hsh ^ D 570 .fll5 P7 Copy 1 T /MviERICAN MOTHERS OF NATIONAL DEFENDERS IM«U8«WWWMWWt^|««l««|^«l«^ f*Tri^{^a7?i^fi8?tr;fvtt^ivi.>ift^»T»Kt; Organized Feb. 13, 1918 Copyrightp^,1918 ^M American Motners ot National Usfenders Officers and Trustees Mrs. A. H. Strickland President Mrs. A. E. Singleton Vice-President Mrs P B. Pritchett Secretary Mrs. L. J. Rogers Treasurer Mrs. R.J. Lawrence Historian Mrs. L. K. Perry Registrar Mrs. C. G, Stovall 1 Year Mrs. C. C. Bates -_._2 Years Mrs. C. M. Franklin 3 Years StP. I3!91b 4> CONSTITUTIONS AND BY-LAWS OF THE AMERICAN MOTHER'S OF NATIONAL DEFENDERS Adopted March 12, 1918 ARTICLE ONE— NAME This organization shall be known as American Mothers of National Defenders. ARTICLE TWO— OBJECT The object shall be the organization of duly constitnted membeis consisting of mothers, wives, sisters and daughters of soldiers and sailors who served under the flag of the United States during the world wide war Avhich Vv^e entered 4-6- 1917. In order th:.t v:^ may (] ) erect suita- ble m,onuments and historical tablets com- ]»emorative of heroes and heroic actions, (2) encouraige studies and reasearches into the cause of the war, effects and modes of warfare: (3) obtr.in and preserve a record of the service of each individual soldier and sailor connected with our chapter: (4) Drom,ote constructive pat- riotism and historical knowledge of our country: (5) encourage and extend mutual symDathy to those in breaveraent thi-ough loss of i-elatives in the v:ar; (6) P: 'J and in general to promote an/l expanded degree of mutual service ampng our members through cooperation, mutual suggestions, conferences and public meetings. ARTICLE THREE— MEMBERSHIP Duly legalized relatives of American citizens who fought under the United States and allied flags are elligible to membership, provided adequate proof of service and honorable discharge is given of same. The applicant must be over 18 vears of age, and an American citizen. The name of applicant must be presented to the chapter, voted on and accepted by 3-4 of members present: ai>nlication blank vill be given them to fill oui;, return to the rfegistrar, to b^ examined and sign- ed by the committee on credentials. section Two( of article three) Only members of t],e Cancnssian race are elligible for inembership. ARTICLE FOUR— OFFICRES The officers shall consist of Presi- ilent. Vice-Pres. Secretary, Treasurer, Ifislorinn and Registrar, wbo shall be ele- cted at the regnlar meeting in Febnary: Installation to take place a month follow- ing:. Section Two (of article four) Trustees At the annua] meeting- in February lliere shall also be three members at larige elected for a term of three years (except first two, who shall be elected for one, and two years thus having- one 1o expire and one to elect thereafter) these tog'othei* Avitli the officers vshall form a board of trustees, who shall have power to fill vacancies on tLe board that occur between annual meetings, Avith other d\ities collective and individually that pertain to similiar officers in other orci'anizntions. ARTICLE FIVE— CUES A membership fee of r)Octs. shall ac- company application paper; same to be refunded if applicant cannot (jualify for membership half of fee to go into head- quarters. Annual dues of 50 cts. shall he paid on or before, date of, and prior to , aniiual election of officers under penalty of automatic suspension. Section Two (of article five) Restoration I^Jembers n.nder suspension for non- payment of dnes are retsored to full membership ov. payment of same. BY-LAWS 1 — A majority of votes shall be necessary to pass any motion. 2 — ^The President mjay not vote except in case of tie. 3 — No member is entitled to vote who is not in good standing. 4 — Members may be suspended or ex pelled for any conduct unbecoming a member of this chapter. Written charg- es prefered a month prior to hearing of such in regular meeting — copy of same having been sent to accused that they ma}^ have the benefit of defense. 5 — Any member under suspension ;foi' three years automatically looses mem- bership (except for non-payment of dues). 6 — The acceptance or expulsion of any miember shall require 3-4 vote of the members present. 7- -The president shall have the right to veto any vote of chapter, except the vote on membership, 8 — To pass a vote over the presidents veto shall reqire 4-5 vote of members present, and notice of such vote shall be •given a 7nonth prior to action, unless such vote be take^i at the meeting veto was exercised. 