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DEDICATED TO Domestic Science and to those who are devoting their energy, talent and time to the dissemination of that knowledge which makes for purer and better foods — to the Do- mestic Science Teachers of America. IN response to hiinLlrccls of re- quests from schools, colleges and individuals for information re- garding the difl'erent varieties of Spices we have prepared this book- let, and have endeavored to give as concisely as possible the facts neces- sary to a thorough understanding of the subject. As there has hitherto been no com- plete compilation along this line, it has been necessary to obtain from foreign sources much of the material, while some of the illustrations repre- sent weeks of patient research by our art department. To the U. S. Department of Agricul- ture we are indebted for much valu- able information, and for this we wish to make due acknowledgment. S (Capsicums) Spanish Japan ^Bombay Tellicherry Vz Natural size Lampong Long Pepper McCORMICK:^j^ COMPANY A Group of l^epper fvhilb Pepper and Capsicums EPPER is the dried berry of the pepper-plant {Pi- per nigrum), a climbing vine ten to twelve feet high, indigenous to the East Indies, but culti- vated in many tropical countries. The berries are hai"- vested when they begin to turn red, and the pro- cess of drying out black- ens and shrivels them. They are not picked separately, but in spikes or bunches, and are then placed on mats to dry. At night the berries are placed under cover. The average yield per vine is eight to ten pounds each year. The different varieties of Black Pepper derive their name from the localities in which they are grown or the ports whence they are shipped, as Singapore, Lampong, Sumatra, Tellicherry, Acheen, N4alabar, Trang, etc. White Pepper This is obtained by decorticating or removing the skin from the fully ripened black peppercorns — accomplished by maceration. White Whole Pepper grains are grayish white. They are more nearly spherical in shape than the Black Pepper berries, and ha\'e light-colored lines running from top to bottom. The more common varieties are known as Siam, Singapore and Penang, Red Pepper The U. S. Standards describe Red Pepper as the dried ripe fruit of any species of capsicum, a genus of the nightshade family indige- nous to the American tropics. It is now cultivated in nearly all warm and temperate countries, both commercially and in the kitchen- garden. The leading commercial \arieties are Zanzibar Africa, Indias and Japan. Paprika Paprika is botanically described as Capsicum annuiim. The pods are large and brilliant to dark red. It grows in the temperate and torrid zones. It is cultivated principally in Spain (Pimiinton) and Hungary. The Spanish-grown product is sweet and mild; the Hun- garian usually of a mildly pungent flavor. Paprika is used in cooking for its color as well as flavor. It is rapidly finding favor among American housewives. [5] China Cassia Rolls Cassia Buds Buds Natural size , all others '/a Natural size IMPORTERS OF SPICES ner i 'f ( )iic cif the \Varero00 pounds to the acre. The average con- sumption is estimated at 1 1,000,000 pounds per year. There are a number of varieties of Cloves resembling each other in appearance, but vastly different in pungency and llaxoiing value. The slender stems bearing the closed buds ha\e, to a limited de- gree, the aromatic clo\e fiavor, and as they sell for a \ery small fraction of the cost of Cloves, are frequently powdered an^l used for reducing the cost of Powdered Cloves, at the expense of qualit\ and of common honest\ . McCormick & Company do not import, buy or sell Clove stems. Their Bee and Banquet Brands Cloves, whole or ground, are carefully selected for superior quality. PRATT INSTITLiTB BROOKLYN, N. Y. scH(^(^L OI-- HOUSEHOLD scii-:nc:1': and arts Isabel Ua r Lord, Director \(a\- 2 2, iqi 3. Mr. W. M. VlcCoRMicK. McCormick 6" Co., Baltimore, MJ. Dear Mr. McCormick: I have just received the report df the instructors who had charge of testing your products, and I am glad to tell you that it is a \ery favorablcTone. The report is that no one of the flavorings and spices