r iniHiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilillll 015 988 375 9 • SPUK Yflf?ns FROM THE Full Reel DANIEL SULLIVAN, Ex-biar Liaureate to his Highness, i]r}e bate Baron Munchausen. A Record of Wonderful Things, By a Listener. "They icere so queer, so very queer, I laughed as I icould d/'e.''' CONTENTS. The Story of the Irish Tailor. Strange But True. The Marvels of Golden Hill. ^^..<> T.lIIfS little book goes out to you. goiltle reader, as its own iutroduetiou and ju.stilieation. jf it be lucky enough to please you, well and good. If it be so unfortunate as 1o fail of funusenient. let this thought eonsole you : In its purchase you have doubtless doiie some good. And for your lack of anmse- inent, blame only hiin who tried with feeble pen to reproduce an original in whom is so mueh of the quaint and peculiai- tliat evenH:he mimic's tongue nmst oAvn ' niasther a report Ijy a quarther [)asht six ev'ry night. Av coorse it wass a bit av a job. It kilt th' stoord. l)ut I shtau' it. Wau day they all go out iu th' mornin" an' I .sheck em all same's ev'ry day. 'Bout live o'clock in th' afthernoon they begin to cum back heavy wid liuney. Fur an hour I shtan" an' sheck em phwiu they cum in. At six they wass all iu but th" king av th* beese. I put my han' in my ])ockit an' take hown at tli' fair wid another parshnip av th' Inglish hnd. ' Iss wass a color wan, ha'f pliwite an' lia'f red, mad<' l)y mixin' th' seed, but 'twass only tin feet long. Ho th' comitee give th' prize to Lord Dnnavin 'an 'e l)eggar th' Inglish lord. Phwin Lord Dunavin learn av th' attimpt to buy 'iss gard'ner 'e reward 'im by givin' 'im ha'f phwat 'e win an' make a rich man av 'im. AVael, this gard'ner have a sun, an" Lord Dunavin like 'im a grate dale 'cause "e wass th' same age wid 'iss own sun that die phwin 'e wass a little by. Now phwin 'iss father have so much muney 'e edicate 'iss sun, an' make a gintleman av 'im. Phwin 'e ain't at shchool 'e spind mosht av 'iss time in th' hunt. Lord Dnnavin in 'iss thravels pick up some hue breed av greyhoun" fur "im. 'E Ining home three av 'em an' give 'em to th" gard'ners sun. "E wass please wid 'em an' th' tirsht chance 'e get 'e take th' three av 'em out to hunt a fox. These dogs wass 'bout sevin or eight feet long an' tive feet high. It take a sliAvif t horse to keep up wi' th' dogs but 'e have wan can do it, a prisint frinn tli" lord. Th' fox this day led 'em 16 through a l)iiryiu* grouii' ini top av a hill that Ink out over th" say. Th' win" here blow ino.sht ahsays shtraigiit in fnini th' say an' blow like th" divil. It })low so hard it bhjw down th* grave stones. So th' [)eople put 'em up wi" th" edge toward th" win" an" shtill it blow "em down it blow so hard. Thin tlr people put taperin" edges an "em an' they stan". Wael, th' fox led th' houn's through this bury in" groun" an" wan av 'em wass hot an th' chase ladin" th" others, phwiu "e run agin th' edge av wan av th" shtoues wid "iss nose, an," by Gar, it cut 'iui in two ha'fs to th" tail. Th hunter jump frum iss harse an" phwile th' pieces wass warm *e clap 'em together, but 'e wass excited an" "e put th' head iud av wan ha'f wi' th" tail ind av th' other. "E tie "em Avid a bit a shtring from iss pockits. an," by (lar, th' houn" go an afther th' fox wid two legs up an two legs down like th' slipokes av a phweel, an' in a minit 'e pass th" other two houn's an" take th' fox. Afther this th" ]iame av th' 'rollin* houu' shpread all over, ail' 'iss masther hunt wid im afore kiugs an" queens every- |>hwere. 'E keep "im over a year "till wan day in a hunt in th' Easht Indies "e loose "im in th" woods an" afore e can cum up to 'im a big lion ate im up. Iss masther kill tli' lion. l)ut th' "rollin" houn" wass g \-ause 'twass so rich in sile an' in ]>h\vat ijrow there. Everything' wass big- jm; they wass lots av it. All th* piijs an* harses an" dunkeys tliat ever go asthray make fur th' 'golden hill.' "Wan shpring a farmer a few miles fruni there have a eolt 'bout a year ould shtray frum im. "E didn't luk fur im 'cause 'e know e will go to th" 'golden hill." In th' fall 'e shtart out to luk fur "im. Phwin 'e get to th' plantation 'e see a grate dale av min gettin' in th' crops, an' 'e ask 'em if they see or know av iss harse, but none av 'em can tell 'im. "E walk an through th' fields an' woods 'till 'e cum to phwere a crowd av min wass wurkin' wid derricks 21 locidiii' pungkins an teams an" carryin' em away. 'Twass a big field av 'bout fifty acres, an' wan imng- kin Avass a load fur a big, wide wagin wid eight I^hweels an' four liarses. Pliwile th" farmer wass watcliin" tli" min wurkin', thej^ put th" ropes "roun' wan big pungkin, ]>ut phwin they lift th" rin" break tlirough an' th' ropes c4ose 'roun' th' body av a harse that wass inside. Th" min luk "roun" an" they see a ])ig hole wass ate out an wan side, an" th" inside w^ass all gone, an' this harse make a reg'lar barn out av it. Thin th' farmer see 'tiss "iss own harse, but so big 'e hardly know 'im. ''Phwin th' lord av th" 'golden hill" see th harse "e buy it av th" farmer an' ket^p it fur "iss own. Afther 'bout a year a king frum th" far easht thravibn" thiough Irelan' hear av th" harse an* want to buy 'im. Th' lord say, 'I'll sell im to yu but I don't think yu can kape 'im. *E aint ho very big, — weigh 'l)out a ton, — but 'e won shtay in any barn." 