N^ f ^ •^ ;nf h THIE GMPEN KEY; OR, BOOK INDEXED TO M PROEITIIBLE OCCCDPHTION EDD M MM CONTAINING 'The Most Valuable Tradk and Mechanical Secrets -AND \^ aPI?,J^Gf IO-A.I. S^EOEIFXS- -i \- - \opwAtHmai. LYNCHBURG SUPPLY CO., Publishers, Lynchburg, Va. \^ ^ (i.\ \ Entereil acfonliiig to Aot of Congress, In tht' year IHSfJ, by KLMOKK IIAUKISS, in the oitiri' of the Ivibrarian of Ooiiaress, at Washington. A BOOK FOR AND A ilt'lper Indeed to all Who Have \w Rei^ular business w Occupation, and also to Those Who Wish to Hetter their Couditioii, Plain and Compkehensivk Instructions for Making the Best and Most Easily Sold Articles, together with Costly Inventions, Practical Eeceipts, Experiments, Formulas, Etc., Etc. Read Carefully! Pay Attention ! Act Wisely ! Keep Your Own Counsels ! Uiiki ^iiif te];^i?^J ^isti priply ! Valuable Liniment for Man or Beast. Take of hartslioni, 3 fluid ozs. ; alcohol, 2 ozs. ; sulphuric either, 2 ozs. ; oil of origanum, 2 ozs.; sweet oil. 2 ozs. Mix and shake well. For headache, apply a little with the hand on the affected part, and, if very severe, apply a bandage wet with it. For sprains or bruises on liorses, rub well with the liniment and a flannel cloth. To Render Wood Fire-Proof. Make a strong, hot solution of 3 parts alum and 1 part green vitriol: make another quite weak with green vitriol alone, having pipe clay mixed with it to the consistency of ordinary paint. To use it, apply 2 coats of the first solution; let it dry; then finish off with 1 coat of second solution. To Render Fence Posts Rot-Proof Take any seasoned post and cover it with boiling hot coal tar — the end that is to go in the ground for a distance of 3 feet. These posts, when so prepared, will last a life-time. THE GOLDEN KEY. King Hair Restorer. Take 16 ozs. of rose water and dilute it with an equal quantity of salt water; to this add i oz. of sulphur, and ^j oz. of sugar of lead. Mix and let stand for 5 days before using. Youtli's Besrd Invigorator. Take 2 ozs. cologne, 1 dr. of liquid hartshorn, 2 drs. tinct. canlharides, 12 drops of oil of rosemary, and 12 drops of lavender. Apply this preparation once a day. A No. I Cough Syrup. Mix 1 qnart of strong horehound tea with 1 quart of water; boil this down to a pint, then add 3 s'Jcks of licorice, 2 ozs. syrup of squills, and 1 tablespoonful e-ssenoe of lemon. Dose, 1 tablespoonful 3 times per day. Housekeepers Receipt for Mending Gla.ss. Dissolve 1 part of India rubber in chloroform, then add 16 parts of guui mastic, in powder; let it stand for 2 days, shaking the mixture freely. Apply to the edges of the glass with a fine brush. Pain Annihilator. Powdered guaiac, 20 lbs.: camphor, 2 lbs.; powdered cayenne pepper, 6 lbs.; caustic liquor of ammonia, 1 lb.; powdered opium, i lb. Digest these ingredients in 32 gals, alcohol for 2 weeks and filter. Cherry Pectoral. Take 4 grains of acetate of morphia, 2 fluid drachms of tincture of blood root, 3 fluid drachms each of antimonial wine and wine of ipecacuanha, and 3 fluid ozs. of syruj) of wild '"ihei'ry. Mix. Dr. Caswell's Great Blood Purifier. Take 3 fluid ozs. each cf alcohol, fluid extracts of sarsaparilla and of stillingia, 3 fluid ozs. each extract of yellow dock and of podophyllin. 1 oz. sugar, 90 grs. iodine of potassium and 10 grs. iodine of iron. Sewell's Bronchial Troches. Take 1 lb. of |>ulverized extract of licorice, H lbs. of pulverized sugar, 4 ozs. pulveiized onbebs. 4 ozs. pulverized gum arabic, 1 oz. pulverized extract conium. Mix. To Extract Teeth W'ithout Pain. Tincture of aconite, chloroform and alcohol, of each 1 oz. Mix. Moisten two pledgets of cotton with the liquid and apply to tlie gums on each side of the tootli to be extracted, holding them in their place with pliers oi- other instruments for from o to 10 minutes, rub- bing the gum freely inside and out. Instantaneous Pain Killer Tor 'I'oothache and Acute Pain. Laudanum, 1 dr.; gum camphor. 