uas found unsatisfactory, and that the Orange Tipped Pekoe Tea was especially praised. We shall be very glad to know if you put \-our products on sale in New York, as in that case we shall certainb' use them. Yours very truly, Isaim:i, 1"ly Lord. 115; Plants- Vz Natural ske- Fruit -Natural size McCORMICK:^nd COMPANY Seed, Herbs, Etc. Caraway I he Seed ot the Carum Carui is indige- nous to Northern Europe and cultivated to some extent in the United States. The seed is used as a flavor in the preparation of man\' fooi^ls. Cardamom C.ommonly spelled Cardamon. Ihc Cardamoms of Java, Ce\lon an^l Mada- gascar are much alike. Tapioca \ he product of the roots or tubers of the Manico or Cassava is known as Tapioca. 1 he plant is native to Brazil, but is culti- \ ated in Jamaica and the Far East. There are two kinds of Tapioca — Pearl and Gran- ulated. Both are made from the same root- stock under a slightly different process. Marjoram The leaf of a shrubby plant, a genus of the Mint family, native to the shores of the Mediterranean; usualK called Sweet Marjoram. Mustard Mustard-Seecl comes from Russia, Germany, England ani.! Hol- land, and to some extent from California. There are two chief divi- sions, yellow and brown. The brown seed comes largely from Itah' and is known as Bari. The term Trieste is frequently applied to all brown Mustard-Seeds. Mustard-Seed contains two oils, known as Essential and b^atty. The Essential Oil is soluble in water. In flavor and odor it closeK resembles horseradish. The Patty Oil is mild and tasteless, insoluble in water, and is sometimes used in place of olive oil. In manufacturing Mustard-Flour the seed is warmed, subjected to hydraulic pressure, which releases from fifteen to twenty-five per cent of the fatty oil. The residue is called Mustard-Cake. It is ground and bolted on fine sieves, separating the Mustard bran or hulls from the interior, making ground mustard or flour. Brown seed contains a larger percentage of the essential oil, and, therefore, makes a hotter or stronger flour than the yellow variety, and must be blended w ith flour from yellow seed. Sage A perennial shrub about two feet high, native to Southern Europe, but cultivated in this country as a garden plant. Bee Brand Rubbed Sage is the finest Sage imported. It is rubbed and ready for use. IMPORTERS 5F SPICES^I Vanilla-Bean One of the Extract Stills HE Vanilla-Bean is the fruit of the Vanilla lilanifolia or flat-leaved Vanilla vine and is the source from which pure or true Vanilla Extract is made. This climbing perennial belongs to the Orchid family and is in- digenous to Central and South America, but reaches its perfection of flavor in Vlexico. The Mexican bean some- times attains a length of ten inches. When gathered, the beans are yellowish green, fleshy and without OLlor. Their color and odor is developed by a process ot fermentation or sweating, which differs in various countries. The best method consists of sun-dr>ing for about a month, the beans being pressed alternately between the folds of blankets and exposed to the air. .After curing thev are tied in bundles. Vanilla-Beans when cured exude and become covered with fine frostlike crystals ot \anillin, the important active flavoring principle. Next in \-alue to the Mexican bean comes the Bourbon, which term is applied to all the Vanilla-Beans grown in the islands ot the Indian Ocean, otf the east coast of Africa, of which Madagascar, Reunion, the Comores, Mauritius and the Seychelles are most im- portant. These beans are shorter than the Mexican, decidedly in- ferior in tlaxoring qualitv, and, therefore, less expensive. They more nearly resemble the Tonka bean in odor. The cheapest beans are the Tahitis and so-called vanillons or beans of the wild Vanilla (Vanilla pompona). They are little used in extract making, and properly so, as they ha\e neither strength nor flavor. The Tonka bean is here mentioned simply because it is so largely used in the manufacture of imitation Vanilla Extracts. It is the seed of the Diptenx odorata. native to Guiana. The pod is almond shaped and contains a single seed shaped like a kidney-bean. This bean is dark in color, having