'I" 11 t.ike my shances,' say th' king, an' "e buy 'im an' take im home. 'E have a barn made av shtone wid walls two feet thick, but th' tirsht night th" harse wass put in it, e kick a hole in th' side av it an' get out an" run away. 'Bout day-break e cum to th' say, an" "e jump in an' shwim all that day 'till 'bout tVmr o clock. Thin e cum to phwat 'e think is an islan' Hoatin" in tli' say. Phwin e climb an it to resht e wass seen by a say captain, an' that's how^ "twass known pliwat 'o done. But twass no isbm", but a liio- sun tisli shleepin'. E wake up phwin tli" liarse o-et an "im, an slitart to shwini like tli" divil an' don't shtop till "e cum to tli" weslit coast av Irelan*. Phwin tlr harse see tli" Ian" "e knoM it, mu" *e juni]) afi' an" sliwim ashore an" "O back ai^in to th' 'o-olden hill' *'Tliey wass lots av wunders an that farm. Wance an a moonlig'ht ni<^"lit th" stoord's sun see a meetin" av shnails in n mowin" lot "bout a mile fruni th" castle. Th" divil knows phweie they all cum frum. They cover all th' i^rass in th" lot, a shmall mowin" lot av "bout tliirt\' acres. They wass all sizes frum th" littlest to thim big enult' to carry a good size b"y an their back. An' th' ould masther av "em all, th' big shnapper shnail, wass so ))ig'iss horns wass 'bout sevin feet long. *E wass so ould e cant climb, an" phwin 'e w^ant to get an top av a big shtone in th" lot 'bout thirty feet high, tli" resht av "em pile up fur "im an 'e crawl an tlitdr V)acks 'mosht a quarther av a mile. Phwin *e get up there "e make a speech to th" resht, an" thin "e (mm down th" same way. Av coorse, th' stoords sun don't know phwat "e say, l)ut "e see 'em all lave th" lot in threes an" afther that night three shnails always live in th* wan hole. Before that they nesht many's they like tog'ether. So they say th' ould shnapper shnail make a new law fur shnails that night. LofC. 23 "Th' 'golden liilV have a piece av AYoodlan' an it phwere great, big threes grow. They wass so big they c'udn't be handled Vjy th' lord's niin, 'an *e have to Ink ronn" for a gint. "E hear av wan that live near th" ingle, th" beach, av Inthry harbor. 'E go to see un an' hire "im to cnm an' wurk fur 'ini shop- pin' down an" wnrkin" up 'iss big threes. That wass ])lr\vin ni}^ father wass a b'y an" 'e tell me av this gi"nt. "Iss mother wass Irish an' 'iss fatlier cuju frum th" shtock av th" Danes, an' way back wan av 'iss people wass a big gi'nt. Pliwin 'e wass sevin year "e Avass sevin feet tall, an' "e an" "iss mother thravil over Irelan" showin' "iniself. "E wass back home phwin th' lord hear av im. "E wass twinty- two year old an' *e have all iss growth, twinty feet tall. 'E weigh bout sevinteen hunderd poun". '*Th' lord av 'golden hill" ht "im out wid boots an" clothes unule av shkins. Th" besht av twelve ox hides wass in 'iss boots, an' 'bout tin poun" av nails. "Bout a hunderd sheep shkins make 'iss coat an" pants. "Iss ca}) take two seal shkins. But th* biggist job wass to luake an ax shtrong enutt* to hold to- gether pliwin "e shwing it. Th" blacksmiths wurk a week an" th" tirst wan. "Twass three hunderd poun" weight an" titted to a w ooden handle. Tli" gi'nt take it down to th' beach to thry th" shwing av it. *E wade out to 'iss hips an' tell th" people to keep away. Pliwin "e shwing it th" handle break aft' an' 24 til' blade go out to say an' shop aff tli' raashts av a full rig ship. Th' lord av 'golden hill' have to |>ay th' damage, an" 'e have another ax made. This wan \v(^dgh iive hundred poun' an' an iron handle i)nt in it. But th' gi'nt hreak it th' same Avay jdnvin 'e sliwing it, only this time th' blade shtrike th" side av a sliip an' th' min an boord hardly have time to get away afore she sink. Th' lord have to pay th' dam- age agin an' thin 'e make another a.\. This timi; 'twass sevin hunderd poun' in th' blade, an' a hun- derd in th' iron handle. Phwin' twass made, a ])<>at take 'im an' th' ax to an' islan" 'bout three mile out an' e thry th' shwing av th' ax there. An' it shtan' th' thrial all riglit. But phwin 'e shwing it 'roun' "iss head it go so fasht that it make a reg'lar hurri- cane in th' harl)or. Boats wass blown agin wan an- (►ther an' snmshed an' sunk, an' all th' say gulls fur iive mile aroun' wass kilt by tli' force av th' win'. Nixt day they wass all wash ashore an' ev'ry fam'ly ill town get feathers enough fur a feather bed. My father get wan an' I shleep an it many a time. •*I cud tell you more av that gi'nt but I hear a |)hwistle blowin' an' I musht go to dinner." And s(» ''the Reeler" left me. ^RESS P«INT, STAfFORO SPRINGS. CONN, m^ iiiiitiSiiiiiiiiiiiiS^ 015 988 375 9 %