4 drs.: oil of cloves ^ dr.; add then to 1 oz. alcohol, 6 drs. sulphuric ether, and 5 fluid drs. chloroform. Apply with lint, or for toothache, rub on the <;ums and upon the face against tlie teeth. New Vork Shampoo Compound. Mix b(jrax, ;f lb., wiih salts tartar, j lb., iind dissolve 1 oz. of the uiixture in 1 pt. vater. Halsey's Hair Invigorator. Bay rum, 2 pints; alcohol. 1 pint; castor oil, 1 oz.; carb. ammonia ^ oz.; tincture of cantharides, 1 oz. Mix tiiem well. This compound will promote the growth of the hair and prevent it from falling out. THE GOLDEN KEY. Yankee Freckle Lotion. Take 2 ozs. lemon juice or half a drain of powdered borax, and 1 drachm of sugar. Mix together and let them stand in a glass bottle for a few days, then rub on face occasionally. Southern Bloom of Youth. Boil 1 oz. of Brazil wood in 3 pints of water for 15 minutes; strain; add .j oz. isinglass, j oz. cocliineal, 1 oz. alum, -h oz. borax. Dissolve by heat and strain. French Hair Dye. No. 1— To I oz. pyro-gallic acid, dissolved in 1 oz. alcohol, add 1 quart of soft water. No. 3 — To 1 oz. nitrate of silver, dissolved in 1 oz. concentrated ammonia, add 4 oz. of soft water. Apply eacli nuinl)er alternately, with separate brushes, to the hair. Chicago's Favorite Hair Oil. Castor oil. (5j pts.; alcohol. U pts.; citronilla and lavender oil, each ? oz. Balm of All Flowers. Deodorized alcohol, 1 pt.; nice white bar soap, 4 oz.; shave soap when put in; stand in a warm place till dissolved, then add oil of citronella, 1 dr., and oils of neroli and rose- mary, of each i dr. Ladies' Favorite Cologne. Spirts of whie. 1 gal.; otto of roses, 20 drops; essence of thyme, ^ ox.; essence of neroli, \ oz.: essence of vanilla. .} oz.; essence of bergamot. } oz.; orange flower water, G oz. Dr. Croix's Lidian Liniment. Alcohol, 1 ijt.; tincture of capsicum, I oz.; oil of origanum. snss:ifnis, pennyi'oya! and iiemlock, of eacli k oz. Mix. Champion Fly Paper. Coat j)a[)er with turpentine varnish, and oil it to keep tlie varnish from drying. Smithdeal's Diarrhoea and Cholera Mixture. Tincture of opium, tincture of camphor and spirits of turpentine, of each 8 drachtns; oil of peppermint, BO drops. Mix. Dose, 1 teaspooiiful for cholera. Tinctures — How Made. Tinctures are made with 1 oz. of gum I'oot. or bark. etc.. dried, to each [lint of proof spirits. Let it stand one week, and filter. Essences — How Made. With 1 oz. of any given oil added to a [)int of alcoliol. Peppermints are colored with tincture termeric: cinnamon with tincture of red sanders; wintergi'een with tinctnre kino. Druggists' Colors. Yellow — Take iron tilings, hydrochloric acid to dissolve, dilute witli cold water. Red — Solution of sal ammoniac cochineal, to color. Blue— Indigo. 1 part; oil of vitriol, 2 parts; dissolve, then dilute with water. Green — Verdigris, 1 part; acetic acid, 3 parts; dilute witli water. Purple— Cocliineal, 25 grs. ; sugar of lead, I oz.; dissolve. 1. X. L. Tooth Powders. Suds ofeastile soap and spirits of camphoi-. of eaeii an equal quantity, thicken with quantitie.'^ of pulverized clialk and charcoal to a thick paste. Apply with the finger or hiMish. THK GOLDEN KEY. Tough on Rats. Warm water, 1 qt.; lard, 2 lbs.; phosphorus. 1 oz.; mix and thicken with flour, to be spread on bread and covered with suo:ar. Tough on Bed Bugs. Alcohol, 1^ pint; turpentine, ^ pint; crude sal ammoniac, 1 oz.; mix all together and let it digest in a warm place for a few days, and it is ready for use. Ague Pills. ■ Quinine. 