a thin, shiny, brittle skin, containing a two- lobed oily kernel. A hundred years ago these beans were found in the snuffbox of ever\- gentleman and in the handkerchief case ot e\ery lady. Further information regarding the \anilla-Bean ma\- be found under Flavoring Extracts on page 22. Chinese Tea Plant ^^„ .. and Flowers ^^^^ Seeds Natural size IMPORTERS OF SPICES Tea OMMERCIAL Tea is the prepared leaf or Icaf-biicl of an ever- green, indigenous to Asia, which in its wild state attains the general proportions of the American peach-tree. Botanicalh', it is known as Camellis Thea or 'Thea Chinensis. Under cultivation, it is kept pruned to within three to five feet high. The constant pruning en- courages the growth of new branches and new lea\cs. The \alue of the Tea is in the young tender leaf. Teas are di\ ided into two groups, which dilter chiedy in the method of curing. A tea-plant may produce a leaf which commer- cially may be either black or green, depending on the treatment. Green Tea is prepared by steaming the fresh green leaf and then drying it. In this way the bright color is preserved. Black Tea is the result of oxidization or fermentation, caused by exposing the leaves to the sun, which turns them black. The best Teas are made from the young leaves, the different \arieties being graded according to their age and position on the shoot. Tea is produced in large quantities in China, japan, India and the islands of Ceylon, Java and Formosa. There are about 200 varieties of Teas, and, perhaps, ten times as many flavors. Tea ranges in value from a few cents per pound for stems up to $10.00 for the very finest leaf. The GoNcrnment inspects all teas entering the United States, and those below a certain standard are not al- lowed to enter the country. Tea drinking in the United States is increasing, but the consumption is still far behind that of man\' other countries. The average American housewife has not given to the brewing of tea the same careful consideration she gives to the preparation of other beverages. [21 McCORMICK^ND COMPANY Good Tea brewed right is a delicious beverage, but certain rules must be observed. Complete directions for the perfect brewing of Tea appear on each package of Banquet Brand. Under this bran^l all the desirable varieties are packed as well as a remarkable blend. Our publication, '"Tea, Its Early History, and the rhrec Colonial American Tea Parties," will be mailed free upon request. Flavoring Extracts The Unite^l States Agricultural Department, Circular No. 1^^, contains the standards for foods. Among these are standards for Flavoring Extracts. By this regulation Extract of Lemon must eon- tain at least 6.4 ounces of Oil of Lemon to 1 gallon of finished prod- uct, or, as the circular puts it, 5 per cent Oil of Lemon by volume, and Vanilla Extract the extractive matter from at least 13.35 ounces of the bean to the gallon of finished product. 1 he flavor is extracted from the bean by a mixture of alcohol and water, as the resins in the Vanilla-Bean will not impart their flavor to alcohol alone or to water alone, but to a mixture containing from 40 to 60 per cent of alcohol, according to character of bean. Long experience is required to accomplish the results desired. The Vanilla-Beans brought into this country i-ange in piMce about as follows: Mexican, $3.50 to $6.00 per pound. Bourbon, $3.00 to $5.50 per pound. Guadalupe, $3.00 to $5.50 per pound. Seychelles, $3.25 to $4.50 per pound. Tahiti, $1.75 to $2.50 per pound. And a large variety, such as Java, South .American and others, ranging in price from $2.75 to $5.00 per pourn.!. These prices represent wholesale prices an^l \ary from time to time. The use of Tahiti Beans, coming from the Islands of lahiti, has grown very largely in the last few years. They are much used by manufacturers making the cheaper extracts. The Vanilla-Bean dries out very quickly, but if properly cared for and protected does not lose its strength. In fact, the flavor greatly improves with age. The same beans can be treated for extract by dilTerent persons and an entirely different quality of goods produced, just as two cooks can take the same kind of flour