0— x\ quorum to transact any business shal] consist of the president or vice prc-^ideut, the secretary or treasurer and five othor mem'bprH. 10 — All private and public meetings must be held in a parlimentary manner and in case of dispute Palmers rules shall pre- vail. 11 — All ballots for membership, suspen- sion or explsion or the election of offi- cers shall be written and cast in secret, nor shall any member be questioned re- 'garding the character of their vote. 12 — The colors shall be sam-e as used on United States Flag. 18 — Death emblem shall be a gold star. 13 — Song for chapter-God Save, Keep, Hold our Men.'' i 15 — Name of chapter must be geoj^gra- phieal. 16 — No member may speak on any sub- ject more than twice. 17 — The constitution and by-laws may be amended by 3-4 members present, a riionths notice having been given. 18 — Application blank as appended. Adopted March 12, 1918. APPLICATION BLANK To the officers and miembers of American Mothers of National Defen- ders, Chapter No. 1 located at Union Springs, Alabama. I, the undersiigned, respeetfnlly pet- tion to become a member of the American Mothers of National Defenders. I here- by certify that T bear the relationship of to who is serving", or served, in the world wide war as pri- vate or officer in the if died or discharg-ed, give time of ser- vice In making application to this chapter I state (1) that T am actuated by patriotic motives, (2) that I do so in order to aid in carrying ont the purpose for which this chapter was created (3) that T will cheerfully pay all just dues, unless prevented by financial inability, (4) thnt T will conform to the rules, reg'ulations, constitutions and by- laws of this chapter: realizing that har- monev is the sten.o'th and sunport of in- stitutiojis. esDceially those of a patriotic nature T do hereby promise obedience to ihQ expressed wish of the majority. 1 still further promise that T will b*^ loval to the constitution of the United State^^ and to its laws, that T will endea- vor to promote loyalty in this order, in mv home and wh ereever T may be; tha"*" in time of war T will refi'ain from all criticism of my country that might en- courage dissatisfaction disloyalty or re- sistance to organized authority: and 1 heartily agre to abide by same. Signature of applicant Recommended bv We, the committee on credentials find the above applicant worthy of mem- bership in our chapter. Rouistrar Clipping form The ^lontgomery Journal March o, 1918. Montgomery, Ala. "WAR MOTHERS ORGANIZED IN BULLOCK COUNTY Over in Union Sprin.gs, Mrs. A. li. Strickland has originated something that will strike a responsive cord amon?.^ patriotic ])eople-the ''Americ.n Mothers of National Defenders". She proposes to make of it a national order as far reaching in its membership as th'3 J^aughters of tlie American R.evoluti(»ii. Union S))vings. Itei' JKim.e citv, has "f'si)f>nded Avith a charter membership of tiurty and inter- est and appreciation that promises more members drawn from (:m:0ng' the mothers siters and wives of soldiers. The idea wliich orignated in that sympa^lieiic co;n- mnnity of Alabama, out of the abun.iaiice of love and patritosm which exists there has been commended widely and pro- mises to be adopted thromghout America. An organizer is expected also to take up the work in Montgomery within a few days. Already the mother chapter has re- ceived encouraging commendation from many quarters. Governor Henderson showed his approval in a letter to the author of the chapter in which he ex- pressed the opinion that the organization will be an appropriate banding to-gether of these who have the deepest of sympa- thetic feeling between them. Women who have sent their men to the front. Other prominent men who favor the stimulation of patriotic ideals have been as enthusiastic in their appro- val of an organization of this character Governor Henderson's let+er, express- ] ing his opnion of the plan was as follows: ! Montgomery, Ala., Feb. 15, 1918. Mrs. A. H. Strickland, ] Union Springs, Ala., - Dear Mrs. Strickland: ! 1 am in receipt of 3^0 urs of the 15tli advising me of an organization origina- ed and formed at Union Springs, which i you wish to make nation Avide. I see i nothirjg in this organization that ' wonld conflict with any of the war ac- ' tivities that have been heretofore launch- i ed or likeh' to be organized hereafter. I \ can, however, see much bentfit to be de- ' rived from an association of those who i liave sent their husbands and sons to the ' front to defend what is dearest to man- ; kind-home and country. Theie is more of a sym^)atlxetic feeling between those i Avho have sons and hvisbands at the front 1 than can be brought about in any other- i way, and it appears to me that banding ; to-gether the women of the country who are making this sacrifice will stregthen \ patriotism and create a stronger desire • for service. The proposed organization < has my approval and believe it can easily , be made state wide. ; Yours very truly, \ Chas. Henderson, Governor. ; LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ■n 021 545 742 4