30 grs.; Dover's powders, 10 grs.; sub-carbonate of iron, 10 grs.; mix with mu- cilage of gum arable, and form into 20 pills. Dose— Two each hour, commei.cing five hours before the chill should set in; then take one uight and morning until all are taken. New York Wart and Corn Extractor. Take a small piece of potash and let it stand in the open air until it slacks, then thicken it to a paste with pulverized gum arable, which prevents it from spreading where it is not wanted. Compound Syrup of Hypophosphites. 'J'ake ot liyi)ophosphite of lime, If ozs. : hypophosphite of soda, f oz. ; hypophosphite of potassa, 7^- oz.; cane sugar, 1 lb. troy; hot water, 20 fluid ozs.; orange water, 1 fluid oz.; mix a solution of the mixed salts in the hot water, filter through a paper, dissolve the sugar in the solution by heat and steam, and add the orange flower water. Dose — A tea- spoonful, containing nearly 5 grains of the mixed salts. Dr. Howard's Liver Pills. Sejitandriu, 40 grs.; podophyllin and cayenne, 30 grs. each; sanguinarin iridin and ipecse, 15 grs. each; see that all are pulverized' and well mixed, then form into pills; mass by using f dr. of the soft extract of mandrake and a few drops of anise oil, then roll out into three-grain pills. Dose — Two pills taken at bed-time will generally operate by morning. King of ( )ils for Neuralgia and Rheumatism. Buruuig fluid, 1 pt.; oils of cedar, hemlock, sassafras and oringanum. of each 1 oz. ; car- bonate of ammonia pulverized, 1 oz.; mix. Directions — Apply freely to the nerves and gums around the teeth, and to the face in neuralgia pains, by wetting brown jiaper and laying on the parts, not two long for fear of blistering. To the nerves of the teeth by lint. Southern Cure for Ague. Cut three lemons into thin slices, pound them with a mallet, then take enough coffee to make a quart, boil it down to a pint, and pour it while hot over the lemons; let it stand till cold, then strain through a cloth, and take the whole at one dose, ioimediately after the chill is over and before the fever comes on. Cheap Vinegar. Mix 25 gals, of warm rain water with 4 gals, molasses and 1 gal. yeast, and let it fer- ment; you will soon have the best of vinegar. Keep adding these articles in these propor- tions as the stock is sold. Baking Powders. Tartaric acid, 5 lbs.; pure sesqui-carbonate of soda, 8 lbs.; potato farina or other flower or starch. 16 lbs.; dry separately by gentle heat, mix this perfectly in a dry room, pass the mixture through a seive, and [)ut up at once into damp, proof, hard-pressed packages. To use — One or two teasjioonfuls are mixed with dry flour, whicli is then mixed with cold water and baked im mediately. THE GOLDEN KEY. American Bar Soap. Six gals, soft water, (J IVw. good stone lime, 20 lbs. sal soda, 4 oz. borax, 15 lbs. fat (tal- low is best), 10 lbs. pulverized rosin, and 4 oz. beeswax; put the water in a kettle on the tire, and when nearly boiling, add the lime and soda; when these are dissolved add the borax, boil gently and stir until all is dissolved, then add the fat, rosin and beeswax; boil all gently until it shows flakey on the stick, then pour into moulds. Transparent Soap. Slice ti lbs. nice yellow bar soap into shavings, put into a brass, tin or copper kettle, with alcohol, i gal., heating gradually over a slow fire, stirring till all is dissolved; then add 1 oz. sassafras essence, and stir until all is mixed; now pour into pans about H inches deep, and when cold cut into square bars the length or width of the pan, as directed. Green, Blue, Violet and Gold Inks. Grekn Ink.