and one will produce a delight- ful loaf of bread while the bread of the other will not be fit to eat. We age our Bee Brand Extracts for two years in white oak casks before placing them on the market. Thus they become mellow and have a rich, dainty bouquet, which cannot be obtained by any other process. The minimum cost of carrying large vats of Vanilla is about 12 to 15 per cent per year. A fine, properly aged Extract 1221 Tmporters^^oF^p I CE s of Vanilla, such as Bee Brand, made from the best beans, would cost from $8.00 to $9.00 a gallon to manufacture, and yet "Strictly Pure U. S. Standard Extracts" can be made to cost not over $3.50 per gallon. Frequently vou will find that a cheap pure hxtract ot Vanilla is almost as strong as the fine, or high priced. Bee Brand goods, but its flavor is rank and it has not the same bouquet and delicacy ot lla\or, the comparison between the two being the same as that between cheap cigars (three for 5 cents), which may be just as strong as a fine Havana, or stronger, which costs 25 cents, but the latter has a flavor and quality which the former do not approach. The average consumer thinks if an Extract is pure it must be good, and is satisfied with that statement. This belief on the part of the consumer is largely due to the fact that many jobbers and large retailers want their goods under their own names, requesting the manufacturer to put up the cheapest Extract that will comply with the law, regardless of the kind of beans or other materials used in its manufacture. They simply ask for goods that comply with State and National laws, but you can readily see what the word "pure" means under this condition. These jobbers and retailers think w hen they have complied w ith the law they have done all that is necessary. We refuse positively to sell our Bee Brand goods, or any other Flavoring Extracts, under any other name than our ow n. The consumer must realize that purity is one thing, strength another, but qualitw the cardinal feature by which to judge, can be obtained only by buying goods under the name of a reputable manu- facturer. ! A- 11 O At one time the use of the ground or pulverized VaniUa-Dean directly in the article to be flavored was considered by bakers and ice-cream manufacturers a strong card to feature in their advertising. Since the introduction of Domestic Science into so many of our educational institutions, with the subsequent general interest which the movement has aroused, the American housewife has come to learn that by the use of the ground bean only one ot the se\eral flavoring principles is obtained, /. e., vanillin. The other active agents may be obtained only by intensive pro- cessing, and thus a full-toned extract is secured. There is a great deal of "Vanilla Compound," or "Imitation Vanilla," sold. This is made always from manufactured Vanillin or Coumarin, or both. The natural Vanillin comes from Vanilla-Beans themselves. Put a fresh Vanilla-Bean where it is \ery cold and crvstals will form on the outside. These crystals are pure Vanillin. For a long time this was thought to be the only flavoring principle of the Vanilla-Bean, but it has been proven to be only one of a number. The Vanillin in general use ismanutactured by artificial means. It is a white powdery substance with a strong Vanilla-like flavor, but it 123] McCORMICKXnd COMPANY lacks that softness which only Vanilla-Beans produce. In the process of making cheap Extracts, Vanillin is frequently toned up in strength and pungency with Coumarin. Coumarin occurs naturally in Tonka Beans and Deer Tongue. The Tonka Bean is a short, stumpy bean about 1 >2 to 2 inches long by }^ inch wide, and is used for flavoring tobacco. Coumarin is made commercially from the leaves of Virginia Deer Tongue and is manufactured in very large quantities, as it is cheaper than that made from Tonka Beans. It may be of interest to know that Bee Brand I^'lavoring Extracts were awarded the only Gold Medal at the Jamestown Exposition, and that we now have the only Gold Medal awarded f^lavoring Extracts since the National Pure Eood Laws have been in existence. The Committee on Awards had no connection with the