I know no better way to express my belief in the statement just made than to again quote the words of the poet: "Till the war-drum throbb'd no longer, and the battle-flags were furl'd In the Parliament of men, the Federation of the world. There the common sense of most shall hold a fretful realm in awe. And the kindly earth shall slumber, lapt in universal law." In conclusion, my brothers, let us rededicate ourselves to the wonderful sentiment expressed by one who sleeps beneath English sod: "Let all the ends thou aimest at be thy coun- try's. Thy God's and Truth's; then, if thou fall'st, O Cromwell, Thou fall'st a blessed martyr." k Press or LoDovic Printing Co. 117/4-119-121 W. Commerce St. SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS 018 465 813 6 ^ l^xo III liliilllllllllllllll i 018 465 813 6 #|