— Cream of tai-tar, 1 part; verdigris, 2 parts; water, 8 parts; boil till reduced to the proper color. Blue Ink. — Take suljjhatc of indigo, dilute it with water till it produces the required oolor, Violet Ink — Is made by disolving some violet aniline in water to which some alcohol has been added. It takes very little aniline to make a large quantity of ink. Gold Ink. — Mosaic gold, two parts; gum arable, one part; rubbed up to a proper con- dition. Best Black Copying Ink or Writing Fluid. Take 2 gals, rain water and put into it gum arable, } lb.; brown sugar, i lb.; clean cop- peras, \ lb.; powdered nutgalls. j lb.; mix and shake occasionally for ten day, and strain. If needed sooner let it stand in an iron kettle until the strength is olitained. This ink will stand the action of the atmosphere for centuries, if required. Best Red Ink. In an ounce phial, put 1 teaspoouful of aqua-ammonia; gum arabic. size of two or three peas, and 6 grs. of No. 40 carmine; fill up with soft water, and it is soon ready for use. Indelible Ink for Glass and Metal. Borax, 1 oz.; shellac, 2 ozs.; water, 18 fluid ozs.; boil in a covered vessel; add of thick mucilage, 1 oz.; triturate it with levigated indigo and lamp-black, q. s., to give a good color. After two hours ropose, decant from the dregs, and bottle for use. It may be bronzed after being applied. Resists moisture, chlorine and acids. Grocers' Ticketing Ink. Dissolve 1 oz. of gum arabic in 6 ozs. water, and strain. This is the mucilage. For black color use drop black, powdered and grouiid with mucilage to extreme fineness. For l)lue. ultramarine is used in the same mannej-. For white, flake-white. When ground too thick they are thinned with a little water. Apply to the cards with a small brush. The cards may be sized with a thin glue and afterwards varnished, if it is desired to pre- serve them. Bluing for Clothing. Take 1 oz. of soft Prussian blue, powder it and bottle with 1 qt. of clear rain-water and J oz. of pulverized oxalic acid. A tablespoonful is suiUcient for a large wa.shing. Gold-Colored Sealing Wax. Bleached shellac 3 lbs.; Venice turpentine, 1 lb.: Dutch leaf, ground fine, 1 lb. or less. The leaf should be ground or powdered sufficiently fine without being reduced to dust. Mix with a gentle heat and pour into moulds. THE GOLDEN ICEY. French Patent Mustard. Flour of iniistarfl. 8 lbs; wheat flour, 8 lbs.; bay salt, 2 lbs.; cayenne pepper, 4 oz.. vine- gar to mix. Starch Polish. White wax, 1 oz.; speriniaceti, 2ozs. ;melt them together with a gentle heat. When you have prepared a sufficient amount of starch in the usual way for a dozen pieces, put into it a piece of the polish about the size of a large pea, more or less, according to large or small washings; or thick gum solution (made by pouring boiling water upon gum arable). One teaspoonful to a pint of starch givps clothes a beautiful gloss. Cider Without Apples. Water, 1 gal.; common sugar, 1 lb.; tartaric acid, i oz.; yeast. 1 tablespoonful; shake well. Make in the evening and it will be fit to use next day, Portable Lemonade. Tartaric acid, 10 ozs. ; white sugar, 2 lbs.; essence of lemon, j ot,.-, powder and keep dry for use. One dessertspoonful will make a glass of lemonade. Bottled Soda Water Without a Machine. In ea,eh gallon of w.ater to be used, carefully dissolve f lb. crushed sugar, and 1 oz. of super-carbonate of soda, then fill pint bottles with this water, have your corks ready, now drop into each bottle ^ drachm of pulverized citric acid, and immediately cork and tie down. Handle the bottles carefully and keep cool until needed^ More sugar may be added if desired. Port Wine. Worked cider, 43 gals.; good port wine, 12 gals.; good brandy. 3 gals.; pure spirits, 6 gais. ; mix elderberries, alo^s and the fruit of tlie black haws. Make a fine purple color for wines, or use Iiurnt sugar. American Champagne, Good cider (crab apple eider is the best), 7 gals.; best 4th proof brandy, i qt.j genuine champagne wine, 5 pts.; milk, 1 gal.; bitarti'ate of potassa. 