Exposition Company, as it was appointed personally by Ex-President Roosevelt, who named Dr. Harvey T. Wiley as chairman. The Bee Brand Manual of Cookery 1 his book is the result of many years of conscientious effort to produce a work which would be worthy of the title — The E^lue Book of the Culinary Art. The old Colonial homes of Maryland and Virginia, long famous for their "Southern Cooking,"' have yielded most of the recipes. Graduates of leading Schools of Domestic Science have thoroughU' tested and in some instances revised the recipes, so that in the new edition we offer the I^erfect Cook Book. The following pages are selected at random : Fish Salad Some cold cooked fish 3 pickled gherkins 1 lettuce 1 slice of cooked beet 3 tablespoons olive oil Bee Brand pepper and salt 1 tablespoon vinegar Few grains of Bee Brand ground 1 hard boiled egg red pepper >2 lemon Free the fish from bones; separate the pieces into small flakes; mix with the lettuce, which must be well washed, wiped, and divided into shreds, season with salt, pepper and red pepper. Mix the oil and vinegar so that both are well incorporated; then pour over the fish and lettuce; mix carefully, and dish up in a pile on a china dish or salad bowl. Garnish with slices of lemon, sliced gherkins, or other green pickles, slices of beet, slices of hard cooked eggs, and some chopped parsley. [24] "importers" of spices Chiffonale Salad 1 cup diced celery McCormick's Mayonnaise drcs- 1 cup pulp of grapefruit sing 5 sliced and peeled tomatoes Chopped olives 4 chicory leaves Chopped parsley iM-ench dressing Green peppers cut in thm strips Break the chicory leaves into pieces for serving. Marinate all the different vegetables and grapefruit with French dressing. Arrange in separate mounds on a serving dish. Garnish each with the oli\es, parsley and green peppers. Pass mayonnaise dressing. Nuremburg Salad 1 lettuce ■ ?a!t 1 stalk of celery kew grains of Bee Brand ground 4 cooked beets red pepper 1 peeled cucumber 1 choppecl onion Cold cooked chicken or game 1 gherkin 4 fillets of anchovy 1 hard cooked egg 12 olives Pick the lettuce into little pieces, wash and dry it in a clean cloth. Cut in strips the celery, cooked beets, cucumber, olives, fillets ot anchovy, the cooked chicken or game; place all these on a dish or in a salad bowl, season with salt, red pepper, chopped onion and pour over them mayonnaise sauce, and mix all up together, then sprinkle over the gherkin finely chopped and hard cooked egg that has been rubbed through a siexe. Endive, Banana and Pimento Salad 4 bananas (cut in rather thick 1 canned pimento (cut in strips) slices) 1 head endive or escarolle Mix fruit and Pimento, pour over French dressing, and ser\ e on the Escarolle or Endive. American Beauty Salad 1 cup orange (skinned and cut in 1 pineapple (fresh or canned, cut small pieces) in small pieces) 1 cup tart apples (peeled and cut 1 cup heart celery (cut in small in small pieces) pieces) Mix thoroughly and place in small moulds or after-dinner coffee cups. Pour over each mould lemon jelly (cooled but not stiffened), colored with a few drops of McCormick's Bee Brand Red color. When well set and firm, turn out on lettuce leaves, and serve with McCormick's Mavonnaise. For an added garnish, half of an English walnut may be placed carefully in the bottom of each cup before it is filled with the mixture. or may be fastened to finish mould by means of a few drops ot the liquid jelly and allowed to harden before sending to table. Mccormick:^ COMPANY Cream of Potato Soup Bee Brand celery teaspoon salt teaspoon Bee Brand onion ex- tract 1 cup mashed potatoes 1 pint hot milk 1 extra cup milk 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons flour yi teaspoon Bee BranLl white pepper Make a white sauce of the l^our, butter and extra cup of milk as in above recipes and add seasoning. Mix the mashed potatoes with the hot milk, combine with white sauce and ser\e at once. Cream of Green Pepper Soup 1 quart clarified soup stock 1 teaspoon salt 2 onions / 2 teaspoon Bee Brand celery salt 2 large or 4 small green peppers y^ teaspoon Bee Brand white Yolk of one egg pepper Chop onion fine, cut green peppers in strips about '4 inch long. Put stock and condiments together. Simmer slowly from 30 minutes to an hour. Just before serving beat the egg yolk and pour the hot soup o\er this. Serve in i^ouillon cups if desired. Delicious Quick Soup 1 cup carrot cubes 4 tablespoons meat extract 1 cup potato cubes 1 bay leaf 1 large onion, sliced 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup celery, sliced 3-4 teaspoon Bee Brand white y2 cup of fat from chicken or beef pepper stock ] s teaspoon Bee Brand paprika 1 quart water Melt the fat, and in it cook the carrot, celery and onion. Stir constantly; cook about 15 minutes. Cook the potatoes in boiling water, drain, rinse in cold water and drain again. Add to other vegetables with the broth and seasoning. Cook at least one hour. Remove bay leaf and serve. Mince Pie 1 teaspoon Bee Brand nutmeg 1 cup brown sugar >2 cup raisins y cup currants >^ cup citron Moisten with one cup sw eet cider 1 cup cooked and chopped lean beef 1 1 2 cups chopped apple 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon Bee Brand cinnamon 1 teaspoon Bee Brand cloves 1 teaspoon Bee Brand allspice Bake in two crusts. Just before serving pour through the slits in the crust one tablespoon of fine brandy. Serve mince pie warm. This is particularly good served with plain \'anilla ice cream. [26] IMPORTERS OF SPICES (fS l^'^ Date Pudding I nb. dates 1 2.3' cups flour 3 tablespoons butter K teaspoon baking soda yi cup molasses X teaspoon each of Bee Brand \A cup milk Cloves, Allspice, and Nut- meg Stone dates and cut into small pieces. Melt the butter, add mo- lasses and milk. Mix the dry ingredients and sift to blend them thoroughh- Add these to the butter mixture and lastly add the dates. Pour into a buttered mold, cover with buttered paper and steam for one and one-half hours. Salmon Loaf 1 can salmon 2 tablespoons melted butter 1 cup stale bread crumbs Seasoning and salt— Bee Brand 2 well beaten eggs black pepper and Bee Brand ] 2 cup milk paprika 1 tablespoon tineh' chopped parsle\- Pick one salmon, discard bones and pieces of skin. Shred meat with silver fork, mix all ingredients, and put into a well-glazed mould and bake in a pan of water for thirty minutes. Turn from mould and serve with HoUandaise sauce, or allow to get cold and slice_ and serve on a dish garnished w ith rings ot lemon and sprays ot parsley. Mackerel Souffle % cup butter 2 teaspoons finely chopped pars- i< cup flour, sifted and measured ley , , , ,- 1 pint milk 2 teaspoons parsle>-, chopped fine 1 teaspoon salt 3 egg yolks 1.4 teaspoon Bee Brand w hite 3 egg whites pgpper 1 >< cups canned mackerel 1.8 teaspoon Bee Brand paprika Melt butter, add flour and stir until well blended, in saucepan over fire then pour on the milk, stirring constantly. Cook to a smooth thick cream, add seasonings, then the fish, picked over and shredded with a silver fork; then egg yolks beaten until thick, then fold in whites beaten stiff and dry. Turn into a buttered Daking dish, and bake until firm and delicately colored— it will require about 45 minutes. [27] ,^.™. McCORMICKXndCOMPANY ,.,.,. Quality vs. Purity THE enactment of the iNational Pure Food Law in 190b did much toward awakening an interest in the purity of Foods and Drugs, and while it has been beneficial in a general way, it has had its disadxantages because it is not complete. The people have been taught h\ the laws and the Pure Food propa- gandists to belie\'e that the word "Pure" upon a package ensures that its contents are all right. Nothing can be further from the truth. An article may be Pure and yet be of very Poor Quality; Purity means little. Quality means much. For instance, a Keifer pear is a Pure pear, yet in Quality it cannot be compared to the Bartlett pear. Consider the difference in the quality of butter. Take a number of samples of butter and you will find that some of them will be unfit to eat. and others a delight to use, yet they are all Pure butter, and the difference is in the Quality. The tobacco in a "five-for-a-nickel" stogie may be a Pure tobacco, but it cannot be placed in a class with that of an imported Havana cigar selling at twenty-five cents. A