2 oz.; mis, let stand a short time, and bottle while fermenting. An excellent imitation- Champagne Cider. Good pale cider, 1 hhd.; spirits, 3 gals.; sugar, 20 lbs.; mix, and let it stand one fort- night, then fine with skimmed milk, i gal. This will be very pale, and a similar article when properly bottled and lal>led, opens so brisk that even good judges have mistaken it for genuine champagne. Old Virginia Bitters. Rasped quassia j l^ ozs.; calamus, Ih ozs.; powdered catechu, Ho2s.;cardamou. 1 oz., dried orange-peel, 3 ozs. Macerate the above ten days in 5 gal. strong whiskey, and then filter. !ind add 2 gals, water, and color with mallow or maha flowers. Fig Candy, also Raisin, Take 1 lb. of sugar and 1 pt. of water, set over a slow fire, and when done add a few drops of vinegar and a lump of butter, and pour into pans in which split figs are laid. Raisin candy can h(^ made in the same manner, substituting stoned raisins for the figs. Chewing Gum, Marshmallow and Licorice Drops. For chewing gum, take of prepared balsam of tulu, 2 ozs.; white sugar. 1 oz.; oatmeal, 3 ozs.; soften the gum in water-bath and mix in the ingredients, then roll in finely-powdered sugar, or flour, to form sticks to suit. Marshmallow ,and licorice drops are iTiade in the same way. THE GOLDEN KEY. Jellies Without Fruit. To 1 pt. of walcr put i oz. alum; boil .1 minute or two, then add 4 lbs. white sugar; con- tinue the boiling a little, strain while hot, and when cold, put in halt; a 25 cent, bottle of extract of vanilla, strawberry, lemon, or any other flavor you desire for jelly. Prize Honey. Good common sugar, 5 lbs.; water, 3 lbs.; bring gradually to a boil, skimming when cool; add 1 lb. bees' honey and 4 drops essence of peppermint. If you desire a better article, use white sugar, i lb. less water, and i lb. more honey. French Polish for Leather. Mix 2 pts. best vinegar with 1 pt. soft water; stir into it i lb. glue, broken up; h lb. log- wood chips, ^ oz. of finely-powdered indigo, ^ oz. of the best soft soap, ^ oz. of isinglass; put the mixture over the fire and let it boil ten minutes or more, then strain, bottle and cork. When cold it is fit for use. Apply with a sponge. Trappers and Anglers' Secret for Game and Fish. A few drops of oil of anise, or oil rhodium, on any trapper's bait, will entice any wild animal into the snare trap. India cockle, mixed with flour dough, and sprinkled on the surface of still water, will intoxicate fish, rendering them insensible. When coming up to the surface they can Le lifted in a tub of fresh water to revive tliem, when they may be used without fear. Pish may also be caught in large quantities during the winter season, by watching them through the ice, and striking it witii a mallet directly over where they happen to be. The shock stuns them and they will rise belly upwards towards the surface when they are easily secured by bi'eaking a hole in the ice. The Great Lightning Fire Extinguisher Compound. It consists of a case containing water, within which is a smaller case, containing chlorate of potash and sugar. Dipped in the latter is a small tube containing sulphuric acid. When this tube is broken, the chlorate of potash and sugar become ignited, throwing off large quantities of mixed gases, which are non-supporters of combustion. The action is main- tained by the water in the outer case becoming heated. The gases are ecmveyed to the fire by means of a flexible tube, fit';ed with a proper nozzle and stop cock. Will extin- guish any fire. Liquid Black Stove Polish. The best and most reliable substitute for powdered stove polish can be made thus : Black lead, pulverized 2 lbs.; spirits turpentine, 2 gills; water, 2 gills; sugar, 2 ozs. Mix. Great Secret for Trapping Foxes and