Spice may be Pure, and yet come fi"om a country known to produce inferior Spices. It may be Pure and yet inert. Consider the difference in Quality between Acheen Pepper and Tellicherry. They are both Pure peppers. A Vanilla Flavoring Extract made from rank Tahiti Beans costing .fl.50 a pound is a pure Extract of Vanilla, but how does its quality compare with that made from high-grade Mexican beans, costing $b.00 a pound? So it goes all down the line. The time is coming when consumers will realize that the important thing to look for in the purchasing of foodstuffs is not the word "Pure ' — but the name of the reputable manufacturer whose dealings are beyond reproach. IHE COLANNADE I 332-1 3 3q Ml. ROY.\L AVENUE Baltimore, Md., Dec. i, IQ14. M[-:ssRS. McCoRMicK &: C-o. Baltimore, Md. Gentlemen : For twenty years past I ve been using Bee Brand Extracts and Spices, and ever since you've added Teas to your products, Ive used Banquet Blend. Its the finest tea 1 know of and it pleases all our guests. If you care to use this letter, you have my permission. Yours very truly. The Colannade, M. E. McConn. [28] IMPORTERS 5F SPICES Banquet Brand Tea IN this big drum all the dust and foreign matter is remo\e<.l from Banquet Tea. its a \acuum pro- cess, and it acts in such a way as to thoroughly mix and blend the Teas when two or more are worked together. [here are few Tea houses similarly equip- ped. Among the 2000 flavors in Tea, the prob- lem of selection and combining is big. It takes expert knowledge to pi'oduce a Tea like Banquet Blend. b^our successive generations of Tea experts produced the man who weened Banquet Blend from among the many fla\ors. Teas from the highlands of Ceylon, from the interior of China and from the hillsides of Japan — all blended in one masteiful creation — the triumph of the tea-blender's art. In Banquet Blend there is a delicacy of flavor, a lichness of lx)uquet, a certain subtle softness, and none of that rankness which is found in so man\' brands of tea. \ acuum I <-a ( leaner Bee Brand Extracts There are few houses engaged in the manufacture of I^lavoring Extracts which ha\ e at their disposal a laboratory such as this. Early in their busi- ness career McCormick & Company realized that eternal \igilance in extract making would be the keynote of suc- cess. The services of ex- pert chemists were engaged, a modern lab- oratory equipped and the work of producing the world's finest fIa\ors begun. The task was not easy, nor has the ex- pense been light, but 1 I he l.ahoratorv ■291 Mccormick:^ COMPANY today, and for a number of years past, these pioneers in the field of purer foodstuffs have been reaping the har- vp'^t of seed sown years ago. During the two years which are required to "process" most Bee Brand Flavoring Ex- tracts the goods are sealed in big white oak casks, where much of their characteristic mel- lowness is acquired. The making of f^lavoring Extracts has long since been reduced to a science, or, if you prefer, elevated to the station of an art. For t\\enty-fi\e years the manufacturers of Bee Brand Flavoring Ex- tracts have been the first to experiment with whatever innovations which have offered for the betterment of the trade. In spite of many experiments, the changes ha\e not been drastic — the process remains much the same. Bee Brand Spices The rows of spice-mills, illustrated on page 5, are always of interest to the guest. Long before one comes to the spice department the fragrant pungent aroma drifts out in friendly greeting. Big elcctiically-driven mills pound away hour after hour, day after day, turning out savory Bee Brand Spices to tempt the fkd^le appetite ot a busy work-a-day world. In this building one finds the products of the four corners of the globe. It is, indeed, easy to understand Sheba's tribute to Solomon when she selected spices from among all the good things the world affords and sent them to his court. Here is the atmosphere of the Old World mingled w ith the com- mercialism of the New. A cordial invitation is extended you to visit the Bee Brand Plant when you are in Baltimore. Courteous guides are at your disposal from 10 A. M. to 4 p. m. each day. Every nook and corner of this great institution is open for your inspection — there is nothing under cover, nothing to conceal. The management wants you personall>- to see the sanitary manner in which the plant is run — the smiling faces of contented employees, who find their pleasure in their work. No note of discord here! Oc- casionally a "kicker" drifts in, but not for long. He has no place in "the spirit of the hive." 301 IMPORTERS^ oF S PICE STjJ^^ TELEPHONE CONNECTIONS. THE INTERNATIONAL MUTUAL COOKS AND PASTRY COOKS ASSOCIATION OF NEW YORK 154 WEST 44th STREET SOCIETE CULINAIRE PH 1 L A NT H fiOPlQU E cooks and pastry cooks association Culinary Alimentary association culinary club International Cooks Association New York June 11, 1914. Mess. McCormick and Co. Baltimore, Maryland. Gentlemen : - To obtain the best results, we use and recommend for use "BEE; BRAND EXTRACT OF VANILLA." We find it an excellent Vanilla of n superior quality. THE INTERNATIONAL MUTUAL COOKS AND PASTRY COOKS ASSOCIATION rhui-^^^/.^-n^ Secretary That's What 6000 Chefs and Stewards Say ! These chefs and stewards are members of the hitcrnational Mutual Cooks and Pastry Cooks Association, and they have un- reservedly endorsed Bee Brand Fla\oring Extracts as the highest in quality. They don't guess at it — the\' know! The>' ha\e tried and tested them in comparison with all other brands of extracts worthy of an\- consideration at all. There was onh' one possible \erdict ' Bee Brand was found superior in mellowness of fla\or, in qualit\- of ingredients; in fact, in evei-y way. In the kitchen. Bee Brand Exti-acts were found to cook out less readilv than any other extract an^l to impart a finer fruit f1a\or than could be secured in any other wa>'. This is as it should be. Bee Brand Extracts are the perfected result of twenty-five years' experience in scientific Extract Making. The highest quality raw materials are used e.\clusivel\- and alter intensive processing. Bee Brand Extracts are aged in white oak casks to bring out their distinctive mellowness of flavor. Bee Brand Extracts were awarded the only Gold Medal at the Jamestown Exposition and have been endorsed by "Good House- keeping Magazine." Westfield Board of Health and the highest authorities in Domestic Science. 31 Mccormick AND COMPANY A Partial List of Bee Brand Products Spices, Etc. Bcc Brand Powdered Cinnamon Bee Brand Saigon Cinnamon Bee Brand Ground Nutmegs Bee Brand Ground Ginger Bee Brand Ground Allspice Bee Brand Pickling Spice Bee Brand Whole Cloves Bee Brand Ground C^loves Bee Brand Ground Klace Bee Brand Turmeric Bee Brand Whole White Pepper Bee Brand Oound White Pepper Bee Brand Ground Black Pepper Bee Brand Ground Red Pepper McCc^rmick' Bee Brand Ground Mustard Bee Brand Celery Seed Bee Brand Celery Salt Bee Brand Onion Salt Bee Brand Curry Powder Bee Brand Rubbed Sage Bee Brand Thyme Bcc Brand Marjoram Bee Brand Tapioca, Granulated Bee Brand Paprika Bee Brand Tapioca, Pearl Green Seal Salad Dressing Green Seal Table Relish Bee Brand Gelatine MaNonnaise Dressing Flavoring Extracts Bee Brand Almond Bee Brand Banana Bee Brand Cinnamon Bee Brand Cloves Bee Brand Jamaica (dinger Bee Brand Lemon Bee Brand Nutmeg Bee Brand Orange Bee Brand Bee Brand Bee Brand Bee Brand Bee Brand Bee Brand Bee Brand Bee Brand Peppermint Peach Pineapple Raspberry Strawberry Rose Vanilla Wintergreen Mccormick s GELATINE (red COLORING ENCLOSED) NO COOKING REQUIRED Contents Make 4 Pints Mccormick & CO. MANUFACTURING CHEMISTS. BALTIMORE, MD.U.S.A. Confectioner's Colors Bee Brand Cjreen Bee Brand Blue Bee Brand Yellow Bee Brand Strawberry Red Bee Brand Pink Bee Brand Violet Bee [-^rand Brown Banquet Brand Tea All the leading \-aricties arc packed under this brand. Bee Brand Gelatine Acidulated or Plain This is the Gelatine which Dr. Vulte selected from among twent\ samples submitted as being the very finest possible to procure. The Dietetic Department of the Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, uses Bee Brand exclusively. :32j 7'yo. 79 .^" ^^^.^ ^. ^ ^ A V <^. .0^ ■^^.. ^ .^^-r .'' o.. .X^'/^ ^^^ -^ ^y^^ ^^?3, .H < <*- C/.^^ -t. f^UNE 79 N. MANCHESTER, "-^o '?'- •-?^. •^ .^^ „.. "^-^^