Other Game. Musk-rat musk and skunk-musk mixed, can be procured at the druggists, or from the animals themselves, to be spread on tlie bait of any trap. This recei[)t has been sold for as high as $75.00. Another costing $50.00 for minks. Unslaked lime, h lb.; sal am- moniac, 3 oz. (or mnrate of ammonia, 3 oz.). Mix and pulverize; keep in a covered vessel a few days until a thorough admixture takes place. Sprinkle on the bait, or on the ground around the trap. Keep in a corked bottle. To Keep Milk Sweet and Sweenten Sour Milk. Put into the milk a small quantity of carbonate of magnesia. Much Butter from Little Milk. Take 4 ozs. pulverized alum, ^ oz. pulverized gum arabic; 50 grs. of pepsin; place it in a bottle for use as required. A teaspoonful of this mixture added to 1 pt. of new milk will, upon churning make 1 lb. of butter. To Cure Balky Horses. Our method is to take him from tiie carriage, whirl him rapidly around till he is giddy. lO THE GOLDEN KEY. It requires two men to accomplish this — one at the horse's tail. Don't let him step out. Hold him to the smallest circle possible. One or two doses will cure him. To Tame Horses. Take fluely-grated horse castor oil of rhodium and cumin, keep them in separate bottles, well-corked, put some of the oil of cumin on your hand, and approach him on the windy side. He will then move toward you. Then rub some of the cumin on his nose, give him a little of the castor, or anything he likes, and get eight or ten drops oil of rhodium on his tongue. You can then get liim to do anything you like. Be kind and attentive to the animal, and your control is certain. Great Constipation Cure. Teaspoonful table salt in a half glass of water i hour before breakfast. Cure certain. Cancer Cure. Drink a tea made from the tops of red clover. About 1 qt. per day should be taken in- ternally, and the tea should be used as a wash twice per day. Very strongly recommended. Cure for Drunkeness. Confine the patient to his room; furnish him with his favorite liquor of discretion, diluted with I water; as much wine, beer, coffee and tea, as he desires; but containing | of spirits; all the food — the bread, meat and vegetables — steeped in spirits and water. On the fifth day of this treatment he has an extreme disgust for spirits— being continually drunk. Keep up this treatment till he no longer desires to eat or drink, and the cure is certain. To Remove Grease. Aqua-ammonia. 2 ozs., soft water, 1 qt.; salt-petre, 1 teaspoonful; shaving soap in shav- ings, 1 oz. Mix all together. Dissolve the soap well. To Preserve Apples. Pack in boxes or barrels, elevated from the cellar floor, with a layer of dry saw-dust at the bottom of each box or barrel; then a layer of apples placed out of contact with each other, then a layer of saw-dust, and so on until all are full. Liquid Blacking. Ivory black, 2 lbs.; molasses 2 lbs.; sweet oil. 1 lb.; rub together till well mixed, then add oil vitrol, f lb.; add coarse sugar, ^ lb., and dilute with beer bottoms. This cannot be excelled. ( Wholesale Price List. Below we Give you Wholesale Price List of Some Goods you will Need to Manufacture a Great Many Articles Named in the Golden Key : lOO 2 oz. Wood Boxes for Stove Polish, etc :^i.50 100 Paper Boxes 2.00 300 Labels (assorted) for Stove Polish, Tooth Powders ... i.oo 250 Labels for Corn and Wart Annihilator i.oo 500 Labels Magic Ink Eraser 2,00 25 Pound Package Plumbago (Black Lead) 3.75 I Ounce (best quality) Violet Aniline 50 10 Pound Packages (best quality) Whiting 50 I Pound Calcined Magnesia 1.50 I Ounce Citronella 25 I Gross (144) Splendid Steel Pens 1.00 I Paste Brush 25 Anything not mentioned above you can purchase from any drug store. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 184 179 8